In order to be able to leave data for firmware signalling the
intention with a reset or to leave data for the next app in a chain of
apps, we introduce a part of FW_RAM that can be used to store this
data. In order to do this, we:
- Change size of ROM from 6 KB to 8 KB.
- Change size of FW_RAM, from 2 KB to 4 KB.
- Add RESETINFO memory partition inside FW_RAM.
- Add generation of map file.
- Change CFLAGS from using -O2 to using -Os.
- Update address ranges for valid access to ROM and FW_RAM.
- Move stack to be located before data+bss and the RESETINFO data
above them. This also means we introduce hardware stack overflow
protection through the Security Monitor.
- Revise firmware README to the new use of FW_RAM.
Add incoming and outgoing CTS (Clear To Send) signals for the FPGA to
let the CH552 and FPGA signal each other that it is OK to send UART
data. The CTS signals indicate "OK to send" if high. If an incoming
CTS signal goes low, the receiver of that signal should immediatly
stop sending UART data.
- Extend hardware checks for invalid memory accesses to include
checking more address space.
- In fw include file: fix two typos for memory ranges that relates to
above that fortunately have no impact on functionality.
- The API changes name from `_SWITCH_APP` to `_SYSTEM_MODE_CTRL`.
- The registers and wires changes name to `system_mode_*`, instead of a
mix of `switch_app_*` and `fw_app_mode`.
Move the logic implementing the RAM address and data
scrambling, descrambling into the RAM module. This cleans up
the top level, and makes it easier to change the scrambling
without chaning the top. In order to do correct scrambling the
address to the RAM core must be 16 bits, not 15.
Clean up some minor details at the top level, fixing text
aligment and grouping of ports in instances.
Signed-off-by: Joachim Strömbergson <>
Add API address to trigger system reset.
When written to will send system_reset signal
to the reset generator, which then perform a complete
reset cycle of the FPGA system.
Signed-off-by: Joachim Strömbergson <>
- testbench
- Symbolic names and variables in fw
- registers
- port name and wires
- Update fpga and fw digests
Signed-off-by: Joachim Strömbergson <>
- NOTE: This is an optional feature, not built by default. Not included
in the tk1 for sale at Tillitis shop.
- This makes it possible to interface the SPI flash onboard TKey.
- To include the SPI master in the build, use `make application_fpga.bin
Signed-off-by: Joachim Strömbergson <>
Silence lint on intentional combinatinal loops
Use better instance names, and a single lint pragma for all macros
Remove unused pointer update signals
Silence lint on wires where not all bits are used
Change fw_app_mode to be an input port to allow access control
Remove redundant, unused wire mem_busy
Add lint pragma to ignore debug register only enabled by a define
Remove clk and reset_n ports from the ROM
Adding note and lint pragma for rom address width
Fix incorrect register widths in uart_core
Assign all 16 bits in LUT config
Silence lint warnings on macro instances
Correct bit extraction for core addresses to be eight bits wide
Correct the bit width of cdi_mem_we wire
Add specific output file for logging lint issues
Correct bit width of tmp_ready to match one bit ready port