Throwing away mode and length from incoming data. Adding mode and
length to outgoing data.
Splitting responses into frames small enough for the USB<->UART
transceiver to handle.
- Extend hardware checks for invalid memory accesses to include
checking more address space.
- In fw include file: fix two typos for memory ranges that relates to
above that fortunately have no impact on functionality.
synth.json shouldn't depend on uds.hex and udi.hex because that
triggers a complete rebuild of the bitstream if the UDI or UDS are
Instead, we want only the application_fpga.asc to depend on them, so
we can patch in the UDS and UDI with tools/ in an
existing application_fpga_par.json.
- Compare against an expected result and count errors
- Exit with the right error code
- Lower write_word() to 1 clk cycle instead of two. It only requires one
clock cycle to write, otherwise if it is two one have to compensate for it
in the tests since we are counting cycles.
Remove redundant timer state. This fixes a bug where the timer misses a
clock cycle every time the prescaler counter reaches 1. This means if
one uses a large prescaler, like 18E6, it is barely noticeable, but if
one have a low prescaler and a high timer value it becomes significant.
This also yields the running_* registers redundant, which are removed.
Add clarity to the readme.
Update the timer to default to values of one, for prescaler and timer
This removes the possibility to configure the bit rate, data bits and
stop bits at runtime from the API. This reduces the
usage of LCs with ~4%.
It is still possible to configure the core before building.
Update digest of application_fpga.bin.sha256
- The API changes name from `_SWITCH_APP` to `_SYSTEM_MODE_CTRL`.
- The registers and wires changes name to `system_mode_*`, instead of a
mix of `switch_app_*` and `fw_app_mode`.
* -abc2, run two passes of 'abc' for slightly improved logic density
* -device u, optimize timing for up5k device
* -dff, run 'abc'/'abc9' with -dff (D flip flop) option
Update digest of application_fpga.bin
Verify flag, used in checkfmt, only returns error if the last file is
not formatted, temporary fix implemented with grep.
* Break long lines and use tab to indent
* Remove use of "tee" since it messes up the return status
* Remove the generated application_fpga_par.json if nextpnr-ice40 fails
on timing.
* Change log file ending from .log to .txt
* Fix some spacing
The removal is coordinated and approved by YosysHQ, and are removed
to keep our headers uniform. These files were written on behalf of
Two typos was corrected as well.