Add syscall interrupt to be used for syscalls. The interrupt is
triggered by writing to an address in the 0xe1000000-0xe1ffffff
The PicoRV32 core is configured to use its minimal, non RISCV-standard,
interrupt implementation.
In order to be able to leave data for firmware signalling the
intention with a reset or to leave data for the next app in a chain of
apps, we introduce a part of FW_RAM that can be used to store this
data. In order to do this, we:
- Change size of ROM from 6 KB to 8 KB.
- Change size of FW_RAM, from 2 KB to 4 KB.
- Add RESETINFO memory partition inside FW_RAM.
- Add generation of map file.
- Change CFLAGS from using -O2 to using -Os.
- Update address ranges for valid access to ROM and FW_RAM.
- Move stack to be located before data+bss and the RESETINFO data
above them. This also means we introduce hardware stack overflow
protection through the Security Monitor.
- Revise firmware README to the new use of FW_RAM.
Add incoming and outgoing CTS (Clear To Send) signals for the FPGA to
let the CH552 and FPGA signal each other that it is OK to send UART
data. The CTS signals indicate "OK to send" if high. If an incoming
CTS signal goes low, the receiver of that signal should immediatly
stop sending UART data.
- Extend hardware checks for invalid memory accesses to include
checking more address space.
- In fw include file: fix two typos for memory ranges that relates to
above that fortunately have no impact on functionality.