2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< ? xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ? >
< TS version = "2.1" language = "ca_ES" >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< context >
< name > AudioInput < / name >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location filename = "../gui/AudioInputConfig.ui" line = "+17" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Audio Wizard < / source >
< translation > Assistent de so < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+13" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Transmission < / source >
< translation > Transmissió < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+6" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > & amp ; Transmit < / source >
< translation > & amp ; Transmetre < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+10" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > When to transmit your speech < / source >
< translation > Quan transmetre la teva veu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > & lt ; b & gt ; This sets when speech should be transmitted . & lt ; /b><br / & gt ; & lt ; i & gt ; Continuous & lt ; /i> - All the time<br / & gt ; & lt ; i & gt ; Voice Activity & lt ; /i> - When you are speaking clearly.<br / & gt ; & lt ; i & gt ; Push To Talk & lt ; /i> - When you hold down the hotkey set under <i>Shortcuts</i & gt ; . < / source >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< translation > & lt ; b & gt ; Estableix quan la veu serà transmesa . & lt ; /b><br / & gt ; & lt ; i & gt ; Continuament & lt ; /i> - Tota l'estona<br / & gt ; & lt ; i & gt ; Activitat de veu & lt ; /i> - Quan estàs clarament parlant.<br / & gt ; & lt ; i & gt ; Prémer per parlar & lt ; /i> - Quan mantens premuda la tecla especificada a <i>Dreceres de teclat</i & gt ; . < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+14" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > DoublePush Time < / source >
2014-01-18 16:23:56 -05:00
< translation > Interval per doble pulsació < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+10" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > If you press the PTT key twice in this time it will get locked . < / source >
< translation > Si prems la clau PTT dos vegades en aquest temps quedarà bloquejada . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > & lt ; b & gt ; DoublePush Time & lt ; /b><br / & gt ; If you press the push - to - talk key twice during the configured interval of time it will be locked . RetroShare will keep transmitting until you hit the key once more to unlock PTT again . < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > & lt ; b & gt ; Interval per a doble pulsació & lt ; /b><br / & gt ; Si prem la tecla PTT & quot ; pressionar - per - parlar & quot ; dues vegades en l & apos ; interval de temps configurat , aquesta quedarà bloquejada . RetroShare seguirà transmetent fins que premi la tecla PTT una vegada més per desbloquejar - la una altra vegada . < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+43" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Voice & amp ; Hold < / source >
< translation > & amp ; Mantenir Veu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+10" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > How long to keep transmitting after silence < / source >
< translation > Quan de temps mantenir la transmissió en silenci < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > & lt ; b & gt ; This selects how long after a perceived stop in speech transmission should continue . & lt ; /b><br / & gt ; Set this higher if your voice breaks up when you speak ( seen by a rapidly blinking voice icon next to your name ) . < / source >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< translation > & lt ; b & gt ; Defineix quan de temps després d & apos ; una pausa a la conversa ha de continuar la transmissió . & lt ; /b>Posa un valor més alt si la veu s'entretalla quan parles (ho veuràs perquè la icona de veu pampalluguejarà al costat del teu nom)<br / & gt ; . < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+16" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Silence Below < / source >
< translation > Nivell de silenci < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+7" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Signal values below this count as silence < / source >
< translation > Senyal per sota d & apos ; aquest nivell es considera silenci < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+3" / >
< location line = "+32" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > & lt ; b & gt ; This sets the trigger values for voice detection . & lt ; /b><br / & gt ; Use this together with the Audio Statistics window to manually tune the trigger values for detecting speech . Input values below & quot ; Silence Below & quot ; always count as silence . Values above & quot ; Speech Above & quot ; always count as voice . Values in between will count as voice if you & apos ; re already talking , but will not trigger a new detection . < / source >
< translation > & lt ; b & gt ; Estableix els valors que provoquen la detecció de veu . & lt ; /b><br / & gt ; Utilitza - ho junt amb la finestra d & apos ; Estadístiques de So per establir manualment els valors per detectar la veu . Valors d & apos ; entrada per sota & quot ; Silenci per sota de & quot ; sempre contaran com a silenci . Valors per sobre & quot ; Veu per sobre de & quot ; sempre contaran com veu . Valors entremig contaran com a veu si ja estàs parlant , però no provocaran una nova detecció . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "-10" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Speech Above < / source >
< translation > Veu per sobre de < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+7" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Signal values above this count as voice < / source >
< translation > Valors de senyal per sobre aquest contaran com veu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+38" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > empty < / source >
< translation > buit < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+17" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Audio Processing < / source >
< translation > Processat de so < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+6" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Noise Suppression < / source >
< translation > Reducció de soroll < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+13" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Noise suppression < / source >
< translation > Reducció de soroll < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > & lt ; b & gt ; This sets the amount of noise suppression to apply . & lt ; /b><br / & gt ; The higher this value , the more aggressively stationary noise will be suppressed . < / source >
< translation > & lt ; b & gt ; Especifica la quantitat de reducció de soroll que s & apos ; aplicarà . & lt ; /b><br / & gt ; A valors més alts més agressivitat suprimint soroll estàtic . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+32" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Amplification < / source >
< translation > Amplificació < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+10" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Maximum amplification of input sound < / source >
< translation > Amplificació màxima de l & apos ; entrada de so < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > & lt ; b & gt ; Maximum amplification of input . & lt ; /b><br / & gt ; RetroShare normalizes the input volume before compressing , and this sets how much it & apos ; s allowed to amplify . & lt ; br / & gt ; The actual level is continually updated based on your current speech pattern , but it will never go above the level specified here . & lt ; br / & gt ; If the & lt ; i & gt ; Microphone loudness & lt ; /i> level of the audio statistics hover around 100%, you probably want to set this to 2.0 or so, but if, like most people, you are unable to reach 100%, set this to something much higher.<br / & gt ; Ideally , set it so & lt ; i & gt ; Microphone Loudness * Amplification Factor & gt ; = 100 & lt ; /i>, even when you're speaking really soft.<br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; Note that there is no harm in setting this to maximum , but RetroShare will start picking up other conversations if you leave it to auto - tune to that level . < / source >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< translation > & lt ; b & gt ; Amplificació màxima d & apos ; entrada . & lt ; /b><br / & gt ; Retroshare normalitza el volum d & apos ; entrada abans de la compressió , i això estableix quant se li permet amplificar . & lt ; br / & gt ; El nivell real s & apos ; actualitza contínuament basat en el seu patró de veu actual , però mai sobrepassarà el nivell especificat aquí . & lt ; br / & gt ; Si el nivell de & lt ; i & gt ; Volum del Micròfon & lt ; /i> de les estadístiques d'àudio ronda el 100%, probablement desitgi establir això al voltant de 2.0, però si, com la majoria de la gent, no aconsegueix aconseguir el 100%, estableixi això a alguna cosa molt major.<br / & gt ; Idealment , fixi - ho de tal forma que el & lt ; i & gt ; Volum del Micròfon * Factor d & apos ; Amplificació & gt ; = 100 & lt ; /i> , fins i tot quan parli realment baix.<br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; Tingui en compte que no é s perjudicial establir això al màxim , però Retroshare començarà a captar altres converses si ho deixa auto - ajustar - se a aquest nivell . < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+32" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Echo Cancellation Processing < / source >
< translation > Processant cancel · lació d & apos ; eco < / translation >
< / message >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location line = "+15" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Video Processing < / source >
< translation > Processat de vídeo < / translation >
< / message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< message >
< location line = "+43" / >
< source > Available bandwidth : < / source >
< translation > Ample de banda disponible : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+7" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Use this field to simulate the maximum bandwidth available so as to preview what the encoded video will look like with the corresponding compression rate . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Utilitza aquest camp per simular l & apos ; ample de banda màxim disponible per previsualitzar com es veurà el vídeo amb el corresponent ratio de compressió . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > KB / s < / source >
< translation > KB / s < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+21" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Display encoded ( and then decoded ) frame , to check the codec & apos ; s quality . If not selected , the image above only shows the frame that is grabbed from your camera . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Mostra un fotograma codificat ( i després descodificat ) per comprovar la qualitat del codec . Si no es selecciona , la imatge superior només mostra el fotograma tal i com el captura la teva càmera . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+3" / >
< source > preview < / source >
< translation > Visualització prèvia < / translation >
< / message >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > AudioInputConfig < / name >
< message >
2020-12-10 03:37:10 -05:00
< location filename = "../gui/AudioInputConfig.cpp" line = "+185" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Continuous < / source >
< translation > Continuu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+1" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Voice Activity < / source >
< translation > Activitat de veu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+1" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Push To Talk < / source >
< translation > Prem per parlar < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2020-12-10 03:37:10 -05:00
< location line = "+91" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > % 1 s < / source >
< translation > % 1 s < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+8" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Off < / source >
< translation > Apagat < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > - % 1 dB < / source >
< translation > - % 1 dB < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2020-12-10 03:37:10 -05:00
< location filename = "../gui/AudioInputConfig.h" line = "+85" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > VOIP < / source >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< translation > VeuIP < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > AudioStats < / name >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location filename = "../gui/AudioStats.ui" line = "+14" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Audio Statistics < / source >
< translation > Estadístiques de so < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+8" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Input Levels < / source >
< translation > Nivells d & apos ; entrada < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+6" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Peak microphone level < / source >
< translation > Nivell pic del micròfon < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+7" / >
< location line = "+20" / >
< location line = "+20" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Peak power in last frame < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Potència màxima en l & apos ; ú ltima trama < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "-37" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > This shows the peak power in the last frame ( 20 ms ) , and is the same measurement as you would usually find displayed as & quot ; input power & quot ; . Please disregard this and look at & lt ; b & gt ; Microphone power & lt ; / b & g t ; i n s t e a d , w h i c h i s m u c h m o r e s t e a d y a n d d i s r e g a r d s o u t l i e r s . < / s o u r c e >
< translation > Mostra la potència màxima a l & apos ; ú ltima trama ( 20 ms ) i é s la mateixa mesura que trobaries normalment com a & quot ; potència d & apos ; entrada & quot ; . Per favor , no en facis cas i mira en comptes a & lt ; b & gt ; & quot ; Potència de micròfon & quot ; & lt ; / b & g t ; q u e é s m o l t m é s e s t a b l e i o b v i a e l s p i c s . < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+10" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Peak speaker level < / source >
< translation > Nivell de pic de l & apos ; altaveu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+10" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > This shows the peak power of the speakers in the last frame ( 20 ms ) . Unless you are using a multi - channel sampling method ( such as ASIO ) with speaker channels configured , this will be 0 . If you have such a setup configured , and this still shows 0 while you & apos ; re playing audio from other programs , your setup is not working . < / source >
< translation > Mostra la potència màxima dels altaveus en l & apos ; ú ltima trama ( 20 ms ) . A no ser que estiguis utilitzant un sistema de mostrejat multi - canal ( com el ASIO ) amb els canals d & apos ; altaveus configurats , serà sempre 0 . Si tens una instal · lació d & apos ; aquesta mena i continua mostrant 0 mentre reprodueixes so des d & apos ; altres programes la teva instal · lació no funciona . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+10" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Peak clean level < / source >
< translation > Nivell net pic < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+10" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > This shows the peak power in the last frame ( 20 ms ) after all processing . Ideally , this should be - 96 dB when you & apos ; re not talking . In reality , a sound studio should see - 60 dB , and you should hopefully see somewhere around - 20 dB . When you are talking , this should rise to somewhere between - 5 and - 10 dB . & lt ; br / & gt ; If you are using echo cancellation , and this rises to more than - 15 dB when you & apos ; re not talking , your setup is not working , and you & apos ; ll annoy other users with echoes . < / source >
< translation > Mostra la potència màxima en l & apos ; ú ltima trama ( 20 ms ) després del processat . Idealment , això hauria de ser - 96 dB quan no estigueu parlant . En realitat , un estudi de so hauria de mostrar - 60 dB i amb sort veure alguna cosa al voltant de - 20 dB . Quan estigueu parlant hauria de pujar a entre - 5 i - 10 dB . & lt ; br / & gt ; Si esteu utilitzant cancel · lació d & apos ; eco i arriba a més de - 15 dB quan parleu , el vostre esquema no funciona i els usuaris rebran molestos ecos . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+13" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Signal Analysis < / source >
< translation > Anàlisis del senyal < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+6" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Microphone power < / source >
< translation > Potència del micròfon < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+7" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > How close the current input level is to ideal < / source >
< translation > Com de proper el nivell d & apos ; entrada actual é s a l & apos ; ideal < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > This shows how close your current input volume is to the ideal . To adjust your microphone level , open whatever program you use to adjust the recording volume , and look at the value here while talking . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; b & gt ; Talk loud , as you would when you & apos ; re upset over getting fragged by a noob . & lt ; /b><br / & gt ; Adjust the volume until this value is close to 100 % , but make sure it doesn & apos ; t go above . If it does go above , you are likely to get clipping in parts of your speech , which will degrade sound quality . < / source >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< translation > Mostra quant de proper a l & apos ; ideal é s el teu nivell de volum d & apos ; entrada actual . Per ajustar el nivell del micròfon , obre el programa que utilitzes per ajustar el volum de gravació , i observa aquí el valor mentre parles . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; b & gt ; Parla alt , com ho faries quan estàs enfadat per perdre contra un novell . & lt ; /b><br / & gt ; Ajusta el volum fins que el valor estigui proper al 100 % , però assegurat que no el sobrepassa . Si el sobrepassa , é s probable que es produeixin talls en parts de la conversa , fet que degradarà la qualitat del so . < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+10" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Signal - To - Noise ratio < / source >
< translation > Relació senyal - soroll < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+7" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Signal - To - Noise ratio from the microphone < / source >
< translation > Relació senyal - soroll del micròfon < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > This is the Signal - To - Noise Ratio ( SNR ) of the microphone in the last frame ( 20 ms ) . It shows how much clearer the voice is compared to the noise . & lt ; br / & gt ; If this value is below 1.0 , there & apos ; s more noise than voice in the signal , and so quality is reduced . & lt ; br / & gt ; There is no upper limit to this value , but don & apos ; t expect to see much above 40 - 50 without a sound studio . < / source >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< translation > Mostra la Relació Senyal / Soroll ( SNR en anglès ) del micròfon en l & apos ; ú ltim tram ( 20 ms ) . Mostra quant clara é s la veu en comparació amb el soroll . & lt ; br / & gt ; Si aquest valor està por sota de 1.0 , hi ha més soroll que veu a la senyal , i per tant es redueix la qualitat . & lt ; br / & gt ; No hi ha límit superior per aquest valor , però no esperis veure & apos ; l molt per sobre de 40 - 50 sense un estudi de so . < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+10" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Speech Probability < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Probabilitat de conversa < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+7" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Probability of speech < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Probabilitat de conversa < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > This is the probability that the last frame ( 20 ms ) was speech and not environment noise . & lt ; br / & gt ; Voice activity transmission depends on this being right . The trick with this is that the middle of a sentence is always detected as speech ; the problem is the pauses between words and the start of speech . It & apos ; s hard to distinguish a sigh from a word starting with & apos ; h & apos ; . & lt ; br / & gt ; If this is in bold font , it means RetroShare is currently transmitting ( if you & apos ; re connected ) . < / source >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< translation > Aquesta é s la probabilitat de que l & apos ; ú ltim tram ( 20 ms ) fos veu i no soroll ambient . & lt ; br / & gt ; La transmissió per Activitat de Veu depèn de la correcció d & apos ; aquest valor . El truco d & apos ; això é s que la meitat d & apos ; una frase es detecta sempre com veu , el problema son les pauses entre paraules i el principi de la conversa . É s difícil diferenciar un sospir d & apos ; una paraula que comenci amb & apos ; h & apos ; aspirada . & lt ; br / & gt ; Si això està en font negreta , significa que el Retroshare està transmetent actualment ( si està connectat ) . < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+15" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Configuration feedback < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Informació per la configuració < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+6" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Current audio bitrate < / source >
< translation > Tassa de bits de so actual < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+13" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Bitrate of last frame < / source >
< translation > Tassa de bits de l & apos ; ú ltim fragment < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > This is the audio bitrate of the last compressed frame ( 20 ms ) , and as such will jump up and down as the VBR adjusts the quality . The peak bitrate can be adjusted in the Settings dialog . < / source >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< translation > Aquesta é s la velocitat de transmissió de l & apos ; ú ltim tram comprimit ( 20 ms ) , i com tal , augmentarà i disminuirà mentre el VBR ajusta la qualitat . Pots ajustar la velocitat de transmissió màxima en el quadre de diàleg Opcions . < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+10" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > DoublePush interval < / source >
2014-01-18 16:23:56 -05:00
< translation > Interval entre doble pulsació < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+13" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Time between last two Push - To - Talk presses < / source >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< translation > Temps entre les dues ú ltimes pulsacions de Presionar - Per - Parlar < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+10" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Speech Detection < / source >
< translation > Detecció de veu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+7" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Current speech detection chance < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Probabilitat actual de detecció de conversa < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > & lt ; b & gt ; This shows the current speech detection settings . & lt ; /b><br / & gt ; You can change the settings from the Settings dialog or from the Audio Wizard . < / source >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< translation > & lt ; b & gt ; Mostra les opcions actuals de detecció de conversa . & lt ; /b><br / & gt ; Pot canviar les opcions des del quadre de diàleg Opcions o des de l & apos ; Assistent d & apos ; à udio . < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+29" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Signal and noise power spectrum < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Espectre de potència del senyal i el soroll < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+6" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Power spectrum of input signal and noise estimate < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Espectre de potència del senyal d & apos ; entrada i estimació del soroll < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > This shows the power spectrum of the current input signal ( red line ) and the current noise estimate ( filled blue ) . & lt ; br / & gt ; All amplitudes are multiplied by 30 to show the interesting parts ( how much more signal than noise is present in each waveband ) . & lt ; br / & gt ; This is probably only of interest if you & apos ; re trying to fine - tune noise conditions on your microphone . Under good conditions , there should be just a tiny flutter of blue at the bottom . If the blue is more than halfway up on the graph , you have a seriously noisy environment . < / source >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< translation > Mostra l & apos ; espectre de potència de la senyal d & apos ; entrada actual ( línia vermella ) i l & apos ; estimació de soroll actual ( emplenat blau ) . & lt ; br / & gt ; Totes les amplituds es multipliquen per 30 per mostrar les parts interessants ( quant més senyal que soroll hi ha present en cada banda d & apos ; onda ) . & lt ; br / & gt ; Això probablement tingui interès només si estàs tractant d & apos ; ajustar amb precisió les condicions de soroll del teu micròfon . Sota bones condicions , hauria d & apos ; haver només una petita palpitació de blau a la part inferior . Si el blau sobrepassa més de la meitat del gràfic , tens un entorn molt sorollós . < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+16" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Echo Analysis < / source >
< translation > Anàlisis de l & apos ; eco < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+12" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Weights of the echo canceller < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Càrrega de l & apos ; eliminador de ressò < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > This shows the weights of the echo canceller , with time increasing downwards and frequency increasing to the right . & lt ; br / & gt ; Ideally , this should be black , indicating no echo exists at all . More commonly , you & apos ; ll have one or more horizontal stripes of bluish color representing time delayed echo . You should be able to see the weights updated in real time . & lt ; br / & gt ; Please note that as long as you have nothing to echo off , you won & apos ; t see much useful data here . Play some music and things should stabilize . & lt ; br / & gt ; You can choose to view the real or imaginary parts of the frequency - domain weights , or alternately the computed modulus and phase . The most useful of these will likely be modulus , which is the amplitude of the echo , and shows you how much of the outgoing signal is being removed at that time step . The other viewing modes are mostly useful to people who want to tune the echo cancellation algorithms . & lt ; br / & gt ; Please note : If the entire image fluctuates massively while in modulus mode , the echo canceller fails to find any correlation whatsoever between the two input sources ( speakers and microphone ) . Either you have a very long delay on the echo , or one of the input sources is configured wrong . < / source >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< translation > Mostra la carrega del cancel · lador d & apos ; eco , amb el temps incrementant - se cap avall i la freqüència incrementant - se cap a la dreta . & lt ; br / & gt ; Idealment , això hauria de ser negre , indicant que no existeix cap eco . Més freqüentment , hi haurà una o més bandes horitzontals de color blavós que representen eco enrederit en el temps . Hauries de poder verue la carrega actualitzada en temps real . & lt ; br / & gt ; Fixa & apos ; t que mentre no hi hagi res d & apos ; eco per cancel · lar , no veuràs dades massa ú tils aquí . Reprodueix una mica de música i les coses haurien d & apos ; estabilitzar - se . & lt ; br / & gt ; Pots escollir veure les parts reals o imaginaries de la carrega en el domini de la freqüència , o de forma alternativa el mòdul i la fase calculats . El més ú til d & apos ; això probablement sigui el mòdul , que é s l & apos ; amplitud de l & apos ; eco , i mostra quanta de la senyal sortint està sent eliminada en aquest pas de temps . Els altres modes de visionat són ú tils per persones que vulguin ajustar els algorismes de cancel · lació d & apos ; eco . & lt ; br / & gt ; Si us plau , fixa & apos ; t en que si la imatge completa fluctua à mpliament mentre està en el mode mòdul , el cancel · lador d & apos ; eco no aconsegueix trobar cap correlació entre les dues fonts d & apos ; entrada ( altaveus i micròfon ) . O tens un retard molt llarg a l & apos ; eco , o una de les fonts d & apos ; entrada està mal configurada . < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > AudioWizard < / name >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location filename = "../gui/AudioWizard.ui" line = "+14" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Audio Tuning Wizard < / source >
< translation > Assistent d & apos ; ajust del so < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+4" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Introduction < / source >
< translation > Introducció < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Welcome to the RetroShare Audio Wizard < / source >
< translation > Benvingut a l & apos ; assistent de so del RetroShare < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location line = "+6" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > This is the audio tuning wizard for RetroShare . This will help you correctly set the input levels of your sound card , and also set the correct parameters for sound processing in Retroshare . < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Est é s l & apos ; assistent per a l & apos ; ajust d & apos ; à udio de RetroShare . Li ajudarà a establir correctament els nivells d & apos ; entrada de la seva targeta de so , i també fixarà els paràmetres correctes per al processament de so en RetroShare . < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+24" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Volume tuning < / source >
< translation > Ajustar volum < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Tuning microphone hardware volume to optimal settings . < / source >
2013-12-20 13:51:12 -05:00
< translation > Calibrant el volum de maquinari del micròfon a nivells ò ptims . < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< source > & lt ; p & gt ; Open your sound control panel and go to the recording settings . Make sure the microphone is selected as active input with maximum recording volume . If there & apos ; s an option to enable a & amp ; quot ; Microphone boost & amp ; quot ; make sure it & apos ; s checked . & lt ; / p & g t ;
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
& lt ; p & gt ; Speak loudly , as when you are annoyed or excited . Decrease the volume in the sound control panel until the bar below stays as high as possible in the green and orange but not the red zone while you speak . & lt ; / p & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< translation type = "vanished" > & lt ; p & gt ; Obra el teu panell de control de so i ves a les opcions de gravació . Assegura & apos ; t que el micròfon estigui seleccionat com l & apos ; entrada activa i amb el màxim volum de gravació . Si existeix una opció per habilitar un & amp ; quot ; Potenciador del micròfon & amp ; quot ; assegura & apos ; t de que està activada . & lt ; / p & g t ;
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
& lt ; p & gt ; Parla fort en veu alta , com quan estàs molest o entusiasmat . Baixa el volum en el panell de control de so fins que la barra de sota es mantingui , mentre parles , tant alta com sigui possible en la zona verda i taronja però & lt ; b & gt ; no & lt ; / b & g t ; e n l a z o n a v e r m e l l a . & l t ; / p & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< message >
< location line = "+6" / >
< source > & lt ; p & gt ; Open your sound control panel and go to the recording settings . Make sure the microphone is selected as active input with maximum recording volume . If there & apos ; s an option to enable a & amp ; quot ; Microphone boost & amp ; quot ; make sure it & apos ; s checked . & lt ; / p & g t ;
& lt ; p & gt ; Speak loudly , as when you are annoyed or excited . Decrease the volume in the sound control panel until the bar below stays as high as possible in the green and orange but not the red zone while you speak . & lt ; / p & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location line = "+11" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Talk normally , and adjust the slider below so that the bar moves into green when you talk , and doesn & apos ; t go into the orange zone . < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Parli normalment , ajust - te el control lliscant de baix perquè la barra es mogui a la zona verda quan parla , i no entri a la zona taronja . < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+44" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Stop looping echo for this wizard < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Detenir el bucle de ressò per a aquest assistent < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+20" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Apply some high contrast optimizations for visually impaired users < / source >
2013-12-20 13:51:12 -05:00
< translation > Aplicar algunes millores de contrast per persones amb visió reduida < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Use high contrast graphics < / source >
< translation > Utilitzar gràfics d & apos ; alt contrast < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+10" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Voice Activity Detection < / source >
< translation > Detecció d & apos ; activitat de veu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Letting RetroShare figure out when you & apos ; re talking and when you & apos ; re silent . < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Permetre a RetroShare suposar quan està parlant i quan guarda silenci . < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+6" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > This will help Retroshare figure out when you are talking . The first step is selecting which data value to use . < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Això ajudarà a RetroShare esbrinar quan està parlant . El primer pas é s seleccionar què valor de les dades usar . < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+12" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Push To Talk : < / source >
< translation > Prem per parlar : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+29" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Voice Detection < / source >
< translation > Detecció de veu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+13" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Next you need to adjust the following slider . The first few utterances you say should end up in the green area ( definitive speech ) . While talking , you should stay inside the yellow ( might be speech ) and when you & apos ; re not talking , everything should be in the red ( definitively not speech ) . < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Ara ha d & apos ; ajustar els següents dos controls lliscants . Les primeres paraules que digui haurien d & apos ; acabar a l & apos ; à rea verda ( està parlant amb tota certesa ) . Mentre parla , hauria de romandre en la groga ( podria estar parlant ) i quan no estigui parlant , tot deuria estar en la vermella ( definitivament no està parlant ) . < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+64" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Continuous transmission < / source >
< translation > Transmissió continua < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+8" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Finished < / source >
< translation > Acabat < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Enjoy using RetroShare < / source >
< translation > Gaudeix utilitzant el RetroShare < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location line = "+6" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Congratulations . You should now be ready to enjoy a richer sound experience with Retroshare . < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Enhorabona . Ara hauria d & apos ; estar llest per gaudir una experiència de so més rica amb RetroShare . < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > QObject < / name >
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location filename = "../VOIPPlugin.cpp" line = "+128" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > & lt ; h3 & gt ; RetroShare VOIP plugin & lt ; /h3><br/ & gt ; * Contributors : Cyril Soler , Josselin Jacquard & lt ; br / & gt ; < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > & lt ; h3 & gt ; Connector VeuIP RetroShare & lt ; /h3><br/ & gt ; * Col · laboradors : Cyril Soler , Josselin Jacquard & lt ; br / & gt ; < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > & lt ; br / & gt ; The VOIP plugin adds VOIP to the private chat window of RetroShare . to use it , proceed as follows : & lt ; UL & gt ; < / source >
2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< translation type = "vanished" > & lt ; br / & gt ; El connector VeuIP afegix Veu IP a la finestra de xat privat de RetroShare . Per usar - ho , faci el següent : & lt ; UL & gt ; < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > & lt ; li & gt ; setup microphone levels using the configuration panel & lt ; / l i & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > & lt ; li & gt ; Configuri el nivell del micròfon mitjançant el panell de configuració & lt ; / l i & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
< source > & lt ; li & gt ; check your microphone by looking at the VU - metters & lt ; / l i & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< translation type = "vanished" > & lt ; li & gt ; Comprovi el seu micròfon mirant el vúmetre & lt ; / l i & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "-1" / >
< source > & lt ; br / & gt ; The VOIP plugin adds VOIP to the private chat window of RetroShare . To use it , proceed as follows : & lt ; UL & gt ; < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+2" / >
< source > & lt ; li & gt ; check your microphone by looking at the VU - meters & lt ; / l i & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+1" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > & lt ; li & gt ; in the private chat , enable sound input / output by clicking on the two VOIP icons & lt ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; / u l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > & lt ; li & gt ; en el xat privat , habiliti l & apos ; entrada / sortida de so prement en les dues icones de VeuIP & lt ; / l i & g t ; & l t ; / u l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+1" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > Your friend needs to run the plugin to talk / listen to you , or course . < / source >
< translation > El teu amic ha d & apos ; activar el complement per parlar / escoltar - te , evidentment . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+1" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; This is an experimental feature . Don & apos ; t hesitate to send comments and suggestion to the RS dev team . < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; br / & gt ; Aquesta é s una característica experimental . No dubti a enviar comentaris i suggeriments a l & apos ; equip de RS dev team . < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > VOIP < / name >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location line = "+47" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > This plugin provides voice communication between friends in RetroShare . < / source >
< translation > Aquest complement proporciona comunicació per veu amb els teus amics al RetroShare . < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< message >
< location line = "+40" / >
< location line = "+4" / >
< location line = "+4" / >
< location line = "+4" / >
< source > VOIP < / source >
< translation > VeuIP < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "-11" / >
< source > Incoming audio call < / source >
< translation > Trucada de veu entrant < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+4" / >
< source > Incoming video call < / source >
< translation > Videotrucada entrant < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+4" / >
< source > Outgoing audio call < / source >
< translation > Trucada de veu sortint < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+4" / >
< source > Outgoing video call < / source >
< translation > Videotrucada sortint < / translation >
< / message >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > VOIPChatWidgetHolder < / name >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location filename = "../gui/VOIPChatWidgetHolder.cpp" line = "+70" / >
< location line = "+146" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Mute < / source >
< translation > Silenci < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location line = "-128" / >
< location line = "+138" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Start Call < / source >
< translation > Comença trucada < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location line = "-121" / >
< location line = "+131" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Start Video Call < / source >
< translation > Inicia videotrucada < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location line = "-121" / >
< location line = "+131" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Hangup Call < / source >
< translation > Penjar trucada < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location line = "-113" / >
< location line = "+626" / >
< source > Hide Chat Text < / source >
< translation > Oculta el xat de text < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "-608" / >
< location line = "+106" / >
< location line = "+523" / >
< source > Fullscreen mode < / source >
< translation > Mode a pantalla completa < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< source > % 1 inviting you to start an audio conversation . Do you want Accept or Decline the invitation ? < / source >
2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< translation type = "vanished" > % 1 li està convidant a iniciar una conversa d & apos ; à udio . Vol Acceptar o Declinar la invitació ? < / translation >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< location line = "-410" / >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< source > Accept Audio Call < / source >
< translation > Acceptar trucada d & apos ; à udio < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+17" / >
< source > Decline Audio Call < / source >
< translation > Declinar trucada d & apos ; à udio < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+1" / >
< source > Refuse audio call < / source >
< translation > Refusar trucada d & apos ; à ufio < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< source > % 1 inviting you to start a video conversation . Do you want Accept or Decline the invitation ? < / source >
2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< translation type = "vanished" > % 1 l & apos ; està convidant a iniciar una Videotrucada . Vol Acceptar o Declinar la invitació ? < / translation >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< location line = "+52" / >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< source > Decline Video Call < / source >
< translation > Declinar videotrucada < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+1" / >
< source > Refuse video call < / source >
< translation > Refusar videotrucada < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+102" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Mute yourself < / source >
< translation > Silencia & apos ; t < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Unmute yourself < / source >
< translation > Desilencia & apos ; t < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< source > Waiting your friend respond your video call . < / source >
2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< translation type = "vanished" > Esperant que el teu amic respongui la teva videotrucada < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< location line = "+603" / >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< source > Your friend is calling you for video . Respond . < / source >
< translation > El teu amic t & apos ; està videotrucant . Respon . < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location line = "-781" / >
< location line = "+53" / >
< location line = "+188" / >
< location line = "+24" / >
< location line = "+57" / >
< location line = "+28" / >
< location line = "+284" / >
< location line = "+11" / >
< location line = "+11" / >
< location line = "+21" / >
< location line = "+11" / >
< source > VoIP Status < / source >
< translation > Estat VeuIP < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "-467" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Hold Call < / source >
< translation > Trucada en espera < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location line = "+20" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Outgoing Call is started . . . < / source >
< translation > Iniciada trucada sortint . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location line = "+9" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Resume Call < / source >
< translation > Continuar trucada < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location line = "+16" / >
< source > Outgoing Audio Call stopped . < / source >
< translation > Trucada d & apos ; à udio sortint parada . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+46" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Shut camera off < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > tancar la càmera < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location line = "+11" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > You & apos ; re now sending video . . . < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Es troba enviant vídeo . . . < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location line = "-266" / >
< location line = "+279" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Activate camera < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Activar càmera < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location line = "+15" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Video call stopped < / source >
< translation > Videotrucada aturada < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location line = "-295" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Accept Video Call < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Acceptar Videoconferència < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< location line = "-55" / >
< source > % 1 is inviting you to start an audio conversation . Do you want to Accept or Decline the invitation ? < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+3" / >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< source > Activate audio < / source >
< translation > Activar à udio < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< location line = "+50" / >
< source > % 1 is inviting you to start a video conversation . Do you want to Accept or Decline the invitation ? < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+334" / >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< source > Show Chat Text < / source >
< translation > Mostra xat de text < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location line = "+19" / >
< source > Return to normal view . < / source >
< translation > Torna a visualitzacio normal . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+228" / >
< source > % 1 hang up . Your call is closed . < / source >
< translation > % 1 ha penjat . S & apos ; ha acabat la trucada . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+11" / >
< source > % 1 hang up . Your audio call is closed . < / source >
< translation > % 1 ha penjat . S & apos ; ha acabat la trucada d & apos ; à udio . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+11" / >
< source > % 1 hang up . Your video call is closed . < / source >
< translation > % 1 ha penjat . S & apos ; ha acabat la videotrucada . < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+21" / >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< source > % 1 accepted your audio call . < / source >
< translation > % 1 ha acceptat la teva trucada d & apos ; à udio . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+11" / >
< source > % 1 accepted your video call . < / source >
< translation > % 1 ha acceptat la teva videotrucada . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+20" / >
2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< source > Waiting for your friend to respond to your audio call . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+58" / >
< source > Waiting for your friend to respond to your video call . < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< source > Waiting your friend respond your audio call . < / source >
2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< translation type = "vanished" > Esperant que el teu amic respongui la teva trucada d & apos ; à udio . < / translation >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< location line = "-44" / >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< source > Your friend is calling you for audio . Respond . < / source >
< translation > El teu amic t & apos ; està trucant per à udio . Respon . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location line = "+17" / >
< location line = "+58" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Answer < / source >
< translation > Respon < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > VOIPPlugin < / name >
< message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< location filename = "../VOIPPlugin.cpp" line = "-48" / >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< source > VOIP < / source >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< translation > VeuIP < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< name > VOIPToasterItem < / name >
< message >
2020-12-10 03:37:10 -05:00
< location filename = "../gui/VOIPToasterItem.cpp" line = "+42" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Answer < / source >
< translation > Respon < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+4" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Answer with video < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Respondre amb vídeo < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< message >
< location filename = "../gui/VOIPToasterItem.ui" line = "+232" / >
< source > Decline < / source >
< translation > Declina < / translation >
< / message >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > VOIPToasterNotify < / name >
< message >
2020-12-10 03:37:10 -05:00
< location filename = "../gui/VOIPToasterNotify.cpp" line = "+55" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > VOIP < / source >
< translation > VeuIP < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+3" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Accept < / source >
< translation > Acceptat < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+1" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Bandwidth Information < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Informació ample de banda < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+1" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Audio or Video Data < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Dades de à udio o vídeo < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+1" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > HangUp < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Penjar < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+1" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Invitation < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Invitació < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Audio Call < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Trucada d & apos ; à udio < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+1" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Video Call < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Trucada de vídeo < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+110" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Test VOIP Accept < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Prova VeuIP Acceptada < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+1" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Test VOIP BandwidthInfo < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Prova VeuIP Informació Ample de banda < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+1" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Test VOIP Data < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Prova VeuIP Dades < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+1" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Test VOIP HangUp < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Prova de VeuIP Penjar < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+1" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Test VOIP Invitation < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Prova de VeuIP Invitació < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+2" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Test VOIP Audio Call < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Prova de VeuIP Trucada d & apos ; à udio < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+1" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Test VOIP Video Call < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Prova de VeuIP Trucada de vídeo < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+21" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Accept received from this peer . < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Acceptació rebuda des de aquest igual . < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+24" / >
2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< source > Bandwidth Info received from this peer : % 1 < / source >
< translation type = "unfinished" > < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Bandwidth Info received from this peer : % 1 < / source >
2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< translation type = "vanished" > Informació d & apos ; ample de banda rebuda d & apos ; aquest igual . % 1 < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+24" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Audio or Video Data received from this peer . < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > À udio o Vídeo rebuts d & apos ; aquest igual . < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+24" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > HangUp received from this peer . < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Penjada rebuda d & apos ; aquest igual . < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+24" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > Invitation received from this peer . < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > Invitació rebuda d & apos ; aquest igual . < / translation >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< / message >
< message >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< location line = "+25" / >
< location line = "+24" / >
2015-06-08 09:35:40 -04:00
< source > calling < / source >
2015-06-21 06:11:45 -04:00
< translation > trucant < / translation >
2013-12-13 10:08:36 -05:00
< / message >
< / context >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< context >
< name > voipGraphSource < / name >
< message >
2020-12-10 03:37:10 -05:00
< location filename = "../gui/AudioInputConfig.cpp" line = "-246" / >
2017-03-10 09:57:40 -05:00
< source > Required bandwidth < / source >
< translation > Ample de banda necessari < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
2018-02-20 17:03:33 -05:00
< / TS >