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Frequently Asked Questions

Table of Contents

Using invidious

Q: Can I use Invidious on my device?

A: As long as your device is equipped with a modern web browser, sure, of course! A responsive interface is available for mobile/tablets.

Q: Do you plan to make an Android/iOS app?

A: No. Invidious is and will always be a browser application.

If you have an Android phone/tablet, you can check the NewPipe application.

Commonly encountered errors

Q: The media could not be loaded…

A: This problem can occur in different scenarios:

  • If you're trying to watch a music clip, Youtube is likely blocking the video stream. Try enabling proxy videos in the preferences (or add &local=1 in the URL). Switching instance is also a good alternative, as this type of content is often geo-restricted.

  • Youtube often sends corrupted video data for the hd720, medium and small quality settings. Refreshing the page multiple times (5-7) can fix the problem. You may also set your preferred video quality to dash (or add &quality=dash to the URL).

  • Rarely, it can be due to an internal failure of the instance and the video stream can't be fetched. A simple page refresh can solve the issue.

If none of the solutions listed above fix that problem, try switching instances. And if that still doesn't work, you'll have to watch the video on youtube itself (sorry for the inconvenience).

Q: Could not check out a connection in 2.0 seconds (DB::PoolTimeout)

A: Please, do not open a bug report on github, we can't do anything!

The instance you are using is having database issues. Please use another instance from the list of public instances

Running your own instance

Q: Do you provide pre-built binaries (.deb, .rpm, etc.)?

A: We currently don't provide those, due to the rolling release nature of Invidious. Get a fresh clone or pull the latest commits from master instead.

Q: How can I configure [thing]?

A: Read the example config file (config/config.example.yml). All the supported configuration options are documented there.

Q: RSS feeds/links/etc... URLs redirect to <IP>:3000 but I have a reverse proxy!

A: Make sure that the following parameters are set accrodingly to your environment:

  • https_only: if your instance is served over HTTPs
  • domain: if you have a domain name that redirects to your instance
  • external_port: if your instance is accessed from a different port than the listening one (e.g your instance listens on :3000, but is available on :443 through a reverse proxy, set external_port to 443)

A: The "popular" feed is generated from the videos that are popular amongst the users registered on your instance. If nobody has created an account on your instance (e.g if registration is disabled) the popular feed will be empty.