2023-07-01 02:37:45 +05:30

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Governance: Trust Frameworks, Trust Registries, and Machine Readable Governance in Self Sovereign Identity single
Trust Frameworks
Trust Registries
Machine Readable Governance
/development/governance-trust-frameworks-registries/ https://decentralzed-id.com/development/governance-trust-frameworks-registries/ false 2023-07-01

“The earliest mutual organization established in the British North American colonies was created in 1735 in Charleston, SC” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_cooperatives_in_the_United_States#18th_century

“The Philadelphia Contributionship mutual insurance company, founded by Benjamin Franklin in 1752, is the oldest continuing mutual insurance company in the continental United States. “

Coop says more about the governance (democracy + open membership) than the business model, IMO

A cooperative is defined as an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.

Working through this now: more of a playbook https://elements.disco.coop/

Decentralized governance for SSI and Blockchains with Lawrence Lundy-Bryan


  • 800-63-3


  • Digital Identity and Attributes Trust Framework State of Identity

    Do you trust technology and government to protect your data? On this week's State of Identity podcast, host, Cameron D'Ambrosi is joined by Gareth Narinesingh, Head of Digital Identity at HooYu to discuss the bridge between payments and identity wallets, the UK's next big push in adopting shared identity standards, and the foundation of decentralized identity verification across Web3 applications and the metaverse.

  • The Ukrainian War, PKI, and Censorship Phil Windley

    PKI has created a global trust framework for the web. But the war in Ukraine has shone a light on its weaknesses. Hierarchies are not good architectures for building robust, trustworthy, and stable digital systems.

  • Digital Caribou looks at the future trends impacting Digital Identity Caribou Digital

    1. The state of the art in digital identification are trust frameworks that accommodate diverse technologies, systems and stakeholders\n > 2. Risks remain even within the most rigorous trust framework:\n > 3. Achieving inclusion requires addressing both technical and political dimensions\n > 4. Trust frameworks are complicated so getting governance right requires an ecosystems approach\n > 5. Building the future of digital identification means reckoning with an analogue past
  • Trust Frameworks Mattr Global

    Trust frameworks are a foundational component of the web of trust. A trust framework is a common set of best practice standards-based rules that ensure minimum requirements are met for security, privacy, identification management and interoperability through accreditation and governance. These operating rules provide a common framework for ecosystem participants, increasing trust between them.

  • The trust infrastructure of self-sovereign identity ecosystems SSI Ambassador

    The trust infrastructure is concerned with the question of how and why the presented information can be trusted. It defines the rules for all stakeholders and enables legally binding relationships with the combination of governance frameworks, which are built on top of trust frameworks.\n > \n > includes a section on the core components of identity architecture that includes a graphic based on a post by Phil Windley

  • Battle of the Trust Frameworks with Tim Bouma & Darrell ODonnell Northern Block

    1. Levels of Assurance (LOA): an introduction to LOAs as they relate to Digital Identity and why theyre an important part of the recipe in achieving digital trust. Tim and Darrell give us some practical examples of LOAs.
    2. The Concept of Trust: how do we define trust at a high-level and how do we differentiate between technical and human trust? How can we build trust with credential issuers but also with credential holders?
    3. The World of Trust Frameworks: what are trust frameworks and what are different types of frameworks being deployed in both the public and private sectors? How are organizations trying to monetize trust frameworks? Whats going right, and whats going wrong with the way trust frameworks are being implemented?
    4. The Importance of Open Source for Trust Creation: why is open source important for achieving digital sovereignty? Is open source the only way to improve transparency, flexibility and accountability?
  • Good Health Pass Ecosystem Trust Architecture: DIDs and X.509 Trust Registries with Ecosystem Governance Frameworks Drummond Reed, Scott Perry, Darrell ODonnell IIW

    Governance, Trust Registry, Ecosystem, Transitive Trust, Architecture

  • Towards a Better Digital Identity Trust Framework in Aotearoa Digital Identity NZ

    Its a great pleasure to share with you DINZ Reflections Report, a seminal piece of work that DINZs Digital Identity Trust Framework working group has developed over several months.

  • Trust Frameworks? Standards Matter Tim Bouma

    He points at the NIST documents about it Developing Trust Frameworks to Support Identity Federations published in 2018. He also points at the Canadian governments definition of standards.\n“a document that provides a set of agreed-upon rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities or their results. Standards establish accepted practices, technical requirements, and terminologies for diverse fields.”  He goes on to highlight a lot of the work being done in Canada and where it all sits relative to being a standard - “In closing, there are lots of trust frameworks being developed today. But to be truly trusted, a trust framework needs to either apply existing standards or become a standard itself.”

  • Pan-Canadian Trust Framework (PCTF) Overview Northern Block

    Right now, we are alpha testing the framework with different kinds of actors, both public and private, and with assessors. Through this process, were going to learn what may need to change, and what may not need to change. Were going to get real knowledge there. I will say that what were seeing already, is that DIACC and our priorities are really driven by members.

  • Trinsic Basics: What Is a Trust Registry? Trinsic

    Trust registries also need to be interoperable. The Trust Over IP Foundation has a specification for an interoperable trust registry, and ours is the first implementation of this spec. Because of this, Trinsics Trust Registry Service is architected so that one ecosystem could reference or incorporate a trust registry from a separate ecosystem if needed.

Trust Registries

The concept behind a Trust Registry is that a Wallet needs to know which decentralized identifiers (DIDs) to “trust” as a source of truth. At many levels, this “trust” translates to “authority” knowing that somebody, centralized or decentralized, is responsible for maintaining a list of trusted DIDs.

  • OIX White Paper: Trust Frameworks for Identity Systems OIX

  • Bottom-up Trust Registry in Self Sovereign Identity Kai Jun Eer, Jesus Diaz, Markulf Kohlweiss Arxiv

    we propose a trust registry design that handles the aspect of human trust in self sovereign identity. We also introduce an incentivisation mechanism for the trust registry in order to motivate each stakeholder to participate actively and honestly.

  • A novel approach to establish trust in verifiable credential issuers in Self-sovereign identity ecosystems using TRAIN 2022-07-07 Isaac Johnson Jeyakumar, David Chadwick; Michael Kubach Open Identity Summit

    This paper illustrates how TRAIN (Trust mAnagement INfrastructure), an approach based on established components like ETSI trust lists and the Domain Name System (DNS), can be used as a trust registry component to provide a holistic approach for trust management in SSI ecosystems. TRAIN facilitates individual trust decisions through the discovery of trust lists in SSI ecosystems, along with published credential schemas, so that verifiers can perform informed trust decisions about issued credentials.

  • Trust Registries in the Real World Continuum Loop

    Trust Registries allow us to know that the various shared credentials (e.g. proof of insurance) are accurate. A Homeowner can ask their Digital Wallet to verify an insurance Credential that the Contractor is honest.

  • Trust Registries Tweetstorm 2022-09-14 Continuum Loop

    We want to start a conversation on Trust Registries and get people thinking about how Trust Registries will help answer the hard questions an ecosystem needs to create a whole experience [tweetstorm]

  • [Podcast] Are Trust Registries Vital to the Success of Decentralized Identity? 2022-09-30 Darrell ODonnell Northern Block

    • What are the differences between Verifiable Data Registries and Trust Registries?
    • How can Trust Registries help establish the Authenticity of Data?
    • Does placing too much Governance at the Verifiable Data Registry layer cause scaling issues?
    • Why DNS can become an elegant Root of Trust solution to validate the authenticity of Credential Issuers.
    • Who in the Trust Triangle benefits the most from Trust Registries
  • Solving Governance in SSI Ecosystems with Trust Registries. 2022-10-04 Trust over IP Foundation

    Learn the what and the why behind trust registries.  In addition to discussing how trust registries solve governance in verifiable credential ecosystems, Tomislav demos the very first implementation of ToIPs trust registry specification.

  • Trust Registries Webinar 2021-09-21 Continuum Loop

    • “I dont trust organizations and corporations” where we point out the “decentralize the world” approach goes to far.
    • Phoning home (hint: no it doesnt need to phone home)
    • Where are Holders Authorized? (hint: Knowing if you can trust Bubbas Wallet may be more important…)
    • Canadian Digitial Identities are emerging can startups leverage this?
    • Explain the Role of Government in ecosystems.
    • “Can a third party discover who I trust from a trust registry?”
    • How will interoperability work between trust registries?
  • Decentralized Ecosystem Governance: Better, More Effective, and More Robust than Trust Registries 2022-09-12 Indicio

    Decentralized Ecosystem Governance makes verifying data an easy-to-play game of red light/green light. And, importantly, it decentralizes governance to the appropriate authorities.

  • Trust Registry or Machine-Readable Governance? 2021-09-28 Indicio

    Machine-readable governance is composed of elements that help to establish trust and enable interoperability: trusted participants, schemas (templates for structuring information in a credential), and rules and flows for presenting credentials and verifying them. Machine-readable governance can be hierarchical. Once a governance system is published, other organizations can adopt and then amend or extend the provided system.

  • Trust Frameworks and SSI: An Interview with CULedger on the Credit Union MyCUID Trust Framework Slideshare

    In this webinar, Evernym Chief Trust Officer Drummond Reed, chair of the Sovrin Foundation Trust Framework Working Group, will explain what a trust framework is and why they are are essential to SSI. Then he will interview executives of CULedger, the credit union blockchain consortia, about the MyCUID Trust Framework—the first global trust framework for proving membership in a credit union.

  • Is the Self-Sovereign digital identity the future digital business registry? 2021-12-17 GORAN VRANIC, ANDREJA MARUSIC; WorldBank

    This rapid digitalization of the private sector exposed a challenge in the business registration paradigm. To use private digital platforms for e-Logistics or e-Commerce, SMEs have to register and confirm their identity with these platforms, despite already being identified in the government business registry.