Talao SSI wallet now available on Apple AppStore and Google Play https://medium.com/@talao_io/talao-ssi-wallet-now-available-on-apple-appstore-and-google-play-1435b4a01b1c
* [Evernym Selected as a 2021 Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum](https://www.evernym.com/blog/wef-technology-pioneer/) Evernym
> The 2021 cohort of Tech Pioneers includes many future headline-makers at the forefront of their industries. These companies show great potential to not only shake up their industries but offer real solutions to global problems.
> In our last post we briefly presented Veramo and how it evolved from the [challenges faced with uPort’s libraries](https://medium.com/uport/veramo-uports-open-source-evolution-d85fa463db1f). In this next series of articles we will give Veramo a proper introduction and answer some of the basics: why it exists and what it does, followed by articles describing the architecture in more detail, and how to build applications using[Veramo](https://veramo.io).
## Auth0
* [Verifiable Credentials with Auth0 and MATTR](https://auth0.com/blog/verifiable-credentials-with-auth0-and-mattr/)
> How to issue Verifiable Credentials from Auth0 user data using MATTR's Auth0 Marketplace Integration
* [CULedger partners with decentralized identity innovator Evernym to create MyCUID](https://www.cuinsight.com/press-release/culedger-partners-decentralized-identity-innovator-evernym-create-mycuid) 2018-02-26
> CULedger, builder of innovative blockchain-based products for credit unions and their members, teamed up with Evernym to launch MyCUID, a new consumer-focused digital identity solution. With MyCUID, credit union members can confidently protect themselves from financial fraud and identity theft, while enriching the trusted relationships members have with their credit unions.
* [Digital Identity Innovator Helps Non-Profits Get on the Identity Blockchain](https://globenewswire.com/news-release/2018/09/25/1575928/0/en/Digital-Identity-Innovator-Helps-Non-Profits-Get-on-the-Identity-Blockchain.html) GlobalNewsWire 2018-09-25
>Evernym is opening its Accelerator program to Non Profit Organization (NPOs) applications. Evernym will waive the $50,000 membership fee it normally charges to participate in the program. A panel of judges will select the successful applicants. The first group of awards will be announced before December 2018 and will include 5 organizations. Further NPO cohorts are already planned for 2019.\
>The World Bank estimates over 1 billion persons, usually the most vulnerable, are without formal identity.
* [DIDKit v0.1 is Live.](https://sprucesystems.medium.com/didkit-v0-1-is-live-d0ea6638dbc9) 2021-01-28
> Most other options are subtly locked to a specific blockchain and its particularities, which a self-sovereign identity (SSI) novice is unlikely to notice until months into a project based on it. A few open-source libraries exist to sidestep this infrastructural lock-in, but these are more like primitives for assembling an SSI toolkit than ready-to-go, developer-friendly libraries. DIDKit, on the other hand, is ready to start processing real-world VCs with non-repudiable signatures right out the box.
* [WHY THRIVACY?: Think about it. What did you leave behind when you bought the last round of drinks.](https://www.thrivacy.io/why-thrivacy)
> Your Thrivacy wallet allows you to request all your important, personal information that can be used to identify who you are to be created into what we call verified credentials. Then those same verified credentials or VCs can be downloaded and stored in your own personal wallet that is kept inside your cell phone.
> rLogin allows web application developers to integrate blockchain technologies giving the user the power of data portability. After integrating rLogin you achieve:
* [@ilanolkies](https://twitter.com/ilanolkies) shares: *Okey, so, today I mapped the work done in the last 3 month by [@rif_os](https://twitter.com/rif_os) about Self-Sovereign Identity protocols in a single link [https://github.com/rsksmart/rif-identity](https://github.com/rsksmart/rif-identity). All compatible with existent protocols and fully integrated into [@RSKsmart](https://twitter.com/RSKsmart) blockchain. The future is one step closer.*
* [5 Reasons Why Our NFMe ID is a Game Changer](https://itheum.medium.com/5-reasons-why-our-nfme-id-is-a-game-changer-6e07d704ebae) • [kabnItheum](https://www.itheum.io/)
When “leased out”, the other party can access your personal data — in this manner, the NFMe ID acts as an “authorization key” that allows third parties to use your data in a fair way to generate a shared value between the third party and the owner of the data.
Video: [#MARK Studio - Create tamper-proof, secure and globally verifiable digital credentials instantly](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ZAbiQci1x9w)Dhiway Networks
- [Proof ID and Self Sovereign Identity](https://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/proof-id-and-self-sovereign-identity)by [5ire](https://5ire.org/) we can’t find out much about them
* [Exostar Receives Kantara Initiative’s Identity Assurance Trust Framework Certification](https://www.exostar.com/press/exostar-receives-kantara-initiatives-identity-assurance-tKABNKABNrust-framework-certification-achieves-healthcare-and-life-science-community-milestones/) - Latest Recognition Further Demonstrates Company Protects Customers’ Identity and Personal Data by Complying with NIST 800-63 Standard
> “This is a significant achievement and market differentiator for Exostar. The Kantara assessment and review process is rigorous and approval demonstrates a company’s care and respect for its customers.”
- [Infrastructure Development Winners](https://essif-lab.eu/meet-the-essif-labs-ecosystem-the-infrastructure-development-instrument-first-winners/) including SICPA, Jolocom, Evernym, ValidatedID
* [Wider’s High Assurance Digital Identity Maturity Model](https://wider.team/2021/06/20/widers-high-assurance-digital-identity-maturity-model/)Wider Team 2021-06-20
It starts with IdentityOps embracing high assurance for connected devices. You’re bringing together internal stakeholders from your network management, security, procurement, legal, and device care teams. You’re bringing in clinical outcome quality professionals concerned with data provenance, from clinicians who touch your devices and authenticate through them and authorize them to provide services.
### Gravity Earth
* [Gravity, Tykn advance interoperability of two decentralized ID solutions for the humanitariansector](https://medium.com/gravity-earth/gravity-tykn-advance-interoperability-of-two-decentralized-id-solutions-for-the-humanitarian-sector-899847099d0e)
Gravity and Tykn are pleased to announce our continued collaboration to advance the interoperability of our two distinct decentralized identity solutions for improved identity management in the humanitarian sector.
* [Gimly ID: SSI with OpenID authentication](https://www.loom.com/share/d49e005bb32349d7950022e83d55b944)
About Dick Hardt’s new thing
Gimly ID is leading self-sovereign identity innovation, with the implementation of SSI with self-issued openID provider (SIOPv2) and full support for openID connect and DIF presentation exchange.
* [SSI with OpenID authentication](https://www.loom.com/share/d49e005bb32349d7950022e83d55b944)Gimly ID
* [Talking tech and discussing data on the ‘Tech-Entrepreneur-on-a-Mission’ Podcast](https://blog.digi.me/2021/10/06/talking-tech-and-discussing-data-on-the-tech-entrepreneur-on-a-mission-podcast/)Digi.Me 2021-10-06
Julian describes digi.me’s mission of empowering people with their personal data, as individuals know where all their data is, while they also have “a right for that data”. By having that knowledge and ownership, only individuals have “unlimited usage rights” to unlock the potential data has to be a force for good.
### Entrustient
* [The First No Code Solution for Trusted Decentralized Digital Identity SSI on Redundant Blockchains](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/entrustient-launches-the-first-no-code-solution-for-trusted-decentralized-digital-identity-using-self-sovereign-identity-on-redundant-blockchains-301436112.html)Entrustient
"When building product-market-fit for our platform, we listened constantly to frustrated customers who embraced the concept of SSI, Verifiable Credentials and Blockchains, but who gave up on piecemealing a solution. And the reasons were mostly due to the lack of specialized SSI developers, implementing complex SDK's and code builds, and trying to provision onto blockchain networks,"
### Swisscom
* [Swisscom partners with Orell Füssli for identity](https://www.ledgerinsights.com/swisscom-identity/)Ledger Insights
This isn’t Swisscom Blockchain’s first identity partnership. It also has a relationship with [Adresta](https://www.ledgerinsights.com/swiss-watch-identity-startup-adresta-partners-with-swisscom-blockchain/), which developed a digital identity solution for watches.
* [Merit grabs $50M Series B to expand digital credentials platform](https://techcrunch.com/2022/01/12/merit-grabs-50m-series-b-to-expand-digital-credentials-platform/)TechCrunch 2022-01-12
The company spent the last five years working with various governments to build connectors to these licensing databases to allow third parties to access the data and have it update automatically. So if you are a plumbing company, you can display your employees’ plumbing credentials on the company website and have them update automatically when the license is renewed (or show that it wasn’t).
### Cryptalk
* [CrypTalk](https://www.cryptalk.app/)is a messaging service designed to bring together verified projects and potential investors by creating a safe and secure crypto space. Crypto projects undergo thorough verifications and a number of security measures before being verified by CrypTalk.
* [How the convergence of SSI and AI can give people back control over their identity](https://corporate-blog.global.fujitsu.com/fgb/2022-04-20/02/)FUJITSU BLOG
As for the near future, Fujitsu envisions enhancing the distributed identity, data privacy, and consent management platform, which would open up all of the benefits described in this article on an as-a-Service basis to any player.
* [Fujitsu declares success in trial of self-sovereign ID for students with university](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202204/fujitsu-declares-success-in-trial-of-self-sovereign-id-for-students-with-university)Biometric Updates
To resolve the complications, Fujitsu says it collaborated with the Keio Research Institute at SFC on a digital identity technology in September 2021, which resulted in an identity conversion gateway that enables multiple identity infrastructures to be interconnected without using a unified protocol.
### Civic
* [Civic Secure Identity Users: Say Hello to Civic Wallet](https://www.civic.com/blog/civic-secure-identity-is-now-civic-wallet/)just this week they released a new wallet.
Now, we’re making [Civic Pass available to developers everywhere](https://docs.civic.com/). The idea is that developers can plug Civic Pass into their platform and create an identity layer that allows for a permissioned dApp platform, be it a DEX, an NFT marketplace or mint, a metaverse, or who knows what else you’ll come up with.
### Omidyar
* [Corporations, Capital Markets, & the Common Good — How We’re Working to Reorient the Rules and Rebalance Power in Our Economy](https://omidyarnetwork.medium.com/corporations-capital-markets-the-common-good-how-were-working-to-reorient-the-rules-and-f54feeb9617d)Omidiyar
> as part of our commitment to [Reimagining Capitalism](https://omidyar.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Guide-Design_V12_JTB05_interactive-1.pdf), Omidyar Network is committing $10 million to a new focus area: Corporations, Capital Markets, and the Common Good. The vision for this work is to reshape the rules that govern markets to incentivize corporations and their investors to contribute to the common good, curb the pressures that drive businesses to contribute to negative outcomes on people and the planet, and empower stakeholders to hold companies accountable for their impacts on society.
* [Lessons in Good Leadership for Good ID](https://medium.com/omidyar-network/lessons-in-good-leadership-for-good-id-52a79dd69cf2)Omidyar Network
Insights from a year-long evaluation of our Digital Identity program
### Bloom
* [Bloom Attestation Service migrating to Verifiable Credentials](https://bloom.co/blog/migration-from-attestation-service-to-verified-credentials/)Bloom
> To transition fully to the W3C VC standard, Bloom decided to deprecate the proprietary attestation format and adopt the new open VC standard. The transition will fulfill the vision of giving Bloom users complete, secure control of their private data, while allowing interoperability with the rest of the VC ecosystem.
* [Bloom Integrates with Plaid to Enable Verifiable Credentials](https://bloom.co/blog/bloom-integrates-with-plaid-to-enable-verifiable-credentials/)
> Bloom is excited to announce an integration with [Plaid](https://plaid.com/), a data network that powers the digital financial ecosystem. The Plaid integration gives Bloom the ability to offer consumer-permissioned, traditional financial data for better risk assessment through [OnRamp](https://onramp.co/).
* [Bloom OnRamp Has Arrived](https://bloom.co/blog/bloom-onramp-has-arrived/)
Beyond OnRamp’s direct data integrations, the platform also supports the ability for third party credentials to enter the OnRamp platform via the WACI specification
### Block
* [Square, Inc. Changes Name to Block](https://squareup.com/us/en/press/square-changes-name-to-block)
Block is a new name, but our purpose of economic empowerment remains the same.
5 years after establishing Decentralized Identity at Microsoft, where I had the opportunity to work with great folks developing open source DID infrastructure (e.g. ION), standards, and products, I am joining Square to lead Decentralized Identity.
* [The Benefits of Automating Your Employees’ Identity Verification](https://authenteq.com/the-benefits-of-automating-your-employees-identity-verification/)
* [DM Note #6 — Building the Spatial Justice Mission](https://provocations.darkmatterlabs.org/dm-note-6-building-the-spatial-justice-mission-3b3fc6b11db5)DarkMatter Labs
Self-sovereign objects are are self-executing and self-owning; capable of determining their own lifecycle to maximise material utility and performance whilst minimizing negative environmental impacts. Augmented by sensing capabilities and the ability to autonomously execute smart contracts, material objects could continuously monitor their own performance and contract for their maintenance, repair or recycling.
### Elastos
* [Elastos DID: What’s Ahead for 2021](https://news.elastos.org/elastos-did-whats-ahead-for-2021/)
> Tuum Tech is working on an Elastos DID-based application called Profile, a rising competitor to LinkedIn – in large part by leveraging Elastos DIDs. Unlike in conventional applications where data and identities are managed and controlled by centralized systems, users will retain full ownership of their data when using Profile.
### Tru
* [Tru.net](https://www.tru.net/)is live and ready for communities/users
> If you are looking for an alternative to Facebook that uses DIDs as its foundation and other protocols that are free to use ([JLINC](https://www.jlinc.com/) Kaliya highly recommend Tru.net
### IDPro
* [CIDPRO™ – Certified Identity Professional – program](https://idpro.org/cidpro/)
> - Basic elements of an identity solution
> - Identifiers, identity lifecycle, and identity proofing
> - Security for identity
> - Rules and standards
> - Operational considerations
### IDWorks
* [IDWorks turned to Tarmac to help accelerate their mobile app and backend development](https://www.tarmac.io/case-study/idworks.html)
> Having decided to build their "Envoy" solution on the R3 Corda platform, finding affordable development resources with the right technical skills was proving difficult. Corda certified developers are extremely thin-on-the-ground and if you find a qualified engineer, they can be difficult and costly to recruit
### ShareRing
* [Blockchain platform enables users to pay for Viator experiences with crypto](https://cointelegraph.com/news/you-can-now-pay-for-400-000-viator-tourism-experiences-with-crypto)
> The ShareRing platform, built on Tendermint, will allow users to book, register, and pay for Viator’s 395,000 global activities and experiences, using local fiat currencies or major crypto assets, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ether (ETH), and its native SharePay token (SHRP).
> The platform uses the ShareRing ID system to ensure that sensitive personal and financial information is securely handled, and has contact tracing features to help with tourism safety during the pandemic.
* [ShareRing Unites with China’s International Blockchain-based Service Network (BSN)](https://blog.sharering.network/sharering-unites-with-chinas-international-blockchain-based-service-network-bsn/)
> BSN aggregates their technology partners’ services into their cloud-based ecosystem to make them all accessible to any company or developer that wishes to use them, with very low monthly access fees starting at just $20. Their “plug and play” approach eliminates the need for hiring or outsourcing highly specialized developers, who are in short supply due to high demand in this industry.
> One of the most exciting benefits of ShareRing’s integration with BSN’s global ecosystem is how effortless it will be for companies to incorporate our products and services without requiring ShareRing’s assistance with development and integration.
### Gluu
* [Gluu vs. Keycloak](https://www.gluu.org/blog/gluu-vs-keycloak/)Mike Swartz talks about the difference between his product Gluu and Keycloak, which he describes as a less stable project that shouldn’t be used in production environments.
### Talao
* [Talao, the brand new Self-Sovereign Identity Wallet](https://www.mcryptoz.com/blockchain-news/talao-the-new-self-sovereign-identity-wallet-gives-consumers-control-over-their-personal-digital-data-blockchain-news-opinion-tv-and-jobs.html)MCryptoZ
Blockchain-based Digital Identity specialist Talao, a Paris-based startup which focuses on Self-Sovereign Identity options and blockchain-based options is the developer of the primary French smartphone pockets for Self-Sovereign Identity. The firm simply introduced the provision of its new id pockets for all cellular customers in Europe.
* [Talao SSI wallet now available on Apple AppStore and Google Play](https://medium.com/@talao_io/talao-ssi-wallet-now-available-on-apple-appstore-and-google-play-1435b4a01b1c)
* [Blockchains in HR: Prosoon and Talao go together on SSI and HR credentials](https://medium.com/@talao_io/blockchains-in-hr-prosoon-and-talao-go-together-on-ssi-and-hr-credentials-3b92968011fe)
insights on what IAMX does, how can users and telcos can benefit from it, and why would users be interested in and trust IAMX. Later we talked about the recording and securing of biometric information. IAMX is having an ISPO
### Zetrix
* [Zetrix Paving the Way with Recent W3C Recommendation of Decentralised Identifiers (DIDs) as the New Identity Standard](https://www.techtimes.com/articles/278724/20220802/zetrix-paving-the-way-with-recent-w3c-recommendation-of-decentralised-identifiers-dids-as-the-new-identity-standard.htm)TechTimes
> Zetrix recently announced their [partnership with Xinghuo BIF](https://beincrypto.com/xinghuo-bif-and-zetrix-jointly-introduce-web3-services/), the national blockchain of China that is supported by all levels of the Chinese government. Xinghuo BIF is already running at a scale that allows it to process 94 million identifiers daily, and ZID will act as the international extension of Xinghuo's on-chain signing service known as Spark.
### Vereign
### Publish
* [PUBLISH pitches world’s first decentralized identity solution for journalists to International Federation of Journalists](https://medium.com/publishprotocol/publish-pitches-worlds-first-decentralized-identity-solution-for-journalists-to-international-abaaad0362a5)
PUBLISH CEO Sonny Kwon gave an overview of a press ID app PUBLISH is building in collaboration with the Journalists Association of Korea (JAK). He explained that the mobile application, which leverages decentralized identity (DID) technology to manage press credentials, would help the JAK combat misinformation and reduce administrative costs associated with its current press credentialing process.
* [PUBLISH to launch ‘PUBLISHiD’, blockchain-based authentication application, in September](https://medium.com/publishprotocol/publish-to-launch-publishid-blockchain-based-authentication-application-in-september-6b0394852fb3)
PUBLISHiD users will further be able to assemble collections of verifiable credentials from one or more issuers into a single[verifiable presentation](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/#dfn-verifiable-presentations). Other features include DAuth-based authentication, single-sign on (SSO), and an agent ID service capable of handling the management of and security between credential issuers and verifiers.
* [Ontology Builds on Polkadot to Accelerate Adoption Of Decentralized Identity Solution](https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/ontology-builds-on-polkadot-to-accelerate-adoption-of-decentralized-identity-solution-acf7b8357ee) Ontology
> Ontology is bringing Ont ID to Polkadot users, as part of an initiative to bringing OScore, their DID based credit scoring solution, to their own Polkadot parachain.
* [OScore: Everything You Need to Know](https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/oscore-everything-you-need-to-know-57aa88b7b96f) 2020-09-10Ontology Network
> an independent on-chain reputation system, generated using on-chain data including your ONT ID, engagements, assets, and credentials.[...]
> Your[OScore](https://www.ocredit.io/)is based on data authorized by you and is updated to reflect changes in behavior and lending practices.
> OScore is not associated with your off-chain identities. In other words, it respects user privacy and supports full anonymity.
* [Ontology Partners With 4EVERLAND to Accelerate Web 3.0 Adoption](https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/ontology-partners-with-4everland-to-accelerate-web-3-0-adoption-dfc658e8ea21)
> Ontology is partnering with[4EVERLAND](https://www.4everland.org/), a Web 3.0 cloud computing platform enabling global acceleration, privacy protection, distributed storage and other technical features to accelerate the move towards Web 3.0.
* [Multi-Cloud orchestration makes identity work](https://idramp.com/multi-cloud-orchestration-makes-identity-work/) 2022-07-19IDRamp
> It’s called decentralized identity orchestration and brings with it uniform security controls and functionality to your applications, services, and clouds. And built using open source and open standards, it establishes vendor neutrality, provides superior agility for continuous digital transformation, and propels digital business forward.
* [Ubikom Project](https://www.ubikom.cc)
> Ubikom is free, open-source email framework based on the concept of[Self-Sovereign Identity.](https://sovrin.org/faq/what-is-self-sovereign-identity/)You own your identity (which, in this case, means your private key), and all the outgoing and incoming messages are encrypted and signed by default.
## Tezos Profiles - Spruce
* [Announcing the Tezos Profiles Alpha Launch](https://sprucesystems.medium.com/announcing-the-tezos-profiles-alpha-launch-7e889de2f6c3) 2021-05-28 Spruce Systems
> We encourage users to start creating and launching their profiles as we begin integrating Tezos Profiles support across the Tezos ecosystem. Currently, we are focused exclusively on publicly available information and accounts to avoid privacy issues.
* [Announcing Tezos Profiles - Own and Control Your Creator Identity](https://sprucesystems.medium.com/announcing-tezos-profiles-own-and-control-your-creator-identity-ec0eddf9706d) 2021-04-27Spruce Systems
> Spruce is excited to announce the upcoming launch of Tezos Profiles (TZP) in early May. TZP is a web application that helps users regain control of their digital identity for use across platforms. It allows users to create portable verified profiles by demonstrating control over their public social media and by self-attesting information. These verified profiles are then linked to Tezos acco
* [Decentralized identities on Stacks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GY113ANamz0)
> Join Ryder (Stacks grantee, creating a decentralized hardware wallet) in discussing their protocol, product, and growth and how it innovates Stacks DIDs.
* [Nomadic Labs Research Seminars #20 - Self-Sovereign Identity and Storage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HombbTvvets)
> In this talk, Wayne reviews the results of support with Tezos addresses, use cases that have been deployed, Tezos DID methods and Tezos profiles. Wayne also gives an overview of the Trail of Bits audit.
### Identos
* [Identos builds Verifiable Credentials into updated federated digital ID API](https://www.biometricupdate.com/202209/identos-builds-verifiable-credentials-into-updated-federated-digital-id-api) 2022-09Biometric Update
> The new FPX Junction cloud software suite is designed for fine-grained API authorization and user-centric digital identity management. The digital wallet and user-managed access 2.0 authorization server work together to enable single-sign on federation. An optional user interface SDK for the digital wallet provides native mobile and web support.
* [IDENTOS puts developers first in its latest product release](https://www.identos.com/2022/09/07/identos-puts-developers-first-in-its-latest-product-release/) 2022-09-07
> FPX Junction is a cloud-based set of software products which provide fine-grained API authorization and user centric identity management capabilities.
> Verifiable Credentials Support – Evolving to support Verifiable Credentials, FPX Junction includes an updated digital wallet API which enables the holding, receiving and presentation of [W3C Verifiable Credentials](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/)using W3C Decentralized Identifiers. FPX Junction meets requirements for [Aries Interop Profile 2.0](https://aries-interop.info/aries-interop-intro.html)and [DIDComm](https://identity.foundation/didcomm-messaging/spec/)based credential exchanges.
### Zada
* [We are now officially live in Myanmar!](https://zada.io/we-are-now-officially-live-in-myanmar/)
ZADA apps are all launched and our first digital ID – a COVIDPASS – is being issued by Pun Hlaing Hospitals to everyone who gets vaccinated.
## more
* [A trusted internet. Easy and secure. For everyone.](https://esatus.com/solutions/self-self-sovereign-identity/?lang=en)Enabled by digital credentials and SSI technology.
> Already today, credentials are being used in a wide variety of applications, such as a digital identity card, a work permit or a test certificate. We would like to explain the functionality and potential use cases for credentials by following our protagonist called Sam, who has just completed a Covid-19 rapid test.
## Transmute
* [Encoding Trust that Travels with Data — A New Product Introduction Case Study Powered by Solutions Design with Transmute](https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/encoding-trust-that-travels-with-data-a-new-product-introduction-case-study-powered-by-solutions-a4be7e80bfdf)
> underpinned by GS1 as a root of trust in the network — continuing a rich history for GS1 in this role. GS1 licenses and identifiers are and will continue to be at the foundation of trusting products and companies. Combining current practices with verifiable credential, decentralized identifier, and[GS1 Digital Link](https://www.gs1us.org/industries/emerging-topics/gs1-digital-link)standards disambiguating products builds business reputation for just-in-time engagement while keeping information up to date.
> [Verifiable Credentials](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-use-cases/)are a new web standard for proving things digitally, thanks to some clever cryptography. We are building Community Credentials to be the ‘Know Your Co-operator’ equivalent of KYC (Know Your Customer for business) for co-op social trust, all without reliance on centralised providers (or blockchains).
* [Ontology Collaborates With The Block To Uncover The Decentralized Identity Industry](https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/ontology-collaborates-with-the-block-to-uncover-the-decentralized-identity-industry-1c2c51d02df0)
> Ning Hu, CTO of Ontology, spoke at a panel titled “The State of Decentralized Identity Solutions” in association with [The Block](https://www.theblockcrypto.com/), [...] accompanied by experts in the field of digital identity, Daniel Buchner, Senior PM of Decentralized Identity at Microsoft, and Tobias Fox, Co-founder of Serto. The discussion delved into how digital identity applies to everything from financial services to upskilling workforces, and how blockchain infrastructure can be utilized to lay the trust framework for decentralized identity solutions.
* [What is Self-Sovereign Identity? #AllYouNeedToKnowAbout OmniOne Series](https://medium.com/@RaonSecure/what-is-self-sovereign-identity-allyouneedtoknowabout-omnione-series-f51887d34be8) 2021-04-28RAON
> OmniOne comes from the willingness to help transition from a service-centric identity to the self-sovereign identity paradigm, empowering anyone to control their identity in a highly secure manner while providing mutual benefits to the participants of its ecosystem.
## Tangle Labs
* [Identity Manager – Self Sovereign Identity made Simple](https://tanglelabs.io/identity-manager-self-sovereign-identity-made-simple/)TangleLabs
By producing an accessible, open-source wrapper library, Tangle Labs provides any business or development team the opportunity to easily explore SSI and to test and prototype solutions that can bring added value to your business.
> What is decentralized identity? How does it give you more control over your digital identity and keep your information on the internet safer? This video explains in short what decentralized identity is and how it can replace usernames and passwords to verify you are who you say you are quickly and easily.
* [Changing the Game with Self-Sovereign Identity](https://eblockchainconvention.com/changing-the-game-with-self-sovereign-identity/) EblockchainConvention ValidatedID
> The EBC team had an insightful conversation with Ivan Basart, CTO at Validated ID, on how Self-Sovereign Identity technology is the ultimate solution to identity problems on the web.
* [IDENTOS prepares customers for verifiable credentials](https://www.identos.ca/identos-prepares-customers-for-verifiable-credentials/)Identos
> Rather than trying to paste everything and everyone together, the path forward to help build trusted ecosystems relies on interoperability and leveraging existing assets while positioning the user in a disintermediated model of control and agency — possible with FPX and verifiable credentials.
* [DID 101: A Brief Introduction to What Makes Ontology Special](https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/did-101-a-brief-introduction-to-what-makes-ontology-special-bdaeae832f35)
* [Use the Okta CLI to Build Secure Python Apps](https://developer.okta.com/blog/2022/07/27/python-okta)Okta 2022-07-27
> - Teach you how to create your first application
> - Learn about authentication and authorization credentials
> - Set up hosted authentication with Okta and try it out
* [Introducing the Auth0 Research Program](https://auth0.com/blog/introducing-the-auth0-research-program/)auth0
> give direct input towards our product improvements and be the first choice for research recruiting opportunities.
* [This is how GATACA achieves blockchain interoperability](https://gataca.io/blog/this-is-how-gataca-achieves-blockchain-interoperability)
> blockchain agnosticism is possible due to our DID registry component: all incoming activity is delegated to the DID registry with specific connections to each blockchain so that the rest of our technology components do not have to participate in the process. Other components need not know where the information persists from; they delegate that special knowledge to the DID registry and continue to perform their regular activities as usual.
* [UNISOT ID – Part 1](https://unisot.com/unisot-id/)
> Since identity is such a central part of society, UNISOT, through its UNISOT ID service, offers our customers control over their data. Under self-sovereign identity model users who have one or more identifiers (something that enables a subject to be discovered and identified) can present claims relating to those identifiers without having to go through an intermediary. In the following sections we will outline how SSI can change the way you interact with others on the Internet as well as in the real world.
- [Announcing Ethereum Profiles 1.0.0 isLive](https://medium.com/3box/announcing-ethereum-profiles-1-0-0-is-live-f0316e15ce23) - How to get started using 3Box profiles today😄
> Ethereum Profiles makes it simple for users to create a reusable profile for their Ethereum address which can easily be shared with dapps to simplify the onboarding experience and create a more frictionless, social web3 dapp ecosystem. Ethereum Profiles allows Ethereum users to collect and control their information on the distributed web using their existing Ethereum wallets.
* [Ethereum studio ConsenSys launches digital IDs and assets secured on Ubuntu phones](http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/ethereum-studio-consensys-launches-internet-people-digital-ids-assets-secured-unbuntu-phones-1542620)
* [Year in Review. What's to come in 2018](https://medium.com/uport/uport-year-in-review-whats-to-come-in-2018-15ccb9214439)
* [Different Approaches to Ethereum Identity Standards](https://medium.com/uport/different-approaches-to-ethereum-identity-standards-a09488347c87)

* [uPort donates code to the Decentralized Identity Foundation](https://medium.com/decentralized-identity/uport-donates-code-to-the-decentralized-identity-foundation-349d4740acbd)
### Jolocom

* [Jolocom](http://jolocom.com/)
* a "SmartWallet" for everyone to own their personal digital identity, using [Social Linked Data](https://github.com/solid/solid-spec), WebID, and verifiable claims standards via Ethereum smart contracts.
* [A universal identity layer we can only build together](https://stories.jolocom.com/a-universal-identity-layer-we-can-only-build-together-e297ed5ae4ed)
- [Introducing: Element](https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/introducing-element-328b4260e757) - The Sidetree Protocol Implemented on Ethereum
- [Encrypted Data Vaults](https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/encrypted-data-vaults-c794055b170e)
- [Verifiable Credentials with Transmute and Otaka](https://medium.com/transmute-techtalk/verifiable-credentials-with-transmute-and-okta-574edaec887b)
# Winners
* [NGIatlantic.eu third Open Call: applications and winning proposals!](https://ngiatlantic.eu/news/ngiatlanticeu-third-open-call-applications-and-winning-proposals)
* [Digi.me is a Health Tech Challengers finalist!](https://blog.digi.me/2021/10/05/digi-me-is-a-health-tech-challengers-finalist/) 2021-10-05
Digi.me has been specifically designed to solve the current complexities and challenges around data mobility, which include difficulty of sourcing, variable quality, multiple incompatible formats and the need to apply complex and extensive data analytics to gain insights.
It does this through digi.me Private Sharing (TM), which enables and accelerates access to rich, high quality personal data, transforming and normalising data which also reduces analytics complexity.
### Indicio
* [Indicio-SITA Pilot Named 2021 Enterprise Blockchain Award Finalist](https://indicio.tech/indicio-sita-pilot-named-2021-enterprise-blockchain-award-finalist/)
* [Indicio](https://indicio.tech/), the world’s leading provider of decentralized identity development and hosting solutions and [SITA](https://www.sita.aero/), the leading provider of IT to the air transport industry, today announced they were finalists in the Blockchain Services Award: Tools & Middleware category in the [Blockchain Research Institute](https://www.blockchainresearchinstitute.org/enterprise-blockchain-awards/)’s [Enterprise Blockchain Awards](https://blockchainrevolutionglobal.com/the-eb-awards/)(EBAs). The partnership was recognized for their work on the [Aruba Secure Health Card](https://www.sita.aero/resources/videos/happy-traveler-card/), a successful pilot for sharing health information in a privacy-preserving way using distributed ledger technology that debuted earlier in the year with the assistance of the Aruba Health Department.
* [Indicio CTO Named 2021 Enterprise Blockchain Award Finalist](https://indicio.tech/indicio-cto-named-2021-enterprise-blockchain-award-finalist/)
Ken Ebert nominated in Blockchain Leadership Award category for vision and leadership in developing interoperable blockchain-based Trusted Data Ecosystems
The Blockchain Leadership awards honor people who have shown exceptional leadership in a blockchain collaboration or implementation within an enterprise, an industry, a government, or a multi stakeholder organization. The nominees are those that have gone above and beyond
* [Affinidi PoCathon 2021 — Announcing the Winners](https://academy.affinidi.com/affinidi-pocathon-2021-announcing-the-winners-40b2a5a79fa4)
- 1st Prize:[AED Access](https://devpost.com/software/aed-access), Dave McKay, enables authorized access the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) devices.
- 2nd prize goes to[YouNo](https://devpost.com/software/you-no), Alan Wang, uses VCs to give sex workers protection to prevent the spread of sexually transmittable diseases.
- 1st prize:[Daver Proxy](https://devpost.com/software/daver-proxy), simulates a corporate proxy creation. This proxy can be used to designate a person who is authorized to act on behalf of the company.
- 2nd prize:[RippleFund](https://devpost.com/software/ripplefund)by Callista and Carey. This project used Affinidi’s API to make crowdfunding accessible to and trusted by the public
Open category
- 1st prize:[TransportHub](https://devpost.com/software/transportation-hub-lorry-receipt-issuer), Priyanka Pol, Nita Hinge, Madhusudan J, Tanvi Lokhande, and Mandar Tawde who came together to revolutionize the future of trucking and logistics with verifiable credentials. The team wins USD 2,500 worth ETH.P
- 2nd prize:[The Hospitality Manager](https://devpost.com/software/the-hospitality-manager),Arnav Ladkat and Aamir Miyajiwala, protects travelers’ privacy and help them travel light when visiting hotels for vacation or business.
- 3rd prize: David Bensadon, used VCs helping[migrant domestic workers to build up their CV](https://devpost.com/software/yhgt), so they can have a thriving career, better salaries, and quick access to third-party services.
> Rabobank won with a demonstration of their Identity Wallet app, along with their Identity API. Their Pilot projects are “Pilot with WorkPi” and a Credential Catalogue with TNO. If you want to know more about Rabobank ID [check out this interview of Rabobank’s David Lamars, from Tykn](https://tykn.tech/rabobank-ssi/).
odyssey TNO; Rabobank Odyssey Momentum 2020 Winners Announced Rabobank won with a demonstration of their Identity Wallet app, along with their Identity API. Their Pilot projects are “Pilot with WorkPi” and a Credential Catalogue with TNO. https://solutions.odyssey.org/hackathon-2020-dutch-blockchain-coalition-ministry-of-the-interior-challenge-self-sovereign-identity-in-action/
Another winner was [Lunarpunk Labs](https://lunarpunklabs.hackalong.io/) with Hermitage, a GDPR compliant data store, putting users in control of their data and derisking organizational need for safekeeping that data.
ODYSSI was also chosen, offering a simple API for verifying and issuance of credentials, that interoperates with IRMA, Jolocom, and eSatus. They also shared what they’re calling *the yellow pages of SSI*, which is a place to publish and find credentials, schema, pricing, and liability. (*if you can find a link for ODYSSI please pass it on!*)
Last but not least [WORK PI](https://twitter.com/WorkPi_official) shares an alternative to LinkedIn, holding your diplomas, certificates, assessments, peer reviews, or references in your WorkPi Data Profile.
* [Watch the finale of the SSI track at Odyssey here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHhzJpDTEMs)
* [See the winners across all 21 challenges](https://solutions.odyssey.org/#winningsolutions).