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@ -42,6 +42,12 @@ last_modified_at: 2023-06-09
### EU General Data Protection Regulation Act
* [Self-Sovereign Privacy By Design](https://github.com/sovrin-foundation/protocol/blob/master/self_sovereign_privacy_by_design_v1.md)
* [Giving people the privacy protection they need in the coming decade](https://sovrin.org/gdpr-paper/)
> Sovrin Foundation makes the case that self-sovereign identity is the most flexible system for handling data privacy as regulations are adopted in different jurisdictions and evolve to meet changing local needs over the next decade. The paper examines how GDPR applies to participants in a blockchain network and addresses recent guidance from EU regulators and the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés.
> * [Innovation Meets ComplianceData Privacy Regulation and Distributed Ledger Technology](https://sovrin.org/wp-content/uploads/GDPR-Paper_V1.pdf)
### Privacy by Design
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ sidebar:
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categories: ["Open Source Projects"]
tags: ["Sovrin Foundation","Verifiable Organizations Network","Verifiable Credentials","IBM","Evernym","Indy","RDF","IOT","Hyperledger Foundation","Adoption","Blockchain","Aries","Accenture","Consensys","Cisco","Ethereum Enterprise Alliance","CULedger","Truu","Tykn","Ursa","ATB","IOTA","UNSDGs","MyData"]
last_modified_at: 2023-06-04
last_modified_at: 2023-06-12
**Protocol, Governance, Education, Ecosystem**
@ -45,90 +45,101 @@ last_modified_at: 2023-06-04
> This is the official SDK for Hyperledger Indy, which provides a distributed-ledger-based foundation for self-sovereign identity. Indy provides a software ecosystem for private, secure, and powerful identity, and the Indy SDK enables clients for it. The major artifact of the SDK is a C-callable library; there are also convenience wrappers for various programming languages and Indy CLI tool.
## About
* [Hyperledger Welcomes Project Indy](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2017/05/02/hyperledger-welcomes-project-indy) - ANN
* [The Rise of Self-Sovereign Identity - Hyperledger Indy](https://wso2.com/blog/research/the-rise-of-self-sovereign-identity-hyperledger-indy)
* [Blockchain for Business](https://www.edx.org/professional-certificate/linuxfoundationx-blockchain-for-business) Linux Foundation, may be freely audited and has a section about Indy.
> 2–4 hours per week, for 10 weeks. A primer to blockchain, distributed ledgers and Hyperledger technologies.
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/a0dpDtr.png"/>
* [An overview of Self-Sovereign Identity: the use case at the core of Hyperledger Indy](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2019/05/01/an-overview-of-self-sovereign-identity-the-use-case-at-the-core-of-hyperledger-indy)
* [Strengthening Hyperledger Indy and Self-Sovereign Identity](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2019/07/18/strengthening-hyperledger-indy-and-self-sovereign-identity) 2019-07-08
> Forrester’s recent “[Top Recommendations for Your Security Program, 2019](https://www.forrester.com/report/Top+Recommendations+For+Your+Security+Program+2019/-/E-RES151535),” testifies to this, describing SSI as a “win” for customers and businesses, and urged chief information security officers (CISO) to “Empower your customers to control their own identities via self-sovereign identity.”
> They can do this because exchanging verifiable digital credentials is at the heart of SSI. This ends the need for massive data silos, honeypots, and unsecured data repositories housed at countless corporations and organizations. Instead, anyone can hold secure and verifiable information about themselves
* [An overview of Self-Sovereign Identity: the use case at the core of Hyperledger Indy](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2019/05/01/an-overview-of-self-sovereign-identity-the-use-case-at-the-core-of-hyperledger-indy) 2019-05-01
> Credential issuers, holders, and verifiers are peers on an SSI network. Any person or organization can play any or all of the roles, creating a decentralized system for the exchange of trustworthy, digital credentials.
> - Credential issuers determine what credentials to issue, what the credential means, and how they’ll validate the information they put in the credential.
> - Credential holders determine what credentials they need and which they’ll employ in workflows to prove things about themselves.
> - Credential verifiers determine what credentials to accept, and which issuers to trust.
* [Strengthening Hyperledger Indy and Self-Sovereign Identity](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2019/07/18/strengthening-hyperledger-indy-and-self-sovereign-identity)
> Forrester’s recent “[Top Recommendations for Your Security Program, 2019](https://www.forrester.com/report/Top+Recommendations+For+Your+Security+Program+2019/-/E-RES151535),” testifies to this, describing SSI as a “win” for customers and businesses, and urged chief information security officers (CISO) to “Empower your customers to control their own identities via self-sovereign identity.”
> They can do this because exchanging verifiable digital credentials is at the heart of SSI. This ends the need for massive data silos, honeypots, and unsecured data repositories housed at countless corporations and organizations. Instead, anyone can hold secure and verifiable information about themselves
* [Hyperledger Indy Explainer Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnO2L6WoqD0) Hyperledger Foundation
> Individuals will not have to rely on big organizations to store and share their personal data. Instead the user controls what data they want to provide access to and for how long.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity with Hyperledger Indy\Sovrin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfyIZu3_fw8) Calvin Cheng - FOSSASIA 2018
> Implementing a public, permissioned blockchain for online digital identities.
* [Sovrin: Public, Permissioned and Still Decentralized](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVHJiUrHv2A&app=desktop) Nathan George
* [Sovrin: Public, Permissioned and Still Decentralized](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVHJiUrHv2A&app=desktop) 2018-12-17 Nathan George
> Lighting talk with Nathan George (Sovrin CTO) taking the audience through a high-level look at the Sovrin DLT, how it can be public/permissioned yet still decentralized, and why this is right for identity solutions.
* [Hyperledger Indy Explainer Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnO2L6WoqD0) 2018-12-06 Hyperledger Foundation
> Individuals will not have to rely on big organizations to store and share their personal data. Instead the user controls what data they want to provide access to and for how long.
* [Self-Sovereign Identity with Hyperledger Indy\Sovrin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfyIZu3_fw8) 2018-05-26 Calvin Cheng FOSSASIA 2018
> Implementing a public, permissioned blockchain for online digital identities.
* [Implementing Privacy by Design in Hyperledger Indy](https://www.infoq.com/news/2018/09/Hyperledger-Indy-Privacy) 2018-09 Infoq
> Hyperledger Indy has been built using a privacy first approach. As the world shifts to more regulation, including GDPR and ePrivacy requirements, Indy can minimize the amount of details a user shares when having their data validated by a third-party system.
* [Privacy by Design in Hyperledger Indy](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2018/09/12/privacy-by-design-in-hyperledger-indy) 2018-09-12 Hyperledger Foundation
> Hyperledger Indy’s approach to privacy includes elliptic curve cryptography, [pairwise DIDs](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hnQPEdfmAG-DnXGrDXowjc5J571pK7Ub4bWkUlzrH1Y/edit), [semi-trusted agents](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1H7KKccqYB-2l8iknnSlGt7T_sBPLb9rfTkL-waSCux0/edit#slide=id.g2f2a8bc547_0_0), [agent-to-agent communication](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-hipe/blob/35c9a8fda2011763d85df2a57bccc67bcdc28760/text/transport-layer-messaging/README.md) using techniques such as [libsodium’s sealed box](https://download.libsodium.org/doc/public-key_cryptography/sealed_boxes.html) and [authenticated encryption](https://download.libsodium.org/doc/public-key_cryptography/authenticated_encryption.html), zero-knowledge proofs, a separation between credentials and proofs, [privacy-preserving credential revocation](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-hipe/blob/4fd9db5801f24f4e9ec122db98d4f725a394617c/text/0011-cred-revocation/README.md) features, an [affinity for data and key storage at the edge](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tcz06KtmnTysW38qT5K_oVzsWV9TjQFR4No9rRJEGFA/edit#heading=h.26in1rg), and a [carefully constructed wallet interface](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-hipe/blob/36d3eddf4213b3a5f4bc9355cd6a645e819b1f31/text/wallets/README.md) that manages personal secrets with industry best practices. In addition, privacy-preserving [agent (device) revocation](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-sdk/blob/677a0439487a1b7ce64c2e62671ed3e0079cc11f/doc/design/005-dkms/DKMS%20Design%20and%20Architecture%20V3.md#92-policy-registries) has been demonstrated as a proof of concept.
* [Blockchain for Business](https://www.edx.org/professional-certificate/linuxfoundationx-blockchain-for-business) 2018-07-10 Linux Foundation
> 2–4 hours per week, for 10 weeks. A primer to blockchain, distributed ledgers and Hyperledger technologies.
* [The Rise of Self-Sovereign Identity - Hyperledger Indy](https://wso2.com/blog/research/the-rise-of-self-sovereign-identity-hyperledger-indy) 2018-07-03 WSO2
> You can store your identities in a location where you can edit or delete them. After giving the location of your identities, the Indy platform lists your location with a globally identifiable name. When someone wants to read your identity data, the Indy platform points out the location of your identities. Let’s look into the details of how it works.
* [Hyperledger Welcomes Project Indy](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2017/05/02/hyperledger-welcomes-project-indy) 2017-05-02 {ANN)
> Indy is all about giving identity owners independent control of their personal data and relationships. Indy is built so that the owner of the identity is structurally part of transactions made about that identity. Pairwise identifiers not only prevent correlation, but they stop third parties from transacting without the identity owner taking part since the identity owner is the only place pairwise identifiers can be correlated.
### Working Group
* [Hyperledger Identity Working Group-paper](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ExFNRx-yYoS8FnDIUX1_0UBMha9TvQkfts2kVnDc4KE/edit#heading=h.7noli5fp1i70)
* [HyperledgerIndyWGCall_2018-12-06](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1166XpTM8WgZVMN2ca53CRCJapZlAeUhM/view) Discussion of VON and Plenum Docs (w info-graphics)
* [Hyperledger Indy Working Group Calls](https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1AwHWN95KmSEi5fijraID0tFFMzYHoMwt?ogsrc=32)
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/a0dpDtr.png"/>
## Development
* [Hyperledger completes development of DID:Indy Method and advances toward a network of networks](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2022/05/02/hyperledger-identity-community-completes-development-of-didindy-method-and-advances-toward-a-network-of-networks) 2022-05-02 Linux Foundation, Howland & Bluhm
> With the groundwork complete, networks and agent frameworks now need to incorporate the Indy:DID Method. This community adoption will increase the viability of the Indy and Aries project stack and position it to be the globally dominant way to issue and share verifiable credentials in a multi-ledger world.
* [Building a Hyperledger Indy Network](https://iiw.idcommons.net/1H/_Building_a_Hyperledger_Indy_Network_-_Questions,_discussion,_etc.) 2021-05-06 Lynn Bendixsen IIW
* [Slides](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sUG4297GiRcUdu4aqQnc0Op0LMhbwiqy9LIAINHfSFQ/edit#slide=id.p1)
* Creating your own Indy network:
* High level: [Utility Foundry WG](https://github.com/trustoverip/utility-foundry-wg)
* Implementation: [Technical details](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tg4dAEtC78TxG9AsIby_CfpbeOicK_YMKznSQOvtIVU/edit):
* [Introduction to the Architecture of Indy Plenum and Node](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZin717AT_A) Evernym, 2018-12-03
> An internal training Evernym held to help new team members understand the details of Indy Plenum and Indy Node.
* [Hyperledger Indy Project Enhancements](https://indy.readthedocs.io/projects/hipe/en/latest/) [GitHub](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-hipe/blob/main/index.md)
> This repo holds RFCs for the Indy project. We call them HIPEs (Hyperledger Indy Project Enhancements, pronounced like "hype" for short). They describe important topics (not minor details) that we want to standardize across the Indy ecosystem.
### GitHub
* [indy-plenum](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-plenum) - Byzantine Fault Tolerant Protocol [[**wiki**](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-plenum/wiki)]
> "Byzantine fault tolerance is a sub-field of fault tolerance research inspired by the Byzantine Generals' Problem, which is a generalized version of the Two Generals' Problem."
* [Storage components](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-plenum/blob/master/docs/storage.md) - As of now, RocksDB is used as a key-value database for all Storages.
> "Byzantine fault tolerance is a sub-field of fault tolerance research inspired by the Byzantine Generals' Problem, which is a generalized version of the Two Generals' Problem."
* [Storage components](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-plenum/blob/master/docs/storage.md) - As of now, RocksDB is used as a key-value database for all Storages.
* [indy-sdk](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-sdk) - Everything needed to build applications that interact with an Indy distributed identity ledger.
* [MAINTAINERS.md](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-sdk/blob/master/MAINTAINERS.md)
* [indy-node](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node) - The server portion of a distributed ledger purpose-built for decentralized identity.
* [indy-anoncreds](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-anoncreds) - Anonymous credentials protocol implementation in python
* [indy-agent](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-agent) - reference agents and associated tools.
* [indy-test-automation](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-test-automation) - Automation tools for testing of Indy Project components.
* [indy-post-install-automation](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-post-install-automation)
* [Hyperledger Indy Project Enhancements](https://indy.readthedocs.io/projects/hipe/en/latest/) [GitHub](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-hipe/blob/main/index.md)
> This repo holds RFCs for the Indy project. We call them HIPEs (Hyperledger Indy Project Enhancements, pronounced like "hype" for short). They describe important topics (not minor details) that we want to standardize across the Indy ecosystem.
* [indy-crypto](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-crypto) - shared crypto library for Hyperledger Indy components. To be:
* [hyperledger/ursa](https://github.com/hyperledger/ursa) [[**ϟ**](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2018/12/04/welcome-hyperledger-ursa)][[**ϟ**](https://www.coindesk.com/hyperledger-launches-cryptography-toolbox-for-blockchain-developers)] "includes the Hyperledger Indy-Crypto code base that is the building block for anonymous credentials, the verifiable credentials protocol, in indy-sdk used by the Sovrin Network. [...] We are hopeful the shared library will help other platforms better incorporate and use ZKP-based credentials and leverage Sovrin for their identity component." (From Nathan George on Sovrin Telegram) [[**wiki**](https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ursa)]
* [indy-test-automation](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-test-automation) 2023-03-28
> Automation tools for testing of Indy Project components.
### Implementation
* [hyperledger-labs/business-partner-agent](https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/business-partner-agent) 2023-05-17 - The Business Partner Agent allows to manage and exchange master data between organizations
> The current maintainers stop active contribution to the further development of the Hyperledger Labs project Business Partner Agent, as well as the related project Business Partner Agent Helm Chart. To give existing users of the Business Partner Agent enough lead time, we are willing to continue maintaining the project for now. For more information see the Hyperledger Discord channel.
* [IDunion](https://idunion.org/?lang=en)
> enables self-determined identities based on Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) technologies Hyperledger Indy and Hyperledger Aries. The aim of the IDunion organisation is to create an open ecosystem for decentralised identity management, which can be used worldwide and is based on European values and regulations. IDunion is also a [project](https://www.digitale-technologien.de/DT/Redaktion/DE/Standardartikel/SchaufensterSichereDigIdentProjekte/Schaufensterprojekte/sdi-projekt_idunion.html) co-funded by the [German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs (BMWi)](https://www.bmwi.de/Navigation/EN/Home/home.html) as part of the [Showcases Secure Digital Identities program](https://www.digitale-technologien.de/DT/Navigation/DE/ProgrammeProjekte/AktuelleTechnologieprogramme/Sichere_Digitale_Identitaeten/sichere_digitale_ident.html). We gave an introduction covering
* [BC Gov Collaboration on the Business Partner Agent, sharing our Roadmap (Create Creds, Issue them, Verify them, Hold them, publish them, ZKPs, Selective Disclosure)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/24A/_BC_Gov_Collaboration_on_the_Business_Partner_Agent,_sharing_our_Roadmap-Create_Creds,_Issue_them,_Verify_them,_Hold_them,_publish_them,_ZKPs,_Selective_Disclosure-) 2021-05-06 Matthew Hall IIW
> - Viewing organizations as Issuers, Verifiers and Holders
> - Talked about the complexity of defining a verifiable credential, I.e. what are you attesting to?
> - Went over the need to make it easier for users to be able to create credential schemas and credential definitions without having to gain understanding about the tech.
* [DEMO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09-LOHPTHWs)
* [Connect with Us](https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/business-partner-agent)
* [Repo](https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/business-partner-agent/projects/1) 2022-07-28
* [IXO World](https://ixo.world/) - Guided by the UN framework of 17 Global Goals to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all, by the year 2030. [[**ϟ**](https://twitter.com/phillipgibb/status/1073247433067556865)] (ethereum ocean ipld)
>"Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals demands embracing the data revolution " UN Secretary - General (2014)
* [Legal Entity Identifier blockchained by a Hyperledger Indy implementation of GraphChain](http://www.graphchain.io/MTSR2018.pdf)
* [Legal Entity Identifier blockchained by a Hyperledger Indy implementation of GraphChain](http://web.archive.org/web/20220221134446/http://graphchain.io/MTSR2018.pdf) 2018-10-23
>The main idea behind GraphChain is to use blockchain mechanisms on top of an abstract RDF graphs. This paper presents an implementation of GraphChain in the Hyperledger Indy framework. The whole setting is shown to be applied to the RDF graphs containing information about Legal Entity Identifiers (LEIs).
* [CULedger partners with decentralized identity innovator Evernym to create MyCUID](https://www.cuinsight.com/press-release/culedger-partners-decentralized-identity-innovator-evernym-create-mycuid)
* [Digital Identity Innovator Helps Non-Profits Get on the Identity Blockchain](https://globenewswire.com/news-release/2018/09/25/1575928/0/en/Digital-Identity-Innovator-Helps-Non-Profits-Get-on-the-Identity-Blockchain.html)
>Evernym is opening its Accelerator program to Non Profit Organization (NPOs) applications. Evernym will waive the $50,000 membership fee it normally charges to participate in the program. A panel of judges will select the successful applicants. The first group of awards will be announced before December 2018 and will include 5 organizations. Further NPO cohorts are already planned for 2019.\
>The World Bank estimates over 1 billion persons, usually the most vulnerable, are without formal identity.
* <a href="https://twitter.com/ByteSizeCapital/status/1046067509869367307"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/WeLDs34.png"/></a>
* [Cordenity: Evernym and R3 Partner to make Corda compatible with Indy](http://www.paymentsjournal.com/evernym-r3-partner-apply-self-sovereign-identity-financial-services/) [[GitHub](https://github.com/Luxoft/cordentity)] [[Docs](https://schd.ws/hosted_files/hgf18/0e/Indy%20Identity%20on%20R3s%20Corda.pdf)]
* [NB Orbit Enterprise/](https://northernblock.io/orbit-enterprise/) 2022
> NB Orbit Enterprise is a no-code self-sovereign identity platform that facilitates the storage, issuance and verification of verifiable credentials that are held and owned by end users in digital wallets.
> The platform contains a collection of technologies and concepts in identity management, distributed and edge computing, distributed ledger technologies and cryptography.
### Literature
* [A Framework for Designing Cryptographic Key Management Systems](https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/specialpublications/nist.sp.800-130.pdf)
* [An Accumulator Based on Bilinear Maps and Efficient Revocation for Anonymous Credentials](https://eprint.iacr.org/2008/539.pdf)
* [An Efficient System for Non-transferable Anonymous Credentials with Optional Anonymity Revocation](https://www.iacr.org/archive/eurocrypt2001/20450093.pdf)
* [A Framework for Designing Cryptographic Key Management Systems](https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/specialpublications/nist.sp.800-130.pdf) 2023-06-12
> This Framework for Designing Cryptographic Key Management Systems (CKMS1) is a description of the topics to be considered and the documentation requirements (henceforth referred to as requirements) to be addressed when designing a CKMS. The CKMS designer satisfies the requirements by selecting the policies, procedures, components (hardware, software, and firmware), and devices (groups of components) to be incorporated into the CKMS, and then specifying how these items are employed to meet the requirements of this Framework
* [An automatized Identity and Access Management system for IoT combining SSI and smart contracts](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2201.00231.pdf) 2023-06-11 Montassar Naghmouchi, Hella Kaffel, and Maryline Laurent
> This paper proposes a blockchain-based identity and access management system for IoT – specifically smart vehicles- as an example of use-case, showing two interoperable blockchains, Ethereum and Hyperledger Indy, and a self-sovereign
* [Technical Design and Development of a Self-Sovereign Identity Management Platform for Patient-Centric Healthcare Using Blockchain Technology](https://blockchainhealthcaretoday.com/index.php/journal/article/view/196#.Yjkahet3YEM.twitter) 2022-04-22 Blockchain Healthcare Today
> To manage patient’s self-sovereign identity, we leveraged the Hyperledger Indy blockchain framework to store patient’s decentralized identifiers (DIDs) and the schemas or format for each credential type. In contrast, the credentials containing patient data are stored “off-ledger” in each person’s wallet and accessible via a computer or smartphone. We used Hyperledger Aries as a middleware layer (API) to connect Hyperledger Indy with the front-end, which was developed using a JavaScript framework, ReactJS (Web Application) and React Native (iOS Application).
* [Blockchain Trilemma for Decentralized Identity: Learning from Hyperledger Indy](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.05784.pdf) 2022-04-12 Paul Dunphy, OneSpan, Cambridge, UK
> The current credential verification process relies on transaction processing by a ledger with transaction processing bottlenecks, which may constrain the ideal of non-repudiation.
* [Blockchain Trilemma for Decentralized Identity: Learning from Hyperledger Indy](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.05784.pdf) 2022-04-22 Paul Dunphy, OneSpan, Cambridge, UK
> The current credential verification process relies on transaction processing by a ledger with transaction processing bottlenecks, which may constrain the ideal of non-repudiation.
## Zero Knowledge Proofs in Indy

* [Privacy Preserving Authentication—Another reason to care about ZKP](https://www.slideshare.net/eralcnoslen/privacypreserving-authentication-another-reason-to-care-about-zeroknowledge-proofs)
* [The Sovrin Network and Zero Knowledge Proof](https://sovrin.org/the-sovrin-network-and-zero-knowledge-proofs/) - high level walk through
* [AnonCreds: Anonymous credentials protocol implementation in python](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-anoncreds) [[**ϟ**](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-anoncreds/blob/master/docs/anoncred-usecase1.pdf)]
* [AnonCreds: Anonymous credentials protocol implementation in python](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-anoncreds) [[**ϟ**](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-anoncreds/blob/master/docs/anoncred-usecase1.pdf)]
* [Relationship Diagram](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node/blob/master/docs/relationship-diagram.png)
* [Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Privacy-Preserving Digital Identity with Clare Nelson](https://www.slideshare.net/SSIMeetup/zeroknowledge-proofs-privacypreserving-digital-identity-with-clare-nelson)
* [What Zero Knowledge Poof Algorithm is used in Sovrin?](https://forum.sovrin.org/t/what-zero-knowledge-proof-algorithm-is-used-in-sovrin/71/2)
> Our zero-knowledge proofs are part of the [Idemix protocol](http://domino.research.ibm.com/library/cyberdig.nsf/papers/EEB54FF3B91C1D648525759B004FBBB1/%24File/rz3730_revised.pdf), where they are used to prove the possession of [Camenisch-Lysyanskaya credentials](https://eprint.iacr.org/2001/019.pdf). We also use zero-knowledge proofs in the revocation protocol, which is based on [cryptographic accumulators](https://eprint.iacr.org/2008/539.pdf).
### Prior Work
* [How is IDEMix Implemented?](https://forum.sovrin.org/t/how-idemex-is-implemented-in-sovrin-indy/)
> Identity Mixer is not directly (re)implemented by Sovrin, but its cryptographic foundations are very similar, and Sovrin’s implementation includes most of its extended features (predicates, multi-credential, revocation, advanced issuance…). One of the researchers who helped to create Identity Mixer is on Sovrin’s Technical Governance Board and has offered insight to keep the implementations aligned on goals and methods.
* [IDEMIX Blog](https://idemix.wordpress.com/)
* [ABC4Trust—Attribute-based Credentials for Trust](https://abc4trust.eu/)
* [Concepts and Features of Privacy-Preserving Attribute-Based Credentials](https://github.com/p2abcengine/p2abcengine/wiki/Concepts-and-features)
* [Concepts and Languages for Privacy-Preserving Attribute-Based Authentication](http://dl.ifip.org/db/conf/idman/idman2013/CamenischDLNPP13.pdf)
@ -85,3 +85,10 @@ last_modified_at: 2023-06-12
> Hyperledger Aries Cloud Agent Python (ACA-Py) is a foundation for building decentralized identity applications and services running in non-mobile environments.
> This is the Read The Docs site for the Hyperledger Aries Cloud Agent Python. This site contains only the ACA-Py docstrings documentation extracted from the Python Code. For other documentation, please consult the links in the Readme for the ACA-Py GitHub Repo.
* [GlobaliD releases new open source applications](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-shares-ssi-code-at-the-internet-identity-workshop-446debec43e7) 2020-10-30
> They open source their open-sourced iOS and Android native Aries frameworks and donated them to the Hyperledger Aries project.
> They also shared their Dynamic Governance API using GlobaliD Groups.
* [Tutorials](https://aries.js.org/guides/0.4/tutorials) Aries JavaScript Docs
> First we’re going to create a holder Agent, this will be the Agent that receives the membership credential. During their life, the holder will collect many different verifiable credentials. Memberships, ID-cards, even purchasing records.
@ -10,18 +10,22 @@ permalink: blockchain/hyperledger/ursa/
canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/blockchain/hyperledger/ursa/'
categories: ["Open Source Projects"]
tags: ["Ursa","Kiva","Sovrin Foundation","Web3","ACM","Bitwise","DFINITY","Evernym","Fujitsu","Intel","Linux Foundation","Sovrin Foundation","State Street"]
last_modified_at: 2021-04-16
last_modified_at: 2023-06-12
image: /images/ursa-head.webp
teaser: /images/ursa-square.webp
[Website](https://www.hyperledger.org/use/ursa) • [Wiki](https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ursa) • [GitHub](https://github.com/hyperledger/ursa) • [RFCs](https://github.com/hyperledger/ursa-rfcs) • [Docs](hyperledger.org/ursa-docs/) • [Mailing List](https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/ursa) • [Chat](https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/ursa)
[Website](https://www.hyperledger.org/use/ursa) • [Wiki](https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/ursa) • [GitHub](https://github.com/hyperledger/ursa) • [RFCs](https://github.com/hyperledger/ursa-rfcs) • [Docs](hyperledger.org/ursa-docs/) • [Mailing List](https://lists.hyperledger.org/g/ursa) • [Chat](https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/ursa) • [Blog](https://www.hyperledger.org/category/hyperledger-ursa)
* [Welcome Hyperledger Ursa!](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2018/12/04/welcome-hyperledger-ursa)
> Ursa aims to include things like a comprehensive library of modular signatures and symmetric-key primitives built on top of existing implementations, so blockchain developers can choose and modify their cryptographic schemes with a simple configuration file change. Ursa will also have implementations of newer, fancier cryptography, including things like pairing-based signatures, threshold signatures, and aggregate signatures, and also zero-knowledge primitives like SNARKs.
* [Sovrin contributes to Hyperledger Ursa: A win for cryptography, security, and interoperability](https://sovrin.org/sovrin-contributes-to-hyperledger-ursa-a-win-for-cryptography-security-and-interoperability/)
> Ursa is a library for cryptography and the result of a collaborative effort from teams at ACM, Bitwise, DFINITY, Evernym, Fujitsu, Intel, the Linux Foundation, the Sovrin Foundation, and State Street. Duplication among blockchain project features heightens security risks. Ursa, however, gathers up crypto implementations across projects and compiles them into a single metalibrary, creating a central repository for crypto code. This way, projects can select sources of code from Ursa, instead of the original source, decreasing duplication security risks and boosting interoperability among projects.
* [Kiva Protocol, Built on Hyperledger Indy, Ursa and Aries, Powers Africa’s First Decentralized National ID system](https://www.hyperledger.org/category/hyperledger-ursa)
* [Hyperledger Ursa code review](https://www.hyperledger.org/hyperledger-ursa/2022/05/31/hyperledger-ursa-code-review) Hyperledger 2022-05-31
> Rooted in a “trust but verify” mindset, several Canadian public sector entities and [Interac](https://www.interac.ca/en/) (Canada’s interbank network) sponsored a project at the [Digital Identity Laboratory of Canada](https://idlab.org/) (IDLab) to perform a security and cryptography code review of Hyperledger Ursa (full report is available [here](https://www.hyperledger.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/URSA-IDLab-Code-Review.pdf)).
* [Hyperledger Launches Cryptography Toolbox for Blockchain Developers](https://www.coindesk.com/hyperledger-launches-cryptography-toolbox-for-blockchain-developers) 2021-09-13 Coindesk
> The Linux Foundation-led group announced Tuesday that Hyperledger Ursa will act as a repository of "trusted" cryptographic implementations, aimed to make it easier for blockchain developers within its community and the wider open-source space to avoid duplication of development efforts.
* [Kiva Protocol, Built on Hyperledger Indy, Ursa and Aries, Powers Africa’s First Decentralized National ID system](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/01/20/kiva-protocol-built-on-hyperledger-indy-ursa-and-aries-powers-africas-first-decentralized-national-id-system) 2021-01-20 Hyperledger
> Kiva Protocol is built using Hyperledger Indy, Aries, and Ursa, and as implemented in Sierra Leone, allows citizens to perform electronic Know Your Customer (eKYC) verifications in about 11 seconds, using just their national ID number and a fingerprint. With this verification, it is possible for the nation’s unbanked to open a savings account and move into the formally banked population.
* [Sovrin contributes to Hyperledger Ursa: A win for cryptography, security, and interoperability](https://sovrin.org/sovrin-contributes-to-hyperledger-ursa-a-win-for-cryptography-security-and-interoperability/) 2019-12-12 Sovrin
> Ursa is a library for cryptography and the result of a collaborative effort from teams at ACM, Bitwise, DFINITY, Evernym, Fujitsu, Intel, the Linux Foundation, the Sovrin Foundation, and State Street. Duplication among blockchain project features heightens security risks. Ursa, however, gathers up crypto implementations across projects and compiles them into a single metalibrary, creating a central repository for crypto code. This way, projects can select sources of code from Ursa, instead of the original source, decreasing duplication security risks and boosting interoperability among projects.
* [Welcome Hyperledger Ursa!](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2018/12/04/welcome-hyperledger-ursa) Hyperledger Foundation 2018-12-04
> Hyperledger Ursa is the latest project to be accepted by the TSC! It is a modular, flexible cryptography library that is intended for—but not limited to—use by other projects in Hyperledger. Ursa’s objective is to make it much safer and easier for our distributed ledger projects to use existing, time tested, and trusted cryptographic libraries but also new cryptographic library implementations being developed.
@ -16,96 +16,79 @@ canonical_url: 'https://decentralized-id.com/organizations/sovrin-foundation/'
- organizations/sovrin/
categories: ["Organizations"]
tags: ["Indy","Verifiable Organizations Network","Sovrin Foundation","Aalto","Absa","Amihan","ARTiFACTS","Attinad","ATB","BIG","BakerHostetler","Cisco","Certisign","Crypto Valley Association","CULedger","Danube Tech","Desert Financial","Datum","DigiCert","Digital Bazaar","Estatus","Evernym","Vimsa","Finicity","First Education CU","IBM","InfoCert","iRespond","KYC-Chain","lab10 collective","OAS Staff FCU","Perkins Cole","ProSapien","Qiy Foundation","Royal CU","SICPA","SITA","Spark NZ","Swisscom","T-Labs","TNO","Truu","TwinPeek","Tykn","Veridium","Verifiable Credentials","W3C","GDPR","Trust Framework","MyData","Sovrin Foundation","DKMS","Humanitarian"]
last_modified_at: 2020-11-19
tags: ["Indy","Verifiable Organizations Network","Sovrin Foundation","ABSA Group","AyanWorks","Bloqzone","Certizen","Condatis","CPQD","Danube Tech","Desert Financial Credit Union","Dhiway","ID Crypt Global","Monokee","RIDDLE&CODE","The Institute for Internet-Security","Trinsic","Axuall","Outlier Ventures","One Global","Fetch.ai","MakoLab","Regio iT","Anonyome Labs","Unveil.Social","NEC","Truu (ID)","SITA","Digicert","Veridium","Finicity","Perkins Coie","SICPA","OAS Staff Federal Credit Union","Deutsche Telekom AG","ATB Financial","esatus AG","ProSapien","InfoCert","Evernym","Royal Credit Union","iRespond","DIDx","Verifiable Credentials","W3C","GDPR","Trust Framework","Sovrin Foundation","DKMS","Humanitarian"]
last_modified_at: 2023-06-12

[Website](https://sovrin.org/) • [Forum](https://forum.sovrin.org/) • [Chat](https://chat.sovrin.org/) • [Twitter](https://twitter.com/SovrinID) • [GitHub](https://github.com/sovrin-foundation/sovrin) • [Telegram](https://t.me/sovrin_foundation) • [Sovrin Library](https://sovrin.org/library/)
## Organization
## Main
* [Getting Started with Sovrin](https://sovrin.org/library/getting-started-with-sovrin/)
* [Phil Windley on the Sovrin Network](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxQUL2ztFi8)
* [Sovrin: A Protocol and Token for Self-Sovereign Identity and Decentralized Trust](https://sovrin.org/wp-content/uploads/Sovrin-Protocol-and-Token-White-Paper.pdf)
* [Sovrin Network: What Goes on the Ledger?](https://sovrin.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/What-Goes-On-The-Ledger.pdf)
* [Sovrin Governance Framework](https://sovrin.org/library/sovrin-governance-framework/)
* [How Sovrin Works: A Technical Guide from the Sovrin Foundation](https://sovrin.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/How-Sovrin-Works.pdf) [[**ϟ**](https://sovrin.org/wp-content/uploads/AnonCred-RWC.pdf)]
* [Sovrin Status Twitter](https://twitter.com/sovrin_status)
[Website](https://sovrin.org/) • [Forum](https://forum.sovrin.org/) • [Chat](https://chat.sovrin.org/) • [Twitter](https://twitter.com/SovrinID) • [GitHub](https://github.com/sovrin-foundation/sovrin) • [Telegram](https://t.me/sovrin_foundation) • [Sovrin Library](https://sovrin.org/library/) • [Network Status](https://twitter.com/sovrin_status)
## About
* [Founded](http://www.windley.com/archives/2016/09/announcing_the_sovrin_foundation.shtml) in [September](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/sovrin-foundation-launches-first-dedicated-self-sovereign-identity-network-300336702.html) 2016
> LONDON, Sept. 29, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Evernym, Inc. announced today at the Ctrl-Shift Personal Information Economy conference that it has donated the intellectual property for the Sovrin Identity Network—the world's first and only dedicated self-sovereign identity platform—to a newly-formed nonprofit organization. The Sovrin Foundation, which is run by a group of internationally recognized identity experts, has a mission to empower everyone with a digital identity which they fully own and control.
* [Sovrin Foundation Releases World’s First Public Distributed Ledger for Self-Sovereign Identity](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2017/09/14/1121456/0/en/Sovrin-Foundation-Releases-World-s-First-Public-Distributed-Ledger-for-Self-Sovereign-Identity.html)
> Salt Lake City, Sept. 14, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Sovrin Foundation announced the launch of the provisional Sovrin Network, the world's first truly self-sovereign digital identity system. The Sovrin Network operates on a distributed ledger -- technology sometimes referred to as a blockchain -- built from the ground up for this purpose.
* [Giving people the privacy protection they need in the coming decade](https://sovrin.org/gdpr-paper/)
> Sovrin Foundation makes the case that self-sovereign identity is the most flexible system for handling data privacy as regulations are adopted in different jurisdictions and evolve to meet changing local needs over the next decade. The paper examines how GDPR applies to participants in a blockchain network and addresses recent guidance from EU regulators and the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés.
> * [Innovation Meets ComplianceData Privacy Regulation and Distributed Ledger Technology](https://sovrin.org/wp-content/uploads/GDPR-Paper_V1.pdf)
* [Sovrin Update: Supporting Commercial Development of SSI](https://iiw.idcommons.net/index.php?title=12M/_Sovrin_Update:_Supporting_Commercial_Development_of_SSI&action=edit&redlink=1) by Sumiran Garg, Chris Raczkowski
* [Compliance & Inclusive Finance Working Group (CIFWG)](https://medium.com/@sovrinid/promoting-banking-for-all-announcing-the-compliance-inclusive-finance-working-group-cifwg-340633ef3e6c) Sovrin
> Since 2019, Sovrin has hosted the Compliance and Payments Task Force (CPTF), an open group of traditional bank and non-bank financial institutions, regulators, policymakers, technologists, ethicists, and legal experts. The CPTF has developed and promoted the Rulebook, an innovative best practices framework that extends traditional banking compliance and payments guidance to emerging fintech and VASP processes.
* [Sovrin Governance Framework](https://sovrin.org/sovrin-governance-framework/) 2019-12-04
> 1. [Sovrin Governance Framework Master Document](https://sovrin.org/wp-content/uploads/Sovrin-Governance-Framework-V2-Master-Document-V2.pdf) - The “constitution” of the Sovrin Network, this document defines the purpose, core principles, and core policies, and also references all other documents in the SGF V2, including all the Controlled Documents listed in Appendix A.
> 2. [Sovrin Glossary](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gfIz5TT0cNp2kxGMLFXr19x1uoZsruUe_0glHst2fZ8/edit?usp=sharing) - A comprehensive glossary of over 250 terms used throughout all the SGF V2 documents and all of Sovrin infrastructure, plus eight appendices that provide in-depth explanations of core groups of terms.
> 3. [Sovrin Trust Assurance Framework](https://sovrin.org/wp-content/uploads/Sovrin-Trust-Assurance-Framework-V1.pdf) This document defines criteria and processes for assessing conformance of different Sovrin actors to the policies of the Sovrin Governance Framework.
> ![]()
* [How Sovrin Works: A Technical Guide from the Sovrin Foundation](https://sovrin.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/How-Sovrin-Works.pdf) 2018-03 [[**ϟ**](https://sovrin.org/wp-content/uploads/AnonCred-RWC.pdf)]
> Sovrin is an open-source identity network built on distributed ledger technology. Sovrin is public and permissioned. Public means everyone can use it. Permissioned means that the network nodes that ensure consensus of transactions on the ledger are governed, in this case by the non-profit Sovrin Foundation.
* [Sovrin: A Protocol and Token for Self-Sovereign Identity and Decentralized Trust](https://sovrin.org/library/sovrin-protocol-and-token-white-paper/) 2018-01-16
> A comprehensive, highly readable 40 page paper describing the complete Sovrin ecosystem, including the problems Sovrin is designed to solve; why it is designed to be a global public utility; how the overall architecture is designed for for resilience, privacy and scalability; the markets it is expected to impact.
* [The Sovrin Foundation](http://www.windley.com/archives/2018/07/the_sovrin_foundation.shtml) 2018-07 Phil Windley
> This article describes the role that the Sovrin Foundation and associated groups play in governing, operating, and using the Sovrin Network. The Sovrin Network is designed and intended to be decentralized so understanding the key influence points and community groups is important.
### Working Groups
* [Guardianship](https://sovrin.org/guardianship/)
* [Compliance & Inclusive Finance](https://sovrin.org/inclusive-finance/)
* [Internet of Things](https://sovrin.org/library-iot/)
* [Identity 4 All](https://sovrin.org/i4a/)
## Topics
* [On Guardianship in Self-Sovereign Identity](https://sovrin.org/library/guardianship-white-paper/) 2019-11 Sovrin Guardianship Task Force
> This report explores why digital guardianship is a core principle in the Sovrin Governance Framework and a core feature of the Sovrin Network and other SSI architectures.
* [Distributed ledger identification systems in the humanitarian sector](https://sovrin.org/dlt-identity-humanitarian-sector/) 2019-08 Aiden Slavin
> Commissioned by the I4A Council and the Sovrin Foundation, this report examines identification management systems in the humanitarian sector that use distributed ledger technology (DLT).
* [What if I lose my phone?](https://sovrin.org/library/lost-phone) 2019-03 Daniel Hardman
> What happens when my device is stolen? What happens if I forget my private key? What happens when my private keys are compromised or lost? This document will explore multiple scenarios when an identity holder loses control of their cloud agent through theft, hack or forgetfulness.
* [Building Your Business on Sovrin: Domain-Specific Trust Frameworks](http://www.windley.com/archives/2018/03/building_your_business_on_sovrin_domain-specific_trust_frameworks.shtml) 2018-03 Phil Windley
## Tech
* [Sovrin Network: What Goes on the Ledger?](https://sovrin.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/What-Goes-On-The-Ledger.pdf) 2018-10 Andrew Tobin
> A white paper from Evernym in cooperation with the Sovrin Foundation. An overview of what is on the Sovrin Network distributed ledger and why.September 2018
* [How DIDs, Keys, Credentials, and Agents Work in Sovrin](https://sovrin.org/library/how-dids-keys-credentials-and-agents-work-in-sovrin/) 2018-04 Daniel Hardman
> This document shows how low-level building blocks of the Sovrin ecosystem function in a practical real-world scenario where key management concerns matter deeply. It also introduces some notation and terminology. It makes heavy use of concepts described in the formal sequence diagrams and exposition from DKMS Design and Architecture V2.
* [The Sovrin Network and Zero Knowledge Proof](https://sovrin.org/the-sovrin-network-and-zero-knowledge-proofs/) 2018-10-03
> Mike Lodder: Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) are cryptographic techniques that allow users to share information without relinquishing their security and privacy. ZKPs use cryptography to prove a statement from party A (known as a prover) to party B (known as a verifier) without revealing anything else.
* [Decentralization in Sovrin](http://www.windley.com/archives/2018/10/decentralization_in_sovrin.shtml) 2018-10 Phil Windley
* [Self-Sovereign Identity and the Legitimacy of Permissioned Ledgers](http://www.windley.com/archives/2016/09/self-sovereign_identity_and_the_legitimacy_of_permissioned_ledgers.shtml) 2016-09 Phil Windley
## Background
* [Phil Windley on the Sovrin Network](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxQUL2ztFi8) 2017-09-08
> Phil Windley, former CIO of the State of Utah and renowned expert on digital identity, speaks about his latest work as chairman of the Sovrin Foundation, a private-sector, international non-profit that was established to govern the world’s first self-sovereign identity (SSI) network.
* [Sovrin Foundation Releases World’s First Public Distributed Ledger for Self-Sovereign Identity](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2017/09/14/1121456/0/en/Sovrin-Foundation-Releases-World-s-First-Public-Distributed-Ledger-for-Self-Sovereign-Identity.html) 2017-09-14
> The Sovrin Foundation announced the launch of the provisional Sovrin Network, the world's first truly self-sovereign digital identity system. The Sovrin Network operates on a distributed ledger -- technology sometimes referred to as a blockchain -- built from the ground up for this purpose.
* [A Universal Trust Framework](http://www.windley.com/archives/2017/01/a_universal_trust_framework.shtml) 2017-01 Phil Windley
> The Internet has never had a universal trust framework before. Imagine if you could build the next sharing economy application without having to also build the platform that helps people trust. This post describes a universal trust framework that is open to all. Sovrin changes the world by providing a universal means of trusting.
* [Sovrin: Digital Identities in the Blockchain Era](https://sovrin.org/library/sovrin-digital-identities-in-the-blockchain-era/) 2016-12 Dmitry Khovratovich, Jason Law
> This is the original paper that describes the core ideas behind the Sovrin Network and how they implement self-sovereign identity at a global scale.
* [An Internet for Identity](http://www.windley.com/archives/2016/08/an_internet_for_identity.shtml) 2016-08 Phil Windley
> Online services and interactions are being held back by the lack of identity systems that have the same virtues as the Internet. This post describes what we can expect from an Internet for identity.
* [Inevitable Rise of Self-Sovereign Identity](https://sovrin.org/library/inevitable-rise-of-self-sovereign-identity/) 2016-08
> Why Sovrin represents the solution to identity challenges. This whitepaper explains why the Internet does not currently have an identity layer and how the emergence of distributed ledger technology (DLT) finally makes one possible.
* [The Sovrin Network- Making Self-Sovereign Identity a Reality](https://vimeo.com/305420834) from [Sovrin Foundation](https://vimeo.com/sovrinfoundation).
{% include video id="305420834" provider="vimeo" %}
* [Founded](http://www.windley.com/archives/2016/09/announcing_the_sovrin_foundation.shtml) in [September](https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/sovrin-foundation-launches-first-dedicated-self-sovereign-identity-network-300336702.html) 2016
> Evernym, Inc. announced today at the Ctrl-Shift Personal Information Economy conference that it has donated the intellectual property for the Sovrin Identity Network—the world's first and only dedicated self-sovereign identity platform—to a newly-formed nonprofit organization. The Sovrin Foundation, which is run by a group of internationally recognized identity experts, has a mission to empower everyone with a digital identity which they fully own and control.
## Ecosystem
* [The Sovrin Ecosystem](http://www.windley.com/archives/2018/11/the_sovrin_ecosystem.shtml) 2018-11 Phil Windley
Disambiguating between Evernym, Sovrin, and Indy
> Sovrin is a vibrant ecosystem with many players. This post talks about the relationships of some of those players.
* [Sovrin Foundation, Ontology and Evernym Collaborate on Interoperable Decentralized Identity Networks](https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/blockchain-identity-experts-ontology-evernym-and-the-sovrin-foundation-reach-an-agreement-on-68974ae50bb2)[[**ϟ**](https://globenewswire.com/news-release/2018/10/23/1625715/0/en/Sovrin-Foundation-Ontology-and-Evernym-Collaborate-on-Interoperable-Decentralized-Identity-Networks.html)]
* [Sovrin and Trust over IP Signed Mutual Agreement to Strengthen Their SSI Collaboration](https://blog.sovrin.org/sovrin-and-trust-over-ip-signed-mutual-agreement-to-strengthen-their-ssi-collaboration-55d7775efdc2)
> “By signing this Letter Agreement, Sovrin and ToIP are excited to take a step further to support the need and importance of our separate but interrelated mandates to benefit people and organizations across all social and economic sectors through secure digital identity ecosystems based on verifiable credentials and SSI,” said Chris Raczkowski, Chairman of Board of Trustees, Sovrin Foundation.
## Literature
* [Library - Sovrin](https://sovrin.org/library/)
* [Distributed ledger identification systems in the humanitarian sector](https://sovrin.org/dlt-identity-humanitarian-sector/) *By Aiden Slavin* *August 2019*
> Commissioned by the I4A Council and the Sovrin Foundation, this report examines identification management systems in the humanitarian sector that use distributed ledger technology (DLT).
* [How DIDs, Keys, Credentials, and Agents Work in Sovrin](https://sovrin.org/library/how-dids-keys-credentials-and-agents-work-in-sovrin/) *By Daniel Hardman* April 2018
> This document shows how low-level building blocks of the Sovrin ecosystem function in a practical real-world scenario where key management concerns matter deeply. It also introduces some notation and terminology. It makes heavy use of concepts described in the formal sequence diagrams and exposition from DKMS Design and Architecture V2.
* [Inevitable Rise of Self-Sovereign Identity](https://sovrin.org/library/inevitable-rise-of-self-sovereign-identity/) September 2016
> Why Sovrin represents the solution to identity challenges. This whitepaper explains why the Internet does not currently have an identity layer and how the emergence of distributed ledger technology (DLT) finally makes one possible.
* [Sovrin: Digital Identities in the Blockchain Era](https://sovrin.org/library/sovrin-digital-identities-in-the-blockchain-era/) *By Dmitry Khovratovich and Jason Law* December 2016
> This is the original paper that describes the core ideas behind the Sovrin Network and how they implement self-sovereign identity at a global scale.
* [How Sovrin Works](https://sovrin.org/library/how-sovrin-works/) *By Phillip J. Windley* October 2016
> Sovrin is an open-source identity network built on distributed ledger technology. Sovrin is public and permissioned. Public means everyone can use it. Permissioned means that the network nodes that ensure consensus of transactions on the ledger are governed, in this case by the nonprofit Sovrin Foundation. Some illustrated practical examples of key Sovrin features in action.
* [Sovrin Network: What Goes on the Ledger?](https://sovrin.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/What-Goes-On-The-Ledger.pdf) *By Andrew Tobin*
> A white paper from Evernym in cooperation with the Sovrin Foundation. An overview of what is on the Sovrin Network distributed ledger and why.September 2018
* [On Guardianship in Self-Sovereign Identity](https://sovrin.org/library/guardianship-white-paper/) *By Sovrin Guardianship Task Force* *November 2019*
> This report explores why digital guardianship is a core principle in the Sovrin Governance Framework and a core feature of the Sovrin Network and other SSI architectures.
* [Sovrin: A Protocol and Token for Self-Sovereign Identity and Decentralized Trust](https://sovrin.org/library/sovrin-protocol-and-token-white-paper/)
> A comprehensive, highly readable 40 page paper describing the complete Sovrin ecosystem, including the problems Sovrin is designed to solve; why it is designed to be a global public utility; how the overall architecture is designed for for resilience, privacy and scalability; the markets it is expected to impact.January 2018
* [What if I lose my phone?](https://sovrin.org/library/lost-phone) *By Daniel Hardman*
> What happens when my device is stolen? What happens if I forget my private key? What happens when my private keys are compromised or lost? This document will explore multiple scenarios when an identity holder loses control of their cloud agent through theft, hack or forgetfulness.March 2019
* [Sovrin Governance Framework (formerly the Sovrin Trust Framework)](https://sovrin.org/sovrin-governance-framework/)
> The constitution of the Sovrin Network—specifies the business, legal, and technical policies governing Sovrin as a global public utility.**The Sovrin Governance Framework V2 is now in public review—[see this page](https://sovrin.org/sovrin-governance-framework/).**The original Sovrin Provisional Trust Framework was published on 28 Jun 2017.
* [Getting Started with Sovrin](https://sovrin.org/library/getting-started-with-sovrin/)
> A technical orientation guide using the Sovrin Command Line Interface.
* [Steward Agreement](https://sovrin.org/library/steward-agreement/)
> The current agreement in force between the Sovrin Foundation and the trusted organizations operating validator nodes on the Sovrin network.**The new Sovrin Steward Agreement is now in public review—[see this page](https://sovrin.org/sovrin-governance-framework/).**The current Sovrin Steward Agreement was published on 28 Jun 2017.
* [Sovrin Glossary](https://sovrin.org/library/glossary/)
> Defines 254 terms used in self-sovereign identity infrastructure. This is the official glossary used by all documents in the [Sovrin Governance Framework](https://sovrin.org/governance-framework/)—it was most recently approved by the Sovrin Board of Trustees on 04 December 2019. Includes [eight illustrated appendices](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gfIz5TT0cNp2kxGMLFXr19x1uoZsruUe_0glHst2fZ8/edit?pli=1#heading=h.4tum49dbq7jq) (33 pages) that describe core terms in detail.
### Phil Windley
* [windley.com/tags/sovrin](http://www.windley.com/tags/sovrin)
* [An Internet for Identity](http://www.windley.com/archives/2016/08/an_internet_for_identity.shtml)
* [A Universal Trust Framework](http://www.windley.com/archives/2017/01/a_universal_trust_framework.shtml)
* [Building Your Business on Sovrin: Domain-Specific Trust Frameworks](http://www.windley.com/archives/2018/03/building_your_business_on_sovrin_domain-specific_trust_frameworks.shtml)
* [The Sovrin Foundation](http://www.windley.com/archives/2018/07/the_sovrin_foundation.shtml)
* [Decentralization in Sovrin](http://www.windley.com/archives/2018/10/decentralization_in_sovrin.shtml)
* [Self-Sovereign Identity and the Legitimacy of Permissioned Ledgers](http://www.windley.com/archives/2016/09/self-sovereign_identity_and_the_legitimacy_of_permissioned_ledgers.shtml)
* [The Sovrin Ecosystem](http://www.windley.com/archives/2018/11/the_sovrin_ecosystem.shtml) (Disambiguating between Evernym, Sovrin, and Indy)
### EU General Data Protection Regulation Act
* [Digital Identity Management in the Context of GDPR & Sovrin —Why Data Privacy Matters & How to Protect It](https://blog.tykn.tech/digital-identity-management-in-the-context-of-gdpr-sovrin-43028247378b)
* [Implementing Privacy by Design in Hyperledger Indy](https://www.infoq.com/news/2018/09/Hyperledger-Indy-Privacy)
* [Self-Sovereign Privacy By Design](https://github.com/sovrin-foundation/protocol/blob/master/self_sovereign_privacy_by_design_v1.md)
* [Privacy by Design The 7 Foundational Principles](https://www.ipc.on.ca/wp-content/uploads/Resources/7foundationalprinciples.pdf)
* [When GDPR Becomes Real, and Blockchain is no longer fairydust](https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rebooting-the-web-of-trust-fall2017/blob/master/final-documents/gdpr.md)
* [Privacy by Design in Hyperledger Indy](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2018/09/12/privacy-by-design-in-hyperledger-indy)
### Research Papers
* [A Conceptual Analysis on Sovrin](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323144927_A_Conceptual_Analysis_on_Sovrin)
* [Matching Identity Management Solutions to Self Sovereign Identity Solutions](https://www.slideshare.net/TommyKoens/matching-identity-management-solutions-to-selfsovereign-identity-principles)
@ -118,305 +101,95 @@ last_modified_at: 2020-11-19
* [IDENTITY MATTERS](https://cboxxtest.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/cboxxidentitymatters04.pdf)
* [A position paper on blockchain enabled identity and the road ahead—Identity Working Group of the German Blockchain Association](https://www.bundesblock.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/ssi-paper.pdf)
## Sovrin Stewards
## [Sovrin Stewards](https://sovrin.org/stewards/)
The Sovrin ledger is operated by Stewards, trusted organizations within the ecosystem who have agreed to abide by the requirements in the [Sovrin Trust Framework](https://sovrin.org/library/sovrin-governance-framework/) and are responsible for operation the nodes that maintain the Sovrin distributed ledger.
Stewards also, as a group, accept or reject any changes to the ledger-specific portions of the Sovrin open source code by virtue of that role. They thus provide a counterbalance to the Sovrin architects who maintain the Indy code base.
### Founding Stewards
#### [Amihan Global Strategies](https://amihan.net/)
> Our mission is to steer companies into the digital future. As a digital transformation partner, we utilize technology to help our customers seize opportunities and deliver new levels of customer engagement.
* [BLOCKCHAIN PIONEER AMIHAN GLOBAL STRATEGIES JOINS SOVRIN NETWORK AS A FOUNDING STEWARD](https://amihan.net/2018/06/20/blockchain-pioneer-amihan-global-strategies-joins-sovrin-network-as-a-founding-steward/)
> Well-known for its leadership in ASEAN blockchain innovation, Amihan’s key blockchain initiatives include a partnership with the Bankers Association of the Philippines.
#### [Attinad Software](http://attinadsoftware.com/)
> We are leaders in providing consultation and implementation of Digital Solutions and the Transformation services for various verticals with a holistic approach. [...] We offer services ranging from Digital Strategy and Consulting to Design, Application development, Implementation, Maintenance and System Integration.
* [Sovrin Foundation names Attinad Software Founding Steward](https://sovrin.org/sovrin-foundation-names-attinad-software-founding-steward/)
> Attinad Software in 2015 was ranked number six on the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 India 2015, which ranks the top 50 fastest growing technology companies in the country. Attinad Software provides enterprises with emerging technology solutions like Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud, and IoT stack (SMACT).
#### [ATB Financial](http://www.atb.com/Pages/default.aspx)
> Today, more than 5,000 team members serve over 773,000 customers in 245 Alberta communities. Just like our clients, we're Albertans and we work beside them in their communities through a network of more than 300 locations across Alberta.
* [Canada’s ATB Financial joins Sovrin network as a founding steward](https://blog.sovrin.org/canadas-atb-financial-joins-sovrin-network-as-a-founding-steward-9d5ffc9d3fcd)
> As a Sovrin steward, ATB will be an active contributor of intellectual and infrastructure resources. This includes dedicating hardware, security and network capacity to assist in the operation of the Sovrin identity network
#### [BakerHostetler](https://www.bakerlaw.com/)
> BakerHostetler, one of the nation’s largest law firms, represents clients around the globe.
* [Law firm BakerHostetler joins the Sovrin Network](https://blog.sovrin.org/law-firm-bakerhostetler-joins-the-sovrin-network-344eb7c22252)
> With more than 900 attorneys located in 14 offices coast to coast, BakerHostetler helps clients around the world address their most complex business and regulatory issues.
#### [Cisco](https://www.cisco.com/)
* [The Sovrin Foundation Names Cisco Founding Steward](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2018/06/21/1527830/0/en/The-Sovrin-Foundation-Names-Cisco-Founding-Steward.html)
> The Sovrin Foundation announced the addition of Cisco as a founding Steward. In that role, Cisco will operate and maintain a validator node tasked with ensuring the availability and integrity of the world’s first distributed ledger purpose-built for self-sovereign identity, which comprises the Sovrin Network’s core.
#### [Crypto Valley Association](https://cryptovalley.swiss/)
> We support and connect startups and established enterprises through policy recommendations, projects across verticals, initiating and enabling research, and organizing conferences, hackathons, and other industry events.
* [The Crypto Valley Association partners with the Sovrin Foundation to find new ways to help manage digital identities](https://cryptovalley.swiss/the-crypto-valley-association-partners-with-the-sovrin-foundation-to-find-new-ways-to-help-manage-digital-identities/)
> In particular, the dedicated server running Sovrin’s node is hosted in the HLSU’s award winning Data Centre facility in Lucerne and is operated jointly by the experts of HSLU’s Department of Informatics and Luxoft.
#### [Datum](https://datum.org/)
> The Datum network allows anyone to store structured data securely in
a decentralized way on a smart contract blockchain. The DAT smart token
enables optional selling and buying of stored data while enforcing data usage rules as set by the data owner.
* [Sovrin Foundation names Datum Founding Steward](https://www.globenewswire.com/fr/news-release/2018/06/12/1520658/0/en/Sovrin-Foundation-names-Datum-Founding-Steward.html)
> As a Steward, Datum will collaborate with other Sovrin Stewards to create, operate and maintain the foundation’s self-sovereign identity network.
#### [Desert Financial Credit Union](https://www.desertschools.org/business)
> At Desert Financial, we’ve helped over 10,000 Arizona business leaders create a plan to grow their business and bank with ease; that’s how you know you’re in good company when you partner with us!
* [Desert Financial Credit Union Supports Identity for All by Becoming a Premium Donor of the Sovrin Foundation](https://sovrin.org/desert-financial-credit-union-supports-identity-for-all-by-becoming-a-premium-donor-of-the-sovrin-foundation/) [press](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/03/27/1773987/0/en/The-Sovrin-Foundation-launches-the-Sovrin-Alliance-a-global-collaborative-for-developing-digital-identity.html)
> “We are beyond grateful for their generosity because their donation allows the Foundation to continue to administer the essential governance framework for an SSI meta-system, coordinate development efforts, expand the community, and advocate for self-sovereign identity around the world. We deeply appreciate their dedication to our mission.”
#### [Digicert](https://www.digicert.com/)
> in 2003, our founders started DigiCert with the belief that internet security could be human and easy.
* [DigiCert Joins the Sovrin Foundation as a Founding Steward](https://www.digicert.com/news/pr/digicert-joins-sovrin-foundation-as-founding-steward/)
> “At DigiCert, we have spent nearly two decades as a public certificate authority, and recently for connected devices, refining our processes and improving industry standards for providing scalable encryption and authentication,” said DigiCert Chief Technology Officer Dan Timpson.
#### [Digital Bazaar](https://digitalbazaar.com/)
> We pioneer payment, identity, and credential technologies that will power the next generation Web. We have been heavily involved in Web standards for over a decade, participate in cutting edge research and development, and contribute to the open source community.
* [Founding Steward and Technical Governance Board](https://www.linkedin.com/in/manusporny/)
> Digital Bazaar is a founding steward for the Sovrin Network and I use my knowledge of international standards and identity and blockchain technology to advise the foundation on their technical, operational, and security strategy.
#### [Evernym](https://www.evernym.com/)
> Evernym was founded in 2013 to solve the digital identity crisis. We envisioned a world where consumers are in complete control of their digital identity, where privacy is a basic human right, and where consumers and organizations can foster a new relationship rooted in trust.
* [Launching the Sovrin Network](https://www.windley.com/archives/2017/07/launching_the_sovrin_network.shtml)
> I'm grateful to everyone who has worked hard for this day. Thanks especially to Timothy Ruff, Jason Law, and everyone at Evernym for their dedication and hard work. Thanks to the Sovrin Trustees and Technical Governance Board. I'm also grateful to the founding stewards who have made this possible.
#### [Finicity](https://www.finicity.com/)
> our team set out to reimagine how technology could help people use their financial data. Our goal? To give people simple, accurate, and rapid insights so they can make better financial decisions.
* [FINICITY JOINS THE SOVRIN FOUNDATION AS A FOUNDING STEWARD](https://www.finicity.com/finicity-joins-sovrin-foundation-founding-steward/)
> As a Steward, Finicity will actively contribute intellectual and infrastructure resources to the Sovrin Network
#### [InfoCert](https://infocert.digital/)
> Our solid institutional roots and strong focus on European regulatory compliance mean we can create a Digital Champion of Trust, able to serve customers with our local companies.
* [InfoCert joins Sovrin Network, the first distributed digital identity system based on blockchain technology](https://infocert.digital/infocert-joins-sovrin-network-the-first-distributed-digital-identity-system-based-on-blockchain-technology/)
> InfoCert is one of the founding members of the Foundation, as well as the first Certification Authority to join the project.
#### [lab10 collective](https://lab10.coop/en/)
> Together we combine technology and beautiful interfaces to provide cutting-edge solutions to the global climate crisis. We utilize privacy by design principles for human data and open data principles for machine data accompanied by cryptography, open-source software and decentralized technologies to drive us towards our vision.
* [ARTIS: the genesis](https://lab10.coop/blog/artis-the-genesis/)
> we have become founding member of the MyData movement, signed an agreement with the Sovrin foundation for becoming a Sovrin Steward (meaning: having the privilege to run a validator node for their PoA blockchain) and attended the recent Internet Identity Workshop in Mountain View, California.
#### [Perkins Cole](https://www.perkinscoie.com/)
> Perkins Coie is a leading international law firm that is known for providing high value, strategic solutions and extraordinary client service on matters vital to our clients’ success.
* [Perkins Coie Selected as a Founding Steward in Self-Sovereign Identity Network](https://www.perkinscoie.com/en/news-insights/perkins-coie-selected-as-a-founding-steward-in-self-sovereign.html)
> “Our involvement in this initiative and others, including the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, shows our continued position at the forefront of new, emerging technologies, and we look forward to supporting Sovrin as the SSI network grows and matures.”
#### [SICPA](https://www.sicpa.com/)
> Throughout its history, SICPA has dedicated itself to helping governments, central banks, high-security printers and industry find comprehensive solutions to widespread security issues.
* [SICPA becomes founding steward of SOVRIN network](https://www.sicpa.com/news/sicpa-becomes-founding-steward-sovrin-network)
> SICPA brings seventy years of commitment to enabling trust, into a groundbreaking, non-profit and independent initiative to build and secure digital identities.
#### [SITA](https://www.sita.aero/)
> Nearly every passenger flight relies on SITA technology. We work with our air transport owners and members to provide technology solutions that make a difference at a community level.
* [Sovrin Foundation names SITA a Founding Steward](https://www.sita.aero/pressroom/news-releases/sovrin-foundation-names-sita-a-founding-steward)
> In its role as a Founding Steward, air transport technology provider SITA, will collaborate with the Sovrin Foundation and other Sovrin Stewards to create, operate and maintain the foundation’s decentralized digital identity network.
#### [Spark New Zealand](http://www.sparknz.co.nz/)
> Spark’s success is dependent on customers in one key market: New Zealand. That's why we're passionate about using technology to be truly useful to our customers, helping make our country better and enriching the lives of all New Zealanders.
* [Spark New Zealand joins global network to develop digital self-sovereign identity](https://www.sparknz.co.nz/news/Spark_joins_global_network_to_develop_digital_self-sovereign_identity/)
> Spark is the first organisation in New Zealand or Australia, and one of only three telecommunications-based companies globally, to become a Sovrin Steward.
#### [Swisscom Blockchain](https://blockchain.swisscom.com/)
> We design, build, run, and host distributed ledger solutions for companies.
* [The Sovrin Foundation Welcomes Four New Founding Stewards](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2018/11/26/1656593/0/en/The-Sovrin-Foundation-Welcomes-Four-New-Founding-Stewards.html)
> These organizations are dedicated to enabling self-sovereign identity for all and join a diverse ecosystem of more than 50 others around the world that help support the operation of the Sovrin Network
#### [T-Labs](https://laboratories.telekom.com/)
> T-Labs is the R&D unit of Deutsche Telekom and is in a close partnership with the Technische Universität Berlin. At its sites in Berlin, Darmstadt, Beer Sheva, Budapest and Vienna, T-Labs sits amongst a world-class host of universities, startups, investors, research institutes and corporate innovation hubs to jointly shape the future of communication services.
* [Telekom Innovation Laboratories (T-Labs) joins Sovrin Network as a founding steward](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2018/02/16/1357311/0/en/Telekom-Innovation-Laboratories-T-Labs-joins-Sovrin-Network-as-a-founding-steward.html)
> T-Labs will dedicate hardware, security and network capacity to assist in the operation of the Sovrin identity network, which uses distributed ledger technology to provide the Internet with a long-missing identity layer.
#### [Tykn](https://tykn.tech/)
* [Tykn as new Founding Steward of Sovrin’s Trust Framework](https://tykn.tech/tykn-as-new-founding-steward-of-sovrins-trust-framework/)
> Tykn can proudly announce the position of Founding Steward in the Sovrin Network, world’s first self-sovereign identity (SSI) network. The Sovrin Foundation is a private-sector non-profit that works internationally in the realm of human digital governance by setting up a trust framework necessary to ensure the integrity of the network.
#### [Veridium](https://veridiumid.com/)
> Our continuous innovation is important to us. We have 50 patents granted and 69 more are pending across over 20 countries, for car access, wearables, UBA and more.
> We support the following standards:
> - IEEE 2410 (2015, 2017, 2019)
> - IEEE2418-6
> - ISO SC 27/WG5
> - W3C Dencentralized Identifiers
> - W3C Verifiable Credentials
> We have achieved the following certifications:
> - FIDO 2.0
> - FIPS 140-2
> - iBeta (including DEA)
> - Citrix Ready
* [Veridium Named Founding Steward of the Sovrin Network](https://veridiumid.com/press/veridium-named-founding-steward-of-the-sovrin-network/)
> Stewards dedicate hardware, network capacity, and security resources to the task of validating the digital signatures of verifiable claims that are exchanged across the Sovrin Network.
#### [Vimsa](https://www.visma.com/) (was: [European Business Process Institute](https://ebpi.nl/en/home/))
> Visma delivers software that simplifies and digitises core business processes in the private and public sector. With presence across the entire Nordic region along with Benelux, Central and Eastern Europe, and Latin America, we are one of Europe’s leading software companies.
* [European Business Process Institute becomes Visma Connect](https://www.visma.com/press-releases/visma-connect/)
> Visma has acquired European Business Process Institute (EBPI), a specialist in qualified information chains in the Netherlands. EBPI will go under the name Visma Connect, strengthening Visma's position in governmental and financial services in the Dutch market.
* [Sovrin welcomes EBPI, lab10 collective, Spark, and Swisscom Blockchain as Founding Stewards](https://sovrin.org/sovrin-welcomes-ebpi-lab10-collective-spark-and-swisscom-blockchain-as-founding-stewards/)
> We’re excited to welcome the European Business Process Institute (EBPI), lab10 collective, Spark, and Swisscom Blockchain as Founding Stewards.
### Other Sovrin Stewards
#### [Aalto University](http://www.aalto.fi/en/)
> Aalto University is a community of bold thinkers where science and art meet technology and business. We build a sustainable future by creating novel solutions to major global challenges. We value responsibility, courage, and collaboration.
* [Sovrin Foundation and Finland’s TrustNet Join Forces to Build a Trust Network for Distributed Personal Data Management](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2017/09/07/1114317/0/en/Sovrin-Foundation-and-Finland-s-TrustNet-Join-Forces-to-Build-a-Trust-Network-for-Distributed-Personal-Data-Management.html)
> The project is a result of various discussions and efforts driven via MyData Alliance member meetings over 2016-2017 and is funded by Tekes, the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation. Project starts in October 2017 with overall duration of 18 months. Public governance is actively tracking the project through their broad participation in steering of the project.
#### [Absa Group Limited](https://www.absa.africa/absaafrica/)
> Our banks are in Botswana, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, Mozambique, the Seychelles, South Africa, Tanzania (Absa Bank Tanzania and National Bank of Commerce), Uganda and Zambia. In addition, we have offices in Namibia and Nigeria, as well as insurance operations in Botswana, Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia. We have an international presence in London, operating as Absa Securities UK, and a representative office in New York.
* [Newest Steward is the first African bank to join Sovrin Foundation](https://sovrin.org/newest-steward-is-the-first-african-bank-to-join-sovrin-foundation/)
> Absa Group is one of Africa’s largest diversified financial services groups with presence in 12 countries on the continent and with more than 42,000 employees. It offers products and services across personal and business banking, corporate and investment banking, wealth and investment management and insurance.
#### [ARTiFACTS](https://artifacts.ai/)
> A huge amount of research is not accessible. There are no reliable ways of identifying the source or provenance of research outputs. ARTiFACTS enables researchers to create an immutable record of their outputs so they can be securely shared – expanding access to vital information and accelerating discovery.
* [ARTiFACTS Joins Sovrin Foundation to Support Decentralized Digital Identity Network](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2018/06/19/1526639/0/en/ARTiFACTS-Joins-Sovrin-Foundation-to-Support-Decentralized-Digital-Identity-Network.html)
> As a Steward, ARTiFACTS will collaborate with other Sovrin Stewards and members of the scholarly research community to leverage the foundation’s digital identity protocol.
#### [Best Innovation Group](http://www.big-fintech.com/)
> Best Innovation Group, Inc is a technology innovation and development company catering to the financial industry. We invite you to join the hundreds of financial institutions that have already worked with our team of experts in designing technology solutions to fit their growing needs.
#### [Certisign](http://www.certisign.com.br/)
> Certisign is a pioneer and the largest Certification Authority in Brazil. For more than two decades, it has made it possible for services to be carried out online, providing companies with agility, cost reduction and sustainability and, consequently, giving people more time and money to do what really matters.
#### [CULedger](http://culedger.com/)
> In working through a national consortium made up of credit unions and trusted industry investors, CULedger has pioneered new developments related to global self-sovereign decentralized identity, MemberPassTM, that will further enhance the trust credit unions have with their members.
* [CULedger selected by Sovrin Foundation as a steward](https://www.cuinsight.com/press-release/culedger-selected-by-sovrin-foundation-as-a-steward)
> As a Steward, CULedger will play a pivotal role in creating, operating and maintaining Sovrin’s decentralized, permissioned digital identity network.
#### [Danube Tech](https://danubetech.com/)
> Grown out of a background of Internet freedom activism and grassroots hacker culture, we continue to explore digital developments at the edge of important political and social questions. We contribute to ongoing discourse about anonymity vs. veronymity, centralization vs. decentralization, as well as sovereign and user-centric digital identity.
#### [estatus AG](https://esatus.com/?lang=en)
> esatus AG is a medium-sized IT consulting company that was founded in 1999. The headquarter is located in Langen (Hessen). According to the company’s mission “Enforcing Information Security”, we are the qualified, experienced and flexible partner for consulting projects around the topic of Information Security, in particular for Identity & Access Governance, Governance, Risk & Compliance (GRC) and IT Security.
* [Self SSI](https://self-ssi.com/en/)
> SeLF allows you to integrate the Self-Sovereign Identity into your infrastructure without modifying your legacy IT-applications, directories or management systems. SSI credential-based access rules (CrBAC) transform the new technology into authentication and authorization objects that can be synchronized and used by conventional technologies like SAML or LDAP.
#### [First Education Credit Union](https://www.firstedfcu.com/)
> Knowing the future starts today, we use our financial knowledge to educate and encourage our members to make smart, well-informed choices about their finances—and about their financial future, too!
#### [IBM](https://www.ibm.com)
* [Stweard Spotlight IBM](https://sovrin.org/steward-spotlight-ibm/)
> IBM is among the world’s biggest contributors to open blockchain development and has a long history of research and innovation in emerging technologies. That is why it may come as no surprise that the company is among Sovrin’s Stewards.
#### [iRespond](https://irespond.org/)
> Our Story - Deployed in seven countries in SE Asia and Africa, iRespond is working with global NGOs, governmental agencies, and leading organizations in the Healthcare, Clinical Trials and Protection sectors to help bring the invisibles out of the shadows.
* [Use case spotlight: iRespond, using Sovrin to provide NGOs with trusted digital identity systems](https://sovrin.org/use-case-spotlight-irespond-using-sovrin-to-provide-ngos-with-trusted-digital-identity-systems/)
> iRespond is an international nonprofit dedicated to solving these identity problems by using a digital biometric identity solution based on iris scans. The solution guarantees anonymity and confidentiality, essential to building trust between researchers and their subjects; and NGOs and the populations they serve.
#### [KYC Chain](https://kyc-chain.com/)
> KYC-Chain is a compliance dashboard and whitelabel customer on-boarding portal enabling companies to perform due diligence on their customers in accordance with CDD/AML/KYC requirements.
#### [OAS Staff Federal Credit Union](https://www.oasfcu.org/en/default.asp)
> We started in 1962 serving the employees of the Organization of American States (OAS). Over the years, we have grown to serve more than 6,500 members worldwide, and now hold over $218 million in assets. We have expanded our field of membership and now fulfill the financial needs of employees and members of more than 25 organizations, including the National Geographic Society, after a merge with their Credit Union in August 1, 2018.
#### [ProSapien](https://www.prosapien.com/)
> ProSapien offers research and development services in a unique mix of advanced computational intelligence related technologies.
> ProSapien’s founder and principle engineer is Samuel M. Smith. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Brigham Young University in 1991. He spent 10 years in academia at Florida Atlantic University, eventually reaching full professor status. He has over 100 refereed publications in the areas of automated reasoning, autonomous vehicles, and distributed systems as well as raising over $20 million in career sponsored research primarily in autonomous systems. His specialty is automated reasoning, reinforcement learning, computational intelligence, and distributed systems.
#### [Qiy Foundation](https://www.qiyfoundation.org/)
> The Qiy Scheme Rulebook consists of a set of documents concerning governance, legal and technical issues. The evolution of the rules is a dynamic and continuous process.
> The Qiy Scheme is an open standard. Therefore we invite everyone to join the process of improving the rules and regulations.
* [DigitalMe offers Sovrin based services](https://digital-me.nl/infrastructure/sovrin-distributed-ledger/)
> The combination of Qiy Trust Network (streaming data) and Sovrin Distributed Ledger (blockchain) brings trust in the relation between individuals and organisations in a secure and fast way.
#### [Royal Credit Union](https://www.rcu.org/)
> We are Royal Credit Union, a not-for-profit credit union committed to making a positive impact in the lives we touch. We've been providing financial solutions and trusted advice to our Members for more than 50 years.
#### [The City of Osmio](https://osmio.ch/)
> Certification authorities, when built and managed properly, can bring security and trust to online spaces. The City of Osmio brings duly constituted public authority to the CA role.
#### [TNO](https://www.tno.nl/en/)
> TNO connects people and knowledge to create innovations that boost the sustainable competitive strength of industry and well-being of society. This is our mission and it is what drives us, the 2,600 professionals at TNO, in our work every day.
> Being a Sovrin Steward includes the running of a Sovrin network node in the TNO Blockchain Lab, checking the integrity of the software running on that node, participating in the community governance process of Sovrin, as well as providing access to users.
#### [Truu](https://www.truu.id/)
> Our approach will enable healthcare professionals to spend more time caring for patients. We will empower doctors and reduce the administrative burden for healthcare organisations.
* [Use case spotlight: Truu, using Sovrin to provide trusted digital identity for doctors](https://sovrin.org/use-case-spotlight-truu-using-sovrin-to-provide-trusted-digital-identity-for-doctors/)
>They believe the best care is given when trust exists between two entities such as a patient and a healthcare professional; a physician and a hospital; or healthcare organizations. That trust is, in part, fostered by strict regulations; for example, doctors are required to be certified and accredited by multiple organizations. However, current regulatory mandates are upheld by repetitive, inefficient, and time consuming manual processes, creating large administrative burdens for over-stretched doctors and HR staff.
#### [TwinPeek](https://twinpeek.net/) ([dead?](https://web.archive.org/web/20180629081230/https://twinpeek.net/))
> Outsource your business compliancy with EU Global Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by implementing a one-step privacy-by-design function into your website or mobile application and show goodwill in supporting privacy of your customers and gain more trust.
* [Privacy and security solution provider becomes first Sovrin Steward in France](https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2018/10/24/1626514/0/en/Sovrin-Foundation-Welcomes-TwinPeek-as-Founding-Steward.html)
> “TwinPeek’s mission to help internet users regain control of their online identity falls perfectly in line with that of the Sovrin Network,” said Heather Dahl, Executive Director and CEO of the Sovrin Foundation.
* [Steward Agreement](https://sovrin.org/library/steward-agreement/)
> The current agreement in force between the Sovrin Foundation and the trusted organizations operating validator nodes on the Sovrin network.**The new Sovrin Steward Agreement is now in public review—[see this page](https://sovrin.org/sovrin-governance-framework/).**The current Sovrin Steward Agreement was published on 28 Jun 2017.
## Sovrin Stewards
* [ABSA Group (Barclays Africa)](https://www.absa.africa/absaafrica/) Johannesburg
> The African financial services group that aims to be the pride of the continent, by offering a range of retail, business, corporate and investment, and wealth management solutions and ensuring a positive impact in all the countries where we operate.
* [AyanWorks](https://www.ayanworks.com/) Pune
> AyanWorks, a software development and consulting company based in India, has been committed to blockchain technology for the last three years and building enterprise blockchain and decentralized identity solutions for its global customers with a proven track of delivering ‘Best in Class’ blockchain solutions/products, leveraging permissioned and public blockchain platforms.
* [Bloqzone](https://bloqzone.com/) Rotterdam
> Bloqzone is a Dutch startup building trusted communications solutions based on self-sovereign identity. With a background in the telecoms industry, the spin-off developed a method to ensure privacy by design in a framework for online communications.
* [Certizen](https://www.certizen.com/) Hong Kong
> Certizen Limited is the operator of Hong Kong Post e-Cert services, providing full e-Cert services. We combine public key infrastructure (PKI) with blockchain technology to provide comprehensive e-Cert solutions of digital signing, information encryption, and electronic identity.
* [Condatis](https://condatis.com/) Edinburgh
> Condatis, supports organisations in creating seamless user journeys for their customers and employees with Microsoft Azure AD. The team consists of over 50 digital identity specialists, including system architects, software developers, security specialists and test engineers, working collaboratively with partners and international clients.
* [CPQD](https://www.cpqd.com.br/en/) São Paulo
> CPQD is a private nonprofit research and development center and an essentially innovative organization that transforms knowledge into wealth for Brazil. It has a unique model of operation in Information and Communication Technologies, transferring and exploring, with excellence, its results.
* [Danube Tech](https://danubetech.com/) Vienna
> Working on technologies in the field of digital identity and personal data, including personal clouds, semantic graphs, and blockchain identity.
* [Desert Financial Credit Union](https://www.desertschools.org/business) Arizona
> Using Sovrin as one of the oldest and best established credit unions in the Southwest.
* [Dhiway](https://dhiway.com/) Bengaluru
> Based in Bengaluru, India, Dhiway is an early-stage startup building a verifiable data exchange framework designed to enable trusted, consent-based digital transactions between everyone and everything using open standards and technologies.
* [ID Crypt Global](https://www.idcrypt.global/index.html) London
> ID Crypt Global believes everyone deserves and needs their own digital identity. As such, we are focused on bringing digital identity and related identity based services to the most challenging areas such as financial services and health – bringing trust, security and improved customer experiences to everyone.
* [Monokee](https://monokee.com/en/homepage/)
> - Monokee is a next-generation cybersecurity Identity and Access Management (IAM) framework that orchestrates centralized, federated, and decentralized identity models.
> - Monokee’s core functionalities revolve around Access Management, with additional features leaning towards IGA and PAM.
> - Monokee’s top value point resides in its unique Visual Identity Orchestrator, a drag-and-drop interface to build authentication processes starting from predefined blocks and connecting them in a flow chart fashion. Monokee’s patented multi-domain feature enables digital identities to access different domains through a single authentication process. Last but not least, with analysts foreseeing that a decentralized identity model will become a standard soon, the Monokee SSI solution is ready to handle the task.
* [RIDDLE&CODE](https://www.riddleandcode.com/) Vienna
> RIDDLE&CODE is a European Blockchain interface company, that builds hardware and software stacks, bringing trusted identity to objects and people. Together with its tier one clients and partners, RIDDLE&CODE brings greater efficiency and new business models to financial markets, energy distribution, supply chain management, and the Internet of Things.
* [The Institute for Internet-Security](https://www.internet-sicherheit.de/?L=2) Gelsenkirchen
> The Institute for Internet Security – if(is) is an innovative, independent, scientific facility of the Westfälische Hochschule (Westphalian University of Applied Sciences).
* [Trinsic](https://trinsic.id/) New York
> Trinsic partners with innovators around the world to help them easily and rapidly integrate Sovrin into any application. Trinsic’s developer tools, robust APIs, and advisory programs are trusted by industries from rural farming to global banks alike and are available at [www.trinsic.id/](https://www.trinsic.id/).
* [Axuall](https://www.axuall.com/) Ohio
> Axuall is a digital network for verifying identity, credentials, and authenticity in real-time to address a multibillion-dollar need to eliminate waste, prevent fraud, manage risk, hire and deploy faster, and meet the demand for next-generation products and services in sectors with accuracy matters.
* [Outlier Ventures](https://outlierventures.io/) London
> Outlier Ventures is a venture platform that supports the development and growth of emerging technologies. To do this they advise and invest in talented teams and support businesses which create value for an open data economy.
* [One Global](https://oneglobal.co/) Kuwait City
> The Digital Transformation and Innovation Company.
* [Fetch.ai](https://fetch.ai/) London
> Fetch.ai is delivering an economic internet where representatives of the component parts of the economy can work friction-free, autonomously, and free of human-interaction to deliver solutions to complex problems.
* [MakoLab](https://makolab.com/en/) Łódź
> MakoLab is an European (Poland) agency providing companies all over the world with a whole range of digital transformation solutions in a variety of industries, focusing on Automotive and FinTech. Dedicating their R&D to innovation in exploring blockchain for identification security solutions.
* [Regio iT](https://www.regioit.de/) Aachen
> As an IT service provider, regio iT GmbH is a fair and reliable partner for councils and schools, municipal enterprises, energy suppliers and disposers and non-profit organisations. With its head office in Aachen and a branch in Gütersloh, regio iT offers strategic and project-related IT consultancy, integration, IT infrastructure and full-service in four divisions: IT service and operation, administration and finances, energy and disposal & education and development.
* [Anonyome Labs](https://anonyome.com/) Sydney
> Anonyome Labs is a leader in providing business and consumer applications to allow users to protect their information online.
* [Unveil.Social](https://unveil.social/) Minneapolis
> A personal discovery platform empowering users to safely capture their truths and secure deeper relationships.
* [NEC](https://www.nec.com/) Tokyo
> NEC Corporation is a leader in the integration of IT and network technologies that benefit businesses and people around the world. The NEC Group globally provides “Solutions for Society” that promote the security, safety, efficiency, and fairness of society.
* [Truu (ID)](https://www.truu.id/) London
> Truu improves the healthcare ecosystem by providing a secure, verifiable digital identity for doctors and healthcare professionals to foster trust, reduce friction, and usher in new dynamic digital capabilities.
* [SITA](https://www.sita.aero) Geneva
> SITA, the communications and IT solution provider to the air transport industry, works with nearly every airline and airport in the world and its border management solutions are used by more than 30 governments.
* [Digicert](https://www.digicert.com) Utah
> A leading provider of scalable security solutions for a connected world.
* [Veridium](https://veridiumid.com) Massachusetts
> Provider of strong authentication using single-step multi-factor biometric authentication from a mobile device. The VeridiumID platform provides the ability to capture and securely store biometrics as an identity credential for enterprises, healthcare organizations, financial services, law enforcement, and government agencies.
* [Finicity](https://www.finicity.com) Utah
> Finicity enables a financial data-sharing ecosystem that is secure, inclusive and innovative.
* [Perkins Coie](https://www.perkinscoie.com) Washington
> The world’s first legal practice focused on decentralized cryptocurrencies and shared ledger technologies, and the first law firm selected as Founding Steward of the Sovrin Foundation.
* [SICPA](https://www.sicpa.com/) Prilly
> A trust enabler, SICPA provides cutting-edge security inks and technologies to governments and industry clients. These high tech solutions protect banknotes, citizens and consumers through product authentication, traceability, proof of origin and tax reconciliation.
* [OAS Staff Federal Credit Union](https://www.oasfcu.org/en/default.asp) Washington D.C.
> Providing high quality, affordable financial service as a non-profit credit union.
* [Deutsche Telekom AG](https://www.telekom.com/en) Bonn
> Deutsche Telekom is one of the world’s leading integrated telecommunications companies, with some 178 million mobile customers, 28 million fixed-network lines, and 20 million broadband lines.
* [ATB Financial](https://www.atb.com/Pages/default.aspx) Edmonton
> Leading financial services in Alberta with cutting edge technology like Sovrin.
* [esatus AG](https://www.esatus.com/) Langen
> Enabling Information Security for everyone and everywhere with trusted consulting services that have Identity & Access as a focal point.
* [ProSapien](https://www.prosapien.com/) Utah
> Provides A.I. automated reasoning solutions including the Xaltry reputation as a service (RaaS) meta-platform of intelligent algorithms that contextually curate, connect, and complete interactions between entities on open idenitity systems such as Sovrin.
* [InfoCert](https://infocert.digital/) Rome
> Committed to innovation in digital identity and trust services as the EU’s largest trust service provider.
* [Evernym](https://www.evernym.com/) Utah
> Building a platform dedicated exclusively to products and services based on Sovrin decentralized identity.
* [Royal Credit Union](https://www.rcu.org/) Wisconsin
> CUNA award winning community credit in the over $250M asset category.
* [iRespond](https://irespond.org/) Washington
> Leading innovation in remote, privacy-respecting biometric identification, authentication, and data collection for health and wellness of at-risk populations.
* [DIDx](https://www.didx.xyz/) Cape Town
> Growing the Web of Trust through self-sovereign decentralized identifiers with verifiable and secure information exchange between trusted peers. Decentralised IDentifiers for Anything,
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For Identity Related Presentations at HGF-2018
Identity Related Presentations at HGF-2018
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/3WNoTB0.png"/>
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[Website](https://www.hyperledger.org/) • [Blog](https://www.hyperledger.org/category/blog) • [GitHub](https://github.com/hyperledger) • [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/company/hyperledger-project/) • [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Hyperledger)
## Organization
* [An Introduction to Hyperledger](https://www.hyperledger.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/HL_Whitepaper_IntroductiontoHyperledger.pdf)
[Website](https://www.hyperledger.org/) • [Blog](https://www.hyperledger.org/category/blog) • [GitHub](https://github.com/hyperledger) • [Linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/company/hyperledger-project/) • [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Hyperledger)
* [An Introduction to Hyperledger](https://www.hyperledger.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/HL_Whitepaper_IntroductiontoHyperledger.pdf) 2018-07
> Hyperledger began in 2015 when many different companies interested in blockchain technology realized they could achieve more by working together than by working separately.
> These firms decided to pool their resources and create open-source blockchain technology that anyone could use. These far-sighted companies are helping blockchain to become a more popular and industry-standard technology.
@ -32,25 +34,58 @@ header:
> As of publication date, Hyperledger has more than 230 organizations as members—from Airbus to VMware—as well as 10 projects with 3.6 million lines of code, 10 active working groups, and close to 28,000 participants who have come to 110+ meetups around the world. Through 2017, the project was mentioned in the press an average of 1,500 times a month.
> Those of us involved with Hyperledger think the future of blockchain will involve modular, open-source platforms that are easy to use. With Hyperledger, we aim to create an environment that enables us to make this vision a reality.
* [Tensions Emerge Between Hyperledger Blockchain Group’s Biggest Supporters](https://www.coindesk.com/tensions-emerge-between-hyperledger-blockchains-biggest-supporters)
* [DEON](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2020/11/05/deon-a-hyperledger-based-decentralized-off-grid-network) 2020-11-05
> DEON is a new Hyperledger project focused in off-line communication networks, independent of internet infrastructure. This could be used to enable networks of devices to communicate peer-to-peer (without the need to ‘phone home’ over the internet), inter-enterprise consortia networks, and enabling user-centric data sharing in a more secure and private fashion.
### Ecosystem
* [Tensions Emerge Between Hyperledger Blockchain Group’s Biggest Supporters](https://www.coindesk.com/tensions-emerge-between-hyperledger-blockchains-biggest-supporters) 2022-12-11 Coindesk
> From the sidelines of the enterprise blockchain world, it looks like a tug-of-war has broken out, with IBM and its favored Hyperledger implementation, known as Fabric, on the one side, and the Intel-backed Sawtooth on the other. The latter team also has a budding champion in the form of newly appointed TSC chair, and Sawtooth lead maintainer, Dan Middleton of Intel.
* [Why bankers should care that two rival blockchains linked up](https://www.americanbanker.com/podcast/why-bankers-should-care-that-two-rival-blockchains-linked-up?feed=00000159-84c0-dbb2-af7f-8ee81add0000)
* [Why Are Governments Choosing Hyperledger?](https://northernblock.io/podcasts/governments-are-choosing-aries-indy-ursa/) 2021-09-06 Northern Block
> - Open Data Standards (W3C’s DID & VC Standards)
> - Open Tech Standards (Hyperledger Aries, Indy, Ursa)
> - Achieving W3C-Compliance on Aries and Indy
* [Why bankers should care that two rival blockchains linked up](https://www.americanbanker.com/podcast/why-bankers-should-care-that-two-rival-blockchains-linked-up?feed=00000159-84c0-dbb2-af7f-8ee81add0000) 2018-10-11
> Brian Behlendorf, the executive director of Hyperledger, explains why Hyperledger and the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance have joined each other’s organizations.
- [Software Giants Microsoft And Salesforce Flock To Hyperledger Blockchain Consortium](https://www.forbes.com/sites/darrynpollock/2019/06/20/software-giants-microsoft-and-salesforce-flock-to-hyperledger-blockchain-consortium/) > "Yes, THAT SalesForce" @by_caballero
* [Forbes “Blockchain 50” Shows Enterprise Blockchain’s Footprint and Impact, with Hyperledger Tech Leading The Pack](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/02/02/once-again-forbes-blockchain-50-shows-enterprise-blockchains-footprint-and-impact-with-hyperledger-technologies-leading-the-pack) 2021-02-02
> Declaring that blockchain has “gone mainstream,” Forbes today released its 2021 “Blockchain 50,” featuring companies that have at least $1 billion in revenues or are valued at $1 billion or more and “lead in employing distributed ledger technology.” And, once again, half of the companies on the list are using Hyperledger technology.
* [Software Giants Microsoft And Salesforce Flock To Hyperledger Blockchain Consortium](https://www.forbes.com/sites/darrynpollock/2019/06/20/software-giants-microsoft-and-salesforce-flock-to-hyperledger-blockchain-consortium/) 2019-06-20 Forbes
> Hyperledger Blockchain Consortium is growing to new heights with two software giants, Microsoft and Salesforce, coming aboard. It is a big move for blockchain, but also for the enterprises buying in.
* [Hyperledger Blockchain Performance Metrics White Paper – Hyperledger](https://www.hyperledger.org/resources/publications/blockchain-performance-metrics)
* [Inaugural Hyperledger Global Forum Showcases Strong Community Momentum](https://www.linuxfoundation.org/press-release/2018/12/inaugural-hyperledger-global-forum-showcases-strong-community-momentum/)
> For Hyperledger, a project of The Linux Foundation that started less than three years ago, the event is a time to reflect on milestones. Hyperledger has surpassed 260 members, with more than a dozen new members including Citi and Alibaba Cloud announced today. In the last year, Hyperledger launched its 11th project, Ursa, and released development updates to the Hyperledger Burrow, Hyperledger Fabric and Sawtooth frameworks. Additionally, Hyperledger and the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance jointly announced membership in each other’s communities as a way to further bolster enterprise blockchain adoption.
* [What the EEA and Hyperledger Collaboration Means for Enterprise Blockchain Development](https://media.consensys.net/what-the-eea-and-hyperledger-collaboration-means-for-enterprise-blockchain-development-31580012cb2) 2018-10-16
> Much more can be done. For example, in the identity area, the Fabric team has developed an attribute-based identity verification mechanism called Identity Mixer that uses zero-knowledge proofs to demonstrate possession of digital signatures and private keys. Using this technology, Mixer allows you to prove you can do something without revealing who you are. On the other hand, if the goal is identity masking without attribute claims, the Ethereum community has been using a much simpler technique called Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet (HD-Wallet), which originated in the Bitcoin community so that you never reuse a digital identifier more than once. This eliminates any ability to correlate transactions over time, while all private keys are derived from a single root secret.\
> [...]\
> On the identity front, ideally the identities of an organization would not need to be re-built from scratch each time it joins a new consortium. Using a common decentralized identity system, whether it’s based on Hyperledger Indy or Ethereum uPort, or even based on links to legacy federated SSO systems such as ActiveDirectory or LDAP, makes this possible. Certainly more work is required to make this a reality.
## Hyperledger Identity
* [Identity Working Group](https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/IWG)
* [Identity Standards](https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/IWG/Identity+Standards)
* [Looking back on 2019: Identity, blockchain and Verified.Me](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2020/02/05/looking-back-on-2019-identity-blockchain-and-verified-me)
* [Telefónica TrustID, its decentralized Identity solution, moves to Hyperledger Labs](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2020/06/30/telefonica-trustid-its-decentralized-identity-solution-moves-to-hyperledger-labs)
* [How digital identity empowers consumers and producers in a circular supply chain](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2020/05/07/how-digital-identity-empowers-consumers-and-producers-in-a-circular-supply-chain)
* [TrustID: A New Approach to Fabric User Identity Management](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2020/04/21/trustid-a-new-approach-to-fabric-user-identity-management)
* [Identity Applications in Action & Powered by Hyperledger](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2020/04/30/identity-applications-in-action-powered-by-hyperledger)
* [Identity Special Interest Group](https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/IWG/Identity+Special+Interest+Group) Hyperledger
> The purpose of the Identity Special Interest Group is to discuss, research, and document ways to capture, store, transmit and use Identities on the DLT, specifically for the projects in the Hyperledger greenhouse. The Identities can be of nodes that participate in the running of the DLT or entities that transact on the DLT.
* [Investing in Verifiable Credentials, Technical Interoperability and Open Source](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2022/08/23/investing-in-verifiable-credentials-technical-interoperability-and-open-source) 2022-08-23 Hyperledger
> As our approach evolves, we also remain keen to support open source solutions that interoperate with other national and international efforts. There is no dominant design yet, no one network or technology, so we must remain nimble and flexible in our exploration. We also need to coexist with existing identity solutions that millions of British Columbians already rely upon.
* [Why Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) for Identity?](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/04/21/why-distributed-ledger-technology-dlt-for-identity) 2021-04-21 Hyperledger
> To understand why DLT is useful for identity, we need to go back to the basics—paper credentials, how that model has worked for 1000s of years, and how the use of DLTs with verifiable credentials allows us to transition the great parts—security and privacy—of that model to the digital age.
* [Getting Internet Identity Right 30 Years On](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yc3MuYXJ0MTkuY29tL2NvaW5kZXNrLXJlcG9ydHM/episode/Z2lkOi8vYXJ0MTktZXBpc29kZS1sb2NhdG9yL1YwL1B2ZTZ1WThCazZjM24zckdUVVdaQ2YyWGJwQnNuWTBra3N0WWlFOFhBNUk?ep=14) 2020-10-09 Money ReImagined
> Michael Casey and Sheila Warren talk to Hyperledger Executive Director Brian Behlendorf about self-sovereign identity, the topic of this week's column. A developer whose three-decade career has seen him deeply involved in efforts to foster a more open internet, Brian grasps, like few others, the nuances of how human beings should live within a rapidly changing digital economy.
* [How digital identity empowers consumers and producers in a circular supply chain](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2020/05/07/how-digital-identity-empowers-consumers-and-producers-in-a-circular-supply-chain) 2020-05-07
* [Identity Standards](https://wiki.hyperledger.org/display/IWG/Identity+Standards) 2019-03-20
> We hope to accumulate links here that talk to all Identity Standards work. Short updates form this will be used in the paper.
* [Hyperledger Identity Screencast: Social Recovery for Passwords and Secrets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1c05mFuEQ5s) 2019-11-17
> A demonstration of using social recovery for things like recovery passwords of self-sovereign identity digital wallets. The website [http://passguardian.com](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnFXWC1vZEVSZS11Ynl1ZGpBRk1uMUN6VnhnUXxBQ3Jtc0tuRjRPbmFSOEVqU1FNSEJDMml0WXYzUjlmRUdyZk5lVWJSc2p1QnFHV0pMZzNfVlBpNVJ0UGZvY2pEVUlzTFA1LWJlQUU0Q190akpyQndJWmU3bDZranNJVUZxZi1JX2pJb2I1SEtpRXB0cjhCQWNNdw&q=http%3A//passguardian.com) is used to show how a secret can be encoded and distributed as shards, and then later some of the shards combined to restore the secret. This video is part of a [Linux Foundation course on Hyperledger Identity](https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/introduction-to-hyperledger-sovereign-identity-blockchain-solutions-indy-aries-and-ursa/), published on edX.
### Application
* [Hyperledger Identity Vendors](https://www.hyperledger.org/vendor_level/identity-management)
* [TrustID: A New Approach to Fabric User Identity Management](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2020/04/21/trustid-a-new-approach-to-fabric-user-identity-management) 2020-04-21
> We developed TrustID to ease the management of identities for the case of TrustOS. Users shouldn’t need to hold a different set of credentials for each network or decentralized application they interact with. The same credentials used to access your owned Bitcoins and manage your tokens in Ethereum should let you update the state of a Fabric asset or launch a secondary market in TrustOS.
* [Identity Applications in Action & Powered by Hyperledger](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2020/04/30/identity-applications-in-action-powered-by-hyperledger) 2020-04-30
* [Known Traveller Digital Identity, or KTDI, is a World Economic Forum initiative with Accenture](https://www.accenture.com/us-en/services/blockchain/digital-identity) that brings together a global consortium of individuals, governments, authorities and the travel industry to enhance security in world travel.
* [QDX™ HealthID](https://www.quantummaterialscorp.com/) platform is a service from Quantum Materials Corp that leverages self-sovereign identity technology to provide end-to-end visibility to support testing and immunization for infectious diseases, including COVID-19, at scale. (Sawtooth)
* [MemberPass](https://www.memberpass.com/), by CULedger, is a digital credential held by credit union members that protects credit unions and their members from identity theft and fraud in all banking interactions
* [Sovrin Network](https://sovrin.org/) uses the power of a distributed ledger to give every person, organization, and thing the ability to own and control their own permanent digital identity. (Indy)
* [Trust Your Supplier](https://www.trustyoursupplier.com/) is a production Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network, running on the IBM Blockchain Platform, that provides suppliers with a trusted digital passport to streamline on-boarding with their customers. (Fabric)
* [Verified.Me](https://verified.me/) is a service offered by SecureKey Technologies Inc., in conjunction with a consortium of seven of Canada’s major financial institutions – BMO, CIBC, Desjardins, National Bank of Canada, RBC, Scotiabank and TD. (Fabric)
* [Looking back on 2019: Identity, blockchain and Verified.Me](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2020/02/05/looking-back-on-2019-identity-blockchain-and-verified-me) 2020-02-05
> My vision for 2020 is seeing blockchain reach its full potential in helping participants in the world’s digital economy arm themselves against bad actors. My vision is to solve the problems of today’s identity landscape and help consumers – and their data – move forward into the next decade with greater privacy, security and consent-driven tools at their fingertips.
> [...] SecureKey and Canada’s major financial institutions launched blockchain-based network Verified.Me in Canada
## Learn
### Linux Foundation Training
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* [Review of Three Hyperledger Tools – Caliper, Cello and Avalon](https://training.linuxfoundation.org/announcements/review-of-three-hyperledger-tools-caliper-cello-and-avalon/)
### EdX Courses
* [Introduction to Hyperledger Blockchain Technologies](https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-to-hyperledger-blockchain-technologie)
> This introductory course is carefully curated for nontechnical, business-oriented audiences. It examines blockchains for the enterprise and a number of pertinent use cases from Hyperledger, a global cross-industry community of communities hosted by The Linux Foundation and advancing business blockchain technologies. Hyperledger is incubating and promoting enterprise grade, open source business blockchain software, on top of which anyone can set up apps to meet cross-industry needs.
* [Introduction to Hyperledger Sovereign Identity Blockchain Solutions: Indy, Aries & Ursa](https://www.edx.org/course/identity-in-hyperledger-aries-indy-and-ursa) EdX - Linux Foundation
@ -73,25 +107,11 @@ header:
> * Deploy instances of Aries agents and establish a connection between two or more Aries agents.
> * Create from scratch or extend Aries agents to add business logic and understand the possibilities available through the implementation of Aries agents.
### Ecosystem
* [Hyperledger Identity Vendors](https://www.hyperledger.org/vendor_level/identity-management)
* [Identity Applications in Action & Powered by Hyperledger](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2020/04/30/identity-applications-in-action-powered-by-hyperledger)
* [Known Traveller Digital Identity, or KTDI, is a World Economic Forum initiative with Accenture](https://www.accenture.com/us-en/services/blockchain/digital-identity) that brings together a global consortium of individuals, governments, authorities and the travel industry to enhance security in world travel.
* [QDX™ HealthID](https://www.quantummaterialscorp.com/) platform is a service from Quantum Materials Corp that leverages self-sovereign identity technology to provide end-to-end visibility to support testing and immunization for infectious diseases, including COVID-19, at scale. (Sawtooth)
* [MemberPass](https://www.memberpass.com/), by CULedger, is a digital credential held by credit union members that protects credit unions and their members from identity theft and fraud in all banking interactions
* [Sovrin Network](https://sovrin.org/) uses the power of a distributed ledger to give every person, organization, and thing the ability to own and control their own permanent digital identity. (Indy)
* [Trust Your Supplier](https://www.trustyoursupplier.com/) is a production Hyperledger Fabric blockchain network, running on the IBM Blockchain Platform, that provides suppliers with a trusted digital passport to streamline on-boarding with their customers. (Fabric)
* [Verified.Me](https://verified.me/) is a service offered by SecureKey Technologies Inc., in conjunction with a consortium of seven of Canada’s major financial institutions – BMO, CIBC, Desjardins, National Bank of Canada, RBC, Scotiabank and TD. (Fabric)
* [What the EEA and Hyperledger Collaboration Means for Enterprise Blockchain Development](https://media.consensys.net/what-the-eea-and-hyperledger-collaboration-means-for-enterprise-blockchain-development-31580012cb2)
> Much more can be done. For example, in the identity area, the Fabric team has developed an attribute-based identity verification mechanism called Identity Mixer that uses zero-knowledge proofs to demonstrate possession of digital signatures and private keys. Using this technology, Mixer allows you to prove you can do something without revealing who you are. On the other hand, if the goal is identity masking without attribute claims, the Ethereum community has been using a much simpler technique called Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet (HD-Wallet), which originated in the Bitcoin community so that you never reuse a digital identifier more than once. This eliminates any ability to correlate transactions over time, while all private keys are derived from a single root secret.\
> [...]\
> On the identity front, ideally the identities of an organization would not need to be re-built from scratch each time it joins a new consortium. Using a common decentralized identity system, whether it’s based on Hyperledger Indy or Ethereum uPort, or even based on links to legacy federated SSO systems such as ActiveDirectory or LDAP, makes this possible. Certainly more work is required to make this a reality.
### Indy, Aries & Ursa
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/bZrWAsD42-I" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
## Hyperledger Global Forum
* [Hyperledger Forum Recap – Identity Proofing, and Passwordless User-friendly Digital Identity](https://idramp.com/hyperledger-forum-recap-identity-proofing-and-passwordless-user-friendly-digital-identity/) 2021-07-02
> IdRamp CEO, Mike Vesey presented with Mark Rakhmilevich, Senior Director, Blockchain Product Management at Oracle. In their session, titled “Identity Proofing Solution Combining HL Indy and Fabric”, Mike and Mark presented the benefits and ease of integrating an identity proofing solution based on Hyperledger Indy, Hyperledger Fabric, while leveraging the Oracle blockchain and how using two separate distributed ledgers makes the solution stronger.
* [Hyperledger Global Forum 2018]({% link _posts/organizations/2019-03-16-Hyperledger-Global-Forum-2018.md %})
> Identity Related Presentations at HGF-2018
* [Inaugural Hyperledger Global Forum Showcases Strong Community Momentum](https://www.linuxfoundation.org/press-release/2018/12/inaugural-hyperledger-global-forum-showcases-strong-community-momentum/)
> For Hyperledger, a project of The Linux Foundation that started less than three years ago, the event is a time to reflect on milestones. Hyperledger has surpassed 260 members, with more than a dozen new members including Citi and Alibaba Cloud announced today. In the last year, Hyperledger launched its 11th project, Ursa, and released development updates to the Hyperledger Burrow, Hyperledger Fabric and Sawtooth frameworks. Additionally, Hyperledger and the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance jointly announced membership in each other’s communities as a way to further bolster enterprise blockchain adoption.
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published: false
# History
* [Privacy Preserving Authentication—Another reason to care about ZKP](https://www.slideshare.net/eralcnoslen/privacypreserving-authentication-another-reason-to-care-about-zeroknowledge-proofs) 2017-08-14 Clare Nelson
* [A brief history of SSI: Where does it come from? A timeline.](https://jolocom.io/blog/a-brief-history-of-ssi-where-does-it-come-from-a-timeline/)
@ -14,6 +14,26 @@ published: false
- Apple
- Google
## Evernym
* [CULedger partners with decentralized identity innovator Evernym to create MyCUID](https://www.cuinsight.com/press-release/culedger-partners-decentralized-identity-innovator-evernym-create-mycuid) 2018-02-26
> CULedger, builder of innovative blockchain-based products for credit unions and their members, teamed up with Evernym to launch MyCUID, a new consumer-focused digital identity solution. With MyCUID, credit union members can confidently protect themselves from financial fraud and identity theft, while enriching the trusted relationships members have with their credit unions.
* [Digital Identity Innovator Helps Non-Profits Get on the Identity Blockchain](https://globenewswire.com/news-release/2018/09/25/1575928/0/en/Digital-Identity-Innovator-Helps-Non-Profits-Get-on-the-Identity-Blockchain.html) GlobalNewsWire 2018-09-25
>Evernym is opening its Accelerator program to Non Profit Organization (NPOs) applications. Evernym will waive the $50,000 membership fee it normally charges to participate in the program. A panel of judges will select the successful applicants. The first group of awards will be announced before December 2018 and will include 5 organizations. Further NPO cohorts are already planned for 2019.\
>The World Bank estimates over 1 billion persons, usually the most vulnerable, are without formal identity.
## Indicio
* [Anonyome Labs Joins the Indicio MainNet](https://anonyome.com/2021/05/anonyome-labs-joins-the-indicio-mainnet/)
> Here, we go through how we went about standing up our Indico node. In brief:
> - The Indicio MainNet is an enterprise-grade ledger for use by decentralized identity applications.
> - We brought up the node using AWS Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2) instances within a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
> - We pulled the validator algorithms from the open-source project, [Hyperledger Indy](https://www.hyperledger.org/use/hyperledger-indy).
> - A supporting machine operates the command line interface used to perform steward operations onthe ledger.
> - We used security groups at the network interface level to create a firewall.
> - We set up monitoring in AWS CloudWatch using a variety of bash scripting in conjunction with Ubuntu and AWS provided utilities.
> - We created a regular maintenance schedule.
## SpruceID
* [DIDKit v0.1 is Live.](https://sprucesystems.medium.com/didkit-v0-1-is-live-d0ea6638dbc9) 2021-01-28
> Most other options are subtly locked to a specific blockchain and its particularities, which a self-sovereign identity (SSI) novice is unlikely to notice until months into a project based on it. A few open-source libraries exist to sidestep this infrastructural lock-in, but these are more like primitives for assembling an SSI toolkit than ready-to-go, developer-friendly libraries. DIDKit, on the other hand, is ready to start processing real-world VCs with non-repudiable signatures right out the box.
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# Open Source Projects
- Universal Resolver
- Company Code Bases
- Walt.id
- Verite
- SpruceID
- Hyperledger
- Aires
- Indy
- Ursa
- Other HyperLedger Projects
### DIF
- Universal Resolver
- [Exchange] DIDComm ✓ (DIF)
- [Exchange] WACI-Pex ✓ (DIF)
- [Complementary] KERI ✓ (DIF)
- [Authorization] UCAN ✓ (DIF SDS-WG UCAN-WG)
- [DataStores] EDV (DIF)
- [DataStores] DWN (DIF)
* [New article about decentralized protocols to rule the world...](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Dec/0105.html)
* [Great Protocol Politics](https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/12/11/bitcoin-ethereum-cryptocurrency-web3-great-protocol-politics/) - The 21st century doesn’t belong to China, the United States, or Silicon Valley. It belongs to the internet. 2021-12-11
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published: false
# Torgap
* [Torgap architecture & products](https://github.com/BlockchainCommons/torgap)
> Torgap is the Blockchain Commons security and privacy architecture model for creating gaps between connected apps and microservices. It supports privacy, service anonymity, identity psuedonymity, non-correlation, censorship-resistance, and seperation-of-interests and reduces single-points-of-failure. This emerging architecture is supported by QuickConnect and Blockchain Commons' Gordian system, while our Airgapped Wallet community and our research papers are charting its future.
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published: false
# Hyperledger
### DIDs Fabric and Decentralized Networking
* [DEON](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2020/11/05/deon-a-hyperledger-based-decentralized-off-grid-network) is a new Hyperledger project focused in off-line communication networks, independent of internet infrastructure. This could be used to enable networks of devices to communicate peer-to-peer (without the need to ‘phone home’ over the internet), inter-enterprise consortia networks, and enabling user-centric data sharing in a more secure and private fashion. 2020-11-05
* [Add support for "did:indy" to Hyperledger Indy Node and Indy VDR](https://digital.gov.bc.ca/marketplace/opportunities/code-with-us/e3dd1605-cc1d-4c30-a9ee-245940bccd0d) </>Code With Us
Accpting Applications until 1/10 4:00 PM PST
The total funding for the challenge is $70,000CDN and is divided into 4 phases. The first 3 phases require the use of Python working on the [Indy Node](https://github.com/hyperledger/indy-node).
* [Blockchain Trilemma for Decentralized Identity: Learning from Hyperledger Indy](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.05784.pdf) Paul Dunphy, OneSpan, Cambridge, UK
The current credential verification process relies on transaction processing by a ledger with transaction processing bottlenecks, which may constrain the ideal of non-repudiation.
* [GlobaliD releases new open source applications](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-shares-ssi-code-at-the-internet-identity-workshop-446debec43e7)
> They open source their open-sourced iOS and Android native Aries frameworks and donated them to the Hyperledger Aries project.
> They also shared their Dynamic Governance API using GlobaliD Groups.
* [Tutorials](https://aries.js.org/guides/tutorials) Aries JavaScript Docs
> First we’re going to create a holder Agent, this will be the Agent that receives the membership credential. During their life, the holder will collect many different verifiable credentials. Memberships, ID-cards, even purchasing records.
* [Why Are Governments Choosing Hyperledger?](https://northernblock.io/governments-are-choosing-aries-indy-ursa/) Northern Block
> - Open Data Standards (W3C’s DID & VC Standards)
> - Open Tech Standards (Hyperledger Aries, Indy, Ursa)
> - Achieving W3C-Compliance on Aries and Indy
* [Building a Hyperledger Indy Network](https://iiw.idcommons.net/1H/_Building_a_Hyperledger_Indy_Network_-_Questions,_discussion,_etc.) - Questions, discussion, etc. by Lynn Bendixsen
Slides link: [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sUG4297GiRcUdu4aqQnc0Op0LMhbwiqy9LIAINHfSFQ/edit#slide=id.p1](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sUG4297GiRcUdu4aqQnc0Op0LMhbwiqy9LIAINHfSFQ/edit#slide=id.p1)
Links to guides for creating your own Indy network:
High level:
* [https://github.com/trustoverip/utility-foundry-wg](https://github.com/trustoverip/utility-foundry-wg)
Technical details (implementation):
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tg4dAEtC78TxG9AsIby_CfpbeOicK_YMKznSQOvtIVU/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tg4dAEtC78TxG9AsIby_CfpbeOicK_YMKznSQOvtIVU/edit)
* [https://northernblock.io/products/ssi-enterprise-cloud/](https://northernblock.io/products/ssi-enterprise-cloud/). In this video, we will demonstrate how to create new Verifiable Credentials with custom schemas using the NB Orbit enterprise app. Once the credential schema is created and the attribute fields specified, the enterprise user can then publish a credential definition to whatever root of trust they are using, in our case a Hyperledger Indy network.
* [How to Create New Verifiable Credentials with Customizable Schemas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JR6_tQYhgk)
> In this video, we will demonstrate how to create new Verifiable Credentials with custom schemas using the NB Orbit enterprise app.
> Once the credential schema is created and the attribute fields specified, the enterprise user can then publish a credential definition to whatever root of trust they are using, in our case a Hyperledger Indy network.
* [Forbes “Blockchain 50” Shows Enterprise Blockchain’s Footprint and Impact, with Hyperledger Tech Leading The Pack](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/02/02/once-again-forbes-blockchain-50-shows-enterprise-blockchains-footprint-and-impact-with-hyperledger-technologies-leading-the-pack) 2021-02-02
> Declaring that blockchain has “gone mainstream,” Forbes today released its 2021 “Blockchain 50,” featuring companies that have at least $1 billion in revenues or are valued at $1 billion or more and “lead in employing distributed ledger technology.” And, once again, half of the companies on the list are using Hyperledger technology.* [Why Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) for Identity?](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/04/21/why-distributed-ledger-technology-dlt-for-identity) Hyperledger 2021-04-21
> To understand why DLT is useful for identity, we need to go back to the basics—paper credentials, how that model has worked for 1000s of years, and how the use of DLTs with verifiable credentials allows us to transition the great parts—security and privacy—of that model to the digital age.
* [hyperledger-labs/business-partner-agent: The Business Partner Agent allows to manage and exchange master data between organizations](https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/business-partner-agent)
Join the discussion: [https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/business-partner-agent](https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/business-partner-agent)
There was some discussion about the way to present such a profile, especially the way it is currently implemented as an endpoint in the did document pointing to a https ressource (json-ld document served using normal https).
One alternative, to create a DIDcomm-based protocol for public profile was discussed and would be a good alternative at the cost of every client having to be able to speak DIDcomm.
* [Investing in Verifiable Credentials, Technical Interoperability and Open Source](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2022/08/23/investing-in-verifiable-credentials-technical-interoperability-and-open-source) Hyperledger 2022-08-23
As our approach evolves, we also remain keen to support open source solutions that interoperate with other national and international efforts. There is no dominant design yet, no one network or technology, so we must remain nimble and flexible in our exploration. We also need to coexist with existing identity solutions that millions of British Columbians already rely upon.
* [IDunion Introduction and AMA (there will be another one tomorrow!)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/12D/_IDunion_Introduction_and_AMA_(there_will_be_another_one_tomorrow!)) by Andre Kudra + available IDunion crew!
* [IDunion](https://idunion.org/?lang=en) enables self-determined identities based on Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) technologies Hyperledger Indy and Hyperledger Aries. The aim of the IDunion organisation is to create an open ecosystem for decentralised identity management, which can be used worldwide and is based on European values and regulations. IDunion is also a [project](https://www.digitale-technologien.de/DT/Redaktion/DE/Standardartikel/SchaufensterSichereDigIdentProjekte/Schaufensterprojekte/sdi-projekt_idunion.html) co-funded by the [German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs (BMWi)](https://www.bmwi.de/Navigation/EN/Home/home.html) as part of the [Showcases Secure Digital Identities program](https://www.digitale-technologien.de/DT/Navigation/DE/ProgrammeProjekte/AktuelleTechnologieprogramme/Sichere_Digitale_Identitaeten/sichere_digitale_ident.html). We gave an introduction covering
- The IDunion consortium consists of 37 partners - other major partners have already signaled interest in participating
- Our solution is enabled by the distributed ledger technology (DLT) and the concept of self-sovereign identities (SSI)
- Instead of a central authority, trust is organized via a DLT network, which works as a decentralized PKI system
- In recent months, in addition to intensive research, we have developed a DLT test network including governance structure, 35+ use cases and numerous software components for the allocation, verification and management of digital identity data developed
- In the future, the identity network will be managed by a European cooperative in which every institution in the EU can participate
- In total, we are working on 35 use cases in the areas of eGovernment, education, finance, industry/IOT, eCommerce/mobility, IAM, and eHealth
* [IDunion Introduction and AMA (same as on day 2!)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/24D/_IDunion_Introduction_and_AMA_(same_as_on_day_2!)) by Andre Kudra + available IDunion crew!
IDunion | SSI | Identity | Consortium | Cooperative | Germany | Europe | BWMi
Discussion notes, key understandings, outstanding questions, observations, and, if appropriate to this discussion: action items, next steps:
* [BC Gov Collaboration on the Business Partner Agent, sharing our Roadmap (Create Creds, Issue them, Verify them, Hold them, publish them, ZKPs, Selective Disclosure)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/24A/_BC_Gov_Collaboration_on_the_Business_Partner_Agent,_sharing_our_Roadmap-Create_Creds,_Issue_them,_Verify_them,_Hold_them,_publish_them,_ZKPs,_Selective_Disclosure-) by Matthew Hall + Available Collaborators
Business partner agent, credential management, issuers, verifiers, holders, digital wallet
Practical session, what we are actually building today using the hyper ledger Aries tools
Some interesting points
- Viewing organizations as Issuers, Verifiers and Holders
- Talked about the complexity of defining a verifiable credential, I.e. what are you attesting to?
- Went over the need to make it easier for users to be able to create credential schemas and credential definitions without having to gain understanding about the tech.
- Question was asked about where do we start, do we have to bootstrap the first credential? And we went over being able to start with existing governance structures, and the trust that is already accepted there to issue the first credentials.
- I gave a demo of our prototype that shows three actors (Mine, Bank, Verifier) doing a credential exchange flow between them
DEMO: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09-LOHPTHWs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09-LOHPTHWs)
Connect with Us: [https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/business-partner-agent](https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/business-partner-agent)
Repo: [https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/business-partner-agent/projects/1](https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/business-partner-agent/projects/1)
* [Hyperledger Forum Recap – Identity Proofing, and Passwordless User-friendly Digital Identity](https://idramp.com/hyperledger-forum-recap-identity-proofing-and-passwordless-user-friendly-digital-identity/)
IdRamp presented with Oracle at [Hyperledger Global Forum](https://events.linuxfoundation.org/hyperledger-global-forum/) June 2021. The event focused on enterprise use of blockchain technologies using the 15 projects that fall under the Hyperledger “greenhouse”. Keynotes and speakers shared their insights on the current state of enterprise blockchain adoption across several hot topics including central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), non fungible tokens (NFTs), and most importantly– identity.
* [Anonyome Labs Joins the Indicio MainNet](https://anonyome.com/2021/05/anonyome-labs-joins-the-indicio-mainnet/)
Here, we go through how we went about standing up our Indico node. In brief:
- The Indicio MainNet is an enterprise-grade ledger for use by decentralized identity applications.
- We brought up the node using AWS Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2) instances within a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
- We pulled the validator algorithms from the open-source project, [Hyperledger Indy](https://www.hyperledger.org/use/hyperledger-indy).
- A supporting machine operates the command line interface used to perform steward operations onthe ledger.
- We used security groups at the network interface level to create a firewall.
- We set up monitoring in AWS CloudWatch using a variety of bash scripting in conjunction with Ubuntu and AWS provided utilities.
- We created a regular maintenance schedule.
* [Getting Internet Identity Right 30 Years On](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yc3MuYXJ0MTkuY29tL2NvaW5kZXNrLXJlcG9ydHM/episode/Z2lkOi8vYXJ0MTktZXBpc29kZS1sb2NhdG9yL1YwL1B2ZTZ1WThCazZjM24zckdUVVdaQ2YyWGJwQnNuWTBra3N0WWlFOFhBNUk?ep=14) Money ReImagined with Brian Behlendorf.
> Michael Casey and Sheila Warren talk to Hyperledger Executive Director Brian Behlendorf about self-sovereign identity, the topic of this week's column. A developer whose three-decade career has seen him deeply involved in efforts to foster a more open internet, Brian grasps, like few others, the nuances of how human beings should live within a rapidly changing digital economy.
* [Hyperledger completes development of DID:Indy Method and advances toward a network of networks](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2022/05/02/hyperledger-identity-community-completes-development-of-didindy-method-and-advances-toward-a-network-of-networks) Howland & Bluhm - Linux Foundation 2022-05-02
With the groundwork complete, networks and agent frameworks now need to incorporate the Indy:DID Method. This community adoption will increase the viability of the Indy and Aries project stack and position it to be the globally dominant way to issue and share verifiable credentials in a multi-ledger world.
* [An automatized Identity and Access Management system for IoT combining SSI and smart contracts](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2201.00231.pdf) Montassar Naghmouchi, Hella Kaffel, and Maryline Laurent
This paper proposes a blockchain-based identity and access management system for IoT – specifically smart vehicles- as an example of use-case, showing two interoperable blockchains, Ethereum and Hyperledger Indy, and a self-sovereign * [Hyperledger Identity Screencast: Social Recovery for Passwords and Secrets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1c05mFuEQ5s)
A demonstration of using social recovery for things like recovery passwords of self-sovereign identity digital wallets. The website [http://passguardian.com](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnFXWC1vZEVSZS11Ynl1ZGpBRk1uMUN6VnhnUXxBQ3Jtc0tuRjRPbmFSOEVqU1FNSEJDMml0WXYzUjlmRUdyZk5lVWJSc2p1QnFHV0pMZzNfVlBpNVJ0UGZvY2pEVUlzTFA1LWJlQUU0Q190akpyQndJWmU3bDZranNJVUZxZi1JX2pJb2I1SEtpRXB0cjhCQWNNdw&q=http%3A//passguardian.com) is used to show how a secret can be encoded and distributed as shards, and then later some of the shards combined to restore the secret. This video is part of a [Linux Foundation course on Hyperledger Identity](https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/introduction-to-hyperledger-sovereign-identity-blockchain-solutions-indy-aries-and-ursa/), published on edX.
identity model.
* [Technical Design and Development of a Self-Sovereign Identity Management Platform for Patient-Centric Healthcare Using Blockchain Technology](https://blockchainhealthcaretoday.com/index.php/journal/article/view/196#.Yjkahet3YEM.twitter) Blockchain Healthcare Today
To manage patient’s self-sovereign identity, we leveraged the Hyperledger Indy blockchain framework to store patient’s decentralized identifiers (DIDs) and the schemas or format for each credential type. In contrast, the credentials containing patient data are stored “off-ledger” in each person’s wallet and accessible via a computer or smartphone. We used Hyperledger Aries as a middleware layer (API) to connect Hyperledger Indy with the front-end, which was developed using a JavaScript framework, ReactJS (Web Application) and React Native (iOS Application).
## Ursa
* [Hyperledger Ursa code review](https://www.hyperledger.org/hyperledger-ursa/2022/05/31/hyperledger-ursa-code-review) Hyperledger 2022-05-31
> Rooted in a “trust but verify” mindset, several Canadian public sector entities and [Interac](https://www.interac.ca/en/) (Canada’s interbank network) sponsored a project at the [Digital Identity Laboratory of Canada](https://idlab.org/) (IDLab) to perform a security and cryptography code review of Hyperledger Ursa (full report is available [here](https://www.hyperledger.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/URSA-IDLab-Code-Review.pdf)).
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published: false
# Anoncreds
- [Anonymous Credential Part 1: Brief Overview and History](https://medium.com/finema/anonymous-credential-part-1-brief-overview-and-history-c6679034c914) 2020-10-01
> An anonymous credential (Anoncred), which is also known as an attribute-based credential (ABC), is a concept for a digital credential that provides a credential holder maximal privacy and an ability to selectively disclose their personal information.
- [Anonymous Credential Part 2: Selective Disclosure and CL Signature](https://medium.com/finema/anonymous-credential-part-2-selective-disclosure-and-cl-signature-b904a93a1565) 2021-02-04
> selective disclosure and an anonymous credential (Anoncred) relies on an efficient signature scheme that supports multiple messages with a single signature. One such signature scheme is known as CL signature that is named after its Jan Camenisch and Anna Lysyanskaya […] CL signature popularized Anoncreds, and it also served as a cryptographic building block in Identity Mixer (Idemix) and Hyperledger Indy projects.
* [Wrapping Indy Credentials (AnonCreds) in W3C VCs](https://hackmd.io/S6e2MeSWTICnV9lD9OukKg) 2021-04-12
> AnonCreds are typically bound to a holder by using a link secret and not by issuing a credential to a public DID. In order to add such a credential (or a subset of attributes) to the public profile, we suggest the following mechanism which expresses the intent: I self-attest that I have this credential with the specific attribute values, if you require a proof you can ask me using the Aries present proof protocol.
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published: false
# Hyperledger umbrella
### DIDs Fabric and Decentralized Networking
* [DEON](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2020/11/05/deon-a-hyperledger-based-decentralized-off-grid-network) is a new Hyperledger project focused in off-line communication networks, independent of internet infrastructure. This could be used to enable networks of devices to communicate peer-to-peer (without the need to ‘phone home’ over the internet), inter-enterprise consortia networks, and enabling user-centric data sharing in a more secure and private fashion. 2020-11-05
* [Blockchain Trilemma for Decentralized Identity: Learning from Hyperledger Indy](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2204.05784.pdf) 2022-04-22 Paul Dunphy, OneSpan, Cambridge, UK
> The current credential verification process relies on transaction processing by a ledger with transaction processing bottlenecks, which may constrain the ideal of non-repudiation.
* [GlobaliD releases new open source applications](https://medium.com/global-id/globalid-shares-ssi-code-at-the-internet-identity-workshop-446debec43e7) 2020-10-30
> They open source their open-sourced iOS and Android native Aries frameworks and donated them to the Hyperledger Aries project.
> They also shared their Dynamic Governance API using GlobaliD Groups.
* [Tutorials](https://aries.js.org/guides/0.4/tutorials) Aries JavaScript Docs
> First we’re going to create a holder Agent, this will be the Agent that receives the membership credential. During their life, the holder will collect many different verifiable credentials. Memberships, ID-cards, even purchasing records.
* [Why Are Governments Choosing Hyperledger?](https://northernblock.io/podcasts/governments-are-choosing-aries-indy-ursa/) Northern Block
> - Open Data Standards (W3C’s DID & VC Standards)
> - Open Tech Standards (Hyperledger Aries, Indy, Ursa)
> - Achieving W3C-Compliance on Aries and Indy
* [Building a Hyperledger Indy Network](https://iiw.idcommons.net/1H/_Building_a_Hyperledger_Indy_Network_-_Questions,_discussion,_etc.) 2021-05-06 - Questions, discussion, etc. by Lynn Bendixsen
Slides link: [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sUG4297GiRcUdu4aqQnc0Op0LMhbwiqy9LIAINHfSFQ/edit#slide=id.p1](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sUG4297GiRcUdu4aqQnc0Op0LMhbwiqy9LIAINHfSFQ/edit#slide=id.p1)
Links to guides for creating your own Indy network:
High level:
* [https://github.com/trustoverip/utility-foundry-wg](https://github.com/trustoverip/utility-foundry-wg)
Technical details (implementation):
* [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tg4dAEtC78TxG9AsIby_CfpbeOicK_YMKznSQOvtIVU/edit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Tg4dAEtC78TxG9AsIby_CfpbeOicK_YMKznSQOvtIVU/edit)
* [NB Orbit Enterprise/](https://northernblock.io/orbit-enterprise/) 2022
> NB Orbit Enterprise is a no-code self-sovereign identity platform that facilitates the storage, issuance and verification of verifiable credentials that are held and owned by end users in digital wallets.
> The platform contains a collection of technologies and concepts in identity management, distributed and edge computing, distributed ledger technologies and cryptography.
* [How to Create New Verifiable Credentials with Customizable Schemas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JR6_tQYhgk)
> In this video, we will demonstrate how to create new Verifiable Credentials with custom schemas using the NB Orbit enterprise app. Once the credential schema is created and the attribute fields specified, the enterprise user can then publish a credential definition to whatever root of trust they are using, in our case a Hyperledger Indy network.
* [Forbes “Blockchain 50” Shows Enterprise Blockchain’s Footprint and Impact, with Hyperledger Tech Leading The Pack](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/02/02/once-again-forbes-blockchain-50-shows-enterprise-blockchains-footprint-and-impact-with-hyperledger-technologies-leading-the-pack) 2021-02-02
> Declaring that blockchain has “gone mainstream,” Forbes today released its 2021 “Blockchain 50,” featuring companies that have at least $1 billion in revenues or are valued at $1 billion or more and “lead in employing distributed ledger technology.” And, once again, half of the companies on the list are using Hyperledger technology.* [Why Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) for Identity?](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2021/04/21/why-distributed-ledger-technology-dlt-for-identity) 2021-04-21 Hyperledger
> To understand why DLT is useful for identity, we need to go back to the basics—paper credentials, how that model has worked for 1000s of years, and how the use of DLTs with verifiable credentials allows us to transition the great parts—security and privacy—of that model to the digital age.
* [hyperledger-labs/business-partner-agent](https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/business-partner-agent) 2023-05-17 - The Business Partner Agent allows to manage and exchange master data between organizations
> The current maintainers stop active contribution to the further development of the Hyperledger Labs project Business Partner Agent, as well as the related project Business Partner Agent Helm Chart. To give existing users of the Business Partner Agent enough lead time, we are willing to continue maintaining the project for now. For more information see the Hyperledger Discord channel.
Join the discussion: [https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/business-partner-agent](https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/business-partner-agent)
There was some discussion about the way to present such a profile, especially the way it is currently implemented as an endpoint in the did document pointing to a https ressource (json-ld document served using normal https).
One alternative, to create a DIDcomm-based protocol for public profile was discussed and would be a good alternative at the cost of every client having to be able to speak DIDcomm.
* [Investing in Verifiable Credentials, Technical Interoperability and Open Source](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2022/08/23/investing-in-verifiable-credentials-technical-interoperability-and-open-source) 2022-08-23 Hyperledger
> As our approach evolves, we also remain keen to support open source solutions that interoperate with other national and international efforts. There is no dominant design yet, no one network or technology, so we must remain nimble and flexible in our exploration. We also need to coexist with existing identity solutions that millions of British Columbians already rely upon.
* [BC Gov Collaboration on the Business Partner Agent, sharing our Roadmap (Create Creds, Issue them, Verify them, Hold them, publish them, ZKPs, Selective Disclosure)](https://iiw.idcommons.net/24A/_BC_Gov_Collaboration_on_the_Business_Partner_Agent,_sharing_our_Roadmap-Create_Creds,_Issue_them,_Verify_them,_Hold_them,_publish_them,_ZKPs,_Selective_Disclosure-) by Matthew Hall + Available Collaborators
Business partner agent, credential management, issuers, verifiers, holders, digital wallet
Practical session, what we are actually building today using the hyper ledger Aries tools
Some interesting points
- Viewing organizations as Issuers, Verifiers and Holders
- Talked about the complexity of defining a verifiable credential, I.e. what are you attesting to?
- Went over the need to make it easier for users to be able to create credential schemas and credential definitions without having to gain understanding about the tech.
- Question was asked about where do we start, do we have to bootstrap the first credential? And we went over being able to start with existing governance structures, and the trust that is already accepted there to issue the first credentials.
- I gave a demo of our prototype that shows three actors (Mine, Bank, Verifier) doing a credential exchange flow between them
DEMO: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09-LOHPTHWs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09-LOHPTHWs)
Connect with Us: [https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/business-partner-agent](https://chat.hyperledger.org/channel/business-partner-agent)
Repo: [https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/business-partner-agent/projects/1](https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/business-partner-agent/projects/1)
* [Hyperledger Forum Recap – Identity Proofing, and Passwordless User-friendly Digital Identity](https://idramp.com/hyperledger-forum-recap-identity-proofing-and-passwordless-user-friendly-digital-identity/) 2021-07-02
> IdRamp CEO, Mike Vesey presented with Mark Rakhmilevich, Senior Director, Blockchain Product Management at Oracle. In their session, titled “Identity Proofing Solution Combining HL Indy and Fabric”, Mike and Mark presented the benefits and ease of integrating an identity proofing solution based on Hyperledger Indy, Hyperledger Fabric, while leveraging the Oracle blockchain and how using two separate distributed ledgers makes the solution stronger.
* [Anonyome Labs Joins the Indicio MainNet](https://anonyome.com/2021/05/anonyome-labs-joins-the-indicio-mainnet/)
> Here, we go through how we went about standing up our Indico node. In brief:
> - The Indicio MainNet is an enterprise-grade ledger for use by decentralized identity applications.
> - We brought up the node using AWS Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2) instances within a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
> - We pulled the validator algorithms from the open-source project, [Hyperledger Indy](https://www.hyperledger.org/use/hyperledger-indy).
> - A supporting machine operates the command line interface used to perform steward operations onthe ledger.
> - We used security groups at the network interface level to create a firewall.
> - We set up monitoring in AWS CloudWatch using a variety of bash scripting in conjunction with Ubuntu and AWS provided utilities.
> - We created a regular maintenance schedule.
* [Getting Internet Identity Right 30 Years On](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9yc3MuYXJ0MTkuY29tL2NvaW5kZXNrLXJlcG9ydHM/episode/Z2lkOi8vYXJ0MTktZXBpc29kZS1sb2NhdG9yL1YwL1B2ZTZ1WThCazZjM24zckdUVVdaQ2YyWGJwQnNuWTBra3N0WWlFOFhBNUk?ep=14) 2020-10-09 Money ReImagined
> Michael Casey and Sheila Warren talk to Hyperledger Executive Director Brian Behlendorf about self-sovereign identity, the topic of this week's column. A developer whose three-decade career has seen him deeply involved in efforts to foster a more open internet, Brian grasps, like few others, the nuances of how human beings should live within a rapidly changing digital economy.
* [Hyperledger completes development of DID:Indy Method and advances toward a network of networks](https://www.hyperledger.org/blog/2022/05/02/hyperledger-identity-community-completes-development-of-didindy-method-and-advances-toward-a-network-of-networks) 2022-05-02 Linux Foundation, Howland & Bluhm
> With the groundwork complete, networks and agent frameworks now need to incorporate the Indy:DID Method. This community adoption will increase the viability of the Indy and Aries project stack and position it to be the globally dominant way to issue and share verifiable credentials in a multi-ledger world.
* [An automatized Identity and Access Management system for IoT combining SSI and smart contracts](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2201.00231.pdf) 2023-06-11 Montassar Naghmouchi, Hella Kaffel, and Maryline Laurent
> This paper proposes a blockchain-based identity and access management system for IoT – specifically smart vehicles- as an example of use-case, showing two interoperable blockchains, Ethereum and Hyperledger Indy, and a self-sovereign * [Hyperledger Identity Screencast: Social Recovery for Passwords and Secrets](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1c05mFuEQ5s)
> A demonstration of using social recovery for things like recovery passwords of self-sovereign identity digital wallets. The website [http://passguardian.com](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnFXWC1vZEVSZS11Ynl1ZGpBRk1uMUN6VnhnUXxBQ3Jtc0tuRjRPbmFSOEVqU1FNSEJDMml0WXYzUjlmRUdyZk5lVWJSc2p1QnFHV0pMZzNfVlBpNVJ0UGZvY2pEVUlzTFA1LWJlQUU0Q190akpyQndJWmU3bDZranNJVUZxZi1JX2pJb2I1SEtpRXB0cjhCQWNNdw&q=http%3A//passguardian.com) is used to show how a secret can be encoded and distributed as shards, and then later some of the shards combined to restore the secret. This video is part of a [Linux Foundation course on Hyperledger Identity](https://training.linuxfoundation.org/training/introduction-to-hyperledger-sovereign-identity-blockchain-solutions-indy-aries-and-ursa/), published on edX.
* [Technical Design and Development of a Self-Sovereign Identity Management Platform for Patient-Centric Healthcare Using Blockchain Technology](https://blockchainhealthcaretoday.com/index.php/journal/article/view/196#.Yjkahet3YEM.twitter) 2022-04-22 Blockchain Healthcare Today
> To manage patient’s self-sovereign identity, we leveraged the Hyperledger Indy blockchain framework to store patient’s decentralized identifiers (DIDs) and the schemas or format for each credential type. In contrast, the credentials containing patient data are stored “off-ledger” in each person’s wallet and accessible via a computer or smartphone. We used Hyperledger Aries as a middleware layer (API) to connect Hyperledger Indy with the front-end, which was developed using a JavaScript framework, ReactJS (Web Application) and React Native (iOS Application).
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[our library for Verifiable Credential eXchange](http://github.com/evernym/sdk)
## Code
Code: [https://github.com/swiss-ssi-group/MattrGlobalAspNetCore](https://github.com/swiss-ssi-group/MattrGlobalAspNetCore)
## Schema
* [Announcing Schema Markup Validator: validator.schema.org (beta)](http://blog.schema.org/2021/05/announcing-schema-markup-validator.html)
SDTT is a tool from Google which began life as the [Rich Snippets Testing Tool](https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2010/09/rich-snippets-testing-tool-improvements) back in 2010. Last year Google [announced plans](https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2020/07/rich-results-test-out-of-beta) to migrate from SDTT to successor tooling, the [Rich Results Test](https://search.google.com/test/rich-results), alongside plans to "deprecate the Structured Data Testing Tool". The newer Google tooling is focused on helping publishers who are targeting specific schema.org-powered [search features](https://developers.google.com/search/docs/guides/search-gallery) offered by Google, and for these purposes is a huge improvement as it contextualizes many warnings and errors to a specific target application.
## Semantics
* [The Importance of Data Inputs and Semantics for SSI with Paul Knowles [Podcast]](https://northernblock.io/semantics-for-ssi-with-paul-knowles/)
> The platform was an incredibly federated platform when I built it because I didn’t know that SSI existed. So as soon as I found that ecosystem, I tore up the rulebook and said, “This isn’t going to work; I have to rebuild it.”
## QR
* [Gordian QR Tool Supports Vaccine Records, 2FAs, Cryptoseeds, and More](https://www.blockchaincommons.com/projects/Releasing-QRTool/) Blockchain Commons
> Some possible architectural issues arise from using QR codes for confidential data, such as the fact that you’re actually transmitting the data (not a proof of the data), that the QRs tend to contain all of the data (not just a selection), and that there’s no way to rescind a QR or expire it. Those issues will have to be dealt with at a foundational level as we figure out what can safely be encoded as a QR — and more importantly how to offer restricted proofs rather than complete information.
## Mobile Agent Dev
* [App Framework for Mobile Agent Dev - “No more forking”](https://iiw.idcommons.net/22A/_App_Framework_for_Mobile_Agent_Dev_-_%22No_more_forking%22) by Horacio Nunez
This session had the objective to present a solution to the problem of forking when developing new mobile agents. With the current starting kits available in the community it is very easy to start a path where it is almost impossible to retrofit updates to the kit back into our custom agent.
The solution consists in using a framework-first approach and ensuring that custom code can reside exclusively outside of the framework, thus ensuring updates can be executed more easily.
The following link can be used as the public url for the project:
* [https://www.notion.so/App-Framework-for-Mobile-Agent-Development-No-more-forking-52ebe4e5635d400eb225b0ed537404d8](https://www.notion.so/App-Framework-for-Mobile-Agent-Development-No-more-forking-52ebe4e5635d400eb225b0ed537404d8)
### Caribou - Research \ Advisory
Digital Caribou shares their thoughts on [Digital Transformation and inclusion](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/transformation-in-a-digital-age-9068338fd778) - very good thinking for all of us working on digital identity.
> We believe that the emphasis on transformation as both process and effects is particularly important, especially as although digitization and digitalization are well underway, accelerated by the response to COVID-19 (remote working, payments, etc.), these are not inevitable processes. They are the results of human decisions. Similarly, the effects of these are not inevitable, either.
* [The human impact of identity exclusion in financial service](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/the-human-impact-of-identity-exclusion-in-financial-services-ce1e0d769389) Caribou Digital
> we spoke to a range of participants who are or who have felt excluded from financial systems for different reasons and we’ll be sharing these stories over the next few months. This research is the foundation for Women in Identity to build an Identity Code of Conduct — a set of guiding principles and a framework for inclusive ID-product development.
* [Digital Identity for Development — and protection](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/digital-identity-for-development-and-protection-d92716f24bb6) Caribou Digital
> the deployment of digital identification systems needs to get smarter about understanding the political interests and risks that shape the contexts in which identification systems are used — our [ID Ecosystem Mapping tool](https://medium.com/caribou-digital/kenyas-identification-ecosystem-7cbc2ee27) supports risk assessment arising from the deployment of digital identification systems.
## General Dev
* [Technical Debt](https://www.continuumloop.com/technical-debt/)
> - Technical Debt – Seth covers it well but missed a major cause of technical debt. That being the shortcuts that are taken to meet deadlines and requirements – with the hope/fantasy that we’ll go back and do them right later (hint: we never do).
> - Project Debt
> - Why saying NO to those simple things may be the best thing. For some hints on how to do that see [Say No With Grace](https://www.continuumloop.com/say-no-with-grace/).
* [The Journey of an SSI Developer](https://academy.affinidi.com/the-journey-of-an-ssi-developer-6ef4f642779c) Affinidi
* [Clear is better than clever](https://dave.cheney.net/2019/07/09/clear-is-better-than-clever) Cheney.net 2019-07-09
“why would I read your code?” To be clear, when I say I, I don’t mean me, I mean you. And when I say your code I also mean you, but in the third person. So really what I’m asking is, “why would you read another person’s code?”
* [Contributing to Complex Projects](https://mitchellh.com/writing/contributing-to-complex-projects) Mitchell H
Inspiration - for folks engaging with new code
As a frequent open source maintainer and contributor, I’m often asked: where do you start? How do you approach a new project with the goal of making meaningful changes? How can you possibly understand the internals of a complex project?
### Civic
* [Introducing New Tools for Creators to Build Trusted Communities](https://www.civic.com/blog/introducing-new-tools-for-creators-to-build-trusted-communities/) CIVIC
Our goal is to make the process of building trust easier and more effective for creators. With that in mind, we’re sharing an overview of our plan to address the pain points of creators and marketplaces in the NFT space using identity tools.
## Entrustient
* [No Code Solution Using Self-Sovereign Identity on Redundant Blockchains](https://www.pressrelease.cc/2021/12/02/entrustient-launches-the-first-no-code-solution-for-trusted-decentralized-digital-identity-using-self-sovereign-identity-on-redundant-blockchains/) Entrustient 2021-12-02
Our goal was to put the power back into the hands of users who do not have any coding knowledge or experience, to accelerate the time to configure and launch an entire Trusted Decentralized Digital Identity peer-to-peer ecosystem
### Sphereon
* [PRESENTATION EXCHANGE WITH SIOP V2](https://sphereon.com/solution/dif-presentation-exchange-with-siop-v2/)
Sphereon has developed a Typescript/Javascript Library that implements the functionality described in the [DIF Presentation Exchange](https://identity.foundation/presentation-exchange/) specification.
### bloom
* [Introducing SSI SDK](https://bloom.co/blog/introducing-ssi-sdk/) Bloom
- @bloomprotocol/vc
- @bloomprotocol/ecdsa-secp256k1-signature-2019
- @bloomprotocol/ecdsa-secp256k1-verification-key-2019
- @bloomprotocol/elem-did-legacy-non-anchored
- @bloomprotocol/waci-core
- @bloomprotocol/waci-jose
- @bloomprocotol/waci-kit-react
- @bloomprotocol/presentation-exchange
- @bloomprotocol/credential-manifest
### Ringaile
* [How to write verifiable credentials in golang](https://ringaile.medium.com/how-to-write-verifiable-credentials-in-golang-7447234d5c16)
Note: the code is written following the
[Verifiable Credentials Data Model 1.0](https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/)
You can find full code here:
### EPS
* [EPS for SSI (Self-Sovereign Identity)](https://kokumai.medium.com/eps-for-ssi-self-sovereign-identity-8c742e2b1d02)
> In my earlier post, I failed to refer specifically to the people working for Self-Sovereign Identity and the likes of blockchain that support the distributed/decentralised storage of secrets. [...] you might all be interested to hear that the key function of Expanded Password System is to convert images to high-entropy codes that work as very long passwords and also as the seeds of symmetric/asymmetric cryptographic keys.
### Dillo-DID Plugin Dillo Browser
* [Dillo plugin for DID URLs](https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-credentials/2021Feb/0038.html) Charles E. Lehner
> I would like to announce dillo-did, a plugin for the Dillo web browser implementing support for DIDs. This plugin enables navigating to DID URLs in Dillo and viewing the resolved/dereferenced DID documents and resources like web pages. The implementation of the DID functionality used is from ssi/DIDKit.
### Godidy
* [@mfosterio · Apr 29](https://twitter.com/mfosterio/status/1520130657468440576) Twitter
I created a DID at [http://GoDiddy.com](https://t.co/QhwQhqUz0k) did:key:z6MkfxFPD3vwny367HZVQoqUnKatH4RTHEitcbEdvxst3nZm#z6MkfxFPD3vwny367HZVQoqUnKatH4RTHEitcbEdvxst3nZm DIDs are important in Self Sovereign Identity. You can learn about DIDs
### ownyourdata
* [Semantic Overlay Architecture](https://www.ownyourdata.eu/en/semantic-overlay-architecture/) Own Your Data
We have documented the [functionality of SOyA](https://ownyourdata.github.io/soya/) in a W3C-conforming Specifiation and the full source code is available under the MIT License [on Github](https://github.com/OwnYourData/soya/). Examples and an introduction how to use SOyA is [available in a dedicated Tutorial](https://github.com/OwnYourData/soya/blob/main/tutorial/README.md)
### T-Systems
* [Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) at T-Systems MMS: Interview mit Mujtaba Idrees, T-Systems MMS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A311QHASy5Y) 7min video on YouTube
► Dr. Ivan Gudymenko, Subject Matter Lead SSI and Confidential Computing, T-Systems MMS
►Mujtaba Idrees, Advanced Software Engineer, T-Systems MMS
► [Credentials as a Service Providing Self Sovereign Identity as a Cloud Service Using Trusted Execution Environments](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9610297)
### KidOYO
* [Engineer your world this summer: K-University student + teacher opportunities are live!](https://kidoyo.com/join) KidOYO
Whether a beginning learner, or interested in advanced concepts like Game Development, Hardware Prototyping, or Competitive Coding, you will find tools, lessons and mentors
### Aztec
* [Introducing Noir: The Universal Language of Zero-Knowledge](https://medium.com/aztec-protocol/introducing-noir-the-universal-language-of-zero-knowledge-ff43f38d86d9) Aztec Network
Noir is a Rust-based domain specific language (DSL) for creating and verifying zero-knowledge proofs. It’s the easiest way to write zk applications that are compatible with any proving system.
## Danube Tech
* [projectdanube/indy-sdk-java](https://github.com/projectdanube/indy-sdk-java) - Java binding to the native Indy SDK
* [projectdanube/blockstack-cli-java](https://github.com/projectdanube/blockstack-cli-java) - Java client for Blockstore
### XDI
>[XDI.org](https://xdi.org) is a non-profit public trust organization whose purpose is to provide public infrastructure for digital identity, security, and privacy using the open standard XDI semantic data interchange protocol developed by the OASIS XDI Technical Committee.
* [projectdanube/xdi-tutorial](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi-tutorial) - XDI Tutorial
* [projectdanube/XDINinja-swing](https://github.com/projectdanube/XDINinja-swing) - XDI-enabled standalone client application
* [projectdanube/xdi2-tools](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-tools) - XDI2 maintenance and other tools
* [projectdanube/xdi2-connector-personal](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-connector-personal) - A connector plugin for the XDI2 server that maps data from Personal.com to XDI
* [projectdanube/xdi2-docker](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-docker) - Dockerfiles for XDI2
* [projectdanube/xdi2-connect-buttonbuilder](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-connect-buttonbuilder) - "Button Builder" component for the XDI Connect protocol
#### Libraries
* [projectdanube/xdi2](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2) - XDI2 general purpose library and server
* [projectdanube/xdi-js](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi-js) - XDI client library for JavaScript
* [projectdanube/xdi2-connect-core](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-connect-core) - Shared library for the XDI Connect protocol
#### Integrations
* [projectdanube/xdi2-bdb](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-bdb) - Support for using BDB as XDI2 backend storage
* [projectdanube/xdi2-mongodb](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-mongodb) - Support for using MongoDB as XDI2 backend storage
* [projectdanube/xdi2-server-heroku](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-server-heroku) - XDI2 Server deployed via Heroku
* [projectdanube/xdi2-redis](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-redis) - Support for using Redis as XDI2 backend storage
* [projectdanube/xdi2-tor](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-tor) - Integration of XDI and Tor
* [projectdanube/xdi2-ipfs](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-ipfs) - Integration of XDI and IPFS
* [projectdanube/withsqlite](https://github.com/projectdanube/withsqlite) - A module for a python dict that back ends on an sqlite3 database. It's bit like shelve but with json and sqlite3.
- Forked from jvasile/withsqlite
#### Configuration
* [projectdanube/xdi2-selfhosted](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-selfhosted) - A configuration profile of the XDI2 server for self-hosting a single XDI graph.
* [projectdanube/xdi2-csp](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-csp) - A configuration profile of the XDI2 server for hosting a dynamic number of XDI graphs.
* [projectdanube/xdi2-registry](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-registry) -
A configuration profile of the XDI2 server for hosting a registry of XDI names and XDI numbers.
#### Examples
* [projectdanube/xdi2-example-messaging](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-example-messaging) - XDI2 Examples: Basic messaging functionality.
* [projectdanube/xdi2-example-advanced-server](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-example-advanced-server) - XDI2 Examples: Setting up advanced XDI servers.
* [projectdanube/xdi2-example-core](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-example-core) - XDI2 Examples: Simple uses of the core functionality.
* [projectdanube/xdi2-example-client](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-example-client) - XDI2 Examples: Writing XDI client applications.
* [projectdanube/xdi2-example-secp256k1-server](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-example-secp256k1-server) - Example XDI server using cid-2 cryptographic XDI numbers.
* [projectdanube/xdi2-example-ec25519-server](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-example-ec25519-server) - Example XDI server using cid-1 cryptographic XDI numbers.
* [projectdanube/xdi2-connect-acmenews](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-connect-acmenews) - +acmenews XDI2 demo
* [projectdanube/xdi2-connect-leshop](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-connect-leshop) - +leshop XDI2 demo
* [projectdanube/xdi2-example-secp256k1-client](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-example-secp256k1-client) - Example XDI client using cid-2 cryptographic XDI numbers.
* [projectdanube/xdi2-example-ec25519-client](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-example-ec25519-client) - Example XDI client using cid-1 cryptographic XDI numbers.
#### Plugins
* [projectdanube/xdi2-crypto-secp256k1](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-crypto-secp256k1) - This is an secp256k1 crypto plugin for the XDI2 client and server.
* [projectdanube/xdi2-crypto-ec25519](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-crypto-ec25519) - This is an Ed25519 crypto plugin for the XDI2 client and server.
* [projectdanube/xdi2-connector-facebook](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-connector-facebook) - A connector plugin for the XDI2 server that maps data from Facebook to XDI
* [projectdanube/xdi2-connector-meeco](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-connector-meeco) - A connector plugin for Meeco
* [projectdanube/XDINinja-plugin](https://github.com/projectdanube/XDINinja-plugin) - A browser plugin that is like "Twitter for data"
* [projectdanube/xdi2-connector-cozy](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-connector-cozy) - A connector plugin for CozyCloud
* [projectdanube/xdi2-filesys](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-filesys) - Plugin for an XDI2 server to integrate with a local filesystem
#### Aeternam
* [projectdanube/aeternam-xdi-sncf](https://github.com/projectdanube/aeternam-xdi-sncf) - Aeternam PNR Demo: SNCF
* [projectdanube/aeternam-xdi-db](https://github.com/projectdanube/aeternam-xdi-db) - Aeternam PNR Demo: Deutsche Bahn
* [projectdanube/aeternam-xdi-tests](https://github.com/projectdanube/aeternam-xdi-tests) - XDI experimentation for ÆTERNAM / ÆVATAR
* [projectdanube/aeternam-xdi-maria](https://github.com/projectdanube/aeternam-xdi-maria) - Aeternam PNR Demo: Maria
* [projectdanube/aeternam-xdi-webshop](https://github.com/projectdanube/aeternam-xdi-webshop) - Aeternam PNR Demo: Webshop
* [projectdanube/aeternam-xdi-oebb](https://github.com/projectdanube/aeternam-xdi-oebb) - Aeternam PNR Demo: ÖBB
#### XDI Cloud
* [projectdanube/xdi2-cloudcards](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-cloudcards) - XDI Cloud Card Viewer
* [projectdanube/xdi2-messenger](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-messenger) - XDI Cloud Messenger
* [projectdanube/xdi2-manager](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-manager) - XDI Cloud Manager
* [projectdanube/xdi2-pixel](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-pixel) - Tool to translate a personal cloud policy language (Pixel) to XDI link contracts.
#### XDI Server Deployed Via
* [projectdanube/xdi2-server-grizzly](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-server-grizzly) - XDI2 Server deployed via Grizzly
* [projectdanube/xdi2-server-mina](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-server-mina) - XDI2 Server deployed via Apache MINA
* [projectdanube/xdi2-server-netty](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-server-netty) - XDI2 Server deployed via netty
* [projectdanube/xdi2-server-undertow](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-server-undertow) - XDI2 Server deployed via Undertow
* [projectdanube/xdi2-server-vertx](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-server-vertx) - XDI2 Server deployed via vert.x
#### Sevices
* [projectdanube/xdi2-connect-service](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-connect-service) - This is a "Connect Service" component for the XDI Browser binding.
* [projectdanube/neustar-discovery-service](https://github.com/projectdanube/neustar-discovery-service) - Neustar XDI Discovery Service based on XRI Resolution
- Forked from neustarpc/neustar-discovery-service
* [projectdanube/xdi2-connect-auth-service-war](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-connect-auth-service-war) - "Authorization Service" for the XDI Connect protocol, packaged as .WAR file
* [projectdanube/xdi2-connect-service-war](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-connect-service-war) - "Connect Service" for the XDI Connect protocol, packaged as .WAR file
* [projectdanube/xdi-grapheditor](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi-grapheditor) - An XDI Graph Editor
-Forked from neustar/xdi-grapheditor
* [projectdanube/xdi2-connect-auth-service](https://github.com/projectdanube/xdi2-connect-auth-service) - This is a "Connect Auth Service" component for the XDI Browser binding.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user