2021-05-07 16:00:53 +01:00

11 KiB


BigBlueButton is open-source video calling software aimed primarily at educators and has useful features such as screen and PDF sharing, collaborative document editing, polls and more.

Dimension supports embedding BigBlueButton meetings into a Matrix room via widgets, and can do so in two ways:

  • Greenlight is a frontend for BigBlueButton meeting administration that allows for creating/ending meetings, inviting people via link or email etc. Dimension supports taking a Greenlight URL and turning it into a widget in a Matrix room that room occupants can use to join the meeting. In this instance, Greenlight is acting as a client of BigBlueButton's server-side API, and Dimension is relying on a Greenlight URL to allow Matrix users to join a meeting.
  • Alternatively, Dimension can be configured to connect directly to BigBlueButton and create meetings itself. This does require running your own BigBlueButton server which Dimension will have authorization to control. This configuration is useful as meetings can be created without needing to leave your Matrix client, as well as sidesteps the need to set up Greenlight on your deployment. This method can also be used to allow the 'Video Call' button in Element to start a meeting.

Note that with the first method, Dimension can be given a Greenlight URL pointing to any public instance of Greenlight/BigBlueButton. With the second, Dimension will only talk to, and create meetings on, the BigBlueButton server it has been configured to talk to.

Usage Guide

Using a Greenlight URL

Dimension does not require any extra configuration to allow creating meetings using a Greenlight URL.

  • Open the integration manager window and add a BigBlueButton widget.
  • Enter the URL you received from Greenlight. It should be in the form:
  • Click the 'Add Widget' button.

Members in the room will see a BigBlueButton widget appear. They can click "Join Conference" inside the widget to join.

Have Dimension Create Meetings (with Element's Video Call button)

Fill out the bigbluebutton section of Dimension's config file. Both the apiBaseUrl and sharedSecret fields must be set to the values corresponding to your own BigBlueButton server.

Element can be configured to ask Dimension to start a meeting without any client-side changes. Simply add the following information to the Client well-known file of your homeserver:

"io.element.call_behaviour": {
    "widget_build_url": "",

then close and reopen Element so that it picks up the new behaviour.

Now pressing the Video Call button in a room with more than two users in it should spawn a BigBlueButton meeting! Note that BigBlueButton will automatically end meetings that all users have left (after a minute or two). Thus if all users have left a meeting, you will need to recreate the widget in order to spawn a new meeting.

Created meetings are protected by a generated password that is included in the widget room state event. Thus one will only be able to gain access to the meeting if they are in the room, or if someone in the room shares that information with them. All users that join will have moderator permissions in the meeting, though this may change in the future to allow meeting permissions based of room power level.


This code was last tested with the BigBlueButton v2.3 docker image.

When using a Greenlight URL

Let us know if you run into any problems!

When having Dimension create meetings

My users are seeing 401 Unknown Session errors when trying to join a meeting!

BigBlueButton (or at least the docker image) has a strange bug where calling the /join API ends up failing to verify the session ID which it just passed to you. There's discussion on the issue here and here, but TL;DR if you're getting invalid session ID errors, a workaround is to set allowRequestsWithoutSession=true in /usr/share/bbb-web/WEB-INF/classes/ (located in the bbb-docker_bbb-web container for docker deployments).

I'm using the BigBlueButton docker image and it's taking about 20-30 seconds for a user to join a meeting. Why is it so slow?

This appears to be due to the BigBlueButton nginx container attempting to contact multiple html5-frontend instances, of which you may only have configured one or two to start. nginx will wait for every request to timeout before returning the result to yours though, hence the long wait. It's possible to edit the nginx configuration inside the containers to remove the extra upstream directives and eliminate the timeout. But this is something that really needs to be fixed upstream.

It sometimes says that my meeting does not exist! Where'd it go?

As mentioned above, BigBlueButton server will automatically remove meetings that everyone has left. Unfortunately we don't currently have a way to remove the widget when this happens. Someone will permissions in the room will need to recreate the widget and thus create a new meeting.

Implementation Details

When using a Greenlight URL

See the explanation here.

When having Dimension create meetings

Matrix clients can create widgets by sending a widget state event in the room with the appropriate fields. To retrieve the necessary content of a state event that embeds a BigBlueButton meeting, clients can call GET /api/v1/dimension/bigbluebutton/widget_state?roomId=!room:domain on Dimension to retrieve the necessary json contents for the state event. An example response may look like:

  "widget_id": "24faa4cfd11d3b915664b7b393866974517014d43e5e682f8c930ec3fbaac337",
  "widget": {
    "creatorUserId": "@dimension:localhost",
    "id": "24faa4cfd11d3b915664b7b393866974517014d43e5e682f8c930ec3fbaac337",
    "type": "m.custom",
    "waitForIframeLoad": true,
    "name": "BigBlueButton Conference",
    "avatar_url": "mxc://",
    "url": "$matrix_widget_id&roomId=$matrix_room_id&createMeeting=true&displayName=$matrix_display_name&avatarUrl=$matrix_avatar_url&userId=$matrix_user_id&meetingId=GsmiDReG&meetingPassword=dvKIv7EX&auth=$openidtoken-jwt",
    "data": {
      "title": "Join the conference"
  "layout": {
    "container": "top",
    "index": 0,
    "width": 65,
    "height": 50

The contents of the widget dict from the response is what should be placed in the content of the widget state event. An example widget state event generated from the above looks like:

  "type": "im.vector.modular.widgets",
  "sender": "@admin:localhost",
  "content": {
    "creatorUserId": "@admin:localhost",
    "id": "24faa4cfd11d3b915664b7b393866974517014d43e5e682f8c930ec3fbaac337",
    "type": "m.custom",
    "waitForIframeLoad": true,
    "name": "BigBlueButton Conference",
    "avatar_url": "mxc://",
    "url": "$matrix_widget_id&roomId=$matrix_room_id&createMeeting=true&displayName=$matrix_display_name&avatarUrl=$matrix_avatar_url&userId=$matrix_user_id&meetingId=GsmiDReG&meetingPassword=dvKIv7EX&auth=$openidtoken-jwt",
    "data": {
      "title": "Join the conference"
    "roomId": "!ZsCMQAoIIHgOlXMzwX:localhost",
    "eventId": "$2RbnJDUPFIMTDVda_-Z01lyZt30W-bZnw3z7CFIRWKQ"
  "state_key": "24faa4cfd11d3b915664b7b393866974517014d43e5e682f8c930ec3fbaac337",
  "origin_server_ts": 1620386456620,
  "unsigned": {
    "age": 96
  "event_id": "$2RbnJDUPFIMTDVda_-Z01lyZt30W-bZnw3z7CFIRWKQ",
  "room_id": "!ZsCMQAoIIHgOlXMzwX:localhost"

While servicing the /widget_state call, Dimension will create the BigBlueButton meeting by calling the BigBlueButton /create API. We get back a meeting ID and two passwords from BigBlueButton: one "attendee" and one "moderator" password. We can pass either of these back to the user, and it'll be placed in the widget state event in the room. (For now, we just pass back the moderator password). You'll notice that it's included in the url field as a query parameter. Those query parameters are passed to the widget when it loads, which the widget then uses to populate fields when making subsequent calls to Dimension.

The widget will then use the meetingID, password and some additional user metadata (displayname, userID, avatarURL) to call POST /api/v1/dimension/bigbluebutton/getJoinUrl. Dimension will craft a URL that the widget can use to call the BigBlueButton /join API, and respond with the following:

  "url": ""

That URL is embedded and loaded by the widget - joining the meeting.

Note that if everyone in the meeting leaves, the meeting will be garbage-collected automatically server-side by BigBlueButton. However the widget will still remain in the room. In this case, if users attempt to join the meeting again, they will be informed that a new meeting needs to be created. This works by having Dimension check if a meeting is still running in /getJoinUrl. It does so by using the BigBlueButton getMeetingInfo API to check that:

  • A current or past meeting actually exists with the provided meeting ID - if not, the following will be returned to the widget:

      "jsonResponse": {
        "error": "This meeting does not exist.",
        "dim_errcode": "UNKNOWN_MEETING_ID",
        "errcode": "UNKNOWN_MEETING_ID"
      "statusCode": 400,
      "errorCode": "UNKNOWN_MEETING_ID"
  • A meeting exists, but has both running as false and has an endTime other than 0. If both of those are true, then the meeting existed but is no longer running. In that case, the following will be returned to the widget:

      "jsonResponse": {
        "error": "This meeting does not exist.",
        "dim_errcode": "MEETING_HAS_ENDED",
        "errcode": "MEETING_HAS_ENDED"
      "statusCode": 400,
      "errorCode": "MEETING_HAS_ENDED"

Upon receiving either of these, the widget will inform the user with an error message that a new meeting must be created.