2017-12-10 01:35:33 -07:00

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Scalar API (Riot)

Scalar and Riot communicate using cross-origin messages in a defined format (described in this document). The full source for the messaging layer in Riot can be seen here. With this API, the integrations manager is able to invite users, get some basic state information, and interact with the room in a limited capacity. The API is intentionally restricted to ensure that misbehaving domains don't have full control over Riot.

Setting up communications

Riot will automatically open a channel for receiving messages. The integrations manager needs to do the same so it can speak to Riot. Here's some sample JavaScript that will do this for us:

window.addEventListener("message", function(event) {
  if (! || ! return; // invalid
  if ( throw new Error(; // TODO: Better error handling

  // TODO: Process response

function sendMessage(action, roomId, userId, otherFields) {
  if (!otherFields) otherFields = {};
  var request = otherFields;
  request["user_id"] = userId;
  request["room_id"] = roomId;
  request["action"] = action;

  window.opener.postMessage(request, "*"); // "*" posts to all origins

Response format

For all requests, the request is returned with the response. As an example, if we made a request like this:

  "action": "invite",
  "room_id": "!",
  "user_id": ""

then we can expect a response object that looks like this:

  "action": "invite",
  "room_id": "!",
  "user_id": "",
  "response": {
    "success": true


An error response will always have the following structure under response:

  "error": {
    "message": "Something went wrong",
    "_error": <original Error object>


The examples in this section assume the helper function in "Setting up communication" is present.

Inviting users

Action: "invite" Required params:

  • room_id - where to invite the user to
  • user_id - the user to invite

Sample call:

sendMessage("invite", "!", "");

Success Response:

  "action": "invite",
  "room_id": "!",
  "user_id": "",
  "response": {
    "success": true

Get membership state for a user

Action: "membership_state" Required params:

  • room_id - where to try and find the user
  • user_id - the user to lookup

Sample call:

sendMessage("membership_state", "!", "");

Success Response:

  "action": "membership_state",
  "room_id": "!",
  "user_id": "",
  "response": {
    "membership": "join",
    "avatar_url": "mxc://",
    "displayname": "Matrix Traveler"

Note: The response will be the content of the state event. An error may be returned if the user is not in the room.

Get defined options for a bot

Action: "bot_options" Required params:

  • room_id - where to try and find the options
  • user_id - the bot (user) to get options for

Sample call:

sendMessage("bot_options", "!", "");

Success Response:

  "action": "bot_options",
  "room_id": "!",
  "user_id": "",
  "response": {
    "botOption": "hello world"

Note: The response will be the content of the state event, which is defined using set_bot_options.

Setting options for a bot

Action: "set_bot_options" Required params:

  • room_id - where to try and set the options
  • user_id - the bot (user) to set options for
  • content - the options to specify (extra data)

Sample call:

sendMessage("set_bot_options", "!", "", {content: {botOption: 'hello world'}});

Success Response:

  "action": "set_bot_options",
  "room_id": "!",
  "user_id": "",
  "content": {
    "botOption": "hello world"
  "response": {
    "success": true

Note: The options will be set to the state event, keyed to the bot/user.

Setting powerlevel for a bot

Action: "set_bot_power" Required params:

  • room_id - where to try and set the options
  • user_id - the bot (user) to set options for
  • level - the powerlevel for the bot (integer)

Sample call:

sendMessage("set_bot_power", "!", "", {level: 50});

Success Response:

  "action": "set_bot_power",
  "room_id": "!",
  "user_id": "",
  "level": 50,
  "response": {
    "success": true

Getting join rules for the room

Action: "join_rules_state" Required params:

  • room_id - where to try and set the options

Sample call:

sendMessage("join_rules_state", "!");

Success Response:

  "action": "join_rules_state",
  "room_id": "!",
  "response": {
    "join_rule": "public"

Note: This returns the content of the state event in the room.

Setting the plumbing state for a room

Action: "set_plumbing_state" Required params:

  • room_id - where to try and set the options
  • status - the plumbing state (string)

Sample call:

sendMessage("set_plumbing_state", "!", null, {status:"whatever"});

Success Response:

  "action": "set_plumbing_state",
  "room_id": "!",
  "status": "whatever",
  "response": {
    "success": true

Note: This sets the state event for the room.

Getting the number of people in a room

Action: "get_membership_count" Required params:

  • room_id - where to query the membership count

Sample call:

sendMessage("get_membership_count", "!");

Success Response:

  "action": "get_membership_count",
  "room_id": "!",
  "response": 78

Determining if the user can send a particular event

Action: "can_send_event" Required params:

  • room_id - where to query the membership count
  • event_type - the event type wishing to be sent
  • is_state - true if the event being sent will be a state event

Sample call:

sendMessage("can_send_event", "!", null, {event_type: "", is_state: false});

Success Response:

  "action": "get_membership_count",
  "room_id": "!",
  "event_type": "",
  "is_state": false,
  "response": true

Get widgets in a room

Action: "get_widgets" Required params:

  • room_id - where to find widgets

Sample call:

sendMessage("get_widgets", "!");

Success Response:

  "action": "get_widgets",
  "room_id": "!",
  "response: [{
    "type": "im.vector.modular.widgets",
    "state_key": "widget1",
    "content": {
      "type": "grafana",
      "url": "",
      "name": "Dashboard",
      "data": {"key": "val"}
    "room_id": "!",
    "sender": ""

Adding, updating, or deleting a widget in a room

Action: "set_widget" Required params:

  • "room_id" - the room to affect
  • "widget_id" - an arbitrary utf8 unique identifier for the widget (used to distinguish update from add)
  • "url" - the url to put in the iframe (null to delete the widget). Some values are replaced:
    • $matrix_user_id - current user ID (not a way to authorize a user for the widget)
    • $matrix_room_id - current room ID
    • $matrix_display_name - current user's display name
    • $matrix_avatar_url - current user's avatar url (http, not mxc)
    • $key - the value of key in the data object
  • "type" - the widget type. Widgets supported in Scalar are:
    • grafana
    • youtube
    • jitsi
    • googledocs
    • etherpad
    • customwidget
  • "name" - optional human-readable string for the widget (eg: "Dashboard")
  • "data" - optional key-value pairs for the widget. Appended to the iframe. Some values are magic:

Sample call:

// Add
sendMessage("set_widget", "!", null, {
  widget_id: "my_cool_widget",
  type: "grafana",
  url: "",
  name: "Dashboard",
  data: {
    "userId": "$mxUserId"

// Update
// All fields must be supplied. If the field is optional, it must be present or undefined
sendMessage("set_widget", "!", null, {
  widget_id: "my_cool_widget",
  type: "grafana",
  url: "",
  name: "New Dashboard",
  data: {
    "userId": "$mxUserId"

// Delete
sendMessage("set_widget", "!", null, {
  widget_id: "my_cool_widget",
  type: "grafana",
  url: null
  // other fields not required if deleting

Success Response:

  "action": "set_widget",
  "room_id": "!",
  "url": "",
  "type": "example",
  "response": {
    "success": true

Note: Widgets are documented by the team on this Google Doc. That document is the source of truth for the event structure and usage. Note: scalar_token will be appended to the query string if the widget's url matches the API URL of the integration manager (in Riot)

Getting the room's encryption status

Action: "get_room_enc_status" Required params:

  • room_id - the room to check

Sample call:

sendMessage("get_room_enc_status", "!");

Success Response:

  "action": "get_room_enc_status",
  "room_id": "!",
  "response: false

Closing the integrations manager (scalar)

Action: "close_scalar" Required params:

  • None

Sample call:


Success Response:

  "action": "close_scalar",
  "response": null