So people can still collect consent the old way if they want to.
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Support in Synapse for tracking agreement to server terms and conditions
Synapse 0.30 introduces support for tracking whether users have agreed to the terms and conditions set by the administrator of a server - and blocking access to the server until they have.
There are several parts to this functionality; each requires some specific
configuration in homeserver.yaml
to be enabled.
Note that various parts of the configuation and this document refer to the "privacy policy": agreement with a privacy policy is one particular use of this feature, but of course adminstrators can specify other terms and conditions unrelated to "privacy" per se.
Collecting policy agreement from a user
Synapse can be configured to serve the user a simple policy form with an "accept" button. Clicking "Accept" records the user's acceptance in the database and shows a success page.
To enable this, first create templates for the policy and success pages. These should be stored on the local filesystem.
These templates use the Jinja2 templating language, and docs/privacy_policy_templates gives examples of the sort of thing that can be done.
Note that the templates must be stored under a name giving the language of the
template - currently this must always be en
(for "English");
internationalisation support is intended for the future.
The template for the policy itself should be versioned and named according to
the version: for example 1.0.html
. The version of the policy which the user
has agreed to is stored in the database.
Once the templates are in place, make the following changes to homeserver.yaml
Add a
section, which should look like:user_consent: template_dir: privacy_policy_templates version: 1.0
points to the directory containing the policy templates.version
defines the version of the policy which will be served to the user. In the example above, Synapse will serveprivacy_policy_templates/en/1.0.html
. -
Add a
setting at the top level:form_secret: "<unique secret>"
This should be set to an arbitrary secret string (try
pwgen -y 30
to generate suitable secrets).More on what this is used for below.
wherever theclient
resource is currently enabled in thelisteners
configuration. For example:listeners: - port: 8008 resources: - names: - client - consent
Finally, ensure that jinja2
is installed. If you are using a virtualenv, this
should be a matter of pip install Jinja2
. On debian, try apt-get install python-jinja2
Once this is complete, and the server has been restarted, try visiting
. If correctly configured, this should give
an error "Missing string query parameter 'u'". It is now possible to manually
construct URIs where users can give their consent.
Enabling consent tracking at registration
Add the following to your configuration:
user_consent: require_at_registration: true policy_name: "Privacy Policy" # or whatever you'd like to call the policy
In your consent templates, make use of the
variable to see if an unauthenticated user is viewing the page. This is typically wrapped around the form that would be used to actually agree to the document:{% if not public_version %} <!-- The variables used here are only provided when the 'u' param is given to the homeserver --> <form method="post" action="consent"> <input type="hidden" name="v" value="{{version}}"/> <input type="hidden" name="u" value="{{user}}"/> <input type="hidden" name="h" value="{{userhmac}}"/> <input type="submit" value="Sure thing!"/> </form> {% endif %}
Restart Synapse to apply the changes.
Visiting https://<server>/_matrix/consent
should now give you a view of the privacy
document. This is what users will be able to see when registering for accounts.
Constructing the consent URI
It may be useful to manually construct the "consent URI" for a given user - for
instance, in order to send them an email asking them to consent. To do this,
take the base https://<server>/_matrix/consent
URL and add the following
query parameters:
: the user id of the user. This can either be a full MXID (
) or just the localpart (user
). -
: hex-encoded HMAC-SHA256 ofu
using theform_secret
as a key. It is possible to calculate this on the commandline with something like:echo -n '<user>' | openssl sha256 -hmac '<form_secret>'
This should result in a URI which looks something like:
Note that not providing a u
parameter will be interpreted as wanting to view
the document from an unauthenticated perspective, such as prior to registration.
Therefore, the h
parameter is not required in this scenario. To enable this
behaviour, set require_at_registration
to true
in your user_consent
Sending users a server notice asking them to agree to the policy
It is possible to configure Synapse to send a server notice to anybody who has not yet agreed to the current version of the policy. To do so:
ensure that the consent resource is configured, as in the previous section
ensure that server notices are configured, as in
. For example:user_consent: server_notice_content: msgtype: m.text body: >- Please give your consent to the privacy policy at %(consent_uri)s.
Synapse automatically replaces the placeholder
with the consent uri for that user. -
ensure that
is set inhomeserver.yaml
, and gives the base URI that clients use to connect to the server. (It is used to constructconsent_uri
in the server notice.)
Blocking users from using the server until they agree to the policy
Synapse can be configured to block any attempts to join rooms or send messages until the user has given their agreement to the policy. (Joining the server notices room is exempted from this).
To enable this, add block_events_error
under user_consent
. For example:
block_events_error: >-
You can't send any messages until you consent to the privacy policy at
Synapse automatically replaces the placeholder %(consent_uri)s
with the
consent uri for that user.
ensure that public_baseurl
is set in homeserver.yaml
, and gives the base
URI that clients use to connect to the server. (It is used to construct
in the error.)