Andrew Morgan f16c6cf59a
Add note to docker docs explaining platform support (#9801)
Context is in

I struggled to find a more official link for this. The problem occurs when using WSL1 instead of WSL2, which some Windows platforms (at least Server 2019) still don't have. Docker have updated their documentation to paint a much happier picture now given WSL2's support.

The last sentence here can probably be removed once WSL1 is no longer around... though that will likely not be for a very long time.
2021-04-14 12:06:19 +01:00

215 lines
7.8 KiB

# Synapse Docker
This Docker image will run Synapse as a single process. By default it uses a
sqlite database; for production use you should connect it to a separate
postgres database. The image also does *not* provide a TURN server.
This image should work on all platforms that are supported by Docker upstream.
Note that Docker's WS1-backend Linux Containers on Windows
platform is [experimental]( and
is not supported by this image.
## Volumes
By default, the image expects a single volume, located at ``/data``, that will hold:
* configuration files;
* uploaded media and thumbnails;
* the SQLite database if you do not configure postgres;
* the appservices configuration.
You are free to use separate volumes depending on storage endpoints at your
disposal. For instance, ``/data/media`` could be stored on a large but low
performance hdd storage while other files could be stored on high performance
In order to setup an application service, simply create an ``appservices``
directory in the data volume and write the application service Yaml
configuration file there. Multiple application services are supported.
## Generating a configuration file
The first step is to generate a valid config file. To do this, you can run the
image with the `generate` command line option.
You will need to specify values for the `SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME` and
`SYNAPSE_REPORT_STATS` environment variable, and mount a docker volume to store
the configuration on. For example:
docker run -it --rm \
--mount type=volume,src=synapse-data,dst=/data \
-e \
matrixdotorg/synapse:latest generate
For information on picking a suitable server name, see
The above command will generate a `homeserver.yaml` in (typically)
`/var/lib/docker/volumes/synapse-data/_data`. You should check this file, and
customise it to your needs.
The following environment variables are supported in `generate` mode:
* `SYNAPSE_SERVER_NAME` (mandatory): the server public hostname.
* `SYNAPSE_REPORT_STATS` (mandatory, `yes` or `no`): whether to enable
anonymous statistics reporting.
* `SYNAPSE_CONFIG_DIR`: where additional config files (such as the log config
and event signing key) will be stored. Defaults to `/data`.
* `SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH`: path to the file to be generated. Defaults to
* `SYNAPSE_DATA_DIR`: where the generated config will put persistent data
such as the database and media store. Defaults to `/data`.
* `UID`, `GID`: the user id and group id to use for creating the data
directories. Defaults to `991`, `991`.
## Running synapse
Once you have a valid configuration file, you can start synapse as follows:
docker run -d --name synapse \
--mount type=volume,src=synapse-data,dst=/data \
-p 8008:8008 \
You can then check that it has started correctly with:
docker logs synapse
If all is well, you should now be able to connect to http://localhost:8008 and
see a confirmation message.
The following environment variables are supported in `run` mode:
* `SYNAPSE_CONFIG_DIR`: where additional config files are stored. Defaults to
* `SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH`: path to the config file. Defaults to
* `SYNAPSE_WORKER`: module to execute, used when running synapse with workers.
Defaults to ``, which is suitable for non-worker mode.
* `UID`, `GID`: the user and group id to run Synapse as. Defaults to `991`, `991`.
* `TZ`: the [timezone]( the container will run with. Defaults to `UTC`.
For more complex setups (e.g. for workers) you can also pass your args directly to synapse using `run` mode. For example like this:
docker run -d --name synapse \
--mount type=volume,src=synapse-data,dst=/data \
-p 8008:8008 \
matrixdotorg/synapse:latest run \
-m \
--config-path=/data/homeserver.yaml \
If you do not provide `-m`, the value of the `SYNAPSE_WORKER` environment variable is used. If you do not provide at least one `--config-path` or `-c`, the value of the `SYNAPSE_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable is used instead.
## Generating an (admin) user
After synapse is running, you may wish to create a user via `register_new_matrix_user`.
This requires a `registration_shared_secret` to be set in your config file. Synapse
must be restarted to pick up this change.
You can then call the script:
docker exec -it synapse register_new_matrix_user http://localhost:8008 -c /data/homeserver.yaml --help
Remember to remove the `registration_shared_secret` and restart if you no-longer need it.
## TLS support
The default configuration exposes a single HTTP port: http://localhost:8008. It
is suitable for local testing, but for any practical use, you will either need
to use a reverse proxy, or configure Synapse to expose an HTTPS port.
For documentation on using a reverse proxy, see
For more information on enabling TLS support in synapse itself, see Of
course, you will need to expose the TLS port from the container with a `-p`
argument to `docker run`.
## Legacy dynamic configuration file support
The docker image used to support creating a dynamic configuration file based
on environment variables. This is no longer supported, and an error will be
raised if you try to run synapse without a config file.
It is, however, possible to generate a static configuration file based on
the environment variables that were previously used. To do this, run the docker
container once with the environment variables set, and `migrate_config`
command line option. For example:
docker run -it --rm \
--mount type=volume,src=synapse-data,dst=/data \
-e \
matrixdotorg/synapse:latest migrate_config
This will generate the same configuration file as the legacy mode used, and
will store it in `/data/homeserver.yaml`. You can then use it as shown above at
[Running synapse](#running-synapse).
Note that the defaults used in this configuration file may be different to
those when generating a new config file with `generate`: for example, TLS is
enabled by default in this mode. You are encouraged to inspect the generated
configuration file and edit it to ensure it meets your needs.
## Building the image
If you need to build the image from a Synapse checkout, use the following `docker
build` command from the repo's root:
docker build -t matrixdotorg/synapse -f docker/Dockerfile .
You can choose to build a different docker image by changing the value of the `-f` flag to
point to another Dockerfile.
## Disabling the healthcheck
If you are using a non-standard port or tls inside docker you can disable the healthcheck
whilst running the above `docker run` commands.
## Setting custom healthcheck on docker run
If you wish to point the healthcheck at a different port with docker command, add the following
--health-cmd 'curl -fSs http://localhost:1234/health'
## Setting the healthcheck in docker-compose file
You can add the following to set a custom healthcheck in a docker compose file.
You will need version >2.1 for this to work.
test: ["CMD", "curl", "-fSs", "http://localhost:8008/health"]
interval: 1m
timeout: 10s
retries: 3
## Using jemalloc
Jemalloc is embedded in the image and will be used instead of the default allocator.
You can read about jemalloc by reading the Synapse [README](../