project_blurb:"SWAG - Secure Web Application Gateway (formerly known as letsencrypt, no relation to Let's Encrypt™) sets up an Nginx webserver and reverse proxy with php support and a built-in certbot client that automates free SSL server certificate generation and renewal processes (Let's Encrypt and ZeroSSL). It also contains fail2ban for intrusion prevention."
common_param_env_vars_enabled:true#PGID, PUID, etc, you can set it to 'optional'
param_container_name:"{{ project_name }}"
param_usage_include_net:false#you can set it to 'optional'
param_net_desc:"Shares host networking with container."
- {env_var:"TZ", env_value:"Europe/London", desc:"Specify a timezone to use EG Europe/London."}
- {env_var:"URL", env_value:"yourdomain.url", desc:"Top url you have control over (`` if you own it, or `` if dynamic dns)."}
- {env_var:"VALIDATION", env_value:"http", desc:"Certbot validation method to use, options are `http` or `dns` (`dns` method also requires `DNSPLUGIN` variable set)."}
- {env_var:"SUBDOMAINS", env_value:"www,", desc:"Subdomains you'd like the cert to cover (comma separated, no spaces) ie. `www,ftp,cloud`. For a wildcard cert, set this *exactly* to `wildcard` (wildcard cert is available via `dns` validation only)"}
- {env_var:"CERTPROVIDER", env_value:"", desc:"Optionally define the cert provider. Set to `zerossl` for ZeroSSL certs (requires existing [ZeroSSL account]( and the e-mail address entered in `EMAIL` env var). Otherwise defaults to Let's Encrypt."}
- {env_var:"DNSPLUGIN", env_value:"cloudflare", desc:"Required if `VALIDATION` is set to `dns`. Options are `acmedns`, `aliyun`, `azure`, `bunny`, `cloudflare`, `cpanel`, `desec`, `digitalocean`, `directadmin`, `dnsimple`, `dnsmadeeasy`, `dnspod`, `do`, `domeneshop`, `dreamhost`, `duckdns`, `dynu`, `freedns`, `gandi`, `gehirn`, `glesys`, `godaddy`, `google`, `google-domains`, `he`, `hetzner`, `infomaniak`, `inwx`, `ionos`, `linode`, `loopia`, `luadns`, `namecheap`, `netcup`, `njalla`, `nsone`, `ovh`, `porkbun`, `rfc2136`, `route53`, `sakuracloud`, `standalone`, `transip`, and `vultr`. Also need to enter the credentials into the corresponding ini (or json for some plugins) file under `/config/dns-conf`."}
||||||| parent of dabbaa3 (Deprecate certbot-dns-dynu)
- {env_var:"DNSPLUGIN", env_value:"cloudflare", desc:"Required if `VALIDATION` is set to `dns`. Options are `acmedns`, `aliyun`, `azure`, `bunny`, `cloudflare`, `cpanel`, `desec`, `digitalocean`, `directadmin`, `dnsimple`, `dnsmadeeasy`, `dnspod`, `do`, `domeneshop`, `dreamhost`, `duckdns`, `dynu`, `freedns`, `gandi`, `gehirn`, `godaddy`, `google`, `google-domains`, `he`, `hetzner`, `infomaniak`, `inwx`, `ionos`, `linode`, `loopia`, `luadns`, `namecheap`, `netcup`, `njalla`, `nsone`, `ovh`, `porkbun`, `rfc2136`, `route53`, `sakuracloud`, `standalone`, `transip`, and `vultr`. Also need to enter the credentials into the corresponding ini (or json for some plugins) file under `/config/dns-conf`."}
- {env_var:"DNSPLUGIN", env_value:"cloudflare", desc:"Required if `VALIDATION` is set to `dns`. Options are `acmedns`, `aliyun`, `azure`, `bunny`, `cloudflare`, `cpanel`, `desec`, `digitalocean`, `directadmin`, `dnsimple`, `dnsmadeeasy`, `dnspod`, `do`, `domeneshop`, `dreamhost`, `duckdns`, `freedns`, `gandi`, `gehirn`, `godaddy`, `google`, `google-domains`, `he`, `hetzner`, `infomaniak`, `inwx`, `ionos`, `linode`, `loopia`, `luadns`, `namecheap`, `netcup`, `njalla`, `nsone`, `ovh`, `porkbun`, `rfc2136`, `route53`, `sakuracloud`, `standalone`, `transip`, and `vultr`. Also need to enter the credentials into the corresponding ini (or json for some plugins) file under `/config/dns-conf`."}
- {env_var:"ONLY_SUBDOMAINS", env_value:"false", desc:"If you wish to get certs only for certain subdomains, but not the main domain (main domain may be hosted on another machine and cannot be validated), set this to `true`"}
- {env_var:"STAGING", env_value:"false", desc:"Set to `true` to retrieve certs in staging mode. Rate limits will be much higher, but the resulting cert will not pass the browser's security test. Only to be used for testing purposes."}
*Before running this container, make sure that the url and subdomains are properly forwarded to this container's host, and that port 443 (and/or 80) is not being used by another service on the host (NAS gui, another webserver, etc.).
*If you need a dynamic dns provider, you can use the free provider where the `URL` will be `` and the `SUBDOMAINS` can be `www,ftp,cloud` with http validation, or `wildcard` with dns validation. You can use our [duckdns image]( to update your IP on
*For `http` validation, port 80 on the internet side of the router should be forwarded to this container's port 80
*For `dns` validation, make sure to enter your credentials into the corresponding ini (or json for some plugins) file under `/config/dns-conf`
*Cloudflare provides free accounts for managing dns and is very easy to use with this image. Make sure that it is set up for "dns only" instead of "dns + proxy"
*Google dns plugin is meant to be used with "Google Cloud DNS", a paid enterprise product, and not for "Google Domains DNS"
*After setup, navigate to `https://yourdomain.url` to access the default homepage (http access through port 80 is disabled by default, you can enable it by editing the default site config at `/config/nginx/site-confs/default.conf`).
*Certs are checked nightly and if expiration is within 30 days, renewal is attempted. If your cert is about to expire in less than 30 days, check the logs under `/config/log/letsencrypt` to see why the renewals have been failing. It is recommended to input your e-mail in docker parameters so you receive expiration notices from Let's Encrypt in those circumstances.
SWAG includes many Certbot plugins out of the box, but not all plugins can be includes.
If you need a plugin that is not included, the quickest way to have the plugin available is to use our [Universal Package Install Docker Mod](
Set the following environment variables on your container:
*Per [RFC7919](, the container is shipping [ffdhe4096]( as the `dhparams.pem`.
*If you'd like to password protect your sites, you can use htpasswd. Run the following command on your host to generate the htpasswd file `docker exec -it swag htpasswd -c /config/nginx/.htpasswd <username>`
*You can add multiple user:pass to `.htpasswd`. For the first user, use the above command, for others, use the above command without the `-c` flag, as it will force deletion of the existing `.htpasswd` and creation of a new one
*You can also use ldap auth for security and access control. A sample, user configurable ldap.conf is provided, and it requires the separate image [linuxserver/ldap-auth]( to communicate with an ldap server.
*The default site config resides at `/config/nginx/site-confs/default.conf`. Feel free to modify this file, and you can add other conf files to this directory. However, if you delete the `default` file, a new default will be created on container start.
*Preset reverse proxy config files are added for popular apps. See the `` file under `/config/nginx/proxy_confs` for instructions on how to enable them. The preset confs reside in and get imported from [this repo](
*If you wish to hide your site from search engine crawlers, you may find it useful to add this configuration line to your site config, within the server block, above the line where ssl.conf is included
This will *ask* Google et al not to index and list your site. Be careful with this, as you will eventually be de-listed if you leave this line in on a site you wish to be present on search engines
*If you wish to redirect http to https, you must expose port 80
1. *(Easier)* Mount the container's config folder in other containers (ie. `-v /path-to-swag-config:/swag-ssl`) and in the other containers, use the cert location `/swag-ssl/keys/letsencrypt/`
2. *(More secure)* Mount the SWAG folder `etc` that resides under `/config` in other containers (ie. `-v /path-to-swag-config/etc:/swag-ssl`) and in the other containers, use the cert location `/swag-ssl/letsencrypt/live/<your.domain.url>/` (This is more secure because the first method shares the entire SWAG config folder with other containers, including the www files, whereas the second method only shares the ssl certs)
*To enable or disable other jails, modify the file `/config/fail2ban/jail.local`
*To modify filters and actions, instead of editing the `.conf` files, create `.local` files with the same name and edit those because .conf files get overwritten when the actions and filters are updated. `.local` files will append whatever's in the `.conf` files (ie. `nginx-http-auth.conf` --> `nginx-http-auth.local`)
*You can check which jails are active via `docker exec -it swag fail2ban-client status`
*You can check the status of a specific jail via `docker exec -it swag fail2ban-client status <jail name>`
*You can unban an IP via `docker exec -it swag fail2ban-client set <jail name> unbanip <IP>`
* Proxy sample updates are not listed in the changelog. See the changes here:[](
*Proxy sample files WILL be updated, however your renamed (enabled) proxy files will not.
*You can check the new sample and adjust your active config as needed.
- {date:"01.01.24:", desc:"Add GleSYS DNS plugin."}
- {date:"27.04.23:", desc:"[Existing users should update:]( site-confs/default.conf - Fix index.php being downloaded on 404."}
- {date:"27.04.23:", desc:"[Existing users should update:]( site-confs/default.conf - Fix index.php being downloaded on 404."}
- {date:"30.11.23:", desc:"[Existing users should update:]( site-confs/default.conf - Fix index.php being downloaded on 404."}
- {date:"13.04.23:", desc:"[Existing users should update:]( nginx.conf, authelia-location.conf, authentik-location.conf, and site-confs/default.conf - Move ssl.conf include to default.conf. Remove Authorization headers in authelia. Sort proxy_set_header in authelia and authentik."}
- {date:"21.01.23:", desc:"Unpin certbot version (allow certbot 2.x). !!BREAKING CHANGE!! We are temporarily removing the certbot porkbun plugin until a new version is released that is compatible with certbot 2.x."}
- {date:"01.10.21:", desc:"Check if the cert uses the old LE root cert, revoke and regenerate if necessary. [Here's more info]( on LE root cert expiration"}
- {date:"28.05.21:", desc:"[Existing users should update:]( authelia-server.conf - Use `resolver.conf` and patch for `CVE-2021-32637`."}
- {date:"14.05.21:", desc:"[Existing users should update:]( nginx.conf, ssl.conf, proxy.conf, and the default site-conf - Rework nginx.conf to be inline with alpine upstream and relocate lines from other files. Use wheel index for pip packages. Switch to using [ffdhe4096]( for `dhparams.pem` per [RFC7919]( Added `worker_processes.conf`, which sets the number of nginx workers, and `resolver.conf`, which sets the dns resolver. Both conf files are auto-generated only on first start and can be user modified later."}
- {date:"09.02.21:", desc:"Rebasing to alpine 3.13. Add nginx mods brotli and dav-ext. Remove nginx mods lua and lua-upstream (due to regression over the last couple of years)."}
- {date:"08.01.21:", desc:"Add support for getting certs from [ZeroSSL]( via optional `CERTPROVIDER` env var. Update aliyun, domeneshop, inwx and transip dns plugins with the new plugin names. Hide `donoteditthisfile.conf` because users were editing it despite its name. Suppress harmless error when no proxy confs are enabled."}
- {date:"03.01.21:", desc:"[Existing users should update:]( /config/nginx/site-confs/default.conf - Add helper pages to aid troubleshooting"}
- {date:"04.10.20:", desc:"[Existing users should update:]( nginx.conf, proxy.conf, and ssl.conf - Minor cleanups and reordering."}
- {date:"01.09.20:", desc:"[Existing users should update:]( nginx.conf, proxy.conf, and various proxy samples - Global websockets across all configs."}