mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 20:55:56 -05:00
Use standard nginx.conf from lsio alpine nginx base image
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
FROM ghcr.io/linuxserver/baseimage-alpine-nginx:3.14
FROM ghcr.io/linuxserver/baseimage-alpine-nginx:3.15
# set version label
@ -47,49 +47,51 @@ RUN \
nginx-mod-stream \
nginx-mod-stream-geoip2 \
nginx-vim \
php7-bcmath \
php7-bz2 \
php7-ctype \
php7-curl \
php7-dom \
php7-exif \
php7-ftp \
php7-gd \
php7-gmp \
php7-iconv \
php7-imap \
php7-intl \
php7-ldap \
php7-mcrypt \
php7-memcached \
php7-mysqli \
php7-mysqlnd \
php7-opcache \
php7-pdo_mysql \
php7-pdo_odbc \
php7-pdo_pgsql \
php7-pdo_sqlite \
php7-pear \
php7-pecl-apcu \
php7-pecl-mailparse \
php7-pecl-redis \
php7-pgsql \
php7-phar \
php7-posix \
php7-soap \
php7-sockets \
php7-sodium \
php7-sqlite3 \
php7-tokenizer \
php7-xml \
php7-xmlreader \
php7-xmlrpc \
php7-xsl \
php7-zip \
php8-bcmath \
php8-bz2 \
php8-ctype \
php8-curl \
php8-dom \
php8-exif \
php8-ftp \
php8-gd \
php8-gmp \
php8-iconv \
php8-imap \
php8-intl \
php8-ldap \
php8-mysqli \
php8-mysqlnd \
php8-opcache \
php8-pdo_mysql \
php8-pdo_odbc \
php8-pdo_pgsql \
php8-pdo_sqlite \
php8-pear \
php8-pecl-apcu \
php8-pecl-mailparse \
php8-pecl-mcrypt \
php8-pecl-memcached \
php8-pecl-redis \
php8-pgsql \
php8-phar \
php8-posix \
php8-soap \
php8-sockets \
php8-sodium \
php8-sqlite3 \
php8-tokenizer \
php8-xml \
php8-xmlreader \
php8-xsl \
php8-zip \
py3-cryptography \
py3-future \
py3-pip \
whois && \
apk add --no-cache \
--repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing \
php8-pecl-xmlrpc && \
echo "**** install certbot plugins ****" && \
if [ -z ${CERTBOT_VERSION+x} ]; then \
CERTBOT="certbot"; \
@ -135,6 +137,16 @@ RUN \
certbot-plugin-gandi \
cryptography \
requests && \
echo "**** enable OCSP stapling from base ****" && \
sed -i \
's|#ssl_stapling on;|ssl_stapling on;|' \
/defaults/nginx/ssl.conf.sample && \
sed -i \
's|#ssl_stapling_verify on;|ssl_stapling_verify on;|' \
/defaults/nginx/ssl.conf.sample && \
sed -i \
's|#ssl_trusted_certificate /config/keys/cert.crt;|ssl_trusted_certificate /config/keys/cert.crt;|' \
/defaults/nginx/ssl.conf.sample && \
echo "**** correct ip6tables legacy issue ****" && \
rm \
/sbin/ip6tables && \
@ -143,20 +155,19 @@ RUN \
echo "**** remove unnecessary fail2ban filters ****" && \
rm \
/etc/fail2ban/jail.d/alpine-ssh.conf && \
echo "**** copy fail2ban default action and filter to /default ****" && \
echo "**** copy fail2ban default action and filter to /defaults ****" && \
mkdir -p /defaults/fail2ban && \
mv /etc/fail2ban/action.d /defaults/fail2ban/ && \
mv /etc/fail2ban/filter.d /defaults/fail2ban/ && \
echo "**** copy proxy confs to /default ****" && \
mkdir -p /defaults/proxy-confs && \
echo "**** copy proxy confs to /defaults ****" && \
mkdir -p \
/defaults/nginx/proxy-confs && \
curl -o \
/tmp/proxy.tar.gz -L \
/tmp/proxy-confs.tar.gz -L \
"https://github.com/linuxserver/reverse-proxy-confs/tarball/master" && \
tar xf \
/tmp/proxy.tar.gz -C \
/defaults/proxy-confs --strip-components=1 --exclude=linux*/.gitattributes --exclude=linux*/.github --exclude=linux*/.gitignore --exclude=linux*/LICENSE && \
echo "**** configure nginx ****" && \
rm -f /etc/nginx/http.d/default.conf && \
/tmp/proxy-confs.tar.gz -C \
/defaults/nginx/proxy-confs --strip-components=1 --exclude=linux*/.editorconfig --exclude=linux*/.gitattributes --exclude=linux*/.github --exclude=linux*/.gitignore --exclude=linux*/LICENSE && \
echo "**** cleanup ****" && \
apk del --purge \
build-dependencies && \
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
FROM ghcr.io/linuxserver/baseimage-alpine-nginx:arm64v8-3.14
FROM ghcr.io/linuxserver/baseimage-alpine-nginx:arm64v8-3.15
# set version label
@ -47,49 +47,51 @@ RUN \
nginx-mod-stream \
nginx-mod-stream-geoip2 \
nginx-vim \
php7-bcmath \
php7-bz2 \
php7-ctype \
php7-curl \
php7-dom \
php7-exif \
php7-ftp \
php7-gd \
php7-gmp \
php7-iconv \
php7-imap \
php7-intl \
php7-ldap \
php7-mcrypt \
php7-memcached \
php7-mysqli \
php7-mysqlnd \
php7-opcache \
php7-pdo_mysql \
php7-pdo_odbc \
php7-pdo_pgsql \
php7-pdo_sqlite \
php7-pear \
php7-pecl-apcu \
php7-pecl-mailparse \
php7-pecl-redis \
php7-pgsql \
php7-phar \
php7-posix \
php7-soap \
php7-sockets \
php7-sodium \
php7-sqlite3 \
php7-tokenizer \
php7-xml \
php7-xmlreader \
php7-xmlrpc \
php7-xsl \
php7-zip \
php8-bcmath \
php8-bz2 \
php8-ctype \
php8-curl \
php8-dom \
php8-exif \
php8-ftp \
php8-gd \
php8-gmp \
php8-iconv \
php8-imap \
php8-intl \
php8-ldap \
php8-mysqli \
php8-mysqlnd \
php8-opcache \
php8-pdo_mysql \
php8-pdo_odbc \
php8-pdo_pgsql \
php8-pdo_sqlite \
php8-pear \
php8-pecl-apcu \
php8-pecl-mailparse \
php8-pecl-mcrypt \
php8-pecl-memcached \
php8-pecl-redis \
php8-pgsql \
php8-phar \
php8-posix \
php8-soap \
php8-sockets \
php8-sodium \
php8-sqlite3 \
php8-tokenizer \
php8-xml \
php8-xmlreader \
php8-xsl \
php8-zip \
py3-cryptography \
py3-future \
py3-pip \
whois && \
apk add --no-cache \
--repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing \
php8-pecl-xmlrpc && \
echo "**** install certbot plugins ****" && \
if [ -z ${CERTBOT_VERSION+x} ]; then \
CERTBOT="certbot"; \
@ -135,6 +137,16 @@ RUN \
certbot-plugin-gandi \
cryptography \
requests && \
echo "**** enable OCSP stapling from base ****" && \
sed -i \
's|#ssl_stapling on;|ssl_stapling on;|' \
/defaults/nginx/ssl.conf.sample && \
sed -i \
's|#ssl_stapling_verify on;|ssl_stapling_verify on;|' \
/defaults/nginx/ssl.conf.sample && \
sed -i \
's|#ssl_trusted_certificate /config/keys/cert.crt;|ssl_trusted_certificate /config/keys/cert.crt;|' \
/defaults/nginx/ssl.conf.sample && \
echo "**** correct ip6tables legacy issue ****" && \
rm \
/sbin/ip6tables && \
@ -143,20 +155,19 @@ RUN \
echo "**** remove unnecessary fail2ban filters ****" && \
rm \
/etc/fail2ban/jail.d/alpine-ssh.conf && \
echo "**** copy fail2ban default action and filter to /default ****" && \
echo "**** copy fail2ban default action and filter to /defaults ****" && \
mkdir -p /defaults/fail2ban && \
mv /etc/fail2ban/action.d /defaults/fail2ban/ && \
mv /etc/fail2ban/filter.d /defaults/fail2ban/ && \
echo "**** copy proxy confs to /default ****" && \
mkdir -p /defaults/proxy-confs && \
echo "**** copy proxy confs to /defaults ****" && \
mkdir -p \
/defaults/nginx/proxy-confs && \
curl -o \
/tmp/proxy.tar.gz -L \
/tmp/proxy-confs.tar.gz -L \
"https://github.com/linuxserver/reverse-proxy-confs/tarball/master" && \
tar xf \
/tmp/proxy.tar.gz -C \
/defaults/proxy-confs --strip-components=1 --exclude=linux*/.gitattributes --exclude=linux*/.github --exclude=linux*/.gitignore --exclude=linux*/LICENSE && \
echo "**** configure nginx ****" && \
rm -f /etc/nginx/http.d/default.conf && \
/tmp/proxy-confs.tar.gz -C \
/defaults/nginx/proxy-confs --strip-components=1 --exclude=linux*/.editorconfig --exclude=linux*/.gitattributes --exclude=linux*/.github --exclude=linux*/.gitignore --exclude=linux*/LICENSE && \
echo "**** cleanup ****" && \
apk del --purge \
build-dependencies && \
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
FROM ghcr.io/linuxserver/baseimage-alpine-nginx:arm32v7-3.14
FROM ghcr.io/linuxserver/baseimage-alpine-nginx:arm32v7-3.15
# set version label
@ -47,49 +47,51 @@ RUN \
nginx-mod-stream \
nginx-mod-stream-geoip2 \
nginx-vim \
php7-bcmath \
php7-bz2 \
php7-ctype \
php7-curl \
php7-dom \
php7-exif \
php7-ftp \
php7-gd \
php7-gmp \
php7-iconv \
php7-imap \
php7-intl \
php7-ldap \
php7-mcrypt \
php7-memcached \
php7-mysqli \
php7-mysqlnd \
php7-opcache \
php7-pdo_mysql \
php7-pdo_odbc \
php7-pdo_pgsql \
php7-pdo_sqlite \
php7-pear \
php7-pecl-apcu \
php7-pecl-mailparse \
php7-pecl-redis \
php7-pgsql \
php7-phar \
php7-posix \
php7-soap \
php7-sockets \
php7-sodium \
php7-sqlite3 \
php7-tokenizer \
php7-xml \
php7-xmlreader \
php7-xmlrpc \
php7-xsl \
php7-zip \
php8-bcmath \
php8-bz2 \
php8-ctype \
php8-curl \
php8-dom \
php8-exif \
php8-ftp \
php8-gd \
php8-gmp \
php8-iconv \
php8-imap \
php8-intl \
php8-ldap \
php8-mysqli \
php8-mysqlnd \
php8-opcache \
php8-pdo_mysql \
php8-pdo_odbc \
php8-pdo_pgsql \
php8-pdo_sqlite \
php8-pear \
php8-pecl-apcu \
php8-pecl-mailparse \
php8-pecl-mcrypt \
php8-pecl-memcached \
php8-pecl-redis \
php8-pgsql \
php8-phar \
php8-posix \
php8-soap \
php8-sockets \
php8-sodium \
php8-sqlite3 \
php8-tokenizer \
php8-xml \
php8-xmlreader \
php8-xsl \
php8-zip \
py3-cryptography \
py3-future \
py3-pip \
whois && \
apk add --no-cache \
--repository=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing \
php8-pecl-xmlrpc && \
echo "**** install certbot plugins ****" && \
if [ -z ${CERTBOT_VERSION+x} ]; then \
CERTBOT="certbot"; \
@ -134,6 +136,16 @@ RUN \
certbot-plugin-gandi \
cryptography \
requests && \
echo "**** enable OCSP stapling from base ****" && \
sed -i \
's|#ssl_stapling on;|ssl_stapling on;|' \
/defaults/nginx/ssl.conf.sample && \
sed -i \
's|#ssl_stapling_verify on;|ssl_stapling_verify on;|' \
/defaults/nginx/ssl.conf.sample && \
sed -i \
's|#ssl_trusted_certificate /config/keys/cert.crt;|ssl_trusted_certificate /config/keys/cert.crt;|' \
/defaults/nginx/ssl.conf.sample && \
echo "**** correct ip6tables legacy issue ****" && \
rm \
/sbin/ip6tables && \
@ -142,20 +154,19 @@ RUN \
echo "**** remove unnecessary fail2ban filters ****" && \
rm \
/etc/fail2ban/jail.d/alpine-ssh.conf && \
echo "**** copy fail2ban default action and filter to /default ****" && \
echo "**** copy fail2ban default action and filter to /defaults ****" && \
mkdir -p /defaults/fail2ban && \
mv /etc/fail2ban/action.d /defaults/fail2ban/ && \
mv /etc/fail2ban/filter.d /defaults/fail2ban/ && \
echo "**** copy proxy confs to /default ****" && \
mkdir -p /defaults/proxy-confs && \
echo "**** copy proxy confs to /defaults ****" && \
mkdir -p \
/defaults/nginx/proxy-confs && \
curl -o \
/tmp/proxy.tar.gz -L \
/tmp/proxy-confs.tar.gz -L \
"https://github.com/linuxserver/reverse-proxy-confs/tarball/master" && \
tar xf \
/tmp/proxy.tar.gz -C \
/defaults/proxy-confs --strip-components=1 --exclude=linux*/.gitattributes --exclude=linux*/.github --exclude=linux*/.gitignore --exclude=linux*/LICENSE && \
echo "**** configure nginx ****" && \
rm -f /etc/nginx/http.d/default.conf && \
/tmp/proxy-confs.tar.gz -C \
/defaults/nginx/proxy-confs --strip-components=1 --exclude=linux*/.editorconfig --exclude=linux*/.gitattributes --exclude=linux*/.github --exclude=linux*/.gitignore --exclude=linux*/LICENSE && \
echo "**** cleanup ****" && \
apk del --purge \
build-dependencies && \
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ The architectures supported by this image are:
* For `duckdns` validation, either leave the `SUBDOMAINS` variable empty or set it to `wildcard`, and set the `DUCKDNSTOKEN` variable with your duckdns token. Due to a limitation of duckdns, the resulting cert will only cover either main subdomain (ie. `yoursubdomain.duckdns.org`), or sub-subdomains (ie. `*.yoursubdomain.duckdns.org`), but will not both at the same time. You can use our [duckdns image](https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/duckdns/) to update your IP on duckdns.org.
* `--cap-add=NET_ADMIN` is required for fail2ban to modify iptables
* If you need a dynamic dns provider, you can use the free provider duckdns.org where the `URL` will be `yoursubdomain.duckdns.org` and the `SUBDOMAINS` can be `www,ftp,cloud` with http validation, or `wildcard` with dns validation.
* After setup, navigate to `https://yourdomain.url` to access the default homepage (http access through port 80 is disabled by default, you can enable it by editing the default site config at `/config/nginx/site-confs/default`).
* After setup, navigate to `https://yourdomain.url` to access the default homepage (http access through port 80 is disabled by default, you can enable it by editing the default site config at `/config/nginx/site-confs/default.conf`).
* Certs are checked nightly and if expiration is within 30 days, renewal is attempted. If your cert is about to expire in less than 30 days, check the logs under `/config/log/letsencrypt` to see why the renewals have been failing. It is recommended to input your e-mail in docker parameters so you receive expiration notices from Let's Encrypt in those circumstances.
### Security and password protection
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ The architectures supported by this image are:
### Site config and reverse proxy
* The default site config resides at `/config/nginx/site-confs/default`. Feel free to modify this file, and you can add other conf files to this directory. However, if you delete the `default` file, a new default will be created on container start.
* The default site config resides at `/config/nginx/site-confs/default.conf`. Feel free to modify this file, and you can add other conf files to this directory. However, if you delete the `default` file, a new default will be created on container start.
* Preset reverse proxy config files are added for popular apps. See the `README.md` file under `/config/nginx/proxy_confs` for instructions on how to enable them. The preset confs reside in and get imported from [this repo](https://github.com/linuxserver/reverse-proxy-confs).
* If you wish to hide your site from search engine crawlers, you may find it useful to add this configuration line to your site config, within the server block, above the line where ssl.conf is included
`add_header X-Robots-Tag "noindex, nofollow, nosnippet, noarchive";`
@ -335,6 +335,7 @@ Once registered you can define the dockerfile to use with `-f Dockerfile.aarch64
## Versions
* **20.08.22:** - [Existing users should update:](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/blob/master/README.md#updating-configs) nginx.conf - Rebasing to alpine 3.15 with php8. Restructure nginx configs ([see changes announcement](https://info.linuxserver.io/issues/2022-08-20-nginx-base)).
* **10.08.22:** - Added support for Dynu DNS validation.
* **18.05.22:** - Added support for Azure DNS validation.
* **09.04.22:** - Added certbot-dns-loopia for DNS01 validation.
@ -370,7 +371,7 @@ Once registered you can define the dockerfile to use with `-f Dockerfile.aarch64
* **26.01.21:** - Add support for hetzner dns validation.
* **20.01.21:** - Add check for ZeroSSL EAB retrieval.
* **08.01.21:** - Add support for getting certs from [ZeroSSL](https://zerossl.com/) via optional `CERTPROVIDER` env var. Update aliyun, domeneshop, inwx and transip dns plugins with the new plugin names. Hide `donoteditthisfile.conf` because users were editing it despite its name. Suppress harmless error when no proxy confs are enabled.
* **03.01.21:** - [Existing users should update:](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/blob/master/README.md#updating-configs) /config/nginx/site-confs/default - Add helper pages to aid troubleshooting
* **03.01.21:** - [Existing users should update:](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/blob/master/README.md#updating-configs) /config/nginx/site-confs/default.conf - Add helper pages to aid troubleshooting
* **10.12.20:** - Add support for njalla dns validation
* **09.12.20:** - Check for template/conf updates and notify in the log. Add support for gehirn and sakuracloud dns validation.
* **01.11.20:** - Add support for netcup dns validation
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ app_setup_block: |
* For `duckdns` validation, either leave the `SUBDOMAINS` variable empty or set it to `wildcard`, and set the `DUCKDNSTOKEN` variable with your duckdns token. Due to a limitation of duckdns, the resulting cert will only cover either main subdomain (ie. `yoursubdomain.duckdns.org`), or sub-subdomains (ie. `*.yoursubdomain.duckdns.org`), but will not both at the same time. You can use our [duckdns image](https://hub.docker.com/r/linuxserver/duckdns/) to update your IP on duckdns.org.
* `--cap-add=NET_ADMIN` is required for fail2ban to modify iptables
* If you need a dynamic dns provider, you can use the free provider duckdns.org where the `URL` will be `yoursubdomain.duckdns.org` and the `SUBDOMAINS` can be `www,ftp,cloud` with http validation, or `wildcard` with dns validation.
* After setup, navigate to `https://yourdomain.url` to access the default homepage (http access through port 80 is disabled by default, you can enable it by editing the default site config at `/config/nginx/site-confs/default`).
* After setup, navigate to `https://yourdomain.url` to access the default homepage (http access through port 80 is disabled by default, you can enable it by editing the default site config at `/config/nginx/site-confs/default.conf`).
* Certs are checked nightly and if expiration is within 30 days, renewal is attempted. If your cert is about to expire in less than 30 days, check the logs under `/config/log/letsencrypt` to see why the renewals have been failing. It is recommended to input your e-mail in docker parameters so you receive expiration notices from Let's Encrypt in those circumstances.
### Security and password protection
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ app_setup_block: |
### Site config and reverse proxy
* The default site config resides at `/config/nginx/site-confs/default`. Feel free to modify this file, and you can add other conf files to this directory. However, if you delete the `default` file, a new default will be created on container start.
* The default site config resides at `/config/nginx/site-confs/default.conf`. Feel free to modify this file, and you can add other conf files to this directory. However, if you delete the `default` file, a new default will be created on container start.
* Preset reverse proxy config files are added for popular apps. See the `README.md` file under `/config/nginx/proxy_confs` for instructions on how to enable them. The preset confs reside in and get imported from [this repo](https://github.com/linuxserver/reverse-proxy-confs).
* If you wish to hide your site from search engine crawlers, you may find it useful to add this configuration line to your site config, within the server block, above the line where ssl.conf is included
`add_header X-Robots-Tag "noindex, nofollow, nosnippet, noarchive";`
@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ app_setup_nginx_reverse_proxy_block: ""
# changelog
- { date: "20.08.22:", desc: "[Existing users should update:](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/blob/master/README.md#updating-configs) nginx.conf - Rebasing to alpine 3.15 with php8. Restructure nginx configs ([see changes announcement](https://info.linuxserver.io/issues/2022-08-20-nginx-base))." }
- { date: "10.08.22:", desc: "Added support for Dynu DNS validation." }
- { date: "18.05.22:", desc: "Added support for Azure DNS validation." }
- { date: "09.04.22:", desc: "Added certbot-dns-loopia for DNS01 validation." }
@ -190,7 +191,7 @@ changelogs:
- { date: "26.01.21:", desc: "Add support for hetzner dns validation." }
- { date: "20.01.21:", desc: "Add check for ZeroSSL EAB retrieval." }
- { date: "08.01.21:", desc: "Add support for getting certs from [ZeroSSL](https://zerossl.com/) via optional `CERTPROVIDER` env var. Update aliyun, domeneshop, inwx and transip dns plugins with the new plugin names. Hide `donoteditthisfile.conf` because users were editing it despite its name. Suppress harmless error when no proxy confs are enabled." }
- { date: "03.01.21:", desc: "[Existing users should update:](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/blob/master/README.md#updating-configs) /config/nginx/site-confs/default - Add helper pages to aid troubleshooting" }
- { date: "03.01.21:", desc: "[Existing users should update:](https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/blob/master/README.md#updating-configs) /config/nginx/site-confs/default.conf - Add helper pages to aid troubleshooting" }
- { date: "10.12.20:", desc: "Add support for njalla dns validation" }
- { date: "09.12.20:", desc: "Check for template/conf updates and notify in the log. Add support for gehirn and sakuracloud dns validation." }
- { date: "01.11.20:", desc: "Add support for netcup dns validation" }
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
## Version 2021/05/28 - Changelog: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/commits/master/root/defaults/authelia-server.conf
# Make sure that your authelia container is in the same user defined bridge network and is named authelia
location ^~ /authelia {
include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;
include /config/nginx/resolver.conf;
set $upstream_authelia authelia;
proxy_pass http://$upstream_authelia:9091;
location = /authelia/api/verify {
if ($request_uri ~ [^a-zA-Z0-9_+-=\!@$%&*?~.:#'\;\(\)\[\]]) {
return 401;
include /config/nginx/resolver.conf;
set $upstream_authelia authelia;
proxy_pass_request_body off;
proxy_pass http://$upstream_authelia:9091;
proxy_set_header Content-Length "";
# Timeout if the real server is dead
proxy_next_upstream error timeout invalid_header http_500 http_502 http_503;
# [REQUIRED] Needed by Authelia to check authorizations of the resource.
# Provide either X-Original-URL and X-Forwarded-Proto or
# X-Forwarded-Proto, X-Forwarded-Host and X-Forwarded-Uri or both.
# Those headers will be used by Authelia to deduce the target url of the user.
# Basic Proxy Config
client_body_buffer_size 128k;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Original-URL $scheme://$http_host$request_uri;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Method $request_method;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Uri $request_uri;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl on;
proxy_redirect http:// $scheme://;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Connection "";
proxy_cache_bypass $cookie_session;
proxy_no_cache $cookie_session;
proxy_buffers 4 32k;
# Advanced Proxy Config
send_timeout 5m;
proxy_read_timeout 240;
proxy_send_timeout 240;
proxy_connect_timeout 240;
@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
## Version 2021/04/27 - Changelog: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/commits/master/root/defaults/default
error_page 502 /502.html;
# redirect all traffic to https
server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server;
server_name _;
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
# main server block
server {
listen 443 ssl http2 default_server;
listen [::]:443 ssl http2 default_server;
root /config/www;
index index.html index.htm index.php;
server_name _;
# enable subfolder method reverse proxy confs
include /config/nginx/proxy-confs/*.subfolder.conf;
# all ssl related config moved to ssl.conf
include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;
# enable for ldap auth
#include /config/nginx/ldap.conf;
# enable for Authelia
#include /config/nginx/authelia-server.conf;
client_max_body_size 0;
location / {
# enable the next two lines for http auth
#auth_basic "Restricted";
#auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/.htpasswd;
# enable the next two lines for ldap auth
#auth_request /auth;
#error_page 401 =200 /ldaplogin;
# enable for Authelia
#include /config/nginx/authelia-location.conf;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html /index.php?$args =404;
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$;
fastcgi_index index.php;
include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
# sample reverse proxy config for password protected couchpotato running at IP port 5050 with base url "cp"
# notice this is within the same server block as the base
# don't forget to generate the .htpasswd file as described on docker hub
# location ^~ /cp {
# auth_basic "Restricted";
# auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/.htpasswd;
# include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;
# proxy_pass;
# }
# sample reverse proxy config without url base, but as a subdomain "cp", ip and port same as above
# notice this is a new server block, you need a new server block for each subdomain
#server {
# listen 443 ssl http2;
# listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
# root /config/www;
# index index.html index.htm index.php;
# server_name cp.*;
# include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;
# client_max_body_size 0;
# location / {
# auth_basic "Restricted";
# auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/.htpasswd;
# include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;
# proxy_pass;
# }
# sample reverse proxy config for "heimdall" via subdomain, with ldap authentication
# ldap-auth container has to be running and the /config/nginx/ldap.conf file should be filled with ldap info
# notice this is a new server block, you need a new server block for each subdomain
#server {
# listen 443 ssl http2;
# listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
# root /config/www;
# index index.html index.htm index.php;
# server_name heimdall.*;
# include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;
# include /config/nginx/ldap.conf;
# client_max_body_size 0;
# location / {
# # the next two lines will enable ldap auth along with the included ldap.conf in the server block
# auth_request /auth;
# error_page 401 =200 /ldaplogin;
# include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;
# resolver valid=30s;
# set $upstream_app heimdall;
# set $upstream_port 443;
# set $upstream_proto https;
# proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port;
# }
# sample reverse proxy config for "heimdall" via subdomain, with Authelia
# Authelia container has to be running in the same user defined bridge network, with container name "authelia", and with 'path: "authelia"' set in its configuration.yml
# notice this is a new server block, you need a new server block for each subdomain
#server {
# listen 443 ssl http2;
# listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
# root /config/www;
# index index.html index.htm index.php;
# server_name heimdall.*;
# include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;
# include /config/nginx/authelia-server.conf;
# client_max_body_size 0;
# location / {
# # the next line will enable Authelia along with the included authelia-server.conf in the server block
# include /config/nginx/authelia-location.conf;
# include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;
# resolver valid=30s;
# set $upstream_app heimdall;
# set $upstream_port 443;
# set $upstream_proto https;
# proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port;
# }
# enable subdomain method reverse proxy confs
include /config/nginx/proxy-confs/*.subdomain.conf;
# enable proxy cache for auth
proxy_cache_path cache/ keys_zone=auth_cache:10m;
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Instructions: https://pypi.org/project/certbot-dns-desec/
# Replace with your Desec V1 API Token
@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# Instructions: https://github.com/bikram990/certbot-dns-dynu#configuration
# Replace with your API token from your dynu account.
dns_dynu_auth_token = AbCbASsd!@34
dns_dynu_auth_token = AbCbASsd!@34
@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
# Replace with your values
dns_ionos_prefix = myapikeyprefix
dns_ionos_secret = verysecureapikeysecret
dns_ionos_endpoint = https://api.hosting.ionos.com
dns_ionos_endpoint = https://api.hosting.ionos.com
@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
failregex = ^(?!.*?(?i)plex)<HOST>.*"(GET|POST|HEAD).*" 401 .*$
failregex = ^<HOST>.*"(GET|POST|HEAD).*" (401) .*$
ignoreregex =
ignoreregex = .*(?i)plex.*
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
## Version 2022/01/09 - Changelog: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/commits/master/root/defaults/jail.local
## Version 2022/08/20 - Changelog: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/commits/master/root/defaults/fail2ban/jail.local
# This is the custom version of the jail.conf for fail2ban
# Feel free to modify this and add additional filters
# Then you can drop the new filter conf files into the fail2ban-filters
@ -56,4 +56,4 @@ logpath = /config/log/nginx/error.log
enabled = true
port = http,https
filter = nginx-unauthorized
logpath = /config/log/nginx/unauthorized.log
logpath = /config/log/nginx/access.log
@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
## Version 2020/06/02 - Changelog: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/commits/master/root/defaults/ldap.conf
## this conf is meant to be used in conjunction with our ldap-auth image: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-ldap-auth
## see the heimdall example in the default site config for info on enabling ldap auth
## for further instructions on this conf, see https://github.com/nginxinc/nginx-ldap-auth
location /ldaplogin {
resolver valid=30s;
set $upstream_auth_app ldap-auth;
set $upstream_auth_port 9000;
set $upstream_auth_proto http;
proxy_pass $upstream_auth_proto://$upstream_auth_app:$upstream_auth_port;
proxy_set_header X-Target $request_uri;
location = /auth {
resolver valid=30s;
set $upstream_auth_app ldap-auth;
set $upstream_auth_port 8888;
set $upstream_auth_proto http;
proxy_pass $upstream_auth_proto://$upstream_auth_app:$upstream_auth_port;
proxy_pass_request_body off;
proxy_set_header Content-Length "";
#Before enabling the below caching options, make sure you have the line "proxy_cache_path cache/ keys_zone=auth_cache:10m;" at the bottom your default site config
#proxy_cache auth_cache;
#proxy_cache_valid 200 10m;
#proxy_cache_key "$http_authorization$cookie_nginxauth";
# As implemented in nginx-ldap-auth-daemon.py, the ldap-auth daemon
# communicates with a LDAP server, passing in the following
# parameters to specify which user account to authenticate. To
# eliminate the need to modify the Python code, this file contains
# 'proxy_set_header' directives that set the values of the
# parameters. Set or change them as instructed in the comments.
# Parameter Proxy header
# ----------- ----------------
# url X-Ldap-URL
# starttls X-Ldap-Starttls
# basedn X-Ldap-BaseDN
# binddn X-Ldap-BindDN
# bindpasswd X-Ldap-BindPass
# cookiename X-CookieName
# realm X-Ldap-Realm
# template X-Ldap-Template
# (Required) Set the URL and port for connecting to the LDAP server,
# by replacing 'example.com'.
# Do not mix ldaps-style URL and X-Ldap-Starttls as it will not work.
proxy_set_header X-Ldap-URL "ldap://example.com";
# (Optional) Establish a TLS-enabled LDAP session after binding to the
# LDAP server.
# This is the 'proper' way to establish encrypted TLS connections, see
# http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/185.html
#proxy_set_header X-Ldap-Starttls "true";
# (Required) Set the Base DN, by replacing the value enclosed in
# double quotes.
proxy_set_header X-Ldap-BaseDN "cn=Users,dc=test,dc=local";
# (Required) Set the Bind DN, by replacing the value enclosed in
# double quotes.
# If AD, use "root@test.local"
proxy_set_header X-Ldap-BindDN "cn=root,dc=test,dc=local";
# (Required) Set the Bind password, by replacing 'secret'.
proxy_set_header X-Ldap-BindPass "secret";
# (Required) The following directives set the cookie name and pass
# it, respectively. They are required for cookie-based
# authentication. Comment them out if using HTTP basic
# authentication.
proxy_set_header X-CookieName "nginxauth";
proxy_set_header Cookie nginxauth=$cookie_nginxauth;
# (Required if using Microsoft Active Directory as the LDAP server)
# Set the LDAP template by uncommenting the following directive.
#proxy_set_header X-Ldap-Template "(sAMAccountName=%(username)s)";
# (Optional if using OpenLDAP as the LDAP server) Set the LDAP
# template by uncommenting the following directive and replacing
# '(cn=%(username)s)' which is the default set in
# nginx-ldap-auth-daemon.py.
#proxy_set_header X-Ldap-Template "(cn=%(username)s)";
# (Optional) Set the realm name, by uncommenting the following
# directive and replacing 'Restricted' which is the default set
# in nginx-ldap-auth-daemon.py.
#proxy_set_header X-Ldap-Realm "Restricted";
@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
## Version 2022/01/09 - Changelog: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/commits/master/root/defaults/nginx.conf
user abc;
# Set number of worker processes automatically based on number of CPU cores.
include /config/nginx/worker_processes.conf;
# Enables the use of JIT for regular expressions to speed-up their processing.
pcre_jit on;
# Configures default error logger.
error_log /config/log/nginx/error.log;
# Includes files with directives to load dynamic modules.
include /etc/nginx/modules/*.conf;
events {
# The maximum number of simultaneous connections that can be opened by
# a worker process.
worker_connections 1024;
# multi_accept on;
http {
# Includes mapping of file name extensions to MIME types of responses
# and defines the default type.
include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
default_type application/octet-stream;
# Name servers used to resolve names of upstream servers into addresses.
# It's also needed when using tcpsocket and udpsocket in Lua modules.
#resolver 2606:4700:4700::1111 2606:4700:4700::1001;
include /config/nginx/resolver.conf;
# Don't tell nginx version to the clients. Default is 'on'.
server_tokens off;
# Specifies the maximum accepted body size of a client request, as
# indicated by the request header Content-Length. If the stated content
# length is greater than this size, then the client receives the HTTP
# error code 413. Set to 0 to disable. Default is '1m'.
client_max_body_size 0;
# Sendfile copies data between one FD and other from within the kernel,
# which is more efficient than read() + write(). Default is off.
sendfile on;
# Causes nginx to attempt to send its HTTP response head in one packet,
# instead of using partial frames. Default is 'off'.
tcp_nopush on;
# Helper variable for proxying websockets.
map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
default upgrade;
'' close;
# Saves unauthorized log messages to a separate log file
map $status $unauthorized {
default 0;
~^401 1;
access_log /config/log/nginx/unauthorized.log combined if=$unauthorized;
# Sets the path, format, and configuration for a buffered log write.
access_log /config/log/nginx/access.log;
# Includes virtual hosts configs.
#include /etc/nginx/http.d/*.conf;
# WARNING: Don't use this directory for virtual hosts anymore.
# This include will be moved to the root context in Alpine 3.14.
#include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
# Basic Settings
client_body_buffer_size 128k;
keepalive_timeout 65;
large_client_header_buffers 4 16k;
send_timeout 5m;
tcp_nodelay on;
types_hash_max_size 2048;
variables_hash_max_size 2048;
# server_names_hash_bucket_size 64;
# server_name_in_redirect off;
# Gzip Settings
gzip on;
gzip_disable "msie6";
# gzip_vary on;
# gzip_proxied any;
# gzip_comp_level 6;
# gzip_buffers 16 8k;
# gzip_http_version 1.1;
# gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript;
# nginx-naxsi config
# Uncomment it if you installed nginx-naxsi
#include /etc/nginx/naxsi_core.rules;
# nginx-passenger config
# Uncomment it if you installed nginx-passenger
#passenger_root /usr;
#passenger_ruby /usr/bin/ruby;
# Virtual Host Configs
include /config/nginx/site-confs/*;
#Removed lua. Do not remove this comment
#mail {
# # See sample authentication script at:
# # http://wiki.nginx.org/ImapAuthenticateWithApachePhpScript
# # auth_http localhost/auth.php;
# # pop3_capabilities "TOP" "USER";
# # imap_capabilities "IMAP4rev1" "UIDPLUS";
# server {
# listen localhost:110;
# protocol pop3;
# proxy on;
# }
# server {
# listen localhost:143;
# protocol imap;
# proxy on;
# }
daemon off;
pid /run/nginx.pid;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
## Version 2021/04/21 - Changelog: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/commits/master/root/defaults/authelia-location.conf
## Version 2022/08/20 - Changelog: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/commits/master/root/defaults/nginx/authelia-location.conf.sample
# Make sure that your authelia container is in the same user defined bridge network and is named authelia
# Make sure that the authelia configuration.yml has 'path: "authelia"' defined
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
## Version 2022/08/20 - Changelog: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/commits/master/root/defaults/nginx/authelia-server.conf.sample
# Make sure that your authelia container is in the same user defined bridge network and is named authelia
location ^~ /authelia {
set $upstream_app authelia;
set $upstream_port 9091;
set $upstream_proto http;
proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port;
location = /authelia/api/verify {
if ($request_uri ~ [^a-zA-Z0-9_+-=\!@$%&*?~.:#'\;\(\)\[\]]) {
return 401;
set $upstream_app authelia;
set $upstream_port 9091;
set $upstream_proto http;
proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port;
# Timeout if the real server is dead
proxy_next_upstream error timeout invalid_header http_500 http_502 http_503;
client_body_buffer_size 128k;
proxy_buffers 4 32k;
proxy_pass_request_body off;
proxy_set_header Content-Length "";
send_timeout 5m;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
## Version 2022/08/20 - Changelog: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/commits/master/root/defaults/nginx/error_pages.conf.sample
error_page 502 = @lsio_error_502;
location @lsio_error_502 {
alias /config/www/502.html;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
## Version 2022/08/20 - Changelog: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/commits/master/root/defaults/nginx/ldap-location.conf.sample
auth_request /auth;
error_page 401 =200 /ldaplogin;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
## Version 2022/08/20 - Changelog: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/commits/master/root/defaults/nginx/ldap-server.conf.sample
## this conf is meant to be used in conjunction with our ldap-auth image: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-ldap-auth
## see the heimdall example in the default site config for info on enabling ldap auth
## for further instructions on this conf, see https://github.com/nginxinc/nginx-ldap-auth
location /ldaplogin {
set $upstream_auth_app ldap-auth;
set $upstream_auth_port 9000;
set $upstream_auth_proto http;
proxy_pass $upstream_auth_proto://$upstream_auth_app:$upstream_auth_port;
proxy_set_header X-Target $request_uri;
location = /auth {
set $upstream_auth_app ldap-auth;
set $upstream_auth_port 8888;
set $upstream_auth_proto http;
proxy_pass $upstream_auth_proto://$upstream_auth_app:$upstream_auth_port;
proxy_pass_request_body off;
proxy_set_header Content-Length "";
#Before enabling the below caching options, make sure you have the line "proxy_cache_path cache/ keys_zone=auth_cache:10m;" at the bottom your default site config
#proxy_cache auth_cache;
#proxy_cache_valid 200 10m;
#proxy_cache_key "$http_authorization$cookie_nginxauth";
# As implemented in nginx-ldap-auth-daemon.py, the ldap-auth daemon
# communicates with a LDAP server, passing in the following
# parameters to specify which user account to authenticate. To
# eliminate the need to modify the Python code, this file contains
# 'proxy_set_header' directives that set the values of the
# parameters. Set or change them as instructed in the comments.
# Parameter Proxy header
# ----------- ----------------
# url X-Ldap-URL
# starttls X-Ldap-Starttls
# basedn X-Ldap-BaseDN
# binddn X-Ldap-BindDN
# bindpasswd X-Ldap-BindPass
# cookiename X-CookieName
# realm X-Ldap-Realm
# template X-Ldap-Template
# (Required) Set the URL and port for connecting to the LDAP server,
# by replacing 'example.com'.
# Do not mix ldaps-style URL and X-Ldap-Starttls as it will not work.
proxy_set_header X-Ldap-URL "ldap://example.com";
# (Optional) Establish a TLS-enabled LDAP session after binding to the
# LDAP server.
# This is the 'proper' way to establish encrypted TLS connections, see
# http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/185.html
#proxy_set_header X-Ldap-Starttls "true";
# (Required) Set the Base DN, by replacing the value enclosed in
# double quotes.
proxy_set_header X-Ldap-BaseDN "cn=Users,dc=test,dc=local";
# (Required) Set the Bind DN, by replacing the value enclosed in
# double quotes.
# If AD, use "root@test.local"
proxy_set_header X-Ldap-BindDN "cn=root,dc=test,dc=local";
# (Required) Set the Bind password, by replacing 'secret'.
proxy_set_header X-Ldap-BindPass "secret";
# (Required) The following directives set the cookie name and pass
# it, respectively. They are required for cookie-based
# authentication. Comment them out if using HTTP basic
# authentication.
proxy_set_header X-CookieName "nginxauth";
proxy_set_header Cookie nginxauth=$cookie_nginxauth;
# (Required if using Microsoft Active Directory as the LDAP server)
# Set the LDAP template by uncommenting the following directive.
#proxy_set_header X-Ldap-Template "(sAMAccountName=%(username)s)";
# (Optional if using OpenLDAP as the LDAP server) Set the LDAP
# template by uncommenting the following directive and replacing
# '(cn=%(username)s)' which is the default set in
# nginx-ldap-auth-daemon.py.
#proxy_set_header X-Ldap-Template "(cn=%(username)s)";
# (Optional) Set the realm name, by uncommenting the following
# directive and replacing 'Restricted' which is the default set
# in nginx-ldap-auth-daemon.py.
#proxy_set_header X-Ldap-Realm "Restricted";
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
## Version 2021/10/26 - Changelog: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/commits/master/root/defaults/proxy.conf
## Version 2022/08/20 - Changelog: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/commits/master/root/defaults/nginx/proxy.conf.sample
include /config/nginx/error_pages.conf;
# Timeout if the real server is dead
proxy_next_upstream error timeout invalid_header http_500 http_502 http_503;
@ -10,7 +12,7 @@ proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size 128;
proxy_headers_hash_max_size 1024;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_read_timeout 240;
proxy_redirect http:// $scheme://;
proxy_redirect http:// $scheme://;
proxy_send_timeout 240;
# Proxy Cache and Cookie Settings
@ -25,7 +27,11 @@ proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header Proxy "";
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto https;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host:$server_port;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Method $request_method;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Ssl on;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Uri $request_uri;
proxy_set_header X-Original-URL $scheme://$http_host$request_uri;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
## Version 2022/08/20 - Changelog: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/commits/master/root/defaults/nginx/site-confs/default.conf.sample
include /config/nginx/error_pages.conf;
# redirect all traffic to https
server {
listen 80 default_server;
listen [::]:80 default_server;
location / {
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
# main server block
server {
listen 443 ssl http2;
listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
server_name _;
root /config/www;
index index.html index.htm index.php;
include /config/nginx/error_pages.conf;
# enable subfolder method reverse proxy confs
include /config/nginx/proxy-confs/*.subfolder.conf;
# enable for ldap auth (requires ldap-location.conf in the location block)
#include /config/nginx/ldap-server.conf;
# enable for Authelia (requires authelia-location.conf in the location block)
#include /config/nginx/authelia-server.conf;
location / {
# enable for basic auth
#auth_basic "Restricted";
#auth_basic_user_file /config/nginx/.htpasswd;
# enable for ldap auth (requires ldap-server.conf in the server block)
#include /config/nginx/ldap-location.conf;
# enable for Authelia (requires authelia-server.conf in the server block)
#include /config/nginx/authelia-location.conf;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html /index.php?$args =404;
location ~ ^(.+\.php)(.*)$ {
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(.*)$;
fastcgi_index index.php;
include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
# deny access to .htaccess/.htpasswd files
location ~ /\.ht {
deny all;
# enable subdomain method reverse proxy confs
include /config/nginx/proxy-confs/*.subdomain.conf;
# enable proxy cache for auth
proxy_cache_path cache/ keys_zone=auth_cache:10m;
@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
## Version 2021/09/19 - Changelog: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-swag/commits/master/root/defaults/ssl.conf
### Mozilla Recommendations
# generated 2020-06-17, Mozilla Guideline v5.4, nginx 1.18.0-r0, OpenSSL 1.1.1g-r0, intermediate configuration
# https://ssl-config.mozilla.org/#server=nginx&version=1.18.0-r0&config=intermediate&openssl=1.1.1g-r0&guideline=5.4
ssl_session_timeout 1d;
ssl_session_cache shared:MozSSL:10m; # about 40000 sessions
ssl_session_tickets off;
# intermediate configuration
ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers off;
# OCSP stapling
ssl_stapling on;
ssl_stapling_verify on;
### Linuxserver.io Defaults
# Certificates
ssl_certificate /config/keys/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /config/keys/letsencrypt/privkey.pem;
# verify chain of trust of OCSP response using Root CA and Intermediate certs
ssl_trusted_certificate /config/keys/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem;
# Diffie-Hellman Parameters
ssl_dhparam /config/nginx/dhparams.pem;
# Enable TLS 1.3 early data
ssl_early_data on;
# HSTS, remove # from the line below to enable HSTS
#add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload" always;
# Optional additional headers
#add_header Cache-Control "no-transform" always;
#add_header Content-Security-Policy "upgrade-insecure-requests; frame-ancestors 'self'";
#add_header Permissions-Policy "interest-cohort=()";
#add_header Referrer-Policy "same-origin" always;
#add_header X-Content-Type-Options "nosniff" always;
#add_header X-Frame-Options "SAMEORIGIN" always;
#add_header X-UA-Compatible "IE=Edge" always;
#add_header X-XSS-Protection "1; mode=block" always;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
# Echo init finish for test runs
if [[ -n "${TEST_RUN}" ]]; then
echo '[services.d] done.'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
# check to make sure that the required variables are set
if [[ -z "${URL}" ]]; then
echo "Please pass your URL as an environment variable in your docker run command. See docker info for more details."
sleep infinity
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
# make our folders and links
mkdir -p \
/config/{fail2ban,crontabs,dns-conf} \
/config/etc/letsencrypt \
/config/log/{fail2ban,letsencrypt,nginx} \
/config/nginx/proxy-confs \
rm -rf /etc/letsencrypt
ln -s /config/etc/letsencrypt /etc/letsencrypt
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
# samples are removed on init by the nginx base
# copy new samples
if [[ -d /defaults/nginx/proxy-confs/ ]]; then
find /defaults/nginx/proxy-confs/ \
-maxdepth 1 \
-name "*.conf.sample" \
-type f \
-exec cp "{}" /config/nginx/proxy-confs/ +
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
# copy/update the fail2ban config defaults to/in /config
cp -R /defaults/fail2ban/filter.d /config/fail2ban/
cp -R /defaults/fail2ban/action.d /config/fail2ban/
# if jail.local is missing in /config, copy default
if [[ ! -f /config/fail2ban/jail.local ]]; then
cp /defaults/fail2ban/jail.local /config/fail2ban/jail.local
# Replace fail2ban config with user config
if [[ -d /etc/fail2ban/filter.d ]]; then
rm -rf /etc/fail2ban/filter.d
if [[ -d /etc/fail2ban/action.d ]]; then
rm -rf /etc/fail2ban/action.d
cp -R /config/fail2ban/filter.d /etc/fail2ban/
cp -R /config/fail2ban/action.d /etc/fail2ban/
cp /defaults/fail2ban/fail2ban.local /etc/fail2ban/
cp /config/fail2ban/jail.local /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
# logfiles needed by fail2ban
if [[ ! -f /config/log/nginx/error.log ]]; then
touch /config/log/nginx/error.log
if [[ ! -f /config/log/nginx/access.log ]]; then
touch /config/log/nginx/access.log
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
# copy crontabs if needed
if [[ ! -f /config/crontabs/root ]]; then
cp /etc/crontabs/root /config/crontabs/
# import user crontabs
rm /etc/crontabs/*
cp /config/crontabs/* /etc/crontabs/
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
# copy default config files if they don't exist
if [[ ! -f /config/nginx/error_pages.conf ]]; then
cp /defaults/nginx/error_pages.conf.sample /config/nginx/error_pages.conf
if [[ ! -f /config/nginx/proxy.conf ]]; then
cp /defaults/nginx/proxy.conf.sample /config/nginx/proxy.conf
if [[ ! -f /config/www/502.html ]]; then
cp /defaults/www/502.html /config/www/502.html
@ -15,11 +15,6 @@ DNSPLUGIN=${DNSPLUGIN}\\n\
# Echo init finish for test runs
if [ -n "${TEST_RUN}" ]; then
echo '[services.d] done.'
# Sanitize variables
for i in "${SANED_VARS[@]}"
@ -28,105 +23,15 @@ do
export echo "$i"="$(echo "${!i}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')"
# check to make sure that the required variables are set
[[ -z "$URL" ]] && \
echo "Please pass your URL as an environment variable in your docker run command. See docker info for more details." && \
sleep infinity
# make our folders and links
mkdir -p \
/config/{log/letsencrypt,log/fail2ban,etc/letsencrypt,fail2ban,crontabs,dns-conf,geoip2db} \
rm -rf /etc/letsencrypt
ln -s /config/etc/letsencrypt /etc/letsencrypt
# copy dns default configs
cp -n /defaults/dns-conf/* /config/dns-conf/
chown -R abc:abc /config/dns-conf
# copy reverse proxy configs
cp -R /defaults/proxy-confs /config/nginx/
# copy/update the fail2ban config defaults to/in /config
cp -R /defaults/fail2ban/filter.d /config/fail2ban/
cp -R /defaults/fail2ban/action.d /config/fail2ban/
# if jail.local is missing in /config, copy default
[[ ! -f /config/fail2ban/jail.local ]] && \
cp /defaults/jail.local /config/fail2ban/jail.local
# Replace fail2ban config with user config
[[ -d /etc/fail2ban/filter.d ]] && \
rm -rf /etc/fail2ban/filter.d
[[ -d /etc/fail2ban/action.d ]] && \
rm -rf /etc/fail2ban/action.d
cp -R /config/fail2ban/filter.d /etc/fail2ban/
cp -R /config/fail2ban/action.d /etc/fail2ban/
cp /defaults/fail2ban/fail2ban.local /etc/fail2ban/
cp /config/fail2ban/jail.local /etc/fail2ban/jail.local
# copy crontab and proxy defaults if needed
[[ ! -f /config/crontabs/root ]] && \
cp /etc/crontabs/root /config/crontabs/
[[ ! -f /config/nginx/proxy.conf ]] && \
cp /defaults/proxy.conf /config/nginx/proxy.conf
[[ ! -f /config/nginx/ssl.conf ]] && \
cp /defaults/ssl.conf /config/nginx/ssl.conf
[[ ! -f /config/nginx/ldap.conf ]] && \
cp /defaults/ldap.conf /config/nginx/ldap.conf
[[ ! -f /config/nginx/authelia-server.conf ]] && \
cp /defaults/authelia-server.conf /config/nginx/authelia-server.conf
[[ ! -f /config/nginx/authelia-location.conf ]] && \
cp /defaults/authelia-location.conf /config/nginx/authelia-location.conf
[[ ! -f /config/www/502.html ]] &&
cp /defaults/502.html /config/www/502.html
# Set resolver, ignore ipv6 addresses
if ! grep -q 'resolver' /config/nginx/resolver.conf; then
RESOLVERRAW=$(awk 'BEGIN{ORS=" "} $1=="nameserver" {print $2}' /etc/resolv.conf)
for i in ${RESOLVERRAW}; do
if [ $(awk -F ':' '{print NF-1}' <<< ${i}) -le 2 ]; then
if [ -z "${RESOLVER}" ]; then
echo "Setting resolver to ${RESOLVER}"
echo -e "# This file is auto-generated only on first start, based on the container's /etc/resolv.conf file. Feel free to modify it as you wish.\n\nresolver ${RESOLVER} valid=30s;" > /config/nginx/resolver.conf
# Set worker_processes
if ! grep -q 'worker_processes' /config/nginx/worker_processes.conf; then
echo "Setting worker_processes to ${WORKER_PROCESSES}"
echo -e "# This file is auto-generated only on first start, based on the cpu cores detected. Feel free to change it to any other number or to auto to let nginx handle it automatically.\n\nworker_processes ${WORKER_PROCESSES};" > /config/nginx/worker_processes.conf
# remove lua bits from nginx.conf if not done before
if ! grep -q '#Removed lua' /config/nginx/nginx.conf; then
echo "Removing lua specific info from nginx.conf"
sed -i 's|\tlua_load_resty_core off;|\t#Removed lua. Do not remove this comment|g' /config/nginx/nginx.conf
# patch authelia-server.conf for CVE-2021-32637
if ! grep -q 'if ($request_uri ~' /config/nginx/authelia-server.conf; then
sed -i '/internal;/a \ \ \ \ if ($request_uri ~ [^a-zA-Z0-9_+-=\\!@$%&*?~.:#'\''\\;\\(\\)\\[\\]]) { return 401; }' /config/nginx/authelia-server.conf
# copy pre-generated dhparams or generate if needed
[[ ! -f /config/nginx/dhparams.pem ]] && \
cp /defaults/dhparams.pem /config/nginx/dhparams.pem
if ! grep -q 'PARAMETERS' "/config/nginx/dhparams.pem"; then
curl -o /config/nginx/dhparams.pem -L "https://ssl-config.mozilla.org/ffdhe4096.txt"
# check to make sure DNSPLUGIN is selected if dns validation is used
[[ "$VALIDATION" = "dns" ]] && [[ ! "$DNSPLUGIN" =~ ^(aliyun|azure|cloudflare|cloudxns|cpanel|desec|digitalocean|directadmin|dnsimple|dnsmadeeasy|dnspod|domeneshop|dynu|gandi|gehirn|google|he|hetzner|infomaniak|inwx|ionos|linode|loopia|luadns|netcup|njalla|nsone|ovh|rfc2136|route53|sakuracloud|standalone|transip|vultr)$ ]] && \
echo "Please set the DNSPLUGIN variable to a valid plugin name. See docker info for more details." && \
if [[ "$VALIDATION" = "dns" ]] && [[ ! "$DNSPLUGIN" =~ ^(aliyun|azure|cloudflare|cloudxns|cpanel|desec|digitalocean|directadmin|dnsimple|dnsmadeeasy|dnspod|domeneshop|dynu|gandi|gehirn|google|he|hetzner|infomaniak|inwx|ionos|linode|loopia|luadns|netcup|njalla|nsone|ovh|rfc2136|route53|sakuracloud|standalone|transip|vultr)$ ]]; then
echo "Please set the DNSPLUGIN variable to a valid plugin name. See docker info for more details."
sleep infinity
# import user crontabs
rm /etc/crontabs/*
cp /config/crontabs/* /etc/crontabs/
# create original config file if it doesn't exist, move non-hidden legacy file to hidden
if [ -f "/config/donoteditthisfile.conf" ]; then
@ -278,6 +183,10 @@ if [ "$ONLY_SUBDOMAINS" = "true" ] && [ ! "$SUBDOMAINS" = "wildcard" ] ; then
ln -s ../etc/letsencrypt/live/"$URL" /config/keys/letsencrypt
rm -rf /config/keys/cert.crt
ln -s ./letsencrypt/fullchain.pem /config/keys/cert.crt
rm -rf /config/keys/cert.key
ln -s ./letsencrypt/privkey.pem /config/keys/cert.key
# checking for changes in cert variables, revoking certs if necessary
@ -301,7 +210,9 @@ if [ ! "$URL" = "$ORIGURL" ] || [ ! "$SUBDOMAINS" = "$ORIGSUBDOMAINS" ] || [ ! "
[[ -f /config/etc/letsencrypt/live/"$ORIGDOMAIN"/fullchain.pem ]] && certbot revoke --non-interactive --cert-path /config/etc/letsencrypt/live/"$ORIGDOMAIN"/fullchain.pem --server $REV_ACMESERVER
if [[ -f /config/etc/letsencrypt/live/"$ORIGDOMAIN"/fullchain.pem ]]; then
certbot revoke --non-interactive --cert-path /config/etc/letsencrypt/live/"$ORIGDOMAIN"/fullchain.pem --server $REV_ACMESERVER
rm -rf /config/etc/letsencrypt
mkdir -p /config/etc/letsencrypt
@ -360,26 +271,3 @@ if [ ! -f "/config/keys/letsencrypt/fullchain.pem" ]; then
echo "Certificate exists; parameters unchanged; starting nginx"
# create GeoIP2 folder symlink
[[ -d /var/lib/libmaxminddb ]] && [[ ! -L /var/lib/libmaxminddb ]] && \
rm -rf /var/lib/libmaxminddb
[[ ! -d /var/lib/libmaxminddb ]] && \
ln -s /config/geoip2db /var/lib/libmaxminddb
# logfiles needed by fail2ban
[[ ! -f /config/log/nginx/error.log ]] && \
touch /config/log/nginx/error.log
[[ ! -f /config/log/nginx/access.log ]] && \
touch /config/log/nginx/access.log
[[ ! -f /config/log/nginx/unauthorized.log ]] && \
touch /config/log/nginx/unauthorized.log
# permissions
chown -R abc:abc \
chmod -R 0644 /etc/logrotate.d
chmod -R +r /config/log
chmod +x /app/le-renew.sh
chmod 700 /defaults/dns-conf
chmod 600 /defaults/dns-conf/*
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
# permissions
chown -R abc:abc \
chmod -R 0644 /etc/logrotate.d
chmod -R +r /config/log
chmod +x /app/le-renew.sh
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
if [[ -f /config/nginx/502.conf ]]; then
echo "/config/nginx/502.conf exists.
Please migrate to error_pages.conf"
if [[ -f /config/nginx/geoip2.conf ]]; then
echo "/config/nginx/geoip2.conf exists.
Please migrate to https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-mods/tree/swag-maxmind"
if [[ -f /config/nginx/ldap.conf ]]; then
echo "/config/nginx/ldap.conf exists.
Please apply any customizations to /config/nginx/ldap-server.conf
Ensure your nginx.conf is updated and remove /config/nginx/ldap.conf
If you do not use this config, simply remove it."
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bash
nginx_confs=( \
authelia-location.conf \
authelia-server.conf \
ldap.conf \
nginx.conf \
proxy.conf \
site-confs/default \
ssl.conf )
for i in ${nginx_confs[@]}; do
if [ "$(sed -nE 's|^## Version ([0-9]{4}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}).*|\1|p' /config/nginx/${i})" != "$(sed -nE 's|^## Version ([0-9]{4}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}).*|\1|p' /defaults/$(basename ${i}))" ]; then
if [ -n "$nginx_confs_changed" ]; then
echo "**** The following nginx confs have different version dates than the defaults that are shipped. ****"
echo "**** This may be due to user customization or an update to the defaults. ****"
echo "**** To update them to the latest defaults shipped within the image, delete these files and restart the container. ****"
echo "**** If they are user customized, check the date version at the top and compare to the upstream changelog via the link. ****"
echo -e "${nginx_confs_changed}"
proxy_confs=$(ls /config/nginx/proxy-confs/*.conf 2>/dev/null)
for i in $proxy_confs; do
if [ -f "${i}.sample" ]; then
if [ "$(sed -nE 's|^## Version ([0-9]{4}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}).*|\1|p' ${i})" != "$(sed -nE 's|^## Version ([0-9]{4}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}).*|\1|p' ${i}.sample)" ]; then
if [ -n "$proxy_confs_changed" ]; then
echo "**** The following reverse proxy confs have different version dates than the samples that are shipped. ****"
echo "**** This may be due to user customization or an update to the samples. ****"
echo "**** You should compare them to the samples in the same folder to make sure you have the latest updates. ****"
echo -e "${proxy_confs_changed}"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user