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synced 2025-02-23 16:30:00 -05:00
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- **January 1st:** First observation of a triangular-shaped craft moving very slowly at low altitude in complete silence (Hudson Valley, north of New York, and in part of Connecticut). This first wave ended on July 10th, 1986. A second one occurred from 1989 to 1991 in Belgium.
- **February:** A [Groom Lake](Area51.html), 1st flight of *Tacit Blue*
(stealth technology demonstrator) [\[Air Force Press Release of
April 1st, 1996\]]{.source}.
- **March 5:** *Venera* 13 and 14 perform the first drillings of the soil of [Venus](Venus.html).
- **Spring**: [Sturrock](SturrockPeterAndrew.html) announces the founding of the [SSE](SSE.html).
- **April:** The existence of the [A-12](A12.html) is officially made public [\[Sweetman 1993\]]{.source}.
- **April 19:** Launch of *Saliout* 7. It will be used until 1991.
- **April 20:** The first production model of the [F-117A](F117.html) crashes at [Groom Lake](Area51.html) during validation tests of the [USAF](USAF.html) [\[Rich 1994\]]{.source}.
- **June 1st:** 2 UFOs parked above the Baikonur Cosmodrome (Kazakhstan, USSR). One of them descended towards launch platform No. 1 while the other stayed near the housing of the space center. The gantries of the launch platform will suffer from split welds and rivets will seem to have been sucked. In the housing complex, thousands of windows are broken or pierced. The base is closed for 2 weeks for repairs.
- **June 11** : Release of the movie *E.T.* by [Steven Spielberg](SpielbergSteven.html).
- **June 24:** 1st flight of a French spacenaut: Jean-Loup Chrétien.
- **July 29:** Saliout 6 station re-enters the atmosphere.
- **August 26:** In the night, a strange light flew over the tree where José Batista Lima, 40 years old, nicknamed José do Ramao, was hiding, waiting for game in the Parnarama region [\[Vallée 1990\]]{.source}.
- **August 27:** In the morning, José Batista Lima is found on the ground, dazed and dying. His neck bears circular purple marks.
- **October 12:** Soviets launch the first series of Glonass satellites, a system equivalent to GPS.
- **October 15:** At [Groom Lake](Area51.html), beginning of Air Force validation tests on the 2nd production model of the [F-117A](F117.html) [\[Rich 1994\]]{.source}.
- **October 21, 12:35 PM:** In the suburbs of Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle), [Amarante Affair](1982-10-21_Amarantes.html).
- **End of the Year:** The 1st squadron of stealth fighters departs from [Groom Lake](Area51.html) to the new facilities of the Tonopah Test Range [\[Rich 1994\]]{.source} [\[Peebles 1995\]]{.source}.
- **December 31**: Sightings in Kent, Carmel and Lake Carmel (Putnam County), marking the beginning of the Hudson Valley wave [\[Hynek-Imbrogno-Pratt 1998\]]{.source}.