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- The UFO photographed in Dalbegorsk (USSR). See images/1989_200.jpg.
- **April:** [Linda Cortile](CortileLinda.html) begins a regression under hypnosis with researcher [Budd Hopkins](HopkinsBudd.html). She believes she was abducted by extraterrestrials when she was between 20 and 30 years old.
- **May**
- **May 4:** Launch of the *Magellan* probe to
- **May 7:** [South Africa Case](SouthAfricaCase.html): NORAD installations detect an unidentified object upon its entry into African airspace. The [SAAF](orgsMilitaires.html#SAAF) also detects the craft on its radar. 2 armed fighters are sent to meet it and fire upon it, causing it to crash. The craft is recovered, along with 2 occupants, alive.
- [Robert Lazar](LazarRobertScott.html) is interviewed for the first time on KLAS-TV (Las Vegas) and claims to have been hired to do reverse engineering of the propulsion system of an extraterrestrial craft at Papoose Lake in the Southwest of [Groom Lake](Area51.html), on behalf of the US military for 5 months starting in December 1988. His intervention draws a large public interest in the [Groom Lake](Area51.html) area.
- In the USSR, censorship on the UFO subject is lifted. The policy of *glasnost* advocated by Gorbachev takes the USSR out of its isolation. Previously, Soviet ufologists could not access any information, which did not prevent the West from welcoming rumors and follies of all kinds provided they came from the cold: crispy stories of UFOs losing their passengers in Uzbekistan and recovering corpses of extraterrestrials.
- **June 23:** Continuation of the [South Africa Case](SouthAfricaCase.html): arrival of the object and its occupants at [Wright-Patterson](WrightPatterson.html) base, which reportedly went to Red Alert on this date.
- **July**
- Recovery by the United States of 9 occupants of a crashed aircraft in Siberia.
- **July 28:** Corporal-Chief M. Klentchouk observed something flying along the horizon like an airplane: I thought it was an airplane because there is an aerodrome in that direction. But I didn't hear any noise like that of an airplane. That intrigued me. This is what I saw. An object that looked like a slightly crushed egg flew without making any noise. It shone very brightly, with green and red lights. This object gained a great speed. It accelerated and stopped abruptly, jumped up or down. Then a second one appeared, then a third. One of these objects stopped at a low altitude and remained motionless during my observation. The second object was lost. Only one remained. It moved along the horizon. I had the impression that sometimes it descended to the ground. Then it went up again and flew again. After that, an airplane appeared. It could be identified by its noise. It approached the object. But the object detached itself from it so quickly that one could have thought that the airplane was still in the same place. The airplane passed by and left. The object resumed its flight along the horizon.
- **8 August:** The European satellite *Hipparcos* (star catalogue) is launched by *Ariane 4*.
- **August 25:** Flyby of Neptune by *Voyager 2.*
- **Autumn:** Beginnings of testimonies in Belgium evoking overflights of a triangular platform equipped with various light sources and capable of silently and slowly moving at very low altitude.
- [Stanton Friedman](FriedmanStanton.html) meets [Glenn Dennis](DennisGlenn.html).
- **September**
- The show prepared by [Stanton Friedman](FriedmanStanton.html) on the Roswell crash mobilized nearly 28 million Americans on NBC.
- In Nashville (Tennessee), a U.S. Navy serviceman observed an UFO with a very structured disc shape with beams and a series of bright portholes.
- **September 6:** Docking of the *Kvant 2* module to *Mir*.
- **September 27th, 6:30 PM:** Schoolchildren from Voronej (a city south of Moscow) and adults witness the landing of a 16m long, 6m high disc-shaped UFO with a door and windows. The craft, bearing the symbol of the Ummites, lands on four legs in the middle of the park. Two creatures emerge. A giant (3-4m tall) with three eyes, and a headless dwarf (the children thought it was a robot). The large entity stares at a screaming child, makes him disappear by pointing a tube at him, and re-boards the craft. The UFO takes off. Immediately, the child "re-materializes". This event makes even more noise as the children claim to have witnessed multiple UFO landings with strange visitors. According to rumors that spread around the world, a high level of radioactivity is detected at the site, along with a "extraterrestrial" rock fragment; experts estimated the traces of the landing to the pressure of an object of more than 10 tons. Voronej becomes a hot spot for ufology tourism. The head of the geophysics laboratory travels with an investigation commission (scientists including nuclear physicist S. Kadmenski, criminologists, doctors, meteorologists and ufologists) created by the local Party committee. The commission concludes that there is no proof of a landing: After radiometric and spectrochemical analyses, examinations of the soil and microorganisms, we found no anomalies in the soil or vegetation. The trace of the UFO existed before the alleged landing date. It can still be visited.
- **October 18:** The space shuttle launches *Galileo* towards [Jupiter](Jupiter.html).
- **October 20th, 8:30 PM** : In Eragny (Val d'Oise), observation of a
cloud shaped like an ice cream cone with a single scoop [\[*Gazette du Val d'Oise,* July 16th 1997\]]{.source}
- **October 27**
- **12:10**: In Cergy-Pontoise (Val d'Oise), observation of a luminous ball heading from Northwest to Southeast. [\[*Gazette du Val d'Oise,* July 16th, 1997\]]{.source}
- **6:30 PM**
- At Domont (Val d'Oise), observation for 15 minutes of a large silver mass apparently distant by several km. [\[*Gazette du Val d'Oise,* 16 July 1997\]]{.source}
- In Jouy-le-Moutier (Val d'Oise), an observation of a dark mass of metallic appearance, elongated and motionless. At 18:57, it blinked. [\[*Gazette du Val d'Oise,* 16 July 1997\]]{.source}
- **October 28th, 7:30 PM**: In Pierrelaye (Val d'Oise), along the A15, 2 silver-colored balls were visible for 10 minutes. [\[*Gazette du Val d'Oise,* July 16th 1997\]]{.source}
- **November 2nd, the Night**: On November 2nd, during the night, Oleg Kirsanov
was driving a truck from the Arkhangelsk region to Moscow with Nicolaï.
Near Emtza, they were diverted by construction and encountered a massive
metal object on a secondary road. The object seemed to be asking for fire
through a glowing screen. After lighting a fire, Kirsanov was invited
aboard the object. Inside, he communicated with beings through a red
screen and learned that they were studying Earth. Before leaving, he
attempted to offer them a watch, but they refused. The object then
quickly disappeared. The incident lasted 20 minutes and left Kirsanov
shaken. [\[resembling somewhat the one from [Amarantes](1982-10-21_Amarantes.html)\]]
- **November 3:** Near the German-Belgian border, in Raeren, M. G., with very important technical responsibilities for the city of Eupen, observed a strange flying object with abnormally powerful headlights, flying very slowly at the height of the tree tops.
- **November 9:** Fall of the Berlin Wall.
- **November 18:** Launch of *Cobe*, for the measurement of the 3° K fossil radiation.
- **November 29**
- **4:45 PM**: The Sun sets to reveal a Moonless night. There is practically no wind, and in the East of the country, the temperature is close to 0° C.
- **Between 5 pm and 5:30 pm:** Gendarme J. from the Eynatten brigade checks passports at the E40 highway border post in Lichtenbush. Through the windows of the aubette he sees an object flying at a very low altitude, with 2 or 3 excessively bright headlights. This flying object comes from Germany and passes about 500 m from the gendarme. The exceptional power of the headlights draws his attention. He first thinks of a helicopter, like those that circulate between the hospitals of Eupen and Aachen, but immediately wonders why this aircraft is flying so low, with such powerful headlights and at an abnormally slow speed. It is only 60 or 70 km/h. The craft moves away, flying parallel to the E40 highway, on the east side of it [\[SOBEPS 91\]]{.source}.
- **5:13 PM:** An official witness for the city of Euphen leaves from a point inside the city to go to Eynatten. A colleague is sitting next to him. A little beyond Kettenis, they see a flying object, with very powerful headlights. It moves slowly towards Eupen, to the right of the N68 road and quite close to it. The driver thinks it must be a helicopter, but is surprised by the slow flight, the very low altitude, and especially the excessively bright headlights. Crossing the object, he clearly perceives 3 beams that illuminate the ground and a dark triangular shape. It is a low triangle with a wide base, moving point forward. In addition to its 3 large round headlights, emitting a constant white light, there is a smaller red flashing light somewhere on the symmetry axis. This lamp flashes at a constant frequency, between 1 and 2 times/s. The surprise of the witness is such that, when he is forced to stop at the red light in Merois, he lowers the car window to check if he can hear a helicopter noise. He hears nothing and continues to observe this object from time to time in his rearview mirror. He sees that it remains on the East side of the N68 road [\[SOBEPS 91\]]{.source}.
- **17 h 15-17 h 17:** Near Schönefeld, a bit southeast of Nispert, Mr. D., a school director, parks his car at home when he sees in the sky an object moving slowly, with powerful headlights. It moves at 100 or 150 m from the ground, but at a distance of about 800 m. The shape of the object is unclear. However, Mr. G. discerns 3 or 4 powerful white headlights near the periphery and a yellow-orange flashing light in the middle. He is surprised that he does not hear any noise. Thinking that it must still be an airplane, he goes back home [\[SOBEPS 91\]]{.source}.
- **5:20 PM:** Gendarmes H. v. M. and N. of the Euphen brigade are driving in their service van from Eupen to Eynatten, following the N68. They reach the height of Grosse Weide, between Kettenis and Merols. The driver of the car, v. M., is surprised by the presence of a very intense light spot to the right of the road. There is only a meadow and no reason to find such a powerful lighting as that of a football stadium. The light spot covers an area whose center is located about 50 m from the road and extends up to 20 m from it. One could read the gazette. Gendarme v. M. slows down and indicates this unexpected light spot to his colleague, saying: Look, why is this meadow so lit up? Gendarme N. is sitting on the side of the light. He lowers the window and sees a large platform, motionless in the sky. They are now driving very slowly and both observe the phenomenon. The other cars pass them, as if nothing was wrong. The underside of the platform is equipped with 3 huge headlights, pointing downwards. The contours of the headlights are circular and one can clearly distinguish the limits of the 3 white light cones that emerge from them and extend to the ground. The air is not humid. H. v. M. will evaluate the altitude of the object at about 120 m, by comparison with the telecommunications tower of the Eupen gendarmerie (74 m) and based on the angle of vision (68 °) and the position of the spot in the meadow. It is the silence of the engine that surprises the two gendarmes the most. They do not hear anything that exceeds the noise of the car and the road traffic, the window being lowered on the side of the engine, to the east of the road. So it is not a helicopter. Looking more closely, they clearly see the outlines of a large dark mass against the twilight sky. The headlights are dazzling, but the base seems to be perfectly flat. It is horizontal and forms an isosceles triangle, with a wide base. The adjacent corners to the base are cut. The gendarmes paid attention to the overall structure and not to any possible rounding of the angles. The tip of the triangle is oriented towards Eynatten. M. v. M. will specify dimensions of 6 m for the length of the nearest side, 30 to 35 m for the length of the base, 25 m for the height of the triangle and about 2 m for the thickness of the platform. The diameter of the white headlights is at least 1 m, but there is also a kind of red beacon in the center of the underside. The white headlights light up constantly and are located relatively close to the corners of the object. The flashing red light is less intense, but clearly visible. The frequency of the flashing is 1 to 2 times / s but this light does not go out completely. It looks like that of a beacon. The gendarmes continue to drive slowly, observing the engine with amazement and great attention. At this moment, the object starts to move, pointing forward. It moves parallel to the road, at about 50 km / h, in the same direction as the gendarmes. Mr. N. then says: Let's get on the small road a little further on, to look at it well. This is the path from Merols to Raeren. The object should fly over them at this point [\[SOBEPS 91\]]{.source}.
- **17 h 24:** The gendarmes drive faster towards Merols, calling the dispatch at the Eupen barracks to report the presence of this unusual object and ask if there are any maneuvers with special equipment at the Elsenborn military camp. The gendarmes take up position to await the approaching object, but suddenly it stops, turns around and heads back towards Eupen. Even more intrigued by this behavior that could suggest a response to their attempted interception, the gendarmes immediately take the ridge road (Hochstrasse) that goes around Kettenis and the city of Eupen, along the N68 [\[SOBEPS 91\]]{.source}.
- **17:30:** From Nispert, to the North-East of Eupen, Mr. G. (who had already made an observation on November 3rd) saw an object flying with 3 bright headlights arranged in a triangle passing silently at 200 or 300 m from him [\[SOBEPS 91\]]{.source}.
- The witness of 17:13 having fulfilled his mission in Eynatten, returns to Eupen and sees the same object again. It flies slowly, at a small distance from the N68 road, on the East side of it. The headlights are still as bright and directed downwards, but at one point the object takes a turn towards the West. The witness loses sight of the object and attends to his mission. The unloading in Eupen is finished around 17:45. [\[SOBEPS 91\]]{.source}
- when they are almost blinded by 3 lights grazing their vehicle. These lights seem to be attached to a huge dark triangle. They follow the object they see hovering above the Gileppe Dam. Several other witnesses will confirm their story [\[SOBEPS 91\]]{.source}.
- **6 PM**
- At Rocourt, Mr. K., a power plant technician, looks by chance in the direction of Ans and Bierset. He then notices the presence of a huge triangle with a wide base and rounded corners. It has 3 very bright white lights near the corners and a red flashing light in the center. It is perfectly still. For the witness, it cannot be an AWACS. He knows them well since he lives near the Bierset base [\[SOBEPS 91\]]{.source}.
- The doctor M. and his wife also observe in the sky 3 stationary bright points. The witness is at this moment in Alleur, near the Loncin interchange. He parks his vehicle on the side of the road, in a clear area. Having lowered the window, he only hears a faint, low and continuous sound coming from the object. The witnesses do not see the body of the object, but 3 large headlights, almost on the same horizontal line, about 150 m from the ground. The object moved away towards the North-East. Mrs. L. is also in Alleur [\[SOBEPS 91\]]{.source}.
- **18 h 10 :** Mrs. L. discovers successively 4 objects adorned with enormous white lights. They come from the East, following the E40 highway. Their slowness and the intensity of the headlights are quite abnormal [\[SOBEPS 91\]]{.source}.
- **18:40:** Mr. H., an aeronautical engineer and CEO of a company, is approaching Liège on the E42 highway. He is driving fast on the overtaking lane, near the Bierset airfield. Suddenly, a very bright flying object appears in front of him, about 200 m from the ground. Because of the proximity of the Bierset military base, he immediately thinks it is an airplane, with landing lights and on the wrong track. The object is descending straight towards him. The witness then focuses his attention on 4 large rectangular, symmetrical and horizontal surfaces, emitting a bright, whitish-yellow light. The whole is wider than the highway and covers the entire width of the Jaguar's air intake (180 cm). The witness cannot make out the exact shape of the craft due to the dazzling headlights. When the flying object passes over the car, it makes no airplane noise. It does not reappear in the rearview mirror either. A little before arriving at the Loncin interchange, the witness makes a 2nd encounter, identical to the 1st. When he arrived home, he called the Bierset base to ask if a landing had taken place at that time. The answer was negative [\[SOBEPS 91\]]{.source}.
- **18:50:** Near Ans and the Loncin interchange, Mrs. B. hears a soft humming sound like that of an electric motor while she is walking her dog in an open area. Looking up to the sky, she discovers an indescribable thing flying so low that she thinks it is going to hit the roof of a house, which is 25-30 m high. The speed is only about 20 km/h. The object is very large. At the time of the passage, it is probably only 70 m away from the witness. It is equipped with 4 large white headlights arranged at the top of a diamond and pointing downwards. A red flashing light is in the middle of the quadrilateral and, around this light, there seems to be a structure with the appearance of very matte aluminum, but the external contours of the craft are not clearly discernible. The ground is strongly lit by the headlights. When the dog is caught in this light, it does not have a special reaction. The object followed a straight trajectory, from West to East. Hardly disappeared, a 2nd object - an exact copy of the 1st - appeared and made the same journey in the same way [\[SOBEPS 91\]]{.source}.
- **7:10 PM**
- The S. family is driving from the center of Liège to the Loncin interchange, to join the E40. Mrs. S. is in the front seat, next to her husband, who is a teacher. The two children are sitting on the back seat. At 1 km from the motorway junction, heavily lit, Mrs. S. notices on her right a still more lit up, relatively flat machine. It is slowly approaching, at such a low altitude that she first thinks of a vehicle on the bridge. Having signaled it to the others, they see that there is no bridge. It is a flying object. It crosses their path, almost vertically above their car. The shape is that of a rectangle with rounded corners, with 4 yellowish white lights pointing downwards. The contours are clearly visible against the sky background and the yellow light of the sodium vapor lamps of the motorway illuminates the underside. Taking the street lamps as reference points, the witnesses estimate that the flying object was 40 m from the ground and that its length was close to 15 m. It is heading towards the South-East, at about 120 km/h. This is too slow for an airplane and the witnesses do not hear the noise of a helicopter. The children (8 and 11 years old) see through the rear window that it continues its movement in the same way. Mrs. S. was able to observe more continuously than her husband and thinks that there was a dome above the rectangular plate [\[SOBEPS 91\]]{.source}.
- M. D., a secondary school science teacher, is driving on the E41 highway from Namur to Liège and reaches the area of Saint Georges. She then notices in the sky 3 pairs of 2 very bright arrows, forming signs \< \<. They are motionless and oriented in the same direction.
- As part of the Belgian [observation wave](BE.html), [SOBEPS](SOBEPS.html) will record a record of 143 observations for this day.
- **November 30**
- **3am:** [Linda Cortile](CortileLinda.html) goes to bed. Her husband is already asleep. She almost immediately begins to feel a paralyzing numbness that starts from her feet and spreads throughout her body. Due to her past experience, she knows it is the prelude to an abduction. She tries to wake her husband, but to no avail.
- **3:15:** [Linda Cortile](CortileLinda.html) notices a gray being appearing in the room and throwing a pillow in her direction. Then she is totally paralyzed and feels her head empty, although she vaguely remembers someone touching her spine [\[Testimony of [Cortile](CortileLinda.html) to [Budd Hopkins](HopkinsBudd.html), conscious but fragmentary memories of what happened. All she remembers afterwards is returning to her bed\]]{.source}.
- **December 2**
- In Trooz (Belgium), 6 people saw a stationary object for 10 minutes [\[VOB II, p. 141 \< Méheust 2000\].]{.source}
- In Jemeppe-sur-Sambre (Belgium), 2 witnesses see an object the size of a football field that remains stationary for 5 minutes [\[Méheust 2000\].]{.source}
- **21 December** : In Basècles (Belgium), 5 people observe an object that remains still for 7 to 8 minutes.
- Dissolution of the [GEPAN](GEPAN.html) and creation of the [SEPRA](SEPRA.html).
- The American scientist [Richard Haines](HainesRichardF.html) and the ufologist [Jacques Vallée](ValleeJacques.html) proceed to a series of [in-depth analyses and photometric studies](http://www.scientificexploration.org/jse/articles/ufo_reports/haines_aerial/toc.html) on the original black and white negative of [the Costa Rica photo taken on September 4th, 1971](1971-09-04_CostaRica.html), in order to determine the nature of the photographed UFO. The results of their research could only authenticate the phenomenon without explaining it. One of the founding members of the [GEPAN](GEPAN.html), the French researcher [Christian Perrin de Brichambaut](PerrinDeBrichambautChristian.html), examines the photograph in November [1993](1993.html) and determines that the light zones of the UFO cannot be explained by the reflections of the Sun. The light zones of the object could thus be due to a strong ionization of the air calling for an unknown type of propulsion. The engineer thus defines not only the general shape of the object, but also its dimensions.