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- **January**
- **January 16, 3 PM:** At Artesia, New Mexico, two researchers from General Mills who had just released a weather balloon saw for about 40 seconds an object twice as big as their balloon circling around, then with 4 pilots from Artesia Airport saw two other objects doing the same, for the same duration. [[Hynek 1974, DD-8]]{.source} [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1037 unsolved]]{.source} In Albuquerque, the same scene was observed by several witnesses.
- **January 20:** At the Fairchild base in Spokane (Washington DC), two sergeants-chiefs --- intelligence specialists --- observed from 3 km away a white-bluish disc with a long blue tail moving at 200 km/h without any noise. They flew under a cloud ceiling of 1400 m which excludes the hypothesis of a [meteor](Meteore.html).
- **January 21:** At Mitchel Base (New York), a pilot of a US Navy TBM takes off to chase a white circular dome-shaped object that accelerates and disappears.
- **January 22:** The ground radar of Northern Alaska as well as the on-board radars of 3 F-94 interceptors detect an unidentified object.
- **January 29**
- At Wonsan (Korea), a B-29 flies alongside a bright orange disc-shaped object
- The crew of another B-29 made a similar observation the same night 80 miles above Sunchon.
- **January 30:** In Korea, an UFO resembling a large horizontal wheel emitting orange light and spewing blue flames from its circumference, is visible for a few minutes (= observations from the previous day?).
- Creation of the [APRO](APRO.html).
- **February**
- **February 11, 3 AM:** In Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), Captain G. P. Arns and Major R. J. Gedson fly aboard a Beech AT-11 training aircraft. A yellow-orange object in the shape of a comet emits flames for 1 to 2 seconds during a 1 minute observation of a continuous horizontal flight. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1052 unexplained]]{.source}
- Veto on a request for declassification of the final report of the [Twinkle](Grudge.html#Twinkle) project by the [ARDC](ARDC.html).
- **February 20:** In Greenfield (Massachusetts), a Congressional Minister sees 3 very bright, apparently spherical, objects flying in perfect V formation.
- **February 22:** Launch of Véronique, first French probe rocket.
- **February 23, 11:15 PM:** In Sinuiju (North Korea), the captain and navigator of a B-29 observed for 45 seconds a bluish cylinder, 3 times longer than wide, with a tail and emitting rapid pulses, quickly rising in altitude, making several turns, then stabilizing under the B-29 which was evading a harmless anti-aircraft fire. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1061 unexplained]]{.source}
- **March**
- **March 3:** Dr. Walter Riedel, former German rocket scientist from Peenemunde, declares "I am convinced that flying saucers have a basis outside of our world". [[*Life*, April 7, 1952]]{.source}
- End of the [Grudge](Grudge.html) project and public launch of the [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) project.
- **March 10:** In Oakland (California), an Inspector of Metal Engineering observed 2 dark objects in the shape of a wing or hemisphere flying over him, one swaying back and forth like a pendulum.
- **March 20, 10:42 PM:** At Queen Anne's City/Centreville (Maryland) veteran of both World Wars A.D. Hutchinson and his son observed for 30 seconds a dull yellow-orange light in the shape of a saucer moving straight ahead. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1074 unsolved]]{.source}
- **March 23(22?), 18:56 and 19:00:** In Yakima (Washington), the pilot and radar operator of an F-94 interceptor jet observe twice a red fireball increasing in brightness and then fading after 45 seconds. Each time the object remained stationary. The Status Report No. 7 of the [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) project (May 31, 1952) indicates that the object was also detected by ground radar at a speed of 78 knots (90 miles/h) at an altitude between 22500 and 25000 feet. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) # 1076 unexplained]]{.source}
- **March 24, 8:45:** 60 miles west of Point Conception (California), the navigator and radar operator of a B-29 spot a target for 20 to 30 seconds, estimated to be travelling at 3000 mph. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1077 unexplained]]{.source}
- **March 29**
- **11:20:** Near Misawa (Japan), observation of [Brigham](pilotes.html#Brigham).
- In Butler (Missouri), the President of the Missouri Industry Commission observes a silver cylindrical object.
- **April**
- **22:30:** In Hammond (British Columbia), a light appears in the clear sky heading silently north. Its color turns to orange and when the object reaches the witness's vertical, its tail seems to sparkle. The object then suddenly turns west, stops and returns. Its color becomes reddish. When the object reaches the South area, it heads towards the horizon and its color turns to orange, then green and finally silver white.
- **April 5?, 7:30 PM:** In Duncanville (Texas), 2 radar operators of the 147th AC & W Squadron detect an object on radar for 1 minute, at an estimated speed of 2160 miles/h. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1095 unexplained]]{.source}
- **April 5**
- **10:40:** At Phoenix (Florida), L.G. Ryan and his wife, R.L. Stokes and D. Schook observed a large, dull gray circular object, followed by two others, flying straight at high speed. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1097 unexplained]]{.source}
- **21 h 15 :** In Miami (Florida), L. E. VanDercar and his 9 year old son observe 4 dark circular objects with unclear outlines passing in front of the Moon, each having an apparent diameter of half the Moon. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1099 unexplained]]{.source}
- **April 6, 2:59 PM:** In Temple (Texas), H. L. Russell observed for 3.8 minutes between 50 and 75 gray-white discs moving continuously in formation and inclining in unison every 12 to 15 seconds. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1099 unexplained]]{.source}
- **April 7:** On the cover of *Life*, next to Marilyn Monroe, one can read at the top right: There are arguments for the interplanetary origin of flying saucers. An article entitled [Have We Visitors from Space?](Documents/Articles/Life/1952-04-07_Life_fr.html) makes an impression (350 newspapers will take up the conclusions of the article, and *Life* will receive 700 letters. Clearly open, even frankly sympathetic to the [extraterrestrial hypothesis](ETH.html), it is built (as we will learn later) around the unofficial opinion expressed by various Pentagon officers. The Pentagon's Public Relations Office will officially respond to this subject that The article is factual, but the conclusions of *Life* reflect only the opinion of the editorial staff. [[Lagrange]]{.source}
- [Albert K. Bender](BenderAlbertK.html) announces the creation of the [IFSB](IFSB.html) in the letter column of *Other Worlds*.
- **April 8:** North of Big Pines (California), an object of disc-shaped form is observed by a television engineer.
- **April 10:** In Pecos (Texas), observation of a 25 x 15 m bright, hovering, rotating diamond-shaped object. It ascended 600 m, made a slow turn, then disappeared to the Northwest. [[Hynek 1979]]{.source}
- Official launch of the [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) project.
- **21:30:** At North Bay (Ontario), Adjutant E.H. Rossell and Flight Sergeant R. McRae, both RCAF line pilots, observed for two minutes an amber, extremely bright disc coming from the southwest, hovering over an airfield, suddenly stopping, turning and rising into the sky at an astonishing speed at an angle of 30°". [[case Blue Book n°1108 unexplained]]{.source}
- **April 14**
- **18 h 34:** In Memphis (Tennessee), Lieutenants Blacky and O'Neil, both US Navy pilots, observed for 45 to 60 seconds an object shaped like an inverted cup, 3 feet long and 1 foot high, with vertical openings, flying straight and quickly, at 100 yards from their aircraft. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1112 unsolved]]{.source}
- **0 h 35 :** In LaCrosse (Wisconsin), a pilot of *CAL airline* observed various luminous objects of color flying in formation in V. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) # 1113 unexplained]]{.source}
- **April 15, 7:40 PM:** In Santa Cruz (California), Mr. Hayes, the brother of the Sergeant-Chief, observed for 6 to 8 seconds with his 20x telescope 2 pale objects flying quickly along the horizon. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1115 unexplained]]{.source}
- **April 16:** The *Montreal Gazette* reveals the observation of [April 12](#19520412).
- **April 17**
- At the Nellis base (Nevada), a large group of circular objects is observed.
- **20:30:** At Longmeadow (Massachusetts), S.B. Brooks and chemical engineer J.A. Eaton observed for 40 minutes a deep orange round object flying erratically, occasionally emitting a flash of light from the back. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1124 unexplained]]{.source}
- **April 18 (17?) 15:05:** At the Yuma (Arizona) test station, a group of meteorology students, including some graduated engineers, observe for 7s a thin white circular object flying in an irregular trajectory with a short trail. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1127 unexplained]]{.source}
- **April 18**
- **11:30:** In Bethesda, Maryland, R. Poerstal and 3 other men observed 4 to 8 yellow-orange circular lights flying above them in a V-formation of 40°, from South to North. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1128 unexplained]{.source}
- **10:22 PM:** In Corner Brook (Newfoundland, Canada), reporter Chic Shave observed a round, golden-yellow object flying south and returning for 1.5 minutes. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1129 unsolved]]{.source}
- 50 miles Northwest of Kyushu (Japan) (129\* 51' East, 34' 19' North), a radar operator detected an unidentified target flying at 2700 miles/h. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1130 unexplained]]{.source}
- **4 h :** At Corner Brook (Newfoundland, Canada), the concierge C. Hamilton observed for 1 minute a yellow-gold object making a tight turn and leaving a short dark trail. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1131 unexplained]]{.source}
- **April 21:** The *Toronto Globe & Mail* reveals an observation in Ontario, where thousands of witnesses were able to witness the pursuit of a dark cylindrical object by 2 [Mustang P-51](glossair.html#P51) fighters. The object crossed the sky at an estimated speed of 2500 km/h, leaving behind a vaporous trail. The witnesses did not perceive any noise. The 2 fighter pilots returned empty-handed, and declared: This absolutely cannot be an airplane.
- **April 22, 9:09 PM:** At the USAF base in Naha (Okinawa), the ground crew of a B-29 observed for 10 minutes an elliptical object, followed by 2 more, and then 2 more, all with a white light blinking every 1 to 2 seconds, performing erratic aerial maneuvers. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1144 unexplained]]{.source}
- **April 23:** In Watertown (Massachusetts), an engineer observes an object maneuvering at high speed.
- **April 24**
- **5 PM:** At Bellevue Hill (Vermont), the crew of a USAF C-124 transport aircraft observed 3 bluish circular objects in a circular formation ("fingertip") flying parallel to their aircraft twice for 3 to 4 minutes. [[unexplained Blue Book case #1147]]{.source}
- **14:30:** In Milton, Massachusetts, 3 electronic engineers from the Cambridge Research Center, one of them named Buruish, observed for 1.5 minutes two flat squares flying in a wavering horizontal motion, then rising in altitude, continuing to fly at this new level, and then leaving. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1148 unexplained]]{.source}
- **20 h 10 :** At Clovis (New Mexico), E. L. Ellis, surgical assistant and Major of the [USAF](USAF.html), observed for 5 minutes numerous orange-amber lights, sometimes distinct, sometimes merged, moving erratically. Their speed varied from zero to very fast. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1151 unexplained]]{.source}
- Observation of [Dun Kimball](KimballDun.html).
- **April 27**
- **16 h 15 :** At Roseville (Michigan), H. A. Freytag and 3 other adult men, including a minister, observe for 45 minutes an oval silver object turning, descending and then stopping. 2 cigar-shaped objects appear, one going east and the other west. A third silver cigar-shaped object flies next to it at high speed. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1160 unexplained]]{.source}
- **8:30 PM:** In Yuma (Arizona), Miss G. S. Porter and the Sergeant-Chief (non-duty control tower operator) observed bright or flaming red discs, of a size similar to fighters. 7 observations of a disc, one of the two in formation for 2 hours. All seen under the 11000 feet cloud ceiling. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1163 unexplained]]{.source}
- Coming from the horizon, a white and shining object stops at 1000 m altitude and 3 km from 4 witnesses in a car. With a diameter of 60 m, it has 2 rows of portholes. It performs an oscillation and turns orange. [[Hynek 1979]]{.source} [[One of the Blue Book cases of this day?]]{.source}
- **April 29**
- **15:30:** At Marshall, Texas, private pilot R.R. Weidman observed a round object flying straight for 1.5 minutes, with a swaying motion to each side. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1167 unexplained]]{.source}
- **22 h :** North of Goodland (Kansas), Lieutenant R. H. Bauer of the B-29 observed a white light in the shape of a fan pulsing 3 to 4 times per second for 2 seconds. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1168 unexplained]]{.source}
- **May 1st**
- **5:32:** At Moses Lake (Washington), 2 employees of the [AEC](AEC.html), Eggan and Shipley, observed a silver, wingless object flying horizontally for 1.5 minutes. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1174 unexplained]]{.source}
- **10:50:** At the George (California) USAF base, 3 men on a battlefield, 1 lieutenant colonel 4 miles away, observed for 15 to 30 seconds 5 flattened white discs of a diameter comparable to the wingspan of a C-47 (95 feet) flying quickly and making a 90° turn, all in a formation of 3 in front and 2 behind, then rushing around. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1176 unexplained]]{.source}
- In Canada, the *Vancouver Sun* reveals the observation of [April 4](#19520404).
- [Observation at Davis-Monthan Air Base](1952-05-01_DavisMonthan.html) of Tucson (Arizona).
- **Monday, May 5th, 10:45 PM:** In Tenafly (New Jersey), Miss M. M. Judson observed 6 or 7 translucent objects, of a creamy yellow. One of them moved in an ellipse, while the others moved forward and backward. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1183 unsolved]]{.source}
- **Wednesday 7th May**
- **0 h 15 :** At the [USAF](USAF.html) base in Keesler (Mississippi), Captain Morris, a Sergeant-Chief, a Staff Sergeant and a First Class Pilot observed for 5 to 10 minutes a silver or aluminum cylindrical object rushing in and out of the clouds a dozen times. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1185 unexplained]]{.source}
- Above one of the islands of [Barra da Tijuca](1952-05-07_BarraDaTijuca.html) (Brazil), Eduardo Keffel, a reporter from the magazine [_O Cruzeiro_](OCruzeiro.html), accompanied by a friend, [João Martins](MartinsJoao.html), takes 5 shots of a large disk coming from the sea at high speed. The observation lasts 1 minute.
- **Thursday 8th May**
- In the Atlantic Ocean off Jacksonville (Florida), the pilot and co-pilot of an *American Airways* flight observe a light, 10 times bigger than a landing light, coming towards them, then fleeing behind their left wing.
- The project leader of [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) and 2 colonels briefed the Air Force Secretary Finletter for 1 hour on UFOs. [[Ruppelt, *Report on Unidentified Flying Objects*, p. 185]]{.source}
- **Friday, May 9th, 5:20 PM:** At the George (California) USAF base, Lt. G. C. Grindeland observed an object of a dull white color in the shape of an arrowhead flying horizontally for 10 seconds. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1194 unexplained]]{.source}
- **Saturday 10th May**
- **Between 10:45 PM and shortly after 11:15 PM:** At Ellenton (South Carolina), 4 employees of duPont from the Savannah River nuclear site observed up to 4 yellow disc-shaped objects on 5 occasions. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1198 unexplained]]{.source}
- In La Roche-sur-Yon (France), 12 witnesses saw a flat, brightly shining disc, which flew silently and passed a second UFO in stationary flight at a higher altitude. The ball observed came from the bottom of the sky and descended as if on an inclined slope with small jerks. [[VSD 2007 H]]{.source}
- **Tuesday, May 13:** In National City (California), Convair design engineers, a former Navy [pilot](USNavy.html) and an amateur astronomer observe a bright circular white object descending rapidly and circling an area.
- **Wednesday, May 14th, 7 PM:** At Mayaquez (Puerto Rico) the attorney and former USAF pilot Stipes and Mr. Garcia-Mendez observe 2 bright orange spheres: one is stationary, the other quickly moves away and returns after 30 minutes. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1213 unexplained]]{.source}
- **May 20, 10:22 PM:** In Houston, Texas, Captains J. Spurgin and BB. Stephan, both pilots of the [USAF](USAF.html), observe a bright or white flying object moving alongside them while making a gradual turn for 90 seconds. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1219 unsolved]]{.source}
- **May 21, 7 PM**: In Door County (Wisconsin Peninsula), where hundreds of people see a UFO for a considerable amount of time. [Coral Lorenzen](LorenzenCoralE.html) has an appointment with a young woman about whom she thinks to write an article for one of the newspapers she works for. She arrives on time but the young woman is not at home and [Lorenzen](LorenzenCoralE.html) decides to walk a few blocks to a nearby drugstore for a coffee. When she turns onto the main street she notices people standing in the street pointing at the sky. Looking in the designated direction, she sees a silver, elliptical-shaped object to the northeast. The editor-in-chief of the *Door County Advocate* and one of the journalists who are also in the street tell her that the object was described to them in a call from a point further north-east at Potawotami Park.
[Lorenzen](LorenzenCoralE.html) immediately enters the drugstore and calls the local police station, asking if there is a patrol car in the vicinity of Fish Creek. She is told yes and she then asks them to call and ask what they see. Shortly after she gets the answer: at about 60° elevation to the northeast they were looking at an object that was rather round with a silver color. She then goes back out into the street, positioning herself with her back to a certain area of a brick building and aligning the object at the top of a television antenna mast, carefully noting the point from which she was observing and the point where the antenna mast obscured the object. It did not obscure it too much, however, there was a bit of the object visible on either side of the mast, she will later state. Between conversations with the officers at Fish Creek and her own observations she tries several times to reach her husband, who is at home. He does not answer and she will later learn that he had gone out into the orchard to do some pruning. "I was sick with disappointment," Jim Lorenzen will say. "I had never seen anything in the sky that was so remarkable that I couldn't explain it, so I was disgusted to have missed the opportunity. However, [Coral Lorenzen](LorenzenCoralE.html) carefully measured the angles during the observation and when she provided the results to her husband, he was able to triangulate: they then estimated that the object, observed for 40 minutes, was at least 40 miles above the Earth and was about 780 feet in diameter, ruling out the explanation of a balloon or other mundane object. A third of the area of the object became a bright red shortly after being observed, giving the appearance, from Sturgeon Bay, of a silver cigar-shaped object with a glowing red base. When it was observed by the policeman 25 miles away in Fish Creek, it was almost circular with a "opening" red in the center too bright to be observed with ordinary glasses.
- **May 25**
- **9:15 PM:** At Walnut Lake (Michigan), 7 people, including John Hoffman, his family and friends, observe a large white circular object with dark sections on its outline, flying horizontally for 30 minutes and seeming red when behind a cloud. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1227 unexplained]]{.source}
- Cover and headline of the French magazine *Radar* issue
with photos taken in Rio de Janeiro by a reporter:
*Flying Saucers: First Photos*.
- **May 28**
- **10:30:** In Saigon (French Indochina), many people in the crowd attending a ceremony observe a white-silver disc-shaped object flying horizontally for 2 minutes. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1232 unexplained]]{.source}
- **Between 1:45 PM and 2:20 PM:** In Albuquerque, New Mexico, two municipal firefighters observed three times two circular objects - one silver and shiny and the other orange or light brown - performing very fast aerial maneuvers. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1233 unexplained]]{.source}
- **May 29th, 7 PM:** In San Antonio (Texas), Major D.W. Feuerstein, USAF pilot, observed from the ground a bright tubular object moving from a horizontal to a vertical position for 8 minutes, then slowly returning to a horizontal position, coming back to vertical, accelerating, seeming to elongate and becoming red. The total observation lasted 14 minutes. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1236 unsolved]]{.source}
- **May 31:** In Chrowon (Korea), 2 military guards observe an UFO, whose center is dull and the perimeter is bright, rushing through the sky. An F-94 Starfire fighter takes off to intercept it and engages in an aerial battle, until the UFO accelerates and disappears. The pilot cannot describe or report its size due to the blinding light of the object.
- "Angel Hair dropped by a UFO", in Oloron in 1952 (see file images/1952_Oloron_AngelHair.jpg)
- At Tombstone (Arizona), a pilot from the [Navy](USNavy.html)
observed a disk remain stationary then quickly depart.
- The USAF declares taking the UFO problem seriously, many credible UFO reports coming from Korea. Pilots have observed silver spheres or discs, and radars in Japan, Okinawa and Korea have detected unidentified targets. [[Ruppelt, *Report on Unidentified Flying Objects*, p. 192]]{.source}
- **June 1st**
- **13 h :** In Walla Walla (Washington), Major W. C. Vollendorf, a former military reserve pilot, observed an oval object with a fin performing a rapid ascent in 7s. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1245 unexplained]]{.source}
- **after 3 pm:** At Soap Lake (Washington), Ray Lottman observed 3 shiny objects flying horizontally for 10 minutes. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1246 unexplained]]{.source}
- In Los Angeles (California), members of the Hughes Aircraft Co. radar test section detect an unidentified target at 11000 feet, which suddenly triples its speed.
- **June 2**
- **17 h 02 :** In Bayview (Washington), Larry McWade observed a purple object. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1249 unexplained]]{.source}
- In Fulda, West Germany, 1st Lieutenant John Hendry, navigator-photographer on a RB-26C reconnaissance bomber, observed an object of porcelain white flying very quickly. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1250 unexplained]]{.source}
- **June 5**
- In the Yucatan jungle, an archaeological expedition led by Alberto Ruz Lhuillier and 3 of his companions made the discovery of the Palenque sarcophagus, in the county of Chiapas, near a Mayan city.
- **18 h 45 :** At Albuquerque (New Mexico), Sergeant/S T. H. Shorey observed for 6 seconds a round and shiny object flying 5 to 6 times faster than an F-86 fighter. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) n° 1256 unexplained]]{.source}
- **23 h :** In Lubbock (Texas), Dan Benson and Mr. Bacon observed for 45 minutes up to 8 yellow circular objects resembling large stars. The first two were in a line formation, the others were observed alone. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1255 unexplained]]{.source}
- **23 h :** At the Offutt (Omaha, Nebraska) USAF base, 2nd Lieutenant W. R. Soper, a top secret SAC controller and former OSI agent, along with two other people, observed a bright red object remain stationary for 4.5 minutes before quickly departing, leaving a faint trail. [[unexplained Blue Book case]]{.source}
- **6 June?** Observation at the [USAF](USAF.html) base in Kimpo (Korea). [[[unexplained Blue Book](BlueBook.html) case]]{.source}
- **June 7, 11:18 AM:** At Albuquerque (New Mexico), the crew of B-25 bomber No. 8840 at 11,500 feet observed a rectangular object made of aluminum, about 6 x 4 feet, flying at 250 or 300 feet from their aircraft. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) No. 1260 unexplained]]{.source}
- **June 8, 10:50am:** In Albuquerque, New Mexico, J.D. Markland and his wife observed 4 bright objects flying horizontally in diamond formation. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1263 unexplained]]{.source}
- **June 9**
- Observation in Minneapolis (Minnesota). [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) unexplained]{.source}
- [Donald H. Menzel](MenzelDonaldHoward.html) publishes in *Time* an article titled *These Flying Saucers*, and provides an explanation of light reflections.
- **June 10:** Flight of the *Espadon*, first French jet aircraft.
- **June 12**
- **11:26:** At Marrakech (Morocco), Sergeant/T H. D. Adams, using a SCR-584 radar system, detected an unidentified blip at 650 knots (750 mph) at an altitude higher than 60,000 feet. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1270 unsolved]]{.source}
- **17 h 20** : At Eaubonne (Val d'Oise), observation of a sphere. [[*Gazette du Val d'Oise,* 16 July 1997]]{.source}
- **19:30:** At Fort Smith (Arkansas), a Major and a Lieutenant Colonel of the US Army observed through binoculars an orange ball with a tail flying at a low angular speed. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1269 unsolved]]{.source}
- The Nahon family observes an immense silver leaf bordered by a kind of red halo that moves abruptly in different directions (same observation as below?). [[VSD 2007 H]]{.source}
- (June 13?) An Air France crew and controllers from the Bourget Airport (France) tower observe a bright red ball stationary for 1 hour, then see it traverse the sky to the Southwest of the airfield.
- **June 13**
- **20 h 45 :** At Middletown (Pennsylvania), R. S. Thomas,
an employee of the [USAF](USAF.html) Olmstead base and
former air traffic controller observed a round orange
object travelling south, stopping for 1s, turning east,
stopping again for 1s, and descending.
- Observation in Minneapolis (Minnesota). [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) not explained]{.source}
- **June 15**
- **3 h :** At Itenhaem (Brazil), a woman is woken up by an explosion and a powerful blue light. She sees a fleet of discs hovering 1 m off the ground, 550 m from her house. They stay there for about 30 minutes while 2 figures stand on one of the UFOs observing the sky, then they leave one by one.
- **8:32 AM AST:** In Halifax, Nova Scotia, a reserve military meteorological assistant noticed what appeared to be a large silver disc in the sky to the southeast of Halifax. It moved towards the southwest for approximately 30 seconds at an estimated altitude between 5000 and 8000 feet, then ascended and entered the altocumulus clouds between 11000 and 12000 feet in 2 to 5 seconds. If the estimated altitude is accurate, according to the point and elevation data obtained from the observer, the diameter of the disc must have been around 100 feet. A large standard aircraft was in the sky at the time and the object seemed to be moving faster than the plane. The speed of the object is estimated to be at least 800 miles/h. [[Good 1987]]{.source}
- **23 h 50 :** In Louisville (Kentucky), Edward Duke, a former US Navy radar technician, observed a large cigar-shaped object with truncated front, illuminated sides and a red back, maneuvering calmly for 15 minutes. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1285 unexplained]]{.source}
- **June 16**
- **17 h** : At Ermont (Val d'oise), observation of a white disc faster than a jet plane. [[*Gazette du Val d'Oise,* 16 July 1997]]{.source}
- **20:30:** At the [USAF](USAF.html) base in Walker (New Mexico), maintenance specialist and USAF Sergeant Sparks observed 5 or 6 grayish discs, in a half-moon formation, flying at 500 or 600 miles/h for 1 minute. [[unexplained Blue Book case n° 1295]]{.source}
- **June 17**
- **Between 7:30 and 10:20:** At the [USAF](USAF.html) base in MacChord (Washington), numerous diverse witnesses observe between 1 and 5 large yellow-silver objects flying erratically, stopping and restarting for 15 minutes. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1298 unexplained]]{.source}
- **1 h 28 :** At Cape Cod (Massachusetts), the pilot of an F-94 interceptor jet observed for 15 seconds a light resembling a bright star crossing the nose of his aircraft. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1299 unsolved]]{.source}
- **June 18**
- **9 h :** At Columbus (Wisconsin), R. A. Finger observed an object in the shape of a crescent remaining stationary for a few seconds before departing. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) n° 1302 unexplained]]{.source}
- **22 h :** At Walnut Lake/Pontiac (Michigan), Marron Hoffman and 4 other witnesses observe with binoculars 4x an orange light zigzagging and then staying stationary. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1305 unsolved]]{.source}
- In California, a B-25 was accompanied by a UFO for 30 minutes.
- **June 19**
- **2 h 37 :** At the [USAF](USAF.html) base in Goose Bay (Labrador), 2nd Lieutenant A'Gostino and a radar operator see a red light turn white while moving around. The radar detects a stationary object during the minute of observation. [[unexplained Blue Book case n° 1308]]{.source}
- **14 h :** At Yuma (Arizona), USAF pilot John Lane observed a round, white object flying horizontally for 10s. [[unexplained Blue Book case n° 1310]]{.source}
- **June 20, 3:03 PM:** In the center of Korea, 4 Marine officers, captains and F4U-4B Corsair fighter pilots, observe a white or silver oval object 10 to 20 feet in size making an incredible left turn at a speed of 60 seconds. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1313 unsolved]]{.source}
- **June 21, 12:30 AM:** At the USAF base in Kelly (Texas), Sergeant/T Howard Davis, flight engineer of a B-29 at 8000 feet altitude, observed a flat object with a pointed front and a rounded back. The object was white with a dark blue center and a red outline. It left a trail of sparks when it dove after the B-29 at a distance of 500 feet, in 1s. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1319 unexplained]]{.source}
- **June 22, 10:45 PM:** At Pyungthek (Korea), 2 Marine sergeants observe an object 4 feet in diameter dive towards a landing strip emitting red flames, remain stationary for a moment above a hill, turn around, flash twice and disappear. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1323 unsolved]]{.source}
- **June 23**
- **16 h 05 :** In Spokane (Washington), Rex Thompson, a weather observer at the airport, observed a round disk with a metallic reflection shining and fluttering like a coin thrown for 5 to 7 minutes. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1331 unexplained]]{.source}
- **21 h :** At the [USAF](USAF.html) base in MacChord (Washington), 2nd Lieutenant K. Thompson observed a very large light flying horizontally for 10 minutes. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1232 unexplained]]{.source}
- Observation in Kirksville (Missouri). [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) not explained]{.source}
- **3:30:** At Oak Ridge, Tennessee, Secretary Martha Milligan observed an object shaped like a rifle bullet with an orange-burned exhaust flying horizontally for 30 to 60 seconds. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1334 unexplained]]{.source}
- **10 h :** Near Owensboro (Kentucky), National Guard and Lieutenant-Colonel O. L. Depp observed 2 objects resembling giant soup bubbles, reflecting yellow and lavender colors, flying straight for 5s. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1335 unexplained]]{.source}
- **6 h 08 :** A pilot of the 18th Fighter-Bomber Group of the USAF observes a black object shaped like a coin, 15 to 20 feet in diameter, performing an irregular descent. [[unexplained Blue Book case, information came via Japan Hq. \"CV 4359\"]]{.source}
- **June 25**
- Observation in Tokyo (Japan) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1340 unexplained]{.source}
- **20:30:** In Chicago, Illinois, Ms. Norbury and Mr. Matheis observed a bright yellow-white egg-shaped object with a red tail, making 7 circles in 1.5 hours. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1344 unsolved]]{.source}
- Observation in Japan, in the Korean zone. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1347 unexplained]]{.source}
- **June 26**
- **2 h 45 :** At Terre Haute (Indiana), 2nd Lieutenant of the [USAF](USAF.html) C. W. Povelites observed an object flying at 600 miles/h then stopping. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1348 unexplained]]{.source}
- **23 h 50 :** In Pottstown (Pennsylvania), the assistant airport director observed for 30 minutes 3 appearances of bright lights: 2 distant lights 2 miles away, and the leader blinking regularly and the other irregularly; 2 similar blinking lights, 1 mile away; finally, 1 single light. Their speed is estimated between 150 and 250 miles/h. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) n° 1351 unexplained]{.source}
- **June 27, 6:50 PM:** In Topeka (Kansas), K. P. Kelly, 2nd Lieutenant and USAF pilot and his wife observed a red object changing from a circular to a vertical oval shape at a pulsating rate. The object remained stationary for 5 minutes, then they left. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1355 unexplained]]{.source}
- **June 28**
- **13 h 20 :** At the [Kirtland Air Force Base](KirtlandAFB.html) near Albuquerque (New Mexico), 2 witnesses observed for 30 s 2 silver discs heading south and then quickly rising to separate, one to the southwest, the other to the east. Wind of 25 km/h. [[Hynek, 1974, DD-7]]{.source}
- **16 h 10 :** In Nagoya (Honshu, Japan), T. W. Barger, Captain and Electronic Countermeasures Officer of the [USAF](USAF.html), observed a dark blue elliptical shaped object with a pulsating border flying straight at approximately 700 or 800 miles/h. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1363 unexplained]]{.source}
- **18 h :** At Lake Kishkonough (Wisconsin), Lake G. Metcalfe observed for 10 s a white-silver sphere transforming into an ellipse while spinning and making a very rapid ascent. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1361 unexplained]]{.source}
- **June 29, 5:45 PM:** At O'Hare Airport in Chicago (Illinois), 3 USAF air policemen observe a flat silver-white object wrapped in a blue halo remaining stationary then quickly moving to the right, left and up and down for several minutes. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1364 unexplained]]{.source}
- **June 30th:** A 40 year old man is riding a motorcycle with his 11 year old daughter in the Hasselbach region (former GDR). Suddenly, the child tells him she has seen "something" in the woods. Her father heads towards the indicated spot. He recounts: Thinking it was a deer, I approached quietly. Suddenly, I stopped, struck with amazement: in front of me, between the trees, stood two beings resembling men, wearing strange metallic suits. They were carefully examining the ground of a small clearing. Close to them stood a metal saucer of impressive size, measuring at least 8 meters in diameter. Its edges were pierced with two rows of openings. Its upper part was dominated by a cylindrical metal tube in a blackish color, shaped like a turret placed in the vertical axis of the craft. Under the effect of surprise, I called my daughter who had stayed near the motorcycle. But upon hearing my voice, the two metal-clad beings rushed towards the craft, entered the cylinder and locked themselves in. One of them had a kind of lamp on his chest that emitted flashes at regular intervals. In a few seconds, the edges of the craft where the openings I had mentioned appeared began to vibrate as if under the effect of an intense inner fire. They took on a green hue, then became vermilion, like metal heated to red. While these phenomena were occurring, I heard a faint humming. I had the impression that the cylindrical tube disappeared while the craft was lifting, which allowed me to observe that this tube extended underneath and served as a support. Taking advantage of this powerful support, the craft continued to rise. It was like a monstrous pink mushroom... When it had reached a certain height, it began to spin at an increasing speed. Then it moved away vibrating and without ceasing to spin like a top. The cylindrical tube had completely disappeared from the underside. The craft's ascent speed increased rapidly. Suddenly, it stopped horizontally and disappeared behind the hill at a dizzying speed. [[*These Mysterious UFOs*, op. cit., p. 133 and following.]]{.source}
- **July**
- **Tuesday July 1st**
- In Hasselbach (Germany), the local politician and former major of the Whermarcht Oskar Linke and his stepdaughter Gabrielle (11 years old) have to abandon their motorcycle: while walking near a wood, they see between the trees a large saucer (15 m) on the ground, topped with a 3 m conical tower. Linke will affirm: Near it were 2 characters\... in metallic, shining outfits. Gabrielle addresses them and they quickly get back into the UFO and take off in the direction of Stockheim.
- A shepherd who is 1600 m away from the woods and the guardian of a sawmill see the UFO take off.
- In Boston (Massachusetts), two silver cigar-shaped objects are seen moving towards the Southwest.
- A [Fort Monmouth](FortMonmouth.html) (New Jersey), visual and radar observation of 2 UFOs. The objects were stationary, then quickly moved towards the South-West.
- **Wednesday 2 July:** [Observation at Tremonton](1952-07-02_Tremonton.html) (Utah), by Sergeant Delbert C. Newhouse.
- **Thursday 3 July**
- **4:15:** At the [USAF](USAF.html) base in Selfridge (Michigan), witnesses observed two large lights of an estimated diameter of 20 feet, flying straight at an alarming speed. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1380 unexplained]]{.source}
- **23 h 50 :** In Chicago (Illinois), Mrs. J. D. Arbuckle observed 2 bright pastel green discs flying straight and very quickly for 6s. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) n° 1382 unexplained]]{.source}
- **Saturday, July 5th, 7:58 PM:** In Norman (Oklahoma), Hamilton, a state patrolman flying in his patrol plane observed for 15 seconds three dark discs in silhouette against a dark cloud remaining stationary and then flying away. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1390 unsolved]]{.source}
- **Sunday 6 - Saturday 12 July, 11 PM:** At Governor's Island (New York), Elizabeth (New Jersey) Charles Muhr takes 4 shots of an indistinct light that appeared on the negatives but not to the naked eye. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1397 unexplained]]{.source}
- **Wednesday 9 July**
- **0 h 45 :** In Colorado Springs (Colorado), Major and USAF pilot C. K. Griffin observed an object in the shape of a wingless, bright white, moving slowly and erratically for 12 minutes. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1405 unexplained]]{.source}
- **15 h 35 :** At the [USAF](USAF.html) base in Rapid City, (South Dakota), Sergeant/S D.P. Foster and 3 other people observed a white, disc-shaped object flying straight for 5 seconds. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) (no. 1479?) (July 17?) unexplained]]{.source}
- **6:30 PM:** In Kutztown, Pennsylvania, farmer John Mittl observes an oval object seeming to be made of aluminum changing direction and altitude before finally flipping onto its end and departing after 20 seconds. 3 vague photographs. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1409 unexplained]]{.source}
- **Thursday 10 July:** In North Korea, the crew of the Canadian destroyer *Crusader* sees and detects on radar 2 bright discs.
- **Saturday 12 July**
- **15:30:** At Annapolis, Maryland, William Washburn, president of an insurance company, observed four large elliptical objects flying very quickly, turning 90° and departing in 7 to 8 seconds. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1431 unexplained]]{.source}
- In Chicago (Illinois), an Air Force weather officer and many other people at Montrose Beach see a large red object with small white lights on its side reverse its course when it is directly overhead.
- **(July 13?) 9 PM:** In Kirksville (Missouri), many air traffic controllers also military officers spot various radar targets moving at a speed of 1500 knots (1700 mph). No visual confirmation. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1436 unexplained]]{.source}
- **Sunday 13th July**
- North of Washington (D. C.) a pilot of *National Airlines* warns the [CAA](CAA.html) that he is approached by a white-bluish light. The object approaches in a 2 mile zone, staying at the same altitude. The pilot turns on all his lights, and the UFO departs by rising.
- Creation of the [GOC](GOC.html).
- **Monday, July 14th, 8(9?) PM:** Above Newport News, [observation of pilots Nash and Fortenberry](NashWilliamB.html).
- **Tuesday, July 15, 10:22 PM:** In West Palm Beach (Florida), J. Antoneff and 2 other people observe an object of a disc-shaped, grayish appearance, except when it remains stationary, where it appears to be earthy. The object hovers above the Palm Beach International Airport, then is followed by a twin-engine SA-l6 seaplane and flies away after 40 to 60 seconds. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1451 unexplained]]{.source}
- **Wednesday 16 July**
- **9 h 35 :** [Photograph of Salem](1952-07-16_Salem.html).
- In Hampton (Virginia), [Paul R. Hill](HillPaulR.html) witnesses an apparent UFO rendezvous above Chesapeake Bay. Two mysterious amber-colored craft circle each other at 800 km/h before being joined by a third, which positions itself several hundred meters below, forming a "V". A fourth UFO joins the group, then they speed off to the South. The [USAF](USAF.html) will declare that it had no aircraft in the area at that time.
- The [USAF](USAF.html) lends a small fragment of a saucer to Canadian physicist [Wilbert Smith](SmithWilbertBrooker.html).
- **Thursday 17 July**
- **2 h:** Six V-shaped, orange discs, without a trail, were seen in Washington by radio engineer Henry Lewis.
- **2 h 30 :** The same formation is observed by workers in Buenos Aires, implying a speed of 24000 km/h. They are observed by radar and a few hours later by peasants in Aisey-sur-Seine (Côte d'Or).
- **11am:** At the [USAF](USAF.html) base in Lockbourne (Ohio), employees of the Air National Guard observe for 3 hours a light with the appearance of a large star, which disappears when an airplane approaches. The light will also be observed on July 20, 22 and 23. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1476 unexplained]]{.source}
- **3:10 PM:** In White Plains, New York, Mrs. Florence Daley observed two round, pastel blue objects with shiny outlines flying in formation and emitting sounds resembling those of slightly muffled bombs. Later, the witness would report hearing numerous female voices coming from the objects. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1502, unexplained]]{.source}
- **Friday 18th July**
- **11 h :** In Miami (Florida), E. R. Raymer and his daughter observed a silver ball flying very quickly in a direction perpendicular to the wind direction for 10s. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) n° 1483 unexplained]]{.source}
- Near Denver (Co.), a pilot of *American Airlines* observed unidentified lights moving quickly back and forth.
- At the Patrick Air Force Base (Florida), 2 officers, weather personnel, and various other people saw 4 amber-colored lights performing circles around the base's field.
- **18 h 10 :** Near Chauvet Lake (Puy-de-Dôme), observation of [André Frégnale](FregnaleAndre.html).
- **21 h 10 :** At the Lockbourne (Ohio) USAF base, Sergeant/T Mahone and A/3c Jennings observe an amber-colored elliptical object with a small flame at the back, believed to be periodically luminescent. The object moves very quickly for 1 minute and 30 seconds, emitting resonant thumping sounds. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1482 unexplained]]{.source}
- **21 h 45 :** At the [USAF](USAF.html) base in Patrick (Florida), 3 USAF officers and 4 other men observed for 1 hour a series of red-orange lights remaining stationary and maneuvering in various directions. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1485 unsolved]]{.source}
- A sailor by the name of NewHouse films a squadron of unknown flying objects. Despite the pressures of the [CIA](CIA.html) (according to [Donald Keyhoe](KeyhoeDonaldEdward.html)), the hypothesis of a hoax is ruled out.
- Many UFOs are seen or detected by radar at the [Andrews](ZonesMilitaires.html#Andrews) base.
- **Saturday 19 July**
- **2 h 55 :** At Willinston (North Dakota), an experienced civilian pilot observes an elliptical object with a luminous border descending quickly, making a full turn and then a half turn in 5 minutes. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) # 1492 unexplained]]{.source}
- **15 h :** 3 black circular objects appear above [Oak Ridge](OakRidgeAFB.html), as in [1950](1950.html). They are chased by [F-86](appareils.html#F86) fighters. Origin of the objects unknown.
- The object of Puerto Maldonado (Peru) photographed on July 19, see file images/1952-07-19_16-30_PuertoMaldonado_Perou.jpe
- **22 h :** 5 strange lights maneuver above the White House, the city of Washington and its surroundings. They are notably detected by the [CAA](CAA.html) radar at the airport. This is the beginning of what will be called the [Washington carousel](1952-07-26_Washington.html).
- **23 h 30 :** 8 unknown objects fly over the [White House](lieux.html#MaisonBlanche).
- **23 h 35 :** At Elkins Park (Pennsylvania), the USAF Captain and pilot C. J. Powley and his wife observed 2 lights resembling stars maneuvering, staying stationary and accelerating for 5 to 7 minutes. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1494 unexplained]]{.source}
- **Sunday 20th July**
- **0 h :** The [Pentagon](Pentagon.html) is overflown by similar objects, spotted and recorded on the radar echoes of the Newcastle base. The objects fly at a speed ranging from 160 to 480 km/h, suddenly accelerating to phenomenal speeds.
- **3:30:** Interceptor jets, dispatched from NewCastle and delayed by a previous UFO investigation in New Jersey, arrive on the scene. The UFOs disappear, then reappear after departing over the [White House](lieux.html#MaisonBlanche) and the [Pentagon](Pentagone.html). At one point, operators tracking the events from Andrews base see a large, bright orange sphere, hovering stationary above the base.
- **5 pm:** End of observations.
- **12:20:** In Lavalette, New Jersey, Dr. A.B. Spooner, professor of chemistry at Seton Hall University, observed two large yellow-orange lights with a kind of dark red trail turning and rotating for 5-6 minutes. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1504 unexplained]]{.source}
- At Dai-el-Aouagri (Morocco), Mr. Petijean saw a saucer take off; it emitted blue flashes and released a strong smell of burning sulfur.
- **Monday 21st July**
- **16:30:** At Converse (Texas), the wife of USAF Captain J. B. Neal observed for 3-5 seconds an elongated object with a fuselage shape flying horizontally, making a right angle turn and disappearing from sight at a speed greater than 300 mph. [[unexplained Blue Book case]]{.source}
- **18 h 30 :** At Weisbaden (West Germany),
observations by [E. E. Dougher](pilotes.html#DougherEE)
and J. J. Stong.
- **22 h 40 :** At the [USAF](USAF.html) base in San Marcos (Texas), 1 lieutenant, 2 Staff Sergeants and 3 pilots (airmen) observed a blue circle with a blue trail stationary then accelerating to a speed greater than 700 miles/h after 1 minute. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1516 unexplained]]{.source}
- Observation at the [USAF](USAF.html) base in Randolf (Texas) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1522 unexplained]]{.source}
- **(July 22?) 8:10 PM:** In Rockville, Indiana, 1 military officer and 2 other men observe for 3 minutes an object shaped like a delta wing of aluminum with a vertical fin, flying horizontally and then remaining stationary. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1533 unexplained]]{.source}
- **Tuesday 22 July**
- **after 0 h:** In Holyoke (Massachusetts), Mrs. A. Burgess
saw a round and yellow pulsating light descend. [[case
[Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1524 unsolved]]{.source}
- **14 h 46 :** At Uvalde (Texas), Don Epperly, station manager of Trans Texas Airlines and weather observer, observed a large silver round object flying at more than 1000 miles/h for 45 s, while spinning on itself. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) n° 1536 unsolved]]{.source}
- **10:50:** At Los Alamos, New Mexico, control tower operator Don Weins and two Carco pilots observed 8 large round objects seemingly made of aluminum flying horizontally and then moving around very quickly for 25 minutes. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1538 unsolved]]{.source}
- **July 23?, 22:47:** At Braintree, between Boston and Provincetown (Massachusetts), the pilot and radar operator of an USAF F-94 interceptor jet observe a round light of green/blue color passing them while spinning. The object is also observed from the ground. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1556 unsolved]]{.source}
- **July 23, 22:50 to 0:45:** At Trenton (New Jersey), crews of some F-94 interceptor jets from the [USAF](USAF.html) base in Dover made 13 visual observations and 1 radar detection of pale blue lights for 2 hours. [[unexplained Blue Book case #1572]]{.source}
- Observation in Stafford (Virginia). [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1654 unexplained]{.source}
- **Wednesday 23 July**
- **8:40:** At Pottstown, Pennsylvania, crews of two from three F-94 fighters of the [USAF](USAF.html) observed for 1-4 minutes a large silver object, shaped like an elongated pear with 2 or 3 squares underneath it, flying at a speed of 150-180 knots (170-210 mph), while a smaller object, delta-wing or swept back, flew around it between 1000 and 1500 knots (1150-1700 mph). [[Blue Book case 1554, unexplained]]{.source}
- In Culver City (California), employees of an airplane factory see an silver elliptical object accompanied by 2 small discs.
- **0 h 50 :** At Altoona (Pennsylvania), the two-man crews of 2 F-94 fighters of the [USAF](USAF.html) observed for 20 minutes at an altitude of 35 to 46000 feet 3 cylindrical objects flying in a vertical stack formation at an altitude of 50 to 80000 feet. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1567 unexplained]]{.source}
- **23:35:** At South Bend (Indiana), the USAF Captain and pilot H. W. Kloth observed 2 pale blue luminous objects flying together, then the one in the back changed course after 9 minutes. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1578 unexplained]]{.source}
- **Thursday 24 July**
- **15 h 40 :** Lieutenants-Colonels McGinn and Barton aboard a B-25 from Hamilton Base, flying from San Francisco to Colorado Springs over the Sierra Nevada between Sacramento and Reno, heading east at 3300 m towards Carson Sink (Nevada), saw 3 silver delta wings with a bump on top resembling [F-86](appareils.html#F-86) but at triple their speed (1000 miles/h). There were no reported delta planes in the area. The objects crossed in front and above their aircraft at high speed, in 3 to 4 s. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1584 unsolved]]{.source} [[Ruppelt]]{.source}
- Observation at the USAF Travis Base (California). [[case Blue Book n° 1588 unexplained]]{.source}
- **Friday 25th July:** Orders are given to shoot them down if they refuse to land.
- **Saturday 26 July**
- **12:05:** At the [USAF](USAF.html) base in Kirtland (New Mexico), Airman 1st Class J.M. Donaldson observed 8-10 orange balls in a triangular or V formation flying very quickly for 3-4 seconds. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1637, unexplained]{.source}
- **12:15:** Observation in Kansas City (Missouri), Captain of the USAF H. A. Stone and the men from Fairfax Field and Municipal Airport control towers observed for 1 hour a green light with red-orange flashes descending from 40° to 10° elevation. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1628 unsolved]]{.source}
- Observation at Williams (California). [[cas [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) unexplained missing from official archives]]{.source}
- In California, a jet is chasing yellow-orange lights confirmed by radar (= previous case?)
- **From 8 PM to after midnight:** The [Washington Carousel](1952-07-26_Washington.html) resumes: radar operators at various airports as well as airline pilots report numerous unidentified radar echoes over the Washington area, at different speeds. Pilots spot unidentified lights. [[unexplained Blue Book case]]{.source}
- **21 h :** Between 6 and 12 lights appear again, at such a speed that it cannot be airplanes, however fast they may be.
- At the [USAF base of Andrews](AndrewsAFB.html)
(Maryland, Washington, D.C.), continuing the numerous
observations and radar detections reported in the Washington, D.C. area throughout the night [[unexplained Blue
Book case n° 1661]]{.source}.
- **Sunday 27 July**
- **2 h:** 2 F-94 fighter jets were sent to meet them from Wilmington (Delaware) but the pilots found nothing and decided to return to their base [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1664 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **2 h 10 :** At the moment the interceptors return to the base, the UFOs reappear.
- **3:20:** A new interception is launched and a pilot, Lieutenant William Patterson, reports approaching a group of giant white-blue lights. As he comes straight towards them, they form a circle around him and, for about 15 seconds, move along with him. Patterson requests permission to fire, but the lights slowly move away. The trace of several of these objects moving quickly appeared on the radars of 3 different installations, including those of the [Andrews](AndrewsAFB.html) base.
- In Manhattan Beach, California, an aeronautical engineer and other people observe a group of unidentified objects changing position in formation.
- **10:05-10:20:** At the [USAF](USAF.html) base in Selfridge (Michigan), ground crews of 3 B-29 bombers observed numerous round, white objects flying horizontally very quickly. 2 at 10:05, 1 at 10:10, 1 at 10:15, 1 at 10:20. Each was observed for about 30 seconds [[unexplained Blue Book case #1680]]{.source}.
- In Ann Arbor (Michigan), a biologist is observing a fleet of objects resembling missiles.
- **20:30:** At Wichita Falls (Texas), Adrian Ellis and his wife observed for 15 seconds 2 disk-shaped objects seeming to be phosphorescent, flying at an estimated speed of 1000 [miles](unites.html#Mile)/h [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1684 unexplained]{.source}.
- **Monday 28 July**
- **2:15:** At the [USAF](USAF.html) base in MacChord (Washington), Sergeant/T Walstead and S/Sergeant Calkins of the 635th AC&W Squadron; observed a pulsing ball of a dull blue-green, the size of a dime held at arm's length, flying very quickly and horizontally [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1708 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **6 h :** At the MacGuire (New Jersey) USAF base, the Ground
Approach Control operator, Sgt. W. F. Dees, and people from the
base control tower detect a large group of very distinct echoes.
The visual observation is that of wingless, tail-less elongated
objects performing a very fast turn and at one point adopting a
echelon formation. The entire episode lasts 55 minutes [[unexplained Blue Book case n° 1707]]{.source}.
- [Winston Churchill](ChurchillWinston.html) is concerned about the UFO phenomenon and questions the British Air Minister about it.
- **10:20 PM:** In Heidelberg (West Germany), Sergeant B. C. Grassmoen and WAC Pfc. A. P. Turner observed an object shaped like a saucer, seemingly made of light metal, emitting white flashes of light, flying slowly, making a 90° turn, and quickly ascending after 4 to 5 minutes [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1700 unexplained]]{.source}.
- In Wisconsin and Minnesota, the Ground Control Intercept Radar, an USAF pilot and members of the [GOC](GOC.html) spot various unidentified objects.
- [Washington Post Article](Documents/Articles/1952-07-28_WashingtonPost.html).
- **Tuesday 29 July**
- **1 h 30 :** At Osceola (Wisconsin), ground radar operators
detected for 1 hour on radar several groups of small objects (up
to 10) and 1 large object. The small ones moved from Southwest to
East between 50 and 60 knots (60 to 70 mph), following each other.
The large object moved at 600 knots (700 mph). A F-51 Mustang
pilot confirmed the detection of one of the objects [[case [Blue
Book](BlueBook.html) #1731 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **10 h:** At Omega, in the Los Alamos canyon (New Mexico), observation by 5 independent witnesses for 5 minutes of a white rotating object. The object left upon the arrival of planes [[Hynek 1979]]{.source}.
- **14:30:** At the [USAF](USAF.html) base in Langley (Virginia), Captain D. G. Moore of the Air Traffic Control System detected an object flying towards the base at about 2600 mph for 2 minutes at an altitude lower than 5000 feet [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1732? unexplained]]{.source}.
- **14 h 50 :** Moore and W. Yhope, representatives of the Gilfillan Electronics, spotted a radar target moving for 4 minutes, stopping for 2 minutes, then leaving very quickly [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1732? unexplained]]{.source}.
- Conference of July 29th at the Pentagon, following the numerous observations in the Washington area. From left to right: [Roy James](JamesRoyL.html), [Ramey](RameyRogerM.html), [Ruppelt](RuppeltEdwardJ.html), [Samford](SamfordJohnA.html), [Bower](BowerDonald.html) and [Griffing](GriffingBurgoyneL.html). See file images/1952-07-29.jpg.
- Officers from the [FBI](FBI.html) report the statements made by representatives of the [USAF](USAF.html) during a meeting they had with them. The latter explain to the police that, according to their intelligence center at [Wright Patterson](WrightPatterson.html), observations of flying saucers date back several centuries and their number varies depending on the publicity they receive. The military add that these saucers appear rather in areas of high air traffic. According to them, these are not missiles from other countries, and they do not exclude the possibility that these objects are potential vessels from other planets such as [Mars](Mars.html).
- In Miami (Florida), a very fast UFO is filmed. The film
is submitted to the [USAF](USAF.html), never released.
- **15 h 44 or 16 h 35:** At Merced (California), Herbert Mitchell and an employee observed for 2 minutes a dark object in the shape of a disk, followed by a silver light two lengths behind it, tilt to the side, dive, hesitate and then finally make very rapid circles [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1738 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **0 h 35 :** At Wichita (Kansas), Douglas and Hess, employees of an USAF store at the Municipal Airport, observe for 5 minutes a flat, white, shiny circular object flying very quickly, then hovering for 10 to 15 seconds above the Cessna Aircraft Co. installations. [[case Blue Book n° 1739 unexplained]]{.source}
- **0 h 30 :** At Ennis (Montana), members of the [USAF](USAF.html) staff are alerted of the arrival of UFOs from Seattle (Washington). They are 5 flat disk-shaped objects. One of them remains stationary for 3 to 4 minutes, while another one circles around it. The observation lasts 30 minutes [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1747 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **Wednesday 30 July**
- **10 h :** In San Antonio (Texas), E. E. Nye and another person observed for 20 to 30 minutes a round, white object flying slowly and then departing very quickly [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1758 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **23 h 02 :** At Albuquerque (New Mexico), 1st Lieutenant of the USAF George Funk observed an orange light remaining stationary for 10 minutes [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1755 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **Thursday, July 31st:** M. H. Siret, night watchman in Puylaurens (Aude) reports his observations of several suspicious objects.
- **at 8 pm**: At Tinda (3 km from Ferryville, not far from Bizerte, Tunisia), René Clavière observed a kind of rocket with portholes which remained motionless for about 30 s at an altitude of 5000 m. The object suddenly departed leaving a trail [[[Mesnard](MesnardJoel.html), Case n° 12, Catalogue of Unpublished Observations (2nd part), [LDLN](LDLN.html) 291-292, p. 17]]{.source}.
- **Summer:** A UFO is detected by the base's radar, coming in at 1100 km/h then 150 km/h. Two [F-86](appareils.html#F86)s are sent to intercept it, one at 6000 m, the other at 1500, because the radar does not give the altitude. The lower pilot sees a sphere which he takes for a balloon but understands that it is maintaining its distance. At 1000 m, he opens fire. The object shoots up in a flash of light. The affair will be hushed up, and the reports destroyed [[Ruppelt]]{.source}.
Above the East of the state of Washington, Mr. Y., an American radar specialist, is stationed at the [ADC](ADC.html) station in Great Falls (Montana): Mr. Y.'s team had been warned by the Canadian radar stations in the Calgary area that 3 UFOs were heading south, towards the United States, at a low speed. The radars detected the UFOs and an USAF fighter was sent from a base in the east of the state of Washington. A radar and radio contact was maintained with the pilot of the fighter while he was guided towards the UFOs, themselves followed by radar. As he flew at 16000 feet (about 4800 m), the pilot claimed to have 2 of the UFOs in sight. Shortly afterwards, he and his plane simply disappeared! The wreckage of the aircraft was never found, although a rescue plane was immediately sent to the area concerned and the radar operators had the exact position of the plane at the moment of its disappearance. Monitored by planes now instructed not to approach within 15 km, the UFOs eventually evaporated. Mr. Y was instructed not to send the documents concerning this case to the [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) project - officially the only one authorized to deal with them - but directly to the [ADC](ADC.html) [[Stanton Friedman](FriedmanStanton.html), *Canadian UFO Report*]{.source}."
- **August 1st**
- **1:14:** In Lancaster, California, sheriff officers and other people, including one named Mallette, observed two bright red lights hovering and maneuvering for 5 minutes [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1771 unsolved]]{.source}.
- Observation at Bellefontaine (Ohio).
- Near Yaak (Montana), an [ADC](ADC.html) radar detects an unidentified object, visually observed as a dark cigar [[Robertson, LB]]{.source}.
- A bright white disc is observed at low altitude in Sharonville (Ohio). Others report an oval object.
- In Albuquerque (New Mexico), Scripps-Howard, Staff Writer, observed UFOs changing position in formation.
- **August 2, 3 AM:** At Lake Charles (Louisiana), 1st Lieutenant of the [USAF](USAF.html) W. A. Theil and another man observed a red ball with a blue flame tail flying horizontally for 3 to 4 seconds [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1783 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **August 3:** At the USAF base in Hamilton (California), ground pilots, radar, and air traffic controllers spot 2 silver discs behaving as if in a dogfight.
- **August 4**
- **2:20:** At Phoenix (Arizona), 3rd Class A. of the [USAF](USAF.html) W. F. Vain observed a yellow ball elongate and contract into a flat shape, fly horizontally for 5 minutes [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1812 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **11:37:** In Mount Vernon, New York, a woman and two children observed for two hours an object shaped like a buoy or donut emitting black smoke from its top and making an arc of 15' in 1.5 minutes [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1813 unexplained]]{.source}.
- M. H. Siret shares his observations of several suspicious objects again.
- **August 5**
- **23:30:** At the USAF base in Haneda, near Tokyo (Japan), the USAF F-94 radar, piloted by 1st Lieutenants W. R. Holder and A. M. Jones, detected an object for 90 seconds. The operators of the Haneda control tower observed a dark shape with a light flying up to 330 knots (380 miles/h), remaining stationary, making curves and various maneuvers [[Blue Book case 1827, unexplained]{.source} [[Robertson, LB]{.source}].
- In Baltimore (Md), an experienced amateur astronomer observes 2 disks seeming made of copper.
- **August 6**
- In Tokyo (Japan), following the observations of Haneda [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1841 unexplained]]{.source}.
- Observation in Belleville (Michigan) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1843 unexplained]]{.source}.
- Observation in Port Austin (Michigan) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1845 unexplained, not in official record]{.source}.
- In Kerkrade (Holland), a Marine design engineer sees 2 discoid objects with superstructures.
- **August 7**
- Wave of Disks Interfering with Andrew-Field Radars (Washington, D.C.).
- **9:08:** In San Antonio (Texas), Miss Susan Pfuhl observed four bright white discs for 70 minutes. One made a 180° turn, another moved horizontally, a third changed direction, and the fourth made circles [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1855 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **August 9, 10:50:** At the USAF base in Lake Charles (Louisiana), USAF 3rd Class A. J. P. Raley observed an object shaped like a disk flying very quickly and remaining stationary for 2 seconds [[unexplained Blue Book case #1870]]{.source}.
- **August 10:** Observation at Presqu'isle (Maine) [[Robertson, LB]]{.source}.
- **August 13**
- In Tucson, Arizona, an USAF officer observed bright objects in formation.
- In Dallas (Texas), a line pilot captain is pursuing a light performing maneuvers.
- **9:45 PM:** In Tokyo, Japan, Major D. McGough, a USAF pilot and marine, observed an orange light flying in an orbit to the left at 8000 feet and at a speed of 230 miles/h. The object descended into a spiral until 1500 feet, stayed stationary for 2 to 3 minutes, and then moved away. An attempt to intercept it failed [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1889 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **August 14**
- 16 bodies are recovered following a crash in Ely (Nevada).
- **23 h** : At Poggibonsi (Italy), on a clear moonless night, with many stars visible, Messrs. Assem and the Italian cavalry colonel Bartolini spend the evening with many friends in a villa with 2 terraces: one facing west, on which the dinner takes place, and the other overlooking, east side, a small valley. Arriving on this 2nd terrace, Assem and Bartolini suddenly see 2 luminous objects of green color, coming from the direction of Florence (from the North). The 2 objects, separated from each other by a distance always strictly constant, identical in all points (lenticular central part of 20 to 25 m in diameter, carrying 2 upper and lower domes, all slightly blurred), approach quickly and pass in front of the terrace at about 250 m from them, at about 130 m above the bottom of the valley, about 20 m higher than the witnesses, who then hear a noise comparable to that when tearing a silk fabric, or produced by a shell passing over their heads. The 2 objects then turn east, stop for a brief moment, describe a loop by returning towards the north to pass again very close to the villa, and finally move away in their initial direction from the south, towards Siena [[M. Assem < Mesnard](MesnardJoel.html), Case No. 12, Catalogue of Unpublished Observations (2nd part), [LDLN](LDLN.html) 291-292, p. 17]{.source}.
- **11:40 PM:** Butcher Tom Brooke, his wife and his 11-year-old son leave one of their friends whose house is near a bar, 60 km from Miami (Florida). They get in their car and drive away.
- **August 15th, 7:14am:** The highway police discover an abandoned car, 18 km from the bar. It is the Brooke's car, with its headlights still on, one door left open, and Mrs Brooke's handbag on the seat with a nice sum of money inside. The police follow the tracks that lead to a meadow bordering the road. The Brookes seemed to have advanced about ten steps, then vanished as their tracks abruptly stopped, without returning. The case is closed and the Brookes will never be found. 11 km away, Mabel Twinn, a restaurant waitress, disappeared the same night in the same way. Those 4 people were never seen again.
- **August 18, 12:50 PM:** In Fairfield, California, 3 police officers observed for 30 minutes an object shaped like a diamond changing color and direction [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1920 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **August 19**
- **14 h 38 :** At Red Bluff (California), Albert Lathrop, of the Ground Observer Corps, saw 2 objects, resembling flattened rifle bullets, flying horizontally very quickly for 25 s [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1928 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **21 h :** At Palm Beach (Florida), [observation of D. S. "Sonny" Desvergers](1952-08-19_DesvergersSonny.html) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) classified as hoax]]{.source}.
- **August 20**
- At the Congaree (S. C.) USAF base, an [ADC](ADC.html) radar detects an unidentified object moving at 4000 miles/h.
- **3:10:** In Neffesville (Pennsylvania), Bill Ford and two other people observed for a few minutes an object flying at an altitude of 500 feet during [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1938 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **August 21, 11:54 PM:** In Dallas, Texas, Jack Rossen, a former artillery observer, observed 3 blue-white lights remain stationary and then descend. 1.5 minutes later, one of them descended even lower [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1944 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **August 22:** In Elgin (Illinois), USAF jets, guided by the [GOC](GOC.html), pursue a pulsating yellow light.
- **August 23, 4:10:** In Akron (Ohio), 2nd Lieutenant of the USAF H. K. Funseth, ground observer, and 2 men of the [Marine](USNavy.html) observed a pulsating amber light flying horizontally for 7 minutes [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) # 1956 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **August 24**
- **10:15:** At Hermanas, New Mexico, Colonel G. W. Johnson, pilot of the Georgia Air National Guard F-85G (F-84?) fighter jet, observed two 6-foot silver balls side by side. One quickly turned gray, the other slowly. One took a long, gray shape when turning. One rose vertically from 2000 to 3000 feet. The observation lasted 10 minutes [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1961 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **17 h 40 :** Tucson (Arizona), George White and his wife see a large round light, suggesting a vague metallic surface, flying slowly, then quickly seeming to dance and glide for 1 minute [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1964 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **21 h 30 :** In Cleveland (Texas), Elmer Sharp and his wife observe an object with a spinning top shape changing color, from red to blue, with a flaming tail, staying stationary for 20 minutes, whistling, then leaving [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1969 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **22:30:** The object from 1 hour ago or a similar one reappears [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1969 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **August 25**
- **5:35:** In Pittsburg, Kansas, radio station musician William Squyres sees a non-shiny aluminum object, resembling two buckets stuck face to face, estimated to be 75 feet long, 45 feet wide, and 15 feet thick. Through an opening in the front, a blue light shines; the head and shoulders of a man are visible. The middle part has many openings through which he perceives regular movement. A series of small thrusters are arranged side by side along the outer edge of the object, spinning very quickly. The object is stationary about 10 feet from the ground, 100 yards from the road, with a slightly jerky movement. Then the object moves vertically with the sound of a large flock of quails taking off at the same time. The vegetation seems to have been disturbed under the object [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1972 unexplained]]{.source}.
- Observation in Delaware (Ohio) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1975 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **15 h 40 :** At the [USAF](USAF.html) base in Holloman (New Mexico), civilian supervisor Fred Lee and foreman L. A. Aquilar saw a silver round object flying South, then turning and flying North, making a 360° turn and departing vertically after 3 to 5 minutes [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1979 unsolved]]{.source}.
- The captain Enrique Maia, on a B-707, in flight to Louanda, the crew and passengers, closely observe 2 UFO's in the shape of cigars.
- **August 26**
- **12:10:** At Lathrop Wells (Nevada), USAF Captain D. A. Woods observed a large, bright, round object with a V-shaped "contrail" with a dark cone in the center flying very quickly, making an instantaneous 90° turn, followed by a gentle ascent and finally a sudden acceleration [[unexplained Blue Book case #1986]]{.source}.
- Observation in Biloxi (Mississippi) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1987 unexplained]{.source}.
- Observation in Mexico (Mexico) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1994 unexplained]{.source}.
- **August 27**
- **4:45 (CST):** At MacDonald Airport (Manitoba), 2 meteorological officers see a disc-shaped object with shadows on it as if its surface was irregular. The object makes 2 rotations around the field. When pointed by the rotating beam, the object glows like shiny aluminum. It then goes towards the Northeast and is out of sight in 1 s. No sound was heard [[Good 1987]]{.source}.
- Observation in Mexico (Mexico) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1994 (part 1) unexplained]{.source}.
- **August 28**
- **9:30 PM:** At the USAF base in Chickasaw (Alabama) and Brookley, the USAF control tower operators, an AFOSI officer, and other people see 6 objects, ranging from a flaming red to a diamond-like sparkling appearance, hovering, erratically flying up and down for 1 hour and 15 minutes [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2006 unsolved]]{.source}.
- Above Le Roy (New York), a disc performs vertical loops around a passenger plane.
- In Atlanta (Ga), the police are observing an unidentified object performing maneuvers.
- **August 29**
- **10:50:** West of Thule (Greenland, 77° North, 75° 15' West), 2 pilots of the [U.S. Navy](USNavy.html) flying a P4Y-2 patrol plane observe for 2-3 minutes 3 white disk or sphere shaped objects remaining stationary, then flying very quickly in a triangular formation [[unexplained Blue Book case]]{.source}.
- **8:35 PM:** In Colorado Springs, Colorado, pilot C. A. Magruder observed 3 objects, 50 feet in diameter, 10 feet high, appearing to be made of aluminum with a red-yellow exhaust, flying straight for 4-5 seconds at an estimated speed of 1500 mph [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2013 unexplained]]{.source}.
- At Villacoublay (France), an unidentified blue light was observed by the military personnel of the weather station with a theodolite. It moved jerkily in the sky. At one point it appeared as a white luminous bar with black edges [[VSD 2007 H]]{.source}.
- **August 30:** Sighting in Mexico City, Mexico [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #1994 (part 2) unexplained]{.source}.
- **September 1st**
- **21 h 43 :** In Atlanta (Georgia), Miss William Davis and 9
other people observed a light, similar to the Big Dipper, moving
up and down for a long time.
- **10:30 PM**
- A Marietta (Georgia), someone observed through binoculars two large objects resembling tops and displaying red, blue and green colors, flying side by side, leaving a sparkling trail for 30 minutes [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) unexplained]]{.source}.
- A certain Bowman (former artillery officer) and 24 other people saw an object red, white, blue and green spinning and sending sparks for 15 minutes.
- **22 h 50 :** At Marietta (Georgia), a B-25 x-AAF bomber observed 2 large white disk-shaped objects with a green vaporous trail flying in formation, merging, then flying away very quickly [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2022 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **4:45:** At Yaak, Montana, two USAF members visually observed two small lights of various colors become dark silhouettes at sunrise and fly erratically. Also tracked on radar by three men using the AN/FPS-3 radar set [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2023 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **September 2, 3:00:** In Chicago (Illinois), the Turason radar detector (controlled ground approach) of Midway Airport detects, for 8 hours, 40 targets flying in various directions, up to 175 mph, of which 2 seem to be flying in formation with a DC-6 [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2025 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **September 6**
- **1 h 30 :** At the USAF base in Lake Charles (Louisiana), Sergeant/T J. E. Wilson and 2 other enlisted men observed a light resembling a bright star moving in the sky for 2 hours [[unexplained Blue Book case n° 2045]]{.source}.
- **16 h 55 :** In Tucson, Arizona, former Congress member Isabella King and Bill McClain observed an orange, teardrop-shaped object spinning on its vertical axis for 1.5 minutes, quickly descending, stopping, and then spinning back up its original path [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2048, unexplained]]{.source}.
- **September 7, 10:30 PM:** In San Antonio (Texas), chemist J. W. Gibson and other people observe an object or an orange light (the color of 2000° F) exploding. The observation lasts according to the observers from 3 to 20 s [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) n° 2049 and n°2052 unexplained]{.source}.
- **9 September**
- **9 PM:** In Rabat (French Morocco), E. J. Colisimo, a civilian illustrator for the USAF Intelligence, observed for 5 seconds a disc with lights on its circumference flying as fast as a T-33 training fighter, following a slightly curved trajectory [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2062 unexplained]]{.source}.
- In Portland (Oregon), 2 oval objects were observed with an aerial projector.
- **September 12**
- **21:30:** A Allen (Maryland), David Kolb from the [GOC](GOC.html) and his companion, saw a white light with a border and red streamers flying towards the Northeast for 35 minutes [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2077 unexplained]]{.source}.
- A Sutton (West Virginia), Kathleen May, her 5 children and
Gene Lemon, National Guard soldier, meet the
["monster" of Flatwoods](1952-09-12_Flatwoods.html).
- **September 13**
- **7:40 PM:** At Allentown, Pennsylvania, W.A. Hobler, a private pilot flying a Beech Bonanza, observed for 2 seconds an object shaped like a large rugby ball, emitting a red-orange glow, descending and then rising directly in front of the witness aircraft [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2085 unsolved]]{.source}.
- Beginning of the operation [Mainbrace](Mainbrace.html). The Danish destroyer *Willemoes*, participating in the maneuvers, is located North of Bornholm Island. During the night, Lieutenant Commander Schmidt Jensen and some other crew members see an unidentified object, triangular in shape, moving at high speed towards the Southeast. The object emits a bluish glow. Commander Jensen estimates the speed at 900 miles/h.
- **September 14**
- **7 PM:** At White Lake (South Dakota), L. W. Barnes, a member of the [GOC](GOC.html), observed through binoculars for 30 to 40 minutes a red cigar-shaped object, with 3 smoke clouds behind it, flying towards the West, then South, and departing [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2089 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **20:40:** At Santa Barbara, California, Tarbutton, pilot of the SAF C-54 transport plane, observed a white-bluish light moving horizontally for 30 seconds before moving upwards [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2086 unexplained]]{.source}.
- In the North Atlantic, between Ireland and Greenland, members of military personnel from various countries aboard ships of the [NATO](NATO.html) [Operation Mainbrace](Mainbrace.html) exercise see a blue-green triangle flying at 1500 mph; 3 objects in triangular formation emitting a blinding white light at 1500 mph. [[event to be compared to [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) case #2087 unexplained but curiously dated September 14]]{.source}.
- At the base of the [USAF](USAF.html) of Olmstead (Pennsylvania), the pilot of the N67977 aircraft of the *Flying Tiger Airlines* observes a blue light flying very quickly in a collision trajectory [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) # 2093 unexplained, the associated descriptive map indicates completely different information]]{.source}.
- Observation in El Paso (Texas) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2092 unexplained]{.source}.
- **September 15**
- **11:30 PM to 1:20 AM:** In Ciudad Jaurez (Mexico), consulting engineer R. J. Portis and 3 other colleagues observed 6 groups of 12 to 15 luminous spheres or discs, flying very quickly in variable formations, from an arc to an inverted "Y" [[unexplained Blue Book case = previous case?]]{.source}.
- **September 16**
- **18 h 22:** At Portland (Maine), the [U.S. Navy](USNavy.html) crew of the P2V Neptune patrol plane observed a group of 5 lights for 20 minutes, and at the same time their weak echo on the radar [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2099 unsolved, it is not excluded that they were USAF KC-97 planes involved in a refueling operation]]{.source}.
- **19:30:** At Warner Robbins (Georgia), 3 officers of the [USAF](USAF.html) and 2 civilians observed for 15 minutes two white lights flying side by side at an estimated speed of 100 miles/h [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2100 unexplained]]{.source}.
- In Belle Glade (Florida), a circular object with light streaks underneath it flew at low altitude. The cattle panicked.
- **September 17, 11:40 AM:** In Tucson, Arizona, Ted Hollingsworth and his companion observe for 2 minutes 2 groups of 3 large, flat, and shiny objects flying in tight formation: the first group slowly, the second faster [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2105 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **September 19**
- In the North Sea during the [Mainbrace](Mainbrace.html) operation, 3 photographs were taken from the aircraft carrier *USS Franklin D. Roosevelt* of a spherical UFO flying behind the [NATO](NATO.html) fleet. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2087 unexplained?]]{.source}.
- As part of the [NATO](NATO.html) maneuvers, 2 officers and 3 men from the [RAF](RAF.html) observed a UFO above the Dishforth airbase. Lieutenant John W. Kilburn's report states: As we watched the disc continue its course, we saw it slow down for a few seconds, then begin to descend. As it started to lose altitude, it began to flutter like a leaf, or, if you will, like a pendulum. The "Meteor" (a RAF jet fighter which the 5 men were following as it landed) banked to circle the field before landing. The object began to follow it, but after a few seconds stopped. It seemed to remain suspended in the sky, spinning like a top. Suddenly it accelerated and shot off at lightning speed to the West, where it disappeared. [[Bourret 1976, interview with Aimé Michel]]{.source}.
- **September 20:** At Topcliffe (Yorkshire, England), a silver disc follows a Meteor jet, descending with a pendulum motion [[See "Operation Mainbrace" chronology, Section XII.]]{.source}
- **September 21**
- During the [Mainbrace](Mainbrace.html) operation, 6 fighters gave chase to a spherical and shining UFO.
- In Morocco, UFOs appear above Tangier, Marrakech and Casablanca. West of Nefik, a flying disc at high speed changes shape to that of an ellipse and suddenly stops while explosion noises are heard. Then it resumes its journey at the same speed, in the same direction, and as bright as before.
- **September 22:** In Fairfax County (Virginia), police observe 3 to 4 UFOs maneuvering erratically.
- **September 23:** At Gander Lake in Newfoundland (Canada), the USAF Pepperell base operations officer and 7 other campers observed a bright white light reflecting on the lake, flying horizontally for 10 minutes at about 100 miles/h [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2119 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **September 24**
- During the [Mainbrace](Mainbrace.html) operation, an UFO was seen at sea and pursued by a *Meteor* fighter from the [RAF](RAF.html) based at Topcliffe continental base.
- **3:30 PM:** Near Charleston, West Virginia, the crew of a USAF B-29 bomber observed numerous luminous metallic particles or flashes, some up to 3 inches in diameter, following the aircraft for 15 minutes [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2124 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **September 26, 11:16 PM:** In the Atlantic (41' North - 35' West, 400 miles North-Northwest of the Azores Islands), the pilot, co-pilot, engineer and commander of a USAF C-124 transport aircraft observe two distinct green lights on the right and slightly above the C-124, which at one point seem to rotate around it. The lights take turns in the direction of the movements during the observation which lasts more than 1 hour [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2126 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **September 27th, 10 PM:** In Inyokern (California), two couples using a 5x telescope observed a large, round object, sweeping through the spectrum of colors every 2 seconds, and flying horizontally for 15 minutes. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2128 unexplained]]{.source}
- **September 28**: Poland, Sweden, Denmark and Northern Germany make many observations. Reports describe saucers, spheres, and cigar-shaped objects. [[Vallée, Anatomy of a Phenomenon, page 62]]{.source}
- **September 29**
- **15:15:** At Aurora (Colorado) B. R. Hughes, Sergeant/T. of the USAF, observed 5 or 6 circular objects, intensely white but not dazzling, flying in a line formation for 5 to 6 minutes. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) unexplained]]{.source}
- **15 h 55 :** In Rochester (England), people saw 2 flat objects remain stationary for 3 minutes, then quickly leave. They reported their testimony to the Rochester police station. [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) n° 2136 unexplained]]{.source}
- **8:15 PM:** In Southern Pines (North Carolina), C.H. Stevens, 1st Lieutenant of the [U.S. Army](USArmy.html) Reserve and two other people observe a green ellipse with a long trail orbiting for 15 minutes [[unexplained Blue Book case no. 2140]]{.source}.
- **September 30**
- Sighting in Denver ("California", per Blue Book). [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2138 unexplained]]{.source}
- At the base of the USAF Edwards (California), an aviation photographer and other people observe 2 discs alternating between stationary flight and erratic movement.
- **October**
- **October 1st**
- **18 h 57 :** At the USAF base in Shaw (South Carolina), 1st Lieutenant of the [USAF](USAF.html) T. J. Pointek is piloting a RF-80 reconnaissance jet when he sees a bright white light. For 23 minutes he attempts to intercept it as it flies horizontally, then vertically and hovers, then ends with a sharp turn [[unexplained Blue Book [case](BlueBook.html)]]{.source}.
- **7:40 PM:** In Pascagoula (Mississippi), C. C. McLean, his companion, and another person observed a round, milky white, powdery cloud-shaped object hovering for 5 to 10 minutes, then flying away very quickly in an arcing trajectory. A very loud noise was heard at the beginning of the observation, which lasted 22 minutes [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2143 unexplained]{.source}.
- **October 2:** On Sunshine Road, Melbourne (Australia), 2 teenagers out for a nighttime stroll heard a whistling sound and saw a red and blue UFO flying at low altitude and rushing towards them. They ran to hide.
- **October 6:** Above Draguignan (France), sighting by [F. Cavasse](pilotes.html#CavasseF) and M. Clément.
- **October 7**
- **20:30:** At Alamogordo, New Mexico, Bagnell, a lieutenant in the [USAF](USAF.html), observed a pale blue oval, its longest axis vertical, flying horizontally for 4-5 seconds, covering an arc of 30 seconds during this time [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2150 unexplained]]{.source}.
- see October 17th.
- **October 10, 6:30 PM:** At the [USAF](USAF.html) base in Otis (Massachusetts), a USAF sergeant and two other enlisted men saw a bright white light blinking for 20 minutes, making a pendulum motion, then suddenly taking off into the air [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2155 unsolved]]{.source}.
- [Albert Chop](ChopAlbertM.html), a member of the [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) project, wrote to the Air Force Chief of Staff, with a copy to the [FBI](FBI.html), that nearly 20% of UFO sightings cannot be associated with familiar things. These conclusions are in agreement with those of the [Sign](Sign.html) project [[MUFON UJ 123]]{.source}.
- **October 11:** In Newport News (Virginia), an observer of the [GOC](GOC.html) sees an object shaped like a disk with a dome.
- **October 12:** In Palo Alto (California), observation of a V-shaped formation of 6 apparent discs.
- **October 13:** At Oshima (Japan), an Air Force pilot and an engineer see a round object in a cloud formation. The object takes an elliptical shape, and disappears in a few seconds at high speed.
- **October 17**
- **0 h 50 :** At Oloron-Sainte-Marie (Pyrénées Atlantiques / Pays Basque), Mr. [Prigent](1952-10-17_Oloron.html) and his family observe flying objects in the shape of cigars and luminous balls. "Virgin's threads" are found on the ground, disintegrating in a few hours. The observation is confirmed by the radars of the nearby Mont-de-Marsan station.
- **21 h 15 :** In Taos, New Mexico, 4 officers of the [USAF](USAF.html) observed a round, bright blue light moving on a North-Northeast axis at an elevation of 45° for 2 to 3 seconds before burning out [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2171, unexplained]]{.source}.
- **22 h 15 :** In Killeen (Texas), Ministers Greenwalt and Kluck see 10 lights, or a rectangle of lights, moving more or less horizontally for 5 s [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) n° 2172 unexplained]{.source}.
- **23 h :** At Tierra Amarilla (New Mexico), a military observer saw a white pot-like object moving at an estimated speed of 3000 miles/h, covering an arc of 20 s [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2173 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **October 19**
- **18 h 58 :** In the Pacific (12-17' North/155-35' West, 500 miles south of Hawaii), the crew of a USAF C-50 transport aircraft observed a round yellow light, with a pulsating red border, estimated to be 100 m in diameter, flying for 20 s between 300 and 400 knots (350-450 mph) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2175 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **13:30:** In San Antonio (Texas), Woolsey, a former USAF aircrew member, sees 3 circular objects seemingly made of aluminum, one of which is olive-drab on the side, flying in a rough V formation. One object slowly turns, another stops, during the 3-4 minutes of observation [[case Blue Book n° 2177, unexplained]{.source}.
- **October 21:** In Knoxville (Tennessee), people at the airport weather station observe 6 white lights flying without formation for 1 to 2 minutes, and making a slight dive towards a weather balloon [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2179 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **October 24, 8:26 PM:** Lieutenants Rau and Marcinko of the USAF, piloting a Beech T-ll training aircraft, observe an object shaped like a plate, with a bright front and blurry back, flying with its concave surface forward for 5 seconds [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2184 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **October 27**
- At Gaillac (France), hundreds of people observed 16 objects in formation, red globes with white Saturn rings and discs, surrounding a cylinder. It fell of angel/virgin hair which quickly sublimated.
- A [memorandum](m271052.html) from the [FBI](FBI.html) reports
differences of opinion on the UFO phenomenon: despite the
negative opinion of the [USAF](USAF.html) intelligence services,
military personnel are firmly convinced of the extraterrestrial
nature of the observed devices.
- **October 29**
- **7:50:** At Erding Air Depot (West Germany), Sgts. Anderson and A2C Max Handy of the [USAF](USAF.html) observed the silhouette of a round object against a cloud, flying horizontally and smoothly at about 400 mph for 20 seconds [[unexplained Blue Book case #2196]]{.source}.
- In Richmond (Virginia), a pilot of Venezuelan airlines sees a bright object pass him.
- A Hempstead, L. I. (New York), 2 pilots of F-94 see an object maneuvering at high speed.
- **October 31**
- Explosion of the first American H-bomb at Bikini.
- **7:40 PM:** In Fayetteville, Georgia, USAF Lieutenant James Allen observed an orange object shaped like a "blimp", 80 feet long and 20 feet high, flying at the height of the treetops, passing over Allen's car (his radio stopped at that moment), then making an incredible 45° ascent at the end of the 1 minute observation [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2200 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **November 3, 6:29 PM:** At the [USAF](USAF.html) base in Laredo (Texas), two operators of the control tower, including one Lemaster, saw for 3 to 4 seconds a long and elliptical light of a grayish white flying very quickly, stopping, then increasing its speed [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) # 2202 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **November 4**
- Election of [Eisenhower](EisenhowerDwightDavid.html) to the presidency of the United States. [Nixon](dirigeants.html#NixonRichardMilhous) is Vice President.
- **17 h 40 :** In Vineland (New Jersey), Ms. Sprague, a housewife, saw for 30 s two groups of 2 to 3 light discs spinning, flying towards the Southeast [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) n° 2206 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **November 12, 10:23 PM:** In Los Alamos (New Mexico), a security
inspector sees 4 red-white-green lights flying slowly over a
restricted area for 15 minutes [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html)
n° 2219 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **November 13**
- **2:20:** At Opheim, Montana, the USAF 779th AC&W station's FPS/3 (PPI) radar detected unexplainable echoes for 1 hour and 28 minutes at an altitude of 158,000 feet (30 miles) and a speed of 240 miles/hour [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2220 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **2 h 43 :** At Glasgow (Montana), Earl Oksendahl, an observer from the US Weather Bureau, saw 5 oval-shaped objects with lights around them, flying in a V formation for 20 seconds. Each object seemed to change its vertical position by going up or down as if to maintain the formation. The formation came from the Northwest, made a 90° turn and flew away to the Southwest [[unexplained [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) case]]{.source}.
- **November 15, 7:02:** In Wichita (Kansas), Majors R.L. Wallander, Captain Belleman, and A/3rd Class Phipps of the USAF observed for 3 to 5 minutes an orange object (a blue band?) changing shape, and performing jerky ascents with pauses of 10 to 15 seconds [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2224 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **November 16:** Near Landrum (South Carolina), hundreds of people see a large disc, also observed by an air traffic controller with binoculars.
- **November 18**
- [Briefing](MJDocs.html) of President [Eisenhower](EisenhowerDwightDavid.html) on extraterrestrial presence and [MJ-12](MJ-12.html).
- In Italy, farmer Nello Ferrari of Castelfranco is suddenly bathed in red light. Looking up, he sees at 9m from the ground a large disc (20m) of a color between copper and gold, whose underside is equipped with a rotating cylinder --- which makes noises similar to those of an electric motor. The UFO is topped with a turret from which 3 beings observe him frankly. They look perfectly human. The cylinder retracts and the craft quickly takes off vertically.
- **November 20:** [George Adamski](AdamskiGeorge.html) meets his first Venusian in the Mojave Desert in California.
- **November 22:** In Bocaranga, the discs observed by Father Carlos Maria dance a ballet of short circular movements, lighting up like suns at each start, illumination that totally disappears when stopped [[VSD 2007 H]]{.source}.
- **November 23**: At Belle-Ile-en-Mer (Morbihan), on the road to Locmaria, at the place called "La Butte", Mr. Gauci sees a luminous ball with a diameter 10 times greater than that of the full Moon. It sometimes seems to flatten, losing its orange tint to become whitish. It descends slightly, stops, returns to the right and rises to its starting point. It does this maneuver 4 or 5 times then disappears towards the southwest [[Vallée 1966]]{.source}.
- **November 24, 6:30 PM:** At Annandle (Virginia), L. L' Brettner observed for 1 hour a round and pulsating object flying very quickly, making [right angle turns](Virages.html) and reversing its course [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2246 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **November 26**
- (Beginning on the 25th) In the Panama Canal zone, 2 UFOs are detected by a defense radar.
- The *Phoenix Gazette* headlines: Passenger of a saucer claims atomic explosions are the reason for his visits.
- **November 27, 0:10 AM:** In Albuquerque, New Mexico, the pilot and crew chief of a USAF B-26 bomber observed for 20 minutes a series of black smoke explosions (4-3-3-4-3), similar to an anti-aircraft fire [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2249 unexplained]]{.source}.
- **November 30:** In Washington, D.C., operators at Washington National Airport detect radar echoes similar to those of July 26th [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2253 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **December**
- **December 4:** At Laredo (Texas), the pilot of an USAF F-51 takes on a shiny white object making tight turns and passing in front of the fighter.
- **December 6**
- **5:24:** In the Gulf of Mexico, a B-29 bomber, after a night flight exercise in Florida, is heading to its base in Texas. The plane is 160 km from the coast of Louisiana, 160 km from Galveston, and at an altitude of 5400 m. The moonlight is intense.
- **5:25:** The first of the 3 "unknowns" appears on the B-29's radar, heading straight for the bomber. These 3 UFOs pass close by without damage and the crew estimates their speed at 8440 km/h. A few moments later, 4 new UFOs appear following the same trajectory, and this time the crew sees them.
- **5:31:** Two more UFOs rush towards the B-29 at the same speed and pass it. Then 5 UFOs appear on the radar; they are behind the bomber and follow a trajectory perpendicular to its own. They suddenly make a hook, head towards the B-29, and slow down for 10 seconds before turning. Then a huge spot appears on the radar screen. The smaller UFOs, without slowing down their speed, leave the screen at a speed calculated at 14500 km/h. All 3 of the B-29's radar devices were working perfectly and all showed the same thing.
- **8 December**
- **8:16 PM:** At the [USAF](USAF.html) base in Ladd (Alaska), pilot and 1st Lieutenant D. Dickman and radar operator and 1st Lieutenant T. Davies observed for 10 minutes from their USAF F-94 interceptor (serial number 49-2522) a white and oval light, which became red at higher altitude, flew horizontally for 2 minutes, then ascended at a phenomenal speed with an erratic trajectory [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2267 unsolved]]{.source}.
- In Chicago (Illinois), an aircraft is accompanied by a row of unidentified lights.
- **December 9, 5:45 PM:** From their USAF T-33 training jet, Captain Bridges and 1st Lieutenant Johneon observe for 10 minutes 4 bright lights in diamond formation flying at 400 mph. They are passed by the T-33 at 450 mph [[case Blue Book #2266, unexplained]{.source}].
- **10 December**: Near Hanford (Washington), a round white object with "windows" is observed and detected on radar.
- **December 12**: In the premises of the [ATIC](ATIC.html), the latter, the [CIA](CIA.html) and the [BMI](BMI.html) meet to discuss the UFO problem. Representatives of the [BMI](BMI.html) strongly recommend that a scientific panel not be set up until the results of their study of the sighting reports collected by the [ATIC](ATIC.html) are available [[[Pentacle Memo](Documents/Officiels/1953-01-09_Pentacle.html)]]{.source}.
- **December 13, 9:10 AM:** [George Adamski](AdamskiGeorge.html)
meets his Venusian again at Palomar Gardens (USA). The latter takes
him for a ride behind the [Moon](Lune.html).
- **December 15:** At the [USAF](USAF.html) base in Goose Bay (Labrador), a reddish object is observed and detected on [radar](Radar.html). It turns white when maneuvering.
- A press release from President [Truman](TrumanHarryS.html) declared: "These unexplained phenomena are neither a secret weapon, nor a rocket, nor a new type of experimental aircraft."
- **December 28:** Sighting in Marysville (California) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #2302 unexplained, missing from official records]]{.source}.
- **December 29:** In Northern Japan, a colonel and other USAF pilots detect a rotating object on radar.
- The US authorities enact a law, [JANAP 146](janp1462.html), including the directive [AFR](glossair.html#AFR) 200-2.
- On the coast of Korea, an American aviator makes a short reconnaissance with other aircraft. He takes his jet into a cloud and no one ever sees the pilot again, considered an ace of war.
- Creation of the [IFSB](IFSB.html).
- 2 bodies are recovered in Spitzbergen (Norway) following a crash.
- A B-29 Superfortress flying north of Hokkaido (Japan) is being tracked as usual by the radars that have taken it in charge. Suddenly, these tracking stations detect an unknown aircraft entering the radar field. Its echo is getting closer to the Superfortress, then seems to merge with it. At the same time, the pilots send out a distress call, then silence. Despite the searches carried out to find the wreckage of the two aircrafts probably collided, not a trace is found.