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- **January**
- **1st January:** Creation of the new franc.
- **14 January:** In Japan, luminous phenomena are observed at the same time as an earthquake.
- Along the coasts of Argentina, two unknown submerged vessels are noticed. In the Nuevo Gulf, detectors of the Argentine navy reveal the presence of a submarine quietly settled in the mud at the bottom, motionless. After making the usual warnings, not getting any reaction, the sailors send bombs in its direction. Two other vessels then appear on the sonars. A few hours later, when all the passages leading to the open sea are watched, it is noticed that they have all 3 disappeared. The Argentines believe they have won the game when, after the absence of any manifestation and the publication of triumphant communiqués, the "ghosts" come back to the charge. A fantastic pursuit begins and lasts several weeks, during which 6 unknown submarines are detected.
- **January 31:** In Japan, luminous phenomena are observed at the same time as an earthquake.
- **February**
- **11 February:** In New Zealand, luminous phenomena are observed at the same time as an earthquake.
- **13 February:** Explosion of the first French atomic bomb.
- The Caribbean Sea is experiencing the same alert. An extremely fast engine is operating there without worrying about the considerable amount of grenades that are dumped on it the next day in the Mediterranean. The engine was following the yacht of President [Nasser](dirigeants.html#Nasser).
- **February 21:** In Algeria, luminous phenomena are observed at the same time as an earthquake.
- **25 February:** In the Solomon Islands, luminous phenomena are observed at the same time as an earthquake.
- **February 27:** Sighting in Rome (New York) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #6663 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **Mars**
"- **March 4**"
- In Japan, luminous phenomena are observed at the same time as an earthquake.
- Observation in Dubuque (Iowa) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #6667 unsolved]{.source}.
- **March 7:** Selection of 20 Russian cosmonauts.
- **March 11:** Launch of Pioneer 5, first interplanetary probe.
- According to [Carr](CarrRobertSpencer.html), the New Paltz (New York) police managed to catch an humanoid who was outside of its vehicle while its two co-pilots rushed into the saucer and took off. The extraterrestrial is handed over to the [CIA](CIA.html) and dies after 28 days in captivity.
- Off the coast of Seattle, a metal articulated object was reported.
A week later, an unknown submersible was located resting at 10m
depth near Sydney for several days.
- **March 23:** Sighting in Indianapolis (Indiana) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #6691 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **April**
- **April 1st:** Launch of *Tiros*, 1st weather satellite.
- **April 11th, 6am:** As part of his [OZMA](projets.html#OZMA) project, [Frank Drake](DrakeFrankD.html) pointed the newly-equipped 29.5m diameter receiver of the [NRAO](NRAO.html) at two stars 11 light-years away, listening intently on the 1420 megahertz frequency suggested as ideal by Cocconi and Morrison's paper the previous year. On the first day, [Drake](DrakeFrankD.html) thought he had hit the jackpot. Aiming at *Epsilon Eridani*, he immediately recorded a pulsing signal of clearly artificial origin that lasted only 5 minutes. It is now thought to have been an aircraft flying at very high altitude.
- **April 12:** Sighting at La Camp (Louisiana) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #6711 unsolved]]{.source}.
- Explosion of the first French atomic bomb.
- **April 17:** Sighting at Richards, Gebaur AB (Missouri)
[[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #6721 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **April 25:** Sighting in Shelby (Montana) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #6727 unsolved]{.source}.
- **May**
- Off the coast of Florida, numerous American warships detect the presence of a very deep submarine that refuses to move despite their repeated attempts to dislodge it. The military conclude it is a conventional submarine.
- **May 11:** Launch of the ocean liner *France*.
- **May 15:** Launch of the first space ship *Vostok.*
- A photograph was taken of a squadron of UFOs in the shape of a "V" above Albuquerque (New Mexico).
- **2 h :** In Canada, an astronomer goes with his brother to chase
a strange sphere that was reported to him: We got within 100 m of
the object. It hovered above a large tree, which was about 35 m
tall. The object [\[\...\]]{.source} appeared to be circular in
shape and was therefore generally a spheroid. It was intensely
bright against the dark sky and it went through all the colors of
the spectrum with a period of about 2 s (period quite irregular).
[\[\...\]]{.source} The object seemed to examine the tree quite
closely. It described circles around the top, staying between 15 and
30 m from the ground, passing in front of the tree, then being
clearly visible through the branches when it passed behind again.
The witnesses get closer but the craft disappears: It left almost
due south and disappeared over the horizon.
- The red alert announcing the launch of an attack against the USSR alarms the bombers from the Travis Air Force Base (USA) after the radar detection of "targets" flying over the North Pole towards the United States. The "targets" disappear from the screens. They will later be explained as reflections of the Moon. The disaster is narrowly avoided.
- **Spring:** Meeting with Italian jeweler [Salvatore Cianci](temoins.html#CianciSalvatore).
- **July**
- **19-21 July:** Observation in Saint-Louis (Missouri) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #6858 unsolved]]{.source}.
- The press widely takes up a collision that takes place in the port of New York between the tanker *Alkaïd* and an unknown half-submerged object of which no trace was found.
- **Summer, 2 h**: In Walkerton (Ontario), 5 policemen observe and
pursue for 1 hour in 2 cars a small object of about 1 m in
diameter. The policemen in radio liaison try to follow a nocturnal
light that moves at low altitude, along various country roads, then
the light stops near a large tree, in the middle of a cultivated
field, and the policemen's cars arrive at a distance of less than
100 m from this tree. The witnesses observe for a long time with
caution then try to approach on foot: It hovered above a large
tree, which rose alone in the middle of a cultivated field. We were
about 100 m from the tree, which was about 35 m high. The object,
which subtended an angle of about 1/4 °, which implies a real
diameter less than 0.90 m, appeared circular in shape and was
therefore probably a spheroid. It was intensely bright against the
dark background of the sky and it passed through all the colors of
the spectrum with a fairly irregular period of about 2 s. Given its
brightness, I may have slightly overestimated its angular
dimension and 1/4 ° should perhaps be considered a maximum. The
minimum estimate would certainly be 1/8 °. The object seemed to
examine the tree quite closely. It described circles around the
top, standing between 15 and 30 m from the ground, passing in
front of the tree, then clearly visible through the branches when
it passed behind. We watched it continue this apparent
"reconnaissance" of the tree for several minutes. It moved
deliberately and intentionally in its inspection of the tree,
making short stops at points of interest and giving a distinct
impression of intelligent behavior. Then, as we absolutely wanted
to photograph it, we crossed the fence and slowly approached the
tree, on the side facing West. We had barely gone 3 m when it
"noticed" us and, with a powerful and silent acceleration, it left
almost due south and disappeared over the horizon, with a slightly
ascending trajectory, and 2.5 s approximately, without any noise.
I believe that one can rely on my evaluation of distances and
times because at the time I did a lot of athletics and was therefore
well trained in this respect. Even taking into account the
exceptional circumstances, these figures are probably accurate to
within 20% [\[Poher 2003\].]{.source}
- **August 13:** [Observation of Red Bluff](1960-08-13_RedBluff.html)
- **August 22:** At Congress, [Roscoe Hillenkoetter](HillenkoetterRoscoeHenry.html) acknowledges that the [USAF](USAF.html) is studying UFOs and that the secrecy and ridicule imposed on the subject are dangerous.
- **August 23:** Sighting in Wichita (Kansas) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #6914 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **August 29:** Sighting in Crete (Illinois) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #6929 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **September**
- Beginning of major extension of [Groom Lake](Area51.html) facilities to better accommodate the CIA's A-12 (OXCART) program. This construction period would not end until mid [1964](1964.html) [\[McIninch\]]{.source}.
- **September 7:** Work begins at [Groom Lake](Area51.html) for the strengthening and lengthening of the 5000 foot runway to 8500 feet. It will be completed on November 15 [\[McIninch\]]{.source}.
- **September 10:** Observation in Ridgecrest (California) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #6962 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **October 4:** In Cressy (Australia), a pastor and his wife observe a cylindrical object emerging from a curtain of rain. It suddenly stops and hovers, before being joined by 6 small discs. Then, the entire formation moves back.
- **October 5:** Sighting at Mount Kisco (New York) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #7057 unsolved]]{.source}.
- **October 24:** Explosion of an R-16 rocket at Baikonour, 123 deaths.
- **November 8:** Election of [John F. Kennedy](KennedyJohnFitzgerald.html) to the Presidency of the United States.
- **November 27:** Sighting in Chula Vista (California) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #7133 unsolved]{.source}.
- **November 28:** The Judica Cordiglia brothers intercept a S. O. S.
sent by a Soviet. A few days later, Soviet authorities announce
that *Spoutnik VI* disintegrated during the flight.
- **November 29:** Observation in the South of Kyushu (Japan) [[case [Blue Book](BlueBook.html) #7134 unsolved]]{.source}.
- During a UFO sighting, giant white worms crawling on a road in Yssandon (France).