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synced 2025-03-07 14:15:51 -05:00
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- **January:** Chinese ethnologists attempt to explain the discovery of the "dwarves" of November 1995 by the high mercury content in the soil of their region: these would have very likely absorbed the mercury in the water they drank over many generations. Doctor Norbert Felgenhauer, from the Toxic Chirgurchie Institute of Munich, contests this explanation: mercury is a deadly poison dangerous to any human body organ, and these "dwarves" would not have survived it. Furthermore, he declares, mercury cannot modify human DNA nor cause hereditary disease.
- **February**
- **February 1st:** An anomalous signal is detected by amateur researchers from [SETI](SETI.html).
- **February 11:** 2nd maintenance operation for *Hubble*.
- At Tever (Russia), a meeting took place between Italian ufologist Giorgio Bongiovanni and several representatives of the Russian military authorities. The head of the Russian delegation, General Gennadi Reschetnikov of the Air Force Academy, is reported to have said: "UFOs are interested in all of humanity, but I believe they are especially closely following the Americans and us, the Russians; that is, those who have the most powerful nuclear arsenals. I think this is what worries the extraterrestrials. He also explains that he believes the extraterrestrials are interested in the state of mind and behavior of the superpowers. I even believe they are influencing us and expecting something in return from us. [[FX 95-2655]]{.source}.
- The UFO Above Phoenix. See images/1997-03-13_2.jpg
- **March 31:** The [NASA](NASA.html) cuts off contact with *Pioneer 10*.
- The director and all the staff of Chacalluta Airport (Chile) observe, to the West, above the ocean, a very bright object that remains still for a long time. The observation is the subject of an official statement from the authorities and will be the starting point for the creation of an official commission to study unidentified aerial objects in Chile.
- **April 9:** The [CSETI](CSE.html) declares to have contacted extraterrestrials.
- **April 16:** Observation by the
GEOS-9 satellite of several very large black square objects
flying over North America. Some say that [NORAD](NORAD.html)
went to [DEFCON](glossair.html#DEFCON) 4, while the official
explanation invokes an error in the image processing software. See images/goes9_1.jpg and images/goes9_1.jpg.
- **May**
- Appearance of a [crop circle](CropCircles.html) (right) in a Canola field at Burderop Down (Wiltshire). See images/1990-05. and images/1990-05.jpg.
- **May-mi:** Belgian Defense Minister Jean-Pol Poncelet officially announces the closure of the file opened following the 1989-1993 wave of observations. Reason: the signature captured by the F-16 radars would finally be that of a natural phenomenon related to temperature differences. Consequently, the hundreds of testimonies must \"probably\" refer to the observation of the prototype *[LoFlyte](LoFlyte.html)*. Statement from the American officials of the LoFlyte project: the prototype has never left US territory.
- **June 25:** The Russian spacecraft *Progress M34* collides with *Mir's* *Spektr* module.
- **July**
- **July 4**
- Release of the movie "[MIB](MIB.html)" (*Men In Black*) in the United States, produced by [Steven Spielberg](SpielbergSteven.html).
- The *Mars Pathfinder* probe lands on the red planet with the robot *Sojourner.*
- Appearance of a [crop circle](CropCircles.html) (see above). See images/1997-07_Crop.jpg and images/1997-07_Crop.jpg.
- **July 14**: Appearance of a [crop circle](CropCircles.html) (right) measuring nearly 800m in diameter at Cley Hill. See images/1997-07-14_300.jpg and http://membres.tripod.fr/rr0/images/1997-07-14.jpg.
- **August 6:** One of the most extraordinary UFO videos is made in Mexico. 20 witnesses have come forward. See images/1997-08-06.jpg.
- **August 9:** A Swissair plane, while at 7500 m altitude and connecting Philadelphia to Boston, was passed within 100 m by a rather elongated object without wings. The investigation, opened by the civil aviation, does not allow to identify the intruder who, moreover, was not detected by radar.
- **August 19:** In Norfolk County (England), David Spoor has no
particular interest in the UFO phenomenon. That day, he is
tinkering quietly in his garden behind his house when he notices a
strange object crossing the sky. It was a bright white cylindrical
vessel remembers Spoor. It was moving silently from West to East at
high altitude. It seemed surrounded by powerful stroboscopic
lights, which blinked randomly from time to time. But they did not
seem to be attached to the fuselage of the ship. Spoor has a
camcorder at hand (he had recently borrowed it from a friend to
record a family event); he can thus film the ship as it crosses
the sky. The video tape is of exceptional quality, but this film is
only the first of a series that will panic the entire UFO
- **September 27:** Photograph (right) near Bethal (New York). See images/1997-09-27.jpg.
- A few days after this first appearance, strange phenomena began to occur in the Spoor family. Lights turn on and off without explanation. Keys warp in locks. At night, lights seem to float above the garden, illuminating the rooms. Spoor then buys his own camcorder and systematically films the sky whenever he sees a strange phenomenon.
- Over the next 3 months, Spoor shot over 2 and a half hours of film showing aerial activity above his house. Spoor enquired to see if any neighbours had observed the same lights in the Norfolk sky. The local newspaper did some reports, but none reported activity on the scale he had seen.
- **October**
- In Chile, the DGAC created the CEFAA to centralize information related to unexplained aerial phenomena in the national airspace [\[VSD 2007 H\]]{.source}.
- **October 13:** Launch of the Cassini-Huygens mission to Saturn.
- **November 3:** Following a series of observations, the Chilean army creates the [CIFAE](orgsRenseignement.html#CIFAE).
- **November 14:** Numerous reports signal two linear formations of UFOs above the Northwest America in general and particularly above Seattle. The city's television channels make it their headline. See images/1997-11-14.jpg.
- **December 7th:** David Spoor is in his garden behind his house when a UFO appears. Spoor has his camera with him and is able to take several clear shots (see right). The object hovers for a moment before disappearing behind some bushes. It then reappears and disappears again behind some houses. Spoor estimates it to be between 12 and 15 m wide, but can't be sure. Shortly after, the object is seen to the Northeast; it then flies over the sea. According to Spoor, it stays stationary for a moment, then moves at a speed of 70 to 80 km/h. The light appears to come from inside the UFO. Spoor rules out the possibility that the craft is actually the planet [Venus](Venus.html); he states that the planet was visible that day, but on the other side of the sky. See images/1997-12-07.jpg and images/1997-12-07.jpg.
- **December 23:** Hundreds of Chinese workers in the province of Guangdong (suburbs of Canton, China) observe an oval-shaped phenomenon with a series of portholes surrounded by a halo of light flying over an industrial area with many factories. The phenomenon, visible for several minutes, emits a light beam towards the ground. It then disappears at a dizzying speed.