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synced 2025-03-11 01:29:18 -04:00
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- **January 6th, 6:48 PM:** In the dark night, a British Airways flight from Milan (Italy) piloted by Roger Wills and [Mark Stuart](temoins.html#StuartMark) begins its descent towards Manchester Airport (England) and narrowly misses a bright object.
- **March 22:** Return to Earth of Russian _Poliakov_, after 438 days
spent aboard *Mir.*
- **April 10:** Freedom Ridge and Whitesides Peak are officially closed to all public access, no longer allowing observation of the [Groom Lake](Area51.html) base [\[Glenn Campbell, *Groom Lake Desert Rat*\]]{.source}.
- **June 2:** The *Spektr* module docks to *Mir.*
- **June 21:** Excerpts from the autopsy film of [Roswell](1947-07-02_Roswell.html) broadcast on French channel TF1.
- **June 27:** An American shuttle docks for the first time to *Mir*.
- **July 31, 8:15 PM:** A Boeing 737 of Aerolinas Argentinas regular
lines, with 102 people on board, is approaching San-Carlos-de-Bariloche
airport (Argentina). About 70 km from the airport, as it is about to
align on the runway axis, the commander Jorge Polanco is dazzled by
a very strong light that seems to pulse and that moves at great
speed above the Andes Cordillera. The pilot performs an avoidance
maneuver by turning on the left wing, to regain altitude and then
get back on the runway axis. During this maneuver, the UFO is placed
on the left of the aircraft and flies in parallel at about 100 m
distance. It approaches at 2000 km/h says the mechanic Jorge Allende
who adds: its speed and movements are impossible to describe. The
object, which strongly disturbs the airport instrumentation, is
observed by a military crew of the gendarmerie, on board a helicopter
flying over the area. It disappears at very high speed as soon as
the plane lands, without having been detected by the radars.
- **August 1st:** In the night, above the San Carlos de Bariloche airport (Argentina), a winter sports station located at the foot of the Andes mountain range, Jorge Polanco, pilot of Aerolinas Argentinas, begins his landing maneuvers when he suddenly sees a white light coming directly towards the plane, at full speed, and stopping suddenly at a hundred meters. An inexplicable breakdown occurs: As I was starting my last approach, the lights of the airport runway went out and I had to climb 3 [miles](unites.html#mile), still accompanied by the UFO. When the light returned to the ground, the UFO moved away at great speed. Witnesses see the UFO from the ground.
- **August 24**
- **20:30** Patrick, a young man living in the suburbs of a large city in Belgium, sets off for a bike ride. At 10:40 PM, after getting a flat tire, he decides to go home pushing his vehicle and takes a winding and steep path that should get him home faster. Suddenly, he feels something brush past him. Turning around, he barely sees a bright white shape passing gradually to green starting from the top. Patrick can now better distinguish a humanoid shape surrounded by a halo, about 2 meters, with a head proportionally large compared to the trunk and just two lines at the height of his eyes. Terrified, Patrick runs away and goes home. His mother will tell the investigators of [SOS OVNI](SOS-OVNI.html) Belgium: When I saw him come in, it was no longer my son at all. It was really someone else. The witness will however find the courage to return to the scene with a friend. Both will be able to observe, in the small wood bordering the road, the evolutions of strange red lights, a greenish silhouette and a breath effect that moves the vegetation. The police, urged by Patrick's mother, arrive very late and do not believe the witnesses' story, yet obviously very disturbed by their observation.
- **August 26:** Public broadcast of the autopsy film of [Roswell](1947-07-02_Roswell.html) on TF1.
- **September:** A French family on vacation in Greece photographs a UFO.
- **September 4:** A professional cameraman scouting in the province of Kapyong (South Korea) sees, then films a bright point. It splits into about ten pieces which disappear in the distance after more than 5 minutes. See images/kapyong.jpg.
- **October**
- **6 October:** Discovery of the first exoplanet.
- **October 7**
- UFO landing on Cerro San Cristobal in the middle of Santiago (Chile) [\[VSD 2007 H\]]{.source}.
- Various sightings in the towns of Santiago (Chile), particularly in Rancagua, 100 km to the south. One of the witnesses sees an object rising and emitting a light so strong that they can no longer look at it [\[VSD 2007 H\]]{.source}.
- **October 8**: In Italy, a Vatican priest, Monsignor [Corrada Balducci](BalducciCorrado.html), declares on national television that extraterrestrials exist.
- On a television show on TF1, presenter Jacques Pradel interviewed Valery Pavlovitch Bourdakov, a Russian scientist who is a member of both the Space Agency and the Academy of Sciences of his country. When Bourdakov was one of the assistants of engineer Sergueï Korolev, the head of the former USSR's rocket programs, he made some astonishing confidences: one day in 1948, Joseph Stalin had asked Korolev to come to the Kremlin to study UFO sighting reports collected by spies [\[Pradel\]]{.source}. After 3 days spent examining all this documentation, Korolev told Stalin that the problem was serious but that it did not threaten the security of the USSR. However, he recommended to closely follow the evolution of the situation. Among the reports, according to Bourdakov, some were related to the Roswell incident on the recovery of an unknown device and others reported dead extraterrestrial bodies that had been discovered on that occasion.
- A. Zolotov (scientist and ufologist) is murdered in Tver.
- Robert Durand begins an edifying statistical study of extraterrestrial abductions. His report indicates that 5 million Americans claim to have been abducted in the last 50 years... which means 274 abductions per day, involving a team of 1644 extraterrestrials: indeed, 6 extraterrestrials on average participate in the kidnapping described by the "abductees".
- The [NASA](NASA.html) video showing UFOs from the Space Shuttle of the STS80 mission. See images/STS80cre.jpg and images/STS80.jpg.
- A video clip from a security camera at the [USAF](USAF.html) base in [Nellis](NellisAFB.html) is clandestinely released to UFOlogists. On the video, a metallic craft is seen rising into the sky. These images will be authenticated by several military analysts, defense experts, including Bill Sweetman, an expert in stealth aircraft technology.
- **November**
- **November 2, 1:40** : Ennery (Val d'Oise), observation of a light blue oblong object. [\[*Gazette du Val d'Oise,* July 16, 1997\]]{.source}
- The *Associated Press* publishes an article indicating that some 120 "dwarves" were discovered living in the province of Sichuan (Central China). The tallest of them is no more than 3 feet tall, and the smallest 2 feet and 1 inch. Chinese ethnologists will attempt to explain this in January 1997.
- **November 30, 9:04:** In Seine-et-Marne, Commander Jean-Marie Gilman pilots flight Air Inter IT 426: We are coming from Marseille on board an Airbus A300 B2-1C and beginning our descent into Orly. It's what they call a 'blue sky storm', the weather is clear with no clouds! We are descending and at 4900 meters altitude. Control has forbidden us to pass through the military testing zone of Melun-Villaroche, and we know an AWACS plane is flying in the area. Suddenly, from the far reaches of our field of vision, we see a strange craft flying straight towards us, about twice as fast as a commercial airliner. The object looks like a flat rectangular panel, about 12 meters long and 3 meters wide, painted with a red and white 'V' running along its length. It has no wings, no tail, no rudder, no cockpit, no air intake, nothing at all. At one point, it seems to tilt 10-20° to avoid us, but it's possible we were deceived by the perspective. As it passes a little below and to our left, I can make out what looks like 5 or 6 nozzles, all positioned at the back. Then 3 seconds pass before it disappears less than 330 meters below our Airbus. Fortunately, because I don't think we could have avoided it. I say to my copilot and my navigator mechanic: "Guys... Did we just see the same thing?" We confer, I contact Paris Control and ask them: "Do you have anything on radar that could have crossed us?" They answer: "No, nothing at all for us...".
- **2 December:** Launch of the European satellite *Soho*, intended for the study of the [Sun](Sun.html).
- **December 5:** A few days after the observation of November 30,
Jean-Marie Gilman filed an "Airprox" report with the National
Air Traffic Safety Commission due to the danger of collision they
encountered. It remains without follow-up.
- The [DRM](DRM.html) receives [Boudier](BoudierAlain.html) and [Gabriel Greslé](GresleJeanGabriel.html), then drafts a report examining the implications of the UFO phenomenon in terms of Defense: after a brief history of UFO phenomenology since the end of the 2nd World War, these two specialists addressed the UFO research effort in the USA, in particular: the role, origin, interest and conclusions of the different US government agencies ([CIA](CIA.html), [NSA](NSA.html), [DIA](DIA.html), [USAF](USAF.html), [Navy](USNavy.html), [AMC](AMC.html) - the first to officially take an interest in the subject) and the different investigative commissions constituted ([Sign](Sign.html), [Grudge](Grudge.html), [Twinkle](Grudge.html#Twinkle), [Robertson](Robertson.html), [Blue Book](BlueBook.html), [Condon](BlueBook.html#Condon)). Initially motivated by the fear that the strange phenomena observed during the war ("[foo fighters](FooFighters.html)", [ghost rockets](GhostRockets.html) of the Nordic countries, etc.) were the result of Russian technological breakthroughs in the field of aeronautics, these agencies quickly came to the conclusion that this was not the case and have since minimized their involvement in the UFO field as well as any element supporting the [ETH](ETH.html) of UFOs. [Boudier](BoudierAlain.html) then recalls the French case of [GEPAN](GEPAN.html) and then [SEPRA](SEPRA.html). After a point on the means available to [GEPAN](GEPAN.html) and on the failure of prospective approaches to various embassies for the deployment of the [SPOC](SPOC.html) project, he noted that the opinion of the scientific council of [GEPAN](GEPAN.html) in [1978](1978.html): some of the testimonies studied relate to objects belonging to flying machines whose origin, mode of sustentation and propulsion are foreign was relativized by studies of psychology of perception and processes of influence. He questioned the "paradoxical regression" [GEPAN](GEPAN.html) to [SEPRA](SEPRA.html) of [1988](1988.html) since the work of the latter is limited to the drafting of synthesis notes from the data gleaned by [GEPAN](GEPAN.html).