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synced 2025-03-08 23:06:06 -05:00
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- **January 16:** Captain Adolfo Morales is piloting a Boeing 727
above Tenerife when he and his crew see a UFO following them for
22 minutes. Here is his account: It followed our movements,
rising and falling with us. Then, without warning, it shot off to
the right at an incredible speed and stopped above the city of
Santa Cruz on the island of Tenerife. It covered this distance of
about 160 km in less than a second and a half. It hovered for a
moment, shining with a purple-red light, then began its descent.
Finally, it disappeared behind the island. The UFO was seen by
all the members of my crew, as well as by the stewardess who
joined us in the cabin. An amazing experience.
- **February 28, 9:30 PM**: Between Parmain and L'Isle-Adam (Val d'Oise), observation of 3 cabins in the shape of a triangle, with each having 2 projectors and 1 red light, for at least 2 hours at 200 m from the ground. [\[*Gazette du Val d'Oise,* July 16, 1997\]]{.source}
- **March 2:** At Qujing (Yunnan, Southwest China) Pilots of a Chinese Air Force unit sight an orange-colored object, seemingly suspended at an altitude of 7000 m. Engaging pursuit, the aircrafts follow the phenomenon for about 15 s at a speed of 900 km/h, before it disappears.
- **March 5th:** At the same place and time as 3 days prior, other crews from the same unit observed an object located at 6000 m altitude, which changed color, going from red-orange to white intermittently. Again, the chase is ordered and engaged for 8 minutes, after which the phenomenon makes a rotating movement, gaining speed to disappear towards the North.
- **March 8:** Photograph of March 8th in Germany. See images/1993-03-08_Braunschweig_Germany.jpg.
- **March 13:** A bright light hovers over Bispham (Great Britain), 26 km from the nearest airport. The object, filmed with a camcorder by Stephen Woolhouse, emits no sound or blinking. After research, it is confirmed that no identified craft had flown over the area that day. Frame-by-frame analysis of the film did not provide a rational explanation for the phenomenon.
- **March 31**
- In the middle of the night, last observations of the wave of "flying triangles" in the sky of Great Britain, by police officers on duty or military personnel on duty. The descriptions resemble the Belgian observations: 3 lights moving in perfect formation where, on the occasion of more precise testimonies, an immense triangular UFO illuminated at each of its angles. Many observers frequently report an additional characteristic: a low buzzing seems to emanate from the device.
- At Cosford (Shropshire) base, an entire guard platoon sees the UFO pass exactly above the base. Quickly, a verification of aircraft movements is requested from the air traffic controllers: no plane, both civil and military, to report in the concerned area.
- The weather officer at another [RAF](RAF.html) base located in Shawbury, just a few kilometers away from Cosford base, having heard that an UFO had been reported above the nearby base, stepped out of the building to see it for himself. To his astonishment, he then saw a triangular shaped craft heading directly towards the base, accompanied by a low humming sound. According to his estimation, the craft was almost the size of a Boeing 747. The craft projected a light beam towards the ground, sweeping the ground from right to left as if it was looking for something. Then the beam went off and the craft continued its route, flying over the base at a low altitude.
- **1 h 10-2 h 40 :** Fishermen from the West and South of Wales observe above Bridgewater (Somerset) a "very large object in the shape of a catamaran" flying in their direction and passing silently over them at a height of about 240 m. They see 2 very bright white lights at the back and 2 orange lights in the middle.
- April Observation in Mexico. See images/1993-04.jpg.
- **June 15th, during the day**: Many witnesses, located throughout Central Italy, report the observation of what could be likened to flying humanoids. One of the most spectacular observations is made from a helicopter, by a crew of 5 men, all belonging to the Pescara fire brigade. About 7 km from the airport, while at an altitude of 500 m (feet?), the men observe something that seems to be on a collision course with their aircraft. The object measures 1 m in diameter, with 2 legs and a trapezoidal antenna on what could resemble a head. Panicked, the pilot veers to the right to avoid the object and makes contact with the control tower. The controllers have nothing on the screen, but ask the helicopter to take the intruder in pursuit. The chase begins. After 3 minutes, the humanoid turns towards the aircraft which it seems to be looking at with its 2 large black eyes, then makes 2 complete turns around the helicopter before diving towards the ground and disappearing [\[London UFO Studies, Skylink \# 6 and 7 Type: E \< HC addition \# 1706\].]{.source}
- **June 30:** Boris Yeltsin definitively stops the Russian space shuttle project *Buran.*
- **July 1st:** French astronaut Jean-Pierre Haigneré begins the Altaïr mission aboard *Mir.*
- **August 8:** At Eummemering Creek (Australia), Kelly Cahill observes a UFO in the shape of a disk, of impressive size and equipped with circular portholes. It emits some sort of large vertical beam.
- The UFO filmed in Sebastopol. See images/sebastop.jpg.
- **August 28:** The *Galileo* probe discovers the satellite of
the asteroid *Ida*. It is named *Dactyl.*
- **September 16:** As part of the celebrations for Mexican National Day, a helicopter parade is organized over the capital, Mexico. A mysterious object then emerges from the clouds, in the background of the air parade, stealing the show from the pilots (photo below). The event had already taken place the previous two years.
- **September 26**
- Launch of *Spot 3* by *Ariane.*
- **September 26, 9:30 PM** Drawing of the UFO observed on September 26th at 9:30 PM. See images/1993-09-26.jpg
- **October 18:** The [USAF](USAF.html) records a note in the Federal Register seeking to reclaim the use of 3972 new acres of public land for observing the [Groom Lake](Area51.html) base from Freedom Ridge and Whitesides Peak [\[Glenn Campbell, *Groom Lake Desert Rat*\]]{.source}.
- **December 1st:** The Global Positioning System satellite positioning system is made available to civilian users free of charge until 2005.
- **December 4:** Astronauts from the *Endeavour* shuttle repair the *Hubble* space telescope in orbit.
- An alarming and unusual announcement is broadcasted on the police radio frequency, around Warrington, in Cheshire (UK). It announces that a huge UFO has crashed in a field. Do not approach; it might be radioactive, says the message. In fact, this information is broadcasted by the local police in order to trap a group of radio pirates who were illegally tuning in to its frequency. Unwanted listeners are arrested when they arrive at the alleged landing field.
- Faced with the hostility of British European parliamentarians, the [CEE](orgs.html#CEE) backs down and withdraws from the action initiated in [1991](1991.html).
- An anonymous American invents a tachyon generator which not only could produce free energy, but is said to also allow for space and time travel. The patent is denied.