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- [Bill Moore](MooreWilliamLeonard.html) meets the main victim of his disinformation campaign, [Paul Bennewitz](BennewitzPaul.html).
- **January:** Interview with the Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy Moscow Aviation Institute [Felix Zigel](ZiegelFelixY.html) for an Italian newspaper. He will claim to hold more than 50,000 cases of which he has only published (in Samizdat) a tiny part in order not to panic the population.
- **January 8th (February?), 5 PM:** Observation of [Rénato Nicolaï](temoins.html#NicolaiRenato) in Trans-en-Provence. The ovoid object has the appearance of two overturned metal bowls, the upper part of which is transparent and forms a cabin.
- **January 13:** An official report from Lieutenant Colonel [Charles Halt](HaltCharlesI.html), Deputy Base Commander of Bentwaters, describing the events of December 27 and 29, is sent to the British Ministry of Defence.
- **January 26:** In the Toulouse region, a motorist is flown very close by an object cylindrical of a few meters of length, which disappears after having made a turn. The vehicle breaks down and a mechanic must intervene. Case not elucidated by the [GEPAN](GEPAN.html), which will emit the hypothesis of a cruise missile.
- **February**
- **2 h:** Chico Gama, a farm worker, is on a small beach on the Atlantic coast, not far from Fortaleza. Having come with his fishing net in the hope of improving his daily fare, he was taking advantage of the moonlight. Suddenly, a beam of red light falling from the sky hits him and makes him shiver. Looking up, he discovers that it comes from a round and violet object floating in the air. Terrified, Chico Gama runs to hide in the nearest thicket. The object follows him, touching him intermittently with its red beam. This game of cat and mouse lasts 3 hours. Unable to escape the red beam and the buzzing emitted by his pursuer, Chico Gama spends a night of terror, convinced that, tired of playing, the object will eventually kill him with its beam. 5 AM: At dawn, the object suddenly stops its pursuit and evaporates into the sky, leaving the man exhausted and close to fainting. He nevertheless manages to get home and hides for hours under his bed before telling his family what happened to him. Two days later, he falls ill. The skin on his arms and back peels off like after a sunburn, he suffers from migraines and sweats continuously for a good month. Bop Pratt, who would meet Chico Gama in 1986, five years later, will tell of having seen a nervous and fearful man, who still sometimes hides under his bed. His daughters will tell him that he no longer goes out at night and that sometimes he is afraid to stay alone in broad daylight.
- **March 30:** [Reagan](ReaganRonaldWilson.html) wounded by a bullet in the left lung.
- **April**
- **April 12:** 1st flight of the American Space Shuttle Columbia.
- In Beijing (China), observation similar to that of December 15th, 1980.
- **May**
- The first production F-117A is airlifted to Groom Lake for testing [Rich 1994]{.source}.
- **May 10:** François Mitterand elected President of the Republic.
- **June 18:** First flight of production F-117A Stealth Fighter (#780) to Groom Lake [\[Rich 1994\]]{.source}.
- **14th July**: In Cormeille-en-Parisis (Val d'Oise), during the fireworks of the national holiday, observation of an orange cone at 300 m from the ground. [ \[*Gazette du Val d'Oise,* 16th July 1997\]]{.source}
- **October**
- **October 6:** Launch of *Solar Mesosphere Explorer* to study the effect of radiation on the atmosphere.
- **October 8:** In British Columbia, [photography on Vancouver Island](1981-10-08_Vancouver.html).
- **October 17:** Abel Boro, a deer hunter from the Parnarama region, is attacked by an object that looks like a giant truck tire rimmed with lights spinning around him. Suddenly enveloped by a sparkling light, he dies before help arrives (Jacques Vallée, Confrontations).
- **October 19:** Raimondo Souza and Anastasio Barbosa go hunting in the Parnarama region. An object descends upon them in the night and directs a beam of light towards Raimondo. Terrified, Souza hides under the trees. In the morning, he is found dead. He has a broken arm and numerous purple marks, except on his face [\[Vallée, Confrontations\]]{.source}.
- José Vitoria, deer hunter from the Parnarama region [\[Vallée, Confrontations\]]{.source}, dies. His body bears circular purple marks.
- Dionizio General, a deer hunter from the Parnarama region, suddenly sees an object hovering above him and shooting a big beam of fire in his direction. He then falls to the ground. After being in an abominable terror for 3 days, he suddenly dies (Jacques Vallée, [Confrontations](http://www.jacquesvallee.net/books/confrontations.html)).
- **October 30:** Departure of *Venera 13*, which will perform the first drillings of the [Venus](Venus.html) soil.
- **November 4:** Departure of *Venera 14*, which continues drilling on [Venus](Venus.html).