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synced 2025-03-07 14:15:51 -05:00
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- **January 6**
- **11:30 PM:** Mona Stafford, Louise Smith, and Elaine Thomas left for Lancaster to celebrate Mona's birthday. They were near Stanford (Kentucky), returning to Liberty on the narrow and winding Route 78. A red UFO, possibly 30 m in diameter, appears in the sky to the East. It is topped with a bluish-white dome with a blinding light. The UFO sends out blue beams of light and one of them illuminates the car. Louise, the driver, stops the vehicle. Mona tries to get out but is paralyzed. Louise restarts the car and, as the two protagonists approach a tunnel carved into the rock, the car loses control, speeding at 140 km/h on a straight, long, and traffic-free road that has nothing to do with the real Route 78. The trio feels an intense heat.
- **1:25:** Things return to normal and they arrive at the caravan which serves as Louise's home, 90 minutes later than expected. The following days, all three of them will suffer from burning sensations and weight loss. The three friends will go through a lie detector test. During a hypnosis regression, Mona Stafford will give a detailed description of an abduction in which her body was covered with a painful liquid and a tube inserted into her stomach.
- **21 January:** First commercial flight of the Concorde.
- **March 3, 11 PM:** Colonel [Claude Bosc](BoscClaude.html) makes an observation in the Poitiers region aboard a Lockheed T-33SF.
- **March 22, 5:45:** A couple driving towards Murrundi (New South Wales) stops to consult the map. It is at this moment that a small white car approaches them, and they get out of their car in the hope of asking for directions. A bright yellow-green light suddenly descends from the sky, hiding the approaching car, then disappears. The vehicle veers off the wrong side of the road and is then enveloped in a white mist. The car stops, lights off. A woman gets out and wipes the windshield with a garment. Then she throws the garment to the ground, and it catches fire. She was gone before the stunned couple could react. As the car passes them, they notice it is covered in a thick white substance that was not unlike white paint. There is it everywhere except for the windshield where it had been wiped off.
- **March 27, 6:50-6:55**: At the intersection formed by Lacaussade Boulevard and Sainte-Marie and des Molières Streets, to the west of the Saint-Denis agglomeration (Réunion), Gendarme M. G. is parked on the right sidewalk of the boulevard when he sees a fog patch about 15 or 20 m above the grassy median at the center of the intersection, on the side of La Rivière. The small cloud rises and disappears quickly, in a South-Southwest direction [\[Bourret, L'armée parle\].]{.source}
- **March 28**
- **9 h 38 :** Photographs of [Billy Meier](MeierEduardAlbert.html) (see below) at Bachtel-Unterbachte, presented as showing "Pleiadian craft".
- **16 h 50 :** Another similar observation to [Bachtelhornli-Unterbachtels](http://www.bachtelhornli-unterbachtels.ch/).
- **March 30, 7:30** : In Saint-Denis (Reunion), on the instructions of the Lieutenant Colonel commanding the Gendarmerie group, the [Gendarmerie](Gendarmerie.html) is carrying out a reconstruction of the observation of Gendarme M. on March 27 [\[Bourret, L'armée parle\].]{.source}
- **May 12**
- Retrieval of 4 bodies by the United States following a crash in the Australian desert.
- Photograph taken on May 12 near Paso Fondo (Brazil). See images/1976-05-12_1.gif.
- **Spring:** Numerous UFO sightings around USAF bases in the northern United States.
- **June 22:** Launch of *Saliout 5*. It will re-enter the following year.
- **June 27:** General [Carlos Castro Cavero](militaires.html#CaveroCarlosCastro) declares in an interview that he believes UFOs are extraterrestrial craft and that data is exchanged globally about them.
- **July 20:** The "lander" of *Vicking 1* lands on Mars at
*Chryse Planitia*.
- **Summer evening**: As I was walking with a friend. At the time, a member of my family was the victim of a serious accident that inflicted severe burns all over his body. He lay in a critical state between life and death, enduring terrible suffering. The father and mother of this person were at my parents' house that evening, expressing their faith in God as to the outcome of this misfortune. This pitiful scene, of this father and this mother, confronted with this terrible accident, had truly moved me. The atmosphere becoming unbearable, I decided to take my friend home. All along the way, an inner tearing weighed on me more and more. Was reality only the result of random events, without order or purpose, where human existence would be fortuitous and without finality? Faced with this existential anguish, from the depths of my being, while looking at the starry sky, a question arose: if there is an order, a purpose, something that guides creation, making us something other than miserable beasts, give me a sign? (In short, the kind of question we all ask ourselves at least once in our lives). As incredible as it may seem, as soon as I finished my request, a luminous disc, or a globe, of a size larger than the full [Moon](Moon.html), crossed a good portion of the sky (about 60° on an arc of 180°), in just 2 to 3 s. The disc seemed to be at about the same altitude as that taken by commercial transport airliners, about 10,000 m. These details give the object a considerable size and speed. I quickly alerted my friend so that she could look at this disc, of pale phosphorescent green color, crossing the zenith at a phenomenal speed. She had just enough time to see it disappear, leaving behind a trail of multicolored particles. This myriad of particles persisted for about a minute after the disappearance of the object, giving us the opportunity to observe attentively the trail of multicolored points slowly fading. We were both stunned, as you can imagine. The surprise was even greater for me, since the manifestation answered the expression of a sincere desire! [[Testimony sent to the site by a known ufologist wishing to remain anonymous, November 2004]{.source}
- **August 9th, 8 PM:** Suddenly a light appears in the sky near Jaboticatubas, north of Belo Horizonte (Brazil). It stops above a group of 3 people: 2 old women, Anita and Geralda, and an illiterate farmer of 30 years old, Cicilio Higinio Pereira. Terrorized, the trio flees. One of the farmer's sandals tears, so he kneels down to try to repair it because the stones of the path hurt his foot. Suddenly (he will later tell the ufologist Hulvio Alexio) the object is above him. It looks like a huge open umbrella. The light it emits becomes so intense that the smallest detail of the ground becomes visible. The UFO descends and the farmer has the impression that he would just have to raise his arm to touch it. Imploring God and his saints, Cicilio rolls on the ground in the hope of escaping the luminous apparition. But it follows him and he feels momentarily lifted off the ground. A cold wind accompanied by a buzzing and a smell of sulfur envelops him. The UFO still hovers for a moment, enough time for Cicilio to glimpse inside - through a "door" that briefly opens - 2 or 3 silhouettes of a little more than 1 m tall. Then, in a few seconds, the UFO disappears. Getting up as best he can, Cicilio goes home, dazed and shaken by nausea. He spends the rest of the night vomiting. From that day on, the illness never leaves him. Unable to do anything, he mostly stays in bed, prey to extreme weakness and deep apathy. A little more than 2 months after his encounter with the UFO - which he nicknamed, for an obscure reason, "the train" - and despite a brief remission of the illness, he dies. His family immediately burns the body, as no doctor practices in the area. In the absence of an autopsy, it is therefore impossible to determine the cause of death. However, exhaustion and vomiting suggest the action of a fatal radiation for the man.
- **3 September:** The "lander" of *Vicking 2* lands on Mars at
*Utopia Planitia*.
- **9 September:** Death of Mao.
- **September 10:** In Colusa (California), [Bill Pecha](temoins.html#PechaWilliam) observes discs at a short distance from his home.
- **September 11:** In Maine (United States), [Herbert Hopkins](temoins.html#HopkinsHerbert) receives a visit from a [MIB](MIB.html) while investigating a UFO sighting in Maine. His daughter-in-law and son will also receive a visit.
- A UFO was photographed in Morocco in the early hours of September 19. See images/1976-09-19.jpg.
- **0 h 30 à 1 h 40** : [Observation of Tehran](1976-09-19_Teheran.html).
- **4 or 5 PM:** A UFO (the one from Tehran?) is seen flying, roughly parallel to the Atlantic coast, above Morocco (North Africa). For 1 hour, since around 1 AM local time, a bright UFO leaving sparks in its wake is slowly flying at an estimated altitude of 1000 m, flying over Morocco from south to north. Reports come from Agadir, Kalaa Sraghna, Essaouira, Casablanca, Rabat and Fez. The UFO seen from afar looked like a disc and up close like a cylinder.
- November photograph in Indonesia. See images/1976-11.jpg.
- Viking Probe on Mars.
- **October 7:** [Eric Gairy](GairyEric.html) speaks at the 31st session of the [UN](ONU.html) General Assembly.
- **October 20:** Spanish researcher Juan José Benitez receives from
his government a 78-page dossier concerning the 12 best
authenticated UFO cases. This documentation contains photos and a
film taken by a military pilot.
- **November 5:** In Rives (Isère), a physicist observed a white luminous disc surrounded by a greenish halo, silent, moving in the sky, then stopping and moving away at great speed in another direction. 2 other people independently saw the UFO.
- **November, 2 PM:** Observation (see below) at South Herwang (Indonesia).