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- Photo of Jack LeMonde circa 1945, showing [what is likely a lamp](http://www.nidsci.org/news/lemonde_update.php). See image at images/1945_LeMondeJack_2.jpg.
- Photo of [Jack LeMonde](mailto:jacktar@worldnet.att.net) taken in Burbank (California) at Pickwick Riding Stables.
- **February**
- **February 11:** [Roosevelt](RooseveltFranklinDelano.html) meets [Churchill](ChurchillWinston.html) and [Staline](StalineJoseph.html) at the Yalta Conference.
- Signing of the [Paperclip](Paperclip.html) Operation Treaty to prepare for the post-war, but in a blatant and early violation of the Yalta agreements. This treaty, concluded by the English, American and Russian heads of state, places the German V2 factory of Dora-Mittlebau under Russian control. Yet, the American secret services decide to take possession of everything that can be taken from the factory.
- **April 12:** [Harry Truman](TrumanHarryS.html) is appointed President of the United States following the death of [Franklin Roosevelt](RooseveltFranklinDelano.html).
- **May 2:** [Wernher Von Braun](VonBraunWernher.html) and his team
are recovered from the Dora-Mittlebau site by the Allies.
- **May 31:** Colonel Holger Toftoy's last convoy of trucks leaves the Dora-Mittlebau site, just a few hours before the arrival of Soviet troops. The seized items are first sent to Antwerp, then transported by boat to New Orleans, to finish their secret transit within the Redstone Arsenal in the state of Alabama. To calm the anger of the Soviets, the Americans promise to return what they have taken but instead send a shipment of defective tractor parts. The immediate outcome of the 2nd World War gave the feeling of a relative understanding between Russians and Americans. This bold operation is one of the many incidents that will feed the underground soil of a terrible Cold War.
- **After June 20:** At Sørreisa (Norway), E. P. B. heard a whistling
sound and tried to find its origin. He saw 5 dark objects (which he
initially thought were cannonballs or something else) moving very
quickly, faster than any 1945 aircraft. Seen against a high cloud
cover, the objects always kept the same distance between them. They
were observed for 15 to 20 seconds, going further and further away,
all the time following a wavy trajectory [\[Letters from E. P. B.,
March 15, 1983, April 18, 1983\] \[UFO report form, April 18,
- **July 1st:** Creation of the [T-2](T2.html) department within the [AAF](AAF.html), initiating the movement towards a balanced integration between engineering and technical air intelligence.
- **July 16, 5:30am:** First test of the atomic bomb at Trinity (Operation *Trinity*).
- At Vetis (Romania), an old farmer observed for several nights in a row a cloud moving towards the ground above his field. The cloud was bright red and approached close to the fences. At one fence, two illuminated clouds appeared, moving towards each other, stopping, and then suddenly disappearing. Several people at a distance reported thinking the lights of the object were the lights of their homes and that they were deceived on their way home [[Ion Hobana & Julien Weverbergh, UFO's Behind the Iron Curtain]{.source}.
- **August**: At Vulcânesti, Criova (Romania), on a clear and warm night, a train station watchman named C. Tîrulescu is on duty. After stopping the train he goes to the office to telephone. As he returns to the platform, everything behind him lights up. He turns around and sees a large red object in the sky, bigger than the Moon and much brighter. It is above the horizon and heading west, at a distance of 70 to 80 m. The train station guard also sees it. By the time Tîrulescu goes inside to get his colleague and comes back outside, the object is gone. [\[Ion Hobana & Julien Weverbergh, UFO's Behind the Iron Curtain\]]{.source}
- **August 28:** Observation of [Leonard Stringfield](StringfieldLeonardH.html).
- **December 5:** In the afternoon, disappearance of [Flight 19](1945-12-05_Vol19.html).
- **After the War:** In Kristiansand (Norway), Linnea (same witness as for the observation in Kristiansand in 1939) saw 3 "bubbles" of rainbow colors above a hill to the West of the city. They maneuvered around for a moment, then disappeared to the West [\[UFO-NYT, 4/1969, 162\]]{.source}.