1.2 MiB
UFO Event Timeline, KWIC Index Page: k
Letters Directory:
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z numbers misc
Words Directory:
"k-01" "k-1" "k-10" "k-14" "k-25" "k-3" "k-431"
"k-7" "k-9" "k1" "k12xbj" "k14" "k3+l4" "k4bgrv6keda" "k7mvgg"
"ka" "ka-a-low-o-tri-to-onn" "kaarna" "kaarnajärv" "kaback" "kabardino-balkaria" "kabardino-balkariya" "kablukovo"
"kabul" "kabwe" "kaczynski" "kadah" "kadena" "kaderly" "kadikov" "kadima"
"kadina" "kadoka" "kadoma" "kadori" "kaeel" "kaf" "kagan" "kagnew"
"kagoshima" "kaharoa" "kahoka" "kai" "kaiapoi" "kaifeng" "kaikohe" "kaikoura"
"kailoa" "kailua" "kaipara" "kairi" "kairma" "kaiser" "kaiserlautern" "kaiserslautern"
"kaisler" "kaitaia" "kaiyo" "kajaani" "kaka" "kakizawa" "kaku" "kal"
"kala" "kaladar" "kalaeloa" "kalahari" "kalama" "kalamazoo" "kalamunda" "kalapaca"
"kalb" "kalberer" "kalbermatter" "kaleidoscope" "kaleidoscopic" "kalgoorlie" "kalgourlie" "kalia"
"kalinin" "kaliningrad" "kalispell" "kaliszewski" "kalix" "kalizewski" "kalkorff" "kallavesi"
"kalle" "kalliope" "kalmar" "kalmhoutse" "kalmthout" "kalmuk" "kalnicki" "kalochori"
"kalokorio" "kalp" "kaluga" "kalundborg" "kalwa" "kalyan" "kalytyuk" "kama"
"kama-1" "kama-2" "kaman" "kamchatka" "kamchuk" "kamehameha" "kamen-rybolov" "kamenny"
"kamennyy" "kamenoi" "kamensko" "kametaro" "kaminski" "kamloops" "kammerer" "kammerzell"
"kampala" "kampsville" "kampung" "kamyshin" "kanagawa" "kanagulk" "kanamachi" "kanata"
"kanawha" "kanazawa" "kanchanabiri" "kandahar" "kandilli" "kane" "kaneohe" "kaneto"
"kang" "kangaroo" "kangaroos" "kangas" "kangaskyla" "kangaskylä" "kangatsiaq" "kangilinnguit"
"kanholmsfjärden" "kanizawa" "kankakee" "kanker" "kans" "kansan" "kansas" "kansas-colorado"
"kanshov" "kansu" "kant" "kanto" "kanturk" "kaoe" "kaolin" "kaplan"
"kaponga" "kapowsin" "kappeli" "kapunda" "kapustin" "kaput" "kapyong" "kara"
"karab" "karachay" "karachi" "karaganda" "karak" "karamay" "karas" "karasu"
"karawinna" "karczma" "kardashev" "kardhitsa" "kareeta" "karelia" "karen" "kargil"
"kargowa" "kariambkam" "kariba" "karig" "karin" "karisruhe" "karkanis" "karkkila"
"karl" "karl-gösta" "karla" "karlovy" "karlsborg" "karlskoga" "karlskrona" "karlsrhue"
"karlsruhe" "karlsson" "karlstad" "karma" "karman" "karnes" "karoi" "karol"
"karoonda" "karrawinna" "kars" "karsicujo" "karson" "karsten" "karth" "karumba"
"karumbakham" "karup" "kary" "karyakin" "kasa-vubu" "kasama" "kaseman" "kaser"
"kash" "kashan" "kasher" "kashmere" "kasimierz" "kaspar" "kasseri" "kasten"
"kasting" "kastl" "kasuga" "kataghan" "katahdin" "katanga" "katanning" "katarzyna"
"katchongva" "kate" "kathie" "kathleen" "kathmandu" "kathy" "katie" "katiuscia"
"katonah" "katoomba" "katowice" "katrineholm" "katta-kurgan" "kattakurgan" "kattegat" "kattenau"
"katterbach" "kattistjarn" "kattisträsket" "katy" "kauai" "kauffman" "kaufmann" "kauhajoki"
"kaukauna" "kauke" "kaunas" "kauppi" "kauri" "kautokeino" "kavkaskiy" "kavkazkiy"
"kawagoe" "kawalski" "kawanoe" "kawasaki" "kaweah" "kawerau" "kawich" "kawich-red"
"kay" "kayal" "kaye" "kayenta" "kayko" "kayseri" "kaysing" "kazak"
"kazakh" "kazakhstan" "kazakstan" "kazan" "kazan'" "kazantsev" "kazik" "kazimierz"
"kazmar" "kb-29" "kb-50" "kb-88" "kb29" "kbia" "kbr" "kc-"
"kc-130r" "kc-135" "kc-135s" "kc-97" "kc-97s" "kc130r" "kc135" "kc97"
"kcl" "kdka" "keables" "keahey" "keams" "kean" "keansburg" "kearney"
"kearny" "kearsarge" "kearsey" "kearsley" "keating" "keats" "keay" "kecksburg"
"kecksburgh" "kecskemet" "kedah" "keddie" "kedzierzyn" "keefe" "keel" "keelson"
"keely" "keen" "keenan" "keene" "keeneenaw" "keener" "keeneyville" "keep"
"keeper" "keepers" "keeping" "keeps" "keesler" "keeweenaw" "keffel" "keflavic"
"keflavik" "keflavík" "keg" "keg-shaped" "keg-spool" "kehoe" "keighley" "keiran"
"keirn" "keith" "keithsberg" "keithsburg" "kekiva" "keku" "kelaa" "kelantan"
"kelheim" "kelleher" "keller" "kellerstrass" "kelley" "kellogg" "kelly" "kelly's"
"kelly-green" "kelmarsh" "kelmis" "kelowna" "kelsey" "kelso" "kelvedon" "kemah"
"kembla" "kembs" "kemmerer" "kemp" "kempe" "kemper" "kempf" "kempsey"
"kemptville" "ken" "kenai" "kendall" "kendrick" "kendricks" "kenesaw" "kenichi"
"kenitra" "kenju" "kenly" "kenmare" "kennebec" "kennebunk" "kennebunkport" "kennedy"
"kennedyciadirector1" "kennel" "kenneled" "kennels" "kennen" "kenner" "kenneth" "kennett"
"kennewick" "kenney" "kennington" "kennoway" "kenny" "keno" "kenora" "kenosha"
"kensington" "kent" "kentfield" "kentland" "kenton" "kents" "kentucky" "kentwood"
"kenworth" "kenya" "kenyon" "keo" "keogh" "keokuk" "keosian" "kepler"
"kepner" "kept" "ker" "keratin" "keremma" "kerkrade" "kerlaviou" "kerman"
"kermat" "kermet" "kermit" "kern" "kernan" "kernels" "kernville" "kerosene"
"kerosine" "kerr" "kerringer" "kerrodien" "kerrull" "kerrville" "kerry" "kerstin"
"kervinio-en-ploemeur" "kerwin" "kessel" "kessler" "kesteven" "kesti" "kestrel" "keswick"
"keta" "ketchup" "ketelson" "ketscsh-am-rhein" "kettenis" "kettering" "kettle" "kettle'"
"kettle-drum" "kettlewell" "keuble" "keuka" "keuren" "kev" "kevin" "kevinrandle"
"kew" "keweenaw" "kewper" "key" "keyboard" "keyhoe" "keyhoes" "keyingham"
"keyl" "keyl-am" "keynes" "keynote" "keys" "keystone" "keysville" "keywords"
"keyworth" "kfjz" "kfox" "kg" "kgb" "kgfl" "kgpl" "kh-1"
"kh-11" "kh-4a" "kh-9" "khabarovsk" "khabbeb" "khakassia" "khaki" "khaki-brown"
"khaki-colored" "khaleb" "khami" "khani" "khanka" "khao" "kharagpur" "kharkiv"
"kharkov" "kharovsk" "khatanga" "khazakstan" "khazanovich" "khedivial" "kherson" "khimsar"
"khokhlov" "khondab" "khoper" "khorasan" "khosa" "khosta" "khoury" "khrunov"
"khrushchev" "khuzestan" "khyber" "khz" "kiama" "kibel" "kick" "kickapoo"
"kicked" "kicking" "kicks" "kid" "kidd" "kidderminster" "kidding" "kidlington"
"kidnap" "kidnapped" "kidnappers" "kidnapping" "kidnaps" "kidney" "kidney-shaped" "kidneys"
"kids" "kidsgrove" "kidwelly" "kiehl" "kiel" "kieling" "kiese" "kiev"
"kiganjo" "kigoma" "kii" "kiiminki" "kilbeggan" "kilbjørn" "kilbourne" "kilbride"
"kilburn" "kilda" "kilford" "kilgallen" "kilimanjaro" "kilkenny" "kill" "killaly"
"killarney" "killed" "killeen" "killer" "killers" "killian" "killing" "killingly"
"killings" "killingworth" "kills" "kiln" "kilns" "kilo" "kilocycles" "kilograms"
"kilometer" "kilometer-tall" "kilometers" "kilometres" "kilos" "kilotons" "kilowatts" "kilpatrick"
"kilsyth" "kilve" "kim" "kim's" "kimba" "kimball" "kimberle" "kimberley"
"kimberlite-1" "kimberlite-3" "kimberlite-4" "kimberly" "kimmy" "kimpo" "kimura" "kinabalu"
"kincaid" "kincardine" "kinchela" "kincheloe" "kinckler" "kinckler's" "kind" "kindergarten"
"kindled" "kindley" "kindrae" "kindred" "kinds" "kinetic" "king" "king's"
"kingaroy" "kingdom" "kingdon" "kingfish" "kingfisher" "kingman" "kingon" "kings"
"kingsburg" "kingsbury" "kingseat" "kingsfield" "kingsford" "kingsland" "kingsley" "kingstanding"
"kingston" "kingston-upon-hull" "kingston-upon-thames" "kingstown" "kingsville" "kingwood" "kinibito" "kinky"
"kinloch" "kinloss" "kinmon" "kinnard" "kinney" "kinnula" "kinpurnie" "kinross"
"kinser" "kinsey" "kinston" "kinzy" "kioko" "kiowa" "kippens" "kippur"
"kirby" "kirch" "kirchberg" "kirchburg" "kirghiz" "kirghizia" "kirhgiz" "kirimukuyu"
"kirk" "kirkby" "kirkenes" "kirkham" "kirkland" "kirklareli" "kirklin" "kirkpatrick"
"kirkstall" "kirksville" "kirkwall" "kirkwood" "kirov" "kirsch" "kirsten" "kirtland"
"kirton" "kiruna" "kirv" "kirwan" "kirzhach" "kisbajcs" "kisco" "kiselev"
"kishkanoug" "kishkonoug" "kishū" "kiska" "kisko" "kisling" "kislovodsk" "kispiox"
"kiss" "kissenger" "kisses" "kissimmee" "kissing" "kissinger" "kissner" "kit"
"kit-greens-usaf-ufo-mentor" "kitchen" "kitchener" "kitchin" "kitching" "kite" "kite-flying" "kite-like"
"kite-shaped" "kite-tail" "kite-ufo" "kites" "kitley" "kitsap" "kitsukawa" "kitsukawara"
"kitt" "kittaning" "kittery" "kittinger" "kittinney" "kitty" "kitwanga" "kitwe"
"kiverton" "kiviat" "kivistö" "kiwi" "kizioja" "kjell" "kjellson" "kjerringvol"
"kkow-am" "kkph" "kladar" "klagenfurt" "klamath" "klang" "klarer" "klas-tv"
"klass" "klaus" "kleber" "klein" "klein-reifling" "kleinreifling" "klem" "kleman"
"klemperer" "klemskerke" "klerk" "kleyweg" "klickitat" "klietz" "klimenko" "kline"
"klinn" "klm" "klondike" "klong" "kloof" "kloppenborg" "kloster" "kloth"
"klotzbach" "klub" "kluck" "klyuch" "klyuchi" "km" "kmgh-tv" "kmpc"
"kmph" "kmyr" "kn" "knapp" "knapsack" "knapsacks" "knaub" "kneads"
"knee" "knee-" "knee-high" "knee-length" "kneeboard" "kneecaps" "kneeled" "kneeling"
"kneels" "knees" "knelt" "knew" "kni" "knickerbocker" "knife" "knight"
"knights" "knit" "knitting" "knives" "knives'" "knm" "knob" "knob-arms"
"knob-like" "knobbed" "knobs" "knock" "knocked" "knocking" "knockout" "knocks"
"knokkeheist" "knoll" "knolls" "knopf" "knopka" "knot" "knots" "knott"
"knotted" "know" "know-how" "knowing" "knowingly" "knowledge" "knowledgeable" "knowledgeably"
"knowles" "known" "knowns" "knows" "knox" "knoxville" "knt" "knts"
"knuckles" "knud" "knut" "knutby" "knutsford" "knutson" "knya" "koa"
"koam" "koat" "kobe" "kobetas" "kobitz" "koblenz" "koblenz-karthause" "kobus"
"koch" "kocher" "koczor" "kodachrome" "kodacolor" "kodak" "kodak-produced" "kodal"
"kodiak" "koehler" "koelwyn" "kofu" "kogut" "kogălniceanu" "kohanowski" "kohle"
"kohler" "kohn" "kohocton" "kohrtz" "kohtla-iarve" "kohtla-jarve" "kohtpoa" "koiabagiri"
"koin" "kojonup" "kok" "kokkaido" "kokolonis" "kokomo" "koktal" "kola"
"kolb" "kole" "kolff" "kolińska" "kolkata" "kolmarden" "kolmjarv" "kolmården"
"kolobreg" "kolobrzeg" "kolsva" "komar-class" "komiske" "kommetjie" "komovi" "komsomolets"
"komsomolsk-na-amure" "komura" "konantsevo" "kone" "kong" "kongwak" "koningslo" "kono"
"konopinski" "konrad" "konstantin" "konstantinos" "kontich" "koon" "koonce" "koops"
"koorda" "koos" "kootanai" "kootenay" "kooweerup" "kopf" "koping" "kopingsvik"
"koporie" "kopparberg" "kopuru" "kor" "korat" "korb" "korbach" "kordel"
"korea" "korean" "korendor" "korenek" "korff" "korkan" "korkino" "korn"
"kornilak" "korning" "korolev" "korolyov" "korsvold" "korsö" "kortedala" "kos"
"kosei" "koshkoning" "koshkonong" "kosice" "kosmopoisk" "kosmos" "kosmos-955" "kosov"
"kosovo" "kosse" "kostelnik" "kostenbader" "koster" "kot39fxstho" "kota" "kotka"
"koto" "kottmeyer" "kotzbue" "kotzebue" "kountze" "kovalyonok" "kovlenok" "kovno"
"kowalczewski" "kowale" "koza" "kozani" "kozens" "kołobrzeg" "kph" "kraankuil"
"kraft" "krai" "kraina" "krakow" "kraków" "kral" "kramer" "kramish"
"krantz" "krasnodar" "krasnorechen" "krasnovodsk" "krasnoyarsk" "krasnoyarsk-26" "krasnoyarsk-45" "krasnyye"
"kraspedon" "krasuntsev" "kraton-1" "kraton-2" "kraton-3" "kraton-4" "kratovil" "kratz"
"kraus" "kravets" "kravtsova" "kray" "krazndr" "krebs" "kremlin" "kremmling"
"krems" "krepachi" "krero" "kreuzlingen" "kreuznach" "kriegsfeld" "krill" "krim-krim"
"krindler" "krinitsy" "kripalu" "krissy" "kristiansand" "kristianstad" "kristin" "kristinehamn"
"kriv" "krives" "kroger" "krondac" "kronisch" "kronoskagen" "kronotsky" "krosno"
"kruger" "krugersdorp" "krugloye" "krupat" "krupina" "kruppa" "krutikha" "kryddost"
"krylbo" "kryling" "krylov" "krz" "krzesiny" "krzysztof" "ks" "ktil"
"kts" "kttv" "ku9gsj94dt4" "kuala" "kuanas" "kuangtung" "kuantan" "kubark"
"kubena" "kubikenborg" "kubischew" "kubota" "kubra" "kuching" "kudepst" "kuettner"
"kugatov" "kugelblitz" "kuhio" "kuhn" "kuiper" "kuiti" "kuittinen" "kukla"
"kulik" "kulikov" "kulikup" "kulim" "kulis" "kulkarni" "kumamoto" "kumar"
"kumara" "kume" "kuminecz" "kumla" "kummerdorf" "kummersdorf" "kumslod" "kunanurra"
"kunashir" "kunashiri" "kungsholm" "kungsholmen" "kunia" "kuningas" "kunming" "kunnamurra"
"kunshan" "kunsman" "kura" "kuraby" "kuranda" "kurchatov" "kurennoi" "kurgan"
"kuri" "kurihara" "kuril" "kurkchy" "kurkela" "kuronen" "kurrajong" "kursu"
"kurt" "kurtz" "kurz" "kushiro" "kushner" "kustanay" "kutizhma" "kuttner"
"kutztown" "kuujjuaq" "kuusamo" "kuusano" "kuwait" "kuwaiti" "kuybychev" "kuybyshev"
"kuzionov" "kuzmin" "kv" "kvalsik" "kvalsvik" "kvamsøy" "kvarsebo" "kveg"
"kvet" "kvilla" "kviman" "kw" "kwa-zulu" "kwai" "kwajalein" "kwazulu"
"kwazulu-natal" "kwekwe" "kwinana" "kwrc" "kwt" "kxok" "kxtl-sbhe30" "kxwi-tv"
"ky" "kyabram" "kyack-a" "kye" "kyeburn" "kyeemagh" "kyger" "kygole"
"kyiv" "kyle" "kylie" "kyncy" "kyneton" "kyns" "kyodo" "kyogle"
"kyoto" "kyrenia" "kyrgistan" "kyrgizstan" "kyrgyzstan" "kyrkjebø" "kyshtym" "kyuquot"
"kyushu" "kzk" "kármán" "kátia" "kåre" "köhler" "köllner" "kölmjärv"
"köln" "kød" "kędzierzyn-koźle"
Word: "k-01" (Back to Top)
Wheatland County Malmstrom AFB K-01 Minuteman missile alert facility 1. 2/17/1975 #29820 ut 500 feet near the Malmstrom AFB K-01 Minuteman missile alert facility 1. 2/17/1975 #29820 Deputy Russ Mill, within a mile of K-01, describes a blue object bobbing up 2/17/1975 #29820
Word: "k-1" (Back to Top)
.m. Several Air Policemen from the K-1 missile base [Kilo Flight Launch Con 2/18/1975 #29823
Word: "k-10" (Back to Top)
ad spotted an object hovering over K-10 which is located 7 miles north of t 2/18/1975 #29823
Word: "k-14" (Back to Top)
evolving. It stopped over airfield K-14 at Kimpo, Korea. Next it rose strai 6/6/1952 #6456
Word: "k-25" (Back to Top)
, Tennessee Construction begins on K-25, the gaseous diffusion plant at Oak 6/2/1943 #1508 Oak Ridge, Tennessee The K-25 gaseous diffusion plant at Oak Ridg 3/1945 #1804
Word: "k-3" (Back to Top)
Pohang (K-3 area E of), Korea Fireball with stre 8/9/1952 #7522 ground control radar in Grid Area K-3, Pohang, Korea made contact with a m 8/9/1952 #7527
Word: "k-431" (Back to Top)
ssia The Russian nuclear submarine K-431 is refueling at the Chazhma Bay na 8/10/1985 #37641
Word: "k-7" (Back to Top)
Falls, Montana Judith Gap, Montana K-7 area near Judith Gap, Montana Great 11/7/1975 #30576 onto a dirt road that leads to the K-7 area near Judith Gap, Montana. About 11/7/1975 #30576 eam is ordered to proceed into the K-7 site. However, they refuse to go any 11/7/1975 #30576 om Great Falls and head toward the K-7 site. The UFO continues to rise. At 11/7/1975 #30576
Word: "k-9" (Back to Top)
Rogers, 3926th Air Police Squadron K-9, states he saw a half dozen glowing 1960 #16145 to get a look at the object. Three K-9 teams that normally patrol the perim 10/1973 #27902 Senior Airman James M. Dunn is on K-9 security patrol at the Weapons Stora Summer 1977 #32181 art of their roof near a ladder. A K-9 sentry dog that appeared ready to at 5/14/1991 #40061
Word: "k1" (Back to Top)
ight round object hovers 500' over K1 Strategic Air Command (SAC) site. Sho 2/17/1975 #29816
Word: "k12xbj" (Back to Top)
00 radar system with the call sign K12XBJ. 1964 #18102
Word: "k14" (Back to Top)
K14 = KIMPO AB, KOREA 20' flat disc spin 6/6/1952 #6451 K14 AB / SUWON, KOREA Separate observer( 6/25/1952 #6621 d(s). 2 36cm saucers far to east / K14 airbase. Lost in clouds. 1/24/1953 #8562
Word: "k3+l4" (Back to Top)
Strategic Air Command (SAC) sites K3+L4. RADAR objects maneuver / low alti 11/8/1975 #30580
Word: "k4bgrv6keda" (Back to Top)
o a “DARPA lab.” https://youtu.be/K4Bgrv6KEDA?t=810 9/5/2022 #45769
Word: "k7mvgg" (Back to Top)
ps://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/k7mvgg/didanyonecatchwhatjacquesvalleesa 12/4/2020 #45668
Word: "ka" (Back to Top)
“KA” states he served in the USAF in 1954 4/12/1954 #9685 . On the evening of 12 April 1954, KA states he was ordered to report to th 4/12/1954 #9685 g dark blue uniforms, no helmets. KA states a ground crew in fatigues was 4/12/1954 #9685 ut on their hands and knees. After KA returned to Roswell he was debriefed 4/12/1954 #9685 ak about the incident, and reading KA a law that referred to fine, imprison 4/12/1954 #9685 e told anyone about the incident. KA states he heard the saucer was taken 4/12/1954 #9685 pment and sophisticated computers. KA heard a rumor at that time another UA 4/12/1954 #9685 ar Bandelier, NM on 24 April 1954. KA states he was sent back to Sampson AF 4/12/1954 #9685 ng AWOL and punished him, to which KA told his superior about the UAP crash 4/12/1954 #9685 his superior did not believe him. KA had a nervous breakdown and was place 4/12/1954 #9685 day he was released from hospital, KA states he was taken to the base comma 4/12/1954 #9685 erior) about the CR in the desert. KA states that in the years after he was 4/12/1954 #9685 gfield listened and believed him. KA tells Stringfield at the CR, a second 4/12/1954 #9685 nts and long white coats, to which KA tried to photograph them but he was t 4/12/1954 #9685 take what you were told to take.” KA states he saw a silver aluminum color 4/12/1954 #9685 ith no insignia or rank identity. KA states later he was told by a strange 4/12/1954 #9685 Fort Riley, KA Recovery of Saucer by A.K. (initials) 12/10/1964 #18654 Fort Riley, KA Fort Riley, KA: “AK” (Aaron Kaback) w 11/1965 #19690 Fort Riley, KA Fort Riley, KA: “AK” (Aaron Kaback) was on guard dut 11/1965 #19690
Word: "ka-a-low-o-tri-to-onn" (Back to Top)
de. Small humanoid (or Grey) says "Ka-a-low-O-Tri-to-Onn". 10/16/1954 #11125
Word: "kaarna" (Back to Top)
old girls at a summer camp on Lake Kaarna, Estonia were sitting outside eat 7/20/1968 #24194
Word: "kaarnajärv" (Back to Top)
Kaarnajärv Otepää Valga County, Estonia 7/20/1968 #24193 year-old girls at a summer camp at Kaarnajärv, near Otepää, Valga County, E 7/20/1968 #24193
Word: "kaback" (Back to Top)
ey, KA Fort Riley, KA: “AK” (Aaron Kaback) was on guard duty at 2 a.m. when 11/1965 #19690 the 2 1/2 hours they guarded it. (Kaback seems to be confused as to the ac 11/1965 #19690 ation Kansas 2:00 a.m. Aaron David Kaback is on duty at the motor pool in t 11/1965 #19695 ecrecy finds many discrepancies in Kaback’s account and very little credibi 11/1965 #19695
Word: "kabardino-balkaria" (Back to Top)
Caucasus region of Russia Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria 9:00–10:00 p.m. A lar 2/13/1989 #38839 65 mph. As it flies over Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria, it drifts down to an 2/13/1989 #38839 Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia A 16-year-old 10/11/1989 #39161 sia A 16-year-old girl in Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia, sees a “net” 10/11/1989 #39161
Word: "kabardino-balkariya" (Back to Top)
oped from trade school in Mayskiy, Kabardino-Balkariya Republic, North Cauc 10/11/1989 #39164
Word: "kablukovo" (Back to Top)
lye Sergiyev Posad Yakovlevo Dubki Kablukovo Fryazino Khabarovsk Kirzhach P 3/21/1990 #39475 Sergiyev Posad, Yakovlevo, Dubki, Kablukovo, Fryazino, Khabarovsk, and Kir 3/21/1990 #39475
Word: "kabul" (Back to Top)
ere hauling the recovered craft to Kabul. Neither USAF ATIC nor Battelle am 1/24/1956 #12681
Word: "kabwe" (Back to Top)
BROKEN HILL = KABWE, ZAMBIA 30M saucer 15M high. Green 11/1965 #19692
Word: "kaczynski" (Back to Top)
use. Among them is 17-year-old Ted Kaczynski, a mathematician who goes on t 9/1959 #15952 Harvard and the Unabomber connects Kaczynski’s abusive experiences under Mu 9/1959 #15952
Word: "kadah" (Back to Top)
NEAR KULIM, KADAH, MALAYSIA 2+3 observer(s). Saucer 5/26/1979 #34582
Word: "kadena" (Back to Top)
KADENA AIR FORCE BASE, OKINAWA 2 RADAR o 10/3/1951 #5699 Kadena AFB, Okinawa Large, sausage-shape 10/3/1951 #5700 Kadena, Okinawa Witnesses: radar operat 10/3/1951 #5701 r blip. It was tracked flying over Kadena AFB, Japan moving at 4,800 mph. L 10/3/1951 #5702 KADENA AIR FORCE BASE, OKINAWA Flight cr 4/5/1952 #6028 w a small luminous object approach Kadena AFB, Japan from the north. It fle 4/5/1952 #6035 KADENA AIR FORCE BASE, OKINAWA, JP Many 7/14/1952 #6809 Three trained weather observers at Kadena Air Force Base in Kadena, Japan s 4/25/1954 #9721 ervers at Kadena Air Force Base in Kadena, Japan sighted bluish-white circu 4/25/1954 #9721 , Japan Naha Airport on Okinawa US Kadena Air Base 2:30 p.m. The pilot of a 3/24/1955 #12059 rt on Okinawa, which alerts the US Kadena Air Base. Two jets are scrambled, 3/24/1955 #12059 KADENA AIR FORCE BASE, OKINAWA Project B 9/20/1957 #14016 Kadena AFB, Okinawa Object like a coke b 9/20/1957 #14017 Kadena AFB, Okinawa Witnesses: S/Sgt. H 9/20/1957 #14019 T. O'Connor and H. D. Bridgeman at Kadena AFB on Okinawa observed an object 9/20/1957 #14021 Kadena AFB, Okinawa Radar Target Illumin 9/15/1959 #15979 North Vietnam Kadena Air Base Okinawa, Japan CIA Direc 5/16/1967 #22354 son authorizes A-12’s to deploy to Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan, befor 5/16/1967 #22354 North Vietnam Kadena Air Base on Okinawa, Japan A-12 s 5/30/1967 #22425 ack Shield in North Vietnam out of Kadena Air Base on Okinawa, Japan, locat 5/30/1967 #22425 Kadena Air Base Okinawa, Japan Changjahw 1/26/1968 #23703 ilot Jack Weeks is dispatched from Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan, on a 1/26/1968 #23703 Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan The firs 3/8/1968 #23832 , Japan The first SR-71s arrive at Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan, to repl 3/8/1968 #23832
Word: "kaderly" (Back to Top)
WEST / JUDA, WI Jake Kaderly. Dark red flying ovoid / 2 minut 4/24/1978 #33162
Word: "kadikov" (Back to Top)
sk, Russia 6:00 p.m. Astronomer Z. Kadikov, from Kazan Engelgardt observato 10/18/1967 #23261
Word: "kadima" (Back to Top)
KADIMA, ISRL Brilliant 4M metallic tank 3/20/1993 #40892 n usual and went to her kitchen in Kadima, Israel at 6:30 a.m. When she got 3/20/1993 #40894 Kadima, Israel - At three o'clock in the 3/30/1993 #40907 Kadima, Israel - The neighbor of the UFO 3/31/1993 #40915 ing a restless, sleepless night in Kadima, Israel Danny Rotem felt compelle 5/13/1993 #40976 PORAT, EAST / KADIMA, ISR 35 chickens and 3 sheep and 1/7/1995 #41959
Word: "kadina" (Back to Top)
KADINA, SOUTH AUSTR Grey saucer hovers n 8/8/1971 #26271 Kadina, S. AU Glowing orange disc illumi 8/8/1971 #26272 k about five kilometers outside of Kadina, South Australia when his car eng 8/8/1971 #26274
Word: "kadoka" (Back to Top)
EAST / KADOKA, SD 2+/ car. Saucer hovers 3M / f 8/24/1952 #7705
Word: "kadoma" (Back to Top)
RIMUKA, KADOMA, ZIMB Flat bottom/underside glowi 2/1997 #43183
Word: "kadori" (Back to Top)
Kadori Barshi Mangalda Manbhum district, 9/15/1954 #10311 ada Chatterjee, the manager of the Kadori mica mine, and hundreds of others 9/15/1954 #10311 eet over three adjoining villages (Kadori, Barshi, and Mangalda) in the Man 9/15/1954 #10311 On this afternoon in Kadori, Bihar, India a noisy disc-shaped 9/15/1954 #10313
Word: "kaeel" (Back to Top)
three local employees, including Kaeel and Alexander, of the Air Force Ba 8/30/1950 #5149 nt, Newfoundland, Canada including Kaeel and Alexander sighted a dark, barr 8/30/1950 #5151
Word: "kaf" (Back to Top)
KYE RYONG MOUNTAIN, SOUTH KOREA Kaf pilot. 4M top-saucer going [to] 4K' 9/4/1995 #42439
Word: "kagan" (Back to Top)
Idaho Daniel Kagan and Ian Summers publish a 500-page 1984 #37091 de-for-TV movie directed by Jeremy Kagan and produced by Paul Davids, premi 7/31/1994 #41649
Word: "kagnew" (Back to Top)
Kagnew Station [now closed], Asmara, Eri 1/21/1957 #13468 ], Asmara, Eritrea 10:45 a.m. Near Kagnew Station [now closed], Asmara, Eri 1/21/1957 #13468
Word: "kagoshima" (Back to Top)
KAGOSHIMA, JPN Cop. Silent hyphen shapes 7/9/1947 #3035 Kagoshima, Japan (McDonald list) (NICAP: 11/6/1957 #14397
Word: "kaharoa" (Back to Top)
KAHAROA, NI, NZ Farmer. 2 night lights t 10/4/1969 #25396 ported to be panicked on a farm in Kaharoa, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. Lat 11/5/1969 #25452
Word: "kahoka" (Back to Top)
EAST / KAHOKA, MO 2 observer(s). Ovoid / errati 12/13/1969 #25496
Word: "kai" (Back to Top)
KAI TAK AIRPORT, HONG KONG Low-altitude 2/1964 #18122
Word: "kaiapoi" (Back to Top)
KAIAPOI, NZ 4 workmen. Aluminum disk com 6/28/1957 #13756
Word: "kaifeng" (Back to Top)
KAIFENG, HENAN, CH Several observer(s). 10/28/1961 #16933
Word: "kaikohe" (Back to Top)
KAIKOHE AND WAIHARARA, NZ Boy / 11. Silv 12/29/1957 #14768 Auckland, New Zealand North Island Kaikohe George Adamski arrives in Auckla 1/17/1959 #15553 engagement starting with a talk in Kaikohe on January 20. 1/17/1959 #15553 KAIKOHE, NI, NZ 3 observer(s). Orange sa 2/25/1993 #40859
Word: "kaikoura" (Back to Top)
OFF KAIKOURA, NZ Domed objects pace cargo pl 12/22/1978 #34196 KAIKOURA, NZ TV crew paced. RADAR and go 12/31/1978 #34233 land, New Zealand near the town of Kaikoura. The luminous UFO was seen by e 12/31/1978 #34238 ellington Christchurch New Zealand Kaikoura Blenheim Australia 12:10 a.m. Q 12/31/1978 #34246 Chinese lanterns above the sea off Kaikoura. They fade and disappear, then 12/31/1978 #34246 land, New Zealand near the town of Kaikoura. The luminous UFO was seen by e 12/31/1978 #34249
Word: "kailoa" (Back to Top)
Kailoa Station, Gisborne, New Zealand So 11/9/1964 #18611 h a light in the northern sky over Kailoa Station, Gisborne, New Zealand. T 11/9/1964 #18611
Word: "kailua" (Back to Top)
KAILUA, OAHU, HI Farm worker. Silver sau 3/14/1950 #4630 On this day a farmworker in Kailua, island of Oahu, Hawaii sighted a 3/14/1950 #4636 KAILUA, HI School-teacher. White disk / 5/23/1965 #18951 A school teacher in Kailua, Hawaii watched a small white dis 5/23/1965 #18954
Word: "kaipara" (Back to Top)
KAIPARA HARBOR, NZ Pilot. 100' x15'PLAIN 3/12/1965 #18853
Word: "kairi" (Back to Top)
KAIRI, QLD, AUS 1 / car. Manta paces car 4/22/1995 #42166 paced a car for several miles near Kairi, Queensland, Australia at 5:10 a.m 4/22/1995 #42171
Word: "kairma" (Back to Top)
In Kairma, near Frunze, Kirghizia (in what 5/18/1990 #39576
Word: "kaiser" (Back to Top)
Berlin, Germany Kaiser Wilhelm Institut für Chemie The p 12/17/1938 #1301 assistant Fritz Strassmann at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institut für Chemie in Be 12/17/1938 #1301 KAISER MOUNTAIN, CA 150M disk / mountain 6/1941 #1363 , TN (35.14° N, 90.03° W) Bray and Kaiser (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 5/7/1948 #3642 Afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce J. Kaiser and their housekeeper Jean Bray, 5/7/1948 #3643 5 p.m. several witnesses including Kaiser and Bray in Memphis, Tennessee sa 5/7/1948 #3644 Lester Kaiser farm near Rising Sun, Indiana Eve 5/18/1969 #25143 cuts off electricity at the Lester Kaiser farm near Rising Sun, Indiana, fo 5/18/1969 #25143 or 2 hours. The next night, George Kaiser watches a hairy, muscular, bipeda 5/18/1969 #25143 CDT in Rising Sun, Indiana George Kaiser noticed a strange figure 25 feet 5/19/1969 #25148 eyes and a very low forehead. When Kaiser made a move to get into his car, 5/19/1969 #25148 Elaine Kaiser was abducted from her bedroom in 12/10/1979 #35068
Word: "kaiserlautern" (Back to Top)
11:28 p.m. the German military in Kaiserlautern, Rhineland-Palatine, Germa 8/7/1954 #10114
Word: "kaiserslautern" (Back to Top)
Berchtesgaden, Germany Kaiserslautern, Germany Bavarian Alps En 4/25/1945 #1854 arian Alps. Just after a turn near Kaiserslautern, Germany, at 16,500 feet, 4/25/1945 #1854 KAISERSLAUTERN, RHP, GERM Military obser 8/7/1954 #10110 mstein Air Base Ramstein-Misenbach Kaiserslautern, Germany 9:00 p.m. S/Sgt 1/22/2004 #44654 r Base outside Ramstein-Misenbach, Kaiserslautern, Germany, sees a row of s 1/22/2004 #44654
Word: "kaisler" (Back to Top)
smouth, Virginia 8:00 p.m. Barbara Kaisler is driving home with her daughte 9/9/1980 #35508
Word: "kaitaia" (Back to Top)
KAITAIA, NZ Several separate observer(s) 12/29/1957 #14767
Word: "kaiyo" (Back to Top)
NORTH / WAKE ISLAND Steamship Kaiyo Maru. RADAR. Ovoid circles ship 2X 12/21/1986 #38085
Word: "kajaani" (Back to Top)
KAJAANI, FINLAND 6 observer(s). Moon-siz 12/17/1958 #15477
Word: "kaka" (Back to Top)
KAKA POINT, NZ 6 boys / beach. House-siz 7/24/1909 #782 At Kaka Point, southwest of Riwaka, New Zea 7/24/1909 #784
Word: "kakizawa" (Back to Top)
Mr. Kakizawa of Yokohama, Japan took a photo 1/1/1968 #23641
Word: "kaku" (Back to Top)
enry, theoretical physicist Michio Kaku, astrophysicist Bernard Haisch, com 11/8/2002 #44436 Hopkins, Susan Clancy, and Michio Kaku. 2/24/2005 #44816
Word: "kal" (Back to Top)
gations made by California skeptic Kal R. Korff in 1981), and that the stor 1997 #43155
Word: "kala" (Back to Top)
Nakhon Sawan, Thailand Khao Kala hill Retired Sergeant-Major Cherd C 12/1997 #43452 ues the tradition, and nearby Khao Kala hill regularly attracts crowds of m 12/1997 #43452
Word: "kaladar" (Back to Top)
SOUTH / KALADAR, ON Several cars stop. Domed sil 9/4/1954 #10245
Word: "kalaeloa" (Back to Top)
val Air Station Barbers Point (now Kalaeloa Airport) Hawaii 5:00 p.m.–12:00 8/6/1953 #9052 val Air Station Barbers Point [now Kalaeloa Airport], Hawaii, from the airp 8/6/1953 #9052
Word: "kalahari" (Back to Top)
Kalahari Desert in Botswana South Africa 5/7/1989 #38938 ort to describe a UFO crash in the Kalahari Desert in Botswana 50 miles nor 5/7/1989 #38938 at flew in from the ocean over the Kalahari Desert, 80 miles north of the S 5/7/1989 #38939 Kalahari Desert Kalahari Desert, close t 5/17/1989 #38954 Kalahari Desert Kalahari Desert, close to the borders be 5/17/1989 #38954
Word: "kalama" (Back to Top)
5 corridor in Cowlitz County near Kalama, Washington. 2/19/2008 #45121
Word: "kalamazoo" (Back to Top)
Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, Michigan Night. Students at W 4/1/1966? #20202 at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, Michigan, see a star-like obj 4/1/1966? #20202 Kalamazoo, MI Time not reported. A polic 4/13/1966 #20293 g quickly [to] over Austin Lake. / Kalamazoo Gazette 3.12.73. 12/3/1973 #28511 Kalamazoo, MI Dogs excited as cigar-shap 9/11/1989 #39096 15 MI SOUTHEAST / KALAMAZOO, MI Huge disk hovers / road. O 8/6/1995 #42362 ver the road 15 miles southeast of Kalamazoo. The witness felt pain after t 8/6/1995 #42363 tly conical black UFO hovered over Kalamazoo, Michigan for roughly 2 minute 5/6/2007 #45027
Word: "kalamunda" (Back to Top)
KALAMUNDA AND CLOVERDALE AND PERTH, WEST 5/23/1969 #25158 e, Western Australia Perth Airport Kalamunda 6:35 p.m. A 13-year-old boy in 5/23/1969 #25160 mother calls the radar station at Kalamunda, which simultaneously gets a r 5/23/1969 #25160 on their meteorological radar. The Kalamunda operator sees a large echo som 5/23/1969 #25160 At midnight in Kalamunda, Western Australia nocturnal l 5/23/1969 #25161 KALAMUNDA, WEST AUSTR 2 silver-grey sauc 3/16/1992 #40384
Word: "kalapaca" (Back to Top)
5/67, copy in NICAP files; undated Kalapaca investigation report in NICAP f 2/14/1967 #21546
Word: "kalb" (Back to Top)
DE KALB, TX 2+1 separate observer(s). Shiny 7/2/1947 #2543 DE KALB, TX 3 observer(s). Silver saucer go 6/3/1954 #9863 DE KALB CO, IN 20-30 night lights circle fo 10/18/1973 #28149 rounding communities, including De Kalb City, Dawson, Dog Town, and Lick Sk 2/10/1989 #38833 rs at 10 locations, centered on De Kalb County, Alabama reported UFOs. Sigh 3/1/1989 #38860
Word: "kalberer" (Back to Top)
d intelligence officer Col. Alfred Kalberer hold a press conference in Fort 6/30/1947 #2487 ks people are “seeing heat waves.” Kalberer labels the sightings as “Buck R 6/30/1947 #2487 Fort Worth, Texas Col. Alfred Kalberer holds another press conference 7/1/1947 #2519
Word: "kalbermatter" (Back to Top)
t a 23-year-old truck driver named Kalbermatter, while driving in Colonia C 5/8/1964 #18248
Word: "kaleidoscope" (Back to Top)
° elevation. Changes color(s) Lake Kaleidoscope. 3/18/1974 #28900 ter vanished, and he experienced a kaleidoscope of colors and other odd sen 9/20/1979 #34909
Word: "kaleidoscopic" (Back to Top)
ptures video footage of pulsating, kaleidoscopic lights over the Denbigh Mo 5/8/2005 #44833
Word: "kalgoorlie" (Back to Top)
Kalgoorlie, AU Object emitted 6 "cigars" 8/22/1968 #24367 Kalgoorlie, Australia Luminous white UFO 8/22/1968 #24368 or Murchison Air 130 miles east of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia when they 8/22/1968 #24370 KALGOORLIE, WEST AUSTRALIA Car lit insid 8/27/1968 #24383 KALGOORLIE, WEST AUSTRALIA 18 observer(s 11/7/1968 #24638 KALGOORLIE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, SOUTH AUST 12/16/1976 #31607 Kalgoorlie Airport in Western Australia 12/16/1976 #31608 ne, meteorological officer for the Kalgoorlie Airport in Western Australia, 12/16/1976 #31608 Ten years to the day after the Kalgoorlie, Western Australia aerial enc 8/22/1978 #33549
Word: "kalgourlie" (Back to Top)
ith reported their sighting to the Kalgourlie communication centre their ra 8/22/1968 #24370
Word: "kalia" (Back to Top)
and glaciologists (including Rajiv Kalia, Sunil Dhar, Sushil Singh) led by 9/27/2004 #44762 nutes, then rises high in the sky. Kalia says it does not look like a man-m 9/27/2004 #44762
Word: "kalinin" (Back to Top)
KALININ, RUSSIA AND MORE/OTHERS Grey ovo 6/14/1980 #35364
Word: "kaliningrad" (Back to Top)
Kattenau, East Prussia Furmanovka, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia About 6:00 a. 3/22/1880 #226 nau, East Prussia [now Furmanovka, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia]. They move t 3/22/1880 #226 Kaliningrad Korolyov Moscow Russia The S 5/13/1946 #1991 r called NII-88 [now TsNIIMash] at Kaliningrad [now Korolyov], Russia, nort 5/13/1946 #1991 ingrad [now St. Petersburg] Moscow Kaliningrad Hiroshima The first Single I 12/14/1960 #16533 w, and 18 on seven target areas in Kaliningrad. Weapons scientist George W. 12/14/1960 #16533 Kaliningrad, Russia - At 6:17 p.m. the e 4/18/2003 #44516 wing shaped UFO flew rapidly over Kaliningrad Harbor and plunged into the 4/18/2003 #44516 ltic Fleet, which lay at anchor in Kaliningrad Harbor. According to a Russi 4/18/2003 #44516 the Stockholm archipelago, Sweden Kaliningrad, Russia Korsö, Finland Sandö 10/16/2014 #45417 ckholm archipelago, Sweden, and in Kaliningrad, Russia (home to the Russian 10/16/2014 #45417
Word: "kalispell" (Back to Top)
Kalispell, Montana Whitefish Malmstrom A 9/2/1955 #12425 ces a fireball as he is driving to Kalispell, Montana, from Whitefish. He s 9/2/1955 #12425 okane, Washington, are sent to the Kalispell area. 9/2/1955 #12425 NEAR KALISPELL, MT TV Radio Frequency Interfe 6/24/1964 #18371
Word: "kaliszewski" (Back to Top)
a.m. Engineer and pilot Joseph J. Kaliszewski, flying with copilot Jack Do 10/10/1951 #5719 cluding aeronautical engineer J.J. Kaliszewski, aerologist C.B. Moore, pilo 10/11/1951 #5724 y of Minnesota 6:30 a.m. Joseph J. Kaliszewski and Dick Reilly are flying a 10/11/1951 #5725 luding aeronautical engineer J. J. Kaliszewski and aerologist C. B. Moore, 10/11/1951 #5726
Word: "kalix" (Back to Top)
KALIX, SWEDEN 'Mystery plane' searches a 12/24/1933 #1180 Kalix, Sweden Beam of light coming from 12/24/1933 #1181 Kalix, Norrbotten, Sweden Scandinavia 6: 12/24/1933 #1182 Scandinavia 6:00 p.m. Witnesses in Kalix, Norrbotten, Sweden, see beams of 12/24/1933 #1182
Word: "kalizewski" (Back to Top)
Minneapolis, MN Kalizewski sighting (P). (NICAP: 11 - Av 10/11/1951 #5723
Word: "kalkorff" (Back to Top)
ravity-research-project/ https://kalkorff.medium.com/exposing-harry-reids 2/26/2019 #45564
Word: "kallavesi" (Back to Top)
Kallavesi lake, Finland Åbo Akademi Univ 8/1964 #18466 parents at their summer cottage at Kallavesi lake, Finland, when he suddenl 8/1964 #18466 LAKE KALLAVESI, FINL Bent saucer drops hot fr 8/22/1964 #18502
Word: "kalle" (Back to Top)
Kalle Tiihonen, age 39, a locally well k 4/15/1970 #25633
Word: "kalliope" (Back to Top)
ia Contactee Billy Meier’s ex-wife Kalliope in Switzerland tells interviewe 1997 #43155
Word: "kalmar" (Back to Top)
sighted for four hours in Hogsby, Kalmar, Sweden starting at 10:30 p.m. Th 7/31/1973 #27664 efence Research Institute Målilla, Kalmar County, Sweden The head of the UF 10/1976 #31439 ture Wickerts, travels to Målilla, Kalmar County, Sweden, to conduct a sear 10/1976 #31439
Word: "kalmhoutse" (Back to Top)
Word: "kalmthout" (Back to Top)
rovence, France Vevey, Switzerland Kalmthout, Belgium Perry Petrakis founds 1974 #28626 ranches in Vevey, Switzerland, and Kalmthout, Belgium. It begins publishing 1974 #28626
Word: "kalmuk" (Back to Top)
Elista, Kalmuk (east of), Russia 9:50 p.m. Russi 1966 #19793 al through the sky east of Elista, Kalmuk. (Source: Larry Hatch, *U* Databa 1966 #19793 ELISTA, KALMUK, RUSSIA Scientists. Disk maneuver 6/16/1966 #20565 Elista, Kalmuk, USSR Scientist report UFO maneuv 6/16/1966 #20566 al through the sky east of Elista, Kalmuk, Russia at 9:50 p.m. 6/16/1966 #20569
Word: "kalnicki" (Back to Top)
Dorchester, Massachusetts Kalnicki apartment Boston 10:45 p.m. On 4/23/1966 #20390 UFO sighting on WMEX radio, Jeanne Kalnicki of Dorchester, Massachusetts, g 4/23/1966 #20390 s. When the yellow light goes off, Kalnicki can see a glow within the dome. 4/23/1966 #20390 but at 5:00 a.m., 11-year-old Judy Kalnicki is too upset to sleep, She wake 4/23/1966 #20390 burning out a block away from the Kalnicki apartment. One particle on the 4/23/1966 #20390 r, at 5:00 a.m. Eastern time, Mrs. Kalnicki saw a multicolored domed disc w 4/24/1966 #20406
Word: "kalochori" (Back to Top)
Chortiatis, Greece Edessa, Greece Kalochori, Michaniona Giannitsa, Larissa 11/12/1981 #36220 utes. Other objects are spotted at Kalochori, Michaniona, Giannitsa, Lariss 11/12/1981 #36220
Word: "kalokorio" (Back to Top)
en and reported in the villages of Kalokorio, Mihaniona, and Laina, as well 11/12/1981 #36221
Word: "kalp" (Back to Top)
he object land; his mother Frances Kalp sees a wisp of blue smoke rising fr 12/9/1965 #19762
Word: "kaluga" (Back to Top)
ninsk Nuclear Power Plant Obninsk, Kaluga Oblast, Russia Moscow The Obninsk 6/27/1954 #9957 and Power Engineering in Obninsk, Kaluga Oblast, Russia, becomes the first 6/27/1954 #9957
Word: "kalundborg" (Back to Top)
JYDERUP TO/FROM KALUNDBORG, DK Several observer(s). 2 si 7/1946 #2019 KALUNDBORG FJORD, DK 3 red 1M fireballs 7/14/1986 #37941
Word: "kalwa" (Back to Top)
mska Sztum, Poland Tropy Sztumskie Kalwa 3:40 a.m. Dr. Barbara Anaczkowska- 9/5/1979 #34838 parallel them as they turn toward Kalwa. At one point it looks so close th 9/5/1979 #34838
Word: "kalyan" (Back to Top)
KALYAN, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Red-white saucer 5/2/1973 #27462
Word: "kalytyuk" (Back to Top)
Rivne, Ukraine Igor Kalytyuk begins publishing Novosti Ufolo 7/2011 #45329
Word: "kama" (Back to Top)
ynikov of the Russian fishing boat Kama is in Vyborg Bay in western Russia 9/1967 #22972
Word: "kama-1" (Back to Top)
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Kama-1” Yield: 10KT 7/8/1974 #29244
Word: "kama-2" (Back to Top)
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Kama-2” Yield: 10KT 10/26/1973 #28295
Word: "kaman" (Back to Top)
al (now part of Northrop Grumman), Kaman Industries, Rockefeller Company, W 8/19/1997 #43387
Word: "kamchatka" (Back to Top)
Sea of Okhotsk, W of Kamchatka, USSR Crew of RB-50, saw a bri 11/26/1957 #14624 OSTRADNOY KAMCHATKA, RUSSIA 2 observer(s). 2 spher 10/25/1967 #23313 Kronotsky Lake, Kamchatka Krai, Russia Day. A group of R 8/1970 #25765 on a motorboat on Kronotsky Lake, Kamchatka Krai, Russia. Suddenly, about 8/1970 #25765 Magadan Airport, Russia Kamchatka Afternoon. Civil and military 11/25/1986 #38077 to 1,800 mph over the water toward Kamchatka and disappears from radar scre 11/25/1986 #38077 eters per hour when it crossed the Kamchatka shoreline, where it was lost f 11/25/1986 #38078 Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Klyuchi, Kamc 10/1988 #38661 amchatka Peninsula Russia Klyuchi, Kamchatka Krai Northern Pacific Ocean Pi 10/1988 #38661 econnaissance aircraft east of the Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia when he is 10/1988 #38661 ura Missile Test Range at Klyuchi, Kamchatka Krai. The 1988 Intermediate-Ra 10/1988 #38661
Word: "kamchuk" (Back to Top)
KAMCHUK R.W / TELI, RUSSIA Same scientis 7/8/1960 #16334
Word: "kamehameha" (Back to Top)
our Poseidon missiles from the USS Kamehameha around the same time that pro 3/5/1979 #34465
Word: "kamen-rybolov" (Back to Top)
Kamen-Rybolov, Primorsky Krai, Russia La 6/1/1899 #635 Khanka Late evening. Observers in Kamen-Rybolov, Primorsky Krai, Russia, s 6/1/1899 #635
Word: "kamenny" (Back to Top)
CAPE KAMENNY, RS AND MORE/OTHERS Airline(s)/a 12/3/1967 #23538
Word: "kamennyy" (Back to Top)
airline crews and others near Cape Kamennyy, Russia watched a luminous sphe 12/3/1967 #23546
Word: "kamenoi" (Back to Top)
rects fan / light going down / Mt. Kamenoi. Type unknown. 5/7/1990 #39562 light down on the slopes of Mount Kamenoi. 5/7/1990 #39564
Word: "kamensko" (Back to Top)
Kamensko Forest Blovice, Czechoslovakia Summer 1944 #1609 tude of about 5,000 feet above the Kamensko Forest north of Blovice, Czecho Summer 1944 #1609 KAMENSKO FOREST, CZK Silent silver 120M 9/1944 (approximate) #1656
Word: "kametaro" (Back to Top)
sukichi Nakaguchi and his son, and Kametaro Takuma, saw an egg-shaped objec 2/2/1958 #14866 sukichi Nakaguchi and his son, and Kametaro Takuma, saw an egg-shaped objec 2/2/1958 #14868
Word: "kaminski" (Back to Top)
s confirmed by OUSDAT officer Paul Kaminski, Director of SAPCO Brig. Gen. M 10/16/2002 #44418 ed SAPs and has these confirmed by Kaminski, Kostelnik and Perry, who tell 10/16/2002 #44418 Charles Bill Moore, Kostelnik and Kaminski. https://www.documentcloud.org 10/16/2002 #44418
Word: "kamloops" (Back to Top)
KAMLOOPS, BC Several observer(s). Fireba 7/12/1897 #599 ocky Mountains of British Columbia Kamloops 8:38 p.m. Capt. Shindler is pil 7/26/1967 #22735 ter 18 minutes. Radar operators in Kamloops also observe the object. 7/26/1967 #22735 Thompson River Kamloops, British Columbia 2:30 p.m. A m 5/16/1981 #35940 fishing in the Thompson River near Kamloops, British Columbia, when the wat 5/16/1981 #35940 LEHURST, BC Big saucer hovers over Kamloops Lake / 5 minute(s). Same seen 3 7/25/1993 #41087 KAMLOOPS, BC Wave / delta/triangle/box-l 7/26/1993 #41089 seven p.m. a group of witnesses in Kamloops, British Columbia observed a si 4/18/1998 #43551 At around 5 p.m. a witness in Kamloops, British Columbia observed an o 9/3/1998 #43640 ering 100 feet above the ground in Kamloops, British Columbia at 9:18 p.m. 5/6/2000 #43989 e mountains outside of Juniper and Kamloops, British Columbia. It split int 5/8/2000 #43990 Okanagan Valley, British Columbia Kamloops Jaffray 12:45 a.m. Hundreds of 7/28/2003 #44568 nagan Arch,” the beam is seen from Kamloops to Jaffray. 7/28/2003 #44568
Word: "kammerer" (Back to Top)
d Skunk Works chief foreman Dorsey Kammerer on a two- week survey mission t Early 1955 #11901
Word: "kammerzell" (Back to Top)
pto communications operator Karson Kammerzell says he was on the USS Prince 11/30/2020 #45665 Fravor's squadron was a triangle. Kammerzell claims the Tic Tac story is a 11/30/2020 #45665
Word: "kampala" (Back to Top)
Kampala, Uganda President Idi Amin was a 3/3/1973 #27328 Around noon in Kampala, Uganda on the shore of Lake Vic 3/3/1973 #27329
Word: "kampsville" (Back to Top)
Kampsville, IL 6:00 p.m. Lady and her so 11/1974 #29572
Word: "kampung" (Back to Top)
moved up and down in the sky over Kampung Kermat, Malaysia at three o'cloc 3/2/1968 #23807 KAMPUNG SEPAT, MALAYSIA 20 observer(s). 4/1979 #34497 ock in the morning in Tanah Merah, Kampung Gobek, Malaysia rays of light ba 3/2/2000 #43961 ver and then landing in a marsh in Kampung Gobek, Malaysia. Found later was 3/3/2000 #43964
Word: "kamyshin" (Back to Top)
KAMYSHIN, RUSSIA Stream / night lights = 5/17/1967 #22362 Kamyshin, Russia 10:00 p.m. LT. Major Y. 5/17/1967 #22365 tream of lights seen in the sky in Kamyshin, Volgograd, Russia were actuall 5/17/1967 #22370
Word: "kanagawa" (Back to Top)
Enoshima Beach, Kanagawa, Japan 11:28 a.m. Shinichi Take 8/20/1957 #13912 silvery disc near Enoshima Beach, Kanagawa, Japan. The object is also seen 8/20/1957 #13912
Word: "kanagulk" (Back to Top)
Kanagulk, Victoria, AU Night. A man saw 9/14/1967 #23054
Word: "kanamachi" (Back to Top)
KANAMACHI, JPN 3 / car. Black car ahead 11/19/1963 #18048
Word: "kanata" (Back to Top)
object flew over the witnesses in Kanata, Ontario, Canada at 10:00 p.m. It 9/18/2004 #44760
Word: "kanawha" (Back to Top)
inia American Viscose plant Little Kanawha River 6:30 p.m. A driver on Stat 11/6/1966 #21080 an Viscose plant across the Little Kanawha River. The object crosses the ri 11/6/1966 #21080 KANAWHA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, WV FAA Air Tr 4/4/1968 #23889
Word: "kanazawa" (Back to Top)
Hakui City, Kanazawa Prefecture, Japan Videorecorder 7/6/1989 #39012 mond-shaped ring was videotaped in Kanazawa, Ishikawa prefecture, Japan by 7/7/1989 #39014
Word: "kanchanabiri" (Back to Top)
KANCHANABIRI, THAILAND Ovoid hovers / ba 6/5/1994 #41551
Word: "kandahar" (Back to Top)
Kandahar, Afghanistan A large, luminous 11/8/1959 #16084 is seen moving at great speed over Kandahar, Afghanistan, to the northwest. 11/8/1959 #16084 t Range Airport Nevada Afghanistan Kandahar International Airport The 30th 9/1/2005 #44867 hanistan, where one was sighted at Kandahar International Airport in late 2 9/1/2005 #44867 l Sweetman to dub it the “Beast of Kandahar.” 9/1/2005 #44867
Word: "kandilli" (Back to Top)
KANDILLI, TURK UTC. Astronomers photogra 8/23/1966 #20790
Word: "kane" (Back to Top)
Senior medical officer Elisha Kent Kane and other crew members of the USS A 9/15/1850 #145 ly turns going quickly north. / A. Kane. 5/16/1977 #32097
Word: "kaneohe" (Back to Top)
a wooded ridge, near the beach of Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii. Description: 50 f 1944 #1557 d landed on the beach in Oahu near Kaneohe, Hawaii in the morning around 9 6/18/1944 #1606 om the island of Oahu, Hawaii near Kaneohe. One female occupant was capture 6/22/1944 #1613
Word: "kaneto" (Back to Top)
biúna, São Paulo, Brazil 2:00 a.m. Kaneto and Kioko Nobutoshi witness a “br 6/17/1969 #25220
Word: "kang" (Back to Top)
Ta Kang (near), China On this night near Ta 10/5/1980 #35555 near), China On this night near Ta Kang, several sailors off the coast in a 10/5/1980 #35555 On this night near Ta Kang, China several sailors off the coas 10/5/1980 #35557 southern Taiwan Farmer Chen Kang and his wife watch an object with t 6/12/1981 #35966
Word: "kangaroo" (Back to Top)
Gum Creek, Kangaroo Island, South Australia 2:00 a. 2/3/1964 #18125 edroom illuminated near Gum Creek, Kangaroo Island, South Australia. Sudden 2/3/1964 #18125 48, was driving between Nowra and Kangaroo Valley, New South Wales, Austra 9/16/1981 #36118 land, AU In an isolated area, some kangaroo hunters were walking down an el 5/2/1982 #36461
Word: "kangaroos" (Back to Top)
with a prod and hopping about like kangaroos. They are about 4.5 feet tall 7/9/1990 #39640
Word: "kangas" (Back to Top)
Four boys, Bob & John Kangas, Mike Kauppi, and Scott Mackay, a 3/12/1967 #21874
Word: "kangaskyla" (Back to Top)
Kangaskyla Kinnula, Finland 3:00 p.m. Tw 2/5/1971 #26013 neck, were working in the woods in Kangaskyla, Kinnula, Finland when Mr. Al 2/5/1971 #26015
Word: "kangaskylä" (Back to Top)
Kangaskylä Kinnula Finland 3:00 p.m. Pet 2/5/1971 #26014 ck are working in the woods around Kangaskylä, near Kinnula, Finland, when 2/5/1971 #26014
Word: "kangatsiaq" (Back to Top)
KANGATSIAQ, GREENLAND Numerous observer( 8/13/1957 #13887
Word: "kangilinnguit" (Back to Top)
Naval Station Grønnedal [now Kangilinnguit] Greenland 10:30 p.m. A Da 2/1977 #31771 rs at Naval Station Grønnedal [now Kangilinnguit] in Greenland pauses to lo 2/1977 #31771
Word: "kanholmsfjärden" (Back to Top)
Kanholmsfjärden in the Stockholm archipe 10/16/2014 #45417 rther encrypted radio traffic from Kanholmsfjärden in the Stockholm archipe 10/16/2014 #45417
Word: "kanizawa" (Back to Top)
200MI WITH KANIZAWA, JAPAN Saucer emerges / sea. Ci 4/17/1981 #35902
Word: "kankakee" (Back to Top)
KANKAKEE, IL 2 observer(s). 5 saucers / 7/6/1947 #2791 KANKAKEE, IL Saucer passes over town. An 11/1952 #8224 NORTH / KANKAKEE, IL Several observer(s). 3 fast 10/19/1954 #11236 Kankakee, Illinois Early morning. A coup 7/2/1960 #16327 couple driving in the vicinity of Kankakee, Illinois, see the landscape li 7/2/1960 #16327 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kankakee” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT 6/15/1966 #20563 Kankakee, IL 9:00 p.m. Two witnesses (Wi 1/1/1975 #29688
Word: "kanker" (Back to Top)
KANKER, INDIA Many observer(s). Hazy rou 2/16/1982 #36348
Word: "kans" (Back to Top)
reaction). (Topeka State Journal, Kans., 2/18/67, copy in NICAP files.) (N 2/8/1967 #21480 l police. (Topeka Capital-Journal, Kans., 11/5/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 11/4/1967 #23401 within 100 ft., hovered. Ulysses, Kans., News, Apr. 24, 1969; CUFOS report 4/14/1969 #25062
Word: "kansan" (Back to Top)
round objects pace truck. / Newton Kansan. 6/19/1973 #27570
Word: "kansas" (Back to Top)
Topeka, Kansas western Pennsylvania Columbus, Oh 12/21/1876 #208 wide swath of the US from Topeka, Kansas, to western Pennsylvania. Over Co 12/21/1876 #208 Manchester, Kansas 11:00 p.m.–2:00 a.m. Mennonite fa Late 11/1894 #317 n some 3 miles west of Manchester, Kansas. The object, in the shape of a “c Late 11/1894 #317 Valley Falls, Kansas Residents of Valley Falls, Kansas Mid 2/1897 #388 Kansas Residents of Valley Falls, Kansas, can see the outlines of an airsh Mid 2/1897 #388 Belleville, Kansas Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific 3/23/1897 #393 ot Night. Residents of Belleville, Kansas, watch a lighted airship moving a 3/23/1897 #393 Topeka, Kansas 8:30 p.m. A blood-red light appea 3/27/1897 #398 rs in the western sky over Topeka, Kansas, moving northward parallel with t 3/27/1897 #398 a flicker.” Among the witnesses is Kansas Gov. John W. Leedy, who describes 3/27/1897 #398 Everest, Kansas The whole town saw an object fly 4/1/1897 #405 Kansas City, Kansas 8:00 p.m. Strange li 4/1/1897 #406 Kansas City, Kansas 8:00 p.m. Strange lights appear i 4/1/1897 #406 lights appear in the sky south of Kansas City, Kansas, zigzagging and cros 4/1/1897 #406 r in the sky south of Kansas City, Kansas, zigzagging and crossing the hori 4/1/1897 #406 Everest, Kansas Commercial Hotel 9:00 p.m. J. E. 4/1/1897 #407 l, and other residents of Everest, Kansas, watch a 30- foot-long object tha 4/1/1897 #407 The whole town of Everest, Kansas saw an object fly in under the cl 4/1/1897 #409 Leroy, Kansas Alexander Hamilton was awakened b 4/19/1897 #533 Yates Center, Kansas 10:30 p.m. Rancher Alexander Hami 4/19/1897 #538 en of their ranch at Yates Center, Kansas. They watch as a 300-foot-long, c 4/19/1897 #538 jaunts to St. Louis, Chicago, and Kansas City." 4/19/1897 #540 Emporia, Kansas 8:30 p.m. Harry McCandliss is rid 6/1/1898 #622 iding in the country near Emporia, Kansas, when he sees a cigar-shaped obje 6/1/1898 #622 Wichita, Kansas Colorado Springs, Colorado Aviato 1/1926 #1056 flying somewhere between Wichita, Kansas, and Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1/1926 #1056 Kansas Kansas journalist Charles Benedic 1/3/1928 #1083 Kansas Kansas journalist Charles Benedict Drisc 1/3/1928 #1083 Pittsburg, Kansas Naval Cmdr. L. H. Witherspoon see Summer 1947 #2357 ash over the airport at Pittsburg, Kansas. Summer 1947 #2357 KANSAS CITY, MO 9 metallic objects / loo 6/25/1947 #2404 82nd Street and Holmes Road in Kansas City, Missouri Shortly after 12:0 6/25/1947 #2412 at 82nd Street and Holmes Road in Kansas City, Missouri, when he hears the 6/25/1947 #2412 KANSAS CITY, KS 3 observer(s). Several g 7/4/1947 #2625 KANSAS CITY, KS 1 observer? 13cm grey di 7/6/1947 #2733 Clay Center, Kansas 1:45 p.m. Maj. A. B. Browning and 7/6/1947 #2808 of a B-25 flying over Clay Center, Kansas, see a silvery disc about 30–50 f 7/6/1947 #2808 y Air Force B-25 near Clay Center, Kansas saw a silvery circular object, 10 7/6/1947 #2818 und over a wheat field in Emporia, Kansas. It veered slowly to pass over a 7/6/1947 #2824 to the south. At 10:30 in Topeka, Kansas a disc-shaped object flew in from 7/13/1947 #3172 Nebraska Norcatur, Kansas Kansas Oklahoma Norton County, Ka 2/18/1948 #3579 Nebraska Norcatur, Kansas Kansas Oklahoma Norton County, Kansas Fu 2/18/1948 #3579 sas Kansas Oklahoma Norton County, Kansas Furnas County, Nebraska Stockton, 2/18/1948 #3579 Furnas County, Nebraska Stockton, Kansas 5:00 p.m. A smoke trail begins ov 2/18/1948 #3579 . A bolide explodes over Norcatur, Kansas, and the concussion from the blas 2/18/1948 #3579 ocks buildings over a wide area of Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma. A huge s 2/18/1948 #3579 ver a large area of Norton County, Kansas, and Furnas County, Nebraska. Two 2/18/1948 #3579 nightfall. A farmer near Stockton, Kansas, sees a hovering object that leav 2/18/1948 #3579 At 4:56 p.m. a farmer in Stockton, Kansas saw a 4-foot wide disc that appro 2/18/1948 #3580 egular-shaped UFO north of Norton, Kansas. 2/18/1948 #3580 AFB California Forbes AFB Topeka, Kansas A jet-propelled Northrop YB-49 cr 6/5/1948 #3667 es (for whom Forbes AFB in Topeka, Kansas, is named), copilot Capt. Glen Ed 6/5/1948 #3667 Wyandotte Echo Kansas City newspaper: “Coulter” (George 1/6/1950 #4472 C-47 transport plane near Howard, Kansas on this day when they sighted a s 1/6/1950 #4475 le referring to the Wyandotte Echo Kansas City newspaper article on “Coulte 1/30/1950 #4519 Kingman, Kansas Cunningham, Kansas Meade, Kansas 6/30/1950 #5027 Kingman, Kansas Cunningham, Kansas Meade, Kansas US Hwy 54 Midnight. 6/30/1950 #5027 , Kansas Cunningham, Kansas Meade, Kansas US Hwy 54 Midnight. Rev. Ross Ver 6/30/1950 #5027 e driving 9 miles west of Kingman, Kansas, when they see a bright red light 6/30/1950 #5027 ng over US Hwy 54 near Cunningham, Kansas. They estimate it to be about 250 6/30/1950 #5027 f druggist Dwayne Mulnix of Meade, Kansas, also sees the object and they st 6/30/1950 #5027 Chicago Kansas City Bradford, Illinois Sunset. A 12/27/1950 #5368 Shutts, is enroute from Chicago to Kansas City. Near Bradford, Illinois, Sh 12/27/1950 #5368 American Airlines Dodge City, Kansas 3:20 a.m. American Airlines pilot 5/22/1951 #5517 100 miles southwest of Dodge City, Kansas. It moves backward and forward, t 5/22/1951 #5517 100 miles southwest of Dodge City, Kansas at 3:20 a.m. 5/22/1951 #5518 Dodge City, Kansas Lubbock, Texas Big Springs, Texas 11/20/1951 #5782 eball is reported from Dodge City, Kansas, and Lubbock and Big Springs, Tex 11/20/1951 #5782 Goodland, Kansas Witness: B-29 bombardier Lt. R.H 4/29/1952 #6214 While flying over Goodland, Kansas at one o'clock in the afternoon, 4/29/1952 #6217 Topeka, Kansas Witnesses: USAF pilot 2nd Lt. K. 6/27/1952 #6646 lsate a brilliant red over Topeka, Kansas. The shape of the object varied f 6/27/1952 #6648 Kansas City, MO Light with red-orange fl 7/26/1952 #7161 Kansas City, Missouri Witnesses: USAF Ca 7/26/1952 #7170 irfax Field and Municipal Airport, Kansas City, Missouri saw a green light 7/26/1952 #7178 Kansas City, Missouri Washington Nationa 7/28/1952 #7265 ional President Truman, resting in Kansas City, Missouri, after the Democra 7/28/1952 #7265 Wichita, Kansas Witnesses: USAF shop employees D 7/29/1952 #7317 In Wichita, Kansas at 12:35 p.m. USAF shop employees 7/29/1952 #7338 Frontenac, Kansas A man driving through a wood enco 8/24/1952 #7709 e woods at 6:00 a.m. in Frontenac, Kansas encountered a strange object and 8/24/1952 #7715 Pittsburg, Kansas Witness: radio station musician 8/25/1952 #7729 Frontenac, Kansas Pittsburg US Highway 160 5:50 a.m 8/25/1952 #7732 m his home northeast of Frontenac, Kansas, to the station at Pittsburg. He 8/25/1952 #7732 In Pittsburg, Kansas at 5:35 a.m. radio station musici 8/25/1952 #7736 Florida Pittsburg, Kansas Battelle issues its sixth status 10/10/1952 #8114 om cases in Florida and Pittsburg, Kansas. The witness questionnaire is fur 10/10/1952 #8114 Wichita, Kansas Witnesses: USAF Maj. R.L. Wallan 11/15/1952 #8280 KANSAS CITY, MO Metal UFO rises / horizo 6/1953 #8919 Coldwater, Kansas Dusk. John Jacob Swaim, 12, is wo 9/2/1954 #10232 at his family’s farm in Coldwater, Kansas, when he sees a small man about 3 9/2/1954 #10232 old John Jacob Swain of Coldwater, Kansas had just finished driving a tract 9/2/1954 #10233 Coldwater, Kansas John J. Swain, 12, was driving a 9/14/1954 #10297 his family's fields in Coldwater, Kansas when he saw a little man no bigge 9/14/1954 #10302 Bet. Virginia and Kansas, air space Airliner pilot saw a d 1/14/1955 #11932 KANSAS CITY, MO B47 pilot. White saucer 7/26/1955 #12287 Kansas City, KS B-47 Encounters Moving A 7/26/1955 #12289 son, KS July 19, 1956; Hutchinson, Kansas, G,V; NAS Tracks UFO (NICAP: 09 - 7/19/1956 #12988 now Hutchinson Air Force Station], Kansas Naval Air Station Hutchinson [now 7/19/1956 #12990 now Hutchinson Air Force Station], Kansas, reports tracking “a moving unide 7/19/1956 #12990 n Naval Air Station in Hutchinson, Kansas a teardrop-shaped UFO was tracked 7/19/1956 #12991 n of a light seen east of Wichita, Kansas. There were several reports from 7/20/1956 #12997 KANSAS CITY, KS 4 saucers / box-formatio 5/23/1957 #13673 At 8:15 in the morning over Kansas City, Kansas four discs were sigh 5/23/1957 #13674 5 in the morning over Kansas City, Kansas four discs were sighted flying in 5/23/1957 #13674 eld [now Topeka Regional Airport], Kansas Mississippi Louisiana Texas Dalla 7/17/1957 #13808 eld [now Topeka Regional Airport], Kansas, on an electronic warfare trainin 7/17/1957 #13808 In Atchison, Kansas around 9:00 p.m. three women watc 8/15/1957 #13901 KANSAS CITY, KS Classic domed saucer wit 8/17/1958 #15205 Kansas City, KS Dome-shaped disc with "p 8/17/1958 #15207 Topeka, Kansas Philip Billard Municipal Airport 11/11/1958 #15438 in the Civil Air Patrol in Topeka, Kansas, wakes up when her bedroom floods 11/11/1958 #15438 A truck driver in Girard, Kansas reported that at 2:00 a.m. an ora 5/18/1959 #15738 Plainville Kansas Witness: Capt. F.A. Henney, engi 10/19/1959 #16042 T-33 jet trainer over Plainville, Kansas at 9:25 p.m. when a bright yellow 10/19/1959 #16043 Wichita, Kansas Witness: Boeing aeronautical eng 8/23/1960 #16409 ng object at 3:24 a.m. in Wichita, Kansas. The object had three yellow ligh 8/23/1960 #16410 KANSAS CITY, KS Project Bluebook Case #7 8/12/1961 #16787 Kansas City, KS Oval object with/fin ext 8/12/1961 #16788 Kansas City, Kansas Two Drake University 8/12/1961 #16789 Kansas City, Kansas Two Drake University students saw 8/12/1961 #16789 Kansas City, Kansas Witnesses: college 8/12/1961 #16790 Kansas City, Kansas Witnesses: college seniors J.B. 8/12/1961 #16790 Old Mission High School Kansas City, Missouri 9:00 p.m. College 8/12/1961 #16791 sion High School on 50th Street in Kansas City, Missouri. It hovers at 50 f 8/12/1961 #16791 In Kansas City, Kansas at 9:00 p.m. two 21- 8/12/1961 #16792 In Kansas City, Kansas at 9:00 p.m. two 21-year-old witn 8/12/1961 #16792 Wichita, Kansas air base in the southwest Day. An 1962 #17006 2 with a full crew out of Wichita, Kansas, headed for an air base in the so 1962 #17006 Oneida, NY Kansas Colorado Eureka, Utah Object was 4/18/1962 #17115 ly direction. Object reported over Kansas, Colorado and Eureka, Utah. The o 4/18/1962 #17115 Oneida, New York Kansas Colorado Las Vegas, Nevada Luke A 4/18/1962 #17120 t silently. There are reports from Kansas and Colorado. NORAD radar picks u 4/18/1962 #17120 bases: New York (Plattsburg AFB); Kansas, (Forbes AFB and McConnell AFB); 4/18/1962 #17120 Topeka Regional Airport], Topeka, Kansas Dawn. An object like an orange or 10/12/1962 #17468 Topeka Regional Airport], Topeka, Kansas. Its flight path is curved upward 10/12/1962 #17468 Topeka, Kansas Night. A TWA Boeing 707 airliner 8/1/1965 #19245 07 airliner flying west of Topeka, Kansas, picks up 12–15 targets on Air In 8/1/1965 #19245 Caldwell, Kansas Hedgerow Night. Two rookie police 8/1/1965 #19246 ookie police officers in Caldwell, Kansas, speed toward the airport to inve 8/1/1965 #19246 hower National Airport Wellington, Kansas 2:30 a.m. Unidentified blips show 8/2/1965 #19265 D. Eisenhower National Airport] in Kansas and continue intermittently until 8/2/1965 #19265 are in the vicinity of Wellington, Kansas. The altitude ranges from 5,000–2 8/2/1965 #19265 the midwestern states, especially Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas. There are re 8/2/1965 #19269 Abilene, Kansas Truck driver Don Tenopir had reac 8/4/1965 #19313 State Highway 15 Abilene Elmo, Kansas 1:30 a.m. Don Tenopir, 44, is dri 8/4/1965 #19319 miles south of Abilene (near Elmo, Kansas), when all his lights go out. The 8/4/1965 #19319 Fort Riley Military Reservation Kansas 2:00 a.m. Aaron David Kaback is o 11/1965 #19695 Fort Riley Military Reservation in Kansas when the duty officer takes him t 11/1965 #19695 KANSAS, OH Project Bluebook Case #10629. 6/8/1966 #20538 Toledo (Between Kansas and), OH Bright silver, cigar-sha 6/8/1966 #20539 lian man, 43, driving west between Kansas and Toledo, saw an object appear 6/8/1966 #20541 Kansas, Ohio Witness: Max Baker. One br 6/8/1966 #20542 ving west on Sandusky Road between Kansas, Ohio and Toledo at 6:45 a.m. whe 6/8/1966 #20546 luding a 1957 memorandum where SAC Kansas City writes the FBI Director abou 7/21/1966 #20664 Joplin, Missouri Pittsburg, Kansas Stone's Corner Coffeyville, Kansa 1/13/1967 #21298 Kansas Stone's Corner Coffeyville, Kansas Springfield, Missouri Newton Coun 1/13/1967 #21298 lained object overhead. Pittsburg, Kansas, police dispatcher James Cunningh 1/13/1967 #21298 use the object seems to be leaving Kansas and heading for Missouri. After r 1/13/1967 #21298 arly morning hours at Coffeyville, Kansas; Joplin, Springfield, and Newton 1/13/1967 #21298 :30 a.m. in his farmhouse in Iola, Kansas to see a round object hovering mo 1/13/1967 #21300 lot was unable to see the object. (Kansas City Star, 2/16/67, copy in NICAP 2/14/1967 #21547 h, New York. A resident of Topeka, Kansas noticed a wide top-shaped UFO wit 2/27/1967 #21678 quit (EM effect). (Salina Journal, Kansas, 4/2/67, copy in NICAP files.) (N 3/1967 #21689 At 8:15 p.m. in Olpe, Kansas nine witnesses spotted a cone-sha 3/6/1967 #21780 ge vacuum cleaner. (Wichita Eagle, Kansas, 3/9/67, copy in NICAP files; McD 3/8/1967 #21801 independent witnesses in Goodland, Kansas. The UFO reportedly made a sound 3/8/1967 #21820 US Highway 56 Hillsboro, Kansas Night. Mary Beth Neufeld and thre 3/21/1967 #21937 way 56 one mile west of Hillsboro, Kansas, when they see a bright object “l 3/21/1967 #21937 ere driving in a car in Hillsboro, Kansas when they saw a bright light ahea 3/21/1967 #21938 Leawood, Kansas 9:15 p.m. Thomas H. Nicholl, his 7/3/1967 #22602 n the Nicholls’s porch in Leawood, Kansas, when they see an unusual orange- 7/3/1967 #22602 Concordia, Kansas 10:30 p.m. Six teenagers returnin 12/5/1967 #23551 om a basketball game in Concordia, Kansas, detour to drive by a cemetery. T 12/5/1967 #23551 5 miles east of Hill City, Kansas Evening. Two witnesses 5 miles ea 4/19/1969 #25069 tnesses 5 miles east of Hill City, Kansas, watch a multi-colored object app 4/19/1969 #25069 e, located 15 miles south of Hays, Kansas. The object was over 100 feet in 6/23/1969 #25233 KANSAS CITY, MO FALL'69. 2 women. UFO ne 11/1969 (approximate) #25443 tewart and Lyle Leppke of Peabody, Kansas were doing their early morning fa 1/22/1971 #25996 Delphos, Kansas 7:00 p.m. Ronald Johnson, 16, is 11/2/1971 #26449 p on his family’s farm at Delphos, Kansas, when he hears a rumbling sound a 11/2/1971 #26449 arm one mile northeast of Delphos, Kansas. Sixteen-year-old Ron Johnson was 11/2/1971 #26450 Delphos, Kansas The tabloid newspaper The Nationa 3/12/1972 #26601 to the Johnson family of Delphos, Kansas, for submitting the 1971 landing 3/12/1972 #26601 ed on top of a Quonset hut in Gem, Kansas at 2:00 a.m., making beeping soun 8/12/1972 #26913 Kansas Kansas City north-central Kansas 12/1973 #28494 Kansas Kansas City north-central Kansas Kansas 12/1973 #28494 Kansas Kansas City north-central Kansas Kansas State University Veterinar 12/1973 #28494 s Kansas City north-central Kansas Kansas State University Veterinarian Lab 12/1973 #28494 terinarian Laboratory in Manhattan Kansas is quietly undergoing an epidemic 12/1973 #28494 wide publicity in the December 22 Kansas City Times, which takes note of t 12/1973 #28494 a dozen counties in north-central Kansas. Many show knife marks on the car 12/1973 #28494 responsible. But according to the Kansas State University Veterinarian Lab 12/1973 #28494 urred two miles east of Concordia, Kansas. 12/20/1973 #28593 was reported in McPherson County, Kansas. 1/8/1974 #28670 Nebraska Kansas Iowa Midwest Newsweek brings the 9/30/1974 #29494 gruesomely mutilated in Nebraska, Kansas, and Iowa,” it lists possible cul 9/30/1974 #29494 Pittsburg, Kansas 9:00 p.m. A married couple and th Late 7/1975 #30204 ing in the country near Pittsburg, Kansas, when the wife notices an object Late 7/1975 #30204 Medford, Minnesota University of Kansas in Lawrence Night. Witnesses in M 11/2/1975 #30540 ard J. Zeller at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, who subjects them to 11/2/1975 #30540 KANSAS CITY, MO Time photograph / cucumb 11/10/1975 #30592 Goodland, Kansas Colorado After 1:00 a.m. A young 6/20/1976 #31116 they are traveling near Goodland, Kansas, en route to Colorado. UFO invest 6/20/1976 #31116 on I-70 five miles west of Colby, Kansas. The Delduca family reported they 6/20/1976 #31117 innesota Marshy area University of Kansas 1:20 a.m. Paul Thompson is drivin 10/22/1976 #31486 s, which are sent to University of Kansas geologist Edward J. Zeller for th 10/22/1976 #31486 Bonner Springs, Kansas 9:45 p.m. An adult couple near Bo 5/11/1977 #32090 adult couple near Bonner Springs, Kansas, see a silent disc-shaped object 5/11/1977 #32090 At 9:45 p.m. in Bonner Springs, Kansas a silent disc-shaped object with 5/11/1977 #32092 y-witnessed radar-visual case near Kansas City. In Belton, Missouri several 8/8/1978 #33488 e was seen east of Bonner Springs, Kansas from Interstate 70, in Wyandotte 9/28/1978 #33771 Herndon, Kansas Atwood, Kansas Culbertson, Nebras 8/2/1979 #34703 Herndon, Kansas Atwood, Kansas Culbertson, Nebraska McCook, Nebr 8/2/1979 #34703 to north over Herndon and Atwood, Kansas; and Culbertson and McCook, Nebra 8/2/1979 #34703 Northern Missouri Northeastern Kansas Edina, Missouri Fairview, Kansas 11/18/1980 #35654 n Kansas Edina, Missouri Fairview, Kansas Kirksville, Missouri Trenton, Mis 11/18/1980 #35654 , Missouri Kirksville area Olathe, Kansas Altus AFB in Oklahoma Grissom AFB 11/18/1980 #35654 northern Missouri and northeastern Kansas, from Edina, Missouri, to Fairvie 11/18/1980 #35654 from Edina, Missouri, to Fairview, Kansas, report a formation of unusual li 11/18/1980 #35654 d at a remote radar station of the Kansas City Air Route Traffic Control Ce 11/18/1980 #35654 ph. A pilot landing at the Olathe, Kansas, Air Route Traffic Control Center 11/18/1980 #35654 r driving to a hospital in central Kansas arrived at the hospital much soon 11/27/1980 #35675 North Arkansas Community College Kansas Springfield, Missouri 8:00 p.m. T 10/2/1982 #36629 onald) is returning from a game in Kansas and are near Springfield, Missour 10/2/1982 #36629 ver a power line pole in Lawrence, Kansas. It flew away toward the northeas 5/4/1983 #36852 Lawrence, Kansas outskirts of Lawrence, Kansas 3:5 5/4/1983 #36854 nce, Kansas outskirts of Lawrence, Kansas 3:50 a.m. Police officer James Ph 5/4/1983 #36854 ht over the outskirts of Lawrence, Kansas, hovering 350 feet over a power l 5/4/1983 #36854 ver a power line pole in Lawrence, Kansas. It flew away toward the northeas 5/4/1983 #36855 ction case occurred on this day in Kansas, perhaps one of the most persuasi 11/6/1989 #39216 on Interstate I-70 near Goodland, Kansas when they started to notice some 11/6/1989 #39216 Interstate 70 west of Goodland, Kansas 12:40 a.m. Two women in their 40s 11/7/1989 #39220 on Interstate 70 west of Goodland, Kansas, when they encounter a UFO and lo 11/7/1989 #39220 In Wichita, Kansas a lone witness reported encounter 6/12/1995 #42253 e Sheriff department in Concordia, Kansas at around 9:00 p.m. reporting two 9/21/1995 #42496 the middle was sighted in Hesston, Kansas at 7:50 p.m. 12/10/1998 #43697 A family in Arkansas City, Kansas observed an immense boomerang-sha 11/9/2002 #44437 ly over traffic on I-35 in Olathe, Kansas at 6:45 p.m. An hour later a simi 1/22/2004 #44655 dinner with his family in Wichita, Kansas at 10:30 p.m. when he saw three l 11/25/2005 #44905 In Fort Riley, Kansas at 9:30 p.m. four glowing rectang 10/28/2007 #45083 Kansas City, Kansas 2:00 a.m. A woman in 6/16/2009 #45226 Kansas City, Kansas 2:00 a.m. A woman in Kansas City, 6/16/2009 #45226 City, Kansas 2:00 a.m. A woman in Kansas City, Kansas, is looking toward a 6/16/2009 #45226 2:00 a.m. A woman in Kansas City, Kansas, is looking toward a public fores 6/16/2009 #45226 Kansas Texas Day. An aircraft matching t 2/2014 #45401 s photographed multiple times over Kansas and Texas. Amateur photographer J 2/2014 #45401 ft while photographing wildlife in Kansas. 2/2014 #45401 Leavenworth, Kansas 11:10 a.m. A witness sees nine wh 11/11/2021 #45721 y of F-16s during the Leavenworth, Kansas, Annual Veterans Day Parade. Prio 11/11/2021 #45721
Word: "kansas-colorado" (Back to Top)
two men on board, flying near the Kansas-Colorado border, reported that ni 7/6/1947 #2819
Word: "kanshov" (Back to Top)
30 a.m. LT. An engineer named T.N. Kanshov saw a bright body twice as large 5/17/1967 #22364
Word: "kansu" (Back to Top)
Kansu Province, China At an open-air mot 10/23/1978 #33861 air motion picture film showing in Kansu Province in China, several Chinese 10/23/1978 #33864
Word: "kant" (Back to Top)
upiter German philosopher Immanuel Kant publishes Universal Natural History 3/1755 #73
Word: "kanto" (Back to Top)
TOHOKU AND KANTO, JPN Several airliners. 16 blue-gr 1/15/1975 #29751
Word: "kanturk" (Back to Top)
with two bright oncoming lights in Kanturk, County Cork, Ireland; one repor 9/10/2001 #44256
Word: "kaoe" (Back to Top)
Kaoe Bay, Indonesia Very brilliant light 8/13/1944 #1643
Word: "kaolin" (Back to Top)
sults show prominent components of kaolin (aluminum silicate), a hydrated m 11/27/1998 #43686
Word: "kaplan" (Back to Top)
mos in New Mexico Physicist Joseph Kaplan, a member of the USAF Scientific 4/27/1948 #3630 and investigations from the area. Kaplan and Lincoln LaPaz meet with secur 4/27/1948 #3630 security personnel at Los Alamos. Kaplan reports that “these occurrences r 4/27/1948 #3630 ndia Base UCLA geophysicist Joseph Kaplan meets with LaPaz at the Universit 2/8/1949 #3998 Washington, D.C. Kaplan meets in Washington, D.C., with V 2/11/1949 #4002 Before Rees has a response, Joseph Kaplan arrives in Albuquerque, New Mexic 4/25/1949 #4109 man Theodore Von Kármán, who wants Kaplan to set up a field investigation. 4/25/1949 #4109 s New Mexico School of Mines Rees, Kaplan, and LaPaz brief Armed Forces Spe 4/27/1949 #4115 Killeen Base in Texas be included. Kaplan, who says the project is “of extr 4/27/1949 #4115 National Laboratory in New Mexico Kaplan, LaPaz, Rees, and Neef meet with 4/28/1949 #4127 Grudge a copy of Rees’s report on Kaplan’s visit on April 28, the trip tha 5/31/1949 #4218 Los Alamos, New Mexico Kaplan responds to a July 1 letter from 7/13/1949 #4269 be held to discuss the phenomena. Kaplan suspects that the fireballs are a 7/13/1949 #4269 resentatives of AFOSI, AMC (Joseph Kaplan and Maj. Frederic C. E. Oder), Fo 10/14/1949 #4394 Pentagon Los Alamos Joseph Kaplan brings the green fireball plan to 11/3/1949 #4409 , trajectories, and soundlessness, Kaplan says, “This high selectivity of d 11/3/1949 #4409 arch and Development Board, Joseph Kaplan’s green fireball project is appro 12/20/1949 #4441 w Mexico New Mexico The efforts of Kaplan and Maj. Oder to start a fireball 3/16/1950 #4655 Physicist Joseph Kaplan visits ATIC to discuss methods of 3/7/1952 #5949 y of his book to pass on to Joseph Kaplan and J. Allen Hynek. In the evenin Early 5/1952 #6249
Word: "kaponga" (Back to Top)
KAPONGA, NZ Farmer. Delta/triangle/box-l 9/5/1956 #13187 t cockpit on the front passed over Kaponga, New Zealand making a hissing no 9/5/1956 #13189
Word: "kapowsin" (Back to Top)
NEAR KAPOWSIN, WA Teen. Truck malfunctions du 4/17/1994 #41494 On this night in Kapowsin, Pierce County, Washington Stat 4/17/1994 #41495
Word: "kappeli" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kappeli” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT 7/25/1984 #37417
Word: "kapunda" (Back to Top)
KAPUNDA, SOUTH AUSTR Teachers and kids. 4/9/1954 #9679
Word: "kapustin" (Back to Top)
istic missiles and atomic bombs at Kapustin Yar test site 5/13/1946 #1990 Kapustin Yar First Russian V-2 missile t 10/18/1947 #3459 First Russian V-2 missile test at Kapustin Yar, 207km (Vehicle disintegrat 10/18/1947 #3459 Kapustin Yar Russian V-2 missile test at 10/20/1947 #3460 in Yar Russian V-2 missile test at Kapustin Yar, 231km (Deviated 181 kilome 10/20/1947 #3460 Kapustin Yar Russian V-2 missile test at 10/23/1947 #3467 in Yar Russian V-2 missile test at Kapustin Yar, 29km (Observation of vehic 10/23/1947 #3467 Kapustin Yar Russian V-2 missile test at 10/28/1947 #3468 in Yar Russian V-2 missile test at Kapustin Yar, 29km (Success) 10/28/1947 #3468 Kapustin Yar Russian V-2 missile test at 10/31/1947 #3470 in Yar Russian V-2 missile test at Kapustin Yar, 2km (Started rolling after 10/31/1947 #3470 Kapustin Yar Russian V-2 missile test at 11/2/1947 #3475 in Yar Russian V-2 missile test at Kapustin Yar, 260km (Success) 11/2/1947 #3475 Kapustin Yar Russian V-2 missile test at 11/2/1947 #3476 in Yar Russian V-2 missile test at Kapustin Yar (2nd that day), 260km (Lost 11/2/1947 #3476 Kapustin Yar Russian V-2 missile test at 11/4/1947 #3479 in Yar Russian V-2 missile test at Kapustin Yar, 268km (Success) 11/4/1947 #3479 Kapustin Yar Russian V-2 missile test at 11/10/1947 #3481 in Yar Russian V-2 missile test at Kapustin Yar, 24km (Control failure) 11/10/1947 #3481 Kapustin Yar Russian V-2 missile test at 11/13/1947 #3486 in Yar Russian V-2 missile test at Kapustin Yar, 270km (Broke up upon re-en 11/13/1947 #3486 Kapustin Yar Russian V-2 missile test at 11/13/1947 #3487 in Yar Russian V-2 missile test at Kapustin Yar, 270km (Launched 5 hours af 11/13/1947 #3487 Kapustin Yar site, Astrakhan Oblast, Rus 6/16/1948 #3671 solid layer of clouds south of the Kapustin Yar site, Astrakhan Oblast, Rus 6/16/1948 #3671 st pilot Aprasksin flying over the Kapustin Yar test flight facility in Ast 6/16/1948 #3672 Kapustin Yar A silver cigarette-like obj 6/19/1948 #3674 e object appeared above the Soviet Kapustin Yar secret atomic/missile test 6/19/1948 #3674 Katrineholm, Sweden Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan Oblast, Russia E 8/21/1948 #3785 1 missile from the Russian base at Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan Oblast, Russia. 8/21/1948 #3785 Kapustin Yar site, Astrakhan Oblast, Rus 5/6/1949 #4158 a new airplane for a flight at the Kapustin Yar site, Astrakhan Oblast, Rus 5/6/1949 #4158 Kapustin Yar At least 11 nuclear explosi 1950's #4456 ons were carried out at the Soviet Kapustin Yar test site, in addition to a 1950's #4456 Kapustin Yar Soviet atomic bomb test R-5 2/5/1956 #12697 Kapustin Test Range Colonel General Sapk 11/1979 #34976 tes over secret rocket test range (Kapustin Test Range — where V-2 was test 11/1979 #34976 Kapustin Yar Astrakhan Oblast Russia Dur 11/1979 #34981 Russia During rocket tests at the Kapustin Yar site, Astrakhan Oblast, Rus 11/1979 #34981 Kapustin Test Range Colonel General Sapk 1986 #37741 l General Sapkov observes UFO over Kapustin Test Range 1986 #37741 KAPUSTIN YAR, RUSSIA KGB report. Silent 7/28/1989 #39034 Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan Oblast, Russia 1 7/28/1989 #39035 n over the rocket weapons depot at Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan Oblast, Russia. 7/28/1989 #39035 h security rocket weapons depot in Kapustin Yar, Astrakhan, Russia at 11:20 7/28/1989 #39036 ject might have been launched from Kapustin Yar, Mangishlak military person 8/28/1991 #40168 ersonnel contacted the Cosmodrome. Kapustin denied any knowledge of the obj 8/28/1991 #40168
Word: "kaput" (Back to Top)
l (observation) / UFO. 10 missiles kaput. Same / great falls / 1966. / r120 3/16/1967 #21894 ines. 1 shoots away. Electric oven kaput. 9/26/1977 #32520
Word: "kapyong" (Back to Top)
KAPYONG, SOUTH KOREA White sphere offloa 9/3/1995 #42438 KAPYONG PROVINCE, SOUTH KOREA Good photo 9/4/1995 #42440
Word: "kara" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kara” YieldMax: 20KT 5/11/1972 #26677
Word: "karab" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Karab” YieldMax: 20KT 3/16/1978 #33042
Word: "karachay" (Back to Top)
Lake Karachay, Russia In 1967 a drought reduc 1967 #21233 ought reduced water levels in Lake Karachay where nuclear waste was being d 1967 #21233
Word: "karachi" (Back to Top)
KARACHI, PAK Multiple Ob. 4 translucent 12/7/1952 #8391
Word: "karaganda" (Back to Top)
In Karaganda, Kazakhstan local resident Mak 12/31/1990 #39932 woke in the middle of the night in Karaganda, Kazakhstan to the sounds of f 1/26/2003 #44480
Word: "karak" (Back to Top)
KARAK, PAHANG, MALAYSIA Several observer 12/1985 #37728
Word: "karamay" (Back to Top)
KARAMAY, CH 2000 observer(s). Silent pla 6/25/1982 #36514
Word: "karas" (Back to Top)
rew of a USAF B-29 (1st Lt. Norman Karas and 1st Lt. William W. Naumann) ov 12/6/1952 #8389
Word: "karasu" (Back to Top)
Esengul, Karasu Region, Kazakhstan A large boat s 11/9/1981 #36213
Word: "karawinna" (Back to Top)
Karawinna area Mildura, Victoria, Austra 9/25/1976 #31428 veling by car between farms in the Karawinna area to the west of Mildura, V 9/25/1976 #31428
Word: "karczma" (Back to Top)
Nowa Karczma Vistula Spit, Poland Day. Frank 8/20/2003 #44577 moke trail above the beach at Nowa Karczma on the Vistula Spit, Poland. 8/20/2003 #44577
Word: "kardashev" (Back to Top)
Kardashev scale Hong-Yee Chiu Russian as 1963 #17620 hiu Russian astrophysicist Nikolai Kardashev examines the radio source CTA- 1963 #17620 years ahead of us, and creates the Kardashev scale to rank such civilizatio 1963 #17620 scale to rank such civilizations. Kardashev defines three levels of civili 1963 #17620 galaxy.” Various extensions of the Kardashev scale have since been proposed 1963 #17620 publication by Academician Nikolai Kardashev, one of the USSR’s top experts 1/1978 #32835
Word: "kardhitsa" (Back to Top)
KARDHITSA, GREECE News report. Silent me 7/25/1930 #1115
Word: "kareeta" (Back to Top)
pants and the object is called the Kareeta. 10/9/1946 #2199
Word: "karelia" (Back to Top)
Impilahti, Karelia [now Russia] Lake Ladoga Evening Late 7/1944 #1623 tationed on a farm near Impilahti, Karelia [now Russia], by Lake Ladoga. He Late 7/1944 #1623 Karelia, Russia Leningrad St. Petersburg 2/1961 #16593 ep on the bank of a frozen lake in Karelia, Russia. It had not been there t 2/1961 #16593 jetliner, landed on Lake Onega in Karelia, Russia and broke through the ic 4/27/1961 #16664 Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia Copenhagen, Denmark Hels 9/20/1977 #32499 s moving slowly over Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia. It is last seen as a se 9/20/1977 #32499 ake Onega Petrozavodsk Republic of Karelia Russia 4:54 p.m. A strange radia 2/19/1982 #36356 om Petrozavodsk in the Republic of Karelia, Russia. The glow is pale blue a 2/19/1982 #36356 Essoyla station Suoyarvi, Karelia, Russia Novye Peski station Zast 2/1985 #37552 Essoyla station through Suoyarvi, Karelia, Russia, for 1 hour and 20 minut 2/1985 #37552 Leningrad St. Petersburg Northern Karelia Vyborg Monchegorsk, Murmansk Obl Early 8/1987 #38225 tched with four others to northern Karelia, where they join up with another Early 8/1987 #38225
Word: "karen" (Back to Top)
Penberville, Ohio Karen Fahle saw a bright object coming t 6/13/1964 #18351 At 9:00 p.m. Karen Fahle of Penberville, Ohio saw a b 6/13/1964 #18353 Ulysses, Oklahoma Karen Campbell was scared by an oval, du 9/11/1964 #18549 At 5:30 p.m. Karen Manning was busy cooking in her se 6/15/1994 #41568
Word: "kargil" (Back to Top)
Ladakh Arunachal Pradash Kargil Leh Thakung Lake Pangong Tso Hima 8/1/2012 #45350 th Corps, which is deployed in the Kargil and Leh districts and patrols the 8/1/2012 #45350
Word: "kargowa" (Back to Top)
Kargowa, Poland Wolsztyn 2:00 a.m. A cou 9/17/1977 #32492 yn 2:00 a.m. A couple driving near Kargowa, Poland, notice two unusual ligh 9/17/1977 #32492
Word: "kariambkam" (Back to Top)
:30 p.m. about a hundred people in Kariambkam, Madras, India saw the passag 11/27/1954 #11714
Word: "kariba" (Back to Top)
LAKE KARIBA, ZIMB Colored night lights / tria 10/17/1992 #40681 ect rises over hills. Crosses Lake Kariba. 9/14/1994 #41747 n Zambia Zvishavane, Zimbabwe Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe 8:50–9:05 p.m. A brilli 9/14/1994 #41749 north to south. Witnesses at Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe, variously see three or 9/14/1994 #41749
Word: "karig" (Back to Top)
Navy Capt. Walter Karig, author of the 1947 novel Zotz!, w 11/22/1953 #9314
Word: "karin" (Back to Top)
man Ernst W. Akerberg and his wife Karin are at their summer cottage on the 8/5/1957 #13881
Word: "karisruhe" (Back to Top)
squadron while it was flying over Karisruhe, Germany on this night. The tw 12/24/1944 #1733
Word: "karkanis" (Back to Top)
mation on his land. On May 1, Pano Karkanis of the University of Lethbridge 4/1/2001 #44156
Word: "karkkila" (Back to Top)
KARKKILA, FINL 4 teens. Cylinder/cigar-s 11/1947 (approximate) #3471
Word: "karl" (Back to Top)
ommends granting it. MIT physicist Karl Taylor Compton is allocated $340,00 12/18/1941 #1379 chairman, and Lyman James Briggs, Karl Taylor Compton, Ernest Lawrence, an 6/19/1942 #1417 orrbotten County, Sweden 3:00 p.m. Karl and Tyra Axberg are sitting on the 7/19/1946 #2072 pment Board, passing the job on to Karl Taylor Compton. 10/1948 #3820 Karl Taylor Compton resigns as chairman 11/3/1949 #4410 Aztec, New Mexico According to Karl T. Pflock, two CIA agents clandesti 3/1950 #4566 , possibly by microwave radiation. Karl Pflock thinks it is a hoax, but Jer 8/19/1952 #7651 Wiesbaden, Germany Karl L. Veit founds the Deutsche UFO/IFO 10/1956 #13256 Isla La Orchila, Venezuela Capt. Karl Hars Dersson and the crew of the Da 12/13/1956 #13400 rchila Island, Venezuela Caribbean Karl Lars Dersson is walking on the deck 12/13/1959 #16117 tific Intelligence Deputy Director Karl H. Weber writes to Col. Gerald E. J 8/15/1966 #20748 bridge, Great Britain Lorry driver Karl Farlow told police that as his ligh 11/5/1967 #23407 Truck driver Karl Farlow told police that at 11:30 p. 11/5/1967 #23408 , Hampshire, England, truck driver Karl Farlow (or Barlow) finds that the l 11/6/1967 #23414 Bad Traunstein, Austria 11:30 p.m. Karl Fichtinger watches an odd orange-ye 10/28/1973 #28310 taff, among them Joseph Bryan III, Karl T. Pflock, Stuart Nixon, John Acuff 1/1979 #34268 tacts the Austrian Air Force. Maj. Karl Schwarz orders three Saab 105 aircr 5/7/1980 #35315 Turnpike northwest Ohio 8:30 p.m. Karl Stewart is driving eastbound on the 3/21/1982 #36404 Indian Head Resort UFO researchers Karl Pflock and Peter Brookesmith organi 9/2000 #44035 enville Empire-Tribune, calls Maj. Karl Lewis, spokesman for the 301st Figh 1/8/2008 #45112
Word: "karl-gösta" (Back to Top)
up and thrown on the shore. Lieut. Karl-Gösta Bartoll from the Boden engine 7/19/1946 #2071 t 600 feet. A military team led by Karl-Gösta Bartoll can find no trace of 7/19/1946 #2072
Word: "karla" (Back to Top)
lege instructor College instructor Karla Turner and her husband are in coun 1988 #38383 gray aliens. Several nights later, Karla awakens to sounds of clicks and bu 1988 #38383 y was involved. After one session, Karla, her husband, and a third person s 1988 #38383 Karla Turner writes Taken, in which she 1994 #41345
Word: "karlovy" (Back to Top)
KARLOVY VARY, CZK AND WIDE AREA 35M airs 12/2/1983 #37061
Word: "karlsborg" (Back to Top)
an oval-shaped object in Undenas, Karlsborg Municipality, Vastra Gotaland 5/3/1979 #34539
Word: "karlskoga" (Back to Top)
30 p.m. two young men driving near Karlskoga Airport, Orebro, Sweden experi 11/1/1971 #26444 NEAR KARLSKOGA, SWD Private pilot. 50-100M sa 10/1/1988 #38662
Word: "karlskrona" (Back to Top)
KARLSKRONA AND HUDDINGS AND HAGALUND, SW 5/25/1946 (approximate) #1998 KARLSKRONA, SWD 5' cylinder/cigar-shape 8/13/1946 #2126 Karlskrona, Sweden 8:00 p.m. A cigar-sha 8/13/1946 #2132 ped object flies past a witness at Karlskrona, Sweden, at a distance of onl 8/13/1946 #2132
Word: "karlsrhue" (Back to Top)
Frankfurt and Karlsrhue btn., Germany Three to four ve 12/1944 #1715
Word: "karlsruhe" (Back to Top)
KARLSRUHE, GERM Red ball going up [to] a 12/24/1944 #1732
Word: "karlsson" (Back to Top)
his night at 9:45 p.m. Mrs. Sigrid Karlsson and her son Robert saw an objec 5/3/1973 #27465 , Jonkoping, Sweden to a man named Karlsson. 8/16/1973 #27707 A 65-year-old woman named Karlsson had a close encounter with an o 5/3/1979 #34539 Lilli Karlsson, a young woman, was taking a wa 12/4/1979 #35052
Word: "karlstad" (Back to Top)
NEAR KARLSTAD, MN Saucer paces. Responds / fl 8/1972 #26859
Word: "karma" (Back to Top)
h deep esoteric subjects including karma and reincarnation and describes Ph 1905 #673 entury America where his Atlantean karma plays itself out. In that incarnat 1905 #673
Word: "karman" (Back to Top)
type warned about in Parsons, von Karman and Goddard: A Door Unlocked.” “ 3/11/1998 #43532
Word: "karnes" (Back to Top)
Karnes City, TX Night shift. UFO encount Summer 1971 #26183 WEST / KARNES CITY, TX 6 observer(s). Circular 8/1971 (approximate) #26257
Word: "karoi" (Back to Top)
KAROI, RHODESIA Odd sphere/orb/globe pac 7/6/1975 #30163
Word: "karol" (Back to Top)
00 feet above the flight deck. QM3 Karol Olesiak states it reminded him of 5/9/2022 #45747
Word: "karoonda" (Back to Top)
Murray Bridge, South Australia Karoonda Highway Night. A witness is dri 7/5/1967 #22616 ay Bridge, South Australia, on the Karoonda Highway when he notices interfe 7/5/1967 #22616 MARANA TO/FROM KAROONDA, SOUTH AUSTR 3+3+1 observer(s). 10/31/1973 #28322
Word: "karrawinna" (Back to Top)
At 11:00 p.m. between Mildura and Karrawinna, Victoria, Australia four wit 9/25/1976 #31429
Word: "kars" (Back to Top)
A witness in Kars, Ottawa, Ontario reported being wok 7/31/2007 #45041
Word: "karsicujo" (Back to Top)
nako," said to him, "Krebs, Navis, Karsicujo and Krero." Only partially par 1/25/1968 #23700
Word: "karson" (Back to Top)
avy crypto communications operator Karson Kammerzell says he was on the USS 11/30/2020 #45665
Word: "karsten" (Back to Top)
e Research Institute Mathematician Karsten Jöred replaces Arne Gjärdman as 2000 #43912
Word: "karth" (Back to Top)
rooks (D-La.) appoints Rep. Joseph Karth (DFL-Minn.) head of a Subcommittee 5/1961 #16672 Space Problems and Life Sciences. Karth and two other members plan for hea 5/1961 #16672 subcommittee headed by Rep. Joseph Karth. Meanwhile, Rep. Overton Brooks me 8/4/1961 #16777 Rep. Karth writes a harsh letter to Keyhoe an 8/28/1961 #16806 has smoothed things over with Rep. Karth, who writes: “Now that we better u 9/19/1961 #16856
Word: "karumba" (Back to Top)
KARUMBA, AUST Several observer(s). Silen 7/8/1959 #15824 hunters saw a similar object near Karumba Lodge. 7/14/1959 #15851 hunters saw a similar object near Karumba Lodge. 7/14/1959 #15853
Word: "karumbakham" (Back to Top)
KARUMBAKHAM, INDIA 100 observer(s). Sauc 11/27/1954 #11712
Word: "karup" (Back to Top)
KARUP AIRPORT, DK 3 Air Force officers. 9/20/1952 #7985 Air Base Karup Jutland, Denmark 7:30 p.m. At Air 9/20/1952 #7988 and, Denmark 7:30 p.m. At Air Base Karup in Jutland, Denmark, three Danish 9/20/1952 #7988 KARUP AIRPORT, JUTLAND, DK Military obse 11/12/1952 #8260 KARUP J., DK Yellow luminous/glowing bal 9/1974 (approximate) #29408 SOUTHWEST / KARUP AIRPORT/APARTMENT, DK Repeat obser 4/27/1993 #40952
Word: "kary" (Back to Top)
y, California Midnight. Biochemist Kary Mullis (who in 1993 won a Nobel Pri Summer 1985 #37606
Word: "karyakin" (Back to Top)
0 miles to the west, Lt. Col. Oleg Karyakin hears a low- frequency booming 6/14/1980 #35367
Word: "kasa-vubu" (Back to Top)
luding Mobutu Sese Seko and Joseph Kasa-Vubu, receive money and weapons dir 1/17/1961 #16578
Word: "kasama" (Back to Top)
MANSA TO/FROM KASAMA NORTH RHODESIA 2 / car. Night lig 4/2/1955 (approximate) #12078
Word: "kaseman" (Back to Top)
Anna Kaseman Hospital in Albuquerque After ei 8/1988 #38611 in danger, commits him to the Anna Kaseman Hospital in Albuquerque, where h 8/1988 #38611
Word: "kaser" (Back to Top)
CAA air traffic controllers R. M. Kaser and E. G. Brink see a highly maneu 11/4/1957 #14289
Word: "kash" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kash” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT 6/12/1980 #35360
Word: "kashan" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kashan” YieldMax: 20KT 5/24/1973 #27525
Word: "kasher" (Back to Top)
with NASA. However, physicist Jack Kasher and Mark Carlotto dispute that ex 9/15/1991 #40187 at least a dozen distinct events. Kasher’s analysis reveals that the objec 9/15/1991 #40187
Word: "kashmere" (Back to Top)
KASHMERE GARDENS, TX Silver disk / fireb 7/12/1947 #3155
Word: "kasimierz" (Back to Top)
lec Airport air traffic controller Kasimierz Lubertowicz scrambles an Iskra 7/13/1984 #37395
Word: "kaspar" (Back to Top)
NURNBERG, GERM Kaspar Hauser age 17. Apparently raised 5/28/1828 #123
Word: "kasseri" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kasseri” Yield: 200KT YieldMax: 1000KT 10/28/1975 #30502
Word: "kasten" (Back to Top)
way. According to researcher Kathy Kasten, the dead bodies are taken to Ros 7/5/1947 #2722
Word: "kasting" (Back to Top)
December — After sunset. Norman W. Kasting is flying on a commercial airlin 12/20/1971 #26509
Word: "kastl" (Back to Top)
:50 p.m. Railroad engineer Charles Kastl sees 9 or 10 spinning discs in the 6/24/1947 #2397 ter than anything I’ve ever seen.” Kastl can see no connecting link between 6/24/1947 #2397
Word: "kasuga" (Back to Top)
MT. KASUGA, JAPAN Dark object makes 'wheel-l 3/8/1468 (approximate) #23
Word: "kataghan" (Back to Top)
landing” of a flying saucer in the Kataghan province of Afghanistan. USAF a 1/24/1956 #12681
Word: "katahdin" (Back to Top)
KATAHDIN IRON WORKS, ME 1 observer. 8' c 9/30/1992 #40648 p.m. an 81-year-old woman in Mount Katahdin Iron Works Park, Maine had a cl 9/30/1992 #40652
Word: "katanga" (Back to Top)
] Democratic Republic of the Congo Katanga DRC Prime Minister Patrice Lumum 1/17/1961 #16578 for his transfer to his enemies in Katanga, he is involved in arranging Lum 1/17/1961 #16578
Word: "katanning" (Back to Top)
KATANNING, AUS Blinding object hovers ov 1/20/1966 #19860 Katanning, AU 11-12:30 a.m. An object wi 1/20/1966 #19861 ed over a car eleven miles west of Katanning, New South Wales, Australia. I 1/20/1966 #19862
Word: "katarzyna" (Back to Top)
yrownica Magnusy, Poland 8:00 a.m. Katarzyna Kolińska is on her way to scho 9/27/1978 #33761
Word: "katchongva" (Back to Top)
ndian elders, among them Chief Dan Katchongva, that he is a true prophet he 8/7/1970 #25775
Word: "kate" (Back to Top)
.m. Bjørn Taraldsen, Nils M. Turi, Kate Julsen, and Rasmus Hykkerud watch a 6/1/1958 #15074 ere Bjorn Taraldsen, Nils M. Turi, Kate Julsen, and Rasmus Hykkerud. When o 6/1/1958 #15075 plain Campton, New Hampshire Dusk. Kate Chmurny, an archaeologist at Plymou 10/20/1978 #33847
Word: "kathie" (Back to Top)
an-Kauble (using the pseudonym of “Kathie Davis”) and her mother see a ligh Early 7/1983 #36900 an-Kauble (using the pseudonym of “Kathie Davis”) an Indianapolis woman who 4/1987 #38155
Word: "kathleen" (Back to Top)
hey were accompanied by beautician Kathleen Hill and her two sons and anoth 9/11/1952 #7896 f a hill and went to the site with Kathleen Hill and three men. They observ 9/12/1952 #7902 home of the May brothers’ mother, Kathleen May, where they tell the story 9/12/1952 #7905 the site. They were accompanied by Kathleen Hill and three men. They observ 9/12/1952 #7906 New Matamoras, Ohio Kathleen O’Rourke is asleep with her two 8/1959 #15889 ng the first and half sailing over Kathleen. They all then move to her bed 8/1959 #15889 se include William Butcher Jr. and Kathleen Brougham, a friend. They do not 8/19/1965 #19427 Toledo, Oregon Reeves home Kathleen Reeves and a friend are walking 3/1966 #19930 see another smaller, duller light. Kathleen thinks it might be a prank, so 3/1966 #19930 On this night Mrs. Kathleen glanced out the kitchen door of 11/5/1966 #21078 ct were brightly lit windows. Mrs. Kathleen could see in these windows a ma 11/5/1966 #21078 n this night a married woman named Kathleen saw a Saturn-shaped UFO with ma 11/11/1966 #21091 n the northwest. He calls his wife Kathleen and others, and they watch it m 7/27/1979 #34683 ly made aware of the effort, as is Kathleen Hollingsworth, an assistant to 1/24/2000 #43934 Kathleen Marden reports on a survey of a 8/3/2012 #45351 US US Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks establishes the Airborne 11/23/2021 #45724
Word: "kathmandu" (Back to Top)
ill AFB that a diplomatic visit to Kathmandu was a “fishing expedition” for 3/1968 #23799 NORTH / KATHMANDU, NPL Mountain climbers. Large 9/26/1981 (approximate) #36138
Word: "kathy" (Back to Top)
ious away. According to researcher Kathy Kasten, the dead bodies are taken 7/5/1947 #2722 At 12:30 a.m. CDT Kathy Palmer, age 14, looked out the win 8/1/1966 #20720 At 7:45 p.m. Kathy Skolem of Portland, Connecticut, a 10/3/1967 #23172 ne, Iowa 11:00 p.m. Patti Barr and Kathy Mahr, two teenage cousins, hear a 7/12/1969 #25264 Libertyville, Illinois 2:30 a.m. Kathy Freeman watches a bright star that 6/25/1982 #36516 INDIANAPOLIS, IN Kathy Davis (Debbie Jordan) abduction. R 6/30/1983 #36894 Indianapolis, IN Kathy Davis Abduction at Kitley Woods. ( 6/30/1983 #36895 r Indianapolis, Indiana a mother, "Kathy Davis" and her daughter separately 6/30/1983 #36896 dianapolis, IN 2:00 AM. The second Kathy Davis abduction. (Sympap,84) (NICA 10/3/1983 #36993 thern Ohio hills Evening. Rich and Kathy Dicenzo, their children, and a fam Early Autumn 1987 #38274 0 feet. Geologists Euen Nisbet and Kathy Silva, working in Zvishavane, Zimb 9/14/1994 #41749
Word: "katie" (Back to Top)
Oak Grove, Louisiana 7:00 a.m. Katie Sowell watches an object about 30– 1/1/1951 #5382
Word: "katiuscia" (Back to Top)
light with the help of his cousin Katiuscia da Cunha Lopes for 4.5 minutes 1/2/1998 #43486
Word: "katonah" (Back to Top)
KATONAH, NY Many eastbound / SR 35. Delt 6/24/1984 #37376
Word: "katoomba" (Back to Top)
KATOOMBA, AUS Night lights. Brilliant ov 7/17/1957 #13806 KATOOMBA, AUSTR Huge luminous/glowing cy 11/10/1957 #14511
Word: "katowice" (Back to Top)
Mierzęcice Air Base [now Katowice Airport], Poland During interce 1980 #35116 from the Mierzęcice Air Base [now Katowice Airport], Poland, notice a sauc 1980 #35116 ad in the countryside near Olkusz, Katowice, Poland at around 9 p.m. when t 1/30/1983 #36756
Word: "katrineholm" (Back to Top)
KATRINEHOLM, SWD Several observer(s). Pl 5/31/1946 #2001 Katrineholm, Sweden 11:43 a.m. A huge, m 5/31/1946 #2002 apidly at 1,000 feet altitude over Katrineholm, Sweden. 5/31/1946 #2002 Katrineholm, Sweden Kapustin Yar, Astrak 8/21/1948 #3785 Russian rocket trail is seen over Katrineholm, Sweden, that remains visibl 8/21/1948 #3785
Word: "katta-kurgan" (Back to Top)
Katta-Kurgan, Uzbekistan An 80 meter lon 7/8/1978 #33354 meter long ovoid object flew over Katta-Kurgan, Uzbekistan toward the sout 7/8/1978 #33356 KATTA-KURGAN, UZBEK 80M ovoid going quic 7/8/1984 #37389
Word: "kattakurgan" (Back to Top)
Kattakurgan tactical nuclear missile bas 10/1984 #37473 descending at a 45° angle near the Kattakurgan tactical nuclear missile bas 10/1984 #37473
Word: "kattegat" (Back to Top)
traced them and moved out over the Kattegat. As it passed over the shore it 4/13/1967 #22128
Word: "kattenau" (Back to Top)
Kattenau, East Prussia Furmanovka, Kalin 3/22/1880 #226 izon and pass from east to west at Kattenau, East Prussia [now Furmanovka, 3/22/1880 #226
Word: "katterbach" (Back to Top)
SOUTH / KATTERBACH, GERM 3 observer(s). Small wh 3/2/1954 #9591
Word: "kattistjarn" (Back to Top)
LK KATTISTJARN, SWD 1 observer. Big roar / 7/19/1946 #2067
Word: "kattisträsket" (Back to Top)
Lake Kattisträsket, Sweden Boden 11:30 a.m. K 7/19/1946 #2070 s fishing at the north end of Lake Kattisträsket, Sweden, when he hears a r 7/19/1946 #2070
Word: "katy" (Back to Top)
icity gimmick, two radio stations (KATY [now KYNS] of San Luis Obispo and K 4/28/1956 #12817 KATY, TX Unnatural silence. Boomerang UF 7/22/1982 #36542 Katy, TX Three witnesses saw a dark boom 7/22/1982 #36544 Interstate 10 near Katy, Texas 7:00 p.m. A married couple i 2/3/2016 #45444 e is driving on Interstate 10 near Katy, Texas, when they look up through t 2/3/2016 #45444
Word: "kauai" (Back to Top)
KAUAI ISLAND, HI 5 county officials. Sil 1/17/1950 #4496 100MI NORTHWEST / KAUAI IS., HI CAA C54 crew. 6 red night 4/1950 #4782 G SAND TR STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY / KAUAI, HI Odd "rocket-meteor" falls to s 8/3/1965 #19275 EAST SHORE / KAUAI, HI 2 observer(s). 3 photographs 2 1/2/1975 #29692 Kauai, HI Photo of Saturn-shaped object 1/2/1975 #29696 Kauai, HI Photo of Saturn-shaped object 1/2/1975 #29700 Kauai Sands Hotel Maui, Hawaii 2:45 p.m. 1/2/1975 #29701 are relaxing on the beach near the Kauai Sands Hotel on the east side of th 1/2/1975 #29701 2:45 p.m. on the eastern shore of Kauai, Hawaii a married couple took thre 1/2/1975 #29704
Word: "kauffman" (Back to Top)
:30 p.m. High-school student Chris Kauffman is gazing at the night sky in A 7/18/1958 #15149
Word: "kaufmann" (Back to Top)
enzie (a pseudonym, actually Frank Kaufmann), stationed at Roswell Army Air 7/1/1947 #2501 -discredited Roswell witness Frank Kaufmann, who claims he was ordered to b 7/1/1947 #2524 the radar reports claimed by Frank Kaufmann). On the plane is Warrant Offic 7/4/1947 #2668 ot find it. Before midnight, Frank Kaufmann allegedly sees a brilliant glow 7/4/1947 #2670 discredited Roswell witness Frank Kaufmann returns to Roswell Army Air Fie 7/5/1947 #2718 discredited Roswell witness Frank Kaufmann, a small contingent of men from 7/5/1947 #2721 gely considered a forgery by Frank Kaufmann. Garrigues has assumed duties i 7/25/1947 #3230 gely considered a forgery by Frank Kaufmann. 7/30/1947 #3261 gely considered a forgery by Frank Kaufmann. 9/25/1947 #3427
Word: "kauhajoki" (Back to Top)
KAUHAJOKI, FINL 2+1 separate observer(s) 12/22/1972 #27183 ay as they drove around a curve in Kauhajoki, Finland at two o'clock in the 12/22/1972 #27184
Word: "kaukauna" (Back to Top)
ht in each of its three corners in Kaukauna, Wisconsin. It flew overhead at 7/6/1999 #43792
Word: "kauke" (Back to Top)
o the testing grounds with John R. Kauke and NRL scientist Curtis C. Rockwo 6/29/1947 #2467
Word: "kaunas" (Back to Top)
Warsaw, Poland Kaunas Fortress, Lithuania Modlin Fortre 3/23/1892 #301 are seen March 22 or earlier over Kaunas Fortress, Lithuania; and Modlin F 3/23/1892 #301 KAUNAS, LITHUANIA Long cylinder/cigar-sh 2/18/1979 #34433
Word: "kauppi" (Back to Top)
Four boys, Bob & John Kangas, Mike Kauppi, and Scott Mackay, ages 9-12, wer 3/12/1967 #21874
Word: "kauri" (Back to Top)
KAURI MOUNTAIN, NI, NZ 2 / telescope. Gl 11/23/1969 #25468 escope a glowing ovoid object over Kauri Mountain, New Zealand that moved u 11/23/1969 #25469
Word: "kautokeino" (Back to Top)
Word: "kavkaskiy" (Back to Top)
Word: "kavkazkiy" (Back to Top)
Kavkazkiy, Russia 9:15 p.m. I. Kosov, hi 7/31/1967 #22758
Word: "kawagoe" (Back to Top)
KAWAGOE, JAPAN Toho airline(s)/airliner 8/17/1979 #34750
Word: "kawalski" (Back to Top)
Chester, Montana 6:30 p.m. George Kawalski, a section foreman for the Grea 2/9/1967 #21491
Word: "kawanoe" (Back to Top)
t for this walk along the beach in Kawanoe City, Shikoku Province, Japan wh 3/31/1975 #29928
Word: "kawasaki" (Back to Top)
Kawasaki, Japan The records of the 20th 4/3/1945 #1836
Word: "kaweah" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kaweah” Yield: 20KT 2/21/1963 #17677
Word: "kawerau" (Back to Top)
Kawerau, New Zealand Gisborne Early morn 3/12/1978 #33036 ne Early morning. A mill worker at Kawerau, New Zealand, is driving back to 3/12/1978 #33036
Word: "kawich" (Back to Top)
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Kawich A-White” YieldMax: 40KT 12/9/1988 #38749
Word: "kawich-red" (Back to Top)
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Kawich-Red” YieldMax: 40KT 2/24/1989 #38849
Word: "kay" (Back to Top)
lying Saucer, ghostwritten by Mary Kay Tennison. 7/28/1952 #7260 edford, Minnesota, including Helen Kay, see a brilliant orange-red light go 11/2/1975 #30540
Word: "kayal" (Back to Top)
ofessor for Space Technology Hakan Kayal has set up SkyCAM-5 on the roof of 12/15/2021 #45728 ng video sequences in a database,” Kayal explains. 12/15/2021 #45728
Word: "kaye" (Back to Top)
y Englishman Jeffrey (or Geoffrey) Kaye with the promise of funding a new U 8/1984 #37426 Funding from the British investor Kaye has fallen through, and Choate and 11/22/1985 #37720 lifornia Sierra Highway 11:15 a.m. Kaye Stricker is stopped at a traffic li 8/3/1988 #38613
Word: "kayenta" (Back to Top)
NEAR KAYENTA, AZ AAL crew. UFO going southwes 4/21/1981 #35911
Word: "kayko" (Back to Top)
lligence officers (Capt. Wilson H. Kayko, Capt. John H. Cantrell, 1st Lt. T 6/28/1947 #2448
Word: "kayseri" (Back to Top)
EAST / KAYSERI, TURK Military C47 crew. Grey 20 9/5/1975 #30345
Word: "kaysing" (Back to Top)
S NASA moon Area 51 US writer Bill Kaysing publishes a book claiming that N 1976 #30743
Word: "kazak" (Back to Top)
south to north near the steamboat Kazak Ussuriyskiy moored on Lake Khanka. 6/1/1899 #635 SEMIPALATINSK, KAZAK 1st Soviet atom bomb test detected 8/29/1949 #4338 s-saucer zigzags going northeast / Kazak Mountains / r97#50. 8/16/1960 #16391 TURGAY, KAZAK Military and civil. Campers chased 6/25/1979 (approximate) #34628 ALMA ATA, KAZAK Thin 2500M needle-cylinder/cigar-s 10/25/1988 #38691 ALMA ATA, KAZAK Dozens / military Officers. Steel 7/24/1996 #42964
Word: "kazakh" (Back to Top)
PAVLODAR, KAZAKH Flying man comes within 40M / sch 1/1936 (approximate) #1241 URALSK, KAZAKH SSR 32+observer(s). Night light c 5/30/1958 #15060 KAZAKH LOCATION UNKNOWN Geology Professo 8/16/1960 #16388 PETROPAVLOVSK, KAZAKH 4 observer(s). 2 saucers maneuver 3/1964 #18142 UST'KAMENOGORSK, KAZAKH SSR Engineer. Saucer 2 xMOON sout 5/17/1967 #22360 SHEVCHENKO, KAZAKH Huge cylinder/cigar-shape flies o 9/1/1989 #39084
Word: "kazakhstan" (Back to Top)
nsk in Semipalatinsk Test Site, NE Kazakhstan (Joe 1) 8/29/1949 #4337 Kazakhstan Semipalatinsk Test Site 7:00 8/29/1949 #4340 at the Semipalatinsk Test Site in Kazakhstan. The design is very similar t 8/29/1949 #4340 USSR Semipalatinsk Test Site Kazakhstan The USSR tests its first ther 8/12/1953 #9065 at the Semipalatinsk Test Site in Kazakhstan. A tenfold increase in explos 8/12/1953 #9065 Semipalatinsk Test Site Kazakhstan The first Soviet test of a tr 11/22/1955 #12586 at the Semipalatinsk Test Site in Kazakhstan. 11/22/1955 #12586 Russia Kazakhstan Baikonur Cosmodrome Pacific O 8/27/1957 #13936 a, from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The dummy warhead lands in t 8/27/1957 #13936 Baikonur Cosmodrome Kazakhstan The Soviets launch Sputnik 3 5/15/1958 #15035 tnik 3 from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. 5/15/1958 #15035 akistan Semipalatinsk Test Site in Kazakhstan Dolon Air Base in Semey, Kaza 4/9/1960 #16219 azakhstan Dolon Air Base in Semey, Kazakhstan SAM test site near Saryshagan 4/9/1960 #16219 tan SAM test site near Saryshagan, Kazakhstan Baikonur Cosmodrome near Tyur 4/9/1960 #16219 Baikonur Cosmodrome near Tyuratam, Kazakhstan Iranian airstrip at Zahedan T 4/9/1960 #16219 ver the Semipalatinsk Test Site in Kazakhstan; the Dolon Air Base in Semey, 4/9/1960 #16219 stan; the Dolon Air Base in Semey, Kazakhstan; a SAM test site near Sarysha 4/9/1960 #16219 ; a SAM test site near Saryshagan, Kazakhstan; and the Baikonur Cosmodrome 4/9/1960 #16219 Baikonur Cosmodrome near Tyuratam, Kazakhstan. The plane is detected by Sov 4/9/1960 #16219 Peshawar, Pakistan Baikonur, Kazakhstan Chelyabinsk, Russia Plesetsk 5/1/1960 #16248 rial reconnaissance over Baikonur, Kazakhstan, and Chelyabinsk, Russia. Pow 5/1/1960 #16248 Kazakhstan Soviet subsurface nuclear exp 1/15/1965 #18735 Baikonur Cosmodrome, Soviet Kazakhstan Soviet N-1 super heavy rocket 10/1965 #19626 to the Semipalatinsk Test Site in Kazakhstan Menlo Park, California Monte 7/9/1974 #29253 to the Semipalatinsk Test Site in Kazakhstan for the Stanford Research Ins 7/9/1974 #29253 Esengul, Karasu Region, Kazakhstan A large boat shaped, green co 11/9/1981 #36213 Baikonur cosmodrome, Kazakhstan Two UFOs allegedly hover abov 6/1/1982 #36489 ver above the Baikonur cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, for 14 seconds, one of them 6/1/1982 #36489 ankets in Rudnyi, Kustanay region, Kazakhstan when she saw a luminous spher 9/13/1990 #39730 In Karaganda, Kazakhstan local resident Maksim Abramts 12/31/1990 #39932 Almaty, Kazakhstan Kok Tobe Mountain Afternoon. 4/19/1991? #40041 wo militiamen on patrol in Almaty, Kazakhstan, notice a flare at the top of 4/19/1991? #40041 Lake Issyk-Kul near the border of Kazakhstan. A month later reports began 8/28/1991 #40168 ARKALYK, KAZAKHSTAN Many observer(s). Saucer hour 10/9/1991 #40208 Kazakhstan Republic, USSR B-747 encounte 1/27/1994 #41383 Kazakhstan Republic Luminous UFO maneuve 1/27/1994 #41384 middle of the night in Karaganda, Kazakhstan to the sounds of footsteps, t 1/26/2003 #44480
Word: "kazakstan" (Back to Top)
p.m. a science writer in Ural'sk, Kazakstan, USSR watched as a red light m 5/30/1958 #15062 Eight geophysicists working in the Kazakstan Mountains near the Barakhudzir 8/16/1960 #16397 er, 18 kilometers north of Koktal, Kazakstan, U.S.S.R. saw a bright orange 8/16/1960 #16397
Word: "kazan" (Back to Top)
KAZAN, RUSSIA Astronomers and more/other 7/18/1967 #22690 0 p.m. Astronomer Z. Kadikov, from Kazan Engelgardt observatory, saw a brig 10/18/1967 #23261 KAZAN, RUSSIA 2 / airport. Red Saturn sp 11/6/1967 #23410 Kazan, Russia Night. A luminous red Satu 11/6/1967 #23413 KAZAN, TATAR, RUSSIA 2 astronomers. Half 11/7/1967 #23418 ULYANOVSK, KAZAN, RUSSIA Observer(s) give food to 7 7/1986? #37926 ULYANOVSK, KAZAN, RUSSIA Pilots Air Traffic Control 4/6/1990 #39512
Word: "kazan'" (Back to Top)
At 11:00 p.m. a couple in Kazan', Russia saw a red, Saturn-shaped 11/6/1967 #23416
Word: "kazantsev" (Back to Top)
. Members include author Alexander Kazantsev, engineer Arkady Tikhonov, a c 10/18/1967 #23265 n science-fiction writer Alexander Kazantsev, aerospace engineer Vadim Cher 1980 #35114
Word: "kazik" (Back to Top)
t monsters from the distant planet Kazik. Even Barker concedes privately th 9/28/1953 #9186
Word: "kazimierz" (Back to Top)
raterska street Old Town 5:00 p.m. Kazimierz Bzowski and other resistance f 4/9/1943 #1494 Mielec airfield, Poland 8:00 p.m. Kazimierz Lubertowicz, chief of air traf Late Summer 1984 #37434
Word: "kazmar" (Back to Top)
rona 8:00 p.m. Police officer Glen Kazmar and Jeff Furseth watch a triangul 1/15/1987 #38099 eporting the lights. At 3:20 a.m., Kazmar and Furseth see the object move t 1/15/1987 #38099
Word: "kb-29" (Back to Top)
in Islands Witnesses: crew of USAF KB-29 aerial tanker plane. Radar tracke 6/24/1953 #8967
Word: "kb-50" (Back to Top)
NC Object On Collision Course With KB-50 Tanker, Circles (NICAP: 11 - Aviat 11/4/1958 #15424 Carolina 9:03 p.m. The pilot of a KB-50 USAF tanker is in the downwind leg 11/4/1958 #15425
Word: "kb-88" (Back to Top)
from Kirtland AFB Building 21 Unit KB-88; it describes a recovery and dispo 1954 #9424 aphs and film taken to Building 21 KB-88; and weapons taken to Area 51 S-4; 1954 #9424
Word: "kb29" (Back to Top)
, JPN Project Bluebook Case #2605. KB29 air RADAR. Blip maneuvers .5mi away 6/24/1953 #8962
Word: "kbia" (Back to Top)
[now KYNS] of San Luis Obispo and KBIA of Los Angeles) go off the air at t 4/28/1956 #12817
Word: "kbr" (Back to Top)
is picked up for three minutes on KBR Rural Public Power Radio in Ainswort 12/5/1957 #14673
Word: "kc-" (Back to Top)
aboard and the pilot and crew of a KC- 135 flving at 15,000 feet observed a 3/14/1967 #21884 e June 26, 1956, crash of a Boeing KC- 97G Stratotanker at Roswell-Walker A 6/24/1997 #43338
Word: "kc-130r" (Back to Top)
master and radio operator aboard a KC-130R Hercules cargo plane flying at a Winter 1997 #43468
Word: "kc-135" (Back to Top)
Sawyer AFB, MI KC-135 Crew Watches Object Accelerate (N 10/14/1965 #19656 Air Command bomber collides with a KC-135 tanker during mid-air refueling a 1/17/1966 #19844 Thailand, Thailand KC-135 crew reported hovering cylinder, 3/14/1969 #25009 in air space, Thailand Crew of KC-135 tanker saw a cylindrical object l 3/14/1969 #25010 Thailand Flight surgeon, crew of KC-135, observed huge black cylinder hov 3/14/1969 #25011 other crew members of an Air Force KC-135 flying over Thailand saw a huge b 3/14/1969 #25012 Wurtsmith AFB, MI UFO Chased By KC-135 Tanker (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, 10/30/1974 #29569 on the ground and by the crew of a KC-135 tanker returning from a refueling 10/30/1975 #30522 At about 10:10 p.m. a KC-135 U.S. Air Force tanker returning f 10/30/1975 #30523 ng into the base, and the incoming KC-135 confirmed seeing two UFOs that sp 10/30/1975 #30523 merado, North Dakota. At least two KC-135 aircraft are hit by small arms fi 11/3/1975 #30546 seeing two silver objects pacing a KC-135 tanker flying over William AFB, C 5/13/1976 #31049 huge C-5A cargo aircraft behind a KC-135 tanker from Grissom AFB in Peru, 11/18/1980 #35654 ong cigar-shaped object followed a KC-135 USAF tanker aircraft through a U- 4/24/1984 #37285 ong cigar-shaped object followed a KC-135 USAF tanker aircraft through a U- 4/24/1984 #37286 apparently refueling from a Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker and accompanied by a Late 8/1989 #39073 olved with a near collision with a KC-135 tanker aircraft over Lancaster, C 5/21/1990 #39583 a triangular UAP refueling from a KC-135 Stratotanker alongside two F-111s 12/22/1992 #40762
Word: "kc-135s" (Back to Top)
Two KC-135s mysteriously vanished 800 miles 8/28/1963 #17923
Word: "kc-97" (Back to Top)
ation was given to this being USAF KC-97 airplanes involved in a refueling 9/16/1952 #7961 hether the crew had sighted a USAF KC-97 aircraft involved in a refueling o 9/16/1952 #7963 h Morocco Witnesses: crews of USAF KC-97 aerial tanker planes. One object 3/5/1954 #9597 Casablanca, Morocco, crews of USAF KC-97 aerial tanker planes and a C-54 tr 3/5/1954 #9598 d approach landings. At 7:15 p.m., KC-97 pilots Capt. G. E. Brown, 1st Lt. 3/5/1954 #9598 n, 301st Bomb Wing, while flying a KC-97 to a practice landing at 1,500 fee 3/5/1954 #9598 an apparent collision course. The KC-97 takes evasive action. Later [at 8: 3/5/1954 #9598 Lt. George A. Kerr flying another KC-97 at 1,500 feet about 5 miles southw 3/5/1954 #9598 ight passes over and one under the KC-97. At 9:55 p.m., senior pilot Capt. 3/5/1954 #9598 , CAN Newfoundland, G,V; Archie 29 KC-97 Radar Case (BBU) (NICAP: 09 - RADA 7/5/1955 #12237 sign Archie 91, are flying Boeing KC-97 Stratofreighters at 20,000 feet on 7/5/1955 #12238 y], Labrador. The crew is flying a KC-97 at about 17,000– 18,000 feet. A li 7/1958 #15130 bombers refueling in flight from a KC-97 tanker. Killian tells the papers, 3/19/1959 #15652 Suffolk County, NY GCA Vectors KC-97 To UFO (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 8/10/1965 #19360
Word: "kc-97s" (Back to Top)
One object or light made passes at KC-97s, the other flew straight and leve 3/5/1954 #9597
Word: "kc130r" (Back to Top)
YNS 1 / U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) / KC130R. Large domed washtub saucer hover 1/1997? #43159
Word: "kc135" (Back to Top)
THAILAND All / KC135 tanker. Huge vertical cylinder/cyl 3/14/1969 #25005 l F4 pilots. 2 silver objects near KC135 tanker. / LDLN#339. 5/13/1976 #31048 300M cylinder/cigar-shape follows KC135 tanker through U-turn. Separate ni 4/24/1984 #37284 ckly northeast in near collision / KC135 plane. Plane rocks wings. 5/21/1990 #39580
Word: "kc97" (Back to Top)
NOUASSEUR, FR. MAROC Several USAF KC97 tankers. 2 night lights maneuver. 1 3/5/1954 #9595 OFF WEST, NFLD 2 KC97 crews and ground RADAR. 2 bright ob 7/5/1955 #12234 UFO sighted by a tanker aircraft (KC97) pilot and ground radar. “Unusual” 7/12/1955 #12253
Word: "kcl" (Back to Top)
/ power lines. Possible abduction. KCl dust / cars. Burns. / MJ#253. 12/4/1988 #38738
Word: "kdka" (Back to Top)
st commercial radio broadcast from KDKA in Pittsburgh PA 11/2/1920 #1007
Word: "keables" (Back to Top)
ar), CAN 5:00 a.m. EST. Constables Keables and Whiteside, Sudbury Regional 11/11/1975 #30603
Word: "keahey" (Back to Top)
ses: Howard Hann, Mr. Hubert, Tex Keahey. One bright, sausage-shaped objec 4/28/1949 #4124 ?], a Mr. Hubert [Huber?], and Tex Keahey see a very large, bright, sausage 4/28/1949 #4129
Word: "keams" (Back to Top)
KEAMS CANYON, AZ Cop sees odd night ligh 8/17/1975 #30283
Word: "kean" (Back to Top)
more formal organization.” Leslie Kean suspects that the first redacted wo 10/18/1993 #41246 ation. In an interview with Leslie Kean in the Prescott Daily Courier, Fife 3/18/2007 #45012 t time. He tells journalist Leslie Kean that if UAP technology was hidden, 5/9/2016 #45452 y Reid Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean report in the New York Times that S 7/23/2020 #45654 aft of Non-Human Origin, by Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal. A former inte 6/5/2023 #45798
Word: "keansburg" (Back to Top)
KEANSBURG, NJ 6 observer(s). Large sauce 2/15/1956 #12716 a large luminous disc hovered over Keansburg, New Jersey in Monmouth County 2/15/1956 #12719
Word: "kearney" (Back to Top)
BALTIMORE, MD Melvin Kearney / 122 Warner Ave. 8 orange disks 7/7/1947 #2844 EAST / KEARNEY, NE 2 / rural road. 8M silver di 8/30/1952 #7794 Kearney, NE Reinhold Schmidt, Kearney, N 11/5/1957 #14290 Kearney, NE Reinhold Schmidt, Kearney, Nebr., goes aboard saucer, talk 11/5/1957 #14290 Kearney, Nebraska Oakland, California Tu 11/5/1957 #14343 iving through the countryside near Kearney, Nebraska, when he notices a lar 11/5/1957 #14343 Kearney, NE Reinhold Schmidt's 2nd conta 2/5/1958 #14871
Word: "kearny" (Back to Top)
pear in window of their kitchen in Kearny, New Jersey at 11:30 p.m. The lig 8/31/2002 #44388
Word: "kearsarge" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kearsarge” YieldMax: 150KT 8/17/1988 #38614 r missile shaped object near Mount Kearsarge, New Hampshire that possibly t 3/6/1991 #40000
Word: "kearsey" (Back to Top)
oundland 11:30 p.m. Constable Eric Kearsey sees four yellowish discs flying 7/9/1947 #3069
Word: "kearsley" (Back to Top)
KEARSLEY, ENGL 1 observer. Silent red-wh 4/31/1970 #25647
Word: "keating" (Back to Top)
ckbourne, Ohio Ohio River David T. Keating, an employee of the USAF Nuclear 1948 #3521 ittee, which also includes Kenneth Keating (R-N.Y.) and Lee Metcalf (D-Mont 8/8/1958 #15184
Word: "keats" (Back to Top)
British Columbia Strait of Georgia Keats Island Night. Miss E. R. East, of 1967 #21236 surface, lighting up the wharf on Keats Island. As she stares at it, her e 1967 #21236 KEATS ISLAND, BC 1 observer. UFO's and M 1/27/1968 #23705 On this evening over Keats Island, British Columbia in 1968, 1/28/1968 #23706 ving alone in an isolated cabin on Keats Island, British Columbia had for s 1/29/1968 #23708 iving in a cabin near the coast on Keats Island, British Columbia saw a sin 2/21/1968 #23775 irewood in a spot near her lake on Keats Island, British Columbia when the 5/2/1968 #23940
Word: "keay" (Back to Top)
US An FBI memo from Victor P. Keay on “Flying Saucers” discusses a cla 7/29/1952 #7324 to Alan H. Belmont from Victor P. Keay reports that “Air Intelligence stil 10/27/1952 #8199
Word: "kecksburg" (Back to Top)
ue Book report changed the name of Kecksburg to “Acme” PA. After 20 yrs. Bi 12/9/1965 #19760 WEST / KECKSBURG, PA Meteor flames down. Recove 12/9/1965 #19761 hern Ohio Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Kecksburg, Pennsylvania Johnson Atoll Va 12/9/1965 #19762 ewitnesses in the small village of Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, claim something 12/9/1965 #19762 ject reportedly lands. Others from Kecksburg, including local volunteer fir 12/9/1965 #19762 culation as to the identity of the Kecksburg object (if there was one—repor 12/9/1965 #19762 , that came down in the woods near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania at 4:50 p.m. 12/9/1965 #19763 witnesses say they saw crashed in Kecksburg, PA on 9 December 1965, a bell 12/10/1965 #19764
Word: "kecksburgh" (Back to Top)
Kecksburgh, PA A UFO crash-landed in the 12/9/1965 #19760 urgh, PA A UFO crash-landed in the Kecksburgh, PA woods. It had appeared as 12/9/1965 #19760
Word: "kecskemet" (Back to Top)
KECSKEMET, HUNG 4' green figure checks o 10/28/1989 (approximate) #39190 ecking out an Air Force jet at the Kecskemet, Hungary military base. When t 10/28/1989 #39192 KECSKEMET, HUNGARY Hung.af training flig 11/13/1989 (approximate) #39227 hts were paced by orange UFOs near Kecskemet, Hungary. The UFOs were not pi 11/13/1989 #39229 KECSKEMET, HUNGARY Absolute(ly) silent U 1/19/1991 (approximate) #39962
Word: "kedah" (Back to Top)
for about four minutes in Baling, Kedah State, Malaysia, and then disappea 12/15/2003 #44629
Word: "keddie" (Back to Top)
On this morning Mr. & Mrs. K. in Keddie, Plumas County, California had a 11/28/1978 #34017
Word: "kedzierzyn" (Back to Top)
NEAR HEYDEBRECK = KEDZIERZYN, POLAND Allied prisoners of w 1/22/1945 #1760 18,000 feet between Heydebreck and Kedzierzyn, Poland. On the same day ther 1/22/1945 #1762
Word: "keefe" (Back to Top)
US Maj. Gen. Richard E. O’Keefe, acting inspector general of the A 12/24/1959 #16133 ners in which to store samples.” O’Keefe asks that UFO explanations be “rea 12/24/1959 #16133 NICAP sends photocopies of O’Keefe’s 1959 “UFOs Serious Business” mem 2/27/1960 #16186
Word: "keel" (Back to Top)
nt running up to it is steep. John Keel interviews the two boys three days 10/11/1966 #20992 John A. Keel speaks with USAF Col. George P. Fre 2/1967 #21430 a spoon,” the woman tells John A. Keel. 5/1967 #22254 akers include Gray Barker, John A. Keel, Moseley, Art Ford, Gordon Evans, a 6/22/1967 #22535 t winds up in the hands of John A. Keel. Hill tells him the UFO landed in h 7/21/1967 #22718 im the UFO landed in his backyard. Keel gathers affidavits from Ronnie’s te 7/21/1967 #22718 evidence of a hoax. Soon, however, Keel has doubts and the photo is reveale 7/21/1967 #22718 anding site. At the same time John Keel saw a nocturnal light hovering over 11/19/1967 #23483 New York City John A. Keel begins publishing an unscheduled, f 5/1969 #25105 John A. Keel publishes UFOs: Operation Trojan Ho 1970 #25519 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Keel” YieldMax: 20KT 12/16/1974 #29642 a Ohio River Silver Bridge John A. Keel publishes The Mothman Prophecies, a 1975 #29670 ension chain.) Other entities that Keel chronicles are not-quite- human ind 1975 #29670 len Hynek, Jacques Vallée, John A. Keel, William Spaulding, Walt Andrus, an 4/17/1977 #31987 Journalist/ufologist John Keel states the CIA had a covert investi 1978 #32829 rk City Author and researcher John Keel is interviewed by David Letterman. 7/28/1980 #35427 is interviewed by David Letterman. Keel says that animal mutilation cases k 7/28/1980 #35427 ecurity policeman T/Sgt Anthony W. Keel is working as an alert response tea 9/1991 #40178 Dakota 11:00 p.m. T/Sgt Anthony W. Keel is engaged in a field training exer 12/1996 #43127
Word: "keelson" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Keelson” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT 2/4/1976 #30844
Word: "keely" (Back to Top)
with gravity based on the work of Keely, Leedskelstein and Tibetan stone l 1/1998 #43483
Word: "keen" (Back to Top)
especially Prince Philip, are also keen to meet Adamski. After the audience 5/18/1959 #15737
Word: "keenan" (Back to Top)
Policemen John Collins and Joseph Keenan are patrolling on Vare Avenue nea 9/26/1950 #5199
Word: "keene" (Back to Top)
Keene, NH 11:10 p.m. EST. An associate e 3/16/1967 #21902 SOUTH / KEENE, NH Several observer(s). 45' cylin 10/15/1984 #37486
Word: "keeneenaw" (Back to Top)
70 MI EAST / KEENEENAW PT, MI RADAR's. F89 joins UFO 11/23/1953 #9316 merged into one near Soo Locks and Keeneenaw Point, Michigan then the jet d 11/23/1953 #9319
Word: "keener" (Back to Top)
ry, North Carolina 9:00 p.m. David Keener is driving on US Highway 321 nort 10/26/1983 #37021
Word: "keeneyville" (Back to Top)
KEENEYVILLE, IL 15' saucer west light be 3/7/1967 #21781 Keeneyville & Bartlett, between, IL Dog 3/7/1967 #21786 US Highway 20 Keeneyville, Illinois Bartlett, Illinois 3/7/1967 #21787 rthwest on US Highway 20 just past Keeneyville, Illinois. Their beagle is w 3/7/1967 #21787
Word: "keep" (Back to Top)
starboard wing 600 feet away. They keep pace with his plane for 5 minutes. 1/1926 #1056 Varese. Journalists are ordered to keep silent about the incident due to na 6/13/1933 #1159 ecause US military command want to keep the presence of chemical munitions 12/2/1943 #1549 ost rocket information designed to keep the US from learning the truth. 9/12/1946 #2180 but his onboard radar is unable to keep it on track because the target is “ 1/17/1947 #2231 down [to] over school. Very fast. Keep moving. 7/4/1947 (approximate) #2602 Guards are posted, facing out, to keep the curious away. According to rese 7/5/1947 #2722 ter. He gives chase, attempting to keep it in sight, but is unable to do so 7/8/1947 #3023 us AMC learns of the conspiracy to keep it in the dark, but Rees fails to m 5/31/1949 #4218 cer: “Watch the skies, everywhere! Keep looking. Watch the skies!” 4/7/1951 #5500 in him to watch the objects, which keep appearing for the next 90 minutes b 8/10/1952 #7539 ghts. He tightens his left turn to keep the object in view, but it suddenly 12/4/1952 #8377 tary security procedures, and also keep the investigation on a scientific b 1/17/1953 #8544 that “We here in Headquarters will keep a complete file on all the sighting 1/13/1954 #9481 ightings and tells the audience to keep its eyes open and be ready to repor 2/13/1954 #9541 ts into a deep trance and tells to keep sleeping until he orders otherwise. 2/19/1954 #9558 lls them to pursue, but they can’t keep up. The UFO then descends to within 9/3/1954 #10239 ar-shape landed / field. Observers keep driving.. 9/30/1954 (approximate) #10508 , alerts pilots and astronomers to keep watch for UFOs over Cairo. 10/5/1954 #10731 then it accelerates and he cannot keep it in sight. 12/7/1954 #11773 . The agreed upon the necessity to keep the issue top secret and maintain a 1955 #11886 . The agreed upon the necessity to keep the issue top secret and maintain a 1956 #12626 o follow the UFO but was unable to keep up. 12/3/1956 #13387 ness Investigating Subcommittee to keep a close watch on UFO developments. 7/6/1960 #16332 ing him to “stay where you are and keep looking.” Barney has a recollection 9/19/1961 #16857 nd the skipper has to turn hard to keep clear. It makes no noise and leaves 7/28/1962 #17295 tance given to Frei, the effort to keep [Julio] Durán in the race, the prop 9/4/1964 #18533 n exhausting series of attempts to keep the creatures away. At dawn there w 9/5/1964 #18538 it, but the object accelerated to keep up with the car for about a minute 7/20/1965 #19155 object in detail, adding he should keep future encounters to himself. 9/3/1965 #19506 object in detail, adding he should keep future encounters to himself. 9/3/1965 #19517 f Cairns, Queensland. They did not keep in a perfect line, but 1-2 dropped 10/17/1965 #19661 r lands. Aliens exit. Telepathy = "keep landing secret. 3/10/1967 (approximate) #21845 their journey if they promised to keep this meeting a secret. 3/10/1967 #21854 The local radio station is told to keep quiet about it. 4/10/1967 #22105 s unthinkable because no one could keep such a secret for so long. He refut 10/31/1968 #24608 m a message, which he was sworn to keep secret. After this vision had vanis 5/4/1969 #25115 hip’s commander orders everyone to keep silent about what they have seen. T 10/24/1969 #25422 n by Donald E. Keyhoe’s failure to keep adequate books and records. He urge 10/27/1969 #25425 received a telepathic message to "keep quiet" about his close encounter ex 11/26/1969 #25474 sh or light-gray color. The beings keep their elbows close to the body when 12/13/1972 #27176 e the smaller one is struggling to keep up. The older witness fires three b 10/25/1973 #28285 sed a “Soviet incident” and are to keep their mouths shut, which they do fo 5/28/1974 #29142 ppeared fairly close and seemed to keep pace with the car. For a brief whil 5/31/1974 #29150 mechanical tone, one warns him to keep quiet about the sighting “if you va 5/3/1975 #30026 t descends to 1,000 feet, but they keep pace, one on each wingtip, the thir 5/6/1975 #30041 ft very quickly and they could not keep pace with it. 6/3/1976 #31082 They arrest him and his friend and keep him in custody for two weeks. 1977 #31656 sucker-sucker”). Believing it will keep the lights away, residents of Colar 7/1977 #32220 er by telepathy and warned them to keep silent about the experience. 3/11/1978 #33034 ers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general p 5/1979 #34532 ers of the Earth, is determined to keep this information from the general p 5/1979 #34533 er house and then go out. Her dogs keep snarling and barking all night long 11/14/1979 #34998 th a bouncing motion. The children keep approaching, so the men run back in 11/15/1979 #35000 says that animal mutilation cases keep him up at night. 7/28/1980 #35427 FO Studies can no longer afford to keep Allan Hendry on as a full-time inve 2/28/1981 #35849 o them and hears another message: “Keep walking. Don’t stop.” The witness h 8/8/1981 #36064 e with another object below it and keep their eyes on it for 30 minutes or 9/3/1983 #36969 e to the east, while the remainder keep on moving north. Police are deploye 4/12/1984 #37258 ving so slowly that the police can keep up with it by walking. An officer i 7/24/1984 #37412 a bit to follow it, but they can’t keep up. The Swedish military spends 6 m 8/18/1985 #37647 he disinformation game in order to keep in good graces with people who knew 7/1/1989 #39002 nths to make a decision on “how to keep everyone from finding out what is r 1990 #39358 planes with refrigerator units to keep them from decomposing. [Retrievals 3/16/1991 #40015 Site would be the logical place to keep them." ... "The Nellis Air Force Ra 10/1992 #40653 kept the window opened in order to keep an eye on her children playing outs 6/15/1994 #41568 light, while his partner tried to keep hold of the patrol car's steering w 4/15/1996 #42870 STAC, Entry Points — And How Do We Keep Them Closed? ” “Until final outcom 3/11/1998 #43532 monitors civilian UAP research to keep the community busy with disinformat 1/23/1999 #43720 d to him over the radio, trying to keep him calm, while Sgt. Medina was the 7/21/2002 #44362 side. Between them they managed to keep the doors from closing. The dream w 9/3/2003 #44592 evidence suggests that the lights keep the geometrical shape and move as i 8/21/2004 #44738 e. The officers ordered the men to keep silence, in order to prevent them f 8/25/2004 #44741 well, New Mexico, was concocted to keep the experiments secret. 1/15/2005 #44808 r nearly two hours. They appear to keep changing shape. Many people from ne 11/2006 #44979 most agencies are not required to keep documents more than 5 years, their 2009 #45202 t of Taiyuan, Shaanxi, China. They keep circling in a regular pattern. Othe 10/11/2010 #45301 s “the Verdant,” who might wish to keep humans blind to the nature of 5D re 7/8/2012 #45348 nd to the nature of 5D reality and keep humans in their current 3D reality. 7/8/2012 #45348 says “certain powers” would rather keep ZPE/quantum vacuum technology priva 12/24/2013 #45399 anies/publicly traded companies to keep the secret information “protected” 3/27/2016 #45446 isch also states: “It is easier to keep a program hidden in a contractor fa 2018 #45498 nd limited oversight would tend to keep a program in existence, perhaps ind 2018 #45498 al intelligence is the best way to keep up with them. 6/4/2021 #45692
Word: "keeper" (Back to Top)
ender, age 49, a self-employed bee keeper from Greeneville, Tennessee was d 1/27/1977 #31761 ils Toms Labba, age 51, a reindeer keeper in Ovre Soppero, Norrbotten provi 2/27/1977 #31853 GREEN BAY, WI Lighthouse keeper. Cylinder/cigar-shape going quick 7/29/1978 #33443 he Green Bay, Wisconsin lighthouse keeper reported that he had seen a UFO h 7/29/1978 #33450
Word: "keepers" (Back to Top)
are isolated from UAP knowledge; “keepers of the secrets” reside in DOD mi 2000 #43914 chnology (S&T). Those met are the “keepers of the secrets,” who treat Bell 6/2011 #45327
Word: "keeping" (Back to Top)
nd appears to be pacing the train, keeping a half-mile or one mile distance Mid 7/1896 #328 cated column, “The World and All,” keeping the subject alive for many years 1/3/1928 #1083 0 miles an hour and the balls were keeping right up with us.” 1/2/1945 #1752 turns the plane toward the light, keeping on its tail, pursuing at 260 mph 3/18/1945 #1817 up, and begin a jittering motion, keeping pace with them, circling above a 9/1950 #5159 New Mexico. The round objects are keeping up with the planes at the same a 5/1/1952 #6245 , spirals down to 1,500 feet while keeping the object in sight as it contin 12/4/1952 #8377 transfers chief responsibility for keeping abreast of UFOs to OSI’s Physics 5/1953 #8851 his locked rabbit hutch, so he was keeping watch on it by night. At around 11/9/1954 #11611 It pursued them for 18 kilometers, keeping same distance. Finally, after it 5/17/1960 #16281 tary of Air Force. Under title "AF Keeping Watchful Eye on Aerospace," stat 8/15/1960 #16383 the Secretary of Air Force. In “AF Keeping Watchful Eye on Aerospace,” it s 8/15/1960 #16385 valley, moved north to south while keeping a constant speed and altitude. I 8/16/1960 #16397 southwest horizon. It seems to be keeping pace with them for several miles 8/4/1963 #17863 ware of that one. Jones insists on keeping an open mind about reports like 2/27/1965 #18829 to the air, and pursues their car, keeping pace at even 100 mph. The entity 11/15/1966 #21107 terested in the birds Cammarata is keeping caged on the terrace, touching t 4/4/1967 #22054 in front of his car. It paced him, keeping a distance of 15 to 20 yards, wh 7/17/1967 #22683 e Moon and flies a loop around it, keeping its flat side down. Then it flie 10/14/1967 #23238 ts. The object rocked gently while keeping its position. After a few minute 3/19/1969 #25030 ions” that he afterward insists on keeping secret. He apparently knows who 5/4/1969 #25114 n controlled UFO’s.” It recommends keeping an “open and skeptical mind.” 10/1969 #25389 urns home. His travel clock starts keeping time badly. 10/29/1970 #25893 ght of November 25 Constable Ralph Keeping was contacted by Lawrence Smith 11/25/1970 #25919 r interviewed both Smith and Ralph Keeping a year or so later. Both Ledger 11/25/1970 #25919 o Nick Redfern: “We have no way of keeping these beings out. We just don’t 4/1974 #28982 supervisor say “We have no way of keeping these beings out. We just don’t 4/1974 #28984 speeds up when she approaches it, keeping the same distance. She notices t 7/1975 #30141 n the area since November 1976) is keeping pace with him as he moves up and Mid 1/1977 #31723 then stops a short distance away. Keeping it in view, they drive home and 8/11/1977 #32384 continue to pace them for 6 miles, keeping 10–30 feet away from the car unt 9/17/1977 #32492 range, bullet-shaped light that is keeping even with him at 212 mph. The li 11/5/1980 #35620 ire brigades to rush to the scene, keeping watch over the object for 45 min 1/15/1982 #36301 the aircraft in a parallel course, keeping the same distance. But the objec 2/8/1982 #36327 and flash on and off three times. Keeping these lights pointed at the movi 7/26/1990 #39663 ve from a 45° angle to horizontal, keeping the same space between them. The 10/14/1990 #39785 private contractor entrusted with keeping “some material” from prying eyes 5/9/2000 #43993 there a lab somewhere where we’re keeping the alien specimens and spaceshi 5/18/2021 #45689 resting scenario where whatever is keeping these things up in the sky it no 6/10/2021 #45693
Word: "keeps" (Back to Top)
in Onondaga County, New York. She keeps records of her planchette experime 8/1895 #319 kes evasive action, but the object keeps pacing him. Finally, it moves in f 6/25/1942 #1422 00 feet off the starboard wing. It keeps up with the B-29, then flying at 2 8/11/1944 #1640 ns until his death in 1966. Russia keeps dozens of its captured German scie 5/13/1946 #1991 l stabilizer rudder on the end. He keeps flying after it even when he loses 1948 #3521 rtle saucer hovers / low altitude. Keeps away as observer(s) nears. 3/5/1950 #4580 can't reach cylinder/cigar-shape. Keeps circling and rising. 1 describes s 9/23/1951 #5682 before it is ordered destroyed and keeps detailed notes about the meeting. 10/1/1951 #5694 latively incredible things,” which keeps the Air Force concerned. He explai 7/29/1952 #7328 ies to turn around, but the engine keeps stalling. It works well once he re 10/30/1957 #14167 ing object cuts 2' tree / half and keeps flying. / r142#6p64. 12/28/1958 #15498 roject Blue Book; and the third he keeps for himself. A thorough analysis i 4/18/1961 #16653 c effect (EME). Engines stop. C130 keeps flying. 4/20/1964 #18179 driving home from work. The object keeps up with them as they drive through 3/25/1966 #20083 y 3 feet above an intersection. It keeps following them at telephone height 1/20/1968 #23683 2007, when Dyke reacquires it and keeps it going again with co-editor Chuc 5/1969 #25104 GALATI, ROM Bullet-diamond UFO keeps changing shape. All over harbor / 6/21/1970 #25702 but the car with the diesel engine keeps running. 12/2/1972 #27160 o avoid a collision, but the light keeps coming toward him. Overcome by a s 5/22/1973 #27518 em. Marian grabs a sports sword he keeps under the bed and goes outside, bu 5/1974 #29074 s to accelerate, but the tape deck keeps operating. 10/11/1974 #29520 his speed to 120 mph, but the UFO keeps the same pace. As he reaches town 9/27/1977 #32528 n. His horse is panicked again and keeps kicking the object, injuring its l 9/6/1978 #33638 or. Acuff remains on the board and keeps the case files in his personal pos 10/1978 #33786 nd the Bohai Sea. One large object keeps appearing and vanishing like a wil Early 8/1980 #35439 ch a lighted area of town. The UFO keeps pace and moves closer, allowing th 7/12/1981 #36002 r pressed to the floor. The object keeps the same distance from the car for 7/19/1981 #36020 r he turns on I.5 Lane. The object keeps moving closer and he sees it direc 3/23/1982 #36412 them. They speed up but the object keeps pacing them on their right. They b 4/8/1982 #36442 ns to the bigger one; the sequence keeps repeating. When they return to the 9/3/1983 #36969 from Congress, its private status keeps it safe from FOIA requests. Among 11/18/1983 #37046 ship’s position, turns south, and keeps pace with the ship, gyrating for 3 Mid 6/1984 #37364 or him to take his seat. The train keeps moving for some time until the bal 2/1985 #37552 nth. After his release, his family keeps him away from ufology and ufologis 8/1988 #38611 researcher Larry W. Bryant that it keeps a classified personal file on Stan 8/2/1989 #39041 gle.Lo altitude. Nose turns up but keeps level trajectory! Planes circle. 11/29/1998 #43688 ilding in intensity, the explosion keeps growing until it is painful to per 4/2003 #44508 on the Kitsap Peninsula. The light keeps changing colors from green to red 9/16/2004 #44757
Word: "keesler" (Back to Top)
KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS 3 military ob 5/7/1952 #6262 Keesler AFB, MS Aluminum or silver cylin 5/7/1952 #6264 Keesler AFB, Mississippi Witnesses: Capt 5/7/1952 #6266 Keesler AFB, Biloxi, Mississippi 12:15 p 5/7/1952 #6269 n Morris and three enlisted men at Keesler AFB, Biloxi, Mississippi, see on 5/7/1952 #6269 Keesler AFB, MS PPI Scope Of CPS-5 Track 7/30/1952 #7357 KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS 2 grey saucer 8/10/1952 #7528 Biloxi (Keesler AFB), MS (McDonald list; FUFOR I 2/7/1956 #12699 KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS Airman. Ovoid 11/5/1957 #14300 KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS Weatherman. F 4/4/1965 #18890 Keesler AFB, MS 40' Black Oval Object 50 4/4/1965 #18893 Keesler AFB, Mississippi Witnesses: USAF 4/4/1965 #18894 Keesler AFB, MS USAF weather observer sa 4/4/1965 #18895 Keesler AFB, Mississippi. At 4:05 a.m. U 4/4/1965 #18896 tier, Mississippi Pascagoula River Keesler AFB in Biloxi Mississippi Press 10/11/1973 #27997 minutes later. They first contact Keesler AFB in Biloxi, but no one is int 10/11/1973 #27997 NEAR KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS 1 observer. O 11/12/1995 #42595
Word: "keeweenaw" (Back to Top)
Word: "keffel" (Back to Top)
orado 4:30 p.m. Magazine writer Ed Keffel, in the company of João Martins, 5/7/1952 #6270 n leaves. The witnesses were named Keffel and Martins. The Brazilian Air Fo 5/7/1952 #6271
Word: "keflavic" (Back to Top)
2 white blowballs follow liner to Keflavic airport/apartment. 4/21/1993 #40947
Word: "keflavik" (Back to Top)
Keflavik, Iceland Confidential Memo to A 2/10/1951 #5437 iles of his plane (Flight 125 from Keflavik, Iceland.) 2/10/1951 #5437 Keflavik, Iceland Eight Radar Tracks by 3/13/1952 #5955 KEFLAVIK AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ICEL 4 USAF 10/8/1952 #8103 Keflavik Airport, Iceland Radar operator 2/3/1953 #8630 Keflavik, Iceland Witnesses: radar oper 2/3/1953 #8631 Keflavik AFB, Iceland Climbing Blue Ligh 11/27/1953 #9322 KEFLAVIK, ICEL Air Force Colonel and 1. 5/4/1955 #12114 Keflavik Airport, Iceland 10 round, whit 5/4/1955 #12115 Keflavik, Iceland Witnesses: Lt. Col. E 5/4/1955 #12116 ne year later, at 1:38 p.m. at the Keflavik Air Force Base in Iceland, two 5/4/1955 #12119
Word: "keflavík" (Back to Top)
Keflavík, Iceland Gander, Newfoundland O 2/9/1951 #5436 avy R5D transport flying west from Keflavík, Iceland, at 10,000 feet about 2/9/1951 #5436 Keflavík Airfield, Iceland Afternoon. Lt 5/4/1955 #12118 th Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Keflavík Airfield, Iceland, and 1stLt. J 5/4/1955 #12118
Word: "keg" (Back to Top)
ned heads standing next to a large keg like object. They wore shiny black o 10/25/1954 #11401
Word: "keg-shaped" (Back to Top)
sed a metallic, 10-foot long, beer keg-shaped object flying low and hugging 8/5/1967 #22816
Word: "keg-spool" (Back to Top)
UVILLE, QBC 1 / car. Luminous 75cm keg-spool flies behind house and just ov 4/10/1969 #25054
Word: "kehoe" (Back to Top)
d-formation. No further details. / Kehoe. 8/3/1954 #10096 Richard Kehoe & others see landed saucer, stalle 11/6/1957 #14355 Playa del Rey, California Richard Kehoe was driving near the beach when hi 11/6/1957 #14411 Rey, California 5:40 a.m. Richard Kehoe is driving along Vista Del Mar in 11/6/1957 #14421 jersey, exit the object. They ask Kehoe and the others where they are and 11/6/1957 #14421 which takes off. After it leaves, Kehoe’s car starts with no problem. 11/6/1957 #14421 At 5:40 a.m. Richard Kehoe was driving near the beach in Play 11/6/1957 #14434
Word: "keighley" (Back to Top)
HAWORTH AND KEIGHLEY AND SHIPLEY, YORKS 2 cops. Gree 12/21/1901 #648 KEIGHLEY, WEST YORKS Small humanoids (or 2/1976 #30837 KEIGHLEY, WEST YORKS Silver "flying tras 8/6/1993 #41109 ered over the Yorkshire moors near Keighley, West Yorkshire, England. They 10/23/1999 #43863
Word: "keiran" (Back to Top)
ed a car being driven by witnesses Keiran, Tobin and Lowe for two minutes. 4/27/1967 #22236
Word: "keirn" (Back to Top)
ork City, USAF Maj. Gen. Donald J. Keirn, assistant deputy chief of staff o 1/28/1959 #15569
Word: "keith" (Back to Top)
Lyman James Briggs, Army Lt. Col. Keith F. Adamson, and Navy Cmdr. Gilbert 10/21/1939 #1318 uth Australia 9:44 p.m. Journalist Keith Hooper is returning home from an a 10/18/1952 #8155 him. Radar operator Petty Officer Keith Jessop confirms the presence of 2 8/31/1954 #10218 obbs, New Mexico 4:00 p.m. Charles Keith Davis is outside his grandmother’s 6/2/1964 #18321 eighteen year old was driving near Keith, South Australia when he saw a blu 2/27/1966 #19926 torian UFO Research Society, 1996; Keith Basterfield, “Present at the Abduc 7/25/1972 #26833 .m. Auburn, Alabama police officer Keith Broach had a close encounter with 9/9/1973 #27795 Keith McDonald and his family were watch 3/12/1974 #28874 yslake, Illinois when everyone but Keith became extremely tired and went of 3/12/1974 #28874 tremely tired and went off to bed. Keith next experienced a time lapse of s 3/12/1974 #28874 s Missoula, Montana Evening. Capt. Keith Wolverton of the Cascade County Sh 11/11/1975 #30612 with Cascade County Deputy Sheriff Keith Wolverton of Great Falls, Montana, 1976 #30746 THE PRAIRIE by Roberta Donovan and Keith Wolverton, pages 48-49) (NICAP: 02 2/5/1976 #30847 Bromley, Kent, England 8:15 p.m. Keith Kilford and Philip Staff watch a s 10/20/1977 #32595 KEITH, SOUTH AUSTRALIA 27' saucer paces 12/30/1977 #32818 Keith (near), S.AU A white, oval light a 12/30/1977 #32819 Keith, South Australia A white, oval lig 12/30/1977 #32821 eter paces a car 90 feet away near Keith, South Australia. The two witnesse 12/30/1977 #32821 near Keith, South Australia - A white, oval l 12/30/1977 #32822 800 mph toward Floyd Hallstrom and Keith Sorensen, who are flying a Cessna 7/4/1978 #33333 orth Wales A member of the public, Keith Jones was about to go into the res 1/1/1979 #34274 ies, edited by Harry Griesberg and Keith Basterfield, until at least Novemb 2/1980 #35153 material is obtained by ufologists Keith Basterfield and Ray Brooke, who ta 1/20/1988 #38422 k or torso. In Del Norte, Colorado Keith C. saw a strange, bright, multi-co 11/15/1999 #43881 Roswell, New Mexico UFO researcher Keith Basterfield interviews a man in Ad 1/15/2005 #44808
Word: "keithsberg" (Back to Top)
sissippi River for 50 minutes near Keithsberg, Illinois. It moved back and 3/19/1980 #35223
Word: "keithsburg" (Back to Top)
SOUTH / KEITHSBURG, IL Several observer(s). Gold 3/19/1980 #35222
Word: "kekiva" (Back to Top)
CORFU = KEKIVA, GREECE Air Traffic Controllers a 2/11/1988 #38455
Word: "keku" (Back to Top)
KEKU STRAIT, AK 300+observer(s). Red fir 1/24/1980 #35143
Word: "kelaa" (Back to Top)
Agadir El Kelaa des Sraghna Essaouira Marrakesh Ca 9/19/1976 #31409 s in Morocco, including Agadir, El Kelaa des Sraghna, Essaouira, Marrakesh, 9/19/1976 #31409
Word: "kelantan" (Back to Top)
At 4:30 p.m. in Rantau Panjang, Kelantan, Malaysia a 6-year-old boy name 2/15/1972 #26580
Word: "kelheim" (Back to Top)
s coming out of one edge flew over Kelheim, Bavaria, Germany. Ninety minute 11/5/1990 #39871
Word: "kelleher" (Back to Top)
y was a hoax. NIDS Dept. Dir. Colm Kelleher states interviews of several fo 1/18/1978 #32895 nd a giant wolflike creature. Colm Kelleher and coauthor George Knapp subse Fall 1994 #41773 nder part-time and biochemist Colm Kelleher as deputy administrator. Alexan 12/1995 #42635 ogram manager, and biochemist Colm Kelleher is deputy administrator. 9/22/2008 #45170 bert Bigelow hires biochemist Colm Kelleher as deputy administrator of the 11/2008 #45184 Colm Kelleher tells Jacques Vallée that a mem 1/23/2009 #45208 Colm Kelleher tells Vallee that the sponsor a 4/26/2009 #45216 ker Ranch in Utah. Along with Colm Kelleher, she experiences a cone of sile 8/2009 #45231 Colm Kelleher tells Vallee that clearances ha 11/29/2009 #45258 directors James T. Lacatski, Colm Kelleher, and Larry Grossman meet at Bol 12/11/2009 #45262 directors James T. Lacatski, Colm Kelleher and Larry Grossman met the dire 2010 #45263
Word: "keller" (Back to Top)
Colm Keller reports at a NIDS meeting that mo 11/3/2001 #44271 Colm Keller tells Jacques Vallée he finds a r 12/17/2001 #44294 aft moved from North to South over Keller, Tarrant County, Texas and hovere 10/27/2007 #45081
Word: "kellerstrass" (Back to Top)
, Ohio Area 51 USAF Lt. Col. Ernie Kellerstrass (Hawk), who works at the Fo Fall 1986 #38034 s, extraterrestrials, and Area 51. Kellerstrass claims to know USAF Lt. Col Fall 1986 #38034
Word: "kelley" (Back to Top)
his radar observer, Lt. Howard C. Kelley. The object appears to be 10° abo 1/29/1953 #8615 on DC Director of FBI, Clarence M. Kelley, states: UFOs are not and never h 10/25/1973 #28276 alifornia FBI Director Clarencc M. Kelley explains in a letter to a residen 10/25/1973 #28283 was told was a meteor. A “General Kelley” [Lt. Gen. Robert E. Kelley at Eg 3/27/1978 #33088 eneral Kelley” [Lt. Gen. Robert E. Kelley at Eglin AFB? Lt. Gen. John R. Ke 3/27/1978 #33088
Word: "kellogg" (Back to Top)
Kellogg, Iowa Colfax, Iowa 11:00 p.m. A 11/19/1897 #612 11:00 p.m. A telegraph operator in Kellogg, Iowa, sees a bright, bluish lig 11/19/1897 #612 erts is interested, but William W. Kellogg, associate director of the Labor Late 7/1966 #20683
Word: "kelly" (Back to Top)
s in Burbank CA. Lockheed Engineer Kelly Johnson deliver proposal for the X 7/1943 #1513 bank, California Lockheed Engineer Kelly Johnson and other associate engine 7/1943 #1515 Kelly AFB Kelly Field Annex San Antonio, 4/14/1949 #4090 Kelly AFB Kelly Field Annex San Antonio, Texas Kil 4/14/1949 #4090 er of the AFOSI district office at Kelly AFB [now Kelly Field Annex] in San 4/14/1949 #4090 district office at Kelly AFB [now Kelly Field Annex] in San Antonio, Texas 4/14/1949 #4090 KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Blueboo 6/21/1952 #6566 Kelly AFB, TX B-29 Encounters Flat Objec 6/21/1952 #6572 Kelly AFB, Texas Witness: T/Sgt. Howard 6/21/1952 #6577 Kelly AFB Kelly Field San Antonio, Texas 6/21/1952 #6578 Kelly AFB Kelly Field San Antonio, Texas 12:30 p.m 6/21/1952 #6578 flying at 8,000 feet altitude near Kelly AFB [now Kelly Field] in San Anton 6/21/1952 #6578 feet altitude near Kelly AFB [now Kelly Field] in San Antonio, Texas, sees 6/21/1952 #6578 Near Kelly AFB, Texas. At 12:30 p.m. Sgt. How 6/21/1952 #6582 tnesses: USAF pilot 2nd Lt. K. P. Kelly and wife. One pulsating red object 6/27/1952 #6646 A military pilot named Kelly saw a UFO hover at 6:50 p.m. and p 6/27/1952 #6648 KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX 7 military. Lar 8/14/1952 #7581 o a vertical stack. S/Sgt. William Kelly remembers tracking the UFOs on the 9/1/1952 #7817 KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX Several / tower 6/16/1953 #8934 Brooks Air Force Base Kelly Air Force Base Kelly Field Annex S 8/1/1953 #9037 ir Force Base Kelly Air Force Base Kelly Field Annex San Antonio, Texas The 8/1/1953 #9037 oks Air Force Base [now closed] to Kelly Air Force Base [now Kelly Field An 8/1/1953 #9037 osed] to Kelly Air Force Base [now Kelly Field Annex], both in San Antonio, 8/1/1953 #9037 eed Skunk Works chief Clarence L. “Kelly” Johnson and his wife Althea (near 12/16/1953 #9374 KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX RADAR blips 100 1/14/1954 #9482 Kelly AFB, TX (McDonald list) One to thr 1/14/1954 #9484 ow that explodes in the night sky. Kelly Brooks and A. L. Taylor say the so 6/26/1954 #9953 US 71 SOUTH / NEOSHO, MO Kelly and 1. Silent 25' saucer / 15K' al 9/24/1954 #10430 -2 spy plane). Lockheed test pilot Kelly Johnson sends project pilot Tony L Early 1955 #11901 e AEC proving grounds for CIA use. Kelly Johnson meets with CIA officials i 4/1955 #12077 Hopkinsville, KY Kelly–Hopkinsville encounter, 5 adult an 4/21/1955 #12096 KELLY, KY Saucer lands. Suttons 4 hr sho 8/21/1955 #12382 Kelly (7 miles N of Hopkinsville), KY Su 8/21/1955 #12383 les N of Hopkinsville), KY Sutton (Kelly / Hopkinsville) Encounter (NICAP: 8/21/1955 #12383 cky Elmer “Lucky” Sutton farmhouse Kelly Fort Campbell Shady Oaks restauran 8/21/1955 #12386 from the southwest, headed towards Kelly from the direction of Fort Campbel 8/21/1955 #12386 on this date at the Sutton farm in Kelly, near Hopkinsville, Kentucky. Afte 8/22/1955 #12391 Byrd. The Air Force’s Gen. Joe W. Kelly responds, dismissing both Keyhoe a 4/3/1956 #12782 Virginia USAF Gen. Joe W. Kelly writes to Sen. Harry F. Byrd (D-Va 5/1/1956 #12822 H. Land, Edward Mills Purcell, and Kelly Johnson. They look into radar-abso 8/16/1956 #13094 Mont. USAF Maj. Gen. Joe W. Kelly answers a question from Rep. Lee M 4/8/1957 #13589 ” He also presents him Gen. Joe W. Kelly’s April 8 letter to Lee Metcalf, i Mid 7/1957 #13799 Gen. Joe W. Kelly responds to Luehman, falsely stati 3/3/1958 #14916 in Nevada Richard Bissell notifies Kelly Johnson that the CIA is authorizin 1/26/1960 #16157 s. Nonetheless, the flight pleases Kelly Johnson. 4/26/1962 #17131 peed, high-altitude drone concept. Kelly Johnson specifies speeds of Mach 3 10/1962 #17449 NEAR KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX All / family. S 8/6/1966 #20726 :00 p.m. a man and his family near Kelly Air Force Base in Cameron County, 8/6/1966 #20730 NEAR KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX TV blurs. Spinn 9/3/1966 #20838 n their TV set became blurred near Kelly AFB, Texas. They observed a fantas 9/3/1966 #20844 NEAR KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX Father of 4 kid 9/5/1966 #20845 is night in Harlingen, Texas, near Kelly Air Force Base, Mr. Morrison, a fa 9/5/1966 #20852 mes Stewart, Brockway McMillan and Kelly Johnson for President Lyndon B Joh 1968 #23634 ley at Eglin AFB? Lt. Gen. John R. Kelly Jr. at the Pentagon?] is said to b 3/27/1978 #33088 ring Creek Belgrave Early morning. Kelly Cahill and her husband Andrew are 8/8/1993 #41117 mell vomit and feel stomach pains. Kelly notices a triangular mark below he 8/8/1993 #41117 er navel, which is bleeding a bit. Kelly has a strange dream immediately af 8/8/1993 #41117 and entities closely coincide with Kelly’s. The second group also recalls s 8/8/1993 #41117 the encounter site. Unfortunately, Kelly’s account of the incident is the o 8/8/1993 #41117 the principal witness 27-year-old Kelly Cahill, her husband and three chil 8/8/1993 #41118 towards them, apparently gliding. Kelly panicked and began yelling hysteri 8/8/1993 #41118 ll groups; one group glided toward Kelly and her husband covering a hundred 8/8/1993 #41118 otionless near the hovering craft. Kelly had a sense that the creatures wer 8/8/1993 #41118 d embarrassing medical procedures. Kelly recalled through dreams that one o 8/8/1993 #41118 issing her navel. That night, when Kelly undressed for bed, she noticed a s 8/8/1993 #41118 a mark she had never seen before. Kelly suffered from general malaise for 8/8/1993 #41118 land, Victoria, Australia abductee Kelly Cahill awoke to see a slender, sev 9/6/1993 #41185 When Kelly Cahill awoke at 4:30 a.m. in her b 10/23/1993 #41249 A brilliant Kelly green sphere flew near a woman's h 4/9/1994 #41485 n, Naudin, Hartman, Nipher, Pages, Kelly, Rieken, Searl, Hammel, Davidson, 1/1998 #43483 k on traffic heading his way. Paul Kelly at Jersey ATC cannot see any traff 4/23/2007 #45022
Word: "kelly's" (Back to Top)
eaning over her with its head near Kelly's stomach, as if about to kiss her 10/23/1993 #41249
Word: "kelly-green" (Back to Top)
GROSSE POINTE, MI Brilliant Kelly-green sphere/orb/globe near woman' 4/9/1994 #41484
Word: "kelmarsh" (Back to Top)
KELMARSH, NORTHANTS 3 / car. Fast ovoid 5/13/1909 #737 Kelmarsh Northampton England Peterboroug 5/13/1909 #740 two other men are motoring through Kelmarsh, Northampton, England, when the 5/13/1909 #740
Word: "kelmis" (Back to Top)
Word: "kelowna" (Back to Top)
Kelowna, British Columbia Night. Radio s 10/9/1957 #14084 umbia Night. Radio station CKOV in Kelowna, British Columbia, after reports 10/9/1957 #14084 KELOWNA, BC UFO hovers over Lake Okangan 2/26/1966 #19919 ose encounter with a domed disc in Kelowna, British Columbia. 3/1/1966 #19931 KELOWNA, BC Observer(s) and duration unk 5/2/1992 #40444 Three witnesses in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada observ 5/5/1998 #43561 UFO zigzagged around the sky over Kelowna, British Columbia and made a lou 10/13/2000 #44055 een "swinging back and forth" over Kelowna, British Columbia. After a few m 1/5/2001 #44120 lights was sighted at 9:45 p.m. in Kelowna, British Columbia. It looked lik 4/30/2002 #44334 Near Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. At ar 9/3/2003 #44592 t flew past the witness' window in Kelowna, British Columbia so low that it 4/25/2004 #44691 riangle was spotted by a couple in Kelowna, British Columbia. It was white 4/26/2004 #44693
Word: "kelsey" (Back to Top)
MOON Astronomer Kelsey. Flashes light-beams and brillian 12/22/1966 #21213 Kelsey Bay, Vancouver Island, British Co 10/8/1981 #36167 a rest area some 30 miles north of Kelsey Bay, Vancouver Island, British Co 10/8/1981 #36167 me was taken thirty miles north of Kelsey Bay on the eastern side of Vancou 10/8/1981 #36170
Word: "kelso" (Back to Top)
KELSO, NZ Several observer(s). Airship g 7/23/1909 #779 Kelso, New Zealand 12:00 noon. Mrs. Jame 7/23/1909 #780 sell and several schoolchildren in Kelso, New Zealand, see an airship shape 7/23/1909 #780 near Maury Island WA crashes near Kelso, WA 8/1/1947 #3278 [now closed] in Novato, California Kelso, Washington Brown and Davidson mak 8/1/1947 #3281 rnia. It explodes and crashes near Kelso, Washington, at 1:30 a.m., 20 minu 8/1/1947 #3281 Hinted in Crash of Army Bomber at Kelso.” Debris from the crash is not dis 8/1/1947 #3281
Word: "kelvedon" (Back to Top)
anston [now closed], Kent, England Kelvedon Hatch Secret Nuclear Bunker [no 5/20/1957? #13667 acking an unidentified target from Kelvedon Hatch Secret Nuclear Bunker [no 5/20/1957? #13667
Word: "kemah" (Back to Top)
Kemah, TX Case missing (Berliner) (NICAP Spring 1961 #16635 Kemah, Texas Case missing from official Spring 1961 #16636
Word: "kembla" (Back to Top)
PORT KEMBLA, AUST 6M non-metallic ovoid going 10/2/1978 #33789 afternoon in Unanderra, near Port Kembla, New South Wales, Australia a six 10/2/1978 #33792
Word: "kembs" (Back to Top)
NIFFER TO/FROM KEMBS, FR 2 / cars. Fireball zigzags ove 10/15/1954 #11091 the N68 highway between Niffer and Kembs, France nThisDay . It headed off t 10/15/1954 #11124 NORTHWEST / KEMBS, FR Several separate observer(s). 4/9/1980 #35260
Word: "kemmerer" (Back to Top)
NEAR KEMMERER, WY 4 / oil field. "Flaming wha 10/10/1957 #14087
Word: "kemp" (Back to Top)
s not move or seem affected. Capt. Kemp C. Christian Sr. orders the guns to 3/22/1945 #1820
Word: "kempe" (Back to Top)
; physicist Martin Fehrm; and Olof Kempe from the Defense Radio Institute. 7/6/1946 #2027
Word: "kemper" (Back to Top)
US Highway 22 East Kemper Road Symmes Township, Ohio Cincin 6/1994 #41545 e sky above US Highway 22 and East Kemper Road in Symmes Township, Ohio, ou 6/1994 #41545
Word: "kempf" (Back to Top)
Swedish Defense Staff, Col. C. R. Kempf, makes no secret that he “was extr 8/19/1946 #2145 pilot and aircraft engineer J. E. Kempf says the formation looks like a “s 7/27/1952 #7214
Word: "kempsey" (Back to Top)
NEAR KEMPSEY, NSW Wave / night lights. 1 goin 4/2/1971 #26063 West Kempsey, New South Wales Greenhill After 4/2/1971 #26064 a bright light in the sky at West Kempsey, New South Wales, an aboriginal 4/2/1971 #26064 after a number of people in nearby Kempsey had observed a strange bright li 4/2/1971 #26065 NORTHWEST / KEMPSEY, AUSTR 4 kids. Ovoid extends 4 l 4/23/1971 #26078 school teacher in the mountains of Kempsey, New South Wales, Australia sigh 4/23/1971 #26079 the same time, to the northwest of Kempsey in Collambatti Rail, New South W 4/23/1971 #26079 NORTHWEST / KEMPSEY, NSW Grocer / truck. Many saucer 9/10/1972 #26985 NEAR KEMPSEY, AUSTR 4 / car. Saucer dives and 4/30/1973 #27455 KEMPSEY, AUS 2 observer(s). Large Brill 7/21/1975 #30196
Word: "kemptville" (Back to Top)
t the sky during a thunderstorm in Kemptville near Ottawa, Ontario. 4/21/2004 #44690
Word: "ken" (Back to Top)
OVER UNION, OR Ken Arnold / light plane again. 20-25 br 7/29/1947 #3245 Editor Ken Purdy asks Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe to 5/9/1949 #4175 ned. Fortenberry’s journalist son, Ken H. Fortenberry, suspects that the be 11/8/1957 #14489 om Lake, Nevada Area 51 A-12 pilot Ken Collins continues to test A-12s at G 1965? #18680 from somewhere beyond our present ken." 8/13/1965 #19381 lt, Montana Witness: truck driver Ken Williams. One dome-shaped object, em 3/24/1967 #21969 lmstrom AFB 9:00 p.m. Truck driver Ken Williams driving northwest on US Hig 3/24/1967 #21974 She called the police and Officer Ken Speedlin “discovered that anyone who 9/6/1969 #25354 n this night in Bristol, Wales, UK Ken, an off-duty policeman, was driving 12/31/1976 #31645 with a black visor over his eyes. Ken had no idea what he was looking at, 12/31/1976 #31645 tation 11:30 p.m. Service engineer Ken Edwards is driving back from a union 3/17/1978 #33048 ew Zealand 12:50 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thew are driving east along a back r 7/12/1981 #36002 funding Jupiter. Jupiter scientist Ken Shoulders claims exotic vacuum objec Summer 1985 #37607 INSCOM/AMSAA) with Joe McMoneagle, Ken Bell, Mel Riley, Fernand Guavin, Atw 6/30/1995 #42284 nly a few miles away. On April 16, Ken Masson, who farms 13 miles south of 4/1/2001 #44156
Word: "kenai" (Back to Top)
AK 4+observer(s). Huge saucer over Kenai Mountains. Going up and down [to] 3/14/1953 #8748 k Lake, Anchorage, Alaska over the Kenai Mountains. It bobbed up and down s 3/14/1953 #8755 RUSSIAN R, KENAI, AK Photograph / saucer rises / ri 7/5/1965 #19069 ming out of the Russian River near Kenai, Alaska. 7/5/1965 #19070
Word: "kendall" (Back to Top)
21 miles. Fire Control Officer P. Kendall Bruce describes it as a bright g 11/16/1944 #1697 ulf, Luzon, Philippines, Lieut. JG Kendall Bruce, fire control officer on t 11/30/1944? #1711 n Sea, California USAF pilot Frank Kendall Everest Jr. reaches 755 mph in a 10/29/1953 #9261 5:00 a.m. Registered nurse Doreen Kendall is looking out a window at the C 1/1/1970 #25532 The second being looks directly at Kendall, then touches the first being, w 1/1/1970 #25532 nd provide a view of its interior. Kendall calls for other witnesses, who a 1/1/1970 #25532 . Bedoga Bay and Woodland, CA Judy Kendall abduction, three types of beings 11/26/1972 #27144 n Bedoga Bay and Woodland, CA Judy Kendall abduction, three types of beings 11/26/1972 #27145 boy and high school student, Tirn Kendall, was driving at 35 mph down a ro 9/24/1987 #38294 KENDALL, FL 2+1 observer(s). 15' orange 12/18/1994 #41900
Word: "kendrick" (Back to Top)
wo OTC Enterprises employees (Lari Kendrick and Charles O. Rhoades) are bar 5/28/1959 #15749
Word: "kendricks" (Back to Top)
ar.” CKY-TV station employees Bill Kendricks and Allen Kerr see a light on 5/13/1975 #30056
Word: "kenesaw" (Back to Top)
ka Stella Beatrice Wymore Hastings Kenesaw Hartwell 10:15 p.m. People at th 2/26/1897 #389 tella, Beatrice, Wymore, Hastings, Kenesaw, and Hartwell. 2/26/1897 #389
Word: "kenichi" (Back to Top)
irport. Telecommunications officer Kenichi Waga warns all pilots to watch o 10/17/1975 #30437 ita Airport, Japan, for 5 minutes. Kenichi Waga, telecommunications officer 10/17/1976 #31474
Word: "kenitra" (Back to Top)
Kenitra, Morocco Mamora Forest Mehdya, o 10/12/1954 #10977 noon. A French engineer driving to Kenitra, Morocco, sees a small figure in 10/12/1954 #10977 KENITRA, MOROCCO US embassy man. Saucer- 9/19/1976 #31402 saouira Marrakesh Casablanca Rabat Kenitra Meknes Fez 1:00–2:00 a.m. A silv 9/19/1976 #31409 ira, Marrakesh, Casablanca, Rabat, Kenitra, Meknes, and Fez. It gives off a 9/19/1976 #31409
Word: "kenju" (Back to Top)
n front of the 747 and, said Capt. Kenju Terauchi, “most unexpectedly, two 11/17/1986 #38068 moon rising above the other. Capt. Kenju Terauchi and First Officer Takanor 11/17/1986 #38072
Word: "kenly" (Back to Top)
Kenly, North Carolina 7:30 p.m. Prominen 4/22/1897 #557 hip heading slowly southwest above Kenly, North Carolina. Its sails “resemb 4/22/1897 #557
Word: "kenmare" (Back to Top)
KENMARE, ND Silent disk / 20 degree tilt 2/15/1967 #21553 SOUTHEAST / KENMARE, ND Cop and several separate obs 6/21/1967 #22525 Kenmare, ND 10:45 p.m. CDT. Three boys a 6/21/1967 #22528
Word: "kennebec" (Back to Top)
WEST / KENNEBEC, SD Round object with flat bott 12/27/1956 (approximate) #13414 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kennebec” YieldMax: 20KT 6/25/1963 #17802
Word: "kennebunk" (Back to Top)
Kennebunk, Maine - Carol Palmero was sit 6/28/1981 #35980
Word: "kennebunkport" (Back to Top)
KENNEBUNKPORT, ME Business exec. Bright- 2/7/1961 #16597 Kennebunkport, ME The president of an ad 2/7/1962 #17037
Word: "kennedy" (Back to Top)
USSR Sweden Col. Edwin Kennedy Wright, Vandenberg’s executive a 8/1/1946 #2099 n Seattle 6:35 p.m. Seamen John C. Kennedy and Ben Bobberly are on duty at 7/12/1947 #3160 tomic bomb test explosion, Mrs. M. Kennedy saw a propeller shaped object mo 4/22/1952 #6157 ting involuntary subjects from the Kennedy congressional hearings. Glickman 10/1952 #8075 ut things pause in 1961 as John F. Kennedy assumes office. 8/1960 #16362 t and lends his support to John F. Kennedy. 8/9/1960 #16366 sell brief President-elect John F. Kennedy on the Cuban invasion. Dulles is 11/18/1960 #16508 he intention of persuading John F. Kennedy of their merit. 11/29/1960 #16521 Washington DC President John F. Kennedy in office 1/20/1961 #16582 Sancti Spiritus province President Kennedy is briefed, together with all th 1/28/1961 #16590 tains in Sancti Spiritus province. Kennedy authorizes the active department 1/28/1961 #16590 ay of Pigs Cuba Trinidad President Kennedy approves the Bay of Pigs plan (a 4/4/1961 #16643 lic An order approved by President Kennedy results in the dispersal of four 5/15/1961 #16684 n May 30. In the aftermath, Robert Kennedy writes that the CIA has succeede 5/15/1961 #16684 leged one page memo from President Kennedy (not using auto signature) to DC 6/28/1961 #16738 Langley, Virginia President Kennedy presides over the dedication of 11/28/1961 #16982 officially authorized by President Kennedy after being given the name Opera 11/30/1961 #16984 Cuba Berlin 6:30 p.m. Kennedy gathers a select group of adviso 10/16/1962 #17475 nterattack in Berlin or elsewhere. Kennedy rejects an attack, favoring a qu 10/16/1962 #17475 S Soviet Union 7:00 p.m. President Kennedy addresses the American public fo 10/22/1962 #17485 urity Council Khrushchev writes to Kennedy, rebuffing his demand that the S 10/23/1962 #17489 ed solely for defensive purposes.” Kennedy writes back, bluntly reminding K 10/23/1962 #17489 hchev sends an indignant letter to Kennedy, accusing him of threatening the 10/24/1962 #17491 ch could have led to war. Instead, Kennedy decides to let the Bucharest thr 10/25/1962 #17495 tead, Khrushchev sends a letter to Kennedy, in which he offers to work with 10/26/1962 #17499 ontinuing and accelerating. Robert Kennedy meets secretly with Soviet Ambas 10/26/1962 #17499 n is shot down over Cuba. However, Kennedy correctly concludes that Khrushc 10/27/1962 #17505 Khrushchev sends another letter to Kennedy, in which he demands that the Un 10/27/1962 #17505 s withdraw. In the evening, Robert Kennedy tells Soviet ambassador Dobrynin 10/27/1962 #17505 Kennedy closes the Cuban Project, the CI 12/1962 #17566 President John F. Kennedy Assassinated at Dealey Plaza in 11/22/1963 #18055 Dallas, Texas President John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas 11/22/1963 #18058 oject Bluebook Case #unknown. Cape Kennedy RADAR's object pursuing missile? 4/9/1964 #18163 C. Smith, employee of NASA at Cape Kennedy. One pulsating light which varie 3/20/1966 #20009 sued by Kurt H. Debus, director of Kennedy Space Center on Merritt Island, 6/28/1967 #22568 a Sometime in 1971; U.S.S. John F. Kennedy stopped by UFO (NICAP: 03 - EME 1971 #25956 . The aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy is completing an Operational Rea 6/1971 #26153 ames M. Kopf is on the USS John F. Kennedy in the Caribbean Sea completing 6/1971 #26154 erisively nicknamed by Senator Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.) as “Star Wars,” after 3/23/1983 #36792 sion of Abraham Zapruder’s John F. Kennedy assassination film enhanced to s 10/8/1988 #38665 William Greer shooting a pistol at Kennedy; Lear’s transcription of stateme 10/8/1988 #38665 roy, Cooper claims to explain the “Kennedy assassination, the doings of the 1991 #39933 Kennedy Airport (near), NY Near miss wit 8/9/1997 #43375 Queens, New York John F. Kennedy International Airport 5:07 p.m. 8/9/1997 #43376 ver Queens, New York, near John F. Kennedy International Airport, when pilo 8/9/1997 #43376 lash around her, including John F. Kennedy, Adolph Hitler, and Judy Garland 5/2/2001 #44174 ty near a facility owned by Joseph Kennedy. Cooper also claims Eisenhower s 2004 #44638 changed to the Special Group under Kennedy, the 40 Committee under Nixon, F 2004 #44638 rding the assassination of John F. Kennedy, though these details are not sh 5/18/2006 #44945 ployee claims a saucer landed near Kennedy Space Center and claims several 12/3/2008 #45196 hows he met with President John F. Kennedy on 28 June 1961 at 12:00pm ET an 12/17/2022 #45787
Word: "kennedyciadirector1" (Back to Top)
nts.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/kennedyciadirector1.pdf 6/28/1961 #16738 nts.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/kennedyciadirector1.pdf https://majest 12/17/2022 #45787
Word: "kennel" (Back to Top)
king the stove in her Doberman dog kennel at Madison, Ohio, when she notice 11/10/1957 #14521 ring 60 feet above the rear of the kennel. It is about 40 feet in diameter 11/10/1957 #14521 open doors or ports. Near his dog kennel were two silver-suited humanoid f 12/2/1977 #32727 anging in the air behind their dog kennel. When the woman goes out to inves 2/1979 #34398 en. A 13-year-old boy working at a kennel in Williston, Florida heard a hum 5/6/1984 #37323 A 13-year-old boy working at a kennel in Williston, Florida heard a hum 5/6/1984 #37325
Word: "kenneled" (Back to Top)
Ligonier, IN Kenneled dogs barking during 20 min. sig 7/13/1993 #41062
Word: "kennels" (Back to Top)
when his dogs bark loudly in their kennels. He goes to the back door and se 12/2/1977 #32726 two open doors in the side. By the kennels he sees two humanoid beings abou 12/2/1977 #32726 n he heard his dogs barking in the kennels. When he went outside he saw a 5 12/2/1977 #32727
Word: "kennen" (Back to Top)
Sudan Afghanistan The first KH-11 Kennen reconnaissance satellite (codenam 12/19/1976 #31620
Word: "kenner" (Back to Top)
KENNER, LA 2 / bartenders. Large dome fl 11/23/1976 #31565 Kenner, Louisiana Moisant Airport [now L 11/23/1976 #31568 s over their car from the south in Kenner, Louisiana. It has flashing red, 11/23/1976 #31568 object as it hovered over trees in Kenner, Louisiana on a clear night, flas 11/23/1976 #31569
Word: "kenneth" (Back to Top)
rate deception of UFO investigator Kenneth Arnold by a shadowy con man name 6/21/1947 #2358 Mt. Rainer, WA Kenneth Arnold sights 9 discs near Mt. R 6/24/1947 #2378 A civilian pilot, Kenneth Arnold, reports seeing 9 flying 6/24/1947 #2379 RAL, WA Project Bluebook Case #12. Kenneth Arnold. 9 saucers at 9000' going 6/24/1947 #2387 :00 p.m. Boise, Idaho, businessman Kenneth Arnold, flying his CallAir Model 6/24/1947 #2398 At 2:58 p.m. Kenneth Arnold, flying his private plane 6/24/1947 #2402 endleton, Oregon Cascade Mountains Kenneth Arnold goes to the East Oregonia 6/25/1947 #2411 Pendleton, Oregon Kenneth Arnold is interviewed live on KW 6/26/1947 #2418 s dispatch from Pendleton, Oregon, Kenneth Arnold expresses frustration ove 6/27/1947 #2431 : Based on a detailed study of the Kenneth Arnold case (6/24/1947) and 15 o 7/1947 #2492 ed Krives, Portland police officer Kenneth A. McDowell, and Oregon highway 7/4/1947 #2658 onong 11:30 a.m. Flight instructor Kenneth Jones out of Elkhart, Wisconsin, 7/7/1947 #2932 unable to get them back. However, Kenneth Arnold obtains them on a later v 7/7/1947 #2940 In a declassified statement, Kenneth Arnold points out why the uniden 7/12/1947 #3139 California Mt. Rainier, Washington Kenneth Arnold is interviewed at the Hot 7/12/1947 #3157 d, Washington Ray Palmer writes to Kenneth Arnold and tells him about the M 7/22/1947 #3213 d Capt. William L. Davidson, visit Kenneth Arnold in Boise, Idaho, and tell 7/25/1947 #3229 sland, Washington Ray Palmer wires Kenneth Arnold $200 to investigate the M 7/27/1947 #3234 e CIC agents have also interviewed Kenneth Arnold, Capt. Emil J. Smith, Fli 7/27/1947 #3235 Kenneth Arnold interviews Dahl in Tacoma 7/29/1947 #3243 La Grande Winthrop Hotel 6:55 a.m. Kenneth Arnold is flying to Tacoma, Wash 7/29/1947 #3254 ce Urie and his two sons Billy and Kenneth see a straw hat–shaped, sky-blue 8/13/1947 #3320 Two railway men, J. A. Martin and Kenneth Smith, working near Livingston, 8/23/1947 #3362 leaves a bare spot in the ground. Kenneth Arnold is persuaded that reports 2/18/1948 #3579 story and a 30-page UFO roundup by Kenneth Arnold, as well as a history of Spring 1948 #3592 ment Station in Arcata, California Kenneth Arnold visits the Landing Aids E Spring 1948 #3593 Arcata, California, and interviews Kenneth W. Ehlers, a radar technician (a Spring 1948 #3593 WA Aviator Kenneth Arnold publishes the pamphlet “T 1950 #4459 under a parked car and disappears. Kenneth Arnold, who interviews her, is c 4/1950 #4784 el (R-Mich.) thinks the same. Sen. Kenneth S. Wherry (R-Neb.) says the sauc 4/5/1950 #4799 Saucer” on CBS. He begins with the Kenneth Arnold case, mentions Muroc AFB 4/7/1950 #4816 opens, starring Margaret Sheridan, Kenneth Tobey, and James Arness, about a 4/7/1951 #5500 Seoul, Korea 8:42 a.m. Flight Sgt. Kenneth Dudley Smith from the 77th RAAF 6/6/1952 #6454 4 minutes at 345 mph. Flight Sgt. Kenneth Fawner also sees the UFO for 30 6/6/1952 #6454 . When the report is made to Capt. Kenneth Broden, Hamilton AFB Airdrome Of 8/13/1952 #7576 UFO witness turned researcher Kenneth Arnold releases The Coming of th 9/1952 #7802 . Fournet, Chop, and Col. Teabert (Kenneth E. Thiebaud?) of AFOIN-2 think t 1/29/1953 #8613 berg and Air Adjutant General Col. Kenneth E. Thiebaud, Air Force Manual 20 5/1953 #8852 E. Shaffer, 1stClass Quartermaster Kenneth Smith, and radio operator Thomas 11/5/1957 #14342 the site by Civil Defense Director Kenneth Locke. 11/6/1957 #14417 nary Baltimore, Maryland 9:43 p.m. Kenneth J. Delano, who is participating 11/6/1957 #14429 ing, and a civil defense director, Kenneth Locke, visits the site. Locke fi 11/6/1957 #14430 the site by Civil Defense Director Kenneth Locke. 11/6/1957 #14441 as Edwards to talk about UFOs with Kenneth Arnold and Clarence S. Chiles. O 12/1957 #14654 subcommittee, which also includes Kenneth Keating (R-N.Y.) and Lee Metcalf 8/8/1958 #15184 Corps and the police. Police Cpl. Kenneth Hartmann and Patrolman Richard F 10/26/1958 #15385 Oakdale, California Kenneth Lindsley and several other witne 12/22/1959 #16127 Kenneth Lindsey was walking along a road 12/22/1959 #16128 , Massachusetts An A-12 piloted by Kenneth S. Collins crashes near Wendover 5/24/1963 #17765 Staunton, Virginia 4:50 p.m. Kenneth Norton Jr., 14, is looking out h 12/21/1964 #18669 land, Texas 6:05 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Gulley see a tadpole-shaped o 2/6/1966 #19887 Idaho Falls, Idaho 2:00 p.m. Kenneth Arnold takes a 16mm film of a UF 7/9/1966 #20635 ty for the 20th anniversary of the Kenneth Arnold sighting. Speakers includ 6/22/1967 #22535 Roy Thinnes, and Ivan T Sanderson. Kenneth Arnold and Raymond A. Palmer are 6/22/1967 #22535 Creek, Colorado Pueblo 11:20 p.m. Kenneth Flack is passing a car near Texa 8/27/1967 #22940 ut 20 miles west of Baltimore, Mr. Kenneth C. Ryan, an electrical engineer 1/2/1975 #29698 ion of the 30th anniversary of the Kenneth Arnold sighting. Some 1,500 peop 6/24/1977 #32190 cques Vallée, Stanton T. Friedman, Kenneth Arnold, Jim and Coral Lorenzen, 6/24/1977 #32190 ommemorate the 30th anniversary of Kenneth Arnold’s sighting. Speakers incl 6/25/1977 #32195 Williamson, and NASA administrator Kenneth D. Chapman. 10/31/1977 #32643 Two security men, Airmen 1st Class Kenneth Jenkins and Wayne E. Raeke, are 11/16/1977 #32677 exico New Mexico Retired FBI agent Kenneth M. Rommel Jr. begins a major inv 4/25/1979 #34523 uri College of Veterinary Medicine Kenneth Rommel releases Operation Animal 6/1980 #35349 rosaically. He cites ornithologist Kenneth Sager: “The larger the animal, t 6/1980 #35349 ersity of Connecticut psychologist Kenneth Ring publishes The Omega Project 5/1/1992 #40442 Stuart Appelle, and David Gotlib. Kenneth Ring also presents his interesti 6/13/1992 #40492 Kenneth Arnold Phoenix lights Southern I 2/24/2005 #44816 s on ABC-TV. The show mentions the Kenneth Arnold sighting, the Phoenix lig 2/24/2005 #44816
Word: "kennett" (Back to Top)
was found in a wheat field in East Kennett, Wiltshire, England. It was give 7/24/1993 #41083
Word: "kennewick" (Back to Top)
KENNEWICK, WA Several observer(s) / (see 7/13/1952 #6789 KENNEWICK, WA 12 disks going quickly sou 7/27/1952 #7198 KENNEWICK, WA 2 boys. Large silver sauce 8/28/1952 #7762
Word: "kenney" (Back to Top)
mpment, Wyoming 2:45 p.m. David A. Kenney, an aircraft instruments engineer 7/6/1947 #2810 Three girls (Kimberly Lodge, Ellen Kenney, and Janice Shafer), 16–17 years 1/20/1967 #21360 :05 a.m. in Lander, Wyoming Mr. J. Kenney, an ex-Air Force man, sighted a l 1/30/1967 #21420
Word: "kennington" (Back to Top)
EAST / KENNINGTON, NZ 2 / car. 12M rectangle / 11/3/1959 #16077 KENNINGTON, OXFORDS Car malfunctions due 6/1979 #34597 KENNINGTON, KENT Vibrant bright fireball 10/11/1993 #41230
Word: "kennoway" (Back to Top)
Lyn and Jean, two women from Kennoway, Fife, Scotland had seen a huge 9/23/1996 #43039
Word: "kenny" (Back to Top)
scrambles a fighter jet piloted by Kenny Chandler to locate the object, but 7/4/1947 #2670 PORT KENNY, SOUTH AUSTR Farmer. Flashes. Fire 1/20/1977 #31730 A red, luminous object is seen by Kenny and Carol Drake of Council Bluffs, 12/17/1977 #32792 on County Air Unit police officers Kenny Graham and Kenny Downs are on heli 4/28/1993 #40953 t police officers Kenny Graham and Kenny Downs are on helicopter patrol ove 4/28/1993 #40953 more show. Car chased and more. / Kenny Young. 4/21/2001 #44159
Word: "keno" (Back to Top)
ey, OR Early 1970's; Kingsley, OR; Keno Mountain LRR case, G (NICAP: 09 - R 1970 #25517
Word: "kenora" (Back to Top)
CLEARWATER BAY WITH KENORA, ON 3 grey metal saucers going qu 7/22/1954 #10034 KENORA, ON 2 / (seen thru) binoculars an 7/23/1954 #10040 KENORA, ONT 2 civil airmen. 120cm x 23cm 8/20/1955 #12377 Kenora, Ontario 10:45 p.m. The president 8/20/1955 #12379 g their seaplanes in their dock at Kenora, Ontario, when they see an object 8/20/1955 #12379 At 10:45 p.m. two men on a lake in Kenora, Ontario, Canada saw a saucer-sha 8/20/1955 #12380 Kenora, Ontario 9:24 p.m. A radar operat 7/6/1967 #22622 A radar operator in the airport at Kenora, Ontario, notes an unidentified t 7/6/1967 #22622 NEAR KENORA, ONT Airport Radars. UFO chases p 7/7/1967 (approximate) #22624 Kenora, Ontario, CAN Evening. Air traffi 7/7/1967 #22627 object moving at high speed toward Kenora.For three hours the object execut 7/7/1967 #22627 peg International Airport Manitoba Kenora, Ontario Kenora Airport 7:00 p.m. 7/7/1967 #22629 l Airport Manitoba Kenora, Ontario Kenora Airport 7:00 p.m. Air traffic con 7/7/1967 #22629 target moving at high speed toward Kenora, Ontario. At 9:24 p.m., the same 7/7/1967 #22629 similar object is detected on the Kenora Airport radar headed northeast. F 7/7/1967 #22629 ver the course of one kilometer. A Kenora, Ontario resident saw a saucer-li 11/8/2004 #44779
Word: "kenosha" (Back to Top)
US 285 / KENOSHA PASS, CO 2 / car. Saucers seen / 4/1/1967 #22033 KENOSHA, WI 1 observer. Gold ovoid exits 7/6/1978 #33342
Word: "kensington" (Back to Top)
KENSINGTON, AUSTR 2 white shiny saucers 7/7/1947 #2912 New Kensington, Pennsylvania Philadelphia UF 1/13/1956 #12657 eives a letter from someone in New Kensington, Pennsylvania, who calls hims 1/13/1956 #12657 KENSINGTON AND HAMMERSMITH, ENGL 3 separ 4/10/1957 #13591 hway 101 Route 150 (Amesbury Road) Kensington, New Hampshire Exeter police 9/3/1965 #19511 on Route 150 (Amesbury Road) near Kensington, New Hampshire, teenager Norm 9/3/1965 #19511 KENSINGTON, CT 2+? observer(s). Bright w 2/12/1967 #21514 Kensington, CT 6:00 p.m. EST. Two known 2/12/1967 #21520 ct hovered just over Highway 15 in Kensington, Connecticut. 2/12/1967 #21525
Word: "kent" (Back to Top)
ckly northwest. Same Berks to/from Kent / 11 Dec. '1753. 12/8/1733 #59 p.m. Senior medical officer Elisha Kent Kane and other crew members of the 9/15/1850 #145 DOVER, KENT Triangular cloud with tail appears 12/17/1852 #147 East Kent [now Chatham-Kent], Ontario David M 6/1880? #234 vid Muckle and W. R. McKay of East Kent [now Chatham-Kent], Ontario, are in 6/1880? #234 Oxford, England London Margate, Kent 8:00 p.m. Oxford English Dictionary 8/31/1895 #321 arren Melhuish sees it at Margate, Kent, around 10:15 p.m. 8/31/1895 #321 KENT, WA Trainload / observer(s). Red cy 2/4/1908 #702 Sheerness, Kent, England Eastchurch 7:00 p.m. Noise 10/14/1912 #864 artles the residents of Sheerness, Kent, England. Nearby at Eastchurch, res 10/14/1912 #864 DOVER, KENT Cop and 2. Airship with lights goin 1/4/1913 #865 ding police as it flew over Dover, Kent, England southeast toward the sea; 1/4/1913 #867 Westerham, Kent, England Croydon A farmer named Gun 1946 #1962 farmer named Gunyon in Westerham, Kent, England, calls the British Technic 1946 #1962 weden Lake near Oslo Admiral Henry Kent Hewitt, Commander of US Naval Force 8/24/1946 #2155 uito piloted by Flight Lt. William Kent is scrambled to 18,000 feet. Kent a 1/17/1947 #2231 Kent is scrambled to 18,000 feet. Kent attempts to close in, but his onboa 1/17/1947 #2231 BLACKHEATH, KENT 18 silver spheres going quickly [to 9/19/1950 #5183 erness Golf Course near Sevenoaks, Kent, England 7:30 p.m. RAF Group-Captai 12/10/1950 #5336 erness Golf Course near Sevenoaks, Kent, England, when they see a bright li 12/10/1950 #5336 Woodnesborough, Kent, England English Channel France Eas 9/20/1952? #7986 ound RAF Ash, near Woodnesborough, Kent, England, Senior Aircraftman Willia 9/20/1952? #7986 MARGATE, KENT Fisherman. 4 bright 'dinner-plates' 9/21/1952 #7996 ROCHESTER, KENT 2 13cm plates hang over city. Zoom 9/29/1952 #8051 WEST MALLING RAF, KENT 300' saucer zooms reconnaissance je 11/3/1953 #9273 DENTON, GRAVESEND, KENT Sphere/orb/globe / high altitude. S 11/3/1953 #9274 RAF West Malling [now closed], Kent, England Hyde Park Holloman AFB in 11/3/1953 #9279 ear RAF West Malling [now closed], Kent, England, see a star-like light far 11/3/1953 #9279 isance jet from West Malling RAFB, Kent, England at 10:00 a.m. The encounte 11/3/1953 #9281 FOUR ELMS, KENT Yellow night light and 2 small blue 6/15/1954 #9905 WHITSTABLE, KENT Small dull-red cylinder/cigar-shape 11/11/1954 #11622 CHATHAM, KENT 2 surveyors. Cylinder/cigar-shape / 2/15/1955 #12002 At dusk a man in Meopham, Kent County, England had taken his dog o 7/17/1955 #12267 Manston, Kent Pilot Milton Torres flew a F-86 D S 5/1957 #13626 e Royal Air Force base at Manston, Kent and ordered to shoot down a large “ 5/1957 #13626 Manston, Kent OPERATION INTERCEPT: Two USAF fight 5/20/1957 #13665 RAF Manston [now closed], Kent, England Kelvedon Hatch Secret Nucl 5/20/1957? #13667 based at RAF Manston [now closed], Kent, England. He receives an order from 5/20/1957? #13667 2 MI SOUTH / ROCHESTER, KENT Saucer buzzes airliner. All radio m 5/31/1957 #13687 Kent, UK Airliner suffered radio failure 5/31/1957 #13688 Kent Rochester, England 7:17 a.m. A Brit 5/31/1957 #13690 A British airliner is flying over Kent, two miles south of Rochester, Engl 5/31/1957 #13690 itish Airways airliner flying over Kent, England experienced radio and rada 5/31/1957 #13691 oise plunged into Lake Meridian in Kent, Washington at 10:30 p.m. An explos 5/25/1962 #17202 FORT KENT, ME 2 boys agree. Saucer passes ove 8/18/1963 #17905 Ft. Kent, ME A silvery disc-shaped UFO was s 8/18/1963 #17907 was seen by two young boys in Fort Kent, Aroostook County, Maine at 12:30 p 8/18/1963 #17908 SANDLING PARK, KENT 4 teens. Night light going down / t 11/16/1963 #18043 Sandling Park near Saltwood, Kent, England Evening. Four teenagers—Jo 11/16/1963 #18045 re in Sandling Park near Saltwood, Kent, England, when they see a moving re 11/16/1963 #18045 SANDLING ESTATE, KENT Glowing-ovoid over football field. 11/21/1963 #18054 RENTON TO/FROM KENT, WA Several / car. 2 saucers hover 1/31/1965 #18787 e high-tension power lines between Kent and Renton, Washington. The UFOs ap 1/31/1965 #18788 KENT, WA 10' saucer hovers just over car 6/2/1965 #18983 A woman named Brundage driving in Kent, Washington had a close encounter w 7/2/1965 #19055 Kent, CT 7:18 p.m. EST. Many people saw 3/24/1967 #21963 WEST / KENT, OH Fog. Saucer / field. 4+small hu 3/28/1967 #22002 Munroe Falls, Ohio Kent 2:25 a.m. Electrical worker David M 3/28/1967 #22004 to Munroe Falls, Ohio, from nearby Kent when he sees a glowing red-orange o 3/28/1967 #22004 several feet over a field between Kent and Munroe Falls, Ohio. Four or fiv 3/28/1967 #22007 On this night in St Louis de Kent, New Brunswick, Canada a dozen teen 8/12/1967 #22870 Two days after the St. Louis de Kent humanoid encounter in New Brunswick 8/14/1967 #22876 TUNBRIDGE WELLS, KENT Car engine and lights die. Steeple- 10/28/1967 #23358 Tunbridge Wells, Kent, UK Triangular object with bright w 10/28/1967 #23361 Kent, IN Abduction report. First investi 11/1968 #24611 RAINHAM, KENT 2 / car. 20' saucer ahead. Car malf 8/20/1970 #25798 KENT CO, ENGL / LOCATION UNKNOWN BOAC pi 7/13/1971 #26225 outside his home in West Malling, Kent, England. His television cut out an 9/30/1971 #26388 Kent (Near), OH 9:20 p.m. The witness wa 5/12/1973 #27479 was driving west on Route 76, near Kent, when he observed a group of flashi 5/12/1973 #27479 man driving west on Route 76, near Kent, Ohio observed a group of flashing 5/12/1973 #27481 FROM KENT, ENGL Derek Dempster. Satellite sou 6/22/1973 #27580 THANET, KENT M. Barker and 2. 4 ovoids going nor 7/26/1973 #27652 Kent, Litchfield County, Connecticut - A 9/11/1973 #27803 cut. Meanwhile on Spooner Hill, in Kent, Connecticut to the east, a witness 9/11/1973 #27803 t southwest of the main section of Kent. The witnesses got into their cars 9/11/1973 #27803 ars and followed the lights toward Kent. The two additional witnesses were 9/11/1973 #27803 ht at Route 341 and headed towards Kent. However, when they all got back in 9/11/1973 #27803 Kent, Litchfield County, Connecticut - A 9/12/1973 #27809 cut. Meanwhile on Spooner Hill, in Kent, Connecticut to the east, a witness 9/12/1973 #27809 t southwest of the main section of Kent. The witnesses got into their cars 9/12/1973 #27809 ars and followed the lights toward Kent. The two additional witnesses were 9/12/1973 #27809 ht at Route 341 and headed towards Kent. However, when they all got back in 9/12/1973 #27809 Cops chase UFO / 14 mile(s) across Kent county. 10/16/1973 #28070 the couch with her 5-year-old son Kent in an isolated house on the outskir 10/16/1973 #28088 outskirts of Lehi, Utah. Suddenly, Kent wakes up screaming that he has seen 10/16/1973 #28088 SOUTHWEST / BARHAM, KENT 2 / car. Orange glowing-ball / low 1/24/1975 #29763 Barham, Kent, UK On this night an orange glowing 1/24/1975 #29764 nge glowing ball flew over Barham, Kent, England at a low altitude and illu 1/24/1975 #29765 HIGHAM, KENT 2 teens. Silent disk jumps overhead 3/17/1975 #29904 England. It was sighted by a Mrs. Kent at 6:15 a.m. as she passed by. Both 5/11/1976 #31044 England. It was sighted by a Mrs. Kent at 6:15 a.m. as she passed by. Both 5/11/1976 #31045 Rolvenden, Kent, England 6:45 p.m. British diplomat 10/15/1977 #32578 Rothnie is driving near Rolvenden, Kent, England, when he sees a glowing bl 10/15/1977 #32578 BROMLEY, KENT / LONDON Small orange delta/triangl 10/20/1977 #32593 Bromley, Kent, England 8:15 p.m. Keith Kilford an 10/20/1977 #32595 triangle over a house in Bromley, Kent, England, that grows to twice its s 10/20/1977 #32595 KENT, OH 2 / campers. Yellow globe all o 3/15/1978? #33040 NEAR FARNINGHAM, KENT 1 / A20. Metallic grey cylinder/cig 7/16/1978 #33385 experiences. The presenters are H. Kent Newman, R. Leo Sprinkle, James Hard 8/28/1978 #33585 d in Loose Valley, near Maidstone, Kent, England at around midnight. After 10/31/1978 #33902 r" airliner from Heathrow Airport, Kent, England. It came back several time 11/23/1978 #33990 At 7:15 p.m. a man in Whitstable, Kent, England making weather observation 11/23/1978 #33990 ay to some nearby shops in Medway, Kent, England when she saw a ring of smo 8/4/1980 #35441 England Seal Chart near Sevenoaks, Kent 3:00 p.m. About 40 witnesses at the 12/15/1980 #35719 sses at Seal Chart near Sevenoaks, Kent, and although it shows only a point 12/15/1980 #35719 goes over house. / Bromley times, Kent. 5/21/1981 #35944 nd their son while driving home to Kent and noticed an illuminated object a 8/2/1982 #36559 and their son were driving home to Kent, Washington and were near Lake Sawy 8/10/1982 #36568 NEAR KENT, NY Man / car buzzed / boomerang. V 12/31/1982 #36730 KENT, NY Cop and 1. Boomerang hums / low 12/31/1982 #36731 Kent Cliffs, NY In the lower Hudson Rive 12/31/1982 #36732 Kent Cliffs, New York Interstate 84 Arou 12/31/1982 #36733 drift slowly over their home near Kent Cliffs, New York. They can see a so 12/31/1982 #36733 In Kent Cliffs, New York in the lower Hudso 12/31/1982 #36734 Kent Cliffs, NY A mother and daughter na 2/26/1983 #36770 ving near the frozen White Pond in Kent Cliffs saw a silent, multi-colored 2/26/1983 #36770 ving near the frozen White Pond in Kent Cliffs, Putnam County, New York at 2/26/1983 #36772 KENT, WA 4 observer(s). 4 cigars maneuve 8/21/1987 #38249 er shoots south going quickly [to] Kent. 3+independent observer(s) include/ 8/10/1989 #39044 THANET, KENT Several observer(s). White cylinder 10/13/1990 #39784 OFF KENT, ENGL 10' cylinder/cigar-shape pass 4/21/1991 #40042 English Channel Romney, Kent, England Heathrow Airport, London 8 4/21/1991 #40046 nnel just off the coast of Romney, Kent, England, and preparing to land at 4/21/1991 #40046 TEYNHAM, KENT, ENGL UFO hovers 50' over church / 12/6/1991 #40255 ove the Teynham Church in Teynham, Kent, England. Something shot off from i 12/6/1991 #40256 RAINHAM, KENT Large wheel-UFO over Herbert road. 4/28/1992 #40435 CANTERBURY, KENT Large bright cylinder/cigar-shape. 9/20/1993 #41204 In Canterbury, Kent, England a large bright cigar-shape 9/20/1993 #41205 KENNINGTON, KENT Vibrant bright fireball radiates be 10/11/1993 #41230 ident in New Mexico, airline pilot Kent Jeffrey circulates the Roswell Decl 3/1994 #41432 DOVER, KENT 2 separate observer(s). Green-glow 6/9/1994 #41559 NEAR GOUDHURST, KENT 1 / car. Vibrant bright night light 6/28/1995 #42277 by a car on a road near Goudhurst, Kent, England in a zigzag pattern at an 6/28/1995 #42279 for by Roswell Declaration author Kent Jeffrey, who concludes that Marcel 1/10/1997 #43169 Folkestone Herald Burmarsh, Kent, England Dymchurch Lympne 3:00 a.m. 3/8/1997 #43222 Hall is driving through Burmarsh, Kent, England, when she sees a large tri 3/8/1997 #43222 swell Declaration author and pilot Kent Jeffrey announces that he is unable 6/1997 #43305 object flew over the middle of the Kent Valley in Auburn, Washington. It sl 2/15/2004 #44665 e objects appeared over Maidstone, Kent, England in the clear blue skys at 6/3/2006 #44947
Word: "kentfield" (Back to Top)
KENTFIELD, CA Huge saucer over homes. De 9/17/1981 #36121 At 9:00 p.m. in Kentfield, Marin County, California a hu 9/17/1981 #36123
Word: "kentland" (Back to Top)
LAFAYETTE GOING QUICKLY [TO] KENTLAND, IN Teen. 2.5M saucer dives / c 12/21/1961 #17000 Jerry Hislope, 20, was driving to Kentland when he saw a glowing white obj 12/21/1961 #17001
Word: "kenton" (Back to Top)
SOUTH KENTON CO, KY 2 observer(s). Odd noise / 1/21/1978 #32902 KENTON, ENGL Big silent silver toilet-se 4/22/1979 #34521
Word: "kents" (Back to Top)
Kents Hill School, Maine 9:02 p.m. Physi 3/8/1953 #8740 other teachers, and 10 students at Kents Hill School, Maine, watch a big re 3/8/1953 #8740
Word: "kentucky" (Back to Top)
and Chestnut streets, Louisville, Kentucky Ohio River bridge Madisonville, 7/28/1880 #237 ky Ohio River bridge Madisonville, Kentucky 6:00 p.m. C. A. Youngman and Be 7/28/1880 #237 nd Chestnut streets in Louisville, Kentucky, when they see something in the 7/28/1880 #237 he Royster family of Madisonville, Kentucky, watches a circular flying obje 7/28/1880 #237 Leslie Cumberland County, Kentucky Sunrise. People living near the 8/18/1893 #309 et of Leslie in Cumberland County, Kentucky, notice that the sun has a pecu 8/18/1893 #309 In Leslie, Kentucky thirty minutes after sunrise th 8/26/1893 #310 two miles south of Louisville, Kentucky Before sunrise. Augustus Rodger 4/13/1897 #452 ing two miles south of Louisville, Kentucky, goes outside to attend to his 4/13/1897 #452 Railway trestle bridge Lexington, Kentucky 9:00 p.m. George Alverson, Alex 4/17/1897 #525 ilway trestle bridge in Lexington, Kentucky. An airship lands and settles i 4/17/1897 #525 A man in Louisville, Kentucky heard a buzzing noise, looked u 4/24/1897 #570 Lexington, Kentucky 7:45 p.m. Hundreds of witnesses 7/4/1897 #597 undreds of witnesses in Lexington, Kentucky, see a lighted object silhouett 7/4/1897 #597 Wolfe County, Kentucky Reece Andrew Lacey, 9, sees a l Summer 1927 #1072 es near the rear” in Wolfe County, Kentucky. Summer 1927 #1072 nexplained skyquake in Louisville, Kentucky. 1/22/1945 #1762 Jeffersontown, Kentucky Fisherville 11:00 p.m. James L. 4/10/1945 #1843 s from his porch in Jeffersontown, Kentucky, a bright light that seems to b 4/10/1945 #1843 Louisville, Kentucky 10:10 p.m. Meteorologist Ellwoo 7/1/1947 #2521 ave a movie theater in Louisville, Kentucky. 7/1/1947 #2521 Louisville, Kentucky CAMERA CATCHES TWO IN FLIGHT - 7/7/1947 #2836 et and Bickels Lane in Louisville, Kentucky 10:15 p.m. Louisville Times pho 7/7/1947 #2942 et and Bickels Lane in Louisville, Kentucky, when he notices three “fiery b 7/7/1947 #2942 Godman Air Base, Kentucky Capt. Mantell of USAF is killed 1/7/1948 #3535 Kentucky State Police Godman Army Airfie 1/7/1948 #3542 Godman Army Airfield in Fort Knox, Kentucky Elizabethtown, Kentucky Madison 1/7/1948 #3542 Fort Knox, Kentucky Elizabethtown, Kentucky Madisonville, Kentucky Lexingto 1/7/1948 #3542 zabethtown, Kentucky Madisonville, Kentucky Lexington Mannsville, Kentucky 1/7/1948 #3542 le, Kentucky Lexington Mannsville, Kentucky 1:00 p.m. Kentucky State Police 1/7/1948 #3542 ton Mannsville, Kentucky 1:00 p.m. Kentucky State Police telephone Commandi 1/7/1948 #3542 Godman Army Airfield in Fort Knox, Kentucky, reporting an unidentified obje 1/7/1948 #3542 ntified object near Elizabethtown, Kentucky. Another call to Hix comes from 1/7/1948 #3542 ion by a civilian in Madisonville, Kentucky, through a Finch telescope of a 1/7/1948 #3542 in from Lexington and Mannsville, Kentucky. 1/7/1948 #3542 Irvington Owensboro, Kentucky Godman Army Airfield 1:20–2:10 1/7/1948 #3543 is over Irvington then Owensboro, Kentucky. Godman Tower Operator Tech/Sgt 1/7/1948 #3543 Louisville, Kentucky Godman Army Airfield at Fort Kn 1/7/1948 #3544 rfield at Fort Knox Bowling Green, Kentucky Franklin, Kentucky Ohio State U 1/7/1948 #3544 Bowling Green, Kentucky Franklin, Kentucky Ohio State University Camp Ripl 1/7/1948 #3544 omas F. Mantell Jr., a 25-year-old Kentucky Air National Guard pilot, and t 1/7/1948 #3544 ying F-51D fighters to Louisville, Kentucky. After Mantell reports his posi 1/7/1948 #3544 FO from below, past Bowling Green, Kentucky, at about 3:10 p.m. In one of h 1/7/1948 #3544 miles south-southwest of Franklin, Kentucky. The UFO disappears from view b 1/7/1948 #3544 Godman Army Airfield Fort Knox, Kentucky 4:45–7:06 p.m. USAF 1Lt. Paul I 1/7/1948 #3545 Godman Army Airfield in Fort Knox, Kentucky, for more than 2 hours. 1/7/1948 #3545 Louisville, Kentucky Longest and Everett avenues 4:1 6/27/1950 #5018 and Everett avenues in Louisville, Kentucky, when he hears the sound of a D 6/27/1950 #5018 Army Airfield] near Hopkinsville, Kentucky, and adjacent to Fort Campbell; 2/22/1952 #5920 Louisville, Kentucky Witness: Edward Duke, ex-U.S. N 6/15/1952 #6508 nternational Airport], Louisville, Kentucky 11:50 p.m. Edward Duke, a forme 6/15/1952 #6511 nternational Airport], Louisville, Kentucky. It has a light on either side 6/15/1952 #6511 Owensboro, Kentucky Witness: National Guard Lt. Col 6/23/1952 #6605 Owensboro, Kentucky 10:00 a.m. National Guard Lt. C 6/23/1952 #6609 ors flying in line over Owensboro, Kentucky. 6/23/1952 #6609 In Owensboro, Kentucky at 10:00 a.m. National Guard Lt 6/23/1952 #6614 Park Hills, Kentucky 10:30 p.m. An astronomer sees a 8/1954 #10085 igh rate of speed over Park Hills, Kentucky. The seemingly solid object is 8/1954 #10085 Hopkinsville, Kentucky Cecil Sutton and family have ru 8/21/1954 #10159 Kentucky (Indiana & Ohio), Various Kentu 11/12/1954 #11627 Kentucky (Indiana & Ohio), Various Kentucky (Indiana & Ohio), G,V (NICAP: 0 11/12/1954 #11627 Louisville, Kentucky Godman Army Airfield at Fort Kn 11/12/1954 #11629 ss object appears over Louisville, Kentucky. A radar unit 30 miles southwes 11/12/1954 #11629 later sighted at Bedford, Indiana. Kentucky National Guard pilot Lt. Col. L 11/12/1954 #11629 for a long period over Louisville, Kentucky. U.S. Air Force jets chased it 11/12/1954 #11631 U.S. Air Force jets chased it over Kentucky, Indiana and Ohio. It was also 11/12/1954 #11631 Hopkinsville, Kentucky The Sutton family saw a light l 8/21/1955 #12385 Hopkinsville, Kentucky Elmer “Lucky” Sutton farmhouse 8/21/1955 #12386 use 7 miles north of Hopkinsville, Kentucky, and sees a bright object come 8/21/1955 #12386 Hopkinsville, Kentucky. The Sutton family saw a light 8/21/1955 #12387 farm in Kelly, near Hopkinsville, Kentucky. After the police had searched 8/22/1955 #12391 Kentucky Standiford Field Louisville, Ke 1/31/1956 #12687 tucky Standiford Field Louisville, Kentucky Bedford, Indiana 3:24 p.m. Kent 1/31/1956 #12687 entucky Bedford, Indiana 3:24 p.m. Kentucky National Guard pilot Lt. Col. L 1/31/1956 #12687 ernational Airport] in Louisville, Kentucky, on a maintenance test flight. 1/31/1956 #12687 erkins and Williams, in Lexington, Kentucky sighted a small, pale-red light 4/16/1956 #12811 Addiction Center in Lexington, Kentucky Allan Memorial Institute of McG 2/1957 #13481 the Addiction Center in Lexington, Kentucky. Allen Dulles approves psychiat 2/1957 #13481 st across the border in Covington, Kentucky a woman reported seeing a stran 1/30/1959 #15571 Wallingford, Kentucky A bluish, disk-shaped object wa 9/7/1959 #15959 Wallingford, Kentucky 2:00 a.m. Rural mail carrier Wa 9/7/1959 #15960 ees in his pasture at Wallingford, Kentucky. After a minute, a bluish blaze 9/7/1959 #15960 along highway 559 in Wallingford, Kentucky a postman saw an elliptical sha 9/7/1959 #15961 . At 9:05 p.m. north of Lexington, Kentucky five glowing ovoid objects dive 9/7/1959 #15961 Forest City, AR Kentucky Air National Guard pilot chased 10/7/1959 #16026 Cincinnati, MI Kentucky Air National Guard pilot chased 1960 #16139 this date in 1960 in Grassy Creek, Kentucky. The burned bodies of four men 11/20/1960 #16509 In Wurtland, Kentucky on the Ohio River at 9:50 p.m. 4/3/1962 #17096 Wurtland, Kentucky Witnesses: G.R. Wells and J. L 4/4/1962 #17098 fice safety engineer in Lexington, Kentucky saw a large round UFO traveling 1/24/1963 #17639 fternoon, four boys in Fern Creek, Kentucky saw a cigar-shaped object that 7/18/1963 #17839 he school grounds in Hopkinsville, Kentucky at nine o'clock in the morning. 5/22/1964 #18291 oing northeast over mountains from Kentucky. Low and slow. Triangle formati 8/1965 (approximate) #19228 ximately two hours later in Vicco, Kentucky another UFO shaped like half an 3/4/1967 #21754 away rapidly. (Bardstown Standard, Kentucky, 3/16/67, copy in NICAP files.) 3/8/1967 #21805 Campbellsville, Kentucky 2:00 a.m. Sam Richerson and his 10/20/1973 #28215 n in their home in Campbellsville, Kentucky, when a barking dog disturbs hi 10/20/1973 #28215 In the morning in Russell Springs, Kentucky a woman encountered two three-f 10/23/1973 #28251 teenagers were at a campground in Kentucky on this night. Debbie and Nan K 7/4/1975 #30159 d buildings in downtown Covington, Kentucky and then hovered. It had rotati 10/22/1975 #30461 Stanford Hustonville, Kentucky Liberty, Kentucky 11:15 p.m. Mo 1/6/1976 #30770 ord Hustonville, Kentucky Liberty, Kentucky 11:15 p.m. Mona Stafford and tw 1/6/1976 #30770 between Stanford and Hustonville, Kentucky, when they see an intense red g 1/6/1976 #30770 ome to Smith’s trailer in Liberty, Kentucky, around 1:25 a.m., they find th 1/6/1976 #30770 Indiana New Albany, Indiana Kentucky border 10:30 p.m. An Indiana Ga 11/24/1976 #31571 , Indiana. It follows him from the Kentucky border and moves silently ahead 11/24/1976 #31571 Three witnesses in Anchorage, Kentucky watched as a 100 foot in diamet 1/26/1977 #31753 Highway 329 southeast of Prospect, Kentucky 1:05 a.m. A 19-year-old trucker 1/27/1977 #31759 Highway 329 southeast of Prospect, Kentucky, when he spots a rectangular, o 1/27/1977 #31759 1:05 a.m. a teenager in Prospect, Kentucky spotted a rectangular, orangish 1/27/1977 #31760 Interstate 64 in Lexington, Kentucky 10:35 p.m. A cigar-shaped objec 4/8/1977 #31965 across Interstate 64 in Lexington, Kentucky, several times. 4/8/1977 #31965 lights being observed at Mayfield, KENTUCKY, which is 85 miles SW of the UF 7/12/1977 #32263 ith a disc-shaped UFO in Bellevue, Kentucky at 10:45 p.m. She watched as a 7/15/1977 #32277 a married couple in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky at shortly after one o’clock at 12/21/1977 #32803 tely 22 miles north of Louisville, Kentucky. The pilot accompanied by his i 1/15/1978 #32884 m. a man named Folger in McKinney, Kentucky had a close encounter with roun 3/1/1978 #33007 Providence, Kentucky 4:30 p.m. A silver, pan-shaped 8/16/1979 #34748 n eastbound truck near Providence, Kentucky, at 2,000– 3,000 feet altitude. 8/16/1979 #34748 mer and four others in Providence, Kentucky reported observing a silver dis 8/16/1979 #34749 ft side of a highway in Flatwoods, Kentucky. The disc had red, green, blue, 3/18/1982 #36399 ft side of a highway in Flatwoods, Kentucky around 10:40 p.m. in 1982. The 3/18/1982 #36400 In Whitley City, Kentucky at 2:00 a.m. a top-shaped objec 7/21/1982 #36541 er car at 11:30 p.m. in Frantfort, Kentucky. The UFO had a pipe structure c 6/13/1989 #38988 r in the mid-morning in East Fork, Kentucky two men in a pickup truck saw a 2/25/1992 #40339 Kentucky to New York, Various About 7:50 10/9/1992 #40669 Kentucky to New York State About 7:50 P. 10/9/1992 #40670 ferson County Air Unit Louisville, Kentucky 11:50 p.m. Jefferson County Air 4/28/1993 #40953 tric Appliance Park in Louisville, Kentucky, when Graham sees something lik 4/28/1993 #40953 riving on a highway in Louisville, Kentucky sighted a donut-shaped UFO by t 8/23/1995 #42410 y, Ohio Aberdeen, Ohio Tollesboro, Kentucky Jackson, Ohio Waverly and Chill 10/16/1996 #43073 of south-central Ohio and northern Kentucky phone police to report strange 10/16/1996 #43073 T” formation. A man in Tollesboro, Kentucky, reports 8–10 objects in a grou 10/16/1996 #43073 es in a vehicle in Lynch Mountain, Kentucky watched a tall glowing figure, 6/9/1998 #43585 lights flying over Nicholasville, Kentucky at 12:15 a.m. A bright light wa 6/21/1999 #43787 At 4:30 a.m. in Columbia, Kentucky the witness awoke with a start 1/17/2000 #43929 a coal train enroute from Russell Kentucky to Shelbiana Kentucky, a locomo 1/14/2002 #44307 from Russell Kentucky to Shelbiana Kentucky, a locomotive trailing unit and 1/14/2002 #44307 iving home down a road in Ashland, Kentucky at around 10:00 p.m. when they 7/12/2003 #44563 d over a small lake in Louisville, Kentucky with beams entering the water. 5/5/2005 #44831 was sighted flying over Lexington, Kentucky at 11:00 p.m. It moved sideways 7/7/2005 #44852 th three lights fly over Edmonton, Kentucky, with the object flying with th 8/11/2005 #44861 At 10:00 p.m. in Whitesburg, Kentucky a black triangle with red light 10/19/2005 #44892 electrical disturbance in Liberty, Kentucky at 1:00 a.m. 9/16/2006 #44962 redawn morning hours in Lexington, Kentucky. He reported to the National UF 9/21/2007 #45066 , was then seen over Flemingsburg, Kentucky at 2:30 a.m. 10/31/2008 #45183 ouisville International Airport in Kentucky 1:55 p.m. A package handler at 6/24/2009 #45228 ouisville International Airport in Kentucky sees a reflection in the sky fr 6/24/2009 #45228 story: his family members in rural Kentucky told him in 2007, a large group 2/2011 #45312 one. Three months later, the rural Kentucky community was mysteriously equi 2/2011 #45312 . two witnesses driving in Elkton, Kentucky saw a flying object that first 2/11/2011 #45315
Word: "kentwood" (Back to Top)
g only 150-200 feet over a barn in Kentwood, Michigan. 11/6/1997 #43438
Word: "kenworth" (Back to Top)
Harry Joe Turner is driving a 1974 Kenworth tractor-trailer loaded with mus 8/29/1979 #34803
Word: "kenya" (Back to Top)
NANYUKI, KENYA Project Bluebook Case #845. 2 obse 12/2/1950 #5306 Nanyika, Kenya, Africa Pearly, iridescent object 12/2/1950 #5309 Nanyika, Kenya Mr. and Mrs. L. Scott. One pearly, 12/2/1950 #5310 ed a jeep along a road in Nanyuki, Kenya at 10:45 a.m. It reportedly made a 12/2/1950 #5312 Mt. Kilimanjaro, Kenya, Africa Lodestar Crew Sees Station 2/19/1951 #5447 Nairobi, Kenya Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanganyika [n 2/19/1951 #5449 Lodestar aircraft out of Nairobi, Kenya, when they see a bright object han 2/19/1951 #5449 KIRIMUKUYU, KENYA Night lights strike with a disabli 6/15/1954 (approximate) #9904 Kenya A farmer and his wife see a light 10/14/1954 #11055 dous speed, possibly 3,000 mph, in Kenya. 10/14/1954 #11055 NAIROBI, KENYA Astronomer and 4. Large night ligh 10/15/1954? #11085 KIGANJO, KENYA Military observer(s). Brilliant sp 10/30/1955 #12531 LOCATION UNKNOWN, KENYA 3+/ Safari. Silent dull silver obj 4/1956 #12773 NAIROBI TO/FROM MOMBASA, KENYA 2 / plane. 6 metallic lens-saucers 1/1966? #19800
Word: "kenyon" (Back to Top)
ceived by state police. Charles P. Kenyon, 39, of New Windsor, Md., had dri 8/1/1971 #26260 KENYON, RI 2+1 observer(s) stop and watc 12/17/1977 #32783 Kenyon, RI Blue-white glowing oval, wind 12/17/1977 #32787 State Highway 2 Kenyon, Rhode Island 4:00 p.m. Marguerit 12/17/1977 #32791 ckup truck on State Highway 2 near Kenyon, Rhode Island, when she spots an 12/17/1977 #32791 r four o’clock in the afternoon in Kenyon, Rhode Island a huge domed disc d 12/17/1977 #32793 KENYON, RI Misty night. Woman abduction. 5/19/1993 #40985 At 10:20 p.m. on a misty night in Kenyon, Rhode Island a woman was abducte 5/19/1993 #40986 r Manchester England Evening. Ceri Kenyon is walking home in Littleborough, Early 7/2000 #44008
Word: "keo" (Back to Top)
ar Mountains, Tibet Mountain guide Keo Wha Unan is inspecting the outer per 6/15/1974 #29198
Word: "keogh" (Back to Top)
e unmoving object. The witness, D. Keogh, called the nearby Adler Planetari 11/6/1982 #36677
Word: "keokuk" (Back to Top)
KEOKUK, IA 3 flight instructors. 3 fast 7/3/1947 #2559 KEOKUK, IA 2 USCG men. Intense white dom 12/9/1979 #35061 Mississippi River Keokuk, Iowa 9:45 p.m. US Coast Guard St 12/9/1979 #35063 Mississippi River near the dam in Keokuk, Iowa. It lights up the river bel 12/9/1979 #35063
Word: "keosian" (Back to Top)
le, New Jersey Peter Valko and Jim Keosian ran toward a strange object that 11/15/1963 #18040 Peter Valko and Jim Keosian ran toward a strange object that 11/15/1963 #18042
Word: "kepler" (Back to Top)
MOON Astronomers. Lights flash / Kepler and Copernicus craters. Up to 2 m 9/5/1954? #10248 ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kepler” Yield: 10KT 7/24/1957 #13825
Word: "kepner" (Back to Top)
Delmer S. Fahrney, Gen. William E. Kepner, and Brig. Gen. Thomas B. Catron. 10/19/1956 #13286 Delmer S. Fahrney, Gen. William E. Kepner and Brig. Gen. Thomas B. Catron a 5/9/2001 #44183
Word: "kept" (Back to Top)
ody of the object revolved a light kept turning on to the terrain beneath. 8/13/1909 #804 hesies revealed that day have been kept secret by the Vatican, but reported 10/13/1917 #971 ude a prototype flying saucer, are kept under lock and key. He is released 5/1945 #1858 n with Swedish Air Staff should be kept from the Americans. 7/27/1946 #2082 to do so verbally. No records are kept. https://www.trumanlibrary.gov/lib 1948 #3526 tedly taken from a crashed saucer. Kept alive in a controlled environment, 1949 #3941 altitude. The 15 meter wide object kept away from him when the witness atte 3/5/1950 #4584 chimpanzees, and gibbons, which he kept both at Yale and in open-air compou 1952 #5837 Ridge and Langley, with the engine kept at Holloman are also mentioned, as 1952 #5845 agious disease, their samples were kept at Fort Detrick, MD; and a crash re 1952 #5845 münde, Germany, tells Ginna he has kept notes on UFO sightings from all ove 3/3/1952 #5942 reports on UFOs through ONR to be kept separate from Blue Book. Keyhoe hea 3/14/1952 #5957 lien retrieved in 1949 (EBE-1) and kept at Los Alamos, New Mexico, dies of 6/18/1952 #6542 ittle man 3 feet tall who is later kept alive in a secret site in Californi 7/22/1952 #7024 ruman’s involvement is meant to be kept Top Secret and is not revealed unti 7/28/1952 #7265 lace by 1964, but the discovery is kept secret. 1/1953 #8486 for subversive purposes should be kept in mind.” The panel and report are 1/17/1953 #8548 in mind.” The panel and report are kept classified until a brief summary is 1/17/1953 #8548 1958, and the CIA’s involvement is kept secret until 1966. 1/17/1953 #8548 ent to Blue Book and are therefore kept out of future updates to Congress a 8/26/1953 #9113 y accelerating to 225 knots but it kept up with their plane. Townsend-Withe Winter 1953 #9385 onal security risk. The project is kept secret until July 1967 when it is r 1954 #9423 Force claims, some UFO reports are kept secret. 4/5/1954 #9666 ns through the clear blue sky, and kept up this behavior for over two hours 10/24/1954 #11373 Casper, WY Car motor kept stalling as motorist tried to turn 10/30/1957 #14166 eals for the Armed Forces?]. He is kept there and interrogated for several 11/17/1957 #14571 was heard. For one hour the object kept going up and down. 4/1958 #14953 o what extent official records are kept of UFO sightings and what departmen 11/5/1958 #15429 be aware of the correct date, and kept asking, "were there any survivors?" 2/28/1959 #15624 cus tent, studded with lights that kept changing from red to blue. They app 3/13/1959 #15640 olding information and wants to be kept informed of sightings and investiga 7/15/1960 #16337 re journey to Clodomira the object kept jumping ahead of them. When the fir 11/26/1962 #17563 dome on top. A bright amber light kept flashing around the edge, and flick 8/26/1965 #19466 at high speed. The tar on the road kept burning for some time. 9/15/1965 #19566 at high speed. The tar on the road kept burning for some time after the UFO 9/15/1965 #19567 physicist. Fireball no meteor. It kept on going. Faster than planes. 9/27/1965 #19611 r Ventura. Researcher, Stan Gordon kept the research of this incident alive 12/9/1965 #19760 st over Gifu prefecture, Japan. It kept changing its speed and apparent siz 12/24/1965 #19788 ---with difficulty, for the engine kept stalling---and were followed by a " 4/7/1966 #20271 and he felt a wave of fear, which kept him from following the dog. That ni 11/14/1966 #21101 and he felt a wave of fear, which kept him from following the dog. That ni 11/15/1966 #21109 75 miles per hour but the creature kept up with his car. He had been close 11/24/1966 #21146 s per hour but the creature easily kept up with his car. 11/25/1966 #21148 ds and bills 5-6 inches long. They kept them in sight for two hours. 11/26/1966 #21151 n wore tan trench coats which they kept buttoned from knee to collar. The t 1/28/1967 #21411 30 a.m. Man requesting his name be kept confidential reported that he obser 3/23/1967 #21955 o crash. The pilot, badly injured, kept transmitting until he faded out. A 7/27/1967 #22743 falls. Non-meteoric sightings are kept in a separate file but transferred 1968 #23630 future UFO reports. The files are kept in an office of the Council’s Upper 2/1968 #23719 o center. Radar trace records were kept. The object left to the southwest a 5/9/1968 #23953 g wings of a hummingbird. Whatever kept them flying was small and moving ve 6/14/1968 #24034 went back to normal. The two cars kept driving together, but the craft aga 3/19/1969 #25030 kets blew it off when the controls kept misfiring. Its trajectory and timin 6/18/1969 #25222 to someone, but the dividing wall kept him from seeing the humanoid. Howev 4/15/1970 #25633 etreat a few more times as the car kept approaching, then it rose into the 8/16/1970 #25790 el-powered engine of the other car kept running. 12/31/1972 #27197 next to the object. The witnesses kept driving without stopping. 8/9/1973 #27688 e raw meat, carrots and the family kept him in a small cage. Another local 11/15/1973 #28426 ces in house started operating and kept rhythm with the lights flashing on 12/6/1973 #28536 ficial that a crashed UFO is being kept in a military base in South Wales. 1/23/1974 #28694 hand, "with a wire on it." Le Duc kept driving, but shortly afterwards saw 12/11/1975 #30705 d by Fred Merritt. The database is kept on an IBM mainframe computer at a n 1976 #30742 came near, and although the woman kept driving, the radio did not work aga 3/5/1976 #30927 came near, and although the woman kept driving, the radio did not work aga 3/5/1976 #30929 f light. It was self-luminous, and kept pace with the car, flew over, then 6/25/1976 #31140 ind the windshield inside. As they kept asking what it was, he noticed that 12/6/1976 #31587 le man simply ignored the trio and kept digging. Frightened all three men r 2/17/1978 #32974 shed, or had been shot down, being kept on ice by the Air Force Foreign Tec 5/1979 #34533 l it was. Meanwhile the two beings kept talking and laughing. The witness t 2/6/1980 #35160 y noises on their patio where they kept caged rabbits. When they looked out 3/3/1980 #35194 ia with a single male occupant. It kept moving in front of the vehicle, pac 8/30/1982 #36586 .m. It created a smoke cloud which kept enveloping it as it moved. The obje 7/15/1984 #37400 of land and water. The disaster is kept secret for many years. 8/10/1985 #37641 tional defense reasons and must be kept secret. Mr. Hall is an UFO investig 12/21/1987 #38369 rk in Voronezh, Russia. The sphere kept changing it shading, and it had two 10/28/1989 #39191 lding for evaluation. The disc was kept in a big hangar with armed guards w 1990 #39358 Staff (where the UFO archives are kept), issues an Informative Note to the 5/22/1991 #40074 hair wrapped tightly around it. He kept the hair samples for genetic analys 7/23/1992 #40531 foot wide saucer-shaped object and kept there for five hours. Inside she wa 5/19/1993 #40986 eged that a “group” of key figures kept true UAP study, crash recovery, rev 7/22/1993 #41077 ed hostility from the being, which kept circling her in an attempt to force 7/24/1993 #41082 celerated to 90 mph but the object kept pace. As he watched in the rear vie 11/29/1993 #41309 2, the NWS radar operator said he “kept his mouth shut” due to ridicule ins 3/8/1994 #41450 , British Columbia, Canada and had kept the window opened in order to keep 6/15/1994 #41568 r, which irritated her throat. She kept driving and suddenly saw a creature 1/4/1996 #42666 g him to go away. All the time she kept trying to hit the creature, nothing 9/11/1997 #43405 g him to go away. All the time she kept trying to hit the creature, nothing 9/12/1997 #43407 some invisible force or paralysis kept him still. He experienced severe he 4/13/1998 #43550 kansas. Its nose turned up, but it kept a level trajectory. Planes reported 11/29/1998 #43690 tive lighting, they ignored it and kept walking. Then they heard a low rumb 3/12/2000 #43966 em in the center of the ring. They kept repeating this action." Next, a sec 9/11/2000 #44038 ctor-made vehicles by 1981 and was kept secret. McCandlish describes their 5/9/2001 #44183 from others Einsenhower was being kept out of information regarding UAP la 7/21/2003 #44567 ot at his place of employment, and kept watching it for a few more minutes 12/10/2003 #44627 ms a secret fund was organized and kept by the Military Office of the White 2004 #44638 plastic. A security light outside kept turning on, and they heard crashing 1/30/2006 #44920 ness sped up to 80 mph but his car kept slowing down. He came to a sharp cu 8/6/2006 #44953 rned the car’s headlights off, but kept the engine running so he could esca 4/25/2007 #45023 nd a rare “artifact” file that was kept away from Project Blue Book. Hal P 1/23/2009 #45208 oughout the rest of the night they kept waking up and had a fitful night; t 8/30/2009 #45240 k or with manual input calling. He kept getting "call failed", which had ne 9/14/2009 #45247 o go and blow this machine up that kept souls, so souls could be released.” 10/27/2016 #45460 working antigravity craft, they’ve kept it very quiet,” Kobitz states. * 11/2/2017 #45490 between 1959-61. He claimed it was kept secret by the US military. https:/ 9/28/2021 #45711
Word: "ker" (Back to Top)
BELLENDEN KER NT.PARK, QLD 2 boys. Night light man 1/23/1982 #36307 BELLENDEN KER, QLD, AUST 9 / large car. Large tria 6/28/1996 #42941
Word: "keratin" (Back to Top)
facial hair; the skin did not have keratin granules and their lymphatic sys 1959 #15516
Word: "keremma" (Back to Top)
KEREMMA, FR 3 / beach. 3 red lights / de 8/20/1992 #40585
Word: "kerkrade" (Back to Top)
Kerkrade, Holland Marine engineer design 8/6/1952 #7486 KERKRADE, NETHL Engineer. Domed saucer p 8/7/1952 #7495 Kerkrade, Netherlands 12:02 a.m. At Kerk 8/7/1952 #7507 erkrade, Netherlands 12:02 a.m. At Kerkrade, Netherlands, marine engineer W 8/7/1952 #7507
Word: "kerlaviou" (Back to Top)
KERLAVIOU, FR Observer(s) / (seen thru) 8/8/1998 #43619 oculars flew over the shoreline at Kerlaviou, Finistere department, France 8/8/1998 #43621
Word: "kerman" (Back to Top)
KERMAN, CA Cop. Ovoid fireball hovers / 5/13/1978 #33200 Kerman, California Fresno Community Hosp 5/13/1978 #33202 J. Amparano is on the outskirts of Kerman, California, when he sees a reddi 5/13/1978 #33202 l Amparano was on the outskirts of Kerman, California when he saw a reddish 5/13/1978 #33205 During a power failure in Kerman, California that occurred at 1:20 7/26/2004 #44717
Word: "kermat" (Back to Top)
p and down in the sky over Kampung Kermat, Malaysia at three o'clock in the 3/2/1968 #23807
Word: "kermet" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kermet” YieldMax: 20KT 11/23/1965 #19732
Word: "kermit" (Back to Top)
hile flying ten miles northwest of Kermit, Texas a private pilot experience 7/21/1952 #6986 SOUTH / KERMIT, WV 1+kids. Grey metallic footbal 10/1/1973? #27908
Word: "kern" (Back to Top)
Inyo, Kern County, California. Two couples, lo 9/27/1952 #8045 Pixley, California Kern County Airport [now closed] in Lost 7/22/1956 #13007 . He makes an emergency landing at Kern County Airport [now closed] in Lost 7/22/1956 #13007 rt (Louisiana) Airport, Capt. Lynn Kern and Flight Officer Abbey Zimmerman, 6/3/1957 #13698 titude and about a half-mile away. Kern flashes his landing lights, and the 6/3/1957 #13698 40 p.m. Lester Billheimer and Carl Kern watch an object shaped like a “soli 4/13/1958 #14980 China Lake Naval Ordnance Depot in Kern County, California at 4:55 p.m. whe 1/18/1966 #19852 r the China Lake Weapons Center in Kern County on a clear night. (NICAP: 02 1/9/1984 #37120 Mojave, Kern County (north of), CA 10:30 PM. Sev 1/9/1984 #37123 on SR 14 15 miles north of Mojave, Kern County, California. It was only 100 1/9/1984 #37123 r the China Lake Weapons Center in Kern County on a clear night. At 10:30 p 1/9/1984 #37127 on SR 14 15 miles north of Mojave, Kern County, California. It was only 100 1/9/1984 #37127
Word: "kernan" (Back to Top)
he west. Traffic controller Donald Kernan says the lights “did a kind of da 3/22/1980 #35230
Word: "kernels" (Back to Top)
ps. The UFOs were shaped like "oat kernels" and made changes in direction l 4/20/1952 #6142
Word: "kernville" (Back to Top)
KERNVILLE, CA 2 observer(s). Night light 7/30/1967 #22751 Kernville, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Inde 7/30/1967 #22752 Kernville, California Naval Air Weapons 7/30/1967 #22754 about 65° elevation to the east of Kernville, California. It is later joine 7/30/1967 #22754 frequently” fly over the area. The Kernville witnesses report by phone duri 7/30/1967 #22754 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kernville” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT 2/15/1988 #38466
Word: "kerosene" (Back to Top)
air after having been saturated in kerosene oil and ignited, except that it 6/13/1891 #293 scovered on the spot, along with a kerosene smell. Air Force investigators 9/7/1959 #15960 object has a profile similar to a kerosene lamp chimney flattened on the b Early 11/1966 #21070 FO “like two glass chimneys from a kerosene lamp welded together at their w 11/4/1966 #21075 e scene to examine the spot. Using kerosene, gasoline, and a blowtorch, he 4/21/1967 #22194 . 10M saucer 5M tall lands / park. Kerosene odor. 3 7cm holes. / r30p523. 9/29/1974 #29491
Word: "kerosine" (Back to Top)
in to feel like someone had poured kerosine on a wound. When he washed the 7/22/1955 #12280
Word: "kerr" (Back to Top)
Dayton, OH Kerr/Miller/Rabenek Case (AL) Three Airc 3/8/1950 #4592 Mid-morning. TWA pilot Capt. W. H. Kerr reports to the CAA that he and two 3/8/1950 #4593 Paul R. Fisher, and Lt. George A. Kerr flying another KC-97 at 1,500 feet 3/5/1954 #9598 locate the founding documents. Roy Kerr, a former ARL scientist, says the a 9/1956 #13166 employees Bill Kendricks and Allen Kerr see a light on the western horizon 5/13/1975 #30056
Word: "kerringer" (Back to Top)
ent of Justice Inspector Robert E. Kerringer [or is it Donald E. Flickinger 1/12/1965 #18717
Word: "kerrodien" (Back to Top)
ge 23, was driving by a pasture in Kerrodien en Bolazec, France when he saw 1/16/1966 #19841
Word: "kerrull" (Back to Top)
tamarx, Noma, Leektow, Luu, Oblow, Kerrull, Locktopar, Molca, Clatu, Hulda, 1/6/1952 #5861
Word: "kerrville" (Back to Top)
Kerrville, TX January 9, 1952; Kerrville 1/9/1952 #5864 Kerrville, TX January 9, 1952; Kerrville, Texas. Odd 'roaring" interfer 1/9/1952 #5864 Kerrville, Texas North Radio station KVE 1/9/1953 #8523 Texas North Radio station KVET in Kerrville, Texas, blames a 75-second int 1/9/1953 #8523 KERRVILLE, TX 4 teens. Huge red-orange g 1/11/1953 #8532 uzzed and then circled the town of Kerrville, Texas at around 6 p.m. causin 1/11/1953 #8533
Word: "kerry" (Back to Top)
on G. Flues, Robert M. Olsson, and Kerry Rothstien), as well as a number of 6/1952 #6402 r’s Ilopango Airport Nicaragua The Kerry Committee report, the result of an 4/13/1989 #38905 an investigation led by Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Christopher Dodd (D- 4/13/1989 #38905 Commissioner of Customs, tells the Kerry Committee that the CIA holds “seve 7/5/1991 #40112 County Kerry, Ireland Dingle peninsula Shannon 11/9/2018 #45544 tward just off the coast of County Kerry, Ireland, near the Dingle peninsul 11/9/2018 #45544 nd Fort Collins in Larimer County. Kerry Garrison, a vice president at dron 1/8/2020 #45625
Word: "kerstin" (Back to Top)
Grillby, Sweden 11:00 p.m. Kerstin Hallman is on her way home from 2/15/1994 #41415
Word: "kervinio-en-ploemeur" (Back to Top)
KERVINIO-EN-PLOEMEUR, FR 12M ovoid / por 7/8/1971 #26213 e edge was seen near the ground in Kervinio-en-Ploemeur, Morbihan departmen 7/8/1971 #26217
Word: "kerwin" (Back to Top)
At 9:30 a.m. Rev. Pearl Kerwin of Silver Spring, Maryland saw a 3/7/1959 #15631
Word: "kessel" (Back to Top)
Kessel, West Virginia 8:52 p.m. The pilo 4/22/2022 #45745 ss jet flying at 45,000 feet above Kessel, West Virginia, notices a light 1 4/22/2022 #45745
Word: "kessler" (Back to Top)
lm Air Attaché Maj. Gen. Alfred A. Kessler Jr. informs the War Department t 8/24/1946 #2154 ly ceded to Russia. Gen. Alfred A. Kessler Jr., former US military attaché 10/14/1947 #3457
Word: "kesteven" (Back to Top)
RAF Langtoft [now closed] in South Kesteven. 10/21/1957 #14139
Word: "kesti" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kesti” YieldMax: 20KT 6/16/1982 #36504
Word: "kestrel" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kestrel” YieldMax: 20KT 4/5/1965 #18898
Word: "keswick" (Back to Top)
is location whilst walking through Keswick with three other officers. (NICA 8/28/1977 #32431
Word: "keta" (Back to Top)
KETA, GHANA Many observer(s). Animals ac 4/9/1958 #14966 . At 3:30 a.m. a UFO was seen over Keta, Ghana swinging in a falling leaf m 4/9/1958 #14972
Word: "ketchup" (Back to Top)
or-trailer loaded with mustard and ketchup on US Highway 17 two miles from 8/29/1979 #34803
Word: "ketelson" (Back to Top)
oup, commanded by Capt. Raymond P. Ketelson, observe two round objects “res 9/6/1943 #1528
Word: "ketscsh-am-rhein" (Back to Top)
KETSCSH-AM-RHEIN, GERM 2 observer(s). Re 5/31/1979 #34595
Word: "kettenis" (Back to Top)
KETTENIS, BELGIUM Going [to] 20 cops and 11/29/1989 #39262
Word: "kettering" (Back to Top)
KETTERING, ENG 3+observer(s). Silent dis 11/30/1956 #13368 At 8:00 p.m. in Kettering, Northhampton, England a disc- 11/30/1956 #13371 KETTERING, TASM Glowing-dome lands / bea 2/25/1976 (approximate) #30900 Kettering, Tasmania 1:00 a.m. A glowing, 2/25/1976 #30901 Kettering, Tasmania 1:00 a.m. A man in K Late 2/1976 #30905 ering, Tasmania 1:00 a.m. A man in Kettering, Tasmania, is awake tending to Late 2/1976 #30905 oid report on this day occurred in Kettering, Tasmania. A glowing, domed ob 2/25/1976 #30906 KETTERING, OH Ex-airman. Silent featurel 9/28/1978 #33766 Kettering, Ohio 7:20 p.m. A man in Kette 9/28/1978 #33769 Kettering, Ohio 7:20 p.m. A man in Kettering, Ohio, spots a grayish cigar r 9/28/1978 #33769 KETTERING, ENGL 2 observer(s). Huge sile 8/24/1993 #41155 lic domed disc hovered overhead in Kettering, England at 9:45 p.m. It had a 8/24/1993 #41156 KETTERING, NORTHAMPTON 6 separate observ 1/27/1994 #41382
Word: "kettle" (Back to Top)
d 5:15 a.m. Police Constable James Kettle of Peterborough, England, sees a 3/23/1909 #725 d like an “enormous polished brass kettle” with a rectangular structure on 12/9/1954 #11787 om like an enormous polished brass kettle," hovered with an oscillating mot 12/11/1954 #11800 d like an "enormous polished brass kettle" with a rectangular structure on 12/11/1954 #11802 One of them carried a small black "kettle" that he proceeded to fill with s 11/28/1972 #27151
Word: "kettle'" (Back to Top)
Edmond Trochu. Red 'flying glowing kettle'. No further details. 9/23/1954 #10399
Word: "kettle-drum" (Back to Top)
-orange to red as it moved. It was kettle-drum shaped, and had lights strea 4/20/1969 #25076
Word: "kettlewell" (Back to Top)
KETTLEWELL, ENGL Farmer. Large red sauce 4/1983 #36827 KETTLEWELL, NORTH YORKS 2 / car. 60' tri 1/22/1988 #38428 ahead of the two witnesses' car in Kettlewell, North Yorkshire, England at 1/22/1988 #38429
Word: "keuble" (Back to Top)
rce), Milt Jansen (or Janzen), Don Keuble (Lockheed), Harold E. Puthoff (SR 5/20/1985 #37590
Word: "keuka" (Back to Top)
Keuka Lake western New York Around 5:00 8/9/1934 #1217 ian Leon M. Thompson is boating on Keuka Lake in western New York when he n 8/9/1934 #1217
Word: "keuren" (Back to Top)
Haven, New Jersey Night. Frank Van Keuren is fishing with others along the Summer 1933 #1164
Word: "kev" (Back to Top)
lands / woods. 3 indents. Mild 600 KeV radiation/radioactivity! 8/29/1970 #25807
Word: "kevin" (Back to Top)
chers, including Ron Schaffner and Kevin Randle, believe the body is that o 7/7/1948 #3699 no evidence of an in-flight fire. Kevin Randle suspects a balloon is respo 7/2/1954 #9984 school students, James Murphy and Kevin Fitzgerald, in East Hartford, Conn 7/20/1965 #19154 Springhill, Nova Scotia Kevin Davis, 12, and Gary Jardine, 10, s 11/29/1965 #19739 On this evening Kevin Davis, 12, and Gary Jardine, 10, s 11/29/1965 #19740 In 1975, Roach sees an article by Kevin Randle on UFO abductions and conta 10/16/1973 #28088 Australia While harvesting, farmer Kevin O’Connell finds seven sections of 12/8/1973 #28541 Kevin D. Randle and Robert C. Cornett pr 1/1975? #29684 school newspaper. UFO investigator Kevin D. Randle interviews Erenberger on 11/17/1975 #30636 Kevin/Dunkirk area, MT 4:31 a.m. UFO. RA 11/18/1975 #30639 d 3:00 p.m. Canute Jensen, 13, and Kevin Rurka, 12, are in a treehouse on t Mid 8/1977 #32401 ar, California 11:30 p.m. Students Kevin Smith and Jill Harper are walking 6/15/1980 #35375 Mimi Hynek, Donald R. Schmitt, and Kevin Randle. They find no unusual debri 9/15/1989 #39104 Weinheimer, 13, Paul Goddard, 12, Kevin Still, and one other boy are skate 10/11/1989 #39162 USS Nimitz Petty Officer Kevin Thomas claims he sees a “huge blac 1991 #39941 Roswell Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt pu 7/1991 #40105 erson, who contacted investigators Kevin Randle and Stanton Friedman with h 2/15/1992 #40331 Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin 6:35 p.m. Kevin Crump and his grandmother, Betty B 2/4/1993 #40838 s based on UFO Crash at Roswell by Kevin D. Randle and Donald R. Schmitt. 7/31/1994 #41649 Kevin D. Randle, Russ Estes, and William 3/1999 #43740 alifornia Navy Chief Petty Officer Kevin Day, stationed on the guided missi 11/10/2004 #44782 ll In Roswell in the 21st Century, Kevin D. Randle upends his previous posi 8/11/2016 #45457
Word: "kevinrandle" (Back to Top)
if cloaking was achieved. http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2009/07/allende 4/1956 #12778 9/07/allende-letters.html http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2016/08/chasing 4/1956 #12778 1%20No%204%20-%201968.pdf http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2009/07/allende 4/1956 #12779 9/07/allende-letters.html http://kevinrandle.blogspot.com/2016/08/chasing 4/1956 #12779
Word: "kew" (Back to Top)
JO-BURG AND INANADA AND ILLOVO AND KEW AND MORE/OTHERS, RSA Fan / banana ob 7/6/1972 #26777 es there this year to work for the Kew Observatory. MUFOB continues in Lond 1974 #28631
Word: "keweenaw" (Back to Top)
The USAF Keweenaw Radar Site in Michigan had mult 7/21/1965 #19157 Calumet Air Force Station Keweenaw County Phoenix, Michigan Lake S 8/4/1965 #19320 Air Force Station [now operated by Keweenaw County] near Phoenix, Michigan, 8/4/1965 #19320
Word: "kewper" (Back to Top)
Washington DC ex-CIA Whistleblower Kewper Stein (likely Oscar Wayne Wolff 1 Spring 1959 #15656 ades later starting in the 1990's, Kewper claimed that Project Blue Book wa Spring 1959 #15656
Word: "key" (Back to Top)
Louis Pasteur’s key germ theory experiments 1860 #152 attack the port of Bari, Italy, a key supply center for Allied forces. 28 12/2/1943 #1549 ng saucer, are kept under lock and key. He is released in March 1946 and mo 5/1945 #1858 aché in Moscow has been told by a “key Swedish Air Officer” [Wennerström] t 8/22/1946 #2150 Research and Development Board, a key recipient of UAP data at the time (s 1/31/1948 #3568 KEY WEST, FL TO GA Huge silent fireball 6/5/1949 #4225 Key Atomic Base, NM Five Objects Cross R Fall 1949 #4364 M Five Objects Cross Radarscope At Key Atomic Base (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases Fall 1949 #4364 tracking UFO case takes place at a key atomic base (probably Los Alamos, Ne Fall 1949 #4366 Key West, FL F6F Picks Up Object Tracked 1/14/1950 #4488 Key West, FL UFO Tracked By Gnd Radar Nr 1/15/1950 #4492 KEY WEST NAS, FL Pilots and more/others. 2/22/1950 #4546 Naval Air Station at Key West, Florida Navy pilots and others 2/22/1950 #4547 ar, above the Naval Air Station at Key West, Florida. A plane is sent to in 2/22/1950 #4547 Key West, FL (24.58° N, 81.80° W). (McDo 11/14/1950 #5277 Key West, FL Ground/Visual (NICAP: 09 - 2/22/1952 #5919 ersonnel are on continuous duty in key areas. 7/14/1952 #6816 OFF KEY WEST, FL 1 observer. 6 orange fireba 7/24/1952 #7106 circular orbits over the ocean in Key West, Florida. 7/24/1952 #7122 KEY WEST, FL Hundreds / observer(s). Red 7/26/1952 #7147 KEY WEST, FL 2+several observer(s). Sauc 8/7/1952 #7503 KEY BISCAYNE, FL Separate observer(s). 2 8/14/1952 #7580 anel” the next month without these key cases. https://sohp.us/Sign-Histori 12/9/1952 #8401 LIDO KEY, FL 2 / beach. Cylinder/cigar-shape 6/10/1953 (approximate) #8931 KEY WEST NAS, FL 2 Navy observer(s). Cir 7/18/1953 #9000 SIESTA KEY, FL Writer and doctor. Classic sauce 1/4/1954 #9441 KEY BISCAYNE, FL 6 separate observers. M 3/13/1954 #9620 Key Largo, FL Huge, bright pale blue or 7/29/1954 #10062 assigned as base commander. Other key organizations are briefed on Area 51 7/1955 #12225 SOUTH / KEY WEST, FL 2 / Navy jet paced / red ni 7/28/1955 #12292 KEY BISCAYNE, FL Humming noise abates wh 7/29/1955 #12295 eparate from both IFOs and UFOs. A key feature is to statistically compare 10/25/1955 #12519 on on how the report also withheld key information on physical evidence; me 7/5/1956 #12953 y such high-powered radars. As the key ELINT officer on the RB-47 puts it, 7/17/1957 #13808 aft Observed & Tracked On Radar At Key Base (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 8/4/1958 #15179 KEY WEST, FL 2 Navy men. 2 star-like nig 10/20/1959 #16046 Key West, FL Navy enlisted men watched t 10/20/1959 #16047 essional Liaison personnel briefed key Congressional committees in private. 6/1961 #16706 etation Center. The source alleges key evidence is being held by NPIC and t 1962 #17011 for any occurrences of some 7,000 key words in under four hours. The compu 1/1962 #17015 from the back of an A- 12 and uses key technology from the A-12 project, in 10/1962 #17449 military truck. In Feb. 1969, the key witness (John Murphy ) to this incid 12/9/1965 #19760 KEY WEST, FL Boca Chica NAS buzzed / ora 3/22/1966 #20025 Key West, FL Night, EST. FL. Several dis 3/22/1966 #20028 Key West, Florida Morning. Contactee Geo 3/22/1966 #20031 hover above him for one minute in Key West, Florida. He hears a familiar b 3/22/1966 #20031 Waterfront Playhouse in Key West, Florida 10:00 p.m. Several peo 3/22/1966 #20032 utside the Waterfront Playhouse in Key West, Florida, during an intermissio 3/22/1966 #20032 On this night near the airfield in Key West, Florida in 1966 several disc-s 3/22/1966 #20033 in NICAP files and in Donald E. I Key hoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Cl 2/8/1967 #21481 ar the Coastal Keys Highway off of Key Largo, Florida. The lights pulsated 4/12/1967 #22124 North Key Largo, Florida Jewfish Creek Pompano 7/20/1967 #22710 Fawcett is driving alone on North Key Largo, Florida, near Jewfish Creek. 7/20/1967 #22710 itish Aerospace and finds that two key transistors have burned out, seeming 3/4/1968 #23824 ovidence Evening Bulletin that the key to developing an effective spy or as 5/13/1968 #23959 later wrote the Committee ignored key evidence and could not explain over 11/15/1968 #24662 s to fly a reconnaissance UAV over key intelligence targets, such as ICBM s 1970 #25520 s awareness among a tight group of key personnel including J. Edgar Hoover, 1970 #25523 tant rhythm. He tries the ignition key but nothing happens, not even the oi 11/30/1972 #27154 KEY WEST, FL 2 observer(s). 3 domed top 1/27/1973 #27246 KEY WEST, FL Airline(s)/airliner exec an 10/22/1973 #28233 ties considering GEC-Marconi was a key contractor for the USG’s Strategic D 4/1974 #28984 BOCA RATON TO/FROM KEY LARGO, FL Cops and many. 2-5 night l 11/10/1975 #30588 Key West, FL 4:25 a.m. Mrs. Rosemary Hei 1/27/1976 #30822 econnaissance satellite (codenamed Key Hole) is launched by the US National 12/19/1976 #31620 a lack of physical evidence was a key reason why UAP were not worthy of fu 1977 #31659 them in this container, pushing a key on the box. When this happened, a sc 9/15/1977 #32485 tates interviews of several former key McGuire AFB officials found no corro 1/18/1978 #32895 Opalocka, Florida Key West 12:00 midnight. A flight instru 1/27/1978 #32918 of six objects with no lights over Key West. Each object is disc-shaped and 1/27/1978 #32918 r restarts without her turning the key; the window defogs as quickly as it 8/24/1978 #33563 restarted by turning the ignition key. The cone-shaped UFO was silent, and 8/30/1978 #33606 08:01 a.m. and her car's ignition key, that she believed had been in her h 12/12/1978 #34098 08:01 a.m. and her car's ignition key, that she believed had been in her h 12/12/1978 #34100 CIA Director William J. Casey as a key participant, and “high-level Iranian 10/15/1980 #35569 Leonard Stringfield and revealed a key USAF officer’s witness name to the 1 2/6/1982 #36322 are severely redacted and missing key data, are sent to the British UFO Re 3/4/1984 #37216 silvery object shaped like a house key. The cloud moves along the length of 4/25/1984 #37293 loud moves along the length of the key, flashing and lighting up bits in tu 4/25/1984 #37293 crash recovery and transportation, key evidence may be split between these 7/24/1984 #37416 KEY LARGO, FL 1 observer. Fireball going 1/29/1986 #37774 KEY LARGO, FL 1 observer. Silent 20M x 1 8/11/1986 #37977 In Key Largo, Florida a silent wing-shaped 8/11/1986 #37979 d his former commander gives him a key to where the documents are stored an 10/28/1986 #38056 gation. Bullard’s study summarizes key episodes and descriptive elements of 1987 #38089 North Sea GSF Galveston Key While working as an engineer on the Late 8/1989 #39073 on the jack-up barge GSF Galveston Key in the North Sea, Chris Gibson and a Late 8/1989 #39073 s of coping with stress; it is the key to experiencing the imaginal realm, 5/1/1992 #40442 e theory alleged that a “group” of key figures kept true UAP study, crash r 7/22/1993 #41077 e with the UAP sightings, ignoring key evidence. In 2020 a local reporter t 3/8/1994 #41450 PERDIDO KEY, FL 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Sile 2/4/1995 #42018 LONG KEY, FL 2 / US1. Metallic sphere appears 2/24/1997 #43206 release states the DODIG disabled key documents showing unsupported spendi 12/3/1999 #43892 e parent sponsoring entity and two key officers who could provide informati 4/25/2002 #44333 Security Administration (NNSA). A key NNSA component is the Office of Secu 5/14/2008 #45138 rtain doors, intros to potentially key personnel at contractors that may ha 10/2/2008 #45174 it goes higher than that; several key Congressmen including Harry Reid wan 10/29/2008 #45180 that the UAP craft contained three key elements: telluride, germanium and p 8/2014 #45413 nd rhodium. Palladium is used as a key material in capacitors. The material 8/2014 #45413 nd base construction” and EG&G has key facility for creating nanotechnology 4/18/2016 #45451 n victims. He also claims MITRE is key in antigravity and SAIC is a “crown 4/18/2016 #45451 FOs. It employs Luis Elizondo as a key investigator. Its Virtual Analytics 9/2017 #45480 release states the DODIG disabled key documents showing unsupported spendi 12/11/2017 #45492 en drones and their operators. One key limitation of these devices is that 7/24/2019 #45598 after it is submitted. Only after key senators learn of its existence late 8/2020 #45657 n is likely suggesting he believes key UAP information is held there, given 5/5/2021 #45688
Word: "keyboard" (Back to Top)
) by saucer. Fourth / dome works / keyboard. Observer(s) zapped. Dirt sampl 10/2/1968 #24536 there was a man using some sort of keyboard with both hands, and outside th 10/2/1968 #24538 ther figure appeared to be using a keyboard inside the transparent top part 10/9/1968 #24554
Word: "keyhoe" (Back to Top)
er statement causes Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe to wonder if there is a major dis 4/27/1949 #4117 itor Ken Purdy asks Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe to investigate the flying saucer 5/9/1949 #4175 for “fake tips” from the Pentagon. Keyhoe is initially skeptical, but after 5/9/1949 #4175 WA Donald Keyhoe publishes “The Flying Saucers are 12/1949 #4429 magazine is published, with Donald Keyhoe’s article, “The Flying Saucers Ar 12/24/1949 #4443 le, “The Flying Saucers Are Real.” Keyhoe argues that the Air Force knows U 12/24/1949 #4443 Ohio Wright-Patterson AFB Keyhoe meets with Gen. Sory Smith, direc 1/1950 #4470 view involves questions for Boggs. Keyhoe is given two looseleaf notebooks 1/1950 #4470 Donald Keyhoe publishes a condensed version of 1/1/1950 #4471 y about the film in 1956, it tells Keyhoe that the film is classified and n Spring 1950 #4691 oast at Anderson Creek, California Keyhoe’s article on the Adickes case of 8/1950 #5094 pears in True magazine. (Donald E. Keyhoe, “Flight 117 and the Flying Sauce 8/1950 #5094 Donald Keyhoe’s True article is expanded into a 10/1950 #5204 of the event, as well as Donald E. Keyhoe and Admiral Calvin M. Bolster. Th 11/17/1950 #5279 Coady Wedemeyer, USMC Maj. Donald Keyhoe and chief of the Navy’s guided mi 1952 #5843 o be kept separate from Blue Book. Keyhoe hears about this from both Kimbal 3/14/1952 #5957 craft has gone into a steep climb. Keyhoe assumes the radar and visual sigh 6/19/1952 #6551 ford to be complacent” about UFOs. Keyhoe says that the article has upset t 7/1/1952 #6688 re the UFOs disappear to the west. Keyhoe reviews the film along with some 11/16/1952 #8289 Albert M. Chop writes a letter to Keyhoe’s publisher Henry Holt & Co., dec 1/26/1953 #8574 cht’s first wife), later writes to Keyhoe saying that she had told Geyer th 1/28/1953 #8602 eem like poppycock.” Ruppelt tells Keyhoe that Blue Book must even discredi 2/9/1953 #8653 t M. Chop writes to Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe and verifies that the files on 41 2/25/1953 #8703 Department of Transport. He writes Keyhoe that their conclusion will probab 4/1953 #8805 al surprises.” It is discovered by Keyhoe in 1961 because someone forgot to 5/1953 #8852 retary Harold E. Talbott Donald E. Keyhoe’s Flying Saucers from Outer Space 10/1/1953 #9198 ue Book. The Air Force states that Keyhoe is misrepresenting their analyses 10/1/1953 #9198 Keyhoe has a confrontation with Delos Sm 12/29/1953 #9406 ring a three-part series debunking Keyhoe’s claims because a “certain Air F 12/29/1953 #9406 aud.” Forewarned by Frank Edwards, Keyhoe counters his arguments with docum 12/29/1953 #9406 nessman Thomas B. Eickhoff informs Keyhoe that Flying Saucers from Outer Sp 3/1954 #9580 es the latest wave of sightings to Keyhoe’s 1953 book Flying Saucers from O 3/1/1954 #9586 t Hotel in Los Angeles, California Keyhoe meets with Ruppelt at the Hollywo 4/4/1954 #9664 a letter supporting the claim that Keyhoe has used genuine ATIC reports for 4/4/1954 #9664 Keyhoe appears on The Betty White Show a 4/5/1954 #9666 Ruppelt’s letter to Keyhoe states that the request to clear 4/11/1954 #9682 which his superiors cleared them; Keyhoe has correctly quoted the ATIC mat 4/11/1954 #9682 UFO projects, the material used by Keyhoe in his book was not cleared throu 6/7/1954 #9872 Keyhoe and Edwards find out about the O’ 6/12/1954? #9896 He writes in an August 3 letter to Keyhoe: “They claim to have gotten the u 7/20/1954 #10031 Keyhoe hears from an informant that the 10/14/1954 #11054 im to clear up any confusion about Keyhoe’s use of USAF data. O’Mara writes 11/1954 #11509 says he had misunderstood and that Keyhoe’s book does contain officially re 11/1954 #11509 vity” and overseas translations of Keyhoe’s book Flying Saucers from Outer 12/7/1954 #11772 to exchange information and verify Keyhoe’s claims; liaison with the RAF an 12/26/1954 #11862 ks with USAF on the reliability of Keyhoe’s work, and they ultimately rejec 12/26/1954 #11862 to support a preconceived notion.” Keyhoe asks Ruppelt what he thinks. Rupp 10/25/1955 #12519 lkins’s Flying Saucers Uncensored, Keyhoe’s Flying Saucer Conspiracy, and R 1/22/1956 #12678 Times. He calls Wilkins a mystic, Keyhoe “repetitious and unconvincing,” a 1/22/1956 #12678 Virginia Keyhoe writes a lengthy letter to Sen. H 4/3/1956 #12782 equesting a congressional hearing. Keyhoe asks Byrd to forward his letter t 4/3/1956 #12782 W. Kelly responds, dismissing both Keyhoe and UFOs. 4/3/1956 #12782 was something fantastic up there.” Keyhoe obtains a copy of the tape. 4/16/1956 #12809 toryline is suggested by Donald E. Keyhoe’s nonfiction Flying Saucers from 6/13/1956 #12900 little resemblance to the content. Keyhoe has sold the rights to Clover Pro 6/13/1956 #12900 ey replaces him as board chairman, Keyhoe steps in as director, and Fahrney 1/14/1957 #13455 he best cases, at least initially. Keyhoe asks Ruppelt, who is now an engin 7/1957 #13767 US N.Y. Keyhoe meets with US Rep. James C. Heale Mid 7/1957 #13799 eport no. 14 as well as reports on Keyhoe and the UFO movie) is delivered b 9/16/1957 #14001 Keyhoe meets with Rep. James C. Healey a 10/31/1957 #14174 CBS Armstrong Circle Theater Keyhoe is invited to appear on the CBS A 12/1957 #14654 d an Air Force representative. But Keyhoe finds out that it will not be a p 12/1957 #14654 nick cuts out critical portions of Keyhoe’s material (including references 12/1957 #14654 thdraw from the program, expanding Keyhoe’s segment to 11 minutes. 12/1957 #14654 FB in San Antonio, Texas, asks for Keyhoe’s permission to use The Flying Sa 1/1958 #14792 sed-circuit broadcast at the base. Keyhoe agrees. 1/1958 #14792 Major D. Keyhoe cut off TV show dealing with UFO 1/22/1958 #14836 TIC says all UFOs are explainable. Keyhoe comes on and starts reading his s 1/22/1958 #14838 is not hiding anything about UFOs. Keyhoe later claims this is not censorsh 1/22/1958 #14838 rbert A. Carlborg tells NICAP that Keyhoe’s deviation “might lead to statem 1/22/1958 #14838 Armstrong Circle Theater Ryan Keyhoe meets again with Rep. James C. He 2/1958 #14859 ip. A few days later, Healey tells Keyhoe that the Air Force is claiming th 2/1958 #14859 no such things as flying saucers.” Keyhoe gives Healey the facts about the 2/1958 #14859 Keyhoe appears on ABC’s The Mike Wallace 3/8/1958 #14920 in any hearings.” This is news to Keyhoe. Wallace also quotes from the Rob 3/8/1958 #14920 s just released. A few days later, Keyhoe receives two letters from the Sen 3/8/1958 #14920 Keyhoe’s friend Lou Corbin has received 5/7/1958 #15021 ing is still concerned about UFOs. Keyhoe writes to him and receives a note 5/7/1958 #15021 A USAF officer secretly meets with Keyhoe and gives him three UFO reports a 6/1958 #15068 ate intelligent maneuvers by UFOs. Keyhoe refuses the request, sensing a se 6/1958 #15068 straightforward interpretation of Keyhoe’s The Flying Saucer Conspiracy, e 6/1958 #15070 ossibility of hysteria and panic.” Keyhoe approves the script, but Lackland 6/1958 #15070 Keyhoe writes to NICAP member George Sto 6/6/1958 #15081 Keyhoe writes to Ruppelt to say he is pu 7/17/1958 #15148 Ruppelt writes Keyhoe back, saying he has “always been 7/30/1958 #15162 g people like Menzel, Ruppelt, and Keyhoe to offer their opinions later. NI 8/8/1958 #15184 S. Sheldon II, who thus maneuvers Keyhoe out of appearing. 8/8/1958 #15184 ublic relations problems caused by Keyhoe, who is characterized as a “polit 10/1958 #15294 New York Yacht Club Keyhoe meets with Hillenkoetter at the N Spring 1959 #15660 to Air Force personnel about UFOs. Keyhoe tells Hillenkoetter that three sc Spring 1959 #15660 Maryland Lou Corbin has told Keyhoe that Rep. Samuel Friedel (D-Md.) 3/27/1959 #15674 him. But Killian’s wife now tells Keyhoe that he is under strict orders fr 3/27/1959 #15674 taly Austria Denmark Ruppelt tells Keyhoe he is revising his book to bring Late 5/1959 #15747 of the road” on the UFO question. (Keyhoe, FSTS, pp. 258–260) May 26, 29 — Late 5/1959 #15747 Keyhoe writes an open letter to Ruppelt 6/12/1959 #15766 n W. McCormack (D-Mass.) writes to Keyhoe that “it was pretty well establis 11/4/1960 #16494 Keyhoe debates Lt. Col. Lawrence J. Tack 12/5/1960 #16526 r Force was being set upon by Maj. Keyhoe, NICAP, and other hobby groups wh 12/5/1960 #16526 aceships as an act of pure faith.” Keyhoe repeatedly challenges Tacker, who 12/5/1960 #16526 ity Leader John W. McCormack tells Keyhoe privately that he has urged the S 3/1961 #16618 ith an UFO and disappeared.-Donald Keyhoe) Second Case: A radar operator wa 5/1961 #16669 s privately with Hillenkoetter and Keyhoe, asking them to prepare the best 8/4/1961 #16777 ep. Karth writes a harsh letter to Keyhoe and attacks him for trying to def 8/28/1961 #16806 cule the Air Force. He had thought Keyhoe would be proving the existence of 8/28/1961 #16806 porter that he will not be part of Keyhoe’s “cheap scheme to discredit the 8/28/1961 #16806 Keyhoe has smoothed things over with Rep 9/19/1961 #16856 Betty Hill writes to Donald E. Keyhoe (mentioning the figures Barney re 9/26/1961 #16873 h in Washington, D.C., with Donald Keyhoe, who shows them the letter from B 10/4/1961 #16896 of NICAP. In 1959 he had contacted Keyhoe and asked to see some of his “rea Summer 1962 #17238 ses his CIA background to NICAP or Keyhoe. Although Bryan, the father of la Summer 1962 #17238 suspected of helping to discredit Keyhoe and undermine NICAP; his son and Summer 1962 #17238 11:15 p.m. Donald Keyhoe and NICAP board member Joseph Bry 1/27/1965 #18777 light beam shone into the house. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 46) (NICAP: 02 3/19/1966 #19991 t a hospital and healed normally. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969b, pp. 4-5; Bondarchu 3/29/1966 #20134 rcled the area and flew overhead. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 8; New York NIC 3/30/1966 #20155 ngle. (NICAP investigation report; Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 23; U.F.O. Inve 3/31/1966 #20173 n speeding away to the northeast. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 8; report by Wa 4/22/1966 #20366 ntly caused by the undercarriage. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 22.) (NICAP: 06 4/23/1966 #20385 l where the object had been seen. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969b, pp. 45-47; Walter 4/24/1966 #20400 tes, police statement in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 5/6/1966 #20453 old Brown, Lawrence Tacker, Donald Keyhoe, and J. Allen Hynek. The tenor of 5/10/1966 #20474 III, No. 9, Aug.-Sept. 1966, p. 3; Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 9.) (NICAP: 01 6/24/1966 #20605 (EM effects) during the sighting. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 45.) (NICAP: 02 10/14/1966 #20998 Keyhoe is stressed by Condon’s statement Mid 10/1966 #21007 r edge. (NICAP report in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 11/10/1966 #21087 At Saunders’s invitation, Hall and Keyhoe brief the Colorado project member 11/28/1966 #21156 s “wouldn’t remember the details.” Keyhoe focuses on the cover-up, while Ha 11/28/1966 #21156 s the early reports are worthless. Keyhoe tells Low that before he wastes a 12/1966 #21171 arrative from witness in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Clo 1/10/1967 #21283 , 1/16/67; Gillmor, 1969, case 13; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, p. 45; U.F.O Inv 1/15/1967 #21308 eld Union, Mass., 2/22/67, copy in Keyhoe Archives) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 1/15/1967 #21309 second object and both sped away. (Keyhoe and Lore,1969a, p.43.) (NICAP: 02 1/18/1967 #21341 /20/67; Huntington Herald 1/20/67; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, sketch p. 46; Fl 1/19/1967 #21349 ch a conclusion for another year.” Keyhoe is astonished by Condon’s remarks 1/25/1967 #21385 C., to pick up some case material. Keyhoe and Hall show him a clipping abou 1/31/1967 #21424 ive effect. Finally, Condon writes Keyhoe saying that his words were taken 2/1/1967 #21433 Dogs reacted (animal reactions). (Keyhoe and Lore, 1969b, p. 71.) (NICAP: 2/3/1967 #21444 er from witness, 2/5/67, Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Clo 2/4/1967 #21448 eprinted in Vaughan, 1995, p. 206; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, p. 21, and 1969b 2/10/1967 #21503 Conn., 2/14/67, copy in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.). (NICAP: 02 - Cl 2/12/1967 #21521 IV, No. 3, Nov.- Dec.. 1967, p. 3; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, p.44). (NICAP: 0 2/16/1967 #21569 py in NICAP files and in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Clo 2/19/1967 #21596 py in NICAP files and in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Clo 2/21/1967 #21610 Ind., 3/3/67, copy in NICAP files; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969b, p. 34.) (NICAP: 2/22/1967 #21620 Washington Low calls Keyhoe and reveals that none of the Blue 3/1967 #21696 ter visits NICAP in Washington and Keyhoe asks him how many NICAP cases he 3/1967 #21696 ipping, 3/25/67, copy in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 3/24/1967 #21963 nna Record-Courier, Ohio, 3/31/67; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, p. 30; Keyhoe an 3/28/1967 #22003 67; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, p. 30; Keyhoe and Lore,1969b, pp.28-29; APRO Bu 3/28/1967 #22003 CAP report form, copy in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Clo 5/1967 #22252 Journal, 5/8/67, copy in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files; L/.F.O. Investiga 5/7/1967 #22292 requesting UFO reports from NICAP, Keyhoe is withholding them. Roy Craig di 7/1967 #22589 ossible EM effect noted on radio. (Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, pp. 10-11.) (NIC 10/13/1967 #23232 cDonald letter, 12/1/68, Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Clo 10/22/1967 #23288 , Donald E. Reyhoe Archives files; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, p. 6.) (NICAP: 0 10/27/1967 #23344 nto Institute of Aerospace Studies Keyhoe writes separate letters to Condon 11/14/1967 #23450 Washington, D.C. Saunders pays Keyhoe a surprise visit in Washington, D 11/22/1967 #23495 Condon and Low write Keyhoe back separately and do not commit 12/1/1967 #23531 house. (Hall, 2001, p. 459, from: Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, pp. 29-30.) (NIC 12/8/1967 #23561 has apparently heard about it from Keyhoe. Saunders gives him an official c 12/12/1967 #23573 Keyhoe and the NICAP Board of Directors 4/30/1968 #23932 e 2nd car pass; E-M effects again. Keyhoe & Lore, 1969b, pp. 40-41. (E,R) c 11/25/1968 #24702 nce at National Press Club. Donald Keyhoe, NICAP director, Richard Hall, N1 1/11/1969 #24833 nal Press Club in Washington, D.C. Keyhoe, Saunders, and McDonald hold a pr 1/11/1969 #24834 ial crisis brought on by Donald E. Keyhoe’s failure to keep adequate books 10/27/1969 #25425 mmer he had gotten permission from Keyhoe to fire five of NICAP’s eight emp 10/27/1969 #25425 e NICAP board of governors demands Keyhoe’s resignation. He retires, under 12/3/1969 #25483 Donald E. Keyhoe publishes Aliens from Space, in w 12/1973 #28495 researcher Todd Zechel claims that Keyhoe’s National Investigations Committ 1/1979 #34268 naut Gordon Cooper, Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe (USMC, Ret.) (now deceased), MUFO 9/4/1987 #38278 hiding Government documents.” Maj. Keyhoe sent this letter to PEA Research 9/4/1987 #38278
Word: "keyhoes" (Back to Top)
Henry Holt & Co. that Maj. Donald Keyhoes’ book on “flying saucers” is acc 1/26/1953 #8569
Word: "keyingham" (Back to Top)
KEYINGHAM, YORKS 2 observer(s). Orange s 3/22/1973 #27357
Word: "keyl" (Back to Top)
end, age 19, a radio announcer for KEYL Radio, had a close encounter with a 10/23/1965 #19679
Word: "keyl-am" (Back to Top)
27 Long Prairie, Minnesota Night. KEYL-AM radio announcer James F. Townsen 10/23/1965 #19678
Word: "keynes" (Back to Top)
Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, UK Two uniforme 3/25/1982 #36413
Word: "keynote" (Back to Top)
S Navy Aviator Ryan Graves gives a keynote titled “UAP & Government: The In 6/3/2022 #45753
Word: "keys" (Back to Top)
le, Florida Atlantic Ocean Florida Keys off the coast of Florida A training 12/5/1945 #1950 l islands offshore for the Florida Keys after his compasses stopped working 12/5/1945 #1950 near the Florida Keys, at sea Carrier Oriskany OSI Report 5/29/1952 #6383 Gulf of Mexico near the Florida Keys -- At approximately 1700 hours two 5/29/1952 #6385 SOUTH / FLORIDA KEYS 2 / SS. Warren. Large orange-glowin 11/22/1952 #8321 fumbling with his pockets for the keys. He dropped the keys and picked the 4/10/1954 #9681 ckets for the keys. He dropped the keys and picked them up and attempted to 4/10/1954 #9681 ugina was able to grasp a bunch of keys in his hand he regained control of 10/18/1954 #11225 motion with his fist on the garage keys that he holds in his hand. Freed fr 10/19/1954 #11243 n clenching his fist on the garage keys seemed to free him. He attacked the 10/20/1954 #11274 motion with his fist on the garage keys that he held in his hand. Freed fro 10/20/1954 #11283 Miami Seaquarium Florida Keys P. Craig Phillips, curator of the M Summer 1957 #13744 iling northward toward the Florida Keys. Assuming them to be cobwebs from m Summer 1957 #13744 Uberlandia, Brazil Automatic keys at power station turned off as roun 8/17/1959 #15922 lowing trunk line. After UFO left, keys turned back on. (NICAP: 03 - EME Ca 8/17/1959 #15922 Minas Gerais, Brazil The automatic keys at the power station in Uberlândia, 8/17/1959 #15923 45 miles away reports that all the keys disconnected as a UFO passes overhe 8/17/1959 #15923 The chief engineer resets all the keys but they turn off again. Outside he 8/17/1959 #15923 Coastal Keys Highway, CA 8:30 p,m. EST. Six memb 4/12/1967 #22118 n formation while near the Coastal Keys Highway off of Key Largo, Florida. 4/12/1967 #22124 es that had what looke like "piano keys" on them. The beings stared at Wils 11/28/1967 #23517 e walked the area and held up some keys to the fence gate at the dog lot, w 3/23/1987 #38153 which was close to the sight. The keys swung over on their own and hit the 3/23/1987 #38153 around, he finds his car with the keys still in the ignition. Next to the 6/16/1991 #40099 with a design consisting of boxes, keys, and a Celtic cross was found on th 6/12/1999 #43785 h and the existence of aliens; the Keys, who are subject to frequent experi 12/2/2002 #44457
Word: "keystone" (Back to Top)
tion picture footage on a borrowed Keystone 8mm Capri camera of some yellow 2/17/1967 #21586
Word: "keysville" (Back to Top)
KEYSVILLE, VA Silvery cigar-shaped "mete 2/24/1952 (approximate) #5925 KEYSVILLE, GA 2 observer(s). 4m round li 3/27/1989 #38882
Word: "keywords" (Back to Top)
the machine is to search text for keywords from a watchlist. From a single 1/1962 #17015
Word: "keyworth" (Back to Top)
Teller, Donald T. Regan, George A. Keyworth II, Alfred H. Kingon and John A 6/11/1985 #37600
Word: "kfjz" (Back to Top)
ect (EME) / overheat / approach. / KFJZ radio report. 11/4/1957 (approximate) #14255
Word: "kfox" (Back to Top)
inute slot on local radio stations KFOX in Long Beach and KMPC in Los Angel 1/1936 #1242
Word: "kg" (Back to Top)
d it strangely light (less than 2O kg), and observed its body was very hard 11/28/1954 #11720 ently for 4 days, and lost over 10 kg. Diameter of craft, 11 m; height, 3 m 5/20/1967 #22379 ides uphill! 5cm tracks found = 80 kg Wt. / r50. 3/28/1974 #28964 . Ovoid lands. 4 x6M trace grows 4 kg mushrooms. Ants mutated. 11/3/1976 #31519 TYNIN, POLAND Farmer finds 50cm 30 kg metal disk / field. Unidentified. Man 2/2/1977 #31777 height. It reportedly weighed 720 kg. It was transported to Novosibirsk, R 12/6/1978 #34066
Word: "kgb" (Back to Top)
e first radiological attack by the KGB, especially when compared to the poi 9/1957 #13965 t isotope was used, if any. Former KGB officer Stanislav Lekarev claims, ho 9/1957 #13965 The Soviet KGB has created its own disinformation D 1959 #15513 egion) in 1968 and related alleged KGB documents. (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) 3/1968 #23796 of his aides, Igor Sinitsin, it is KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov who initiates 10/1977 #32539 KAPUSTIN YAR, RUSSIA KGB report. Silent 5M domed disk maneuve 7/28/1989 #39034 sian cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, the KGB declassifies several documents from 10/1991 #40202 concerns that the Soviets and the KGB were using US citizens and UFO group 8/3/1997 #43365 nalized TV documentary, The Secret KGB UFO Files, is released in the US and 9/13/1998 #43644 was a fake once meant to fool the KGB. https://ufos-scientificresearch.bl 1/1/1999 #43710
Word: "kgfl" (Back to Top)
be able to find the debris field. KGFL reporter Frank Joyce calls Wilcox, 7/6/1947 #2807 first apparently to Frank Joyce at KGFL) and the newspapers in Roswell, New 7/8/1947 #3015 Manager of KGFL Radio in Roswell, NM, George Robert 12/30/1991 #40271
Word: "kgpl" (Back to Top)
ell Daily Record and radio station KGPL for a revised, sanitized version of 7/9/1947 #3054
Word: "kh-1" (Back to Top)
h Pacific The Discoverer 13 Corona KH-1 photoreconnaissance satellite is la 8/10/1960 #16367 n Siberia The Discoverer 14 Corona KH-1 spy satellite is launched. It is th 8/18/1960 #16406
Word: "kh-11" (Back to Top)
China Sudan Afghanistan The first KH-11 Kennen reconnaissance satellite (c 12/19/1976 #31620 ervations. The capabilities of the KH-11 are highly classified, as are imag 12/19/1976 #31620 it evades them. During the event, KH-11 reconnaissance satellites take pho Early 5/1981 #35924
Word: "kh-4a" (Back to Top)
and a secret Corona spy satellite, KH-4A 1027, launched from Vandenberg AFB 12/9/1965 #19762
Word: "kh-9" (Back to Top)
U.S. KH-9 "Big Bird" spy satellite incinerate 8/6/1971 #26268
Word: "khabarovsk" (Back to Top)
NORTH / KHABAROVSK Russian bomber vanishes. Sear 4/24/1970 #25642 Khabarovsk Krai, Russia 10:35 p.m. A Sov 5/23/1985 #37592 ts an oval, orange object over the Khabarovsk Krai, Russia. Radar does not 5/23/1985 #37592 Yakovlevo Dubki Kablukovo Fryazino Khabarovsk Kirzhach Pereslavl-Zalessky, 3/21/1990 #39475 vlevo, Dubki, Kablukovo, Fryazino, Khabarovsk, and Kirzhach. Radar stations 3/21/1990 #39475 een over a wide area. Witnesses in Khabarovsk watch bright red spheres flyi 3/21/1990 #39475
Word: "khabbeb" (Back to Top)
AIN KHABBEB, MAROC Numerous military observe 9/6/1954 #10259 Two spheres hovered over Ain Khabbeb, Morocco at 10:30 p.m., attached 9/6/1954 #10260
Word: "khakassia" (Back to Top)
Abakan Republic of Khakassia Russia A triangular UFO is see 4/10/1990 #39517 0 minutes over Abakan, Republic of Khakassia, Russia. 4/10/1990 #39517
Word: "khaki" (Back to Top)
O. Three other figures, dressed in khaki, are adjusting some rods that are 8/1914 #907 through a sliding door. They wore khaki overalls and were of European type 10/4/1954 #10693 through a sliding door. They wore khaki overalls and were of European type 10/4/1954 #10702 up. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) / Khaki walk by hedge. / r30p251. 7/8/1964 (approximate) #18399 ce. Two short humanoids dressed in khaki were also seen walking by a hedge. 7/8/1964 #18400 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Khaki” YieldMax: 20KT 10/15/1966 #21005 with heavy steps. The beings wore khaki uniforms with large belts and a ki 5/26/1974 #29136 a policeman, as they normally wore khaki. The UFO appeared at 2:30 a.m. on 5/31/1974 #29150 eelings of terror. They wore brown khaki uniforms, like a police officer's 8/6/1976 #31241 a dark-haired humanoid that wore a khaki coat. She was taken away in a blac 4/2/1989 #38888
Word: "khaki-brown" (Back to Top)
the UFO, dressed in close-fitting, khaki-brown suits. The witnesses flee ba 8/6/1976 #31240
Word: "khaki-colored" (Back to Top)
own. She says they are “dressed in khaki-colored flying suits with helmets 4/9/1948 #3619 , domed heads exited. The men wore khaki-colored outfits, and carried a wei 2/4/1951 #5432
Word: "khaleb" (Back to Top)
llah Umar Siddiq, merchant Ibrahim Khaleb, and physician Muhammad Watif are 2/8/1974 #28748
Word: "khami" (Back to Top)
Khami Prison in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe 8:15 7/15/1975 #30182 p.m. David Burgess, an official at Khami Prison in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, and 7/15/1975 #30182 HD Orange domed saucer hovers over Khami Prison. 5 observer(s) same place / 7/16/1975 #30184
Word: "khani" (Back to Top)
interceptor piloted by Capt. Aziz Khani and 1stLt. Hossein Shokri from Sha 9/18/1976 #31395 nd instruments give out. Only when Khani pulls away does functionality retu 9/18/1976 #31395
Word: "khanka" (Back to Top)
bolov, Primorsky Krai, Russia Lake Khanka Late evening. Observers in Kamen- 6/1/1899 #635 t Kazak Ussuriyskiy moored on Lake Khanka. It is seen for 20 minutes, then 6/1/1899 #635
Word: "khao" (Back to Top)
Nakhon Sawan, Thailand Khao Kala hill Retired Sergeant-Major Ch 12/1997 #43452 ontinues the tradition, and nearby Khao Kala hill regularly attracts crowds 12/1997 #43452
Word: "kharagpur" (Back to Top)
Kharagpur, India Palembang, Sumatra, Ind 8/11/1944 #1640 is piloting a B-29 bomber based at Kharagpur, India, on a bombing mission o 8/11/1944 #1640
Word: "kharkiv" (Back to Top)
Kharkiv, Ukraine The Research Institute 1992 #40275 malous Phenomena is established in Kharkiv, Ukraine, to study UFOs and extr 1992 #40275
Word: "kharkov" (Back to Top)
mlet where he lived in Artyemovka, Kharkov region, Ukraine when he saw a UF 12/31/1989 #39345 KHARKOV, UKRAINE Big "star" hovers and m 3/24/1990 #39482 MILITARY UNIT SOUTH / KHARKOV, UKR 80' cylinder/cylindrical ob 8/13/1990 #39687 LOZOVAYA, KHARKOV, UKRAINE Night. Woman sees red f 8/23/1990 #39699
Word: "kharovsk" (Back to Top)
craft fly low over the rooftops of Kharovsk, Russia. It had a blunt nose an 4/24/1989 #38926
Word: "khatanga" (Back to Top)
Khatanga, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia Alyke 10/27/1979 #34971 Three Russian aircraft approaching Khatanga, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, enco 10/27/1979 #34971 Khatanga Krasnoyarsk Krai Russia A. Bind 1/1981 #35768 a radiant object above the city of Khatanga, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, duri 1/1981 #35768
Word: "khazakstan" (Back to Top)
SHEVCHENKO, KHAZAKSTAN UFO much larger / 747 rises g 8/15/1989? #39063
Word: "khazanovich" (Back to Top)
green color. Researcher Konstantin Khazanovich considers this to be the res 10/1985 #37670
Word: "khedivial" (Back to Top)
nds it to the Egyptian Army and to Khedivial Astronomical Observatory in He 10/5/1954 #10731
Word: "kherson" (Back to Top)
KHERSON, UKRN Crowds. Silver saucer goin 10/20/1966 #21017 KHERSON, UKRAINE 4+observer(s). Silver-w 6/11/1990 (approximate) #39613
Word: "khimsar" (Back to Top)
KHIMSAR, INDIA 12+observer(s). Orange-ye 12/24/1997 #43473
Word: "khokhlov" (Back to Top)
Litvinenko Soviet defector Nikolai Khokhlov suffers a sudden and severe ill 9/1957 #13965 slav Lekarev claims, however, that Khokhlov is poisoned by radioactive polo 9/1957 #13965
Word: "khondab" (Back to Top)
Khondab, Iran Isfahan Night. An Iranian 10/28/2004 #44773 near the heavy water reactor near Khondab, Iran, when it picks up an unide 10/28/2004 #44773
Word: "khoper" (Back to Top)
Khoper River, Russia 11:00 p.m. LT. Whil Early 6/1967 #22452
Word: "khorasan" (Back to Top)
Bojnord, North Khorasan, Iran A bright, round object ra 9/12/1980 #35518 s reported south of Bojnord, North Khorasan, Iran. It moves very quickly fo 9/12/1980 #35518
Word: "khosa" (Back to Top)
oosboom, Natal, South Africa Elias Khosa saw a "monster" when he was walkin 8/16/1972 #26922
Word: "khosta" (Back to Top)
Black Sea Khosta near Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russi 8/12/1979 #34739 k Sea west of the microdistrict of Khosta near Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russi 8/12/1979 #34739
Word: "khoury" (Back to Top)
ysical evidence. Businessman Peter Khoury had at least one previous abducti 7/23/1992 #40530 Australian ufologist Bill Chalker. Khoury wakes up suddenly and finds two n 7/23/1992 #40530 tics: narrow heads and large eyes. Khoury says that what happens next feels 7/23/1992 #40530 her in a puzzled way, then vanish. Khoury has a coughing fit and goes to th 7/23/1992 #40530 At 7:30 a.m. Peter Khoury was in bed in Sydney, New South W 7/23/1992 #40531 at fell half way down her back. To Khoury, the hair looked very exotic. The 7/23/1992 #40531 or three times larger than normal. Khoury especially noticed the blonde-hai 7/23/1992 #40531 n his bed, seemed to be in charge. Khoury thought that she was communicatin 7/23/1992 #40531 ack at the witness. Involuntarily, Khoury swallowed the small fragment in h 7/23/1992 #40531
Word: "khrunov" (Back to Top)
G. Nazarov, and cosmonaut Yevgeny Khrunov. At the seminar, some individual 11/1978 #33907
Word: "khrushchev" (Back to Top)
Base in California. Premier Nikita Khrushchev announces the shoot-down to t 5/5/1960 #16256 Khrushchev now reveals to the Soviet par 5/7/1960 #16259 l option of approaching Castro and Khrushchev; a naval blockade to stop Sov 10/16/1962 #17475 r delivers to a letter from JFK to Khrushchev, saying, “the one thing that 10/22/1962 #17485 an United Nations Security Council Khrushchev writes to Kennedy, rebuffing 10/23/1962 #17489 edy writes back, bluntly reminding Khrushchev that he started the crisis by 10/23/1962 #17489 Khrushchev sends an indignant letter to 10/24/1962 #17491 Castro Khrushchev US Cuban Turkey Castro sends 10/26/1962 #17499 an Turkey Castro sends a letter to Khrushchev, urging him to launch a nucle 10/26/1962 #17499 Soviet leader disregards. Instead, Khrushchev sends a letter to Kennedy, in 10/26/1962 #17499 , Kennedy correctly concludes that Khrushchev has not himself given the ord 10/27/1962 #17505 raling dangerously out of control. Khrushchev sends another letter to Kenne 10/27/1962 #17505 eech aired on Radio Moscow, Nikita Khrushchev announces the dismantling of 10/28/1962 #17512
Word: "khuzestan" (Back to Top)
Abadan, Iran Khuzestan Province 6:55 p.m. A bright, l 5/18/1953 #8884 It is also seen over oil fields in Khuzestan Province. 5/18/1953 #8884 Abadan Ahvaz Khuzestan Iran Night. A man with a flat 6/28/1977 #32203 highway between Abadan and Ahvaz, Khuzestan, Iran, when he suddenly feels 6/28/1977 #32203
Word: "khyber" (Back to Top)
ails bursts of sparks. Goes behind Khyber hills. 7/4/1956 #12950
Word: "khz" (Back to Top)
requency Interference (RFI) / 3200 KHz. Going quickly southwest. 5/15/1971 #26109
Word: "kiama" (Back to Top)
ing quickly west over mountains at Kiama. 10/2/1978 #33789 to the west over the mountains at Kiama. 10/2/1978 #33792
Word: "kibel" (Back to Top)
of Arizona Canada 2:02 p.m. James Kibel, a Melbourne businessman who is a 4/2/1966 #20208
Word: "kick" (Back to Top)
em to open the door, and he had to kick the door to attract attention. He w 9/20/1971 #26354
Word: "kickapoo" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kickapoo” Yield: 1.49KT 6/13/1956 #12899 System, the Space Fence, over Lake Kickapoo, TX. The facility tracks the UA 12/1986 #38079 ar Colorado Springs, Colorado Lake Kickapoo, Texas Navy Commander “Sheila M Mid 12/1986 #38083 S. The intrusion occurs above Lake Kickapoo, Texas. Mondran’s team tracks t Mid 12/1986 #38083
Word: "kicked" (Back to Top)
al Hoyt S. Vandenberg. (Report was kicked back for additional proof; later 9/1948 #3792 riding in the car, and it "really kicked up a fuss" and appeared to be ter 3/26/1967 #21998 e of the Sacramento Mountains. "It kicked the objects out...fast...and they 1/1/1971 #25965 the AAWSAP project has officially kicked off, but the sponsor (DIA) hasn’t 10/2/2008 #45174
Word: "kicking" (Back to Top)
e ground near the railroad tracks, kicking up a small sand storm in the des 5/18/1954 #9810 e ground near the railroad tracks, kicking up a small sandstorm in the dese 5/18/1954 #9812 Dogs howled and horses reacted by kicking and neighing during its presence 9/3/1965 #19516 horse is panicked again and keeps kicking the object, injuring its leg. In 9/6/1978 #33638 heard what sounded like the horses kicking a metal sheet and squealing loud 5/3/2003 #44523
Word: "kicks" (Back to Top)
rmer gets too close, and the giant kicks him severely enough to break his h 4/14/1897 #463 ut of the shiny metallic disc that kicks up dust on the ground. When he tri 7/1955 #12226 s pointed at both ends. Hutchinson kicks the object, which rolls over then 9/7/1956 #13202 Geolocated UFO Sightings) computer kicks in and automatically telephones al 1964 #18102 ough a back- up system immediately kicks in, minor power fluxes go on for t 7/1/1977 #32227 The US Navy kicks off a secretive experiment to laun 4/19/2021 #45683
Word: "kid" (Back to Top)
WEST MIDDLESEX, PA Man and kid. Grey blimp surrounded / mist. Cente 5/15/1991 #40062 iddlesex, Pennsylvania a man and a kid observed a dull gray blimp-like obje 5/15/1991 #40063 ons? White figure tries / levitate kid through roof. No UFO's seen. 12/1996 #43126
Word: "kidd" (Back to Top)
al Airport] 12:10 a.m. Capt. J. L. Kidd is flying an American Airlines DC-6 10/19/1953 #9243 ht dead ahead and closing rapidly. Kidd blinks on his landing lights and th 10/19/1953 #9243 a blinding light back at the DC-6. Kidd puts the plane into a steep dive. C 10/19/1953 #9243 he cabin, many suffering injuries. Kidd radios Washington National Airport 10/19/1953 #9243 . H. Chappell and her sister Janie Kidd watch two triangular objects, one l 3/25/1962 #17080 . H. Chappell and her sister Janie Kidd see two triangular UFOs hovering 40 3/25/1966 #20082 n the work of Laithwaite, Wallace, Kidd, McCabe, Stratchen, Delroy, Foster, 1/1998 #43483 f the guided missile destroyer USS Kidd off the western tip of San Clemente 7/14/2019 #45592 ess than 10 minutes later, the USS Kidd advises the USS Rafael Peralta of t 7/14/2019 #45592 lifornia, and by 9:00 p.m. the USS Kidd is also reporting them. The drones 7/15/2019 #45593 he incident. By 9:20 p.m., the USS Kidd logs simply remark “Multiple UAVs a 7/15/2019 #45593 round ship.” 17 minutes later, the Kidd issues orders for the crew to man w 7/15/2019 #45593 32 minutes, is reported by the USS Kidd. 7/25/2019 #45599 uthern California 2:15 am. The USS Kidd reports another UAV incident. Its S 7/30/2019 #45600
Word: "kidderminster" (Back to Top)
KIDDERMINSTER, ENGL Several observer(s). 1/9/1977 #31712
Word: "kidding" (Back to Top)
ram (TX) editorial: "They can stop kidding us now about there being no such 8/3/1965 #19289
Word: "kidlington" (Back to Top)
th going quickly northwest. Same / Kidlington / 4 December west going quick 12/3/1978 #34054 NEAR KIDLINGTON, OXFORDS Several observer(s) 8/14/1994 #41674 rvers in a car and on a train near Kidlington, Oxfordshire, England saw som 8/14/1994 #41676
Word: "kidnap" (Back to Top)
Iran. It is said to have tried to kidnap a terrified man, Ghasim Faili, wh 10/12/1954 #10976 existence. The shock and terror of kidnap by unearthly beings breaks the il 1999 #43708
Word: "kidnapped" (Back to Top)
aired dwarfs that hid in caves and kidnapped both livestock and humans. Mar 4/10/1954 #9681 humans whom they have contacted or kidnapped. Julio Fernandez was killed in 2/5/1978 #32957 w People Came to Believe They Were Kidnapped by Aliens, in which she descri 10/2005 #44883
Word: "kidnappers" (Back to Top)
600 yards away, in a place called "Kidnappers Hole." Christopher Trubridge 8/27/1969 #25333
Word: "kidnapping" (Back to Top)
cave cities, according to Shaver, kidnapping surface-dwelling people by th 11/1943 #1541 and attacked them, in an apparent kidnapping attempt. The dwarfs were extr 12/10/1954 #11794
Word: "kidnaps" (Back to Top)
y the novel’s anti-hero Robur, who kidnaps people and takes them on board t 1886 #273
Word: "kidney" (Back to Top)
CA 1 observer. Circular craft with kidney shaped amber lights. Going quickl 7/28/1995 #42331
Word: "kidney-shaped" (Back to Top)
and was scalloped, bottom had four kidney-shaped forms. 7/27/1957 #13847 cts police. They return and find a kidney-shaped black spot on the road, ab 4/21/1967 #22194 calls / police. Metallic pink-glow kidney-shaped triangles hover. 10/4/1994 (approximate) #41782
Word: "kidneys" (Back to Top)
his knee and hurting his back and kidneys. The beam also reddens his left 8/17/1980 #35462
Word: "kids" (Back to Top)
BAYE, FR 2 kids and many. 10M red ball crosses N51 4/27/1899 #632 FATIMA, PORTUGAL 3 kids. Flash. Small woman appears. Back e 5/13/1917 #957 ). Opalescent saucer rotates. Only kids see pseudo-human/entity with silver 10/13/1917 #969 ckly going down [to] over 2 scared kids. Going quickly [to] away extremely 8/1919 (approximate) #991 DAWLISH, DEVON, ENG Some kids. 2 red spheres maneuver. Stop. Shoo 8/15/1920 #1005 BOLTON, LANCASHIRE Several kids. 3 helmeted 'men' / silver space-su 11/1926 #1066 NORTHEAST / FOUGERES, FR Several kids. 2 silent gold rails zigzag / sever 5/27/1941 (approximate) #1362 oof. House burns down. 2 escape. 5 kids gone without trace. 12/25/1945 #1952 MOSCOW, ID 5+2 kids. Large shiny flat disk oscillates g 6/29/1947 #2458 LEWISTON, ID 3+2 kids. 3 shiny white saucers dip and roll 7/2/1947 #2537 CLIFTON, CO 3+9 kids. 3 flat shiny metal saucers maneuve 7/4/1947 #2600 OMAHA, NE 1+several kids. Moon-size silent silver disk going 7/5/1947 #2711 SACRAMENTO, CA 1+several kids. Shiny disk maneuvers / 1 L'alt goi 7/8/1947 #2983 CARNATION, WA 2+2 kids. Round flat shiny bluish disk strai 7/10/1947 #3089 LOS ALAMOS, NM Kids and Scientist. 2 blue-green night l 11/16/1949 #4416 PRESTONSBURG, KY 35 kids and more. Terrible roar. 3 star-sau 3/15/1950 #4640 PITTSBURGH, PA Kids / baseball. Blue-white object / lig 4/7/1950 #4810 SAND PATCH, PA Kids. Huge metallic dome with square por 9/1950 (approximate) #5157 BENTLEIGH, AUSTR Group women and kids. 20' ovoid passes school-bus stop. 12/14/1950 (approximate) #5347 RED SPRINGS, NC Man and 2 kids. Saucer hovers / low altitude. Huma 12/1951 #5799 AUCH, FR Cop and 3 kids. Red sphere maneuvers out and back 6/21/1952 #6565 MT. VERNON, NY 1+2 kids. Flying torus emits black smoke. 15 8/4/1952 #7442 CLINTON, NJ 2+3 kids. Silver sphere hovers. Shoots up / 8/31/1952 #7798 MA Saucer rises / field. Chases 3 kids. Windows / edge. Going [to] between 2/14/1954 #9542 KAPUNDA, SOUTH AUSTR Teachers and kids. Open-umbrella shape south going no 4/9/1954 #9679 NEW ORLEANS, LA 3+2 kids. 25' saucer 1K' over city park. Blu 7/18/1954 #10023 COUDES, FR Teen kids. 2 1M 'men' put stones from fence i 8/1954 (approximate) #10077 NORTHEAST / SANPUITS, FR 12 kids / camp. Glowing saucer / ground. 2 8/1954 #10082 phere going down. 7' figure chases kids. 15M / trace. / r54p42+/ r138#7. 8/7/1954 #10109 SOUTHWEST / FIGEAC, FR Kids. Odd man runs to box. Going up [to] 9/27/1954 #10457 PREMANON, FR 4 kids. Saucer and 'ghost'. Aluminum boxes 9/27/1954 #10465 NEAR HENNEZIS, FR 2 kids. Black domed saucer going down / fi 10/7/1954 #10776 Small humanoid (or Grey) freezes 4 kids. / LDLN#176+/ r217p190. 10/9/1954 #10829 ops / 10M altitude. Window / side. Kids terrorized. 10/14/1954 #11012 VALLEY CENTER, CA 1+2 kids / (seen thru) telescope. 7 small sa 1/28/1955 #11947 NASHVILLE, TN Kids / school. Shiny 6M disk hovers clos 4/1955 #12075 STOCKPORT, ENGL 6 kids. Bubble dome saucer hums going nort 8/11/1955 #12348 NEAR RIVERSIDE, CA 12 kids. Saucers hover. 1 lands. Small huma 8/22/1955 #12388 MIAMI, FL 2+5 kids. 3 round silent night lights. Errat 3/31/1956 #12770 EL MONTE, CA Several kids. Saucer north going quickly south. 8/20/1956 #13102 FULLERTON, CA 3 kids. Large saucer hovers / minutes. Goi 8/23/1956 #13119 COVINA, CA 4 kids / pool. 6M ball / light passes over 8/23/1956 #13124 JACKSONVILLE, FL 2 kids / yard. White disk going quickly so 3/10/1957 #13543 CD.BOLIVAR, VNZL 4 kids. Fireball quickly going down [to] g 3/28/1957 #13563 WORCESTER, MA College kids. Saucer going quickly north. Slows 4/29/1957 #13622 TOOWOOMBA, AUSTR Farmer and kids. Classic domed saucer going quickly 7/1957 #13762 shape with port going [to] 4M over kids. Slows. Speeds. 7/1957 #13763 ANNAPOLIS, MD 4 kids. Blue-glowing disk low and slow. Va 10/31/1957 #14170 STANTON, MN 2+6 kids. White soup-bowl saucer follows car 11/6/1957 #14372 TRIESTE, ITL 2 kids. 25M domed saucer. White steady lig 8/1958 #15167 DOVER, OH 2+6 kids / car. Large silent cylinder/cigar- 1/3/1959 #15530 MT. AIRY, NC 2 kids and more. 6M lighted saucer / 60M a 3/2/1959 #15629 ADELAIDE, SA 3 kids and separate observer(s). Ovoid wit 3/31/1959 #15679 MT. LAUREL, NJ Kids. Silent moon-size glowing-ovoid goi 7/15/1959 (approximate) #15855 HAVERHILL, MA 4 kids / bus. Flash! Round silver domed ob 12/17/1959 #16121 reys) draw water / hose. Play like kids. / O. Binder. 4/1960 (approximate) #16211 . Orange glow / ground / distance. Kids see legs and windows and figures. 10/28/1962 #17506 NNE / ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTR 1+3 kids. Saucer lands near road. Small huma 2/2/1963 (approximate) #17648 ON, SSK Saucer drops box / ground. Kids look. Find partly transparent 10' m 9/19/1963 #17943 CUPAR, FIFE, SCOT 2 kids. Night light very high goes north g 10/24/1963 #18005 MOGADORE, OH 3 kids. 3M silver domed saucer lands / fie 5/9/1964 #18249 CONKLIN, NY 5 kids. Small humanoid (or Grey) / black s 7/16/1964 #18412 SOUTH MELBOURNE, AUST 5 kids. Disk going down [to] slow / angle. 7/15/1965 #19104 LITCHFIELD, NH 6 kids abduction / house. Small humanoids 9/1965 #19485 th green skin try / grab terrified kids. / Codovni and more / r88p181. 10/1/1965 #19631 aucer lands near schoolhouse. Many kids. Stories agree. 10/16/1965 #19660 CAMILLUS, NY 2+3 kids. City lights dim as domed fireball 11/9/1965 #19702 WARMINSTER, WILTS 3 kids. Chain / white lights. Some vanish 1/17/1966 #19843 LEWISBURG, IN 1+5 kids / car. Saucer nears. Car speaker pu 3/30/1966 #20150 NORWALK, CT 2.5M saucer hunts 2 kids who hide / trees and bridge. Antenn 4/8/1966 #20274 ts red light-beam. Flies away when kids near. No further details. 8/20/1966 #20775 LLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX Father of 4 kids sees small humanoid (or Grey) in ho 9/5/1966 #20845 15KM EAST / DURAND, WI Cop and kids. 10M cylinder/cigar-shape hovers 1M 9/7/1966 #20858 PRESTON, MD 4 kids / car. Silent 18M pink-glowing sauc 12/1/1966 #21174 VCT Silent silver saucer circles 2 kids near railroad/railway station/depot 3/5/1967 #21756 PA 12M saucer going down [to] by 2 kids. Beams going down / ground. Adult s 4/1/1967 #22034 OPA-LOCKA, FL 2 teachers and 200 kids. Metallic saucer going down / field 4/7/1967 #22086 rop below a pine tree. Some of the kids notice an antenna-like structure, w 4/7/1967 #22090 beeps and quickly going up [to] as kids scream. 4/24/1967 #22213 EDMONTON, ALTA Kids / (seen thru) binoculars. Saucer ho 5/7/1967 #22290 ARC-SOUS-CICON, FR 4 kids. 3 dark small humanoids (or Greys). 7/17/1967 #22671 ABY, SWD 2 kids. Red glow quickly going down / wood 8/23/1967 #22893 OKA, QB 3 kids. Animals frantic. Clam saucer fires 8/29/1967 #22948 DUBUQUE, IA Kids / picnic. 3M silver ovoid with legs 10/12/1967 #23223 NITEROI, BRZ College kids. Orange balloon / complex maneuvers 6/5/1968 #24008 STRONGSVILLE, OH Kids. Flash! Flat featureless disk going 7/1968 #24103 COLERAINE, QB 2 kids. 1M bald figure / cemetery. Black b 8/29/1968 #24395 SANTIPONCE, SPAIN 4 kids. Pseudo-human/entity / regular clot 8/31/1968 (approximate) #24404 UMBRETE, SP 3 kids. 1.5M saucer flies in from Bollullo 8/31/1968 #24406 HAVELOCK NORTH, NZ Teacher and 6 kids. Domed saucer with antenna over sch 12/20/1968 #24781 MOBILE, AL 2 college kids. 13M saucer lands / field. Cops fin 10/28/1969 #25428 NEW MARTINSVILLE, WV 1+5 kids. Silent saucer turns over house. Va 2/7/1970 #25575 CURRAN, ON 2+7 kids. Silent metallic saucer north going 8/1970 (approximate) #25762 N144 SOUTH / ST. VICTOR, FR 2 kids / foot. Sharp whistle. 3 classic sa 9/1970 #25818 ZILLAH, WA 5+3 kids. Steel-grey triangle going [to] ove 9/8/1970 #25829 NORTHWEST / KEMPSEY, AUSTR 4 kids. Ovoid extends 4 legs and lands nea 4/23/1971 #26078 NIA 1 / (seen thru) binoculars and kids and more. 16' white-glowing object 7/9/1971 #26219 MONT LAURIER, QBC 2 kids. Silent glowing disk descends slowl 10/28/1971 #26435 EVILLERS, FR 3+2 kids. Red disk with hazy edges. Absolute 2/5/1972 #26564 CYRILDENE, RSA 2+3 kids. White squid-cylinder/cigar-shape t 7/11/1972 #26791 TOURCOING, FR 1+4 kids. Brilliant silver 5M domed saucer g 8/18/1972 #26927 SUDBURY, ONT 8 kids. Moonlike object maneuvers / sky. H 9/23/1972 #27028 EVILLERS, DOUBS 3 kids and more/others. 3 yellow orbs / co 10/13/1972 #27070 LA SARRE, QB Kids. Cloud-object LANDs. Squarish figur 11/28/1972 #27147 LEHI, UT Woman and kids abduction / home. Oid's exam etc. s 10/16/1973 #28073 vers low. 6' figure tries / grab 2 kids with claw. / Flying Saucer Review ( 10/17/1973 #28099 SMARTNO, SLOVENIA Several kids. Fireball jumps all over/all about. 11/11/1973 #28408 N147 NORTHWEST / BELLAC, FR 2 kids. Huge football going down [to] low. 2/3/1974 (approximate) #28727 MILAZZO, ITL 3 college kids. Big glowing 'sponge' hovers / sea. 3/18/1974 #28902 LA ESTRADA, SP Kids. 10M silent saucer 12M / ground. Tu 4/4/1974 #28993 STOCKTON / TEES, ENGL 4 kids. Silent domed ovoid with grey spots 7/19/1974 #29269 ENGLEFONTAINE, FR 2 kids. Buzz. 3 6M metallic saucers with t 8/2/1974 #29300 COQUITLAM, BC 3 kids. Saucer lands. Sucks up sand and ro 8/16/1974 #29359 BOLDESTI SCAENI, ROMANIA 6 kids. Large silent luminous globe going 10/16/1974 #29535 ARRUBAL, SPAIN 10 kids. Silent silver ovoid zigzags and ho 10/29/1974 #29566 TEAUNEUF, 85, FR 2 observer(s) and kids. Saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape 15M al 12/26/1974 #29659 CHOMEDEY, QBC 2 kids. Night lights going down [to] behin 4/29/1975 #30009 MOSCIANO SOUTH ANGELO, ITL 2 kids. Bright red sphere going down / lak 5/13/1975 #30055 LEXY, FR Group / kids. Big silent glowing-ball lights bal 10/3/1975 #30412 CUGNAUX, FR 2 kids. Fireball over chimney goes left go 1/18/1976 #30798 LEAJENUL RIVER, SCAENI, ROMANIA 10 kids. Colored orbs all over. 1 lands. Tr 3/29/1976 #30966 LA CHAUX-DE-FONDS, SWZ 4 kids. Saucer lands / college. 4 square M 4/16/1976 #30997 WILJRIJK, BELGIUM Widow and 2 kids. Domed saucer passes. Small lights 5/4/1976 #31034 STOCKPORT, ENGL 1+3 kids. Pseudo-human/entity / silver suit 8/25/1976 (approximate) #31298 FORTE DEI MARMI, ITL 3 kids / beach. 35cm fireball 30M away. Je 8/27/1976 #31308 ANGLESEY ISLAND, WALES Kids. Domed saucer / cylinder/cigar-shap 2/1977 #31767 BROAD HAVEN, WALES 15 kids. Descriptions match. Metallic sauce 2/4/1977 #31785 NEWCASTLE-UNDER-LYME, ENGL Several kids. Grey flat cylinder/cigar-shape cha 2/7/1977 #31794 DERUYTER, NY 1+3 kids / car. Silent 40' saucer flies up. 4/1/1977 #31937 EDMONTON, ALTA Several kids / schoolyard. Ovoid with red lights 4/7/1977 #31954 ENCINITAS, CA 15 kids and teacher. Large domed saucer goi 5/6/1977 #32063 GENESEE, WI Woman and 3 kids drive under Star Trek craft over ro 6/27/1977 #32199 GINOWAN, OKINAWA, JPN 1+2 kids. Luminous saucer turns 5X slow over 7/8/1977 #32249 SOUTH CRISTOFORO, CESENA, ITL 2 kids. Red 25cm ball hovers / field / 5M 7/10/1977 #32255 ROSETO DEGLI ABRUZZI, ITL Kids with 2-way radios. Radio Frequency 7/12/1977 #32258 hill in Roseto Degli Abruzzi. Two kids playing with walkie-talkies experie 7/12/1977 #32261 li Abruzzi, Italy at 1:50 a.m. Two kids playing with walkie-talkies experie 7/12/1977 #32265 WEST / GERENA, SP 3 kids. Luminous/glowing silent green 5M r 10/9/1977 #32562 CLIFTON CAMPVILLE, ENG 4 kids. 3M saucer hums and circles overhea 12/12/1977 #32760 FELMERSHAM, BEDFORDS 2+13 kids. Ovoid with lights and windows mane 1/19/1978 #32896 FLORENCE, AZ Teacher and kids. Dark metallic disk hovers / southw 3/6/1978 #33016 SOUTH MIDDLETON, MA Kids / basement. 1 sees oid's face / win 4/19/1978 #33152 LOWER SACKVILLE, NS Kids playing. 30M dark wide cylinder/cig 8/1978 #33457 LA TREUILLE, FR Repeater and 2 kids. Small red sphere/orb/globe back / 8/4/1978 #33470 GREAT MILLS, MD Cop and 4 kids. Cruiser spotlight can't light up s 8/11/1978 #33501 HANKOW = WUHAN, CH 2 kids. Flying ellipse surrounded / thin m 11/5/1978 #33920 e-down plate with a dome on it. My kids and I were outside our house about 11/27/1978 #34006 COLOGNA, ITL 2 kids. Luminous colored globe hovers / lo 12/1/1978 #34041 CATANIA, ITL 2 kids. Area darkens. Big saucer tilts by 12/15/1978 #34132 OFF AMALFI, ITL Several kids. Night lights and orbs and triangle 1/3/1979 #34282 METZERAL, FR 2 kids. 2M orange saucer / 2 passes. Buzze 1/18/1979 #34354 BROAD HINTON, ENGL 1+3 kids. Domed saucer going [to] over trees 2/8/1979 #34408 EYZIN-PINET, FR 2+60 kids. Brilliant jelly-disk stops / 5M al 5/14/1979 #34557 WUHAN, HUBEI, CH 2 kids. Orange-red ovoid maneuvers going u 11/5/1979 #34983 VAN NUYS, CA 3+4 kids. Huge domed saucer drops 50' / car. 1/3/1980 #35122 ll humanoids (or Greys) can't have kids. / r25p307. 4/2/1980 #35246 PLESTIN, FR 2+5 kids. 2 fireballs follow car. Observers 9/5/1980 #35496 WUHAN, HUBEI, CH 2 kids. Ovoid goes up and down. Left and R 11/5/1980 #35618 ISTANBUL, TURK Several kids. Huge "chair" hovers behind mountai 11/28/1980 #35677 BRUSCARELLA, ITL 3 kids. Cone / light maneuvers. Orange bea 8/5/1981 #36057 SCUDAI = SEKUDA, MALAYSIA 1+3 kids. Dark saucer going down. Lit portho 8/7/1981 #36061 SANDSTONE, MN 1+3 kids. Silent 8M octagon 30M over drivewa 8/18/1981 #36079 NEVELE, BELGIUM 5 kids. Whoosh. Grey metallic domed saucer 11/28/1981 #36235 CEDARBURG, WI 1+2 kids. Huge "wok" stops 60m overhead. Win 12/7/1983 #37066 ORMOC, LEYTE, PI Several kids. White cloud going down [to] = silv 3/2/1984 #37215 WEST / MACOMER, ITL 2 kids. Small humanoid (or Grey) / woods. 4/26/1984 #37297 JONESTOWN, PA 2 kids. 15' saucer / 200' altitude. Hums. 1/2/1985 #37545 LA MEDIANA, SP Several kids. Orange sphere with legs / very low 4/20/1985 #37581 PAKA, TERENGGANU, MLYS Several kids. Several 10cm humanlike figure(s) / 10/1985 #37669 PRESTATYN, WALES 2+3 kids. 3 saucers / stacked formation goin 1/22/1986 #37767 BANGOR, WA Kids and mom. Saucer. 2 2M green figure( 9/1/1987 #38271 ORIOLE BEACH, FL Kids. "Extra streetlight". Glides behind 12/10/1987 (approximate) #38352 h, Santa Rosa county, Florida some kids saw what looked like an "extra stre 12/10/1987 #38353 REDDITCH, WORCESTER Woman and 4 kids. "Floating city / sky" windows like 2/16/1988 #38468 father notes a “strange absence of kids and dogs at the time.” 4/15/1989 #38907 BEECH GROVE, IN 1+3 kids. Domed circle / lights tilts. Beam 1/12/1990 #39375 POKOMOKE SOUND, VA 2 kids and more. Saucer / very low altitud 3/7/1990 #39450 FEIGNIES, FR 2+2 kids. Black delta/triangle/box-like craf 3/16/1990 #39464 SAVASSE, FR 2+2 kids. "3M egg with ends cut off" emits s 4/11/1990 #39518 reys) and robot with screen with 5 kids names on it! "Discussions. 4/15/1990 (approximate) #39525 NEAR THORNLANDS, QLD 1+3 kids / car. Domed saucer buzzes car. Sor 7/28/1990 #39664 PENSACOLA, FL 2+4 kids. Car-size saucer / treetop level. G 12/5/1990 #39926 ll and saucer / moves / response / kids motions. Retractable beam. / MJ#291 4/14/1991 #40039 VERO BEACH, FL 1+6 kids. Light-grey 10' box with antennas g 7/27/1991 #40135 GRANUM, ALTA 4 kids. Saucer hovers and zips over town. 8/30/1991 #40171 LOUDON, NH 1+2 kids. Car radio malfunctions due to EME 9/11/1991 #40184 SANTIAGO, BRZ 2 kids. Small black object / white tail so 8/3/1992 #40547 LANSING, MI 2+4 kids. Black 30' saucer west 2 orbs on to 8/10/1992 #40563 MARBLEHEAD, MASS 2 kids. Pointed octagon with 3 lights. Par 2/4/1993 #40837 NEAR GUANICA, PR 3 kids. Huge saucer hovers over water-tank 3/19/1993 #40890 GUIDONIA, ITL 4 observer(s) and kids. Balloon drops to military Air Traf 6/17/1993 #41020 BOLTON, ENGLAND 2 kids see and draw identical photograph / 8/27/1993 #41163 HASSOCKS, WEST SUSSEX 4 kids. Delta-fireball turns upside-down. 10/17/1993 #41238 CHESTER, ENGL 6 kids. Blue domed cylinder/cigar-shape. H 2/28/1994 #41429 WILLARD, OH 3 observer(s) and kids. 2 ovoids and small orbs in formati 6/18/1994 #41572 RUWA, ZIMBABWE Several kids / school. Silver saucers land. Reap 9/16/1994 #41752 PLANCHER-LES-MINES, FR 6 kids. Large classic saucer with head / p 11/23/1994 #41861 TRAVERSE CITY, MI 4 kids and more/others. Saucer lights grou 2/2/1995 #42010 est and turns going quickly south. Kids waken with clothes off. 2/2/1995 #42010 CHICO, CA 3 kids. "Round alien ship" overhead. Yello 2/14/1995 #42048 D Circular object stops right over kids. Telepathic message reported / moth 3/8/1995 #42080 much smaller blinking lights. The kids in the car were badly frightened. 8/15/1995 #42388 AUBURN, CA Group / kids. Triangle with red dim lights cross 10/22/1995 #42562 ENTRIMO, ORENSE, SP Kids. 3 luminous/glowing orbs circle pow 2/18/1996 #42770 MADISON, TN Several kids. Small silver disk with light / top 2/23/1996 #42774 WALTHAMSTOWE, LONDON Kids. Odd sound. Huge orange triangle ho 10/18/1996 #43075 WESTBURY, TASM 2 kids. Short cylinder/cigar-shape going w 2/7/1997 #43185 a very clear night, watching some kids play basketball in the courts. He l 5/16/2010 #45282
Word: "kidsgrove" (Back to Top)
Stoke-On-Trent, Kidsgrove, Staffordshire, UK 11:00 p.m. 8/4/1967 #22797 s sighted flying to the north over Kidsgrove, Stoke-on-Trent, England at 11 8/4/1967 #22806 KIDSGROVE BANK, ENG Dome with beam going 12/13/1976 #31597
Word: "kidwelly" (Back to Top)
KIDWELLY QUAY, WALES 1 observer. Silent 8/15/1991 #40155
Word: "kiehl" (Back to Top)
Georgian Bay, CAN William J. Kiehl and seven other persons saw a sphe 8/1914 #905 Georgian Bay, Canada William J. Kiehl and seven other persons saw a sphe 8/1914 #906 f Georgian Bay, Ontario William J. Kiehl, 18, is with seven others in a sma 8/1914 #907 y strangely similar to that of Mr. Kiehl (Aug., 1914) (Case 40) a man and h 7/2/1950 #5038
Word: "kiel" (Back to Top)
Kiel, Germany Black plate-sized discs. ( 1/5/1944 #1562 ny Denmark southern Sweden Hamburg Kiel, Germany Throughout West Germany, D 9/27/1952 #8044 oving irregularly near Hamburg and Kiel, Germany. Once, three satellite obj 9/27/1952 #8044 Kiel, WI Flashing light, like a satellit 7/6/1965 #19073 Kiel, Wisconsin Witness: Mrs. E.R. Hayn 7/6/1965 #19077 like a satellite, at 9:30 p.m. in Kiel, Wisconsin. It was seen for less t 7/6/1965 #19080
Word: "kieling" (Back to Top)
is rumored to have included a Col. Kieling, USAF civil service intelligence 4/24/1952 #6179
Word: "kiese" (Back to Top)
Sylmar, CA 1:05 AM. Mr. Kiese, a security guard, age 18, witness 3/6/1977 #31864 At 1:05 a.m. Mr. Kiese, a security guard, age 18, witness 3/6/1977 #31866
Word: "kiev" (Back to Top)
RUSANKOVA NEAR KIEV, UKR Longitude & latitude coords. u 12/27/1982 (approximate) #36727 ds. unknown. Glowing mushroom over Kiev. 2 RADAR's. UFO mag V7#4 p15. 12/27/1982 (approximate) #36727 CHERNOBYL NUCLEAR ACCIDENT NEAR KIEV USSR Soviets silent.. worst in hist 4/25/1986 #37838 KIEV, UKRAINE 2 pseudo-human/entity / bo 7/4/1989 #39005 ace on this evening in a park near Kiev, Ukraine on the banks of the Dniepe 7/4/1989 #39009 euvering over the area of Brovary, Kiev region, Ukraine, woke up in the ear 10/31/1989 #39199 Kiev, Ukraine - Vitaly Rudenko and his b 7/2/1990 #39634
Word: "kiganjo" (Back to Top)
KIGANJO, KENYA Military observer(s). Bri 10/30/1955 #12531
Word: "kigoma" (Back to Top)
OFF KIGOMA, TANZANIA Several observer(s). Si 6/12/1955 #12195
Word: "kii" (Back to Top)
KII SANCHI, NARA, JAPAN Glowing 'pot' fl 10/27/1180 (approximate) #8
Word: "kiiminki" (Back to Top)
Oulu at 8 p.m. when in the town of Kiiminki they observed a light behind th 2/2/1971 #26011
Word: "kilbeggan" (Back to Top)
KILBEGGAN, EIRE Judge. Circular object w 1/9/1956 #12652
Word: "kilbjørn" (Back to Top)
Trondheim, Norway Bergen Kilbjørn Stenødegård founds the Norsk UF 1972 #26533 in, edited by Gunnar Bertelsen and Kilbjørn Stenødegård. It continues throu 1981 #35764
Word: "kilbourne" (Back to Top)
Las Cruces, New Mexico Kilbourne Hole Potrillo Volcanic Field W 1/18/1954 #9493 ruces, New Mexico, is visiting the Kilbourne Hole, a maar volcanic crater i 1/18/1954 #9493
Word: "kilbride" (Back to Top)
ngular UFO over their home in East Kilbride, England at 12:30 a.m. It had w 5/27/1998 #43571
Word: "kilburn" (Back to Top)
ibly piloted by Flight Lt. John W. Kilburn and Flight Lt. Marian Cybulski) 9/19/1952 #7980 Meteor aircraft, including John W. Kilburn, were flying at 5,000 feet altit 9/19/1952 #7981 Kilburn Estate District 21 King Albert P 7/26/1956 #13021 for 10 minutes outside his home in Kilburn Estate, in District 21 near King 7/26/1956 #13021
Word: "kilda" (Back to Top)
ST. KILDA BEACH, VCT Ex-RAAF man. 3 large ci 1/15/1954 #9489
Word: "kilford" (Back to Top)
ley, Kent, England 8:15 p.m. Keith Kilford and Philip Staff watch a small o 10/20/1977 #32595
Word: "kilgallen" (Back to Top)
rican syndicated columnist Dorothy Kilgallen writes: “Flying saucers are re 2/15/1954 #9547 ngeles Examiner Journalist Dorothy Kilgallen writes in the Los Angeles Exam 5/22/1955 #12148 es this story in detail and thinks Kilgallen’s source is First Sea Lord Lou 5/22/1955 #12148 uis Mountbatten. Some suggest that Kilgallen picked the story up at a cockt 5/22/1955 #12148
Word: "kilimanjaro" (Back to Top)
MT. KILIMANJARO, KNYA Airline(s)/airliner cr 2/19/1951 #5446 Mt. Kilimanjaro, Kenya, Africa Lodestar Crew 2/19/1951 #5447 Nairobi, Kenya Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanganyika [now Tanzania] 2/19/1951 #5449 otionless about 10,000 above Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanganyika [now Tanzania] 2/19/1951 #5449 errifield, while flying near Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania sighted a 200 fo 2/19/1951 #5451 nds. The object hovered over Mount Kilimanjaro for several minutes, then mo 2/19/1951 #5451
Word: "kilkenny" (Back to Top)
Sheffield, England Venice, Italy Kilkenny, Ireland 5:00 p.m. Physician Th 12/5/1737 #60 he same time in Venice, Italy, and Kilkenny, Ireland, where it appears as a 12/5/1737 #60
Word: "kill" (Back to Top)
at that she would not hesitate to ‘kill.’” Allen leaves a pistol nearby, wh 2/19/1954 #9558 ally aiming for a nuclear knockout kill of the entire US nuclear force. At 9/20/1957 #14020 is instructed to hire the Mafia to kill Castro. The advantage of employing 9/1960 #16428 killed. The Congolese leaders who kill Lumumba, including Mobutu Sese Seko 1/17/1961 #16578 valino," and later that they would kill him. The family stayed on the alert 8/19/1962 #17346 they get out to go to the mine and kill the snake, they find the area oddly 10/30/1969 #25439 BUSH KILL, PA Chief / police and more/others. 3/21/1973 #27355 ering. The witness yelled, "Do not kill my dog!" Her next recollection was 5/14/1991 #40061 ter told a resident he was told to kill the story by an unknown individual. 3/8/1994 #41450 was “terrified that someone would kill him” for this knowledge, and the fa 11/2000 #44070 in an attempt to hunt it down and kill it, but the search failed to find a 5/1/2001 #44173 man", who reportedly threatened to kill them in the Bhojpuri language. 5/1/2001 #44173 anders Carteret, New Jersey Arthur Kill Road West Shore Expressway New York 7/14/2001 #44208 tnesses view the scene from Arthur Kill Road and the West Shore Expressway 7/14/2001 #44208 azing Star Burial Ground on Arthur Kill Road, provides the most significant 7/14/2001 #44208 7 miles, is destroyed by a kinetic kill vehicle traveling with a speed of 8 1/11/2007 #44998 ite intercept test since 1985. The kill produces an estimated 35,000 pieces 1/11/2007 #44998
Word: "killaly" (Back to Top)
Killaly, Saskatchewan 8:10 p.m. A witnes 11/14/1979 #34998 katchewan 8:10 p.m. A witness near Killaly, Saskatchewan, sees a white ligh 11/14/1979 #34998
Word: "killarney" (Back to Top)
GOSFORD AND KILLARNEY, AUSTR 2+1 observer(s) / 2 day 7/3/1968 #24138
Word: "killed" (Back to Top)
the anti-aircraft fire. Three are killed in car accidents in the ensuing c 2/24/1942 #1388 nic resulted, and five people were killed by the anti-aircraft fire hitting 2/25/1942 #1391 delphia Navy Yard Two chemists are killed, and Arnold Kramish almost killed 9/2/1944 #1664 killed, and Arnold Kramish almost killed, after being sprayed with highly 9/2/1944 #1664 ie Mitchell, and five children are killed when they discover a Japanese Fu- 5/5/1945 #1864 Hiroshima, Japan. 20,000 soldiers killed, 70,000–126,000 civilians killed. 8/6/1945 #1913 s killed, 70,000–126,000 civilians killed. 8/6/1945 #1913 at Nagasaki, Japan. 39,000–80,000 killed, At least 150 soldiers killed. 8/9/1945 #1917 ,000 killed, At least 150 soldiers killed. 8/9/1945 #1917 At least 35,000–40,000 people are killed, and 60,000 others are injured. 8/9/1945 #1920 day. One occupant of the craft was killed in the crash, while three others 5/31/1947 #2303 Kentucky Capt. Mantell of USAF is killed while pursuing UFO 1/7/1948 #3535 s Mantell, a Nat. Guard pilot, was killed trying to chase an UFO up to 30,0 1/7/1948 #3537 d into silence. Chop says the CIA “killed the whole program. We’ve been ord 2/9/1953 #8653 cer Albert M. Chop claims the CIA “killed” a press release written up on a 2/9/1953 #8656 ee, Lt. Jg. Jack Oliver Snipes, is killed. An emergency cable sent to the D 6/24/1953 #8970 n a flying saucer and accidentally killed one of its occupants. They bring 7/7/1953 #8989 oche, Nevada. Sieker ejects but is killed when a piece of metal hits him in 4/4/1957 #13581 life; many of the test animals are killed, but security guard Richard Mingu 4/24/1957 #13615 y false accusation that Williamson killed Betty by pushing her off a cliff, 8/11/1958 #15192 h the killers the night Lumumba is killed. The Congolese leaders who kill L 1/17/1961 #16578 antell, piloting an F-51, had been killed in 1948 when he began chasing wha 4/24/1965 #18916 ) to this incident was struck and killed by a car on a highway near Ventur 12/9/1965 #19760 pril 7, 19-year-old Gary Taylor is killed at the same spot when the car he 4/4/1966 #20224 nia X-15 pilot Joseph A. Walker is killed when his F-104 Starfighter chase 6/8/1966 #20544 seat. He is the first pilot to be killed in an A-12 accident. 1/5/1967 #21260 utralized (captured, converted, or killed). Emphasis for the enforcement of 5/1967 #22253 ralizes” 81,740 people (26,369 are killed) suspected of belonging to the Na 5/1967 #22253 orse’s right flank that could have killed it; the cut at the neck might hav 9/9/1967 #23026 horse "Lady" thought to have been killed and mutilated by UFOs, and was ab 10/8/1967 #23196 and that a friend of hers has been killed in a car accident. (This turns ou 12/12/1967 #23575 Thirty four of the sheep had been killed. 5/14/1968 #23962 ey both knew, named Xiti, had been killed. Supposedly a disaster had befall 1/15/1969 #24849 e eyes. The tall humanoid shot and killed the creature and the little ones. 8/16/1971 #26291 close friend who had been recently killed in a car accident appeared to be 12/11/1975 #30705 he learns that his friend has been killed in a shooting. 12/14/1975 #30715 voice say in French, "Oh, we have killed her!" Her outside mirror on the d 12/10/1976 #31594 mber of individuals are reportedly killed as a result of the “lightning” fi 7/1977 #32220 eople are injured and two children killed. 7/7/1977 #32245 g an intense sensation that he had killed a living being." Investigation at 8/25/1977 #32423 Springs, Missouri. A calf had been killed and mutilated with surgical incis 12/13/1977 #32770 or kidnapped. Julio Fernandez was killed in a car crash in 1992, coinciden 2/5/1978 #32957 hoto of a small humanoid allegedly killed in a skirmish with USG in Arizona 8/1978 #33460 the Bartel Ranch. A calf had been killed and mutilated. Its left eye, tong 8/31/1978 #33610 Springs, Arkansas. A calf had been killed, and the eyes, tongue, and sexual 11/6/1978 #33921 , on Jan. 18, 1978, an MP shot and killed an alien at the Ft. Dix Army base 9/16/1980 #35522 acola, FL and his fiancé was later killed in a car crash near Singing Sands 1982 #36291 269 passengers and crew aboard are killed, including Rep. Larry McDonald (D 9/1/1983 #36968 rol, makes a distress call, and is killed while ejecting. The MiG-23 crashe 4/26/1984 #37301 vada test facility, where they are killed when attempting to cut the reacto 3/1989 #38855 he occupants retaliated; they were killed by the use of a weapon which gene 9/28/1989 #39132 is unharmed, but the male is found killed, with empty eye sockets and inter 3/31/1991 #40025 e journalist photos of individuals killed during psychotronic weapons exper 11/25/1991 #40241 people in the room would have been killed. However, the armed Predator does Early 6/2001 #44190 n screams. The creature apparently killed three dogs using its clawed hands 4/22/2003 #44518 and led by Col John Alexander, was killed because “there was already anothe 10/2/2003 #44610
Word: "killeen" (Back to Top)
Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX Blue-white o 3/6/1949 #4034 Killeen Base [now West Fort Hood], Texas 3/6/1949 #4035 ank Luisi, on security patrol near Killeen Base [now West Fort Hood], Texas 3/6/1949 #4035 Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX One white an 3/8/1949 #4040 Killeen Base, Texas 1:03 a.m. Two infant 3/8/1949 #4041 o infantrymen half a mile apart at Killeen Base, Texas, see apparently sepa 3/8/1949 #4041 Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX 7 separate s 3/17/1949 #4047 Killeen Base, Texas Camp Hood Seven sigh 3/17/1949 #4049 ed, and white flares take place at Killeen Base, Texas, including the previ 3/17/1949 #4049 o is driving between Camp Hood and Killeen Base to prepare a test firing of 3/17/1949 #4049 Killeen Base, Camp Hood (east of), TX A 3/31/1949 #4060 Killeen Base, Texas 11:50 p.m. Lieut. Fr 3/31/1949 #4063 Frederick Davis, on patrol east of Killeen Base, Texas, sees a reddish-whit 3/31/1949 #4063 lly Field Annex San Antonio, Texas Killeen Base, Texas Col. Reid Lumsden, c 4/14/1949 #4090 ands the Army reports of flares at Killeen Base to Col. William Carpenter, 4/14/1949 #4090 rious flares are again observed at Killeen Base, Texas. 4/14/1949 #4090 Killeen Base, Camp Hood (SE of), TX Blin 4/27/1949 #4114 os Alamos, Sandia, and White Sands Killeen Base in Texas New Mexico School 4/27/1949 #4115 air sampling. Rees urges that the Killeen Base in Texas be included. Kapla 4/27/1949 #4115 Killeen Base, Texas 9:20 p.m. Two Army p 4/27/1949 #4118 m. Two Army patrolmen southeast of Killeen Base, Texas, see a blinking viol 4/27/1949 #4118 Killeen Base, Camp Hood (SE of), TX A va 4/28/1949 #4123 Killeen Base, Texas 8:30 p.m. Several se 4/28/1949 #4130 0 p.m. Several security patrols at Killeen Base, Texas, report nine separat 4/28/1949 #4130 Killeen Base Camp Hood, Texas The US Fou 5/4/1949 #4144 bservation and tracking network at Killeen Base in Camp Hood, Texas. Althou 5/4/1949 #4144 San Antonio Camp Hood, Killeen, Texas 10:00 a.m. The Fourth US 5/5/1949 #4149 estigating green fireballs and the Killeen lights. They arrange a meeting w 5/5/1949 #4149 cial Weapons Project at Camp Hood, Killeen, Texas, the first of several wee 5/5/1949 #4149 Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX AFOSI Case 6 5/6/1949 #4155 At Killeen Base, Camp Hood, Texas a UFO obs 5/6/1949 #4164 Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX AFOSI Case 6 5/7/1949 #4167 Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX AFOSI Case 6 5/7/1949 #4168 Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX AFOSI Case 6 5/8/1949 #4169 Killeen Base, Texas Sandia Mountains nea 5/19/1949 #4196 rth Army’s observation system near Killeen Base, Texas (without cameras, bu 5/19/1949 #4196 rol observation post linked to the Killeen plotting center by radio. AFOSI 5/19/1949 #4196 Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX 9:05-9:08 p. 6/6/1949 #4227 Killeen Base, Fort Hood, Texas 3 miles s 6/6/1949 #4228 9:05 p.m. Two observation posts at Killeen Base, Fort Hood, Texas, spot a h 6/6/1949 #4228 Killeen Base, Camp Hood, TX Hovering ora 6/14/1949 #4239 e Sands and Los Alamos, New Mexico Killeen Base, Texas Oak Ridge, Tennessee 1/29/1952 #5884 Sands and Los Alamos, New Mexico; Killeen Base, Texas; Oak Ridge, Tennesse 1/29/1952 #5884 w Mexico Coyote Canyon Sandia Base Killeen Base, adjacent to Gray AFB Campb 2/22/1952 #5920 ilar to Manzano are: Site Baker at Killeen Base, adjacent to Gray AFB [now 2/22/1952 #5920 KILLEEN, TX Army base guard. 10' saucer 9/17/1952 #7966 KILLEEN, TX Project Bluebook Case #2172. 10/17/1952 #8141 Killeen, TX Rectangle of 10 lights, move 10/17/1952 #8143 Killeen, Texas Witnesses: Ministers Gre 10/17/1952 #8146 In Killeen, Texas two ministers, Reverends 10/17/1952 #8151 GRAY AIR FORCE BASE / KILLEEN, TX 3 MPs. 4' sphere/orb/globe d 11/14/1954 #11644 Killeen (Gray AFB), TX (McDonald list) U 8/30/1958 #15231 of a cloud near a military base in Killeen, Texas at 12:35 p.m. Within ten 7/8/2005 #44853
Word: "killer" (Back to Top)
ng friend. After Allen brings the “killer” out of her trance, she has appar 2/19/1954 #9558 assignment is to create a sleeper killer, a real-life Manchurian Candidate 6/30/1966 #20623 tified here by its callsign “Giant Killer,” is not able to ascertain the op 11/18/2013 #45395
Word: "killers" (Back to Top)
and he is in direct touch with the killers the night Lumumba is killed. The 1/17/1961 #16578
Word: "killian" (Back to Top)
nd Observer Corps observer Phyllis Killian spots a UFO in Black Hawk, South 8/5/1953 #9049 Williamsport (13 miles SW of), PA Killian case (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 2/24/1959 #15602 ittsburgh 8:20 p.m. Capt. Peter W. Killian is flying an American Airlines f 2/24/1959 #15604 lliamsport, Pennsylvania. At first Killian thinks he is seeing Orion’s swor 2/24/1959 #15604 aches the plane, slows down before Killian takes evasive action, then rejoi 2/24/1959 #15604 ction, then rejoins the other two. Killian alerts copilot James John Dee an 2/24/1959 #15604 refueling operation, then accuses Killian of being drunk. But an independe 2/24/1959 #15604 e 150 miles further south confirms Killian’s observation, and no refueling 2/24/1959 #15604 p.m. American Airlines pilot Capt. Killian on Flight 937 sighted three brig 2/24/1959 #15606 pace flight. Because of the recent Killian incident, he is asked about UFOs 2/25/1959 #15614 Killian USAF spokesman Maj. Lawrence J. 3/19/1959 #15652 dubious Orion explanation for the Killian case and says instead that the p 3/19/1959 #15652 ing in flight from a KC-97 tanker. Killian tells the papers, “I don’t care 3/19/1959 #15652 (D-Md.) is “all set to hop on this Killian business” and begins to plan for 3/27/1959 #15674 n business” and begins to plan for Killian to meet with him. But Killian’s 3/27/1959 #15674 for Killian to meet with him. But Killian’s wife now tells Keyhoe that he 3/27/1959 #15674 ir Force releases a statement from Killian that says, “Having never seen ni 3/27/1959 #15674
Word: "killing" (Back to Top)
ase [now Edwards AFB], California, killing its pilot Max Constant. 5/19/1943 #1500 near Valdshult, Jönköping, Sweden, killing three airmen. Rumors circulate t 8/12/1946 #2122 m forward center-of-gravity tests, killing its pilot, Maj. Daniel Forbes (f 6/5/1948 #3667 ose International Airport], India, killing all 43 on board. Witnesses obser 5/2/1953 #8857 , striking a building and an auto, killing 4 people, and injuring 5 others. 7/2/1954 #9984 has deliberately caused the crash, killing himself and murdering 43 innocen 11/8/1957 #14489 o Falls, Idaho, causes a meltdown, killing three operators. The direct caus 1/3/1961 #16561 troyed and the B-52G breaks apart, killing 3 of its 7 crew members. Of the 1/17/1966 #19844 wing in the process, and explodes, killing Walker. The Valkyrie enters an u 6/8/1966 #20544 ound north of Barstow, California, killing copilot Carl S. Cross. Its pilot 6/8/1966 #20544 ck might have been someone’s mercy killing. “Exhaust marks” found are proba 9/9/1967 #23026 cts shoot over the top of his car, killing his headlights, radio, and engin 3/4/1968 #23824 ng, 3.5 ft tall, who is engaged in killing her sheep using a tubular instru 3/10/1968 #23834 short being 3.5 feet tall, who was killing the sheep with a tube with a hoo 5/14/1968 #23962 Phantoms, causing major damage and killing two of the crew. (Jon Wyatt, “HM 6/15/1968 #24040 ralian Navy destroyer HMAS Hobart, killing two sailors. An investigation re 6/20/1968 #24053 le the corn was still quite short, killing off growth later in the summer. 10/1976 #31441 tal car accident at the same site, killing four men. 8/28/1977 #32437 quoia National Forest, California, killing pilot Maj. Ross E. Mulhare and s 7/11/1986 #37939 hrown to the ground and destroyed, killing the four pilots. Kurkchy is remo 5/25/1990 #39592 had shot a creature in the chest, killing it instantly. Others saw Army tr 1/20/1996 #42697
Word: "killingly" (Back to Top)
KILLINGLY, CT 2 / car. 2 bright lights. 8/25/1981 #36084 riving in a car on a rural road in Killingly, Connecticut at 9:15 p.m. saw 8/25/1981 #36085
Word: "killings" (Back to Top)
f firepower, torture, and targeted killings—have a negative effect on the c 5/1967 #22253 ready dead cattle, and ritualistic killings by cult members. The latter inc 1984 #37091 - During a spate of bizarre animal killings in the area, Alicia Fajardo enc 11/11/1995 #42593
Word: "killingworth" (Back to Top)
KILLINGWORTH, ENG Silver cylinder/cigar- 2/23/1978 (approximate) #32991
Word: "kills" (Back to Top)
glowing-orbs all over. Huge quake kills thousands next day. 3/19/1861 #159 rial that breaks Charles’s arm and kills his dog. Dahl claims he filmed the 6/21/1947 #2356 monkey from a pet shop, shaves and kills it, cuts off its tail, then takes 7/7/1953 #8989 ocking a farmer to the ground, and kills two cows, whose hides show burn ma 10/5/1954 #10731 s. A brilliant red, egg-shaped UFO kills his car engine and causes static o 11/6/1957 #14420 Washington, DC DoD kills “Project Horizon”, a military colo 1958 #14774 f the plan, Air Force Headquarters kills it. 10/1958 #15294 les extends tripod and lands. Beam kills 1 observer(s). 2/2/1968 #23726 . Dix, NJ MP at Ft. Dix shoots and kills an Alien. Incident report sent to 1/18/1978 #32890 ross Europe. The reactor explosion kills two of the reactor operating staff 4/26/1986 #37843 of the wing falls on a swimmer and kills him. A video taken at the time of 11/16/1996 #43112
Word: "kiln" (Back to Top)
gets up and checks the fire in the kiln next to his house in Vila Baumer in 9/26/1968 #24516
Word: "kilns" (Back to Top)
10:30 p.m. Four young men at brick kilns near the railway station in Goulbu 8/7/1909 #801
Word: "kilo" (Back to Top)
er center using the code “Fox Trot Kilo 3-0 Blue.” All expenses will be rei 9/9/1955 #12444 licemen from the K-1 missile base [Kilo Flight Launch Control Facility] nor 2/18/1975 #29823
Word: "kilocycles" (Back to Top)
Bowen) by radio, using 405 or 450 kilocycles. Zo and Um of Neptune, Regga 8/25/1952 #7733
Word: "kilograms" (Back to Top)
e possible using as little as 1–10 kilograms of pure uranium-235, which wou 3/1940 #1326 mb (a fission weapon containing 64 kilograms of Uranium-235, Little Boy) is 8/6/1945 #1915 d was hospitalized, losing over 10 kilograms. The landed craft was estimate 5/20/1967 #22384 tractive force of about 300 to 500 kilograms per square meter. https://med 2/4/2020 #45630
Word: "kilometer" (Back to Top)
least six observers in a 65 square kilometer area around Roma, Queensland, 5/16/1954 #9806 n Montaren and Serviers, France, 1 kilometer from "Le Mas Blanc," Dr. Fabre 10/9/1954 #10860 ject come from the west and land a kilometer away. 10/26/1954 #11424 eru at 11:00 p.m. They flew at one kilometer altitude, and were viewed thro 5/29/1955 #12167 FOs come to ground level about one kilometer away. At times the discs appea 4/17/1958 #14995 osit was found on the power line a kilometer away. Mr. Johansson suffered i 9/29/1959 #16000 d. the UFO paced their car for one kilometer, making no noise and flying ju 8/2/1960 #16364 swell up like an enormous bubble a kilometer away, with large waves widenin 6/3/1961 #16717 nobi, while driving on Route 35 at Kilometer 72 near La Pampa, La Pampa pro 5/12/1962 #17166 apparent size of a small plane one kilometer away. It left flying toward th 9/15/1962 #17404 the patrol car, followed it for a kilometer, then flew off toward the nort 3/17/1966 #19986 otions, illuminating the woods one kilometer away. It was cone-shaped, with 4/27/1967 #22237 er, and his driver Amauri, were at kilometer 15 on the Miguel Peraira Highw 8/3/1967 #22790 ticed some lights ahead, perhaps a kilometer away. As they got closer they 4/21/1969 #25079 ing and photographing every square kilometer of the terrain in a fruitless 4/24/1970 #25643 cloud of dense "flying smoke" one kilometer long and 1 meter wide moved in 10/13/1971 #26422 object flew slowly overhead at one kilometer altitude. 8/11/1974 #29324 ng close to the ground and about a kilometer away. They felt a strange vibr 3/6/1975 #29875 estimated the object was about one kilometer away and 300 meters in altitud 2/13/1976 #30868 estimated the object was about one kilometer away and 300 meters in altitud 2/17/1976 #30877 cin, Poland just eight-tenths of a kilometer from the scene of Jan Wolski's 5/17/1978 #33225 portedly heard over a 1,000 square kilometer area. 12/16/1978 #34160 followed the creature for about a kilometer until it disappeared into some 8/10/1989 #39051 France flying at an estimated one kilometer altitude. The object turned to 11/14/1990 #39890 ey continue driving, and about one kilometer ahead they encounter another b 8/8/1993 #41117 middle of a soccer stadium, half a kilometer from his house. Feeling dizzy, 9/16/1996 #43026 black object in the sky about one kilometer away. They first thought it mi 9/14/1998 #43646 attention about to a spot about a kilometer away. Curious, he approached a 3/15/1999 #43748 uge, oval-shaped craft, almost one kilometer in length, over the city; it s 8/18/1999 #43826 lost power over the course of one kilometer. A Kenora, Ontario resident sa 11/8/2004 #44779
Word: "kilometer-tall" (Back to Top)
insk Oblast, Russia. It launches a kilometer-tall pillar of dust and smoke 9/29/1957 #14044
Word: "kilometers" (Back to Top)
on the property of Z. Thacker, 19 kilometers north of Carlinville, an unkn 4/12/1897 #449 s saw an unknown object land three kilometers north of Green Ridge and 4 km 4/12/1897 #450 City, Indiana an object landed two kilometers south of Gas City on the prop 4/14/1897 #473 in a buckboard wagon. About seven kilometers north of Linn Grove they foun 4/15/1897 #496 n toward a hill to the south, five kilometers from Aquila, Texas. When the 4/26/1897 #579 eet and breaks windows hundreds of kilometers away. The explosion over the 6/30/1908 #711 shermen to plunge into the sea six kilometers away from the coast after a s 6/16/1909 #777 n in Tampa, FL, about 17 miles (27 kilometers) away. The St. Petersburg-Tam 1/1/1914 #895 ed to a wavelength between 8 and 9 kilometers, using a “radio photo message 8/22/1924 #1041 north at an estimated speed of 250 kilometers per hour. It had rectangular 8/27/1938 #1292 heir speed was estimated to be 900 kilometers per hour. The report was one 6/14/1947 #2329 diameter, and appeared to land 40 kilometers south of the Grand Canyon. 6/30/1947 #2489 At 12:30 a.m. ten kilometers southwest of Fkenberg, Sweden 8/26/1947 #3372 itude and was seen in the skies 25 kilometers northwest of Moscow in Russia 8/3/1948 #3772 over the Volga River in Russia, 40 kilometers north of the city of Saratov, 5/6/1949 #4161 the southwest at an estimated 700 kilometers per hour. 5/13/1949 #4186 hihuahua Airport in Mexico at five kilometers altitude during the day, then 3/1/1950 #4571 uge green luminous ball dove three kilometers toward a Stratocruiser airlin 11/28/1950 #5297 ervers were driving in a canyon 50 kilometers north of the Mojave Desert in 11/2/1951 #5765 tos is that the "object is several kilometers from the camera." 5/7/1952 #6271 estimated their speed at over 1500 kilometers/hour. 8/16/1952 #7613 ove the ground along Highway 3, 15 kilometers outside of Colonel Brandsen, 5/24/1954 #9834 western sky toward Ilanz at three kilometers altitude, making sudden turns 8/18/1954 #10152 nstruction Co. It landed about two kilometers away from him. He approached 8/27/1954 #10192 p.m. many workers in the fields 12 kilometers south of the town of Souk-el- 9/3/1954 #10240 car down a road in Quend for eight kilometers, then flew away toward the se 10/3/1954 #10669 Ten kilometers from Beaumont, France several 10/5/1954 #10743 At 12:15 a.m. five kilometers north of Nimes, France Mr. & 10/14/1954 #11061 ryside was illuminated over 2 or 3 kilometers. 10/18/1954 #11220 It was near the road to Paris, 18 kilometers from the town of Angouleme, C 10/26/1954 #11419 Twenty eight kilometers north of Tapas, Rio Grande do 10/30/1954 #11494 a spot called Curva del Obispo 42 kilometers from A Coruña, Galicia, Spain 11/1/1954 #11519 ay at an estimated speed of 40,000 kilometers per hour. 1/8/1956 #12650 meters away from them, about eight kilometers east of McKinney, Texas. They 4/6/1956 #12796 iangle-shaped craft hover at three kilometers altitude. The center of the c 5/26/1956 #12868 his truck, then chased it for ten kilometers. Some EM effects were noted d 8/28/1956 #13147 Five kilometers west of Canadian, Texas milit 11/2/1957 #14220 ter three minutes, landing several kilometers away at the northern end of t 11/3/1957 #14254 hovering over a hilltop about four kilometers away. From the top and bottom 11/6/1957 #14440 sc hovering over some hills at six kilometers altitude. It suddenly shot aw 12/8/1957 #14695 t away toward the southwest at 800 kilometers per hour. 12/8/1957 #14695 on a flat tire, followed for five kilometers by the object, which was abou 1/13/1958 #14825 ear Tabladitas, Argentina about 14 kilometers from Abra Pampa, a luminous o 4/15/1958 #14989 ct was first spotted flying at two kilometers altitude in Caledon East, Ont 10/31/1958 #15410 South Australia at 2:10 a.m., 1.6 kilometers from the ferry, two men names 3/13/1959 #15642 Bradenton, Florida and stopped two kilometers away from the witnesses. It e 4/23/1959 #15711 fast vertically from a field three kilometers away, while making a pulsatin 9/13/1959 #15972 brilliant spheres hovered at three kilometers altitude northwest of Tres Ar 9/25/1959 #15990 me of Hawkins were followed for 95 kilometers between Marton and Matamata, 10/31/1959 #16072 towards a field approximately 1.5 kilometers from the highway. 1/18/1960 #16156 20 minutes. It pursued them for 18 kilometers, keeping same distance. Final 5/17/1960 #16281 ins near the Barakhudzir River, 18 kilometers north of Koktal, Kazakstan, U 8/16/1960 #16397 ast as they were driving about two kilometers west of Monticello. The sight 4/3/1964 #18159 in the evening. When they were 20 kilometers east of Lordsburg, New Mexico 4/22/1964 #18185 haped object on a hilltop about 17 kilometers west of Baker, California on 4/30/1964 #18233 er, R. A. Donoso, driving a car 20 kilometers from Arica, Chile saw a stran 6/15/1964 #18363 an area of nearly a million square kilometers, centered over Ashcroft, Cana 3/31/1965 #18882 , New South Wales, Australia eight kilometers away from the radio telescope 7/30/1965 #19212 e. It moved at a speed of about 30 kilometers per hour. It was about 80 cen 3/26/1966 #20092 tude of 150 meters, a speed of 300 kilometers per hour, and made no discern 12/5/1966 #21186 he area, spread over 25,000 square kilometers and exposing another 500,000 1967 #21233 , was driving on Route 135 about 8 kilometers north of Freetown, Indiana on 1/17/1967 #21334 nd ran off the road. Less than two kilometers away and at about the same ti 1/17/1967 #21334 enon from a separate location, two kilometers away. 1/17/1967 #21335 mosphere or shoot along at 100,000 kilometers per hour. They move without p 2/1967 #21431 d on radar at an altitude of seven kilometers. They circled the White Sands 3/2/1967 #21732 ar three radio towers situated 3.5 kilometers south of Altona, Manitoba, il 3/26/1967 #21999 es at an estimated distance of two kilometers. They were aligned in a strai 5/6/1967 #22288 10:45 p.m. a taxi cab driver four kilometers outside of Arriondas, Spain s 9/7/1967 #23016 nd near Villavicencio, about three kilometers away. The object was fluctuat 7/8/1968 #24159 At 13:23 p.m. in a forest 47 kilometers west-southwest of Cluj, Roman 8/18/1968 #24353 r appeared and descended about two kilometers away. The helicopter was seen 2/6/1969 #24898 ed the day before in Bebedouro, 20 kilometers to the east. When they made s 5/5/1969 #25117 a head on collision took place 30 kilometers from Rouen. He estimated that 8/11/1969 #25317 Shortly after 12:30 a.m., three kilometers northwest of Curico, Chile a 6/7/1970 #25693 maneuvered at treetop level three kilometers outside the town of Villalba 7/24/1970 #25748 At 4:40 p.m. while driving three kilometers east of Helleland, Norway Mr. 10/29/1970 #25894 lescent boys in a grotto about ten kilometers from Rocamadour, Lot departme 7/8/1971 #26218 his car and they drove for several kilometers in both directions but found 7/8/1971 #26218 near a horse race track about five kilometers outside of Kadina, South Aust 8/8/1971 #26274 ly managed to drive the last eight kilometers in only two minutes, so some 9/20/1971 #26354 ving through the countryside three kilometers outside of Alcaracejo, Spain 7/10/1972 #26790 0 minutes of missing time, with 80 kilometers of their trip not accounted f 8/16/1972 #26921 y delta-shaped objects that flew 7 kilometers in 30 seconds. Three flew off 10/10/1972 #27064 rmed he is at a point some 100,000 kilometers above Mexico City. Suddenly, 10/22/1972 #27085 ight at 9:50 p.m. approximately 32 kilometers northeast of Kimba. It was in 2/4/1973 #27270 s put together rim to rim about 20 kilometers north of Salta, Argentina. It 3/13/1973 #27343 c-shaped object paced a car for 11 kilometers from Gerena to Sevilla in Spa 5/15/1973 #27493 ng them on the left side, some 2-3 kilometers away. When the driver blinked 9/13/1973 #27815 ger of a country estate located 25 kilometers northeast of General Pinto, i 10/29/1973 #28319 n isolated area near a lagoon, 150 kilometers south of Santa Fe de Bogota, 11/3/1973 #28362 At 6:45 p.m. in the mountains five kilometers southeast of Fabregues, Franc 12/6/1973 #28535 oward the witnesses, traveling 5-6 kilometers in 10 seconds. It hovered clo 12/10/1973 #28553 driving through a foggy area five kilometers from the Rota Naval Airbase n 3/17/1974 #28898 ursued him. After running nearly 2 kilometers he threw himself into an irri 3/21/1974 #28921 Santo, Brazil, which was over 900 kilometers from his home. He said that a 4/26/1974 #29064 ing a walkie-talkie radio about 10 kilometers south of Umvuma. This is what 5/31/1974 #29150 , but it reappeared again about 10 kilometers outside of the city, but this 5/31/1974 #29150 object followed a plane flying 65 kilometers northwest of Gander, Newfound 10/10/1974 #29513 Mariano G. Vallejo several hundred kilometers to the west. 11/22/1974 #29603 object was spotted near a farm six kilometers west of Meymans, France. A bu 6/6/1975 #30089 kers are about to take on the last kilometers of a two-day mountain trip in 7/26/1975 #30208 d continued their journey. Several kilometers further on they saw the objec 8/22/1975 #30298 e up the next day in a thicket, 28 kilometers away. He had no recollection 12/17/1975 #30720 e up the next day in a thicket, 28 kilometers away. He had no recollection 12/17/1975 #30721 e on top. After being paced for 60 kilometers, they stopped to change drive 2/17/1976 #30877 reparing to travel to a site a few kilometers away on his donkey cart. He s 4/3/1976 #30983 iner near the Portuguese Coast, 64 kilometers south of Lisbon, Portugal. Th 7/30/1976 #31204 een spinning at an altitude of two kilometers over Yichun, China at 6:00 p. 9/9/1976 #31364 r's house in La Corte, about three kilometers distant. The pathway between 8/3/1977 #32356 ux and Aups. After driving several kilometers the couple again saw it, now 11/13/1977 #32671 ed at the altitude of four to five kilometers. The trawler's radar station 12/1977 #32718 ugh binoculars a glowing "boat" 5 kilometers offshore. It then ascends, an 4/25/1978 #33170 ighway near Lujan de Cuyo, about 9 kilometers (5.5 miles) beyond the point 7/6/1978 #33346 ended from the sky to within a few kilometers of the witness in General Alv 7/9/1978 #33361 came out from under the clouds 13 kilometers from the mountain town of Wie 7/12/1978 #33375 sighted by several witnesses five kilometers away from Estacio Rambion in 7/12/1978 #33376 ehicle as it was transported seven kilometers at high speed. During the tra 9/20/1978 #33719 n landed near the Salado River, 30 kilometers from Gobernador Crespo, Santa 10/15/1978 #33839 nly found themselves teleported 15 kilometers further away from the bridge 12/28/1978 #34222 ne with three passengers flying 30 kilometers north of Ingolstadt, Bavaria, 9/9/1979 #34854 s car and followed him for several kilometers. The craft positioned itself 12/3/1979 #35046 FO flew up highway D34 for several kilometers in a northwesterly direction, 1/28/1980 #35149 evening. At around 7 p.m. twenty kilometers west of Junin, Argentina a ci 6/14/1980 #35369 nformation between atoms dozens of kilometers apart and have transferred in 1981 #35765 a remote part of Brazil, over 1000 kilometers away to the northwest, and wi 4/20/1981 #35910 estry station in La Rochelle, nine kilometers from Mutare, Zimbabwe. Three 8/15/1981 #36076 atrol jeep) in an area about 10-15 kilometers from the city when suddenly t 1982 #36284 d and followed their car for three kilometers. It was described as a ball o 4/25/1982 #36454 , and achieved a top speed of 3000 kilometers per hour when it crossed the 11/25/1986 #38078 it was lost from radar screens 150 kilometers off shore. 11/25/1986 #38078 place. He ran about the entire 1.5 kilometers to his house. The next day he 3/7/1987 #38134 ped discs followed a boat for five kilometers. The four witnesses reported 7/24/1988 #38607 overhead at an altitude of several kilometers. It projects four bright ligh 10/1989 #39138 S, BELGIUM Triangle / night lights kilometers apart! F16s chase. / LDLN#302 3/30/1990 #39495 ngle of nocturnal lights were seen kilometers apart. F-16 jet interceptors 3/30/1990 #39500 , the first one reported to be two kilometers long and the second one 400 m 10/8/1990 #39767 into the Tien Shan Mountains, 100 kilometers east of Przhevalsk near a pea 8/28/1991 #40168 p.m. It followed their car for 50 kilometers. 4/25/1993 #40950 t of the vehicle for the next four kilometers. The vehicle was traveling at 5/16/1993 #40983 ed two people in a car for several kilometers near the shoreline in Yanchep 12/31/1993 #41338 ray of lights pursued a car for 15 kilometers south of Abancourt, France. 6/26/1994 #41584 A police car was followed for 6 kilometers in Marsaneix, Dordogne, Franc 9/11/1995 #42457 e came to he found himself several kilometers from where he had seen the li 9/24/1995 #42508 urns and paces the car for several kilometers. The engine misses and the he 8/29/1996 #42999 d a village that was more than 800 kilometers from his home town. He went t 12/9/1996 #43133 he west and were approximately 100 kilometers north of Gundagai, Australia. 10/13/1997 #43427 n South America. It is located 200 kilometers south of Santiago de Chile. T 5/16/1998 #43568 , Malaysia that seemed to land two kilometers away. She watched it for five 10/2/1998 #43658 g lights lined up in the sky eight kilometers wide over the city of Puebla, 6/1/1999 #43778 and power lines over 10,000 square kilometers in Esperance, Western Austral 6/9/1999 #43782 ke up 20 minutes later at home, 26 kilometers away. They had no recollectio 12/25/1999 #43903 ey followed him silently for eight kilometers, and when he arrived home he 12/13/2000 #44102 hed the two witnesses who were ten kilometers southeast of the town. It cha 9/9/2001 #44254 n lights, and followed them for 10 kilometers down a rural dirt road when h 7/21/2002 #44362 an already repel objects up to 200 kilometers away, something that could be 7/29/2002 #44370 r the forest on Hajdowka Hill, 1.5 kilometers from her house. She watched i 2/13/2004 #44664 the UFO's departing speed was 2600 kilometers per hour. The humanoid figure 8/25/2004 #44741
Word: "kilometres" (Back to Top)
Kapustin Yar, 231km (Deviated 181 kilometres from intended flight path) 10/20/1947 #3460
Word: "kilos" (Back to Top)
t, perhaps weighing as much as 115 kilos (250 lbs.). His dog hid under the 1/26/2003 #44480
Word: "kilotons" (Back to Top)
ace at the Nevada Test Site. At 12 kilotons, it is about the same size as t 5/28/1957 #13684 o the atmosphere. This test of 1.7 kilotons can be detected around the worl 9/19/1957 #14014
Word: "kilowatts" (Back to Top)
verse-square law would be about 40 kilowatts. The maneuvering radar signal 7/17/1957 #13808
Word: "kilpatrick" (Back to Top)
of the US Congress: Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, Merrill Cook, Lynn Woolsey, 4/29/2013 #45366
Word: "kilsyth" (Back to Top)
CHELSEA AND KILSYTH AND DONCASTER, AUS 2 glowing-obj 8/23/1996 #42991
Word: "kilve" (Back to Top)
pasture in Minehead, England near Kilve on highway A39 in Somerset with sh 9/26/1977 #32522
Word: "kim" (Back to Top)
On this night 6-year-old Kim Marks of Purnong Landing, South Aust 3/12/1959 #15637 e afternoon in Bingham, Maine Miss Kim Baker, a 6-year-old girl, saw a shin 4/23/1966 #20392 san Southerland, Debbie Riley, and Kim Conolty are driving in Washington, I 9/26/1980 #35536
Word: "kim's" (Back to Top)
s visible for a minute and a half. Kim's dog did not react. A few hours lat 3/12/1959 #15637
Word: "kimba" (Back to Top)
NEAR KIMBA, SOUTH AUSTR 4 / 3 cars. Pseudo-hu 2/4/1973 #27269 While driving from Iron Knob to Kimba, South Australia on Route One, Bri 2/4/1973 #27270 imately 32 kilometers northeast of Kimba. It was in a clearing to the right 2/4/1973 #27270 arrived at Miss Kinckler's home in Kimba, they called the local police and 2/4/1973 #27270
Word: "kimball" (Back to Top)
ancisco FBI Special Agent Harry M. Kimball in San Francisco passes Col. R. 9/19/1947 #3406 i), HI Admiral Radford & Navy Sec. Kimball Planes Buzzed (NICAP: 11 - Aviat 3/14/1952 #5956 g. US Secretary of the Navy Dan A. Kimball is flying to Hawaii when he sees 3/14/1952 #5957 s plane then zoom up out of sight. Kimball sends a report to the Air Force, 3/14/1952 #5957 g reports from all Navy witnesses. Kimball threatens to initiate Naval repo 3/14/1952 #5957 Keyhoe hears about this from both Kimball and Chief of ONR Adm. Calvin M. 3/14/1952 #5957 s. and date approximate. Navy Sec. Kimball. 2 planes paced and buzzed / sau 3/15/1952 (approximate) #5958 Secretary of the Navy Dan Kimball, upset with the way the Air Forc 4/1952 #6009 t. He covers Secretary of the Navy Kimball’s 1952 UFO sighting and the ONR 11/22/1953 #9314
Word: "kimberle" (Back to Top)
A young woman, Kimberle Lenz, and her brother were abdu 8/22/1974 #29376
Word: "kimberley" (Back to Top)
Kimberley, South Africa 4:55 p.m. J. G. 12/13/1950 #5345 other are sitting at their home in Kimberley, South Africa, when they obser 12/13/1950 #5345 KIMBERLEY, RSA Saucer seen. Marks on sur 7/2/1954 #9978 say about extraterrestrials. Lord Kimberley agrees that a parliamentary gr 1/18/1979 #34358 reports reach the MoD. The Earl of Kimberley asks how many of those remain 3/4/1982 #36377 Kimberley, British Columbia Midnight. A 3/5/1999 #43743 ined collapse of a theatre roof in Kimberley, British Columbia. An object c 3/5/1999 #43743
Word: "kimberlite-1" (Back to Top)
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Kimberlite-1” Yield: 22KT 10/4/1979 #34939
Word: "kimberlite-3" (Back to Top)
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Kimberlite-3” Yield: 8.5KT 9/6/1979 #34842
Word: "kimberlite-4" (Back to Top)
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Kimberlite-4” Yield: 8.5KT 8/12/1979 #34738
Word: "kimberly" (Back to Top)
ssachusetts 6:30 p.m. Three girls (Kimberly Lodge, Ellen Kenney, and Janice 1/20/1967 #21360
Word: "kimmy" (Back to Top)
At 1:00 a.m. Ms. Kimmy Martin awoke with a start in Baca 11/18/1993 #41284
Word: "kimpo" (Back to Top)
K14 = KIMPO AB, KOREA 20' flat disc spins tumb 6/6/1952 #6451 Kimpo AB, Korea (Case missing) cylinder- 6/6/1952 #6452 Kimpo AFB, Korea Case missing from offic 6/6/1952 #6453 Kimpo Air Base Gimpo International Airpo 6/6/1952 #6454 ith from the 77th RAAF Squadron at Kimpo Air Base [now Gimpo International 6/6/1952 #6454 . It stopped over airfield K-14 at Kimpo, Korea. Next it rose straight up f 6/6/1952 #6456 KIMPO AIR FORCE BASE, KOREA Project Blue 9/18/1954 #10338 Kimpo AB, Korea Round object, like polis 9/18/1954 #10344 Kimpo Air Base, Japan Witnesses: two con 9/18/1954 #10347 recaster and a weather observer at Kimpo Air Base in Korea watched a round 9/18/1954 #10350
Word: "kimura" (Back to Top)
stic-like panel with symbols; Jean Kimura, who claims while in Boynton Cany 10/20/2022 #45779
Word: "kinabalu" (Back to Top)
Terminal 2 in Kota Kinabalu International Airport, Sabah, M 10/4/2002 #44414 CCTV camera at Terminal 2 in Kota Kinabalu International Airport, Sabah, M 10/4/2002 #44414
Word: "kincaid" (Back to Top)
veral farmers, including one named Kincaid, saw a flying disc speed by, lea 4/22/1950 #4879
Word: "kincardine" (Back to Top)
KINCARDINE, ON Farmer / plow. 5 saucers 7/9/1947 #3038 a farmer out plowing his fields in Kincardine, Ontario, Canada saw five dis 7/9/1947 #3071 s Point Nuclear Generating Station Kincardine, Ontario Lake Huron 3:30 p.m. 9/11/1967 #23044 nt Nuclear Generating Station near Kincardine, Ontario, watch a UFO pass ov 9/11/1967 #23044 KINCARDINE, SCOTLAND Flutter sound. Yell 2/9/1995 #42028
Word: "kinchela" (Back to Top)
between Kinchela and Gladstone, NSW, AU Four tee 4/30/1973 #27456 Four teenagers driving between Kinchela and Gladstone, New South Wales, 4/30/1973 #27457
Word: "kincheloe" (Back to Top)
Test pilot Iven Carl Kincheloe Jr. reaches an altitude of 126 9/7/1956 #13203 KINCHELOE AIR FORCE BASE, MI 13+2+2 RADA 9/11/1967 #23037 Kincheloe AFB, MI (McDonald list; FUFOR 9/11/1967 #23038 Kincheloe AFB [now Chippewa County Inter 9/11/1967 #23046 m. According to radar operators at Kincheloe AFB [now Chippewa County Inter 9/11/1967 #23046
Word: "kinckler" (Back to Top)
unt and his passenger, Miss Sharon Kinckler, observed a red light at 9:50 p 2/4/1973 #27270
Word: "kinckler's" (Back to Top)
nd them. When they arrived at Miss Kinckler's home in Kimba, they called th 2/4/1973 #27270
Word: "kind" (Back to Top)
ens of peasants who are present. A kind of door opens and a person emerges. 6/12/1790 #91 r eight, and all of them have some kind of trail. A few of them fall in the 5/16/1808 #102 Edward Hitchcock thinks it is some kind of “gelatinous fungus” common to th 8/13/1819 #110 sublimed and disappeared. The same kind of jelly-like substance was found o 11/13/1833 #128 eople in Waxahachie, Texas, see a “kind of balloon” with colored lights pas 8/30/1892 #305 to recognize it as an “aircycle,” kind of a winged balloon with a pedal-dr 12/1/1896 #373 earances, they are objects of some kind, but since newspapers rarely questi 2/1897 #385 from the sides and on top is some kind of superstructure. Witnesses estima 4/10/1897 #426 t a wrecked circular craft of some kind and glass jars holding unknown crea 1939? #1303 to report incidents with “certain kind of light phenomena’ that might be a 6/26/1946 #2016 he other side of the pasture. Some kind of dust falls on Seay, although it 7/4/1947 #2665 ains of a crashed aircraft of some kind. Wilcox calls the local fire depart 7/5/1947 #2719 idland, Michigan, when they hear a kind of “puff” noise nearby. Looking up, 7/9/1947 #3068 the sighting is the result of some kind of home-made fireworks experiment, 7/9/1947 #3068 nt an interplanetary craft of some kind.” However, it is now largely consid 7/30/1947 #3261 or eyebrows but surrounded by some kind of ring-like muscle. The beings had 8/14/1947 #3334 nt an interplanetary craft of some kind…. The presence of an unconventional 10/28/1947 #3469 secrecy. [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 1948 #3525 nder pressure to come up with some kind of answer, so they quickly float Ve 1/7/1948 #3544 peared.” [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 1950 #4464 metallic flying disc trailing some kind of ribbon hovered, darted about, an 3/5/1950 #4584 diameter, shaped like a top with a kind of turret. It was oscillating, spin 4/8/1950 #4827 k. It was shaped like a top with a kind of "conning tower" turret on top. I 4/8/1950 #4831 for an opening for the face (in a kind of tight-fitting overall of a brown 5/15/1950 #4944 etected a significant rise in some kind of emission. Hood wants to expand t 7/1951 #5556 e, but it does establish that some kind of objects have been seen. 7/25/1951 #5586 by me.” [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 1952 #5846 covered. [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 1952 #5847 hrough a window, and he received a kind of electric shock as a "green ray" 7/24/1952 #7113 hrough a window, and he received a kind of electric shock as a "green ray" 7/25/1952 #7139 ped into semiconsciousness by some kind of red flare coming from a hatch in 8/19/1952 #7651 s through which could be seen some kind of regular movement. A series of s 8/25/1952 #7729 e crash. [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 1953 #8482 ditions. [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 1953 #8483 about.” [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 5/21/1953 #8899 g fuselage, elliptical wings, some kind of stabilizer, a bright light on it 2/4/1954 #9535 xpressed a fear of firearms of any kind, she picks up the gun and pulls the 2/19/1954 #9558 off. Diameter 10 m, height 3 m. A kind of door was noticed. The observatio 9/7/1954 #10266 33 feet, and they notice it has a kind of door. The observation lasts more 9/7/1954 #10268 3 feet), and they noticed it had a kind of door. The observation lasted ove 9/7/1954 #10270 ff the road and land. He can see a kind of gallery around the dome where hu 9/12/1954 #10290 to it. He wore dark clothes and a kind of cap. Miss Fin came within 30 m o 9/24/1954 #10433 it. He wore dark clothes and some kind of cap. Miss Fin came within 30 met 9/24/1954 #10437 sk. Between the two sections was a kind of porthole through which the entit 10/5/1954 #10728 sk. Between the two sections was a kind of porthole through which the entit 10/5/1954 #10740 hat the “saucers appear to be some kind of revolutionary aircraft” that are 10/24/1954 #11365 e read his book and gives him some kind of mind-altering pill. After taking 12/1954 #11737 wo small humanoids “enveloped in a kind of yellow sack from head to toe” ar 12/9/1954 #11787 wo small humanoids "enveloped in a kind of yellow sack from head to toe" we 12/11/1954 #11802 s, with their heads covered with a kind of cowl. One of the humanoids was c 12/28/1954 #11869 lked around it with a lamp of some kind. 12/31/1954 #11885 ed eyes. [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 1955 #11900 next to a console “operating some kind of controls,” and the two others ar 6/1956 #12880 , the being “started for me with a kind of screeching sound,” and Horne fle 12/15/1956 #13404 ures, it slashed at them with some kind of knife, and gave one of them a de 6/5/1957 #13707 critters” and thinks they are some kind of life form invisible to the naked Summer 1957 #13745 he lower part. Both objects have a kind of tube with two red lights. They a 8/5/1957 #13881 , there rose from the nearer end a kind of antenna, about six inches long. 12/16/1957 #14736 no tail fins or protrusions of any kind are visible. The film, in color, is 1/3/1958 #14800 of 1959. [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 1959 #15516 more than once to the site in some kind of fugue. He soon deserts and perha 2/20/1959 #15595 nscribed upon it a message of some kind, written in indescipherable marking 4/25/1959 #15713 insk. It was badly damaged by some kind of explosion and fire, and the insi 9/26/1959 #15994 by a small insect or some strange kind of single-celled organism about 4 m 11/2/1959 #16076 all flying through the air. It was kind of rough and seemed to be rolling a 11/18/1961 #16964 and Nissen Road at 10:15 p.m. Some kind of halo surrounded it. After about 6/12/1964 #18348 briefly at 9:00 p.m. It stood on a kind of cylindrical pillar, giving out a 9/5/1964 #18540 covered. [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 12/10/1964 #18655 aller objects attached to it “as a kind of tail” is taken by a converted RA 1965 #18690 The “doctor” put an object of some kind over her head, and she felt as if s 8/16/1965 #19410 ignia, or identifying marks of any kind. It has an exterior door about 2 fe Mid 10/1965 #19659 es off the ground) or seams of any kind. He realizes he can go inside the d Mid 10/1965 #19659 he end and an exhaust port or some kind of hole below the fin. It had rows 11/1965 #19690 y noticed that the object had some kind of field effect on their theodolite 1/18/1966 #19852 the road. Laxson thinks it is some kind of military vehicle. 3/23/1966 #20050 ovie Close Encounters of the Third Kind. 4/17/1966 #20319 Quintanilla then, as Spaur said, “kind of lost interest.” 4/18/1966 #20331 E-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 164; MUFON UFO Journal, June 19 6/24/1966 #20608 ip, but when she tripped over some kind of a switch the resultant flash bur 8/11/1966 #20739 ng behind a glassy surface of some kind. Above the light was a very large o 11/4/1966 #21074 moved just like anybody else, but kind of slow...like he was taking his ti 11/17/1966 #21119 a band around its center and some kind of projection at its rear. The humm 11/22/1966 #21141 tention. [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 1967 #21239 and baglike trousers, and had some kind of helmet with four antennas. It al 1/15/1967 #21312 h four antennas. It also wore some kind of mittens on its hands. The face c 1/15/1967 #21312 n his hand. It appeared to be some kind of instrument with a dial on it, li 1/26/1967 #21402 ited him aboard. He was given some kind of exam onboard the craft by a mach 4/11/1967 #22110 tified flying object extended some kind of robotic tentacles and attempted 6/5/1967 #22468 e, and a creature or being of some kind was seen within it. (NICAP report f 7/17/1967 #22676 ty. They all said he was wearing a kind of metallic suit, and the odor of " 9/8/1967 #23021 FO directed an energy beam of some kind at a car being driven by a man name 10/31/1967 #23378 d and descended to the ground on a kind of ramp. He wore something resembli 3/29/1968 #23873 t. The UFO had on its lower part a kind of helix, where lights of white and 6/27/1968 #24087 at the foot of the boulder, and a kind of “flying saucer” was seen, about 8/29/1968 #24401 third close encounter of the third kind in the Philippines was made that sa 11/1/1968 #24618 ilot. Silent bell-shape flies. "No kind of aircraft". 12/6/1968 #24746 s lower than the other. Each has a kind of burn or cicatrice on each cheek. 2/7/1969 #24901 last one in pauses and pulls out a kind of weapon, points it at Machado, an 2/7/1969 #24901 machine. Each carried a different kind of tool with which they busied them 2/20/1969 #24936 t and facing her window. He wore a kind of diving suit with a soft green lu 3/22/1969 #25037 He soon found himself inside some kind of dark, drum-like object that was 4/20/1969 #25075 football. The floodlights formed a kind of ceiling over the field and it wa 4/25/1969 #25091 it to the others. At this point a kind of vision appeared to Da Silva of a 5/4/1969 #25115 s neighbors but found himself in a kind of stupor with his face and hands s 11/15/1969 #25461 ould be seen the movements of some kind of humanoid creature, silhouetted b 1/22/1971 #25997 cross both eyes, as if it was some kind of blast shield, but the nasal area 8/16/1971 #26291 Renz remembered being inside some kind of object in a cockpit along with t 8/16/1971 #26291 ad a close encounter of the second kind with a UFO that involved landing tr 9/19/1971 #26348 es the lot, he sees the thing is a kind of luminous sphere giving off a blu 3/19/1972 #26617 of Calais, France. It dropped some kind of a liquid, then flew to the north 6/29/1972 #26743 rs of the first, second, and third kind. It is an “articulate challenge to 7/1972 #26749 , "He must have been emitting some kind of electricity, because it felt jus 8/22/1972 #26949 ad a close encounter of the second kind with a noisy UFO three miles southe 11/13/1972 #27123 onsciousness. She experienced some kind of altered state of consciousness, 2/22/1973 #27310 ndow she sees a reflection of some kind in her walled-in backyard. When she 5/27/1973 #27533 eet wide and 3–6 feet high, with a kind of credenza behind which three enti 5/27/1973 #27533 upper portion. They were behind a kind of "parapet" which hid them from th 5/27/1973 #27535 The light seemed to radiate from a kind of "jelly," glowing in an unusual m 7/1/1973 #27610 nd wore a small brown cap and some kind of medallion on its chest. It walke 9/26/1973 #27873 esses notice they are wearing some kind of helmets and clothing that is the 10/6/1973 #27960 ties carry them into the UFO. Some kind of “eye” device scans them before t 10/11/1973 #27997 this event a military test of some kind using “UAP abduction” as a cover? 10/11/1973 #28009 e of the pond, communicating by "a kind of shriek, like the sound made by a 10/29/1973 #28319 ad a close encounter of the second kind when a multi-colored, ovoid UFO (NI 12/10/1973 #28549 ad a close encounter of the second kind when a multi-colored, ovoid UFO res 12/10/1973 #28553 that began to emit a vapor of some kind. The sphere then took off at a sixt 12/14/1973 #28573 gated close encounter of the third kind report occurred on this night in Vi 12/19/1973 #28587 ccurred. [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 1974 #28633 here somehow because he feels some kind of force field. Against his will he 5/1974 #29074 he little man pointed a flashlight kind of instrument at him and him in the 5/1/1974 #29078 had a close encounter of the first kind with a UFO. 5/9/1974 #29098 ki uniforms with large belts and a kind of mask over their faces. One being 5/26/1974 #29136 regression on the witnesses. Some kind of levitation force was used which 8/22/1974 #29376 ngs. In addition, no lights of any kind are apparent. There is also no obvi 8/25/1974 #29386 ses undergo an examination of some kind. 9/27/1974 #29486 object, which was surrounded by a kind of fog. As he passed, the car "dark 12/2/1974 #29631 me year. [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 3/14/1975 #29900 future.” [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 3/28/1975 #29924 d his head in their direction as a kind of greeting. His clothes were the s 7/12/1975 #30175 he waist. He lets them attach some kind of glowing sack to his body, but wh 2/1976 #30842 oo. The entities exit through some kind of orange portal outside the closed 2/1976 #30842 the wife remembered much more. One kind of alien was about four feet tall, 3/5/1976 #30928 ct rises straight up. He sees some kind of flash and his car lights go out, 4/22/1976 #31010 operating table, where they ran "a kind of box" over her. 6/11/1976 #31103 rg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind in Mobile, Alabama, and gives a lec 7/23/1976 #31183 g machine were all damaged by some kind of field effect from the UFO. 7/31/1976 #31207 going to rob them or do them some kind of mischief. She turned and shook h 8/10/1976 #31252 s no building, or structure of any kind whatsoever. There was simply no “at 8/10/1976 #31252 ade contact with a big cylindrical kind of disc-shaped object, then a secon 10/31/1976 #31513 felt that the man transmitted some kind of influence that caused them to re 11/14/1976 #31549 ncident. [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 1977 #31658 s shot straight up. There was some kind of animal reaction. 5/3/1977 #32054 City Close Encounters of the Third Kind, directed by Steven Spielberg, prem 11/17/1977 #32680 umanoid. [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 1978 #32830 trieved. [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 1978 #32831 g had been shot by Dix MPs.” “Some kind of body found” and the area was cor 1/18/1978 #32895 meters high. In the center stood a kind of console. It had some resemblance 2/5/1978 #32957 A close encounter of the first kind happened in Eden Prairie, Minnesota 4/26/1978 #33173 bove the ground. The figure wore a kind of "cape" or long tunic that did no 5/2/1978 #33185 the object he was stopped by some kind of a force field and blacked out. W 6/16/1978 #33282 y woods. Thinking it could be some kind of animal, they climbed down the tr 7/11/1978 #33367 e craft were two figures wearing a kind of helmet similar to those used by 8/23/1978 #33555 econds. The entity moves away with kind of a floating motion. Radu remains 9/23/1978 #33736 was oblong, very, very huge with a kind of greenish-gray color. It had thre 9/25/1978 #33747 odia Eubea, Italy. They spoke some kind of unintelligible language that sou 12/15/1978 #34140 in 1979. [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 1979 #34263 achable. [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 4/5/1979 #34499 tos's close encounter of the third kind in Brazil a mechanic in Charleston, 5/16/1979 #34565 months. [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 6/27/1979 #34637 ad a close encounter of the second kind with a disc-shaped object while dri 9/3/1979 #34832 and barking in a panic. He hears a kind of hissing sound and realizes that 11/9/1979 #34989 . Looking out, they could see some kind of luminous flat platform approachi 11/30/1979 #35034 The wife remembered being in some kind of operating room, lying naked on t 12/11/1979 #35073 nald Kernan says the lights “did a kind of dance.” 3/22/1980 #35230 rectangular" in shape. They wore a kind of gray uniform and a rounded cap f 4/20/1980 #35281 gs Base. [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 12/14/1980 #35716 ound and metallic with a dome and “kind of peak on it.” His sister joins th 5/4/1981 #35928 lyut in a suborbital path. Then a “kind of explosion happened, very beautif 5/5/1981 #35930 ae, and no marks or writing of any kind. The cosmonauts also notice normal- 5/14/1981 #35937 m the underside. Around it is some kind of vapor. 4/22/1982 #36450 ralls with a wide belt having some kind of tools or accessories hanging fro 5/29/1986 #37898 hooded tunics with cowls like the kind worn by monks. These covered their 6/20/1986 #37918 iven a medical examination of some kind. The entities have long, oval-shape 8/15/1986 #37992 e Reticulans until 1979, when some kind of conflict occurred. This is when 3/1989 #38855 hat day. [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 9/28/1989 #39132 revolving around each other. Some kind of green haze or fog formed, and th 8/5/1990 #39681 also had what appeared to be very kind, blue eyes. The alien was dressed i 9/13/1990 #39731 mposing. [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 3/16/1991 #40015 in 1952. [Retrievals of the Third Kind presented at MUFON 1978, Leon Strin 4/12/1991 #40038 A close encounter of the second kind occurred at the Yeisk Military Avia 8/28/1991 #40169 ad a close encounter of the second kind with a 15-foot-wide green, domed di 3/19/1992 #40390 Chagala was warned of a different kind of humanoid that also visited the E 3/20/1993 #40895 t 330 feet away. An entity of some kind emerges from the largest object and 9/16/1994 #41754 ingers. They appeared to have some kind of face mask or facial covering als 8/11/1995 #42376 uish any walls or furniture of any kind. He realized he was lying prone and 2/29/1996 #42789 bnormally quiet. Soon they heard a kind of modulated, scraping metallic sou 7/22/1996 #42963 igure wore a silver suit with some kind of helmet on his head. It was carry 11/23/1996 #43118 from inside. At the same time some kind of appartition appeared on the uppe 11/24/1996 #43120 it is odd, but suspects it is some kind of aircraft. Suddenly she falls dow 5/30/1997 #43302 tish-blue room, lying down on some kind of table. A figure wearing a bluish 4/13/1998 #43550 TV set on and could also see some kind of soft, flashing light in the corr 6/10/1998 #43586 s knees, apparently inserting some kind of implant. 11/1/1998 #43674 up suddenly when he detected some kind of movement behind him. Thinking it 7/18/1999 #43807 that the humanoids were gentle and kind. One of the humanoids seemed to be 8/14/1999 #43822 hovered over them and emitted some kind of beam of energy. The ray hit one 7/25/2000 #44022 ng sound, and there seemed to be a kind of charged energy in the air. Frigh 8/2/2000 #44026 aliens needed human bodies as some kind of breeding "container" for their o 5/2/2001 #44174 e strange pair he had entered some kind of a trance, and he seemed to be fl 3/26/2002 #44326 nted. Also, their movements seemed kind of clumsy. 3/26/2002 #44326 e no idea. This car is new, so I'm kind of mad." Then he heard a humming so 5/13/2003 #44535 no stars showing, nor light of any kind, and the black void was seen changi 9/25/2003 #44608 10 seconds later he heard a weird kind of gunshot sound. When he looked up 3/12/2004 #44676 mechanical, it was more like some kind of animal. It did not have extended 4/5/2004 #44684 le-shaped object fly over. "It was kind of fuzzy on the edges as the transp 8/23/2004 #44740 ients died and he had no idea what kind of technology could do this. Green 2005 #44805 and I’ve seen it; this is not the kind of world I thought [my children] wo 2012 #45336 witnesses think it is generating a kind of night fog low above the ground. 2/3/2016 #45444 g that there is “no proof that any kind of energy source affected the diplo 3/2018 #45520 tz frequencies. “It resonates some kind of harmonic and gets lighter, and i 7/2018 #45532 to the program. “I don’t know…what kind of classification it was, but they 5/1/2021 #45686 d a “live being” who looked human, kind of like Ross Perot and not the clas 2/28/2023 #45796
Word: "kindergarten" (Back to Top)
with one of the children from the kindergarten class. It spoke to the chil 5/15/1991 #40064
Word: "kindled" (Back to Top)
and governmental interest in UFOs kindled by the provocative Life magazine 6/1952 #6403
Word: "kindley" (Back to Top)
KINDLEY AIR FORCE BASE, BERMUDA 8 observ 7/6/1952 #6720 Kindley AFB, Bermuda (McDonald list) Red 9/23/1958 #15278
Word: "kindrae" (Back to Top)
Kindrae, Minnesota A 60-year-old man saw 4/8/1965 #18899
Word: "kindred" (Back to Top)
ite on a highway between Fargo and Kindred, North Dakota where a "ghost lig 5/5/1968 #23946
Word: "kinds" (Back to Top)
ilky Way" and that three different kinds of humanoids, ranging from very sm 5/5/1972 #26671 answers, “Yes, I would make these kinds of data available to the public, a 3/31/1976 #30970 around her. They are all different kinds of geometrical shapes and forms, b 9/3/1976 #31337 level. She reports four different kinds of humanoid creatures (7 in all) v 8/29/1979 #34801 e are some real mutilations of two kinds: copycat incidents where prankster 1984 #37091 Four landings and three different kinds of entities reported (sections VII 9/14/1989 #39100 Four landings and three different kinds of entities reported (sections VII 9/14/1989 #39100 Four landings and three different kinds of entities reported. Geodesic eng 9/21/1989 #39114 ted her to plant certain different kinds of flowers and trees in her garden 3/11/1992 #40372 nside the object. There he saw two kinds of humanoids of both genders. One 5/7/1995 #42189 ncy followed by an attack of three kinds of virulent bacteria. Doctors orde 2/15/1996 #42764 ” like beings, influences and “all kinds of weird stuff” come into our pres 10/2006 #44970
Word: "kinetic" (Back to Top)
ed projectiles made of tungsten as kinetic warheads, is conceived by physic 11/1986 #38057 de of 537 miles, is destroyed by a kinetic kill vehicle traveling with a sp 1/11/2007 #44998 of underwater fast movers, tic-tac kinetic vehicles, orbs etc. to study the 8/23/2022 #45763
Word: "king" (Back to Top)
e of Wales, one of them the future king of England, were cruising aboard "L 6/11/1881 #243 e of Wales, one of them the future king of England, were cruising aboard "L 6/11/1881 #244 e of Wales, one of them the future king of England, were cruising aboard "L 6/11/1881 #245 Confectioner John S. Scheer, Frank King, and Frank Mulick of Erie, Pennsylv 4/21/1897 #552 England 9:45 p.m. Fred Harrison of King’s Lynn, Norfolk, England, sees a “l 5/13/1909 #741 rt Westlake, railroad signalman at King’s Junction in the Queen Alexandra D 5/19/1909 #765 gon Canyon Ranch McDermott, Nevada King’s River Ranch near Orovada Starting 1922 #1018 rank and Christopher Bengoa of the King’s River Ranch near Orovada. 1922 #1018 ush adds American physicist Samuel King Allison, Russian-American physicist 6/28/1941 #1367 overy Castle 11:00 p.m. Mrs. A. M. King is with another passenger on the de 7/1/1947? #2522 ea, moving parallel with the ship. King estimates it is about four times th 7/1/1947? #2522 y “Flying Saucer-y” is prepared by King Features Syndicate and carried in m 9/1952 #7802 s: ex-Congresswoman Mrs. Isabella King and Bill McClain. One orange teardr 9/6/1952 #7867 .m. ex-Congresswoman Mrs. Isabella King and Bill McClain witnessed an orang 9/6/1952 #7871 ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “King” Yield: 500KT 11/15/1952 #8281 Maida Vale, London, England George King is washing dishes in his flat in Ma 5/8/1954 #9763 axton Hall, London, England George King gives the first public demonstratio 1/1955 #11903 KING SALMON, AK 2 Air Traffic Controller 7/30/1955 #12304 Kilburn Estate District 21 King Albert Park Singapore 8:20 p.m. Phy 7/26/1956 #13021 ilburn Estate, in District 21 near King Albert Park, Singapore. They dart a 7/26/1956 #13021 London, England George King forms the Aetherius Society in Lond 8/1956 #13044 on, England, as the result of what King claims are contacts with extraterre 8/1956 #13044 want, and ignorance. According to King, the civilizations of Atlantis and 8/1956 #13044 Outer Space’” reveals that George King’s Aetherius Society has been publis 5/26/1957 #13680 to an informant on the newspaper. King writes to explain that his group is 5/26/1957 #13680 l. A Special Branch officer visits King in his home in London, England, on 5/26/1957 #13680 s, Indiana Witnesses: Lt. Col. H. King and tail gunner M/Sgt. Roberts, abo 6/21/1962 #17236 At 4:00 a.m. Lt. Col. H. King and his tail gunner M/Sgt. Roberts, 6/21/1962 #17240 ver singles out Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. as a major target for COINTELPR 8/28/1963 #17921 the FBI is systematically bugging King’s home and his hotel rooms, as they 8/28/1963 #17921 rooms, as they are now aware that King is growing in stature daily as the 8/28/1963 #17921 The FBI sends Martin Luther King Jr. a “suicide package” note that c 11/21/1964 #18631 Bangor, Maine 11:50 p.m. John T. King sees a yellowish, elliptical object 3/23/1966 #20052 s dim and his radio stops playing. King says he can hear the elderberry bus 3/23/1966 #20052 At 11:45 p.m. John King, 22 years old, was driving his in B 3/23/1966 #20057 en it was less than 100 feet away. King fired four shots at the 60-foot lon 3/23/1966 #20057 Bangor, Maine John King, 22, working with the Bangor Police 3/25/1966 #20079 At 11:45 p.m. John King, age 22, working with the Bangor, M 3/25/1966 #20084 TE, which focuses on Martin Luther King Jr. and the Southern Christian Lead 8/1967 #22770 Haven, Florida 9:30 p.m. Harry E. King and Michael Swartz see a bright rou 8/10/1967 #22859 nging to Nellie Lewis of the Harry King Ranch in the San Luis Valley, Color 9/9/1967 #23026 At 9:30 a.m. EST a witness named King in Tuscumbia, Missouri observed a s 11/24/1967 #23509 ootball. The field lights formed a king of "ceiling" over the field and is 4/24/1971 #26081 ls except witness' name, which was King. (EGBA, 680) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 6/1971 #26152 KING WILLIAMS TOWN, RSA Banana-delta/tri 7/5/1972 #26769 d a grass fire when it took off in King William's Town, South Africa. The o 7/5/1972 #26775 ). Slow triangle / low altitude. / King of Prussia Post 30.11.73. 11/29/1973 #28481 At around 8:45 p.m. Barry King and Ian Vinten in Chingford, Essex, 5/11/1974 #29100 eturning to the site at 9:35 p.m., King and Vinten again saw through binocu 5/11/1974 #29100 CH patrol "Money Man" radioed "Sky King" (Fran Ridge) and "Sailor" about a 10/6/1974 #29502 KING ISLAND, BASS STRAIT, AUSTR Silent c 4/10/1976 #30992 Hotline, and investigator Barry M. King interviews one of the officers that 5/3/1977 #32050 ine], and field investigator Barry King came out and interviewed the office 5/3/1977 #32053 Moorabbin, Victoria King Island Flinders Island Crayfish Bay 10/21/1978 #33856 t between Moorabbin, Victoria, and King Island. He radios Melbourne air tra 10/21/1978 #33856 9:00 p.m., six in Victoria, one on King Island, and others further away. Ro 10/21/1978 #33856 netaris in Barcelona had solicited King Juan Carlos I in January to provide 3/3/1979 #34462 nfirmed. Country: USA Name: “Huron King” YieldMax: 20KT 6/24/1980 #35388 The Larry King Show carries a three-hour program o 2/7/1981 #35817 . The first hour consists of Larry King interviewing the panelists; then he 2/7/1981 #35817 KING OF PRUSSIA, PA 2 boys. Large silent 1/27/1984 #37155 King Of Prussia, PA 6:15 AM. Two young b 1/27/1984 #37157 King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 6:15 a.m. 1/27/1984 #37159 a.m. Two boys delivering papers in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, see a cir 1/27/1984 #37159 alking between Herăstrău Park [now King Michael I Park] and Aviators Square 9/11/1987 #38281 . Barry Goldwater appears on Larry King’s syndicated radio show and respond 10/13/1988 #38671 King Alfred’s College in Winchester, Ham 7/17/1992 #40523 for Crop Circle Studies is held at King Alfred’s College in Winchester, Ham 7/17/1992 #40523 ight-Patterson field TV host Larry King broadcasts “Larry King Live at Area 10/1/1994 #41779 host Larry King broadcasts “Larry King Live at Area 51,” which includes a 10/1/1994 #41779 is loading “body bags” onto a Sea King helicopter. When the military is co 3/24/1997 #43239 July 4, 2008, appearance on Larry King Live, Mitchell tells the audience h 4/10/1997 #43260 A 40-year-old woman named E. King reported that she was abducted from 3/24/2000 #43968 11:30 p.m. from various locales in King and Pierce Counties, Washington Sta 7/4/2000 #44009 At 1:20 a.m. at the Burger King parking lot in Baton Rouge, Louisia 11/13/2002 #44438 Birmingham, England 9:30 a.m. A King Air BE90 pilot is cruising at 16,00 7/5/2018 #45533 ngeles, CA Radio and TV host Larry King dies at age 87 in Los Angeles, CA 1/23/2021 #45674
Word: "king's" (Back to Top)
Banbury, UK 1:00 a.m. At King's Sutton an object resembling a hay 12/7/1872 #194 Banbury, Great Britain At King's Sutton an object resembling a hay 12/7/1872 #195 At King's Sutton in Banbury, England an obj 12/7/1872 #196 King's Lynn, UK 9:45 PM. A cigar-shaped 5/13/1909 #739 lluminated the terrain brightly in King's Lynn. Looking up, he saw the airs 5/13/1909 #739 King's Lynn, Norfolk, England 9:45 p.m. 5/13/1909 #741 ot long, dark airship, flying over King's Lynn, Norfolk, England at 9:45 p. 5/13/1909 #742 King's Junction Queen Alexandra Dock Car 5/19/1909 #765
Word: "kingaroy" (Back to Top)
KINGAROY, QLD, AUSTRALIA Canberra times. 9/9/1953 #9157 KINGAROY, AUST Many observer(s). Battles 10/18/1996 #43082
Word: "kingdom" (Back to Top)
oneymore, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom at noon on this day a three-foot 9/7/1956 #13204 night at Colwyn Bay, Wales, United Kingdom an oval-shaped light, partially 9/7/1971 #26322 United Kingdom North York Moors, England 7:00 p 12/31/1978 #34248 . Hundreds of people in the United Kingdom see a bright light with a long t 12/31/1978 #34248 security and defence of the United Kingdom.” It has no other budget than mi Fall 1984 #37466 ist in an imaginal realm, a “third kingdom” between reality and fantasy tha 5/1/1992 #40442 Massachusetts Brazil Canada United Kingdom Australia The Massachusetts Inst 6/13/1992 #40492 ontributed (Brazil, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia). Even skeptics are r 6/13/1992 #40492 obert and Meiford in Wales, United Kingdom. It had bright green and blue li 5/29/2007 #45033 a, France, South Korea, the United Kingdom, the European Space Agency, and 3/28/2020 #45642
Word: "kingdon" (Back to Top)
m. The crew (including Lt. Fred W. Kingdon Jr. and US Naval Reserve Lt. Gra 2/9/1951 #5436
Word: "kingfish" (Back to Top)
Lockheed A-12 over rival Convair’s Kingfish. Edward Lovick’s suggestion for 9/14/1959 #15976 ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kingfish” Yield: 1000KT 11/1/1962 #17527
Word: "kingfisher" (Back to Top)
KINGFISHER, OK 50 fast objects / V-forma 10/15/1954 #11089 Kingfisher, OK 50 objects with illuminat 10/15/1954 #11097 Kingfisher, Oklahoma Oct. 15, 16 and 17, 10/15/1954 #11107 ormation on successive nights over Kingfisher, Oklahoma at around 8:45 p.m. 10/15/1954 #11120 Kingfisher, Oklahoma - Two young women, 3/21/2004 #44678
Word: "kingman" (Back to Top)
KINGMAN, KS 4+/ car. 250' domed saucer h 6/30/1950 #5023 Kingman (near), KS Rotating disc hovered 6/30/1950 #5026 Kingman, Kansas Cunningham, Kansas Meade 6/30/1950 #5027 s wife are driving 9 miles west of Kingman, Kansas, when they see a bright 6/30/1950 #5027 Kingman, AZ Dr. Ed Doll orders Fritz Wer 5/20/1953 #8886 Kingman, AZ Fritz Werner (pseudonym), en 5/21/1953 #8892 NEAR KINGMAN, AZ Eng. / blacked-out bus. 30' 5/21/1953 #8894 Kingman, Arizona Wright-Patterson AFB, O 5/21/1953 #8897 leged UFO crash and retrieval near Kingman, Arizona. “Fritz Werner” [pseudo 5/21/1953 #8897 n this day into the desert outside Kingman, Arizona aboard a bus with its w 5/21/1953 #8898 to investigate a crashed UAP near Kingman, AZ on 21 May 1953, in a signed 5/21/1953 #8899 SOUTHWEST / KINGMAN, AZ Object aims beam going down 2/16/1967 #21562 Kingman, AZ 11:45 p.m. MST. A soldier an 2/16/1967 #21569 Route 66 Kingman, Arizona 11:43 p.m. S/Sgt Max Re 2/16/1967 #21572 re driving along Route 66 south of Kingman, Arizona, when they see a format 2/16/1967 #21572 US Route 66 in the desert south of Kingman, Arizona at 11:43 p.m. at under 2/16/1967 #21577 Driving across the desert near Kingman, Arizona with a hitchhiker at ar 10/15/1968 #24563 NEAR KINGMAN, AZ 3 / car. Silent 300' saucer 3/27/1974 #28960 d on a recovered disc landing from Kingman, AZ from 1952-53. Uhouse states 11/1/2013 #45392
Word: "kingon" (Back to Top)
, George A. Keyworth II, Alfred H. Kingon and John A. Svahn. Contractor Geo 6/11/1985 #37600
Word: "kings" (Back to Top)
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks in Californi 7/30/1953 #9022 for three nights over Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks in Californi 7/30/1953 #9022 KINGS MOUNTAIN, NC Domed disk going east 8/1/1968 #24286 tude. Many see 2 blinking lights / kings mountain from I85. 2/22/1973 #27309 he evidence inconclusive, but Lord Kings Norton favors an investigation. Lo 1/18/1979 #34358 KINGS LYNN, NORFOLK Car Rdo(off)crackles 3/10/1992 #40370 KINGS LYNN, NORFOLK Many observer(s). Ni 8/12/1993 #41132 KINGS LYNN, NORFOLK UFO's back again. R- 10/18/1993 #41243
Word: "kingsburg" (Back to Top)
San Joaquin Valley Fresno Kingsburg, California 9:00 p.m. Many res 10/26/1988 #38698 n Joaquin Valley around Fresno and Kingsburg, California, see a low- flying 10/26/1988 #38698
Word: "kingsbury" (Back to Top)
uding Capt. Martin E. Vigil, David Kingsbury, and Albert Vega) investigate 4/26/1964 #18209 y store in Windsor, Vermont, Linda Kingsbury and Lucy Slothower notice two 4/15/1981 #35899
Word: "kingseat" (Back to Top)
KINGSEAT, NZ 4M ovoids. Very slow and si 6/4/1957 #13699
Word: "kingsfield" (Back to Top)
East Kingsfield Road Pensacola, Florida 10:30 6/17/1996 #42931 A witness is driving east on East Kingsfield Road in the northern part of 6/17/1996 #42931
Word: "kingsford" (Back to Top)
In Kingsford Heights, Indiana at 8:30 p.m. 8/22/1962 #17354
Word: "kingsland" (Back to Top)
Kingsland, Georgia 6:45 p.m. Witnesses i 12/14/2007 #45101 nd, Georgia 6:45 p.m. Witnesses in Kingsland, Georgia, see a triangular obj 12/14/2007 #45101
Word: "kingsley" (Back to Top)
Kingsley, OR Early 1970's; Kingsley, OR; 1970 #25517 Kingsley, OR Early 1970's; Kingsley, OR; Keno Mountain LRR case, G 1970 #25517 KINGSLEY, WEST AUST Noisy Radio Frequenc 10/7/1978 #33804 KINGSLEY, MI Cop and 2 and more/others. 12/21/1994 #41902
Word: "kingstanding" (Back to Top)
ted simultaneously in the sky over Kingstanding, West Midlands, England by 10/2/1978 #33793
Word: "kingston" (Back to Top)
KINGSTON, RI Fireman. 2 glowing saucers 5/20/1956 #12861 d told to forget it ever happened. Kingston George, the project engineer fo 9/15/1964 #18556 SOUTH KINGSTON, NH 6 observer(s). Domed saucer 2/22/1966 #19913 parked car next to a lake in South Kingston, New Hampshire. It backed away, 2/22/1966 #19914 in the sky for 20 minutes between Kingston and Naracoorte, South Australia 6/8/1966 #20545 New Kingston, PA Disc hovered near Cessna (N 9/30/1966 #20937 New Kingston, PA Time not reported. A privat 11/30/1966 #21164 lown by a Mr. Hockenberry over New Kingston, Pennsylvania. It then shot str 11/30/1966 #21166 SALEM AND KINGSTON, NH 3 separate observer(s). Dom 4/27/1967 #22227 Kingston, NH 10:10 p.m. EDT (9:30 p.m. C 4/27/1967 #22230 In Kingston, New Hampshire at 10:10 p.m. ED 4/27/1967 #22236 Kingston, Jamaica 8:00 p.m. LT. Four peo 11/18/1967 #23478 dusk over Watts Bar Lake south of Kingston, Tennessee, and then moved skyw 12/5/1968 #24745 Kingston, New Hampshire rural area near 1972 #26528 ton, New Hampshire rural area near Kingston, New Hampshire Betty Hill begin 1972 #26528 umerous trips to a rural area near Kingston, New Hampshire, where she claim 1972 #26528 EAST KINGSTON, NH Saucer 10' over railroad/ra 1/5/1972 #26539 While snowmobiling in East Kingston, New Hampshire five witnesses c 1/5/1972 #26541 NORTH / KINGSTON, ON 13 / crypto. CORPs. Huge si 5/5/1972 (approximate) #26670 NEAR KINGSTON, RI Blimp-size metallic disk go 3/5/1973 #27331 A man driving near Route 30 in Kingston, Pennsylvania reported that his 8/17/1973 #27709 KINGSTON, NY 2 cops. 40' saucer hovers / 7/9/1974 #29247 Kingston, NY Elliptical object with body 7/9/1974 #29250 Kingston, NY Elliptical object with body 7/9/1974 #29251 Kingston, New York Early morning. An ell 7/9/1974 #29252 ers about 200 feet above a park in Kingston, New York. A hazy white glow em 7/9/1974 #29252 oached a police car on a road near Kingston, New York. It responded to the 7/9/1974 #29254 Great Swamp Management Area West Kingston, Rhode Island 10:30 p.m. A coup 3/2/1975 #29868 at Swamp Management Area near West Kingston, Rhode Island. It then stops an 3/2/1975 #29868 er that was rectangular shaped. In Kingston, Ulster County, New York there 8/20/1984 #37437 Kingston, New York Night. Some 500 witne 3/26/1986 #37811 York Night. Some 500 witnesses in Kingston, New York, see an object “like 3/26/1986 #37811 KINGSTON, ONT Air charter flight 866. Gl 3/6/1991 #39995 Kingston, Ontario, CAN Cigar stopped ahe 3/6/1991 #39996 Kingston, Ontario, Canada 7:58 A.M. Glow 3/6/1991 #39998 Kingston, Ontario 7:58 a.m. A glowing tu 3/6/1991 #39999 ath of Air Charter Flight 866 near Kingston, Ontario, stops ahead of the ai 3/6/1991 #39999 On this same morning over Kingston, Ontario a glowing blue-green c 3/6/1991 #40001 KINGSTON, MI Domed saucer. 4 lights rota 3/3/1993 #40874 LAUNCETON AND KINGSTON AND CAIRNS BAY, TASM Separate o 8/9/1994 #41664 onstant red light was sighted over Kingston, Ontario by a woman. It flew ju 1/24/2003 #44479 esses' location for two minutes in Kingston, New Mexico. 9/20/2007 #45063 At 9:40 a.m. in South Kingston, Rhode Island a stationary gray 5/16/2010 #45282
Word: "kingston-upon-hull" (Back to Top)
KINGSTON-UPON-HULL, HUMBERSIDE 2 observe 7/13/1990 #39643
Word: "kingston-upon-thames" (Back to Top)
KINGSTON-UPON-THAMES, LONDON Plain metal 6/1951 #5526
Word: "kingstown" (Back to Top)
NEW KINGSTOWN, PA Private pilot. Disk with b 11/30/1966 #21161 New Kingstown, Pennsylvania 4:35 p.m. J. G. 11/30/1966 #21165 ry is flying a Cessna 150 near New Kingstown, Pennsylvania, when he sees a 11/30/1966 #21165
Word: "kingsville" (Back to Top)
NEAR KINGSVILLE, ON 1 / plane. Flash. Swarm / 2/21/1956 #12734 KINGSVILLE, TX Round red object descends 4/9/1961 #16644 Kingsville, TX Round red UFO descended, 4/9/1961 #16645 at four o’clock in the morning in Kingsville, Texas. The witness reported 12/31/2000 #44110
Word: "kingwood" (Back to Top)
KINGWOOD, WV AND MORE/OTHERS Cops and mo 10/26/1973 #28289 The Kingwood, West Virginia police chief and 10/26/1973 #28297
Word: "kinibito" (Back to Top)
confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Kinibito” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT 12/5/1985 #37731
Word: "kinky" (Back to Top)
e except that they had brown skin, kinky hair, dark eyes, and thick lips. A 6/18/1979 #34618 yes, brown skin, a large head, red kinky hair, and very foul smelling breat 6/18/1979 #34618
Word: "kinloch" (Back to Top)
OFF KINLOCH, NZ 5 observer(s). Silver saucer 3/29/1962 #17090
Word: "kinloss" (Back to Top)
e Ardgay, Sutherland, Scotland RAF Kinloss Moray Firth RAF Evanton Around 9 Summer 1962 #17239 utnik. In October, a team from RAF Kinloss [now Kinloss Barracks] on the Mo Summer 1962 #17239 ober, a team from RAF Kinloss [now Kinloss Barracks] on the Moray Firth arr Summer 1962 #17239
Word: "kinmon" (Back to Top)
Columbus, GA Pilot Lt. Kinmon sees and reports an UFO. 7/9/1951 #5563 g, Georgia Day. USAF Lt. George H. Kinmon II, stationed at Lawson AFB [now 7/9/1951 #5569 ead-on passes several times. Pilot Kinmon said he felt the air disturbance 7/9/1951 #5570 acon: UFO sighted by Lt. George H. Kinmon Jr. on July 9, 1951. Description: 7/10/1951 #5571
Word: "kinnard" (Back to Top)
man Elmer Hardy and engineer Litus Kinnard, sees a light high in the air ab 4/18/1897 #527
Word: "kinney" (Back to Top)
Municipal Airport 1:35 a.m. A Mrs. Kinney, who is a Lt. Col. in the Civil A 11/11/1958 #15438 ay in the yard about 30 feet away. Kinney opens a door to go out on a porch 11/11/1958 #15438 and refrigerators are not working. Kinney replaces some fuses, but not ever 11/11/1958 #15438 es some wiring on November 12, but Kinney’s eyes develop subconjunctival he 11/11/1958 #15438
Word: "kinnula" (Back to Top)
Kangaskyla Kinnula, Finland 3:00 p.m. Two young men 2/5/1971 #26013 Kangaskylä Kinnula Finland 3:00 p.m. Petter Alirant 2/5/1971 #26014 the woods around Kangaskylä, near Kinnula, Finland, when they see a 15-foo 2/5/1971 #26014 orking in the woods in Kangaskyla, Kinnula, Finland when Mr. Aliranta notic 2/5/1971 #26015
Word: "kinpurnie" (Back to Top)
hla on the coast of Western Sahara Kinpurnie Castle 8:50 p.m. Witnesses on 3/24/1977 #31929 and the crew of the merchant ship Kinpurnie Castle witness a luminous semi 3/24/1977 #31929
Word: "kinross" (Back to Top)
Kinross AFB, MI Kinross AFB, Michigan, G 11/23/1953 #9317 Kinross AFB, MI Kinross AFB, Michigan, G; UFO Intercept/ 11/23/1953 #9317 Lake Superior Kinross AFB Chippewa County Internationa 11/23/1953 #9318 e rear cockpit, is dispatched from Kinross AFB [now Chippewa County Interna 11/23/1953 #9318 The famous Kinross Air Force Base disappearance of 11/23/1953 #9319 s date. An F-89 was scrambled from Kinross AFB at 6:41 p.m. to pursue a UFO 11/23/1953 #9319 Montauk, New York Omaha, Nebraska Kinross AFB [now Chippewa County Interna 9/20/1957 #14020 s attempted by two F-102 jets from Kinross AFB [now Chippewa County Interna 9/20/1957 #14020 of the F-86 was ever found. (ref. Kinross AFB where an F-89 with crew of t 5/1961 #16669
Word: "kinser" (Back to Top)
Camp Kinser, Okinawa (McDonald list) (NICAP: 9/10/1959 #15964
Word: "kinsey" (Back to Top)
k Nova Scotia 3:30 a.m. Seaman Ian Kinsey is on watch at Canadian Forces Ba 11/30/1965 #19742
Word: "kinston" (Back to Top)
Kinston, North Carolina 9:15 p.m. A husb 7/31/1981 #36049 re driving along a bumpy road near Kinston, North Carolina, when their head 7/31/1981 #36049
Word: "kinzy" (Back to Top)
ue-green sphere/orb/globe 3OM over Kinzy Road. Shoots away very fast. "No j 10/6/1994 #41788
Word: "kioko" (Back to Top)
Paulo, Brazil 2:00 a.m. Kaneto and Kioko Nobutoshi witness a “brilliantly i 6/17/1969 #25220
Word: "kiowa" (Back to Top)
heifer calf was found mutilated in Kiowa, Colorado. The incisions appeared 9/7/1975 #30347 no additional details. The nearby Kiowa tribe also mentioned the nearby Mt 2/20/2015 #45431
Word: "kippens" (Back to Top)
S of Kippens, Newfoundland, CAN (BB# may be w 8/30/1950 #5146
Word: "kippur" (Back to Top)
orces in the region during the Yom Kippur War (an NSA misreading of a Syria 10/25/1973 #28284
Word: "kirby" (Back to Top)
SOUTH KIRBY NEAR HEMSWORTH, WEST YORKS Ambulan 2/23/1979 #34446 rmation requests, UK reporter Dean Kirby analyzes 128 separate calls to 16 1/1/2021 #45672
Word: "kirch" (Back to Top)
LEIPZIG, GER Astronomer Kirch and more/others. Moon-size firebal 7/9/1686 #51
Word: "kirchberg" (Back to Top)
Kirchberg, Hunsruck, Germany Circular si 5/25/1958 #15048
Word: "kirchburg" (Back to Top)
KIRCHBURG, HUNSRUCK, GERM Businessman an 5/25/1958 #15047
Word: "kirghiz" (Back to Top)
NEAR FRUNZE, KIRGHIZ 1.1M antenna-helmeted small huma 5/18/1990 #39574 FRUNZE, KIRGHIZ Saucer lands by garage. 3M giant 5/29/1990 #39595 MR FRUNZE, KIRGHIZ 100M saucer / 150M over old airp 9/21/1990 #39742
Word: "kirghizia" (Back to Top)
In Kairma, near Frunze, Kirghizia (in what was then the USSR) Di 5/18/1990 #39576
Word: "kirhgiz" (Back to Top)
NEAR FRUNZE, KIRHGIZ Humming. Power out. 0030h huge r 5/18/1990 #39575
Word: "kirimukuyu" (Back to Top)
KIRIMUKUYU, KENYA Night lights strike wi 6/15/1954 (approximate) #9904
Word: "kirk" (Back to Top)
h Smith, and radio operator Thomas Kirk. The Air Force ascribes it to confu 11/5/1957 #14342
Word: "kirkby" (Back to Top)
KIRKBY, MERSEYSIDE Power goes out. 6M sa 5/7/1963 #17734 Kirkby, Great Britain Margaret McCutcheo 5/7/1963 #17735 On this evening in Kirkby, Merseyside, England Margaret McC 5/7/1963 #17736 Simonswood Moss Rainsford Kirkby, West Lancashire, England 11:00 p 1/2/1978 #32846 nswood Moss, between Rainsford and Kirkby, West Lancashire, England, when t 1/2/1978 #32846
Word: "kirkenes" (Back to Top)
KIRKENES, NORWAY 3 woodsmen. 18M saucer 9/18/1952 #7972
Word: "kirkham" (Back to Top)
oad northwest of Brandon, Manitoba Kirkham’s Bridge Hamiota 11:10 p.m. A Ro 6/20/1975 #30111 rthwest, apparently in the area of Kirkham’s Bridge. Another RCMP in the br 6/20/1975 #30111
Word: "kirkland" (Back to Top)
, Ohio Ruppelt and Col. Sanford H. Kirkland Jr. of ATIC meet with members o 12/26/1951 #5826 and sends Ruppelt, Col. Sanford H. Kirkland Jr. of ATIC, and Lt. Col. Willi 1/29/1952 #5884 sis Division Chief Col. Sanford H. Kirkland Jr., give an extraordinary brie 4/2/1952 #6016 KIRKLAND LAKE, ONT Cop sees shiny ovoid 8/31/1954 #10211 At 12:25 a.m. in the town of Kirkland Lake, Ontario Police Constable 8/31/1954 #10221 Kirkland, Washington 11:30 p.m. A witnes 12/3/1998 #43696 11:30 p.m. A witness is driving in Kirkland, Washington, when she notices a 12/3/1998 #43696 t with rotating lights was seen in Kirkland, Washington at 7:15 p.m. About 4/22/2007 #45021
Word: "kirklareli" (Back to Top)
Demirköy, Kirklareli, Turkey Night. The examining 6/3/1982 #36491 agistrate and bailiff at Demirköy, Kirklareli, Turkey, watch an object with 6/3/1982 #36491
Word: "kirklin" (Back to Top)
Owasco Kirklin, Indiana 3:10 a.m. A Monon Railr 10/3/1958 #15311 in is traveling between Owasco and Kirklin, Indiana, when a formation of fo 10/3/1958 #15311
Word: "kirkpatrick" (Back to Top)
ut astronomer Robert Risser of the Kirkpatrick Planetarium in Oklahoma City 8/2/1965 #19264 of Intelligence and physicist Sean Kirkpatrick to head the Airborne Object 5/12/2022 #45748 ld Moultrie and AARO Director Sean Kirkpatrick state they have not seen any 12/17/2022 #45786
Word: "kirkstall" (Back to Top)
rship lights sky red. Lands behind Kirkstall Museum! 12/24/1984 #37530
Word: "kirksville" (Back to Top)
Kirksville, MO (Case missing) Seven ADC 6/23/1952 #6597 Kirksville, Missouri Case missing from o 6/23/1952 #6603 Kirksville Air Force Station in Missouri 6/23/1952 #6607 rs, and maintenance technicians at Kirksville Air Force Station in Missouri 6/23/1952 #6607 KIRKSVILLE, MO Project Bluebook Case #14 7/12/1952 #6767 Kirksville, MI Several big radar blips t 7/12/1952 #6779 Kirksville, Missouri Witnesses: many ra 7/12/1952 #6783 was picked up on radar flying over Kirksville Air Force Base, Missouri at a 7/12/1952 #6786 Kirksville AFS, MO (McDonald list) (NICA 9/17/1960 #16452 Kirksville AFS, MO Multiple Targets Trac 9/17/1960 #16453 Kirksville, MO (McDonald list) Slow Rada 9/28/1960 #16463 Kirksville, MO (McDonald list) FPS-6A He 1/22/1962 #17022 were photographed. (Miller letter, Kirksville, MO, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 07 3/1967 #21695 6MI WITH KIRKSVILLE, MO 1 observer. Silent domed 9/27/1977 #32524 Kirksville, Missouri 4:36 a.m. A witness 9/27/1977 #32528 6 a.m. A witness is driving toward Kirksville, Missouri, about 6 miles west 9/27/1977 #32528 NORTH / KIRKSVILLE, MO FAA RADAR. Blips / 4 pass 11/18/1980 #35649 Kirksville, MO Hundreds of people in nor 11/18/1980 #35652 s Edina, Missouri Fairview, Kansas Kirksville, Missouri Trenton, Missouri E 11/18/1980 #35654 nburg, Missouri Sublette, Missouri Kirksville area Olathe, Kansas Altus AFB 11/18/1980 #35654 rport and the police department in Kirksville, Missouri, receive 25 calls o 11/18/1980 #35654 lert him to. It passes through the Kirksville area 4–5 times in a 2–3 hour 11/18/1980 #35654
Word: "kirkwall" (Back to Top)
STROMNESS TO/FROM KIRKWALL, ORKNEYS, SCOTLAND 2 men. Cylin 1/20/1994 #41379 Kirkwall Airport Orkney, Scotland Aberde 5/30/1997 #43302 a Howell is crossing the tarmac at Kirkwall Airport in Orkney, Scotland, to 5/30/1997 #43302
Word: "kirkwood" (Back to Top)
es the pseudonyms Mel Noel and Guy Kirkwood) claims to have been stationed 12/1953 #9329 KIRKWOOD, PA Project Bluebook Case #1073 7/11/1966 #20636 Kirkwood, MO 5:40 a.m. CST. A woman saw 1/26/1967 #21394 Kirkwood, MO 12:01 a.m. CST. A McDonnell 1/31/1967 #21423 Kirkwood, MO 10:30 p.m. CDT (11:30 p.m. 7/15/1967 #22665 on is reported to have occurred in Kirkwood, Missouri to Robert Baez, altho 11/14/1973 #28421 the moon cruised over the town of Kirkwood, St. Louis County, Missouri at 5/6/2002 #44340
Word: "kirov" (Back to Top)
On this afternoon in the Kirov region of Russia a large hairy hum 8/10/1989 #39051 KIROV, KIROV, RUSSIA 100-120 UFO's seen 10/5/1989 #39145 KIROV, KIROV, RUSSIA 100-120 UFO's seen / singl 10/5/1989 #39145
Word: "kirsch" (Back to Top)
ar-old youth with the last name of Kirsch took a photograph of a disc-shape 1/24/1967 #21376
Word: "kirsten" (Back to Top)
rial Phenomena” introduced by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), that requir 12/27/2021 #45730
Word: "kirtland" (Back to Top)
rt], Utah Sandia Base [now part of Kirtland AFB] Kirtland Field The US Army 9/1945 #1935 ia Base [now part of Kirtland AFB] Kirtland Field The US Army atomic bomb p 9/1945 #1935 inning of Sandia Base [now part of Kirtland AFB]. Nearby Kirtland Field is 9/1945 #1935 [now part of Kirtland AFB]. Nearby Kirtland Field is used as a B-29 base fo 9/1945 #1935 Southern New Mexico Kirtland Air Force Base near Albuquerque 7/1/1947 #2524 in southern New Mexico and one at Kirtland Air Force Base near Albuquerque 7/1/1947 #2524 southern New Mexico Kirtland AFB 11:27 p.m. Army Signal Corp 7/4/1947 #2670 inue to track a mysterious object. Kirtland AFB’s commander scrambles a fig 7/4/1947 #2670 Alamogordo AAF Kirtland AAF New Mexico Washington State 7/7/1947 #2929 ctedly flies to Alamogordo AAF and Kirtland AAF in New Mexico, remaining th 7/7/1947 #2929 aily Record Los Alamos, New Mexico Kirtland AFB Roswell Fort Worth RAAF off 7/9/1947 #3054 ris to Los Alamos, New Mexico, via Kirtland AFB, according to Robert E. Smi 7/9/1947 #3054 Kirtland AFB Office of Special Investiga 4/27/1948 #3630 entific Advisory Board, visits the Kirtland AFB Office of Special Investiga 4/27/1948 #3630 Kirtland Air Force Base Top Secret Repor 7/17/1948 #3711 Report (100–203–79, p.12,Sec. O): Kirtland AFB reported 7 UFOs flying a “J 7/17/1948 #3711 Kirtland AFB San Acacia Diversion Dam, N 7/17/1948 #3714 sion Dam, New Mexico 4:50 p.m. Two Kirtland AFB sergeants on a fishing trip 7/17/1948 #3714 At 4:50 p.m. two Kirtland Air Force Base Sergeants on a f 7/17/1948 #3715 Kirtland AFB, New Mexico Lt. Col. Doyle 12/6/1948 #3912 the Seventeenth District AFOSI at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, orders an inve 12/6/1948 #3912 Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico Tw 12/8/1948 #3918 ning, they are flying a T-7 out of Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico, a 12/8/1948 #3918 s, experiments at Holloman AFB and Kirtland AFB, metal-like wood tested in 1949 #3947 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Project Blue 1/6/1949 #3964 Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM AFOSI Case 1/6/1949 #3965 Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico 5: 1/6/1949 #3967 west above the Ordnance section at Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico. I 1/6/1949 #3967 Kirtland AFB in New Mexico Amarillo Lame 1/31/1949 #3988 New Mexico Amarillo Lamesa, Texas Kirtland AFB in New Mexico notifies the 1/31/1949 #3988 Kirtland AFB’s Office of Special Investi 2/23/1949 #4021 Groseclose and Lt. Howard Smith to Kirtland AFB’s Office of Special Investi 2/23/1949 #4021 Kirtland AFB, New Mexico USAF headquarte 4/19/1949 #4094 Mexico USAF headquarters AFOSI at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico, sends to USAF 4/19/1949 #4094 Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, Ne 11/27/1949 #4427 eball moving 5°–7° per second over Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, Ne 11/27/1949 #4427 Kirtland AFB McIntosh, New Mexico Albuqu 11/27/1949 #4428 , New Mexico Albuquerque 6:00 p.m. Kirtland AFB Deputy Base Commander Lt. C 11/27/1949 #4428 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 4 Air Force 3/17/1950 #4662 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE AND SANDIA, NM S 3/21/1950 #4692 Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM 4925th Tes 3/21/1950 #4694 Sandia Base, New Mexico Kirtland AFB 1:00–1:30 p.m. Sergeant Woo 3/21/1950 #4695 tes. Other witnesses at Sandia and Kirtland AFB report similar observations 3/21/1950 #4695 NORTHWEST / KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 11 Air Force 3/22/1950 #4698 Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM 4925th Tes 3/22/1950 #4700 Kirtland AFB, New Mexico 11:00 a.m. Elev 3/22/1950 #4701 est Group watch a UFO northwest of Kirtland AFB, New Mexico. The shape is “ 3/22/1950 #4701 At Kirtland AFB, New Mexico eleven USAF Ser 3/22/1950 #4704 Holloman AFB, New Mexico Kirtland AFB 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. After 8/31/1950 #5154 nterception by four F-86 jets from Kirtland AFB for one hour fails to locat 8/31/1950 #5154 Kirtland AFB (and over Camp Hood, TX), N 10/20/1950 #5247 ), NM Flying Saucers Observed Over Kirtland AFB and Camp Hood (NICAP: 01 - 10/20/1950 #5247 Lubbock, Texas Big Springs, Texas Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico 6: 11/20/1951 #5782 s. Two Air Force pilots landing at Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, New Mexico, a 11/20/1951 #5782 ities at Manzano Base [now part of Kirtland Air Force Base]. At one point, 2/22/1952 #5920 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Air Force Co 5/10/1952 #6286 Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM Silvery or 5/23/1952 #6349 Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM Famous F-8 Summer 1952 #6570 NEAR KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 2 saucers se 6/28/1952 #6649 Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM 2 silvery 6/28/1952 #6653 Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico 6/28/1952 #6659 at the Cargo Air Service hangar at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 6/28/1952 #6659 Kirtland AFB, New Mexico - Two round sil 6/28/1952 #6660 ervice cargo plane flying south of Kirtland AFB at 1:20 p.m. The craft init 6/28/1952 #6660 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Airman Donal 7/26/1952 #7142 Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM 8-10 orang 7/26/1952 #7162 Kirtland AFB, New Mexico Witness: Airman 7/26/1952 #7172 At Kirtland AFB, New Mexico at 12:05 a.m. A 7/26/1952 #7179 Los Alamos, NM Jets scrambled from Kirtland (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 7/29/1952 #7301 Alamos Scientific Labs, New Mexico Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque 10:00 a.m. S 7/29/1952 #7322 motion. Two jet interceptors from Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque arrive 5 min 7/29/1952 #7322 Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico 9/1952 #7801 xico 10:00 a.m. A radar scope near Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 9/1952 #7801 eport to Ruppelt during a visit to Kirtland. 9/1952 #7801 states it was allegedly taken from Kirtland AFB Building 21 Unit KB-88; it 1954 #9424 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 2 Air Traffi 11/4/1957 #14271 Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM Egg-shaped 11/4/1957 #14273 Albuquerque (Kirtland AFB), NM Highly maneuverable 15 11/4/1957 #14279 Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico 11/4/1957 #14289 at its base circle over one end of Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 11/4/1957 #14289 witness spent four hours with two Kirtland AFB officers who told him of si 12/8/1957 #14690 Woodward, Oklahoma Kirtland AFB in New Mexico 5:30 p.m. A d 12/8/1957 #14691 nds 4 hours with two officers from Kirtland AFB in New Mexico who tell him 12/8/1957 #14691 querque, New Mexico Roswell Corona Kirtland AFB 4:00 p.m. Pilot Jack H. Gol 8/13/1959 #15913 ght plan and orders him to land at Kirtland AFB, where he is interrogated b 8/13/1959 #15913 Kirtland AFB Albuquerque New Mexico 9:58 9/13/1959 #15971 p.m. A radar target is tracked at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 9/13/1959 #15971 Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico 10/1/1959 #16007 n a northwest course is tracked at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 10/1/1959 #16007 Mountain White Sands Missile Range Kirtland AFB Goddard Space Flight Center 4/24/1964 #18200 ATIC and Maj. William Conner from Kirtland AFB check the area for radioact 4/24/1964 #18200 f the AF Special Weapons Center at Kirtland AFB, New Mexico. 2/20/1967 #21607 Kirtland AFB Albuquerque, New Mexico Man 11/6/1973 #28376 oliceman at the eastern portion of Kirtland AFB near Albuquerque, New Mexic 11/6/1973 #28376 rd interceptors are scrambled from Kirtland. The UFO begins moving east and 11/6/1973 #28376 Tijeras Canyon, New Mexico Kirtland AFB Manzano Nuclear Weapons Sto 4/15/1974 #29031 apons Storage facility attached to Kirtland AFB. The object changes course 4/15/1974 #29031 o Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility Kirtland AFB Albuquerque, New Mexico Chi 5/17/1974 #29109 ue, New Mexico Chilili, New Mexico Kirtland AFB 10:10 p.m. Electronic scann 5/17/1974 #29109 apons Storage Facility attached to Kirtland AFB near Albuquerque, New Mexic 5/17/1974 #29109 d and transported into a hangar at Kirtland AFB. 5/17/1974 #29109 NE Menaul Boulevard Copper Avenue Kirtland AFB Sandia foothills Day. A res 5/28/1974 #29142 hting, they wind up being taken to Kirtland AFB for interrogation by civili 5/28/1974 #29142 co Manzano Weapons Storage Area at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque As she is dr 5/5/1980 #35306 he Manzano Weapons Storage Area at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque) where she s 5/5/1980 #35306 Pecos, New Mexico Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque Sandia Labor 7/1980 #35397 l takes photos and is debriefed at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque. An alien, a 7/1980 #35397 intelligence agent Richard Doty at Kirtland AFB three years later. Sunn Cl 7/1980 #35399 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 3 guards. Fa 8/8/1980 #35445 Manzano Weapons Storage Area Kirtland AFB Albuquerque, New Mexico Coy 8/8/1980 #35447 o Weapons Storage Area adjacent to Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 8/8/1980 #35447 ffice of Special Investigations at Kirtland. The incident is subsequently i 8/8/1980 #35447 Kirtland AFB AFOSI Complaint Form: At Ki 8/9/1980 #35449 tland AFB AFOSI Complaint Form: At Kirtland AFB three persons report seeing 8/9/1980 #35449 Albuquerque, NM UFO landing near Kirtland, AFB (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, NC 8/9/1980 #35452 e building at Sandia Laboratories, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. One 8/9/1980 #35453 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE / ALBQ, NM All R 8/13/1980 #35457 That night at the Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, 8/22/1980 #35476 Albuquerque, New Mexico Kirtland Air Force Base Los Alamos After 9/8/1980 #35504 contacted by phone from someone at Kirtland Air Force Base. He meets the ma 9/8/1980 #35504 Kirtland AFB, NM Manzano Coyote Canyon D 9/8/1980 #35505 page AFOSI complaint form, titled “Kirtland AFB, NM, 8 Aug–3 Sept 1980, All 9/8/1980 #35505 ntacts Major Ernest Edwards of the Kirtland AFB Security Police who, over t 10/24/1980 #35586 Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque M 10/26/1980 #35590 hat UFOs are regularly flying near Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque a 10/26/1980 #35590 special agent Sgt. Richard Doty at Kirtland Air Force Base, who meets with 10/26/1980 #35590 ome today along with Jerry Miller, Kirtland’s scientific advisor for the Ai 10/26/1980 #35590 his evidence of sightings near the Kirtland Air Force Base and the Manzano 11/10/1980 #35623 Kirtland AFB in New Mexico Paul Bennewit 11/10/1980 #35625 m the USAF Phillips Weapons Lab—at Kirtland AFB in New Mexico to present hi 11/10/1980 #35625 Bolling AFB in Washington, D.C. Kirtland Kirtland AFB Sgt. Richard Doty 11/17/1980 #35645 g AFB in Washington, D.C. Kirtland Kirtland AFB Sgt. Richard Doty tells Ben 11/17/1980 #35645 venteenth District AFOSI office at Kirtland and gives it to Bill Moore. It 11/17/1980 #35645 the technologies and activities at Kirtland AFB. 11/17/1980 #35645 d observed an NSA laser project at Kirtland AFB from his own property near 11/17/1980 #35646 Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico 7/30/1981 #36040 briefly with Sgt. Richard Doty at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 7/30/1981 #36040 Kirtland AFB Manzano, New Mexico William 2/1982 #36319 regarding unexplained lights over Kirtland AFB and Manzano in New Mexico f 2/1982 #36319 Albuquerque, New Mexico Kirtland AFB Holloman AFB Ellsworth land 4/9/1983 #36830 hief of reality weapons testing at Kirtland AFB, whom she knows from an ear 4/9/1983 #36830 ing. Transferring to his office at Kirtland, Doty is reluctant to talk abou 4/9/1983 #36830 California Albuquerque, New Mexico Kirtland AFB North Hollywood, California 12/11/1984 #37522 ly sent by individuals in AFOSI at Kirtland AFB, including special agent Ma 12/11/1984 #37522 Ellsworth AFB Kirtland AFB Robert Hastings lines up an 6/1989 #38971 ocument, that Doty’s typewriter at Kirtland AFB was implicated in the July 6/1989 #38971 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Security pol 9/8/1990 #39720 rted on this night at Sandia Labs, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, the 9/8/1990 #39721 Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico Summer 1991 #40102 re allegedly held in safe rooms at Kirtland AFB in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Summer 1991 #40102 n states later he was stationed at Kirtland AFB and Dr. Lincoln LaPaz told 11/2/1993 #41259 e, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Kirtland AFB, Sandia National Laboratori 8/30/1996 #43001 loaded into a B-29 in the 1950s at Kirtland AFB. Lytle also states he was g 1/1/2008 #45110
Word: "kirton" (Back to Top)
his information from Maj. Edwin M. Kirton at Fort Worth. Roswell mortician 7/8/1947 #3026
Word: "kiruna" (Back to Top)
KIRUNA, SWEDEN 1 observer. Light-bulb sh 12/28/1976 #31634 and the Royal Palacec in Stockholm Kiruna and Luleå airports west of Stockh 1/17/2022 #45734 lacec in Stockholm, as well as the Kiruna and Luleå airports. A police heli 1/17/2022 #45734
Word: "kirv" (Back to Top)
ying in the cardiology ward of the Kirv hospital located in the Crimea, Rus 4/18/1989 #38908
Word: "kirwan" (Back to Top)
KIRWAN, WEST AUST Amateur astronomer. Sa 5/28/1990 #39594
Word: "kirzhach" (Back to Top)
ubki Kablukovo Fryazino Khabarovsk Kirzhach Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl O 3/21/1990 #39475 blukovo, Fryazino, Khabarovsk, and Kirzhach. Radar stations and aircraft ar 3/21/1990 #39475
Word: "kisbajcs" (Back to Top)
KISBAJCS, HUNGARY Bus driver. 2 strong r 7/24/1990 #39659
Word: "kisco" (Back to Top)
Mount Kisco, NY Bright, star-like light move a 10/5/1960 #16479 MT. KISCO, NY 10 observer(s). Large V-line / 3/24/1983 #36797 MT. KISCO, NY Entire staff / radio station/d 10/31/1984 #37498 rd-wide triangle flying over Mount Kisco, New York, going north. Ms. Bellat 10/31/1984 #37499 reporter, had just left the Mount Kisco police station when she saw a soli 10/31/1984 #37499 an two miles from Bedford to Mount Kisco in Westchester County, New York at 10/29/1993 #41254
Word: "kiselev" (Back to Top)
crew of the fishing trawler Vasily Kiselev also observed something quite ex 12/1977 #32718
Word: "kishkanoug" (Back to Top)
Lake Kishkanoug, Wisconsin Witness: G. Metca 6/28/1952 #6657
Word: "kishkonoug" (Back to Top)
Lake Kishkonoug, WI Silver-white sphere becom 6/28/1952 #6654
Word: "kishū" (Back to Top)
exts: Toen shōsetsu (1825), Hyōryū kishū (1835), and Ume-no-chiri (1844), b 2/22/1803 #100
Word: "kiska" (Back to Top)
sburg, Lloydsville, Youngstown and Kiska Valley, Pennsylvania. It dropped d 4/22/1972 #26659
Word: "kisko" (Back to Top)
Mt. Kisko, New York Witness: E.G. Crossland 10/5/1960 #16480
Word: "kisling" (Back to Top)
sible Japanese balloon bombs. Jean Kisling, serving with a Free French Air 7/1945 #1888 Commandant Jean Kisling tells Jacques Vallée that in the 6/29/2002 #44354 om New York to Paris. The man told Kisling he was with several colleagues t 6/29/2002 #44354 UFOs. The man then allegedly told Kisling he was from a “secret Pentagon o 6/29/2002 #44354
Word: "kislovodsk" (Back to Top)
KISLOVODSK, RUSSIA Huge crescent going [ 8/8/1967 #22844 Kislovodsk, Russia 8:40 p.m. An object s 8/8/1967 #22845 Kislovodsk Mountain Astronomical Station 8/8/1967 #22848 odsk Mountain Astronomical Station Kislovodsk, North Caucasus, Russia 8:40 8/8/1967 #22848 ymmetrical crescent flies over the Kislovodsk Mountain Astronomical Station 8/8/1967 #22848 Mountain Astronomical Station near Kislovodsk, North Caucasus, Russia. The 8/8/1967 #22848
Word: "kispiox" (Back to Top)
British Columbia The chief of the Kispiox people and a group of Canadian t 7/3/1896 #327
Word: "kiss" (Back to Top)
n over central Germany, Sgt. Louis Kiss, a tail gunner on the Phyllis Marie Winter 1943 #1555 ar Kelly's stomach, as if about to kiss her navel. She screamed, it startle 10/23/1993 #41249
Word: "kissenger" (Back to Top)
O sighting. Diplomatic query to H. Kissenger. "Is it you guys?". 2/1975 (approximate) #29778
Word: "kisses" (Back to Top)
p.m. It looked “like two Hershey’s Kisses attached together at the bases” w 9/14/1989 #39102
Word: "kissimmee" (Back to Top)
KISSIMMEE, FL 5 observer(s). Silver whit 2/8/1976 #30853 Kissimmee, FL At 10:30 p.m. a silvery wh 2/8/1976 #30855 white disc-shaped object flew over Kissimmee, Florida at less than 300 mete 2/8/1976 #30856
Word: "kissing" (Back to Top)
ed over her naked body like he was kissing her navel. That night, when Kell 8/8/1993 #41118
Word: "kissinger" (Back to Top)
ultaneously. Message sent to Henry Kissinger, from the American embassy in 1/1975 #29683 ort to US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, stating that strange “machine 3/7/1975 #29878 ober from Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, who cites the Condon study an 9/19/1976 #31409 naged by such individuals as Henry Kissinger, Sally Shelton-Colby, Barbara 11/18/1983 #37046 , Richard Helms, or possibly Henry Kissinger), appears to be the most conne Fall 1986 #38034 hich includes Edward Teller, Henry Kissinger, Bobby Ray Inman, and possibly 12/29/1987 #38378 n Dean, Zbigniew Brzezinksi, Henry Kissinger and 34 others, and meetings we 2004 #44638 , and an NSA source told him Henry Kissinger, George H. W. Bush and Ronald 11/1/2013 #45393
Word: "kissner" (Back to Top)
er state representative Jon Andrew Kissner finds evidence in 1994 that poss 5/15/1947 #2282 er state representative Jon Andrew Kissner finds evidence in 1994 that poss 5/15/1947 #2284 er New Mexico State Rep. J. Andrew Kissner states sources within White Sand 1994 #41349 roles” following the 1947 crashes, Kissner stated. He adds that Project Sup 1994 #41349 AP data collection per AFR 200-2. Kissner added his sources told him the c 1994 #41349 he Research and Development Board. Kissner unfortunately did not reveal his 1994 #41349 nt of Energy (DOE). One year after Kissner’s allegations, the DOE told the 1994 #41349 zed for UAP research as well, like Kissner suggests, and if elements of UAP 1994 #41349
Word: "kit" (Back to Top)
d 9:45 a.m. Acting Squadron Leader Kit Francis Williams of the RAF 617 Bomb 4/25/1945 #1854 US40 EAST / KIT CARSON, CO 3 small glowing-balls exi 9/20/1950 #5184 Kit Carson, CO Brilliant white star like 9/20/1950 #5185 Kit Carson, Colorado Witness identified 9/20/1950 #5187 Kit Carson, Colorado at 10:49 a.m. A wit 9/20/1950 #5188 Kit Green states that as early as 1974 w 1974 #28634 Jacques Vallée states he met Kit Green and discussed Green’s connecti 2/11/1974 #28758 Hal Puthoff relays a message from Kit Green to Jacques Vallée: there is a 6/2/1974 #29157 ues Vallée states he sat down with Kit Green and wondered if their discussi 6/16/1974 #29204 Jacques Vallée states Kit Green “reluctantly” told him there w 12/10/1974 #29635 money laundering and cut-outs, and Kit Green issued an “order” to take UAP 12/15/1978 #34143 Kit Green states he hired a retired seni 1982 #36293 Kit Green tells Jacques Vallée he once i 3/11/1984 #37227 octor and CIA officer Christopher (Kit) Green (Blue Jay), Defense Intellige Fall 1986 #38034 people including Ron Pandolfi and Kit Green; Maccabee states the lecture c 7/7/1987 #38206 Kit Green meets Jacques Vallée at the De 10/23/1988 #38682 e writes that Art Lundahl of NPIC, Kit Green, Adm. William Houser and Gen. 9/17/1989 #39112 asked by CIA officer Christopher “Kit” Green. https://www.psucollegian.co 9/6/1990 #39717 by someone inside OSTP state that Kit Green was involved in briefing OSTP 4/15/1993 #40934 Albert Harrison, and Christopher (Kit) Green as chair. The first official 12/1995 #42635 CIA Life Sciences Division analyst Kit Green and his life partner Kristin B 7/31/1999 #43815 who states that former CIA analyst Kit Green told him Eric Walker stated li 7/31/1999 #43815 ee, Davis and Puthoff also discuss Kit Green’s claims that he was briefed a 5/8/2000 #43992 landings” in 1947, 1953 and 1984. Kit believes only half of the informatio 5/8/2000 #43992 told him to stop the mutilations. Kit Green reacted to the report while Va 2/24/2001 #44142 Kit Green tells Jacques Vallée there was 3/2/2002 #44322 Kit Green writes to Jacques Vallée and t 3/5/2002 #44323 Kit Green tells Jacques Vallée that a ro 5/3/2003 #44524 Jacques Vallée meets with Kit Green and Kristin B Zimmerman in Det 8/19/2003 #44576 there would be biological data in Kit’s hands and elsewhere if this were r 8/23/2003 #44581 e writes that while at a meal with Kit Green, Hal Puthoff, Eric Davis and K 3/28/2004 #44683 Kit Green tells Jacques Vallée that Andr 8/7/2004 #44727 Kit Green states he returned to private 2005 #44805 NDI John Negroponte arranged with Kit Green for a debate between he and Ha 1/25/2006 #44918 Division employee Dr. Christopher “Kit” Green worked for General Motors 198 4/28/2006 #44936 Kit Green tells Jacques Vallée that a hi 9/27/2006 #44969 Kit Green tells Jacques Vallée that fund 10/29/2008 #45180 r AAWSAP could reach $240 million. Kit claims the DIA sponsor could change 10/29/2008 #45180 Kit Green claims he was delivered a pack 2011 #45310 Kit Green states the records of Ret. USA 3/13/2015 #45435 es,” it is written by Christopher (Kit) Green, formerly a CIA agent, forens 1/9/2018 #45503 rest witness John Burroughs states Kit Green wanted him to do work on a par 12/12/2018 #45551 d to be interested in the subject (Kit Green’s area). Ramirez states he “se 1/30/2022 #45736 esham Forest incident witness, and Kit Green with his lawyer Pat Frascogna. 10/20/2022 #45780 Gen. Wesley Clark, Hal Puthoff and Kit Green convinced him there was “truth 10/27/2022 #45784
Word: "kit-greens-usaf-ufo-mentor" (Back to Top)
tificresearch.blogspot.com/2019/08/kit-greens-usaf-ufo-mentor.html 1982 #36293
Word: "kitchen" (Back to Top)
the meteor, she is standing in her kitchen when a “female ghost” appears an 10/4/1898 #626 tands / pail and watches parents / kitchen window. 10/15/1940? #1346 e next hour they examine it on the kitchen floor. Marcel Sr. says it is a f 7/8/1947 #3010 rd-floor roof below the 16th-floor kitchen, No suicide note is found other 5/22/1949 #4203 10 to 30 ft. diameter. Looked like kitchen saucepan. Had cylindrical column 2/23/1955 #12013 ghts that they have left on in the kitchen dim three times and go out for 4 2/28/1961 #16615 The object returns at 3:40 and the kitchen lights repeat their previous act 2/28/1961 #16615 house while she was working in her kitchen. It was shaped like a disk, show 4/23/1965 #18914 although fluorescent lights in the kitchen and bathroom do not), and a neig 7/9/1965 #19089 ent to get a glass of water in her kitchen and saw a spinning object, 3 m i 4/5/1966 #20241 k, sees a spinning object from her kitchen window. It seems to be 10 feet i 4/5/1966 #20248 ight Mrs. Kathleen glanced out the kitchen door of her house in Arlington, 11/5/1966 #21078 many brightly lit windows from her kitchen window in Arlington, Indiana. Th 11/11/1966 #21091 ities appeared before Betty in the kitchen after passing through a closed d 1/25/1967 #21389 ic communication with Betty in the kitchen. He asked her for some food and 1/25/1967 #21389 . James A. Clevenger stands by her kitchen sink in Milton, Indiana, her col 2/22/1967 #21623 and a sibling. Looking through the kitchen window, they see a dark, cigar-s 3/5/1967 #21763 he air. After someone turns on the kitchen light, the UFO shoots off toward 3/5/1967 #21763 was causing it. She looked out her kitchen window, and saw dirt and loose p 6/30/1967 #22580 . Seeing her husband fall from the kitchen window, his wife runs onto the s 8/13/1967 #22873 e like "horses galloping" in their kitchen. They encountered two small bein 8/23/1967 #22907 A woman working in her kitchen late on this night in Point Plea 11/2/1967 #23391 Ladislau Schmidt is sitting in his kitchen in Petrila, Romania, with the ou 11/22/1967 #23497 . Martha Heggs is in her farmhouse kitchen about 10 miles west of Bengough, 2/19/1968 #23767 Galesburg, Illinois, looks out his kitchen window and sees a giant bird ill 5/10/1968 #23955 n midair. When Eugenia reached the kitchen door the force seemed to release 11/9/1968 #24649 Maren Merino was working in the kitchen of her family's small café in Po 1/6/1969 #24822 9:15 p.m. when she looked out the kitchen window and saw an intensely brig 1/6/1969 #24822 Fernandez Merino then entered the kitchen and also observed the light. Fel 1/6/1969 #24822 dow. Man frozen / rod-tool. Wife / kitchen unaware. 2/1970 (approximate) #25569 Small humanoid (or Grey) appears / kitchen. Telepathy re Apollo 13 etc. Wal 4/15/1970 #25630 una and was drinking coffee in his kitchen in Kursu, Salla, Finland at arou 4/15/1970 #25633 t, the witness was peering out his kitchen window and sighted a large black 9/25/1970 #25852 RO PRETO, BRAZIL 50cm disk found / kitchen. Hums and maneuvers. Away throug 12/29/1970 #25955 irless face pressed up against his kitchen window. Immediately he is “sucke 4/2/1971 #26064 les, Australia was standing in his kitchen at around 10 p.m. when he notice 4/2/1971 #26065 ane of glass breaking, entered the kitchen in time to see her 5' 2" husband 4/2/1971 #26065 es in height, and fronted upon the kitchen sink. The distance to the ground 4/2/1971 #26065 t in the garden, so he went to his kitchen where he could get a better view 10/11/1971 #26418 lassic small humanoid (or Grey) in kitchen. Saucers and abduction dreams la 8/1972 (approximate) #26858 very light." Sr. Rey went into the kitchen, followed by the strange visitor 11/28/1972 #27150 quency Interference (RFI). Flash / kitchen. / r231'74. 4/6/1973 #27405 saw a bright flash of light in her kitchen. 4/6/1973 #27410 appear on her skin. A clock in the kitchen begins to behave erratically. In 5/27/1973 #27533 GERENA, SP 1 / kitchen window. 1.5M ovoid just outside 10/20/1973 #28207 Sevilla province, Spain was in her kitchen washing dishes at 11:15 p.m. whe 10/20/1973 #28221 ery. She jumps out and runs to the kitchen door of the house, ignoring a Ge 11/2/1973 #28352 notices a white object outside her kitchen window. She moves closer to the 11/22/1973 #28459 ed again. She then saw through her kitchen window a strange being standing 12/12/1973 #28559 lone at 7:30 p.m., standing in his kitchen, when he suddenly was transporte 2/28/1974 #28825 g. She and her husband went to the kitchen investigate, but found nothing. 3/6/1975 #29876 right light outside, rushes to the kitchen window, and sees the light and t 9/11/1976 #31376 ran along the outside wall of his kitchen and threw himself on the ground 2/24/1977 #31846 ng on Rue Cleroux, Ste. was in her kitchen when she saw a strong light come 4/6/1977 #31952 orothee, Quebec, Canada was in her kitchen at seven p.m. when she saw a str 4/6/1977 #31953 d Nueza Pereira Aragao, was in her kitchen with her sister reading a book. 10/26/1977 #32618 e afternoon the witness was in her kitchen in Villamare Di Sapri, Italy whe 4/25/1978 #33169 in circles, then running from the kitchen and to the door that led outside 7/11/1978 #33368 of light was directed towards the kitchen area, the yard and into the land 7/11/1978 #33368 y bipedal creature appeared at the kitchen window while they were waiting f 8/21/1978 #33540 er. As she followed her dad to the kitchen she noticed an odd smell, which 9/15/1978 #33689 ht attached to its chest through a kitchen window. It was very tall, with u 10/5/1978 #33798 turned off so she returned to the kitchen. She put down some food for the 1/4/1979 #34296 ll to dark, so she returned to the kitchen. She put down some food for the 1/5/1979 #34304 tally dismantled and placed on the kitchen table. Later a frightening abduc 7/15/1979 #34656 lit a cigarette and walked to the kitchen, leaving his family still sleepi 9/19/1979 #34901 y still sleeping. He leaned on the kitchen window ledge, and when he pulled 9/19/1979 #34901 till see the orange light from her kitchen window, but she has some blotche 1/21/1980 #35141 . After finishing some work in the kitchen, Claretto goes outside for a clo 6/5/1983 #36876 d a blue light shining through the kitchen window. He went outside and saw 5/21/1988 #38574 ipeg, Manitoba, is looking out her kitchen window when a deltoid- shaped ob 9/15/1989 #39103 10:20 a.m. Rose Neumeier is in her kitchen 7 miles southwest of Langenburg, 10/13/1989 #39169 ST. VAAST, BELGIUM 1 / kitchen window. Dark boilerplate ovoid g 11/29/1989 #39258 were sleeping on the roof of their kitchen around midnight when they spotte 7/2/1990 #39634 did, and they now both ran to the kitchen after hearing their dog barking 5/14/1991 #40061 OBERENY, HUNG Small black figure / kitchen. Ovoid / garden. Burn marks / st 1/24/1992 #40301 woman and her husband were in the kitchen of their home in Mezobereny, Hun 1/24/1992 #40302 on facing the living room with the kitchen to her left, when she caught sig 8/13/1992 #40569 ght sight of something outside her kitchen window. It was a short hairless 8/13/1992 #40569 igure that walked quickly into her kitchen. It stopped and stood briefly by 8/13/1992 #40569 It stopped and stood briefly by a kitchen storage cabinet. She attempted t 8/13/1992 #40569 ddenly felt compelled to go to the kitchen and pull open the window. She th 1/27/1993 #40816 earlier than usual and went to her kitchen in Kadima, Israel at 6:30 a.m. W 3/20/1993 #40894 angely compelled to go back to her kitchen. Later during a search of the fi 3/20/1993 #40894 got up and went downstairs to her kitchen and looked out to the garden thr 5/30/1993 #40997 n she heard noises coming from the kitchen. She called out but got no respo 8/20/1993 #41148 clock in the morning to sit at her kitchen table. She saw out her kitchen w 6/23/1994 #41579 her kitchen table. She saw out her kitchen window, by a large fruit tree, a 6/23/1994 #41579 The witness was cooking in her kitchen in Rutland, Vermont at 10:30 p.m 5/19/1996 #42905 are of light streaming through the kitchen window. She stepped out onto the 5/19/1996 #42905 zona. They were sitting around the kitchen table at 10:30 p.m. when two of 6/4/1996 #42921 He got out of bed and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Suddenl 1/5/1997 #43166 ble to move and he returned to his kitchen, still sweating. When he got bac 1/5/1997 #43166 an, Tasmania, is home alone in her kitchen when she notices a bright light 6/24/1997 #43337 tness heard a strange noise in her kitchen in Crofton, Maryland at 2:00 a.m 10/19/1997 #43433 nvestigate. At the entrance to her kitchen she encountered several humanoid 10/19/1997 #43433 came to lying on the floor of the kitchen. She looked up and saw three hum 10/19/1997 #43433 hrough her screen door, across the kitchen, blocked her TV, and went up aga 1/12/2000 #43924 a light appear in window of their kitchen in Kearny, New Jersey at 11:30 p 8/31/2002 #44388 et back inside. He retreats to the kitchen, where they both watch the objec 2/8/2003 #44484 and her mother are chatting at the kitchen table in her home in New Westmin 8/11/2003 #44574 bedroom. As she passed through the kitchen she was surprised to see a stron 2/13/2004 #44664 . Ten minutes later she was in the kitchen when she was blinded by a bright 5/17/2004 #44703 rre tubular object hovering in the kitchen of the Homestead 1 building. Aft 7/26/2007 #45040
Word: "kitchener" (Back to Top)
KITCHENER, ON 1.5M small humanoid (or Gr 4/26/1967 #22218 Kitchener, Ontario, CAN 9:30 p.m. EDT. A 4/26/1967 #22220 Kitchener, Canada Brian Dorscht saw a da 4/26/1967 #22223 ted. At 9:30 p.m. EDT a witness in Kitchener, Ontario saw a small cylinder, 4/26/1967 #22224 Watson Boulevard Doon South Drive Kitchener, Ontario 9:45 p.m. Three vehic 8/20/2013 #45384 d just west of Doon South Drive in Kitchener, Ontario, to observe a strange 8/20/2013 #45384
Word: "kitchin" (Back to Top)
nd stops changing colors. Smit and Kitchin fire at it some more, after whic 6/26/1972 #26735
Word: "kitching" (Back to Top)
0:30 a.m., police sergeant Piet C. Kitching and warrant officer P. R. van R 6/26/1972 #26735 lice, and at 9:00 a.m. Sergeant P. Kitching and Warrant Officer P. van Rens 6/26/1972 #26736
Word: "kite" (Back to Top)
e blue sky. In shape they resemble kite balloons, except that one appears t 6/1/1933 #1158 motion “like the tail of a Chinese kite.” Bill Bequette writes the first sa 6/25/1947 #2411 stings, Minnesota. It looks like a kite at first, then like a weather ballo 12/12/1951 #5817 r and 4. Glowing disk bounces like kite / 5 minute(s). Going quickly southw 10/17/1952 #8139 DIANAPOLIS, IN 2 observer(s). 20M "kite" arcs and maneuvers all over sky. V 3/23/1960 #16202 apolis, Indiana that looked like a kite made up of little metallic balls. T 3/23/1960 #16205 el across horizon / 3-4 minute(s). Kite? 3/1/1962 #17068 ething that he first thought was a kite or balloon in the north-northwest s 5/16/1966 #20490 noon. Some boys looking for a lost kite on the Morro do Vintém in Niterói, 8/20/1966 #20779 t flutters around in sky. Balloon? kite? 9/1/1966 #20828 w an object that looked like a box kite without paper (presumably rectangul 1/16/1967 #21319 o blue. The smaller lights on the "kite tail" broke formation with the rect 10/4/1967 #23177 RINGSTED, DK Odd kite shaped UFO shines beams going [to] 6/21/1976 #31118 ngland at 12:10 a.m. A diamond or "kite"-shaped UFO was seen for 20 minutes 8/28/1977 #32435 n object resembling a bluish-white kite moving silently at a high rate of s 1/6/1979 #34311 p.m. Robert H. Nelson is flying a kite on the west side of Westfield, Mass 7/15/1981 #36007 bject is not an airplane, balloon, kite, or model airplane. 7/6/1989 #39013 ights stops and turns upright. Box kite prank? 4/30/1990 #39544 inted corners near / low altitude. Kite? 7/8/1992 #40517 with 4 barber poles sticking out! Kite? 6/7/1995 #42242 rs! Object drifts going north. Box kite? 8/1/1995 #42351 bobs going up and down [to] like a kite under low cloud cover. 10/3/1996 #43049
Word: "kite-flying" (Back to Top)
EWTON, MASS 15' silver sphere over kite-flying contest. Still / 30mph wind. 3/30/1954 #9650 eter silvery sphere hovered over a kite-flying contest in Newton, Massachus 3/30/1954 #9651
Word: "kite-like" (Back to Top)
BELLINGHAM, WA 2 observer(s). Kite-like triangular object speeds going 6/24/1947 #2380 ucers going south / high altitude. Kite-like object bobs going up and down 7/6/1947 #2783 floating down to the ground with a kite-like motion. It appears to be about 7/6/1947 #2811
Word: "kite-shaped" (Back to Top)
ks like a car attached to a large, kite-shaped structure with wings. It sto Mid 4/1897 #494 A kite-shaped or diamond-shaped object tur 12/26/1953 #9398 At 12:40 a.m. a kite-shaped UFO shone a beam of light at 6/21/1976 #31122 At 11:20 a.m. a kite-shaped UFO dove into a clearing in 9/21/1990 #39743
Word: "kite-tail" (Back to Top)
REGINA, SSK Saucer with kite-tail hovers / seconds. Then spurts 4/24/1952 #6169
Word: "kite-ufo" (Back to Top)
LUTON, BEDFORDS Kite-UFO dives / opening / woods. Low al 9/21/1990 #39741
Word: "kites" (Back to Top)
hill. Saucer going quickly north. "Kites" going quickly south. 4/18/1950 #4863 flew off to the north, while the "kites" flew off to the south. 4/18/1950 #4866 his day a group of children flying kites in Sentul, West Persekutuan, Malay 9/22/1992 #40635
Word: "kitley" (Back to Top)
ucky on this night. Debbie and Nan Kitley, ages 16 and 17, had gone back ou 7/4/1975 #30159 polis, IN Kathy Davis Abduction at Kitley Woods. (Budd Hopkins) (NICAP: 07 6/30/1983 #36895
Word: "kitsap" (Back to Top)
marine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] Kitsap Peninsula, Washington 10: 8/31/1987 #38265 ase Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] Kitsap Peninsula, Washington 10:55 p.m. 8/31/1987 #38265 marine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Washing 8/31/1987 #38265 gor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Washington, which hous 8/31/1987 #38265 l Submarine Base Bangor Naval Base Kitsap Kitsap Peninsula, Washington 9:23 4/22/1998 #43557 rine Base Bangor Naval Base Kitsap Kitsap Peninsula, Washington 9:23 p.m. C 4/22/1998 #43557 marine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Washing 4/22/1998 #43557 gor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Washington. At one poi 4/22/1998 #43557 l Submarine Base Bangor Naval Base Kitsap Kitsap Peninsula, Washington 7:03 1/22/1999 #43718 rine Base Bangor Naval Base Kitsap Kitsap Peninsula, Washington 7:03 a.m. A 1/22/1999 #43718 marine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Washing 1/22/1999 #43718 gor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Washington, sees an or 1/22/1999 #43718 marine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Washing 2/25/2003 #44496 gor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Washington 7:30 p.m. A 2/25/2003 #44496 marine Base Bangor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Washing 2/25/2003 #44496 gor [now Naval Base Kitsap] on the Kitsap Peninsula, Washington, at an alti 2/25/2003 #44496 Poulsbo, Washington Naval Base Kitsap Kitsap Peninsula 9:00 p.m. Brian 9/16/2004 #44757 lsbo, Washington Naval Base Kitsap Kitsap Peninsula 9:00 p.m. Brian Junkin, 9/16/2004 #44757 e the canal adjacent to Naval Base Kitsap on the Kitsap Peninsula. The ligh 9/16/2004 #44757 jacent to Naval Base Kitsap on the Kitsap Peninsula. The light keeps changi 9/16/2004 #44757 Bremerton, Washington Naval Base Kitsap Kitsap Peninsula 7:15 p.m. Severa 3/5/2007 #45009 rton, Washington Naval Base Kitsap Kitsap Peninsula 7:15 p.m. Several witne 3/5/2007 #45009 above the smokestack at Naval Base Kitsap on the Kitsap Peninsula. It moves 3/5/2007 #45009 estack at Naval Base Kitsap on the Kitsap Peninsula. It moves slowly north 3/5/2007 #45009 Kitsap Mall in Silverdale, Washington Tr 12/29/2007 #45104 ton Trigger Avenue near Naval Base Kitsap 9:00 p.m. Two witnesses driving n 12/29/2007 #45104 .m. Two witnesses driving near the Kitsap Mall in Silverdale, Washington, s 12/29/2007 #45104 ove Trigger Avenue near Naval Base Kitsap to the north. As they approach it 12/29/2007 #45104
Word: "kitsukawa" (Back to Top)
, by Japanese fisherman aboard the Kitsukawa Maru. A violent turbulence dis 4/19/1957 #13607
Word: "kitsukawara" (Back to Top)
pan Japanese fishermen aboard the "Kitsukawara Maru" saw two metal disks co 4/19/1957 #13606
Word: "kitt" (Back to Top)
enior technical associate with the Kitt Peak National Observatory, so he an 1960 #16140 Kitt Peak National Observatory The small 11/6/1991 #40220 merican astronomer James Scotti at Kitt Peak National Observatory. The unce 11/6/1991 #40220
Word: "kittaning" (Back to Top)
KITTANING, PA May. 7 report. Night light 1993 #40776
Word: "kittery" (Back to Top)
Portsmouth, New Hampshire Kittery, Maine Early morning. Two Nation 4/13/1917 #955 ing Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and Kittery, Maine, when they hear the noise 4/13/1917 #955 KITTERY, ME Project Bluebook Case #unkno 4/5/1966 #20231 Kittery, ME 4 people saw a landed object 4/5/1966 #20236 Kittery, Maine A landed object was obser 4/5/1966 #20242
Word: "kittinger" (Back to Top)
Alamogordo, in which Capt. Joseph Kittinger is injured. The Project Mogul 6/24/1997 #43338
Word: "kittinney" (Back to Top)
, NJ Orange object to and fro over Kittinney Mountains / 7 hours! White str 3/10/1953 #8743
Word: "kitty" (Back to Top)
4 miles south of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina Inventors Orv 12/17/1903 #663 the Wright Flyer 4 miles south of Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. 12/17/1903 #663
Word: "kitwanga" (Back to Top)
KITWANGA, BC 2 railroad/railway crews. S 9/21/1971 #26358
Word: "kitwe" (Back to Top)
NDOLA AND KITWE AND CHINGOLA AND MORE/OTHERS, ZAMB 8/9/1956 #13063 KITWE, NORTH RHODESIA Many / mining camp 7/21/1957 (approximate) #13816
Word: "kiverton" (Back to Top)
as seen in the sky over Rotherham, Kiverton, South Yorkshire, England at 9: 10/28/2007 #45082
Word: "kiviat" (Back to Top)
John Jopson tells producer Robert Kiviat that he suspects the entire film 8/28/1995 #42425 was sued by FOX TV producer Robert Kiviat for allegedly running a disinform 10/2008 #45173 FOX TV producer Robert Kiviat sues Joe Firmage, former CIA offi 2/26/2019 #45564 lvement in a firm named InterNASA. Kiviat claims he was recruited to perfor 2/26/2019 #45564 hnology development based on UAP. Kiviat states Pandolfi was trying to sab 2/26/2019 #45564 ce operation’s goal; in this case, Kiviat alleges, an attempt to frame UAP 2/26/2019 #45564
Word: "kivistö" (Back to Top)
ussia] Lake Ladoga Evening. Jaakku Kivistö is serving in the Finnish Army a Late 7/1944 #1623
Word: "kiwi" (Back to Top)
Angeles, California 10:58 a.m. The Kiwi Transient Nuclear Test is conducted 1/12/1965 #18718 e nuclear rocket engine code-named Kiwi is allowed to overheat until it bur 1/12/1965 #18718
Word: "kizioja" (Back to Top)
idge Radar Site a civilian, Oliver Kizioja, Sudbury, Ontario, at 0615 was s 11/15/1975 #30623
Word: "kjell" (Back to Top)
n, Leonard Danielsson and his sons Kjell, Dan, and Hans see an “aeroplane” 7/19/1946 #2069 fornia 2:30 p.m. Automobile dealer Kjell Qvale and dozens of others see a t 7/5/1947 #2724 tälje, Sweden, by Håkan Blomqvist, Kjell Jonsson, and Anders Liljegren. Its 8/1972 #26863
Word: "kjellson" (Back to Top)
chairman. Other members are Henry Kjellson and Eric Malmberg from the Air 7/6/1946 #2027
Word: "kjerringvol" (Back to Top)
WEST / KJERRINGVOL, NORW RADAR-visual (observat 1/21/1984 #37133
Word: "kkow-am" (Back to Top)
adio station musician at KOAM [now KKOW-AM] is driving from his home northe 8/25/1952 #7732
Word: "kkph" (Back to Top)
tion/radioactivity. Photograph. 40 Kkph. / r148p66. 1/8/1956 #12648
Word: "kladar" (Back to Top)
In the afternoon in Kladar, Bosnia (then part of Yugoslavia) 10/13/1971 #26422
Word: "klagenfurt" (Back to Top)
B17 / KLAGENFURT, AUSTRIA Light and heat. Oran 11/24/1944 #1703 Klagenfurt, Austria Trieste, Italy Adria 11/24/1944 #1705 returning from bombing a target at Klagenfurt, Austria. While flying over n 11/24/1944 #1705
Word: "klamath" (Back to Top)
KLAMATH FALLS, OR Project Bluebook Case 6/1949 (approximate) #4220 KLAMATH FALLS, OR Ground Observer Corps 8/15/1955 #12360 F Air Defense Center radar site at Klamath Falls, Oregon About 4:55 a.m. In 9/24/1959 #15987 F Air Defense Center radar site at Klamath Falls, Oregon, tracks a large ta 9/24/1959 #15987 ttle FAA reports at 7:11 a.m. that Klamath Falls radar still is tracking it 9/24/1959 #15987 Klamath Falls, OR V-formation of 10 ligh 1/5/1978 #32853 20M NORTHWEST / KLAMATH FALLS, OR 6 / light plane. 10 la 2/5/1978 #32954 orporate pilot flying northwest of Klamath Falls, Oregon had a close encoun 2/5/1978 #32958 ed outside his house in Chiloquin, Klamath County, Oregon and saw a multico 9/13/1988 #38637
Word: "klang" (Back to Top)
n this afternoon at 3:20 p.m. over Klang, Selangor, Malaysia. It shot strai 3/12/1954 #9618 such a craft. At 2:20 a.m. in Port Klang, Malaysia a spinning, luminous blu 6/5/1980 #35355 field during the day in Pelabuhan Klang, Selangor province, Malaysia. 9/28/1990 #39751
Word: "klarer" (Back to Top)
th Africa Seven-year-old Elizabeth Klarer and her older sister Barbara have 10/1917 #968 Natal Flying Saucer Hill Elizabeth Klarer, having been alerted by her siste 12/27/1954 #11864 o'clock in the morning, Elizabeth Klarer ran to a nearby hill in Mooi Rive 12/27/1954 #11865 shot away at tremendous speed. Ms. Klarer had a contactee experience 18 mon 12/27/1954 #11865 South Africa Elizabeth Klarer, South Africa takes ride in sauce 4/7/1956 #12797 ca Alpha Centauri system Elizabeth Klarer returns to Flying Saucer Hill sou 4/7/1956 #12798 They serve her a vegetarian meal. Klarer and Akon begin a lifelong romanti 4/7/1956 #12798 Zulu-Natal, South Africa Elizabeth Klarer takes several photos of a silvery 7/17/1956 #12980
Word: "klas-tv" (Back to Top)
rst interviewed by George Knapp on KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, Nevada, in silhoue 5/15/1989 #38952 Robert Lazar speaks publicly on KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, NV for the first t 5/15/1989 #38953 Vegas, NV Bob Lazar interviews on KLAS-TV in silhouette using assumed iden 5/24/1989 #38961 Las Vegas, Nevada Area 51 KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, Nevada, identifies 11/10/1989 #39224
Word: "klass" (Back to Top)
ryone, except UFO debunker Phillip Klass who visited Socorro four years lat 4/24/1964 #18202 y Explain Many UFOs," by Philip J. Klass, Aviation Week. 8/22/1966 #20785 Phil Klass asserts in Aviation Week that the 8/22/1966 #20786 entified as Plasmas," by Philip J. Klass in Aviation Week. 10/3/1966 #20954 Phil Klass has another article in Aviation We 10/3/1966 #20955 n explanation for UFOs. (Philip J. Klass, “Many UFOs Are Identified as Plas 10/3/1966 #20955 Low forwards the letter to Philip Klass in December. 6/27/1967 #22565 Australia Europe Russia Philip Klass, who has heard of McDonald’s UFO a 12/16/1967 #23593 and electrical engineer Philip J. Klass publishes his first UFO book, UFOs 1968 #23627 d anomalous free-floating plasmas. Klass’s plasma hypothesis is not well re 1968 #23627 e of the UFO debate, who note that Klass is using one unverified phenomenon 1968 #23627 ther unverified phenomenon (UFOs). Klass and physicist James E. McDonald en 1968 #23627 at one another. In September 1968, Klass writes to McDonald’s superiors at 1968 #23627 but it does draw some criticism of Klass from members of the UFO community. 1968 #23627 stitute, analyzing in depth Philip Klass’s plasma theory of UFOs and reject 3/12/1968 #23839 Philip J. Klass attempts to refute James E. McDona 5/21/1968 #23977 Philip J. Klass attempts to refute James E. McDona 6/11/1968 #24021 Australia Europe USSR Philip J. Klass writes a letter to Robert A. Frosc 9/30/1968 #24526 some UFO research on his own time. Klass mounts an extended, concerted camp 9/30/1968 #24526 Page, Gordon D. Thayer, and Philip Klass. The subcommittee, led by Joachim 1/21/1970 #25548 UFO skeptic Philip J. Klass publishes UFOs Explained, taking o 1974 #28629 lisbury, Jacques Vallée, Philip J. Klass, and Ernest H. Taves. 1/1978 #32834 a New Brunswick UFO skeptic Philip Klass sends a letter to A. G. McNamara o 8/15/1980 #35458 anadian National Research Council. Klass characterizes New Brunswick ufolog 8/15/1980 #35458 endry; the debunkers are Philip J. Klass, James E. Oberg, and Robert Sheaff 9/6/1980 #35500 ost heated exchanges occur between Klass and Hendry over the Val Johnson cl 9/6/1980 #35500 production include skeptics Philip Klass, James Oberg, and Michael Persinge 10/12/1982 #36640 Philip J. Klass writes UFOs: The Public Deceived f 1983 #36737
Word: "klaus" (Back to Top)
emy alleges that Nazi war criminal Klaus Barbie advised and possibly helped 10/7/1967 #23190
Word: "kleber" (Back to Top)
changing from white to green. Lt. Kleber Caldas Marinho chased another UFO 5/19/1986 #37874 sea. Another F-5E, piloted by Lt. Kleber Caldas Marinho, chases a very int 5/19/1986 #37881 act was made about 10:550 p.m. Lt. Kleber Caldas Marinho, age 25, an F-5E p 5/19/1986 #37882
Word: "klein" (Back to Top)
or J. C. Gaupel and attorney W. J. Klein also see the light in the same nei 5/4/1897 #588 Seaman Bernard G. Klein Jr. Naval Outlying Field San Nicol 4/22/1954 #9704 Stephens Jr. and Seaman Bernard G. Klein Jr., are driving a vehicle on the 4/22/1954 #9704 unaware of these activities. Naomi Klein argues that Cameron’s research and 2/1957 #13481 7:00 p.m. Farm laborer João Romeu Klein, 19, returns home to Brusque, Sant 9/3/1976 #31335 in diameter. The UFO moves toward Klein, passes 33 feet above his head, an 9/3/1976 #31335 h other in an unfamiliar language. Klein draws his knife and tosses it towa 9/3/1976 #31335 reacts by waving his staff toward Klein. The staff fires a beam of bluish- 9/3/1976 #31335 am of bluish-white light that hits Klein in the left thigh. He faints on be 9/3/1976 #31335 e encounter in England, Joao Romeu Klein, age 19, was returning home after 9/3/1976 #31341 Two women, Stolfe and Klein, driving in the suburbs of Middlet 10/28/1980 #35594 ins in hypnosis sessions by Donald Klein of the New York Psychiatric Instit 12/26/1985 #37738
Word: "klein-reifling" (Back to Top)
KLEIN-REIFLING, AUSTRIA Night light zigz 8/24/1963 #17917
Word: "kleinreifling" (Back to Top)
WEST / KLEINREIFLING, AUSTRIA Several observer( 8/11/1963 #17883
Word: "klem" (Back to Top)
sses: Douglas Tibbetts, 16; Betty Klem, 16; Anita Haifley, 22; and Gerald 7/31/1966 #20702 DT Douglas Tibbetts, age 16, Betty Klem, 16, Anita Haifley, 22, and Gerald 7/31/1966 #20703
Word: "kleman" (Back to Top)
light," US Coast Guardsman Vernon Kleman stated. "They appeared as if from 6/20/1969 #25229 object seemed to enter the water," Kleman continued. "It was submerged for 6/20/1969 #25229
Word: "klemperer" (Back to Top)
submarine division), Ted Gordon, “Klemperer” and Dave Crook. The VP states 1955 #11899 m 1954 to 1955, headed by Wolfgang Klemperer, who writes a memo to E. P. Wh 3/1/1955 #12026
Word: "klemskerke" (Back to Top)
KLEMSKERKE, BELGIUM J. Dovos sees saucer 11/11/1973 #28405
Word: "klerk" (Back to Top)
policemen, John Lockem and Koos de Klerk, were on a patrol of the Pretoria- 9/15/1965 #19566 policemen, John Lockem and Koos de Klerk, were on patrol on the Pretoria-Br 9/15/1965 #19567 Constables John Lockem and Koos de Klerk while on patrol (after midnight) s 9/16/1965 #19569 Constables John Lockem and Koos de Klerk are patrolling on the Pretoria- Br 9/16/1965 #19574 an approaching car, Lockem and De Klerk, watched in astonishment as a copp 9/16/1965 #19575 p level” by his hired hand Boer de Klerk. Its color changes to bright green 6/26/1972 #26735
Word: "kleyweg" (Back to Top)
Cape, South Africa 1:15 p.m. R. H. Kleyweg, officer-in-charge of the meteor 12/7/1954 #11773
Word: "klickitat" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Klickitat” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT 2/20/1964 #18135
Word: "klietz" (Back to Top)
KLIETZ, GERMANY Fr. prisoners of war. 3 3/1944 #1582
Word: "klimenko" (Back to Top)
30 feet. Soviet soldiers Levin and Klimenko say the object performed acroba 7/28/1989 #39035
Word: "kline" (Back to Top)
ripps-Howard reporter Howard Doyle Kline sees a cluster of glowing white ob 8/1/1952 #7411
Word: "klinn" (Back to Top)
a.m. Michael Wagner and Robert B. Klinn of Pacific Palisades, California, 12/20/1973 #28591 Two men, Klinn and Wagner, sighted a huge, yellow 12/20/1973 #28592
Word: "klm" (Back to Top)
REENL Project Bluebook Case #3189. KLM DC4 pilot. 3 dark lens saucers in fo 8/29/1954 #10200 NEAR SHANNON, IREL KLM airline(s)/airliner pilot / early mo 6/28/1958 #15120 CURACAO, WEST INDIES KLM airline(s)/airliner man and 1. 8 sau 8/23/1958 #15219 560KM SOUTHWEST / OKINAWA TWA and KLM crews. Brilliant blue-white ball goi 9/22/1972 #27024 DACHSTEIN ALPS, AUSTRIA KLM and Lufthansa and more/others. Grey 5/7/1980 #35309 Center in Vienna 3:50 p.m. A Dutch KLM airliner is flying just over 30,000 5/7/1980 #35315 tude. Twenty-seven minutes later a KLM 747-400 flying 38 nautical miles off 10/23/2003 #44612
Word: "klondike" (Back to Top)
Klondike Highway Little Fox Lakes, Yukon 3/30/2000 #43971 their small boy are driving on the Klondike Highway at the west end of Litt 3/30/2000 #43971
Word: "klong" (Back to Top)
girls. Domed saucer over school / Klong Toey district. / r156#18p17. 9/2/1973 #27744 d another young girl living in the Klong Toey neighborhood of Bangkok, Thai 9/2/1973 #27747
Word: "kloof" (Back to Top)
s). Shiny saucer hovers over Bains Kloof. Hovers. Wobbles. Then going quick 5/9/1961 #16678 cer-shaped object hover over Bains Kloof Mountain Pass near Wellington, Wes 5/9/1961 #16679
Word: "kloppenborg" (Back to Top)
s, Australia 7:30 a.m. Christopher Kloppenborg and Geoffrey Kloppenborg are 3/29/1978 #33097 ristopher Kloppenborg and Geoffrey Kloppenborg are out mustering sheep near 3/29/1978 #33097
Word: "kloster" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kloster” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT 2/15/1979 #34425 Eupen, Belgium Kloster Garnstock 7:20 p.m. Two federal 11/29/1989 #39276 a triangular UFO near a monastery [Kloster Garnstock?] north of Eupen, Belg 11/29/1989 #39276
Word: "kloth" (Back to Top)
SOUTH BEND, IN USAF Captain Kloth / backyard. 2 night lights going q 7/23/1952 #7055 th Bend, IN USAF pilot Capt. H. W. Kloth saw 2 bright blue-white objects fl 7/23/1952 #7070 a Witness: USAF pilot Capt. H. W. Kloth. Two bright blue-white objects fle 7/23/1952 #7077
Word: "klotzbach" (Back to Top)
rbillig, Luxemborg 45-year-old Mr. Klotzbach suffered severe leg injuries a 5/25/1948 #3655
Word: "klub" (Back to Top)
Akademski Astronomsko-Astronautiki Klub take photos of the object and, six 10/18/1968 #24571
Word: "kluck" (Back to Top)
itnesses: Ministers Greenwalt and Kluck. Ten lights, or a rectangle of lig 10/17/1952 #8146 ministers, Reverends Greenwalt and Kluck, sighted ten lights, or a rectangl 10/17/1952 #8151
Word: "klyuch" (Back to Top)
SVETLIY KLYUCH NEAR DALNEGORSK 2 spheres. Hover 2/12/1988 #38459 erical objects sailed over Svetliy Klyuch, near Dal'negorsk, Vladivostok, R 2/12/1988 #38460
Word: "klyuchi" (Back to Top)
Kamchatka Peninsula Russia Klyuchi, Kamchatka Krai Northern Pacific 10/1988 #38661 ard the Kura Missile Test Range at Klyuchi, Kamchatka Krai. The 1988 Interm 10/1988 #38661
Word: "km" (Back to Top)
Astronomer. Bright object 400X200 km. wide! Going quickly [to] Mt. Coperni 10/20/1824 #119 ween the objects: 150 m. Speed: 80 km/h/ Duration: 35 min. Witnesses aboard 5/15/1879 #220 from an unknown flying machine 22 km north of the town. He was dragged ove 3/26/1897 #394 from an unknown flying machine 22 km north of the town. He was dragged ove 3/26/1897 #395 from an unknown flying machine 22 km north of the town. He was dragged ove 3/26/1897 #396 On the property of Z. Thacker, 19 km north of Carlinville, an unknown obje 4/12/1897 #442 iners saw an unknown object land 3 km north of Green Ridge and 4 km south o 4/12/1897 #443 nd 3 km north of Green Ridge and 4 km south of Girard. The night operator o 4/12/1897 #443 On the property of Z. Thacker, 19 km north of Carlinville, an unknown obje 4/12/1897 #444 iners saw an unknown object land 3 km north of Green Ridge and 4 km south o 4/12/1897 #445 nd 3 km north of Green Ridge and 4 km south of Girard. The night operator o 4/12/1897 #445 ometers north of Green Ridge and 4 km south of Girard. The night operator o 4/12/1897 #450 y, IN 3:00 p.m. An object landed 2 km south of Gas City on the property of 4/14/1897 #458 s City, Indiana An object landed 2 km south of Gas City on the property of 4/14/1897 #460 five men drove toward it. About 7 km north of Linn Grove, they found the c 4/15/1897 #478 n Buland) drove toward it. About 7 km north of Linn Grove, they found the c 4/15/1897 #483 h the train was then running at 65 km/h. 4/15/1897 #485 dnight. Frank Nichols, who lived 3 km east of Josserand and was one of its 4/22/1897 #554 , Texas Frank Nichols, who lived 3 km east of Josserand and was one of its 4/22/1897 #556 down toward a hill to the south, 5 km from Aquila. When the witness was on 4/26/1897 #578 a bright light in the sky. About 7 km farther they saw the light again comi 5/6/1897 #591 ain coming down to the ground. One km farther the horses refused to walk. ( 5/6/1897 #591 a bright light in the sky. About 7 km farther they saw the light again comi 5/6/1897 #592 ain coming down to the ground. One km farther the horses refused to walk. T 5/6/1897 #592 ight light in the sky. About seven km farther they saw the light again comi 5/6/1897 #594 ain coming down to the ground. One km farther the horses refused to walk. T 5/6/1897 #594 00 m away, from a point situated 3 km north of Rolling Prairie. The objects 1904 #665 00 m away, from a point situated 3 km north of Rolling Prairie. The objects 1904 #666 fishermen to plunge into the sea 6 km away from the coast, after a steady f 6/16/1909 #775 fishermen to plunge into the sea 6 km away from the coast, after a steady f 6/16/1909 #776 light giving off fiery colors, 25 km from Robsart. It landed slowly, vanis 7/1929 #1101 light giving off fiery colors, 25 km from Robsart. It landed slowly, vanis 7/1929 #1102 5 months alone in a hut, 100’s of km’s from the nearest support, in total 1933 #1150 ropped from an altitude of 100–110 km (62–68 mi) at up to three times the s 9/7/1944 #1666 d at sea level (approximately 3550 km/h). The British government, concerned 9/7/1944 #1666 off at a speed in excess of 1,900 km/h. 9/29/1944 #1670 the dark. The event took place 35 km northwest of the town. (Magonia #52, 1945 #1743 the dark. The event took place 35 km northwest of the town. 1945 #1746 bomb test “Trinity”, 35 miles (56 km) southeast of Socorro, NM (now part o 7/16/1945 #1897 photograph almost 1,400,000 square km of the Antarctic continent, especiall 1946 #1955 a house, were seen flying at 1000 km/h. A civilian woman stated that the o 6/21/1947 #2354 diameter, and appeared to land 40 km south of the Grand Canyon. 6/30/1947 #2485 il / rear. Going quickly south / 3 km.alt. / r171p73. 7/3/1947 #2566 hwest at an estimated speed of 800 km per hour. They were lost in the cloud 7/5/1947 #2730 oing quickly northwest over bay. 1 km altitude. / news. 7/9/1947 #3035 ckly NNW / 250kph. 550M altitude 1 km away. 7/20/1947 #3204 . It shot away at an estimated 725 km/h, emitting a slight hiss and flames. 8/6/1947 #3301 de (Vehicle broke up at 370s at 84 km altitude.) 9/2/1948 #3795 ight. Separation of stages at 32.2 km) 2/24/1949 #4022 a metallic disc-shaped object at 2 km altitude fly to the southeast at a sp 9/6/1949 #4349 heast at a speed in excess of 1200 km/h. 9/6/1949 #4349 ylinders flew to the north at 1600 km/h over Elmendorf AFB, Alaska. It was 1/26/1950 #4514 16 KM NORTHEAST / SANTA FE, NM Teen. Huge s 3/14/1950 #4632 med Richardson, who was located 16 km northeast of Santa Fe, New Mexico, sa 3/14/1950 #4635 s he saw landing and taking off 60 km north of Jun.au. 4/1950 #4783 ack Robertson was driviug about 13 km west of town when he saw a round obje 4/20/1950 #4876 Mr. Robertson was driving about 13 km west of Lufkin, Texas when he saw a r 4/20/1950 #4877 rning from a picnic when, about 14 km south of Ely, they saw a silvery-whit 5/7/1950 #4931 TX 2 / airliner. Saucer seen / 30 km. Sudden burst speed / 600 kph and awa 6/24/1950 #5000 -angle atmospheric flight over 320 km range) 7/24/1950 #5076 -angle atmospheric flight over 320 km range) 7/29/1950 #5080 ast at an estimated speed of 1,000 km per hour. They took a photograph of i 2/19/1951 #5451 rest observers were in a canyon 50 km north of the Mojave when they saw a d 11/2/1951 #5762 , CA Huge gold ball. Altitude = 30 km. Seen / 8 min going northwest going n 8/25/1952 #7722 WRITER / (SEEN THRU) TELESCOPE 20 km "bridge" crosses Mare Crisium / moon! 7/29/1953 #9020 Construction Co. It landed about 2 km way from the witness, who approached 8/27/1954 #10188 isia Many workers in the fields 12 km south of the town saw an object appar 9/3/1954 #10238 FR Saucer paces 3 / car / several km. Going quickly west to sea over N40 / 10/3/1954 #10643 n orange object chased a car for 8 km, then flew away toward the sea. Witne 10/3/1954 #10660 same object was seen at Megrit, 25 km to the southwest, hovering over a far 10/4/1954 #10694 same object was seen at Megrit, 25 km to the southwest, hovering over a far 10/4/1954 #10704 Beaumont, France Ten km from here, several persons saw an obj 10/5/1954 #10729 e Between Montaren and Serviers, 1 km from "Le Mas Blanc," Dr. Fabre, Mr. C 10/9/1954 #10842 ryside was illuminated over 2 or 3 km. 10/18/1954 #11209 dizzying speed'. Est altitude 5-6 KM. 10/21/1954 #11288 t 50 m distance, near the road, 18 km from this town, going toward Paris. I 10/26/1954 #11413 ject come from the west and land 1 km away. 10/26/1954 #11416 or a couple of minutes less than 3 km away, then flew off to the east. 12/1/1954 #11742 ield 100 m away from them, about 8 km east of McKinney. They stopped their 4/6/1956 #12795 l / USAF. Bright object hovers / 9 km altitude. Quickly going up [to] to 24 8/1956 #13035 Small round cloud follows car / 30 km! Dark center. 90° turn and away fast. 4/1957 (approximate) #13571 ack Stephenson was walking about 7 km from Galt when he saw a flash in the 7/30/1957 #13861 A, TX Huge fireball follows car 22 km. Just off US90+1km behind. 9/7/1957 #13984 Raper ran to the town, less than 2 km away; and reported the incident. The 11/1957 #14181 Canadian, Texas 5 km west of this town, military and civil 11/2/1957 #14212 l after 3 min, and landing several km away at the northern end of the testi 11/3/1957 #14242 Baskatong Lake, Canada 180 km north of Ottawa Jacques Jacobson and 11/6/1957 #14416 re hovering over a hilltop about 4 km away. From top and bottom issued ligh 11/6/1957 #14416 m. near Baskatong Lake, Quebec 180 km north of Ottawa Jacques Jacobson and 11/6/1957 #14440 driving to Memphis when, about 23 km northwest of Meridian, he saw an obje 11/7/1957 #14457 driving to Memphis when, about 23 km northwest of Meridian, Mississippi he 11/7/1957 #14464 a Between Woodward and Seiling, 12 km from the latter, an unknown flying ob 12/8/1957 #14690 It shot off to the south at 1,100 km/h. 12/10/1957 #14704 w 6 m above the ground at about 80 km/h. A small, windowless cabin was visi 12/11/1957 #14712 ude of 12,400m and a speed of 2000 km/hr. https://archive.org/details/hunt 1958 #14787 n a half-flat tire, followed for 5 km by the object, which was about 50 m a 1/13/1958 #14823 k his car at a speed exceeding 100 km/h. Radio interference was noted, but 1/13/1958 #14823 is car at a speed in excess of 100 km/h. Radio interference was noted but t 1/13/1958 #14825 e date. In the mountains, about 14 km from Abra Pampa, a luminous object 30 4/15/1958 #14987 cts coming to ground level about 1 km away. At times they appeared to excha 4/17/1958 #14994 Laval, France About 11 km before Laval, a businessman coming fr 9/1/1958 #15245 At 9:30 p.m., about 11 km before reaching Laval, France a busin 9/1/1958 #15248 ical, aluminum-colored object at 2 km altitude, coming down to 4 m, flying 10/31/1958 #15409 Umiat, Alaska 350 km east of Umiat, trappers saw a red, di 2/1959 #15573 ed, disk-shaped object less than 4 km away, going up and down, sometimes ne 2/1959 #15573 mong, Australia Near Claypans, 150 km northeast of Adelaide, Carl Towill, p 3/13/1959 #15640 in diameter sphere flew over at 30 km/hour heading south at an altitude of 7/21/1959 #15868 240 KM NORTH / AZORES Navy crew. Very large 10/3/1959 #16012 d remained with them for nearly 50 km. 10/25/1959 #16059 d remained with them for nearly 50 km. 10/25/1959 #16061 swelling like an enormous bubble 1 km away. An object emerged, hovering at 6/3/1961 #16714 La Porte, Indiana Eight km south of La Porte, 16-year-old Dennis 9/30/1961 #16880 on a nearby hillside, less than 2 km away. It could not be located again w 6/16/1962 #17230 e apparent size of a small plane 1 km away. It left toward the south. 9/15/1962 #17400 from Catamarca to Cordoba when, 7 km away from Chumbicha, they saw seven o 12/11/1962 #17579 , helmet-shaped objects hovering 1 km away at 20 m altitude above Lake Majo 12/19/1962 #17595 ose from a forest preserve about 2 km from Colonia Yerua. 3/12/1963 #17702 beyond the Yvrac intersection, 2.5 km from Maille. They stopped to observe 5/15/1963 #17740 beyond the Yvrac intersection, 2.5 km from Maille, Gironde department. They 5/15/1963 #17743 le. Police searched an area over 3 km wide on both sides of the Iowa-Minnes 6/4/1963 #17776 fast as they were driving about 2 km west of Monticello. 4/3/1964 #18156 ersons were driving west, about 2O km east of Lordsbury when the entire are 4/22/1964 #18183 ng on four legs, in a depression 4 km outside Socorro. Near it were standin 4/24/1964 #18194 haped object on a hilltop about 17 km west of Baker on U.S. Highway 91. The 4/30/1964 #18228 ar-old doctor and his wife were 30 km away from the airport when an intense 6/5/1964 #18331 our earlier at Littleton, about 50 km west, by four boys. It was described 8/25/1964 #18509 ers, Florida In the Everglades, 30 km east of Big Cypress, James Flynn, 45, 3/15/1965 #18857 Eton Range, Australia About 70 km from Mackay, Jim Tilse, Eric Judin, a 5/23/1965 #18953 t was observed to land on ranch 45 km north of this town by a chemical engi 7/23/1965 #19163 Don Tenopir had reached a point 35 km from Abilene, going toward Lincoln, w 8/4/1965 #19313 a northerly direction at about 80 km/h. It was surrounded with orange ligh 8/13/1965 #19379 eir car. Several persons living 20 km away also reported an unidentified ob 9/29/1965 #19622 was driving on Highway 28 about 5 km west of Cyprus when he saw a red flou 11/16/1965 #19726 rical object with a cone on top, 4 km long and 2 m in diameter, surrounded 11/16/1965 #19726 lowed down as the observer was 400 km away from the object, which took off 11/16/1965 #19726 icopter landed on the road about 5 km southwest of Georgetown. The craft wa 1/7/1966 #19812 he moon. After driving for about 1 km, they saw that it was a flat, well-de 1/29/1966 #19872 s A civilian witness was driving 8 km east of Farmington when a flying oval 2/26/1966 #19923 the patrol car, following it for 1 km, then flew off toward the northwest. 3/17/1966 #19982 l 15 m away at a speed of about 30 km/h. It was about 80 cm in diameter, 25 3/26/1966 #20089 an driving at a speed of about 100 km/h suddenly encountered a large lighte 3/28/1966 #20113 s they were driving south about 15 km north of Lexisburg. It came close to 3/30/1966 #20160 y in fear, but was followed for 13 km by the object, whose color suddenly c 3/30/1966 #20160 lian man, 34, was driving about 10 km south of Tangier when he reached a hi 4/1/1966 #20198 he was going to work, less than 2 km southeast of Hague. It was an elongat 4/4/1966 #20223 by the light even at speeds of 170 km/hr. He finally stopped to observe it, 7/25/1966 #20681 officer was driving at nearly 200 km/h toward the north on Route 71 when h 9/1966 #20823 Durand, Wisconsin About 15 km east of Durand, Mrs. E. Bruns and her 9/7/1966 #20860 erved an elongated object about 15 km east of Durand, Wisconsin. It was abo 9/7/1966 #20862 e to white, in the woods about 1.7 km away. Coming back the next day, he lo 12/30/1966 #21228 omenon from a separate location, 2 km away (LDLN). 1/17/1967 #21331 , 23, driving on Route 135 about 8 km north of Freetown saw a plate-shaped 1/17/1967 #21332 and ran off the road. Less than 2 km away, Phil Patton saw an identical ob 1/17/1967 #21332 ar three radio towers situated 3.5 km south of Altona, they saw a very brig 3/26/1967 #21995 ved an object 20 m above ground, 2 km away. It vanished suddenly as the chi 4/6/1967 #22077 motions, illuminating the woods 1 km away. It was concshaped, with a blue 4/27/1967 #22232 een above a grove of trees about 2 km away. Each had a "smoky halo" around 5/6/1967 #22282 ess than 20 m above his car, at 40 km/h. 5/22/1967 #22388 is car at at estimated speed of 40 km/hour. 5/22/1967 #22389 lawyer, and his driver, Amauri, at km 15 on the Miguel Peraira Highway saw 8/3/1967 #22785 er Hugo S. Yepes was on a beach 25 km north of Recife when he saw a disk, 6 8/4/1967 #22800 er Hugo S. Yepez was on a beach 25 km north of Arrecife in Venezuela when h 8/4/1967 #22807 nurses. 9M flat disk paces car / 3 km. Swerves in front. See reference. 1/12/1968 #23659 gentina when he observed at the 37 km mark, 100 meters away from the road, 7/25/1968 #24227 NA, SP Driver feels profound fear. Km away sees 15cm light / air. 10/1968 #24530 9 KM.N / JEVNAKER, NORWAY 2 / car and sepa 8/25/1971 #26303 ame speed as the car, which was 80 km/h. It was lost from sight to the west 8/5/1972 #26877 size globe follows 4 / car several KM going north. Fault zone. 11/17/1972 #27124 , turning up again in Colatina 700 km away. Under regressive hypnosis he de 5/22/1973 #27519 ke craft sits / hill 20M / road. 1 km further observer(s) see empty car.. 8/1973 #27665 em to the left side apparently 2-3 km away. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 9/13/1973 #27814 between 2 a.m. and 3 a.m., some 10 km (6 miles) from where his truck was. H 10/28/1973 #28311 The object zigzagged away at 5,000 km/hour. 11/30/1973 #28491 ar as well. When they were some 10 km from Fort Victoria the UFO shot off l 5/31/1974 #29150 found that it had recorded only 17 km, yet the distance by road was 288 km. 5/31/1974 #29150 , yet the distance by road was 288 km. He had also filled the gas tank in F 5/31/1974 #29150 1 / car. UFO follows car / several km. 3 fat figure(s) inside. Responds / l 6/16/1974 #29199 , Spain Red ellipse hovering 1-1.5 km. away; suddenly flew away. Flying Sau 11/16/1975 #30632 , Spain Red ellipse hovering 1-1.5 km. away; suddenly flew away. Flying Sau 11/16/1975 #30634 DAR tracks UFO east going west. 37 KM with airport. Turns going quickly sou 8/8/1976 #31246 eet altitude and at a speed of 240 km/hour were five minutes after takeoff 9/19/1976 #31413 oing from southeast to east at 100 km/h. He reported being frightened by hi 11/23/1977 #32694 t as they slowed their car to 8-15 km/h, the engine began misfiring. They t 12/30/1977 #32822 had to be at a certain location 15 km further on, and put his foot down on 2/5/1978 #32957 hwest at 12,000 feet altitude, 400 km/h, with a curving trajectory; it went 9/9/1978 #33650 n going northwest up D34 / several km. Follows terrain / 35M altitude. 1/28/1980 #35146 of Cervantes, located more than 15 km away from were he had been, and he ha 2/11/1980 #35170 low altitude and at a speed of 160 km/hour. 4/26/1984 #37305 y estimated was traveling at 1,500 km/hour (900 mph), so they abandoned the 5/19/1986 #37882 icated by radar to be 35 miles (56 km) distant, but he was unable to catch 5/19/1986 #37882 can make turns like that at 1,000 km/h," Capt. Viriato de Freitas said. Th 5/19/1986 #37882 he same course at 5,400 mph (8,600 km/hr). The radar target lasted about fo 5/16/1987 #38175 as flying from west to east at 960 km per hour, and at an altitude of 6600 8/28/1991 #40168 , and increased its speed from 960 km/hour to 6800 km/hour. These maneuvers 8/28/1991 #40168 its speed from 960 km/hour to 6800 km/hour. These maneuvers were verified b 8/28/1991 #40168 , 1992, and set up a base camp 2.5 km away to the northwest. It was evident 8/28/1991 #40168 y off to the north-northwest at 40 km/h. It directed two beams light on an 1/22/1992 #40299 was traveling at approximately 100 km/h. 5/16/1993 #40983 destal follows 2 / car for several km then swings away. 12/31/1993 #41336 depth of the impression of their 8 km long tracks in the ground indicated t 1/3/1995 #41947 S 1 / car. Manta paces car several km. Cockpit and window. Lights ground. G 4/22/1995 #42166 . It flew slowly to the east at 30 km/h over the mountains. It was absolute 3/1/1996 #42796 t with lights followed a car for 6 km near Tavaco, Corse-Sud, France. It th 8/9/1996 #42974 angular object flew overhead at 90 km/hour, at an estimated altitude of 800 4/22/1997 #43271 ver blimp crosses sky / 600 kph. 3 km altitude. / CUFORN. 2/15/1999 #43728 docks, hedges, and trees over a 90 km area around Esperance, Western Austra 6/9/1999 #43783 t white, sped east to west at 2200 km/h over Melbourne Reservoir, Victoria, 9/13/1999 #43845 ect, with a speed estimated at 600 km/h. The sighting lasted three minutes. 9/9/2001 #44254 hich came over at a speed of 30-35 km/hour; these were about 500 meters lon 9/11/2001 #44258 stars as it flew very slowly at 15 km/hour towards the northwest. Its flat 8/13/2002 #44384 wly hovered, moving no more than 5 km/hour," she said. It was no more than 5/13/2003 #44536 The dam is on the Rio Caroni, 100 km south of the Orinoco River at Ciudad 5/15/2004 #44702 ehicle traveling with a speed of 8 km/s in the opposite direction. It is la 1/11/2007 #44998
Word: "kmgh-tv" (Back to Top)
n, Texas Trinidad, Colorado Denver KMGH-TV investigative journalist Linda M 5/28/1980 #35343
Word: "kmpc" (Back to Top)
io stations KFOX in Long Beach and KMPC in Los Angeles. He also publishes W 1/1936 #1242
Word: "kmph" (Back to Top)
moved at an estimated speed of 80 kmph. The sighting lasted 35 minutes. 5/15/1879 #221
Word: "kmyr" (Back to Top)
per articles), recorded at station KMYR in Denver. The 2 federal agents wer 3/31/1950 #4772
Word: "kn" (Back to Top)
Maysville, KN Maysville, KN: The local Highway Patr 1/7/1948 #3536 Maysville, KN Maysville, KN: The local Highway Patrol are notifie 1/7/1948 #3536 Maysville, KN Top Secret Report (100–203–79,p.12,se 1/7/1948 #3537
Word: "knapp" (Back to Top)
, Prentice Lanphear, and Edward M. Knapp) at the Coast Guard life-saving st 8/18/1909 #805 a letter to constituent Melvin V. Knapp, saying that “Congressional invest 1/28/1958 #14848 Las Vegas, NV Journalist George Knapp is assigned to research all things 5/1989 #38928 t interviewed by journalist George Knapp. 5/14/1989 #38949 zar is first interviewed by George Knapp on KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, Nevada, i 5/15/1989 #38952 lti-part series released by George Knapp, revealing Bob Lazar’s identity to 11/1989 #39202 Chevrolet Malibu owned by Michelle Knapp while she is home in Peekskill, Ne 10/9/1992 #40671 Colm Kelleher and coauthor George Knapp subsequently write a book, Hunt fo Fall 1994 #41773 John Alexander. Journalist George Knapp was also there and mentioned his t 1/28/1996 #42725 ,” Fox News, June 24, 2020; George Knapp, “More UFO Heraings? Congress Migh 6/23/2020 #45649 Journalist George Knapp states he knows of at least four “ 12/19/2022 #45789 Journalist George Knapp says Alfred O’Donnell, a former se 2/28/2023 #45796
Word: "knapsack" (Back to Top)
the being's back was a box like a knapsack. Sr. De Olmos also observed tha 7/12/1977 #32266
Word: "knapsacks" (Back to Top)
r. Object / road. 2 5' figure(s) / knapsacks with aerials. 9/20/1973 #27842
Word: "knaub" (Back to Top)
ames Powers and Petty Officer John Knaub drive to the beach, where the tria 3/4/1988 #38487
Word: "kneads" (Back to Top)
ce that is thin and light. When he kneads it, he is amazed to see that it r 1/13/1996 #42681
Word: "knee" (Back to Top)
he figures are dressed in leather “knee pants” held up by suspenders. They Late Summer 1919 #993 thrown to the floor and suffers a knee fracture, and stewardess Naomi J. P 4/14/1954 #9690 tate Highway 4A 10:00 p.m. Charles Knee Jr., a former newsman, is driving o 1/15/1965 #18740 hwest of Wilmot, New Hampshire Mr. Knee saw a glowing light that made a hum 1/15/1965 #18741 oats which they kept buttoned from knee to collar. The taller of the two, w 1/28/1967 #21411 t green coverall with darker green knee boots, white gauntlets, and a conic 1/7/1970 #25540 coverall uniform with darker green knee boots, white gauntlets, and a conic 1/7/1970 #25541 m) / 3 small humanoids (or Greys). Knee pains cured! 11/1975 #30531 g coveralls that started below the knee and extended up to their necks. The 11/24/1978 #33997 ck against his truck, scarring his knee and hurting his back and kidneys. T 8/17/1980 #35462 ith fear. The creature touched his knee and then pulled on the blanket. It 1/26/2003 #44480
Word: "knee-" (Back to Top)
w, even though the snow outside is knee- deep. Pscolka goes up to the facil Winter 1987 #38370
Word: "knee-high" (Back to Top)
e center of an isolated field. The knee-high grass around the dog's body wa 11/20/1966 #21129
Word: "knee-length" (Back to Top)
nd I-77 lanes with a man wearing a knee-length coat standing by the passeng Early 11/1966 #21070 out 5’5” tall, and dressed in blue knee-length robes, hoods, and brown sand 10/2/1968 #24538
Word: "kneeboard" (Back to Top)
edures for reporting UAPs on their kneeboard, in the cockpit.” In a back-an 5/17/2022 #45750
Word: "kneecaps" (Back to Top)
areas on their skin, some on their kneecaps and the back of their lower leg 2/17/1958 #14878
Word: "kneeled" (Back to Top)
song" unintelligible language; two kneeled down and appeared to touch the a 1/5/1979 #34303
Word: "kneeling" (Back to Top)
4:20 a.m. Shaw, who was originally kneeling on the bed, is now sitting on i 3/22/1953 #8775 cutt, a businessman, saw three men kneeling on the side of the road. They w 3/1955 #12021 hts illuminate three short figures kneeling next to the road. They are gray 5/25/1955 #12159 pse of a vaguely human-like figure kneeling on the front lawn near a nearby 2/27/1971 #26034 ery long. The blonde, who was in a kneeling position on his bed, seemed to 7/23/1992 #40531 the witness awoke to see a figure kneeling to the left side of his bed abo 1/19/1993 #40802 naling him, and one of the men was kneeling down next to the craft. He bega 7/16/1996 #42959
Word: "kneels" (Back to Top)
ther raises its arm. The first one kneels down and plucks a tobacco plant f 12/9/1954 #11787
Word: "knees" (Back to Top)
e, but the force knocks him to his knees. After it passes, he detects an od 9/1929 #1103 occupants walked as if they had no knees and were 3 1/2-4 feet tall, large 1953 #8484 ed to crawl out on their hands and knees. After KA returned to Roswell he w 4/12/1954 #9685 e same thing on his legs, from the knees down. Looking up, he sees a bright 11/17/1954 #11663 are narrow and pointed between the knees and ankles. The witnesses watch an Late 8/1960 #16417 ure spins around, goes down on his knees, gets help from the other figure, Late 11/1961 #16978 reature walked it didn’t bend its’ knees. R.M. later found out from a retir 1965 #18679 (The Alien would have to lock his knees in a high-gravity environment to a 1965 #18679 cal population to go down on their knees. The beings approached slowly, wit 2/21/1965 #18825 him stiffly, without bending their knees. He felt as if they were communica 1/25/1968 #23700 sandals with cross garters to the knees. Pereira, in a state of near shock 10/2/1968 #24538 sh pond, crouched on its hands and knees. The sight was so shocking that Di 2/27/1971 #26034 a tingling in their fingertips and knees. Faa and three of the other witnes 8/12/1972 #26911 ng, as if on tiptoe, raising their knees exaggeratedly at each step. They g 12/13/1972 #27176 th "a strange hopping motion, with knees raised high" to a metallic "hut" w 5/15/1973 #27492 work, but she now has pains in her knees, legs, and head. She screams in pa 5/27/1973 #27533 n the joints and especially in the knees, but she continued working until t 5/27/1973 #27535 e opening. He was visible from the knees up and wore a tight-fitting garmen 6/23/1973 #27584 th long arms hanging down past the knees. They displayed glowing green eyes 10/25/1973 #28286 arms that extended well below his knees, and what looked like long claws i 5/5/1974 #29085 Tombo walked without bending their knees. 5/5/1974 #29086 ng arms reached almost below their knees. Also conspicuous were their oddly 2/24/1977 #31846 ng points of light. It came to his knees, below which was a narrow, darker 8/3/1977 #32356 entity jumps road / 2 large leaps. Knees don't flex. Nuclear facility. 10/15/1977 #32576 ead that causes her to fall on her knees. As the object moves away with a s 2/1979 #34398 their head and came down to their knees. They had small black legs that en 7/25/1979 #34681 ls sharp pains in his back and his knees collapse. The hum becomes louder a 10/1979 #34936 manoid standing in water up to its knees. The creature appeared hairy and w 10/24/1981 #36185 n inserted long needles into their knees and ankle joints. The husband and 3/7/1987 #38133 here she realized that both of her knees were coated with an unknown white 1/27/1993 #40816 , apparently alive, sitting on its knees. At that moment a dozen cattle sta 9/13/1994 #41743 and he felt dizzy. He fell to his knees, sweating profusely despite the se 3/10/1997 #43225 range fashion, without bending its knees. They noticed that its head was ha 8/24/1998 #43637 low the crest. It did not bend its knees when it hopped nor did it move its 9/14/1998 #43646 of operation on one of his wife's knees, apparently inserting some kind of 11/1/1998 #43674 nd she is 5’7” this meant that his knees were forced into the dashboard.Nei 6/7/2008 #45146
Word: "knelt" (Back to Top)
ther raised its arm. The first one knelt down and plucked a tobacco plant f 12/11/1954 #11802 sus Christ, approached her and she knelt before him. Averting her eyes from 6/10/1968 #24018 feeling a numbness in his legs, he knelt down. A beam of light, greenish in 5/4/1969 #25115
Word: "knew" (Back to Top)
ls a reporter in Galveston that he knew a New Yorker named Wilson when he l 4/20/1897 #546 abee, he stated: “...the Air Force knew by the middle of July, 1947 that sa Mid 7/1947 #3181 ist involved in the retrieval that knew or worked with Dr. Vannever Bush du 3/8/1950 #4588 s the episode in a 1956 book, They Knew Too Much about Flying Saucers, and 9/28/1953 #9186 Gray Barker publishes They Knew Too Much about Flying Saucers, a be 1956 #12634 eagues confirmed the finding. None knew what it was. "I didn't believe in s 11/8/1956 #13315 t would cause panic. Asked if they knew about music, he heard they had "som 8/9/1965 #19350 have eyes that I could see, but I knew they were looking at me. I stopped. 10/23/1965 #19679 cent or anything. He acted like he knew exactly what he was saying and doin 11/17/1966 #21119 he uncanny feeling that the aliens knew what they were thinking. Rolling do 3/10/1967 #21854 Condon’s office, asking him if he knew McDonald had a copy of the memo. Sa 2/7/1968 #23739 ps, and if the people of the world knew how many genuine sightings there we 7/22/1968 #24203 anything inside. Nevertheless, he "knew" that someone was there and was loo 12/10/1968 #24757 er extraterrestrial that they both knew, named Xiti, had been killed. Suppo 1/15/1969 #24849 when he realized it was Sunday, he knew this could not be. When he again lo 6/21/1970 #25704 craft. He believes that the aliens knew he had been trying to help, and wer 8/26/1972 #26956 astillo was incredulous because he knew there were immense temperatures con 11/18/1973 #28443 ooked to be human, and who somehow knew the names of the four of them. 2/9/1974 #28754 een apparently abducted and no one knew it for some 12 years or spring of 1 6/18/1974 #29210 ident. Witnesses feel that the UFO knew where they were and was there BECAU 10/4/1974 #29500 emember what happened next, but he knew he had a two hour period of missing 10/25/1974 #29557 ence" (OOBE) and the next thing he knew he found himself in a UFO. He conve 9/11/1975 #30353 ain.” The stranger then asks if he knew why Barney Hill died, saying “He di 9/11/1976 #31376 l died, saying “He died because he knew too much. He died because he had no 9/11/1976 #31376 th black pupils. The next thing he knew he was in a school playing field an 2/2/1977 #31781 impsed it briefly. Neither of them knew of the other earlier sightings at t 4/23/1977 #32019 ward the object. The next thing he knew he was inside the craft with no rec 9/15/1977 #32485 r passing Medicaneli. Suddenly he "knew" that he had to be at a certain loc 2/5/1978 #32957 eapons jammed. Leonard Stringfield knew the name of the Gen. and claims to 8/1978 #33460 Santa Clarita Valley, CA Ed knew immediately that the object was not 7/13/1979 #34652 precise rectangle. The farmer, who knew nothing about UFOs, had a solid rep 7/25/1979 #34681 ng towards it. The next thing they knew they were running away, and the gra 8/19/1979 #34760 ff" into a white endless space. He knew he was there but he couldn't move. 10/24/1981 #36186 all produces evidence that Walters knew how to double-expose photos well be 11/11/1987 #38322 tely paralyzed. The next thing she knew it was five o'clock in the morning. 6/29/1989 #38997 eep in good graces with people who knew something about UFOs and national s 7/1/1989 #39002 chnologies are in use. A source he knew for 12 years at Groom Lake told him 1990 #39356 ngo Swann to talk about “what they knew.” https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/co 3/31/1995 #42130 go back to sleep, but somehow she knew if she did something bad would happ 9/11/1997 #43405 go back to sleep, but somehow she knew if she did something bad would happ 9/12/1997 #43407 ing Grounds. The Colonel allegedly knew someone who worked on a US antigrav 6/17/1998 #43589 luding the F-117; Miller states he knew the team, its successor, the parent 4/25/2002 #44333 associated locations, and that he knew the name and current location of a 4/25/2002 #44333 ut of their cars and asked me if I knew what was going on. I said, 'I have 5/13/2003 #44535 in El Segundo, and his supervisor knew of Project Chameleo; he states this 7/2003 #44560 that were connected. They somehow knew that this was something to be afrai 9/3/2003 #44592 ryside. She believed they somehow "knew" this had something to do with elec 9/3/2003 #44592 phone was ringing, and they again "knew" it was the power company calling t 9/3/2003 #44592 occurring to the Earth. She also "knew" that after the Earth changes the a 9/3/2003 #44592 . Robert Sikes and Rep. Jim Wright knew of the effort. Cooper also claims 2004 #44638 ss Programs where only four people knew what was happening. Maynard claims 8/2004 #44724 d claims several within the Agency knew of meetings between NASA and extrat 12/3/2008 #45196 hen they looked because they never knew of its existence. I, and others in 5/1/2021 #45687 concerned by it and concluded they knew information “above my pay grade.” W 5/9/2022 #45747 one behind him told him he already knew how to fly the craft, and he began 10/20/2022 #45779
Word: "kni" (Back to Top)
nter but came over police scanner (KNI Net) at UFOFC. Report of an "aircraf 7/24/1977 #32309
Word: "knickerbocker" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Knickerbocker” Yield: 76KT 5/26/1967 #22404
Word: "knife" (Back to Top)
o stab it in the shoulder with his knife, but the blade glances off. One of 11/28/1954 #11722 o stab one of the creatures with a knife, but the blade glanced off as if t 11/28/1954 #11724 ed, as if they had been cut with a knife. 12/29/1954 #11875 slashed at them with some kind of knife, and gave one of them a deep arm c 6/5/1957 #13707 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Knife A” YieldMax: 20KT 9/12/1968 #24454 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Knife C” YieldMax: 20KT 10/3/1968 #24541 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Knife B” YieldMax: 20KT 11/15/1968 #24660 which he used one by one. A small knife like implement was used to take a 10/16/1973 #28089 in north-central Kansas. Many show knife marks on the carcasses, including 12/1973 #28494 familiar language. Klein draws his knife and tosses it toward the beings; i 9/3/1976 #31335 nown language. The witness threw a knife at the beings but it seems to stri 9/3/1976 #31341 tectable on board. Julio's gun and knife levitated upwards into the craft. 2/5/1978 #32957 as the first witness, armed with a knife, ran around trying to get out of t 9/10/1978 #33657 ds to take away d’Ambros’s pruning knife. D’Ambros holds on to it tightly, 11/24/1978 #33995 “might be done by a surgeon with a knife.” 6/1980 #35349 alien and managed to grab a small knife next to his bed and stab at the al 1/4/2003 #44468
Word: "knight" (Back to Top)
g, Pennsylvania Evening. Reuben D. Knight is standing on the porch of his f 6/1932 #1144 Pilot William “Pete” Knight reaches a speed of 4,519 mph (Mac 10/3/1967 #23171 ant creative input. Frawley was a knight of the Sovereign Military Order o 7/1980 #35399 losure purposes, was a Shickshinny Knight of Malta, a breakaway group from 7/1980 #35399 alien satellite, dubbed the Black Knight, in polar orbit around the Earth. 12/11/1998 #43698 nt Tom Buffenbarger, and Holland & Knight LLP Partner Tillie Fowler. https 11/27/2002 #44452
Word: "knights" (Back to Top)
KNIGHTS FERRY, CA 2 ministers. Fireball 11/22/1896 #344 Knights Landing, CA Winged Unidentified 2/7/1955 #11979 former CIA directors who served as knights including William Casey and John 7/1980 #35399
Word: "knit" (Back to Top)
all with dark hair. They wore blue knit outfits and helmets. The newspapers 4/18/1961 #16654
Word: "knitting" (Back to Top)
MBERTON, NC Also 4, 6, 8, 9 April. Knitting mill buzzed / silent no detail. 4/4/1975 #29960
Word: "knives" (Back to Top)
d watched at 1:00 p.m. as 8 "table knives" passed over at high altitude, we 12/5/1950 #5320 30 a.m. to a sound "like two steel knives being struck together" and glance 4/19/1968 #23915 iment on the men, arming them with knives and trying to induce violent beha 7/1968 #24107
Word: "knives'" (Back to Top)
ar ground. 2 odd beings with 'long knives'. / r217p176. 10/1954 #10530
Word: "knm" (Back to Top)
float to the surface. The frigate KNM Arendal and the submarine KNM Sarpen 6/1/1958 #15074 gate KNM Arendal and the submarine KNM Sarpen, along with divers, search fr 6/1/1958 #15074 a number of dead fish. The frigate KNM Arendal and the submarine KNM Sarpen 6/1/1958 #15075 gate KNM Arendal and the submarine KNM Sarpen, along with divers, searched 6/1/1958 #15075 e site, consisting of the corvette KNM Sleipner, two submarines, and one Or 4/27/1983 #36846 ubmarine weapons. The next day the KNM Oslo and two more frigates join the 4/27/1983 #36846 Ona lighthouse, Husøya, Norway The KNM Stavanger has a sonar contact with a 9/19/1990 #39735
Word: "knob" (Back to Top)
TATOW KNOB, UT 3 U-prospectors. Bright silver 5/10/1956 #12844 Knob Noster, MO Close encounter. Obj. 45 6/1/1965 #18980 .m. EDT. A disc-like object with a knob and antenna (protrusions) on top ap 10/24/1967 #23301 While driving from Iron Knob to Kimba, South Australia on Route 2/4/1973 #27270 yellow, pointed, hood with a black knob on top with "wooden" antennae or ho 5/15/1973 #27492 Apple Valley, Minnesota Pilot Knob Road 3:30 a.m. Russell Matson is dr 8/10/1981 #36068 Minnesota, when just west of Pilot Knob Road he sees a hexagonal object nea 8/10/1981 #36068 all dark figure. Short legs. Small knob for head. Glows and vanishes. 8/1989 (approximate) #39037 Whiteman AFB Knob Noster, Missouri The first operatio 12/17/1993 #41331 elivered to Whiteman AFB, south of Knob Noster, Missouri, where the fleet i 12/17/1993 #41331 omed ovoid. Extreme accelerations. Knob / bottom. 4 minutes / videotape. 12/19/2001 #44296 ed ovoid object. It had a peculiar knob shape on the bottom of the object. 12/19/2001 #44297 s, with what looked like a head or knob on the front. It didn't look mechan 4/5/2004 #44684
Word: "knob-arms" (Back to Top)
/ stone quarry. Odd 80' blob with knob-arms hums / 500' altitude. Going we 10/1/1977 #32541
Word: "knob-like" (Back to Top)
ge tilted toward them. On top is a knob-like protuberance with an antenna a 10/24/1967 #23305 nd three huge humanoids with small knob-like heads step out. They wear silv 9/27/1989 #39124 nd three huge humanoids with small knob-like heads stepped out. These wore 9/27/1989 #39126
Word: "knobbed" (Back to Top)
he being took from the hut a black knobbed microphone, into which he spoke 5/15/1973 #27492
Word: "knobs" (Back to Top)
t for about 90 seconds; it has two knobs or thick fins on the top. Around 4 7/8/1947 #3014 h electronic equipment and control knobs, and telepathically she was told s 9/3/1965 #19518 e can see complicated instruments (knobs, dials, and switches), a TV screen Mid 10/1965 #19659 and control panels with lights and knobs, could be seen inside. It vanished 10/24/1967 #23302 dows were seen moving behind them. Knobs and electronic equipment were visi 10/24/1967 #23309 l openings with little handles and knobs were situated at what appeared to 8/15/1970 #25787 m where he was sat in a chair with knobs and controls in front of it. There 8/15/1970 #25787 an heads, shaped like smooth green knobs, with small noses and small ears, 1/5/1975 #29723 rms over a table with little black knobs. They were busy manipulating the k 8/25/1976 #31302 s. They were busy manipulating the knobs while a third being stood in front 8/25/1976 #31302 dless robot-like entity with small knobs on its chest also accompanied them 9/21/1989 #39115 here lands. Headless robot / small knobs. Ummo Mark / sketch. 9/23/1989 #39117 FLOYDS KNOBS, IN 2 / car. Huge manta-UFO going 3/4/1990 #39443 ere was a control panel with shiny knobs, which flashed silver as he approa 10/28/2000 #44063
Word: "knock" (Back to Top)
erbrook, Canada Mrs. Orfei heard a knock at the door in the middle of the n 12/1953 #9327 SHERBROOK, QBC Knock / door. Dog terrified. 100M UFO fl 12/15/1953? #9365 in Sherbrooke, Quebec. There was a knock on the door heard next. Checking o 12/15/1953 #9367 . He gets out of the car to try to knock one over, but they come over to hi 10/23/1965 #19678 nt of it. His first thought was to knock it over with the car so he would h 10/23/1965 #19679 At 5:30 p.m. there was a knock at Edward Christiansen's home in W 1/9/1967 #21278 as awakened at one a.m. by a sharp knock on his door. "I saw a man standing 2/26/1968 #23784 t happen. At 2:00 a.m. on Friday a knock came at her door, and outside was 8/8/1969 #25312 FO reports when there was a sudden knock at the door. Where his office is l 4/25/1978 #33171 ps walking down the hall. But this knock came abruptly, and when he opened 4/25/1978 #33171 es direction and shoots away. They knock on the door of a baker named Varis 6/19/1978 #33291 with his left wing, hoping he can knock some to the ground. As his wing sl 7/1985 #37613 90 minutes. Cpl. S. Dudnik sees it knock out a radar aerial with a light be 9/13/1990 #39729 wakened when he felt some type of "knock" in his head, perhaps some form of 1/1/1998 #43484
Word: "knocked" (Back to Top)
outheast. The explosion has either knocked down or stunned a horse in Colle 7/2/1907 #697 am of light, which stunned him and knocked him to the ground. A little whil 3/5/1946 #1974 f of smoke or "vapor" at him which knocked him down, and the witness starte 8/14/1947 #3334 s aircraft's electrical system was knocked out of operation by a cone of li 5/6/1949 #4161 l injuries indicate that Olson was knocked unconscious before he exited the 11/28/1953 #9324 car atop some iron railings it had knocked down, and was taken to hospital. 5/13/1954 #9791 SAN CARLOS, VNZ 3 observer(s). Man knocked down / short hairy small humanoi 12/16/1954 #11821 ike a mercury-vapor lamp). A force knocked me over. The Flying Saucer proce 2/23/1955 #12013 one point, one of the entities was knocked down from the roof by a bullet: 8/21/1955 #12385 ring a direct hit. The creature is knocked over, but gets up and scuttles o 8/21/1955 #12386 ties was struck by gunfire and was knocked off their roof, but inside of fa 8/21/1955 #12387 131D and is suddenly staggered and knocked to the right by a terrific blow. 7/22/1956 #13007 e is an arc flash and the robot is knocked backwards. This is repeated two 9/5/1964 #18539 r claimed something struck him and knocked him down. The pair left the barn 1/26/1965 #18770 rce struck him in the forehead and knocked him to the ground, causing him t 3/14/1965 #18854 URCIA AIR FORCE BASE, SP Machinist knocked off bicycle / UFO. Type unknown. 12/1965 #19745 he object at Mrs. Tibbetts, who is knocked backward and gets spots before h 11/1/1966 #21061 intense beam of light from the UFO knocked the mother down. She reported ha 11/1/1966 #21064 gon. A blast of wind from the UFOs knocked one of the five witnesses agains 12/25/1966 #21221 r walked toward it, flash of light knocked him out, APRO Bulletin, Mar.-Apr 8/27/1967 #22938 house, it came up to a window and knocked on the pane, making a mooing sou 7/28/1968 #24245 le and lots of little boys..." She knocked at a nearby house, and the resid 8/4/1968 #24297 ad broken free of their stalls and knocked harnesses off the walls. 4/23/1969 #25086 n terror, and they pursued him and knocked him to the ground by the force f 5/5/1969 #25117 rier ten meters away from it, that knocked him down and caused him to lose 5/27/1971 #26139 ical effects when a beam of energy knocked the driver of their vehicle down 8/2/1971 #26264 ss the road. Next a blinding light knocked him to the ground, where he lay 3/23/1974 #28939 a strong blast of air that nearly knocked the witnesses down, the object t 4/16/1974 #29042 n straight into the figure and was knocked to the ground. He picked himself 11/21/1974 #29601 h. Also, pressure on her shoulders knocked her down, and she attempted to s 1/23/1976 #30817 ss ran away he felt a blow and was knocked down. He then saw a being slide 9/5/1976 #31346 y a light beam from the craft that knocked him down, creating a tingling se 7/10/1977 #32257 s too late to stop the car, and he knocked the "bowling pin shaped" thing d 8/25/1977 #32423 to walk toward the object but was knocked down by a blast of wind. The cra 6/16/1978 #33282 dish beam of light from the object knocked the witness out. When he woke up 1/13/1979 #34339 n, a beam of light struck him that knocked him senseless. When he regained 4/20/1980 #35281 one of the humanoids but again was knocked down by a beam of red light that 4/20/1980 #35281 Lima, OH Witness knocked back by light beam. 5-min durati 8/17/1980 #35461 here she found the heavy doorframe knocked down and lying on the grass. See 3/13/1990 #39458 he forehead by a shining light and knocked unconscious. He wakes up at home Early 6/1994 #41548 fter entering his home the two men knocked on his door. They proceeded to a 7/14/1999 #43802 it caused were so strong that they knocked over objects inside the house. 10/29/2000 #44065 came over him, and the witness was knocked to the ground. When he awoke it 9/21/2007 #45066
Word: "knocking" (Back to Top)
ers emit dark smoke. One explodes, knocking a farmer to the ground, and kil 10/5/1954 #10731 ouse. The cows panic and run away, knocking a girl to the ground, while the 10/15/1954 #11109 e. The cows panicked and ran away, knocking a girl to the ground, while the 10/15/1954 #11115 f emitting a loud whistling sound, knocking the first witness down with a s 10/25/1954 #11401 s. Sutton fires point blank at it, knocking it from the roof, but it just “ 8/21/1955 #12386 ying saucers are all but literally knocking on the laboratory door. . . . S 8/21/1965 #19448 e Souza on the head and shoulders, knocking him unconscious. The three enti 8/13/1967 #22874 nd hits the upper part of his arm, knocking him down. His jacket catches fi 3/19/1968 #23849 eam hit the upper part of his arm, knocking him to the ground. His jacket c 3/19/1968 #23850 his night when she heard very loud knocking at the front door at around eig 8/31/1968 #24410 ned, Luis fought back effectively, knocking them both to the ground, one on 2/12/1969 #24915 Barry and struck him on the chest, knocking him into a pool of water. It th 1/6/1974 #28654 in the air and zaps both of them, knocking them to the ground. Chapin hits 12/29/1976 #31639 yellow light shoots out at Battle, knocking him back against his truck, sca 8/17/1980 #35462 ped up and began wild grunting and knocking about in their pens. They settl 10/26/1980 #35591 bove the adjacent housing complex, knocking out thousands of panes of glass 6/1/1982 #36489 hears voices in the night and loud knocking sounds. She wakes to find small 1988 #38383 n overturned. Later she heard loud knocking sounds coming from the crawlspa 3/13/1990 #39458 am struck the witness in the eyes, knocking him backward with its force. It 8/11/1995 #42376 gure floated towards a nearby tree knocking itself against it, and a branch 8/2/2000 #44026 th with a drug-laced handkerchief, knocking her out. Three days later, Sibo 9/6/2000 #44037 Minnesota at a high rate of speed, knocking out electrical power in homes. 10/6/2005 #44886
Word: "knockout" (Back to Top)
y potentially aiming for a nuclear knockout kill of the entire US nuclear f 9/20/1957 #14020
Word: "knocks" (Back to Top)
R ANGUS, SCOT Pyramid. Lifts cart. Knocks man / horse. Damages buildings. / 9/1767 #82 e accompanied by a shock wave that knocks people off their feet and breaks 6/30/1908 #711 t 100 feet altitude, but the force knocks him to his knees. After it passes 9/1929 #1103 , which emits a puff of smoke that knocks Rapuzzi to the ground as if from 8/14/1947 #3330 era” at him that emits a beam that knocks him over. Facchini lies still whi 4/24/1950 #4888 sked who it was. When more furious knocks were heard, her Alsatian dog jump 12/1953 #9327 VER DOWNS, AUSTR 13M saucer nearly knocks man / horse. Rumble and wind. / F 2/1954 #9514 ast of wind from the object nearly knocks him off his feet. He continues, a 3/15/1965 #18859 IMA, PERU Small humanoid (or Grey) knocks / door. Woman screams. He runs. L 8/17/1965 #19412 k. Huge UFO with 4+4 windows. Beam knocks observer(s) going down. 11/1/1966 #21058 light coming from the object that knocks him out. Bystanders from other ca 8/27/1967 #22940 QBC UFO lands. Type unknown. Flash knocks observer(s) down. Imprints found 5/30/1971 #26143 he path. Suddenly a blinding light knocks him to the ground where he lies u 3/23/1974 #28936 and closed the door. Then he heard knocks on the door and the cabin shook. 5/26/1974 #29136 rlington Hotel when he heard three knocks on the window of the terrace behi 4/6/1975 #29978 n the chest. It lifts him up, then knocks him unconscious to the ground lik 11/5/1975 #30562 eball going east from Sweden. Beam knocks boy down. Missing time. Burns. / 11/15/1976? #31550 GIOVANNI, ITL Big umbrella-saucer knocks out street lights. Same again / 0 8/25/1977 #32421 shoots out of the blue object and knocks the yellow object in half, one pa 4/20/1984 #37278
Word: "knokkeheist" (Back to Top)
KNOKKEHEIST, BELGIUM Leaves rustle / par 7/1968 #24102
Word: "knoll" (Back to Top)
eronautical consultant Felix W. A. Knoll, technical writer Ed J. Sullivan, 4/2/1952 #6016 Bury, Greater Manchester, England Knoll Hill Heywood 1:50 a.m. Detective S 4/2/1976 #30979 ling. The object is heading toward Knoll Hill, east of Bury. The UFO makes 4/2/1976 #30979
Word: "knolls" (Back to Top)
Word: "knopf" (Back to Top)
contract with publisher Alfred A. Knopf. In August 1973, they submit their 3/1972 #26584 eletions. The book is published by Knopf in 1974 as The CIA and the Cult of 3/1972 #26584 Alfred A. Knopf publishes The CIA and the Cult of 6/12/1974 #29180
Word: "knopka" (Back to Top)
Two boys, Doug Knopka, age 9, and Tim Dietz, age 8, wer 8/3/1965 #19294
Word: "knot" (Back to Top)
issance aircraft moving at a 1,500 knot clip at an altitude of 65,000 feet? 12/1954 #11736 ge object with a dent on top and a knot on the bottom off Newcastle, New So 3/17/1965 #18861
Word: "knots" (Back to Top)
upon withdrawal. Est. speed: 1000 knots 9/12/1948 #3798 ng of unidentified target at 3,000 knots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 1/26/1951 #5417 ransport, flying at a speed of 200 knots at 10,000 feet between Iceland and 2/8/1951 #5434 also tracked by ground radar at 78 knots (90 m.p.h.) at 22,500' and 25,000' 3/23/1952 #5969 rst at an estimated speed of 1,000 knots, but then began to maneuver and zi 4/5/1952 #6035 e with a light flew as fast as 330 knots (380 mph). It hovered, flew curves 4/5/1952 #6035 Morocco Unidentified target at 650 knots at 60,000+ ft altitude (NICAP: 09 6/12/1952 #6485 dentified radar blip moving at 650 knots (750 mph) and at an altitude great 6/12/1952 #6490 l big radar blips tracked at 1,500 knots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 7/12/1952 #6779 atch up with the UFO moving at 550 knots. 7/24/1952 #7120 MI UFO by radar, target speed 550 knots (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: B 7/28/1952 #7256 unidentified target moving at 550 knots. An F-94 in the area was asked to 7/29/1952 #7307 ed from southwest to east at 50-60 knots (60-70 mph), following each other. 7/29/1952 #7333 her. The large object moved at 600 knots (700 mph). One hour total time. Th 7/29/1952 #7333 e with a light flew as fast as 330 knots (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, B 8/5/1952 #7465 e with a light, and it flew at 330 knots, then hovered, then performed a va 8/5/1952 #7473 FPS-3 Radar Tracks Objects At 1200 Knots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 8/6/1952 #7484 lip hovered, then shot away at 300 knots, and in the process divided into t 8/6/1952 #7491 t flew at speeds in excess of 1200 knots. The UFOs were in vicinity of Gore 8/6/1952 #7492 in diameter and it flew at 300-400 knots (350-450 mph). They watched it for 10/19/1952 #8166 be moving at a speed of 150 to 200 knots.The report contains a very accurat 2/6/1953 #8644 . The UFO passed underneath at 300 knots, just under the nose of the aircra 4/16/1953 #8832 light flying at an estimated 1,000 knots (1,100 mph). The object eluded the 6/22/1953 #8957 nald list) F-94C Tracks UFO at 200 Knots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 9/28/1953 #9183 ace the UFO by accelerating to 225 knots but it kept up with their plane. T Winter 1953 #9385 titude at a speed in excess of 400 knots. 12/24/1953 #9395 vy jet at a speed in excess of 240 knots. The UFO was half the length of th 5/10/1954 #9772 rd in command was traveling at 260 knots at 19,000 ft. when the crew saw a 6/29/1954 #9958 e to hover. It may cruise at 1,500 knots and have a range of 15,000 nautica 12/1954 #11736 t) F-89D Locks Onto Target at 1000 Knots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 5/13/1955 #12129 KS B-47 Encounters Moving At 1,300 Knots (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 7/26/1955 #12289 e after accelerating the U-2 to 70 knots. He is unable to land the U-2 on h 8/1/1955 #12316 Target For 13 Minutes / Up To 3000 Knots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 12/17/1955 #12614 counters "Jack O'Lantern" At 1,000 Knots (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 2/11/1956 #12709 onald list) F-89 Tracks Object 500 Knots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 8/17/1956 #13097 ect flying straight at about 4,800 knots (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: B 11/27/1957 #14631 tion of three lights flying at 900 knots and picked them up on radar. The r 1/11/1958 #14820 AR Uncorrelated Target Doing 1300 Knots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 3/31/1958 #14950 list) Uncorrelated Target At 3,300 Knots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 8/30/1958 #15231 Radars On B-52 Track UFO At 14,000 Knots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 1/18/1960 #16154 luster of 3 Objects Tracked at 900 Knots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 2/27/1961 #16606 icle reaches a maximum speed of 20 knots and shows the ability to traverse 6/9/1961 #16722 (McDonald list) Two Blips At 4800 Knots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 6/25/1961 #16737 list) Sharp Radar Returns at 4000 Knots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 11/7/1961 #16957 ng what looked like twine with two knots in it, swerved, and climbed away a 10/23/1962 #17488 t off at a speed in excess of 2000 knots. 2/7/1963 #17659 s at indicated airspeed of 184–218 knots. 4/20/1964 #18180 way at a steep angle at about 1200 knots ground speed. Estimated size (thum 2/11/1965 #18803 gets at extremely high speed 3,000 knots, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Cod 5/6/1965 #18928 vy ship heading west at 265° at 15 knots in the Philippine Sea sighted appr 5/6/1965 #18930 operators tracked object at 2,100 knots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 1/7/1967 #21271 vada flying at 41,000 feet and 300 knots saw a red oval luminous object in 1/13/1967 #21301 Shows Acceleration of 720 to 3600 Knots in 70 Secs. (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cas 7/6/1967 #22618 d them. They moved at speeds of 80 knots, and changed altitude. Most target 10/6/1967 #23186 follows coast going southeast / 90 knots. / r224p94. 6/6/1968 #24011 vy destroyer is moving north at 20 knots in the South Pacific Ocean about 3 10/24/1969 #25422 in diameter. It was moving at 4-6 knots, and the fisherman reported that h 11/6/1973 #28377 mission, flying at a speed of 200 knots, and an altitude of 2000 feet, sig 10/30/1975 #30523 haky, cold, and his stomach was in knots. He noticed that his engine restar 1/24/1979 #34378 t at an indicated air speed of 250 knots beginning at 8:00 p.m. and ending 11/18/1980 #35654 e estimates they are moving at 300 knots at an altitude of under 1,000 feet 4/25/1986 #37839 ed the UFOs at speeds of up to 800 knots (920 mph). At time the objects mad 5/19/1986 #37882 O for 50 seconds at a speed of 100 knots. About one hour later, at 8:20 a.m 1/28/1994 #41391 ocean traveling at a speed of 200 knots. It flew low, at an estimated alti 12/15/1999 #43898 winds that are gusting at over 100 knots at 18,000 feet. “The unknown aircr 3/26/2014 #45405 he destroyer’s speed, moving at 16 knots in order to maintain a hovering po 7/14/2019 #45592
Word: "knott" (Back to Top)
Knott Street Coquille, Oregon 11:15 a.m. 12/27/1979 #35100 ction workers are driving south on Knott Street in Coquille, Oregon, when t 12/27/1979 #35100 six o'clock in the morning Lindsey Knott of Crawley, West Sussex, England r 1/7/1999 #43711
Word: "knotted" (Back to Top)
ght in a nearby fence with a cable knotted around its neck that connects to 4/19/1897 #538
Word: "know" (Back to Top)
peculiar a character that I do not know what to make of it.” It is a dazzli 4/24/1874 #203 in Oroville sense a hoax, as they know of no such inventor. On November 24 11/22/1896 #347 and, George H. Carleton, claims to know the inventor but has been sworn to 11/22/1896 #347 ey draw their rifles and demand to know who is there. A man with a long, da 5/6/1897 #593 with him fluently, but he does not know where they come from. He sees a lev 1906 #684 cts” on Allied planes. He does not know whether or not they are metallic. 12/13/1944 #1719 that it is “our responsibility to know about it and take proper action.” O 7/4/1947 #2654 quarters. Marcel and Blanchard all know this is from not any type of balloo 7/6/1947 #2812 , about which the President, etc., know.” The study is passed up the line t 7/30/1947 #3262 heard of flying saucers; 33% don’t know what they are, 39% consider them ho 8/14/1947 #3329 finding German engineers who might know of similar technology. 11/10/1947 #3482 technological developments do you know of that might explain UFOs and help 10/7/1948 #3830 interview every agency that might know something about green-flare operati 12/8/1948 #3918 nks (Llewelyn and Sneider), all we know is that they are soon no longer inv 1/1949 #3950 Harry S. Truman proposed that the “know how” of ULATT be shared with Canada 8/17/1949 #4320 ard. This group of people does not know their distant neighbors. 9/26/1949 #4372 e afraid and asking if he wants to know what it’s all about. Two beings abo 12/4/1949 #4434 n and tell him that, although they know he is lying, they want him to conti 3/1950 #4566 eign Relations Committee he didn’t know the origin of UAP. https://thesauc 3/27/1950 #4742 e naïve and childlike; they do not know who has built their flying saucers 3/28/1950 #4750 agrees, saying: “If anyone should know about such a project, I should know 4/4/1950 #4792 now about such a project, I should know—and I know of no development in the 4/4/1950 #4792 uch a project, I should know—and I know of no development in the aircraft o 4/4/1950 #4792 e of confusion and no one seems to know what it is all about.” 4/5/1950 #4799 ot want the American population to know of USAF interest in the subject. h 7/6/1950 #5047 flying saucer as such. As far as I know there is nothing to the flying sauc 2/13/1951 #5441 is effectively dead and demands to know “who in hell has been giving me the 10/1/1951 #5694 e sky,” but the Air Force does not know what they are. 7/18/1952 #6896 something. What they saw I do not know, and I am not curious to know”. 7/23/1952 #7035 not know, and I am not curious to know”. 7/23/1952 #7035 fact that something we just don’t know about is flying around in our skies Late 9/1952 #8027 on the bridge, saying they do not know what the light is, and that is not Late 10/1952 #8185 l station, which reports that they know of no planes in the area and that t 12/10/1952 #8409 s is incorrect, Ward tells him: “I know it wasn’t a balloon. You know it wa 11/3/1953 #9279 : “I know it wasn’t a balloon. You know it wasn’t a balloon. But until I’ve 11/3/1953 #9279 Nathan Twining. The public can now know that the 4602nd Air Intelligence Se 8/12/1954 #10138 lie; it's 4:00." Then he wanted to know how far and in what direction Marse 10/20/1954 #11270 lie, it's 4:00." Then he wanted to know how far away and in what direction 10/20/1954 #11278 ncident to the press and claims to know nothing about Stringfield’s relatio 8/23/1955 #12399 sons, A, B, and Jemi, who claim to know a great deal about the UFO intellig 4/1956 #12777 ree different persons who claim to know about UFO intelligences, deep space 4/1956 #12778 out organization. Cameron does not know that the money originates from the 2/1957 #13481 O case was constant. If we did not know, from our earlier information, what 7/17/1957 #13808 YORKEYS KNOW, AUSTRALIA Several separate farmers 11/6/1957 #14380 rld he calls Gharnasvarn (which we know as Venus) and he shows her what see 11/16/1957 #14567 object through binoculars, do not know what it is. Suddenly the object shi 1958 #14783 lip Billard Municipal Airport, who know her well and tell her about the lig 11/11/1958 #15438 strange "newsmen" who appeared to know all the details of it. 11/23/1958 #15456 strange "newsmen" who appeared to know all the details of it. 11/23/1958 #15457 ade informed remarks. He seemed to know a good deal more than Nixon, who wa Spring 1959 #15656 f her education could not possibly know the answers. Yet as questions were 7/9/1959 #15829 me into this solar system…we don’t know when…but it had been in space a lon 6/12/1960 #16312 edded in the surface. But we don’t know whether it was a few years ago—or a 6/12/1960 #16312 eparedness Committee, who wants to know about USAF explanations for the Was 7/13/1960 #16335 England. Officials say: “We do not know what it is. It was seen on the rada 6/19/1961 #16732 hen I really looked, I just didn't know what to think. It's hard to say how 11/18/1961 #16964 ves are waiting for them. They all know it has taken longer than it should Late 11/1961 #16978 t attack, but he [Dobrynin] should know that if another plane was shot at . 10/27/1962 #17505 hing to the UFO-ICBM connection. I know the Air Force covers up when it fee Late 1964 #18584 around and everything. And I don’t know how far away from the site he was. 12/9/1965 #19762 s data for 18 years and not let us know about it?” Hynek’s then-associate J 6/8/1966 #20543 ed to the witnesses." He wanted to know why both men were dressed alike. Hi 11/17/1966 #21119 ing them with reports, he wants to know what Condon thinks of the 1965 case 12/1966 #21171 dubious and tells them to let him know if they get any closer. A few minut 3/24/1967 #21973 n “see” UFOs, but no one will ever know because the data that does not fit 3/28/1967 #22005 st can’t answer that, I just don’t know. I can’t recall having done so.’” 4/24/1967 #22214 investigator Eric Zurcher, "We now know that the beings in question were al 7/17/1967 #22684 remain in bed, hoping no one would know they are in the camper. After anoth 8/12/1967 #22868 ou to come with us, so that you'll know other worlds, and you'll realize ho 9/3/1967 #22989 ou to come with us, so that you'll know other worlds…". She screamed and th 9/3/1967 #22990 fice of Naval Research, wanting to know who approved his funding and whethe 12/16/1967 #23593 lizes that Condon “honestly didn’t know anything about that memo until a co 2/9/1968 #23746 ick green fog. The next thing they know they are driving on a road near Mex Early 5/1968 #23939 linois, October 16, 1973. "I don't know whether this story has ever been to Summer 1968 #24063 ce, one of them asked him, "Do you know these people? They were like you. M 6/30/1968 #24097 ude handwriting: “You are going to know the world. F. Saucer.” The witness’ 7/2/1968 #24131 him, in Spanish, "You are going to know the world. We will take you. But no 7/2/1968 #24133 was the message, "You are going to know the world, F. Saucer." The two men 7/2/1968 #24133 o Mummy...and after that...I don't know anything more...until I found mysel 8/4/1968 #24297 er to Robert A. Frosch, wanting to know who has financed James E. McDonald’ 9/30/1968 #24526 until I saw this,” he said. “Now I know that there is something to these UF 3/4/1969 #24963 arby eucalyptus forest. He did not know how long he had been unconscious. U 9/20/1971 #26354 at their extraterrestrial visitors know nothing about. At the last minute, 5/1973 #27460 group the Holloman entities don’t know about. After pre-production, permis 5/1973 #27461 " they asked, but he replied, "You know." He also said that he had no name, 5/15/1973 #27492 eling that there are occupants who know everything they are thinking. Donna 10/16/1973 #28087 ted. Pass out. Pseudo-human/entity know observer's name. 2+hours / missing 2/9/1974 #28753 ng these beings out. We just don’t know what to do next. If they can get in 4/1974 #28982 ng these beings out. We just don’t know what to do next. If they can get in 4/1974 #28984 V out / Moscow / 12 minute(s)! All know but not in news. 8/1974 #29291 House he did “not” have a need to know if there was a secret UAP study som 4/13/1975 #29985 and safely. Aviation personnel who know him testify to his sobriety and tru 5/3/1975 #30026 ed by the UFO. The next thing they know, they are a mile farther down the r 10/27/1975 #30486 deral government officials seem to know what is going on. 1976 #30746 ormation that existed on a need to know basis only. Simple curiosity on the 11/19/1976 #31557 t me figure this out. I’ll let you know.” Then they notice that “the three 3/12/1977 #31901 els, “So whatever it was, we don’t know. But it did cause a disruption in t 3/12/1977 #31901 e, indicating that he must already know a great deal about her. He asked he 4/4/1977 #31943 he answered, "it is not for you to know." His voice came out in a metallic 4/4/1977 #31943 er sounding voice, “You will never know who we are and where we come from.” 4/25/1977 #32026 er sounding voice, "you will never know who we are and where we come from." 4/25/1977 #32027 tion: “I’ve lost my sight; I don’t know what to do!” Four aircraft surround 4/29/1977 #32035 of the meeting, Henry lets Hinners know that he has some relevant expertise 8/3/1977 #32352 . The Air Force admits they do not know what the objects were. 10/31/1977 #32642 ered no injuries and does not even know Jenkins. 11/16/1977 #32677 nute and replied "It could be, you know." 7/9/1978 #33357 Jesus’s birthday, they claimed “We know all about Jesus.” They said they wo 1/4/1979 #34296 to celebrate Jesus's birthday. "We know all about Jesus," they claimed. The 1/5/1979 #34304 . The police find that he does not know his name, where he has come from, o 2/5/1979 #34405 rea of the border told him “yes, I know about that…I don’t have any papers 8/13/1979 #34741 prove it, but due to my position I know about that.” http://www.ignaciodar 8/13/1979 #34741 riends and others, whom he did not know. He was also shown a large glass cy 12/2/1979 #35040 via mental telepathy, but we don't know the content of their communication. 8/4/1980 #35441 tanton T. Friedman and Brad Sparks know him personally and will vouch for h 9/30/1980 #35547 me. Mechanics tell them they don’t know why a car would do that, so they as 7/31/1981 #36049 teven Spielberg and comments, “You know, there aren’t six people in this ro 6/27/1982 #36521 aren’t six people in this room who know how true this really is.” 6/27/1982 #36521 in a low guttural voice "Don't you know me?" It then ran down a bank and di 11/13/1982 #36681 made 80 degree turns. "No plane I know can make turns like that at 1,000 k 5/19/1986 #37882 nd Area 51. Kellerstrass claims to know USAF Lt. Col. Robert R. Hippler (al Fall 1986 #38034 child’s thigh. The next thing they know, they are walking down a road 7 mil 3/7/1987 #38132 ion and projects. Maccabee doesn’t know if any findings were discovered. P 7/7/1987 #38206 the subject. Walker adds: “Yes, I know of MJ-12. I have known of them for 8/30/1987 #38264 ducted him do not want humanity to know. Following this, Spencer is returne 12/1/1987 #38345 ses because “you’re a CIA man. You know all that stuff.” “I know some,” Bus 3/7/1988 #38493 man. You know all that stuff.” “I know some,” Bush replies, “I know a fair 3/7/1988 #38493 .” “I know some,” Bush replies, “I know a fair amount.” 3/7/1988 #38493 e. ESP. Walker states “only a few” know about ESP and only then would you h 1990 #39355 e had tried,” he said. He does not know what they are, although UFOs are pr Late 1990 #39786 on projects that Congress doesn’t know about; it’s an even greater offense 1991 #39939 r flying saucers…they’re real, you know.” http://www.roswellproof.com/hend 7/9/1991 #40116 told him he didn’t have a need to know. Greer alleges the program was UAP 7/28/1991 #40136 bably extraterrestrial but I don’t know the details” viewpoint, represented 6/13/1992 #40492 "that he was on a mission; you'll know what it is in time." They then made 5/13/1993 #40976 nts from eight women, none of whom know each other, all of whom consciously 1994 #41345 ilitary types who ask “What do you know about the alien agenda? What have t 1994 #41345 s were just numeric and he did not know who at NSA was receiving them once Early 1994 #41352 president does not have a need to know. 1/15/1994 #41371 says: “I think the government does know. I can’t back that up, but I think 10/1/1994 #41779 rtis LeMay and I said, “General, I know we have a room at Wright- Patterson 10/1/1994 #41779 trobing lights. Though they do not know the exact distance, Tollefson and W 5/25/1995 #42227 loss of consciousness and does not know what happened for two hours. She va 5/19/1996 #42905 s there was some road they did not know about. They watched the scene for a 6/4/1996 #42921 e, ‘Sir, you do not have a need to know.’ The head of intelligence Joint St 4/10/1997 #43260 t Staffs. You don’t have a need to know. Neither did the CIA director, and 4/10/1997 #43260 and for the people who were in the know and were told, I’m sorry, admiral, 4/10/1997 #43260 , admiral, you do not have need to know here and so, goodbye.” Shortly afte 4/10/1997 #43260 reword to be retracted, saying, “I know of no such ‘cover-up,’ and do not b 6/1997 #43304 rt” on the contract. Baker did not know where Li went or why she didn’t fin 8/1/1997 #43364 ered by mental thought but did not know the mechanism. https://archive.org 1999 #43709 aims the dilemma for those “in the know” is that extra-materialized entitie 7/7/1999 #43798 e man in five years and they don’t know where he is. https://archive.org/s 11/2000 #44070 from her bedroom, but she doesn't know how she got outdoors. She was orien 5/2/2001 #44174 or Hal Puthoff. Westwood claims to know that the MJ-12 documents are disinf 5/5/2001 #44178 site had inscriptions. He did not know about any bodies but says the ballo 3/1/2002 #44321 iful and also added, "Humans don't know what they have. Where we come from 3/26/2002 #44326 en felt very confused and does not know if she left her bed, but she could 1/27/2003 #44481 tion” says people are not ready to know this. * https://www.forbes.com/si 5/7/2003 #44528 aliens” from 1950-51. Green didn’t know if the photo was real but Zimmerman 8/19/2003 #44576 Colby told Green he “deserve[d] to know,” but wouldn’t confirm alien biolog 8/23/2003 #44581 hat are our chances? We don’t even know who the major contractor is,” he sa 10/2/2003 #44610 if confused, or afraid and didn't know what to do. As he got closer, the f 3/12/2004 #44676 fferers of progeria. She claims to know of 3 classified balloon flights in 6/2005 #44846 ve to avoid hitting it. They don’t know where the creature went, but it wal 10/27/2007 #45080 an C Price would be in position to know about Roswell materials and that th 9/12/2009 #45246 xander states that “if five people know [the reality of UAP], Dr. Edward Te 2/15/2011 #45316 scription of the third vehicle. "I know people are going to think that it's 8/6/2013 #45381 ng to think that it's crazy, but I know what I saw." 8/6/2013 #45381 Bermúdez Sanhueza says: “We do not know what it was, but we do know what it 11/11/2014 #45423 do not know what it was, but we do know what it was not.” 11/11/2014 #45423 ot be considered to have a need to know. All of this results in very effect 2018 #45498 nizant of such a program. I do not know of any fundamentally limiting facto 2018 #45498 s not automatically have a need to know. Moreover, Freedom Of Information A 2018 #45498 paign called “We Have the Right to Know.” The campaign demands that the Bra 2/2018 #45504 some executives at aerospace firms know of the programs and at least one wa 4/30/2019 #45575 of the USS Russell, but we do not know what happened the next day, or in t 7/30/2019 #45600 is “ill-informed” and not “in the know” about the history of legacy UAP re 4/29/2020 #45644 timate and the fact that he didn’t know who he was suggests there is “some 7/19/2020 #45653 g along by acting like they do not know, which could be the case for a numb 4/15/2021 #45682 im access to the program. “I don’t know…what kind of classification it was, 5/1/2021 #45686 dent, the first thing he’d want to know is the “Department of Energy, all o 5/5/2021 #45688 n specimens and spaceship? And you know, they did a little bit of research 5/18/2021 #45689 bjects in the skies, that we don’t know exactly what they are, we can’t exp 5/18/2021 #45689 was told he didn’t have a need to know. Another individual, the son of a r 9/28/2021 #45711 s, etc. Sheehan states he does not know if the group has had diplomatic rel 10/2021 #45713 the SEC would not be very happy to know that two publicly traded companies 10/21/2021 #45717
Word: "know-how" (Back to Top)
that he has considerable technical know-how and a penchant for pranks. 2/15/1957 #13509
Word: "knowing" (Back to Top)
from the track on the south side. Knowing there is no farmhouse in the are 4/15/1897 #487 he proposed agency to the Gestapo. Knowing that Americans want a smaller fe 2/10/1945 #1778 which the secretary has no way of knowing is unloaded. Even though she has 2/19/1954 #9558 cho 1 satellite. As he watches it, knowing it is not the right time for Ech 9/14/1960 #16446 sses were watching from, as though knowing the operation was being observed 8/26/1965 #19466 nd Low meet with Craig, who admits knowing about the memo and says he was c 2/9/1968 #23746 ollege in the southeastern U.S. By knowing the name of the woman's college, 8/7/1968 #24308 00 a.m. he woke up in his bed, not knowing how he got there. He had an infl 5/20/1969 #25151 world was in great danger, without knowing from where the danger would come 5/21/1969 #25153 He sat there for a long while not knowing what to do until, finally, he wa 8/19/1969 #25324 wife sitting next to him. Without knowing why, he felt compelled to leave. 7/4/1970 #25727 h he drew a flying saucer, without knowing why. The being then took the pap 11/24/1970 #25917 tes after the figure vanished, not knowing what to do. Finally, some other 9/28/1972 #27038 CIA, FBI and NSA in 1975. Despite knowing it was being investigated for ab 4/26/1976 #31027 h later in his base infirmary, not knowing how he had gotten there. 8/16/1980 #35459 behalf of Air Force Intelligence, knowing it has been altered, in order to Summer 1981 #35977 ouse” with the windows lit up, but knowing there is no farmhouse in that lo 1/9/1987 #38096 g that he made the inquiry despite knowing that “the alleged observations d 3/1990 #39435 no basis in further study despite knowing otherwise. He suggests DOE is ig 5/17/1999 #43770 , while the other remained behind. Knowing that these men were "not from th 3/26/2002 #44326 e speed. They then drove away, not knowing what to do. A few yards down the 10/27/2007 #45080
Word: "knowingly" (Back to Top)
pe Mg-26 had indeed been found and knowingly misrepresented the sample to A Early 9/1957 #13971 elony…for a government employee to knowingly disseminate false information 1991 #39939
Word: "knowledge" (Back to Top)
my reported in 2006 that it has no knowledge of such a report in its archiv 6/12/1790 #91 haver claims to possess first-hand knowledge of the Deros and their caves, 11/1943 #1541 ies from discarnates with advanced knowledge of spirit and cosmos, Layne an 2/1945 #1768 Here it is revealed that Shaver’s knowledge of the cave world and Lemuria 4/1945 #1835 to 5,900 nanocuries without their knowledge or consent. The intent is to s 4/10/1945 #1844 r mystery.” Doreal claims intimate knowledge of the subterranean realms, wh 10/1946 #2195 absolutely no comment”, claimed no knowledge 7/8/1947 #2952 artment, however, claim to have no knowledge of USG or USG contractor progr 8/19/1947 #3354 eadquarters, de Reneaux denied any knowledge of the Aztec crash. 10/6/1950 #5215 s possible within the present U.S. knowledge—provided extensive detailed de 1952 #5843 eyond the frontiers of our present knowledge in the fields of atmospheric, 9/24/1952 #8022 nd that while investigating Soviet knowledge of UFO phenomena is a “primary 10/13/1952 #8128 n view of the present state of our knowledge regarding Flying Saucers for p 10/13/1952 #8128 ms of which he has direct personal knowledge. A few days before his death, 11/28/1953 #9324 rial craft beyond human scientific knowledge because no “physical matter” h 5/5/1955 #12123 he human body. Using his new-found knowledge and funds provided by Howard H 1959 #15515 n the light of “greater scientific knowledge” that will move them from unkn 2/17/1959 #15591 y clearance without his consent or knowledge. A January 25 CIA memo confirm 1/19/1965 #18748 intelligence analysis at Area 51. Knowledge obtained from analysis of the 8/16/1966 #20755 blue book containing their form of knowledge, which remained in her possess 1/25/1967 #21389 ut the house with apparently total knowledge of the contents of the rooms, 1/28/1967 #21411 ne at the Colorado project has the knowledge or resources to perform a seri 2/1967 #21429 subject will not add to scientific knowledge. 11/1970 #25897 companions drowned, "because of my knowledge of radio technology and my int 9/22/1972 #27026 ered the warehouse but none to his knowledge ever left; he stated he believ 12/14/1980 #35716 f the 9/11 attacks. Basiago claims knowledge of the “Montauk chair” (see 19 1981 #35765 m S. Steinman regarding government knowledge of UFOs: “I have no idea of wh 6/20/1983 #36884 sion experiments, done without the knowledge of GEPAN’s resident expert, Je 7/1983 #36898 ching on Halley’s Comet, then that knowledge would unite all the peoples of 11/19/1985 #37711 on, in an attempt to place current knowledge about the UFO phenomenon in pe 1987 #38090 hat the ETs, with our government’s knowledge, are mutilating domestic cattl 12/29/1987 #38378 ut rather, gaining secret esoteric knowledge about who humans really are, w 1/1991 #39944 he Cosmodrome. Kapustin denied any knowledge of the object, although they c 8/28/1991 #40168 ed work. Riconosciuto claims this knowledge was gained from working at Lea 5/13/1992 #40463 Note: CB Scott Jones denies direct knowledge of any inside information re: 4/15/1993 #40934 ldiers. The Polish Army denies all knowledge of the incident, but Col. Zdzi 3/15/1997 #43232 d that if placed into public forum knowledge of THE THEORY will irreversibl 3/11/1998 #43532 his subject” are isolated from UAP knowledge; “keepers of the secrets” resi 2000 #43914 t someone would kill him” for this knowledge, and the fact that he could co 11/2000 #44070 ngs talked about her and about her knowledge. At this point another one of 5/2/2001 #44174 senior officer who had first hand knowledge of USG alien reproduction vehi 4/25/2002 #44333 o most likely have involvement and knowledge of USG work in “alien-derived 4/25/2002 #44333 resent reality. Deacon claims USG knowledge of probable and possible futur 10/2006 #44970 , lots of branches; and to the USG knowledge, there are no paradoxes. If th 10/2006 #44970 eal name. The group has the direct knowledge of their superiors. The core p 2008 #45106 ncorporated into current or future knowledge. Experience anomalies are indi 6/26/2008 #45147 ohn Axee to better disseminate his knowledge. He claims he was contacted at 11/5/2010 #45305 Note: Uhouse states he had direct knowledge of the flying disc simulator h 11/1/2013 #45392 orm covert test unbeknownst to USG knowledge to see how crew react to them. 3/27/2017 #45466 d have exponentially increased our knowledge base and understanding since w 6/24/2018 #45531 y have not been investigated to my knowledge; I’m sorry, that have not been 10/28/2018 #45542 t been revealed or published to my knowledge.” Davis states “we” have crash 10/28/2018 #45542 it is possible fundamental physics knowledge is being withheld from the bro 2/11/2022 #45739 he virtual presentation “Dangerous Knowledge — UFO Science and the Last Hum 6/4/2022 #45756 als, both active and retired, with knowledge of these programs through thei 6/5/2023 #45798
Word: "knowledgeable" (Back to Top)
lish, German, and Russian and were knowledgeable in Spanish and French. “Hi 8/20/1954 #10158 ef the pilots and they appear very knowledgeable about UFOs. They seek “con 10/7/1956 #13266 nistering poison is described by a knowledgeable source at the time as a pn 9/1957 #13965 FO explanations be “reasonable and knowledgeable.” 12/24/1959 #16133 ny years, have no files or persons knowledgeable on the subject, and hence 7/29/1971 #26251
Word: "knowledgeably" (Back to Top)
bility to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authorit 1995 #41923
Word: "knowles" (Back to Top)
edly shows Rear Admiral Herbert B. Knowles a metallic piece from a saucer t 7/28/1952 #7266 neighbor, retired Adm. Herbert B. Knowles, sufficiently for him to write R 6/8/1954 #9877 at does not happen, Espe writes to Knowles saying that ONI will pursue the 6/8/1954 #9877 Swan contact case and accepts Adm. Knowles’s invitation to Eliot, Maine, to 7/24/1954 #10046 on of retired Navy Adm. Herbert B. Knowles, visits contactee Frances Swan i 7/28/1954 #10059 oes to Eliot, Maine, to visit Adm. Knowles and interview Frances Swan. Lars 7/5/1959 #15817 Mundrabilla, AU Knowles family encounter with oval objec 1/20/1988 #38420 Mundrabilla, Western Australia Knowles family encounter with oval objec 1/20/1988 #38421 na, South Australia 4:10 a.m. Faye Knowles and her three sons Patrick, Sean 1/20/1988 #38422 ham Henley is driving ahead of the Knowles’s car; he sees a bright light in 1/20/1988 #38422 Henley pulls into Mundrabilla, the Knowles family arrives in a state of dis 1/20/1988 #38422 The four member Knowles family was driving on the Nullab 1/20/1988 #38423
Word: "known" (Back to Top)
s 12:00 noon. George Dunlap, a man known to Davis H. Tucker, physician at t 4/19/1897 #536 an Academy of Science what are now known as the Einstein field equations, w 11/1915 #937 ortugal. What happens then becomes known as the “Miracle of the Sun.” Vario 10/13/1917 #970 vers, see nothing at all. The only known picture of the Sun taken during th 10/13/1917 #970 When they reach a megalithic tomb known as Nuraghe Trudumeddu, they dismou 5/1931 #1126 overhead going east. Bigger / any known. Circles railroad/railway station/ 1/1/1934 #1191 ation of mentally impaired sadists known as “Deros”— short for “detrimental 11/1943 #1541 Seattle, WA Frank Ryman-1st known photo of Circular obj which moved 7/4/1947 #2649 t resistant metal or alloy not yet known.” 7/8/1947 #2953 th no vapor trail. It resembles no known aircraft. 7/10/1947 #3109 materials specialists say that no known material can withstand them either 12/1947 #3496 os sent to McIntyre has come to be known as the “Tomato Man” due to its lar 7/7/1948 #3699 lt spaceships. RAND’s reply is not known. 7/21/1948 #3722 an octopus.” However, there is no known record of a launch on this date of 8/21/1948 #3785 the document. The most recent case known to have been listed in the documen 9/30/1948? #3817 annot be credited to any presently known culture on earth.” The document is 11/4/1948 #3868 ne in authority are now definitely known to have been guided missiles shot 4/3/1949 #4069 hat of a meteor, but more than any known type of aircraft. d. No sound asso 4/19/1949 #4094 ial studies project within the DOD known as Unidentified Lenticular Aerodyn 8/17/1949 #4320 ar station and was advised that no known traffic was in his radar area. Moo 1/22/1950 #4499 southeast. Kodiak radar reports no known aircraft in the vicinity, but they 1/22/1950 #4503 r to be more maneuverable than any known aircraft. The maneuvers are simila 3/21/1950 #4695 III’s background in psyops was not known at the time publicly when he was i 3/27/1950 #4742 McMinnville UFO photographs, also known as the Trent UFO photos, were take 5/11/1950 #4936 dent Truman approves the location, known as Frenchman Flat. 7/1950 #5034 . Night light makes every maneuver known / observer(s). Going south. 10/14/1950 #5225 hat could not be attributed to any known source. Officials in charge of Oak 11/29/1950 #5300 ting in the US onto a dry lake bed known as Frenchman Flat, inside the Neva 1/27/1951 #5419 radar operators! No aircraft were known to be in the area. A third uniden 9/14/1951 #5667 radar operators! No aircraft were known to be in the area. A third unident 9/14/1951 #5668 a recreational camping area nearby known as Coyote Canyon. The military, ho 2/22/1952 #5920 direction accomplished unlike any known aircraft. They are shaped like con 4/20/1952 #6140 tes, it is flying too fast for any known aircraft. 7/10/1952 #6751 they performed gyrations which no known aircraft could perform.” Several C 7/19/1952 #6935 ked on radar going faster than any known aircraft. This convinces Sandys th 7/30/1952 #7362 everal hundred mph faster than any known jet aircraft. No sound is heard. T 8/9/1952 #7525 egan three hours earlier; the last known contact with the fighter is at 5:4 9/12/1952 #7905 ) It was not identifiable with any known aircraft and acceleration was in e 9/20/1952 #7982 t, the existence of the NSA is not known to the public. Due to its ultra-se 10/24/1952 #8181 were beyond the capability of any known aircraft.” 10/29/1952 #8215 e. The existence of the NSA is not known to the public at this time. 11/4/1952 #8246 attributed to natural phenomena or KNOWN types of aerial vehicles. OSI is p 11/25/1952 #8335 tributable to natural phenomena or known types of aerial vehicles.” Physici 12/2/1952 #8363 diate public announcement. What is known about the affair is the public man 1/17/1953 #8544 venes a series of meetings on UAP, known as the “Robertson Panel.” The CIA 1/18/1953 #8551 t Second Storey meets for the last known time, chaired by astrophysicist Pe 2/25/1953 #8704 h he explains all UFO sightings as known phenomena such as mirages and temp 3/1953 #8721 ng other than misinterpretation of known objects…. We can’t say positively 3/8/1953 #8739 an illusion, the location is still known as O’Neill’s bridge. When viewing 7/30/1953 #9021 r a mystery. The source is already known, but any information about this is 10/1953 #9197 ic. Air traffic control reports no known aircraft in his vicinity. 10/19/1953 #9243 trange object roars overhead. "Not known air traffic" / Air Traffic Control 2/18/1954 #9552 and media leaders later to become known as the Bilderberg group, meets at 5/29/1954 #9840 does not conform to any presently known aircraft or missile type, or which 8/12/1954 #10138 xte, Tarn, France, at a crossroads known as “La Caiffe” when they see two s 10/9/1954 #10855 gina was a “normal” individual not known to drink or to suffer from psychol 10/18/1954 #11225 tive it was not an aircraft or any known machine but a circular, flat craft 11/3/1954 #11547 tive it was not an aircraft or any known machine but a circular, flat craft 11/3/1954 #11548 id public exposure. In 1964, it is known as the 303 Committee, and in 1970 12/28/1954 #11868 installation near Groom Lake (now known as Area 51). 5/18/1955 #12140 e a deep roaring sound, unlike any known aircraft. 10/11/1955 #12500 ot be fitted to the pattern of any known object or phenomenon.” Out of 3,20 10/25/1955 #12519 een receiving letters from someone known as “Carlos Miguel Allende,” who cl 4/1956 #12778 delphia experiment,” as it becomes known, allegedly utilized electrograviti 4/1956 #12778 n years ago [prior to the earliest known multicellular life on land], were 1957 #13430 scovers a wall of petroglyphs [now known as the Petroglyphs of Pusharo, in 7/10/1957 #13788 ken to the hospital on landing. No known aircraft are in the vicinity. 7/17/1957 #13809 t. Such a structure, which becomes known as a “Dyson sphere,” would be a su 6/3/1958 #15077 t “Various items of ‘hardware’ are known to exist, but are usually clapped 1/11/1959 #15544 andering in the area. He speaks no known language, wears an odd uniform, an 1/21/1959 #15558 w out to sea. The witness had been known to the author, Norman Cruttwell, f 7/22/1959 #15871 rhaps 80,000 feet. At the time, no known aircraft can reach the stratospher 4/8/1960 #16218 sition “does not correspond to any known commercial manganese steel.” In Se 6/12/1960 #16312 redible cover story. The Mafia are known to be angry with Castro for closin 9/1960 #16428 ss in a TV broadcast. Perhaps best known for advocating that the nation gua 1/17/1961 #16579 pproves the Bay of Pigs plan (also known as Operation Zapata) for the invas 4/4/1961 #16643 degrees, with a speed "beyond any known jet.." 10/2/1961 #16890 of unidentified flying objects, or known Soviet/Bloc aerospace vehicles, we 11/13/1961 #16962 gathers a select group of advisors known as the ExComm (Executive Committee 10/16/1962 #17475 discoid objects fly over the lake known as Lago Maggiore at only 20 meters 12/19/1962 #17596 ological research into what became known as the “KUBARK Counterintelligence 7/1963 #17819 mmends Dr. Benjamin Simon, a well- known psychiatrist in Boston, Massachuse 9/7/1963 #17927 tie in with any natural phenomena known to our investigators.” He expresse 1965 #18681 of Staunton, Virginia, in an area known locally as Brands Flats. He sees t 1/19/1965 #18750 t control, and it was certainly no known aircraft.” 5/28/1965 #18973 ave. Classic saucer resembles well known photographs. No further details. 6/14/1965 #19004 dical student walking on the beach known as La Arenilla, and accompanied by 8/2/1965 #19270 watch it. It moved faster than any known conventional aircraft. 9/27/1965 #19616 years”. Also mentions what is now known as the US Gravity Control Research 3/21/1966 #20013 Experimental Hypnosis. He becomes known to the CIA staff as “Dr. Fingers” 6/30/1966 #20623 ch. That is the last time they are known to have been seen alive; it is pre 8/20/1966 #20779 sounds, nor was it shaped like any known aircraft. It shot off at high spee 9/18/1966 #20895 yriding in an area outside of town known as the “TNT area” [the site of a f 11/15/1966 #21107 Kensington, CT 6:00 p.m. EST. Two known witnesses (plus other curious moto 2/12/1967 #21520 n of which is the SR-71, which are known to overfly Cuba. 3/1967 #21700 sassinate Castro. The operation is known as Project AMLASH. After receiving 4/24/1967 #22214 object is not attributable to any known phenomenon or aircraft, but that t 2/4/1968 #23734 ect. Ground air control reports no known air traffic in the area. At this p 8/22/1968 #24369 sponds by announcing that they had known of McDonald’s UFO interests and ha 9/30/1968 #24526 lens flare, damaged emulsion, or a known object. Another analysis suggests Late 12/1968 #24790 acknowledged until 1969, the US is known to have organized, trained, and eq 1/22/1969 #24866 you by a procedure that is not yet known on your planet.” He then took from 8/11/1969 #25317 reau, Hayden Hewes. Exact date not known. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/1969 #25388 e Tiihonen, age 39, a locally well known and respected retired athlete, had 4/15/1970 #25633 A well known UFO photograph was taken on this d 4/9/1971 #26067 some mysterious entities, the well known stage psychic Uri Geller and physi 12/6/1971 #26490 nge object, report no aircraft are known to be in the area where the UFO wa 9/14/1972 #26997 o encountered a short, squat being known as "The Host." However, he believe 3/21/1973 #27356 be is in the position of Arcturus, known in our maps.” 4/1973 #27396 appear to mimic the appearance of known aircraft; others violate the laws 4/1973 #27397 ail interception. These come to be known as the Family Jewels. (Wikipedia, 5/9/1973 #27472 lves some elements that are little known in 1975, among them the aliens’ cl 10/16/1973 #28088 On this night a young man known as "Anders" was walking along a da 3/23/1974 #28939 n across top-secret documents. Now known as the “Deneb Report,” the documen 8/25/1974 #29386 Somewhere over a vast desert plain known as El Llano near Coyame, Chihuahua 8/25/1974 #29386 inguishes UFOs from other types of known aircraft. 5/17/1977 #32105 onstruction of the conversation is known as “Executive Briefing: Project Aq 6/14/1977 #32162 La Spezia, Italy. The mountain is known for reports of strange phenomena. 8/3/1977 #32353 veling fast to the right of a well known Heathrow Airport flight path. Watc 8/4/1977 #32360 ent aliens who make their presence known to selected individuals and world 11/17/1977 #32680 e driving through an isolated area known as Simonswood Moss, between Rainsf 1/2/1978 #32846 k coffee and anis at a wayside bar known as the Hostal 113, beside the high 2/5/1978 #32957 , but there is no correlation with known re-entries. He refers Boeker to th 5/6/1978 #33190 low altitude. No helicopters were known to be flying on this night. 7/24/1978 #33414 sical evidence program is ongoing, known as “UFOHEAP,” though it seems to b 9/19/1978 #33710 4,500 feet. He is told there is no known traffic at that level. Valentich c 10/21/1978 #33856 nce of 30 miles away from his last known location. He also had a strange cu 1/30/1979 #34393 material. (Nature of material not known.) 8/9/1980 #35449 the helicopters escort for UFO are known as the “BLUE BOYS”. The Texas Depa 12/29/1980 #35752 ield within a natural amphitheater known as The Devil’s Punchbowl at Cheese 8/1981 #36051 ong a path north of the witnesses. Known as The Case of the Flying Christma 12/4/1981 #36246 In what later becomes known as his “Star Wars” speech, Preside 3/23/1983 #36792 TH HOLLYWOOD, CA 4 observer(s) / 1 known. Circular dome object sways to and 9/14/1983 #36971 ning is that the system is new and known to have malfunctioned previously; 9/26/1983 #36986 my briefly had an “in-house” group known as the “Interplanetary Phenomenon 5/16/1984 #37330 rsky Krai, Russia Height 611 (also known as Mount Izvestkovaya) Tunguska ev 1/29/1986 #37775 he object reaches Height 611 (also known as Mount Izvestkovaya) it starts t 1/29/1986 #37775 bibliography of all UFO literature known up to this time. 9/1986 #38009 Falcon substitute). Another, only known as Raven (alleged to be DIA scient Fall 1986 #38034 llow-up investigation, but none is known to have occurred. The story has no Mid 12/1986 #38083 dds: “Yes, I know of MJ-12. I have known of them for 40 years… You are delv 8/30/1987 #38264 dale or Sedona, Arizona. It is not known if the paper archives still exist, 4/12/1988 #38541 ve at a base near Papoose Dry Lake known as S-4. Lazar’s ID is prepared, he 12/6/1988 #38748 troy the molecular cohesiveness of known matter. On that same date, a comm 9/28/1989 #39132 tually covers for “alien” projects known as Level 1; grey projects; grey ma 1990 #39354 fice. Nicknamed “Misty,” little is known about it other than it has visual 3/1/1990 #39437 omposed of metals and plastics not known on Earth. The USAF panicked when i 7/1991 #40108 ers east of Przhevalsk near a peak known as Pik Pobeda (Peak of Victory). T 8/28/1991 #40168 y). The actual site lay in a gorge known as "Shaitan Mazar" or "Grave of th 8/28/1991 #40168 knowledged Special Access Programs known as “grey programs” that consist of 1992 #40276 ansmitted alphanumerics. It is not known whether this radio traffic had any 3/23/1992 #40397 Aquarius (around a powerful center known as MJ-12) and a group known as COM 5/13/1992 #40463 center known as MJ-12) and a group known as COM-12 centered around Naval In 5/13/1992 #40463 ounter. Currently Mr. Chagala is a known healer that uses natural herbs and 3/20/1993 #40895 her duty was to accompany a figure known as “Axlerod” to a secret location 3/31/1995 #42130 lasted five minutes, but it is not known for certain if any missing time wa 8/6/1995 #42363 y and called the police. It is not known if the police found anything. 12/9/1995 #42639 n his 1997 article “Dead Cows I’ve Known,” cattle mutilation researcher Cha 1997 #43154 tions Headquarters (GCHQ) facility known as the Oakley Installation. He iss 3/1997 #43215 In a hilly area known as Ponte a Mensola, east of Floren 5/18/1997 #43298 igence, that Project Blue Book had known that more than half of UFO reports 8/3/1997 #43365 and WPAFB research in this area is known this writer recommends that Collin 3/11/1998 #43532 a UFO investigator, staying with a known abductee and her child in San Anto 7/18/1999 #43807 ed in a UAP crash retrievals group known as “Zodiac,” of which Puthoff stat 7/31/1999 #43815 r a world in which it was commonly known that aliens exist and live among u 12/3/1999 #43892 strong odor like body odor with no known source. 10/28/2000 #44063 At 5:30 a.m. well known local merchant was on his way sout 8/2/2001 #44219 e Quantico, VA where the group was known as “Quantico II.” The meetings wer 2004 #44638 was developing a non-lethal weapon known as Medusa and a gravitational wave 3/2004 #44671 and as he came to the center city (known to locals as Soo, Canada). He noti 3/12/2004 #44676 of the mountain where there are no known buildings. The lights were positio 8/2/2004 #44725 Pentagon in 2017. This footage is known as the 2004 USS Nimitz FLIR1 video 11/14/2004 #44784 , concludes tat the object “was no known aircraft or air vehicle currently 11/14/2004 #44784 al velocities far greater than any known aerial vehicle with little or no v 11/14/2004 #44784 A second film of infrared footage, known as the GIMBAL video, is released b 11/14/2004 #44784 months after the documents became known, a UK Ministry of Defence official 11/1/2005 #44898 t there was a confidential project known as “Senior Soda” that built a ramj 12/5/2005 #44907 Center or nearby. It is the first known successful satellite intercept tes 1/11/2007 #44998 in spacetime created by the Greys known as “slots.” These “slots” are alle 7/2012 #45346 ions of various destinations, also known as synthetic quantum environments 7/2012 #45346 MacBolen speaks of a segment of ET known as “the Verdant,” who might wish t 7/8/2012 #45348 governments need to share what is known about UFO sightings and the United 4/29/2013 #45366 dge figures match Treasury figures known as “unsubstantiated change actions 11/18/2013 #45396 uantum vacuum technology privately known instead of in the public. https:/ 12/24/2013 #45399 nia Two infrared video recordings, known as the Go Fast and GIMBAL videos, 2/2015? #45430 vy is running a secret USO project known as the “Fast Mover Program.” D’Ant 9/19/2017 #45481 ‘Oumuamua (1I/2017 U1), the first known interstellar object detected passi 10/19/2017 #45485 analysts cite an eerie phenomenon known as the Frey effect, named after Al 9/1/2018 #45538 differences between ʻOumuamua and known comets. 10/26/2018 #45541 bers report a UAP incident. A team known as “ghostbusters” are deployed dur 7/30/2019 #45601 r an electromagnetic energy device known as the “Morningstar Energy Box.” T 2/29/2020 #45635 the origin of the event cannot be known). Sarfatti claims he is close to B 3/20/2020 #45640 nidentified aerial phenomena (also known as ‘anomalous aerial vehicles’), i 12/27/2020 #45670 nergy research” are ET related and known by UAPTF; most are managed under D 6/29/2021 #45697 are managed under DARPA by a team known as “Advance Group-6.” Prototypes o 6/29/2021 #45697 d campus. “When the camera detects known objects, it recognizes them with a 12/15/2021 #45728 le some cases can be attributed to known psychological or medical factors, 2/2/2022 #45737 ons Program (AAWSAP), colloquially known as AATIP, produced under the direc 3/25/2022 #45743 on “CARDINAL” was used to identify known extraterrestrial craft. Doty claim 6/13/2022 #45757 unable to coordinate with a group known as “SV17q.” The article claims a 8/23/2022 #45763 q.” The article claims a database known as “DOLYN” collects signature data 8/23/2022 #45763 (NRO) states it manages a program known as Sentient that ingests and analy 2/27/2023 #45795 served in redacted Operating Areas known as “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. 2/27/2023 #45795
Word: "knowns" (Back to Top)
ic analysts, who divide cases into knowns, unknowns, and a third category o 10/25/1955 #12519 information. They also break down knowns and unknowns into four categories 10/25/1955 #12519 ng astronomical sightings from the knowns and redoing the test, just two ca 10/25/1955 #12519 at will move them from unknowns to knowns. 2/17/1959 #15591
Word: "knows" (Back to Top)
writes about it publicly, since he knows that telescopic observations can b 1783 #88 little surprise, since he already knows this through espionage. 7/24/1945 #1905 y a mysterious dark-suited man who knows all about the sighting. He tells h 6/22/1947 #2363 und that passes overhead. Ragsdale knows that something has struck the grou 7/4/1947 #2670 ngton State. He tells reporters he knows nothing about the flying discs. 7/7/1947 #2929 alls Arnold and says his informant knows that Brown and Davidson are on the 7/31/1947 #3264 n which somebody in the Government knows all about.” However Gen. Stephen C 8/19/1947 #3351 ” Keyhoe argues that the Air Force knows UFOs are real, alien, and covering 12/24/1949 #4443 wing” pass over her house. Ruppelt knows that USAF does possess a “flying w 8/30/1951 #5638 that aliens are here, the military knows it, and they are covering it up fr 10/1/1953 #9198 ed with Gen. Philip J. Strong, who knows of no Soviet technology that might 6/11/1957 #13718 Adamski that the State Department knows his claims are true and they encou 12/6/1957 #14678 care what the air force says,” he knows what refueling looks like and the 3/19/1959 #15652 nce Organisation, who indicates he knows quite a bit about the group and it 8/1959 #15887 y to get rid of it. Stockwell, who knows Devlin well, feels Devlin knows mo 1/17/1961 #16578 ho knows Devlin well, feels Devlin knows more than anyone else about the mu 1/17/1961 #16578 he existence of spaceships, but he knows now he cannot do this. Therefore, 8/28/1961 #16806 in English, was: "One of our party knows you; we will return." The object t 10/1963 #17966 of the filming, apparently no one knows anything about a UFO sighting. But 9/15/1964 #18556 nced in the field, and essentially knows exactly what he is going to do. Th 11/1/1966 #21060 Condon tells the press that he knows “some people [McDonald] who believ 11/5/1966 #21077 tes to Condon, saying that “No one knows of a visitation. It should therefo 1/16/1967 #21322 ative landscapes on a road that he knows does not exist. The stranger also 11/1/1968 #24620 s on keeping secret. He apparently knows who the figure is but he does not 5/4/1969 #25114 pitched whistle. The next thing he knows, he is driving through Marlowe in 12/30/1972 #27192 ce community who either personally knows about the case or who has run acro 8/25/1974 #29386 n he feels numb. The next thing he knows, the UFO is ascending and disappea 8/13/1975 #30264 ape of the head and coat, the man “knows” it is a friend of his. The friend 12/14/1975 #30715 Leonard argues that NASA secretly knows of alien activity on the Moon. It 8/1976 #31214 e. After Hopkins discusses what he knows about the David Stephens case, the 9/11/1976 #31376 on regarding UFO documents that it knows exist, but are stonewalled for mon 2/2/1978 #32945 t the same time. The next thing he knows, he is getting stopped in Hobart b 2/5/1979 #34405 their citizens over this issue. He knows better.” Conrad also disputes the 12/28/1980 #35749 lls Gersten that the US government knows why UFOs appear in certain places 1/10/1983 #36742 testing at Kirtland AFB, whom she knows from an earlier conversation about 4/9/1983 #36830 toward his bed. The next thing he knows it is morning, and he is feeling d 12/26/1985 #37738 cannot occur unless an individual knows about their “seventh sense,” i.e. 1990 #39355 forces him towards her. Before he knows what he is doing, he takes a small 7/23/1992 #40530 t the Air Force and the government knows about UFOs… I called Curtis LeMay 10/1/1994 #41779 roller Michael Smith states “NORAD knows about it,” was told that’s the onl 8/30/1996 #43003 ash retrievals. He also states he knows the name and last location of a se 4/25/2002 #44333 Col. Thomas Bearden writes that he knows of several researchers working on 5/2002 #44335 nment is not telling everything it knows about UFOs, and 21% think that hum 8/2002 #44372 was enormous and inexplicable. Who knows where it came from? A lot of peopl 3/18/2007 #45012 tells Jacques Vallée he thinks he knows where “the right people” hide with 8/4/2007 #45043 hipped it to [WPAFB]...he not only knows what I’m trying to achieve [USG di 1/24/2016 #45443 rney “Jeffrey W. Griffith.” Elliot knows something with respect to UAP and 9/15/2021 #45710 Journalist George Knapp states he knows of at least four “legacy programs” 12/19/2022 #45789
Word: "knox" (Back to Top)
raid, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox holds a press conference, saying th 2/24/1942 #1388 m due to anxiety and “war nerves.” Knox’s comments are followed by statemen 2/24/1942 #1388 Fort Knox, KY Mantell Case (M) (NICAP: 11 - A 1/7/1948 #3539 olice Godman Army Airfield in Fort Knox, Kentucky Elizabethtown, Kentucky M 1/7/1948 #3542 ce at Godman Army Airfield in Fort Knox, Kentucky, reporting an unidentifie 1/7/1948 #3542 tucky Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox Bowling Green, Kentucky Franklin, K 1/7/1948 #3544 ll at Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox breaks in over the radio to request 1/7/1948 #3544 Godman Army Airfield Fort Knox, Kentucky 4:45–7:06 p.m. USAF 1Lt. 1/7/1948 #3545 te at Godman Army Airfield in Fort Knox, Kentucky, for more than 2 hours. 1/7/1948 #3545 tucky Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox Bedford, Indiana Wright-Patterson A 11/12/1954 #11629 st of Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox. It is later sighted at Bedford, In 11/12/1954 #11629 w from her window in her home near Knox City, Missouri what at first looked 1/29/1967 #21412 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Knox” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT 2/21/1968 #23772 KNOX CO, IN Several separate observer(s) 10/9/1972 #27061 shaped object high in the sky over Knox County at midmorning today, but Vin 10/9/1972 #27062 idmorning today, but Vincennes and Knox County police said they had no clue 10/9/1972 #27062 Ft. Knox, KY 7:15 a.m. Sergeant First Class 10/18/1973 #28162 Knox County, Indiana 11:30 p.m. A Knox C 10/15/1980 #35568 Knox County, Indiana 11:30 p.m. A Knox County, Indiana, deputy sheriff sto 10/15/1980 #35568 s a single witness in Lucky Point, Knox County, Indiana saw a bright light 2/15/1999 #43729 At 11:00 p.m. a farmer in Knox, Indiana had a close encounter with 12/18/2005 #44913
Word: "knoxville" (Back to Top)
Summit Hill Knoxville, Tennessee 6:55 p.m. Two men o 1/14/1910 #833 :55 p.m. Two men on Summit Hill in Knoxville, Tennessee, see a large airshi 1/14/1910 #833 KNOXVILLE, TN College president and 1+1. 6/30/1947 #2481 Knoxville, TN (35.98* N, 83.92° W) White 6/30/1948 #3684 Kodiak, Alaska The Knoxville Journal, Knoxville, Tennessee, 1/30/1950 #4519 iak, Alaska The Knoxville Journal, Knoxville, Tennessee, prints article ref 1/30/1950 #4519 Knoxville, TN Radio amateur tracks UFO w 3/1/1950 #4570 etween 40,000 and 80,000 feet near Knoxville, Tennessee. At 11:15 a.m. Stua 3/1/1950 #4572 ee. At 11:15 a.m. Stuart Adcock, a Knoxville radio amateur with experience 3/1/1950 #4572 Knoxville, TN Military Radar at Knoxvill 10/12/1950 #5220 Knoxville, TN Military Radar at Knoxville Tracks Eleven Objects (NICAP: 10/12/1950 #5220 Knoxville, TN Saw 2 shiny silver objects 10/15/1950 #5230 urity sees UFO and radar tracks at Knoxville (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code 10/24/1950 #5255 Knoxville, TN Radar jamming and radiatio 11/29/1950 #5299 adar of the Air Defense Command at Knoxville. AFI was asked to investigate 11/29/1950 #5300 Knoxville, TN More UFOs, Radar-Jamming, 11/30/1950 #5301 Knoxville, TN Radar Targets Over AEC Pla 12/14/1950 #5348 KNOXVILLE, TN RADAR blip. F82 intercepts 12/20/1950 #5358 KNOXVILLE, TN Project Bluebook Case #217 10/21/1952 #8168 Knoxville, TN 6 white lights fly in a lo 10/21/1952 #8170 Knoxville, Tennessee Witnesses: persons 10/21/1952 #8171 Persons at the Knoxville, Tennessee airport weather sta 10/21/1952 #8173 Oak Ridge, Tennessee Knoxville Washington, D.C. 3:00 p.m. Aft 7/19/1953 #9004 on after the plane has left toward Knoxville. “This object was extremely bl 7/19/1953 #9004 Knoxville (40 miles NW of ), TN (McDonal 10/19/1955 #12509 NEAR KNOXVILLE, TN Noisy metallic ovoid going 5/21/1957 #13669 lew overhead to the northwest near Knoxville, Tennessee making a noise. It 5/21/1957 #13670 Knoxville, Tennessee 12-year-old Everett 11/6/1957 #14413 Dante, Knoxville, Tennessee Oak Ridge National 11/6/1957 #14422 verett Orain Clark, 12 , of Dante, Knoxville, Tennessee, lets his dog Frisk 11/6/1957 #14422 In Knoxville, Tennessee at 6:30 a.m.12-year 11/6/1957 #14436 Galesburg, IL One Knoxville farmer and several motorists r 1/1967 #21241 KNOXVILLE, TN Airport/apartment FAA men 5/10/1969 #25120
Word: "knt" (Back to Top)
er lens-saucer going [to] into 180 knt wind. 3/1958 #14902
Word: "knts" (Back to Top)
ip. Jet chases. Can't catch at 550 knts. No visual. 7/24/1952 #7105
Word: "knuckles" (Back to Top)
gurgling sounds, and walked on its knuckles. Her dogs gave chase and it ran 6/26/1997 #43341
Word: "knud" (Back to Top)
Columbia, Tennessee Knud Drive 8:30 p.m. Several witnesses a 3/3/1968 #23815 al witnesses are traveling east on Knud Drive in Columbia, Tennessee, when 3/3/1968 #23815
Word: "knut" (Back to Top)
bang close to the southwest bank. Knut Lindbäck says it generates a high p 7/19/1946 #2071
Word: "knutby" (Back to Top)
Knutby, Uppsala County, Sweden 10:00 p.m 9/21/1974 #29467 er is driving with his family near Knutby, Uppsala County, Sweden, when a b 9/21/1974 #29467
Word: "knutsford" (Back to Top)
KNUTSFORD, CHESHIRE UFO whines overhead. 11/10/1953 #9289
Word: "knutson" (Back to Top)
ion, Mission 2020, flown by Martin Knutson, flies over Engels-2 airfield, n 7/9/1956 #12957
Word: "knya" (Back to Top)
MT. KILIMANJARO, KNYA Airline(s)/airliner crew and more/o 2/19/1951 #5446
Word: "koa" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Koa” Yield: 1370KT 5/12/1958 #15030
Word: "koam" (Back to Top)
uyres, a radio station musician at KOAM [now KKOW-AM] is driving from his h 8/25/1952 #7732
Word: "koat" (Back to Top)
orked at Albuquerque radio station KOAT and remembers the military interven 2/28/1978 #33002
Word: "kobe" (Back to Top)
OFF WHARF / KOBE, JPN Explosive sound. 2 fireballs w 11/21/1956 #13339 Number 1 Pier, Kobe, Japan 8:23 p.m. A customs officer 11/21/1956 #13340 e are walking along Number 1 Pier, Kobe, Japan, when they hear an explosion 11/21/1956 #13340 Kobe, Japan Tomezo Hirata founds the Jap 1965 #18687 Japan UFO Research Association in Kobe, Japan. It publishes JUFORA from 19 1965 #18687
Word: "kobetas" (Back to Top)
MT. KOBETAS, SP Several observer(s). Extreme 8/29/1968 #24397 Spain saw an object over the Mount Kobetas mountain peak for one minute. It 8/29/1968 #24400
Word: "kobitz" (Back to Top)
nce and Technology Development Nat Kobitz told journalist Ross Coulthart in 11/2/2017 #45490 triangle craft patent and NAVAIR. Kobitz claims neither he nor his US Navy 11/2/2017 #45490 raft, they’ve kept it very quiet,” Kobitz states. * https://www.amazon.co 11/2/2017 #45490 nce and Technology Development Nat Kobitz told him “out of the blue” he was 9/3/2021 #45707 l and reverse engineering program. Kobitz told him “multiple” UAP were retr 9/3/2021 #45707 him “multiple” UAP were retrieved, Kobitz did not see them personally and h 9/3/2021 #45707 reverse engineer the technology. Kobitz also tells Coulthart he was taken 9/3/2021 #45707 UAPTF, deeper black programs like Kobitz and former Dir. of Naval Intellig 9/3/2021 #45707 s://youtu.be/9sBE2pfPdlo Note: Kobitz is listed in the directory of the 9/3/2021 #45707
Word: "koblenz" (Back to Top)
SOUTHWEST / KOBLENZ, GERM 2 Fr. prisoners of war. Mo 8/1942 #1426 Neuwied / Koblenz, Germany A green ball about six 12/28/1944 #1738
Word: "koblenz-karthause" (Back to Top)
Koblenz-Karthause, Germany 9:07 p.m. A w 2/21/1990 #39425 other, and son are driving through Koblenz-Karthause, Germany, when they no 2/21/1990 #39425
Word: "kobus" (Back to Top)
Miroslaw Goralski and Krzysztof Kobus had been working in their garden i 9/20/1979 #34909 ing up into the air at high speed. Kobus propped himself against a soft obj 9/20/1979 #34909
Word: "koch" (Back to Top)
At two o'clock in the afternoon J. Koch sighted a 35-foot in diameter revol 9/15/1966 #20886 manding officer Capt. Ferdinand B. Koch is frustrated by the event, but two 6/1971 #26153 d by the event, but two days later Koch reminds the crew that certain event 6/1971 #26153 manding officer Capt. Ferdinand B. Koch tells the crew certain events are t 6/1971 #26154
Word: "kocher" (Back to Top)
A 41-page paper by George Kocher of the RAND Corporation, “UFOs: W 11/27/1968 #24725
Word: "koczor" (Back to Top)
David Noever, Tony Robertson, Ron Koczor and Whitt Brantley of the Univers 8/1/1997 #43364
Word: "kodachrome" (Back to Top)
more than an hour. Leidy takes two Kodachrome photos of the exhaust trail. 7/10/1947 #3110 She stops her car and snaps a 35mm Kodachrome photo. Analysts generally agr 10/16/1957 #14129 nts BeWitness, an unveiling of two Kodachrome slides that purport to show a 5/5/2015 #45437 a documentary (tentatively titled Kodachrome) about the supposed alien. In 5/5/2015 #45437
Word: "kodacolor" (Back to Top)
eton, using a Pentacon camera with Kodacolor X stock, takes a photo of his 5/24/1964 #18297
Word: "kodak" (Back to Top)
use it looks like it is taken by a Kodak with a small lens that cannot achi 4/11/1897 #429 Adamski McGinnis and Bailey Kodak Brownie 1:57 p.m. Adamski stays be 11/20/1952 #8308 re photos of the Scout ship with a Kodak Brownie before it disappears behin 11/20/1952 #8308 ski have thought of this name from Kodak Ortho film?] is a beautiful being 11/20/1952 #8309 ke District, England, armed with a Kodak box camera. Meyer notices an objec 2/15/1954 #9549 Carlisle police, who are puzzled. Kodak is intrigued enough to conduct an 5/24/1964 #18297 d one photo showing two objects. A Kodak employee sends one to ufologist Ri 3/1967 #21699 e other three in 1969 from Eastman Kodak’s International Division. The circ 3/1967 #21699 side his home and obtained a small Kodak camera. Once back outside he saw a 7/21/1967 #22721 e owner of the film, sends it to a Kodak processing facility in Melbourne, 3/2/1968 #23806 a and he snaps six photos with his Kodak X-15 camera. The color pictures re 5/5/1974 #29085 r photographs analyzed = genuine / Kodak Co. 1/5/1977 #31694 d and pronounced as genuine by the Kodak film company. 1/5/1977 #31702 raphed a UFO during the day with a Kodak instamatic camera. The image in th 9/21/1978 #33724 n height. He had been carrying his Kodak camera with him, and was able to t 5/16/1979 #34564 north of Florence, Arizona with a Kodak Instamatic camera. There were six 1/30/1981 #35808
Word: "kodak-produced" (Back to Top)
played the part of ‘Falcon’ in the Kodak-produced documentary, but it is ge 10/14/1988 #38672
Word: "kodal" (Back to Top)
KODAL, NORW Separate observer(s) and bik 5/13/1989 #38947 On this night in Kodal, Norway a strong light swooped up 5/13/1989 #38948
Word: "kodiak" (Back to Top)
Kodiak, Alaska U.S. Navy patrol plane pi 1/22/1950 #4499 UFO, two times. Smith then radioed Kodiak radar station and was advised tha 1/22/1950 #4499 in his radar area. Moored south of Kodiak was the USS Tillamook with Master 1/22/1950 #4499 le in the direction of, and around Kodiak and returned out in a generally s 1/22/1950 #4499 32KM NORTH / KODIAK NAS, AK 1800MPH blip. RADAR / vis 1/22/1950 #4500 Kodiak NAS, AK USN P2V3 Patrol Plane and 1/22/1950 #4501 Kodiak NAS (near), AK Maneuvering red ex 1/22/1950 #4502 Naval Air Station Kodiak [now Coast Guard Base Kodiak], Al 1/22/1950 #4503 ation Kodiak [now Coast Guard Base Kodiak], Alaska Kodiak 2:40 a.m. Navy pa 1/22/1950 #4503 w Coast Guard Base Kodiak], Alaska Kodiak 2:40 a.m. Navy patrol pilot Lieut 1/22/1950 #4503 ty flight out of Naval Air Station Kodiak [now Coast Guard Base Kodiak], Al 1/22/1950 #4503 ation Kodiak [now Coast Guard Base Kodiak], Alaska. He obtains a radar read 1/22/1950 #4503 similar object 10 miles southeast. Kodiak radar reports no known aircraft i 1/22/1950 #4503 the tug USS Tillamook is south of Kodiak when one of the men on deck sees 1/22/1950 #4503 southeast, moves clockwise around Kodiak, and returns to the southeast. An 1/22/1950 #4503 blip was detected approaching the Kodiak Islands at 1,800 mph over Kodiak, 1/22/1950 #4504 e Kodiak Islands at 1,800 mph over Kodiak, Alaska, according to airborne ra 1/22/1950 #4504 100KM SOUTH / KODIAK NAS, AK 6 Navy airmen can't catch 1/23/1950 #4505 P2V3 patrol plane flying from the Kodiak Naval Air Station in Alaska spott 1/23/1950 #4506 Kodiak, Alaska Gen. Charles Cabell, poss Late 1/1950 #4511 s Cabell, possibly inspired by the Kodiak, Alaska, case, sends a letter to Late 1/1950 #4511 Kodiak, Alaska The Knoxville Journal, Kn 1/30/1950 #4519 KODIAK, AK Cop. Red fireball going west 11/4/1957 #14270 Kodiak, AK A "steady dit-dit-dit" interf 11/4/1957 #14274 Kodiak, Alaska Mission Road 10:00 p.m. J 11/4/1957 #14288 0 p.m. Jan Boucher, a policeman in Kodiak, Alaska, sees a red ball of fire 11/4/1957 #14288 PILLAR MOUNTAIN, KODIAK ISLAND, AK Report / spheres falli 5/27/1993 #40991
Word: "koehler" (Back to Top)
ty newspaper: “Coulter” (George T. Koehler) story on 2 recovered saucers, s 1/6/1950 #4472 er article on “Coulter” (George T. Koehler) story on 2 recovered saucers, a 1/30/1950 #4519 tion of radio time salesmen George Koehler (“Coulter” in newspaper articles 3/31/1950 #4772
Word: "koelwyn" (Back to Top)
ter Nils Lewring, Chief Mate Jacob Koelwyn, Third Mate, of M/V Marcala. One 8/4/1950 #5103 ter Nils Lewring, Chief Mate Jacob Koelwyn) of the M/V Marcala in the North 8/4/1950 #5105 ter Nils Lewring, Chief Mate Jacob Koelwyn, and the Third Mate of the M/V M 8/4/1950 #5106
Word: "kofu" (Back to Top)
KOFU, JAPAN 2 boys. 5M domed saucer land 2/23/1975 #29836 Kofu, Japan At sometime between 6 p.m. a 2/23/1975 #29837 hed a luminous orange UFO approach Kofu, Japan while making a "ticking" sou 2/23/1975 #29837 hed a luminous orange UFO approach Kofu, Japan while making a "ticking" sou 2/23/1975 #29839
Word: "kogut" (Back to Top)
p.m. Naval aviation student Edmund Kogut and his wife Shirley are at a driv 4/20/1952 #6140
Word: "kogălniceanu" (Back to Top)
Mihai Kogălniceanu Air Force Base Mihai Kogăln Late 3/1989 #38880 Kogălniceanu Air Force Base Mihai Kogălniceanu International Airport south Late 3/1989 #38880 After a training exercise at Mihai Kogălniceanu Air Force Base [now Mihai K Late 3/1989 #38880 lniceanu Air Force Base [now Mihai Kogălniceanu International Airport] in s Late 3/1989 #38880
Word: "kohanowski" (Back to Top)
s its way to geologist Nicholas N. Kohanowski at the University of North Da 12/14/1957 #14729
Word: "kohle" (Back to Top)
SS WILHELM KOHLE NORTHWEST / ST. LOUIS, SENEGAL Cre 1/1/1973 #27205 crewmembers aboard the SS Wilhelm Kohle sighted two silver discs at 9:15 a 1/1/1973 #27211
Word: "kohler" (Back to Top)
assador to the Soviet Union Foy D. Kohler delivers to a letter from JFK to 10/22/1962 #17485 Falls, Wisconsin 8:30 p.m. Sherry Kohler is driving east on Western Avenue 2/21/1967 #21614
Word: "kohn" (Back to Top)
intensifying. Only student Barbara Kohn stays most of the night, watching t 3/21/1966 #20021 ear, and recede. Around 5:10 a.m., Kohn sees a lighted object move away and 3/21/1966 #20021
Word: "kohocton" (Back to Top)
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Kohocton” YieldMax: 40KT 8/23/1963 #17916
Word: "kohrtz" (Back to Top)
Army Captain Kohrtz in Kortedala, Goteborg, Sweden at 11/24/1957 #14607
Word: "kohtla-iarve" (Back to Top)
KOHTLA-IARVE, ESTONIA Hundreds / observe 3/27/1990 #39486
Word: "kohtla-jarve" (Back to Top)
KOHTLA-JARVE, ESTONIA 2 observer(s) / (s 3/23/1990 #39477
Word: "kohtpoa" (Back to Top)
rnment source in charge of Project Kohtpoa (the Russian equivalent of USG S 11/1998 #43673 n equivalent of USG SDI), tests in Kohtpoa had “hoped for positive contact 11/1998 #43673
Word: "koiabagiri" (Back to Top)
KOIABAGIRI, PAPUA-NG 3 observer(s). Bril 11/23/1959 #16098
Word: "koin" (Back to Top)
ople in Portland, Oregon—including KOIN newsman Frank Cooley, deputy Clark 7/4/1947 #2658 ps observer now with radio station KOIN in Portland, confirmed numerous rep 7/5/1947 #2680
Word: "kojonup" (Back to Top)
NEAR KOJONUP, AUST 3 observer(s). Glowing-sau 9/11/1955 #12447 Mayanup Kojonup Western Australia 9:30 p.m. Alex 10/30/1967 #23371 ng alone in his car on the Mayanup–Kojonup road about 10 miles east of Maya 10/30/1967 #23371
Word: "kok" (Back to Top)
Uithuizermeeden, Netherlands G. J. Kok and S. Sluis found the Werkgroep Ned 1965 #18686 Almaty, Kazakhstan Kok Tobe Mountain Afternoon. Two militia 4/19/1991? #40041 stan, notice a flare at the top of Kok Tobe Mountain. They watch flames go 4/19/1991? #40041
Word: "kokkaido" (Back to Top)
Kokkaido, Japan Witness said light desce 7/1973 #27607
Word: "kokolonis" (Back to Top)
.m. USAF Reserve 1st Lt. Alexander Kokolonis is flying a C-47 at 6,000 feet 5/28/1948 #3660 10–15 seconds. Shortly afterwards, Kokolonis sees two similar objects and h 5/28/1948 #3660
Word: "kokomo" (Back to Top)
Kokomo, Indiana 10:10 p.m. A ball of fir 4/22/1897 #558 y from southwest to northeast over Kokomo, Indiana. Some people can disting 4/22/1897 #558 KOKOMO, IN Project Bluebook Case #706. 5 4/8/1950 #4823 Kokomo, IN Grey metallic disc, 50 ft in 4/8/1950 #4826 Kokomo, Indiana A metal worker was awake 4/8/1950 #4827 Kokomo, Indiana Witness: Earl Baker. On 4/8/1950 #4829 Mr. Earl Baker, a metal worker in Kokomo, Indiana was awakened by his dog 4/8/1950 #4831 Kokomo, IN Humanoid report, no details, 5/6/1973 #27469 NEAR KOKOMO, IN 1 / car. Night lights. Buzz / 3/27/1990 #39487 Kokomo, IN Blindingly bright oval object 3/27/1990 #39488 Kokomo, IN Blindingly bright oval object 3/27/1990 #39489
Word: "koktal" (Back to Top)
BARAKHUDZIR RV, USSR 11m north / Koktal, CH. Geologists. Luminous object 8/16/1960 #16393 dzir River, 18 kilometers north of Koktal, Kazakstan, U.S.S.R. saw a bright 8/16/1960 #16397
Word: "kola" (Back to Top)
mor Nuclear Power Plant in Armenia Kola Peninsula in northwest Russia A gen 10/1982 #36625 ergency team is airlifted from the Kola Peninsula in northwest Russia to he 10/1982 #36625 Kola Bay, northern Russia The captain an 11/1983 #37037 diving support vessel Sprut are in Kola Bay, northern Russia, when they obs 11/1983 #37037 Sea going quickly south toward(s) Kola. Altitude = 15 mile(s). / Tass. 9/2/1990 #39714 rmansk Oblast, Russia Arctic Ocean Kola Peninsula Early morning. Residents 9/2/1990 #39716 gnals, and moves slowly toward the Kola Peninsula. Soviet Air Defense think 9/2/1990 #39716
Word: "kolb" (Back to Top)
nd at 9:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. David Kolb, of the Ground Observer Corps, view 9/11/1952 #7897 and Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. David Kolb, of the Ground Observer Corps, usin 9/12/1952 #7903 nd at 9:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. David Kolb, of the Ground Observer Corps, view 9/12/1952 #7907 sboys. Silver football hovers near Kolb Road / 30 minute(s). Going quickly 7/12/1965 #19093 ilver, football-shaped object near Kolb Road in Tucson, Arizona. It hovered 7/12/1965 #19098
Word: "kole" (Back to Top)
rginia After 4:00 a.m. Mrs. Martin Kole is awakened in her home in Alexandr 7/4/1947 #2653
Word: "kolff" (Back to Top)
cal Association president Cornelis Kolff says “The Queen showed an extraord 5/18/1959 #15737
Word: "kolińska" (Back to Top)
agnusy, Poland 8:00 a.m. Katarzyna Kolińska is on her way to school in Przy 9/27/1978 #33761
Word: "kolkata" (Back to Top)
Kolkata, India Varanasi, India George Ad 4/17/1959 #15706 y in Varanasi during a stopover in Kolkata, India. 4/17/1959 #15706 handra Bose International Airport] Kolkata, India 11:15 p.m. As Air India F 7/16/1977 #32281 dra Bose International Airport] in Kolkata, India, air traffic controllers 7/16/1977 #32281
Word: "kolmarden" (Back to Top)
Kolmarden, Sweden A boy and a girl, both 8/23/1967 #22902 In Kolmarden, Sodermanland, Sweden a 15-yea 8/23/1967 #22908 KOLMARDEN AREA, SWD 53+separate observer 1/8/1977 #31708
Word: "kolmjarv" (Back to Top)
KOLMJARV LAKE, SWD 2+2 observer(s). Humm 7/19/1946 #2068 long cone-shaped object fell into Kolmjarv Lake, Sweden. An underwater sea 7/19/1946 #2075
Word: "kolmården" (Back to Top)
Kolmården ridge area in Östergötland, Sw 8/23/1967 #22905 year-olds are strolling around the Kolmården ridge area in Östergötland, Sw 8/23/1967 #22905
Word: "kolobreg" (Back to Top)
Kolobreg, Poland On the Polish coast, no 3/1959 #15627 On the Polish coast, not far from Kolobreg, soldiers saw the sea become tu 3/1959 #15627
Word: "kolobrzeg" (Back to Top)
KOLOBRZEG, POL Soldiers. 4M triangle ris 3/1959 #15626
Word: "kolsva" (Back to Top)
KOLSVA, SWEDEN 10 observer(s). 6M silver 11/14/1976 #31545 Kolsva and Aland Island, Sweden Multiple 11/14/1976 #31547
Word: "komar-class" (Back to Top)
r construction at La Coloma, eight Komar-class guided missile patrol boats, 8/29/1962 #17372
Word: "komiske" (Back to Top)
Boeing aeronautical engineer C.A. Komiske. One round object with yellow l 8/23/1960 #16409 C.A. Komiske, a Boeing aeronautical engineer, 8/23/1960 #16410
Word: "kommetjie" (Back to Top)
KOMMETJIE, RSA Small blue flame flits al 11/25/1991 (approximate) #40239
Word: "komovi" (Back to Top)
KOMOVI FOREST, MONTENEGRO Saucer flies / 11/26/1967 #23512 KOMOVI FOREST NEAR IVANGRAD, MONTENEGRO, 12/1967 (approximate) #23528
Word: "komsomolets" (Back to Top)
Novosti Moskovskij Komsomolets Novosti Science Commentator 2/16/1968 #23761 Myth” in the newspaper Moskovskij Komsomolets. Novosti releases an English 2/16/1968 #23761
Word: "komsomolsk-na-amure" (Back to Top)
KOMSOMOLSK-NA-AMURE, RUSSIA Military pla 4/18/1992 #40420
Word: "komura" (Back to Top)
Japan US Maj. Gen. Hideki Komura, an adviser to Japan’s Cabinet Re 1977 #31657
Word: "konantsevo" (Back to Top)
Konantsevo, Vologda Oblast, Russia Reka 6/6/1989 #38981 chool children near the village of Konantsevo, Vologda Oblast, Russia, see 6/6/1989 #38981 school children near the river in Konantsevo, Vologda, Russia watched a br 6/6/1989 #38982
Word: "kone" (Back to Top)
KONE, NEW CALEDONIA Separate separate ob 5/5/1978 #33188
Word: "kong" (Back to Top)
HONG KONG TO/FROM SAIGON All / airliner. Huge 8/1948 #3763 over the South China Sea from Hong Kong to Saigon, Vietnam saw a huge metal 8/1/1948 #3767 Hong Kong harbor, China Midday. A member of t 1953 #8478 the crew of a Shell tanker in Hong Kong harbor, China, watches, along with 1953 #8478 RAF Sek Kong Shek Kong Airfield China Day. RAF p 10/1954 #10537 RAF Sek Kong Shek Kong Airfield China Day. RAF pilot Micha 10/1954 #10537 hael Forrest, stationed at RAF Sek Kong [now Shek Kong Airfield] near Hong 10/1954 #10537 tationed at RAF Sek Kong [now Shek Kong Airfield] near Hong Kong is scrambl 10/1954 #10537 [now Shek Kong Airfield] near Hong Kong is scrambled in a de Haviland Vampi 10/1954 #10537 KAI TAK AIRPORT, HONG KONG Low-altitude UFO's mimic planes lan 2/1964 #18122 going quickly east toward(s) Hong Kong. 7/9/1978 #33358
Word: "kongwak" (Back to Top)
KONGWAK, VCT Several observer(s). Orange 8/23/1954 #10167
Word: "koningslo" (Back to Top)
KONINGSLO = VILVOORDE, BELGIUM "Moon-siz 4/1974 #28981
Word: "kono" (Back to Top)
p.m. two seven-year-old boys named Kono and Yamahata watched a luminous ora 2/23/1975 #29837 p.m. two seven-year-old boys named Kono and Yamahata watched a luminous ora 2/23/1975 #29839 uam Japanese Defense Minister Taro Kono announces at a press conference tha 9/15/2020 #45661 blic. The issue is brought up when Kono meets with US Defense Secretary Mar 9/15/2020 #45661
Word: "konopinski" (Back to Top)
ard Teller, Herbert York, and Emil Konopinski. While walking to lunch, the Summer 1950 #4996
Word: "konrad" (Back to Top)
60KM NORTH / JUNEAU, AK M. Konrad takes movies. 8 saucers land and 4/1950 #4779 Juneau, Alaska Mikel Konrad made a movie of eight disks he sa 4/1950 #4783
Word: "konstantin" (Back to Top)
of a light-green color. Researcher Konstantin Khazanovich considers this to 10/1985 #37670
Word: "konstantinos" (Back to Top)
reece, according to Prime Minister Konstantinos Tsaldaris. Physicist Paul S 9/1/1946 #2167
Word: "kontich" (Back to Top)
KONTICH, BELGIUM 4+2 / separate cars. Bl 4/7/1976 #30987 Kontich, Belgium 11:40 p.m. A couple dri 4/7/1976 #30989 A couple driving their car in Kontich, Belgium at 9:15 p.m. saw a diri 4/7/1976 #30990
Word: "koon" (Back to Top)
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Koon” Yield: 110KT 4/6/1954 #9667 slands just hours after the Castle Koon thermonuclear test on Bikini. An un 4/7/1954 #9673
Word: "koonce" (Back to Top)
, CA 2 Sergeants include/including Koonce. Big silent silver saucer hovers 1/27/1953 #8577
Word: "koops" (Back to Top)
lands Deelen Air Base Evening. Rik Koops and Harm Duursma see UFOs over Par 5/28/2017 #45470 Sonsbeek, in Arnhem, Netherlands. Koops shoots a 3-minute video of three g 5/28/2017 #45470
Word: "koorda" (Back to Top)
KOORDA, WEST AUSTR Farmer. Orange saucer 2/9/1967 #21486
Word: "koos" (Back to Top)
ica Two policemen, John Lockem and Koos de Klerk, were on a patrol of the P 9/15/1965 #19566 Two policemen, John Lockem and Koos de Klerk, were on patrol on the Pre 9/15/1965 #19567 Africa: Constables John Lockem and Koos de Klerk while on patrol (after mid 9/16/1965 #19569 dnight. Constables John Lockem and Koos de Klerk are patrolling on the Pret 9/16/1965 #19574 on, Sgt. John Goosen and Constable Koos Brazelle are looking towards Rosmea 11/12/1972 #27120
Word: "kootanai" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kootanai” Yield: 20KT 4/24/1963 #17729
Word: "kootenay" (Back to Top)
KOOTENAY, BC Cops and 14 / (seen thru) t 10/25/1967 #23311
Word: "kooweerup" (Back to Top)
KOOWEERUP, VCT Fireball and flying railr 2/6/1955 #11976
Word: "kopf" (Back to Top)
rters. Yeoman Third Class James M. Kopf is in the Communications Center mon 6/1971 #26153 ething is hovering above the ship. Kopf and others rush topside and see a h 6/1971 #26153 ject remains about 20 minutes, but Kopf sees it only one minute before Gene 6/1971 #26153 he crew stands down after 2 hours. Kopf thinks only about 18 men witnessed 6/1971 #26153 . Navy Yeoman Third Class James M. Kopf is on the USS John F. Kennedy in th 6/1971 #26154 ctrical systems then stop working. Kopf and others go outside and see a lar 6/1971 #26154
Word: "koping" (Back to Top)
KOPING AIRPORT, SWEDEN Silent 12M cylind 8/24/1977 #32419
Word: "kopingsvik" (Back to Top)
KOPINGSVIK, OLAND, SWD Fast bright green 7/11/1946 #2049
Word: "koporie" (Back to Top)
KOPORIE, LENINGRAD Bright red triangle, 10/20/1988 #38679
Word: "kopparberg" (Back to Top)
inland Västerbotten Västernorrland Kopparberg [now Dalarna] Gävleborg Uppsa 2/21/1946 #1969 s of Västerbotten, Västernorrland, Kopparberg [now Dalarna], Gävleborg, Upp 2/21/1946 #1969 silently across the sky in Malung, Kopparberg, Sweden. 5/16/1952 #6336 overing over a lake in Soderbarke, Kopparberg, Sweden. The bottom of the ob 4/17/1987 #38160 At 2:40 a.m. on Lake Ojesjon in Kopparberg, Sweden three brilliant hat-s 7/24/1988 #38607
Word: "kopuru" (Back to Top)
SOUTH / TE KOPURU, NI, NZ 2 observer(s). Flaming ro 10/8/1969 #25398
Word: "kor" (Back to Top)
writing under the pseudonym “Peter Kor,” proposes that UFOs originate, not 9/1962 #17380
Word: "korat" (Back to Top)
KORAT AB, THAILAND 4 pilots. 6' orange f 5/1954 #9737
Word: "korb" (Back to Top)
Korb Lake, Leningrad, Russia Traces of a 4/28/1961 #16665
Word: "korbach" (Back to Top)
KORBACH, GERM 1 observer. Bright glowing 2/18/1990 #39421 her dog in the Waldeck hills, near Korbach, Germany in the early evening wh 2/18/1990 #39422
Word: "kordel" (Back to Top)
Kordel, Germany Pam Owens abduction case 11/25/1978 #34001
Word: "korea" (Back to Top)
CHEJU ISLANDS, KOREA HMS Caroline. Formation / disks go 2/24/1893 #307 Jeju Island, South Korea Korea Strait Hallasan volcano on J 2/24/1893 #308 Jeju Island, South Korea Korea Strait Hallasan volcano on Jeju Po 2/24/1893 #308 miles south of Jeju Island, South Korea, in the Korea Strait when the offi 2/24/1893 #308 f Jeju Island, South Korea, in the Korea Strait when the officer of the wat 2/24/1893 #308 the January 29, 1952 sighting over Korea by Army planes, as appeared in Lif 1934 #1189 Korea Korean War 6/25/1950 #5005 North Korea South Korea North Korea invades So 6/25/1950 #5009 North Korea South Korea North Korea invades South Korea, b 6/25/1950 #5009 North Korea South Korea North Korea invades South Korea, beginning the 6/25/1950 #5009 th Korea North Korea invades South Korea, beginning the Korean War. 6/25/1950 #5009 South Korea President Truman orders US air and 6/27/1950 #5017 S air and sea forces to help South Korea. 6/27/1950 #5017 NORTH KOREA 6 US bombers. 200M saucers jam RAD 9/1950 #5156 City not noted, Korea Navy planes on mission approached 9/1950 #5158 0 miles south of the Yalu River in Korea 7:00 a.m. Three US Navy planes on 9/1950 #5159 0 miles south of the Yalu River in Korea are approached from below by two h 9/1950 #5159 Illinois Korea Henry Holt publishes Frank Scully’ 9/8/1950 #5171 s hysteria during a time of war in Korea. USAF Public Information Officer C 9/8/1950 #5171 NORTHWEST SEOUL, KOREA 7+soldiers. Classic metallic sauce 9/30/1950 #5200 US Incheon, South Korea The US seaplane tender USS Gardine 12/1950 #5304 up the channel from Incheon, South Korea, when the crew sees two mysterious 12/1950 #5304 WEST / INCHON, KOREA US Navy ship. 2 objects hit water 12/15/1950 #5350 Iron Triangle, near Chorwon, Korea Craft hit soldier with light beam 1951 #5373 in airspace over, Korea UFO Circles Fleet of Fourteen Ship 1951 #5374 Korea The intelligence unit of the 1st M 1951 #5376 sual incidents, and UFO reports in Korea. The UFO reports are in a differen 1951 #5376 Sea of Japan (off coast of South Korea), At Sea Radar tracking of unident 1/26/1951 #5417 Sea of Japan (off coast of South Korea), At Sea Radar tracking of unident 2/15/1951 #5445 Cheorwon, South Korea Dusk. US Army Pfc. Francis P. Wall Early Spring 1951 #5471 ntry Regiment near Cheorwon, South Korea, when he sees an orange light like Early Spring 1951 #5471 42 MI SOUTHWEST / CHINNAMPO, KOREA 9+observer(s). 2' orange fireball 3/10/1951 #5474 Chinnampo, Korea Large red-yellow glow burst and be 3/10/1951 #5475 Chinnampo, Korea Witnesses: crew of USAF B-29 bomb 3/10/1951 #5476 CHORWON, KOREA Domed saucer / low altitude hit / 4/1951 (approximate) #5496 E. coast of Korea, Korea U.S.S. Princeton Tracks Fas 4/1951 #5497 E. coast of Korea, Korea U.S.S. Princeton Tracks Fast-Movin 4/1951 #5497 OFF EAST KOREA April and May. US Princeton and PH 5/1951 (approximate) #5510 Seoul, South Korea Several Pilots Saw Fireballs (Prob 7/1/1951 #5557 Seoul, Korea 10:50 p.m. Four night pilots of th 7/1/1951 #5558 g in different areas around Seoul, Korea, simultaneously report a large gre 7/1/1951 #5558 50 miles off coast of North Korea, At Sea Radar tracking of multiple 9/9/1951 #5655 Korea Navy pilot Lt. Cmdr. Marvin C. Dav Fall 1951 #5686 a CVE class aircraft carrier near Korea when the crew tracks a radar targe Fall 1951 #5686 OFF KOREA Object circles fleet. 15+air and s 10/15/1951? #5727 30 MI WSW / WONSAN, NORTH KOREA 3 USAF / B29. Orange fireball / sp 1/29/1952 #5879 5MI SSE / SUNCHON, NORTH KOREA 2nd B29. 3' orange glowing-saucer. 1/29/1952 #5880 Wonsan (30 miles SW of), South Korea Orange luminous rotating and pulsa 1/29/1952 #5881 Sunchon, South Korea USAF crew saw an orange sphere fol 1/29/1952 #5882 Wonsan Sunchon North Korea Night. A bright orange, disc-shape 1/29/1952 #5886 towns of Wonsan and Sunchon, North Korea. 1/29/1952 #5886 30 miles west-southwest of Wonsan, Korea at 11:20 p.m. A second sighting oc 1/29/1952 #5887 dron of B-29s flying near Sunchon, Korea. 1/29/1952 #5887 OFF EAST COAST / KOREA Blip all over AC carrier. Splits / 2/2/1952 #5891 Pusan (40 miles E of), South Korea Radar track of 767 mph unidentifie 2/2/1952 #5892 east coast of Korea 7:35 p.m. Radar operators aboard t 2/2/1952 #5893 ified target off the east coast of Korea. It is first detected at a distanc 2/2/1952 #5893 Pusan (60 miles E of), South Korea Large Target Tracked By GCI CPS-5 2/16/1952 #5904 ar East Air Forces Wonsan/Sunchon, Korea Far East Air Forces Commander Lieu 2/21/1952 #5918 esent time” on the Wonsan/Sunchon, Korea, sightings of January 29–30. 2/21/1952 #5918 SINUIJU, NORTH KOREA Project Bluebook Case #1061. B29 c 2/23/1952 #5921 over North Korea Witness: Captain/B-29 navigator. O 2/23/1952 #5922 Sinuiju, North Korea 11:15 p.m. The navigator on a B-29 2/23/1952 #5923 iaircraft fire near Sinuiju, North Korea. It arrives high and fast, makes s 2/23/1952 #5923 Over North Korea. At 11:15 p.m. the navigator of a 2/23/1952 #5924 Sinuiju, N. Korea Auto-Sized Cylinder Tries To Inter 2/24/1952 #5928 roached a B-29 flying over Antung, Korea at 11:15 p.m. It had a pulsating e 2/24/1952 #5929 Korea Strait Kyushu Island, Japan 12:07 4/18/1952 #6124 , picks up a radar target over the Korea Strait north of Kyushu Island, Jap 4/18/1952 #6124 FRONT LINES, KOREA 2 white saucers / succession going 4/30/1952 #6220 Panmunjeom, Korea 6:00 p.m. Six members of the 3rd P 4/30/1952 #6224 the front lines around Panmunjeom, Korea, see two silvery wingless objects, 4/30/1952 #6224 d high in the sky over a valley in Korea at the front lines of the Korean W 4/30/1952 #6225 SOUTH / CHANGSONG-NI, NORTH KOREA 2 F86's. Large silver ovoid / 1500 5/15/1952 #6326 i and N of Nangnim Mt \- #1, North Korea (11 AM) silvery oval shaped object 5/15/1952 #6328 i and N of Nangnim Mt \- #2, North Korea (6 PM) silvery oval shaped object 5/15/1952 #6329 North Korea 6:35 p.m. The pilot of an F-51 ass 5/15/1952 #6332 up flying at 9,000 feet over North Korea encounters a silver object estimat 5/15/1952 #6332 North Korea 8:00 p.m. Two F-86E pilots of the 5/15/1952 #6333 tor Wing are on a mission in North Korea when they see a silvery disc large 5/15/1952 #6333 F. F-51 aircraft flying over North Korea watched an unidentified object fol 5/15/1952 #6334 flying south of Changson-Ni, North Korea at 8,000-10,000 altitude. The obje 5/15/1952 #6334 ific Ocean between Hawaii and Guam Korea 1:00–3:00 a.m. Royal Canadian Navy Late 5/1952 #6362 etween Hawaii and Guam en route to Korea. He sees many different lights, so Late 5/1952 #6362 unknown location, North Korea Bright white object that accelerat 5/26/1952 #6365 North Korea 3:20 a.m. Ground radar alerts the 5/26/1952 #6366 tarfire interceptor jet over North Korea that an unidentified target is on 5/26/1952 #6366 jet flying in Grid Area CT 4856 in Korea during the Korean War. The UFO was 5/26/1952 #6367 SOUTH / CHORWAN, KOREA Saucer / jerky trajectory. F94 cha 5/31/1952 #6389 Chorwon (South of ), Korea Multiple sightings, RV (NICAP: 09 5/31/1952 #6390 Chorwon (South of ), Korea Radar Visual case in Korea, (M) (N 5/31/1952 #6391 h of ), Korea Radar Visual case in Korea, (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 5/31/1952 #6391 Cheorwon, South Korea About 4:00 a.m. Over Cheorwon, Sou 5/31/1952 #6392 out 4:00 a.m. Over Cheorwon, South Korea, several US soldiers see a bright 5/31/1952 #6392 South of Chorwon, Korea - At 4:20 a.m. pilot Hufberry turn 5/31/1952 #6395 K14 = KIMPO AB, KOREA 20' flat disc spins tumbles and bu 6/6/1952 #6451 Kimpo AB, Korea (Case missing) cylinder-section fl 6/6/1952 #6452 Kimpo AFB, Korea Case missing from official files. 6/6/1952 #6453 Gimpo International Airport Seoul, Korea 8:42 a.m. Flight Sgt. Kenneth Dudl 6/6/1952 #6454 o International Airport] in Seoul, Korea, observes a dull silver object in 6/6/1952 #6454 opped over airfield K-14 at Kimpo, Korea. Next it rose straight up for ten 6/6/1952 #6456 SEOUL, KOREA 5th Air Force guards. Night light 6/7/1952 #6457 h Air Force Base near Seoul, South Korea. The light bobbed in the sky, then 6/7/1952 #6462 CT0909 / WEST CENTER KOREA LONGITUDE & LATITUDE COORDS. = APP 6/20/1952 #6556 Central Korea, Korea F4U-4B Corsairs Encounter C 6/20/1952 #6558 Central Korea, Korea F4U-4B Corsairs Encounter Circling 6/20/1952 #6558 Central Korea, Korea F4U-4B Corsairs Encounter C 6/20/1952 #6559 Central Korea, Korea F4U-4B Corsairs Encounter Circling 6/20/1952 #6559 Central Korea Witnesses: four Marine Corps Capt 6/20/1952 #6561 central Korea 3:03 p.m. A flight of four US Mari 6/20/1952 #6562 h the 7302nd Squadron over central Korea see a silvery-white object passing 6/20/1952 #6562 Central Korea. At 3:03 p.m. four Marine Corps Ca 6/20/1952 #6563 PYONGTAEK AIR FORCE BASE, KOREA 2 Sergeants / 753D RADAR. Project 6/22/1952 #6585 Pyungthek, Korea 4 ft diameter orange object (NICAP 6/22/1952 #6586 Pyungthek, Korea Witnesses: Two Marine Corps Serge 6/22/1952 #6587 Pyeongtaek military base, South Korea 10:45 p.m. Two US Marine sergeants 6/22/1952 #6588 at Pyeongtaek military base, South Korea, shooting 2–5-foot red flames. It 6/22/1952 #6588 Grid area CV 4, Korea. Information came via Japan H.Q. " 6/23/1952 #6612 K14 AB / SUWON, KOREA Separate observer(s). Dull-silver 6/25/1952 #6621 Japan, Korea Area, Far East Military witness(es 6/25/1952 #6623 At 20:23 p.m. over Suwon, Korea a silver coin-shaped object was se 6/25/1952 #6630 OFF NORTH KOREA Canadian destroyer. RADAR-visual ( 7/10/1952 #6745 Korea (near), Korea Navy Destroyer Obser 7/10/1952 #6750 Korea (near), Korea Navy Destroyer Observes Two Discs 7/10/1952 #6750 Korea Night. Forty crew members of the C 7/10/1952 #6753 nadian destroyer HMCS Crusader off Korea see two shiny discs and track them 7/10/1952 #6753 Korea Japan The Air Technical Liaison Of 7/11/1952 #6762 radar UFO reports for 1950–1952 in Korea and Japan. 7/11/1952 #6762 Pohang (K-3 area E of), Korea Fireball with stream of flame pass 8/9/1952 #7522 ol radar in Grid Area K-3, Pohang, Korea made contact with a moving ball of 8/9/1952 #7527 EAST / BUNKER HILL, KOREA All / US patrol. Thin saucer east 8/14/1952 #7582 SINUIJU, NORTH KOREA 7' cylinder/cigar-shape buzzes B29 8/23/1952 #7685 Sinuiju, North Korea Orange-red cigar-shaped object (NI 8/23/1952 #7690 PUSAN, SOUTH KOREA Several observer(s). White saucer 9/4/1952 #7844 OFF HUNGNAM, NORTH KOREA Marine pilot. 20cm orange fireball 10/12/1952 #8119 EAST FRONT, KOREA 6 / USAF T6. Silent perfectly circ 10/16/1952 #8137 WEST KOREA Cartwheel UFO's throw sparks and c 10/19/1952 #8156 KOREA / WESTERN FRONT US troops. Weird 5 10/20/1952 #8167 NEAR PYONGYANG?, NORTH KOREA CT7943. Silent 10' silver sphere/o 11/15/1952 #8274 Pyongyang (near), North Korea Sphere Circles Below T-6 (NICAP: 1 11/15/1952 #8277 Hungnam, Korea USN pilot flying aircraft in near- 12/10/1952 #8404 SUWON, KOREA Airman / 5 second(s). 2 36cm sauce 1/24/1953 #8562 At 1550 hrs. in Suwon, Korea two 0.36 meter diameter discs were 1/24/1953 #8564 Korea (near), Korea Korean area, G,V (NI 2/7/1953 #8646 Korea (near), Korea Korean area, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADA 2/7/1953 #8646 nge light was seen in the sky over Korea and an F-94 fighter jet was scramb 2/7/1953 #8648 5 NORTHEAST / CHO-DO ISLAND, NORTH KOREA Meteor stops and maneuvers. Turns 2/10/1953 #8658 g 25 miles northeast of Panmunjon, Korea. It was described as 10 feet in di 3/19/1953 #8763 OLD BALDY AND PORK CHOP HILL, KOREA W. Morgan / USAF. CE2+RADAR's both 3/20/1953 #8764 Pork Chop Hill, Korea AP radio news service summary of A 3/20/1953 #8765 Soviet bloc US prisoners of war in Korea The MKUltra project is launched on 4/13/1953 #8823 chniques on US prisoners of war in Korea. The project attempts to produce a 4/13/1953 #8823 NORTHEAST / PANMUNJON, KOREA 2M and white rounded delta/triangl 4/19/1953 #8836 motion over Communist territory in Korea. An official G-2 Intelligence Repo 4/19/1953 #8838 territory northeast of Pammunjon, Korea at 1:00 p.m. It was witnessed by t 4/19/1953 #8839 CS 4859 (Mil Grid), Korea T-6 Encounters Strange Object (NIC 12/26/1953 #9396 rcraft flying over Grid Area CS in Korea at 4:25 p.m. It was orange in colo 12/26/1953 #9398 unknown location, Korea (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 7/29/1954 #10061 KIMPO AIR FORCE BASE, KOREA Project Bluebook Case #3213. 1 Air 9/18/1954 #10338 Kimpo AB, Korea Round object, like polished alumin 9/18/1954 #10344 ther observer at Kimpo Air Base in Korea watched a round object, like polis 9/18/1954 #10350 Unknown City, Korea Marine Corps weather observer saw Fall 1954 #10414 POHANGDONG, SOUTH KOREA U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) weatherma 10/1954 #10534 SEA / JPN NEAR PUSAN, KOREA Large glowing washtub falls to sea 1/15/1956 #12660 Busan, South Korea 150 feet offshore Busan, South Kor 1/15/1956 #12661 rea 150 feet offshore Busan, South Korea An object the apparent size of a w 1/15/1956 #12661 sea 150 feet offshore Busan, South Korea, by large numbers of townspeople. 1/15/1956 #12661 TAEGU, KOREA 4 silent smoking odd-colored eggs 4/22/1957 #13610 the sky for four minutes in Daegu, Korea. 4/22/1957 #13612 NORTH / SEOUL, KOREA Military observer(s). White lumino 11/6/1957 #14367 Soeul, S. Korea Luminous bluish-white barrel-shape 11/6/1957 #14407 Seoul, Korea North of Seoul a barrel-shaped obj 11/6/1957 #14410 North of Seoul, South Korea a barrel-shaped object, bluish-whi 11/6/1957 #14431 South Korea Yellow Sea China Night. A sergeant 1958 #14783 crash crew at an air base in South Korea is positioned near the runway awai 1958 #14783 Korea, Korea Korea, G (NICAP: 09 - RADAR 3/8/1958 #14918 Korea, Korea Korea, G (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, 3/8/1958 #14918 Korea, Korea Korea, G (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Ratin 3/8/1958 #14918 Korea A USAF radar site in Korea tracks 3/8/1958 #14919 Korea A USAF radar site in Korea tracks a UFO slowly descending fro 3/8/1958 #14919 Taegu (S) of, Korea (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 6/25/1959 #15785 OSAN AIR FORCE BASE, KOREA White saucer maneuvers / 10 minute 9/14/1961 #16835 Korea Air Force and Army radar stations 10/1964 #18565 rized zone between North and South Korea. The UFO was visible for over an h 10/1964 #18565 apan Changjahwan Bay Wonsan, North Korea A-12 pilot Jack Weeks is dispatche 1/26/1968 #23703 Changjahwan Bay near Wonsan, North Korea. Instead of war plans, the US proc 1/26/1968 #23703 SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA Silent blue object hovers / presid 9/22/1970 #25849 TAEGU AIR FORCE BASE, SOUTH KOREA 2 ROK F4 pilots. Disk radiates bri 3/1973 #27319 Republic of Korea Air Force Daegu Air Force Base, So 3/1979 #34453 Force Daegu Air Force Base, South Korea Palgong Mountain in the Taebaek Ra 3/1979 #34453 ek Range 9:00 a.m. Two Republic of Korea Air Force F-4D Phantom II jets, pi 3/1979 #34453 ise to Daegu Air Force Base, South Korea. Near Palgong Mountain in the Taeb 3/1979 #34453 KAPYONG, SOUTH KOREA White sphere offloads similar obje 9/3/1995 #42438 KYE RYONG MOUNTAIN, SOUTH KOREA Kaf pilot. 4M top-saucer going [to 9/4/1995 #42439 KAPYONG PROVINCE, SOUTH KOREA Good photographs and 4m / video. 1 9/4/1995 #42440 TAEGU, KOREA Many observer(s) and photographs. 12/30/1995 #42651 ratified the treaty; India, North Korea, and Pakistan have not signed it. 9/10/1996 #43014 WEST / SEOUL, KOREA Many observer(s). Huge yellow-gree 11/22/1996 #43114 the Han-gang River west of Seoul, Korea and flew off to the west. TV film 11/22/1996 #43116 apan, Italy, Canada, France, South Korea, the United Kingdom, the European 3/28/2020 #45642
Word: "korean" (Back to Top)
ano on Jeju Port Hamilton [now the Korean islands of Geomundo] 10:00 p.m. C 2/24/1893 #308 g east from Port Hamilton [now the Korean islands of Geomundo]. This time t 2/24/1893 #308 U.S. air combat fighter during the Korean War, with significant numbers of 1949 #3940 Korean Theatre Gen. Earle E. Partridge o 6/8/1950 #4981 fth Air Force, responsible for the Korean Theatre, writes to Commanding Gen 6/8/1950 #4981 Korea Korean War 6/25/1950 #5005 invades South Korea, beginning the Korean War. 6/25/1950 #5009 ation covert activities during the Korean War. The PSB is tasked with creat 4/4/1951 #5498 ense program reinstated during the Korean War to protect against enemy atta 11/1/1951 #5757 ATIC for help in interpreting the Korean sightings. Ruppelt has brought in 2/8/1952 #5894 ewart Alsop examine the January 29 Korean incidents in their syndicated col 2/20/1952 #5916 Ga. Korean Sen. Richard Russell Jr. (D-Ga.), 2/21/1952 #5917 ther information on the January 29 Korean UFO incidents in a letter to Secr 2/21/1952 #5917 in Korea at the front lines of the Korean War, according to military witnes 4/30/1952 #6225 d Area CT 4856 in Korea during the Korean War. The UFO was picked up by bot 5/26/1952 #6367 US Reports of UFO's in Korean War 6/1952 #6396 Near the Korean front in 1952, two sergeants sigh 6/22/1952 #6589 during the Korean War, two Americans flying in a T- 11/15/1952 #8282 Korea (near), Korea Korean area, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Case 2/7/1953 #8646 and Old Baldy Hills area, Western Korean Front (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 3/20/1953 #8765 alleged Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean use of mind-control techniques on 4/13/1953 #8823 nd a half before the object sinks. Korean and American military authorities 1/15/1956 #12661 , which has been captured by North Korean forces on January 23. His photogr 1/26/1968 #23703 South Korean antiaircraft shore battery 10:00 Autumn 1974 #29471 300 feet across approaches a South Korean antiaircraft shore battery. The c Autumn 1974 #29471 like a mixture between German and Korean. They seemed to spit out the word 2/5/1978 #32957 ucester, Massachusetts 4:45 p.m. A Korean War veteran in Gloucester, Massac 8/27/1978 #33579 pan Moneron Island Sakhalin Island Korean Air Lines Flight 007 is shot down 9/1/1983 #36968 film footage was made and shown on Korean television. 11/22/1996 #43116
Word: "korendor" (Back to Top)
n from the hitherto unknown planet Korendor, orbiting the triple star Alpha 1/1957 #13440
Word: "korenek" (Back to Top)
irport 4:00 a.m. Deputy Sheriff Ed Korenek is driving north of El Campo, Te 9/1966 #20827 the airfield disappears, and when Korenek turns his car around, his radio 9/1966 #20827
Word: "korff" (Back to Top)
made by California skeptic Kal R. Korff in 1981), and that the stories he 1997 #43155
Word: "korkan" (Back to Top)
long. Two fishermen at sea, George Korkan and Jack Curry, say the substance 11/9/1958 #15434
Word: "korkino" (Back to Top)
CHELYABINSK TO/FROM KORKINO, RUSSIA White-yellow cylinder/ci 12/24/1989 #39336 ner flying between Chelyabinsk and Korkino, Russia sighted a yellowish whit 12/24/1989 #39340
Word: "korn" (Back to Top)
Australia, including a woman named Korn, sighted a UFO traveling slowly at 5/6/1973 #27470
Word: "kornilak" (Back to Top)
Night. Seaman Mar Doroba, Anthony Kornilak, and others on the British troo 9/1941 #1370
Word: "korning" (Back to Top)
g eyes 18 inches wide, was seen in Korning Wood, Quebec, Canada at a distan 12/2/1973 #28508
Word: "korolev" (Back to Top)
of Moscow. Missile designer Sergei Korolev is appointed chief designer of S 5/13/1946 #1991 ng-range missiles. Stalin declares Korolev’s name a secret, which it remain 5/13/1946 #1991
Word: "korolyov" (Back to Top)
Kaliningrad Korolyov Moscow Russia The Soviets estab 5/13/1946 #1991 now TsNIIMash] at Kaliningrad [now Korolyov], Russia, northeast of Moscow. 5/13/1946 #1991
Word: "korsvold" (Back to Top)
east of Quebec City, Quebec. Capt. Korsvold and the crew notice a triangula 7/14/1974 #29259
Word: "korsö" (Back to Top)
pelago, Sweden Kaliningrad, Russia Korsö, Finland Sandön, Finland The Swedi 10/16/2014 #45417 lots, and divers. On the island of Korsö, Finland, a mysterious man dressed 10/16/2014 #45417
Word: "kortedala" (Back to Top)
KORTEDALA, SWD Army Captain / (seen thru 11/24/1957 #14606 Army Captain Kohrtz in Kortedala, Goteborg, Sweden at 3:30 p.m. 11/24/1957 #14607
Word: "kos" (Back to Top)
light in the sky over Antimachia, Kos Island, Greece. The UFO had the shap 10/26/1954 #11425
Word: "kosei" (Back to Top)
f the Moeller Shipwrecker Co., and Kosei Nakamoto sighted a line of blue li 8/11/1954 #10128
Word: "koshkoning" (Back to Top)
SOUTHEAST / LAKE KOSHKONING, WI Farmer. Chickens hide. Ha 7/9/1947 #3036
Word: "koshkonong" (Back to Top)
KOSHKONONG, WI 4 observer(s) / 2 / plane 7/7/1947 #2862 Elkhart, Wisconsin Koshkonong 11:30 a.m. Flight instructor 7/7/1947 #2932 s and landings with a student near Koshkonong. They watch a disc descending 7/7/1947 #2932 LAKE KOSHKONONG, WI Project Bluebook Case #13 6/28/1952 #6651 here was observed flying over Lake Koshkonong, Wisconsin. It made a 180 deg 6/28/1952 #6661
Word: "kosice" (Back to Top)
KOSICE, SLOVAKIA Hundreds complain of UF 9/1/1965 #19489 At 11:00 p.m. in Kosice, Slovakia a woman reported being 1/1/1971 #25966
Word: "kosmopoisk" (Back to Top)
l-Russian Scientific Organization, Kosmopoisk, as an international associat 2004 #44636 ference is promoted by the Russian Kosmopoisk group and the International C 10/15/2018 #45540
Word: "kosmos" (Back to Top)
nclude an alien craft; debris from Kosmos 96 (James Oberg), a Soviet space 12/9/1965 #19762 he Soviet reconnaissance satellite Kosmos 954 reenters the Earth’s atmosphe 1/24/1978 #32912 that launched a Russian satellite, Kosmos 1068, into orbit on December 26. 12/31/1978 #34248 cations satellites, a Gorizont and Kosmos 1188. 6/14/1980 #35367 ons 9:00 p.m. Soviet spy satellite Kosmos 749 re-enters the Earth’s atmosph 12/25/1980 #35732 booster 22586U, which launched the Kosmos 2238 radio satellite into orbit t 3/31/1993 #40914 hat launched the Russian satellite Kosmos 2290. 9/14/1994 #41749
Word: "kosmos-955" (Back to Top)
the launch of the Soviet satellite Kosmos-955. In the same year, a prelimin 9/20/1977 #32499
Word: "kosov" (Back to Top)
Kavkazkiy, Russia 9:15 p.m. I. Kosov, his wife and farmer P.I. Marchenk 7/31/1967 #22758
Word: "kosovo" (Back to Top)
Kosovo Kosovo War and NATO intervention 2/28/1998 #43525 Kosovo Kosovo War and NATO intervention 2/28/1998 #43525
Word: "kosse" (Back to Top)
At 4:30 p.m. a witness in Kosse, Limestone County, Texas reported 11/9/2006 #44983
Word: "kostelnik" (Back to Top)
Director of SAPCO Brig. Gen. Mike Kostelnik and SecDef William J. Perry th 10/16/2002 #44418 d has these confirmed by Kaminski, Kostelnik and Perry, who tell him he has 10/16/2002 #44418 s, John Ellis, Charles Bill Moore, Kostelnik and Kaminski. https://www.doc 10/16/2002 #44418
Word: "kostenbader" (Back to Top)
hkill Township Police Chief Harold Kostenbader reportedly observed three ob 3/1/1973 #27322
Word: "koster" (Back to Top)
rne, seamen Earle Bradley and Eric Koster, all crew of the Pacific Coast Tr 5/16/1967 #22355
Word: "kot39fxstho" (Back to Top)
ed at Bennewitz. https://youtu.be/kOT39FXstho?t=8 https://youtu.be/Y3xK5 11/17/1980 #35646
Word: "kota" (Back to Top)
Terminal 2 in Kota Kinabalu International Airport, Sab 10/4/2002 #44414 ating CCTV camera at Terminal 2 in Kota Kinabalu International Airport, Sab 10/4/2002 #44414
Word: "kotka" (Back to Top)
KOTKA, FINL Military observer(s). 8 oran 8/15/1969 #25322
Word: "koto" (Back to Top)
Koto Ward, Tokyo, Japan 7:55 p.m. Koto W 5/1/1956 #12824 Koto Ward, Tokyo, Japan 7:55 p.m. Koto Ward, a factory worker, along with 5/1/1956 #12824
Word: "kottmeyer" (Back to Top)
. No occupants are visible. Martin Kottmeyer suggests that Gill was watchin 6/26/1959 #15790 around eyes. UFO skeptic Martin S. Kottmeyer alleges that this episode infl 2/10/1964 #18127 Webb and an appendix by Martin S. Kottmeyer, are compiled in Encounters at 9/2000 #44035
Word: "kotzbue" (Back to Top)
Kotzbue, Alaska Witnesses: one U.S. Arm 2/25/1962 #17061 Army private and six civilians in Kotzbue, Alaska sighted a red light in t 2/25/1962 #17062
Word: "kotzebue" (Back to Top)
KOTZEBUE, AK Project Bluebook Case #7818 2/25/1962 #17059 Kotzebue, AK Red light, trailed 30 secs 2/25/1962 #17060
Word: "kountze" (Back to Top)
Kountze, Texas Night. Henry A. Hooks and 4/23/1897 #565 Henry A. Hooks and A. W. Hodges of Kountze, Texas, allegedly meet two aeron 4/23/1897 #565 a landed airship near the town of Kountze, Texas. It was cigar shaped, 50 4/23/1897 #567
Word: "kovalyonok" (Back to Top)
00 p.m. Russian cosmonaut Vladimir Kovalyonok is orbiting in the Salyut 6 s 5/5/1981 #35930 nauts Victor Savinykh and Vladimir Kovalyonok, aboard the Salyut 6 space st 5/14/1981 #35937
Word: "kovlenok" (Back to Top)
aft, Space Cosmonauts Savinikh and Kovlenok observed a strange object from 5/14/1981 #35936
Word: "kovno" (Back to Top)
KOVNO = KUANAS, LITH 'German' balloon go 3/22/1892 (approximate) #299
Word: "kowalczewski" (Back to Top)
uszyna, Poland 3:00 p.m. Stanislaw Kowalczewski, a physician, takes a photo 12/22/1958 #15497
Word: "kowale" (Back to Top)
Kowale Oleckie, Poland 9:40 p.m. Tomasz 8/21/2009 #45238 feet above the ground at 50 mph at Kowale Oleckie, Poland. He estimates it 8/21/2009 #45238
Word: "koza" (Back to Top)
NAGO AND KOZA, OKINAWA, JP 40+observer(s). Silent 9/22/1972 #27025
Word: "kozani" (Back to Top)
KOZANI AND SALONIKA, GREECE 'Ghost rocke 9/10/1946 #2173
Word: "kozens" (Back to Top)
Hamilton, Canada Charles Kozens, 13, saw two objects, 2.5 m long, 3/31/1966 #20176 Charles Kozens, age 13, saw two objects land nea 3/31/1966 #20183
Word: "kołobrzeg" (Back to Top)
Baltic Sea coast Kołobrzeg, Poland On the Baltic Sea coas 3/1959 #15628 oland On the Baltic Sea coast near Kołobrzeg, Poland, soldiers watch the se 3/1959 #15628
Word: "kph" (Back to Top)
ming jet going quickly north / 770 kph. Pilot follows. Beams / side. 10/10/1936 #1251 a house were seen flying at 1,000 kph at 11:55 a.m. in Spokane, Washington 6/21/1947 #2359 etallic disk swoops and flips. 400 kph / 750M altitude. Turns going south. 7/13/1947 #3166 eparate observer(s). Saucers / 30k kph. 1 paces balloon going east. / MJ#25 4/24/1949 #4100 the desert to the southwest at 400 kph and an altitude of 4200 meters. They 5/2/1949 #4138 / 30 km. Sudden burst speed / 600 kph and away. 6/24/1950 #5000 ls hover and dart and circle. 1100 kph. Going quickly NNW. 8/6/1950 #5110 ) DC4. Going [to] underneath / 300 kph. 4/16/1953 #8830 gless fuselage! Up and away / 6000 kph. 7/1953 #8977 t at a speed estimated to be 5,800 kph. The object was estimated to be 10 f 5/5/1954 #9754 n a V-formation, traveling at 2200 kph. 5/6/1954 #9760 ameter black object going [to] 370 kph over airport / 300M altitude. No fur 8/27/1954 #10185 toward(s) city center. Silent. 800 kph. 300M altitude? 11/11/1958 (approximate) #15437 ckly going up [to] to space / 6500 kph. 11/8/1959 #16083 the ambulance was speeding at 100 kph at the time. After the crash, a bein 8/11/1969 #25317 slowly toward the northwest at 60 kph in Asenhoga, Sweden. It had small po 4/30/1971 #26087 nd and suddenly accelerated to 160 kph despite the driver's effort to slow 10/3/1971 #26405 haped object as it passes by at 50 kph in York Plains, Tasmania. 2/25/1974 #28802 meters altitude at a speed of 200 kph, and made sudden stops. 8/26/1975 #30311 t as they slowed their car to 8-15 kph, the engine began misfiring. (NICAP: 12/30/1977 #32819 t as they slowed their car to 5–10 kph, the engine begins misfiring. They s 12/30/1977 #32821 na. Their estimated speed was 6000 kph, altitude 30,000-40,000 meters, and 8/29/1978 #33592 approaching object's speed at 300 kph. They felt their car levitated four 9/23/1978 #33738 st / just over farm reservoir / 60 kph. Turns 90° going northwest. / r241p4 1/20/1982 #36305 0 night lights / 90 minute(s). 480 kph going quickly NNE. Helicopter chases 10/7/1985 #37675 00M silver blimp crosses sky / 600 kph. 3 km altitude. / CUFORN. 2/15/1999 #43728
Word: "kraankuil" (Back to Top)
KRAANKUIL, RSA Railroad/railway men. Ora 7/5/1972 #26772 s at the Witput railway station in Kraankuil, South Africa. At 10:15 p.m. a 7/5/1972 #26775
Word: "kraft" (Back to Top)
GEMINI 5 Chris Kraft radios up. Unidentified object / R 8/24/1965 #19457
Word: "krai" (Back to Top)
Kamen-Rybolov, Primorsky Krai, Russia Lake Khanka Late evening. O 6/1/1899 #635 ervers in Kamen-Rybolov, Primorsky Krai, Russia, see a blue sphere about 28 6/1/1899 #635 seysk Governorate [now Krasnoyarsk Krai], Russia Lake Baikal Eastern Siberi 6/30/1908 #711 seysk Governorate [now Krasnoyarsk Krai], Russia. Evenki natives and Russia 6/30/1908 #711 lake Ozero Blagodati, Primorsky Krai, Russia Sea of Japan Fishermen at l 1956 #12637 at lake Ozero Blagodati, Primorsky Krai, Russia, allegedly see an enormous 1956 #12637 Kronotsky Lake, Kamchatka Krai, Russia Day. A group of Russian hyd 8/1970 #25765 rboat on Kronotsky Lake, Kamchatka Krai, Russia. Suddenly, about a half-mil 8/1970 #25765 ki, Finland Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia 4:00 a.m. A large “star” se 9/20/1977 #32499 the west to Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia, in the east. Government of 9/20/1977 #32499 k Sea Khosta near Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russia 2:00 a.m. Engineer Y. Podvy 8/12/1979 #34739 ct of Khosta near Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russia. They notice a brightly ill 8/12/1979 #34739 Khatanga, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia Alykel Airport near Norilsk 10/27/1979 #34971 approaching Khatanga, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, encounter a large UFO abou 10/27/1979 #34971 Khatanga Krasnoyarsk Krai Russia A. Bindas observes a radiant 1/1981 #35768 the city of Khatanga, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, during the polar night. It 1/1981 #35768 Khabarovsk Krai, Russia 10:35 p.m. A Soviet bomber 5/23/1985 #37592 orange object over the Khabarovsk Krai, Russia. Radar does not track it, b 5/23/1985 #37592 al facility Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia The Russian nuclear submari 8/10/1985 #37641 cility near Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia. A reactor tank lid is impr 8/10/1985 #37641 Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia 8:30 p.m. Two men in a smal 11/3/1985 #37699 waters off Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia, notice a high- altitude ob 11/3/1985 #37699 Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, Russia Height 611 (also known as M 1/29/1986 #37775 habitants of Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, Russia, see a reddish ball about h 1/29/1986 #37775 Primorsky Krai Far Eastern district Russia Sea of 11/28/1987 #38339 titude over the coast of Primorsky Krai, Far Eastern district, Russia, on t 11/28/1987 #38339 eninsula Russia Klyuchi, Kamchatka Krai Northern Pacific Ocean Pilot Robert 10/1988 #38661 e Test Range at Klyuchi, Kamchatka Krai. The 1988 Intermediate-Range Nuclea 10/1988 #38661 i International Airport, Krasnodar Krai, Russia Simferopol, Crimea 2:40 p.m 7/26/1989 #39033 i International Airport, Krasnodar Krai, Russia, receives information from 7/26/1989 #39033 Sea of Japan Primorsky Krai, Russia The Russian tanker Volgonef 8/2/1989 #39042 Japan off the region of Primorsky Krai, Russia, when rew members notice an 8/2/1989 #39042 Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, Russia A joint Russian and Chinese 5/21/1990 #39582 initiated in Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai, Russia. An agreement is made to sh 5/21/1990 #39582 Krutikha River Altai Krai, Russia Ob River Krutikha The Gomzy 6/6/1997 #43315 eling on the Krutikha River, Altai Krai, Russia, when they see a luminous f 6/6/1997 #43315 Barnaul Airport in Altai Krai, Russia 12:30 a.m. Barnaul Airport 1/22/2001 #44127 2:30 a.m. Barnaul Airport in Altai Krai, Russia, shuts down after a slightl 1/22/2001 #44127 Vladivostok Primorsky Krai Russia Sea of Japan Residents of Vl 9/5/2006 #44958 esidents of Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Russia, see several types of UFOs 9/5/2006 #44958
Word: "kraina" (Back to Top)
TIMOSKA DE KRAINA, SERBIA Many observer(s). Classic 10/8/1971 #26411
Word: "krakow" (Back to Top)
KRAKOW, POLAND Many observer(s). Cross-s 12/6/1269 #12 KRAKOW, POLAND Strange sphere = no satel 11/4/1957 #14267 KRAKOW, POLAND Ball with appendage going 1/18/1991 #39959 ment building. Later that night in Krakow, Poland at 10:45 p.m. another sph 1/18/1991 #39961
Word: "kraków" (Back to Top)
Jerzmanowice Kraków County Poland Kraków Balice 7:00 1/14/1993 #40795 Jerzmanowice Kraków County Poland Kraków Balice 7:00 p.m. Residents of Jer 1/14/1993 #40795 00 p.m. Residents of Jerzmanowice, Kraków County, Poland, see a flash of li 1/14/1993 #40795 ace. Although the blast is seen in Kraków, registered on seismic equipment, 1/14/1993 #40795 Kraków Rzeszów, Poland Dozens of indepen 3/8/2010 #45272 Dozens of independent witnesses in Kraków and Rzeszów, Poland, report a str 3/8/2010 #45272
Word: "kral" (Back to Top)
Angel hair falls. Samples. / Elmer Kral. 10/17/1973 #28107
Word: "kramer" (Back to Top)
rshall Islands Night. Radioman Tom Kramer is serving aboard the USS Curtiss Late 10/1952 #8184 l Islands. After an onboard movie, Kramer and other crewmen see a round, si Late 10/1952 #8184
Word: "kramish" (Back to Top)
wo chemists are killed, and Arnold Kramish almost killed, after being spray 9/2/1944 #1664
Word: "krantz" (Back to Top)
Judson Sanderson (math), Reinhold Krantz (math), and John Brownfield (art) 2/4/1968 #23734
Word: "krasnodar" (Back to Top)
Black Sea Khosta near Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russia 2:00 a.m. Enginee 8/12/1979 #34739 icrodistrict of Khosta near Sochi, Krasnodar Krai, Russia. They notice a br 8/12/1979 #34739 Sochi International Airport, Krasnodar Krai, Russia Simferopol, Crime 7/26/1989 #39033 er at Sochi International Airport, Krasnodar Krai, Russia, receives informa 7/26/1989 #39033
Word: "krasnorechen" (Back to Top)
Word: "krasnovodsk" (Back to Top)
Astrakhan, Russia Caspian Sea Krasnovodsk [now Türkmenbaşy], Turkmenis 1984 #37097 ds to 325 feet. When it approaches Krasnovodsk [now Türkmenbaşy], Turkmenis 1984 #37097 Krasnovodsk [now Türkmenbaşy], Turkmenis 1985 #37541 istan Caspian Sea Near the town of Krasnovodsk [now Türkmenbaşy], Turkmenis 1985 #37541
Word: "krasnoyarsk" (Back to Top)
iver in Yeniseysk Governorate [now Krasnoyarsk Krai], Russia Lake Baikal Ea 6/30/1908 #711 iver in Yeniseysk Governorate [now Krasnoyarsk Krai], Russia. Evenki native 6/30/1908 #711 KRASNOYARSK, USSR Hundreds / silver sauc 4/24/1970 #25641 Khatanga, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia Alykel Airport 10/27/1979 #34971 ian aircraft approaching Khatanga, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, encounter a la 10/27/1979 #34971 Khatanga Krasnoyarsk Krai Russia A. Bindas observ 1/1981 #35768 object above the city of Khatanga, Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, during the pol 1/1981 #35768
Word: "krasnoyarsk-26" (Back to Top)
Soviet Union Soviet “Krasnoyarsk-26” atomic weapons project p 1950 #4458
Word: "krasnoyarsk-45" (Back to Top)
Soviet Union Soviet “Krasnoyarsk-45” nuclear weapons program 1956 #12627
Word: "krasnyye" (Back to Top)
KRASNYYE CHETAI, RUSSIA 1934? 'Star' goi 8/1933 (approximate) #1173
Word: "kraspedon" (Back to Top)
Félix, under the pseudonym of Dino Kraspedon, writes about his various conv 11/1952 #8227
Word: "krasuntsev" (Back to Top)
hakhty, Russia 9:15 p.m. Docent Y. Krasuntsev and his son were resting near 7/4/1967 #22608
Word: "kraton-1" (Back to Top)
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Kraton-1” Yield: 22KT 10/17/1978 #33841
Word: "kraton-2" (Back to Top)
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Kraton-2” Yield: 15KT 9/21/1978 #33722
Word: "kraton-3" (Back to Top)
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Kraton-3” Yield: 22KT 8/24/1978 #33562
Word: "kraton-4" (Back to Top)
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Kraton-4” Yield: 22KT 8/9/1978 #33493
Word: "kratovil" (Back to Top)
ar), MA TWA Crew Spot White Disc / Kratovil Case (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 6/1/1954 #9857 40 a.m. TWA pilot Capt. Charles J. Kratovil, copilot W. R. Davis, and fligh 6/1/1954 #9860
Word: "kratz" (Back to Top)
rina, Brazil 2:30 p.m. Farmer Egon Kratz and his son-in-law, Adilson Marcíl 12/12/1995 #42641 to collect soil samples and rocks. Kratz notes in January that much of the 12/12/1995 #42641
Word: "kraus" (Back to Top)
An experienced sky observer named Kraus at the Pine Mountain Observatory i 10/25/1983 #37014 An experienced sky observer named Kraus at the Pine Mountain Observatory i 10/25/1983 #37017
Word: "kravets" (Back to Top)
Shtanivka, Ukraine Lina Ivanova Kravets is in her garden in Shtanivka, U 8/17/1953? #9077 y encounter ends, the beings offer Kravets a piece of bread the size of a s 8/17/1953? #9077
Word: "kravtsova" (Back to Top)
v, Yekaterina Ryabova, and Natalia Kravtsova. 5/17/1967 #22369
Word: "kray" (Back to Top)
ome with her husband in Primorskiy Kray, Vladivostok, Russia when she fell 10/8/1989 #39150
Word: "krazndr" (Back to Top)
DZHUBGA, KRAZNDR, RUSSIA MD and crowd. Bright sph 10/18/1967 #23259
Word: "krebs" (Back to Top)
mself as "Rubinako," said to him, "Krebs, Navis, Karsicujo and Krero." Only 1/25/1968 #23700
Word: "kremlin" (Back to Top)
San Francisco Washington US Kremlin The San Francisco Examiner’s Was 8/13/1947 #3321 lying saucers. It reports that the Kremlin believes that the discs are conn 8/13/1947 #3321 y 1M sphere/orb/globe appears over Kremlin. Splits / 3 parts. 1 going quick 8/5/1977 #32362 Grand Kremlin Palace Moscow, Russia Geneva Sum 2/16/1987 #38121 ummit At a conference in the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow, Russia, Soviet 2/16/1987 #38121
Word: "kremmling" (Back to Top)
KREMMLING, CO Cops and 20. Bright delta/ 4/20/1986 #37825 ight a group of police officers in Kremmling, Colorado saw a mysterious fly 4/20/1986 #37829
Word: "krems" (Back to Top)
tria, at 11:35 p.m. Flying between Krems and Linz, Austria an Austrian DC-9 3/18/1972 #26616
Word: "krepachi" (Back to Top)
stroying targets pre-positioned at Krepachi, Baranovichi area, Brest region 8/25/2004 #44741 75 meters away from the village of Krepachi in the Brest region. The locati 8/25/2004 #44741
Word: "krero" (Back to Top)
him, "Krebs, Navis, Karsicujo and Krero." Only partially paralyzed, Cobo n 1/25/1968 #23700
Word: "kreuzlingen" (Back to Top)
KREUZLINGEN, SWZ 2 observer(s). 8M grey 9/23/1955 #12470 0 meters altitude over the town of Kreuzlingen, Switzerland on this day. It 9/23/1955 #12471
Word: "kreuznach" (Back to Top)
Bad Kreuznach, Germany Würselen, Germany Rei 6/5/1993 #41005 ellschaft für UFO-Forschung in Bad Kreuznach, Germany, and begins publishin 6/5/1993 #41005
Word: "kriegsfeld" (Back to Top)
Kriegsfeld Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany 11/25/1982 #36690 the Army Special Weapons Depot at Kriegsfeld, a nuclear weapons storage an 11/25/1982 #36690
Word: "krill" (Back to Top)
ings, as well as the dubious “O.H. Krill” document, allegedly written by a 10/8/1988 #38665 mbassador, His Omnipotent Highness Krill. But, he claims, the aliens broke 5/23/1989 #38960
Word: "krim-krim" (Back to Top)
h. Low and slow. 12 blasts heard / Krim-Krim / 2100h. 9/7/1977 #32465 s were heard. At nine p.m. a loud "krim-krim" sound was heard. 9/7/1977 #32471
Word: "krindler" (Back to Top)
t Guard Cmdr. John Feigle and John Krindler, meet with Grenada Prime Minist 11/28/1977 #32702
Word: "krinitsy" (Back to Top)
Belye Krinitsy, Russia 3:00 p.m.Mr. Lytkiny an 8/9/1967 #22851
Word: "kripalu" (Back to Top)
icular form of ancient meditation: kripalu yoga and Vipassana meditation. A 12/12/2018 #45551
Word: "krissy" (Back to Top)
their two daughters, Jena, 14, and Krissy, 11, and a close family friend—ar 6/17/1977 #32172
Word: "kristiansand" (Back to Top)
NEAR KRISTIANSAND, NORW Several observer(s) / 1/1970 #25526
Word: "kristianstad" (Back to Top)
In a wooded area near the town of Kristianstad, Sweden a group of men repo 5/21/1973 #27514
Word: "kristin" (Back to Top)
yst Kit Green and his life partner Kristin B Zimmerman about a story publis 7/31/1999 #43815 es Vallée meets with Kit Green and Kristin B Zimmerman in Detroit, MI. Whil 8/19/2003 #44576 Green, Hal Puthoff, Eric Davis and Kristin B Zimmerman, the group speculate 3/28/2004 #44683
Word: "kristinehamn" (Back to Top)
KRISTINEHAMN, SWD Many windows rattle. B 9/30/1988 #38657 KRISTINEHAMN, SWD 2 observer(s). Cylinde 12/27/1988 #38760
Word: "kriv" (Back to Top)
SIOUX CITY, IA Jacob Kriv and 2 teens. Luminous/glowing disk 7/3/1947 #2571
Word: "krives" (Back to Top)
, deputy Clark County Sheriff Fred Krives, Portland police officer Kenneth 7/4/1947 #2658
Word: "kroger" (Back to Top)
FO that was slowly flying over the Kroger store on Commerce Avenue. It then 4/18/1997 #43265
Word: "krondac" (Back to Top)
ts that the aliens there are from “Krondac,” a planet 800 light-years away. 1991 #39935
Word: "kronisch" (Back to Top)
s died in 1992. His sister, Gloria Kronisch, pursues the case in the US Cou 10/1952 #8075
Word: "kronoskagen" (Back to Top)
Kronoskagen Ängelholm, Sweden 10:45 p.m. 5/18/1946 #1994 is walking in the forested area of Kronoskagen near Ängelholm, Sweden, when 5/18/1946 #1994
Word: "kronotsky" (Back to Top)
Kronotsky Lake, Kamchatka Krai, Russia D 8/1970 #25765 ducting research on a motorboat on Kronotsky Lake, Kamchatka Krai, Russia. 8/1970 #25765
Word: "krosno" (Back to Top)
Germany Brzózka Bóbr River Krosno, Poland 4:00 a.m. A witness is tr 7/9/1990 #39640 e over the Bóbr River southwest of Krosno, Poland. He goes for a short walk 7/9/1990 #39640
Word: "kruger" (Back to Top)
Brazil, student Marco Antonio von Kruger in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais state 4/10/1969 #25055
Word: "krugersdorp" (Back to Top)
Luipaardsvlei mine near Krugersdorp, Gauteng, South Africa Preto 11/1/1957 #14189 ers at the Luipaardsvlei mine near Krugersdorp, Gauteng, South Africa, watc 11/1/1957 #14189 Krugersdorp, Gauteng, South Africa Just 1/4/1979 #34294 un barking away from their home in Krugersdorp, Gauteng, South Africa. Driv 1/4/1979 #34294
Word: "krugloye" (Back to Top)
KRUGLOYE, BELORUS Man sees half-moon UFO 7/10/1967 #22642
Word: "krupat" (Back to Top)
r(s). 2-legged stool-UFO over Lake Krupat. / APRO Jan'68. 11/23/1967 #23500
Word: "krupina" (Back to Top)
HONTIANSKY-NEMCE, KRUPINA, SLOVAKIA Retired pilot sees cla 4/1955 #12072
Word: "kruppa" (Back to Top)
ippines 8:00 a.m. A scientist, Ron Kruppa, sees a large UFO emitting smalle 5/20/1979 #34571
Word: "krutikha" (Back to Top)
Krutikha River Altai Krai, Russia Ob Riv 6/6/1997 #43315 River Altai Krai, Russia Ob River Krutikha The Gomzyakov family is traveli 6/6/1997 #43315 mzyakov family is traveling on the Krutikha River, Altai Krai, Russia, when 6/6/1997 #43315 ater, they arrive at the vilage of Krutikha, where they see another object 6/6/1997 #43315
Word: "kryddost" (Back to Top)
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Kryddost” YieldMax: 20KT 5/6/1982 #36465
Word: "krylbo" (Back to Top)
Bt. Malingsbo and Krylbo, Sweden 10:02 a.m. Two witnesses 8/14/1946 #2133
Word: "kryling" (Back to Top)
Bryan and Stryker, Ohio, Gerald M. Kryling and his wife Thelma approach a b 10/1945 #1942
Word: "krylov" (Back to Top)
tute in Moscow, Vice Admiral M. M. Krylov, space technician Y. G. Nazarov, 11/1978 #33907
Word: "krz" (Back to Top)
a Cerkev, Slovenia 7:30 p.m. Alojz Krz comes across a UFO sitting on three 5/1971 #26092
Word: "krzesiny" (Back to Top)
adarzyce airbase Nadardyce, Poland Krzesiny AFB 8:00 p.m. Military personne 10/8/1994 #41795 In reaction to the initial report, Krzesiny AFB sends two MiG-21 intercepto 10/8/1994 #41795
Word: "krzysztof" (Back to Top)
Miroslaw Goralski and Krzysztof Kobus had been working in thei 9/20/1979 #34909
Word: "ks" (Back to Top)
EDWARDSVILLE, KS Railroad/railway crew. 'Train' nears. 7/30/1878 #215 TOPEKA, KS Many observer(s). Huge night light an 3/27/1897 #397 EVEREST, KS AND MORE/OTHERS Object lights ground 4/1/1897 #403 Everest, KS 9:00 p.m. The whole town saw an objec 4/1/1897 #404 Leroy, KS 10:30 p.m. Alexander Hamilton was awa 4/19/1897 #532 (LOC.UNK / WESTERN), KS Stunt pilot. 6 huge shiny disks circl 1/1926 #1054 Witicha, KS Several Circular Objects Surrounded P 1/1926 #1055 KANSAS CITY, KS 3 observer(s). Several glowing disks 7/4/1947 #2625 KANSAS CITY, KS 1 observer? 13cm grey disk circles ob 7/6/1947 #2733 OVER CLAY CENTER, KS Army Air Force (AAF) Major / B-25. Br 7/6/1947 #2752 EMPORIA, KS 3 / observer(s). Silent shiny saucer 7/6/1947 #2765 Clay Center, KS 30-50' Circular Object Paces B-25, Ac 7/6/1947 #2804 COLUMBUS, KS 2 ex-airmen and 3. 6M metallic hemisp 7/8/1947 #2993 TOPEKA, KS 1+3 separate observer(s). Green lumin 7/8/1947 #2995 TOPEKA, KS 1 / porch. Disk from northeast stops 7/13/1947 #3170 COFFEYVILLE, KS Many / Navy air-show. 60M disk going 8/13/1947? #3314 Wichita, KS Man watched an orange object varied i 11/15/1947 #3489 Wichita, KS 8:25 p.m. USAF B¬47 crew and passenge 11/15/1947 #3490 WEST / STOCKTON, KS 4' saucer aims pipe / farmer 6' away! 2/18/1948 #3578 Junction City (10 miles SW of), KS Huber. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index (N 10/24/1948 #3849 HOWARD, KS Blue Book. C47 Carswell going [to] Of 1/6/1950 #4473 Howard (near), KS Crew of C-47 transport saw a 30-60 ft 1/6/1950 #4474 LINDSBORG, KS P. Patchin. Grey-white clam-shape / 2 4/10/1950 #4839 KINGMAN, KS 4+/ car. 250' domed saucer hovers and 6/30/1950 #5023 Kingman (near), KS Rotating disc hovered, sped away when 6/30/1950 #5026 TOPEKA, KS 3 doctors / clinic. Saucer speeds ove 7/6/1950 #5044 OVER DODGE CITY, KS AAL pilot buzzed / odd blue night lig 5/22/1951 #5515 Dodge City (near), KS Hunt Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 5/22/1951 #5516 STOCKTON, KS Several observer(s). Bright metal sau 4/1/1952 #6013 NORTH / GOODLAND, KS Project Bluebook Case #1168. B29 bomb 4/29/1952 #6210 Goodland (North of ), KS B-29 Encounters Pulsing Light (NICAP: 4/29/1952 #6212 WICHITA, KS "Balloon". Jumps all over airport. Go 6/12/1952 #6482 TOPEKA, KS Project Bluebook Case #1355. 2 milita 6/27/1952 #6643 Topeka, KS Pulsating red object change shape fro 6/27/1952 #6645 WICHITA, KS 10+observer(s). Gold-glowing object z 7/10/1952 #6747 WICHITA, KS 100 observer(s). Silver cylinder/cyli 7/11/1952 #6756 WICHITA, KS 3 teens Puzzled. Very fast object no 7/14/1952 #6803 SOUTHWEST / READING, KS 2 / farm. Noise. Metal disk / 3km alt 7/21/1952 #6958 NORTHWEST / COFFEYVILLE, KS 1 / car. 4M saucer going SSE slow. Fl 7/25/1952 #7125 WICHITA, KS Project Bluebook Case #1739. Unidenti 7/29/1952 #7284 Witchita, KS Bright white circular object with a f 7/29/1952 #7309 NEAR PITTSBURG, KS Project Bluebook Case #1972. 75' sauc 8/25/1952 #7719 Frontenac-Pittsburg, KS 70-75 ft inverted platter-shaped dull 8/25/1952 #7726 Pittsburg, KS Object reported hovering over open fi 8/27/1952 #7753 CONCORDIA, KS 2 / ground. Round silver object going 9/5/1952 #7849 NORTHWEST / TOPEKA, KS 4 observer(s). 6 metal objects hover 9/15/1952 #7949 SOUTH / DOUGLASS, KS 11m domed ovoid paces 2 military / ca 9/15/1952 #7952 WICHITA, KS 2 observer(s). 3' saucer changes shap 11/15/1952 #8273 Wichita, KS Elliptical blue-white object with ora 11/15/1952 #8279 WICHITA, KS 1 observer. 8 night lights south goin 4/3/1954 #9662 GOODLAND, KS Farmer sees saucer / field-retracts l 5/5/1954 #9749 COLDWATER, KS Farm boy. Small humanoid (or Grey) / 9/2/1954 #10231 Kansas City, KS B-47 Encounters Moving At 1,300 Knots 7/26/1955 #12289 COFFEYVILLE, KS Saucer stops low over house. Circles 4/2/1956 #12780 PRATT, KS Ground Observer Corps (GOC) and many 5/8/1956 #12836 ARKANSAS CITY, KS 3 cops and 4 others. Several luminous 6/19/1956 #12907 HUTCHINSON, KS AND WICHITA AND ELDORADO AND WELLINGT 6/19/1956 #12908 ARKANSAS CITY, KS AND MORE/OTHERS Separate observations 7/18/1956 #12982 Hutchinson, KS July 19, 1956; Hutchinson, Kansas, G, 7/19/1956 #12988 WEST / JUNCTION CITY, KS 2 observer(s). 4 silent 30M disks hov 9/6/1956 #13194 KANSAS CITY, KS 4 saucers / box-formation. 2 turn nor 5/23/1957 #13673 ATCHISON, KS 3 observer(s). 4 small saucers 5cm th 8/15/1957 #13898 WICHITA, KS Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Flyin 8/29/1957 #13943 ARKANSAS CITY, KS Numerous observer(s) and cops. Fast f 11/18/1957 #14574 KANSAS CITY, KS Classic domed saucer with portholes c 8/17/1958 #15205 Kansas City, KS Dome-shaped disc with "portholes" fol 8/17/1958 #15207 MISSION, KS Publisher and 1. White disc speeds ov 9/7/1958 #15256 Mission, KS Publisher saw white disc speed overhe 9/7/1958 #15258 TOPEKA, KS Separate observer(s). Blazing firebal 11/11/1958 #15436 GIRARD, KS Trucker. Orange disk lands / road! Co 5/18/1959 #15735 Greenbush, KS (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 5/18/1959 #15736 PLAINVILLE, KS Project Bluebook Case #6563. USAF pil 10/19/1959 #16038 Plainville, KS Bright yellowish light on collision c 10/19/1959 #16040 WICHITA, KS Project Bluebook Case #6914. Unidenti 8/23/1960 #16407 Wichita, KS Dull orange round object, with yellow 8/23/1960 #16408 KANSAS CITY, KS Project Bluebook Case #7579. 130' ovo 8/12/1961 #16787 Kansas City, KS Oval object with/fin extending from o 8/12/1961 #16788 LIBERAL, KS AND MORE Many / wide area. Fireballs 8/2/1962 #17314 Liberal, KS Colored Lights Lit Up Runways (NICAP: 8/2/1962 #17315 LAWRENCE, KS Astronomer. Silent 25' saucer / dim l 11/11/1963 #18030 ULYSSES, KS 1 / car buzzed / fast 3' domed saucer 9/11/1964 #18548 NORTH / DODGE CITY, KS Aero-writer / private plane. Circular 9/12/1964 #18551 y at the Motor Pool at Fort Riley, KS claims on this date he and other guar 12/10/1964 #18655 Forbes AFB, KS Flat Silver Object Near Airbase (NICA 7/22/1965 #19159 WICHITA, KS Several blips / weather RADAR. 6K'-9K 8/1/1965 #19229 Topeka, KS 707 Picks Up 12-15 Targets (NICAP: 09 8/1/1965 #19240 INGTON AND OXFORD AND MORE/OTHERS, KS Cops and many. 300M ovoid going quick 8/2/1965 #19253 Wichita, KS G,V. weather radar tracked 4-5 UFOs ( 8/2/1965 #19260 SOUTH / ABILENE, KS Truck lights electro-magnetic effect 8/4/1965 #19297 Abilene, KS E-M effects on truck, domed disc swoo 8/4/1965 #19317 NEAR AGRA, KS 2+2 observer(s) / car. Vibrant bright 11/17/1965 #19727 Liberal, KS Time not reported. A blue-green spher 4/4/1966 #20221 IOLA, KS Young boy. 5M domed disk with windows 1/13/1967 #21292 Iola, KS 1:30 a.m. CST. A 9-year-old saw a cir 1/13/1967 #21296 rt from a dairy farm owner, Iola , KS, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity 1/13/1967 #21296 Lindsborg, KS 7:40 p.m. CST (8:40 p.m. EST). Five p 2/3/1967 #21445 Rossville, KS Night. Three teenaged boys saw what l 2/8/1967 #21480 NEAR GODDARD, KS 15 observer(s). Colored object hovers 2/9/1967 #21485 McCune, KS 10:30 p.m. CST. A high school teacher 2/10/1967 #21501 Topeka, KS 10:40 p.m. CST (11:40 p.m. EST). Thre 2/16/1967 #21567 Winfield, KS 8:35-9:00 p.m. CST. Two people saw a 2/21/1967 #21613 TOPEKA, KS Wide top-saucer hovers over trees. Re 2/27/1967 #21667 Topeka, KS 7:05 p.m. CST. A woman saw a top-shap 2/27/1967 #21671 Hillsboro, KS Evening. Three people saw a flash of 3/1967 #21689 Medicine Lodge, KS On some unspecified date in the sprin 3/1967 #21695 OLPE, KS Blue-green cone with lit interior goi 3/6/1967 #21772 MARION, KS Several cops with (seen thru) binocul 3/8/1967 #21795 SHARON SPRINGS, KS Many and cops. 14' sphere/orb/globe / 3/8/1967 #21798 Goodland, KS 2:00 a.m. MST. A newspaper editor and 3/8/1967 #21801 GOODLAND, KS 2 cops and many. 14+50' ovoids 360m o 3/9/1967 #21822 oing quickly east toward(s) Colby, KS. / r201p89. 3/9/1967 #21822 WEST / HILLSBORO, KS Domed flat glowing-saucer buzzes and 3/21/1967 #21930 Hillsboro, KS "Upside-down cup on a saucer" hovered 3/21/1967 #21932 BELLEVILLE, KS Disk with cone top. Green light / pea 4/5/1967 #22058 Belleville, KS 8:30 p.m. CST (9:30 p.m. EST). A mana 4/5/1967 #22063 Wichita, KS Wichita, KS (NICAP: 08 - Photographic 6/27/1967 #22563 Wichita, KS Wichita, KS (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) 6/27/1967 #22563 LEAWOOD, KS Aero-engineer and 4. 50' metal saucer 7/3/1967 #22595 WICHITA, KS Boys and mom. Saucer lands / field. L 9/14/1967 #23052 Fort Riley, KS 5:00 a.m. CST. Multiple witnesses saw 11/4/1967 #23401 Hill City, KS Multi-colored object came within 100 4/14/1969 #25062 HILL CITY, KS 5mi east. Multicolor UFO. Car malfunc 4/19/1969 #25068 SOUTH / HAYS, KS 2 / farm. Silent glowing-cone maneuve 6/23/1969 #25232 Peabody, KS Pre-dawn. Stewart and Lyle Leppke, do 1/22/1971 #25994 NEAR LARNED, KS Flashing double-cone hovers. Observer 6/13/1971 #26172 DELPHOS, KS 3 observer(s). 9' saucer hovers 2' / 11/2/1971 #26445 Delphos, KS Sheep become agitated during landing 11/2/1971 #26446 Delphos, KS (#494) confirming witnesses (NICAP: 0 11/2/1971 #26447 Delphos, KS Brilliantly lighted, mushroomshaped o 11/2/1971 #26448 NEAR WELDA, KS Duck Hunter. Slow silent thin wingles 11/4/1971 #26455 LARNED, KS Big white light buzzes car the way to 2/26/1972 #26582 HAYS, KS AND COLBY AND DIGHTON AND RUSSEL AND 8/1972 #26853 GEM, KS Cops and many. Night lights. Saucer l 8/12/1972 #26902 COLBY, KS Cops and 50. Blinding white 35' sauce 8/19/1972 #26929 Colby, KS Luminous, bowl-shaped object hovered 8/19/1972 #26931 Colby, KS Luminous, bowl-shaped object hovered 8/19/1972 #26932 US50 3MI WITH PEABODY, KS 4+observer(s). 3 very low round objec 6/19/1973 #27570 RUSSEL, KS 2 / car. Dazzling funnel paces / low 7/4/1975 #30153 WHITE CITY, KS UFO / 4 cylinders hanging lands / pas 7/19/1975 #30187 NEAR PITTSBURG, KS 3 / car. Ovoid going down [to] and co 8/1/1975 (approximate) #30228 I70 EAST / GOODLAND, KS 2+infant abducted / car. 3+4+1 low 15 6/20/1976 #31113 h Republic Severe corrosion of the KS 150 reactor in Jaslovské Bohunice, Cz 2/22/1977 #31838 BONNER SPRINGS, KS 2 observer(s). Silent saucer with whi 5/11/1977 #32085 Bonner Springs, KS 9:45 PM. A silent disc-shaped object 5/11/1977 #32087 LAWRENCE, KS Cop. Silent orange fireball 350' over 5/4/1983 #36851 Lawrence, KS 3:50 AM. A silent yellowish orange ba 5/4/1983 #36852 RUSSELL, KS Many separate observer(s). Mothership 2/20/1989 #38844 Western KS Double abduction case investigated by 11/7/1989 #39219 PITTSBURG, KS 16 observer(s). 3 dinner-plate disks 4/3/1994 #41475 LEAVENWORTH, KS Military employee. Blinding flash. 4 3/12/1995 #42087 OLATHE, KS 3 carloads / teens. Red night light o 8/21/1995 #42405 CONCORDIA, KS Many calls / sheriff. "2 circular sph 9/21/1995 #42494
Word: "ktil" (Back to Top)
re received by the Coast Guard and KTIL radio reporting small explosions an 9/28/1989 #39131
Word: "kts" (Back to Top)
+RADAR blips going southwest / 650 kts. Chase. Nothing seen. 3/26/1945 #1828 west. Wind = due going north / 60 kts. 1/14/1951 #5396 jectory. F94 chases going [to] 450 Kts. On air RADAR / not ground RADAR. Go 5/31/1952 #6389 e unidentified blip tracked at 650 kts. (750 m.p.h.) at greater than 60,00 6/12/1952 #6487 ig blips tracked on radar at 1,500 kts. (1,700 m.p.h.). There was no visu 7/12/1952 #6783 quares beneath it, flew at 150-180 kts. (170-210 m.p.h.), while a smaller 7/23/1952 #7075 ack, flew around it at 1,000-1,500 kts. (1,150-1,700 m.p.h.). Seen by cre 7/23/1952 #7075 ed from southwest to east at 50-60 kts. (60-70 m.p.h.), following each oth 7/29/1952 #7313 other. The large one moved at 600 kts. (700 m.p.h.). One hour total time. 7/29/1952 #7313 e with a light flew as fast as 330 kts. (380 m.p.h.), hovered, flew curves 8/5/1952 #7467 100' in diameter, flew at 300-400 kts. (350-450 m.p.h.) for 20 seconds. 10/19/1952 #8164 ot of USAF F-86 jet fighter at 600 kts. (700 m.p.h.). One bright orange c 3/27/1953 #8790 e bright orange circle flew at 800 kts. (900 m.p.h.), and executed three f 3/27/1953 #8790 ight, flying at an estimated 1,000 kts. (1,100 m.p.h.) eluded the chasing F 6/22/1953 #8956 eptor. One object tracked at 2,000 kts. (2,300 m.p.h.) for 15 seconds. 9/28/1953 #9184 one orange ball travelling 500-600 kts. (600-700 m.p.h.) for 6 seconds. 9/28/1953 #9185 oval objects flew at more than 400 kts. (450 m.p.h.), straight and level, f 12/24/1953 #9393 20 minutes, then went west at 200 kts. (230 m.p.h.). Sighting lasted 23 9/4/1956 #13185 e fireball paces USS chambers / 10 kts / 1 hr. 150M altitude. 10/3/1959 #16012 nd visible. 2 large objects / 6000 kts. 160° turn. / r239p9. 12/19/1964 #18661 g [to] under USCG cutter Mellon. 5 Kts. 5/1970 (approximate) #25648 s / bottom. Banks going west / 250 Kts. Faint humming. 6/30/1976 #31143 und and air RADAR's. Blips to 1010 kts. Delta/triangle/box-like crafts and 3/31/1990 #39501
Word: "kttv" (Back to Top)
) go off the air at that time, and KTTV in Los Angeles sends up an airplane 4/28/1956 #12817
Word: "ku9gsj94dt4" (Back to Top)
eed to prepare.” https://youtu.be/Ku9GsJ94Dt4 12/20/2022 #45790
Word: "kuala" (Back to Top)
KUALA LUMPUR, MLYS 2 observer(s). Dark s 5/27/1968 #23984 house at 6:00 a.m. in the city of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, heard his son sh 5/27/1968 #23988 p.m. to attend an evening class in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He experienced m 8/5/1970 #25771 Two students in Kuala Tarengganu, Malaysia reported seei 5/12/1991 #40058
Word: "kuanas" (Back to Top)
KOVNO = KUANAS, LITH 'German' balloon going [to] 3/22/1892 (approximate) #299
Word: "kuangtung" (Back to Top)
KUANGTUNG TO/FROM WUHAN, CH Airliner cha 10/1963 (approximate) #17961
Word: "kuantan" (Back to Top)
reaked across the northeast sky in Kuantan, Malaysia and then dove into the 1/12/1956 #12656
Word: "kubark" (Back to Top)
rch into what became known as the “KUBARK Counterintelligence Interrogation 7/1963 #17819
Word: "kubena" (Back to Top)
tsevo, Vologda Oblast, Russia Reka Kubena river School children near the vi 6/6/1989 #38981 in a meadow, and moves to the Reka Kubena river about a quarter mile away. 6/6/1989 #38981
Word: "kubikenborg" (Back to Top)
Norrvikssand, Sweden Kubikenborg A brilliantly glowing projec 7/10/1946 #2046 Dr. B. Backlund at a laboratory in Kubikenborg, who finds it contains paper 7/10/1946 #2046
Word: "kubischew" (Back to Top)
Munich, Germany Moscow, Russia Kubischew German rocket engineer Walter 9/1946 #2164 sported by train to a small town (“Kubischew”) outside Moscow, Russia, wher 9/1946 #2164
Word: "kubota" (Back to Top)
rimeter of Japan Night. Maj. Shiro Kubota and Lt. Col. Toshio Nakamura are 6/9/1974 #29175
Word: "kubra" (Back to Top)
EL MAHALLA EL KUBRA, EGYPT Hundreds / observer(s). Odd 10/5/1954 #10714 El Mahalla El Kubra, Egypt Bahnay El-Qantara el-Sharqî 10/5/1954 #10731 dreds of people over El Mahalla El Kubra, Egypt. At Bahnay, aerial cylinder 10/5/1954 #10731
Word: "kuching" (Back to Top)
KUCHING, MALAYSIA 5 observer(s). Orange 8/1958 #15165
Word: "kudepst" (Back to Top)
Kudepst, Russia V.N. Chernyavski and his 7/16/1967 #22669
Word: "kuettner" (Back to Top)
phenomenon objectively. Joachim P. Kuettner of ESSA Research Laboratories i 12/1968 #24740 he subcommittee, led by Joachim P. Kuettner, consists of scientists with no 1/21/1970 #25548
Word: "kugatov" (Back to Top)
At 10:30 a.m. a Mr. Kugatov in Voronezh, Russia witnessed an 9/24/1989 #39120
Word: "kugelblitz" (Back to Top)
and circles. Dips and soars fast. Kugelblitz? 7/12/1947 #3155 craft with intense EM fields. The Kugelblitz was allegedly larger and buil 1958 #14787 o BIOS/CIOS say no evidence of the Kugelblitz or Feuerball exist in the rec 1958 #14787
Word: "kuhio" (Back to Top)
keta is resting on the lawn of the Kuhio School in Honolulu, Hawaii, with 9 12/8/1941 #1378
Word: "kuhn" (Back to Top)
Madison, Ohio Mrs. Leita Kuhn observed a very large, lighted obje 11/10/1957 #14520 Madison, Ohio 1:25 a.m. Leita Mae Kuhn is checking the stove in her Doberm 11/10/1957 #14521 At 1:25 a.m. Mrs. Leita Kuhn observed a very large, lighted obje 11/10/1957 #14527
Word: "kuiper" (Back to Top)
nd McDonald acknowledges to Gerard Kuiper that what he is doing is professi 10/5/1966 #20964
Word: "kuiti" (Back to Top)
TE KUITI, NI, NZ Airborne observer(s). Bril 1/6/1953 #8507
Word: "kuittinen" (Back to Top)
Two women, Mrs. Sinikka Kuittinen and Mrs. Manninen were driving 2/2/1971 #26011 oad, during which the ears of Mrs. Kuittinen plugged up. When they came to 2/2/1971 #26011 e light disappeared. Suddenly Mrs. Kuittinen, who was driving, saw a one me 2/2/1971 #26011
Word: "kukla" (Back to Top)
alia Approximate date. Dr. Antonin Kukla and Mrs. Audrey Lawrence saw an ob 8/3/1965 #19287 On or about this date Dr. Antonin Kukla and Mrs. Audrey Lawrence saw an ov 8/3/1965 #19292
Word: "kulik" (Back to Top)
led by Russian mineralogist Leonid Kulik, who finds a zone about 5 miles ac 6/30/1908 #711
Word: "kulikov" (Back to Top)
etnov, Hector Serrano, John Rusek, Kulikov, Corum, James Cox, Black and oth 5/2002 #44335
Word: "kulikup" (Back to Top)
KULIKUP, WEST AUS Ovoid aims blue-beam / 10/30/1967 #23365 Kulikup, AU Luminous, pulsating ellipse, 10/30/1967 #23366
Word: "kulim" (Back to Top)
KULIM, MALAYS 5cm saucer extends 3 legs. 5/1979 #34530 NEAR KULIM, KADAH, MALAYSIA 2+3 observer(s). 5/26/1979 #34582 Kulim, Malaysia A disc with three legs f 5/26/1979 #34585 a half a meter above the ground in Kulim, Malaysia at 8:30 a.m. The witness 5/26/1979 #34591
Word: "kulis" (Back to Top)
a St. James Church 6:35 p.m. Maria Kulis is visiting Medjugorje, Bosnia, an 9/19/1991 #40194
Word: "kulkarni" (Back to Top)
Dhar, Sushil Singh) led by Anil V. Kulkarni of the Indian Space Research Or 9/27/2004 #44762 he camp to a distance of 160 feet. Kulkarni and Dhar grab cameras and take 9/27/2004 #44762
Word: "kumamoto" (Back to Top)
KUMAMOTO, JPN Student photographs castle 5/20/1976 #31064
Word: "kumar" (Back to Top)
ia George Adamski meets with Sisir Kumar Maitra, head of the Department of 4/17/1959 #15706
Word: "kumara" (Back to Top)
e Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara. Under the name Sister Thedra, sh Early 1/1955 #11912
Word: "kume" (Back to Top)
nd a maritime safety officer named Kume are walking along Number 1 Pier, Ko 11/21/1956 #13340
Word: "kuminecz" (Back to Top)
s Vegas are "rare," said Col. John Kuminecz, the base's chief spokesmen. Th 2/24/1985 #37559
Word: "kumla" (Back to Top)
. Large bullet shoots going down / Kumla. / r130p12. 7/10/1946 #2044
Word: "kummerdorf" (Back to Top)
test launch of a Nazi rocket from Kummerdorf Airfield in Bremen, Germany w 2/12/1944 #1573
Word: "kummersdorf" (Back to Top)
KUMMERSDORF AIR FORCE BASE, GER Rocket l 2/12/1944 #1572
Word: "kumslod" (Back to Top)
KUMSLOD, THAILAND Wave / 1' fireballs in 10/15/1996 (approximate) #43068
Word: "kunanurra" (Back to Top)
Kunanurra, N. Territory, AU Oval passed 12/9/1977 #32753
Word: "kunashir" (Back to Top)
O occurred 10 minutes apart in the Kunashir Islands, Japan and the Soviet U 3/1/1958 #14907 ido, Japan Nemuro Channel south of Kunashir Island Eastern end of Hokkaido 8/17/1978 #33523 mile above Nemuro Channel south of Kunashir Island. It approaches the easte 8/17/1978 #33523
Word: "kunashiri" (Back to Top)
KUNASHIRI ISLAND, JPN / (USSR OCC) Proje 3/1/1958 #14906
Word: "kungsholm" (Back to Top)
WAII TO/FROM LOS ANGELES Steamship Kungsholm. Odd cloud going quickly west. 4/3/1963 #17722
Word: "kungsholmen" (Back to Top)
KUNGSHOLMEN, SWD 12M blue-grey ball with 9/25/1947 (approximate) #3426
Word: "kunia" (Back to Top)
Kunia, HI (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - D 4/12/1962 #17111
Word: "kuningas" (Back to Top)
faceplate. (Humcat 1971-6, Tapani Kuningas, FSR Vol. 17 # 5) (NICAP: 07 - 2/5/1971 #26013
Word: "kunming" (Back to Top)
KUNMING, YUNAN, CH 2 observer(s). Red he 12/25/1979 #35096 KUNMING, CH 2nd group / observer(s). Cla 12/26/1979 #35097 WEST KUNMING, YUNNAN, CH Many observer(s). Ro 12/8/1980 #35706 KUNMING, CH Luminous/glowing white objec 12/21/1980 #35730 NEAR KUNMING, CH Vibrant bright saucer-ovoid 1/15/1981 #35788 KUNMING, CH 1+kid. Long silver cylinder/ 2/19/1981 #35833 ute flew silently over the city of Kunming, Yunan Province, China at low al 2/19/1981 #35836 KUNMING, CH Crescent = cylinder/cylindri 8/4/1981 #36055
Word: "kunnamurra" (Back to Top)
NEAR KUNNAMURRA, WEST AUSTRALIA 3 / car. Brig 9/1986 #38006
Word: "kunshan" (Back to Top)
KUNSHAN NORTHWEST / SHANGHAI Airliners a 3/18/1991 #40019 Kunshan, China Airliner encounters ring- 3/18/1991 #40020 Kunshan, Jiangsu, China Captain Zho, the 3/18/1991 #40021 pilot of a regional airliner over Kunshan, Jiangsu, China, sees a ring-sha 3/18/1991 #40021
Word: "kunsman" (Back to Top)
Gray's Harbor, WA Kunsman. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) AD 10/30/1948 #3856
Word: "kura" (Back to Top)
an RSD-10 Pioneer IRBM toward the Kura Missile Test Range at Klyuchi, Kamc 10/1988 #38661
Word: "kuraby" (Back to Top)
KURABY, AUSTRALIA 6 grey figure(s) / roa 7/19/1972 #26809 While driving in Kuraby, Queensland (near Brisbane, Austr 7/19/1972 #26814
Word: "kuranda" (Back to Top)
KURANDA, AUSTR Ex-airman and 2. Silent s 6/2/1965 #18982 Kuranda, Australia Mr. D. Armstrong, a f 6/2/1965 #18984 ights descended onto a hillside in Kuranda, Queensland, Australia at 8:00 p 6/2/1965 #18985
Word: "kurchatov" (Back to Top)
e project is led by physicist Igor Kurchatov. 8/29/1949 #4340 , and T.I. Dantseva, fellow of the Kurchatov scientific institute, observed 7/17/1967 #22679
Word: "kurennoi" (Back to Top)
d lands at another airport. Sergei Kurennoi, the chief airspace controller 1/22/2001 #44127
Word: "kurgan" (Back to Top)
Sverdlovsk, Russia Kurgan An Antonov AN-2P mail biplane tak 1961 #16550 near Sverdlovsk, Russia, bound for Kurgan with seven people on board. About 1961 #16550
Word: "kuri" (Back to Top)
verted bowl. Original report = Hya Kuri A. 10/10/1975 #30426
Word: "kurihara" (Back to Top)
e rooftops in Tokyo, Japan. Turuko Kurihara, in a different location, sees 5/1/1956 #12824
Word: "kuril" (Back to Top)
Kuril Islands Sakhalin Oblast Pacific Oc 7/24/1957 #13826 sian antiaircraft batteries on the Kuril Islands, Sakhalin Oblast, Russia, 7/24/1957 #13826
Word: "kurkchy" (Back to Top)
e Mary, Turkmenistan. Col. Anatoly Kurkchy, chief of the Air Defense Divisi 5/25/1990 #39592 ts port side destroy the missiles. Kurkchy then scrambles two jet intercept 5/25/1990 #39592 estroyed, killing the four pilots. Kurkchy is removed from his post and tra 5/25/1990 #39592
Word: "kurkela" (Back to Top)
At four in the afternoon Osmo Kurkela was walking home from school in 10/3/1997 #43424
Word: "kuronen" (Back to Top)
A second pilot-in-training, Jouko Kuronen, overhears the radio communicati 4/12/1969 #25057
Word: "kurrajong" (Back to Top)
In Kurrajong, New South Wales, Australia a 6/25/1962 #17246
Word: "kursu" (Back to Top)
drinking coffee in his kitchen in Kursu, Salla, Finland at around 5 p.m. w 4/15/1970 #25633
Word: "kurt" (Back to Top)
isträsket, Sweden Boden 11:30 a.m. Kurt Larsson, 11, is fishing at the nort 7/19/1946 #2070 A management instruction issued by Kurt H. Debus, director of Kennedy Space 6/28/1967 #22568 ay appeals to UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim to convene UFO hearings. T 11/28/1977 #32702 er, meet with UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim to organize a steering com 7/14/1978 #33383 . Philippe Bobet and First Officer Kurt Grunder see a cylindrical, glowing- 8/9/1997 #43376
Word: "kurtz" (Back to Top)
merican Humanist Association. Paul Kurtz, James Randi, Martin Gardner, and 4/30/1976 #31028
Word: "kurz" (Back to Top)
ght in Medina, New York Miss Shane Kurz, who had been observing UFOs maneuv 4/2/1967 #22048 he night of May 2nd-3rd Miss Shane Kurz, a 19-year-old woman, had watched a 5/3/1968 #23942 her bedroom and the door open. Ms. Kurz stayed out of school for the next t 5/3/1968 #23942
Word: "kushiro" (Back to Top)
aido Nakashibetsu Chitose Air Base Kushiro 10:30 p.m. Radars of the Air Sel 8/17/1978 #33523 ground scopes, moving south toward Kushiro. Twice more, jets are sent up bu 8/17/1978 #33523
Word: "kushner" (Back to Top)
more or less back to normal at the Kushner household in Pittsfield, Pennsyl 1/28/1967 #21411 ed to be USAF identification. Mrs. Kushner described the ID card as having 1/28/1967 #21411
Word: "kustanay" (Back to Top)
hter under the blankets in Rudnyi, Kustanay region, Kazakhstan when she saw 9/13/1990 #39730
Word: "kutizhma" (Back to Top)
ation Zastava station Petrozavodsk Kutizhma station 2:35 a.m. Freight train 2/1985 #37552 ing ball is noticed earlier at the Kutizhma station even before it is spott 2/1985 #37552
Word: "kuttner" (Back to Top)
e udders of female bovines.” L. D. Kuttner of the University of Missouri Co 6/1980 #35349
Word: "kutztown" (Back to Top)
KUTZTOWN, PA Project Bluebook Case #1409 7/9/1952 #6733 Kutztown, PA Aluminum, oval-shaped objec 7/9/1952 #6735 Kutztown, Pennsylvania Witness: farmer J 7/9/1952 #6738 2 miles east of Kutztown, Pennsylvania 5:30 p.m. Farmer 7/9/1952 #6741 ude above his farm 2 miles east of Kutztown, Pennsylvania, finally tipping 7/9/1952 #6741 flips and up-and-down motion over Kutztown, Pennsylvania at 6:30 p.m. Obse 7/9/1952 #6744
Word: "kuujjuaq" (Back to Top)
Kuujjuaq, Quebec 11:25 p.m. A woman outs 5/9/2005 #44837 p.m. A woman outside her house in Kuujjuaq, Quebec, watches multi-colored 5/9/2005 #44837 flying northeast past the town of Kuujjuaq, Quebec, Canada. 5/9/2005 #44839
Word: "kuusamo" (Back to Top)
l-shaped objects as they flew over Kuusamo, Oulu province, Finland in an es 1/11/1971 #25988 nd Mrs. Manninen were driving from Kuusamo, Finland towards Oulu at 8 p.m. 2/2/1971 #26011
Word: "kuusano" (Back to Top)
Saapunki, Kuusano, Finland 6:15 a.m. Maun and Matt 1/3/1971 #25972 ke outside their home at Saapunki, Kuusano, Finland. It is about 33 feet in 1/3/1971 #25972
Word: "kuwait" (Back to Top)
AL AHMADI, KUWAIT 2 separate observer(s). Brilliant 9/1957 (approximate) #13963 UMM ALAISH, KUWAIT 45M saucer going down. Pumping st 11/9/1978 #33930 Oil Fields, Kuwait Technicians observed landing of d 11/9/1978 #33934 In oil fields, Kuwait Technicians observed landing of d 11/9/1978 #33935 Oil Fields, Kuwait Major UFO/E-M Incidents Over Kuwa 11/9/1978 #33936 uwait Major UFO/E-M Incidents Over Kuwait (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Code: E, 11/9/1978 #33936 Kuwait Technicians observed landing of d 11/9/1978 #33937 Umm Al-Aish, Kuwait Kuwaiti Oil Company A cylinder-sh 11/9/1978 #33939 uwaiti Oil Company at Umm Al-Aish, Kuwait, causing the pumping station to a 11/9/1978 #33939 sightings compel the government of Kuwait to appoint a committee of the Kuw 11/9/1978 #33939 wait to appoint a committee of the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research 11/9/1978 #33939 at Oil Field Centre No. 24 in the Kuwait desert at 12:50 a.m. The UFO caus 11/9/1978 #33940 made a motion picture of a UFO in Kuwait, but the film came out blank when 11/19/1978 #33964 es at the Al Sabriyah Oil Field in Kuwait. At 6:00 p.m. a Puma helicopter p 11/21/1978 #33975 NEAR UMM QASR, KUWAIT Army post. UFO hovers / type unkn 12/1/1978 #34037 Kuwait A civil servant takes a photo of 12/2/1978 #34048 as he is walking along a beach in Kuwait. It shows a domed disc with a sel 12/2/1978 #34048 NORTHERN KUWAIT 10+observer(s). Several photograp 1/20/1979 #34363 Kuwait Kuwait Institute for Scientific R 1/20/1979 #34364 Kuwait Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research 1/20/1979 #34364 titute for Scientific Research The Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research 1/20/1979 #34364 s report on eight UFO sightings in Kuwait from November to December 14, 197 1/20/1979 #34364 Kuwait Front-page stories of another UFO 1/21/1979 #34366 stories of another UFO sighting in Kuwait appear the day after the committe 1/21/1979 #34366 In air space, Kuwait While descending through 15,000 f 6/20/1980 #35381 5,000 feet for a landing, a senior Kuwait Airways pilot and crew observed a 6/20/1980 #35381 Kuwait City Wafra 9:00 p.m. While descen 6/20/1980 #35382 5,000 feet for a landing, a senior Kuwait Airways pilot and crew observe a 6/20/1980 #35382 base moving steadily eastward over Kuwait City at a slightly lower speed th 6/20/1980 #35382 NORTHWEST / KUWAIT CITY 10 mile hemisphere seen / se 6/22/1980 #35387
Word: "kuwaiti" (Back to Top)
Umm Al-Aish, Kuwait Kuwaiti Oil Company A cylinder-shaped UF 11/9/1978 #33939 ver the northern oil fields of the Kuwaiti Oil Company at Umm Al-Aish, Kuwa 11/9/1978 #33939 Kuwaiti oilfield at Al-Sabriyah Iraqi bo 11/21/1978 #33974 der 5:30 a.m. A UFO appears over a Kuwaiti oilfield at Al-Sabriyah near the 11/21/1978 #33974
Word: "kuybychev" (Back to Top)
KUYBYCHEV, RUSSIA Huge delta/triangle/bo 9/13/1990 #39728
Word: "kuybyshev" (Back to Top)
KUYBYSHEV = SAMARA, RUSSIA Slow disk see 8/16/1960 #16391
Word: "kuzionov" (Back to Top)
The case is investigated by S. P. Kuzionov of the Russian Geographical Soc 10/1984 #37473
Word: "kuzmin" (Back to Top)
k, Russia 3:00 p.m. Pilot Vladimir Kuzmin sees a dark gray, cigar-shaped ob 12/24/1989 #39338 for over 4 minutes. Within hours, Kuzmin experiences a strange, crustlike 12/24/1989 #39338
Word: "kv" (Back to Top)
to pass under some high tension (5 Kv) power lines. 1/29/1969 #24877
Word: "kvalsik" (Back to Top)
Kvalsik, Norway Large aeroplane with red 2/11/1937 #1264 Several fisherman off the coast of Kvalsik, Norway watched what looked like 2/11/1937 #1266
Word: "kvalsvik" (Back to Top)
KVALSVIK, NORW Fishermen. Large plane go 2/11/1937 #1263 Kvalsvik, Norway 9:00 p.m. The crew of t 2/11/1937 #1265 e fishing vessel Fram is departing Kvalsvik, Norway, when they notice a “la 2/11/1937 #1265
Word: "kvamsøy" (Back to Top)
Kyrkjebø Sognefjord Mårenlandet Kvamsøy Norwegian Navy 1:00 p.m. An unid 11/20/1972 #27129 is seen by five police officers on Kvamsøy. Norwegian Navy frigates drop mi 11/20/1972 #27129
Word: "kvarsebo" (Back to Top)
b/globe-saucer zigzags. Ovoid near Kvarsebo / 0300h 5 October. 10/4/1964 #18570
Word: "kveg" (Back to Top)
ler into the Billy Goodman show on KVEG in 1991 claims he was hired to run 1991 #39940
Word: "kvet" (Back to Top)
rrville, Texas North Radio station KVET in Kerrville, Texas, blames a 75-se 1/9/1953 #8523 mes. It is making a buzzing noise. KVET engineer Britt Lamb says the radio 1/9/1953 #8523
Word: "kvilla" (Back to Top)
KVILLA, SWEDEN Shrill 10' saucer hovers 10/27/1982 #36665
Word: "kviman" (Back to Top)
ed Swedish naval officer Sven Olof Kviman snaps a picture of what looks lik 10/31/2014 #45422
Word: "kw" (Back to Top)
the UFO continued to follow a 250 kW electric transmission line. 2/25/1980 #35183 duce a luminous power of up to 100 kW.” However, a 2003 analysis by Matteo 8/5/2002 #44374
Word: "kwa-zulu" (Back to Top)
At 4:10 a.m. in Umkomaas, Kwa-Zulu Natal province, South Africa Mr 7/23/1972 #26827
Word: "kwai" (Back to Top)
ound. Photograph at bridge / River Kwai! Unidentified. No further details. 6/5/1994 #41551
Word: "kwajalein" (Back to Top)
Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands 4/1954 #9656 gh in the sky for 10 minutes above Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands. 4/1954 #9656 nuclear warhead as it traveled to Kwajalein Atoll over the Pacific Ocean o 9/1964 #18525 g AFB launched a Minuteman ICBM to Kwajalein missile range; on its descent 7/17/1974 #29267 Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands 3/28/2020 #45642 Space Fence facility is located at Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands, 3/28/2020 #45642
Word: "kwazulu" (Back to Top)
ohannesburg, South Africa Rosetta, KwaZulu Natal Flying Saucer Hill Elizabe 12/27/1954 #11864 en to a hill southwest of Rosetta, KwaZulu Natal, that she later calls Flyi 12/27/1954 #11864
Word: "kwazulu-natal" (Back to Top)
Connington KwaZulu-Natal midlands South Africa Seve 10/1917 #968 ir parents’ farm Connington in the KwaZulu-Natal midlands, South Africa. Wh 10/1917 #968 Saucer Hill southwest of Rosetta, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Alpha Centau 4/7/1956 #12798 Saucer Hill southwest of Rosetta, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, drawn by a 4/7/1956 #12798 Flying Saucer Hill Rosetta, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa Elizabeth Kl 7/17/1956 #12980 Saucer Hill, southwest of Rosetta, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. 7/17/1956 #12980
Word: "kwekwe" (Back to Top)
KWEKWE, RHODESIA Blue-glowing disk on ed 5/28/1956 (approximate) #12871 sc flying on edge pursued a car in Kwekwe, Zimbabwe in what was then Rhodes 5/28/1956 #12873
Word: "kwinana" (Back to Top)
KWINANA, WEST AUS Several / beach. Round 1/12/1954 #9479
Word: "kwrc" (Back to Top)
neth Arnold is interviewed live on KWRC radio in Pendleton, Oregon, by broa 6/26/1947 #2418
Word: "kwt" (Back to Top)
AL SABRIYAH, KWT UFO hovers / water tower / 30 mn. Ba 11/21/1978 #33971
Word: "kxok" (Back to Top)
5 and Union Rd. by three children. KXOK received 13 calls. (SL-72, page 10) 7/22/1972 #26824
Word: "kxtl-sbhe30" (Back to Top)
d two together.” https://youtu.be/KxtL-sBhe30?t=239 https://en.wikipedia 4/5/2016 #45449
Word: "kxwi-tv" (Back to Top)
Highway 82 Bells, Texas 3:00 a.m. KXWI-TV news photographer Robert Campbel 8/2/1965 #19266
Word: "ky" (Back to Top)
LOUISVILLE, KY AND MADISONVILE Numerous observer(s). 7/28/1880 #236 Unknown City, KY Powerful searchlight shining down, em Spring 1942 #1401 LOUISVILLE, KY Weatherman and 3 separate report(s). 7/1/1947 #2509 COVINGTON, KY 2 observer(s). Circular object with l 7/5/1947 #2696 LOUISVILLE, KY 2+1 separate observer(s). Bright fier 7/7/1947 #2905 NORTHEAST / FLORENCE, KY Teen / car. 30cm red-luminous/glowing 7/7/1947 #2914 HOPKINSVILLE, KY 2 observer(s). Washtub saucer "jet pr 7/9/1947 #3039 Fort Knox, KY Mantell Case (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 1/7/1948 #3539 ALEXANDRIA, KY Retired teacher. 5 classic metallic s 7/1949 #4257 PRESTONSBURG, KY 35 kids and more. Terrible roar. 3 st 3/15/1950 #4640 HENDERSON, KY 3 farmers. Several 10m oil-drums whiz 4/8/1950 #4820 LOUISVILLE, KY Newsman shoots 50' / 8mm film. Large 6/27/1950 #5012 Louisville, KY Movie film of UFO taken by newspaper 6/27/1950 #5015 Murray, KY Dog cowers at bolide (IFO) (NICAP: 04 9/20/1950 #5186 Louisville (Ky.) Tucson, Arizona Telenews Production 11/17/1950 #5279 , and the film shot by Louisville (Ky.) Times photographer Al Hixenbaugh on 11/17/1950 #5279 ASHLAND, KY "Large oysters" circle town and doubl 5/25/1952 #6353 LOUISVILLE, KY Former Navy RADAR-Tech. Large silent 6/15/1952 #6505 Louisville, KY Large, cigar-shaped object with a blu 6/15/1952 #6506 US60 3MI EAST / OWENSBORO, KY Project Bluebook Case #1335. 2 milita 6/23/1952 #6591 Owensboro (near), KY 2 obj looking like “giant soap bubble 6/23/1952 #6600 LEXINGTON, KY 5 observer(s). 5 round flat saucers g 7/26/1952 #7150 LEXINGTON, KY Several separate observer(s). 2nd moo 7/30/1952 #7348 CRESCENT SPRS, KY 1+3 observer(s). White disk tilts and 9/4/1952 #7846 HARDY, KY 3 / (seen thru) binoculars. Round sil 9/13/1952 #7908 PARK HILLS, KY Astronomer. 30m white saucer west goi 8/1954 #10083 LOUISVILLE, KY Thousands / observer(s). Huge glowing 11/11/1954 #11621 BOWLING GREEN, KY 2 observer(s). Orange flat ovoid glow 2/18/1955 #12008 Hopkinsville, KY Kelly–Hopkinsville encounter, 5 adult 4/21/1955 #12096 KELLY, KY Saucer lands. Suttons 4 hr shoot-out 8/21/1955 #12382 Kelly (7 miles N of Hopkinsville), KY Sutton (Kelly / Hopkinsville) Encount 8/21/1955 #12383 HARTFORD, KY Farmer. 40cm fireball scouts barns an 10/1955 #12475 SCOTTS FORK, KY Cop and 1. 18 1M and 2M silent white 10/8/1955 #12492 BELFRY, KY 2 wakened / humming. 16M disk-saucer 11/26/1956 #13354 MT. STERLING, KY Cop and several. Cylinder/cigar-shape 7/10/1957 #13786 CAMPBELLSVILLE, KY Boy-scouts exec. Luminous/glowing ovo 11/1/1957 #14187 DRY RIDGE, KY 4 separate state cops. Odd red ovoid 11/6/1957 #14381 Ky. Mass. N.Y. Mont. An informal two-hou 8/8/1958 #15184 WALLINGFORD, KY Grey ovoid lights area blue. Blue bea 9/7/1959 #15956 NORTH / LEXINGTON, KY Blue Book. Ex Air Force pilot and mor 9/7/1959 #15957 Wallingford, KY 15-ft burned mark left by object on t 9/7/1959 #15958 SOUTHWEST / LEXINGTON, KY 2 observer(s). 8' torpedo over lawn. 5/21/1960 #16294 LEXINGTON, KY Former Strategic Air Command (SAC) RA 9/4/1960 #16434 Lexington, KY Former Strategic Air Command radar te 9/4/1960 #16435 LEXINGTON, KY Attorney. Saucer hovers / 10 minute(s 10/27/1960 #16487 Lexington, KY Attorney saw disc hover, move away. [ 10/27/1960 #16488 HENDERSON, KY 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent or 11/17/1960 #16506 Lexington, KY Three UFOs were seen to follow two je 11/17/1960 #16507 WURTLAND, KY Project Bluebook Case #7851. Unidenti 4/3/1962 #17095 Wurtland, KY Telescope spotted a small object chan 4/4/1962 #17097 LEXINGTON, KY Postal inspector. Large saucer east g 1/24/1963 #17637 Lexington, KY Post Office safety engineer saw a rou 1/24/1963 #17638 egrass NICAP Affiliate, Lexington, Ky.] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 1/24/1963 #17638 FERN CREEK, KY 2 boys. Small disk exits cylinder/cig 7/18/1963 #17837 Springfield, KY Time not reported. A large object des 4/7/1966 #20263 EAST / CYNTHIANA, KY Top-shaped object flies over car. Lou 10/18/1966 #21014 SHELBYVILLE, KY 1 observer. 2 cylinders / light join 1/15/1967 #21306 Hazard, KY 11:30 p.m. EST. Four policemen and a 2/6/1967 #21467 Madisonville, KY 6:30 p.m. EST. A couple saw a round o 2/28/1967 #21680 Vicco, KY 2:30 a.m. EST. Two witnesses saw a ha 3/4/1967 #21751 Lexington, KY 10:45 p.m. EDT. A couple saw an inten 5/20/1967 #22378 PHILPOT, KY Pop! Barrel going up / field to 30M. 8/4/1967 #22795 Philpot, KY Nr. midnight. A man saw an object the 8/4/1967 #22799 OWENSBORO, KY 1 observer. 7 silent white ovoids goi 9/4/1967 (approximate) #22993 Louisville, KY 1:00 a.m. Commercial pilot, Dogie Sto 9/30/1968 #24525 Elizabethtown, KY A newsclipping mentioned that a 16-ye 8/1973 #27671 Obiob County, KY Evening. Couple saw a bright-red ligh 9/29/1973 #27887 Ft. Knox, KY 7:15 a.m. Sergeant First Class Ralph 10/18/1973 #28162 Campbellsville, KY 9:30 p.m. Two men followed an object 10/19/1973 #28191 Campbellsville, KY 2:00 a.m. An early morning encounter 10/20/1973 #28210 RUSSEL SPRS, KY 2 small humanoids (or Greys) enter br 10/23/1973 #28245 Russell Springs, KY A woman saw two 3-ft tall beings in h 10/23/1973 #28249 CHRISTY CREEK, KY Orange-glow ovoid hovers over car. Sp 10/25/1973 #28277 Christy Creek, KY 9:00 p.m. Glowing orange oval hovered 10/25/1973 #28282 Owensboro, KY Daytime. Two 9-year-old girls playing 10/10/1974 #29510 , Messenger & Inquirer, Owensboro, KY) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/10/1974 #29510 Louisville, KY CE1, no details. (CUFOS) (NICAP: 02 - 12/19/1974 #29647 FLORENCE, KY 1 observer. 8' manta buzzes and bobs 5/10/1975 #30049 COVINGTON, KY Engineer. Silent saucer with wings ci 10/22/1975 #30458 CAMPBELL CO, KY Cop drives between 2 saucers / each s 10/28/1975 #30495 Stanford, KY Three women, Mona Stafford, Louise Sm 1/6/1976 #30762 g on Hustonville Road in Stanford, KY around 11:15 p.m., headed for the hom 1/6/1976 #30762 SOUTHWEST / STANFORD, KY Car and 3 floats. Abduction. Exam. Mi 1/6/1976 #30767 Stanford, KY Domed disc with body lights descended 1/6/1976 #30768 Stanford, KY Domed disc with body lights descended 1/6/1976 #30769 MITCHELLSBURG, KY 75' saucer paces 4 / truck. Loss / co 7/18/1976 #31171 Gravel Switch, KY C2, no details. Witness: Gilpin (SRUF 7/18/1976 #31172 NEAR PATESVILLE, KY 5+? observer(s). Bell-shape going qui 7/26/1976 #31184 LOUISVILLE, KY 1+2 boys. 100' and domed object hover 1/26/1977 #31751 Anchorage, KY Dogs bark while object is present (NI 1/26/1977 #31752 PROSPECT, KY Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Boxy U 1/27/1977 #31755 Prospect, KY 1:05 AM. A teenager spotted a rectang 1/27/1977 #31756 Prospect, KY 1:05 AM. A teenager spotted a rectang 1/27/1977 #31757 Louisville, KY Close encounter (CE-II) one witness. 2/2/1977 #31779 LEXINGTON, KY 2 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape c 4/8/1977 #31961 Mayfield, KY 2:10 AM. Police radios were reporting 7/12/1977 #32263 BELLEVUE, KY 30' saucer retracts green light-beam 7/15/1977 #32273 Bellevue, KY 10:45 PM. Mrs. Fern Frey (name change 7/15/1977 #32275 Henderson, KY 8:40 PM. Report not phoned in to UFO 7/24/1977 #32309 Flemingsburg, KY Dayt. Daylight disc, one witness. (EG 10/3/1977 #32549 Columbia, KY Daylight disc. (EGBA,504) (NICAP: 01 11/13/1977 #32670 Fort Mitchell, KY 1:10 AM. CE-1 (50-100' distant) with 12/1977 #32716 Danville, KY CE-2, landing, two women reluctant to 12/1977 #32717 FT. MITCHELL, KY Green glow. 12' ovoid 75' away / low 12/21/1977 (approximate) #32799 Fort Mitchell, KY A green glow was first seen by a marr 12/21/1977 #32801 ERLANGER, KY 2 cops and several separate observer( 1/18/1978 #32891 SOUTH KENTON CO, KY 2 observer(s). Odd noise / 2 days. La 1/21/1978 #32902 VERONA, KY 3 observer(s). Dark triangle going [t 2/2/1978 #32942 MADISON CO, KY 2 / car chased / large UFO. Car malfu 11/28/1978 #34014 Richmond, KY Three witnesses. A car had been chase 11/29/1978 #34023 MCKINNEY, KY Round grey object / square top and wi 3/1/1979 #34454 PROVIDENCE, KY 2 observer(s). Silver saucer with bub 8/16/1979 #34746 NEAR RICHMOND, KY Longitude & latitude coords. approxim 11/29/1979 #35027 NEW CASTLE, KY 1 observer. Small bright cylinder/cig 3/9/1980 #35206 Newcastle, KY Lady said barking dogs drew her atten 3/9/1980 #35209 NEW CASTLE, KY Dogs bark. Vibrant bright cylinder/ci 3/20/1980 #35224 Greenup County, KY No details except 5 witnesses of a C1 12/17/1980 #35722 Greenup County, KY No details except 5 witnesses of a C1 12/27/1980 #35742 FLATWOODS, KY 1 observer. Domed saucer hovers / roa 3/18/1982 #36398 Flatwoods, KY Mr. J. Duty, an Army reservist, watch 3/18/1982 #36399 WHITLEY CITY, KY Big toy-top lights garden with red be 7/21/1982 #36539 BOYD CO, KY Longitude & latitude coords. approxim 10/16/1982 #36644 Boyd County, KY 4:00 PM. Cube-shaped object tumbles a 10/16/1982 #36645 Liberty, KY Abduction report (Ridge files) (NICAP 6/1983 #36873 MAYSVILLE, KY 3 observer(s). Saucer maneuvers / are 10/15/1985 #37681 BON HARBOR HILLS, KY 5 observer(s). 2 night lights going e 6/17/1986 #37915 ONEIDA, KY 5 and more/others observer(s). Large 7/8/1986 #37932 LOUISVILLE, KY 1 observer. House shakes. Huge hambur 8/12/1986 #37981 WEST / HAWESVILLE, KY 1 / US60. Dark 12m saucer hovers 6m o 7/22/1987 #38210 Hawesville, KY The Hawesville Encounter (NICAP: 02 - 7/22/1987 #38211 FRANKFORT, KY 1 / car. Massive rectangular object. 6/13/1989 #38987 LOUISVILLE, KY 3 observer(s) / 12 th floor. Saucer / 10/24/1990 #39809 EAST FORK, KY 2 observer(s). Small silent disk / 30 2/25/1992 #40337 SOUTHEAST / LOUISVILLE, KY 2 cops. 12"cyl maneuvers behind helic 2/26/1993 #40861 EAST / LYNVIEW, KY 2 cops / helicopter and 1 / car. Larg 3/4/1993 #40877 CLARKSON, KY Several calls / police etc. UFO on vi 12/4/1994 #41880 (N.E.), KY 3 coal miners. Grey metallic triangle 8/2/1995 #42353 LOUISVILLE, KY 2+1 / car. Donut-shaped object by hig 8/23/1995 #42408 LEXINGTON, KY Big ball / light circles observer(s) 11/5/1995 #42582 SPARTA, KY 2 / car / Hwy35. Round silver 3M disk 7/18/1997 #43352 HENDERSON, KY Clint stone. Colored night lights / 9 4/6/1998 #43545
Word: "kyabram" (Back to Top)
NEAR KYABRAM, VCT, AUSTRALIA 3 / car. UFO ove 7/22/1975 #30199
Word: "kyack-a" (Back to Top)
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Kyack-A” YieldMax: 40KT 9/20/1969 #25373
Word: "kye" (Back to Top)
KYE RYONG MOUNTAIN, SOUTH KOREA Kaf pilo 9/4/1995 #42439
Word: "kyeburn" (Back to Top)
Word: "kyeemagh" (Back to Top)
KYEEMAGH, AUSTRALIA 3 / beach. Buzz. UFO 10/14/1991 #40211 KYEEMAGH, AUSTR 4 observer(s). 7M domed 4/19/1992 #40424
Word: "kyger" (Back to Top)
KYGER, OH Separate observer(s). Saucer w 3/14/1959 #15643 aced a teenage driving in a car in Kyger, Gallia County, Ohio at 11:45 p.m. 3/14/1959 #15645 SOUTHEAST / KYGER, OH Blue Book. Buzz / car radio. L 3/19/1959 #15650 Kyger, OH Buzzing static-like sound on c 3/19/1959 #15651 a car on highway 124 southeast of Kyger, Ohio. Electromagnetic effects not 3/19/1959 #15653 KYGER CREEK, OH Separate observer(s). Ob 12/8/1966 #21192 red light on the opposite bank of Kyger Creek. Several short men could be 12/8/1966 #21193
Word: "kygole" (Back to Top)
Amberley near Ipswich, Queensland Kygole Darling Downs Day. An RAAF Canber 8/31/1969 #25344 sland, after hundreds of people in Kygole and along the Darling Downs repor 8/31/1969 #25344
Word: "kyiv" (Back to Top)
Kyiv, Ukraine Obolon neighborhood 12:00 6/24/1989 #38994 lkhovay goes out on her balcony in Kyiv, Ukraine, and sees a dim, twinkling 6/24/1989 #38994 Lake Radunka Kyiv, Ukraine 9:30 p.m. G. I. Lerman and 6/30/1989 #38998 t with a tail over Lake Radunka in Kyiv, Ukraine, flying at an altitude of 6/30/1989 #38998 Dnieper River Kyiv, Ukraine Twilight. Two women are wa 7/4/1989 #39007 g the Dnieper River in a park near Kyiv, Ukraine, when they see a “boat” wi 7/4/1989 #39007 Podgortsy section of southern Kyiv, Ukraine Night. Members of the Isku 7/4/1989 #39008 the Podgortsy section of southern Kyiv, Ukraine. They watch silver-suited 7/4/1989 #39008
Word: "kyle" (Back to Top)
s, premieres on Showtime. It stars Kyle MacLachlan, Martin Sheen, and Dwigh 7/31/1994 #41649
Word: "kylie" (Back to Top)
a.m. in Noranda, Western Australia Kylie C. awoke and saw a small figure st 2/1/1993 #40831
Word: "kyncy" (Back to Top)
idway Island Japan 7:45 p.m. W. J. Kyncy is aboard the destroyer USS Maddox 1956 #12638
Word: "kyneton" (Back to Top)
and more/others. 9 objects hover / Kyneton. 5/20/1983 #36860
Word: "kyns" (Back to Top)
ick, two radio stations (KATY [now KYNS] of San Luis Obispo and KBIA of Los 4/28/1956 #12817
Word: "kyodo" (Back to Top)
ike a rocket. No further details / Kyodo News Agency. 10/10/1947 #3452
Word: "kyogle" (Back to Top)
Word: "kyoto" (Back to Top)
KYOTO, JAPAN May. Many fireballs. Flamin 5/1/1606 (approximate) #36 Camp Okubo Uji Kyoto Japan Night. USAF Pvt. Sinclair Ta 1952 #5842 Uji, on the southern outskirts of Kyoto, Japan, when he hears flapping sou 1952 #5842 KYOTO, JPN 3 / temple. Small metallic di 3/2/1957 #13518 lic disc flew over some gardens in Kyoto, Japan at a low altitude. It then 3/2/1957 #13519
Word: "kyrenia" (Back to Top)
KYRENIA, CYPRUS US diplomat. Fat silver 10/20/1954 #11257
Word: "kyrgistan" (Back to Top)
in Frunze in the Asian republic of Kyrgistan at 8:45 a.m. A three meter tal 5/29/1990 #39597 d over an old airport near Frunze, Kyrgistan. The UFO seemed to be rotating 9/21/1990 #39744
Word: "kyrgizstan" (Back to Top)
ngishlak Peninsula, Shaitan Mazar, Kyrgizstan. It was flying from west to e 8/28/1991 #40168
Word: "kyrgyzstan" (Back to Top)
of light over the city of Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. 12/5/2004 #44796 Kyrgyzstan Uzbekistan Reports surface of 7/20/2021 #45699 oming down with Havana Syndrome in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. 7/20/2021 #45699
Word: "kyrkjebø" (Back to Top)
Kyrkjebø Sognefjord Mårenlandet Kvamsøy 11/20/1972 #27129 fied submerged object is seen near Kyrkjebø, on Sognefjord, Norway, as it h 11/20/1972 #27129
Word: "kyshtym" (Back to Top)
abinsk, Russia Plesetsk Cosmodrome Kyshtym, Russia Sverdlovsk [now Yekateri 5/1/1960 #16248 fired by a defense battalion near Kyshtym, Russia. The U-2 crashes near Sv 5/1/1960 #16248
Word: "kyuquot" (Back to Top)
KYUQUOT, BC Observer(s) / tugboat. Solid 7/3/1992 #40511
Word: "kyushu" (Back to Top)
950KM ESE / KYUSHU, JPN USS Bradford. Red-white glow 8/10/1945? #1921 50 MI NORTHWEST / KYUSHU, JPN Radar OP. Unidentified targe 4/18/1952 #6112 Kyushu (50 miles northwest of), Japan Ob 4/18/1952 #6117 50 miles northwest of Kyushu, Japan (129' 51' E, 34' 19' N) Wi 4/18/1952 #6122 Korea Strait Kyushu Island, Japan 12:07 p.m. Detachme 4/18/1952 #6124 get over the Korea Strait north of Kyushu Island, Japan, moving at 2,700 mp 4/18/1952 #6124 50 miles northwest of Kyushu, Japan (129.85 E, 34.32 N). Radar 4/18/1952 #6125 Tsuiki Air Base, Kyushu, Japan A formation of twelve circ 7/17/1952 #6865 Kyushu (Ashiya AFB), Japan (McDonald lis 3/9/1953 #8741 FUKUOKA, KYUSHU, JP 3 observer(s) photograph 2 si 6/8/1957 #13713 SOUTH / KYUSHU, JPN Project Bluebook Case #7134. 11/29/1960 #16517 Kyushu (South of), Japan Light Paces T-3 11/29/1960 #16519 south of Kyushu, Japan Witnesses: USAF Lt. Col. R 11/29/1960 #16520 hted a white light flying south of Kyushu, Japan. The object slowed down to 11/29/1960 #16522
Word: "kzk" (Back to Top)
CHIMURBAY, KZK 2 observer(s). Shiny 24M disk going 6/4/1958 #15079 BAIKONUR, KZK Many observer(s). Orange night light 7/1/1993 #41044
Word: "kármán" (Back to Top)
mal propulsion performance, beyond Kármán line) 11/21/1946 #2207 tagon, with physicist Theodore von Kármán presiding. Col. McCoy is present 3/17/1948 #3590 co, under orders from Theodore Von Kármán, chairman of the USAF Scientific 4/27/1948 #3630 ntific Advisory Board chairman Von Kármán and urge an investigation. 2/8/1949 #3998 eets in Washington, D.C., with Von Kármán, who is impressed enough to write 2/11/1949 #4002 Los Alamos Cabell writes Von Kármán and says he has a transcript of t 2/18/1949 #4017 visory Board Chairman Theodore Von Kármán, who wants Kaplan to set up a fie 4/25/1949 #4109
Word: "kátia" (Back to Top)
ida da Silva, 14, and their friend Kátia Andrade Xavier, 22, are crossing a 1/20/1996 #42695
Word: "kåre" (Back to Top)
Norway 7:00 p.m. Journalists Nils Kåre Nesvold and Per Holden see a shiny, 12/20/1981 #36271
Word: "köhler" (Back to Top)
rmany Werner Walter and Hansjürgen Köhler found Centrale Erforschungsnetz A 3/1976 #30912
Word: "köllner" (Back to Top)
s if coming from an impact. Pastor Köllner collects testimony from other ne 4/1/1826 #122
Word: "kölmjärv" (Back to Top)
Lake Kölmjärv, Sweden 11:45 a.m. Many witness 7/19/1946 #2071 ray, winged rocket crash into Lake Kölmjärv, Sweden, with a loud bang close 7/19/1946 #2071
Word: "köln" (Back to Top)
Köln, Germany Late night. RAF Flight Eng 10/30/1944 #1688 urning from a bombing mission over Köln, Germany. His Halifax III is flying 10/30/1944 #1688
Word: "kød" (Back to Top)
her is taking pictures of the Irma kød company south of Copenhagen, Denmark 5/3/1975 #30025
Word: "kędzierzyn-koźle" (Back to Top)
German Heydebreck labor camp Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Poland British prisone 1/22/1945 #1761 Heydebreck labor camp (near modern Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Poland) see a four-eng 1/22/1945 #1761