a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z numbers misc
"f-" "f-1" "f-100" "f-100c" "f-101" "f-101a"
"f-101g" "f-102" "f-102's" "f-104" "f-104s" "f-106" "f-106's" "f-106s"
"f-111" "f-111s" "f-117" "f-117a" "f-14" "f-14s" "f-15" "f-15's"
"f-15c" "f-15cs" "f-15s" "f-16" "f-169" "f-16s" "f-18" "f-19-"
"f-22" "f-27" "f-4" "f-47" "f-47's" "f-47s" "f-4d" "f-4ej"
"f-5" "f-51" "f-51's" "f-51d" "f-51ds" "f-51s" "f-5a" "f-5e"
"f-5es" "f-5l" "f-5s" "f-61" "f-61c" "f-6f" "f-80" "f-80s"
"f-82" "f-84" "f-84's" "f-84g" "f-84s" "f-86" "f-86's" "f-86a-3"
"f-86d" "f-86e" "f-86s" "f-89" "f-89c" "f-89d" "f-89j" "f-8c"
"f-94" "f-94's" "f-94b" "f-94c" "f-94s" "f-97" "f-9f" "f-tr-2274-1a"
"f1" "f100" "f102s" "f104" "f105" "f111" "f117-as" "f14"
"f14s" "f15" "f16-0010_greenewald" "f16s" "f1s" "f2h" "f3d" "f3d-2"
"f3d-s" "f4" "f47" "f47s" "f4cs" "f4d" "f4h-1f" "f4u-4b"
"f5" "f51" "f6" "f61" "f610" "f680" "f6f" "f6fs"
"f80" "f80-jet" "f81" "f82" "f84" "f84's" "f84+b26+air" "f84s"
"f85mb8" "f86" "f86's" "f86-d" "f86d" "f89" "f89d" "f89s"
"f94" "f94+ground" "f94+radar" "f94+t33" "f94b" "f94s" "f9f" "f9f-2"
"f9fs" "f9s" "fa-18" "faa" "faa-required" "fab" "fabbrico" "fabens"
"faber" "fabio" "faborg" "fabre" "fabregues" "fabriano" "fabric" "fabricated"
"fabricating" "fabrication" "fabrications" "fabrics" "fabrizio" "fabrègues" "facchini" "face"
"face'" "face-on" "face-to-face" "facebook" "faced" "faceless" "facemasks" "faceplate"
"faceplates" "faces" "faceted" "facetious" "facetiously" "facets" "facial" "facially"
"facilit" "facilitate" "facilities" "facility" "facing" "facsfac" "fact" "fact-finding"
"faction" "factionalism" "factions" "factor" "factories" "factors" "factory" "factory's"
"facts" "factual" "faculdade" "faculties" "faculty" "fade" "faded" "fades"
"fading" "faedis" "faenza" "faf" "fagan" "fage" "fager" "fagersta"
"fagrell" "fagundez" "fahada" "fahle" "fahmi" "fahrenheit" "fahrion" "fahrney"
"faieta" "faiied--lights" "fail" "failed" "faili" "failing" "fails" "failure"
"failures" "faint" "faint-glow" "fainted" "fainter" "fainting" "faintly" "faintness"
"faints" "fair" "fair-colored" "fair-complexioned" "fair-haired" "fair-skinned" "fairbairn" "fairbank"
"fairbanks" "fairborn" "fairbrother" "fairchild" "fairchild-nepa" "faircomplexioned" "fairey" "fairfax"
"fairfield" "fairfield-suisan" "fairfield-suisun" "fairford" "fairground" "fairgrounds" "fairhope" "fairies"
"fairland" "fairlie" "fairly" "fairmont" "fairmount" "fairskinned" "fairview" "fairy"
"faith" "faithful" "fajardo" "fajy" "fake" "faked" "fakel" "faking"
"fala" "falck" "falcon" "falconbridge" "falconer" "falcón" "faleiro" "fales"
"falfurrias" "falgout" "falkenberg" "falkenburg" "falkenburger" "falkirk" "falklands" "falkville"
"fall" "fall'69" "fall-88" "falla" "fallen" "falling" "falling-leaf" "fallings"
"fallon" "fallout" "falls" "falmouth" "false" "falsehoods" "falsely" "falsified"
"falslev" "falster" "faltemeier" "falter" "faltered" "falters" "faltersack" "falun"
"famalicao" "fame" "fames" "fami" "famila" "familia" "familiar" "families"
"family" "family's" "famines" "famous" "famously" "fan" "fan-club" "fan-like"
"fan-shaped" "fanatics" "fancier" "fanciful" "fancy" "fang-like" "fang-yu" "fangs"
"fangyu" "fanie" "fanlike" "fanned" "fanning" "fannon" "fanny" "fano"
"fans" "fantail" "fantasies" "fantastic" "fantastically" "fantasy" "fantasy-prone" "fanton"
"fanzine" "fap" "faques" "far" "far-fetched" "far-term" "fara" "farabone"
"faraday" "faralli" "farallon" "farallones" "faras" "farasita" "farcaş" "farcich"
"fare" "fareham" "farewell" "farfan" "fargette" "fargo" "faria" "farias"
"faribault" "farin" "farina" "farisano" "farish" "farlede" "farlon" "farlow"
"farm" "farm's" "farm-shed" "farm-to-market" "farmer" "farmer's" "farmers" "farmersville"
"farmfield" "farmhand" "farmhands" "farmhouse" "farmhouses" "farming" "farmingdale" "farmington"
"farmland" "farmlands" "farms" "farmville" "farmwoman" "farmworker" "farmworkers" "farmyard"
"farnborough" "farneto" "farnham" "farnier" "farningham" "farnsworth" "farnworth" "faro"
"faron" "farquhar" "farr" "farrago" "farrell" "farris" "farrow" "farsight"
"farsightpress" "fartek" "farther" "farwell" "farè" "fas" "fascfac" "fascinated"
"fascinating" "fascination" "fascist" "fashion" "fashionable" "fashioned" "fashions" "fass"
"fast" "fast-flying" "fast-food" "fast-maneuvering" "fast-moving" "fast-moving-star" "fast-smooth" "fastened"
"fasteners" "faster" "faster-than-light" "fastest" "fastwalker" "fastwalkers" "fat" "fatal"
"fatalities" "fatally" "fate" "fateful" "father" "father's" "father-in-law" "fatherland-2004"
"fathom" "fathoms" "fatigue" "fatigued" "fatigues" "fatima" "fatma" "fatman"
"fatter" "fattorel" "fattorini's" "faucet" "faucett" "faulquemont" "fault" "fault-zone"
"faultless" "faultline" "faults" "faulty" "fauna" "fauquier" "fausse" "faust"
"faustin" "favacho" "favang" "favell" "faverges" "favor" "favorable" "favorably"
"favored" "favoring" "favorite" "favors" "fawcett" "fawn" "fawner" "fax"
"faxed" "faxes" "fay" "faydit" "faye" "fayette" "fayettesville" "fayetteville"
"faymonville" "fazenda" "fazio" "faßberg" "façade" "fb" "fb-9" "fbi"
"fbi-types" "fc" "fcc" "fdr" "fe" "fe5ir6aaaaad9xd" "feams" "fear"
"fear--he" "feared" "fearful" "fearfully" "fearing" "fearless" "fears" "feasibility"
"feasibility-study" "feasible" "feat" "feather" "feathered" "feathers" "feathery" "feats"
"feature" "featured" "featureless" "features" "featuress" "featuring" "feb" "feb'74+apr'75"
"feb'76" "feb'77" "feb'78" "feb'92" "feb74+" "febr'78" "febres" "february"
"fechteler" "fed" "fedala" "federal" "federales" "federally" "federation" "federico"
"federspiel" "feds" "fedun" "fee" "feebly" "feed" "feedback" "feeder"
"feeding" "feedlot" "feeds" "feef" "feel" "feelers" "feeling" "feelings"
"feels" "fees" "feet" "feet--and" "fehrevach" "fehrm" "feigle" "feignes"
"feignies" "feigns" "feiling" "fein" "feira" "feit" "fejarito" "fekete"
"feldhan" "feldkirchen-westerham" "feldspar" "feliciano" "felicidad" "felicity" "felipe" "feliu"
"felix" "felixstowe" "fell" "feller" "felling" "fellow" "fellows" "fellowship"
"felmersham" "felony" "felt" "fema" "female" "females" "feminine" "fen"
"fence" "fenced" "fenced-off" "fencehouses" "fences" "fencing" "fender" "fenders"
"fengrun" "fengyun" "fenham" "feniers" "fennell" "fennimore" "fenomenelor" "fenstermacher"
"fenstermacher_01" "fenstermacher_02" "fensterman" "fensterstock" "fentham" "fenton" "fentress" "fenwick"
"fenómenos" "fenômenos" "feock" "feouzets" "fer" "ferch" "ferdinand" "fere"
"ferenc" "ferenz" "fergus" "fergus-cty-sherrif-blotter" "ferguson" "ferin" "ferme-neuve" "ferme-nueve"
"fermeneuve" "fermented" "fermi" "fermin" "fern" "fernald" "fernand" "fernandes"
"fernandez" "fernandina" "fernando" "ferndale" "fernley" "ferns" "ferntree" "fernvale"
"fernández" "ferrara" "ferrari" "ferraz" "ferre" "ferreira" "ferreiras" "ferrell"
"ferrenti" "ferrere" "ferret" "ferreyra" "ferri" "ferriere" "ferriere-la-grand" "ferriere-la-grande"
"ferries" "ferris" "ferris-wheel" "ferro" "ferro-sastre" "ferrocarril" "ferrol" "ferrous"
"ferroviario" "ferrreira" "ferruch" "ferry" "ferry-boat" "ferryboat" "ferryhill" "ferrying"
"ferrymen" "ferryn" "fertile" "fertilization" "fertilizer" "ferté-sous-jouarre" "fervently" "fes"
"feschino" "festival" "festivals" "festivities" "festooned" "fetal" "fetch" "fetched"
"fetching" "fetebrogh" "fetl" "fetus" "fetuses" "feuerball" "feuerstein" "feugen"
"feugerolles" "feuillade" "feurs" "fever" "feverish" "fevers" "fewarren1965_1" "fewarren1965_2"
"fewarren1965_3" "fewarren1965_4" "fewer" "fey" "feyzin" "fez" "fg1d" "fha"
"fhe" "fi" "fi-4" "fiacre" "fiance" "fiancee" "fiancé" "fiancée"
"fiasco" "fiat" "fiber" "fiberglass" "fibers" "fibrous" "fichtinger" "fickett"
"fiction" "fictional" "fictionalized" "fictitious" "ficus" "fiddle" "fiddler" "fide"
"fidel" "fidel's" "fidelli" "fidler" "fiduciary" "field" "field'" "field's"
"field-ditch" "field-retracts" "field-sized" "fielding" "fields" "fieldstone" "fieldwork" "fierce"
"fiercely" "fiery" "fiery-red" "fieryorange" "fiesole" "fiesta" "fife" "fifteen"
"fifteen-foot" "fifteen-meter" "fifteen-second" "fifteen-year-old" "fifteenth" "fifth" "fifth-magnitude" "fifties"
"fifty" "fifty-foot" "fifty-hour" "fig" "figanieres" "figaro" "figeac" "figel"
"fight" "fighter" "fighter-bomber" "fighter-bombers" "fighter-day" "fighter-interceptor" "fighter-interceptors" "fighter-sized"
"fighters" "fighters-ball" "fightersweep" "fighting" "fights" "figment" "figments" "figr"
"figueira" "figuera" "figueras" "figueres" "figueroa" "figuet" "figuiera" "figurative"
"figure" "figure's" "figure-6'" "figure-8" "figure-8'" "figure-8s" "figure-eights" "figure-the"
"figured" "figures" "figurines" "figuring" "fiig" "fiji" "fijians" "filament"
"filamentous" "filaments" "file" "filed" "fileid" "filer" "files" "filho"
"fili" "filiatrault" "filiberto" "filing" "filings" "filipino" "filipov" "filippo"
"filipstad" "filiputti" "fill" "filled" "filler" "fillet" "fillets" "filling"
"fillings" "fillmore" "fillonnau" "fillonneau" "fills" "filly" "film" "filmclip"
"filme" "filmed" "filming" "filmmaker" "films" "filmstrip" "filmy" "filter"
"filtered" "filters" "fim" "fin" "fin-like" "final" "finally" "finance"
"financed" "financial" "financial-records" "financially" "finch" "find" "findable" "finder"
"finders" "finding" "findings" "findlay" "findley" "finds" "fine" "fined"
"finely" "finely-knit" "finer" "fines" "finfoot" "finger" "fingered" "fingering"
"fingerless" "fingerlike" "fingernails" "fingerprints" "fingers" "fingertip" "fingertips" "finish"
"finished" "finishes" "finishing" "finistere" "finisterre" "finistère" "fink" "finksburg"
"finl" "finland" "finland-russia" "finless" "finletter" "finley" "finlike" "finn"
"finnerodja" "finnish" "finnmark" "finnsahogda" "finnsåhøgda" "fins" "fins--flew" "finucane"
"fiona" "fiorentino" "fiori" "fir" "fire" "fire'" "fire-control" "fire-spurting"
"firearms" "fireball" "fireball-cylinder" "fireball-disk" "fireball-like" "fireball-night" "fireball-rocket" "fireball-saucer"
"fireball-saucers" "fireball-sphere" "fireballs" "fireballs-orbs" "firebox" "firecracker" "firecrackers" "fired"
"firefighters" "fireflies" "firefly" "firefly-like" "firelook" "fireman" "firemen" "firenze"
"fireplace" "fireplug" "firepoint" "firepower" "fireproof" "fires" "firestorm" "firetruck"
"firewood" "firework" "fireworks" "firg" "firing" "firings" "firm" "firmage"
"firmin" "firmly" "firms" "firs" "firsanovka" "firsoff" "first" "first-"
"first-degree" "first-edition" "first-ever" "first-floor" "first-generation" "first-hand" "first-person" "first-quarter"
"first-stage" "first-strike" "firsthand" "firtatesti" "firth" "fis" "fiscal" "fisch"
"fischbach" "fischer" "fish" "fish-blimp" "fish-boat" "fish-bowl" "fish-cigar" "fish-cigars"
"fish-eating" "fish-like" "fish-saucer" "fish-shape" "fish-shaped" "fishbone-like" "fishbowl" "fishbowl-like"
"fishbowl-type" "fished" "fisher" "fisheries" "fisherman" "fishermen" "fishermen's" "fishers"
"fishersville" "fisherville" "fishery" "fishes" "fishguard" "fishing" "fishkill" "fishlike"
"fishpond" "fishtail" "fismes" "fissile" "fission" "fissioning" "fissure" "fist"
"fist-size" "fist-sized" "fists" "fit" "fita" "fitch" "fite" "fiteen"
"fitful" "fits" "fitted" "fitter" "fitting" "fittings" "fitts" "fittstown"
"fitz" "fitzgerald" "fitzpatrick" "fitzroy" "fitzsimmons" "fiumicino" "five" "five-and-a-half"
"five-dimensional" "five-feet" "five-foot" "five-foot-tall" "five-gallon" "five-lane" "five-member" "five-meter"
"five-meters" "five-mile" "five-minute" "five-page" "five-room" "five-story" "five-volume" "five-week"
"five-year" "five-year-old" "fix" "fixated" "fixed" "fixedly" "fixes" "fixing"
"fizeau" "fizz" "fizzles" "fizzling" "fizzy-fuzzy" "fjellander" "fjellbekkhøgda" "fjn"
"fjord" "fjosoken" "fkenberg" "fl" "fla" "flacheres" "flack" "flag"
"flag-rank" "flagged" "flagrant" "flags" "flagship" "flagstaff" "flagstones" "flaherty"
"flailing" "flak" "flakes" "flaking" "flamborough" "flamburis" "flame" "flame-color"
"flame-colored" "flame-glow" "flame-like" "flame-orange" "flame-shaped" "flame-spewing" "flameless" "flamelike"
"flamengrie" "flamenzi" "flames" "flamethrower" "flaming" "flaminia" "flammable" "flanagan"
"flanders" "flange" "flange-like" "flanges" "flank" "flanked" "flanking" "flanks"
"flannel" "flannigan" "flap" "flapjack" "flapjacks" "flapping" "flaps" "flare"
"flare-" "flare-like" "flare-up" "flared" "flares" "flaring" "flasby" "flash"
"flash-lighting" "flashbacks" "flashbulb" "flashbulbs" "flashed" "flashes" "flashing" "flashlight"
"flashlight's" "flashlights" "flashs" "flashy" "flask" "flask-green" "flaskas" "flat"
"flat-" "flat-balloon" "flat-bed" "flat-black" "flat-bottom" "flat-bottomed" "flat-domed" "flat-end"
"flat-ended" "flat-grey" "flat-iron" "flat-shape" "flat-shaped" "flat-side" "flat-top" "flat-topped"
"flat-white" "flatback" "flatbed" "flatbeds" "flatfooted" "flath" "flathead" "flatly"
"flatonia" "flats" "flatten" "flattened" "flattened-bell" "flattened-cone" "flattening" "flattens"
"flatter" "flattish" "flattop" "flatwoods" "flavel" "flaviano" "flavigny-sur-moselle" "flavor"
"flaw" "flawed" "flawinne" "flawless" "flax" "flax-source" "flax-test" "flaxton"
"fld" "flds" "flecked" "fled" "fledged" "fledgling" "flee" "fleecy"
"fleeing" "flees" "fleet" "fleeting" "fleets" "fleetwood" "fleishmanns" "flemalle"
"fleming" "flemingsburg" "flemington" "flemish" "fleron" "flesh" "flesher" "fletcher"
"fletrange-elvange" "fleure" "fleurus" "fleury-d'aude" "fleury-en-biere" "flew" "flex" "flexeiras"
"flexible" "flexner" "flick" "flicked" "flickenger" "flicker" "flickered" "flickering"
"flickers" "flicking" "flickinger" "flicks" "flier" "fliers" "flies" "flight"
"flight's" "flight-105" "flight-114" "flight-lanes" "flight-student" "flight-suit" "flight-suit'" "flight-testing"
"flightpath" "flights" "flightsuit" "flightsuits" "flinch" "flinders" "flindt" "flinging"
"flint" "flintville" "flip" "flip-flops" "flipflops" "flipped" "flipper" "flippers"
"flippin" "flipping" "flips" "fliqht" "flir" "flir1" "flirts" "flit"
"flits" "flitted" "flittering" "flitting" "float" "floate" "floated" "floating"
"floats" "flock" "flocking" "flocks" "floda" "flodoard" "flood" "flood-lit"
"flooded" "flooding" "floodlight" "floodlight-type" "floodlights" "floodplain" "floods" "floodwood"
"floor" "floors" "flopped" "flopping" "floppy" "flora" "floree" "florence"
"florence's" "florennes" "florent" "florentino" "florenz" "flores" "floresta" "floresti"
"floreşti" "florham" "florianopolis" "florianópolis" "florida" "florida's" "florida--who" "florin"
"florio" "florissant" "florist" "florista" "floriston" "floss" "flotilla" "flotost"
"flotte" "flotte-en-re" "flour" "flourescent" "flourescent-like" "flourished" "flournoy" "flow"
"flowed" "flower" "flowerbeds" "flowerpot" "flowers" "flowing" "flown" "flows"
"floy" "floyd" "floydada" "floyds" "flozinho" "flr" "flt" "flt#307"
"flt193" "flt333" "flu" "flu-like" "fluctuate" "fluctuated" "fluctuates" "fluctuating"
"fluctuation" "fluctuations" "flue" "fluent" "fluently" "flues" "fluff" "fluffy"
"flugfélag" "flugobjekte" "fluid" "fluids" "fluminense" "flung" "fluor" "fluor-light"
"fluoresce" "fluoresced" "fluorescence" "fluorescent" "fluorescent-blue" "fluorescent-green" "fluorescent-white" "fluoride"
"fluoro" "flurries" "flurry" "flush" "flushing" "flustered" "flutag" "flute"
"flutter" "fluttered" "fluttering" "flutters" "flux" "fluxes" "fluxgate" "fluxliner"
"flving" "flw" "fly" "fly-" "fly-by" "fly-cycles" "fly-eyes" "fly-off"
"fly-over" "fly-strip-looking" "flyby" "flyer" "flyers" "flying" "flying-boxcar" "flying-saucer"
"flying-saucer-conspiracy" "flying-tiger" "flying-wing" "flyingobjects17404" "flyingobjects17407" "flyingobjects17409" "flyingsaucersunc00wilk" "flykälen"
"flynn" "flynt" "flyobrpt" "flyobrpts" "flyover" "flyovers" "flys" "flytrap"
"fm" "fm2611" "fmc" "fmr" "fngrs-no" "fnhum" "fnl" "fns"
"fo" "fo52" "foam" "foam-like" "foams" "fob-green" "focal" "focaracci"
"focke" "focken" "focola" "focsani" "focus" "focused" "focuses" "focusing"
"focşani" "fodder" "fodor" "foe" "foes" "fog" "fog-enveloped" "fog-like"
"fog-ovoid" "fogarty" "fogbank" "fogged" "foggy" "foghorn" "fogl" "fogliani"
"fogs" "fohatic" "foi" "foia" "foia-2017-0368-nrc-ufo" "foia-electronic-reading-room" "foia-exempt" "foia-released"
"foia-style" "foiano" "foias" "foiasop" "foil" "foils" "foix" "fojo"
"fokker" "fold" "fold3" "folded" "folder" "folders" "folding" "folds"
"folean" "folger" "foliage" "foligno" "folio" "folk" "folkestone" "folklore"
"folkloric" "folklorist" "follansbee" "follett" "follette" "follow" "follow-" "follow-on"
"follow-the-leader" "follow-up" "follow-ups" "followed" "follower" "followers" "following" "follows"
"folly" "folos" "folsom" "foltz" "fom" "fomalhaut" "fomm" "fond"
"fonda" "fondo" "fondutta" "fonfrede" "fonfrède" "fongrave" "fonland" "fontaine"
"fontainebleau" "fontainebleu" "fontainguet" "fontana" "fontanales" "fontanbleu" "fontanelle" "fontanigorda"
"fontenay-le-compte" "fontenay-le-comte" "fontenay-torcy" "fontenay-torey" "fontenay-tresigny" "fontenelle" "fontenet" "fontes"
"fontina" "fontland" "foo" "foo-" "foo-fighter" "foo-fighters" "fooball" "food"
"fool" "fooled" "fooling" "foolish" "foolishness" "foomobile" "foot" "foot-by-45"
"foot-deep" "foot-like" "foot-long" "foot-tall" "foot-wide" "footage" "football" "football-"
"football-disk" "football-field" "football-object" "football-shape" "football-shaped" "football-size" "football-sized¬" "football-style"
"football-ufo" "footballs" "footbridge" "foote" "footgear" "foothills" "footings" "footnote"
"footpads" "footpath" "footplates" "footprint" "footprint-like" "footprint-shaped" "footprint-ufo" "footprints"
"footscray" "footstep" "footsteps" "footsteps--just" "footwear" "for-the-record" "forage" "foraging"
"foraythe" "forbach" "forbade" "forbes" "forbidden" "forbids" "forcalquier" "force"
"force's" "force-c124" "force-man" "force-marched" "force-pilot" "force-rotc" "force-sponsored" "forced"
"forcefield" "forceful" "forcefully" "forces" "forcibly" "forcing" "ford" "ford's"
"forden" "fordingbridge" "fordland" "fordlibrarymuseum" "fords" "fordsham" "fordyce" "fore"
"forearm" "forearms" "foreboding" "forecaster" "forecasts" "forefinger" "forefoot" "foreground"
"forehead" "foreheads" "foreign" "foreign-looking" "foreign-sounding" "foreigner" "foreigners" "foreknowledge"
"forelegs" "foreman" "foremost" "forensic" "forensically" "forerunner" "foresee" "foresees"
"foreshadowing" "foreskin" "forest" "forest-green" "forested" "forester" "foresters" "foresthill"
"forestry" "forests" "forestville" "foret" "forever" "forewarned" "foreword" "forgan"
"forge" "forged" "forgery" "forges" "forget" "forgets" "forgetting" "forgot"
"forgotten" "forgottenlanguages" "forgottenlanguages-full" "forgus" "fork" "fork-trail" "forked" "forklift"
"forks" "forli" "form" "form-changing" "form-fitted" "form-fitting" "form1-u" "form253g2"
"formal" "formally" "format" "format=jpg&name=900x900" "format=jpg&name=large" "format=jpg&name=medium" "formatio60659gme" "formation"
"formation--possibly" "formations" "formby" "formed" "formely" "formentera" "former" "former-schoolmistress"
"formerie" "formerly" "formica" "formiconi" "formidable" "formiller" "forming" "formless"
"formosa" "forms" "formula" "formulas" "formulate" "formulated" "formulates" "fornacette"
"fornells" "forney" "fornot" "forrest" "forrestal" "forreston" "forrieres" "forskning"
"forsmark" "forster" "forsyth" "forsythe" "fort" "fort-dauphin" "fort-de-france" "fort-rousset"
"fortaleza" "fortdix2" "fortdix3" "forte" "fortean" "forteans" "fortenberry" "fortes"
"forth" "forthcoming" "fortier" "forties" "fortin" "fortini" "fortney" "fortress"
"fortunately" "fortunato" "fortune" "fortune-tellers" "forty" "forty-eight" "forty-five" "forty-one"
"forty-two" "forty-year-old" "forum" "forum4" "forward" "forward-" "forwarded" "forwarding"
"forwardly" "forwards" "forêt" "fos-sur-mer" "foss" "fossil" "fossils" "fosston"
"foster" "fostering" "fostoria" "foto" "foto#24" "foto'd" "fotocat" "fouche"
"fouesnant" "fouga" "fougeres" "fought" "foul" "foul-smelling" "found" "found-"
"foundation" "foundational" "foundations" "founded" "founder" "founders" "foundin" "founding"
"foundries" "foundry" "founds" "fountain" "four" "four-" "four-and-a-half-foot" "four-deep"
"four-digits" "four-engine" "four-feet" "four-fingered" "four-foot" "four-foot-tall" "four-hour" "four-inch"
"four-lane" "four-leaf" "four-man" "four-meter" "four-mile" "four-minute" "four-page" "four-passenger"
"four-point" "four-sided" "four-silo" "four-story" "four-toes" "four-wheel-drive" "four-year" "four-year-old"
"fourchambault" "fourche" "fourier" "fourmetot" "fourmies" "fourneaux" "fourneret" "fournet"
"fours" "fourteen" "fourteen-fifteen" "fourteen-year-old" "fourth" "fourth-dimensional" "foushee" "foussignargues"
"fout" "fouéré" "fowl" "fowle" "fowler" "fox" "fox-amphoux" "foxboro"
"foxhole" "foxnews" "foxwell" "foy" "foyers" "foz" "fp" "fps"
"fps-10" "fps-16" "fps-20" "fps-3" "fps-35" "fps-3a" "fps-6" "fps-6a"
"fps-8" "fps-9" "fr" "fr1703" "frabush" "fractal" "fraction" "fractional"
"fracture" "fractured" "fragile" "fragm" "fragment" "fragmentary" "fragmented" "fragments"
"fragrance" "fraguita" "frail" "fraisse" "frakes" "fram" "frame" "frame-like"
"framed" "frameries" "frames" "frametown" "framework" "framfield" "framing" "framingham"
"fran" "franc" "franca" "francavilla" "france" "france--among" "france-presse" "france-soir"
"franceen" "francelina" "frances" "francesca" "francesco" "franchi" "francis" "francisco"
"francisco-julio" "franciso" "franciszka" "franck" "franco" "franco-italian" "francois" "francoise"
"franconia" "francos" "franier" "frank" "frankel" "frankfort" "frankfurt" "frankie"
"franklin" "frankly" "frankness" "frankston" "franois" "frantfort" "frantic" "frantically"
"franz" "franzen" "français" "françine" "françois" "françois-gilbert" "frap" "frappard"
"frapple" "frascogna" "fraser" "fraser-ker" "fraser-smith" "fraserburgh" "frasne" "frasnes"
"frassinetti" "frau" "fraud" "frauds" "fraudulent" "fraudulently" "fraught" "fravor"
"fravor's" "frawley" "frayed" "frayser-raleigh" "frazee" "frazer" "frazier" "frc"
"fre" "freak" "freaked" "freaks" "freckled" "fred" "freddie" "freddy"
"fredelsloh" "fredensborg" "frederic" "frederica" "fredericia" "frederick" "fredericksburg" "frederickson"
"frederickstown" "fredericktown" "fredericton" "fredonia" "fredrick" "free" "free-energy" "free-flight"
"free-floating" "free-flying" "freed" "freedom" "freedomofinformation" "freeenergyplanet" "freelance" "freeland"
"freely" "freeman" "freeman's" "freemantle" "freeport" "freestone" "freetown" "freeway"
"freeze" "freezeout" "freezer" "freezers" "freezes" "freezing" "fregim" "fregnale"
"frei" "freiburg" "freidman" "freight" "freighter" "freighters" "freira" "freitag"
"freitas" "frejus" "fremantle" "fremont" "french" "french-belgian" "french-hecht" "french-spanish"
"frenchman" "frenda" "frenzy" "freqs" "frequencies" "frequency" "frequent" "frequented"
"frequently" "frere" "fresh" "freshly" "freshman" "fresia" "fresian" "fresno"
"fresnoy-le-grande" "fressengeas" "fretterans" "freugh" "frey" "freyman" "freytag" "friar"
"friars" "frias" "fribourg" "friburgo" "frick" "friction" "friday" "fridge"
"fridman" "fried" "fried-egg" "fried-egg-looking" "friedel" "frieden" "friedland" "friedman"
"friedrich" "friedrichroda" "friedwardt" "friend" "friend's" "friendly" "friends" "friends'"
"friendship" "frigate" "frigates" "frigento" "fright" "frighten" "frightened" "frightened---in"
"frightening" "frightens" "frightful" "frijoles-deming" "frill" "frimley" "fringe" "frinton"
"frio" "friol" "frisbee" "frisbee-like" "frisch" "frisch-peierls" "frisco" "frisia"
"frisks" "frisky" "fritjof" "fritz" "friuli" "friuli-venezia" "frizzy" "frn"
"fro" "froberville" "frock" "frodsham" "frog" "frog-like" "frog-man" "froggatt"
"froglike" "frogman's" "frogmen" "frogs" "frola" "frolic" "frombach" "frome"
"froml" "fron" "fronabarger" "froncles" "fronds" "fronfrede" "froning" "front"
"front-page" "fronted" "fronteira" "frontenac" "frontenac-pittsburg" "frontera" "frontier" "frontiere"
"frontiers" "frontiersin" "frontigny" "fronts" "frontways" "frosch" "froson" "frost"
"frostburg" "frosted" "frosty" "frosty-color" "frosty-white" "frota" "frothing" "froze"
"frozen" "frpm" "fruges" "fruili" "fruit" "fruita-grand" "fruition" "fruitless"
"fruitlessly" "fruits" "frunze" "frustrated" "frustrating" "frustration" "fry" "fryazino"
"frying" "fryken" "frédéric" "frégnale" "frøyen" "fs" "fsc" "fsr"
"fsr'59#3" "fsr'60#10" "fsr'60#9+'66#3" "fsr'61#5" "fsr'62#5" "fsr'62#6" "fsr'62+" "fsr'63#1"
"fsr'63#2" "fsr'63#4" "fsr'63#5" "fsr'64#1" "fsr'64#2+" "fsr'64#3" "fsr'64#4" "fsr'64#5+"
"fsr'65#2+" "fsr'65#4+" "fsr'65#5" "fsr'66#2" "fsr'66#3" "fsr'66#3+" "fsr'66#4" "fsr'66#4+"
"fsr'67#4" "fsr'67#4+" "fsr'67#6" "fsr'67#6+" "fsr'68#2" "fsr'68#3" "fsr'68#5" "fsr'68#6"
"fsr'73#11" "fsr83v28n4" "fsrv1#2" "fsrv10#2" "fsrv10#3+" "fsrv10#6" "fsrv12#1+" "fsrv12#1+v17#3+"
"fsrv12#7" "fsrv12#8" "fsrv127" "fsrv14#3" "fsrv14#5" "fsrv15#2" "fsrv15#3" "fsrv15#3+"
"fsrv15#4" "fsrv15#4+" "fsrv15#6" "fsrv15#6+" "fsrv16#2" "fsrv16#2+" "fsrv16#4+v18#1+" "fsrv16#5"
"fsrv16#5+" "fsrv16#6" "fsrv16+" "fsrv17#1" "fsrv17#2" "fsrv17#2+" "fsrv17#3" "fsrv17#4"
"fsrv17#4+" "fsrv17#5" "fsrv17#5+" "fsrv17#6" "fsrv17#6+" "fsrv18#1" "fsrv18#1+" "fsrv18#2"
"fsrv18#3" "fsrv18#5" "fsrv18#5+" "fsrv18#6" "fsrv18#6+" "fsrv19#3" "fsrv19#4" "fsrv19#4+"
"fsrv19#5" "fsrv19#6+r231" "fsrv19#6p32+many" "fsrv2#1" "fsrv2#4+" "fsrv20#1" "fsrv20#1p32" "fsrv20#1p32+"
"fsrv20#2" "fsrv20#4" "fsrv20#5" "fsrv21#1" "fsrv21#2" "fsrv21#2+news" "fsrv21#3+" "fsrv21#4"
"fsrv21#4+v12#2+" "fsrv21#4+v19#6" "fsrv21#6" "fsrv22#1" "fsrv22#2" "fsrv22#3" "fsrv22#4+" "fsrv22#4p30"
"fsrv22#6" "fsrv22#6+" "fsrv23#1" "fsrv23#1p6" "fsrv23#6" "fsrv23#6+r30" "fsrv24#12" "fsrv24#3"
"fsrv24#5" "fsrv24#6" "fsrv25#2+" "fsrv25#3" "fsrv26#2" "fsrv26#4" "fsrv27#1" "fsrv27#1+"
"fsrv27#5p17+" "fsrv28#1" "fsrv28#5" "fsrv29#4+r114" "fsrv29#5" "fsrv3#1" "fsrv3#3" "fsrv30#2"
"fsrv30#5" "fsrv31#5" "fsrv32#3" "fsrv32#3+" "fsrv32#4" "fsrv32#4+" "fsrv32#5" "fsrv33#2p5"
"fsrv34#4" "fsrv35#2" "fsrv35#4" "fsrv36#3" "fsrv39#3+" "fsrv4#1" "fsrv4#1+" "fsrv4#3p13"
"fsrv4#3p6" "fsrv5#3" "fsrv5#3+" "fsrv6#2" "fsrv6#3" "fsrv7#3" "fsrv9#4p11+" "fsts"
"ft" "ftc" "ftd" "ftp" "fu-go" "fubara" "fuca" "fucci"
"fuego" "fuel" "fuel-dump" "fueled" "fueling" "fuelless" "fuels" "fuenlabrada"
"fuentecen" "fuenteluega" "fuentes" "fuerte" "fuerzas" "fufor" "fugal" "fugue"
"fuhr" "fuji" "fujian" "fujien" "fujii" "fujika" "fujimomya" "fujisawa"
"fuju" "fukuoka" "fukuryu" "fukuryū" "fukushima" "fukushima-ken" "fulanos" "fulda"
"fulfill" "fulfilled" "fulfilling" "full" "full-blown" "full-face" "full-fledged" "full-moon-sized"
"full-page" "full-scale" "full-size" "full-sized" "full-spectrum" "full-time" "fuller" "fullerton"
"fullest" "fulltext" "fully" "fulton" "fumbled" "fumbles" "fumbling" "fumes"
"fumigation" "fummqo71jyf71" "fun" "funan" "funchal" "function" "functional" "functionality"
"functioned" "functioning" "functions" "fund" "funda" "fundación" "fundamental" "fundamental-research-grants"
"fundamentally" "funded" "funders" "funding" "fundo" "funds" "funen" "funeral"
"fungal" "fungi" "fungus" "funiak" "funil" "funk" "funnel" "funnel-saucers"
"funnel-shape" "funnel-shaped" "funneled" "funny" "funny-looking" "funseth" "funta" "fuqua"
"fur" "fur-like" "furious" "furiously" "furkenhoff" "furman" "furmanovka" "furnace"
"furnace-like" "furnaces" "furnas" "furnish" "furnished" "furnishes" "furnishings" "furniture"
"furor" "furrow" "furrows" "furry" "furs" "furseth" "fursten-feldbruck" "furstenfeldbruck"
"furtado" "furth" "furthermore" "furthers" "furthest" "furtive" "furuya" "fury"
"fuse" "fused" "fuselage" "fuselage-cylinder" "fuselage-shaped" "fuselages" "fuses" "fusing"
"fusion" "fuss" "fussy" "fusuoka" "futch" "futher" "futhermore" "futile"
"futtock" "future" "futures" "futuretheater" "futurism" "futurist" "fuzhou" "fuzziness"
"fuzzy" "fuzzy-white" "fwa" "fx" "fy" "fy-1c" "fy14-19nov2013-07" "fy17pe0603286e"
"fy1986" "fy1987" "fy2023" "fyffe" "fyffe-ufo" "fyihqt0xeauhs_f" "fylingdales" "fyn"
"fábio" "fábrica" "fátima" "fère" "félix" "fénomenos" "fôret" "för"
"für" "fürjes" "fürstenfeldbruck"
hey enter the large object. As the F- 94 approaches, the large object dwind 6/29/1954 #9962 oka, Japan, a USAF pilot flying an F- 86D interceptor picks up a large blip 12/17/1956 #13408 RAD picks up the UFO on radar. Two F- 106 jet interceptors are launched fro 11/7/1975 #30576
attempts to communicate, a Mirage F-1 takes off at 2:10 a.m. from the near 11/11/1979 #34997
eaches 755 mph in a North American F-100 Super Sabre over the Salton Sea, C 10/29/1953 #9261 bserved two UFOs move in behind an F-100 jet fighter. Through 7x50 binocula 11/8/1956 #13315 en seen through binoculars. A USAF F-100 Super Sabre from RAF Bentwaters [n 8/1/1963 #17860 0 feet, it appears smaller than an F-100 fighter. It moves off to the south 8/27/1978 #33579
ord of 822 mph in a North American F-100C Super Sabre at Palmdale, Californ 8/20/1955 #12378
ir policemen are alerted, and four F-101 Voodoo Air National Guard intercep 11/6/1973 #28376
t attains 1,208 mph in a McDonnell F-101A Voodoo at Edwards AFB, California 12/12/1957 #14720 bris is replaced with remains of a F-101A Voodoo crash stored at Area 51. 7/11/1986 #37939
and pilots of two German Air Force F-101G Starfighters, as well as the towe 11/2/1977 #32656
, interception is attempted by two F-102 jets from Kinross AFB [now Chippew 9/20/1957 #14020 ound, WA Cylinder Maneuvers Around F-102 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 6/9/1958 #15085 .m. a pilot named Scharf flying an F-102 fighter aircraft over Puget Sound, 6/9/1958 #15086 o, California, which scrambles six F-102 jets from Portland to intercept th 9/24/1959 #15987 The object’s departure forces one F-102 to swerve to avoid collision. Anot 9/24/1959 #15987 nt wake. The UFO is tracked on one F-102 gunsight radar, but the jets canno 9/24/1959 #15987 d list) Object Tracked At 34,000' /F-102 Scrambled (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases 6/2/1961 #16709 California, are scrambled in their F-102 Delta Dagger jets to intercept a r Summer 1961 #16735 On this night the crew of a USAF F-102 witnessed a silver, dragon-shaped 8/22/1966 #20787 UFO changed shape as it flew. Two F-102 jets gave chase, but it ascended i 8/27/1966 #20817 for several minutes, chased by two F-102 interceptors 6/11/1967 #22494 s. The UFOs were chased off by two F-102 U.S. Air Force interceptors. 6/11/1967 #22495
Da Nang, Vietnam Two F-102's chased silver cylinder (NICAP: 1 6/11/1967 #22491
oseph A. Walker is killed when his F-104 Starfighter chase aircraft collide 6/8/1966 #20544 Electric publicity photo when his F-104 drifts into contact with the XB-70 6/8/1966 #20544 ith the XB-70’s right wingtip. The F-104 flips over, and, rolling inverted, 6/8/1966 #20544 The Spanish Air Force scrambles an F-104 jet to intercept it. The pilot cli 9/5/1968 #24431 An Italian Air Force F-104 is followed for 23 minutes by a UF 2/1977 #31772 ht approached an Italian Air Force F-104 jet over Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna, 9/21/1978 #33725 Sound 9:20 p.m. A former Canadian F-104 pilot watches a UFO embedded in a 4/22/1998 #43556
e Air National Guard has scrambled F-104s to chase the objects. A teacher a 8/1972 #26864
airspeed of 1,526 mph in a Convair F-106 Delta Dart at Edwards AFB, Califor 12/15/1959 #16120 over the launch control facility. F-106 fighters are scrambled, but at tha 3/5/1967 #21765 y 6:00 a.m., NORAD is alerted. Two F-106 jet fighters are dispatched from H 9/14/1972 #26997 and at approximately 6:00 a.m. two F-106 jet interceptors were scrambled fr 9/14/1972 #27000 away straight up at high speed. An F-106 interceptor attempts unsuccessfull 3/1974 #28830 eo-29 vertically at high speed. An F-106 attempts to intercept but is unsuc 3/1974 #28831 Two F-106 fighter jets were scrambled out of 11/8/1975 #30582 et intermittently for 6 hours. Two F-106 jets are sent from Selfridge AFB [ 11/11/1975 #30609 stunned. A few minutes later, two F-106 interceptors shoot above the WSA, Summer 1977 #32181
Merced, CA 6-12 UFOs / F-106's Scrambled (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cas 4/10/1964 #18165 Malmstrom AFB, MT F-106's scrambled after UFOs (NICAP: 09 11/8/1975 #30581
e pilots of two specially equipped F-106s based at Misawa to intercept the Spring 1959 #15662 disappears from NORAD’s radar. The F-106s are never able to get a clear sig 11/7/1975 #30576 Air Command helicopters, and NORAD F-106s are scrambled during the recent U 11/11/1975 #30611
anker and accompanied by a pair of F-111 fighter-bombers. Gibson and his gi Late 8/1989 #39073
n a few minutes, Charlton sees two F-111s take off in their direction from Winter 1974 #29653 KC-135 Stratotanker alongside two F-111s. The sighting became public in 19 12/22/1992 #40762
man Air Force Base, New Mexico The F-117 completes testing at Tonopah Test 1984 #37095 l also lead to the exposure of the F-117 program, still secret and also bas 4/26/1984 #37301 est, California Area 51 A Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk stealth attack aircraft 7/11/1986 #37939 pter gunship circles the area. All F-117 debris is replaced with remains of 7/11/1986 #37939 s the sighting to two US Air Force F-117 stealth fighters, an aircraft that 5/16/1988 #38570 e announcement, pilots can fly the F-117 during daytime and no longer need 11/10/1988 #38710 r the objects were American B-2 or F-117 military aircraft, stating that he 3/1990 #39435 overed crashed craft including the F-117; Miller states he knew the team, i 4/25/2002 #44333 to emphasize that the B-2 and the F-117 fighter have a distinctive 'saw-to 10/29/2002 #44424 "We first thought it was a Stealth F-117, but I've seen them before and the 5/9/2003 #44531 opah Test Range in Nevada The last F-117 stealth fighter-bomber is retired 4/22/2008 #45130 . Although officially retired, the F-117 fleet remains intact and photos sh 4/22/2008 #45130
he Air Force decides to produce an F-117A stealth fighter based on the most 11/1/1978 #33908 Nevada Area 51 Construction for an F-117A Nighthawk support facility begins 10/1979 #34935 e and reveals the existence of the F-117A stealth fighter. After the announ 11/10/1988 #38710 rge Brown Jr. was there to see the F-117A demonstrated, but there was also 11/12/1988 #38714 t two types of vehicles beyond the F-117A and B-2. One is a “triangular-sha 10/1/1990 #39756 iet aircraft seen with a flight of F-117A stealth fighters several times si 10/1/1990 #39756 t two types of aircraft beyond the F-117A and the B-2, claiming one is tria 10/1/1990 #39757 merican West Flight 564 and a USAF F-117A from Holloman AFB both observe a 5/25/1995 #42229 he U2 spy plane, the SR-71 and the F-117A and B-2 stealth aircraft. Sites w 2013 #45356
iod near San Diego, California, an F-14 Tomcat aircraft loses control and m 3/27/1978 #33088 e plane and closes in. Two US Navy F-14 fighters are scrambled from an airc 10/19/1982 #36654 sky. Mañuel Marcado watches as two F-14 Tomcats (probably from an aircraft 12/28/1988 #38763 und, at 7:45 p.m. two US Air Force F-14 fighter jets tried to intercept a v 12/28/1988 #38764 ely identified as a U.S. Air Force F-14 Tomcat was seen pursuing a domed di 4/28/1992 #40437 her half flew off to the east. The F-14 jet remained circling in the area, 4/28/1992 #40437 sfahan Night. An Iranian Air Force F-14 is on combat air patrol near the he 10/28/2004 #44773 a speed of Mach 7 or greater. The F-14 is ordered to turn all lights off a 10/28/2004 #44773 et disappears again, but after the F-14 makes a turn at 7,000 feet, it pick 10/28/2004 #44773 and flies 2,000 feet below it. The F-14 arms its weapons and the pilot requ 10/28/2004 #44773 uments become jammed. Finally, the F-14 ascends to 19,000 feet because it i 10/28/2004 #44773 The Grumman F-14 Tomcat supersonic fighter is retire 9/22/2006 #44964
da a colleague of his told him two F-14s from a squadron at Roosevelt Roads 1/1989 #38774 the base in Puerto Rico and three F-14s were sent to intercept; two that c 1/1989 #38774
ASAT missile launched from a USAF F-15 Eagle fighter aircraft. The test re 9/13/1985 #37660
ew minutes later by three military F-15's. It reportedly had four white lig 8/30/2003 #44588
conversation of pilots in two USAF F-15C fighters on a training mission jus 1/12/2007 #44999
irms the position, NORAD scrambles F-15Cs from the 142nd Air Wing in Portla 10/25/2017 #45487
em available (the Sniper pod), the F-15s are unable to locate or identify t 10/25/2017 #45487 ublicly confirms the launch of the F-15s. 10/25/2017 #45487
adar, and an order to scramble two F-16 fighters from Beauvechain Air Base 3/30/1990 #39499 n any objects apart from the other F-16. Investigator Wim van Utrecht suspe 3/30/1990 #39499 lights were seen kilometers apart. F-16 jet interceptors were scrambled and 3/30/1990 #39500 necessitated the scrambling of two F-16 fighters. He says the target was de 7/11/1990 #39641 ject move across the sky chased by F-16 fighters. The UFO changed direction 12/1/2001 #44280 unknown lights are not related to F-16 activity, but there is intense Air 1/8/2008 #45112 Veterans Day Parade. Prior to the F-16 flyby, the witness sees the orbs fo 11/11/2021 #45721 front of a large screen; ret. USAF F-16 pilot “Col. David,” who claims he w 10/20/2022 #45779
visual sightings. Air Force flight F-169 en route from Anchorage, AL, to Ja 2/11/1965 #18803 Tiger Line cargo aircraft (Flight F-169) en route from Anchorage, Alaska, 2/11/1965 #18809
r the next hour, the two scrambled F-16s attempt 9 separate interceptions. 3/30/1990 #39499 further unconfirmed contacts, the F-16s eventually return to base shortly 3/30/1990 #39499 oot-out between Air National Guard F-16s and six maneuvering balls of light 9/13/1999 #43844 erting their right to proceed. The F-16s then fire four bright flares acros 5/11/2005 #44840 rlington areas in 2008. Claims two F-16s fitted with Li-Baker high frequenc 2008 #45108 the information that there were no F-16s from his unit operating that night 1/8/2008 #45112 release that there indeed were 10 F-16s performing training operations tha 1/8/2008 #45112 Air Force activity that night. Ten F-16s and one AWACS jet make figure-8s o 1/8/2008 #45112 make figure-8s over the area. Two F-16s from Oklahoma fly south to the Ste 1/8/2008 #45112 ut of sight in 1–2 seconds. But no F-16s pursue this potential interloper. 1/8/2008 #45112 formation and mimicking a flyby of F-16s during the Leavenworth, Kansas, An 11/11/2021 #45721 is taken showing the orbs and the F-16s. 11/11/2021 #45721
first team to USS Nimitz, a second F-18 team, led by Chad Underwood, takes 11/14/2004 #44784
ls, 25 feet each, and a Hugo-Meyer F-19- 3" camera with telephoto lens. Dav 10/23/1949 #4401
The Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, a single-seat, twin-engine, 12/15/2005 #44909 rvice. USAF officials consider the F-22 a critical component of the service 12/15/2005 #44909
0 to 6,000 feet and paced a Fokker F-27 IB aircraft for one minute while fl 11/24/1974 #29606
rn to his battle stations. The two F-4 Phantom jets on high readiness alert 6/1971 #26153 Teheran, Iran F-4 Phantom radar/E-M Case (NICAP: 03 - 9/19/1973 #27837 After midnight two successive F-4 jet interceptors flying above Tehran 9/19/1973 #27839 en, allegedly, the UFO strikes the F-4, forcing the two pilots to eject. Na 6/9/1974 #29175 each side. It only leaves when two F-4 Phantoms from Denver enter base airs 1975 #29680 this day several observers in USAF F-4 Phantom jets reported seeing two sil 5/13/1976 #31049 ore than 4 minutes later, two USAF F-4 Phantom jets arrive on either side o 8/13/1976 #31261 object and scrambles an Air Force F-4 Phantom II interceptor piloted by Ca 9/18/1976 #31395 e Iranian AF scrambled an American F-4 for intercept. As the F-4 was vector 9/19/1976 #31396 American F-4 for intercept. As the F-4 was vectored towards the brilliant U 9/19/1976 #31396 tions returned to normal. A second F-4 that was scrambled began closing in 9/19/1976 #31396 ccelerated and stayed ahead of the F-4 (confirmed by Radar). Multi-colored 9/19/1976 #31396 visible on the UFO. The moment the F-4 pilot tried to lock an AIM-9 missile 9/19/1976 #31396 , one of which began to follow the F-4. After evasive action by the F-4, th 9/19/1976 #31396 e F-4. After evasive action by the F-4, the smaller UFO returned and united 9/19/1976 #31396 Teheran, Iran Iranian F-4 Phantom Jet Chase, Radar/Visual (NIC 9/19/1976 #31406 Teheran, Iran F-4 chase (M), R/V with E-M (NICAP: 11 - 9/19/1976 #31407 Tehran, Iran F-4 fighter aircraft attempted intercept 9/19/1976 #31408 Two Iranian Air Force F-4 Phantom jets with AIM-9 missiles wer 9/19/1976 #31411 ght is seen by the pilot of an RAF F-4 Phantom II aircraft. It vanishes as 10/1980 #35551 act with the Wild Weasels who used F-4 planes with EM detection equipment t 6/22/1986 #37921 s that are precisely the same. Two F-4 Phantom II jets appear and give chas 3/1987 #38128 me investigators conclude it is an F-4 fighter jet of the Greek Air Force. 3/2019 #45565
bserver Corps. The light eluded an F-47 fighter sent to investigate it, fly 6/21/1952 #6583
TN 20' square obs by secty guard; F-47's scrambled (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 12/7/1951 #5808
Force was leading a flight of four F-47S Thunderbolt fighters of the 67th 4/1/1948 #3604
m. Two Republic of Korea Air Force F-4D Phantom II jets, piloted by Lt. Col 3/1979 #34453
Col. Toshio Nakamura are flying an F-4EJ Phantom II interceptor over the no 6/9/1974 #29175 ed up by radars at Cape Erimo. Two F-4EJ Phantom jets are scrambled from Ch 8/17/1978 #33523
ter Island 12:00 noon. Two Chilean F-5 aircraft piloted by Capts. Hernán Ga 10/1978? #33787 il, detects a UFO on its radar. An F-5 squadron has just landed, with the e 10/31/1980 #35599 ul, Brazil Two Brazilian Air Force F-5 fighters flying at about 5,000 feet 1/3/1982 #36295 e woods while still others saw two F-5 jet aircraft fly over the area at lo 1/20/1996 #42697
ieut. Eric B. Armstrong, flying an F-51 at 6,000 feet 30 miles north of Lak 6/28/1947 #2447 ite circular objects approached an F-51 aircraft being piloted by an airman 6/28/1947 #2450 Los Angeles (near), CA F-51 pilot (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cas 7/8/1947 #3003 round 4:00 p.m., a pilot flying an F-51 some 40 miles south of Muroc sees a 7/8/1947 #3014 g to close for a better look.” The F-51 exploded in mid-air and disintegrat 1/7/1948 #3537 below him while he was flying his F-51 at 4500 ft. The pilot pursued the U 10/1/1948 #3822 d, out-speeded and out-climbed the F-51 in every attempt at intercept. The 10/1/1948 #3822 h Dakota National Guard, flying an F-51 near Fargo, North Dakota, spots an 10/1/1948 #3827 such as seeming to try to ram the F-51. When it drops to 11,000 feet, Gorm 10/1/1948 #3827 ver Fargo, North Dakota between an F-51 fighter plane and a somewhat flatte 10/1/1948 #3828 made a head-on approach toward the F-51, then veered off, next made a 180 d 10/1/1948 #3828 dar (“a good, solid target”). Four F-51 interceptors are sent up. They see 3/8/1950 #4593 Reconnaissance Wing, is flying an F-51 over Dearing, Georgia, when he sees 7/9/1951 #5569 spinning clockwise, confronted an F-51 over Dearing, Georgia with head-on 7/9/1951 #5570 t flew over two Air National Guard F-51 fighter aircraft being flown by pil 11/24/1951 #5791 th Korea 6:35 p.m. The pilot of an F-51 assigned to the 18th Fighter Bomber 5/15/1952 #6332 An U.S.A.F. F-51 aircraft flying over North Korea wa 5/15/1952 #6334 t was subsequently in front of the F-51, with a positive radar lock-on. At 5/15/1952 #6334 vector in on a single target. The F-51 pilots see many lights; one pilot a 7/29/1952 #7319 ne hour total time. The pilot of a F-51 Mustang in flight confirmed a visua 7/29/1952 #7333 At 8:48 p.m. an F-51 pilot, Lt. Robert O. Arnold, flying 12/4/1952 #8378 Columbus (near), OH F-51 Trailed By Object / Lt. Roe Sightin 6/23/1954 #9934 flying an Ohio Air National Guard F-51 Mustang fighter at 240 mph from Day 6/23/1954 #9936 National Guard pilot give chase in F-51 Mustangs, but they are also unsucce 11/12/1954 #11629 t. Col. Lee J. Merkel is flying an F-51 Mustang out of Standiford Field [no 1/31/1956 #12687 ain Thomas F. Mantell, piloting an F-51, had been killed in 1948 when he be 4/24/1965 #18916 pieces of metal, allegedly from an F-51. He reports the story to the Britis 4/24/1965 #18916 o be mundane and irrelevant to the F-51, according to aeronautical engineer 4/24/1965 #18916
ighter jets and Air National Guard F-51's were scrambled to intercept. The 3/5/1953 #8734
pilot, and three others are flying F-51D fighters to Louisville, Kentucky. 1/7/1948 #3544
with oxygen running low, two other F-51Ds quit the chase. Mantell continues 1/7/1948 #3544
Capt. Thomas Mantell in one of the F-51s. 1/7/1948 #3536 up some unidentified targets. Four F-51s from St. Paul, Minnesota, are scra 7/29/1952 #7319
his base in Turkey in a US- built F-5A Freedom Fighter. He flies above it, 6/17/1969 #25221 also see the object from cafes. An F-5A fighter is scrambled from Morón Air 9/1975? #30333
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 5:10 PM. An F-5E interceptor was scrambled by the Br 10/31/1983 #37032 An F-5E interceptor was scrambled by the Br 10/31/1983 #37033 place to place. At this time three F-5E fighter jets were scrambled from Sa 5/19/1986 #37874 merous unidentified targets. Three F-5E fighter jets are scrambled from San 5/19/1986 #37881 ect moves away out to sea. Another F-5E, piloted by Lt. Kleber Caldas Marin 5/19/1986 #37881 re tracking the objects. After the F-5E pilots make visual contact, more je 5/19/1986 #37881 Anapolis AFB, near Brasilia. Three F-5E jets were scrambled from Santa Cruz 5/19/1986 #37882 Kleber Caldas Marinho, age 25, an F-5E pilot, was vectored toward a target 5/19/1986 #37882 green, then to red again. Another F-5E pilot, Capt. Marcio Jordao, age 29, 5/19/1986 #37882
region around Calama, Chile. Three F-5Es are sent from Antofagasta to inter 12/16/1978 #34154
adar operators on ground, pilot of F-5l Mustang in flight. Several clusters 7/29/1952 #7313
see anything in the vicinity. The F-5s get closer, but the object ascends 1/3/1982 #36295
Japan An F-61 “Black Widow” fighter tracked UFO o 10/15/1948 #3835 hter Squadron is flying a Northrup F-61 Black Widow some 50 miles northwest 10/15/1948 #3841 ognizant of the whereabouts of the F-61 at all times.” Radar operator Barto 10/15/1948 #3841 sual object, but it dove below the F-61, then reappeared, and finally took 10/15/1948 #3843
Object Triangulated, Observed From F-61C (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 4/18/1950 #4865 isual case involved the crew of an F-61C as it was flying over Memphis arou 4/18/1950 #4867 object when they took off in their F-61C (AF 8357) from Amarillo on an MX-7 4/18/1950 #4867
Fentress (3 miles SW of), VA Navy F-6F Follows Two Saucers (NICAP: 11 - Av 4/7/1954 #9670
mpletely reliable. While flying an F-80 over a US Air Base in the Fursten-F 11/23/1948 #3884 s seen circling at 27,000 feet. An F-80 pilot sent to intercept it describe 11/23/1948 #3889 o 50,000 feet at 900 mph. A second F-80 pilot verifies the report. 11/23/1948 #3889 .S. Air Force Captains flying in a F-80 fighter, and a 1st Lt. from the 23r 11/23/1948 #3890 n southeast. Captain Slater in the F-80 called the Racecard DF Radar Statio 11/23/1948 #3890 Misawa AFB, Honshu, Japan F-80 Pilot Sees Circular Object At High 5/31/1949 #4217 An F-80 fighter pilot flying over Akita, Ja 11/21/1949 #4422 apan Unidentified Target Tracked / F-80 Intercepts (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases 4/28/1950 #4914 Tracked By Gnd Radar & Observed By F-80 (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 5/19/1950 #4951 seconds. It moved much faster than F-80, and showed constant acceleration. 10/24/1952 #8182
eems to stay in the area where the F-80s are flying, but 20,000 feet above 3/9/1950 #4598
ald list; FUFOR Index) ADC Directs F-82 to 10-20 EggShaped Objects (NICAP: 10/30/1948 #3856 ped object hovering over Hanford - F-82/RV Case (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 5/21/1949 #4199 Hanford Atomic Works 1:30 p.m. An F-82 is dispatched from Moses Lake AFB [ 5/21/1949 #4200 t Hanford and on radar. Before the F-82 can take off, the disc speeds away 5/21/1949 #4200 sappears from ground radar and the F-82 cannot locate it. 5/21/1949 #4200 Lake, Washington by a US Air Force F-82 pilot flying over the area. 5/21/1949 #4201 og of the 663rd AN and C Squadron, F-82 Intercept (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cas 12/20/1950 #5360 Oakridge, TN F-82 Attempts Intercept of UFO Over AEC 1/21/1951 #5409 is sighted on the radarscope of an F-82 fighter. The GCI gives the go-ahead 1/21/1951 #5410 t the target. The radar set on the F-82 is locked on and the run begins. Th 1/21/1951 #5410 Johnson AFB, Japan F-82 Encounters Maneuvering Amber Light 2/1/1951 #5426 esses: pilot and radar operator of F-82 night fighter. One amber light mad 2/1/1951 #5427 to the right, reversed toward the F-82 and then climbed out of sight. 2/1/1951 #5427
g M.I.T tracking of USAF flight of F-84 or F-86 jet fighters. Object speed 9/21/1950 #5191 . tracking of a flight of two USAF F-84 or F-86 jet fighters. The object's 9/21/1950 #5193 Columbus (5 miles E of), OH F-84 Encounters Odd Object At 20,000' (N 12/22/1951 #5822 righam/T-6 Case: UFO Makes Pass At F-84 (BBU 1082) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 3/29/1952 #5987 e the AT-6, then made a pass at an F-84 jet fighter, flipped on edge, flutt 3/29/1952 #5990 t mission for two F-84s. The first F-84 overtakes him at 6,000 feet when th 3/29/1952 #5992 rceptor. The UFO curves toward the F-84, decelerates rapidly, then flips on 3/29/1952 #5992 ulls away, flips again, passes the F-84, crosses in front, and accelerates 3/29/1952 #5992 ockbourne AFB, Columbus, Ohio. Two F-84 jets were dispatched from Lockbourn 7/23/1952 #7074 that the objects are balloons. Two F-84 jets are scrambled at 8:15 p.m. and 7/23/1952 #7083 7 minutes later, by which time the F-84 is over El Paso, Texas. One after t 8/24/1952 #7713 pilot and a student are flying an F-84 Thunderjet on the home leg of a tra 1953 #8479 uke AFB (130 miles W of), AZ Three F-84 Pilots Encounter Manta-Ray, Gun Cam 3/3/1953 #8725 , is an instructor pilot flying an F-84 at 25,000 feet over Blythe, Califor 3/3/1953 #8727 A USAF F-84 fighter jet flying out of Luke AFB 3/3/1953 #8728 Honshu, Japan F-84 Encounters Object With "Legs" (NICA 3/31/1953 #8797 ght” object. The base scrambles an F-84 and the pilot sees the UFO. Many wi 8/5/1953 #9049 e object accelerate and climb. The F-84 pursues but can reach no closer tha 8/5/1953 #9049 than 3 miles. Now low on fuel, the F-84 returns, followed by the UFO. Immed 8/5/1953 #9049 d by the UFO. Immediately, another F-84 is sent up. Before long, the pilot 8/5/1953 #9049 At 8:06 p.m. four Portuguese F-84 fighter jets from Ota AFB on a nigh 9/4/1957 #13979
ed on edge, fluttered 20' from the F-84's fuselage and flipped in the slips 3/29/1952 #5990
tness: Georgia Air National Guard F-84G jet fighter pilot Col. G.W. Johnso 8/24/1952 #7710 ol. Gerald W. Johnson is flying an F-84G when he sees two silver balls in t 8/24/1952 #7713 15 a.m. Georgia Air National Guard F-84G jet fighter pilot Col. G.W. Johnso 8/24/1952 #7716 mission to successfully pilot his F-84G through the mushroom cloud’s stem 11/1/1952 #8228 rews of B-26 (Ashley and Wood) and F-84G (Col. Donald J.M. Blakeslee) saw o 12/29/1952 #8459 awa, northern Honshu, Japan, in an F-84G at 27,000 feet in altitude, observ 12/29/1952 #8461
practice intercept mission for two F-84s. The first F-84 overtakes him at 6 3/29/1952 #5992 surface. Student pilots flying two F-84s, Lt. Jack E. Brasher and Lt. Thoma 3/3/1953 #8727
(now Edwards AFB), CA — led to the F-86 Sabre 10/1/1947 #3442 Force’s Strategic Air Command had F-86 Sabres in service from 1949 through 1949 #3940 ervice from 1949 through 1950. The F-86 was the primary U.S. air combat fig 1949 #3940 At 9:00 a.m. a U.S. Air Force F-86 Sabre jet had an encounter with a f 4/27/1950 #4911 An attempted interception by four F-86 jets from Kirtland AFB for one hour 8/31/1950 #5154 tracking of USAF flight of F-84 or F-86 jet fighters. Object speed was 22 m 9/21/1950 #5191 ng of a flight of two USAF F-84 or F-86 jet fighters. The object's speed wa 9/21/1950 #5193 est Germany Europe While flying an F-86 Sabrejet over West Germany, USAF pi 1951 #5375 AN/CPS-4, for about 6 minutes. An F-86 is scrambled, but radar contact is 8/26/1951 #5631 d a disc-shaped UFO the size of an F-86 flying below them at 8000 ft. It wa 9/10/1951 #5656 ] near Long Beach, California, two F-86 jets try to intercept an object in 9/23/1951 #5685 On this morning a total of seven F-86 fighters were scrambled to chase a 9/23/1951 #5687 nia for nearly ninety minutes. Two F-86 jet interceptors were scrambled fro 9/23/1951 #5687 rcept at about 9:25 a.m. A seventh F-86 was scrambled to the south toward L 9/23/1951 #5687 rific speed, twice the speed of an F-86. 4/12/1952 #6064 –1,000 mph. Some slower northbound F-86 Sabre jets pass above them. They ma 4/30/1952 #6224 George AFB, CA 1194-1 Two F-86 Pilots Sight Round Silver Object (N 5/9/1952 #6280 Two F-86 pilots saw a round, silver object f 5/9/1952 #6284 ound object fly 5-6x as fast as an F-86 jet (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 6/5/1952 #6443 bject flew 5-6 times as fast as an F-86 jet fighter for 6 seconds. 6/5/1952 #6446 timated as 5-6 times faster than a F-86 jet and was seen for six seconds. A 6/5/1952 #6449 was in effect, two North American F-86 Operation INTERCEPT Sabre fighters Summer 1952 #6564 rtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM Famous F-86 shooting incident. Date unknown. Ca Summer 1952 #6570 Arlington, IL F-86 On Scramble Mission / Strange Radio 7/12/1952 #6773 Elgin, Illinois 9:04 p.m. Two USAF F-86 Sabre jets with the 62nd Flight Squ 7/12/1952 #6785 000 feet traveling at 800 mph. The F-86 pursues at maximum speed, but the o 7/12/1952 #6785 formation. They sped away as USAF F-86 fighter jets were scrambled. The si 8/3/1952 #7438 again, and Turner has at least one F-86 Sabre jet scrambled from O’Hare Air 8/21/1952 #7670 Albuquerque, NM F-86 Shooting Incident / 700 MPH Target 9/1952 #7800 mph northeast of the airfield. Two F-86 Sabre jets are scrambled but at fir 9/1952 #7801 n Chicago. At 5:55 a.m., a pair of F-86 Sabre jets piloted by Capt. William 9/2/1952 #7829 d shape while flying a T-33 (or an F-86). It is also seen by Turner AFB [no 1/28/1953 #8604 ylor, NM 900 MPH Target Pursued By F-86 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 3/27/1953 #8789 New Mexico Witness: pilot of USAF F-86 jet fighter at 600 kts. (700 m.p.h 3/27/1953 #8790 circular UFO was chased by a USAF F-86 fighter jet over Mount Taylor, New 3/27/1953 #8791 djutant General, Wash. 25 D.C.: An F-86 aircraft was observed in flight ove 7/19/1953 #9001 and his wife. While observing the F-86 through 6 power field glasses an UF 7/19/1953 #9001 d directly over the area where the F-86 had been circling. The UFO began ci 7/19/1953 #9001 jects maneuvered over area near an F-86 (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC 7/19/1953 #9003 ashington, D.C. 3:00 p.m. After an F-86 has been circling over a particular 7/19/1953 #9004 p.m., shot up and away when three F-86 Sabre jets attempted to intercept t 8/9/1953 #9059 Nouasseur AFB, Fr. Morocco F-86 Chases Object At 500 MPH (NICAP: 11 3/12/1954 #9615 lst Lt. Robert Johnson, flying an F-86 jet fighter. He chased an object at 3/12/1954 #9616 1st Lt. Robert Johnson, flying an F-86 over Nouasseur Air Base [now closed 3/12/1954 #9617 A U.S. Air Force F-86 fighter jet was scrambled to pursue 3/12/1954 #9619 feet over Montreal, Quebec, in an F-86 Sabre Mk 5 jet fighter when he noti 10/1/1954 #10565 near Dayton, Ohio, which sends an F-86 to investigate. The pilot sees noth 11/12/1954 #11629 Niagara Falls, NY F-86 Pilot Encounters 10' Sphere (NICAP: 5/18/1955 #12141 Syracuse (near), NY Pilot flying F-86 fighter saw an orange object (NICAP 7/25/1955 #12284 ), TN (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) F-86 Unable to Close on Radar/Visual Tar 10/19/1955 #12509 cDonald list) RV Draws Scramble of F-86 (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 5/8/1956 #12837 The crew of an F-86 fighter jet flying at 36,000 feet o 8/23/1956 #13125 left side) of a formation of four F-86 Sabre jet aircraft. While approachi 8/27/1956 #13140 J.R. (names withheld) were flying F-86’s near Modesto, CA, on alert duty d Late 1956 #13277 uke AFB, Japan Radar / Visual From F-86 (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 12/17/1956 #13407 n, Kent Pilot Milton Torres flew a F-86 D Sabre from the Royal Air Force ba 5/1957 #13626 ed by the crew of a U.S. Air Force F-86 from the 87th FIS and tracked by gr 12/11/1957 #14714 nes to UFOs. The first case was an F-86 jet fighter that was sent aloft to 5/1961 #16669 raft. The operator radioed for the F-86 to climb at once, but it was too la 5/1961 #16669 terious” not a single shred of the F-86 was ever found. (ref. Kinross AFB w 5/1961 #16669 al Dutch Air Force pilot flying an F-86 Sabrejet sights a UFO over eastern 1/29/1962 #17026 A Royal Dutch Air Force F-86 jet interceptor was chased by a UFO 1/29/1962 #17027 Air Force pilots, in a T-33 and an F-86, were chasing a UFO over Extremadur 6/9/1967 #22483
it at about 50,000 feet, above the F-86's. It appeared to be a bright silve 9/23/1951 #5687 h highly swept back 45° wings. The F-86's tried to climb to intercept the o 9/23/1951 #5687 mbed away in response. Another two F-86's were scrambled from George AFB at 9/23/1951 #5687 ke off pursuit. The second pair of F-86's was vectored by GCI radar to Cam 9/23/1951 #5687 ing aircraft that sped up when the F-86's tried to close. The object was ag 9/23/1951 #5687 ing at 8:45. A third flight of two F-86's were scrambled from George AFB an 9/23/1951 #5687 after takeoff, heading south. The F-86's made climbing turns up to 43,500 9/23/1951 #5687 Bellefontaine, OH AF F-86's Smith/Hemer Case (M) (NICAP: 09 - 8/1/1952 #7405 Moscow, ID Three F-86's Chase Disc Spotted By GOC (NICAP: 8/9/1953 #9057 luminous elliptical object and two F-86's, radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases) 1956 #12628 A. Luminous ellipt. object and two F-86's (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases) 1956 #12629 Luminous elliptical object and two F-86's, radar. (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Late 1956 #13279 Libya (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) F-86's Had Radar Contact With Slow-Movin 10/17/1956 #13284
first record) in a North American F-86A-3 Sabre at Muroc [now Edwards] AFB 9/15/1948 #3802
ches 698.5 mph in a North American F-86D Sabre over the Salton Sea, Califor 11/19/1952 #8300 ord of 716 mph in a North American F-86D Sabre over the Salton Sea, Califor 7/16/1953 #8999 ington, Delaware, for an hour. Two F-86D fighters are scrambled but cannot 6/12/1954 #9897 rates, and outmaneuvers one of two F-86D jet interceptors, both of which al 6/21/1954 #9921 1st Lt. Donald A. Stoner flying an F-86D at 22,000 feet on an air defense m 3/3/1956 #12746 t an estimated speed of 36 mph. An F-86D fighter was scrambled, but there w 5/8/1956 #12838 SAF lst Lt. Ted Brunson, flying an F-86D jet interceptor. One round, white 12/31/1956 #13422 round, white object flew under the F-86D, which was unable to turn as sharp 12/31/1956 #13422 At 2:10 a.m. a F-86D USAF pilot flying near Guam in the 1/1/1957 #13446 USAF fighters intercept a UFO. The F-86D’s fired Mighty Mouse missiles at t 5/20/1957 #13665 . USAF Lt. Milton Torres is flying F-86D Sabre fighters with the 406th Bomb 5/20/1957? #13667 .m., a scramble is ordered and two F-86D’s take off from Misawa Air Base, J 12/12/1957 #14721
North Korea 8:00 p.m. Two F-86E pilots of the 61st Fighter-Interce 5/15/1952 #6333 ery oval object was seen below two F-86E jets flying south of Changson-Ni, 5/15/1952 #6334
ct on a converging course with two F-86s. The clear target passes the plane 9/21/1950 #5192 passes directly over or under the F-86s. 9/21/1950 #5192 on fuel and have to land. Two more F-86s are scrambled, with the same resul 9/23/1951 #5685 bserves it right after a flight of F-86s overfly the area at about 15,000 f 4/2/1952 #6017 ude than the vapor trails from the F-86s, it suddenly disappears. 4/2/1952 #6017 Montauk Point, New York. F-94s and F-86s are scrambled unsuccessfully from 7/23/1952 #7079 h against the wind. It vectors two F-86s piloted by Maj. James B. Smith and 8/1/1952 #7408 aneuver as if in a dogfight. After F-86s are dispatched to intercept, 6 mor 8/3/1952 #7436 0 feet without making contact. The F-86s are evidently without airborne rad 9/2/1952 #7829 o. At 10:10 p.m., the first of two F-86s is scrambled. The object lingers, 8/9/1953 #9058 the UFO on radar. He scrambles two F-86s in the Columbus area to check it o 6/23/1954 #9936 10:00 a.m., two USAF pilots flying F-86s are scrambled to intercept a disc- 7/24/1957 #13826
Michigan, G; UFO Intercept/Missing F-89 Case (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code 11/23/1953 #9317 of the Soo Locks, the blips of the F-89 and the UFO merge then fade from th 11/23/1953 #9318 never closer than 3-4 miles to the F-89, which has crashed for unknown reas 11/23/1953 #9318 ers claimed to have discovered the F-89 and taken photos on side-scan sonar 11/23/1953 #9318 Air Force Base disappearance of an F-89 fighter plane occurred on this date 11/23/1953 #9319 er plane occurred on this date. An F-89 was scrambled from Kinross AFB at 6 11/23/1953 #9319 laer. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) F-89 Has Radar LockOn (NICAP: 09 - RADAR 1/11/1956 #12655 Bay, Labrador, Canada Witnesses: F-89 pilot Bowen, radar observer Crawfor 2/12/1956 #12713 (SSW \[of\] ), ME (McDonald list) F-89 Tracks Object 500 Knots (NICAP: 09 8/17/1956 #13097 Hamilton AFB, CA F-89 Crew Encounter Daylight Object (NIC 8/21/1956 #13109 ational Guard parking ramp for the F-89’s and then flew off. 5/1958 #15006 anging course and vectors B-47 and F-89 aircraft to identify it. Redmond FA 9/24/1959 #15987 found. (ref. Kinross AFB where an F-89 with crew of two merged with an UFO 5/1961 #16669 Wurtsmith AFB, MI F-89 Has Radar Lock-On (NICAP: 09 - RADA 6/22/2000 #44005
at 500 mph over Lake Superior. An F-89C Scorpion interceptor, piloted by L 11/23/1953 #9318
Duluth, MN (McDonald list) F-89D Locks Onto Target at 1000 Knots (N 5/13/1955 #12129 oose Bay], Labrador 10:55 p.m. Two F-89D fighters flying at 20,000 feet, on 2/12/1956 #12714
. Its altitude is 41,000 feet. Two F-89J Scorpion fighters are scrambled to 10/1/1959 #16007 lity to penetrate US air space. An F-89J Scorpion jet instructor pilot and Early 1960 #16146 ent at a close encounter between a F-89J Scorpion and a 30 feet object with 12/28/1973 #28612
Cmdr. K. H. Woodsbury, pilot of an F-8C aircraft of Utility Squadron Eight 11/19/1964 #18629
a.m. Air Force pilots flying three F-94 fighters out of McChord AFB [now Jo 10/16/1951 #5730 1,500 mph at 23,000 feet. When an F-94 is sent to intercept, the target st 1/22/1952 #5876 en disappears from the screen. The F-94 heads back to refuel, and a second 1/22/1952 #5876 d radar picks it up again. A third F-94 is sent up, also tracks the object 1/22/1952 #5876 Yakima (20 miles S of), WA F-94 Crew Made Two Sightings / Gnd Radar 3/22/1952 #5968 sses: pilot and radar operator of F-94 jet interceptor. On either occasion 3/23/1952 #5969 . Jones, the flight crew of a USAF F-94 jet interceptor, saw a small lumino 4/5/1952 #6035 Ground radar alerts the crew of an F-94 Starfire interceptor jet over North 5/26/1952 #6366 guard hears a pulsating sound. An F-94 attempts to intercept the brilliant 5/31/1952 #6392 :20 a.m. pilot Hufberry turned his F-94 jet to descend and intercept a roun 5/31/1952 #6395 left turn climb, silhouetting the F-94 against the dawn sky. The UFO accel 5/31/1952 #6395 ssachusetts Witness: pilot of USAF F-94 jet interceptor. A light like a br 6/17/1952 #6525 od, Massachusetts 1:28 a.m. A USAF F-94 pilot sees a light like a bright st 6/17/1952 #6526 crossed the sky in front of a USAF F-94 fighter plane at 1:28 a.m. local ti 6/17/1952 #6530 -6 discs with a theodolite as USAF F-94 jets pursued them. 6/17/1952 #6530 ved visually near Boston, where an F-94 interceptor was sent up to investig 7/1/1952 #6686 iced the two vapor trails from the F-94 interceptors and looked around the 7/1/1952 #6691 the UFOs are all gone, just as two F-94 interceptors arrive belatedly from 7/19/1952 #6935 pilot and radar operator of USAF F-94 jet interceptor. One round blue li 7/22/1952 #7021 ptor. One round blue light passed F-94, spinning. 7/22/1952 #7021 Witnesses: crews of several USAF F-94 jet interceptors from Dover AFB, De 7/22/1952 #7022 ar. When Ground Control vectors an F-94 toward the UFO, the pilot sees the 7/22/1952 #7026 y 10:50 p.m. Crews of several USAF F-94 jet interceptors from Dover AFB, De 7/22/1952 #7028 s are seen by ground observers and F-94 pilots moving in arcs and blinking 7/22/1952 #7028 rcs and blinking out suddenly. One F-94 crew gets a radar lock-on from 30,0 7/22/1952 #7028 t away of an object the size of an F-94. At 9,000 feet distance, the object 7/22/1952 #7028 B (E of ), Japan USAF pilot flying F-94 jet fighter chased blue-green fireb 7/23/1952 #7064 Trenton, NJ Crews of several USAF F-94 jet interceptors saw 13 visuals (NI 7/23/1952 #7067 s: the two-man crews of three USAF F-94 jet interceptors. One large silver 7/23/1952 #7075 tnesses: two-man crews of two USAF F-94 jet interceptors at 35-46,000' alti 7/23/1952 #7076 8:40 a.m. The crews of three USAF F-94 jet interceptors see a large silver 7/23/1952 #7080 vania 12:50 p.m. Crews of two USAF F-94 jet interceptors flying at 35,000–4 7/23/1952 #7081 At 3:50 a.m. an F-94 interceptor obtained a radar lock-o 7/23/1952 #7087 green ball of light approached an F-94 jet flying over the ocean east of M 7/23/1952 #7088 f AFB, Anchorage, AK (FUFOR Index) F-94 Makes Radar Contact (NICAP: 09 - RA 7/24/1952 #7111 Manassas, VA F-94 Checks Out Object Sighted By 647th 7/25/1952 #7135 Williams, CA F-94 Intercept With ADC Detection (NICAP 7/26/1952 #7163 er Newport News, Virginia. Another F-94 is scrambled, the pilot gets a rada 7/26/1952 #7174 ed by solid metallic objects.” One F-94 pilot, Lieut. William Patterson, sa 7/26/1952 #7174 UFO over Williams, California. An F-94 jet interceptor is scrambled and lo 7/26/1952 #7175 radar, the UFO plays tag with the F-94, alternately accelerating away when 7/26/1952 #7175 onal Airport near Washington, D.C. F-94 interceptors were sent from Delewar 7/27/1952 #7215 radar blips. Five minutes later an F-94 pilot made vsual contact with a rou 7/27/1952 #7215 a round UFO. Both the UFO and the F-94 jet were seen on radar flying at th 7/27/1952 #7215 ied target moving at 550 knots. An F-94 in the area was asked to investigat 7/29/1952 #7307 ing on ground radar along with the F-94, outdistanced the interceptor. (NIC 7/29/1952 #7307 Haneda AFB, Japan F-94 Pilots Tracked Object For 90-Second 8/5/1952 #7464 Haneda AFB, Japan Witnesses: USAF F-94 jet interceptor pilots lst Lt. W.R. 8/5/1952 #7467 rt is issued at 11:55 p.m., and an F-94 Starfire jet from nearby Johnson Ai 8/5/1952 #7472 AFB Airdrome Officer, he orders an F-94 jet scrambled to search the bay bet 8/13/1952 #7576 es east. The Air Force scrambles a F-94 jet interceptor to search the area 8/15/1952 #7609 lates that the disappearance of an F-94 jet fighter out of Tyndall AFB in P 9/12/1952 #7905 SLAND, NEW YORK 5:10 a.m. Two USAF F-94 crews see a white luminous object m 10/29/1952 #8215 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN F-94 chased maneuverable disc that chang 11/26/1952 #8343 operator lst Lt. T. Davies in USAF F-94 jet interceptor (s/n 49-2522). One 12/8/1952 #8396 Odessa, WA F-94 R/V With Round Object (NICAP: 09 - 12/10/1952 #8405 The pilot and radar observer of an F-94 patrolling from Moses Lake AFB [now 12/10/1952 #8409 n as a meteor. But at 7:15 p.m. an F-94 fighter jet with a two-man crew fly 12/10/1952 #8410 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN F-94 pilot chased disc - changed from br 12/15/1952 #8419 rsonnel at Ephrata, Washington. An F-94 is scrambled at 7:43 a.m. and searc 1/8/1953 #8515 Misawa AFB, Japan (McDonald list) F-94 Radar/Visual of Rotating UFO (NICAP 1/9/1953 #8518 r Base, Honshu, Japan 6:50 p.m. An F-94 makes radar contact with a UFO at a 1/9/1953 #8524 ontinues for 8 minutes without the F-94 gaining, and the chase is broken of 1/29/1953 #8615 At five minutes before midnight an F-94 jet interceptor and two other fight 1/29/1953 #8618 , Hokkaido, Japan 9:22 p.m. A USAF F-94 crew and other witnesses near Nemur 2/7/1953 #8647 seen in the sky over Korea and an F-94 fighter jet was scrambled to interc 2/7/1953 #8648 was scrambled to intercept it. The F-94 pilot saw the bright object change 2/7/1953 #8648 At 7:50 p.m. a USAF F-94 pilot reported sighting a white dis 3/31/1953 #8800 Fukuoka, Japan F-94 Encounters Maneuvering Light (NICAP 4/8/1953 #8810 accelerated, flew parallel to the F-94, increased its speed and blinked ou 4/8/1953 #8812 rate, and then fly parallel to his F-94 over Fukuoka, Japan. The object inc 4/8/1953 #8813 nidentified Evades Interception By F-94 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 5/1/1953 #8854 : pilot and radar operator of USAF F-94 jet interceptor, and control tower 5/1/1953 #8855 ght evaded interception attempt by F-94 during 30 minute sighting. 5/1/1953 #8855 ator 1Lt J. R. Morin are flying an F-94 interceptor at 24,000 feet about 10 5/1/1953 #8856 le afterburner at 10,000 feet. The F-94 pursues it, both climbing to 40,000 5/1/1953 #8856 oose Bay], Labrador 3:20 a.m. USAF F-94 pilot Lt. D. C. Rogers and radar op 5/12/1953 #8877 ort Stephenville, Newfoundland Two F-94 jets are scrambled at Ernest Harmon Summer 1953 #8952 FB, Labrador, CAN Red Light Eludes F-94 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 6/22/1953 #8955 pilot and radar operator of USAF F-94 jet interceptor. One red light, fl 6/22/1953 #8956 (1,100 m.p.h.) eluded the chasing F-94 after 5 minutes. 6/22/1953 #8956 pilot and radar operator of a USAF F-94 jet interceptor flying from Goose A 6/22/1953 #8957 h). The object eluded the pursuing F-94 after five minutes. 6/22/1953 #8957 -47 in size on the radarscope. The F-94 was moving at 345 mph at 21,000 fee 9/28/1953 #9187 FB Goose Bay], Labrador, orders an F-94 to vector toward the location. Just 6/29/1954 #9962
Whidbey Island NAS, WA 3 F-94's Encounter Round Grey Object / Pho 10/16/1951 #5729 ept a round, bluish white UFO. The F-94's radar locked onto the object, whe 5/31/1952 #6395 - At about 7:25 in the morning two F-94's were scrambled to intercept a UFO 7/1/1952 #6691 and the couple watched as the two F-94's searched back and forth far below 7/1/1952 #6691 Hempstead, Long Island, NY Two F-94's Encounter Controlled Object (NICA 10/29/1952 #8212
tree between Provincetown and), MA F-94B Chases Object / With Airborne rada 7/22/1952 #7013 apt. Edward J. Slowinski flying an F-94B on a practice run to investigate. 7/29/1952 #7331 New Jersey 1:43 a.m. An Air Force F-94B jet fighter from Dover AFB in Dela 8/12/1952 #7559 Goose Bay], Labrador 5:56 p.m. An F-94B from the USAF 59th Fighter-Interce 11/26/1952 #8344 Goose Bay, Labrador. A T-33 and an F-94B (piloted by Capt. E. T. Johnson an 12/15/1952 #8422 Fred T. Goetting Jr., pilot of an F-94B. Goetting points out the object to 1/29/1953 #8615 object appears to be 10° above the F-94B, which is at 23,000 feet. Goetting 1/29/1953 #8615 ying a routine patrol mission in a F-94B out of Selfridge AFB [now Selfridg 3/1953 #8720 lst Lt. D.J. Pichon, pilot of USAF F-94B jet interceptor. One bright blue 4/8/1953 #8812 Lt. D. J. Pichon, pilot of a USAF F-94B jet interceptor, watched a bright 4/8/1953 #8813
as seen overhead by a US Air Force F-94C fighter jet flying in Grid Area CT 5/26/1952 #6367 Otis AFB, NJ F-94C Disappears During UFO Intercept Mi 6/1953 #8921 onal Airport, California Night. An F-94C Starfire with classified electroni 6/1953 #8922 open record of this incident. The F-94C models, especially at first, have 6/1953 #8922 Palmdale, CA (McDonald list) F-94C Tracks UFO at 200 Knots (NICAP: 09 9/28/1953 #9183 ia Witness: radar observer of USAF F-94C jet interceptor. One object tracke 9/28/1953 #9184 ia Witness: radar observer of USAF F-94C jet interceptor. Visual observatio 9/28/1953 #9185 e, California, a UFO appears on an F-94C radarscope for a period of 15 seco 9/28/1953 #9187 is observed visually from another F-94C for six seconds at 7:00 p.m. The o 9/28/1953 #9187 Frankfort, New York 11:05 a.m. An F-94C Starfire takes off from Griffiss A 7/2/1954 #9984 io occurs on September 4 when five F-94C Starfire jets (as well as other ai 9/2/1955 #12425
, Texas Hagerstown, Maryland While F-94s are being tested at Dyess AFB near 12/6/1950 #5330 Washington. Photos taken from the F-94s show the object. After 50 minutes, 10/16/1951 #5730 at 1,500 mph at 23,000 feet. Three F-94s were vectored in. There were solid 1/22/1952 #5877 d by radar and theodolite. Several F-94s are scrambled. 6/17/1952 #6528 across Boston, Massachusetts. Two F-94s are scrambled. Erwin W. Nelson and 7/1/1952 #6689 e visible. The witnesses watch the F-94s search back and forth far below th 7/1/1952 #6689 losed] at Montauk Point, New York. F-94s and F-86s are scrambled unsuccessf 7/23/1952 #7079 conversations of the pilots of two F-94s vectored towards the UFOs. 7/26/1952 #7140 ling 90– 100 mph. By midnight, two F-94s are scrambled from New Castle AFB 7/26/1952 #7174 shortly before dawn, and two more F-94s are scrambled. The pilots obtain r 7/26/1952 #7174 ject was seen by the pilots of two F-94s over Hempstead, England. It maneuv 10/29/1952 #8216 rador, CAN Blips Cause Scramble of F-94s (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Winter 1952 #8437
t, but it fades from the scope. An F-97 on combat air patrol engages in a “ 6/21/1952 #6579
, California at 8:04 a.m. Two Navy F-9F Panther jets attempted to catch up 12/24/1953 #9395 L Ball With Golden Ring Stops Near F-9F (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 3/25/1954 #9642
Project ‘Sign,’” Technical Report F-TR-2274-1A, authored by Lawrence Truet 2/11/1949 #4003
h of Motril, Grenada, and a Mirage F1 is scrambled from Los Llanos Air Base 11/17/1979 #35005
everal observer(s). 2 saucers buzz F100 jet after missile test. Can't catch 11/8/1956 #13311
ation). Silver UFO changes form. 2 F102s chase. Going up / space. 8/27/1966 #20812 ylindrical object hovers overhead. F102s scramble. Can't find. / APRO 5'67. 6/11/1967 #22488
EAR BARDENAS, SP Pilot / Air Force F104. Odd triangle with 3 spheres below. 6/1/1968 #23999 PIACENZA, ITL Air Force F104 pilot. Intense point / light grows 9/21/1978 #33721
r cylinder/cigar-shape buzzes USAF F105. MACH 2.7 / 4000' altitude. 3/26/1962 #17081
NORTH / HOPSTEN AB, GERM USAF F111 pilot and more. Plain torpedo-tank 6/12/1980 #35359
was seen escorted by two Lockheed F117-As. https://external-preview.redd. 10/1/1990 #39757
BLACKHAWK AND RAPID CITY, SD F14 chases saucer. Ground and air RADAR' 8/5/1953 #9046 LAJAS, PR Classic saucer teases F14 jet. Splits top / bottom. 1st part g 4/28/1992 #40434
triangle/box-like craft swallows 2 F14S! Splits / 2. Shoot quickly going up 12/28/1988 #38761
OVER PLEASANT HILLS, MD 6 F15 jets. Shiny UFO going [to] through c 7/10/1986 #37936
s.theblackvault.com/documents/ufos/F16-0010_Greenewald.pdf Note: The em 11/5/2015 #45439
. Glons and Ghent RADAR's confirm. F16s chase. Going quickly [to] 46 Gs. / 3/30/1990 #39492 e / night lights kilometers apart! F16s chase. / LDLN#302. 3/30/1990 #39495 /box-like crafts and night lights. F16s chase. / r97#52. 3/31/1990 #39501
on) jet scrambles / 2 hours! ANG 5 F1s and RF80. Saucer. 3/5/1953 #8730
n lines Night. A flight of US Navy F2H Banshee jets out of NAS Quonset Poin 6/24/1953 #8970 d list; FUFOR Index) Radar/Visual; F2H Fighter & FPS-6 Radar (NICAP: 09 - R 8/22/1957 #13921
Elongated Object Seen & Tracked By F3D Aircraft (McDonald list; FUFOR Index 5/3/1958 #15012
INORE, CA U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) F3D-2 pilots. 22' delta object 10' wide. 5/10/1954 #9768 dron Leader D.R. Higgin, flying an F3D-2 jet fighter. One dark gunmetal de 5/10/1954 #9771 , flying in the second of two Navy F3D-2 jet fighters over Elsinore, Califo 5/10/1954 #9772
The UFO was half the length of the F3D-s (which is 22 feet long), had a win 5/10/1954 #9772
AIR FORCE BASE, SOUTH KOREA 2 ROK F4 pilots. Disk radiates bright golden l 3/1973 #27319 's. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). F4 chases. / r210v31#4+/ r26p16. 10/27/1975 #30481 ILLIAMS AIR FORCE BASE, AZ Several F4 pilots. 2 silver objects near KC135 t 5/13/1976 #31048 TEHRAN, IRAN Many and RADAR's. F4 jets chase saucers. Electro-magnetic 9/19/1976 #31398 dims and turns when near airliner. F4 jet chases! 10/7/1977 #32556
ergy Commission (AEC) site. Eludes F47. 8km altitude. Blinks. 6/21/1952 #6569
SOUTHEAST LUZON, PI 3 F47S and more/others. 10M silver saucer 4/1/1948 #3601
saucers going quickly northwest as F4Cs take off / Davis Monthan Air Force 1/27/1970 #25556
erdin reaches 753 mph in a Douglas F4D Skyray over the Salton Sea, Californ 10/3/1953 #9201
f 1,606 mph in a McDonnell-Douglas F4H-1F Phantom II over Edwards AFB, Cali 11/22/1961 #16972
Central Korea, Korea F4U-4B Corsairs Encounter Circling UFO ( 6/20/1952 #6558 Central Korea, Korea F4U-4B Corsairs Encounter Circling UFO ( 6/20/1952 #6559 arine Corps Captains and pilots of F4U-4B Corsair fighter planes. One 10-20 6/20/1952 #6561 ittman, and Ronnie A. McDonald) of F4U-4B Corsair fighters with the 7302nd 6/20/1952 #6562 arine Corps Captains and pilots of F4U-4B Corsair fighter planes of the 730 6/20/1952 #6563
OROS MOUNTAINS, GREECE Pilots / 2 F5 jets. Instruments go crazy near UFO / 9/25/1976 #31424
30 MI NORTHWEST / LAKE MEAD, NV F51 pilot Armstrong. 6 3' white saucers 6/28/1947 #2438 LAKE, CA Project Bluebook Case #1. F51 pilot and ground crew. Large silent 7/8/1947 #2972 MI SOUTH / MUROC ARMY AIR BASE, CA F51 pilot / 20K' altitude. Flat reflecti 7/8/1947 #2987 FARGO, ND USAF F51 / long complex dogfight / saucer. Se 10/1/1948 #3824 REWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Blue Book. F51 chases / classic domed saucer. F81 c 12/24/1949 #4442 POPLAR, MT 2 ANG F51 pilots and Air Traffic Controllers a 9/18/1950 #5181 4M saucer does barrel-rolls around F51 / 10 minute(s)! Crazy speeds. / r43p 7/9/1951 #5565 HASTINGS, MN USAF F51 dives / 2 60cm discs 30cm apart. Rap 12/12/1951 #5815 ew and Air Traffic Controllers and F51. Night light paces F81 / 45 minute(s 6/23/1954 #9932
ntimages.storage.googleapis.com/1b/f6/40/5712193f6a971f/US20170313446A1.pdf 8/1998 #43618 ntimages.storage.googleapis.com/1b/f6/40/5712193f6a971f/US20170313446A1.pdf 11/2/2017 #45490
NORTHWEST / FUKUOKA, JP F61 chases bullet-object. 180-turns. Goi 10/15/1948 #3837
MEMPHIS, TX F610 crew and separate ground RADAR's. S 4/18/1950 #4862
win-engine Canadian Aero-Commander F680 at a height of 10,000 feet above La 9/4/1971 #26317
northwest to southeast. A Grumman F6F Hellcat fighter is scrambled on at l 12/23/1944 #1731 aroline Islands Afternoon. Several F6F fighters on patrol (one piloted by E 2/7/1945 #1774 Pasco WA, were scrambled in their F6F Hellcats to intercept unknown flying Summer 1945 #1879 lot Rolan D. Powell and five other F6F Hellcat pilots at Naval Air Station Mid 7/1945 #1896 Key West, FL F6F Picks Up Object Tracked By Gnd Radar 1/14/1950 #4488 L UFO Tracked By Gnd Radar Nr. Two F6F Aircraft (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 1/15/1950 #4492 WEST / DRUMMOND LAKE, VA F6F pilot. 2 saucers / 3500' altitude go 4/7/1954 #9668
TON, NC 2 U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) F6Fs and ground RADAR. White cylinder/ci 2/3/1953 #8629
FURSTEN-FELDBRUCK, GERM USAF F80. RADAR-visual (observation). 1500kph 11/23/1948 #3885 HU, JP Project Bluebook Case #501. F80 pilot. 60x20' rectangle. 500mph. 30K 11/21/1949 #4420
bserver(s). White saucer high over F80-jet makes 180 turn. 6/28/1952 #6651
F51 chases / classic domed saucer. F81 crash lands. Saucer departs. 12/24/1949 #4442 rollers and F51. Night light paces F81 / 45 minute(s). Turns going southeas 6/23/1954 #9932
grounds. Going quickly southeast. F82 too late. 5/21/1949 #4198 AK RIDGE, TN Ground RADAR's direct F82 going [to] 5 blips. Pilot and air.rd 10/12/1950 #5219 KNOXVILLE, TN RADAR blip. F82 intercepts. Only finds odd small smo 12/20/1950 #5358 HNSON AIR FORCE BASE, JPN 2 / USAF F82. Amber night light makes 3 360° loop 2/1/1951 #5425 t light makes 3 360° loops. Buzzes F82. Quickly going up [to] and away. 2/1/1951 #5425
ect Bluebook Case #1961. Air Force F84 / 35K'. 2 6' silver saucers. Turn aw 8/24/1952 #7696
O over AEC plant tracked by radar, F84's scrambled (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases 7/1945 #1885
CHITOSE AIR FORCE BASE, JPN F84+B26+Air Traffic Controllers and RADA 12/29/1952 #8455
CINCINNATI, OH 3 bright orbs elude F84s / Max speed. Military observer(s) a 8/23/1955 #12395
w.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/f85mb8/thirdwhistleblowerconfirmsobamas/ 7/2012 #45346
OVER PLYMOUTH, MASS F86 / Otis Air Force Base. Saucer / 17K' 4/27/1950 #4901 ly northwest. Over 900 MPH / 13K'. F86 scrambled. 8/26/1951 #5629 ary observer(s). Shiny saucer 5-6X F86 speed. Seen 6 second(s). Project Blu 6/5/1952 #6440 flat disc spins tumbles and buzzes F86. 250mph. / r136#2p5. 6/6/1952 #6451 Bluebook Case #2365. Saucer avoids F86. Air Traffic Controller RADAR confir 1/28/1953 #8589 MAROC Project Bluebook Case #2937. F86 can't catch UFO / going quickly nort 3/12/1954 #9614 here/orb/globe / saucer. Hovers. 1 F86 can't see. 1 can. / r50p52. 11/11/1954 #11621 NORTHEAST / NOGALES, AZ RADAR and F86 pilot. UFO / 10K' altitude chased go 12/23/1954 #11855 WEST / JOLIET, IL ANG F86 chases yellow flat metallic object g 11/26/1957 #14618 AR LOCKBOURNE AIR FORCE BASE, OH 3 F86 pilots. Orange crescent / saucer. Er 12/11/1957 #14708 EAST HOLLAND RDAF F86 radios saucer. No response. Can't ca 1/29/1962 #17024
PROVINCETOWN, MA Object buzzes F86's. 1200mph. Air and ground RADAR con 9/21/1950 #5189 WEST / LONG BEACH, CA 2+4 F86's can't reach cylinder/cigar-shape. 9/23/1951 #5682 CA Project Bluebook Case #1194. 2 F86's and 3 Air Traffic Controllers. Sau 5/9/1952 #6279 OUTH / CHANGSONG-NI, NORTH KOREA 2 F86's. Large silver ovoid / 1500mph. Rol 5/15/1952 #6326 y [to] 2 / 43K' altitude. F94s and F86's chase. Can't catch. 7/23/1952 #7046 BELLEFONTAINE, OH 2 F86's chase silver disk going quickly so 8/1/1952 #7395 in orderly change in formations. 3 F86's chase. 8/2/1952 #7417 lights quickly going up [to] as 3 F86's near. / r47p49+/ r173p30. 8/9/1953 #9056 e-hot" sphere/orb/globe / sky near F86's / George Air Force Base. Shoots go 7/2/1954 #9980 SACANDAGA RESERVOIR, NY Camper. 3 F86's going quickly south. White 6M circ 6/1956 (approximate) #12877 CASTLE AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 F86's chase saucer. RADAR's defeated? Ve 10/7/1956 #13265 ams fire / group / fast saucers. 2 F86's chase and fire. / MJ#291. 7/24/1957 #13821 D TO/FROM ZARAGOSA, SP 2 Air Force F86's and ground RADAR. Flattened ovoid 11/4/1970 #25899
RADAR's. Huge blip stops. Away as F86-D attacks. / r141#12p29. 6/14/1956 #12903
NEAR AGANA, GUAM F86D chases white saucer. Saucer circles 12/31/1956 #13420
I EAST / KEENEENAW PT, MI RADAR's. F89 joins UFO over lake. Both gone / no 11/23/1953 #9316
balloon" outmaneuvers and outraces F89D jet. Going quickly west. 8/21/1956 #13105
NFL Project Bluebook Case #3969. 2 F89s RADAR-visual (observation). Also gr 2/12/1956 #12711 G / west night light and RADAR. 2 F89s chase. 9/5/1966 #20847
, KOREA Saucer / jerky trajectory. F94 chases going [to] 450 Kts. On air RA 5/31/1952 #6389 ar-like night light crosses nose / F94. Seen 15 second(s). / Lumieres dans 6/17/1952 #6519 oject Bluebook Case #1588. Several F94 crews. Night lights going quickly so 7/22/1952 #7003 R-OP. Blue round object spins past F94. Project Bluebook Case #1556. No fur 7/22/1952 #7005 luebook Case #1554 unidentified. 3 F94 crews. 3 silver 80' cylinders and pe 7/23/1952 #7047 SE, JPN Blue-green fireball rushes F94. F94 pursues. Object suddenly dives. 7/23/1952 #7051 PN Blue-green fireball rushes F94. F94 pursues. Object suddenly dives. 7/23/1952 #7051 ARENA AND WILLIAMS, CA RADAR blip. F94 in cat and mouse game / blue-white b 7/26/1952 #7145 l (observation). Saucer maneuvers. F94 chases. / r185+/ r136#10p42. 8/5/1952 #7461 NEAR CAPE MAY, NJ F94 / 20K' altitude chases night light. 8/12/1952 #7549 rver(s). 1+8+1 multicolor orbs and F94 jet by. Jet sees nothing! 8/15/1952 #7598 ebook Case #2266. Ground RADAR and F94. Unidentified. White ovoid / 10 minu 12/8/1952 #8393 DETROIT, MI F94 pilot and ground and air RADAR's. Ci 3/1953 #8719 NEAR NIIGATA, JAPAN USAF F94. White disk beams red and blue beams 3/31/1953 #8796 rvation). White night light orbits F94 / 6000knts. No RADAR. / r185. 5/1/1953 #8853 NFLD Project Bluebook Case #2601. F94 crew and ground observer(s) and RADA 6/22/1953 #8954 t Bluebook Case #11135. Ground and F94 RADAR-visual (observation). UFO flie 11/8/1966 #21082
YAKIMA, WA 2 / F94+ground RADAR's. 2 red fireballs / 90 3/22/1952 #5967
GOOSE BAY, NFLD 2 / F94+RADAR. Silent night light / 1500-12K 11/26/1952 #8342
GOOSE BAY, NFLD F94+T33 pilots and RADAR. Brilliant red 12/15/1952 #8418
night light circles town / hours. F94B sees spinning saucer. 7/23/1952 #7042 FUKUOKA, JAPAN F94B pilot. Bright blue night light drop 4/8/1953 #8809
/ 1500mph. Gravitational effects. F94s chase. / r242p118. 1/22/1952 #5873 nd theodolite. 5-6 fast saucers. 4 F94s chase. 6/17/1952 #6520 any observer(s). Saucer outraces 2 F94s. Going southwest. 2 cigars / 500mph 7/1/1952 #6681 K Bogeys / ground and air RADAR's. F94s get close. Never see.. 7/21/1952 #6967 NEAR BRAINTREE, MA 5 in 3 F94s and 5 / ground. RADAR-visual (obser 7/23/1952 #7044 ng quickly [to] 2 / 43K' altitude. F94s and F86's chase. Can't catch. 7/23/1952 #7046 t Bluebook Case #1680. RADAR and 2 F94s RADAR-visual (observation). Night l 7/29/1952 #7295 , NY Large white-glow outmaneuvers F94s / 8 minute(s). Type unknown. Going 10/29/1952 #8208 ODESSA AND HANFORD, WA F94S and ground and air RADAR's. Large w 12/10/1952 #8402
El Centro NAS, CA F9F Encounters "Shooting Star" (NICAP: 1 5/13/1952 #6314 At 3:15 a.m PST an F9F pilot taking off from El Centro Nava 5/13/1952 #6319 Washington, NC F9F Chases Silver Object (NICAP: 11 - Av 2/9/1953 #8651 es off. Minutes later he is in his F9F Panther jet heading north to Virgini 2/11/1953 #8664 fully. Captain Thomas Riggs, whose F9F Panther has also been scrambled, rep 2/11/1953 #8664 Edward Balocco is scrambled in an F9F Panther from Naval Auxiliary Air Sta 2/19/1953 #8686 Riverside, CA F9F Encounters Brown Cigar (NICAP: 11 - 2/15/1956 #12717 CO, CA 3 U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) F9F pilots. Bright silver disk going [to 10/13/1956 #13275
B. Howard and L.D. Linhard, flying F9F-2 jet fighters. Ten silver, oval ob 12/24/1953 #9393 . Howard and L. D. Linhard, flying F9F-2 jet fighters, see 10 silver oval o 12/24/1953 #9394
OVER EL CAJON, CA 2 Navy F9Fs. 10 silver ovoids going quickly eas 12/24/1953 #9390
TON, NC 2 U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) F9s chase disk going quickly north and g 2/11/1953 #8662
ana in Virginia Beach, Virginia An FA-18 pilot flying out of NAS Oceana in 3/4/2019 #45566
NEAR WORCESTER, MA FAA official / light plane. Dark blue cy 4/1955 #12074 ing weather radar equipment in the FAA shops at Miami International Airport 11/8/1956 #13315 Bendix RDR-lA weather radar which FAA uses in some planes to spot bad weat 11/8/1956 #13315 by the guard). The base radar and FAA radar picked up the UFO as it was ap 5/1958 #15006 port his sighting in person to the FAA Air Traffic Communication Station. F 9/24/1959 #15987 lames extending from its edge. The FAA reports the UFO to Seattle Air Route 9/24/1959 #15987 Portland to intercept the object. FAA station observers see the object hov 9/24/1959 #15987 9 aircraft to identify it. Redmond FAA controllers lose sight of the object 9/24/1959 #15987 lose sight of the object. Seattle FAA reports at 7:11 a.m. that Klamath Fa 9/24/1959 #15987 ng the glow. But locals notice the FAA is checking for abnormal radioactivi 9/24/1959 #15987 weather balloon. And NICAP obtains FAA logs showing all the details. The Ai 9/24/1959 #15987 Flashes color(s). 60km altitude / FAA estimated. 9/20/1960 #16455 CRESCENT CITY, CA FAA expert and more/others. 2+3 Brill ob 10/30/1960 #16489 uth Carolina, where he meets local FAA officials who check his car for radi 6/30/1964 #18386 d Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) radar 2/11/1966 #19897 also tracked on both Air Force and FAA radar. 2/11/1966 #19898 leston, West Virginia 4:30 a.m. An FAA air traffic controller tracks an uni 5/4/1966 #20447 At 3:40 a.m. an FAA air traffic controller in Charleston 5/4/1966 #20448 ATLANTA, GA AND 26 JULY Blue Book. FAA men and cops and RADAR's. 4 ovoids m 7/23/1966 #20671 Atlanta, GA G,V, FAA & oval UFOs (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases 7/26/1966 #20686 Atlanta, GA Six FAA personnel observed oval UFOs, radar- 7/26/1966 #20687 San Antonio, TX Night. FAA Flight Service Specialists plus cont 2/1967 #21428 Atlantic City, NJ G,V, FAA tracked 2-mins (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 2/24/1967 #21640 pproach Control center, one of the FAA controllers calls him over to look a Mid 3/1967 #21891 US FAA Notice N7230.29 published, establish 4/4/1967 #22051 Time not reported. A policeman, an FAA specialist, and another man saw an u 10/2/1967 #23163 t 4:00 a.m. Robert Union, a former FAA air traffic controller, and his wife 2/13/1968 #23756 KANAWHA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, WV FAA Air Traffic Controllers. 3 UFO's sou 4/4/1968 #23889 Bismarck, ND Pilots, FAA, Radar Confirm UFOs (NICAP: 09 - RAD 11/26/1968 #24713 Bismarck, ND Pilots, FAA, radar confirm UFOs (NICAP: 11 - Avi 11/26/1968 #24714 No further details. Report / Minot FAA tower. 11/27/1968 #24721 KNOXVILLE, TN Airport/apartment FAA men and more/others. 2 metallic cyli 5/10/1969 #25120 OH Project Bluebook Case #unknown. FAA Air Traffic Controller and 3 pilots 6/1969 #25177 nesses, including police officers, FAA officials, U.S. Coast Guard personne 3/8/1972 #26591 of the community buildings. Renata Faa is the first to see a star-like obje 8/12/1972 #26911 ing in their fingertips and knees. Faa and three of the other witnesses dec 8/12/1972 #26911 (Florida) International Airport by FAA air traffic controller C. J. Fox. Fo 9/14/1972 #26997 e the jets arrive. At the airport, FAA watch supervisor George Morales view 9/14/1972 #26997 alm Beach International Airport by FAA air traffic controller C. J. Fox and 9/14/1972 #27000 s shortly before the jets arrived. FAA watch supervisor George Morales view 9/14/1972 #27000 BOULDER, CO FAA man and 1. Silent saucer rotates slo 10/11/1973 #27990 lated. Now going [to] 13 November. FAA involvement / denied. 10/30/1975 #30514 DOROTHY AND VENTNOR, NJ FAA and cop and several. Huge delta/tria 1/19/1976 #30800 O type unknown. Tracked on Fremont FAA radar. 9/10/1977 #32475 Omaha, NE G, FAA radar & 3 UFOs (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Ca 9/22/1977 #32507 e objects like aircraft tracked on FAA radar in V-formation at almost 17,00 9/22/1977 #32509 Omaha, Nebraska Four FAA radar controllers in Omaha, Nebraska 9/22/1977 #32511 Oxnard to Los Angeles, CA G,V, FAA radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rati 12/8/1977 #32748 t an estimated 200 feet. Charlotte FAA air traffic controller Ray Bader con 12/27/1977 #32814 ornia 9:40 p.m. Brian Metcalfe, an FAA air traffic controller, is driving n 2/22/1978 #32990 Hailey, ID G,V, FAA radar, pilot & a/l visuals (NICAP: 0 5/26/1979 #34587 many radar sites jointly with the FAA as Semi-Automatic Ground Environment 12/1/1979 #35036 Burlington, VT G, FAA & 3 UFOs (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, R 3/22/1980 #35227 NORTH / KIRKSVILLE, MO FAA RADAR. Blips / 4 passes. 1 object at 11/18/1980 #35649 aircraft briefly disappeared from FAA radar during the encounter. (NICAP: 8/8/1981 #36063 aircraft briefly disappeared from FAA radar during the encounter. 8/8/1981 #36065 mble. No such object up / NASA and FAA and USAF.. 9/17/1981 #36121 . Its erratic path was detected on FAA radar at the Greater Rockford, Illin 12/12/1983 #37070 . Its erratic path was detected on FAA radar at the Greater Rockford, Illin 12/12/1983 #37072 / night lights over town-hall. On FAA RADAR-later denied! 6/11/1984 #37355 s effortlessly across the sky. The FAA later tells them that the sighting i 3/21/1985 #37572 onal Airport in Windsor Locks. The FAA claims the object is a blimp, althou 1/9/1986 #37762 e and altitude several times, with FAA permission, in an effort to identify 11/17/1986 #38072 again, the object disappears. The FAA at first confirms that several of it 11/17/1986 #38072 ather effects. On December 29, the FAA issues a report stating, “We are acc 11/17/1986 #38072 ht lights goes all over/all about. FAA RADAR traces. No structure seen. 1/15/1987 #38098 ve to the southwest. They call the FAA Center in Aurora, Illinois, which ad 1/15/1987 #38099 ed toward St. Louis, Missouri. The FAA couldn't ID it. 9/21/1989 #39116 of sight. Minutes later a retired FAA air traffic controller also sighted 3/31/1990 #39504 Skibo, MN G,V, FAA & ANG radar, visuals by police (NICA 10/10/1990 #39770 2 separate airliners report UFO to FAA tower. Streaks by. Type unknown. / N 10/3/1994 (approximate) #41780 TALLASSEE, TN FAA man / pilot. Triangular ships with b 2/26/1995 #42062 object zigzags / MACH 4! / Denver FAA. 5/25/1995 #42223 Bovina, Texas Albuquerque FAA Air Route Traffic Control Center 10: 5/25/1995 #42227 t. Waller contacts the Albuquerque FAA Air Route Traffic Control Center whi 5/25/1995 #42227 ater, the USAF craft. According to FAA audio records, Albuquerque ATC conta 5/25/1995 #42229 15 MI SOUTHEAST / LAKELAND, FL FAA report. Plane crew sees UFO. Type un 10/18/1995 #42557 PHILIPSBURG, PA Airbus crew and NY FAA RADAR. Intense fireball paces liner. 4/12/1996 #42863 GNACE AND ST. JOHNS, MI 4+separate FAA man. 2-4-20 tiny night lights pass o 4/14/1996 #42867 east, then headed back displaying FAA lighting. Several minutes later, two 10/26/1996 #43097 n to the east and streaked off. An FAA report on the incident was filed. Th 10/26/1999 #43865 flame. The UFO was reported to the FAA by aviators, ground observers, and r 1/2/2000 #43916 crepancies with regard to both the FAA documentation and the NTSB investiga 10/23/2002 #44422 es. The objects did not appear on FAA radar at anytime during the entire s 3/25/2004 #44679 tial threat to flight safety.” The FAA stance concludes that the sighting w 11/7/2006 #44981 FAA dismisses disc at O’Hare Internation 1/1/2007 #44996 cord of Facility Operation showing FAA aware of multiple inbound calls abou 1/1/2007 #44996 mployees and pilots over terminal. FAA tells the public it will not investi 1/1/2007 #44996 ive to your request.” However, the FAA releases its raw radar information i 1/8/2008 #45112 ly south to the Stephenville area. FAA radar returns also show a target fou 1/8/2008 #45112 transponder signal is tracked with FAA radar for more than one hour. Two di 1/8/2008 #45112 chael Chertoff, with copies to the FAA and chairmen of the Senate and House 11/5/2008 #45187 fornia Oregon Portland, Oregon The FAA detects an unidentified aircraft fly 10/25/2017 #45487 fort to identify the aircraft, the FAA contacts commercial airline pilots i 10/25/2017 #45487 to locate or identify the vehicle. FAA and NORAD both confirm the event and 10/25/2017 #45487 dner (R-Colo.) says he is glad the FAA is investigating. The Colorado Depar 12/2019 #45620 drone operators could be violating FAA regulations on flying after dark and 12/2019 #45620 n west of Clayton, New Mexico. The FAA has no reports of objects on air tra 2/21/2021 #45678 , Army, Navy, Marine Corps, DARPA, FAA, NASA, NOAA, ODNI and presumably CIA 6/25/2021 #45695
hter and carries none of the other FAA-required lights. He watches it disap 10/18/1973 #28172
e, Brazil Luminous object followed FAB (Brazilian Air Force) B-26, hovered 7/14/1959 #15849 t momentarily disappeared. When an FAB helicopter took off, the light retur 11/1/1977 #32653
FABBRICO, ITL Brilliant orange glow = ha 1/10/1980 #35127
inessman and private pilot Leon A. Faber is flying at 3,000 feet near the I 4/28/1949 #4128
La Baleia, Brazil Fabio J. Diniz, 16, was walking near a h 9/14/1967 #23059 At eleven o'clock in the morning Fabio J. Diniz, age 16, was walking near 9/14/1967 #23061 Buenos Aires, Argentina Fabio Zerpa founds the Organizacion Naci 1968 #23631
FABORG, DK 2 observer(s). 2 black silent 7/1995 (approximate) #42285
ers, 1 km from "Le Mas Blanc," Dr. Fabre, Mr. Court, and six others saw an 10/9/1954 #10842 kilometer from "Le Mas Blanc," Dr. Fabre, Mr. Court, and six others saw an 10/9/1954 #10860
SOUTHEAST / FABREGUES, FR 3+several. 12M domed sauce 12/6/1973 #28531 tains five kilometers southeast of Fabregues, France two teenagers discover 12/6/1973 #28535
FABRIANO, MARCHE, ITL 6M saucer / antenn 10/19/1954 #11235 Fabriano, Italy Two men saw a disk-shape 10/19/1954 #11240 At 10:30 p.m. in Fabriano, Marche, Italy two men, satiris 10/19/1954 #11254
es he saw the humanoids lying on a fabric to prevent freeze burn from dry i 1953 #8482 three wore one-piece garments of a fabric resembling suede, with zippers. T 3/1954 #9578 e included a fine, glassy metallic fabric debris, lead and iron pellets, an 1/29/1986 #37776 of lasers and creates rips in the fabric of space-time; Deacon claims this 10/2006 #44970
rds, there were rumors that he had fabricated the story to sell a book, and 10/28/1973 #28311
uct and they do exist, or if he is fabricating the information. * http:// 5/9/2001 #44183
tly the result of Ford’s efficient fabrication, including assembly line pro 10/1/1908 #718 und and vanished rapidly. Probable fabrication according to Italian researc 11/8/1954 #11602 liff, but the charge is a complete fabrication. 8/11/1958 #15192 measures”). It specializes in the fabrication and dissemination of forged 1959 #15513 ction part of the story is a total fabrication, and he went along with the 8/20/1976 #31282 working with the abductee, rejects fabrication or psychopathology as explan 12/10/1976 #31594 hat his claim of hoax was itself a fabrication to avoid further public atte 4/18/2017 #45468
Hartmann divides photo cases into fabrications, misidentifications, poor i 10/31/1968 #24608 occurring in the Triangle are also fabrications. 9/1974 #29412
a foreign fashion made of unknown fabrics and is clutching an ornate box a 2/22/1803 #100 pigs in military uniforms (as test fabrics) are placed in cages a short dis 7/5/1957 #13779 and present whereabouts of unusual fabrics, foils, parchments, chemical res 3/11/1998 #43532 d population of the Lincoln County fabrics, foils, parchments, chemical res 3/11/1998 #43532
lica Alta, Italy A young man named Fabrizio Bruni heard a strange hissing s 10/27/1954 #11444 lica Alta, Italy a young man named Fabrizio Bruni heard a strange hissing s 10/27/1954 #11452 Inslaw Israel Ronald Reagan Fabrizio Calvi Thierry Pfister The Natio 1982 #36286 threats to US national interests. Fabrizio Calvi and Thierry Pfister in 19 1982 #36286
Fabrègues, Hérault, France 6:45 p.m. Wit 12/6/1973 #28533 ult, France 6:45 p.m. Witnesses at Fabrègues, Hérault, France, see a landed 12/6/1973 #28533
Abbiate Guazzone, Italy Bruno Facchini heard and saw sparks coming fro 4/24/1950 #4887 ne, Varese, Italy 10:00 p.m. Bruno Facchini steps outside his house on the 4/24/1950 #4888 e. One seems to be welding a pipe. Facchini speaks to them, but they respon 4/24/1950 #4888 emits a beam that knocks him over. Facchini lies still while the repairs ar 4/24/1950 #4888 Abbiate Guazzone, Italy, Sr. Bruno Facchini heard and saw sparks coming fro 4/24/1950 #4890
nomer Pastorff. 2 disks pass sun's face. No further details. 10/23/1822 #114 ched two disc pass in front of the face of the Sun. 10/23/1822 #115 e man-bats “covered, except on the face, with short and glossy copper-color 8/25/1835 #130 L Astronomer. Odd shapes pass suns face / 2 days. / Nature. / r2p15. 5/11/1845 #139 ht slow white object crosses moons face going [to] space. 4/24/1874 (approximate) #202 mer Bonilla. 283 objects pass suns face. Photograph of 1 taken. 8/12/1883 #254 t are dark as they pass across its face. He takes several photographs and s 8/12/1883 #255 d as 283 objects passed across the face of the sun. He took a photograph of 8/12/1883 #256 heir bodies, especially around the face and lips. They feel no heat, althou 10/24/1886 #276 the forms of a crudely drawn human face.” Todd tells a reporter, “It may no 8/22/1924 #1041 light that it causes burns on his face and hands. Probable hoax. 7/5/1933 #1167 s. One pilot suffered burns to his face and hands after his airplane passed 7/5/1933 #1168 falling off. His chest, neck, and face also seem to be burned but not char 3/5/1946 #1973 elescope. Dark object passes moons face. Straight and level. / Life Magazin 5/3/1947 #2277 / low / 70kph. 2 rows / portholes. Face / large window. 1M antenna. 7/15/1947? #3185 look like domed discs when viewed face forward, but are more like stubby, 9/26/1949 #4372 like two cigarette ashtrays placed face to face over Vancouver, British Col 2/26/1950 #4560 cigarette ashtrays placed face to face over Vancouver, British Columbia. I 2/26/1950 #4560 sees that he has a heavily tanned face, is of stocky build, and wears over 4/1950 #4784 0° turn. Sparks. Spins. Observer's face burnt. / LDLN#123+/ r8. 4/20/1950 #4874 ss feIt a burning sensation on his face. 4/20/1950 #4876 ss felt a burning sensation on his face. 4/20/1950 #4877 oot (except for an opening for the face (in a kind of tight-fitting overall 5/15/1950 #4944 dark circular objects cross moons face. Each 1/2 moon-size. Fuzzy edges. 4/5/1952 #6027 s with mostly fuzzy edges, crossed face of Moon; each was half the apparent 4/5/1952 #6032 th mostly fuzzy edges, crossed the face of the Moon. Each was half the appa 4/5/1952 #6034 k with plasma cone going [to] flat face forward! Jet plane speed. No furthe 7/13/1952 #6787 r as having a “slender” Latin-type face. She wore a “radiant red skirt, bla 7/27/1952 #7216 ct, shaped like two meat platters, face to face, estimated at 75' long, 45' 8/25/1952 #7729 ed like two meat platters, face to face, estimated at 75' long, 45' wide, a 8/25/1952 #7729 ct, shaped like two meat platters, face to face. The object was hovering ab 8/25/1952 #7736 ed like two meat platters, face to face. The object was hovering about 10 f 8/25/1952 #7736 out 4 m tall, the figure had a red face and "floated" toward the witnesses, 9/12/1952 #7902 meters), the figure had a reddish face and "floated" toward the witnesses, 9/12/1952 #7906 bbed belt surrounds the waist. Its face is pale and the huge round eyes, ne 10/1952 #8073 e rubber coveralls and transparent face masks. They spoke a few words, whic 11/18/1952 #8294 allic suit and a skull cap with no face covering or helmet. Werner states 5/21/1953 #8899 arms. One of them smacks the boy’s face, then they reenter the machine, whi 7/1/1953 #8982 rms. One of them smacked the boy's face, then they re-entered the machine, 7/1/1953 #8983 rms. One of them smacked the boy's face, then they reentered the machine, w 7/2/1953 #8986 ld sees odd UFO over field. Square face in window. Flies off. 8/1953 (approximate) #9032 st in 1971, she becomes the public face of Unarius. Before her death in 199 2/1954 #9522 t and make no public statements or face a prison term of 10 years and/or a 2/17/1954 #9550 . Glowing-domed saucers pass moons face west going east. 5 lit windows. 5/15/1954 #9801 ky, and wore dark diving suits. No face or arms were visible. Traces made b 9/10/1954 #10284 . Small humanoid (or Grey) / hairy face unintelligible. / r251p103+/ r113p1 10/5/1954 #10716 om it emerged a dwarf with an oval face covered with hair and eyes "as larg 10/5/1954 #10726 merged a dwarf with an oval-shaped face, covered with hair, and big eyes "a 10/5/1954 #10737 n he did they shut the door in his face, and the UFO took off straight up. 10/7/1954 #10796 eet tall, dressed in black, with a face covered in hair and large eyes, eme 10/8/1954 #10817 m tall, dressed in black, having a face covered with hair and large eyes, c 10/9/1954 #10848 s tall, dressed in black, having a face covered with hair and large eyes, c 10/9/1954 #10866 t discover any of the stuff on his face or hands. His body heat would have 10/14/1954 #11041 enly saw a small being with an odd face, which frightened him enormously. T 10/18/1954 #11219 e outer features of the creature’s face were rather normal yet striking, fe 10/18/1954 #11225 eyes that were almond-shaped. Its face was olive in shade “as if it had be 10/18/1954 #11225 oid (or Grey) walks stiffly. Hairy face.. / r8. 10/24/1954 #11355 s stiff, had long hair and a hairy face. His eyes were large, like those of 10/24/1954 #11361 ged, and had long hair and a hairy face. His eyes were large, "like those o 10/24/1954 #11369 Grey) / tank on back. Tube leads / face. Hides / blue cloud! No UFO. 11/2/1954 #11531 and a flexible tube connecting his face to a cylindrial container on his ba 11/2/1954 #11536 ss fled and felt pricklings on his face as he ran. Four photographs of the 11/5/1954 #11578 ss fled and felt pricklings on his face as he ran. Four photographs of the 11/5/1954 #11581 al sounds. One of them had a black face with sort of trunk. When a man sicc 11/8/1954 #11596 al sounds. One of them had a black face with sort of trunk. When a man sicc 11/8/1954 #11602 windows she saw a man "with a thin face, aquiline nose, and high cheekbones 12/27/1954 #11865 -25, showing both its edge and its face, for 5-7 minutes. Only item in cas 1/1/1955 #11908 ng gray clothes. They had froglike face, long slender arms, normal eyes, bu 3/1955 #12021 urt to make him prove his story or face fraud for using the US mail system 6/1955 #12173 One was observed to have a reddish face, a bald head and very fine teeth. T 9/16/1955 #12456 One was observed to have a reddish face, a baldhead, and very fine teeth. T 9/16/1955 #12457 obe going southeast. Crosses moons face / 15 second(s). Continues. 10/30/1955 #12531 sees a winged human with a demonic face that approaches him from three bloc Fall 1956 #13238 d smell, possibly permanently. His face is burned to the point where he can 10/2/1956 #13260 a high-domed head, floppy ears, a face like a bloodhound, and lidless eyes 12/15/1956 #13404 -set eyes, tanned skin, and a long face with a "quizzical" expression. Almo 5/1957 #13628 figure with a long, olive- colored face and a shiny, light gray suit, gazes 5/1957 #13631 quizzical expression on his tanned face. It is sitting on the far rim with 5/1957 #13631 eing 1 m tall with a putty-colored face and frog-like eyes. He thought the 11/6/1957 #14414 er tall being with a putty-colored face and froglike eyes. He thought the d 11/6/1957 #14438 r leaned forward to try to see his face more clearly. As she did so the por 12/16/1957 #14736 and a very tall man with a tanned face, wearing a helmet, stepped from the 1/4/1958 #14805 ernoon. A very tall man with a tan face got out. The being wore a helmet as 1/4/1958 #14807 istaken. USAF warns them that they face up to 10 years in prison under JANA 12/1958 #15465 m, and apparently has burns on the face. He is taken to a hospital, but he 1/21/1959 #15558 mself along the beach. Part of his face appeared to be burnt and his hair s 1/21/1959 #15560 John Gill, who saw the creature's face at a distance of 15 feet, said ther 3/7/1959 #15631 five foot tall man with a crimson face, wearing a red jacket and trousers 3/12/1959 #15637 but he also received burns on his face and hands from the encounter. 3/2/1960 #16192 ering disc like "two dinner plates face to face," ascended and sped away. [ 7/1/1960 #16323 sc like "two dinner plates face to face," ascended and sped away. [NICAP UF 7/1/1960 #16323 many times in the past, but in the face of that success, it is caught flatf 5/15/1961 #16684 ial espionage programs. The public face of the NRO is the Office of Space S 9/6/1961 #16818 ver(s). Domed saucer crosses moons face. Seems / extreme altitude. 10/4/1962 #17454 op-shaped object rising across the face of Auyán-tepui plateau. The UFO see 12/21/1962 #17601 s) via rifle-scope. Saucer hovers. Face in window on dome. No further detai 4/1963 (approximate) #17717 emi-transparent and had no visible face. The children fled in panic. One gi 9/19/1963 #17948 extured coveralls" and neither the face, nor the hands, nor the feet was vi 10/1963 #17966 ultaneously, he felt a burn on his face. He then braked but the vehicle ski 10/12/1963 #17988 to his left shoulder. He has a red face and a big nose and holds a black bo 2/3/1964 #18125 e feet four inches tall with a red face and a big nose in her room. He held 2/3/1964 #18126 uffered second-degree burns on his face, and lost part of his hair. 6/2/1964 #18319 ppears. His hair is singed and his face and ears are swollen and burned, al 6/2/1964 #18321 he had black sooty deposits on his face, neck, and shirt. 6/2/1964 #18323 th a glass section in front of his face, which looked human. He appeared to 7/16/1964 #18416 ked “Off Limits” and suddenly came face to face with an Alien in a self con 1965 #18679 Limits” and suddenly came face to face with an Alien in a self contained s 1965 #18679 rged and jumped to the ground. Its face was not clearly visible but it had 4/23/1965 #18914 t his mouth" about the incident or face dismissal. 5/28/1965 #18974 smoke. He held it in front of her face and the witness jumped back, but wh 5/30/1965 #18977 en he again passed it close to her face she discovered that the fumes were 5/30/1965 #18977 l. He had a very unusual head. His face was gray but the back of his head h 8/13/1965 #19383 he being appeared to be hiding his face from the witness. He wore a tight-f 12/11/1965 #19765 e toward the side of the head. The face also had a wide nose and jowls. The 12/11/1965 #19765 e and jowls. The complexion of the face was dark bronze, and the entity was 12/11/1965 #19765 directly down on the witness. His face had a ruddy complexion and his eyes 1/5/1966 #19806 y, and is shaped like “two saucers face to face.” It is light gray in color 1/19/1966 #19858 s shaped like “two saucers face to face.” It is light gray in color, dull, 1/19/1966 #19858 ndow through which she saw a man's face. He winked and smiled at her, and s 4/23/1966 #20392 ite object shaped like two saucers face to face (disc) with a row of square 7/18/1966 #20654 ct shaped like two saucers face to face (disc) with a row of square windows 7/18/1966 #20654 ead masks on the upper part of the face. An autopsy failed to disclose the 8/20/1966 #20778 ead masks on the upper part of the face. An autopsy failed to disclose the 8/20/1966 #20782 tograph 2 large objects. Pass suns face / 17 minute(s). / r223p44. 8/23/1966 #20790 of Summerside. Both coastal towns face the Northumberland Strait. (Weinste 9/21/1966 #20907 six feet tall with a "funny little face" with "big red eyes that popped out 11/26/1966 #21151 hat was large and round, while his face seemed angular and pointed. He had 1/9/1967 #21278 song manner. At one point when his face reddened he asked for a glass of wa 1/9/1967 #21278 orm that covered him entirely; his face was in shadow and his facial featur 1/13/1967 #21300 kind of mittens on its hands. The face could not be seen. It walked past t 1/15/1967 #21312 nsparent suit. He had a very white face and white hands, a pronounced jawbo 2/24/1967 #21641 nt outfit, emerges. It has a white face and hands, a pronounced jawbone, an 2/24/1967 #21643 lothes and a mask that covered his face down to his shoulders. 4/1/1967 #22042 he saw a being with an oval-shaped face, very light skin, and large black a 4/2/1967 #22048 witness felt dizzy, suffered minor face burns, second and third degree burn 5/20/1967 #22379 witness felt dizzy, suffered minor face burns, and second and third degree 5/20/1967 #22384 n his arm and the left side of his face. 6/14/1967 #22505 egg-shaped head and a featureless face. It had long arms that were raised. 7/20/1967 #22713 ure dressed in black, with a black face or face mask and goggles. They didn 8/12/1967 #22870 sed in black, with a black face or face mask and goggles. They didn't appro 8/12/1967 #22870 was 4 feet 4 inches tall, and its face was at first completely in shadow. 8/23/1967 #22908 n. Then it flies across the Moon’s face and leaves to the northwest. 10/14/1967 #23238 leg and back pain, sunburn on his face and hands, and a yellow- green coat 10/22/1967 #23290 adiation, forcing him to cover his face with his hands to look at it. The o 10/25/1967 #23322 y fog and were required to stop. A face suddenly appeared in the car window 11/13/1967 #23444 iedly drove off they could see the face and arm attached to a dark, conical 11/13/1967 #23444 dark clothing...I couldn't see his face...he was slender and not tall, perh 2/26/1968 #23784 usetts. She becomes paralyzed, her face is immobile, and her hands and feet 2/27/1968 #23786 lyzed. Putting her hands up to her face for protection, she discovers she i 7/22/1968 #24204 siti has first-degree burns on her face and hands (an allergic reaction?), 7/22/1968 #24204 lyzed. Putting her hands up to her face for protection she now found she wa 7/22/1968 #24205 ieri had first-degree burns on her face and hands, and parts of her nurse's 7/22/1968 #24205 eter like two metallic saucers put face to face, standing on a "glass foot" 7/31/1968 #24272 e two metallic saucers put face to face, standing on a "glass foot" like a 7/31/1968 #24272 and a headdress exposing only her face. (Magonia #918, FSR 69, 1) (NICAP: 8/27/1968 #24387 and a headdress exposing only her face. She spoke in an unknown language, 8/27/1968 #24388 and a headdress exposing only her face. She spoke in an unknown language, 8/27/1968 #24390 s light at him, hitting him in the face and blinding him and also making hi 8/28/1968 #24392 emselves paralyzed. They were soon face to face with three strange, five-fo 9/1/1968 #24422 paralyzed. They were soon face to face with three strange, five-foot tall 9/1/1968 #24422 y Green said that she saw a "green face with no nose, mouth or hair," and t 9/21/1968 #24497 disc "like two round basins placed face to face" Swooped down over the town 11/8/1968 #24644 ke two round basins placed face to face" Swooped down over the town of Tagu 11/8/1968 #24644 astronomer. Dark spots cross moons face. Then boomerang shapes! 11/9/1968 #24645 ed out the window, they saw a huge face staring down at them. The creature’ 11/9/1968 #24648 wore a glowing green suit, and its face was hidden by a helmet with a black 11/14/1968 #24656 vering the heads, so that only the face was left exposed. One of the men wa 11/21/1968 #24676 that appeared to have a disfigured face and long wild black hair. He also w 1/12/1969 #24836 ridge. The occupant then turned to face Gusmao, and he put his hand on his 1/31/1969 #24882 peered intently into the witness's face. At one point one of the witnesses 4/5/1969 #25051 directly on its shoulders and the face was black, with close-set eyes and 5/19/1969 #25148 or at 1:00 a.m., he saw "the white face of an animal" and a light in the sk 5/20/1969 #25151 estnut hair but no features on her face. Nevertheless, Mrs. Hansen had no f 8/8/1969 #25312 no discernible features where her face would be. Oddly, when Mrs. Vellacca 8/22/1969 #25326 of features and a not unattractive face. She was motionless, with one arm u 8/27/1969 #25333 t long. It had three fingers and a face.” 11/9/1969 #25455 mself in a kind of stupor with his face and hands swollen and a red bump on 11/15/1969 #25461 s arms and legs are very thin, its face pale like wax, and its nose hooked; 1/7/1970 #25540 s holding a box-like object to his face with a periscope like extender stic 6/21/1970 #25704 The middle figure turned slowly to face him. The eyes of the humanoid were 8/15/1970 #25787 somewhat rotund appearance to the face . At one point the witness saw hims 8/15/1970 #25787 . 1M man by road / odd garb. Hides face. Flash and bang. Man gone. 8/19/1970 #25794 who raised both arms to cover his face as the car approached. There was a 8/19/1970 #25797 ing like mittens on its hands. Its face could not be seen. The creature wal 1/15/1971 #25989 50 feet away. "I couldn't see his face; there was just a gray spot there." 2/16/1971 #26021 l, with a lot of hair all over its face and body. It was dressed in an inde 2/27/1971 #26034 l man at Greenhill sees a hairless face pressed up against his kitchen wind 4/2/1971 #26064 t completely covered him, even his face. He seemed to be aware of the witne 6/9/1971 #26165 eyes were covered with a one-piece face mask that went across both eyes, as 8/16/1971 #26291 When Renz looked up to the being's face, he was almost in a full standing p 8/16/1971 #26291 ad a larger than normal head and a face resembling that of a wasp. The eyes 8/16/1971 #26291 ed seeing a live creature with the face of a wasp that was wearing a dark c 8/16/1971 #26291 eat at this point. They then saw a face with large black eyes staring at th 10/16/1971 #26427 ity down. Waves hand / observer(s) face. Telepathy. One hour missing time. 12/1971 #26481 ature with leather like skin and a face like a frog or a lizard, 3 or 4 ft 3/3/1972 #26587 ery skinned biped with a frog like face. It was three to four feet tall, li 3/17/1972 #26607 n a look of distress came upon its face as if it appeared to be having trou 8/26/1972 #26956 ess reported that he again saw the face of the entity in a mirror on the bu 9/21/1972 #27022 und, in a stiff mechanical way, to face him, and at the same time his engin 9/27/1972 #27035 e chin, and a slit-like mouth. The face appeared pale green, but this may h 9/27/1972 #27035 appeared to have burns around the face. Tash walked around the area and fo 10/14/1972 #27077 e UFO. They all notice Fuentes and face him from about 89 feet away. He rai 10/28/1972 #27095 ell down into the snow. Turning to face him, she saw a childlike figure sma 2/26/1973 #27318 reen tunic with a red collar. "His face had triangular markings for eyes, a 5/15/1973 #27492 with a very large blue buckle. His face and his hands, which had long finge 5/16/1973 #27496 oise and confirms that Mrs. Geni’s face is swollen with bloodshot eyes that 5/27/1973 #27533 or arrived, she found Ms. Lisboa's face swollen and her eyes bloodshot. Her 5/27/1973 #27535 and was horrified to see a hideous face staring at her from the window. The 8/21/1973 #27718 y, biped creature with a wolf-like face. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 8/27/1973 #27725 y, biped creature with a wolf-like face. He shot at it with his gun with no 8/27/1973 #27726 that almost completely covered his face. He held a silver object resembling 9/9/1973 #27794 ith large red glowing eyes, a gray face, long hair, pointed ears, and a hoo 9/20/1973 #27850 ointed ears, a hooked nose, a gray face, and red glowing eyes in the woods 9/26/1973 #27873 ed out of the wall in front of his face and circled around him. The beings 10/11/1973 #28005 od by with a terrified look on his face. Meanwhile, the buzzing sound and b 10/11/1973 #28005 ped around his head. A disembodied face appeared in the camper telling them 10/14/1973 #28031 ng” about 2.5 feet tall and with a face with “spiky things at the tops and 10/16/1973 #28085 stricken Mrs. Versacci pressed her face to the windscreen struggling to ste 10/16/1973 #28089 er to the ground. She struggled to face her assailant and saw a tall, dark- 10/16/1973 #28089 mouth, so only the eyes and upper face were visible. No hair was visible, 10/16/1973 #28089 et tall and had stumpy arms, and a face with "spiky things at the tops and 10/16/1973 #28091 / separate observer(s). Observer's face sunburnt. 10/19/1973 #28181 gas mask with a veil covering the face. Their gait was slow and mechanical 10/19/1973 #28197 he described them as wearing white face masks, or having white faces like m 10/20/1973 #28220 ld see a snout like feature on the face. Its body was uniformly gray, and i 10/21/1973 #28229 /entity with large hat and tape on face. Gestures. / r41p345. 11/1/1973 #28335 e brimmed hat pulled down over the face. The figure appeared to be covered 11/1/1973 #28338 a round, grayish head, a wrinkled face, a downturned slit of a mouth, and 11/2/1973 #28352 Pays / yellow $1 bill! Featureless face. / Bloecher. 11/11/1973 #28403 stature and they could not see his face. After passing the "sweeper" they s 11/18/1973 #28444 um build, normal proportions. Dark face with glowing yellow eyes exhibiting 12/19/1973 #28584 lit cube- shaped helmets with the face visible, gray jumpsuits, and gloves 1/7/1974 #28660 ound helmet with a large, circular face plate showing a pear shaped, grayis 1/7/1974 #28661 met transparent in form, showing a face identical with the other's but with 1/7/1974 #28661 rk, when suddenly he found himself face to face with two humanoid beings an 2/28/1974 #28820 suddenly he found himself face to face with two humanoid beings and having 2/28/1974 #28820 en Thierache, and he found himself face to face with two beings he describe 2/28/1974 #28822 ache, and he found himself face to face with two beings he described as "co 2/28/1974 #28822 mysterious burn on the side of his face, sent him to the local Danderyds Ho 3/23/1974 #28939 ith long white hair, a featureless face, who was wearing a long black dress 5/11/1974 #29100 g object moving across the western face of the Sandia Mountains. It was so 5/28/1974 #29141 g object moving across the western face of the Sandia Mountains. It is so b 5/28/1974 #29142 llowing day. The right side of her face is numb and she has red marks above 9/16/1974 #29459 came numb on the right side of her face. 9/16/1974 #29460 oes and heels. A helmet covers his face, but he seems to be looking for som Mid 11/1974 #29596 lmet with a visor that covered his face. He appeared to be dark complexione 11/15/1974 #29597 were wearing silvery outfits with face masks and helmets. Each helmet had 12/1/1974 #29627 ered in dark tan fur except on the face and chin. Its head hair seems to be 12/2/1974 #29629 than a tall man, and had a square face with hair "sticking straight out fr 12/2/1974 #29631 th. It merely had wrinkles on the "face" and three silvery two-inch long "f 2/23/1975 #29839 s visible; light struck witness in face, nose bleed and vomiting. Physical 7/31/1975 #30216 s visible; light struck witness in face, nose bleed and vomiting. Physical 7/31/1975 #30217 se as a light beam hits him in the face. Ill and confused, he tries to avoi 7/31/1975 #30218 hoods. A light beam hit him in the face, causing eye trouble and a nose ble 7/31/1975 #30219 narrow legs, very short arms, & "a face that occupied about half the height 9/3/1975 #30339 put a clear plastic mask over his face. He remembers nothing else until he 11/5/1975 #30562 houlder-length hair. His very long face had a long pointed nose and pallid 12/11/1975 #30705 -foot-tall man with a narrow, pale face and long, pointed nose. It is dress 12/14/1975 #30715 waist up. There was no discernible face, and the back of the head was flat 1/11/1976 #30785 She recalled at one point that the face of the being was very close to her 1/14/1976 #30786 he being was very close to her own face, and it had big slanted eyes. 1/14/1976 #30786 nd-topped helmet and a rectangular face plate. Atop the helmet was a whitis 1/26/1976 #30821 The witness put his hands over his face, but could not stir from the spot. 1/29/1976 #30832 eet, the creature turned around to face him and Hegele lost his courage and 2/22/1976 #30895 ng a blue light flashed across her face. She drove away in fear, and she co 2/25/1976 #30908 a beam that strikes Barroso in the face, causing him to lose consciousness. 4/3/1976 #30983 ng from a burning sensation on his face, and a headache. The left side of h 4/3/1976 #30983 he experiences fear and covers her face with her hands. After what seems a 6/11/1976 #31102 road. The wife notices a massive “face” looking at them. Two 7-foot tall b 8/6/1976 #31240 scream when she confronted a large face in the window with big round eyes. 8/6/1976 #31241 which made an angle with the main face on which their window lay. All was 8/10/1976 #31252 banks into trees showing moon-size face. 1/10/1977 #31713 As it leaves, it presents a round face as large as the full moon. 1/10/1977 #31716 could barely make out some sort of face behind it. The object began to asce 2/10/1977 #31808 ot back in the house she found her face and legs red from the heat. Her dog 4/4/1977 #31944 ures could be seen on the figure's face, and it wore a uniformly silver-gra 4/7/1977 #31957 met and with a square, featureless face. The being drifted through a closed 4/12/1977 #31976 e helmet and a square, featureless face. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 4/20/1977 #32004 e helmet and a square, featureless face. It approached Mark rapidly, who tu 4/20/1977 #32005 tall, because we could not see its face." It was described as three feet wi 4/23/1977 #32018 med a dark square area in which no face was visible. They called the BUFORA 4/23/1977 #32018 because it was too tall to see its face." It was quite wide--about three fe 4/24/1977 #32021 d a dark squarish area in which no face was visible. They called Randall Jo 4/24/1977 #32021 ared. He had a strange look on his face and he emitted a sinister laugh, as 4/25/1977 #32024 ears. He has a strange look on his face and he gives out a sinister laugh, 4/25/1977 #32026 ared. He had a strange look on his face and he emitted a sinister laugh, as 4/25/1977 #32027 oo. Humanoid in form, the figure’s face is black and featureless; it vanish 4/26/1977 #32029 is night. The humanoid form, whose face was black with no features, vanishe 4/26/1977 #32030 home, his mother notices that his face is sunburned and hot to the touch. 6/6/1977 #32151 large metallic helmet with a glass face plate encasing the head that came t 7/12/1977 #32266 ol" in his right hand. The being's face could not be seen because it was we 7/17/1977 #32288 e aerial entity with a transparent face. 8/3/1977 #32353 flash of light again shone in her face. She believed it was a bicycle head 8/3/1977 #32356 haped light on the top part of its face. The witness yelled out, causing th 8/26/1977 #32426 with two antennas on its head. The face looked like paper mache. They notif 8/28/1977 #32439 ed in jacket and tie, with an ugly face. He speaks encouragingly, says he i 9/4/1977 #32460 d triangles abreast. 3 cross moons face. 9/21/1977 #32501 the southern sky. One crosses the face of the Moon. 9/21/1977 #32503 "door" appeared on the right hand face of the rocks, sliding alternately o 10/30/1977 #32639 eague who had a blank stare on his face; he too could not breath. Woods fla 11/1977 #32648 er/cigar-shape with blunt end like face / house near shell refinery. Going 11/14/1977 #32673 ure / space-suit stands / road. No face. Box / chest blinks. 1/2/1978 #32844 w cowls or hoods, leaving only the face uncovered. The men were about two m 2/5/1978 #32957 , MA Kids / basement. 1 sees oid's face / window inches over soil level. 4/19/1978 #33152 foot away from the window a white face was staring back at her, just inche 4/19/1978 #33154 und looking in all directions. Its face appeared brighter than the rest of 4/25/1978 #33169 the skin is actually burned (arms, face, neck). These are noted on a visit 5/13/1978 #33202 “fever blisters” break out on his face and in places on his arms, and thes 5/13/1978 #33202 was actually burned, on his arms, face, and neck. These burns were visible 5/13/1978 #33205 ollowing his skin blistered on his face and in places on his arms. He had t 5/13/1978 #33205 t helmets with what appeared to be face coverings or "plates". The humanoid 8/23/1978 #33556 ralls and helmets with aerials and face masks, and they floated about four 9/17/1978 #33703 waist level, and white gloves. Its face is dark bronze with almond-shaped e 9/18/1978 #33708 ed softer than the other half. His face and hands were red. That night othe 9/24/1978 #33744 ge man, 5.5 feet tall with a green face and dark costume, who is walking th 9/27/1978 #33761 e forest 30 feet away. He turns to face the children, and they panic and ru 9/27/1978 #33761 feet from the school a being whose face is a “featureless mask.” 9/27/1978 #33761 overing its head. The color of its face was brilliant yellow. The creature 9/28/1978 #33770 ed his forehead, so only his lower face was clear, but they could see he ha 10/2/1978 #33791 t was very tall, with ugly eyes, a face marked as if with scratches, a redd 10/5/1978 #33798 helmet with a glass visor over the face. His clothing was silvery and he wo 11/24/1978 #33996 6-foot-tall creature with an ugly face. Terrified, he runs to the car and 12/6/1978 #34065 UFO. The window opened and a human face looked out at the witness. The craf 12/6/1978 #34070 the sides and they had transparent face plates. Inside human-like faces cou 12/15/1978 #34141 0 feet away. She feels heat on her face and smells an unpleasant odor. When 1/5/1979 #34302 ge, Massachusetts, she notices her face is reddened. She develops a rash an 1/5/1979 #34302 object coming from the area of the face. It wore a very shiny outfit. The r 2/26/1979 #34450 a white-blue light, and the man’s face feels like it is burning. Frightene 5/22/1979 #34574 ining dried blood break out on his face. 5/22/1979 #34574 dow and passes three feet from her face. It then comes to look more like a 6/1979 #34600 appeared to be a black protruding face mask of some sort. Within seconds t 7/25/1979 #34681 barking, but the entities turn to face them and the dogs stop barking and 8/10/1979 #34725 t white center. When she feels her face growing hot, she pulls sharply onto 9/9/1979 #34852 rth in a few seconds. By noon, her face is sunburned and sore; the skin fla 9/9/1979 #34852 l humanoid with a large human-like face. The being had white hair and large 10/7/1979 #34951 or the next 40 minutes. He came to face down on the ground, and experienced 11/9/1979 #34991 visor that completely covered his face. The source of the white light was 11/30/1979 #35034 n by passing a had in front of her face. He told her telepathically that he 12/10/1979 #35068 nute(s) / missing time. Observer's face red. / MJ#262. 2/11/1980 #35164 looked to be trying to conceal his face with his hand. He soon disappeared 2/11/1980 #35168 ntire body and head except for his face, operated the machinery. The being 9/25/1980 #35535 ye irritation, and the boyfriend’s face and hands turn red and feel sore. 11/28/1983 #37052 12 inches and slams into the road face down. Looking up, he sees the objec 3/1985 #37561 the witness develops a rash on his face. 3/7/1985 #37566 ance of the light, he shielded his face with his left arm, but at one point 5/15/1986 #37870 spaceships stopped in front of our face, shooting off lights (like numerous 11/17/1986 #38068 ed brightly and I felt warm in the face.” The UFOs appeared as two rectangu 11/17/1986 #38068 and Terauchi can feel heat on his face. Radio communications again became 11/17/1986 #38072 here is a sunburn-like rash on his face, and he has severe eye irritation, 12/4/1988 #38743 ite light lit the left side of his face. He heard a sound resembling a weld 5/10/1989 #38942 headaches and the left side of his face became swollen and began to bleed. 5/10/1989 #38942 weeks he had a severe rash on his face that eventually left permanent scar 5/10/1989 #38942 here/orb/globe has image / woman's face / side. Image goes when sphere/orb/ 6/17/1989 #38990 d to be holding his arms up to his face. 10/31/1989 #39201 rash on the exposed portion of his face that lasts for more than 11 days. 12/24/1989 #39338 ll, slender, and with a pale young face without wrinkles. He also had what 9/13/1990 #39731 out the window and saw the strange face of an unknown entity staring in the 12/31/1990 #39932 ntain before descending across the face of mountain. It was gone when the w 4/22/1991 #40048 to dense fog. Noise. Missing time. Face burnt. Ill. 10/22/1991 #40214 ith the the DIA and NSA claim in a face to face meeting that USG/USG contra 11/25/1991 #40241 the DIA and NSA claim in a face to face meeting that USG/USG contractors ar 11/25/1991 #40241 k out into the yard and again came face to face with the greenish figure. A 12/4/1991 #40254 to the yard and again came face to face with the greenish figure. After a f 12/4/1991 #40254 One was a male with a round, oval face and oval black eyes. The second bei 4/12/1992 #40414 He felt a buzzing sensation on his face, and felt as if a small object was 4/12/1992 #40414 ticed the blonde-haired woman. Her face was long, very long. The blonde, wh 7/23/1992 #40531 the back of his head, drawing his face toward her breasts. He resisted. Ap 7/23/1992 #40531 sh objects colliding with the rock face. Although the blast is seen in Krak 1/14/1993 #40795 al table that tilted 30 degrees to face a curved wall filled with a row of 3/16/1993 #40886 a veil that completely covered the face. The witness and the entity stared 3/20/1993 #40894 ake off your hat so I can see your face." She then heard a clear voice insi 3/20/1993 #40894 vented her from seeing the being's face. Later the following day Carmel ven 3/30/1993 #40907 rp teeth, yellow eyes, a wolf-like face and was covered with a dark bluish 4/19/1993 #40944 ll towards a window, and she saw a face appear in the window as it went by. 9/1/1993 #41174 t eight feet above the ground. The face was a classic Grey alien, with an e 9/1/1993 #41174 utside. The woman screamed and the face went away. No tracks were found out 9/1/1993 #41174 uding his unusually long feet. The face was elongated with two huge round e 2/3/1994 #41406 ped cranium and a dark featureless face. It moved on two short, thick legs. 4/15/1994 #41493 rady County, Georgia when she came face to face with four short "Grey" huma 9/11/1994 #41737 nty, Georgia when she came face to face with four short "Grey" humanoid bei 9/11/1994 #41737 find a bright light shining in his face and several figures standing around 9/20/1994 #41765 d a large head and a brown skinned face. The startled woman took a swing at 9/20/1994 #41766 as lying on her right side and its face was only slightly above hers. It wa 2/2/1995 #42013 chest and waist, and a black, flat face with black chest markings. It occas 2/10/1995 #42033 er him. The being had a human-like face, was gray in color and had huge eye 5/15/1995 #42211 They appeared to have some kind of face mask or facial covering also. The c 8/11/1995 #42376 wings. It had a flattened, vulpine face, with enormous red eyes. The creatu 11/9/1995 #42589 ere with a blank expression on his face. Besides him stood two reptilian lo 2/6/1996 #42743 "fiery red eyes" set in a humanoid face. The entity then jumped over a mete 5/3/1996 #42892 oked to his right, and saw a white face with a grayish tint that was appare 9/16/1996 #43025 elf and punched it directly at the face. As soon as his hand made contact w 9/16/1996 #43025 up to the witness and sprayed his face with a yellowish powder. Soon they 9/16/1996 #43026 d some of the yellow powder on his face. The powder was analyzed at a local 9/16/1996 #43026 everal minutes the being turned to face the bedroom wall, and again there w 2/13/1997 #43191 ed up and punched the being in the face, and his skin felt like hard plasti 2/24/1997 #43207 wards her. One brushed against her face and grabbed her wrist. He seemed to 2/24/1997 #43207 lently ill, and with a scar on her face. While this was occurring her next 4/15/1997 #43261 ft. Suddenly she falls down on her face, sustaining some minor scrapes and 5/30/1997 #43302 omer. 4 spheres weave across moons face. 2-3 course corrections. 6/17/1997 #43324 appeared to have a frozen, silver face with torso and arms. Other witnesse 7/22/1997 #43356 olor, with a strange growth on its face. The figure had two small hands wit 10/10/1997 #43426 onsciousness. When he awoke he was face down in the field, completely naked 12/10/1997 #43457 lers. Inside the light she saw the face and eyes of a humanoid being. Frigh 2/27/1998 #43524 e DIA and NSA allegedly claim in a face to face meeting in Nebraska that US 3/11/1998 #43532 d NSA allegedly claim in a face to face meeting in Nebraska that USG/USG co 3/11/1998 #43532 eige jacket and had long arms. His face could not be seen because he was ba 6/10/1998 #43586 e-piece metallic uniform. Only his face was visible. She remembered encount 7/11/1998 #43601 if its hands were covering up his face. The witness attempted to look clos 10/25/1998 #43670 ark disk going quickly [to] moon's face. 2nd follows. All / videotape-no vi 8/28/1999 #43837 puter reconstruction of the girl’s face according to his description. In No 12/1999 #43890 human looking entity. Close to her face she saw a huge head on a thin body. 1/13/2000 #43928 earing a large black hat, with its face hidden in shadow. Terrified, he ran 7/11/2000 #44014 f the beings seemed to measure her face from ear to ear at the same time te 5/2/2001 #44174 one in which a photo of an “alien face” is inserted. Green claims the imag 8/19/2003 #44576 ominantly robotic person who has a face that looked as if a human face had 9/3/2003 #44592 s a face that looked as if a human face had been grafted on. He appeared to 9/3/2003 #44592 -shaped object with a bulge on one face, estimated to be maybe 30 feet acro 1/4/2004 #44647 elderly woman stood on a rock. Her face could not be seen because it was st 8/2/2004 #44725 r "window" was positioned over the face area, but no facial features were v 8/2/2004 #44725 ose bleed. Later he found that his face and back were slightly sunburned an 10/2/2004 #44766 , cancer and diseases after cat to face encounters with UAP. Green’s 100+ p 2005 #44805 a red rash on the left side of his face and loses some hair on that side. H 5/1/2005 #44828 mpse of what looked to be an alien face. The figure was standing by a dress 11/25/2005 #44906 yes. As soon as he saw the alien's face he pulled his blanket over his face 11/25/2005 #44906 ace he pulled his blanket over his face. Moments later, while hiding under 11/25/2005 #44906 hole in his helmet, and wounds his face. He reduces speed and descends from 10/30/2007 #45086 s only recollection was being laid face down on something hard, and having 5/4/2009 #45217 el the heat from the object on her face and forehead. The object departs to 9/11/2011 #45332 man was “freaked out” after coming face to face with a UFO that was parked 8/6/2013 #45381 “freaked out” after coming face to face with a UFO that was parked on the r 8/6/2013 #45381 and a tingling on the side of her face. 11/26/2019 #45618
REDMOND, WA 25' UFO and 'green face' / slumber party. Apparent classic 6/24/1988 #38591
2 teens. Silent silver ovoid seen face-on. Several-X moon-size. East going 9/24/1978 #33741
rouvy, Nord, France, finds herself face-to-face with three small entities w 1942 #1385 ct shaped like two plates attached face-to-face; matte bottom, bright alumi 4/3/1949 #4068 ct shaped like two plates attached face-to-face at 11:55 a.m. The object ha 4/3/1949 #4070 , bright, shaped like two dishpans face-to-face, flew straight and level, f 6/27/1950 #5016 ons, a space being declares that a face-to-face meeting will take place soo 11/4/1952 #8247 lic disc, shaped like two pie pans face-to-face, and 120-130' in diameter, 1/1/1955 #11908 ite object shaped like two saucers face-to-face with a row of square window 7/18/1966 #20655
Americans from Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Yahoo, Apple, and other tech g 6/6/2013 #45371 sa Valley Nevada The Storm Area 51 Facebook event is created by college stu 6/27/2019 #45588 ada Hiko, Nevada The Storm Area 51 Facebook event takes place with about 15 9/20/2019 #45609 for UFO Studies launches its first Facebook page. 5/27/2022 #45752
cember 6, 1958: “We find ourselves faced by powers which are far stronger t 1/1/1959 #15526 , saw three "gray garbed and white faced" figures, looking like frogmen, ju 1/21/1966 #19865 tons, and fiery eyes. "The specter faced him, but he could not see its head 8/16/1972 #26922 m for response to GSW. The CIA had faced a deadline of December 1977 to pro 12/14/1978 #34124 ment one of the figures turned and faced the others, and as this happened t 11/1/1980 #35608 fely is disrupted when the crew is faced with “extremely bizarre, unexpecte 10/15/2000 #44056 urned on an outside lightbulb that faced toward the animal cages. He then w 8/2/2001 #44218 diplomats and their families have faced in Havana, Cuba, more than 2 years 2/6/2019 #45560
nd A 6-year-old girl sees a black, faceless, 5-foot-high figure with a larg Summer 1928 #1087 OH Woman / stop-light approached / faceless 5' man. Slits for eyes only. 5/23/1978 #33233 alled being in a room with a Grey, faceless woman, five-foot ten inches tal 12/11/1979 #35073 , Illinois was confronted by eight faceless men in her parking lot at about 12/29/1992 #40770
e rubber coveralls and transparent facemasks. They spoke a few words, which 11/18/1952 #8298 alls; they looked human and had on facemasks. When he touched part of the c 10/23/1954 #11344 and aluminum colored helmets with facemasks. Tubes ran from the masks to s 5/4/1969 #25115 ad and ending just above the eyes. Facemasks covered the nose and mouth, so 10/16/1973 #28089
" it wore a helmet with a circular faceplate. (Humcat 1971-6, Tapani Kuning 2/5/1971 #26013 and wore a helmet with a circular faceplate. It approached the young men, 2/5/1971 #26015 oo high. She could see there was a faceplate in the being's suit, and she c 2/10/1977 #31808
ngers. Both wore helmets with dark faceplates that covered the eyes. They e 1/13/1979 #34339
atches a bizarre procession of the faces of two prominent Australians (Arch 7/25/1868 #176 tallic sheen that leave only their faces exposed. The beings stare at her w 1942 #1385 They had oversized heads, greenish faces, huge, salient dark eyes without e 8/14/1947 #3328 oversized heads and greenish toned faces. Their eyes were huge, without eye 8/14/1947 #3334 ying suits with helmets over their faces.” 4/9/1948 #3619 bserver(s). Several glowing "clock faces" cross sky / 2 minute(s) intervals 5/8/1948 #3645 be seen four tall men with pallid faces, dressed in something like celloph 3/18/1950 #4680 he top. It took off very fast. The faces and arms of the boys later became 4/8/1950 #4828 he top. It took off very fast. The faces and arms of the boys later became 4/8/1950 #4832 s are about 4 feet tall, and their faces seem charred or burnt. In front of 5/15/1950 #4944 thout turning their bodies." Their faces could not be seen. One of them wor 7/2/1950 #5038 thout turning their bodies." Their faces could not be seen. One of them wor 7/2/1950 #5040 s). They had oval-shaped, hairless faces. Six of the beings were about five 3/22/1953 #8776 ee dwarfs 2 feet tall, with yellow faces, narrow eyes, and oriental feature 7/1/1953 #8982 ree dwarfs 60 cm tall, with yellow faces, narrow eyes, and oriental feature 7/1/1953 #8983 ree dwarfs 60 cm tall, with yellow faces, narrow eyes, and oriental feature 7/2/1953 #8986 They all had red hair with pinkish faces, and the women had long hair. All 11/28/1953 #9325 f slim build, normal height, their faces brownish, wearing no helmets. One 3/1954 #9577 ts. Tight fitting dark blue suite. Faces, under ‘copter spotlight, were lig 4/12/1954 #9683 the witnesses. Their “rather long faces” are olive-colored, and their eyes Late Spring 1954 #9803 d helmets covering large heads. No faces or arms are visible. When he tries 9/10/1954 #10286 ing suits with diver's helmets. No faces or arms were visible. Imprints wer 9/10/1954 #10288 ers tall exited the machine. Their faces were covered with hair. A beam of 9/25/1954 #10444 yellowish coveralls, having human faces and masks. When he touched part of 10/23/1954 #11338 n in yellowish overalls with human faces. When he touches part of the objec 10/23/1954 #11341 y monks, so he could not see their faces, and could not describe their hand 11/9/1954 #11611 the ground, the witnesses see the faces of four pale-faced men with black Late 7/1955 #12285 in gray clothes, with "pasty white faces" that seemed friendly and willing 11/7/1957 #14457 ay uniforms. They had "pasty white faces." They seemed friendly and willing 11/7/1957 #14464 passing her bedroom window, which faces north. She looked out her east win 12/16/1957 #14736 saucer / slow spin. Lands / field. Faces / portholes! Quickly going up [to] 6/1958 #15067 light and they feel heat on their faces. They also hear a dull explosion. 10/26/1958 #15385 ing to the ice. They had very long faces. His radio quit working. He did no 12/11/1958 #15474 und, and Fernando gets back up and faces the cyclops. Now all three boys ar 8/28/1963 #17922 felt a burning sensation on their faces and arms. 7/7/1964 #18397 with bulging eyes, expressionless faces, white craniums, large pores, and 8/13/1965 #19380 ortholes. Small humanoid (or Grey) faces projected. See reference. 10/2/1966 #20947 shroom-shaped buzzed car, humanoid faces seen through window. Flying Saucer 6/6/1967 #22470 m-shaped. The witness also saw the faces of humanoids through the transpare 6/6/1967 #22473 board which occupants with catlike faces were seen. Under the object was a 6/7/1967 #22476 nsparent surface of the object the faces of strange beings, resembling bipe 6/7/1967 #22479 baldheads, no noses and "tapered" faces. 6/25/1967 #22557 e shiny blue-green clothing. Their faces looked human, but they had very la 10/21/1967 #23279 fitting blue-green clothing. Their faces appear human, but with large ears. 10/21/1967 #23282 uge birds with tiny wings and with faces like humans." According to the wit 6/14/1968 #24034 ing in heavily wooded areas. Their faces were reported to have been human l 6/14/1968 #24034 dark and swarthy. Their heads and faces were peculiar since they had dog o 7/20/1968 #24195 elmets that partially masked their faces. They turned their backs and there 7/31/1968 #24272 mall humanoids (or Greys) / yellow faces and black tight suits exit buoy-ob 9/21/1968 #24492 wo beings with frightful yellowish faces, wearing tight black clothes, that 9/21/1968 #24496 of changing color visible on their faces.” Frightened, she ran to her neare 9/24/1968 #24509 ity behind invisible barrier. Hide faces. / MJ#177+/ FSRv15#4. 2/22/1969 #24938 They had human features and their faces had a greenish tint. Their chests 2/23/1969 #24940 from head to foot with only their faces uncovered. Their skin was yellowis 8/24/1970 #25802 elling out like cheeks." He saw no faces. In the meadow he could see about 3/5/1971 #26044 mouths were mere slits, and their faces were very flat. Behind them he cou 12/30/1972 #27193 e apparent. In the center of their faces was something about two inches lon 10/11/1973 #28005 stops and sees two beings with red faces and white hair. Brown grabs a pist 10/17/1973 #28132 derneath the UFO. They had reddish faces and white hair. When Mr. Brown ste 10/17/1973 #28139 ut five feet tall with pasty white faces and huge elongated eyes. They had 10/19/1973 #28199 white face masks, or having white faces like molded plastic masks. Their e 10/20/1973 #28220 den hair framed the most beautiful faces I had ever seen," Castillo enthuse 11/18/1973 #28443 and legs, but he cannot see their faces. On March 27, the Guardia Civil in 3/26/1974 #28956 elts and a kind of mask over their faces. One being pointed a glass tube at 5/26/1974 #29136 earing greenish spacesuits". Their faces "seemed to reflect the green color 8/31/1974 #29405 would "not like to look upon their faces." The humanoids departed and she a 9/3/1974 #29418 oating above the ground, and their faces were not visible. The family fled 9/19/1974 #29464 th bumpy looking skin, and without faces. They moved about heavily swinging 9/29/1974 #29492 ly compressed pulpy leaves." Their faces were reddish, with yellow eyes wit 12/2/1974 #29630 hite light; he could not see their faces, but noticed that they had shoulde 1/29/1976 #30832 blond, shoulder-length hair. Their faces were human-like but with large alm 4/23/1976 #31019 Their square-chinned, straw yellow faces had big, round eyes without eyelid 8/6/1976 #31241 s, they put both hands up to their faces. The witnesses were not sure what 9/3/1976 #31340 es, and no hair. The skin of their faces seemed very wrinkled. They wore gl 4/4/1977 #31944 size of a minibus. They have blank faces and pointed heads and are wearing 4/19/1977 #32001 ater two figures with gold-colored faces appeared in front of the light. Th 8/26/1977 #32426 “diver suits.” The men have green faces, slanting eyes, and webbed fingers 5/17/1978 #33224 t was a blue dimly lit area. Their faces inside the helmets appeared yellow 7/11/1978 #33368 s that went above the elbow. Their faces were brown and their complexion se 9/10/1978 #33657 wo small spiraling antennas. Their faces look like green- skinned skulls th 9/17/1978 #33701 d two small beings with unpleasant faces and greenish skin emerge, walking 9/27/1978 #33762 ies going up. 2 men dead.. holes / faces. / r34p178. 10/12/1978 #33829 ent face plates. Inside human-like faces could be seen. Two bright beams of 12/15/1978 #34141 re helmets and coveralls and their faces were covered in a green light. The 12/31/1978 #34250 ar visors. He could see that their faces were normal; very handsome with la 1/2/1979 #34281 one meter tall and had waxy white faces, coal-black eyes with no eyebrows, 1/4/1979 #34296 d hoods that covered most of their faces. The one who appeared to be the le 1/5/1979 #34303 half feet tall, and had waxy white faces and coal-black eyes with no eyebro 1/5/1979 #34304 nsparent visors he could see human faces. They grabbed him, each taking one 5/16/1979 #34564 looked like "boxing gloves." Their faces were blank except for what appeare 7/25/1979 #34681 elongated heads and "puppet like" faces. She remembered being examined on 8/19/1979 #34760 across the northbound lane and now faces eastward. The front tires are touc 8/27/1979 #34787 a stop, spinning sideways until it faces east. He opens his eyes and sees t 8/29/1979 #34798 were dressed in gray suits. Their faces looked human except their eyes and 2/6/1980 #35160 with very large heads, triangular faces, large pointed ears, and rounded e 4/20/1980 #35281 luminous black diver suits. Their faces resembled very gaunt skulls, with 4/23/1980 #35286 , wear green suits, and have green faces with big, almond-shaped eyes and s 8/8/1981 #36064 hey have suntanned, expressionless faces and unblinking eyes. When they spe 10/2/1981 #36154 12m cube east going west. Tumbles faces / regular intervals. Jets pace. 10/16/1982 #36644 5' men inside. Hooded tunics hide faces! 6/20/1986 (approximate) #37917 red their heads and obscured their faces. They all were standing around an 6/20/1986 #37918 their shoulders. All had beautiful faces with clear penetrating eyes. The w 1/25/1987 #38104 man in shape, but with featureless faces having three huge white eyes on th 3/7/1987 #38133 noids (or Greys) exit. Featureless faces! / r105p210. 11/1988 #38700 tnessed experienced burns on their faces and blurred vision. 12/4/1988 #38745 entities have absolutely identical faces—extremely pale, long blond hair, l 7/4/1989 #39007 looked very pale and had identical faces, like identical twins. The had lon 7/4/1989 #39009 th silver buttons and boots. Their faces were dark, and their skin was very 10/28/1989 #39191 af motion. They return with burned faces and mild radiation poisoning. Mort 1991 #39935 eir entire bodies except for their faces. They were accompanied by two shor 3/11/1992 #40372 the hair looked very exotic. Their faces were somewhat odd--not unattractiv 7/23/1992 #40531 mocks and cowls that covered their faces completely. Others saw a tall heav 9/24/1992 #40639 he sash he could see two ingrained faces. Ernani interpreted the being as a 4/23/1993 #40948 n had panicky expressions on their faces and appeared to have tape covering 6/15/1994 #41568 le-shaped parallel ridges on their faces. The smaller beings were working o 9/20/1994 #41765 tilian looking creatures with long faces, scaly leathery skin, black eyes, 2/6/1996 #42743 ith no hair, and large ears. Their faces were white and they had big eyes. 7/8/1996 #42950 people with elongated heads, white faces, big eyes, and scaly bodies are mo 7/9/1996 #42952 , one-piece silvery outfits. Their faces were Asian in appearance, with hig 7/16/1996 #42959 s, because they had extremely long faces and their heads were covered with 8/14/1999 #43822 t and when they re-appeared “their faces looked scared,” and he claims he s 1/30/2015 #45429
/ BLACY, FR 2+3 dogs / car. Silent faceted sphere going up / roadside. Goin 10/22/1973 #28231 arne, France encountered a silent, faceted sphere over the roadside, causin 10/22/1973 #28242 eet in diameter, roughly circular, faceted, and strikingly fast when it mov 1/21/1977 #31743 t cylinder/cylindrical object with faceted sides oscillates southwest going 4/17/1977 #31984 gium, watches a flat cylinder with faceted sides move from the southwest to 4/17/1977 #31986 , flat cylinder-shaped object with faceted sides. It oscillated as it flew 4/17/1977 #31989 ry house and looks like a gigantic faceted wedding cake with three layers. 9/17/1979 #34896 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 4 girls. Domed faceted saucer drops / 50' altitude. Ova 11/8/1979 #34985 D19 NEAR LESSART, FR 1 / car. Faceted cone-saucer follows car. Crosses 1/16/1994 #41372
though this part of the tale seems facetious and racist. The yarn is typica 3/26/1880 #230 ence Training Bulletin publishes a facetious news item on how to recognize 2/20/1951 #5452
ter for Air William McMahon states facetiously in Parliament that flying sa 8/14/1952 #7592
overhead. A complex case with many facets. (Stanway and Pace, 1968, pp. 11, 9/2/1967 #22980 heir pigs. The object looked "like facets of a diamond." It moved smoothly 10/26/1980 #35592 pe of a spinning top with multiple facets. 9/4/1989 #39091 f apparent panes of dark glass and facets on its upper portion. It passes b 7/15/1995 #42303 r. Silent metal triangle with flat facets / top hovers / 5 minute(s). "Vani 7/17/1996 #42960
all mouths and think lips, with no facial hair; the skin did not have kerat 1959 #15516 -black in color, having no eyes or facial features, stood in a large, light 10/23/1965 #19677 ly; his face was in shadow and his facial features could not be seen. This 1/13/1967 #21300 eadaches, dizziness, and jaundiced facial skin. 8/3/1967 #22790 ears set up high on his head. His facial skin looked scarred and wrinkled, 11/2/1967 #23392 skinned, he could not make out any facial details. Speaking in strange echo 3/4/1968 #23828 ring them from head to foot. Their facial features were seen through transp 2/6/1969 #24897 y coveralls without buttons. Their facial features were visible through tra 2/7/1969 #24902 tiny pinpricks of white light. No facial features could be seen. 5/30/1969 #25169 y in the morning. He also suffered facial and scalp burns. Later he had fur 9/20/1971 #26354 ickly . She noted little about his facial features or coloring, but he was 3/7/1972 #26590 rubber". He could not describe the facial features except for the eyes, whi 11/28/1972 #27150 bell-jar shaped area of light. No facial features could be discerned, but 10/21/1973 #28229 the witness could not recall their facial features. The UFO brightly illumi 1/8/1974 #28667 Sanchez was unable to make out any facial features. After he passed the sit 3/21/1974 #28920 d tool. He could still make out no facial features. After 3 minutes he left 3/21/1974 #28921 floated to the ground. They had no facial features. 6/7/1974 #29171 o their necks. He could discern no facial features on the beings. Later, a 6/8/1974 #29173 their heads round, and they had no facial details eventhough they wore no h 9/29/1974 #29492 his round head was without hair or facial features. Panic-stricken, Jacques 11/30/1974 #29622 ed ears, but his large head had no facial features: no eyes, nose or mouth. 2/23/1975 #29839 beard, pointy ears, and "demonic" facial features. The top half of its bod 11/3/1975 #30548 s normally dressed, but had pallid facial features and wore goggles. He had 5/16/1976 #31058 rage height. She could not see any facial details. A white light went out f 8/1/1976 #31218 g hands and fingers. There were no facial features visible, neither ears no 10/15/1976 #31465 apparently unclothed,with no other facial features except two large dark ey 10/28/1976 #31503 see bright shiny eyes but no other facial features. One of the humanoids ba 10/29/1976 #31505 ds were larger than the bodies but facial features were erased by the heat; 1977 #31658 She saw only his eyes and no other facial features. The eyes were large and 4/4/1977 #31943 olored jumpsuits. She could see no facial features nor any hair on these cr 4/19/1977 #32002 as half animal and half human; no facial features are visible, but it seem 4/25/1977 #32026 as half animal and half human; no facial features were visible, but it see 4/25/1977 #32027 , with a metallic luster. The only facial feature he could see through the 6/12/1977 #32161 ter and slightly disheveled. Their facial features were "repulsive" to the 8/3/1977 #32356 with boots, it has no discernible facial features, and it has short arms e 1/2/1978 #32846 with boots. It had no discernible facial features and it had very short ar 1/2/1978 #32847 scene. Eduardo did not notice any facial features on the figure except wha 5/2/1978 #33185 rose-colored coverall and without facial features. It moved around in a fi 12/15/1978 #34139 eet, but he could not make out any facial features. They wore helmets and t 2/18/1981 #35832 resemble mechanical robots. Their facial expressions remain emotionless. T 5/14/1981 #35937 like entities with round heads, no facial features and wheel-like feet roll 7/15/1981 #36008 sembling a welder's torch and felt facial pain. Frightened, it occurred to 5/10/1989 #38942 in the object. It had almost human facial features, but it had large yellow 2/7/1990 #39414 en belt. He could not make out any facial features, arms, or legs. One figu 8/31/1990 #39707 ked hood connected to the cape. No facial features could be discerned. The 5/5/1992 #40454 egs partly folded under her. Their facial expressions were almost entirely 7/23/1992 #40531 the figure had extremely beautiful facial features, but was somewhat pallid 9/24/1992 #40639 moved its arms or legs or made any facial gestures. Its body was described 9/24/1992 #40639 c, and a conical hat concealed its facial features. It advanced slowly towa 2/9/1995 #42031 to have some kind of face mask or facial covering also. The creatures had 8/11/1995 #42376 d it was difficult to make out any facial features, partially due to the co 8/11/1995 #42376 xt door neighbor also woke up with facial burns, but he had no recollection 4/15/1997 #43261 was oval shaped and devoid of any facial expressions. The head seemed poin 9/5/1997 #43395 had a shining light around it. No facial features could be seen. It seemed 2/1/1998 #43510 ck hair, large eyes, fine chiseled facial features and very thick eyebrows. 6/8/1998 #43584 He had neither eyelashes nor other facial nor body hair, his head was unusu 7/12/1998 #43602 k nun's habits that obscured their facial features. They seemed to be lost, 9/6/2000 #44037 itioned over the face area, but no facial features were visible. The entity 8/2/2004 #44725 ht, but he could not see any other facial features. His dog stopped barking 8/29/2007 #45050 reature had no discernable head or facial figures. Looking back in his rear 9/14/2009 #45247
e believed that two women, similar facially to the men, were also onboard a 2/5/1978 #32957
“military facilities” and “nuclear facilit[ies] or equipment” in the U.S. a 10/1998 #43656
ols. Private property purchased to facilitate movement of recovered disc. ( 1948 #3519 roperty was allegedly purchased to facilitate transport of the craft covert 1948 #3527 icles), and Operation Blue Fly (to facilitate delivery to the Foreign Techn 11/13/1961 #16962 he was being implanted in order to facilitate future contacts. Soon one of 9/7/1970 #25828
from the water and sent to medical facilities whose personnel are unaware o 12/2/1943 #1549 sts. By October, all the staff and facilities at Wendover are transferred t 9/1945 #1935 ecure air space at will, all three facilities go on full alert. 7/1/1947 #2500 ejects an Army request for further facilities to study the green fireballs 9/1/1949 #4343 nt workers at the nuclear research facilities in Oak Ridge, Tennessee watch 1/14/1950 #4489 nt workers at the nuclear research facilities watched a brilliant fiery bal 6/14/1950 #4986 artment of Transport lab and field facilities during off-hours to gather qu 12/2/1950 #5311 conventional Aircraft” to all USAF facilities, encouraging them to report s 4/11/1951 #5502 d sightings around nuclear weapons facilities and highly classified nuclear 12/19/1951 #5821 sed; the application of R&D at AEC facilities is mentioned; efforts to dupl 1952 #5845 s, establishment of special secure facilities to receive, process, analyze 1954 #9424 tor was adding “Limited additional facilities and modifications” to a small 5/18/1955 #12140 n Nevada Construction of essential facilities is completed at Area 51 in Ne 8/1961 #16776 to maintenance and machine shops. Facilities in the main cantonment area i 8/1961 #16776 sing units for long-term occupancy facilities. Older buildings are repaired 8/1961 #16776 dings are repaired, and additional facilities are constructed as necessary. 8/1961 #16776 th of the base. Other recreational facilities included a gymnasium, a movie 8/1961 #16776 s, and eliminating redundancies in facilities, organizations, and tasks. 10/1/1961 #16886 os of Russian military and nuclear facilities. Once clear of Soviet territo Summer 1962 #17239 ssile Wing consisting of 18 Launch Facilities around the Tucson area]. (NIC 7/2/1963 #17823 s underground Atlas missile launch facilities at Walker AFB [now closed] in Late 1964 #18583 ’s ICBM Minuteman I launch control facilities (LCFs) and launch facilities 8/1/1965 #19242 ntrol facilities (LCFs) and launch facilities (LFs, missile silos). A Lieut 8/1/1965 #19242 f the Malmstrom AFB missile launch facilities near Conrad, Montana, when a 9/1966 #20826 t Castillo also encountered toilet facilities. In the hall Castillo claims 11/18/1973 #28443 lude regulation of defense nuclear facilities. 10/11/1974 #29522 of Carswell AFB states underground facilities and isolated areas of militar 3/14/1975 #29900 National Archives NARA facilities The Air Force panel finishes 12/1975 #30679 hysically moving the files to NARA facilities. These files now include an a 12/1975 #30679 orado South Dakota 3:34 a.m. Radar facilities in Colorado and South Dakota 12/17/1977 #32790 are in the area. One of the other facilities is put out of operation when 12/17/1977 #32790 missile sites, and launch control facilities, and the inability of Air For 12/20/1978 #34183 missile sites, and launch control facilities, and the inability of Air For 12/20/1978 #34186 and all Space Surveillance Network facilities from the deactivating Aerospa 12/1/1979 #35036 me instantly. Other launch control facilities in the same sector call in to Fall 1986 #38035 ct Excalibur regarding underground facilities that was supposedly written b 10/8/1988 #38665 main in the barracks or other base facilities and not come out under any ci 7/19/1990 #39651 s of secret UAP work at secure USG facilities by CSETI, a nonprofit that al 8/1/1993 #41101 and taken to underground military facilities. Human and alien workers are 1994 #41345 . It is worth determining if these facilities were ever utilized for UAP re 1994 #41349 it in NNSA or DOE owned laboratory facilities including but not limited to 1994 #41349 by a secret group with underground facilities and cooperation from non-huma 3/31/1995 #42130 are examined in secret underground facilities. The same day, a cargo aircra 1/23/1996 #42709 nts related to USAF, NASA and NATO facilities. AFOSI Special Agent Jim Chri 6/21/1996 #42937 ngress with a list of projects and facilities related to the UAP/extraterre 8/30/1996 #43001 trial matter. Among the government facilities listed include: Edwards AFB, 8/30/1996 #43001 e Base, which also had underground facilities. He states a full antigravit 1998 #43481 s he worked at several underground facilities and entered a secret undergra 6/17/1998 #43589 He states he worked in underground facilities on UAP derived technology at 6/17/1998 #43589 onments in order to penetrate U.S. facilities, influence decision makers, a 10/1998 #43656 onal security…DoD controls several facilities where activities have been de 10/1998 #43656 tween “reported events,” “military facilities” and “nuclear facilit[ies] or 10/1998 #43656 damage caused by EMEs near nuclear facilities. The prevailing belief of the 7/7/1999 #43798 rs, dispersed among USG contractor facilities. 6/11/2003 #44556 in the construction of underground facilities, and that the illegal drug tr 2004 #44638 rrounding Los Alamos and other AEC facilities have relevant UAP data? For e 6/28/2008 #45148 r missiles. The five Missile Alert Facilities affected, Alpha through Echo, 10/23/2010 #45303 iles, affecting five Missile Alert Facilities Alpha through Echo comprising 10/23/2010 #45304 t in the DOD or in the underground facilities run by the DOE, at LANL or at 2/15/2011 #45317 ered with some of the alleged UAP, facilities he claims were located at El 3/26/2011 #45320 being held at aerospace contractor facilities under government supervision. 6/2011 #45327 n announces that all 21 monitoring facilities located in Australia are comp 11/19/2018 #45547 monitoring system consists of 337 facilities worldwide to monitor the plan 11/19/2018 #45547 inked to that agency, its offices, facilities or contractors were responsib 6/25/2021 #45695 al (11%), aircraft (7%), or ground facilities (2%). 11/19/2021 #45723
les railroad/railway station/depot/facility 3X. Going north. 1/1/1934 #1191 MALAKHOVA OIL STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY, RUSSIA Oval greyish cloud rush 8/1938 (approximate) #1290 , NZ Saucer by train station/depot/facility. Nurse sees small humanoids (or 8/1944 #1628 he top-secret Plutonium production facility in Hanford, WA. Pilots were ord Summer 1945 #1879 Station Pasco, Washington Hanford facility Noon. Pilot Rolan D. Powell and Mid 7/1945 #1896 ing object over the nearby Hanford facility. They see a bright object with Mid 7/1945 #1896 o, and ended up at the "Hangar 18" facility. 5/31/1947 #2303 ver railroad/railway station/depot/facility. Several shiny disks / V-format 7/4/1947 #2640 over the Kapustin Yar test flight facility in Astrakhan, Soviet Union. The 6/16/1948 #3672 PASCO, WA Near nuclear facility. Private pilot. Black saucer di 7/1948 #3687 RTURO PRAT ANTARCTIC STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY Photographs. 3 saucers maneuver 2/23/1949 (approximate) #4019 Los Alamos Atomic Energy research facility in New Mexico. It flew toward t 3/8/1949 #4042 reen fireball observations at that facility. 4/28/1949 #4127 the US government nuclear research facility around 7 p.m.. The objects appe 6/22/1949 #4250 r / treetops / power station/depot/facility 300M away. Suddenly gone. 7/25/1949 (approximate) #4287 Hanford Site plutonium production facility eastern Washington The US gover 12/2/1949 #4431 Hanford Site plutonium production facility in eastern Washington in an ope 12/2/1949 #4431 inutes as if observing the nuclear facility, zigzagged, and shot straight u 2/24/1950 #4555 m. while at the Los Alamos nuclear facility. It was silver colored and was 2/25/1950 #4559 40,000 feet over Oak Ridge nuclear facility. Mr. Adcock reported another de 3/1/1950 #4572 object loops over special military facility / 4 minute(s). Shoots going up. 3/24/1950 #4717 ervoir / hydro power station/depot/facility. Floats. Submerges. 4/14/1950 #4848 east of the Los Alamos AEC nuclear facility in New Mexico by 15 University 4/17/1950 #4860 nah River hydrogen bomb production facility, not yet constructed. 12/2/1950 #5313 e of numerous UFO reports over the facility. He also sets up a source of ra 12/5/1950 #5319 is recovered and taken to the AEC facility at Sandia, NM. 12/6/1950 #5323 minutes near the Oak Ridge Nuclear facility in Tennessee at around 4 p.m. 12/14/1950 #5349 ver the Oak Ridge Nuclear Research Facility in Anderson County, Tennessee a 12/15/1950 #5352 oth visually and on radar over the facility. He finds that the radiation co 7/1951 #5556 SOUTHWEST / CORONA, NM EXP'l RADAR facility. Red fireball slowly drops into 7/9/1951 #5564 r required for a useful monitoring facility. It speculates that “the earth 11/27/1951 #5794 at the Oak Ridge Nuclear Research Facility in Tennessee sighted a "canvas 12/7/1951 #5812 reball and disc phenomena near the facility. * https://pbs.twimg.com/medi 2/19/1952 #5911 o pass over some tall tanks at the facility. One witness says that the obje 5/10/1952 #6298 hed the Savannah River AEC nuclear facility near Ellenton, South Carolina f 5/10/1952 #6299 morning the Hughes Aircraft radar facility in Los Angeles, California trac 6/1/1952 #6419 :26 a.m. at a U.S. Air Force radar facility in Marakesch, Morocco Sgt. H. D 6/12/1952 #6490 t the Oak Ridge, Tennessee nuclear facility a radar target was picked up an 6/21/1952 #6583 he AEC Los Alamos nuclear research facility in New Mexico, and two others, 7/22/1952 #7030 aucer over naval-air station/depot/facility. Destroyers put to sea.(silence 7/26/1952 #7147 ng discs over police station/depot/facility after dispatching UFO reports! 9/21/1952 #7992 ne. Hynek travels to the Blue Book facility in Building 263 at Wright-Patte 1/18/1953 #8550 ic Energy Commission (AEC) nuclear facility. / r28p326. 1/27/1953 #8579 eventually died, taken to storage facility near Washington D.C. Alien desc Summer 1953 #8945 ear the Oak Ridge Nuclear Research Facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee around 7/19/1953 #9005 plane and Zuni / NM station/depot/facility. Blue-green pulsing night light 9/4/1953 #9142 ilbert Smith to continue using its facility on his own time at no expense t 8/10/1954 #10118 s. Hovers over radio station/depot/facility / peak. Photograph. / r217p60+/ 9/26/1954 #10447 and rider. Big RADAR station/depot/facility here. 10/2/1954 #10580 del maker at U.S. Navy ship design facility. One object, shaped like a smal 2/10/1955 #11991 signates a site for a base support facility. The “Ranch” initially consists 5/4/1955 #12117 hovers over atomic plant / nuclear facility. 8/25/1955 #12403 Edgewood Arsenal facility at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, 1/1956 #12641 xperiments at its Edgewood Arsenal facility at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, 1/1956 #12641 studied by Puharich at his medical facility in Glen Cove, Maine. The Laughe 7/1956 #12940 y low / Barton power station/depot/facility / 15 second(s). Going quickly [ 8/13/1956 #13074 Area 13 and disposed of in a waste facility at the Nevada Test Site. 4/24/1957 #13615 cret Advanced Development Projects facility (the Skunk Works) in Burbank, C 8/1957 #13867 sotope production at the Windscale facility [now Sellafield] in Cumbria, En 10/9/1957 #14083 DAR confirm. Nuclear station/depot/facility. / r120p50. 10/21/1957 #14137 CLOVIS, NM Radio station/depot/facility owner = Otis Echols. Yellow-glo 11/2/1957 #14200 here hovers / police station/depot/facility. / r141. 11/6/1957 #14374 craft? hovers / air station/depot/facility. Maneuvers. / r141#9p56. 11/20/1957 #14582 raft, begins at a maximum-security facility in Area 25 of the Nevada Test S 1958 #14780 machine he worked on at a Heinkel facility at Marienehe would have changed 1958 #14787 y, in documents, interrogations or facility visits. Raw OTS reports discov 1958 #14787 discovered by Cook, though, show a facility in Brunswick was working on rad 1958 #14787 iscovered by US officials; another facility in Vienna experimented with dir 1958 #14787 establish a secret US intelligence facility at Badaber (Peshawar Air Statio 7/1958 #15128 angle stops / police station/depot/facility. Many dots / light. 10/23/1958 #15369 Saucer hovers / government nuclear facility / 20 minute(s). Then going quic 1/1959? #15521 ng on a biomedical research center facility east of Solnechnogorsk. 1/21/1959 #15560 SELIZHAROVO STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY, RUSSIA Engineers and more/othe 4/29/1959 #15715 to the underground portion of the facility has been buried. The area is cl 6/1959 #15754 bject hovers / power station/depot/facility. Away fast. Thin cylinder/cylin 9/1959 #15947 EG&G agrees to move its radar test facility here. 9/1959 #15950 BETHPAGE, NY Grumman station/depot/facility. Surprise satellite meets echo- 8/25/1960 (approximate) #16411 the name “Area 51” when A-12 test facility construction begins, including 9/1960 #16427 a near nuclear power station/depot/facility. 2/1961 #16591 ified second prototype at the Avro facility in Mississisauga, Ontario. Duri 6/9/1961 #16722 4 / railroad/railway station/depot/facility. 25cm disk just over phone line 6/13/1961 #16727 onal Radio Astronomy Observatory’s facility in Green Bank, West Virginia, a 11/1/1961 #16944 c power surge. Radio station/depot/facility malfunctions due to EME (electr 11/6/1961 (approximate) #16956 k of security and wasn’t in a test facility, suggesting that it was near th 1962 #17012 saucer circles RADAR station/depot/facility. 90'35MM film. 7/1962 #17259 y two smaller lights pass over the facility in a few seconds leaving a clea 7/7/1962 #17265 ht light is seen directly over the facility below 10,000 feet. The light is 5/21/1964 #18289 ucer near main power station/depot/facility. Going quickly northwest toward 6/12/1964 #18343 Wallops Flight Facility Wallops Island, Virginia An eng 10/1964 #18566 technicians at the Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Virginia, se 10/1964 #18566 ht lights merge over station/depot/facility. Turn over space capsule sectio 12/28/1964 #18674 Bruton, head of the Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Virginia, ob 1/5/1965 #18699 Wallops Flight Facility Wallops Island, Virginia 6:30 p 1/12/1965 #18719 ng swiftly over the Wallops Flight Facility at Wallops Island, Virginia. Th 1/12/1965 #18719 orce Station [now Ground Equipment Facility QRC] in Ricketts Glen State Par 3/2/1965 #18832 orce Station [now Ground Equipment Facility QRC] in Ricketts Glen State Par 3/2/1965 #18832 /cigar-shape over General electric facility. No further details. 6/5/1965 (approximate) #18992 Lynn/Nahant, MA UFOs over GE facility (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 6/5/1965 #18993 bject being seen over the local GE facility. This was in the same 24-hour p 6/5/1965 #18994 CHILEAN ANTARCTIC STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY Saucer maneuvers and hovers. Ch 6/18/1965 #19011 CHOSICA POWER STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY, PERU 3M tank / ground. Flashes 7/27/1965 #19186 BARKING SAND TR STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY / KAUAI, HI Odd "rocket-meteor" 8/3/1965 #19275 cGuire nuclear power station/depot/facility. / r95 v5#3. 10/1965 #19627 ith the Deep Space Instrumentation Facility [now the Hartebeesthoek Radio A 10/22/1965 #19672 OUTHWEST / BIRD ROCK STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY, SOUTH ATLANTIC 2 observer(s). 11/20/1965 #19729 witnessed a disc crash at a radar facility affiliated with Area 51 in Ceda 1966 #19798 ge rocket at the Stennis NASA Test Facility in Pearl River, Hancock County, 5/11/1966 #20478 pisode. The following day the NASA facility employees were debriefed and in 5/11/1966 #20478 Ellsworth AFB H-01 missile launch facility southwest of Union Center, Sout 6/25/1966 #20610 Ellsworth AFB H-01 missile launch facility southwest of Union Center, Sout 6/25/1966 #20610 out flying discs seen above an AEC facility in South Carolina. * http://w 7/21/1966 #20664 teel plant and power station/depot/facility. Going quickly north. / APRO Jl 8/19/1966 #20764 sighting at the N-1 missile alert facility. 8/24/1966 #20802 side at the missile launch control facility observed the mysterious flying 9/1966 #20820 tower. Seen / many. Station/depot/facility aired regular ufo programs. 10/1966 #20942 ll the way to police station/depot/facility. Cops see also. 12/24/1966 #21216 ic Energy Commission (AEC) nuclear facility. Blue beam going down. / r73p13 2/10/1967 #21494 andusky, OH Saucer hovers over AEC facility with blue beam (NICAP: 02 - Clo 2/10/1967 #21502 ook Station Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility Sandusky, Ohio 3:42 a.m. Erie C 2/10/1967 #21504 on [now the Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility] in Sandusky, Ohio, when he see 2/10/1967 #21504 very low over the NASA/AEC nuclear facility at the Plum Brook Naval Air Sta 2/10/1967 #21507 ear railroad/railway station/depot/facility. 5 photographs. Low altitude. / 3/5/1967 #21756 s directly over the launch control facility. F-106 fighters are scrambled, 3/5/1967 #21765 ff members of the White Sands Test Facility northeast of Las Cruces saw a f 3/9/1967 #21836 rom AFB Echo-Flight missile launch facility Winfred Hilger, Montana 8:30 a. 3/16/1967 #21904 rom AFB Echo-Flight missile launch facility between Winfred and Hilger, Mon 3/16/1967 #21904 . Many calls / radio station/depot/facility. Object stops / Conrad. 3/26/1967 #21991 isely in a pattern over a military facility was seen by many witnesses. Rad Summer 1967 #22529 [to] over astronomic station/depot/facility / 11Kmph. / r11p267+/ r47p154+/ 8/8/1967 #22844 EDONIA, NS 2 / power station/depot/facility. 2 brilliant silver disks to an 8/15/1967 (approximate) #22879 e hovers near police station/depot/facility. 10/22/1967 #23283 WESTCHESTER STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY, NS Blazing disk follows train 10/25/1967 #23312 NORAD's Cheyenne Mountain facility in Colorado An Over the Horizon 3/1/1968 #23802 over to NORAD’s Cheyenne Mountain facility in Colorado by Air Force Intell 3/1/1968 #23802 lm, sends it to a Kodak processing facility in Melbourne, Victoria. 3/2/1968 #23806 archlight over power station/depot/facility. Follows power lines going [to] 3/10/1968 #23833 ns, Chile. The scientific research facility involved with this photographic 5/17/1968 #23972 small lights. Radio station/depot/facility and TV electro-magnetic effect 9/19/1968 #24481 summoned to a Brazilian Air Force facility where he is questioned and held 10/2/1968 #24537 kota Bowbells, North Dakota Launch Facility Oscar-7 2:15–5:18 a.m. Sixteen 10/24/1968 #24587 vated at the remote missile Launch Facility Oscar-7. The duration of the re 10/24/1968 #24587 r stops / Army radio station/depot/facility. Bottom/underside spins. Circle 11/8/1968 #24643 a Witness: Mr. Roman Lupton, test facility mechanic. Several amber lights 1/17/1969 #24858 ROM Railroad/railway station/depot/facility. Bright cloud on clear night. P 7/10/1969 #25260 SEVILLE, SP 2 / gas station/depot/facility. Ball of light makes 2 short tu 10/6/1970 #25871 “remembered” what happened at the facility after they began communicating. 1/1971 #25963 stence of a Project Phoenix at the facility. https://youtu.be/owTvuThg1zw 1/1971 #25963 CHILEAN ANTARCTIC STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY Bright night light 35° / southw 5/15/1971 #26109 ke Norman, NC. Saucer near nuclear facility (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection 1972 #26527 aucer hovers / power station/depot/facility. Red and blue beams going down. 3/5/1972 #26589 over trucks / Witput station/depot/facility. Going quickly west. / r193#35. 7/5/1972 #26772 s / railroad/railway station/depot/facility. 3 photographs. / r156#16. 7/19/1972 #26810 d to an electronics system testing facility for jet aircraft. Near the bicy 10/8/1972 #27058 tactical air navigational (TACAN) facility located eight miles east of McC 10/14/1972 #27074 tactical air navigational (TACAN) facility located eight miles east of air 10/14/1972 #27077 ders" were attempting to enter the facility. Sgt. Holmes at the security de 10/14/1972 #27077 object was hovering just above the facility. Sgt. Reid attempted to communi 10/14/1972 #27077 bservers. Near power station/depot/facility. / r82p73. 10/28/1972 #27094 8m saucer over power station/depot/facility. 4 Air Force jets scour area. / 3/22/1973 #27359 lls going [to] radio station/depot/facility. Colored night lights all over/ 8/30/1973 #27731 erpot hovers / power station/depot/facility. Jagged top rim. Antennas. / r2 9/14/1973 #27819 N 30+. Sphere over restricted Avco facility. Lands 30 min. / r88p8. 10/11/1973 #27986 ry low / large power station/depot/facility. Power brownout. Away fast. Pho 10/26/1973 #28293 co Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility Manzano Mountains 9:45 p.m. A U 11/6/1973 #28376 he Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility. It is an oblate spheroid, 150 11/6/1973 #28376 s / railroad/railway station/depot/facility. Strange ball-figure emerges. 11/20/1973 (approximate) #28450 p secret military weapons research facility at Porton Down near Salisbury, 1/23/1974 #28695 rom AFB Romeo Flight missile alert facility near Brady, Montana Romeo-29 la 3/1974 #28830 ear Brady, Montana Romeo-29 launch facility About 9:00 p.m. A missile launc 3/1974 #28830 rom AFB Romeo Flight missile alert facility near Brady, Montana, when both 3/1974 #28830 hovering above the Romeo-29 launch facility. Suddenly, the missile starts a 3/1974 #28830 t hovers above the Romeo-29 launch facility at the Malmstrom AFB Romeo Flig 3/1974 #28831 rom AFB Romeo Flight missile alert facility near Brady, MT. A missile launc 3/1974 #28831 ee a non-human being in the secure facility looking through files. A blue l 4/1974 #28984 FB Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage facility Manzano Mountains 4:30 p.m. Mr. 4/15/1974 #29031 he Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage facility attached to Kirtland AFB. The o 4/15/1974 #29031 Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility Kirtland AFB Albuquerque, New M 5/17/1974 #29109 he Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility attached to Kirtland AFB near A 5/17/1974 #29109 Hz range. The burst throws all the facility’s instruments off. A trajectory 5/17/1974 #29109 3 / railroad/railway station/depot/facility. Glowing pseudo-human/entity st 6/25/1974 #29222 Soviet URDF-3 facility adjacent to the Semipalatinsk T 7/9/1974 #29253 ely remote views the Soviet URDF-3 facility adjacent to the Semipalatinsk T 7/9/1974 #29253 oing quickly / radio station/depot/facility single file. Regroup / fan form 12/21/1974 #29651 Warren AFB Tango-1 missile launch facility southeast of Wheatland, Wyoming 1975 #29680 Wheatland, Wyoming Romeo-1 launch facility northwest of Meriden Denver Nig 1975 #29680 Warren AFB Tango-1 missile launch facility southeast of Wheatland, Wyoming 1975 #29680 mountains from the Romeo-1 launch facility northwest of Meriden, hugging t 1975 #29680 CHAUDRON WEATHER STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY, REUNION 5+observer(s). Same 3 2/14/1975 #29809 m AFB K-01 Minuteman missile alert facility 1.7 miles east-northeast of Har 2/17/1975 #29820 m AFB K-01 Minuteman missile alert facility 1.7 miles east-northeast of Har 2/17/1975 #29820 e base [Kilo Flight Launch Control Facility] north of Harlowton reported th 2/18/1975 #29823 circle nuclear power station/depot/facility. Vanish / puff / smoke. 3/18/1975 #29908 s near nuclear power station/depot/facility. Gone / 30 second(s). 3/22/1975 #29914 hovers 15M over Esso station/depot/facility. Lights ground like day. / r30. 6/27/1975 #30123 / car. UFO over gas station/depot/facility. Paces car. Seen / Maldon, VCT 7/22/1975 #30199 te(s). Seen / police station/depot/facility / 10 minute(s). Hovers. / FSRv2 7/28/1975 #30210 Underground, in the launch control facility, two officers note the signal, 11/7/1975 #30576 . They radio to the launch control facility that, from their location, they 11/7/1975 #30576 rame computer at a nearby computer facility with a magnetic tape backup. In 1976 #30742 Rises. Amazing maneuvers. Nuclear facility (military, institutional etc.) 2/12/1976 #30864 , BULG 3+2 / weather station/depot/facility. 2 silver saucers / E. sky. Hov 2/29/1976 #30911 ilent ovoid over gas station/depot/facility. Windows. Much electro-magnetic 7/31/1976 #31205 all spins over power station/depot/facility. Shoots going up [to] and going 8/22/1976 #31290 e officer-in- charge at the launch facility asks two security guards to rep Autumn 1976 #31421 on and close to the launch control facility itself. The UFO is hovering abo Autumn 1976 #31421 d zigzags over power station/depot/facility / one hour. Diffuse lights / un 12/5/1976 #31581 ng the entrance gate of a research facility when he saw an 8 to 9 foot tall 12/31/1976 #31645 r Lennox hydro power station/depot/facility. Red night light swoops going d 1/5/1977? #31692 eral reports / radio station/depot/facility. Fast 2M gray saucer leaves (so 1/5/1977 #31698 alien cadavers at a major medical facility in the eastern US. Stringfield 5/1977 #32042 ver railroad/railway station/depot/facility. Fires green band / light. Shoo 7/1977 #32214 outage occurs at the Victor Alert facility that houses fighter aircraft, a 7/1/1977 #32227 ible landing / power station/depot/facility. 7/25/1977 (approximate) #32312 e leaps. Knees don't flex. Nuclear facility. 10/15/1977 #32576 west. Hovers / power station/depot/facility. 5-6 portholes / side. Going qu 11/1977 #32646 t that he worked at an underground facility in Colorado Springs, CO and saw 1978 #32830 MALLORCA NATO RADAR station/depot/facility. Radio Frequency Interference ( 1/12/1978 #32878 ] between houses near gas research facility. Big roar. / r35p28. 2/23/1978 (approximate) #32991 EARLE NAVAL WEAPONS STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY, NJ Silent white ball turns goi 6/11/1978 #33270 ver railroad/railway station/depot/facility. Observer(s) and animals hide. 7/12/1978 #33372 OFF LUDINGTON USCG STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY, MI CG calls two rivers / WS. " 7/28/1978 #33432 TWO RIVERS USCG STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY, WI Silver cylinder/cigar-shape 7/29/1978 #33442 everal calls / radio station/depot/facility. Saucer flashes lights over Tag 8/30/1978 #33597 X. 1 hovers / police station/depot/facility. Power brownout.. 10/19/1978 #33844 going down. Pumping station/depot/facility down-phones and all. Back / 040 11/9/1978 #33930 rrestrial living in a subterranean facility near Washington, DC. https://t 1979 #34262 requency hum permeating the launch facility. The guard leads them out of th Early 1/1979 #34280 o] vertical by power station/depot/facility. Diamond quickly going up [to] 3/15/1979 #34477 on for an F-117A Nighthawk support facility begins at Tonopah Test Range in 10/1979 #34935 Range inside Area 52, Nevada. The facility at Area 51 serves as a model fo 10/1979 #34935 es Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility AFOSI special agent Sgt. Richar 7/1980 #35397 he Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility are also mentioned. But the let 7/1980 #35397 o, near the Sandia Nuclear Weapons Facility. 8/10/1980 #35455 buquerque, New Mexico three Sandia Facility guards saw a nocturnal light ma 8/22/1980 #35476 gh speeds over the nuclear weapons facility. 8/22/1980 #35476 ue Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility Coyote Canyon Test Area Archule 10/26/1980 #35590 by Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility and Coyote Canyon Test Area. He 10/26/1980 #35590 compound was a small 16 acre USAF “facility” too small to be considered a f 12/14/1980 #35716 ve, talk about or go near the USAF facility; 5-6 of his classmates decided 12/14/1980 #35716 as going on and tried to enter the facility wearing USAF fatigues, they wer 12/14/1980 #35716 tely placed to Palmdale's regional facility for radar emergency response. 12/18/1980 #35724 e US Navy Atlantic Command Support Facility in Norfolk, Virginia, when a UF Early 5/1981 #35924 esting, an alert goes off that the facility is under attack. It turns out t 1982 #36285 Virginia and not far from the NASA facility at Wallops Island. She stopped 11/19/1982 #36688 ar-shape circles strategic nuclear facility / 18 minute(s). No further deta 6/21/1983 #36885 object circled a strategic nuclear facility at Dubno, Ukraine for 18 minute 6/21/1983 #36886 object circled a strategic nuclear facility at Dubno, Ukraine for 18 minute 6/21/1983 #36888 feet) National Underground Science Facility beneath the Nuclear Test Site i 6/22/1983 #36889 The Australian Signal Intelligence facility at Rockbank is alerted that its 7/22/1983 #36921 (s) Cherokee nuclear station/depot/facility. / r95v5#3p27. 10/13/1983 #37002 e airport Green Haven Correctional Facility 9:30 p.m. Investigators Dick Ru 6/21/1984 #37370 on of the Green Haven Correctional Facility. It turns out they are six Cess 6/21/1984 #37370 ect seen. See Indian Point Nuclear Facility. 6/24/1984 #37376 Entire staff / radio station/depot/facility WVIP. Brilliant 100M triangle g 10/31/1984 #37498 e is a premier scientific research facility with military applications.” 1/10/1985 #37546 BDM McLean Secure Facility in Virginia Pentagon Army Col. 5/20/1985 #37590 87. They meet at BDM McLean Secure Facility in Virginia, and the last time 5/20/1985 #37590 BDM Intl’s McLean Secure Facility hosts the “Advance Theoretical 5/20/1985 #37591 Chazhma Bay naval facility Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Ru 8/10/1985 #37641 refueling at the Chazhma Bay naval facility near Vladivostok, Primorsky Kra 8/10/1985 #37641 lmstrom AFB Alpha-01 missile alert facility southeast of Belt, Montana Nigh Fall 1986 #38035 lmstrom AFB Alpha-01 missile alert facility southeast of Belt, Montana. Air Fall 1986 #38035 Fence, over Lake Kickapoo, TX. The facility tracks the UAP doing complex ma 12/1986 #38079 ar from the Savannah River nuclear facility. It had green and orange bands 7/24/1987 #38217 Malmstrom AFB N-01 missile alert facility northwest of Grassrange, Montan Winter 1987 #38370 e Malmstrom AFB N-01 missile alert facility northwest of Grassrange, Montan Winter 1987 #38370 the flashlights. The entire launch facility, up to 20 feet outside the gate Winter 1987 #38370 knee- deep. Pscolka goes up to the facility alone after posting guards. Whe Winter 1987 #38370 r, even hot. Everything within the facility is warm to the touch, including Winter 1987 #38370 access road, and suddenly all the facility and vehicle lights come on agai Winter 1987 #38370 In 1972–1973, a secret underground facility at Groom Lake, Nevada, was buil 12/29/1987 #38378 sk hovers over RADAR station/depot/facility! 4 jets show / film. Invisible 1/1988 #38384 e held at BDM Intl’s McLean Secure Facility and classified using DOE contro 4/1988 #38527 ps / new "VOA" radio station/depot/facility. 4/1/1988 #38528 ts hovers over power station/depot/facility. 9/30/1988 #38657 down [to] over power station/depot/facility / 2 minute(s). Shoots going up. 1/23/1989 #38794 at Groom Lake, Nevada Nevada test facility Robert Lazar allegedly sees a d 3/1989 #38855 a small room inside the secret S-4 facility. The documents also mention an 3/1989 #38855 ctor to an underground Nevada test facility, where they are killed when att 3/1989 #38855 en was eventually moved to the S-4 facility. NORAD apparently tracked the o 5/7/1989 #38939 ed employment at S-4, a subsidiary facility he claims exists near in Area 5 5/15/1989 #38952 s near in Area 51. He says the S-4 facility is adjacent to Papoose Lake, wh 5/15/1989 #38952 located south of the main Area 51 facility at Groom Lake. He claims the si 5/15/1989 #38952 r claims he was employed at S-4, a facility near Groom Lake/Area 51 adjacen 5/15/1989 #38953 Air Force Facility 42 in Palmdale, California 7:45 6/4/1989 #38977 ir traffic controller at Air Force Facility 42 in Palmdale, California, wit 6/4/1989 #38977 occurring on this date at the same facility. 6/4/1989 #38977 ir traffic controller at Air Force Facility 42 in Palmdale, California witn 6/4/1989 #38978 occurring on this date at the same facility. 6/4/1989 #38978 rumman maintains a major corporate facility in Tysons Corner near the old B 10/1989 #39139 and hovers by power station/depot/facility. Bright lights come on. 11/30/1989 #39280 s / field near power station/depot/facility. Huge domed saucer seen after. 12/17/1989 #39317 . Sherman states he is taken to a facility a half an hour from Fort Meade, 1990 #39354 x-like craft circles Fermi nuclear facility. Drops "sparks" all over. 2/11/1990 #39415 ge saucer over power station/depot/facility. Going quickly north. Fried. Bi 3/17/1991 #40016 lled being taken to an underground facility, but would not elaborate about 5/14/1991 #40061 South Dakota Oscar Launch Control Facility 10:45 p.m. Security policeman T 9/1991 #40178 y back to the Oscar Launch Control Facility, he gets another call, and the 9/1991 #40178 paces car briefly near NSA M-wave facility/installation. 2/7/1992 #40322 Malmstrom AFB A-3 flight launch facility Sluice Box Canyon Monarch, Mont 3/1992 #40343 he Malmstrom AFB A-3 flight launch facility outside Sluice Box Canyon near 3/1992 #40343 then the light moves closer to the facility. He wakes up his partner, who a 3/1992 #40343 altitude over police station/depot/facility. Saturn ring. Going quickly [to 5/3/1992 #40446 for testing around an underground facility in Dulce, NM. https://www.mail 5/13/1992 #40463 time, said she saw a UAP near the facility at the time of the alleged cras 11/24/1992 #40726 e Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facility begins construction north of Ga 1993 #40778 rveillance. As a university- owned facility, HAARP is a high-power, high-fr 1993 #40778 -power radio frequency transmitter facility operating in the high frequency 1993 #40778 t, Montana Alpha-01 missile launch facility Night. T/Sgt John W. Mills III 1/1993 #40782 eed to the Alpha-01 missile launch facility not far away. They are redirect 1/1993 #40782 737 and anonymous DC-8 visited the facility and two days later flew to Air 9/26/1994 #41776 nsfer sheet suggests it is again a facility where USAF ELINT for is perform Early 1995 #41927 ry object drops to trees near FEMA facility. 8/4/1995 #42358 snoops / government antenna array facility. 10/9/1995 #42543 RUBY DOWNS STATION/DEPOT/FACILITY, NT, AUS 30M grey cylinder/cyli 2/4/1996 #42739 M altitude by police station/depot/facility. 3 80cm small humanoids (or Gre 7/8/1996 #42949 , Manzano Mountain Weapons Storage Facility, Fort Huachuca and an undergrou 8/30/1996 #43001 arked vehicles, entered a research facility in Reston, Virginia, to secretl 1997 #43154 Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) facility known as the Oakley Installatio 3/1997 #43215 ARC) in 1979, which he claims is a facility beneath Groom Lake with at leas 1998 #43481 in Montgomery, Alabama Archives II facility in College Park, Maryland Willi Early 3/1998 #43528 makes available at the Archives II facility in College Park, Maryland. Early 3/1998 #43528 ighted at sub base and nuc storage facility (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connection 4/22/1998 #43555 Tokaimura uranium processing facility Tokai, Iberaki Prefeccture, Jap 9/30/1999 #43856 n the Tokaimura uranium processing facility operated by JCO in the village 9/30/1999 #43856 of the Army Corp of Engineers dam facility lit up the low flying object. F 1/24/2001 #44130 he future. Wilson is invited to a facility, undisclosed, and meets the thr 10/16/2002 #44418 nt and there is a shared operating facility on Mars; Eshed states the “Gala 5/7/2003 #44528 d Peanut Island, a property near a facility owned by Joseph Kennedy. Cooper 2004 #44638 ry alleges there is an underground facility beneath the Four Corners. http 2005 #44803 hat while serving at Naval Support Facility Diego Garcia, he was told the N 2005 #44804 l fluid) whom they obtained from a facility. The retrorockets failed, the b 1/15/2005 #44808 e held at BDM Intl’s McLean Secure Facility and classified using DOE contro 4/28/2006 #44936 on” despite O’Hare Daily Record of Facility Operation showing FAA aware of 1/1/2007 #44996 10141-story.html Daily Record of Facility Operation, ORD https://static 1/1/2007 #44996 obiologist working at Papoose Lake Facility/S4 and claims to have been invo 2008 #45109 Hero and the primary aspect of the facility was the utilization of drugs to 8/4/2008 #45155 :00 a.m. to use the restrooms at a facility on the campsite. It was very da 8/30/2009 #45240 l claims in 1998, researchers at a facility in Africa managed by AFRICOM se 7/2011 #45330 or several weeks at an underground facility outside of Washington, D.C. and 2012 #45336 seeing hybrids, usually in a large facility along with humans being examine 8/3/2012 #45351 strom AFB’s Oscar-01 Missile Alert Facility and Launch Control Center. Disp 9/19/2012 #45353 appeared and was hovering over the facility. Salas states he and Capt. Fred 9/19/2012 #45353 leet Area Control and Surveillance Facility, Virginia Capes 12:55 p.m. An F 11/18/2013 #45395 leet Area Control and Surveillance Facility, Virginia Capes (FASCFAC VACAPE 11/18/2013 #45395 orton AFB he heard rumors that one facility that was “close hold” that cont 12/2014 #45425 saw a large hole to an underground facility 5-10 miles from the geographic 1/30/2015 #45429 e potential project occurring in a facility under the ice are speculation b 1/30/2015 #45429 “joint alien-military underground facility” in some UFO publications in th 2/20/2015 #45431 ribing it as an “aerial operations facility.” It is possible the NNSA has r 3/5/2016 #45445 Labs are all underground, a newer facility called “The Cube” past Lancaste 4/18/2016 #45451 h is a Lockheed Martin Skunk Works facility; Lockheed and Northrop have mul 4/18/2016 #45451 mplex; Fort Huachuca has a storage facility that had “nine” ET spacecraft t 4/18/2016 #45451 ase construction” and EG&G has key facility for creating nanotechnology imp 4/18/2016 #45451 wn how Spiers gained access to the facility if he did. https://en.wikipedi 7/16/2016 #45456 roy HAARP because they believe the facility manipulates the weather, contro 10/27/2016 #45460 p a program hidden in a contractor facility than in a government facility…a 2018 #45498 ctor facility than in a government facility…a crash retrieval or some class 2018 #45498 leet Area Control and Surveillance Facility, Virginia Capes (FASCFAC VACAPE 2/13/2019 #45562 leet Area Control and Surveillance Facility, Virginia Capes (FASCFAC VACAPE 2/13/2019 #45562 of suggesting a raid on the Nevada facility to search for aliens after watc 6/27/2019 #45588 tt Island, Florida Shuttle Landing Facility The fifth X-37B mission, Orbita 10/27/2019 #45615 le-5, lands at the Shuttle Landing Facility on Merritt Island, Florida, aft 10/27/2019 #45615 a marble. The initial Space Fence facility is located at Kwajalein Atoll i 3/28/2020 #45642 zondo informed Sheehan he was in a facility where an actual extraterrestria 5/19/2021 #45690 p held at BDM Intl’s McLean Secure Facility and classified using DOE contro 9/26/2022 #45772
s or seams. A cockpit with a chair facing an instrument panel remains intac Early Spring 1941 #1355 home in Santa Barbara, California, facing the Goleta Valley. Moving low and 10/1943 #1531 of the impact. Guards are posted, facing out, to keep the curious away. Ac 7/5/1947 #2722 It had one red window periodially facing the observer. It went down toward 1/1952 #5852 respond by stopping its red window facing the witness's location. Spinning 1/1952 #5852 going up and the glowing surfaces facing right. While all were in the edge 7/14/1952 #6817 creature was 1.3 meters tall, and facing to the right. The creature was su 10/18/1954 #11225 n its hand; and the fourth one was facing her with its right arm raised. It 7/3/1955 #12231 n its hand; and the fourth one was facing her with its right arm raised. It 7/3/1955 #12233 y. Suddenly the side of the object facing them lights up from inside with a 6/1956 #12880 her sister's home in the evening, facing west, when suddenly a glowing red 7/23/1956 #13013 earing a tight-fitting helmet, was facing her from inside the object. He se 5/1957 #13628 fornia. It is moving with the base facing forward and has bright lights on 11/8/1957 #14487 ls Congressmen the greatest threat facing the USG with respect to UAP was c 8/13/1958 #15200 a large, lighted circle under it, facing the witness for a few moments bef 10/23/1965 #19677 ness. When he awoke, the truck was facing east and rested in a ditch. 12/20/1965 #19780 ight yellow-white light on the end facing her. There were no doors, ports, 1/5/1966 #19806 the schoolyard with six students, facing northeast. They spot a metallic, 4/6/1967 #22080 she regains her senses, the car is facing the opposite direction, toward th 7/17/1967 #22682 object moved with the convex part facing forward. The weather was clear. ( 9/4/1967 #22995 ed sound. They looked out a window facing the coastal hills and saw a brill 11/24/1967 #23508 f the ditch and back onto the road facing the wrong way. She finds that she 12/12/1967 #23575 rial coiled around it in a spiral. Facing the beings was a crowd of about 2 11/21/1968 #24676 beings walk back to the UFO, still facing him, and jump up to the door. The 2/7/1969 #24901 rs away. He was standing erect and facing her window. He wore a kind of div 3/22/1969 #25037 e entity, who by then was standing facing sideways. The third girl ran to t 3/22/1969 #25037 or and moves with one of its sides facing forward. Three smaller globes tra 8/30/1969 #25340 him while working on a car. It was facing in the opposite direction. Viewed 6/21/1970 #25704 It lands on the ground on a ridge facing them. Eventually, after more yell 8/12/1972 #26911 quare opening appeared on the side facing her, like a "garage doors opening 6/23/1973 #27584 he source of the hum. As she stood facing the car a heavy hand came down on 10/16/1973 #28089 patrol car in Freeport, New York, facing east. They see a bright light in 11/6/1973 #28375 at 0615 was standing in back yard facing south. Observed one bright yellow 11/15/1975 #30623 in La Linea de Concepción, Spain, facing the Strait of Gibraltar when they 8/11/1976 #31256 and a little dog were on her porch facing the area of the sighting. She wen 9/3/1976 #31337 was in a school playing field and facing a circular craft. The craft had l 2/2/1977 #31781 axis, and transparent on the side facing them with dark vertical bars. Thr 2/10/1977 #31808 she would react to the prospect of facing death, she responded by saying sh 4/4/1977 #31943 all figure crouching on all fours, facing their car, in the lefthand lane o 4/23/1977 #32019 ies. The figures stood motionless, facing each other slightly, and appeared 8/28/1977 #32437 elves 50 meters away, with the car facing the other way. This suggests that 8/22/1978 #33550 ng on the balcony of her house and facing the window. She stared in fascina 9/28/1978 #33770 od on legs, with the truncated end facing downwards. It was nine feet high 7/25/1979 #34681 is an entity sitting on a box and facing what seems to be a control panel. Late 8/1979 #34774 feet above the ground on the side facing the road. Schuessler also found f 12/29/1980 #35758 id of spines, while all the spines facing away from the ring are undamaged. 5/20/1983 #36862 worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this 9/21/1987 #38290 right white headlights on the side facing her when sighted, six small white 1/31/1988 #38436 covered consciousness, the car was facing in the opposite direction on the 12/3/1990 #39924 dining room table in Salem, Oregon facing the living room with the kitchen 8/13/1992 #40569 r a couple of seconds standing and facing a wooden fence. Looking up, he ca 8/1993 #41099 hts. The blunt end of the wedge is facing forward as it flies at about 35 m 3/24/1999 #43750 it was still dark and she was not facing them. The height of the strange w 8/2/2004 #44725 her home, was watching television facing towards the street, and hoping fo 10/27/2004 #44771 ith the broad part of the triangle facing forward. 8/11/2005 #44861 ng in the side of her head that is facing the window. The intense pressure 8/2019 #45603
mments. The report also says that “FACSFAC VACAPES has received multiple UA 3/26/2014 #45405
nipulated into thinking fiction is fact. According to Annie Jacobsen, the c 10/30/1938 #1300 cer" was first coined, despite the fact that the objects he sighted may not 6/24/1947 #2402 for even the shortest of times. In fact, once he had his watch established, 7/1/1947 #2501 wearing military uniforms, and in fact didn’t even look human. Seen from a 7/2/1947 #2536 e of national interest in case and fact that (certain media sources) attemp 7/8/1947 #2951 ine if the flying discs are indeed fact and whether or not they are a forei 7/10/1947 #3078 ear Sandia Base are top secret. In fact, however, the Armed Forces Special 8/1947 #3277 r any other area have any basis of fact.” He adds that the Maury Island cra 8/8/1947 #3307 me elements that the object may in fact represent an interplanetary craft o 10/28/1947 #3469 mary, strongly backed with as much fact as possible. Using the Chiles-Whitt 9/30/1948? #3817 x on “Unidentified Aerial Objects: Fact and Discussion,” which is basically 4/28/1949 #4125 Charles P. Cabell believes that in fact AMC is taking its UFO project under 1/12/1950 #4483 ere found in New Mexico due to the fact that the Government had a very high 3/22/1950 #4702 onderful news” that saucers are in fact US secret weapons, which will reass 3/27/1950 #4741 have stopped at Earth despite the fact that other Venusian saucers have be 3/28/1950 #4750 er’s article, “The Flying Saucers: Fact or Fiction?” appears in Flying maga 7/1950 #5033 ed to be Rolf Alexander, who is in fact Allan Alexander Stirling, a New Zea Summer 1951 #5549 that frequency is exceptional: “In fact, there has never been a rate of met 11/9/1951 #5773 g, technically unclassified but in fact quasi-classified, to a group of aer 4/2/1952 #6016 principles, we have before us the fact that we have missed something in ma 6/25/1952 #6628 the building, but this ignores the fact that the window is open, and the ca 7/16/1952 #6843 gence is so hesitant to accept the fact that something we just don’t know a Late 9/1952 #8027 and numerous people vouch for the fact that the paint on the car changed f 11/1953 #9269 and this may be the reason for the fact that the witness in the Meral sight 10/14/1954 #11041 the Air Force were answered by a "fact sheet" referring back to the 1955 r 1955 #11888 g back to the 1955 report. A 1957 "fact sheet" stated the unexplained cases 1955 #11888 awards him the money based on the fact that he may have only thought he sa 10/2/1956 #13260 14 is a clever attempt to hide the fact. Mostly, however, he focuses on dis 12/1956 #13378 d that the team had covered up the fact that an abnormal concentration of m Early 9/1957 #13971 O reports began about November 1, "fact sheets" were issued on the letterhe 11/1957 #14179 of Public Affairs issues a new UFO fact sheet, emphasizing the high percent 11/5/1957 #14344 US USAF issues "Fact Sheets" - issued approximately semi 1958 #14775 lobo that the UFO phenomenon is a “fact confirmed by material evidence. The 2/28/1958 #14897 ld collide with them. It didn't in fact go over them but passed very close 6/12/1958 #15092 egory. About this time, a new USAF fact sheet states that investigative imp 10/1958 #15294 US The Air Force issued the last "fact sheet" (No. 179-62) of the old styl 2/6/1962 #17035 USAF issues the last of its UFO fact sheets (no. 179-62). In the future 2/6/1962 #17036 ted for the generalized Air Force "fact sheets." The unexplained cases for 1963 #17619 re briefly described. (In the new "fact sheets", the "unknown" category has 1963 #17619 did not cause any pain despite the fact that his eyes had swollen shut and 6/2/1964 #18323 ad a misty appearance, despite the fact that there was no fog or mist at th 2/12/1965 #18813 the “birds” in the ditch where in fact two entities wearing spacesuits. On 8/16/1965 #19410 er startled at this display and in fact were somewhat frightened by it. The 11/13/1965 #19719 was still smouldering despite the fact that there had been considerable ra 5/31/1967 #22430 t was still in flames. The strange fact about this case is that on June 15t 5/31/1967 #22433 d its perimeter buzzed a car. (UFO Fact & Comment, Goodyear UFO Society, Ak 12/22/1967 #23598 y done in the black. He argues the fact that white world research on the is 1968 #23633 them too good," he said, "but the fact is that I can see real good now, an 3/4/1968 #23828 hey were coerced into doing so. In fact, authorities in Mendoza quickly mad 9/1/1968 #24422 swer. Tiihonen was unsure if he in fact heard the answer or if it was a men 4/15/1970 #25633 extraordinary powers; it could in fact control "nature itself." She blacke 8/9/1972 #26890 " Maceiras was not frightened---in fact he called out to the occupants of t 12/30/1972 #27193 event he was feeling better and in fact felt rejuvenated, and he began cutt 12/30/1972 #27193 ien" about the trio aside from the fact that they all dressed exactly alike 10/20/1973 #28222 ity Times, which takes note of the fact that most of the deaths are Black A 12/1973 #28494 de Mesquita, Sao Paulo, Brazil. In fact, his car was found there. Under hyp 4/26/1974 #29064 that had immediately signaled the fact to the National Fire Departments. 6/20/1975 #30112 radar for at least 20 minutes. In fact, everything they put in the air for Late 10/1975 #30471 g. Particularly mystifying was the fact that they could not find a single s 11/12/1976 #31540 lt no fear--he had the feeling, in fact, that they had somehow informed him 6/12/1977 #32161 eve only an hour has passed but in fact more than three hours has elapsed. 7/23/1977 #32305 D.C. stating: Enclosed are the UFO Fact Sheet and standard response to UFO 9/1/1977 #32454 on Earth if presented with it. In fact, it was Hinners himself responsible 9/19/1978 #33710 ort of the resolution, despite the fact that the Air Force, Navy and NORAD 12/8/1978 #34079 radio signals. She stated that in fact "Operation Starlight" was a trackin 3/23/1985 #37573 ning, the technician withholds the fact that he still has copies of the fil 10/28/1986 #38056 uctions were merely monitoring; in fact, abductions were the insertion of i 12/29/1987 #38379 he object were swaying despite the fact that there wasn't any wind at the t 9/25/1988 #38650 sed panic among many witnesses; in fact, in just a few minutes nearly every 9/3/1989 #39089 ressed surprise themselves at that fact, that when the colored lights went 5/3/1992 #40449 inting Office, The Roswell Report: Fact Versus Fiction in the New Mexico De 7/1995 #42286 is given the title Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction. The film is broadcast b 8/28/1995 #42425 s. Dionisio also noticed a curious fact. If he moved back about three meter 7/16/1996 #42959 en by British military pilots, the fact that the GCHQ library contains nume 3/1997 #43215 l him” for this knowledge, and the fact that he could control it. Czysz sta 11/2000 #44070 as steady in the water despite the fact that the ocean at the time was quit 11/5/2000 #44073 nomena: Science Fiction or Science Fact?” at George Washington University i 11/8/2002 #44436 ater vessel in October 2014 was in fact only a civilian “working boat.” 4/13/2015 #45436 ntist for NARCAP. He reports: “The fact that no cause- effect relationship 1/1/2017 #45463 ld produce an elongated shape. The fact that it sped up as it entered the S 5/28/2020 #45646 es this man was legitimate and the fact that he didn’t know who he was sugg 7/19/2020 #45653 ide of Section 119 of Title 10. In fact, a DoD office can create a shell co 5/1/2021 #45687
leaders a thorough briefing on his fact-finding mission. The evidence he sh Spring 1959 #15656
form the core of the ETH-friendly faction at Project Sign. Late 8/1947 #3369 claims of a UAP coverup by a rogue faction in USG and private industry, etc 11/1/1995 #42576
to spread false rumors or promote factionalism. It creates bogus organizat 8/1956 #13042
nels he heard states UAP occupants/factions will arrive in 2027 and “we nee 12/20/2022 #45790
in some way may be a contributing factor.” 11/27/1951 #5794 ear waste products might also be a factor.” 9/24/1952 #8022 ommercially available machine by a factor of 50–200, depending on the task. 1/1962 #17015 es she is working on, UFOs: The ET Factor, but Doty does not show. She call 4/9/1983 #36830 lity, in which she defines the “Oz Factor,” the “sensation of being isolate 9/1983 #36964 passed (excitement of witnesses a factor?) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 8/10/1993 #41121 effective treatment, or mitigating factor for the unexplained cluster of sy 8/2020 #45657 effective treatment, or mitigating factor for the unexplained cluster of sy 1/15/2021 #45673
he sea. As they flew over aircraft factories and this was shortly after the 2/25/1942 #1391 aviation historian thinks that the factories in question are at the time pr 6/9/1947 #2315 t pilot of the Government Aircraft Factories, is flying a de Havilland Vamp 8/15/1952 #7611 Republic Factories Bucharest, Romania Magnet Stra 12/10/1967 #23567 Păun is walking past the Republic Factories in Bucharest, Romania, when sh 12/10/1967 #23567 spirals and concentric rings over factories. 7/26/1977 #32313 ing-portholes going [to] slow over factories. Away extremely fast. / Cisu. 12/23/1997 #43472
the effects are “a combination of factors, including optical effects and m 10/13/1917 #970 to 6 megatons, combined with other factors and led to the most significant 3/1/1954 #9589 resents a paper on “Meteorological Factors in Unidentified Radar Returns.” 11/17/1970 #25908 ell Targ, Swann yields 13 specific factors about Jupiter, none of which are 4/27/1973 #27450 re due to a combination of several factors. The initial sighting on Decembe 12/28/1980 #35750 nger, who was a director of “human factors” for the USAF’s plan to put a ma 1982 #36293 ntries to assess national security factors. It is chaired by French Air For 1996 #42656 chologist Stuart Appelle evaluates factors of deception, suggestibility, pe 10/1996 #43048 know of any fundamentally limiting factors in the potential longevity of a 2018 #45498 es of unidentified objects, safety factors that can arise during an inciden 6/2019 #45583 to known psychological or medical factors, others remain unexplained. The 2/2/2022 #45737 diation, natural and environmental factors, and radiofrequency and other el 2/2/2022 #45737
had asserted. Shaver, working in a factory, heard voices speaking to him, a 4/1945 #1835 hover in straight row over tractor factory. No further details. 7/7/1947 #2897 100+4' disks going west over steel factory / 1 minute(s) intervals. / r171p 7/10/1947 #3096 roject Bluebook Case #313. 2 men / factory. 6 silver disks in wide circle g 4/28/1949 #4119 ). Silver disk going [to] over pen factory. 5M cylinder/cigar-shape going s 4/7/1950 #4809 ver, rotating disc flew over a pen factory in Fort Madison, Iowa. It left a 4/7/1950 #4819 nless in the sky above an aircraft factory for 15 minutes. It appeared to t 3/27/1952 #5982 t, Connecticut Albert K. Bender, a factory worker in Bridgeport, Connecticu 4/1952 #6011 ge silver disc hovered over a tire factory in Miami, Oklahoma at 1 o'clock 7/9/1952 #6743 WASHINGTON, DC 8 / naval gun factory. 3 shiny-metal ovoids cross sky. 7/14/1952 #6802 5 workers at the Northrup Aircraft Factory in Los Angeles, California watch 7/21/1952 #6987 s. White saucer hovers over Cessna factory. Going quickly southeast. 7/29/1952 #7284 BAYONNE, FR All / factory night-shift. UFO / dead-leaf man 9/22/1952 #8004 t each end, appears above a nearby factory. She shines a flashlight on it, 6/5/1954 #9866 ering 20 m away at the height of a factory gate. It was cylindrical, 10 m l 6/9/1954 #9881 20 meters away at the height of a factory gate. It was cylindrical, 10 met 6/9/1954 #9883 ce Around 10:00 p.m. Jean Defiz, a factory worker in Bergerac, Dordogne, Fr 10/1/1954 #10569 kers. 2 bright metallic disks over factory. / Sud Ouest 6 / 10 / 54. 10/5/1954 #10717 o bright metallic discs fly over a factory. 10/5/1954 #10742 FERRARA, ITL Chemist at factory. Ovoid hovers / 2M altitude. 3 s 10/14/1954 #11032 d light on Route N437 near the old factory. Near it were three beings: two, 10/18/1954 #11211 ed light on Route N437 near an old factory in St.-Point Lake, Le Vezenay, D 10/18/1954 #11223 okyo, Japan 7:55 p.m. Koto Ward, a factory worker, along with many others, 5/1/1956 #12824 7055, rolls out of the Avro Malton factory in Mississauga, Ontario. From Ju 5/1959 #15719 , night watchman, was crossing the factory yard when he heard a whistling s 12/17/1962 #17587 water tank at a car-manufacturing factory in Defiance, Ohio at 5:30 p.m. I 8/11/1964 #18481 erver. Dark 24' saucer passes over factory. 2000' altitude / 300mph Est. / 10/1/1964 #18567 given to the national railroad car factory for analysis. At 8:00 p.m. that 8/14/1965 #19390 kly [to] overhead. Luminous disk / factory. / r8#713. 10/30/1965 #19688 ted by 13 young women working at a factory as it flew from the northwest to 12/24/1965 #19788 il 10:15 p.m. LT. Two young female factory workers while walking home saw l 2/25/1966 #19917 ious light that is approaching the factory. It descends to 1,500–1,800 feet 3/12/1966 #19954 n Cuneo, a night shift worker at a factory in Caledonia, Ontario saw two ob 6/13/1967 #22504 ar the ground in the vicinity of a factory for about 20 minutes. Three occu 6/15/1967 #22509 /globe with many antennas hovers / factory. / LDLN#115+/ r84p180. 12/10/1967 #23565 with many antennae hovering over a factory for 15 minutes. 12/10/1967 #23568 CORDOBA, ARG 3 / factory. Lights go out. Powerful firebal 12/14/1967 #23583 RIMNICU-SARAT, ROM All at factory. Silent 5M saucer / 3000' altitu 9/14/1968 #24458 be nearly hit the smokestacks of a factory in Telemark Dalen, Norway shortl 2/13/1969 #24919 er(s). 2M luminous ball spins near factory. Going northwest / jumps. Back / 3/1/1972 #26585 luminous ball of light hung over a factory in Boussois, France at 6:30 p.m. 3/1/1972 #26586 e saw out her window, above a tall factory chimney, a glowing yellowish whi 4/24/1972 #26661 similar display. At 10:31 p.m., a factory worker in Flawinne watches a tri 7/4/1972 #26764 cer hovers / cemetery and farm and factory etc. 7/20/1972 #26819 seudo-human/entity / batman suit / factory. Vanishes. Lights electro-magnet 9/21/1972 #27017 ance worker at the Ika-Renault car factory, unlocked and entered a company 9/21/1972 #27022 el, Córdoba, Argentina Ika-Renault factory 5:40 a.m. Teodoro Merlo, mainten 9/27/1972 #27034 aintenance man for the Ika-Renault factory in Santa Isabel, Córdoba, Argent 9/27/1972 #27034 ering documents to the Ika-Renault factory in Santa Isabel, Cordoba, Argent 9/27/1972 #27035 Guard. 100' domed saucer 300' over factory. Hums. Tilts and shoots going up 10/8/1972 #27056 e is patrolling Cairo Mill, an old factory at Waterhead, Lancashire, Englan 10/8/1972 #27058 disc that hovered 300 feet over a factory in Oldham, Greater Manchester, E 10/8/1972 #27059 cts going quickly south. 2 hover / factory / 30 minute(s) / 1015hrs. Nothin 11/21/1972 #27131 ollows car. Going down [to] behind factory. 2/2/1973 (approximate) #27261 plus. Object hovered above canning factory in residential area of town. (NI 10/9/1973 #27971 e with small lights on ground near factory. 6/18/1974 #29207 ith striped wings going [to] over. Factory explodes and burns. 9/25/1974 (approximate) #29477 Old Orchard Beach, Maine 3:00 a.m. Factory workers David Stephens and Glen 10/27/1975 #30486 s on a hill overlooking the Boeing factory in Renton, Washington, notices l 1976 #30750 R, FR 1+5 observer(s). Saucer over factory. Figure moves / dome. Turns extr 10/6/1976 #31450 a domed disc-shaped object over a factory in Rive-de-Gier, Loire, France. 10/6/1976 #31452 this morning around 7:20 a.m. at a factory in Meylan, France Mr. Hermann, a 12/12/1976 #31596 ton, Yorkshire, England Britax PMG factory roof 4:45 p.m. Three female fact 1/21/1977 #31742 actory roof 4:45 p.m. Three female factory workers in Bridlington, Yorkshir 1/21/1977 #31742 ject hovering above the Britax PMG factory roof just before it begins movin 1/21/1977 #31742 ve a ventilation pipe in the Dixon factory wall. As it hovers the haze disa 1/21/1977 #31742 iend Jeff are driving to a textile factory in Nelson, Lancashire, England, 3/9/1977 #31886 disappeared in front of his fellow factory employees in Atuba, Para state, 5/4/1977 #32055 elting, after turning blue. A UFO "factory" was displayed in another image; 9/15/1977 #32485 Later that night in a factory in Godoy Cruz, Mendoza province, 10/25/1978 #33876 ed from his workplace, a furniture factory in Mirassol, São Paulo, Brazil. 6/28/1979 #34639 Crystal Lake, Illinois 3:40 p.m. A factory supervisor and his wife are driv 7/1/1979 #34645 INGOLSTADT, GER Cops and many / factory. 3 fast silent pentagons beam li 9/16/1979 #34888 s in silver suits were seen near a factory located between Lan Xi and the X 12/13/1979 #35080 , Merseyside, England Night. A car factory worker at Halewood, Merseyside, 12/27/1979 #35101 maneuvering across the fumes from factory chimneys below. Seconds later it 5/16/1980 #35336 roaching over the nearby Coca-Cola factory. The light became bigger as it a End of 1981 #36240 uilding Site of the Aksaray Engine Factory Captain O. Celen and other peopl 12/21/1981 #36273 uilding site of the Aksaray Engine Factory. It is hovering at 800–1,000 fee 12/21/1981 #36273 d object illuminate a large engine factory complex with a bright green colo 12/21/1981 #36274 zil Lagoa da Maraponga Cavan poles factory Uruoca, Ceará, Brazil 11:10 p.m. 8/12/1983 #36949 e train tracks and the Cavan poles factory, where they notice that a transf 8/12/1983 #36949 proximately) — 6:00 p.m. A retired factory worker and his wife are sitting 8/1986 #37964 At 6:00 p.m. a retired factory worker and his wife saw a large, 8/11/1986 #37980 omen, Vera Prokofiyevna, a retired factory employee, and her friend Alexand 7/4/1989 #39009 e 12:00 midnight. Two workers in a factory courtyard in Basècles, Belgium, 4/22/1990 #39539 with a more unusual report by two factory workers in Basecles, southwest o 4/22/1990 #39541 inaut, Belgium. They were in their factory courtyard shortly before midnigh 4/22/1990 #39541 head. Faint whirr. Going [to] over factory and away going ESE. 4/23/1990 #39542 s! Shines bright beam going down / factory. Night lights near. 11/5/1990 #39842 saw a disc-shaped UFO land on the factory grounds around quitting time (4: 6/10/1992 #40491 Guards at a factory in Guiyang, Guizhou, in southern 11/30/1994 #41872 going quickly northeast slow over factory. 4/22/1995 #42170 t triangle that flew slowly over a factory in Grande-Synth, Nord, France to 4/22/1995 #42172 late night shift at a coat-hanger factory in Wallington, New Jersey. At 10 8/11/1995 #42376 with apparent with difficulty. The factory windows and doors were all open 8/11/1995 #42376 and caught a bit of light from the factory lighting and seemed to give off 8/11/1995 #42376 bserver(s). Silver disk stops over factory. 2nd joins and merges! Away. 4/2/1996 #42848 er disc flew in and stopped over a factory. A second disc also flew in and 4/2/1996 #42850 scent of blast furnaces ar a steel factory. 6/6/1997 #43315 On this night a factory worker driving in County Antrim 3/23/2000 #43967 ea near the local "Burtons Biscuit Factory." He then had a feeling of weigh 4/28/2003 #44519 and Two security guards at a glass factory in Częstochowa, Poland, watch a Summer 2004 #44713
, Ontario saw two objects near the factory's scrap heap and dump area: a la 6/13/1967 #22504 FO descend into the field near his factory's security gate. The UFO either 3/6/1977 #31864 FO descend into the field near his factory's security gate in Sylmar, Calif 3/6/1977 #31866
lity of worlds in the light of new facts. He suspects that Venus is likely 1871 #188 Nilsson, who explains that no new facts have surfaced and few new observat 5/19/1937 #1269 ickey”) Ladd on “just what are the facts re ‘flying saucers,’ agent S. Wesl 3/28/1950 #4749 story and Sarbacher replies, “The facts reported in the book are substanti 9/15/1950 #5178 saucers.” Keyhoe gives Healey the facts about the 1956 Ryan case pointing 2/1958 #14859 ngress inform the public as to the facts.” Based on a there-year NICAP stud 8/31/1960 #16426 e must be convinced, by documented facts, that the UFOs could not be Soviet 8/31/1960 #16426 and China. Presented with all the facts and figures, USAF Gen. Thomas D. W 12/14/1960 #16533 formation policy that releases all facts on major UFO sightings. 5/1961 #16672 FO photos and fake debris. “I am a facts man,” Quintanilla says. “I cannot 2/11/1965 #18810 a program might bring to light new facts of scientific value.” The group re 2/3/1966 #19879 that are made by Blue Book and the facts of the case.” He adds that the goo 4/6/1967 #22079 f of the Defence Staff. It reviews facts and procedures and describes cases 11/14/1967 #23450 t the government is concealing UFO facts, and 32% accept the ETH. 4/1971 #26059 ons between this affidavit and the facts as recorded at the time in Halt’s 12/28/1980 #35749 zed around the world, although the facts of the case were greatly distorted 9/21/1989 #39115 es and other records to verify the facts of Corso’s public service. He inde 7/23/1997 #43357 ate and emergency dissemination of facts to media and population is require 3/11/1998 #43532
33 of the incidents are considered factual. 10/7/1947 #3448 host rocket sightings are possibly factual, but there is no evidence to aut 10/14/1947 #3457 zine and provides straightforward, factual answers about Project Blue Book, 3/1953 #8722 gate the source’s reliability as a factual observer.” 5/23/1955 #12151
UNESP Hospital das Clinicas of the Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, São P 7/1/1968 #24118 UNESP Hospital das Clinicas of the Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, São P 7/1/1968 #24118
ion did the soldiers recover their faculties. 7/25/1968 #24226 lting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distingu 1995 #41923
Los Angeles The administration and faculty of Ohio Northern University, in 7/1952 #6680 who is a professor at the Catholic Faculty of Law in Santos, was sitting ne 7/25/1957 #13835 ho was a professor at the Catholic Faculty of Law in Santos, was sitting ne 7/25/1957 #13840 ment of Philosophy and dean of the Faculty of Arts of Banaras Hindu Univers 4/17/1959 #15706 ics and astronomy, and dean of the faculty of Linfield College. One bright, 12/11/1963 #18076 ics and astronomy, and dean of the faculty of Linnfield College watched a b 12/11/1963 #18077 s it allegedly landed on the roof. Faculty and students at the Santa Leonor 8/25/1965 #19463 anded on the roof in Callao, Peru. Faculty and students at the Santa Leonor 8/25/1965 #19465 CDT. A University of South Dakota faculty member and five others saw a len 5/13/1967 #22334 . CDT a University of South Dakota faculty member in Vermillion, South Dako 5/13/1967 #22340 Belmont, Massachusetts 8:30 p.m. A faculty member of the Harvard Medical Sc 12/24/1967 #23607 PRO by four University of Redlands faculty: Philip Seff (geology), Judson S 2/4/1968 #23734 n lights maneuvers over and behind faculty building. 5/14/1969 #25136 ky maneuvering over and behind the faculty building. 5/14/1969 #25137 er in good standing of the Harvard Faculty of Medicine.” 5/1994 #41510
ir crews see nothing and the blips fade. The radar returns are characterize 3/1941 #1354 'amoebas' going quickly west fast. Fade into distance. 7/8/1947 #2992 both scopes simultaneously without fade. The speed varies from a hover in l 3/9/1950 #4598 g halos in tight circles climb and fade away. 2/24/1952 #5926 CSON, AZ 3+3 saucers in formation. Fade away! Seen longer by observer(s) wi 9/17/1952 #7967 rn 8 miles west of the airport. If fade from the radar scope 30 miles away 4/12/1953 #8820 en they circle, gain altitude, and fade from sight. Citizens in Sherman and 7/26/1953 #9018 of the F-89 and the UFO merge then fade from the screen. Nothing more is he 11/23/1953 #9318 hover and move vertically. Silent. Fade / view. 11/27/1953 #9321 nd level, make 90 degree turns and fade. Each sighting lasted about 45 sec 5/11/1954 #9775 in the UFOs, Scarborough sees them fade from glowing white to orange and di 5/14/1954 #9796 io Frequency Interference (RFI). 6 fade. 1 flares. 2 vanish. 5/17/1955 #12136 About 90 minutes later, the tracks fade. 8/22/1956 #13117 from 190° to 170°. Objects seem to fade from the scope and visual contact w 10/2/1959 #16011 the globe and the entity begin to fade and are gone from sight in another Late 8/1960 #16417 -orange object fly straight up and fade. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 11/21/1961 #16966 itch off abruptly, and other times fade out slowly. At times they do not ap Fall 1962 #17435 hts approach, hover and bounce and fade (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 11/17/1962 #17551 lorida, for about 15 minutes, then fade. 11/17/1962 #17554 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fade” YieldMax: 20KT 6/25/1964 #18375 TV set in the house had the color fade out of the picture during the encou 2/10/1967 #21508 e left. The lights would blink and fade. Similar lights were seen again at 8/3/1967 #22790 o sides. Rise until lost in stars. Fade / distance. 12/5/1970 #25928 edroom. Slits for eyes and mouths. Fade away. 10/3/1973 #27920 the same time both beings began to fade and disappeared. 10/3/1973 #27926 conds. The car headlights began to fade next, and there was an immense ligh 5/31/1974 #29150 king a faint humming sound as they fade from view. 10/14/1974 #29527 ng down. 3 misty robotic figure(s) fade away. / r60#106. 5/20/1977 #32114 ok back in time to see the figures fade from view. 5/20/1977 #32116 IA 3 horizontal stripes near moon. Fade one by one. Move as a unit / (seen 6/24/1978 #33300 s above the sea off Kaikoura. They fade and disappear, then return to view. 12/31/1978 #34246 than the airplane. They gradually fade from view. 5/7/1979 #34550 ss for 2–5 minutes, all the lights fade except a blue light. The UFO moves 6/12/1979 #34610 e joined by a third light, and all fade away after 45 seconds. The third ba 9/12/1979 #34867 t begins to blink, move in an arc, fade, and go out. It reappears 2 minutes 7/19/1981 #36019 the street and watched the object fade away westward. The total observatio 4/22/1989 #38921 eral luminous triangles that later fade away. At one point the craft and be 9/27/1989 #39124 ming at them. She finally began to fade out of consciousness, and her body 10/8/1989 #39150 its a hissing sound and its lights fade a bit. Simultaneously, a red ball c 11/29/1989 #39276 ge domed saucer lights farm. Beams fade and Strenghten. Cops chase / 20 mil 1/31/1993 #40823 r 15 minutes, the craft and entity fade from view. The headmaster asks each 9/16/1994 #41754 ounding it. The objects started to fade after 15 minutes. 6/3/2006 #44947 that appear one after another then fade from sight. A video is taken of the 1/27/2015 #45428
ike burnished silver. It gradually faded away, and was gone in 10 minutes. 8/7/1869 #181 light going off and on in spurts, faded out during chase; (3) light, a glo 2/17/1945 #1789 ange of 54 nautical miles where it faded. The UFO was climbing on an outbou 8/28/1947 #3376 amber colored, long and narrow obj faded out in distance (NICAP: 01 - Dista 3/27/1949 #4054 bright orange, long and narrow obj faded in distance (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 3/27/1949 #4056 round and flat obj at 750-1000 mph faded from view (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 5/9/1949 #4172 ge AEC Laboratories, Tennessee. It faded to a star, then flew away to the n 12/18/1950 #5357 l increased in brightness and then faded over 45 second span. Stationary b 3/23/1952 #5969 back into a cigar shape, and then faded away. The sighting lasted five min 11/4/1952 #8248 flew in small circles, climbed and faded during a 3-7 second sighting. 2/24/1953 #8699 7:43 p.m. The UFO climbed and then faded out over a 3-7 second interval. 2/24/1953 #8700 en circled to higher altitudes and faded from sight. Each UFO had one brigh 7/26/1953 #9015 0' in 3 seconds, hovered again and faded out after a total of 20 seconds in 8/2/1954 #10093 again for ten seconds, and finally faded out after being in view a total of 8/2/1954 #10095 ly. During this time the cigar has faded and sinks into darkness. The spect 8/23/1954 #10170 US UFOs all but faded out of the news. Queries to the Ai 1955 #11888 hat moved up the scope rapidly and faded. (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 3/3/1956 #12746 t the same time. They said it just faded away.” The entire incident lasts s 8/30/1957 #13952 object with sharp edges, and then faded away. In Mogi Mirim, Brazil all li 11/25/1957 #14615 early. As she did so the portholes faded and the entire object began to glo 12/16/1957 #14736 t went straight up like a shot and faded beyond the stars. Visibility: unli 12/20/1958 #15482 orange object flew straight up and faded after 3-4 minutes. 11/21/1961 #16967 straight up into the night sky. It faded away after 3-4 minutes. 11/21/1961 #16969 roached, hovered and bounced, then faded after 11-15 minutes. 11/17/1962 #17552 Florida. After 11-15 minutes they faded away. 11/17/1962 #17555 he UFO dimmed, turning orange, and faded from view after 10-15 minutes. [Wi 9/20/1963 #17951 lights of the witness's car slowly faded and died as the UFO came near. The 11/30/1966 #21167 stationary for 4 minutes and then faded out. (Topeka Daily Capital 2/18/67 2/16/1967 #21567 Stoughton, WI A light with faded edges follow car (NICAP: 02 - Clos 2/16/1967 #21570 : Miss Lynn Marsh. One light with faded edges seemed to follow observer in 2/16/1967 #21571 ess (hovered) for an hour and then faded out of sight. A power failure occu 3/8/1967 #21811 , both the light and the "objects" faded out of sight. The boys headed for 3/12/1967 #21874 njured, kept transmitting until he faded out. A Civil Aviation Board report 7/27/1967 #22743 away to the left. They blinked and faded. Similar lights were seen again at 8/3/1967 #22785 around in an odd manner, and then faded away. There was no sound. 9/23/1967 #23122 ke the first one it too eventually faded to blue. The smaller lights on the 10/4/1967 #23177 ported seeing the UFO, which "just faded away." During the sighting a large 3/19/1968 #23850 est one was extremely bright [and] faded away at tremendous speed--much fas 6/20/1969 #25230 "glowed brilliantly pink and then faded" 4 or 5 times as it flew. It was v 6/9/1971 #26166 issouri. As they watched the beams faded away revealing a 15-foot long oval 6/28/1973 #27599 etter look, but the figure quickly faded away, leaving behind a strong sulf 8/16/1973 #27706 truck drove past the light rapidly faded until by the time she got the driv 9/6/1973 #27774 ght, flashing and glowing. It then faded in intensity to a bright star. It 12/2/1973 #28505 from the windows in the craft. It faded from view after four minutes. 1/5/1975 #29725 ss the lake beneath the object and faded out. The surface of the lake glowe 2/26/1975 #29853 ts. When this happened the figures faded away, but their car was abruptly p 10/1/1975 #30409 ver some trees, then descended and faded away. Four figures, two large and 5/14/1978 #33212 inguish the words, however, and it faded away after about five seconds. He 6/16/1978 #33283 ack and forth for 30 minutes, then faded away. 8/5/1978 #33477 gine and lights died. As the light faded their car descended to the right s 9/23/1978 #33738 and left behind a small trail that faded away quickly. 1/14/1979 #34341 ess for 2-5 minutes all the lights faded except a blue light. The UFO moved 6/12/1979 #34611 e the room. It brightened and then faded. The witness armed himself with a 10/6/1979 #34947 the smell of smoke, and the being faded away. 7/30/1982 #36556 stant stop. The bright orange glow faded and the crew observed an object wi 1/30/1984 #37165 l times. After awhile both objects faded away. 6/25/1984 #37381 flew in a southerly direction. It faded in and out of visibility. 11/21/1986 #38074 r time to leave and they gradually faded away. The witness suffered from gy 1/25/1987 #38104 lsed, hovered, then descended; and faded in and out of view. They made no s 5/11/1988 #38563 ft a silvery trail behind him that faded slowly. The creature was described 6/20/1989 #38991 t that rotated, split in two, then faded or "dissolved." (section VII). (NI 8/10/1989 #39048 t that rotated, split in two, then faded or "dissolved." 8/10/1989 #39049 wo parts, which then separated and faded from view. Only part of the disapp 8/10/1989 #39054 eral luminous triangles that later faded away. At one point the craft and b 9/27/1989 #39126 ghts maneuvered about the sky, and faded in and out. Wanaque Reservoir has 6/5/1992 #40487 ted the farm with light beams that faded and intensified. Sheriff deputies 1/31/1993 #40824 med to reassure her mentally, then faded from view. Possible missing time i 5/22/1996 #42909 was seen in Tooele, Utah. It just faded away. 7/23/1997 #43360 tilted at an angle, and then just faded from view. There were no traces at 7/5/1999 #43791 d went up against a wall before it faded. Out in her backyard was a large t 1/12/2000 #43924 It made a 45-degree turn and then faded out. Later he remembered being in 3/11/2000 #43965 FO several times before the object faded and disappeared. There was a lengt 5/19/2000 #43997 t out completely, while the others faded in the distance. At 7:45 p.m. ther 4/26/2001 #44168 nd then the city of Rosario itself faded into the distance. As she continue 5/2/2001 #44174 ound a UFO twice before the object faded out and disappeared. There was a l 5/5/2001 #44177 ights maneuvered, pulsed, and then faded out on a clear night in Paramus, N 7/13/2002 #44360 l objects pulsed brightly and then faded. 7/13/2002 #44360 er five minutes the whirring sound faded and the craft hovered silently for 5/3/2003 #44523 by his tent. The light eventually faded as the beings continued down the t 9/16/2007 #45059 n for 45 seconds, and finally just faded away. 8/6/2008 #45156 he noticed they all had this same faded black zone where he guessed the en 5/16/2010 #45282
going quickly south. Stones fall. Fades. 9/5/1814 #108 isible for 20–30 minutes before it fades away. 3/21/1854 #148 of burnished silver.” It gradually fades away and disappears after 10 minut 8/7/1869 #179 of them, flickers and flares, then fades. A man dressed in a suit of black Late 3/1873 #200 light through a telescope until it fades into nothingness. 11/22/1896 #348 through the air. By 10:00 p.m., it fades from view to the north of Cedar Ra 4/8/1897 #418 e shape of a dirigible that slowly fades from view. Possibly a light pillar 7/19/1916 #950 silver disk going / 10 minute(s). Fades away. / r131#4p11. 7/7/1947 #2871 ape going south. Beams going down. Fades away.. / r171p119. 10/1947? #3434 ight changes shape and brilliance. Fades to a star going northwest? 12/18/1950 #5355 REDWOOD VALLEY, CA Flash fades to night light. Night light circle 2/24/1951 #5456 cer / 3000' altitude. Vibrates and fades into distance. 4/13/1952 #6066 ce, then climbs at a 45° angle and fades from sight. One guard hears a puls 5/31/1952 #6392 uth and begins zigzagging until it fades away into the background of stars. 5/31/1952 #6394 I radar obtains the target, but it fades from the scope. An F-97 on combat 6/21/1952 #6579 ts vertical. 4 large lights / rim. Fades away. 7/25/1952 #7133 und disk with tail circles houses. Fades! Observers adamant. 9/12/1952 #7900 ALAND Large bright circular object fades to red glow and disappears. No fur 1/6/1953 #8504 inutes at Mosgiel, New Zealand. It fades, then reappears with a rising and 1/8/1953 #8516 inct and separate. The object soon fades away slowly to the north. 6/30/1953 #8976 5K' going down [to] 1K' altitude. Fades away in place! 8/2/1954 #10091 cer = silver dollar / arms length. Fades away. = airport beacon / Blue Book 4/6/1955 #12082 ervation). Also ground RADAR. Blip fades when neared. 2/12/1956 #12711 ad / 2 minute(s). Size = 6° / arc. Fades / 2 second(s). / APRO Sep. '56. 8/1/1956? #13047 evation. Equally spaced portholes. Fades.. 3/14/1957 #13547 er and return. Brilliant color(s). Fades away. 10/17/1957 #14133 ogrande, New Mexico. The car radio fades, and the car slows as if the batte 11/4/1957 #14286 tch it another 5 minutes before it fades away. 11/9/1957 #14506 d becomes rectangle / sharp edges! Fades away! 11/25/1957 #14609 ar and separate observer(s). Radio fades.. beeps! Black object hovers / roa 7/30/1958 #15161 izon and traveling fast. His radio fades out and produces only a steady suc 2/25/1959 #15613 p in the back. The light gradually fades and disappears in the north. 7/2/1960 #16327 sy 4' saucer going [to] over lake. Fades from view and quiets! 5/1961 #16670 Payne picks up the material and it fades away in his hands. 8/5/1961 #16778 th the size of the main object. It fades out of sight to the south. 9/2/1961 #16813 k portion / moon. Moves with moon. Fades away. 8/12/1962 #17332 ops and TV crew. 2 night lights. 1 fades. 1 stays / place while stars move 9/9/1963 #17929 Ovoid going west in S. sky. Dims. Fades / distance. Balloon? / r242p141. 9/20/1963 #17950 ing a vertical pencil shape, which fades away. The whole display takes 45 m 4/11/1964 #18169 st / 200kph? 90° turn going north. Fades away.. 7/6/1964 #18395 When she first sees it, the TV set fades, and lights in the room blink on a 10/29/1964 #18595 shoots straight up about 500 feet, fades, drops down, and hovers again. The 1/29/1965 #18781 out of view and the whining sound fades away. Gibson walks about a half-mi 8/11/1965? #19367 ers / low altitude. Possible spin. Fades? See case #35. 3/26/1967 #21992 d noise like a huge generator that fades away after 6–8 seconds. 8/12/1967 #22868 ng its speed. The triangular shape fades, and Hollander notices a white glo 10/14/1967 #23237 JACKSON, NJ TV image fades. Lights dim. Large bowl-saucer man 1/8/1968 #23657 aneuvers. Sphere vanishes and aura fades away! 3/18/1968 #23846 y both see the red UFO, which just fades away after 10 minutes. The boy is 3/19/1968 #23849 Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) fades at higher frequencies. No further 3/28/1968 #23864 d top. Portholes / bottom. TV CH.6 fades. 4/24/1968 #23921 d. Shoots quickly going up. Stops. Fades away.... 8/15/1968 #24328 Road it comes to a stop. It slowly fades away by 7:15 a.m. 9/18/1968 #24479 d. As he approaches, the car radio fades into static. Then the object emits 11/23/1968 #24695 LEICS 45' saucer / sky. Car radio fades. Headlights dim. Engine slows. / r 5/25/1971 #26133 erver(s). Going quickly southwest. Fades. 3/5/1972 #26589 east, stops, then continues on and fades into the distance after 5 minutes. 12/24/1972 #27188 plane chase night light. 180-turn. Fades away in place! / r31p18. 4/12/1973 #27424 with lights hovers / 20 minute(s). Fades away. 5/14/1973 #27484 iangular object over bay. Suddenly fades away in sight. 10/24/1973 #28261 continue watching until the object fades out after 7:00 p.m. 11/17/1973 #28437 UM Perfect disk flashes and glows. Fades to night light. / Flying Saucer Re 12/2/1973 #28498 t of round, yellow-gold lights. It fades away after 75 minutes. 12/20/1973 #28591 rms length. Responds / headlights. Fades away. 6/13/1974 #29185 or 12 minutes until it ascends and fades slowly out. 12/11/1974 #29637 ar water tank. Red glow / windows. Fades.. 1/5/1975 #29716 ss the lake beneath the object and fades out. The lake’s surface glows a fl 2/26/1975 #29852 over. 4 antennas wave. Portholes. Fades! 8/22/1975 #30293 umps valley. Stops / 2nd mountain. Fades away. 11/1/1975 #30533 second mountain; finally, it just fades away. 11/1/1975 #30535 Large trapezoid below cloud cover. Fades as plane nears.. . 2/15/1976 #30871 metal saucer paces van. Car radio fades when near. / r171. 8/15/1976 #31265 offloading groups / small objects! Fades to smoke! 8/21/1976 #31284 hen suddenly the picture crackles, fades, and blacks out, and the air condi 9/10/1976 #31371 grows blurry and fuzzy and finally fades away in a vapor. The stranger says 9/11/1976 #31376 nt when it stops. After an hour it fades, leaving a glowing space in the da Late 10/1976 #31495 ed corners of blue-green light. It fades from view in the same position. 1/21/1977 #31741 utes left and right 90° turns, and fades low in the southern sky. 1/29/1977 #31765 (EME). 18' x6'DOMED saucer hovers. Fades.. . No further details. 2/14/1977 #31815 th black vertical lines. It slowly fades away in place. 3/22/1977 #31926 ht disappears and the yellow light fades into the overcast. 5/11/1977 #32089 ble 2d image / pseudo-human/entity fades and drifts. / r160#130. 11/13/1977 #32669 west, takes on a pinkish glow, and fades in the distance. 12/17/1977 #32791 he peers out. Although the redness fades, there are areas where the skin is 5/13/1978 #33202 overs / trees. Going down [to] and fades away. 2 large and 2 small figure(s 5/14/1978 #33206 ht light maneuvers back and forth. Fades away. / r241p6. 8/5/1978 #33474 yellow-white saucer. 2 cone beams. Fades to a cloud. Local wave. 9/14/1978 #33672 noise changes to a hum, which then fades as it rests on the snow. It is gra 2/22/1979 #34444 ORTH / LIVINGSTON, SCT Large ovoid fades away! 2' small humanoids (or Greys 11/9/1979 #34988 ection for a few minutes before it fades from sight. 12/7/1979 #35058 tches and redness on her skin that fades by 4:20 a.m. 1/21/1980 #35141 cer 1.5km away. Radio OK when glow fades. 4/8/1980 #35259 eetop level. The top one gradually fades out from top to bottom. The lower 6/21/1980 #35385 it goes back to the horizontal and fades out in the same way. When she step 6/21/1980 #35385 ates fast under dark cloud. Grows. Fades. 7/27/1980 #35425 are red and inflamed. The redness fades away by the evening of the followi 8/20/1980 #35469 p object rises. Bright and dim and fades away. Local wave. 11/25/1980 #35666 ble-disk hovers / roadside. Purrs. Fades away. 90m / missing time. / MJ#177 1/2/1981 #35769 frequently, then it veers away and fades out. 7/19/1981 #36019 llow white light / horizon. Slowly fades. 6/18/1982 #36505 o an instant stop. The orange glow fades and they can see an object with a 1/30/1984 #37166 for 5–6 minutes until it gradually fades away after breaking into several p 10/10/1986 #38044 a-shape north going quickly south. Fades in and out / visibility! 11/21/1986 #38073 electric transformer lights hills. Fades away. 1/13/1990 #39377 s / 2 30cm saucers. Rejoin = 75cm. Fades away. 7/9/1990 #39639 0' away. Ring red lights / bottom. Fades. 2/9/1992 #40325 er CB radio begins to crackle then fades entirely. Moments later her car en 1/1/1993 #40785 Orange saucer / 5 minute(s). Then fades away. Separate observer(s) also / 2/25/1993 #40859 Complex maneuvers north and south. Fades away. 5/10/1993 #40973 utheast climbing slowly upward. It fades into the lightening sky shortly be 6/26/1993 #41038 , AZ Man videos 10' silver sphere. Fades away and reappears elsewhere in sk 9/15/1993 #41198 more/others. Vertical bar / light. Fades / minutes. No source / clear sky / 4/4/1994 #41476 rver. Fireball floats by. Zigzags. Fades. Shoots straight up and gone. 9/24/1995 #42504 GILBERT, AZ Pilot. Red object fades. Going east. Stops. Turns going qu 2/7/1996 #42744 ject hovers / 10 minute(s). Slowly fades away.. Leaves (something behind) z 9/1996 #43004 circles over airliner going east. Fades and vanishes! 6/30/1998 #43597 using a backup generator. As light fades, however, helicopter crews can see 1/14/2001 #44124
d.” It moves silently, its outline fading into the cloud and out of sight. 6/1944 #1601 of light begin separating from it, fading from view after moving several di Summer 1945 #1881 a, Japan, moving 840–900 mph, then fading out. 9/16/1947 #3399 pped tail flew straight and level, fading into the distance after 1 minute. 10/2/1951 #5698 de no sound at first but as it was fading away behind some trees "we heard 4/21/1952 #6148 red to waver back and forth before fading out of sight directly overhead. 5/10/1952 #6285 ea and waver back and forth before fading from sight directly overhead. 5/10/1952 #6297 radar scope for 30 seconds before fading. Lt. Hyatt, Operations Officer du 7/20/1952 #6940 luminous sphere land and then dim, fading to black. Investigators find an a 11/8/1954 #11599 outer marker for 90 seconds before fading. 11/4/1957 #14289 ins luminescent for a while before fading out. The object again shines a li 1958 #14783 g clockwise until it disappears by fading into the slight atmospheric haze. 9/8/1958 #15261 It is visible for 5 minutes before fading out. 10/12/1962 #17468 es in two again, with the top part fading away and the bottom part assuming 4/11/1964 #18169 t light paces car / 5-6 minute(s). Fading edges. No further details. 2/16/1967 #21558 orange and then to red just before fading from sight. They also appeared to 3/3/1967 #21747 light to the top, the bottom light fading out and then appearing in the top 10/24/1967 #23300 Alberta, Canada a car radio began fading in and out and the headlights and 11/28/1967 #23520 on. The sky above is filled with a fading red light, and they see flashes o Spring 1968 #23852 sible VHF interference (“frequency fading”) when the object approaches the 6/18/1968 #24044 when his car radio "went haywire", fading into static. Then he noticed that 7/21/1969 #25290 en appeared to be artificial light fading on and off with jerky motion. Bro 11/12/1975 #30614 again in formation at a 40° angle, fading from view. 5/26/1977 #32134 l, "advancing and retreating," and fading in and out. They compared the for 11/13/1977 #32671 , the object soon accelerating and fading into the distance. 4/19/1978 #33153 ber of different directions before fading from view. An hour and 15 minutes 9/12/1979 #34867 and the radio emits static before fading out. The back wheels of the car l 11/19/1980 #35659 the UFO by car, but it is already fading from view. 4/26/1984 #37302 cribed as the color of skin with a fading tan, and it faintly glowed. The g 6/4/1996 #42921 tions of lights hovering, and then fading out one by one. Another witness s 7/15/2001 #44209 . The outer points were brightest, fading into black at the center. The col 12/4/2004 #44795
FAEDIS VALLEY, ITL 2 with CB Radio. 20M 2/1978 #32932 NEAR FAEDIS, ITL 2 / car. 20M saucer 500M awa 3/29/1978 #33095
FAENZA, RAVENNA, ITL Farm family. Circul 9/13/1979 #34870
TESSALIT OASIS, MALI FAF officers and men / ground. Saucer ea 10/4/1951 #5703 ERBALUNGA, FR FAF man and 1 / car. 3 figure(s) walk / 3/15/1974 #28887 NEAR TOURS, FR 2 FAF T33 pilots. Near crash with 2M green 3/3/1976 #30918 SOUTHWEST / CHAUMONT, FR FAF jet buzzed 2X. Fireball / mach 1.4. 3/7/1977 #31867
MALTA D. Fagan. Long silent red cylinder/cigar-sh 1/18/1969 #24859
NEAR FAGE, LOT, FR 1M upright metallic egg fo 8/16/1977 #32403 At 12:30 a.m. in Fage, Lot department, France a one-meter 8/16/1977 #32407
N = MALSELV, NORW Object crashes / Fager Mountains. Only footprints and tra 2/5/1934 #1203 plane made an emergency landing on Fager Mountain in Malsev, Troms, Norway. 2/5/1934 #1204
FAGERSTA, SWD Southwest 2-way radio work 5/16/1976 #31056
hour. Former Chief Constable Björn Fagrell describes it as like two connect 10/15/1981 #36172
th portholes. One witness, Ernesto Fagundez, watches the UFO circle a trans 3/2/1979 #34458
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fahada” YieldMax: 20KT 5/26/1983 #36871
Penberville, Ohio Karen Fahle saw a bright object coming to the 6/13/1964 #18351 At 9:00 p.m. Karen Fahle of Penberville, Ohio saw a bright 6/13/1964 #18353
Malaysia at 4:30 a.m. 17-year-old Fahmi Mohd was awaken by the sound of wi 5/23/1999 #43773
ave been between 20 and 30 degrees Fahrenheit, down to less than 50º F. Pet 5/31/1974 #29150
witness, amateur astronomer R. C. Fahrion, describes it as a comet without 6/13/1928 #1086
to his old friends Adm. Delmer S. Fahrney and Adm. Calvin M. Bolster, his 5/9/1949 #4175 ded missile program RADM Delmer S. Fahrney. Brown stepped down in 1957 and 1952 #5843 rt B. Emerson, Rear Adm. Delmer S. Fahrney, Gen. William E. Kepner, and Bri 10/19/1956 #13286 d asks him to step down. Delmer S. Fahrney replaces him as board chairman, 1/14/1957 #13455 , Keyhoe steps in as director, and Fahrney convenes a press conference in w 1/14/1957 #13455 Delmer S. Fahrney leaves NICAP’s board of director 4/10/1957 #13593 Robert B. Emerson, RADM Delmer S. Fahrney, Gen. William E. Kepner and Brig 5/9/2001 #44183
Pontedera, Italy Camillo Faieta, 35, a lineman, was on duty when 7/13/1966 #20643 2:00 a.m. Railway linesman Camillo Faieta is on duty at the crossing in For 7/13/1966 #20644 y Camp Darby military complex tell Faieta not to speak about the incident a 7/13/1966 #20644 Camillo Faieta, age 35, a lineman for the local 7/13/1966 #20645 to the sighting in addition to Sr. Faieta. 7/13/1966 #20645
Hampshire when his car completely faiIed--lights, radio, and engine. He go 1/14/1965 #18734
ed the headlamp on a motorcycle to fail at 11:30 p.m. 5/19/1909 #769 and direction-finding instruments fail. It shoots away at 700 mph. 2/1944 #1570 two staff cars are dispatched, but fail to find the farm. They locate a pub 1946 #1962 when they are alone. They try but fail to locate a listening device in the 7/30/1947 #3259 hute to safety. Brown and Davidson fail to signal distress or bail out. Aft 8/1/1947 #3281 se his communications equipment to fail and damage part of his plexiglass c 5/6/1949 #4158 feet. Jets attempting interception fail. The AEC says that the investigatio 8/4/1950 #5104 e their car, causing the engine to fail, magnetizing the wiring, and cracki 3/29/1952 #5995 ar targets moving at 3,000 mph but fail to intercept them. 10/21/1952 #8172 gine of the vehicle he was driving fail. Two four-foot-tall beings approach 8/17/1953 #9078 ffield], Alberta After RCAF pilots fail to intercept several UFOs in Canadi 1954 #9423 Bartoli’s car motor and headlights fail, and they both see a yellow-orange 10/9/1954 #10856 uck engine dies and the headlights fail. He gets out to investigate and see 10/11/1954 #10937 , FR Object flies over car. Lights fail. Follows train going quickly north. 10/14/1954 #11034 e engine stalls and the headlights fail. Both men feel an electric shock. Mid 10/1954 #11113 that works by internal combustion fail, but the diesel engine still runs. 11/14/1954 #11652 the fields. His family and police fail to find him. On December 10, near 1 12/9/1954 #11786 orce scrambles some jets, but they fail to intercept any of the objects. By 12/14/1954 #11807 ts spin wildly. All communications fail and the engine spurts intermittentl 6/1956 #12879 mechanism in Lemmon, South Dakota, fail to operate as a glowing red object 11/16/1956 #13333 him. His tractor motor and lights fail. It lands nearby and something grab 10/16/1957 #14128 n combines, each with two engines, fail as a UFO passes overhead. The Air F 11/2/1957 #14216 headlights and radio of their car fail for three seconds as they see the l 11/2/1957 #14217 ds / road. Truck lights and engine fail. Flies going up [to] and away. 11/4/1957 #14258 he lights and engine of his car to fail. The object rests a few minutes and 11/5/1957 #14347 do-human/entity try / grab 2 dogs. Fail. Walk through solid wall to saucer. 11/6/1957 #14365 when his car engine and headlights fail. He looks up and sees an elongated 11/9/1957 #14505 s the vehicle’s lighting system to fail. The light changes course and speed 11/9/1957 #14507 ão Paulo, Brazil, suddenly dim and fail. Numerous people see a circular lig 11/25/1957 #14614 SOAP LAKE, WA 2 cars stall. Lights fail. Dome lights come on! UFO north goi 12/8/1957 #14688 The car heater, wipers, and radio fail and finally the car stalls out as t 12/8/1957 #14691 tall out and their headlights also fail as the UFO passes overhead. In addi 12/8/1957 #14692 All attempts to detect the trouble fail. The next inhabited place is far aw 2/24/1958 #14889 r car engine begins to sputter and fail, and the headlights go out. They se 11/9/1958 #15435 erhead. Motor and lights and radio fail. Going quickly west and truck OK. / 1/13/1959 #15545 llage for about 10 minutes. Radios fail to operate and the electrical curre 2/1959 #15574 the car engine, lights, and radio fail. Shortly afterward, the disc shoots 10/22/1959 #16052 low ovoid / 2 passes. House lights fail. Going quickly south. / r242p139. 2/28/1961 #16612 . P. Atilli had his truck's engine fail in the presence of a glowing orange 8/5/1962 #17322 ers, both equipped and unequipped, fail to find any wreckage in the river, 10/31/1963 #18017 hters are scrambled in pursuit but fail to intercept it. The official expla 1/1/1964 #18106 s wife had the engine of their car fail at four o'clock in the morning. The 6/5/1964 #18332 a, when their car engine begins to fail, so they pull over in front of a tr 1965 #18689 last thing they remember, and they fail to report to the command post. Thei 3/2/1965 #18832 91. Unidentified. Motor and lights fail. UFO going quickly [to] over car. S 3/26/1966 #20086 ad their car engine and headlights fail when they encountered a UFO with fo 4/25/1966 #20417 SHEAD, WILTS Car engine and lights fail. 15' cloud lands. Vanishes. 9/24/1966 #20921 ne, dashlights, and headlights all fail. When the object recedes, his light 10/15/1966 #21006 rm ‘backwards grant’ was doomed to fail before it was even signed.” 11/1/1966 #21060 BIGFORK, MT Truck motor and lights fail. Night light overhead. Motor starts 2/13/1967 #21530 expects the Colorado project will fail to support the ETH. Before sharing Early 3/1967 #21730 WV Garbage truck lights and engine fail. Glowing saucer hovers overhead. 3/15/1967 (approximate) #21887 he engine quits and the headlights fail. The teens leap from the car and th 5/26/1967 #22405 , Spain. Attempts at radio contact fail, and when they fly above or below t 6/9/1967 #22482 do, when his engine and car lights fail. He pulls to the side of the road, 8/27/1967 #22940 O low / sky. Car engine and lights fail. Radio "chatters". 9/6/1967 #23008 ect (EME). Engine out. Farm lights fail. Going quickly northeast. 9/19/1967 #23093 , and its engine stalls and lights fail. The UFO glows a vivid green color. 11/6/1967 #23414 light. Their engine and headlights fail. The object approaches the car, pas 12/24/1967 #23606 l communications and radar systems fail, nearly causing an accident in the Early 1968 #23635 , causing the engine and lights to fail as well as that of a second vehicle 4/3/1968 #23887 TA GORDA, FL Car engine and lights fail. Saucer lands. Going up [to] and go 5/27/1968 #23985 da, when his headlights and engine fail. As he gets out to check, he sees a 5/27/1968 #23987 omed saucer buzzes car. Headlights fail. Separate observer(s) TV static and 3/12/1969 #24999 and, when his headlights and motor fail. He looks under the hood, feels som 6/19/1969 #25226 IN 4 observer(s). Power and phone fail. Screech. Dogs howl. UFO wobbles. . 5/16/1971 #26113 hovers near car. Engine and lights fail. Purr-buzz. / r41p253. 8/8/1971 #26271 their vehicle’s engine and lights fail. They check the batteries and fuses 4/1/1972 #26633 caused his engine and his radio to fail. This man drove Herrera, who now fe 3/13/1973 #27343 loser. Their car engine and lights fail. The dome is bright like a white ne 5/18/1973 #27506 ts static and the engine begins to fail. Suddenly he notices a blue circle 5/22/1973 #27518 m a car. The engine and headlights fail as the object lands. Another object 10/16/1973 #28086 headlights, radio, and engine all fail. The object is about 8 feet in diam 10/20/1973 #28214 by the entity the engine began to fail and the automobile was "shaking lik 3/17/1974 #28898 Ombreiro, Lugo, Spain. Car engines fail, headlights go out. After 3–4 minut 3/30/1974 #28973 hone is out. The backup generators fail to turn on. Some 30 seconds later, 5/1974 #29075 rea. The engine, lights, and radio fail. After several attempts, he restart 9/26/1974 #29483 e car radio. The engine and lights fail again. After about 6 seconds a dist 9/26/1974 #29483 Northern Tier military bases. They fail to produce positive identifications 11/11/1975 #30611 symptoms worsen and other doctors fail to help, his family checks him into 4/3/1976 #30983 vehicle. The headlights and radio fail, and the engine dies. All four get 8/6/1976 #31240 the van's engine and headlights to fail. (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 6/23/1977 #32185 the van's engine and headlights to fail. After a few moments the UFO depart 6/23/1977 #32186 eport it, all their communications fail. All communications are restored af 9/20/1977 #32499 . Twice more, jets are sent up but fail to detect a blip. 8/17/1978 #33523 r coasts to a halt. Her car lights fail as circles of light dance around th 11/22/1978 #33980 Extra moon / treetops. Headlights fail / loose wire found. 1/16/1979 #34346 e hood. The car’s lights and motor fail at the same time. The next thing he 2/5/1979 #34405 e. The dashboard and engine lights fail, so the driver pulls over. The ligh 9/3/1979 #34829 wo fighters are scrambled but they fail to catch up with it. When the pilot 1984 #37097 etecting sensors and alarm systems fail, as does the computer responsible f 7/24/1984 #37412 n, Tasmania. The engine and lights fail instantly, and the driver brakes to 12/14/1987 #38364 pproaches the scene and its lights fail, but the diesel engine continues to 12/14/1987 #38364 suddenly his instruments begin to fail. A red light in the center begins t 12/1/1988 #38733 Mississippi. The engine and lights fail until the object departs. 1/20/1990 #39384 leave, their engine and headlights fail to respond. A brilliant beam of lig 2/22/1991 #39982 ts later her car engine and lights fail, and she coasts to a stop. She gets 1/1/1993 #40785 d infiltration and enemy deception fail that revelation, explanation of the 3/11/1998 #43532 present and near-future operations fail to achieve success STAC and Collins 3/11/1998 #43532 rse, and the engine and headlights fail. About 30 minutes later, the object 11/28/2002 #44453 At this point his memory began to fail, but he recalls one of the men lead 4/28/2003 #44519 the television reception began to fail and there was sudden heavy RF inter 10/27/2004 #44771 d a videocamera, but the batteries fail in both devices. When he points a b 5/8/2009 #45220
nes faltered, its magnetic compass failed, and its engines temporarily stop 8/28/1945 #1931 (radio cut off after launch, fin 4 failed prior to cutoff) 4/16/1946 #1982 3, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM Failed V-2 missile test at White Sands P 7/19/1946 #2065 , 152.9km altitude (Control system failed at altitude) 12/5/1946 #2210 ight have been responsible for the failed test. 5/15/1947 #2284 de (Three previous launch attempts failed in year prior. Excellent performa 4/2/1948 #3605 4km altitude (Bumper 2 First stage failed due to propellant flow interrupti 8/19/1948 #3784 0.3km altitude (Bumper 3 WAC stage failed) 9/30/1948 #3816 (Premature V-2 cut-off; WAC stage failed to fire) 4/21/1949 #4096 lanes and boats. A U.S. Navy plane failed to intercept the UFO because it w 1/22/1950 #4504 s scrambled to intercept them have failed, and that “persons making these r 7/18/1952 #6896 the Air Force. The Air Force has “failed to arrive at any satisfactory con 7/29/1952 #7324 nd a total of six air crew members failed. 9/21/1952 #7999 mpts to save its’ life with oxygen failed. 1953? #8470 B in New Mexico on October 27 that failed to drop into the Atlantic after a 11/3/1953 #9279 r an extensive period of time, and failed to find any wreckage. 11/23/1953 #9319 ttempted to catch up with them but failed. The UFOs were flying at 50,000' 12/24/1953 #9395 Porto Alegre, Brazil House lights failed as UFO passed (NICAP: 03 - EME Ca 8/30/1954 #10208 ct buzzed radio tower; transmitter failed to operate properly. [UFOE, VIII] 9/16/1954 #10321 rion, VA Radio station transmitter failed to operate properly as round shin 9/16/1954 #10322 rginia a radio station transmitter failed as a round shiny UFO passed by th 9/16/1954 #10325 e, France Car motor and headlights failed; UFO over road. (NICAP: 03 - EME 10/7/1954 #10779 ), France Car motor and headlights failed as cigar-shaped UFO passed above 10/9/1954 #10840 e, France Car motor and headlights failed; two UFOs observed at low altitud 10/11/1954 #10923 ), France Car motor and headlights failed, passengers felt shock and numbne 10/11/1954 #10924 ), France Car motor and headlights failed as UFO crossed road ahead of car, 10/11/1954 #10925 k, numbness, car motor, headlights failed (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 10/16/1954 #11139 ock and heat, motor and headlights failed; then luminous UFO became visible 10/21/1954 #11295 ut." Thorough police investigation failed to identify the cause of the phen 10/21/1954 #11299 t. " Thorough police investigation failed to identify the cause of the phen 10/21/1954 #11308 near), France Headlights and motor failed, passengers felt ''electric shock 10/27/1954 #11441 from his motorcycle as it suddenly failed at the same spot, and alerted nei 10/27/1954 #11445 om his motorcycle when it suddenly failed at the same spot, and alerted nei 10/27/1954 #11453 torcycle and his electrical system failed. He was unable to move or articul 11/8/1954 #11598 torcycle and his electrical system failed. He was unable to move or articul 11/8/1954 #11604 d a rifle at the intruders, but it failed to fire and the witness suddenly 11/14/1954 #11648 UFO has departed. The engine that failed still causes some trouble after t 11/14/1954 #11652 , but the gun suddenly felt heavy, failed to fire, and he was unable to mov 11/14/1954 #11655 erbug, a variant of the Avrocar, a failed attempt at a flying saucer that w 1955 #11897 stopped his car when his car radio failed, his headlights dimmed, and the c 3/30/1955 #12071 te containment sector near Ozyorsk failed and exploded with a force between 1957 #13424 ntina When his motorcycle suddenly failed, the driver observed a disk, 2O m 5/1/1957 #13637 Covington, IN Combine engine failed as hovering UFO began to rise (NI 10/15/1957 #14117 ered above his tractor; the engine failed when the object rose. 10/15/1957 #14118 ngton, Indiana. The tractor engine failed when the object took off. 10/15/1957 #14121 Lumberton, NC Car motor failed as UFO observed (NICAP: 03 - EME 10/31/1957 #14172 erton, North Carolina a car engine failed as a UFO was observed. 10/31/1957 #14178 time the truck’s electrical system failed. It then turned reddish again and 11/2/1957 #14194 near), TX Car motor and headlights failed, UFO seen on road (NICAP: 03 - EM 11/2/1957 #14210 close range car engines and lights failed. One report described how two men 11/2/1957 #14221 t came near. The lights and engine failed, then the object passed directly 11/2/1957 #14221 azil Ltaipu Fort electrical system failed, sentries received burns as UFO a 11/3/1957 #14240 Hobbs, NM Speeding car, motor failed, lights went out as UFO swooped o 11/5/1957 #14332 adio and portable short wave radio failed, tone signal heard on one short w 11/6/1957 #14403 Santa Fe, NM Car motor failed, car clock and wristwatch stopped 11/6/1957 #14406 LA Silvery disc hovered, car motor failed.(UFOE) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 11/7/1957 #14456 White Oaks (near), NM Car lights failed as UFO observed (NICAP: 03 - EME 11/9/1957 #14503 Rumney, NH Car motor and lights failed. Ground Observer Corps reported U 11/12/1957 #14538 Tamaroa, IL Power failed for 10 minutes in a four mile are 11/14/1957 #14550 choeira, Brazil Several car motors failed as drivers attempted to approach 11/15/1957 #14559 onopah, NV Air Force officer's car failed, he saw disc-shaped objects on gr 11/23/1957 #14602 Mogi Mirim, Brazil All city lights failed as three UFOs passed overhead (NI 11/25/1957 #14612 . In Mogi Mirim, Brazil all lights failed in the city at around 10 p.m. as 11/25/1957 #14615 the entire electrical circuit had failed. Over the vehicle was a disk 16 m 12/8/1957 #14690 system of their 1954 Dodge Coronet failed when the UFO approached. They fel 12/8/1957 #14696 hock; motors of all three vehicles failed, as UFO descended and hovered (NI 1/30/1958 #14850 headlights and engine of their car failed. An inverted mushroom-shaped obje 1/30/1958 #14852 de Jesus (near), Brazil Car motor failed; passengers then noticed a Saturn 2/24/1958 #14887 ed passing overhead as city lights failed; one report of car radio failure 8/3/1958 #15176 ahead of car; motor and headlights failed, two passengers felt heat (NICAP: 10/26/1958 #15379 akes a cryptic statement about the failed launch of Pioneer 3 by a Juno II 1/1/1959 #15526 Bygholm, Den Car motor failed as UFO passed overhead; headlight 1/13/1959 #15547 , PA Truck motor, lights and radio failed as UFO hovered over truck (NICAP: 1/13/1959 #15548 truck's engine, lights, and radio failed at this point. The light, which w 1/13/1959 #15551 ered the hospital. On August 1, he failed to report for duty. One month lat 2/28/1959 #15624 served passing in sky, city lights failed (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 6/22/1959 #15783 low altitude. Motor and headlights failed (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 8/13/1959 #15910 intercept by USAF T-33 jet trainer failed. 9/13/1959 #15970 by a USAF T-33 jet trainer, but it failed to find the UFO in time. 9/13/1959 #15974 D Car motor, headlights, and radio failed as UFO hovered low over road ahea 10/22/1959 #16051 directed by the CIA into Cuba have failed; these are replaced by a plan to 10/31/1960 #16490 the CIA has succeeded where it has failed many times in the past, but in th 5/15/1961 #16684 s, it is caught flatfooted, having failed to plan what to do next. 5/15/1961 #16684 ale and goes into effect after the failed Bay of Pigs Invasion. A document 11/30/1961 #16984 ince, Argentina. The plane's radio failed completely during the close encou 5/22/1962 #17193 r Pasnembi stopped when his engine failed and observed a cylindrial object, 7/30/1962 #17304 tion, headed by Lieutenant Lisboa, failed to reveal any clue. Many terrifie 8/20/1962 #17347 tion, headed by Lieutenant Lisboa, failed to reveal any clue. Many terrifie 8/20/1962 #17349 d in Parr, Merseyside, England. It failed to reappear. 7/22/1963 #17849 h illuminated hilltop; house radio failed, came back on when UFO left (NICA 11/14/1963 #18038 set and all house lights suddenly failed and saw a glowing blue-white obje 6/14/1964 #18355 s TV and all house lights suddenly failed. He saw a glowing blue-white obje 6/14/1964 #18357 object crossed highway, car engine failed, object landed. Radioactive area 12/21/1964 #18668 and State Route 14 when the engine failed, and he had to stop by the side o 1/23/1965 #18756 RAF helicopters, and a Shackleton failed to find anything after a 90 minut 2/12/1965 #18813 uld remember of the incident. They failed to report to their command post, 3/5/1965 #18844 n, when his headlights blinked and failed. An object then dived toward the 8/4/1965 #19313 as when his headlights blinked and failed, but his truck's diesel engine di 8/4/1965 #19321 ound, blue light. Motorbike engine failed, witness paralyzed, shock, static 9/14/1965 #19559 that his headlights and radio had failed as the objects passed nearby. 11/26/1965 #19737 sey the lights of a Volkswagen car failed as an object with pulsating light 1/18/1966 #19851 The engine died and the headlights failed. The object flew over the car and 3/26/1966 #20090 car engine died and the headlights failed. The object flew over the car and 3/26/1966 #20095 car engine died and the headlights failed. The UFO flew over the car, and t 3/27/1966 #20102 As their car engine and headlights failed and they felt heat, motorists saw 4/25/1966 #20412 . All of a sudden the 6 generators failed along with the engines of the idl Summer 1966 #20590 upper part of the face. An autopsy failed to disclose the cause of death. I 8/20/1966 #20778 upper part of the face. An autopsy failed to disclose the cause of death, b 8/20/1966 #20782 ly illuminated, engine, headlights failed. Physiological effects 10/15/1966 #21004 dlights of the girls' car suddenly failed. The generator light continued to 1/20/1967 #21361 object first approached the house failed to grow plants, while plants else 1/29/1967 #21412 e and headlights of a pickup truck failed simultaneously in Big Fork, Monta 2/13/1967 #21539 he car's engine, lights, and radio failed. Mr. Wallace got out of the car a 3/8/1967 #21818 Arkansas when their truck's engine failed. Before they could get out of the 3/10/1967 #21854 cup on a saucer. The car's engine failed as the object hovered overhead, a 3/21/1967 #21938 gh, South Australia a car's engine failed and the two male witnesses then s 3/30/1967 #22017 ave off sparks, car rocked, engine failed, humming sound heard. Sulphur-lik 4/5/1967 #22065 fighter pilots chased UFO, radios failed. Cat and mouse pursuit. Object sh 6/3/1967 #22455 fighter pilots chased UFO, radios failed. Cat and mouse pursuit. Object sh 6/3/1967 #22456 he car's motor and headlights then failed. The object was mushroom-shaped. 6/6/1967 #22473 in when their communication radios failed. The UFO played cat-and-mouse wit 6/9/1967 #22483 t bulb." The engine and headlights failed and she lost consciousness. When 7/17/1967 #22686 ubsequent examination of the field failed to reveal any traces. This sighti 9/2/1967 #22984 ng toward Boyup Brook when his car failed completely and stopped, although 10/30/1967 #23369 oyup Brook, Australia when his car failed completely and stopped, although 10/30/1967 #23372 an iridescent blue. The car engine failed (EM effects). (Unidentified newsp 10/31/1967 #23375 its engine stalled and headlights failed. The UFO, emitting a green light 11/5/1967 #23408 he lights on his diesel truck have failed. As he pulls over, he sees a glow 11/6/1967 #23414 bers that his car engine and radio failed, and a blurry white object came o 12/3/1967 #23545 headlights and the engine of a car failed near Punt Gorda, Florida at 9:45 5/27/1968 #23989 round. At this point, their engine failed. The object rose, flashing a ligh 6/18/1968 #24045 s and engine of the witnesses' car failed. After the object had landed abou 7/29/1968 #24255 . Sorenson's truck engine suddenly failed as he continued to drive towards 8/29/1968 #24402 cal systems of the cars completely failed and stayed inoperable for thirty 9/8/1968 #24441 ght down on car, electrical system failed. After it departed rapidly straig 11/22/1968 #24688 's engine stalled and the CB radio failed to work when a 100' wide UFO hove 3/4/1969 #24970 or three minutes. Their car engine failed when the three objects landed on 3/6/1969 #24978 their car and their car headlights failed. The object then paced the car cl 3/12/1969 #25003 witnesses reported that their cars failed during the sighting, including bo 5/31/1969 #25175 assed through Macae his headlights failed and the motor quit. He sat there 8/19/1969 #25324 ice car, engine, lights, and radio failed. Object took off at high speed 8/13/1970 #25781 ce. The car engine and lights both failed. The car operated normally again 8/16/1970 #25792 ses observed an object after power failed in their house. Saturn type UFO, 5/16/1971 #26114 fied aerial object after the power failed in their house. It was a Saturn-s 5/16/1971 #26115 ywhere before the electrical power failed. They next observed a huge ball o 6/18/1971 #26179 are suspected. Hypnotic regression failed due to the main witness having a 8/1/1971 #26261 meter. His car's electrical system failed when the object approached.The li 8/23/1971 #26301 e car engine and its two-way radio failed when a luminous domed oval-shaped 9/24/1971 #26372 blinded him. The engine of his car failed but the headlights remained on. A 6/9/1972 #26711 y the light. The engine of his car failed but the headlights stayed on. He 7/10/1972 #26790 closely similar cloud nearby. They failed to reappear. A photograph was tak 8/13/1972 #26915 rom the rear. The airliner's radio failed to work during the encounter. Fin 10/23/1972 #27089 his cat when his transistor radio failed. He then heard a loud humming noi 12/30/1972 #27193 l. Annie Jacobsen claims that some failed nuclear tests that have never bee 1/3/1973 #27218 ellow light. The engine of the car failed when it was nearby and the witnes 6/7/1973 #27557 t, the weapons systems electronics failed. 9/19/1973 #27839 ect sped away, but its new battery failed three days later and could not be 11/19/1973 #28449 rom. With much difficulty and many failed attempts, Fish creates a 3D map t 1/1974 #28637 e engine and radio in her car both failed and she stopped near the object. 1/24/1974 #28702 Forty-one year old Oscar Patero failed to return from a short business t 4/26/1974 #29064 and an attempt to restart the car failed. Then "a deafening vibrating nois 9/16/1974 #29460 her VW car--the engine and lights failed completely. The object gave off a 2/19/1975 #29828 ounty at 11:00 p.m. A police radio failed to work for 15 minutes during the 3/13/1975 #29895 tely to turn back, but her efforts failed. After a short while Pat decided 7/12/1975 #30175 , hovered ahead, lights and engine failed, light beam directed toward truck 10/17/1975 #30436 everal seconds, during which Helen failed to use her Polaroid camera, Helen 10/26/1975 #30476 r some seconds, during which Helen failed to use her Polaroid camera, Helen 10/27/1975 #30491 date, AF and SAC helicopters have failed to provide a positive I.D. of the 10/28/1975 #30492 and their car's engine and lights failed. The light came closer and they s 12/23/1975 #30732 and their car's engine and lights failed. The light came closer and they s 12/23/1975 #30733 adlights, motor, and two-way radio failed. He was stunned by the flash and 4/22/1976 #31011 g. The vehicle's lights and engine failed, and the car's interior began to 8/5/1976 #31235 ed by President Donald Trump, of a failed Iranian rocket launch. 12/19/1976 #31620 er, England after their car engine failed. 12/31/1976 #31645 to near his jeep. His jeep's radio failed 15 seconds into the sighting. The 1/27/1977 #31756 to near his jeep. His jeep's radio failed 15 seconds into the sighting. He 1/27/1977 #31760 ighted ellipse hovered, car engine failed, lights dimmed. Pressure, tinglin 3/9/1977 #31884 d away. Other observers of the UFO failed to see the windows or the occupan 3/15/1977 #31910 n the craft. Sr. Cruz's car engine failed, and he felt a numbing sensation 6/24/1977 #32189 n the craft. Sr. Cruz's car engine failed, and he felt a numbing sensation 6/24/1977 #32191 nd disappeared, and a search party failed to locate him. Eighty-one hours l 3/24/1978 #33079 llite objects the aircraft's radio failed until the small objects had re-en 8/22/1978 #33549 and Lighthouse an electrical power failed twice when a big glowing light fl 9/17/1978 #33698 Siena, Italy Car engine and lights failed, domed disc descended onto road. 9/17/1978 #33700 smania, Australia electrical power failed twice at 9:20 p.m. when a big glo 9/17/1978 #33702 mile the car engine and headlights failed. The daylight darkened and she ne 11/22/1978 #33983 entire electrical system of a car failed when a luminous, orange and green 12/1/1978 #34042 entire electrical system of a car failed when a luminous, orange and green 12/1/1978 #34045 iends when the car engine suddenly failed. He and another man got out of th 1/3/1979 #34287 iends when the car engine suddenly failed. He and another man got out of th 1/3/1979 #34292 is and the car's electrical system failed. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/18/1979 #34434 is and the car's electrical system failed. 2/18/1979 #34435 when their car's electrical system failed. The car looked a different color 5/6/1979 #34549 asses, two-way and portable radios failed. International UFO Reporter, Sept 8/1/1979 #34695 All electrical power failed in the city of Huaihua, China at 9/11/1979 #34861 he Environmental Protection Agency failed to take necessary action to enfor 1980's #35108 beamed onto car, lights and radio failed, car levitated on board domed cra 11/19/1980 #35658 e called and searched the area but failed to find anything. 7/22/1982 #36545 locked road; headlights and engine failed, blinding light from underside. C 12/14/1987 #38362 locked road. Headlights and engine failed, blinding light from underside. C 12/14/1987 #38363 AMDEL states that the car tire has failed due to being underinflated, and t 1/20/1988 #38422 ht ahead, engine lost power, radio failed. Four square yellow lights and li 3/23/1988 #38519 ht ahead, engine lost power, radio failed. Four square yellow lights and li 3/23/1988 #38520 the automobile's electrical system failed, and a clock and their wristwatch 9/28/1988 #38655 radar system and other electronics failed when it was approached by a light 1/30/1989 #38809 a search of the immediate vicinity failed to find anything. 12/8/1989 #39305 two to three miles. Engine, lights failed until object departed 1/20/1990 #39383 witnessed a secret US project that failed and was told not to talk about th 4/12/1991 #40038 des that “extensive enquiries have failed to provide any indication of what 4/21/1991 #40046 on. Teachers searched the area but failed to find anything. The next day se 5/12/1991 #40058 ts appearance on radar. The object failed to respond to attempts at communi 8/28/1991 #40168 nearest Air station. If the object failed to cooperate, they were directed 8/28/1991 #40168 attempts at contacting the object failed, the squadron leader proposed pos 8/28/1991 #40168 r, and compasses and magnetometers failed to function properly in the vicin 8/28/1991 #40168 ghts, and two-way radio of his car failed when the UFO passed less than 20 3/19/1992 #40390 e away. A later search of the area failed to locate any physical evidence. 4/19/1993 #40944 videotape the event, his camcorder failed to work. 6/27/1994 #41589 nth. Satellite TV in the area also failed. 9/13/1994 #41745 earby military units, however they failed to find anything. Later one of th 8/12/1998 #43629 old woman gathering weeds. When it failed to respond to shouts from the wit 8/21/1998 #43634 The soldier conducted a search but failed to find anything. 11/25/1998 #43685 asked Gloria for directions. They failed to understand her directions, and 9/6/2000 #44037 t down and kill it, but the search failed to find anything. On the same nig 5/1/2001 #44173 A failed alien abduction attempt was alleg 2/11/2003 #44486 significance of the ratio e/m but failed to see that he’s also redefining 3/22/2003 #44504 centure to manage the systems that failed a GAO audit. Fitts also claims A 6/2004 #44706 e what he’s describing but says it failed and it created delusions in its p 8/7/2004 #44727 from a facility. The retrorockets failed, the balloon crashed, and a ranch 1/15/2005 #44808 e men walked over to the site, but failed to locate any tracks or ground tr 4/12/2008 #45128 for several minutes. The men again failed to find any footprints or traces. 4/12/2008 #45128 hey approached the bushes but they failed to find anything. Later, when the 4/12/2008 #45128 put calling. He kept getting "call failed", which had never happened before 9/14/2009 #45247 er happened before. The cell phone failed to connect all the way to the I-2 9/14/2009 #45247 oth events have visual features of failed flights of Russian RSM-56 Bulava 12/9/2009 #45261 nar,” but those attempts allegedly failed. Officials were concerned with es 3/31/2011 #45322 nse Intelligence Agency, following failed attempts to get the AAWSAP progra 5/13/2016 #45453 2020, follow-up observations have failed to detect the signal again, a ste 4/2019 #45570 , the explosion is the result of a failed test of an “isotope power source 8/8/2019 #45604
to kidnap a terrified man, Ghasim Faili, who says that on waking up he see 10/12/1954 #10976
ight, with the engine and controls failing. Although temporarily blinded, h 6/16/1948 #3672 the car slows as if the battery is failing. Stokes notices 6–12 cars ahead 11/4/1957 #14286 3 seconds. Lights in the city dim, failing completely in some areas. Physic 8/3/1958 #15177 of steering control and the radio failing. Examination of the car by Fred 1/3/1967 #21250 department of the UN to study UAP, failing to pass the draft resolution. Fo 12/8/1978 #34079 thwest of Dulce, New Mexico. After failing to convince APRO (who considers 10/26/1980 #35590 s were most likely caused by Pring failing to close the shutter of his came 8/12/1981 #36070 thought the light had landed, and failing to find anything, he decided to 9/11/1981 #36110 thought the light had landed, and failing to find anything, he decided to 9/12/1981 #36112 scends and he approaches it again, failing to reach it as it retreats. 7/13/1984 #37395
t passes, the motorcycle headlight fails. It begins working again after the 5/19/1909 #766 rver(s). Lens saucer passes. Power fails. Light wind. / and Tabloid account 9/15/1940 #1345 y to keep it in the dark, but Rees fails to mention the involvement of USAF 5/31/1949 #4218 Hanford AEC Plant. Air Force jets fails to intercept them. FBI, anti-aircr 8/4/1950 #5099 ets from Kirtland AFB for one hour fails to locate the objects, which appar 8/31/1950 #5154 a target south of Gordonsville but fails and returns to base. At 5:43 p.m., 6/15/1952 #6510 ctioning and the electrical system fails. The jet’s nose drops and Suggs si 6/1953 #8922 planets to live on once their own fails. 10/1/1953 #9198 tter for WMEV in Marion, Virginia, fails as a round, shiny object, 10–15 fe 9/16/1954 #10323 -Loire, France. Suddenly his motor fails and, as he gets off the cycle, a b 10/14/1954 #11060 t along the road before the engine fails. He falls from the bike and sees t 10/25/1954 #11392 light in front of him. His engine fails and he nearly falls off the bike. 11/8/1954 #11600 circles van / 5 minute(s). Engine fails. Odd noises. / r23 pg10. 10/28/1955 #12525 ees a UFO shortly after his engine fails. It is 65 feet in diameter and 16 5/1/1957 #13638 een. The truck’s electrical system fails. When the UFO takes off, it turns 11/3/1957 #14245 Z Saucer over base. All electrical fails. Heat and radiation/radioactivity 11/4/1957 #14260 l Rey, California, when his engine fails. Two other cars on the highway are 11/6/1957 #14421 asket-shaped object; his car radio fails. The lights fly away when anyone t 11/10/1957 #14525 headlights and engine of their car fails. They then see an inverted mushroo 1/30/1958 #14851 razil. The car engine sputters and fails. All attempts to detect the troubl 2/24/1958 #14889 e in Sgurgola. After his car radio fails, and the house and streetlights go 8/3/1958 #15177 tes. The truck’s electrical system fails, the engine dies, and the headligh 1/13/1959 #15549 he electrical current in one house fails completely. When the disc flies lo 2/1959 #15574 their rented premises for free. He fails to mention the name of his company 1960 #16140 ls it to a scrap-metal dealer, who fails to recognize it as ferrous and pos 6/12/1960 #16312 examines their large artifact, but fails to report back. In 1969, the Natio 6/12/1960 #16312 ng noise and the car engine almost fails. The object then moves behind him 8/4/1963 #17863 Atlas missile / telescopic video. Fails. / MJ#249. 9/3/1964 (approximate) #18526 Harrisonburg, VA Car Engine Fails After Object Lands (NICAP: 03 - EM 12/21/1964 #18666 Carswell AFB, TX RAPCON Fails To Identify Low Flying Manta Ray ( 7/28/1965 #19195 nt Luis Echeverría. The power only fails as long as the UFO is there. 9/23/1965 #19591 pace probe intended for Venus that fails and never leaves the Earth’s atmos 12/9/1965 #19762 unfair” to Spaur and Neff. Stanton fails to get an answer from the Air Forc Late 4/1966 #20416 hem. Their car engine sputters and fails. It stops and hovers at an elevati 1/1967 #21243 children when her pickup’s engine fails and the lights go out. Getting out 2/13/1967 #21537 nd 180 feet away. Their car engine fails and the radio is flooded with stat 4/8/1967 #22095 Virginia Night. A man’s car engine fails while he is driving near Peeltree, 5/1/1967 #22262 d many. Power outage / transformer fails. Glowing object seen. 9/7/1967 #23014 and he finds no disorder. The UFO fails to return the next day. 9/14/1967 #23060 f "a power mower when it fires but fails to start." The object blacked out, 9/15/1967 #23066 f "a power mower when it fires but fails to start." The object blacked out, 9/15/1967 #23071 ss’s hair gets hot. His flashlight fails to work. Finally, the object shoot 12/13/1967 #23581 come back on, but the radio still fails. He is able to restart his car eng 3/4/1968 #23824 ter a week of experimentation that fails to incite the men to attack each o 7/1968 #24107 the area. At this point the radio fails at all frequencies until the objec 8/22/1968 #24369 rome Soviet super-heavy N-1 rocket fails its first attempt 2/21/1969 #24937 feet of their car. The car engine fails. The object hovers at 75 feet abov 4/19/1969 #25069 rome Soviet super heavy N-1 rocket fails its second test attempt 7/3/1969 #25246 An RAAF Canberra bomber chases but fails to catch a UFO over northern New S 8/31/1969 #25344 car engine, headlights, and radio fails, and he crawls to a halt in front 12/28/1969 #25512 rome Soviet super heavy N-1 rocket fails its third test attempt 6/26/1971 #26194 ghts dim and go out and the engine fails, emitting an “electrical arcing” o 11/10/1972 #27116 rome Soviet super heavy N-1 rocket fails its fourth and final test attempt 11/23/1972 #27133 sfield (Ohio) Approach Control but fails to get a response. The red light i 10/18/1973 #28172 lls the landing gear lever, but it fails to operate. The plane feels as if 5/3/1975 #30026 em to his parents. A police search fails to find him. In the evening of Jun 6/23/1976 #31134 ming down near his jeep. His radio fails 15 seconds into the sighting. He f 1/27/1977 #31759 shotgun to lure it back; when this fails, they pursue it in their truck. Ru 10/1/1977 #32542 goes silent, and her walkie-talkie fails. All animal sounds go quiet when t 10/9/1977 #32564 jet interceptor to take off but it fails to catch up to the intruder. Maj. 10/27/1977 #32623 feet; the car’s electrical system fails, and the engine stops and cannot b 7/27/1978 #33429 night light south / island. Power fails twice. Going south? 9/17/1978 #33697 ed through FOIA requests. Stratton fails to follow up. 2/9/1979 #34415 functions and the TV set reception fails. Lucjan Szomborg on the Hel-127 no 8/23/1979 #34768 Spaceman, is released in 2019 but fails to come up with a likely explanati 11/29/1980 #35683 ard the object, but his car engine fails for 1–2 minutes. The object zips o 12/6/1980 #35703 ncludes polygraph tests, which she fails because she finds them very distre 10/1981 #36150 plant’s movement sensors and alarm fails, and the computer responsible for 7/24/1984 #37416 le for security and communications fails. Police report it the length of th 7/24/1984 #37416 ying above 3,000 feet. However, it fails to disclose that many witnesses ar 11/1984 #37500 NGSI ISLAND, ZHEJIANG All electric fails. Orange UFO spins. Goes west going 8/27/1987 #38259 ach other. He hears a loud hum. He fails to take a photo of the object. Rat 12/1/1987 #38345 taken by the probe. On March 27 it fails to reestablish communications with 3/25/1989 #38881 each corner. He draws a sketch but fails to take a photo. He sees a similar 12/1/1989 #39293 military attack and, if deterrence fails, to counter with nuclear weapons. 6/1/1992 #40480 e car lights go out and the engine fails. 2/15/1994 #41415 a nearby islet. Their boat engine fails as the UFO passes over, but they r 10/1/1995 #42529 ” moving toward him. His car radio fails, and he is unable to use his mobil 1/27/1997 #43178 of his car. The electrical system fails, and he cannot restart it. After a 11/4/1997 #43437 e engine of their Polski Fiat 125p fails just as a large object flies over 2/1998 #43509 ch never responded. Vallee says he fails to understand Puthoff’s argument a 3/22/2003 #44504 ical level, true.” However, Clancy fails to ask her subjects about their re 10/2005 #44883 empts to photograph it, the device fails. When he points a flashlight at th 5/8/2009 #45221 and the aircraft’s avionics system fails. Other pilots can see the light as 4/22/2022 #45745
Two of the planes suffered engine failure and were forced to make emergenc 7/5/1933 #1168 107.8km altitude (nose separation failure) 6/28/1946 #2017 ands Pad 33, 0km altitude (Control failure led to cut-off command at 6.5s) 8/22/1946 #2147 s Pad 33, .32km altitude (Guidance failure preceded emergency cut-off at 31 11/7/1946 #2206 ight have been responsible for the failure. 5/15/1947 #2282 rated, possibly due to the warhead failure.) 10/23/1947 #3467 est at Kapustin Yar, 24km (Control failure) 11/10/1947 #3481 9.3km altitude (Payload separation failure) 1/22/1948 #3561 s. The aircraft suffers structural failure, with both outer wing sections b 6/5/1948 #3667 ing experienced a total electrical failure when it was hit by a cone of lig 6/16/1948 #3672 nds Pad 33, 108.4km altitude (Vane failure at 22s caused erratic flight) 12/9/1948 #3919 er, and unexplainable by equipment failure or radio interference from aircr 10/14/1949 #4395 vate pilot experienced total radio failure when he encountered a brilliant 7/21/1952 #6986 g investigators suspect structural failure. 5/2/1953 #8857 he UFOs then representing merely a failure to properly identify prosaic phe 10/25/1955 #12519 d a sudden and inexplicable engine failure. He tried to start the car with Summer 1956 #12912 Kent, UK Airliner suffered radio failure during UFO sighting. Normal func 5/31/1957 #13688 ngland experienced radio and radar failure when a UFO was sighted. 5/31/1957 #13691 e object coincided with the sudden failure of the headlights. 11/2/1957 #14212 e object coincides with the sudden failure of the headlights. 11/2/1957 #14214 e object coincided with the sudden failure of the car's headlights. 11/2/1957 #14220 oking for the cause of a headlight failure, observed a fluorescent object 5 11/4/1957 #14280 t in city, motorist reported radio failure (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 11/10/1957 #14518 about 12:05 p.m. There is a power failure on the ship when the object is s 1/16/1958 #14831 tone missile, which has a “program failure,” causing it to go straight up a 8/1/1958 #15174 ed across the Pacific. Due to this failure, Johnston Atoll personnel are un 8/1/1958 #15174 ts failed; one report of car radio failure (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 8/3/1958 #15176 Senate experienced a complete car failure, including his dashboard clock, 8/8/1958 #15185 , she finds there is an electrical failure on the east side of the house. L 11/11/1958 #15438 it is found to be the cause of the failure, although the exact nature of it 12/6/1958 #15472 rona spy program. The mission is a failure due to problems with the Agena u 2/28/1959 #15623 .m. Going outside during the power failure, Mr. Gideon Johansson and his so 9/29/1959 #16000 and, Sweden, when there is a power failure. He goes outside to look at the Late 10/1959 #16060 On this evening a power failure occurred in Miami, Florida after 7/21/1960 #16342 titude, and it experienced a total failure of the radar, radio, and engine. 4/20/1964 #18181 ever, during this temporary engine failure the plane did not loose altitude 4/20/1964 #18181 y experienced the total electrical failure of their family car in Adams, Wi 11/26/1964 #18640 many cities, NY NE power grid failure & possibly related sightings (NI 11/9/1965 #19707 r up to 13 hours. The cause of the failure is the setting of a protective r 11/9/1965 #19709 within seconds. An extensive power failure occurred in Freeport about 2 hou 3/19/1966 #19994 truck experienced total electrical failure as a cigar-shaped or elliptical 3/30/1966 #20155 kup truck experienced total engine failure when the driver came up to the t 3/30/1966 #20166 bing up and down. Coincident power failure (EM effects) in nearby Roxbury. 4/12/1966 #20288 ster, Massachusetts During a power failure many residents, including Robert 4/12/1966 #20290 down. There was a coincident power failure (EM effects) in nearby Roxbury. 4/12/1966 #20291 investigation shows that the power failure affected 2,500 homes in the area 4/23/1966 #20390 al reaction). The start of a power failure, which affected about 2,500 home 4/24/1966 #20400 nued and written off as a complete failure. 6/30/1966 #20623 een the light from the UFO and the failure of his car’s electrical system. 10/15/1966 #21006 ash in the sky just before a power failure occurred. Then they saw a domed 1/18/1967 #21339 companied by a "silent vacuum" and failure of all the lights in the house. 1/25/1967 #21389 so hovered over a theater. A power failure occurred about the same time. (F 2/12/1967 #21519 “build the record,” the project’s failure to move quickly has forced it to Early 3/1967 #21730 d then faded out of sight. A power failure occurred during the sighting (EM 3/8/1967 #21811 owing car had an electrical system failure (EM effects). (Washington State 3/13/1967 #21881 te, Brazil and caused the complete failure of its electrical system. Throug 6/7/1967 #22479 river experienced engine and radio failure (EM effects) and saw a glowing g 11/5/1967 #23405 of one witness experience a power failure in their home on Elmira’s south 12/27/1967 #23615 n with crackpot elements, Condon’s failure to conduct any investigations hi 1/31/1968 #23714 the active investigators, and the failure of the project to take seriously 1/31/1968 #23714 s brought on by Donald E. Keyhoe’s failure to keep adequate books and recor 10/27/1969 #25425 Spain Motorist experienced engine failure, pulsating yellow oval object vi 6/9/1972 #26710 car experience a total electrical failure. A disc-shaped UFO was sweeping 5/14/1973 #27486 hemical Company plant. Brief power failure reported. (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases 9/5/1973 #27766 0 minutes. There was a brief power failure reported. 9/5/1973 #27768 Ashburn, GA Woman had power failure in car, encountered a small huma 10/19/1973 #28185 watching the object experience car failure. 10/20/1973 #28217 order, the witness experienced the failure of the lights, engine, and radio 1/7/1974 #28661 man on the premises had noticed a failure on his "pager" radio four times 1/8/1974 #28665 . Justice, age 50, experienced the failure of his car lights and engine at 1/8/1974 #28667 e workplace premises had noticed a failure of his "pager" radio four times 1/8/1974 #28667 e speed. After the ignition system failure he coasted to the roadside and t 10/7/1974 #29503 ating rim and bright lights, power failure. Object moved away, shone beams 9/10/1976 #31369 ating rim and bright lights, power failure. Object moved away, shone beams 9/10/1976 #31370 ticed a complete electrical system failure in their mobile home. Next, step 9/10/1976 #31373 the area to experience electrical failure. When the cars stopped, the driv 10/28/1976 #31501 the ground. There was an immediate failure of the electrical system at the 10/30/1976 #31511 Henry Rothblatt, with the CIA for failure to produce materials on the 1952 9/21/1977 #32502 rence. There was a 10 minute power failure in the city of Salto. 11/24/1977 #32698 two housemaids experience a power failure in their home in a northern subu 11/20/1978 #33967 there occurred an electrical power failure. Two three-meter tall conical sh 11/20/1978 #33968 egion of Italy, experienced engine failure, the lights of his car died, and 12/12/1978 #34101 Creek, Queensland, Australia. The failure of his car's engine and lights c 2/9/1979 #34418 ures are compounded by the initial failure of plant operators to recognize 3/28/1979 #34493 A power failure occurred in the predawn hours in 5/9/1979 #34553 , China 8:45 p.m. A complete power failure takes place in Huaihua, Hunan, C 9/12/1979 #34866 e on his foot. EM effects were the failure of two different radio systems ( 11/28/1980 #35680 ir, Merced County, CA The complete failure of an aircraft's electronics, in 4/4/1981 #35885 The complete failure of an aircraft's electronics, in 4/8/1981 #35888 H Luminous object descended, power failure, animal reaction, traces. See Se 4/10/1983 #36832 icient funding dooms the effort to failure. Summer 1983 #36887 sociated with an unexplained power failure that occurred at 9:30 p.m. An in 5/9/1986 #37860 w by Dr. Eric W. Davis PhD for the failure of the “Crash Retrieval Program” 1989 #38767 xperienced brief electrical system failure, then recovered when a very stra 5/27/1989 #38964 UFO's all over northern NJ. Power failure. Type unknown. No further detail 8/6/1992 #40554 ore these encounters a local power failure had occurred and a huge white li 9/24/1992 #40639 suddenly experienced total engine failure and his headlights went out at 9 4/19/1993 #40944 s an ambulance's electrical system failure earlier in the month. Satellite 9/13/1994 #41745 ause of death as acute respiratory failure, sepsis, and pneumonia. The fami 2/15/1996 #42764 r, and public DOE statements about failure rates are inaccurate according t 5/17/1999 #43770 tellite objects. There was a power failure simultaneously in the area. The 10/16/1999 #43861 ts by “turning off.” A local power failure was reported at the same time. 1/2/2001 #44116 During a power failure in Kerman, California that occur 7/26/2004 #44717 several serious errors including a failure to review all available peer-rev 10/2008 #45173 onic and mechanical vehicle engine failure, according to the witness… 11/21/2008 #45189 s vehicle suffers a complete power failure. His cellphone is also dead. He 11/25/2009 #45256
early all terminated by mechanical failures. 12/27/1942 #1473 rs during the engine and headlight failures, even though they weren't turne 12/8/1957 #14697 , Montana causing electrical power failures. 2/22/1963 #17681 ng and caused three separate power failures. The domed object was seen by t 9/23/1965 #19593 der, blue lights in the sky, power failures, and electro-magnetic effects o 11/26/1965 #19737 dam power plant. There were power failures reported at 10:16 a.m. in Penns 6/5/1967 #22468 lowing ball goes over. Local power failures. 10/18/1972 #27078 pt of radar-visual UFO, E-M system failures, physiological effects 9/19/1976 #31408 connect TV interference and power failures with the UFO’s appearance. An 1 4/29/1978 #33179 ion leak. The accident begins with failures in the non-nuclear secondary sy 3/28/1979 #34493 nto the atmosphere. The mechanical failures are compounded by the initial f 3/28/1979 #34493 cars experienced electrical system failures on highway 33 in Bigand, Argent 4/7/1979 #34501 cars experienced electrical system failures on highway 33 in Bigand, Argent 4/7/1979 #34502 ents onboard the plane experienced failures, but the effects ended when the 8/8/1981 #36063 ents onboard the plane experienced failures, but the effects ended when the 8/8/1981 #36065
structure behind it, and it has a faint trail. The date is questionable si 12/16/1742? #65 a. Some people can distinguish the faint outlines of a cigar-shaped object 4/22/1897 #558 color of burnished copper, with a faint light and vapor obscuring much of 10/1918 #977 gan Lake, British Columbia, sees a faint blue light moving from northeast t Fall 1924 #1044 ect is pearly silver in color with faint dark blue light at the rear. After Fall 1924 #1044 ille, PA Morning. A man observed a faint violet light in a field between th Summer 1933 #1160 lle, Pennsylvania A man observed a faint violet light in a field between th Summer 1933 #1161 As he is jacking it up, he sees a faint violet light in the field on his r Summer 1933 #1163 r. Object / 800kph. 500M altitude. Faint blue glow / nose. / FSRv15#3. 8/7/1946 #2108 shape passes 50M from observer(s). Faint green glow. Smokes / rear. / FSRv1 8/13/1946 #2126 feet. Only 5 feet long, it emits a faint green light and trails smoke from 8/13/1946 #2132 Roy Ziegler thinks he can detect a faint exhaust trail. Project Sign calls 1/7/1948 #3547 as Cruses, NM A rigid formation of faint bluish-green rectangles (NICAP: 01 8/20/1949 #4332 base while the object rose with a faint hum. Both craft flew away toward C 3/18/1950 #4674 base while the object rose with a faint hum. Both craft flew away toward C 3/18/1950 #4680 head at a low altitude, and made a faint humming sound. 1/8/1951 #5388 h. at 1-2,000' altitude, leaving a faint swath. 20 seconds. 7/24/1951 #5584 Santa Cruz, CA 2 faint objects flying fast along the hori 4/15/1952 #6080 s, brother of Master Sergeant. Two faint objects observed flying fast along 4/15/1952 #6081 grey orbs going quickly northwest. Faint glow. Silent. Turn going quickly n 11/24/1952 #8328 es del Saz, Cuenca, Spain, after a faint whistling attracts his attention. 7/1/1953 #8982 n" on the ground behind him when a faint whistling attracted his attention. 7/2/1953 #8986 shot up vertically, making only a faint whistling sound. A 40-foot circle 8/18/1953 #9081 shuts the door. The sisters hear a faint humming and the UFO rises while ro 8/20/1954 #10157 AGRINION, GREECE 2 / truck faint. Engine stops as luminous/glowing 9/6/1955 (approximate) #12429 . Wingless silver-gray saucer with faint electric humming. Going quickly [t 8/14/1956 #13085 orth going quickly south. Circles. Faint swishing sound. Continues going qu 8/20/1956 #13102 ear / 0230hrs. Going quickly west. Faint steady humming. 8/25/1956 #13127 Cruces, New Mexico, when he sees a faint starlike object passing in a direc 9/8/1956 #13208 deep-blue sky. It seems to have a faint exhaust trail at one edge. She sto 10/16/1957 #14129 ntil it is nearly overhead. Then a faint, silvery-gray, elliptical disc is 11/6/1957 #14429 light. It is silent, except for a faint whirring sound. He watches it for 11/6/1957 #14429 er ovoid glows and spins overhead. Faint moan. 11/9/1957 #14501 England. On November 19, she feels faint again as the light outside dims, a 11/16/1957 #14567 he material slowly dissolve in the faint, warm wind blowing from the North. 12/21/1957 #14753 st of air. As it went by it made a faint humming noise. Comparing it to the 6/12/1958 #15092 um in Chicago, Illinois, observe a faint reddish object in the sky moving f 8/26/1960 #16421 chigan a bluish-white light with a faint rotating beacon inside was sighted 7/8/1961 #16755 ops, then hovers in the midst of a faint halo. Figuet watches the object va Late 9/1965 #19604 elliptical shape illuminated by a faint glow. 9/17/1966 #20892 pitched whirring sound and smell a faint odor of sulfur and tannic acid. Af 10/4/1966 #20957 tion. The object, illuminated by a faint glow, first hovered and then shot 11/12/1966 #21094 he UFO and fell to the ground in a faint, where the other sentry found him 2/1/1968 #23724 FO, and he fell to the ground in a faint. The second sentry found him a few 2/2/1968 #23727 e pointed his hand at her she felt faint and began to lose consciousness. H 6/14/1968 #24032 e the others felt dazed as if in a faint. The UFOnauts calmly walked back t 11/21/1968 #24676 hitting him in the thigh. He feels faint and paralyzed as the UFO takes off 2/7/1969 #24901 that struck him and caused him to faint. When he regained consciousness, h 3/19/1969 #25031 and heard a metallic sound. By the faint light available he saw a ramp come 8/15/1970 #25787 ing down [to] and stops. Vanishes. Faint contrail going quickly NNE. 9/21/1970 #25847 nd then vanished. It left behind a faint contrail. 9/21/1970 #25848 low from inside. It also emitted a faint humming sound. He stopped his car 5/21/1971 #26121 SS PT. LAUNAY Faint globe appears / all sides / tanker 6/1971 #26150 craft going south / 10 minute(s). Faint humming overhead. Zigzags. / r231' 11/26/1972 #27143 s for 10 minutes heading south. A faint hum was heard when the object was 11/26/1972 #27146 use he saw what appeared to be the faint outline of a vein running down the 5/12/1973 #27481 linder/cigar-shape / 50M altitude. Faint whoosh. Hovers / 5mn. Going quickl 5/14/1973 #27482 pless she noticed a humming sound, faint at first that seemed to be growing 10/16/1973 #28089 d a round black orb, outlined by a faint white luminous corona, split in tw 8/26/1974 #29391 tandem toward the south, making a faint humming sound as they fade from vi 10/14/1974 #29527 t this time he was surrounded by a faint green glow. When he appeared nothi 7/12/1975 #30175 de him feel as if he were going to faint. He awakened his wife and the beep 9/25/1975 #30384 , then passed the witness making a faint whirling sound. 10/2/1975 #30410 ottom. Banks going west / 250 Kts. Faint humming. 6/30/1976 #31143 eing. McDermott claimed he heard a faint whistling sound and someone callin 10/15/1976 #31465 ng toward them. The object casts a faint beam downward, sweeping the ground Late 10/1976 #31495 . It is bright when in motion, but faint when it stops. After an hour it fa Late 10/1976 #31495 g, and attached to each other by a faint connection. The object appears to 12/15/1976 #31604 to the witness's presence. Feeling faint, Caferina sat down on a rock and t 8/3/1977 #32356 xtremely bright lights, and made a faint "purring" sound. There were multip 8/28/1977 #32435 ed to the feet and gave off a very faint luminosity. Their uniforms had no 2/5/1978 #32957 panicked and screamed and began to faint, and some of the creatures began b 8/1/1978 #33464 igar-shape with row / lit windows! Faint motor sound. 9/29/1978 #33777 of lit windows. The object made a faint electric motor sound. She watched 9/29/1978 #33783 bumps on its underside. It makes a faint humming sound as it moves overhead 10/10/1978 #33828 sses over their heads, they hear a faint humming noise and can see three or 10/28/1978 #33887 ed, when he suddenly feels ill and faint. The working generator’s dial hand 12/24/1978 #34201 s). Red sphere/orb/globe flashes / faint blasts. Plane goes under. Sphere/o 7/27/1979 #34682 om its right side, followed by 4–5 faint sounds like firecrackers. At 11:19 7/27/1979 #34683 and Rt. generally going northeast. Faint red trails. 11/5/1980 #35618 over the river. Atkins transmits a faint humming sound the object is making 3/17/1981 #35866 overing 3 feet above the ground. A faint orange glow is emanating from its 9/30/1982 #36621 ellipsoid object that gives off a faint light, but nevertheless is distinc 10/14/1982 #36641 otted a delta- shaped UFO making a faint, low frequency hum. The colored li 12/31/1982 #36732 tle walking pace, and makes only a faint hum. As it passes over, he feels a 12/31/1982 #36733 potted a delta-shaped UFO making a faint, low frequency hum at 11:54 p.m. T 12/31/1982 #36734 t hovers. Going quickly northeast. Faint humming. Back / 9PM. / Internation 3/24/1983 #36794 ne / night lights 300' over I-684. Faint humming. 35mph. / Flying Saucer Re 3/24/1983 #36797 e surface of the water. He hears a faint whooshing sound. 3/24/1983 #36807 und as it passed overhead except a faint humming. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 5/31/1984 #37344 as it passes overhead except for a faint humming. All lights simultaneously 5/31/1984 #37348 und as it passed overhead except a faint humming. All lights simultaneously 5/31/1984 #37349 bout the size of a car, and made a faint buzzing noise. (NICAP: 02 - Close 6/4/1984 #37351 bout the size of a car, and made a faint buzzing noise. 6/4/1984 #37352 p.m. It had headlights and made a faint humming sound. 6/21/1984 #37372 The objects changed colors, made a faint humming sound, and moved from one 7/12/1984 #37394 (s). Slow boomerang low over road. Faint humming. Going north turns going w 7/19/1984 #37402 se as 700 feet. ARTC radar had two faint stationary targets on their radar. 3/14/1985 #37568 300' object hovers / low altitude. Faint humming. No explanation / authorit 12/10/1988 #38750 hovering at low altitude, making a faint humming noise. The authorities had 12/10/1988 #38752 n Trumbull, Connecticut. It made a faint humming sound and had many colored 5/4/1989 #38936 gle/box-like craft hovers / roads. Faint noise. Red sphere/orb/globe exits. 11/29/1989 #39269 ering at 600–900 feet and making a faint humming noise. The light is so daz 11/29/1989 #39273 he witness sank to the ground in a faint. It was 9:30 p.m. when she woke up 2/18/1990 #39422 tallic saucer going [to] overhead. Faint whirr. Going [to] over factory and 4/23/1990 #39542 /triangle/box-like craft overhead. Faint humming. Slow glide and sudden jum 5/21/1990 #39579 aped object fly overhead, making a faint humming sound. It flew in a slow g 5/21/1990 #39584 st going west / moderate pace. Odd faint sound. / p.28. 11/24/1990 #39903 t envelops the car and they hear a faint humming sound. The light beam and 2/22/1991 #39982 nd the ears were defined only by a faint outline. A golden box-like object 1/19/1993 #40802 looks like two white lights with a faint red glow at the rear, with no engi 3/31/1993 #40914 tude, and made a 90 degree turn. A faint hum was heard coming from the obje 10/24/1993 #41251 CHAPELLE-LA-REINE, FR 1 observer. Faint beeps. Large black saucer over pol 7/16/1994 #41624 ows along its side, and gave off a faint hum. She reported it was "bigger t 3/1/1995 #42070 h. Instant turn going quickly ESE. Faint humming heard. 1/8/1996 #42673 ghts going southwest slow. Videos. Faint humming. Possible dark structures. 1/28/1996 #42722 toward the southwest. They made a faint humming sound. 1/28/1996 #42723 g rings going [to] east-northeast. Faint blue-grey. Center transparent. 3/30/1996 #42846 ness in Smithton, Illinois, sees a faint, dull-red, glowing triangular obje 8/12/1996 #42982 , Alberta, see a “black ring” with faint lines hanging down into a motionle 7/3/1997 #43345 triangular object was seen with a faint red light in each of its three cor 7/6/1999 #43792 2:04 a.m. a cylindrical craft with faint lights on both ends zigzagged thro 7/30/2002 #44371 hts in a triangle formation, and a faint steady red light in the center was 9/10/2002 #44395 ness, but he could only make out a faint light in the sky. The grandmother 4/12/2004 #44686 n that position, but he picks up a faint primary return radar signal. A pas 4/23/2007 #45022 to be made out of light, that was faint but only illuminated their heads a 8/29/2007 #45050 ng or V-shaped object with a dozen faint white lights on the front edge was 11/22/2008 #45190
CHAPAYEVKA, UKRAINE (1 of 3). Faint-glow disk 4x moon-size west going 5/17/1967 #22359
experienced a lot of bleeding. He fainted, but surprisingly when he woke u 5/25/1948 #3655 hoking, metallic smell. Gene Lemon fainted, so some of the others had to dr 9/11/1952 #7896 man with strange, burning eyes. He fainted. When he regained consciousness, 7/7/1954 #9999 man with strange, burning eyes. He fainted. When he regained consciousness, 7/7/1954 #10000 then to grayish-blue. The witness fainted while telling his story. Two per 10/1/1954 #10576 then to grayish-blue. The witness fainted while telling his story. Two per 10/2/1954 #10607 s an additional note, Mr. Delattre fainted while telling his story 10/2/1954 #10619 . The witness ran to the house and fainted; three other persons saw the cra 10/15/1954 #11099 e farmer ran to the house and then fainted. Three other persons saw the cra 10/15/1954 #11115 about 30 m away from a woman, who fainted. The witness suffered from a ski 10/16/1954 #11141 rs away from a woman, who promptly fainted. Following the incident the witn 10/16/1954 #11147 with an orange light. One witness fainted on the spot. Four others saw the 10/18/1954 #11209 with an orange light. One witness fainted on the spot. Four others saw the 10/18/1954 #11220 utt cracked from the impact. Gomez fainted from fright, and both young men 12/10/1954 #11798 ore a flight coverall. The witness fainted; nothing was left to be seen whe 5/27/1958 #15056 a flightsuit coverall. The witness fainted; when he regained consciousness 5/27/1958 #15057 d a bright object in a forest, and fainted when he got close to it. When he 8/25/1959 #15937 he had seen in the forest, but he fainted when he got close to it. When he 8/25/1959 #15939 nt flash burned her ankles and she fainted. When she woke up she found hers 8/11/1966 #20739 me? We need one human being." Cova fainted. 8/26/1967 #22932 ght at the disc; he was gassed and fainted; this was followed by 10 minutes 1/30/1968 #23711 itness, the craft vanished, and he fainted. Investigation by American milit 2/1/1968 #23723 " who came toward the witness, who fainted. (Magonia #910, FSR 68, 5) (NICA 6/19/1968 #24048 " who came toward the witness, who fainted. 6/19/1968 #24049 , almost horizontally, the witness fainted. A red welt remained where the f 2/6/1969 #24897 ntal direction just as the witness fainted. A red welt remained where the f 2/7/1969 #24902 ing toward the object. The witness fainted again, and when he came to, the 3/19/1969 #25031 ct upon her. She went back inside, fainted, came to 10-15 minutes later wit 10/5/1970 #25870 id, the car became transparent. He fainted. About an hour later two young m 5/22/1973 #27519 d was levitated off the ground. He fainted, and when he came to he was insi 1/5/1975 #29723 hair from his chest. Finally Diaz fainted again, and when he awoke he foun 1/5/1975 #29723 nt for less than a minute. He then fainted again and recovered consciousnes 1/5/1975 #29724 iry farm. The witness to the event fainted and his hair was singed by a clo 4/19/1977 #32003 had to slap him, at which point he fainted. One of the other soldiers, Raul 4/25/1977 #32027 who was pregnant at the time, then fainted. Two humanoid entities then ente 10/29/1977 #32633 dow, over a nearby wood shack. She fainted and then heard a voice telling h 8/1/1978 #33462 er husband saw the object too. She fainted but then heard a voice in a thic 8/1/1978 #33464 the witness. He tried to run, but fainted in the roadway. On the same nigh 8/24/1978 #33568 rre, bounding-like jumps. Next, he fainted, and when he awoke he again saw 9/21/1978 #33725 incers. This frightened him and he fainted again, and when he finally woke 9/21/1978 #33725 young people. The older man nearly fainted from fright. After awhile they b 10/30/1978 #33894 young people. The older man nearly fainted from fright. Two bright rotating 10/30/1978 #33898 at 7:00 a.m. She screamed and then fainted. At 10:30 a.m. that morning two 6/18/1980 #35380 e the friendly gesture the witness fainted. Nobody missed him until early m 11/29/1982 #36702 e the friendly gesture the witness fainted, and nobody missed him until ear 11/30/1982 #36703 onger than the first. She suddenly fainted. When she regained consciousness 2/24/1997 #43207 and saw the witness, who promptly fainted. After a few moments she came to 10/19/1997 #43433 her. Feeling a surge of terror she fainted again, but not before seeing a s 10/19/1997 #43433 The daughter reports that she then fainted, but her mother continued to wat 7/12/2003 #44563 bout a meter away from him the man fainted due to the intense pressure he w 4/25/2007 #45023
passes over at 5,000 feet, growing fainter and fainter as it moves away. 8/14/1952 #7595 at 5,000 feet, growing fainter and fainter as it moves away. 8/14/1952 #7595 s above them. A second light, much fainter and blue in color, is following Spring 1967 #21926
rs from amnesia, continues to have fainting spells, and returns more than o 2/20/1959 #15595 onscious. Sequels of the incident (fainting, amnesia and his return to the 2/28/1959 #15622 haved strangely: he was plagued by fainting, didn't seem to be aware of the 2/28/1959 #15624
whole metallic body seemed to glow faintly," but was not translucent. The d 2/18/1954 #9555 reetlights went out and he saw the faintly illuminated silhouettes of two s 3/22/1969 #25037 it, turning it pearly gray with a faintly bluish sheen. As it gets closer, 5/24/1971 #26130 ILES DE GLENAN, FR Boat crew. Faintly glowing saucer lands smoothly / 10/3/1973 #27923 meter wide metallic UFO, now only faintly luminous, stood of three half-me 3/21/1974 #28920 ack man / vegetation garden. Glows faintly. 7/29/1974 #29284 ls. Around them was a translucent, faintly luminous "box like structure." I 12/2/1974 #29630 ut 50 feet long, 20 feet wide, and faintly luminous. It stops descending at 8/13/1975 #30264 ing the figure to leave, leaving a faintly luminous handprint on the curtai 8/26/1977 #32426 rcle / lights rotates. Saucer body faintly visible. Silent. Flashes. 11/10/1980 #35624 of skin with a fading tan, and it faintly glowed. The glow was sufficientl 6/4/1996 #42921 in the witness's garden, whirring faintly. 8/20/2001 #44241 ing six days. The objects are also faintly detected by an E- 2C Hawkeye pla 11/10/2004 #44782
feet, and they feel paralyzed with faintness as a nitrobenzene odor spreads 10/5/1954 #10734
RALIA Small object buzzes boy. Boy faints. Feels sick. Gets blisters. OK la 4/1932 (approximate) #1139 ITL 10M domed saucer. Observer(s) faints. Small humanoids (or Greys) take 8/14/1947 #3323 farmer runs to the house and then faints. Three other persons see the craf 10/15/1954 #11109 TIER, FR UFO lands 30M away. Woman faints. Gets skin disease. / LDLN#103. 10/16/1954 (approximate) #11128 butt cracks from the impact. Gómez faints from fright, and both men are scr 12/9/1954 #11788 CAMPINAS, SP, BRZ Man faints. Saucer lands. Pseudo-human/entit 9/1957 #13961 ows / bright openings. Observer(s) faints. 8/25/1959 #15936 ds a bright object in a forest and faints after he gets close to it. When h 8/25/1959 #15938 ith US. need 1 human". Observer(s) faints. / r113p157. 8/26/1967 #22930 s). Guard shines light. Gassed and faints. Missing time. / r8. 1/30/1968 #23709 y / globe / hand speaks / girl who faints. / r8+/ APRO 5'68. 6/14/1968 #24025 wn. Thin figure exits. Observer(s) faints. / r8#910+/ FSR'68#5. 6/19/1968 #24047 Area lit. Beam / saucer hits man / faints. / r8#912. 6/25/1968 #24078 d the interior of the body. Pátero faints. An hour later, two young men dri 5/22/1973 #27518 SR333. Beam into car. Observer(s) faints and crashes. / 2 carsize objects 10/5/1973 #27944 d (or Grey) stares and observer(s) faints. Car self-starts. / r79p59. 10/24/1973 #28258 hair from his head and body. Diaz faints and wakes up in the afternoon in 1/4/1975 #29715 t hits Klein in the left thigh. He faints on being struck and is later foun 9/3/1976 #31335 ect lights dairy farm. Observer(s) faints. Hair burnt. No wounds. Missing t 4/19/1977 #31996 g off a powerful beam of light. He faints, and on recovering about 5 minute 4/19/1977 #32000 to slap him, at which point Valdés faints. One of the other soldiers, Raúl 4/25/1977 #32026 ped fireball zaps man / horseback. Faints. Others burned / area. 7/14/1977 #32270 Jean-Marc is unable to breathe and faints. The object then changes directio 6/19/1978 #33291 ds come closer to him by jumps. He faints, and when he comes to he is surro 9/21/1978 #33723 Their hands look like pincers. He faints again and walks up at 8:30 p.m., 9/21/1978 #33723 lands. Farmer raises pitchfork and faints. Night lights going quickly north 11/24/1978 #33993 sk near window. Observer(s) hides. Faints? Circular traces / field. 7/6/1992 #40513
CHERENG, FR Crowd at fair. Silent mushroom maneuvers. Misiden 10/3/1954 #10633 Chereng, France The crowd at a fair saw a luminous object arrive very f 10/3/1954 #10659 At 7:20 p.m. the crowd at a fair in Chereng, France saw a luminous o 10/3/1954 #10670 nd spotlight beams. Odd cloud over fair / 3 hours and more. Never moves. 10/10/1954 #10884 Louis Vigneron, are traveling to a fair in a van near Clamercy, Nièvre, Fra 10/11/1954 #10938 tall, human-looking men with long, fair hair emerge wearing green jumpsuits 7/16/1956 #12974 tairway. Two normal men with long, fair hair hanging to their shoulders, a 7/25/1957 #13835 tairway. Two normal men with long, fair hair hanging to their shoulders, a 7/25/1957 #13840 sound was audible. He was tall and fair, wore a tight-fitting plastic garme 11/18/1957 #14576 nd became audible. He was tall and fair, wore a tight-fitting plastic garme 11/18/1957 #14578 sound was audible. He was tall and fair, wore a tight fitting plastic garme 1/7/1958 #14813 uld see light inside. A man with a fair complexion, wearing a metallic helm 3/13/1963 #17705 uld see light inside. A man with a fair complexion, wearing a metallic helm 3/13/1963 #17706 FLUSHING MEADOWS, NY World fair. Project Bluebook Case #9411. Good 5/30/1964 #18312 ouths. One figure was seen to have fair hair. They were shorter than normal 1/21/1966 #19865 hair, high cheekbones and was very fair with a freckled complexion. He had 10/6/1967 #23187 entina when he was confronted by a fair skinned man with eyes "so light in 6/4/1968 #24006 casian, slender, bearded with long fair hair, and dressed in a friar’s cass 5/4/1969 #25114 lva of a Christ-like man with long fair hair and beard, dressed like a monk 5/4/1969 #25115 er, in a series of contacts with a fair skinned female being. 1/7/1970 #25541 female, wore white robes, and were fair skinned with "hair that was glowing 7/4/1970 #25727 approximately 20 inchestall, with fair complexions and slanted eyes. They 9/22/1971 #26365 es to five feet eight inches tall. Fair skinned and slim in build, they wor 10/16/1973 #28089 nfirmed. Country: USA Name: “Hybla Fair” YieldMax: 20KT 10/28/1974 #29565 ald R. Ford, establishes a Code of Fair Information Practice that governs t 12/31/1974 #29666 our beings. They were small, pale, fair haired, with slanted almond eyes an 7/31/1975 #30219 ampshire, after a trip to a county fair to the north. They are riding in a 9/30/1982 #36622 now some,” Bush replies, “I know a fair amount.” 3/7/1988 #38493 like entity of average height with fair skin and blue eyes. He was wearing 9/27/1989 #39125
down around their necks. They have fair-colored hair, slanted eyes, and sha 7/31/1975 #30218
arger than normal height (7 feet), fair-complexioned and broad-shouldered, Summer 1946 #2013
details except to say that a tall, fair-haired and blue-eyed young man was 4/26/1974 #29064
0 feet long and 3.5 feet wide. Two fair-skinned men emerged from the craft. 6/15/1964 #18363
public, but Minister for Air David Fairbairn refuses, saying that the vast 6/28/1963 #17814
Fairbank, Iowa 9:00 a.m. Lavern P. Zewis Mid 5/1940 #1332 ly planted corn on their farm near Fairbank, Iowa. A gray object with multi Mid 5/1940 #1332
Fairbanks, AK A noiseless object with a 4/18/1948 #3625 for eight hours. At Ladd AFB near Fairbanks, Alaska Project Blue Book expl 12/10/1952 #8410 Fairbanks, AK GCI Tracks Uncorrelated Ta 1/28/1955 #11948 Eielson AFB, Fairbanks, Alaska Banks Island, Northwes 6/7/1955 #12190 An RB-47 en route to Eielson AFB, Fairbanks, Alaska, registers an electron 6/7/1955 #12190 ure occurred about the same time. (Fairbanks News-Miner, Alaska, 2/14/67, c 2/12/1967 #21519 B, AK (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Fairbanks RAPCON Has Returns (NICAP: 09 7/11/1968 #24168 Fort Yukon, Alaska Anchorage Fairbanks 5:10 p.m. Japan Air Lines Flig 11/17/1986 #38072 :30 p.m., while in the vicinity of Fairbanks, Terauchi checks a white light 11/17/1986 #38072 Force, Navy, University of Alaska Fairbanks, and DARPA. Its original purpo 1993 #40778
FAIRBORN, OH Observer(s) = Wilson. Blue 7/8/1961 #16753 Fairborn, Ohio While visiting the Air Fo 1965 #18679 e visiting the Air Force Museum in Fairborn, Ohio, R.M. (initials), a gover 1965 #18679 EAST / FAIRBORN, OH 1 / car. Silent domed cylin 3/25/1980 #35240
itnesses: USAF or ANG pilots W.H. Fairbrother and D.E. Stewart in P-51 Mus 11/24/1951 #5788 3:53 p.m. Air Force Capt. William Fairbrother is flying a P-51 over Mankat 11/24/1951 #5789 rcraft being flown by pilots W. H. Fairbrother and D. E. Stewart . A Projec 11/24/1951 #5791
t. Joe River Spokane Army Air Base Fairchild AFB 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Walter John 7/3/1947 #2584 at the Spokane Army Air Base [now Fairchild AFB], and an intensive air sea 7/3/1947 #2584 At 4:45 p.m. Fairchild plant workers at the nuclear r 1/14/1950 #4489 Oak Ridge, TN 4:45 PM. Fairchild plant workers at the nuclear r 6/14/1950 #4986 Going quickly [to] WSW going [to] Fairchild Air Force Base. 9/3/1950 #5165 Oak Ridge, Tennessee Witness: Fairchild Aircraft illustrator Don Patri 11/5/1950 #5264 At 11:55 a.m. Fairchild Aircraft illustrator Don Patri 11/5/1950 #5266 FAIRCHILD AIR FORCE BASE, WA 2 Air Force 1/20/1952 #5866 Fairchild AFB, WA Bluish-white spherical 1/20/1952 #5867 Fairchild AFB near Spokane, Washington 7 1/20/1952 #5868 ists, are walking down a street at Fairchild AFB near Spokane, Washington, 1/20/1952 #5868 discernable fuselage. He contacted Fairchild AFB and talked with the Public 10/29/2002 #44424
OAK RIDGE, TN Carload / Fairchild-Nepa workers. Brill fireball h 1/14/1950 #4487
the next day. He observed a tall, faircomplexioned man and two women, who 3/1954 #9578
fficial airspeed of 1,132 mph in a Fairey Delta 2 over Chichester, England. 3/10/1956 #12751
NEAR FAIRFAX, NZ Dark fat cylinder/cigar-shap 7/31/1909 #794 object flew over the hills around Fairfax, New Zealand. It had a box-shape 7/31/1909 #795 Fairfax County, Virginia Day. Bertram A. 3/26/1950 #4729 lying his plane at 5,000 feet over Fairfax County, Virginia, when he spots 3/26/1950 #4729 A. Stone, men in control towers at Fairfax Field and Municipal Airport. One 7/26/1952 #7170 ntrollers in the control towers at Fairfax Field and Municipal Airport, Kan 7/26/1952 #7178 FAIRFAX, VA Teacher. White ball / light 9/14/1952 #7921 FAIRFAX, VA 4 blazing discs over police 9/21/1952 #7992 Fairfax County, VA Police observed 3-4 U 9/22/1952 #8006 Fort Belvoir, Fairfax County, Virginia The Air Force r 7/1959 #15807 s Group stationed at Fort Belvoir, Fairfax County, Virginia, replacing the 7/1959 #15807 Fort Belvoir, Fairfax County, Virginia Pentagon Condon 2/20/1967 #21607 rpretation Center in Fort Belvoir, Fairfax County, Virginia, to meet with i 2/20/1967 #21607 On this night John Fairfax, a trans-Atlantic sailor sailing 7/20/1969 #25282
Fairfield-Suisun Army Air Field Fairfield, California Day. Army Air Corp 7/6/1947 #2809 my Air Field [now Travis AFB] near Fairfield, California. 7/6/1947 #2809 Fairfield-Suisun AFB Fairfield, California Travis AFB 8:15 p. 12/3/1948 #3904 eld-Suisun AFB [now Travis AFB] at Fairfield, California, watches for 25 se 12/3/1948 #3904 Sydney, New South Wales Fairfield, New South Wales Edgar Jarrold 7/1952 #6678 ving yellow lights in the sky over Fairfield, New South Wales. 7/1952 #6678 FAIRFIELD, CA Ground Observer Corps (GOC 8/18/1952 #7629 Fairfield, CA Object change color from r 8/18/1952 #7633 Fairfield, California Witnesses: three p 8/18/1952 #7635 Three policemen in Fairfield, California sighted a UFO at 1 8/18/1952 #7636 FAIRFIELD, CA 6 Ground Observer Corps (G 1/27/1954 #9501 Travis AFB Fairfield, California Sacramento Valley Summer 1961 #16735 erceptor Squadron at Travis AFB in Fairfield, California, are scrambled in Summer 1961 #16735 Fairfield (4 miles E of ), IL Dogs Sense 8/7/1963 #17875 Fairfield, IL Four boys (ages 14-18) saw 7/6/1973 #27615 shaped like a "flat football" near Fairfield Airport about 10 p.m. (NICAP: 7/6/1973 #27615 Fairfield, OH 10:00 p.m. Boat-shaped or 5/22/1974 #29123 FAIRFIELD, OH 1 observer. "Boat" going d 12/22/1974 #29655 Fairfield, OH 10:00 p.m. Noticing a brig 12/22/1974 #29656 Fairfield, NJ Cessna 150 pilot & large o 7/4/1975 #30157 FAIRFIELD, OH 3 / car. Cylinder/cigar-sh 10/23/1975 #30462 aped object flew low over a car in Fairfield, Ohio. It extended a rod with 10/23/1975 #30463 nd nearby towns in Carter, Conrad, Fairfield, Great Falls, Montana and at t 12/2/1975 #30680 12 MI WITH FAIRFIELD, MT UFO / field like 2-story b 1/21/1976 #30806 Fairfield, MT 9:00 p.m. 300' craft on gr 1/21/1976 #30809 FAIRFIELD, CT 2+2 cops and hundreds. 6 l 3/24/1976 #30953 Fairfield, Vermont 7:55 p.m. A farmer in 10/11/1977 #32568 eld, Vermont 7:55 p.m. A farmer in Fairfield, Vermont, hears an odd noise a 10/11/1977 #32568 WEST / FAIRFIELD, NE Silent thin metallic 8M di 12/3/1979 #35042 teenage girls were driving west of Fairfield on highway 73 when they sighte 12/3/1979 #35046 Danbury Bethel Brookfield New Fairfield, Connecticut 10:00–11:00 p.m. 7/19/1984 #37404 nbury, Bethel, Brookfield, and New Fairfield, Connecticut, receive reports 7/19/1984 #37404 EAST / FAIRFIELD, CA 1+2 observer(s) adamant. S 1/20/1995 #41986 FAIRFIELD, CA 2 / I680. Vibrant bright p 6/11/1995 #42251 fternoon," reported a witness from Fairfield, Connecticut. The object was d 5/4/2001 #44176
Fairfield-Suisan AFB, CA Round Flat Obje 7/6/1947 #2803 Fairfield-Suisan Air Base, California Wi 7/6/1947 #2806 Fairfield-Suisan AFB, CA Round, white li 12/3/1948 #3901 Fairfield-Suisan AFB, California Witness 12/3/1948 #3903
FAIRFIELD-SUISUN, CA Project Bluebook Ca 7/6/1947 #2746 Fairfield-Suisun Army Air Field Fairfiel 7/6/1947 #2809 across the sky in a few seconds at Fairfield-Suisun Army Air Field [now Tra 7/6/1947 #2809 Fairfield-Suisun AFB Fairfield, Californ 12/3/1948 #3904 Farland, control tower operator at Fairfield-Suisun AFB [now Travis AFB] at 12/3/1948 #3904
FAIRFORD, GLOUCS Car malfunctions due to 3/1969 (approximate) #24952
king toward the lights of a nearby fairground. The nurse cannot decide if t Late 8/1944 #1647 land. Describing it like a “flying fairground” at 38,000 feet, he watches a 8/4/1987 #38228 in the surroundings of ExpoCuba, a fairground located in the Havana, Cuba m 5/8/2004 #44696
10:30 p.m. while driving near the fairgrounds. The sphere was between 5 an 8/30/1965 #19481 FO at 3:30 in the morning near the fairgrounds. It was about 100 ft. long a 6/24/1966 #20602
FAIRHOPE, AL 1+dog. Silent 180M "truck t 4/5/1997 #43251
ncept of ghosts, spirits, witches, fairies, elves, hobgoblins, or the devil 7/29/1968 #24254 upernatural creatures (elementals, fairies, angels, demons) than to astrono 1969 #24802 the past manifested themselves as fairies or demons. 1970 #25519
FAIRLAND, OK 2 observer(s). Large orange 11/17/1973 #28435
FAIRLIE, NZ Several observer(s). Large w 10/7/1959 #16025 flew quickly toward the west over Fairlie, New Zealand, and was gone from 10/7/1959 #16027
ed film. One signal consists of a “fairly regular arrangement of dots and d 8/22/1924 #1041 southwest going quickly northeast. Fairly bright. Straight and level course 7/4/1947 #2633 fully with Shalett, who sets out a fairly even-handed introduction to the p 4/29/1949 #4132 ers that the “matter has reached a fairly serious stage and some positive a 5/6/1949 #4159 he adds that “air intelligence is fairly certain that these objects are no 7/29/1952 #7324 es that the plane “collided with a fairly heavy body” and UFO rumors persis 5/2/1953 #8857 s two small light sources that are fairly obvious window reflections, but m 6/30/1954 #9969 ure 50 m away. It was cylindrical, fairly thick, and three dwarfs were stan 10/11/1954 #10930 eters away. It was cylindrical and fairly thick in shape. Three dwarf human 10/11/1954 #10946 t luminous/glowing disk going west fairly fast. Wave starts / O. Fontes. 10/12/1954 #10964 om the returns the target appeared fairly large, being four to five times l 11/8/1956 #13315 rance, CA This picture, although a fairly clear shot, does not have a lot o 5/11/1967 #22316 ts conclusion is. The meeting goes fairly well. After Hynek leaves, McDonal 12/12/1967 #23573 le noticed an ovoid, metallic, and fairly large object which began followin 7/29/1970 #25757 car (left hand side). It appeared fairly close and seemed to keep pace wit 5/31/1974 #29150 al minutes. Paynter says it “was a fairly steady light until it began to ac Summer 1974 #29219 ble-shaped UFO cross the road at a fairly low altitude. It had red and whit 4/7/1976 #30989 ble-shaped UFO cross the road at a fairly low altitude. It had red and whit 4/7/1976 #30990 erver. Formation / diamond-objects fairly low / apartments complex. Police 6/17/1976 #31112 s at a distance of 17 miles and is fairly high above the aircraft. The pilo 11/18/1977 #32686 from his paw was extracted using a fairly normal looking syringe. The men t 2/5/1978 #32957 like wind scoops, which spun about fairly rapidly. From the top of the disc 1/19/1988 #38417 passed behind a church tower at a fairly low altitude. 10/5/2000 #44053 up, heading toward the North at a fairly fast pace. It was viewed through 8/24/2002 #44385 for nearly an hour before it moved fairly slowly across the treetops. 11/8/2004 #44779 he First Officer and Captain see a fairly large, irregular-shaped, dark-lac 5/5/2018 #45526
ryland Preston County, Morgantown, Fairmont, Wheeling, Charleston, Parkersb 9/12/1952 #7905 yland; Preston County, Morgantown, Fairmont, Wheeling, Charleston, Parkersb 9/12/1952 #7905 FAIRMONT, WV 1 observer. Very very fast 3/15/1995 #42106
FAIRMOUNT, IN Silent inverted ice-cream- 5/26/1987 #38178
machine land. From it emerged two fairskinned men who asked for water in a 6/15/1964 #18361
Fairview, Pennsylvania creek near Fairvi 7/18/1977 #32292 Fairview, Pennsylvania creek near Fairview, Pennsylvania 12:05 a.m. An int 7/18/1977 #32292 rs 200–300 feet above a creek near Fairview, Pennsylvania. After 4 seconds, 7/18/1977 #32292 SR116 WITH FAIRVIEW, IL 2 teens. Small delta/triang 12/14/1978 #34115 ortheastern Kansas Edina, Missouri Fairview, Kansas Kirksville, Missouri Tr 11/18/1980 #35654 n Kansas, from Edina, Missouri, to Fairview, Kansas, report a formation of 11/18/1980 #35654 FAIRVIEW, ALTA 50 observer(s) and RCMP / 7/17/1992 #40522
se and continue for several days. “Fairy rings” are discovered on the groun 7/2/1968 #24132 that the circles are caused by the fairy ring mushroom (Marasmius oreades) Mid 7/1969 #25270 Adelaide, South Australia. White “fairy floss” is found on the ground that 3/15/1971 #26048 Fairy Cottage Laxey Isle of Man A huge d 5/29/1984 #37342 searchlights passes silently over Fairy Cottage, near Laxey, Isle of Man. 5/29/1984 #37342 YORKS "Bus" rotates over hilltop. "Fairy lights" play / top and sides. 2/8/1992 #40323
ve in spaceships as an act of pure faith.” Keyhoe repeatedly challenges Tac 12/5/1960 #16526 inating population with belief and faith — and revelation to media and popu 3/11/1998 #43532 sure and intense indoctrination of faith and values at planetary level to r 3/11/1998 #43532
gda Oblast, Russia 12:00 noon. The faithful gathered in a church in a villa 8/15/1663 #44 the Virgin Mary by Roman Catholic faithful. The sky turned rainbow colors 8/13/1917 #961
nimal killings in the area, Alicia Fajardo encountered a strange winged cre 11/11/1995 #42593
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fajy” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT 6/28/1979 #34638
ibune photo editor pronounces it a fake because it looks like it is taken b 4/11/1897 #429 ULILATINO, SARDINIA 2 observer(s). Fake soccer ball west going east slow an 5/1931 #1125 o create a similar scenario with a fake alien crash in the US. 10/30/1938 #1300 m adjoining batteries. A number of fake documents about this incident have 2/24/1942 #1388 A fake memo from President Truman to Secre 9/24/1947 #3423 Truman signature used in the MJ-12 fake memo. 10/1/1947 #3445 (page 5, paragraph 4). [However, a fake version of this document has the ph 10/28/1947 #3469 s and additions are present in the fake document.] 10/28/1947 #3469 a group of scientists who create a fake Martian threat in order to bring th 1948 #3523 ine, warning him to watch out for “fake tips” from the Pentagon. Keyhoe is 5/9/1949 #4175 HOUSTON, TX 2 observer(s). Dim fake moon hovers / 1800M. Suddenly quick 4/20/1950 #4872 uthor of an article in Fate on his fake UFO photographs. A follow-up articl 9/1950 #5161 observer(s). 20 separate groups / fake planes maneuver impossibly. 1200mph 4/20/1952 #6136 SOUTH / CATAWBA, WI Family. Fake cloud circles and stops several X. 6/6/1952 #6450 Washington D.C. US Date of the fake four-page “Briefing Document: Opera 11/18/1952 #8295 White House Europe A fake memo, supposedly written by or for 7/14/1954 #10018 / 1.5km altitude. Photographs pass fake tests. / r219p10+/ Flying Saucer Re 6/5/1955 #12184 ilian organization NICAP is told a fake UAP crash story in Everglades, FL. 5/1957 #13633 Skin burns. / r68p80. / LDLN#123. Fake / VJBO. 3/2/1960 #16191 ) equipment is capable of creating fake radar returns and goes so far as to 3/1962 #17066 ference (RFI). Military jets chase fake white cloud across sky! 10/2/1963 #17971 play includes false UFO photos and fake debris. “I am a facts man,” Quintan 2/11/1965 #18810 night sky. The photo is a probable fake of a color wheel for an aluminum Ch 8/2/1965 #19263 3 saucers near power pole. Likely fake / BUFORA. 3/28/1966 #20109 shiny silver bell-saucer. Possible fake / VUFORS. / r249p498+/ r111p252. 4/2/1966 #20206 DA, CA Teen photographs UFO. Looks fake but tests good. / r97#36+/ r100p398 1/24/1967 #21369 the untrained eye it looks like a fake, more than likely produced by suspe 6/10/1967 #22487 g site and declare the holes to be fake. However, they see a zigzagging lig 7/2/1968 #24131 ARAS, PHLP 3 separate observer(s). Fake car = saucer / ground. 2 pseudo-hum 11/1/1968 #24613 Air Traffic Controllers and more. Fake moon changes color(s). Haze. Part b 1/6/1969 #24819 GNY-FENAY, FR Several observer(s). Fake moon with 2 portholes rotates. Real 7/21/1969 #25287 ANTES, FRANCE 2 / telescope. Large fake Saturn going quickly north and sout 10/8/1969 #25397 RENNES, FR 1 observer. Fake moon with 3 orbs. Double-circle / s 4/3/1970 #25622 BOUSSOIS, FR Several observer(s). Fake crescent moon / northwest sky. Whit 11/1970 #25895 in the area. He also perpetuates a fake radio transmission from Lt. Charles 9/1974 #29412 D6 / SENAC, FR 1 / car. Fake sun follows car / 200M away. Follow 2/21/1976 #30892 Controllers and RADAR and pilots. Fake landing lights. Pace plane. / MJ#14 12/20/1978 #34180 The fake USG document AFOSI counterintellige 1980's? #35109 oty changed the description in the fake document. https://www.academia.edu 1980's? #35109 vestigative organization APRO. The fake letter claims a Civil Air Patrol ca 7/1980 #35398 nt/uploads/S17-Weitzel-Letter.pdf (fake) https://archive.org/details/B-00 7/1980 #35398 ote Canyon Doty writes and signs a fake two-page AFOSI complaint form, titl 9/8/1980 #35505 hree documents, one of which is a “fake” to test Moore. Another is the one- 12/29/1981 #36282 l UFO, seemingly a prototype for a fake UFO in his photos, is found in the 11/11/1987 #38322 rward claiming he has seen Walters fake some of the photos. Photoanalyst Br 11/11/1987 #38322 model, seemingly a prototype for a fake UFO, has been found by new homeowne 6/10/1990 #39612 nd claims that he has seen Walters fake some of the photos, the entire Walt 6/10/1990 #39612 ol. Phil Corso tried to give him a fake photo of an autopsy. https://ufos- 2/26/1994 #41428 e past or present. He worries that fake news and conspiracy theories will b 1995 #41923 SOUTH / NEWELL, SD 120' fake silo hovers low. Observer(s) calls 4/15/1995 #42152 t he suspects the entire film is a fake, but Fox makes it clear that such s 8/28/1995 #42425 MONESTIER MERLINES, FR Fake white cloud hides saucer. Night lig 11/18/1995 #42606 Eisenhower Briefing Document was a fake once meant to fool the KGB. https: 1/1/1999 #43710 LANCASTER CO, PA Fake new mobile home going up [to] from 7/23/1999 #43811 d to the “MiLAB '' phenomena, i.e. fake alien abductions. Schowengerdt sta 7/2003 #44560 de DIA that contained notes about “fake” MJ-12 papers to mislead ufology an 3/26/2004 #44682 d the document is real, describing fake events. Chapman claims he saw the d 11/1/2005 #44899 he reason why he began writing the fake letters. He acknowledges that he us 11/5/2010 #45305
of the film agree that it was not faked and that the objects appear to be 8/15/1950 #5126 r, in 1967 Fogl admits that he had faked the photo using parts of plastic a 12/3/1957 #14666 os show that the moon landings are faked in a studio or at Area 51. The boo 1976 #30743 veloped roll of 35mm film with the faked 1952 Eisenhower briefing document 12/11/1984 #37522 s he was receiving from AFOSI were faked, much of the scenario similar to t 7/1/1989 #39002 ng up and down. Camera footage not faked. 1/25/1992 #40303 r the EPA “Alien” abductions are faked to psychologically traumatize witn 4/5/2016 #45449
onfirmed. Country: USSR Name: “PNE:Fakel” Yield: 3.8KT 7/9/1972 #26783
ossible ties to the NSA. He admits faking the story but refuses to give any 5/1957 #13629 ith ties to the NSA, who admits to faking the story but provides no motive. 5/1957 #13633 g memo, and that Moore admitted to faking a government ID card and passed h 6/1989 #38971 ing the names of its personnel and faking their death certificates to more 8/30/1996 #43000 . Alec Birch, who has confessed to faking a UFO photo in 1962, takes a seri 1/27/2004 #44657
Fala Island, Truk Atoll Two airborne obj 5/2/1945 #1859 FALA ISLAND, TRUK B29 crew. 2 red circle 5/3/1945 #1860 Truk Atoll Micronesia Fala Island Early morning. Nine B-24’s w 5/3/1945 #1862 toll in Micronesia. One plane over Fala Island sees two objects at their al 5/3/1945 #1862 Air Force B-24 bomber flying over Fala Island in the Truk Atoll, the Pacif 5/3/1945 #1863
Sweden. Shortly afterward, Gunnar Falck watches a silvery cylinder moving 7/18/1946 #2063 Falck Brettnach, Moselle, France 5:15 p. Early 12/1977 #32725 :15 p.m. A witness is driving from Falck to Brettnach, Moselle, France, whe Early 12/1977 #32725
FALCON LK, MB 2 saucers. 1 going down. 3 5/20/1967 #22376 Falcon Lake, Manitoba, CAN Falcon Lake/M 5/20/1967 #22377 Falcon Lake, Manitoba, CAN Falcon Lake/Michalak Encounter (NICAP: 0 5/20/1967 #22377 Falcon Lake, Canada Polish-born Steve Mi 5/20/1967 #22379 Falcon Lake, Manitoba, Canada Witness ap 5/20/1967 #22380 Falcon Lake, Manitoba Misericordia Hospi 5/20/1967 #22382 ichalak is quartz prospecting near Falcon Lake, Manitoba, when he sees two 5/20/1967 #22382 at high speed while prospecting at Falcon Lake, Manitoba, Canada. One of th 5/20/1967 #22384 FALCON LAKE, ONT 6 observer(s). 35' sauc 6/18/1967 #22514 Falcon Lake, CAN Evening. A family cross 6/18/1967 #22516 Falcon Lake, CAN Evening. A family cross 6/18/1967 #22517 Falcon Lake, CAN Evening. A family cross 6/18/1967 #22518 Falcon Lake Shag Harbour University of T 11/14/1967 #23450 within the ministry, including the Falcon Lake and Shag Harbour cases, as w 11/14/1967 #23450 by three security guards at nearby Falcon Field across the highway. 6/2/1970 #25688 e Base. He meets the man he calls “Falcon” (described as elderly and gaunt) 9/8/1980 #35504 n Air Force colonel (later called “Falcon” by Moore) who Moore first contac 9/30/1980 #35547 ited by someone with the code name Falcon to lead Paul Bennewitz astray by 1982 #36283 from one of the intermediaries of “Falcon.” Inside are Air Force documents 2/1982 #36319 f (Owl), CIA agent Harry Rositzke (Falcon, according to Greg Bishop), and U Fall 1986 #38034 USAF OSI agent Richard C. Doty (a Falcon substitute). Another, only known Fall 1986 #38034 icer Rick Doty played the part of ‘Falcon’ in the Kodak-produced documentar 10/14/1988 #38672 ally accepted he wasn’t the ‘real’ Falcon of the Aviary. 10/14/1988 #38672 and his associates cooperate with “Falcon” and others in the “Aviary” to pr 10/14/1988 #38674 h and Vickie Landrum, and finally “Falcon” (or someone pretending to be him 10/14/1988 #38674 individuals in ufology. He claims “Falcon” is Richard Doty and “Condor” is 3/1/1989 #38859 s that Doty was chosen by the real Falcon as a liaison person. He says that 7/1/1989 #39002 An unmanned HTV-2 Falcon hypersonic glider, the fastest un 4/22/2010 #45275 Cape Canaveral SLC-40, FL First Falcon 9 Technology Demonstration launch 6/4/2010 #45284 Sokol, founder of New Jersey-based Falcon Space, states he has built a devi 6/29/2021 #45696
FALCONBRIDGE TO/FROM SUDBURY, ON Sphere 7/27/1972 #26839 SOUTH / FALCONBRIDGE AFS, ONT 30M orbs / 6 hours 11/11/1975 #30598 Falconbridge, Ontario, CAN Spherical Obj 11/11/1975 #30607 Falconbridge, Ontario, Canada Civilians, 11/11/1975 #30608 Canadian Forces Station Falconbridge Valley East, Ontario Selfri 11/11/1975 #30609 erved from Canadian Forces Station Falconbridge [now closed] in Valley East 11/11/1975 #30609 FALCONBRIDGE, ONT Man and 2 cops. 100' c 11/12/1975 #30613 Falconbridge, Ontario, CAN 7:15 a.m. 23r 11/12/1975 #30614 n. UFO Reported from Radar site at Falconbridge Ontario, Canada (Sudbury). 11/12/1975 #30614 Falconbridge AFS, Ontario, CAN 9:02 p.m. 11/14/1975 #30618 (12:33 a.m. EST)...UFO report from Falconbridge, occurrence time 0202z. Rep 11/14/1975 #30618 Falconbridge AFS, Ontario, CAN 7:42 a.m. 11/15/1975 #30623 2 a.m. UFO 23rd NORAD REGION. From Falconbridge Radar Site a civilian, Oliv 11/15/1975 #30623 Falconbridge AFS, Ontario, CAN 11:30 a.m 11/15/1975 #30624 12:29 p.m. 23rd NORAD REGION. From Falconbridge. At 1130, Lyman Paqutte, ma 11/15/1975 #30624 Falconbridge AFS, Ontario, CAN 24 NORAD 11/17/1975 #30635 GARSON, ONT AND FALCONBRIDGE AFS Woman and cop. UFO / 1 10/8/1976 #31454
eport it to the Admiralty. Roberrt Falconer Jameson watches it through bino 2/25/1913 #884
Dabajuro Coro, Falcón State, Venezuela Early morning. S 6/11/1966 #20553 ses driving from Dabajuro to Coro, Falcón State, Venezuela, stop to watch a 6/11/1966 #20553
tact Database 1977, citing Antonio Faleiro). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 8/3/1977 #32350
w’s internal security chief Edward Fales. Spencer has the Dow spectroscopy 7/9/1947 #3068
meter wide disc circled a ranch in Falfurrias, Texas at 300 meters altitude 3/12/1950 #4620
USS FALGOUT / PACIFIC 174W-40N Project Blueb 11/3/1963 #18024 USS FALGOUT PACIFIC 173W-40N Project Blueboo 11/11/1963 #18029
nded in a back-and-forth motion in Falkenberg, Sweden and was seen by sever 3/2/1970 #25597
SOUTH / FALKENBURG, SWD 15+observer(s). Adamski 2/28/1970 #25596
Queensland, AU 7:45 p.m. Mr. Eric Falkenburger saw a bright object from hi 6/24/1975 #30119
,000 feet to Dublin, Ireland above Falkirk, Scotland, saw a brightly illumi 11/21/1967 #23492 FALKIRK, SCOTLAND 2+2 observer(s). Silen 8/8/1994 #41663 B308 SOUTHWEST / FALKIRK, SCOTLAND 2 observer(s). 2 brigh 3/18/1995 #42109 hite UFOs paced a car southwest of Falkirk, Scotland at 8:30 p.m. then zoom 3/18/1995 #42110 . Scott Jarvie was walking home in Falkirk, Scotland after visiting his gir 8/10/2000 #44029
(s). 2 saucers fire 4-color beams. Falklands War on. 5/20/1982 #36475
US31 NEAR FALKVILLE, AL 1 observer. Saucer / 4000' 1/29/1953 #8607 Falkville, AL Alleged humanoid photo. Po 10/17/1973 #28125 Falkville, Alabama After 10:00 p.m. Falk 10/17/1973 #28133 alkville, Alabama After 10:00 p.m. Falkville, Alabama, Police Chief Jeffrey 10/17/1973 #28133 ight Police Chief Jeff Greenhaw of Falkville, Alabama photographed a 5 1/2 10/17/1973 #28142
t one hour, then the burning balls fall to the earth and vanish on the grou 4/4/1561 #32 to hunt. At 9:00 a.m. more cobwebs fall from the sky and continue until dus 9/21/1741 #63 heavier than the atmosphere.” The fall extends to the neighboring villages 9/21/1741 #63 orarily and speed up, while others fall to earth. The objects appear in the 5/16/1808 #102 some kind of trail. A few of them fall in the vicinity of K. G. Wettermark 5/16/1808 #102 Other clouds move. Blasts. Big ash fall. 5/1/1812 #106 shoots going quickly south. Stones fall. Fades. 9/5/1814 #108 g a luminous aerial object and the fall of mysterious jelly-like substances 11/13/1833 #128 . Perfectly hexagonal metal pieces fall! P280. 7/1842? #135 AR CLERMONT-FERRAND, FR 3cm stones fall very slowly. Normal fall rate on re 9/10/1873 #201 cm stones fall very slowly. Normal fall rate on rebound. 9/10/1873 #201 aukee County, Wisconsin An unusual fall of spider web occurs near the coast Late 10/1881 #246 m to come from “over the lake” and fall from a great height. The strands ar Late 10/1881 #246 ka, allegedly see a blazing object fall from the sky and crash into many pi 6/6/1884 #258 object even as solid lumps of ice fall on the deck and the rigging becomes 3/19/1887 #279 n the sky from which balls of fire fall to the ground near him. 6/19/1892 #304 of a white, thread-like substance fall from the sky during a rainstorm at 9/20/1892 #306 der, who watch the object rise and fall as it moves southwest. 11/17/1896 #340 and the notion of canals begins to fall out of favor. Around this time, spe 9/20/1909 #811 ude. Some pieces, 6–8 inches long, fall to earth and leave no trace. Summer 1914 #902 is and William James saw an object fall into the ocean so slowly that it wa 9/9/1922 #1025 is and William James saw an object fall into the ocean so slowly that it wa 9/9/1922 #1026 s in Barmouth, Wales saw an object fall into the ocean so slowly that they 9/9/1922 #1027 ts, approximately six-feet square, fall like dead leaves. No "flack" or oth 6/25/1943 #1512 heads at a very low altitude. They fall simultaneously into the lake, throw 7/18/1946 #2062 t, causing the trees to sway. They fall into the lake about 1.2 miles from 7/18/1946 #2062 eet long, releases four stars that fall silently to the ground. 8/24/1946 #2156 t from our planet since before the fall of the Roman Empire when the Great 7/3/1947 #2551 FOCAT. The majority of the reports fall in a swath from the Pacific Northwe 7/4/1947 #2671 d like a huge clam that appears to fall tipped at an angle northeast of the 8/17/1947 #3343 A huge shower of meteoritic stones fall over a large area of Norton County, 2/18/1948 #3579 rts of the Norton County meteorite fall might actually have been UFO-relate 2/18/1948 #3579 QINDAO, SHANDONG, CH Fall / 48. Moon-size saucer glows. Spins 10/1948 (approximate) #3818 f USAF Intelligence: “reports that fall in the ‘fireball’ category will no 9/1/1949 #4343 rcelain Steel Corp., saw an object fall in front of his car as his radio wa Fall 1949 #4365 ead. Pauses and continues. Doesn't fall. 3/24/1950 #4716 er(s). 4 amber rectangles rise and fall. Fast changes / speed and direction 4/14/1950 #4849 s abruptly, as though beginning to fall, but stops. It moves toward the cam 7/1950 #5035 volume of correspondence since the fall of 1946. 11/10/1950 #5271 has never been a rate of meteorite fall in history that has been one fifth 11/9/1951 #5773 n one fifth as high as the present fall. If that rate should continue, I wo 11/9/1951 #5773 N.Y. to Puerto Rico, Various 1952, Fall; N.Y. to Puerto Rico, Zamott/Harris 1952 #5835 opsies of recovered occupants that fall in a Project Grey Suit within Proje 1952 #5845 a light-green, ball-shaped object fall from the sky into the Sandia Mounta 5/7/1952 #6268 craft. Lincoln LaPaz pinpoints the fall near Santa Fe. Around the same time 5/28/1952 #6377 Most are lacking any detail and so fall into the category of "insufficient 7/29/1952 #7332 California. It continues until the Fall 1959 issue. 6/1953 #8925 aneuvering, nocturnal UFOs and the fall of "angel hair" was reported to hav 10/13/1953 #9224 rough a park when he saw something fall in front of his car and stopped as 10/25/1953 #9253 , New Mexico when he saw something fall in front of his car. He stopped his 10/25/1953 #9255 ns, otherwise the government would fall and I’d lose my job.” It is possibl 11/3/1953 #9279 y electrically charged.” A similar fall occurs in the same area on February 11/16/1953 #9303 t USAF was going to release in the fall of 1952 but never did. 4/18/1954 #9697 a 4:00 p.m. White, silky filaments fall in strands averaging 30 feet in len 5/12/1954 #9780 ll humanoids (or Greys) exit. Cows fall. Observer(s) paralyzed. 8/1954 #10074 to the south. The trails seem to “fall away from the object at each side.” 8/1/1954 #10090 isc-shaped object, dropped in free fall, then slowed and swayed. The disc w 8/23/1954 #10171 amazed when he saw a luminous mass fall from the sky about 50 m away, and f 9/28/1954 #10485 R Engineer sees huge silent object fall to ground. 10/14/1954 #11035 objects whirl / sky. Nearby birds fall dead! 12/15/1954 #11814 ard him screaming and then saw him fall unconscious. A small hairy dwarf ra 12/16/1954 #11824 ly morning. “Cobwebby gray fibers” fall in Horseheads, New York, covering o 2/21/1955 #12011 10:15 a.m. Three or four fireballs fall in various places in southern New M 4/5/1955 #12080 g sound as a dark mass appeared to fall from the sky and a rush of air swep 9/16/1955 #12456 00 p.m. as a dark mass appeared to fall from the sky and a rush of air swep 9/16/1955 #12457 rth/South Dakota Airspace, Various Fall/Winter 1956; North/South, Dakota, M 1956 #12632 and two other scientists witness a fall of angel hair for two hours as they Summer 1957 #13744 wo or three burned pieces of metal fall on the hospital grounds. It is reco 11/13/1957 #14541 object in the sky that appears to fall to the ground on a ridge above Brox 11/21/1957 #14590 slashi sees a lighted green object fall into a haystack on his farm at Lang 12/14/1957 #14729 aw a bright, shiny metallic object fall and spin through the sky for 90 sec 5/9/1958 #15027 o a lethal dose of radiation. Bugs fall from the air, and small animals and 6/1959 #15754 es with thallium to make his beard fall out. Gottlieb also hatches schemes 3/17/1960 #16200 et and splits into two pieces that fall into the St. Lawrence River near Le 6/12/1960 #16312 a at 4:30 p.m. There was a mystery fall of ice from the sky in Portage, Pen 7/3/1960 #16330 ped flying object twist, turn, and fall into the sea between Lewis and Harr 2/27/1961 #16610 ticles of white matter continue to fall into the sea after the object disap 9/18/1961 #16847 NEAMT MONESTARY, ROM Fall / 61. 6-7M saucer rises / hill. Win 10/1961 (approximate) #16883 estfield, MA Large red ball fly or fall down, then rise back up (NICAP: 01 5/26/1962 #17205 enezuela—the world’s tallest water fall—on a cloudy afternoon at 12:15 p.m. 12/21/1962 #17602 , Georgia, for seven issues, until fall 1966. 3/1964 #18143 ter of an island he sees something fall from the object and hears a sound r 8/1964 #18466 SOUTHEAST / FALL RIVER MILLS, CA Large saucer hovers 10/18/1964 #18587 ler white parachute-shaped objects fall from it. A thorough search turns up 3/16/1966 #19974 They alternatively hover, rise and fall quickly, dart around at jet-like sp 3/17/1966 #19983 many witnesses of numerous discs, fall of so-called "angel's hair," which 10/12/1966 #20996 linked off-on again and started to fall back behind the left wing, but then 1/13/1967 #21301 2003. It continues until at least fall 2017. Spring 1967 #21925 row asphalt highway his headlights fall on an object 400 feet away on the r 4/21/1967 #22194 ratio. The lower objects rise and fall near the horizon. 5/16/1967 #22355 a moment and an object appears to fall from it. It disappears from sight a 7/3/1967 #22600 red disk, the size of a building, fall 300 m away behind a hill. Dark form 7/24/1967 #22725 a red disc the size of a building, fall behind a hill 300 meters away from 7/24/1967 #22726 nd unconscious. Seeing her husband fall from the kitchen window, his wife r 8/13/1967 #22873 le going east. Possible landing or fall. No trace found. 10/4/1967 #23173 30s intervals. Small night lights fall from large. 12/24/1967 #23601 n, Arizona, see a star-like object fall to earth. Two minutes later, they s 12/24/1967 #23606 smaller lights that flash as they fall. All are orange in color. After abo 12/24/1967 #23607 nesses had seen a star-like object fall to earth. 12/24/1967 #23608 f a white substance that appear to fall like a liquid as the object moves s 12/29/1967 #23618 veers out of control. Both of them fall out the left door as the bright UFO 9/10/1968 #24449 white lights. The UFO appeared to fall from the sky, stopped, tilted, righ 12/15/1968 #24772 ng at right angles to the filament fall. 8/30/1969 #25339 tops. An intense silence seemed to fall over the area, as if all sounds had 7/16/1970 #25739 into the air, causing Salvesen to fall on the pavement. He hears a sharp c 10/29/1970 #25893 ees and looks as if it is about to fall into Scargo Lake. One boy sees a ho 1/7/1971 #25982 elaide, South Australia. Filaments fall. 3/14/1971 #26046 e in New Jersey. It persists until fall 1990. Autumn 1971 #26368 y over a month later, after a snow fall, the white ice had melted both insi 11/2/1971 #26450 . Later, a 6 foot in diameter blue fall of light followed a girl home at 60 2/12/1972 #26577 r the event, and its hair began to fall out. 10/29/1973 #28319 ouds. Day after spectacular meteor fall. 1/24/1974 #28698 uck hauls it away, the rear wheels fall off. It needs new tires, a rear axl 2/14/1974 #28772 range object come from the sky and fall into a valley in El Campillo, Sevil 3/20/1974 #28915 rock, travel at low altitude, then fall into the water again. This happens 4/15/1974 #29029 thrusters on its sides descend and fall into the ocean about 328 feet away. 7/2/1974 #29237 ook all over, like it was about to fall apart. 8/2/1974 #29304 3+/ I195 EAST / FALL RIVER, MA 5 huge metallic disks bel 11/4/1974 #29581 s, Spain, when Aguera sees a light fall from the sky at great speed. He sto 1/1/1975 #29689 rge incandescent ball, was seen to fall into the sea some miles off the coa 6/20/1975 #30110 rge incandescent ball, was seen to fall into the sea some miles off the coa 6/20/1975 #30112 olored rings. It began to rise and fall, and luminous portholes were now vi 8/28/1975 #30315 s shoulder, causing it to jump and fall, then gets into a fight with it for 9/9/1976 #31362 h great force, causing both men to fall. The light again flies at low level 1/21/1977 #31743 t and legs bent back, like a "free fall parachutist." (Source: David F. Web 4/7/1977 #31956 t and legs bent back, like a "free fall parachutist." There was only about 4/7/1977 #31957 aastricht radar watches the target fall back east of the plane and rush at 4/14/1977 #31980 , striking both. They were seen to fall, but 15 seconds later both stood up 11/13/1977 #32672 ax. Two of the 11 witnesses to the fall describe a round object hovering in 12/17/1977 #32792 zco is one of the witnesses to the fall, and he thinks the object was 15 fe 5/6/1978 #33190 rs to be breaking into pieces that fall down. Then a spotlight cone moves a 6/26/1978 #33313 ain in her head that causes her to fall on her knees. As the object moves a 2/1979 #34398 e UFO, apparently from the object, fall around him. 5/16/1981 #35940 n saw a silver, disc-shaped object fall from the sky and hover nearby at 3: 8/10/1989 #39052 ino-Balkaria, Russia, sees a “net” fall from the sky, apparently surroundin 10/11/1989 #39161 Berlin, Germany The fall of the Berlin Wall (German: Mauerfa 11/9/1989 #39221 series of events that started the fall of communism in Central and Eastern 11/9/1989 #39221 Solidarity Movement in Poland. The fall of the inner German border took pla 11/9/1989 #39221 eet in Malta, just weeks after the fall of the Berlin Wall. During the summ 12/2/1989 #39295 when he noticed a yellowish light fall into the forest area. He rushed ove 10/31/1990 #39822 creature caused one of the boys to fall down by grabbing him by the foot. 5/15/1991 #40064 e 120 meters in diameter, rise and fall over buildings on campus in Versail 11/22/1993 #41296 FALL RIVER, MA 2 / car. Vibrant bright " 6/18/1995 #42262 e drenched with rain. He begins to fall ill. 1/21/1996 #42703 short flights over the fields then fall down and land. It seemed to have a 7/23/1997 #43359 TAC Reports (I to XI) describe the fall, collection, analysis and present w 3/11/1998 #43532 o] over. Aerobatics. Thick cobwebs fall all over/all about. 8/9/1998 #43622 to long, white strands that slowly fall to earth, draping on telephone line 8/10/1998 #43625 sperance, Western Australia A huge fall of “white filamentous threads” cove 6/9/1999 #43782 f “angel hair” is recovered from a fall in Sacramento, California, and sent 11/11/1999 #43878 t from the craft, which caused him fall backwards into the boat's cabin. He 1/30/2000 #43937 ainst it, and a branch was seen to fall down. At the same time that it star 8/2/2000 #44026 The object seems as if it about to fall on top of them, but it changes cour 9/9/2001 #44253 gazine Hill Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Fall River 9:30 p.m. Lisa Stone is drivi 3/15/2002 #44324 before heading in the direction of Fall River to the northeast. 3/15/2002 #44324 Alessandria, Italy Parma Turin A fall of angel hair covers a large area o 10/18/2002 #44419 ran outside to see where it would fall and watched at the site until the U 5/8/2004 #44696 Dragons speaking, they all seem to fall short of entirely convincing explan 10/6/2006 #44971 of cobweb-like “angel hair” fibers fall from the sky in Polonnaruwa, Sri La 10/20/2014 #45418 than intelligence and most likely fall under the office of the Undersecret 2018 #45498 earn of its existence later in the fall and press then-Secretary of State M 8/2020 #45657
KANSAS CITY, MO FALL'69. 2 women. UFO near / ground. Yel 11/1969 (approximate) #25443
DELAWARE CITY, DE Several dates / fall-88. Saucers and fireballs follow ca 10/1988 (approximate) #38658
g La Razon, May 22, 1976; Geoffrey Falla, BUFORA Vehicle Interference Proje 5/14/1976 #31051 rference Report, compiled by Geoff Falla and Michael Hudson, summarizing 1, 2018 #45496
en and one woman who they said had fallen from these ships.” Brought out in 812 #2 ain of white roses is said to have fallen out of the heavens but dissolves 9/13/1917 #965 se “darned contraptions” which has fallen on his farm. The intelligence off 1946 #1962 y and Sweden.” Two “missiles” have fallen into a lake near Oslo, and the US 8/24/1946 #2155 models by the Horten brothers had fallen into the hands of the Soviets at 1/3/1952 #5859 IA reports that UFO sightings have fallen dramatically in 1953, though ther 12/8/1953 #9349 . A woman in Cincinnati, Ohio, has fallen asleep listening to the radio. Su 10/23/1954 #11340 and speculates that the pilot has fallen unconscious and the plane has cra 5/5/1960 #16256 , despite considerable rain having fallen in the area. Radioactive soil was 5/31/1967 #22433 Elizabeth Douglas had tripped and fallen on her lawn in Titusville, Florid 7/20/1967 #22713 gs have retrieved the one that had fallen to ground and quickly flee to ent 8/13/1967 #22873 nd, as if something very heavy has fallen onto the ground. He looks out the 6/25/1974 #29224 ,300 feet away where the light has fallen. It has the form of a truncated c 1/1/1975 #29689 ts erratic movements. Darkness had fallen and the boys returned home, final 4/6/1977 #31953 rrive 15 minutes later all see the fallen mass, estimated at 35–55 pounds. 12/17/1977 #32792 dome; pieces of strange metal had fallen behind the trailer onto the groun 6/27/1979 #34637 from the British investor Kaye has fallen through, and Choate and Myers are 11/22/1985 #37720 of mud on them eventhough she had fallen in a puddle of water when she cla 10/8/1989 #39150 Giambattista, that an airplane has fallen. Franco goes outside and spots wi 3/6/1994 #41443 The witness had fallen asleep in a chair in Ashland, New 9/6/1995 #42445 ome protection and company. He had fallen asleep, when he woke up suddenly 7/18/1999 #43807 es UAP could be “spiritual beings, fallen angels, even holy angels.” https 9/24/2022 #45770
panding itself like a sheet before falling to earth, apparently not far awa 4/1/1826 #122 sky and change course twice before falling to the earth. He sees it for 20 8/1/1871 #190 nd continues on its course without falling. 9/30/1880 #240 ring that he thinks his “house was falling on him.” About 2.5 miles north o 10/4/1898 #625 iod of several minutes, rising and falling like a bird, and varying its spe 7/30/1909 #789 because of the rain that had been falling.” Not all witnesses report seein 10/13/1917 #970 rs and moves in a hyperbola before falling again. 1/18/1946 #1966 ed and the flesh on his fingers is falling off. His chest, neck, and face a 3/5/1946 #1973 egation sees a silent ghost rocket falling rapidly over Stockholm, Sweden, 7/9/1946 #2037 re of Södra Barken when she sees a falling object coming from the northeast 7/9/1946 #2039 ey can see fragments of the object falling to earth. 8/16/1946 #2141 tated that the objects fell with a falling leaf motion and landed before te 6/21/1947 #2359 aho. Two of the objects exhibit a “falling leaf” motion. 7/14/1948 #3708 Forrestal (MJ-3) found dead after falling 16 floors from an insane asylum 5/22/1949 #4202 t Socorro A green fireball is seen falling close to Socorro, New Mexico. Th 7/24/1949 #4285 ow w/red tail obj twice as fast as falling star (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 8/6/1949 #4309 round, white/bluish obj similar to falling star went out (NICAP: 01 - Dista 8/6/1949 #4310 ular flight path, consisting of a “falling leaf, horizontal flight, an upwa 9/5/1950 #5169 eaf, horizontal flight, an upward “falling leaf,” then another horizontal s 9/5/1950 #5169 see a bright UFO that looks like a falling star, except that it stops falli 5/31/1952 #6392 falling star, except that it stops falling and begins to climb again. It th 5/31/1952 #6392 et at15,000 feet, swinging like a “falling sycamore leaf” and descending. A 9/19/1952 #7980 inging in a pendular motion like a falling leaf. Pendulous motion ceased an 9/20/1952 #7982 LZ, SWITZ 3 observer(s). 20M black falling leaf disk clear against Mt. Cubl 10/23/1952 #8176 ki discourages him and they have a falling out. Alfred C. Bailey later says 11/24/1952 #8333 , then reappears with a rising and falling motion, accompanied by a small w 1/8/1953 #8516 Barter Island, AK Object With Falling Leaf Motions Over Airfield (NICA 2/8/1953 #8649 some "angel hair" residue was seen falling to the ground after the UFO flyb 11/16/1953 #9304 were swinging back and forth in a falling leaf motion. 3/1/1954 #9590 ersity]. LaPaz says it is either a falling object of an explosive nature or 5/1/1954 #9744 ort of luminescent stream that was falling to the ground. He watched for a 10/14/1954 #11041 pped abruptly to the ground with a falling leaf motion, landing only 100 me 10/16/1954 #11150 rt “fine cotton or wool particles” falling from them. 10/28/1954 #11465 d Perego notices shining filaments falling from the sky. He grabs a handful 11/6/1954 #11585 oloring. The object appeared to be falling in the sky, then it instantly ac 2/2/1955 #11970 cked off their roof, but inside of falling normally it "floated down" Close 8/21/1955 #12387 apparent size of a washtub is seen falling into the sea 150 feet offshore B 1/15/1956 #12661 saw what at first appeared to be a falling star, off to the north. But in a 11/8/1956 #13314 es a “giant, red, burning cylinder falling down vertically, leaving a yello 12/1/1957 #14660 ical workers; they reported beings falling from the sky without parachutes. 1/26/1958 #14843 pan at 4 p.m. They reported beings falling from the sky without parachutes. 1/26/1958 #14845 een over Keta, Ghana swinging in a falling leaf motion. That same night a r 4/9/1958 #14972 w object w/shiny metallic surface, falling and spinning (NICAP: 11 - Aviati 5/9/1958 #15025 with a shiny, metallic surface was falling and spinning for 1.5 minutes. 5/9/1958 #15026 A luminous object was seen falling into the harbor of Gdynia, Polan 1/21/1959 #15560 heard a noise, as if something was falling from the sky. The next day Brani 9/29/1959 #15997 the direction taken by the object, falling in a sandbank with its wheels in 1/1961 #16555 high-gravity environment to avoid falling down.) 1965 #18679 s as it wobbled and descended in a falling leaf motion over Exeter, New Ham 9/3/1965 #19516 A UFO engaged in falling leaf maneuvers over Wiesbaden, G 11/22/1965 #19731 ANN ARBOR, MI Falling star becomes delta-UFO. Maneuver 3/20/1966 #20004 rs, it vanished suddenly. Rain was falling throughout the observation, whic 4/4/1966 #20223 vering light that descended with a falling leaf motion (oscillating from si 7/31/1966 #20700 ut a mile away, then landed with a falling leaf motion near a farm between 9/13/1966 #20880 ing a trail. A loud sound, flames, falling debris reported. Estimated durat 2/15/1967 #21555 ject and many others heard it. The falling snow was swirling underneath it. 2/23/1967 #21636 descended tipping and swaying in a falling leaf motion, apparently attempti 4/21/1967 #22201 atch a bright object landing in a “falling leaf” motion. When it touches do 5/1967 #22255 cs came towards him, descending in falling leaf motion behind some trees ab 6/25/1967 #22557 pates. The witnesses see fragments falling to earth. 7/3/1967 #22602 ilent disc-shaped object made five falling leaf maneuvers in the sky. 8/3/1967 #22789 il. For 40 seconds it engaged in a falling leaf motion, turned red, then as 9/19/1967 #23096 moved slowly, sometimes rising and falling, and ascended. (Johnson City new 10/5/1967 #23179 . Object moved jerkily, rising and falling, hovered briefly, sped away 2/4/1968 #23733 nds of material about 65 feet long falling on his property. He says it is l 5/11/1968 #23958 of light, and she feels helpless, falling backward. The entity walks slowl 6/15/1968 #24039 ce officer saw a huge ball of fire falling directly downward. Other officer 9/20/1968 #24489 nd 3:00 a.m., Michael Watts saw a "falling star" that stopped in midair, an 10/15/1968 #24563 NORTH / FORT DUCHESNE, UT "Falling star in reverse" rises / riverbe 12/2/1968 #24744 cended from the middle of the sky, falling to the ground in a curved trajec 1/6/1969 #24822 e afternoon. It fell from the sky, falling in an unusually slow manner, in 3/31/1969 #25041 o has an abrasion on his hand from falling down, but the skin sloughs off a 10/29/1970 #25893 G, CH 50+observer(s). Hat saucer / falling leaf descent. Glows. Vanishes / 9/5/1971 #26320 , Missouri, which was seen through falling snow. 11/28/1971 #26478 ng back and forth in the sky in a "falling leaf" motion. 4/2/1972 #26635 nded from 150 feet altitude with a falling leaf motion, passed over witness 5/13/1972 #26682 n the sky. First expected to be a "falling star" she then saw it was moving 11/24/1972 #27138 nd on looking up sees that more is falling from the sky. He collects a smal 11/28/1972 #27149 ove Gawler, South Australia. After falling, they vaporize when touched. 5/19/1973 #27511 n “sheets of a web-like substance” falling to earth. She retrieves a grapef 10/23/1973 #28250 me-saucer rises fast. Going down / falling leaf. Swings to and fro. 3/23/1974 #28930 s off. A trajectory of an apparent falling object is plotted, and a recover 5/17/1974 #29109 t of June 7-8, 1974. It ejected a "falling star" that approached to within 6/8/1974 #29173 rch nearly a half hour, rising and falling slightly, then moved horizontall 12/22/1974 #29656 ar-old boy was walking through the falling snow to a friend’s house in Hamd 1/11/1976 #30785 one point appears to float before falling to another spot. Each being wear 9/3/1976 #31335 ed a fireball in the northwest sky falling fast. After a minute the husband 12/6/1976 #31587 y is looking out his window at the falling snow when he is surprised to see 1/10/1977 #31715 oval-shaped object “like the moon falling down” land behind her home. Two 4/19/1977 #32001 . Chunks “like teardrops” are seen falling off. 10/22/1977 #32600 rol Drake of Council Bluffs, Iowa, falling to earth near the northern city 12/17/1977 #32792 MAN, TX Newsman and several. White falling star makes 90° turn going quickl 3/4/1978 #33013 curred while a torrential rain was falling. The Jeep was hopelessly mired i 10/30/1978 #33898 o return into it, after rising and falling from the sky. About one hour lat 11/8/1978 #33928 ut then I saw it move, like a leaf falling from a tree." The woman said she 12/16/1978 #34144 white lights. The UFO made several falling leaf movements. An airline pilot 12/16/1978 #34158 coming from a white, glowing light falling toward them. The glowing mass sl 5/19/1979 #34568 c disc oscillating in the sky in a falling leaf motion for seven minutes. I 8/25/1979 #34777 ed the lighted object descend in a falling leaf motion. Near the ground two 2/11/1980 #35169 rgentina when he noticed something falling from the sky near some high-tens 4/23/1980 #35286 raft appeared and descended with a falling leaf motion. She later recalled 2/10/1981 #35822 raft appeared and descended with a falling leaf motion. The witness ran to 2/10/1981 #35823 and parked cars. Wispy material is falling from the sky. He sees something 5/4/1981 #35928 inois, when they see a triangular “falling star” that starts moving horizon 12/12/1983 #37071 disintegrating and the other part falling to the ground. Two other objects 4/20/1984 #37278 sensation and the sound of a tree falling in Gulf Breeze, Florida at 2:45 4/3/1988 #38533 hort bursts of speed. He remembers falling down and then being surrounded b 5/1/1988 #38551 ny later reported that three limbs falling over a transmission line when a 7/22/1989 #39030 t “grid”, resembling polyethylene, falling over her. Beams of light emanate 10/11/1989 #39164 1 observer. Bright silver saucer / falling leaf motion. Away / sawtooth tra 2/2/1990 #39407 rical object that descended with a falling leaf motion close to the ground 2/7/1990 #39414 t with body lights approached car, falling leaf motions, hovered, light bea 8/19/1992 #40581 t with body lights approached car, falling leaf motions, hovered, light bea 8/19/1992 #40582 KODIAK ISLAND, AK Report / spheres falling / sky and 1 big flash. Cops see 5/27/1993 #40991 bject they first thought was a jet falling through the sky at 5:30 p.m. It 2/18/1996 #42771 ner." He then had the sensation of falling towards the lake. This part was 2/29/1996 #42789 , Texas a woman was having trouble falling sleep and was very restless. At 11/24/1996 #43120 gone to bed early because she was falling asleep while lying down watching 9/11/1997 #43405 gone to bed early because she was falling asleep while lying down watching 9/12/1997 #43407 er/cigar-shape spins / Major axis. Falling leaf motion. Lights / ends. Fast 2/27/1999 #43737 s backyard. The noise of something falling on the ground. Her dog began bar 7/31/2000 #44024 ge silver cylindrical object with "falling leaf motion" was seen over Vanco 1/23/2001 #44128 Alberta, see a brilliant fireball falling and apparently striking the Eart 4/1/2001 #44156 ctly underneath, and “hail” starts falling from it. The object does a figur 3/15/2002 #44324 lightly sunburned and his hair was falling out, he also felt lethargic. He 10/2/2004 #44766 cottony flakes or fibrous strands falling from the sky and sticking to ele 10/25/2014 #45421 l flying past with small fragments falling off it. It is silent and does no 2/24/2018 #45511 cts, video of an object apparently falling into the ocean, and a brief vide 7/15/2019 #45593 two UASs are seen with one of them falling in the water. By 8:26 p.m., mult 7/17/2019 #45595
disc cross to the southeast with a falling-leaf motion. Estimated altitude 7/3/1949 #4261 VELAND, OH 1 / car. Smoke-saucer / falling-leaf motion. Circles and banks. 7/7/1954 #9998 aucer spins over Pointe-St.-Felix. Falling-leaf descent. 10/3/1954 #10651 r and dives toward the ground in a falling-leaf motion 60 feet ahead of the 12/21/1957 #14755 the ground. It then descends in a falling-leaf pattern to about 12 feet. T 2/24/1958 #14889 aneuvers, then descends again in a falling-leaf motion before shooting up v 2/24/1958 #14889 heading north and descending in a falling-leaf oscillating motion to about 9/21/1958 #15276 fluttering to low altitude with a falling-leaf motion. The lights illumina 9/3/1965 #19505 alta, Argentina. It descended in a falling-leaf fashion until it was within 3/13/1973 #27343 ES, BELGIUM 3 / car. Night light / falling-leaf motion over Major freeway i 3/2/1974 #28851 MOORSIDE, DERBY 2 girls. Ovoid / falling-leaf motion. Solid police report 1/14/1975 #29748 it shoots up then descends with a falling-leaf motion. They return with bu 1991 #39935
l and extra-terra scenarios for NM fallings and discoveries and are trouble 3/11/1998 #43532 orse” aspect of the Lincoln County fallings and indoctrination may be only 3/11/1998 #43532
w Mexico an area in Nevada between Fallon and Eureka Tonopah–Las Vegas Bomb Late 1948 #3842 Mexico; an area in Nevada between Fallon and Eureka; the Tonopah–Las Vegas Late 1948 #3842 Fallon AFS, NV (McDonald list) Two Stack 4/17/1964 #18176 ward Lowe, a radar operator at the Fallon Air Force Station, Nevada picked 4/17/1964 #18178 FALLON NAS, NV Red fireball going quickl 2/28/1967 #21679 confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Fallon” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT 5/23/1974 #29128 WEST / FALLON, NV 2 / car. White night light fo 11/4/1994 #41832 Shiloh, Summerfield, Millstadt, O’Fallon, Illinois Shortly after 4:00 a.m. 1/5/2000 #43920 loh, Summerfield, Millstadt, and O’Fallon, Illinois. Five on-duty police of 1/5/2000 #43920 In Fallon, Nevada a witness reported sighti 9/5/2002 #44390
ignation appears on several atomic fallout maps. 1950's #4455 Test Site Area 4 sends radioactive fallout on livestock across the region, 3/24/1953 #8782 l artificial explosion in history. Fallout, the heaviest of which in the fo 3/1/1954 #9584 e the more particulate and gaseous fallout spreads around the world. The in 3/1/1954 #9584 are also contaminated by the heavy fallout, experiencing acute radiation sy 3/1/1954 #9584 by the United States. Radioactive fallout from the detonation—intended to 3/1/1954 #9589 he human sex glands as radioactive fallout in the amount received in the la 3/28/1957 #13566 weeks because the winds would blow fallout in occupied areas. The eventuall 6/2/1957 #13694 eventually conducted test blew the fallout over occupied areas anyway. 6/2/1957 #13694 ignation appears on several atomic fallout maps 1960's #16136 other 500,000 residents to nuclear fallout. The lake would eventually accum 1967 #21233
HIRE AND LONDON, ENG 20cm fireball falls. Levels going quickly ESE and away 12/11/1741 #64 as also seen in the sky at Niagara Falls, New York. It was shaped like a sq 11/13/1833 #128 mits a dark-looking substance that falls to the ground, where it becomes hi 6/19/1857 #150 d rocket-balls.” A stony chondrite falls 3 miles northwest of Rochester, In 12/21/1876 #208 ireball appears above the ship and falls hissing into the sea about 150 fee 2/25/1885 #264 ound sores. Portions of their hair falls off. Trees around the hut show no 10/24/1886 #276 ced. The side of the ship where it falls turns partially black and the copp 3/19/1887 #279 rney, Frederick Bradley. Suspicion falls on an itinerant dentist from Maine 11/22/1896 #347 of music in the air. Then a bottle falls at Sergeant’s feet and breaks into 12/26/1896 #380 Valley Falls, Kansas Residents of Valley Falls, Mid 2/1897 #388 Falls, Kansas Residents of Valley Falls, Kansas, can see the outlines of a Mid 2/1897 #388 Falls City, Nebraska Stella Beatrice Wym 2/26/1897 #389 .m. People at the railway depot in Falls City, Nebraska, see an object with 2/26/1897 #389 ward and by August, Australia also falls under the grip of what press accou 7/1909 #778 and maneuvers all over. Rises and falls. Going quickly north and away. R22 7/24/1909 #781 east and leaves a fiery train. It falls on a cottage and throws up a cloud 8/9/1934 #1217 n's laboratory An object allegedly falls from the sky in Langenau [now Czer Summer 1937 #1272 admits himself to medical care. He falls into a coma and dies on September 8/21/1945 #1925 Night light zaps man / beam. Flesh falls off! Dies. / Flying Saucer Review 3/5/1946 #1972 rs “like some glistening mass.” It falls to the ground and is gone in a few 7/9/1946 #2038 NCONA, ITALY Fishermen. Ghost-bomb falls / sea. Big vapor cloud. Yugo rocke 9/2/1946 #2168 wings and a “ball-shaped tip.” It falls into the lake and possibly explode 10/21/1946 #2204 F, NM Rancher. Round silver object falls / hills. Army Air Force (AAF) men 6/29/1947 #2453 EAST ORANGE AND ESSEX FALLS, NJ 3 separate observer(s). Fireba 7/4/1947 #2593 TWIN FALLS, ID 60 / picnic. 3 groups / saucer 7/4/1947 #2612 SIOUX FALLS, SD R. Jordan. Long narrow light-c 7/4/1947 #2637 Twin Falls Park Twin Falls, Idaho 2:50 p.m. S 7/4/1947 #2659 Twin Falls Park Twin Falls, Idaho 2:50 p.m. Seven people at T 7/4/1947 #2659 aho 2:50 p.m. Seven people at Twin Falls Park, seven miles east of Twin Fal 7/4/1947 #2659 lls Park, seven miles east of Twin Falls, Idaho, watch a group of discs in 7/4/1947 #2659 of the pasture. Some kind of dust falls on Seay, although it does not burn 7/4/1947 #2665 SIOUX FALLS, SD 1 observer. Silver sphere/orb/ 7/6/1947 #2764 At 5:15 p.m. in Sioux Falls, South Dakota a silver orb shot to 7/6/1947 #2823 GRAND FALLS, NFLD Cop and others. "Flying Barr 7/9/1947 #3049 Grand Falls, Newfoundland 11:30 p.m. Constable 7/9/1947 #3069 ing in close formation above Grand Falls, Newfoundland. He calls other peop 7/9/1947 #3069 SOUTH / IDAHO FALLS, ID 1 / farm. Small disk / irregul 7/14/1947 #3177 sc flew over a farm south of Idaho Falls, Idaho flying on an irregular cour 7/14/1947 #3180 At 2:30 a.m. in Idaho Falls, Idaho Mr. Denton saw a UFO swing 7/20/1947 #3207 AUGER FALLS, ID 3 observer(s). Sky blue 7M sau 8/13/1947 #3315 Twin Falls, ID Two Discs 6' In Diameter Near 8/13/1947 #3317 Twin Falls, Smoke River Canyon, Idaho Two boy 8/13/1947 #3319 River Canyon Blue Lakes Ranch Twin Falls, Idaho 1:00 p.m. Albert Clarence U 8/13/1947 #3320 west of Blue Lakes Ranch near Twin Falls, Idaho. The UFO is moving up and d 8/13/1947 #3320 n the Snake River Canyon near Twin Falls, Idaho at about one p.m. when they 8/13/1947 #3322 TWIN FALLS, ID 5 observer(s). Several groups 8/19/1947 #3349 Twin Falls, ID 55 [?] [luminous?] objects in 8/19/1947 #3350 Twin Falls, Idaho 9:30 p.m. H. H. Hedstrom (e 8/19/1947 #3352 om (executive director of the Twin Falls Housing Authority) and three polic 8/19/1947 #3352 ndtree, and Richard Scott) in Twin Falls, Idaho, see a formation of 12 obje 8/19/1947 #3352 University Camp Ripley near Little Falls, Minnesota 2:50 p.m. Capt. Thomas 1/7/1948 #3544 nched from Camp Ripley near Little Falls, Minnesota, on January 6. 1/7/1948 #3544 KLAMATH FALLS, OR Project Bluebook Case #497. CA 6/1949 (approximate) #4220 Great Falls AFB to AMC at Wright Patterson AFB 8/17/1949 #4321 Glens Falls, NY Variety author Frank Scully’s 4/17/1950 #4855 GREAT FALLS, MT 2 observer(s). 315 16 mm frame 8/5/1950 #5107 vies of all time was shot in Great Falls, Montana. The 16mm film was shot b 8/5/1950 #5108 TWIN FALLS, ID 2 observer(s). 10M cube going 8/11/1950 #5118 Great Falls, MT Nick Mariana / Montana UFO Col 8/15/1950 #5125 Great Falls, Montana 11:30 a.m. Nicholas Maria 8/15/1950 #5126 ia Raunig are inspecting the Great Falls, Montana, baseball stadium in prep 8/15/1950 #5126 s—are missing. People in the Great Falls area who view Mariana’s film suppo 8/15/1950 #5126 NIAGARA FALLS, NY Project Bluebook Case #928. 3 5/31/1951 #5524 Niagara Falls, New York - A luminous disc with a 5/31/1951 #5525 Niagara Falls, NY Glowing yellow-orange, saucer 6/1/1951 #5532 Niagara Falls, New York Witnesses: M/Sgt H.E. Sw 6/1/1951 #5534 At Niagara Falls, New York at 4:20 a.m. three enlis 6/1/1951 #5536 10 MI EAST / ST. CROIX FALLS, WI 2 / light plane. Glowing cylin 10/10/1951 #5717 St. Croix Falls (10 miles E of), WI Maneuvering Ob 10/10/1951 #5718 10 miles east of St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin 10:10 a.m. Engineer and 10/10/1951 #5719 l Mills 10 miles east of St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin, notices a strange obje 10/10/1951 #5719 LA Steamship Esso Bermuda. "Plane" falls / sea. None missing. No debris. 4/1/1952 #6012 Slows. Circles. Gyrates. Rises and falls. Going quickly [to] behind mountai 7/4/1952 #6706 um saucer tips maneuvers rises and falls. 3 poor photographs. 7/9/1952 #6733 he direction of Virginia Beach and falls in several hundred feet below the 7/16/1952 #6844 WICHITA FALLS, TX 2 observer(s). 2 phosphorescen 7/27/1952 #7195 Witchita Falls, TX 2 disc-shaped objects illumina 7/27/1952 #7208 Wichita Falls, Texas Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. Ad 7/27/1952 #7212 At 8:30 p.m. in Wichita Falls, Texas two people witnessed two ph 7/27/1952 #7220 GREAT FALLS, MT Radio alert / McChord Air Forc 7/29/1952 #7288 Falls Church, VA Rotating light UFO seen 8/1952 #7384 GREAT FALLS, MT 1 observer. UFO changes / all 8/5/1952 #7453 passes him only 325 feet away. It falls with a violent splash into the riv 10/2/1952? #8085 g west. Radar affected. Angel hair falls. Flashes. / r48p153. 10/17/1952 #8140 ’s hair) behind them, which slowly falls to the ground as it disperses. For 10/17/1952 #8148 aucer passes over town. Angel hair falls / ground afterward. No further det 11/1952 #8224 ers going quickly east. Angel hair falls / r180p09. 12/16/1952 #8425 NIS USAF C119 crew. Buzzed / disk. Falls back and follows / long time. / r2 2/11/1953 #8661 Great Falls AFB, MT (McDonald list; FUFOR Inde 2/27/1953 #8711 rough the window. An eerie silence falls over the cabin and neighboring for 3/22/1953 #8775 aucer stops. Big blast. Angel hair falls and evaporates. Saucer flies. / MJ 5/16/1953 #8878 UFO / irregular motion. Angel hair falls. / r137. 5/30/1953 #8914 WICHITA FALLS, TX Saucer swoops over sheppard Ai 7/9/1953 #8990 Security Gd. Green ovoid fireball falls upward. / USAF Office of Special I 8/3/1953 #9041 ONTARIO, CA 4 USAF. "Wing tank" falls. Stops. Turns circular. Flies goin 9/22/1953 #9172 ton, Montana Conrad, Montana Great Falls AFB [now Malmstrom AFB] Dusk. Ceci Autumn 1953 #9176 That evening a colonel from Great Falls AFB [now Malmstrom AFB] calls and Autumn 1953 #9176 n Fernando Valley, California, and falls to the ground. A reporter who exam 11/16/1953 #9303 t moves erratically and eventually falls out of sight. 12/7/1953 #9345 large amount of cobwebby substance falls on her property. She takes three s 2/1/1954 #9526 surface coral from the detonation, falls on residents of Rongelap and Utiri 3/1/1954 #9584 ers wobble going quickly west. Ash falls. Disintegrates. / r138#2p15. 6/9/1954 #9879 keti. It suddenly stops, rises and falls, stops again, gyrates, and seems t 6/18/1954 #9910 Idaho Falls, Idaho National Reactor Testing St 6/26/1954 #9953 Reactor Testing Station near Idaho Falls, Idaho, is suddenly lit up by a bl 6/26/1954 #9953 0 minutes and disappear when night falls. 7/25/1954 #10052 a landed flying saucer before doom falls. 8/20/1954 #10156 CUYAHOGA FALLS, OH Dark circular-object arcs over 9/20/1954 #10364 Cuyahoga Falls, OH Dark saucer-shaped UFO arced o 9/20/1954 #10368 ight ball emerges from the bottom, falls, slows, turns, and disappears at h 9/22/1954 #10395 going southeast. Stops turns rises falls and maneuvers / minutes. / r138#9. 10/1/1954 #10553 ing quickly north. Waxy angel hair falls. / r138#9+/ r217p195. 10/14/1954 #11018 urcat releases her, and the animal falls to the ground and is unable to mov 10/17/1954 #11176 / clouds. Change form. Angel hair falls and sublimes. 10/18/1954 #11194 s overhead. Dog sees and yelps and falls dead / FSRv18#3. 10/21/1954 #11286 e road before the engine fails. He falls from the bike and sees two short c 10/25/1954 #11392 large amount of “white filaments” falls that clings to everything. Enginee 10/27/1954 #11449 He swerves sharply to avoid it and falls off his cycle. A taxi driver, Fran 11/4/1954 #11565 rmation. More filamentous material falls from the sky. 11/7/1954 #11589 im. His engine fails and he nearly falls off the bike. The blue dot is proj 11/8/1954 #11600 Oregon City, Oregon Willamette Falls Locks Crown Zellerbach Paper Mill 11/17/1954 #11663 gate number six of the Willamette Falls Locks in Oregon City, Oregon. His 11/17/1954 #11663 CHIPPEWA FALLS, WI Red 8cm metallic object hits c 12/28/1954 #11866 IROQUOIS FALLS, ON 3 / farm. Bright silent washtu 1/5/1955 #11920 ight blue light from the craft and falls over, unable to move, as if held b 2/23/1955 #12015 s, and meteorologists note strange falls from the sky. He speculates that m 3/1955 #12022 Niagara Falls, NY F-86 Pilot Encounters 10' Sphe 5/18/1955 #12141 NEAR NIAGARA FALLS, NY Saucer rises / Lake Erie. Buzz 7/30/1955 #12306 KLAMATH FALLS, OR Ground Observer Corps (GOC) Us 8/15/1955 #12360 east / 9km altitude. 3000kph. Ash falls.. 9/1/1955 #12424 a Whitefish Malmstrom AFB in Great Falls Spokane, Washington 9:05 p.m. Eddy 9/2/1955 #12425 ambled from Malmstrom AFB in Great Falls and arrive shortly after midnight, 9/2/1955 #12425 well as other aircraft from Great Falls and Spokane, Washington, are sent 9/2/1955 #12425 Steely spheres cavort. Angel hair falls. / r139#6p24. 10/27/1955 #12522 wispy material in 2–3-inch strips falls from the sky at the same time. Nea 10/27/1955 #12524 Twin Falls, Idaho E. R. Rayburn, Twin Falls, 1956 #12625 n Falls, Idaho E. R. Rayburn, Twin Falls, Idaho see saucer capture 400lbs s 1956 #12625 PUSAN, KOREA Large glowing washtub falls to sea. Floats. Glows. Sinks. 1/15/1956 #12660 210MI SOUTHEAST / BERMUDA "Star" falls. Hovers. Shoots going quickly nort 1/21/1956 #12674 ce fields, and much more. The book falls into the possession of Maj. Darrel 4/1956 #12777 on a ranch 40 miles south of Twin Falls, Idaho reported watching a 200-foo 9/7/1956 #13206 Falls City, Nebraska A man in Falls City Fall 1956 #13238 Falls City, Nebraska A man in Falls City, Nebraska, sees a winged huma Fall 1956 #13238 ook. Several airliners. Fiery tail falls off green sphere going north. / r1 3/9/1957 #13534 NZL Numerous observer(s). Fireball falls. Stops / mid air. Going quickly [t 6/6/1957 #13708 NIAGARA FALLS, NY Project Bluebook Case #321. US 7/25/1957 #13828 Niagara Falls, NY CPS6 ADC Radar Tracks Brillian 7/25/1957 #13834 mps two drops of liquid metal that falls in the street. The UFO goes so low 9/1957 #13966 Yellow Falls, Texas Three hundred people were s 9/26/1957 #14035 terwards, material like spider web falls in great profusion around Sagurama 10/4/1957 #14058 WICHITA FALLS, TX Rain. Brief power outage. Ovoi 11/3/1957 #14235 LIVERMORE FALLS, ME Blue Book. Small round vibrant 12/28/1957 #14764 New York State Thruway Niagara Falls, New York 1:30 a.m. A woman is dri 1/1958 #14793 ew York State Thruway near Niagara Falls, New York, when she sees an illumi 1/1958 #14793 mall delta/triangle/box-like craft falls / Hunter jet. Splits. Parts rise a 4/1/1958 (approximate) #14956 town to the Muni Airport at Great Falls and hovered over the National Guar 5/1958 #15006 rline pilot. Shiny metallic object falls and spins / 90 second(s). 5/9/1958 #15024 IAK, AK Trappers. Red saucer rises falls hovers circles & quickly going up. 2/8/1959? #15582 fense Center radar site at Klamath Falls, Oregon About 4:55 a.m. In Redmond 9/24/1959 #15987 fense Center radar site at Klamath Falls, Oregon, tracks a large target abr 9/24/1959 #15987 reports at 7:11 a.m. that Klamath Falls radar still is tracking it at 25 m 9/24/1959 #15987 sembling snowflakes.” The material falls for about 2 hours. Five samples ar 10/12/1959 #16030 substance described as angel hair falls from two UFOs seen in Evora, Portu 11/2/1959 #16076 ed, then explodes with a crash and falls into the water. He says that it lo Late 12/1959 #16134 boom above Quebec, a fiery object falls from the sky from an altitude of 1 6/12/1960 #16312 Butte Falls, Oregon Two men in a car near Butt Late 8/1960 #16416 Oregon Two men in a car near Butte Falls, Oregon, see a pale-white light ho Late 8/1960 #16416 Sheppard AFB, Wichita Falls, TX OSI document says crash report 9/28/1960 #16464 verhead. Truck pulled 1M going up. Falls / ditch. 2 separate observer(s). / 1/1/1961 #16556 Idaho Falls, Idaho 9:01 p.m. An explosion at t 1/3/1961 #16561 L-1 nuclear power reactor in Idaho Falls, Idaho, causes a meltdown, killing 1/3/1961 #16561 Wichita Falls, TX A/c Sees Object Maneuver and L 1/10/1961 #16572 w. Odd object twists and turns and falls to sea. / FSRv17#5. 2/27/1961 #16603 trail of shiny, web-like filaments falls and gradually disintegrates as the 6/6/1962 #17219 Angel Falls, Venezuela Bright teardrop-shaped 12/21/1962 #17599 Angel Falls, Venezuela Auyán-tepui plateau Ali 12/21/1962 #17601 plane on a vacation trip to Angel Falls, Venezuela. He obtains color film 12/21/1962 #17601 de until it is lost in clouds. The falls and mountain provide location poin 12/21/1962 #17601 res were taken of a UFO near Angel Falls, Venezuela—the world’s tallest wat 12/21/1962 #17602 NIAGARA FALLS, NY Government and RADAR's and mor 6/18/1963 #17791 Niagara Falls, NY An unidentified object flashin 6/18/1963 #17792 nando panics and tackles José, who falls to the ground, and Fernando gets b 8/28/1963 #17922 ee, gyrates a bit in the air, then falls into the Rio Peropava near the opp 10/31/1963 #18017 TALLULAH FALLS, GA 9 observer(s). Red saucer over 7/7/1964 #18396 Tallulah Falls, Georgia Nine persons from three d 7/7/1964 #18397 Tallulah Falls, Georgia Miss P. Upton came runnin 7/14/1964 #18408 curred on this evening in Tallulah Falls, Georgia. Miss P. Upton came runni 7/14/1964 #18410 nutes, the figure, moving stiffly, falls backwards out of the tree and floa 7/16/1964 #18421 Menomonee Falls, WI 3 dim, reddish lights fly thro 11/14/1964 #18614 Menominee Falls, Wisconsin Witnesses: Dr. G.R. Wag 11/14/1964 #18615 Menominee Falls, Wisconsin - At 9:40 p.m. Dr. G.R. 11/14/1964 #18618 VALLEY FALLS, NY White ovoid in front / 2 jets. 4/4/1965 #18892 e same day at 10:15 a.m. in Valley Falls, New York a white egg-shaped or re 4/4/1965 #18897 CIBOLA, AZ White cone falls / ground. 2 block area lit. Observ 5/29/1965 #18975 TY / KAUAI, HI Odd "rocket-meteor" falls to sea 16km south / island. 8/3/1965 #19275 and four technicians from Niagara Falls AFB investigated the case. They fo 8/5/1965 #19328 Cherry Creek, New York Niagara Falls Air Force Base Lockport Air Force 8/19/1965 #19427 orsey and five others from Niagara Falls Air Force Base [now Niagara Falls 8/19/1965 #19427 Falls Air Force Base [now Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station], who come to 8/19/1965 #19427 WAVERLY TO/FROM CEDAR FALLS, IA 20' saucer descends. 3' small 8/22/1965 (approximate) #19451 ud screen. Suddenly a small object falls out of the tail and descends slowl Fall 1965 #19592 radio pulses at the source, but it falls silent. Two months later, Gray-Cob 10/22/1965 #19672 Vermont Queenston, Ontario Niagara Falls Syracuse Holliston, Massachusetts 11/9/1965 #19709 n Queenston, Ontario, near Niagara Falls. Prior to and coincident with the 11/9/1965 #19709 ual lights in Syracuse and Niagara Falls, New York, and Holliston, Massachu 11/9/1965 #19709 ea by plutonium. The fourth, which falls into the Mediterranean, is recover 1/17/1966 #19844 ed. That same night in Black River Falls, Wisconsin a greenish-white object 3/13/1966 #19958 Sheppard AFB (near Wichita Falls, Texas) US Highway 70 eight miles 3/23/1966 #20050 a.m. As Sheppard AFB (near Wichita Falls, Texas) civilian instructor Willia 3/23/1966 #20050 HAMPTON FALLS, NH Boys. 2 boxy objects with rota 3/29/1966 #20122 Hampton Falls, New Hampshire 4:15 p.m. A 10-year 3/29/1966 #20139 lot behind their home near Hampton Falls, New Hampshire. He notices somethi 3/29/1966 #20139 At 4:15 p.m. in Hampton Falls, New Hampshire a witness saw a bro 3/29/1966 #20142 ll lights up the surrounding area, falls onto the car with a loud snap, and 4/24/1966 #20404 Idaho Falls, Idaho 2:00 p.m. Kenneth Arnold ta 7/9/1966 #20635 es a 16mm film of a UFO over Idaho Falls, Idaho. The object looks like a we 7/9/1966 #20635 t light. Round and slow. Rises and falls several times. No further details. 9/1/1966 #20830 rail that turns into a rainbow and falls into the sea with a deafening soun 1/12/1967 #21291 en blinks out, comes on again, and falls back behind the left wing. It then 1/13/1967 #21299 Western Avenue Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin 8:30 p.m. Sherry Kohler 2/21/1967 #21614 ast on Western Avenue in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, when she sees a greeni 2/21/1967 #21614 GLENS FALLS, NY Metal-grey top-saucer near gro 3/12/1967 #21865 Glens Falls, NY 10:30 p.m. EST. A man saw a gu 3/12/1967 #21870 eportedly were seen inside. (Glens Falls Times, 3/14/67, copy in NICAP file 3/12/1967 #21870 t from a window in his South Glenn Falls, New York home at 10:30 p.m. It wa 3/12/1967 #21876 rom church at 11:30 p.m. in Letart Falls, Ohio rounded a corner in a wooded 3/12/1967 #21877 Malmstrom AFB Great Falls, Montana Judith Basin Night. Futur Mid 3/1967 #21891 anitor in Malmstrom AFB near Great Falls, Montana. One night as he is clean Mid 3/1967 #21891 O. 10 missiles kaput. Same / great falls / 1966. / r120. 3/16/1967 #21894 Great Falls, MT 9:00 p.m. MST. Sheriff's deput 3/23/1967 #21954 eported all over the state. (Great Falls Leader, 3/24/67, copy in NICAP fil 3/23/1967 #21954 Munroe Falls, OH 2:30 a.m. EST. A 20-year-old e 3/28/1967 #22003 Munroe Falls, Ohio Kent 2:25 a.m. Electrical wo 3/28/1967 #22004 ris, 20, is driving home to Munroe Falls, Ohio, from nearby Kent when he se 3/28/1967 #22004 er a field between Kent and Munroe Falls, Ohio. Four or five beings, each u 3/28/1967 #22007 tos saucer. Circular traces. Great falls Leader 1.5.67. 4/2/1967 #22046 Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls, Montana A bright white object cir 4/10/1967 #22105 nch site near Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls, Montana, for prolonged periods. I 4/10/1967 #22105 this morning a man in Black River Falls, Wisconsin had a 10 minute sightin 5/6/1967 #22286 IDAHO FALLS, ID Low saucer turns and tilts. 2 12/8/1967 #23559 Idaho. Falls, ID 7:40 p.m. MST. A 15-year-old g 12/8/1967 #23561 Idaho Falls, ID Bright illumination from domed 12/8/1967 #23562 Idaho Falls, Idaho 7:40 p.m. Marilyn Wilding, 12/8/1967 #23564 oes out on her front step in Idaho Falls, Idaho, to look for a friend. A li 12/8/1967 #23564 in tracking meteors and meteorite falls. Non-meteoric sightings are kept i 1968 #23630 3 grey footballs pass. Angel hair falls. Disintegrates / hours. 9/18/1968 #24477 appear, a white, fibrous substance falls and settles on foliage, buildings, 9/18/1968 #24478 Wichita Falls, TX Police officer saw a huge ball 9/20/1968 #24489 Colorado Great Falls McMinnville The Colorado project d 10/31/1968 #24608 est something extraordinary (Great Falls, RB-47). William K. Hartmann divid 10/31/1968 #24608 s that lack sufficient data. Great Falls and McMinnville are the only two t 10/31/1968 #24608 ed saucer going / edge. Angel hair falls. Military jet circles. / APRO. 11/3/1968 #24627 Bismarck (North Dakota) Great Falls, Montana 85 miles northeast of Bis 11/26/1968 #24718 ortheast. Air Force radar at Great Falls, Montana, picks up “foreign object 11/26/1968 #24718 at 30 degrees elevation. The Great Falls radar confirmed erratic targets. T 11/26/1968 #24719 was observed in the sky over Glens Falls, New York. According to the newspa 3/3/1969 #24962 sneyland. Gone / 5 second(s). Mist falls. 2/23/1970 #25586 oulevard and West Road in Olmstead Falls, Ohio when two strange figures app 8/24/1970 #25802 e disk drops / horizon. Hovers and falls. 11/1970 #25895 sucked out” through the window and falls 7 feet to the steps below. Frighte 4/2/1971 #26064 NEAR TWIN FALLS, ID 2 teens. Orange object flashes 9/22/1971 #26360 That same night in Twin Falls, Idaho two young boys reported tha 9/22/1971 #26366 off a blue, fluorescent glow that falls like a curtain of solid light. Byr 10/8/1972 #27058 r(s). Extra half-moon over Niagara Falls. / N. F. Review. 6/10/1973 #27560 over trees. Observer(s) panics and falls. Orbs vanish. / r30. 7/11/1973 #27629 oing quickly northeast. Angel hair falls. Samples. / Elmer Kral. 10/17/1973 #28107 reen for 2–3 seconds, a green mist falls down sideways, and the beams disap 10/28/1973 #28310 ra’s parachute catches fire and he falls to his death. 6/9/1974 #29175 Grand Falls, Newfoundland Deer Lake Gander Gan 10/10/1974 #29512 ilot, is paced by a UFO over Grand Falls, Newfoundland, in his Cessna 172, 10/10/1974 #29512 empts to shoot one, but the bullet falls about 50 feet from him as if hitti 10/15/1974 #29531 MEDICINE BOW, WY Hunters bullet falls. Complex abduction. / r202p225+/ F 10/25/1974 #29554 aratoga Albany Airport South Glens Falls area Lake George Cambridge, Massac 8/20/1975 #30291 0 miles north over the South Glens Falls area and as far north as Lake Geor 8/20/1975 #30291 New York North Bay, Ontario Grand Falls, New Brunswick 8:45 p.m. Sgt. Grov 10/27/1975 #30488 ern and begins flying toward Grand Falls, New Brunswick. Radar contact is l 10/27/1975 #30488 t is lost in the vicinity of Grand Falls, 12 miles from Loring. Canadian au 10/27/1975 #30488 ng AFB near Limestone, Maine Grand Falls, New Brunswick 7:45 p.m. While pat 10/28/1975 #30503 t moving in the direction of Grand Falls, New Brunswick. SAC Headquarters i 10/28/1975 #30503 ESE / GREAT FALLS, MT Man sees 6 UFO's. 1 drops near 11/5/1975 #30554 Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls, Montana Judith Gap, Montana K-7 a 11/7/1975 #30576 rea near Judith Gap, Montana Great Falls 3:00 p.m.–November 8, 9:53 p.m. Re 11/7/1975 #30576 r an alarm at Malmstrom AFB, Great Falls, Montana, indicating that somethin 11/7/1975 #30576 terceptors are launched from Great Falls and head toward the K-7 site. The 11/7/1975 #30576 Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls, Montana at 7:45 Z. At 2:53 a.m. l 11/8/1975 #30582 MISSOULA GOING QUICKLY [TO] GREAT FALLS, MT Sheriff. Very large orange lig 11/11/1975 #30599 Great Falls Missoula, Montana Evening. Capt. K 11/11/1975 #30612 nd a deputy are returning to Great Falls from Missoula, Montana. Suddenly a 11/11/1975 #30612 SUDBURY, ONT Night light rises and falls repeatedly. No motion with R stars 11/15/1975 #30619 SOUTHEAST / GREAT FALLS, MT Ranch. Hour unknown. Cow mutil 11/16/1975 #30629 n Carter, Conrad, Fairfield, Great Falls, Montana and at the Fort Benton J- 12/2/1975 #30680 Sturgeon Falls, Ontario, CAN 11:05 p.m. Wayne Maj 12/4/1975 #30684 Great Falls, MT 7:00 p.m. Great Falls Internat 12/11/1975 #30704 Great Falls, MT 7:00 p.m. Great Falls International Airport. UFO sighted 12/11/1975 #30704 forward and looks up at the light, falls back, wipes his eyes, and vanishes 12/14/1975 #30715 Great Falls, MT 6:00 a.m. Great Falls Internat 12/23/1975 #30731 Great Falls, MT 6:00 a.m. Great Falls International Airport. Egg-shaped 12/23/1975 #30731 Cascade County Great Falls, Montana Author Roberta Donovan pu 1976 #30746 y Sheriff Keith Wolverton of Great Falls, Montana, documenting his investig 1976 #30746 Great Falls, MT 5:40 p.m. UFO. NORAD did not c 1/17/1976 #30796 Great Falls (near), MT 10:00 a.m. Leonard Hege 2/22/1976 #30894 rom Interstate I-15 south of Great Falls, Montana. It walked with a non-hum 2/22/1976 #30894 A1463), citing Jerome Clark; Great Falls Tribune, February 23, 1976). (NICA 2/22/1976 #30894 rom Interstate I-15 south of Great Falls, Montana at around 10 a.m. It walk 2/22/1976 #30895 Great Falls (10 mi. S of), MT 9:15 p.m. UFO de 3/26/1976 #30956 ups iaround Paris, France. It soon falls under the auspices of the Société 4/1976 #30972 Great Falls, MT 7:10 p.m. Cylindrical object, 4/5/1976 #30986 a bush. (Source: Pat Miller, Sioux Falls (SD) Argus-Leader, August 15, 1976 7/5/1976 #31153 object moves slowly, hovers, then falls abruptly, tumbling over and over, 9/1/1976 #31325 e feels a blow to his shoulder and falls to the ground, then he runs toward 9/9/1976 #31362 es to get loose from the cable and falls 20 feet into a plant. He runs to t 9/9/1976 #31362 ainst the canyon wall and his wife falls to the road. They remain unconscio 12/29/1976 #31639 d going quickly north. Observer(s) falls. 4/5/1977 #31945 Klamath Falls, OR V-formation of 10 lights passe 1/5/1978 #32853 op" at a place called Bakers Creek Falls, near Armidale, New South Wales. T 1/10/1978 #32867 op" at a place called Bakers Creek Falls, near Armidale, New South Wales. T 1/10/1978 #32870 20M NORTHWEST / KLAMATH FALLS, OR 6 / light plane. 10 large nigh 2/5/1978 #32954 pilot flying northwest of Klamath Falls, Oregon had a close encounter with 2/5/1978 #32958 SOUTH / ST. CROIX FALLS, WI 3 observer(s). Large object ho 3/22/1978 #33060 TAYLORS FALLS, MN 1+teens. 10 disks going southw 3/22/1978 #33065 esota Dresser, Wisconsin St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin St. Paul, Minnesota 7:0 3/22/1978 #33071 east between Dresser and St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin. The second wave origin 3/22/1978 #33071 above the palm trees. Suddenly he falls flat on his back, paralyzed. After 3/24/1978 #33078 and shaking with fear. The object falls a short distance and remains stati 5/13/1978 #33204 w level UAP “in distress” at Great Falls AFB * Charles Wilhelm claims he 8/1978 #33460 nnae. Frightened, he runs away but falls as four humanoids come closer to h 9/21/1978 #33723 t it, but he feels a hot blast and falls backward into the snow. Two other 9/23/1978 #33736 omething pushes him forward and he falls. When he gets up, his head hits so 12/6/1978 #34065 ation. Franchi feels paralyzed and falls to the ground. Suddenly everything 12/24/1978 #34201 nto a rolling, turning pattern and falls at an incredible speed. This seque 12/31/1978 #34246 8 miles north of Chagrin Falls, Ohio Morning. A teen who mows the 8/2/1979 #34702 ate about 8 miles north of Chagrin Falls, Ohio. The owner waits a week befo 8/2/1979 #34702 ight on its tail end. The aircraft falls about 1,000 feet and levels out at 8/17/1979 #34752 NARAMA, BRZ Hunter zapped / Chupa? Falls / tree. Dies / one hour. / Flying 10/17/1981 #36175 ddenly gets dizzy and nauseous and falls to the ground unconscious. He revi 8/12/1983 #36949 NORTHWEST CROTON FALLS, NY Engineer. 100' delta/triangle/ 10/28/1983 #37025 Croton Falls Reservoir Mahopac, New York 2:15 a 10/28/1983 #37026 Jim Cooke is driving by the Croton Falls Reservoir on his way back to Mahop 10/28/1983 #37026 MAHOPAC FALLS, NY 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Ar 8/20/1984 #37435 Deer Trail Drive Mahopac Falls, New York 9:00 p.m. Irene Lunn and 8/20/1984 #37436 g near Deer Trail Drive in Mahopac Falls, New York, when they notice triang 8/20/1984 #37436 in the sky over a pond in Mahopac Falls, Putnam County, New York, then fol 8/20/1984 #37437 es the ground. Some say the object falls with a flash and is not visible af 1/29/1986 #37775 e, he sees images of dogs. Then he falls hard on the pavement and the UFO i 11/11/1987 #38322 ONSIN 2 fishing scared. Odd object falls. Stops. Hovers / 25 minute(s). Typ 8/10/1989 #39046 LITTLE FALLS, NY Cops and 2 boys. 70' delta/tri 10/1990 #39754 HONEOYE FALLS, NY 1 observer. White oval night l 6/10/1991 #40094 lit. 2 hide under burro. Oily gunk falls. Observer(s) sick. 8/4/1992 #40548 te(s) / missing time. Small object falls / observer(s)' nostril! 10/31/1992 #40696 Malmstrom AFB Great Falls, Montana Monarch, Montana Belt, Mo 1/1993 #40782 g back to Malmstrom AFB near Great Falls, Montana, with another tech sergea 1/1993 #40782 light just before limestone debris falls around them, breaking window panes 1/14/1993 #40795 FORESTERS FALLS, ON 2+several separate observer(s) 2/8/1993 #40843 NEAR GREAT FALLS, MT Several observer(s). 3M disk g 4/25/1994 #41502 ded in a field 25 miles from Great Falls, Montana at 10:30 p.m. It was seen 4/25/1994 #41503 GREAT FALLS, MT Glowing wedge hovers over hous 10/29/1994 #41819 NINE MILE FALLS, WA 2 observer(s). 3 night lights 2/6/1995 #42022 / half circle maneuver. Angel-hair falls.. 10/24/1996 #43093 s it to crash. A piece of the wing falls on a swimmer and kills him. A vide 11/16/1996 #43112 ly fast. Dog collapses. Angel hair falls. 3/27/1997 #43241 ome kind of aircraft. Suddenly she falls down on her face, sustaining some 5/30/1997 #43302 UAP management program exists that falls outside of the normal range of pro 7/31/1999 #43815 At 7:15 p.m. two people in Post Falls, Idaho witnessed a fiery ball of l 9/21/1999 #43851 ong, silver, cobweb-like substance falls in large wads or strands. Once tou 8/5/2000 #44028 p and evaporates. Similar material falls on Moana and Aldinga Beach, where 8/5/2000 #44028 sighting, was reported in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. 11/5/2007 #45091 r the local paper mill in Iroquois Falls, Ontario, Canada and then flew awa 2/7/2008 #45116 flashing lights moving slowly over Falls Lake. 11/24/2009 #45255 sky at great speed, each of which falls in a different part of the village 2/10/2019 #45561 National Security Council suddenly falls ill with symptoms similar to those 11/2020 #45663 does become a brick and that brick falls. Now all of a sudden, gravity has 6/10/2021 #45693
Falmouth Airport Frances Crane Wildlife 2/2/1950 #4526 ruary 5 — 5:10 p.m. Four people at Falmouth Airport [now part of Frances Cr 2/2/1950 #4526 ering in the sky at 5:10 p.m. near Falmouth Airport on Cape Cod, Massachuse 2/5/1950 #4531 Falmouth, Nova Scotia, CAN Family dog gr 11/8/1973 #28391 ights that flew over their home in Falmouth, Nova Scotia and circled back a 11/8/1973 #28394 Falmouth, Nova Scotia, CAN 9:50 p.m. The 11/25/1973 #28466 East Falmouth, Massachusetts 10:58 p.m. A wom 4/7/1999 #43754 d-story window of her home in East Falmouth, Massachusetts. She sees strang 4/7/1999 #43754 ts were seen in the ocean off East Falmouth, Massachusetts at 11:30 p.m. 11/23/2007 #45096
ing the crowd that the charges are false and absurd. Some ufologists interp 812 #2 Trinity House to investigate the “false lights” of the Durham, England, co 12/1865 #165 gh the commission decides that the false lights are not deliberately lit, t 12/1865 #165 , saying the entire incident was a false alarm due to anxiety and “war nerv 2/24/1942 #1388 . The primary diagnostic for these false returns is their speed. The Navy n 4/1945 #1834 erroneous. It lulls people into a false sense of security.” He reminds the 2/25/1951 #5458 e anonymous or fictitious letters, false defamatory or threatening informat 8/1956 #13042 FBI blackmails insiders to spread false rumors or promote factionalism. It 8/1956 #13042 y later circulates an outrageously false accusation that Williamson killed 8/11/1958 #15192 ic and the airline industry into a false sense of security. https://sohp.u 12/21/1958 #15495 , manuscripts, photos, rumors, and false intelligence. 1959 #15513 orce claims the UFOs are caused by false radar returns, with excitable witn 9/24/1959 #15987 press conference display includes false UFO photos and fake debris. “I am 2/11/1965 #18810 g...didn't make any quick moves or false moves. He just stood there and tal 11/17/1966 #21119 d in the atmosphere caused several false UFO reports. (NICAP: 01 - Distant 3/30/1967 #22015 e photos are not a hoax; if proven false, they would be subject to prosecut 7/3/1967 #22600 s not work. But the launch code is false and the missile remains in its pad 3/1974 #28830 k. Fortunately, the launch code is false and the missile remains in its pad 3/1974 #28831 has responded to 30. All have been false alarms. Late 1974 #29532 FALSE BAY, CAPE PROV, RSA 13 observer(s) 7/19/1978 #33401 UAP organizations, the staging of false sightings and the leaking of “fals 1979 #34261 alse sightings and the leaking of “false” documents. https://ufos-scientif 1979 #34261 the pilot matches that of Venus. A false radar echo is also possible. 5/22/1980 #35339 true, though they may very well be false claims. * https://phys.org/news/ 1981 #35765 aul Bennewitz astray by giving him false information. He claimed that he wa 1982 #36283 rov again dismisses the reports as false. The investigation that follows re 9/26/1983 #36986 stem indeed has malfunctioned, and false alarms are caused by a rare alignm 9/26/1983 #36986 employee to knowingly disseminate false information to the public is an of 1991 #39939 be achieved by not worshiping the false god (Demiurge), but rather, gainin 1/1991 #39944 tion. Tall black figure(s). Marks. False pregnancy? / MJ#321. 8/8/1993 #41113 d location; the example given is a false projection of a stealth fighter. T 5/1996 #42891 existence, Blue Book came up with “false cover stories” like ice crystals a 8/3/1997 #43365 ge of manmade advanced craft in a “false indications and warnings scenario” 8/22/1998 #43635 nfluences have coalesced to create false memories. 3/1999 #43740 cker used disinformation including false UAP data to trick Soviet Russia to 5/5/2001 #44178 ves the Holloman UAP landing was a false cover story for a malfunctioning A 5/11/2002 #44342 e records by cover SAPs containing false descriptions. Wilson seemingly nar 10/16/2002 #44418 the computer categorizes them as “false targets.” After the return of the 11/14/2004 #44784 hese tests reveal a propensity for false memories and magical ideation, mak 10/2005 #44883 nt to truth narratives, supporting false ones just as readily; they embrace 6/26/2008 #45147 as told by her superiors to insert false numbers to make Navy budge figures 11/18/2013 #45396 the use of what GCHQ itself calls ‘false flag operations’ and emails to peo 2/24/2014 #45402 debate about whether it might be a false track given high winds that are gu 3/26/2014 #45405 at seem to be ordinary sounds. The false sensations may account for a defin 9/1/2018 #45538 formation from the AEC in 1977 are false. https://twitter.com/LtTimMcMilla 4/29/2020 #45644 gs are of physical objects and not false readings, as individual instances 6/25/2021 #45694 nt explanations including they are false but based on something true; that 9/2022 #45766
ncisco Examiner, has been printing falsehoods about him, including an inter 11/22/1896 #347 uru whose lectures are filled with falsehoods, disparaging his credentials, 8/15/1980 #35458 merous historical inaccuracies and falsehoods, some of which he characteriz 1/8/2019 #45557
acked on radar. A 1955 RAND report falsely attributes this to an armada of 3/14/1953 #8753 Joe W. Kelly responds to Luehman, falsely stating that the Air Force has d 3/3/1958 #14916 ng accidental war and the Russians falsely claiming UFOs are Soviet weapons 8/22/1961 #16800 of anti-UFO arguments, which claim falsely that no evidence exists. When sk 5/6/2008 #45134 tion from the Black Vault website, falsely claiming copyright. They are sti 1/27/2015 #45427
ts Sullivan’s report may have been falsified to cover-up to shut down furth 1958 #14787
FALSLEV MARK, DK 1 / (seen thru) binocul 2/27/1991 #39985 ght maneuvered low in the sky over Falslev Mar, Denmark at 11:00 p.m. and w 2/27/1991 #39986
NYKOBING FALSTER, DK 3 observer(s). X-formation / 4/19/1994 #41496 At 9:40 p.m. in Nykobing Falster, Denmark 21 nocturnal lights fly 4/19/1994 #41497
Butler, Missouri Witness: J. Faltemeier, CAA communications specialis 9/4/1954 #10246 Butler, Missouri Witness: J. Faltemeier, CAA communications specialis 9/5/1954 #10256
ll, Minnesota had their car engine falter when several tiny lights passed t 1/5/1967 #21263
n the Pacific. The plane's engines faltered, its magnetic compass failed, a 8/28/1945 #1931 from above. The aircraft's engine faltered, then died, but the plane maint 7/23/1947 #3220 m, and at the same time his engine faltered then quit when he came opposite 9/27/1972 #27035 e car lights dimmed and the engine faltered. The object was estimated to be 4/10/1973 #27422 and then cut out. Next the engine faltered, sputtered then fell silent. Pa 10/16/1973 #28089 screeching sound while the engine faltered, the lights dimmed, and the car 4/8/1994 #41483
the engine sputters, and the plane falters until the objects speed away. On 8/28/1945 #1930
Mr. Faltersack, age 18, was driving along Co 8/21/1972 #26945
NEAR FALUN, SWEDEN Family. Classic silver dom 10/19/1967 #23267
V.N.DE FAMALICAO, PORTUGAL Several observer(s). 10/11/1954 #10916
in Simon, of Betty and Barney Hill fame later). After a lengthy investigati 5/24/1963 #17765 n causes. The women have sought no fame or fortune from their UFO experienc 1/6/1976 #30762
the ground, occasionally emitting fames from its base. After a short while 8/17/1996 #42984
aysia - A Malaysian boy named Mohd Fami awoke at 4:30 a.m. to the sound of 5/24/1999 #43775
Sagrada Famila, Brazil Two brothers, F. and R. E 8/28/1963 #17920
Sagrada Familia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil Gualbert 8/28/1963 #17922 e Gualbertos’s backyard in Sagrada Familia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, to wash 8/28/1963 #17922 garden of the Gualberto family in Familia Sagrada, Minas Gerais State, Bra 8/28/1963 #17924
given by Brazel, but both men are familiar with the territory; and Wilcox 7/6/1947 #2807 o not sound like any meteors he is familiar with. 12/9/1948 #3921 tor of intelligence and who seems “familiar with the general aspects of the 12/19/1951 #5821 ht light hovers and maneuvers. "No familiar craft or weapon". 6/26/1952 #6633 nnot be positively identified as a familiar object.” It lists the objective 8/12/1954 #10138 s organization—which includes such familiar names as Nelson Rockefeller, Ro 12/28/1954 #11868 seen moving about. The witness was familiar with blimps and aircraft. 9/7/1964 #18544 ts his widow. She says that she is familiar with the story in the book, as 4/24/1965 #18916 to one another, and too unlike any familiar object. . . ." 8/3/1965 #19289 e in Key West, Florida. He hears a familiar buzzing in his head. 3/22/1966 #20031 gine was observed. The witness was familiar with all conventional military 3/23/1966 #20047 gine was observed. The witness was familiar with all conventional military 3/23/1966 #20055 boy and his Dalmatian are walking familiar paths in a wood lot behind thei 3/29/1966 #20139 earby Scott AFB and the witness is familiar with the base, he goes to the c 12/19/1967 #23595 At 8:11 p.m. an engineer familiar with astronomy and artificial s 9/29/1968 #24522 ail were warned about it. Nixon is familiar with Homestead AFB, which is on 2/19/1973 #27298 normal aircraft. She said she was familiar with aircraft because there is 3/20/1973 #27353 ”—stationary lights camouflaged by familiar constellations. Some objects ap 4/1973 #27397 story took hold was that it was so familiar, people wanted something like i 11/2/1974 #29580 ome upset and afraid, she misses a familiar sign and drives a mile out of h 6/11/1976 #31102 rily featuring a number of stories familiar to journalists who worked in an 8/10/1991 #40147 g in north / sky. Observer(s) very familiar / military aircraft. 6/25/1995 #42272 .m. The witness claimed to be very familiar with military aircraft and this 6/25/1995 #42275 her room. Her body began to get a familiar vibrating feeling, and then she 10/26/1999 #43866 xperiencer, although they were not familiar to her. She ran into the room t 9/3/2003 #44592 gist Richard Dolan states a source familiar with the portion of the UAPTF r 6/29/2021 #45697 hler by Bobby Ray Inman as someone familiar with crash retrievals in the 19 9/26/2022 #45771 m whistleblowers. Multiple sources familiar with the process tell the journ 10/14/2022 #45778
N, OH 2 BF Goodrich executives and families. Round silver object going quic 7/4/1947 #2628 ASHLAND, OR Doctor and 2 families camping / McKee Bridge. Silver 7/6/1947 #2740 At 7:00 p.m. three families in West Hartford, Connecticut i 7/6/1947 #2827 eants on a fishing trip with their families five miles south of San Acacia 7/17/1948 #3714 eants on a fishing trip with their families to San Acacia Dam, New Mexico s 7/17/1948 #3715 Saucer rises / Lake Erie. Buzzes 2 families. Cars inoperative. 4 small huma 7/30/1955 #12306 NEAR MOON LAKE, NE 3 farm families. Bright moon-size object hovers 8/9/1955 #12343 were several witnesses from three families. 8/9/1955 #12344 Heights, Indiana at 8:30 p.m. two families watched a hat-shaped domed disc 8/22/1962 #17354 witnessed by five people from two families. 5/15/1964 #18273 rtheastern Pennsylvania with their families, and were walking along a woode 8/3/1965 #19294 , Indiana and was witnessed by two families, including the Brockleys. 8/22/1966 #20788 this date six witnesses from three families driving on Highway 55 two miles 1/5/1967 #21263 ley, PA 6:00 p.m. Members of three families saw two objects, one saucer sha 1/28/1967 #21407 30 p.m. AKST (10:30 p.m. CST). Two families saw an object that had a long r 3/21/1967 #21935 The Bailey and Lore families had observed UFOs in the area o 3/26/1967 #21998 s in a field the night before. The families go to the field and find a larg Late 9/1968 #24511 t 11:30 p.m. 18 witnesses from six families watched an oblong or oval shape 8/29/1970 #25809 RIO PIEDRAS, PR 30 families. Bright shiny ovoid down on ope 10/7/1972 #27053 and the event was witnessed by two families. At 10:30 p.m. Mountain Standar 12/31/1973 #28623 total of six witnesses from three families and the incident lasted 15 minu 9/7/1974 #29429 eople from the Overfelt and Nelson families saw a round UFO making a hummin 10/15/1974 #29533 tnesses of various ages from three families. 3/14/1975 #29898 eight witnesses from four separate families. 4/25/1976 #31024 point the teens ran to tell their families and so did not see the object d 10/29/1976 #31505 om the UFO's noise. At least three families on the block experienced total 4/6/1977 #31953 usands of base personnel and their families are congregating at Ellsworth A 5/1980 #35296 them because they had children and families. Behind some trees they saw the 7/4/1989 #39009 its by the local military, several families living nearby were displaced, a 9/16/1989 #39109 ividuals from childhood onward and families for generations. The aliens cre 1/1998 #43482 002 and follows the lives of three families: the Crawfords, who seek to cov 12/2/2002 #44457 information is controlled by three families: the Rockefellers, the Rothschi 8/2004 #44724 ns between wealthy entrepreneurial families and funding of possibly rogue U 8/2004 #44724 between: (1) all members of those families, (2) all front companies linked 8/2004 #44724 ll front companies linked to those families and (3) all meetings held by th 8/2004 #44724 and (3) all meetings held by those families and the aerospace world. If int 8/2004 #44724 to look for linkages between those families and organizations that may fund 8/2004 #44724 operations’ and emails to people’s families and friends. Who would possibly 2/24/2014 #45402 rs Canada withdraws all staff with families. 3/2018 #45520 s the Canadian diplomats and their families have faced in Havana, Cuba, mor 2/6/2019 #45560 .S. Government Employees and Their Families at Overseas Embassies,” in earl 8/2020 #45657
tly. Around 8:00 p.m., the Royster family of Madisonville, Kentucky, watche 7/28/1880 #237 VNZ Humming and penetrating light. Family / 9 vomits. Burnt. Very radiation 10/24/1886 #274 which was rainy and tempestuous, a family of nine persons, sleeping in a hu 10/24/1886 #275 ht a loud humming noise awakened a family of nine in a hut in a village in 10/24/1886 #277 minated the inside of the hut. The family suffered symptoms of apparent rad 10/24/1886 #277 de Rochas is asked to hypnotize a family friend, “Mireille,” who is suffer 1895 #318 rancher Constant T. Musso and his family in Bowman, California. watch thre Late 10/1896 #332 7:00 p.m. Farmer John Bawl and his family see an airship moving to the sout 11/26/1896 #364 0 p.m. V. H. Hollingsworth and his family in Ellsworth (between Sherman and 9/7/1897 #608 England, through a path behind his family’s garden when he comes upon a lar Summer 1901 #645 mer, IN During the early evening a family watched a brilliantly glowing cig 3/17/1903 #659 th slightly tapered ends” over the family farm in Helmer, Indiana. Its insi 3/17/1903 #660 tches an object come down near his family’s water well in Mitchell, South D 1906 #684 is having an outdoor meal with his family in Bujoreanca, Romania, when they Autumn 1914 #917 13 (or 16), is out riding with his family and two friends when their car ru Late Summer 1919 #993 year-old Cecil “Danny” McGann, his family, and other farmers in the area of 1927 #1068 10:00 a.m. A woman is driving the family car in an isolated hilly area of 1930 #1106 NEAR WARWICK, RI Family / car. 12 disks / instant acceler 5/1936 (approximate) #1244 o a field belonging to Eva Braun’s family and is retrieved by German soldie Summer 1937 #1272 sh and dead “little people” to his family in a letter and phone call. Walte Early 10/1941 #1372 ESCONDIDO, CA Family. Domed disk hovers over house. Fi 11/1943 #1539 ido, CA On a dark moonless night a family heard a soft humming sound and sa 11/1943 #1540 nsylvania Late night. Members of a family who live in an isolated area on t 10/1944 #1673 Lake, Ontario, Don Cameron and his family watch 12–14 small disc- shaped ob 4/25/1946 #1984 and picking oranges at his wife’s family home at La Grange, north of Titus 5/1946 #1988 ries (near), ID Landing, seen by a family of ten in Northern Idaho, of eigh 7/3/1947 #2577 0 p.m. Mrs. Walter Johnson and her family see 8–9 discs flying out of the s 7/3/1947 #2584 Agustin area: Gerald Anderson and family/friends witness a crashed UFO wit 7/5/1947 #2679 NDON, ONT Steeplejack Ferguson and family. Flying pancake disk skips along 7/8/1947 #3000 rer of the planet Pluto, and other family members watched a luminous 300-fo 7/10/1947 #3117 D.’s (initials) property. H.D. and family were sworn to secrecy. Note: This 3/25/1948 #3596 IRAFLORES, PERU Swiss engineer and family. Glowing saucer stops overhead / 3/16/1950 #4647 er with a small canopy on top. The family of druggist Dwayne Mulnix of Mead 6/30/1950 #5027 ters ceased when he was 11 and the family moved to Acworth, but then contin 1951 #5372 A family friend of McDonnell Douglas engin 1952 #5846 :30 in the afternoon by the Gmyrek family in Browerville, Minnesota. The di 4/21/1952 #6148 rsons, including John Hoffman, his family and friends. One large white circ 5/25/1952 #6360 SOUTH / CATAWBA, WI Family. Fake cloud circles and stops sev 6/6/1952 #6450 ears on the same flight path. Some family members and neighbors join him to 8/10/1952 #7539 Le Roy, New York A family on the ground in Le Roy, New York 8/28/1952 #7772 ° angle. The witnesses include the family of Yves Prigent, general superint 10/17/1952 #8148 his body has ever been found; his family only learned the truth in 2008 af 11/1/1952 #8228 Central Point, Oregon 10:00 p.m. A family is returning home on Scenic Avenu Summer 1953 #8953 ment calls it a suicide, the Olson family alleges murder because, especiall 11/28/1953 #9324 h UFOs leads to the breakup of his family and the disintegration of his per 12/1953 #9330 kirts of Norco, California Noon. A family living in a cottage on the outski Late Spring 1954 #9803 nsville, Kentucky Cecil Sutton and family have run in with spacemen. 8/21/1954 #10159 12, is working on a tractor at his family’s farm in Coldwater, Kansas, when 9/2/1954 #10232 0 a.m. three members of the Chovel family saw an orange-red disc with a lum 9/7/1954 #10269 ening three members of the Guibert family in the city of Marseille, France 9/7/1954 #10271 Le Jou, France The Patient family witnessed the landing of a bright 9/23/1954 #10416 p.m. in Le Jou, France the Patient family witnessed the landing of a bright 9/23/1954 #10423 At the same time as the Patient family sighting, Mrs. Vignolles of Lenco 9/23/1954 #10424 SAILLAT-SUR-VIENNE, FR Family sees V-bright object come close / 10/10/1954 #10882 ur-Vienne, France Roger Gayout and family saw a very bright object come ver 10/10/1954 #10890 France Mssr. Roger Gayout and his family saw a very bright object come ver 10/10/1954 #10902 -DES-LOGES, FR Saucer / sky nears. Family hides. Great silence. / LDLN#321. 10/23/1954 #11332 nous disk in the sky and alled her family. When everyone saw the object com 10/23/1954 #11336 ering in the sky and called to her family. When everyone saw the object com 10/23/1954 #11347 egre, Brazil An agronomist and his family in their car saw a landed disk fr 11/10/1954 #11619 o Sul Brazil An agronomist and his family encounter a landed UFO along a ro 11/10/1954 #11620 ng home to work in the fields. His family and police fail to find him. On D 12/9/1954 #11786 ing railroad/railway-carriage buzz family / car. Vanishes over swamp. 2/6/1955 #11976 CONCEPCION, CHILE Family / car. Saucer landed / pasture. S 2/15/1955 #12001 PETARE, VNZ Family. 5 ovoids going down / hillside. 6/10/1955 #12193 Santa Catalina Channel, CA Family aboard boat saw a round cylinder, 7/9/1955 #12245 ove them before heading to another family nearby. It swings back to the ori Late 7/1955 #12285 Hopkinsville, Kentucky The Sutton family saw a light landing near their fa 8/21/1955 #12385 Skeptic Joe Nickell notes that the family could have misidentified great ho 8/21/1955 #12386 Hopkinsville, Kentucky. The Sutton family saw a light land near their farmh 8/21/1955 #12387 NELSON, NZ Family / (seen thru) telescope. Silver d 8/27/1956 #13133 se #4379. Military observer(s) and family. Star changes color(s). Hovers an 9/4/1956 #13182 Dallas, TX Family saw a large star, changing to red 9/4/1956 #13183 arine Corps T/Sgt. R.D. Rogers and family. One large star, changing to red 9/4/1956 #13185 SR23, MN Family going north. 1M red and green obj 12/22/1956 (approximate) #13411 , New Jersey 2:00 p.m. Hearing the family dogs barking in the backyard, a M 3/6/1957 #13523 illas-Boas gets up from bed on his family’s farm near São Francisco de Sale 10/5/1957 #14062 y tag with him over a field on his family farm in Sao Francisco de Sales, M 10/14/1957 #14112 PITTSBURGH, PA Family. 3+3 night lights maneuver in for 10/22/1957 #14141 Pittsburgh, PA Family saw six UFOs in two separate grou 10/22/1957 #14143 (the author of the report and the family of the girl), they used a device 10/25/1957 #14154 Anazia Maria) is taking care of a family member who is dying of stomach ca 10/25/1957 #14155 communicate telepathically to the family, cure the girl, and leave behind 10/25/1957 #14155 ite uniforms. Before the astounded family and another witness astounded wit 10/25/1957 #14157 ound. The witness went to call his family; the object had vanished when he 11/6/1957 #14415 oals. The witness went to call his family, but the object had vanished when 11/6/1957 #14437 MARSHALL, TX Family. 2 bright "planets" hover. Smalle 3/3/1958 #14913 Marshall (near), TX Family saw two bright, planet-like objec 3/3/1958 #14915 Cleveland, Ohio A family in Cleveland, Ohio, sees a flight 4/9/1958 #14970 OGORDO, NM Electrical engineer and family. Small ovoid going south / low al 8/12/1958 #15196 by an electrical engineer and his family as it flew to the south at a low 8/12/1958 #15199 r-old male is home babysitting the family pets and his younger brother in V 2/24/1959 #15605 ouple claim that the British royal family, especially Prince Philip, are al 5/18/1959 #15737 Columbus, IN Family in car chased three pulsating obj 7/8/1959 #15826 L. Liggett and two members of his family sighted a round yellowish-white n 10/6/1959 #16022 0 feet in diameter paced the Lewis family in their car in Casterton near Mo 5/14/1960 #16278 4 MILES NORTHWEST / PERIDOT, AZ Family westbound / US70. Small humanoid 6/10/1960 (approximate) #16309 ERCEDES, SL, ARG Air Force man and family / car. Silent 20M luminous mass s 5/13/1962 #17169 Force man named Giashischa and his family encountered a mist at 4:15 a.m. w 5/13/1962 #17172 ater that they would kill him. The family stayed on the alert all night. 8/19/1962 #17346 Hawthorne, NJ 7:55 p.m.; A family in Hawthorne watched a greenish d 9/18/1962 #17413 BANTAM, CT Entire family. 8 metallic disks going southwest 7/7/1963 #17825 the object from her house with her family members for nearly an hour. When 8/4/1963 #17864 Ellsworth (near), ME A family and their housekeeper observed an 8/13/1963 #17895 vel for over one hour by an entire family. 8/13/1963 #17897 At 9:30 p.m. a family and their housekeeper saw an elli 8/13/1963 #17900 ded into a garden of the Gualberto family in Familia Sagrada, Minas Gerais 8/28/1963 #17924 , Ohio 9:30 p.m. Five members of a family in Millersport, Ohio, see what se 10/1963 #17969 nca, Tucumán Province, Argentina A family was held under siege by 2 disks g 10/21/1963 #17995 .m. Yolié del Valle Moreno and her family at Trancas, Tucumán, Argentina, o 10/21/1963 #17997 1, and children of the Harold Rust family. It leaves four 8 x 10 inch recta 4/30/1964 #18232 ar-old daughter Elizabeth when his family is picnicking on the marshes at B 5/24/1964 #18297 lizabeth’s head. Templeton and his family claim they had seen no one when t 5/24/1964 #18297 Mr. and Mrs. Terry Balliet, their family, and two neighbors see two UFOs i 5/26/1964 #18307 in Field Baffle Perry County Farm Family. A five foot circular burned circ Late 6/1964 #18374 Three members of the Henry Ivester family in Turnerville, Georgia, are watc 7/7/1964 #18398 Adams, Wisconsin 11:00 p.m. A family of five in Adams, Wisconsin, is r 11/26/1964 #18639 the time, reported that he and his family experienced the total electrical 11/26/1964 #18640 total electrical failure of their family car in Adams, Wisconsin on this n 11/26/1964 #18640 inia Woody Darnell, policeman, his family, and several neighbors saw a stat 1/25/1965 #18765 ight. Policeman Woody Darnall, his family, and several neighbors see a glow 1/25/1965 #18766 MONTEREY, CA Mayor and family. Vibrant bright object does acrob 1/29/1965 #18779 rnia, Mayor George Clemens and his family see a bright light performing acr 1/29/1965 #18781 p.m., six members of the McDonald family in Leroy Township, Ohio saw a sil 5/20/1965 #18947 na Mr. and Mrs. Bosquets and their family observed a luminous object, its c 7/15/1965 #19105 a, Mr. and Mrs. Bosquets and their family observed a luminous object, its c 7/15/1965 #19108 ld return to take Martinez and his family, and then they would then burn up 7/21/1965 #19156 ALICANTE, SPAIN Family / car. 2 saucers going south fast 7/27/1965 #19187 nd 6:00 p.m. an astronomer and his family were driving in Suffolk County, L 8/9/1965 #19349 At around midnight the K. Denver family of three saw a UFO on the ground 8/9/1965 #19351 aer, Scotland Patrick Nash and his family were awaiting a ferry boat when a 8/14/1965 #19389 CASS LAKE, MN Family and others. Strange object sweeps 9/4/1965 #19519 James Allen Aldridge and his family heard a loud blast outside their 11/24/1965 #19734 goes outside with the rest of the family and sees an erratically moving br 1/14/1966 #19834 PORTSMOUTH, NH Family. Egg-shape 45M over power lines. 3/13/1966 #19955 not available. A reporter and his family saw an egg-shaped object about 15 3/13/1966 #19956 this night a news reporter and his family saw an egg-shaped object 150 feet 3/13/1966 #19958 esses, two teenage girls and their family members, immediately after their 3/16/1966 #19975 ight, retired Air Force pilot, and family saw a bright white light approach 3/19/1966 #19993 Loraine, OH 7:10 p.m. EST. A family saw what appeared to , be a doubl 3/27/1966 #20099 0 p.m. EST. A tree surgeon and his family saw a bright white object maneuve 3/30/1966 #20155 Lexisburg (10 miles N of), IN Family saw an oval object crossing the r 3/30/1966 #20158 hue and about twice the size of a family car. Witness descriptions are mix 4/6/1966 #20257 Yorktown, IA 2:10 a.m. CDT. A farm family saw a cigar-shaped object with li 4/23/1966 #20385 r, MA 10:30 p.m. EST. Members of a family about 13 miles north of Randolph, 4/23/1966 #20388 erratically away to the east. The family goes to bed, but at 5:00 a.m., 11 4/23/1966 #20390 scratching at the door. The entire family rushes to the back porch, where t 4/23/1966 #20390 hester, MA 5:00 a.m. EDT. The same family as in the previous entry saw an i 4/24/1966 #20400 hook, and the lights went out. The family German shepherd doa whined and sc 4/24/1966 #20400 ator of the Ludlow Museum, and his family see a UFO shaped like a silver is 7/22/1966 #20668 EAR KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX All / family. Saucer lands. Square door opens. 8/6/1966 #20726 Texas A civilian man and his family observed a dark object hovering n 8/6/1966 #20728 At 2:00 p.m. a man and his family near Kelly Air Force Base in Came 8/6/1966 #20730 perations, Redfa’s entire extended family is smuggled safely out of Iraq to 8/16/1966 #20755 Ashtabula, OH Family saw a silvery disc-shaped object 8/17/1966 #20758 ed by a railroad conductor and his family for 5 minutes, using 7x50 binocul 8/24/1966 #20799 leasure outing with members of his family when he sees two objects moving a Early 9/1966 #20835 Witnesses: several members of one family. One small, bright orange, moon-s 10/5/1966 #20963 s, New Hampshire at 8:00 p.m. by a family of three. A very intense beam of 11/1/1966 #21064 LISBON, OH Family. Bright 5M dish-saucer hovers / h 12/5/1966 #21185 for the cold weather. He told the family "this will only take forty minute 1/9/1967 #21278 Two nights after the Christiansen family heard strange metallic sounds ove 1/15/1967 #21315 Shamokin, PA 6:00 p.m. EST. A family watched a disc with a red light o 1/18/1967 #21341 Shamokin, Pennsylvania 6:00 p.m. A family in Shamokin, Pennsylvania, watche 1/18/1967 #21343 area), PA Around 6:00 p.m. Another family reported two objects, one with li 1/19/1967 #21351 ssen and four other members of her family in South Ashburnham, Massachusett 1/23/1967 #21368 the creatures every member of the family except her enters a state of para 1/25/1967 #21386 During these proceedings the other family members were sitting in the livin 1/25/1967 #21389 he entities, one named Joohop. Her family was still in a state of suspended 1/25/1967 #21389 their hands, proceeded to put the family to bed, Betty the abductee being 1/25/1967 #21389 r roaring sound when it moves. The family TV set reception is disrupted whe 2/10/1967 #21505 6:45 p.m. EST. Two women and other family members saw a silvery disc, with 2/14/1967 #21546 N 10:00 p.m. EST. Two members of a family saw a glowing orange object, also 2/24/1967 #21639 ina, Swedish Laponia The Sodestrom family obsered two plate-shaped objects, 3/4/1967 #21752 Just before midnight the Sodestrom family observed two plate-shaped objects 3/4/1967 #21753 y 14 Night. The Russell Carter Jr. family is traveling about 10 miles east 3/5/1967 #21766 Four members of the Carter family were driving together between Pie 3/5/1967 #21768 WEST / WELLINGTON, TX USAF family. Saucer chases car to 100mph. Spl 3/24/1967 #21956 7:15 p.m. PST (10:15 p.m. EST). A family saw an unusual reddish light that 4/1/1967 #22038 vania close encounter, the Dauncey family saw a small glowing sphere with a 4/5/1967 #22069 p.m. EDT). A private pilot and his family saw a flattened ellipse with a su 4/28/1967 #22243 light followed a car with the Luck family of three through the rural countr 5/7/1967 #22298 Half Moon Bay, CA 1:30 a.m. PDT. A family saw a triangular object with a ro 5/16/1967 #22352 ty, California. At 1:30 a.m. PDT a family saw a triangular object with a ro 5/16/1967 #22357 ne, France Remy Deneuville and his family saw a white light to the side of 5/24/1967 #22392 Remy Deneuville and his family saw a white light to the side of 5/24/1967 #22393 . Giuseppe Aldini, 17, is with his family in Montalcino, Siena, Italy, when 6/1967 #22439 On this night Mrs. Wallace and her family watched a cone-shaped UFO with ro 6/16/1967 #22511 Falcon Lake, CAN Evening. A family crossing the lake by boat saw a s 6/18/1967 #22516 Falcon Lake, CAN Evening. A family crossing the lake by boat saw a s 6/18/1967 #22517 Falcon Lake, CAN Evening. A family crossing the lake by boat saw a s 6/18/1967 #22518 hoal Lake, Ontario Late evening. A family is returning home by boat near Cl 6/18/1967 #22520 s 9:15 p.m. Thomas H. Nicholl, his family, and another couple, Mr. and Mrs. 7/3/1967 #22602 0 a.m. in Buckhorn, Ontario when a family saw 15 lights darting about in th 7/3/1967 #22603 Orion, MI Nr. midnight. A family saw two large orange; spheres tha 7/12/1967 #22654 e-Hermine, Daniel Bonifait and his family saw a red disk, the size of a bui 7/24/1967 #22725 t ten p.m. Daniel Bonifait and his family were driving between Mareuil and 7/24/1967 #22726 e Marie, age 9, were tending their family cows when they saw four dwarfish 8/29/1967 #22955 d and the being ran from room. Her family came into the room to find out wh 9/3/1967 #22990 a During a raging storm, an entire family watched a large, glowing object i 9/11/1967 #23042 ar Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina, a family watches a huge, glowing orange ob 9/11/1967 #23045 day, "otherwise we will take your family." They had greenish skin, and rou 9/14/1967 #23059 the next day or they will take his family. The figure reenters the UFO, whi 9/14/1967 #23060 y, or "otherwise we will take your family." They had a greenish skin tone, 9/14/1967 #23061 UK 9:00 p.m. LT (5:00 p.m. EDT). A family had several sightings of red ligh 9/18/1967 #23081 NEAR FALUN, SWEDEN Family. Classic silver domed saucer goin 10/19/1967 #23267 p.m. Timothy Robinson, 13, and his family are startled by the roar of a jet 10/27/1967 #23353 on, UK 8:50 p.m. LT. A man and his family saw two dull red metallic objects 10/31/1967 #23376 5:10 p.m. EST. Three members of a family saw multiple cloud-like rings wit 12/13/1967 #23578 School and several members of his family in Belmont, Massachusetts, see a 12/24/1967 #23607 he boy arrives home terrified. The family goes to the landing site and find 7/2/1968 #24131 Jr. and his brother Wayne are at a family get-together in the backyard of t 7/2/1968 #24132 ating red lights that agitates the family’s horses and cats. Around 11:30 p 7/2/1968 #24132 A family of three in Pastora, Argentina sa 7/25/1968 #24228 Near midnight a family of four in Upton, Quebec, Canada 7/28/1968 #24246 CRN.PRINGLES, ARG 2 separate family cars electro-magnetic effect (EME 7/30/1968 #24257 CLUJ, ROMANIA Family / observer(s). 3 orange objects h 8/19/1968 #24354 a 7:52 p.m. John D. Hickey and his family are driving near West Morehead St 10/5/1968 #24544 MEDULLA, FL Family. Dog barks. Transparent violet ob 10/8/1968 #24550 ke place around the doctor and his family, including poltergeist activity a 11/1/1968 #24620 The Milakovic family was driving down their farm road 11/20/1968 #24673 t as Venus. A member of the Carter family thinks it might have been a bariu 1/6/1969 #24821 That same evening a family in Merida, Badajoz, Spain saw a d 3/12/1969 #25003 he returns with his mother in the family car, the UFO has been joined by a 7/11/1969 #25261 hts descending above a well on her family’s farm near Abee, Alberta. She lo 7/16/1969 #25274 only discusses his find within the family, but the news quickly leaks to th 9/4/1969 #25351 were six witnesses from the Moore family. 2/7/1970 #25576 d at around 5 p.m. when he and his family heard a sound resembling a swarm 4/15/1970 #25633 s the field across the street. The family television, the car ignition, and 7/4/1970 #25726 At 12:30 a.m. the Hidalgo family of four, driving in a car between 8/16/1970 #25790 r, Washington three days before, a family watched a very bright object appr 12/7/1970 #25934 official and three members of his family witnessed 16 ball-shaped objects 1/11/1971 #25988 BASTIA, CORSICA Family. 3 photographs / domed saucer in 2/12/1971 #26018 e good photographs were taken by a family of a domed disc-shaped object in 2/12/1971 #26019 7:45 p.m. Mr. Abrahamsson and his family saw a 10 meter wide domed disc wi 4/30/1971 #26087 s later, Michael and several other family members saw a bright disc-shaped 5/15/1971 #26111 .m. four witnesses of the Whitlock family in Anderson, Indiana observed an 5/16/1971 #26115 stminster, Maryland, was seen by a family of seven people maneuvering over 8/1/1971 #26262 hnson, 16, is tending sheep on his family’s farm at Delphos, Kansas, when h 11/2/1971 #26449 ar-old Ron Johnson was tending the family sheep with his dog at around seve 11/2/1971 #26450 and composure, he ran back to the family house to alert the others. The br 11/2/1971 #26450 anish from sight altogether. Three family members came running around the s 11/2/1971 #26450 ing nothing else of the craft, the family finally went to bed for the night 11/2/1971 #26450 he night. (Continued.) At dawn the family returned to the sight of the glow 11/2/1971 #26450 ameter in a wheat paddock. Another family had seen a red ball of light in t 12/1971 #26482 ded to award $5,000 to the Johnson family of Delphos, Kansas, for submittin 3/12/1972 #26601 EUCLA, WEST AUSTR Family / car. Orange saucer going up / r 5/8/1972 #26672 Burlington, CO A rural family, who police say are responsible p 9/13/1972 #26990 A rural family in Burlington, Colorado, who poli 9/13/1972 #26991 now. He then walked to the Mercier family chicken house, and was about to e 11/28/1972 #27151 Helene, age 14, was riding the family snowmobile near McWaters, Quebec 2/26/1973 #27318 ion. These come to be known as the Family Jewels. (Wikipedia, “Family Jewel 5/9/1973 #27472 as the Family Jewels. (Wikipedia, “Family Jewels 5/9/1973 #27472 ses were members of the Williamson family from the town of Sidney. They saw 9/20/1973 #27850 Niantic, Connecticut 7:00 p.m. A family in Niantic, Connecticut, watches 10/10/1973 #27981 At 10:30 p.m. the Cline family of Berea, Tennessee awoke to the 10/11/1973 #28007 the barking of their dogs, a farm family saw lights from a UFO in the wood 10/15/1973 #28055 ir dogs late on this night, a farm family living near Berea, Tennessee saw 10/15/1973 #28061 rd minutes after the sighting, the family dog was barking furiously. No oth 10/16/1973 #28090 Falmouth, Nova Scotia, CAN Family dog greatly agitated when two red 11/8/1973 #28391 Joan Scofield reported that her family dog was greatly agitated when her 11/8/1973 #28394 dog was greatly agitated when her family of six observed two low flying, b 11/8/1973 #28394 meters in height at the house of a family named Siles. He explained that th 11/15/1973 #28426 . He ate raw meat, carrots and the family kept him in a small cage. Another 11/15/1973 #28426 de one of the windows of the Siles family. She described the being as havin 11/15/1973 #28426 ia Minas Basin James Yorke and his family watch a triangular UFO with color 12/3/1973 #28514 ating around Cadair Bronwen, three family members see a bright object in th 1/24/1974 #28701 Keith McDonald and his family were watching at least three UFOs 3/12/1974 #28874 another ride, explaining that her family was expecting her. She noticed th 5/5/1974 #29086 FO earlier that evening with other family members. Later under hypnosis the 5/26/1974 #29135 Howe in 2007. Around 9:00 p.m., a family sees a large, glowing, football-s 5/28/1974 #29142 South Hampton, NH 9:30 p.m. A family driving along Route 150 encounter 6/6/1974 #29168 ed additional details. None of her family had awakened during the incident. 7/17/1974 #29266 e car an Air Force officer and his family saw two large saucer-shaped objec 8/13/1974 #29340 use in Riec sur Belon, France. The family was using binoculars to view it. 9/19/1974 #29464 lights were extinguished, and the family saw a star-like light that quickl 9/19/1974 #29464 their faces were not visible. The family fled from their house in fear. 9/19/1974 #29464 h army officer is driving with his family near Knutby, Uppsala County, Swed 9/21/1974 #29467 s some of the contents of the CIA “Family Jewels” in a front-page New York 12/22/1974 #29657 ts came about the same time that a family of four called the Lumberton Coun 12/29/1974 #29661 The CIA Family Jewels reports describe numerous 12/31/1974 #29665 TANBURG, SC Glowing sphere follows family / car home. Hovers / houses / 30 2/25/1975 #29845 in front of a car with the Forster family inside, while the children in the 3/2/1975 #29870 ut of his farmhouse and guided the family home. The UFO flew off. 3/2/1975 #29870 in front of a car with the Forster family inside, while the children in the 3/8/1975 #29879 -shaped UFO witnessed by the Baker family left a ring-shaped ground mark in 3/13/1975 #29895 AVESTA, SWEDEN Family. Cylinder/cigar-shape and 4 brigh 3/18/1975 #29908 greenish-blue in color. Two other family member joined the first two and w 3/31/1975 #29927 g “if you value your life and your family’s too.” He breaks his appointment 5/3/1975 #30026 by four members of the Crichfield family. Four landing gear imprints were 6/12/1975 #30098 by four members of the Crichfield family. Four landing gear imprints were 6/12/1975 #30099 t, Cambridge, Tasmania 9:30 p.m. A family of four is driving home along the 7/1975 #30142 there is no smell in the air, the family feels that they can taste somethi 7/1975 #30142 with television reception, and the family dog was upset for a few minutes i 7/1/1975 #30145 m. A young boy on holiday with his family in Wales wanders by himself to th 7/22/1975 #30200 wing, and sore teeth. The Stephens family subsequently observed UFOs on num 10/27/1975 #30489 riff's deputy was driving with his family when an object started coming tow 1/25/1976 #30819 GRAHAMSTOWN, RSA Family. Geese and horses frantic. Fireba 2/9/1976 #30858 SAINTES, FR Family / 6. Big rumble. Salad bowl sauce 3/16/1976 #30944 nd other doctors fail to help, his family checks him into a psychiatric hos 4/3/1976 #30983 mouth. It so frightened the entire family that they ended their vacation. 4/17/1976 #30999 zi, Italy 10:30 p.m. A man and his family observed a large, house-sized obj 5/18/1976 #31060 5 a.m. At 10:30 p.m. a man and his family observed a large, house-sized obj 5/18/1976 #31061 west of Colby, Kansas. The Delduca family reported they had encountered a U 6/20/1976 #31117 'clock in the morning the Chiasson family were driving in the Gaspesie Prov 8/5/1976 #31235 National Park, Quebec 10:00 a.m. A family is driving in Gaspésie National P 8/6/1976 #31240 asson feel like vomiting. All four family members ran back to their car, wh 8/6/1976 #31241 off Harrisburg road. Wife of rural family out in backyard notices wide band 8/15/1976 #31269 Central, FL 8:30 p.m. A family of four was traveling about 30 mi 8/18/1976 #31278 porch and sees glow in creek bed. Family watches as object again (See Aug. 8/18/1976 #31279 old relative, are returning from a family visit in Fence Houses, Durham, En 9/3/1976 #31336 nd literature at the urging of his family. 9/11/1976 #31376 o Night. Three members of the Hood family are driving back along a country 9/11/1976 #31377 races back to the house and brings family members over for a look. Then he 1/10/1977 #31715 . He also directs McCarthy and his family not to discuss the affair with an 1/10/1977 #31715 tears by friends. His friends and family see the object as a “star” that s 2/25/1977 #31847 ED, WALES Glowing fireball follows family / car. Engine and lights die. / F 3/17/1977 #31912 to the window after calling other family members, the object and the figur 4/19/1977 #32001 e they arrived. Mrs Coombs and her family had been involved in two other UF 4/23/1977 #32018 ither arrived. Mrs. Coombs and her family had been involved in several othe 4/24/1977 #32021 St. Louis, Missouri 9:30 p.m. A family in St. Louis, Missouri, sees a “c 5/21/1977 #32120 a, 14, and Krissy, 11, and a close family friend—are breaking camp and prep 6/17/1977 #32172 at 4:00 a.m. Another neighborhood family also witnessed the flying lights. 6/26/1977 #32198 ees 150 yards away. Mr. Olmos, his family, and neighbors watched the lights 7/12/1977 #32266 sciousness, because members of his family later found him lying where he ha 7/17/1977 #32288 At 10:00 p.m. a family of three was driving home to Port 8/28/1977 #32439 h (south of), NZ Five members of a family, traveling in a car south of the 9/7/1977 #32468 Five members of a family, traveling in a car south of the 9/7/1977 #32470 d looks out his window. He and his family watch a bright light source (a br 10/11/1977 #32568 ater, the daughter of the original family sees another pair of similar obje 10/17/1977 #32584 to the south. One hour later, the family watches another bright light mane 10/17/1977 #32584 The Stovold family was driving between Cadnam and Fo 1/3/1978 #32851 Two members of the Gould family were sitting in their living room 1/9/1978 #32862 e until it hurts her ears, and the family dog barks frantically, punctuated 2/4/1978 #32951 SOUTH / CHISAGO LK, MN Family. Silent formation / 5 red night l 3/22/1978 #33062 ould you like a photograph of your family?" It was a strange question, and 4/25/1978 #33171 hides behind the back seat of the family car. However, Hendry identifies t 4/29/1978 #33179 utfits. Wolski returns home to his family and notifies them of what has hap 5/10/1978 #33196 ving the rest of the neighbors and family at the site. His sons claim there 5/10/1978 #33196 STANFORD-IN-THE-VALE, ENGL Family / car abduction. Phony scenery. O 6/19/1978 #33290 ble to move. She ran to notify her family who said she appeared cold and ve 7/11/1978 #33368 ENZE, ITL Classic saucer appears / family photograph. No visual. See page 1 7/15/1978? #33384 zil On this night J. R. B. and his family observed a dome-shaped metallic o 7/16/1978 #33389 On this night J. R. B. and his family observed a dome-shaped metallic o 7/16/1978 #33393 Tasmania Lake Crescent 9:50 p.m. A family on the shore of Lake Sorell, Tasm 8/5/1978 #33475 Evelyn Clayton's family and friends were out on the front 8/21/1978 #33540 The principal witness and her family had seen a shiny disc-shaped flyi 9/15/1978 #33689 thers, all members of the Sturgell family. At 9:00 a.m., it ascends and mov 10/8/1978 #33812 ight a doctor named Rotela and his family were followed by a luminous yello 10/15/1978 #33839 k Canyon, NV A local resident, his family, and other residents report seein 11/27/1978 #34006 , and the story was relayed by his family in 1979. [Retrievals of the Thir 1979 #34263 north of Miami, Florida with three family friends when the car engine sudde 1/3/1979 #34287 north of Miami, Florida with three family friends when the car engine sudde 1/3/1979 #34292 en. She put down some food for the family Alsatian dog and called him from 1/4/1979 #34296 Two members of the Quezet family in Mindalore, Gauteng province, S 1/5/1979 #34303 en. She put down some food for the family Alsatian dog, Hobo, and called hi 1/5/1979 #34304 The Moreno family called a local newspaper to repor 1/14/1979 #34341 on, Massachusetts Early evening. A family is driving home from the grocery 4/12/1979 #34508 Milford, Connecticut 4:40 p.m. A family in Milford, Connecticut, watches 6/10/1979 #34605 ver. Ten minutes later, he and his family watch a similar light transit the 6/17/1979 #34613 . He ran to the house, calling his family, but only his wife joined him. Th 7/13/1979 #34652 ng boats belonging to the Szomborg family, the Hel-125 and Hel-127, are in 8/23/1979 #34768 Smithtown, New York 11:00 p.m. A family in Smithtown, New York, watches a 8/27/1979 #34789 eshead by the main witness and her family, the woman awoke in the middle of 9/3/1979 #34827 ngland by the main witness and her family, the woman awoke in the middle of 9/3/1979 #34831 s neighbors and the members of his family agreed. The silver disc had a bla 9/9/1979 #34856 FAENZA, RAVENNA, ITL Farm family. Circular object going quickly ea 9/13/1979 #34870 walked to the kitchen, leaving his family still sleeping. He leaned on the 9/19/1979 #34901 s disappear. Three days later, the family finds a 30 foot-by-45 foot triang 10/20/1979 #34962 and a light green hue approached a family in their car at a low height. The 12/10/1979 #35065 and a light green hue approached a family in their car at a low height. The 12/10/1979 #35067 to sail around the world with his family in a boat he has built himself. M 12/30/1979 #35103 Demopolis, Alabama 4:00 a.m. A family in Demopolis, Alabama, wakes up t 12/31/1979 #35107 of Santarém, Brazil. The man, his family, and some relatives are camping a 1/1980 #35120 At 11:30 p.m. Dr. Martinez and his family in El Medano, Catamarca province, 2/11/1980 #35173 isible about 30 minutes later. The family’s German shepherd dog barks conti 2/21/1980 #35180 Four family members of a family in Buen Conse 3/3/1980 #35194 Four family members of a family in Buen Consejo, Rio Piedras, Pue 3/3/1980 #35194 d, India 9:00 p.m. A group of nine family members are on their front lawn i 4/20/1980 #35280 3:00 p.m. Margaret Lambert and her family are parked at a scenic overlook a 9/3/1980 #35493 t 9:25 p.m. Milton Shippee and his family are driving south on State Highwa 9/11/1980 #35516 Jersey 9:30 p.m. The Earl Richards family in Tewksbury, New Jersey, notices 5/5/1981 #35931 d the windshield of a motorist and family in Forreston, South Australia pul 6/22/1981 #35979 n Lake, Ontario three members of a family watched three red spheres at 9 p. 9/16/1981 #36119 ifornia 8:45 p.m. Six members of a family in Simi Valley, California, watch 9/18/1981 #36128 THOUSAND OAKS, CA Family. Rounded delta/triangle/box-like 10/6/1981 #36160 cRoberts is taking photos with her family at a rest area some 30 miles nort 10/8/1981 #36167 -year-old woman was traveling with family and took a photograph of a mounta 10/8/1981 #36170 e the ground. Miron arrives at his family’s farm, jumps out, and sees the U 3/23/1982 #36412 ight canyon. Object lands / Indian family land. 8/10/1982 #36564 plans in a bank safe but when his family tried to access it, the bank told 9/29/1982 #36619 ssing and signs of a struggle. His family found Joao lying outside, nude an 11/29/1982 #36702 at 4:20 a.m. An interview with his family disclosed a "sickly smelling oily 11/29/1982 #36702 so he awakened the household. His family found Joao lying outside, nude an 11/30/1982 #36703 . An subsequent interview with his family disclosed that a "sickly smelling 11/30/1982 #36703 An off-duty police officer and his family see a boomerang-shaped object dri 12/31/1982 #36733 goes inside his house to alert his family, but when they come outside, the 3/24/1983 #36805 to view, but almost immediately a family living a quarter mile away sees t 3/24/1983 #36806 feet in diameter moving around the family pool house in Indianapolis, India Early 7/1983 #36900 ns, who speaks with Debbie and her family and uncovers a pattern of events Early 7/1983 #36900 TYNSET, NORWAY Family. Great-airship type object casts 2/18/1984 #37190 -shaped UFO hovering outside their family room window in Wolcott, Connectic 3/11/1984 #37224 -shaped UFO hovering outside their family room window in Wolcott, Connectic 3/11/1984 #37226 Llano, Texas 8:05 p.m. A family in Llano, Texas, watches a huge d 4/19/1984 #37274 DENBIGH, WALES Family / 5. Ring / lights hovers / TV tr 1/3/1986 #37746 sses in Torrington, Connecticut. A family sees the UFO, with 10 white light 1/9/1986 #37762 sses in Torrington, Connecticut. A family reported the UFO, with 10 white l 1/9/1986 #37763 have been the first time, from the family cabin in Orange County, New York. 4/2/1986 #37817 ssing time episode involving three family members associated with an unexpl 5/9/1986 #37860 Indianapolis, Indiana 7:50 p.m. A family of three observes a metallic, ham 8/13/1986 #37987 Pingwu county, Sichuan, China A family of three in Pingwu county, Sichua 3/7/1987 #38132 At midnight a family of three in the town of Ping Wu, 3/7/1987 #38133 went back to the location with his family and found several footprints in t 3/7/1987 #38134 ecomes flooded in white light. The family rushes outside and sees two group Late 7/1987 #38218 thy Dicenzo, their children, and a family friend are sitting outside their Early Autumn 1987 #38274 this night a round UFO ran an Ohio family off the road while driving in Gra 10/8/1987 #38300 g his identity as “Mr. X”) and his family claim a bewildering variety of cl 11/11/1987 #38322 e in Shreve, Ohio, to round up the family dogs and cats. He glances up and 11/23/1987 #38332 ldhood and evidence that her whole family was involved. After one session, 1988 #38383 a, California Los Angeles County A family in the vicinity of Pasadena, Cali 1/1988 #38385 WAKEFIELD, WEST YORKS Family. Slow bright green ball / light b 1/4/1988 #38398 Mundrabilla, AU Knowles family encounter with oval object that b 1/20/1988 #38420 rabilla, Western Australia Knowles family encounter with oval object that b 1/20/1988 #38421 goes back to driving eastward. The family becomes disoriented, and the sequ 1/20/1988 #38422 ulls into Mundrabilla, the Knowles family arrives in a state of disorientat 1/20/1988 #38422 footprints. In the afternoon, the family report to police in Ceduna, South 1/20/1988 #38422 The four member Knowles family was driving on the Nullabor Plain 1/20/1988 #38423 m. Ex-Navy Lt. Dan McIndoe and his family are at their home 5 miles north o 1/21/1988 #38427 GULF BREEZE, FL Engineer and family. Standard GB saucer over trees / 5/10/1988 #38560 rricaded himself in his house. His family, convinced his sanity and health 8/1988 #38611 or a month. After his release, his family keeps him away from ufology and u 8/1988 #38611 SOMERVILLE, OH USAF family. 3 saucers all over farm / 2 hour 1/18/1989 #38783 The family of a retired USAF non-commisioned 1/18/1989 #38786 lights were still present when the family left for work andschool that morn 1/18/1989 #38786 On this night a family of nine was spending a night at a 4/30/1989 #38927 ne Night. Members of the Iskuskovs family are on vacation in the Podgortsy 7/4/1989 #39008 , Netherlands, is driving with his family near Estepona, Spain, when they s 8/10/1989 #39050 was vacationing in Spain with his family. At about 9:00 p.m. while driving 8/10/1989 #39054 highway near Estepona, Spain, the family noticed an object northwest of th 8/10/1989 #39054 ut her voice sounds distorted. Her family rushes out of the house and sees 10/11/1989 #39161 ked his view. In Welch, Oklahoma a family of six out driving in the evening 10/13/1989 #39170 DELAMERE, CHESHIRE Cop and family. Delta/triangle/box-like craft co 10/23/1989 #39181 A family of four in Brewster, New York fou 10/27/1989 #39188 around the apartment and found her family sleeping, and everything else see 10/31/1989 #39199 Nunavut, watching television. The family dog begins barking, and soon the 11/4/1989 #39214 o a strange object in the sky. The family watches the UFO, which looks like 11/4/1989 #39214 :30 p.m. A 12-year-old boy and his family in Trooz, Belgium, watch a domed, 12/11/1989 #39312 gust of wind around 10 p.m. on her family farm in Henryville, Indiana and t 2/22/1990 #39429 A family driving home after visiting relat 3/24/1990 #39484 aken over two hours this time. The family has refused hypnotic regression b 3/24/1990 #39484 JONES, OK Family. Cylinder/cigar-shape or saucer w 5/22/1990 #39585 In 1990, the Bridges family of Navarre Beach, Florida observe 6/8/1990 #39610 of the photos, the entire Walters family is in on the hoax, and they had t 6/10/1990 #39612 At 3:45 a.m. the Martens family of Owens Sound, Ontario awoke to 8/5/1990 #39681 A4 in Beez, Belgium 6:00 p.m. Four family members driving along the E411 mo 1/6/1991 #39947 heading northwest. At 6:30 p.m., a family driving south on the A4 in Beez, 1/6/1991 #39947 CONCEPCION DEL URUGUAY, ARG MD and family. Rectangular object lights entire 1/9/1991 #39948 ional, and Iran–Contra. Casolaro’s family argues that he has been murdered; 8/10/1991 #40147 y, and his notes are passed by his family to ABC News and Time magazine, bo 8/10/1991 #40147 behind him. Upon reaching home his family noticed that he smelled like "bur 11/9/1991 #40224 oval UFO was observed by the Yates family a few dozen feet above the Teynha 12/6/1991 #40256 oy home. Possible part / series of family abductions. 1/12/1992 #40286 ee witnesses, members of the Boggs family, in Fordland, Missouri had a clos 5/3/1992 #40449 the UFO ceased. Surprisingly, the family did not stay outside to watch the 5/3/1992 #40449 incident. A few months later other family members again saw a shadow like f 5/5/1992 #40454 o Plains of San Agustin An unnamed family from Albuquerque is hiking and pr Summer 1992 #40501 ngland Night. Jackie Chown and her family see a huge triangular object with 1/19/1993 #40801 he same time in Rugeley, England a family had a close encounter with a UFO 3/30/1993 #40906 ar Rome, Italy. It was viewed by a family with binoculars. While the witnes 7/17/1993 #41068 ouse. When Jill arrived the entire family was in a state of terror and extr 8/18/1993 #41146 lly the being disappeared. Another family member reported seeing similar be 8/18/1993 #41146 m roll all blank include/including family photograph! 11/4/1993 #41263 southeast to southwest. The Graves family sees a disk with lights turning c 3/8/1994 #41449 0:00 p.m. Jerzy Bulczyński and his family in Biskupice, Poland, see two ide 10/7/1994 #41793 LA VETA, CO Family. Huge silent triangle flies just 11/22/1994 #41859 9:09 p.m. a La Veta Pass, Colorado family called UFO investigator Christoph 11/22/1994 #41860 9:45 p.m. in Richmond, Virginia a family and a group of twelve atheletes w 4/19/1995 #42160 triangular object is seen by three family members near the Brighton Racecou 8/14/1995 #42383 MADISON, WI Family / 4. Pointed ovoid. Bright light 10/14/1995 #42549 Tim Edwards and his family photographed a pencil-shaped obje 11/12/1995 #42597 o be cremated immediately, but his family will not allow it. The death cert 2/15/1996 #42764 ailure, sepsis, and pneumonia. The family begins a legal challenge to have 2/15/1996 #42764 Guillermo Serna Marquez, told his family to return to the house and went i 2/23/1996 #42776 FONTANA, CA Family and police report. Large orange f 4/3/1996 #42851 NIKISHKA, AK Family awakened. Bright object steaks ov 4/12/1996 #42862 nuary 20 encounter, they offer the family a large sum of money to record a 4/29/1996 #42890 reats. And threaten them and their family and so on and so forth. And they 8/30/1996 #43002 ed him, and threatened him and his family. * https://www.earthfiles.com/2 8/30/1996 #43002 l profile of the reporting person, family, bloodlines, etc. The USAF can di 8/30/1996 #43003 Gypsumville, Manitoba 2:00 a.m. A family sees a bowl-shaped disc with five 10/25/1996 #43095 CYGNET AND CORNWALL, TASM Family. Saucer over house. Dreams / alie 11/5/1996 #43107 f Tucson, Arizona. Tim Ley and his family at first see a tiny arc of five w 3/13/1997 #43229 ia Ob River Krutikha The Gomzyakov family is traveling on the Krutikha Rive 6/6/1997 #43315 t is 8 times as big as itself. The family watches the display for 15 minute 6/6/1997 #43315 Loku) until his death in 2000. His family now continues the tradition, and 12/1997 #43452 out 500 feet away from them. Other family members join them to watch the si 1/2/1998 #43486 A family of three living near San Francisc 2/6/1998 #43514 FARMERS BRANCH, TX Ex USAF man and family / I35. Black round object going q 4/12/1998 #43548 p the next morning sleeping on the family sofa. 10/25/1998 #43670 GRAAFF-REINET, RSA Family. 8-10 giant rounded delta/triangl 12/27/1998 #43705 A family in rural northeastern Missouri ch 1/12/2000 #43926 At 9:15 a family in Rockford, Illinois witnessed f 2/11/2000 #43946 New Jersey. Mrs. D'Imperio and her family (4 witnesses) saw a lighted wheel 9/11/2000 #44038 Scottsdale, Arizona 8:45 p.m. A family in Scottsdale, Arizona, sees a tr 11/4/2000 #44072 A bright round light approached a family traveling in a car on a road in C 1/2/2001 #44116 omething will happen to her or her family. She could not sleep well for sev 8/29/2001 #44247 s Sampacho, Argentina 10:30 p.m. A family traveling in a pickup truck betwe 9/9/2001 #44253 8:00 p.m. Robert La Marco and his family saw a very bright disk while driv 1/22/2002 #44310 rgentina Cerro Aspero 10:30 p.m. A family is traveling in a pickup truck no 9/9/2002 #44392 A family in Arkansas City, Kansas observed 11/9/2002 #44437 d the affidavit is released by his family. 12/26/2002 #44460 d total physical exhaustion. Other family members reported strange scratche 9/3/2003 #44592 nd out of breath, reporting to his family that he had seen the creature in 10/26/2005 #44894 was having a late dinner with his family in Wichita, Kansas at 10:30 p.m. 11/25/2005 #44905 morning he woke up on his bed. His family had gone and his entire body felt 11/25/2005 #44905 looking at him. He started calling family members and friends on his cellph 2/15/2006 #44923 oster on Above Top Secret claims a family friend was a senior Naval officer 8/4/2008 #45155 a, paranormal phenomena plague his family, including a humanoid shape, phan 7/2009 #45229 At 10:22 p.m. an extended family of 19 saw three orange-red lights 8/6/2009 #45234 told them the following story: his family members in rural Kentucky told hi 2/2011 #45312 scussed what had happened with her family, and they urged her to draw a ske 6/1/2013 #45369 Tyczyn, Poland 7:00 p.m. A family that owns a dacha in Tyczyn, Pola 8/18/2013 #45383 hotel rooms. Other people nearby, family members and guests in neighboring 8/2017 #45477 hoff denies rumors that he and his family were threatened about the release 2/8/2020 #45631
as driving a tractor back from his family's fields in Coldwater, Kansas whe 9/14/1954 #10302 lex maneuvers in the sky above his family's farmhouse in Sao Francisco de S 10/13/1957 #14105 at the time was the manager of his family's agricultural and cattle breedin 6/11/1961 #16725 g. After a while it approached the family's apartment building and maneuver 4/23/1966 #20388 Pierre/Hayes, SD Night. A family's car was paced at telephone-wire 3/5/1967 #21760 cticut railroad station behind her family's house. She saw a white egg-shap 2/21/1968 #23774 was working in the kitchen of her family's small café in Pontejos, Santand 1/6/1969 #24822 turned up at the doorsteps of her family's garden. She said she had seen a 5/10/1977 #32083 west of Escanaba, Michigan Miron's family's farm 2:00 a.m. Tim Miron, 18, i 3/23/1982 #36412 e at 4:30 a.m. to the sound of his family's tin roof being blown by a stron 5/24/1999 #43775
ery, including nuclear explosions, famines, and floods. He is then shown a 12/1/1987 #38345
are popularized, the canals become famous, giving rise to waves of hypothes 10/1877 #211 ”) of Geneva, Switzerland, becomes famous with the publication of Des Indes 1900 #639 CBS Radio Network. The episode is famous for inciting a panic by convincin 10/30/1938 #1299 radio network. The episode becomes famous for allegedly causing panic among 10/30/1938 #1300 Charles Fort’s four famous books 1941 #1349 on. The witness assumes she is the famous German aviator Hanna Reitsch and 7/18/1943 #1518 Roswell, NM Famous alleged UFO crash (NICAP: 06 - Tr 7/3/1947 #2574 Roswell, NM Famous alleged UFO crash and bodies reco 7/3/1947 #2575 uding the alleged discovery of the famous Roswell debris field by Mac Braze 7/3/1947 #2586 Two famous UFO photographs were taken on thi 5/11/1950 #4940 On this day one of the most famous UFO movies of all time was shot i 8/5/1950 #5108 Kirtland AFB, Albuquerque, NM Famous F-86 shooting incident. Date unkn Summer 1952 #6570 ion and head south. At 8:00 p.m. a famous sighting occurred over Chesapeake 7/14/1952 #6818 Guardsman, Shell R. Alpert, took a famous photograph of four oval globs of 7/16/1952 #6845 Washington, DC Famous Photo of Objects Over Capitol (NI 7/19/1952 #6925 Another famous case, a radar-visual confirmation 8/5/1952 #7473 Baileys. Adamski becomes instantly famous, and Williamson moves to Palomar 11/24/1952 #8333 The famous Kinross Air Force Base disappeara 11/23/1953 #9319 TAORMINA, SICILY Famous United Press International photog 11/19/1954 #11669 One of the most famous humanoid reports ever, came to a 8/22/1955 #12391 pact. The documentary analyzes two famous pieces of UFO footage: the Montan 5/3/1956 #12828 in public). It concludes with the famous 1952 Washington, D.C., UFO incide 5/3/1956 #12828 o, both groups in town to view the famous figurines of Waldemar Julsrud, du 7/1956 #12940 This is three nights prior to his famous abduction experience, which occur 10/13/1957 #14105 s second UFO sighting prior to his famous UFO abduction, when at 9:45 p.m. 10/14/1957 #14112 Sao Francisco de Sales, Brazil. A famous alien abduction and sexual encoun 10/16/1957 #14131 o the ocean. Later than same day a famous set of photographs of a Saturn-sh 1/16/1958 #14832 In perhaps the most famous UFO abduction story ever reported 9/19/1961 #16858 On this date in 1964, a famous UFO humanoid case lasting several 11/25/1964 #18638 One of the most famous landing and humanoid reports occu 7/1/1965 #19049 e same approximate location as the famous CE-III sightings by Father Gill i 7/12/1965 #19097 A famous color photograph was taken in Tul 8/2/1965 #19272 fner, Oklahoma. Also on this day a famous set of UFO photographs was taken 8/3/1965 #19293 A famous UFO close encounter case involvin 4/4/1966 #20225 ollowing his close encounter. This famous case was the basis for the dramat 4/17/1966 #20319 BUDAPEST, HUNG Famous poet Lazlo Benjamin sees walnut-s 11/20/1967 #23484 2:30 a.m. Central Standard Time, a famous UFO abduction case occurred in As 12/3/1967 #23547 A famous UFO close encounter leaving physi 11/2/1971 #26450 A famous well-investigated close encounter 12/19/1973 #28587 ALBIOSC, FR Anonymous doctor. Famous photograph / milking-stool saucer 3/23/1974 #28933 of it. Valensole is the site of a famous July 1965 humanoid encounter, and 3/31/1974 #28979 was one of the principals of this famous abduction case. It's one of the m 10/27/1975 #30483 female UFO crew member. As in the famous Antonio Villas Boas abduction, he 3/2/1978 #33011 Bass Strait, AU Famous "Valentich" Cessna 182 case (NICA 10/21/1978 #33854 ng hours shortly after midnight, a famous motion picture film was taken by 12/31/1978 #34238 1978, at shortly after midnight, a famous motion picture film was taken by 12/31/1978 #34249 Bentwaters AFB, England - A famous close encounter landing with rada 12/27/1980 #35748 nd eleven o'clock in the morning a famous color UFO photograph of a silvery 10/8/1981 #36170 orida Ed Walters produces his most famous photo—a brightly lit structured c 1/12/1988 #38410 me she remembered seeing images of famous persons flash around her, includi 5/2/2001 #44174 Brandywine, MD Famous jet scramble case, but two dogs d 7/26/2002 #44364 Some famous UFO photographs were taken on thi 3/5/2004 #44673
hentication of UFO sightings, most famously reported in the media as having 9/2017 #45480
th a bright light on one end and a fan on the other traveling from south to 7/12/1891 #294 ows, and beneath it are an oblong “fan,” two legs, a small ladder, and open 5/18/1946 #1994 es, the light beams open up like a fan and shine into his aircraft, blindin 6/16/1948 #3671 ver(s). 100' saucer with lit dome. Fan noise. Light beams / openings. / r2p 8/1/1955 #12312 e sees a long whitish trail like a fan in the sky. At 2:22 a.m., in Rieti a 8/3/1958 #15177 trollers. Night light trails white fan shape. Slow 3-4 minute(s) descent. N 2/27/1960 #16183 ome AFB, NY Light trailing a white fan shape make a mild descent (NICAP: 01 2/27/1960 #16184 ators. One light trailing a white fan shape, made a mild descent for 3-4 m 2/27/1960 #16185 over Chiricahua Mountains. Shoots fan / light going up. 10/9/1964 #18576 . Moved off south still projecting fan shaped beam over countryside Witness 8/1968 #24282 . Moved off south still projecting fan shaped beam over countryside Witness 8/1968 #24283 LLOVO AND KEW AND MORE/OTHERS, RSA Fan / banana object. / r231'78. 7/6/1972 #26777 e Gleason. Gleason has long been a fan of UFOs. He later becomes a subscrib 2/19/1973 #27298 ot/facility single file. Regroup / fan formation. 12/21/1974 #29651 NEW NORFOLK, TASM Fan noise and white beam going down / ga 1/15/1979 #34344 g northeast / 7M altitude. Colored fan beam going down. 9/20/1979 #34906 '. Offloads 6 smaller saucers-they fan out. 11/18/1980 #35650 s all over. 1 on car. 1 on plants. Fan of light swoops going quickly south. 10/5/1981 #36158 enager. The lights and an electric fan went off once or twice during the si 11/1/1983 #37040 are spinning like a slowly moving fan. From the top of the object emerges 1/19/1988 #38416 O, MI 4+1 observer(s). 12m 3-lobed fan blade 30m over cornfield. Paces trac 7/26/1989 #39032 er(s). Unidentified object directs fan / light going down / Mt. Kamenoi. Ty 5/7/1990 #39562 fied flying object direct a bright fan of light down on the slopes of Mount 5/7/1990 #39564 w a boomerang-shaped object with a fan tail approach from the front, hesita 5/19/1990 #39578
credibility and a column of saucer fan-club news. 1955 #11895
pproaching from the east. It has a fan-like wheel on front and fin-like pro 9/7/1897 #608
re, England, observes the apparent fan-shaped shadow of a stationary object 4/8/1912 #860 Fort Benning, GA Light with a fan-shaped wake remain motionless like a 1/12/1951 #5391 nd Lt. A.C. Hale. One light with a fan-shaped wake remained motionless like 1/12/1951 #5392 Lt. A. C. Hale saw a light with a fan-shaped wake remain motionless like a 1/12/1951 #5393 Case #1168. B29 bombardier. White fan-shaped light pulses 8X / 4 second(s) 4/29/1952 #6210 mbardier Lt. R.H. Bauer. One white fan-shaped light pulsed 3-4 times per se 4/29/1952 #6214 er Lt. R. H. Bauer sighted a white fan-shaped light that pulsed 8 times per 4/29/1952 #6217 some more. Later it ascends and a fan-shaped tail of light spreads after i 12/15/1957 #14730 urnal light trailed after a white, fan-shaped UFO in the skies over Rome AF 2/27/1960 #16187 shiny and metallic with a luminous fan-shaped beam directed from the top, u 11/19/1973 #28449 ct with a narrow head and a small, fan-shaped horizontal tail was sighted i 9/19/1997 #43409
witnesses as crackpots, religious fanatics, publicity hounds, or practical 11/16/1950 #5278
NANAIMO, BC Bird fancier. Aluminum disk scatters pigeons. 9/2/1947 #3379
ition to attach belief to the more fanciful aspects of UFOBs, e.g. ‘Flying 5/23/1955 #12151
by Russian military officers to a fancy dinner, wined and dined, then take 9/1946 #2164 oops / various directions and cuts fancy turns. 6/9/1955 #12191
four-foot tall with large eyes and fang-like teeth. Its arms were dispropor 7/1/1968 #24121 legs, large pointy ears, and sharp fang-like teeth. The creature quickly ho 9/21/1998 #43650
S Josh, Ning Li, Giorgio Fontana, Fang-Yu Li, Meng-Xi Tang, Dong-Ping She, 5/6/2003 #44526
" and three silvery two-inch long "fangs" where the mouth should be. Both b 2/23/1975 #29839 large mouths with two long pointed fangs. They were clad in dark, tight fit 11/24/1978 #33997 s and what appeared to be two long fangs coming out of its mouth. It had a 9/7/1995 #42447 a large mouth with huge protruding fangs. It was covered with dark hair and 11/11/1995 #42593
ker also states he is working with Fangyu Li of Chongqing University on HFG 8/1/1997 #43364 this time he is still working with Fangyu Li at Chongqing University, and i 8/1/1997 #43364
0 p.m. Three soldiers (Petrus Nel, Fanie Rosseau, and Gerrie Buitendag) are 11/12/1972 #27120
and seemed to be guided by a large fanlike device. There were eight to ten 3/26/1880 #228 and seemed to be guided by a large fanlike device. There were eight to ten 3/26/1880 #229 and seemed to be guided by a large fanlike device. There were eight to ten 3/26/1880 #231
ral bolts that struck upward, then fanned out like a flower, reminiscent of 12/1992 #40736
eams that are stabbing upwards and fanning out into the sky. Although the l 2/8/1974 #28748 a large orange object with a tail fanning out from it was seen in Tooele, 7/23/1997 #43360
at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, Floyd Fannon and other USAF crew members see e 5/24/1950 #4964
2 hit ground. Object singes girl's Fanny. 8/1970 #25760
FANO, ITL Metallic cone saucer near grou 9/20/1963 #17949 seen near the ground on a farm in Fano, Marche, Italy at 11:30 a.m. A tube 9/20/1963 #17953 FANO, ITL Several observer(s) / rain. 15 2/15/1979 #34423 Fano, Italy A 15 meter in diameter lumin 2/15/1979 #34424 was seen over the Metauro River in Fano, Italy during a rainstorm. It shot 2/15/1979 #34424 was seen over the Metauro River in Fano, Italy during a rainstorm. It shot 2/15/1979 #34426
language with a musical voice and fans herself as if the day is hot. In th 4/16/1897 #508 1:30 p.m. More than 10,000 soccer fans witness two luminous discs during a 10/27/1954 #11449 r(s). Washpan-saucer. Orange flame fans out / 1 side. Rotates counterclockw 11/1978 (approximate) #33906 . 3M grey saucer going down. Small fans all over/all about rim. Absolute(ly 1/19/1988 #38413 CLAYE-SOUILLY, FR 3 fans / silver rays going down / sparkle 10/16/1992 #40678 wn / shiny sphere/orb/globe. Light fans out / rear. / r60#289. 7/1/1993 #41045
WARRIOR, AL Boomerang with Fantail going [to] over truck low and sl 5/19/1990 #39577
ctions are nonphysical, archetypal fantasies in which the witness’s birth m 1977 #31655
l light. It was seen to rise up at fantastic speed until barely discernible 4/1/1897 #405 light. It was seen to rise up at a fantastic speed until barely discernible 4/1/1897 #409 ing and flew to the northeast at a fantastic speed with periodic flashes of 4/26/1897 #578 ing and flew to the northeast at a fantastic speed with periodic flashes of 4/26/1897 #579 s there a while, then takes off at fantastic speed. 6/25/1942 #1422 se to 100 m altitude, then left at fantastic speed. A strange metal block i 9/1943 #1523 se to 100 m altitude, then left at fantastic speed. A strange metal block i 9/1943 #1524 g the battle, then disappears at a fantastic speed. 9/1943 #1525 or and it takes off straight up at fantastic speed. 3/1945 #1805 d by gunfire; departed upward at a fantastic rate of speed . (Page 151-152 Mid 3/1945 #1813 the object shoots up and away at a fantastic rate of speed. 3/22/1945 #1820 ype unknown. Stops and continues / fantastic speed/velocity. No further det 7/18/1949 #4271 d, and then shot continued on at a fantastic speed. 7/18/1949 #4273 r sphere/orb/globe / 35' altitude. Fantastic speed. Silent. Going quickly n 10/12/1949 #4388 west. Turns going north and gone / fantastic speed. 3/22/1950 #4698 o the north, and then fly off at a fantastic speed. 3/22/1950 #4704 mbs to the east at a 30° angle at “fantastic” speed and disappears. 5/29/1950 #4972 aucer / under plane and zips off / fantastic speed/velocity. 6/29/1950 #5022 ere/orb/globe going quickly west / fantastic speed. Very high. 8/20/1950 #5128 3 / car. 2M sphere with fin lands. Fantastic close maneuvers / 30M altitude 12/14/1950 #5346 urned edgewise and zoomed off at a fantastic speed. 1952 #5841 quickly southwest. Goes going up / fantastic speed/velocity. 3/30/1952 #5996 he targets suddenly accelerated at fantastic speeds and disappeared off the 7/19/1952 #6906 ute(s) / northwest horizon. Away / fantastic acceleration. 1/1/1953 #8490 too shot away at a high speed with fantastic acceleration. 1/1/1953 #8495 More maneuvers. Going quickly [to] fantastic speed. 1/28/1953 #8587 inting in the sun or pouring out a fantastic amount of its own light, a rou Spring 1953 #8766 ircular night light makes series / fantastic maneuvers. Vanishes overhead. 7/18/1953 #9000 ly that he cannot swallow Bender’s fantastic tale of abduction to the South 9/28/1953 #9186 e watched, the craft took off at a fantastic speed, and disappeared from si 11/28/1953 #9325 ormation going quickly southwest / fantastic speeds rotating. 5/13/1954 #9783 s and banks. Going quickly south / fantastic speed/velocity. 7/7/1954 #9998 to change direction and height at fantastic speeds. Forrest and another pi 10/1954 #10537 me luminous again, and took off at fantastic speed. A neighbor, Jean Labonn 10/1/1954 #10562 nous again, and then shot off at a fantastic speed. His neighbor, Jean Labo 10/1/1954 #10579 d hovers and maneuvers / one hour. Fantastic display. / LDLN#108+/ r138#9. 10/2/1954 #10596 close by. The object took off at a fantastic speed. 10/3/1954 #10657 close by. The object took off at a fantastic speed. 10/3/1954 #10668 the object took off vertically at fantastic speed. 10/11/1954 #10934 the object took off vertically at fantastic speed. 10/11/1954 #10951 M saucer lands. Vertical takeoff / fantastic speed. / r30p155. 10/12/1954 #10966 for a few seconds, and took off at fantastic speed. 10/12/1954 #10975 for a few seconds, and took off at fantastic speed. 10/12/1954 #10985 r N83. 0530hrs 5 see it take off / fantastic speed. 10/18/1954 #11191 like an explosion and fly away at fantastic speed. 11/5/1954 #11577 like an explosion. It flew away at fantastic speed. 11/5/1954 #11580 ded in science fiction. Absurd and fantastic theories given credence solely 5/23/1955 #12151 around, hovers, and accelerates at fantastic speeds, and is tracked for a t 2/17/1956 #12723 ). 2M UFO lands / field 100M away. Fantastic speed. 4/4/1956 #12784 tigate, but the object took off at fantastic speed. 4/6/1956 #12795 tigate, but the object took off at fantastic speed. 4/6/1956 #12796 ng at tree height. It then left at fantastic speed. Three additional witnes 4/8/1956 #12802 er at tree height. It then left at fantastic speed. Three additional witnes 4/8/1956 #12804 I’m convinced there was something fantastic up there.” Keyhoe obtains a co 4/16/1956 #12809 ub-winged Lima-bean buzzes T33 2X. Fantastic maneuvers. 5/22/1956 #12863 h speed on a westerly course with “fantastic” maneuverability. It never cha 5/22/1956 #12865 Both air and ground radars confirm fantastic maneuvers were performed. 8/13/1956 #13081 ng out over the Gulf of Mexico at “fantastic speed.” 11/14/1956 #13329 ds (or Greys) cure girl / cancer / fantastic 30 mn operation. / r215p77. 10/25/1957 #14153 off abruptly toward the sea “at a fantastic speed,” leaving a thin vapor t 5/5/1958 #15018 . Other people tell their personal fantastic stories, among them Wayne Aho 6/28/1958 #15123 0% have observed UFOs traveling at fantastic speeds, executing perfect 90° 12/19/1958 #15481 Row / red lights drifts then off / fantastic speed. 11/18/1959 #16091 ) and more/others. RADAR. Saucer / fantastic maneuvers. Red beam scans sky 8/13/1960 #16375 E, FL Mayor and airmen. Fireball / fantastic maneuvers. Big wave / all Flor 3/22/1961 #16638 ight object rises / ground. Away / fantastic speed. 8/12/1962 #17333 ipped to one side and flew away at fantastic speed. 6/28/1963 #17813 o collide, the UFO swerved away at fantastic speed and disappeared in the n 7/17/1963 #17835 rver(s). 50' saucer chases 2 jets. Fantastic maneuvers. Quickly going up. / 10/11/1964 #18578 ockwise, it shoots out of sight at fantastic speed. It emits a ball of fire 1/26/1965 #18768 lew up to 30 m, and disappeared at fantastic speed. This was the third land 7/19/1965 #19132 p to 30 meters, and disappeared at fantastic speed. After four or five minu 7/20/1965 #19152 w. 3 pseudo-human/entity beam out. Fantastic telepathy exchange. / r87p134. 8/7/1965 #19338 ellites. Self luminous. Maneuvers. Fantastic speed/velocity. 12/1/1965 #19746 c saucer going quickly northwest / fantastic speed. 1/11/1966 #19823 ht light east going west loops and fantastic maneuvers circles and accelera 2/26/1966 #19920 rted disc-shaped objects moving at fantastic speeds and making sharp turns, 3/14/1966 #19965 e object(s) suddenly sped away at "fantastic speed." (NICAP report.) (NICAP 4/7/1966 #20266 maller colored lights. It moved at fantastic speeds. 6/8/1966 #20545 ur off its edges "like water" in a fantastic display. Distinct engine noise 8/20/1966 #20777 ur off its edges "like water" in a fantastic display. A distinct engine noi 8/20/1966 #20780 Harlingen, TX Fantastic spinning object same as aug 6t 9/3/1966 #20840 et became blurred. They observed a fantastic spinning light illuminating th 9/3/1966 #20841 Kelly AFB, Texas. They observed a fantastic spinning light illuminating th 9/3/1966 #20844 watches a bright light performing fantastic maneuvers over the reservoir. 10/10/1966 #20982 ASS Betty Andreason abducted. Full fantastic account / R. E. Fowler. 1/25/1967 #21380 parate and rejoin. Rise going up / fantastic speed. 3/7/1967 #21783 rous high-speed loops and dives at fantastic speeds. It then disappeared in 7/6/1967 #22623 the cloud and heads southeast at “fantastic speed.” A light again flashes 9/6/1967 #23011 round and changes color(s). Away / fantastic speed/velocity. 11/5/1967 #23402 n as a publicity stunt to spread a fantastic story based on the plot of his Early 5/1968 #23939 ppears by flying to the north at a fantastic speed. There is a possible VHF 6/18/1968 #24044 le otherworldly manifestations are fantastic images propelled via psychic t 1969 #24802 moves to his left and takes off at fantastic speed. He tries to reach it, b 6/17/1969 #25221 gle with many lights. Sharp turns. Fantastic speed. 10/2/1971 #26398 around it. It makes sharp turns at fantastic speed and moves quickly out of 10/2/1971 #26399 6:20 p.m. It made sharp turns at a fantastic speed. 10/2/1971 #26401 / white dots. Merge into saucers. Fantastic maneuvers. Going west. 4/18/1972 #26650 t merged into discs, and then made fantastic maneuvers, flying off to the w 4/18/1972 #26651 TH, VCT Brilliant disk flips 6-8X. Fantastic speeds. Photographs. / LDLN#12 9/19/1972 #27010 a at 10:10 p.m. The object flew at fantastic speeds and was observed for mo 9/19/1972 #27011 ow-orange then red, and departs at fantastic speed. 8/28/1973 #27729 ls / police. Circle / lights makes fantastic passes / low altitude. 10/5/1973 #27942 the craft took off over trees at a fantastic speed. 10/11/1973 #28004 / 45 minute(s). Shoots going up / fantastic speed. / r180p94. 10/14/1973 #28024 ay I have seen no plane do, making fantastic lateral deviations, and sudden 11/30/1973 #28490 t 6M altitude. Rises vertically at fantastic speed. 2/25/1974 #28799 p at an angle, it accelerates to a fantastic speed toward the east and is o 11/28/1974 #29619 going quickly south / V-formation. Fantastic speed. 8/12/1975 #30253 12+observer(s). 2 yellow ovoids / fantastic speed. Sky lit. Absolute(ly) s 11/3/1975 #30542 parate report(s). 2 night lights / fantastic maneuvers over airport. Gone / 7/14/1976 #31162 two brightly shining UFOs perform fantastic maneuvers at the Gobernador Ed 7/14/1976 #31164 hite ball near airport. 2nd joins. Fantastic ballet. Quickly going up. 12/14/1976 #31599 mas tree" soars over city. Silent. Fantastic speed/velocity. 5/17/1977 #32099 10 minutes, then shoots upward at fantastic speed. 3/31/1978 #33106 a sudden it came toward us. It was fantastic. It must have been about two o 11/27/1978 #34006 ce, and left "toward the east at a fantastic speed, but there wasn't any no 12/1978 #34034 riangle/box-like craft maneuvers / fantastic speed. Stops over car. Fuses B 12/4/1988 #38737 and flash and going quickly SSE / fantastic acceleration. 5/2/1990 #39549 hours. Many observer(s). No RADAR. Fantastic speeds. 6/28/1993 #41041 shooting off the to the east with fantastic acceleration. The photograph i 2/19/1994 #41421 going east slow and silent. Away / fantastic speed/velocity. 2 jets follow. 6/14/1995 #42255 /cylindrical object hovers. Away / fantastic speed/velocity. / police repor 8/28/1995 #42424 two minutes, and then shot away at fantastic speed. A police report was fil 8/28/1995 #42426 Palmdale, California, spinning at fantastic speeds, that then stopped and 8/16/2004 #44734
position are incredibly swift and fantastically violent, he says. “They ma 8/1/1952 #7411
ightings are misidentifications or fantasy, while others are unsolved. 2/2/1934 #1200 d by rejecting all the accounts as fantasy,” he tells reporters. Petersen h 4/25/1958 #15000 ing that witnesses are “in need of fantasy.” He thinks “something is being 8/9/1958 #15186 ts "Flying Saucers: Friend, Foe or Fantasy?" presented extremely negative A 5/10/1966 #20473 documentary “UFOs: Friend, Foe, or Fantasy?” appears on CBS Reports, hosted 5/10/1966 #20474 ome investigators think might be a fantasy. 5/22/1973 #27518 le evidence of a lie or episode of fantasy, nor any proof that he embellish 7/25/1979 #34679 trieval seems to be an exaggerated fantasy. Ford is convinced the nearby Br 9/28/1989 #39130 third kingdom” between reality and fantasy that is accessible through certa 5/1/1992 #40442 s a concocted episode amplified by fantasy proneness. 6/18/1997 #43328
e subjects cannot be classified as fantasy-prone personalities or as especi 1991 #39934 ypes of abductees, one with higher fantasy-prone scores, more loneliness as 1991 #39934
ssibly 1st Lt. Adeline “Eileen” M. Fanton) warns him to leave before he get 7/8/1947 #3026
e issue of the first flying saucer fanzine, Weird Unsolved Mysteries. Fall 1947 #3418
Area 51 DoD Report: The FAP (Peruvian Air Force) spotted a UFO t 5/10/1980 #35322
a and his farmhand Djalma Da Silva Faques were driving to the farmer's hous 11/19/1973 #28449 ers away for the next ten minutes. Faques, the passenger, observed the UFO 11/19/1973 #28449
but Messier claims the objects are far away and in focus. 6/17/1777 #85 e falling to earth, apparently not far away. After one minute there is anot 4/1/1826 #122 a Ursae Majoris and disappears not far from Denebola in the constellation L 1/22/1855 #149 The tail is luminous except at the far end, where it is indistinct and nebu 9/30/1880 #240 n. They appear round in shape from far away, but when closer to the ground 8/18/1893 #309 hes Lisle, Illinois, the object is far ahead. Bullard estimates it is movin 4/12/1897 #446 ached to an airship in the sky not far above them. After 10 minutes, a smal 4/25/1897 #573 tch a “fleecy white bulk” floating far away to the west. Through binoculars 5/11/1897 #596 In the far eastern reaches of Siberia several p 9/17/1897 #610 at “nothing but a small black ball far up in the heavens could be discerned 7/4/1899 #636 ich brightened the pre-dawn sky as far away as London and had the equivalen 6/30/1908 #712 resemble luminous pumpkins. One is far ahead of the other, but both are “cu 10/29/1910 #852 ishes Wisdom of the Masters of the Far East, a summary of his “ageless wisd 1/1936 #1242 Navy, although the Navy has shown far more interest in the field, and is a 10/9/1941 #1373 ying, “none of the explanations so far offered removed the episode from the 2/24/1942 #1388 ject crashes into the trees at the far edge of a clearing, splitting a huge 3/1945 #1805 l UFO reports on this day from the Far East near Iwo Jima. At three o'clock 4/18/1945 #1848 maneuver and follow bombers. Often far out to sea. 5/1945 #1857 d by the (recovered) disc...was so far beyond our own that it could not be Mid 7/1947 #3181 d. He writes that the object moved far too slowly to have been a meteor and 12/20/1948 #3935 , Japan Unknown Object On Radar in Far East (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: 1/5/1949 #3961 t probable that its development is far in advance of ours. Such a civilizat 2/1949 #3990 ns, mass hysteria, and hoaxes: “As far as the Air Force goes, there’s no su 3/31/1950 #4777 ere is a flying saucer as such. As far as I know there is nothing to the fl 2/13/1951 #5441 ll in 13 days was seen here and as far away as Wyoming. (United Press) (NIC 11/10/1951 #5774 Far East Air Forces Wonsan/Sunchon, Kore 2/21/1952 #5918 t Air Forces Wonsan/Sunchon, Korea Far East Air Forces Commander Lieut. Gen 2/21/1952 #5918 Japan, Korea Area, Far East Military witness(es). Case miss 6/25/1952 #6623 nting 54 completed questionnaires, far lower than the 200 they would like f 7/1952 #6680 ch the F-94s search back and forth far below the UFOs. At 7:30, USAF Capt. 7/1/1952 #6689 two F-94's searched back and forth far below the UFOs. The Air Force lists 7/1/1952 #6691 irectorate of Intelligence for the Far East Air Force, prepares Intelligenc 7/11/1952 #6762 s that were 15 miles south and not far from Andrews AFB. Radar operator, Ed 7/19/1952 #6906 objects and identify them, but so far we have been unsuccessful.” 7/21/1952 #6982 might alienate us from “beings of far superior powers.” 7/29/1952 #7326 imary concern” for the CIA, it “is far too early in view of the present sta 10/13/1952 #8128 ve a hard landing, Robinson is too far out to follow the same path and ther 11/1/1952 #8228 rman / 5 second(s). 2 36cm saucers far to east / K14 airbase. Lost in cloud 1/24/1953 #8562 Vacuum Cooling Company plant, not far from Spain Flying Field and about a 5/5/1953 #8866 ome good cases still go there, but far fewer unidentifieds. Only solved cas 8/26/1953 #9112 nt, England, see a star-like light far above them. Suddenly it moves toward 11/3/1953 #9279 of 15 megatons of TNT. That yield, far exceeding the expected yield of 4 to 3/1/1954 #9589 s or portholes, and seemed to land far from them. 10/13/1954 #10997 , and seemed to come down and land far away from them. 10/13/1954 #11003 arrive and land on the ground not far from him. He approached the object a 10/14/1954 #11041 he was in Spain or Italy, and how far he was from Germany. When he asked t 10/20/1954 #11270 4:00." Then he wanted to know how far and in what direction Marseilles was 10/20/1954 #11270 he was in Spain or Italy, and how far he was from Germany. When he asked t 10/20/1954 #11278 4:00." Then he wanted to know how far away and in what direction was Marse 10/20/1954 #11278 silver bowl going quickly south. "Far bigger / full moon". 11/1954 #11506 Mach 3 and Mach 4 at 100,000 feet, far faster than other fighters at the ti 1955 #11897 th yellow exhaust while flying not far from New Orleans over the Gulf of Me 1/22/1956 #12679 Far East The RAND Corporation releases a 8/15/1956 #13088 than 143 aircraft incidents in the Far East. 8/15/1956 #13088 6,000 feet in the second position (far left side) of a formation of four F- 8/27/1956 #13140 that is out of our experience, so far as aircraft is concerned." Freestone 11/8/1956 #13315 Far East, Asia December 1956, Far East. 12/1956 #13376 Far East, Asia December 1956, Far East. Visual & radar sighting of rou 12/1956 #13376 Far East, Asia December 1956; Far East, 12/1956 #13377 Far East, Asia December 1956; Far East, A,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, 12/1956 #13377 tanned face. It is sitting on the far rim with feet and legs hidden by the 5/1957 #13631 fail. The next inhabited place is far away, so the travelers decide that t 2/24/1958 #14889 Not far from Domsten, Sweden Hans Gustavsson 12/20/1958 #15491 urselves faced by powers which are far stronger than we had hitherto assume 1/1/1959 #15526 g, Poland On the Polish coast, not far from Kolobreg, soldiers saw the sea 3/1959 #15627 e of a large disc-shaped craft not far from Moscow, Russia. The object appe 9/26/1959 #15994 cated column, Joseph Alsop goes so far as to describe “classified intellige 10/13/1959 #16031 ipment. However, it is unknown how far the second attempt goes, as it is ca 9/1960 #16428 ith four windows on the ground not far away. Four humanoid figures could be 3/3/1961 #16620 a submarine into the air, and hope far an uprising. US policymakers want to 11/30/1961 #16984 AP, stating that NICAP has gone as far as it can and should no longer criti 2/1962 #17031 ing fake radar returns and goes so far as to say that secret working models 3/1962 #17066 rom northeast to southwest. At the far end of the white trail is a smoky, s 4/11/1964 #18169 pples at it, but the figure is too far away. After about 15 minutes, the fi 7/16/1964 #18421 81 east of Defiance, Ohio, not too far from the General Motors foundry. The 8/11/1964 #18480 he beings remained in the area, as far as he could tell, for most of the ni 9/4/1964 #18535 shoot up into the sky and last as far away as a quarter mile. A radioactiv 1/12/1965 #18718 evergreens, then dips down on the far side and touches the ground. A borde 1/12/1965 #18720 g object in Lynden, Washington not far from the Canadian border. The UFO ho 1/12/1965 #18721 e near side and a blue glow on the far side. The object made a sound like 1/23/1965 #18757 r side, and a bluish glow from the far side. Soon the object rose slightly 1/23/1965 #18760 c looking boots. His eyes were set far apart and he had a pointed chin. The 3/2/1965 #18833 s RADAR techs. Missing time. Found far / north. 3/5/1965 #18843 Hendy regretted that they were too far away from him to film them. Several 6/6/1965 #18995 city of La Punta, Peru located not far from Lima. However, the two refused 8/2/1965 #19270 t becomes a white, starlike object far to the east. It moves up and down fo 8/9/1965 #19348 d everything. And I don’t know how far away from the site he was. But I did 12/9/1965 #19762 Silver disk = classic saucer seen far away. No further details. 9/15/1966 #20885 cer pass over low and silently not far from their home. The object remained 1/9/1967 #21275 cal gas company proved negative as far as it being one of their men. Furthe 1/26/1967 #21402 of an intelligence that is indeed far superior to ours.” The article is re 2/1967 #21431 entified flying object observed as far southwest as Oakland City and as far 2/5/1967 #21456 r southwest as Oakland City and as far east as Crothersville. 35 mil 2/5/1967 #21456 ounty near Hwy. P at 8:30 p.m. not far from the Missouri River. This report 2/16/1967 #21576 of three UFO reports each, from as far west as Yorba Linda, California and 2/16/1967 #21576 as Yorba Linda, California and as far east as Ascension Island, occurring 2/16/1967 #21576 he V-shaped object approaches from far away and is lower than the telephone 3/5/1967 #21766 ended vertically, leaving the jets far behind, and that the incident takes Mid 3/1967 #21891 “turned to a bluish tinge” and is far in the distance. The next day, the s 4/5/1967 #22066 ce report of August 1960, which is far outside Condon’s concept of limiting 7/6/1967 #22620 nature. On the same night and not far from De Polo's home, Mr. and Mrs. Fr 7/18/1967 #22695 light in a field ahead of him, not far from the road. He turned off his hea 8/23/1967 #22906 y see something in the road ahead, far out of the range of their headlights 10/21/1967 #23282 the men slid over to the right as far as they could as the car was towed, 11/2/1967 #23392 id that they came "from very, very far." The others went out and the leader 5/3/1968 #23942 object land on a dirt road not to far away from the road. The witness drov 6/23/1968 #24072 e wearing spectacles. The area was far from any town and they had seen no o 7/8/1968 #24159 , cigar-shaped object, possibly as far away as the Adirondack Mountains mor 8/7/1968 #24307 inous hemispherical object. On the far side of it he saw about 100 yards aw 8/16/1968 #24343 Hoia Baciu forest near Baciu, not far from Cluj-Napoca, Romania, when they 8/18/1968 #24352 talking. It didn't look to be very far away (1/4 mile or more) and the witn 9/8/1968 #24439 en invisible to the witnesses thus far. It was a dull silver color, lightly 1/6/1969 #24822 ation, a worker returning home not far from Marco’s home observed an enormo 4/10/1969 #25055 sc-shaped but cannot determine how far away they are. Tukeva sees the objec 4/12/1969 #25057 bserved a top-shaped object on the far side of a hedge, It stood about thre 4/12/1969 #25059 / car. Saucer lifts car. Set down far ahead. Stops truck. / Flying Saucer 7/23/1969 #25292 s set down a considerable distance far ahead in what seemed like an instant 7/23/1969 #25294 very high and wide forehead, eyes far apart, eyebrows “like scars,” and br 8/11/1969 #25317 ied craft hanging high in the sky, far out of missile range. Soviet reconna 4/24/1970 #25643 nt of Houston, Texas who lives not far from the NASA Space Flight Center, a 5/8/1971 #26103 m. The being had a medium build as far as the torso, but its head was much 8/16/1971 #26291 lothing walking towards her on the far side of the road. He was a few hundr 3/7/1972 #26590 ed in Tanner Williams, Alabama not far from Pascagoula. 10/11/1973 #28006 as freezing. She glanced over to a far wall where the "robot" stood inactiv 10/16/1973 #28089 and very long aprons that fell as far as their ankles. Thick-soled boots c 10/16/1973 #28089 from behind her and walked to the far end of the table. He lifted the end 10/16/1973 #28089 o their bodies. (Continued) On the far side of the pond rested a luminous r 10/29/1973 #28319 r samples. The landing site is not far from an outflow vent that would late 5/20/1974 #29120 air and departed the same way, as far as I could tell.” 9/1/1974 #29417 aucer / low altitude. Look good so far. 9/28/1974 (approximate) #29488 speed of 100 mph. They landed not far away, with smoke rising from the gro 4/6/1975 #29977 object hovering over a dam on the far shore. As they watch, a beam of ligh 5/16/1975 #30061 ving in Solnechnogorsk, Russia not far from Moscow claimed he had communica 7/21/1975 #30197 the South Glens Falls area and as far north as Lake George. The case is in 8/20/1975 #30291 oc, California a nurse driving not far from Vandenburg Air Force Base had a 1/23/1976 #30816 es down behind a small bank on the far side of a sports field opposite his Late 2/1976 #30905 r from behind the object, not very far from his location. (Source: Albert S 4/23/1976 #31016 r from behind the object, not very far from his location. The humanoids wer 4/23/1976 #31019 d 50 years old, yet their hair was far too white in color for being middle 8/10/1976 #31252 scenes as though he were floating far above them, of areas of mass devasta 1/27/1977 #31761 The metal side of the motorbike is far hotter than normal and impossible to 6/6/1977 #32151 hen he was returned in was located far from his original location. 8/10/1977 #32378 an oval or cigar-shaped object not far above the trees about one half-mile 2/4/1978 #32951 at Oceano, and other witnesses as far north as Morro Bay report the UFO, w 3/16/1978 #33043 l Yargora in the Mediterranean not far off the coast from Algiers, Algeria, 7/1978 #33318 d an unusual humanoid creature not far from a mine in an isolated area near 8/1/1978 #33463 ng in the craft. One walked to the far end of the object, two remained stan 1/5/1979 #34303 ologists think Vallée has gone too far in his anti- ETH approach and is con 6/1979 #34599 rk road after leaving a tavern not far from Monastiri Beach, Poros, Greece. 7/4/1979 #34646 n” and that the papers released so far are of little importance. Pratt give 9/19/1979 #34900 It crashes into the ground not too far away from their car. They can feel t 12/20/1979 #35088 d luminous form on the ground, not far from the witness. He was met there b 1/12/1980 #35131 d luminous form on the ground, not far from the witness. He then experience 1/12/1980 #35132 ly from Lake Norman Reservoir, not far from a nuclear power plant in Ruther 4/20/1980 #35276 ly from Lake Norman Reservoir, not far from a nuclear power plant in Ruther 4/24/1980 #35288 e public interest in disclosure is far outweighed by the sensitive nature o 11/18/1980 #35653 ordon Williams and his staff. From far behind the object comes a bright blu 12/28/1980 #35750 into abductions that show they are far more plentiful than anyone suspects, 1981 #35761 utilizes teleportation technology far advanced beyond those in the open so 1981 #35765 e the UFO for more than an hour as far north as Greenland, sometimes confir Early 5/1981 #35924 er south-central Lake Michigan not far from Muskegon, Michigan, when a silv 7/4/1981 #35987 stant light flashing like a strobe far to the south; it is soon joined by a 8/12/1981 #36070 g, had colored lights, and was not far from George Air Force Base. 9/17/1981 #36122 he tops of nearby mountains or not far from the ground or the rooftops of n 11/1981 #36201 L PALMAR, ARG Flash. Trucker wakes far away. Small humanoids (or Greys) and 12/10/1981 #36254 on reaches the town and spreads as far as 9 miles from the plant. It includ 9/9/1982 #36599 Temperanceville, Virginia and not far from the NASA facility at Wallops Is 11/19/1982 #36688 g 12,300 feet, but it is still too far away to identify it. Eckard Pohl, th 4/26/1983 #36845 ash yellow, then white, then blue. Far to the rear is a blinking red light. 7/24/1984 #37412 wer and intensity of the lights is far beyond the power capacity of small p 11/1984 #37500 Commodore David Thorne states: “As far as my Air Staff is concerned, we bel 7/22/1985 #37628 he Gendarmerie in France dating as far back as 1974. 11/1985 #37698 d by Valery Dvuzhilny, head of the Far Eastern Commission for Anomalous Phe 1/29/1986 #37775 or secret projects spending. It is far bigger than the federal budget for e 2/15/1987 #38120 301 in Savannah River, Georgia not far from the Savannah River nuclear faci 7/24/1987 #38217 ed in Okaloosa County, Florida not far from the town of Destin. A woman rep 11/25/1987 #38336 Primorsky Krai Far Eastern district Russia Sea of Japan 11/28/1987 #38339 over the coast of Primorsky Krai, Far Eastern district, Russia, on the Sea 11/28/1987 #38339 00 witnesses are questioned by the Far Eastern Commission. 11/28/1987 #38339 anded on the ice on Lake Erie, not far from a nuclear power plant. Among th 3/4/1988 #38488 tok, in Vladivostok in the Russian Far East, a very large sphere stopped ov 3/14/1988 #38505 akharnaya, in Vladivostok, Russian Far East; it was completely silent. Sect 5/7/1988 #38558 In Dal'negorsk in the Far East of Russia a dull white hemisphe 8/25/1988 #38625 entire sky from ground level to as far up as we could see looking out the f 10/1988 #38661 rport/apartment. Landings diverted far away. 4/2/1989 #38887 e complex maneuvers in the sky not far from St. John's, Newfoundland for th 6/11/1989 #38986 they were from another planet, so far away that your minds "cannot fathom 7/4/1989 #39009 ery, and hovered in midair not too far away from the witness. Astounded, sh 9/13/1990 #39731 econds the UFO instantly reappears far away, its blinking lights (but not t 5/17/1991 #40066 in the sky. Videos are recorded as far south as Puebla and Oaxaca. Skeptics 7/11/1991 #40119 red a second wave of crop artists. Far from fizzling out, crop circles have 9/9/1991 #40182 of the object. A pole light on the far side of the driveway went out as the 5/3/1992 #40449 saw a dim glow in the brush on the far side of a creek. He then saw a four- 11/20/1992 #40721 pha-01 missile launch facility not far away. They are redirected to Malmstr 1/1993 #40782 art / 50' altitude. Pink glowing / far sides. 2/9/1993 #40845 seemed to have a pink glow on the far sides. Their lights blinked, and the 2/9/1993 #40846 nside dimensions seemed larger, by far, that they could be judging from its 5/13/1993 #40976 ments, and having very large heads far out of proportion to their bodies. 9/8/1996 #43009 a cornfield near their school not far from Georgeville, Pennsylvania. The 9/24/1996 #43041 cally and lands in a field not too far away. He approaches it and sees that 5/18/1997 #43297 ping her off in a large field, not far away from her rural home. 10/18/1997 #43432 terate that situation has gone too far for STAC to back down. STAC-5 also i 3/11/1998 #43532 d figure emerge from the water not far from them. The figure came out and b 8/24/1998 #43637 . 40M altitude. Maneuvers near and far. 11/7/1999 #43876 involved in titanium metallurgy as far back as Vannevar Bush’s war research 12/17/2001 #44294 wy bright light shining on us from far away." The light shone on them for a 7/28/2002 #44367 izontal and/or vertical velocities far greater than any known aerial vehicl 11/14/2004 #44784 adio and raced out to view it.” So far, no photographic evidence of the UFO 11/7/2006 #44981 e says the tests are negative thus far. https://www.amazon.com/Forbidden-S 5/27/2007 #45032 craft over the hills to the east, far off in the distance. The craft appea 2/26/2008 #45123 The object apparently landed, not far from the military base at Taverny, a 9/4/2008 #45165 n operator. Autonomous systems are far more resilient against such counterm 7/24/2019 #45598 s, “The evaluations conducted thus far have not identified a mechanism of i 8/2020 #45657 t. “The evaluations conducted thus far have not identified a mechanism of i 1/15/2021 #45673 in the medical literature, and so far have not been associated with a spec 2/2/2022 #45737 cidents in the 2021 report date as far back as 2004 and are based on both s 5/17/2022 #45750
be a fireball but considers that “far-fetched.” 7/26/1948 #3742
y to the foreign threat out to the far-term, i.e., from now through the yea Fall 2007? #45070
FARA DI CIGNO, ITALY Orange domed saucer 4/3/1948 #3606 bout 10 meters above the ground at Fara Di Cigno which stopped 12 meters aw 4/3/1948 #3607
ond Drake, Ernest Ameglio, Roberto Farabone, Roberto Villamil, Gianni Setti 6/25/1977 #32195
Michael Faraday is generally credited with the d 1831 #126 nced when they are placed inside a Faraday cage. His experimental subject i 10/1952 #8074 ght scattered from the atmosphere (Faraday effect). 5/5/1953 #8866 lligence analysts. With Swann in a Faraday cage, the SRI team conducts a se 8/1972 #26862
i Ispra 8:00 p.m. Hairdresser Rivo Faralli hears an explosion like a rifle 9/17/1978 #33701 the lights and TV to go out. When Faralli is driving home at 9:00 p.m. on 9/17/1978 #33701 skinned skulls through the visors. Faralli watches them make a full circle 9/17/1978 #33701 rtly after that a motorist, Sr. R. Faralli, a 25-year-old man driving a Fia 9/17/1978 #33703
FARALLON ISLANDS, CA Military Lt. Defini 8/4/1952 #7443
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Farallones” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT 12/14/1977 #32773
Muhand Faras, age 16, was walking home from sch 10/10/1997 #43426
On this day on a ranch in Farasita, Huerfano County, Colorado a ho 9/26/1995 #42512
a, Harald Alexandrescu, and Dan D. Farcaş establish the Asociația pentru St 9/28/1998 #43654
agreb, Yugoslavia Picture taken by Farcich Zoran, near Zagreb. (NICAP: 08 - 11/23/1967 #23501
s off quickly without taking their fare. At 8:00 p.m., the woman and her da 4/25/1969 #25090 ened state, without collecting his fare. 4/25/1969 #25091 tened state without collecting his fare. 4/24/1971 #26081 the chest. The being paid for the fare with a dollar bill, which had the b 11/11/1973 #28410 azquez Luna had just dropped off a fare at 12:45 a.m. and was driving on th 8/5/1997 #43369
FAREHAM, HAMPS 2 separate observer(s). 2 3/31/1973 #27393
e Adamski publishes Flying Saucers Farewell, signaling his intention to ref 1961 #16549 Eisenhower delivers a farewell address in a TV broadcast. Perh 1/17/1961 #16579 -year-old woman was outside saying farewell to her son-in-law in La Grange, 2/17/1997 #43195
onical. Border Patrol Cpl. Natalio Farfan Ruiz says the object “made the ea 5/6/1978 #33190
LA FARGETTE AND GLUIRAS, FR Saucer / orange 2/10/1976 #30859
New Mexico Fargo, North Dakota Project Sign officer 9/30/1948? #3817 he George Gorman “UFO dogfight” in Fargo, North Dakota, on October 1. It pr 9/30/1948? #3817 Fargo, North Dakota Lt. G. Gorman air du 10/1/1948 #3821 FARGO, ND USAF F51 / long complex dogfig 10/1/1948 #3824 Fargo, ND Small 6-8-inch round white bal 10/1/1948 #3825 Fargo, North Dakota 8:30 p.m. 2d Lieut. 10/1/1948 #3827 ational Guard, flying an F-51 near Fargo, North Dakota, spots an object tra 10/1/1948 #3827 ncounter occurred on this day over Fargo, North Dakota between an F-51 figh 10/1/1948 #3828 SOUTH / FARGO, ND Numerous separate observer(s). 10/5/1958 #15315 Fargo, ND 7:50 p.m. CST. Two teenaged bo 2/25/1967 #21647 ) and flew away to the northeast. (Fargo Forum, 2/25/67, copy in NICAP file 2/25/1967 #21647 Fargo, North Dakota 7:50 p.m. Two teenag 2/25/1967 #21648 kota 7:50 p.m. Two teenage boys in Fargo, North Dakota, see a round or disc 2/25/1967 #21648 In Sioux City, Iowa at 5:25 p.m., Fargo, North Dakota at 7:50 p.m., and Sy 2/25/1967 #21652 were taken of nocturnal lights. In Fargo two teenagers took two Polaroid ph 2/25/1967 #21652 NEAR FARGO, ND 2 observer(s). Fireball-saucer 2/26/1967 #21654 a rural site on a highway between Fargo and Kindred, North Dakota where a 5/5/1968 #23946 I94 45M WITH FARGO, ND 8 observer(s). Saucers. 3 abdu 8/26/1975 #30308 ie, age 15, were being driven from Fargo to Bismarck, North Dakota by Jacki 8/26/1975 #30309 Fargo, North Dakota Bismarck, North Dako 8/26/1975 #30310 Jackie’s mother Sandy Larson leave Fargo, North Dakota for Bismarck, which 8/26/1975 #30310 ie, age 15, were being driven from Fargo to Bismarck, North Dakota by Jacki 8/26/1975 #30312 beings standing beside her bed in Fargo, North Dakota. They were the same 12/2/1975 #30681 was abducted out of her bedroom in Fargo, North Dakota to a UFO some distan 4/18/1976 #31000
Samuel Faria, age 27, was returning home from t 5/1/1974 #29078 d in clothing like an "astronaut." Faria approached to within 30 feet of hi 5/1/1974 #29078 ght, temporarily blinding him. Sr. Faria ran for his uncle's house, only 20 5/1/1974 #29078 ad muscular arms. In February 1973 Faria had seen a luminous, ring shaped U 5/1/1974 #29078 :00 p.m. Brazilian Air Force Capt. Faria de Sousa is landing his aircraft a 6/19/1987 #38194
Gabrielli Rojas and Danilo Catalán Farias are on a training mission near Me 10/1978? #33787
FARIBAULT, MN 1 observer. Thin cylinder/ 4/2/1991 #40028 with many lights flew slowly over Faribault, Minnesota at 7:00 p.m. in 199 4/2/1991 #40029
ion’s Pantex Plant Amarillo, Texas Farin Road 2373 Highway 60 7:46 p.m. Bri 11/7/1957 #14462 of the objects apparently lands on Farin Road 2373, three miles north of Hi 11/7/1957 #14462 above the ground before landing on Farin Road 2373. Guards attempted to app 11/7/1957 #14465
ar Escobar and Copilot Angel David Farina are flying two passengers to Asun 6/8/1991 #40092
, Argentina 8:30 p.m. The brothers Farisano are returning home from a socce 3/3/1988 #38482
right light / windows. / news / L. Farish. 4/2/1897 #411 titude. 3-4 figure(s) aboard. / L. Farish. 1/15/1910 #834 (s) sea. 'Motors' heard. R224p42 / Farish. 1/4/1913 #865 p hills. No planes up. / r224p42 / Farish. 1/24/1913 #871 es. Interviews by Bloecher, Lucius Farish, and Mildred Higgins.) (NICAP: 02 Late 8/1946 #2159 e service is largely run by Lucius Farish as co-editor in Plumerville, Arka 5/1969 #25104 Arkansas, beginning in July 1977. Farish publishes it on his own from Janu 5/1969 #25104
LA FARLEDE, VAR, FR 3 teens. Saucer drops n 10/15/1994 #41805 ilitary communication center in La Farlede, Var department, France. It vani 10/15/1994 #41806
in hauling up a line of traps off Farlon Island near San Francisco, Califo 1/30/2000 #43937
e, Great Britain Lorry driver Karl Farlow told police that as his lights an 11/5/1967 #23407 Truck driver Karl Farlow told police that at 11:30 p.m. hi 11/5/1967 #23408 pshire, England, truck driver Karl Farlow (or Barlow) finds that the lights 11/6/1967 #23414 s a veterinary surgeon, and he and Farlow call the police from a nearby cal 11/6/1967 #23414 uffering from shock. A week later, Farlow notices that a 200-foot stretch o 11/6/1967 #23414
ntario, are in a field on Muckle’s farm when they hear a loud explosion and 6/1880? #234 er Dick Butler is returning to his farm in Wolf Creek Township, Iowa, after 4/4/1897 #414 uminated windows flew over a dairy farm in the western part of Iowa after m 4/8/1897 #419 OUTH / GAS CITY, IN Object lands / farm. 6 men exit and make repairs. Lives 4/14/1897 #457 ne mile from town, terrifying some farm animals. As a crowd rushes toward i 4/14/1897 #464 es McKensie is feeding hogs on his farm north of Casstown, Ohio, when he he 4/14/1897 #467 Springfield, IL Two farm workers, Adolph Winkle and John Hul 4/15/1897 #482 Springfield, Illinois Two farm workers, Adolph Winkle and John Hul 4/15/1897 #486 green, and white lights lands on a farm near Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Five wi 4/15/1897 #488 Two farm workers, Adolph Winkle and John Hul 4/15/1897 #497 Harlem Prison Farm Fort Bend County, Texas Lake Charle 4/19/1897 #536 er, physician at the Harlem Prison Farm [now the Jester State Prison Farm] 4/19/1897 #536 Farm [now the Jester State Prison Farm] in Fort Bend County, Texas, is rid 4/19/1897 #536 drifting to the northeast over his farm three miles from Whitemouth, Manito 7/29/1897 #600 ar-old girl is walking back to her farm from Cadwst, Denbighshire, Wales, w Summer 1900 #640 htly tapered ends” over the family farm in Helmer, Indiana. Its inside is i 3/17/1903 #660 ring just behind some trees over a farm in Helmer, Indiana. As the man ran 3/17/1903 #661 by goes outside to the well on his farm 5 miles north of Rolling Prairie, I 6/1904 #672 The occupants take water from the farm’s horse trough to be “used in makin 1906 #684 chlight that illuminates the road, farm buildings, trees, and everything it 5/13/1909 #741 GREENVALE, NZ Farm hand. Whirr sound. Animals scared. 7/31/1909 #792 RHAYADER, WALES Boy abduction / farm Christmas party. Screams. Tracks / 12/24/1909 #824 brothers Sid and Clyde on a cotton farm 2.5 miles west of Farmersville, Tex 5/1913 #888 unter with a UFO on their parents’ farm Connington in the KwaZulu-Natal mid 10/1917 #968 itness then notices his neighbor’s farm is illuminated with bright white li 1/22/1919 #983 g brother and sister who live on a farm near Webster City, Iowa, hear a str 7/1919 #990 riding with another young man on a farm near Moora, Western Australia, when 1925 #1045 r-shape / 5 portholes very close / farm girl. Missing time. Can't recall dr 9/1/1936 #1248 foreman is driving past a deserted farm near Brockworth, Gloucester, Englan 11/13/1939 #1321 ding foreman drove past a deserted farm in the early morning in Brockworth, 11/13/1939 #1322 ome recently planted corn on their farm near Fairbank, Iowa. A gray object Mid 5/1940 #1332 ned medical officer stationed on a farm near Impilahti, Karelia [now Russia Late 7/1944 #1623 GARDOUCH, FR Man / farm. Big orange moon going [to] overhea 8/1944 #1631 Farmers. 1M glowing-clouds follow farm fences by border / Hungary. 8/1945 (approximate) #1907 traptions” which has fallen on his farm. The intelligence officers ask for 1946 #1962 e dispatched, but fail to find the farm. They locate a pub called The White 1946 #1962 D AND AREA Many objects. 1 lands / farm? 1 scouts harbor and going southeas 8/11/1946 #2115 O'Neill, Nebraska farm 8 miles north of O'Neill, Nebraska Fall 1946 #2189 at a “terrific speed” toward their farm 8 miles north of O’Neill, Nebraska. Fall 1946 #2189 SOUTH / SALINAS, CA 3 / farm. 9' saucer found / carrot patch. US 5/1947 (approximate) #2271 cers going quickly south fast over farm. / r2p70. 6/28/1947 #2440 FORD, IL Farmer. 7 blue disks over farm. 2 hours later same seen / S. Wisco 6/28/1947 #2441 NEAR ARKADELPHIA, ARK Farm worker. 3 thin disks 'phonograph re 6/30/1947 (approximate) #2472 / ELLIOTT, ND Navy veteran and 2 / farm. 25cm fast green disk passes close 7/4/1947 #2622 FAYETTEVILLE, AR Disk lands / farm. Yellow glow. Going up / sparks. Co 7/5/1947 #2714 EAST / GREENWOOD, MO 3 / farm. Large silver plate going north. Tu 7/6/1947 #2761 WEST / YORK, OH 2 / farm. "Brilliant saucers" play / western 7/7/1947 #2907 WINGVILLE, OR 4 / dairy farm. Round object going up and down [to 7/13/1947 #3168 SOUTH / IDAHO FALLS, ID 1 / farm. Small disk / irregular course low 7/14/1947 #3177 7:20 p.m. a small disc flew over a farm south of Idaho Falls, Idaho flying 7/14/1947 #3180 NEAR OLAVARRIA, ARG Several / farm. "Saucer" drops / 20M altitude. Fas 7/20/1947 #3203 JALHAY, BELGIUM 2 / farm. Large object quickly going down. T 8/1947 #3267 , Ohio farmer C. Bruce Stevenson's farm 2:00 a.m. Glancing out his window w 2/1948 #3570 a bight orange-amber glow near his farm buildings a few miles from Circlevi 2/1948 #3570 ery sphere rises / woods. Hovers / farm. Silvery crud drops. 8/29/1948 #3786 /globe rises / woods. Flies across farm. Vanishes / midair! 8/29/1948 #3787 a wooded area and hover above his farm, dropping a silvery substance that 8/29/1948 #3788 a wooded area and hover above his farm, dropping a silvery substance that 8/29/1948 #3789 a wooded area and hover above his farm. It dropped a silvery substance tha 8/29/1948 #3790 SOUTH / NEVADA, MO 1 / farm. Whirr! Large disk hovers. 2 small 11/15/1948 (approximate) #3875 large, bright object land near his farm with a green lightning flash. It be 2/17/1949 #4014 large, bright object land near his farm in France with a flash of green lig 2/17/1949 #4016 A flat, metallic object flew ove a farm in Loudon, Tennessee on this day, m 5/25/1949 #4210 NEAR CIRCLEVILLE, UT 5 / farm. Odd whine. 3 25M saucers going nor 8/15/1949 (approximate) #4317 SOUTHEAST / LEXINGTON, NE 5 / farm. 3 4M ovoids going northeast. Turn 9/26/1949 #4371 E NEBEL, DK Saucer going [to] over farm. Maneuvers. Vanishes / flash! 2nd s 2/13/1950 #4536 sc-shaped object maneuvered over a farm at around 9 p.m. and then vanished 2/13/1950 #4537 hovered with a swaying motion over farm country in Clarksburg, California a 3/13/1950 #4628 KAILUA, OAHU, HI Farm worker. Silver saucer trails smalle 3/14/1950 #4630 MCALISTERVILLE, PA Farm boy. 2 ovoids dive fast. Level off 3/31/1950 #4775 PEPPERWOOD, CA 3 / farm. Shiny disk circles / 5 minutes. Th 4/11/1950 (approximate) #4842 NVILLE, OR Classic 30' saucer over farm. 1st good photographs. No spin. Goi 5/11/1950 #4937 p.m. Evelyn Trent, who lives on a farm nine miles from McMinnville, Oregon 5/11/1950 #4939 SUTTER BUTTES, CA 2 / farm. Brilliant white objects play aroun 5/13/1950 #4941 BIG RAPIDS, MI 2 / farm. 10m silent saucer with large round 9/5/1950 #5168 s was born in Georgia in 1943 on a farm and claims to be an abductee. At ni 1951 #5372 OAK GROVE, LA 12 / farm. 12M saucer spins counterclockwise 1/1/1951 #5381 VOGHENZA, ITL Farm. 6M metallic saucer going down / le 8/14/1951 #5603 allic saucer with legs landed on a farm in Voghenza, Italy. Six four-foot t 8/14/1951 #5605 EDDINGTON, ME 1 / farm. Bee-swarm sound. 20M metallic ovoi 9/1951 (approximate) #5644 VICARAGE FARM, STAFFS Huge fireball-saucer stops 12/15/1951 #5819 e direction and attitude above his farm 2 miles east of Kutztown, Pennsylva 7/9/1952 #6741 gricultural engineer Pedro Bardi's farm in the Madre de Dios region of Peru 7/19/1952 #6932 gineer Pedro Bardi and others on a farm in the Madre de Dios region of Peru 7/19/1952 #6932 MADISON, FL 2 / farm. 2 saucers nearby. 1 advances and r 7/20/1952 #6941 SOUTHWEST / READING, KS 2 / farm. Noise. Metal disk / 3km altitude. 7/21/1952 #6958 CLAY BANKS, WI 2 / farm. Silent silver parachute-saucer goi 8/22/1952 #7677 PAYETTE, ID 2 / farm. 5' slate-grey ovoid / 100' altitud 9/6/1952 #7861 Osborn Prison Farm Somers, Connecticut 10:10 a.m. Walt 9/6/1952 #7868 n, two guards at the Osborn Prison Farm [now Osborn Correctional Institute] 9/6/1952 #7868 ds, West Virginia G. Bailey Fisher farm West Virginia National Guardsman Eu 9/12/1952 #7905 gene Lemon, 17, walk to the Fisher farm. At the top of a hill, they reporte 9/12/1952 #7905 animal reaction case occurred on a farm in Belle Glade, Florida just before 9/14/1952 #7941 NEW BERN, NC 2 / farm duck down. Loud invisible buzzing o 9/16/1952 #7957 TOME, NM 2 / farm. Dog barks and hides. 4M glowing-ob 12/16/1953 (approximate) #9368 FARM SOUTH / WHANGAREI, NZ Dogs cry. Thu 6/19/1954 #9911 ST. SAUVER-LA-SAGNE, FR 3 / farm. Black sphere going down. 2 small h 8/1954 #10074 ighted object followed them to the farm. Mr. Coupal and his oldest son went 8/10/1954 #10117 ighted object follow them to their farm in Hemmingford, Quebec, Canada. It 8/10/1954 #10119 COLDWATER, KS Farm boy. Small humanoid (or Grey) / lon 9/2/1954 #10231 rking on a tractor at his family’s farm in Coldwater, Kansas, when he sees 9/2/1954 #10232 VABRE-TIZAC, FR Several / farm. Noise. Glowing-rings = saucer. Pos 9/14/1954 #10292 -Prouant, Vendée, France 5:00 p.m. Farm worker Georges Fortin, 34, and more 9/14/1954 #10299 France 9:00 p.m. Elie Cisterne, a farm worker in the hamlet of La Chassagn 9/20/1954 #10370 Farm Lachassagne, near Ussel, France Mr. 9/24/1954 #10435 Mr. Cisterne lived on the Farm Lachassagne, near Ussel, France. He 9/24/1954 #10442 two other children on an isolated farm near Prémanon, Jura, France, see a 9/27/1954 #10473 -SUR-L'IGNON, FR 3M saucer lands / farm. 1M3 / soil sucked up and cast asid 10/4/1954 #10684 to the southwest, hovering over a farm. It was described as metallic, flat 10/4/1954 #10694 ung in mid-air and landed near her farm. When Messrs. Girardot and Vincent 10/4/1954 #10697 feet wide land in a meadow on her farm. She runs to tell some men, who arr 10/4/1954 #10698 to the southwest, hovering over a farm. It was described as metallic, flat 10/4/1954 #10704 wung in midair and landed near her farm in Poncey-sur-Lignon, France. When 10/4/1954 #10710 torcyclist, R. Ott, riding through farm county in Jettingen, Haut-Rhin depa 10/8/1954 #10819 BREMONDANS, FR 2 / farm. Blue-yellow saucer 20M away. Horse 10/11/1954 #10918 est. He finds when he arrives at a farm that he is covered in white fluff e 10/11/1954 #10939 . 8M saucer / all color(s) 2M over farm. Going quickly northeast / mountain 10/14/1954 #11017 CHARDONNAY, FR 2 farm hands. Red saucer passes behind hil 10/14/1954 #11020 CA' VENIER, ITL 2 / farm. Saucer on field / several min. Fas 10/14/1954 #11039 r(s). Luminous orange disk lands / farm / 20 minute(s). Silent takeoff. / r 10/18/1954 #11205 SEGRE, FR 3 / farm. Odd white cloud going down. Lights 10/22/1954 #11312 bert Hée is gathering pears on his farm at Les-Jonquerets-de-Livet [now Mes 10/25/1954 #11392 ivet, Eure, France two 18-year-old farm workers, Jean Cheradame and Rene Ma 10/25/1954 #11404 A green disc landed on a farm near Viomenil-Bataille, France at 6 11/2/1954 #11538 n in a thick fog at 6:30 a.m. at a farm in Mareil-sur-Loir, France. They gl 11/3/1954 #11550 as seen spinning in the sky over a farm in Le Sourn, Morbihan department, F 11/4/1954 #11566 s and emitting beams of light. The farm animals were frightened by it. The 11/4/1954 #11566 vered at 30 meters altitude over a farm in Froberville, Seine-Maritime depa 11/9/1954 #11614 d, luminous UFO approach them in a farm field. As it approaches, the engine 11/14/1954 #11652 ustion engine, were driving down a farm road in the evening when a red beam 11/14/1954 #11654 BLAISON, FR Saucer going down / farm. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) exit. 11/20/1954 #11676 Las Gastanas farm Granja de Torrehermosa, Badajoz, Sp 12/3/1954 #11754 ncisco Huertos are at Las Gastanas farm about 3 miles from Granja de Torreh 12/3/1954 #11754 ar-old man riding a bicycle near a farm in Gainchurizqueta, Irun, Spain saw 12/7/1954 #11774 IROQUOIS FALLS, ON 3 / farm. Bright silent washtub saucer hover 1/5/1955 #11920 t 11 o'clock in the morning on the farm of Messr. Coulange, in Puy St. Gulm 5/31/1955 #12170 NEAR MOON LAKE, NE 3 farm families. Bright moon-size object h 8/9/1955 #12343 pbell Shady Oaks restaurant Sutton farm About 7:00 p.m. Billy Ray Taylor go 8/21/1955 #12386 reporters drive out to the Sutton farm to investigate from 11:30 p.m. to 2 8/21/1955 #12386 clusion on this date at the Sutton farm in Kelly, near Hopkinsville, Kentuc 8/22/1955 #12391 the police had searched the Sutton farm and found no creatures, they left a 8/22/1955 #12391 ok Case #3893. Domed saucer lights farm. Observer(s) feels mind was read. / 12/21/1955 #12616 e saucer capture 400lbs steer from farm 1956 #12625 P51 O / O / control. Explodes over farm. 1/9/1956 #12651 neous maneuvers, and illuminated a farm as it flew over. 5/28/1956 #12873 LEESPORT, PA Boy and 2 / farm. 3M thick saucer 60M over field. Gl 9/2/1956 #13171 EAST / BUTLER, PA 2 / farm. 60cm washtub saucer circles potato 9/5/1956 (approximate) #13188 ELINA, TX School board president / farm. Flat metallic disk. Lit portholes 11/1956 #13299 / ALBION, IL 4 / car and several / farm. Saucer buzzes car. Circles area co 11/22/1956 #13344 SOUTHEAST / READING, MN Girl / farm. Horses spooked. 6 green disks / li 11/25/1956 (approximate) #13349 oked. 6 green disks / light circle farm 5-6X. 11/25/1956 (approximate) #13349 y Whelan was walking a colt on her farm in Reading, Minnesota when it was s 11/25/1956 #13353 ct 1 / 3 moon-size going east over farm. South and L. Silent. 11/28/1956 #13360 NORTHWEST / GARY, SD 3 / farm. Red sphere/orb/globe with multicol 12/9/1956 #13391 a Frances Stichler, who lived on a farm, was working in her barn when she h 5/1957 #13628 silent. Going south over hospital farm. Balloon? 6/4/1957 #13699 re repairing a fence on Penteado’s farm in Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, whe 9/1957 #13966 iquelandia, Brazil At the Gabiroba farm, owners A. Santinoni and S. de Oliv 10/1957 #14049 t searches down all over/all about farm and house. 10/5/1957 #14060 s gets up from bed on his family’s farm near São Francisco de Sales, Minas 10/5/1957 #14062 Avb. Blazing disc? plays tag 20x / farm field. 100M altitude. 10/14/1957 #14106 ith him over a field on his family farm in Sao Francisco de Sales, Minas Ge 10/14/1957 #14112 COVINGTON, IN 4M saucer hovers / farm. Combine malfunctions due to EME (e 10/15/1957 #14114 BACHAQUERO, VNZL 2 / farm. 2 cylinders hover / high altitude. 10/21/1957 #14136 polis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil On a farm near Petrópolis, Rio de Janeiro, Br 10/25/1957 #14155 H, IN White luminous object 500' / farm. Going quickly southwest. Reappears 11/5/1957 #14309 ge glow egg-shape hovers / chicken farm. Lights ground. Away fast. 11/5/1957 #14311 te soup-bowl saucer follows car to farm. Yellow-green glow. Quickly going u 11/6/1957 #14372 ). 40' saucer hovers / 300M. Scans farm / blue light. Going west. UV burns 11/6/1957 #14387 as he is using an outhouse on his farm near Merom, Indiana. The whole farm 11/6/1957 #14425 arm near Merom, Indiana. The whole farm and surrounding area are bathed in 11/6/1957 #14425 STRAWBERRY, WEST AUSTRALIA 3 / farm. Night light going southeast / low 11/7/1957 #14447 object fall into a haystack on his farm at Langdon, North Dakota. He picks 12/14/1957 #14729 Farm Hill, Australia Brian Crittendon, 2 1/13/1958 #14823 ered for more than 30 minutes over farm country in Ladapeyre, France beginn 2/1/1958 #14863 HOKKAIDO ISLAND, JPN 3 / farm. Location unknown. Silent ovoid pas 2/2/1958 #14864 g help from some nearby village or farm. It was then that they notice a lar 2/24/1958 #14889 CIRCLEVILLE, OH 2 / farm. Domed saucer going west. Returns. 2/27/1958 (approximate) #14893 INGERSOLL, ON Several / farm. Several large silver delta/triangl 4/16/1958 #14992 RENEDALE, FR 2 / farm. 3 25cm disks whistle overhead to r 10/1958 #15289 ) SOUTHEAST / INDIAN HEAD, SSK 2 / farm. 3M and blue-white glowing-object g 10/7/1958 #15322 NEAR ANN ARBOR, MI 2 / farm. 5 cigars maneuver and circle / 50M 1/8/1959 #15540 OWS, RSA 12M saucer hovers 5M over farm field. Orange glow and green light 6/21/1959 #15778 Walking to her cow shed on her farm in Blenheim, New Zealand at 5:40 a. 7/13/1959 #15843 6. Large fuzzy saucer going down / farm. Loud jet sound. Going up [to] and 9/13/1959 #15965 EAST / BASIN, WY 2 / farm. White-glow cone-saucer / night lig 11/28/1959 #16102 In 1959 on a cloudy night on a farm near Chatton, New Zealand a disc fl 12/3/1959 #16113 aw two craft land on a hill near a farm called Capin Acu, near the ocean in 5/13/1960 #16273 saw two craft land on hill near a farm called Capin Acu. He went near them 5/14/1960 #16275 saw two craft land on hill near a farm called Capin Acu in Paracuru, Brazi 5/14/1960 #16277 SUNLANDS, RSA Several / farm. 10M cylinder/cigar-shape hovers an 6/29/1960 #16319 3:10 p.m. Ray Hawks is operating a farm tractor at Left Hand Canyon near Al 8/11/1960 #16369 entified. Brill silvery globe over farm road. Rises going up [to] until gon 8/29/1960 #16422 onton hears a whining sound on his farm four miles from Eagle River, Wiscon 4/18/1961 #16653 haped carft land vertically on his farm. A hatch opened, and when he approa 4/18/1961 #16654 f six metallic discs pass over his farm near Beloit, Ohio, at a low altitud Summer 1961 #16736 On this night five people on a farm in Stillwater, Minnesota observed a 8/17/1961 #16799 the skies above the Theodore Goff farm on the afternoon of the 18th and le 11/18/1961 #16964 s, machinery, and power lines. The farm is located near Chadron, Nebraska. 11/18/1961 #16964 On a farm near Capay, Glenn County, Californi 9/26/1962 #17442 na, Italy was awakened by restless farm animals and went out to calm them. 1/11/1963 #17635 LOW GROVE, AUSTR 8M domed saucer / farm. Spins. Going quickly west. Cows fr 2/15/1963 #17665 ed 30 meters above the ground at a farm in Moe, Victoria, Australia. It was 2/15/1963 #17670 ng noise. Horses and cattle on the farm panicked and fled. It climbed into 2/15/1963 #17670 cone was seen near the ground on a farm in Fano, Marche, Italy at 11:30 a.m 9/20/1963 #17953 is released and sent to work on a farm, before being transferred to work a 11/1/1963 #18023 TIOGA, NY Farm. Saucer going down. Small humanoids 4/24/1964 #18187 saucer with portholes. Maneuvers / farm buildings. / r70p3-98 / r8#611. 6/8/1964 #18337 kings in Field Baffle Perry County Farm Family. A five foot circular burned Late 6/1964 #18374 nutes at 15 meters altitude over a farm in Sherburne, New York. A Project B 7/27/1964 #18450 On a farm in Cofico, near Salta, Argentina a 9/5/1964 #18540 h a dome on top landed on a nearby farm, melting snow in a 10 m diameter ur 1/12/1965 #18715 h a dome on top landed on a nearby farm in Custer, Washington melting the s 1/12/1965 #18721 HILL, NB Huge object hovers low / farm field. Loud hiss. Series / circular 4/14/1965 #18905 down / 12M altitude. Snoops around farm. Many lights / outside. 6/19/1965 #19014 Rocky, Oklahoma 4:00 a.m. Two farm boys are stacking hay near Rocky, O 6/19/1965 #19017 Carrollton, Ohio Joseph Stavano's farm Frank Stavano and 24 other witnesse 6/25/1965 #19028 e explosion at his father Joseph’s farm near Carrollton, Ohio. Two days lat 6/25/1965 #19028 South Wales, Australia. It scared farm dogs in the area. 7/31/1965 #19224 ground level several times on the farm of William Butcher. It was chromeli 8/5/1965 #19328 d fires at flaming "boat". Circles farm. Figure(s) seen. / FSRv12#1+/ r8. 8/15/1965 #19393 (s). Noisy metallic saucer lands / farm. Going quickly north / flames. 15' 8/15/1965? #19394 es. It circled and came low over a farm. In fear, the man fired at it with 8/15/1965 #19399 ew York Four students working on a farm noted radio interference and a pecu 8/20/1965 #19439 w an object at low altitude on the farm of William Butcher. It was shaped l 8/20/1965 #19439 while lights blinked in sequence. Farm animals were very noisy. Sighting 9/3/1965 #19507 ntônio Pau Ferro is working on his farm in São João, near Garanhuns, Pernam 9/10/1965 #19550 Pichaca, Peru A farm woman saw an object land, and six d 9/20/1965 #19583 At 4:30 p.m. a young farm woman saw an object land in Pichaca 9/20/1965 #19584 humanoid (or Grey)-size airplane / farm field. No jets / props. Gone later. 10/15/1965 (approximate) #19658 d and around in the sky over their farm. 10/23/1965 #19679 UFO was seen on the ground near a farm gate in Mogi Guacu, Sao Paulo state 11/11/1965 #19713 d Burnd, 15, was driving west in a farm truck when he saw an object 2 m abo 12/20/1965 #19780 Witbank, S. Africa 7:40 p.m. LT. A farm woman heard a very loud sound and s 2/14/1966 #19903 UPPER SANDUSKY, OH 2 / farm. Top-saucer with bright body lights 3/25/1966 #20075 t over woods, point downward, by a farm couple for about an hour. (Associat 3/25/1966 #20077 four children were driving through farm country nine miles north of Lewisbu 3/30/1966 #20168 Yorktown, IA 2:10 a.m. CDT. A farm family saw a cigar-shaped object wi 4/23/1966 #20385 aring noise, landed on the Johnson farm in Clarinda, Iowa. It illuminated t 4/23/1966 #20391 ith a red color, and cattle on the farm bolted and ran in response to the o 4/23/1966 #20391 isk going [to] by. Hovers low over farm / 30 minute(s). Going quickly [to] 5/4/1966 #20442 10 p.m. a white disc flew up to a farm in Cardington, Ohio and hovered low 5/4/1966 #20449 FARM / AVEYRON, FR 2+observer(s). 6 fire 6/15/1966 #20559 ND Silent 11M saucer going down / farm 100M / observer(s). 2 men move / li 6/27/1966 (approximate) #20614 Cistella, Spain 4:00 a.m. LT. A farm woman and farm hands saw a large di 6/27/1966 #20615 ain 4:00 a.m. LT. A farm woman and farm hands saw a large disc-shaped objec 6/27/1966 #20615 kly south / very low altitude over farm. Small portholes. 8/1966 (approximate) #20707 / GLENDALE, VA 10M saucer 60M over farm. Cop aims light. Saucer quickly goi 8/9/1966 #20732 uebook Case #10944. Saucer lands / farm. No radiation/radioactivity. 20cm i 9/13/1966 #20875 w a disk-shaped object land near a farm. It had a tripod landing gear, two 9/13/1966 #20877 with a falling leaf motion near a farm between Gwinner and Stirum, North D 9/13/1966 #20880 NEAR NEWTON, IL 6 / farm. 6m x 2m cylinder/cigar-shape / 15m 10/10/1966 #20978 grey disk with portholes hovers / farm. Lights all over/all about. 11/18/1966 #21120 Farm Road 1300 northwest of El Campo, Te 11/28/1966 #21158 odungen, 17, is on her way home on Farm Road 1300 northwest of El Campo, Te 11/28/1966 #21158 n paced a car at three a.m. near a farm two miles south of Monroe, Oregon. 12/25/1966 #21221 FARM /, FR 6 spheres and glowing-pillar 1/6/1967 #21264 shaped object taking off from his farm. The man then proceeded to chase a 1/11/1967 #21288 nd flew away. (Report from a dairy farm owner, Iola , KS, in NICAP files.) 1/13/1967 #21296 strange small humanoid (or Grey) / farm. Strange force stops them. 1/28/1967 (approximate) #21404 was reported by Paul Poorman on a farm near some strip mines. Poorman was 2/7/1967 #21475 as they are eating dinner at their farm 3 miles south of Deep River, Ontari 2/8/1967 #21483 ck, Connecticut and hovered over a farm. The object had a white light in ea 2/10/1967 #21508 disc was seen at low level over a farm in Milton, Ohio by Mrs. Clevenger. 2/22/1967 #21624 Going southwest. Returns. Circles farm. Going southwest again. 3/5/1967 #21755 rström are returning home to their farm in Lövåsen, Vilhelmina, Sweden, whe 3/5/1967 #21763 ssed a domed disc while driving in farm country between Galesburg and Molin 3/6/1967 #21779 Wayne County, IN 5:45 a.m. A farm wife was putting milkers on cows in 4/1/1967 #22037 EAST / BERGEN, ND 2 / farm. Object / railroad/railway tracks a 4/3/1967 #22049 g with a tractor on Jamie Ediger’s farm in Dayton, Oregon, when he sees an Mid 4/1967 #22134 end six legs, and then land on his farm. The 1.5 meter tall object left beh 4/26/1967 #22224 MONTEZUMA, IA 1 / farm. Silent grey ovoid hovers / field. 5/2/1967 #22264 HOLBAEK, DK Domed UFO / farm field. Figure moves / window. Angel 5/11/1967 #22313 s night hovering over a field at a farm. A silhouette of a humanoid figure 5/11/1967 #22320 s seen at very low altitude over a farm in Ribeirao Pires, Sao Paulo State, 5/30/1967 #22427 Another landing took place near a farm outside Beausejour, Manitoba, about 5/31/1967 #22430 a, about 45 miles from Winnipeg. A farm woman, who requests anonymity, was 5/31/1967 #22430 On the 31st of May in 1967 a farm woman living outside of Beausejour, 5/31/1967 #22433 arge cigar-shaped object land on a farm near Loco, Texas. A short being exi 6/11/1967 #22496 ld [now DRDC Suffield], visits the farm on August 11 after much of the evid 8/5/1967 #22815 eam of light was directed toward a farm building near the witnesses. (Unide 8/12/1967 #22865 A young boy on a farm near Port Perry, Durham county, Ont 8/15/1967 #22883 Hato Viejo Farm, Venezuela Nelson Gutierrez, a sale 9/2/1967 #22981 lains Highway, near the Hato Viejo farm outside of Caracas, Venezuela. A be 9/2/1967 #22985 magnetic effect (EME). Engine out. Farm lights fail. Going quickly northeas 9/19/1967 #23093 ROSARIO, ARG 2 / farm. Large bright object hovers / 4 hou 9/22/1967 #23110 ALDERSYDE, ALTA Saucer 400' over farm. 2 observer(s). Car malfunctions du 10/11/1967 #23210 Hackford was driving up a road in Farm Creek, Utah when a UFO hovered over 10/11/1967 #23219 CENTENO, ARG 2 / farm. Silent blue-glow ovoid going west. 11/5/1967 #23403 Yerecoin, AU Time not reported. A farm manager saw a dome-shaped object wi 11/15/1967 #23457 Yerecoin, Australia Farm manager Alan Pool, 43, saw an objec 11/16/1967 #23470 Farm manager Alan Pool, age 43, saw an o 11/16/1967 #23472 ct was seen close to the ground in Farm Creek, Utah in Uintah County by a w 2/12/1968 #23751 disc with ports maneuvered around farm, emitting high-pitched whine. Dog c 2/19/1968 #23766 the ground, the object leaves the farm through a windbreak and moves north 2/19/1968 #23767 e domed top. It circled around her farm making a high-pitched sound. Her do 2/19/1968 #23768 s is bringing in her llamas on her farm between Opoco and Uyuni, Bolivia, w 3/10/1968 #23834 server(s). 30M orange ovoid lights farm up. Follows car. Air Force investig 4/1968 #23878 al red balls / light rise / nearby farm. 1 going quickly south / low altitu 5/7/1968 #23949 object was seen taking off from a farm in Brazey en Morvan, France. Dead s 6/21/1968 #24068 ng down / steps. Shoots level over farm. 7/1968 #24103 t caused the death of someone on a farm in Jaboticatubas, Minas Gerais Stat 8/9/1968 #24313 ovic family was driving down their farm road in Hanbury, England at 5:30 p. 11/20/1968 #24673 maneuvers / 45 minute(s). Lands / farm? / APRO Mar'69. 1/21/1969 #24862 ectro-magnetic effects) and rises! Farm lights out. Going quickly northwest 1/25/1969 #24868 -shaped object approached, outside farm lights went out. CUFOS report; see 1/25/1969 #24870 On a farm southeast of Fernley, Nevada while 1/26/1969 #24872 razil Luis Flozinho De Oliveira, a farm worker, was on his way to work when 2/12/1969 #24915 NEAR MARSHALL, MI 3 / farm. 16m domed metallic saucer in alfal 3/23/1969 #25038 dredge a quarter mile north of the farm had seen a glow in the sky, and a n 4/17/1969 #25067 At 7:30 p.m. at a farm on Harwood Island, New South Wales, 4/20/1969 #25074 ings from the dogs and cats at her farm in Silver Spring, Maryland. Going o 4/23/1969 #25086 (s). Vibrant bright domed saucer / farm. Burnt traces and holes in ground. 5/11/1969 #25122 Lester Kaiser farm near Rising Sun, Indiana Evening. A 5/18/1969 #25143 f electricity at the Lester Kaiser farm near Rising Sun, Indiana, for 2 hou 5/18/1969 #25143 ed UFO stopped over a tractor on a farm east of Denilquin, New South Wales, 5/18/1969 #25144 50 feet over the trees on a nearby farm. It has an orange glow around it. P 6/19/1969 #25226 SOUTH / HAYS, KS 2 / farm. Silent glowing-cone maneuvers all 6/23/1969 #25232 ORNE, IA 2 girls. Classic saucer / farm. 40' circle / burnt soybeans found. 7/12/1969 #25262 erted bowl-shaped disc flew over a farm in Van Horne, Iowa during a rainsto 7/12/1969 #25265 A disc was sighted over a farm south of Garrison, Iowa shortly aft 7/13/1969 #25269 plants was found in a field on the farm. 7/13/1969 #25269 nding above a well on her family’s farm near Abee, Alberta. She looks direc 7/16/1969 #25274 counter with a triangular UFO at a farm in Hartford, Vermont. 7/17/1969 #25277 then went straight over the nearby farm field very fast. Viewed about 10 se 7/18/1969 #25279 growth on a remote section of his farm near Ngatea, New Zealand. Near the 9/4/1969 #25351 e was reported to be panicked on a farm in Kaharoa, Bay of Plenty, New Zeal 11/5/1969 #25452 object was seen in the sky over a farm in Rouillac, Charente district, Fra 1/9/1970 #25543 ground was found in a field on the farm, and some soil was missing. 1/9/1970 #25543 arden of Richard Johansson’s small farm near Lake Anten. Soil samples are t 8/29/1970 #25808 ered over a 22-year-old woman on a farm near Villalba del Alcores, Valladol 9/19/1970 #25842 aking a buzzing sound. Dogs on the farm acted stunned and disoriented. 9/19/1970 #25842 Leppke, doing their early morning farm chores, observed a lighted object i 1/22/1971 #25994 sas were doing their early morning farm chores at around dawn when they obs 1/22/1971 #25996 A 2 / car follow saucer going [to] farm field. Beams going up. Square windo 4/14/1971 #26069 bduction) Same type UFO returns to farm (See May 16).Witness loses concious 7/8/1971 #26214 .m. several people on the Williams farm in Marrawah, Tasmania, Australia vi 7/9/1971 #26221 Quebec Night. A woman living on a farm outside Saint Hyacinthe, Quebec, wa 7/29/1971 #26252 Los Lunarejos farm Aznalcóllar, Seville, Spain 7:00 p. 9/12/1971? #26330 is in his hut on the Los Lunarejos farm just over a mile from Aznalcóllar, 9/12/1971? #26330 two young boys reported that their farm animals were frantic when an orange 9/22/1971 #26366 , is tending sheep on his family’s farm at Delphos, Kansas, when he hears a 11/2/1971 #26449 evidence occurred on this day at a farm one mile northeast of Delphos, Kans 11/2/1971 #26450 ral pigs had been lost at a nearby farm. 11/3/1971 #26452 ucer follows 2 / car home. Circles farm / 45 minute(s). Spirals going up. 11/6/1971 #26462 d to to follow the couple to their farm and orbited the area for about 45 m 11/6/1971 #26463 1:00 p.m., and them circled their farm for 45 minutes. It finally left by 11/6/1971 #26465 E, FR Saucer turns 90° and follows farm tractor. Beams going down. 180° tur 11/14/1971 #26471 Another close encounter with a farm tractor occurred in La Chapelle, Fr 11/14/1971 #26472 s up and scouts all over/all about farm and plants. Quickly going up [to] v 1/25/1972 #26554 white light buzzes car the way to farm. Hovers / corral. Cows / burn spots 2/26/1972 #26582 d object / woods. Bedside visits / farm. 40-50 see night lights etc. Hums e 3/5/1972 (approximate) #26588 iana west-northwest of Milhausen a farm couple reported seeing a huge delta 3/10/1972 #26598 wn, IL Three sisters who live on a farm about two miles southwest of German 5/14/1972 #26683 Braeside Farm Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South 6/26/1972 #26735 ie Smit, the new owner of Braeside Farm 9 miles from Fort Beaufort, Eastern 6/26/1972 #26735 o'clock in the morning some native farm laborers came running to farmer Ben 6/26/1972 #26736 e Smith, the owner of the Braeside farm, near Fort Beaufort, South Africa. 6/26/1972 #26736 telligent control because when the farm laborers shouted from the bush the 6/26/1972 #26736 cone-saucer hovers / cemetery and farm and factory etc. 7/20/1972 #26819 server(s). 7M box with round top / farm. Whoosh. Quickly going up [to] as o 7/25/1972 #26829 near the University's experimental farm in Palenque, San Cristobal, Dominic 9/22/1972 #27026 aucer going down [to] 7M over fish farm. Going quickly west. / Flying Sauce 11/2/1972 #27104 se. 3' night light going [to] over farm / 10' altitude. "Studies" man / tra 12/16/1972 #27178 forward and reflects sunlight over farm / treetop level. 2/22/1973 #27308 ALTON, RI White object circles farm. Going [to] overhead 3X. Bigger / m 4/7/1973 #27413 CATANDUVA, BRZ 3 / farm. 8' saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape / 5 5/14/1973 #27482 owhere in the northwest sky over a farm north of Brunsville, Iowa. The obje 7/19/1973 #27642 saw the object across the top of a farm house owned by Walter Gabel. "It wa 8/4/1973 #27679 SPN 35M white domed disk buzzes 7 farm workers 4X at head level in 20 minu 8/18/1973 (approximate) #27710 hours / missing time. Car found / farm field! / r87p60. 9/1973 #27736 erver(s). Saucer over Paul Vandine farm. / Bloomburg Press 8.9.73. 9/6/1973 #27772 OAK PARK, GA Odd object lands / farm. Glowing orbs etc. / Carrollton and 9/9/1973 #27790 SR41. Round glowing object lands / farm field. No further details / Marion 9/12/1973 #27804 p.m. Anne Taylor is walking to her farm in Romford, Essex, England, after w 9/17/1973 #27829 MALTA BEND, MO Several / farm. UFO / field. Type unknown. Burnt a 10/3/1973 #27919 LD, OH Call to police. UFO lands / farm. Cow missing. Police can't find far 10/14/1973 #28021 rm. Cow missing. Police can't find farm. 10/14/1973 #28021 NGTON, IN Car and pickup chased to farm. Hovers over barn. Going [to] extre 10/15/1973 #28039 ed by the barking of their dogs, a farm family saw lights from a UFO in the 10/15/1973 #28055 f their dogs late on this night, a farm family living near Berea, Tennessee 10/15/1973 #28061 OH 9:00 p.m. (=-) While out on his farm with his coon dogs, "Sam" came upon 10/19/1973 #28189 Copeland, NC A farm couple encountered a blue, oval UFO 10/19/1973 #28192 On this night a farm couple in Copeland, North Carolina 10/19/1973 #28201 Luminous blimp hovers over barn / farm. / York Dispatch 22.10.73. 10/20/1973 #28208 ad a newspaper from the light. The farm animals refused to go into the area 10/25/1973 #28286 On a farm north of Belpre, Ohio the witness n 10/28/1973 #28314 stillo was returned to an area not farm from Bogota, Columbia. He had been 11/18/1973 #28443 appeared.” On that same night on a farm between Lincoln and Cole Camp, Miss 12/3/1973 #28515 NEAR CALVERT, TX Crew / farm workers paced / object / treetop al 12/19/1973 #28580 ide dome hovered over a field at a farm in Les Riveaux, Allier department, 12/25/1973 #28604 Standard Time, on a highway near a farm east of Medicine Hat, Alberta, Cana 12/31/1973 #28623 . It silently moves over the dairy farm next to the road. Then it stops and 1974 #28632 ean-du-Falga, Ariege, France. At a farm in Lapenne, Ariege, France at 7:45 3/1/1974 #28841 ey Rugby-ball lands 50M / deserted farm. / r30p473. 3/15/1974 (approximate) #28890 rver(s). Power outage. UFO / dairy farm right after. Type unknown. / news. 3/23/1974 #28928 stops. Beams quickly going down / farm. Moves and stops again. Flash and a 3/26/1974 #28954 On this day on the Robertson farm in Callaway, Nebraska a dead mutila 3/31/1974 #28977 rs / trailer park. Seem to land on farm. 5/12/1974 #29101 BOOBYALLA, TASMANIA Several / farm. Glowing-banana or luminous bowl bo 5/25/1974 #29133 Beams of light entered a farm house in Graye et Charnay, Jura dep 5/25/1974 #29134 ne-torus saucer chases car. Buzzes farm. 3 2M men in clear torus. 6/14/1974 #29187 ge 46, was driving to his father's farm in Medellin, Spain at 4:30 a.m. whe 6/14/1974 #29193 At about 5:00 a.m. a 46-year-old farm laborer was driving near Caceres, S 6/16/1974 #29203 e he is driving his tractor on his farm in Honey Creek, Iowa. This attack f 7/15/1974 #29262 Farm animals reacted in panic when a noc 9/4/1974 #29423 At ten p.m. on a farm in Lynchburg, Ohio two men watched 9/26/1974 #29484 d boy and an older friend are on a farm near Jindabyne, New South Wales, wh 9/27/1974 #29486 was tending to some animals on her farm near Castelleale, Emilia-Romagna Pr 11/15/1974 #29597 s. He pursued them, running down a farm road, and came upon one of the obje 11/21/1974 #29601 MEEKER CO., MN Farm security light out. Back on / 2330 11/28/1974 #29615 oles, took off from a landing on a farm. It left behind ground imprint mark 1/5/1975 #29719 les, took off from a landing on a farm. It had three legs as landing gear. 1/5/1975 #29726 us rectangular-box shaped hovers / farm. Shrinks to a band and vanishes. / 2/10/1975 #29796 ctangular object hovering over his farm. It shrank to a band of light, and 2/10/1975 #29802 en. 2M fireball all over/all about farm. Rectangular-box shaped traces near 4/1/1975 #29933 A fireball was sighted near a farm south of La Flamengrie, France at 9 4/1/1975 #29935 mation came in over the Strickland farm one mile north of Pembroke, North C 4/6/1975 #29977 EAST / PEESANE, SSK 2 / farm. Green night light hovers 12 minute 5/12/1975 #30050 MANS, FR White luminous ovoid near farm. Burglar alarm rings 6km / west 20 6/6/1975 #30086 d-shaped object was spotted near a farm six kilometers west of Meymans, Fra 6/6/1975 #30089 ALTA Y-shaped landing marks dug / farm field. No tracks found nearby. 6/21/1975 #30113 tario 5:00 p.m. Joe Borda is doing farm chores at Mount Pleasant, Ontario, 7/6/1975 #30167 ola on top, hovered 10 feet over a farm, making a buzzing noise. The silhou 8/18/1975 #30289 haped object hovering over a dairy farm seven miles south of Corning, Calif 9/30/1975 #30400 a Neuvelot, France 11:00 p.m. On a farm, a five-meter in diameter disc land 12/15/1975 #30717 On a farm near La Neuvelot, France at 11:00 p 12/15/1975 #30719 sky and landed 100 yards away in a farm field beside the road. It had the f 1/9/1976 #30781 orb/globe. Both orange. (Near same farm / 7 April event). / r30p614. 5/24/1976 #31072 fternoon, two boys with a dog on a farm in El Fundo, the Dominican Republic 8/14/1976 #31264 buja hospital in Brusque 7:00 p.m. Farm laborer João Romeu Klein, 19, retur 9/3/1976 #31335 woman's son and girlfriend from a farm at 8:50 p.m. when they notice an or 11/14/1976 #31549 nce and entered a field of a horse farm. His last memory of the incident wa 12/6/1976 #31587 akefield, New Hampshire McCarthy's farm 12:00 noon. Horse farmer William Mc 1/10/1977 #31715 t the officially connected off the farm. Investigators try unsuccessfully t 1/10/1977 #31715 . Silent 3M glowing-saucer lands / farm / 5 legs. No further details. 2/11/1977 #31809 / mopod/motorscooter/motorbike to farm. Beams going down / D223. Going qui 2/13/1977? #31812 e observer(s). 2M saucer 50cm over farm. Silent. Turns going east. 2/13/1977 #31813 owed a student on a motorbike to a farm in Laspeyre, Lot-et-Garonne, France 2/13/1977 #31814 isc hovered, illuminated barnyard, farm animals reacted, watchdog later die 2/18/1977 #31827 URUGUAY Small object lights dairy farm. Observer(s) faints. Hair burnt. No 4/19/1977 #31996 guay a small UFO landed on a dairy farm. The witness to the event fainted a 4/19/1977 #32003 l Bartlett, age 17, was driving on Farm Street in Dover, Massachusetts with 4/21/1977 #32009 irlfriend's house along a road off Farm Street, 1.2 miles from the previous 4/22/1977 #32013 re on top of a stone fence next to Farm Street. There was a third sighting 4/22/1977 #32013 ing television at their Ripperston farm near Little Haven, Dyfed, Wales whe 4/23/1977 #32018 ing television at their Ripperston farm near Dale, Pembrokeshire, Wales whe 4/24/1977 #32021 . Brides, Pembrokeshire, Wales not farm from their home at Ripperston Farm, 5/15/1977 #32096 farm from their home at Ripperston Farm, to play games. It was just after t 5/15/1977 #32096 ge sphere/orb/globe with windows / farm. 4 patches found / dirt. Vegetation 5/26/1977 #32130 green portholes all over/all about farm / 25 minute(s). Tractor engine dies 7/8/1977 #32248 windows, moved erratically around farm for 20-25 minutes, flew away slowly 7/8/1977 #32250 it climb upward over a neighboring farm and trees. The cows react by making 7/12/1977 #32264 period the cattle on the adjacent farm "went crazy," running about and bel 7/12/1977 #32266 on a distant hill on a neighbor’s farm shines a light on a tombstone there 7/23/1977 #32305 PELHAM, GA Saucer going down / farm. Cows and farmer frozen. 5 pseudo-h 8/6/1977 #32364 Edmonton, Alberta Chris Jensen farm 27 miles north of Edmonton, Alberta Mid 8/1977 #32401 in a treehouse on the Chris Jensen farm 27 miles north of Edmonton, Alberta Mid 8/1977 #32401 WALCOTT, IA Lighted saucer over farm. All goes silent. From and 2 way ra 10/9/1977 #32561 ops down onto trees of an adjacent farm. At this point she hysterically cal 10/9/1977 #32564 e driving back to their Ripperston Farm home near Dyfed, Pembrokeshire, Wal 10/30/1977 #32639 eave the area, driving to a nearby farm where they notify the police. A lat 1/2/1978 #32846 eft the area and drove to a nearby farm where they notified the authorities 1/2/1978 #32847 angle going [to] low and slow over farm house. Steady humming. 3 bright lig 2/2/1978 #32942 standing outside the stable on her farm near Prince George, British Columbi 4/6/1978 #33128 ation was discovered this day on a farm in Gilroy, California. 5/15/1978 #33219 n an empty field near the Can Fita farm in Can Cifre, Ibiza, Spain when the 7/11/1978 #33367 e ground in the north field of her farm near Uniopolis, Ohio. She goes insi 7/21/1978 #33406 In Norway on a farm between the towns of Hageltjern and 7/30/1978 #33453 takes pseudo-human/entity / tour / farm. Missing time. More pseudo-human/en 8/1978 #33456 VENADO TUERTO, ARG Farm boy abduction / saucer "robots" see 9/6/1978 #33635 choen is spreading fertilizer on a farm near Westminster, Maryland, when he 9/20/1978 #33714 ng by Jeep on their way to a local farm when suddenly an unknown force halt 10/30/1978 #33894 ng by Jeep on their way to a local farm in Carmo Da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais 10/30/1978 #33898 was lit up. I could see the whole farm." The mysterious object was reporte 11/27/1978 #34006 noted. At the landing site on some farm land there were later found some bu 12/6/1978 #34067 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Farm” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT 12/16/1978 #34153 d disc with an antenna flew over a farm at only ten meters above the ground 1/8/1979 #34317 y ten meters above the ground. The farm animals were panicked and a tree be 1/8/1979 #34317 d disc with an antenna flew over a farm at only ten meters above the ground 1/8/1979 #34320 y ten meters above the ground. The farm animals were panicked and a tree be 1/8/1979 #34320 ergrown field at the entrance to a farm in Serodino late in the evening whe 2/26/1979 #34449 ergrown field at the entrance to a farm in Serodino, Santa Fe province, Arg 2/26/1979 #34450 object dives over a truck carrying farm workers before it rises into the ai 3/2/1979 #34458 rms" or appendages was seen over a farm (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/27/1979 #34525 rms" or appendages was seen over a farm in St. Jacques de Nehou, Manche dep 4/27/1979 #34526 FAENZA, RAVENNA, ITL Farm family. Circular object going quick 9/13/1979 #34870 Curtis Olson is mowing hay on his farm near Lake City, Minnesota, when he 9/16/1979 #34890 craft that hovered briefly over a farm near a river in Colusa, California 10/26/1979 #34967 targil, Portugal had just left his farm and was taking his sheep to the fie 2/6/1980 #35160 SASSANO, ITL 2 / farm field. Big white "bottle" going dow 7/1980 #35396 ject with whistling noise lands on farm (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) 9/30/1980 #35544 ing 20M burger-saucer over road by farm. Tall mast / side. 10/16/1980 #35571 ved by a husband and wife on their farm in a close encounter. The object ca 10/26/1980 #35589 Bloomfield, Indiana farm 2 miles southeast of Bloomfield, In 10/26/1980 #35591 ved by a husband and wife on their farm 2 miles southeast of Bloomfield, In 10/26/1980 #35591 wife in a close encounter on their farm in Green County, Indiana. Moreover, 10/26/1980 #35592 n County, Indiana. Moreover, their farm animals were affected while the UFO 10/26/1980 #35592 Several witnesses on a farm in Colesburg, Eastern Cape, South A 12/18/1980 #35728 On the same night on a farm in Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Brazil, f 12/18/1980 #35729 Brazil, four men and women watched farm animals (cows and horses) panic and 12/18/1980 #35729 rees, and “the animals on a nearby farm went into a frenzy.” Penniston late 12/26/1980 #35737 Observer(s) and donkey come to at farm. 2 hours missing time. 2/24/1981 #35841 zz. 120M cylinder/cigar-shape over farm. Geese silent. White beam flashes. 3/11/1981 #35863 In a remote farm area of Goodhue, Minnesota a civil 4/12/1981 #35894 IN, NZ 2 observer(s). Ovoid lights farm. 2 figure(s).. 1 / conning tower an 7/11/1981 #35995 Twenty farm laborers returning from work at 6:0 8/15/1981 #36076 UFO was seen near the ground on a farm in Trevelin, Chabut Province, Argen 8/28/1981 #36088 Wisconsin by Robert Johnson on his farm. 9/5/1981 #36103 Westminster, Maryland farm south of Westminster, Maryland 10:3 12/28/1981 #36279 are talking outside a stable on a farm south of Westminster, Maryland, whe 12/28/1981 #36279 light going northeast / just over farm reservoir / 60 kph. Turns 90° going 1/20/1982 #36305 /globe / very low altitude. Lights farm. Darts away and back. / r241'82. 3/14/1982 #36390 ery low altitude and illuminated a farm in Woodstock, Queensland, Australia 3/14/1982 #36391 scanaba, Michigan Miron's family's farm 2:00 a.m. Tim Miron, 18, is driving 3/23/1982 #36412 und. Miron arrives at his family’s farm, jumps out, and sees the UFO moving 3/23/1982 #36412 euvers over a wide area around the farm, finally disappearing behind some t 3/23/1982 #36412 rplane returning from a visit to a farm near Corumbiara, Rondônia, Brazil. 5/23/1983 #36865 zil. As he is about to land on his farm near Porto Velho, Rondônia, he sees 5/23/1983 #36865 ness walking his dogs at Sherlocks Farm in Groombridge, East Sussex, Englan 12/1983 #37059 Farmer / truck. Night lights over farm. 12 min / missing time. Farmer diso 4/10/1984 #37255 12:00 midnight. Some 20 witnesses (farm workers, a police officer, venture 4/15/1984 #37263 LESSLIE, SC 2 / farm. 18M cylinder/cigar-shape follows f 7/30/1984 #37423 UTH LORENZO, ITL Odd glowing-man / farm road. Luminous sphere. Cops find tr 10/9/1984 #37483 ide of hovering object. Approached farm. Stood in light for ten minutes, re 10/24/1984 #37492 BIA Glittering sphere going down / farm. 15M dam found dry / morning. 4/26/1985 #37583 A shiny sphere was sighted over a farm near Gomoab, Namibia, Africa at aro 4/26/1985 #37584 rooping wings flew silently over a farm in Statesville, North Carolina at 7 10/10/1985 #37678 On a farm in Roseville, Placer County, Califo 1/3/1986 #37749 s, hovering over some trees near a farm. The object was estimated to be 50- 2/8/1986 #37784 METCALF, IL Farm cart shakes violently. Lights elect 9/4/1986 #38012 te object beams light going down / farm. Brief. Same area / 08 sighting. 9/9/1986 #38022 A 16-year-old farm boy and high school student, Tirn K 9/24/1987 #38294 nd white lights is observed over a farm near Hull around the same date. Sim 12/9/1987 #38351 ngland 8:00 a.m. A man looking for farm work near Oswestry, Shropshire, Eng 2/9/1988 #38448 tail was sighted by a woman over a farm in Westmoreland, Pennsylvania at 9: 3/1/1988 #38479 AKIRKEBY, BORNHOLN, DK Farm boy. Triangle / light. Tractor ligh 10/10/1988 #38667 OH USAF family. 3 saucers all over farm / 2 hours. Bright colors. Go. 2 ret 1/18/1989 #38783 SOUTH GONCALO DO AMARANTE, BRZ 2 / farm. Big silent flashy fireball over la 6/1989 #38969 A couple driving in the farm community of Blyton, Illinois saw s 12/6/1989 #39301 skiy was walking home from a local farm to the hamlet where he lived in Art 12/31/1989 #39345 , and lit by a halo, was seen over farm country in Wellman, Iowa at nine o' 1/29/1990 #39397 wind around 10 p.m. on her family farm in Henryville, Indiana and then saw 2/22/1990 #39429 At 11:45 p.m. in the farm community of Haymart, Pennsylvania 6/7/1990 #39609 n all directions in the sky over a farm in Gweru, Zimbabwe at 7:10 p.m. It 8/11/1990 #39685 een cone-shaped object landed on a farm in Ebenezer, Prince Edwards Island, 8/22/1990 #39698 hese “entities view Earth as a big farm” and utilized advanced technology t 1/1991 #39944 BRZ Tape deck ejects. Beams search farm. Observer(s) levitated and paralyze 9/30/1991 #40198 Three young farm hands were playing cards late at ni 12/1/1991 #40251 ate at night in a small shack on a farm in Laboulaye, Argentina when a brig 12/1/1991 #40251 encing persistent trouble with his farm vehicle, a 65-year-old farmer livin 12/4/1991 #40254 s, Hungary was doing chores on the farm around noon when he heard noises co 12/4/1991 #40254 o his house, noticing that all the farm animals were acting agitated. He we 12/4/1991 #40254 At 7:30 p.m. on a farm in Catlett, Fauquier County, Virgin 12/15/1991 #40261 rk. 30' circle / dark soil found / farm 3 hours later. 1' hole / dirt gone. 3/20/1992 #40391 re, less than 100 yards from their farm house, and maybe ten feet above the 5/3/1992 #40449 R 1 / car. Triangle / beams search farm / low altitude. Follows car. Going 6/3/1992 #40484 BWE Dog barks. Phony moon hovers / farm. Small balls maneuver and join. All 8/2/1992 #40546 r. 4M glowing saucer hovers / fish farm. Projects cone / light down. 10/9/1992 #40668 MBUS, WI Large domed saucer lights farm. Beams fade and Strenghten. Cops ch 1/31/1993 #40823 op at 8:10 p.m. It illuminated the farm with light beams that faded and int 1/31/1993 #40824 atch as the lights maneuvered over farm buildings and then go behind some t 7/13/1993 #41066 , Missouri making a humming sound. Farm animals were frightened by the obje 8/27/1993 #41165 ATFORD, HAMPSHIRE Huge saucer over farm. Swings around. Vanishes instantly. 9/1/1993 (approximate) #41173 FONGRAVE, FR 2 / farm. Group / square windows spirals goi 9/18/1993 #41202 lights going up and down [to] over farm. Publicity laser? 10/10/1993 #41229 d object rose from the ground of a farm in Melbourne, Florida, then tempora 4/8/1994 #41482 Granville, TN Farm animals reported unusually calm aft 4/12/1994 #41488 Farm animals in Granville, Tennessee wer 4/12/1994 #41489 V, CHINA White object lands / tree farm. Man hit / beam 2 days later. Abduc 6/7/1994 #41556 NEAR TALLMANSVILLE, WV Farm. Bright night light hovers. Moves. 11/18/1994? #41855 Guiyang Baiyun Duxi Forest Farm Guiyang, Guizhou province, China A 12/1/1994 #41875 in the Guiyang Baiyun Duxi Forest Farm near Guiyang, Guizhou province, Chi 12/1/1994 #41875 noisy. Huge square object hovers / farm. Farmer shoots / gets sick? 1/22/1995 #41988 r/cigar-shape with windows surveys farm. 1 bright light / front. Small ligh 3/1/1995 #42069 nd looked to be slowly surveying a farm in Sedalia, Missouri. It had a brig 3/1/1995 #42070 ady saw the object hovering over a farm less than an eighth of a mile away; 3/1/1995 #42070 center. 1 lands / road. 1 hovers / farm. 3/29/1995 #42119 TERRA ALTA, WV Several / farm. 3 ovoids / delta/triangle/box-like 10/1995 #42522 Bela Vista Farm Highway 227 Ituporanga, Santa Catar 12/12/1995 #42641 o, are working on their Bela Vista Farm off Highway 227 about 5 miles from 12/12/1995 #42641 at same morning, at 1:30 a.m., two farm workers in the same general area ha 1/20/1996 #42697 nights. 2M glowing-objects circle farm. Buzz. Animals react. Back 01 March 2/23/1996 #42773 right red disk going [to] low over farm. Circle / dried yellow grass found. 8/10/1996 #42975 disc was sighted moving low over a farm in Avellino, Campania, Italy. A cir 8/10/1996 #42977 aucer going [to] low and slow over farm. No further details. 9/6/1996 #43006 hovered in some woods at a nearby farm. Later, after driving another group 11/23/1996 #43118 On a farm in Zagorje, Slovenia a 15 meter bla 4/16/1997 #43263 NEAR STRATHALBYN, SOUTH AUST 2 / farm. 22M double delta/triangle/box-like 6/9/1997 #43320 RHO, ITL 2 / farm. White inverted pear going down. Do 3/8/1998 #43530 ELMWOOD, OK 3 / farm. Huge triangle going north / 140kph 6/21/1998 #43590 A farmer on his farm southeast of Lincoln, Nebraska hear 11/30/2000 #44094 , and he decided to go back to the farm home. When he got back his dogs act 11/30/2000 #44094 les, and sawtooth maneuvers over a farm in Santena, Piemonte, Italy. It mad 2/23/2001 #44141 ST. GEORGE, SC 1 / farm. 3M ovoid hovers / corn field. Ligh 3/2/2001 #44146 y University of Calgary 10:30 p.m. Farm manager George Hofer and several ch 4/1/2001 #44156 . Hundreds of villagers armed with farm tools as weapons searched for hours 5/1/2001 #44173 ISHOLM, MN Digital camera tested / farm. 2 shots show small metallic saucer 6/23/2001 #44195 ue lights was seen moving around a farm near a power plant for two minutes 8/11/2002 #44378 flew slowly at a low level over a farm field and farmhouses in Villeneuve, 1/31/2003 #44483 ircled by trees on the El Pedregal farm. It made no noise nor smoke. It was 5/8/2004 #44696 a, and others are wakened by their farm animals going crazy and dogs howlin 2/7/2005 #44813 overing 500 feet in the air over a farm a few yards from the highway. 12/29/2007 #45104
feet away, and it slipped under a farm's barbed wire fence and walked towa 7/12/1977 #32266 aone-Loire department, France. The farm's dog barked furiously, and the UFO 9/22/1994 #41772
tremely bright "ghosts" right over farm-shed. Going quickly northwest. 11/5/1950 #5262
orthwest of Levelland, Texas, on a farm-to-market road. He reports a bright 11/3/1957 #14247
Farmer Cooper saw three men flying throu 10/3/1843 #138 SOUTH / DENISON, TX Farmer J. Martin. Flying saucer / wonder 1/24/1878 #213 A farmer named Ju Tan in Song-Zi Xian Coun 5/8/1880 #233 TAGUS, CA Farmer and 1 observer(s). Strange 'sprea 11/20/1896 #341 eet San Jose, California 7:00 p.m. Farmer John Bawl and his family see an a 11/26/1896 #364 ake City Cuba Early morning. Dairy farmer Ezekiel Sergeant and a hired man 12/26/1896 #380 , Iowa Sioux City 12:15 a.m. Dairy farmer Dick Butler is returning to his f 4/4/1897 #414 a carriage being driven by a dairy farmer spooked at the sight of the craft 4/8/1897 #419 On this night a farmer in Lock Mills, Indiana claimed he 4/11/1897 #436 efore sunrise. Augustus Rodgers, a farmer living two miles south of Louisvi 4/13/1897 #452 g pattern.” Adam Thielen, a nearby farmer, independently sees a dark object 4/13/1897 #454 owever, sounds like bellowing. One farmer gets too close, and the giant kic 4/14/1897 #463 field in Downs Township, Illinois farmer Haney Savidge saw an aerial craft 4/16/1897 #514 ds. 9' man exits. Bellows. Injures farmer. 4/17/1897 #519 e a repetition of bellowings." One farmer went near him and received a blow 4/17/1897 #521 e a repetition of bellowings". One farmer went near him and received a blow 4/17/1897 #526 BEAUMONT, TX Farmer and son. Cylinder/cigar-shape lan 4/19/1897 #531 n 12:00 midnight. Frank Nichols, a farmer living 2 miles east of Josserand, 4/22/1897 #560 Whitemouth, Manitoba Sunset. Farmer Andrew Henderson sees a large, un 7/29/1897 #600 al, California Northeast 1:30 a.m. Farmer John A. Jackson is driving a herd 8/3/1905 #679 isappear to the northeast. Another farmer, A. J. Morey, also glimpses the a 8/3/1905 #679 Tennessee. The witnesses include a farmer named W. A. Smith, Walter Stephen 4/20/1907 #694 , Haute-Vienne, France Twilight. A farmer is returning to his house at Lajo 3/1914 #897 st of Barron, Wisconsin. A passing farmer offers to give them some oil, and Late Summer 1919 #993 ia Cârța River Olt After midnight. Farmer Ion Bunescu is with his horses on 6/1926 #1058 A farmer in Largentiere, France saw a brig 4/15/1930 #1113 Aznalcázar, Seville, Spain Dusk. A farmer named Mora sees a large, round, b 4/5/1935 #1227 Charleston, MS Farmer abducted into submarine on Missis 4/5/1941 #1359 Westerham, Kent, England Croydon A farmer named Gunyon in Westerham, Kent, 1946 #1962 a pub called The White Hart and a farmer named Bunyan, who strenuously den 1946 #1962 NORTH / PENDLETON, OR Farmer. Silver sphere hovers / 5' altitu 6/24/1947 #2384 River Afternoon. Bill Schuening, a farmer, is driving his pickup truck down 6/24/1947 #2396 ROCKFORD, IL Farmer. 7 blue disks over farm. 2 hours 6/28/1947 #2441 NORTH BEDEQUE, PEI Farmer and separate observer(s). Fast hi 7/1/1947 #2508 AUGUSTINE COVE, PEI Farmer. Bright round "apple-shape" north 7/3/1947 #2564 VILLAGE GREEN, PEI Farmer. Black cylinder/cigar-shape with 7/3/1947 #2566 rd Island Augustine Cove 5:45 p.m. Farmer Ewen McNeill in Village Green, ea 7/3/1947 #2583 2 MILES NORTH / FAYETTEVILLE, AR Farmer. 3 yellow saucers circle and scar 7/4/1947 #2631 DELAWARE, OH Farmer and AAA official. 5 reddish sauce 7/4/1947 #2632 le, Arkansas Sunset. Henry Seay, a farmer living 2 miles north of Fayettevi 7/4/1947 #2665 LODI, CA Farmer. 60cm grey saucer 6m over ground. 7/6/1947 #2737 LOGANSPORT, IN Farmer. Whining roar. Grey saucer going 7/6/1947 #2750 On this day Mr. Miller, a farmer in Logansport, Indiana heard a wh 7/6/1947 #2820 ROCKFORD, IL Farmer Luckey. Shiny disk "electric cloc 7/7/1947 #2896 WESSINGTON SPRS, SD Farmer Barta. 1+2 blasts. 2' orange glob 7/7/1947 #2917 2 MILES NORTH / DE LAMERE, ND Farmer Miller. Bright shiny circular obj 7/8/1947 #2961 CORAPEAKE, NC Farmer. 8M thin metallic disk going [to] 7/8/1947 #2968 ake shaped object was sighted by a farmer as it flew over Corapeake, North 7/8/1947 #3028 SOUTHEAST / LAKE KOSHKONING, WI Farmer. Chickens hide. Half-moon size gr 7/9/1947 #3036 KINCARDINE, ON Farmer / plow. 5 saucers criss-cross sky 7/9/1947 #3038 At 5:40 a.m. a farmer out plowing his fields in Kincard 7/9/1947 #3071 Dayton, Ohio A farmer named Britton sees two cigar-shap 10/20/1947 #3464 Circleville, Ohio farmer C. Bruce Stevenson's farm 2:00 a. 2/1948 #3570 ow while getting a drink of water, farmer C. Bruce Stevenson notices a bigh 2/1948 #3570 ville, Ohio a Mr. Stevenson, a hog farmer, witnessed an 18 meter in diamete 2/1/1948 #3573 STOCKTON, KS 4' saucer aims pipe / farmer 6' away! Wobbles and flames. Goin 2/18/1948 #3578 circle the area until nightfall. A farmer near Stockton, Kansas, sees a hov 2/18/1948 #3579 At 4:56 p.m. a farmer in Stockton, Kansas saw a 4-foot 2/18/1948 #3580 Maplewood, OH Farmer Niswenger saw a large silvery sph 8/29/1948 #3788 Maplewood, Ohio A farmer observed a silvery sphere of larg 8/29/1948 #3789 At 5:03 a.m. a farmer in Maplewood, Ohio observed a sil 8/29/1948 #3790 BENTON, WI Farmer. Classic silver saucer hovers / 3 10/1948 #3819 ERVALLA, SWEDEN Farmer caught / 40M cone of light. Gets 11/10/1948 #3872 SOUTHWEST / DUVALL, WA Farmer. Bright night light going east. B 2/18/1950 #4540 DOWAGIAC, MI Farmer. Military C54 / 150m altitude! 8m 6/29/1950 #5022 AVOCA, AUSTR Farmer. Huge saucer rises / horizon. Cro 7/1950 #5030 ying saucers, the two snapshots by farmer Paul Trent, and the film shot by 11/17/1950 #5279 N, PA Project Bluebook Case #1409. Farmer. Aluminum saucer tips maneuvers r 7/9/1952 #6733 Kutztown, Pennsylvania Witness: farmer John Mittl. One aluminum, oval-sh 7/9/1952 #6738 f Kutztown, Pennsylvania 5:30 p.m. Farmer John Mittl watches an aluminum, o 7/9/1952 #6741 rginia 12:00 midnight. A part-time farmer named Constantine and a hired han 7/19/1952 #6936 A tobacco farmer sighted two cigar-shaped objects 7/19/1952 #6937 to rest on land belonging to local farmer G. Bailey Fisher. The boys go to 9/12/1952 #7905 2 MILES NORTH / BRINSON, GA Farmer. "Lampshade" saucer over woods. O 11/8/1952 #8255 CASTELFRANCO EMILIA, ITL Farmer. Plate-saucer hovers. 5M cylinder 11/16/1952 #8284 A 41-year-old farmer named N. Ferrari in Castelfranco 11/16/1952 #8290 franco, Italy Nello Ferrari, 41, a farmer, found himself flooded with a red 11/18/1952 #8294 Nello Ferrari, 41, a farmer from Castelfranco, Italy found hi 11/18/1952 #8298 Hearing a commotion in his barn, a farmer observed an object about 7 m long 1/29/1953 #8612 onway, South Carolina 11:30 p.m. A farmer named Lloyd C. Booth just north o 1/29/1953 #8616 Hearing a commotion in his barn, a farmer in Conway, South Carolina observe 1/29/1953 #8618 NORTHWEST / WAUBUN, MN Farmer. Slow saucer. Antenna / bottom. S 10/11/1953 #9218 WHANGAMOA, NZ Farmer. Sonic booms? Domed saucer quickl 3/19/1954 #9630 GOODLAND, KS Farmer sees saucer / field-retracts legs 5/5/1954 #9749 GREAT EASTON, LEICS Farmer. Saucer chases jet. Clearly defin 7/14/1954 #10016 ELAND Project Bluebook Case #3180. Farmer. 2' x 5' cylinder/cylindrical obj 8/24/1954 #10173 dir, Iceland Witness: one unnamed farmer. A cylinder, 2-2.5' long, 4-5' i 8/24/1954 #10175 gilstadir, Iceland. At 8:30 p.m. a farmer saw a small cylindrical flying ob 8/24/1954 #10176 MOURIERAS, FR Farmer. Pseudo-human/entity with helmet 9/10/1954 #10279 Mourieras, France A farmer, Mr. Mazaud was walking home when 9/10/1954 #10283 Mourieras, France. A farmer, Mr. Mazaud, age 50, was walking 9/10/1954 #10287 OMONT, FR Farmer. 4M metallic top-saucer going dow 9/17/1954 #10330 SEMONS, FR Farmer. Small humanoids (or Greys) run t 10/1954 #10533 RESSONS SUR MATZ, FR Farmer. Saucer / field. Flattened grass 10/1/1954 (approximate) #10544 r-Matz, France Approximate date. A farmer saw a white craft in a field. Fla 10/1/1954 #10558 Charente, France 11:15 p.m. Young farmer Jean Allary sees a circular objec 10/3/1954 #10666 Chaleix, France A farmer, Mr. Garreau, saw an object the s 10/4/1954 #10693 Mr. Garreau, a farmer in Chaleix, France saw an object 10/4/1954 #10702 rk smoke. One explodes, knocking a farmer to the ground, and kills two cows 10/5/1954 #10731 A farmer saw a humanoid occupant inside a 10/5/1954 #10744 X, FR 9' hemisphere lands / field. Farmer temp paralyzed and gasps for air. 10/7/1954 #10774 Beruges, France A farmer, Mr. Thebault, saw a luminous obj 10/7/1954 #10782 s-Paluds Vauclude France 2:30 p.m. Farmer René Margaillon goes to work and 10/7/1954 #10790 Beruges, France. A farmer, Edouard Thebault, age 31, awoke 10/7/1954 #10792 e. At 2:30 p.m. Rene Margaillon, a farmer, was traveling between Monteux an 10/7/1954 #10798 ELLIANT, FNS, FR Farmer can't describe UFO. From 200M alt 10/11/1954 #10904 r. Carriere and son; Mr. Gardelle, farmer; Mr. Ginestre, shoemaker; and two 10/11/1954 #10936 garage owner Mr. Carriere and son; farmer Mr. Gardelle, shoemaker Mr. Gines 10/11/1954 #10953 Orchamps, France A farmer, Mr. Beuc, saw a small pilot ente 10/12/1954 #10970 A farmer, Mr. Beuc, saw a small pilot ente 10/12/1954 #10980 ALBUSSAC, 19, FR Farmer. Saucer shoots colored flames. Lo 10/13/1954 #10987 CHEVIGNY-EN-VALIERE, FRN Farmer. Same object as Meursanges. Same 10/14/1954 #11024 Meral, Mayenne, France A farmer was getting ready to leave his ho 10/14/1954 #11041 For approximately 10 minutes, the farmer watched the thing. Then the color 10/14/1954 #11041 Angles, France A farmer saw a bright object, which came a 10/14/1954 #11046 Meral, France A farmer observed an orange sphere land an 10/14/1954 #11047 Kenya A farmer and his wife see a light green ob 10/14/1954 #11055 Pisani, Rovigo, Italy 12:00 noon. Farmer Antonio Crepaldi is leading his c 10/14/1954 #11056 At dusk, around 6:00 p.m., a farmer in Angles, Vendee department, Fra 10/14/1954 #11067 round 7:00 p.m. Messr. Duvivier, a farmer in Meral, Mayenne department, Fra 10/14/1954 #11069 Boaria, Italy A farmer leading cows to a pond suddenly s 10/15/1954 #11099 In Boaria Pisani, Padua, Italy, a farmer is leading his cows to a pond whe 10/15/1954 #11109 object emits a burst of light. The farmer runs to the house and then faints 10/15/1954 #11109 In Boaria, Italy a farmer was leading his cows to a pond wh 10/15/1954 #11115 ject emitted a burst of light. The farmer ran to the house and then fainted 10/15/1954 #11115 nknown. 2 small red monsters chase farmer. 10/19/1954 #11226 NEAR TRIPOLI, LIBYA Farmer. Saucer with wheels and tubes and 10/23/1954 #11328 Tripoli, Libya A farmer saw a flying craft descend to gro 10/23/1954 #11338 Tripoli Verona Italy 3:00 a.m. A farmer named Carmelo Papotto near Tripol 10/23/1954 #11341 A farmer named Carmelo Papotto in Tripoli, 10/23/1954 #11344 s blond figure was merely a Polish farmer, but this was never confirmed. 10/23/1954 #11346 -en-Ouche], Eure, France 7:30 p.m. Farmer Gilbert Hée is gathering pears on 10/25/1954 #11392 diere, France Aime Boussard, 47, a farmer, was suddenly confronted with an 10/26/1954 #11414 rance Aime Boussard, a 47-year-old farmer, was suddenly confronted by an un 10/26/1954 #11422 Les-Jonquerets-de-Livet, France A farmer, Gilbert Hee, was gathering pears 10/27/1954 #11445 during that evening. At 7:30 p.m. farmer Gilbert Hee, in Les-Jonquerets-de 10/27/1954 #11453 LAGES, BRAZIL Farmer. Glowing-disk going west. Stops h 10/31/1954 #11497 MODIGLIANA, ITL Farmer. Dark object 500M away. Figure vi 11/1/1954 #11512 At 3:30 p.m. a farmer in Modigliana, Emilia-Romagna, It 11/1/1954 #11521 CAMPIGLIA MARITTIMA, ITL Farmer / bike. Red-glow torpedo / low al 11/4/1954 #11558 Isola, Italy Amerigo Lorenzini, a farmer, saw a bright, cigar-shaped craft 11/14/1954 #11648 re going to steal the animals, the farmer aimed a rifle at the intruders, b 11/14/1954 #11648 unintelligible language. When the farmer became convinced that the humanoi 11/14/1954 #11655 Linha Bela Vista, Brazil A farmer, O. da Costa e Rosa, observed a s 12/9/1954 #11784 serta, Italy Giovanni Aquilante, a farmer of Gricignano d’Aversa, Caserta, 12/9/1954 #11786 Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Evening. Farmer Olmiro de Costa e Rosa is feeding 12/9/1954 #11787 his evening Sr. Da Costa e Rosa, a farmer living in Linha Bela Vista, Rio G 12/9/1954 #11789 e, while a third was closer to the farmer. Da Costa dropped his hoe, and th 12/9/1954 #11789 At 5:00 p.m. farmer Pedro Morais of Linha Bela Vista, 12/11/1954 #11802 Puy-Saint-Gulmier, France A farmer, 74-year-old J. B. Collange, was 5/31/1955 #12169 w meters away from the 74-year-old farmer, and only three meters from the g 5/31/1955 #12170 AGENVILLERS, 80, FR Farmer. Aluminum saucer follows plane go 7/23/1955 #12281 HARTFORD, KY Farmer. 40cm fireball scouts barns and c 10/1955 #12475 LA GRANJA, SEGOVIA, SP Farmer and 2. Saucer lands. "Spectacular 7/1956? #12936 KAPONGA, NZ Farmer. Delta/triangle/box-like craft wi 9/5/1956 #13187 ghting in Dickinson, South Dakota. Farmer Laudie Dvorak was driving into hi 11/8/1956 #13314 PUKETAPU, NZ Separate farmer. Blue beam going [to] through win 11/26/1956 #13356 SOUTHEAST / WESTBROOK, MN Farmer. Saucer hovers / 100M altitude. Q 11/28/1956 #13361 TOOWOOMBA, AUSTR Farmer and kids. Classic domed saucer go 7/1957 #13762 Covington, Indiana Mr. Moudy, a farmer, observed a silvery disk which ho 10/15/1957 #14118 hile working outside, Mr. Moudy, a farmer, observed a silvery disc that hov 10/15/1957 #14121 Texas 12:15 a.m. Frank Williams, a farmer, is near Whitharral, Texas, when 11/3/1957 #14244 Hedley, TX Farmer saw UFO; neighbor reported TV off 11/5/1957 #14331 JABOTICABAL, BRAZIL Farmer. 4M 'watermelon' lands / field 20 12/10/1957 #14699 in a field, only 20 meters from a farmer. The grass was crushed at the lan 12/10/1957 #14705 Hokkaido, Japan Farmer Yasukichi Nakaguchi and his son, 2/2/1958 #14866 At 3:30 p.m. farmer Yasukichi Nakaguchi and his son, 2/2/1958 #14868 tall. This event was observed by a farmer named Bennett. 12/28/1958 #15499 tall. The event was observed by a farmer named Bennett. 12/28/1958 #15500 reland 3:30 p.m. Joseph Bennett, a farmer in Portglenone, County Antrim, No 12/30/1958 #15503 SOUTHEAST / LANDER, WY Farmer. Plain white 12M cylinder/cigar-s 1/21/1959 #15557 Brion, Spain A 60-year-old farmer saw an eggshaped object come down 8/12/1959 #15906 A 60-year-old farmer in Brion, La Coruna province, Spa 8/12/1959 #15907 EURAMO, AUSTR Farmer. Large Brill 10M cone over sugar 9/1959 #15946 Crete, Illinois Witness: farmer Ed Schneeweis. One shiny, round, 8/29/1960 #16424 At 4:05 p.m. in Crete, Illinois farmer Ed Schneeweis sighted a shiny, ro 8/29/1960 #16425 MUNCQ-NIEURLET, FR Farmer. Silent luminous top hovers / woo 1/1/1961 #16557 o-humans/entities / 13' saucer ask farmer / water. Bake pancakes! / MJ#276. 4/18/1961 #16650 Mr. Paul Simonton, a Chicken farmer in Eagle River, Wisconsin saw a d 4/18/1961 #16654 CHADRON, NE Farmer. 4' sphere/orb/globe going [to] o 11/8/1961 #16960 TAGUT, SP Night light zigzags over farmer at 15M altitude. "Cloud-shape". G 4/7/1962 #17102 ORLAND, CA Farmer. Silent ovoid hovers / 8M over al 9/1962 #17377 San Pietro, Italy A 43-year-old farmer was awakened by restless animals 1/11/1963 #17633 ., at San Pietro Vernotico, Italy, farmer Antonio de Luca is awakened by re 1/11/1963 #17634 .m. Antonio De Luca, a 43-year-old farmer in San Pietro Vernotico, Sardegna 1/11/1963 #17635 Moe, Victoria, Australia 7:10 a.m. Farmer Charles Brew and his son Trevor a 2/15/1963 #17669 Charlton, Great Britain A farmer discovered strange crater 2.5 m w 7/15/1963 #17830 Charlton, Wiltshire, England Farmer Roy Blanchard of Charlton, Wiltsh 7/16/1963 #17833 Peropava River, Brazil A farmer, Issuo Oikiti, and two other witn 10/31/1963 #18016 At two p.m. a farmer, Sr. Issuo Oikiti, another adult, 10/31/1963 #18019 ROWARTH, DERBYSHIRE Farmer. Car battery dies. UFO / type unk 12/24/1963 #18091 m. in Rowarth, Cheshire, England a farmer named Chandler had his car batter 12/24/1963 #18092 Newark Valley, NY Farmer found shiny elliptical object in 4/24/1964 #18192 Tioga City, New York Dairy farmer Gary T. Wilcox saw a shiny, egg-s 4/24/1964 #18193 Newark Valley, NY Farmer found shiny elliptical object in 4/24/1964 #18197 ey, New York Mars 10:00 a.m. Dairy farmer Gary Wilcox of Newark Valley, New 4/24/1964 #18199 Dairy farmer Gary T. Wilcox saw a shiny, egg-s 4/24/1964 #18201 COMSTOCK, MN Farmer. Ovoid rises / field and going up 5/5/1964 #18240 Comstock, Minnesota A farmer, Alfred Ernst, saw an object rise 5/5/1964 #18242 innesota 8:30 a.m. Alfred Ernst, a farmer near Comstock, Minnesota, sees a 5/5/1964 #18244 At 8:30 in the morning a farmer, Alfred Ernst, saw an object rise 5/5/1964 #18245 Corvallis, Oregon A farmer and his employee saw from their c 3/4/1965 #18840 At 6:30 p.m. a farmer and his hired hand in Corvallis, 3/4/1965 #18842 Valensole, France Farmer Maurice Masse, 41, heard a strang 7/1/1965 #19045 around five o'clock in the morning farmer Maurice Masse, age 41, heard a st 7/1/1965 #19049 emerged from the craft, but when a farmer approached they "whipped back int 8/6/1965 #19334 anhuns Pernambuco Brazil 8:30 a.m. Farmer Antônio Pau Ferro is working on h 9/10/1965 #19550 Antonio Pau Ferro, a farmer, was working in his cornfield in 9/10/1965 #19551 ically with a whistling sound. The farmer said that they appeared quite hum 9/10/1965 #19551 NORTH / NOONAN, ND Farmer. 2 Saturn-night lights going quic 2/17/1966 #19909 ATTIGNEVILLE, FR Farmer. White 80cm cog-wheel rolls away 3/26/1966 #20085 CAVEZZA, ITL Farmer. Fireball stops over trees. Tract 8/1966 (approximate) #20705 Lake Sarah, MN 2:00 a.m. CST. A farmer saw a disc-shaped object an estim 12/2/1966 #21177 Galesburg, IL One Knoxville farmer and several motorists reported th 1/1967 #21241 Aveyron, Basses Pyrenees, France a farmer sighted a "shell" shaped object t 1/11/1967 #21288 KOORDA, WEST AUSTR Farmer. Orange saucer / 4M altitude. Dir 2/9/1967 #21486 iller County, Missouri 7:00 a.m. A farmer in Miller County, Missouri, notic 2/14/1967 #21551 ehind the craft and go inside. The farmer throws one stone, but it stops in 2/14/1967 #21551 HOMER, AK Farmer. Glowing-object with square windo 3/21/1967 #21931 Loco, Texas 10:30 p.m. Farmer Carroll Wayne Watts reportedly se 3/31/1967 #22023 Holbæk, Denmark Evening. A farmer near Holbæk, Denmark, is working 5/1967 #22257 Union County, IN 8:00 a.m. A farmer out hunting looked up when he hea 5/21/1967 #22386 SUOMUSSALMI, FINL Farmer tries / grab 75cm UFO near ground 6/20/1967 #22521 Suomussalmi, Finland Farmer Arvi Juntunen heard a loud hummin 6/20/1967 #22522 Farmer Arvi Juntunen in Suomussalmi, Fin 6/20/1967 #22523 NEAR PONTE DA BARCA, PORTUGAL Farmer and 2. UFO passes. 2 classic smal 7/1967 #22584 EAST / GARRISON, ND Farmer. Dog and cows edgy. UFO hovers / 7/25/1967 #22728 KAVKASKIY, TRANSCAUCASUS, RUSSIA Farmer sees dark red saucer go southwest 7/31/1967 #22756 a 9:15 p.m. I. Kosov, his wife and farmer P.I. Marchenko saw a dark red dis 7/31/1967 #22758 burned area was found, but a local farmer said he had burned some brush the 8/6/1967 #22834 n the door screaming for help. The farmer and Bob his son admitted him, and 11/2/1967 #23392 near shock in the front seat. The farmer had to escort the youths by car t 11/2/1967 #23392 At 2:18 a.m. farmer Wilson Gusmao, who had been invol 11/28/1967 #23517 enham, Adelaide, South Australia A farmer in Brinkley, South Australia, not 5/11/1968 #23958 Upton, Quebec 12:00 midnight. A farmer, his wife, and two children near 7/28/1968 #24244 ean 9:00 a.m. Luce Fontaine, 31, a farmer, was in a clearing when he sudden 7/31/1968 #24269 eunion Island Luce Fontaine, 31, a farmer, was in a clearing when he sudden 7/31/1968 #24270 scar La Soucoupe Volante 9:00 a.m. Farmer Luce Fontaine is collecting grass 7/31/1968 #24271 Mr. Luce Fontaine, age 31, a farmer on Reunion Island in the Indian O 7/31/1968 #24272 lmos, Catalonia, Spain 6:00 a.m. A farmer doing barnyard chores at La Serra 8/16/1968 #24342 x o'clock in the morning a chicken farmer named Mateu saw a light hovering 8/16/1968 #24343 e, Manitoba University of Manitoba Farmer Marius Magnan sees three dull met 9/18/1968 #24478 At 4:00 a.m. a Filipino farmer north of Baras in Rizal province, 11/1/1968 #24616 urred two hours later when another farmer walking to Baras felt something l 11/1/1968 #24617 was made that same day by another farmer, bicycling near the site of the f 11/1/1968 #24618 t department, France a 40-year-old farmer and his assistant saw a large sta 2/9/1969 #24907 PIRASSUNUNGA, BRZ Farmer attacked / 2 1.5M long bearded mo 2/12/1969 #24911 glow in the sky, and a neighboring farmer had seen two “toplike objects” mo 4/17/1969 #25067 ux-Allumettes in the Ottawa River, farmer Leo Paul Chaput is awakened by hi 5/11/1969 #25125 t morning, they tell Pat’s father, farmer Warren Barr, who then discovers a 7/12/1969 #25264 Ngatea, New Zealand A farmer, Bert O’Neil, discovers a circula 9/4/1969 #25351 KAHAROA, NI, NZ Farmer. 2 night lights trail across sky 10/4/1969 #25396 OLAVARRIA, ARG Farmer. Odd figure(s) fly over corral. B 11/24/1969 #25470 ers, lumberjack Aarno Heinonen and farmer Esko Viljo, at Imjärvi, Finland, 1/7/1970 #25540 Zillah, Washington Dusk. A farmer near Zillah, Washington, is dismo 9/8/1970 #25830 EAST / WALSH, IL Farmer. Silent circular disk hovers / si 10/5/1970 #25865 IPIABAS, BRAZIL Farmer. 10M glowing-cloud / 20M altitude 2/19/1971 #26027 VILLERS-LE-COMPTE, SWZ Farmer. Horizontal silent tube / light v 10/1971 (approximate) #26393 At Tooligie Hill, South Australia, farmer Robert Habner finds a single-ring 12/1971 #26482 RIVERINA, AUSTRALIA Farmer and 5. Saucer hovers / edge. Veer 6/4/1972 #26699 In 1972 at dawn, a farmer watched a disc-shaped UFO hover o 6/4/1972 #26701 tive farm laborers came running to farmer Bennie Smith, the owner of the Br 6/26/1972 #26736 by bluish sparks. At 10:45 p.m. a farmer in Ellezelles notices three bluis 7/4/1972 #26764 n, IN Dusk. UFO terrorized Indiana farmer and his wife by chasing his truck 10/15/1973 #28050 In Goshen, Ohio a farmer was walking his dogs in a field i 10/19/1973 #28198 t six feet tall. When they saw the farmer and his dogs they got into the UF 10/19/1973 #28198 dia, Brazil on this night in 1973. Farmer Joao Rodrigues Terra and his farm 11/19/1973 #28449 Lincoln and Cole Camp, Missouri a farmer reported that a low flying UFO fr 12/3/1973 #28515 South Australia While harvesting, farmer Kevin O’Connell finds seven secti 12/8/1973 #28541 NEAR BOWLIN SPRING, OK Farmer. Silver object going up / pasture 2/17/1974 (approximate) #28774 MEUZAC, FR Farmer sees luminous ball. Yellow light- 3/19/1974 #28908 NORTH / BEAUREGARD-BARRET, FR Farmer. Dogs bark. 25M orange ovoid goin 4/5/1974 #28995 MAXTON, NC Cop and farmer follow brilliant object. Hovers / 5/12/1974 #29101 by two men, a police officer and a farmer, in their cars. The UFO made a re 5/12/1974 #29102 Sr. Palmero Camanez, a 70-year-old farmer, was working in his fields on a s 5/29/1974 #29144 les, Australia a Mr. L, an elderly farmer, noticed an elongated luminous ob 6/8/1974 #29173 of a series of abductions. Son of farmer had been apparently abducted and 6/18/1974 #29210 raft and removal of sperm. Elderly farmer saw object land in soybean field 6/18/1974 #29210 tcalf, IL 4:30 a.m. Second elderly farmer watched fiery object take off fro 6/18/1974 #29211 rop near Langenburg, Saskatchewan, farmer Edwin Fuhr, 36, notices a metalli 9/1/1974 #29417 NEAR SIOUX CITY, IA Farmer. Night light maneuvers / treetops 9/4/1974 #29419 flashlight stopped working when a farmer approached his cowshed. His dogs 9/7/1974 #29429 sin County Road W 10:30 p.m. Dairy farmer William L. Bosak is driving back 12/2/1974 #29629 p.m. William Bosak, a 69-year-old farmer, noticed something parked on the 12/2/1974 #29631 Lundar, Manitoba Night. A farmer is walking to his barn north of L Early 2/1975 #29782 nked their car horn, which alerted farmer Roger Weber, who came out of his 3/2/1975 #29870 thern Cape, South Africa 7:30 a.m. Farmer Danie van Graan goes to inspect h 7/31/1975 #30218 PALAU-DEL-VIDRE, FR Farmer. Silent red 3-4M half-egg just ov 10/3/1975 #30411 Mr. Carrasco, a 29-year-old farmer, was walking home at 12:30 a.m. i 1/29/1976 #30832 ORFORDVILLE, WI 1 farmer. Globular / lights follows tracto 5/4/1976 #31032 after the Belgium UFO encounter a farmer driving through one of his fields 5/4/1976 #31038 NEAR CONDOM, FR Farmer hit / 2 35cm beams. Silent glowin 7/23/1976 #31181 nas Gerais, Brazil About 2:00 a.m. Farmer Hermelindo da Silva is making his 9/9/1976 #31362 A farmer in Torrita, Victoria found two ci 10/5/1976 #31449 McCarthy's farm 12:00 noon. Horse farmer William McCarthy is looking out h 1/10/1977 #31715 PORT KENNY, SOUTH AUSTR Farmer. Flashes. Fireball passes close. 1/20/1977 #31730 NEAR GOSTYNIN, POLAND Farmer finds 50cm 30 kg metal disk / fie 2/2/1977 #31777 Dalabuszki village Gostyń, Poland Farmer Zbigniew Tuszewski finds a strang 2/2/1977 #31780 a, Vizcaya province, Spain a local farmer, Sr. Juan Sillero, was awakened b 2/20/1977 #31833 NEAR STEYNSBURG, RSA Farmer. Round night light hovers. Makes 7/6/1977 #32238 inheiro, Brazil 1:00 AM. A chicken farmer was walking to town to catch a bu 7/10/1977 #32256 e o'clock in the morning a chicken farmer in Pinheiro, Brazil was walking t 7/10/1977 #32257 Saucer going down / farm. Cows and farmer frozen. 5 pseudo-human/entity exi 8/6/1977 #32364 NEAR COROZAL, PR Farmer. Flash. Small humanoid (or Grey) 9/4/1977 #32458 Corozal, Puerto Rico 3:30 p.m. Farmer Luis Sandoval, 74, is resting in 9/4/1977 #32460 Fairfield, Vermont 7:55 p.m. A farmer in Fairfield, Vermont, hears an o 10/11/1977 #32568 l humanoid (or Grey) visits Indian farmer"comes often. with night lights wa 10/18/1977 #32586 all humanoids (or Greys) grab dog. Farmer shoots 1. Footprints. / Internati 12/2/1977 #32724 ata Valley of New Zealand Night. A farmer in the Waimata Velley of New Zeal 12/2/1977 #32726 dogs, which appears comatose. The farmer shoots and hits one of the creatu 12/2/1977 #32726 A Waimata Valley, New Zealand farmer had awakened at three a.m. when h 12/2/1977 #32727 er recovered. Friends visiting the farmer later found him in a state of sho 12/2/1977 #32727 WEST / QUERRIEN, FR Farmer. Square "mushroom" / field. 2 str 2/2/1978 #32943 Emilcin, Poland Early morning. Farmer Jan Wolski is out driving a horse 5/10/1978 #33196 EMILCIN, POLAND Farmer abduction / 4 5' men. Many birds 5/17/1978 #33222 in, Poland 8:00 a.m. A 71-year-old farmer is driving his horse-drawn carria 5/17/1978 #33224 y are eating, but he declines. The farmer later returns to the site with so 5/17/1978 #33224 ozzo, Abruzzi, Italy A 51-year-old farmer name Giovanni was searching for a 10/25/1978 #33872 iuseppe di Giovanni, a 51-year-old farmer, is in search of a stray cow in t 10/25/1978 #33873 clock in the morning a 51-year-old farmer name Giovanni was searching for a 10/25/1978 #33875 TAGLIACOZZO, ITL Farmer. Dark-beige 3M disk / ground. 6-7 11/14/1978 #33953 In 1978 a 51-year-old farmer in San Donato di Tagliacozzo, Ita 11/14/1978 #33954 ATRI, ITL Saucer lands. Farmer raises pitchfork and faints. Nigh 11/24/1978 #33993 ORWAY, SC 10' saucer over hog-pen. Farmer scared away. 2 dead hogs on retur 12/6/1978 #34062 NEAR VITERBO, ITL Farmer. Blinding 1M disk / light / groun 1/13/1979 #34335 Viterbo, Italy A farmer spotted a large fiery red sphere 1/13/1979 #34337 early as 4:30 p.m., a 50-year-old farmer named Mancini in Viterbo, Italy s 1/13/1979 #34338 ars electro-magnetic effect (EME). Farmer sees 8M saucer land. Circular tra 4/7/1979 #34500 Bigand, Argentina. Mr. Celotto, a farmer, saw an eight meter wide disc lan 4/7/1979 #34501 ock in the morning. Mr. Celotto, a farmer, saw an eight meter wide disc lan 4/7/1979 #34502 Turís, Valencia, Spain 11:30 a.m. Farmer Federico Ibáñez Ibáñez, 54, leave 7/25/1979 #34679 .m. Federico Ibanez, a 54-year-old farmer, was out driving his car in his v 7/25/1979 #34681 d forming a precise rectangle. The farmer, who knew nothing about UFOs, had 7/25/1979 #34681 A 40-year-old farmer and four others in Providence, Ke 8/16/1979 #34749 t. The humanoid caught up with the farmer placing its hand on his shoulder. 9/25/1979 #34922 t. The humanoid caught up with the farmer, placing its hand on his shoulder 9/25/1979 #34923 ts hand on his shoulder. Later the farmer was treated at a local hospital f 9/25/1979 #34923 MONTARGIL, PORTUGAL Farmer meets 2 8' beings. No helmets. Va 2/6/1980 #35158 Mr. Pavao, a 55-year old farmer from Montargil, Portugal had just 2/6/1980 #35160 central Texas A farmer in central Texas is walking throu 4/1980 #35244 ain. Researcher Tom Adams says the farmer is extremely reluctant to discuss 4/1980 #35244 ury White Horse Wiltshire, England Farmer John Scull discovers a circular s 7/21/1980 #35423 AVIANO, ITL Farmer / mopod/motorscooter/motorbike. G 8/1980 (approximate) #35433 alia 1:00 a.m. George Blackwell, a farmer near Rosedale, Victoria, Australi 9/30/1980 #35546 ed triangular object was seen by a farmer and his wife in a close encounter 10/26/1980 #35592 in the morning Dario Mazzaglia, a farmer in Los Acantilados, Buenos Aires 1/23/1981 #35796 southern Taiwan Farmer Chen Kang and his wife watch an o 6/12/1981 #35966 VOLPAGO, ITL Farmer. Alarm. Dark mass hovers / electr 6/10/1982 #36493 A farmer walking a mule at 9:30 p.m. in Ar 11/13/1982 #36681 KETTLEWELL, ENGL Farmer. Large red saucer over stream. Wa 4/1983 #36827 razil Porto Velho, Rondônia Night. Farmer Alcineu Sousa is aboard his twin- 5/23/1983 #36865 hey are coming from an object in a farmer’s field about 450–600 feet away. 8/1/1983 #36929 WINIFREDA, ARG Farmer sucked into UFO. Odd pseudo-human 8/7/1983 #36936 SOUTH WEST CITY, MO Farmer / truck. Night lights over farm. 4/10/1984 #37255 over farm. 12 min / missing time. Farmer disoriented. 4/10/1984 #37255 Dogs barked and a farmer watched as a glowing ball of ligh 9/11/1985 #37657 VILNIUS, LITH Farmer. Glowing-ball with beam searching 9/12/1985 #37658 At 1:00 a.m. a farmer reported seeing an object with br 3/21/1986 #37804 On this night a 70-year-old farmer named Joaquim, who lived near Bel 5/15/1986 #37870 JALHAY, BELGIUM Farmer. Metallic cylinder/cigar-shape ex 11/29/1989 #39256 Grande do Norte, Brazil 7:00 p.m. Farmer Moisés Campelo is walking home fr 5/12/1991 #40057 MURITI NEAR PARAIPABA, BRZ Farmer and 3. Fireball with small lights 8/25/1991 #40165 At 10:00 p.m. a 64-year-old farmer in Muriti, near the city of Parai 8/25/1991 #40166 th his farm vehicle, a 65-year-old farmer living in Bekes, Hungary was doin 12/4/1991 #40254 ght and bright green in color. The farmer walked back to his house, noticin 12/4/1991 #40254 A farmer in Saga Prefecture, Japan, who ha 1/4/1992 #40277 LONGCHAUMOIS, FR Farmer Michel. 18 dogs bark. Glowing-bal 3/4/1992 #40352 SOUTH / LAJES, BRZ Farmer. Red ball / light on extinct volc 9/1992 #40600 A farmer in Dodge County east of Columbus, 1/31/1993 #40824 A farmer in Forest Grove, Oregon a half an 11/13/1993 #41272 ns, it could be the way in which a farmer cares for cattle. Four of the wom 1994 #41345 r Jupiter) Wuhan University A tree farmer named Meng Zhaoguo is at Red Flag Early 6/1994 #41548 NEAR MCEWEN, TN Farmer. Silent delta/triangle/box-like c 11/28/1994 #41867 BOMPAS, FR Farmer. White triangle west going quickl 12/13/1994 #41894 na, Bahía, Brazil Around 5:00 a.m. Farmer Beto Lima is hunting armadillos o 1/12/1995 #41971 Huge square object hovers / farm. Farmer shoots / gets sick? 1/22/1995 #41988 t Province, South Africa 8:30 a.m. Farmer Jan Pienaar, 45, is driving in th 3/30/1995 #42127 TORRIENTE, CUBA Farmer. Saucer lands / weeds. 2 small hu 10/15/1995 #42552 s night in El Rosario, Puerto Rico farmer Elliot Feliciano fired his gun at 11/11/1995 #42594 , Santa Catarina, Brazil 2:30 p.m. Farmer Egon Kratz and his son-in-law, Ad 12/12/1995 #42641 At around 7:30 p.m. farmer Louis Boisvert, 19, saw a very la 2/6/1996 #42743 A 66-year-old retired farmer named Dionisio was walking throug 7/16/1996 #42959 MILE(S) WEST / JABOTICATUBAS, BRZ Farmer. Classic silver saucer going [to] 9/6/1996 #43006 VALLEY, AL Farmer photographs / dark "thimble". Dog 9/26/1996 #43042 In Valley, Alabama a farmer photographed a dark thimble-shape 9/26/1996 #43044 BAURU, SP, BRAZIL Farmer. Night light hovers. Splits and r 9/29/1996 #43047 PILOEZINHOS, BRZ Farmer. Odd silver plane lands verticall 10/18/1996 #43078 B. C., a 57-year-old farmer living in Ille et Vilaine, Chante 1/5/1997 #43166 Local farmer Heliodoro Nunez was tending his s 2/20/1997 #43199 On this afternoon a farmer in Rho, Lombardia, Italy saw a wh 3/8/1998 #43531 move outside. Dogs don't recognize farmer. 11/30/2000 #44091 A farmer on his farm southeast of Lincoln, 11/30/2000 #44094 At 6:00 a.m. EDT a farmer in Wayne, West Virginia encounter 8/1/2001 #44215 lvania at 5:30 in the morning by a farmer and also three fisherman on the S 8/6/2002 #44376 At 11:00 p.m. a farmer in Knox, Indiana had a close enco 12/18/2005 #44913 blaze over northeast Australia. A farmer sees one with a blue tapering tai 5/16/2006 #44943
Mrs. Deshais, a farmer's wife in Tonnerre, France saw tw 9/4/1953 #9145 ht cigar-shaped object landed in a farmer's field. Three dwarf humanoids we 11/14/1954 #11655 rom the craft could be felt in the farmer's truck as it followed him along 1/1967 #21241 n spotted a luminous object over a farmer's field while driving on a rural 4/25/1971 #26082 a spotted a luminous object over a farmer's field while driving on a rural 4/25/1971 #26084 a Silva Faques were driving to the farmer's house when they observed a a br 11/19/1973 #28449 slowly east to west. Three of the farmer's neighbors came outside to see t 8/25/1991 #40166 cs lifted off from the ground in a farmer's field at 6:15 a.m. They wree on 3/10/1995 #42084
Normandy, France 5:00 a.m. Several farmers in Alençon, Normandy, France, se 6/12/1790 #91 sas 11:00 p.m.–2:00 a.m. Mennonite farmers Henry W. J. Smith and Benjamin W Late 11/1894 #317 near Elburn, Illinois, where some farmers run across it. It is made of “so Early 4/1897 #413 erty of John Roush, terrifying the farmers and causing the horses and cattl 4/14/1897 #458 erty of John Roush, terrifying the farmers and causing the horses and cattl 4/14/1897 #460 of Howard City, Michigan 4:30 a.m. Farmers see an airship land about 3 mile 4/14/1897 #463 erty of John Roush, terrifying the farmers and causing the horses and cattl 4/14/1897 #473 ston, MI Morning. At least a dozen farmers saw an object maneuver in the sk 4/17/1897 #520 iamston, Michigan At least a dozen farmers saw an object maneuver in the sk 4/17/1897 #521 At least a dozen farmers in Williamston, Michigan saw an 4/17/1897 #526 GREENDALE, SI, NZ Farmers. Rumble. Horses spooked. Airship 7/30/1909 #787 At 3:00 a.m. several farmers in Greendale, New Zealand heard 7/30/1909 #790 nny” McGann, his family, and other farmers in the area of Fernvale, New Sou 1927 #1068 t Childerhose and his brother, two farmers of Cobden, Ontario, see an objec 1/1/1931 #1120 VETIS, ROMANIA Farmers. 1M glowing-clouds follow farm f 8/1945 (approximate) #1907 GLENN, CA 2 farmers. 25 saucers / 3 rows go left-Rt. 7/7/1947 #2837 roject Bluebook Case #510. Several farmers and more. Silent upright cylinde 11/16/1949 #4415 HENDERSON, KY 3 farmers. Several 10m oil-drums whiz by i 4/8/1950 #4820 T / PRINCETON, MO Several separate farmers. Flying disk speeds by trailing 4/22/1950 #4878 ing in Princeton, Missouri several farmers, including one named Kincaid, sa 4/22/1950 #4879 d numerous cows belonging to local farmers, the Stewart brothers, die from 3/24/1953 #8782 d disappeared on the mountain. The farmers have also seen black, bristly ha 4/10/1954 #9681 LA CHASSAGNE, FR 3 / farmers. Saucer brushes tree. Burnt leav 9/20/1954 #10366 Three farmers saw a saucer land in La Chassagn 9/20/1954 #10372 LE PERTRE, FR 2 farmers. Silent orange ovoid / 300M alti 10/3/1954 #10635 lat, Persia Approximate date. Many farmers observed the landing of a "marve 10/10/1954 #10885 or about this day a large group of farmers in Mahallat, Iran witnessed a lu 10/10/1954 #10895 Doncourt-Village, France Farmers awakened by a whistling sound sa 10/11/1954 #10926 Farmers in Doncourt-Village, Meurthe-et- 10/11/1954 #10942 gny-en-Valiere, together with some farmers, watched a fast luminous disc-sh 10/14/1954 #11068 Po-di-Gnocca, Italy Farmers saw a disk-shaped object land, t 10/15/1954 #11102 channel, Veneto, Italy Afternoon. Farmers near the Po della Donzella river 10/15/1954 #11110 s afternoon in Po-di-Gnocca, Italy farmers saw a disc-shaped object land, t 10/15/1954 #11118 Haute-Loire, France 6:00 p.m. Two farmers near Saint-Cirgues, Haute-Loire, 10/18/1954 #11213 whirring sound and soon took off. Farmers on the other side of the mountai 11/7/1954 #11588 whirring sound and soon took off. Farmers on the other side of the mountai 11/7/1954 #11590 PALMARITO, VNZL Farmers. Globe lands. Several small huma 11/28/1954 #11716 Australia Approximate date. Three farmers, among them Thomas Robinson, saw 5/29/1955 #12166 PAJAS BLANCAS, ARG Farmers. 21M black egg lands! Spirals up 9/25/1956 #13243 S KNOW, AUSTRALIA Several separate farmers. Silver-glow object lands / cane 11/6/1957 #14380 Maracaja, Brazil Farmers Joao Ernani and Pedro Zilli hear 11/18/1957 #14575 In Maracaja, Brazil Farmers Joao Ernani and Pedro Zilli hear 11/18/1957 #14577 aped object is seen by two Finnish farmers moving horizontally at a high al 12/1957 #14651 al engineer, his wife, and several farmers. It remained on the ground for 4 7/23/1965 #19163 PARKES, AUSTR 2 farmers. Dogs bark. Luminous saucer hove 8/10/1965 #19354 aucers dome gives big yellow glow. Farmers watch / 10 minutes. 1/15/1967 #21305 NEAR CRYSTAL SPRS, SSK Farmers chase night lights all over/all 12/3/1967 #23539 erta Calgary Airport 7:25 a.m. Two farmers driving a truck near Three Hills 1/15/1968 #23666 Carora Lara Venezuela 10:00 p.m. Farmers in the area around Carora, Lara, 9/15/1968 #24467 At two a.m. farmers in Caltowie, South Australia wat 5/28/1969 #25167 LA REDUCCION, ARG 2 farmers. Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / p 12/18/1969 #25502 CHANTRANS, FR Farmers and more/others. Phony sun going 2/23/1971 #26029 OSSEY-LES-TROIS-MAISONS, AUBE 2 farmers orange ovoid going down / ground 3/25/1974 #28948 Two farmers watched an orange ovoid object a 3/25/1974 #28951 US99W 7MI SOUTH / CORNING, CA 2 farmers. Domed saucer with red and flood 9/30/1975 #30395 in diameter. They learn from local farmers that it had appeared earlier in 10/1976 #31441 uminous sphere going down. Ignores farmers lamp. Changes color and flies aw 12/13/1978 #34107 A group of four farmers saw a small glittering sphere fl 1/4/1979 #34295 NORTH / PASCO, WA Farmers. Silver to/from/between red "fen 8/29/1979 #34793 NORTH / BROOME, WEST AUSTR Pearl farmers. Crescent-UFO 200' overhead. Poi 8/8/1992 #40561 QUIXERAMOBIM, BRZ 10 farmers. Vibrant bright UFO over dam. He 11/25/1992 #40729 SOUTHEAST / VARGINHA, BRZ 2 farmers wakened / animals. 3M grey 'subm 1/20/1996 #42691 FARMERS BRANCH, TX Ex USAF man and famil 4/12/1998 #43548 In Farmers Branch, Texas three witnesses sa 4/12/1998 #43549 humanoid over a soccer field. Two farmers, the groundskeeper, and a pair o 8/8/1998 #43620 raight up into the sky. One of the farmers, Angelo F., was having breakfast 8/8/1998 #43620
Farmersville, Texas 9:00 p.m. Residents 4/15/1897 #490 ille, Texas 9:00 p.m. Residents of Farmersville, Texas, notice a dim light 4/15/1897 #490 2.5 miles west of Farmersville, Texas Morning. Silbie J. L 5/1913 #888 on a cotton farm 2.5 miles west of Farmersville, Texas. Their two dogs, on 5/1913 #888 FARMERSVILLE, IN 2 observer(s). Blunt cy 2/7/1976 #30849 Farmersville, IN 5:15 a.m. The rniddle-a 2/7/1976 #30850
. Finds small humanoid (or Grey) / farmfield. Both scared. No contact. 8/8/1980 #35444 rs. Lights sky. Drops going down / farmfield. 3/3/1995 #42076
eld, Illinois Just after 9:00 p.m. Farmhand John Halley and vintner Adolf W 4/14/1897 #468 In Greenvale, New Zealand a farmhand saw an "airship" about 150-feet 7/31/1909 #795 In the afternoon a farmhand in Edison, Georgia saw a four-f 7/20/1955 #12274 Mile Road Pettit, Texas 10:50 p.m. Farmhand and veteran Pedro Saucedo and J 11/2/1957 #14216 armer Joao Rodrigues Terra and his farmhand Djalma Da Silva Faques were dri 11/19/1973 #28449 es, Extremadura, Spain 5:00 a.m. A farmhand is driving near Cáceres, Extrem 6/16/1974 #29202 ne, on the way there he ran into a farmhand who accompanied him into the wo 2/23/1996 #42776
VEJLE, DK 3 farmhands. Silver object going [to] by / 1/21/1948 #3559 , sheep, pigs, dogs, and two young farmhands had disappeared on the mountai 4/10/1954 #9681
he south side. Knowing there is no farmhouse in the area, he goes to invest 4/15/1897 #487 Eau Claire, Wisconsin farmhouse belonging to Melvin Bannister 4/15/1897 #488 in a fur coat emerge and walk to a farmhouse belonging to Melvin Bannister, 4/15/1897 #488 Africa. While playing outside the farmhouse, Elizabeth claims to witness a 10/1917 #968 ccompanies him 2 miles away to his farmhouse. Harry walks back to the car a Late Summer 1919 #993 ht is standing on the porch of his farmhouse near Wattsburg, Pennsylvania, 6/1932 #1144 d] in Sweden. It supposedly sets a farmhouse on fire in Vaasa province, Fin 2/21/1946 #1969 n, Oregon], is walking back to her farmhouse after feeding rabbits. Before 5/11/1950 #4939 clockwise and darting low over her farmhouse near Oak Grove, Louisiana. It 1/1/1951 #5382 hovers just below lone cloud over farmhouse. See dwg. 8/1954 (approximate) #10079 e Mrs. Boeuf was coming out of her farmhouse when she saw a luminous disk i 10/23/1954 #11336 Mrs. Boeuf was coming out of her farmhouse in the evening in St. Hilaire- 10/23/1954 #11347 ear-old child sought asylum in the farmhouse owned by Mrs. Gentil, crying t 10/29/1954 #11478 -year-old boy sought asylum in the farmhouse owned by Mrs. Gentil, screamin 10/29/1954 #11481 ily saw a light landing near their farmhouse, then several nightmarish enti 8/21/1955 #12385 lle, Kentucky Elmer “Lucky” Sutton farmhouse Kelly Fort Campbell Shady Oaks 8/21/1955 #12386 ckyard of the Elmer “Lucky” Sutton farmhouse 7 miles north of Hopkinsville, 8/21/1955 #12386 family saw a light land near their farmhouse. Shortly after several goblin- 8/21/1955 #12387 ammunition, the Suttons fled their farmhouse and got the police, who observ 8/21/1955 #12387 vers in the sky above his family's farmhouse in Sao Francisco de Sales, Bra 10/13/1957 #14105 stopped at 15 m altitude over his farmhouse. The object made a swishing so 2/15/1963 #17667 e and figure(s) all over/all about farmhouse and railroad/railway line. / F 10/21/1963 #17993 e yard, trees, and the side of the farmhouse. The circle was melted in snow 1/12/1965 #18721 sses to flee in panic inside their farmhouse. 11/11/1965 #19713 tractor about one half mile from a farmhouse at Tully, Queensland, Australi 1/19/1966 #19858 e Amos woke up at 1:30 a.m. in his farmhouse in Iola, Kansas to see a round 1/13/1967 #21300 meter; it turns and approaches the farmhouse. When it passes above a power 3/5/1967 #21763 , Manitoba 11:30 p.m. A woman at a farmhouse near Beausejour, Manitoba, see 5/31/1967 #22432 eld about 1,000 feet away from the farmhouse. The object emits brilliant be 9/11/1967 #23045 aho US Highway 26 Willard Hammon's farmhouse Ririe and Rigby, Idaho 9:30 p. 11/2/1967 #23390 ossie gets out and runs toward the farmhouse of Willard Hammon for help, fo 11/2/1967 #23390 tom. Hammon lets Tossie inside his farmhouse, where he eventually calms dow 11/2/1967 #23390 the car, and began running to the farmhouse of William Hammon a quarter of 11/2/1967 #23392 sky as it departed. At the Hammon farmhouse Tossie banged on the door scre 11/2/1967 #23392 11:55 a.m. Martha Heggs is in her farmhouse kitchen about 10 miles west of 2/19/1968 #23767 tude. Stops. Maneuvers. Stops over farmhouse.. 10/24/1968 #24585 round. Security lights on a nearby farmhouse go off. The object spins and f 1/25/1969 #24871 60 meters from the porch of their farmhouse, located 15 miles south of Hay 6/23/1969 #25233 orner of the garden of an isolated farmhouse named Enebacken, they find thr 4/29/1970 #25645 2:20 a.m., about 300 meters from a farmhouse. According to the witness, nam 2/18/1973 #27296 similar object flying low near her farmhouse. 2/21/1973 #27305 . Going down / cornfield. Hovers / farmhouse. 8/4/1973 #27677 nearby cornfield, and then over a farmhouse. The encounter lasted 10 minut 8/4/1973 #27682 the field and went to a neighbor's farmhouse and called the state police. W 10/25/1973 #28286 ake place. Some in the party saw a farmhouse several hundred feet away sudd 10/25/1973 #28286 00x75' cylinder/cigar-shape 500' / farmhouse. Hums. Static electricity. 5/30/1974 #29145 sound passed within 500 feet of a farmhouse in Regent, North Dakota. It ca 5/30/1974 #29146 away. The object hovered over the farmhouse he entered, illuminating the a 6/14/1974 #29193 is attending to her animals by her farmhouse near Castelleale, Romagna, Ita Mid 11/1974 #29596 an 2:30 a.m. John Wagner is in his farmhouse near MacNutt, Saskatchewan, wh 12/17/1974 #29645 r Roger Weber, who came out of his farmhouse and guided the family home. Th 3/2/1975 #29870 Peesane, Saskatchewan Carson's farmhouse 11:30 p.m. Lyle Carson is in h 5/12/1975 #30052 e 11:30 p.m. Lyle Carson is in his farmhouse 2.5 miles east of Peesane, Sas 5/12/1975 #30052 lights in its center approached a farmhouse and circled the paddock at low 1/31/1978 #32927 At 8:30 a.m. at a farmhouse in Emilcin, Poland just eight- 5/17/1978 #33225 flying object hovering near their farmhouse in Edmunston, New Brunswick, C 9/15/1978 #33689 Jenkins, Missouri Marlett Sturgell farmhouse 7:00–9:00 a.m. A very small ob 10/8/1978 #33812 300 feet from the Marlett Sturgell farmhouse near Jenkins, Missouri. For 2 10/8/1978 #33812 12:30 a.m. A 15-year-old boy in a farmhouse in Baldwin, Wisconsin, sees tw 10/20/1979 #34962 K 1 observer. Mushroom-saucer over farmhouse. Goes going west. Dog sick and 12/26/1980 #35733 to the east, almost in line with a farmhouse, as the witnesses had seen on 12/28/1980 #35749 and and wife are sleeping in their farmhouse near Newark, Ohio, when their 1981 #35763 d up two mercury-vapor lights at a farmhouse about a half-mile away. 8/12/1981 #36070 her to back into the driveway of a farmhouse. The object was now almost dir 7/15/1984 #37401 car and started to run toward the farmhouse. Carol called to him that anot 7/15/1984 #37401 4' small humanoid (or Grey) nears farmhouse. / MJ#220. 10/24/1984 (approximate) #37491 lights hovering 20–30 feet above a farmhouse. He exits the highway for a cl 11/22/1985 #37721 “trailer” in December. He sees a “farmhouse” with the windows lit up, but 1/9/1987 #38096 ws lit up, but knowing there is no farmhouse in that location, he stops the 1/9/1987 #38096 rns home. Some 300 feet from their farmhouse, they see another object, a fi Late 7/1987 #38218 ew seconds, it disappears behind a farmhouse. Early 1/1990 #39361 a swoops. Beams light going down / farmhouse etc. / r41p238. 8/19/1992 #40579 as it stops 15 feet above a nearby farmhouse. Again a bright light comes fr 8/19/1992 #40583 s). Dog Acts up. 40M triangle over farmhouse. Away / incredible speed. 9/22/1994 #41771 er long triangular UFO flew over a farmhouse in Sornay, Saone-Loire departm 9/22/1994 #41772 oked out the French windows of his farmhouse and saw lights in the middle o 1/5/1997 #43166 le-shaped craft hovered low over a farmhouse in Unadilla, New York at 11:50 10/29/2000 #44065
ject seems to land in an area with farmhouses. Green notes that another cyc 9/14/1965 #19560 hat he could not see the lights of farmhouses to his right. Looking closer, 3/13/1977 #31906 a low level over a farm field and farmhouses in Villeneuve, Alberta, Canad 1/31/2003 #44483
Trent UFO photos, were taken by a farming couple, Paul and Evelyn Trent ne 5/11/1950 #4936 A postman in the farming community of Newbliss, Monaghan 12/5/1950 #5320 or “utilization and exploitation,” farming the objects out to various compa 1961 #16543 reservoir, 150 meters away in the farming town of Mogadore, Ohio. The obje 5/9/1964 #18255 France 5:45 a.m. Maurice Masse is farming just north of Valensole, Alps-de 7/1/1965 #19047 Upton, IN 6:50 p.m. A man was farming and noticed an object which look 10/22/1973 #28236 aunie, Illinois 6:50 p.m. A man is farming in Upton, Indiana, when he notic 10/22/1973 #28240 On this night in the farming community of Sorocaba, Sao Paolo 1/12/1979 #34333 Talco, Chile In a farming region of Talco a peasant out pl 9/25/1979 #34922 In a farming region of Talco, Chile a peasant 9/25/1979 #34923 one side circled the valley of the farming community of Monroe City, Indian 8/22/1988 #38619 zil birds were seen fleeing from a farming area at 5:30 p.m. Next a 12-mete 3/17/1992 #40385 In a farming area outside of Padova (Padua), 6/8/1994 #41558 olor was spotted in the sky over a farming area in Lockport, New York. Once 11/15/1997 #43443 Plata, Argentina 2:00 a.m. In the farming area of El Paraiso, Mar del Plat 2/7/2005 #44813
FARMINGDALE AGR COLLEGE, NY Many power o 8/1967 #22767 reports from Asbury Park, Belmar, Farmingdale, Haledon, Hammonton, Hazlet, 12/2/1977 #32731 FARMINGDALE, NY 20 / bus. Night lights n 9/30/1989 #39134 FARMINGDALE, NY 2 observer(s). Flash. Sm 6/24/1995 #42269 ped object hovered over a truck in Farmingdale, New York at 11:30 p.m. at n 6/24/1995 #42271 arate witnesses in towns nearby to Farmingdale, New York observed an egg-sh 5/4/2002 #44337
Farmington, NM Aztec, NM Farmington Arma 3/16/1950 #4646 Farmington, NM Aztec, NM Farmington Armada mass UFO sighting: 100 3/16/1950 #4646 Farmington, New Mexico 11 a.m.–noon. For 3/16/1950 #4657 on. Former Army Engineer Capt. and Farmington Times business manager Clayto 3/16/1950 #4657 scs” cavorting around the sky over Farmington, New Mexico. They hover, then 3/16/1950 #4657 FARMINGTON, NM Thousands / observer(s). 3/17/1950 #4660 Farmington, NM Retired Army Captain, oth 3/17/1950 #4665 rforming aerobatics, appeared over Farmington, New Mexico around noon, and 3/18/1950 #4679 Farmington (SE of), NM (McDonald list) ( 9/20/1960 #16456 FARMINGTON, UT Project Bluebook Case #81 10/23/1962 #17486 Farmington, UT Grey and silver ball, tra 10/23/1962 #17487 Farmington, Utah Witness: R.O. Christen 10/23/1962 #17488 0M altitude. Cylinders tumble near Farmington, NM. 5/2/1964 #18238 TRIVOLI, IL East / Farmington. Domed saucer circles car 2X. 2/26/1966 #19921 Farmington (5 miles E of), IL Flying ova 2/26/1966 #19922 n witness was driving 8 km east of Farmington when a flying oval object, th 2/26/1966 #19923 FARMINGTON, NM 3 airliners and passenger 4/22/1966 #20358 FARMINGTON, WV 1 observer. Silver disk h 4/12/1968 #23900 NORTHEAST / FARMINGTON, MO 2 / Lt. plane chase night 4/12/1973 #27424 Farmington, MO 10:30 p.m. OBOL was chase 4/12/1973 #27426 ed pilots in a Piper Cherokee over Farmington, Missouri, the same night and 4/12/1973 #27427 FARMINGTON, MO Physicist and 3 / airport 5/24/1973 #27523 Farmington, MO Evening. Noiseless, wingl 5/24/1973 #27524 Municipal Airport in Farmington, Missouri 9:20 p.m. Harley Ru 5/24/1973 #27527 n team at the municipal airport in Farmington, Missouri, see a configuratio 5/24/1973 #27527 ering delta-shaped object over the Farmington, Missouri airport at 10:00 p. 5/24/1973 #27528 ESE / FARMINGTON, MO Scientist/science team. N 5/25/1973 #27529 FARMINGTON AIRPORT/APARTMENT, MO Night l 5/24/1974 #29130 FARMINGTON, MO Silent 8m UFO at 15m alti 8/5/1974 (approximate) #29308 FARMINGTON, WV 1 observer / (seen thru) 10/11/1974 #29518 In Farmington, West Virginia a witness with 10/11/1974 #29524 FARMINGTON, MN 2+1 cops and more/others. 9/1979 #34813 FARMINGTON, MO AND AREA Ring / bright li 4/22/1986 #37831 In Farmington, Missouri at 9:45 p.m. a sing 4/22/1986 #37836 nd a 16 year-old female driving in Farmington, Michigan were pursued by a s 5/10/1989 #38941
d by burning jungles to create new farmland. 1824 #117 then very fast for 30 seconds over farmland in Centreville, Maryland. There 3/21/1952 #5966 ay discs performed acrobatics over farmland in Campinas, Sao Paulo state, B 12/13/1954 #11805 s chase to it at low altitude over farmland and sees its shadow on the grou 7/1955 #12226 d landed on an isolated section of farmland. The two men drove past a man i 3/26/1967 #21998 ght flying cross-shaped UFO across farmland between Okehampton and Holswort 10/24/1967 #23306 Farmland, IN 5:40 AM. Snowy morning. Blu 3/23/1977 #31927 Farmland, IN 5:40 AM. Snowy morning. Blu 3/23/1977 #31928 Three witnesses driving through farmland at 6:45 p.m. north-northwest of 8/23/2003 #44580
astation. These included scenes of farmlands he identified as being in Engl 1/27/1977 #31761
DERVAL, FR 2 / separate farms. Grey cylinder/cigar-shape going [ 10/5/1954 #10720 oing south. Instant shifts. Lights farms. 5/28/1956 (approximate) #12871 K, contaminating surrounding dairy farms, as well as the rest of Europe. 10/9/1957 #14083 titude. Horse ignores! Maneuvers / farms. 1/29/1960 #16158 er/cigar-shape-shapes over Beverly farms area. 11/15/1966 #21102 rizontal position over the Beverly Farms area. (Fowler 1974, p. 342.) (NICA 11/15/1966 #21106 d object hovering over the Beverly Farms area around 7:15 a.m. 11/15/1966 #21108 r seen clearly. Up and down over 3 farms / low altitude. Beams down. 3/25/1967 (approximate) #21980 Cecil Bailey drove north of their farms to look for lights that looked lik 3/26/1967 #21998 g cross maneuvers. Cops chase over farms. / r193#14+16. 10/24/1967 #23294 en reportedly "spooked" on several farms that night. 11/2/1967 #23392 hours as it hovers above towns and farms. The UFO speeds away when the Canb 8/31/1969 #25344 Two people were driving between farms on this evening outside MacGregor, 10/24/1970 #25886 35cm orbs with antennas maneuver / farms. / r30p452. 2/24/1974 #28795 ble night light all over/all about farms. Beams quickly going down. Finally 3/23/1974 #28929 ee others traveling by car between farms in the Karawinna area to the west 9/25/1976 #31428 s). Orange fireball maneuvers over farms. Seen previously. 11/20/1976 #31561 Six cattle are found mutilated on farms near Elsberry, Missouri. Orange li 4/6/1978 #33129 t. Rays / all directions. All over farms / low altitude. 3/23/1982 #36409 ng only at night, purchasing whole farms, cutting down forests, blocking ma 12/29/1987 #38379 EAST / GEMBLOUX, BELGIUM 10 / farms. Silent diamond with 4 strong whit 10/11/1990 #39774 MI 1 / car. 15m domed bonfire over farms and trees. Several rods protrude b 2/15/1993 #40849 r over railroad/railway tracks and farms. Going quickly northwest rotate / 7/13/1993 #41058 seen low flying objects over their farms around the same time. 1/17/2000 #43929 away. On April 16, Ken Masson, who farms 13 miles south of Etzikom, discove 4/1/2001 #44156
Farmville, NC 12:30 a.m. EDT. Two witnes 7/27/1967 #22738
aland 5:30 a.m. Eileen Moreland, a farmwoman in Blenheim, New Zealand, goes 7/13/1959 #15842
On this day a farmworker in Kailua, island of Oahu, Ha 3/14/1950 #4636 the morning Ulderico Cardinali, a farmworker, was walking down a path in a 10/24/1954 #11366
obello Night. 12 female and 4 male farmworkers are in a truck on the Newhai 11/8/1957 #14490
turbance among his chickens in the farmyard. He then saw a UFO shaped like 12/11/1954 #11802 45M saucer / 15M altitude. Lights farmyard. Glows. Gone in seconds. 1/17/1956 #12663 Laudie Dvorak was driving into his farmyard about 8:30 p.m., on this date w 11/8/1956 #13314 , it moves horizontally across the farmyard. It has numerous lights around 6/19/1965 #19017 ngton, Ohio and hovered low over a farmyard for 30 minutes. It took off fas 5/4/1966 #20449 xteen head of cattle, loose in the farmyard, bolt when the object moves int 2/19/1968 #23767 ppears. The object moves about the farmyard, sometimes hovering, its altitu 2/19/1968 #23767 at tractor speed, hovered over hog farmyard setting off pandamonium in dogs 5/16/1971 #26114 eed, and then hovered over the hog farmyard, setting off pandemonium of how 5/16/1971 #26115 nd the road, illuminating a nearby farmyard. The car restarts, but she only 11/22/1978 #33980 rk. Colored bright orbs float over farmyard. 2nd sighting. 6/24/1995 #42270 ing quietly and slowly through her farmyard. The object, 9–12 feet in diame 7/17/1996 #42961 ing slowly and quietly through her farmyard. The disc was about 3-4 meters 7/17/1996 #42962 ht white lights illuminating their farmyard. The lights climbed into the sk 12/5/1999 #43893 rim to rim” move slowly through a farmyard and over some houses, then out 1/31/2003 #44482
Farnborough Airfield, Hampshire, England 8/14/1950 #5124 Hubbard and two other officers at Farnborough Airfield, Hampshire, England 8/14/1950 #5124 Farnborough Airfield, Hampshire, England 9/5/1950 #5169 d is standing on the watchtower at Farnborough Airfield, Hampshire, England 9/5/1950 #5169 ry Royal Aircraft Establishment in Farnborough Dawn. A paperboy in Clevedon 9/4/1967 #22998 he Royal Aircraft Establishment in Farnborough. The objects are made of fib 9/4/1967 #22998 orth on the M4 after attending the Farnborough Airshow in Hampshire, Englan 9/6/1980 #35501
FARNETO, ITL Brilliant 4M sphere quickly 6/23/1978 #33299
roning sound. Going east toward(s) Farnham. 1/11/1988 #38406 FARNHAM, SURREY 2+2 observer(s). Silent 11/6/1994 #41838
Marignane Aviation pioneer Eugène Farnier watches an unknown object for 20 9/30/1954 #10516 th over an area of about 984 feet. Farnier thinks it looks similar to the c 9/30/1954 #10516
NEAR FARNINGHAM, KENT 1 / A20. Metallic grey 7/16/1978 #33385 Farningham, UK A metallic gray cigar-sha 7/16/1978 #33388 At nine p.m. in Farningham, England a metallic gray ciga 7/16/1978 #33392
Robert L. Farnsworth, president of the American Ro 7/29/1952 #7326
On this evening in Farnworth, England a teenage couple, Hod 4/28/1969 #25099
NORTH / FARO, PORTGL 3 flight crews and RADAR's. 7/30/1976 #31198
NEAR MT. FARON, FR 1 observer. Luminous ball east 3/27/1972 #26626
y Antrim Belfast 11:00 p.m. Thomas Farquhar sees a “large oval-shaped disc, 9/8/1954 #10273
rizona 12:00 midnight. Actor Jamie Farr and his wife Joy Ann are driving th 1962 #17007
e describes the book as a “chaotic farrago of conspiracy myths interspersed 1991 #39933
m. RAN Lieutenant J. A. “Shamus” O’Farrell is returning to HMAS Albatross N 8/31/1954 #10218 ircraft. After contacting Nowra, O’Farrell sees a very bright light closing 8/31/1954 #10218 light was observed. According to O’Farrell, the apparent crossing speeds of 8/31/1954 #10218 . He has been flying at 250 mph. O’Farrell contacts Albatross, which in tur 8/31/1954 #10218 pear on a northeasterly heading. O’Farrell can only make out “a vague shape 8/31/1954 #10218 lligence at the time writes that O’Farrell is “an entirely credible witness 8/31/1954 #10218
ears. Scanlon runs to inform Riney Farris, the sergeant of the guard, who h 9/29/1958 #15286
weet, Nielsen, Seike, Hutchingson, Farrow, Bielik, Zinser, Peshka, Schlecke 1/1998 #43483
ed by the remote viewing group the Farsight Institute, who calls it a “Deat 1/1991 #39944 //youtu.be/w6dxXAAAIp4 * https://farsight.org/FarsightPress/DeathTrapsFar 1/1991 #39944
dxXAAAIp4 * https://farsight.org/FarsightPress/DeathTrapsFarsightProjectm 1/1991 #39944
French Air Force Capt. Jean-Pierre Fartek and his wife observe an oscillati 12/9/1979 #35062
right light in the sky. About 7 km farther they saw the light again coming 5/6/1897 #591 coming down to the ground. One km farther the horses refused to walk. (NIC 5/6/1897 #591 right light in the sky. About 7 km farther they saw the light again coming 5/6/1897 #592 coming down to the ground. One km farther the horses refused to walk. Two 5/6/1897 #592 t light in the sky. About seven km farther they saw the light again coming 5/6/1897 #594 coming down to the ground. One km farther the horses refused to walk. Two 5/6/1897 #594 , moving in the opposite direction farther away. 1935 #1220 igures—one next to the object, two farther away, and another two next to a 5/1935 #1229 ried to reach it, the craft jumped farther away. It cleared a high fence an 1/15/1957 #13456 he same rounded course but passing farther to the south of the parked cars 11/4/1957 #14286 ws of two other planes flying much farther to the south, as well as by the 2/24/1959 #15604 to handle bomber operations, it is farther away from large groups of civili 4/4/1961 #16643 f Blue Ridge Summit, Pennsylvania. Farther to the east, a cluster of smalle 6/4/1961 #16720 hen illuminated by the headlights. Farther away, two objects maneuvered abo 1/8/1962 #17016 d into a fog bank, descended again farther away (maneuvered), then moved ou 6/24/1967 #22541 h larger than a human's and spread farther around the sides of the head. No 8/15/1970 #25787 to the site. The object has moved farther away and is hovering above the g 10/24/1970 #25885 a path toward the boy's tent. The farther away the figure went, the less d 7/8/1971 #26218 t thing they know, they are a mile farther down the road, the car stopped. 10/27/1975 #30486 y about 500 feet away, which moves farther away as soon as they notice it. 10/27/1975 #30486 te. However, they refuse to go any farther, clearly fearful of the intimida 11/7/1975 #30576 he found himself one hundred yards farther down the road than he had been, 11/28/1980 #35680
State Highway 55 Farwell, Minnesota 7:30 p.m. Robert Blai Early 1/1967 #21244 Highway 55 two miles southeast of Farwell, Minnesota, when his headlights Early 1/1967 #21244 2 MILES SOUTHEAST / FARWELL, MN 6 / car / malfunctions due t 1/5/1967 (approximate) #21255 ng on Highway 55 two miles east of Farwell, Minnesota had their car engine 1/5/1967 #21263
Bellingeri, 26, and his wife Carla Farè, 23, are returning to their villa i 4/16/1974 #29040
hackers-a94344452083 https://irp.fas.org/congress/1996_hr/s960605b.htm 6/21/1996 #42937 youtu.be/pY1XHQBqIY8 https://sgp.fas.org/othergov/sapoc.html Note: Th 10/16/2002 #44418 erospace purposes. * https://irp.fas.org/dia/aatip-list.pdf * https://u 4/28/2006 #44937 isclosed publicly. * https://irp.fas.org/dia/aatip-list.pdf * https://m 2008 #45108 o believe otherwise.” https://irp.fas.org/agency/dod/jason/gravwaves.pdf 10/2008 #45173
eillance Facility, Virginia Capes (FASCFAC VACAPES), the latter of which is 11/18/2013 #45395 eillance Facility, Virginia Capes (FASCFAC VACAPES) Atlantic Test Ranges 4: 2/13/2019 #45562 eillance Facility, Virginia Capes (FASCFAC VACAPES), nor the Echo Control t 2/13/2019 #45562
hat emitted bright beams of light. Fascinated, he watched as a stairway des 3/29/1959 #15678 nters courthouse. Asks directions. Fascinated / ballpoint pen. 1/3/1967 (approximate) #21245 o and asked for directions. He was fascinated with a ballpoint pen, as if h 1/3/1967 #21252 oles. A strange feature on his leg fascinated Connie and Mrs. Christiansen. 1/9/1967 #21278 . By now the witnesses are totally fascinated and shout out to the beings. 1/6/1969 #24822 cher in Oak Harbor, Ohio, has been fascinated with the star map drawn by Be 1/1974 #28637 in a NIDS meeting that he remains fascinated by John Petersen’s brief of “ 1/8/1999 #43712
e top space scientists and it was “fascinating.” “I learned our shuttle cap 6/11/1985 #37600
d facing the window. She stared in fascination at the figure, which she des 9/28/1978 #33770
ft Publications, run by mystic and fascist William Dudley Pelley. Mostly he Summer 1954 #9918
anese. She is dressed in a foreign fashion made of unknown fabrics and is c 2/22/1803 #100 ly, and moving swiftly in a zigzag fashion. After 15 minutes it disappears 1/1892? #297 mystery light moving in a wavering fashion toward the southwest is seen in 11/22/1896 #348 ch rises into the air in a zig-zag fashion. When it clears the telegraph wi 5/18/1909 #758 downward toward earth in a zigzag fashion. Catholics present interpreted t 10/13/1917 #971 walked in a peculiar "but elegant" fashion, the head waving up and down whi Fall 1938 #1295 ight in the sky moving in a zigzag fashion. It circles a few times then des Early 8/1939 #1312 ss sky. Moving around it in “yo-yo fashion” are a number of small discs wit Late 4/1947 #2266 mph. They are moving in a see-saw fashion at three different altitudes abo 7/15/1947 #3187 oves to the northwest in a weaving fashion, diminishing in size and vanishi 7/28/1947 #3240 the northwest, flying in a zig-zag fashion in a level path 6 feet above the 4/27/1949 #4118 he north in a sightly curled trail fashion and disappear into some clouds. 1/26/1950 #4513 pinning off its edge in a pinwheel fashion in Montuïri, Majorca, Balearic I 4/25/1950 #4895 tude, then headed up in a circular fashion and out of sight after a few sec 8/31/1951 #5641 e. It then shoots up in a circular fashion and out of sight after a few sec 8/31/1951 #5642 d stern, maneuvered in a leisurely fashion for 15 minutes. 6/15/1952 #6508 e scene "sternly, not in an unkind fashion, but almost sadly, compassionate 10/21/1954 #11298 e scene “sternly, not in an unkind fashion, but almost sadly, compassionate 10/21/1954 #11302 e scene "sternly, not in an unkind fashion, but almost sadly, compassionate 10/21/1954 #11307 slowly above the base in a zigzag fashion. He estimates its altitude as 40 10/24/1954 #11365 re about 1 m tall, walked in stiff fashion, and had clothes resembling brig 10/27/1954 #11445 meter tall, and walked in a stiff fashion. They had on clothes resembling 10/27/1954 #11453 eet and swinging in a balloon-like fashion. Its color varies from bright wh 10/8/1957 #14078 olls of fat running in a bent over fashion. 1/30/1959 #15571 receded into the UFO in a coherent fashion like retracting appendages. 8/4/1959 #15895 liant lights descending in zig-zag fashion. The UFOs hovered stationary for 6/16/1963 #17788 nd descends slowly in a fluttering fashion. Near the ground the small objec Fall 1965 #19592 lo, they jump up in a disorganized fashion, colliding with each other. One 10/22/1965 #19673 k, Canada. It moved in a "spinning fashion, spraying water seven to eight f 5/29/1967 #22422 r change, it moved in a "pulsating fashion as though leaping through space. 7/29/1967 #22748 nless, gazing at him in a friendly fashion. The figure, about five and a ha 5/4/1969 #25114 o manifested itself in an alarming fashion. UFO report involving physiologi 10/5/1970 #25870 lked in a "stiff legged, bouncing" fashion. The humanoid being had long arm 5/15/1971 #26111 it was moving rapidly in a zig-zag fashion from W-E and she slowed her car 11/24/1972 #27138 na. It descended in a falling-leaf fashion until it was within a yard of th 3/13/1973 #27343 xlike shoes. They move in a clumsy fashion, their arms flopping oddly along 10/22/1973 #28241 slowly approached him in a zigzag fashion. It performed an astonishing ser 11/18/1973 #28443 de off, flying in a most irregular fashion, maneuvering in a way I have see 11/30/1973 #28490 es to make use of in a cooperative fashion. Coral Lorenzen is suspicious of 2/1974 #28724 domed saucers maneuver / staircase fashion. Some flip over. 7/31/1974 #29288 essed grass swirled in a clockwise fashion. There is no evidence of heat or 9/1/1974 #29417 cated, and matted down in a spiral fashion. A white, oval-shaped stain rese 8/18/1975 #30288 silver-gray walks in an “ape-like fashion” in front of his car, causing hi 10/7/1975 #30421 e back upwards in a coherent light fashion. They then saw a dazzling white 8/6/1976 #31241 ght moving northward in an erratic fashion: zigzagging, up and down, in cir 12/19/1976 #31621 object "slowly and in a robot like fashion" for the next five minutes. When 1/23/1977 #31748 climb very fast, move in a zigzag fashion, and leave behind a huge, bright 3/24/1977 #31929 d partial answers in an unspecific fashion. "What is matter?" he asked, and 9/20/1979 #34909 over the city moving in a zig-zag fashion. It moves closer to his location 3/20/1981 #35868 ey were also walking in a peculiar fashion, and he had never seen similar p 10/2/1981 #36155 ameter moving silently in a zigzag fashion from east to west. It hovers at 6/9/1987 #38188 ts maneuvering in an extraordinary fashion. “We could not have shot them do Late 1990 #39786 the forest. He acted in a strange fashion and proceeded to explain to the 10/31/1990 #39822 began moving its arms in a strange fashion. At first it was standing with i 8/24/1998 #43637 . It took off running in a strange fashion, without bending its knees. They 8/24/1998 #43637 ver the Gulf of Mexico in a zigzag fashion. It is about 200 feet in the air 10/9/1999 #43859
Air Force officer. He is wearing a fashionable gray suit, white shirt, and 5/1967 #22254
. Inside, on a low shelf seemingly fashioned out of stone, da Silva sees th 5/4/1969 #25114
eir release may well entail.” CAUS fashions an appeal to the US Supreme Cou 11/18/1980 #35653
Official UFO magazine editor Myron Fass. 8/2/1977 #32346
AGINCOURT, FR Fast fireballs strike with a disabling b 10/25/1415 #18 EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND Fast conical object flies over. Offloads 11/26/1758 #78 fish shape. Vibrant bright red and fast. 4/5/1870 #186 bject maneuvers about dark clouds. Fast. Going quickly northeast. 8/14/1891 #295 LEESVILLE, CA Several observer(s). Fast 30M cylinder/cigar-shape going [to] 11/22/1896 #345 STOCKTON, CA Several observer(s). Fast bright night light exits shadow-ovo 11/23/1896 #350 n Stockton, California witnessed a fast moving, bright light in the sky tha 11/23/1896 #353 north and goes going quickly west. Fast and steady. Too slow for meteor. 12/10/1896 (approximate) #378 mps. Zigzags. Going up / extremely fast. Type unknown. 4/1/1897 #403 e down slowly, then flew away very fast to the southeast. When directly ove 4/1/1897 #404 e down slowly, then flew away very fast to the southeast. When directly ove 4/1/1897 #405 e down slowly, then flew away very fast to the southeast. When directly ove 4/1/1897 #409 ng. F. L. Bullard, engineer on the Fast Mail train on the Chicago, Burlingt 4/12/1897 #446 asks / gets tools. Goes extremely fast. R224p38. 4/21/1897 #549 f the airship, which can travel as fast as 93 mph. 4/24/1897 #568 slow bolide. Shape = tadpole-head. Fast waving tail. 5/6/1899 #634 an eschelon formation, flying very fast below the clouds. They gained altit 2/28/1904 #671 KELMARSH, NORTHANTS 3 / car. Fast ovoid east / lights front and rear. 5/13/1909 #737 h the object. The object travelled fast, made a whirring sound, and had a s 5/13/1909 #742 up and down coast. Whirring sound. Fast. 2 lights. 5/19/1909 #760 s ground. Framework seen. High and fast. Sounds? 5/19/1909 #763 hirring sound. It was described at fast, with two lights. At 9:30 p.m. seve 5/19/1909 #768 ights goes going quickly southwest fast. 5/20/1909 #770 d. 50M airship overhead. Away very fast. 7/31/1909 #792 e craft, and the object flew "at a fast rate." 8/2/1909 #796 observer. Beam / light going south fast. Going up and down [to] under overc 12/13/1909 #818 igar-shape going quickly southeast fast in still wind. Motor noise / r214p5 1/12/1910 #829 Village. Going quickly north very fast. 3/6/1912 #858 clock in the evening. It flew very fast to the north. 3/6/1912 #859 behind) dense trail / smoke. Goes fast. 1/17/1913 #869 s) outside. Going up [to] and away fast. 3/1914 (approximate) #896 Argentina. It is moving remarkably fast, moving 10° toward the sun within a 5/4/1916 #946 Going quickly [to] away extremely fast. 8/1919 (approximate) #991 . Cylinder/cigar-shape crosses bay fast going quickly west. Long and thin. 2/1927 (approximate) #1070 ow. The object shot away extremely fast. 10/18/1927 #1082 nside window. Going [to] extremely fast. 5/1928 (approximate) #1084 LIA Blunt-nosed torpedo going [to] fast. Orange light / rear. Flashes light 12/1932 (approximate) #1148 ued, the creature accelerated very fast, with feet "fluttering." About 100 Fall 1938 #1295 vers / 1 minute(s). Away extremely fast. 8/15/1942? #1438 ad. The objects traveled extremely fast, emitting no noise, jet exhaust, or 12/1942 #1466 s watch dogfights. Away incredibly fast. / LDLN#204. 9/1943 #1520 nd quickly going up [to] extremely fast. Odd metal object found. / r215p28+ 9/1943 #1521 CARLSBAD, NM B17 pilot. Fast sphere with halo. Brusk maneuvers. 3/1944 #1580 ASBOURG, FR US planes paced / 8-10 fast red Foo-Fighters. / LDLN#330p13. 11/23/1944 #1702 ER PASS, AUSTR-ITL Small extremely fast white night light attaches / wing / 3/1945 #1796 aucers chase B29s / bombing raids. Fast and maneuverable. 5/23/1945 #1868 HOUDAIN, FR Fast silent metallic cylinder/cigar-shap 7/20/1945 #1901 At 10:50 a.m. a fast moving, silent cigar-shaped object 7/20/1945 #1904 NORRKOPING, SWEDEN J. B. strand. Fast silent grey 50cm ball flies going q 7/8/1946 #2031 RKU, FINLAND Numerous observer(s). Fast bright-red 'rocket' casts shadows. 7/9/1946 #2033 At 3:35 p.m. a fast, bright red, cigar-shaped 'rocket' 7/9/1946 #2043 KOPINGSVIK, OLAND, SWD Fast bright green sphere/orb/globe going 7/11/1946 #2049 AKE MJOSA, NORW 2+2 observer(s). 2 fast low 8' cylinders dive / lake. Short 7/18/1946 #2060 Two fast, low-flying eight-foot long cylinde 7/18/1946 #2064 NORWAY Military observer(s). Very fast silent cylinder/cigar-shape / 900M 7/22/1946 #2076 ers / sun. Going quickly southwest fast. / Goteborg News. / Flying Saucer R 8/5/1946 #2104 fins on the tail. It is traveling fast at an altitude of 75 feet. Rinaldi 9/11/1946 #2177 at arms length, traveling high and fast. 9/11/1946 #2178 the back, and it is traveling too fast for any plane at the time. Fall 1946 #2189 hovers over car. Trees bend. Very fast quickly going up. / LDLN#249. 4/1947 #2253 er/cylindrical object going north. Fast 90° turn and instant acceleration g 6/1947 #2305 OVER LEWES, DE Pilot. Fast "mayo jar" crosses nose / light pla 6/2/1947 #2307 s drift. Going up and down [to] 2X fast. CC away going quickly southeast. C 6/12/1947 #2322 ly west / ~20M altitude. Extremely fast. No further details. / r171p64. 6/16/1947 (approximate) #2332 GREENFIELD, MASS Fast irregular round silver-white metall 6/22/1947 #2360 silver objects going quickly east. Fast and distant. 6/24/1947 #2383 vapor trails. Bright and high and fast. 6/24/1947 #2388 ng quickly west very high and very fast. "Engine noise" and contrails. 6/25/1947 #2404 2 ovoids buzz car / sequence. Spin fast. 90-turn going quickly south and go 6/25/1947 #2405 . Big silver ball passes north rim fast. / r22p19. 6/26/1947 #2413 ht and level trajectory. Extremely fast. No maneuvers. 6/26/1947 #2415 WATERLOO, IA Fast flat 3M saucer going quickly [to] 8 6/28/1947 #2435 outh going quickly north. High and fast. Glows. 6/28/1947 #2436 t blue saucers going quickly south fast over farm. / r2p70. 6/28/1947 #2440 daughter age 8. Round object very fast and high. Bright and dim going quic 6/28/1947 #2442 Four US Air Force officers saw a fast moving, bright, zigzagging light in 6/28/1947 #2451 ella tops' going quickly northwest fast. Humming like musical top! 6/29/1947 #2454 LAC DESCHENES, ON 3 observer(s). Fast silent extremely bright-white stove 6/29/1947 #2456 observer(s). Silver disk high and fast going quickly south. 'Size of piepl 6/29/1947 #2461 ROGERS, ARK J. P. Crumpler. Fast bright metallic disk northwest goin 6/30/1947 #2471 h records' going quickly southwest fast / ~100m altitude. 6/30/1947 (approximate) #2472 ckly northwest. Very high and very fast. No planes. / r187#120. 6/30/1947 #2475 ject going quickly northeast. High fast and silent. Brief sighting. 6/30/1947 #2478 TORIA, OR Jack Hayes / hospital. 2 fast disks going quickly southwest. No f 6/30/1947 #2480 west / cloud level / 14 second(s). Fast. No further details. 7/1/1947 #2505 ver object going quickly southeast fast. Wavers and sparkles. Not a globe. 7/1/1947 #2507 I Farmer and separate observer(s). Fast high fireball going quickly south s 7/1/1947 #2508 lent cone disk with grill high and fast. Descends going quickly south over 7/1/1947 #2512 th going quickly south / extremely fast. 1st seen / Wilmington NC / 2130hrs 7/1/1947 #2513 otice a star-like object traveling fast toward the ship. It shines a strong 7/1/1947? #2522 lew north to south at an extremely fast speed over Charleston, South Caroli 7/1/1947 #2532 ilver ball going quickly southeast fast. Whizzing sound. No further details 7/2/1947 #2539 or sphere going quickly northwest fast. Seen 3-4 minute(s). No further det 7/2/1947 #2541 ' altitude going quickly southwest fast straight and level. 3 objects back 7/2/1947 #2542 metallic disks play tag and circle fast. Plane-size. High-altitude. Going q 7/2/1947 #2545 NG, CA 2 observer(s). Large bright fast silent triangle going quickly north 7/3/1947 #2552 3 shiny silver saucers going [to] fast in formation. / Gainesville Times. 7/3/1947 #2555 KEOKUK, IA 3 flight instructors. 3 fast bright silver disks straight going 7/3/1947 #2559 quickly northwest. Loud roar. Very fast. 7/3/1947 #2562 e-shape" north going quickly south fast. Straight and level and makes dips. 7/3/1947 #2564 inous disk-orbs going quickly east fast. Revolve rapidly. 7/3/1947 #2570 wing disk going quickly east quite fast. Straight and level course. No furt 7/3/1947 #2571 e River. The objects came in “very fast, slow down jerkily, then flutter to 7/3/1947 #2584 MT. JEFFERSON, OR Several / car. 4 fast silent saucers pass summit. / r187# 7/4/1947 #2599 ly southwest / 3000M altitude. Too fast to catch. 7/4/1947 #2601 up and down [to] over school. Very fast. Keep moving. 7/4/1947 (approximate) #2602 ll over Oregon and Wash. Extremely fast maneuvers. Going south. 7/4/1947 #2608 -6 shiny disks going quickly south fast. Oscillating. / r55p101. 7/4/1947 #2609 going quickly northeast. Extremely fast / very high altitude. Straight and 7/4/1947 #2611 cobs. Disk going quickly southeast fast toward(s) Gulf. 'Bigger than a sauc 7/4/1947 #2617 ND Navy veteran and 2 / farm. 25cm fast green disk passes close / 35' altit 7/4/1947 #2622 reddish saucers going quickly west fast. Straight and level trajectory. 7/4/1947 #2632 ight luminous silent disk high and fast going quickly east. Straight and le 7/4/1947 #2642 bright blue disks going north very fast. Domed saucer west antenna / 5 July 7/4/1947 #2643 Edgerton, Wisconsin. The UFO flew fast across the sky but was back again f 7/4/1947 #2678 YWOOD, CA 2 observer(s). 6+disks / fast erratic trajectories. 10K' altitude 7/5/1947 #2684 ight and level going quickly south fast. Another does same / 1100h / same o 7/5/1947 #2686 Newsman and 1. 12 grey disks very fast going quickly northeast / single fi 7/5/1947 #2692 / succession. Going quickly north fast. Seen briefly. No further details. 7/5/1947 #2693 MT 2 separate observer(s). 3 or 6 fast silver objects flutter going quickl 7/5/1947 #2695 quickly east over Navy yards. High fast and steady. 7/5/1947 #2704 ate' going quickly north. High and fast. 7/5/1947 #2705 e round very shiny object high and fast going quickly east overhead / 15 se 7/5/1947 #2707 east going quickly west. High and fast. Straight and level trajectory. 7/5/1947 #2709 disks going quickly north high and fast in rainstorm. / Bloecher notes. 7/5/1947 #2710 der clouds going quickly northeast fast. 7/5/1947 #2713 s to 1800M and going quickly south fast. / r187#382. 7/6/1947 #2739 ing. 7 saucers going quickly north fast overhead in formation. No further d 7/6/1947 #2744 several min. Shoots away extremely fast. 7/6/1947 #2748 pie-tin disks flip over and over. Fast and high going quickly southeast. / 7/6/1947 #2756 going quickly northeast extremely fast. 4 observer(s). 10 saucers going qu 7/6/1947 #2758 disk going quickly southeast. Big fast steady and brief. No further detail 7/6/1947 #2762 /box-like craft-formation high and fast going quickly north. Enter cloud.. 7/6/1947 #2763 c saucer north going quickly south fast. / letter to Albuquerque Journal 9 7/6/1947 #2770 1 round object going west "awfully fast". No further details. 7/6/1947 #2773 northeast straight and level. Very fast. 7/6/1947 #2775 LONDONDERRY, NH H. Healy. 2 big fast disks northeast going quickly south 7/6/1947 #2776 lored disk going quickly northwest fast. Straight and level. "Plane speed o 7/6/1947 #2779 e. 1 aluminum sphere very high and fast. "Went straight east going quickly 7/6/1947 #2782 disks going quickly east. High and fast. / r171p80. 7/6/1947 #2785 ROCHESTER, NY K. Ohley and wife. Fast silent disk going east right over y 7/6/1947 #2786 3+observer(s). Luminous disk very fast / 3K' altitude north going quickly 7/6/1947 #2788 disk "W / Maltese cross" high and fast straight and level going quickly no 7/6/1947 #2793 observer(s). Shiny disk extremely fast going quickly west. "Lobster like w 7/6/1947 #2798 hree times and then flew away very fast to the southeast. 7/6/1947 #2806 in a delta formation flew high and fast toward the north across Lake Poncha 7/6/1947 #2822 cross the sky to the west "awfully fast" over Anadarko, Oklahoma at 6:30 p. 7/6/1947 #2826 It then shot to the northeast very fast. 7/6/1947 #2828 coals. Straight and level high and fast north going quickly south. Briefly 7/7/1947 #2845 plate going quickly west high and fast. / L. Constitution 8 Jul. '47. 7/7/1947 #2860 d 1. 4 silver disks / single file. Fast / 5000' altitude. 7/7/1947 #2868 ilitary pilots and ground persons. Fast disk spins / 1200m altitude. Also S 7/7/1947 #2890 lver disks / V formation. High and fast going quickly north. Quite flat whe 7/7/1947 #2893 250' altitude. Going quickly south fast. 7/7/1947 #2896 COLUMBUS, OH 5 students. 3 very fast silent 10' metallic ovoids / delta/ 7/7/1947 #2900 ltitude. Going quickly north. Gone fast. / r131#4p10. 7/7/1947 #2904 triangle/box-like craft-formation. Fast going quickly northwest. Back 9 Jul 7/7/1947 #2910 bright and dim. Straight and level fast. Streaks away going quickly north. 7/7/1947 #2913 2 saucers / V-formation. Extremely fast. 2 saucers with vapor trails over M 7/7/1947 #2916 lar object going quickly southeast fast. Straight and level trajectory. Bri 7/8/1947 #2961 . 2 silver saucers going northeast fast and silent / high altitude. Single 7/8/1947 #2962 nk saucer with dark spot / center. Fast / 5-10K' altitude. 7/8/1947 #2976 iggly 'amoebas' going quickly west fast. Fade into distance. 7/8/1947 #2992 Green luminous disk very high and fast. Straight and level going quickly s 7/8/1947 #2995 heast going quickly northwest very fast. Straight and level. 7/8/1947 #3001 tion. 3 shiny and 1 dull. Slow and fast. 10K' altitude. Going east. 7/9/1947 #3040 on Reber. Round shiny 3' disk. Not fast. 1 mile altitude? Straight and leve 7/10/1947 #3083 Break formation and cross sky very fast. / Buhl Herald. 7/10/1947 #3087 ID Lester Sherill. 8' silver disk fast / 6000' altitude. Makes steep bank 7/10/1947 #3088 , CAN Disc-shaped object flew very fast, leaving a dark blue trail (NICAP: 7/10/1947 #3100 - or wheel-shaped object flew very fast, leaving a dark blue trail and then 7/10/1947 #3101 ed briefly while the UFO flew very fast, leaving a dark blue trail. It then 7/10/1947 #3118 CODROY, NFLD 2 observer(s) fast "dinner-plate" flies straight and l 7/11/1947 #3124 kly east toward(s) river. High and fast. / De West. 7/11/1947 #3126 3 disks wobble going quickly north fast. Low altitude. Humming. Silver trai 7/11/1947 #3134 d shiny disks maneuver / 2 groups. Fast. High altitude. Direction unknown. 7/11/1947 #3135 r. 9 silver ovoids going southeast fast. Bob and weave. No smoke or noise. 7/12/1947 (approximate) #3144 . Huge fireball-saucer going north fast. Bottom rotates. / r171p104. 7/12/1947 #3153 ounces and circles. Dips and soars fast. Kugelblitz? 7/12/1947 #3155 l and shoot up and down. Extremely fast. 7/12/1947 #3156 d then a disc shot through the sky fast at an altitude of 1500 meters. At 7 7/14/1947 #3180 saucer wobbles going SSE on edge. Fast. No sparks no trail. 7/15/1947 #3183 Flying saucepan with handle. Very fast. 'Resembles S. sea island'(??) 7/16/1947 #3189 isks going quickly south extremely fast. 7/17/1947 #3193 up / cloud when plane passes. Very fast. 7/17/1947 #3194 d round object spins slowly. Spins fast and object going quickly northeast 7/18/1947? #3195 rm. "Saucer" drops / 20M altitude. Fast spin. Blue light. Finally going sou 7/20/1947 #3203 dishpan-saucer going quickly east fast / 30M altitude. Lady report(s) dish 7/24/1947 #3222 ickly northwest and away extremely fast. 7/28/1947 #3237 ilver objects going [to] extremely fast. Seen / 2 minutes. Very high altitu 7/29/1947 #3247 . Going quickly southeast overhead fast. 7/30/1947 #3257 shape going quickly northwest. Too fast for a blimp. / UFOIC Sydney NSW. 8/1947 #3271 server(s). Round black object "too fast for a balloon. / FBI files. 8/3/1947 #3284 Army officers. 3m sphere extremely fast. No contrail. Report to FBI. 8/4/1947 (approximate) #3286 and Decker. 2 bright objects. Very fast. Seen 8 second(s). No further detai 8/13/1947 #3312 disk going quickly east extremely fast. Definite clockwise spin. No trail. 8/13/1947? #3314 er 100M over house. Dart away very fast. / Daily Times. 8/13/1947 #3316 st and maneuver going quickly west fast over bay. No further details. 8/21/1947 #3356 parent saucer. Buzzsaw sound. Very fast and near. 8/24/1947 #3363 ct that made a buzzsaw sound. Very fast and near witnesses. 8/24/1947 #3365 d many. Silver object circles city fast. No description. / FBI interviews. 9/11/1947 #3393 ish-cigars going quickly east very fast. / r46p89+newspapers. No further de 10/20/1947 #3461 45 degree angle. Blue center. Very fast. 1/11/1948 #3554 theodolite. 2 silent 35M saucers / fast TURNs. 1 quickly going up. Going qu 4/5/1948 #3609 eared rapidly; the other flew in a fast arc to the west during the 3O^secon 4/5/1948 #3611 fternoon. They circled the city as fast as a freight train. They had appara 4/7/1948 #3614 s, apparently moving very high and fast, traveling in straight lines with s 5/7/1948 #3643 t. Black saucer dives. Climbs away fast. / MJ#205 p12. 7/1948 #3687 rows / windows. Seen 4 times. Very fast. / r120p476. 7/20/1948 #3717 oon. It moved through the sky very fast. 7/20/1948 #3720 es. Stops. Going quickly southeast fast. / police inv. 8/1948 (approximate) #3765 east. No wings. Very high and very fast. / Blue Book file. 8/3/1948 #3770 Russia. It moved silently and very fast towards the northeast. 8/3/1948 #3772 ers" going quickly south extremely fast. Turn back going quickly north. / J 8/15/1948 (approximate) #3780 lver disc-shaped objects that flew fast from east to west, then flipped in 8/15/1948 #3783 translucent amoeba / waving arms. Fast. 9/23/1948 #3807 lated. Both objects travelled very fast. 9/23/1948 #3810 ulated. Both objects traveled very fast. 9/23/1948 #3813 0M diameter? Shoots away extremely fast. 10/1948 #3819 ucer hovers. Away slowly then very fast. 10/15/1948 (approximate) #3836 on visual object, but it dove away fast. 10/15/1948 #3840 City, CA Blimplike object much too fast and maneuverable for a blimp (NICAP 10/17/1948 #3845 seen / 30 minutes. Away extremely fast. Military report CC going [to] CIA. 10/28/1948 #3853 / 10 minute(s) dogfight! Extremely fast exit going quickly east. / MJ#247. 11/18/1948 #3881 h. Quickly going up [to] extremely fast. / r242p123+/ LDLN#330. 11/23/1948 #3885 , silvery, round object” going too fast for an airplane. 1949? #3944 / 1500' altitude. Crosses sky very fast. 1/6/1949 #3964 h we now have atomic bombs and are fast developing rockets. In view of the 2/1949 #3990 aerial objects that show extremely fast or slow speeds, vertical or near ve 2/18/1949 #4018 CK, AR 50' glowing-saucer. Silent. Fast stops and maneuvers. Going up [to] 2/25/1949 #4024 d, flew, rocked; all this was very fast. 4/3/1949 #4068 l of these maneuvers happened very fast. 4/3/1949 #4070 d dark green object traveling very fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, NC 4/6/1949 #4077 lver orbs going [to] overhead very fast. Seen / one hour and more. / r209#2 4/25/1949 #4106 0 minutes while it rolled and flew fast. 4/28/1949 #4124 21:43 - bright white obj went very fast (up to 1,000 mph) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 5/3/1949 #4139 t into little Tujunga Canyon. Very fast. 6/2/1949 #4222 a at around noon. It traveled very fast. 6/2/1949 #4224 ish yellow w/red tail obj twice as fast as falling star (NICAP: 01 - Distan 8/6/1949 #4309 rom 1 to 7, traveling slow to very fast. Air Force Conclusion: Balls of thi 8/8/1949 #4312 h we now have atomic bombs and are fast developing rockets. In view of the 8/10/1949 #4315 atch. Suddenly, at 3 a.m., “a very fast moving red glow appeared to be of e 1/22/1950 #4499 t direction. The UFO was moving so fast that it was actually leaving a stre 1/22/1950 #4499 th picks up another blip moving so fast that it leaves a trail on his scree 1/22/1950 #4503 e. Quickly going up [to] extremely fast. Odor. 1/29/1950 #4516 together then disappeared high and fast. (Berliner) 5 mins (NICAP: 01 - Dis 2/5/1950 #4529 ther and then disappeared high and fast after 5 minutes. 2/5/1950 #4530 er and flashing, flew slow and hen fast, fluttered and oscillated, and chan 2/25/1950 #4558 then flew straight and level very fast for 4 minutes. 3/3/1950 #4575 -shape. Quickly going up [to] very fast. / r29p73. 3/8/1950 #4590 litary jets. The UFO ascended very fast. 3/8/1950 #4594 . 5 ovoids going quickly southeast fast in formation. White or aluminum col 3/15/1950 #4642 port in Guatemala City that large, fast, and highly maneuverable objects ha 3/15/1950 #4643 nerally going quickly south. Quite fast. 3/16/1950 #4650 , IL Several / private plane. Very fast metallic glowing-ovoid enters cloud 3/18/1950 #4670 Then goes going quickly east very fast. / LA Times. 3/23/1950 #4707 er(s). 1-2 metallic disks high and fast north going quickly south. / Notici 3/25/1950 #4720 . Objects going quickly west. Very fast. Others see saucers going quickly n 3/26/1950 (approximate) #4721 ) then going up / clouds extremely fast. 3/26/1950 #4725 y west. Night lights maneuver very fast / 1920 hours. / r134#4p52. 3/28/1950 #4744 es (something behind) white smoke. Fast and slow circles. Going quickly eas 3/28/1950 #4745 binoculars while it flew high and fast, crossing 30 degree of sky. 3/28/1950 #4748 RVILLE, PA Farm boy. 2 ovoids dive fast. Level off / 600M altitude. Buzz an 3/31/1950 #4775 going [to] clouds. Away extremely fast. 4/1950 #4780 ght light hovers. Sudden extremely fast maneuvers. Quickly going up / lost 4/5/1950 #4798 ue light. Going quickly north very fast. 4/8/1950 #4823 2 min, left toward the north, very fast. 4/8/1950 #4827 base and the top. It took off very fast. The faces and arms of the boys lat 4/8/1950 #4828 base and the top. It took off very fast. The faces and arms of the boys lat 4/8/1950 #4832 saucer glows low over trees. Away fast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) Speci 4/12/1950 #4844 4 amber rectangles rise and fall. Fast changes / speed and direction. 4/14/1950 #4849 Hop about. Rise going up [to] very fast and gone. 4/17/1950 #4857 pped about in the sky, ascend very fast and are gone from sight in about a 4/17/1950 #4861 Saucer going quickly south to sea fast. No further details. 4/20/1950 #4873 verhead. Then shoot away extremely fast. 2400M altitude. 4/24/1950 #4885 10M objects / 150K' altitude. Very fast. No further details. 4/27/1950 #4899 e. Saucer / 17K' rises / 28K' very fast. Shoots going quickly north / huge 4/27/1950 #4901 n before it went out of sight very fast. It had a blue light on its front e 5/29/1950 #4974 2 lights flash. Going quickly east fast. 6/7/1950 #4980 TX 2 / truck / Red River Arsenal. Fast glittering "double-dishpan" zips by 6/27/1950 #5011 -to-face, flew straight and level, fast for 4-5 seconds. 6/27/1950 #5016 6 more follow. Very high and very fast. 7/1950 #5030 nd disks play / small groups. Very fast (AP.) 7/16/1950 #5068 flee. Going quickly [to] extremely fast. 8/1950 #5087 erhead. "Too round to be plane. To fast for balloon". 8/6/1950 #5109 les. Aims beam / bank / clay. Away fast. 8/10/1950 #5116 e small, round, bright object flew fast, straight and level for 15-20 secon 8/20/1950 #5131 Brauer reported that the UFO flew fast, straight and level for 15-20 secon 8/20/1950 #5133 ground observer(s). Round object / fast erratic maneuvers. Then hovers. 9/18/1950 #5181 30 seconds. Shoots away extremely fast. 10/1950 (approximate) #5202 southeast toward(s) Palmdale very fast. 11/27/1950 #5291 ct hovered; then it flew away very fast. 12/6/1950 #5328 avy ship. 2 objects hit water very fast. 30M splash! Type unknown. 12/15/1950 #5350 BOWRAL, NSW, AUSTR Fast silent steel-blue moon-size object 1/6/1951 (approximate) #5384 r several minutes, then moved away fast towards the east at an estimated sp 2/19/1951 #5451 way. Wobbles / 18K' altitude. Very fast going quickly north. 2/26/1951 #5459 te fireball buzzes Air Force Base. Fast and silent. Stops. 90° turn and awa 3/1951 #5466 lane and ground theodolite. 2 very fast cigars. 1 going quickly east. / r10 4/11/1951 #5501 ry observer(s) and more. Extremely fast object going northeast. Maneuvers. 4/12/1951 #5503 g saucer with arc-wings rises very fast / 35 second(s). 5/31/1951 #5524 wings rose into the sky at a very fast speed. It was seen by several milit 5/31/1951 #5525 itude. Going quickly [to] WNW very fast. Reported / Cleveland. / r150. 8/8/1951 #5597 ide like a full moon. It flew very fast, came close to the train, appeared 8/26/1951 #5632 ude and flying at 700 mph—much too fast for birds. 8/30/1951 #5638 y going up [to] and away extremely fast. 9/1951 (approximate) #5644 cks up a target that is moving too fast to be tracked automatically. The ob 9/10/1951 #5660 ne. Glowing cylinder/cigar-shape / fast maneuvers. Slows. Quickly going up. 10/10/1951 #5717 d it. The object arrived high and fast, then slowed and made slow climbing 10/11/1951 #5724 nd it. The object arrived high and fast, then slowed and made slow climbing 10/11/1951 #5726 ground. Grey round object high and fast. Silent. / Bloecher. 10/16/1951 #5728 aucer going quickly east extremely fast. Near collision / private plane. / 10/21/1951 #5737 e like the full moon. It flew very fast, came close to the train, appeared 10/26/1951 #5746 e like the full moon. It flew very fast, came close to the train, and appea 10/26/1951 #5747 ent. 600M altitude. Away extremely fast. / r106p242. 11/29/1951 #5796 hovers. Shoots going quickly north fast as plane nears! 12/15/1951 #5819 GALLUP, NM Several fast saucers cavort and maneuver. Some i 1/1952 #5849 ortholes / rim. Accelerations very fast. Dwg / reference. 2/1952 #5889 rapid pulsations, came in high and fast, made several turns and levelled ou 2/23/1952 #5922 , North Korea. It arrives high and fast, makes several turns, and levels ou 2/23/1952 #5923 rapid pulsations, came in high and fast, and made several turns before leve 2/23/1952 #5924 going quickly northwest extremely fast. Seen / 2 minute(s). 3/4/1952 #5943 ge saucer straight and level. Very fast / 30 second(s). Unidentified. No fu 3/20/1952 #5962 light flew straight and level very fast for 30 seconds. 3/20/1952 #5964 moving slowly at first, then very fast for 30 seconds over farmland in Cen 3/21/1952 #5966 a dark shape with a light flew as fast as 330 knots (380 mph). It hovered, 4/5/1952 #6035 ly defined edges fly "unbelievably fast" between Pear Blossom and Big Pine, 4/8/1952 #6046 McRae. One round amber object flew fast, stopped, reversed direction, climb 4/12/1952 #6062 ted a round amber object that flew fast, stopped, reversed direction, and c 4/12/1952 #6064 AST / MORIARITY, NM 4 airmen. Very fast saucer. Erratic flight path. Tilts 4/13/1952 #6065 an erratic flight path moved very fast through the sky east of Moriarty, N 4/13/1952 #6071 1' high, with vertical slots, flew fast, straight and level, 100 yards from 4/14/1952 #6078 ta Cruz, CA 2 faint objects flying fast along the horizon (NICAP: 01 - Dist 4/15/1952 #6080 Two faint objects observed flying fast along the horizon for 6-8 seconds, 4/15/1952 #6081 a saw a bright white object make a fast approach, reverse direction, then c 4/16/1952 #6094 , MA Round, deep orange object fly fast and erratic (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 4/17/1952 #6099 One round, deep orange object flew fast and erratic, occasionally emitting 4/17/1952 #6103 degrees a second). It traveled so fast it could not be tracked with a theo 4/17/1952 #6109 bullet objects straight and level fast for 25 second(s). No further detail 4/19/1952 #6129 orbs going quickly northeast very fast and high. Change colors. No further 4/21/1952 #6144 cers and cylinders change color(s) fast. 1 stops and backtracks going quick 4/21/1952 #6145 everal fireballs in formation very fast north going quickly south. 4/23/1952 #6160 eed varied from motionless to very fast during 5 minute sighting. 4/24/1952 #6177 neuver. Shoot going up / extremely fast. All silent. 1 going west. 4/27/1952 #6191 movie. 1+2 saucers several times. Fast turns. Going quickly south. 4/27/1952 #6192 ky north going quickly south. Very fast. 4/27/1952 #6193 ue-green saucer curves / extremely fast. White night light follows. 3 more 5/1/1952 #6234 er of a C-47's wingspan (95') flew fast, made a 90^ turn in a formation of 5/1/1952 #6240 aucer going quickly south overhead fast. No further details. 5/11/1952 #6301 ght going quickly south. Extremely fast. 5/15/1952 #6325 rgets / RADAR. Oval red glow. Very fast erratic course. 5/23/1952 #6348 sc-shaped object flew straight and fast for 2 minutes. 5/28/1952 #6374 --were seen three times performing fast maneuvers. 5/28/1952 #6375 orange or light brown, performing fast maneuvers on three different occasi 5/28/1952 #6376 rfoil. 3500M altitude. Rocks. Away fast. / r185p9. 6/1/1952 #6407 ith a "definite airfoil" perform a fast climb (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 6/1/1952 #6411 h a "definite airfoil" performed a fast climb for 7 seconds. 6/1/1952 #6414 h a "definite airfoil" performed a fast climb for 7 seconds. 6/1/1952 #6420 aissance airman Hendry / B26. Very fast porcelain-white object. 6/2/1952 #6423 ny Porcelain-white object fly very fast for an unknown length of time (NICA 6/2/1952 #6425 e porcelain-white object flew very fast for an unknown length of time. 6/2/1952 #6427 celain-white object that flew very fast for an unknown length of time. 6/2/1952 #6430 NM Shiny round object fly 5-6x as fast as an F-86 jet (NICAP: 01 - Distant 6/5/1952 #6443 iny round object flew 5-6 times as fast as an F-86 jet fighter for 6 second 6/5/1952 #6446 00'. Bobs going up and down. Rises fast. Going quickly east. Changes color( 6/7/1952 #6457 ny observer(s) and theodolite. 5-6 fast saucers. 4 F94s chase. 6/17/1952 #6520 er going quickly [to] by extremely fast. Size / B29 / 1 mile. 8k' altitude? 6/20/1952 #6555 bout. Back / 1000 hours. Extremely fast. 6/22/1952 #6584 es. Saucer going [to] over island. Fast. High-altitude. Morning. Reuters co 6/27/1952 #6642 as it turned and climbed away very fast. 10 seconds. 6/28/1952 #6657 lue haze, hovered, then moved very fast to the right and to the left, and u 6/29/1952 #6665 . Silver-grey classic saucer. Very fast. No further details. See reference. 7/1/1952 #6685 stel disks straight and level very fast / 6 second(s). No further details. 7/3/1952 #6699 discs fly straight and level very fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 7/3/1952 #6701 discs flew straight and level very fast for 6 seconds. 7/3/1952 #6703 discs fly straight and level very fast for 6 seconds over Chicago, Illinoi 7/3/1952 #6705 several X. Avoids spotlight. Very fast. 7/10/1952 #6747 e for 10 minutes, it is flying too fast for any known aircraft. 7/10/1952 #6751 iant disk. Going quickly southwest fast. Moderate altitude into cloud. 7/11/1952 #6757 ng [to] low over houses. Extremely fast. 7/11/1952 #6759 lliptical- shaped objects fly very fast, stop, turn 90° and fly away. 7-8 s 7/12/1952 #6772 aped objects were seen to fly very fast, stop, turn 90 degrees and fly away 7/12/1952 #6782 WICHITA, KS 3 teens Puzzled. Very fast object no disk. Resembles dirigible 7/14/1952 #6803 , VA 2 observer(s). 8 saucers spin fast. Glow yellow-orange. 150M altitude. 7/14/1952 #6807 adio dead. 4 disks going [to] over fast. Radio OK after. 7/17/1952 #6848 ver(s). Opaque silver bubble flies fast at right angles to wind direction / 7/18/1952 #6879 going quickly northwest. Extremely fast. 7/18/1952 #6884 s). Yellow-orange object extremely fast going east. 90-turn going quickly s 7/18/1952 #6885 FL Opaque, silvery bubble fly very fast at a right-angle to the wind (NICAP 7/18/1952 #6888 ased in brightness. It moved very fast for l 1/2 minutes, giving off a res 7/18/1952 #6892 e opaque, silvery bubble flew very fast at a right-angle to the wind direct 7/18/1952 #6893 r 10 seconds. The object flew very fast perpendicular to the wind direction 7/18/1952 #6901 At 8:50 p.m. a white sphere flew fast toward the southeast, stopped over 7/18/1952 #6902 ange and green glow. It moved very fast for 90 seconds, giving off a resona 7/18/1952 #6903 linder/cigar-shape / 40' diameter. Fast 90° turn going quickly southwest. ~ 7/19/1952 #6913 bject with a light fringe, descend fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 7/19/1952 #6923 ith a light fringe, travelled down fast, made a 360 degree and then a 180 d 7/19/1952 #6927 Dakota, for 5 minutes. It descends fast and makes a 360° then a 180° turn. 7/19/1952 #6929 n, North Dakota. The object made a fast descent, executed a 360° and then a 7/19/1952 #6938 Going quickly southwest extremely fast as airliner signals. 7/20/1952 #6945 Rise going quickly south extremely fast. 7/20/1952 #6946 roller and more/others. Large very fast objects / sudden turns and reversal 7/22/1952 #6989 vers / 10 second(s). Shoots away / fast climb. 7/22/1952 #6994 Going quickly southwest extremely fast. 7/22/1952 #6998 ss / light east going quickly west fast. Turns vertical. / separate militar 7/22/1952 #7001 y were described as large and very fast moving UFOs. They made several sudd 7/22/1952 #7030 tops. Going quickly west extremely fast. 7/25/1952 #7125 Then rises going quickly west very fast. 7/25/1952 #7130 many. Long thin cloud going north fast. Turns going south. Exits going qui 7/25/1952 #7131 0 orange balls fly in V-formation. Fast / 4 second(s). 7/26/1952 #7142 e. Straight and level flight. Very fast. 7/26/1952 #7155 flattened ovoid going quickly west fast. Stops and vanishes. 7/26/1952 #7158 n triangular or V-formation flying fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 7/26/1952 #7162 riangular or V-formation flew very fast for 3-4 seconds. 7/26/1952 #7172 ht to ten orange balls flying very fast for a 3-4 second duration traveling 7/26/1952 #7179 Then going quickly east extremely fast. 7/27/1952 #7184 e saucers straight and level. Very fast. 30 second(s) / each passage. 7/27/1952 #7187 st / perfect V-formation extremely fast. 3 more play tag 35 minute(s) later 7/27/1952 #7198 jects fly straight and level, very fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 7/27/1952 #7205 ects flew straight and level, very fast. Two at 10:05, one at 10:10, one a 7/27/1952 #7211 idge AFB, Michigan. They flew very fast and made no sound. Each passage of 7/27/1952 #7217 l. Distinct plain ovoids make very fast turn. 7/28/1952 #7229 , made a 90^ turn and climbed away fast after 4-5 minutes. 7/28/1952 #7257 wings nor tail, which made a very fast turn and at one time were in echelo 7/28/1952 #7258 a dime at arms' length, flew very fast, straight and level. 7/28/1952 #7259 a 90-degree turn, and climbed away fast. It was in sight for 4.5 minutes. A 7/28/1952 #7269 s. Turns and quickly going up [to] fast. 7/29/1952 #7276 t-bottom/underside disk. Slow then fast wide sweep. Lost in clouds. 7/29/1952 #7286 ble abduction try. Going west very fast. / LDLN#101p4. 7/29/1952 #7294 object with a flat bottom fly very fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 7/29/1952 #7309 ad while the object flew west very fast. 7/29/1952 #7312 2 minutes, again moved very, very fast. Four minutes. 7/29/1952 #7315 e, hesitated and then circled very fast during the 2 minute sighting. 7/29/1952 #7316 bject with a flat bottom flew very fast, and then hovered 10-15 seconds ove 7/29/1952 #7317 ad while the object flew west very fast. 7/29/1952 #7334 , then moved away again very, very fast. Total duration four minutes. 7/29/1952 #7336 , hesitated, and then circled very fast. They watched it for two minutes. 7/29/1952 #7337 ipal Airport. The object flew very fast, and then hovered 10-15 seconds ove 7/29/1952 #7338 B25. Going quickly west extremely fast. / APRO v1#2. 7/30/1952 #7347 Silent cylinder/cigar-shape. Very fast. Altitude = 1KM. No exhaust. No fur 7/31/1952 #7367 going [to] porch. Going up / very fast. 8/1952 #7377 altitude going quickly north very fast. Saucer / abrupt turns / 0400hrs. 8/1/1952 (approximate) #7389 Luke Air Force Base / 0400h. Very fast silent green trail going up. 8/4/1952 #7439 th tail hovers and maneuvers. Very fast. / Department / Defence report. 8/5/1952 #7457 an Dark shape with a light flew as fast as 330 knots (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviat 8/5/1952 #7465 a dark shape with a light flew as fast as 330 kts. (380 m.p.h.), hovered, 8/5/1952 #7467 , NETH Radioman / roof photographs fast silver saucer. Big surge / wattmete 8/6/1952 #7476 he speed must have been 3 times as fast as a propeller-driven aircraft. No 8/7/1952 #7508 Going quickly north. 10 extremely fast objects / 2130hrs. 8/9/1952 #7520 . One disc-shaped object flew very fast and then hovered for 2 seconds duri 8/9/1952 #7524 disc-shaped object that flew very fast for five minutes, and hovered for t 8/9/1952 #7526 aluminum disk going [to] high and fast. Casts shadow. Planes chase. 8/10/1952 #7529 lts. 2X moon-size. Maneuvers. Very fast. Going quickly south. 8/11/1952 #7543 west going quickly east extremely fast. 3 spheres going quickly east / Bla 8/12/1952 #7548 more join. Going quickly [to] away fast together. 8/12/1952 #7551 /all about / 45 minutes. Extremely fast. No reflected on ground. 8/12/1952 #7553 ects, and then all three flew away fast together. 8/12/1952 #7560 ation going quickly northwest very fast. No further details. 8/13/1952 #7562 inute(s). Going quickly south very fast rising to clouds. 8/13/1952 #7566 ckly going up / sequence extremely fast. 8/14/1952 #7583 visible portholes and an extremely fast rotating outer disk that glowed as 8/16/1952 #7613 ers going quickly north / high and fast. Enter cloud. Return going quickly 8/16/1952 #7615 al (observation). Jets chase. Very fast saucer going quickly east. Rises go 8/19/1952 #7642 ets, flew straight and level, very fast for 25 seconds. 8/19/1952 #7647 ullets flying straight, level, and fast over Red Bluff, California. 8/19/1952 #7649 that flew straight and level, very fast for 25 seconds. 8/19/1952 #7652 west going quickly northeast. Very fast. Wavering path. 8/20/1952 #7657 M / field. Very large window. Away fast when hit / spotlight. 8/24/1952 #7705 e lower surface, flew slowly, then fast With a dancing, wavering motion, fo 8/24/1952 #7711 e lower surface, flew slowly, then fast With a dancing, wavering motion, fo 8/24/1952 #7717 FORCE BASE, TX 3 USAF. Silent very fast sphere/orb/globe. Zigzags south goi 8/26/1952 #7739 dark cone in the center, flew very fast, hovered, made an instantaneous 90 8/26/1952 #7743 n the center. The object flew very fast, stopped and hovered, made an insta 8/26/1952 #7744 ucson, AZ civilians see also. Very fast maneuvers. Going quickly east. 8/27/1952 #7752 nd glows and quickly going up [to] fast. Separate observer(s). / APRO v1#2. 8/28/1952 #7759 ke craft formation. Hover and away fast. / r185+172. 8/29/1952 #7776 al objects hovered, then flew very fast in a triangular formation, in 2-3 m 8/29/1952 #7787 5º W) at 10:50 a.m. They flew very fast in a triangular formation, and were 8/29/1952 #7790 formation, merged, flew away very fast. 9/1/1952 #7812 merged together and flew away very fast. 9/1/1952 #7821 ng down [to] etc. Change color(s). Fast all directions. 9/2/1952 #7825 its vertical axis, descended very fast, stopped, retraced its path upwards 9/6/1952 #7867 on its vertical axis, descend very fast, stop, re-trace its path upwards, a 9/6/1952 #7871 f its circumference, flew twice as fast as a T-33 jet trainer, in a slightl 9/9/1952 #7886 at, Morocco. It is flying twice as fast as a T-33 jet trainer in a slightly 9/9/1952 #7887 ts circumference. It flew twice as fast as a T-33 jet trainer, in a slightl 9/9/1952 #7888 cond(s). Then shoots going up [to] fast. 9/14/1952 #7923 lmsted AFB, PA Blue light fly very fast on a collision course with airliner 9/14/1952 #7931 ng from arcs to inverted-Y's, very fast. 9/14/1952 #7936 e N67977. One blue light flew very fast on a collision course with the airl 9/14/1952 #7937 cs to inverted-Y's, and moved very fast through the sky. 9/14/1952 #7942 light that flew at his plane very fast on a collision course. Note: the su 9/14/1952 #7944 uilding. Winks out. Away extremely fast. 9/25/1952 #8025 color(s). Level then going down / fast. 9/27/1952 #8040 r 5-10 minutes then flew away very fast in an arc. A loud blast was heard 10/1/1952 #8083 (s). 2 flat saucers spin. High and fast reflect sunlight like mirror. 10/14/1952 #8130 going quickly north over N. coast. Fast and silent. No further details. 10/26/1952 #8186 . Type unknown. Going up [to] very fast. / r242p35. 10/29/1952 #8208 iptical, white-grey light fly very fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 11/3/1952 #8234 ptical, white-grey light flew very fast, paused, and then increased speed d 11/3/1952 #8235 . UFO like aircraft but impossibly fast. No further details. 11/12/1952 #8260 rbits T6 3x. Quickly going up [to] fast. No RADAR. 11/15/1952 #8274 nd. Circles city and flares again. Fast climb. 11/23/1952 #8326 VA Round, glowing object fly very fast, make right angle turns (NICAP: 01 11/24/1952 #8330 ne round, glowing object flew very fast, made right angle turns and reverse 11/24/1952 #8331 und, glowing object that flew very fast, made right angle turns, and revers 11/24/1952 #8334 ng disk splits / 2. Reunites. Away fast. / LDLN#131. 11/27/1952 #8346 ves. Small disks hang / arms. Very fast. 11/28/1952 #8350 inous disk east going quickly west fast with bright white and red flashes. 12/4/1952 #8372 Maneuvers. Going up [to] extremely fast. / r185. 12/8/1952 #8393 t lights / diamond-formation. Very fast. No RADAR. / r185. 12/9/1952 #8397 arge white object. Pink portholes. Fast 180° turns. 12/10/1952 #8402 GISBORNE, NI, NZ Fast luminous blue object / erratic mane 12/16/1952 #8425 e “angel hair” residue fell from a fast moving, luminous blue object that m 12/16/1952 #8427 d maneuvers. Quickly going up [to] fast. 12/21/1952 #8436 s going quickly east and away very fast. 12/30/1952 #8464 low over a river and then climbed fast in a horizontal attitude. Ten seco 1/1/1953 #8493 thin 150–300 feet away then climbs fast horizontally at an estimated 3,600 1/1/1953 #8494 HAIFA, ISRAEL 4+several. Very fast cylinder/cigar-shape exits cloud. L 1/4/1953 #8501 ke craft going quickly south. Very fast. Many maneuvers. Rises going [to] 8 1/6/1953 #8503 en widely going quickly southeast. Fast. 10 seconds and gone. / r137#4p4. 1/6/1953 #8506 U, HI 1 military observer(s). Very fast saucer / 3 minute(s). Silent. No co 1/16/1953 #8542 r near remote-control drone tests. Fast. 1/28/1953 #8583 ng quickly northwest up coast. Too fast. / r242. 1/28/1953 #8588 lts. Darts all over/all about very fast. 2/13/1953 #8669 ht lights / collision course. Away fast. / r150. 2/20/1953 #8687 on course, dimmed and climbed away fast. 2/20/1953 #8689 r seen 2X high and low. Rises very fast and going quickly north. 2/21/1953 #8690 and low altitudes. It rose up very fast, and shot off quickly to the north. 2/21/1953 #8691 id radiates gray-green light. Very fast north going quickly south. 2/23/1953 #8695 d spots / rim. Shoots up extremely fast. 2/26/1953 (approximate) #8708 al saucer going quickly ESE / very fast. 3/6/1953 #8735 d RADAR. Night lights over runway. Fast ascent. Boat and plane search. 3/8/1953 #8738 / (seen thru) binoculars. High and fast. 3/21/1953 #8767 NY 6 discs in a group fly high and fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 3/21/1953 #8768 Six discs in a group flew high and fast for a few seconds. 3/21/1953 #8770 rk at 3:05 p.m. They flew high and fast, and were viewed through binoculars 3/21/1953 #8771 s curve north going quickly south. Fast and silent. Also civil observer(s) 3/25/1953 #8783 ots. Can't catch orange ball / too fast. / r185. 3/27/1953 #8788 (900 m.p.h.), and executed three fast rolls. Pilot chased object for 4 m 3/27/1953 #8790 enna installers. Metal saucer very fast north going quickly south. Reverses 3/29/1953 #8792 inum, circular object fly high and fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 3/29/1953 #8793 num, circular object flew high and fast, twice reversing its course. Note: 3/29/1953 #8794 ins over river. Retreats extremely fast. 4/23/1953 #8843 saucer / 90° turns toward(s) ship. Fast. Arcs going east. 4/29/1953 #8849 ABADAN, IRAN Very fast vibrant bright "half moon" seen her 5/18/1953 #8882 over Abadan, Iran. It travels very fast and is visible for 20 minutes. It i 5/18/1953 #8884 e from the angle of the impact how fast the vehicle was going at the time o 5/21/1953 #8899 pard Air Force Base hospital. Very fast. Glows. Going quickly south. 7/9/1953 #8990 xas. It was glowing and moved very fast. It headed off toward the south. 7/9/1953 #8993 OFF SANTA MONICA, CA 2 fast shiny saucers. 90° turn over fishin 7/21/1953 #9009 railway tracks. Going quickly [to] fast. / r2p191. 7/31/1953 #9024 Y, NG Silver dart exits odd cloud. Fast 90° turns? Film going [to] USAF. / 8/23/1953 #9100 Saucer going east. Going down [to] fast. Stops. Going up [to] and circles. 8/31/1953 #9123 trees. Quickly going up [to] very fast. 9/1953 #9128 Two bright silver ovals moved very fast. Case missing from files. 9/3/1953 #9139 s Navy (USN) planes. Going up [to] fast O / O / sight. / r237p158. 9/7/1953 #9150 ture "began going up and down real fast," as UFO passed overhead (NICAP: 03 9/29/1953 #9189 ckly going up [to] up / incredibly fast. Contrail. 10/1953 #9195 ike craft going quickly south very fast. 10/11/1953 #9218 sks exit. All silent and extremely fast. Quickly going up. 10/16/1953 #9232 in trail formation, travelled very fast straight and level, then made a tur 10/16/1953 #9234 y going quickly west. Silent. Very fast. Meteor? 11/4/1953 #9282 es going north. Going up [to] very fast. 11/19/1953 #9308 valley. 1615hrs similar going up / fast in Yorkshire. 12/11/1953 #9358 11 north going quickly south very fast. 1 circles / 2 miles radius. 12/12/1953 #9360 light and ground observer(s). Huge fast white saucer going quickly west. / 12/16/1953 #9369 y ground observers watched a huge, fast moving white disc fly off toward th 12/16/1953 #9375 ward the southeast at an extremely fast speed. 12/17/1953 #9382 2 observer(s). 3 bright orbs very fast going quickly west. Orbit one Anthe 1/5/1954 #9448 ralia three bright orbs moved very fast through the sky to the west at noon 1/5/1954 #9450 hts / row to 8 Jan / 2300hrs. Very fast. 1/7/1954 #9457 DIEPPE, FR Meteor makes fast sharp turn. Skyquake breaks windows 1/7/1954 #9459 ise. Trails / smoke. Slow and very fast. Back 18 Jan. 1/12/1954 #9478 Tilts. Circles. Away / incredibly fast. 2/1954 #9515 Objects quickly going up [to] very fast as jets scramble. 2/22/1954 #9563 Small white disk hovers. Curves up fast as US military plane nears. 3/2/1954 #9591 oad. Ring low and portholes lower. Fast whirr sound. 3/23/1954 #9632 ound. It then took off very, very fast. Sighting lasted 30 minutes. 4/8/1954 #9676 red it, and it took off very, very fast with no sound. The sighting lasted 4/8/1954 #9678 orizon going quickly [to] horizon. Fast and silent. 5/5/1954 #9751 ars to be traveling three times as fast as the Canberra. He watches it for 5/5/1954 #9753 limbs going quickly northeast very fast. 5/13/1954 #9782 s chase huge disk / 50K' altitude. Fast 180° turn. Multiple RADAR-visual (o 5/14/1954 #9793 obbed up and down, and glided away fast to the northeast. 5/19/1954 #9816 . Shakes violently. Away extremely fast. / r136#6. 5/21/1954 #9822 uge disks / row. All going up [to] fast / steep angle. / r171. 5/24/1954 #9826 te, elongated object fly extremely fast then blink out (NICAP: 01 - Distant 5/31/1954 #9850 , elongated object flew very, very fast, and then blinked out after 8-10 se 5/31/1954 #9851 treetops. Sulfur odor. Silent and fast. 6/22/1954 #9925 ,000 feet. The object is extremely fast and makes a gradual turn to begin a 6/23/1954 #9936 Dayton, Ohio airport, tracked very fast target at same location. One silve 6/25/1954 #9946 er. Fireball going up / incredibly fast. 6/26/1954 #9949 ude. Red glow / beneath. Extremely fast. 6/27/1954 #9956 e. No wings. Quickly going up [to] fast. 7/1954 #9974 cent flies / tight circles. Spins. Fast silent exit. 7/2/1954 #9979 (GOC) and more/others. Round green fast object stops and hovers. Going nort 7/23/1954 #10042 r, 12:1 length/width ratio, moving fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 7/25/1954 #10049 nder, 12 times long as wide, moved fast along the surface of the lake. 7/25/1954 #10051 imes longer as it was wide, moving fast across the surface of the lake. 7/25/1954 #10053 oles rises / sea. Away / extremely fast. / r107p237. 7/28/1954 #10056 . 3 silver disks pass / incredibly fast. Instant 45° turn. Separate observe 8/1954 (approximate) #10076 aucer west going quickly northeast fast. Silent. 150m altitude. Vanishes in 8/1954 #10083 object whizzes. Straight and level fast and slow. Drops / sand. 8/24/1954 #10173 ing sound, flew straight and level fast, then slow, then fell into sandbar. 8/24/1954 #10175 sound. It flew straight, level and fast; then slowed down and fell into a s 8/24/1954 #10176 l sees a very bright light closing fast at one o’clock. It crosses in front 8/31/1954 #10218 everal. Circular object going west fast. Sharply seen. / r138#8p1 / Le Soir 9/3/1954 #10234 C) beryllium mine. Going up / very fast. Panic. / r70p3-33. 9/15/1954 #10305 GELLES, FR Fast silent luminous cylinder/cigar-shap 9/17/1954 #10329 in. Hovers / several min and away fast. / r242. 9/18/1954 #10341 the craft, which promptly took off fast. 9/20/1954 #10374 Round object lit / sky. Hovers and fast maneuvers. Darkens / plane passes. 9/22/1954 #10392 ent CIGARs going quickly east very fast. 30 September cylinder/cigar-shape 9/23/1954 #10407 back going quickly west extremely fast. 9/23/1954 #10408 near the church. It took off very fast a few seconds later. 9/23/1954 #10417 next to a church. It took off very fast a few seconds later. 9/23/1954 #10424 angle / 1 minute(s) and more. Away fast. No further details. / r30p85. 9/24/1954 #10428 VICHY, FR Stadium / observer(s). Fast silent cylinder/cigar-shape crosses 9/24/1954 #10429 LENCOUACQ, FR 1 observer. Fast silent luminous object lands / seco 9/24/1954 #10431 or over one minute, then flew away fast. At 3:00 p.m. a fast silent cigar-s 9/24/1954 #10439 hen flew away fast. At 3:00 p.m. a fast silent cigar-shaped object crossed 9/24/1954 #10439 At dusk a fast, silent, luminous object landed for 9/24/1954 #10440 SAFI, MOROCCO Several observer(s). Fast glowing cylinder/cigar-shape leaves 9/29/1954 #10494 and off. The witness drove away as fast as he could. 9/30/1954 #10519 Going up / 300M. Hovers. Away very fast. / r217p90. 10/1/1954 #10539 ct in garden. Spins and rises very fast and gone. No description. 10/1/1954 #10546 cylinder/cylindrical object spins fast. Going up [to] until lost. / r217p9 10/2/1954 #10586 ight. Going quickly west extremely fast. See Dieuze. 10/2/1954 #10594 m of it, the object took off very fast. 10/3/1954 #10658 saw a luminous object arrive very fast in the sky, stop in flight, emit sp 10/3/1954 #10659 asse festival meal when they see a fast, luminous object in the sky suddenl 10/3/1954 #10665 rs of it, the object took off very fast. Less than three hours later, the s 10/3/1954 #10669 saw a luminous object arrive very fast in the sky, stop in flight, emit sp 10/3/1954 #10670 ransparent. Hovers then rises very fast going up [to] space. 10/4/1954 #10678 orth going south over wooded hill. Fast and silent. / r30p133. 10/7/1954 #10777 village street. Lights / rim. Away fast. / r30p140. 10/9/1954 #10839 us 2-3M saucer going quickly south fast toward(s) Vichy. No further details 10/10/1954 #10879 arge red cylinder/cigar-shape very fast over treetops. Cows panic. / Flying 10/11/1954 #10913 illard. Luminous/glowing mushroom. Fast silent maneuvers. / r138#4p48. 10/11/1954 #10921 near the woods. It soon rose very fast, vertically, and flew away. The gro 10/11/1954 #10926 ge red object was seen flying very fast at treetop level while cattle panic 10/11/1954 #10932 s. It soon rose up vertically very fast, and flew away. The ground was foun 10/11/1954 #10942 ge red object was seen flying very fast at treetop level while cattle panic 10/11/1954 #10948 inous, mushroom-shaped saucer made fast, silent maneuvers over La Roche-sur 10/11/1954 #10954 ickly north over Tyrol Village. To fast to photograph. 10/12/1954 (approximate) #10960 / 30 minute(s) then going up [to] fast. / r30p154. 10/12/1954 #10963 ous/glowing disk going west fairly fast. Wave starts / O. Fontes. 10/12/1954 #10964 2 / car follow saucer! Up and away fast. / r30p157. 10/12/1954 #10967 rs / long time. Suddenly away very fast. No further details. / AFP / r197. 10/13/1954 #10990 g him to the ground, and rose very fast. 10/13/1954 #10998 ground, and rose into the sky very fast. 10/13/1954 #11004 lver domed ovoid / road. Goes very fast when neared. / r8+/ LDLN#103. 10/14/1954 #11021 FR 2+several separate observer(s). Fast luminous object maneuvers. Type unk 10/14/1954 #11023 rm. Saucer on field / several min. Fast flaming takeoff. / Gaz.Padana. 10/14/1954 #11039 ether with some farmers, watched a fast luminous disc-shaped UFO maneuver a 10/14/1954 #11068 KINGFISHER, OK 50 fast objects / V-formation. Same back 16 10/15/1954 #11089 seen flying in a V-formation, very fast, on successive nights. Only data i 10/15/1954 #11107 ated bottoms were seen flying very fast in a V-formation on successive nigh 10/15/1954 #11120 UFO / ground quickly going up [to] fast. Green and white lights. Type unkno 10/16/1954 #11132 ises / ground. Going quickly south fast. No further details. 10/16/1954 #11136 R 2+kids. Metallic blimp extremely fast / low altitude. Spotlights light gr 10/17/1954 #11165 manoids (or Greys) exit and return fast. Quickly going up / red trail. / r8 10/18/1954 #11186 ouse" going [to] WNW. Over horizon fast. 10/18/1954 #11200 pe crosses sky going quickly north fast. No further details. / Le Courrier 10/18/1954 #11201 or 15 minutes. They disappear at a fast pace. 10/18/1954 #11213 white saucer / colored lights. Too fast. / Civilian Research, Interplanetar 10/19/1954 #11227 ANKAKEE, IL Several observer(s). 3 fast white disks going northeast. Hover. 10/19/1954 #11236 ts / water. Going up [to] and away fast. 10/22/1954 #11317 o Alegre, Brazil. It began making fast, tight circular turns through the c 10/24/1954 #11373 / 5 minute(s) intervals. High and fast / 20x (seen thru) telescope. 10/26/1954 #11410 disk west going quickly east. High fast and level. No further details. / O. 10/26/1954 #11411 ill saucer flashes. Moves slow and fast. Drops diagonally. Hovers. 10/27/1954 #11426 ansmitter. Going quickly west very fast. 10/27/1954 #11432 Going quickly northeast extremely fast. / APRO files. 11/2/1954 #11532 ts quickly going up [to] extremely fast. No physical trace(s). / LDLN#325. 11/3/1954 (approximate) #11541 o] riverbed. Quickly going up [to] fast. 11/3/1954 #11544 n shot straight up at an extremely fast speed. 11/3/1954 #11549 roached, the machine took off very fast. 11/13/1954 #11638 9000' altitude. Going south / very fast. 11/14/1954 #11643 e cylinder/cigar-shape makes sharp fast turns. Away going quickly north. 11/23/1954 #11694 ys) run / bushes. Saucer takes off fast / sizzle sounds. / r67p95. 12/8/1954 #11778 es going up [to] & going down [to] fast and slow. Going quickly north towar 12/26/1954 #11861 tops near dam. Continues extremely fast. Lost behind hill. 1/3/1955 #11914 " hovers / 20 minute(s). Away very fast. / r139 #1p16. 1/31/1955 #11952 25 for 5 minutes, then made a very fast climb. Total time of sighting was 2/1/1955 #11959 close / 2 minutes. Away incredibly fast. / APRO. 4/1955 #12075 fireball with a red tail traveling fast from east to west on the south side 4/5/1955 #12080 White "magnetic flare" disk. Very fast and erratic and silent. 4/8/1955 #12086 pe buzzes B17+airline(s)/airliner. Fast 180 turns. Going quickly southwest. 5/25/1955 #12157 hrome disk going quickly northwest fast. Reflects sun. No further details. 5/27/1955 #12161 altitude going quickly NNE / very fast. Stops. Circles. Continues. 7/9/1955 #12242 . Orange saucer very high and very fast going quickly northeast. Turns goin 7/9/1955 #12244 heast going quickly southwest very fast. 7/20/1955 #12272 h a red light on it that came down fast, hovered, and emitted two beams of 8/1/1955 #12315 red light on it. The UFO came down fast, hovered, and emitted two beams of 8/1/1955 #12319 g down [to] and going up [to] very fast. 2 land / German cemetery. 3 going 8/5/1955 #12328 an cemetery. 3 going quickly south fast. / r8#369. 8/5/1955 #12328 ted object in the sky, flying very fast. 8/21/1955 #12385 bject in the sky, flying away very fast. 8/21/1955 #12387 formation leave vapor trails. Very fast northwest going quickly south. 8/25/1955 #12404 les and maneuvers. Going east. Too fast / balloon. 9/9/1955 #12439 2'. Dives. Trails boat. Away very fast. / r8#376. 9/17/1955 #12458 around and finally flew away very fast. 9/17/1955 #12459 SALTSBURG, PA 2+observer(s). UFO / fast flashing lights. Flies and hovers. 9/25/1955 #12472 COLUMBUS, OH Military observer(s). Fast silent orange-white night light dar 10/2/1955 #12483 e disks / various formations. Very fast maneuvers. Going quickly north. 10/8/1955 #12492 stic balloons that might travel as fast as 110 mph. 10/10/1955 #12497 d hovers and jumps / 4 times. Very fast. 50K' altitude. Exits going up. 10/12/1955 #12501 d object stops and maneuvers. Very fast. Shoots straight up. 10/20/1955 #12511 l changes color(s). Away extremely fast. / r150p37. 10/28/1955 #12526 ides. Going quickly northeast very fast. 11/7/1955 #12554 Deming, NM Fast Object With Light On Rear Observed 11/14/1955 #12568 k. Quickly going up [to] extremely fast. 11/20/1955 #12575 adow above object. Away incredibly fast. 11/22/1955 #12584 PANAMA CZ Several observer(s). Odd fast 2M ring stops. Hovers 50M from hill 12/10/1955 #12602 y / ground. USAF jets / dogfight / fast orange saucer. / r46p195. 12/11/1955 #12603 Jacksonville (near), FL Fast maneuvering orange-red round object 12/11/1955 #12604 ouds going quickly southwest. Very fast. 12/12/1955 #12607 en shot away to the southwest very fast. Twenty minutes later a 25-foot wid 12/12/1955 #12609 istles going north / low altitude. Fast spin. Flashes. / FSRv2#1. 1/9/1956 #12652 USAF men. White round object moves fast. No contrail. No further details. 1/18/1956 #12666 T, SYRIA Pyramid-object going [to] fast over 2 villages. Also saucer over A 1/21/1956 (approximate) #12675 d several. "Big moon buzzes town". Fast. Over airport. No planes in area. 1/25/1956 #12682 Fins spin under. Glows. Extremely fast. / r8#380. 4/8/1956 #12800 g rays going down. Very high. Very fast northeast going quickly southwest. 4/9/1956 #12805 TE, NM 2 / car. 2 disks going [to] fast. Sudden reversal of direction! Chan 4/24/1956 #12812 / edge. 4 turns and away extremely fast. Also 2 separate observer(s). 5/12/1956 #12846 ur turns, then shot away extremely fast. There were at least two independen 5/12/1956 #12847 going quickly south. Zigzags. Very fast and bright. 5/16/1956 #12851 then zig-zagged away. It was very fast and bright. 5/16/1956 #12853 ts quickly going up [to] extremely fast. / r140#2p24. 6/10/1956 #12891 (s). Silver saucer going up / very fast. Seen / car windshield / 1 minute(s 6/28/1956 #12927 ge sphere 30M overhead. Hums. Very fast. No further details. 7/1/1956? #12943 180 turns. Low-pitch humming. Very fast. 7/2/1956 #12944 e going quickly [to] overhead very fast and very high. / r140 #7p40. 7/10/1956 #12958 il observer(s). Orange saucer very fast going quickly northwest. Ascends st 7/12/1956 #12967 z going quickly northwest. Low and fast. 7/21/1956 #12999 shaped objects whizzed by, low and fast, flying o the northwest. 7/21/1956 #13001 rnucopia going quickly ESE low and fast toward(s) Lodi. Nothing / RADAR. 7/24/1956 #13014 ). Hovers. Hides from planes. Very fast. / r148p20. 7/30/1956 #13028 orps (GOC) and cops and many. Very fast luminous/glowing 4M object / 150M a 7/30/1956 #13030 umbrella top / 30M altitude. Paces fast car. Up and away. 8/1956 #13034 turn going quickly north extremely fast. 8/6/1956 #13054 AZ Blue-white pulsating light fly fast straight and level (NICAP: 11 - Avi 8/8/1956 #13060 ne blue-white pulsating light flew fast, straight and level, for 5-7 minute 8/8/1956 #13062 g quickly [to] east-northeast very fast. 8/14/1956 #13085 OFF SAN FRANCISCO, CA USAF pilot. Fast "balloon" outmaneuvers and outraces 8/21/1956 #13105 icopter plant. Going quickly north fast. 8/23/1956 #13121 ng quickly west / V formation very fast. 8/27/1956 #13136 ect suddenly climbs vertically too fast for radar to track (estimated at 18 8/30/1956 #13156 SOUTHEAST / CHIHUAHUA, MX 4 / car. Fast brilliant silent 4M saucer. Windows 9/7/1956 #13198 A fast moving, brilliant domed disc with w 9/7/1956 #13205 r objects going quickly south very fast over Santa Rosa oilfield. Yellow tr 9/12/1956 #13215 . Tilts / edge and away incredibly fast. 9/15/1956 #13223 circles / sky. Contrail. Flash and fast exit. / r140#4p37. 9/21/1956 #13229 ly quickly going up [to] extremely fast. / r140 #4p37. 9/21/1956 #13230 s. 21M black egg lands! Spirals up fast as observers near. 9/25/1956 #13243 lows red and quickly going up [to] fast. 9/27/1956 #13249 ase saucer. RADAR's defeated? Very fast maneuvers. / r24v5#1+/ r25p242. 10/7/1956 #13265 portholes / rim. Away / extremely fast. 11/1956 #13299 hover over crowds. Away extremely fast. Type unknown. 11/7/1956 #13309 plane, but it wasn't. "It went too fast," Dvorak said, "even for a jet - ma 11/8/1956 #13314 50 miles per hour. The UFO came up fast and the jet pilot made a tight turn 11/8/1956 #13315 rings. Up and down. Away extremely fast with fiery trail. 12/9/1956 #13391 ver(s). 2-3 silver ovoids high and fast. 1 reverses course / r140#5. 12/26/1956 #13412 cal. Going quickly south extremely fast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) JAN'5 1/9/1957 #13451 tentacles. Going quickly [to] very fast. 2/6/1957 #13484 600mph. 180° turns. Away extremely fast. / r141#1. 2/13/1957 #13494 f 5–6 miles and traveling twice as fast. There is no IFF response. The obje 2/13/1957 #13502 es / gardens / low altitude. Sharp fast exit going up / angle. 3/2/1957 #13518 at a low altitude. It then made a fast exit at a sharp angle up into the s 3/2/1957 #13519 mething like a pole on top, making fast and erratic motions. She calls a mi 3/22/1957 #13553 km! Dark center. 90° turn and away fast. 4/1957 (approximate) #13571 HASSET, MA 5 jets chase gold disk. Fast sharp turns and away. Jets circle / 4/11/1957 #13594 sset, Massachusetts. The disc made fast, sharp turns, and shot away from th 4/11/1957 #13595 ar. Many luminous/glowing objects. Fast stops and 90° turns. Blue glow. 5/1957 #13627 glowing 5M ovoid zigzags extremely fast going quickly east. 5/22/1957 #13672 inous saucer buzzes DC3. Extremely fast. Ground observer(s) also. / MJ#290. 6/9/1957 #13714 ect "big as a hen's egg" flew very fast, zigzagged, hovered and revolved, t 6/12/1957 #13720 big as a hen's egg" that flew very fast, zigzagged, hovered and revolved, t 6/12/1957 #13721 de. 1500mph. Quickly going up [to] fast. / r141#3p26. 6/13/1957 #13722 nt silver saucer over bridge. Gone fast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#5p 6/14/1957 #13725 mine / strong wind. Away extremely fast. 6/14/1957 #13726 going quickly northwest extremely fast. V-turns. Blows smoke? / RCAF repor 7/7/1957 #13780 nes. Quickly going up / angle very fast. 7/24/1957 #13820 Aircraft guns/teams fire / group / fast saucers. 2 F86's chase and fire. / 7/24/1957 #13821 New Mexico, when they see a large, fast object at high altitude moving east 7/24/1957 #13827 r. Brilliant disk spins across sky fast. Slight tilt. Meteor? 7/25/1957 #13830 . a brilliant disc spun as it flew fast across the sky at a slight tilt in 7/25/1957 #13839 bject going quickly northwest. Too fast. / r141#3. 7/29/1957 #13850 y-white 2M egg overhead. Slow then fast. Flashes and away. 8/5/1957 #13879 NORFOLK, VA Fast night light stops near 2 ships. Cle 8/30/1957 #13949 sees a brilliant object that “flew fast and then abruptly halted 20 miles i 8/30/1957 #13952 itude 30M away. Going quickly [to] fast. / r141. 8/31/1957 #13957 der/cigar-shape going quickly [to] fast. Descriptions match. Meteor? / MJ#2 9/17/1957 #14004 ovoid going quickly northeast very fast / 1500M altitude. 9/18/1957 #14006 0' ovoid glitters / sunlight. Goes fast. No further details. 9/18/1957 #14007 d hovers / airport. Away extremely fast. / r46p124. 9/19/1957 #14008 SOUTHWEST / BOSTON, MA PAA pilot. Fast silver night light / high altitude. 10/8/1957 #14070 er cylinder/cigar-shape incredibly fast. Red flame / rear. 90° turn! Police 10/10/1957 (approximate) #14088 nd quickly going up [to] extremely fast. 10/22/1957 #14142 ended vertically into the sky very fast. 10/22/1957 #14146 ing ovoid going quickly southwest. Fast 3km ascent then going quickly south 10/23/1957 #14148 ned sphere. V-antenna / top. Moves fast. Light blinks / side. 10/27/1957 #14158 EME). 30M saucer wobbles slow then fast. 1500M altitude. Pulses. 10/29/1957 #14160 OKA, QB Brill 120cm disk spins fast. Up and down / 3M altitude. Follows 10/30/1957 (approximate) #14163 ailroad/railway tracks flies. Very fast and silent. / r8#416. 10/30/1957 #14165 No living human could believe how fast it traveled. The thing was as brigh 11/2/1957 #14194 low object going quickly southeast fast. No further details. / r2p189. 11/2/1957 #14200 hub-cap saucer going quickly west fast. Through clouds to horizon. 11/3/1957 #14232 SPOONER, WI 5 good observer(s). Fast ovoid flattens to cylinder/cigar-sh 11/4/1957 #14263 phere = no satellite. Orange. Very fast. Flies going quickly northeast. No 11/4/1957 #14267 DS Luminous ovoid flies over city. Fast. Reflects various colors. 11/5/1957 #14292 2 observer(s). Silver moon passes fast. Flipped over = ovoid. / r141#16p8. 11/5/1957 #14294 CA Trucker. Meteor going down [to] fast. Slows. Hovers and pulsates in plac 11/5/1957 #14296 chicken farm. Lights ground. Away fast. 11/5/1957 #14311 e. Hovers. Going quickly [to] away fast. / r141#7p48. 11/6/1957 #14382 ). Saucer going quickly north very fast. / r79p13. 11/7/1957 #14445 ng down. 4 red lights / rim. Spins fast and silent. Going quickly southwest 11/7/1957 #14451 (s). Going quickly south extremely fast.. vanishes in sight. 11/9/1957 #14496 th turns going quickly southwest / fast. / r141#18p11+/ r79p10. 11/9/1957 #14499 KS Numerous observer(s) and cops. Fast fireball maneuvers / all directions 11/18/1957 #14574 s / all directions. Away extremely fast. / Traveller. 11/18/1957 #14574 , luminous, transparent object fly fast across the road. As it was above 25 11/22/1957 #14595 , luminous, transparent object fly fast across the road. It was over 250 me 11/22/1957 #14596 ssibly / all directions. Extremely fast acrobatic. 11/25/1957 #14610 O, DOURO, PORTUGAL Circular object fast over city. No further details. / Di 11/26/1957 #14617 FUNCHAL, MADEIRA ISLANDS, PORTUGAL Fast bright sphere north going quickly s 11/26/1957 #14620 going quickly east. Very high and fast. 11/29/1957 #14636 der/cigar-shape going quickly west fast. Seen / 30 minute(s) in Lewtown 02 12/3/1957 #14662 CA Numerous observer(s) / US101. 2 fast saucers maneuver and circle. 1 goin 12/7/1957 #14681 disk low over road. Away extremely fast / truck turns lights on. 12/10/1957 #14703 headlights it shot away extremely fast. At 8:45 p.m. three crewmembers of 12/10/1957 #14705 ed white round object hovers. Away fast. 12/12/1957 #14715 t and cops and many. Saucer spins. Fast arc / low altitude. / LDLN#334p35+/ 12/12/1957 #14716 COLUMBIA CITY, IN 2 / car stop. 5 fast saucers stop also. Continue going q 12/14/1957 #14728 e Book. Small round vibrant bright fast object maneuvers going up and down 12/28/1957 #14764 al cloud goes going east. High and fast. Straight trajectory. Dusk. 1/3/1958 #14797 alia on this evening. It travelled fast to the east, and then swung to the 1/24/1958 #14841 silver ovoids going quickly south fast. 1 returns going quickly north / 21 3/19/1958 #14939 , SOUTH AUS 4 observer(s). Disks / fast maneuvers. Shimmer and change color 3/25/1958 #14947 Two disc-shaped objects made fast maneuvers over the Woomera Missile 3/25/1958 #14949 w / windows. Quickly going up [to] fast. / r78p181+/ r242p147. 4/4/1958 #14962 nds / field. Quickly going up [to] fast. Jerky trajectory. 4/16/1958 #14992 heat. Going south / sea extremely fast. / MJ#241. 5/5/1958 #15014 / portholes! Quickly going up [to] fast. 6/1958 #15067 ing quickly northwest / incredibly fast. Jet noise. ~12km altitude. (UPI) / 7/26/1958 #15154 rs. Dims. Shoots away / incredibly fast. / Disk Digest. 7/30/1958 #15159 ps / lake / 5 minute(s). Extremely fast. 7/30/1958 (approximate) #15160 /cigar-shape crosses sky extremely fast. Shoots back again. All repeated 3X 8/26/1958 #15225 te sphere/orb/globe grows / nears. Fast. Slow. Stops. Gone. 9/1/1958 #15240 TLANTIC OCEAN. Brazil Navy sentry. Fast round red-glowing object stops / 4 10/3/1958 #15307 luminous disk buzzes lonely house. Fast reversal and away. 10/25/1958 (approximate) #15374 t. Quickly going up [to] extremely fast. / r142#5p88. 10/28/1958 #15394 RGINIA BEACH, VA Many observer(s). Fast silver cylinder/cigar-shape stops a 11/3/1958 #15419 s / large groups. Jets chase / too fast. 11/6/1958 #15430 ATHENS, TN ~20 observer(s). Fast bowl-saucer going quickly southwest 11/27/1958 #15459 owl-saucer going quickly southwest fast. Lights / rim pulsate. / police rep 11/27/1958 #15459 owing-ovoid buzzes cops. Extremely fast. Quickly going up [to] vertical. / 12/20/1958 #15483 O splits / 4. 2 going up [to] very fast. 1 going quickly southeast. 1 stays 1/1/1959 #15524 e/orb/globe hovers and maneuvers / fast circles. Going quickly southwest. 1/2/1959 #15528 Going quickly [to] away extremely fast. Absolute(ly) silent. 1/24/1959 #15563 ee turns, then shot away extremely fast. It was absolutely silent. 1/24/1959 #15564 ly quickly going up [to] extremely fast. 1/29/1959 #15570 B. Quickly going up [to] extremely fast. / r242p42+/ r143. 2/4/1959 #15577 s green. 30M saucer overhead. Away fast. / r143 v1p43. 2/7/1959 #15581 the southern horizon and traveling fast. His radio fades out and produces o 2/25/1959 #15613 -disk over road. Arcs up extremely fast. 3/20/1959 #15658 with lit dome on gravel road. Gone fast. / r8#487+/ r2p190. 4/29/1959 #15716 na The Argentine Navy bottles up a fast, submarine-like object in the Bueno 6/1959 #15753 Safari. Red "saucer" going up [to] fast. Hovers / 30 second(s). Quickly goi 6/6/1959 #15761 rritory watched a red disc descend fast, then stop and hover for 30 seconds 6/6/1959 #15762 globe scouts destroyer Bauru. Very fast 90° turns. Avoids spotlight. 6/27/1959 #15794 ll-shiny top-saucer. Going up [to] fast. Descends over bay. No further deta 7/8/1959 (approximate) #15823 going northwest straight and level fast. / APRO Nov'59+/ r198p24. 7/8/1959 #15824 jects maneuver and turn. Extremely fast. 1 going south. / MJ#255+/ APRO 7'5 7/11/1959 #15832 apartment building. Wobbles. Away fast. 7/16/1959 #15857 g east behind mountains. Extremely fast acceleration. 8/14/1959 #15918 jet. 90° turns and away extremely fast. / r143#3. 8/31/1959 #15944 power station/depot/facility. Away fast. Thin cylinder/cylindrical object n 9/1959 #15947 t and west. Sharp turns. Extremely fast. 9/7/1959 #15957 he east and west, making extremely fast, sharp turns. 9/7/1959 #15961 five larger red lights, flew very fast vertically while making a pulsating 9/13/1959 #15969 t red lights. The object rose very fast vertically from a field three kilom 9/13/1959 #15972 . 60M disk hovers. Going east very fast. 4 jets chase. / MJ#257+/ APRO 1'60 9/24/1959 #15985 ghts / rear. Quickly going up [to] fast. 10/1/1959 #16005 ANG-T33 chases glowing-object. Too fast for photographs. / r242p37. 10/6/1959 #16018 ow night light. Abrupt turns. Very fast. / r143#4p7. 10/6/1959 #16019 several abrupt turns and flew very fast for 2 minutes. 10/6/1959 #16021 al abrupt turns in the sky at very fast speeds for two minutes. A Project B 10/6/1959 #16022 orrest City, Arkansas. It flew too fast to get any photos. 10/6/1959 #16023 ome shaped mass going quickly west fast. Lost over hills. / local (as a loc 10/7/1959 #16025 AA aero RADAR's. Huge ovoid blip / fast maneuvers. Quickly going up [to] to 11/8/1959 #16083 e sky, and then sped up incredibly fast. His sighting lasted from 5-6 minut 11/18/1959 #16094 oing down. Going quickly [to] very fast. Contrail. / FSRv6#2. 12/1/1959 #16108 more join. Going quickly northwest fast. / r242p71. 2/3/1960 #16163 orbs seen 5x since 1957. Slow and fast. Sharp turns. Vanish. 4/25/1960 #16238 45 second(s). Going quickly south fast and silent. / r219p12. / r70p3-69. 4/25/1960 #16239 dge of town. Air Force jet chases. Fast evasive maneuvers. 5/13/1960 #16265 s. Observer(s) feels watched. Away fast. 8/5/1960 (approximate) #16365 yellow cylinder/cigar-shape flies fast. No further details. / O Seculo. 8/15/1960 #16384 east. UFO going quickly west 3X as fast. / r97#50v1#11. 8/25/1960 #16412 ilver object flew straight up very fast for 18 seconds. 8/29/1960 #16424 object that flew straight up very fast. It was in sight for 18 seconds. 8/29/1960 #16425 maneuvers. Starts and stops. Away fast. 9/29/1960 #16466 nd. Quickly going up [to] and away fast. Several square portholes. / r242p1 11/3/1960 #16492 t up like a ball of fire and going fast’ zoom over Portland. Unidentified s 2/5/1961 #16596 emerges. Going quickly northeast / fast. / FSRv9#4p11+/ r70p3-73+/ r8. 6/3/1961 #16713 big ovoid. Going quickly NNW. Very fast. / r242p71. 6/4/1961 #16718 ] slow and going quickly [to] very fast. Police report. 7/7/1961 #16748 en flame / rear and away extremely fast. 8/14/1961 #16793 "windows." The object flew up very fast when the car reached town. 8/25/1961 #16803 ows. The UFO flew up and away very fast when the car reached town. 8/25/1961 #16805 ur smaller objects, traveling very fast, then came out from the first objec 9/30/1961 #16881 silent shiny metallic saucer. Very fast over horizon. 10/3/1961 (approximate) #16892 ansparent dome. Plane chases.. too fast. 11/2/1961 #16945 Strange submersible/USO seen. Very fast and maneuverable. Leaves (something 7/28/1962 #17293 ed object flew slow, hovered, made fast 1/2 loops for l0 minutes. 7/29/1962 #17299 lew slowly, hovered, and then made fast half-loops for ten minutes. 7/29/1962 #17300 d. Quickly going up [to] extremely fast. / r156#14. 8/1/1962 #17311 eapons. J.W. orders her to go on a fast for peace until he sends a “light e 9/1962 #17379 vator” to take her to Jupiter. Her fast lasts from September 23 to November 9/1962 #17379 T. MAXIMIN, FR Luminous ball rises fast. Stops. Going east. Stops. Going we 9/23/1962 #17432 ins to move slowly away, then very fast, and disappears in a northerly dire 10/28/1962 #17513 North Bay, Greenland Fast Moving Target on Gnd Radar (NICAP: 11/10/1962 #17542 de of 40,000 feet and moving "very fast." (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 3/11/1963 #17698 ll-white ovoids going quickly east fast. 2 more going quickly west. 1 turns 3/22/1963 #17713 rver(s) = 1 / 50 on NATO DC8. Huge fast cylinder/cigar-shape. Extreme turbu 5/8/1963 (approximate) #17737 spin east going quickly west very fast in succession. 5/22/1963 #17757 NJ 4 pink wheels spin or roll very fast from E to W in succession (NICAP: 0 5/22/1963 #17758 ur pink wheels spun or rolled very fast from east to west in succession, ea 5/22/1963 #17759 ing from the east to the west very fast in succession. They were witnessed 5/22/1963 #17761 going quickly southwest extremely fast. Slows and darkens. Going [to] vert 8/1/1963 #17858 nd pass over town. Finally go away fast. No further details. 8/5/1963 #17866 vers and maneuvers. Away extremely fast. 8/6/1963 #17870 a.m.; it then shot away extremely fast. 8/6/1963 #17872 seen again in the west flying very fast. It was observed by numerous people 8/8/1963 #17879 ut or going quickly east extremely fast. 9/1963 #17925 rratically. The movements are very fast and the direction changes very defi 9/14/1963 #17938 nd. Tube extends. Scrapes ground / fast maneuvers. Whistles. 9/20/1963 #17949 object and scraped the ground with fast movements. The object made a whistl 9/20/1963 #17953 across SR18. Legs "flutter". Very fast. 10/23/1963 #18001 k 2-3 times per second moving very fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 12/16/1963 #18085 times per second as it moved very fast across the sky for 15 seconds. 12/16/1963 #18086 level, hovered, and flew off very fast as they were driving about 2 km wes 4/3/1964 #18156 hovered, tilted, and flew off very fast as they were driving about two kilo 4/3/1964 #18159 MANCOS AND SUMMIT RIDGE, CO 2 fast cylinders with fins / 60M altitude. 5/2/1964 #18238 parent size of the Moon, flew very fast in tight formation from east to wes 5/9/1964 #18254 red and then moved in circles very fast, all the while making a low, rumbli 6/13/1964 #18352 h the sky, hover, and then move in fast circles. They made a low, rumbling 6/13/1964 #18353 nd glows. Going quickly north very fast shooting green sparks. 7/1964? #18388 BINGHAMTON, NY 3 firemen and many. Fast bright object going quickly northwe 7/24/1964 #18434 northwest. Grows and going up [to] fast. 90 degree turn. Going quickly nort 7/27/1964 #18443 s, in a stack formation, flew very fast, changing positions within the form 8/15/1964 #18490 ULYSSES, KS 1 / car buzzed / fast 3' domed saucer. Whoosh sound only. 9/11/1964 #18548 reports a stranger closing in very fast. The pilot describes the object as 11/19/1964 #18629 raft. Going quickly [to] extremely fast. / r47+/ MJ#261. 1/3/1965 #18692 turn going quickly southwest very fast. Whines. 1/14/1965 #18724 and shot off to the southwest very fast. 1/14/1965 #18731 utomobile, very bright, and moving fast across the James River in the direc 1/30/1965 #18786 Back 15 Jun. '71 / 2315hrs flying fast. 2/15/1965 #18815 ee yellowish-orange spheres rising fast into the sky from a nearby field. T 3/4/1965 #18842 ers north going quickly south very fast. No further details. / r78. 3/20/1965 #18867 iscs flew from north to south very fast over the El Toreno oil field in Bar 3/20/1965 #18870 LER AIR FORCE BASE, MS Weatherman. Fast black 40' saucer. Lights / bottom. 4/4/1965 #18890 ST. PETERSBURG, FL Fast yellow-gold domed disk going quickl 4/10/1965 #18903 land AFB, CA Blue-White Object Too Fast For Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 4/27/1965 #18922 heast going quickly southwest very fast. No further details. 5/23/1965 #18951 one meter in diameter, fly by very fast from northeast to southwest at an e 5/23/1965 #18954 Arg / CHL military and scientists. Fast lens saucer. Maneuvers all over/all 7/3/1965 #19059 urn going quickly south. Extremely fast maneuvers. Orbs with beams. / r246p 7/6/1965 #19071 e(s). Going quickly southeast very fast. 7/12/1965 #19093 hot off to the southeast at a very fast speed. 7/12/1965 #19098 cer / sand / tripod. Going up [to] fast. / FSRv16+/ r174p111. 7/19/1965 #19127 nds / lonely beach. Away extremely fast. / LDLN#78+/ APRO Jan'66. 7/19/1965 #19128 d indentations. Going quickly [to] fast. / NICAP. 7/26/1965 #19175 amily / car. 2 saucers going south fast. Each saucer 'shrouded in steam'. 7/27/1965 #19187 aucer / field. Going quickly south fast. Official report. / LDLN#78+Nice Ma 7/29/1965 #19199 OCOTEPEQUE AND EL ZARZAL, HONDURAS Fast disk with colored lights / treetops 7/30/1965 (approximate) #19205 / treetops. Hovers. Away extremely fast. 7/30/1965 (approximate) #19205 ion. Emits blue light. Up and away fast. 8/1/1965 #19237 Dallas, TX 9:30 PM - light fly fast, straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Di 8/4/1965 #19306 J.A. Carter, 19. One light flew fast, straight and level for 12 seconds. 8/4/1965 #19315 ained red and blue light that flew fast, straight and level for 12 seconds. 8/4/1965 #19324 6M altitude. Quickly going up [to] fast as observer(s) nears. 8/10/1965 #19357 s and moves behind some clouds “as fast as a snap of my fingers” emitting r 8/19/1965 #19427 ly north toward(s) Dole. Extremely fast. 9/1965 #19486 / car zapped / saucer. Wound heals fast. 2 Men in Black later. / r41p41. 9/3/1965 #19501 ebook Case #9970. 3 observer(s). 5 fast orange night lights in a row. Make 9/25/1965 #19596 m, MN 5 orange lights in a row fly fast make an abrupt turn (NICAP: 01 - Di 9/25/1965 #19600 . Five orange lights in a row flew fast and made an abrupt turn during the 9/25/1965 #19602 ly [to] overhead low and extremely fast. 11/18/1965 #19728 t. Sudden turn going quickly west. Fast. 11/20/1965 #19729 ERIA Fr. Air Force transport crew. Fast dark dome. 2 passes / same altitude 12/22/1965 #19785 m, and flew to the southwest on a fast, oblique course. Flattened reeds we 1/19/1966 #19857 t about an angle of 45°, extremely fast, to the southwest. The duration of 1/19/1966 #19858 h several balls constantly in very fast motion around it, and much light. 2/2/1966 #19875 ght constantly circling it in very fast motion around it in a dazzling ligh 2/2/1966 #19876 s / windows! Hides from observers. Fast maneuvers. 2/13/1966 #19900 ers / golf course. Hums. Extremely fast. 3/5/1966 #19939 ming sound. It shot away extremely fast. 3/5/1966 #19942 BRAZIL 50 / military motor plant. Fast silent 6M ovoid going down / 300M a 3/12/1966 #19952 d maneuver. Sharp turns. Extremely fast. Air Force Base RADAR's. / r47p184. 3/14/1966 #19960 cer east going quickly west / very fast. Turns and rises. Leaves (something 4/7/1966 #20260 (SE), MI 2 fast disks maneuver / several counties. 4/14/1966 #20294 tical. 2 solid beams retract! Away fast. / r30p261. 4/22/1966 #20361 the object. Finally, it shot away fast. 4/22/1966 #20378 e pilot / 10K' altitude. Extremely fast. 4/29/1966 #20425 Argentina, the UFO moved extremely fast. 4/29/1966 #20428 / 30 minute(s). Going quickly [to] fast / plane nears. 5/4/1966 #20442 rmyard for 30 minutes. It took off fast when an airplane came into view. Tw 5/4/1966 #20449 BELGRADE, SERBIA 2 observer(s). Fast brilliant object follows canal? Typ 5/21/1966 #20502 / lights. 2 beams. Away extremely fast. 6/1/1966 (approximate) #20517 se / water. Whoosh sound. Fly away fast. 6/3/1966 #20525 erside and rim. Going quickly east fast. 6/3/1966 #20526 ghts at the rim. It flew away very fast to the east. 6/3/1966 #20527 ghts on the rim. It flew away very fast to the east. 6/3/1966 #20530 t engineer, Julian Sandoval, saw a fast moving 300 foot long tetrahedron sh 6/23/1966 #20600 / 7 minute(s). Wobbles. Slow then fast going quickly northeast. 7/1/1966 #20626 ilent silver disk / 300M altitude. Fast. Stops. Turns back. Circles. Goes g 7/16/1966 #20647 square windows. Going quickly west fast. 7/18/1966 #20653 evolve, and moves across a road so fast it seems to jump. It stops abruptly 8/1/1966 #20718 nd quickly going up [to] extremely fast. 8/19/1966 (approximate) #20765 tude. Going quickly west extremely fast. / r19p71. 8/26/1966 #20808 rted that the object "went away so fast that it vanished." 9/13/1966 #20877 within 300 yards and took off very fast. It made a low-pitched whine durin 9/13/1966 #20878 low-pitched whine. It takes off so fast it just vanishes.” An Air Force inv 9/13/1966 #20879 rted that the object "went away so fast that it vanished." 9/13/1966 #20880 55' saucer with windows in forest. Fast vertical takeoff. / APRO Sep'66. 9/15/1966 #20884 VIANA DO CASTELO, PORTUGAL Fast cylinder/cigar-shape passes / 1km a 9/16/1966 #20887 ghts / ground level. Going up [to] fast. Wave / heat felt. NICAP Oct'66. 10/5/1966 #20958 nutes, then suddenly took off very fast to the WNW. 10/5/1966 #20963 ct accelerated and climbed away so fast that witness was unable to use bino 10/26/1966 #21037 ct accelerated and climbed away so fast that the witness was unable to use 10/26/1966 #21039 RADAR blips match. Shoot away very fast. 10/31/1966 #21052 3MI NORTHEAST / ROOSEVELT, UT Fast silver object flies fast and low to 11/17/1966 #21114 EVELT, UT Fast silver object flies fast and low toward and behind some tree 11/17/1966 #21114 US31 / TAYLORSVILLE, IN Very very fast saucer slows / 90kph. Paces car / m 11/30/1966 #21162 / hilltop. Blue stripe / rim. Away fast. No further details. 12/5/1966 #21185 aneuvers. Instant stops. Extremely fast.. 1/21/1967 #21362 base. Jets near. Object going [to] fast. 1/26/1967 #21390 rilliant bluish- white light going fast in a zig-zag path. (NICAP report fo 1/31/1967 #21423 Both going quickly [to] extremely fast. 2/6/1967 #21464 o the sky and away at an extremely fast speed. Mr. Recod is listed as a mil 2/16/1967 #21577 illatory) motion. The object moved fast, hovered, moved slowly, and changed 2/19/1967 #21594 s began yelping when a UFO flew by fast and low. The object's light went ou 2/21/1967 #21616 over road and stopped, moving too fast to follow. Sighting lasted 1 hour, 2/27/1967 #21677 shot away at a speed that was too fast to follow with the eye. At 7:30 p.m 2/27/1967 #21678 V Red fireball going quickly south fast. Stops near airbase. Jumps about. C 2/28/1967 #21679 hen accelerated and flew away very fast after 5 minutes. (Air Force UFO rep 3/1/1967 #21707 e. Going north slow then extremely fast. Forest lit. / r8#822. 3/4/1967 #21750 slowly at first and then extremely fast, lighting up the surrounding forest 3/5/1967 #21767 Going east. Up and down extremely fast. 30 mm / apparent size. 3/9/1967 #21821 Huge white disk going quickly east fast. Separate observer(s) / Eldora, IA 3/9/1967 #21826 cer-shaped object fly straight and fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 3/9/1967 #21830 a jet airliner, flew straight and fast to the east for 2 minutes. 3/9/1967 #21839 g as an airliner, fly straight and fast to the east over Onawa, Iowa. 3/9/1967 #21840 a huge white disc was seen flying fast towards the east in Onawa, Iowa. It 3/9/1967 #21844 and departed to the northeast very fast. (Columbus Dispatch 3/12/67, copy i 3/11/1967 #21856 d humming. Bobs going up and down. Fast vertical quickly going up. 3/16/1967 #21892 ly. Shoots going quickly west 'too fast for balloon'. 3/16/1967 #21895 " clothes. Witnesses drove away as fast as they could. 3/20/1967 #21922 " clothes. Witnesses drove away as fast as they could. 3/20/1967 #21927 a minute of observation, took off fast towards the northwest into a cloud. 3/23/1967 #21955 s. Quickly going up [to] extremely fast. Lands again. 3/25/1967 #21978 ULM, MN Disk with windows hovers. Fast acceleration and away. No further d 3/29/1967 #22009 NEW WESTMINSTER, BC 2 boys. Fast 1M saucer. Stops. Hovers / 20M alti 4/1/1967 #22036 ew Westminster, British Columbia a fast moving, one-meter wide disc stopped 4/1/1967 #22045 led to it. The car settles down so fast that he is moved all the way across 4/5/1967 #22066 emely bright red-glow bowl-saucer. Fast maneuvers. Extends rod / 5 minute(s 4/12/1967 #22112 AR SAN FELIPE, VNZL 2 observer(s). Fast glowing ovoid stops and lands. Flie 4/16/1967 #22136 A fast moving, glowing ovoid UFO stopped a 4/16/1967 #22141 e ovoids / cluster formation. Very fast. Jets chase. 4/17/1967 #22142 ucer. Terrific beams / light. Very fast maneuvers. / r150. 4/17/1967 #22146 t, that dropped down and made very fast maneuvers in various directions. Th 4/17/1967 #22157 M saucer / driveway rises and away fast. 4/22/1967 #22204 s shots / ricochet. Away extremely fast. / r148p210. / r41p338. 5/6/1967 #22277 3 observer(s). Going quickly west fast. Solid looking. / r113p47. 5/7/1967 #22291 behind, but instead shot away very fast. The sighting lasted an estimated 9 5/12/1967 #22326 urst! Going quickly [to] extremely fast. 5/14/1967 #22341 nt lights. Going up [to] extremely fast. 5/15/1967 #22344 effects). Going quickly southwest fast. Car OK after. / r113p47. 5/26/1967 #22401 small window. Going [to] extremely fast. 5/30/1967 #22423 t, which shot away at an extremely fast speed. 5/30/1967 #22427 5 p.m. a silver disc flew twice as fast as the fastest jet over Pine Grove, 6/6/1967 #22474 hase. Quickly going up / extremely fast. / LDLN#338p32. 6/9/1967 #22480 urces for about an hour that moved fast, stopped, zigzagged, straightened, 6/10/1967 #22486 ld. Spins and going up / extremely fast. Silent exit. 6/11/1967 #22489 ar-shaped object that flew low and fast to the southwest. (Pacific Stars & 7/1967 #22587 y" cloud north going quickly south fast. Other clouds are still.. 7/8/1967 #22633 woods. Glows and blows smoke. Away fast. 7/10/1967 (approximate) #22643 xes hang from saucer. Silent. Away fast. 7/20/1967 #22704 the witnesses. Finally, it climbed fast and disappeared. The object was est 8/1/1967 #22773 w over Grand Rapids, Michigan very fast at an estimated altitude of 5,000 f 8/9/1967 #22854 s / camp. Fog = going [to] saucer. Fast maneuver. Back = going [to] fog goi 9/2/1967 #22979 f the plane and traveling twice as fast. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - 9/3/1967 #22988 / light south going north. Circles fast and slow. Stops. Away.. 10/1967 (approximate) #23150 Edges glow. Going quickly [to] WNW fast. 10/19/1967 #23267 M cylinder/cigar-shape / treetops. Fast and silent. Figure(s) move / window 10/21/1967 #23274 uickly east toward(s) Vernal. Very fast. Jet pursues at high altitude. 10/25/1967 #23315 from the machine. They moved very fast, wore green uniforms, and some type 10/30/1967 #23373 e hovers and spins and loops. Away fast. R9p194. 11/6/1967 #23410 THEAST / BOURTON, GLOUCS Extremely fast brilliant white cylinder/cigar-shap 11/14/1967 #23447 vers / 9 minute(s). Shoots up very fast. / r50p12. 11/17/1967 #23473 t moved slowly at first, then very fast, and made several maneuvers. 11/20/1967 #23487 / 55km. Going quickly east rising fast. 11/26/1967 #23513 low altitude. Sharp turn and away fast. 12/14/1967 #23584 d color to red and moved away very fast! It then maneuvered over the Uintah 1/23/1968 #23690 eddish ball-night light moves very fast. Blinks on / off. Going quickly sou 2/1/1968 #23721 bs back into the truck, driving it fast down the road. Meanwhile, the UFO h 2/27/1968 #23787 oing down [to] lights houses. Very fast. 3/15/1968 #23843 SOUTHWEST / OKINAWA Navy crew. Fast underwater glowing-object going qui 3/16/1968 #23844 ing east / V formation / extremely fast. Wide turn going quickly south. 3/26/1968 #23860 all over/all about. Away extremely fast. 3/27/1968 #23863 RGU-JIU, ROMANIA Delta-saucer very fast from west. Zigzags and hovers. Shoo 3/29/1968 #23868 strange shuffling walk, but quite fast." They only saw it briefly before i 4/3/1968 #23886 IA Bright cone maneuvers all over. Fast 90-turns. Hovers. Absolute(ly) sile 4/4/1968 #23892 erver(s). Cone-saucer hovers. Away fast. Quickly going down [to] behind hou 4/25/1968 #23923 igzags and joins 1st. Both go away fast. 4/28/1968 #23928 down. Hovers. Going quickly north fast. Painfully bright and silent. 5/25/1968 #23982 de. Quickly going up [to] and away fast. / r156#16+/ r8. 6/14/1968 #24026 m flying was small and moving very fast. The creatures reportedly flew at a 6/14/1968 #24034 Private pilot and 4 / car. Cloud = fast saucer. Taxi malfunctions due to EM 6/19/1968 #24046 euvers. Color changes. Noises when fast. 6/28/1968 #24091 going [to] behind trees 2km away. Fast gradual ascent going quickly northe 7/23/1968 #24209 c / car frozen. Ovoid shoots rays. Fast turn going quickly east to mountain 7/25/1968 #24219 lly. Turns horizontal. Shoots away fast. 7/25/1968 #24221 , GARD 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Fast white ovoid stops over hill. Return 7/31/1968 #24265 AR BARCELONNETTE, FR 5 teens. Very fast object. Purrs. Searches / strong ra 7/31/1968 #24266 ARAT, ROMANIA 2 night lights. Very fast and silent. Orbit each other. Insta 8/25/1968 #24375 Going west. Stops. Away extremely fast. 8/29/1968 #24394 bigger / moon. Going quickly [to] fast / low altitude. Vanishes suddenly. 9/2/1968 #24424 HA, VIETNAM US pilots and troops. Fast object over marine base. Maneuvers. 9/9/1968 #24443 etnam had a close encounter with a fast moving object over the US Marine Co 9/9/1968 #24447 light down. Quickly going up [to] fast. 9/15/1968 #24464 Away going quickly west extremely fast. 9/24/1968 #24507 . 20M saucer quickly going up [to] fast. 9/26/1968 #24513 stant metallic top-saucer spins. 2 fast night lights exit going quickly eas 10/17/1968 #24567 GURA VAII, ROM Very fast silver UFO follows Danube R. Stops 10/18/1968 #24570 Railroad/railway yard. Bright very fast point / light maneuvers. 90-turns. 10/23/1968 #24579 ed ovoid. Larger / moon. Goes very fast going north. Silent. 11/5/1968 #24634 oing quickly southeast / extremely fast. / APRO 11'68. 11/26/1968 #24709 lver ovoid going quickly northeast fast. Turns going quickly south. Seen / 12/6/1968 #24747 er(s). 2 luminous ovoids. Maneuver fast. Brief stops. Very sharp turns etc. 1/1969 #24807 pea lands behind spa 10M away. Up fast and gone. 1/1/1969 #24812 de. Vibrant bright. Away extremely fast. 1/16/1969 #24851 ble landing. Quickly going up [to] fast. 1/17/1969 #24855 e going quickly southwest high and fast. Seen / 8 second(s) through break / 1/18/1969 #24859 nute(s). Shoots beams. Rotates. Up fast. / a Noticia. 2/9/1969 #24904 ights. Goes going up and down [to] fast. 2/14/1969 #24920 nd down then horizontal. Then goes fast. Back 14 April. 4/13/1969 #25060 ders zigzag and rise. Flaming end. Fast and silent. 5/10/1969 #25120 e "saucer" east going quickly west fast. / Charente Libre 16 May. '69. 5/13/1969 #25134 r tractor. Going up / clouds. Very fast. 5/18/1969 #25141 -saucers with red and green domes. Fast maneuvers / all directions. 5/18/1969 #25142 Red-glowing silver disk going [to] fast. Spins. Lands? Patch / barren groun 5/20/1969 #25150 very close. Windows / edge. Rises fast. Burnt patch. 5/22/1969 #25156 BRASOV, ROMANIA 5 fast large saucers going quickly northea 5/23/1969 #25159 range oval-shaped object that flew fast, stopped, reversed its direction of 6/3/1969 #25194 . Two of the objects flew off very fast to the south toward the sea, while 6/3/1969 #25195 moved at a variety of speeds, some fast, some slow and at times they were s 6/20/1969 #25229 ht over the nearby farm field very fast. Viewed about 10 seconds. (Page 31, 7/18/1969 #25279 the entire distance and "moved off fast" as he turned into his driveway. 7/21/1969 #25290 saucers hover. 3 photographs catch fast maneuvers. Going quickly [to] east- 9/3/1969 #25348 er(s). Flaming rocket-like torpedo fast and low / several minutes. 10/8/1969 #25398 ject was only 60 feet. It took off fast, causing the trees to sway, and zoo 10/30/1969 #25440 saucer / 60M altitude. Going [to] fast when lit. / Flying Saucer Review (F 10/31/1969 #25442 level. Silent. No maneuvers. Very fast. No further details. 12/4/1969 #25484 minute(s). Going quickly southeast fast. 12/5/1969 #25486 SOUTHEAST / EVILLERS, FR 3 / car. Fast bright large ovoid going quickly no 1/17/1970 #25547 Going quickly southwest extremely fast when approached. / r50p28. 3/27/1970 #25609 rightens and shoots away extremely fast. 5/7/1970 #25656 MARSCIANO, ITL Streak / flame. 2 fast orange globes pass / 1.5M altitude. 6/13/1970 #25698 ts quickly going up [to] extremely fast / clear sky. 7/30/1970 #25758 Luminous disk going quickly west. Fast and silent. Separate observer(s) / 9/11/1970 #25835 phere/orb/globe going quickly east fast. Odd rumble noise. Edge glows orang 9/29/1970 #25860 silver saucer zoom away. Extremely fast. / FSRv17#3. 10/20/1970 #25883 ht light hovers / docks. Slow then fast away. Some skeptical. 11/16/1970 #25905 ains. "It kicked the objects out...fast...and they flew right to the ground 1/1/1971 #25965 t blink on and off. Away extremely fast. 2/17/1971 #26023 inside going quickly north low and fast over town. No other reports. 3/2/1971 #26037 reen from the inside, flew low and fast over the town of Vannes, France sho 3/2/1971 #26039 ward and the witness drove away as fast as he could. He then drove to the e 5/21/1971 #26121 minute(s). Back 05 June. Extremely fast. 5/26/1971 #26138 es / edge near ground. Turns. Away fast. / r30p365. 7/8/1971 #26213 :30 a.m. It turned, then shot away fast. 7/8/1971 #26217 ers. Triangle with colored lights. Fast. High altitude. Instant 180° turn. 7/28/1971 #26248 O with multicolored lights flew by fast at a high altitude. It then made a 7/28/1971 #26250 nute(s) going west. Away extremely fast. / FSRv18#6+/ r41p131. 8/9/1971 #26275 luminous ring spins slow and moves fast. Blows smoke.. 9/18/1971 #26342 e / light vanishes. Back vertical. Fast. 10/1971 (approximate) #26393 Frequency Interference (RFI). Away fast. / r79p52. 10/1971 (approximate) #26394 R FORTALEZA, BRZ Many observer(s). Fast silent saucer going quickly south. 11/4/1971 (approximate) #26453 plants. Quickly going up [to] very fast. / r30p370. 1/25/1972 #26554 ct chased / planes. Away extremely fast. 2/4/1972 (approximate) #26563 ing-cloud. Going quickly west very fast. Missile test? / r30p380. 3/18/1972 #26608 f fireworks rose up, then flew off fast towards the northwest. 4/8/1972 #26641 of light (BOL) sped up, flew away fast to the northeast. 4/27/1972 #26663 dark object rising / ground. Gone fast. Photographs. 6/25/1972 #26729 rms length going quickly northeast fast / 1500M altitude. 7/6/1972 #26776 hoots going quickly east extremely fast. 7/11/1972 #26791 omed disc. The UFO flew out to sea fast, toward the southeast. 7/23/1972 #26827 sized sphere crosses sky extremely fast. Changes color(s) and sparks. Meteo 7/29/1972 #26845 saucer beneath going quickly south fast. 7/31/1972 #26848 it, and shot off to the south very fast. 7/31/1972 #26851 rs. Silent. Shoots going west very fast. 8/21/1972 #26942 All going quickly north extremely fast. 9/16/1972 #27003 tail lands. Quickly going up [to] fast. 2nd sphere? 9/19/1972 #27009 er about a minute it took off very fast. 9/19/1972 #27012 . Radiant object hovers. Away very fast. Changes shape. 9/20/1972 #27014 e ball going quickly SSW extremely fast. / r98#222+/ r186#19. 9/22/1972 #27024 ge ovoid lands behind house. Rises fast. Moss scraped from rocks. 10/5/1972 #27048 d. Portholes. Going [to] extremely fast. 11/9/1972 #27111 r. Flashes / sky. Red sphere rises fast. 3 night lights / triangle etc... 11/28/1972 #27148 g quickly south overhead extremely fast. 12/4/1972 #27161 er over cloud cover. Distant. Very fast exit. / r14p127. 1/4/1973 #27220 box hovers / reservoir. Hums. 2nd fast object going quickly [to] by. 2/19/1973 #27297 ing sound. A second object flew by fast. 2/19/1973 #27299 eters above the trees, moving very fast. With the aid of a telescope she ob 3/20/1973 #27353 rge / sea. Up and away / extremely fast. 3/29/1973 #27388 ge slow night light offloads small fast night light / shoots away. 5/6/1973 #27468 e bigger / moon going quickly [to] fast behind mountains. Also night lights 6/1973 #27540 rcles airport several X. Extremely fast. Silent. Plane follows. Lands / mou 6/2/1973 (approximate) #27545 er(s). "Fried egg" disk going [to] fast 600' over town. Police report. / r2 7/3/1973 #27612 going quickly [to] WNW to sea very fast. 7/7/1973 #27619 STRALIA Several observations. Very fast saucer going [to] over. / Melbourne 7/23/1973 #27647 Greenup, IL The fast moving object was rectangular "and 8/4/1973 #27678 2 observer(s) photograph line / 12 fast silent night lights going quickly n 8/5/1973 #27684 llow crescent shaped object passes fast / high altitude. 8/10/1973 #27690 Cop and 3. Carsize glowing-object fast and low over mountain. / NICAP Feb7 9/8/1973 #27780 hen follow car. Going quickly [to] fast. Back 15 separate. 9/14/1973 #27820 hape rises / quarry. 40' diameter. Fast. "Phony helicopter". 9/18/1973 #27830 BEDDAU, WALES 3 observer(s). Fast sphere / high altitude. Vanishes. S 9/23/1973 #27856 GA Several observer(s). Brilliant fast object / low altitude. Follows plan 10/1/1973 #27909 CB radio to stop working. It flew fast and straight to the southeast. 10/10/1973 #27985 rees. Going quickly [to] extremely fast when truck horn blows. 10/11/1973 #27988 rs over barn. Going [to] extremely fast. / r237p38. 10/15/1973 #28039 Silent green triangle crosses sky fast. No further details. 10/17/1973 #28104 beam on car. Going west slow then fast. 10/17/1973 #28109 Then shoots quickly going up [to] fast. 10/21/1973 #28226 pple tree. Both going quickly [to] fast. / Oakland Press 29.11.73. 10/24/1973 #28257 pot/facility. Power brownout. Away fast. Photographs. 10/26/1973 #28293 arnyard. Going quickly / extremely fast. 5 marks and burnt area. / r231'74. 10/28/1973 #28304 d saucer joins. Going quickly [to] fast. / Oxford Leader 1.11.73. 10/31/1973 #28321 y southeast in formation. High and fast. / Melbourne Age 1.11.73. 10/31/1973 #28324 Going quickly southwest incredibly fast. 11/7/1973 #28381 yellow. Quickly going up [to] very fast. 11/10/1973 #28401 LORAIN, OH Dino Haslage. Fast cone-saucer going quickly [to] over 12/8/1973 #28540 t made a whooshing sound, took off fast, then landed again behind some tree 12/11/1973 #28557 al observer(s). 3.5M cone 5M wide. Fast and silent going quickly southeast. 12/13/1973 #28561 30M altitude. Going quickly north. Fast and silent. 12/13/1973 #28562 -Calais, France. It shot away very fast toward the west, making no sound. 12/13/1973 #28569 ghts ascend vertically “very, very fast” leaving behind a trail of smoke in 12/20/1973 #28593 erver(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Fast silent brilliant white saucer going 1/24/1974 #28699 Going quickly [to] away extremely fast. 2/13/1974 #28760 ond(s). Quickly going up [to] very fast / 45° angle. 2/13/1974 #28761 lled maneuvers, and then shot away fast. 2/13/1974 #28765 west. Portholes. 90° turn and away fast. / r30p448. 2/21/1974 #28783 r. Lights area. Going quickly west fast. / LDLN#136. 2/27/1974 #28809 changes shape. Going quickly east fast. / r30p470. 3/7/1974 #28866 ed disk going quickly NNE high and fast. 2X / 60 minute(s). Strong white fl 3/22/1974 #28922 Suddenly turns going quickly south fast. 3/22/1974 #28924 Paris) team. Red dome-saucer rises fast. Going down / falling leaf. Swings 3/23/1974 #28930 over marsh. Quickly going up [to] fast as observer(s)' car nears. / r30p47 3/25/1974 #28946 s highway near. Loops. Away / very fast. Absolute(ly) silent. / r50p46. 3/30/1974 #28969 0M altitude. Quickly going up [to] fast and silent. Then going quickly east 4/13/1974 #29011 n-size disk flashes 2 / second(s). Fast and silent SSE going quickly north. 4/14/1974 #29015 lars. 'Spaceship' circles high and fast. Brilliant night lights exit and ma 4/17/1974 #29043 NEAR RIO DJ, BRZ 4+6+observer(s). Fast plate saucer. Bright flashes. Stops 6/15/1974 #29195 hite cross east going quickly west fast. ~300M altitude. ~1000mph. 6/20/1974 #29216 Bogue Inlet / 10 minute(s). Rises fast when plane nears. 6/29/1974 #29230 0M altitude. Quickly going up [to] fast when hit / spotlight. 7/15/1974 #29261 minous ovoid going [to] over beach fast. Stops / 3 hours. Portholes going q 8/1/1974 #29295 r long, luminous ovoid object flew fast over the beach at Canet-Plage, Fran 8/1/1974 #29296 ny projections sideways. Going SSE fast. 8/2/1974 #29301 d more/others. Cops and many. Very fast domed saucers. Lights flash. / r28. 8/11/1974 #29320 hovers / 1 minute(s). Shoots away fast. Very noisy saucer maneuvers. 8/15/1974 #29354 russels. Clear contours. Extremely fast. 9/10/1974? #29441 VALE, OREGON Cop and others. Fast metallic red / blue sphere/orb/glob 9/15/1974 #29456 building / mid-city. Going up [to] fast. Ashes found. / r39. 9/18/1974 #29462 ] and spins. Shoots away extremely fast. 9/21/1974 #29466 going quickly northwest extremely fast. Huge RADAR blip. 10/16/1974 #29534 red fireball. Going up / extremely fast. / r225p165. 10/23/1974 #29551 h pyramid dome hovers / 300M. Away fast. 1/3/1975 #29707 ny observer(s). Fireball maneuvers fast and slow. Wave / Iceland since Marc 1/9/1975 #29735 40' over car. Shoots going up [to] fast. 1/16/1975 #29753 bject lit by white lights making a fast circular motion hovernig over a hou 1/20/1975 #29757 trees. Suddenly going quickly west fast. 1/28/1975 #29768 ous sphere quickly going down [to] fast. 90° turn and away at ground level. 2/10/1975 #29793 t ground level, and then shot away fast. 2/10/1975 #29801 lands near lake. Going quickly SSW fast. Possible telepathy. 2/25/1975 (approximate) #29844 RO AND ROMAO DO CORONADO, PORTUGAL Fast cylinder/cigar-shape / both towns. 3/1975 #29858 ver sea. Going quickly / extremely fast. / r184p20. 5/14/1975 #30058 observer(s). Hat saucer going [to] fast. Vanishes and appears higher. 1 of 6/6/1975 #30087 s. Red sphere maneuvers to and fro fast. Dogs bark. Object going [to] away 7/1975 #30136 Dogs bark. Object going [to] away fast. 7/1975 #30136 to] and approaches. Away extremely fast. / r30. 8/15/1975 #30274 dents all over/all about. Slow and fast going northwest. 8/27/1975 #30313 Go north and south back and forth fast. / r30. 8/29/1975 #30316 and enter cloud. RADAR invisible. Fast. / MJ#176. 8/30/1975 #30328 tops. Shoots quickly going up [to] fast. 9/2/1975 #30335 . Becomes luminous disk. Away very fast. 9/22/1975 #30376 over railroad/railway tracks. Away fast. 10/3/1975 #30411 y-white disk hovers. Seen clearly. Fast cloud covers it. 10/20/1975 #30450 rees. Silent. Shoots going up [to] fast. 11/6/1975 #30565 euvers and going quickly [to] away fast. 11/26/1975 #30665 e! Maneuvers. Going up / extremely fast. 12/3/1975 #30683 ts. 5M saucer lands / field. Rises fast and going quickly [to] WSW. 12/15/1975 #30716 disc landed in a field. It rose up fast and shot away toward the west-south 12/15/1975 #30717 disc landed in a field. It rose up fast and shot away toward the west-south 12/15/1975 #30719 / 800M altitude. Then up and away fast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v12#8 1/1/1976 #30752 d then shot straight up in the sky fast. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, Ja 1/1/1976 #30753 e then shot straight up in the sky fast. 1/1/1976 #30754 slowly. Then right going [to] left fast. 1/18/1976 #30798 CHESTER Police Sgt. White saucer / fast square turns. Hovers. Going quickly 4/2/1976 #30977 a white disc of light moving very fast, crossing the path he is traveling. 4/2/1976 #30979 FR 3 teens. Brilliant ovoid comes fast. Slows and descends overhead. Absol 5/15/1976 #31054 r follows. Gets radio static. Very fast. 6/3/1976 #31080 ers hover. Away and back extremely fast / planes pass. LDLN#158. 6/21/1976 #31120 shape going quickly west extremely fast. Back west going quickly east. All 7/26/1976 #31184 XIGAZE, TIBET 1 observer. Fast silver coil hisses. Goes forward / 8/1976 #31213 inning in a clockwise direction so fast that he can’t read the number in it 8/13/1976 #31261 d white lights going quickly south fast toward(s) NY city. / NICAP JAN'77. 8/25/1976 #31300 CA 6 observer(s). Disk spins slow. Fast turns / triangular trajectory. Smal 9/6/1976 #31347 be blue by the tower) accelerated fast to the north. The close encounter l 9/19/1976 #31413 uman/entity move inside. Away very fast. 9/20/1976 #31415 (ly) silent. Quickly going up [to] fast. 10/1976 (approximate) #31434 second(s). Going quickly northeast fast. 10/8/1976 #31455 unterclockwise. Going quickly [to] fast. 10/22/1976 #31485 inder/cigar-shape going up / butte fast. No flames. 10/26/1976 #31496 y [to] 3 different directions very fast. 10/26/1976 (approximate) #31497 quickly ESE. 1 / 6 moons dia. Very fast. / r12p227. 11/5/1976 #31524 eball in the northwest sky falling fast. After a minute the husband pulled 12/6/1976 #31587 at first but then accelerating so fast that it appeared to just vaporize. 12/6/1976 #31587 / (seen thru) binoculars. Saucer / fast turn west going northwest. Hovers. 12/14/1976 #31600 ts / radio station/depot/facility. Fast 2M gray saucer leaves (something be 1/5/1977 #31698 circular, faceted, and strikingly fast when it moves toward them. Both men 1/21/1977 #31743 At 8:30 p.m. MST a V formation of fast moving lights, most likely from a s 3/18/1977 #31915 CA AND AREA Numerous observer(s). Fast night lights going quickly north / 3/22/1977 #31925 ht emerge from the sea, climb very fast, move in a zigzag fashion, and leav 3/24/1977 #31929 gains new star. Maneuvers around. Fast. 4/2/1977 #31939 osses I64 several times. Extremely fast. Ends glow. Going [to] under overpa 4/8/1977 #31961 he speed of the target when moving fast at Mach 4 or 5. 4/14/1977 #31980 enish disk east going quickly west fast. / news / location approximate. 4/17/1977 #31985 ter of seconds and returns equally fast, moving silently toward them and st 5/20/1977 #32116 CO, HUBEI, CHINA 100 observer(s). Fast satellite in circular trajectory! L 6/1977 #32142 hotograph 2 white glowing-objects. Fast zigzag streaks on film. 6/28/1977 #32201 r. Quickly going up [to] extremely fast. 6/29/1977 #32205 s. Quickly going up [to] extremely fast. 7/1977 #32218 saucer hums and spins. Crosses sky fast. / r232v6#4p20. 7/16/1977 #32279 bees. Going quickly [to] extremely fast. 7/31/1977 #32326 en he sees a small light traveling fast to the right of a well known Heathr 8/4/1977 #32360 r hovers / 30M altitude. Takes off fast. No further details. 8/5/1977 #32361 ia, Portugal, and then it took off fast. 8/5/1977 #32363 aneuver one second later, all “too fast for airplanes.” 8/6/1977 #32367 They appear to be approaching very fast from 60° in the north. Looping and 8/9/1977 #32371 HAYDEN, AL 6+observer(s). Fast 65' saucer stops. Legs extend. 2nd 8/11/1977 #32381 ing NNE. Stops 30M over park. Away fast. 9/1977 #32450 ne / several min. 1000' away. Away fast. 10/1/1977 #32540 bluish object in the sky traveling fast from south to north and shaped “som 10/15/1977 #32578 cone-shape with lights crosses sky fast. No further details. 10/24/1977 #32605 and 1. Night light buzzes car 4X. Fast 90° turn. Thin blue beam to 2nd obj 11/20/1977 #32690 Rises going up [to] slow and away fast going [to] woods. 12/21/1977 (approximate) #32799 FO ascended slowly, then show away fast into the nearby woods. (NICAP: 02 - 12/21/1977 #32801 FO ascended slowly, then show away fast into the nearby woods. That same ni 12/21/1977 #32803 es outmaneuvers police helicopter. Fast turns. / MJ#121. 12/27/1977 #32811 Frequency Interference (RFI). Many fast unidentified blips / all directions 1/12/1978 #32878 quare windows shoots going up [to] fast. Bleeping sound. 1/19/1978 #32898 Hovers 5 minute(s). Away extremely fast. 2/1978 #32936 d had colored lights. It shot away fast. 3/1/1978 #33007 Domed sausage going quickly north fast over young nicks head toward(s) Wai 3/2/1978 #33010 , MI Several separate observer(s). Fast green delta/triangle/box-like craft 3/6/1978 #33017 . Hums. Beeps and circles and away fast. 3/10/1978 #33024 ual (observation). Electric clocks fast. 4/1978 #33108 RCIERA ISLAND, AZORES 2 fishing. 3 fast saucers leave yellow trail in sky. 4/14/1978 #33146 spins over ground. Away extremely fast. 4/20/1978 #33155 low. Turns going quickly northwest fast and absolute(ly) silent. 5/5/1978 #33188 tant bright light making extremely fast back-and-forth motions. At one poin 6/24/1978 #33306 MI CG calls two rivers / WS. "Very fast UFO going your way going quickly we 7/28/1978 #33432 ST. AMAND-LES-EAUX, FR Fast orange ovoid stops over campfire. T 8/1978 #33458 -shape 50cm wide. 1-2M over water. Fast. 8/5/1978 #33472 . Flashes red. Going up [to] slow. Fast 90° turn going quickly south. / new 8/18/1978 #33524 ight circular saucer. Hovers. Away fast. / M. Times 20 October. 9/11/1978 #33662 d and turned back. The UFO came in fast at this point and came very close t 9/15/1978 #33683 ery close to ground then left very fast climbing to the West. (NICAP: 02 - 9/15/1978 #33683 op and turn back. The UFO comes in fast at this point very close to the gro 9/15/1978 #33686 p [to] to 800M altitude. Away very fast. 9/16/1978 #33691 heir rear-view mirror, approaching fast. Suddenly, the engine and headlight 9/23/1978 #33734 It moves away then shoots off at a fast speed, 10/8/1978 #33816 iver.no wheels. Going quickly [to] fast. / r10p256. 10/10/1978 #33826 S, ARG White-glowing plate-saucer. Fast maneuvers. Stops / seconds. Shoots 10/14/1978 #33832 o going [to] slow.. away extremely fast. 11/2/1978 #33912 to the south of her location at a fast rate of speed. As it approached, it 11/7/1978 #33924 ROZZANO, ITL Fast green luminous sphere/orb/globe spe 11/19/1978 #33963 nd orange and white object zigzags fast. 'Lit-up cabin'. Gone extremely fas 11/23/1978 #33984 st. 'Lit-up cabin'. Gone extremely fast. 11/23/1978 #33984 pe-shape flies going quickly north fast. Radiates orange color. / Diario de 11/23/1978 #33988 r tube but no windows. It took off fast toward the east. The father of one 12/14/1978 #34128 size objects hover / 1km altitude. Fast rise and going quickly west. 12/29/1978 #34223 ad a blue halo, and shot away very fast. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, Fe 1/5/1979 #34299 ad a blue halo, and shot away very fast. 1/5/1979 #34305 minute(s). Blue halo. Away / very fast. No further details / news. 1/6/1979 #34309 going quickly east toward(s) Iran fast. 1/20/1979 #34363 ng / bottom. Quickly going up [to] fast. 2/13/1979 #34419 rose vertically into the sky very fast. Radio interference was reporeted. 2/13/1979 #34420 00' altitude. Colored lights. Away fast. No further details. 3/1/1979 #34454 ize sphere quickly going down [to] fast. Lands. Flashes white and red. Trac 4/16/1979 #34510 here, the size of a car, descended fast and then landed. Flashes white and 4/16/1979 #34511 ield. Going quickly [to] extremely fast. / LDLN#186. 5/14/1979 #34557 canal. Quickly going up [to] very fast. 8/1979 #34688 lted silver disk. Glows. Slow then fast. Spins counterclockwise. Starts and 8/21/1979 #34767 south. Reappears west going east. Fast 90-turn up! 8/27/1979 #34785 ght moves toward him, traveling so fast that it crosses the 1.5 miles separ 8/27/1979 #34787 saucer hovers / seconds. Away very fast. No further details / La Depeche. 9/1979 #34811 s hovers / 10 minute(s). Then away fast. No further details. 9/14/1979 #34876 hoots going quickly northeast very fast. 9/14/1979 #34879 tes over the ocean, then shot away fast. 9/14/1979 #34883 DT, GER Cops and many / factory. 3 fast silent pentagons beam light. Going 9/16/1979 #34888 / desert. Going quickly [to] very fast against wind. 9/20/1979 (approximate) #34903 ons. Flashes and noise. Going [to] fast. 9/21/1979 #34910 otice a set of red lights that are fast approaching the aircraft. They appe 11/11/1979 #34997 out OK. No stars.. went extremely fast. No further details. 12/3/1979 #35041 ltitude. Shoots into sky extremely fast and gone. / news. 12/8/1979 #35059 bserver. Multi-colored disk passes fast / low altitude. Spins? Leaves (some 12/12/1979 #35074 nce A multi-colored disc passed by fast a residential neighborhood in Roman 12/12/1979 #35075 .m. a multi-colored disc passed by fast a residential neighborhood in Roman 12/12/1979 #35076 overs over house. Going south very fast. 12/19/1979 #35083 target in the area westbound, very fast. 8001or02 Evansville Il 2 Woman wal 12/29/1979 #35102 e(s). Glows. Quickly going up [to] fast. / LDLN#194. 1/20/1980 #35138 lows and hovers. 90° turn and away fast. Classic saucer / (seen thru) binoc 1/24/1980 #35143 ar-shapes stop / 3 minute(s). Away fast. Boat found / no crew. 2/11/1980 #35163 Saturn-shaped objects flying very fast in formation at low altitude. The o 4/20/1980 #35278 Reservoir. They flew straight and fast to the southeast. They reflected su 4/20/1980 #35282 here/orb/globe. 3 jets chase. Very fast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v26#4 5/7/1980 #35309 lashes of light. The UFO flew over fast, halted above the two men, then sho 6/4/1980 #35354 UI, CH Yellow ring / light rotates fast under dark cloud. Grows. Fades. 7/27/1980 #35425 TLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 3 guards. Fast night light stops. Maneuvers. Shoot 8/8/1980 #35445 200M altitude. Brightens / sudden fast climb. 9/6/1980 #35499 cle private plane / 10x. Away very fast. No RADAR. 9/28/1980 #35539 e. 3 portholes / bottom/underside. Fast turn and away. 10/17/1980 #35574 southeast going quickly northeast fast. Silent. 10/30/1980 #35596 ral observer(s). Cone-hat saucer / fast spin. Strong yellow-white light. 11/15/1980 #35641 r(s). Round night light. Slow then fast. Stops / 3 second(s). Lost in cloud 12/8/1980 #35706 n / different angles and color(s). Fast. Shoots up then going quickly north 12/14/1980 #35714 LOWESTOFT, SUFFOLK 3 RADAR's. Fast 737-size blip crosses coast going S 12/26/1980 #35734 t light follows car. Going up [to] fast. Cows stampede. Many separate obser 12/27/1980 #35739 otel. Shoots quickly going up [to] fast. No further details. 2/3/1981 #35812 ight back. Slow pass overhead then fast. RADAR invisible. / MJ#167. 2/19/1981 #35835 over house. Quickly going up [to] fast. No balloon up. 3/30/1981 #35877 AAL crew. UFO going southwest very fast. Type unknown. Turns back going qui 4/21/1981 #35911 / colored bands. Slow. Stops. Goes fast. 4/25/1981 #35914 hen stopped, and finally shot away fast. The sighting lasted 25 minutes. 4/25/1981 #35916 e over garden. Going SSW extremely fast. 7/9/1981 #35990 ot off to the south-southwest very fast. 7/9/1981 #35991 minutes. Quickly going up [to] so fast vacuum felt. / G. Milot. 7/10/1981 #35992 portholes. Beams going down. Rises fast. 8/7/1981 #36061 airliners and more/others. Bright fast saucer / 180M going quickly northea 10/31/1981 #36195 e observer(s). 750' orange sphere. Fast 90° turn going quickly west / jet c 12/8/1981 #36249 . Beams going up. Then shoots away fast. 12/26/1981 #36277 then hovered. The third group flew fast. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 3/13/1982 #36388 then hovered. The third group flew fast. At 21:30 a luminous blue domed dis 3/13/1982 #36389 nder/cylindrical object going west fast. Turns going south. Silent. 3/18/1982 #36397 . Pseudo-human/entity inside. Away fast. 5/1982 #36459 topped and hovered, then flew away fast toward the west. (NICAP: 01 - Dista 6/15/1982 #36502 topped and hovered, then flew away fast toward the west. 6/15/1982 #36503 ears in the northern sky, whirling fast and creating rings of light. After 6/18/1982 #36510 altitude. Lights / rim. Going [to] fast and shoot up. 8/7/1982 #36563 gton noticed something zip by very fast. The videotape shows a dark, domed 8/13/1982 #36577 Minnville 1950 photographs) moving fast, and it extends and contracts in fl 8/13/1982 #36577 REA 4 flashing hat-saucers low and fast. Buzz sound. Radio electro-magnetic 10/10/1982 (approximate) #36636 with flashing lights flew low and fast over San Carlos Sija, Guam at aroun 10/10/1982 #36638 thousand feet, move laterally very fast, and then turn without banking. (NI 11/27/1982 #36694 thousand feet, move laterally very fast, then turn without banking. It neve 11/27/1982 #36699 hovers / trees. Going quickly [to] fast. Broken LIMBs. 12/30/1982 #36728 scends then shoots off “very, very fast toward the north.” The beam is shut 3/24/1983 #36806 EAST / SHELBYVILLE, IN Large black fast flying wing stops / 300' altitude. 8/2/1983 #36931 hts” approaching and dropping very fast. Oddly, they seem to hover for a wh 10/28/1983 #37026 g quickly south and away extremely fast. 1/1984 #37099 r stops on a dime. Makes 90-turns. Fast vertical climb. 1/4/1984 #37107 turns. Going up and down. High and fast / 50 minute(s) / clear sky. 1/7/1984 #37108 rsity building, then shot off very fast toward the southeast. (NICAP: 02 - 2/29/1984 #37207 rsity building, then shot off very fast toward the southeast. 2/29/1984 #37211 object at high speed. Suddenly, a “fast red thing” shoots out of the blue o 4/20/1984 #37278 tes, In Space DSP Satellite Tracks Fast Walker (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Ca 5/5/1984 #37315 trong beams. Quickly going up [to] fast. 3/18/1985 #37571 180-turn going quickly north. Very fast. 12/7/1985 #37732 . 300' saucer right overhead makes fast 90-turn and gone. House and barn sh 1/3/1986 #37747 t flew right overhead, then made a fast 90 degree turn and was gone. The ho 1/3/1986 #37749 r(s). Huge silent pyramid circles. Fast stops. Lights / edges. 30 minute(s) 3/27/1986 #37812 on goes overhead / 3500' altitude. Fast going quickly west. 90-turn going q 4/9/1986 #37820 . 90 turns. Going up and down [to] fast. Instant stops. 4/26/1986 #37840 . Beams going down / ground. Leave fast! 5/2/1986 #37852 ect circles city several times. So fast / hard to see / (seen thru) binocul 5/24/1986 #37892 on a round green object moved very fast from west to east at a high altitud 7/19/1986 #37949 d UFO passed overhead, flying very fast to the southeast. 8/5/1986 #37972 CA, CA 2 observer(s). Large saucer fast and silent southeast going quickly 8/10/1986 #37975 ia a large disc-shaped object flew fast and silently from the southeast to 8/10/1986 #37976 west sky north going quickly south fast. Orange-white glow on each corner. 9/11/1986 #38023 s right over town / 21K' altitude. Fast. Not on RADAR. 10/12/1986 #38045 s including loops, crash dives and fast climbs. She claims to send a flash 12/1986 #38079 oops, backtracks, crash dives, and fast climbs. She sends a flash alert to Mid 12/1986 #38083 t light / 40K' altitude. Extremely fast. Impossible maneuvers and 90° turns 12/28/1986 #38088 t hovers / several min. Rises very fast. No footage. 4/19/1987 #38162 der/cylindrical object passes very fast. No further details. / news. 7/30/1987 #38220 g up. Going quickly southeast. Too fast to catch. / r122p140+/ r150. 8/27/1987 #38256 red light goes to window of house. Fast south-maneuver and takes off. 9/12/1987 #38282 ball / light nears. Goes extremely fast. 10/15/1987 #38304 ject. White with bluish halo. Very fast. Going quickly [to] west. 1/4/1988 #38399 CHL LAN 737 banks sharply / avoid fast fireball. Type unknown. / r150p65. 6/1/1988 #38578 -altitude. Going quickly northeast fast. Makes strange humming. 6/27/1988 #38592 ailerons as it flew over the road fast, made a turn, and then hovered over 9/6/1988 #38635 ss with lights. Going quickly [to] fast. 2/3/1989 #38816 d windows / side. 747 size. Shiny. Fast. 3/17/1989 #38874 odesic engineer. Giant ovoid. Very fast. Going quickly east then going quic 9/24/1989 #39119 nt coffin shape rises / dirt road. Fast jerky ascent and away. 10/1989 #39136 FROM BENAGUES, FR 1 observer. 25cm fast red fireball going quickly south pa 10/26/1989 #39187 football-shaped light pass low and fast over his property in North Huntingd 11/3/1989 #39213 and blue / top. 3 portholes. Rises fast. 12/10/1989 #39307 e side, and then rose out of sight fast. 12/10/1989 #39308 UR-SEINE, FR 1 repeat observer(s). Fast 100M saucer stops. Smaller object g 12/17/1989 #39318 Jets chase 150M saucer. Extremely fast. / r41p51+/ r149p80. 3/21/1990 #39471 RADAR's and visual. 90° turns and fast maneuvers. / r125p24. 3/24/1990 #39481 e then realizes that her twins are fast asleep, and the father then enters 3/24/1990 #39484 Domed saucer glowing-white. Extra fast. Low altitude. Straight and level t 5/1/1990 #39547 ike craft with red lights comes in fast. Stops. Goes very fast. 5/1/1990 #39548 ts comes in fast. Stops. Goes very fast. 5/1/1990 #39548 Hovers. Shoots going up [to] very fast. 6/1990 #39603 ng. Shoots going up [to] extremely fast. 6/12/1990 #39614 wn. Shoots going up [to] extremely fast. 7/25/1990 #39660 ft then shot straight up extremely fast. 7/25/1990 #39662 maneuvers / all directions. Small fast shifts. Going down / horizon. 8/11/1990 #39684 e at 7:10 p.m. It made many small, fast shifts in the sky for 30 minutes. 8/11/1990 #39685 server(s). Orange ovoids cross sky fast. No further details. / Lumieres dan 8/19/1990 #39692 s. They are able to move extremely fast, estimated by one witness as “super 8/24/1990 #39701 s hang. Good photographs. Slow and fast. 40° arc / 4s. Going northeast. 9/10/1990 #39722 en she looked at the sky and saw a fast moving yellow light, which was flyi 9/13/1990 #39731 she rushed home to her children as fast as she could. Near her front door s 9/13/1990 #39731 l saucer northwest going southeast fast. "Size = city block". See MUFONJ#27 9/16/1990 #39733 200' disk seen clearly. Very sharp fast turn. Goes going down / woods. 9/28/1990 #39749 ARLINGTON, MA 1 observer. 2 fast green-glowing boomerangs going nort 1/1991 #39942 ow-red object going [to] extremely fast. Offloads smaller object. Objects g 1/18/1991 #39960 d colored cigar shot off extremely fast while it offloaded smaller objects 1/18/1991 #39961 , RUSSIA Airport RADAR and visual. Fast erratic UFO over nuclear power plan 3/2/1991 #39990 A fast moving UFO flew in an erratic patte 3/2/1991 #39991 peed white disc-shaped object made fast turns, and ascended and descended o 3/3/1991 #39993 size blob lights ground blue. Away fast. 6/14/1991 #40095 going down. Retracts beam and away fast. 7/11/1991 #40117 oing [to] slow over car. Then away fast. 7/20/1991 #40125 wn. Some of the time it moved very fast, and at other times it floated in p 8/30/1991 #40174 3 saucers in formation. Incredibly fast! Not planes. 9/8/1991 #40180 going quickly northeast extremely fast. 9/19/1991 #40190 t windows all around. Slow then up fast. 11/8/1991 #40222 es at a slow speed, sometimes very fast. 11/13/1991 #40228 egs dangle. Rectangle / top. Hums. Fast. 11/27/1991 #40244 T AUSTR 2 silver-grey saucers very fast and low west going quickly east. Si 3/16/1992 #40384 1 cylinder goes over observer(s). Fast flashes. Northeast going quickly [t 4/3/1992 #40407 ith lights east going quickly west fast. Lights house. 4/27/1992 #40432 turn ring. Going quickly [to] away fast. 5/3/1992 #40446 ng northwest over ocean. Extremely fast. Water frozen. 5/10/1992 #40461 raft going quickly north extremely fast. Only sound = "suction swish". 6/20/1992 #40499 quickly [to] under 747. Extremely fast. / r226#11p27+/ r214p108. 8/5/1992 #40551 xtinguish. Goes behind trees. Very fast. 8/19/1992 #40580 ndow through some trees. "It moved fast from one position to another." The 8/25/1992 #40591 GOIZE, FR 3 / car. Very large fast grey box with blinking light / top 8/28/1992 (approximate) #40592 At 1:00 a.m. a very large, fast gray box with a blinking light on t 8/28/1992 #40593 hums. Going quickly [to] overhead fast. Beams etc. Wave / days / area. 9/29/1992 #40642 ll night light exits and maneuvers fast. 10/15/1992? #40676 silent night light / forest. Very fast. Back in September. Air Force inter 10/28/1992? #40695 OFF NE.ICELAND Fishermen. Fast flashing submarine breaks nets. Glo 12/21/1992 #40757 M altitude. Maneuver and pace car. Fast maneuvers. No structure. 1/1/1993 #40784 southeast going quickly northwest fast / losing altitude. 1/18/1993 #40800 ical ovoid west going quickly east fast at low altitude. 1/26/1993 #40814 northwest going quickly southeast fast. Not on RADAR. No plane. 3/31/1993 #40910 HAYES, LONDON Very fast saucer hovers over Barnhill schooly 5/26/1993 #40989 A very fast moving disc-shaped object stopped a 5/26/1993 #40990 ar. Night light paces. Makes small fast circles. Going quickly [to] east-no 5/29/1993 #40996 lim silver objects join. Gone very fast. Back several X. 6/8/1993 #41008 ery high hovers and maneuvers very fast. Back 2, 3, 20+22 July. 18+photogra 6/12/1993 #41014 wn / Lake Peblinge. Away extremely fast going up. Pipes / underside. 6/17/1993 #41019 ilent black 2M objects going north fast. 2 / front swap positions twice. 16 7/2/1993 #41048 h. Hovers and shoots going up [to] fast. 7/22/1993 #41075 n D8 rises and going quickly south fast as car nears. Nothing / radar. 8/30/1993 #41171 ike a balloon, but it is going too fast. One pilot describes it as looking 9/16/1993 #41199 when they looked behind they saw a fast approaching bright reddish-white li 11/29/1993 #41309 away. Shoots going up / extremely fast. Follows car? 12/11/1993 #41328 Colored lights flash / edge. Very fast. 2/24/1994 #41424 bout, then shot up in the sky very fast. It had fins on the ends and a ligh 2/28/1994 #41430 s / low altitude. Shoots away very fast. 4/10/1994 #41487 hoots going [to] horizon extremely fast. 5/27/1994 #41538 gree and 60 degree turns and other fast maneuvers, then shot away to the we 7/7/1994 #41614 NEAR BLUBBERHOUSES, NORTH YORKS Fast bright silver 50cm disk sheds spark 7/23/1994 #41635 ot. Hovers. Hums. Away / extremely fast. 7/26/1994 #41642 abruptly in a ball! Goes extremely fast. 8/21/1994 #41683 jects going quickly southwest. Too fast and silent for geese. 9/13/1994 #41742 . They were thought to be much too fast to have been geese. 9/13/1994 #41746 hat the objects are traveling very fast from north to south; others see it 9/14/1994 #41749 over Kinzy Road. Shoots away very fast. "No joke". 10/6/1994 #41788 east. Edges glow. Bottom greyish. Fast and absolute(ly) silent. 12/13/1994 #41894 ct / light west going east. Sudden fast turn. Fireball splits. / r226#25. 1/1/1995 #41934 r-shape follows car? Maneuvers too fast / blimp. 1/16/1995 #41977 Going quickly southeast extremely fast. 1/17/1995 #41980 changes shape. 2mm / arms length. Fast maneuvers. 1/19/1995 #41983 ENMARK, WI MLT observer(s). Cone / fast vertical descent. Hovers. Report / 2/2/1995 #42008 SALINDRES, FR 1 observer. Fast brilliant ovoid scoots behind cloud 2/14/1995 #42047 FAIRMONT, WV 1 observer. Very very fast egg-shape in cloud / green light st 3/15/1995 #42106 hover / 12 minute(s). Away / very fast. 3/22/1995 (approximate) #42113 ky. Then shoots going quickly east fast. No further details. 4/19/1995 #42159 minute(s) then shoots up extremely fast. 5/10/1995 #42195 . Going quickly south / incredibly fast. Rocket? 5/15/1995 #42204 overs / yard. Lights on arms. Away fast. 5/15/1995 (approximate) #42205 quickly north and away. Extremely fast. 6/19/1995 #42264 e night light hovers and maneuvers fast / 5 minute(s). Descends / ocean. 7/1/1995 #42288 achines. Rise / river and fly away fast. 7/4/1995 #42290 night lights maneuver up and down fast. Dart to horizon. Buzz military pla 7/25/1995 #42325 anger racks. The sound resembled a fast, choppy, garbled speech. When he lo 8/11/1995 #42376 k going quickly [to] overhead very fast. Solid light / center. Lights blink 8/13/1995 #42379 igars going quickly southwest very fast toward Narbonne. No further details 8/16/1995 #42392 oomerang going straight and level. Fast short hops Left and Rt. 8/18/1995 #42398 Interference (RFI) / all stations. Fast grey UFO slows. Away / steady speed 9/12/1995 #42461 s left and right. Shoots away very fast. 9/19/1995 #42485 (s). Large orange ovoid / horizon. Fast. Hovers. Moves erratically. 10/11/1995 #42546 A large orange ovoid object moved fast in the sky over Huntington, West Vi 10/11/1995 #42547 TY, CA White oval light chased / 2 fast planes and easily outpaces them. Ve 10/17/1995 #42556 / MacKenzie River. Away extremely fast. 11/13/1995 #42599 MT. SUMMIT, IN 1 observer. Fast domed disk reflects sunlight. Shoot 11/20/1995 #42613 A fast moving domed disc was seen in the m 11/20/1995 #42615 n [to] and going up [to] extremely fast. Videos. Genuine / local UFO group. 12/31/1995 #42653 turn going quickly west. Extremely fast. / r225#31. 1/9/1996 #42676 es. Shoots going up [to] extremely fast. 1/22/1996 #42705 und, and then turned and moves off fast to the south. 1/22/1996 #42707 ppears. Blinks. Going quickly [to] fast direction unknown. 3/1/1996 #42794 nois. It blinked and then shot off fast. 3/1/1996 #42797 east overhead / V-formation. Very fast. Type unknown. / excellent report. 3/22/1996 #42835 outh going quickly north extremely fast. Believed attached / single object. 3/24/1996 #42838 ghts going quickly north together. Fast stop. 3rd joins from northwest and 4/6/1996 #42852 ject shot straight up "at least as fast as lightning." 5/7/1996 #42899 s sky back and forth 3 times. Away fast. No further details. 8/21/1996 #42989 ape going quickly south over city. Fast and silent. / r240v1#31. 9/11/1996 #43015 diamond shape east going west. Not fast. Unverified report. 10/13/1996 #43065 hovers / 6km altitude. Shoots away fast. 10/18/1996 #43082 northwest going quickly southeast fast. Also seen / Arbonnes, 77 etc. 10/29/1996 #43099 6:40 p.m. a huge white sphere flew fast over Dannemois, Essonne, France fro 10/29/1996 #43101 bright orange fireballs traveling fast over Canberra, A.C.T., Australia. W 11/25/1996 #43123 Then shoot going quickly southeast fast. 11/26/1996 #43124 Going quickly [to] cloud extremely fast. 1/1997? #43159 s vertical. Going up and down [to] fast. Then lost going going down. 2/7/1997 #43185 / 4.5min. Then going quickly west fast. 3/12/1997 #43227 s. Quickly going up [to] extremely fast. Dog collapses. Angel hair falls. 3/27/1997 #43241 kers. 4 luminous ovoids move about fast / S. sky / 20 minute(s). 4/5/1997 #43252 n and going quickly west extremely fast. 4/5/1997 #43253 ers and banks. Going quickly north fast. Circled / black band. No dome. 6/20/1997 #43332 erver(s). Triangle hovers / woods. Fast dive going down. Absolute(ly) silen 8/9/1997 #43374 ottom/underside. Small jumps. Away fast. 8/23/1997 #43388 ct. Makes small jumps, shoots away fast. 8/23/1997 #43389 / light = ovoid / video. Away very fast. Also fireballs / Italy. 9/7/1997 #43398 [to] over city. Huge high and very fast. / v2#37. 9/16/1997 #43408 Shoots going quickly NNW extremely fast. 9/21/1997 #43411 own. Going quickly south extremely fast. 9/28/1997 #43419 ith two arms and two legs. It flew fast over the area, quickly disappearing 10/10/1997 #43426 th quickly going up [to] extremely fast as airliner nears. / r226#38. 11/17/1997 #43445 low over factories. Away extremely fast. / Cisu. 12/23/1997 #43472 lots. Night light going west. Very fast 135° turn. 2nd turn going quickly w 1/3/1998 #43487 s and reappears. 90° turn and away fast. 4/5/1998 #43544 (s). Going quickly north extremely fast. 4/21/1998 #43553 has clear USAF markings. Away very fast. 6/1998 #43577 ° turn going quickly east and away fast. 6/14/1998 #43587 er(s). Glowing sphere circles town fast. Hovers / 2 min below clouds. 7/13/1998 #43603 le with rounded corners going east fast into cloud. 300M altitude. No light 7/18/1998 #43609 an / car. Disk going quickly south fast. Grey bottom and silver top. Silent 7/30/1998 #43616 silver topped disc fly by heading fast to the south. It had a gray bottom 7/30/1998 #43617 10 flying over France observed the fast passage of six luminous points of l 8/26/1998 #43638 ed. Stops. Big flash and away very fast. 12/26/1998 #43704 quickly northwest. Stops and away fast. 1/17/1999 #43716 alling leaf motion. Lights / ends. Fast. / CUN.. 2/27/1999 #43737 rs. Suddenly shoots away extremely fast. No further details. 4/11/1999 #43757 form) that suddenly rocketed away fast to the south. 5/5/1999 #43763 s. Quickly going up [to] extremely fast. 6/12/1999 #43784 Both going quickly north extremely fast. 1 returns and going north. 7/10/1999 #43800 speed was described as "incredibly fast". The USNTA said another aircraft i 8/9/1999 #43819 lit windows. Beams. Away extremely fast. 9/7/1999 #43843 rnia. It then rose vertically very fast. 9/20/1999 #43850 of fuel for the Jōyō experimental fast breeder reactor, using uranium enri 9/30/1999 #43856 g up and down [to] coast extremely fast. Vanishes several X. Dog chases. 11/26/1999 #43888 at was moving through the sky very fast. It made a 45-degree turn and then 3/11/2000 #43965 orthwest, traveling in a line at a fast speed. The most seen at any one tim 6/3/2000 #44000 ry Parish, Louisiana. It flew very fast. It was completely silent, black in 9/17/2000 #44041 ing quickly north to sea extremely fast. / Russo / Cisu. 12/7/2000 #44099 pilot. Saucer going southeast very fast. Instantaneous acceleration going [ 1/20/2001 #44126 egs. Dogfight / TAF T37. Extremely fast. / Vsd#4p20. 8/6/2001 #44226 a very bright base. It moved very fast. 9/16/2001 #44261 rim. Going quickly west extremely fast. 3/27/2002 #44327 ot off to the west at an extremely fast speed. 3/27/2002 #44328 ading toward the North at a fairly fast pace. It was viewed through binocul 8/24/2002 #44385 ng west or norhwest and was moving fast. They observed it for 10-15 seconds 8/31/2002 #44388 the west, then disappeared. It was fast but slower than a meteor. 9/10/2002 #44395 stantly changing shape. It was too fast and low for a blimp, according to t 11/13/2002 #44441 ped to hover at times, but made no fast movements. The sighting lasted 54 m 1/5/2003 #44469 t-shaped object was sighted moving fast through the sky. It looped, flashed 1/5/2003 #44470 ky. It looped, flashed, and turned fast for 45 minutes. 1/5/2003 #44470 At 9:20 a.m. a fast, low-flying gray cigar-shaped objec 2/19/2003 #44495 soundless. It suddenly took off so fast vertically that it seemed like it a 5/27/2003 #44547 A fast moving "shimmering shadow" with ora 5/28/2003 #44548 erang-shaped object passed low and fast over Napoleonville in southern Loui 8/13/2003 #44575 ed by a bluish haze. It moved very fast, before it stopped for a few minute 8/28/2003 #44586 erator, then shot straight up very fast. 9/7/2003 #44594 and it was boomerang shaped, very fast, and silent. 11/21/2003 #44616 Bay, California that moved "super fast" and stopped, and then zigzagged be 12/15/2003 #44630 At 8:30 p.m. a large, silent, fast moving oval-shaped object with ligh 2/16/2004 #44666 With his heart racing he drove as fast as he could eastward along the base 3/12/2004 #44676 ace, then sped off at an extremely fast speed. 3/14/2004 #44677 ned sharply south. They moved very fast. 3/26/2004 #44680 two feet wide. It was moving very fast in a straight line, at an altitude 4/5/2004 #44684 A very fast, low flying cigar-shaped object wit 4/26/2004 #44692 n a star, and were coming together fast. The sighting had a 15 minute durat 5/3/2004 #44694 s. The figure flew at a reasonably fast pace. The moment she saw it she scr 7/26/2004 #44717 moved in formation, traveling very fast, and making no noise. 8/20/2004 #44737 erwise featureless, and was moving fast. It was in view for 40 seconds. 10/24/2004 #44769 ct that glided smoothly, moving as fast as a small jet, with no lights or s 10/27/2004 #44772 At 9:55 p.m. a fast, flickering, ball of red and white 11/13/2004 #44783 0 a.m. a small sphere, moving very fast to the west, flew directly under a 5/8/2005 #44834 beginning at 11:00 p.m. They were fast moving, with one green light and tw 8/15/2005 #44864 , about 50 yards away. It took off fast. 11/21/2005 #44904 a, Canada at 8:30 p.m., travelling fast at high altitude. 10/11/2006 #44974 e pilot of a Boeing 767 observed a fast moving light cross in front of his 11/12/2006 #44984 n of red lights was sighted moving fast across the sky in Orangeville, Onta 4/22/2007 #45020 colored, spinning and moving very fast across the sky. Finally, at 11:15 p 8/4/2007 #45042 At 4:00 a.m. a small, fast maneuvering ball of white light slo 9/16/2007 #45058 underglow was spotted moving very fast across the sky in Palm Harbor, Flor 9/20/2007 #45062 blue and white light flew low and fast over Bowie, Maryland. 12/23/2007 #45103 that were flying side-by-side very fast. They did a circle around each othe 5/15/2008 #45139 m whence it had come, and was very fast. 8/15/2008 #45157 ircled with red lights moving very fast over Taverny, Bessancourt, Ile-de-F 9/4/2008 #45165 then headed off the the south very fast. 9/6/2008 #45166 ed object was observed flying very fast among the clouds in Waverly, Ohio. 11/29/2008 #45193 amed SR-72, which can fly twice as fast as the SR-71 at Mach 6. However, US 11/1/2013 #45391 video recordings, known as the Go Fast and GIMBAL videos, are taken by an 2/2015? #45430 we could make out some detail but fast enough to where it was out of sight 12/10/2016 #45461 a secret USO project known as the “Fast Mover Program.” D’Antonio states he 9/19/2017 #45481 ing, and it is moving sufficiently fast relative to the Sun that few possib 10/19/2017 #45485 s an unidentified aircraft flying “fast” (relative to commercial air traffi 10/25/2017 #45487 lane notices a bright light moving fast on the left and rapidly veers north 11/9/2018 #45544 ” that are “maneuvering and moving fast.” 11/17/2018 #45546 er, then descend and take off very fast. Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) says h 12/2019 #45620 lects signature data of underwater fast movers, tic-tac kinetic vehicles, o 8/23/2022 #45763
San Pablo, CA Fast-flying irregularly shaped transluce 9/23/1948 #3808 adults and three children ! saw a fast-flying object with a large white li 6/9/1967 #22481
” who have arranged a meeting at a fast-food restaurant near their home in 9/24/1976 #31423
pilots and ground observers see a fast-maneuvering, orange-red, round obje 12/11/1955 #12605
like buzz. The light is on a dark, fast-moving oblong object. It is in view 3/23/1909 #725 f Glamorganshire, watches a large, fast-moving object above Cardiff, Wales, 1/17/1913 #870 Carlsbad, NM Air Force pilot saw fast-moving UFO speed out of sight over 3/1944 #1583 r Force pilot flying a B-17 sees a fast-moving, glowing green object light 3/1944 #1584 re scrambled after radar reports a fast-moving object over the nearby Hanfo Mid 7/1945 #1896 Skåne, Sweden 11:00 p.m. A fast-moving, silent, circular object gli 8/5/1946 #2106 t Troy, Wisconsin, when they see a fast-moving silver object flying southea 7/7/1947 #2934 Ludington, MI Fast-moving "comet with a tail" cross th 4/20/1949 #4095 , Elmer and Irene Ballheim see two fast-moving objects flying in the distan 9/26/1949 #4372 ne of the men on deck sees a “very fast-moving red glow light, which appear 1/22/1950 #4503 to the grandstand and notices two fast-moving bright lights “like two new 8/15/1950 #5126 rea, Korea U.S.S. Princeton Tracks Fast-Moving Targets (NICAP: 09 - RADAR C 4/1951 #5497 Missile Range, New Mexico, catch a fast-moving object on their scope. At th 7/14/1951 #5575 confirmed the visual sighting of a fast-moving UFO. Motion picture footage 7/14/1951 #5576 at Lubbock, Texas, when they see a fast-moving, semicircular formation of 2 8/25/1951 #5625 ndiana Paris, Illinois 1:42 p.m. A fast-moving, silvery UFO shaped like a “ 10/9/1951 #5715 ng his personal observation of two fast-moving yellow lights in the sky ove 7/1952 #6678 e usually disc-shaped, silent, and fast-moving. “Our major conclusion to da 3/18/1953 #8760 orts soon come from Brunswick of a fast-moving, bright blue object, similar 8/5/1953 #9049 raphic Service Laboratory A small, fast-moving, ricocheting fireball rips a 8/19/1953 #9084 cific Ocean open fire on luminous, fast-moving UFOs. No hits are made. The 7/24/1957 #13826 crater Copernicus. They watch the fast-moving shape “every night the weath 10/8/1959 #16028 taunton, Virginia, when he sees a “fast-moving object without wings or tail 12/21/1964 #18669 around the region saw maneuvering, fast-moving lighted objects. When a poli 8/1/1966 #20715 operator had acknowledged seeing a fast-moving lighted object, and he later 8/1/1966 #20715 County, Maryland saw maneuvering, fast-moving lighted objects. When a poli 8/1/1966 #20719 operator had acknowledged seeing a fast-moving lighted object, and he later 8/1/1966 #20719 t of a BEA Vanguard Airliner saw a fast-moving, disc-shaped object estimate Mid 1967 #22508 e shore of a lake, when they saw a fast-moving oval object. It was milky wh 8/9/1967 #22851 it, but lower than high-altitude, fast-moving white clouds. She continues 12/10/1967 #23567 lur above their shoulders like the fast-moving wings of a hummingbird. What 6/14/1968 #24034 Louisiana, Mississippi, and Ohio. Fast-moving oblong objects with bright f 8/31/1973 #27734 Cape Girardeau, MO 10:30 a.m. A fast-moving disc with dome was observed, 9/5/1976 #31344 ighter aircraft allegedly pursue a fast-moving UFO and shoot it down with a 5/7/1989 #38938 crambled, multiple radar tracks of fast-moving objects 3/30/1990 #39498 est, Hungary Test pilot encounters fast-moving, maneuvering, object (NICAP: 7/6/1994 #41609 Raymore, Saskatchewan 9:20 a.m. A fast-moving silvery object “like a cruis 2/19/2003 #44494 ver, New Brunswick, sees a bright, fast-moving fireball. Around 11:00 p.m., 1/17/2004 #44651
MEDELLIN, COL. Fast-moving-star circles airport. Ignore 2/9/1988 #38447
TX 7 military. Large saucer. Many fast-smooth maneuvers. Same back / 1110h 8/14/1952 #7581
an equipped with long silver wings fastened over the shoulders with a strap 1/6/1948 #3533 an equipped with long silver wings fastened over the shoulders with a strap 1/6/1948 #3534 were covered with tweedlike cloth fastened at the wrists and ankle. He fil 5/20/1953 #8888 were covered with tweed-like cloth fastened at the wrists and ankle. The UF 5/20/1953 #8890 shoulder, got back into his craft, fastened safety belts, and took off, tur 9/20/1954 #10373 r. They wore light brown coveralls fastened to shoes without heels. After p 12/9/1954 #11789 t of 17 sheets of thin copper foil fastened at one edge. The booklet is eng 11/21/1957 #14590 ight. The car begins to move as if fastened to the craft into a field of wh 11/2/1967 #23390 g "a sort of one piece Montgomery, fastened at the wrists & ankles." It was 7/8/1968 #24159 , wearing black coveralls. She was fastened onto an operating table, where 6/11/1976 #31103
overall with no visible buttons or fasteners, and gloves made of shiny mesh 3/13/1963 #17705 overall with no visible buttons or fasteners, and gloves made of shiny mesh 3/13/1963 #17706
tallic object speed across the sky faster than a dirigible. 1930 #1107 o wobble slightly. They are flying faster than Japanese planes and are soon 8/12/1942 #1434 h going quickly south. Groups / 3. Faster / balloons. 1/8/1943 #1478 in groups of three. The UFOs moved faster than balloons, and the procession 1/8/1943 #1479 h a bright light that climbed much faster than his aircraft, a RAF Beaufigh 12/14/1943 #1554 cil-shaped, metallic object moving faster than a jet about a mile away. Whi Summer 1944 #1612 zontal position, it begins to spin faster and faster and the hum becomes ve 3/1945 #1805 tion, it begins to spin faster and faster and the hum becomes very intense. 3/1945 #1805 ver(s). Plain cylinder/cigar-shape faster / any fighter. Slight rumble. Tur 5/31/1946 #2001 of about 6,560 feet. It is moving faster than a jet aircraft. 7/30/1946 #2087 y west. Turns going quickly north. Faster / plane. Low altitude. / L'Espoir 9/23/1946 (approximate) #2188 moving at a speed calculated to be faster than sound at an altitude of 38,0 1/16/1947 #2228 Richland, WA Three Flat Objects Faster Than P-38's (NICAP: 01 - Distant 6/21/1947 #2352 oving in a northwesterly direction faster than a speeding plane at an estim 6/22/1947 #2364 d they were travelling at 500mph - faster than any plane he ever saw. 6/23/1947 #2368 [to] WSW straight & level flight. Faster / planes. 'Tilted disk shape'. / 6/24/1947 #2385 ng of flat circular objects “going faster than anything I’ve ever seen.” Ka 6/24/1947 #2397 "silver dollar" going quickly east faster / jet plane. 6/30/1947 #2476 gar-shape going quickly southeast. Faster / planes. Going quickly south / s 7/1947 #2494 ort. Gyrate. Do figure-8s. Circle. Faster / planes. 7/4/1947 #2638 10' flying clam going quickly east faster / plane. Straight and level traje 7/5/1947 #2703 /orb/globe going quickly southwest faster / any plane. 10K' altitude. Rod s 7/6/1947 #2764 bserver(s). Light colored 40' disk faster / plane. Just below clouds. Rises 7/6/1947 #2780 ver orb shot toward the southwest "faster than any plane." It flew at an es 7/6/1947 #2823 , Texas. It speed was judged to be faster than a plane, and it seemed to be 7/6/1947 #2826 A CITY, OK J. P. barnes. 8-9 disks faster than jets. Dip going up and down 7/7/1947 #2902 d several. 3 round rolling objects faster / P80 planes. 7/8/1947 #2955 BASE, AK 3 teens. Small white disk faster / fighters. Going quickly south o 7/9/1947 #3044 going quickly west / 3km altitude. Faster / any plane. 1500kph. Seen / 30 s 7/11/1947 #3129 rge, whitish, roundish, very high, faster than any aircraft, and perform ra 4/5/1948 #3612 - bright white diamond shaped obj faster than jet disappeared (NICAP: 01 - 1/6/1949 #3965 500–2,000 feet altitude and flying faster than a jet. Possible meteor. 1/6/1949 #3967 ic circular obj from motionless to faster than jet (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 5/8/1949 #4170 can take off, the disc speeds away faster than a jet fighter. It disappears 5/21/1949 #4200 FO, and then run down the highway "faster than Jesse Owens." 3/31/1950 #4778 9' metallic saucers / E. horizon. Faster / any jet. / r95v5#3. 4/17/1950 #4856 ughly 9 feet in diameter. It moves faster than any conventional aircraft. 4/17/1950 #4859 ne feet in diameter, and they flew faster than conventional aircraft. 4/17/1950 #4860 oing quickly southeast to horizon. Faster / plane. 6/1951 #5528 officer / car. Saucer / 90° turns. Faster / plane. Slower / meteor. / r135p 6/1/1951 #5531 rapidly disappears. Its speed is “faster than an airplane, slower than a m 6/1/1951 #5535 overs end / Moira Lake. Shoots off faster / jet. 7/1951 #5554 jects. All going quickly southwest faster / jet. Uneven formation. 8/25/1951 #5619 at 8000 ft. It was travelling much faster than they were (900+ mph). It was 9/10/1951 #5656 tail lights, travels about 35 mph faster than the B-36, crosses the front 9/18/1951 #5678 southeast / 150m altitude. Silent. Faster / jet. 1/3/1952 #5858 ults / 5000' altitude. Crosses sky faster / jet plane going quickly west. 4/9/1952 #6048 nnot be precisely estimated but is faster than that of jet aircraft. Intens 5/12/1952 #6305 ot be estimated precisely, but was faster than a jet aircraft. The intensit 5/12/1952 #6306 s speed was estimated as 5-6 times faster than a F-86 jet and was seen for 6/5/1952 #6449 lerates instantaneously to a speed faster than a jet fighter. 6/29/1952 #6666 ck. Both were moving just a little faster than the two jets. The UFOs appea 7/1/1952 #6691 4 airmen / ground. 3 white saucers faster / jet. 1 hovers / airstrip. 7/9/1952 #6732 diameter (at arm’s length), moving faster than any jet aircraft they have s 7/9/1952 #6736 and marine pilot. Green fireballs. Faster / balloon. Slower / meteor. 7/10/1952 #6748 the turretlike cylinder, then spun faster and rose out of sight. 7/11/1952 #6761 and level, and seemed to be going faster than jet aircraft. A Project Blue 7/17/1952 #6875 ding towards MacDill and traveling faster than the B-29. The B-29 fire cont 7/22/1952 #7027 sound or exhaust trail at a speed faster than a four-engine airliner at an 7/23/1952 #7078 Several saucers seen / theodolite. Faster / any plane.. 7/29/1952 #7275 ckly west. Large and distant. Much faster / plane. 7/29/1952 #7297 d also been tracked on radar going faster than any known aircraft. This con 7/30/1952 #7362 vers! Going quickly [to] going SSW faster / any jet. Huge acceleration. 8/1/1952 #7392 nesses say the objects are moving “faster than jets.” 8/5/1952 #7468 kly west / series. 1/2 mile apart. Faster / plane. 8/6/1952 #7480 feet. It moves several hundred mph faster than any known jet aircraft. No s 8/9/1952 #7525 ar larger that the others and move faster. Fifty follow the straight west-t 8/10/1952 #7539 Silent fighter-sized silver saucer faster / jet". 9/4/1952 #7841 the first group slow, the second faster. Seen for 2 minutes. 9/17/1952 #7970 rst group slowly, the second group faster. The sighting lasted for 2 minute 9/17/1952 #7971 8 minutes. Going quickly southeast faster / jet. 9/22/1952 #8001 ht for five seconds. It moved much faster than F-80, and showed constant ac 10/24/1952 #8182 ols and interior lighting, and was faster than a jet. 10/27/1952 #8201 supposedly tracks them also moving faster than sound (>767 mph). 4/19/1953 #8838 2+6 saucers cavort / 3km altitude. Faster / any jet. / 137#2p61+r78p168. 5/21/1953 #8893 they vary from very slow to speeds faster than a jet plane. 5/21/1953 #8896 ver town. Going southwest slightly faster / clouds. 9km altitude. 7/24/1953 #9011 ends. Swoops over north sea. Rises faster. 10/9/1953 #9214 p secret. It recommends better and faster use of electronic intelligence in 10/20/1953 #9246 speed off in different directions faster than a jet. The display is comple Summer 1954 #9922 indows or the craft as it flew off faster than a jet. At the site were foun 9/2/1954 #10233 beams / light. Going quickly south faster / any plane. 10/3/1954 #10638 3 and Mach 4 at 100,000 feet, far faster than other fighters at the time. 1955 #11897 y [to] horizon / 1 minute(s). Much faster / any jet. Silent. No trail. 3/13/1955 #12047 kly NNE toward(s) Gloucester. Much faster / jet. 4/6/1956 #12793 A Several observer(s). Night light faster / jet. Stops and continues. Pasad 7/29/1956 #13026 ly seen / dusk. Silent. No lights. Faster / jet. 7/11/1957 #13790 e, highly maneuverable, and flying faster than the RB-47. The 55th Strategi 7/17/1957 #13808 E, NY 2 observer(s). Shiny objects faster / jets. Drop angel hair? none rec 9/9/1957 #13987 navigation lights. It is traveling faster than a jet plane on a track from 10/9/1957 #14085 object rose very slowly, flew off faster climbing out of sight. 9/1/1958 #15245 ose very slowly, and then flew off faster climbing out of sight. 9/1/1958 #15248 2 aircraft that will be five times faster than the U-2 and fly three miles 1/26/1960 #16157 . It is supposed to be three times faster than the Echo 1 satellite and tra 8/25/1960 #16414 s). Going quickly northwest rising faster than a jet. Contrail. 10/27/1960 #16487 sped through the air. It was going faster than any airplane I ever saw and 11/18/1961 #16964 line across the blue Georgia sky, faster and faster until it is gone. 12/1/1962 #17568 s the blue Georgia sky, faster and faster until it is gone. 12/1/1962 #17568 ue color and no light. It took off faster than a jet, after hovering about 2/15/1963 #17667 ckly “fluttering” across the road, faster than the “fastest sprinter.” 10/23/1963 #18004 nute. They all agree that it moved faster than a jet. 10/1964 #18566 ugh the sky, at a speed many times faster than the speed of sound. 3/6/1965 #18845 rom its top, and then rises upward faster and faster. Three more objects le Fall 1965 #19592 , and then rises upward faster and faster. Three more objects leave the lar Fall 1965 #19592 eball no meteor. It kept on going. Faster than planes. 9/27/1965 #19611 n he stopped to watch it. It moved faster than any known conventional aircr 9/27/1965 #19616 arted away at an incredible speed, faster than any aircraft. In Wakefield, 4/17/1966 #20320 of her car, but traveling a little faster than she was. It looked like "a b 5/16/1966 #20490 rotates slowly when hovering (but faster when flying). There is a window a 1/19/1967 #21354 ver(s). Saucer hovers / rock pond. Faster / jet planes. 2 saucers back 20 A 3/24/1967 #21959 d over Rock Pond before moving off faster than a jet aircraft. (Fowler, UFO 3/24/1967 #21964 Air Base in Madrid, from which two faster fighters are scrambled. The new f 6/9/1967 #22482 her than normal temperature, and a faster than normal heartbeat. 8/7/1967 #22841 ar outmaneuvers jet. Very high and faster. During Yugo wave. 12/1967 (approximate) #23526 south. Jet plane follows. UFO much faster. 10/7/1968 #24545 to follow it, but the UFO was much faster. On this same day a 42-foot diame 10/7/1968 #24549 ded away at tremendous speed--much faster than any aircraft..." Officer Ton 6/20/1969 #25230 is moving slower than a meteor but faster than a jet aircraft. 5/14/1970 #25662 10–20 feet below its level, flying faster than the plane. The object is met 12/20/1971 #26509 minute(s). Going up [to] slow then faster and gone! 12/25/1971 #26517 ing quickly west / 2500M altitude. Faster / jet. 9/28/1973 #27882 et suit. The bubble began rotating faster and disappeared inside the object 10/4/1973 #27936 t is only 300 feet away and moving faster than an aircraft. 5/1/1977 #32045 Suddenly going quickly northeast! Faster than a jet. 5/9/1977 #32076 n from the East (Chicago) at speed faster than a/c exceptionally high. Obje 7/4/1978 #33332 e rush in from the east at a speed faster than an aircraft and exceptionall 7/4/1978 #33334 lerates silently over the horizon “faster than a plane.” Clark radios the C 7/28/1978 #33435 The driver can’t get the car to go faster than about 20 mph. The lights are 8/24/1978 #33564 Cylinder/cigar-shape with flanges. Faster / jet going quickly south. Also f 8/27/1978 #33576 It moves off to the south, flying faster than a jet. 8/27/1978 #33579 2. 1 going [to] east-northeast. 1 faster going ESE. 10/10/1978 #33825 began pulsating first slowly, then faster and faster. He then heard a voice 12/14/1978 #34127 ting first slowly, then faster and faster. He then heard a voice say: "Do n 12/14/1978 #34127 its / 2. Parts shoot going up [to] faster. 7/17/1979 #34660 ions as it moves forward and spins faster as its speed diminishes. The obje 5/2/1980 #35303 e glowing yellow object was moving faster than his aircraft. (NICAP: 11 - A 6/14/1980 #35366 wrinkled 50cm ovoid low / runways. Faster / wind. Going northeast. 8/2/1980 #35438 Cops. "Teardrop-on side" maneuvers faster / any jet. Local wave. 11/25/1980 #35665 lightly above it, moving 2–3 times faster than a commercial airliner. The w 6/10/1981 #35961 riangle/box-like craft / sky. Away faster than plane. No further details. 6/17/1983 #36882 when the driver attempted to drive faster. 8/1/1983 #36930 l sees an egg-shaped object moving faster than a blimp. 6/21/1984 #37371 ver again. Then it flies away at a faster but uniform speed. 2/25/1987 #38123 t the outer edges of the orbit and faster as they near the center. Devine s 11/23/1987 #38332 made S-turns, and moved many times faster than an aircraft. There was also 3/21/1990 #39476 uthwest to the east. It was moving faster than a normal aircraft, and she i 9/13/1990 #39731 ight, pulsating light, moving much faster than other aircraft, giving no en 10/1/1990 #39756 ouse. It was not well lit, it flew faster than a jet, and made no sound. 11/24/1991 #40238 balloon east going quickly west 4x faster / the wind. Absolute(ly) silent. 4/11/1992 #40412 Ovoid hovers over park. Zips away faster / any plane. 10/8/1992 #40664 p.m. for 70 minutes. It shot away faster than any plane, according to the 10/8/1992 #40666 elerates to the horizon many times faster than a military aircraft. Ministr 3/31/1993 #40914 amond floats by. Lights / corners. Faster / balloon. 11/29/1993 #41307 hes up to plane and vanishes. 5-6X faster. Going quickly east. 8/1/1994 #41652 flash and maneuver / 45 minute(s). Faster / any jet. 2-3 hours missing time 1/22/1995 #41989 Nevada for 45 minutes. They moved faster than any jet. The two witnesses e 1/22/1995 #41991 UIS, IL Cop / I40. 200' disk 5-10X faster / any jet! Glows. Changes shape! 2/22/1995 #42056 t 90° turn going quickly south and faster. 9/9/1996 #43011 higher object was moving away much faster than the lower one. The witnesses 10/13/1997 #43427 aterialization/dematerialization,” faster than light travel and antigravity 8/22/1998 #43635 h altitude in a zigzag motion, one faster than the other. 2/23/2000 #43957 eft no vapor trail, and moved much faster than the Goodyear Blimp, which is 5/12/2001 #44184 as Sirius. It was moving 2-3 times faster than a satellite. Mr. Viktor Zdor 5/19/2003 #44542 plane, but then it started moving faster. It sped up to an unbelievable sp 7/12/2003 #44563 moving rapidly westward at a speed faster than a typical airplane. It was i 9/20/2003 #44605 Gen. Wesley Clark says faster than light travel is possible in 11/3/2004 #44777 e slightly. The higher it goes the faster it gets until it disappears. The 7/5/2005 #44851 ill over him, so he tried to drive faster after taking the turn, but the ca 8/6/2006 #44953 me out of the northeast at a speed faster than a military jet. Allen thinks 1/8/2008 #45112 ect with three white lights moving faster than an airplane. 8/6/2018 #45535 d lights go zipping by at 100 mph, faster than any drone. A close call with 1/8/2020 #45625
UFO reports and the possibility of faster-than-light travel. The conversati Summer 1950 #4996 ze about quantum vacuum energy and faster-than-light propulsion. Jacques Va 3/20/2020 #45640
outdistanced the P-61, one of the fastest propeller driven aircraft of its 4/18/1945 #1848 cloud case?] They outdistanced our fastest ships. Some air force men believ 5/18/1949 #4193 y 1,500 mph, well in excess of the fastest operational jet at the time, and 3/9/1950 #4598 ssing speeds of the lights are the fastest he has ever encountered. He has 8/31/1954 #10218 ield tower controlmen. "It was the fastest thing I ever saw," said tower em 1/3/1960 #16149 across the road, faster than the “fastest sprinter.” 10/23/1963 #18004 ver disc flew twice as fast as the fastest jet over Pine Grove, Pennsylvani 6/6/1967 #22474 ASA X-43A hypersonic scramjet, the fastest free-flying air-breathing vehicl 11/16/2004 #44787 TV-2 Falcon hypersonic glider, the fastest unmanned aerial vehicle, reaches 4/22/2010 #45275
ard a member say they “picked up a Fastwalker,” how it entered Earth's atmo 3/6/2015 #45433
vents tracked by NORAD are termed “fastwalkers.” Osedacz writes NORAD taske 6/1989 #38972 x. It is unknown if conclusions on fastwalkers have been delivered to Congr 6/1989 #38972 s.theblackvault.com/documents/ufos/fastwalkers/a209227.pdf Note: On 6 J 6/1989 #38972 gram) have tracked about 500 UFOs (fastwalkers) entering Earth’s atmosphere 9/1990 #39711 cedures or manuals that reference “Fastwalkers” and “Slowwalkers,” terms us 5/25/1995 #42229 s.theblackvault.com/documents/ufos/fastwalkers/FY14-19NOV2013-07.pdf 5/25/1995 #42229 Fastwalkers, a documentary on NORAD’s De 12/13/2006 #44991 Program and its detection of UFOs (fastwalkers and slowwalkers) entering th 12/13/2006 #44991
NEAR FAIRFAX, NZ Dark fat cylinder/cigar-shape going [to] over 7/31/1909 #794 st antenna. That afternoon a dark, fat, cigar-shaped object flew over the h 7/31/1909 #795 ississippi, when she sees a large, fat, cigar-shaped object that changes fr Summer 1944 #1611 gning a workable implosion design (Fat Man) becomes the top priority of the 7/4/1944 #1618 n implosion-type plutonium weapon, Fat Man) is dropped on Nagasaki, Japan, 8/9/1945 #1920 n is very similar to the first US “Fat Man” plutonium bomb. The project is 8/29/1949 #4340 bserver Corps (GOC) observer(s). 2 fat bullet objects straight and level fa 4/19/1952 #6129 bserver saw 2 objects, shaped like fat bullets (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 8/19/1952 #7644 Lathrop. Two objects, shaped like fat bullets, flew straight and level, ve 8/19/1952 #7647 throp sees two objects shaped like fat bullets flying straight, level, and 8/19/1952 #7649 op sighted two objects shaped like fat bullets that flew straight and level 8/19/1952 #7652 Bonanza. One object, shaped like a fat football, flaming orange-red color, 9/13/1952 #7915 hted a flying object shaped like a fat football, fiery orange-red in color, 9/13/1952 #7917 CAPRI, ITL Painter. Fat silent metallic 4M glowing-saucer ma 10/17/1954 #11156 KYRENIA, CYPRUS US diplomat. Fat silver cigar. Silent. No trail. Blue 10/20/1954 #11257 EAR GROSSETO, TUSC, ITL Woman sees fat ugly being with helmet in garden. No 10/27/1954 #11440 in the garden. The being appeared fat and had narrow shoulders, apelike ey 10/27/1954 #11448 in her garden. The being appeared fat but had narrow shoulders, ape-like e 10/27/1954 #11455 SOMMAPRADA, LOZIO, ITL Fat cylinder/cigar-shape going down / 5M 12/30/1954 #11878 aVeta, CO Dirigible-shaped object, fat front, tapered toward the tail (NICA 11/25/1955 #12591 ylor. One dirigible-shaped object (fat front, tapered toward the tail) obje 11/25/1955 #12592 object in La Veta, Colorado with a fat front, tapered toward the tail, whic 11/25/1955 #12593 McKinney, TX Fat, oblong, stationary object with two 4/4/1956 #12785 through a 55-200x telescope. One fat, oblong object with two lines around 4/4/1956 #12786 other was a 55-200x telescope. The fat, oblong object had two lines around 4/4/1956 #12787 CHLEY, ENG Hundreds / observer(s). Fat cylinder/cigar-shape hovers vertical 5/22/1957 #13671 hest, ugly tentacles, and rolls of fat running in a bent over fashion. 1/30/1959 #15571 LOUVIERS, FR 1 / garden. Fat 20M cylinder/cigar-shape / 30M altit 6/28/1960 (approximate) #16318 ter Marie Solange to watch it. The fat cigar-shaped object approached, then 2/5/1967 #21463 ple and their three children saw a fat boomerang-shaped object with three r 3/17/1967 #21910 11:05 p.m. MST). Two peoplen saw a fat, solid-gray cigar (ellipse) with a b 4/6/1967 #22075 nd cops and RADAR and more/others. Fat cylinder/cigar-shape. No blimps up. 5/15/1967 #22344 st Indianapolis, Indiana sighted a fat, multi-colored cigar-shaped UFO with 5/15/1967 #22349 r. UFO follows car / several km. 3 fat figure(s) inside. Responds / lights. 6/16/1974 #29199 PAIN 2M glowing-sphere lands. 1.9M fat figure with helmet outside. 9/1/1976 #31321 ove the building and looks like a “fat cigar” about 50–60 feet long. It beg Autumn 1976 #31421 TIN, TX 1 observer. Grey metallic "fat Coke bottle" shape hovers / southwes 11/10/1977 #32661 a grayish, 4-foot-tall being with fat head, long arms, and a slender body 1/18/1978 #32894 at the being was gray/brown with a fat head, long arms and slender body. h 1/18/1978 #32895 erver(s). Green walnut-saucer with fat ring going north 3x jet-speed under 2/20/1978 #32985 car going east. Slots and windows. Fat figure. / r41p49. 7/12/1981 #35999 AD, NH Lights. Door stuck. Saucer. Fat 4' figure / big nose and mouth. Miss 2/1990 #39402 ST. OSYTH, ESSEX 2+2 observer(s). Fat boomerang going east. 0230h / Clacto 11/22/1990 #39895 ssex, England at 12:30 a.m., and a fat boomerang-shaped object was seen goi 11/22/1990 #39899 wo boomerang-shaped objects with a fat center. The objects stayed the same 8/20/1992 #40586 shop when he saw a glowing oval or fat cigar-shaped object flying at 2,500 9/30/1992 #40651 at 6:30 p.m. that was described as fat in the middle, and tapered at the en 1/28/1993 #40817 huge stingray shaped object with a fat belly, wider than it was long, was s 2/19/1993 #40853 EAR CHERRYVILLE, NC 2 / cars. Huge fat cylinder/cigar-shape just over trees 8/9/1993 #41119 At 5:00 p.m. a very large, fat cigar-shaped object, "battleship gra 8/9/1993 #41120 e occurred. Dogs barked as a huge, fat, battleship gray UFO passed near the 8/10/1993 #41122 NEAR PORDENONE, ITL Fat 3M saucer hovers / 80cm altitude. Pa 5/19/1995 #42216 Classic saucer with lights / rim. Fat / middle. Hovers. Going quickly nort 9/20/1996 #43031 BUSSY, FR Fat grey cylinder/cigar-shape hovers 20M 3/9/1997 #43224 ell defined blue object, which was fat at both ends but slim in the middle, 10/31/2001 #44268
ood health. His injuries suggest a fatal whole-body ionizing radiation dose 7/4/1969 #25251 n. Three months later, there was a fatal car accident at the same site, kil 8/28/1977 #32437 ine the cause, but it is “presumed fatal” for Valentich. In 1983, an engine 10/21/1978 #33856 d an entity. She develops a nearly fatal case of pneumonia and finds out sh 11/19/1980 #35659
trial zone. There are no immediate fatalities, though up to 200+ additional 9/29/1957 #14044 n the US that results in immediate fatalities. 1/3/1961 #16561 a thermal explosion. There are 10 fatalities, and 49 other people suffer r 8/10/1985 #37641 ; he claims there were 18 military fatalities when the occupants retaliated 9/28/1989 #39132
he deputies in the head, Cooper is fatally shot. Federal authorities report 11/5/2001 #44272
ion to the Arctic to determine the fate of the lost Franklin Northwest Pass 9/15/1850 #145 when the war ended in Europe. The fate of these V-2 rockets is unknown. 8/1944 #1624 Fate Magazine 1948 Volume 1 #1 page 26 r 1/1948 #3528 Fuller publish the first issue of Fate magazine at Clark Publishing Compan Spring 1948 #3592 up by some Canadian newspapers and Fate magazine in its February/March 1952 7/2/1950 #5039 osure as coauthor of an article in Fate on his fake UFO photographs. A foll 9/1950 #5161 After selling his share of Fate magazine to Curtis and Mary Margare 1955 #11895 ania. In the October 1980 issue of Fate, Goerman explains the entire mess, 4/1956 #12777 US In the May issue of “Fate” magazine, Master Sgt. O.D. Hill ad 5/1961 #16669 esis in the December 1955 issue of Fate), but from a reality “so strange th 9/1962 #17380 op level. Flashes red and green. / fate 1 / 65. 9/15/1964 #18553 Flies away. No further details. / fate Jly'65. 1/14/1965 #18723 es uprooted and burnt. / r201p60 / Fate. 1/25/1965 #18762 ths and religions that will change fate. In time the book leads to a new sc 1969 #24802 around, or he will suffer the same fate as Barney Hill. The stranger gets u 9/11/1976 #31376 Hotel Grant Park Chicago, Illinois Fate magazine holds an International UFO 6/24/1977 #32190 , Betty Hill, and R. Leo Sprinkle. Fate editor Curtis G. Fuller publishes t 6/24/1977 #32190 ter 1993. No information about the fate of the project is published after 1 8/1/1993 #41100
On this fateful day six U.S. Army Air Force plan 12/5/1945 #1951
altitude of 500 feet. He calls his father, Milo S. Warn, and they watch the 4/24/1897 #569 George Campbell is riding with his father when they see the fireball descen 10/4/1898 #625 vening. Madge Brosius, 12, and her father Charles see a “huge object like a 3/17/1903 #660 dows in two rows of four each. Her father estimates it is 100 feet long. It 3/17/1903 #660 On this evening a father and daughter observed a glowing 1 3/17/1903 #661 m. William Nixon is working at his father’s sawmill 18 miles from St. Georg 5/5/1911 #854 Saint Joseph blessing the people. Father John de Marchi, an Italian Cathol 10/13/1917 #970 Illinois Dusk. Frank Tezky and his father watch 6 disc-shaped objects in We 8/1926 #1060 near the figure. She wakes up her father (who is resting in the open air) Summer 1928 #1087 . A man is in a cornfield with his father near Alger, Ohio, when an object 10/1938 #1296 they are separately told by their father, a cousin of Secretary of State C 1939? #1303 :00 a.m. Lavern P. Zewiske and his father Paul are checking some recently p Mid 5/1940 #1332 loud noise and flash of light. The father goes to the door, where he sees a 10/1944 #1673 ee of them enter the house and the father accompanies them to a landed craf 10/1944 #1673 rid Hansson is sunbathing with her father on a floating jetty at the northe 7/19/1946 #2073 ated by Jack G. Tiffany Jr., whose father Jack G. Tiffany Sr. is one of the 7/10/1947 #3103 r Canyon, Idaho Two boys and their father saw a sky-blue object 100 m away 8/13/1947 #3319 Restier is returning home from his father’s place in Volta Redonda, Rio de 12/4/1949 #4434 he was abducted. Returning to his father’s house, he finds it is April 14, 12/4/1949 #4434 Las Vegas AFB, NV A man and his father stated that an object was within 1/10/1950 #4480 eds away to the west. Paul Trent’s father briefly sees the object before it 5/11/1950 #4939 three times. Jeston Reid said his father had seen the light in the 1870s. 3/1951 #5469 ush out of the room and tell their father, who inspects the room but finds 7/4/1951? #5559 from the ground. The next day his father and Sheriff Floyd Hadley find pea 9/2/1954 #10232 m Caracas who was driving with his father near this town stopped his car as 12/10/1954 #11793 aracas, Venezuela, when he and his father see two little men running near t 12/10/1954 #11796 :30 p.m. a doctor driving with his father in Floresta, Venezuela stopped hi 12/10/1954 #11798 l Sea 9:00 p.m. B. Muratov and his father are returning home to Chimbay, Uz 6/1958 #15072 apua (Boianai Mission), New Guinea Father Gill Case -saw Platform shaped ob 6/26/1959 #15788 be standing, looking down at us.” Father Gill and another teacher wave the 6/26/1959 #15790 uinea an Anglican missionary named Father Gill and 37 others watched four l 6/26/1959 #15791 were very tight-fitting," reported Father Gill. One of the beings waved bac 6/26/1959 #15791 d with some activity on top of it. Father William Gill waved, and one of th 6/27/1959 #15799 apua (Boianai Mission), New Guinea Father Gill saw up to 8 lights at varyin 6/28/1959 #15800 A father and daughter were driving south o 7/19/1959 #15860 , Oklahoma 2:00 p.m. A son and his father are driving near Skiatook, Oklaho 8/1959 #15888 , and she rushed home in fear. Her father came out and saw the object, whic 10/2/1959 #16010 Wales, Australia. At 10:45 p.m. a father and son were camping near a lake 3/3/1961 #16620 , Sheffield, England. Alec and his father show the photo later to the Air M 2/1962 #17033 backyard scenery, fooling even his father. 2/1962 #17033 CAP or Keyhoe. Although Bryan, the father of later UFO author C. D. B. Brya Summer 1962 #17238 fire through an opening. The boy's father warned him to stay away as Rivali 8/20/1962 #17347 ped the man. The boy ran after his father, noting that the cloud had "an ac 8/20/1962 #17347 lame through an opening. The boy's father warned him to stay away as his fa 8/20/1962 #17349 her warned him to stay away as his father Rivalino walked toward the object 8/20/1962 #17349 ped the man. The boy ran after his father, noting that the cloud had "an ac 8/20/1962 #17349 rything had vanished including his father. The police investigation, headed 8/20/1962 #17349 of a welder's torch. The witness's father testified that his son came home 5/20/1963 #17753 as a welder's torch. The witness's father later testified that his son came 5/20/1963 #17754 Orlando Gallegos steps outside his father’s ranch at La Madera, New Mexico, 4/26/1964 #18209 off its headlights and radio. The father jumps out of the car and looks st 11/26/1964 #18639 he incident for 16 years, when the father says the light was “motionless li 11/26/1964 #18639 nge noise (also heard by the boy's father) was noted. After 1-2 min the "pe 4/26/1965 #18920 which was also heard by the boy's father, was noted. After a couple of min 4/26/1965 #18921 oud, inexplicable explosion at his father Joseph’s farm near Carrollton, Oh 6/25/1965 #19028 as the famous CE-III sightings by Father Gill in 1959. A red light changed 7/12/1965 #19097 s house in Waverly, Iowa, with his father and sister. They hear a high-pitc 8/11/1965? #19367 David G., age 14, and his father and sister were sitting in their 8/13/1965 #19384 er, 16, is milking the cows in his father’s barn in Cherry Creek, New York, 8/19/1965 #19427 .m. Edward A. Bruns is driving his father’s 1962 Ford pickup truck, heading 12/19/1965 #19777 runs home, scared and nervous. His father goes to the site of the crash but 12/19/1965 #19777 A radar technician, the father of “Paul” in Michigan, claims he 1966 #19798 NEAR KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX Father of 4 kids sees small humanoid (or 9/5/1966 #20845 ly Air Force Base, Mr. Morrison, a father of four, was propped up in bed wh 9/5/1966 #20852 nge pulsating sound. She tells her father, and they look out the window to 1/26/1967 #21399 upt motions. (Letter from witness' father dated 7/6/67, NICAP files.) (NICA 6/29/1967 #22570 st two. (Phone call from witness's father, 9/15/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 0 9/14/1967 #23056 Ouray, Utah Moon 7:45 p.m. A father and son are returning from a fish 10/14/1967 #23238 n Villa Park, Illinois, when their father’s “Saucer Seeker” UFO detector go 1/15/1968 #23667 es a large object and calls to his father to come outside. They watch a big 1/20/1968 #23683 a divan. A few minutes later, her father, Pedro Jacobo Pretzel, arrives an 6/15/1968 #24039 -together in the backyard of their father’s home in Wooler, Ontario, when t 7/2/1968 #24132 akened by their dog's barking. The father went out to investigate and encou 7/28/1968 #24246 are playing in the garden of their father’s hotel in Southampton, England, 11/1968 #24612 . Thirteen people, including their father, return to see the object. Arcesi 7/4/1969 #25251 The witness and her father had gone to a local racetrack in 7/4/1969 #25254 The next morning, they tell Pat’s father, farmer Warren Barr, who then dis 7/12/1969 #25264 during the encounter and heard his father talking to someone, but the divid 4/15/1970 #25633 nd reported it to her parents. Her father went outside and saw the object, 8/30/1970 #25812 ad. She tells her parents, and her father goes outside and sees it too. He 8/30/1970 #25814 nd reported it to her parents. Her father went outside and also saw the obj 8/30/1970 #25815 Exeter, NH A father and his son were driving along a 8/9/1973 #27687 A father and his son were driving along th 8/9/1973 #27688 At 7:45 p.m. a young woman and her father were driving through a mostly swa 9/14/1973 #27821 ith the last name of Plume and her father were driving through a mostly swa 9/14/1973 #27823 hysterically into their house. The father of one of the girls then went int 9/27/1973 #27880 ny was sincere. Parker claims his father once worked for the Atomic Energy 10/11/1973 #28009 look in the object. When the boy's father stepped into the backyard minutes 10/16/1973 #28090 the company of the witness and his father, they walk around the field until 10/25/1973 #28285 owls like an animal and throws his father and an investigator to the ground 10/25/1973 #28285 y began growling, and he threw his father and investigator George Lutz to t 10/25/1973 #28286 t retreats. When he arrives at his father’s property, the object hovers ove 6/14/1974 #29191 d the encounter immediately to his father, who took him to the sheriff's of 11/21/1974 #29601 ra. He snapped one photograph. His father also saw the object, which was as 11/26/1974 #29610 d consciousness near his home. His father told him that he had been gone fo 1/5/1975 #29724 successfully tries to persuade his father to take a look. Returning alone, 7/22/1975 #30200 ge “feathered bird-man” that their father Dan Melling cuts short the vacati 4/17/1976 #30998 Liberty, IN 7:20 a.m. Father driving girl student to school. O 6/1976 #31078 heat builds up in the car, so the father stops the vehicle. The headlights 8/6/1976 #31240 ward the object, followed by their father. When they had got to within ten 8/6/1976 #31241 15, of Malone, Wisconsin, and his father Orville see multicolored lights f 8/7/1976 #31243 At ten p.m. a father and son in Malone, Wisconsin saw 8/7/1976 #31245 ke. Richie began to scream for his father, but when his father rushed out t 10/28/1976 #31503 cream for his father, but when his father rushed out there was nothing left 10/28/1976 #31503 bright light outside and calls her father. From their balcony they watch an 11/5/1976 #31528 nd disappear in the mountains. The father thinks the light is spinning. At 11/5/1976 #31528 ed to touch him. Moments later the father heard a noise coming from an empt 1/9/1978 #32862 g behind a red trail. He tells his father, who goes out and finds a round c 2/2/1978 #32946 labama 1:00 p.m. A witness and his father are driving a U-Haul truck north 7/1978 #33319 nd Perez manages to ride home. His father berates him and tells him to go b 9/6/1978 #33638 e back home. When he got home, his father reprimanded him and ordered him t 9/6/1978 #33640 rior to the incident the witness's father had found a mutilated cow in one 9/6/1978 #33640 she woke up thirsty and asked her father to bring her a glass of water. As 9/15/1978 #33689 Her last memory was of seeing her father standing still as if frozen in pl 9/15/1978 #33689 England 7:45 p.m. Jenny Randles’s father is getting static on his VHF radi 11/1/1978 #33909 took off fast toward the east. The father of one of the girls, Ralph Brashe 12/14/1978 #34128 ntelligible. André runs to get his father, whereupon the beings enter the c 1/4/1979 #34294 e UFO moves directly overhead. The father and son get out of the car, and t 4/12/1979 #34508 ages to change course and warn his father on the Hel-125 of danger. All the 8/23/1979 #34768 10:30 p.m. Charles Weeden and his father see an orange light moving errati 8/29/1979 #34802 Palatine, Illinois at 8:20 p.m. a father and son viewed a grayish-black, c 4/20/1980 #35283 0 a.m. Pilot Michael Davis and his father (a student pilot) are flying a 19 10/24/1982 #36663 ly evening. Bonnie McCrory and her father, Maurice Smith, are driving south 10/27/1982 #36666 On this evening a father and daughter witnessed a large si 10/27/1982 #36667 Staffordshire, England 8:30 p.m. A father and son are driving in Cannock Ch Autumn 1985 #37665 Benton, Louisiana 5:00 p.m. A father and daughter are driving to pick 1/19/1988 #38416 A father and daughter were driving to pick 1/19/1988 #38417 Novato, California 5:30 p.m. A father and his 16-year-old son watch fro 4/15/1989 #38907 original dumbbell-shaped UFO. The father notes a “strange absence of kids 4/15/1989 #38907 lection of how they got there. The father was standing in the living room w 10/27/1989 #39188 t a minute, and then went out. The father then walked outside to see what w 10/27/1989 #39188 lights. She pointed it out to the father who was driving. He stopped the c 3/24/1990 #39484 her twins are fast asleep, and the father then enters the car and they driv 3/24/1990 #39484 king a whirring sound. She and her father watched it pass low over their ho 10/16/1990 #39792 d in Roswell NM, in July 1947, his father Maj. Jesse Marcel was awakened in 3/6/1991 #40002 in the middle of the night by his father, who was excited and saw “debris” 3/6/1991 #40002 o was excited and saw “debris” his father brought home in his car from the 3/6/1991 #40002 yphics in a purple-violet hue. His father told him it was recovered from a 3/6/1991 #40002 ced a movement nearby and told his father. They then saw the tall, jet-blac 9/19/1992 #40631 Angelo Gianbattista, 18, tells his father, police officer Franco Giambattis 3/6/1994 #41443 ng outside her bedroom window. Her father went to investigate but saw nothi 1/30/1995 #42002 er the craft left Boisvert and his father noticed that their electric water 2/6/1996 #42743 ctor and ran to the barn where his father was working. As he rushed into th 2/6/1996 #42743 e rushed into the barn, he saw his father standing there with a blank expre 2/6/1996 #42743 ms and legs. Both Boisvert and his father were taken onboard the triangular 2/6/1996 #42743 they ran inside and woke up their father. He first thought they were jokin 2/16/1997 #43194 g outside. They then woke up their father who thought they were joking. All 2/16/1997 #43194 A father and son driving between Holstein 1/23/1998 #43502 Larry Rowlette states his father Sgt. Homer Roulette of the 603rd 3/1999 #43741 ed to Jacques Vallée, that Lemke’s father worked on advanced hardware that 6/11/2003 #44556 here she had been impregnated. The father of her child was also there, anot 9/3/2003 #44592 t was trap. She pointed out to the father of her daughter's baby that the h 9/3/2003 #44592 I went home." The witness told her father about it, and he became a third w 4/12/2004 #44686 de, South Australia, whose British father had worked for MI5 after World Wa 1/15/2005 #44808 ed for MI5 after World War II. His father had told him in 1959 when he was 1/15/2005 #44808 At 4:13 p.m. a father and son in Bastrop, Texas were pl 9/21/2007 #45067 d Chase City, Virginia 2:00 p.m. A father and son, both pilots, are in thei 2/18/2012 #45339 d. Above Chase City, Virginia, the father unexpectedly sees a bright, glowi 2/18/2012 #45339 it Ears Pass, Colorado 9:00 p.m. A father and daughter are traveling west o 10/6/2013 #45389 bbit Ears Pass, Colorado, when the father notices two white lights in the d 10/6/2013 #45389 egins to pass slowly overhead. The father sees that the short green line is 10/6/2013 #45389 brightness of the green light. The father, who had previously worked with l 10/6/2013 #45389 to stop and get a better look. The father comments that he has never seen a 10/6/2013 #45389 el Sr., states his grandfather and father (Jesse Marcel Jr.) held debris re 12/12/2020 #45669 stern Electric engineer claims his father said he worked on electrical stud 9/28/2021 #45711 om NASA. In 2018, Eskridge and her father Richard Eskridge gave a talk on b 6/15/2022 #45758 r Sen. John Warner III, states his father was at the Navy’s Atlantic Unders 10/14/2022 #45775
ed red marks appearing on both the father's and son's lower abdomens, were 11/2/1968 #24626 Romero, age 46, was driving to his father's farm in Medellin, Spain at 4:30 6/14/1974 #29193 activity. The daughter brought her father's attention to a streak of light 1/19/1988 #38417
.m. Robert Chovel and his wife and father-in-law were driving home from the 9/7/1954 #10265 next day, she and her husband and father-in-law find two equilateral trian 11/25/1964 #18637 t Yorkshire, England, to visit his father-in-law in East Morton. He was wal 12/1/1987 #38345 Blomidon, Nova Scotia, the pilot’s father-in-law (next to him in the right 7/1996 #42943
aneuvers code-named "Shield of the Fatherland-2004" had begun in the forest 8/25/2004 #44741
o far away that your minds "cannot fathom it." They went on to say that eve 7/4/1989 #39009
had made the sighting was about 30 fathoms deep to a sandy bottom. 11/13/1965 #19719
” of the type “seen in operational fatigue during the war”) and psychologis 3/31/1949 #4061 l journal); it is characterized by fatigue, anorexia, soreness, muscle weak 10/15/1966 #21006 effects included chronic illness, fatigue, anorexia, weight loss, weakness 10/15/1966 #21008 ut cannot account for the animals’ fatigue or behavior. 4/6/1978 #33128 He suddently felt overwhelmed with fatigue, and passed out or fell back asl 10/24/1988 #38687 the encounter Hannah suffered from fatigue, headaches and muscle pain. 5/30/1993 #40997 cy Pringle became ill with nausea, fatigue, and memory problems. The sympto 7/9/1996 #42953 finding is that 40% suffer chronic fatigue syndrome or mononucleosis. They 8/3/2012 #45351
He walked dragging his feet, as if fatigued. Foster glanced away thinking i 6/21/1970 #25704 er this incident she was extremely fatigued and suffered from headaches and 3/20/1974 #28916 ape and 2 small disks. Observer(s) fatigued. Noises and figure(s) / next 6 8/16/1974 #29358
he saw 10-15 military personnel in fatigues with no ID patches standing aro 1953 #8483 lmets. KA states a ground crew in fatigues was already there and prevented 4/12/1954 #9685 that.” The ground crew wore green fatigues with no insignia or rank identi 4/12/1954 #9685 hangar and at the site were men in fatigues without insignia. RT was assign 7/3/1967 #22604 to enter the facility wearing USAF fatigues, they were not heard from for a 12/14/1980 #35716
FATIMA, PORTUGAL 3 kids. Flash. Small wo 5/13/1917 #957 000 witnesses who had assembled at Fatima, in the Cova da Iria, Portugal to 8/13/1917 #961 FATIMA, PORTUGAL 50000 observer(s). Opal 10/13/1917 #969 ding the Cova da Iria, a grotto in Fatima, Portugal to witness a promised m 10/13/1917 #971 E, BELGIUM Hundreds / observer(s). Fatima like solar apparition. Sparks and 12/18/1933 #1178 s in Onkerzeele, Belgium watched a Fatima like solar apparition, with spark 12/18/1933 #1179 FATIMA, PORTUGAL Angel hair all over jus 10/17/1957 #14132 LEIRIA TO/FROM FATIMA, PORT MD and 1. 15M saucer / 1M a 11/7/1975 #30569
saw a UFO land in the field behind Fatma Primary School in the Santral dist 6/5/2002 #44347
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “fatman” Yield: 21KT 8/9/1945 #1919 CAJNEIRO, MARANHAO, BRZ Glowing fatman grows tall and thin. Odd posture. 11/11/1983 #37045
t a 100-foot-long silvery ellipse “fatter than a cigar” traveling southwest 7/1/1952 #6689 ked a little like a plane, but was fatter and shorter, was reported in Spri 3/1/2000 #43960
At 9:15 p.m. Juan Fattorel, age 41, was driving his truck 2/19/1982 #36357 gro Province, Arg 41-year old Juan Fattorel was traveling in his truck alon 2/20/1982 #36358
own. Classic saucer flies over Mr. Fattorini's car. No further details. / U 8/20/1963 #17909
ilvery outfits standing by a water faucet. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 8/31/1977 #32444 ilvery outfits standing by a water faucet. They seemed to have short antenn 8/31/1977 #32447
US71 SOUTH / FAUCETT, MO 5+observer(s). Star-like sil 7/6/1947 #2775 Capt. Oswaldo Sanvitti is flying a Faucett Perú DC-4 airliner from Chiclayo 2/2/1967 #21442
FAULQUEMONT, FR 1 / car. Luminous/glowin 10/19/1954 #11231
ographers say the dots “might be a fault in the developing process” that so 6/18/1947 #2340 arth". Warns / undersea earthquake fault. / r109p75. 8/7/1967 #22836 tit-Honach Mountain several times. Fault zone. 8/7/1967 #22837 / stunted plants found. Earthquake fault zone / r30p327. 3/17/1969 #25016 and bottom/underside. (Earthquake fault zone). / r30p330. 3/21/1969 #25034 s. No further details. (Earthquake fault area.) 4/3/1970 #25621 ws 4 / car several KM going north. Fault zone. 11/17/1972 #27124 ned to the south over a geological fault line. A second disc followed the s 2/13/1974 #28766 tween road tunnels over earthquake fault. 5/7/1974 #29088 oing quickly south over earthquake fault. 2nd disk follows. 2/13/1975 #29806 goes all over/all about S. Andreas fault! 9/9/1979 #34848 ox then flew along the San Andreas fault line. 9/9/1979 #34857
north going south over earthquake fault-zone / 100M altitude. 8/12/1974 #29332
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Faultless” Yield: 200KT YieldMax: 1000KT 1/19/1968 #23675
me going north. Path follows local faultline. 12/11/1970 #25935 The landing spot was on a geologic faultline. 5/7/1974 #29092
Company, two months later shows no faults unexplainable by ordinary causes. 1/3/1967 #21250
White Sands Pad 33, 56km altitude (Faulty steering led to high roll rate an 4/19/1948 #3626 rs assume that the US equipment is faulty, but the Canadians have tracked t Summer 1948 #3679 a UFO from the reports (because of faulty witness testimony, multicausal UF 10/25/1955 #12519 s: the (single) blip was caused by faulty radar equipment! 12/19/1964 #18660 lver lampshade saucer. Photographs faulty or show nothing! 9/22/1965 #19588 ear Leith Canyon, Nevada. Due to a faulty fuel gauge, the aircraft runs out 1/5/1967 #21260 liant silver disks to and fro over faulty transformer. Join cylinder/cigar- 8/15/1967 (approximate) #22879
r, it creates issues for the local fauna. Many birds are seen in distress. 8/1/1958 #15174
At 7:30 p.m. on a farm in Catlett, Fauquier County, Virginia a woman with m 12/15/1991 #40261
FAUSSE POINT, LA 5+observer(s). Silver u 1/17/1972 #26547
NAMPA, ID C. Hughes and C. Faust. Silent circular object undulates 7/3/1947 #2560
Miami, Florida Police detective Faustin Gallegos and his wife Dorothy se 2/28/1958 #14898
gnite fireworks. Mayor José Ildone Favacho Soeiro officially requests help 7/1977 #32220
SOUTH / FAVANG, NORW 2 / car. Hat saucer with 2 11/6/1987 #38318
presentative of a German firm, Max Favell, saw an object give off a white l 10/9/1954 #10851 Beirut, Lebanon 10:15 p.m. Max Favell, a representative of a German fir 10/9/1954 #10857 presentative of a German firm, Max Favell, saw an white flying object land. 10/9/1954 #10869
UGINES TO/FROM FAVERGES, FR 2 engineers. Sphere ZIGZAGs 11/25/1957 #14608 00 m from the railroad crossing in Faverges when they saw a nearly spherica 11/25/1957 #14613
on of canals begins to fall out of favor. Around this time, spectroscopic a 9/20/1909 #811 y the Eisenhower administration in favor of the Navy’s Project Vanguard, us 1954 #9413 answers came back quickly. "Do you favor any government group or race?" and 7/9/1959 #15829 successfully concluded in Earth’s favor. The book concludes with informati 6/1997 #43304 was phased out by the Air Force in favor of the heavier and more capable MQ 3/9/2018 #45522 Agnew cast a tie-breaking vote in favor of it). The Emergency Loan Guarant 10/21/2021 #45717
ats, as atmospheric conditions are favorable on these dates. 2/24/1893 #308
However, he treats Chiles-Whitted favorably and ends with some hints on ho 5/6/1949 #4160 hold hearings. Hines leaves ATIC “favorably impressed.” Mid 8/1961 #16794
oni and Philip Morrison, and still favored as a promising hailing frequency 4/8/1960 #16218 (as he apparently thought when he favored the extraterrestrial hypothesis 9/1962 #17380
ewhere. Kennedy rejects an attack, favoring a quarantine to buy time to neg 10/16/1962 #17475
rs,” a name gleaned from the men’s favorite comic strip, “Smokey Stover” by 12/14/1944 #1721 man, was taking a walk down to his favorite fishing pond, when suddenly a d 8/6/1977 #32365 man, was taking a walk down to his favorite fishing pond, when suddenly a d 8/6/1977 #32366
nconclusive, but Lord Kings Norton favors an investigation. Lord Rankeillou 1/18/1979 #34358
Marlborough, Massachusetts George Fawcett founds the New England UFO Study 1957 #13434 th slow. Black top. No trail. / G. Fawcett. 10/5/1958 #15314 haped flying object that paced the Fawcett Airlines DC-4 passenger liner in 2/2/1967 #21438 d co-pilot Calderon were onboard a Fawcett Airlines DC-4 airliner flying be 2/2/1967 #21443 ch US Highway 1 11:30 p.m. Barbara Fawcett is driving alone on North Key La 7/20/1967 #22710 Jewish Creek, Florida Barbara Fawcett, 18, and her sister saw a yellow 7/21/1967 #22717 At 2:30 a.m. Barbara Fawcett, age 18, and her sister saw a ye 7/21/1967 #22720 g Saucer Observer, citing Lawrence Fawcett, APRO field investigator). (NICA 2/21/1968 #23770 . Investigation/investigators / G. Fawcett / r180p99. 3/1/1974 #28838 ahead of him. (Reference: Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood, Clear In 10/18/1975 #30441 n the ground. (Reference: Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood, Clear In 10/20/1975 #30452 ent went out. (Reference: Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood, Clear In 11/11/1975 #30606 COVENTRY, CT L. Fawcett and 4 / car. Bright cylinder/cig 3/24/1976 #30954 nadian Mounted Police. (Reference: Fawcett and Greenwood, Clear Intent, pag 8/10/1976 #31250 r Gersten as director and Lawrence Fawcett as assistant editor. 6/1980 #35348 Say” in 1990, written by Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood is publis 5/1/1984 #37309 publishes Clear Intent by Lawrence Fawcett and Barry J. Greenwood, a histor 7/1984 #37385 Lawrence Fawcett and Barry Greenwood launch a new 9/1984 #37451 e Mazzola, Peter Gersten, Lawrence Fawcett, Jim and Coral Lorenzen, and Lar 7/1/1989 #39002 o further details. Local wave / G. Fawcett. / r118v9#6. 3/13/1995 #42089 reported. No further details. / G. Fawcett. 5/10/1995 #42193
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fawn” YieldMax: 20KT 4/7/1967 #22089
es at 345 mph. Flight Sgt. Kenneth Fawner also sees the UFO for 30 seconds. 6/6/1952 #6454
telephone service is out and their fax machine’s circuitry is melted. Aroun 3/19/2013 #45362
plane. Within an hour, reports are faxed to the Canadian government’s trans 9/19/2016 #45459 sified intelligence report is then faxed to Transport Canada. 1/6/2019 #45556
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Faxes and modems electro-magnetic effect 8/29/1994 #41699
sleep at 1:30 a.m. witness Douglas Fay looked out his window in Glen Rock, 2/8/1969 #24903 At around 4:00 p.m. Fay, a 7-year-old girl, was with a boy a 5/15/1973 #27492
Amauri Barbosa da Silva and Jonil Faydit Vieira are driving on the road to 8/3/1967 #22787
sible. McAlister wakes up his wife Faye, who also watches the object, which 9/11/1980 #35514 Ceduna, South Australia 4:10 a.m. Faye Knowles and her three sons Patrick, 1/20/1988 #38422 h-black mist” enters into the car. Faye reaches out the window to touch the 1/20/1988 #38422 e, a radioactive chemical element. Faye’s hand became red and swollen in th 1/20/1988 #38422
FAYETTE CO, GA Private pilot. Silver whi 4/1951 #5495 Fayette County, IN 9:45 p.m. A glowing o 4/10/1967 #22102 Fayette County, IN 9:00 p.m. The object 11/27/1967 #23514 FAYETTE CO, IN 3 observer(s). 2 Saturn-s 1/24/1968 #23692 Fayette County, IN 10:15 p.m. Two orange 1/24/1968 #23694 ts were sighted over some woods in Fayette County, Indiana. One of the obje 1/24/1968 #23698 Fayette County, IN 11:00 p.m. Object, hu 8/1968 #24282 Fayette County, IN 11:00 p.m. Object, hu 8/1968 #24283 Fayette County, IN 10:30 p.m. Slowly mov 8/16/1968 #24340 Fayette County, IN No sound,15 secs. Dar 10/24/1973 #28264 Fayette County Uniontown, Pennsylvania L 2/6/1974 #28742 ning. A woman watching TV in rural Fayette County near Uniontown, Pennsylva 2/6/1974 #28742 FAYETTE CO, IN White-glowing domed sauce 8/15/1976 #31268 Fayette County, IN 11:15 p.m. Object, no 8/18/1976 #31279 On this evening in Fayette County, Pennsylvania a 10-year-o 4/19/1989 #38911
.” In flew off in the direction of Fayettesville. 12/15/2001 #44291
FAYETTEVILLE, NC Fireballs land / roof. 12/25/1945 #1952 ast going quickly south. Similar / Fayetteville, AR. 6/27/1947 #2424 2 MILES NORTH / FAYETTEVILLE, AR Farmer. 3 yellow saucer 7/4/1947 #2631 Fayetteville, Arkansas 2 miles north of 7/4/1947 #2665 teville, Arkansas 2 miles north of Fayetteville, Arkansas Sunset. Henry Sea 7/4/1947 #2665 , a farmer living 2 miles north of Fayetteville, Arkansas, watches three ye 7/4/1947 #2665 FAYETTEVILLE, AR Disk lands / farm. Yell 7/5/1947 #2714 FAYETTEVILLE, NC Huge silver saucer dive 12/28/1949 #4449 Pope AFB [now Pope Field], Fayetteville, North Carolina Bolling AFB 1/24/1950 #4509 ne from Pope AFB [now Pope Field], Fayetteville, North Carolina, to Bolling 1/24/1950 #4509 FAYETTEVILLE, ARK 2 / car. Six 15cm sauc 7/24/1952 #7107 At 11:00 p.m. in Fayetteville, Arkansas two in car watche 7/24/1952 #7121 FAYETTEVILLE, GA Project Bluebook Case # 10/31/1952 #8218 Fayetteville, GA Orange blimp-shaped obj 10/31/1952 #8219 Fayetteville, Georgia Witness: USAF Lt. 10/31/1952 #8220 At 7:40 p.m. in Fayetteville, Georgia on highway 85 USAF 10/31/1952 #8222 Pope AFB Fayetteville, North Carolina 9:03 p.m. T 11/4/1958 #15425 ch to Pope AFB [now Pope Field] in Fayetteville, North Carolina, when he no 11/4/1958 #15425 FAYETTEVILLE, NC Several observer(s). Si 11/1965 #19693 FAYETTEVILLE, TN Car / 60mph malfunction 3/28/1966 #20108 Fayetteville, TN Large lighted object 3 3/28/1966 #20112 Fayetteville, Tennessee A man driving at 3/28/1966 #20113 Fayetteville, Tennessee 8:00 p.m. A man 3/28/1966 #20118 p.m. A man driving about 60 mph in Fayetteville, Tennessee, encounters a la 3/28/1966 #20118 At eight o'clock in the evening in Fayetteville, Tennessee a man driving at 3/28/1966 #20120 FAYETTEVILLE, ARK Many calls. Orange fla 9/17/1970 #25839 FAYETTEVILLE, ARK 1 observer. Large tape 7/15/1971 #26229 Fayetteville, IN Close encounter with tw 4/8/1974 #28999 Fayetteville, TN C1. No details. (EGBA,4 4/26/1976 #31025
FAYMONVILLE, BELGIUM Strong night light 7/4/1972 #26759 FAYMONVILLE, BELGIUM 4 observer(s). Red 7/19/1972 #26810 Faymonville, Belgium 10:35 p.m. Herbert 7/19/1972 #26813 their two children are walking in Faymonville, Belgium, when they see a re 7/19/1972 #26813 That same night in Faymonville, Belgium a group of four peo 7/19/1972 #26815
landing strip of the owner of the Fazenda. The beings were as tall as youn 8/13/1967 #22874 eam on Wilson P. Gusmao’s Alexania Fazenda, Goias State, Brazil where UFO s 1/31/1969 #24882 il the manager of the Bela Alianca Fazenda or ranch heard his pigs grunting 2/20/1969 #24936 Antonio Rodrigues, age 60, of the Fazenda Constantino was fishing during t 5/5/1969 #25117 A man and his wife employed at the Fazenda Secap claimed to have seen an ov 5/1973 #27459 FAZENDA CACARUABA, BRAZIL 25' cylinder/c 1/15/1979? #34345
MILANO, ITL Fazio Cardano. 7 small humanoids (or Gre 8/13/1491 #24
RAF Oldenburg, Germany RAF Faßberg Flight Sgt. Roland Hughes of No. 7/30/1952 #7362 5, Hughes is ordered to fly to RAF Faßberg for further questioning. He arri 7/30/1952 #7362
US embassy in Moscow west façade of the central building Beams of 1/1953 #8486 of the embassy, affecting the west façade of the central building, with hig 1/1953 #8486 n this plaque and going toward the façade of the building, were four small, 1/6/1977 #31707
Weapons Storage Area at Ellsworth FB near Rapid City, South Dakota 11:00 p 12/1996 #43127 Weapons Storage Area at Ellsworth FB near Rapid City, South Dakota. He loo 12/1996 #43127
g flight in a de Havilland Vampire FB-9 jet fighter and returning to base a 7/30/1952 #7362
ment of Justice, forerunner of the FBI, is created by Attorney General Char 7/26/1908 #716 anklin D. Roosevelt authorizes the FBI to conduct electronic surveillance a 5/21/1940 #1333 hich he sees as a direct threat to FBI authority, even though Donovan has s 2/10/1945 #1778 he early cases investigated by the FBI. 6/14/1947 #2329 cases secretly investigated by the FBI. Later that same day, at 1 o'clock i 6/22/1947 #2367 case was also investigated by the FBI at the time. 6/28/1947 #2450 nutes, and was investigated by the FBI. 6/28/1947 #2451 Conclusion to an FBI/ARMY Intelligence Report: Based on a 7/1947 #2492 the 1947 cases investigated by the FBI. 7/3/1947 #2587 tude. Shoots going quickly east. / FBI. 7/6/1947 #2752 DARLINGTON, SC FBI wire / 12 saucers( = boomerangs) / 2 7/6/1947 #2766 saucers dart to and fro / news and FBI. Possible same / Palmdale objects. / 7/6/1947 #2799 e west. Both the Air Force and the FBI investigated the case. 7/6/1947 #2829 er object. Calculated / 6000kph. / FBI / MJ#121. Type unknown. 7/7/1947 #2877 Dallas, TX FBI Dallas teletype to Director: flying 7/8/1947 #2950 Urgent FBI Memo from Gen. Roger Ramey concernin 7/8/1947 #2951 ld request Wright Field to advise (FBI) results of examination.” 7/8/1947 #2951 ands) Memorandum found in official FBI UFO files, addressed to “important a 7/8/1947 #2953 w. Disks going north. Photographs. FBI. / r171p93+MJ#121. 7/8/1947 #2975 ercy Wyly II in the Dallas, Texas, FBI office sends a teletype headed “Flyi 7/8/1947 #3026 oise (Idaho) Municipal Airport The FBI interviews Capt. Emil J. Smith and c 7/9/1947 #3055 y Air Force Intelligence, requests FBI help with the problem of the flying 7/9/1947 #3067 FBI Memo: Gen. George F. Schulgen (Chief 7/10/1947 #3078 . He desired the assistance of the FBI in locating and questioning the indi 7/10/1947 #3078 s and should be of interest to the FBI 7/10/1947 #3078 La. FBI agent E. G. Fitch forwards Schulgen’ 7/10/1947 #3102 ivision D. Milton “Mickey” Ladd at FBI headquarters in a memo titled “Flyin 7/10/1947 #3102 many cases are “pranks.” Associate FBI Director Clyde Tolson adds, “I think 7/10/1947 #3102 The FBI conducts a shorter follow-up intervi 7/12/1947 #3158 m J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI stating, ”...before agreeing (to the 7/15/1947 #3182 rown interview Richard Rankin. The FBI finds that the CIC agents have also 7/27/1947 #3235 he Portland Oregonian, informs the FBI of this information. He also calls L 7/27/1947 #3235 A memo from FBI agent E. G. Fitch says that Special 7/29/1947 #3253 ailable for the examination by the FBI agents.” 7/29/1947 #3253 The FBI issues a policy statement on “Flying 7/30/1947 #3260 George Schulgen and Hoover at the FBI for comment, subtly indicating that 7/30/1947 #3262 object "too fast for a balloon. / FBI files. 8/3/1947 #3284 emely fast. No contrail. Report to FBI. 8/4/1947 (approximate) #3286 recracker". Several hundred mph. / FBI interviews. 8/6/1947 #3299 An FBI memo from E. G. Fitch to D. Milton L 8/6/1947 #3300 flying at several hundred mph. The FBI inverviewed many of these witnesses. 8/6/1947 #3301 ry Island The Seattle, Washington, FBI office interrogates Crisman and Dahl 8/7/1947 #3306 ury Island incident is a hoax. The FBI file notes that Dahl stated that “if 8/7/1947 #3306 8 second(s). No further details. / FBI. 8/13/1947 #3312 aucers very high. Roaring noise. / FBI. / r50p35. 8/13/1947 #3313 side of the top. According to the FBI investigative report of this case, a 8/13/1947 #3322 ents zigzag / twice plane-speed. / FBI files / APRO. 8/14/1947 #3324 The FBI concludes that the plane carrying Da 8/14/1947 #3332 According to files released by the FBI through FOIA requests in the 1970s, 8/14/1947 #3333 13 San Francisco Examiner report, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover asks the ag 8/15/1947 #3336 ivision D. Milton “Mickey” Ladd at FBI headquarters assures FBI Deputy Dire 8/15/1947 #3336 ” Ladd at FBI headquarters assures FBI Deputy Director Edward Allen Tamm th 8/15/1947 #3336 FBI memo to D. M. Ladd from E. G. Fitch 8/19/1947 #3351 USAF Lt. Col. George Garrett tells FBI SAC S.W. Reynolds that he suspects t 8/19/1947 #3353 r. 12-15 silver saucers over town. FBI investigation/investigators = brusho 9/3/1947 #3380 ntent of USAF cooperation with the FBI was to “relieve the numbered Air For 9/3/1947 #3383 ay states in a memo, copied to the FBI, that “a complete survey of research 9/5/1947 #3385 rcles city fast. No description. / FBI interviews. 9/11/1947 #3393 San Francisco FBI Special Agent Harry M. Kimball in Sa 9/19/1947 #3406 air staff, that he is advising all FBI agents to discontinue all flying dis 9/27/1947 #3429 Bureau Bulletin 59 ends all FBI cooperation with the Air Force on UF 10/1/1947 #3444 on UFO investigation, although the FBI continues its own inquiries. 10/1/1947 #3444 ation with CIC personnel and local FBI offices. Even hoaxes are to be passe 2/4/1948 #3574 hoaxes are to be passed on to the FBI. 2/4/1948 #3574 MEMPHIS, TN Blue Book and FBI document. 50+night lights / sharp tu 5/7/1948 #3641 ng quickly northwest. Dent / dirt. FBI soil test nil. / MJ#244. 8/11/1948 #3776 and flew away to the northeast. An FBI man from St. Paul found an area 70 c 8/11/1948 #3778 and flew away to the northeast. An FBI man from St. Paul found an area 70 c 8/11/1948 #3779 LOS ALAMOS, NM FBI report. Green fireballs or saucers s 12/5/1948 (approximate) #3905 Ridge National Laboratories Russia FBI special agent Charlton C. McSwain se 1/10/1949 #3969 -Patterson AFB, Ohio North Pole An FBI memo from D. M. Ladd to Hoover docum 1/24/1949 #3977 NM MEMO, Director of FBI: Flying Saucers have been discussed 1/31/1949 #3987 rs have been discussed by the OSI, FBI and the Fourth Army and is “consider 1/31/1949 #3987 San Antonio, Texas The FBI field office in San Antonio, Texas, 1/31/1949 #3989 an Antonio, Texas, sends a memo to FBI headquarters regarding the January 3 3/22/1949 #4052 sends a memo to a large number of FBI offices indicating that “flying disc 3/25/1949 #4053 st. Arcs going southwest. USAF and FBI investigation. 4/4/1949 #4071 meeting with AFOSI, ONI, CIC, the FBI, and the Armed Forces Special Weapon 5/5/1949 #4149 y are natural phenomena; AFOSI and FBI give no opinion. The Fourth Army urg 5/5/1949 #4149 rnment agents. He produces a bogus FBI agent to “confirm” the story. The Ai 8/1949 #4301 eric C. E. Oder), Fourth Army, the FBI, AFSWP, and Los Alamos scientists (E 10/14/1949 #4394 Silent. Going quickly southeast. / FBI. 1/22/1950 #4500 pies of Smith’s report are sent to FBI, CIA, AFOSI, and the State Departmen 1/22/1950 #4503 atch fireball going quickly west / FBI documents. / r98#243p30. 1/23/1950 #4505 s Alamos, NM Office MEMO, Director FBI, SAC, San Antonio: A UFO resembling 1/31/1950 #4520 nomer LA Paz has no explanation. / FBI. 2/24/1950 #4550 radar technology, called the local FBI agent, Mr. Robey, to report that he 3/1/1950 #4572 Washington DC FBI “Guy Hottel” Memo: 3 saucers recover 3/22/1950 #4696 New Mexico FBI agent Guy L. Hottel writes to FBI he 3/22/1950 #4702 FBI agent Guy L. Hottel writes to FBI headquarters about a rumor that thre 3/22/1950 #4702 eo GeBauer. On March 25, 2013, the FBI issues a release saying that the Hot 3/22/1950 #4702 Washington DC Memo to Director, FBI pertaining to flying saucers. Memo n 3/31/1950 #4773 30' saucers and green fireballs / FBI. 150k' altitude. / International UFO 5/24/1950 #4962 der/cigar-shape tilts over city. / FBI records. No further details. 6/25/1950 #5006 s, perhaps in cooperation with the FBI, but not in a way to arouse public s 7/6/1950 #5046 citizens with cooperation from the FBI. He does not want the American popul 7/6/1950 #5047 o Lincoln LaPaz A CIA memo sent to FBI headquarters, “Summary of Aerial Phe 8/1950 #5093 orce jets fails to intercept them. FBI, anti-aircraft battalion, radar unit 8/4/1950 #5099 California Palomar Gardens Café An FBI informant meets with George Adamski 8/20/1950 #5132 FBI memo from Alan H. Belmont to D. Milt 8/23/1950 #5136 . / Strategic Air Command (SAC) to FBI. 10/20/1950 #5244 t given) in Richmond, Virginia, to FBI director J. Edgar Hoover. According 12/3/1950 #5314 Oak Ridge, TN FBI Memo - Detection of UFOs Over Oak Ri 12/5/1950 #5318 Richmond, Virginia The FBI office in Richmond, Virginia, sends 12/8/1950 #5334 ond, Virginia, sends a telegram to FBI headquarters saying that local Army 12/8/1950 #5334 olicy of “suicide by secrecy.” The FBI and Air Force mull prosecuting Mirar 2/25/1951 #5458 han we have ever experienced.” The FBI and USAF consider prosecuting Mirarc 2/27/1951 #5465 e. The case is investigated by the FBI and passed on to the Pentagon and th 5/10/1952 #6298 double back going quickly north. / FBI report. 5/25/1952 #6353 YARMOUTH HARBOUR, NS FBI report. Several silver half and full 7/17/1952 #6853 ” order. Warning found in official FBI UFO files. 7/24/1952 #7091 WASHINGTON, DC Report going [to] FBI. White night light hangs over Pentag 7/27/1952 #7193 US An FBI memo from Victor P. Keay on “Flying 7/29/1952 #7324 Division to Norman W. Philcox, an FBI liaison to the Air Force. The Air Fo 7/29/1952 #7324 An FBI memorandum to Alan H. Belmont from V 10/27/1952 #8199 quickly going up / sharp angles. / FBI memo. / r136#6p71. 12/22/1952 #8440 An FBI agent and two AFOSI officers intervi 3/17/1953 #8759 statement saying that neither the FBI nor Air Force has approved material 3/17/1953 #8759 reporter Thomas McRae notifies the FBI, which alerts the Air Force at Dobbi 7/7/1953 #8989 orney General Herbert Brownell Jr. FBI officials recommend that Attorney Ge 5/20/1954 #9820 ral Herbert Brownell Jr. authorize FBI break-ins to install bugs during nat 5/20/1954 #9820 ional security investigations. The FBI would seek the Attorney General’s pr 5/20/1954 #9820 ed it.” His directive empowers the FBI to break into homes and offices and 5/20/1954 #9820 advance approval in each case. The FBI has carte blanche on this until 1965 5/20/1954 #9820 Swan. On his return, he gives the FBI a report on his visit. On July 29 an 7/24/1954 #10046 report on his visit. On July 29 an FBI agent interviews him, and on August 7/24/1954 #10046 ci has caught the attention of the FBI because he has been approached sever 12/1954 #11737 US1 NORTH / HENDERSON, NC FBI and NSA men. Large 20' top saucer go 4/6/1956 #12792 FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover launches CO 8/1956 #13042 res, and other disinformation. The FBI blackmails insiders to spread false 8/1956 #13042 als, and the media. It enables the FBI to investigate any political organiz 8/1956 #13042 ese programs prompt nearly 330,000 FBI investigations and create a Security 8/1956 #13042 Washington, DC FBI STATUS REPORT: “Ever since the Russi 11/12/1957 #14535 r who meet with the subcommittee’s FBI liaisons. Tacker declares that USAF 1/31/1958 #14855 ident Nixon, and a CIA official at FBI headquarters. A few FBI officials to Spring 1959 #15656 fficial at FBI headquarters. A few FBI officials took part in the meeting b Spring 1959 #15656 et for COINTELPRO. Soon after, the FBI is systematically bugging King’s hom 8/28/1963 #17921 ches wide, and 4–6 inches deep. An FBI agent, D. Arthur Byrnes Jr., who has 4/24/1964 #18200 The FBI sends Martin Luther King Jr. a “suic 11/21/1964 #18631 is only one way out for you.” The FBI’s COINTELPRO program is also targeti 11/21/1964 #18631 shape. 2 objects seem to emerge. / FBI. 4/4/1965 #18891 The FBI tells multiple U.S. citizens UAP is 7/21/1966 #20664 m where SAC Kansas City writes the FBI Director about a film of a UAP taken 7/21/1966 #20664 HQ and coordinated with AFOSI. The FBI also admits in a 1952 memo that it d 7/21/1966 #20664 but they’re to be passed to local FBI offices. FBI seems to have had an on 7/21/1966 #20664 to be passed to local FBI offices. FBI seems to have had an ongoing relatio 7/21/1966 #20664 le of this is on 15 May 1952 where FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover writes AFOS 7/21/1966 #20664 outhCarolina.pdf * https://vault.fbi.gov/UFO/UFO%20Part%2010%20of%2016 (p 7/21/1966 #20664 d Sen. Howard Baker (R-Tenn.). The FBI begins COINTELPRO–BLACK HATE, which 8/1967 #22770 Informant Program and instructs 23 FBI offices to “disrupt, misdirect, disc 8/1967 #22770 gist and former consultant for the FBI and CIA, tells the Providence Evenin 5/13/1968 #23959 st J. Edgar Hoover, he accepts the FBI’s help through an “intelligence lett 6/1969 #25182 am Sullivan, Clay Shaw, and former FBI employee Guy Bannister. It is allege 1970 #25523 ens’ Commission to Investigate the FBI burgles an FBI field office in Media 3/8/1971 #26045 to Investigate the FBI burgles an FBI field office in Media, Pennsylvania, 3/8/1971 #26045 several dossiers, and exposes the FBI COINTELPRO program by passing this m 3/8/1971 #26045 es the COINTELPRO program, but the FBI continues to use similar tactics fro 4/1971 #26061 Washington DC Director of FBI, Clarence M. Kelley, states: UFOs ar 10/25/1973 #28276 investigative jurisdiction of the FBI. 10/25/1973 #28276 La Habra, California FBI Director Clarencc M. Kelley explains 10/25/1973 #28283 investigative jurisdiction of the FBI.” 10/25/1973 #28283 al of interest in UFOs by the CIA, FBI, and military agencies. 12/31/1974 #29666 nvestigate abuses by the CIA, NSA, FBI, and IRS is created by a vote of 82– 1/27/1975 #29767 K. Haskell (D-Colo.) contacts the FBI and relates his concern about dead a 9/11/1975 #30352 nes to limit the activities of the FBI. These guidelines require the FBI to 11/6/1975 #30567 FBI. These guidelines require the FBI to show evidence of a crime before u 11/6/1975 #30567 estic propaganda performed by CIA, FBI and NSA in 1975. Despite knowing it 4/26/1976 #31027 s, mostly from 1947–1955, from the FBI by the end of the year. Summer 1977 #32182 ented by New Mexico police and the FBI, an 11-month-old cross Hereford-Char 3/24/1978 #33077 ce Officer Gabe Valdez informs the FBI that cattle in New Mexico are “being 2/16/1979 #34429 hese mutilations. Valdez tells the FBI that he thinks it is a clandestine o 2/16/1979 #34429 Memo from FBI SAC Albuquerque to FBI Director writ 2/16/1979 #34431 Memo from FBI SAC Albuquerque to FBI Director writes that New Mexico Stat 2/16/1979 #34431 the cattle mutilation phenomenon. FBI monitors interest in the phenomena f 2/16/1979 #34431 Fe, New Mexico New Mexico Retired FBI agent Kenneth M. Rommel Jr. begins a 4/25/1979 #34523 herself under interrogation by the FBI and AFOSI. This includes polygraph t 10/1981 #36150 dent” that he claims AFOSI and the FBI are investigating. He tells Gersten 1/10/1983 #36742 Greenwood, a history of Air Force, FBI, and CIA involvement in UFO investig 7/1984 #37385 ews media, various people from the FBI, Air Force officers from Pease AFB [ 8/25/1984 #37440 s the Dallas, Texas, office of the FBI and supplies the Bureau with a copy 9/15/1988 #38640 s The Dallas, Texas, office of the FBI transmits a 2-page secret Airtel to 10/25/1988 #38694 ashington, D.C., between AFOSI and FBI agents, who request information abou 11/30/1988 #38728 documents. The Air Force tells the FBI the documents are completely bogus a 11/30/1988 #38728 ments are completely bogus and the FBI should cease its inquiry. 11/30/1988 #38728 Richard L. Huff in the FBI Office of Information and Privacy af 8/2/1989 #39041 r the District of Columbia for the FBI to release its files on Stanton T. F 8/28/1989 #39076 The FBI releases a handful of its files on S 11/13/1989 #39228 UFO Working Group, calling on CIA, FBI, and other resources, has come up wi 9/1990 #39711 Richard L. Huff in the FBI Office of Information and Privacy in 7/22/1993 #41076 Richard L. Huff in the FBI Office of Information and Privacy te 7/22/1993 #41077 escribed as a “space explorer.” An FBI document from 1979 states Gary Richa 5/18/2006 #44945 xC82l32fog?t=58 Note: Do local FBI field offices or DOE/NNSA counterint 6/28/2008 #45148 erdimensional and demonic when the FBI, AFOSI and other agencies began inve 3/31/2011 #45322 ion of call are handed over to the FBI, which turns over the records to the 6/5/2013 #45370 ts that feed into MAJIC committee, FBI has some compartments; Bechtel does 4/18/2016 #45451 ry Island Incident. It stated “The FBI’s conclusions and Dahl’s (the main w 4/18/2017 #45468 Laingsburg, Michigan 9:00 a.m. The FBI conducts a raid on Robert Lazar’s Un 7/19/2017 #45476 link to the medical symptoms. The FBI and Cubans meet to discuss the situa 10/24/2017 #45486 ed Press reports that a non-public FBI report has found no evidence of an i 1/8/2018 #45501 A report finds that the earlier FBI investigation into the Cuban health 11/9/2018 #45545 drones. The Navy, Coast Guard, and FBI investigate the natter and are unabl 7/15/2019 #45593 erts local law enforcement and the FBI. However, it’s more likely that the 10/14/2020 #45662 received input from USD(I&S), DIA, FBI, NRO, NGA, NSA, Air Force, Army, Nav 6/25/2021 #45695
oe Perry photographs domed saucer. FBI-types seize photograph. / r27p198. 2/13/1960 #16171
on a chalkboard: N = R fp ne fl fi fc L. The equation, the Green Bank Formu 11/1/1961 #16944 drawing, Regional Encounters: The FC Files, pg. 27) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 9/8/1968 #24439 (Page 31, Regional Encounters: The FC Files, Ridge) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 7/18/1969 #25279
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is established, replacing the Feder 6/19/1934 #1211 rs and calls for regulation by the FCC, which declines. Some government age 10/30/1938 #1300 itch of 200 cycles per second. The FCC admits it is baffled, but suspects t 11/7/1957 #14461 UFO visually. On June 8, 1977, the FCC licenses its Raytheon Model 1700 rad 1964 #18102
Rio de Janeiro (USS FDR), Brazil Huge Cigar Observed & Track 7/26/1956 #13018 / 20 seconds. Going [to] over USS FDR. 11/1963 (approximate) #18020 the Eastside of the city near the FDR parkway, a medical student took a ph 6/4/1978 #33256
y a radio technician for the Santa Fe railroad, he related that sometime in 1943 #1474 SANTA FE, NM 2 saucers swoop over highway in f 3/12/1950 #4619 16 KM NORTHEAST / SANTA FE, NM Teen. Huge shiny globe hovers / m 3/14/1950 #4632 s located 16 km northeast of Santa Fe, New Mexico, saw a huge shiny sphere 3/14/1950 #4635 OVER SANTA FE, NM Air Force jet / 30K'. C-47 with d 8/7/1950 #5111 Santa Fe, NM Black Object Chased At 620 MPH (N 8/7/1950 #5112 SANTA FE, NM Meteor nears airport / loud noise 9/18/1951 #5675 Albuquerque, New Mexico Santa Fe Otto, New Mexico 8:30–8:40 p.m. A gre 5/28/1952 #6377 aPaz pinpoints the fall near Santa Fe. Around the same time, the crew of a 5/28/1952 #6377 approaches a coworker on the Santa Fe Railroad, a ham radio operator named 8/2/1952 #7424 SANTA FE, NM Boy / 16. Metallic boat over road 10/25/1953 #9252 Santa Fe, New Mexico Jim Milligan, 16, was dri 10/25/1953 #9253 as driving through a park in Santa Fe, New Mexico when he saw something fal 10/25/1953 #9255 SANTA FE, NM Brill white sphere/orb/globe leav 8/6/1954 #10101 Santa Fe, New Mexico A bright white ball shoot 8/6/1954 #10105 l shoots across the sky over Santa Fe, New Mexico, leaving a luminous trail 8/6/1954 #10105 In Santa Fe, New Mexico a brilliant white ball of 8/6/1954 #10106 Colorado New Mexico Santa Fe, New Mexico 8:40 p.m. A huge green fi 9/18/1954 #10349 d New Mexico. It zooms above Santa Fe, New Mexico, giving off a blinding gl 9/18/1954 #10349 ke river muck. SiO2+Al2O3+Mg2O and Fe and more/others. 12/15/1954 #11810 SANTA FE, NM 2 / car. Ovoid overhead. Engine a 11/6/1957 #14359 Santa Fe, NM Car motor failed, car clock and w 11/6/1957 #14406 Santa Fe, New Mexico J. Martinez and A. Galleg 11/6/1957 #14409 Santa Fe, New Mexico Just after 12:00 midnight 11/6/1957 #14419 sees a UFO approach them in Santa Fe, New Mexico. They hear a humming soun 11/6/1957 #14419 Gallegos, were driving near Santa Fe, New Mexico when an ovoid object came 11/6/1957 #14432 ple working in a forest near Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia saw a green creat 5/2/1958 #15011 a was driving a truck toward Santa Fe when he saw a figure, 3 m tall, block 5/27/1958 #15056 a was driving a truck toward Santa Fe, Argentina when he saw a giant figure 5/27/1958 #15057 nfirmed. Country: USA Name: “Santa Fe” Yield: 1.3KT 10/30/1958 #15401 L Bent saucer drops hot fragment = Fe and O and Mn and Zr and Mn and Si and 8/22/1964 #18502 In San Justo, Santa Fe State, Argentina J. Fernandez was awa 9/3/1965 #19513 , near Estacion Casalegno in Santa Fe, Argentina the conductor of a train, 4/20/1967 #22172 Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina 9:30 p.m. During a raging 9/11/1967 #23045 a raging storm near Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina, a family watches a huge, 9/11/1967 #23045 a field of maize in Centeno, Santa Fe province, Argentina, its major axis v 11/12/1967 #23439 t 1:10 a.m. in Laguna Raiva, Santa Fe, Argentina by an intense humming soun 6/24/1968 #24076 to Tostado from Reconquista, Santa Fe Province, Argentina on Route 98, Alph 10/31/1973 #28326 oon, 150 kilometers south of Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia; at 8:00 p.m. Aft 11/3/1973 #28362 SANTA FE, ARG 2 observer(s). Ovoid lands. 4 x6 11/3/1976 #31519 l Highway 11 near San Justo, Santa Fe province, Argentina when a strong whi 2/13/1978 #32970 General Belgrano, Santa Fe, Argentina A mushroom-shaped object w 8/10/1978 #33494 ry base in General Belgrano, Santa Fe Province, Argentina on this night. Th 8/10/1978 #33497 3:37 a.m. in Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe State, Argentina a power blackout occ 9/8/1978 #33648 near a lake in Maria Teresa, Santa Fe province, Argentina when he spotted a 9/20/1978 #33719 ters from Gobernador Crespo, Santa Fe province, Argentina. 10/15/1978 #33839 s over the city of Arequito, Santa Fe, Argentina on this night. The object 10/22/1978 #33858 Santa Fe, Argentina A giant light was observed 12/21/1978 #34188 served in the western sky in Santa Fe, Argentina. It was blue and green in 12/21/1978 #34194 Serodino, Santa Fe province, Argentina Ernaldo Camusoni, 2/26/1979 #34449 rance to a farm in Serodino, Santa Fe province, Argentina late in the eveni 2/26/1979 #34450 nt Assistance Administration Santa Fe, New Mexico New Mexico Retired FBI ag 4/25/1979 #34523 tance Administration and the Santa Fe, New Mexico, District Attorney’s offi 4/25/1979 #34523 a UFO appeared low over the Santa Fe de Bogotá airport in Colombia, causin 4/2/1989 #38888 d at her home in the city of Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia Juan Sudarsky was 3/10/1997 #43225 San Diego County Rancho Santa Fe, California 3:30 p.m. The San Diego C 3/26/1997 #43240 suicide in a house in Rancho Santa Fe, California. Two deputies find 39 bod 3/26/1997 #43240 onda River in Puerto Gaboto, Santa Fe State, Argentina when they noticed so 9/5/2009 #45242
fith https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fe5IR6AaAAAd9Xd?format=jpg&name=large 9/15/2021 #45710
r five minutes. It gave off silver feams of light. It finally split into tw 11/3/1993 #41262
r, during which time the villagers fear it is judgment day. 8/18/1893 #309 o land in North America to instill fear and terror. About 300 are found or 11/3/1944 #1691 h the view to causing hysteria and fear of a secret Russian weapon.” 7/9/1947 #3067 Wilmington, North Carolina Cape Fear River 1:20 p.m. A cigar-shaped obje 5/31/1948 #3663 long. It slows down over the Cape Fear River, veers off to the east, and t 5/31/1948 #3663 ters of the UFO, but pulled up for fear of a mid-air collision. No radar ma 1/22/1952 #5877 the incident to Moffett Field for fear of ridicule. 4/25/1952 #6180 sing UFO reports as mass hysteria, fear psychosis, and sensation-seeking. 10/9/1952 #8107 f positioning for another pass. In fear Arnold turns off his running lights 12/4/1952 #8377 of a target right in front of him. Fear prevails and he breaks off the chas 8/5/1953 #9049 though she has earlier expressed a fear of firearms of any kind, she picks 2/19/1954 #9558 Os are a real phenomenon, but they fear creating a state of panic by admitt 3/23/1954 #9634 d to approach it, then ran away in fear. 5/18/1954 #9810 d to approach it, then ran away in fear. 5/18/1954 #9812 estures. The witnesses ran away in fear. 10/1/1954 #10559 estures. The witnesses ran away in fear. 10/1/1954 #10574 k silhouette. Observer(s) frozen / fear. 10/9/1954 #10831 still trembling and stumbling with fear. The object had long since flown aw 10/16/1954 #11142 still trembling and stumbling with fear. The object had long since flown aw 10/16/1954 #11148 ad separated and the girls were in fear of being abducted when the bus arri 5/9/1956 #12842 /from 9' ovoid. Telepathy = "don't fear". 5/10/1957 #13650 quickly going down. Voice = "don't fear.. .have base in Salta region". Goin 8/20/1957 #13907 nd "felt a warm glow." They had no fear, but were "merely cognizant of thin 9/16/1957 #13999 nd "felt a warm glow." They had no fear, but were "merely cognizant of thin 9/16/1957 #14002 hours. Sperm samples. Observer(s) fear tape drives. 8/23/1958? #15218 toward her, and she rushed home in fear. Her father came out and saw the ob 10/2/1959 #16010 beam of light. His dog ran away in fear. Later that same night the headligh 6/10/1960 #16311 Horses in the area went crazy with fear, sheep broke loose, and dogs cowere 6/11/1961 #16725 ata and destroys it, apparently in fear of being laughed at by the press, s 7/11/1961 #16760 of cold air. He was paralyzed with fear when he saw a white object, 10 m in 4/10/1962 #17106 come nearer, but he is frozen with fear. Another small man comes out of the 12/18/1962 #17593 witness, who wishes anonymity for fear of ridicule, saw what he first thou 5/20/1963 #17753 effects). Saucer / road. Psh"dont fear.. i'm terrestrial". / r8+/ r67. 6/5/1964 #18330 is tree. The creatures appeared to fear the light from flaming objects thro 9/5/1964 #18538 main calm for there was nothing to fear, and that the space people would re 2/21/1965 #18825 calming rays on you to remove your fear." He then asked several questions, 8/9/1965 #19350 rcled and came low over a farm. In fear, the man fired at it with his rifle 8/15/1965 #19399 sembled “gnomes,” and they aroused fear in the woman. They appeared old bec 8/16/1965 #19410 felt a heat wave and drove away in fear, but returned to the site a second 9/3/1965 #19506 ut unnaturally. They drive away in fear but return later that night to find 9/3/1965 #19512 nsation of heat, and drove away in fear. Later they returned to investigate 9/3/1965 #19517 object. The witness drove away in fear, but was followed for 13 km by the 3/30/1966 #20160 of a picnic in a state of extreme fear. An unknown man, 2.20 m tall, weari 4/7/1966 #20268 eported that he was paralyzed with fear as he observed a large round "craft 10/26/1966 #21036 over the man and he felt a wave of fear, which kept him from following the 11/14/1966 #21101 over the man and he felt a wave of fear, which kept him from following the 11/15/1966 #21109 ly bright causing the witnesses to fear an explosion. Witnesses left to get 5/10/1967 #22308 ard the words,"You have nothing to fear." He began to walk toward the being 7/18/1967 #22695 aze as the witnesses drove away in fear. 7/24/1967 #22725 aze as the witnesses drove away in fear. 7/24/1967 #22726 to escort the youths by car their fear was so great. There were attendant 11/2/1967 #23392 ding toward them. They took off in fear in their automobile, but when they 5/5/1968 #23946 ms with them. This behavior spread fear and panic among the local inhabitan 6/26/1968 #24085 ft. The first project name is HAVE FEAR. At least 500 UFO sensor trackings 8/1968 #24284 witness, who stood paralyzed with fear. The figure then suddenly stopped, 8/8/1968 #24310 ign-sounding voice repeat, "Do not fear." Then they were told, "we have jus 9/1/1968 #24422 ARACENA, SP Driver feels profound fear. Km away sees 15cm light / air. 10/1968 #24530 oids (or Greys) exit and 2 inside. Fear (seen thru) binoculars. / FSRv16#2+ 2/7/1969 #24899 uminous. Seized with an irrational fear, they drove away as quickly as poss 2/28/1969 #24951 m touched it. Her dog reacted with fear, and her eyes hurt for three days a 3/10/1969 #24990 wn people" and expressed his great fear that our world was in great danger, 5/21/1969 #25153 . Nevertheless, Mrs. Hansen had no fear, and went with her to a black car c 8/8/1969 #25312 r than about 30 yards, overcome by fear. Fear mixed with another impossible 8/27/1969 #25333 about 30 yards, overcome by fear. Fear mixed with another impossible to de 8/27/1969 #25333 run from the strange being out of fear. Instead, he went towards it. He wa 4/2/1971 #26065 suffered vibration, numbness, and fear. They fled back into their house wh 5/16/1971 #26115 oucester, England were frozen with fear over the close approach of two oran 8/20/1971 #26297 d. Geller felt a sudden feeling of fear and ran back to Andrijah and Iris. 12/6/1971 #26490 ge metal UFO. Telepathy = "have no fear. Car self-starts. 5/1972 #26664 her and she feels an extraordinary fear. After a few seconds, she runs back 8/9/1972 #26889 ness felt an unbelievable level of fear and had the feeling that the being 8/9/1972 #26890 ho cowered inside the van in great fear. A man appeared carrying what looke 10/14/1973 #28031 wind. The witness sped up and, in fear, quickly left the site. 3/17/1974 #28898 a row of body lights. They fled in fear with the object following. When the 6/6/1974 #29168 near a road. The witnesses fled in fear. 6/6/1974 #29170 . Strange 6M torus? / field. Great fear. Object barely describable. 8/15/1974 #29351 oot above the ground. Whether from fear or an EM effect, Fuhr cannot get th 9/1/1974 #29417 he family fled from their house in fear. 9/19/1974 #29464 , paralyzed either by the touch or fear, but his companion took him on his 2/23/1975 #29839 age to go inside the house and not fear anything. 4/19/1975 #29997 r view mirror. Both witnesses felt fear as the object pursued them for thre 8/4/1975 #30235 eople, who had been petrified with fear, "found their legs" and beat a hast 8/8/1975 #30244 because of their astonishment and fear, they were unable to locate the exa 8/22/1975 #30298 s. Smith's pet bird went wild with fear in her presence, and no longer woul 1/6/1976 #30762 across her face. She drove away in fear, and she continued to watch a blue 2/25/1976 #30908 ft behind alone. With a mixture of fear and curiosity, Fidel approached the 4/23/1976 #31019 form of a “dome.” She experiences fear and covers her face with her hands. 6/11/1976 #31102 A cat went crazy with fear and the witness's TV experienced in 9/11/1976 #31378 itness, who was now paralyzed with fear. He was so terrified that he beat u 2/24/1977 #31846 uck around and drove away in great fear. 3/5/1977 #31861 d hears voices in his head “Do not fear” repeatedly. He next sees five or s 11/1977 #32648 daughter is pale and shaking with fear. The object falls a short distance 5/13/1978 #33204 hat was flowing in the wind. Their fear increased when they realized both f 7/11/1978 #33367 e a muscle. Strangely, his initial fear upon sighting the huge object had d 12/14/1978 #34127 His two guard dogs are howling in fear. Outside he sees a yellow half-moon 2/7/1980 #35161 d only 500 feet away. A dog hid in fear. A six-meter long indentation was d 7/6/1980 #35407 d only 500 feet away. A dog hid in fear. A six-meter long indentation was d 7/6/1980 #35409 ying flat as though paralyzed with fear. Wagner sees an orange, nearly sphe 7/22/1981 #36023 bad to Boro, who was shaking with fear. His body was glittering. When Ferr 10/17/1981 #36176 g her to remain still. She felt no fear but instead had an overwhelming sen 1/25/1987 #38104 erque After eight years of stress, fear, and paranoia, Paul Bennewitz has t 8/1988 #38611 260 feet in diameter. She feels no fear and has a euphoric feeling as she b 9/16/1989 #39106 ter. She reported that she felt no fear and indeed had a euphoric feeling a 9/16/1989 #39108 appear. One of the boys screams in fear. Then one of the beings looks at th 9/27/1989 #39124 eared. One of the boys screamed in fear. Then one of the beings looked at t 9/27/1989 #39126 an up a tree and hid, shaking with fear. The robot was just under six feet 10/28/1989 #39191 d couldn’t even open her eyes from fear. Again she panicked and mentally co 10/31/1989 #39199 ing-ball appears. Voice = "have no fear..". Blue beams.. 2/18/1990 #39421 e ground, and Maksim felt a strong fear after watching this scene, and ran 12/31/1990 #39932 ntrolled by an incredible level of fear because nobody dares talk about it. 1991 #39939 nly disappeared. An uncontrollable fear then took hold of them and they beg 6/15/1991 #40098 e his well-known squeamishness and fear of blood tests, and state they find 8/10/1991 #40147 o meters away. A powerful sense of fear overcame him, and he believed that 12/16/1992 #40750 to Toxic Disposal Fires Plaintiffs Fear Retaliation” 2/8/1996 #42747 variety of policy options without fear of criticism; that the best way to 3/3/1997 #43217 tter look. He suddenly ran back in fear yelling that they had to leave quic 4/28/1997 #43283 ey. She was in great terror and in fear of her life during the abduction. N 1/15/1998 #43500 towards her, when she screamed in fear. This startled the humanoid, who th 11/25/1999 #43886 vercome by an intense sensation of fear. He found himself unable to move or 4/23/2001 #44161 like daylight. Recovering from his fear, Arias returned to the van and noti 7/21/2002 #44362 nder the bed blankets shaking with fear. The creature touched his knee and 1/26/2003 #44480 g inserted in her rectum. When her fear returned a creature that somehow wa 1/27/2003 #44481 at the UFO, almost paralyzed with fear. She got a very good look at the cr 5/13/2003 #44536 Two dogs showed fear as a mysterious, large dark object 9/25/2003 #44608 r weapons against the "aliens" for fear of retaliation. A female resident o 8/25/2004 #44741 e programs to come forward without fear of reprisal and share whatever info 9/2022 #45765
hroughout the encounter he felt no fear--he had the feeling, in fact, that 6/12/1977 #32161
tures and noted that the creatures feared the light from his flash camera. 2/21/1965 #18824 vests over white coveralls. Ellen feared that they were going to grab her, 8/13/1965 #19383 make an official report because he feared professional repercussions. The n 12/31/1976 #31645 company of extraterrestrials, but feared revealing the details of his enco 5/4/1977 #32055 0 feet altitude, and the two girls feared capture. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 4/8/1982 #36441 0 feet altitude, and the two girls feared capture. 4/8/1982 #36443 ng with my friends, I think we all feared for our life." The experience rep 2/11/2003 #44486
mps off the tractor and lies down, fearful, as the object stops a short dis 9/20/1954 #10370 Hubbard, OR Cow fearful as square object landed (NICAP: 5/19/1964 #18286 New Berlin, NY Dog fearful as bright light hovered (NICAP: 11/25/1964 #18635 in his head, telling him they are fearful of earth because humans are mess 11/10/1965 #19711 Milton, IN Dogs excited/fearful of oval with lights (NICAP: 04 - 2/22/1967 #21621 Pompano Beach, FL Dog in car fearful at low flying light (NICAP: 04 - 7/21/1967 #22715 . A dog riding in their car became fearful of the low flying yellow light, 7/21/1967 #22720 , Saskatchewan, CAN Dog and cattle fearful of slow moving domed disc (NICAP 2/19/1968 #23765 s of light from its top and sides. Fearful, the driver leaves the area. Ufo 6/1970 #25684 witness having a violent, shaking, fearful reaction to re-envisioning the e 8/1/1971 #26261 causing the two witnesses to feel fearful. It had three portholes of light 9/8/1971 #26326 s occurred to the car again. Again fearful, the pair drove home. The car su 10/1/1975 #30409 refuse to go any farther, clearly fearful of the intimidating appearance o 11/7/1975 #30576 eously by itself. Mr. Gouws was so fearful after the incident that he was s 6/16/1977 #32166 ter found him in a state of shock, fearful that they would return for retri 12/2/1977 #32727 y arms. The beings seemed weak and fearful of him. They also felt cold to t 10/6/1979 #34947 ng statement that the Earth "was a fearful planet with a tendency for annih 8/22/1980 #35475 still following them. Increasingly fearful, they request a descent to get a 11/17/1986 #38072 Irwin, PA Cat fearful as disc at treetop level emitted 2/22/1988 #38474 barked at hovering oval dome; also fearful (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 6/14/1993 #41015 Tekoa, WA Dog curious and fearful as star-like lights landed (NICA 1/2/1995 #41938 Marstons Mills, MA Dogs fearful as large dark object observed (N 9/25/2003 #44607 ed directly towards him. He became fearful and started to run from his car, 10/2/2004 #44766 Carlisle, PA Dog fearful of glowing chevron (NICAP: 04 - 5/9/2005 #44835 vania reported that his dog became fearful of a glowing chevron-shaped UFO. 5/9/2005 #44838 Port Charlotte, FL Cat fearful as distant light is viewed (IFO) 8/25/2005 #44865 supervision. Mover and Bell became fearful of moving forward. By late 2011, 6/2011 #45327
. The woman’s two dogs are looking fearfully at the UFO. At one point the o 4/22/1984 #37281
y rush out to lie down in a ditch, fearing an explosion. When they look up 3/14/1946 #1977 Simonutti saw a bright light and, fearing a fire, rushed to the scene. The 9/30/1954 #10514 when he saw a brilliant light and, fearing a fire, rushed to the scene. The 9/30/1954 #10525 ht. The object went away silently. Fearing ridicule, the witnesses reported 4/29/1959 #15717 esire to take a walk in the woods. Fearing for his mental state, one of his 10/20/1973 #28222 y. The Two make themselves scarce, fearing an infiltration and possible ass 10/1975 #30407 ormal, said controller Bob Turner. Fearing that a military jet might have s 12/16/1978 #34144 lo of light. She became concerned, fearing that she might be abducted by th 9/13/1990 #39731 s. Radar dispatchers in Alma-Alta, fearing a collision with conventional ai 8/28/1991 #40168 his car and pulls off the roadway, fearing he might collide with the object 3/20/1992 #40394 e object releases three fireballs. Fearing a collision, Graham banks away. 4/28/1993 #40953
aucer covers 5 houses. Observer(s) fearless. Visions later. Abduction? 10/3/1985 (approximate) #37671
an alleged UFO incident because of fears it could create mass panic. The in Late 1942? #1456 on the Air Force UFO program. USAF fears “uncontrolled publicity,” but agre 1/1958 #14791 rd. Its purpose is to quiet public fears about a flurry of UFO sightings, a 5/1/1977 #32046 it looks so close that the driver fears it will block their way. It seems 9/5/1979 #34838 journalist Fred Hoffman. There are fears that the publicity will also lead 4/26/1984 #37301
ept and requesting initiation of a feasibility study of a “manned flying sa 10/22/1957 #14145 CONARC’s October 22 request on the feasibility of building a manned “flying 11/21/1957 #14588 earth. From there, he explores the feasibility of interstellar spaceflight 11/15/1962 #17548 ent, life in the Solar System, the feasibility of interstellar travel, and 1976 #30749 he authors sought to determine the feasibility of five potential causal mec 2/2/2022 #45737
fighting for weapons contracts and feasibility-study awards. 1952 #5836
to determine if an atomic bomb is feasible, meets in the Royal Society com 4/10/1940 #1331 t concludes that an atomic bomb is feasible. Vannevar Bush receives a copy. 6/26/1941 #1366 onsiders the shape aerodynamically feasible; consultant J. Allen Hynek says 7/26/1948 #3742 ed, with the conclusion that it is feasible to attack a seaport city with b 9/1950 #5160 ulsion techniques are described as feasible by 2050, the same technology ex 2/1/2006 #44921
kheed U-2 at Groom Lake, Nevada, a feat not revealed until declassification 9/8/1955 #12438
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Feather” Yield: .15KT 12/22/1961 #17003 s like a "flying squirrel." It had feather like objects on its back, which 10/17/1973 #28140 op, wavering back and forth like a feather. 3/23/1974 #28935 RADISE, CA Saucer scouts up / down feather River Canyon. Goes. Returns. 5+o 7/4/1993 #41050 oise. Small saucer descends like / feather. Red and yellow lights. 8/3/1995 #42355
rightened by the sight of a large “feathered bird-man” that their father Da 4/17/1976 #30998
IZOZO, NM 5 pilots / field. Saucer feathers down. Shoots up going quickly n 7/8/1947 #2967 scientists rule out wool, cotton, feathers, cellulose, and synthetic fiber 7/10/1956 #12960 They look like they have metallic feathers or scales. They are flying with 5/10/1968 #23955 beings appeared to be covered with feathers or metallic scales which acquir 5/10/1968 #23956 ects). Weird catfish with fins and feathers exits. / r79p58. 10/16/1973 #28069 ppers for hands, a wide mouth, and feathers on its back. It holds onto a ha 10/16/1973 #28086 had what appeared to be two raven feathers in her hair. When the witness g 2/28/1993 #40866
ed “soap bubble” that has a white, feathery mass inside floating slowly abo 8/1989 #39040
it performed ”unbelievable” aerial feats. The local RADAR operator confirme 8/13/1960 #16373
atellite of the Earth. One curious feature of the reports, highlighted by M 2/9/1913 #881 ent Harry Mayo, who has prepared a feature story for Time, which was to inc 10/23/1949 #4401 brown skin, with the other unusual feature being a small mouth. 5/21/1953 #8898 ill observes through a telescope a feature on the western edge of the lunar 7/30/1953 #9021 telescope’s aperture is small, the feature resembles a bridge joining the t 7/30/1953 #9021 he instrument is large enough, the feature is seen as two small, eroded cra 7/30/1953 #9021 ate from both IFOs and UFOs. A key feature is to statistically compare IFOs 10/25/1955 #12519 ally thick rubber soles. A strange feature on his leg fascinated Connie and 1/9/1967 #21278 ves are the same color. An unusual feature of this case is the emblem of a 12/3/1967 #23545 the witness could see a snout like feature on the face. Its body was unifor 10/21/1973 #28229 a metallic luster. The only facial feature he could see through the helmet 6/12/1977 #32161 treet, New York, N.Y. 10014. 2001. Feature submitted by researcher Billy J. 8/6/1977 #32365 treet, New York, N.Y. 10014. 2001. Feature submitted by researcher Billy J. 8/6/1977 #32366 ove like a magnet. Another curious feature of his report was that while ins 9/6/1978 #33640 each to indicate how often a given feature occurs. He finds that the classi 1987 #38089 Communion, a feature film based on abductee Whitley S 11/10/1989 #39225 his time for 70 minutes. A curious feature of this abduction event was that 12/15/1991 #40261 lights in between. An interesting feature was that the rain stopped one fo 9/16/1992 #40623 mount premieres Fire in the Sky, a feature film directed by Robert Lieberma 3/12/1993 #40881 y pointed chin. Its most prominent feature was its huge black, oval-shaped 9/5/1997 #43395 above the ground. Another unusual feature of the encounter was that all no 8/3/2000 #44027 ingers on one hand. A most unusual feature of the creature was that it had 8/10/2000 #44029
F astronaut wings. For this, he is featured on the cover of the August 3 is 7/17/1962 #17279 scope. Other sightings in the area featured "bright" or "brilliant," often 8/30/1967 #22959 phen Lovekin, and John Podesta are featured. Narrated by Giancarlo Esposito 5/9/2017 #45469
SYRACUSE, NY Boy / 13. Featureless 60M cylinder/cigar-shape hov 7/14/1947 #3175 York a 13-year-old boy saw a long, featureless cigar-shaped object hovering 7/14/1947 #3180 odolite to track the UFO. It was a featureless ellipse, its length about 2– 4/24/1949 #4099 ico at 10:20 a.m. It looked like a featureless, whitish featureless ellipse 4/24/1949 #4105 looked like a featureless, whitish featureless ellipse, and its length was 4/24/1949 #4105 NEAR COLUMBUS, MT 3 observer(s). Featureless cylinder/cigar-shape flames 3/12/1950 #4617 On this night a featureless four-meter wide disc circled 3/12/1950 #4620 sk suddenly flips and speeds away. Featureless. 3/16/1950 #4652 AUSTIN, TX 3 men. Flat silver featureless "saucer" hovers / 3 seconds. 3/29/1950 #4752 s picked up and later sighted as a featureless nocturnal light over the AEC 6/21/1952 #6583 going north. 3km altitude. 300kph. Featureless. 7/21/1952 #6961 URCHY, FR 1 observer riding train. Featureless silver saucer in sky. No fur 10/20/1954 #11262 hen they approached the light, two featureless illuminated humanoid forms e 10/25/1954 #11404 , EGYPT Numerous observer(s). Thin featureless white cylinder going quickly 9/19/1955 #12462 sh going west slow / 15M altitude. Featureless. 7/15/1957 #13796 CE BASE, MT Air Force guard. Large featureless silver delta/triangle/box-li 8/4/1958 #15178 es into woods. Red orange. Silent. Featureless. 8/27/1958 #15226 Scientist watches echo satellite. Featureless disk passes / 5 minute(s). / 6/8/1960? #16307 At 7:45 a.m. a large featureless metallic disc flew to the ea 7/16/1963 #17834 et long, and completely smooth and featureless, was sighted off the coast, 3/18/1966 #19989 5M SOUTH / NEOLA, UT 12M x 5M featureless saucer. Follows roadway brie 5/12/1967 #22322 gure with an egg-shaped head and a featureless face. It had long arms that 7/20/1967 #22713 STRONGSVILLE, OH Kids. Flash! Flat featureless disk going down / steps. Sho 7/1968 #24103 takes taxi. Pays / yellow $1 bill! Featureless face. / Bloecher. 11/11/1973 #28403 intersection. The dwarf's head was featureless except for goggles or large 11/11/1973 #28410 ng a woman with long white hair, a featureless face, who was wearing a long 5/11/1974 #29100 fell to the ground in a straight, featureless line, and having no signs of 12/10/1976 #31593 a large helmet and with a square, featureless face. The being drifted thro 4/12/1977 #31976 with a large helmet and a square, featureless face. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Ca 4/20/1977 #32004 with a large helmet and a square, featureless face. It approached Mark rap 4/20/1977 #32005 rm, the figure’s face is black and featureless; it vanishes when a neighbor 4/26/1977 #32029 a black "stick man" with a round, featureless head, "jolting" along about 6/12/1977 #32160 ut from his house and saw a nearly featureless, silver fuselage hovering in 8/15/1978 #33517 NORTH / DEXTER, IA 1 observer. Featureless silver cylinder/cigar-shape 9/23/1978 #33731 he school a being whose face is a “featureless mask.” 9/27/1978 #33761 KETTERING, OH Ex-airman. Silent featureless cylinder/cigar-shape north g 9/28/1978 #33766 akes them seem uniformly white and featureless. After moving to the right f 10/21/1980 #35578 They were human in shape, but with featureless faces having three huge whit 3/7/1987 #38133 chairs, two steering wheels, and a featureless control panel. The cockpit i Early 8/1987 #38225 2 small humanoids (or Greys) exit. Featureless faces! / r105p210. 11/1988 #38700 AN, FR 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Featureless moon-size white sphere/orb/g 7/6/1990 #39636 est going quickly east. Silent and featureless. 1 observer. 3/16/1992 #40384 er half of the object. Beings with featureless heads, long thin arms, and w 8/11/1992 #40566 uge oval-shaped cranium and a dark featureless face. It moved on two short, 4/15/1994 #41493 REDDING, CA 16 observer(s). 4 featureless cigars north going south slo 7/22/1995 #42317 MEDFORD, OR 1 observer. Dome featureless round object follows landing 8/27/1995 #42420 DEL NORTE, CO 2 observer(s). White featureless cylinder/cigar-shape going [ 10/10/1996 #43062 er disk southeast going northwest. Featureless and silent unlike small plan 7/19/1997 #43353 75 / MCDONOUGH, GA Silver-metallic featureless saucer drops to 75M altitude 9/23/1999 #43854 A silver-metallic, featureless disc dropped to 75 meters al 9/23/1999 #43855 WOODCROFT, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Featureless white ball follows airliner 2/18/2000 #43952 inside of the capsule was dull and featureless. Inside he was met by a tall 10/28/2000 #44063 lights, no windows, was otherwise featureless, and was moving fast. It was 10/24/2004 #44769
hannels” implies that the observed features are natural configurations of t 10/1877 #211 g Company in Chicago, Illinois. It features a first-hand story and a 30-pag Spring 1948 #3592 . A follow-up article in July 1951 features even more dramatic photos. 9/1950 #5161 xenbaugh on June 27, 1950. It also features UFO witness Arthur Weisberger o 11/17/1950 #5279 ig, with definite human anatomical features. These encounters ceased when h 1951 #5372 ticle appears in Look magazine. It features Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg’s declarat 7/1/1952 #6688 aped objects having no aerodynamic features (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 7/23/1952 #7071 aped objects having no aerodynamic features and move without sound or exhau 7/23/1952 #7078 d / even intervals. No aerodynamic features. 7/24/1952 #7098 mment or analysis. The Mayher case features prominently in the subsequent l 7/29/1952 #7330 e newsmen and TV cameras. The show features editors and journalists Frank B 8/1/1952 #7410 12½ minutes with new material. It features footage from the July 29, 1952, 8/23/1952 #7693 ying Saucer-y” is prepared by King Features Syndicate and carried in many n 9/1952 #7802 ich is large, white, and round and features a dim reddish light coming from 12/10/1952 #8409 w faces, narrow eyes, and oriental features. They speak in a language he ca 7/1/1953 #8982 w faces, narrow eyes, and oriental features. They spoke in a language he co 7/1/1953 #8983 w faces, narrow eyes, and oriental features. They spoke in a language he co 7/2/1953 #8986 story of an invasion from Mars and features a Northrop YB-49 flying wing dr 8/13/1953 #9068 ynamic characteristics, or unusual features, does not conform to any presen 8/12/1954 #10138 ime. Pugina noticed that the outer features of the creature’s face were rat 10/18/1954 #11225 e or less nonfiction magazine that features articles of widely varying cred 1955 #11895 on Tom Gerber of the Boston Herald features interviews with unnamed Air For 11/30/1958 #15462 dar cross-section reduction design features. Johnson wants to power the Q-1 10/1962 #17449 , but the witness can see no other features. They begin quickly “fluttering 10/23/1963 #18004 of Outer Limits airs on ABC-TV. It features an alien with wraparound eyes. 2/10/1964 #18127 tos, many of them showing detailed features. Gammie tells him that the UFO 6/1964 #18314 with delta/triangle/box-like craft features / underside. Glows. Whines. / r 8/2/1965 #19250 in color, having no eyes or facial features, stood in a large, lighted circ 10/23/1965 #19677 s of UFO patterns by examining UFO features, the second part deals with sig 1966 #19794 face was in shadow and his facial features could not be seen. This "terrib 1/13/1967 #21300 itness names, age, gender, special features, duration, and other elements. Spring 1967 #21924 uman-like figure that had feminine features; the figure was standing where 7/20/1968 #24194 e tall and well built, with normal features, chestnut-color hair, and light 1/6/1969 #24822 em from head to foot. Their facial features were seen through transparent h 2/6/1969 #24897 alls without buttons. Their facial features were visible through transparen 2/7/1969 #24902 small men emerged. They had human features and their faces had a greenish 2/23/1969 #24940 any arms, and he could not detect features behind the oversized helmets. T 5/11/1969 #25128 ittle three-foot tall beings, with features like humans, got out of the UFO 5/19/1969 #25147 inpricks of white light. No facial features could be seen. 5/30/1969 #25169 man with deep chestnut hair but no features on her face. Nevertheless, Mrs. 8/8/1969 #25312 . But the woman had no discernible features where her face would be. Oddly, 8/22/1969 #25326 it had a “rather feminine” set of features and a not unattractive face. Sh 8/27/1969 #25333 She noted little about his facial features or coloring, but he was of gian 3/7/1972 #26590 ked like Chinese, but with sharper features." They came up to the witness a 3/16/1972 #26606 . He could not describe the facial features except for the eyes, which "see 11/28/1972 #27150 e a second occupant with identical features and clothing. Their eyes were s 12/30/1972 #27193 the UFO left. The height and other features of the being were not given. 1/4/1973 #27221 ain Street. The humanoid had human features with a dark penetrating gaze an 8/19/1973 #27714 Brownsville, IN 2:00 a.m. Main features of case; disk craft observed at 9/1973 #27739 ssed exactly alike and had similar features. One of the group members, who 10/20/1973 #28222 ar shaped area of light. No facial features could be discerned, but the wit 10/21/1973 #28229 uits, straight in form and with no features noticed except box-like feet. T 10/22/1973 #28244 r helmets; they had handsome human features, and shoulder length, blond hai 11/3/1973 #28362 o less than three meters tall. His features were remarkably similar to thos 11/18/1973 #28443 have seen a robot, with some human features, and for the first time, women 11/18/1973 #28443 g suits and had decidedly feminine features. "Their golden hair framed the 11/18/1973 #28443 ness could not recall their facial features. The UFO brightly illuminated t 1/8/1974 #28667 , but it was too dark to see their features through their helmet visors. Th 2/28/1974 #28822 was unable to make out any facial features. After he passed the site he lo 3/21/1974 #28920 He could still make out no facial features. After 3 minutes he left. A few 3/21/1974 #28921 voices. She was able to see their features well because the area was well 5/7/1974 #29093 to the ground. They had no facial features. 6/7/1974 #29171 necks. He could discern no facial features on the beings. Later, a chute e 6/8/1974 #29173 lery, grapevines and other terrain features. One witness noted that no ligh 9/8/1974 #29436 nd head was without hair or facial features. Panic-stricken, Jacques drove 11/30/1974 #29622 have dark complexions and Oriental features. Others are pale and bug- eyed. 1975 #29670 ock organizes a UFO symposium that features talks by astronomer J. Allen Hy 1/20/1975 #29758 , but his large head had no facial features: no eyes, nose or mouth. It mer 2/23/1975 #29839 ite light, they had no discernable features. After about a minute the young 8/8/1975 #30244 all slit-like mouths and mask-like features. He had been in a drug-like sta 8/13/1975 #30258 from the object, so none of their features could be made out. The figures 8/22/1975 #30298 pointy ears, and "demonic" facial features. The top half of its body was g 11/3/1975 #30548 of that same year. It had similar features, was tall and had blond hair, a 1/5/1976 #30761 lly dressed, but had pallid facial features and wore goggles. He had a long 5/16/1976 #31058 that had lit windows, but no other features. Electromagnetic effects includ 7/31/1976 #31207 e short in stature, “with European features but very dark.” They seemed to 8/10/1976 #31252 and fingers. There were no facial features visible, neither ears nor hair. 10/15/1976 #31465 tly unclothed,with no other facial features except two large dark eyes. It 10/28/1976 #31503 ght shiny eyes but no other facial features. One of the humanoids banged on 10/29/1976 #31505 larger than the bodies but facial features were erased by the heat; a CR t 1977 #31658 haze disappears, and the object’s features become more distinct. It is lar 1/21/1977 #31742 ting upward, the gray-brown object features a large panel of fluorescent gr 3/29/1977 #31933 only his eyes and no other facial features. The eyes were large and dark. 4/4/1977 #31943 tween the man and the observer. No features could be seen on the figure's f 4/7/1977 #31957 jumpsuits. She could see no facial features nor any hair on these creatures 4/19/1977 #32002 arge melon-shaped head, showing no features except two large round orange g 4/21/1977 #32009 f animal and half human; no facial features are visible, but it seems to be 4/25/1977 #32026 f animal and half human; no facial features were visible, but it seemed to 4/25/1977 #32027 form, whose face was black with no features, vanished when a neighbor drove 4/26/1977 #32030 slightly disheveled. Their facial features were "repulsive" to the witness 8/3/1977 #32356 nd a tall antenna on top. The only features he could make out of the heads 9/15/1977 #32485 he corners, and with no observable features. They appeared to be looking fo 10/30/1977 #32639 ith no visible arms or legs and no features on its head. It was about five- 11/13/1977 #32671 a “panel discussion” on UFOs that features essays by J. Allen Hynek, R. Le 1/1978 #32834 oots, it has no discernible facial features, and it has short arms ending i 1/2/1978 #32846 oots. It had no discernible facial features and it had very short arms endi 1/2/1978 #32847 y seemed unusually athletic. Among features that set them apart from ordina 2/5/1978 #32957 rust colored jump suits. Among the features of the abduction included a phy 3/18/1978 #33056 ors to stay away from the unstable features. 4/2/1978 #33119 of the body and it had human like features. On its head it wore a cone-sha 4/25/1978 #33169 Eduardo did not notice any facial features on the figure except what appea 5/2/1978 #33185 several tall humanoids with human features near Santiago, Chile. The being 8/23/1978 #33554 rge, wide head with definite Asian features. It had narrow pale lips, a sma 9/28/1978 #33770 untered disc with dome, structural features, emitting light beams 11/21/1978 #33973 olored coverall and without facial features. It moved around in a field at 12/15/1978 #34139 979 and reinvestigated in 2008. It features unique shapes for both the land 7/25/1979 #34679 large heads and eyes and feminine features. They wore white uniforms and w 9/3/1979 #34831 able to distinguish any additional features. The being appeared to move fro 2/11/1980 #35168 d “Quest for Teleportation,” which features a photo of an alien cadaver sim 5/6/1980 #35308 Trinidad, Colorado. The show also features a hypnotic regression session b 5/28/1980 #35343 im necks and slim bodies. No other features could be seen. As the police of 11/1/1980 #35608 t he could not make out any facial features. They wore helmets and tight fi 2/18/1981 #35832 tities with round heads, no facial features and wheel-like feet rolled in; 7/15/1981 #36008 s were two or three figures, whose features were not discernible, but whose 8/16/1981 #36077 Zealand. He had no distinguishable features, and the bottom half of the fig 8/2/1982 #36561 rrying a blue box on its back that features tubes running into the helmet a 10/8/1984 #37480 rn are universal. He also examines features of the entities’ behavior and a 1987 #38089 jects, a radar tracking, and other features 1/1987 #38092 object. It had almost human facial features, but it had large yellow eyes a 2/7/1990 #39414 . He could not make out any facial features, arms, or legs. One figure foll 8/31/1990 #39707 the explosion. Decks and interior features were visible inside the object 8/28/1991 #40168 d connected to the cape. No facial features could be discerned. The entity 5/5/1992 #40454 other dark-haired with some Asian features. They are human-like but have s 7/23/1992 #40530 with human appearance and "Hindu" features. In a telepathic communication 7/25/1992 #40535 ure had extremely beautiful facial features, but was somewhat pallid. The h 9/24/1992 #40639 The figure was thin and had normal features, except that it had no hair and 1/19/1993 #40802 19-years old, with finely chiseled features, a pink complexion, a heart sha 4/23/1993 #40948 Institute of Chicago. Illinois. It features interviews with attendees at R. 6/3/1993 #41002 hen a third female with more human features appeared and apparently the sam 5/11/1994 #41523 own in color, and with long, stout features. At this point the "leader" rea 9/11/1994 #41734 a conical hat concealed its facial features. It advanced slowly towards the 2/9/1995 #42031 abama. The object was dark and its features could not be discerned, but it 3/19/1995 #42112 s difficult to make out any facial features, partially due to the covering 8/11/1995 #42376 doors, portholes, or other similar features. After about two minutes, the U 7/8/1996 #42950 ess. She could not distinguish any features. Two doors then swung open in t 9/9/1997 #43403 ed but with no real distinguishing features, except it had very large eyes- 12/14/1997 #43462 thin the light. It was without any features, and appeared to be silvery met 12/16/1997 #43464 shining light around it. No facial features could be seen. It seemed to dis 2/1/1998 #43510 , large eyes, fine chiseled facial features and very thick eyebrows. She fe 6/8/1998 #43584 f a white light, but no additional features could be discerned. One of the 6/27/1998 #43596 the soldier could not make out any features, except that the humanoid had g 11/25/1998 #43685 ight he could not distinguish many features, but he could see that it had d 5/23/1999 #43773 ig A. Roberts. Its editorial board features UFO researchers in the UK, Spai 9/1999 #43838 e trees. It had no distinguishable features as the entire body was dark, bu 1/24/2000 #43933 habits that obscured their facial features. They seemed to be lost, and as 9/6/2000 #44037 esent but could not see any sexual features. At this point she sensed despe 5/2/2001 #44174 n’s gravitators. Corso’s book also features several gravity control propuls 5/9/2001 #44182 vy set, thin legs, generally human features, but with somewhat "refined" or 3/26/2002 #44326 th somewhat "refined" or sharpened features. Their suits were very tight fi 3/26/2002 #44326 over the face area, but no facial features were visible. The entity was st 8/2/2004 #44725 he could not see any other facial features. His dog stopped barking when t 8/29/2007 #45050 th before. Both events have visual features of failed flights of Russian RS 12/9/2009 #45261 hite with no other distinguishable features,” according to the pilot, who i 11/18/2013 #45395 s of how to replicate the piloting features of a UAP: “there must be no dif 3/27/2017 #45466 uthern Ute, and Navajo nations and features speakers Chuck and Nancy Wade; 7/1/2017 #45474 are no navigation lights or other features associated with airplanes, and 3/19/2020 #45639 he Air Force reporting form, which features shapes of several different typ 5/2021 #45685 e balls, tic-tacs, discs). It also features specific questions, such as whe 5/2021 #45685 the topic to Congress. The hearing features Ronald Moultrie, under secretar 5/17/2022 #45750
overs still 300M away. Shiny dome. Featuress. 11/21/1980 #35661
Hotel in Los Angeles, California, featuring contactee speakers. However, G 8/16/1953 #9074 e were rather normal yet striking, featuring almost no forehead and eyes th 10/18/1954 #11225 hentic Music from Another Planet,” featuring a narrative by Menger and blan 1957 #13431 s are published later in the year, featuring papers on sighting waves, exos 4/30/1976 #31029 edited by José Ruesga Montiel and featuring case investigations by many Sp 1/1983 #36741 an international cabal, primarily featuring a number of stories familiar t 8/10/1991 #40147 ldwide space surveillance systems, featuring the world’s most powerful rada 6/23/2019 #45587
t object going quickly SSE. / r118 Feb. '97. 10/24/1950 #5254 1.5 minutes. Note: may have been Feb. 25. 2/26/1951 #5461 on of secret aircraft” rumors of a Feb. 1954 meeting at Edwards AFB. 1/31/1960 #16159 sported away by military truck. In Feb. 1969, the key witness (John Murphy 12/9/1965 #19760 stigator, Vol. Ill, No. 11, Jan. - Feb., 1967, p. 4.) (NICAP: 02 - Close En 1/15/1967 #21308 egarding UFOs in the Soviet Union: Feb. 1968, Soviet Life published three p 2/22/1968 #23776 . Perth West Australian, Norseman, Feb. 21, 1969. (E) car (NICAP: 03 - EME 2/20/1969 #24934 y. Vanishes. Also saucer seen / 15 Feb. '71. 1/5/1971 #25976 n Cape Cod. (The UFO Investigator, Feb.1971, p.1) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 1/7/1971 #25981 ickly east. Also night lights / 10 Feb. '73. / LDLN#132. 1/15/1973 #27238 maneuver and land / 14 dates to 24 Feb. '74. 90° turns etc. 12/19/1973 #28582 Aug. 1976, p. 15; Jylland Posten, Feb. 25, 1975 (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME 2/19/1975 #29826 ehind) bright white trail. / NICAP Feb. '76. 1/9/1976 #30777 HARBIN, CH Also 8 Feb. '80. Several observer(s). Red star 2/5/1980 #35157 maha, Nebr., Morning World-Herald, Feb. 14, 1980 (E,R,L) car (NICAP: 03 - E 2/11/1980 #35166 r physiological effects. La Razon, Feb. 23, 1982 (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME 2/19/1982 #36352 hotographs. Also night lights / 22 Feb. '84. 3/20/1984 #37230 ch retract. Also bright flashes 20 Feb. '93. 2/10/1993 #40848 ETNA, CA Night lights since Feb. '93. Dive at observer(s). Sit still 6/17/1993 #41021 silent. 5 bright lights. Back / 01 Feb. 9. / r147. 1/21/1994 #41380 y. Exact same / separate town / 14 Feb. '94 / 0330h. 1/28/1994 #41385 rver(s). 2 white ovoids. Also / 10 Feb. '95. 400 Essex sightings since Nov. 3/14/1995 #42091
reservoir. Beam going down. Back / FEB'74+APR'75. 1/5/1974 #28645
rames / film show nothing. / NICAP FEB'76. 1/31/1976 #30834
g down. Hovers / trees. Same again FEB'77. 10/1974 #29498
g quickly south. CP Rail News V8#2 Feb'78. 5/1947 (approximate) #2270
2km away. Inside lit. Back / late FEB'92. 1/5/1992 (approximate) #40279
ast and low over mountain. / NICAP Feb74+/ r43p60. 9/8/1973 #27780
erence (RFI). Traces. Same thing / Febr'78. 3/29/1978 #33095
alabozo, Venezuela 11:30 p.m. León Febres, Miguel Talavera, Jesús Prada, an 8/28/1956 #13146
Inavale,” Omaha (Neb.) Daily Bee, February 6, 1897, p. 6) February 17 —Nig 2/4/1897 #387 Daily Bee, February 6, 1897, p. 6) February 17 —Night. Hy Smith, Charles Br 2/4/1897 #387 the basement. They continue until February 1899 when they occur nightly. A 10/4/1898 #626 t over Toronto on the afternoon of February 10, which he suggests are “some 2/9/1913 #881 ia from November 15, 1933, through February 11, 1934. The Swedish Military 12/24/1933 #1182 be clearly seen by its lights. On February 6, Under-Secretary of State for 2/1/1934 #1199 Los Angeles County on the night of February 24. A total blackout is ordered 2/24/1942 #1388 wed by statements from the Army on February 26 that reflect General George 2/24/1942 #1388 ngton. (Wikipedia, “Hanford Site”) February 18 — Construction begins for Y- 2/9/1943 #1483 Jan Aldrich) Late December through February 1945 — Radar operators at Naval 12/23/1944 #1731 o further test flights are made in February. There are reports that during 2/2/1945 #1771 rizes UFO reports received through February 1, with attached memos and docu 4/23/1948 #3628 ccording to Ruppelt), effective in February. Morale plummets. 12/16/1948 #3931 r Command (NORAD’s predecessor) on February 4. The USAF Air Defense Command 2/18/1949 #4018 ify them for not showing up at the February 16 conference. 2/23/1949 #4021 ok Case #315. Many report(s) since February. Saucers. Cigars. Small night l 4/27/1949 #4113 y a short version of the sanitized February 11 Sign report, with some green 4/28/1949 #4125 y of a telescopic photo he took in February 1949 with his 15-inch reflector 10/14/1949 #4395 m Project Twinkle. (Clark III 544) February 5 — 5:10 p.m. Four people at Fa 2/2/1950 #4526 ewspapers and Fate magazine in its February/March 1952 issue. However, Robe 7/2/1950 #5039 co was a vacation in Cuernavaca in February 1952.) According to the story, Summer 1951 #5549 rancisco. Orange fireballs back 24 February. 2/19/1952 #5909 isitors from Space?” Project 1947) February 29 — Project Grudge issues a se 2/25/1952 #5931 tter in response to Sen. Russell’s February 21 inquiry. It offers two possi 3/5/1952 #5946 d Flying Saucer News Bulletin from February 1955 through 1957. Summer 1952 #6580 of Space Navigation, published in February 1952 12/13/1952 #8414 f scientific panels in January and February, which would buy some time, but 1/9/1953 #8522 ng meeting with the “NSA group” on February 5. 1/20/1953 #8557 ression sessions—December 5, 1975; February 26, 1976; and October 22, 1978— 3/22/1953 #8775 ar fall occurs in the same area on February 1, 1954. 11/16/1953 #9303 t Henry Herman, spend the night of February 6 at the location and report th 1/18/1954 #9493 ins publishing a CSI Newsletter in February 1955. It disbands in 1959. 2/1954 #9519 t Muroc Air Field (Edwards AFB) in February 1954, in presence of president 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557 ing system were agreed upon at the February 17 meeting in Los Angeles, Cali 2/23/1954 #9566 t while vacationing in Scotland in February 1954 he saw a saucer land and t 10/1954 #10536 nication between us and them) / 24 February. / r120p40. 2/23/1955 #12014 ead for the first and only time on February 5, 1956. 2/5/1956 #12697 grid 4502. Hovers / 4mn. RADAR 21 February. 2/9/1956 #12702 is sent to the Colorado Project in February 1968. Roy Craig runs tests on i Early 9/1957 #13971 tions by entities on January 7 and February 7, 1958. In September 1958, the 11/16/1957 #14567 radiation count from both women on February 19. The next day Evans, who is 2/17/1958 #14878 n, who have been in Oklahoma since February, pretend to attempt the launch 4/19/1959 #15708 C), which is formally dedicated on February 9, 1960. The NSSCC is part of t 12/1959 #16106 east stops / 8 minute(s). Same / 6 February. / r242p138. 2/5/1960 #16165 A Portland Press Herald editorial, February 9, says: “Mysterious objects ‘l 2/5/1961 #16596 ctorate of Plans by Richard Helms. February — Maj. William T. Coleman is re 2/1962 #17030 1974 and continues at least until February 1979. Summer 1963 #17801 ce to Hamilton AFB [now closed] on February 4 and receives a 3-hour visit f 1/30/1965 #18784 visit from Maj. Damon B. Reeder on February 8, and perhaps other officers a 1/30/1965 #18784 Scientific Research to accept the February 3 O’Brien recommendation to see 4/5/1966 #20249 gested by the O’Brien committee in February. He assembles a panel of expert 4/22/1966 #20374 9a0c586ad02b88cc.pdf Note: A 4 February 1948 memo from USAF Capt. Richa 7/21/1966 #20664 Project Sign ("Saucer") report of February 1949 declassified from its form 10/11/1966 #20991 er in flight from Piura to Lima on February 2, 1967, at 06:30 P.M. One pass 2/2/1967 #21438 irls under. Dog chases. Lands / 15 February. 2/9/1967 #21486 e composed of iron and silicon. On February 13, 1968, Schirmer is hypnotize 12/3/1967 #23545 O's / Santa Maria and Funchal / 14 February. 2/13/1968 #23753 n to Felix Ziegel’s article in the February 1968 issue of Soviet Life, whic 2/20/1968 #23769 iew Case Histories, Supplement 13, February 1973, p. 14 (E,L) car (NICAP: 0 7/29/1968 #24251 on vanishes and reappears. Seen to February / 69. / r230v2#4. 12/26/1968 #24791 ork Times reveals the operation on February 12. Though American combat invo 1/22/1969 #24866 touch with Howell McConnell; on 21 February 1973, Puthoff mentioned he met 10/7/1972 #27055 vers / pond. Same crosses sky / 21 February / 1920h. 1/28/1973 #27250 ject since it was first sighted in February. The UFO has been observed by m 2/1973 #27256 Delta/triangle/box-like craft / 19 February. Night lights / 21 February.. 2/20/1973 #27300 t / 19 February. Night lights / 21 February.. 2/20/1973 #27300 ew night lights. Others seen since February. 5/19/1973 #27508 1969, especially around Pleiku in February 1969, documents some of this ac 10/16/1973 #28084 ger. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, February 1974, page 2) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 1/22/1974 #28690 vertical. Underside lit. Back / 25 February. / LDLN#135. 2/24/1974 #28793 helmet, and had muscular arms. In February 1973 Faria had seen a luminous, 5/1/1974 #29078 dez. It runs for 10 issues through February 1976. 6/1974 #29153 er." (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, February 1975, pages 1-2) (NICAP: 01 - D 1/2/1975 #29697 sky. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, February 1975, pages 1- 2) (NICAP: 02 - 1/2/1975 #29698 Sources: CUFOS files, report dated February 27, 1975; NICAP UFO Investigato 2/10/1975 #29799 d by radio about 9:00 p.m. Sunday, February 17th by a Highway Patrol radio 2/17/1975 #29817 nandez mysteriously disappeared on February 2, 1984 and has never been hear 4/22/1975 #30000 sions with Sprinkle in January and February 1976, and she describes an othe 8/26/1975 #30310 ncy. (Source: CUFOS News Bulletin, February 1976, p. 7). (NICAP: 01 - Dista 10/3/1975 #30413 hts. (Source: CUFOS News Bulletin, February 1976, p. 9). (NICAP: 01 - Dista 10/16/1975 #30430 e. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, February 1977). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 11/4/1975 #30552 red. (Source: CUFOS News Bulletin, February 1976, p. 13.) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 11/13/1975 #30615 ide. (Source: CUFOS News Bulletin, February 1976, p. 13). (NICAP: 02 - Clos 11/19/1975 #30643 a CERPI Circulaire newsletter from February 1976 to 1981. 11/20/1975 #30648 ard. (Source: CUFOS News Bulletin, February 1976, pp. 11 & 14). (NICAP: 01 12/5/1975 #30686 urts (Source: CUFOS News Bulletin, February 1976, pp. 11 & 14). (NICAP: 01 12/5/1975 #30687 anding came in from the Simms area February 5, 1976, and for the first time 2/5/1976 #30847 f-egg going quickly southeast / 18 February / separate observer(s). 2/16/1976 #30874 Jerome Clark; Great Falls Tribune, February 23, 1976). (NICAP: 07 - Entity 2/22/1976 #30894 1976; International UFO Reporter, February 1977, p. 6). 77Jan-May Various 12/18/1976 #31611 red. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGATOR, February 1977, page 4) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 1/21/1977 #31738 ts that it cannot locate any. On 2 February 1978, the requestor sends the S 1/19/1978 #32900 t. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, February 1979). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 1/5/1979 #34299 . (Sources: Lumieres dans la Nuit, February 1979) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 1/8/1979 #34318 g missing time, see the account on February 18, 1990 in Germany). 2/21/1979 #34441 hire UFO Society visit the site on February 25 and find odd indentations in 2/22/1979 #34444 ogical effects. MUFON UFO Journal, February 1990, pp. 20-21; Omaha, Nebr., 2/11/1980 #35166 980 and has had his own copy since February 1981. He gives Bennewitz this d Summer 1981 #35977 itor. The magazine continues until February 1995. 9/1981 #36098 ct cases, photographs (see January—February 1984). 11/1981 #36200 ichard H. Hall, MUFON UFO Journal, February 1984, p. 14). (NICAP: 02 - Clos 2/24/1982 #36363 rin, Italy. It changes the name in February 1998 to UFO Notizie and is now 12/1985 #37730 Phenomena, arrives on the site on February 3. Some rocks at the impact sit 1/29/1986 #37775 get above Cluj-Napoca, Romania. In February 1988 it reappears above Sofia, 8/1986 #37964 fe ducks beam from UFO overhead. 6 February saucer / Alabama. 2/7/1988 #38442 th securities fraud by the SEC. In February 2013, Morton is ordered by a ju 1991 #39935 ilar object to the one detected in February in a location several hundred y 4/26/1991 #40050 co. The periodical continues until February 1996. 12/1993 #41312 oot. Small objects exit. Back / 20 February. 2/18/1995 #42050 n figure / garden beckons. Back 17 February. 2/10/1996 #42753 f being abducted around 10 p.m. on February 29th. During the night he had b 2/29/1996 #42789 reviously in the same area back in February observed a similar large craft 4/16/1996 #42871 nd Justice Department reports. The February 2000 report by the House Intell 8/18/1996 #42985 ell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama, in February 1975 that the National Archives Early 3/1998 #43528 is first publicly acknowledged in February 2003 by Col. José Raffo Moloche 12/2001 #44279 scientist Eugene Podkletnov (see 4 February 2020) to create an antigravity 7/29/2002 #44369 s and the Hapsburgs. CSETI (see 13 February 2009) was partially funded by L 8/2004 #44724 and dieting) and sleeps a lot. In February 2007 he is diagnosed with ducta 5/1/2005 #44828 undertaken by DIS between 1997 and February 2000. Unidentified Aerial Pheno 5/15/2006 #44942 s statement and is not helpful. In February, responses to FOIAs by Robert P 1/8/2008 #45112 i, of CIA. Ten years later (see 26 February 2019), Pandolfi was sued by FOX 10/2008 #45173 bserved on January 26, January 29, February 7, and February 17. The events 1/5/2009 #45206 ry 26, January 29, February 7, and February 17. The events are later reveal 1/5/2009 #45206 tiply to 24, and become painful in February 2010. One of the lumps is diagn 5/8/2009 #45220 On 7 February 2011 Bigelow Aerospace Advanced 2/2011 #45312 angle UAP four other times between February and October 2012 but noticed no 11/15/2011 #45334 rida, sometime between January and February 2015. The two videos are report 2/2015? #45430 the public by Popular Mechanics on February 14, 2020. Titled “Clinical Medi 1/9/2018 #45503
g, Gen. Omar Bradley, Adm. William Fechteler, Gen. J. Lawton Collins, Gen. 11/18/1952 #8296
ALA, GUAT 4 / US include/including fed Judge and big crowd. Bright silver d 3/24/1950 #4713 Everglades, Florida NICAP is fed a phony UFO crash story in the Everg 5/1957 #13629 ANDACOLLO, ARG 5 fed cops. 2M saucer going [to] near jeep 7/16/1968 #24180 f some pigeons that he customarily fed. He spotted a transparent cupola wit 11/15/1969 #25461 loor. He told the children that he fed on berries, and drank the river wate 5/15/1973 #27492 to pain. He does not eat, so he is fed intravenously for the 7 days he is h 3/24/1978 #33078 to the ground, they said they were fed various colored pills. Under hypnosi 8/22/1980 #35475 overup are legitimate or if he was fed disinformation, or purely heard rumo 5/13/1992 #40463 They never spoke to him, and never fed him. He claims he survived by eating 9/2/1994 #41713 d not find anything unusual, so he fed his dog and went back to the guard s 2/9/1995 #42031 BETHESDA, MD Several fed.employees. Extremely bright cylinder 3/22/1996 #42832 mmerman admits they may have been “fed” classified materials and Green used 8/19/2003 #44576
Washington DC The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) 6/19/1934 #1211 FCC) is established, replacing the Federal Radio Commission. 6/19/1934 #1211 vestigation officially becomes the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 7/1/1935 #1230 wing that Americans want a smaller federal government after the war, Roosev 2/10/1945 #1778 dise Valley, AZ. Graves states the federal government sponsored a state gov 10/1947 #3440 d at station KMYR in Denver. The 2 federal agents were looking for “parts” 3/31/1950 #4772 r tales, Adamski mentions that the Federal Communications Commission has es 8/20/1950 #5132 obert McNab, and Mr. Hunter of the Federal Security Agency. One flat object 1/10/1953 #8529 bert McNab and a Mr. Hunter of the Federal Security Agency see a flat objec 1/10/1953 #8530 ld have attracted the attention of federal officials. 8/19/1953 #9084 ted, he takes steps to take him to federal court to make him prove his stor 6/1955 #12173 er report claims that Vanguard and Federal Communications Commission watche 11/7/1957 #14461 housed in a building said to be a federal courthouse [US Court of Appeals 11/17/1957 #14571 harles O. Rhoades) are barred by a federal court order from selling any fur 5/28/1959 #15749 eo Bandeirante region in Brasília, Federal District, Brazil 10:00 a.m. Fr. 10/1959 #16004 eo Bandeirante region in Brasília, Federal District, Brazil, when he sees a 10/1959 #16004 ahoma Otis T. Carr is convicted in federal court of selling unregistered se 11/19/1959 #16095 the domination of science through federal funding, and, conversely, the do 1/17/1961 #16579 e reconnaissance satellites of the federal government, and provides satelli 9/6/1961 #16818 Groom Lake, Nevada The Federal Aviation Administration expands 1/1962 #17014 cause Sen. Jim Cavanagh to ask the federal government to make its UFO dossi 6/28/1963 #17814 rce Base, Washington A member of a federal agency, who was driving toward t 1/12/1965 #18715 citizens. Tracked on Air Force and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) ra 2/11/1966 #19897 Muscogee County, GA 5:30 a.m. Both Federal Aviation Administration and mili 3/27/1966 #20098 g Columbus, Georgia 5:30 a.m. Both Federal Aviation Administration operator 3/27/1966 #20101 ulton County Airport, GA 3:50 a.m. Federal Aviation Administration official 7/25/1966 #20679 :30 p.m. EDT. An engineer with the Federal Communications Commission saw a 7/31/1966 #20700 thing about them because this is a federal offense. 2/1967 #21430 Colorado The Federal Aviation Agency issues N 7230.29 4/4/1967 #22053 , NM 4:34 p.m. MDT. Two men, one a Federal Aviation Administration electron 4/27/1967 #22228 n in Bloomfield, New Mexico, one a Federal Aviation Administration electron 4/27/1967 #22234 and, and Delaware according to the Federal Power Commission. Later that eve 6/5/1967 #22468 La Guaira, Federal District, Venezuela Morning. A l 8/4/1967 #22796 La Guaira, Federal District, Venezuela Saturn-shape 8/4/1967 #22801 On the same day, in Antimano, Federal District, Venezuela 10-year-old 8/16/1967 #22886 , and João Aguiar of the Brazilian Federal police, see a metallic, domed di 6/27/1970 #25714 g in a rural location close to the federal capital of Brasília. An unnamed 1/23/1971 #25999 withdrew. It is the first book the federal government of the United States 3/1972 #26584 Overland, Missouri. The losses to federal military records collection incl 7/12/1973 #27631 e phone number that is shared with Federal Aviation Administration offices. 1974 #28630 aintained in systems of records by federal agencies. The act also provides 12/31/1974 #29666 the story is a scheme hatched by a federal prisoner to get leverage to be t 1975 #29679 The Federal Aviation Administration approves 4/1/1975 #29934 to the mutilations, but either way federal government officials seem to kno 1976 #30746 Development Administration and the Federal Energy Administration are dissol 8/4/1977 #32359 Surveillance Act creates a “secret federal court” (Foreign Intelligence Sur 10/25/1978 #33874 olving many states and it requires federal action. About 200 people attend, 4/20/1979 #34517 r documents originating with other federal agencies. 1/10/1980 #35129 efense Intelligence Agency and the Federal Aviation Administration (which i 5/1980 #35295 al years. Cash and Landrum sue the federal government for $20 million. On A 12/29/1980 #35757 ncreases governmental control over federal employees, particularly their re 3/11/1983 #36780 pending. It is far bigger than the federal budget for education, transporta 2/15/1987 #38120 ove TOP SECRET, therefore very few federal investigators have the security 2/15/1987 #38120 elgium, and the German border, two federal policemen, Heinrich Nicoll and H 11/29/1989 #39272 um Kloster Garnstock 7:20 p.m. Two federal policemen, Dieter Plummans and P 11/29/1989 #39276 e top secret and that few, if any, federal oversight investigators have the 9/1990 #39712 arrested in 2016 and begin serving federal sentences in 2017. 1991 #39935 Técnicas de las Fuerzas Armadas, a federal agency in charge of scientific r 1991 #39936 itenciário da Papuda São Sebastião Federal District of Brasilia, Brazil Lag 4/11/1991 #40034 omplexo Penitenciário da Papuda, a federal prison in São Sebastião in the F 4/11/1991 #40034 ral prison in São Sebastião in the Federal District of Brasilia, Brazil. Th 4/11/1991 #40034 rs to retrieve material from other federal agencies or military branches an 1994 #41349 FEDERAL WAY, WA PhD and 2 sons / I5. Del 5/19/1995 #42215 ion scorched. Technicians from the Federal University of Santa Catarina arr 12/12/1995 #42641 heir widows lose suite against the federal government in Las Vegas. “..the 3/1996 #42790 es. By the end of September, three federal investigations are announced: an 8/18/1996 #42985 ecessary role; that secrets in the federal government are whatever anyone w 3/3/1997 #43217 O Secrecy, files a FOIA lawsuit in federal district court in Phoenix, Arizo 1/22/1999 #43717 Gersten files a FOIA lawsuit in a federal district court in Phoenix, AZ to 1/22/1999 #43719 the head, Cooper is fatally shot. Federal authorities report that Cooper h 11/5/2001 #44272 harlotte, North Carolina 4:15 p.m. Federal authorities at O’Hare Internatio 11/7/2006 #44981 16, a FOIA request is sent to the Federal Aviation Administration for any 1/8/2008 #45112 rade; it also fraudulently obtains federal funding through cover contracts 4/5/2014 #45406 also states “Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation conducte 4/18/2017 #45468 e identities of affected officers. Federal rules on the confidentiality of 11/9/2018 #45545 Winnipeg and Transport Canada, the federal transportation department. 11/21/2018 #45548 Morgan counties Perkins County The Federal Aviation Administration launches 12/2019 #45620 ado A meeting of local, state, and federal agencies brings 75 people to Bru 1/6/2020 #45624 questionable legality considering federal government-wide FOIA responses a 7/10/2020 #45651 who is preparing to land, and the Federal Aviation Administration alerts l 10/14/2020 #45662 epartment to coordinate with other federal agencies to collect, analyze, an 12/27/2021 #45730
Orchila Island in the Dependencias Federales chain of islands belonging to 12/13/1959 #16119
He suspects the NIH, CDC, or other federally funded bodies are involved, an 1997 #43154
Flying Saucers Have Landed" to the Federation of Women's Clubs at a hotel. 10/2/1953 #9199 Broadcasting Network, the American Federation of Labor. He had offered to r 8/11/1954 #10125 of the International Astronautical Federation in Copenhagen, Denmark, that 8/2/1955 #12324 the short-lived North American UFO Federation, an effort to unite MUFON, CU Summer 1983 #36887 n Mars; Eshed states the “Galactic Federation” says people are not ready to 5/7/2003 #44528 Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists’ Proje 1/9/2018 #45503 Steven Aftergood, director of the Federation of American Scientists Projec 2/14/2020 #45633
Valencia, Spain 11:30 a.m. Farmer Federico Ibáñez Ibáñez, 54, leaves the v 7/25/1979 #34679 At 11:30 a.m. Federico Ibanez, a 54-year-old farmer, w 7/25/1979 #34681
e a top (rotated), and shot away. (Federspiel letter in NICAP files.) (NICA 3/9/1967 #21835
king cases. Inslaw claims that the feds withheld payments on the software, 1982 #36286
the north. At 12:30 a.m., Cpl. A. Fedun of CFB Rivers [now closed] sees a 8/28/1967 #22943
e some white clouds at about 5,000 fee. It shines through the cloud cover l 1953 #8478 NEAR SAAS FEE, SWZL 3 hikers / 1300M. Dark 5+M ovo 7/26/1975 #30205 ing himself a $20,000 contractor’s fee) leads to his resignation as directo 10/1978 #33786 rganization who offered him, for a fee, to carry out a sociological experim 11/5/2010 #45305
lights, which he finds are shining feebly. He notices a huge, bright, bluis 12/1959 #16107 l a rectangular “screen” or window feebly lit by an orange light, in which 10/24/1976 #31493
retary Forrestal for permission to feed Shalett some statistics, but the me 11/30/1948 #3893 eudo-humans/entities / south-suits feed observer(s) chocolate. / FSRv21#6. 2/28/1974 #28813 ge in Muscatine, Iowa, goes out to feed some wild rabbits that hang around 7/22/1981 #36023 at for four years, he was asked to feed disinformation, including the forge 1982 #36283 went. At four p.m. he went back to feed the pigs and when he was finished h 12/4/1991 #40254 ext evening one of the men went to feed his dogs and found that “Judo,” his 8/5/2006 #44952 e divisions have compartments that feed into MAJIC committee, FBI has some 4/18/2016 #45451
made a high-pitched whine like the feedback from a loudspeaker. They heard 7/28/1976 #31190
ve been moved (lawn mower, chicken feeder). He smells sulfur or burning rub 6/14/1964 #18356
, Ohio 8:00 p.m. James McKensie is feeding hogs on his farm north of Cassto 4/14/1897 #467 alking back to her farmhouse after feeding rabbits. Before reaching the hou 5/11/1950 #4939 FEEDING HILLS, MA 2 cone saucers going s 9/17/1950 #5179 . Farmer Olmiro de Costa e Rosa is feeding his animals at Linha Bela Vista, 12/9/1954 #11787 very bright. The next day she was feeding animals that ran away as the sam 10/10/1957 #14091 very bright. The next day she was feeding her animals and the animals ran 10/10/1957 #14096 Gulf Breeze, Florida A woman feeding her infant in Gulf Breeze, Flori 3/7/1990 #39452
workers at the Sterling, Colorado feedlot saw three human-like figures gli 8/5/1976 #31233 like figures glide over one of the feedlot fences. The ground had been mudd 8/5/1976 #31233
t because “MJ-12 are bogus” and it feeds into paranoia of “new world order” 4/15/1993 #40934
f the ground and approximately 150 feef from the left side of the road, tra 12/11/1965 #19765
lly around the face and lips. They feel no heat, although the light has a s 10/24/1886 #276 bject shines on the witnesses, who feel a sudden chill. The platform rises 7/25/1938 #1288 ers with a beam of light, and they feel a burning and tingling sensation. T Early Spring 1951 #5471 ng forest. They get out of bed but feel paralyzed. Then suddenly and inexpl 3/22/1953 #8775 to the cabin two days later, they feel a sense of dread. Shaw can remember 3/22/1953 #8775 point both women were starting to feel a little concerned, but the smiling 8/20/1954 #10158 aches to within 450 feet, and they feel paralyzed with faintness as a nitro 10/5/1954 #10734 e, are bicycling to work when they feel an unpleasant tickling at the same 10/7/1954 #10788 to EME (electro-magnetic effects) feel shock. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) 10/11/1954 #10911 cy, Nièvre, France, when they both feel electrical shocks. The van motor di 10/11/1954 #10938 and the headlights fail. Both men feel an electric shock. Mid 10/1954 #11113 to] WNW. Lands. Flash. Observer(s) feel numb. / LDLN#325. 10/27/1954 #11434 tro-magnetic effect (EME). 2 / car feel El shocks. 10/27/1954 #11437 . A few minutes later he begins to feel dizzy and has trouble maintaining h 11/17/1954 #11663 le area, rose again, and began to "feel its way along the crooked edge of t 5/29/1955 #12166 The liquid caused his bare skin to feel like someone had poured kerosine on 7/22/1955 #12280 a light." The experience made her feel nauseous, and at the same time she 12/21/1955 #12619 Barry Goldwater said, “I, frankly, feel there is a great deal to this.” 8/31/1957 #13956 t about UFOs, saying, “I, frankly, feel that there is a great deal to this. 8/31/1957 #13960 ht at their boat, which makes them feel dazed and weak. As they draw closer 10/8/1957 #14078 that was very bright and made them feel weak. The figure disappeared sudden 10/8/1957 #14079 strange buzzing noise and the men feel a wave of glowing heat. One of them 11/4/1957 #14284 earings are held, open hearings, I feel it would prove beyond doubt that fl 1/22/1958 #14838 Dongo, his wife, and their nephew feel an electric shock as they are drivi 1/30/1958 #14851 s inside looking out. Grusinki can feel heat coming from the object, and so 9/1958 #15239 hes a beam of white light and they feel heat on their faces. They also hear 10/26/1958 #15385 u've got one," Goff said. "You can feel it, but you can't see it." 11/18/1961 #16964 s, each time causing the driver to feel burns all over his body. Examinatio 10/12/1963 #17988 n and burned, although he does not feel any pain. They take him to the hosp 6/2/1964 #18321 “I think the American people would feel better if there was a full-blown in 3/25/1966 #20081 de his window shades. He begins to feel numb and weak, but the sounds grows 6/1966 #20516 recommendation from you unless you feel strongly about it.” He rejects Wert 1/12/1967 #21290 s with spheres on their tips. They feel a strange vibration that makes them 7/7/1967 #22630 brakes and close their eyes. They feel a bump but can see nothing. The loc 7/13/1967 #22656 ich danced around him and made him feel dizzy and soon lose consciousness. 10/6/1967 #23187 t, during which time the witnesses feel increased heat and weightlessness. 4/4/1968 #23895 raised his hand making the witness feel dizzy, he then lowered it and the w 6/14/1968 #24035 g quickly [to] overhead. Observers feel "pushed down". Gravity? 8/30/1968 #24403 ng noise inside his head and would feel guided to walk or drive to a certai 11/1/1968 #24620 height of 50 feet. Overstreet can feel the heat. The object changes from r 3/4/1969 #24968 a powerful throbbing. His muscles feel frozen or paralyzed as if he is rec 6/19/1969 #25227 g bad will happen to you, you will feel nothing.” Twenty minutes later he o 8/11/1969 #25317 e only apparently injured…you will feel no physical pain…I am going to “reg 8/11/1969 #25317 age girls who witnessed the object feel into a trance for one minute. The U 2/12/1970 #25580 land, causing the two witnesses to feel fearful. It had three portholes of 9/8/1971 #26326 x maneuvers. Some of the witnesses feel a tingling in their fingertips and 8/12/1972 #26911 cer chases and lifts car / road. 2 feel weightless. No control. 1/16/1973 #27239 vague shapes or shadows. It didn't feel like a pleasant place, and she felt 8/4/1973 #27683 PIRAN, SLOVENIA Many observer(s) feel cold. Cylinder/cigar-shape going qu 10/12/1973 #28010 ere coldly efficient, and made her feel like a guinea pig. They were 40-5 f 10/16/1973 #28093 uman-like beings. He then began to feel weak and barely able to move. One o 10/28/1973 #28311 ares. He felt dazzled and he could feel heat from it. Balvidares took his h 10/29/1973 #28319 paces them, then approaches. They feel as though they are “hit by a blast 2/14/1974 #28772 nd they hear a whistling sound and feel a blast of air. The UFO speeds away 4/16/1974 #29040 p around 6:15 a.m. just before she feel asleep they lost all sound from the 5/31/1974 #29150 her telepathically, and she could "feel my thoughts leave my head." They wa 7/17/1974 #29266 ut the same time all three of them feel electric shocks like vibrations for 9/16/1974 #29459 nature of the incident. Witnesses feel that the UFO knew where they were a 10/4/1974 #29500 away. At this point, the witnesses feel peculiar sensations of being unable 8/26/1975 #30310 tched, beeping sound that made him feel as if he were going to faint. He aw 9/25/1975 #30384 Helen and then the others began to feel a choking sensation, "as if the oxy 10/26/1975 #30476 road, the car stopped. Their eyes feel like they are on fire and appear or 10/27/1975 #30486 Helen and then the others began to feel a choking sensation, "as if the oxy 10/27/1975 #30491 nesota, a disc-shaped object eight feel in diameter was seen in a field. It 11/25/1975 #30663 es a tranquilizer. He continues to feel sick, his eyes burn continuously, a 4/3/1976 #30983 oor wouldn’t budge and he began to feel “tingly”. Eventually he too became 8/1/1976 #31219 d, and the car's interior began to feel very hot. A red light beam struck t 8/5/1976 #31235 eyes. The sight made Mr. Chiasson feel like vomiting. All four family memb 8/6/1976 #31241 t's more, the two couples began to feel an indescribable malaise, so they q 8/10/1976 #31252 touch the couple’s backs and they feel a burning sensation. 9/8/1976 #31356 which calmed him down and made him feel good. This was all he could remembe 1/1/1977 #31683 to go urinate. Many ufologists now feel that the Chilean government encoura 4/25/1977 #32026 nds up to shield her eyes. She can feel the heat on her hands and a vibrati Late 9/1977 #32518 rom the area, and as they run they feel a strange tingling sensation in the 1/27/1978 #32919 n is 35 minutes. All the witnesses feel a euphoria, even 36 hours afterward 7/4/1978 #33335 of the car. They hear no noise and feel no rush of wind. 8/12/1978 #33512 eak whistling sound. He started to feel nauseated with a metallic taste in 10/15/1978 #33837 ing for help because they began to feel a bizarre effect: all three felt as 10/30/1978 #33894 ing for help because they began to feel a bizarre effect: all three felt as 10/30/1978 #33898 rving the witness. Camusoni didn't feel afraid, but did feel curiosity towa 2/26/1979 #34450 musoni didn't feel afraid, but did feel curiosity towards the strange entit 2/26/1979 #34450 anded UFO. As he gets near, he can feel an intense cold surrounding it. Ano 5/16/1979 #34563 object. As he got near it he could feel an intense cold surrounding it. Ano 5/16/1979 #34564 vanishes in the western sky. Both feel strange sensations of both pressure 8/12/1979 #34740 his controls are jammed, but both feel the aircraft being pulled upward. T 8/17/1979 #34752 far away from their car. They can feel the impact. 12/20/1979 #35088 cold hands, and Sr. Sayago beganto feel weak and dizzy. He then passed out. 4/23/1980 #35286 and behind her hair. She does not feel anything, but the dog runs to the b 5/9/1980 #35319 ng contact with UFO entities. They feel anxiety about the state of the huma 5/23/1980 #35340 lose enough that they were able to feel heat from the object. (NICAP: 02 - 10/5/1980 #35555 hat lights the area below. Workers feel a scorching heat as it flies by and 10/5/1980 #35556 lose enough that they were able to feel heat from the object. 10/5/1980 #35557 rs to their temples, and they both feel a pea-shaped lump under their skin. 12/5/1980 #35701 t the same time that he started to feel groggy and his truck's engine began 12/31/1980 #35759 g me it's my child, to love it, to feel love for that baby. I need to conne 12/31/1980 #35759 they tell me it will help the baby feel part of something. I can't believe 12/31/1980 #35759 heir heads begin to ache, and they feel very sleepy. Their hands tremble fo 7/31/1981 #36048 e glare that caused the witness to feel an electric shock, increased body h 10/31/1981 #36198 serted into her body and she could feel fluid or drugs going through her ar 1/22/1982 #36306 y disappears. All of the observers feel a strange, dead silence during the 10/14/1982 #36641 iend’s face and hands turn red and feel sore. 11/28/1983 #37052 ound. A few feet away he begins to feel heat and decides to return to his c 12/14/1983 #37074 e the ground. He and his assistant feel unexplained terror and paralysis, r 2/1984 #37172 0 feet ahead of the train. The men feel as if hypnotized and stare at an ob 2/1985 #37552 ates the cockpit, and Terauchi can feel heat on his face. Radio communicati 11/17/1986 #38072 e object. During the sighting they feel their own movements slowing down. 6/30/1989 #38998 ise like an electric generator and feel a vibration. But looking outside th 11/20/1989 #39241 ain set pattern. She then began to feel extremely sleepy and had no energy 3/24/1990 #39484 meters to the object, he began to feel unusual anxiety, depression, and ex 8/28/1991 #40168 Yellow light / portholes. Several feel pulled toward(s) object. Electro-ma 3/14/1992 #40379 into her nose, which caused her to feel a strong pressure inside her head. 5/18/1993 #40984 ple. They both can smell vomit and feel stomach pains. Kelly notices a tria 8/8/1993 #41117 hite light. They hear no noise and feel no heat. After about 20 minutes the 8/13/1993 #41135 d hovers below clouds. Observer(s) feel watched. Disappears. 11/28/1993 #41306 c from a different perspective and feel a strong wind. 5/21/1994 #41534 ming sound. The male witness could feel heat coming from the object, and fe 4/25/1995 #42175 al tests on Sakhov, which made him feel "horrible" and very uncomfortable. 9/16/1996 #43026 at their car for 20 minutes. They feel like “time was stopped.” Dozens of 10/15/1996 #43070 riendly female voice that he would feel no pain but would feel his legs go 10/15/1997 #43429 at he would feel no pain but would feel his legs go numb, and would feel pa 10/15/1997 #43429 d feel his legs go numb, and would feel paralyzed and unable to move. The r 10/15/1997 #43429 s, as well as headaches. They both feel compelled to take their wedding rin 11/6/1998 #43676 Rico when one of the them began to feel ill. Seven members of the group the 11/7/1998 #43678 her head, but suddenly she did not feel afraid anymore. She then felt very 1/27/2003 #44481 tely quiet. The witness started to feel scared by the eerie silence, and as 5/3/2003 #44523 nt, but at that moment he began to feel sick. The craft appeared to be abou 5/3/2003 #44523 about five minutes and started to feel so she went back to bed. During the 2/13/2004 #44664 mes, but after a while both pilots feel strangely relaxed. After heading in 6/28/2005 #44849 r strange thing was that he didn't feel afraid at all to go out in the dark 4/12/2008 #45127 hat initially made those in AAWSAP feel like they would be building on top 4/26/2009 #45216 which a mist is emanating. She can feel the heat from the object on her fac 9/11/2011 #45332 device). However, most Ufologists feel that (at least) the majority of thi 2013 #45356 nd never regain visual contact. “I feel it may only be a matter of time bef 3/26/2014 #45405 sticking to electrical wires. They feel somewhat like cobwebs but are white 10/25/2014 #45421 ithin 10 minutes or so.” They both feel weird as they watch the object. The 12/10/2016 #45461 te cause of action for persons who feel they’ve suffered reprisal has been 12/6/2022 #45785
slowly upward like a pair of snail feelers. After moving up a short distanc 10/28/1973 #28310 disc, and it is also sending thin feelers up light upward. Three more smal 10/28/1973 #28310 ving, swaying black rods, like the feelers on a snail. 5/17/1978 #33225
ght movements. The witness had the feeling they were being watched, as if t 6/1944 #1597 apor," and the witness suffocated, feeling a strong electrical discharge. T 8/14/1947 #3328 the witness started to suffocate, feeling at the same time a strong electr 8/14/1947 #3334 gton, California, when she has the feeling someone is watching her. She loo 9/1951 #5647 s it hesitantly from 60 feet away, feeling like running but he is rooted to 11/2/1954 #11537 her, and bent over him. He had the feeling they were going to help him, to 11/9/1954 #11611 ming sound. The witnesses reported feeling a tickling sensation. 8/26/1955 #12411 t the same time she had a definite feeling of being watched. 12/21/1955 #12619 hambers and Brady comment that “my feeling is that there was nothing there, 8/13/1956 #13080 ck down Lee Street to get a better feeling for its distance and size. 10/7/1958 #15329 re soaked and he feels an alarming feeling as if he is getting crushed insi 12/1959 #16107 300, one of them was awakened by a feeling of intense cold and perceived a 6/26/1962 #17248 Peregozzo awoke to an intense cold feeling and saw out her bedroom window a 6/26/1962 #17249 re he had gone "drawn by a strange feeling." Four other persons also saw th 9/1/1965 #19491 ion WHJB. Another observer reports feeling a vibration and “a thump” about 12/9/1965 #19762 goes to her bedroom, but she has a feeling of being watched. Looking out th 10/2/1966 #20949 nt to her bedroom, where she had a feeling of being watched. Looking out th 10/2/1966 #20950 humberland, England felt a prickly feeling as he sighted a UFO nearby. Ther 2/13/1967 #21538 ft to the northeast. They reported feeling an "electric discharge" as it le 3/3/1967 #21745 ft to the northeast. They reported feeling several "pinging" electric disch 3/3/1967 #21749 r a humming sound and experience a feeling of numbness at its closest appro 3/5/1967 #21766 ith vibrations and had the uncanny feeling that the aliens knew what they w 3/10/1967 #21854 tion that makes them weak, but the feeling dissipates as the legs of the UF 7/7/1967 #22630 topped, although he did not recall feeling deceleration. He found a strong 10/30/1967 #23369 r stops dead. However, there is no feeling of deceleration. The vehicle’s m 10/30/1967 #23371 0–65 miles per hour again, with no feeling of acceleration. The object is o 10/30/1967 #23371 topped, although he did not recall feeling any deceleration. He found a str 10/30/1967 #23372 (EME). Delta overhead. Weightless feeling. Heat. Emits haze. / r79p40. 4/3/1968 (approximate) #23883 r Roswell, New Mexico. Both have a feeling of great peace. When the UFO van 6/20/1968 #24055 ke boxes than anything; he had the feeling the entities were inside the box 3/12/1969 #25002 he bushes. Seized with a cramp and feeling a numbness in his legs, he knelt 5/4/1969 #25115 nd a curve and then arriving home, feeling very tired and haggard having no 6/11/1969 #25211 n the top bleachers when she had a feeling she was being watched. She looke 7/4/1969 #25254 ries and broken bones but reported feeling no pain, then or later. He under 8/11/1969 #25317 g a swarm of bees. He then had the feeling that someone was staring at him 4/15/1970 #25633 er with her eyes burning, her head feeling hot and heavy, and quite stunned 10/5/1970 #25870 and he felt a "pulsating, pulling feeling" as the two men were lifted up i 3/14/1971 #26047 stroyed by "too much power." After feeling a "buzzing" sensation he found h 8/17/1971 #26293 Feeling a compulsion to go to a certain 8/25/1971 #26305 in his hand. Geller felt a sudden feeling of fear and ran back to Andrijah 12/6/1971 #26490 lievable level of fear and had the feeling that the being possessed extraor 8/9/1972 #26890 . Six weeks after the event he was feeling better and in fact felt rejuvena 12/30/1972 #27193 tness, immediately paralyzing her. Feeling some pain and dizziness, she was 5/27/1973 #27535 m, New South Wales, with an uneasy feeling. She lights a cigarette and the 6/4/1973 #27549 gets only 4–5 feet from it without feeling any heat. When his dog barks, he 8/1973 #27672 drapes closed. She awoke with the feeling that someone was watching her. S 8/21/1973 #27718 y US52. 6 portholes glow. Peaceful feeling. 10/1/1973? #27908 ating low-pitched hum. They have a feeling that there are occupants who kno 10/16/1973 #28087 lifted it, and as she stood there feeling helpless she noticed a humming s 10/16/1973 #28089 d off road, steering control lost, feeling of vacuum 2/14/1974 #28771 whereupon they both get an intense feeling of isolation that lasts about 20 2/14/1974 #28772 had to cover his eyes. Having the feeling that someone was watching him, h 11/21/1974 #29601 e up in Chantilly, France with the feeling that an intruder was in her hous 3/6/1975 #29876 n. They are startled and drive on, feeling that the circular mass is watchi 3/22/1975 #29916 cold and damp and all of them were feeling a bit under the weather. They sa 7/12/1975 #30175 back upwards. Sandy had a peculiar feeling as though the car was motionless 8/26/1975 #30312 s trailer, by which time both were feeling sick, with chills, swollen hands 10/27/1975 #30489 t their legs were unusually short. Feeling strangely unable to resist them, 12/4/1975 #30685 lights follows road. "Odd peaceful feeling". 4/1/1976 #30973 . He watched it for 10-15 minutes, feeling a “pull” from it. Then when it b 8/25/1976 #31302 ng wasteland. They walk toward it, feeling a sort of attraction, and see th 9/3/1976 #31336 difficult to describe. She has the feeling of movement, and there are these 9/3/1976 #31337 are immense. She also has had the feeling like being in an invisible corri 9/3/1976 #31337 witness, and the witness reported feeling a tingling sensation. 9/8/1976 #31357 ounter he felt no fear--he had the feeling, in fact, that they had somehow 6/12/1977 #32161 o the road, the male friend begins feeling a “low frequency vibration” in h 6/17/1977 #32172 io operator O. Dereza has an eerie feeling of being watched. It disappears 7/7/1977 #32246 fferent to the witness's presence. Feeling faint, Caferina sat down on a ro 8/3/1977 #32356 aped" thing down and ran it over, "feeling an intense sensation that he had 8/25/1977 #32423 in Delano, Tennessee, when a funny feeling makes her look outside. She stan 9/15/1978 #33686 floating." They also described the feeling like "they were growing in size. 10/30/1978 #33898 d bathe and then go to bed. Later, feeling nervous, she got up from bed and 12/6/1978 #34068 ered odd lights and sounds and the feeling of being touched. 12/8/1978 #34078 l persons came out. Cardenas began feeling a strong pressure in his chest a 1/3/1979 #34292 ver car. Acceleration and floating feeling. Radio static. Symptoms. 8/12/1979 #34737 the pulsing vibrations. Szomborg, feeling symptoms of paralysis and tempor 8/23/1979 #34768 ed to release him. Both remembered feeling cold and hearing the sound of an 12/11/1979 #35073 oman entering their house, and the feeling of being watched and threatened 12/11/1979 #35073 orning. He heard a noise and had a feeling that something was happening beh 2/6/1980 #35160 ture's head. He fell to the ground feeling as he had been struck by lightin 4/20/1980 #35281 ychic abilities, and many report a feeling of being monitored or experienci 5/23/1980 #35340 truck. A short while later Elias, feeling drowsy, talked one of the other 9/25/1980 #35535 d UFO hovering above nearby trees. Feeling “spellbound” and experiencing a 12/6/1980 #35704 er orders Bustinza and Warren (now feeling nauseous) to approach within 10– 12/28/1980 #35750 ddenly woke up standing in a field feeling very cold and wet. She then noti 3/1981 #35854 uzzing sound in his ears and still feeling some pain in his neck. He had so 2/19/1982 #36357 and had an out-of-body experience, feeling that his "astral" body was taken 11/18/1982 #36683 and had an out-of-body experience, feeling that his "astral" body was taken 11/18/1982 #36684 tion. Grooms has “the overwhelming feeling that it was acknowledging my pre 11/25/1982 #36690 framework.” She suggests that this feeling, often reported by UFO witnesses 9/1983 #36964 e article on Las Vegans frequently feeling unexplained tremors or seeing un 2/24/1985 #37559 he knows it is morning, and he is feeling disoriented and angry but can’t 12/26/1985 #37738 n counseling to learn why they are feeling physical symptoms of stress. She 1988 #38383 esses, a man and a woman, reported feeling a tingling sensation and smellin 2/9/1988 #38449 truck the mother, who had a strong feeling of being watched. The entire enc 4/3/1988 #38533 ario when she woke up at 3:39 a.m. feeling very apprehensive. She had a str 6/29/1989 #38997 e feels no fear and has a euphoric feeling as she begins rising up into the 9/16/1989 #39106 no fear and indeed had a euphoric feeling as she began rising up into the 9/16/1989 #39108 ly morning hours around three a.m. feeling apprehensive, and suspecting som 10/31/1989 #39199 d not see any other details. Still feeling apprehensive, she walked back in 10/31/1989 #39199 stood up and rushed to the window, feeling some regret that the figures had 10/31/1989 #39199 . After an hour or so she woke up, feeling a burning sensation on her stoma 9/13/1990 #39730 ering from a terrible headache and feeling dizzy. 12/26/1991 #40267 had originally picked him up from. Feeling a little dizzy, he searched for 3/5/1992 #40359 pt that she awoke the next morning feeling empty. 4/3/1992 #40408 back in a chair inside the craft, feeling dizzy and numb. He was briefly l 4/12/1992 #40414 staring at the witness emanating a feeling of curiosity. The figures then r 6/9/1992 #40489 women suddenly simply disappeared. Feeling an urge to go to the bathroom, h 7/23/1992 #40531 ouch the figure as an overwhelming feeling of love and compassion embraced 2/1/1993 #40831 in West Palm Beach, Florida awoke feeling very groggy and heard a peculiar 7/24/1993 #41082 clung to her husband, fighting the feeling of blacking out, but at this poi 8/8/1993 #41118 hat same night a neighbor reported feeling a presence and seeing peculiar s 8/20/1993 #41148 d the top of her head. She had the feeling that the being was scanning her 2/2/1995 #42013 on where it stood next to a tree. Feeling uneasy, Canoose went to his car 2/10/1995 #42033 sing time. The witnesses recovered feeling sick, with naseau and tingling s 7/15/1995 #42304 it up, and she had an overwhelming feeling to go outside. From the verandah 2/10/1996 #42754 he same time the girl had a strong feeling that she was being watched. Afte 8/20/1996 #42986 , half a kilometer from his house. Feeling dizzy, he went home and noticed 9/16/1996 #43026 s. At around 2:00 a.m. she started feeling very strange, as if in some sort 11/24/1996 #43120 awoke a one o'clock in the morning feeling thirsty and tried to get out of 12/26/1996 #43150 hts in the sky late on this night. Feeling apprehensive the witnesses decid 1/7/1997 #43167 15 a.m. the witness suddenly awoke feeling a strange presence in his bedroo 10/15/1997 #43429 ge presence in his bedroom. An odd feeling swept through his body, forcing 10/15/1997 #43429 ation. He woke up the next morning feeling some pain in his lower back with 10/15/1997 #43429 three humanoids huddled together. Feeling a surge of terror she fainted ag 10/19/1997 #43433 o City, Mexico woke up in a sweat, feeling dehydrated. He got up and drank 4/15/1999 #43758 rs." He continued his observation, feeling a sense of "joy and tranquility. 8/14/1999 #43822 tion not disclosed) suddenly awoke feeling a presence in her room. Her body 10/26/1999 #43866 began to get a familiar vibrating feeling, and then she became very lethar 10/26/1999 #43866 ing up around an hour later, again feeling a vibration in her body. The fem 10/26/1999 #43866 the urge to stop the car. His last feeling before blacking out was of he an 3/23/2000 #43967 proach her and ask her how she was feeling. They reassured her that things 10/19/2000 #44060 it had last been seen, and had the feeling he was being watched. The witnes 4/18/2003 #44515 s to have a smoke. He then had the feeling of being watched, and he whirled 4/21/2003 #44517 ns Biscuit Factory." He then had a feeling of weightlessness and an intense 4/28/2003 #44519 g of weightlessness and an intense feeling of calm. He remembered seeing a 4/28/2003 #44519 UFO had disappeared but they had a feeling it was still present, watching t 7/12/2003 #44563 th a huge shiny "thing". She awoke feeling very frightened, around 6:30 a.m 2/13/2004 #44664 e watched the spectacle a peaceful feeling came over him and he felt as if 3/12/2004 #44676 his body was standing on end. The feeling of well being felt like it laste 3/12/2004 #44676 y humanoid came into her home, and feeling a strange giddiness at the time 5/15/2004 #44701 loudy sky. He also felt a tingling feeling on his head and hair. The incide 5/9/2005 #44838 ircumstances. It also gives them a feeling that they are not alone in the u 10/2005 #44883 due to the intense pressure he was feeling, like a G-force caused by high s 4/25/2007 #45023
e is offered a drink to soothe ill feelings. Gottlieb surreptitiously slips 10/1952 #8075 at it had the power of raising the feelings to the highest exaltation." Aft 8/9/1965 #19350 their appearance filled them with feelings of terror. They wore brown khak 8/6/1976 #31241 cing several types of emotions and feelings. Upon reaching their destinatio 11/6/1989 #39216 I-15. 25M altitude. Odd noises and feelings. Going quickly west. 4/30/1999 #43761 tact with her, and she experienced feelings of peacefulness, describing the 5/15/2004 #44701
wind suddenly stops, and the crew feels an overpowering heat and smells a 6/18/1845 #141 it passes under the locomotive, he feels a shock that jars the entire train Early 7/1880 #235 ip and surrounding water. The crew feels heat from the object even as solid 3/19/1887 #279 As it passes in front, the driver feels a heat wave. 6/1925 #1047 ike the throbbing of a turbine and feels heat and pressure. The object pass 9/1929 #1103 all object buzzes boy. Boy faints. Feels sick. Gets blisters. OK later. 4/1932 (approximate) #1139 ralyzed as saucer hovers 30M away. Feels cold. 10/15/1935 #1236 s where the object had been. Pârvu feels energized, but one of the other bo Early 8/1939 #1312 he oil pressure rises, and Surikov feels a strong electrostatic charge. Eve 1944 #1559 Leet notices a blinding light and feels an intense heat. It goes away quic 11/24/1944 #1705 novan’s proposal, although Donovan feels reasonably confident that he can t 2/10/1945 #1778 e boxes. They are so light that it feels as if there is nothing in them. Wh 7/8/1947 #3019 t an angle, then vanishes. Rapuzzi feels a blast of wind that blows him acr 8/14/1947 #3330 that the Commanding General of AMC feels that the responsibility for collec 2/12/1948 #3576 dvisor to the Ministry of Defence, feels that reports of flying saucers sho 8/15/1950 #5127 a “flying wing” jet bomber, and he feels that at least some of the sighting 8/30/1951 #5638 a Night. Contactee Orfeo Angelucci feels compelled to walk over the Glendal 7/23/1952 #7084 Bridge in Glendale, California. He feels an odd sensation and suddenly sees 7/23/1952 #7084 n ray passes above his head and he feels an electric shock. The object take 7/25/1952 #7137 ports that “Air Intelligence still feels that the so-called flying saucers 10/27/1952 #8199 toward him then veers away. Sonny feels a heavy wind when the UFO passes. 3/1954? #9579 (s). 200M blimp lands. Observer(s) feels and hits it. Temp paralyzed. / FSR 4/24/1954 #9715 oward the base of a large rock. He feels paralyzed for a few minutes, but t Late 4/1954 #9720 light begins malfunctioning and he feels a prickling sensation like electri 9/19/1954 #10361 ent. Suddenly it disappears and he feels suffocated. 10/7/1954 #10790 0 feet in front of his car. Robert feels an electric shock and his engine d 10/15/1954 #11111 ance. As he goes around a bend, he feels paralyzed and his truck slows down 10/18/1954 #11212 tic effects). Driver paralyzed and feels heat. Luminous UFO flies and sympt 10/20/1954 #11265 te N393. He continues to drive but feels paralyzed, his hands glued to the 10/20/1954 #11275 ses slowly and heads northwest. He feels a sensation of warmth and sees tha 10/20/1954 #11275 zou, Charente-Maritime, France. He feels a tingling like electric shocks al 10/21/1954 #11303 treetop level. At the same time he feels an intense heat that also seems to 10/22/1954 #11319 s a luminous object take off as he feels a mild electric shock and is paral 11/13/1954 #11639 nds are resting on the railing. He feels something like “icy rain” on his h 11/17/1954 #11663 gloves as if his arms are bare. He feels the same thing on his legs, from t 11/17/1954 #11663 gun butt, but it has no effect and feels like striking rock. The wooden rif 12/9/1954 #11788 BECKENHAM, LONDON Observer(s) feels urge to look up. Gold saucer strea 12/12/1955 #12606 ed saucer lights farm. Observer(s) feels mind was read. / r185p25. 12/21/1955 #12616 ay. As it passes over him, the man feels numb and paralyzed. The episode ha Fall 1956 #13238 dly. Reaching for his revolver, he feels that something is preventing him f 8/20/1957 #13913 bout 4.5 feet tall emerge. Stevens feels paralyzed. After a short time, the 11/7/1957 #14459 gham, England. On November 19, she feels faint again as the light outside d 11/16/1957 #14567 where the light had been. Lacuesta feels numb and cannot move. Soon the hea 11/28/1957 #14635 in a balancing motion.” Rodriguez feels strong heat, so he removes his jac 5/5/1958 #15018 inds his clothes are soaked and he feels an alarming feeling as if he is ge 12/1959 #16107 is getting crushed inside. He also feels as if he is being sucked up into t 12/1959 #16107 saucer glows / hills. Observer(s) feels watched. Away fast. 8/5/1960 (approximate) #16365 Stockwell, who knows Devlin well, feels Devlin knows more than anyone else 1/17/1961 #16578 Estate in Sevilla, Spain, when he feels a peculiar pricking sensation thro 6/11/1961 #16724 hours later than expected. Barney feels compelled to examine his genitals, 9/19/1961 #16857 “like a tornado in the air” and he feels the rush of wind. The next day he Autumn 1961 #16869 huge disc resting on the sand. He feels compelled to approach it and sees Late 11/1961 #16979 e is completely unable to move. He feels one of them scratching his forearm Late 11/1961 #16979 is 11:30 p.m. After a few weeks he feels anxious and sad for no apparent re Late 11/1961 #16979 do not appear for months, and she feels sad when they are not there. Fall 1962 #17435 órdoba, Argentina, Eugenio Douglas feels heat and a prickly sensation all o 10/12/1963 #17987 ke a car idling. He touches it and feels a hard metal. Two figures suddenly 4/24/1964 #18199 ect and dropping to the ground. He feels some slight heat from the flame. T 4/24/1964 #18200 door and tries to approach it, he feels a tingling sensation and has diffi 6/14/1964 #18356 ow the Air Force covers up when it feels the official need. UFOs over ICBM Late 1964 #18584 avoid the tree. The woman’s cheek feels as if something is probing her. 1965 #18689 ws” in a triangular formation. She feels a strange calming sensation as the 6/1965 #18979 s a shadow in the moonlight. Goode feels heat on his left arm; an alligator 9/3/1965 #19512 en walks toward the object, but he feels paralyzed as the flashing blue lig 9/14/1965 #19560 g in rhythm with his heartbeat. He feels a tingling like an electric shock. 9/14/1965 #19560 .” They have no eyes, but Townsend feels as if they are looking at him. He 10/23/1965 #19678 touches the nearest object, which feels hard and smooth like metal, but ne 3/29/1966 #20140 As the ball lightning hits, Viola feels a shock in her neck and an impulse 4/24/1966 #20404 n intense greenish-blue light. She feels heat coming from the object. It ch 2/13/1967 #21537 now starts normally. Wallace still feels “slow and sluggish” on the drive b 3/8/1967 #21815 his brakes, but it is too late. He feels a thump against the right front co 3/28/1967 #22004 rature gauge goes off the dial. He feels an intense wave of heat when he pu 5/1/1967 #22262 uaira], Vargas, Venezuela, when he feels a vibration and the water begins t 8/4/1967 #22804 feet, then flies away. The witness feels cold during the sighting. The car 10/11/1967 #23217 worth Station, Nova Scotia. Putnam feels an intense blast of radiation, for 10/25/1967 #23322 (electro-magnetic effects). Driver feels pressure / shoulders. 30' saucer o 11/8/1967 #23419 stops, and the radio goes out. He feels a strong pressure on his head and 11/8/1967 #23425 light that lights up the room. She feels somewhat paralyzed and is getting 6/15/1968 #24039 s emitting beams of light, and she feels helpless, falling backward. The en 6/15/1968 #24039 ting 1–2 feet above the grass. She feels the force of an invisible rotating 8/25/1968 #24376 EIRE, SWZ Trees twist. Mrs. Gaspoz feels no wind. 20M saucer quickly going 9/26/1968 #24513 on end, both motionless. Schneider feels paralyzed and begins to converse t 9/26/1968 #24516 RTEGANA TO/FROM ARACENA, SP Driver feels profound fear. Km away sees 15cm l 10/1968 #24530 its light increases and Milakovic feels like his eyes are burning. Thoroug 11/20/1968 #24672 o recede into the distance. Carter feels that the object is self-illuminate 1/6/1969 #24821 him, hitting him in the thigh. He feels faint and paralyzed as the UFO tak 2/7/1969 #24901 .” A UFO is above the cane and she feels a powerful force lifting her up an 4/20/1969 #25073 figures moving around him, and he feels himself shot with something that p 5/4/1969 #25114 tor fail. He looks under the hood, feels some “static electricity,” and his 6/19/1969 #25226 has an orange glow around it. Peck feels that the air is electrified. His l 6/19/1969 #25226 ew seconds the noise stops, and he feels normal again. 6/19/1969 #25227 hears the humming sound again and feels a blast of air as it moves away. T 6/26/1969 #25236 ascends with a whistling sound, he feels a wave of heat. At 330 feet altitu 7/25/1970 #25750 indowpane glass, he drives on, but feels a numbness in his tongue a few min 10/29/1970 #25893 legs. It turns toward her and she feels an extraordinary fear. After a few 8/9/1972 #26889 ay. He raises his gun to shoot but feels strangely paralyzed and confused. 10/28/1972 #27095 released. However, the next day he feels an itchiness on his back and stoma 5/22/1973 #27518 ches wide. Returning, the daughter feels ill with headache and nausea. A mo 10/6/1973 #27960 hands from the steering wheel. She feels that the object is taking control 11/2/1973 #28352 o large eyes with dark pupils. She feels that he is sending her a telepathi 11/2/1973 #28352 appears to follow them. The couple feels a presence. Despite being on a lon 1/3/1974 #28641 and closes its mouth. The witness feels a shock to the back of his head an 1/7/1974 #28660 rilliancy. As he approaches it, he feels a strange sensation. His car comes 3/23/1974 #28935 l. Over the next few days, the man feels strangely exhausted and has a ring 3/29/1974 #28968 is still there somehow because he feels some kind of force field. Against 5/1974 #29074 RFI). Beam shines into car. Driver feels "at peace". 6/5/1974 (approximate) #29163 his head. As he gazes up at it, he feels as if hot plastic is being poured Early 2/1975 #29782 e hears a deafening beeping sound, feels a blast of heat, and sees a bright 2/14/1975 #29812 esquitengo in Jojutla, Morelos, he feels a strange vibration in his airplan 5/3/1975 #30026 dropping beneath the plane. Carlos feels a jolt as if the object has impact 5/3/1975 #30026 but it fails to operate. The plane feels as if it is pulled or lifted, and 5/3/1975 #30026 is no smell in the air, the family feels that they can taste something like 7/1975 #30142 nce, reddish purple in color, that feels slippery and oily. The provincial 7/6/1975 #30167 al drill for a short time, then he feels numb. The next thing he knows, the 8/13/1975 #30264 m to get back in the truck, but he feels compelled to get a close-up look. 11/5/1975 #30562 with no help from Smith. Stafford feels as if it is being pulled. Moments 1/6/1976 #30770 vers / 5-15 minute(s). Observer(s) feels 'doped'. 2/1976 #30838 e sky moving westward. Suddenly he feels paralyzed as the light approaches 6/23/1976 #31134 carries him to the ambulance later feels a strong irritation in his arms. B 6/23/1976 #31134 man touches the glassy side, which feels warm. At this point two strange en 9/3/1976 #31336 w.” Since these events the witness feels that she has had a few very unusua 9/3/1976 #31337 y. Night light hovers. Observer(s) feels tingling sensation. 9/8/1976 #31353 only to be replaced by a hiss. He feels a blow to his shoulder and falls t 9/9/1976 #31362 o check on the circuit breaker and feels an electrical sensation. He looks 9/10/1976 #31371 ght that hits him in the chest. He feels a searing pain and blacks out. His Early 12/1976 #31579 s 15 seconds into the sighting. He feels compelled to watch the object, whi 1/27/1977 #31759 ime, he crashes into the group but feels no impact. They simply disappear a 3/4/1977 #31858 the ball of light with his leg. He feels nothing and there are no aftereffe 5/1977 #32043 fuzzy, ultraviolet light. Henshall feels his bike being pulled up the incli 6/6/1977 #32151 Khuzestan, Iran, when he suddenly feels heat from a nearby “huge, bright o 6/28/1977 #32203 ight / X-low altitude. Observer(s) feels extreme serenity.. 8/13/1977 #32397 of time. When the bus arrives, she feels a numbness as she fumbles for chan Early Autumn 1977 #32456 his, but when the bus arrives, she feels numb and uncoordinated and seems t Fall 1977 #32515 then recedes and is gone. Amparano feels “a tingling sensation” in his body 5/13/1978 #33202 ght radiating from two sources. It feels as hot as “a sunny day in summer i 6/11/1978 #33274 y sticks his head out the door and feels considerable heat. The light shrin 7/11/1978 #33366 ing from behind at high speed. She feels a “terrific shove” and the rear en 7/27/1978 #33427 gine and lights of his car die. He feels paralyzed as he watches a domed di 9/17/1978 #33701 und, sees vegetation rustling, and feels a blast of air. Climbing up the ri 9/18/1978 #33708 nd raises a club to hit it, but he feels a hot blast and falls backward int 9/23/1978 #33736 ing time. Later, at 7:10 p.m., she feels a tightening sensation around her 11/22/1978 #33980 ros holds on to it tightly, but he feels a strong electric shock. He grabs 11/24/1978 #33995 her disconnected, when he suddenly feels ill and faint. The working generat 12/24/1978 #34201 badly out of calibration. Franchi feels paralyzed and falls to the ground. 12/24/1978 #34201 engine continues to run), and she feels completely paralyzed. The closest 1/5/1979 #34302 t object is only 30 feet away. She feels heat on her face and smells an unp 1/5/1979 #34302 ite-blue light, and the man’s face feels like it is burning. Frightened, he 5/22/1979 #34574 ot look back. The next morning, he feels as if something heavy is pressing 5/22/1979 #34574 from the center of the object. He feels an electrical sensation and a gene 7/4/1979 #34646 e can see only with difficulty and feels like he is moving in slow motion. 8/27/1979 #34787 om a bright white center. When she feels her face growing hot, she pulls sh 9/9/1979 #34852 nearby bush. Walking toward it, he feels sharp pains in his back and his kn 10/1979 #34936 500 feet away. He runs toward it, feels some resistance, but continues unt 6/14/1980 #35367 and headlights pulsate. The deputy feels light-headed and sluggish, and his 10/15/1980 #35568 England, is waiting for a bus and feels the urge to look up. She sees a di 12/6/1980 #35704 a faint hum. As it passes over, he feels a deep vibration in his chest. At 12/31/1982 #36733 no attention to her, although she feels a sense of euphoria during the eve 2/3/1983 #36761 ó, Santa Catarina, Brazil, when he feels compelled to turn onto a dirt road 12/14/1983 #37074 e woman goes back to bed, but soon feels a powerful electric shock penetrat 1/3/1984 #37105 e is blinded for a few seconds but feels calm. A white cloud rises from her 4/25/1984 #37293 he walks around the locomotive he feels a strange force press him against 2/1985 #37552 f Whitley Strieber’s Communion and feels a vague sense of recognition. His Summer 1985 #37606 nother hour. The next day, the man feels sick with heart problems and is ta Late 7/1987 #38218 t the window to touch the roof and feels something warm, soft, and rubbery 1/20/1988 #38422 r ground. Beam hits 1 observer(s). Feels watched. 4/3/1988 #38531 t badly from the brightness and he feels ill. There is a sunburn-like rash 12/4/1988 #38743 bout 130–260 feet in diameter. She feels no fear and has a euphoric feeling 9/16/1989 #39106 the other couple’s house. He also feels a vibration and describes the ligh 11/20/1989 #39241 the ground beyond her window. She feels a slight vibration and 2 seconds l 3/7/1990 #39452 charge” of the other aliens. Luca feels that the human race is being “watc 6/1990 #39604 ed in the same gray coveralls. She feels as if she has been transported to 7/6/1990 #39637 wly. His eyes begin to burn and he feels paralyzed, as if he is being sucke 5/12/1991 #40057 it causes pain in his eyes and he feels rooted to the spot. He blacks out 6/16/1991 #40099 LD, MO Woman wakens. Disk outside. Feels pulled / window. Wakens / jolt / 0 4/1/1992 #40405 s 30' over road. Hums. Observer(s) feels watched. Rainy area dry. 4/4/1992 #40409 R Pulsing ovoid passes car. Driver feels all air gone. 6/27/1992 #40507 Khoury says that what happens next feels weird and dreamlike, “like looking 7/23/1992 #40530 ooking for something. He hears and feels the vibrations from an unpleasant 3/31/1993 #40914 INGTON HEIGHTS, IL Report abductee feels pulled going [to] UFO. Computer di 6/1993 #40998 unable to distinguish between what feels good and what’s true, we slide, al 1995 #41923 eater.” He gets out of the car but feels paralyzed as if a magnet is holdin 3/30/1995 #42127 side. Observer(s) frozen / pinned. Feels / "one of them". Vivid dream? 7/13/1995 #42298 understands this but consistently feels the need to reiterate that situati 3/11/1998 #43532 and, around 1:35 a.m. Renny Rogers feels the walls of his home rattling fro 7/26/2002 #44366 or about 15 seconds. The A330 also feels the turbulence, and the UFO heads 1/4/2004 #44643 er body, exiting his right arm. He feels a bit hazy, but notices the light 5/1/2005 #44828 a softball. Still driving, the man feels nauseous and scared. The next 45 m 5/1/2005 #44828 woman becomes nauseous and the man feels strangely “awestruck.” 12/10/2016 #45461 n her hotel room when she suddenly feels a tingling in the side of her head 8/2019 #45603 er dog starts seizing up. Then she feels it too: a high-pitched ringing in 11/26/2019 #45618
f money and public support. Search fees have become prohibitive: In respons 9/1979 #34815 ears later it refuses to waive the fees. https://dailydialectics.com/space 9/1979 #34816 NORAD refuses to waive fees for FOIA requests from Citizens Aga 10/1981 #36149 ays of 2 years or more, and search fees rise dramatically. 4/2/1982 #36430 est without charging $294,000. The fees were never waived and the data, des 6/1989 #38972
ireball seems to measure about 140 feet across and has blue smoke issuing f 8/15/1663 #44 ke is illuminated to a depth of 30 feet, and fish are seen swimming away fr 8/15/1663 #44 e was illuminated to a depth of 30 feet. The fisherman were burned by the h 8/15/1663 #45 lain of tremors in their hands and feet. 4/8/1665 #46 the northeast and explode some 150 feet away from the ship, causing some da 11/4/1749 #70 Dewey finds a strange substance 20 feet from his front door and assumes it 8/13/1819 #110 owly northward and appears to be 2 feet long by 18 inches wide. After a sho 9/15/1850 #145 derbrush. It makes a path about 16 feet wide for a distance of 3 miles, and 6/19/1857 #150 t an outcrop of anthracite coal 60 feet in thickness. It leaves a sulfurous 6/19/1857 #150 h the air into the object about 60 feet away. The spirit guides him into th 7/25/1868 #176 shoots up into a column about 3–4 feet high and 2 feet thick. The object g 8/7/1869 #179 a column about 3–4 feet high and 2 feet thick. The object glitters like a “ 8/7/1869 #179 ty. It shot up a shiny column four feet high and two feet thick that glitte 8/7/1869 #181 hiny column four feet high and two feet thick that glittered like burnished 8/7/1869 #181 spot and find a circular area, 16 feet across, that has been swept clean o 6/1880? #234 h he is working with his hands and feet. The object is too high to make out 7/28/1880 #237 eat height. The strands are from 2 feet to several yards long, strong in te Late 10/1881 #246 ad a size of between 150 and 3,350 feet, and to have passed only 334 to 5,0 8/12/1883 #255 lows like red-hot iron for several feet around, gleaming through the storm 2/16/1885 #263 lls hissing into the sea about 150 feet away from them, causing a wave of w 2/25/1885 #264 g from the sea to the height of 15 feet. It travels against the strong wind 11/12/1887 #283 by a huge ball of fire at least 10 feet in diameter, and billows rise on ei Early 9/1888 #285 e on either side to a height of 20 feet. The light moves toward the head of Early 9/1888 #285 Maryland, at only several hundred feet altitude. It lights up the village 2/7/1889 #286 es people standing several hundred feet away. The object shatters into piec 6/13/1891 #293 object with smooth edges about 30 feet in diameter approaching from the oc 1/1892? #297 rom the ocean at an altitude of 50 feet. It changes shape from circular to 1/1892? #297 s hovering at an altitude of 2,100 feet and begins circling. 4/16/1892 #302 ew Jersey, descending as low as 20 feet from the ground. 6/1/1892 #303 ida. They ascend to a height of 25 feet, explode, and disappear. 2/1894? #313 they watch it. When it is only 450 feet away, it stops and hovers. Its side 7/20/1894 #316 to the east at an estimated 2,000 feet. It is lost to view after 20 minute 7/1/1896 #325 ng from the sea at a height of 500 feet. Two lights are visible, one a “mis Early 11/1896? #334 Main Street, they rise another 100 feet in the air. They are close together Early 11/1896 #335 ntraption with two canvas wings 18 feet wide and shaped like a bird’s tail. 11/22/1896 #347 s an aerial light at about 300–400 feet altitude when he is at Market and 8 11/22/1896 #349 ifornia flying west at about 2,000 feet. After a few minutes it descends to 11/23/1896 #352 a few minutes it descends to 1,000 feet. It disappears over the Coast Range 11/23/1896 #352 y see three slender beings about 7 feet tall. Shaw walks up to them and ask 11/25/1896 #361 ice a 150-foot airship hovering 20 feet above the water close to a bridge. 11/25/1896 #361 ghted airship in a clear sky 1,000 feet over Oakland, California. It is fly 11/26/1896 #365 ke tail.” The body is at least 100 feet long and looks as if it is made of 11/26/1896 #365 moving at an altitude of about 500 feet at about 25 mph. It remains visible 11/27/1896 #367 parallel with them at about 1,000 feet altitude. The lights outdistance th 12/4/1896 #375 Then a bottle falls at Sergeant’s feet and breaks into pieces. He sees an 12/26/1896 #380 meters in length, and perhaps 800 feet in the air. Days later it was seen 1/30/1897 #383 en descended to an altitude of 200 feet, traveled at a remarkable speed, sl 2/1/1897 #386 visible as a conical object 30–40 feet long with two sets of wings and a l 2/4/1897 #387 ight repeatedly rises up about 300 feet then descends quickly, sending out 2/4/1897 #387 -like light on his right about 200 feet away in a cornfield. He can see a d 4/4/1897 #414 a corset box in shape,” some 30–35 feet long and 6–7 feet high. Above the c 4/4/1897 #414 ape,” some 30–35 feet long and 6–7 feet high. Above the car floats a cigar- 4/4/1897 #414 bag about the same length and 8–10 feet thick. When his horses see the obje 4/4/1897 #414 out to be on a landed airship 200 feet long, whose crew are apparently rep 4/6/1897 #416 wa after midnight. It was 30 to 35 feet long and 6 or 7 feet wide. Over the 4/8/1897 #419 was 30 to 35 feet long and 6 or 7 feet wide. Over the rectagular shaped wa 4/8/1897 #419 bag, about the same length but 10 feet thicker in width. The two horses of 4/8/1897 #419 ch the object, estimated to be 400 feet in length. Using binoculars, the ou 4/9/1897 #420 they can see a hovering object 100 feet long and 20 feet wide. Two immense 4/10/1897 #424 vering object 100 feet long and 20 feet wide. Two immense wings on either s 4/10/1897 #424 ly from east to west a few hundred feet in the air. The light sways from si 4/10/1897 #425 d throws out beams several hundred feet in length. When it is above the cit 4/10/1897 #425 e point it is no more than 400–500 feet above the ground. The light is atta 4/10/1897 #426 s estimate its length to be 50–100 feet. The object ascends, moves east, th 4/10/1897 #426 owa, see a conical object about 60 feet long with four sets of 15-foot wing 4/11/1897 #428 gs. It is flying so low (about 600 feet) that they can hear machinery, voic 4/11/1897 #428 binoculars it appears to be 18–20 feet long. A square light that changes f 4/11/1897 #432 uthwest. It stops and hovers 1,000 feet above City Hall for 15 minutes. 4/11/1897 #433 He sees an oblong object, some 40 feet long by 15 feet tall, flying about 4/13/1897 #452 ng object, some 40 feet long by 15 feet tall, flying about 400 feet in the 4/13/1897 #452 by 15 feet tall, flying about 400 feet in the air at 100 mph. His wife com 4/13/1897 #452 erlain finds 14 footprints, each 2 feet long, 6 inches wide, “arranged seve 4/13/1897 #454 nd. Fourteen giant footprints, two feet long by six inches wide, were found 4/13/1897 #456 ing from the heat.” The man is 9.5 feet tall and speaks in a musical langua 4/14/1897 #463 ham, Iowa 7:30 p.m. An airship 100 feet long and 20 feet high in the center 4/14/1897 #466 m. An airship 100 feet long and 20 feet high in the center lands in a meado 4/14/1897 #466 en they are within several hundred feet, it rises with a loud whirring soun 4/14/1897 #466 dder flying slowly along about 150 feet in the air, and he distinctly hears 4/14/1897 #467 on, Texas, sees an object about 60 feet long and “resembling the top of a p 4/14/1897 #471 ded cigar-shaped airship about 200 feet long and 50 feet across at its wide 4/15/1897 #487 airship about 200 feet long and 50 feet across at its widest point. Several 4/15/1897 #487 balloon” passes overhead about 200 feet in the air. Brown can see two men i 4/15/1897 #490 ew at an estimated altitude of 500 feet, and was clearly visible in the bri 4/15/1897 #500 and slowly descending to about 50 feet altitude above Center Avenue. A red 4/16/1897 #506 of a body that is apparently 50–75 feet long. It shines with a dull red glo 4/16/1897 #506 when the pursuers get within 2,100 feet of the airship, it spreads out four 4/16/1897 #507 ly ascends to an altitude of 1,000 feet. As he watches, the searchlight bli 4/16/1897 #510 as estimated to be around 50 to 70 feet in length. It had a red light at ea 4/16/1897 #512 ip with something hanging down ten feet below it. It flew at a speed of 25 4/16/1897 #513 y. The craft descended to about 50 feet altitude, then rose swiftly and fle 4/16/1897 #515 at the rear. He claimed it was 75 feet long and 30 feet wide, and he encou 4/16/1897 #516 claimed it was 75 feet long and 30 feet wide, and he encountered three men 4/16/1897 #516 see, at an altitude of about 1,500 feet. It has a red light on the left sid 4/17/1897 #524 settles in a vacant lot about 600 feet away. They hurry forward but are st 4/17/1897 #525 A strange man nearly 3 meters (10 feet) tall, almost naked and suffering f 4/17/1897 #526 the length of the object to be 180 feet long. 4/18/1897 #529 he east and passes overhead at 500 feet. Voices from the craft are heard. 4/19/1897 #535 be discerned. It is apparently 180 feet long. 4/19/1897 #537 ge underneath descends to about 30 feet above the ground. Two men, a woman, 4/19/1897 #538 owa. Ligon says the airship is 130 feet long and 20 feet wide, propelled by 4/19/1897 #539 he airship is 130 feet long and 20 feet wide, propelled by four large wings 4/19/1897 #539 the sky, estimated to be only 150 feet up in the air. He could see a woman 4/19/1897 #540 acksmith shop. The airship rises 8 feet into the air before plopping to the 4/20/1897 #545 office and sees an airship, 50–60 feet long and bearing a powerful searchl 4/21/1897 #550 reddish tint and no more than 300 feet in altitude. The witnesses include 4/22/1897 #558 ees it, the object is hovering 150 feet above the ground. It circles a few 4/22/1897 #559 go out as he gets closer. Some 90 feet away from the airship he is stopped 4/22/1897 #559 ze, Texas. It was cigar shaped, 50 feet long and 20 feet wide. They talked 4/23/1897 #567 cigar shaped, 50 feet long and 20 feet wide. They talked to the two human 4/23/1897 #567 haped object at an altitude of 500 feet. He calls his father, Milo S. Warn, 4/24/1897 #569 , and saw a cigar-shaped craft 200 feet up. He could see the form of a man 4/24/1897 #570 he encounters a landed airship 40 feet long. The object spooks his horse, 5/2/1897 #586 les high, 20 miles away, and 60–80 feet long. 5/11/1897 #596 uthwest moving to the north at 500 feet altitude. When it nears the city, t 7/4/1897 #597 toward the northwest at about 300 feet. It is suspended from a balloon and 6/1/1898 #622 rent directions. It ascends to 600 feet and is lost to view. 6/1/1898 #622 g, apparently coming as close as 3 feet above the ground before moving upwa 10/4/1898 #625 e and think the object is about 10 feet in diameter. 10/4/1898 #625 ly from north to southeast about 3 feet above the ground, throwing the fiel 10/1899 #638 large disc- shaped object about 14 feet in diameter silently passes above h Summer 1900 #640 h which two small men (less than 4 feet tall) in military uniforms (but no Summer 1901 #645 ch. Her father estimates it is 100 feet long. It begins moving away from hi 3/17/1903 #660 lored, silent objects hovering 5–6 feet from the ground near the barn. He e 6/1904 #672 on wheels. One of the objects is 2 feet behind and to the left of the other 6/1904 #672 rchlight from an airship about 100 feet long and propelled by wings that mo 8/3/1905 #679 town. Some estimate it to be 2,000 feet in the air; the watchman at the cou 9/16/1906 #688 pe. From an initial altitude of 60 feet, the object sinks down, comes towar 11/1906 #692 toward them, and passes within 16 feet at eye level. Then it seems to flat 11/1906 #692 ee a torpedo-shaped object about 6 feet long and 8 inches in diameter suspe 7/2/1907 #697 ter suspended in the air about 300 feet away. It is dark, with several tong 7/2/1907 #697 a torpedo-shaped object, some 300 feet away, hovering in the air about 50 7/2/1907 #698 away, hovering in the air about 50 feet over the tops of the buildings. It 7/2/1907 #698 gs. It was estimated to be about 6 feet long and 8 inches in diameter. It w 7/2/1907 #698 wave that knocks people off their feet and breaks windows hundreds of kilo 6/30/1908 #711 n his direction, coming within 300 feet as it passes by at 60 feet altitude 1909 #719 hin 300 feet as it passes by at 60 feet altitude. Three seconds later it is 1909 #719 aped dirigible heading west at 200 feet altitude. He walks for about 50 yar 3/4/1909 #723 sees a powerful light about 1,200 feet in the air above Cromwell Road maki 3/23/1909 #725 torpedo-shaped airship about 1,300 feet in altitude. It rises higher then t 5/9/1909 #733 an oblong dark shape, perhaps 100 feet long, with lights in front and behi 5/13/1909 #740 d moving at an altitude of 500–600 feet. They dimly perceive some men on a 5/13/1909 #740 s. Lethbridge proceeds to about 60 feet of them when they notice him and st 5/18/1909 #758 rampling in the grass for about 45 feet. They also pick up a small red Fren 5/18/1909 #758 ct flying swiftly at perhaps 2,600 feet and making a whizzing noise. It has 5/19/1909 #765 long, cigar-shaped object 300–400 feet above him, moving rapidly toward No 5/19/1909 #767 New York, see a winged airship 60 feet long and 20 feet wide. Moving swift 8/18/1909 #805 winged airship 60 feet long and 20 feet wide. Moving swiftly against the wi 8/18/1909 #805 t moving through the air about 300 feet above him from the south. 12/13/1909 #819 tted by a large black object 1,000 feet high in the southwestern sky. After 12/22/1909 #821 lying at an altitude of around 400 feet. Alex Randall of Revere reports win 12/23/1909 #822 around 11:00 a.m. at 500 to 1,000 feet altitude. It disappeared into a ban 1/13/1910 #832 n, blimplike object, more than 100 feet long, hovering above a pine tree 20 Summer 1910 #839 ng, hovering above a pine tree 200 feet away. It has a row of colored, rect Summer 1910 #839 here he sees a row of lights a few feet above the ground. They are attached Summer 1910 #840 hes an altitude of several hundred feet, when it suddenly streaks off to th Summer 1910 #840 n taillights is seen flying at 600 feet above Swift Current, Saskatchewan. 10/27/1910 #850 da at an estimated altitude of 600 feet. 10/27/1910 #851 south to northwest at about 1,000 feet. 5/5/1911 #854 6 inches and looks to be about 50 feet up. It remains visible for several 8/3/1911 #856 y are completely silent and 75–100 feet in diameter. He watches them for 10 Fall 1912 #863 at 40 mph and its altitude as 700 feet. It has a yellowish light that late 1/27/1913 #874 other side of a picket fence 50–75 feet away, begin barking and howling. Th 5/1913 #888 es a 30-foot domed object about 25 feet away hovering about 10 feet above t 1914 #893 out 25 feet away hovering about 10 feet above the ground across the street 1914 #893 ny. Near it are 4–5 dwarfs about 4 feet tall. He walks toward them, but the 6/1914 #901 d is hanging on. After hovering 12 feet in the air to balance itself, it ra 8/1914 #907 the horizon, while flying at 1,300 feet, 27 miles south of Orfordness." 9/6/1914 #915 ddish object moving to the east 60 feet above the ground, causing trees to Autumn 1914 #917 e watch an airship flying at 2,300 feet descend to about 1,300 feet and shi 11/21/1914 #921 2,300 feet descend to about 1,300 feet and shine a searchlight on a passin 11/21/1914 #921 from a meadow to a height of 50–60 feet. It then swings 300 feet or so to t 9/4/1915 #936 of 50–60 feet. It then swings 300 feet or so to the left and suddenly vani 9/4/1915 #936 . It is moving in the air about 30 feet above the house and coming from the 1916? #938 ising his B.E.2c biplane at 10,000 feet near Romford, Essex, England, patro 1/31/1916 #941 gan, also flying a B.E.2c at 5,000 feet near Rochford, Essex, and looking f 1/31/1916 #941 eppelins, sees an object about 100 feet away with a row of windows “like a 1/31/1916 #941 ilot Lt. Morgan was flying at 5000 feet over Rochford, Essex, England on th 1/31/1916 #942 and see a large flying object “50 feet wide and 100 feet long,” with three 2/29/1916 #943 lying object “50 feet wide and 100 feet long,” with three lights, “one on e 2/29/1916 #943 the middle.” Moving swiftly at 600 feet altitude, the object carries a long 2/29/1916 #943 ees an elliptical object about 100 feet away on the ground in a pasture. It Late Summer 1917 #962 nd downward, then rises to 400–500 feet and performs other maneuvers. He ri 8/13/1918 #976 lored, cigar-shaped object 100–150 feet long flying overhead at an altitude Winter 1918? #979 ing overhead at an altitude of 500 feet. Winter 1918? #979 bject under a tree near a creek 75 feet from them. They notice a similarly 7/1919 #990 flies across the pond and lands 15 feet away. Linch gets up and walks towar 6/3/1920 #999 like a "milk-can," landed only 15 feet away from the witness, sat on the g 6/3/1920 #1000 lindrical object flying at only 75 feet altitude, passing over Rushville, M 6/8/1920 #1002 edge. Each appears to be about 25 feet in diameter and 10 feet thick at th Late 10/1920 #1006 e about 25 feet in diameter and 10 feet thick at the center. Late 10/1920 #1006 n afterward, a creature over eight feet tall was seen flying from the direc 2/22/1922 #1021 t, passing it at a distance of 200 feet and a speed of 30–40 mph. The objec Fall 1924 #1044 colored spherical objects some 650 feet away in a field to the north. In fr 1926 #1053 flying off his starboard wing 600 feet away. They keep pace with his plane 1/1926 #1056 object approaches closer than 150 feet, his engine sputters and misfires. Late 9/1926 #1064 nson describes the Martians as 7–8 feet tall with large ears, a wealth of b 10/27/1926 #1065 Romania, at an altitude of 650–950 feet. He estimates it is about 50 feet l 7/1927 #1074 feet. He estimates it is about 50 feet long with a diameter of 10 feet. 7/1927 #1074 50 feet long with a diameter of 10 feet. 7/1927 #1074 und at a 45° angle. It is about 60 feet in diameter and makes a whining sou 10/18/1927 #1081 speed by at a low altitude (15–20 feet), emitting 4–5 rays of light that i Early 11/1928 #1090 nd discerns a structured object 50 feet in diameter. Outside of it, 4–5 sma 6/12/1929 #1098 bject passes over him at about 100 feet altitude, but the force knocks him 9/1929 #1103 e and sees a huge object about 100 feet across by the side of the road. A s 1930 #1106 slender legs with round plates for feet. A man of normal size comes walking 1930 #1106 rolina Day. A top-shaped object 40 feet wide lands in a garden in Greensbor 5/1930 #1114 It travels at a height of about 3 feet above the ground at a constant spee 5/1931 #1126 holes” on the underside, about 100 feet in diameter over Durham, New York. 4/1932 #1141 diant blue eyes, and was about 5.5 feet tall. He smiled at the witness and 5/4/1932 #1143 wing in size, it comes to within 4 feet of him and appears as a silvery-blu 6/1932 #1144 sating, orange-red balls about 900 feet away. They are moving “in absolute 1933 #1151 g “in absolute alignment” about 20 feet from the ground toward the nearest 1933 #1151 pal, is heading for camp at 27,500 feet when he sees two dark objects float 6/1/1933 #1158 right. Curious, he walks about 200 feet toward the light and sees a bell-sh Summer 1933 #1163 sees a bell-shaped object about 10 feet in diameter and 6 feet high on the Summer 1933 #1163 ct about 10 feet in diameter and 6 feet high on the grass. Light is issuing Summer 1933 #1163 ing. The chamber inside is about 6 feet in diameter, 4 feet high, and full Summer 1933 #1163 ide is about 6 feet in diameter, 4 feet high, and full of tubing and dials Summer 1933 #1163 ng slowly and silently about 1,000 feet in the air. It goes on to circle so Summer 1933 #1164 lroad tracks. It is at about 1,300 feet altitude and visible for 15 minutes 1/2/1934 #1193 ing over London at less than 5,000 feet. 6/11/1934 #1210 rm of an elongated cone some 60–75 feet in length and 10–15 feet in diamete 8/9/1934 #1217 ome 60–75 feet in length and 10–15 feet in diameter at its largest point. S 8/9/1934 #1217 llic disc with a diameter of 33–40 feet is seen flying soundlessly near Ven 8/17/1936 #1247 Savoia- Marchetti SM.62 at 12,465 feet over Talamone, Italy, when he sees 10/10/1936 #1252 urtiss-Wright CW-15 Sedan at 3,000 feet over Virginia on his way to Raleigh 1/1/1937 #1259 cross his flight path about 1,000 feet below him. It looks like a gondola, 1/1/1937 #1259 p. He estimates it is about 35– 40 feet long and traveling at 150 mph. It m 1/1/1937 #1259 oving at 5–10 mph at less than 100 feet altitude from north to south in Min 1938 #1280 Guadalajara, Spain. It is over 35 feet in diameter and 15 feet high. A pla 7/25/1938 #1288 is over 35 feet in diameter and 15 feet high. A platform with two moving fi 7/25/1938 #1288 eature accelerated very fast, with feet "fluttering." About 100 m away it v Fall 1938 #1295 ject moves up and hovers about 500 feet above the field. The tractor motor 10/1938 #1296 s running. The object is about 100 feet in diameter and has a ring of pulsa 10/1938 #1296 eaches a record altitude of 56,850 feet in a Caproni Ca.161. It is still th 10/22/1938 #1298 silently at an altitude of 230–260 feet. Suddenly it becomes a dull coppery Early 8/1939 #1312 coppery color and lands about 140 feet away. Two of the children flee but Early 8/1939 #1312 in a water mill. It seems to be 16 feet high. A hatch opens and two little Early 8/1939 #1312 h opens and two little men about 4 feet tall come out, dressed in gray divi Early 8/1939 #1312 hands, but when they are about 23 feet away the other man points a thick s Early 8/1939 #1312 m the east at an altitude of 20–30 feet. When it gets close, it descends to Late Summer 1939 #1314 e-green glow surrounds it. It is 3 feet around and 1 foot high. It rises su Late Summer 1939 #1314 ll-shaped object hovering about 20 feet above a field 100 feet away. He est 11/13/1939 #1321 ng about 20 feet above a field 100 feet away. He estimates it is about 25 f 11/13/1939 #1321 away. He estimates it is about 25 feet across. Dark window-like patches ar 11/13/1939 #1321 ottom passes overhead at 500–1,000 feet. Mid 5/1940 #1332 s height was computed to be 38,000 feet. (Ref. 3; Randles & Warrington, 198 6/1940 #1339 ithing 2' fireball at observer(s)' feet. Rises and explodes. 11/10/1940 #1347 er UFO traveling at 50mph, 200–300 feet altitude 1941 #1350 t 50 mph at an altitude of 200–300 feet and is clearly outlined against the 1941 #1352 ees three non-human bodies about 4 feet tall with long arms, oversized head Early Spring 1941 #1355 aircraft can fly no higher than 5 feet. After this is corrected, the N-1M 7/3/1941 #1368 round white object at about 20,000 feet overhead. It floats away slowly. 12/8/1941 #1378 ss the sky. He estimates it at 100 feet in diameter and moving at 300 mph. 12/22/1941 #1381 at elevations from 9,000 to 18,000 feet, were responsible for the Battle of 2/26/1942 #1394 out of a cloudbank. It’s about 150 feet long, 50 feet in diameter, and has Summer 1942 #1419 bank. It’s about 150 feet long, 50 feet in diameter, and has a dome on top. Summer 1942 #1419 dome on top; approximately ninety feet in diameter (Page 27 Ref. 1) (NICAP 8/5/1942 #1429 rough binoculars and sees it as 90 feet in diameter, oval, with a round dom 8/5/1942 #1430 oloured balls” that climb to 7,000 feet. 9/25/1942 #1448 Italy Object two to three hundred feet in length 500 mph &.four red lights 11/28/1942 #1463 he city they see an object 200–300 feet long traveling southeast at a speed 11/28/1942 #1464 ster approaches the Alps at 14,000 feet, the crew sees the object again tra 11/28/1942 #1464 over Turin, Italy. It was 200-300 feet in length and flew at an estimated 11/28/1942 #1465 for the French coast. About 7,000 feet over the mouth of the River Somme, 12/1942 #1470 y with him. Lumsden dives to 4,000 feet, but the lights match his maneuvers 12/1942 #1470 wing bomber with a wingspan of 60 feet, makes its first test flight at Jac 12/27/1942 #1473 mates it is at an elevation of 200 feet and is about 25 feet in diameter. T 4/9/1943 #1494 vation of 200 feet and is about 25 feet in diameter. They observe German an 4/9/1943 #1494 ll on or near the sea” 7,000–8,000 feet below them. Over the next 10 minute 5/1943 #1498 N. Cockcroft are flying at 18,000 feet in a Halifax bomber on a run near E 5/26/1943 #1502 out of the sand. The object is 20 feet in diameter and looks like two meta 7/18/1943 #1518 . A mass of black debris about 3-4 feet long is also observed. 10/14/1943 #1536 d square windows hovering about 15 feet above the roof of their house. Huma 11/1943 #1540 that green "rings of flame 2 or 3 feet in diameter" corkscrewed through th 11/26/1943 #1543 t 2:30 a.m. a bomber crew at 4,500 feet altitude saw a dark shape pull alon 2/1944 #1569 pace it at a distance of about 100 feet for about 18-20 minutes. (Ref. 3; B 2/1944 #1569 Beaufort bomber is flying at 4,500 feet over Bass Strait, Australia, when i 2/1944 #1570 its rear. It appears only 100–150 feet away and stays with the bomber for 2/1944 #1570 les at maximum altitudes of 18,000 feet. Reports of objects changing their 2/9/1944 #1571 ition. It moves laterally about 50 feet and they see it is a circular light 2/20/1944 #1576 it is a circular light about 50–60 feet long and 20 feet high. It then rise 2/20/1944 #1576 light about 50–60 feet long and 20 feet high. It then rises into the air ab 2/20/1944 #1576 t then rises into the air about 25 feet and heads in the direction of the g 2/20/1944 #1576 es a 45° turn and passes about 100 feet above the trees of a coconut grove. 2/20/1944 #1576 t of three P-38 fighters at 33,000 feet saw above them, at an estimated alt 6/1944 #1599 at an estimated altitude of 50,000 feet, a silver disc. The object descende 6/1944 #1599 e object descended to about 40,000 feet and paced the fighters for 3 minute 6/1944 #1599 minutes, moving slowly at about 15 feet above the surface of the water. 6/10/1944? #1605 ith seven belligerent dwarves, 4.5 feet tall, who came from a spherical UFO 6/18/1944 #1606 ject at an altitude of about 5,000 feet above the Kamensko Forest north of Summer 1944 #1609 and no propeller. It is about 150 feet in diameter and 300–400 feet long. Summer 1944 #1609 t 150 feet in diameter and 300–400 feet long. The object is lit up from und Summer 1944 #1609 color, moving slowly about 150–230 feet in the air, 100 feet long, and has Late 7/1944 #1623 about 150–230 feet in the air, 100 feet long, and has a row of black window Late 7/1944 #1623 spherical object, probably 5 or 6 feet in diameter, of a very bright and i 8/1/1944 #1634 spherical object, probably 5 or 6 feet in diameter, of a very bright and i 8/10/1944 #1638 ice a sphere “probably five or six feet in diameter, of a very bright and i 8/11/1944 #1640 constantly throbs, at about 12,500 feet, pacing them about 1,500 feet off t 8/11/1944 #1640 ,500 feet, pacing them about 1,500 feet off the starboard wing. It keeps up 8/11/1944 #1640 d near the road. It seems to be 20 feet across and 9 feet high. Two beings, Late 8/1944 #1647 t seems to be 20 feet across and 9 feet high. Two beings, not quite 4 feet Late 8/1944 #1647 feet high. Two beings, not quite 4 feet tall, are inside, visible through a Late 8/1944 #1647 th a light inside; & three to four feet in diameter. (Page 82-83 Ref.1) (NI 9/1944 #1661 a strange object appears about 50 feet ahead of them at the level of their 9/1944 #1662 glossy white in color and about 30 feet long and 4 feet wide. Nelson eases 9/1944 #1662 color and about 30 feet long and 4 feet wide. Nelson eases the car up to th 9/1944 #1662 e traveling at about 30 mph and 40 feet altitude from the front lines towar 9/1944 #1663 are following). It seems to be 3–4 feet in diameter and looks “as though it 9/1944 #1663 e dressed in a brown robe. Fifteen feet to its left are five other figures 10/1944 #1673 morning. A round, burned circle 20 feet from the house and 25 feet in diame 10/1944 #1673 rcle 20 feet from the house and 25 feet in diameter is found the next day. 10/1944 #1673 out to crash. It abruptly stops 20 feet above their heads, revealing itself 10/1944 #1674 d ball of fire approximately three feet in diameter. (Page 85-86 Ref.1) (NI 10/29/1944 #1686 is Halifax III is flying at 19,000 feet above the clouds when the rear gunn 10/30/1944 #1688 the upper gunner, thinks it is 10 feet in diameter and 150–300 feet away. 11/24/1944 #1705 is 10 feet in diameter and 150–300 feet away. The object stays with them ov 11/24/1944 #1705 ss overhead at approximately 2,000 feet. Moving three abreast in a square c 11/29/1944 #1709 ellow in color, approximately four feet in diameter, stretching twice the l 12/1944 #1716 plane from the 415th NFS at 10,000 feet altitude over Hagenau, France in th 12/22/1944 #1728 re flying a military DC-3 at 9,000 feet between Blackstone and Richmond, Vi 12/23/1944 #1731 hovering below them at about 4,000 feet. It appears to be 200 feet long and 12/23/1944 #1731 t 4,000 feet. It appears to be 200 feet long and has two horizontal rows of 12/23/1944 #1731 sh orange; flying in tandem; three feet in diameter. (Page 114-117 Ref.1) ( 1/1/1945 #1749 ights, shooting up to 60 or 70,000 feet.” 1/2/1945 #1751 “A foo-fighter picked me up at 700 feet and chased me 20 miles down the Rhi 1/2/1945 #1752 bject following a bomber at 18,000 feet between Heydebreck and Kedzierzyn, 1/22/1945 #1762 olored “lights in the air at 2,000 feet” between Wissembourg, Bas-Rhin, Fra 1/30/1945 #1764 about a foot in diameter and 20–50 feet apart. The lights follow their Bris 1/30/1945 #1764 fighter, closing in to about 1,000 feet before disappearing. 1/30/1945 #1764 vestigate a radar target at 30,000 feet some 10 miles west of the fleet. Be 2/7/1945 #1774 oaching from the left and only 900 feet below them. The object is about 30 Mid 2/1945 #1785 below them. The object is about 30 feet long and a dull, flat gray in color Mid 2/1945 #1785 t travels in a straight course 500 feet above the ground until it disappear Mid 2/1945 #1785 hovering overhead at about 20,000 feet. (Ref. 3; MUFON UFO Journal, No. 20 3/1945 #1798 Object aluminum colored, 12 to 14 feet off ground, motionless ,swept away 3/1945 #1800 is flying alongside them at 13,000 feet. It doesn’t appear on the radar scr 3/18/1945 #1817 at 260 mph and climbing to 16,000 feet. Suddenly the light disappears. 3/18/1945 #1817 low-orange objects approach at 150 feet, roughly following the road. They a 3/25/1945 #1827 miles away at an altitude of 1,500 feet, but occasionally 3,500 feet. The p 4/1945 #1834 1,500 feet, but occasionally 3,500 feet. The primary diagnostic for these f 4/1945 #1834 Kaiserslautern, Germany, at 16,500 feet, Williams witnesses an object like 4/25/1945 #1854 bjects at their altitude of 11,000 feet, changing from cherry red to orange 5/3/1945 #1862 p.m. A shiny, tubular object, 5–6 feet long, is observed over Morganton, N 6/1/1945 #1873 WA. Pilots were ordered above 42k feet, well above their rated ceiling, bu Summer 1945 #1879 d object emerging from sea; 150-20 feet in diameter; object circled ship; t Summer 1945 #1880 wford estimates the UFO is 150–250 feet in diameter. The gun crews hold the Summer 1945 #1883 t an elevation of no more than 400 feet. He estimates its length at 30–40 f 7/1945 #1887 . He estimates its length at 30–40 feet and its diameter at 6–8 feet. 7/1945 #1887 30–40 feet and its diameter at 6–8 feet. 7/1945 #1887 vers in a fixed position at 65,000 feet and then goes straight up and disap Mid 7/1945 #1896 or visible openings, and 35 to 50 feet in length. (Page 189-190 Ref.1) (NI 8/1945 #1909 lake and a dark log-like object, 6 feet long, gliding through the water wit 8/1945 #1911 35, Little Boy) is detonated 1,900 feet above Hiroshima, Japan, by the Enol 8/6/1945 #1915 maneuver at ground level about 70 feet away. It shoots off into the sky an 8/10/1945 #1922 a approach a bright light about 50 feet in the air and 20 feet from the roa 10/1945 #1942 ht about 50 feet in the air and 20 feet from the road near some high-tensio 10/1945 #1942 e. Two beings with squarish shaped feet and wearing diver suits were seen w 12/25/1945 #1953 estimates their altitude at 50,000 feet based on reflections on cirrus clou 1946 #1960 S C-54 transport plane is at 7,000 feet over the French countryside on its 1/18/1946 #1966 ng from his bones, injuries on his feet and ankles, and his feet clenched l 3/5/1946 #1973 es on his feet and ankles, and his feet clenched like the claws of a bird. 3/5/1946 #1973 the road. When it is within 2,000 feet, Cummings pulls the car over and st 3/14/1946 #1977 remains motionless at 5,000–10,000 feet altitude, which at that height woul 4/1946 #1980 that height would make it 300–400 feet long. After 2 minutes, it disappear 4/1946 #1980 ts descend at a 45° angle about 75 feet away. They come spinning down on th 4/25/1946 #1984 e spinning down on the ice, rise 2 feet into the air, then come down again. 4/25/1946 #1984 ” directly overhead at about 1,000 feet elevation moving at 125 mph. It app 5/1946 #1988 oving at 125 mph. It appears 15–20 feet in diameter and flies in an arc to 5/1946 #1988 a southwesterly direction at 1,000 feet. It supposedly moves at supersonic 5/13/1946 #1992 a disc-shaped machine more than 50 feet in diameter. On the top is a cupola 5/18/1946 #1994 ng sparks from its tail. About 300 feet above the ground, it is moving at a 5/24/1946 #1997 gless cigar moves rapidly at 1,000 feet altitude over Katrineholm, Sweden. 5/31/1946 #2002 over Helsinki, Finland, at 10,000 feet leaving a smoke trail and making a 6/9/1946 #2005 a, see an aerial object hovering 5 feet above the roof of a nearby hotel. I Summer 1946 #2013 s through and above the saucer 8–9 feet. In the space between the ball and Summer 1946 #2013 gures larger than normal height (7 feet), fair-complexioned and broad-shoul Summer 1946 #2013 rom the east to the west at 28,000 feet altitude at 7:45 p.m. and was seen 7/7/1946 #2030 It tumbles into the lake about 320 feet away. 7/9/1946 #2039 ing noise. It comes down about 490 feet away from him, and he is blinded by 7/9/1946 #2040 hallow crater a little more than 3 feet in diameter. A mass of slag-like ma 7/10/1946 #2046 iberator flying overhead at 15,000 feet when he also sees a “flying bomb” l 7/12/1946 #2053 ch two rocket-like objects about 7 feet long pass over their heads at a ver 7/18/1946 #2062 e lake, throwing the water several feet into the air. The objects look like 7/18/1946 #2062 in low from the west at about 150 feet, causing the trees to sway. They fa 7/18/1946 #2062 that whatever fell is buried in 15 feet of mud. 7/19/1946 #2070 ontinuing underwater for about 600 feet. A military team led by Karl-Gösta 7/19/1946 #2072 ject has created a water column 66 feet high upon impact. 7/19/1946 #2073 wings at a distance of about 6,560 feet. It is moving faster than a jet air 7/30/1946 #2087 s north of Tampa, Florida at 4,000 feet altitude, sighted a cylinder-shaped 8/1/1946 #2101 ject that he estimates is about 90 feet long, torpedo-shaped, and metallic. Early 8/1946 #2102 ng quickly at an altitude of 1,600 feet. They can see small side wings and 8/13/1946 #2131 Sweden, at a distance of only 150 feet. Only 5 feet long, it emits a faint 8/13/1946 #2132 distance of only 150 feet. Only 5 feet long, it emits a faint green light 8/13/1946 #2132 , are flying a B-18A bomber at 650 feet 4 miles northeast of Malingsbo in c 8/14/1946 #2135 Lampman says that the object is “6 feet, 3 inches tall, like a large man, a 8/15/1946 #2138 er it starts hovering about 20– 25 feet above a nearby alley. 8/15/1946 #2138 ct appears out of a cloud at 3,000 feet, trailing exhaust. The film turns o 8/22/1946 #2149 a sunny day.” The object, about 10 feet long, releases four stars that fall 8/24/1946 #2156 from work when she sees, about 300 feet away, a large, metallic, lens-shape Late 8/1946 #2160 ic, lens-shaped structure about 75 feet in diameter. On the lower right sid Late 8/1946 #2160 raveling fast at an altitude of 75 feet. Rinaldi sees it hit a clump of tre 9/11/1946 #2177 ring at an altitude of 3,000–4,000 feet above Roseville. After watching it 1947 #2220 es vertically for several thousand feet, makes an abrupt 90° turn, and shoo 1947 #2220 han sound at an altitude of 38,000 feet over the North Sea, 50 miles north 1/16/1947 #2228 ands acoast. It descends to 17,000 feet and takes controlled, evasive actio 1/16/1947 #2228 illiam Kent is scrambled to 18,000 feet. Kent attempts to close in, but his 1/17/1947 #2231 s, the target descends below 2,000 feet and is lost from ground radar. Unof 1/17/1947 #2231 makes another appearance at 28,000 feet. RAF Mosquitos from Yorkshire are s 1/23/1947 #2234 from north to south at about 6,000 feet. They quiver, cast shadows on the g 2/6/1947 #2238 4.5 miles distance and is about 36 feet long and torpedo shaped. 2/17/1947 #2241 It looks metallic and is about 60 feet long, flying slowly. The object see 3/21/1947 #2249 g east to west at less than 15,000 feet and has a flat bottom and a dome on 4/1947 #2257 y 8:30 p.m. A spherical object 3-4 feet in diameter is seen over Budapest, 5/14/1947 #2281 theast to northwest at about 3,000 feet altitude in a flat trajectory. 5/14/1947 #2281 a B-29 heading northwest at 10,000 feet over Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at th 5/17/1947 #2287 ated to be the size of a B-29 (140 feet wingspan) traveling north at a 350° 5/17/1947 #2288 eading at between 10,000 to 18,000 feet moving at three times the speed of 5/17/1947 #2288 over overhead, and gyrate at 1,000 feet. The UFO is moving “erratically in 5/19/1947 #2294 at an estimated altitude of 20,000 feet. They are silvery and appear highly Late 5/1947 #2298 al incident. It leaves a crater 50 feet wide and 24 feet deep. German scien 5/29/1947 #2301 eaves a crater 50 feet wide and 24 feet deep. German scientists Wernher Von 5/29/1947 #2301 ographer claimed that a UFO, 30-40 feet in diameter and about 15 feet in he 5/31/1947 #2303 0-40 feet in diameter and about 15 feet in height, crashed near the area of 5/31/1947 #2303 lying at between 10,000 and 12,000 feet near Lewes, Delaware on this day. 6/2/1947 #2310 out 30 seconds. They are about 165 feet apart. The objects make a small arc 6/10/1947 #2319 is directly above the boat at 500 feet, it supposedly spews some hot slag- 6/21/1947 #2356 at an estimated altitude of 1,000 feet. The object stays in view for 8–10 6/22/1947 #2364 flying north to south about 3,000 feet above Mount Franklin just north of 6/22/1947 #2365 Texas. He estimates it is about 40 feet across and 5 feet thick. 6/22/1947 #2365 s it is about 40 feet across and 5 feet thick. 6/22/1947 #2365 n formation at an altitude of 9200 feet and at almost 1700 mph. He estimate 6/24/1947 #2379 ge disc-shaped object hovering 5–6 feet off the ground. He can also see two 6/24/1947 #2396 ound. He can also see two short (3 feet tall) figures wearing green suits a 6/24/1947 #2396 6 oval objects with tails about 30 feet in diameter. He watches one through 6/24/1947 #2400 r hour and at an altitude of 9,500 feet. When he landed in Pendleton, Orego 6/24/1947 #2402 e near Engle, New Mexico, at 3,000 feet, when he looks down and sees a “bal 6/27/1947 #2432 ind it.” The object is about 2,000 feet below him, and he is “certain it is 6/27/1947 #2432 Armstrong, flying an F-51 at 6,000 feet 30 miles north of Lake Mead, Nevada 6/28/1947 #2447 loo, Iowa and hovered less than 25 feet away from him. He experienced a num 6/28/1947 #2449 ilvery disc flying at 8,000–10,000 feet. It has no appendages, wings, tail, 6/29/1947 #2467 It flew off to the north at 9,000 feet altitude. 6/29/1947 #2468 m of light on the water within 150 feet of the ship, then descends, the bea 7/1/1947? #2522 e end cut off. It remains about 20 feet above the sea, moving parallel with 7/1/1947? #2522 colored, disc-shaped object three feet in diameter. It flew off toward the 7/1/1947 #2529 to-rim, and was estimated to be 30 feet in diameter. It hurtled over Mount 7/1/1947 #2531 nce, encounters an oval object, 10 feet long and 5 feet high, resting on th Early 7/1947 #2547 an oval object, 10 feet long and 5 feet high, resting on the road 100 feet Early 7/1947 #2547 feet high, resting on the road 100 feet in front of her. Two small beings d Early 7/1947 #2547 ver, Colorado, at several thousand feet and make a 45° turn before vanishin 7/3/1947 #2579 , at 600–1,200 mph. Each is 50–150 feet wide. The objects are milling about 7/3/1947 #2581 s. It seems to be flying at 10,000 feet and is visible for 15 seconds. Arou 7/3/1947 #2583 He estimated their diameter at 100 feet. Calling the report an "unusually w 7/3/1947 #2587 ntly from south to north about 300 feet off the ground. It seems to have a 7/4/1947 #2660 n its underside and is about 20–25 feet in diameter. 7/4/1947 #2660 ncan Underhill are flying at 5,000 feet west of Long Beach, California, whe 7/4/1947 #2661 , when they see a disc about 2,000 feet above them, traveling at 400–500 mp 7/4/1947 #2661 500 mph. They estimate it is 40–50 feet in diameter and flying north-northw 7/4/1947 #2661 ho, at an altitude of about 10,000 feet. It takes about 3 seconds to disapp 7/4/1947 #2663 the horizon at an estimated 20,000 feet. It shoots straight up and vanishes 7/4/1947 #2664 e object rises up vertically 30–40 feet and shoots off horizontally at 50 m 7/4/1947 #2665 nd cruising at an estimated 10,000 feet altitude, Mr. Harris and his passen 7/4/1947 #2673 ed the disks were flying at 20,000 feet. He saw twelve of them and flatly d 7/5/1947 #2680 el-shaped craft measuring about 25 feet long and 12 feet wide embedded in a 7/5/1947 #2721 easuring about 25 feet long and 12 feet wide embedded in a cliff. The soldi 7/5/1947 #2721 at an estimated altitude of 8,000 feet. 7/5/1947 #2730 as, see a silvery disc about 30–50 feet in diameter slightly lower than the 7/6/1947 #2808 e motion. It appears to be about 2 feet across and made of aluminum. It dis 7/6/1947 #2811 estimated altitude of ten thousand feet. It had what appeared to be a road 7/6/1947 #2823 ds at an estimated altitude of 500 feet. At 7:00 p.m. a black disc flew acr 7/6/1947 #2825 e estimated to be flying at 20,000 feet altitude. A round object flew acros 7/6/1947 #2826 es an hour at approximately 10,000 feet. It was in view about 60 or 70 seco 7/7/1947 #2835 uarters of a mile long and 200–300 feet wide. A gouge starting at the north 7/7/1947 #2928 hern end of it extends for 400–500 feet toward the other end. It looks as i 7/7/1947 #2928 h the alto-cumulus clouds at 6,000 feet, stop at 4,000 feet, assume a horiz 7/7/1947 #2932 louds at 6,000 feet, stop at 4,000 feet, assume a horizontal orientation, a 7/7/1947 #2932 ollowing its contours at 500–1,000 feet. The object gives off a bright ligh 7/7/1947 #2937 overhead. They seem to be about 10 feet in diameter and are flying east ove 7/7/1947 #2938 and at an altitude of 1,000–2,000 feet. Robert Delara of 2745 West Market 7/7/1947 #2942 . Two short humanoids, about three feet tall, got out and shortly later reb 7/7/1947 #2944 one spot for two minutes at 2,000 feet altitude. 7/7/1947 #2945 flying object was twenty to thirty feet long, crescent-shaped, and flying a 7/7/1947 #2947 , and flying at an estimated 1,000 feet altitude. It circled in the east fo 7/7/1947 #2947 a yellowish-white object at 10,000 feet traveling about 200 mph. At 11:50 a 7/8/1947 #3014 like object descending from 20,000 feet for about 90 seconds; it has two kn 7/8/1947 #3014 en in the area, this time at 8,000 feet and moving against the wind at 300 7/8/1947 #3014 ne, a triangular package about two feet long, is wrapped in brown paper. Th 7/8/1947 #3019 e is flying a small plane at 2,800 feet over Alton, New Hampshire, with pas 7/8/1947 #3024 es away to the east and some 1,500 feet below their aircraft. It approaches 7/8/1947 #3024 the north. They estimate it is 20 feet long and “not exactly round.” 7/8/1947 #3024 w at an estimated 800 mph at 2,000 feet altitude. He described it as having 7/8/1947 #3028 hole in its center, flying at 500 feet altitude over Spokane, Washington. 7/8/1947 #3028 n. He gets no closer than about 50 feet from the wreckage, which appears to 7/9/1947 #3066 a bushel basket, no more than 100 feet away. It is hovering several feet a 7/9/1947 #3068 feet away. It is hovering several feet above a stretch of sand. After abou 7/9/1947 #3068 flying his Piper J-3 Cub at 10,000 feet over Morristown, New Jersey. Three 7/10/1947 #3104 ight. He estimates its size as 245 feet long and 100 feet thick at the maxi 7/10/1947 #3109 its size as 245 feet long and 100 feet thick at the maximum, with a horizo 7/10/1947 #3109 Estimated altitude is 3,000–4,000 feet. 7/11/1947 #3138 a balloon-like grayish object, 10 feet long, flying northwest at 100 mph a 7/12/1947 #3159 at 100 mph at an altitude of 1,500 feet and following the contour of mounta 7/12/1947 #3159 ing overhead to the east at 12,000 feet. At about the same time, Arnold Ber 7/12/1947 #3160 hree different altitudes about 200 feet apart, and they appear to be about 7/15/1947 #3187 rt, and they appear to be about 15 feet across, white on the top and gray a 7/15/1947 #3187 d black for the rest, and about 15 feet wide. 7/15/1947 #3188 nzhou City, Gansu, China. It is 50 feet long and has an apparent rudder and 7/19/1947 #3201 eed of 600 miles per hour, at 7000 feet altitude. 7/21/1947 #3211 flying his Piper J-3 Cub at 6,000 feet near the Morristown Airport in New 7/23/1947 #3217 hite disc- shaped object about 100 feet in diameter, which soon lands and r 7/23/1947 #3218 on lands and rests on curved metal feet. His assistants flee, but Higgens g 7/23/1947 #3218 ionately long and they are about 7 feet tall. One points a small tube at Hi 7/23/1947 #3218 ft. They were over two meters (6.6 feet) tall. They drew a sketch of the so 7/23/1947 #3219 ilot named Jenssen, flying at 6000 feet over Morristown, New Jersey encount 7/23/1947 #3220 ific speed. They come within 1,200 feet of his aircraft before veering away 7/29/1947 #3254 California. The objects are 15–25 feet in diameter and are flying at about 7/29/1947 #3255 mph at an altitude of 6,000–10,000 feet heading south. One object flies str 7/29/1947 #3255 ne up to safer altitude. Now 1,000 feet higher, the pilots glance downward 8/4/1947 #3291 wing orange cylindrical object, 15 feet long and shaped like a cigarette, f 8/4/1947 #3292 sky-blue object about 10 wide, 10 feet high, and 20 feet long. It has “pod 8/13/1947 #3320 bout 10 wide, 10 feet high, and 20 feet long. It has “pods” on the side emi 8/13/1947 #3320 at 1,000 mph and an altitude of 75 feet about 1/2 mile away. Urie is about 8/13/1947 #3320 t 1/2 mile away. Urie is about 300 feet from the object, which is about lev 8/13/1947 #3320 or them. He noticed them about 300 feet away looking in the sky and he glan 8/13/1947 #3322 long the canyon which is about 400 feet deep and 1,200 feet across at that 8/13/1947 #3322 h is about 400 feet deep and 1,200 feet across at that point. It was about 8/13/1947 #3322 t point. It was about seventy-five feet above the floor of the canyon (and 8/13/1947 #3322 f the canyon (and so more than 300 feet below the edge of the canyon) and m 8/13/1947 #3322 iew, estimated it was about twenty feet long, ten feet wide and ten feet hi 8/13/1947 #3322 it was about twenty feet long, ten feet wide and ten feet high, with what a 8/13/1947 #3322 y feet long, ten feet wide and ten feet high, with what appeared to be exha 8/13/1947 #3322 ed disc on the riverbank about 165 feet ahead. It is about 33 feet wide and 8/14/1947 #3330 out 165 feet ahead. It is about 33 feet wide and embedded in a cleft in the 8/14/1947 #3330 ed in a cleft in the rock about 20 feet above thqwe stream. Looking around, 8/14/1947 #3330 hing him stiffly. They are about 3 feet tall and wearing dark blue coverall 8/14/1947 #3330 shaped objects zigzagging at 1,200 feet. They disappear in the clouds and a 8/14/1947 #3331 re were two dwarfs less than three feet tall near the craft, wearing dark b 8/14/1947 #3334 12 objects flying at 6,000–10,000 feet in a tight diamond formation at 300 8/15/1947? #3337 s level off at approximately 5,000 feet and make a gentle large-radius turn 8/15/1947? #3337 The objects are approximately 100 feet long and have a brilliant yellow-wh 8/15/1947? #3337 es transport plane flying at 8,000 feet near Mountain Home Army Air Base, I 8/18/1947 #3347 50–478 mph at an altitude of 1,500 feet. It changes course, climbs, and is 8/28/1947 #3375 xt day they encounter a circle, 40 feet in diameter, of recently burned gra 9/3/1947 #3384 estimated 380 m.p.h., at 8-10,000 feet, from NW to SE. 10/14/1947 #3456 after the war. The airplane is 33 feet long, shaped like a half-moon, and 11/1947 #3474 has no tail. It can fly to 12,000 feet. Wendel’s story is corroborated by 11/1947 #3474 rthwest. They estimate it is 50–75 feet in diameter and flying at 200 feet 12/14/1947 #3502 feet in diameter and flying at 200 feet altitude. 12/14/1947 #3502 uting a flip of his P-51 at 18,000 feet, he sees a silvery disc zoom above 1948 #3521 t 325 mph and closes to within 240 feet of it. It seems to be 40 feet in di 1948 #3521 240 feet of it. It seems to be 40 feet in diameter and 6 feet thick, with 1948 #3521 ms to be 40 feet in diameter and 6 feet thick, with a vertical stabilizer r 1948 #3521 h the closed west window. Some 100 feet above the ground is a huge bright c 1948? #3524 bodies had turned blue and were 4 feet tall with oversized human heads. Pr 1948 #3527 Y, SP Small humanoid (or Grey) has feet like a goat. Observer(s) screams. S 1/1948? #3529 up to see a “birdman” hovering 200 feet above her barn. She watches “a man 1/6/1948 #3533 up to see a “birdman” hovering 200 feet above her barn. She watched “a man 1/6/1948 #3534 of a cone-shaped object about 100 feet tall by 43 feet wide, at an altitud 1/7/1948 #3542 d object about 100 feet tall by 43 feet wide, at an altitude of 4 miles and 1/7/1948 #3542 ph at an altitude of 50,000–60,000 feet during most of Mantell’s pursuit. F 1/7/1948 #3544 ly climbing to about 22,000–23,000 feet, Mantell gradually overtakes the UF 1/7/1948 #3544 ous size.” At 3:15 p.m., at 22,500 feet with oxygen running low, two other 1/7/1948 #3544 approach when he is at about 1,800 feet. The light seems to be at about 3,0 1/7/1948 #3546 e light seems to be at about 3,000 feet to the southwest about 4–5 miles aw 1/7/1948 #3546 the size of a C-47 or larger [60+ feet] dropping out of the overcast bank 1/7/1948 #3546 ng out of the overcast bank 10,000 feet overhead. Lockbourne Control Tower 1/7/1948 #3546 ed by the pilot of a C-45 at 5,000 feet off the right wing at 7:53 p.m. 1/7/1948 #3546 e, flying a DC-3 aircraft at 3,000 feet altitude near Cartersville, Georgia 1/9/1948 #3552 he roof of his pig house about 100 feet away. The UFO, about 60 feet in dia 2/1948 #3570 t 100 feet away. The UFO, about 60 feet in diameter, maintains a slow speed 2/1948 #3570 disc that approached to within six feet and appeared to aim some type of tu 2/18/1948 #3580 d level at between 2,000 and 4,000 feet. 2/20/1948 #3583 d level at between 2,000 and 4,000 feet. 2/20/1948 #3584 gham reaches an altitude of 59,430 feet in a de Havilland Vampire turbojet. 3/23/1948 #3595 f 16 small humanlike beings (3–3.5 feet tall) dressed in the “style of 1890 3/25/1948 #3598 a small ceiling balloon at 15,000 feet. He checks his observation through 4/1948 #3600 City, Luzon, Philippines. At 1,500 feet, he notices an unusual silvery obje 4/1/1948 #3603 mph and an altitude of about 1,000 feet. Meyers estimates it is about 30 fe 4/1/1948 #3603 t. Meyers estimates it is about 30 feet wide and 20 feet long. When he atte 4/1/1948 #3603 es it is about 30 feet wide and 20 feet long. When he attempts to contact t 4/1/1948 #3603 "flying wing" or crescent about 30 feet wide and 20 feet long, with a small 4/1/1948 #3604 crescent about 30 feet wide and 20 feet long, with a small dorsal fin. It w 4/1/1948 #3604 a northerly heading at about 1,000 feet three miles to his east. It made a 4/1/1948 #3604 a "big puppet" about 1.5 meters (5 feet) in height. He had "two round holes 4/3/1948 #3607 seen flying through the air at 250 feet altitude over Longview, Washington 4/7/1948 #3614 north at a constant altitude, 1000 feet below an aircraft. It flew in the o 4/30/1948 #3635 ix Meteor jets, cruising at 10,000 feet above the Oxford/Bicester area in E Late 5/1948 #3654 ich is stationary and above 25,000 feet. Two jets go up to try to get a bet Late 5/1948 #3654 look and get within a few thousand feet. The object departs vertically at a Late 5/1948 #3654 oe, MI 3 objects seen - 300 to 400 feet in size, silvery-gold in color, and 5/28/1948 #3659 okolonis is flying a C-47 at 6,000 feet six miles east of Monroe, Michigan, 5/28/1948 #3660 ft. He estimates they are 300– 400 feet in diameter, silvery-gold, and trav 5/28/1948 #3660 ect emit smoke. It appears about 3 feet long. It slows down over the Cape F 5/31/1948 #3663 mitted smoke, appeared about three feet long, veered, slowed down, and then 5/31/1948 #3664 9,000 mph at an altitude of 60,000 feet. The commanders assume that the US Summer 1948 #3679 ect hovers over the base at 45,000 feet and moving only 10 mph. (NICAP, “Ed Summer 1948 #3679 disc-shaped, domed UFO, about 100 feet in diameter, maneuvering over Pasco 7/1948 #3691 shaped objects. They are about 100 feet in diameter and flying in a tight d 7/1/1948 #3694 ound at the crash site as “about 4 feet, 6 inches tall, completely hairless 7/7/1948 #3699 t to east-southeast at about 5,000 feet. 7/9/1948 #3704 approach from the south at 20,000 feet pass overhead at 1,500 mph. They fi 7/17/1948 #3714 approach from the south at 20,000 feet and pass overhead at 1,500 mph. The 7/17/1948 #3715 an Eastern Airlines DC-3 at 5,000 feet, 20 miles southwest of Montgomery, 7/24/1948 #3734 when they see an object about 100 feet long moving rapidly toward them on 7/24/1948 #3734 , the object has flames jetting 50 feet from its rear. There are two rows o 7/24/1948 #3734 swoops into a cloud bank at 6,000 feet. One passenger, Clarence L. McKelvi 7/24/1948 #3734 rd the south at an estimated 5,000 feet altitude. The Air Force explanation 7/26/1948 #3744 ided across the road a few hundred feet in front of their vehicle and appar 7/29/1948 #3752 uding from either blade. It is 6–8 feet long and flying silently above the 7/29/1948 #3753 ing silently above the trees at 30 feet altitude some 300 feet away heading 7/29/1948 #3753 trees at 30 feet altitude some 300 feet away heading south. It approaches t 7/29/1948 #3753 south. It approaches to about 100 feet at its closest. The object glides a 7/29/1948 #3753 38 a.m. Its estimated size was 6-8 feet long and 1.5-2 feet wide. The objec 7/29/1948 #3754 d size was 6-8 feet long and 1.5-2 feet wide. The object glided across the 7/29/1948 #3754 ided across the road a few hundred feet in front of their vehicle and appar 7/29/1948 #3754 west of their home. It is about 20 feet across, 6–8 feet thick, white witho 7/31/1948 #3760 e. It is about 20 feet across, 6–8 feet thick, white without any shine but 7/31/1948 #3760 hey estimate its altitude as 2,000 feet covering a distance of 5 miles in 1 7/31/1948 #3760 a cymbal, or domed disc; about 20 feet in diameter and 6-8 feet thick. It 7/31/1948 #3761 about 20 feet in diameter and 6-8 feet thick. It was white without any shi 7/31/1948 #3761 bject was sighted flying at 50,000 feet altitude over Mint Canyon, Californ 8/31/1948 #3791 ns” to the south. They are 150–250 feet up, one following the other at a di 9/16/1948 #3803 ng the other at a distance of 8–10 feet. Their wings are narrow and rounded 9/16/1948 #3803 wise and slightly tipped, about 50 feet away. 9/23/1948 #3811 first pass he gets as close as 500 feet from the light at about 5,000 feet 10/1/1948 #3827 feet from the light at about 5,000 feet altitude. Gorman climbs to 14,000 f 10/1/1948 #3827 altitude. Gorman climbs to 14,000 feet but stalled out, unable to intercep 10/1/1948 #3827 he light, which is at about 16,000 feet. The light makes evasive and aggres 10/1/1948 #3827 the F-51. When it drops to 11,000 feet, Gorman attempts to dive at it, but 10/1/1948 #3827 Cannon flying a Piper Cub at 1,600 feet. Jensen watches the dogfight throug 10/1/1948 #3827 fle bullet and apparently 20 to 30 feet long 10/15/1948 #3835 looks like a “rifle bullet” 20–30 feet long. The object “seems cognizant o 10/15/1948 #3841 les away to the northeast at 1,000 feet altitude in a gradual climb traveli 10/24/1948 #3852 down out of the disc about 200–300 feet, then speed off to the southwest. T Mid 11/1948 #3876 ng vertically, which burst 100-200 feet from the ground (NICAP: 01 - Distan 11/23/1948 #3886 odes without a sound some 400– 500 feet above the ground. 11/23/1948 #3888 . A UFO is seen circling at 27,000 feet. An F-80 pilot sent to intercept it 11/23/1948 #3889 red. It climbs abruptly to 50,000 feet at 900 mph. A second F-80 pilot ver 11/23/1948 #3889 the unidentified target at 27,000 feet and 30 miles to the south of Munich 11/23/1948 #3890 outh of Munich, climbing to 40,000 feet at 40 miles south of Munich, then c 11/23/1948 #3890 r a rapid, erratic climb to 20,000 feet. 12/3/1948 #3904 Albuquerque, New Mexico, at 5,000 feet when they see a brilliant green lig 12/8/1948 #3918 traveling a flat trajectory 2,000 feet above them. They see it for 2 secon 12/8/1948 #3918 t climbing to within a few hundred feet. An intense flash of white comes fr 1949 #3946 like electrical discharge, about 3 feet in diameter, that persists for “ful 1/1949 #3951 They see a cigar-shaped object, 60 feet long and 10 feet wide, cross their 1/1/1949 #3955 shaped object, 60 feet long and 10 feet wide, cross their path at an altitu 1/1/1949 #3955 path at an altitude of 1,500–1,600 feet. It is only about 500 feet distant. 1/1/1949 #3955 0–1,600 feet. It is only about 500 feet distant. The speed is approximately 1/1/1949 #3955 -6 aircraft, circle at about 3,000 feet while oscillating to the right and 1/4/1949 #3959 raft looked dark. It flew at 3,000 feet altitude and circled the airfield, 1/4/1949 #3960 ew Mexico. It is about 1,500–2,000 feet altitude and flying faster than a j 1/6/1949 #3967 , moving from an altitude of 8,000 feet in a gradual descent until lost beh 1/27/1949 #3981 s with a bouncing motion (up 4,000 feet, down 2,000 feet) at about 400–500 1/27/1949 #3981 motion (up 4,000 feet, down 2,000 feet) at about 400–500 mph, resulting in 1/27/1949 #3981 ew at an altitude of around 40,000 feet. The bouncing appears to start afte 1/27/1949 #3981 ith a beginning altitude of 60,000 feet and a final altitude around 40,000 1/31/1949 #3988 and a final altitude around 40,000 feet. LaPaz accompanies search teams to 1/31/1949 #3988 three mummy-like creatures about 5 feet tall emerge. They speak to him in b 2/1949 #3994 d to be 20-feet in diameter by 4-5 feet thick. It rocked or rotated in six 4/3/1949 #4070 s seen streaking approximately 300 feet above the southern slope of Fejarit 4/5/1949 #4076 ocity of 18,000 mph, a width of 40 feet, and a length of 100 feet; but this 4/24/1949 #4104 th of 40 feet, and a length of 100 feet; but this is speculative. 4/24/1949 #4104 inches in diameter and only 10–12 feet from them, 6–7 feet above the groun 4/27/1949 #4118 and only 10–12 feet from them, 6–7 feet above the ground. During the 60-sec 4/27/1949 #4118 the southwest at a distance of 150 feet. At about 9:37 p.m., a 2-inch-wide 4/27/1949 #4118 -inch-wide white light appears 100 feet away to the northwest, flying in a 4/27/1949 #4118 zig-zag fashion in a level path 6 feet above the ground. It vanishes abrup 4/27/1949 #4118 t Leon A. Faber is flying at 3,000 feet near the Indiana State Prison in Mi 4/28/1949 #4128 llic disc moving east about 10,000 feet away. He is chatting with some ham 4/28/1949 #4128 at 40 mph and at an estimated 500 feet altitude. At 5:45 p.m. a 700 foot l 4/28/1949 #4131 00–250 mph at an altitude of 1,000 feet. The objects make a shallow turn. 5/5/1949 #4150 dropping from an altitude of 1200 feet to 440 feet. It was the apparent si 5/6/1949 #4164 om an altitude of 1200 feet to 440 feet. It was the apparent size of a half 5/6/1949 #4164 er was estimated to be from 80-100 feet. 5/11/1949 #4179 ks at an altitude of 17,000–20,000 feet. The silvery disc is seen from the 5/21/1949 #4200 in single file. They were each 20 feet long and 10 feet wide, and followed 5/27/1949 #4215 They were each 20 feet long and 10 feet wide, and followed the contour of t 5/27/1949 #4215 he plotting center, hovering 5,280 feet in the air. It is 30–70 feet in dia 6/6/1949 #4228 5,280 feet in the air. It is 30–70 feet in diameter. Suddenly it starts mov 6/6/1949 #4228 n the V-2 attains a speed of 2,000 feet per second in its upward flight, it 6/14/1949 #4240 veer sharply into a cloud at 2,500 feet altitude and then fly around it rep 6/29/1949 #4256 tion. Estimated altitude is 30,000 feet at 300 mph, with the approximate si 7/3/1949 #4261 , with the approximate size of 100 feet. A second object is seen at 10:49 a 7/3/1949 #4261 c UFOs circle and maneuver at 1500 feet altitude for three hours. There was 7/23/1949 #4277 ng a Piper PA-16 Clipper at 19,000 feet 10 miles northwest of Mountain Home 7/24/1949 #4283 n of 7 delta-shaped objects, 35–55 feet in diameter near his plane. They ma 7/24/1949 #4283 fect and unbanked right turn 1,500 feet ahead of his plane, then they turn 7/24/1949 #4283 of 600 mph and an altitude of 8500 feet. They executed a sharp turn without 7/24/1949 #4286 at whirled across the sky at 6,000 feet altitude, passing through some clou 7/26/1949 #4293 at an estimated altitude of 30,000 feet. They fly in formation for a while, 8/8/1949 #4313 The discs were estimated to be 35 feet in diameter, and were flying to the 8/8/1949 #4314 ng to the east-southeast at 10,000 feet altitude at a speed of 150 mph. The 8/8/1949 #4314 two bowls put together and about 5 feet in diameter. She walks right up to 8/16/1949 #4318 to the south at an altitude of 50 feet. In the distance she sees another o 8/16/1949 #4318 rce officer sees a silvery disc 20 feet in diameter with jagged edges above 9/1949 #4342 They seem to be traveling at 5,000 feet altitude, going north to south. Eac 9/14/1949 #4357 ers 200 miles of sky up to 100,000 feet. A legitimate radar contact tracks Fall 1949 #4366 exico. Suddenly a disc about 50–60 feet across comes straight down the road Fall 1949 #4367 down the road toward them about 4 feet off the ground. It raises up a litt Fall 1949 #4367 cket-shaped object flew within 100 feet under an airplane that was flying f 9/25/1949 #4369 e display. He uses three rolls, 25 feet each, and a Hugo-Meyer F-19- 3" cam 10/23/1949 #4401 d object that was approximately 50 feet in diameter. (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 10/30/1949 #4406 rine light wheel, some 1,000–1,500 feet in diameter, one mile from his ship 11/11/1949 #4413 he notices a disc land about 32–50 feet from the road. He hears a voice tel 12/4/1949 #4434 it’s all about. Two beings about 5 feet 5 inches emerge from the UFO wearin 12/4/1949 #4434 d the object was between 30 and 60 feet long, was flying at 2,000 feet alti 1/6/1950 #4475 60 feet long, was flying at 2,000 feet altitude at a speed of 400 mph. 1/6/1950 #4475 analysis.” Bodies are said to be 3 feet tall. 1/16/1950 #4494 ], Washington, D.C. While at 5,000 feet near Blacksburg, Virginia, Fehrevac 1/24/1950 #4509 uts the C-45 into a climb to 7,000 feet so they are at the same altitude as 1/24/1950 #4509 irrus cloud layer at 25,000–30,000 feet. They are moving to the north in a 1/26/1950 #4513 shape of a discus approximately 60 feet in diameter, 10 feet thick in the m 2/27/1950 #4562 roximately 60 feet in diameter, 10 feet thick in the middle and thin at the 2/27/1950 #4562 lying at between 40,000 and 80,000 feet near Knoxville, Tennessee. At 11:15 3/1/1950 #4572 ing at at altitude of about 40,000 feet over Oak Ridge nuclear facility. Mr 3/1/1950 #4572 scope of the CPS-4 radar at 47,000 feet altitude and higher. Further indica 3/9/1950 #4598 e the F-80s are flying, but 20,000 feet above them. The radar operators are 3/9/1950 #4598 on long-wave frequencies at 40,000 feet, and a CPS-4 radar operating on sho 3/9/1950 #4598 e, and a climb rate of up to 7,000 feet per minute. 3/9/1950 #4598 lored object hung in sky at 40,000 feet altitude over Indian School Road so 3/10/1950 #4608 00 p.m. It was estimated to be 200 feet in diameter, tapering to narrower p 3/10/1950 #4608 with a red fiery trail one hundred feet long, but left no vapor trail. It w 3/10/1950 #4608 southwest at between 6000 and 7000 feet altitude. It then made an "impossib 3/18/1950 #4678 derson Jr., flying a DC-3 at 2,000 feet and heading west from Memphis, Tenn 3/20/1950 #4690 Arkansas, see a circular disc 100 feet in diameter approximately over Haze 3/20/1950 #4690 a distance of not more than 2,640 feet and approximately 1,000 feet higher 3/20/1950 #4690 2,640 feet and approximately 1,000 feet higher than the airliner. They watc 3/20/1950 #4690 the Chilean Navy takes about 1,200 feet of color film of UFOs—one above the Spring 1950 #4691 els northwesterly at 25,000–30,000 feet, then turns north and disappears wi 3/22/1950 #4701 covered in New Mexico. They are 50 feet in diameter and “each one was occup 3/22/1950 #4702 e bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall, dressed in metallic cloth of 3/22/1950 #4702 FO hovered over the park at 20,000 feet for two minutes during the day, the 3/23/1950 #4712 ress, is flying his plane at 5,000 feet over Fairfax County, Virginia, when 3/26/1950 #4729 an aluminum-colored disc about 40 feet in diameter and 10 feet thick flyin 3/26/1950 #4729 c about 40 feet in diameter and 10 feet thick flying 1,000 feet below him. 3/26/1950 #4729 ter and 10 feet thick flying 1,000 feet below him. He dives toward it, but 3/26/1950 #4729 ilver in color, and flew at 30,000 feet altitude at a speed greater than 1, 3/26/1950 #4732 les range for 10 minutes at 13,000 feet. The object then moves on a 220° he 3/27/1950 #4740 d like 300-lb. bombs, estimated 5 feet long. Flew 500 m.p.h. and descend 3/29/1950 #4762 westward at an altitude of 25,000 feet. He watches it for 5 minutes as it 4/6/1950 #4802 the size of a large airplane 3,000 feet over their train. Two silver discs 4/7/1950 #4819 e wind at about 10–15 mph at 1,500 feet altitude about 3–4 miles away from 4/10/1950 #4841 eing a UFO for 20 minutes at 2,000 feet on the eastern horizon at Los Alamo 4/17/1950 #4859 circular, metallic, and roughly 9 feet in diameter. It moves faster than a 4/17/1950 #4859 the objects as approximately nine feet in diameter, and they flew faster t 4/17/1950 #4860 British Columbia airport at 15,000 feet altitude, and there were many calls 4/25/1950 #4897 Bryant of the objects’ size as 30 feet in diameter and 150,000 feet in alt 4/27/1950 #4909 as 30 feet in diameter and 150,000 feet in altitude. 4/27/1950 #4909 ff at 400 mph, drops down to 1,500 feet, and disappears. 4/27/1950 #4910 d away from the jet, and at 28,000 feet turned and flew away. At 8:25 p.m. 4/27/1950 #4911 own color.” The bodies are about 4 feet tall, and their faces seem charred 5/15/1950 #4944 iscs, hovering above them at 1,800 feet. The discs merge with the cigar and 5/15/1950 #4944 from the southeast at about 12,000 feet altitude. He follows it with a 4x s 5/20/1950 #4955 loud. Hess estimates it is about 4 feet in diameter and moving about 100 mp 5/20/1950 #4955 range to the north from P-8 and 7 feet higher, films another object, hence 5/24/1950 #4964 le, Tennessee, are flying at 7,500 feet at 250 mph. About 7 miles west of M 5/29/1950 #4972 he objects were higher than 40,000 feet, traveling more than 2,000 mph, and 5/29/1950 #4973 more than 2,000 mph, and over 300 feet in diameter. 5/29/1950 #4973 oster Meteor jet fighter at 20,000 feet. As he undergoes a debriefing by sq 6/1/1950 #4978 en she notices something about 420 feet away. It appears to be two men dres 6/17/1950 #4991 the ground. Linke approaches to 30 feet away, looks over a small fence, and 6/17/1950 #4991 , and sees a large object about 40 feet in diameter that looks like a huge 6/17/1950 #4991 and a black conical tower about 9 feet high. The two men suddenly jump ins 6/17/1950 #4991 ng. They stood about 1.5 meters (4 feet) in height, and one of them wore a 6/17/1950 #4992 stealthily approached to about 30 feet from them, peering over a small rid 6/17/1950 #4992 n-shaped disc, approximately 40-50 feet (15-20 meters) in diameter. The obj 6/17/1950 #4992 out a foot in diameter, spaced 1.5 feet apart. Out of the top rose a ten-fo 6/17/1950 #4992 timates altitude as 50,000–100,000 feet and a speed of 1,000–1,500 mph. The 6/24/1950 #5004 ght corona around it. He shoots 50 feet of film with his 16mm movie camera 6/27/1950 #5018 . They estimate it to be about 250 feet in diameter with a small canopy on 6/30/1950 #5027 at a steep angle to 16,000–18,000 feet, hesitates, dives, and speeds away 7/1950 #5036 A hatch opens and 10 figures, 3–4 feet tall, emerge, wearing shiny, metall 7/2/1950 #5039 ace of the lake. Ten figures, four feet tall, dressed in shiny clothing, em 7/2/1950 #5040 in the sky. It ascended to 17,000 feet and stopped in midair, hovering in 7/13/1950 #5065 rnia, at an elevation of 500–1,000 feet. It moves swiftly away to the south 8/1950 #5094 d was seen over the city at 15,000 feet altitude for about an hour, moving 8/2/1950 #5098 ngton State. They are above 15,000 feet. Jets attempting interception fail. 8/4/1950 #5104 cylinder-shaped UFO, apparently 10 feet in diameter, 50–100 feet above the 8/4/1950 #5105 rently 10 feet in diameter, 50–100 feet above the surface. It initially mov 8/4/1950 #5105 ng cigar or ovoid object at 50-100 feet altitude, flying with a churning or 8/4/1950 #5106 objects estimated diameter was 50 feet. 8/5/1950 #5108 e other oblong. They are about 100 feet apart, and the oblong one is tumbli 8/12/1950 #5120 d sees a flat gray disc, about 100 feet in diameter, at an altitude of 700– 8/14/1950 #5124 meter, at an altitude of 700–1,000 feet. He watches it for 30 seconds as it 8/14/1950 #5124 .” He rushes to his car, parked 60 feet away, and gets his 16mm movie camer 8/15/1950 #5126 y two huge discs, at least 600–700 feet in diameter, traveling at 1,000–1,2 9/1950 #5159 by a man named Murphy. He shot 10 feet of film showing the spinning disc-s 9/11/1950 #5173 em at treetop level. It is about 6 feet in diameter and settles in an open 9/26/1950 #5199 fitted together and are about 100 feet in diameter, flying in a line about 10/15/1950 #5236 iameter, flying in a line about 25 feet apart. The pilots pursue the object 10/15/1950 #5236 hovered at a low altitude only 50 feet away, then left and returned severa 10/15/1950 #5237 sighted four metallic spheres, 100 feet diameter, that flew in a perfect li 10/15/1950 #5238 ar object with a diameter of 70-80 feet flying at terrific speed at 7:40 p. 10/20/1950 #5248 verses suddenly and passes 100–200 feet above his plane at incredible speed 11/7/1950 #5270 one.” He abandons chase at 11,500 feet. 11/7/1950 #5270 nd are flying at 500 mph at 10,000 feet. 11/27/1950 #5294 0 mph and at an altitude of 10,000 feet, making a sound like helicopters. T 11/27/1950 #5295 . Two columns of water rise to 100 feet in height. No aircraft are sighted 12/1950 #5304 aircraft at an altitude of 32,000 feet were confirmed by radar in the vici 12/6/1950 #5322 rcraft are in the flight at 32,000 feet on a course of 200° northeast of Li 12/6/1950 #5329 ot silver object hovering at 3,000 feet above the northern part of Fort Mye 12/6/1950 #5331 10x binoculars Lamp sees it is 3–4 feet thick at the edges and 14 feet thic 12/6/1950 #5331 3–4 feet thick at the edges and 14 feet thick in the center, which revolves 12/6/1950 #5331 maintains a steady height of 3,000 feet moving at 130–150 mph and is visibl 12/10/1950 #5336 well watches an object about 30–50 feet in diameter, like two “upside down 1/1/1951 #5382 isc-shaped UFOs that were 40 to 50 feet in diameter and flying at 30,000 fe 1/14/1951 #5399 t in diameter and flying at 30,000 feet altitude. 1/14/1951 #5399 balloon is at a height of 112,000 feet. A short time later, Dugan, Stiles, 1/16/1951 #5403 in a climbing turn at about 1,000 feet, the pilots spot the object to the 1/20/1951 #5407 the north-northwest at about 8,000 feet and 4 miles away. It looks like a B 1/20/1951 #5407 , flies across the nose within 200 feet, then suddenly reappears on the oth 1/20/1951 #5407 New Mexico, at about 10,000–12,000 feet, tracking a Project Gopher plastic 1/22/1951 #5413 tic balloon at about 50,000–70,000 feet, when they see a bright star-like o 1/22/1951 #5413 at a speed of 200 knots at 10,000 feet between Iceland and Newfoundland, s 2/8/1951 #5434 ff the bow to the right, about 100 feet or so below us and about 200 to 300 2/8/1951 #5434 r so below us and about 200 to 300 feet in front of us. It was not in a lev 2/8/1951 #5434 It appeared to be from 200 to 300 feet in diameter, translucent or metalli 2/8/1951 #5434 from Keflavík, Iceland, at 10,000 feet about 212 miles northeast of Gander 2/9/1951 #5436 ith a dark center. It is about 400 feet in diameter and first seen moving a 2/9/1951 #5436 plane, which was flying at 10,000 feet altitude at the time. The UFO sight 2/10/1951 #5440 ject which must have been over 200 feet long.” It has a vertical fin at one 2/19/1951 #5449 g eastward, disappearing at 40,000 feet. It leaves no vapor trail. 2/19/1951 #5449 tallic object, estimated to be 120 feet long and 10-12 feet thick. The UFO 2/26/1951 #5462 ated to be 120 feet long and 10-12 feet thick. The UFO hovered, puffed smok 2/26/1951 #5462 s. It looks like a car headlight 5 feet off the ground, three times. Jeston 3/1951 #5469 mph and an altitude of 3,000–4,000 feet. It stops and hovers about 30 miles 3/1951 #5470 aft engineers are flying at 15,000 feet in a B-50 Superfortress near Hollom 3/14/1951 #5483 from north to south at about 4,000 feet altitude near the club’s hanger in 3/15/1951 #5489 lhi, India. The cloud is about 700 feet in length. At the end of it a bulle 3/15/1951 #5489 object appears, approximately 100 feet long and as big around as a C-47 fu 3/15/1951 #5489 ting around the airplane at 21,000 feet for 20 minutes about 100 miles sout 5/22/1951 #5517 meadow. Approaching to within 150 feet of it, he finds himself paralyzed a 6/19/1951 #5546 s. The objects ascend to about 300 feet and climb rapidly after that. The p 6/19/1951 #5546 passing overhead at 10,000–15,000 feet. 7/1/1951 #5558 ne the UFO appeared to be 10 to 15 feet in diam. UFO caused air disturbance 7/10/1951 #5571 nd, with a 35mm camera, shoots 200 feet of film. The UFO shows on the film 7/14/1951 #5575 at 900 mph at an altitude of 1500 feet over Portsmouth, New Hampshire at 7 7/24/1951 #5585 s an unofficial altitude of 79,494 feet in a Douglas D-558-2 Skyrocket, an 8/15/1951 #5607 s as large as a B-36, flying at 80 feet at about 300 mph. It has glowing wh 8/25/1951 #5626 wingspan of a B-36 bomber, or 350 feet. It had dark, chordwise stripes on 8/25/1951 #5628 Washington, tracks a UFO at 13,000 feet going 950 mph on two different sets 8/26/1951 #5631 estimates the objects are at 2,000 feet altitude and flying at 700 mph—much 8/30/1951 #5638 the length of a B-29 fuselage (100 feet). It is aluminum or silver-yellow w 8/31/1951 #5642 ward, drifting slowly at about 150 feet altitude. It then shoots up in a ci 8/31/1951 #5642 s a flying saucer hovering some 20 feet up. It is lenticular, perhaps 100 f 9/1951 #5647 up. It is lenticular, perhaps 100 feet in diameter, and dull silver metall 9/1951 #5647 ” flying at 900 mph at 5,000–8,000 feet over Sandy Hook. It makes a 90° ban 9/10/1951 #5660 rd were flying in a T-33 at 20,000 feet from Dover AFB when at 11:35 a.m. E 9/10/1951 #5661 e object passed within about 8,000 feet distance of the T-33, descending fr 9/10/1951 #5661 T-33, descending from about 12,000 feet to 5000 feet and heading out to sea 9/10/1951 #5661 ing from about 12,000 feet to 5000 feet and heading out to sea at high spee 9/10/1951 #5661 e. Lock Martin, who is more than 7 feet tall, plays the robot Gort. 9/18/1951 #5677 he B-36, which is flying at 18,000 feet over southwest Baffin Island, Nunav 9/18/1951 #5678 controlled orbit at around 55,000 feet, but they run low on fuel and have 9/23/1951 #5685 the fleet at an altitude of 5,000 feet and speeds of “slow” to 1,000 mph. Fall 1951 #5686 as in a left orbit at about 50,000 feet, above the F-86's. It appeared to b 9/23/1951 #5687 rived there at 8:10 a.m. at 43,000 feet, and spotted the object at the one 9/23/1951 #5687 aring to be at about 50,000-55,000 feet in a controlled orbit. It looked li 9/23/1951 #5687 s made climbing turns up to 43,500 feet under the now round silvery object 9/23/1951 #5687 now round silvery object at 55,000 feet over the San Bernardino Mountains. 9/23/1951 #5687 ot Charles Warren, flying at 5,000 feet east of Paris, Illinois, sees a sil 10/9/1951 #5715 nd the balloon, which is at 20,000 feet. The UFO has a peculiar glow. It co 10/10/1951 #5719 d Dick Reilly are flying at 10,000 feet north of Minneapolis, Minnesota, ob 10/11/1951 #5725 e at an altitude of a few thousand feet a formation of 18 silvery, rotating 10/30/1951 #5754 g east of Abilene, Texas, at 4,500 feet. They see a bright-green, projectil 11/2/1951 #5763 imated the diameter to be about 30 feet. It was blue-green in color, with w 11/2/1951 #5765 H. R. DeHoney is flying at 11,000 feet about 20 miles south of Flagstaff, 11/3/1951 #5766 over Mankato, Minnesota, at 25,000 feet when he sees a white object shaped 11/24/1951 #5789 overs at first, then it passes 100 feet above and to the left of his aircra 11/24/1951 #5789 nd object flying west at 500–1,000 feet at about 1,000 mph. 11/24/1951 #5790 square object, estimated to be 20 feet wide, that moved up and down twice. 12/7/1951 #5812 n, flying a P-51 fighter at 10,000 feet, sees a whitish or gray object off 12/12/1951 #5817 wing about one mile away and 1,000 feet below his flight level about five m 12/12/1951 #5817 ject. The big one is about 150–200 feet long, charcoal or gunmetal in color 1952 #5841 al in color, and is hovering 50–75 feet above some salt flats. The UFOs are 1952 #5841 hem to the east, about 1,500–1,800 feet away. One of the witnesses, airplan 1952 #5841 hat it is a winged man well over 7 feet tall with a wingspread of 7 feet. T 1952 #5842 7 feet tall with a wingspread of 7 feet. Taylor fires at it repeatedly with 1952 #5842 We have your contact aboard 80,000 feet above this place.” Other messages s 1/6/1952 #5861 grew to a golden shining disc, 100 feet in diameter. The UFO cavorted for s 1/7/1952 #5862 nderneath low cloud cover at 4,700 feet at 1,400 mph. 1/20/1952 #5868 M torpedo plane was flying at 6000 feet altitude when the crew first spotte 1/21/1952 #5872 was estimated to be from 20 to 30 feet in diameter, at a minimum distance 1/21/1952 #5872 at a minimum distance of only 2000 feet. When it was first seen it was at 2 1/21/1952 #5872 en it was first seen it was at 200 feet, and then climbed to the plane's al 1/21/1952 #5872 UFO traveling 1,500 mph at 23,000 feet. When an F-94 is sent to intercept, 1/22/1952 #5876 on radar, and closes to within 900 feet. At this point, the pilot pulls awa 1/22/1952 #5876 UFO moving at 1,500 mph at 23,000 feet. Three F-94s were vectored in. Ther 1/22/1952 #5877 discs, each estimated to be three feet in diameter, followed a B-29 Superf 1/29/1952 #5887 ng from 600 to 1,800 mph at 52,000 feet altitude. It splits into two target 2/2/1952 #5893 object. When it came within 3,000 feet it emitted a luminous beam of light 2/24/1952 #5929 ng toward them and stops about 100 feet above the road in front of them, ab 3/1952 #5940 e road in front of them, about 300 feet away. The object is a 250-foot blac 3/1952 #5940 him at an altitude of 5,000–7,500 feet while he is waiting for a bus in Oa 3/10/1952 #5953 otion. He thinks they are about 45 feet long. 3/10/1952 #5953 les away. He thinks they are 1,000 feet apart and moving southeast to north 3/26/1952 #5978 first F-84 overtakes him at 6,000 feet when the T-6 pilot notices a small 3/29/1952 #5992 e object, which comes within 30–50 feet of the T-6. The pilot estimates it 3/29/1952 #5992 a diameter of approximately 36– 45 feet, they travel in a precise and light 3/29/1952 #5993 s in elevation from 2,400 to 3,000 feet are accomplished in a few seconds. 3/29/1952 #5993 discs often move down to within 60 feet of the treetops. A Commander Pierre 3/29/1952 #5993 roach he comes to within about 260 feet of one of the discs. Suddenly they 3/29/1952 #5993 st. He estimates its length at 100 feet. 3/29/1952 #5994 s overfly the area at about 15,000 feet. After watching the hovering object 4/2/1952 #6017 disc-shaped UFO estimated to be 35 feet in diameter. Air Force jets were sc 4/9/1952 #6051 ltitude (between 10,000 and 20,000 feet) and moving in his direction. Its s 4/19/1952 #6131 k in the morning, flying at 40,000 feet altitude. It was moving from north 4/20/1952 #6141 w a white elliptical object, three feet in diameter and blinking regularly 4/22/1952 #6156 e estimates its altitude at 40,000 feet. It decelerates abruptly and goes i 4/23/1952 #6162 at it is passing overhead at 2,000 feet altitude at 200–400 mph and is roug 4/23/1952 #6163 e at 200–400 mph and is roughly 60 feet wide by 20 feet long. They watch it 4/23/1952 #6163 and is roughly 60 feet wide by 20 feet long. They watch it for 10 seconds 4/23/1952 #6163 y over the office and is about 4–5 feet in diameter. It flies in a slow arc 4/25/1952 #6185 an overcast. This one is about 100 feet in diameter. Two identical objects 4/25/1952 #6185 served an object approximately 200 feet in daiameter and approximately 200 4/27/1952 #6195 in daiameter and approximately 200 feet off the ground. (NICAP: 02 - Close 4/27/1952 #6195 served an object approximately 200 feet in daiameter and approximately 200 4/27/1952 #6196 in daiameter and approximately 200 feet off the ground (NICAP: 02 - Close E 4/27/1952 #6196 ith. Later two anomalous holes, 25 feet apart and two feet wide by 7.5 feet 4/30/1952 #6225 alous holes, 25 feet apart and two feet wide by 7.5 feet wide, were found i 4/30/1952 #6225 eet apart and two feet wide by 7.5 feet wide, were found in the ground. 4/30/1952 #6225 M33 scope at an altitude of 18,000 feet about 130 miles from the capital (w 5/1952 #6229 ng wingless silver object at 5,000 feet altitude in the Hanford area (NICAP 5/1/1952 #6236 ates they have a diameter of 20–25 feet and a thickness of 10–12 feet. 5/1/1952 #6243 0–25 feet and a thickness of 10–12 feet. 5/1/1952 #6243 900–1,200 mph and are 1,000–1,200 feet in diameter. Four miles away at App 5/1/1952 #6244 on top. Its estimated size was 300 feet in diameter. An apparent discrepanc 5/7/1952 #6271 ed Constellation aircraft at 8,000 feet en route from San Juan, Puerto Rico 5/8/1952 #6275 hwest to northeast at above 20,000 feet. The first object seems to waver on 5/10/1952 #6296 e the terrain was 30,000 to 40,000 feet. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 5/12/1952 #6304 above the terrain is 20,000–30,000 feet. It appears to be about 40–50 miles 5/12/1952 #6305 timated altitude was 30,000-40,000 feet. The object traveled three times ov 5/12/1952 #6306 ghter Bomber Group flying at 9,000 feet over North Korea encounters a silve 5/15/1952 #6332 a silver object estimated to be 50 feet in diameter. It appears ahead of hi 5/15/1952 #6332 way and below them at 8,000–10,000 feet. Seen for only 3– 5 seconds, the ob 5/15/1952 #6333 t Lawn Drive, he gets to within 30 feet of it when it hovers. Just before i 5/23/1952 #6350 away, two smaller green globes, 3 feet in diameter, shoot out of it and ap 5/23/1952 #6350 st to east at 2,000 mph and 10,000 feet altitude. They hear deep, soft inte 5/25/1952 #6363 bject with onboard radar at 21,000 feet and begins to close. Both the pilot 5/26/1952 #6366 the object at a distance of 7,800 feet after 15 seconds of contact. 5/26/1952 #6366 olves three B-29s flying at 15,000 feet. Another sighting takes place aroun 5/28/1952 #6378 oma. That crew is flying at 25,000 feet. Three hours later the final sighti 5/28/1952 #6378 ahoma, also with a B- 29 at 25,000 feet. The aircrews making these reports 5/28/1952 #6378 itude of between 10,000 and 15,000 feet at a supersonic speed and left a wh 5/29/1952 #6385 a C-54 transport mission at 8,500 feet near Oshima, Japan, sees a dark obj 5/30/1952 #6388 maneuvers and pulls away at 30,000 feet. 5/31/1952 #6392 ct Which Suddenly Climbs To 55,000 Feet (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 6/1/1952 #6409 ta Monica at an altitude of 11,000 feet. The object suddenly triples its sp 6/1/1952 #6418 climbs over Los Angeles at 35,000 feet per minute. The target then levels 6/1/1952 #6418 ve, and levels out again at 55,000 feet. They lose the blip somewhere near 6/1/1952 #6418 acked a UFO that climbed to 35,000 feet, dove and then pulled out of the di 6/1/1952 #6419 disc were sighted flying at 15,000 feet altitude in Chartres, France. The t 6/4/1952 #6439 rge red nocturnal light hover 1000 feet over the main gate to the Strategic 6/5/1952 #6449 rds watched a light hover at 1,000 feet over the 5th Air Force Base near Se 6/7/1952 #6462 e objects are approximately 15,000 feet in altitude and traveling 300 mph. 6/8/1952 #6469 or 40 seconds at 500 mph and 6,000 feet altitude several miles east of O’Ha 6/11/1952 #6476 at an altitude greater than 60,000 feet. 6/12/1952 #6490 used in athletics, about 25 to 30 feet in diameter hovering (NICAP: 02 - C 6/13/1952 #6492 ct with a golden glow” above 35000 feet altitude. At 20:05 the jet lost sig 6/15/1952 #6498 onds at an altitude of 5,000–8,000 feet and then rises and merges in 2–5 se 6/15/1952 #6509 ltocumulus clouds at 11,000–12,000 feet. Its diameter is about 100 feet and 6/15/1952 #6509 00 feet. Its diameter is about 100 feet and speed at least 800 mph. 6/15/1952 #6509 y sphere but after reaching 35,000 feet turns back. At 7:35 p.m., a UFO emi 6/15/1952 #6510 ver object at approximately 11,000 feet in altitude off their left wing. Th 6/18/1952 #6541 object, which appears to be 10–20 feet in diameter. It flies away at an es 6/20/1952 #6562 r of a B-29 bomber flying at 8,000 feet altitude near Kelly AFB [now Kelly 6/21/1952 #6578 past the B-29 at a distance of 500 feet in one second. 6/21/1952 #6578 orida, picks up a target at 40,000 feet flying at 460 mph. A nearby B-29 vo Summer 1952 #6581 hting of the UFO, flying at 40,000 feet and 250 mph and appearing as a glow Summer 1952 #6581 past the B-29 at a distance of 500 feet for a very brief time. 6/21/1952 #6582 to investigate it, flying at 8,000 feet altitude. 6/21/1952 #6583 he north, dropping from 800 to 100 feet altitude over the west end of the r 6/22/1952 #6588 geants sighted an orange disc four feet in diameter just above an airstrip. 6/22/1952 #6589 rtically, emitting a red flame 2-5 feet long as it did so, and stopped mome 6/22/1952 #6589 id so, and stopped momentarily 100 feet over the end of the runway. The obj 6/22/1952 #6589 ith an estimated diameter of 15-20 feet, that made an irregular descent. It 6/23/1952 #6612 y white haze, and appears about 30 feet in diameter. During the next 45 min 6/29/1952 #6666 er, then continues at about 40,000 feet. The object’s path intersects contr 7/1/1952 #6689 sey, for about 5 minutes at 50,000 feet. As radar at Fort Monmouth detects 7/1/1952 #6690 watches 12–14 UFOs at about 10,000 feet. Looking like “two pie pans, one in 7/2/1952 #6694 tches two circular lights about 20 feet in diameter flying horizontally at 7/3/1952 #6704 endous speed at only a few hundred feet altitude. 7/3/1952 #6704 mic site in Washington State 9,000 feet above the Hanford atomic site in Wa 7/5/1952 #6716 commercial pilots flying at 9,000 feet above the Hanford atomic site in Wa 7/5/1952 #6716 dark discs 4–8 miles away at 6,000 feet hover for 15 seconds then fly away, 7/5/1952 #6717 scs were between 30,000 and 40,000 feet. The airmen observed the objects wh 7/9/1952 #6736 crew. He estimates its size at 100 feet, distance at 15–20 miles, and altit 7/9/1952 #6740 5–20 miles, and altitude at 30,000 feet, heading northwest. Griffin stops t 7/9/1952 #6740 lowly north-northwest above 20,000 feet 20 miles away. It gains altitude an 7/9/1952 #6740 he radar fix places them at 10,560 feet altitude and 7 miles distant. 7/10/1952 #6753 traveling 500 mph at 40,000–50,000 feet over Montrose Beach, Chicago, Illin 7/12/1952 #6784 ight Squadron are flying at 22,000 feet on a routine training mission (or o 7/12/1952 #6785 outh of Elgin, Illinois, at 22,000 feet traveling at 800 mph. The F-86 purs 7/12/1952 #6785 the airliner’s altitude of 11,000 feet, then parallel course off left wing 7/13/1952 #6797 n, New Jersey 9:12 p.m. Some 8,000 feet above the Chesapeake Bay in Marylan 7/14/1952 #6817 reddish-orange circles, about 100 feet in diameter and 15 feet thick, with 7/14/1952 #6817 about 100 feet in diameter and 15 feet thick, with sharply defined edges. 7/14/1952 #6817 They were each estimated to be 100 feet in diameter, and they suddenly flip 7/14/1952 #6818 shimmer metallic clothing about 4 feet high come out of a landed 40ft diam 7/16/1952 #6832 of speed in a tight circle 200–300 feet in diameter. A third UFO comes raci 7/16/1952 #6844 Beach and falls in several hundred feet below the other two, making a V for 7/16/1952 #6844 colored objects approximately 100 feet in diamter. The objects were observ 7/17/1952 #6861 ough a lightning storm at only 200 feet altitude, making sharp turns. 7/17/1952 #6870 r at an altitude of 25,000– 30,000 feet near Denver, Colorado, during a non 7/18/1952 #6895 on of Peru see a UFO flying at 325 feet shortly after their short-wave radi 7/19/1952 #6932 rcraft sighted at 15,000 to 20,000 feet then dove to 2000 feet (NICAP: 01 - 7/21/1952 #6969 0 to 20,000 feet then dove to 2000 feet (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/21/1952 #6969 an unusual object flying at 50,000 feet. Observing the blip are four radar 7/21/1952 #6982 hour and at an altitude of 50,000 feet. 7/21/1952 #6985 green object was observed at 8,000 feet. The object climbed to 14,000 in ar 7/22/1952 #7011 survived, he says, a little man 3 feet tall who is later kept alive in a s 7/22/1952 #7024 12:03 a.m. 37 miles away at 41,200 feet altitude heading almost directly to 7/22/1952 #7027 southeast at an altitude of 41,000 feet (reportedly Navy and CAA radars als 7/22/1952 #7027 see a high-speed object at 40,000 feet heading towards MacDill and traveli 7/22/1952 #7027 w gets a radar lock-on from 30,000 feet away of an object the size of an F- 7/22/1952 #7028 ject the size of an F-94. At 9,000 feet distance, the object makes a sharp 7/22/1952 #7028 (2) bluish lights approximately 5 feet in diameter, appearing as flat, dis 7/23/1952 #7071 two bluish lights approximately 5 feet in diameter. They appear as flat, d 7/23/1952 #7078 r at an altitude of 1,100 to 2,000 feet. When they are approximately 1.5 mi 7/23/1952 #7078 eed target heading north at 42,000 feet. It is confirmed by ADC radar at Ca 7/23/1952 #7079 terceptors flying at 35,000–46,000 feet altitude near Altoona, Pennsylvania 7/23/1952 #7081 ly at an altitude of 50,000–80,000 feet for 20 minutes. 7/23/1952 #7081 s hovering near the base at 75,000 feet. An Air force pilot named Capt. Swa 7/23/1952 #7083 that flew to the northwest at 1500 feet altitude, circled Bird Rock, then f 7/23/1952 #7085 ver Carson Sink, Nevada, at 11,000 feet when they see three unknown objects 7/24/1952 #7115 a transparent dome. It is about 82 feet in diameter and apparently taking u 7/25/1952 #7137 ligible language. All were about 4 feet 8 inches to 5 feet tall. They were 7/27/1952 #7216 ll were about 4 feet 8 inches to 5 feet tall. They were not dwarfs but full 7/27/1952 #7216 c. He learned that it measured 300 feet in diameter and was “six yards deep 7/27/1952 #7216 d craft, and the rim was about two feet thick. The ship had no rudder or st 7/27/1952 #7216 or that Bethurum estimated was 4 ½ feet wide and about 10 to 12 feet long. 7/27/1952 #7216 s 4 ½ feet wide and about 10 to 12 feet long. It was located atop the ship 7/27/1952 #7216 e many lights; one pilot at 25,000 feet sees an object blaze across the nos 7/29/1952 #7319 600 mph below an altitude of 5,000 feet. It was in sight for two minutes. T 7/29/1952 #7336 eding off. The object is about 100 feet long. Its surface is shiny “like ti 7/30/1952 #7362 visual contact but climb to 48,000 feet twice without reaching it. Smith ge 8/1/1952 #7408 silvery sphere estimated at 60,000 feet. They break off the intercept at 11 8/1/1952 #7408 objects hovering at 30,000–40,000 feet some 10 miles away from his positio 8/3/1952 #7435 an altitude of an estimated 5,000 feet, passes over Westover AFB [now West 8/5/1952 #7468 turn back after they reach 15,000 feet altitude. Around 12:00 midnight yet 8/5/1952 #7470 sses over Tokyo Bay at about 1,500 feet. It is a dark round shape surrounde 8/5/1952 #7472 0 p.m. James J. Allen sees a UFO 6 feet high, 8 feet long, and lighted insi 8/6/1952 #7490 J. Allen sees a UFO 6 feet high, 8 feet long, and lighted inside strike the 8/6/1952 #7490 he back yard. The object was eight feet long and stood six feet high. A lit 8/6/1952 #7493 was eight feet long and stood six feet high. A little man only 30 inches t 8/6/1952 #7493 rom a distance away of 3,000–5,000 feet. The object is at an estimated alti 8/9/1952 #7525 at an estimated altitude of 5,000 feet. It moves several hundred mph faste 8/9/1952 #7525 FB in Delaware is flying at 20,000 feet when both the pilot and his radar c 8/12/1952 #7559 ge light fly a left orbit at 8,000 feet and 230 mph, then spiral down to no 8/13/1952 #7577 spiral down to no more than 1,500 feet, remain stationary for 2–3 minutes, 8/13/1952 #7577 piraled down to no more than 1,500 feet altitude, remained stationary for 2 8/13/1952 #7579 that the ball passes over at 5,000 feet, growing fainter and fainter as it 8/14/1952 #7595 area at altitudes of 10,000–20,000 feet. The military claims the pilot can 8/15/1952 #7609 ling at tremendous speed at 10,000 feet toward the southwest. 8/15/1952 #7609 pire jet between 35,000 and 36,000 feet near Rockhampton, Queensland. Looki 8/15/1952 #7611 Columbus. He says the object is 30 feet in diameter and unoccupied, with mi Late Summer 1952 #7612 object fly through the sky at 500 feet altitude for several minutes. 8/20/1952 #7665 e light flying in the sky at 2,000 feet northeast of Elgin, Illinois. Sever 8/21/1952 #7670 s. Several times it rises to 5,000 feet in three minutes, hovers, then desc 8/21/1952 #7670 ur passes between 10,000 and 2,000 feet. On the fourth pass, it heads direc 8/21/1952 #7670 wn), New Mexico. They seem to be 6 feet in diameter and 2 miles away. One s 8/24/1952 #7713 ects climb straight up 2,000–3,000 feet. 8/24/1952 #7713 ge, disc-shaped object hovering 10 feet in the air on the right side of the 8/25/1952 #7732 on the right side of the road 750 feet away. The UFO looks like two bowls 8/25/1952 #7732 wls placed together end to end, 75 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 15 feet hig 8/25/1952 #7732 ether end to end, 75 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 15 feet high in the midse 8/25/1952 #7732 75 feet long, 40 feet wide, and 15 feet high in the midsection. Through a w 8/25/1952 #7732 . The object was hovering about 10 feet above the ground, 100 yards off the 8/25/1952 #7736 lake, splashing water eight to ten feet high. 8/26/1952 #7745 A little man about 70 cm tall (2.3 feet) emerged. The witness asked if he w 8/27/1952 #7756 rget at four miles range and 4,000 feet altitude. Robinson and others see o 8/28/1952 #7773 yhook instrument package at 74,000 feet for some 2–3 minutes. 8/29/1952 #7788 ado Springs, Colorado. They are 50 feet in diameter and 10 feet high, flyin 8/29/1952 #7789 hey are 50 feet in diameter and 10 feet high, flying in line at about 1,500 8/29/1952 #7789 a hole.” He gets as close as 1,500 feet before the object accelerates. When 9/1952 #7801 en it is again at a range of 3,000 feet, the pilot begins firing at the obj 9/1952 #7801 ge speed of 175 mph at about 2,000 feet. The 755th Aircraft Control and Wea 9/2/1952 #7829 t radar flying from 3,000 to 6,000 feet at a speed of 120–150 mph. The targ 9/2/1952 #7829 making passes at 800 and at 4,000 feet without making contact. The F-86s a 9/2/1952 #7829 heir path. The figure was about 12 feet high (4 meters), and it had a reddi 9/11/1952 #7896 20-foot wide pear-shaped about 50 feet away, which was pulsating between b 9/11/1952 #7896 h windows on one side circling 150 feet above the ground silently for nearl 9/12/1952 #7904 pulsating “ball of fire” about 50 feet to their right. They also detect a 9/12/1952 #7905 ge eyes blocked the path. About 12 feet high (4 meters), the figure had a r 9/12/1952 #7906 e spots a circular object about 35 feet in diameter hovering about 100 feet 9/14/1952 #7938 eet in diameter hovering about 100 feet above the ground. It has a row of r 9/14/1952 #7938 erside. As it descends to about 40 feet, the 13 cows bolt as the object dis 9/14/1952 #7938 ut 5 miles behind the jet at15,000 feet, swinging like a “falling sycamore 9/19/1952 #7980 n W. Kilburn, were flying at 5,000 feet altitude over Dishforth, North York 9/19/1952 #7981 d when they sighted a UFO at 1,000 feet above their plane at 10:53 a.m. The 9/19/1952 #7981 ght soldiers say the object is 200 feet across, trailing red-orange sparks. 9/22/1952 #8007 particles or flashes, up to three feet in length, stream past their aircra 9/24/1952 #8023 reen light. He estimates it is 100 feet in diameter and 500–600 feet high, 10/1952 #8076 s 100 feet in diameter and 500–600 feet high, and it gives off a “weird lig 10/1952 #8076 A white, saucer-shaped object, 13 feet in diameter, comes in from the west 10/2/1952? #8085 high speed and passes him only 325 feet away. It falls with a violent splas 10/2/1952? #8085 The object was estimated to be 100 feet in diameter and it flew at 300-400 10/19/1952 #8166 tude navigation exercise at 35,000 feet. Not long after breaking out of a c 10/21/1952 #8172 ud during a climb at 13,000–14,000 feet, they see three circular, white obj 10/21/1952 #8172 ng over Elberton, Alabama at 5,000 feet in a Beech T-11 trainer, USAF Lt. R 10/24/1952 #8182 bank. They were oval shaped, 30-50 feet in diameter, had no trail, no exhau 11/13/1952 #8272 h from a distance. Five-and-a-half feet tall, Orthon [could Adamski have th 11/20/1952 #8309 It's estimated altitude was 50,000 feet; "not a star" according to the witn 11/28/1952 #8354 ghters scrambled. A pilot at 6,000 feet sees nothing. CAA Senior Airways Sp 11/30/1952 #8359 is flying a T-28 trainer at 6,000 feet when he sees a bright bluish-white 12/4/1952 #8377 ect below him at about 1,500–2,000 feet and rapidly climbing to his level. 12/4/1952 #8377 w, but it suddenly climbs to 9,000 feet in several seconds and drops down t 12/4/1952 #8377 m., wavering slightly at about 300 feet. He sees the object as a blurred re 12/4/1952 #8377 T-28. It rapidly ascends to 15,000 feet then circles left as if positioning 12/4/1952 #8377 ning lights, spirals down to 1,500 feet while keeping the object in sight a 12/4/1952 #8377 Washington, while flying at 26,000 feet. They contact the ground control st 12/10/1952 #8409 d light crossing the road about 30 feet in the air, then hovering. Suddenly 12/21/1952 #8439 nshu, Japan, in an F-84G at 27,000 feet in altitude, observes an object lik 12/29/1952 #8461 nd red. Blakeslee climbs to 35,000 feet, at which point he is level with th 12/29/1952 #8461 aining flight headed west at 6,000 feet altitude and 300 mph when they see 12/29/1952 #8462 near Vega, Texas. It is about 350 feet long at their 11 o’clock position, 12/29/1952 #8462 t suddenly climbs vertically 7,000 feet in 5 seconds (about 2,000 mph) to d 12/29/1952 #8462 disappear in thin clouds at 13,000 feet and causing the clouds to glow as i 12/29/1952 #8462 mouth, indistinct nose, hands and feet. Wore tight fitting, dark colored s 1953? #8470 The object levels off about 1,000 feet overhead, slows, and paces the airc 1953 #8477 white disc hovering at 6,000–7,000 feet. Within a second or so, it moves a 1953 #8478 they had no knees and were 3 1/2-4 feet tall, large heads covered by a helm 1953 #8484 oviet apartment building about 325 feet west of the embassy, affecting the 1/1953 #8486 . The object is an estimated 25–40 feet long and 6–8 or 18–25 feet thick an 1/1/1953 #8494 d 25–40 feet long and 6–8 or 18–25 feet thick and looks like two soup bowls 1/1/1953 #8494 e Missouri River to within 150–300 feet away then climbs fast horizontally 1/1/1953 #8494 ic dome shaped UFO maneuvered five feet above a hayfield in Santana dos Mon 1/3/1953 #8500 sideways movements at about 8,000 feet below scattered clouds. It moves aw 1/8/1953 #8515 apan. The radar locks on at 15,000 feet and contact is broken at a range of 1/9/1953 #8524 ontact is broken at a range of 600 feet. The radar observer reports unusual 1/9/1953 #8524 aller than a Volkswagen hovering 6 feet from the ground. He approaches to w 1/12/1953 #8535 ground. He approaches to within 6 feet of it, and a door opens. Two entitl 1/12/1953 #8535 opens. Two entitles shorter than 5 feet tall, wearing lead-colored clothing 1/12/1953 #8535 hwesterly direction at about 6,500 feet. It almost stops in mid-flight then 1/17/1953 #8549 then rises vertically about 1,500 feet, hovers for about 2 seconds, then i 1/17/1953 #8549 th at an altitude of 10,000-15,000 feet moving away from the site at 12-15 1/26/1953 #8576 tion. Flying at an estimated 2,000 feet altitude, they changed into a row f 1/28/1953 #8605 bove the F-94B, which is at 23,000 feet. Goetting attempts to intercept the 1/29/1953 #8615 n oblong-shaped, lighted object 10 feet above the trees moving slowly or ho 1/29/1953 #8616 ey estimate their height as 20,000 feet and speed as 1,200 mph. They watch 1/29/1953 #8617 r altitude to range between 15,000 feet to 30,000 feet flying in a manner s 2/1/1953 #8627 ange between 15,000 feet to 30,000 feet flying in a manner similar to conve 2/1/1953 #8627 an altitude of approximately 7,000 feet on a southeast course, circling and 2/6/1953 #8643 an altitude of approximately 7,000 feet on a southeasterly course, and bega 2/6/1953 #8644 k for fuel. Flying south at 20,000 feet, he notices a light below him on th 2/11/1953 #8664 to his altitude and is only 2,000 feet away. Closing in on it, he sees it 2/11/1953 #8664 c with blinking red lights. At 350 feet away, his cockpit is bathed in blue 2/11/1953 #8664 approaches him and gets within 350 feet, bathing his cockpit in blue-white 2/19/1953 #8686 es and was seen rotating at 30,000 feet altitude over a big oil field. 2/25/1953 #8706 tor pilot flying an F-84 at 25,000 feet over Blythe, California. He spots a 3/3/1953 #8727 fornia. He spots am object 300–500 feet wide leaving a contrail crossing hi 3/3/1953 #8727 ft to right at about 35,000–45,000 feet at about 400 mph. It is visible onl 3/3/1953 #8727 trail behind it for roughly 1,000 feet and splits in two. Thompson reaches 3/3/1953 #8727 ts in two. Thompson reaches 30,000 feet and closes to within roughly 5–10 m 3/3/1953 #8727 near Quartzite, Arizona filmed 30 feet of 16mm gun camera film that showed 3/3/1953 #8728 jon, Korea. It was described as 10 feet in diameter, and moving with a vibr 3/19/1953 #8763 shire, England, and soar to 55,000 feet, then a record for the aircraft. Cr Spring 1953 #8766 bed, is now sitting on it with her feet on the floor. The two women flee th 3/22/1953 #8775 Six of the beings were about five feet tall. Two of the beings were of ave 3/22/1953 #8776 ge height but thin, estimated at 5 feet 7 inches tall. They all had slender 3/22/1953 #8776 at an estimated altitude of 7,500 feet over Sweetwater, Nevada. No trail, 4/12/1953 #8819 d AFB, NV at an altitude of 10,500 feet. They described the discs as having 4/12/1953 #8821 ncounter takes place with only 400 feet of distance between the aircraft an 4/14/1953 #8824 eed runs,” many just a few hundred feet directly underneath the Navy aircra 4/14/1953 #8824 Objects were circular, about 230' feet in diameter, and silver in color. S 4/15/1953 #8827 e Central airliner flying at 9,000 feet above Chatham, New Brunswick, watch 4/16/1953 #8831 , rounded, delta-shaped object 5–7 feet in diameter flying at 60–80 mph wit 4/19/1953 #8838 e, rounded delta-shaped UFO, seven feet in estimated diameter, flew 100 fee 4/19/1953 #8839 et in estimated diameter, flew 100 feet above the ground at 60-80 mph in a 4/19/1953 #8839 ey are eating dinner. It stops 250 feet above the Richelieu River a bit mor 4/23/1953 #8845 at an estimated altitude of 60,000 feet, moving at an estimated speed of 12 4/28/1953 #8848 ying an F-94 interceptor at 24,000 feet about 10 miles south of Goose Bay A 5/1/1953 #8856 th a visible afterburner at 10,000 feet. The F-94 pursues it, both climbing 5/1/1953 #8856 ursues it, both climbing to 40,000 feet, but the object climbs out of sight 5/1/1953 #8856 ht climbing from about 4,000–5,000 feet in the west at great speed, althoug 5/10/1953 #8872 Q. Black sees a silvery object, 8 feet in diameter, land on a nearby sand 5/20/1953 #8889 rd” around it. The UFO is about 40 feet away, resting on a rock, and has tr 5/20/1953 #8889 sc. The object was oval shaped, 30 feet in diameter, and with a surface tha 5/21/1953 #8898 n a nearby tent was a dead body, 4 feet tall. The body was clothed in a sil 5/21/1953 #8898 now dead, dark brown complexion, 4 feet tall, wearing a silvery metallic su 5/21/1953 #8899 ore than 1,250 mph at 5,000–15,000 feet altitude. 5/23/1953 #8906 ion. Shortly after attaining 1,500 feet over the Base Rifle Range, the engi 6/1953 #8922 . One estimates it to be about 300 feet long and no greater than 150 feet i 6/17/1953 #8936 feet long and no greater than 150 feet in the air. The object makes a clou 6/17/1953 #8936 stiff when they walked, 3.5 to 4.0 feet tall, used Alien language. Summer 1953 #8945 along the side of the road only 6 feet away. They stop the car, and the be Summer 1953 #8953 sappear into the woods. They are 4 feet high, white, with satiny fur, and r Summer 1953 #8953 ng the balloon, which is at 18,000 feet. The object collides with the ballo 6/24/1953 #8969 id-air. The crash occurs at 19,000 feet near or over the Exeter/West Greenw 6/24/1953 #8970 ugh an opening come three dwarfs 2 feet tall, with yellow faces, narrow eye 7/1/1953 #8982 ing at altitude of 5 to 8 thousand feet near Perrin Tower, TX. Visually obs 7/26/1953 #9015 itudes from five to eight thousand feet. Visually observed from Perrin Towe 7/26/1953 #9017 red light, hovering at 5,000–8,000 feet. They are in a formation of two gro 7/26/1953 #9018 see a disc-shaped object about 16 feet in diameter land in a field near a 7/31/1953 #9028 deduced that UFOs are 100 or more feet in diameter, they can travel at spe 8/1953 #9034 three more UFOs are seen at 10,000 feet for three hours. Ruppelt personally 8/5/1953 #9049 el report a glowing disc about 200 feet in diameter over Moscow, Idaho. At 8/9/1953 #9058 , and he next saw a domed disc, 40 feet, making a humming sound. The beings 8/17/1953 #9078 en sticks in a circular area 40-45 feet wide. 8/17/1953 #9078 ey were only about four and a half feet tall, and they wore one-piece gray 8/18/1953 #9081 f corduroy that covered even their feet. They also had on wide, shiny black 8/18/1953 #9081 the mud puddles did not get their feet wet, and that their belts glowed wh 8/18/1953 #9081 s an unofficial altitude of 83,235 feet in a Douglas D-558-2 Skyrocket. 8/21/1953 #9095 transport plane at 140 mph at 6000 feet altitude on a training mission, enc 9/2/1953 #9137 0 degree turn. It descended to 700 feet or less, slowed and seemed to hover 9/2/1953 #9137 leveland, Ohio, at less than 3,000 feet altitude. It is shaped like an equi 9/7/1953 #9154 es a cigar-shaped object about 200 feet away. Apparently in trouble, it bel Autumn 1953 #9176 igar-shaped objects at about 3,000 feet altitude. He can also see an appare Late 9/1953 #9179 94 was moving at 345 mph at 21,000 feet. The same or another object is obse 9/28/1953 #9187 England, at an altitude of 36,000 feet above the Netherlands. Soon they ar 10/9/1953 #9217 e English Channel at 32,000–34,000 feet. The apparent speed on the approach 10/9/1953 #9217 a.m. a saucer maneuvered at 45,000 feet for 40 seconds over the General Mil 10/15/1953 #9231 d together, about three meters (10 feet) in length. When he tried to touch 10/25/1953 #9255 stops and hovers above the road 30 feet in front of them, emitting a green 11/1953 #9271 Geoffrey Smythe) flying at 30,000 feet near RAF West Malling [now closed], 11/3/1953 #9279 ller, who says it is about 350–450 feet in diameter and definitely not a ba 11/3/1953 #9280 at an altitude of more than 5,000 feet. 11/22/1953 #9315 get under radar guidance. At 8,000 feet, 160 miles northwest of the Soo Loc 11/23/1953 #9318 then alighted on the bay, only 15 feet away from one of them. The dark blu 11/28/1953 #9325 like two “basins” put together; 16 feet long, 8 feet high, and 6 feet wide. 11/28/1953 #9325 ins” put together; 16 feet long, 8 feet high, and 6 feet wide. Around the p 11/28/1953 #9325 ; 16 feet long, 8 feet high, and 6 feet wide. Around the perimeter was a th 11/28/1953 #9325 he hull was a sort of rudder three feet long. Sr. Serrate could see four yo 11/28/1953 #9325 10 seconds. It passes about 1,970 feet under the DC-3 at an altitude of 7, 12/15/1953 #9366 r the DC-3 at an altitude of 7,055 feet. Air Force Gen. Bengt Nordenskiöld 12/15/1953 #9366 scent-shaped) object about 170–230 feet wide flying at about 15,000 ±2,000 12/16/1953 #9374 wide flying at about 15,000 ±2,000 feet altitude to the west, hovering abou 12/16/1953 #9374 and climbed from 50 to 70 thousand feet, as quickly as you could say it. De Winter 1953 #9385 The object was estimated to be six feet long and a foot and a half in thick 12/26/1953 #9398 ry pilot got to within 600 and 800 feet distance from it. The duration of t 12/26/1953 #9398 slowly over a tree line about 200 feet away. It soon drops down out of sig 12/30/1953 #9409 ry, when suddenly an enormous (150 feet) round object appears from behind i 1/1954 #9429 ng at 700 mph at a height of 2,000 feet. Its apparent size is four times th 1/1/1954 #9436 f 4 miles, and a diameter of 1,500 feet. 1/1/1954 #9437 the sand. The largest are about 2 feet in diameter, perfectly round, and c 1/18/1954 #9493 ver their car at an altitude of 25 feet. The radio goes blank and the motor 1/29/1954 #9512 gone. Whitaker estimates it is 60 feet in diameter and traveling at 600 mp 1/29/1954 #9512 Carswell tower at just over 3,000 feet. Seen through binoculars, the UFO h 2/4/1954 #9535 without making any noise at 4,000 feet altitude. Separate blips on the rad 2/4/1954 #9536 s not translucent. The disc was 50 feet wide and 20 feet high and looked li 2/18/1954 #9555 . The disc was 50 feet wide and 20 feet high and looked like polished alumi 2/18/1954 #9555 ion, the RB-36 is flying at 40,000 feet and Hasty picks up two or three uni 3/1/1954 #9585 ied targets operating above 60,000 feet. From the cockpit the pilot and cop 3/1/1954 #9585 at an altitude of several thousand feet. 3/1/1954 #9587 -97 to a practice landing at 1,500 feet about 5-8 miles southwest of the ba 3/5/1954 #9598 Kerr flying another KC-97 at 1,500 feet about 5 miles southwest of Nouasseu 3/5/1954 #9598 llen, while flying a C-54 at 2,000 feet at Nouasseur base see a white or am 3/5/1954 #9598 they see a slim silver object 100 feet long and only 8 feet thick. They wa 3/18/1954 #9629 er object 100 feet long and only 8 feet thick. They watch the object as it 3/18/1954 #9629 again. They estimate it is 15,000 feet high and 10 miles away. 3/18/1954 #9629 uderdale, Florida, at about 26,000 feet and 400+ mph. He sees a gleaming wh 3/25/1954 #9643 object suddenly stops 3,000– 4,000 feet above his jet. He banks toward it a 3/25/1954 #9643 disc-shaped object flying at 3000 feet altitude over Cape Canaveral, Flori 3/25/1954 #9644 Flight 600, flying east at 19,000 feet 12 miles east of Cherokee (near Cre 3/28/1954 #9646 st of Sinclair, Wyoming, at 13,000 feet. 3/28/1954 #9646 otionless and appeared dead; 4-4.5 feet tall with large heads, in tight fit 4/12/1954 #9685 lored metallic box on the ground 3 feet long and 1 1/2 feet high with numbe 4/12/1954 #9685 n the ground 3 feet long and 1 1/2 feet high with numbers printed on it, th 4/12/1954 #9685 see a gleaming white ball about 10 feet in diameter float 50 feet above a h 4/22/1954 #9705 about 10 feet in diameter float 50 feet above a house. It appears alternate 4/22/1954 #9705 it approaches him to within a few feet, causing him to duck behind a car. 4/22/1954 #9705 heir clearing and stops only a few feet from the ground. It is over 600 fee Late 4/1954 #9720 et from the ground. It is over 600 feet long. Doridant flees, but Mougeolle Late 4/1954 #9720 nd he is instantly thrown about 18 feet away toward the base of a large roc Late 4/1954 #9720 set off by pranksters. A crater 16 feet in diameter and at least 6 feet dee 5/1/1954 #9744 16 feet in diameter and at least 6 feet deep is found, but no debris, even 5/1/1954 #9744 is, even though LaPaz digs down 25 feet for five days. Nearly 50 years late 5/1/1954 #9744 a gray, circular object at 60,000 feet maneuvering around an English Elect 5/5/1954 #9753 The object was estimated to be 10 feet in diameter, and the sighting repor 5/5/1954 #9754 huge object maneuvering at 90,000 feet and moving down to 15 miles altitud 5/7/1954 #9762 e length of the F3D-s (which is 22 feet long), had a wing span about equal 5/10/1954 #9772 a wing span about equal to it (20 feet), and had a third fin on its upper 5/10/1954 #9772 a disc-shaped object hovering ten feet above the ground. Below the object 5/11/1954 #9776 ments fall in strands averaging 30 feet in length over Shepparton, Victoria 5/12/1954 #9780 that the UFOs were at about 32,000 feet. 5/14/1954 #9796 owboat with a transparent dome, 20 feet long and 10 feet wide, pass slowly Late Spring 1954 #9803 nsparent dome, 20 feet long and 10 feet wide, pass slowly overhead, then st Late Spring 1954 #9803 is flying at an altitude of 18,500 feet at 253 mph. The speed of the object 5/24/1954 #9832 nd flying at an altitude of 18,500 feet, suddenly noticed a UFO below and t 5/24/1954 #9833 official record altitude of 90,440 feet in a Bell X-1A. 5/28/1954 #9838 hen see the object at about 10,000 feet higher than their 10,000 feet altit 6/1/1954 #9860 ,000 feet higher than their 10,000 feet altitude but cannot close with the 6/1/1954 #9860 . A large, dark cylinder, about 30 feet long and 15 feet high with a canopy 6/5/1954 #9866 ylinder, about 30 feet long and 15 feet high with a canopy and window on to 6/5/1954 #9866 rrs toward her. It hovers about 60 feet away. Her friend, Jeanette Johnston 6/5/1954 #9866 in a rectangular course at 75,000 feet for more than 2 hours. 6/14/1954 #9902 ee a hovering, domed disc about 40 feet in diameter with several rotating, 6/21/1954 #9920 as about 14 meters in diameter (40 feet) and had several rotating, flashing 6/21/1954 #9923 rifted over Cleveland, Ohio at 300 feet altitude. The object veered up shar 6/22/1954 #9929 t the size of a baseball at 25,000 feet. The object is extremely fast and m 6/23/1954 #9936 mington, Delaware, flying at 3,000 feet observes an object in the Zanesvill 6/26/1954 #9954 at approximately 18,000 to 20,000 feet. 6/26/1954 #9954 1:30 p.m. while crossing at 19,000 feet near Sept-Îles, Quebec, Howard, his 6/29/1954 #9962 and are tracked on radar at 24,000 feet 20 miles north of Albuquerque, New 7/3/1954 #9990 eemingly solid object is about 100 feet in diameter and flying at an altitu 8/1954 #10085 r and flying at an altitude of 500 feet. It disappears abruptly after 3–4 s 8/1954 #10085 1,000 mph at an altitude of 5,000 feet above the Dublin Mountains, Ireland 8/1/1954 #10090 econds. It then dropped down 3,000 feet in three seconds and hovered again 8/2/1954 #10095 us, nine foot wide sphere land 150 feet away from them in Hemmingford, Queb 8/7/1954 #10113 was a circle of flattened grass 30 feet in diameter where the object had re 8/7/1954 #10113 t 20 miles west of Lawson at 2,000 feet. Wade abandons the chase due to low 8/11/1954 #10126 at an estimated altitude of 2,500 feet and left going south. 8/22/1954 #10164 es an object like an enormous (300 feet long) cigar standing on end, hoveri 8/23/1954 #10170 ank of the Seine River about 1,000 feet away. Suddenly from the bottom of t 8/23/1954 #10170 l cylindrical flying object, 2-2.5 feet long and 4-5 feet in diameter that 8/24/1954 #10176 ng object, 2-2.5 feet long and 4-5 feet in diameter that made a loud whizzi 8/24/1954 #10176 The orange glow extended about ten feet. They hovered at first, then climbe 8/26/1954 #10183 , when he sees a small man about 3 feet tall with long, pointed ears and a 9/2/1954 #10232 ng in a crouched position about 20 feet away. It is dressed in a shiny garm 9/2/1954 #10232 floats to a nearby UFO hovering 5 feet from the ground. The next day his f 9/2/1954 #10232 year old child crouching about 20 feet away. The man had pointed ears and 9/2/1954 #10233 e disc-shaped object hovering five feet above the ground. He jumped in and 9/2/1954 #10233 s B-47 bomber are flying at 25,000 feet in the vicinity of Dallas, Texas, o 9/3/1954 #10239 y a missile-shaped object only 100 feet overhead that is slightly larger an 9/3/1954 #10239 he UFO then descends to within 300 feet of the bomber and begins circling i 9/3/1954 #10239 ddenly across the road, 900– 1,200 feet from the ground. When the car reach 9/7/1954 #10267 takes off. It has a diameter of 33 feet, and they notice it has a kind of d 9/7/1954 #10268 t had a diameter of ten meters (33 feet), and they noticed it had a kind of 9/7/1954 #10270 n Ireland. He thinks it is about 3 feet wide and flying at a height of 2,00 9/8/1954 #10273 de and flying at a height of 2,000 feet. Daniel McWilliam and James Bingham 9/8/1954 #10273 plode when it reaches about 15,000 feet. 9/8/1954 #10273 ers a cigar-shaped object about 13 feet long, which takes off to the northw 9/10/1954 #10285 racks. The creatures are about 3.5 feet tall with wide shoulders, short leg 9/10/1954 #10286 to cut them off and gets within 6 feet, he finds himself paralyzed as a po 9/10/1954 #10286 oses, the dark object rises to 100 feet, hovers, and speeds away. Five impr 9/10/1954 #10286 The beings were under 1 meter (3.3 feet) tall, bulky, and wore dark diving 9/10/1954 #10288 lly into a small thicket about 160 feet off the road and land. He can see a 9/12/1954 #10290 Helsinki, Finland. Flying at 2,600 feet, it gives off an intense light and 9/14/1954 #10300 disc descend to an altitude of 500 feet over three adjoining villages (Kado 9/15/1954 #10311 isc-shaped object approximately 20 feet in diameter was sighted by over 800 9/15/1954 #10313 ls as a round, shiny object, 10–15 feet in diameter, flies over the tower t 9/16/1954 #10323 cigar” moving at 179 mph at 3,500 feet. Blue Book receives a teletype abou 9/17/1954 #10333 had an estimated altitude of 2500 feet and a speed of 150-180 miles per ho 9/17/1954 #10335 t hovers, then lands vertically 50 feet away. A blond man, 5 feet 10 inches 9/21/1954 #10383 cally 50 feet away. A blond man, 5 feet 10 inches tall, appears, speaks in 9/21/1954 #10383 w two individuals, 2.5 meters (8.3 feet) tall emerge from a landed craft in 9/24/1954 #10438 away and hides in a bush. About 15 feet away, she sees an object about 16 f 9/26/1954 #10451 away, she sees an object about 16 feet in diameter resembling a top with a 9/26/1954 #10451 le notice a circular area about 10 feet in diameter where the ground and gr 9/26/1954 #10451 After approaching to within eight feet she saw it to be a "diving suit" of 9/26/1954 #10452 suit" of transparent plastic, 3.5 feet high. A little man with large eyes 9/26/1954 #10452 nd forth over an area of about 984 feet. Farnier thinks it looks similar to 9/30/1954 #10516 e vectored into the blip at 30,000 feet, but they can see nothing. Ground r 10/1954 #10537 CAF test pilot is flying at 30,000 feet over Montreal, Quebec, in an F-86 S 10/1/1954 #10565 ake Champlain. He climbs to 51,000 feet at 540 mph but is unable to close o 10/1/1954 #10565 makes a similar turn abiut 10,000 feet above him. As he returns to Montrea 10/1/1954 #10565 the road. A small entity, about 3 feet tall and dressed in a “diving suit, 10/1/1954 #10567 to it. When they get to within 200 feet of it, the object takes off at grea 10/1/1954 #10567 ds on the left side of the road 45 feet away. He sees short, dark shapes “l 10/1/1954 #10568 lso sees it and estimates it is 10 feet wide. 10/1/1954 #10569 ated the disc was three meters (10 feet) in diameter. 10/1/1954 #10579 ce. He sees a gray object about 12 feet long and 3 feet high on the ground Early 10/1954 #10609 ay object about 12 feet long and 3 feet high on the ground about 130 feet a Early 10/1954 #10609 feet high on the ground about 130 feet away. Two helmeted figures emerge f Early 10/1954 #10609 ing near a circular craft about 10 feet in diameter. It swiftly takes off. 10/3/1954 #10664 and scorched grass over an area 25 feet across. 10/3/1954 #10666 a luminous orange object about 10 feet wide land in a meadow on her farm. 10/4/1954 #10698 ur little men, one meter tall (3.3 feet) exited. As the three male witnesse 10/4/1954 #10708 ous ball moving west to east 1,500 feet away from them. It approaches to wi 10/5/1954 #10734 them. It approaches to within 450 feet, and they feel paralyzed with faint 10/5/1954 #10734 e object like an artillery shell 9 feet long. A small, dark form is standin 10/6/1954 #10756 ices a mysterious object about 300 feet away in a field between Monteux and 10/7/1954 #10790 aches the object, which is about 8 feet tall and phosphorescent. Suddenly i 10/7/1954 #10790 o red mushroom-shaped objects, six feet in diameter, landed this morning in 10/7/1954 #10796 ionde, France. Two little men, 2.5 feet tall stood beside it, speaking an u 10/7/1954 #10796 the cemetery. It is round, about 8 feet in diameter, and standing on three 10/8/1954 #10817 ng on three legs. A dwarf, about 4 feet tall, dressed in black, with a face 10/8/1954 #10817 ike "an oval sail" descend to five feet above the ground about 60 feet away 10/8/1954 #10820 ive feet above the ground about 60 feet away. Attached to it was a man dres 10/8/1954 #10820 ts upwards rapidly. It is about 20 feet in diameter and orange. Brown, oily 10/9/1954 #10855 ralyzed and see on the ground, 150 feet away, a round object with three sma 10/11/1954 #10938 aking up he sees the UFO within 60 feet of him. It emits a magnetic force t 10/12/1954 #10976 very disc with a diameter of 21–24 feet hovering over a wooden area off the 10/12/1954 #10978 d man) see a reddish disc about 12 feet in diameter near Bourrasol, a subur 10/13/1954 #11000 use, France. A small being about 4 feet tall is standing nearby wearing a d 10/13/1954 #11000 witness approaches to within 60–70 feet and is paralyzed. The UFO soon take 10/13/1954 #11000 he being stood about 1.2 meters (5 feet) tall, wearing a diving suit. "His 10/13/1954 #11004 sees a star-like object about 300 feet away from his house. Approaching to 10/14/1954 #11053 from his house. Approaching to 60 feet, he sees a “short young man” who is 10/14/1954 #11053 ver his house at an altitude of 50 feet. The cows panic and run away, appar 10/14/1954 #11056 irfield, Essex, England, at 16,000 feet. He sees three objects heading towa 10/14/1954 #11058 object is egg-shaped, flies at 50 feet above the ground, and emits intense 10/15/1954 #11109 the site is a deep crater about 18 feet in diameter. Poplar trees are parti 10/15/1954 #11110 lying one above the other at 1,000 feet. One floats down like a leaf, landi 10/15/1954 #11111 own like a leaf, landing about 350 feet in front of his car. Robert feels a 10/15/1954 #11111 ed as a figure about 1.2 meters (4 feet) tall moved around in the light of 10/16/1954 #11150 s and jumpy. A gray object about 4 feet in diameter rises from one side of 10/17/1954 #11176 over them. The mare rises about 9 feet into the air and Puyfourcat release 10/17/1954 #11176 approached he saw it was about 26 feet long and 7 feet high. From one end 10/17/1954 #11180 aw it was about 26 feet long and 7 feet high. From one end came “phosphores 10/17/1954 #11180 erged three hairy dwarves, about 3 feet 9 inches tall, walking “crab-wise,” 10/17/1954 #11180 e sees an elongated object about 5 feet high. A few minutes later he reache 10/18/1954 #11212 t elongated or flattened object 30 feet long. A police investigation was co 10/18/1954 #11218 human figure about one meter (3.3 feet) tall. The creature wore a helmet a 10/18/1954 #11220 y, when he sees a humanoid about 4 feet 3 inches tall in a scaly, luminous 10/19/1954 #11243 ot-like beings, 1.2 meters or four feet tall, descended from it on a long l 10/19/1954 #11254 ds glued to the wheel. At about 30 feet away, his engine stops and the yell 10/20/1954 #11275 included burnt soil in a circle 14 feet in diameter. 10/20/1954 #11279 tree and was about 1.3 meters (4.3 feet) tall. The entity had what looked l 10/20/1954 #11283 pron 1, Range B, approximately 500 feet away. The light alternates from dee 10/21/1954 #11304 humanoids, about 1.25 meters (4.1 feet) tall, emerged from it, and went ba 10/21/1954 #11305 ees an oval-shaped object about 20 feet long at treetop level. At the same 10/22/1954 #11319 ona, Italy, watches a UFO land 150 feet away with a sound like a compressor 10/23/1954 #11341 ents. The object then rises to 150 feet and takes off at a dizzying speed. 10/23/1954 #11341 ates its altitude as 40,000–45,000 feet and suggests that its real speed mu 10/24/1954 #11365 e sees an elongated object about 7 feet long with a green and a red light a 10/25/1954 #11392 take a look, but he only goes 300 feet along the road before the engine fa 10/25/1954 #11392 dday, flying at a height of 12,000 feet. The targets first appear in a U-fo Late 10/1954 #11393 t stood a small being, 1.40 m (4.6 feet) tall, clad in yellowish-brown cove 10/25/1954 #11395 light source. They were about five feet tall. 10/25/1954 #11404 lue lights at him. The entity is 5 feet 3 inches tall and dressed in a dive 10/26/1954 #11418 timated it was 10 in length, three feet in diameter, and had wings three fe 10/29/1954 #11484 t in diameter, and had wings three feet long. The wings of the object had c 10/29/1954 #11484 orth at an altitude of about 6,500 feet. 10/30/1954 #11492 . It measured about 4.5 meters (15 feet) in length and emitted a bright lig 10/31/1954 #11500 -piece coverall that covered their feet, short gray cloaks, and doublets wi 11/1/1954 #11520 n an empty lot. It is about 90–120 feet in diameter and surrounded in a vio 11/2/1954 #11537 e approaches it hesitantly from 60 feet away, feeling like running but he i 11/2/1954 #11537 d sees three humanoids less than 5 feet tall with dark brown skin and dress 11/2/1954 #11537 ks out of the object, dragging his feet. He jumps out of the door and runs 11/2/1954 #11537 Looking back at the object from 30 feet away, he sees it is hovering 30 fee 11/2/1954 #11537 et away, he sees it is hovering 30 feet above the ground then takes off swi 11/2/1954 #11537 two houses. The UFO was 90 to 120 feet in diameter and surrounded by a str 11/2/1954 #11539 cept that they were less than five feet tall. They had dark brown skin, sho 11/2/1954 #11539 the craft, literally dragging his feet backwards one step after another. T 11/2/1954 #11539 started to run away. When about 30 feet away he turned to look back and saw 11/2/1954 #11539 he craft was now hovering about 30 feet above the ground, having at the bot 11/2/1954 #11539 little men emerge from a window, 3 feet tall with dark brown skin. They are 11/4/1954 #11564 lvery, disc-shaped object about 50 feet in diameter land near the road at M 11/4/1954 #11565 the sky. It was 3-4 meters (10-15 feet) in diameter, and it looked like "t 11/4/1954 #11568 her." It came down and hovered six feet above the ground and only a few fee 11/4/1954 #11568 et above the ground and only a few feet away from the witness. Three small 11/4/1954 #11568 saw a luminous sphere hovering six feet above the ground. The two Indians w 11/4/1954 #11569 a white substance and a circle 10 feet in diameter. 11/5/1954 #11579 . Investigators find an area 12–15 feet in diameter where there are no leav 11/8/1954 #11599 strong light and hovering about 6 feet in the air. He finds himself tempor 11/8/1954 #11600 but the light reappears about 450 feet away, seemingly 18 feet long and co 11/8/1954 #11600 about 450 feet away, seemingly 18 feet long and cone-shaped. It takes off 11/8/1954 #11600 s Douglas PP-ANM airliner at 9,000 feet over Paraíbo do Sul, Rio de Janeiro 11/21/1954 #11683 coming from the northeast at 7,200 feet and passes below the airliner at hi 11/21/1954 #11683 n washbowl. It is a solid body 160 feet across, oscillating with a small li 11/22/1954 #11691 It descends and hovers only 3 or 4 feet away from them. It is round, about 11/23/1954 #11696 y from them. It is round, about 10 feet in diameter, and the bottom is blac 11/23/1954 #11696 It came down to hover only 3 or 4 feet away from them. It was round, about 11/23/1954 #11698 from them. It was round, about 10 feet in diameter, and the bottom was bla 11/23/1954 #11698 foot-wide, glowing ball hovering 6 feet above the street. When they get out 11/28/1954 #11722 loincloths. They were about three feet tall with clawed fingers. The dwarv 11/28/1954 #11724 gh the sky. The craft was about 70 feet in diameter, and had five evenly sp 11/28/1954 #11725 knot clip at an altitude of 65,000 feet?” 12/1954 #11736 branches of an oak tree about 165 feet away. It is pyramid-shaped and abou 12/3/1954 #11754 . It is pyramid-shaped and about 8 feet high and 2 feet in diameter, with f 12/3/1954 #11754 shaped and about 8 feet high and 2 feet in diameter, with four fins and a b 12/3/1954 #11754 ransparent object landed about 165 feet away. It has several rods protrudin 12/5/1954 #11764 with a propeller. Two men about 6 feet tall with blond hair and speaking a 12/5/1954 #11764 g out. Four small hairy figures, 3 feet tall, scramble out and grab Gómez a 12/9/1954 #11788 ch rose into the air slowly for 30 feet and then shot off at a high speed. 12/9/1954 #11789 meters wide and hovering just two feet off the ground. Flames emanated fro 12/10/1954 #11798 e object. Four hairy dwarfs, three feet tall, emerged and grabbed Gomez and 12/10/1954 #11798 usual object landing a few hundred feet away. His dog gets nervous and begi 12/15/1954 #11815 d the larger one, which is about 6 feet above the ground and has three ball 12/15/1954 #11815 ee a star ship descend and hover 8 feet above the ground, emitting a soft h 12/27/1954 #11864 domed disc-shaped object, about 60 feet in diameter, that silently descende 12/27/1954 #11865 , that silently descended to 10-12 feet above the ground. It had a flat hul 12/27/1954 #11865 ravel Mach 3 and Mach 4 at 100,000 feet, far faster than other fighters at 1955 #11897 ransfer of two dead humanoids, 4-5 feet tall, larger heads and slanted eyes 1955 #11900 red balloon-like object about 7–10 feet in diameter land near Oiartzun, Spa 1/3/1955 #11917 c-shaped UFO maneuvering at 20,000 feet. It focused a beam of light onto hi 1/16/1955 #11935 ast of Cochise, Arizona, at 13,000 feet and 238 mph when they see a bright 2/1/1955 #11960 to and Valera, Venezuela, at 7,500 feet. Celis and his copilot B. J. Cortes 2/2/1955 #11968 ghts were arranged in an arc, five feet above the ground. Two tall beings s 2/4/1955 #11974 force Razor moving to within 3,000 feet of ground zero, under the still-for 2/18/1955 #12010 ile. Some “ragged sheets” are many feet in length. Chemist Charles B. Ruten 2/21/1955 #12011 ing top, metallic, and about 20–30 feet in diameter with portholes around t 2/23/1955 #12015 gs estimates that the object is 80 feet above the ground. He sees a humanoi 2/23/1955 #12015 eechcraft plane is flying at 1,500 feet with a student in the Ryukyu Island 3/24/1955 #12059 disc with three windows about 900 feet on their left that appears to chang 3/24/1955 #12059 a disc-shaped object at least 100 feet in diameter while driving near Tucs 3/30/1955 #12071 rt see 10–15 flying objects, 60–70 feet in diameter, at about 25,000 feet. 5/4/1955 #12118 feet in diameter, at about 25,000 feet. They fly in loose formation for ab 5/4/1955 #12118 te oval-shaped objects, some 60-70 feet in diameter, moving "rapidly and je 5/4/1955 #12119 d a large domed disc hovering five feet above the courtyard outside his hou 5/14/1955 #12132 ect. It was at an estimated 30,000 feet altitude. It made 90 degree turns f 5/17/1955 #12139 d by small men—probably under four feet tall.” Flying Saucer Review editor 5/22/1955 #12148 St. Gulmier, France a 1.1 meter (5 feet) in diameter luminous white disc ho 5/31/1955 #12170 eed at an altitude of around 4,900 feet. He takes out his camera and snaps 6/5/1955 #12186 est Territories, Canada, at 10,500 feet range. The radar return is small an 6/7/1955 #12190 ta, Iowa at an altitude under 1000 feet at 9:47 p.m. It was luminous with a 6/15/1955 #12199 ite sparks at an altitude of 3,000 feet above Hârşeni, Romania. It is blue Summer 1955 #12206 Airlines DC-3 is cruising at 3,000 feet in good daylight visibility about 1 6/23/1955 #12209 raft from behind, an estimated 500 feet above their altitude. They estimate 6/23/1955 #12209 length of the object at about 150 feet. It is described as “light gray, al 6/23/1955 #12209 he notices 4 small figures about 3 feet high on the riverbank. A terrible s Late 6/1955 #12211 ted a cigar-shaped object at 7,000 feet altitude, emitting strong beams of 6/30/1955 #12222 g KC-97 Stratofreighters at 20,000 feet on a refueling mission off the coas 7/5/1955 #12238 y see two bright objects at 20,000 feet, apparently stationary. Ground rada 7/5/1955 #12238 n gray oval-shaped disc 100 to 150 feet in diameter. It was spinning and ma 7/17/1955 #12266 aped object flying slowly at 1,000 feet altitude. The liquid caused his bar 7/22/1955 #12280 the windows of the UFO, just a few feet above the ground, the witnesses see Late 7/1955 #12285 x. He sees a red light about 1,000 feet away coming at him at a right angle 8/1/1955 #12317 moves over his garage about 50–100 feet in the air. He sees a big red light 8/1/1955 #12317 RKS 1.2M small humanoid (or Grey). Feet together. Hops into alley. Silver d 8/16/1955 #12362 d its arms close to its sides, its feet close together, and walked by a ser 8/16/1955 #12363 mall figure in the street. It is 4 feet tall, dressed in skin-tight black c 8/16/1955 #12364 t human being about 1.20 meters (4 feet) tall, dressed in skin-tight black 8/16/1955 #12366 d its arms close to its sides, its feet close together, and walked by a ser 8/16/1955 #12366 s.” It tilts on its side about 600 feet from them, then straightens out wit 8/20/1955 #12379 th the ground and hovers about 225 feet from them and 40 feet above the sur 8/20/1955 #12379 rs about 225 feet from them and 40 feet above the surface of the lake. It i 8/20/1955 #12379 ly silent and looks to be only 4–5 feet across. 8/20/1955 #12379 in front of them, hovering just 40 feet over the water. It was silver white 8/20/1955 #12380 ilver white in color, four or five feet across, and at a distance of less t 8/20/1955 #12380 and descend into a gully about 500 feet north and about 35-40 feet lower el 8/21/1955 #12386 out 500 feet north and about 35-40 feet lower elevation. Glennie Lankford a 8/21/1955 #12386 se from the dark. They are about 3 feet high with roundish heads, elephanti 8/21/1955 #12386 official record altitude of 65,876 feet in an English Electric Canberra B.2 8/29/1955 #12415 houses,” came down to hover three feet from the ground. Beside it appeared 8/29/1955 #12416 t appeared a transparent being 3.5 feet tall, with red eyes and mouth, and 8/29/1955 #12416 udey reaches an altitude of 65,000 feet in a Lockheed U-2 at Groom Lake, Ne 9/8/1955 #12438 d a rush of air swept him from his feet. The object looked like a machine w 9/16/1955 #12456 d a rush of air swept him from his feet. The object looked like a machine w 9/16/1955 #12457 f 1,700 mph and an altitude 32,000 feet, was tracked on several radar sets 9/22/1955 #12469 says the plane is flying at 15,000 feet when three instruments go out after 10/3/1955 #12486 -dawn flight. The crew drops 5,000 feet, then the bomber hits something and 10/3/1955 #12486 ght, to an altitude of about 6,000 feet, where its speed then increased sha 10/4/1955 #12488 c-shaped UFO slowly ascend to 6000 feet and then shoot to the North. A seco 10/4/1955 #12489 of Waitara, New Zealand, at 8,000 feet for about 5 minutes. Capt. William 11/1/1955 #12540 object suddenly rises up to 30,000 feet then dives back down in a circle, b 12/11/1955 #12605 w at an estimated altitude of 2500 feet and vanished quickly from sight. 12/12/1955 #12609 with an apparent diameter of 4,900 feet rapidly flying above them at 1,960 1956 #12637 rapidly flying above them at 1,960 feet. It resembles a hat with red portho 1956 #12637 It stops for 2 minutes about 1,300 feet away at about 400 feet altitude. It 1956 #12638 about 1,300 feet away at about 400 feet altitude. It begins moving again at 1956 #12638 Busan, South Korea 150 feet offshore Busan, South Korea An obje 1/15/1956 #12661 b is seen falling into the sea 150 feet offshore Busan, South Korea, by lar 1/15/1956 #12661 r’s surface before sinking into 15 feet of water some 300 feet off the shor 2/9/1956 #12703 ing into 15 feet of water some 300 feet off the shore. Five county lifeguar 2/9/1956 #12703 wo F-89D fighters flying at 20,000 feet, one crewed by pilot Bowen and rada 2/12/1956 #12714 military base, Yvelines, at 4,500 feet (800 feet lower than the UFO). Orly 2/17/1956 #12723 base, Yvelines, at 4,500 feet (800 feet lower than the UFO). Orly radios th 2/17/1956 #12723 . Stoner flying an F-86D at 22,000 feet on an air defense mission saw a tar 3/3/1956 #12746 orange glow, then stopped just ten feet away and only four feet above the g 3/23/1956 #12765 d just ten feet away and only four feet above the ground. It made no sound. 3/23/1956 #12765 arly due west at 260 mph and 6,000 feet north of Schenectady, when a brilli 4/8/1956 #12803 at an altitude of 5,000 to 15,000 feet at an estimated speed of 36 mph. An 5/8/1956 #12838 are piloting a T-33 jet at 18,000 feet 58 miles northwest of Monroe, Louis 5/22/1956 #12865 in front of the T-33 at about 225 feet away. It flashes an intensely brigh 5/22/1956 #12865 he T-33. The object is about 30-40 feet long, elliptical in shape, shorter 5/22/1956 #12865 y stubby protrusions extending 3-4 feet and 25 feet long on each side. The 5/22/1956 #12865 trusions extending 3-4 feet and 25 feet long on each side. The bottom surfa 5/22/1956 #12865 steel with ribs extending down 2–4 feet with a wave-like appearance. It mov 5/22/1956 #12865 een a huge metallic disc about 250 feet in diameter with a blue light on to 6/1956 #12879 highway opposite to them about 30 feet away. Suddenly the side of the obje 6/1956 #12880 to be revolving at 5 to 6 thousand feet. Ground visual and ground radar sig 7/6/1956 #12955 sphere. They were two meters (6.6 feet) tall, had long blond hair, and wor 7/19/1956 #12991 ge three beings. They are nearly 6 feet tall and have long, blond hair, and 7/20/1956 #12996 . They were nearly two meters (6.6 feet) tall, had long, blond hair, and wo 7/20/1956 #12997 erwin Stenvers is flying at 16,000 feet over Pixley, California, in a Conva 7/22/1956 #13007 e Janeiro, Brazil. They are 75–100 feet in diameter and have two rows of co 7/26/1956 #13020 triangular formation, about 1,000 feet apart. All the targets then appear 8/13/1956 #13080 light by both air (a C-47 at 4,000 feet reports it passed underneath him) a 8/13/1956 #13080 OR Index) Object Tracked At 54,000 Feet (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 8/20/1956 #13104 e stalls when the object hovers 10 feet away. The underside resembles a dis 8/22/1956 #13116 F-86 fighter jet flying at 36,000 feet over the Canadian Rockies, near For 8/23/1956 #13125 d, Alberta. He is flying at 36,000 feet in the second position (far left si 8/27/1956 #13140 dome twirled like a top only four feet above the ground over a backyard in 8/27/1956 #13142 indicate it has a diameter of 600 feet). The pilots get permission to aban 8/30/1956 #13156 oving Ground, New Mexico, just 150 feet away from US Highway 70. Radios and 9/1956 #13167 six meter long ovoid UFO hovered 5 feet over a golf course in Dayton, Ohio. 9/2/1956 #13173 n, Ohio. It illuminated an area 40 feet wide. The sighting lasted more than 9/2/1956 #13173 y, Northern Ireland. They wade 600 feet into the bog until they come upon t 9/7/1956 #13202 until they come upon the small (3 feet high, 18 inches in diameter), red, 9/7/1956 #13202 Jr. reaches an altitude of 126,283 feet in the Bell X-2. 9/7/1956 #13203 notice a saucer hovering about 100 feet away in a field by the road. They s 9/15/1956 #13224 nd paces them at a distance of 300 feet. It is a huge metallic disc, 30 fee Fall 1956 #13237 et. It is a huge metallic disc, 30 feet thick at the center and 350–400 fee Fall 1956 #13237 et thick at the center and 350–400 feet wide, with a blurry glow around the Fall 1956 #13237 three blocks away. It is about 8–9 feet tall and approaches him closely, ho Fall 1956 #13238 sely, hovering in the air about 25 feet away. As it passes over him, the ma Fall 1956 #13238 the crew sees a metallic disc 100 feet in diameter fly toward the airplane Fall 1956 #13239 ion on the left wing less than 300 feet away. Other crew members rush to th Fall 1956 #13239 a cigar-shaped object some 60–100 feet long and 15 feet in diameter swiftl 10/2/1956 #13260 bject some 60–100 feet long and 15 feet in diameter swiftly descending towa 10/2/1956 #13260 ed elliptical object about 100–120 feet in diameter is seen by the tower. T 10/7/1956 #13266 w cloud cover at 10 to 12 thousand feet as if to elude them. The two pilots Late 1956 #13277 altitude of between 7000 and 8000 feet. It disappeared and reappeared seve 11/8/1956 #13315 the shape of a flattened sphere 24 feet wide and 9 feet high approaching fr 11/11/1956 #13322 lattened sphere 24 feet wide and 9 feet high approaching from the east. It 11/11/1956 #13322 ront of them at an altitude of 300 feet. As it makes a sharp turn toward th 11/11/1956 #13322 the middle of the road, about 300 feet in front of them, 3 feet above the 11/11/1956 #13322 about 300 feet in front of them, 3 feet above the ground. The object illumi 11/11/1956 #13322 te as a glowing red object about 3 feet in diameter flies over the railroad 11/16/1956 #13333 arolina. It was between 60 and 100 feet in diameter, and remained motionles 11/29/1956 #13364 ied object fly at an estimated 100 feet altitude over water from Charleston 11/30/1956 #13372 ] intakes” flying at 56,000–62,000 feet for 15 minutes at Victoria, Texas. 12/10/1956 #13396 iscovers two little men, 3.5 and 3 feet tall, standing motionless in her ba 12/17/1956 #13409 to see two dwarves. One was three feet tall, the other one three and a hal 12/17/1956 #13410 ll, the other one three and a half feet tall. Both wore tight silver suits 12/17/1956 #13410 lticellular life on land], were 12 feet tall, and built an underground city 1957 #13430 better look, but when they are 150 feet away, it takes off suddenly. 1957 #13436 tal sphere hovering at about 2,000 feet. It suddenly disappears but reappea 1/21/1957 #13468 f a nickel held at a distance of 5 feet. Its surface is not smooth but cris 2/13/1957 #13503 s like a “huge derby hat” about 50 feet in diameter. It is rocking slightly 3/6/1957 #13523 ped UFO with a rounded dome, 30-40 feet high and 50 feet in diameter. It ma 3/6/1957 #13524 unded dome, 30-40 feet high and 50 feet in diameter. It made a gentle rocki 3/6/1957 #13524 , Minnesota. It is circular, 15–18 feet in diameter, and its odd glow shine 3/8/1957 #13531 t flashes across the sky at 60,000 feet, dives to 14,000 feet, circles, and 4/4/1957 #13582 ky at 60,000 feet, dives to 14,000 feet, circles, and speeds away. Wing Com 4/4/1957 #13582 he road at a height of about 15–30 feet. Another witness, Jules Boglio, is 4/14/1957 #13602 ness, Jules Boglio, is about 1,000 feet away and sees the object land a sec 4/14/1957 #13602 they submerge. The objects are 30 feet long and wingless. 4/19/1957 #13607 t above the ground. When he is 600 feet away, he encounters a type of force 5/1957 #13630 ght up into the sky to about 1,200 feet and shoots off to the north. The fo 5/1957 #13630 ject approaching at a height of 15 feet. It is 15 feet in diameter with a r 5/1957 #13631 g at a height of 15 feet. It is 15 feet in diameter with a rim about 3 feet 5/1957 #13631 eet in diameter with a rim about 3 feet wide. It hovers with one side tilte 5/1957 #13631 with one side tilted toward her 50 feet away. Its lone occupant, a helmeted 5/1957 #13631 It is sitting on the far rim with feet and legs hidden by the lower part o 5/1957 #13631 ger cigar-shaped UFO about 75– 100 feet long. 5/1957? #13632 y after his engine fails. It is 65 feet in diameter and 16 feet thick, hove 5/1/1957 #13638 . It is 65 feet in diameter and 16 feet thick, hovering about 50 feet above 5/1/1957 #13638 d 16 feet thick, hovering about 50 feet above the ground. He hides in a dit 5/1/1957 #13638 e film rolls. They shoot about 100 feet then stop. During filming, the obje 5/2/1957 #13643 projectile.” He sees four men 4–5 feet tall approaching him in a threateni 5/10/1957 #13653 look out and see the occupants 300 feet away. The UFO is emitting red and w 5/10/1957 #13653 the trees. It descended to just 10 feet above the ground. Thin, bony lookin 5/10/1957 #13654 looking humanoids, seven to eight feet tall, emerged from the object weari 5/10/1957 #13654 ilhouettes of three short men (4-5 feet tall) with large heads and a torrer 5/10/1957 #13655 to go up with a wingman to 32,000 feet over East Anglia in pursuit. Over t 5/20/1957? #13667 ke, blue-green object at about 400 feet altitude. It then climbs rapidly to 6/3/1957 #13698 e. It then climbs rapidly to 1,000 feet and parallels the airliner at a hig 6/3/1957 #13698 ide of the airliner (then at 9,000 feet). A crew from the air tower confirm 6/3/1957 #13698 ad south, climbing to about 10,000 feet, and follow the airliner to Convers 6/3/1957 #13698 dive and the object passes only 50 feet above them. Two passengers suffer s 7/17/1957 #13809 rack a stationary target at 42,000 feet to the northwest about 82 miles awa 7/18/1957 #13811 place at between 18,500 and 20,000 feet altitude, with the idea of demonstr 7/19/1957 #13814 tion aircraft, is flying at 18,000 feet near Amarillo, Texas, when a big re 7/22/1957 #13817 observers at an altitude of 3,300 feet and produces a whistling sound that 7/25/1957 #13837 or 45 minutes as it hovers about 2 feet off the ground. It finally takes of 7/30/1957 #13862 figure with these measurements: 20 feet x 20 feet x 6.5 feet x 11.5 feet. T 7/30/1957 #13862 h these measurements: 20 feet x 20 feet x 6.5 feet x 11.5 feet. Two large t 7/30/1957 #13862 surements: 20 feet x 20 feet x 6.5 feet x 11.5 feet. Two large three-toed p 7/30/1957 #13862 0 feet x 20 feet x 6.5 feet x 11.5 feet. Two large three-toed prints are al 7/30/1957 #13862 ove some nearby trees at about 100 feet. It is about 1,000 feet long and ha 8/1957 #13868 about 100 feet. It is about 1,000 feet long and has a “soft delta” shape w 8/1957 #13868 hen it reaches the shore about 600 feet away, the object changes course and 8/5/1957 #13881 ps swing. Estimated to be about 80 feet in diameter, the objects seem to be 8/5/1957 #13881 ng their C-47 cargo plane at 6,300 feet over Joinville, Santa Catarina, Bra 8/14/1957 #13893 dives into the undercast at 5,700 feet. When the object hovers, it affects 8/14/1957 #13893 estimated altitude of 3,000–4,000 feet, traveling north to south. The obje 8/20/1957 #13912 ngine stalls when object hovers 10 feet away. Its underside resembles a dis 8/22/1957 #13924 lot is flying a Viscount at 12,000 feet approaching Norfolk, Virginia, with 8/30/1957 #13952 bove on the same heading at 20,000 feet. The Viscount pilot sees a brillian 8/30/1957 #13952 20 miles in front of us at 60,000 feet altitude.” The Northeast pilot trie 8/30/1957 #13952 ting sound and see a disc about 50 feet wide landing in the field and suppo 9/1957 #13966 tigate and sees two beings about 4 feet tall leave the UFO wearing green co 9/1957 #13966 eira are flying at night at 24,600 feet between Ota, Portugal, and Granada, 9/4/1957 #13978 a night training flight at 25,000 feet altitude between Cordoba and Coruch 9/4/1957 #13979 in altitude from 50,000 to 135,000 feet, is picked up over the Atlantic by 9/20/1957 #14020 o. Eleven or twelve men, all seven feet tall, walked through the cornfield, 9/25/1957 #14033 ving see a reddish-orange disc, 30 feet in diameter, just above the treetop 10/1957 #14051 descend vertically, hover about 20 feet above sea. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 10/8/1957 #14074 object, which is hovering about 20 feet above the ocean. They approach it. 10/8/1957 #14078 ion. It is hovering at about 5,000 feet and swinging in a balloon-like fash 10/8/1957 #14078 object appears to be more than 600 feet long. It lights up the entire area, 10/10/1957 #14095 d flies over the vehicle about 130 feet away. The object is about 3 feet in 10/10/1957 #14095 0 feet away. The object is about 3 feet in diameter by 40 inches high and i 10/10/1957 #14095 sed plates separated by a strip 65 feet thick. When it is at an altitude of 10/10/1957 #14095 k. When it is at an altitude of 20 feet, the UFO stops in the air and its l 10/10/1957 #14095 takes off, stopping at about 1,650 feet altitude. At that moment a smaller 10/10/1957 #14095 d see a bright object hovering 300 feet in the air. He approaches it, but i 10/14/1957 #14111 in County, Indiana, at about 1,500 feet. It appears to be silver and platte 10/15/1957 #14120 ver and platter-shaped, perhaps 12 feet in diameter, with a pink flame comi 10/15/1957 #14120 orth at an altitude of 1,000–1,500 feet. 10/16/1957 #14130 y is flying a Meteor jet at 28,000 feet on a training exercise from RAF Nor 10/21/1957 #14139 s of "angel hair" as long as fifty feet fell over a 110 mile-long area from 10/23/1957 #14150 se. They were about 1.20 meters (4 feet) tall, had long reddish-yellow hair 10/25/1957 #14157 ject appears in the road about 250 feet ahead. Pulju tries to turn around, 10/30/1957 #14167 when they spot an object about 200 feet long in the sky. Suddenly the objec 10/31/1957 #14176 o investigate. It climbs to 45,000 feet, but the objects are still above it 11/1/1957 #14189 object, red and white, about 40–60 feet long and about 10 feet high, at gro 11/2/1957 #14214 about 40–60 feet long and about 10 feet high, at ground level. A figure is 11/2/1957 #14214 ses directly overhead at about 200 feet with a loud thundering roar, a rush 11/2/1957 #14216 aped object estimated at about 200 feet in length. Several reports confirme 11/2/1957 #14221 a bluish-green tint, about 75–125 feet long. After a few minutes, the obje 11/3/1957 #14243 t is egg or oval-shaped, about 200 feet long, 200 feet away, sitting in the 11/3/1957 #14247 l-shaped, about 200 feet long, 200 feet away, sitting in the road. He hears 11/3/1957 #14247 he sky. It drops down to about 150 feet and the light goes out. A few minut 11/3/1957 #14249 FO is egg-shaped and about 225–300 feet in diameter. 11/3/1957 #14249 turns to white, possibly 200– 300 feet in size and 4–5 miles away. It brig 11/3/1957 #14251 y from the ground or from about 50 feet over the bunker up to about 45° ele 11/3/1957 #14251 ingspan of a DC-3 and scarcely 300 feet away. Suddenly there is a strange b 11/4/1957 #14284 val or egg-shaped object about 500 feet wide with a slight purplish tinge h 11/4/1957 #14286 eline, descending from about 5,000 feet above ground level in a shallow div 11/4/1957 #14286 shallow dive to about 1,500–2,500 feet altitude as it swerves to pass to t 11/4/1957 #14286 passes above his car at about 150 feet, heading west and changing altitude 11/4/1957 #14287 ssion Road. It apparently moves 50 feet above a nearby school. He tries to 11/4/1957 #14288 north of the tower at about 1,500 feet. Radar tracks part of this maneuver 11/4/1957 #14289 he tower at about 50 mph and 20–30 feet above ground, observed through 7x b 11/4/1957 #14289 ulars until it reaches about 3,000 feet near the northeast corner of the fl 11/4/1957 #14289 heads east again at about 200–300 feet altitude. Suddenly it shoots up in 11/4/1957 #14289 car on the right side, about 1,000 feet up. It goes out for a time then swi 11/5/1957 #14345 ck on. At its largest, it seems 30 feet in diameter. It follows them all th 11/5/1957 #14345 5 p.m., an amber or orange UFO 200 feet long is seen for 5 minutes at Delav 11/5/1957 #14346 settle down in a ravine about 600 feet from him. The egg-shaped object is 11/5/1957 #14347 ound it. Two smallish men, about 5 feet 5 inches tall and wearing black lea 11/6/1957 #14421 ke an elongated egg in a field 300 feet away from his house. 20 minutes lat 11/6/1957 #14422 “oblong ring of pressed grass” 24 feet by 4.5 feet. In the afternoon, two 11/6/1957 #14422 g of pressed grass” 24 feet by 4.5 feet. In the afternoon, two men from the 11/6/1957 #14422 e curved like discs. When it is 60 feet away it stops in mid-air about 35 f 11/6/1957 #14424 away it stops in mid-air about 35 feet above the water, and the bottom par 11/6/1957 #14424 to blue green. It hovers about 200 feet above a field and lands with a soft 11/6/1957 #14430 a soft whirring sound, perhaps 500 feet away. Moore watches cautiously for 11/6/1957 #14430 a “covered dish,” and is about 50 feet in diameter, 15 feet high, with a c 11/6/1957 #14430 d is about 50 feet in diameter, 15 feet high, with a cone on top about 10 f 11/6/1957 #14430 high, with a cone on top about 10 feet high. It is pulsating slowly, and a 11/6/1957 #14430 because a silvery “blimp” about 5 feet high and 2 feet long is blocking th 11/7/1957 #14459 ry “blimp” about 5 feet high and 2 feet long is blocking the road. He walks 11/7/1957 #14459 e small, pasty-faced men about 4.5 feet tall emerge. Stevens feels paralyze 11/7/1957 #14459 watching three objects floating 50 feet above the ground. One of the object 11/7/1957 #14462 und inside. The object is about 30 feet long and has a shiny bottom and a g 11/7/1957 #14463 X report three flashing objects 50 feet above the ground before landing on 11/7/1957 #14465 wing the truck at a distance of 60 feet. Mary Horne says it is domed on the 11/8/1957 #14490 t with delta-shaped wings, 150–200 feet long and 40–50 feet wide. The wings 11/9/1957 #14505 wings, 150–200 feet long and 40–50 feet wide. The wings come back to about 11/9/1957 #14505 e. The wings come back to about 30 feet from the rear of the fuselage. It h 11/9/1957 #14505 a big silvery object about 20,000 feet in the air. Gile watches it for 3 m 11/9/1957 #14506 an elongated shape, and hovered 50 feet above the ground. His car engine di 11/9/1957 #14508 a glowing, domed disc hovering 60 feet above the rear of the kennel. It is 11/10/1957 #14521 rear of the kennel. It is about 40 feet in diameter and emitting puffy clou 11/10/1957 #14521 . He estimates it is about 200–500 feet long. The object lights up the enti 11/10/1957 #14524 and white light hovering 500–1,000 feet overhead. They hear a beeping sound 11/10/1957 #14525 dark patches zigzagging about 200 feet above the ground. 11/11/1957 #14534 ving low over a field some 300–600 feet away. It is emitting a red or orang 11/21/1957 #14589 t side of the road about 900–1,200 feet away. They are glowing brightly and 11/23/1957 #14603 ong estimates they are about 10–15 feet tall. When he approaches to within 11/23/1957 #14603 l. When he approaches to within 50 feet of the closest object, the hum incr 11/23/1957 #14603 e landing gears. The rise about 50 feet into the air and proceed across the 11/23/1957 #14603 h the object, but when they are 75 feet away, it moves to the east, then so 11/23/1957 #14604 s on the object, which is about 20 feet above some trees. The lights go out 11/23/1957 #14604 0 meters away. The objects were 50 feet in diameter, with a dome in the cen 11/23/1957 #14605 he edge. He walked up to within 50 feet of the objects during the next 20 m 11/23/1957 #14605 he sees a bright flash of light 20 feet above the highway in front of him. 11/28/1957 #14635 Borner is flying a DC-6B at 18,000 feet over Ras El-Kanayis, Egypt, when he 12/1/1957 #14660 as the UFO hovers overhead at 200 feet. It emits a high-pitched whining so 12/8/1957 #14691 tched whining sound. It is over 50 feet in diameter and has portholes. The 12/8/1957 #14691 us objects cross the sky at 20,000 feet altitude in Bogotá, Colombia. At 1: 12/10/1957 #14705 illo del Valle is flying at 10,000 feet near Mexico City when a brilliant l 12/11/1957 #14713 The object is approximately 20–30 feet long and dark gray or black in colo 12/16/1957 #14735 color, hovering motionless about 5 feet above the ground. Through its light 12/16/1957 #14735 house situated only a few hundred feet from Long Island Sound. At the begi 12/16/1957 #14736 ped craft coming to a stop just 10 feet from the hourse. It was 20 to 30 fe 12/16/1957 #14736 t from the hourse. It was 20 to 30 feet long, dark gray or black, with brig 12/16/1957 #14736 ject hovered motionless, just five feet above the ground. It had no wings, 12/16/1957 #14736 d a reddish orange in color. Their feet were out of view below the porthole 12/16/1957 #14736 could not have been more than four feet tall at the most, given the size of 12/16/1957 #14736 ground in a falling-leaf motion 60 feet ahead of them, while the other mane 12/21/1957 #14755 he sees a saucer-shaped object, 5 feet high and 15 feet wide, hovering abo 12/30/1957 #14771 -shaped object, 5 feet high and 15 feet wide, hovering about 2 feet above t 12/30/1957 #14771 and 15 feet wide, hovering about 2 feet above the ground in a grove of tree 12/30/1957 #14771 the ground in a grove of trees 100 feet from the back porch. Three individu 12/30/1957 #14771 ing at an altitude of 7,000– 8,000 feet, and moving at a speed slightly gre 1/3/1958 #14800 bules appear to be no more than 20 feet in diameter. They are spherical, an 1/3/1958 #14800 d mushroom-shaped object, about 15 feet in diameter, descending from the sk 1/30/1958 #14851 object was then observed, about 15 feet in diameter, descending from the sk 1/30/1958 #14852 at an estimated altitude of 20,000 feet. 2/2/1958 #14869 aft called the OTC-X1—circular, 45 feet in diameter and 15 feet high—for $2 2/3/1958 #14870 rcular, 45 feet in diameter and 15 feet high—for $20 million. He sets a dat 2/3/1958 #14870 ly brilliant orange light about 15 feet in diameter that sends out peculiar 2/17/1958 #14878 silently approaching to about 240 feet from them and only 90 feet from the 2/24/1958 #14889 out 240 feet from them and only 90 feet from the ground. It then descends i 2/24/1958 #14889 a falling-leaf pattern to about 12 feet. They can see it is about 60–75 fee 2/24/1958 #14889 et. They can see it is about 60–75 feet in diameter with a rotating center 2/24/1958 #14889 ddenly it climbs vertically to 600 feet, makes a tight circle, then tilts t 2/24/1958 #14889 hich point it rose up to about 600 feet in altitude. The UFO then began a s 2/24/1958 #14890 d object descend and hover 115–131 feet above the ground 165 feet away. The 3/1958 #14905 115–131 feet above the ground 165 feet away. The object is surrounded by p 3/1958 #14905 y descending from 77,000 to 25,000 feet. 3/8/1958 #14919 sc-shaped object hovering about 50 feet above the ocean and 120 feet away. 4/1958 #14955 ut 50 feet above the ocean and 120 feet away. It has a small lighted dome o 4/1958 #14955 ne head-on. The UFO is about 45–60 feet in diameter, stops about 6,500 feet 5/5/1958 #15018 eet in diameter, stops about 6,500 feet away and “rocked twice, in a balanc 5/5/1958 #15018 ntly toward the southeast at 1,500 feet. On its underside it has a bluish t 6/1958 #15071 unded points. It passes within 900 feet of her hotel. 6/1958 #15071 see that its diameter is about 82 feet and it is traveling at 150–180 mph. 6/1958 #15072 t piloted by Dennis Jackson at 800 feet near the docks at Grimsby, Lincolns 6/29/1958 #15126 speeds out over the docks at 1,000 feet and 800 mph. Spencer manages to tak 6/29/1958 #15126 ng a KC-97 at about 17,000– 18,000 feet. A light like a “moving star” appea 7/1958 #15130 direction at 70–100 mph and 1,000 feet altitude for 10 seconds. It is flyi 7/18/1958 #15149 Świdnica, Poland. Flying at 26,000 feet, he sees another possible balloon 9 8/1958 #15171 9 miles away at a height of 3,200 feet and turns his MiG-17 toward it. But 8/1958 #15171 ending. It comes to hover about 45 feet above their boat. It is saucer-shap 8/16/1958 #15203 oat. It is saucer-shaped, about 39 feet in diameter, and has a cabin on top 8/16/1958 #15203 ounding it. The object is about 60 feet long and is stationary for 5-8 minu 8/18/1958 #15215 indow a metallic domed disc, 12–22 feet in diameter and 6 feet thick. It sw 9/21/1958 #15276 disc, 12–22 feet in diameter and 6 feet thick. It sweeps in over the front 9/21/1958 #15276 leaf oscillating motion to about 6 feet altitude, then crosses over her dri 9/21/1958 #15276 stops for several seconds about 40 feet away. It then reverses course headi 9/21/1958 #15276 course heading south and hovers 5 feet above the lawn about 25 feet away, 9/21/1958 #15276 ers 5 feet above the lawn about 25 feet away, making a jetlike sound. The o 9/21/1958 #15276 sees a teardrop-shaped object 300 feet up and coming in for a landing at 3 9/29/1958 #15286 sky at an altitude of 8,000–10,000 feet at the entrance to the Nantucket Ch 10/7/1958 #15328 timate the UFO’s size as about 500 feet. Townsend reenacts the timing by wa 10/7/1958 #15329 on Maryland Route 146 some 600–900 feet south of the bridge at Loch Raven R 10/26/1958 #15385 r, Maryland. They see a large (100 feet long) egg-shaped object hanging 100 10/26/1958 #15385 egg-shaped object hanging 100–150 feet above the bridge. When they drive t 10/26/1958 #15385 idge. When they drive to within 75 feet of it their car stalls and the dash 10/26/1958 #15385 , Maryland. The object flew at 150 feet altitude, and when it approached th 10/26/1958 #15386 l died at a distance of 200 to 300 feet. The witnesses felt heat coming fro 10/26/1958 #15386 like material, some in strands 5–6 feet long. Two fishermen at sea, George 11/9/1958 #15434 n the middle of the road about 300 feet in front of their car, its neon glo 11/9/1958 #15435 landscape. They estimate it is 53 feet long and 20 feet high, with a brigh 11/9/1958 #15435 estimate it is 53 feet long and 20 feet high, with a bright glow underneath 11/9/1958 #15435 n the walkway in the yard about 30 feet away. Kinney opens a door to go out 11/11/1958 #15438 ht, and it approached to within 10 feet, pacing their truck and emitting a 12/1/1958 #15467 out to be a disc-shaped vehicle 16 feet in diameter resting on 3 legs. The 12/20/1958 #15489 ked by four gray creatures about 4 feet tall who try to drag them to the UF 12/20/1958 #15489 e a rush of wind. A black object 7 feet across comes hurtling through the a 12/30/1958 #15503 hurtling through the air about 20 feet above the ground. Moving from south 12/30/1958 #15503 itting it in two at a height of 10 feet, then ascends and disappears in sec 12/30/1958 #15503 , a four-story domed structure, 55 feet in diameter, built mostly of wood w 1959 #15515 ds stored at WPAFB who were over 7 feet tall, deceased and bore mutations a 1959 #15516 lender and human like, while their feet were flat; he was sworn to secrecy 1959 #15516 ngland, from the east and land 300 feet away. A blue haze forms and three f 1/1959 #15523 tops above his truck, hovering 200 feet above it for several minutes. The t 1/13/1959 #15549 ight illuminates an area about 300 feet in front of him. It takes off and d 1/13/1959 #15549 ö, Sweden. The round object, 18–24 feet in diameter, approaches slowly from 1/18/1959? #15555 er Lake Länsjön at a height of 900 feet. It is surrounded by a luminous rin 1/18/1959? #15555 is surrounded by a luminous ring 6 feet wide. It is visible for 3 minutes. 1/18/1959? #15555 It had six digits on its hands and feet. The creature died after an armband 1/21/1959 #15560 had six digits on their hands and feet. An autopsy was conducted on one of 1/21/1959 #15560 en the aircraft is flying at 8,500 feet and 50 mph about 13 miles west of W 2/24/1959 #15604 ront yard at a height of only 8–10 feet. As the object returns, he goes ins 2/24/1959 #15605 ates in intensity and is about 200 feet from the ground. It stays in one po 2/25/1959 #15615 rbulent as a triangular object, 12 feet in diameter, emerges, circles the b 3/1959 #15628 overall suit that covered even his feet, with bright blue trunks. The "helm 3/7/1959 #15631 reature's face at a distance of 15 feet, said there were two black holes wh 3/7/1959 #15631 h 8–9 red and blue lights about 20 feet apart. The UFO soon rises from the 3/13/1959 #15641 to the southeast. It is about 200 feet in the air and just south of a main 3/22/1959 #15665 o sound and find it is about 50–75 feet from the road. The UFO parallels th 3/22/1959 #15665 it. He estimates it to be about 15 feet wide, and it is on the ground about 3/31/1959 #15682 and it is on the ground about 900 feet from the road. He sees it disappear 3/31/1959 #15682 rtholes, was about five meters (16 feet) wide, and it illuminated the trees 3/31/1959 #15684 y for a few minutes at 3,000–7,000 feet altitude. It suddenly darts to the 4/7/1959 #15694 above the airfield at 3,000–7,000 feet. Descriptions vary from a black bal 4/12/1959 #15699 rcular UFO appeared in the air 300 feet above the ground, and he felt himse 4/25/1959 #15713 ground he stopped above it and his feet did not quite touch the ground. He 4/25/1959 #15713 ne resting on the ground about 980 feet away. They approach to about 490 fe 5/20/1959 #15741 t away. They approach to about 490 feet when the object rises into the sky 5/20/1959 #15741 potlight and is hovering about 500 feet away at a height of 300–400 feet. O 6/26/1959 #15790 0 feet away at a height of 300–400 feet. On top of the object, four humanli 6/26/1959 #15790 al-shaped objects flying at 36,000 feet altitude over the China Sea. 7/4/1959 #15814 nd sees a huge object, about 20–30 feet in diameter, with two intense green 7/13/1959 #15842 draws in and the disk rises to 10 feet, disturbing the water’s surface int 8/1959 #15888 Albuquerque, New Mexico, at 8,000 feet, notices halfway between Roswell an 8/13/1959 #15913 plane at a distance about 450–600 feet at a speed of about 200 mph. The Ma 8/13/1959 #15913 f bright openings, and is about 90 feet in diameter. 8/25/1959 #15938 ng, pumpkin-shaped object about 40 feet above the trees in his pasture at W 9/7/1959 #15960 the bottom and it rises about 500 feet, leaving a circular smoke ring. It 9/7/1959 #15960 2,300 mph at an altitude of 60,000 feet and heading northwest. A total of f 9/13/1959 #15971 tops abruptly and hovers about 200 feet above ground for several minutes, l 9/24/1959 #15987 e scattered clouds at about 14,000 feet. The object’s departure forces one 9/24/1959 #15987 s south of Redmond at about 25,000 feet. The Seattle Center reports at 6:20 9/24/1959 #15987 s in altitude from 6,000 to 52,000 feet. The Air Force claims the UFOs are 9/24/1959 #15987 flying an Air Force C-47 at 6,500 feet over Texas, sees a “large red fire” 9/29/1959 #15998 ne, with its base at 12,000–15,000 feet and its top at 16,000 feet. 9/29/1959 #15998 –15,000 feet and its top at 16,000 feet. 9/29/1959 #15998 ches above the street and only ten feet from Mr. Johansson. It was a domed, 9/29/1959 #16000 as a domed, oval-shaped machine 12 feet long and 8 feet high, and light blu 9/29/1959 #16000 -shaped machine 12 feet long and 8 feet high, and light blue in color. In t 9/29/1959 #16000 northwest. Its altitude is 41,000 feet. Two F-89J Scorpion fighters are sc 10/1/1959 #16007 erratic. Range changes from 12,000 feet to 24,000 feet, and azimuth from 19 10/2/1959 #16011 changes from 12,000 feet to 24,000 feet, and azimuth from 190° to 170°. Obj 10/2/1959 #16011 ring around it, hovering at eighty feet altitude and making a whirring nois 10/19/1959 #16044 ddenly the object drops down to 50 feet altitude and hovers 100 feet away i 10/22/1959 #16052 to 50 feet altitude and hovers 100 feet away in front of the car, making a 10/22/1959 #16052 d, Maryland at dusk, and stayed 50 feet overhead while the car's engine, li 10/22/1959 #16053 es above the ground. Only about 10 feet away, Johansson can see the object Late 10/1959 #16060 peed at an altitude of 1,600–2,600 feet. It is completely silent. Some minu 11/16/1959 #16089 t on radar at an altitude of 3,000 feet during its second pass. The object 11/16/1959 #16089 cond pass. The object is about 500 feet in diameter with a glowing ring aro 11/16/1959 #16089 nt-shaped object hovering about 60 feet above the road a quarter of a mile 12/1959 #16107 behind him. It appears to be 80–90 feet across and 15– 20 feet thick. Sudde 12/1959 #16107 to be 80–90 feet across and 15– 20 feet thick. Suddenly and inexplicably, h 12/1959 #16107 ck on. He resumes driving, but 600 feet away is forced to stop because he s 12/1959 #16107 -shaped object descend to about 20 feet above the road, extending across th 12/22/1959 #16128 ly slowly by at an altitude of 500 feet, headed in the direction of Namsenf Late 12/1959 #16134 , Norway. It descends to about 160 feet, grows fiery red, then explodes wit Late 12/1959 #16134 tionary. They estimate it is 25–30 feet in diameter. But the object shoots Early 1960 #16146 ide. It disappears at about 90,000 feet altitude. Early 1960 #16146 minutes at an altitude of 500–600 feet. Then with a loud explosion it emit 2/6/1960 #16169 ses as long, tubular, and about 70 feet long shoots upwards. A few seconds 2/6/1960 #16169 the red light appears about 1,000 feet above Sunset and La Brea for about 2/6/1960 #16169 head. They are round, white, and 9 feet in diameter. 3/24/1960 #16206 recedented altitude—perhaps 80,000 feet. At the time, no known aircraft can 4/8/1960 #16218 ights died. His car stopped twenty feet from a green glowing thirty-foot wi 4/27/1960 #16244 disc-shaped UFO. Flying about 600 feet in the air at low speed, the silent 5/13/1960 #16266 town area or a long time. About 60 feet in diameter, it hovers at an angle 5/13/1960 #16266 d when a luminous disc hovered 300 feet over their fishing boat in a clear 5/13/1960 #16269 A red light 10 feet in diameter paced the Lewis family 5/14/1960 #16278 silver-colored round object, 20–25 feet wide with hanging appendages, hover 5/19/1960 #16289 hanging appendages, hovers 50–100 feet away from Indigenous observers in t 5/19/1960 #16289 It barely clears electric wires 12 feet above the ground. It sucks up two e 5/19/1960 #16289 inated a small figure standing 300 feet away. The being turned and ran. It 6/10/1960 #16311 ky from an altitude of 1,000–2,000 feet and splits into two pieces that fal 6/12/1960 #16312 l is high-strength metal that is 6 feet in diameter and 2 feet thick at the 6/12/1960 #16312 l that is 6 feet in diameter and 2 feet thick at the center with an embedde 6/12/1960 #16312 ry roads until they get within 300 feet of the object, which is hovering ar Summer 1960 #16313 is circular and apparently about 3 feet in diameter. It is very bright and Summer 1960 #16313 he surface of the lake about 1,700 feet behind him. Person sees an object 4 6/22/1960 #16315 ind him. Person sees an object 4–6 feet wide with arms or spokes is rotatin 6/22/1960 #16315 e foot deeper at one end and three feet deeper at the other, RCMP Cpl. Math 6/22/1960 #16315 finally stopped. It was about 1700 feet away from him. When his partner arr 6/22/1960 #16316 urnt and cut up over an area of 20 feet by 60 feet. They felt around in the 6/22/1960 #16316 t up over an area of 20 feet by 60 feet. They felt around in the water with 6/22/1960 #16316 turbed and muddy, and one to three feet deeper than the surrounding lake pr 6/22/1960 #16316 The object looked to be about 4-6 feet wide. Mr. Wright did not see any st 6/22/1960 #16316 It has a diameter of at least 185 feet and is 14 feet thick. Five transpar 7/1/1960 #16324 ter of at least 185 feet and is 14 feet thick. Five transparent bubbles are 7/1/1960 #16324 shows that the object is about 23 feet high, 20 feet in diameter, and 56 f 7/3/1960 #16329 e object is about 23 feet high, 20 feet in diameter, and 56 feet above the 7/3/1960 #16329 high, 20 feet in diameter, and 56 feet above the ground. 7/3/1960 #16329 over. It stops in midair about 650 feet away from him and 200 feet above th 8/11/1960 #16369 out 650 feet away from him and 200 feet above the ground, wobbling a bit. W 8/11/1960 #16369 had descended to about 100 or 200 feet altitude it suddenly reversed direc 8/13/1960 #16373 hite lights, descending to 100–200 feet altitude. It suddenly reverses cour 8/13/1960 #16380 nly reverses course, climbs to 500 feet, hovers, sweeps the ground with a r 8/13/1960 #16380 ee a pale-white light hovering 300 feet ahead of them. They watch it for 15 Late 8/1960 #16416 loser. The light then rises to 100 feet and recedes, then changes to orange Late 8/1960 #16416 enerally humanlike figure, about 6 feet tall, holding a light at chest leve Late 8/1960 #16417 and hovered over road, only 30-50 feet away. The car's lights and engine d 9/2/1960 #16432 itness sees a UFO hovering 300–400 feet above the Douglas Aircraft plant in 9/15/1960 #16449 g slowly to the northeast at 3,000 feet. It disappears in the vicinity of S 9/15/1960 #16449 p. Browning estimates it to be 100 feet long and about 4 miles distant. It 10/4/1960 #16477 th at about 60–70 mph at about 400 feet altitude. After one minute, it stop 10/4/1960 #16477 y it looks like a balloon about 70 feet in diameter and is flying at 35,000 11/15/1960 #16505 n diameter and is flying at 35,000 feet, just below the B-57, and traveling 11/15/1960 #16505 A domed disc, estimated to be 20 feet in diameter, was seen near a mounta 12/24/1960 #16536 e radiation from a distance of 328 feet from the transmitter. This is accom 1961 #16547 arth is found at a distance of 328 feet from the plane. A report by the Mos 1961 #16550 s for 5–15 minutes, only about 300 feet away from a young mining engineer. 1961 #16551 f the truck. The truck rises a few feet into the air and overturns in the d 1/1961 #16555 of the disc is approximately 20–25 feet and it is about 6–8 feet thick at i 1/10/1961 #16574 ely 20–25 feet and it is about 6–8 feet thick at its center. It is visually 1/10/1961 #16574 tion about 15 miles away at 30,000 feet. There are six lights in the first 1/17/1961 #16580 dski finds a mysterious crater 100 feet long, 50 feet wide, and 10 feet dee 2/1961 #16593 ysterious crater 100 feet long, 50 feet wide, and 10 feet deep on the bank 2/1961 #16593 00 feet long, 50 feet wide, and 10 feet deep on the bank of a frozen lake i 2/1961 #16593 yd are camped in their trailer 900 feet from the Murray River, at Bowna, Ne 3/16/1961 #16632 sin, and sees a silvery object, 30 feet in diameter and 12 feet high, with 4/18/1961 #16653 object, 30 feet in diameter and 12 feet high, with exhaust pipes around the 4/18/1961 #16653 r opens and a man appears, about 5 feet tall and wearing a black, turtle-ne 4/18/1961 #16653 le. The men were described as five feet tall with dark hair. They wore blue 4/18/1961 #16654 came down and created a trench 50 feet long and 10 feet deep in the lake b 4/27/1961 #16664 eated a trench 50 feet long and 10 feet deep in the lake bed. There was a g 4/27/1961 #16664 bbing on the ocean waves about 600 feet from the shore. Suddenly the object 4/29/1961 #16667 he object rises into the air to 60 feet and moves out to sea at about 100 m 4/29/1961 #16667 iced a red ball floating about 600 feet offshore. It then ascended to 60 fe 4/29/1961 #16668 t offshore. It then ascended to 60 feet altitude, and flew away to the sout 4/29/1961 #16668 ees a “ball of fog approximately 3 feet in diameter” swiftly descending tow 5/10/1961 #16681 or a few seconds at a height of 30 feet and rocks slightly. A halo forms ar 6/3/1961 #16715 s at an altitude of 80,000–120,000 feet. Project Blue Book evaluators corre 6/3/1961 #16716 the ability to traverse a ditch 6 feet across and 18 inches deep. Flight a 6/9/1961 #16722 Suddenly, a luminous disc about 15 feet in diameter appears from behind the 6/11/1961 #16724 tly toward him, hovering about 400 feet away from him and 80 feet in the ai 6/11/1961 #16724 bout 400 feet away from him and 80 feet in the air, changing colors from wh 6/11/1961 #16724 ining brightly and is about 50,000 feet up.” 6/19/1961 #16732 t that has been hovering at 50,000 feet for 30 minutes. They get a radar lo Summer 1961 #16735 art. The objects are each about 60 feet in diameter at the bottom with a 30 Summer 1961 #16736 banking to the left about 200–300 feet away. Summer 1961 #16736 ach end of her bed. They were four feet tall and dressed in green tunics an 8/8/1961 #16786 as City, Missouri. It hovers at 50 feet altitude for 3–5 minutes, then flie 8/12/1961 #16791 off-centered dome hovering only 50 feet above a road near Drake University. 8/12/1961 #16792 see a luminous, yellow object, 24 feet in diameter, flying about 30 feet a 8/25/1961? #16804 feet in diameter, flying about 30 feet above a road. The object has horizo 8/25/1961? #16804 e object moved to within a hundred feet of him, he could see occupants insi 9/19/1961 #16848 nidentified radar target at 62,000 feet for 18 minutes. It moves at a slow 9/19/1961 #16855 craft hovers approximately 80–100 feet above the Hills’ 1957 Chevrolet Bel 9/19/1961 #16857 The UFO approaches to within 50–80 feet overhead and 300 feet away from him 9/19/1961 #16857 within 50–80 feet overhead and 300 feet away from him. Barney tears the bin 9/19/1961 #16857 sc with a concave base about 20–23 feet long and 10 feet broad. It vanishes Autumn 1961 #16869 base about 20–23 feet long and 10 feet broad. It vanishes “like a tornado Autumn 1961 #16869 er estimates the diameter at 35–50 feet, with a thickness of about 4 feet, 10/2/1961 #16889 feet, with a thickness of about 4 feet, and the appearance of sand-blasted 10/2/1961 #16889 he thinks the object was at 2,500 feet altitude. On October 9, Douglas M. 10/2/1961 #16889 had an estimated diameter of 50-60 feet. It moved out of sight in seconds, 10/2/1961 #16890 triangular in shape and about 300 feet wide. 11/3/1961 #16951 big around as a tractor tire, four feet in diameter or so and it came out o 11/18/1961 #16964 w high up it was, maybe a thousand feet or more. The fibers cannot be seen 11/18/1961 #16964 ing white coveralls and standing 5 feet high. They get out of the car and o Late 11/1961 #16978 zil, when he sees a huge light 900 feet away. As he walks toward it, he see Late 11/1961 #16979 ts left wingtip. The object is 4–8 feet in diameter and has no seams or mar 1962 #17006 roaches them, moving to within 150 feet, then 60 feet of their vehicle. The 1962 #17007 moving to within 150 feet, then 60 feet of their vehicle. They can see two 1962 #17007 e and two friends see hovering 500 feet above his backyard in Mosborough, S 2/1962 #17033 black marks around the rim, 20-30 feet above the ground. The object seemed 2/9/1962 #17044 ize was computed to be at least 30 feet in length. No radar contact was rep 2/19/1962 #17053 ld-colored box, 12-14 inches x 3-4 feet, fly straight and level across the 3/1/1962 #17072 ger than the other, hovering 40–50 feet above the water at Saanich Inlet, B 3/25/1962 #17080 from their radar scopes at 10,000 feet. Witnesses say the object is travel 4/18/1962 #17120 home (south of Walsh Park) only 20 feet above ground level and passes over 4/24/1962 #17127 s are right behind her, only a few feet from the rear window and matching t Late 4/1962 #17130 . The yellow lights are only a few feet in diameter and have a reddish patc Late 4/1962 #17130 t after the A-12 gets to about 300 feet it starts shedding all the “pie sli 4/26/1962 #17131 during a record flight to 200,000 feet altitude. Note: most civilian sourc 4/29/1962 #17135 Schalk takes the A-12 up to 30,000 feet on its first official flight at Are 4/30/1962 #17140 of the X-15 to a height of 246,700 feet (46.7 miles) by NASA pilot Joseph A 4/30/1962 #17141 rsonic speed of Mach 1.1 at 40,000 feet during a test at Groom Lake, Nevada 5/4/1962 #17150 . When they approach to within 210 feet of the object, it rises up and cros 5/12/1962 #17165 crosses the road at a height of 12 feet. Its lights go out, a reddish flame 5/12/1962 #17165 , grass is burned over an area 180 feet in diameter, and there are damp, gr 5/12/1962 #17165 r above southern England at 17,000 feet when they see a brown globe-shaped 5/21/1962 #17187 proaching head-on. It speeds 3,000 feet below the aircraft at about 700 mph 5/21/1962 #17187 ir. Witnesses say they are up to 5 feet long. 6/6/1962 #17219 California. He flies it to 314,750 feet (59 miles), qualifying him for USAF 7/17/1962 #17279 like a piece of paper” about 30–40 feet away. He exclaims, “There are thing 7/17/1962 #17279 and stopped. The creature was six feet tall, with a head like a melon and 7/26/1962 #17290 ge as the full moon when it is 300 feet ahead of them. It has a bulge at th 8/1962 #17309 er of a DC-3’s wingspan and is 150 feet in the air. The truck’s lights go o 8/1962 #17309 ws hovering above the boat dock 50 feet away. Silhouetted in the windows ar 8/1962 #17310 down, hovering and revolving a few feet above the same spot on the runway f 8/2/1962 #17317 sees two small beings, about three feet tall, digging a hole near Duas Pont 8/17/1962 #17336 this evening two little men, three feet tall, were seen digging a hole near 8/17/1962 #17337 t grows larger and moves about 300 feet above the road ahead of them. It is Late 8/1962 #17361 he object appears to be nearly 100 feet wide and 150 feet above the truck. Late 8/1962 #17361 to be nearly 100 feet wide and 150 feet above the truck. The truck’s lights Late 8/1962 #17361 ional Highway 2. The object was 30 feet long, 15 feet high, and had "human- 8/28/1962 #17370 2. The object was 30 feet long, 15 feet high, and had "human-like figures m 8/28/1962 #17370 saw a domed disc-shaped object 150 feet away. It was aluminum colored and t 8/30/1962 #17374 y. It was aluminum colored and ten feet in diameter. A little man or robot 8/30/1962 #17374 er the being had walked to with 30 feet it vanished before their eyes. Two 8/30/1962 #17374 s and shaped like a top. It was 30 feet in diameter. He saw that it had a l 9/1/1962 #17382 man looking individuals, about 5.7 feet tall, wearing white suits with helm 9/1/1962 #17382 aped like a spinning top, about 80 feet in diameter. The object hovered wit 9/5/1962 #17387 rational altitude of 87,000–95,000 feet, and a range of 3,500 miles. It wou 10/1962 #17449 white light hovering a few hundred feet in the air near where the ICBM stor 10/2/1962 #17452 inally he overcomes. He is about 6 feet tall, as his head reaches the outer 10/28/1962 #17513 a group of figures in the road 260 feet ahead. He slows down to drive aroun 11/1962 #17525 e speeds ahead and stops about 500 feet further ahead. Turing around, he se 11/1962 #17525 object flying at an estimated 2000 feet altitude at two o'clock in the afte 11/1/1962 #17531 rocks at it. The object is about 8 feet in diameter and glowing blue. Their 11/30/1962 #17565 na, Italy saw a circular object 18 feet in diameter land 30 feet away from 12/9/1962 #17577 object 18 feet in diameter land 30 feet away from him. Two men emerged from 12/9/1962 #17577 to see a domed metallic disc 12–15 feet in diameter with portholes hovering 12/18/1962 #17593 diameter with portholes hovering 3 feet above the ground. A door opens at t 12/18/1962 #17593 bottom and a small man just over 3 feet tall and wearing a luminous overall 12/18/1962 #17593 The UFO immediately rises about 30 feet, hovers, then accelerates on a nort 12/22/1962 #17606 o rings (each a foot wide and 10.8 feet in diameter) where the grass is bur 1/1963 #17624 ater he sees a domed disc some 132 feet long land in the village square. Da 1/11/1963 #17634 to approach but is paralyzed at 30 feet away. It ascends in the direction o 1/11/1963 #17634 t a 45° angle. The UFO is about 25 feet in diameter, and about 9–10 feet hi 2/15/1963 #17669 5 feet in diameter, and about 9–10 feet high. The lower portion, about 3 fe 2/15/1963 #17669 t high. The lower portion, about 3 feet high, is rotating in an anticlockwi 2/15/1963 #17669 her" than their altitude of 40,000 feet and moving "very fast." (NICAP: 11 3/11/1963 #17698 ving slowly above the treetops 100 feet off the ground and 300 feet away. G 6/26/1963 #17809 ps 100 feet off the ground and 300 feet away. Gilberti describes it as “two 6/26/1963 #17809 truding around.” It is about 30–40 feet across and has two brilliant lights 6/26/1963 #17809 ome power lines, approximately 300 feet away from them. The UFO made a buzz 6/26/1963 #17811 ss a blood-red, glowing object, 25 feet across and 12 feet high, in the roa 6/28/1963 #17814 wing object, 25 feet across and 12 feet high, in the road ahead. He is with 6/28/1963 #17814 in the road ahead. He is within 12 feet of it when he hits the brakes. The 6/28/1963 #17814 es up into the air several hundred feet. It turns on its side and speeds aw 6/28/1963 #17814 Parkstone, Dorset, England at 300 feet. It made a whistling sound and shot 7/14/1963 #17828 o and barley fields. It is about 8 feet wide and 4 inches deep. A hole in t 7/16/1963 #17833 es deep. A hole in the center is 3 feet deep and less than a foot in diamet 7/16/1963 #17833 the ground around it, each about 4 feet long and a foot wide. A small piece 7/16/1963 #17833 nd and was estimated to be over 50 feet in diameter. 7/16/1963 #17834 ome trees. A small being, 3.5 to 4 feet tall, wearing a tight-fitting white 7/18/1963 #17839 O, which is at an estimated 90,000 feet. An amateur astronomer in Bushey, H 8/1/1963 #17860 miles. Suddenly it moves about 600 feet in front of them and to the left. W 8/4/1963 #17863 . At one point it comes within 100 feet of his car, swerves upward, and pas 8/4/1963 #17863 ves home, it is hovering about 900 feet to the southeast. Ronnie is so shak 8/4/1963 #17863 old when the UFO passed within 100 feet. Multiple independent witnesses. 8/5/1963 #17868 300 immediately. The UFO, about 65 feet diameter, passes a few feet above t 8/20/1963 #17912 out 65 feet diameter, passes a few feet above the car, making a hissing noi 8/20/1963 #17912 ker reaches an altitude of 353,200 feet (66.9 miles) in an X-15 rocket plan 8/22/1963 #17915 panel. The passengers are about 6 feet tall and dressed in spacesuits. The 8/28/1963 #17922 transparent illuminated sphere ten feet in diameter descended into a garden 8/28/1963 #17924 y are confronted by a man about 10 feet tall dressed in a white “monk-like” 9/19/1963 #17947 r the face, nor the hands, nor the feet was visible. When she asked, "What 10/1963 #17966 ct approaches and hovers about 300 feet away. They see a dark disc with a d 10/1963 #17969 an oval-shaped object at least 30 feet high. A door opens on the side and 10/12/1963 #17987 with short antennas and are 12–15 feet tall. Douglas takes a few shots at 10/12/1963 #17987 odor. All six objects are about 24 feet in diameter, have a white and a red 10/21/1963 #17997 ch in diameter piled into a cone 3 feet high and within a circle 28–30 feet 10/21/1963 #17997 eet high and within a circle 28–30 feet in diameter. They consist primarily 10/21/1963 #17997 o his left, and three figures, 3–4 feet tall, cross the road in front of hi 10/23/1963 #18004 head. The object seemed to be 8-12 feet long, glowing orange and red. It th 10/31/1963 #18014 ent. The UFO is estimated to be 25 feet in diameter. Divers, both equipped 10/31/1963 #18017 age in the river, which is only 12 feet deep. 10/31/1963 #18017 ards the UFO, which is about 6,000 feet away. The compasses return to norma 11/12/1963 #18035 golden light in a field about 240 feet away, floating 10 feet above the gr 11/16/1963 #18045 d about 240 feet away, floating 10 feet above the ground, and seemingly 15– 11/16/1963 #18045 ve the ground, and seemingly 15–20 feet across. It seems to move along with 11/16/1963 #18045 a bright, golden light some 15-20 feet wide that was seen 80 meters away, 11/16/1963 #18046 n a mile of their port side, 15–30 feet above sea level and suddenly disapp 11/20/1963 #18052 se green light from a height of 10 feet, then disappears behind a hangar. S 12/10/1963 #18072 e UFO on the ground. It is about 8 feet long, 3 feet high at the center, an 12/27/1963 #18098 ground. It is about 8 feet long, 3 feet high at the center, and has what lo 12/27/1963 #18098 es off, flies horizontally for 100 feet, and disappears. Grass is found fla 12/27/1963 #18098 ater on the starboard side about 6 feet away from the ship. It is a ghostly 1/23/1964 #18117 . She saw a man approximately five feet four inches tall with a red face an 2/3/1964 #18126 2,000 mph at an altitude of 70,000 feet. The YF-12A is announced in part to 2/29/1964 #18140 le, the Star Map. The aliens are 5 feet tall with gray skin, oddly shaped h 3/7/1964 #18145 The object was estimated to be 200 feet long, silver in color, and made a w 3/13/1964 #18149 st detected at 122 degrees, 60,000 feet, and at a range of 145 miles. Their 4/17/1964 #18178 ts speeding at an estimated 35,000 feet altitude. They are flying a in a C- 4/20/1964 #18180 ly luminous object sweeps about 10 feet above their car from behind, illumi 4/22/1964 #18184 shaped UFO with a dome hovered six feet above the ground in Rivesville, Wes 4/23/1964 #18186 and a black figure, three to four feet tall, with painted ears and a tail 4/23/1964 #18186 he object, which is egg-shaped, 20 feet long, 16 feet wide, and four feet h 4/24/1964 #18199 ch is egg-shaped, 20 feet long, 16 feet wide, and four feet high. It is hov 4/24/1964 #18199 feet long, 16 feet wide, and four feet high. It is hovering two feet above 4/24/1964 #18199 four feet high. It is hovering two feet above the ground and making a sound 4/24/1964 #18199 from under the object. They are 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide, dressed in se 4/24/1964 #18199 object. They are 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide, dressed in seamless silvery g 4/24/1964 #18199 allic object in a ravine about 450 feet away. At first, he thinks it is an 4/24/1964 #18200 he front of the car to possibly 50 feet away from the object when he hears 4/24/1964 #18200 ave three “smelted” circles some 2 feet in diameter and separated from each 4/25/1964? #18205 nd separated from each other by 20 feet. They mention this story to James S 4/25/1964? #18205 Rio Vallecitos creek bed some 900 feet away. It looks like a butane tank “ 4/26/1964 #18209 long as a telephone pole” about 14 feet in diameter, metallic, and shooting 4/26/1964 #18209 o overlapping circles and about 20 feet across. Hynek is refused authorizat 4/26/1964 #18209 ees a glowing, greenish object 100 feet overhead and fires six rounds from 4/28/1964 #18217 n color, came down and hovered 100 feet above his pickup truck. The truck s 4/28/1964 #18218 ze of an automobile land about 150 feet away, then take off. The witnesses 4/30/1964 #18232 ground, 4–8 inches deep, about 13 feet apart, and a burned area. 4/30/1964 #18232 ike a child’s top from about 1,500 feet away. It rises straight up and disa 5/5/1964 #18244 a crater-like depression, about 3 feet in diameter and 6 inches deep at th 5/5/1964 #18244 tina saw a creature more than nine feet tall on road in front of his truck. 5/8/1964 #18248 r-old girl saw a little man, three feet tall, reclining under a shrub pine 5/15/1964 #18271 an area of flattened wheat about 4 feet wide. 5/19/1964 #18288 tly over the facility below 10,000 feet. The light is bright enough to ligh 5/21/1964 #18289 hite ellipsoid, estimated at 15–20 feet in length at 1,000 feet altitude, a 5/26/1964 #18306 d at 15–20 feet in length at 1,000 feet altitude, at Cambridge, Massachuset 5/26/1964 #18306 cumulus clouds are at least 3,500 feet altitude, thus the UFO’s speed is a 5/26/1964 #18306 at least 700 mph and length 50– 70 feet. 5/26/1964 #18306 hey stop to watch. It is about 100 feet high and 40 feet in diameter and se 6/1964 #18313 . It is about 100 feet high and 40 feet in diameter and seemingly emits som 6/1964 #18313 ight, at an altitude of about 1000 feet, flying at a good speed to the nort 6/12/1964 #18348 triangle with the dimensions of 2 feet by 4.5 feet by 4.5 feet. 6/14/1964 #18356 th the dimensions of 2 feet by 4.5 feet by 4.5 feet. 6/14/1964 #18356 sions of 2 feet by 4.5 feet by 4.5 feet. 6/14/1964 #18356 ared they saw that it was about 16 feet high, 20 feet wide, and had what ap 6/14/1964 #18358 that it was about 16 feet high, 20 feet wide, and had what appeared to be t 6/14/1964 #18358 a strange machine land. It was 10 feet long and 3.5 feet wide. Two fair-sk 6/15/1964 #18363 land. It was 10 feet long and 3.5 feet wide. Two fair-skinned men emerged 6/15/1964 #18363 red light on the bottom hovered 20 feet away and at only 20 feet above the 6/15/1964 #18364 overed 20 feet away and at only 20 feet above the ground of a 20-year-old m 6/15/1964 #18364 "shiny plastic" color. It rose ten feet off the ground, then landed again. 6/25/1964 #18376 of his headlights, no more than 5 feet away and a foot above the ground. S 6/30/1964 #18386 oving silently above the trees 300 feet away. It stops to hover a few feet 7/7/1964 #18398 feet away. It stops to hover a few feet above a neighbor’s garden across th 7/7/1964 #18398 Gainesville, Georgia, at about 500 feet. It stops and hovers a few moments 7/14/1964 #18409 gure crouching in a tree about 150 feet away. It is dressed in a shiny blac 7/16/1964 #18421 ect hovering above Breese Road 600 feet away. It is about 1,200–1,500 feet Late 7/1964 #18438 feet away. It is about 1,200–1,500 feet in the air and has a revolving ring Late 7/1964 #18438 of Dover AFB in Delaware at 9,000 feet over the North Atlantic. A blurred 8/18/1964 #18497 -white glare appears ahead and 500 feet below them on a collision course. T 8/18/1964 #18497 ere able to approach to within 500 feet of the craft before it left. 8/25/1964 #18510 described as a silvery oval twenty feet in diameter, with a soft white glow 8/25/1964 #18511 ed to below the treetops, only 300 feet away from the witness. 8/25/1964 #18511 ith two bright lights hovering 500 feet up in the eastern sky. The UFO clim 8/30/1964 #18522 -shaped object that hovered at 500 feet altitude. When it climbed, their ca 8/30/1964 #18523 a. It was estimated to be over 200 feet long. Inside 12 "large people" coul 9/7/1964 #18544 meter silver domed disc hovered 30 feet over nearby trees in a cemetery in 10/6/1964 #18572 Haverhill, Massachusetts only 150 feet from the two male witnesses. It had 10/6/1964 #18572 ghborhood at an altitude of 30,000 feet. The aircraft reports a stranger cl 11/19/1964 #18629 board turn climbing through 50,000 feet at about an 18°–20° angle in excess 11/19/1964 #18629 s are moving slowly at about 3,000 feet altitude. After 2–3 minutes, the sm 11/22/1964 #18632 d on a hill at a distance of 3,800 feet away from their house. Their dog be 11/25/1964 #18638 s it as cigar-shaped and about 125 feet in diameter, in view for 5 seconds. 12/21/1964 #18669 before it crosses the highway 200 feet in front of him, the UFO narrowly m 12/21/1964 #18670 object appears to be at least 125 feet in diameter and 80–90 feet high. Af 12/21/1964 #18670 ast 125 feet in diameter and 80–90 feet high. After 60–90 seconds, it rises 12/21/1964 #18670 conds, it rises up several hundred feet, makes a sound like rushing air, an 12/21/1964 #18670 . As it left, it rose to about 200 feet in altitude, tilted slightly, then 12/21/1964 #18671 on reports a ring of bare earth, 8 feet wide, in the ground on Waiheke Isla 1965 #18688 ering erratically at 12,000–15,000 feet altitude above the US Capitol Build 1/11/1965 #18709 en he sees a low-flying object, 30 feet in diameter, that avoids collision 1/12/1965 #18717 adioactive cloud rises up to 2,600 feet, then drifts out over Los Angeles, 1/12/1965 #18718 d the house, lifts several hundred feet and clears a clump of evergreens, t 1/12/1965 #18720 large circular imprint about 10–12 feet in diameter. The ground beneath the 1/12/1965 #18720 ise from the ground to 1,500–2,000 feet near Norfolk, Virginia. He loses si 1/14/1965 #18729 hen saw a bright light 2,000-5,000 feet high. It was hovering, then moved a 1/14/1965 #18734 cloud cover at around 2,000–5,000 feet altitude. It seems to hover for a m 1/15/1965 #18740 could not see it at five thousand feet." The occupants spoke sounds that w 1/19/1965 #18746 e shapes in the sky at 2,000–4,000 feet altitude. The larger one seems to b 1/19/1965 #18750 he larger one seems to be about 80 feet across. The smaller one, 20 feet ac 1/19/1965 #18750 0 feet across. The smaller one, 20 feet across, descends quickly and silent 1/19/1965 #18750 ickly and silently and lands 45–55 feet away from Blackburn. A door opens, 1/19/1965 #18750 erior light. Three figures, each 3 feet tall and wearing tight-fitting meta 1/19/1965 #18750 - or mushroom- shaped object 75–80 feet tall and 10–25 feet wide, hovering 1/23/1965 #18759 d object 75–80 feet tall and 10–25 feet wide, hovering over nearby field ab 1/23/1965 #18759 hovering over nearby field about 4 feet off the ground. It is metallic gray 1/23/1965 #18759 ing over a nearby field about four feet off the ground, 500 feet away. It w 1/23/1965 #18760 bout four feet off the ground, 500 feet away. It was metallic gray and abou 1/23/1965 #18760 was metallic gray and about 75-80 feet tall. There was a red-orange glow c 1/23/1965 #18760 inia, watch an object hovering 600 feet above the city. The object makes a 1/26/1965 #18768 direction. They are all about 3.5 feet tall, wear silvery one-piece garmen 1/26/1965 #18769 gents. A local man, Donald Cash, 6 feet tall, confesses to dressing up in o 1/26/1965 #18769 en they saw a little man about 3 ½ feet tall sitting by the road watching t 1/26/1965 #18770 Virginia, that is approximately 75 feet across and 10–15 feet in height. Th 1/27/1965 #18776 oximately 75 feet across and 10–15 feet in height. The object has 3– 7 ligh 1/27/1965 #18776 then shoots straight up about 500 feet, fades, drops down, and hovers agai 1/29/1965 #18781 stile.” It descended to within two feet of the beach. Mr. Padrick was invit 1/30/1965 #18785 tling sound and sees an object, 22 feet wide, rise from the beach to an alt 2/3/1965 #18796 rom the beach to an altitude of 60 feet. He returns with other witnesses an 2/3/1965 #18796 c, glowing, red UFOs, at least 200 feet in diameter, about 4 hours out of A 2/11/1965 #18809 They were estimated to be from 200 feet to 1000 feet in diameter, at a dist 2/11/1965 #18811 imated to be from 200 feet to 1000 feet in diameter, at a distance of five 2/11/1965 #18811 -grey "plane" was flying about 100 feet above the road in a west-southwestl 2/12/1965 #18813 wo of them approached to within 60 feet and hid behind a sand dune. They sa 2/14/1965 #18814 d edge. It was estimated to be 150 feet away at its closest approach, and a 2/16/1965 #18820 pproach, and at an altitude of 500 feet. It made a humming noise. 2/16/1965 #18820 en and reddish-purple object 20–30 feet in diameter, 6 feet thick, saucer-s 3/2/1965 #18832 e object 20–30 feet in diameter, 6 feet thick, saucer-shaped, and with an o 3/2/1965 #18832 nd on four 4-foot legs about 2,000 feet away. He approaches to 100 feet. Af 3/2/1965 #18832 00 feet away. He approaches to 100 feet. After watching the object for 10 m 3/2/1965 #18832 a robot-like being about 200– 300 feet away, about 5 feet tall, wearing a 3/2/1965 #18832 about 200– 300 feet away, about 5 feet tall, wearing a gray-silver uniform 3/2/1965 #18832 , and pointed chin. It walks to 15 feet away from Reeves, stares at him for 3/2/1965 #18832 ed object on the ground. It was 30 feet in diameter and 6-7 feet thick, and 3/2/1965 #18833 It was 30 feet in diameter and 6-7 feet thick, and stood on four legs, with 3/2/1965 #18833 of stairs. He crept to within 100 feet, and after watching it for 10 minut 3/2/1965 #18833 saw a robot-like being, about five feet tall, wearing a silver one-piece un 3/2/1965 #18833 indows. The UFO came to within 150 feet distance, and an estimated altitude 3/6/1965 #18846 d an estimated altitude of only 65 feet from the ground. Inside she could s 3/6/1965 #18846 ix lights he estimates to be 1,000 feet away and moving at a speed of 20 mp 3/8/1965 #18851 t an estimated altitude of 100–500 feet, flying in a straight line toward t 3/8/1965 #18851 like an upside-down cone about 200 feet above some cypress trees slightly o 3/15/1965 #18859 on. Through binoculars it looks 25 feet high and 50 feet in diameter, with 3/15/1965 #18859 ulars it looks 25 feet high and 50 feet in diameter, with square windows em 3/15/1965 #18859 and illuminates the ground some 75 feet around the rim. Some 40 minutes int 3/15/1965 #18859 hers one of his dogs. He stops 600 feet away and walks, waving his arms, to 3/15/1965 #18859 oward the UFO, which is hovering 4 feet off the ground. A blast of wind fro 3/15/1965 #18859 e object nearly knocks him off his feet. He continues, and at 75 feet from 3/15/1965 #18859 his feet. He continues, and at 75 feet from the UFO he waves his arms agai 3/15/1965 #18859 ma, Japan, at an altitude of 6,500 feet. Just after the aircraft passes Him 3/18/1965 #18864 aches an altitude record of 80,257 feet. 5/1/1965 #18924 wo small alien beings, about three feet tall. The witness was transformed i 5/3/1965 #18925 an estimated altitude of only 100 feet. 5/23/1965 #18954 se estimates its diameter to be 30 feet, Judin as 20 feet, and Burgess as 6 5/24/1965 #18962 iameter to be 30 feet, Judin as 20 feet, and Burgess as 6 feet. In the moon 5/24/1965 #18962 Judin as 20 feet, and Burgess as 6 feet. In the moonlight, its color seems 5/24/1965 #18962 lly, it rapidly rises to about 300 feet, then it accelerates away to the no 5/24/1965 #18962 s, and Juden. The object was 20-30 feet in diameter, 15 feet in height, and 5/24/1965 #18963 ect was 20-30 feet in diameter, 15 feet in height, and was at a minimum dis 5/24/1965 #18963 s before it sped away. A circle 20 feet in diameter, consisting of a 3 foot 5/24/1965 #18963 described it as metallic, about 40 feet wide, and with a row of windows and 5/30/1965 #18977 her cottage property less than 200 feet away, then landed on tripod landing 5/30/1965 #18977 med to be rather short--under four feet tall--with large, baldheads, slits 5/30/1965 #18977 gs. They were narrow and up to 100 feet long. As he steered toward them two 6/6/1965 #18995 r 15 minutes at an estimated 3,000 feet altitude. A photo of the same or a 6/13/1965 #19003 in the center for a diameter of 26 feet; at the edges the stubble is bent o 6/25/1965 #19028 nsparent bubble of light about 100 feet away. Inside the globe are several 7/1965 #19039 beings, though slightly shorter (5 feet tall) and with skin that looks tann 7/1965 #19039 ject resting on four legs some 200 feet away from him in his lavender field 7/1/1965 #19047 Masse approaches them to about 20 feet and the figures stand up. They are 7/1/1965 #19047 is at an altitude of 24,000–30,000 feet. At no time does it make any sound. 7/9/1965 #19088 ch a clam- shaped object, about 10 feet in diameter, with red lights around 7/9/1965 #19089 e sky at an altitude above 100,000 feet. 7/18/1965 #19122 sc resting on legs. It is about 20 feet in diameter and 9 feet high. The to 7/19/1965 #19134 is about 20 feet in diameter and 9 feet high. The top and bottom are silver 7/19/1965 #19134 ll bark at it. When Crowe is 50–60 feet from the object, it takes off with 7/19/1965 #19134 approached to within 16 meters (53 feet) it rose with a rushing air noise l 7/19/1965 #19135 th were little men less than three feet tall, while the fifth man was over 7/21/1965 #19156 , while the fifth man was over six feet tall and blond. This last crew memb 7/21/1965 #19156 loud illuminating an area about 33 feet in diameter and hear a buzzing nois 7/26/1965 #19181 he vacant lot and hovering about 3 feet off the ground. Another smaller obj 7/26/1965 #19181 t to the first. Two beings about 5 feet tall emerge from the larger object 7/26/1965 #19181 e], Fort Worth, Texas, below 1,000 feet altitude. The object moves at a con 7/28/1965 #19196 se. The object is approximately 40 feet long and has two brilliant white li 7/28/1965 #19196 cts appear at approximately 22,000 feet altitude. One is moving south, and 8/1/1965 #19244 contact with one object at 10,000 feet in the vicinity of Norman, Oklahoma 8/1/1965 #19244 ee an egg-shaped machine about 300 feet long hovering above the ground. The 8/1/1965 #19246 altitude ranges from 5,000–20,000 feet. Wichita meteorologist John Shockle 8/2/1965 #19265 flying at altitudes of 6,000–9,000 feet. His assistant Ellis Pike notes tha 8/2/1965 #19265 the surface at an altitude of 490 feet. A motorboat with six Arab fisherme 8/2/1965 #19267 he object, which is apparently 200 feet in diameter. The object shoots stra 8/2/1965 #19267 aped UFO, estimated to be about 30 feet in diameter, with a Polaroid camera 8/3/1965 #19293 It had a transparent dome, was 15 feet in diameter, and was on or near the 8/3/1965 #19294 was on or near the ground just 50 feet away from them. Next to the craft s 8/3/1965 #19294 altitudes between 5,200 and 17,000 feet 8/4/1965 #19318 nd-like sound and hovers about 100 feet in front of him. Tenopir stops his 8/4/1965 #19319 he southwest. It seems to be 14–15 feet in diameter, 2 feet thick with a 4- 8/4/1965 #19319 ms to be 14–15 feet in diameter, 2 feet thick with a 4-foot hump in the mid 8/4/1965 #19319 ow luminous disc-shaped object, 50 feet in diameter, land in San Pedro de l 8/7/1965 #19339 Inside the beam descended two 7-8 feet tall men with long blond hair. They 8/7/1965 #19339 e diameter of the UFO is around 42 feet. Lucci is photographing the full mo 8/8/1965 #19341 th. The silvery UFO is about 15–20 feet in diameter and looks like two sauc 8/11/1965? #19367 riefly sees a “being,” about 3–3.5 feet tall, watching him from behind a tr 8/11/1965? #19367 t but sees no footprints. About 40 feet south of the tree he finds a burned 8/11/1965? #19367 he finds a burned area about 15–20 feet in diameter and three rectangular i 8/11/1965? #19367 of 300° and descending from 4,000 feet to 3,000 feet near Springfield, Ohi 8/12/1965 #19373 escending from 4,000 feet to 3,000 feet near Springfield, Ohio. He sees a U 8/12/1965 #19373 ees a disc-shaped object about 300 feet in diameter flying in front of the 8/13/1965 #19382 he north at about 50 mph and 2,300 feet away. It is surrounded with orange 8/13/1965 #19382 he other being was approximately 5 feet tall. He had a very unusual head. H 8/13/1965 #19383 they looked back after running 50 feet the beings had completely vanished. 8/13/1965 #19383 d and saw an aluminum object 15-20 feet in diameter, looking like “two sauc 8/13/1965 #19384 site, he saw a humanoid being 3.5 feet tall, with a baldhead, peeking out 8/13/1965 #19384 leaden metallic color, stood nine feet high and was as wide as the road. T 8/14/1965 #19392 t itself, a leaden color, was nine feet in height and as wide as the road. 8/15/1965 #19402 p.m. EDT, a domed disc hovered 100 feet over the lake in Salem, New Hampshi 8/15/1965 #19403 e bird?) flies up in the air a few feet from the car. She steps on the gas 8/16/1965 #19408 sible. It stood slightly over five feet tall. At this point a football-shap 8/16/1965 #19410 down to the soil. The circle is 12 feet in diameter. 8/19/1965 #19426 king, football-shaped UFO about 50 feet long and approximately 20 feet thic 8/19/1965 #19427 50 feet long and approximately 20 feet thick hovering just above the trees 8/19/1965 #19427 t above the trees an estimated 450 feet from the barn. Slowly, the object d 8/19/1965 #19427 to the ship as it hovers about 10 feet in the air. The noise also increase 8/19/1965 #19427 as a small silvery disc, only five feet in diameter, and it landed on a ter 8/20/1965 #19443 untered a landed metallic disc 150 feet wide. The occupants were blond, blu 8/21/1965 #19450 uman-looking beings who were seven feet tall and wore metallic coveralls. T 8/21/1965 #19450 k; they found a circular object 20 feet in diameter, with a transparent dom 8/26/1965 #19466 three men approached to within 60 feet of the UFO, and could see through a 8/26/1965 #19466 ups of three, and passed about 400 feet away from them. They appeared to be 8/28/1965 #19470 ds. The sphere was between 5 and 8 feet in diameter and trailed by a three- 8/30/1965 #19481 ee-foot light. It hit the road 100 feet in front of the witnesses' car, bou 8/30/1965 #19481 stantly towards them to within 150 feet and hovered at 100 feet off the gro 9/3/1965 #19495 within 150 feet and hovered at 100 feet off the ground. The bright glow ill 9/3/1965 #19495 rk-gray triangular object, 150–200 feet long and 40–50 feet thick at the mi 9/3/1965 #19512 bject, 150–200 feet long and 40–50 feet thick at the middle, with a long, b 9/3/1965 #19512 side. It approaches to within 150 feet from the highway and 100 feet in th 9/3/1965 #19512 150 feet from the highway and 100 feet in the air. Purple light illuminate 9/3/1965 #19512 lew at an altitude of only 300-400 feet. It passed directly over the guard 9/3/1965 #19514 le oval or cigar-shaped object, 40 feet high, approached a stopped sheriff' 9/3/1965 #19517 nd mass sitting on legs, about 100 feet from the road. There were three mor 9/3/1965 #19518 t. Their abductors were all over 6 feet tall, with very high foreheads, and 9/3/1965 #19518 him. The man was described as six feet tall, appearing to be about 30 year 9/4/1965 #19520 ernas is piloting a DC-6b at 8,500 feet for LAN Chile Flight 904 in norther 9/6/1965 #19527 ne stopped when a UFO hovered 1500 feet overhead. The object rose verticall 9/7/1965 #19531 s descending from the sky about 26 feet away. They touch the ground in a un 9/10/1965 #19550 otion, let two humanoids about 2.5 feet tall exit, then rise up again to 16 9/10/1965 #19550 all exit, then rise up again to 16 feet and hover. The beings approach Ferr 9/10/1965 #19550 se and saw two luminous discs five feet wide and two feet thick, come down 9/10/1965 #19551 inous discs five feet wide and two feet thick, come down nearby. They disch 9/10/1965 #19551 tall, and then rose to hover at 15 feet. The entities had reddish brown, wa 9/10/1965 #19551 rim that sparked in sequence, 200 feet above him. 9/15/1965 #19568 . The flames deflected about three feet off the macadam road surface and we 9/16/1965 #19569 UFO is copper colored and about 30 feet in diameter. Within seconds, the ob 9/16/1965 #19574 urface shoot up in the air about 3 feet as the UFO departs, blazing long af 9/16/1965 #19574 in a severely burned area about 6 feet in diameter. Lt. Col. J. B. Brits, 9/16/1965 #19574 colored, domed disc-shaped UFO, 30 feet in diameter, lifted off from the ro 9/16/1965 #19575 his light plane and goes to 15,000 feet. An Iberia Airlines jet passes him 9/17/1965 #19580 passes him on the way up at 24,000 feet. Carrión estimates the UFO is at le 9/17/1965 #19580 xico. The objects flew at 30 to 50 feet above the ground, on a collision co 9/25/1965 #19606 ay with swept-back wings, about 16 feet long, a wingspan of about 12 feet, Mid 10/1965 #19659 feet long, a wingspan of about 12 feet, and its fuselage is about 4-5 feet Mid 10/1965 #19659 eet, and its fuselage is about 4-5 feet deep. He rides over and examines it Mid 10/1965 #19659 d. It has an exterior door about 2 feet wide and 3 feet high that is open a Mid 10/1965 #19659 erior door about 2 feet wide and 3 feet high that is open about 2 inches. H Mid 10/1965 #19659 Massachusetts. It moved slowly 100 feet above ground, and only 500 yards aw 10/18/1965 #19667 ange object that seems to be 2,000 feet above the ground and a quarter of a 10/21/1965 #19670 into the wind for several hundred feet, then stops for a few seconds, at w 10/21/1965 #19670 runs across two little men only 3 feet high with whitish hair sitting next 10/22/1965 #19673 tish hair sitting next to a tube 4 feet tall and resting on the ground. Whe 10/22/1965 #19673 ins. As his car skids to a stop 20 feet from the object, the vehicle’s moto 10/23/1965 #19678 e of stainless steel, stands 30–40 feet high, and is 10 feet in diameter. I 10/23/1965 #19678 stands 30–40 feet high, and is 10 feet in diameter. In a circle of light u 10/23/1965 #19678 ng the road. It was about 30 or 40 feet high and about 10 feet in diameter, 10/23/1965 #19679 ut 30 or 40 feet high and about 10 feet in diameter, resting on legs or fin 10/23/1965 #19679 d on the brakes and stopped twenty feet in front of it. His first thought w 10/23/1965 #19679 ts tapered structure rose about 15 feet above the water and measured 5 feet 11/13/1965 #19719 eet above the water and measured 5 feet high at the top and 12 feet at the 11/13/1965 #19719 ured 5 feet high at the top and 12 feet at the water line. Then, about 30 f 11/13/1965 #19719 at the water line. Then, about 30 feet away, a second box-shaped object, a 11/13/1965 #19719 second box-shaped object, about 10 feet long and 5 feet high, was seen. The 11/13/1965 #19719 d object, about 10 feet long and 5 feet high, was seen. There was no sign o 11/13/1965 #19719 and there he saw a man about five feet tall, with wide shoulders and a nar 11/24/1965 #19734 bullet or acorn-shaped object, 12 feet long and 10 feet in diameter, that 12/9/1965 #19763 shaped object, 12 feet long and 10 feet in diameter, that came down in the 12/9/1965 #19763 erall. The object was less than 60 feet off the ground and approximately 15 12/11/1965 #19765 hite” triangular object, about 130 feet wide and completely silent, pass ov 12/15/1965 #19770 val-shaped object hovering several feet above the road. It covers the entir 12/19/1965 #19777 FO suddenly appeared, hovering six feet over the road. The object made a wh 12/20/1965 #19782 iscs, measuring 20, 40, 70 and 116 feet in diameter. Pickett and Baker say 1966 #19799 it. He was about five and one half feet tall, stocky build, and he stood wi 1/5/1966 #19806 g a man and a woman on foot not 20 feet away to whom she signaled frantical 1/5/1966 #19806 ish-gray glow in the sky about 300 feet away and 35 feet in the air. It com 1/7/1966 #19813 the sky about 300 feet away and 35 feet in the air. It comes from a glowing 1/7/1966 #19813 glowing elliptical object about 30 feet long and 20 feet wide that remains 1/7/1966 #19813 l object about 30 feet long and 20 feet wide that remains stationary for 5 1/7/1966 #19813 es a large silver ball about 15–20 feet in diameter that descends then hove 1/7/1966 #19814 that descends then hovers about 5 feet above the road. On top of it is a c 1/7/1966 #19814 ed a large silver ball about 15-20 feet in diameter. The ball was only 15 f 1/7/1966 #19815 in diameter. The ball was only 15 feet from his car at its closest approac 1/7/1966 #19815 during mid-air refueling at 31,000 feet over the Mediterranean Sea off the 1/17/1966 #19844 directly overhead at less than 150 feet, then dives smoothly, turns to the 1/18/1966 #19850 the east, then comes to within 10 feet of the sloping ground. The surveyor 1/18/1966 #19850 ectly overhead at an estimated 150 feet. It trailed a "wake" behind it like 1/18/1966 #19852 . It passes overhead less than 150 feet, dives smoothly, turns east and com 1/18/1966 #19853 ly, turns east and comes within 10 feet of the ground before flying over th 1/18/1966 #19853 nd sees an unusual object about 75 feet away. It is some 30 feet in the air 1/19/1966 #19858 about 75 feet away. It is some 30 feet in the air, rising vertically, and 1/19/1966 #19858 ctive. He estimates its size as 25 feet long by 8–9 feet deep. The hissing 1/19/1966 #19858 es its size as 25 feet long by 8–9 feet deep. The hissing diminishes as the 1/19/1966 #19858 the object rises to a height of 60 feet, then departs, climbing at about an 1/19/1966 #19858 st saw it. The marking is about 32 feet long by 25 feet wide. The grass on 1/19/1966 #19858 arking is about 32 feet long by 25 feet wide. The grass on the surface of t 1/19/1966 #19858 in the area, ranging from 8 to 30 feet in diameter. Within each circle the 1/19/1966 #19858 they found the object to be 75-100 feet in diameter and 25 feet in height. 1/23/1966 #19869 be 75-100 feet in diameter and 25 feet in height. A door slid open and a s 1/23/1966 #19869 e a tadpole-shaped object about 14 feet long and 2 feet wide with eight yel 2/6/1966 #19887 ed object about 14 feet long and 2 feet wide with eight yellow-and-red, neo 2/6/1966 #19887 d-red, neon-like lights at 250–500 feet altitude in Nederland, Texas. It ca 2/6/1966 #19887 sc or tadpole-shaped object at 500 feet altitude. It cast a pulsating red g 2/6/1966 #19889 gside, along with one being over 6 feet tall. The object rose, then landed 2/25/1966 #19917 re was also a tall being about six feet in height. The women ran and the UF 2/25/1966 #19918 inois - An oval object about 15-20 feet in diameter came within three meter 2/26/1966 #19924 actory. It descends to 1,500–1,800 feet and hovers above the plant. The obj 3/12/1966 #19954 nt. The object is approximately 18 feet in diameter and emits a brilliant w 3/12/1966 #19954 saw an egg-shaped object about 150 feet over power lines. TV and house ligh 3/13/1966 #19956 amily saw an egg-shaped object 150 feet over some power lines in Portsmouth 3/13/1966 #19958 cigar-shaped UFO, approximately 60 feet long, and completely smooth and fea 3/18/1966 #19989 the object slowly rose about 1,000 feet, emitted a blue glow, then disappea 3/19/1966 #19994 s on the underside that were 13-14 feet long. 3/19/1966 #19995 he object light up and rise to 500 feet, then come down again making some n 3/20/1966 #20012 the Slayton Arboretum about 1,500 feet away. Some 87 students collect to w 3/21/1966 #20021 fish, in the road. It is about 75 feet long, nearly 8 feet high, 12 feet w 3/23/1966 #20050 It is about 75 feet long, nearly 8 feet high, 12 feet wide, with a Plexigla 3/23/1966 #20050 feet long, nearly 8 feet high, 12 feet wide, with a Plexiglas bubble on to 3/23/1966 #20050 ft. Laxson stops his car about 300 feet away and walks to within 50 feet, n 3/23/1966 #20050 0 feet away and walks to within 50 feet, noticing a designation on its side 3/23/1966 #20050 ing as it approaches and hovers 50 feet away. Frightened, he takes his .22 3/23/1966 #20052 s until they rose into the air 150 feet and he seemed to perceive a “convex 3/23/1966 #20053 ol at it when it was less than 100 feet away. King fired four shots at the 3/23/1966 #20057 he UFO stopped at a distance of 50 feet, and emitted a slight humming noise 3/23/1966 #20057 ody lights at an estimated 150-200 feet altitude. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 3/24/1966 #20065 a large melted oval area about 35 feet by 100 feet and apparent landing ge 3/24/1966 #20066 ted oval area about 35 feet by 100 feet and apparent landing gear or skid m 3/24/1966 #20066 red body lights was seen about 200 feet above a house. Witnesses were attra 3/24/1966 #20068 er edge was seen hovering about 25 feet over woods, point downward, by a fa 3/25/1966 #20077 two triangular UFOs hovering 40–50 feet above Saanich Inlet, British Columb 3/25/1966 #20082 disc maneuver, descend to about 10 feet, and fly parallel with the road for 3/26/1966 #20088 ers a large, lighted object only 3 feet above the road on a hilltop. The ob 3/28/1966 #20118 top. The object is oval-shaped, 23 feet long, dark gray, and has about 30 l 3/28/1966 #20118 two luminous oval objects about 8 feet in diameter descend and land, makin 3/29/1966 #20134 the woods. The boy stops about 24 feet away, not sure what he is seeing. T 3/29/1966 #20139 vertically, this time to about 10 feet, where it pauses, moves horizontall 3/29/1966 #20139 two luminous oval objects about 8 feet in diameter descend and land, makin 3/29/1966 #20140 ground, from a distance of only 24 feet. It maneuvered out from under trees 3/29/1966 #20142 long object estimated to be 85-100 feet long, with lights at top and bottom 3/30/1966 #20156 d slows down. When he is within 10 feet, he realizes the lights are on a di 3/31/1966 #20179 ights are on a disc hovering a few feet above the road. It has a brilliant 3/31/1966 #20179 yn, Victoria. It looks to be 20–25 feet in diameter and 120 feet in the air 4/2/1966 #20208 be 20–25 feet in diameter and 120 feet in the air. “It seemed to float dow 4/2/1966 #20208 ing a yellow glow hovered about 75 feet above Bronte Gorge, followed a car, 4/3/1966 #20213 he sees a column of light some 25 feet high and shaped like an inverted ic 4/4/1966 #20224 like an inverted ice cream cone, 3 feet wide at the bottom and 10 feet wide 4/4/1966 #20224 , 3 feet wide at the bottom and 10 feet wide at the top. It then rises to a 4/4/1966 #20224 p. It then rises to a height of 20 feet, after which the whole light comple 4/4/1966 #20224 ession about 2–5 inches deep and 5 feet in diameter in the freshly plowed f 4/4/1966 #20224 ded on runway 113. It was about 20 feet in diameter. Two small men were see 4/4/1966 #20226 kitchen window. It seems to be 10 feet in diameter and is shooting exhaust 4/5/1966 #20248 iameter and is shooting exhaust 20 feet above the ground near her house. It 4/5/1966 #20248 ch a 100-foot long UFO hovering 15 feet above a swamp. They try to follow i 4/5/1966 #20250 ltitude (estimated to be about 400 feet) for about 7 minutes during heavy r 4/7/1966 #20266 ming sound when it passes about 15 feet above them. The boys run to the Hol 4/8/1966 #20276 motion. The disc looks metallic, 8 feet in diameter, has a black spot on to 4/8/1966 #20276 was seen. The object hovers 50–100 feet in the air, bathing the two officer 4/17/1966 #20318 rd it cautiously. The UFO is 18–24 feet thick and about 35–45 feet in diame 4/17/1966 #20318 s 18–24 feet thick and about 35–45 feet in diameter. The object is so brigh 4/17/1966 #20318 , the object has remained at 1,000 feet, but now it rises to 3,500 feet and 4/17/1966 #20318 00 feet, but now it rises to 3,500 feet and hovers. Then it shoots even hig 4/17/1966 #20318 ing sound. It descended to just 50 feet above Lake Quanapowitt. 4/17/1966 #20320 Michigan An egg-shaped object, 80 feet in diameter and 15 feet high, is ob 4/18/1966 #20332 object, 80 feet in diameter and 15 feet high, is observed from a distance o 4/18/1966 #20332 is observed from a distance of 80 feet by a 42- year-old witness driving a 4/18/1966 #20332 light was seen hovering only three feet above a roadway in Albany, New York 4/18/1966 #20333 m approached a car within about 40 feet, and hovered. The frightened witnes 4/22/1966 #20366 ular object approach to within 600 feet at about 100 feet altitude. The obj 4/22/1966 #20369 ch to within 600 feet at about 100 feet altitude. The object made a right a 4/22/1966 #20369 itnesses see the object only 20–30 feet above the head of another witness. 4/22/1966 #20375 dark with a white light on top, 45 feet in diameter, and with a row of rota 4/22/1966 #20376 It came closer and hovered only 40 feet away. Frightened, they drove off at 4/22/1966 #20376 terference. It hovered just thirty feet over the Beverly High School buildi 4/22/1966 #20380 ular object approach to within 600 feet at an altitude of only 100. It made 4/22/1966 #20381 y metallic, lens-shaped object, 18 feet wide, descend and land a few yards 4/23/1966 #20392 shed pussy willow bushes, about 15 feet in diameter. 4/23/1966 #20392 w a disc-like object (estimated 20 feet diameter) with a double row of ligh 4/24/1966 #20401 s around the rim hovering 150- 200 feet away at treetop height. It appeared 4/24/1966 #20401 ashing ball of fire” appears three feet above the front and slightly to the 4/24/1966 #20404 four portholes hovering about 350 feet away, flames shooting off of it. (R 4/25/1966 #20412 vicinity of Ocala, at about 6,000 feet, everyone on board is alerted and w 4/25/1966 #20415 four portholes hovering about 350 feet away, with flames shooting off of i 4/25/1966 #20417 y a single private pilot at 10,000 feet altitude. According to the witness, 4/29/1966 #20428 e Flight 42, headed east at 33,000 feet, sees a white-blue object giving of 5/4/1966 #20447 ne Flight 42 headed east at 33,000 feet, which the crew saw high above them 5/4/1966 #20448 ht" that came within about 100-150 feet of his car, changing color to blue- 5/6/1966 #20453 ht" that came within about 100-150 feet of his car, changing color to blue- 5/6/1966 #20455 adar covers altitudes from 100,000 feet to 2,000 miles up but never finds a 5/10/1966 #20474 nd in the atmosphere below 100,000 feet. (Even so, NORAD has been detecting 5/10/1966 #20474 20-foot cylindrical UFO just four feet over the ground. It was hovering wi 5/16/1966 #20492 eserve Base Willow Grove] at 4,500 feet. The object makes a sharp turn with 5/21/1966 #20505 below the starboard wing about 300 feet away and disappearing to the rear. 5/21/1966 #20505 mpressions of landing pads about 4 feet square. 5/22/1966 #20507 m the southwest. It is about 50–60 feet in diameter, smoky in color, and ci 6/2/1966 #20523 It stops and hovers at about 1,000 feet altitude. Then three smaller object 6/2/1966 #20523 strange floating device about 300 feet offshore. There were windows in the 6/3/1966 #20529 followed by an oval object about 6 feet in diameter moving about 10 feet ab 6/8/1966 #20540 6 feet in diameter moving about 10 feet above the power lines on a parallel 6/8/1966 #20540 ie. At an altitude of about 25,000 feet, Walker’s Starfighter is one of fiv 6/8/1966 #20544 y an oval shaped object, about six feet in diameter. It gave off a bluish g 6/8/1966 #20547 oming from it, as it flew about 10 feet above the power lines. It made no n 6/8/1966 #20547 n disappears at a height of 31,000 feet. Gambucci checks with Duluth Air Na Mid 6/1966 #20564 length was computed to be about 60 feet. (Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No 6/17/1966 #20572 direction of the objects, about 60 feet from their camp they discovered tre 6/19/1966 #20586 direction of the objects, about 60 feet from their camp they discover trees 6/19/1966 #20588 as hovering at an estimated 12,000 feet. When the object moved, its glow br 6/23/1966 #20595 is hovering at an estimated 12,000 feet near Placitas, New Mexico. When the 6/23/1966 #20597 with a dirigible-shaped object 100 feet long and 30 feet thick at 3:30 a.m. 6/24/1966 #20608 shaped object 100 feet long and 30 feet thick at 3:30 a.m. He was driving o 6/24/1966 #20608 aining a distance of a few hundred feet. After several minutes it departed, 6/24/1966 #20608 t-shaped object hovering about 500 feet from the shoreline in Trenton, Main 6/24/1966 #20608 into the air, approximately 1,800 feet apart from each other. A disc-shape 6/27/1966 #20618 s hovering above a store about 300 feet away, then it begins moving, rapidl 7/18/1966 #20655 rom right to left. It stopped 5-10 feet above the beach, and then came down 7/31/1966 #20703 ear them. Its altitude is about 75 feet. They describe it as round, brighte 8/1/1966 #20718 ghts on the lawn. It was about six feet long, ovoid shaped, and four feet w 8/1/1966 #20720 feet long, ovoid shaped, and four feet wide by four feet high, and it made 8/1/1966 #20720 shaped, and four feet wide by four feet high, and it made a "rattling" soun 8/1/1966 #20720 d his house hovering about 400-500 feet off the ground. The object made no 8/2/1966 #20722 disc-shaped object hovering at 500 feet, then depart at high speed. The 35- 8/6/1966 #20729 Donnybrook, North Dakota, about 10 feet off the ground. It moves across a v 8/19/1966 #20772 across a valley and climbs to 100 feet, hovers over a reservoir, then appe 8/19/1966 #20772 hen appears to land in a field 250 feet away. It tilts on edge and rises in 8/19/1966 #20772 of a triangle with sides of 10–12 feet. Some stones alo seem to have been 8/19/1966 #20772 arge rocket-shaped object about 60 feet in diameter and 300 feet tall, whic 8/20/1966 #20781 about 60 feet in diameter and 300 feet tall, which landed close by. An ope 8/20/1966 #20781 which is tracked at about 100,000 feet (20 miles). The object rises and de 8/24/1966 #20802 ed by static, even though he is 60 feet underground. The UFO gradually desc 8/24/1966 #20802 and stops directly overhead at 300 feet. It is about 30–50 feet in diameter 9/1966 #20826 ead at 300 feet. It is about 30–50 feet in diameter and disc-shaped, with d 9/1966 #20826 he saw a small person, 3.5 to four feet tall, dressed in white tight-fittin 9/5/1966 #20852 ay, approach, then land within 900 feet, making a low-pitched whine. It tak 9/13/1966 #20879 landed behind their car. It was 15 feet in diameter and only 30 feet away. 9/24/1966 #20924 as 15 feet in diameter and only 30 feet away. When another car came around 9/24/1966 #20924 ghts revolving around it. It is 75 feet in diameter and hovering at 100 fee 10/2/1966 #20949 et in diameter and hovering at 100 feet. She wakes up her husband, who also 10/2/1966 #20949 uthward. The red ball flies 75–100 feet over Janet’s head; its underside is 10/2/1966 #20949 hts revolving around it. It was 75 feet in diameter and 100 feet above the 10/2/1966 #20950 It was 75 feet in diameter and 100 feet above the ground. She woke her husb 10/2/1966 #20950 f southward. The red ball flew 100 feet over Jane's head. It too was oval s 10/2/1966 #20950 apparently on the ground some 840 feet into the field. They estimate it is 10/4/1966 #20957 the field. They estimate it is 27 feet in diameter and 10 feet high. They 10/4/1966 #20957 e it is 27 feet in diameter and 10 feet high. They hear a high-pitched whir 10/4/1966 #20957 investigators find three holes, 8 feet apart in an equilateral triangle, w 10/4/1966 #20957 its movements. It descends to 150 feet above the water, then shoots up. Th 10/10/1966 #20982 parating them from the turnpike 30 feet above them. The fence is 8 feet hig 10/11/1966 #20992 30 feet above them. The fence is 8 feet high and the embankment running up 10/11/1966 #20992 t. They tell him that the man is 7 feet tall, has a dark complexion, and is 10/11/1966 #20992 Jersey at 9:15 p.m. It hovered 250 feet over the water at a distance of 250 10/11/1966 #20993 ver the water at a distance of 250 feet, giving off a blinding white light. 10/11/1966 #20993 e object approach the runway at 50 feet altitude. The runway lights were th 10/26/1966 #21039 .m. saw a carrot-shaped object 400 feet long, hovering 50 feet over the roo 10/30/1966 #21051 object 400 feet long, hovering 50 feet over the roof of the RCA industrial 10/30/1966 #21051 f of the RCA industrial plant, 400 feet away from the highway. It was in a 10/30/1966 #21051 a low-flying dark object about 35 feet wide cuts in front of him and force Early 11/1966 #21070 s a foot above the ground, only 20 feet ahead. The object has a profile sim Early 11/1966 #21070 ch moved toward her and hovered 50 feet away, some 20-30 feet up in the air 11/5/1966 #21078 d hovered 50 feet away, some 20-30 feet up in the air. It was as big as a h 11/5/1966 #21078 ns off its lights at about 100–150 feet altitude. The lights come back on a 11/6/1966 #21080 gton, Indiana. The UFO was only 50 feet away. A muscular looking man and tw 11/11/1966 #21091 is 3–4 inches in diameter, not 30 feet as claimed by Ditter; the object is 11/13/1966 #21098 siderable distance, but a mere 3–4 feet from the camera lens; and the photo 11/13/1966 #21098 as shaped like a man but nearly 7 feet tall. They describe it as a “large 11/15/1966 #21107 "bird-like creature" six to seven feet tall and with a ten foot wingspan. 11/15/1966 #21109 by a gray "bird like creature" 6-7 feet tall with a 10 foot wingspan. When 11/16/1966 #21110 imated the diameter to be about 20 feet. As they watched from less than 50 11/17/1966 #21115 As they watched from less than 50 feet away, a door opened and a small hum 11/17/1966 #21115 timate the diameter to be about 20 feet. As they watch from less than 50 fe 11/17/1966 #21117 t. As they watch from less than 50 feet away, a door opens and a small huma 11/17/1966 #21117 eters in diameter and about twenty feet above the ground. Hutchins describe 11/17/1966 #21119 ed a point about fifteen to twenty feet from the two men, it stopped. "He d 11/17/1966 #21119 a twelve-year-old boy, maybe four feet tall. He wore no helmet or headgear 11/17/1966 #21119 hins could not remember seeing the feet of the creature. It was standing on 11/17/1966 #21119 was standing on high grass and the feet must have been hidden. Both men cou 11/17/1966 #21119 ressed flat in a perfect circle 20 feet in diameter. Every bone in the dog' 11/20/1966 #21129 n West Virginia. The being was six feet tall and had a wingspan of six to e 11/21/1966 #21132 and had a wingspan of six to eight feet, with great big red eyes. It flew s 11/21/1966 #21132 traces of damage at all. About 15 feet away is a dead tree with its top st 11/22/1966 #21141 t rising from the valley about 300 feet away. He is able to take a photogra 11/22/1966 #21141 an aluminum-colored disc, about 25 feet in diameter and 8 feet thick, with 11/22/1966 #21141 c, about 25 feet in diameter and 8 feet thick, with a band around its cente 11/22/1966 #21141 bject rise from a valley about 300 feet away, emitting a humming sound. Phy 11/22/1966 #21143 rtically in front of them only 100 feet away. There was radar confirmation 11/22/1966 #21145 Mothman", a bird-like creature six feet tall and with a ten foot wingspan, 11/24/1966 #21146 tness. The bird-like creature, six feet tall with a ten-foot wingspan, circ 11/25/1966 #21148 escribed the creature as about six feet tall with a "funny little face" wit 11/26/1966 #21151 four "giant birds" that stood 4-5 feet tall and had 10-foot wing spreads a 11/26/1966 #21151 standing by the road. It was seven feet tall, and was gray and white in col 11/27/1966 #21153 s a saucer-shaped object, about 30 feet in diameter, approach and hover bes 11/30/1966 #21165 ed in altitude to between 500-1000 feet, then flew away towards the northea 11/30/1966 #21167 disc-shaped object an estimated 40 feet in diameter hovering over a corn fi 12/2/1966 #21177 . It was a winged figure about 300 feet up in the sky, and flying at 70 mph 12/4/1966 #21182 haped object cross the road at 100 feet altitude and about 100 feet away. I 12/13/1966 #21200 at 100 feet altitude and about 100 feet away. It then turned toward them, t 12/13/1966 #21200 r Force pilots in a T-33 at 27,000 feet above a solid undercast saw a brigh 12/24/1966 #21217 above them, at an estimated 1,000 feet. The object hovered for about 2 min 12/24/1966 #21217 n Pacific Airlines plane at 35,000 feet for seven minutes, emitted light be 12/30/1966 #21229 n Pacific Airlines plane at 35,000 feet over the Pacific Ocean for seven mi 12/30/1966 #21231 at an elevation of 45° about 1,600 feet away. Morin thinks it is attached t 1/1967 #21243 lack, cylindrical object 980–1,300 feet in length and 100 feet in diameter 1/1967 #21243 t 980–1,300 feet in length and 100 feet in diameter with “flames” of differ 1/1967 #21243 t least two meters (six and a half feet) tall, and was enormously broad sho 1/9/1967 #21278 the rim. It was estimated to be 25 feet over the car, 30 feet in diameter a 1/10/1967 #21282 ted to be 25 feet over the car, 30 feet in diameter and 8 feet thick. The o 1/10/1967 #21282 the car, 30 feet in diameter and 8 feet thick. The object hovered, moved sl 1/10/1967 #21282 UFO with a blue halo flew only 25 feet above a car on a road in Bruceville 1/10/1967 #21284 ly bigger than a Peugeot car, 9-12 feet above the ground, and came down abo 1/11/1967 #21288 the ground, and came down about 60 feet away. The top of the object had two 1/11/1967 #21288 re than an hour. It is about 1,000 feet high and seems about as big as two 1/13/1967 #21298 rew of a Lear Jet flying at 41,000 feet over southwestern New Mexico sees a 1/13/1967 #21299 mes, each separated by about 2,000 feet and each emitting a “red ray.” It t 1/13/1967 #21299 over an adjoining field. It was 25 feet in diameter, had a dome on top, sho 1/13/1967 #21300 Las Vegas, Nevada flying at 41,000 feet and 300 knots saw a red oval lumino 1/13/1967 #21301 ighted disc-shaped craft, about 30 feet in diameter, came down alongside th 1/17/1967 #21330 ntly see the same object, about 30 feet in diameter, that comes within 100 1/17/1967 #21333 in diameter, that comes within 100 feet of their car on the same road. It h 1/17/1967 #21333 at low altitude (estimated 400-500 feet), viewed through binoculars. As it 1/18/1967 #21341 ear approach them at about 400–500 feet altitude. As it nears, the object e 1/18/1967 #21343 window at the top hovering about 4 feet over the road ahead of him. He esti 1/19/1967 #21349 d of him. He estimated it to be 25 feet in diameter. When he was 10 feet fr 1/19/1967 #21349 5 feet in diameter. When he was 10 feet from it, the object took off and sw 1/19/1967 #21349 dull, aluminum sphere about 20–25 feet in diameter hovering about 4 feet a 1/19/1967 #21354 feet in diameter hovering about 4 feet above the road some 500 feet ahead 1/19/1967 #21354 out 4 feet above the road some 500 feet ahead of him. It has two antennae p 1/19/1967 #21354 e middle. When he gets to about 10 feet of it, the object ascends swiftly. 1/19/1967 #21354 iny flying object moving slowly 25 feet above the ground. The UFO was descr 1/19/1967 #21355 was above the plane at about 2,000 feet. (Letter to APRO dated April 2, 196 1/20/1967 #21358 moving low to the ground about 500 feet away. As they drove nearer, the obj 1/20/1967 #21361 object was now hovering at 100-300 feet altitude and as it moved to the sid 1/20/1967 #21361 d saw a bright luminous object, 75 feet long by 30 feet wide, approach and 1/25/1967 #21387 uminous object, 75 feet long by 30 feet wide, approach and land on three le 1/25/1967 #21387 bject was revealed, hovering a few feet from the house. It began beaming a 1/25/1967 #21388 ntities was between 3 1/2 and five feet. Quazgaa began telepathic communica 1/25/1967 #21389 rigible- shaped object about 50–60 feet long hovering about 150 feet off th 1/26/1967 #21399 50–60 feet long hovering about 150 feet off the ground above a motor vehicl 1/26/1967 #21399 atch the object, which is only 100 feet away. Some observers with binocular 1/26/1967 #21399 bject hovering over a building 100 feet away. As jets approached to investi 1/26/1967 #21400 lex sees a little blue man about 3 feet tall with a high bowler hat and bea 1/28/1967 #21409 ed a "little blue man" about three feet tall, wearing a helmet, on Studham 1/28/1967 #21410 e object came up to within several feet of her window before stopping, and 1/29/1967 #21412 n saw an object estimated to be 30 feet in diameter and 15 feet thick with 2/3/1967 #21446 d to be 30 feet in diameter and 15 feet thick with a row of white lights an 2/3/1967 #21446 lently and hovered an estimated 30 feet above the ground about 100 feet awa 2/4/1967 #21448 30 feet above the ground about 100 feet away from her. (Letter from witness 2/4/1967 #21448 he object rose slowly to around 50 feet, hovered, then moved away after per 2/4/1967 #21449 object is egg- shaped and about 75 feet long and 45 feet high. An “elevator 2/5/1967 #21460 aped and about 75 feet long and 45 feet high. An “elevator-like” shaft open 2/5/1967 #21460 tern of lights and came down to 30 feet over some railroad tracks, then lan 2/5/1967 #21462 ally landed in Monin's garden, 110 feet away from them. It was about 60 fee 2/5/1967 #21463 et away from them. It was about 60 feet long and 20 feet high. At each end 2/5/1967 #21463 . It was about 60 feet long and 20 feet high. At each end of the cigar was 2/5/1967 #21463 Next, a stout little man, 3.5-4.0 feet tall, appeared standing beside the 2/5/1967 #21463 ed as a red-luminous ball about 25 feet in diameter. This ball took off and 2/5/1967 #21463 n Odessa, Delaware. The UFO was 50 feet in diameter and 20 feet in height a 2/6/1967 #21471 UFO was 50 feet in diameter and 20 feet in height and had two bright lights 2/6/1967 #21471 lights that came down to within 20 feet of the ground. The object shone a l 2/8/1967 #21480 om northeast to southwest at 1,000 feet altitude. The object is silent when 2/10/1967 #21505 The object hovered at about 40-50 feet altitude. Later it maneuvered aroun 2/14/1967 #21547 and sees a landed object about 360 feet away. He sees several entities movi 2/14/1967 #21551 s and approaches it. From about 30 feet away, the object looks like a hover 2/14/1967 #21551 e, but it stops in midair about 15 feet away and drops to the ground. He th 2/14/1967 #21551 off something. When he gets to 15 feet away, he walks into an invisible wa 2/14/1967 #21551 y are flying over Mexico at 10,000 feet. They put the aircraft into a sharp 2/15/1967 #21556 Arizona at 11:43 p.m. at under 300 feet altitude. As the UFO passed over th 2/16/1967 #21577 gliding motion were seen within 50 feet of a power line. The objects someti 2/17/1967 #21585 metal gray oval object hovering 20 feet high. The object had a rough bottom 2/19/1967 #21595 y blunt oval shaped disc, about 25 feet in diameter with a rough bottom, ho 2/19/1967 #21598 ith a rough bottom, hovering at 20 feet altitude over a plaza in Hollywood, 2/19/1967 #21598 s the UFO moving slowly at 100–200 feet altitude, following the course of a 2/22/1967 #21623 see a ring of white lights at 200 feet. Her fox terrier runs inside at ful 2/22/1967 #21623 g down, a strange being, about 4.5 feet tall and wearing a transparent outf 2/24/1967 #21643 htly illuminated object only a few feet in diameter. It moves higher, accel 2/25/1967 #21648 t 660 mph at an altitude of 33,000 feet. Two MiG-21s are scrambled and are 3/1967 #21700 ccelerates and climbs above 90,000 feet, heading towards South America. The 3/1967 #21700 zzy around the edges, estimated 50 feet long and 9 feet high (narrow oval o 3/1/1967 #21710 dges, estimated 50 feet long and 9 feet high (narrow oval or cigar-shaped). 3/1/1967 #21710 hovered, moved back and forth 500 feet away, then accelerated and departed 3/1/1967 #21710 d Hill, NH Object paced car at 100 feet, dog reacted (NICAP: 04 - Animal Re 3/3/1967 #21740 th flashing lights hover about 500 feet off ground. Object departed straigh 3/5/1967 #21762 dark, cigar-shaped object, 82–130 feet wide, silhouetted against the sky. 3/5/1967 #21763 slightly on its axis, it hovers 24 feet in the air. After someone turns on 3/5/1967 #21763 UFO is a silvery globe about 20–40 feet in diameter; it turns and approache 3/5/1967 #21763 en stopping and hovering about 500 feet above the ground. The object circle 3/5/1967 #21765 light that was estimated to be 15 feet in height. The UFO emitted a reddis 3/6/1967 #21780 ee a solid object, estimated at 15 feet in diameter, outlined in bright whi 3/7/1967 #21787 home, the UFO is hovering about 10 feet above a tree in their yard. A stran 3/7/1967 #21787 m a light that is hovering 400–500 feet above the cemetery. Intrigued, Wall 3/8/1967 #21815 zed object hovering at about 3,000 feet. Fisher took color motion pictures 3/9/1967 #21832 he Mississippi River. There are 25 feet of film, and the photographer is co 3/9/1967 #21841 at an estimated altitude of 1,000 feet at the Andover, Massachusetts count 3/9/1967 #21842 ss of an airliner flying at 17,000 feet saw a cluster of 10-12 soft-glowing 3/11/1967 #21857 aw a large object an estimated 150 feet above the ground shoot by. The obje 3/12/1967 #21869 lack "objects" about three to four feet high, arranged in a diamond formati 3/12/1967 #21874 0:30 p.m. It was approximately 100 feet in diameter and hovered motionless 3/12/1967 #21876 crew of a KC- 135 flving at 15,000 feet observed a vertically inclined, hug 3/14/1967 #21884 were on wires. The object was 6-8 feet above the ground. It dropped rapidl 3/16/1967 #21897 at drifted back and forth about 30 feet above a snowy field in front of tre 3/16/1967 #21902 owish-white globes of light at 200 feet altitude, which start moving toward 3/20/1967 #21923 the voices stop. Moments later, 10 feet from the car, they see five figures 3/20/1967 #21923 ing down, she sees a disc about 15 feet in diameter hovering 500 feet away 3/22/1967 #21948 t 15 feet in diameter hovering 500 feet away at an altitude of 1,500 feet. 3/22/1967 #21948 feet away at an altitude of 1,500 feet. It begins to circle the area slowl 3/22/1967 #21948 its speed as 600 mph, size as 230 feet, and distance as 6–12 miles. It dis 3/24/1967 #21972 The object was estimated to be 12 feet wide at the base and 25 feet high t 3/28/1967 #22003 be 12 feet wide at the base and 25 feet high to the point, where there was 3/28/1967 #22003 the ground. The object is about 12 feet wide at the base and 25 feet high, 3/28/1967 #22004 ut 12 feet wide at the base and 25 feet high, with a ball-shaped object at 3/28/1967 #22004 ng rapidly back and forth about 50 feet ahead. He slams on his brakes, but 3/28/1967 #22004 ly up, then down. The car stops 10 feet later; Morris thinks about providin 3/28/1967 #22004 ) a cone was seen hovering several feet over a field between Kent and Munro 3/28/1967 #22007 ing a cylindrical object about 100 feet long that was hovering just off the 3/31/1967 #22020 ees a cylindrical object about 100 feet long that is hovering just off the 3/31/1967 #22023 -shaped object, estimated to be 35 feet long and 20 feet high (length to he 4/1/1967 #22039 stimated to be 35 feet long and 20 feet high (length to height ratio 1.75:1 4/1/1967 #22039 atches a metallic object about 100 feet in diameter hovering some 20 feet a 4/4/1967 #22054 feet in diameter hovering some 20 feet above the terrace of his house in S 4/4/1967 #22054 er their car at an estimated 3,000 feet altitude. (Belleville Telescope, 4/ 4/5/1967 #22063 ees an object approaching about 20 feet above the road. It is about 30 feet 4/5/1967 #22066 eet above the road. It is about 30 feet across and looks like “it had light 4/5/1967 #22066 ext day, the skin on his hands and feet begin to peel and Demler is a nervo 4/5/1967 #22066 sc-shaped object hovering about 60 feet above the ground over a telephone p 4/6/1967 #22080 aw an orange-colored UFO about 100 feet in diameter upon driving over a hil 4/6/1967 #22083 fluorescent glow on the ground 180 feet away. Their car engine fails and th 4/8/1967 #22095 fluorescent glow on the ground 180 feet away from their car while driving i 4/8/1967 #22096 underside. The object hovered 100 feet over a pond, moved slowly, then spe 4/11/1967 #22107 e a "squashed egg." It hovered 100 feet over a pond, and then shot off. It 4/11/1967 #22110 co, Texas. Four beings, under five feet tall and with wrap around eyes, sli 4/11/1967 #22110 other as they passed at about 200 feet altitude. (Letter to Herb Roth, 5/5 4/12/1967 #22118 they passed overhead at about 200 feet altitude. The witnesses, in two 16- 4/12/1967 #22124 down the river basin at about 500 feet altitude. It stops, descends to 100 Mid 4/1967 #22134 ltitude. It stops, descends to 100 feet, and hovers about 600–700 feet away Mid 4/1967 #22134 100 feet, and hovers about 600–700 feet away. He shuts off the tractor but Mid 4/1967 #22134 their car at an altitude of 60-80 feet. As it moved closer, the object was 4/17/1967 #22149 rld War I helmet, and was over 300 feet in diameter. Captain Metz exclaimed 4/17/1967 #22157 t maneuvers at an estimated 20,000 feet altitude. Viewed through binoculars 4/21/1967 #22186 s headlights fall on an object 400 feet away on the road ahead. It is pewte 4/21/1967 #22194 aped like a storage tank, about 12 feet in diameter, and 15–16 feet high. I 4/21/1967 #22194 out 12 feet in diameter, and 15–16 feet high. It is standing on legs about 4/21/1967 #22194 It is standing on legs about 3–3.5 feet long. He switches to his bright lig 4/21/1967 #22194 ed black spot on the road, about 3 feet wide at the widest point. William T 4/21/1967 #22194 and about one inch deep. The four feet are about 11.5–12 feet apart and th 4/21/1967 #22194 p. The four feet are about 11.5–12 feet apart and the diagonals are 16 feet 4/21/1967 #22194 eet apart and the diagonals are 16 feet 1 inch and 16 feet 6 inches, respec 4/21/1967 #22194 iagonals are 16 feet 1 inch and 16 feet 6 inches, respectively. Powers conc 4/21/1967 #22194 ion with the object and stopped 10 feet away. When the UFO took off, it wen 4/21/1967 #22195 light in the middle, hovered 20-30 feet above a pasture in Elizabeth, Illin 4/22/1967 #22209 ge^ elongated object (estimated 50 feet long and 20 feet in width; 2.5:1 le 4/23/1967 #22211 ect (estimated 50 feet long and 20 feet in width; 2.5:1 length to 4 width r 4/23/1967 #22211 saw a small cylinder, estimated 3 feet in diameter and 5 feet tall, with f 4/26/1967 #22220 estimated 3 feet in diameter and 5 feet tall, with flashing lights. The obj 4/26/1967 #22220 oying six legs when it was about 4 feet from the ground. A whirring sound d 4/26/1967 #22220 small cylinder, estimated to be 3 feet in diameter and 5 feet tall, with f 4/26/1967 #22224 ted to be 3 feet in diameter and 5 feet tall, with flashing lights. The obj 4/26/1967 #22224 ng six legs when it was about four feet from the ground. A whirring sound d 4/26/1967 #22224 at J an estimated altitude of 200 feet, remaining visible for several minu 4/27/1967 #22229 flattened sphere ^ an estimated 20 feet in diameter and 15 feet tall, with 4/28/1967 #22242 timated 20 feet in diameter and 15 feet tall, with a band of alternate non- 4/28/1967 #22242 . The object is hovering at 15,000 feet and seems to be revolving. Jenkins 4/28/1967 #22245 to the northwest, rising to 22,000 feet and 8 miles away. At 12:40 p.m., a 4/28/1967 #22245 op (body lights), an estimated 4-5 feet from the body of the craft. (NICAP 5/1967 #22252 ter the previous November. He is 5 feet 9 inches with an olive complexion a 5/1967 #22254 tes. The egg-shaped craft is 23–26 feet high and has no visible markings ex 5/1967 #22255 ge from behind a shed and hover 15 feet from his car. It tilts toward the c 5/1/1967 #22262 ject with domed top hovering 20-30 feet overhead. (Salt Lake City Tribune, 5/6/1967 #22281 ch with a diameter estimated as 50 feet or more, were seen above a grove of 5/6/1967 #22282 red domed disc hovering only 20-30 feet over his head. He took out his pist 5/6/1967 #22285 emetery. As it hovers at about 200 feet, a light beam comes from the bottom 5/7/1967 #22294 y. It descends to a spot about 500 feet away and gives off an intense white 5/7/1967? #22295 disc-shaped object hovered at 200 feet altitude over a cemetery in Edmonto 5/7/1967 #22297 n saw a silver ellipse or disc, 45 feet long and 15 feet thick (3:1 length 5/12/1967 #22324 lipse or disc, 45 feet long and 15 feet thick (3:1 length to width ratio), 5/12/1967 #22324 he afternoon. It came to within 60 feet of the aircraft and then veered awa 5/12/1967 #22326 ped object swooped down to just 25 feet above the ground in Galion, Ohio. I 5/12/1967 #22328 t, he notices a huge object, 45–50 feet in diameter, hovering 25–30 feet ab 5/13/1967 #22336 0 feet in diameter, hovering 25–30 feet above him. He reaches into the car 5/13/1967 #22336 t an estimated height of about 200 feet. The object track passes within 1.5 5/13/1967 #22337 port at an indicated height of 200 feet. The object passed within 1.5 miles 5/13/1967 #22339 moves away, reappearing about 500 feet in front of their car, where it hov Mid 5/1967 #22347 poradic radar returns as at 12,000 feet, 11 miles away. Through 7 x 50 bino 5/16/1967 #22355 ss said it descended to within 150 feet of the ground, then made a 90-degre 5/19/1967 #22374 he sky and descended to within 150 feet of the ground. It then made a 90-de 5/19/1967 #22375 estimated altitude of 1,500-2,000 feet. (Witness letter, 5/25/67, NICAP fi 5/20/1967 #22378 er lands on a large, flat rock 160 feet away. The landed object is more tha 5/20/1967 #22382 The landed object is more than 35 feet wide and 10 feet thick with a 3-foo 5/20/1967 #22382 t is more than 35 feet wide and 10 feet thick with a 3-foot high cupola. It 5/20/1967 #22382 ted interior. Michalak walks to 60 feet away and hears voices inside. Think 5/20/1967 #22382 disc that descended to about 5,000 feet above the ground, emitting a bright 5/25/1967 #22398 end and hover at an estimated 5000 feet altitude. It emitted a bright red f 5/25/1967 #22399 it was estimated to be about 3000 feet distant, and moved at an estimated 5/28/1967 #22417 n the afternoon a small UFO, three feet in diameter, traveled across Trout 5/29/1967 #22422 ion, spraying water seven to eight feet high, noisy, zipped into bushes. It 5/29/1967 #22422 US pilots. The A-12s fly at 80,000 feet and at about Mach 3.1, carrying out 5/30/1967 #22425 rom the south and hovers about 375 feet away. A white light on the bottom b 5/31/1967 #22432 lands and leaves a burning area 90 feet by 150 feet in size with radioactiv 5/31/1967 #22432 aves a burning area 90 feet by 150 feet in size with radioactive soil. The 5/31/1967 #22432 n estimated 100 mph at about 2,000 feet altitude. (Stroud letter, 7/21/67, 6/1967 #22436 d finds a circular burned area 100 feet in diameter with four imprints in i 6/1967 #22439 oward the lights. He was about 100 feet away when the lights rose from the 6/3/1967 #22459 lights). It approached within 400 feet, stopped, glided from side-to-side, 6/6/1967 #22469 ots flying Lockheed T-33s at 4,000 feet encounter a UFO over the Extremadur 6/9/1967 #22482 s estimated to have passed 100-150 feet away from the witnesses at eye leve 6/11/1967 #22492 . One is cigar-shaped and about 36 feet long with four windows along the si 6/13/1967 #22503 other is disc-shaped and about 15 feet across. Both are hovering 12 feet a 6/13/1967 #22503 feet across. Both are hovering 12 feet above the ground. Three small men w 6/13/1967 #22503 ar-shaped object on the ground, 35 feet long by 15 feet thick, and a hoveri 6/13/1967 #22504 on the ground, 35 feet long by 15 feet thick, and a hovering disc-shaped o 6/13/1967 #22504 vering disc-shaped object about 15 feet in diameter. The smaller object, ti 6/13/1967 #22504 ward at a 45 degree angle a rod 15 feet long, bearing a large red light at 6/13/1967 #22504 small humanoid figures about three feet tall, wearing miner's hats with sma 6/13/1967 #22504 After they reached a height of 50 feet they departed at about 40-45 mph wi 6/13/1967 #22504 object estimated to be nearly 100 feet in diameter flying to the right of Mid 1967 #22508 nutes. Three occupants less than 4 feet tall, in light colored uniforms, an 6/15/1967 #22509 op. The object was an estimated 30 feet in diameter and 15 feet thick. When 6/18/1967 #22516 timated 30 feet in diameter and 15 feet thick. When the object approached t 6/18/1967 #22516 e a bright oval object hovering 50 feet above the treetops about a half-mil 6/18/1967 #22520 hovering over the ocean about 500 feet from the shore. The object emitted 6/24/1967 #22541 litary post at an estimated 15,000 feet altitude. (La Voz Del Interior 6/26 6/24/1967 #22544 litary post at an estimated 15,000 feet altitude. Other groups of UFOs are 6/24/1967 #22548 ight for 10-15 minutes about 10-20 feet above the ground, emitting a "low-p 6/25/1967 #22553 wled when a UFO flew ten to twenty feet off the ground, making a low-pitche 6/25/1967 #22555 with two "persons" at his head and feet. The entities had large baldheads, 6/25/1967 #22557 ped). The object hovered about 300 feet over a service station, moved slowl 6/27/1967 #22562 ey. It was very large, perhaps 200 feet wide, and 25-30 feet thick. It had 6/29/1967 #22575 , perhaps 200 feet wide, and 25-30 feet thick. It had three red lights and 6/29/1967 #22575 The UFO followed their car for 500 feet, then veered off to the south and t 6/29/1967 #22575 t disc that appears to be about 25 feet in diameter. The disc appears from 7/3/1967 #22600 an altitude of approximately 2,000 feet. It travels toward the hikers, grad 7/3/1967 #22600 ellipsoid with a diameter of 40–50 feet and a thickness of 11–14 feet. The 7/3/1967 #22600 0–50 feet and a thickness of 11–14 feet. The witnesses sign statutory decla 7/3/1967 #22600 , cigar-shaped object about 75–100 feet long hanging low in the sky above W 7/3/1967 #22601 g disc- shaped object, about 12–15 feet in diameter. He takes a total of 6 7/3/1967 #22601 bright metallic in color, about 50 feet in diameter, and traveling 100 mph 7/3/1967 #22602 mph at an altitude of 2,000– 3,000 feet. The red-orange color emanates from 7/3/1967 #22602 in the sky. Mr. Denniss shot a few feet of film in the direction of flight. 7/3/1967 #22603 directly over the trees about 300 feet away, and as it approached two smal 7/4/1967 #22609 sses estimate a diameter of 50–100 feet. At first the object appears to be 7/4/1967 #22610 then it moves slowly a few hundred feet above the ground, finally picking u 7/4/1967 #22610 urns the radio off. Within 300–450 feet, his car engine stops by itself. Th 7/5/1967 #22616 rge dark shadow” at a height of 20 feet. The shadow seems 120 feet thick. A 7/5/1967 #22616 t of 20 feet. The shadow seems 120 feet thick. Above it is a grayish-blue g 7/5/1967 #22616 from the object, which is about 21 feet in diameter and 8 feet high. It has 7/7/1967 #22630 is about 21 feet in diameter and 8 feet high. It has a dome on top and four 7/7/1967 #22630 s). The object approached about 60 feet off the ground with a fluttering mo 7/9/1967 #22636 ject landed in a pasture about 500 feet from the witnesses. (Burlington Fre 7/12/1967 #22653 oad. It appears to be a triangle 8 feet tall and 21 feet wide. Richardson b 7/13/1967 #22656 o be a triangle 8 feet tall and 21 feet wide. Richardson brakes and close t 7/13/1967 #22656 saw a small cylinder (estimated 4 feet long and 1 foot diameter) made of m 7/15/1967 #22664 e people saw a round object (10-15 feet diameter) with a bright orange hue. 7/17/1967 #22676 flying at an altitude of some 350 feet at the speed of a propeller aircraf 7/17/1967 #22679 "dish-like" object hovering eight feet above the ground. It was a dull blu 7/17/1967 #22685 stimated altitude of less than 500 feet. One of the witnesses was a World W 7/18/1967 #22693 While flying at 14,000 feet over Enderby, British Columbia at 1 7/19/1967 #22702 ht turned red and descended to 200 feet above the ground. (Cook report, NIC 7/20/1967 #22709 low light seems to be floating 6–8 feet off the ground, and it stays over t 7/20/1967 #22710 a swamp and moving toward them 15 feet above the ground. Her sister’s toy 7/20/1967 #22710 ng up when she saw a UFO about 200 feet away about 60-70 feet above the gro 7/20/1967 #22713 FO about 200 feet away about 60-70 feet above the ground. It was a sixty fo 7/20/1967 #22713 urned red, descended to around 200 feet above the ground, and an intense wh 7/20/1967 #22713 g yellow light, which flew just 15 feet above the roadway in Pompano Beach. 7/21/1967 #22720 moving erratically at about 16,000 feet. It zips away after 18 minutes. Rad 7/26/1967 #22735 range object in the ocean about 50 feet away on the starboard side. Capt. J 7/30/1967 #22753 sees a cigar-shaped UFO about 110 feet long, glowing blue and white. It pa 7/30/1967 #22753 es a cigar- shaped object about 50 feet long in a parking lot. It has green 7/31/1967 #22761 d a domed oval-shaped craft, 20-30 feet in length, moved slowly at 100 feet 8/2/1967 #22777 eet in length, moved slowly at 100 feet above a teenager riding on a bicycl 8/2/1967 #22777 The object reappeared at about 100 feet altitude, hovered over a wheat fiel 8/3/1967 #22784 e yellow and one blue, about 1,000 feet away from them on the right, appare 8/3/1967 #22787 e, disc-shaped object hovering 100 feet above a nearby palm tree. Within a 8/3/1967 #22788 ch stepped a small man about three feet tall, dressed in silvery luminous c 8/3/1967 #22791 he object leveled off about 50-100 feet off the ground and flew away to the 8/4/1967 #22799 the southeast. A scorched area 20 feet in diameter was found in the bean f 8/4/1967 #22799 ner flying at an altitude of 1,200 feet would have fit inside this ring. It 8/5/1967 #22813 finds a circular mark more than 30 feet in diameter in his cow pasture near 8/5/1967 #22815 rom 5 to 7 inches wide and from 31 feet 9 inches to 36 feet 3 inches, and e 8/5/1967 #22815 de and from 31 feet 9 inches to 36 feet 3 inches, and each is incomplete on 8/5/1967 #22815 d UFO. The smallest measured 31.75 feet in diameter and the largest 36.25 f 8/5/1967 #22817 in diameter and the largest 36.25 feet. 8/5/1967 #22817 like, saucer-shaped object about 3 feet in diameter descend from above high 8/6/1967 #22826 co [now Aeroméxico] DC-9 at 23,000 feet over Salamanca, Guanajuato, Mexico. 8/6/1967 #22830 cross the horizon at 55,000–60,000 feet in 40–45 seconds. One of the object 8/6/1967 #22830 a shiny, metallic disc only three feet in diameter. It made a buzzing soun 8/6/1967 #22834 c rises out of the sea about 1,650 feet from shore, hovers, then rises obli 8/8/1967 #22847 at an estimated altitude of 5,000 feet. 8/9/1967 #22854 ny saw a huge object, estimated 75 feet long, that was hovering about 125 f 8/10/1967 #22857 long, that was hovering about 125 feet over a field. It was an elongated, 8/10/1967 #22857 e a bright round ball, about 50–60 feet in diameter, in the air about 1,300 8/10/1967 #22859 n diameter, in the air about 1,300 feet away near Winter Haven, Florida. It 8/10/1967 #22859 in a neighboring pasture about 450 feet away. It is shining a beam of light 8/12/1967 #22868 m of light at a milk house only 25 feet from their camper. The dog has stop 8/12/1967 #22868 e form of an upside-down basin 115 feet in diameter sitting on the landing 8/13/1967 #22873 ight to ten little men about three feet tall, who wore tight fitting brown 8/15/1967 #22883 uniforms. A circular depression 12 feet in diameter was later found on the 8/15/1967 #22883 witness saw three beings about 3-4 feet tall and wearing helmets (humanoids 8/23/1967 #22897 above the ground. Two entities, 4 feet tall and dressed in white suits and 8/23/1967 #22904 ight like a flashlight hovering 13 feet above the ground near the house. Th 8/23/1967 #22905 a ravine where they see, about 35 feet away, a small being with a dispropo 8/23/1967 #22905 lky human-like entities about four feet tall, wearing white uniforms and he 8/23/1967 #22906 luminous object hovering about 13 feet in the air. Then they heard a whist 8/23/1967 #22908 ed out from behind some bushes, 35 feet away. The being was 4 feet 4 inches 8/23/1967 #22908 hes, 35 feet away. The being was 4 feet 4 inches tall, and its face was at 8/23/1967 #22908 domed disc, estimated to be 25–30 feet in diameter, descends within a few 8/24/1967 #22917 in diameter, descends within a few feet of the ground about 100 feet away. 8/24/1967 #22917 a few feet of the ground about 100 feet away. Two humanoids about 5– 5.5 fe 8/24/1967 #22917 t away. Two humanoids about 5– 5.5 feet tall with round helmets and silver 8/24/1967 #22917 ollows the motorcycle at about 100 feet off the ground. Hydes can hear a hu 8/24/1967 #22917 ed at an estimated altitude of 500 feet, disappeared into a cloud bank and 8/25/1967 #22923 d silently to the southwest at 800 feet altitude. Two witnesses in a car at 8/25/1967 #22926 d. It was estimated to be about 60 feet in diameter, and at a maximum heigh 8/25/1967 #22928 and at a maximum height of 300-400 feet from the ground. It hovered, then m 8/25/1967 #22928 costed by a little man about three feet tall who was covered with wiry hair 8/26/1967 #22935 -like figure. He passed within ten feet of the creature. Frightened, he ste 8/26/1967 #22936 e object in a field some 900–1,200 feet away. It is football-shaped and sil 8/27/1967 #22940 led by a blue light at 3,000–4,000 feet. An investigating team from RCAF Tr 8/28/1967 #22943 and hover at an estimated 100-200 feet above them for about 30 seconds. (S 8/29/1967 #22949 arge, bright orange light at 6,000 feet and estimated its diameter as 50-60 8/29/1967 #22951 nd estimated its diameter as 50-60 feet. The pilot chased the light but it 8/29/1967 #22951 ed chins around a landed sphere 15 feet in diameter. As the UFO begins to t 8/29/1967 #22954 four dwarfish figures, 3.5 to four feet tall, on the other side of the road 8/29/1967 #22955 olored object hovering about 2,400 feet in the sky. The unit commander repo 9/1967 #22971 and hovers at an altitude of 1,300 feet and seems to have a diameter of abo 9/1967 #22972 ems to have a diameter of about 50 feet. The bottom portion contains nozzle 9/1967 #22972 garment that covered its hands and feet, and was wearing an opaque helmet. 9/3/1967 #22991 line at an altitude of about 2,500 feet. The object moved with the convex p 9/4/1967 #22995 nearby garage. He meets a dwarf, 3 feet tall, with a big head and bulging, 9/4/1967 #22997 ghter than air, with its hands and feet pointed backwards." The creature fl 9/8/1967 #23021 s in a trapezoid pattern, only 1.5 feet above a rural road in Winchester, C 9/9/1967 #23027 e pole and as wide as the road (15 feet). It was close to a nearby microwav 9/9/1967 #23027 nees Mountains in a DC-6 at 16,000 feet altitude, 65 miles north of Reus, T 9/10/1967 #23033 nd in figure 8's, at about 200-300 feet altitude. (Letter and visit to NICA 9/11/1967 #23040 ct hovering in a field about 1,000 feet away from the farmhouse. The object 9/11/1967 #23045 e column. Two humanlike figures, 6 feet tall, emerge, dressed in one-piece 9/14/1967 #23060 iation with the object were over 6 feet tall, hefty, used breathing apparat 9/17/1967 #23075 ssed teardrop-shaped area about 35 feet in diameter. They also find three t 9/20/1967 #23101 equilateral triangle with sides 10 feet long, and a fourth depression in th 9/20/1967 #23101 igure about the size of a boy, 3.5 feet tall, "zoomed" out of the stall and 9/22/1967 #23115 are and oval windows about 450–600 feet away at treetop level near Homer, L 10/1967 #23156 00-800 yards away. It was about 14 feet long, with half a dozen oval illumi 10/1/1967 #23160 tically with no noise to about 500 feet, showing yellow, red orange, and a 10/1/1967 #23160 s hit the water’s surface 820– 980 feet offshore. It drifts on the surface, 10/4/1967 #23176 north. It approaches to within 500 feet of the cabin. The object is about 7 10/7/1967 #23189 the cabin. The object is about 75 feet in diameter and looks like two bowl 10/7/1967 #23189 hortly after a funeral at only six feet above the ground. 10/8/1967 #23195 d and sitting on two legs about 44 feet away from him. The legs end in circ 10/9/1967 #23201 king a low-pitched hum, is about 8 feet tall and more than 2 feet wide. The 10/9/1967 #23201 about 8 feet tall and more than 2 feet wide. The boy approaches it for a b 10/9/1967 #23201 goatee. The man was well over six feet tall, and was wearing a jacket with 10/10/1967 #23205 n." Then the man walked about four feet away from the roadside and vanished 10/10/1967 #23205 or five times at a height of 1,000 feet, then flies away. The witness feels 10/11/1967 #23217 ith a row of six red lights, 55-60 feet long and at an altitude of 500-600 10/11/1967 #23220 long and at an altitude of 500-600 feet was watched for ten minutes at arou 10/11/1967 #23220 isc). It was estimated to be 40-50 feet wide and 15-18 feet tall. Possible 10/13/1967 #23232 ed to be 40-50 feet wide and 15-18 feet tall. Possible EM effect noted on r 10/13/1967 #23232 n Shillong, India an object at 500 feet altitude swooped down to ground lev 10/17/1967 #23248 east to west at about 1,200–1,500 feet. They are tracked by RAPCON radar f 10/21/1967 #23281 ad and disappear. They are about 4 feet tall and wearing tight-fitting blue 10/21/1967 #23282 dy bottom of a creek bed about 300 feet from the road. 10/21/1967 #23282 saw three lights that were about 4 feet in diameter. The two outer lights w 10/22/1967 #23287 though they approach to within 120 feet of the object. The UFO is later obs 10/24/1967 #23304 s of a dull silver color, about 30 feet in diameter and 6-8 feet high. Arou 10/24/1967 #23309 about 30 feet in diameter and 6-8 feet high. Around the rim were square sh 10/24/1967 #23309 d hovers at an altitude of 200–300 feet at a distance of about a quarter mi 10/26/1967 #23334 l round chamber estimated to be 25 feet in diameter and 12 feet thick. Four 10/26/1967 #23334 d to be 25 feet in diameter and 12 feet thick. Four long slender fuselages 10/26/1967 #23334 ng slender fuselages (estimated 75 feet long and 8 feet wide) extend from t 10/26/1967 #23334 ages (estimated 75 feet long and 8 feet wide) extend from the central chamb 10/26/1967 #23334 sky. The object stopped about 100 feet above the ground and hovered. Its s 10/27/1967 #23346 , reddish, round object, about 100 feet in diameter, pace his truck for abo 10/27/1967 #23352 altitude, estimated to be only 250 feet. It had portholes on the side and n 10/27/1967 #23355 uminum colored object hovering 200 feet away, just four feet above the grou 10/29/1967 #23364 hovering 200 feet away, just four feet above the ground. It was plate sha 10/29/1967 #23364 a convex bottom side, and about 30 feet in diameter. When he got to within 10/29/1967 #23364 diameter. When he got to within 50 feet of it his car motor stopped. He des 10/29/1967 #23364 s a robustly built man about 5-1/2 feet tall, dressed in a light colored ga 10/29/1967 #23364 hears no noise. The tube seems 2–3 feet in diameter. It is not uncomfortabl 10/30/1967 #23371 ut he estimates its diameter as 30 feet and about 100 feet up in the air. I 10/30/1967 #23371 diameter as 30 feet and about 100 feet up in the air. It glows an iridesce 10/30/1967 #23371 ular lighted panel that hovered 12 feet off the ground, 200 feet away. The 10/30/1967 #23373 overed 12 feet off the ground, 200 feet away. The rectangular lighted panel 10/30/1967 #23373 tangular lighted panel was about 4 feet high and 16 feet long. It appeared 10/30/1967 #23373 panel was about 4 feet high and 16 feet long. It appeared to be a large win 10/30/1967 #23373 t clearly seen, but was perhaps 50 feet long. A bright spotlight came on, a 10/30/1967 #23373 a football-shaped object about 30 feet in diameter that was pulsating and 10/31/1967 #23375 ont of them they see an object 6–8 feet in diameter and 3 feet thick, hover 11/2/1967 #23390 object 6–8 feet in diameter and 3 feet thick, hovering 5 feet off the grou 11/2/1967 #23390 meter and 3 feet thick, hovering 5 feet off the ground and shaped like two 11/2/1967 #23390 ut and approaches the car. It is 3 feet tall, bald, with ears set high on i 11/2/1967 #23390 ahead of them, hovering just five feet off the ground, they saw a domed di 11/2/1967 #23392 ey saw a domed disc-shaped UFO 6-8 feet in diameter and perhaps three feet 11/2/1967 #23392 feet in diameter and perhaps three feet thick. On top was a transparent bub 11/2/1967 #23392 t the being was no more than three feet tall, and bald with ears set up hig 11/2/1967 #23392 a bright circular object about 100 feet in diameter hovering 100-150 feet a 11/4/1967 #23400 feet in diameter hovering 100-150 feet above a house at an angle. (Califor 11/4/1967 #23400 projection underneath, hovering 10 feet over the road. (Flying Saucer Revie 11/5/1967 #23405 e UFOs were approximately 15 to 20 feet in diameter and three were approxim 11/6/1967 #23412 ee were approximately eight to ten feet in diameter. All of the UFOs were o 11/6/1967 #23412 en notices a red- orange object 30 feet in diameter hovering in the road ah 11/8/1967 #23425 ing in the road ahead at about 160 feet in altitude. The object hovers abou 11/8/1967 #23425 moon. It approached and landed 50 feet in front of them, covering the enti 11/9/1967 #23434 five dark greenish creatures, four feet tall, "milling about some type of m 11/9/1967 #23434 horizon. It seemed to measure 300 feet in diameter. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 02 - 11/15/1967 #23458 ean Airways plane flying at 27,000 feet had a 10-minute encounter with an o 11/15/1967 #23459 t passed over them at about 50,000 feet. (Roth Volunteer Flight Officers Ne 11/15/1967 #23459 level. A dark figure, seven to ten feet tall, was seen approaching it. The 11/16/1967 #23471 a bright circular object about 50 feet in diameter that traveled under the 11/19/1967 #23482 0 minutes as it hovers at about 90 feet. It starts moving slowly northwest 11/21/1967 #23491 Lingus airliner, flying at 10,000 feet to Dublin, Ireland above Falkirk, S 11/21/1967 #23492 me and antennas hovering at 15,000 feet. It rotates and moves away at high 11/22/1967 #23497 bove them at a distance of 100–200 feet. Gould has the impression it has sw 11/22/1967 #23498 liptical object estimated to be 15 feet tall and 20 feet wide with flashing 12/3/1967 #23540 stimated to be 15 feet tall and 20 feet wide with flashing red lights insid 12/3/1967 #23540 liptical object estimated to be 15 feet tall and 20 feet wide with flashing 12/3/1967 #23541 stimated to be 15 feet tall and 20 feet wide with flashing red lights insid 12/3/1967 #23541 s of a disc hovering at a tilt 150 feet away and 6–8 feet above the road. I 12/3/1967 #23545 ng at a tilt 150 feet away and 6–8 feet above the road. It looks made of sh 12/3/1967 #23545 place?”). They are humanoids, 4–5 feet tall with long heads, gray-white sk 12/3/1967 #23545 He noticed a silver disc about 30 feet in diameter, surrounded by a brilli 12/3/1967 #23547 raft by four aliens about 4.5 to 5 feet tall with slanted eyes. They used l 12/3/1967 #23547 Their size was estimated as 15-20 feet in diameter and 5 feet thick in the 12/4/1967 #23550 ed as 15-20 feet in diameter and 5 feet thick in the center. The objects ho 12/4/1967 #23550 . The objects hovered at about 100 feet, separated, came back together and 12/4/1967 #23550 derside. The object hovered at 200 feet, then moved away across the mountai 12/7/1967 #23556 entified object hovering about 200 feet in the air. There appeared to be a 12/7/1967 #23558 rge as a boxcar moving at about 90 feet above the road. Then it passes over 12/12/1967 #23575 a dome-shaped object hovering 450 feet away. It is metallic, has lights ar 12/13/1967 #23581 s around the edge, and is about 50 feet high. The object rocks back and for 12/13/1967 #23581 and forth within a range of 10–15 feet but remains above the road. Over th 12/13/1967 #23581 around the edge, and was about 50 feet high. He felt the battery of the ca 12/13/1967 #23582 which rocked back and forth 10-15 feet but stayed over the road. During th 12/13/1967 #23582 ng the road at a height of 300–400 feet. As it approaches to within about 3 12/27/1967 #23615 t approaches to within about 3,000 feet, it makes a banking movement that r 12/27/1967 #23615 identical white discs, about 6–10 feet in diameter, moving at the same alt 1968 #23632 s them. He approaches to within 50 feet of them. During the 5-minute encoun 1968 #23632 e with 12 lights. It hovered fifty feet above the ground, and then shot str 1/2/1968 #23644 y "suction cups on their hands and feet." They glistened like metal, possib 1/3/1968 #23647 ently. The larger UFO was 40 to 50 feet in diameter UFO and about 350 feet 1/13/1968 #23663 feet in diameter UFO and about 350 feet in the air. It rose slowly, and gav 1/13/1968 #23663 re than a mile away, and 500–1,500 feet high. As they watch, one of the obj 1/15/1968 #23667 ed as it came down several hundred feet from her and stopped about 150 feet 1/17/1968 #23668 eet from her and stopped about 150 feet from the ground. The UFO made no no 1/17/1968 #23668 It seems to be spinning and is 20 feet above the ground, sometimes less. W 1/20/1968 #23683 tate Highway 50, the UFO, about 30 feet in diameter, starts following them. 1/20/1968 #23683 At one point it is hovering only 3 feet above an intersection. It keeps fol 1/20/1968 #23683 hovering over a pond some 100-200 feet away. Its top section was transpare 1/24/1968 #23697 ralyzed. Shortly, two men over six feet tall, "who looked as though they we 1/25/1968 #23700 to slow moving round object at 300 feet (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: 2/4/1968 #23732 sses overhead. The UFO is about 50 feet in diameter, with seven lights on i 2/4/1968 #23734 about a mile at an altitude of 300 feet. Coming to a stop, it hovers briefl 2/4/1968 #23734 d at an altitude of 2,000 to 5,000 feet near Missoula, Montana, maneuvering 2/13/1968 #23756 thinks it is metallic and about 30 feet long. They drive back into town for 2/18/1968 #23763 ooking out, she sees an object 300 feet away circling around a pole with an 2/19/1968 #23767 ted glass. The saucers are about 8 feet wide and the dome about 4 feet wide 2/19/1968 #23767 t 8 feet wide and the dome about 4 feet wide. The body of the object looks 2/19/1968 #23767 ering, its altitude ranging from 3 feet to 20 feet. After 20 minutes, still 2/19/1968 #23767 altitude ranging from 3 feet to 20 feet. After 20 minutes, still 9–12 feet 2/19/1968 #23767 feet. After 20 minutes, still 9–12 feet above the ground, the object leaves 2/19/1968 #23767 ect was at a distance of about 150 feet, and had a cone of white light comi 2/21/1968 #23773 , and 15-20 little men about three feet tall walked down the light beam in 2/21/1968 #23774 saw a single object maneuvering 60 feet above the ocean. It had frosted yel 2/21/1968 #23775 slender and not tall, perhaps five feet nine. He changed position a few tim 2/26/1968 #23784 ace is immobile, and her hands and feet ache. The light goes on and off abo 2/27/1968 #23786 ed object. As he reaches about 900 feet away from the object, he stops the 2/27/1968 #23787 He sees about 4–5 figures about 4 feet tall spread out around the object. 2/27/1968 #23787 while, the UFO has risen about 200 feet into the air and is passing above h 2/27/1968 #23787 e that an airliner flying at 6,000 feet from Cairns to Iron Range is paced 3/2/1968 #23806 Range is paced by a UFO. About 50 feet of film is exposed. On March 4, ano 3/2/1968 #23806 is exposed. On March 4, another 16 feet is exposed during a local UFO sight 3/2/1968 #23806 orman E. Bryant thinks it is 1,000 feet long, 250 feet wide, and flying at 3/3/1968 #23815 thinks it is 1,000 feet long, 250 feet wide, and flying at an altitude of 3/3/1968 #23815 and flying at an altitude of 2,000 feet. It passes them in a matter of seco 3/3/1968 #23815 n front of it. The object is 50–60 feet long with blinking yellow lights. T 3/4/1968 #23823 t of the car. The object was 50-60 feet long with blinking lights.The witne 3/4/1968 #23825 ater. The being was just over four feet tall and had a tough leathery dark 4/3/1968 #23886 landing in the sand. It is about 9 feet in diameter. The commander dispatch Mid 4/1968 #23906 ustralia. It was oval in shape, 70 feet by 36 feet. 4/25/1968 #23924 t was oval in shape, 70 feet by 36 feet. 4/25/1968 #23924 V-formation at an altitude of 500 feet. They look like they have metallic 5/10/1968 #23955 ng at an estimated altitude of 500 feet. The beings appeared to be covered 5/10/1968 #23956 tices strands of material about 65 feet long falling on his property. He sa 5/11/1968 #23958 , and inside was a short being 3.5 feet tall, who was killing the sheep wit 5/14/1968 #23962 n top. He approaches to within 165 feet and fires about 40 machine gun roun 6/14/1968 #24031 ted that he had come to within 150 feet of a brilliant disc-shaped object o 6/14/1968 #24033 dly flew at a height of only a few feet above the ground. They appeared to 6/14/1968 #24034 ng man in the dining area. He is 6 feet tall and dressed in a blue helmet a 6/15/1968 #24039 d, stationary red lights about 5–6 feet from the ground off Highway 20. Mar 6/15/1968 #24039 dows, and its diameter is about 90 feet. The object is at the same altitude 6/18/1968 #24044 me altitude as the aircraft, 7,500 feet, and at a distance of 330 feet. It 6/18/1968 #24044 500 feet, and at a distance of 330 feet. It disappears by flying to the nor 6/18/1968 #24044 rail to get closer. He is about 75 feet from the object, which is only 6 fe 7/1968 #24108 t from the object, which is only 6 feet above the ground in a clearing. The 7/1968 #24108 rning. He sees a light about 1,600 feet further downhill shining through th 7/1968 #24109 object, which is silvery, some 260 feet in diameter, standing on three legs 7/1968 #24109 a burning odor. He gets within 10 feet and cannot go further. He sees two 7/1968 #24109 t of the object is a robot about 8 feet tall with three legs and four arms. 7/1968 #24109 ig as a house” sitting about 1,150 feet to the west of them. It has a large 7/1/1968 #24118 s triangle, two sides measuring 20 feet and one side 23 feet. 7/1/1968 #24118 measuring 20 feet and one side 23 feet. 7/1/1968 #24118 os, Argentina. They were nearly 10 feet tall. He "felt himself drawn toward 7/1/1968 #24119 gure fly away to a point about 200 feet up and several hundred feet south o 7/1/1968 #24121 ut 200 feet up and several hundred feet south of the apartment building. It 7/1/1968 #24121 The object then rose to about 1000 feet and went southwest at high speed. T 7/1/1968 #24121 ore a silvery colored suit and its feet did not appear to touch the ground. 7/1/1968 #24121 n elliptical, silvery machine, 6.5 feet long, 2 feet high, with three legs 7/2/1968 #24131 silvery machine, 6.5 feet long, 2 feet high, with three legs 19 inches hig 7/2/1968 #24131 angle, the base side measuring 6.5 feet and the other 2 sides 5.2 feet wide 7/2/1968 #24131 6.5 feet and the other 2 sides 5.2 feet wide. At 11:15 p.m., five skeptical 7/2/1968 #24131 they see a zigzagging light a few feet from the ground and heading their w 7/2/1968 #24131 to him. They were five and a half feet tall, with thin white hair and wore 7/2/1968 #24133 ention to an elliptical object six feet in diameter, standing on 20" tripod 7/2/1968 #24133 They were estimated to be only two feet tall with shoulders the size of adu 7/2/1968 #24136 in La Plata, Argentina. He was six feet tall, had red hair and blue eyes, a 7/9/1968 #24163 ee a basketball-sized object 20–50 feet away, near the ground, and constant 7/13/1968 #24173 they see a bright object about 165 feet away. It is surrounded by reddish-o 7/20/1968 #24193 sees a female figure, less than 5 feet tall and wearing a silver ribbon, s 7/20/1968 #24193 find a circular burnt area about 6 feet in diameter and four wedge-shaped p 7/20/1968 #24193 hroom-shaped landed object only 65 feet away. It is luminous and sitting in 7/22/1968 #24204 ol center building. A large UFO 50 feet tall is resting nearby on the groun 7/23/1968 #24213 s Aires, Argentina. It is only 115 feet from them and the size of a truck. 7/25/1968 #24225 about 5 minutes at a height of 33 feet. When it rises into the air and van 7/25/1968 #24225 und and three beings more than six feet tall, wearing silvery uniforms, eme 7/25/1968 #24226 tina saw a silvery object about 25 feet in diameter. The engine of their ca 7/25/1968 #24228 goes into a nearby field. About 12 feet in diameter, it is dark on the bott 7/28/1968 #24244 y 4 or 5 small entities, perhaps 3 feet tall with heads shaped like bottles 7/28/1968 #24244 jects was seen to land about 1,000 feet away. When they went out with a fla 7/28/1968 #24245 hey encountered a being about four feet tall, 50 feet away from them, that 7/28/1968 #24245 d a being about four feet tall, 50 feet away from them, that terrified them 7/28/1968 #24245 pside down washbasin. It was 30-40 feet wide and glowing on the underside. 7/29/1968 #24255 shaped object in a field about 230 feet behind their house. It is about 20 7/30/1968 #24263 behind their house. It is about 20 feet wide and moving slowly 10 feet abov 7/30/1968 #24263 20 feet wide and moving slowly 10 feet above the ground, creating shadows 7/30/1968 #24263 minutes later the object moves 25 feet to the east, the humming growing lo 7/30/1968 #24263 ees an oval-shaped object about 75 feet away. It is sitting about 15 feet f 7/31/1968 #24271 feet away. It is sitting about 15 feet from the ground on a flange of meta 7/31/1968 #24271 can see two humanoids less than 3 feet tall in metallic helmets and dresse 7/31/1968 #24271 seen two small individuals, only 3 feet tall, dressed from head to foot in 7/31/1968 #24272 80 mph at altitudes of 1,200–1,600 feet. After several days of tracking, th 8/1968 #24284 watch a luminous object, about 25 feet in diameter, as it hovers for sever 8/4/1968 #24295 ter it circles above the house 300 feet away. A 4-foot circle of barren gra 8/4/1968 #24295 orks.” The remaining object (40–50 feet across) moves toward the witnesses. 8/7/1968 #24307 toward the witnesses. It stops 60 feet from them, hovering about 15 feet a 8/7/1968 #24307 feet from them, hovering about 15 feet above the water. The young man can 8/7/1968 #24307 a group of 5–6 lights hovering 50 feet above some trees on his left. Anoth 8/15/1968 #24331 collision course. When it is 40–50 feet away it veers upward and disappears 8/15/1968 #24331 -shaped, glowing object hovering 3 feet above the ground. On the other side 8/16/1968 #24342 -like appearance. Light-colored, 3 feet tall, they are running on “four or 8/16/1968 #24342 d Mateu saw a light hovering three feet above the ground in Sierra De Almos 8/16/1968 #24343 atures resembling octopus, about 3 feet high, with "4 or 5 legs," very ligh 8/16/1968 #24343 Ilyushin Il-18 airliner at 22,800 feet in the vicinity of Oradea, Romania, 8/17/1968 #24346 ght about a half-mile away and 900 feet higher. It is moving at high speed 8/17/1968 #24346 nthus, Western Australia, at 8,000 feet in a Piper Navajo single-engine air 8/22/1968 #24369 patient. The visitor, just over 6 feet tall, answers in an unknown languag 8/25/1968 #24376 the ground and a UFO floating 1–2 feet above the grass. She feels the forc 8/25/1968 #24376 hicle with a diameter of about 6.5 feet. From his bed, another patient has 8/25/1968 #24376 ent has seen the UFO land some 260 feet from the fence of the sanitorium an 8/25/1968 #24376 a flat bottom that was hovering 3 feet above the hospital’s lawn. Another 8/26/1968 #24381 He was a dwarfish humanoid about 4 feet tall, with a shaven or bald head, n 8/29/1968 #24401 “flying saucer” was seen, about 30 feet wide and colored blue, white and re 8/29/1968 #24401 n-like figure over two meters (6.6 feet) in height, that appeared to have n 8/31/1968 #24410 them was a circular or oval UFO 12 feet across and five feet high that was 9/1/1968 #24422 r oval UFO 12 feet across and five feet high that was hovering four feet ab 9/1/1968 #24422 e feet high that was hovering four feet above the ground and directing a br 9/1/1968 #24422 utherly direction at 33,000–41,000 feet. It crosses behind them, stops, per 9/4/1968 #24428 ept it. The pilot climbs to 50,000 feet but the object is still above him, 9/5/1968 #24431 ks the UFO moving slowly at 90,000 feet. A photo taken through a telescope 9/5/1968 #24431 and green light that is only a few feet in diameter and glowing white. Head 9/10/1968 #24449 ft door as the bright UFO hovers 2 feet above the car roof. The car crashes 9/10/1968 #24449 next day they saw a little man, 4 feet tall, who was surrounded by a lumin 9/14/1968 #24460 sausage-shaped object about 12–15 feet above the heads of the crowd on the 9/16/1968 #24470 haped UFOs at an altitude of 2,500 feet and 2 miles away at Ste. Anne, Mani 9/18/1968 #24478 ass had been burned in a circle 42 feet in diameter, and some tracks were f 9/21/1968 #24497 bject in the pottery yard about 16 feet away. It is a cone-shaped device ab 9/26/1968 #24516 t is a cone-shaped device about 13 feet high sitting on a tripod under whic 9/26/1968 #24516 burned circle of grass just over 2 feet in diameter at the landing site. In 9/26/1968 #24516 red-orange luminous UFO, about 50 feet in diameter and feet in height, res 9/30/1968 #24527 UFO, about 50 feet in diameter and feet in height, resting on legs. It had 9/30/1968 #24527 ground. They walked or floated two feet above the ground, and sometimes mad 9/30/1968 #24527 e creature approached to within 15 feet of the teens, and they reported tha 9/30/1968 #24527 that was probably several hundred feet long and hovering above the Fraser 10/1968 #24533 l, Turíbio Pereira sees only a few feet away a golden cigar-shaped object h 10/2/1968 #24537 t above the ground. It is about 16 feet long and 10 feet wide. There is a p 10/2/1968 #24537 d. It is about 16 feet long and 10 feet wide. There is a platform around it 10/2/1968 #24537 or so above the ground, only a few feet away, Next he saw a man standing o 10/2/1968 #24538 ers above a low building about 500 feet away. Suddenly three large gray-whi 10/5/1968 #24544 owly out of one end, extends a few feet, then stops. A blue light is at one 10/5/1968 #24544 ocking motion in the sky, only 150 feet away from the house. Two occupants 10/8/1968 #24552 52H Stratofortress bomber at 2,000 feet as a UFO target 24 miles to the nor 10/24/1968 #24587 imate it is 15.5 miles away and 56 feet in diameter. 10/24/1968 #24588 of Las Vegas, Nevada just 10 to 15 feet above the ground. They were replace 10/28/1968 #24599 side. It moves to a point about 10 feet directly above them and hovers for 11/1968 #24612 ed into a single object, about 200 feet in diameter and 50 feet thick. The 11/1/1968 #24620 about 200 feet in diameter and 50 feet thick. The single object then appro 11/1/1968 #24620 ose together and merging about 590 feet away. A vertical beam of light is a 11/2/1968 #24625 ys see a disc-shaped UFO about 200 feet in diameter discharging angel hair 11/6/1968 #24637 ionless human-shaped being, over 6 feet tall, only 30 meters away. Its arms 11/14/1968 #24656 sky with a hanging tube about 3-4 feet in diameter. The sphere had a yello 11/14/1968 #24657 toward a solitary house about 300 feet away on the right where it stops an 11/20/1968 #24672 car, which was hovering only a few feet above the ground. Around the rim of 11/21/1968 #24676 the men was carrying a cylinder 2 feet long and 3 inches thick, with a thi 11/21/1968 #24676 red an orange oblong light 120-150 feet wide that hovered at 75 feet altitu 11/22/1968 #24692 0-150 feet wide that hovered at 75 feet altitude. His car engine and headli 11/22/1968 #24692 nt yellowish-white light about 200 feet ahead of him and 50–75 feet above t 11/23/1968 #24695 ut 200 feet ahead of him and 50–75 feet above the road. As he approaches, t 11/23/1968 #24695 am of well-defined light about 5–6 feet across that illuminates the trees a 11/23/1968 #24695 ive red, blinking lights about 100 feet in front of her car and heading sou 11/25/1968 #24704 op. As it approached to within 100 feet of their car the engine lost power 11/25/1968 #24705 t approached to an altitude of 200 feet, and then flew directly overhead. I 11/25/1968 #24706 etts. It hung in the sky about 200 feet above the water. An investigating p 11/25/1968 #24708 ack. It appeared to have duck-like feet, and it was shorter than a 7-year-o 11/28/1968 #24729 of a 55-foot wide UFO that was 40 feet thick with portholes. All dogs in t 11/30/1968 #24737 rectly overhead, not more than ten feet up. The craft was silvery metallic 12/10/1968 #24757 ped with a smaller dome on top, 35 feet in diameter, about 10 feet high, an 12/10/1968 #24757 top, 35 feet in diameter, about 10 feet high, and it had four sets of light 12/10/1968 #24757 ead, the craft backed away some 20 feet and descended to where it was almos 12/10/1968 #24757 a deck on stilts above the lake, 8 feet off the ground. The dome had a roun 12/10/1968 #24757 y drove by a tall being around six feet tall. The man wore a shiny dark blu 12/18/1968 #24779 968 and saw a disc-shaped craft 40 feet in diameter and 10 feet high, and m 12/28/1968 #24794 d craft 40 feet in diameter and 10 feet high, and met its human looking occ 12/28/1968 #24794 ound and hovered momentarily at 15 feet before moving off and disappearing 12/28/1968 #24794 ent landing marks at the site, six feet apart. 1/15/1969 #24850 prints, arranged in a triangle six feet apart. 1/16/1969 #24853 object turns point up and only 30 feet off the ground. Security lights on 1/25/1969 #24871 . The front end of the car lifts 3 feet off the ground. The UFO moves away 1/25/1969 #24871 the hill, approaching to within 30 feet. It had a narrow dome on top, was a 2/6/1969 #24897 op, was aluminum colored, about 12 feet in diameter and 5 feet high. A hing 2/6/1969 #24897 d, about 12 feet in diameter and 5 feet high. A hinged door was open in the 2/6/1969 #24897 , through windows. The beings, 4.5 feet tall, were dressed in tight, silver 2/6/1969 #24897 es the object until he is about 33 feet away. It is a disc made of silvery 2/7/1969 #24901 with a dome on top. It is about 13 feet in diameter and stands on three leg 2/7/1969 #24901 ok at it, approaching to within 30 feet. It was a domed disc, aluminum colo 2/7/1969 #24902 d disc, aluminum colored, about 12 feet in diameter and five feet high. A h 2/7/1969 #24902 about 12 feet in diameter and five feet high. A hinged door was open on the 2/7/1969 #24902 ide the craft. The beings were 4.5 feet tall and dressed in tight-fitting s 2/7/1969 #24902 car. 10M ovoid going down [to] 30k feet / 4 minute(s). Stops / ground level 2/9/1969 #24906 . When he approached to within 200 feet with a flashlight it accelerated aw 2/10/1969 #24910 ngs. The men were 1.5 meters (4.95 feet) tall and had beards, long hair, an 2/12/1969 #24915 lt saw the eyes approximately 3.75 feet above the ground. He re-entered his 2/16/1969 #24923 east over the trees and about 150 feet above the ground. The object is 100 2/19/1969 #24930 bove the ground. The object is 100 feet long and only 15 feet in diameter. 2/19/1969 #24930 bject is 100 feet long and only 15 feet in diameter. The men watch it for a 2/19/1969 #24930 tigate. He saw a UFO land about 60 feet away. The object was 12 feet wide a 2/20/1969 #24936 ut 60 feet away. The object was 12 feet wide and 15 feet high, and it reste 2/20/1969 #24936 The object was 12 feet wide and 15 feet high, and it rested on tripod landi 2/20/1969 #24936 their backs to the road and their feet in a ditch, while a pale young woma 2/22/1969 #24939 a long white gown that covered her feet. The men sat in a relaxed attitude 2/22/1969 #24939 at the woman. They were about 5.5 feet in height, had dark brown skin and 2/22/1969 #24939 ght reddish-orange light about 100 feet in diameter and floating along at 4 3/4/1969 #24968 on to the road from a height of 50 feet. Overstreet can feel the heat. The 3/4/1969 #24968 radio die when he gets to within 6 feet. The beam moves away a bit, he trie 3/4/1969 #24968 rk when a 100' wide UFO hovered 50 feet above the highway and directed a st 3/4/1969 #24970 ng the road and a domed disc 1,000 feet in the air. The dog jumps into the 3/6/1969 #24976 a disc-shaped object hovering 1000 feet overhead. The car didn't respond to 3/6/1969 #24977 the door, he saw outside about 50 feet away a UFO 150 meters wide and 5-6 3/12/1969 #25002 ating at approximately 5,000–9,800 feet above the airport. Tukeva reports t 4/12/1969 #25057 inct patches, the largest 60 by 15 feet. All the stalks lie in one directio 4/17/1969 #25067 the site on April 20 and takes 25 feet of 8mm color film to document the d 4/17/1969 #25067 ored object approach to within 100 feet of their car. The car engine fails. 4/19/1969 #25069 ine fails. The object hovers at 75 feet above the ground for 3 minutes, the 4/19/1969 #25069 The helmet-shaped object is 20–28 feet long and 22 feet wide. At its close 4/20/1969 #25073 d object is 20–28 feet long and 22 feet wide. At its closest the UFO is 40– 4/20/1969 #25073 e. At its closest the UFO is 40–50 feet away. It disappears suddenly. 4/20/1969 #25073 r their car, then hovered just 100 feet away off to the right. Its color ch 4/20/1969 #25076 from within. They estimate it is 5 feet off the ground, 20 feet long, and 2 4/22/1969 #25082 te it is 5 feet off the ground, 20 feet long, and 200 feet away. They can h 4/22/1969 #25082 the ground, 20 feet long, and 200 feet away. They can hear a whining noise 4/22/1969 #25082 corner, they see it again, 100–130 feet away, apparently in the same spot. 4/25/1969 #25090 a metallic craft, approximately 33 feet in diameter, with the appearance of 4/25/1969 #25090 ee tall humanoid figures, over six feet tall. in the transparent upper half 4/25/1969 #25091 way from him. The UFO was about 30 feet in diameter and 20 feet high, and c 4/26/1969 #25096 s about 30 feet in diameter and 20 feet high, and cream-colored with a pitt 4/26/1969 #25096 The figure, about five and a half feet tall, is Caucasian, slender, bearde 5/4/1969 #25114 e upper disc. It was only bout six feet high and nine feet wide. Inside was 5/4/1969 #25115 s only bout six feet high and nine feet wide. Inside was a cubical room, br 5/4/1969 #25115 ke a World War I helmet) about 500 feet away. He looks away briefly, and th 5/11/1969 #25125 lar indentation in the ground, 600 feet from his house. The impression is 3 5/11/1969 #25125 om his house. The impression is 32 feet in diameter and is surrounded by a 5/11/1969 #25125 ed by a ring of scorched grass 2.5 feet wide. Inside, the vegetation is not 5/11/1969 #25125 a perfect equilateral triangle, 15 feet on a side. The holes are 8 inches i 5/11/1969 #25125 res about three and a half to four feet tall. The creatures were wearing sp 5/11/1969 #25128 have made. After walking in a few feet they noticed two flattened areas, w 5/11/1969 #25128 Kaiser noticed a strange figure 25 feet away. The being was the size of a m 5/19/1969 #25148 nt with a curved ceiling, about 45 feet in diameter. In this room were six 5/20/1969 #25151 tity stood inside a cylinder three feet in diameter and 15" high, and above 5/20/1969 #25151 rcular white object hovering a few feet off the ground at Glenorchy, Tasman 5/22/1969 #25157 elliptical area of burned grass 18 feet by 12 feet. A small tree nearby is 5/22/1969 #25157 area of burned grass 18 feet by 12 feet. A small tree nearby is scorched an 5/22/1969 #25157 t spotted the UFO was at about 500 feet altitude and a ¼ mile away. Soon th 6/10/1969 #25209 ts, which dropped down to about 30 feet and turned north. The UFOs were abo 6/10/1969 #25209 rned north. The UFOs were about 30 feet in diameter. As they flew over a ne 6/10/1969 #25209 Paulo, Brazil. It appears to be 30 feet in diameter, 10 feet high, and illu 6/17/1969 #25220 ears to be 30 feet in diameter, 10 feet high, and illuminates a small part 6/17/1969 #25220 ls a circle of flattened grass, 25 feet in diameter, swirled counterclockwi 6/17/1969 #25220 oom-shaped object hovering 100–150 feet over the trees on a nearby farm. It 6/19/1969 #25226 s, Kansas. The object was over 100 feet in length, made no sound, and flew 6/23/1969 #25233 cident, he approaches to within 20 feet and sees the landed object, which t 6/26/1969 #25236 t hovered just above the ground 50 feet away. By the light of the rising su 7/1/1969 #25244 ia, see a glowing object about 900 feet away. It approaches to within 180 f 7/4/1969 #25251 away. It approaches to within 180 feet and the children run over the hill 7/4/1969 #25251 rons could travel a distance of 45 feet through the air. 7/4/1969 #25251 silver oval shaped object about 30 feet in diameter, 300 feet above him. Th 7/4/1969 #25252 ect about 30 feet in diameter, 300 feet above him. The UFO made a humming s 7/4/1969 #25252 ing sound as it rose to about 3000 feet and hovered. There was a second wit 7/4/1969 #25252 hlight it approached to within 150 feet of his house. It was a Saturn-shape 7/4/1969 #25253 g site and approached to within 20 feet of the craft. He saw a being inside 7/4/1969 #25253 and saw a UFO hovering about 1,000 feet away. She described it as an oval-s 7/4/1969 #25254 about 20 mph to the southeast, 50 feet in the air, 200 feet apart, and nea 7/11/1969 #25261 southeast, 50 feet in the air, 200 feet apart, and nearly parallel to some 7/11/1969 #25261 ine off. Oliver walks to within 50 feet of the leading object. Each is abou 7/11/1969 #25261 e leading object. Each is about 30 feet in diameter, saucer-shaped, with an 7/11/1969 #25261 d the object descends to within 60 feet of the ground. When he starts signa 7/13/1969 #25268 er, and Paquette sees that it is 8 feet in diameter with two legs beneath i 7/13/1969 #25268 together and the third nearly 150 feet away. Each of them are rings of aff Mid 7/1969 #25270 are rings of affected grass 15–20 feet in diameter and about a foot wide. Mid 7/1969 #25270 the object, which is only about 10 feet away, and experiences a temporary l 7/16/1969 #25274 The object was estimated to be 20 feet in diameter. It moved through the s 7/17/1969 #25275 speed, flying at an estimated 2000 feet altitude. 7/17/1969 #25275 shaped like a domed disc, about 65 feet in diameter. At the same time, a “D 8/11/1969 #25317 ristopher saw a figure about seven feet tall in the moonlight, about 100 fe 8/27/1969 #25333 t tall in the moonlight, about 100 feet away. It was dressed in a tight-fit 8/27/1969 #25333 d have to have been at least seven feet tall…there was nothing in the area 9/6/1969 #25354 with a jerky motion. Now only 500 feet away, it seems to be 20 feet in dia 10/3/1969 #25395 y 500 feet away, it seems to be 20 feet in diameter with an odd white tail 10/3/1969 #25395 Two objects hovered just twelve feet above the ground in the pre-dawn sk 10/11/1969 #25409 ect, that passed overhead at 3,000 feet altitude in Shirley, Massachusetts 10/14/1969 #25414 Steve watched a spherical UFO, ten feet wide and 6-7 feet high, land not 60 10/16/1969 #25417 herical UFO, ten feet wide and 6-7 feet high, land not 60 feet away from hi 10/16/1969 #25417 ide and 6-7 feet high, land not 60 feet away from him. His attention was ca 10/16/1969 #25417 of the craft. A little man, 3 to 4 feet tall, with long arms and hands with 10/16/1969 #25417 bigger than the ship, which is 360 feet long. The five smaller objects are 10/24/1969 #25422 shaped, bluish, and no more than 8 feet long and 5–6 feet wide. At about 6, 10/24/1969 #25422 d no more than 8 feet long and 5–6 feet wide. At about 6,000 feet from the 10/24/1969 #25422 and 5–6 feet wide. At about 6,000 feet from the ship, the smaller objects 10/24/1969 #25422 ship and the large object. At 900 feet away, the officers can hear the obj 10/24/1969 #25422 e on the side. When the UFO is 600 feet away, the power comes back on. The 10/24/1969 #25422 ver coming closer than 1,500–3,000 feet, fly around the ship and join up wi 10/24/1969 #25422 es with the interceptors to 35,000 feet, but the UFO is at a height of 50,0 10/24/1969 #25423 t the UFO is at a height of 50,000 feet. It is a silvery, oval disc. The je 10/24/1969 #25423 r small trees. It was less than 75 feet from them. The craft was estimated 10/28/1969 #25431 s estimated to be between 30 to 50 feet in diameter with luminous white pan 10/28/1969 #25431 a disturbance in the brush some 60 feet away in a flattened area of mine ta 10/30/1969 #25439 ped object rises noiselessly a few feet off the ground and takes off down t 10/30/1969 #25439 pot less than 2 inches deep and 10 feet across in the mine tailings. A coni 10/30/1969 #25439 distance to the object was only 60 feet. It took off fast, causing the tree 10/30/1969 #25440 er. We saw a black man about eight feet tall and I saw something like a wol 11/9/1969 #25455 had a strange body, two and a half feet long. It had three fingers and a fa 11/9/1969 #25455 car and suddenly lifted the car 10 feet off the road. The motor and lights 11/30/1969 #25481 lawn rakes over a spot about nine feet in diameter. What they swept up was 12/27/1969 #25510 prismatic, multi-colored aura 100 feet ahead. Inside the glow is a domed o 12/28/1969 #25512 sport, flying at 500 mph at 37,000 feet, encounters a UFO over Moula Idris, 1970 #25522 n, and yellow and flying at 75,000 feet. 1970 #25522 ght, Saturn-shaped object about 50 feet in diameter hovering one story abov 1/1/1970 #25532 ring one story above her, about 60 feet off the ground and 40 feet away. It 1/1/1970 #25532 bout 60 feet off the ground and 40 feet away. It has a row of lights around 1/1/1970 #25532 Saturn-shaped UFO. It was about 50 feet in diameter and hovered close by wi 1/1/1970 #25533 creating an illuminated area of 3 feet in diameter on the snow beneath it, 1/7/1970 #25540 clears, both men can see, only 10 feet away, a 3-foot tall humanoid creatu 1/7/1970 #25540 t. The UFO descended to within ten feet of the snow-covered ground in a for 1/7/1970 #25541 created an illuminated area three feet in diameter on the snow beneath it, 1/7/1970 #25541 leared both men could see, only 10 feet away, a three foot tall little man 1/7/1970 #25541 Territory, Canada to within 50-60 feet. The motors of their three snowmobi 2/5/1970 #25574 A shiny ball about four feet in diameter, looking like the mirro 2/15/1970 #25584 rises from behind some woods 1,600 feet from the road. It hovers for 30 sec 6/1970 #25684 or 30 seconds at an altitude of 66 feet. Relative to the trees, the object 6/1970 #25684 the object appears to be about 33 feet in diameter, and flames seem to sho 6/1970 #25684 ature that jumped a distance of 40 feet. At around 2:45 p.m. Marie, age 10, 6/4/1970 #25690 Noel saw a small person about 3.5 feet tall in a red sweater with a black 6/4/1970 #25690 when he noticed a "boy" about 3.5 feet tall standing beside it. He had a b 6/4/1970 #25690 the second floor window (about 12 feet high), and landed on the ground som 6/4/1970 #25690 , and landed on the ground some 40 feet from the house. It left footprints 6/4/1970 #25690 opped hair. He walked dragging his feet, as if fatigued. Foster glanced awa 6/21/1970 #25704 ed a grayish metallic object 12-18 feet wide land on the ocean 700-1000 yar 6/27/1970 #25716 Apopka, Florida. It came down 1000 feet away and to the right of the car an 6/29/1970 #25721 across it. The size is about 25–30 feet wide. The streetlight has gone out 7/4/1970 #25726 aw later find three imprints 30–40 feet apart in the shape of a triangle in 7/4/1970 #25726 ed in the grass, the largest 15–20 feet in diameter. Then they find tracks 7/4/1970 #25726 ozen imprints which were about two feet apart. They were curved like raindr 7/4/1970 #25726 ross a landed domed disc, about 20 feet in diameter and 10 feet high with w 7/25/1970 #25750 , about 20 feet in diameter and 10 feet high with windows in the dome and p 7/25/1970 #25750 d, he feels a wave of heat. At 330 feet altitude, the object jumps vertical 7/25/1970 #25750 object rises up. It is roughly 165 feet in diameter, rises to about 500 fee 8/1970 #25765 et in diameter, rises to about 500 feet, and hovers nearly overhead. The en 8/1970 #25765 nd watch a blood-red fireball 8–10 feet long with a trail of lighter color 8/14/1970 #25784 UFO felt warm. He stopped about 50 feet from the huge object and heard a me 8/15/1970 #25787 other multi-colored lights. A few feet away stood a tall man dressed in a 8/16/1970 #25791 on the roadway, no more than three feet tall, who raised both arms to cover 8/19/1970 #25797 their heads. They stood about five feet tall. The beings got to within 50 f 8/24/1970 #25802 tall. The beings got to within 50 feet of a house and then turned and walk 8/24/1970 #25802 squared-off conning tower about 30 feet in diameter. They watch it for 90 s 8/30/1970 #25814 d-off "coning tower") and about 30 feet in diameter. The man believes that 8/30/1970 #25815 m in color and approximately 1,000 feet in length. It had a turret on top s 9/25/1970 #25852 liquid. It approached to within 50 feet of the ground, and then took off at 10/6/1970 #25872 half-mile away. When it lands 150 feet from them, they notice it is an obl 10/24/1970 #25885 ey notice it is an oblong object 8 feet in diameter with 9 “rods” and a red 10/24/1970 #25885 he sees a humanoid entity about 4 feet tall dressed in a helmet and a silv 10/24/1970 #25885 uniform crossing the road about 50 feet in front of him. He brakes, but the 10/24/1970 #25885 looks up and sees a globe about 60 feet in diameter approaching noiselessly 10/29/1970 #25893 ing noiselessly. It stops about 18 feet in front of the car and hovers for 10/29/1970 #25893 and hovers for 50 seconds about 30 feet up. Suddenly the object shoots stra 10/29/1970 #25893 windshield shattering. About 3,200 feet in the air the globe changes to a f 10/29/1970 #25893 hurt his eyes. A ball of light 20 feet in diameter came down on a slope. I 10/29/1970 #25894 road. It follows his car about 20 feet to the right at an altitude of 10–1 11/1/1970 #25898 the right at an altitude of 10–15 feet. At one point it moves ahead and ho 11/1/1970 #25898 the left side of his car about 30 feet away and almost on the ground. Wilk 11/1/1970 #25898 ich stops and hovers about 200–300 feet above the surface. A light from a t 11/5/1970 #25902 figure about 90 centimeters (three feet) in height was seen floating up int 12/20/1970 #25949 , Kuusano, Finland. It is about 33 feet in diameter and moving against the 1/3/1971 #25972 caused by a huge fireball about 60 feet away, which rises up and disappears 1/3/1971 #25972 water. The melted area is about 20 feet long by 10 feet wide, in the middle 1/3/1971 #25972 d area is about 20 feet long by 10 feet wide, in the middle of which are ic 1/3/1971 #25972 objects, which were only about two feet in diameter, then rose slightly and 1/3/1971 #25973 a diminutive figure less than two feet tall moving about near a UFO with s 1/22/1971 #25996 boys said the object hovered a few feet off the ground, and when it departe 1/22/1971 #25996 was a plane crashing. It was 25-30 feet in diameter and came to within 100 1/22/1971 #25997 in diameter and came to within 100 feet off their car and then took off tow 1/22/1971 #25997 legs, descending in a clearing 50 feet away. As it landed, a little entity 2/5/1971 #26013 ot object descend to a clearing 50 feet away. As it lands, a small entity j 2/5/1971 #26014 lands, a small entity just under 3 feet tall glides to the ground from an o 2/5/1971 #26014 ed the full depth of the snow (1.3 feet), leaving four round prints forming 2/5/1971 #26014 prints forming an even square 6.5 feet on each side. Circular footprints l 2/5/1971 #26014 on four thin legs in a clearing 50 feet away. After it landed a short entit 2/5/1971 #26015 landed a short entity just under 3 feet tall glided to the ground from an o 2/5/1971 #26015 in the middle of the road about 50 feet away. "I couldn't see his face; the 2/16/1971 #26021 one-shaped, "cage like" object, 10 feet wide by 10 feet high, tipped at an 2/18/1971 #26026 e like" object, 10 feet wide by 10 feet high, tipped at an angle, approxima 2/18/1971 #26026 ped at an angle, approximately 400 feet above the street. The object was no 2/18/1971 #26026 ida saw a hovering UFO at least 50 feet in diameter. It had red lights and 2/26/1971 #26033 apparently of dark metal, about 25 feet high and 50 feet wide. When he got 3/5/1971 #26044 k metal, about 25 feet high and 50 feet wide. When he got closer to the obj 3/5/1971 #26044 deep, with a long axis of about 36 feet. Inside the circle dandelions, abun 3/5/1971 #26044 hair, and slit-like mouths. Their feet were elephant like, with three broa 3/14/1971 #26047 ut” through the window and falls 7 feet to the steps below. Frightened but 4/2/1971 #26064 ough the lower pane, which was 4.5 feet from the floor. To jump through it 4/2/1971 #26065 ce to the ground outside was seven feet. The man was terrified, yet he coul 4/2/1971 #26065 a relative, cut and bruised, seven feet away from the smashed glass. This s 4/2/1971 #26065 es of aerial photographs at 10,000 feet when at 8:25 a.m. it captured an im 4/9/1971 #26067 field, 80 yards away. It was 25-30 feet in diameter and shaped like a large 4/14/1971 #26073 to be very tall, perhaps about 10 feet in height. Frightened, they drove a 4/14/1971 #26073 the ground or deployed just a few feet above the ground. The observation w 4/18/1971 #26077 ee tall humanoid figures, over six feet tall, in the transparent upper half 4/24/1971 #26081 e saw the object approximately 100 feet above the ground. (MUFON) (NICAP: 0 4/30/1971 #26086 Slovenia. He approaches within 65 feet of it, and it frightens him conside 5/1971 #26092 saw three short figures about five feet tall walking by in single file. All 5/8/1971 #26103 ct landed with a bounce, about 100 feet away. The silvery UFO was higher th 5/15/1971 #26111 n unusual object hovering about 20 feet above the ground. The craft was sau 5/21/1971 #26120 iced an unusual object hovering 20 feet above the ground. The craft was dis 5/21/1971 #26121 it with a hood and stood about six feet tall. The craft itself was dull gra 5/21/1971 #26121 similarly garbed figure only three feet way from the driver's door. He then 5/21/1971 #26121 ement and approaches to within 230 feet. Suárez Marzal sees that it is revo 5/24/1971 #26130 ut reappears even closer, only 130 feet away. It remains stationary for 10 5/24/1971 #26130 t office. He estimates it is 18–20 feet in diameter. It continues rocking a 5/24/1971 #26130 nd blackberries is found about 600 feet from the house. It is about 30 by 1 5/25/1971 #26136 om the house. It is about 30 by 15 feet with a spiral pattern in the middle 5/25/1971 #26136 nd its perimeter. It hovered a few feet above the ground in plain view in f 5/31/1971 #26148 ng in an upright orientation a few feet above the ground. It had dark porth 5/31/1971 #26149 ndow that she judged was about 200 feet away, illuminated from within by a 6/9/1971 #26165 he window was a man less that five feet tall dressed in olive green coveral 6/9/1971 #26165 was charred black over an area 20 feet in diameter. 6/9/1971 #26165 as the object dropped to about 500 feet altitude. Three other individuals l 6/26/1971 #26195 ly at an estimated altitude of 200 feet before flying out of sight. 6/28/1971 #26200 rd Mustang, at a distance of 1,600 feet from the house. They stand there wa 7/7/1971 #26211 scends, and stops at a height of 2 feet from the ground. It is circular, be 7/7/1971 #26211 scended from the sky to within two feet of the ground. It was about 90 feet 7/7/1971 #26212 eet of the ground. It was about 90 feet in diameter, and it changed rapidly 7/7/1971 #26212 uebec, when he sees a circle 15–20 feet in diameter on the surface of the w 7/8/1971 #26216 the center reaching a height of 20 feet. When the water jet settles down, G 7/8/1971 #26216 can see a cylindrical object, 6–8 feet in length and rusty black in color, 7/8/1971 #26216 file. "His height did not exceed 4 feet. He had no hair, and nothing that r 7/12/1971 #26224 mile away at an altitude of 1,000 feet. After 10 minutes it silently swoop 7/17/1971 #26234 d them at high speed and stops 300 feet away at a height of 100 feet. The o 7/17/1971 #26234 s 300 feet away at a height of 100 feet. The object is about 25 feet in dia 7/17/1971 #26234 f 100 feet. The object is about 25 feet in diameter with two “tapering wing 7/17/1971 #26234 ated the field from a height of 15 feet. 7/29/1971 #26252 en lights. The object was about 30 feet in diameter, and had 3-4 windows. I 8/8/1971 #26274 and green lights, thirty to forty feet long, that came and hovered silentl 8/12/1971 #26281 ring in the woods. It was about 30 feet long with a curved standing portion 8/16/1971 #26289 rose vertically to a height of 50 feet and then took off rapidly in a near 8/16/1971 #26289 l being standing there, only three feet away from him. The being had a medi 8/16/1971 #26291 g fingers that ended in claws. The feet were three toed and did not appear 8/16/1971 #26291 he creature was about four to five feet in length and looked to have an exo 8/16/1971 #26291 tangular in shape with at least 50 feet between them. The being told him to 8/16/1971 #26291 ike "brains" on the road about six feet away. Of a bluish color, a localize 8/17/1971 #26293 mmander F680 at a height of 10,000 feet above Lago de Cote, Costa Rica, tak 9/4/1971 #26317 lm at a maximum distance of 10,000 feet. There are no visible means of lift 9/4/1971 #26317 25 am (EDT) while flying at 10,000 feet altitude over Lago de Cote, three m 9/4/1971 #26319 nding near an abandoned well 1,000 feet away. More than 50 “soldiers” in bl 9/12/1971? #26330 from the object only about 150–225 feet away. It is shaped like two saucers 9/19/1971 #26347 haped object was sighted at 33,000 feet altitude from a DC-9 airliner flyin 9/20/1971 #26355 ed sections. It descended to fifty feet over the sea, as close as 150 feet 9/22/1971 #26363 feet over the sea, as close as 150 feet away. When he shone his motorcycle' 9/22/1971 #26363 e diminutive beings, less than two feet tall, jumped down from it. They wor 9/25/1971 #26379 am of light they levitated him 150 feet from the ground, where he was float 9/25/1971 #26379 n the headlights a "spaceman," 7-8 feet tall, with big, staring eyes 8-12 i 9/27/1971 #26384 epeatedly the "thing" jumped three feet in the air and ran across the road, 9/27/1971 #26384 ing across the street some 260–300 feet away. They run out into the street 10/2/1971 #26400 hem at an estimated distance of 98 feet. It looks like an “inverted dish” w 10/5/1971 #26410 ted the object was several hundred feet wide. (UFO Investigator/ Nov. 1971, 10/12/1971 #26421 towards it. They got to within 20 feet of the craft and the van stopped. T 10/16/1971 #26427 UFO leaned toward the witness, 200 feet away, revealing a disk silhouette. 10/31/1971 #26442 ears a rumbling sound and sees (75 feet away in a small grove of trees) an 11/2/1971 #26449 blue, red, and orange colors. Nine feet in diameter and 10 feet high, the U 11/2/1971 #26449 lors. Nine feet in diameter and 10 feet high, the UFO is slightly domed at 11/2/1971 #26449 domed at the top and is hovering 2 feet above the ground. He and his dog st 11/2/1971 #26449 angle, clearing by no more than 4 feet a shed attached to the sheep pen. T 11/2/1971 #26449 lic surface. It hovered only a few feet above the ground only 75 feet away 11/2/1971 #26450 few feet above the ground only 75 feet away from him in a sheep paddock. R 11/2/1971 #26450 imated the craft's diameter at 6-8 feet. The teenager tried to get a closer 11/2/1971 #26450 titude of approximately 500 - 1000 feet, was observed for more than one hou 11/6/1971 #26463 was seen by a railway signalman 50 feet above the ground in Saxilby, Lincol 11/13/1971 #26469 imprints arranged in a triangle 12 feet apart. 11/13/1971 #26470 al time. The UFO hovered about 200 feet above the ocean and about 700 yards 11/14/1971 #26472 finds a single-ring crop circle 10 feet in diameter in a wheat paddock. Ano 12/1971 #26482 ed yards of the aircraft and 10–20 feet below its level, flying faster than 12/20/1971 #26509 ke an upside-down bowl about 30–40 feet in diameter and 15 feet tall. It ha 12/20/1971 #26509 bout 30–40 feet in diameter and 15 feet tall. It has orange or amber lights 12/20/1971 #26509 a, Brazil. The UFO was about eight feet long, transparent, ovoid shaped, an 12/20/1971 #26510 ir and enter the craft from above, feet first. There were two other short b 12/20/1971 #26510 p.m. It glowed yellow, hovered 10 feet above the tracks, 300 feet away. It 1/5/1972 #26541 ered 10 feet above the tracks, 300 feet away. It rose vertically, then desc 1/5/1972 #26541 overed noiselessly overhead at 150 feet. He turned off his light and the ob 1/26/1972 #26556 was a humanoid creature about five feet tall, with pointed ears, large eyes 1/26/1972 #26556 a disc-shaped UFO about 300 to 500 feet in the air and not more that 100 ya 2/11/1972 #26571 rs altitude. It was about 50 to 60 feet in diameter with a series of window 2/11/1972 #26573 f light followed a girl home at 60 feet altitude. The close encounter laste 2/12/1972 #26577 og like face. It was three to four feet tall, like the creature seen by Off 3/17/1972 #26607 her in the form of a square of 8.2 feet. At an equidistant point in the cen 3/19/1972 #26617 the ground to his left, about 100 feet wide, surrounded by a greenish glow 3/25/1972 #26623 approached on foot to within 10-12 feet, and he saw this figure motion to h 3/25/1972 #26623 d" from the ground, floated for 30 feet, and then "hurled away" with a scra 3/25/1972 #26623 se coming from an object about 130 feet away. It is about 130 feet across, 4/1/1972 #26633 out 130 feet away. It is about 130 feet across, partly lit up, and has thre 4/1/1972 #26633 from it. It rise to a height of 40 feet, where it hovers briefly, retracts 4/1/1972 #26633 timated its width at about 130–195 feet. 4/14/1972 #26646 shoots straight upward about 1,000 feet. It then takes off to the north on 4/24/1972 #26660 of the car and walked to within 50 feet of the object. He described seeing 5/2/1972 #26669 h landing pads, descended from 150 feet altitude with a falling leaf motion 5/13/1972 #26682 being very tall, approximate eight feet in height. As the car drove she not 6/1/1972 #26696 nge object", that seemed to be 375 feet in diameter as it sank behind a bui 6/19/1972 #26720 . The object descends from about 6 feet above the floor to 15 inches above 6/22/1972 #26726 lap. The object ascends to about 6 feet above the floor and moves out the w 6/22/1972 #26726 disappears and reappears about 60 feet away looking gunmetal gray in color 6/26/1972 #26735 over several witnesses at 200–500 feet altitude in Buffalo, South Dakota, 6/29/1972 #26742 Dakota, at a slow speed. About 100 feet long, it has two brilliant white li 6/29/1972 #26742 lag, Norway. It is black, about 25 feet long, 6 feet high, and traveling ab 7/4/1972 #26765 It is black, about 25 feet long, 6 feet high, and traveling about 60 mph. I 7/4/1972 #26765 in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. Forty feet away from the carcass was a six-foo 7/13/1972 #26794 s observed a yellow discoid, 50-60 feet in diameter, at 300 feet altitude w 7/31/1972 #26852 id, 50-60 feet in diameter, at 300 feet altitude while driving. It had larg 7/31/1972 #26852 a bright light off in the bush 300 feet from the road. They get out of the 8/1972 #26864 Texas. It was between 100 and 500 feet away, and the sighting lasted five 8/5/1972 #26876 her and sees a dark shape about 4 feet tall in the shape of a parallelepip 8/9/1972 #26889 e it as cigar-shaped and about 100 feet long. Five other white lights emit 8/12/1972 #26911 a haystack on their left about 30 feet away. A small red light is moving h 8/12/1972 #26911 ed small flames burning around its feet." The witness invited the "visitor" 8/16/1972 #26922 with four digits, and large webbed feet like those of ducks. They "seemed t 8/18/1972 #26928 d object hovering several thousand feet in the sky above Mt. Penn. They sai 8/20/1972 #26938 ular object approximately 20 to 30 feet in diameter hovering at a low altit 8/21/1972 #26945 d that the figure was more than 11 feet tall. She felt an electric shock in 8/22/1972 #26949 f which came two beings about five feet tall. They took some samples of the 8/25/1972 #26954 d object hovering several thousand feet in the sky above Mt. Penn. (Referen 8/29/1972 #26968 d object hovering several thousand feet in the sky above Mount Penn. They s 8/29/1972 #26969 rchard and find a circular area 15 feet in diameter where all the stems are Early 9/1972 #26975 l the stems are broken off about 3 feet from the ground. In the center of t Early 9/1972 #26975 circle is a mound of earth about 2 feet in diameter and 15 inches high. In Early 9/1972 #26975 of this is a round hole at least 6 feet deep, around which are three identi Early 9/1972 #26975 are three identical impresions 4.5 feet apart. Hundreds of curious onlooker Early 9/1972 #26975 int along the top, and it had four feet coming out of the bottom." . (SL-60 9/11/1972 #26987 y find an evergreen tree about 300 feet from the house that is yellow on on 9/14/1972 #26999 g on the other. Next to it is a 20 feet x 14 feet oval area of depressed gr 9/14/1972 #26999 ther. Next to it is a 20 feet x 14 feet oval area of depressed grass. In th 9/14/1972 #26999 moving toward their car, about 45 feet up in the air. It had green and blu 9/14/1972 #27002 s a Saturn-shaped object about 100 feet in diameter moving with a pendulum 9/20/1972 #27016 dives at his car, passing just 30 feet above it. The engine stalls, the ra 9/20/1972 #27016 ount Rouge. The object was 100-150 feet in diameter and had a row of oval w 9/21/1972 #27021 straight at them, passing only 30 feet overhead. 9/21/1972 #27021 een coverall that covered even his feet waved him down. The man wore no glo 9/22/1972 #27026 Nearby were two slender men seven feet tall. They were dressed like Miller 9/22/1972 #27026 one of the basins who is nearly 8 feet tall and wearing a close-fitting, d 9/27/1972 #27034 gure, strongly built and about 7.5 feet tall, had eyes like yellow light bu 9/27/1972 #27035 e object parked at a height of 300 feet adjacent to the tower end of the mi 10/8/1972 #27058 ameter domed disc that hovered 300 feet over a factory in Oldham, Greater M 10/8/1972 #27059 ngular object that is at least 100 feet across and moving slowly and contin 10/9/1972 #27063 lying a Wardair airliner at 22,000 feet some 180 miles northwest of Churchi 10/23/1972 #27087 It takes up a position about 2,500 feet in front of the jet and on the same 10/23/1972 #27087 Fuentes and face him from about 89 feet away. He raises his gun to shoot bu 10/28/1972 #27095 e. When it reaches a height of 150 feet, it tilts, belches a bright firebal 10/28/1972 #27095 up and sees a white blob about 100 feet away hovering above some trees. It 11/10/1972 #27116 g above some trees. It is about 60 feet high, 30–40 feet in diameter, and g 11/10/1972 #27116 s. It is about 60 feet high, 30–40 feet in diameter, and glowing white but 11/10/1972 #27116 holes in the court, the largest 10 feet in diameter. Two spike holes are al 11/12/1972 #27120 Two RCMP officers see an object 12 feet in length heading northwest near Mc 11/17/1972 #27127 ing stood up, and was at least 6.5 feet tall. Sr. Rey asked the being what 11/28/1972 #27150 like UFO land in a snowy field 700 feet away. Three four-foot tall, square 11/28/1972 #27151 selessly sitting on the ground 148 feet away in a paddock. His car radio st 11/30/1972 #27154 minous shape is hovering a several feet above the ground. Its lower part is 12/13/1972 #27176 oving light has arrived within 165 feet in back of the house. Three small b 12/13/1972 #27176 ooked up to see an object 70 to 80 feet in diameter hovering overhead. It w 12/30/1972 #27193 sinking to a height of only 12-20 feet above the ground. It moved off towa 12/30/1972 #27193 red to hover as low as two hundred feet from the ground. (NICAP: 02 - Close 1/2/1973 #27215 s yard moving very slowly at a few feet above the ground. The snow on the g 1/8/1973 #27227 rea of rectangular shape, about 10 feet high by 5 feet wide, in which they 2/4/1973 #27270 lar shape, about 10 feet high by 5 feet wide, in which they saw a sharply d 2/4/1973 #27270 iddle of the lighted area some 2-3 feet above the base. Brian called this t 2/4/1973 #27270 low over the road, about 20 or 30 feet above a viaduct. Their car engine s 2/9/1973 #27279 er look. They see lights about 600 feet away from the road hovering over an 2/21/1973 #27305 ng over an open field at about 400 feet altitude. The lights seem to be por 2/21/1973 #27305 in at the wrists and covering the feet. He had long blond hair. He beckone 2/22/1973 #27310 over her. She estimated it was 60 feet in diameter. Suddenly its light wen 2/26/1973 #27318 some trees. When she was about 50 feet from it a small, cold hand came fro 2/26/1973 #27318 saw it was a being less than four feet tall, clad in a dark, close fitting 2/26/1973 #27318 lted down to the ground. It was 50 feet in diameter and shaped like a donut 2/26/1973 #27318 anded. It was about 3-4 meters (16 feet) wide. After three minutes some leg 3/13/1973 #27343 en Herrera saw beside it a being 5 feet two inches tall, dressed in a white 3/13/1973 #27343 t off short without any hands. The feet were covered by the suit, with no o 3/13/1973 #27343 ge from the craft. It glided a few feet without walking, then vanished. A f 3/13/1973 #27343 and took off. Herrera was about 50 feet away from it at the time. He took w 3/13/1973 #27343 the landing marks, having moved 50 feet without any conscious memory. There 3/13/1973 #27343 overing an area of only about five feet square. A small truck came up and i 3/13/1973 #27343 ngular shape hovering at about 200 feet above trees on Stony Lane in Exeter 3/28/1973 #27385 The object was estimated to be 42 feet in diameter, and was surrounded by 4/10/1973 #27422 edge and one other witness at 2500 feet flying southeast of Piedmont, Misso 4/12/1973 #27427 disc-shaped object, between 35-60 feet in diameter (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 4/15/1973 #27430 disc-shaped object, between 35-60 feet in diameter, that came within 70 me 4/15/1973 #27431 e power plant and approximately 10 feet above the trees. The object itself 4/15/1973 #27431 ted a human form some eight to ten feet tall, similar to the "Apollo astron 4/15/1973 #27431 cluding the promise of using 3,200 feet of a 1971 UFO landing footage at Ho 5/1973 #27460 d a UFO traveling slowly at 30,000 feet that changed course to the south. I 5/6/1973 #27470 saw a human figure materialize 10 feet below the object. The figure was cl 5/12/1973 #27481 the inside of one of the arms. The feet were clad with boots or shoes, with 5/12/1973 #27481 figure was not much more than 2.5 feet. When it descended it was approxima 5/12/1973 #27481 descended it was approximately ten feet in front of the car. The UFO shot u 5/12/1973 #27481 hand and 3 toes on his bare, white feet. The being took from the hut a blac 5/15/1973 #27492 a soft humming. Then a man about 5 feet 3 inches tall appeared in front of 5/16/1973 #27496 see a bright disc with a dome 165 feet away over the sea. It hovers at a h 5/18/1973 #27506 e sea. It hovers at a height of 10 feet and then moves closer. Their car en 5/18/1973 #27506 ure that passed within one hundred feet of them. One witness had a camera w 5/21/1973 #27514 e UFO is a gray structure about 25 feet thick and 36 feet wide, resembling 5/22/1973 #27518 ructure about 25 feet thick and 36 feet wide, resembling two soup plates at 5/22/1973 #27518 . Pátero panics and runs about 100 feet when something holds him back. Turn 5/22/1973 #27518 hen saw a hovering object about 50 feet ahead and 40 feet above the road, a 5/22/1973 #27519 object about 50 feet ahead and 40 feet above the road, and at the same tim 5/22/1973 #27519 y proportioned adults but only two feet tall. They had light brown skin and 5/22/1973 #27520 head at an altitude of about 2,500 feet. Through binoculars, Rutledge can s 5/24/1973 #27527 ould be anywhere from 368 to 2,600 feet across. The array moved quickly out 5/24/1973 #27527 e ground floor in the back some 50 feet away. The object is white-metallic 5/27/1973 #27533 minous on the bottom, about 6.5–13 feet wide and 3–6 feet high, with a kind 5/27/1973 #27533 om, about 6.5–13 feet wide and 3–6 feet high, with a kind of credenza behin 5/27/1973 #27533 which he saw a metallic craft, 30 feet long and 10 feet high resting on a 6/1973 #27543 etallic craft, 30 feet long and 10 feet high resting on a wooden platform. 6/1973 #27543 at she can’t even see a cupboard 3 feet away from her. Outside, her horse i 6/4/1973 #27549 stopped 50 meters away. It was 15 feet in diameter and gave off a yellow l 6/7/1973 #27557 er Penns Wood, Pennsylvania at 500 feet altitude for several minutes before 6/13/1973 #27563 , silver-white light beams about 5 feet apart from each other and 50 feet a 6/28/1973 #27598 feet apart from each other and 50 feet away from his window. The beams dis 6/28/1973 #27598 ght oval form appears, about 12–15 feet in diameter, lighting up the area. 6/28/1973 #27598 ghts. The object moves away to 200 feet from the window and hovers, and now 6/28/1973 #27598 orched leaves up to a height of 35 feet, and impressions on the ground as d 6/28/1973 #27598 essions on the ground as deep as 2 feet. 6/28/1973 #27598 silvery-white light beams only 50 feet away from their mobile home in Colu 6/28/1973 #27599 an altitude of about 20 meters (75 feet) above the surface of the water and 7/1973 #27607 ircular object about 10 meters (33 feet) in diameter, emitting a blue glow. 7/9/1973 #27625 ines DC-8 is flying west at 31,000 feet above the eastern coast of Baffin I 7/25/1973 #27650 ol to report it. He says it is 200 feet in diameter and 3 miles away and ha 7/25/1973 #27650 rd the roof, and when it is only 5 feet away, one of the witnesses yells fo 8/1973 #27672 the street. The object is only 3–4 feet above the pavement and covers the w 8/1973 #27672 walks toward it and gets only 4–5 feet from it without feeling any heat. W 8/1973 #27672 its a moment, then slowly moves 20 feet down the street, quickly rises, and 8/1973 #27672 indrically-shaped object, about 50 feet in length, pass in front of their c 8/14/1973 #27701 e creature was said to be about 40 feet away, and the presence of a strong 8/14/1973 #27702 o said a UFO had landed "about 200 feet from my car (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 8/19/1973 #27713 window. The creature was over nine feet tall and had dark oval eyes with no 8/21/1973 #27718 hey see it is rotating and about 3 feet in diameter. Moving to the west, it 8/28/1973 #27729 ncountered a man between 6.5 and 7 feet tall. He was wearing a two-piece ga 9/9/1973 #27794 a car-sized object came within 150 feet of the ground. The UFOs were also w 9/9/1973 #27795 , with two hoops, appeared to have feet on bottom part. Emitted a very powe 9/11/1973 #27800 e light approaches to within a few feet of her, about 12 feet above the gro 9/17/1973 #27829 within a few feet of her, about 12 feet above the ground. It is completely 9/17/1973 #27829 leave no tracks and to leap 50-60 feet in a single bound. It had a metal m 9/20/1973 #27850 es off slowly for several thousand feet then zooms off at a high rate of sp Autumn 1973 #27860 ce Mirage jet was flying at 20,000 feet 24 nautical miles offshore of Valen 9/26/1973 #27871 d matched their descent from 20000 feet to 7000 feet. A weak radar return m 9/26/1973 #27871 ir descent from 20000 feet to 7000 feet. A weak radar return matched the ma 9/26/1973 #27871 the edge of the clearing some 100 feet away. As he grabbed something from 9/27/1973 #27879 ed up their wrists and neck; their feet were obscured by high grass. Their 9/27/1973 #27879 trees and ascend to a height of 20 feet, making a slight whistling sound. T 9/27/1973 #27879 d the craft to have been about 600 feet in diameter. 9/30/1973 #27892 the ground in a semi-oval area 20 feet x 30 feet. There were no scorch mar 9/30/1973 #27893 d in a semi-oval area 20 feet x 30 feet. There were no scorch marks. The ob 9/30/1973 #27893 light is reported hovering 100–150 feet above igloo bunkers housing nuclear 10/1973 #27902 object with dome hovered about 10 feet off ground, swaying back and forth. 10/4/1973 #27933 object with dome hovered about 10 feet off ground, swaying back and forth. 10/4/1973 #27935 cloud near the road. It was 80-100 feet away and was swaying back and forth 10/4/1973 #27936 and was swaying back and forth 10 feet above the ground. An eight-foot hos 10/4/1973 #27936 f the object. A clear bubble three feet in diameter swiveled atop the UFO. 10/4/1973 #27936 d by glistening vapor rose to 1200 feet altitude, turned, then shot away le 10/5/1973 #27953 rom the tent and travels about 180 feet to a small spring. Between the two 10/6/1973 #27960 , are five “little people” about 4 feet tall performing various actions. As 10/6/1973 #27960 burned and crushed grass about 45 feet in diameter, as well as two trackli 10/6/1973 #27960 ground to a distance of about 200 feet from them. Five figures of small st 10/6/1973 #27961 urnt grass, and a second circle 12 feet in diameter next to a spring. The d 10/6/1973 #27961 miles. As he approaches within 200 feet, his car stalls and the radio and h 10/8/1973 #27966 d two objects flew over at 400-800 feet and headed east. Each oval-shaped o 10/11/1973 #27995 ing just above the ground about 40 feet from the riverbank. As the men, fro 10/11/1973 #27997 s a huge round object hovering 5–8 feet above a nearby streetlight. It has 10/11/1973 #27999 vered just off the ground about 30 feet away from them. The craft had two w 10/11/1973 #28005 sses. These beings were about five feet tall. Their skin was gray and rough 10/11/1973 #28005 ed together like a pedestal. Their feet were elephant-like. When two of the 10/11/1973 #28005 , Arizona, at an altitude of 2,500 feet. He notices a red flashing light on 10/12/1973 #28017 he men stood in a semi-circle, ten feet away form the van door. One of the 10/14/1973 #28031 rent from the others and only four feet tall, came out of the "space ship" 10/14/1973 #28031 ow, and he saw three humanoids 4-5 feet tall materialize. (NICAP: 07 - Enti 10/15/1973 #28047 owing white head cross the road 50 feet away from him. Claw-like tracks wer 10/15/1973 #28061 er, as well as "landing marks" two feet long by 12 feet wide where the UFO 10/15/1973 #28061 landing marks" two feet long by 12 feet wide where the UFO had been. 10/15/1973 #28061 ost-like” figure floating about 50 feet above the ground at 1,000 feet dist 10/16/1973 #28085 50 feet above the ground at 1,000 feet distance; it is about 4 feet tall a 10/16/1973 #28085 1,000 feet distance; it is about 4 feet tall and thin, “like a person drape 10/16/1973 #28085 bout, and approaches to within 200 feet before going away. The object is ab 10/16/1973 #28085 going away. The object is about 20 feet in diameter and about 25–30 feet of 10/16/1973 #28085 0 feet in diameter and about 25–30 feet off the ground. Later, as she is ma 10/16/1973 #28085 little blue-green thing” about 2.5 feet tall and with a face with “spiky th 10/16/1973 #28085 foot-wide bluish object hovers 2–3 feet above US Highway 82, seemingly susp 10/16/1973 #28086 ght, near Eupora, Mississippi, 300 feet from a car. The engine and headligh 10/16/1973 #28086 ds. Another object hovers about 60 feet above the first, illuminating it. A 10/16/1973 #28086 ht have been more. It was about 20 feet in height and forty feet across, an 10/16/1973 #28089 about 20 feet in height and forty feet across, and it had large, oblong wi 10/16/1973 #28089 table, one by her head, one by her feet and one in the middle. As soon as t 10/16/1973 #28089 re all about the same height, five feet six inches to five feet eight inche 10/16/1973 #28089 ight, five feet six inches to five feet eight inches tall. Fair skinned and 10/16/1973 #28089 s. Thick-soled boots covered their feet. Every piece of clothing was light 10/16/1973 #28089 ost like" figure floating about 50 feet above the ground a 1000 feet away. 10/16/1973 #28091 ut 50 feet above the ground a 1000 feet away. It was about four feet tall a 10/16/1973 #28091 1000 feet away. It was about four feet tall and thin, "like a person drape 10/16/1973 #28091 g about, approaching to within 200 feet before going away. It was about 20 10/16/1973 #28091 before going away. It was about 20 feet in diameter and 25-30 feet off the 10/16/1973 #28091 bout 20 feet in diameter and 25-30 feet off the ground. Later, she saw a "l 10/16/1973 #28091 in an open door. It was about 2.5 feet tall and had stumpy arms, and a fac 10/16/1973 #28091 like a guinea pig. They were 40-5 feet tall, with head coverings, no noses 10/16/1973 #28093 red, transparent ovoid object, 15 feet long and 6-8 feet high. On top was 10/17/1973 #28114 ovoid object, 15 feet long and 6-8 feet high. On top was a bubble. Inside s 10/17/1973 #28114 olored lights hovering about 1,000 feet overhead emitting a whining sound. 10/17/1973 #28122 d object landed on C.S, Rt 29, 300 feet ahead of Paul Brown's car (NICAP: 0 10/17/1973 #28124 lver, oval-shaped object about 300 feet ahead on the road. He stops and see 10/17/1973 #28132 red, transparent ovoid object, 15 feet long and 6-8 feet high. On top was 10/17/1973 #28136 ovoid object, 15 feet long and 6-8 feet high. On top was a bubble. Inside s 10/17/1973 #28136 ar Danielsville, Georgia about 300 feet ahead of Paul Brown's car, forcing 10/17/1973 #28139 foot wide UFO hovered two to three feet above Highway 82 near Eupora, Missi 10/17/1973 #28140 him. A second UFO hovered about 60 feet above the first, illuminating it wi 10/17/1973 #28140 uth, one glowing eye, flipper like feet and webbing between its legs like a 10/17/1973 #28140 ke a robot toward the car. When 10 feet away it turned and began running. T 10/17/1973 #28142 ked as if he had springs under his feet to propel him. He could take 10 fee 10/17/1973 #28142 et to propel him. He could take 10 feet in one leap." The photo is regarded 10/17/1973 #28142 were chased by a white "thing" 3-4 feet tall on White Oak Mountain. The thi 10/18/1973 #28161 erve UH-1 Huey helicopter at 1,200 feet from Columbus to Cleveland, Ohio. H 10/18/1973 #28172 When he gets to an altitude of 650 feet above the treetops, Coyne looks up 10/18/1973 #28172 een ascending and are now at 3,500 feet, but the stick is still down. He pu 10/18/1973 #28172 the helicopter levels out at 3,800 feet. Reviewing his instruments, Coyne n 10/18/1973 #28172 were chased by a white "thing" 3-4 feet tall on White Oak Mountain near Cha 10/18/1973 #28174 he saw a landed, round UFO, 40-45 feet in diameter, with white and blue li 10/19/1973 #28198 t. They were human like, about six feet tall. When they saw the farmer and 10/19/1973 #28198 oking at her. They were about five feet tall with pasty white faces and hug 10/19/1973 #28199 om the south. It descends within 6 feet of their car, at which point the he 10/20/1973 #28214 ne all fail. The object is about 8 feet in diameter, shaped like a disc, an 10/20/1973 #28214 ars hovering at treetop height 300 feet away. 10/20/1973 #28215 ere amicable. He got to within ten feet from the creature, and was able to 10/20/1973 #28222 ime in a nearby warehouse only 150 feet away, although firemen can locate n 10/21/1973 #28228 see two strange-looking figures 30 feet ahead of them on the road. Four fee 10/22/1973 #28241 et ahead of them on the road. Four feet tall, they are dressed in tight-fit 10/22/1973 #28241 ghts pick up two 4-foot figures 20 feet off the side of the road. He can se 10/22/1973 #28241 ir chests. Three times they rise 3 feet into the air then float down. The f 10/22/1973 #28241 o features noticed except box-like feet. The pair moved in a clumsy, floppi 10/22/1973 #28244 nt out when an oval-shaped UFO, 12 feet wide by 8 feet high, landed near hi 10/23/1973 #28253 oval-shaped UFO, 12 feet wide by 8 feet high, landed near his car. A humano 10/23/1973 #28253 hts go out when an oval object, 12 feet wide by 8 feet high, lands close by 10/24/1973 #28267 an oval object, 12 feet wide by 8 feet high, lands close by near Dobson, N 10/24/1973 #28267 . It was hovering approximately 20 feet over an open area of her backyard. 10/24/1973 #28270 s headlights. The UFO was about 30 feet long and resembled an airplane's fu 10/24/1973 #28270 County, North Carolina. It was 12 feet wide by 8 feet high. A humanoid wit 10/24/1973 #28272 Carolina. It was 12 feet wide by 8 feet high. A humanoid with eyes "like ba 10/24/1973 #28272 m. Glowing orange oval hovered 300 feet above car, light reflected brightly 10/25/1973 #28282 o his west at an altitude of 2,000 feet. After about 20–25 seconds, the obj 10/25/1973 #28284 seconds. He thinks it is about 30 feet in diameter and hovering at 1,000 f 10/25/1973 #28284 in diameter and hovering at 1,000 feet over the hills west of the base. On 10/25/1973 #28284 t-white, dome-shaped UFO about 100 feet in diameter land in a field near Un 10/25/1973 #28285 all and closer of the two, about 8 feet tall, is running its left hand alon 10/25/1973 #28285 the police car and drive about 150 feet. Stan Gordon shows up at 1:30 a.m. 10/25/1973 #28285 . It was estimated to be about 100 feet in diameter. They stood about 250 f 10/25/1973 #28286 in diameter. They stood about 250 feet from the object, and about 75 feet 10/25/1973 #28286 feet from the object, and about 75 feet from a fence line. Walking along th 10/25/1973 #28286 o tall figures, from seven to nine feet tall, covered with hair, and with l 10/25/1973 #28286 a glowing area that was about 150 feet in diameter. He said he could read 10/25/1973 #28286 res was seen in the woods about 10 feet from them. He shot at it and it str 10/25/1973 #28286 ty saw a farmhouse several hundred feet away suddenly light up like dayligh 10/25/1973 #28286 s approached and pulled him to his feet, and a second one drew a blood samp 10/28/1973 #28311 ectangular object approximately 35 feet in diameter and 7-10 feet high. It 10/29/1973 #28319 ately 35 feet in diameter and 7-10 feet high. It emitted a beam of light 15 10/29/1973 #28319 on a side, arranged in a square 13 feet on a side. The horse "exhibited ner 10/29/1973 #28319 e object is now only a few hundred feet away, and through a window she sees 11/2/1973 #28352 y radio. He gets to within 300–400 feet of it, as it is 700–800 feet in alt 11/6/1973 #28375 0–400 feet of it, as it is 700–800 feet in altitude. It now appears footbal 11/6/1973 #28375 ow appears football-shaped and 100 feet long. He watches it for 10–15 minut 11/6/1973 #28375 large, glowing object hovering 100 feet above the Manzano Nuclear Weapons S 11/6/1973 #28376 ity. It is an oblate spheroid, 150 feet in diameter, gold in color, and abs 11/6/1973 #28376 allic object submerged four to six feet below the surface of the water, and 11/6/1973 #28377 ending as if to land less than 200 feet away. (Marlin Daily Democrat, Texas 11/8/1973 #28388 ce, Italy, see two beings, about 4 feet 11 inches tall, dressed in white. F Mid 11/1973 #28424 area. It rises three or four more feet off the ground, and a row of green 11/16/1973 #28434 oil. They were about 1.5 meters (4 feet) tall, well proportioned, with larg 11/18/1973 #28443 came from the east, stopped at 500 feet altitude, then moved away quickly t 11/29/1973 #28483 im that there is a UFO about 1,320 feet above the runway. He sees a luminou 11/30/1973 #28490 box-shaped object approximately 8 feet in diameter was sighted by some fis 12/2/1973 #28506 ge, robot-like creature about four feet tall, with large round glowing eyes 12/2/1973 #28508 Canada at a distance of about 200 feet from the house of the witness. It p 12/2/1973 #28508 ad circular portholes two to three feet deep, one inverted C-shaped area wi 12/2/1973 #28509 ver Leek Field. Land / observer(s) feet! Going quickly northeast. / r30. 12/6/1973 #28526 ver 20 acres and the largest is 14 feet in diameter. The oats are flattened 12/8/1973 #28541 window a strange being standing 15 feet away. He was of normal height, but 12/12/1973 #28559 very reflecting object hovering 20 feet above the river. (NICAP: 02 - Close 12/13/1973 #28566 boys saw a silver disc hovering 20 feet over the Braden River in Florida. I 12/13/1973 #28570 between a F-89J Scorpion and a 30 feet object with four blue-white lights 12/28/1973 #28612 peed before disappearing at 90,000 feet altitude. * http://www.noufors.co 12/28/1973 #28612 nd. Behind it, hovering only a few feet off the ground was an orange pulsat 1/4/1974 #28643 ucture. It flew at an estimated 75 feet above the ground, then hovered over 1/4/1974 #28644 the southwest at an estimated 800 feet altitude. Their sighting lasted 30 1/4/1974 #28644 ulsating flying saucer, only a few feet off the ground. The creature's head 1/6/1974 #28654 at bottom like a WWI helmet, 23–33 feet in diameter and 7–10 feet wide. It 1/7/1974 #28660 t, 23–33 feet in diameter and 7–10 feet wide. It has a flange around its ba 1/7/1974 #28660 eyes, and no noses. One is about 4 feet tall, the other somewhat taller; a 1/7/1974 #28660 he taller being comes within 12–15 feet of the vehicle, then opens and clos 1/7/1974 #28660 linding steady white light about 6 feet ahead of and 3 feet above the car. 1/8/1974 #28666 light about 6 feet ahead of and 3 feet above the car. The light is coming 1/8/1974 #28666 te oval of light approximately six feet in diameter, apparently showing the 1/8/1974 #28667 They appeared to be three to four feet tall, but the witness could not rec 1/8/1974 #28667 daughters are within a few hundred feet when police and military forces sho 1/23/1974 #28694 ghters got to within a few hundred feet of teh object when the police and m 1/23/1974 #28695 d two humanoid bodies about 5 to 6 feet tall, and so very thin they were al 1/23/1974 #28695 c-shaped objects, flying at 31,000 feet altitude. 1/26/1974 #28710 in-law, who lives in a trailer 100 feet away, hears the shot, grabs a revol 2/6/1974 #28742 ed in total darkness.” About 1,500 feet away, a red, flashing light hovers 2/6/1974 #28742 d area. At three places, about 325 feet apart, they find numerous scoop mar 2/8/1974 #28748 e form of a triangle with sides 17 feet wide. The rock has been fused and m 2/8/1974 #28748 FOnauts were between four and five feet tall, wore white coveralls, and had 2/9/1974 #28755 brilliant object only about 5,000 feet off the ground. It blinked on and o 2/17/1974 #28777 nd flew at an altitude of only 100 feet. 2/19/1974 #28782 ed off and let him pass. About 100 feet to the right side of the road he ha 2/28/1974 #28822 arge, dark circular mass about six feet high, sitting directly on the groun 2/28/1974 #28822 ve saucer-shaped objects about two feet in diameter that moved at a low alt 3/1/1974 #28842 kswagen, hovered approximately 300 feet above the hill and went through a s 3/1/1974 #28843 saw on the roadside bank, only 10 feet from their car, the silhouettes of 3/15/1974 #28891 t taking off from a spot about 400 feet away. It had a brilliant yellow bas 3/15/1974 #28891 sees a large metallic UFO, 450–600 feet long, with three smaller ships shap 3/20/1974 #28914 The figures were human looking, 6 feet tall, and wore tight fitting covera 3/21/1974 #28920 ted him up to a height of 30 to 45 feet. He next found himself at home with 3/23/1974 #28938 dehijaderos, Salamanca, Spain, 650 feet away. Another object is 60 feet awa 3/26/1974 #28956 50 feet away. Another object is 60 feet away. Two beings come out of the fi 3/26/1974 #28956 nd they follow. They are about 6.5 feet tall, with arms and legs, but he ca 3/26/1974 #28956 ey were about two meters tall (6.5 feet). The next day the Guardia Civil ma 3/26/1974 #28957 l flight path until it gets to 500 feet away. It stops, and within moments 3/29/1974 #28968 the nuclear storage area about 500 feet above the ground for one hour. It a 4/1974 #28983 -shaped UFO approach to within 300 feet of his car at only 75 feet altitude 4/1/1974 #28988 hin 300 feet of his car at only 75 feet altitude. He took three photographs 4/1/1974 #28988 that stops for a few seconds 30–40 feet from the ground, then moves off. 4/4/1974 #28994 disappeared. It left footprints of feet wearing boots. Later on she noticed 4/11/1974 #29004 5–6 minutes from a distance of 900 feet before it moves off. 4/13/1974 #29012 o the east at an altitude of 2,000 feet and appears to be 50–75 feet in dia 4/15/1974 #29031 2,000 feet and appears to be 50–75 feet in diameter. It is rotating silentl 4/15/1974 #29031 d them, stopping at a height of 40 feet above the villa. The Bellingeris ge 4/16/1974 #29040 d then stopped over their house 40 feet up. The craft had a central ring of 4/16/1974 #29042 portion of the object that was 30 feet wide and six feet high. Inside the 4/16/1974 #29042 ject that was 30 feet wide and six feet high. Inside the cabin there were t 4/16/1974 #29042 t seems to be only several hundred feet from their house in Altamont, New Y 4/19/1974 #29047 it until they are within about 200 feet. An oval object is resting on the r 4/19/1974 #29047 find an area of burned grass 50–75 feet in diameter. 4/19/1974 #29047 . The man was described as about 5 feet 8 inches tall with a small nose and 4/26/1974 #29064 County, Ohio. It is a depression 8 feet in diameter and 12 inches deep, wit 4/29/1974 #29070 . There was a large burned area 60 feet in diameter at the landing site. 4/30/1974 #29072 ond the depot fence line about 300 feet away. The light now looks like a do 5/1974 #29075 w looks like a domed disc about 60 feet in diameter with a concave indentat 5/1974 #29075 ut." Faria approached to within 30 feet of him, whereupon the little man po 5/1/1974 #29078 e roof of Building no. 1 about 150 feet away. Four silver-colored legs emer 5/5/1974 #29085 ards. They were all less than five feet tall and had long, large bald heads 5/7/1974 #29093 The aliens were described as five feet tall, with light skin, huge almond 5/9/1974 #29098 circular, metallic object about 60 feet in diameter is dismantled and trans 5/17/1974 #29109 n Beach, NH 00:30 a.m. Disc. 50-60 feet in diameter. Domed above and below 5/20/1974 #29118 and arranged horizontally, about 3 feet above the road. Le Meur turns aroun 5/20/1974 #29119 the central rim, and was about 50 feet in diameter. It stood on four legs 5/20/1974 #29120 a humming sound passed within 500 feet of a farmhouse in Regent, North Dak 5/30/1974 #29146 ers of it. He saw 3-4 very tall (8 feet) beings, who wore glowing silver su 6/7/1974 #29171 lars. Three or four men over eight feet tall came from behind the landed cr 6/8/1974 #29173 d on radar. Leveling off at 30,000 feet, they see the light a few miles ahe 6/9/1974 #29175 s ahead. It appears to be about 33 feet in diameter, with square-shaped mar 6/9/1974 #29175 of lights estimated to be about 15 feet long. It also made a whirring noise 6/12/1974 #29181 object rapidly approaching him 300 feet above the ground. He turns off his 6/14/1974 #29191 car parallel to the road about 210 feet away to the right. When he switches 6/14/1974 #29191 es a silvery disc hovering about 4 feet above the ground behind a crest of 6/15/1974 #29198 the craft. The object rises a few feet and shoots straight up like a flash 6/15/1974 #29198 hes and follows him home about 230 feet above his car. He turns off his lig 6/16/1974 #29202 bject passes silently less than 20 feet above their car, hovers momentarily Summer 1974 #29218 from the object and is now only 15 feet from his window. He and his wife se 6/25/1974 #29224 e rings were found at the site, 19 feet in diameter with a 2-foot width. Th 6/25/1974 #29225 and fall into the ocean about 328 feet away. Thinking it is an aircraft, t 7/2/1974 #29237 and green lights hovers about 200 feet above a park in Kingston, New York. 7/9/1974 #29252 de. The object moves to within 500 feet of a police car. When officers Jame 7/9/1974 #29252 gton, Vermont, is flying at 35,000 feet 35–40 miles southeast of Quebec Cit 7/14/1974 #29259 res standing. They were about five feet tall and had large heads that were 7/17/1974 #29266 e range; on its descent at 400,000 feet, radar scanners began tracking a UA 7/17/1974 #29267 en observed a figure suspended ten feet in the air in front of his car. It 8/1/1974 #29298 aw a domed, oval-shaped object, 40 feet in diameter. At one point it came t 8/12/1974 #29339 At one point it came to within 300 feet of a police cruiser on Interstate 9 8/12/1974 #29339 FOs that appeared to be at only 60 feet altitude above the lake. 8/14/1974 #29345 ject was estimated to be about 300 feet long and the sighting lasted 40 min 8/15/1974 #29356 it lies and lands there, about 150 feet away. The whine becomes intense. As 8/16/1974 #29362 ad a square at the top, and was 20 feet wide. Circular patches were found o 8/16/1974 #29364 k City. It is flying less than 100 feet away and moves off soundlessly as t 8/23/1974 #29379 2,500 mph at an altitude of 75,000 feet, the UFO is first spotted over the 8/25/1974 #29386 l. The object descends from 75,000 feet to about 45,000 feet by the time it 8/25/1974 #29386 s from 75,000 feet to about 45,000 feet by the time it crosses over land in 8/25/1974 #29386 ntain peaks that tower above 5,000 feet, the UFO continues to descend, alth 8/25/1974 #29386 ny, silvery disc. The object is 16 feet, 5 inches in diameter, and equally 8/25/1974 #29386 The height is slightly less than 5 feet. They see no visible portholes, doo 8/25/1974 #29386 of the original ball was about 25 feet, and the UFOnauts' were estimated t 8/26/1974 #29391 sh Columbia, Canada and landed 150 feet away in a clearing. It made a buzzi 8/28/1974 #29398 earing dome-shaped object about 50 feet away and stops to investigate. Walk 9/1/1974 #29417 investigate. Walking to within 15 feet of it, Fuhr sees that it is spinnin 9/1/1974 #29417 in a step formation. At about 200 feet they stop, each emitting a puff of 9/1/1974 #29417 he base. The vapor extends about 6 feet, followed by a downward gust of win 9/1/1974 #29417 r than usual. The figures were 4-5 feet tall, with small heads in transpare 9/3/1974 #29418 11:20 a.m. a pilot flying at 1200 feet, heading southeast out of Half Moon 9/6/1974 #29427 orning a dark scorched mark, three feet in diameter, was found on the concr 9/8/1974 #29437 ar “wall of opaque light” about 82 feet long and 550 away from them. In fro 9/9/1974 #29439 The object was estimated to be 30 feet wide and 22 feet high, and it hover 9/19/1974 #29464 stimated to be 30 feet wide and 22 feet high, and it hovered just two feet 9/19/1974 #29464 feet high, and it hovered just two feet above the ground. Then the lights w 9/19/1974 #29464 e right at an altitude of about 30 feet. The car stops and the radio and he 9/21/1974 #29467 n lands on the left side about 250 feet from the road. A large area is lit 9/21/1974 #29467 es an egg-shaped structure some 33 feet long and around 10 feet high. The c 9/21/1974 #29467 re some 33 feet long and around 10 feet high. The car engine still does not 9/21/1974 #29467 . It flies off slowly at about 100 feet altitude for a few hundred yards, t 9/21/1974 #29467 0:00 a.m. A metallic disc some 300 feet across approaches a South Korean an Autumn 1974 #29471 ne as it flies at 290 mph at 7,500 feet. It maintains a parallel course unt 10/11/1974 #29519 ack, oval shapes hovering at 1,500 feet altitude in the northwestern sky. A 10/14/1974 #29527 one, but the bullet falls about 50 feet from him as if hitting an invisible 10/15/1974 #29531 sees a humanoid being (more than 6 feet tall) under a tree about 50 feet aw 10/15/1974 #29531 6 feet tall) under a tree about 50 feet away. Its hair is sticking up “like 10/15/1974 #29531 with a mushroom-shaped tower, 100 feet tall. He and one of the humanoids f 10/15/1974 #29531 at an elk the bullet went only 50 feet and then fell to the ground. Next h 10/25/1974 #29557 adow. He was human-like, about 6.2 feet tall, but he lacked a chin and his 10/25/1974 #29557 ense. Suspended in the air only 10 feet away from the porch and 15 feet abo 11/1974 #29574 10 feet away from the porch and 15 feet above the ground is a “cylinder” ab 11/1974 #29574 the ground is a “cylinder” about 3 feet long and 14 inches in diameter, sta 11/1974 #29574 t about 2 inches in diameter and 3 feet long. The end of the beam is diffus 11/1974 #29574 erta, when they see a disc about 9 feet in diameter and 50 feet away on the 11/5/1974 #29586 sc about 9 feet in diameter and 50 feet away on their right at a height of 11/5/1974 #29586 y on their right at a height of 25 feet. It turns and passes them in the op 11/5/1974 #29586 king to and fro, and only about 12 feet from her. He seems to be about 6 fe Mid 11/1974 #29596 t from her. He seems to be about 6 feet 6 inches tall and dressed in a shin Mid 11/1974 #29596 vers in the air about 1,600– 3,300 feet away. He looks around to see if the 11/17/1974 #29598 an estimated diameter of about 65 feet with some cloudy filaments hanging 11/17/1974 #29598 ight descended from 8,000 to 6,000 feet and paced a Fokker F-27 IB aircraft 11/24/1974 #29606 ance. He estimates its size as 120 feet long and 30 feet thick. After pacin 11/28/1974 #29619 s its size as 120 feet long and 30 feet thick. After pacing him for 8–10 se 11/28/1974 #29619 suddenly saw a man at least eight feet tall in the light of his car's head 11/30/1974 #29622 at high speed and stopped about 20 feet away. These shooting lights were qu 12/1/1974 #29627 circular ring in the snow about 20 feet in diameter. 12/17/1974 #29645 oving on their left at about 1,500 feet altitude. They have no wings, tail Winter 1974 #29653 h a slightly smaller one about 600 feet behind. Charlton thinks they are ab Winter 1974 #29653 ike polished aluminum) about 15–20 feet in diameter emerges, moves toward t Winter 1974 #29653 reactor buildings. It is about 30 feet across. The object hovers for 6–7 m 12/31/1974 #29667 t just above the ground some 1,300 feet away where the light has fallen. It 1/1/1975 #29689 miles away at an altitude of 2,000 feet. It stops and hovers momentarily be 1/1/1975 #29690 timates that it is flying at 5,000 feet altitude traveling diagonally to th 1/2/1975 #29701 as inside a spherical room about 8 feet in diameter with luminous walls. Th 1/5/1975 #29723 sness in a small cubicle only five feet in diameter. There was a row of bli 1/5/1975 #29724 samples for three minutes only 100 feet from the street. They wore coverall 1/12/1975 #29743 hovering over the ground about 100 feet away. Ten small (3.5-feet tall), he 1/12/1975 #29744 North Bergen, New Jersey only 100 feet from the street. They wore coverall 1/12/1975 #29745 , New York, see a glowing ball, 20 feet in diameter, hovering about 400 fee 2/10/1975 #29800 et in diameter, hovering about 400 feet away above some trees near a frozen 2/10/1975 #29800 ind that some trees, ranging 5– 20 feet in height, have been sheared off an 2/10/1975 #29800 t metallic object hovering about 5 feet above the ground. A ladder with thr 2/14/1975 #29812 t, round object hovering about 500 feet near the Malmstrom AFB K-01 Minutem 2/17/1975 #29820 object suddenly shoots up to 2,000 feet, stops, and hovers again. State Gam 2/17/1975 #29820 companied by smaller UFOs about 50 feet in diameter, all darting about at h 2/23/1975 #29838 c, five meters in diameter and six feet high. The boys got very close to it 2/23/1975 #29839 manoid creature slightly over four feet tall disembarked. He wore a silver 2/23/1975 #29839 ed.” It stops abruptly about 2,900 feet away at a height of 490 feet, its l 2/26/1975 #29852 2,900 feet away at a height of 490 feet, its lights dimming. It projects a 2/26/1975 #29852 Mehmke Hill, MT A UFO reported 20 feet over highway, size of car. (NIDS, S 3/2/1975 #29866 dge. He estimates the object is 30 feet in diameter. When he directs his sp 3/2/1975 #29867 verhead. The object was 100 to 200 feet in size. (Reference: Letter to the 3/8/1975 #29880 a green pulsating object at 35,000 feet, crossing his flight path from nort 3/17/1975 #29905 ted a solid green object at 31,000 feet crossing his flight path north to s 3/17/1975 #29905 . The object is a box-like mass, 8 feet high and 9 feet wide, with a row of 3/22/1975 #29916 a box-like mass, 8 feet high and 9 feet wide, with a row of flashing white- 3/22/1975 #29916 ing white-to-yellow lights about 3 feet above the ground and a circular mas 3/22/1975 #29916 hlight flew over Highway 55 at 200 feet altitude and lit up some pecan tree 4/3/1975 #29946 in Roseboro, North Carolina at 200 feet altitude and lit up some pecan tree 4/3/1975 #29953 working. Mike saw a UFO about 1500 feet north of the road. (Source: David F 4/6/1975 #29974 working. Mike saw a UFO about 1500 feet north of the road. It was flat on t 4/6/1975 #29975 k" near the road. It was about 100 feet away, and Mike saw it moving slowly 4/6/1975 #29975 and saw a luminous oval object 40 feet wide, no more than 4 feet from the 4/6/1975 #29978 bject 40 feet wide, no more than 4 feet from the hotel tower, performing a 4/6/1975 #29978 at an approximate altitude of 300 feet. The UFO was described as being app 4/10/1975 #29984 escribed as being approximately 50 feet in length. (Reference: Royal Canadi 4/10/1975 #29984 nt yard. It was estimated to be 90 feet in diameter, with a ten foot wide c 4/15/1975 #29991 co, to Mexico City at about 15,000 feet. While passing over Laguna de Teque 5/3/1975 #30026 the site including a burnt area 25 feet in diameter. There were also large 5/4/1975 #30033 craft. The pilot descends to 1,000 feet, but they keep pace, one on each wi 5/6/1975 #30041 ls off and climbs quickly to 3,000 feet, but the objects match his maneuver 5/6/1975 #30041 blob (BOL) approached, passing 25 feet above the school. They got in his c 5/6/1975 #30044 ly round circle of burned grass, 5 feet in diameter and 6 inches thick on t 5/12/1975 #30052 ew radioactive hot spots about 255 feet apart, each with a radius of 25 fee 5/13/1975 #30056 et apart, each with a radius of 25 feet. 5/13/1975 #30056 the witnesses. When it is about 20 feet away, one of them throws a rock at 5/16/1975 #30061 he center of his field. They are 5 feet in diameter and 4 feet apart. 5/30/1975 #30069 They are 5 feet in diameter and 4 feet apart. 5/30/1975 #30069 tline, and was estimated to be 750 feet in diameter. 6/13/1975 #30101 minutes later, apparently 220–300 feet above the ground. One officer attem 6/20/1975 #30111 he object passed within about 1500 feet of his car and was just above tree 6/24/1975 #30119 right yellow-orange globe nearly 2 feet in diameter floating about 90 feet 7/1975 #30141 feet in diameter floating about 90 feet in front of her and 7 feet above th 7/1975 #30141 bout 90 feet in front of her and 7 feet above the pavement. It speeds up wh 7/1975 #30141 ad ahead of them. It seems 650–980 feet distant and 65 feet in the air. It 7/1975 #30142 seems 650–980 feet distant and 65 feet in the air. It looks round, is colo 7/1975 #30142 the width of the road, perhaps 16 feet. They stare at the object for 2 min 7/1975 #30142 ject was moving at a height of 100 feet above the nearby trees, and covered 7/1/1975 #30145 aped object approxiamtely 60 to 80 feet in diameter at about 75 feet in alt 7/4/1975 #30156 to 80 feet in diameter at about 75 feet in altitude. (Reference: UFO INVEST 7/4/1975 #30156 atch of tobacco plants about 30–40 feet in diameter. Inside the circle are 7/6/1975 #30167 be at an altitude of one thousand feet and made no sound. It also reported 7/20/1975 #30192 be at an altitude of one thousand feet and made no sound. It also reported 7/20/1975 #30194 apparently landed object. About 40 feet wide, it is comprised of a 7-foot r 7/22/1975 #30200 l dome. Large round lights about 5 feet in diameter are spaced evenly aroun 7/22/1975 #30200 ach side. They are approximately 7 feet tall, a whitish-translucent color, 7/22/1975 #30200 undings. It was estimated to be 40 feet in diameter with large round lights 7/22/1975 #30201 meter with large round lights five feet in diameter around its base. It was 7/22/1975 #30201 It was near the ground only fifty feet away from him, and he could see ins 7/22/1975 #30201 ge contraption is approximately 50 feet in diameter and appears to be suspe 7/26/1975 #30208 alais, Switzerland, some 328–1,640 feet away. One of them succeeds in takin 7/26/1975 #30208 e legs. He approaches to within 15 feet of it. Through a large window he ca 7/31/1975 #30218 e device. The entities are about 5 feet tall, thin and pale, and are wearin 7/31/1975 #30218 e outside perimeter of a circle 30 feet in diameter impressed in the ground 7/31/1975 #30218 e orange ball of light. It was 100 feet from the side of the road when it f 8/4/1975 #30235 duction by two Grey aliens about 4 feet 8 inches tall. (Sources: Coral E. L 8/13/1975 #30262 ic disc drop from the sky some 300 feet in front of him. It is about 50 fee 8/13/1975 #30264 et in front of him. It is about 50 feet long, 20 feet wide, and faintly lum 8/13/1975 #30264 him. It is about 50 feet long, 20 feet wide, and faintly luminous. It stop 8/13/1975 #30264 uminous. It stops descending at 20 feet altitude and begins approaching Moo 8/13/1975 #30264 duction by two Grey aliens about 4 feet 8 inches tall, with large eyes and 8/13/1975 #30265 ddle is flying a helicopter at 900 feet while approaching Stockton (Califor 8/14/1975 #30270 urns orange and shoots up to 5,000 feet, where it hovers. Riddle looks behi 8/14/1975 #30270 sses at an altitude of about 2,000 feet, then it moves upward while emittin 8/14/1975 #30270 nsparent cupola on top, hovered 10 feet over a farm, making a buzzing noise 8/18/1975 #30289 blimp-sized object hovering at 500 feet over Lake Saratoga. As the reddish, 8/20/1975 #30291 has just seen a red fireball 1,000 feet above him headed toward the airport 8/20/1975 #30291 the early evening. The dome was 20 feet in diameter and only 35 feet away. 8/28/1975 #30315 as 20 feet in diameter and only 35 feet away. A fluorescent blue light came 8/28/1975 #30315 rew members. He is flying at 3,500 feet and is already on the landing appro 9/1975? #30333 ball ascends vertically from 1,000 feet to some 10,000–20,000 feet. Numerou 9/1975? #30333 m 1,000 feet to some 10,000–20,000 feet. Numerous residents of Sanlúcar als 9/1975? #30333 ern said the craft was about 12-14 feet across, nine feet high, and circula 10/7/1975 #30422 was about 12-14 feet across, nine feet high, and circular in shape. "There 10/7/1975 #30422 disc with white lights hover 5,000 feet above the ground some 5 miles from 10/17/1975 #30437 n he noticed a large object, fifty feet in diameter and twenty-five to thir 10/18/1975 #30441 diameter and twenty-five to thirty feet in the air. The object passed over 10/18/1975 #30441 when he notices a large object, 50 feet in diameter and 25–30 feet in the a 10/18/1975 #30444 ect, 50 feet in diameter and 25–30 feet in the air. The object passes over 10/18/1975 #30444 nd then stops and hovers about 300 feet ahead of him. It directs a very bri 10/18/1975 #30444 ngle, 18 inches x 24 inches and 20 feet apart. They heard a high-pitched sc 10/25/1975 #30473 noise and saw two large eyes five feet above the ground and a black outlin 10/25/1975 #30473 dark, non-reflecting forms about 5 feet tall. They were vaguely human shape 10/26/1975 #30476 ere they had been. It was about 40 feet in diameter, and it followed them a 10/26/1975 #30476 followed them at a distance of 150 feet and right above the treetops, until 10/26/1975 #30476 huge, cylinder-shaped object 20–30 feet away. Around its body are green, bl 10/27/1975 #30486 er-shaped UFO in the sky about 500 feet away, which moves farther away as s 10/27/1975 #30486 imeter at an altitude of about 300 feet. It has a red navigation light and 10/27/1975 #30487 rage area at a low altitude of 150 feet. Back at the weapons dump, Lewis no 10/27/1975 #30487 where two lights were visible four feet from the ground. As these lights ro 10/27/1975 #30489 there, waiting for them, about 150 feet up. Another UFO only one-quarter as 10/27/1975 #30489 ck, with chills, swollen hands and feet, and orange whites of the eyes. The 10/27/1975 #30489 ee the car below. A Grey being 4.5 feet tall, wearing a long black robe tha 10/27/1975 #30489 l effects included chills, swollen feet and ankles, eye discoloration, diff 10/27/1975 #30489 k, non-reflecting forms about five feet high, vaguely human in shape, with 10/27/1975 #30491 ith a glow around the edges, 30-35 feet away. These forms were moving about 10/27/1975 #30491 had been. It looked to be about 40 feet in diameter, and it followed them a 10/27/1975 #30491 followed them at a distance of 150 feet just above the trees until they rea 10/27/1975 #30491 object, very bright, low about 500 feet, was observed over the slag pit Mur 10/28/1975 #30499 orth at an altitude of about 3,000 feet. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/28/1975 #30500 orth at an altitude of about 3,000 feet. It approaches to within about 3 mi 10/28/1975 #30503 rky motions, then hovers about 150 feet over the end of the runway. It is a 10/28/1975 #30503 licopter was at an altitude of 150 feet and penetrated Loring AFB. (SOURCE: 10/29/1975 #30508 m. He reported that it was only 25 feet overhead, and completely silent. Re 10/29/1975 #30512 crew members. The tanker at 2,700 feet has visual and skin paint over Lake 10/30/1975 #30522 200 knots, and an altitude of 2000 feet, sighted at least two nocturnal lig 10/30/1975 #30523 ocation, they find a bare spot, 12 feet square, of burned grass and ashy re 11/2/1975 #30540 was a single round compartment, 24 feet in diameter and 8 feet high, with a 11/3/1975 #30547 artment, 24 feet in diameter and 8 feet high, with a small control panel. T 11/3/1975 #30547 ne spoke to him. This man was five feet tall, stocky and of dark complexion 11/3/1975 #30547 g. The object was approximately 50 feet above the ground traveling in a sou 11/5/1975 #30559 avoid hitting it. The object is 40 feet in diameter. He gets out to watch i 11/5/1975 #30561 reach the clearing, and about 110 feet away a glowing disc hangs in the ai 11/5/1975 #30562 ionless between the trees, only 15 feet off the ground. The truck slams to 11/5/1975 #30562 to plead with him. Coming within 6 feet, Walton stops and stares up at its 11/5/1975 #30562 begins to rise, and at about 1,000 feet, NORAD picks up the UFO on radar. T 11/7/1975 #30576 ontinues to rise. At about 200,000 feet, it disappears from NORAD’s radar. 11/7/1975 #30576 round. The radar target was at 300 feet altitude, and the weather station r 11/8/1975 #30582 two quasi-human figures about five feet tall, dressed in dark blue or black 11/8/1975 #30584 over the radar station, 1000-2000 feet high, no noise heard. (NICAP: 09 - 11/10/1975 #30593 oving west to east at 1,000– 2,000 feet. 11/10/1975 #30594 ar at altitudes from 42,000–72,000 feet intermittently for 6 hours. Two F-1 11/11/1975 #30609 ctly over the cruiser at about 200 feet. It goes from horizon to horizon in 11/11/1975 #30612 ids Gazette that they were only 30 feet away from one of the lights, which 11/17/1975 #30636 e of the lights, which was only 25 feet off the ground. She makes a drawing 11/17/1975 #30636 Andrews, who were flying at 4,000 feet altitude 15 miles north of Walterbo 11/22/1975 #30653 under the cloud ceiling at 20,000 feet. The UFO came in from coast, crosse 11/22/1975 #30653 nesota, a disc-shaped object eight feet in diameter was seen in a field. It 11/25/1975 #30662 in color, approached to within 100 feet of two hunters on Peters Mountain, 11/27/1975 #30670 ached to within half a mile at 200 feet altitude, then landed. The driver 11/27/1975 #30671 ew York, then came down to 200-300 feet above ground, before ascending agai 11/29/1975 #30675 had seen on August 26th: about six feet tall, brown vinyl like bodies with 12/2/1975 #30681 ng a wig. While the man was over 6 feet tall, the woman was somewhat shorte 12/4/1975 #30685 he roadway, a distance of about 15 feet, and the leap appeared to happen in 12/11/1975 #30705 car and passed within two or three feet of him. The man was between seven a 12/11/1975 #30705 he man was between seven and eight feet tall and very thin, with long arms 12/11/1975 #30705 jumps up on the road, covering 15 feet in a single slow-motion leap, its a 12/14/1975 #30715 ow lights and appeared to be 20-30 feet in diameter. After passing only 25 12/23/1975 #30733 in diameter. After passing only 25 feet from the car, it suddenly vanished, 12/23/1975 #30733 s a quick arc and hovers about 900 feet above the witness’s house. The obje 1976 #30750 w of windows separated every 10–15 feet by thin vertical supports. A yellow 1976 #30750 ight is at the top. It is about 50 feet in diameter and 12–15 feet high. He 1976 #30750 bout 50 feet in diameter and 12–15 feet high. He can see 3–4 images moving 1976 #30750 xt to some bushes. It was about 30 feet away from him, about 15 feet high, 1/5/1976 #30760 ut 30 feet away from him, about 15 feet high, a luminous white color, and r 1/5/1976 #30760 xt to some bushes. It was about 30 feet away from him, about 15 feet high, 1/5/1976 #30761 ut 30 feet away from him, about 15 feet high, a luminous white color, and r 1/5/1976 #30761 s following him on the sidewalk 80 feet behind, still with its arms held ou 1/5/1976 #30761 ame posture as before, but only 12 feet away from him this time. He spilled 1/6/1976 #30771 lower one, and was about 40 to 45 feet in diameter. From the bottom a brig 1/9/1976 #30781 g “aluminum diving suits,” 6.5-7.0 feet tall, descended. They had square he 1/9/1976 #30781 arms, a telescopic “pole” about 7 feet long, mounted on their chests. Thes 1/9/1976 #30781 oating, near some sumac bushes 400 feet away. The figure was seen in profil 1/11/1976 #30785 ded above the bushes that were 7-8 feet high, and extended about 9 inches f 1/11/1976 #30785 is, New Mexico. The objects are 75 feet in diameter, gold or silver in colo 1/21/1976 #30810 green, yellow, and blue lights 900 feet above his car before it speeds away 1/23/1976 #30815 ing lights in the sky at 750–1,000 feet altitude. They hover for a while, t 1/23/1976 #30815 metallic looking UFO was about 25 feet in diameter and shaped like an octa 1/23/1976 #30817 ng standing in the bushes about 20 feet away beside the road. The being was 1/26/1976 #30821 e sky; it approached and landed 18 feet away. It was dark green, rectangula 1/29/1976 #30832 he sky. The object was at least 60 feet long, and had flashing red and whit 1/29/1976 #30833 ne. He next saw two men, about 200 feet away, walking toward him. They wore 1/29/1976 #30833 f the light when he sees three 7–8 feet tall entities passing through the c 2/1976 #30842 ng a UFO hovering about 500 to 600 feet in the air. (Reference: UFO INVESTI 2/10/1976 #30861 and took off into the air only 15 feet away from them. 2/10/1976 #30863 UFOs approached to within 300-400 feet. The women saw five objects at this 2/18/1976 #30881 e ..., altitude approximately 2000 feet heading due east. (Letter to CUFOS 2/19/1976 #30883 orm, and seemed to be dragging his feet as he walked. He continued doing th 2/19/1976 #30887 but when he got to within 700-800 feet, the creature turned around to face 2/22/1976 #30895 the air nearby. It hovered only 10 feet above the ground, but periodically 2/22/1976 #30895 rose and fell back down another 15 feet. 2/22/1976 #30895 described as very tall "with large feet and no necks." (MUFON 100-7, CUFOS- 2/25/1976 #30903 s the bank, and sees from about 82 feet away, a dome-shaped object emitting Late 2/1976 #30905 tall beings standing about fifteen feet from the roadway. As her car drew e 2/25/1976 #30908 ngs in shiny suits, less than five feet tall, were seen outside making repa 3/3/1976 #30919 33 on a training mission at 19,500 feet, sees a rapidly approaching bright 3/3/1976 #30921 econds. The green sphere, only 3–6 feet in diameter, avoids a collision at 3/3/1976 #30921 ngs in shiny suits, less than five feet tall, were seen outside making repa 3/3/1976 #30922 ped down to an altitude of only 75 feet. The radio in her car went dead whe 3/5/1976 #30927 y at treetop level “a few thousand feet away.” Her husband came out and saw 3/5/1976 #30928 e. Mr. T. estimated its size as 80 feet in diameter. It descended among som 3/5/1976 #30928 . One kind of alien was about four feet tall, a second group, “the doers”, 3/5/1976 #30928 group, “the doers”, were about 5.5 feet tall; and a third type with huge ey 3/5/1976 #30928 pupils like that of a cat, was 6.6 feet tall. The couple said the beings co 3/5/1976 #30928 ped down to an altitude of only 75 feet. The object was disc-shaped, about 3/5/1976 #30929 e object was disc-shaped, about 26 feet in diameter, and had red and white 3/5/1976 #30929 object that glides silently a few feet from the ground emitting an intense 4/3/1976 #30983 zing sound, and a flying object 10 feet in diameter positions itself above 4/3/1976 #30983 nds in front of his cart about 100 feet away. The device emits a beam of li 4/3/1976 #30983 stimated to be between 200 and 300 feet in diameter, and was flying at 3,00 4/21/1976 #31005 diameter, and was flying at 3,000 feet altitude. It moved slowly at 5-10 m 4/21/1976 #31005 d overhead at an estimated 300-400 feet altitude. She estimated the orb was 4/21/1976 #31006 e. She estimated the orb was 12-15 feet in diameter. RF interference consis 4/21/1976 #31006 sees it is actually in the air 300 feet above the trees. Suddenly there is 4/22/1976 #31009 high as a two-story house and 250 feet across with an orange-white light a 4/22/1976 #31010 hite lights on the side. It is 500 feet away and about 100 feet off the gro 4/22/1976 #31010 It is 500 feet away and about 100 feet off the ground. He thinks he can se 4/22/1976 #31010 lens-shaped UFO hovering only 100 feet above the ground and just 500 feet 4/22/1976 #31011 feet above the ground and just 500 feet away from his car. It had an orange 4/22/1976 #31011 tches the green light dip to 30–40 feet above the surface and approach the 4/23/1976 #31017 rns, with the light now only 50-60 feet away. Suddenly a large blip appears 4/23/1976 #31017 s (or Greys) / roadside. Hands and feet = flippers. No UFO / traces. / FSRv 5/2/1976 #31031 dusk noticed a hovering object 150 feet above him. It had two bright headli 5/4/1976 #31038 e occupants were short, about four feet tall, and had large hairless heads 5/21/1976 #31070 and the headlights go out. Some 80 feet away near the Pont du Martinet brid 6/11/1976 #31102 putting handcuffs on er hands and feet. After an examination, she is retur 6/11/1976 #31102 iced above the Martinet bridge, 75 feet ahead of her, a bright reddish-oran 6/11/1976 #31103 saucer-shaped craft that stood 40 feet tall. They initially had several ho 6/20/1976 #31117 bject catches up to within 165–250 feet and its light strikes his car, the 6/21/1976 #31121 g sound and appears to be about 50 feet long. 6/21/1976 #31121 y see a gigantic ball of light 200 feet ahead of them between Gáldar and Ag 6/22/1976 #31128 tform. The humanoids are some 9–10 feet tall, wear black diving helmets and 6/22/1976 #31128 the object, which rose up about 30 feet and emitted a bluish gas. It then g 6/22/1976 #31130 t approaches and descends about 25 feet away. A short being emerges with a 6/23/1976 #31134 aralysis. It stopped some 20 to 25 feet away and the light went out. A shor 6/23/1976 #31135 It also floated along without its feet touching the ground. It paid no att 7/15/1976 #31165 a silvery, flat-bottomed UFO 15–25 feet in diameter through a clearing in t 7/28/1976 #31189 eir window, stopping only about 50 feet away. It had a revolving rim of lig 7/28/1976 #31191 age area at an altitude of 300–600 feet. In another spot, an Army police se 7/30/1976 #31202 t. Dennis Wood is flying at 29,000 feet over the North Atlantic about 40 mi 7/30/1976 #31203 minated windows hovering about 100 feet above Eldon’s Standard Service Stat 7/31/1976 #31206 larm. The UFO hung in the air, 100 feet over the service station in an urba 7/31/1976 #31207 owly at an altitude of perhaps 120 feet. The object has two revolving strip 8/1976 #31217 FO is seen at an altitude of 15–18 feet at St.-Pierre-sur-Mer, Hérault, Fra 8/2/1976 #31221 ected the profile of a figure, ten feet tall, wearing a tight-fitting black 8/2/1976 #31222 ees a flying object at 3,200–3,900 feet moving north to south. At 11:27 p.m 8/3/1976 #31226 d resting on legs. It was about 40 feet wide, 15 feet high, and made of a d 8/6/1976 #31241 egs. It was about 40 feet wide, 15 feet high, and made of a dull metal with 8/6/1976 #31241 uare circumferential windows three feet wide, out of which light was pourin 8/6/1976 #31241 the object. They were about seven feet tall, bald, and looked very ugly to 8/6/1976 #31241 er” and two green men, one about 5 feet 7 inches, the other shorter. They p 8/7/1976 #31243 per Arrow PA-28 is flying at 3,500 feet between Diepholz and Petershagen, G 8/13/1976 #31261 vers that he has dropped about 500 feet during the roll-and- recovery maneu 8/13/1976 #31261 erson had now closed to within ten feet of him, and could see that he was a 8/16/1976 #31273 could see that he was about seven feet tall and had a long nose. Suddenly, 8/16/1976 #31273 ches long, 8 inches wide, and five feet apart where he had been running. 8/16/1976 #31273 and took off into the air, only 15 feet away from the boys. 8/16/1976 #31274 -shaped object descends from 4,000 feet over the Forêt de Molière to the ea 8/21/1976 #31289 witnesses see a luminous orb, 9–21 feet in diameter, with antennae, flying 8/22/1976 #31291 Both figures carried flashlights 3 feet long. They came up to Mr. Anderson 8/23/1976 #31294 . The craft was estimated to be 30 feet wide at the bottom, and 60 feet hig 8/23/1976 #31294 30 feet wide at the bottom, and 60 feet high. As soon as daylight allowed, 8/23/1976 #31294 r heads. Their legs did not end in feet, and when they walked it sounded li 8/25/1976 #31302 She looks up and sees a large (100 feet long), silver-colored, silent cylin 9/1/1976 #31324 h to the south. It is only 200–250 feet in altitude and has two rings aroun 9/1/1976 #31324 elf is gray in color and nearly 10 feet in diameter. The UFO moves toward K 9/3/1976 #31335 UFO moves toward Klein, passes 33 feet above his head, and then hovers in 9/3/1976 #31335 en hovers in front of him about 16 feet from the ground. A bright, red ligh 9/3/1976 #31335 h which three small beings about 3 feet tall slowly descend. The humanoids 9/3/1976 #31335 s the UFO moves behind him some 33 feet away and 26 feet above the ground, 9/3/1976 #31335 ehind him some 33 feet away and 26 feet above the ground, close to some tre 9/3/1976 #31335 that it is an oval object about 3 feet high and 5 feet long and standing o 9/3/1976 #31336 val object about 3 feet high and 5 feet long and standing on chrome or stee 9/3/1976 #31336 ize of a large doll, perhaps 1–1.5 feet tall. Frightened, the two women hur 9/3/1976 #31336 right orange dome on top. It was 5 feet long and 3.5 feet high. As the witn 9/3/1976 #31340 on top. It was 5 feet long and 3.5 feet high. As the witnesses approached i 9/3/1976 #31340 e UFO with windows landed only 100 feet from a truck in Accopampa, Peru. Th 9/6/1976 #31350 Ayaviri, Peru, when a UFO lands 90 feet in front of them. Two strange creat 9/8/1976 #31356 hem. Two strange creatures about 6 feet tall approach the blocked truck wit 9/8/1976 #31356 d. He sees a bright object about 4 feet in diameter above him. The dog begi 9/9/1976 #31362 oward his house with the object 10 feet above him. Cables and hooks descend 9/9/1976 #31362 panied by a small creature about 3 feet tall. Da Silva hits its shoulder, c 9/9/1976 #31362 loose from the cable and falls 20 feet into a plant. He runs to the house, 9/9/1976 #31362 t 45° elevation about 9,800–13,000 feet away. The upper part is bright silv 9/9/1976 #31363 He looks up and sees an object 85 feet in diameter hovering above a TV ant 9/10/1976 #31371 TV antenna near the barn about 50 feet away. The main body of the craft is 9/10/1976 #31371 ow to London is cruising at 33,000 feet over Lithuania when a blinding, sta 9/10/1976 #31372 y 10–15 miles away and 5,000–6,000 feet below. The light resembles a yellow 9/10/1976 #31372 vering almost overhead, just 50-60 feet away. The object had a red light in 9/10/1976 #31373 light from the top and is about 45 feet in diameter. Police find landing ma 9/13/1976 #31382 ees a disc-shaped object about 120 feet in diameter over the Amazon forest Mid 9/1976 #31384 n intense blue glow passed only 12 feet over a car. The car engine stopped 9/17/1976 #31390 d aircraft hovering a few thousand feet in the air. Some of them call the n 9/18/1976 #31395 positions at an altitude of 6,000 feet. Around 12:30 a.m., Pirouzi alerts 9/18/1976 #31395 the coast) at an altitude of 3,200 feet in multiple locations in Morocco, i 9/19/1976 #31409 res and Lisbon, Portugal at 35,000 feet altitude encountered an intense blu 9/19/1976 #31412 ying a Boeing 707 airliner at 4000 feet altitude and at a speed of 240 km/h 9/19/1976 #31413 bove the ground. The object was 12 feet square and 6 feet high, and it was 9/20/1976 #31416 he object was 12 feet square and 6 feet high, and it was the color of an in 9/20/1976 #31416 elf. The UFO is hovering about 100 feet above the building and looks like a Autumn 1976 #31421 oks like a “fat cigar” about 50–60 feet long. It begins to move away but st Autumn 1976 #31421 oiselessly at 40 mph and about 600 feet altitude. Binoculars reveal a blink 9/24/1976 #31422 attened, discolored grass about 30 feet in diameter. 9/25/1976 #31428 ver their initial position, 50-100 feet above the ground, then drifted to t 9/25/1976 #31429 the shape of a perfect circle 100 feet in diameter. They learn from local 10/1976 #31441 shed” like a tomato, and it had no feet or toes; its legs extended straight 10/15/1976 #31465 e looking disc-shaped object 5,000 feet from the ground.” Tazawa Takumi, ai 10/17/1976 #31474 The object was estimated to be 16 feet in diameter, at an estimated altitu 10/17/1976 #31475 ea behind some woods about 300–400 feet north of the interstate. They are s 10/22/1976 #31486 e apparently metallic, about 20–25 feet in their longer dimension, and hove 10/22/1976 #31486 later and finds an oblong area, 40 feet by 20 feet, devoid of cattails and 10/22/1976 #31486 inds an oblong area, 40 feet by 20 feet, devoid of cattails and heavy grass 10/22/1976 #31486 grass, the outer ones about three feet larger in radius than the inner one 10/24/1976 #31493 , and the entire area was about 50 feet wide. 10/24/1976 #31493 pproach them and pass silently 100 feet over a house in Evansville, Indiana 10/28/1976 #31502 object remained at a height of 100 feet as it traveled in a straight line, 10/31/1976 #31512 t line, occasionally dipping by 30 feet. Rounding a curve, the sun shone on 10/31/1976 #31512 ee a round gray object about 20–30 feet in diameter “on edge.” It hovers se 11/8/1976 #31531 n edge.” It hovers several hundred feet in the air for 5 minutes, then move 11/8/1976 #31531 two dark metallic objects about 50 feet in diameter, one flying at an angle 11/10/1976 #31538 ea. They had gone about a thousand feet when they experienced a localized “ 11/12/1976 #31540 inous humanoid figure at least ten feet tall, only 50 feet away. The thick, 11/12/1976 #31540 re at least ten feet tall, only 50 feet away. The thick, luminous figure se 11/12/1976 #31540 seemed to be crossed, and legs and feet could not be seen. Trejo tried to f 11/12/1976 #31540 other two men helped Trejo to his feet, and at this time all three heard t 11/12/1976 #31540 d its short legs seemed to have no feet. It stopped and seemed to look at t 11/12/1976 #31541 an orange, cigar-shaped craft, 15 feet in length, with three entities behi 11/14/1976 #31548 ht slowly and silently meander 150 feet above a church in St. Peter, Minnes 11/19/1976 #31560 ered an oblong, greenish object 60 feet long that descended toward the grou 11/22/1976 #31564 elongated object (an estimated 148 feet long) with round openings along the 12/5/1976 #31584 nside at an elevation of about 165 feet. After a while, the object moves on 12/5/1976 #31584 humanoid figures were maybe 8 or 9 feet tall, and standing close together a 12/6/1976 #31586 ong or cigar-shaped, more than 250 feet long and more than 30 feet high. Th 12/6/1976 #31587 han 250 feet long and more than 30 feet high. There seemed to be some sort 12/6/1976 #31587 e craft, that was now less than 50 feet from them. The surface did not appe 12/6/1976 #31587 r mass of brilliant light about 30 feet wide and 10 feet high, resting on t 12/10/1976 #31594 nt light about 30 feet wide and 10 feet high, resting on the road ahead. Wh 12/10/1976 #31594 n in them began to return, but her feet were slewed over toward the right s 12/10/1976 #31594 er 8" squares, and was at least 30 feet wide. Her car engine suddenly start 12/10/1976 #31594 linder, convex side up, about five feet long. She was forcibly placed and t 12/10/1976 #31594 the road, but it stops about 6–10 feet from the ground and 100–150 feet aw 12/15/1976 #31604 0 feet from the ground and 100–150 feet away. Barker takes a few steps towa 12/15/1976 #31604 hovering low in the east about 500 feet away. Human-like forms are visible 12/15/1976 #31605 ing slowly westward at about 1,000 feet altitude. 12/16/1976 #31608 ght green light and hovers only 60 feet away. It makes no sound when hoveri 12/18/1976 #31612 up a clear radar target at 18,000 feet over the Mælifell volcano. It track 12/18/1976 #31613 rhead in Miami, Florida, about 250 feet up. It turns west in a smooth, even 12/18/1976 #31615 ht green light and hovered only 60 feet away from them. It made no sound wh 12/18/1976 #31616 ssing over their heads at only 150 feet. The object turned and flew away to 12/18/1976 #31617 lia. Brennan sees a bright disc, 2 feet in diameter, hovering 30 feet in th 12/19/1976 #31622 c, 2 feet in diameter, hovering 30 feet in the air behind his house. It the 12/19/1976 #31622 hat flew behind a house at only 30 feet altitude. It then shot away toward 12/19/1976 #31624 ocked on the surface, some 175–200 feet away from Mr. Chapin. It moves rapi 12/29/1976 #31639 squealing sound. They are about 5 feet tall and pot-bellied, with long, th 1977 #31656 the oval object again, about 1,200 feet from them in a field. It appears to 1/1/1977 #31681 n a field. It appears to be 90–120 feet in diameter and surrounded by a hal 1/1/1977 #31681 across the street from her only 60 feet away. Immediately two figures appea 1/6/1977 #31706 ear on the roof; they are over six feet tall and thin, with long arms. They 1/6/1977 #31706 e UFO rises from the roof about 20 feet and flies off to the east. Her son 1/6/1977 #31706 ical-shaped crust of ice, about 18 feet in diameter, on top of the snow. He 1/6/1977 #31706 cross the street from her, only 60 feet away. Immediately two figures appea 1/6/1977 #31707 ed on the roof, they were over six feet tall and thin, with long arms and t 1/6/1977 #31707 he UFO rose from the roof about 20 feet, and then flew off to the east. Her 1/6/1977 #31707 ce, 0.8 inches thick, and about 18 feet in diameter that was on top of the 1/6/1977 #31707 New Hampshire. The pond, 105 by 75 feet, was frozen solid just the day befo 1/10/1977 #31715 y sees that the box has sunk three feet into the muck at the bottom. Frustr 1/10/1977 #31715 circle of slush has expanded to 10 feet. When McCarthy observes the pond in 1/10/1977 #31715 s a second hole, this one about 50 feet from the original. Not long afterwa 1/10/1977 #31715 dens and hovers briefly at about 6 feet altitude, lowers its “pole,” and ap 1/21/1977 #31742 mate that the light is about 15–25 feet in diameter, roughly circular, face 1/21/1977 #31743 otá, Colombia, westbound at 20,000 feet. At the same time, airport radar op 1/21/1977 #31744 diameter domed disc hovered at 80 feet altitude over a snowy field at 10:3 1/26/1977 #31753 om, or enclosure, approximately 50 feet long. He sensed, rather than observ 1/27/1977 #31761 moon. It remains about 2,400–2,700 feet behind the plane. The base authoriz 2/1977 #31772 t it, but when he climbs to 12,000 feet, the UFO paces him then disappears. 2/1977 #31772 d climb to their altitude at 2,000 feet and 300–500 feet away. It appears t 2/1/1977 #31775 altitude at 2,000 feet and 300–500 feet away. It appears to be a dark, vert 2/1/1977 #31775 be a dark, vertical cylinder 10–15 feet high, 5–8 feet wide, and with strut 2/1/1977 #31775 ical cylinder 10–15 feet high, 5–8 feet wide, and with struts and a light o 2/1/1977 #31775 han the full moon, perhaps 100–150 feet in diameter, and hovering silently 2/1/1977 #31776 Tuszewski finds a strange disc 1.6 feet in diameter and weighing 66 pounds 2/2/1977 #31780 the size of their car hover 20–50 feet above them for 30 minutes. 2/9/1977 #31803 ing over a small tree less than 50 feet away. (Sources: David F. Webb & Ted 2/10/1977 #31806 a, when his car is pushed back 250 feet by a 30-by-60 foot object hovering 2/10/1977 #31807 oot object hovering silently 10–12 feet above the road. A blue light emerge 2/10/1977 #31807 ing over a small tree less than 50 feet away. It was capsule shaped with a 2/10/1977 #31808 an. She could not see any hands or feet. This figure in an inflated suit wa 2/10/1977 #31808 in an inflated suit was about four feet tall and was standing crouched over 2/10/1977 #31808 light was coming from between his feet. Mrs. Buckner walked directly benea 2/10/1977 #31808 o touch it but it was hovering two feet too high. She could see there was a 2/10/1977 #31808 red, and estimated that it was 6.5 feet high and 2.5 feet in diameter. She 2/10/1977 #31808 that it was 6.5 feet high and 2.5 feet in diameter. She thought she could 2/10/1977 #31808 om an egg-shaped object about 8–11 feet wide that has landed only about 50 2/11/1977 #31810 wide that has landed only about 50 feet away behind a chicken coop. It is b 2/11/1977 #31810 ly bouncing up and down, about 500 feet from the lodge. Maki estimates the Mid 2/1977 #31817 stimates the object is about 60–80 feet long. Some 10–15 people exiting the Mid 2/1977 #31817 ches a cylindrical object about 40 feet long pass alongside him a few hundr 2/16/1977 #31822 g pass alongside him a few hundred feet away at 30 mph. It has one steady w 2/16/1977 #31822 very bright lights land about 150 feet away in Langernargen Bodense, Germa 2/24/1977 #31846 . When he approached to within 500 feet they quickly entered the object, an 2/27/1977 #31853 him and silently hovering about 15 feet above the highway. It is yellowish 3/4/1977 #31858 her, Siegal sees three entities, 5 feet tall and shaped like bowling pins, 3/4/1977 #31858 ky at an estimated altitude of 500 feet. Forty-five minutes later a cigar-s 3/4/1977 #31859 looked like a water tank, about 10 feet across and 10 to 15 feet tall, with 3/5/1977 #31861 about 10 feet across and 10 to 15 feet tall, with red lights going around 3/5/1977 #31861 around it. The UFO was about 50-60 feet from them. Mrs Stites said that she 3/5/1977 #31861 large patch of burning grass (100 feet long by 30 feet wide), with a myste 3/8/1977 #31878 burning grass (100 feet long by 30 feet wide), with a mysteriously unscathe 3/8/1977 #31878 and a rounded bottom descend to 30 feet above the ground and hover for 20 m 3/9/1977 #31887 up in the northern sky about 1,000 feet up. It is a white, tapered rectangl 3/9/1977 #31888 directions. It is only about 1,000 feet above the surface of the water. Com 3/10/1977 #31892 tes its distance to be about 3,000 feet and probably as big or bigger than 3/12/1977 #31901 dark in appearance, about 30 to 40 feet in diameter and 40 feet high, that 3/13/1977 #31906 t 30 to 40 feet in diameter and 40 feet high, that was resting in the adjac 3/13/1977 #31906 were about six and a half to seven feet, thin, with delicate bodies, and ve 3/20/1977 #31921 lue lights took up position 2 to 3 feet in front of her slowly traveling ca 3/23/1977 #31927 lue lights took up position 2 to 3 feet in front of her slowly traveling ca 3/23/1977 #31928 side-down teardrop” object 100–200 feet long and 60 feet wide drift in from 3/29/1977 #31933 p” object 100–200 feet long and 60 feet wide drift in from the east at tree 3/29/1977 #31933 th a 35–40-foot object hovering 30 feet above the maple trees. The UFO has 4/1/1977 #31938 ren's playhouse. It was about five feet in diameter, with eight "pods or le 4/4/1977 #31942 and landed approximately 30 to 40 feet away. The top of the object was a s 4/4/1977 #31943 ide. The object was about 40 to 50 feet in diameter and about 20 feet high. 4/4/1977 #31943 o 50 feet in diameter and about 20 feet high. The whirring ceased when it l 4/4/1977 #31943 ller in size, between four to five feet tall. They wore brown one-piece sui 4/4/1977 #31943 ren's playhouse. It was about five feet in diameter, with eight "pods or le 4/4/1977 #31944 5–6 red-orange lights hovering 200 feet away. 4/5/1977 #31950 lsating white luminosity, about 35 feet in diameter. After four or five min 4/6/1977 #31952 lsating white luminosity, about 35 feet in diameter. It was hovering severa 4/6/1977 #31953 ring several yards above a tree 35 feet tall. It bore a pulsating red lumin 4/6/1977 #31953 t disc-shaped UFO was hovering 100 feet up in a tilted position. Jos did no 4/6/1977 #31953 up, and at an altitude of about 65 feet resumed its erratic movements. Dark 4/6/1977 #31953 ht on top of it. It was about four feet across and was rocking gently in th 4/7/1977 #31956 ht on top of it. It was about four feet across and was rocking gently in th 4/7/1977 #31957 achutist." There was only about 35 feet between the man and the observer. N 4/7/1977 #31957 kälen, Jämtland, Sweden. It is 100 feet in diameter and moving from south t 4/10/1977 #31969 he saw no fingers. "I though their feet were webbed." The figures walked ar 4/19/1977 #32002 the top of a stone wall, about 20 feet away. It was between 3.5 and 4 feet 4/21/1977 #32009 eet away. It was between 3.5 and 4 feet tall and had a small, slender body 4/21/1977 #32009 shark," and it had large hands and feet with digits that appeared to wrap a 4/21/1977 #32009 hem, slows down, and moves only 30 feet in front of them. After 4 minutes i 4/22/1977 #32012 he object maintained a distance 30 feet overhead of them, in front of theiu 4/22/1977 #32014 e them at their altitude of 39,000 feet. Radar Approach Controller Terry Si 4/23/1977 #32017 s face." It was described as three feet wide, surrounded by a luminous glow 4/23/1977 #32018 seen. They drove past within eight feet of the creature, which Abby observe 4/23/1977 #32019 elf. "It must have been over seven feet tall," because it was too tall to s 4/24/1977 #32021 linas, who has been standing a few feet in back of the others, notices a st 4/25/1977 #32026 eeing a luminous silver figure 7–8 feet tall looking into her window at Mil 4/26/1977 #32029 tall luminous silver figure, three feet wide, looked in a window for an hou 4/26/1977 #32030 ng their car on the left about 180 feet away. They speed up and pass it aft 4/29/1977 #32036 The aliens are said to be 3.5–4.5 feet tall, weighing 40 pounds, with larg 5/1977 #32042 Suddenly a hollow globe about 1.6 feet in diameter and made up of separate 5/1977 #32043 rizon. He estimates it is only 300 feet away and moving faster than an airc 5/1/1977 #32045 bject like a “bell tent” about 900 feet away that continuously pulsates fro 5/3/1977 #32050 bserved a huge figure, about eight feet tall and four feet wide, that cross 5/8/1977 #32074 re, about eight feet tall and four feet wide, that crossed their path about 5/8/1977 #32074 , that crossed their path about 25 feet away and disappeared into the woods 5/8/1977 #32074 rea. It descends silently to 1,000 feet and they can see it has a grayish-s 5/10/1977 #32082 ing away from them, about 60 to 70 feet away. The being went up to a hedge 5/15/1977 #32096 Jeter watch a similar object, 300 feet long, near the Norris Road exit of 5/16/1977 #32098 tate 240. It is hovering about 200 feet above the ground near some power li 5/16/1977 #32098 m. It was silent, and seen just 35 feet over twin electrical power towers. 5/17/1977 #32108 was metallic in color and about 30 feet long, and it had a red band encircl 5/18/1977 #32111 lieved the object was hovering two feet above the ground---the same height 5/18/1977 #32111 rd them and stopping about 150–300 feet away. One minute later, they see th 5/20/1977 #32116 k human forms, about 5-foot-6 to 6 feet tall, surrounded by mist and moving 5/20/1977 #32116 David Edwards is flying at 28,000 feet over the Bay of Biscay off the coas 5/26/1977 #32133 d made up of three targets all 600 feet wide. On the film the UFO appears a 5/26/1977 #32133 vehicles were dragged twenty-five feet along the highway not under their o 6/6/1977 #32153 he street. The beings were about 4 feet 10 inches tall, with small, slender 6/12/1977 #32161 1 o’clock position no more than 20 feet away. It is definitely not a cargo 6/17/1977 #32171 panels. The object is about 42–50 feet in diameter. Suddenly it accelerate 6/17/1977 #32171 he friend estimates it is about 75 feet across and 50 feet tall. The two da 6/17/1977 #32172 it is about 75 feet across and 50 feet tall. The two daughters have been t 6/17/1977 #32172 e of the full moon, hovering 5,000 feet in the air over the sea off RAF Bou 7/1977 #32222 of haze" flying at 1,800 to 2,000 feet. (Reference: UNIDENTIFIED AERIAL PH 7/1/1977 #32224 de above a soybean field about 600 feet beyond the fence line of the compou 7/1/1977 #32227 ng, and changing colors. It is 150 feet in diameter and making a noise like 7/1/1977 #32227 from the southeast at 1,000–1,500 feet. Through binoculars, it appears to 7/3/1977 #32232 -shaped object approximately 20-22 feet in diameter hovering overhead for a 7/4/1977 #32235 shaped object approximately 20- 22 feet around hovering over me for around 7/4/1977 #32235 nse orange glow and are only a few feet apart, traveling in complete silenc 7/7/1977 #32245 speed as the ship, about 980–1,300 feet to the east. Radio operator O. Dere 7/7/1977 #32246 e of a road. It was only about 200 feet above and the ground and 150 feet f 7/9/1977 #32252 feet above and the ground and 150 feet from the road. (Source: J. Allen Hy 7/9/1977 #32252 ck, Michigan. It is only about 200 feet above the ground and 150 feet from 7/9/1977 #32253 200 feet above the ground and 150 feet from the road. It has many red and 7/9/1977 #32253 at 2:30 a.m. It was only about 200 feet above and the ground and 150 feet f 7/9/1977 #32254 feet above and the ground and 150 feet from the road. It had many red and 7/9/1977 #32254 e across the road. It was about 40 feet away, and it slipped under a farm's 7/12/1977 #32266 walked toward a lamp post only 20 feet away. The little man was only three 7/12/1977 #32266 ttle man was only three and a half feet tall and wore a green garment that 7/12/1977 #32266 he had only four fingers, that his feet were webbed like a duck's, and that 7/12/1977 #32266 ctric drill. The being ascended 10 feet into the air and flew horizontally 7/12/1977 #32266 nverted saucer a couple of hundred feet away. She guessed it was about 30' 7/15/1977 #32275 nse blue-white glow hovers 200–300 feet above a creek near Fairview, Pennsy 7/18/1977 #32292 in her living room. They were 4.5 feet tall, hairless, and had watery, liq 7/19/1977 #32294 he others, who were less than four feet tall, stood near the light on the h 7/23/1977 #32304 bright light appears on a hill 900 feet away. They hear a whooshing sound, 7/23/1977 #32305 tsteps from Morgan Creek about 300 feet away and see two small figures floa 7/23/1977 #32305 the others, who are less than four feet tall, stands near the light on the 7/23/1977 #32305 he others, who were less than four feet tall, stood near the light on the h 7/23/1977 #32306 to the shore at about 4,000–5,000 feet. They move apart slowly as they cli 7/30/1977 #32323 unic extended to the ground so her feet were unseen. The man's tunic was a 8/3/1977 #32356 ame into view, hovering just a few feet off the ground between nearby trees 8/6/1977 #32365 ame into view, hovering just a few feet off the ground between nearby trees 8/6/1977 #32366 ribed the object as being about 50 feet in diameter and 15 feet high, encir 8/6/1977 #32366 g about 50 feet in diameter and 15 feet high, encircled by what appeared to 8/6/1977 #32366 A nearly perfect circular ring, 12 feet in diameter and 8 inches wide is di 8/7/1977 #32369 s, he approached them. At about 50 feet away the entire scene vanished. "No 8/9/1977 #32372 object hovering silently about 150 feet in the air. A blue-gray light in it 8/11/1977 #32384 shape and size, which is about 65 feet in diameter. The object shoots nort 8/11/1977 #32384 bove the first object at about 400 feet. The lower object rises up to join 8/11/1977 #32384 him on the road. It was about five feet tall and not more than 30 inches wi 8/11/1977 #32385 ding away. He estimates it was 600 feet away, its altitude at about 500 fee 8/17/1977 #32409 et away, its altitude at about 500 feet above the road, positioned at a 40° 8/17/1977 #32409 angle above the horizon, and 40–45 feet from tip to tip with a downward cur 8/17/1977 #32409 angular). It flies slowly at 1,500 feet altitude, hovering occasionally. Al 8/28/1977 #32432 y. The figures were at least seven feet tall, and were reddish orange in co 8/28/1977 #32437 sounds ceased. It came to about 15 feet away and beckoned, as though indica 8/30/1977 #32441 ar the object is an entity about 7 feet 10 inches tall. It has two red-oran 8/31/1977 #32445 nds ceased. It came as close as 15 feet, and beckoned, as though wanting th 8/31/1977 #32446 large, silent object at about 300 feet altitude. On impulse, she waves at Early Autumn 1977 #32456 proach, the UFO is no more than 50 feet away. She experiences a sense of ti Early Autumn 1977 #32456 rows of a dozen men each, about 5 feet 5 inches tall. They are wearing foo 9/15/1977 #32484 y him. The figures were about four feet tall, with football-shaped heads or 9/15/1977 #32485 ce them for 6 miles, keeping 10–30 feet away from the car until they reach 9/17/1977 #32492 Flight 954, is climbing to 33,000 feet out of El Paso, Texas, when he sees 9/22/1977 #32510 low the aircraft at roughly 12,000 feet. First Officer Jack Forsythe and Se 9/22/1977 #32510 arm's length, at no more than 300 feet altitude. (Good, Above Top Secret, Fall 1977 #32514 sees a silent object flying at 300 feet altitude while waiting for a bus. O Fall 1977 #32515 approach, it is no further than 50 feet away. Her memory is unclear after t Fall 1977 #32515 from the underside. It is about 20 feet in diameter, and Field can see two Late 9/1977 #32518 on, and is following him about 500 feet away at treetop level. He increases 9/27/1977 #32528 pinning on its axis at about 9,000 feet altitude. 9/27/1977 #32529 rom the west at an altitude of 500 feet. As it approaches, the witnesses go 10/1/1977 #32542 e lights. The object, about 75–100 feet wide and 25–30 feet high, reverses 10/1/1977 #32542 , about 75–100 feet wide and 25–30 feet high, reverses direction and moves 10/1/1977 #32542 two long extensions. It was 75-100 feet wide, 25 feet high, and 1/2 a mile 10/1/1977 #32543 sions. It was 75-100 feet wide, 25 feet high, and 1/2 a mile away at 500 fe 10/1/1977 #32543 t high, and 1/2 a mile away at 500 feet altitude. It made a humming noise, 10/1/1977 #32543 n view. The object looms about 300 feet away, passing near a streetlight th 10/9/1977 #32564 e and comes within several hundred feet of the first object; both continue 10/11/1977 #32568 g and looks straight up. About 500 feet in the air is an object slowly movi 10/13/1977 #32572 bject looks rectangular, about 150 feet long, and 10 feet across. It has sm 10/13/1977 #32572 gular, about 150 feet long, and 10 feet across. It has small, square indent 10/13/1977 #32572 he southwest at an estimated 1,000 feet altitude. Finally, the object moves 10/17/1977 #32584 objects in the south about 400–500 feet off the ground. These circle for 30 10/17/1977 #32584 view a disc-shaped object some 33 feet in diameter that hovers and then de 10/25/1977 #32609 rs, and measures 5.5 inches by 1.2 feet with a depth of 4 inches. The track 10/25/1977 #32609 xas, to Dallas, cruising at 15,000 feet in a T-38 jet trainer, 1st Lt Seth 10/26/1977 #32617 object is flying at 10,000–12,000 feet and seems stationary. The distance 10/26/1977 #32617 manage to approach to within 1,000 feet. The sighting causes a feverish exc 10/27/1977 #32623 nally standing. It hovers about 10 feet above some grapevines, then swoops 10/29/1977 #32631 UFO at an altitude of only 500-700 feet above the Plain. He described it as 10/30/1977 #32637 d Stack Rocks, rising up 80 to 100 feet from the water. They could not see 10/30/1977 #32639 light-green object lands about 300 feet away in a newly ploughed field. The 11/1/1977 #32651 ly spaced marks in the ground, 1.2 feet long and 3–7 inches wide. Each impr 11/1/1977 #32651 the full moon ascending about 900 feet away in a wooded area near Richmond 11/18/1977 #32685 a small aircraft flying at 13,000 feet between Vichy and Troy, Missouri, a 11/18/1977 #32686 suddenly approached to within 200 feet of him, and it emitted a blue beam 11/29/1977 #32708 haped craft in a paddock about 100 feet away. It is about 50 feet in diamet 12/2/1977 #32726 bout 100 feet away. It is about 50 feet in diameter and bright red with two 12/2/1977 #32726 e sees two humanoid beings about 4 feet 8 inches in height with slim builds 12/2/1977 #32726 ed object on the ground, about 100 feet away from his house. It was red in 12/2/1977 #32727 d figures of slight build, about 4 feet 8 inches tall; they were carrying o 12/2/1977 #32727 fence. The figure was about eight feet tall and wearing a padded "space su 12/10/1977 #32759 adow and stopped, an estimated 400 feet above the ground. It had a small do 12/17/1977 #32793 t an estimated distance of only 75 feet. The UFO ascended slowly, then show 12/21/1977 #32801 t an estimated distance of only 75 feet. The UFO ascended slowly, then show 12/21/1977 #32803 tranger police helicopter at 1,100 feet in Charlotte, North Carolina, when 12/27/1977 #32814 r to the right at an estimated 200 feet. Charlotte FAA air traffic controll 12/27/1977 #32814 er at an estimated distance of 200 feet. The UFO looks like a globular whit 12/27/1977 #32814 S.AU A white, oval light about 27 feet in diameter paced a car 30 meters a 12/30/1977 #32819 ralia A white, oval light about 27 feet in diameter paces a car 90 feet awa 12/30/1977 #32821 27 feet in diameter paces a car 90 feet away near Keith, South Australia. T 12/30/1977 #32821 lia - A white, oval light about 27 feet in diameter paced a car 30 meters a 12/30/1977 #32822 ok up, and see an object about 100 feet away and moving silently at 40 mph. 1/1978 #32837 Santa Monica, California, at 7,500 feet when they see an object approaching 1/1/1978 #32841 eed. As the UFO passes about 6,000 feet to his left, Hallstrom is looking d 1/1/1978 #32841 o be a perfect hemisphere about 20 feet in diameter resting on the base, wh 1/1/1978 #32841 ing on the base, which is about 30 feet in diameter. The UFO continues on a 1/1/1978 #32841 in the glare of the headlights 26 feet ahead. The being is wearing a white 1/2/1978 #32846 sc-shaped object hovering just 300 feet over the heath a short distance awa 1/3/1978 #32851 of the back porch roof, only four feet away. The figure was hooded and see 1/9/1978 #32862 educing visibility to less than 10 feet. The fog was accompanied by a sound 1/10/1978 #32870 figure standing on a path about 90 feet away. The figure was described as f 1/10/1978 #32872 e was described as four and a half feet tall with broad shoulders and arms 1/10/1978 #32872 Brazil from north to south at 900 feet altitude. It traveled at a medium s 1/23/1978 #32908 pproximately equidistant, at 7,000 feet, then disappear in the distance. 1/27/1978 #32918 ehind it, descending to just a few feet above the rooftops where its light 1/27/1978 #32920 earby trees. Two figures about six feet tall were next seen standing next t 2/1/1978 #32939 ing them. It swerves about 500–600 feet in altitude and a mile distant, and 2/1/1978 #32940 re, England. Two figures about six feet tall were next seen standing next t 2/1/1978 #32941 oid the beam, but it shines on his feet in the snow. He runs away, and when 2/2/1978 #32946 reen coveralls that reached to the feet and gave off a very faint luminosit 2/5/1978 #32957 mph at an altitude of 2,000–3,000 feet. He notices it is delta-shaped. Oth 2/22/1978 #32990 indow. The UFO hovered at just 200 feet altitude, and had colored lights. I 3/1/1978 #33007 ione is flying northbound at 2,600 feet 75 miles away from Vicenza, Italy, 3/9/1978 #33021 approach in their car to about 100 feet, but the object shuts off all its l 3/11/1978 #33033 object floating alongside about 50 feet away. He thinks it is as large as a 3/12/1978 #33036 sides. Slowly it rises to 300– 400 feet and floats away. 3/12/1978 #33036 gure walks across the road only 15 feet from him. As he passes Edwards, the 3/17/1978 #33048 s a triangular shape about 150–200 feet on each side with large windows, th 3/22/1978 #33072 d, and sees three entities about 3 feet high and wearing “diving suits.” He 3/24/1978 #33078 ng red triangular UFO hovering 200 feet above the ground in Ratby, England 3/27/1978 #33089 eme force. Large cracks almost two feet across were observed developing in 4/2/1978 #33119 t, and a glass front. It stops 600 feet away, hovering. Two figures in dark 4/2/1978 #33121 a pasture. It flew sideways at 20 feet altitude. 4/10/1978 #33138 outh at an altitude of about 2,000 feet. A similar object is seen the follo Mid 4/1978 #33149 bject, perfectly silent, about 500 feet above the garden. It hovers a minut Late 4/1978 #33167 rd the Ford plant. It is about 125 feet in diameter and has a row of window Late 4/1978 #33167 lack. He was about five and a half feet tall, extremely thin, with a somewh 4/25/1978 #33171 long tunic that did not reach its feet, since the witness was able to obse 5/2/1978 #33185 red laceless shoes on the figure's feet. The figure was about 170 meters ta 5/2/1978 #33185 l, and he thinks the object was 15 feet in diameter and conical. Border Pat 5/6/1978 #33190 bject, a dull metallic cylinder 12 feet long with a few dents. A telex sent 5/6/1978 #33190 slide is a 325-foot trench, 10–12 feet wide at the top. Some of the large 5/6/1978 #33190 n-faced humanoid entities” about 5 feet tall. They jump onto Wolski’s cart, 5/10/1978 #33196 white object is hovering about 16 feet in the air. It is about 15–16 feet 5/10/1978 #33196 feet in the air. It is about 15–16 feet high and as long as a bus. Four bla 5/10/1978 #33196 at an estimated altitude of 1,600 feet to the west-northwest perhaps 3 mil 5/14/1978 #33210 in turn. It flew at only 50 to 100 feet altitude as confirmed by radar, and 5/14/1978 #33211 e roadside he sees 2–4 men about 5 feet tall wearing tightly fitting black 5/17/1978 #33224 Brazil at an altitude above 35,000 feet. The lights flew parallel to one an 6/7/1978 #33258 ran, Iran, is descending to 25,000 feet over Isfahan. He sees a huge, purpl 6/11/1978 #33274 cone shaped UFO is as close as 300 feet away and 200 feet in the air, flyin 6/11/1978 #33275 as close as 300 feet away and 200 feet in the air, flying parallel to the 6/11/1978 #33275 rting bright white trails about 66 feet in length. At the same time, two ot 6/15/1978 #33280 the same time, two other trails 33 feet long approach the vessel. Later, st 6/15/1978 #33280 a few seconds at an altitude of 60 feet, flies higher, zigzags, and dives b 6/15/1978 #33280 ward them at an altitude of 11,000 feet. Jean-Marc is unable to breathe and 6/19/1978 #33291 ring above La Réole at about 1,000 feet before disappearing. It reappears a 6/19/1978 #33291 te. Its distance was about 200-300 feet from the by-standers. (NICAP: 02 - 6/25/1978 #33310 te. Its distance was about 200-300 feet from the by-standers. 6/25/1978 #33311 omed disc-shaped object, about 3-4 feet in diameter with rotating parts on 7/4/1978 #33330 p.m. A small domed disc, about 3–4 feet in diameter with rotating parts on 7/4/1978 #33333 ying a Cessna at 120 mph and 3,500 feet altitude near Santa Paula, Californ 7/4/1978 #33333 oup and approaches as close as 980 feet before disappearing. They drive in 7/4/1978 #33335 gives off a yellow light about 325 feet away. Five or six very tall entitie 7/4/1978 #33335 em walk up the ravine to within 16 feet of the witnesses. They are dressed 7/4/1978 #33335 omed disc-shaped object, about 3-4 feet in diameter with rotating parts on 7/4/1978 #33336 est Park, Georgia only five or six feet away. It was about 12 feet in diame 7/5/1978 #33340 or six feet away. It was about 12 feet in diameter and made no noise as it 7/5/1978 #33340 from the trees. It is about 1.5–2 feet in diameter but spreads out into a 7/11/1978 #33366 rker than the sky and about 80–100 feet in diameter. The object is at treet 7/11/1978 #33366 the terrain is estimated at 13–100 feet. The lights oscillate and move forw 7/14/1978 #33382 oiselessly east to west some 3,300 feet above the ground. Two of the witnes 7/20/1978 #33404 e, China. They are flying at 9,800 feet when they see two glowing objects c 7/26/1978 #33418 gets moved along the road for 300 feet, completely out of control. As she 7/27/1978 #33427 approaches their car to within 600 feet; the car’s electrical system fails, 7/27/1978 #33429 came close to the ground about 600 feet away. It made a wavering, humming s 7/27/1978 #33430 it, silver cylinder at about 6,000 feet altitude. It stays stationary for 3 7/28/1978 #33434 tically downward to a position 100 feet away and 15 feet up. It snaps into 8/4/1978 #33471 to a position 100 feet away and 15 feet up. It snaps into a horizontal posi 8/4/1978 #33471 ch two red lights rise up about 25 feet off the road to their left to an al 8/5/1978 #33476 to their left to an altitude of 30 feet. They are attached to a triangular 8/5/1978 #33476 ion of the triangle is about 10–15 feet across. 8/5/1978 #33476 and blue lights hovering about 40 feet in the air for 5–7 minutes. It shoo 8/7/1978 #33485 Jr. sees the object at about 2,800 feet in altitude and looking like two wh 8/8/1978 #33490 rom the northwest to a position 50 feet behind a tree and 45 feet in the ai 8/18/1978 #33526 ition 50 feet behind a tree and 45 feet in the air. It hovers there for 30 8/18/1978 #33526 t. It hovered for 30 seconds at 45 feet above the ground, causing TV interf 8/18/1978 #33528 t a uniform speed, about 1500-2000 feet up, it could be resolved that it wa 8/20/1978 #33531 a uniform speed, about 1,500–2,000 feet up, it is seen as a cigar with smal 8/20/1978 #33533 , at an estimated altitude of 2000 feet. It was twice the apparent size of 8/20/1978 #33534 , New York. It is at least 150–200 feet long with while and blue colors, tw 8/21/1978 #33537 ony window, a distance of about 10 feet, never touching the rail. 8/22/1978 #33551 object at the same altitude (2,500 feet) directly ahead about 4 miles away. 8/27/1978 #33578 arently missing the plane by 1,000 feet. It is a silvery-white, metallic sp 8/27/1978 #33578 sphere with no wings and about 18 feet in diameter. 8/27/1978 #33578 the north. At an altitude of 2,000 feet, it appears smaller than an F-100 f 8/27/1978 #33579 and white lights flying about 600 feet above the ground. 8/30/1978 #33603 It was 6.5 meters by 3 meters (20 feet x 10 feet). There were reportedly s 9/2/1978 #33627 5 meters by 3 meters (20 feet x 10 feet). There were reportedly several wit 9/2/1978 #33627 phs into a bright fireball about 5 feet wide. It disappears and reappears t 9/3/1978 #33630 s the road in front of him only 50 feet away at an estimated 160 mph. It ma 9/4/1978 #33633 o the road, descending to about 15 feet, and travels parallel to his car at 9/4/1978 #33633 lel to his car at 60 mph about 150 feet west of the road. As he slows down 9/4/1978 #33633 slows down. When the light is 250 feet ahead, it goes out. 9/4/1978 #33633 w southwest to northwest at 12,000 feet altitude, 400 km/h, with a curving 9/9/1978 #33650 ew southwest to northeast at 9,000 feet altitude, emitting blue light rays; 9/9/1978 #33650 to the west at medium speed, 4000 feet altitude; it emitted two very stron 9/9/1978 #33650 engine Beechcraft Bonanza at 9,500 feet southeast at 170 mph near Bakersfie 9/10/1978 #33655 white light descending from 15,000 feet. It follows him behind his right wi 9/10/1978 #33655 ght wing, then shoots up to 20,000 feet in a perfectly straight trajectory. 9/10/1978 #33655 30 p.m. that descended from 15,000 feet to the altitude of his Beech Bonanz 9/10/1978 #33660 f his Beech Bonanza airplane (9500 feet). It went below his tail, then to t 9/10/1978 #33660 then finally ascended above 25,000 feet. Another second light flew around e 9/10/1978 #33660 dressed in a silvery suit. Several feet away from him she saw a small, silv 9/15/1978 #33684 white suits can be seen about 300 feet from the window, but it is too dark 9/15/1978 #33686 dressed in a silvery suit. Several feet away from him she sees a small, sil 9/15/1978 #33687 small, silver, domed disc (about 3 feet wide by 2 feet tall) sitting on the 9/15/1978 #33687 domed disc (about 3 feet wide by 2 feet tall) sitting on the edge of the gr 9/15/1978 #33687 dressed in a silvery suit. Several feet away from him she saw a small, silv 9/15/1978 #33688 king behind her. It was about four feet tall, grayish green in color, and h 9/15/1978 #33689 owards his vehicle. They were five feet tall and wore green coveralls and h 9/17/1978 #33703 masks, and they floated about four feet above the ground. They circled the 9/17/1978 #33703 , he sees a domed disc about 13–16 feet in diameter that is resting on a mu 9/18/1978 #33708 er that is resting on a mudflat 66 feet away. The object is brassy or yello 9/18/1978 #33708 e in flat pads. A figure about 3.5 feet tall appears from behind the dome, 9/18/1978 #33708 When it reaches an altitude of 33 feet, it turns on edge and speeds out of 9/18/1978 #33708 cloud. He estimates it is 340–350 feet long. 9/20/1978 #33714 he UFO, which came down to some 50 feet above the ground. At this point the 9/20/1978 #33718 ts quit, then the car is lifted 15 feet off the road and set down again one 9/23/1978 #33734 a silver cigar- shaped object 150 feet above the ground. He jumps out of h 9/23/1978 #33735 ntly coming from an object some 30 feet outside their window. The light dis 9/23/1978 #33736 , motionless silhouette only a few feet away. It persists for at least anot 9/23/1978 #33736 Radu notices a dark figure about 8 feet tall moving slowly on a mound some 9/23/1978 #33736 l moving slowly on a mound some 65 feet away. Noticing that something had b 9/23/1978 #33736 at it. Radu approaches to within 4 feet of the figure and raises a club to 9/23/1978 #33736 they encounter a strange man, 5.5 feet tall with a green face and dark cos 9/27/1978 #33761 o is walking through the forest 30 feet away. He turns to face the children 9/27/1978 #33761 wrong direction and meets only 480 feet from the school a being whose face 9/27/1978 #33761 ct standing on four legs about 330 feet away in a clearing. When he rides o 9/27/1978 #33762 piece suits with flippers on their feet. On their chests they wore a yellow 9/27/1978 #33764 n of travel, it seems to be 10,000 feet or lower. 9/28/1978 #33769 to fly south between 30,000–35,000 feet. At a distance of 20 miles, they se 10/1978? #33787 er object on the ground. About 900 feet to the west of it are two beings in 10/2/1978 #33790 again. Above at an altitude of 50 feet, she sees a silver object resemblin 10/7/1978 #33805 plate turned upside down, about 65 feet in diameter. It emits a strong ligh 10/7/1978 #33805 ect is seen resting in a field 300 feet from the Marlett Sturgell farmhouse 10/8/1978 #33812 ill hovering silently at about 200 feet. At first it looks like two saucers 10/8/1978 #33816 n the two lanes. It is well over 6 feet tall and dressed in a silver-foil r 10/8/1978 #33817 closest the nearest object was 180 feet away, and left behind ground traces 10/8/1978 #33819 figure was human like but over six feet tall and was wearing a shiny silver 10/8/1978 #33822 inous yellow-orange object about 2 feet in diameter, until their car became 10/15/1978 #33839 g Interstate 93 at a height of 100 feet above the Pemigewasset River floodp 10/20/1978 #33847 ton, New Hampshire. It is about 20 feet wide and completely silent, moving 10/20/1978 #33847 aircraft is following him at 4,500 feet. He is told there is no known traff 10/21/1978 #33856 but says it has passed about 1,000 feet overhead and is moving at high spee 10/21/1978 #33856 s indicates it is flying at 20,000 feet, varying from witness reports. 10/23/1978 #33863 aft. He approached to within three feet and saw six to seven humanoid being 10/25/1978 #33872 e craft. He approaches to within 3 feet and sees 6–7 humanoid beings inside 10/25/1978 #33873 aft. He approached to within three feet and saw six to seven humanoid being 10/25/1978 #33875 front and sees an object about 200 feet above the sound. He observes it for 10/26/1978 #33880 talk a boy named Will leapt to his feet and began slapping his head, saying 10/31/1978 #33902 ectly in front of her car about 90 feet away and no more than 20 feet above 11/7/1978 #33924 t 90 feet away and no more than 20 feet above the ground, making a slow, de 11/7/1978 #33924 ike a four-foot tall triangle, 2.5 feet wide at its base. The taxi's radio 11/9/1978 #33941 y 5 meters from the shape. At five feet away the triangle figure vanished i 11/9/1978 #33941 e west hanging motionless at 1,000 feet above some houses for 30 minutes. A 11/13/1978 #33952 ect is detected on radar at 13,000 feet some 40 miles away. One of the jets 11/15/1978 #33957 escribed the UFO as being only 100 feet away from him and having blurred ed 11/15/1978 #33958 rts, but she only drives about 300 feet when it stops again. She claims the 11/22/1978 #33980 te circle of light approximately 3 feet in diameter shines on the road, as 11/22/1978 #33980 mes across two entities just a few feet away from him. One is about 4 feet 11/24/1978 #33995 feet away from him. One is about 4 feet tall, the other about 8 inches shor 11/24/1978 #33995 omed UFO resting in a clearing 100 feet away on four landing pods. The enti 11/24/1978 #33995 ds a nearly circular area about 12 feet in diameter in which the grass appe 11/24/1978 #33995 ecks. They also had huge hands and feet with extremely long fingers and nai 11/24/1978 #33997 anoid figures about one meter (3.3 feet) in height, wearing round luminous 11/29/1978 #34026 r Rapatee. It came within about 10 feet of their vehicle, circled them once 12/1978 #34034 ct follows man / 15M altitude. Big feet and antenna. 12/10/1978 #34083 dark rectangular object, about 50 feet from the road. He also felt himself 12/14/1978 #34117 dark rectangular object, about 50 feet from the road. It was hovering 30 f 12/14/1978 #34127 from the road. It was hovering 30 feet above the ground. As soon as John s 12/14/1978 #34127 t a distance of only 10 meters (33 feet). It changed color to a deep green 12/14/1978 #34129 l humanoids (or Greys) with clowns feet exit. / r39#133. 12/16/1978 #34146 ith large squarish heads and large feet. Both were wearing dark gray tight- 12/16/1978 #34148 p.m. Radar detects a UFO at 10,000 feet in the region around Calama, Chile. 12/16/1978 #34154 ith large squarish heads and large feet. Both were wearing dark gray tight- 12/16/1978 #34155 red coming over the trees only ten feet above the ground. The aluminum colo 12/16/1978 #34159 d. The UFO was estimated to be 100 feet in diameter and had icy blue discs 12/17/1978 #34166 d in position. He ascends to 7,500 feet and sees one white light, tinged wi 12/21/1978 #34193 ect hovering above the trees 1,800 feet from the house and wakes her husban 12/31/1978 #34247 n a zigzag pattern and hovering 50 feet off the ground for 30 minutes. Two 12/31/1978 #34247 bed the UFO as being between 40-50 feet in diameter and having no visible e 12/31/1978 #34252 ed a UFO at an altitude of 100-150 feet. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 1/1/1979 #34274 oad, they find the dog standing 60 feet away from a lead-colored, egg-shape 1/4/1979 #34294 zed. The closest object is only 30 feet away. She feels heat on her face an 1/5/1979 #34302 . There were only three and a half feet tall, and had waxy white faces and 1/5/1979 #34304 a rectangular silvery object, five feet tall by two feet wide and three fee 1/13/1979 #34339 very object, five feet tall by two feet wide and three feet long, hovering 1/13/1979 #34339 et tall by two feet wide and three feet long, hovering a few inches above t 1/13/1979 #34339 nd descended. Each was about three feet tall and dressed in shiny aluminum 1/13/1979 #34339 ntly for several minutes, only 120 feet overhead. Two police constables, Be 1/26/1979 #34382 irring noise, she gets back on her feet. She estimates she was only outside 2/1979 #34398 land. It came to within 150 to 300 feet at its closest approach. It had a c 2/8/1979 #34410 land. It came to within 150 to 300 feet at its closest approach. It had a c 2/8/1979 #34412 phalt. As he approaches within 100 feet, he notices a dark beehive-shaped o 2/9/1979 #34416 vertically off the surface about 3 feet. Hathaway is momentarily blinded by 2/9/1979 #34416 anding again on the slope about 80 feet away. After another few minutes, it 2/22/1979 #34444 s, flying at an altitude of 14,400 feet. An Iberia airliner in the area is 2/25/1979 #34447 rsonically at an altitude of 3,300 feet. Late 2/1979 #34448 Byungsun Lim, are flying at 15,000 feet while returning from the annual Tea 3/1979 #34453 a round, luminous object about 12 feet in diameter skimming low over treet 3/6/1979 #34469 point the object comes within 150 feet, its glow illuminating the area. Oc 3/6/1979 #34469 sborne watches a larger object (80 feet long and 25 feet wide) that sweeps 3/6/1979 #34469 larger object (80 feet long and 25 feet wide) that sweeps the area with a l 3/6/1979 #34469 a round, silent craft hovering 50 feet above the ground, with a searchligh 4/9/1979 #34505 ed to a solid object more than 100 feet long. It stops and hovers at 300 fe 4/21/1979 #34519 t long. It stops and hovers at 300 feet and then shoots upward instantaneou 4/21/1979 #34519 a UFO hovering silently about 230 feet from the encampment and 65 feet abo 5/1/1979 #34537 30 feet from the encampment and 65 feet above the ground. They wave a lante 5/1/1979 #34537 aring. He approaches to within 600 feet and sees that the object is shaped 5/16/1979 #34563 ped like a telephone booth about 3 feet tall. He takes a photo of the objec 5/16/1979 #34563 , but is only able to get about 30 feet before he is can no longer move. Be 5/16/1979 #34563 rhead, the object is hovering just feet above a stream. They see a dome on 5/19/1979 #34568 coming from a dark object about 10 feet wide floating just above the ground 5/22/1979 #34574 e the ground. Walking to within 10 feet of the object, he can see a third b 5/22/1979 #34574 red between fifty and five hundred feet above some trees near the Sacrament 5/25/1979 #34578 red between fifty and five hundred feet above some trees near the Sacrament 5/25/1979 #34579 the closed window and passes three feet from her face. It then comes to loo 6/1979 #34600 be flying at an altitude of 1,000 feet, and disappears to the north. 6/10/1979 #34605 ps. All were between four and five feet tall and wore white uniforms and gl 6/18/1979 #34618 he west. It appears to be at 8,000 feet altitude. It comes to a stop for 30 6/19/1979 #34622 a uniformly glowing “balloon,” 6–7 feet in diameter and sharply outlined. H 6/26/1979 #34632 it as it hovers rock-steady at 60 feet up and 100 feet away or less. After 6/26/1979 #34632 rock-steady at 60 feet up and 100 feet away or less. After 4–5 minutes it 6/26/1979 #34632 ouse, he sees an identical form 70 feet up and moving silently to the north 6/26/1979 #34632 nd. The aliens are approximately 4 feet tall with pointed ears, slanted eye 6/28/1979 #34639 th-northeast at an estimated 1,000 feet. It moves with jerky movements to t 7/1/1979 #34645 east-southeast, drops down to 500 feet, and remains stationary over a stan 7/1/1979 #34645 g noise overhead. Not more than 25 feet above the trees on the uphill side 7/4/1979 #34646 lack, disc-shaped object, about 25 feet wide, that is blocking out the ligh 7/4/1979 #34646 t blinks on again when it is 50–60 feet above him. Two backpackers witness 7/4/1979 #34646 which moves ahead another 150–200 feet. The UFO then rises to 400–500 feet 7/4/1979 #34646 eet. The UFO then rises to 400–500 feet and flies steadily until it disappe 7/4/1979 #34646 oined him. The object, some 75-100 feet in diameter, was now directly over 7/13/1979 #34652 te, metallic object resting on two feet in the access road to his field. Tw 7/25/1979 #34679 end facing downwards. It was nine feet high and almost 3 feet wide. He the 7/25/1979 #34681 It was nine feet high and almost 3 feet wide. He then noticed two 3-foot-ta 7/25/1979 #34681 ll black legs that ended in little feet that looked like "boxing gloves." T 7/25/1979 #34681 nd heads toward the spot. About 65 feet from the shore he can see two entit 8/1979 #34692 continue walking. They are about 5 feet tall and sealed in diving outfits. 8/1979 #34692 ats up from the treetops about 325 feet away and hovers 100 feet from the g 8/1979 #34692 about 325 feet away and hovers 100 feet from the ground. A blue-green light 8/1979 #34692 directly over his car, at 600–800 feet altitude. It stops above some treet 8/1/1979 #34696 tangular object hovering about 300 feet away and flashing beams of white an 8/10/1979 #34725 white stationary lights about 300 feet from the road and 500 feet in the a 8/11/1979 #34731 out 300 feet from the road and 500 feet in the air. They turn the car aroun 8/11/1979 #34731 directly above them at 1,000–1,500 feet altitude, making a noise like a jet 8/11/1979 #34731 otos, estimate its size as 165–330 feet, and notice four glowing lights tha 8/12/1979 #34739 ortholes. The object is only 16–65 feet above the water when it slowly move 8/12/1979 #34739 ke a football. It appears to be 60 feet up as he drives underneath it. It r 8/16/1979 #34747 vidence, Kentucky, at 2,000– 3,000 feet altitude. It tumbles in flight, tur 8/16/1979 #34748 and turning at an estimated 2,000 feet altitude at 4:30 p.m. If flew aroun 8/16/1979 #34749 arge red ball of energy nearly 300 feet in diameter and 50 feet thick close 8/17/1979 #34752 nearly 300 feet in diameter and 50 feet thick close to the right wing. It s 8/17/1979 #34752 nd. The aircraft falls about 1,000 feet and levels out at 4,000 feet. The o 8/17/1979 #34752 1,000 feet and levels out at 4,000 feet. The object disappears into a cloud 8/17/1979 #34752 pulsating light appears abut 1,500 feet in front of the boat and the origin 8/23/1979 #34768 ’s side is smashed. On the hood, 4 feet 4 inches behind the smashed light a 8/27/1979 #34787 in a Cessna 150. They are at 2,000 feet heading toward Basingstoke when Adl 8/27/1979 #34788 the aircraft, coming within a few feet of the windshield. The rotating obj 8/27/1979 #34788 aks upward and away to about 3,000 feet. Possible early use of a drone. 8/27/1979 #34788 a half-mile away. It is about 4–5 feet tall. About 10 minutes later she se 8/29/1979 #34799 - shaped object, which stops 1,300 feet away and hovers above some building 8/29/1979 #34800 The object moves forward about 40 feet and stops. Half a minute later, spa 8/29/1979 #34800 ht rush down from the north only 5 feet in front of a Metropolitan Transit 8/30/1979 #34810 ow appeared. They were about three feet tal and had large heads and eyes an 9/3/1979 #34831 n, when they see a silver disc 500 feet to the west over some treetops. It 9/4/1979 #34834 pausing to hover above a field 10 feet up. They jump out to watch the UFO 9/4/1979 #34834 o watch the UFO wobbling about 300 feet away. Two more cars stop to watch. 9/4/1979 #34834 ver disc-shaped object, 2.5 to 3.0 feet in diameter, hovered with a wobblin 9/4/1979 #34836 er the trees ahead of him about 50 feet up, slowing down 600 feet away and 9/5/1979 #34839 about 50 feet up, slowing down 600 feet away and descending below the tree 9/5/1979 #34839 conds before moving off only 80–90 feet away from them. 9/9/1979 #34853 white light. He estimates it is 10 feet wide. It hovers 300–500 feet away i 9/11/1979 #34860 is 10 feet wide. It hovers 300–500 feet away in a nearby field for 5 minute 9/11/1979 #34860 pherical luminous clouds about 328 feet across. 9/12/1979 #34866 spinning on its axis, at about 500 feet elevation. It slowly descends behin Mid 9/1979 #34887 inds a circle of flattened corn 50 feet in diameter. The stalks are flatten 9/16/1979 #34890 path leading to another circle 18 feet away. At first, he thinks lightning 9/16/1979 #34890 cal joke, using his burlap-covered feet and a posthole tamper. 9/16/1979 #34890 pproaching her until it is only 30 feet up and less than a block away. She 9/17/1979 #34896 s north of Dexter. It was only 150 feet above the ground, had no wings or w 9/23/1979 #34915 Iowa at 1:28 p.m. It was only 150 feet above the ground, had no wings or w 9/23/1979 #34919 oft humming sound and was about 35 feet in diameter. Then he saw a shadowy 9/26/1979 #34926 oft humming sound and was about 35 feet in diameter. On the bottom of the o 9/26/1979 #34929 ection. The witness stood about 80 feet away and was able to see shadowy fi 9/26/1979 #34929 aring under a high cliff about 320 feet away. He walks toward it and sees i 10/1979 #34937 Nearby are two little men about 4 feet tall who seem to be working on some 10/1979 #34937 jects join together and hovers 250 feet above the field to their left, bath 10/6/1979 #34945 when they see a ball of light 3–6 feet in diameter approaching low over so 10/6/1979 #34946 seconds. After driving another 500 feet, the car’s engine dies and the head 10/6/1979 #34946 ckwise over a hayfield about 1,200 feet away. He goes outside for a closer 10/20/1979 #34962 a, encounter a large UFO about 850 feet long and only a half-mile away with 10/27/1979 #34971 und. Described as approximately 20 feet across and 12 feet high, the strang 11/9/1979 #34989 pproximately 20 feet across and 12 feet high, the strange object is made of 11/9/1979 #34989 being pursued by 2 UFOs at 14,000 feet. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 11/11/1979 #34996 he new course and stay about 1,600 feet away from the plane. Since the obje 11/11/1979 #34997 with an estimated diameter of 650 feet. The objects are seen by several wi 11/11/1979 #34997 a ring of smoldering grass some 30 feet in diameter, but with snow still vi 11/14/1979 #34998 ently from north to south about 50 feet from the ground. It appears to be 3 11/15/1979 #35000 rom the ground. It appears to be 3 feet in diameter and lands at a nearby m 11/15/1979 #35000 th tripod legs. Two little men 2.5 feet tall, dressed in metallic costumes 11/15/1979 #35000 hem from the south until it is 900 feet away and 750 feet in the air. The l 11/15/1979 #35001 until it is 900 feet away and 750 feet in the air. The light underneath it 11/15/1979 #35001 w. It hovers for 3 seconds only 12 feet away from him, then shoots straight 11/17/1979 #35004 orwich Sheraton Motor Inn about 30 feet above the Sheraton sign on the roof 11/27/1979 #35020 t light hanging at a height of 100 feet above the sea about 900 feet from t 11/30/1979 #35031 f 100 feet above the sea about 900 feet from their house. After about 30 mi 11/30/1979 #35031 m floating on the sea only 130–140 feet away, approaching at about 8 mph, a 11/30/1979 #35031 can see a small man on it about 4 feet high wearing silvery-white coverall 11/30/1979 #35031 uminous cigar-shaped object at 500 feet altitude for over two hours. The ob 11/30/1979 #35032 or 15 minutes at a height of 2,000 feet over the mountains to the north. Th 12/5/1979 #35054 board a Cessna 150 flying at 4,500 feet south of Bolton, Greater Manchester 12/11/1979 #35072 ed swooping motion” at about 2,500 feet. 12/11/1979 #35072 stops. They are short, perhaps 4.5 feet tall, and wear what look like space 12/13/1979 #35079 n elongated object drop from 1,000 feet to 200 feet, turning red as it desc 12/20/1979 #35088 object drop from 1,000 feet to 200 feet, turning red as it descends, for ab 12/20/1979 #35088 ject silently pass over him at 300 feet up. The front part is octagonal and 12/23/1979 #35093 wobbling nearby. It is about 40–50 feet in diameter and 6–7 feet thick. The 12/27/1979 #35100 out 40–50 feet in diameter and 6–7 feet thick. The object descends to about 12/27/1979 #35100 The object descends to about 1,000 feet. The witnesses try to drive closer 12/27/1979 #35100 s a floating white sphere, several feet in diameter, heading silently towar 12/27/1979 #35101 k intensifies. When it is about 20 feet ahead, it stops and shoots to the s 12/27/1979 #35101 e hovering above trees about 1,200 feet away. It approaches in a zigzag pat 12/31/1979 #35107 nd shining a light on the water 60 feet below. The UFO hovers briefly then 1/1980 #35120 om the sky at 8:30 p.m. to just 50 feet above the car containing three fema 1/3/1980 #35123 m and they see it is a triangle 15 feet wide and 20 feet long with two whit 1/13/1980 #35133 is a triangle 15 feet wide and 20 feet long with two white lights in front 1/13/1980 #35133 ss obscuring the base. Now only 25 feet away, he sees that it has a bell- o 1/14/1980 #35135 lights are hovering about 200–300 feet above a bluff less than a city bloc 1/21/1980 #35141 t appears in a cornfield about 900 feet away with an intensity that hurts h 1/21/1980 #35141 alf-moon-shaped object about 25–30 feet long. It is 100 feet up in the bran 2/7/1980 #35161 t about 25–30 feet long. It is 100 feet up in the branches of a 230-foot-ta 2/7/1980 #35161 uck. He estimates the object is 20 feet wide and 6–8 feet high. Flying at t 2/25/1980 #35182 the object is 20 feet wide and 6–8 feet high. Flying at treetop level, it s 2/25/1980 #35182 ° up in the northern sky about 100 feet above his property, lighting it up Early 3/1980 #35190 cages. Two of the beings were five feet tall and the others were three tall 3/3/1980 #35194 light moving 700–800 mph at 30,000 feet above Memphis, Tennessee. While he 3/7/1980 #35201 -shaped UFO. The UFO was about two feet in diameter and had sparks shooting 3/19/1980 #35223 ll over, it appears to be about 25 feet above the ground and 210 feet away. 3/25/1980 #35241 t 25 feet above the ground and 210 feet away. The lights seem to come from 3/25/1980 #35241 one of its limbs. They are about 4 feet high and light yellow-green in colo 4/1980 #35244 ned inside out, and only the head, feet, and hide remain. Researcher Tom Ad 4/1980 #35244 blur resolves into a disc about 30 feet in diameter with smaller discs surr 4/6/1980 #35257 object is in his sights some 1,800 feet above the ground, he fires 64 round 4/11/1980 #35269 the Sukhoi flies past it at 36,000 feet. Further maneuvering takes place, a 4/11/1980 #35269 chasing him at one point at 62,000 feet. He abandons the mission 52 miles a 4/11/1980 #35269 eath, it appears to be 1,000–1,200 feet long and cigar-shaped with lights o 4/13/1980 #35271 he objects are traveling about 500 feet above the Crystal Springs Reservoir 4/20/1980 #35278 cloud forming at about 2,000–3,000 feet altitude. It remains stationary and 4/20/1980 #35280 eatures, who he described as seven feet tall, with webbed hands, long point 4/23/1980 #35286 delta shape at an altitude of 500 feet. For some reason it is not visible 5/1980 #35296 irliner is flying just over 30,000 feet above the Dachstein Mountains in th 5/7/1980 #35315 with them. It is flying some 9,800 feet above them, but they cannot maneuve 5/7/1980 #35315 arolina. It was estimated to be 40 feet in diameter and had a red rectangul 5/7/1980 #35316 f him in close formation about 500 feet up. Suddenly they take off and disa 5/14/1980 #35331 of him in close formation, at 500 feet altitude. They suddenly took off at 5/14/1980 #35333 gle shape with a side length of 30 feet and a dull brownish- green. At one 5/16/1980 #35336 us bluish-red ball hovered just 30 feet over a large oil installation. It e 6/5/1980 #35355 ead-on pass at his plane at 50,000 feet altitude. The glowing yellow object 6/14/1980 #35366 sees a bright object less than 500 feet away. He runs toward it, feels some 6/14/1980 #35367 ut continues until he is about 150 feet away. It gives off a high-pitched s 6/14/1980 #35367 igar-shaped object passes about 30 feet above them moving southwest over th 6/15/1980 #35375 ng closer until they are about 100 feet directly above them. They are compl 6/17/1980 #35379 w two minature figures less than 7 feet away from them. One was dressed in 6/18/1980 #35380 ks and some sort of weapons. Their feet did not touch the ground. That even 6/18/1980 #35380 it While descending through 15,000 feet for a landing, a senior Kuwait Airw 6/20/1980 #35381 m. While descending through 15,000 feet for a landing, a senior Kuwait Airw 6/20/1980 #35382 ing an ERCO Ercoupe 415-D at 1,500 feet over the Mona Passage between Puert 6/28/1980 #35393 eter round object hovered only 500 feet away. A dog hid in fear. A six-mete 7/6/1980 #35407 eter round object hovered only 500 feet away. A dog hid in fear. A six-mete 7/6/1980 #35409 rge from the object and walk a few feet away from it. (NICAP: 02 - Close En 7/16/1980 #35414 rge from the object and walk a few feet away from it. Moments later the fig 7/16/1980 #35415 es a round, silvery form about 270 feet away. It has little holes on the su 8/17/1980 #35462 object and see a light about 1,200 feet to the north, slightly larger than 8/17/1980 #35462 e area from right to left, 300–600 feet ahead of him. It disappears, but an 8/20/1980 #35469 onville, where he notices his bare feet are red and inflamed. The redness f 8/20/1980 #35469 being with a large bard heald, his feet encased in mist, appeared and force 8/22/1980 #35475 t 138 mph in a Cessna 172 at 6,500 feet about 5 miles south of the airport 9/4/1980 #35494 he airplane’s left wingtip only 30 feet away. It looks like a metallic foot 9/4/1980 #35494 metallic football no larger than 3 feet in size. It is silent and the surfa 9/4/1980 #35494 turbulence. List descends to 6,000 feet and turns to the south to look for 9/4/1980 #35494 yes; they stood between 5'7" and 6 feet tall. The abduction occurred at fou 9/7/1980 #35502 t hovered over trees in a yard 100 feet away from his bedroom window. It ro 9/11/1980 #35512 w and sees a round object about 70 feet wide hovering above his backyard tr 9/11/1980 #35514 ering above his backyard trees 110 feet away. Hundreds of steady bright whi 9/11/1980 #35514 e windows. He guesses it is 80–100 feet in size. It hovers above a hill the 9/11/1980 #35515 and above them at no more than 125 feet is a triangular object. The undersi 9/13/1980 #35520 an Am Flight 440, flying at 39,000 feet and piloted by Capt. Dave Garber, n 9/22/1980 #35528 estimated length of the UFO is 50 feet. It changes course when the plane f 9/22/1980 #35528 estimated length of the UFO was 50 feet. It changed course when the plane f 9/22/1980 #35529 rger buns spproached to within 200 feet of an airplane flying over Boca Rat 9/28/1980 #35541 g a distance of approximately 1500 feet. 9/28/1980 #35541 5-foot sphere passing by, some 6–9 feet off the ground and 450 feet distant 9/30/1980 #35546 me 6–9 feet off the ground and 450 feet distant. It stops above a water tan 9/30/1980 #35546 otorcycle to the spot and stops 45 feet from the landed object. It is makin 9/30/1980 #35546 d White Acres. He got to within 50 feet of it on his motorcycle before it t 9/30/1980 #35548 full moon. He estimates it is 250 feet away and 200 feet up at its closest 10/15/1980 #35568 imates it is 250 feet away and 200 feet up at its closest. Five figures are 10/15/1980 #35568 . When the airliner is about 6,500 feet from the runway, the plane’s blip d 10/16/1980 #35573 t 25 mph at an altitude of 200–500 feet when it moves over the car at an in 10/19/1980 #35576 he north smokestack at 1,500–2,000 feet altitude and a very slow speed. It 10/23/1980 #35584 efly, then comes down to 700–1,000 feet, just above the stack. A brilliant 10/23/1980 #35584 en as dull black and perhaps 1,320 feet from wingtip to wingtip. Eight redd 10/23/1980 #35584 h lights are on each wing about 75 feet apart and connected by a white tube 10/23/1980 #35584 bed two full moons spaced about 12 feet apart with a flashing red light in 10/26/1980 #35589 ike two full moons spaced about 12 feet apart with a flashing red light in 10/26/1980 #35591 angle. Each white light is about 3 feet in diameter, and the white is inten 10/26/1980 #35591 aying: “The object passed about 20 feet above the barn making no sound and 10/26/1980 #35591 r barn. The UFO passed only twenty feet over the barn and disturbed their p 10/26/1980 #35592 aft hovering at an angle about 200 feet away. The craft had large rectangul 11/1/1980 #35608 2R-301T Turbo Saratoga SP at 8,000 feet near Lake Berryessa, California. He 11/5/1980 #35620 altitude for the lights as 300–400 feet, but a Trenton witness puts it at 1 11/18/1980 #35654 ton witness puts it at 1,000–1,500 feet, and Missouri Highway Patrolman Bob 11/18/1980 #35654 lman Bob Lober guesses 1,500–1,800 feet in Edinburg, Missouri. The lights c 11/18/1980 #35654 wo planes flew in tandem at 20,000 feet at an indicated air speed of 250 kn 11/18/1980 #35654 d Joseph. The UFO occupant was six feet tall, and friendly in demeanor; Jos 11/28/1980 #35680 obots, each about three and a half feet tall, with headgear like lampshades 11/28/1980 #35680 bout a foot in diameter and only 3 feet away. The seat belt alarm also come 12/3/1980 #35690 his view from the south about 100 feet away. It seems to be 40 feet in dia 12/6/1980 #35703 t 100 feet away. It seems to be 40 feet in diameter and 9–13 feet thick. Fi 12/6/1980 #35703 to be 40 feet in diameter and 9–13 feet thick. Five intense, steady, blue-w 12/6/1980 #35703 Ltd estimates its height at 50,000 feet. A video of the object is taken in 12/15/1980 #35719 es a downward arc and hovers at 20 feet above the ground. It then explodes 12/28/1980 #35750 nauseous) to approach within 10–15 feet of the object. Before long they are 12/28/1980 #35750 ead. As they draw within about 130 feet, they are confronted by a fiery dia 12/29/1980 #35757 rought the car to a halt about 150 feet away from the UFO. They immediately 12/29/1980 #35758 the vicinity were blackened twenty feet above the ground on the side facing 12/29/1980 #35758 tness estimate they are within 100 feet of the object. Rodeghier also notes 1981 #35762 erted on top of the other, about 8 feet in diameter land about 150 feet awa 1/8/1981 #35779 8 feet in diameter land about 150 feet away at a lower elevation. It has a 1/8/1981 #35779 that look like trapdoors, and two feet that extend about 8 inches below th 1/8/1981 #35779 rden. It was estimated to be eight feet by six feet in size, and had four o 1/8/1981 #35780 estimated to be eight feet by six feet in size, and had four openings on t 1/8/1981 #35780 its.” Most witnesses are within 20 feet of the creatures, usually watching 1/15/1981 #35792 horizontally at about 1,000–2,000 feet. 1/17/1981 #35793 gular UFO, which maneuvered at 300 feet altitude. It had flashing lights on 1/26/1981 #35803 nature; it lacked a head, arms or feet. A scorched area was found on the g 2/13/1981 #35826 d not seem to have a head, arms or feet. The dog approached the figure and 2/13/1981 #35827 hovering at treetop level about 50 feet away. The object was silent and had 2/14/1981 #35828 ey seemed to have normal hands and feet, but he could not make out any faci 2/18/1981 #35832 ight orange-red light about 80–100 feet above the river, apparently the sam 3/17/1981 #35866 ts perimeter. It seems to be 30–40 feet in diameter. They watch it for 2 mi 3/21/1981 #35871 watch an object hovering about 300 feet directly over the Escuela Agrotécni 4/3/1981 #35884 is a saucer-shaped craft about 100 feet in diameter that is radiating light 4/3/1981 #35884 ullet-shaped UFO passed within 500 feet of an airplane being flown by Mr. D 4/4/1981 #35885 ahead of the plane by about 1,500 feet and executes some erratic motions. 4/8/1981 #35887 ullet-shaped UFO passed within 500 feet of an airplane being flown by Mr. D 4/8/1981 #35888 r aluminum-like disc hovered a few feet off road about 40 feet away; climbe 4/12/1981 #35892 vered a few feet off road about 40 feet away; climbed rapidly through sky a 4/12/1981 #35892 r aluminum-like disc hovered a few feet off road about 40 feet away. Climbe 4/12/1981 #35893 vered a few feet off road about 40 feet away. Climbed rapidly through sky a 4/12/1981 #35893 like disc as they drove by just 40 feet away. In the early afternoon R. E. 4/12/1981 #35894 The object was hovering just a few feet off the road about 40 feet away, wi 4/12/1981 #35894 t a few feet off the road about 40 feet away, with sunlight reflecting off 4/12/1981 #35894 object at an estimated 2,000-4,000 feet altitude. It climbed rapidly throug 4/12/1981 #35894 of five B-52s and moving at 2,000 feet altitude at 200 mph. It appears to 4/16/1981 #35901 re flying in a Cessna 210 at 1,600 feet over Cannon Airport in Reno, Nevada 4/20/1981 #35909 horizon at a distance of only 300 feet. They described it as a solid objec 4/20/1981 #35909 s it flew. It was small, onlly 3-5 feet in diameter. It tilted, accelerate 4/20/1981 #35909 rectly overhead at more than 6,500 feet. Through binoculars he can see it i 4/25/1981 #35915 lowing disc-shaped object just 150 feet from her home in Clark County, Wash 5/1/1981 #35922 lowing disc-shaped object just 150 feet from her home in Clark County, Wash 5/1/1981 #35923 ly approached to a distance to 300 feet. Inside the cosmonauts saw three br 5/14/1981 #35936 ut it eventually approaches to 300 feet. Inside, the cosmonauts see three b 5/14/1981 #35937 shy eyebrows. At a distance of 100 feet, they resemble mechanical robots. T 5/14/1981 #35937 mbia, when the water about 300–450 feet away starts bubbling up. A 15–20-fo 5/16/1981 #35940 ct hovering silently about 150–200 feet away and 75–100 feet in the air. He 5/20/1981 #35943 about 150–200 feet away and 75–100 feet in the air. He watches it from his 5/20/1981 #35943 ving parallel to his car about 300 feet to his left. He speeds up, but it m 5/20/1981 #35943 rge “badge-shaped” object about 35 feet in the air. Its periphery is marked 6/10/1981 #35960 at a high altitude, 20,000–30,000 feet. It begins to tumble erratically. A 6/10/1981 #35961 and white light go 1,000 to 1,500 feet into the air. Twenty minutes later 6/28/1981 #35980 lit, triangular object about 1,200 feet away and perhaps 1,000 feet above t 7/1981 #35982 1,200 feet away and perhaps 1,000 feet above the ground. It is completely 7/1981 #35982 ommercial airliner, east at 37,000 feet over south-central Lake Michigan no 7/4/1981 #35987 and the water level is down three feet. (IUR-3,6) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 7/11/1981 #35996 and the water level is down three feet, meaning some 30,000 gallons of wat 7/11/1981 #35998 n. It stops abruptly about 600–900 feet away, then changes direction and be 7/12/1981 #36002 ised to see the object about 1,000 feet overhead. It remains visible anothe 7/12/1981 #36002 no facial features and wheel-like feet rolled in; she was not examined. Th 7/15/1981 #36008 Airport]. A cube-shaped object 100 feet long with flashing lights approache 7/16/1981 #36012 hem from the front, stops about 15 feet off the ground, circles their car, 7/16/1981 #36012 near some pine trees less than 500 feet away on their right. One minute lat 7/19/1981 #36020 side of the river. It is about 30 feet in diameter and is glowing with an 7/22/1981 #36023 est part of the bridge by about 10 feet, making a wheezing sound. At its cl 7/22/1981 #36023 g sound. At its closest, it is 150 feet above the ground and 750 feet away 7/22/1981 #36023 150 feet above the ground and 750 feet away from Wagner. It disappears abo 7/22/1981 #36023 . It is a large sphere about 10–12 feet in diameter and moving silently wes 7/23/1981 #36025 rd the lake. It comes down about 3 feet off the ground and hovers 4–5 feet 7/23/1981 #36025 feet off the ground and hovers 4–5 feet from the edge of the water, then mo 7/23/1981 #36025 conds. He estimates it is at 1,500 feet when overhead, has a flat bottom, a 7/23/1981 #36026 England. The central circle is 55 feet in diameter; two smaller circles ar 8/1981 #36051 ck to a camping area and sees, 500 feet in front of him, “two boys in dark 8/8/1981 #36064 e path in front of him. They are 5 feet tall, wear green suits, and have gr 8/8/1981 #36064 On his right, the silvery disc, 6 feet high and 16–20 feet long, is hoveri 8/8/1981 #36064 ilvery disc, 6 feet high and 16–20 feet long, is hovering only 3 feet above 8/8/1981 #36064 6–20 feet long, is hovering only 3 feet above the ground. Investigators lat 8/8/1981 #36064 head, at perhaps a distance of 500 feet. It had two green, two red, and whi 8/10/1981 #36067 head, at perhaps a distance of 500 feet. It has two green, two red, and whi 8/10/1981 #36068 lights on its corners. It is 60–90 feet across. The object pivots, making a 8/10/1981 #36068 head, at perhaps a distance of 500 feet. It had two green, two red, and whi 8/10/1981 #36069 estimated to be between 60 and 90 feet across. The object pivoted, making 8/10/1981 #36069 halogen automobile headlight at 50 feet.” They stop moving briefly twice ne 8/12/1981 #36070 ri or Dhekelia, track it at 30,000 feet going 900 mph. It comes to a sudden 8/16/1981 #36078 right white triangle more than 700 feet long. Allegedly, the Ministry of De 8/16/1981 #36078 en saw a 25-foot octagon hover 100 feet over their driveway in Sandstone, M 8/18/1981 #36080 rk, disc-shaped object hovering 15 feet above the roadway. The witness's ve 8/30/1981 #36093 t passes over their car at 50– 100 feet altitude near the Olsen Road interc 9/18/1981 #36129 estimated to be between 25 and 50 feet in length, and they flew at a low 1 9/18/1981 #36130 er a muddy plowed field some 80–90 feet across. Three-quarters of the way a 10/2/1981 #36154 , its arms were very long, and its feet resembled oval appendages. (NICAP: 10/8/1981 #36165 onal object positioned at least 30 feet away from the camera. 10/8/1981 #36167 appeared to be very long, and his feet resembled oval appendages. The bein 11/8/1981 #36211 ange ball, and estimated to be 750 feet in length, made a number of turns i 12/8/1981 #36250 n orange ball, estimated to be 750 feet in length, makes a number of turns 12/8/1981 #36252 ange ball, and estimated to be 750 feet in length, made a number of turns i 12/8/1981 #36253 hovering at a distance of 650–980 feet above his car in Aksaray, central A 12/15/1981 #36257 iles distant and about 3,300–6,500 feet above a mountain. Its speed is irre 12/20/1981 #36271 ctory. It is hovering at 800–1,000 feet and shoots away to the southwest. 12/21/1981 #36273 t flew at an estimated 800 to 1000 feet altitude, and shot away to the sout 12/21/1981 #36274 wind and below the clouds at 1,000 feet. It is shaped like a lightbulb, wit 12/28/1981 #36279 F-5 fighters flying at about 5,000 feet over Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul 1/3/1982 #36295 k metallic-looking object about 66 feet long, 55 feet high, and 3,000 feet 1/3/1982 #36295 king object about 66 feet long, 55 feet high, and 3,000 feet away. The cont 1/3/1982 #36295 feet long, 55 feet high, and 3,000 feet away. The control tower cannot see 1/3/1982 #36295 bright illumination about 400-500 feet from their home. (NICAP: 02 - Close 1/31/1982 #36317 lime green light hovered just six feet above the snowcovered ground in Wil 2/10/1982 #36331 lime green light hovered just six feet above the snow-covered ground in Wi 2/10/1982 #36335 ng turn to the left at about 1,000 feet, and he can make out a structure ab 2/12/1982 #36340 can make out a structure about 40 feet square. 2/12/1982 #36340 hovers above her backyard about 25 feet away then silently moves directly a Mid 2/1982 #36347 er silver disc that flew within 25 feet of their left wingtip. (NICAP: 11 - 3/8/1982 #36382 er silver disc that flew within 25 feet of their left wingtip. They were fl 3/8/1982 #36385 low over a residential area at 200 feet altitude. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 3/21/1982 #36403 aircraft to the south at about 500 feet altitude. Its lights are much brigh 3/21/1982 #36404 low over a residential area at 200 feet altitude. It flew off to the south. 3/21/1982 #36405 d a telephone pole to his left 125 feet from the road, hovering 10 feet abo 3/23/1982 #36412 25 feet from the road, hovering 10 feet above the ground. Miron arrives at 3/23/1982 #36412 n the sky hovering several hundred feet in the air and a quarter mile away. 3/30/1982 #36419 se across the street less than 400 feet away. The object reverses direction 3/30/1982 #36419 UFO passes over their heads at 250 feet. Its bright lights go out, and its 4/1/1982 #36427 cent object hovering a few hundred feet above the tree line and a short dis 4/1/1982 #36428 ound the rim and is only about 150 feet away. The blue lights illuminate th 4/3/1982 #36433 s. The UFO followed as close as 30 feet altitude, and the two girls feared 4/8/1982 #36441 m. The UFO followed as close as 30 feet altitude, and the two girls feared 4/8/1982 #36443 encounter a weird light at 47,500 feet that does not appear on their radar 4/22/1982 #36450 portholes. It flew low at 400-500 feet altitude, and definitely entered th 4/29/1982 #36456 portholes. It flew low at 400-500 feet altitude, and definitely entered th 4/29/1982 #36457 t at an estimated altitude of 1000 feet, then reversed direction toward Gre 5/5/1982 #36464 pass over his head at about 1,000 feet. He shines his spotlight again and 5/22/1982 #36482 eed at an altitude of 4,900– 6,500 feet toward Marmaris, Muğla, Turkey. It 5/24/1982 #36486 e lights at an altitude of 160–200 feet. It has two lighted hemispheres wit 6/3/1982 #36491 -red body lights hovering about 50 feet above the Bellamy Reservoir, its li 6/10/1982 #36498 nd and passes above it by about 30 feet. 6/10/1982 #36498 ees a large translucent object 500 feet long flying at 41,000 feet altitude 6/12/1982 #36499 ect 500 feet long flying at 41,000 feet altitude over Dinkelsbühl, Bavaria, 6/12/1982 #36499 ot long ovoid object flying at 150 feet altitude. The object paralleled the 8/11/1982 #36571 -shaped object estimated to be 200 feet in diameter chased a car in Derry, 8/30/1982 #36586 nt of the vehicle, pacing it at 40 feet altitude. The bottom of the object 8/30/1982 #36586 a aircraft at an altitude of 1,500 feet above Minneapolis, Minnesota. It ma 9/2/1982 #36593 smoke and see a strange object 20 feet in diameter hovering 3 feet above t 9/30/1982 #36621 ect 20 feet in diameter hovering 3 feet above the ground. A faint orange gl 9/30/1982 #36621 nking red light. It hovers 100–150 feet nearly above the bus. The underside 10/2/1982 #36629 eading east. He estimates it is 60 feet wide and flying at 3,000–4,000 feet 10/15/1982 #36643 eet wide and flying at 3,000–4,000 feet. It has bright red lights on top. 10/15/1982 #36643 h to north at about 50 mph and 300 feet altitude. It is cigar-shaped with a 10/18/1982 #36653 as the encounter unfolds at 35,000 feet. The UFO, described as a multitude 10/19/1982 #36654 12:35 p.m. An oval object about 3 feet in diameter descends into a garden 10/21/1982 #36657 oselle, France, and hovers about 3 feet off the ground. After 20 minutes th 10/21/1982 #36657 g their cruising altitude of 2,300 feet, they encounter an object they at f 10/24/1982 #36663 s right wingtip by no more than 10 feet. It has no exhaust trail. At the in 10/24/1982 #36663 es, and climbed at a speed of 6000 feet per second. 10/24/1982 #36664 nessed a large silvery sphere, 100 feet in diameter, with pocks like a golf 10/27/1982 #36667 object shaped like a manta ray 200 feet across is hovering above them. It m 11/1982 #36668 ncounters a metallic disc at 4,900 feet that engages in evasive maneuvers a 11/2/1982 #36674 circles his plane. The object is 7 feet in diameter and its lower hemispher 11/2/1982 #36674 op, drop suddenly several thousand feet, move laterally very fast, and then 11/27/1982 #36694 ee a domed, disc- shaped object 30 feet in diameter, which emits a light be 11/27/1982 #36697 and a domed disc-shaped object 30 feet in diameter, which emitted a light 11/27/1982 #36698 op, drop suddenly several thousand feet, move laterally very fast, then tur 11/27/1982 #36699 ed by three beings, each about six feet tall, who were wearing blue, tight- 11/29/1982 #36702 men and a woman, each about three feet tall, and wearing brilliant blue co 11/30/1982 #36703 ars. He estimates the object is 11 feet wide and 5 feet tall, 150 feet away 12/10/1982 #36712 s the object is 11 feet wide and 5 feet tall, 150 feet away from him, and 2 12/10/1982 #36712 11 feet wide and 5 feet tall, 150 feet away from him, and 210 feet above t 12/10/1982 #36712 l, 150 feet away from him, and 210 feet above the ground. Its ends pointed 12/10/1982 #36712 s a constant altitude of about 490 feet, moves at a gentle walking pace, an 12/31/1982 #36733 y, Indiana. Both are floating 2– 3 feet above the ground. A second being is 1/12/1983 #36745 th three pulsating lights at 1,000 feet altitude. Carole Griffiths and her 1/19/1983 #36750 merang-shaped object about 200–300 feet wide. It has many lights, which see 2/26/1983 #36771 ft, which they estimated to be 150 feet long from front to back. The UFO tu 3/10/1983 #36778 nded up. It has six long points 19 feet long and four shorter points 9 feet 3/11/1983 #36781 eet long and four shorter points 9 feet long. In the center is a depression 3/11/1983 #36781 g. In the center is a depression 8 feet in diameter and 8 inches deep, and 3/11/1983 #36781 ter that goes down to a depth of 6 feet. 3/11/1983 #36781 lvery disc at an altitude of 1,300 feet and 1–2 miles away. Its colors seem 3/23/1983 #36793 trical V-shaped object about 1,300 feet long, with 6–7 lights as he is driv 3/24/1983 #36807 t descends from about 2,000 to 980 feet altitude and slows as it approaches 3/24/1983 #36807 e hovering over a utility pole 600 feet away. Three other people driving ne 3/24/1983 #36808 t and studies the object about 200 feet above him. It is silent, and the st 3/24/1983 #36808 mph at an altitude of 1,310–1,970 feet. Flight Controller A. Shushkin sees 3/28/1983 #36821 ). Doty promises Howe thousands of feet of film of crashed discs, bodies, E 4/9/1983 #36830 t a heavy circular object about 50 feet in diameter has landed, producing a 4/10/1983 #36836 et to approach it, reaching 12,300 feet, but it is still too far away to id 4/26/1983 #36845 n by a Mr. J. Philips hovering 350 feet over a power line pole in Lawrence, 5/4/1983 #36852 of Lawrence, Kansas, hovering 350 feet over a power line pole. It flies aw 5/4/1983 #36854 n by a Mr. J. Philips hovering 350 feet over a power line pole in Lawrence, 5/4/1983 #36855 Canadian, Texas. The circle is 29 feet in diameter, with an outer circle o 5/20/1983 #36862 , he sees an opaque light about 30 feet in diameter on his left that begins 5/23/1983 #36865 after skimming the grass for a few feet, its dome recedes, and it emits a v 6/5/1983 #36876 s for extending it to 6,000 square feet) National Underground Science Facil 6/22/1983 #36889 and her mother see a light about 2 feet in diameter moving around the famil Early 7/1983 #36900 ned brown, a circular area about 8 feet in diameter. She contacts Budd Hopk Early 7/1983 #36900 yond the fence an object about 100 feet away and 15-20 feet above the groun 7/6/1983 #36903 ject about 100 feet away and 15-20 feet above the ground, dark cigar-like i 7/6/1983 #36903 colored covering flying at 11,0000 feet. Polish Air Force Captain Praszczał 7/7/1983 #36904 to intercept it and get within 660 feet. He sees a solid hull, 50 feet long 7/7/1983 #36904 660 feet. He sees a solid hull, 50 feet long and 6 feet across. Just after 7/7/1983 #36904 s a solid hull, 50 feet long and 6 feet across. Just after they are ordered 7/7/1983 #36904 wn, the object shoots up to 30,000 feet, too high to pursue. 7/7/1983 #36904 be attached to a silent object 300 feet in diameter and less than 500 feet 7/12/1983 #36909 feet in diameter and less than 500 feet in altitude. The officer shines a s 7/12/1983 #36909 ct turns west and hovers about 200 feet above the Melton Regional Shopping 7/22/1983 #36921 g sound. After rising to about 500 feet, the UFO moves off to the north and 7/22/1983 #36921 ockwise path between 200 and 1,600 feet in altitude. The Australian Signal 7/22/1983 #36921 overing above pine trees about 750 feet away. It is metallic gray, possibly 7/25/1983 #36925 It is metallic gray, possibly 300 feet long, and elongated but with the fr 7/25/1983 #36925 in a farmer’s field about 450–600 feet away. It appears to be 30 feet tall 8/1/1983 #36929 600 feet away. It appears to be 30 feet tall with 40–50 continuously flashi 8/1/1983 #36929 id beings approach him. They are 4 feet 6 inches tall, dressed in green ove 8/12/1983 #36948 see a disc-shaped object about 325 feet above the Lagoa da Maraponga, its s 8/12/1983 #36949 object with windows hovering at 50 feet altitude near their home. 8/14/1983 #36952 rwaski sees an object hovering 4–5 feet off the ground in their yard. Mrs. 8/26/1983 #36960 dead grass in a perfect circle 13 feet in diameter. 8/26/1983 #36960 large, silvery disc pass about 30 feet above her car. The force of the UFO 10/13/1983 #37004 wing orange-yellow UFO only twenty feet above their neighbor's house. Dogs 10/13/1983 #37005 object passed over a house at 2000 feet altitude in Bedhampton, Hampshire, 10/17/1983 #37010 gular object hovering less than 15 feet above the water and 200 feet away. 10/28/1983 #37026 an 15 feet above the water and 200 feet away. After a few minutes, 9 red li 10/28/1983 #37026 Cooke estimates the object is 100 feet long at the base and 30 feet at the 10/28/1983 #37026 s 100 feet long at the base and 30 feet at the apex. After 10–15 minutes, i 10/28/1983 #37026 clouds. They estimate it is 15–25 feet in diameter, It stays visible for a 10/28/1983 #37027 face at an altitude of 1,640–3,280 feet for 90 minutes. The object separate 11/1983 #37037 object with an "eye" or window, 14 feet long, was seen maneuvering and tumb 11/1/1983 #37040 h the light approach to within 400 feet, where it hovers at treetop level. 11/28/1983 #37052 g above a small lake less than 200 feet away. But within seconds it vanishe 11/28/1983 #37052 d green object like a bus about 33 feet long and 10 feet high in the road a 12/14/1983 #37074 ke a bus about 33 feet long and 10 feet high in the road ahead. He stops 10 12/14/1983 #37074 gh in the road ahead. He stops 100 feet from it, turns off the headlights a 12/14/1983 #37074 ating just above the ground. A few feet away he begins to feel heat and dec 12/14/1983 #37074 ong the Caspian Sea coast at 6,500 feet. It does not respond to radio conta 1984 #37097 ire at the UFO, it descends to 325 feet. When it approaches Krasnovodsk [no 1984 #37097 ights in a fixed position about 50 feet from the shore of Lake Michigan. Th 1/3/1984 #37105 ndow. The object moves about 20–30 feet then hovers there another 10–15 min 1/3/1984 #37105 a 100-foot diameter disc hover 80 feet over the highway. It was blazingly 1/8/1984 #37112 s big as a baseball diamond 75–100 feet above and slightly to the right of 1/8/1984 #37113 a 100-foot diameter disc hover 80 feet over the highway. It was blazingly 1/8/1984 #37115 metallic-grey in color, about 150 feet tall and moving about 50 feet off t 1/9/1984 #37119 150 feet tall and moving about 50 feet off the ground and about 100 feet f 1/9/1984 #37119 feet off the ground and about 100 feet from his vehicle. (NICAP: 02 - Clos 1/9/1984 #37119 ot in diameter parabolic discs 200 feet above SR 208. The objects seemed to 1/9/1984 #37122 ounty, California. It was only 100 feet over the road and had red lights on 1/9/1984 #37123 eir car. After driving another 300 feet they spot another object over the r 1/9/1984 #37124 oving slowly at an altitude of 200 feet. The driver pulls over, and the obj 1/9/1984 #37124 ot in diameter parabolic discs 200 feet above SR 208. The objects seemed to 1/9/1984 #37126 ounty, California. It was only 100 feet over the road and had red lights on 1/9/1984 #37127 ht 729, flying westbound at 43,000 feet, observed a blurry bright red objec 1/22/1984 #37140 in a stationary position about 900 feet above the neighbors house. The glow 1/22/1984 #37143 ant orange ball of light about 900 feet hovering above a neighbor’s house. 1/22/1984 #37144 es east of Toledo, Ohio, at 43,000 feet. They see a blurry, bright-red obje 1/22/1984 #37145 ve the object pace them within 150 feet for 3 minutes. A vertical shaft of 1/22/1984 #37147 nes flight 729 westbound at 43,000 feet altitude 30 miles east of Toledo, O 1/22/1984 #37148 car for three minutes at only 150 feet altitude. Three helicopters were se 1/22/1984 #37149 at an estimated altitude of 10,000 feet and about five miles distant, the o 1/30/1984 #37165 t five miles away. At about 10,000 feet, it comes to an instant stop. The o 1/30/1984 #37166 ess estimate it to be at least 200 feet in diameter. It remains stationary 1/30/1984 #37166 ached to a huge oval object 70–100 feet across that is moving soundlessly 1 2/1984 #37172 oss that is moving soundlessly 150 feet above the ground. He and his assist 2/1984 #37172 n a stationary position about four feet above his neighbors yard. He estima 2/7/1984 #37179 ated that the object was about 200 feet from him and the size of a small ca 2/7/1984 #37179 n a stationary position about four feet above his neighbor’s yard and 200 f 2/7/1984 #37180 above his neighbor’s yard and 200 feet away. It is about the size of a sma 2/7/1984 #37180 ering over a neighbor' s yard, 200 feet away. It ascended in a zigzag at a 2/7/1984 #37181 when a red light flies around his feet and disappears. It is also witnesse 2/20/1984 #37194 part of a cigar-shaped object 100 feet above the ground. A jogger reports 2/22/1984 #37198 aped lights hovering less than 200 feet above the ground, illuminating the 2/22/1984 #37198 e southeast sky at an estimated 50 feet altitude. He also reported interfer 2/29/1984 #37208 e southeast sky at an estimated 50 feet altitude. He also reported interfer 2/29/1984 #37209 ct approach her at no more than 50 feet above the ground. White lights are 2/29/1984 #37210 e southeast sky at an estimated 50 feet altitude. He also reported interfer 2/29/1984 #37212 ecticut. The object was just seven feet above the ground, and only four fee 3/11/1984 #37224 et above the ground, and only four feet from the window. (NICAP: 02 - Close 3/11/1984 #37224 arge cylindrical object just a few feet away through the window of their ho 3/11/1984 #37225 t. For 7 minutes it hovers about 7 feet above the ground, then moves away s 3/11/1984 #37225 ecticut. The object was just seven feet above the ground, and only four fee 3/11/1984 #37226 et above the ground, and only four feet from the window. It made no sound, 3/11/1984 #37226 rgia. The MiG-23, flying at 16,400 feet in full afterburner at Mach 1.2, is Spring 1984 #37231 s a boomerang-shaped UFO about 100 feet altitude that looks larger than a B 3/21/1984 #37236 One object is larger (at least 40 feet wide) than the others and moves ove 3/21/1984 #37237 see a bright oval object about 16 feet long and 6.5 feet tall from the fir 3/24/1984 #37240 object about 16 feet long and 6.5 feet tall from the first-floor balcony. 3/24/1984 #37240 of lightning.” It stops about 100 feet above the cemetery and 325 feet awa 3/24/1984 #37240 00 feet above the cemetery and 325 feet away from the witnesses. There is n 3/24/1984 #37240 estimates the object is about 300 feet long and flying at 30 mph. It moves 3/25/1984 #37245 ew Hampshire, at an altitude of 50 feet. It has two bright lights and is si 3/28/1984 #37246 eadily. He estimated it was 8k-10k feet high, made no noise and was in sigh 4/1984 #37250 iameter, and at a height of 65,000 feet. 4/9/1984 #37254 ry, cigar- shaped object about 225 feet from the roadway. It has a row of l 4/10/1984 #37257 haped object at an altitude of 100 feet about 300 feet from their boat. The 4/13/1984 #37260 an altitude of 100 feet about 300 feet from their boat. The object shines 4/13/1984 #37260 A rectangular UFO hovered only 100 feet above the side of a road near the R 4/18/1984 #37266 olutely still and silent about 100 feet in the air. They are anxious to get 4/18/1984 #37267 A rectangular UFO hovered only 100 feet above the side of a road near the R 4/18/1984 #37268 O fly over their house at only 200 feet altitude. It made a loud humming no 4/19/1984 #37272 r house at an altitude of only 200 feet. It has red lights around it. A jet 4/19/1984 #37274 O fly over their house at only 200 feet altitude. It made a loud humming no 4/19/1984 #37275 ible for aircraft. It climbed 3000 feet in under a second. 4/19/1984 #37276 t is hovering nearby and about 500 feet in the air. More lights turn on and 4/22/1984 #37281 one point the object drops to 100 feet and hovers in absolute silence abov 4/22/1984 #37281 the sky, rocking back and forth 80 feet above the ground over a garden in B 4/25/1984 #37290 as the UFO passed over them at 100 feet while they were driving down Americ 4/25/1984 #37291 e of a football field hovering 100 feet above the road. They drive beneath 4/25/1984 #37294 the sky, rocking back and forth 80 feet above the ground over a garden in B 4/25/1984 #37295 as the UFO passed over them at 100 feet while they were driving down Americ 4/25/1984 #37296 ribed as delta shaped and over 300 feet wide. It flew away up the canyon, a 4/25/1984 #37296 or. Just as he is flying at 40,000 feet and over Mach 2 speed, a hydromecha 4/26/1984 #37301 d in Cornville, Maine. About 35–45 feet in diameter, the red and yellow obj 4/27/1984 #37306 ssing above his house at about 750 feet. Described as bigger than an Air Fo 5/5/1984 #37316 -shaped UFO flying overhead at 200 feet altitude in Piedmont, South Carolin 5/5/1984 #37319 disc-shaped object hovered only 20 feet over his head. (NICAP: 02 - Close E 5/6/1984 #37323 ers for about 5 seconds at only 20 feet altitude before it shoots across a 5/6/1984 #37324 disc-shaped object hovered only 20 feet over his head. He felt heat coming 5/6/1984 #37325 The object was reportedly 400-500 feet away. 5/19/1984 #37335 d over car for one minute, 200-300 feet overhead, moved off. (UPRO) (NICAP: 5/20/1984 #37338 disc-shaped object with lights, 30 feet in diameter, that stayed over the n 6/14/1984 #37360 hind them is a dark mass about 300 feet long that blocks out the lights of 6/14/1984 #37361 disc-shaped object with lights, 30 feet in diameter, that stayed over the n 6/14/1984 #37362 oward them at an altitude of 4,920 feet about 2 miles away. It is shaped li Mid 6/1984 #37364 ct is perfectly round and about 75 feet in diameter. There is a round, blac Mid 6/1984 #37364 llic object with a bright cupola 8 feet tall approaches, brushing a tree, a Summer 1984 #37369 ng a loud noise and hovering 30–50 feet above the ground. It then moves tow Summer 1984 #37369 at an estimated altitude of 1,000 feet. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/5/1984 #37387 at an estimated altitude of 1,000 feet. It winked out after fifteen second 7/5/1984 #37388 a Airport estimates it is at 6,500 feet and is slowly moving to the northwe 7/13/1984 #37395 ki approaches the object at 24,600 feet, he realizes it is not a weather ba 7/13/1984 #37395 reverse. After backing up about 50 feet they saw that the object was alongs 7/15/1984 #37401 at an approximate altitude of 100 feet. He observed that when they stopped 7/15/1984 #37401 on for a distance of a few hundred feet when it suddenly vanished right bef 7/15/1984 #37401 merang-shaped UFO hovered only 300 feet over an active vent of the Indian P 7/24/1984 #37410 ations. By the time it gets to 500 feet away, the police can see an ice-cre 7/24/1984 #37412 t one point getting as close as 30 feet, it is moving so slowly that the po 7/24/1984 #37412 merang-shaped UFO hovered only 300 feet over an active vent of the Indian P 7/24/1984 #37414 e impact sent a plume of water 100 feet into the air before the object sank 7/27/1984 #37421 e impact sent a plume of water 100 feet into the air before the object sank 7/27/1984 #37422 east at an altitude of 1,300–1,600 feet. Late Summer 1984 #37434 east of Urziceni at 13,000–14,700 feet. The target, the size of a small pl 8/23/1984 #37438 l, metallic and shiny, and about 9 feet long. During its appearance, the ba 8/23/1984 #37438 es to altitudes ranging from 6,500 feet to 34 miles as it moves west at spe 8/23/1984 #37438 pattern of colored lights about 80 feet away on the right side of the road Late 9/1984 #37469 ners of an equilateral triangle 26 feet apart. Late 9/1984 #37469 damaged vines measuring 100 by 260 feet. Each depression is 20 inches deep. 10/1984 #37473 ld he encounters an entity about 4 feet tall, wearing a blue helmet on its 10/8/1984 #37480 t, blue & white. One humanoid four feet tall, large head, large eyes, slend 10/24/1984 #37492 l when they are flying above 3,000 feet. However, it fails to disclose that 11/1984 #37500 y. The dark triangular object, 150 feet wide, with a canopy underneath, fle 11/26/1984 #37510 h a canopy underneath, flew at 125 feet altitude and passed over Magnolia B 11/26/1984 #37510 . The dark triangular object, 150 feet wide, with a canopy underneath, fle 11/26/1984 #37511 h a canopy underneath, flew at 125 feet altitude and passed over Magnolia B 11/26/1984 #37511 ed object at an altitude of 60,000 feet and apparently more than one-half m 1985 #37541 e time later a small disc about 16 feet in diameter flies out of it and the 1985 #37541 when they reach a distance of 325 feet from the object, it takes off and f 1985 #37541 crosses the railway about 100–160 feet ahead of the train. The men feel as 2/1985 #37552 ed and stare at an object about 13 feet in diameter that moves silently abo 2/1985 #37552 t, silvery object hovering about 5 feet above the ground. It becomes shroud 3/1985 #37561 objects followed, as close as 700 feet. ARTC radar had two faint stationar 3/14/1985 #37568 i suits. The female was about five feet tall, and the male somewhat shorter 5/9/1985 #37589 airliner at an altitude of 33,000 feet at a very high speed. The object il 6/11/1985 #37598 airliner at its altitude of 33,000 feet at a very high speed. The object il 6/11/1985 #37599 red. They estimate it is about 60 feet across and vanishes toward Fenwick 7/14/1985 #37619 o, the object is hovering at 7,000 feet, but it suddenly accelerates to a h 7/22/1985 #37628 erates to a height of above 70,000 feet in less than a minute. The Hawks le 7/22/1985 #37628 ute. The Hawks level off at 31,000 feet and return to Thornhill, where the 7/22/1985 #37628 the Swiss-Italian border at 25,000 feet when a wingless projectile passes 2 8/15/1985 #37643 wingless projectile passes 200–500 feet below them from left to right. The 8/15/1985 #37643 ft to right. The object is about 6 feet long, dark brown or black, and is c 8/15/1985 #37643 sna on a southerly course at 3,200 feet altitude near Söderhamn, Gävleborg, 8/18/1985 #37647 spot a missilelike object, some 20 feet long, going in the opposite directi 8/18/1985 #37647 radar indicated it was at 100,000 feet altitude. 9/5/1985 #37655 , triangular object stationary 150 feet in the sky about 100 feet away. A b Autumn 1985 #37665 nary 150 feet in the sky about 100 feet away. A bright light appears at eac Autumn 1985 #37665 ard her car. Then it rises several feet in front of the car avoiding the po 11/19/1985 #37712 three white lights hovering 20–30 feet above a farmhouse. He exits the hig 11/22/1985 #37721 roughly triangular, dull gray, 40 feet across, and its bottom is sloped in 11/22/1985 #37721 . He gets out of his car about 200 feet away, and the object moves closer t 11/22/1985 #37721 ves closer toward him to about 100 feet over the road. Smoothly and quickly 11/22/1985 #37721 es, then stops by some branches 30 feet away. It drops to his eye level and 1986 #37743 h and that it is about 2,300–2,625 feet in altitude. When the object reache 1/29/1986 #37775 e a large, dark object about 50–60 feet long hovering above some trees on t 2/8/1986 #37783 e object was estimated to be 50-60 feet long and made no sound. Their sight 2/8/1986 #37784 corner, and is hovering about 250 feet away. She goes to wake her husband, 2/12/1986 #37786 ing over her neighbor's house, 150 feet away. It was between 50 and 60 feet 2/12/1986 #37787 eet away. It was between 50 and 60 feet in length, and 15-20 feet wide. It 2/12/1986 #37787 0 and 60 feet in length, and 15-20 feet wide. It had a red light on top, an 2/12/1986 #37787 g along with them. It is about 325 feet away from them, floating at 100–130 4/22/1986 #37833 way from them, floating at 100–130 feet. The sphere is surrounded by a ring 4/22/1986 #37833 strange sound, they see 3 discs 65 feet in diameter with domes and tripods 4/22/1986 #37834 nots at an altitude of under 1,000 feet. 4/25/1986 #37839 ar in color to brass, within 1,000 feet of the damaged Unit 4 reactor at th 4/26/1986 #37844 in Deridder, Louisiana at only six feet altitude. There were no electromagn 5/11/1986 #37867 s two luminous objects about 6,500 feet above the city and 9 miles away. Th 5/19/1986 #37878 nd ranging in size from 165 to 330 feet in diameter, are seen, captured on 5/19/1986 #37881 ilva, was descending through 2,000 feet (600 meters) on their landing appro 5/19/1986 #37882 nd climbed vertically up to 33,000 feet. The radar controller at Anapolis A 5/19/1986 #37882 short to average height, perhaps 5 feet tall. These figures were wearing wh 6/20/1986 #37918 get has a length of at least 4,920 feet. (Ion Lazeanu, “Unusual Phenomenon 8/1986 #37964 ng, diamond-shaped object about 20 feet in diameter pass nearby. They watch 8/1986 #37964 riangular object that was only 200 feet above the lake. The object had a br 8/1/1986 #37968 da a silent wing-shaped object, 65 feet wide by 40 feet long, flew overhead 8/11/1986 #37979 -shaped object, 65 feet wide by 40 feet long, flew overhead at 400 feet alt 8/11/1986 #37979 40 feet long, flew overhead at 400 feet altitude at 4:30 a.m. It had bright 8/11/1986 #37979 dimensions were estimated to be 40 feet by 20 feet. The object flew quite l 8/11/1986 #37980 were estimated to be 40 feet by 20 feet. The object flew quite low, and pas 8/11/1986 #37980 and blackened for a diameter of 30 feet. Strange dreams and difficulty slee 8/15/1986 #37992 ovoid object, beaming light at 50 feet altitude, at 10:45 p.m. There were 8/22/1986 #37999 shes do not go lower than some 700 feet from the ground. The flashes are ve 10/10/1986 #38044 to several parts, each about 30–80 feet long. The display is followed by an 10/10/1986 #38044 rge, triangular object hovering 30 feet above the pavement. The lights are 10/14/1986 #38048 two witnesses see a dark disc, 26 feet in diameter with a blue dome, fly o 11/16/1986 #38067 rench wine and is flying at 35,000 feet through darkening skies, a red glow 11/17/1986 #38072 the sky to the southeast about 450 feet away. They are attached to a flatte 11/24/1986 #38075 d to a flattened triangle about 75 feet wide with pairs of flashing red lig 11/24/1986 #38075 ndows” landed in a field about 900 feet away. An orange light is flooding t Late 12/1986 #38087 wo stacks of straw. It is about 50 feet in diameter, disc- shaped, and roun 1/9/1987 #38096 He can see an open door about 5– 6 feet high under the row of windows, thro 1/9/1987 #38096 t. At its closest point, about 500 feet away, it hovers in one position for 2/25/1987 #38123 unseth estimates it is about 2,000 feet altitude. It picks up speed and str 3/6/1987 #38130 ntities with 3 eyes and standing 3 feet tall. The aliens take blood samples 3/7/1987 #38132 , coming to within an estimated 40 feet. It gave off no Exhaust. 3/13/1987 #38141 omed disk in her backyard about 75 feet away, partially obscured by a tree. 3/23/1987 #38152 red by a tree. The dome is about 6 feet in diameter on top of an object abo 3/23/1987 #38152 meter on top of an object about 25 feet high. The dome is projecting an int 3/23/1987 #38152 r backyard. The dome was about six feet in diameter and the whole craft was 3/23/1987 #38153 r and the whole craft was about 25 feet high. From the dome came the bright 3/23/1987 #38153 wide ramp. The object was about 75 feet from her. Her eyes were hurting and 3/23/1987 #38153 t. Rick Olsen was flying at 31,000 feet (9,000 meters) when he and his firs 5/16/1987 #38175 servers see a white light at 5,000 feet about 16 feet in diameter moving si 6/9/1987 #38188 white light at 5,000 feet about 16 feet in diameter moving silently in a zi 6/9/1987 #38188 sees a huge ball of light about 10 feet in diameter above his plane, but th 6/19/1987 #38194 swerves to the side about 500–600 feet below. Cantrell describes the proje 6/25/1987 #38200 y, and homemade looking, about 4–6 feet long with large fins. It appears to 6/25/1987 #38200 nd approached, coming to within 30 feet of them. Both ran into their house 7/4/1987 #38204 nother neighbor’s barn about 1,000 feet away seems to be on fire. The man g Late 7/1987 #38218 like a vertical white TV screen 10 feet high approaching from the east abou Late 7/1987 #38218 oaching from the east about 60–100 feet above the ground. Two humanoids wit Late 7/1987 #38218 ficulty and returns home. Some 300 feet from their farmhouse, they see anot Late 7/1987 #38218 the object, which is more than 50 feet long, 16 feet wide, and 9 feet high Early 8/1987 #38225 hich is more than 50 feet long, 16 feet wide, and 9 feet high, grayish-tan Early 8/1987 #38225 50 feet long, 16 feet wide, and 9 feet high, grayish-tan in color, smooth, Early 8/1987 #38225 ke a “flying fairground” at 38,000 feet, he watches a jet aircraft fly unde 8/4/1987 #38228 lar disc-shaped object stopped 100 feet over an observer. 8/5/1987 #38231 meters away at an altitude of 800 feet. Its speed was slow, except when it 8/18/1987 #38247 boys estimate the being is about 6 feet tall. It points a device that direc 8/31/1987 #38265 stimated the being to be about six feet tall. It pointed a device that dire 8/31/1987 #38266 ize of a railroad car, only 75-100 feet away and at 75-100 feet altitude. I 9/14/1987 #38288 nly 75-100 feet away and at 75-100 feet altitude. It had two rows of steady 9/14/1987 #38288 ree more photos as the object, 150 feet away, drifts in a northeasterly dir 11/11/1987 #38322 aralyzes him and lifts him several feet off the ground. After hearing a com 11/11/1987 #38322 r) in an area of sky a few hundred feet in diameter. The objects move slowe 11/23/1987 #38332 him. It is dark green and about 4 feet tall with an oversized head and lon 12/1/1987 #38345 stantly paralyzed, lifted up a few feet, and pulled into the craft. When he 12/1/1987 #38345 as it broke through clouds at 4600 feet on landing approach. The vertical c 12/5/1987 #38350 hum. A triangular object about 250 feet long covered in 150 red and white l 12/9/1987 #38351 hes his car being dragged about 33 feet, as if attracted by a magnet, and l 12/14/1987 #38364 the alarm team’s vehicle parked 50 feet from the wide-open gate with its li Winter 1987 #38370 e entire launch facility, up to 20 feet outside the gate, is devoid of snow Winter 1987 #38370 es in diameter and were within 200 feet of where the first witness had been 12/25/1987 #38373 perfectly circular brown spot, 13 feet in diameter, in their backyard in t 1/1988 #38385 val light positioned vertically 30 feet above the bridge to the only island 1/5/1988 #38405 on the lake. He estimates it is 45 feet high and 15 feet wide. Inside are f 1/5/1988 #38405 stimates it is 45 feet high and 15 feet wide. Inside are four much brighter 1/5/1988 #38405 the southwest at an altitude of 60 feet. When it comes to a clump of trees, 1/5/1988 #38405 proached quickly and hovered three feet above the roadway. He was able to g 1/12/1988 #38411 s right in front of them about 150 feet away and 50 feet above the ground. 1/19/1988 #38416 of them about 150 feet away and 50 feet above the ground. It is a dull silv 1/19/1988 #38416 he size of an automobile, around 5 feet tall, and completely silent. For 90 1/19/1988 #38416 iately in front of them, about 150 feet away and about 50 feet above the gr 1/19/1988 #38417 , about 150 feet away and about 50 feet above the ground. It was a dull sil 1/19/1988 #38417 ze of an automobile and about five feet tall. It never made any noise for t 1/19/1988 #38417 e road. The car was airborne a few feet above the ground for a short period 1/20/1988 #38423 :50 p.m. The object passed only 30 feet above her car. It had three bright 1/31/1988 #38436 , yellowish, glowing mist about 45 feet in diameter that straddles a hedger 2/9/1988 #38448 and trees at an altitude of 50–100 feet. It emits a slight humming sound an 2/10/1988 #38452 ng, moving overhead at about 1,300 feet. Somehow it causes the lake ice to 3/4/1988 #38487 ing orange ovoid UFO fly by at 400 feet altitude 3/10/1988 #38496 ut and saw a flying object only 50 feet above the ground, with a circle of 4/3/1988 #38533 sky and makes two passes about 200 feet from the ground. It is circular in 7/17/1988 #38603 he sky from the north and hover 50 feet away from him about 30 feet above t 9/2/1988 #38629 ver 50 feet away from him about 30 feet above the ground. It is spherical a 9/2/1988 #38629 d. It is spherical and about 15–20 feet in diameter. The upper section is r 9/2/1988 #38629 ed area in the tall grass about 12 feet in diameter where the grass is swir 9/2/1988 #38629 sses. It was estimated to be eight feet in length, and 70 feet away over so 9/3/1988 #38631 to be eight feet in length, and 70 feet away over some trees. It had lights 9/3/1988 #38631 , flying over his home at only 150 feet altitude. He watched it move across 10/24/1988 #38689 ull gray surface and was about 100 feet long, three feet high, and three to 10/24/1988 #38690 and was about 100 feet long, three feet high, and three to four feet deep. 10/24/1988 #38690 three feet high, and three to four feet deep. It had three white lights sid 10/24/1988 #38690 loor. The small saucer is about 24 feet in diameter. The next biggest one i 11/12/1988 #38713 ameter. The next biggest one is 60 feet in diameter at the base, and anothe 11/12/1988 #38713 t the base, and another one is 130 feet. They are referred to as Alien Repr 11/12/1988 #38713 omerang or V-shaped craft, from 75 feet to 300 feet in width, passed slowly 12/2/1988 #38735 -shaped craft, from 75 feet to 300 feet in width, passed slowly overhead at 12/2/1988 #38735 es and blocks two lanes. About 150 feet in the air is a 75-foot-long, highl 12/4/1988 #38743 cylinder-shaped object flying 300 feet below him at high speed. 1/22/1989 #38792 saw a disc-shaped object hover 90 feet overhead in Gainesville, Florida at 1/23/1989 #38797 e a.m. for five minutes. It was 10 feet in diameter and made no sound. 1/23/1989 #38797 ond shaped UFO estimated to be 150 feet in size was then seen as it moved t 1/30/1989 #38809 -foot long "bus" in the sky at 900 feet altitude. It had two rows of window 1/30/1989 #38810 New Haven, Connecticut. It was 60 feet away, and reportedly caused her a t 2/7/1989 #38821 top of the other, not more than 3 feet in diameter. A white light is on to 2/8/1989 #38825 d and land in a vacant lot only 80 feet away from his house. He awoke his w 2/8/1989 #38826 and see the object at 1,000–1,500 feet, completely silent. It begins movin 2/10/1989 #38832 drifts down to an altitude of 150 feet then flies off. 2/13/1989 #38839 egs in a hangar. It is about 35–40 feet in diameter, 15 feet tall, and the 3/1989 #38855 s about 35–40 feet in diameter, 15 feet tall, and the color of pewter. Duri 3/1989 #38855 It was described as gigantic, 500 feet in length, and making a low rumblin 3/1/1989 #38861 in front came overhead, just fifty feet above the ground. Later he could no 3/2/1989 #38864 side and two white lights about 6 feet in diameter on the bottom hovering 3/12/1989 #38871 esses, between buildings, only 150 feet away. It was described in the repor 4/22/1989 #38921 last, Russia, at a height of 1,000 feet. 4/24/1989 #38925 roached at tree top level, just 15 feet from the ground. It was oblong and 5/6/1989 #38937 ts estimates its size as about 164 feet. About 8 minutes later, they lose v 5/30/1989 #38967 ey estimated were twenty to thirty feet long and at an altitude of 700 feet 6/3/1989 #38975 eet long and at an altitude of 700 feet above them. 6/3/1989 #38975 ying at an altitude of 1,640–3,280 feet, first slowly, then speeding up. Af 6/30/1989 #38998 d a silent disc-shaped object, six feet in diameter, appeared less than 100 7/16/1989 #39023 n diameter, appeared less than 100 feet overhead. It had rods or beams of l 7/16/1989 #39023 eir plane--approximately 5100-5200 feet. The object suddenly moved dead ahe 7/22/1989 #39030 s above the site at a height of 65 feet. Roughly 13–17 feet in diameter, it 7/28/1989 #39035 a height of 65 feet. Roughly 13–17 feet in diameter, its hull is illuminate 7/28/1989 #39035 apons depot at a height of 200–230 feet. Soviet soldiers Levin and Klimenko 7/28/1989 #39035 pear at low altitudes of 980–1,300 feet. The last one to appear, a cigar-sh 7/28/1989 #39035 ss inside floating slowly about 12 feet above the ground. It floats into a 8/1989 #39040 off to the east, covering about 30 feet in one second, and disappears. 8/1989 #39040 humanoid with long arms and small feet “scared the daylights” out of the l 8/10/1989 #39051 head of her bed. The being was 3.5 feet tall, whitish-gray in color, and wo 8/10/1989 #39053 descended to about an estimated 30 feet altitude before it disappeared. It 8/10/1989 #39056 for approximately five minutes, 30 feet away, circled a tree, then flew off 8/13/1989 #39061 lta-shaped object, an estimated 70 feet on a side, passed low overhead. At 8/23/1989 #39071 ng disc-shaped craft about 130–260 feet in diameter. She feels no fear and 9/16/1989 #39106 bject. She was levitated up to 160 feet and near to the UFO. She also heard 9/16/1989 #39108 above the ground. It was 20 to 30 feet in diameter and had a flat bottom a 9/27/1989 #39125 The woman approached to within 30 feet of the craft when a door opened rev 9/27/1989 #39125 e. Its estimated altitude was 2000 feet and its distance 3000 feet. 10/8/1989 #39151 as 2000 feet and its distance 3000 feet. 10/8/1989 #39151 He estimated the object was 3,000 feet off of his left wing. 10/10/1989 #39159 flying disc hovering less than 50 feet away. It soon vanishes. The girl re 10/11/1989 #39161 and the lights hover silently 400 feet away at 100–200 feet in the air. Th 10/11/1989 #39162 silently 400 feet away at 100–200 feet in the air. They duck down in the t 10/11/1989 #39162 than half a mile away and only 650 feet in the air. The top light flashes e 10/11/1989 #39162 lash of light near a shed about 50 feet away. An object like “two pie plate 10/13/1989 #39169 is motionless in the air about 50 feet above the shed. It is shiny and met 10/13/1989 #39169 shed. It is shiny and metallic, 30 feet long and 10 feet thick, and has a f 10/13/1989 #39169 and metallic, 30 feet long and 10 feet thick, and has a flattened top and 10/13/1989 #39169 ONNAIR flight 440, flying at 9,000 feet as it passed the plane. A vertical 10/24/1989 #39184 and silently at an altitude of 200 feet. 10/25/1989 #39185 ied the robot, set him down on its feet and appeared to give him mouth-to-m 10/28/1989 #39191 fear. The robot was just under six feet tall, and had a large head with thr 10/28/1989 #39191 ts moving across his path at 8,500 feet. Air traffic control confirms there 11/1/1989 #39207 sighted. In was estimated at 20-40 feet long, and disappeared behind some t 11/15/1989 #39233 skas estimates its size as 800–900 feet wide. Off its left tip he sees a si 11/18/1989 #39237 silvery metallic disc about 30–40 feet in diameter, reflecting the streetl 11/18/1989 #39237 de they can see nothing. About 900 feet down the road, a neighbor is also a 11/20/1989 #39241 He thinks the lights are about 30 feet off the ground. Two other witnesses 11/20/1989 #39241 ge pattern is discovered about 150 feet from the first couple’s residence—a 11/20/1989 #39241 dence—a perfectly round circle, 65 feet in diameter, of flattened (not burn 11/20/1989 #39241 angular object hovering at 600–900 feet and making a faint humming noise. T 11/29/1989 #39273 nse stationary object at about 325 feet altitude and 1,600 feet away. He sl 11/29/1989 #39275 about 325 feet altitude and 1,600 feet away. He slows down, lowers his win 11/29/1989 #39275 It is at an altitude of about 250 feet and about 300 feet away. It is immo 11/29/1989 #39276 de of about 250 feet and about 300 feet away. It is immobile and silent, bu 11/29/1989 #39276 very large triangular objects, 100 feet above the ground, were encountered 11/30/1989 #39287 es saw a UFO maneuver at about 600 feet altitude in Indianapolis, Indiana. 12/1/1989 #39294 described as being at least seven feet, five inches tall, thin, with large 12/8/1989 #39305 to south at an altitude of 650–980 feet. Beneath the series of panels, and 12/11/1989 #39313 s is estimated at approximately 33 feet. They cannot distinguish any solid 12/11/1989 #39313 moving at an altitude of 980–1,300 feet. Dark and massive, it resembles an Early 1/1990 #39361 which are at an altitude of 4,800 feet. The case is investigated by an int 1/22/1990 #39387 s estimated to be flying at 10,000 feet altitude and had blinking lights. 1/31/1990 #39400 nd bottom that hovered at 20 to 30 feet above the ground. The body of the c 2/5/1990 #39411 s of the triangle measure about 65 feet. Three milky, yellowish-white light 2/21/1990 #39425 aw an oval object hovering just 40 feet above some trees. After five second 3/2/1990 #39442 the road. They drove to within 30 feet of it in their truck when the objec 3/2/1990 #39442 ices a beam of white light about 3 feet in diameter descend to the ground b 3/7/1990 #39452 finds a circle of burned grass 11 feet in diameter near the window. Severa 3/7/1990 #39452 ples (with platelets) but about 18 feet long. Others are like “triangular m 3/12/1990 #39456 e like upside-down basins about 40 feet across. 3/12/1990 #39456 s were estimated to be about 20-30 feet in length, and reflected sunlight. 3/13/1990 #39459 ected sunlight. When less than 150 feet above the water, and at an estimate 3/13/1990 #39459 9:38 p.m., a UFO is seen at 6,500 feet altitude over Pereslavl-Zalessky, Y 3/21/1990 #39475 urns steeply and flies 1,600–1,900 feet above the UFO, but he can see only 3/21/1990 #39475 nd a black cigar-shaped object 160 feet long with a ruby-red exhaust is see 3/21/1990 #39475 e object is a disc between 325–650 feet in diameter with two blinking light 3/21/1990 #39475 f Chongqing, China. It is about 65 feet long with orange and pale green lig 3/28/1990 #39490 he northeast at an altitude of 150 feet. 3/28/1990 #39490 timates its altitude is only 1,000 feet with a diameter six times that of t 3/31/1990 #39503 flying at altitudes of 1,600–2,600 feet. At times, the entire body of an ob Early 4/1990 #39506 spherical UFO approximately 1,000 feet away. The object, about 20-45 feet 4/18/1990 #39536 feet away. The object, about 20-45 feet in diameter, first hovered, then ap 4/18/1990 #39536 g the entire courtyard, 330 by 200 feet. They observe six lights on the obj 4/22/1990 #39539 ing. He sees, in a field about 325 feet away from him, a pyramidal or conic 5/4/1990 #39556 ground. He approaches to about 165 feet and watches the object change color 5/4/1990 #39556 finds four circular holes about 3 feet in diameter with a thin layer of ye 5/4/1990 #39556 panied by a small white orb at 180 feet altitude. It had two legs on the bo 5/4/1990 #39559 ont, hesitate, and then pass 15-20 feet over his truck at a leisurely speed 5/19/1990 #39578 h and hover momentarily within 150 feet of some power lines. It then accele 5/24/1990 #39589 giant reddish-orange disc some 980 feet in diameter and with portholes arou 5/25/1990 #39592 n hovering at an altitude of 3,300 feet above Mary, Turkmenistan. Col. Anat 5/25/1990 #39592 eptors, but at a point about 3,200 feet from the disc, the jets are alleged 5/25/1990 #39592 over a populated area at only 200 feet from west to east on a curved fligh 5/29/1990 #39598 e object was described as about 30 feet in diameter with bright white windo 5/30/1990 #39600 bowl. He estimates it is nearly 17 feet across and 80 feet tall, and has a 7/9/1990 #39640 it is nearly 17 feet across and 80 feet tall, and has a nauseating odor lik 7/9/1990 #39640 like kangaroos. They are about 4.5 feet tall and wear deep-green uniforms a 7/9/1990 #39640 across the road and a few hundred feet away. She realized that this was th 7/13/1990 #39644 ed a small domed disc hovering 100 feet away and descending over the corner 7/18/1990 #39649 sky. It seems to measure about 39 feet on each side. A belt of white light 7/26/1990 #39663 e forward and positions itself 330 feet away at a height of 200–300 feet, I 7/26/1990 #39663 0 feet away at a height of 200–300 feet, It makes a banking turn and paces 7/26/1990 #39663 the being again standing about 10 feet away from her. She then fell back t 7/29/1990 #39667 the object appears to be about 98 feet in diameter. The British government 8/4/1990 #39679 ay, varying between three and four feet in height, with pear-shaped heads, 8/31/1990 #39708 each hand and three toes on their feet. The beings got away by running dow 8/31/1990 #39708 rectly overhead at no more then 30 feet. It lands nearby and gives off more 9/13/1990 #39729 was burned from a distance of 430 feet. A wristwatch reportedly slowed, an 9/13/1990 #39732 h, hover, and then descend only 15 feet away from him at 8:30 p.m. It disap 9/20/1990 #39740 aving behind four burned spots 135 feet in diameter. 9/21/1990 #39744 peared into some nearby woods. Its feet did not appear to touch the ground 10/6/1990 #39760 ect that hovered over a church 350 feet away. It had six lights on its peri 10/6/1990 #39762 hovering, then it moved about 400 feet in less than a second to hide behin 10/6/1990 #39762 length of the first is about 6,500 feet and the second about 1,300 feet. Th 10/8/1990 #39766 00 feet and the second about 1,300 feet. They are too distant to make out d 10/8/1990 #39766 They see a dark mass, more than 50 feet across, rise up rapidly and silentl 10/21/1990 #39803 the window, and sees a light 1,300 feet away on or just above a nearby hill 10/23/1990 #39806 off at a low altitude about 1,640 feet away. The object moves silently to 10/23/1990 #39807 ights connected by bar hovered 300 feet off the ground, making a whining so 10/29/1990 #39816 ith many lights. It is about 2,600 feet away at an altitude of 985 feet, mo 11/5/1990 #39868 00 feet away at an altitude of 985 feet, moving downward. Another witness s 11/5/1990 #39868 he object itself is at least 1,000 feet long and 200–250 feet thick with tr 11/5/1990 #39868 least 1,000 feet long and 200–250 feet thick with triangular substructures 11/5/1990 #39868 vapor, and sees the light about 80 feet away behind the wall bordering her 11/22/1990 #39898 ray oval-shaped object, perhaps 20 feet in diameter, which made no sound. S 11/28/1990 #39913 to the right at an altitude of 160 feet. On its circumference are a multitu 12/9/1990 #39927 to run electricity and power 3,000 feet underground on a “certain test site 1991 #39940 estimates the UFO to be about 260 feet long and 30–50 feet high, with the 1/6/1991 #39947 o be about 260 feet long and 30–50 feet high, with the forward three lights 1/6/1991 #39947 ng white light. It hovered low (25 feet) over a tree across the street that 1/19/1991 #39963 cross the street that was only 360 feet away. Electrical interference was r 1/19/1991 #39963 s for 30 minutes as it hovered 600 feet off the ground. 1/30/1991 #39967 ct, which approaches to within 100 feet. As they try to leave, their engine 2/22/1991 #39982 up in front of their car, only six feet away. They believe the UFO intended 3/9/1991 #40007 angular object flying at 2000-3000 feet altitude at 10:30 p.m. The object w 3/10/1991 #40009 The object was estimated to be 200 feet in diameter, had rounded corners, a 3/10/1991 #40009 beings on his patio. They are 3–4 feet tall, gray, with big heads, big bla 3/31/1991 #40025 t appears to be no more than 1,650 feet above the prison. It flies up and d 4/11/1991 #40034 ht beams. They drive to within 650 feet of a hovering UFO. At that point, a 4/19/1991? #40041 round object or missile, about 10 feet long, approaching from their left. 4/21/1991 #40046 om their left. It is less than 100 feet away. The control tower confirms a 4/21/1991 #40046 ea. He estimates it is about 1,000 feet high and gives off a low humming no 5/22/1991 #40073 descending for a landing at 8,000 feet near Heathrow Airport, London, Engl 6/1/1991 #40080 inkled” appearance and is about 10 feet long. 6/1/1991 #40080 for 25 minutes within about 1,300 feet. Its intense light tends to conceal 6/8/1991 #40092 ying at an altitude of 4,000–5,000 feet with no vapor trail. The object is 6/17/1991 #40101 k, lozenge-shaped object about 1.5 feet in diameter, smooth, and some 1,600 7/15/1991 #40123 n diameter, smooth, and some 1,600 feet ahead and above. It is on a collisi 7/15/1991 #40123 t’s wing at a distance of only 325 feet. The London Air Traffic Control Cen 7/15/1991 #40123 ar the trampoline. It was about 4½ feet tall and completely white in color, 7/21/1991 #40129 hurch from a distance of about 500 feet. When she has the film developed, s 9/19/1991 #40194 sky. The object would be about 6.6 feet long if it was at an altitude of 1, 9/19/1991 #40194 if it was at an altitude of 1,000 feet. 9/19/1991 #40194 s origin and its small size (16–39 feet), combined with rapid variation in 11/6/1991 #40220 ed by the Yates family a few dozen feet above the Teynham Church in Teynham 12/6/1991 #40256 d object was seen hovering at 2500 feet over Iron Station, Lincoln County, 12/10/1991 #40259 th pulsating lights flying 400–500 feet above the road. 3/3/1992 #40348 him, standing about 1.5 meters (4½ feet) tall, and spoke in a strange langu 3/5/1992 #40359 Its estimated altitude was 25,000 feet, and it had a speed of 7,000 mph. 3/13/1992 #40376 ide of the road, no more than then feet from their vehicle. The being was t 3/13/1992 #40377 d when the UFO passed less than 20 feet overhead, and he felt the interior 3/19/1992 #40390 to flow over the surface. It is 15 feet long with a 3-foot-thick center. Th 3/20/1992 #40394 The object hovers approximately 10 feet off the ground. The engine, lights, 3/20/1992 #40394 h. The object is hovering about 20 feet northeast of his car, then it speed 3/20/1992 #40394 in a northeasterly direction at 10 feet altitude. Delgado loses sight of th 3/20/1992 #40394 the approach of two beings about 5 feet tall. Each being got on either side 4/12/1992 #40414 k flying object (estimated to be 8 feet wide by 20 feet long in size) with 5/3/1992 #40449 (estimated to be 8 feet wide by 20 feet long in size) with square windows. 5/3/1992 #40449 om their farm house, and maybe ten feet above the ground. Both ends of the 5/3/1992 #40449 ver their heads at no more than 25 feet. Although they could see the outlin 5/3/1992 #40449 between two trees with only a few feet to spare. The trees were undisturbe 5/3/1992 #40449 ped UFOs were seen hovering at 200 feet altitude. There were four prongs on 6/2/1992 #40482 nous sphere land. A 1.6 meter (5.5 feet) tall man emerged from the object w 7/25/1992 #40536 es Flight 934 are flying at 23,000 feet some 50 miles northeast of George A 8/5/1992 #40552 an estimated distance of 500–1,000 feet. It resembles the forward fuselage 8/5/1992 #40552 sort of tail. The size is about 50 feet long and its speed is supersonic. 8/5/1992 #40552 phere was seen hovering only a few feet above the ground in Cass County, Mi 8/11/1992 #40567 he road at an altitude of only 150 feet above the cars. Fuses were blown on 8/14/1992 #40573 . The craft was described as sixty feet wide with a silvery beamed understr 8/14/1992 #40573 oint the witness is about 600– 900 feet away and is able to see that it is 8/19/1992 #40583 es the object again as it stops 15 feet above a nearby farmhouse. Again a b 8/19/1992 #40583 bject was estimated to be at 1,200 feet altitude, larger than a Boeing-747, 8/20/1992 #40586 ect with portholes was seen at 100 feet altitude, only 100 yards away. It h 9/13/1992 #40620 had an estimated thickness of 1-2 feet. 9/13/1992 #40620 en 3 ½ meters tall, or almost nine feet. 9/19/1992 #40631 grove she suddenly felt as if her feet were fixed to the ground and she wa 9/24/1992 #40639 He woke up naked, with mud on his feet. 9/30/1992 #40649 n at an estimated distance of 1500 feet, and had six lights on the bottom. 9/30/1992 #40651 igar-shaped object flying at 2,500 feet altitude that had three bands of a 9/30/1992 #40651 t 7:00 p.m. flying several hundred feet above the ground. It was 150-200 fe 10/10/1992 #40673 t above the ground. It was 150-200 feet in length and had three rectangular 10/10/1992 #40673 moved slowly at 30 mph at only 100 feet altitude. 10/17/1992 #40682 riefly above the hangar at 300–500 feet then moves away. 10/27/1992 #40694 e head and huge black eyes only 15 feet away. The witness apparently blacke 10/31/1992 #40697 s are flying at an altitude of 328 feet at a speed of 93 mph on a night exe 11/1992 #40700 silent, bright-red sphere about 60 feet in diameter to his left that begius 11/1992 #40700 foot diameter saucer hovered three feet above the ground, only twelve feet 11/19/1992 #40719 feet above the ground, only twelve feet away from the witness. 11/19/1992 #40719 overhead very slowly at about 250 feet altitude. It moved backwards, with 12/1/1992 #40739 disc-shaped object, perhaps 16-20 feet in diameter, moving in the sky. It 12/4/1992 #40742 house, and approached to within 75 feet of the child. The indicent lasted a 12/4/1992 #40742 l and flew at a height of about 10 feet. At least six balls of light maneuv 1/1993 #40782 be the size of a house, about four feet apart, and only 50 feet in altitude 2/9/1993 #40846 about four feet apart, and only 50 feet in altitude. They seemed to have a 2/9/1993 #40846 es. They seemed to be about 6 to 8 feet apart. They suddenly went out. 2/9/1993 #40847 off toward the sound flying at 100 feet above the highway. 2/24/1993 #40858 Valley, Missouri that was only 100 feet away from him. A calf was discovere 2/27/1993 #40863 ng was gray in color and about six feet tall. Its eyes were slanted and it 3/16/1993 #40886 oated down to the ground, about 20 feet below. 3/16/1993 #40886 ver the house" at an estimated 150 feet altitude. She first thought it was 3/26/1993 #40902 e tank" or fruit silo, about sixty feet in circumference. She approached th 3/30/1993 #40907 and when she got to within twenty feet she saw one of the crew. He was 2.5 3/30/1993 #40907 t of the craft. It was a circle 22 feet in diameter formed from still livin 3/30/1993 #40907 an altitude of approximately 1,000 feet.” It looks like two white lights wi 3/31/1993 #40914 eyes she saw "a bald giant, 7 to 8 feet tall, with round, yellow eyes and a 3/31/1993 #40915 nd in the field, eleven and twenty feet in diameter. 3/31/1993 #40915 he console was a cubicle about six feet high. Three humanoid figures were s 4/17/1993 #40940 e distance was estimated to be 600 feet, with an altitude higher than 300 f 4/17/1993 #40941 , with an altitude higher than 300 feet. The speed of the object was slow, 4/17/1993 #40941 d on the ground. The object was 60 feet in length and had four landing legs 4/19/1993 #40943 ered winged creature land about 30 feet away from him. The being had a larg 4/19/1993 #40944 o the helicopter’s altitude at 500 feet, where it hovers for a few seconds 4/28/1993 #40953 passes them and climbs hundreds of feet into the air before descending agai 4/28/1993 #40953 ts approach to a distance of 3,000 feet. The object was shaped like a trian 4/30/1993 #40959 t, which has leveled off at 30,000 feet. He watches it fly in between two v 6/3/1993 #41003 y from the north to south at 3,000 feet altitude. He reported it to the pol 6/25/1993 #41034 wly toward the west, rise up 50-70 feet, and then drift to the north. It pa 7/13/1993 #41065 lowed with a strange intensity 100 feet above the ground, and then began to 7/24/1993 #41084 d forward, leaping several hundred feet into the air. A black spot could be 8/6/1993 #41110 g become a narrow band of light 90 feet long and 3 feet wide. Soon it becom 8/13/1993 #41135 w band of light 90 feet long and 3 feet wide. Soon it becomes brighter and 8/13/1993 #41135 ure with glowing red eyes, only 15 feet from the door. The being seemed to 8/18/1993 #41146 and came to stand less than three feet from where she lay. She sat up in a 8/20/1993 #41148 se the cabin window is about eight feet above the ground. The face was a cl 9/1/1993 #41174 velled north to south just 150-300 feet off the ground. It moved at 20-30 m 9/5/1993 #41184 t. It flew at a slow speed, at 150 feet altitude, and made a 90 degree turn 10/24/1993 #41251 ey beings were about three to four feet tall, and told her that Armageddon 11/15/1993 #41278 riangular object hovering at sixty feet altitude, making a high-pitched hum 11/21/1993 #41288 ssachusetts at an estimated 18,000 feet altitude, zig-zagging downward. 11/22/1993 #41298 d, which rose and moved. It was 60 feet long, and made a humming sound. 11/22/1993 #41300 nd in the sky, then land about 200 feet from his car. A door opened on the 11/26/1993 #41304 ne in each corner, passed low (400 feet altitude) over the heads of a four- 11/29/1993 #41308 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at 150 feet altitude, making a whooshing sound. 12/2/1993 #41319 ar trajectory the UFO is about 750 feet long. 1/28/1994 #41390 body including his unusually long feet. The face was elongated with two hu 2/3/1994 #41406 30 p.m. It hovered silently at 300 feet altitude. 2/17/1994 #41418 lights and is apparently only 200 feet from the ground. Its base has a rib 3/1994 #41433 flying an ultralight aircraft 250 feet over Termoli, Campobasso, Italy, se 3/6/1994 #41443 n altitude between 7,000 to 12,000 feet altitude. Residents on the ground 3/8/1994 #41450 then temporarily hovered at 30-50 feet before flying off. It had twelve wh 4/8/1994 #41482 eventies, was estimated to be 1200 feet. the UFO made no sound. 4/8/1994 #41482 e altitude was estimated to be 100 feet and the distance 500 feet. It moved 4/12/1994 #41489 o be 100 feet and the distance 500 feet. It moved very slowly. When the obj 4/12/1994 #41489 10:40 p.m. It passed to within 50 feet of the front of the automobile. 4/28/1994 #41509 eiling were very smooth. Below his feet and to his right side was something 5/11/1994 #41523 p around violently. It is about 30 feet in diameter, and its top and bottom 5/21/1994 #41534 ects landed on the ground only 100 feet away in Caille, France at 1:30 a.m. 6/6/1994 #41555 to the west at an estimated 1,000 feet altitude. One witness stated, "It w 6/27/1994 #41590 ura department, France at only 100 feet altitude. It moved slowly and silen 6/30/1994 #41595 es moving back and forth about 180 feet above a vacant lot. They are all ab 7/2/1994 #41601 cant lot. They are all about 15–26 feet high and somewhat translucent, movi 7/2/1994 #41601 black rectangle, approximately 30 feet long with a bright head light and t 8/28/1994 #41698 ed in flew at 300 mph, at only 300 feet altitude, and came within 500 feet 9/9/1994 #41732 feet altitude, and came within 500 feet of him. Later, military jets came o 9/9/1994 #41732 oll him over. They were about four feet tall, had large heads, huge black e 9/11/1994 #41734 aster Island. They were about five feet tall, grayish brown in color, and w 9/11/1994 #41734 urve. These were described as four feet tall with very large heads. They da 9/11/1994 #41737 sphere was sighted hovering three feet from the ground in a wooded area. 9/11/1994 #41737 , he sees a cow lying dead some 30 feet away. In the place where its rectum 9/13/1994 #41743 is a large, cylindrical hole. Ten feet beyond that cow is another one, app 9/13/1994 #41743 windshield. They were four to six feet in length, six to eight feet apart. 9/13/1994 #41745 o six feet in length, six to eight feet apart. They crossed the highway at 9/13/1994 #41745 walked along with it more than 320 feet. Geologists Euen Nisbet and Kathy S 9/14/1994 #41749 in the “rough bush area” about 330 feet away. An entity of some kind emerge 9/16/1994 #41754 r than normal head, stands about 3 feet tall, and is dressed in black. Some 9/16/1994 #41754 e luminous being standing about 90 feet away from her in the middle of a ne 9/16/1994 #41756 e. The configuration was about 600 feet across, at an estimated altitude of 10/11/1994 #41801 at an estimated altitude of 1,000 feet and a speed of 100 mph. 10/11/1994 #41801 er, and it approached to within 50 feet. The second man, however, panicked 10/28/1994 #41816 lying object with lights, at 40-50 feet altitude, was sighted in Paterson, 10/30/1994 #41825 causes destruction to 1,700 square feet of woodland in the Guiyang Baiyun D 12/1/1994 #41875 er car. The objects were about 20 feet long and emitted strong beams of li 12/29/1994 #41912 the road in an “odd” way, only six feet away from her car. 1/2/1995 #41939 the airliner as it flies at 4,000 feet. It is so close that Stuart instinc 1/6/1995 #41956 the airliner as it flew at 13,000 feet, and it was so close that the co-pi 1/6/1995 #41957 "tumbled" across the road about 60 feet in front of her car. The witness sl 1/17/1995 #41981 arting a landing approach at 7,900 feet at Guiyang Airport [now Guiyang Lon 2/1995 #42006 ng toward the aircraft. Some 6,000 feet away, the pilot sees a UFO changing 2/1995 #42006 ly above hers. It was about 3 or 4 feet tall. Next she saw movement out of 2/2/1995 #42013 saw a strange creature about 30-40 feet away. It had an peculiar "out of fo 2/10/1995 #42033 mated the creature's height at six feet four inches tall, based on where it 2/10/1995 #42033 ld at 6:15 a.m. They wree only 100 feet away from the witness when they too 3/10/1995 #42084 gular object, radar tracked at 800 feet altitude near St. Petersburg, Russi 3/14/1995 #42095 e round eyes. They stood about 3.5 feet tall, and she believed she received 3/19/1995 #42112 en his truck stops dead. About 240 feet ahead is a huge object on three lan 3/30/1995 #42127 ree-foot tall humanoid standing 75 feet away from her. The being had a roun 3/30/1995 #42128 escribed as gray in color, about 4 feet tall, with a large oval shaped head 4/3/1995 #42138 he watches it slowly fly about 100 feet above the house. It seems to be a r 4/18/1995 #42157 be a rectangular object about 200 feet long by 100 feet wide. It disappear 4/18/1995 #42157 object about 200 feet long by 100 feet wide. It disappears behind the tree 4/18/1995 #42157 creature as between three and four feet tall, with the body and dark plumag 4/23/1995 #42173 re, the last time descending to 65 feet above their patrol vehicle. They th 5/5/1995 #42179 dome-shaped craft that was only 30 feet off the ground. It vanished, and th 5/7/1995 #42187 sees cigar shaped object at 39,000 feet. (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 5/25/1995 #42225 757 airliner is cruising at 39,000 feet near Bovina, Texas. To their right 5/25/1995 #42227 estimate the object to be 300–400 feet long. One of the air traffic contro 5/25/1995 #42227 ge cigar-shaped object, 300 to 400 feet in length, was tracked by NORAD rad 5/25/1995 #42228 foot cigar shaped object at 30,000 feet altitude. The object approaches the 5/25/1995 #42229 at 15 mph, across the wind, at 100 feet altitude, and made no sound. 6/5/1995 #42240 ground from a height of about 150 feet. They can hear a loud buzzing noise 6/22/1995 #42267 an estimated altitude of only 100 feet.. The driver reported radio interfe 6/28/1995 #42279 curious way. The UFO is about 215 feet in diameter and emits a bright whit 7/1/1995 #42289 ee a large metallic disc about 500 feet in diameter at an altitude of about 7/15/1995 #42303 ameter at an altitude of about 200 feet, over trees about a half mile away. 7/15/1995 #42303 stimated size of the craft was 553 feet in diameter, and it was at a distan 7/15/1995 #42305 and it was at a distance of 2,400 feet. It travelled at a relatively slow 7/15/1995 #42305 e aircraft before halting only 300 feet away. The object then makes a turn 7/31/1995 #42347 e is forced to climb back to 9,800 feet, accompanied by the UFO. Airport ch 7/31/1995 #42347 per PA-31-310 that is flying 1,900 feet above the 727. 7/31/1995 #42347 lly. The shorter ones were about 4 feet tall. They wore something resemblin 8/11/1995 #42376 little creatures approximately 3-4 feet tall then appeared around his bed. 8/15/1995 #42387 appeared to be hovering about 3-4 feet from the ground. Later that night h 8/15/1995 #42390 large head and standing about four feet tall. The figure had an amazingly s 8/15/1995 #42390 scribed the creature as about five feet tall, with dark skin, a round head 9/7/1995 #42447 rregularly shaped object, only 300 feet away, shot beams of light down on a 9/13/1995 #42467 t move slowly to the west at 60-80 feet altitude. It was yellow and had whi 9/22/1995 #42501 disc-shaped object hovered fifteen feet overhead. The craft emitted indigo 9/29/1995 #42520 n twisted clockwise in a circle 18 feet in diameter. Four marks of apparent 10/1/1995 #42529 a minute at 9:00 p.m., at only 100 feet altitude. At 10:30 p.m. an extremel 10/1/1995 #42530 ng. She described it as about four feet tall, with large bat-like wings, hu 11/11/1995 #42593 hair and had a tail and claw-like feet. The creature flew away in an upwar 11/11/1995 #42593 bed the creature as between 3 to 4 feet tall, endowed with large eyes, and 11/11/1995 #42594 ude estimated to be less than 1000 feet. 11/14/1995 #42600 arby trees, moves swiftly about 30 feet from the ground, and disappears int 12/12/1995 #42641 utes the object flies less than 20 feet above the ground, heading toward to 1/13/1996 #42680 e sees a cylindrical airship 33–40 feet long and 13–16 feet in diameter fly 1/13/1996 #42681 airship 33–40 feet long and 13–16 feet in diameter flying about 395 feet a 1/13/1996 #42681 feet in diameter flying about 395 feet above him toward Varginha. It is me 1/13/1996 #42681 e/others. Red-eyed figure with big feet. Rumor 2 ETs caught? / r236#27. 1/20/1996 #42692 trange being inside it. One of its feet is brown, and the firefighters are 1/20/1996 #42693 s, two legs with enormous two-toed feet, two arms with only three fingers, 1/20/1996 #42695 hing and was between four and five feet tall. Later that morning several ca 1/20/1996 #42697 red eyes, bulging veins, enormous feet, and three protruding lumps on its 1/20/1996 #42697 m. It stopped in mid-air about 100 feet from the ground, then moved in an S 2/18/1996 #42771 e dome-shaped craft floating a few feet from the ground, near some nearby t 2/23/1996 #42776 t, silvery gray disc land about 50 feet away from them. It was flat on the 2/28/1996 #42788 as flat on the bottom and about 30 feet in diameter. Three beings described 2/28/1996 #42788 l humanoids about 1.2 meters (four feet) in height. They had very large hea 2/29/1996 #42789 isc-shaped UFO, estimated to be 50 feet across at the bottom, with a dome o 3/6/1996 #42813 trail. Both objects are about 300 feet in diameter, with a bright light on 3/12/1996 #42821 a red glow. The UFO came within 10 feet of the witness. The UFO made no sou 4/8/1996 #42858 lights remained suspended some 100 feet above the highway, prompting the po 4/15/1996 #42870 wn, Prince Edward Island, at 3,500 feet. While over Cape Blomidon, Nova Sco 7/1996 #42943 ) spots a chrome-colored sphere 60 feet in diameter about 2 miles away and 7/1996 #42943 peed as the aircraft but about 500 feet lower. The pilot banks gently in it 7/1996 #42943 ing blue and red lights hovering 2 feet above the pavement. Three small peo 7/9/1996 #42952 t. The object is top-shaped, 15–20 feet across and 8 feet tall, and has a g 7/9/1996 #42952 op-shaped, 15–20 feet across and 8 feet tall, and has a girdle of lights ar 7/9/1996 #42952 a woman, and they stood about six feet tall. They were wearing tight fitti 7/16/1996 #42959 ugh her farmyard. The object, 9–12 feet in diameter and 2.5 feet thick, has 7/17/1996 #42961 ect, 9–12 feet in diameter and 2.5 feet thick, has slitlike lights along it 7/17/1996 #42961 ee a cigar-shaped object about 650 feet away, so he gets out, checks the en 8/29/1996 #42999 latable orange raft at the being's feet. The being then began to float agai 9/15/1996 #43021 or a nose. It seemed to be about 5 feet 8 inches tall. The witness could no 9/16/1996 #43025 ds. These were described as 2 to 3 feet tall, with heads shaped like light 9/16/1996 #43026 California a disc-shaped object 65 feet in diameter hovered silently at onl 9/21/1996 #43035 meter hovered silently at only 200 feet close to witnesses for four minutes 9/21/1996 #43035 ller than the others, around seven feet tall. Other small beings moved in a 9/23/1996 #43039 the witnesses, hovering only a few feet from them. Each of the capsules con 9/23/1996 #43039 causing him to maneuver about 650 feet away. Soon the object begins to ris 10/5/1996 #43057 airplane. It measures about 3-by-3 feet in diameter and has a speed of 746– 11/16/1996 #43112 f 746–932 mph. It passes about 6.5 feet from the wing of the plane. 11/16/1996 #43112 rge metallic top-shaped UFO at 300 feet altitude. It hovered silently. At 8 11/23/1996 #43119 iner reaches an altitude of 31,500 feet, the copilot spots a bright flash i 12/19/1996 #43148 und. Next to it stood a being four feet 8 inches tall with a large bald hea 2/16/1997 #43194 wrinkled. The being was about five feet tall and thin. She then bit the bei 2/24/1997 #43207 lines. They then hovered about 50 feet from the ground looking a little bl 2/26/1997 #43210 indrical object upright / field. 3 feet and 2 portholes. Going up [to] and 3/5/1997 #43219 d and hover above a field some 700 feet away near Dymchurch. It has a disc 3/8/1997 #43222 shoots away to a spot about 1,500 feet away and hovers. It does this four 3/8/1997 #43222 -formation flying no more than 100 feet above the ground. The lights hold t 3/13/1997 #43229 e. Overhead they saw, less than 50 feet above them, a silver disc-shaped UF 3/14/1997 #43231 a cigar-shaped object hovering 300 feet in the air and a short distance awa 5/14/1997 #43293 o bright spheres maneuvering 1,000 feet to the left of their patrol car. Th 6/1997 #43306 lights approaches them to about 40 feet away, while the other is still circ 6/1997 #43306 watches a large ball of light, 30 feet across, follow the ship’s course lo 6/1997 #43307 r part of the object and remain 10 feet away from it. Some darker colored s 6/1997 #43307 eemingly at ground level, some 550 feet to the east of the house. The circl 6/24/1997 #43337 the pond in her front yard only 30 feet away. It was hairy and gray, stood 6/26/1997 #43341 nd gray, stood about three or four feet tall, and had large dark eyes. It m 6/26/1997 #43341 the daytime a U-2 flying at 72,000 feet is “essentially invisible.” Haines 8/3/1997 #43365 liner is in level flight at 20,000 feet and cruising at 390 mph in a cloudl 8/9/1997 #43376 udless sky, and the UFO is 100–200 feet above it. There is no noise from th 8/9/1997 #43376 object flies past them at only 30 feet altitude and 45–50 mph. It heads to 8/12/1997 #43381 inutes before she could get to her feet and stagger into her living room. S 9/11/1997 #43405 inutes before she could get to her feet and stagger into her living room. S 9/12/1997 #43407 which she described as about five feet tall, with pale grayish skin and la 10/19/1997 #43433 eportedly seen flying only 150-200 feet over a barn in Kentwood, Michigan. 11/6/1997 #43438 .” It hovers above trees about 900 feet away, and they can see the bottom o 11/13/1997 #43440 ne flying at an altitude of 24,000 feet north of the Horne Islands in the S Winter 1997 #43468 y to remove small objects from the feet and hands of 17 abductees. Robert B 1998 #43479 e sky at variable speeds about 500 feet away from them. Other family member 1/2/1998 #43486 he witness estimated to be about 6 feet 6 inches in height. The witness qui 1/25/1998 #43505 ver a flooded field at about 50-75 feet altitude. 1/26/1998 #43506 it approaches them, flying 65–100 feet off the ground, and they speed ahea 2/1998 #43509 his bedroom. The being was over 6 feet tall, and it communicated with him, 2/6/1998 #43514 ly north to south at about 300–400 feet altitude over the center of Naval S 4/22/1998 #43557 r a central circular area about 30 feet in diameter. It slowly glides out o 4/22/1998 #43557 ngly waiting for something. At her feet stood a tall, human like figure, wi 6/8/1998 #43584 s around her. They were about four feet tall and gave off a white light, bu 6/27/1998 #43596 orado at 8:07 a.m. It was about 60 feet in width and wobbled at only 15 met 7/18/1998 #43610 "like a puppet." He was about four feet tall, and wore what appeared to be 8/8/1998 #43620 nge lights hovering about 25 or 30 feet above the ground. He also briefly s 9/25/1998 #43651 med disc hovering approximately 75 feet over a bookstore in London, Ontario 10/10/1998 #43662 e were similar to humans. About 75 feet behind them there was a thick brown 10/24/1998 #43669 colors with a bright glow about 27 feet in diameter. She watched them for f 10/24/1998 #43669 cating an altitude of about 10,000 feet. 11/3/1998 #43675 ght source seems to be about 3,000 feet above them. Both he and his wife, w 11/6/1998 #43676 standing in the hallway about five feet from his bedroom doorway. They stoo 11/13/1998 #43681 he bottom two lights are about 100 feet off the ground and a quarter-mile a 12/1998 #43694 n orange volleyball-sized light 20 feet above the overpass moving at 60–70 1/22/1999 #43718 battleship while flying at 28,000 feet over the North Sea off Denmark. The 2/3/1999 #43721 l, Tennessee a cylindrical UFO 150 feet in length hovered just 100 feet abo 2/25/1999 #43735 50 feet in length hovered just 100 feet above the trees. It had four bright 2/25/1999 #43735 nearby bushes. It was about 20-30 feet away and gave off a very bright blu 5/23/1999 #43773 ed flying at a high speed only six feet above the rolling hills near Wessen 5/28/1999 #43776 ern Australia. Some strands are 30 feet in length. Witness Marilyn Burnet h 6/9/1999 #43782 rnes, England a crop formation 700 feet in length, with a design consisting 6/12/1999 #43785 under the covers. He jolted to his feet and heard a slight giggling sound a 7/18/1999 #43807 into the water. The object is 6–10 feet long and descends at high speed, cr 7/27/1999 #43814 er Long Island, New York at 23,000 feet altitude. It passed to within 400 f 8/9/1999 #43819 altitude. It passed to within 400 feet above the airliner. Its speed was d 8/9/1999 #43819 h of motion ahead, perhaps some 50 feet away. It was a blue-gray figure mov 8/22/1999 #43831 ue ball of light shot down to just feet above a couple's car, where it hove 8/26/1999 #43835 object, seen at an estimated 2000 feet altitude, hovered stationary over h 9/3/1999 #43841 e black eyes, and was about 4 to 5 feet tall. It just stood at the window s 9/3/1999 #43842 a zigzag fashion. It is about 200 feet in the air, a quarter of a mile dis 10/9/1999 #43859 craft at cruising altitude (37,000 feet). The lights were part of a large t 10/26/1999 #43865 ery cold. The being was about four feet tall, and was wearing a blackish, h 10/26/1999 #43866 The object was about 15 meters (50 feet) in width and emitted red, blue, an 12/17/1999 #43899 ortheast to the southwest at 1,000 feet altitude. There were three lights i 1/5/2000 #43922 spherical object was seen at 6000 feet altitude over the Puerto Belgrano N 1/18/2000 #43930 of their size was more than 2,500 feet in diameter. Small satellite craft 2/5/2000 #43942 Y-shaped depression was found, 50 feet long with the tips of the top of th 3/2/2000 #43961 the tips of the top of the "Y" 17 feet apart. There was also a crescent ho 3/2/2000 #43961 There was also a crescent hole 10 feet deep, and 3 holes in the ground a m 3/2/2000 #43961 aped depression with dimensions 45 feet long by 15 feet in width, and a 10- 3/3/2000 #43964 with dimensions 45 feet long by 15 feet in width, and a 10-foot-deep cresce 3/3/2000 #43964 low, surrounded by several holes 3 feet in diameter. 3/3/2000 #43964 0-foot wide disc hovering some 300 feet away. The UFO shoots across the roa 3/30/2000 #43971 0-foot wide disc hovering some 300 feet away from them. The UFO shot across 3/30/2000 #43973 lying south at an estimated 10,000 feet altitude in Westchester, California 3/30/2000 #43974 kish metallic cigar-shaped UFO 100 feet above the road. It stopped in front 4/9/2000 #43980 ded top" speed by several thousand feet below him somewhere over northern N 4/23/2000 #43985 ft would have had a diameter of 55 feet, and a speed of about 3,000 mph. 4/23/2000 #43985 haped object was seen hovering 100 feet above the ground in Kamloops, Briti 5/6/2000 #43989 houlder; another figure was at her feet on her right side. They seemed to b 5/17/2000 #43996 ghted a domed disc flying at 9,500 feet altitude at 6:40 p.m. The object wa 5/26/2000 #43998 ommercial airliner flying at 8,000 feet altitude observed an egg-shaped obj 6/22/2000 #44006 eral aliens described as about six feet tall, with very long thin arms and 7/5/2000 #44010 saw a figure standing about three feet away from the front bumper. The fig 7/13/2000 #44016 ocean surface. The UFO hovered 100 feet over the ocean surface while a huge 7/25/2000 #44023 ding with its back to her, only 15 feet away. It was white in color with wr 7/31/2000 #44024 t above the trees. It is about 660 feet on each side. 8/2000 #44025 a brown staff that was about five feet long, and the creature glided six i 8/3/2000 #44027 ke, Ontario, Canada a sphere 40-70 feet in diameter was sighted at 11:05 p. 8/30/2000 #44034 ts, and flew at between 200 to 300 feet in altitude. It made no sound. Ther 8/30/2000 #44034 outside the school perimeter at 40 feet above the ground. Next, a noise lik 10/19/2000 #44060 . a metallic sphere flew within 30 feet of an apartment building in Portlan 10/28/2000 #44064 lying completely silently at 3,000 feet. They watch it for 30 seconds befor 11/2000 #44069 ardrop-shaped object flying at 300 feet. It has multiple lights around its 11/4/2000 #44071 and the object climbs another 300 feet and moves west along some railroad 11/4/2000 #44071 a constant speed. Both are about 5 feet in diameter. She snaps two motion-b 12/24/2000 #44109 spot an orange object about 30–50 feet in diameter pacing their car 100 fe 1/1/2001 #44114 t in diameter pacing their car 100 feet above them. They pull over to watch 1/1/2001 #44114 the UFOs paced a car, hovering 100 feet overhead of the vehicle, causing ra 1/1/2001 #44115 nia a triangular shaped object, 50 feet in diameter and at only 300 feet al 1/26/2001 #44133 0 feet in diameter and at only 300 feet altitude, was reported flying at a 1/26/2001 #44133 ep, with an inside diameter of 7.9 feet, surrounded by a mound of dirt 16 i 4/1/2001 #44156 evening a huge ball of light forty feet above the ground was seen by reside 4/25/2001 #44165 inge descend and hover about 2,000 feet due east of them above the ocean. A 6/23/2001 #44196 ound where it gets as large as 600 feet in diameter. After a short period o 6/30/2001 #44199 ights are often no more than 1,000 feet in the air, often described as flyi 7/14/2001 #44208 ponders, some at heights of 99,000 feet, are picked up on radar at Newark I 7/14/2001 #44208 object, about the size of tire (3 feet wide), that was hovering inside his 8/1/2001 #44215 s accompanying the plane about 6t0 feet away. Ground control cannot detect 8/3/2001 #44223 r-shaped object, approximately 100 feet long, with lights on each end that 8/9/2001 #44230 engers on board watch an object 10 feet in diameter rise to the surface abo 8/20/2001 #44238 eter rise to the surface about 500 feet away. It approaches the boat, subme 8/20/2001 #44238 a disc-shaped object, about three feet in diameter, quickly darted about i 8/20/2001 #44241 y hovering at an altitude of 5,000 feet. 9/6/2001 #44250 ade shaped object, about six-eight feet across, was seen in Market Drayton, 9/16/2001 #44261 FO was estimated to be at only 200 feet altitude, flying very low and very 11/13/2001 #44276 y in the sky at only a few hundred feet altitude, and had several white lig 12/31/2001 #44301 passes over his car at about 15–20 feet in the air, and his engine dies. It 2/2/2002 #44315 p.m. moving up a creek bed at 200 feet above the ground towards the Police 2/19/2002 #44318 them were sighted traveling at 300 feet altitude over Brighton, Michigan on 6/1/2002 #44345 .80 meters tall, and had hands and feet that looked metallic. Miss Esici te 6/5/2002 #44347 tween broken clouds at about 4,000 feet and a light overcast at about 6,000 7/26/2002 #44366 nd a light overcast at about 6,000 feet; the unknown object and fighter are 7/26/2002 #44366 of the light and about 1,000–2,000 feet behind it. The four fighters return 7/26/2002 #44366 ck in the afternoon, about 500-700 feet up, heading toward the North at a f 8/24/2002 #44385 o hovering silently at about 5,000 feet altitude. They have them in view fo 9/6/2002 #44391 , at an estimated altitude of 1200 feet. A "very slight radar echo" was als 9/10/2002 #44394 ite, egg-shaped object about 20–50 feet below the surface. It is about 130 10/10/2002 #44416 he surface. It is about 130 by 200 feet in size and appears silent and stat 10/10/2002 #44416 es with an unknown object at 3,000 feet and descends uncontrolled into swam 10/23/2002 #44422 Its estimated altitude was only 20 feet. 11/13/2002 #44441 :35 p.m. It was estimated to be 50 feet in diameter and had many white and 11/13/2002 #44442 itude estimated to be above 30,000 feet. They hovered, then moved very slow 1/2/2003 #44465 s, swaying as it walked erect. The feet were small with brownish-black area 1/22/2003 #44477 scribed the creature as around six feet tall, with large, foot-long pointy 1/22/2003 #44477 were dark colored and about three feet tall. By her bedside there was anot 1/27/2003 #44481 se white light comes down about 23 feet in front of him that is attached to 2/8/2003 #44484 attached to an oval object abut 10 feet in diameter. The grass stirs beneat 2/8/2003 #44484 ngton, at an altitude of 800–1,000 feet. 2/25/2003 #44496 e clouds at an estimated 600-1,200 feet altitude. It had "pure white" circu 3/8/2003 #44500 saw a black, oval-shaped UFO 8-12 feet wide fly out from behind a rood onl 3/18/2003 #44503 ut from behind a rood only 100-130 feet away. The lower part of the object 3/18/2003 #44503 en they notice a red glow at their feet. The light is coming from a giant s 4/2003 #44508 ng from a giant sphere perhaps 100 feet across approaching them from the so 4/2003 #44508 ssed silently overhead at about 75 feet altitude in a few seconds. Apparent 4/2003 #44508 etween two cars. It was about four feet tall, humanoid shaped, and running 4/18/2003 #44515 row. They were about three or four feet tall and were standing only 15 feet 5/2/2003 #44521 eet tall and were standing only 15 feet away from them, directly in front o 5/2/2003 #44521 a black craft, hovering about 100 feet above the ground. It was shooting f 5/3/2003 #44523 The craft appeared to be about 50 feet long with a dull blue light on the 5/3/2003 #44523 silver disc/saucer at about 10,000 feet altitude. It had a leading edge poi 5/8/2003 #44530 she said. It was no more than 100 feet from her roof top. She rushed outsi 5/13/2003 #44536 ping up on Yosemite at about 7,000 feet elevation, the night was clear and 5/16/2003 #44538 uence, and were estimated to be 30 feet in diameter. A man and wife and the 5/23/2003 #44544 s on the side of the road about 20 feet from where it had been. About half 7/12/2003 #44563 ond. But when he was only about 15 feet from the ground he leveled off and 7/16/2003 #44565 land a metallic sphere hovered 150 feet above a home, emitting sparks like 9/7/2003 #44594 k grey disc-shaped object hung 100 feet over the water at the Wivenhoe Dam 9/14/2003 #44601 then disappear from sight at 7000 feet altitude. Twenty-seven minutes late 10/23/2003 #44612 he west coast of Ireland at 41,000 feet was paced by a bright red UFO. It s 10/23/2003 #44612 aped object hovered a few thousand feet above a yacht anchored offshore of 1/3/2004 #44642 on the length of the yacht, was 30 feet. A few moments later the craft dart 1/3/2004 #44642 . Both are at an altitude of 3,000 feet and moving at 287 mph. As the 737 a 1/4/2004 #44643 throttles back to 265 mph at 2,500 feet, the UFO takes on a triangular shap 1/4/2004 #44644 ith the object, which is about 360 feet wide. The interior lights dim (powe 1/4/2004 #44644 n Hayward, California. It was five feet in diameter at the thiner dimension 1/4/2004 #44646 slightly into a smooth diamond 200 feet up. The sightings lasted five minut 1/4/2004 #44646 one face, estimated to be maybe 30 feet across, was sighted in Fort Myers, 1/4/2004 #44647 around at between 3,000 and 5,000 feet altitude. 1/4/2004 #44647 hin what the witnesses said was 30 feet of their house, and returned by fly 2/9/2004 #44660 ows moving bright lights at 11,500 feet. Mexican journalist Jaime Maussan i 3/5/2004 #44672 w at the top of the hill, only 100 feet away. With his heart racing he drov 3/12/2004 #44676 eature appeared to be around three feet long and a little over two feet wid 4/5/2004 #44684 ee feet long and a little over two feet wide. It was moving very fast in a 4/5/2004 #44684 at an altitude of approximate 150 feet. The witness did not see any method 4/5/2004 #44684 question may have been around 200 feet in width. At about the same time, a 4/8/2004 #44685 g off to the east. It was about 50 feet on each of the three sides. 5/9/2004 #44698 and blue lights and only about 30 feet in the air was reported by a witnes 5/19/2004 #44704 yellow lights on both ends fly 90 feet above their guard post. Summer 2004 #44713 ped above a tree. It hovered at 50 feet altitude emitting four light beams, 7/17/2004 #44716 saw two figures approximately 3-4 feet tall. Each was either holding a blu 7/27/2004 #44718 silver disc-shaped object about 30 feet in diameter that had landed in an o 7/27/2004 #44719 e estimated to be flying at 20,000 feet, and were the apparent size of a qu 8/16/2004 #44734 eres at an altitude of about 3,300 feet. The larger craft performs erratic 8/28/2004 #44744 lly for 10 minutes about 500–1,000 feet above the canal adjacent to Naval B 9/16/2004 #44757 , India, at an elevation of 17,000 feet. They spot a strange white, oblong 9/27/2004 #44762 nge white, oblong object about 3–4 feet on the top of a mountain ridge that 9/27/2004 #44762 ridge that is floating just a few feet from the ground and approaches the 9/27/2004 #44762 ches the camp to a distance of 160 feet. Kulkarni and Dhar grab cameras and 9/27/2004 #44762 estimated its size to be some 300 feet in length. The bottom of the craft 10/2/2004 #44766 a world record altitude of 367,490 feet in SpaceShipOne, an air launched ro 10/4/2004 #44767 gg-shaped object, approximately 62 feet long, engaging in high-speed maneuv 10/27/2004 #44770 in high-speed maneuvers at 45,000 feet. It is moving east at 575 mph, then 10/27/2004 #44770 up observer. Approaching at 22,000 feet, the pilot spots the target at 5,00 10/28/2004 #44773 he pilot spots the target at 5,000 feet. The object is spherical and has a 10/28/2004 #44773 end to pursue the target. At 7,800 feet the target disappears again, but af 10/28/2004 #44773 ter the F-14 makes a turn at 7,000 feet, it picks up the target again and f 10/28/2004 #44773 p the target again and flies 2,000 feet below it. The F-14 arms its weapons 10/28/2004 #44773 inally, the F-14 ascends to 19,000 feet because it is low on fuel and spots 10/28/2004 #44773 e though fixed formation at 28,000 feet in the immediate vicinity of Catali 11/10/2004 #44782 ropping out of the sky from 80,000 feet and going “straight back up.” As th 11/14/2004 #44784 object, which seems to be about 40 feet long and then starts to mirror thei 11/14/2004 #44784 d at an estimated altitude of 5000 feet and was in view for a little less t 11/29/2004 #44793 al disc-shaped UFOs flew about 200 feet from a witness's car while driving 1/11/2005 #44807 ada. They buzzed the car only four feet away and just six feet off the grou 3/5/2005 #44819 r only four feet away and just six feet off the ground. No sound was heard 3/5/2005 #44819 Looking out the window, only 20-30 feet up in the air and a short distance 4/21/2005 #44825 agging around each other about 300 feet away above a field. Suddenly two of 5/1/2005 #44828 ia. He estimates its height at 150 feet. It moves extremely slowly, taking 5/4/2005 #44830 a private aircraft flying at 3,500 feet near Phoenix, Arizona. 5/8/2005 #44834 that was estimated to be about 24 feet diameter. It hovered next to some t 5/25/2005 #44845 rs or windows. It stood about 8-10 feet high and was resting on top of what 6/14/2005 #44847 ublin Airport in Ireland, a UFO 30 feet wide and 10 feet high approaches da 6/28/2005 #44849 Ireland, a UFO 30 feet wide and 10 feet high approaches dangerously close t 6/28/2005 #44849 ommercial aircraft flying at 3,000 feet. The plane experiences intense wave 6/28/2005 #44849 a spherical object was sighted 100 feet over the ocean from a boat off Newp 8/6/2005 #44859 Suddenly, they scatter about 1,650 feet apart, and a white aura appears in 8/27/2005 #44866 er Oaxaca state, Mexico, at 20,000 feet. The object emerges from one cloud Early 10/2005 #44884 atching the UFO , a man about five feet tall approached him. The man spoke 11/25/2005 #44905 to his mirror, and was between 4-5 feet tall with large black eyes. As soon 11/25/2005 #44906 his nearby field. It was about 50 feet in the air. It had a red and blue l 12/18/2005 #44913 utes. They and the object were 650 feet away. They stood 3-4 feet tall, had 2/28/2006 #44927 were 650 feet away. They stood 3-4 feet tall, had long fingers, almond eyes 2/28/2006 #44927 like arm that hovered and moved 20 feet from the ground. 2/28/2006 #44927 chrome metallic flying object, 3-4 feet wide by 8 feet to 10 feet long, fle 4/25/2006 #44933 flying object, 3-4 feet wide by 8 feet to 10 feet long, flew just 50 feet 4/25/2006 #44933 ect, 3-4 feet wide by 8 feet to 10 feet long, flew just 50 feet above the w 4/25/2006 #44933 feet to 10 feet long, flew just 50 feet above the witnesses' car while they 4/25/2006 #44933 serve. It was estimated to be 1500 feet in the air, and made absolutely no 5/3/2006 #44938 maneuvering within a glow about 10 feet above the water. Then she realizes 7/13/2006 #44950 a "cocoon"-shaped object about 12 feet long, and there were body lights on 8/6/2006 #44953 yellow and green lights passed 30 feet above the witness's car as he was d 9/6/2006 #44959 e and was estimated to be 10 to 18 feet wide. The witness estimated the obj 12/5/2006 #44990 , which is moving slowly at 17,700 feet. Closing to 500 feet, the pilot see 1/12/2007 #44999 wly at 17,700 feet. Closing to 500 feet, the pilot sees a small, irregular 1/12/2007 #44999 bject was seen flying at about 500 feet altitude. It disappeared into the m 1/30/2007 #45002 aped UFO with porthole hovered 500 feet in the air over Hibbard, Quebec, Ca 1/31/2007 #45003 h a haze layer is present at 2,000 feet, and a continuous cloud layer at 10 4/23/2007 #45022 a continuous cloud layer at 10,000 feet. They rise to an altitude of 4,000 4/23/2007 #45022 They rise to an altitude of 4,000 feet and are cruising on autopilot about 4/23/2007 #45022 looked humanoid but was about 7-8 feet tall and quite bulky and hairy like 4/25/2007 #45023 about one foot in depth and 10-12 feet in diameter, where the UFO had been 4/25/2007 #45023 bject was seen flying at about 100 feet altitude between Pontrobert and Mei 5/29/2007 #45033 ed to be two small beings, about 4 feet tall. They looked to be made out of 8/29/2007 #45050 igures retreated quickly about ten feet down the hill, and, incredibly, see 8/29/2007 #45050 turbulence and a moving shadow two feet off the ground. He tried to shine h 8/29/2007 #45050 e object as arrow shaped, about 20 feet long, with the pointed and narrow e 8/29/2007 #45050 escended from the sky to within 30 feet of a campsite in Bayfield Inlet, On 9/16/2007 #45058 mpground is at approximately 3,500 feet in elevation. He and his girlfriend 9/16/2007 #45059 ening. They set up a tent about 20 feet north of the trail. The tent was se 9/16/2007 #45059 mount of light lit up the trail 20 feet from where he was. He was terrified 9/16/2007 #45059 haped object, possibly hundreds of feet long, was viewed for 12 minutes fro 9/20/2007 #45063 ed out of nowhere and hovered 1000 feet in the sky.It had two wings in fron 9/21/2007 #45067 d moving slowing at a few thousand feet altitude over Shanghai, China at 10 9/24/2007 #45071 n sees a silver-gray disc about 70 feet wide hovering above Lake Easton, Wa 10/10/2007 #45072 g stationary in the sky, about 500 feet up in the air for 15 to 20 seconds, 10/15/2007 #45074 d. It was estimated to be 60 to 70 feet in diameter. 10/15/2007 #45074 h-gray disc hovering about 600–700 feet in the air. It bobbles slightly for 10/17/2007 #45077 st sat there hovering, about 10-15 feet from their car. For a short while b 10/27/2007 #45080 y a weird-looking creature about 5 feet tall, with a round shape to it, jum 10/27/2007 #45080 e object moves slowly at about 500 feet altitude. 12/14/2007 #45101 metal. It is silently hovering 500 feet in the air over a farm a few yards 12/29/2007 #45104 t completely solid, and about five feet tall. It seemed incredibly thin and 4/12/2008 #45127 ing or moving very slowly, just 40 feet directly above the expressway, very 6/30/2008 #45149 ge steady lights was viewed at 200 feet distance in Philadelphia, Pennsylva 7/14/2008 #45150 in the west. He estimates it is 50 feet long on one side and less than 2 mi 8/20/2008 #45161 ver the area at an altitude of 330 feet. At one point it dims and literally 8/20/2008 #45161 he bottom, was seen flying only 60 feet above tree top level at 9:30 p.m. 8/28/2008 #45162 at its corners slowly floating 500 feet above the road. Two of the lights a 9/16/2008 #45168 , diamond shaped light hovered 100 feet in front of the witness near Spring 10/26/2008 #45177 large triangular object about 300 feet long with yellowish lights at each 5/8/2009 #45220 tense bluish-white light about 2–3 feet in diameter that strikes him for ab 5/8/2009 #45220 and at a steady speed about 1,500 feet high. The object stops at the end o 6/24/2009 #45228 e lights silently hovering several feet off the ground in the orchard about 7/5/2009 #45230 he ground in the orchard about 500 feet away. They jump in a truck and driv 7/5/2009 #45230 ch it and watch a floating light 5 feet in diameter maneuvering for 5 minut 7/5/2009 #45230 eter maneuvering for 5 minutes 900 feet away before it vanishes. Two teams 7/5/2009 #45230 s at a low altitude,"just about 12 feet above the ground," and came as clos 8/14/2009 #45235 ground," and came as close as 500 feet away. 8/14/2009 #45235 e letter M flying west to east 200 feet above the ground at 50 mph at Kowal 8/21/2009 #45238 kie, Poland. He estimates it is 10 feet in length and 30 feet at the widest 8/21/2009 #45238 tes it is 10 feet in length and 30 feet at the widest point. Seven dimly ye 8/21/2009 #45238 stimated that they were about five feet tall. the one that saw her began to 8/30/2009 #45240 moving in their direction about 6 feet off the ground to the left. It acce 9/2009 #45241 t was only about fifteen to twenty feet from his vehicle as he drove by. Th 9/14/2009 #45247 is a solid, white object, some 20 feet long, that darts into the water and 1/2010 #45265 rface when he saw it, white and 20 feet in length, and quickly “darted” int 1/2010 #45266 describes a male, 60–70 pounds, 4 feet 3 inches high, with no hair. McMone 3/2010 #45270 isual contact with an object 2,000 feet above him. The target appears to be 3/3/2010 #45271 flew overhead at approximately 50 feet. It was a very close and terrifying 5/12/2010 #45280 ght-inch wide flying disc, only 20 feet away from him, which floated across 8/18/2010 #45294 uds with a diameter of at least 32 feet. The object first looks like a lumi 10/11/2010 #45301 . It first glided straight for 300 feet, then hovered in one spot. The enco 12/31/2010 #45309 he object, which appeared to be 15 feet wide and about 10 feet long. As it 2/11/2011 #45315 ed to be 15 feet wide and about 10 feet long. As it hovered and flew away i 2/11/2011 #45315 sky just above the trees about 180 feet away. It is about 30–50 feet long a 6/6/2011 #45328 t 180 feet away. It is about 30–50 feet long and 15–30 feet across and comp 6/6/2011 #45328 is about 30–50 feet long and 15–30 feet across and completely silent. It di 6/6/2011 #45328 Mooney Ovation II flying at 7,480 feet. Shortly after they cross the borde 2/18/2012 #45339 a bright, glowing sphere about 30 feet in diameter flying alongside the ai 2/18/2012 #45339 As the UFO begins to soar about 50 feet away from the right wing, the plane 2/18/2012 #45339 approach him until it is only 100 feet away, only 6–10 feet above his neig 5/10/2012 #45343 t is only 100 feet away, only 6–10 feet above his neighbor’s house. An iden 5/10/2012 #45343 , and reach an altitude of 100,000 feet (30,480 meters). The project's esti Late 2012 #45355 t with a cupola hovering about 650 feet above some houses in the area. It f 3/5/2013 #45361 black isosceles triangle about 800 feet away and 600 feet in the air, slowl 3/19/2013 #45362 iangle about 800 feet away and 600 feet in the air, slowly rising among the 3/19/2013 #45362 , Poland. It looks to be about 400 feet wide. After a change in position it 3/31/2013 #45363 d thermal video. The object is 3–5 feet in length and its speed varies from 4/25/2013 #45365 e concerned and stopped, about 150 feet away from the hovering craft. The o 6/1/2013 #45369 ilent and hovered approximately 60 feet above the roadway. She described it 6/1/2013 #45369 , and was estimated to be about 55 feet long, and 35-40 feet tall. The witn 6/1/2013 #45369 o be about 55 feet long, and 35-40 feet tall. The witness described the obj 6/1/2013 #45369 ir aircraft with approximately 200 feet of lateral separation” while flying 6/27/2013 #45376 le flying at an altitude of 17,000 feet. It is climbing and has a visible e 6/27/2013 #45376 hrough the sky and come within 100 feet of them in Bellingham, Washington. 7/15/2013 #45377 ook Airbus A320 cruising at 34,000 feet near Reading, Berkshire, England, s 7/19/2013 #45378 e a rugby ball streak within a few feet of his cockpit on his left-hand sid 7/19/2013 #45378 ilently to the west only about 150 feet above her housing estate. It has di 8/3/2013 #45380 intensity as stars and is about 65 feet long. A young couple in Łosice watc 8/3/2013 #45380 easy to see a spherical object 30 feet in diameter move very slowly across 8/20/2013 #45384 es. The object, only a few hundred feet from the stopped cars, is apparentl 8/20/2013 #45384 a barbell-shaped object within 400 feet of their camp in rural Ontario. The 8/28/2013 #45385 adar off its nose at around 12,000 feet and a speed of approximately 0.1 Ma 11/18/2013 #45395 lies from north to south about 500 feet above them near Adel, Georgia. The 11/19/2013 #45397 sible radar track at around 19,000 feet and with a speed of 0.1 Mach in the 3/26/2014 #45405 usting at over 100 knots at 18,000 feet. “The unknown aircraft appeared to 3/26/2014 #45405 is only able to pass within 1,000 feet of it and cannot identify it. After 3/26/2014 #45405 s two UADs on radar, one at 12,000 feet and another at 15,000 feet, both ap 4/23/2014 #45407 12,000 feet and another at 15,000 feet, both apparently stationary or near 4/23/2014 #45407 onary or near-stationary at 11,000 feet. The aircraft are also able to lock 4/24/2014 #45408 bus 320 flying at just under 3,500 feet and headed into Manchester Airport 6/13/2014 #45410 They estimate it is about 200–300 feet above their altitude and only a few 6/13/2014 #45410 go, Chile, at an altitude of 4,500 feet and 152 mph. The technician aboard 11/11/2014 #45423 e objects are showing up at 30,000 feet as well as sea level and can accele 2/2015? #45430 umbia, reports “3 red lights 3,000 feet above him and going slower” while a 9/19/2016 #45459 and going slower” while at 25,000 feet over an uninhabited stretch of Brit 9/19/2016 #45459 a black surface that is about 300 feet long. When they get out of the car 12/10/2016 #45461 an Airbus A319 is holding at 7,000 feet at Gatwick Airport near Crawley, We 7/14/2017 #45475 ahead of them at an altitude of 20 feet or so. It sweeps upward over the tr 8/9/2017 #45478 in front of them, no more than 25 feet away, and hovers 5 feet above the s 8/9/2017 #45478 re than 25 feet away, and hovers 5 feet above the sidewalk with its wings s 8/9/2017 #45478 he top, two legs with long tapered feet, and no apparent arms. It is 5–6 fe 8/9/2017 #45478 t, and no apparent arms. It is 5–6 feet in height and has wide wings that r 8/9/2017 #45478 imated to be between 330 and 3,280 feet long, with its width and thickness 10/19/2017 #45485 mated to range between 115 and 548 feet. It has a dark red color similar to 10/19/2017 #45485 cial air traffic) at around 35,000 feet over Northern California towards Or 10/25/2017 #45487 21 pilot is descending from 10,000 feet into Manchester Airport, England, w 2/1/2018 #45505 ng to Phoenix Air flying at 37,000 feet reports an object passing above the 2/24/2018 #45513 opposite direction at about 40,000 feet. Minutes later, Blenus Green, pilot 2/24/2018 #45513 ng on the same air route at 40,000 feet, reports a bright object passing ab 2/24/2018 #45513 ite direction by about 2,000–3,000 feet. The planes are moving east between 2/24/2018 #45513 ransparent oval object flies 30–50 feet above the A2 highway near Ouderkerk 2/28/2018 #45519 ltitudes between 16,000 and 22,000 feet. The pilot visually identifies one 3/13/2018 #45523 visually identifies one at 20,000 feet that “appeared to be a quadcopter-t 3/13/2018 #45523 to be a quadcopter-type drone, 3–4 feet wide.” The objects do not appear to 3/13/2018 #45523 de at the same altitude within 200 feet of the aircraft, heading in an east 5/5/2018 #45526 r BE90 pilot is cruising at 16,000 feet about 10 nautical miles north of Bi 7/5/2018 #45533 r elliptical object pass 500–1,000 feet below the aircraft. He estimates it 7/5/2018 #45533 t 330 mph at an altitude of 39,000 feet. Two other aircraft, a Norwegian Ai 11/9/2018 #45544 “object pass between three and 10 feet from the aircraft at the same level 12/30/2018 #45553 ut 265 mph at an altitude of 7,500 feet around the 55th parallel over north 1/6/2019 #45556 iving clearance to climb to 30,000 feet from 15,000 feet, he notices an obj 1/15/2019 #45558 o climb to 30,000 feet from 15,000 feet, he notices an object at 11 o’clock 1/15/2019 #45558 maintains the formation at 15,000 feet until they are clear of the object. 1/15/2019 #45558 “a red weather balloon” at 27,000 feet. Neither Fleet Area Control and Sur 2/13/2019 #45562 hand side of the aircraft at 6,000 feet. It is impossible to identify, alth 3/30/2019 #45568 r breaking through cloud at 17,000 feet. It passes beneath them from the ce 4/28/2019 #45573 raft, slightly above and within 16 feet at 6,000 feet altitude. The object 5/5/2019 #45577 above and within 16 feet at 6,000 feet altitude. The object appears to be 5/5/2019 #45577 ects is directly overhead at 2,000 feet. Just a minute later, all of the ob 7/17/2019 #45595 es the ship at approximately 2,000 feet. A photo is taken with a forward- l 7/17/2019 #45595 ssell at an elevation of about 400 feet. A little over an hour later, flare 7/23/2019 #45597 serve 5–6 drones flying at 200–300 feet and showing flashing red and white 9/29/2019 #45610 and are estimated to be at least 2 feet across, ruling out commercial drone 9/29/2019 #45610 nair and flying at 2,200 and 2,300 feet side by side and landing at John Le 11/9/2019 #45616 Boeing 737-800 airliner at 37,000 feet altitude and 506 mph near Marseille 11/11/2019 #45617 s flying in formation at about 150 feet over rural areas of northeastern Co 12/2019 #45620 he plane is flying north at 37,000 feet at 575 mph when the first officer, 3/19/2020 #45639 aintains a distance of 1,000–2,000 feet, near the minimum allowable separat 3/19/2020 #45639 imum allowable separation of 1,000 feet. The copilot describes the UFO as a 3/19/2020 #45639 t pack has passed by them about 90 feet away at their altitude of 3,000 fee 8/29/2020 #45659 et away at their altitude of 3,000 feet coming into Los Angeles Internation 8/29/2020 #45659 t Leeds Airport, England, at 1,800 feet. Both pilot and First Officer sudde 9/1/2020 #45660 n a jet pack flying at about 6,500 feet roughly seven miles northwest of Lo 10/14/2020 #45662 ing it in the clouds around 14,000 feet. The CBP is operating an Airbus AS3 2/9/2021 #45676 igh altitude (perhaps above 15,000 feet) for 5 minutes during the Wings Ove 10/9/2021 #45716 ld sized and is hovering about 100 feet above the highway. As they approach 11/8/2021 #45720 ying above it at a height of 3,280 feet to the west of Stockholm, but autho 1/17/2022 #45734 enom business jet flying at 45,000 feet above Kessel, West Virginia, notice 4/22/2022 #45745 t Virginia, notices a light 10,000 feet above him. It changes to a string o 4/22/2022 #45745 rge, fiery orange UAP hovering 100 feet above the flight deck. QM3 Karol Ol 5/9/2022 #45747
e." It was quite wide--about three feet--and surrounded by a luminous glow. 4/24/1977 #32021
. B. Edwards and copilot Theron C. Fehrevach are flying a C-45 transport pl 1/24/1950 #4509 00 feet near Blacksburg, Virginia, Fehrevach notices a dark, 200–250 foot i 1/24/1950 #4509 . John H. Van Santen is alerted by Fehrevach and also sees the object move 1/24/1950 #4509 object sighted by military pilots Fehrevach and Edwards was a balloon. 1/24/1950 #4510
Gustaf Ljunggren; physicist Martin Fehrm; and Olof Kempe from the Defense R 7/6/1946 #2027
delegates, Coast Guard Cmdr. John Feigle and John Krindler, meet with Gren 11/28/1977 #32702
FEIGNES, FR Dark silent vertical cylinde 11/6/1981 #36207
FEIGNIES, FR Observer(s) wakened / car n 7/15/1972 #26801 FEIGNIES, FR 4 observer(s). Dark slow si 5/27/1973 #27530 tars as it moved across the sky in Feignies, France. There were two long wi 5/27/1973 #27534 FEIGNIES, FR All / town! Night light goi 9/3/1973 #27751 nder that came down in the town of Feignies, Nord, France. The air surround 9/3/1973 #27753 FEIGNIES, FR Black sphere/orb/globe spli 8/26/1974 #29388 In Feignies, Nord Department, France at 9:0 8/26/1974 #29391 FEIGNIES, FR Sphere/orb/globe lands unde 2/5/1975 #29785 FEIGNIES, FR 1 / car. Near collision / 6 9/23/1979 #34914 In Feignies, Nord, France a near collision 9/23/1979 #34918 FEIGNIES, FR 1 / car. Luminous multicolo 11/25/1981 #36234 FEIGNIES, FR 2+2 kids. Black delta/trian 3/16/1990 #39464
States has atomic weapons. Stalin feigns little surprise, since he already 7/24/1945 #1905 ne or two of his discoveries. Carr feigns a memory lapse, then later is una 6/28/1958 #15122
A memo by Col. Bruno W. Feiling, chief of the USAF Technical Ana 7/19/1950 #5072
perations Officer Capt. Cobb, Cpl. Fein. One 100-200' tubular object, 5 tim 7/24/1951 #5584 y two military witnesses, Cobb and Fein. A Project Blue Book "unknown." 7/24/1951 #5585
Feira de Santana, Bahía, Brazil Around 5 1/12/1995 #41971 ng armadillos on his property near Feira de Santana, Bahía, Brazil, when he 1/12/1995 #41971
nder it. Minutes later the witness feIt a burning sensation on his face. 4/20/1950 #4876 a luminous craft take off while he feIt pricklings and was paralyzed. The e 11/13/1954 #11637 a luminous craft take off while he feIt pricklings and was paralyzed. The e 11/13/1954 #11641
Los Alamos, New Mexico Fejarito Mountain 10:00 p.m. A huge gree 4/5/1949 #4076 0 feet above the southern slope of Fejarito Mountain, near Los Alamos, New 4/5/1949 #4076
France A Hungarian refugee, Michel Fekete, was riding his bicycle when he s 5/10/1957 #13652 9-year-old Hungarian refugee named Fekete is cycling when he is “dazzled by 5/10/1957 #13653 10:45 p.m. a 29-year-old man named Fekete was bicyling home along a road in 5/10/1957 #13655
dson County Police Officers Thomas Feldhan and John Mackanics investigate a 1/12/1975 #29744
Feldkirchen-Westerham, Bavaria, Germany 1975 #29678 dited by Illobrand von Ludwiger in Feldkirchen-Westerham, Bavaria, Germany, 1975 #29678
o be carbon dust, grit, shale with feldspar inclusions, and thaumasite. Not 7/31/1975 #30218
ago military base Héctor and Jaime Feliciano watch a gigantic silent triang Summer 1992 #40502 Rosario, Puerto Rico farmer Elliot Feliciano fired his gun at a large creat 11/11/1995 #42594
t light. Her daughter, 25-year old Felicidad Fernandez Merino then entered 1/6/1969 #24822 tchen and also observed the light. Felicidad asks her mother about it, but 1/6/1969 #24822 light. Thinking this was abnormal, Felicidad yelled to two other women, inc 1/6/1969 #24822
less progression in perfection and felicity.” 1756 #75
NEAR SAN FELIPE, VNZL Numerous observer(s). Fireb 6/6/1957 #13708 ight a fireball descended over San Felipe, Venezuela but stopped in midair. 6/6/1957 #13710 Monte Grande, Argentina Felipe Martinez, 37, reported that he wa 4/1965 #18885 gentina at eleven o'clock at night Felipe Martinez reportedly met with huma 7/21/1965 #19156 NEAR SAN FELIPE, VNZL 2 observer(s). Fast glowing 4/16/1967 #22136 nish Army soldiers (Manolo Aguera, Felipe Sánchez, Ricardo Iglesias, and Jo 1/1/1975 #29689 In San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico a bright 4/25/2001 #44166
SAN FELIU DE CODINAS, SP Car nearly hits 70c 9/25/1967 #23128
se include aeronautical consultant Felix W. A. Knoll, technical writer Ed J 4/2/1952 #6016 orpion interceptor, piloted by Lt. Felix Moncla Jr., with radar observer Lt 11/23/1953 #9318 USSR Soviet cosmologist Felix Ziegel writes an article revealing 2/1967 #21431 lyarov at the helm and cosmologist Felix Ziegel as his deputy. Also in atte 5/17/1967 #22369 Stolyarov is elected chairman and Felix Ziegel agrees to be deputy chairma 10/18/1967 #23265 olorado UFO Project Tunguska event Felix Ziegel, Soviet cosmologist and ass 2/1968 #23720 ment of State drawing attention to Felix Ziegel’s article in the February 1 2/20/1968 #23769 three pages pertinent to UFOs, by Felix Zigel. He also published a UFO art 2/22/1968 #23776 On this evening town marshal Felix Gallegos and others saw three ball 5/7/1968 #23950 e of 256 Russian cases compiled by Felix Ziegel. According to space histori 1/1978 #32835 group to leave. Schnee claims that Felix Ziegel is responsible for the disr 11/1978 #33907 interview with Russian UFO expert Felix Ziegel appears in the Italian week 7/31/1981 #36047
ht Commander C. E. Rathbone of the Felixstowe Naval Air Station, Suffolk, E 9/6/1914 #915 RAF Trimley Heath Radar Station Felixstowe, Suffolk, England North Sea N 1/16/1947 #2228 th Radar Station [now closed] near Felixstowe, Suffolk, England, moving at 1/16/1947 #2228 a hum passed low over observers in Felixstowe, Suffolk, England. the witnes 9/20/1965 #19585
broad, and five or six long, which fell with a degree of velocity that show 9/21/1741 #63 town. He was dragged over 10 m and fell as his clothes were torn. (NICAP: 0 3/26/1897 #394 town. He was dragged over 10 m and fell as his clothes were torn. 3/26/1897 #395 He was dragged over 10 meters and fell as his clothes were torn. 3/26/1897 #396 te in the House of Commons. Arthur Fell, MP for Great Yarmouth, England, ha 5/17/1909 #753 on the coast, zigzagged, rose and fell, then shot away to the north. 7/24/1909 #784 ticed, as fighter attacks suddenly fell off, they encountered a cluster of 10/14/1943 #1535 diver. They conclude that whatever fell is buried in 15 feet of mud. 7/19/1946 #2070 two-meter long cone-shaped object fell into Kolmjarv Lake, Sweden. An unde 7/19/1946 #2075 is of the cylindrical object which fell in Portland yesterday from a clear 1/7/1947 #2223 lian woman stated that the objects fell with a deadleaf motion and landed b 6/21/1947 #2354 n. A woman stated that the objects fell with a falling leaf motion and land 6/21/1947 #2359 A flaming object fell into the sea off the shore of San D 9/20/1947 #3411 ite, slightly green stationary obj fell to the west (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 2/14/1949 #4007 , “we’re being invaded!” before he fell to his death. Some suspect he was m 5/22/1949 #4202 dly; the group of objects rose and fell during the 3-4 minute sighting. 4/14/1950 #4851 L. Carpenter, First Officer George Fell, and Flight Engineer Quilici watch 7/18/1952 #6895 , North Carolina, breaking it, and fell into the back yard. The object was 8/6/1952 #7493 them. Angel hair filament material fell to the ground. The fibers resembled 10/17/1952 #8149 igar-shaped object. "Angel's hair" fell. [UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 01 - Distant 10/27/1952 #8196 llac, France. Angel hair filaments fell on the roofs of houses in the area. 10/27/1952 #8205 ff sparks. Angel hair residue also fell to gound here as well. 10/27/1952 #8206 evening some “angel hair” residue fell from a fast moving, luminous blue o 12/16/1952 #8427 n North, New Zealand. "Angel hair" fell to the ground. 5/30/1953 #8916 Airlines pilots reported UFO. Jets fell in flames 15 miles West of Quonset 6/24/1953 #8959 haped like an airplane "wing tank" fell from the sky over Ontario, Californ 9/22/1953 #9174 tion to the Old Man of Coniston, a fell in the Lake District, England, arme 2/15/1954 #9549 n suddenly grabbed from behind. He fell together with his assailant into a 4/10/1954 #9681 ht and level fast, then slow, then fell into sandbar. 8/24/1954 #10175 vel and fast; then slowed down and fell into a sandbar. 8/24/1954 #10176 s scattered throughout the sky and fell gently down like shreds of paper or 10/13/1954 #11002 north, while a bright cloud slowly fell to the ground at the site. When the 10/14/1954 #11047 ile a bright cloudy misty material fell slowly to the ground at the site. W 10/14/1954 #11069 elease the bridle. Then the animal fell like a mass and for 10 min was unab 10/16/1954 #11142 ad to release her. Then the animal fell to the ground like a mass and for 1 10/16/1954 #11148 n. His wife lost consciousness and fell into her husband's arms, but Andre 10/19/1954 #11252 l, then speed away; "angel's hair" fell. [UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 02 - Close En 10/22/1954 #11318 referred to as "angel hair," which fell to the ground over a three mile are 10/22/1954 #11324 tted a blinding glare. The witness fell on the ground "because of his stron 10/27/1954 #11444 an 18-year-old man named Cheradame fell from his motorcycle as it suddenly 10/27/1954 #11445 nd seemed transparent. The witness fell to the ground "because of his stron 10/27/1954 #11452 an 18-year-old man named Cheradame fell from his motorcycle when it suddenl 10/27/1954 #11453 UFO. Angel hair residue reportedly fell to the ground. 10/28/1954 #11468 urves, and an "angel hair" residue fell to the ground. On the same day seve 11/6/1954 #11586 . He tried to turn too sharply and fell 50 m away. A taxi driver stopped to 11/7/1954 #11588 . He tried to turn too sharply and fell off his motocycle 50 meters away fr 11/7/1954 #11590 led at him. The frightened witness fell to the ground and watched as the ob 12/30/1954 #11882 /circle-explosion and some objects fell (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 1/26/1955 #11942 was an explosion and some objects fell. No further information in file. 1/26/1955 #11943 was an explosion and some objects fell from sky. A Project Blue Book unkno 1/26/1955 #11944 here, with reddish-brown coloring, fell, then instantly accelerated to 1,00 2/2/1955 #11966 m one of the portholes the witness fell to the ground, paralyzed. The shaft 2/23/1955 #12016 e west. It exploded in the air and fell in two pieces. At the same time a M 7/22/1956 #13008 left their 30 mile range area and fell off the radar scope. 5/20/1957 #13665 Campinas, Brazil A man suddenly fell, as if paralyzed, and his two compa 9/1957 #13964 Angel hair residue fell on Ichinoseki, Japan at 11:45 a.m. 10/4/1957 #14059 "angel hair" as long as fifty feet fell over a 110 mile-long area from Port 10/23/1957 #14150 object land and claim that beings fell from the sky without parachutes. Th 1/26/1958 #14844 e Gdynia-Redlow hospital, but soon fell into a coma-like state after an arm 1/21/1959 #15560 eople. One large red ball flew or fell down, then went back up during 3-10 3/26/1962 #17087 er seemed to boil after the object fell into the water. 10/31/1963 #18019 rned, appeared to follow car, then fell back and seemed to head toward grou 1/26/1964 #18120 et. She sank back into her bed and fell asleep. She later became a UFO cont 2/3/1964 #18126 frame, and the warhead tumbled and fell into the ocean short of its target. 9/1964 #18525 bjects thrown at them. The witness fell asleep after an exhausting series o 9/5/1964 #18538 ng the witness in the forehead. He fell unconscious, and awoke with blindne 3/15/1965 #18860 ared from different directions and fell in behind the first (rendezvous). T 2/13/1967 #21532 hat left a vapor trail. The object fell downwards, curved until it straight 2/18/1967 #21591 en the object moved away, the dirt fell to the ground. Going to the childre 6/30/1967 #22580 y loud whining sound that rose and fell in pitch. Then he received a distin 7/18/1967 #22695 New York when his truck headlights fell upon a cigar-shaped object, 16 mete 7/31/1967 #22762 rooftops, stopped, retreated, then fell to the ground. (Letter from witness 10/17/1967 #23245 ed in smoke emitted by the UFO and fell to the ground in a faint, where the 2/1/1968 #23724 r smoke emitted by the UFO, and he fell to the ground in a faint. The secon 2/2/1968 #23727 man, 52-year-old Jose J. Rociski, fell unconscious as a vivid light envelo 6/25/1968 #24080 r man, 52-yearold Jose J. Rociski, fell unconscious as a vivid light envelo 6/25/1968 #24081 with E-M effects. Object rose and fell, veered off, flew out of sight 3/4/1969 #24967 in the middle of the afternoon. It fell from the sky, falling in an unusual 3/31/1969 #25041 inking heavily. He also reportedly fell in love with his 17-year-old niece. 4/20/1969 #25075 so had long, dark golden hair that fell to its shoulders and had bright eye 8/27/1969 #25333 the car the car tachometer needle fell to zero rpms. 11/15/1969 #25460 a broad, bluish beam of light that fell directly into the room in which the 8/11/1971 #26280 ushed her attacker back so that he fell down into the snow. Turning to face 2/26/1973 #27318 e cheeks, and a fringe of red hair fell onto his forehead. "Wooden slats" p 5/15/1973 #27492 ound it too had vanished. She then fell asleep and when she came to later, 6/23/1973 #27584 he engine faltered, sputtered then fell silent. Panic-stricken Mrs. Versacc 10/16/1973 #28089 e elbows and very long aprons that fell as far as their ankles. Thick-soled 10/16/1973 #28089 ome web-like "angel hair" material fell from the sky. 10/22/1973 #28243 Angel hair residue fell on Midway, Texas and was analyzed b 10/23/1973 #28252 t nine o'clock when the car lights fell on an object. It was hovering appro 10/24/1973 #28270 arm and returned to bed, where she fell asleep immediately. There was no co 10/28/1973 #28312 to position above the car. Frances fell asleep around 6:15 a.m. just before 5/31/1974 #29150 about three minutes after Frances fell asleep. He felt at the time he must 5/31/1974 #29150 bullet went only 50 feet and then fell to the ground. Next he saw a man st 10/25/1974 #29557 e car behind a restaurant and both fell asleep at around three a.m. When th 4/6/1975 #29975 d been struck screamed in pain and fell to the ground. He recovered quickly 7/12/1975 #30174 sh, Washington when his headlights fell on three very tall men standing bes 12/11/1975 #30705 m shone a flashlight on it, and it fell backwards behind a ridge. When the 1/11/1976 #30785 ground, but periodically rose and fell back down another 15 feet. 2/22/1976 #30895 Cartmel Fell in Lake District National Park, Cum 8/14/1976 #31263 ut walking along a road on Cartmel Fell in Lake District National Park, Cum 8/14/1976 #31263 nt Trejo lost his vision, and then fell unconscious. He was hospitalized, b 11/12/1976 #31540 ure, wearing a one-piece robe that fell to the ground in a straight, featur 12/10/1976 #31593 do you want from me?" The figures fell back at the sound and tumbled all o 9/15/1977 #32485 as if out of control. Huge sparks fell to the ground, and the UFO descende 12/16/1977 #32780 as if out of control. Huge sparks fell to the ground, and the UFO descende 12/16/1977 #32781 ming from above the trees. He then fell down to the ground unable to move, 3/24/1978 #33079 ed the object through a window and fell softly on the floor. Inside the cra 3/24/1978 #33079 e same day a strange flying object fell to earth in a mountainous zone near 5/6/1978 #33191 dio announcer. The volume rose and fell as though the voice was being blown 6/16/1978 #33283 ightened, he began to run away but fell down while four humanoids approache 9/21/1978 #33725 e to hit it. That soldier suddenly fell over backwards. The being then bent 9/24/1978 #33744 figures of milky white color. She fell into her swimming pool, and bruised 12/4/1978 #34058 as suddenly pushed from behind and fell. He got up and was confronted by a 12/6/1978 #34069 That same day some debris that fell from the sky, dubbed the "Mississau 6/26/1979 #34636 umes of bygone days. Suddenly they fell, as if from a height of about 30 cm 9/20/1979 #34909 is neck and he dropped his gun and fell to the ground, unable to move. Seve 10/6/1979 #34947 come from the creature's head. He fell to the ground feeling as he had bee 4/20/1980 #35281 appeared as "just a streak" as it fell past the nose of the plane. Nellis 12/18/1980 #35724 bikes near a lake when one of them fell and hit his head. Two of the other 10/8/1981 #36165 bikes near a lake when one of them fell and hit his head. Two of the boys w 11/8/1981 #36211 ored UFO with an open cab or hatch fell into Lake Zaysan. Four humanoid wea 11/9/1981 #36213 nie, Minnesota. Five spots of fire fell to the ground as the object rose, a 2/10/1982 #36331 nie, Minnesota. Five spots of fire fell to the ground as the object rose, a 2/10/1982 #36335 de where a brilliant beam of light fell on him and he was confronted by thr 11/29/1982 #36702 y made a high pitched sound and he fell into a trance, but when he spoke th 7/15/1985 #37621 He was unable to move his legs and fell to the ground, as if the beam was h 12/2/1987 #38348 pain. He continued to struggle and fell backwards on top of one of the crea 5/1/1988 #38551 ed with fatigue, and passed out or fell back asleep. He awoke in a sterile 10/24/1988 #38687 pparently tracked the object as it fell to earth. An experimental SDI weapo 5/7/1989 #38939 Kray, Vladivostok, Russia when she fell to the pavement, spinning and yelli 10/8/1989 #39150 rs and woke up her husband, but he fell back asleep. At 1:30 a.m. she took 3/13/1990 #39458 ut 10 feet away from her. She then fell back to sleep again and did not see 7/29/1990 #39667 nd the creature let go. The finger fell to the ground oozing a green liquid 5/14/1991 #40060 blue eyes and long blond hair that fell half way down her back. To Khoury, 7/23/1992 #40531 he other witnesses, a young woman, fell to the ground and went into a tranc 9/24/1992 #40639 heastern New York; large meteorite fell in Peekskill, NY. (NICAP: 01 - Dist 10/9/1992 #40669 heastern New York. Large meteorite fell in Peekskill, NY. 10/9/1992 #40670 On this evening a light fell to the ground in Dromkeal, Ireland; 3/14/1993 #40882 e the eyepiece off. A moist liquid fell on the witness arm, described as a 4/5/1993 #40927 st the window and out of sight. He fell back into a deep sleep and had a dr 4/17/1993 #40940 light emitted a small light, that fell leaf-like to the ground. 9/5/1993 #41184 head. She somehow made the witness fell sexually excited; the whole episode 5/11/1994 #41523 son's bedroom. She then apparently fell back to sleep, because she was woke 8/2/1994 #41653 pain in the back of his neck as he fell to the ground and blacked out. The 1/7/1997 #43167 eching sound and he felt dizzy. He fell to his knees, sweating profusely de 3/10/1997 #43225 scrapes and bruises. Asked why she fell, she says she was looking at a sky 5/30/1997 #43302 very similar to two of those that “fell” at Lincoln County, NM in 1947. STA 3/11/1998 #43532 ave any scars. She then apparently fell asleep and woke up later on her bed 7/11/1998 #43601 "Cobwebs" fell from the clear blue sky while silve 8/10/1998 #43626 empted to look closer but suddenly fell asleep. He woke up the next morning 10/25/1998 #43670 amentous threads like "angel hair" fell for five hours from the sky, leavin 6/9/1999 #43783 up. Although terrified, she still fell asleep. 1/13/2000 #43928 They spoke to the witness and she fell to the ground and went into a deep 7/14/2000 #44017 ntinued to ascend into the sky she fell asleep, but an intense cold wave wo 5/2/2001 #44174 A shiny object, not well defined, fell into the sea between Martinsicuro a 6/22/2003 #44557 the back of the car door when she "fell" out of the car. For subsequent nig 7/12/2003 #44563 eir bed with them, and the witness fell back to sleep very rapidly and had 9/3/2003 #44592 ” Another witness says the strands fell two weekends in a row. 10/25/2014 #45421 earchers Stefan Marinov in Austria fell out of a window in 1997, cold fusio 12/2014 #45425
firmed. Country: USA Name: “Little Feller II” YieldMax: 20KT 7/7/1962 #17263 firmed. Country: USA Name: “Little Feller I” YieldMax: 20KT 7/17/1962 #17278
uced the same effect as a tornado, felling trees and walls. (NICAP: 02 - Cl 12/7/1872 #194 uced the same effect as a tornado, felling trees and walls. It suddenly van 12/7/1872 #195 much the same effect as a tornado, felling trees and walls. It vanished sud 12/7/1872 #196 FELLING, ENGL 2 teens. Silent rectangula 10/24/1976 #31489 FELLING, ENGL Small saucer enters bedroo 9/3/1979 (approximate) #34821
nt Roosevelt, in consultation with fellow Hungarian physicists Edward Telle 8/2/1939 #1313 erent, repeating, “You are a loyal fellow.” 3/28/1949 #4058 (in Los Alamos, New Mexico?) with fellow physicists Edward Teller, Herbert Summer 1950 #4996 in Paris, France, joins a group of fellow Americans at a café, one of whom 10/1952 #8075 to other universities. Curiously, fellow anti-gravity researcher Louis Wit Late 1956 #13281 et return on the screen, he called fellow employees. Six of his colleagues 11/8/1956 #13315 A police lieutenant named Haag and fellow police officer in Sunnyvale, Cali 7/8/1965 #19083 outhwest. Trooper E. J. Haas and a fellow officer arrive on the scene short 8/19/1965 #19427 he Joplin, Missouri, police alerts fellow officers about an unexplained obj 1/13/1967 #21298 ouse "Thought", and T.I. Dantseva, fellow of the Kurchatov scientific insti 7/17/1967 #22679 tion dump. Eichner told how he and fellow airmen had seen a football-shaped 10/27/1975 #30477 er 6:00 p.m. Travis Walton and six fellow log cutters finish a long day of 11/5/1975 #30562 ibed as completely mindless by his fellow villagers. 4/23/1976 #31018 reira, disappeared in front of his fellow factory employees in Atuba, Para 5/4/1977 #32055 stiny was to heal and care for his fellow man. He was also told that the al 3/20/1993 #40895 was sitting on a bench next to two fellow abductees: a blond woman and a ma 9/20/1994 #41765 s a NASA Graduate Student Research Fellow at the Glenn Research Center. Twe 8/1997 #43363 turned to the van and notified his fellow officers of his experience. He wa 7/21/2002 #44362 ary jets was alerted by one of his fellow crew members to a bogey at the 5 10/15/2004 #44768 ckheed Martin Skunk Works Sr. Tech Fellow Charles Chase runs the UnLAB at M 4/28/2006 #44937
d Hill, New Hampshire Mr. and Mrs. Fellows were driving toward Sandwich whe 3/3/1967 #21745 Mr. and Mrs. Fellows were driving toward Centre Sandw 3/3/1967 #21749
ter of the contactee-oriented STAR Fellowship, in Weybridge, Surrey, Englan 1/1986 #37744
FELMERSHAM, BEDFORDS 2+13 kids. Ovoid wi 1/19/1978 #32896
ion ring. The charge is reduced to felony pandering, to which he pleads gui 6/5/1990 #39606 that stealthy group is doing is a felony…for a government employee to know 1991 #39939 , 2017, Romanek is found guilty of felony possession of child pornography. 2000 #43913
slowly, then stopped. He suddenly felt so hot that he had to remove his sh 12/5/1737 #61 the sky and hovering near him. He felt somehow "drawn" to it, but succeede 1880 #223 the sky and hovering near him. He felt somehow "drawn" to it, but succeede 1880 #225 me bushes around 8:00 p.m. He then felt a tingling paralysis, and heard a h 5/8/1880 #233 at the witness by the UFO, and he felt a chilling cold sensation. 7/25/1938 #1289 e-Garronne, France. Great heat was felt when the object turned white. It fl 8/30/1944 #1651 ous orange-yellow, blinding light; felt unbearable heat. (Page 89-93 Ref.1) 11/24/1944 #1704 d from view; the crew thought they felt prop wash; a group of lights that m 12/26/1944 #1734 plane maintained its altitude. He felt a prickling sensation and saw a met 7/23/1947 #3220 flashed under it, and the witness felt a rush of air and a pungent smell. 1/29/1950 #4517 flashed under it, and the witness felt a rush of air and a pungent smell. 1/29/1950 #4518 ed to within 50 meters he suddenly felt paralyzed, and he observed that bir 3/19/1950 #4683 nder it. Minutes later the witness felt a burning sensation on his face. 4/20/1950 #4877 everal times. Pilot Kinmon said he felt the air disturbance as the UFO barr 7/9/1951 #5570 by the heightened state of anxiety felt by the witnesses after having obser 9/12/1952 #7905 nauseous smell. Coming near it, he felt pricklings throughout his body, had 9/13/1952 #7914 noxious smell. Coming near it, he felt a prickling sensation throughout hi 9/13/1952 #7916 st above the ground. They stopped, felt "pricklings" until the craft took o 11/1953 #9269 as injected with a needle where he felt drunk and taken to a room with 4-5 4/12/1954 #9685 5 p.m. A large explosion is heard, felt, and seen over an 8-mile area near 5/1/1954 #9744 he top. As the object left the boy felt a wave of heat. Inside this second 5/5/1954 #9755 aw a glowing, oval-shaped UFO. She felt drawn to it, and was met by five en 7/15/1954 #10020 luminous object on the ground and felt "pricklings and a sort of paralysis 10/5/1954 #10727 When it was about 150 m away, they felt "a strange sensation" and found the 10/5/1954 #10729 luminous object on the ground and felt a prickling sensation and a form of 10/5/1954 #10739 it was about 150 meters away they felt "a strange sensation" and found the 10/5/1954 #10743 er. The witness gasped for air and felt "paralyzed." 10/7/1954 #10785 er. The witness gasped for air and felt "paralyzed." 10/7/1954 #10798 is strange object, when I suddenly felt as though I were being drawn up tow 10/8/1954 #10814 is strange object, when I suddenly felt as though I were being drawn up tow 10/8/1954 #10818 and headlights failed, passengers felt shock and numbness; round UFO took 10/11/1954 #10924 e driving from Clamecy to Corbigny felt an "electric shock" as the car head 10/11/1954 #10930 rs) came close to it. Mr. Gardelle felt "an electric shock." 10/11/1954 #10936 ving from Clamecy to Corbigny when felt an "electric shock" at the same tim 10/11/1954 #10946 rs) came close to it. Mr. Gardelle felt an electric shock. 10/11/1954 #10953 One descended toward road; driver felt shock, numbness, car motor, headlig 10/16/1954 #11139 igh speed. The witness himself had felt absolutely nothing. 10/16/1954 #11142 engine seemed to slow down and he felt "paralyzed." He then saw in a field 10/16/1954 #11143 af motion, 100 m away. The witness felt an electric shock as engine and hea 10/16/1954 #11144 igh speed. The witness himself had felt absolutely nothing. 10/16/1954 #11148 engine seemed to slow down and he felt "paralyzed. " He then saw in a fiel 10/16/1954 #11149 only 100 meters away. The witness felt an electric shock as the engine and 10/16/1954 #11150 orne, France Driver of light truck felt half paralyzed, motor began missing 10/18/1954 #11206 d in the road at 5:30 p.m. when he felt half paralyzed and his van's motor 10/18/1954 #11218 n the ground. The panicked witness felt like his legs were paralyzed. Insid 10/18/1954 #11224 cted at the witness, who instantly felt paralyzed when struck by a beam of 10/18/1954 #11225 Schirmeck, France Motorist felt paralyzed, motor stalled, heat felt 10/20/1954 #11268 elt paralyzed, motor stalled, heat felt; UFO on road (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases 10/20/1954 #11268 t, 6 m long, at treetop level, and felt intense heat from it. It took off v 10/20/1954 #11271 ge object. The engine died, and he felt paralyzed: "My hands were as though 10/20/1954 #11273 sort of flashlight at him, and he felt paralyzed, until a motion he made w 10/20/1954 #11274 g and hovered at treetop level. He felt intense heat coming from it. It sho 10/20/1954 #11280 ge object. The engine died, and he felt paralyzed: "My hands were as though 10/20/1954 #11282 hough glued to the wheel." He also felt a sensation of heat inside his vehi 10/20/1954 #11282 a beam of light from it at him. He felt paralyzed and was unable to move un 10/20/1954 #11283 (near), France Motorist and child felt shock and heat, motor and headlight 10/21/1954 #11295 it. A violent air displacement was felt. "The battery was dead and the head 10/21/1954 #11299 a man from Cherbonnieres suddenly felt painful pricklings similar to elect 10/21/1954 #11300 ear-old child started crying. They felt increasing pain as the car went on, 10/21/1954 #11300 it. A violent air displacement was felt. "The battery was dead and the head 10/21/1954 #11308 a man from Cherbonnieres suddenly felt painful pricklings similar to elect 10/21/1954 #11309 ear-old child started crying. They felt increasing pain as the car went on, 10/21/1954 #11309 hed part of the craft, the witness felt a strong electric shock. One of the 10/23/1954 #11338 ights and motor failed, passengers felt ''electric shock"; UFO passed ahead 10/27/1954 #11441 ance A shop owner and his employee felt an electric shock as a very bright 10/27/1954 #11442 A shop owner and his employee felt an electric shock as a very bright 10/27/1954 #11451 ing to the police to report it. He felt like running but felt rooted to the 11/2/1954 #11539 eport it. He felt like running but felt rooted to the ground. He tried to c 11/2/1954 #11539 weapons. Another witness fled and felt pricklings on his face as he ran. F 11/5/1954 #11578 weapons. Another witness fled and felt pricklings on his face as he ran. F 11/5/1954 #11581 beam going down / road. Vibration felt. Back 3X. Going quickly east. 11/6/1954 #11584 Tessoualle, France Andre Chaillou felt pricklings in his hands, "in spite 11/8/1954 #11598 Tessoualle, France Andre Chaillou felt pricklings in his hands, "in spite 11/8/1954 #11604 xt day, or perhaps a day later, he felt almost paralyzed all day, and was i 11/9/1954 #11611 f their departure. The next day he felt well again. The rabbits were shortl 11/9/1954 #11611 d to fire and the witness suddenly felt so weak that he had to drop the gun 11/14/1954 #11648 his shotgun, but the gun suddenly felt heavy, failed to fire, and he was u 11/14/1954 #11655 ble to move or speak, and suddenly felt so weak that he dropped the gun. Th 11/14/1954 #11655 Immediately a very strong wind was felt, and the craft took off amidst a re 12/4/1954 #11758 mmediately, a very strong wind was felt and the craft took off amidst a red 12/4/1954 #11759 gun butt, but it had no effect and felt like striking rock. The wooden rifl 12/10/1954 #11798 light turned brighter; the witness felt an intense heat wave and thought he 12/17/1954 #11828 the light became brighter the man felt an intense wave of heat and he thou 12/17/1954 #11829 paint on the car. Mr. Florio also felt heat and a tingling sensation. Afte 3/30/1955 #12071 some local fields when he suddenly felt that he was being watched. Also, hi 7/17/1955 #12267 hen he washed the substance off he felt better. The next day his peach tree 7/22/1955 #12280 in in the late afternoon when they felt a slight tremor that lasted a few m 10/20/1955 #12513 se to a patrol car; the men inside felt that their arms and legs "went dead 11/2/1955 #12544 e Beckenham neighborhood of London felt the urge to look up, and then watch 12/12/1955 #12609 -old lab technician named Bassett "felt the presence of something" and look 3/23/1956 #12765 d. He "lost all track of time" and felt the UFO had tried to make contact w 3/23/1956 #12765 nia. The witness, a married woman, felt a cold wind. The object ascended ra 8/27/1956 #13142 tober 1956; Oslo, Norway. Motorist felt "prickly sensation," wristwatch mag 10/1956 #13255 s from one end. Earth tremors were felt at the time. The object spiraled ou 8/30/1957 #13953 They became nearly paralyzed and "felt a warm glow." They had no fear, but 9/16/1957 #13999 They became nearly paralyzed and "felt a warm glow." They had no fear, but 9/16/1957 #14002 med at them a beam so bright they "felt weak." The figure disappeared sudde 10/8/1957 #14076 om the blast and a lot of heat was felt. Later there were reports of appare 11/2/1957 #14221 up [to] and going southeast. Heat felt. / r79p11+/ r141. 11/5/1957 #14321 nto the highway, and the witnesses felt a vibration. One of the object came 11/6/1957 #14439 The occupants of the car heard and felt tapping underneath the car. 11/15/1957 #14562 iled when the UFO approached. They felt a hot blast of air and heard a high 12/8/1957 #14696 wspaper asking for UFO reports: “I felt it would encourage Air Force person 1/23/1958 #14840 hio Truck, bus, and car passengers felt shock; motors of all three vehicles 1/30/1958 #14850 lawyer, his wife, and their nephew felt an electric shock at a point 220 mi 1/30/1958 #14852 d within 500 meters, and the pilot felt a wave of heat. The UFO stopped and 5/5/1958 #15019 es that they nearly capsized. They felt a powerful blast of heat and a stro 6/12/1958 #15092 headlights failed, two passengers felt heat (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 10/26/1958 #15379 of 200 to 300 feet. The witnesses felt heat coming from the object and lat 10/26/1958 #15386 day after being discharged, Irwin felt a powerful urge to return to the si 2/28/1959 #15624 dnight of April 23-24 he awoke and felt the need to go outside to the garde 4/25/1959 #15713 300 feet above the ground, and he felt himself paralyzed. A man descended 4/25/1959 #15713 l and when he awoke at midnight he felt a compulsion to go out into his gar 4/26/1959 #15714 w altitude, perhaps 100 meters. He felt paralyzed and unable to move. In a 4/26/1959 #15714 see what had caused the outage and felt a strange electrical sensation in t 10/16/1959 #16035 g [to] east-northeast. Observer(s) felt lifted. Battery melted. 12/1959 #16103 n area of 20 feet by 60 feet. They felt around in the water with their padd 6/22/1960 #16316 rs and the US Air Force because “I felt the Air Force was being set upon by 12/5/1960 #16526 oted. One witness was said to have felt a slight indisposition and to have 1/22/1961 #16586 oted. One witness was said to have felt a slight indisposition and to have 1/22/1961 #16588 Villanueva del Rio y Minas, Spain felt a strange prickling sensation all o 6/11/1961 #16725 sound" enveloped the car, and they felt a prickling sensation before losing 9/19/1961 #16852 und" enveloped their car, and they felt a prickling sensation before losing 9/19/1961 #16858 ghostlike in the sun. They can be felt on the skin like spider webs, but t 11/18/1961 #16964 was walking home when he suddenly felt a current of cold air. He was paral 4/10/1962 #17106 ointed a finger at the witness who felt paralyzed. 12/17/1962 #17589 ing rapidly, and a gust of air was felt as the craft rose a few m above gro 1/4/1963 #17628 who witnessed the landing said he felt a gust of wind as the UFO took off 1/4/1963 #17629 s made of shiny mesh. Warm air was felt as the craft took off about six min 3/13/1963 #17705 s made of shiny mesh. Warm air was felt as the craft took off about six min 3/13/1963 #17706 ject buzzed his car repeatedly. He felt a cooling effect and heard a loud w 8/4/1963 #17864 ect passed over, and the witnesses felt a sensation of cold when the UFO pa 8/5/1963 #17868 ed his vehicle. Simultaneously, he felt a burn on his face. He then braked 10/12/1963 #17988 , CA Fireball observed, shock wave felt, over Bay area. Unidentified signal 11/7/1963 #18028 lobe going down / backyard! Shocks felt near. / r8+/ MJ#254+/ r83p14. 6/14/1964 #18354 d about 18 m away in the field. He felt a mild electric shock when he tried 6/14/1964 #18355 bout 18 meters away in a field. He felt a mild electric shock when he tried 6/14/1964 #18357 cer 4M over courtyard. Electricity felt 6M away. / r83p13. 6/15/1964 #18360 ike a million snakes". The witness felt a burning sensation in his body whi 6/29/1964 #18383 e arrived. The next day, witnesses felt a burning sensation on their faces 7/7/1964 #18397 land. It made a loud noise, and he felt a heavy atmospheric pressure as a r 3/28/1965 #18878 f some kind over her head, and she felt as if something were going into her 8/16/1965 #19410 iving with his arm out the window, felt heat on his arm and later reported 9/3/1965 #19495 Classic saucer. Static electrical felt. Near radio-(seen thru) telescope. 9/3/1965 #19499 it intercepted the moonlight. They felt a heat wave and drove away in fear, 9/3/1965 #19506 nd interior of police car. Driver felt heat on his left arm. Initial sigh 9/3/1965 #19508 the terrain in purple light. Heat felt 9/3/1965 #19510 t intercepted the moonlight . They felt a sensation of heat, and drove away 9/3/1965 #19517 cer lands / swamp. Electric shocks felt. / BFJ v1#7. 9/14/1965 #19557 r lines. Power brownout. Vibration felt. 3/13/1966 #19955 (EM effects), and a vibration was felt. (New Hampshire NICAP Subcommittee 3/13/1966 #19956 in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The felt a vibration and the TV and house li 3/13/1966 #19958 touched the nearest object, which felt hard and smooth like metal. No heat 3/29/1966 #20134 th like metal. No heat or cold was felt. The boy then touched an antenna-li 3/29/1966 #20134 d when it accelerated. The witness felt a blast of air from the object, whi 3/29/1966 #20142 y moved away toward the river.They felt a hot wind from the UFO as well. 4/22/1966 #20377 / portholes hovers 250' away. Heat felt. / r203p145. 4/25/1966 #20408 ine and headlights failed and they felt heat, motorists saw a UFO with four 4/25/1966 #20412 motorists in Towanda, Pennsylvania felt heat and had their car engine and h 4/25/1966 #20417 ses the whole day, and one witness felt a wave of heat. The strange, three- 6/27/1966 #20618 dn't move. When he touched her she felt compelled to obey, and followed him 8/11/1966 #20739 l. Going up [to] fast. Wave / heat felt. NICAP Oct'66. 10/5/1966 #20958 d chill" swept over the man and he felt a wave of fear, which kept him from 11/14/1966 #21101 d chill" swept over the man and he felt a wave of fear, which kept him from 11/15/1966 #21109 slowly at low altitude. The driver felt and heard a deep vibration. (NICAP 11/18/1966 #21121 Vibrations from the craft could be felt in the farmer's truck as it followe 1/1967 #21241 d in green and white coveralls. He felt a wave of heat and a temporary sens 1/11/1967 #21288 eg's Wood, Northumberland, England felt a prickly feeling as he sighted a U 2/13/1967 #21538 ed to a reddish-orange color. They felt a great deal of heat. As the light 2/13/1967 #21539 ct approached within 100 ft., heat felt. Gillmor, 1969, pp. 295-297 (E,R,L) 3/1967 #21690 a bright light, and the occupants felt a numbness. It thensped away errati 3/5/1967 #21768 us oval hovering, rocking; witness felt shock, paralysis. See Section VI (E 3/8/1967 #21800 s oval, hovering, rocking, witness felt shock, paralysis. (See Section VI) 3/8/1967 #21812 Mr. Wallace got out of the car and felt his arm tugged by some force agains 3/8/1967 #21818 ce against the body of the car. He felt tingling electric shocks and felt p 3/8/1967 #21818 felt tingling electric shocks and felt paralyzed in close presence to the 3/8/1967 #21818 itting gray diver's suits. The men felt like they were being bombarded with 3/10/1967 #21854 loated low, and hovered. Witnesses felt vibrations and heard a sound like a 3/12/1967 #21866 r seeing another one. She suddenly felt paralyzed, and then lost track of t 4/2/1967 #22048 did continue running. The witness felt increased heat, so turned the car a 4/6/1967 #22083 hovered close to car, intense heat felt; later headaches and vision problem 5/1/1967 #22260 ject started spinning. The witness felt dizzy, suffered minor face burns, s 5/20/1967 #22379 then started spinning. The witness felt dizzy, suffered minor face burns, a 5/20/1967 #22384 t up (light reaction). The witness felt his hair stand on end and a tinglin 5/25/1967 #22396 emember anything from the time she felt the wind until the time she recover 6/30/1967 #22580 e "coughed", but did not stall. He felt heat, and heard a loud whistle soun 8/23/1967 #22909 e a deep whistling sound, and Cova felt a prickling sensation in his body. 8/26/1967 #22932 o sound was heard, but one witness felt "wind" as it passed overhead. A com 9/2/1967 #22980 Oval with dome circled car, driver felt cold; engine restarted by itself as 10/11/1967 #23213 a car. The driver, Mrs. N. Tibbs, felt a sensation of cold, and the car en 10/11/1967 #23218 p-blip" sound like sonar. All four felt paralyzed at this point. Ritter's n 10/24/1967 #23310 K Domed disc hovered ahead, driver felt pressure on eardrums. Flying Saucer 10/25/1967 #23316 inore, CA Red-orange disc, witness felt pressure on head and shoulders. Gil 11/8/1967 #23423 at Wilson intently. Wilson somehow felt inferior when the humanoids watched 11/28/1967 #23517 was a pathological liar, the other felt that Schirmer was totally sincere a 12/3/1967 #23547 ped object hovering, rocking, heat felt. CUFOS report; see Rodeghier.1981, 12/13/1967 #23579 ge, and was about 50 feet high. He felt the battery of the car — it was war 12/13/1967 #23582 lticolored lights, 100 m away, and felt a heat wave when it hovered above t 12/22/1967 #23599 rs in diameter. A wave of heat was felt when it passed overhead. The durati 12/22/1967 #23600 sky and got out of their car. They felt an intense heat, and heard a hummin 12/29/1967 #23619 ght object pulses / treetops. Heat felt. / r79p40. 1/2/1968 #23642 yellow-orange object nearby, heat felt. U.F.O. Investigator, MayJune 1968, 1/2/1968 #23643 during the sighting and its driver felt a sensation of increased heat. The 1/2/1968 #23645 an only 25 yards away from him. He felt as though he was paralyzed. Shortly 1/25/1968 #23700 y, without bending their knees. He felt as if they were communicating with 1/25/1968 #23700 ough, Saskatchewan, Canada Witness felt "tingling sensations", domed disc w 2/19/1968 #23766 ellow light. The driver of the car felt sluggish and immobilized until the 3/4/1968 #23825 t, during which time the witnesses felt increased heat and "weightless." Th 3/4/1968 #23826 of a second vehicle. The witnesses felt a sensation of weightlessness as we 4/3/1968 #23887 ed over car; heat, "weightlessness felt". CUFOS report; see Rodeghier, 1981 4/4/1968 #23893 ted the witness's eardrums and was felt in the stomach. 5/28/1968 #23991 nter, and one of the six witnesses felt pressure on his eardrums. 5/29/1968 #23994 high rate of speed. Sr. Yaru then felt a strange urge to bathe in a nearby 6/10/1968 #24018 tdoor temperatures at the time. He felt a strange need to "cleanse" himself 6/10/1968 #24018 ver he pointed his hand at her she felt faint and began to lose consciousne 6/14/1968 #24032 he then lowered it and the witness felt better, they then left. 6/14/1968 #24035 ll thin being, to whom the witness felt drawn "as if by a magnet." When the 6/19/1968 #24051 old of his right wrist and he then felt paralyzed and lost consciousness. N 6/19/1968 #24051 They were nearly 10 feet tall. He "felt himself drawn towards them by the p 7/1/1968 #24119 y heard a loud whistling sound and felt extreme heat. Juan was in another r 7/15/1968 #24179 ng. The light began to dim and she felt partially paralyzed. In a corner of 7/15/1968 #24179 t. During this procedure his limbs felt cold, his head felt like it was spi 7/17/1968 #24186 dure his limbs felt cold, his head felt like it was spinning, and his tongu 7/17/1968 #24186 ke it was spinning, and his tongue felt like it had “turned to stone.” They 7/17/1968 #24186 y off leaving a luminous trail. He felt no subsequent ill effects. 7/17/1968 #24186 he smell of wet paper. One witness felt drowsy from the smell. 7/18/1968 #24190 s beams lights. Flies. Observer(s) felt "spoken to". Trace. 9/22/1968 #24499 en another farmer walking to Baras felt something land behind him. He appar 11/1/1968 #24617 s were paralyzed, while the others felt dazed as if in a faint. The UFOnaut 11/21/1968 #24676 ernoon of this day Ludwig Pallmann felt a burning sensation from a ring giv 1/15/1969 #24849 d” toward him. When it hit him, he felt pain and was paralyzed; as the UFO 2/6/1969 #24897 loated” at him. When it hit him he felt pain and was paralyzed. The UFO too 2/7/1969 #24902 e of theroad it was shining on. He felt intense heat from the direction of 3/4/1969 #24963 beam paced ahead of vehicle, heat felt. Light beam associated with E-M eff 3/4/1969 #24967 of light onto the road. The driver felt a strong heat sensation coming from 3/4/1969 #24970 ce officer, Mr. Janzen, reportedly felt strange "psychological forces" and 3/10/1969 #24991 t hovered in front of car, witness felt paralysis. Flying Saucer Review Cas 3/11/1969 #24996 ss, a man named Randi, temporarily felt paralyzed. After the light flew awa 3/11/1969 #24998 ght rising above a nearby hill and felt a strong compulsion to walk towards 3/17/1969 #25020 membered struggling and thought it felt that he had been ripped to pieces a 4/5/1969 #25051 , then tied him down to a seat. He felt a sensation of taking off. During t 5/4/1969 #25115 g off. During the flight, which he felt lasted for hours, they talked among 5/4/1969 #25115 t. They gathered around Rodrigues, felt his arm, and conversed amongst them 5/5/1969 #25117 nd a year after the event he still felt light-headed and had difficulty con 5/20/1969 #25151 e nape of Miguere’s neck. Migueres felt a prickling sensation all along his 8/11/1969 #25317 experienced radio interference, he felt a sensation of heat from the object 9/11/1969 #25364 in front at 6:45 a.m. The witness felt sick later. 1/13/1970 #25546 xt to him. Without knowing why, he felt compelled to leave. He got up, went 7/4/1970 #25727 drove him to Norman, Oklahoma. He felt strange and wanted to lie down, so 7/4/1970 #25727 ul garden surrounded by hedges. He felt wide awake. In front of him he saw 7/4/1970 #25727 e approached at low altitude, heat felt. See Section V (E,R,L) police car ( 8/13/1970 #25780 so brilliant it hurt his eyes and felt heat coming from the UFO. He took t 8/13/1970 #25783 ng at his parents home that night, felt a strange compulsion to go out and 8/15/1970 #25787 towards it. The air around the UFO felt warm. He stopped about 50 feet from 8/15/1970 #25787 ht. The room was very cold and she felt a tingling sensation on her hands. 9/7/1970 #25828 floating around her. Suddenly she felt someone holding down her hands. A f 9/7/1970 #25828 big toes, but she did not bleed or felt any pain. A voice in her head told 9/7/1970 #25828 and heavy, and quite stunned. She felt electrical jolts in her body, and h 10/5/1970 #25870 buzzing or humming sound. Both men felt stiff all over and had difficulty m 2/5/1971 #26015 ved at the witnesses. The two boys felt a numbness and stinging sensation i 2/26/1971 #26033 lish light from underneath, and he felt a "pulsating, pulling feeling" as t 3/14/1971 #26047 ad taken place. However, they both felt an unspecified terror to such a deg 3/14/1971 #26047 row menacingly, and one of the men felt heavy static in the air and his ton 3/25/1971 #26054 er the men heard another noise and felt something heavy moving towards them 3/25/1971 #26054 man, an Australian aborigine, next felt a sucking force that pulled him out 4/2/1971 #26065 ed by a gust of wind were seen and felt in Stewart, Minnesota at 12:30 a.m. 6/25/1971 #26193 nce of the disc, and the witnesses felt a sensation of heat. 7/17/1971 #26235 ually, then more brightly. She now felt irresistibly drawn to it and had to 8/11/1971 #26280 as not to fly out the window. She felt that the light was having a hypnoti 8/11/1971 #26280 elts and white gloves. The witness felt a sense of compassion and understan 8/25/1971 #26305 sformed the night into day, and he felt heat emanating from the object. At 9/20/1971 #26354 us. Upon arriving home, D'Annunzio felt a paralysis in both his arms. He co 9/20/1971 #26354 nd its destination, and the driver felt a sensation of high atmospheric pre 9/20/1971 #26356 raft and the van stopped. They all felt heat at this point. They then saw a 10/16/1971 #26427 ound around the glow, and said it "felt strange, like a slick crust, as if 11/2/1971 #26450 small square of open field. Geller felt an irresistible attraction towards 12/6/1971 #26490 ting light. As he approached it he felt like he was entering some sort of t 12/6/1971 #26490 ompletely silent around him and he felt like he had entered some type of "v 12/6/1971 #26490 put something in his hand. Geller felt a sudden feeling of fear and ran ba 12/6/1971 #26490 was “glossed over.” Hynek said he felt his hands were tied, and if he comp 5/1972 #26666 gh the headlights remained on. She felt as if she was "under observation" a 7/25/1972 #26834 Beaver Lake, Alberta, Canada a man felt compelled to go to a campsite where 8/6/1972 #26882 white discs for eyes. The witness felt an unbelievable level of fear and h 8/9/1972 #26890 re was more than 11 feet tall. She felt an electric shock in his presence, 8/22/1972 #26949 me kind of electricity, because it felt just like when I touch the [electri 8/22/1972 #26949 to smash it open, but he abruptly felt himself being lifted up, from his t 8/26/1972 #26956 with a broad silvery belt. Moreno felt an intolerable humming in his ears, 9/27/1972 #27035 stomach cancer. She said that she felt a sensation of cold from the alien' 11/6/1972 #27109 ey touched the being's hand, which felt cold and abnormally soft, "like foa 11/28/1972 #27150 he was feeling better and in fact felt rejuvenated, and he began cutting a 12/30/1972 #27193 d by the object. The two witnesses felt weightless and they could not contr 1/16/1973 #27240 she was seeing at the moment. She felt she was in a round room lit by an u 2/22/1973 #27310 l. This man drove Herrera, who now felt ill, to Salta. He entered a medical 3/13/1973 #27343 ue light beam shone onto car, heat felt. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 21, No. 5/22/1973 #27517 f his car began to heat up. Patero felt a lack of air so he opened the door 5/22/1973 #27519 0 meters away, prickling sensation felt, later intense headaches. Flying Sa 6/7/1973 #27556 en it was nearby and the witnesses felt "prickly." They also had intense he 6/7/1973 #27557 re were others around her but she "felt" them rather than saw them. She had 6/23/1973 #27584 rance E-M effects, paralysis, cold felt; bright object rose from ground and 7/21/1973 #27644 139 in Gavignano, Corsica, France felt paralyzed at the same time as the l 7/21/1973 #27646 e of their vehicle died. They also felt very cold, and while they were unab 7/21/1973 #27646 igure. He then became confused and felt he had been sucked up inside a hove 7/27/1973 #27657 eel like a pleasant place, and she felt she had had another such experience 8/4/1973 #27683 enter of the mist. and the witness felt strongly attracted to it. As she go 9/26/1973 #27872 shiny clean coveralls. The witness felt that she had experienced some type 9/26/1973 #27872 ngs grabbed Hickson by his arms he felt a pain in his left shoulder. This i 10/11/1973 #28005 oors flew open, then closed and he felt weight lift off car, saw a lighted 10/16/1973 #28077 red at her body. At this point she felt something awful was going to happen 10/16/1973 #28089 and without emotion raped her. She felt discomfort but no pain. Soon the th 10/16/1973 #28089 / 20 sc. Going up [to] with rumble felt widely. 10/20/1973 #28207 eing, which did not stir. Its skin felt neither cold nor rubbery. Almost si 10/20/1973 #28222 rious flashing object, neither one felt brave enough to touch it. Later tha 10/20/1973 #28222 the world and after the event he “felt like an animal.” 10/25/1973 #28285 er of his children. Both witnesses felt as if their minds had somehow been 10/25/1973 #28287 ed. Scott saw short humanoids, but felt that this vague encounter was unpla 10/25/1973 #28287 iameter that struck Balvidares. He felt dazzled and he could feel heat from 10/29/1973 #28319 ar, moved in front of it; motorist felt dizzy and numb. (NICAP: 05 - Medica 11/2/1973 #28349 own source in the sky. The witness felt like she going into a trance, and b 12/12/1973 #28559 s from the being. At one point she felt compelled to go to the front of the 12/12/1973 #28559 and closing his mouth. The witness felt a slight shock on the back of his h 1/7/1974 #28661 a small room of her house when she felt a strong rush of wind. She turned a 1/8/1974 #28669 ss was not frightened and said she felt a sudden sense of joy and peace. Th 1/8/1974 #28669 over 4 / car. Heat and electricity felt. Headaches later. 1/31/1974 #28715 n the Pyrenees. The four witnesses felt heat and electricity, and later had 1/31/1974 #28716 bject, others, moved nearby, force felt, truck lifted off road. See Section 2/14/1974 #28769 long a rural road when he suddenly felt a force pulling at him and a tingli 2/14/1974 #28770 ey shifted into neutral. They then felt a blast of wind shake the truck and 2/14/1974 #28773 Australia" and then returned. She felt weak and sleepy, and for several we 3/20/1974 #28916 en at a crossroads he mysteriously felt compelled to take an alternate rout 3/23/1974 #28938 ecame sick and passed out. He then felt as if he was being drawn upwards an 5/9/1974 #29098 utes after Frances fell asleep. He felt at the time he must have been mesme 5/31/1974 #29150 assette player stopped working. He felt an electric shock, then heard a sou 6/6/1974 #29170 erior became extremely hot and she felt nauseated. On this pre-dawn morning 9/3/1974 #29418 o the ground, and the main witness felt an electric shock. Three disc-shape 9/7/1974 #29429 then shot straight up. The witness felt sick after incident. 9/22/1974 #29470 hich the car rolled into, and they felt a sensation of cold and there was a 10/27/1974 #29561 she saw the light she immediately felt a wave of heat coming from it. The 11/15/1974 #29597 the being for 3.5 minutes, and had felt that he was benevolent. He also sai 11/30/1974 #29622 ared. The occupants of the vehicle felt a cold sensation when the lights ap 12/1/1974 #29627 nna. As the UFO left the witnesses felt a strong rush of air and something 12/1/1974 #29627 their vehicle. At that moment they felt a strong sensation of heat. 12/1/1974 #29627 er. He took 5 photographs; then he felt himself drawn upward, & lost consci 1/5/1975 #29722 ad. He took five photographs, then felt himself being levitated upward and 1/5/1975 #29724 over car, heat, prickly sensation felt. MUFON UFO Journal, Aug. 1976, p. 1 2/19/1975 #29826 blue luminescence and the witness felt a sensation of increased heat in it 2/19/1975 #29828 d and about a kilometer away. They felt a strange vibration coming from it 3/6/1975 #29875 eared to be backpacks. His parents felt the vibration and heard the humming 3/6/1975 #29875 m. local time, a merchant in Japan felt a strange urge to go out for a walk 3/31/1975 #29928 he pilot of a Monteil Piper PA-24, felt a strange vibration, and saw a dome 5/3/1975 #30029 ached his airplane head on, and he felt a jolt, as if his plane was being l 5/3/1975 #30029 pe going east. Great heat and cold felt. 7/23/1975 #30202 s rear view mirror. Both witnesses felt fear as the object pursued them for 8/4/1975 #30235 and saw shadowy figures in it and felt numbness, after which the UFO depar 8/13/1975 #30258 around 2:30 a.m. Bernard suddenly felt uneasy, and saw four luminous "form 8/18/1975 #30288 trick, who also saw them. Both men felt they were being observed. Afraid, t 8/18/1975 #30288 eyes, the nose and the mouth. She felt very calm. They asked her telepathi 9/15/1975 #30363 r and was washing clothes when she felt a heat wave and saw an oscillating 10/25/1975 #30468 r and was washing clothes when she felt a heat wave and saw an oscillating 10/25/1975 #30472 ht in the sky nearby. ing in river felt burning, saw oscillating blue light 10/25/1975 #30472 ck road full of potholes, but they felt no bumps, which suggested the car w 10/27/1975 #30489 cked balance and coordination, and felt lightheaded. Stephens experienced i 10/27/1975 #30489 . Her car radio went wild, and she felt like she had been hypnotized. Near 1/23/1976 #30816 this woman “not to be afraid” and felt that information was being inserted 1/23/1976 #30817 anted to get back into his car but felt paralyzed and unable to move. As th 1/29/1976 #30833 w exchanged positions in bed. Both felt nauseous, and the back door of thei 3/5/1976 #30928 stopped working and the witnesses felt very cold. Inside the sphere, which 6/22/1976 #31130 e woods at a low altitude. The air felt warm and they heard a "Whoosh!" sou 7/12/1976 #31161 s was going on, an object which he felt might have taken his picture, appea 8/1/1976 #31219 hiasson stopped the car. They then felt a very strong sensation of heat, an 8/6/1976 #31241 toward the witnesses. Mr. Chiasson felt sick, his eyes watered, and he vomi 8/6/1976 #31241 s ran her hand over the object; it felt very smooth and warm. Suddenly two 9/3/1976 #31340 center. As the witness ran away he felt a blow and was knocked down. He the 9/5/1976 #31346 touched one of the witnesses, who felt a hot searing sensation and suffere 9/6/1976 #31350 to check the circuit breakers, he felt static electricity and spotted a br 9/10/1976 #31373 ver, a 30-year-old man named Ryan, felt an intense heat from the object, an 9/17/1976 #31390 and a sudden blast of hot air was felt by the several witnesses, including 10/30/1976 #31511 ifle, but was unable to because he felt a sudden sensation of weakness, and 11/12/1976 #31540 light as an after-effect. She also felt that the man transmitted some kind 11/14/1976 #31549 oad. In the midst of the light she felt her head forcibly turned to the rig 12/10/1976 #31594 t of the hood of her car. She then felt two electric shocks running from he 12/10/1976 #31594 out and it silently took off. She felt the car buffeted with a shock wave 12/10/1976 #31594 n 8 inches in diameter. Later, she felt herself standing, being moved about 12/10/1976 #31594 d 15 seconds into the sighting. He felt compelled to watch the object, whic 1/27/1977 #31760 began to act strangely, and Fender felt "like someone wanted to talk to me. 1/27/1977 #31761 og was behaving normally again. He felt very strange and disturbed by the e 1/27/1977 #31761 cted, watchdog later died. Witness felt electric shock, heat, paralysis. Ph 2/18/1977 #31827 heard a short whistling sound, and felt a slight draft of air. He saw, appe 2/24/1977 #31846 ached, hovered, tingling sensation felt, physiological effects. See Section 3/9/1977 #31883 mmed. Pressure, tingling sensation felt, physiological effects 3/9/1977 #31884 seemed to come from his eyes. She felt compelled to obey. The next thing s 4/4/1977 #31943 ng, like a bunch of CB voices, and felt a great deal of heat come from the 4/4/1977 #31944 val object over two vehicles; heat felt, mass displacement. Flying Saucer R 6/6/1977 #32150 r own power. The motorcyclist also felt increased heat and the motorcycle's 6/6/1977 #32153 alley. Throughout the encounter he felt no fear--he had the feeling, in fac 6/12/1977 #32161 . Cruz's car engine failed, and he felt a numbing sensation in his arms and 6/24/1977 #32189 . Cruz's car engine failed, and he felt a numbing sensation in his arms and 6/24/1977 #32191 n and Ahvaz, Iran when he suddenly felt heat from a "huge, bright object" t 6/28/1977 #32202 n and Ahvaz, Iran when he suddenly felt heat from a "huge, bright object" t 6/28/1977 #32204 2 saucers buzz outdoor movie. Heat felt. / r120p211+/ r208p11+93. 7/7/1977 #32243 itnesses heard a humming sound and felt heat emanating from the objects, wh 7/7/1977 #32244 itnesses heard a humming sound and felt heat emanating from the objects, wh 7/7/1977 #32247 y woke up several hours later, and felt terrible pains throughout his body 7/10/1977 #32257 days after her return the abductee felt ill and experienced vertigo. 7/19/1977 #32294 bicycle headlight, but she quickly felt her strength ebb away as the light 8/3/1977 #32356 ce station in Pedro Avila. When he felt better he left and again headed off 9/25/1977 #32519 sed in light appeared. The witness felt dizzy and got out of his vehicle. H 9/25/1977 #32519 zzy and got out of his vehicle. He felt a strange attraction to the little 9/25/1977 #32519 de in the sky at 4:00 a.m. He next felt as if he had been pricked by a need 10/15/1977 #32579 ates they looked at the object, he felt like he couldn’t breath and looked 11/1977 #32648 uring the encounter one of the men felt a buzzing sound inside his head, an 1/6/1978 #32856 rom the area, and as they ran they felt a strange tingling sensation in the 1/27/1978 #32921 crania and very large eyes. Julio felt a sense of peace and calm envelop h 2/5/1978 #32957 s shoulder. He noticed the railing felt cold. At the top of the ladder was 2/5/1978 #32957 t me". After about an hour of what felt like constant mental struggle her p 2/15/1978 #32971 ne table where he was examined. He felt liquid going down his throat and he 3/24/1978 #33079 ier was fixated by his eyes and he felt somehow intruded upon on a mental l 4/25/1978 #33171 e witness seemed to darken, and he felt compelled to walk towards the fence 5/10/1978 #33194 e witness seemed to darken, and he felt compelled to walk towards the fence 5/10/1978 #33199 hen receded and was gone. Amparano felt a tingling sensation in his body as 5/13/1978 #33205 inded by a brilliant red light and felt very cold. The vehicle's engine and 7/6/1978 #33346 rted and they drove home. Both men felt a compulsive need to wash the car a 7/6/1978 #33346 g smell resembling ammonia and she felt extremely cold. 7/11/1978 #33368 ioning. The lights went out and it felt like something was shakinghis truck 8/6/1978 #33480 l, one man's leg was paralyzed, he felt nauseous, and lost consciousness. 8/23/1978 #33557 s horse through the morning fog he felt something fly overhead. Next, sever 9/6/1978 #33640 e from the object, and the witness felt a sensation of intense heat while t 9/8/1978 #33648 ng object's speed at 300 kph. They felt their car levitated four meters fro 9/23/1978 #33738 the witness's car she reported it felt like someone was watching her. 9/26/1978 #33752 east of Santiago, Chile. Hernandez felt an odd sensation that slowed the ca 9/26/1978 #33753 ilence in the area and two of them felt disoriented. Possible ground traces 10/2/1978 #33791 e in his mouth, and his wristwatch felt hot to the touch. When he turned ar 10/15/1978 #33837 o the witness to approach. The man felt a wave of heat as he approached to 10/15/1978 #33837 nd now intensified and the witness felt an electric shock on the back of hi 10/15/1978 #33837 s low by phone lines. Intense cold felt. Shoots going up. 10/24/1978 #33868 ompigny, Yonne, France. The driver felt an intense cold in the presence of 10/24/1978 #33870 at 11:45 p.m. The witness in a car felt intense cold. The object shot strai 10/26/1978 #33881 o feel a bizarre effect: all three felt as if they were "floating." (NICAP: 10/30/1978 #33894 o feel a bizarre effect: all three felt as if they were "floating." They al 10/30/1978 #33898 owed the craft. The witnesses then felt their environment return to normal. 10/30/1978 #33898 ead, one that she remembers having felt just prior to the encounter. At 7:2 11/22/1978 #33980 entina. When she stepped on it she felt intense cold, but at the same time 12/4/1978 #34058 f green light shot from it and she felt slightly paralyzed by one of them. 12/12/1978 #34098 f green light shot from it and she felt slightly paralyzed by one of them. 12/12/1978 #34100 . She later told investigators she felt "somebody was trying to get into te 12/12/1978 #34100 out 50 feet from the road. He also felt himself sink into a trance. He rema 12/14/1978 #34117 Maine a local resident named John felt an overwhelming compulsion to go ou 12/14/1978 #34127 through his front windshield. John felt a strange tingling sensation, like 12/14/1978 #34127 on, like "pins & needles." He also felt himself sink into a trance. He rema 12/14/1978 #34127 object had disappeared, and he now felt calm and unafraid. The soft green l 12/14/1978 #34127 he voice say, "We will return." He felt a strong conviction that this state 12/14/1978 #34127 se at an angle. On his way home he felt very cold. The next morning he noti 12/14/1978 #34127 . During the encounter the witness felt chills. As the beings approached th 1/2/1979 #34281 ion cups that covered his body. He felt no pain but could not move. After t 1/3/1979 #34292 tedly levitated as well. Ms. Emery felt heat, paralysis, and she had a skin 1/5/1979 #34306 Charleston, SC A mechanic felt compelled to return to a spot where 5/16/1979 #34562 place, unable to move. He said it felt like someone had grabbed him from b 5/16/1979 #34564 anic in Charleston, South Carolina felt compelled to return to a spot where 5/16/1979 #34565 in Summerville, South Carolina and felt the urge to get in his car and foll 5/17/1979 #34566 reddish glow on top. The witnesses felt attracted towards the object and be 8/19/1979 #34760 rs had been broken. One of the men felt sick for three days after the encou 8/26/1979 #34783 's bedroom window and she suddenly felt dizzy. She then felt herself being 9/14/1979 #34881 she suddenly felt dizzy. She then felt herself being levitated through som 9/14/1979 #34881 Oakenholt, Wales and she suddenly felt dizzy. She then felt herself being 9/14/1979 #34884 she suddenly felt dizzy. She then felt herself being levitated through som 9/14/1979 #34884 minated by bright light. They both felt inertial effects as if rising up in 9/20/1979 #34909 weak and fearful of him. They also felt cold to the touch. A light surround 10/6/1979 #34947 itching on his left thigh, and he felt extremely weak. After a few minutes 11/9/1979 #34991 reported it was quite possible he felt compelled to do so. He then saw a d 11/20/1979 #35010 d not be re-started again. He next felt a chilling breeze at this heet. He 4/23/1980 #35286 ia, Goias State, Brazil the driver felt a sensation like a cold liquid on h 9/25/1980 #35535 landed near water tank, vibrations felt, uncomfortable sound, livestock rea 9/30/1980 #35545 an intense blue beam of light and felt the rear wheels of their car lifted 11/19/1980 #35660 rom the object struck him. Then he felt himself floating into the craft and 11/28/1980 #35680 k by a light beam on the chest and felt paralyzed. Perceived communication, 12/4/1980 #35695 Turns inland going southeast. Heat felt. 12/25/1980 #35731 way from the UFO. They immediately felt an intense heat inside the car and 12/29/1980 #35758 xt thing he remembered was that he felt he had just awakened from sleep, al 12/31/1980 #35759 razil and then vanished. A witness felt pulled toward the spot. Burnt grass 5/4/1981 #35927 razil and then vanished. A witness felt pulled toward the spot. Burnt grass 5/4/1981 #35929 dark ring around its center. Gomez felt the truck slowing down and tried to 6/12/1981 #35967 ickly going up [to] so fast vacuum felt. / G. Milot. 7/10/1981 #35992 being hit by a beam of light. She felt pain and was floated into a room, t 7/15/1981 #36008 one surrounded by "fog." Paralysis felt, missing time, physiological effect 7/31/1981 #36043 one surrounded by "fog." Paralysis felt, missing time, physiological effect 7/31/1981 #36044 one surrounded by "fog." Paralysis felt, missing time, physiological effect 7/31/1981 #36045 one surrounded by "fog." Paralysis felt, missing time, physiological effect 7/31/1981 #36046 by two witnesses. One man, age 35, felt paralyzed and couldn't move his bod 7/31/1981 #36050 t wide, metallic appearing UFO. It felt "as though a film had been stopped 9/10/1981 #36109 decided to drive home. At home he felt uneasy and could not sleep. Inexpli 9/11/1981 #36110 00 meters away. Terrified, Cavallo felt himself being levitated up towards 9/11/1981 #36110 00 meters away. Terrified, Cavallo felt himself being levitated up towards 9/12/1981 #36111 decided to drive home. At home he felt uneasy and could not sleep. Inexpli 9/12/1981 #36112 00 meters away. Terrified, Cavallo felt himself being levitated up towards 9/12/1981 #36112 to attach itself to the car. They felt a vibration and a sensation of heav 10/8/1981 #36169 y only seen by one of the men, who felt a mysterious attraction towards the 10/24/1981 #36185 had seen, and shortly one of them felt like stopping again. What happened 10/24/1981 #36186 attempted to restart the truck he felt a painful, tingling sensation in hi 2/19/1982 #36357 lost control of the steering. She felt her vehicle being pulled by an unkn 3/1982 #36373 up into the air. The woman driver felt a strong sensation of cold, and exp 3/4/1982 #36376 up into the air. The woman driver felt a strong sensation of cold, and exp 3/4/1982 #36378 ther heard a low humming sound and felt dizzy and had difficulty driving. ( 3/15/1982 #36394 na. The two men reported that they felt heavy turbulence from the object, a 10/24/1982 #36664 eam goes out. Hansen says that he “felt thoughts that weren’t [his] own,” a 12/31/1982 #36733 tion experience. The next day both felt nauseous. 6/30/1983 #36896 t o'clock in the evening when they felt a sensation of cold and increasing 8/1/1983 #36930 at the witness in bed. The witness felt that the being could telepathically 1/8/1984 #37114 her and entered her body, and she felt the warmth emitted by it but at the 4/25/1984 #37290 emitted by it but at the same time felt a sensation of calm. (NICAP: 02 - C 4/25/1984 #37290 her and entered her body, and she felt the warmth emitted by it but at the 4/25/1984 #37295 emitted by it but at the same time felt a sensation of calm. A beam of ligh 4/25/1984 #37295 red only 20 feet over his head. He felt heat coming from the object. When h 5/6/1984 #37325 came brightly lit, and the witness felt a tingling sensation. He looked up 5/19/1984 #37335 ward the ground and gives off heat felt by those beneath it. It has white l 7/19/1984 #37404 st 30 minutes of conscious memory; felt "inspected-rejected." 8/26/1984 #37442 objects. Many conjecture what they felt or saw was caused by an unannounced 2/24/1985 #37559 rcraft causing booms that would be felt in Las Vegas are "rare," said Col. 2/24/1985 #37559 dressed in black came out. The man felt compelled mentally to go with the w 1/15/1986 #37765 vement between the lights. The men felt heat coming from the object and bec 8/1/1986 #37968 side cockpit shined brightly and I felt warm in the face.” The UFOs appeare 11/17/1986 #38068 e telling her to remain still. She felt no fear but instead had an overwhel 1/25/1987 #38104 the sky at high speed. The witness felt the short figure may have entered t 11/12/1987 #38324 er to the side of the road. He now felt numb and his arms were stinging. Th 1/12/1988 #38411 n that he noticed that their hands felt rough. He experienced a burning pai 5/1/1988 #38551 tures then scattered about him. He felt a voice in his head that constantly 5/1/1988 #38551 glowing white light. He suddently felt overwhelmed with fatigue, and passe 10/24/1988 #38687 ted in the Crimea, Russia suddenly felt a strong wind penetrate her room, e 4/18/1989 #38908 nd resembling a welder's torch and felt facial pain. Frightened, it occurre 5/10/1989 #38942 rs before. As he lay there he next felt a jolt of electricity in his body. 5/10/1989 #38942 cracking sound that woke her. She felt paralyzed and a strong tingling sen 8/10/1989 #39053 ain. Her muscles were sore and she felt nauseous afterwards. 8/10/1989 #39053 in diameter. She reported that she felt no fear and indeed had a euphoric f 9/16/1989 #39108 m the pavement. In the morning she felt extremely depressed, and her temper 10/8/1989 #39150 ng the witness from all sides. She felt a compression in her head and her b 10/11/1989 #39164 attempted to sleep she heard and “felt” a large figure enter her room and 10/31/1989 #39199 room and stand over her. She then felt completely paralyzed and was unable 10/31/1989 #39199 ds, but he remained paralyzed, and felt the ground under him become soft. H 10/31/1989 #39200 ness saw no apparent clothing. She felt calm as one of the beings touched h 11/6/1989 #39216 r plant and lines. Seen 2X. Pulses felt. 12/21/1989 #39323 a UFO descending over him. He next felt the air squeezing him, as if in a v 12/31/1989 #39345 A 17-year-old woman felt a gust of wind around 10 p.m. on he 2/22/1990 #39429 r, hovered, red illumination, heat felt. MUFON UFO Journal, May 1990, p. 17 3/20/1990 #39470 ss, and made a whooshing sound. He felt odd, developed a headache, nausea a 4/16/1990 #39530 merang near power lines. Vibration felt. 9 lights / front. 5/24/1990 #39586 Norte, Brazil for 20 minutes. They felt heat from the object. 7/20/1990 #39656 seconds. The man reported that he felt a vibration in his head during the 10/6/1990 #39762 correct tree disease. The witness felt that this last part of the experien 10/31/1990 #39822 ng low over the ground, and Maksim felt a strong fear after watching this s 12/31/1990 #39932 e state of Rio Grande do Norte. He felt heat and cold and suffered an eye i 5/12/1991 #40059 sty. He went to check and suddenly felt a powerful odor and suffocating hea 12/4/1991 #40254 rings turned into a red sphere. He felt forced to follow it. He began doing 12/4/1991 #40254 house and as he did so everything felt lightheaded and every time he touch 12/4/1991 #40254 oman heard a loud female voice and felt compelled to go out to the garden. 1/24/1992 #40302 object the size of a bus. Soon he felt he was being sucked up into the obj 3/5/1992 #40359 ir leader spoke to the others Luis felt a sharp pain in his head. All the h 3/5/1992 #40359 tio of her home, when suddenly she felt a strong presence nearby. She saw t 3/11/1992 #40372 her garden. She said that she had felt more comfortable with the presence 3/11/1992 #40372 ge occurred, and several witnesses felt physically pulled toward the object 3/14/1992 #40380 r, green illumination, chill, wind felt. See Section V (E,R,L) car (NICAP: 3/19/1992 #40388 less than 20 feet overhead, and he felt the interior of his vehicle become 3/19/1992 #40390 reclining position on a chair. He felt a buzzing sensation on his face, an 4/12/1992 #40414 buzzing sensation on his face, and felt as if a small object was being inse 4/12/1992 #40414 he bathroom, he realized his penis felt very painful. Pulling back the fore 7/23/1992 #40531 lking up a hill when Paca suddenly felt chills and felt compelled to go to 9/24/1992 #40639 when Paca suddenly felt chills and felt compelled to go to a nearby olive g 9/24/1992 #40639 tered the olive grove she suddenly felt as if her feet were fixed to the gr 9/24/1992 #40639 s house. Hovers over hammock. Cold felt. 10/16/1992 #40679 .m. in his bedroom in Scotland and felt compelled to go to window. He saw a 12/16/1992 #40750 what happened next, and they both felt ill. 12/16/1992 #40750 y back to her bedroom she suddenly felt compelled to go to the kitchen and 1/27/1993 #40816 fingers on each hand. The witness felt the desire to reach out and touch t 2/1/1993 #40831 how things were." The witness then felt strangely compelled to go back to h 3/20/1993 #40894 'clock in the morning Aviva Carmel felt drawn to leave her bed and go outsi 3/30/1993 #40907 FO witness from the previous night felt her house tremble during the night. 3/31/1993 #40915 from the humanoid's eyes. His skin felt rough as she tore the eyepiece off. 4/5/1993 #40927 room inside an enormous object. He felt motion and heard a humming sound. T 4/17/1993 #40940 o pulse with a hypnotic rhythm. He felt an inner state of euphoria. Without 4/17/1993 #40940 omething that read "Year 3600." He felt the message on the screen meant the 4/17/1993 #40940 ight in Kadima, Israel Danny Rotem felt compelled to get in his car and dri 5/13/1993 #40976 "military type" truck. The witness felt semi-conscious and groggy during th 7/24/1993 #41082 ot of her bed, looking at her. She felt the entities, were "cold, and compl 8/20/1993 #41148 s only inches away from her as see felt a suction on her chest. It wore a b 9/6/1993 #41185 oked out into the gloomy night and felt somebody was watching her. Then som 11/18/1993 #41284 thwesterly direction. The children felt extremely hungry after the incident 6/15/1994 #41568 too much mental communication and felt overwhelmed, and the alleged NHI as 7/1994 #41596 y. During the whole experience she felt a sense of joy and peace, and was c 12/15/1994 #41895 meters above the ground. They also felt a sensation of heat. 12/29/1994 #41911 examinations. The primary witness felt pain in her left arm. They also rea 2/11/1995 #42036 n circling the house and Veronique felt a strange attraction to the object, 2/21/1995 #42055 o sleep despite the alarm that she felt. That same evening a UFO landed on 3/19/1995 #42112 l heat coming from the object, and felt paralyzed. The incident lasted 75 m 4/25/1995 #42175 l environmental noises cease. They felt heavy pressure, like a static charg 7/15/1995 #42304 outheast of Kalamazoo. The witness felt pain after the event, and the close 8/6/1995 #42363 nly illuminated his car, and Edson felt a wave of heat and quickly blacked 9/24/1995 #42508 nt of them on the highway. One man felt mesmerized by the brilliant outburs 4/15/1996 #42870 officer told his companion that he felt a very odd sensation of being pulle 4/15/1996 #42870 e next five minutes. Afterwards he felt very tired and sleepy for 2 to 3 da 6/21/1996 #42936 histling sound from the street and felt a rush of air. He turned around imm 7/8/1996 #42950 so wore silvery boots. Suddenly he felt something strike his chest, and gla 7/16/1996 #42959 ly heard a loud whizzing sound and felt hands grab his hair and shoulders. 9/16/1996 #43026 window right above her bed, and it felt as if something was pulling her fro 11/24/1996 #43120 e nearby barn. At the same time he felt a prickling sensation and began to 1/5/1997 #43166 but were somehow overpowered. Ryan felt a pain in the back of his neck as h 1/7/1997 #43167 ame accustomed to the dark and she felt a presence in the room. She then sa 2/24/1997 #43207 he being in the face, and his skin felt like hard plastic. She struggled so 2/24/1997 #43207 he then bit the being; she said it felt like biting a cold piece of ham. Af 2/24/1997 #43207 ding flash of orange light, and he felt his vehicle being lifted up. He the 2/26/1997 #43210 around 3:00 a.m. when he suddenly felt very cold. He next saw a purple lig 3/10/1997 #43225 gh-pitched screeching sound and he felt dizzy. He fell to his knees, sweati 3/10/1997 #43225 econds. There was no noise, but he felt body vibrations as it flew over. 9/7/1997 #43399 ill in the room, and he once again felt forced to close his eyelids. When h 10/15/1997 #43429 unged the needle into his back. He felt the clear liquid being injected int 10/15/1997 #43429 ng injected into his body. He then felt paralyzed, and after a minute the n 10/15/1997 #43429 le was drawn up into his groin. He felt no real discomfort or pain. The nee 12/14/1997 #43462 earby fields, was awakened when he felt some type of "knock" in his head, p 1/1/1998 #43484 tures and very thick eyebrows. She felt relaxed and unafraid. She asked the 6/8/1998 #43584 When he approached it he suddenly felt dizzy and passed out. He was found 8/12/1998 #43629 was totally silent. The witnesses felt nervous during the incident. 8/24/1998 #43637 e lights were extremely bright “it felt like it was daytime again.” The gr 10/1998 #43656 City, a man working at the airport felt a strange compulsion to go outside. 12/15/1998 #43699 aches after the incident. She also felt hypervigilant. 1/7/1999 #43711 up and drank a glass of water, and felt the need to open the window curtain 4/15/1999 #43758 nd numbers in the sky. The witness felt mental communication then the video 4/15/1999 #43758 round the object left. The witness felt what he described as a strange elec 4/15/1999 #43758 an he did not turn around. Then he felt a “body” next to him, and he next f 7/18/1999 #43807 a “body” next to him, and he next felt a pleasant touch on his upper back, 7/18/1999 #43807 ly took his hand; the being’s skin felt very soft. The humanoid then tried 8/18/1999 #43826 o go. However, he reported that he felt at peace during the encounter. 8/18/1999 #43826 ached and several of the witnesses felt dizzy in the presence of the object 10/17/1999 #43862 he woman then took her hand, which felt very cold. The being was about four 10/26/1999 #43866 i, Amazonas State, Brazil when she felt something moving nearby. When she t 11/25/1999 #43886 e object, and the dog's owner, who felt a static charge emanating from the 11/26/1999 #43889 a thin body. At the same time she felt a puff of breath coming from the en 1/13/2000 #43928 lling or tugging at something that felt like a rope going through her body 5/17/2000 #43996 houlder to her right hip area. She felt very uncomfortable and her chest hu 5/17/2000 #43996 not say anything, but the witness felt they were telling him to trust them 8/11/2000 #44030 telling him to trust them. He next felt an electrical current going through 8/11/2000 #44030 their destination. Strangely, she felt unwilling to resist and got in the 9/6/2000 #44037 s next surrounded her vehicle. She felt weak and helpless as the humanoids 9/23/2000 #44045 ulders, one on each side. She then felt warm and was stood straight up. Nex 10/15/2000 #44058 tly approached the witness. He now felt hands around his mouth, and was lif 10/15/2000 #44059 illuminating both of them. Fresia felt a cold wave envelope her body. The 10/19/2000 #44060 more moments in which Fresia again felt a definite change of temperature, a 10/19/2000 #44060 ite change of temperature, and she felt her head was swelling up. Momentari 10/19/2000 #44060 te of complete relaxation, and she felt a prickling sensation invade her en 10/19/2000 #44060 entire body. Meanwhile, Valentina felt the same presence and complained of 10/19/2000 #44060 s a nearby cemetery both witnesses felt a slight tremor in the earth. Fresi 10/19/2000 #44060 ties with her menstrual cycle. She felt also more relaxed and at ease. She 10/19/2000 #44060 river in Salisbury, North Carolina felt a strange presence while driving at 1/23/2001 #44129 ied to block a companion plane, he felt threatened by the helicopters and a 2/24/2001 #44142 r bar was passed over her head she felt a slight sensation of warmth. She a 5/2/2001 #44174 thoughts or speech in her mind and felt that the beings talked about her an 5/2/2001 #44174 was going to be fine. The witness felt that the aliens needed human bodies 5/2/2001 #44174 eings and they answer yes, but she felt it was only an attempt to manipulat 5/2/2001 #44174 night Ms. M. of Rosario, Argentina felt herself summoned by aliens, and she 8/2/2001 #44220 erself summoned by aliens, and she felt herself traveling through a tunnel 8/2/2001 #44220 unnel of "water" or something that felt like water. She soon found herself 8/2/2001 #44220 id if he needed any assistance. He felt when he approached the strange pair 3/26/2002 #44326 pulled the car over and the driver felt ill. Two minutes later there was an 9/24/2002 #44403 er a couple of minutes the witness felt a severe pain in his lower abdomen. 1/26/2003 #44480 not feel afraid anymore. She then felt very confused and does not know if 1/27/2003 #44481 ghts in the sky at 9:20 p.m., then felt they had had a missing time experie 11/25/2003 #44621 ceful feeling came over him and he felt as if every hair on his body was st 3/12/2004 #44676 on end. The feeling of well being felt like it lasted only a brief 30 seco 3/12/2004 #44676 the entity as an "old friend". She felt that the entity seemed to express c 5/15/2004 #44701 sest, a stream of hot air could be felt emanating from it. When the UFO pas 8/2/2004 #44725 As it passed directly overhead he felt an energy that reverberated through 10/2/2004 #44766 hrough his body. He stated that he felt many sensations all at once, but co 10/2/2004 #44766 o description for what he actually felt. The object also made a pulsating o 10/2/2004 #44766 his hair was falling out, he also felt lethargic. He realized later that h 10/2/2004 #44766 round. No sound was heard or heat felt during the close encounter. 3/5/2005 #44819 in the partly cloudy sky. He also felt a tingling feeling on his head and 5/9/2005 #44838 and at the same time the witnesses felt a gust of cool wind. One of the wit 6/14/2005 #44847 amily had gone and his entire body felt sore, particularly below the waist. 11/25/2005 #44905 r and as it approached the witness felt heat and a ‘force of high magnitude 4/25/2007 #45023 che the next morning, and his wife felt ill enough to stay in bed for most 6/7/2008 #45146
s ivory object drops to trees near FEMA facility. 8/4/1995 #42358 y defense. Both agencies work with FEMA to determine potentially hazardous 3/22/2017 #45465
n a clearing. Next to it is a nude female with hair down to her waist. As s 4/16/1897 #508 is standing in her kitchen when a “female ghost” appears and chats with her 10/4/1898 #626 in Egyryn, Wales. There was also a female passenger in the car, also with t 3/23/1905 #675 on, who has been in contact with a female Martian entity named Oomaruru sin 10/27/1926 #1065 of Oahu, Hawaii near Kaneohe. One female occupant was captured and flown t 6/22/1944 #1613 ver in the bully and pacify him. A female in the cage soon figures out the 1952 #5837 ers with bright rims. Soft sounds. Female voices heard! 7/17/1952 #6856 d suites. One Alien appeared to be female. One Alien had been alive at the 1953? #8470 suits; one humanoid appeared to be female. He states he heard that the UAP 1953 #8482 n St. Catharines, Ontario A man, a female companion, and two children are p Late 7/1955 #12285 ched they could tell that it was a female figure, flying at three meters ab 10/20/1955 #12513 intercourse with an human-looking female. 10/15/1957 #14113 rgh, Scotland Portobello Night. 12 female and 4 male farmworkers are in a t 11/8/1957 #14490 later text added by an apparently female companion named Tarngee. A metall 11/21/1957 #14590 A U.S. Navy Commander and a female companion at the Patuxent River N 6/30/1959 #15804 a green light on the dome. The two female witnesses, Ms. Bender and Ms. Qui 12/28/1964 #18678 a, Brazil 10:15 p.m. LT. Two young female factory workers while walking hom 2/25/1966 #19917 John Beers and a female friend were driving south on Coun 5/8/1966 #20467 art at high speed. The 35-year-old female witness reportedly heard a "hum", 8/6/1966 #20729 pseudo-human/entity. Sex with odd female. Left / field. UFO retracts legs 10/6/1967 #23182 hway in Carlisle, Pennsylvania two female witnesses, Ms. Lehman and Ms. Lit 1/12/1968 #23661 the girls goes outside and sees a female figure, less than 5 feet tall and 7/20/1968 #24193 dge, VT Dual abduction of male and female summer camp staff members. Indepe 8/7/1968 #24304 dge, VT Dual abduction of male and female summer camp staff members. Indepe 8/7/1968 #24305 LINS, SP, BRZ Female pseudo-human/entity / unknown lan 8/27/1968 #24384 rted physiological effects for the female witness. It followed the contours 8/11/1969 #25316 later, a series of contacts with a female spacewoman. 1/7/1970 #25540 es of contacts with a fair skinned female being. 1/7/1970 #25541 as "androgynous," neither male nor female. The being communicated telepathi 7/4/1970 #25727 city appeared to be both male and female, wore white robes, and were fair 7/4/1970 #25727 ice. There she met three beautiful female humanoids who wore silvery spaces 1/1/1971 #25966 heard a strange noise, and then a female voice that told him to go alone t 5/5/1972 #26671 isplay over a dam for two hours. A female witness miscarried her pregnancy 4/22/1973 #27440 Late on this night a female witness and her sister observed a 10/15/1973 #28060 described as more human looking, a female with long hair, a skirt, and a ba 10/19/1973 #28199 m. A French vacationer and a local female friend are lying on a sloping bea 3/29/1974 #28968 ence with a sexy, scantily dressed female alien in a Los Angeles, Californi 2/1975 #29781 ntered. One was male and the other female. He had seen the male before. The 12/4/1975 #30685 recy. He is referred to an unnamed female staff member of the White House D 1/1977 #31666 x PMG factory roof 4:45 p.m. Three female factory workers in Bridlington, Y 1/21/1977 #31742 he impression that might have been female, but there was nothing about thei 4/4/1977 #31943 d woman and accompained by another female passenger was paced by a white gl 4/29/1977 #32034 d woman and accompained by another female passenger was paced by a white gl 4/29/1977 #32037 field, Sussex, England 5:20 p.m. A female police constable in Isfield, Suss Fall 1977 #32515 sea and followed a car with three female passengers along Highway 35 for a 12/6/1977 #32738 orced sexual encounter with a tall female UFO crew member. As in the famous 3/2/1978 #33011 as described as a tall, human-like female with protuberant eyes, who made g 3/2/1978 #33011 as surprised to see that they were female dressed in shiny white suits, wit 5/10/1978 #33199 other was blond. The black haired female approached the witness and told h 5/10/1978 #33199 ewhat heavier and appeared to be a female; this one had a metallic disc-sha 7/11/1978 #33368 meter was sighted by a 19-year-old female grocery worker driving near the L 9/26/1978 #33752 Omaha, NE Two twenty-year-old female steel company employees were driv 9/28/1978 #33767 in the morning two twenty-year-old female steel company employees were driv 9/28/1978 #33772 th Africa. It was seen by a single female witness. 9/29/1978 #33779 small and humanlike, both male and female. The women are blonde and have be 10/25/1978 #33873 mall and human like, both male and female. The women were blonde and had be 10/25/1978 #33875 venida de los Martires 9:30 p.m. A female medical technician, her sister, d 11/20/1978 #33967 aching a residence containing five female witnesses, when two or three norm 11/20/1978 #33968 o have sexual intercourse with the female. The beings spoke in an unknown l 6/18/1979 #34618 before being forced to mate with a female alien. He is tranquilized again a 6/28/1979 #34639 ng close enough for him to see the female alien and a childlike alien obser 6/28/1979 #34639 olds, a male college student and a female telephone company employee, are s 8/11/1979 #34732 A 28-year-old female medical technician suffered physi 9/9/1979 #34855 eet above the car containing three female witnesses. It tilted, then shot u 1/3/1980 #35123 Two aliens briefly paralyzed a female witness in Araguari, Brazil. The 2/2/1980 #35154 ly areas, especially the udders of female bovines.” L. D. Kuttner of the Un 6/1980 #35349 A female credit manager in Lima, Ohio brie 9/21/1980 #35526 ly over the house of a 20-year-old female witness. The craft flew slowly, s 9/26/1980 #35538 humanoids, one male and the other female, both wearing green cloaks. They 7/15/1981 #36008 A female was abducted in Weaver, Iowa by s 1/22/1982 #36306 n / small humanoids (or Greys) and female pseudo-human/entity. Marks / skin 11/29/1982 #36701 by passing through a wall. A naked female who looked human then entered the 11/29/1982 #36702 th large round eyes, one of them a female, emerged from the craft and commu 8/9/1983 #36940 with sex with a light-haired alien female who says her name is Cabala. She 12/14/1983 #37074 at looked like blue ski suits. The female was about five feet tall, and the 5/9/1985 #37589 me were male while the others were female. The men were bearded and the wom 1/25/1987 #38104 hearing a computerlike voice and a female voice, he sees images of dogs. Th 11/11/1987 #38322 A female witness was preparing for bed at 9/3/1988 #38631 38-year-old male and a 16 year-old female driving in Farmington, Michigan w 5/10/1989 #38941 ground level. He called a second, female witness, who watched from the bac 8/13/1989 #39061 Mykolaiv, Ukraine Night. A female employee at a meat packing plant 9/16/1989 #39106 On this night a young female employee of a local meat packing 9/16/1989 #39108 n "there was a voice" that sounded female and somehow metallic. It said: "D 2/18/1990 #39422 for a mouth. The beings flee. The female Doberman is unharmed, but the mal 3/31/1991 #40025 6:30 p.m., the woman heard a loud female voice and felt compelled to go ou 1/24/1992 #40302 black eyes. The second being was a female, similar in appearance to the mal 4/12/1992 #40414 ork in heavy traffic a 30-year-old female in Honolulu, Hawaii watched a fly 9/10/1992 #40617 und. The figure was described as a female wearing a blue dress with a white 9/24/1992 #40639 eople to be abducted that night. A female, human-looking alien then came in 10/8/1992 #40667 e last memory that the 40-year-old female witness had was turning off the h 11/25/1992 #40730 la Peri. He described the being as female, about 19-years old, with finely 4/23/1993 #40948 a table that contained clothing. A female "alien" with short brown hair, we 8/10/1993 #41123 nding next to her. Another similar female stood on her right side. She aske 8/10/1993 #41123 interested in studying him and his female companion. A period of "missing t 11/29/1993 #41309 umped on top of him. The being was female with large dark eyes and with no 5/11/1994 #41523 second similar being. Then a third female with more human features appeared 5/11/1994 #41523 is bed to find that a 10-foot-tall female alien with six fingers and braide Early 6/1994 #41548 on their ship. He asks to see the female alien again but is rebuffed. The Early 6/1994 #41548 At 3:50 a.m. two female witnesses, sleeping outdoors in M 12/5/1994 #41884 tness also remembered several tall female beings performing some type of op 2/11/1995 #42036 took the upper torso of the human female and somehow attached it to a "hum 2/29/1996 #42789 ched it to a "hump-like" area of a female humanoid that had been prepared o 2/29/1996 #42789 e in view. Ten minutes later three female witnesses in Franklin, Georgia we 2/17/1997 #43195 es. He was then told by a friendly female voice that he would feel no pain 10/15/1997 #43429 in a horizontal position. It was a female with funny-looking hair on her he 12/14/1997 #43462 A female security guard in Lakeland, Flori 7/12/1998 #43602 hree humanoid figures, including a female figure. Whereabouts of the film i 4/15/1999 #43758 d, and she recognized her as being female, and sat on the bed. The woman th 10/26/1999 #43866 eling a vibration in her body. The female humanoid was gone. 10/26/1999 #43866 eserted road when out of nowhere a female figure with long black hair appea 5/3/2002 #44336 A female hospital worker, driving home fro 5/8/2003 #44529 d that covered her head. In a soft female voice in pure Russian, she said, 8/2/2004 #44725 aliens" for fear of retaliation. A female resident of the village told Army 8/25/2004 #44741 acting very aggresively. The older female dog got out the door and immediat 8/29/2007 #45050
g space aliens, four males and two females, who apparently speak perfect Ge 11/5/1957 #14343 kes up suddenly and finds two nude females seated on his bed, one blonde an 7/23/1992 #40530 d, because there were two humanoid females sitting on the bed, both entirel 7/23/1992 #40531 r right side. She asked one of the females where they was from, and her rep 8/10/1993 #41123 xtreme agitation. Two of the young females in the household were cowering i 8/18/1993 #41146 ch they could see two blond haired females looking out. These two women had 6/15/1994 #41568 heads. She sensed there were both females and males present but could not 5/2/2001 #44174
the witness stated she heard many feminine voices coming from the objects. 7/17/1952 #6866 a small human-like figure that had feminine features; the figure was standi 7/20/1968 #24194 he moonlight, but it had a “rather feminine” set of features and a not unat 8/27/1969 #25333 ht-fitting suits and had decidedly feminine features. "Their golden hair fr 11/18/1973 #28443 l and had large heads and eyes and feminine features. They wore white unifo 9/3/1979 #34831 ed around and saw the figure of a "feminine appearing" man with small round 5/1981 #35919
n. The two sisters wander off to a fen when suddenly they see a man in the 8/20/1954 #10157
They see a calf caught in a nearby fence with a cable knotted around its ne 4/19/1897 #538 ogs, on the other side of a picket fence 50–75 feet away, begin barking and 5/1913 #888 ches wide) biplane coming over the fence from the direction of an orchard. 1929 #1093 o 30 feet away, looks over a small fence, and sees a large object about 40 6/17/1950 #4991 n kids. 2 1M 'men' put stones from fence in box. Helmets and silver suits. 8/1954 (approximate) #10077 sees two creatures just beyond his fence walking in single file toward a da 9/10/1954 #10286 slowly and stops at a barbed wire fence. Hée goes inside. At 11:00 p.m., h 10/25/1954 #11392 bject was 150 m. They found that a fence had been damaged. 10/27/1954 #11451 pseudo-human/entity. Check hoe and fence. Take tobacco tomato and chicken? 12/9/1954 #11781 hine. Another man was looking at a fence, and the head and arms of a third 12/9/1954 #11784 t. Another was outside examining a fence, while a third was closer to the f 12/9/1954 #11789 some nearby woods and walk along a fence. The dwarf was visible for 25 minu 7/20/1955 #12274 with 2 observer(s) on foot! Jumps fence. / r8#386+APRO Mar. '57. 1/13/1957 #13453 th a dark red center. It cleared a fence, and then vanished. 1/13/1957 #13454 ed farther away. It cleared a high fence and slowly vanished. The Invercarg 1/15/1957 #13456 ed further away. It cleared a high fence and slowly vanished. The Invercarg 1/15/1957 #13457 foreman Zaca Sabiá are repairing a fence on Penteado’s farm in Campinas, Sã 9/1957 #13966 flamethrower. They pass through a fence on the way to a river. After 10 mi 9/1957 #13966 g down [to] 30cm over road. Clears fence. 11/29/1957 #14637 ncoe, Ontario. It then flew over a fence. It was seen by a single witness, 11/29/1957 #14640 ergy Commission puts a barbed wire fence around Area 13 at the Nellis Air F 1958 #14779 eral minutes. The brothers climb a fence and approach it, but the UFO sudde Summer 1960 #16313 st noticed hovering over the south fence of Site 7 for 8–10 minutes. 5/21/1964 #18289 ng a mare that stood docile by the fence. A green colored beam then made a 11/11/1965 #19713 to the right and light up a nearby fence. He brakes his car. In the middle 4/4/1966 #20224 lights hovering near the perimeter fence on that September night. Schindele 9/1966 #20820 a man standing behind a high wire fence separating them from the turnpike 10/11/1966 #20992 e turnpike 30 feet above them. The fence is 8 feet high and the embankment 10/11/1966 #20992 e found to have broken through the fence around their pasture. One had brok 1/13/1967 #21300 n the man reached a five-foot high fence he leaped over it effortlessly dis 1/15/1967 #21315 rate observer(s). 150' saucer over fence. New house paint-Job ruined. All c 9/2/1967 #22978 ng objects were spotted beyond the fence line of the base and in the distan 1968 #23622 CENTRALIA, IL Electric fence charger and clock electro-magnetic 5/1968 #23934 a lawn and draped over wires and a fence in Cheltenham, Adelaide, South Aus 5/11/1968 #23958 he UFO land some 260 feet from the fence of the sanitorium and remain there 8/25/1968 #24376 o has watched from the golf course fence) see the UFOs disappear to the sou 7/11/1969 #25261 / 3 stout legs. Observer(s) climbs fence / better look. Saucer gone! 9/15/1969? #25370 e third circle straddled a paddock fence. In Puketutu, Waikato, New Zealand 11/5/1969 #25452 going down. 5 cows / wrong side / fence! 10/5/1970 #25865 it ran towards them. They scaled a fence to get away, but the creature did 9/25/1971 #26380 nt helmet. It "glided" away over a fence, but later returned with a second 9/30/1971 #26388 ft was about 30 meters away from a fence line, which was 5 meters from the 6/1/1972 #26696 wo "creatures" walking towards the fence. (See report by Bill Hamilton) (NI 10/14/1972 #27074 te they opened the locked security fence surrounding it and entered the com 10/14/1972 #27077 wo "creatures" walking towards the fence. Briggs went back into the buildin 10/14/1972 #27077 ething has penetrated the security fence surrounding the site. They find a Autumn 1973 #27860 ucer going down. 2 8' figure(s) by fence. Missing time? / r178p17+/ Flying 10/25/1973 #28280 glowing green eyes walking along a fence, one in front of the other. The ol 10/25/1973 #28285 is running its left hand along the fence, while the smaller one is struggli 10/25/1973 #28285 e object, and about 75 feet from a fence line. Walking along the fence line 10/25/1973 #28286 om a fence line. Walking along the fence line were two tall figures, from s 10/25/1973 #28286 m. He shot at it and it struck the fence that stood between them. Later tha 10/25/1973 #28286 rden. Walks going up [to] and over fence. / r113p133. 12/19/1973 #28581 t time her husband had reached the fence and was standing still. His hands 3/1/1974 #28842 y and hovers just beyond the depot fence line about 300 feet away. The ligh 5/1974 #29075 n, CAN Cattle found to have broken fence/domed object (NICAP: 04 - Animal R 9/1/1974 #29414 field bellowed and broke through a fence about the time of the sighting. Ro 9/1/1974 #29417 manoid (or Grey) / spacesuit jumps fence. / r186#31p39+/ r54p23. 10/7/1975 #30420 s, making it easy to jump over the fence. Later that night he sees an “oran 10/7/1975 #30421 hree or four steps, vaulted over a fence, and disappeared. Suffern raced ba 10/7/1975 #30422 rints were found anywhere near the fence. 8/5/1976 #31233 Fence Houses, Durham, England 9:00 p.m. 9/3/1976 #31336 e returning from a family visit in Fence Houses, Durham, England, when they 9/3/1976 #31336 ckwise direction near a split-rail fence in a swamp less than a quarter-mil 9/11/1976 #31377 The small being then hopped over a fence and entered a field of a horse far 12/6/1976 #31587 ll bushes in front of the backyard fence. The whole area was brilliantly li 2/24/1977 #31846 saw the creature on top of a stone fence next to Farm Street. There was a t 4/22/1977 #32013 ed to walk through the barbed-wire fence adjacent to it. It then disappeare 5/15/1977 #32096 the ground---the same height as a fence situated between them and the obje 5/18/1977 #32111 tectors in the high hurricane-type fence protecting the compound. Simultane 7/1/1977 #32227 an field about 600 feet beyond the fence line of the compound. Many soldier 7/1/1977 #32227 slipped under a farm's barbed wire fence and walked toward a lamp post only 7/12/1977 #32266 she did the being ran back to the fence, passed under it, and then stopped 7/12/1977 #32266 h. As Raeke is inspecting the rear fence line, he (allegedly) sees a helmet 11/16/1977 #32677 When Jenkins goes back to the rear fence line, he sees two of these beings. 11/16/1977 #32677 all white figure standing behind a fence. The figure was about eight feet t 12/10/1977 #32759 into the woods toward the Fort Dix fence line. A security patrol finds its 1/18/1978 #32894 slow motion and sits down on a low fence and raises her arm very slowly, po 1/31/1978 #32928 slow motion. She sat down on a low fence then raised her arm very slowly an 1/31/1978 #32930 ot zaps observer(s). Walks through fence / atomic center. Missing time. Rad 3/17/1978 #33047 tinues walking toward the security fence surrounding the UKAEA site. The fi 3/17/1978 #33048 ll, barbed wire-topped, chain link fence, disappearing into the darkness. H 3/17/1978 #33048 but since there is no hole in the fence, they discount his story. However, 3/17/1978 #33048 felt compelled to walk towards the fence. He was quickly grabbed by two sho 5/10/1978 #33194 felt compelled to walk towards the fence. He was quickly grabbed by two sho 5/10/1978 #33199 in the air, flying parallel to the fence line. He directs a spotlight at th 6/11/1978 #33275 boys ran towards a nearby barbwire fence, but were astonished to see anothe 7/11/1978 #33367 “suitcase,” and they glide along a fence along a steep incline a short way 10/2/1978 #33790 men then glided towards a dividing fence and flew over it, and one stopped 10/2/1978 #33791 ARNAUBINHA, BRZ 2M UFO zaps man on fence. Paralyzed. Never recovers. Object 5/1979 #34531 rmers. Silver to/from/between red "fence post" out of place. Flies southwes 8/29/1979 #34793 out 50 meters away near a barbwire fence, he noticed two short humanoid fig 4/20/1980 #35281 id figures. Curious, he jumped the fence and approached the figures. At a d 4/20/1980 #35281 iro attempted to jump the barbwire fence again, a beam of light struck him 4/20/1980 #35281 surrounded by an 8 foot chain link fence topped with barbed wire. He claim 12/14/1980 #35716 n shape, and go all the way to the fence line and through it. The couple be 1981 #35763 him to a "figure" standing by the fence. The figure was a meter and a half 2/13/1981 #35826 him to a "figure" standing by the fence on his property. The being was a m 2/13/1981 #35827 all humanoid (or Grey) floats over fence. Shoots lights going up and down. 12/29/1981 #36280 an like figure float over a nearby fence and come towards them. (NICAP: 02 12/29/1981 #36281 rs were walking down an electrical fence when they came upon a large disc s 5/2/1982 #36461 blue haze. Hiss and sparks / wire fence. / r241p6. 7/6/1982 #36530 ear helmets. One stood near a wire fence and was looking at the cattle in t 7/20/1982 #36538 . A second being is peering over a fence at them. The encounter lasts about 1/12/1983 #36745 asted to a stop. He saw beyond the fence an object about 100 feet away and 7/6/1983 #36903 . 18M cylinder/cigar-shape follows fence / pasture. Light whirr. Lights / s 7/30/1984 #37423 ver cigar-shaped object followed a fence line in a pasture at around 9:00 p 7/30/1984 #37424 ace Surveillance System, the Space Fence, over Lake Kickapoo, TX. The facil 12/1986 #38079 ace Surveillance System (the Space Fence), a multistatic radar system built Mid 12/1986 #38083 area and held up some keys to the fence gate at the dog lot, which was clo 3/23/1987 #38153 rby were displaced, and a barbwire fence was installed in the area. Aircraf 9/16/1989 #39109 ark and landed outside a perimeter fence of the Volga-Ural Military Air Def 9/13/1990 #39732 oss the field beyond the perimeter fence, as if it is looking for something 3/31/1993 #40914 conds standing and facing a wooden fence. Looking up, he cannot see the fig 8/1993 #41099 O scanning the huge mesh perimeter fence of the Glenochil Prison in Alloa, 5/15/1994 #41527 t a large creature that jumped the fence surrounding his home. He described 11/11/1995 #42594 helmet on its head. It is behind a fence that circles the porch. They stare 4/21/1996 #42876 tity then jumped over a meter high fence and got away. 5/3/1996 #42892 Ohio Day. A witness is repairing a fence on his property near Valley, Ohio, 9/16/1996 #43023 last seen moving along a barbwire fence. Shortly later she heard a screech 6/26/1997 #43341 long dark coat sitting on a nearby fence. He described the figure as short 7/11/2000 #44014 the flight line behind the “Pacer Fence.” The source mentions there are un 12/15/2010 #45307 US Space Force declares the Space Fence, its second-generation space surve 3/28/2020 #45642 all as a marble. The initial Space Fence facility is located at Kwajalein A 3/28/2020 #45642
fterward, the contaminated area is fenced off and the contaminated equipmen 4/24/1957 #13615 The object came low over a nearby fenced field, and he could now see that 5/10/1978 #33194 The object came low over a nearby fenced field, and he could now see that 5/10/1978 #33199
guard over a plateau in a remote, fenced-off part of the base. After a few 1949 #3945
FENCEHOUSES, ENG 2 attracted / 5' saucer 9/3/1976 #31333 lking past a waste storage area in Fencehouses, England when they saw a dom 9/3/1976 #31340
ers. 1M glowing-clouds follow farm fences by border / Hungary. 8/1945 (approximate) #1907 t quickly going up / field. Ruined fences. Cows scared. / r138#9. 10/27/1954 #11431 outages. Several pigs gone / high fences. Saucers seen. 8/1967 #22767 deal of damage to the paddock and fences caused by the frightened animals. 2/16/1969 #24923 On May 14, Carson is checking some fences and he comes across a perfectly r 5/12/1975 #30052 ures glide over one of the feedlot fences. The ground had been muddy at the 8/5/1976 #31233 quickly moves along the perimeter fences of Area 2, a weapons storage area 10/2002 #44411 foot orb moves along the perimeter fences of Area 2, a weapons storage area 10/2002 #44412
ime to time to cut the barbed-wire fencing. They discover a heel-shaped cra 7/5/1947 #2721
he being was the height of the car fender. It was humanoid in appearance an 10/7/1975 #30422 wo o'clock in the afternoon Donald Fender, age 49, a self-employed bee keep 1/27/1977 #31761 is dog began to act strangely, and Fender felt "like someone wanted to talk 1/27/1977 #31761 a number of things, most of which Fender was unable to remember. They also 1/27/1977 #31761 e sees an object shaped like a car fender with four blue lights moving towa 8/20/1978 #33532
ich resembled a Volkswagen without fenders or doors. From the top emerged t 11/3/1971 #26452 , looking like a VW Beetle without fenders. Three small men emerged, and co 11/4/1971 #26457
FENGRUN, HEBEI, CH Several observer(s). 10/28/1971 (approximate) #26433 rp relief in a clear blue sky over Fengrun, China. They shot off toward the 10/28/1971 #26436
FY-1C polar orbit satellite of the Fengyun series orbiting at an altitude o 1/11/2007 #44998
disc-shaped object in the sky over Fenham, West Moor, and Spennymoor, Durha 5/15/1973 #27494
FENIERS / CROCQ, FR 5 observer(s). Sauce 10/2/1954 #10592
George R. Dean, and SP3 Gerald L. Fennell) watch a large, shiny, metal sph 1/21/1957 #13468
nother close encounter occurred in Fennimore, Wisconsin when a Mr. G. Gratz 9/20/1979 #34908
blish the Asociația pentru Studiul Fenomenelor Aerospațiale Neidentificate 9/28/1998 #43654
issile Combat Crew Commander Bruce Fenstermacher is on alert duty at one of Autumn 1976 #31421 Dwynne C. Arneson and Capt. Bruce Fenstermacher write affidavits that stat 9/27/2010 #45299
com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/fenstermacher_01.jpg https://www.ufoha 9/27/2010 #45299
com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/fenstermacher_02.jpg 9/27/2010 #45299
Texas 8:30 p.m. Army Pvts. Martin Fensterman and Frank Luisi, on security 3/6/1949 #4035
Old Westbury, Long Island, NY Fensterstock. (Hynek UFO Rpt p.43; FUFOR 1/3/1958 #14799
87 Fentham Road in Aston, Birmingham, Engla 11/16/1957 #14567 out unexpectedly at her home in 87 Fentham Road in Aston, a suburb of Birmi 11/16/1957 #14567
y, North Yorkshire, England Church Fenton railway station Evening. An airsh 2/21/1913 #883 waiting for a train at the Church Fenton railway station are treated to th 2/21/1913 #883 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fenton” Yield: 1.4KT 4/23/1966 #20389
Fentress (3 miles SW of), VA Navy F-6F F 4/7/1954 #9670
Willowdale, Ontario Lawrence J. Fenwick, Joseph Muskat, and Harry Tokarz 1977 #31651 Glasgow, Scotland Fenwick Moor 12:56 a.m. Brian McMullan S 7/14/1985 #37619 60 feet across and vanishes toward Fenwick Moor. The band remembers being “ 7/14/1985 #37619 FENWICK ISLAND, DE 2 observer(s). 2 delt 9/10/1992 #40614 ch on a clear, pre-dawn morning on Fenwick Island, Delaware at around 4:00 9/10/1992 #40616
entro de Estudos Astronomicos e de Fenómenos Insolitos is founded in Porto, 1972 #26530 stablish the Centro de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos No Convencionales in Bu 1980 #35113 rgentina The Centro de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Inusuales in Buenos Air 4/1993 #40922 The Chilean Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos begins operati 10/3/1997 #43423 e Departamento de Investigación de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (DIFFA), taske 12/2001 #44279 e Air Force Comisión de Estudio de Fenómenos Aeroespaciales The Argentine A 5/6/2011 #45323 creates the Comisión de Estudio de Fenómenos Aeroespaciales for the study o 5/6/2011 #45323 s Departamento de Investigación de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos (DIFFA), which 10/2013 #45387 UFO agency, Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos, convenes a th 7/31/2014 #45412 The official Comité de Estudios de Fenómenos Aéreos Anómalos spends two yea 11/11/2014 #45423 Air Force’s Comisión de Estudio de Fenómenos Aeroespaciales is renamed the 4/4/2019 #45571
ituto Nacional de Investigações de Fenômenos Aeroespaciais find that in the 10/1/1995 #42529
TRURO TO/FROM FEOCK, ENGL 2 / car. Large red sphere/or 6/12/1999 #43784
EAST / FEOUZETS, FR Capsule sweeps mountains / 2/14/1972 #26579
Point au Fer Reef, LA Ball Of Light Hovers Over W 3/3/1965 #18834
Schwielowsee Caputh Ferch Brandenburg Germany Potsdam Leipzi 3/13/1913 #886 he Schwielowsee between Caputh and Ferch, Brandenburg, Germany, observe an 3/13/1913 #886
Policy adviser Ferdinand Eberstadt writes for Secretary 9/1945 #1936 ears that commanding officer Capt. Ferdinand B. Koch is frustrated by the e 6/1971 #26153 ys later, commanding officer Capt. Ferdinand B. Koch tells the crew certain 6/1971 #26154 ng its programs are: destabilizing Ferdinand Marcos in the Philippines and 11/18/1983 #37046
CASERNE LA FERE, 02, FR UFO lands 300M / soldiers. 10/6/1954 #10750 La Fere, France Near the military barracks, 10/6/1954 #10754 . near the military barracks in La Fere, Aisne, France two soldiers saw a s 10/6/1954 #10761 ickly northeast toward Beaufort-la Fere. 10/17/1954 #11170
Budapest, Hungary 3:30 p.m. Gyorik Ferenc and others on Arena Street [moder 6/10/1947 #2319
ndia Security detail of three men, Ferenz, Rist, and Frazier, reported that 8/9/1980 #35453
frozen surface of Crystal Lake in Fergus County, Montana at 2 a.m. A door 2/22/1963 #17681 Roy (to Fergus), MT 11:30 p.m. SAC men witnessed 12/19/1975 #30726 A call log from the Fergus County Sherriff’s Office in Monta 9/19/2012 #45353
com/storage/files/image/2012-11-04/fergus-cty-sherrif-blotter.jpg Note: 9/19/2012 #45353
Scottish astronomer James Ferguson writes Astronomy Explained upon 1756 #75 FERGUSON, MO William Good and wife at ho 7/6/1947 #2784 LONDON, ONT Steeplejack Ferguson and family. Flying pancake disk 7/8/1947 #3000 DC’s rejection (by Maj. Gen. James Ferguson) of the ATIC proposal. 2/5/1960 #16167 ington 5:30 a.m. USAF S/Sgt Johnny Ferguson is traveling with his wife and 3/24/1967 #21970 lor, and disappears behind a hill. Ferguson reports the incident to Deputy 3/24/1967 #21970 ree police officers named Eisnach, Ferguson, and Sinner had a close encoun 6/30/1967 #22579 n, Arizona Around 11:00 p.m. James Ferguson and Tom Patton are in the deser Mid 3/1977 #31909 onstables Raymond Ellens and Peter Ferguson are on car patrol east of Melto 7/22/1983 #36921 rcs again to the north. Ellens and Ferguson lose sight of it at about 6:00 7/22/1983 #36921
FERIN, NORD 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. 10/11/1990 #39779 -zagged over a residential area in Ferin, Nord, France. It was invisible be 10/11/1990 #39781
Ferme-Neuve, Quebec 11:00 p.m. As he is 6/12/1929 #1098 1:00 p.m. As he is driving home at Ferme-Neuve, Quebec, Levis Brosseau, 20, 6/12/1929 #1098
FERME-NUEVE, QB 15M saucer lands. 4-5 sm 6/15/1929 #1100
Fermeneuve, CAN 11:00 p.m. Levis Brossea 6/12/1929 #1096 Fermeneuve, Canada Levis Brosseau, 2O wa 6/12/1929 #1097 osseau, age 20, was riding home in Fermeneuve, Quebec on horseback at 11:00 6/12/1929 #1099
rglass, and the smelly liquid is a fermented mixture of flour and water. 9/4/1967 #22998
nd graphite for Szilárd and Enrico Fermi’s experiments into producing a nuc 10/21/1939 #1318 during an experiment led by Enrico Fermi 12/2/1942 #1471 he leadership and design of Enrico Fermi, achieving a self-sustaining react 12/2/1942 #1472 lamos, New Mexico Physicist Enrico Fermi first formulates the “Fermi Parado Summer 1950 #4996 Enrico Fermi first formulates the “Fermi Paradox” during a casual conversat Summer 1950 #4996 o other topics, until during lunch Fermi allegedly says suddenly, “But wher Summer 1950 #4996 mulates the basic points of Enrico Fermi’s “Fermi Paradox” for an article i 6/1974 #29154 he basic points of Enrico Fermi’s “Fermi Paradox” for an article in the Qua 6/1974 #29154 ta/triangle/box-like craft circles Fermi nuclear facility. Drops "sparks" a 2/11/1990 #39415 te ellipsoidal object circling the Fermi II nuclear reactor. The object pac 2/11/1990 #39416
Amargo, Neuquen Province, Arg Jose Fermin Albornoz, an illiterate shephard, 2/18/1981 #35831 Jose Fermin Albornoz, an illiterate shephard, 2/18/1981 #35832
FERN CREEK, KY 2 boys. Small disk exits 7/18/1963 #17837 ock in the afternoon, four boys in Fern Creek, Kentucky saw a cigar-shaped 7/18/1963 #17839 Bellevue, KY 10:45 PM. Mrs. Fern Frey (name changed) was lying in be 7/15/1977 #32275 Mrs. Fern Frey had a close encounter with a d 7/15/1977 #32277
FERNALD, OH 2 separate cops. Light brown 8/25/1955 #12403
e McMoneagle, Ken Bell, Mel Riley, Fernand Guavin, Atwater, Rob Cowart, Tom 6/30/1995 #42284
ect. No further details. / Joaquim Fernandes. 10/17/1954 #11154 4:30 a.m. Laura de Freitas Machado Fernandes gets up to go to the well for 7/12/1965 #19096 s back to warn her husband, Manuel Fernandes. They notice that their radio 7/12/1965 #19096 e walking to a neighbor's house in Fernandes, Santa Catarina, Brazil to bor 5/19/1969 #25147 her part of the city, Luis Barroso Fernandes is preparing to travel to a si 4/3/1976 #30983
EDWOOD CITY, CA Retired airman. A. Fernandez. 6' disk going quickly southwe 7/5/1947 #2702 Brazil, radio operator Arquimedes Fernandez sees a strange cloud above the 11/22/1954 #11691 llating with a small light on top. Fernandez radios a report to weather hea 11/22/1954 #11691 San Justo, Argentina J. Fernandez was awakened by a humming soun 9/3/1965 #19504 usto, Santa Fe State, Argentina J. Fernandez was awakened at 1:20 a.m. by a 9/3/1965 #19513 er daughter, 25-year old Felicidad Fernandez Merino then entered the kitche 1/6/1969 #24822 Oro, Spain 6:30 p.m. Miguel Romera Fernandez de Cordoba was flying a forest 7/16/1973 #27634 Thirty-year-old Julio Fernandez and his English Pointer dog Mu 2/5/1978 #32957 have contacted or kidnapped. Julio Fernandez was killed in a car crash in 1 2/5/1978 #32957 director Patrick Ferryn, and José Fernandez take four photos, using high-s 3/31/1990 #39503
Fernandina Beach, Florida Ocean 9:45 p.m 6/23/2001 #44196 esses are sitting in their yard in Fernandina Beach, Florida, when they see 6/23/2001 #44196 Fernandina Beach, Florida 10:30 p.m. A w 8/4/2005 #44858 h, Florida 10:30 p.m. A witness in Fernandina Beach, Florida, sees two rose 8/4/2005 #44858
SAN FERNANDO VALLEY, CA Many observer(s). Ni 11/27/1896 #366 SAN FERNANDO, CA Flying wing / 6-8 lights in 10/5/1950 #5210 San Fernando, CA California Central Airlines 10/5/1950 #5211 California San Fernando Van Nuys A California Central A 10/5/1950 #5213 O with 8 bright lights between San Fernando and Van Nuys, California. Bands 10/5/1950 #5213 San Fernando Valley, California A fluffy mat 11/16/1953 #9303 streams out of a UFO over the San Fernando Valley, California, and falls t 11/16/1953 #9303 owing some jet aircraft in the San Fernando Valley. In Reseda, California s 11/16/1953 #9304 ht in the Amacuro Delta, Venezuela Fernando de Moya, age 39, was hunting fr 11/4/1954 #11569 down over Los Angeles and the San Fernando Valley in California on this ev 8/21/1956 #13110 SAN FERNANDO, CA 2+observer(s). Bright golde 8/5/1957 #13877 San Fernando Valley, CA Rocketdyne engineers 11/11/1957 #14533 Cambá Punta Airport [now Doctor Fernando Piragine Niveyro International 8/2/1962 #17317 at Cambá Punta Airport [now Doctor Fernando Piragine Niveyro International 8/2/1962 #17317 os Gomes Vidal, 7, and his friends Fernando, 12, and Ronaldo Gualberto, 7, 8/28/1963 #17922 e strainer in a cistern. Suddenly, Fernando notices a glow coming from the 8/28/1963 #17922 ince he is still collecting water. Fernando panics and tackles José, who fa 8/28/1963 #17922 José, who falls to the ground, and Fernando gets back up and faces the cycl 8/28/1963 #17922 around and stares back at the UFO. Fernando, spotting a brick on the ground 8/28/1963 #17922 clops, who turns around and shoots Fernando’s hand with a yellow light from 8/28/1963 #17922 m a triangular crest on his chest. Fernando drops the brick, and all three 8/28/1963 #17922 , and Villagrasa passes them on to Fernando Sesma, an employee of the Spani 11/28/1966 #21157 tria New Zealand Yugoslavia Canada Fernando Sesma, president of the Amigos 5/31/1967 #22431 42 a.m. Juan Carlos Peccinetti and Fernando José Villegas are driving home 9/1/1968 #24421 orkers, Juan Carlos Peccinetti and Fernando Jose Villegas, were driving hom 9/1/1968 #24422 At around 3:00 a.m. Fernando Dedeu's car radio began to deve 8/8/1972 #26885 Lisbon, Portugal Fernando António Milhano Patinha founds 1977 #31653 Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley, CA Flurries of sighting 7/1979 #34642 e pilot, Spanish Air Force captain Fernando Cámara, has to increase his spe 11/11/1979 #34997 hile 10:30 p.m. Chilean astronomer Fernando Noël is at his home in the east 1/17/1980 #35137 s, Brazil At night, two witnesses, Fernando Antonio Martins & Edson Maragon 2/14/1982 #36344 icente São Paulo Brazil 11:00 p.m. Fernando Beserra and Wilson da Silva Oli 10/1/1995 #42529 ood of São Paulo, Brazil 9:30 p.m. Fernando Mariano de Oliveira and Luciene 1/2/1998 #43486 neighborhood dogs bark constantly. Fernando’s brother, Alan Bruno de Olivei 1/2/1998 #43486 San Fernando Cebu Island, The Philippines - 11/25/1998 #43684 dead tree in a wooded area of San Fernando, Cebu Island, the Philippines. 11/29/1998 #43689 ing Robert M. Baker, Heinz Dehnen, Fernando Romero-Borja, Chincarini and Gi 5/6/2003 #44526 ht luminous objects, flew over San Fernando, California at 3:30 p.m. At 9:0 2/26/2008 #45123 rsity of California, Berkeley, and Fernando Montealegre-Z of the University 1/4/2019 #45555
More than a dozen residents of the Ferndale sub-division told state police 4/29/1973 #27453 bserved two multicolored lights in Ferndale, Washington at 10:00 p.m. One a 5/6/1989 #38937
US40 NORTHEAST / FERNLEY, NV Air Force man and 1 / (seen 10/15/1956 #13278 On a farm southeast of Fernley, Nevada while milking cows at fi 1/26/1969 #24872
e the next day and find a patch of ferns that appear abnormally wilted. The 5/20/1974 #29119 is for analysis. The wilted, brown ferns are found to be without chlorophyl 5/20/1974 #29119
FERNTREE GULLY, AUSTR 2 bright orange ni 2/4/1996 #42737
Fernvale, New South Wales For a few week 1927 #1068 , and other farmers in the area of Fernvale, New South Wales, are terrorize 1927 #1068 FERNVALE, AUS 2 / ranch. Domed saucer se 2/1927 #1069 FERNVALE, QLD Bright flash / area. Cylin 2/21/1979 #34440 FERNVALE, QLD 8 observer(s). Campsite li 2/1996 #42730
Flight Safety Section Col. Alvaro Fernández Rodas, head of the Flight Safe 5/22/1991 #40074 Staff of the Air Force Gen. Ramón Fernández Sequieros titled “The UFO Arch 5/22/1991 #40074 Staff of the Air Force Gen. Ramón Fernández Sequieros passes instructions 7/26/1991 #40134 Staff of the Air Force, Gen. Ramón Fernández Sequieros, issues Instrucción 3/31/1992 #40404 Staff of the Air Force, Gen. Ramón Fernández Sequieros. 4/13/1992 #40416
FERRARA, ITL Chemist at factory. Ovoid h 10/14/1954 #11032 FERRARA, ITL 2 observer(s). Ovoid hovers 8/1967 #22763
A 41-year-old farmer named N. Ferrari in Castelfranco Emilia, Italy sa 11/16/1952 #8290 Castelfranco, Italy Nello Ferrari, 41, a farmer, found himself flo 11/18/1952 #8294 Nello Ferrari, 41, a farmer from Castelfranco, 11/18/1952 #8298
military witness, jet pilot Lt. H. Ferraz de Almeida, sees a dull silver ob 10/24/1954 #11365
At 3:00 a.m. Luis G. Ferre Casas, age 33, and two other witne 1/6/1961 #16564
Gerais, Brazil Belo Horizonte Anor Ferreira da Silva, a bored telegraph ope 11/22/1954 #11690 er the command of Capt. José Lemos Ferreira are flying at night at 24,600 f 9/4/1957 #13978 rtalegre, Portugal. At this point, Ferreira notices a UFO like a bright sta 9/4/1957 #13978 a Portuguese Air Force Capt. Lenos Ferreira is conducting a training missio 11/4/1957 #14281 nstant altitude while oscillating. Ferreira orders a change of course towar 11/4/1957 #14281 es and is seen by Nelson Gonçalves Ferreira at their destination in Miguel 8/3/1967 #22787 Cintra, who worked at the Clemente Ferreira Sanatorium, was awakened by a n 8/27/1968 #24387 Cintra, who worked at the Clemente Ferreira Sanatorium, was awakened by a n 8/27/1968 #24388 Cintra, who worked at the Clemente Ferreira Sanatorium in Lins, Brazil was 8/27/1968 #24390 otá, Colombia Night. Capt. Gustavo Ferreira and the crew of Avianca flight 1/21/1977 #31744 at 27,340 mph in a zigzag motion. Ferreira watches the light change color 1/21/1977 #31744 A 23-year-old man, Sr. Ferreira, disappeared in front of his fe 5/4/1977 #32055 State, Brazil 35-year-old Anotnio Ferreira witnessed an "airship," red on 11/23/1977 #32694 ol, Sao Paolo State, Brazil Sr. A. Ferreira was returning home from his job 6/18/1979 #34616 Sr. A. Ferreira was returning home from his job 6/18/1979 #34618 azil Security guard Antonio Carlos Ferreira is allegedly abducted from his 6/28/1979 #34639 it by bright red and green lights. Ferreira states that he encountered the 6/28/1979 #34639 as hunting with his friend Ribamar Ferreira in the rain forest in Matoes, n 10/17/1981 #36176 ght on Boro. He climbed a tree and Ferreira ran away. The object hovered ov 10/17/1981 #36176 ear. His body was glittering. When Ferreira came back with help, Boro was d 10/17/1981 #36176 rracks infirmary, physician Robson Ferreira Melo performs surgery to remove 2/6/1996 #42742 Rua Luis Augusto Ferreira Capão Redondo neighborhood of S 1/2/1998 #43486 townhouse on the Rua Luis Augusto Ferreira in the Capão Redondo neighborho 1/2/1998 #43486
-old Jose Manuel Castro Gonzalo in Ferreiras, Lugo, Spain was getting ready 3/7/1996 #42815
tled UFO Cover-Up? Live! Host Mike Ferrell interviews Betty Cash and Vickie 10/14/1988 #38674
nia 1:06 p.m. R. W. Love and a Mr. Ferrenti, while engaged in retrieving ra 1/28/1953 #8600
FERRERE, ASTI, ITL Glowing-ovoid radiate 7/30/1990 #39670 00 p.m. a glowing ovoid landed in Ferrere, Piedmonte, Italy radiating four 7/30/1990 #39671
an electronic intelligence (ELINT/ferret) mission over the Sea of Japan (a 4/14/1953 #8824 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ferret” Yield: 20KT 2/8/1963 #17663 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Ferret Prime” Yield: 20KT 4/5/1963 #17723
noon by a 34-year-old man named L. Ferreyra. The UFO had three portholes, a 5/5/1979 #34544
through a window wakes up Isidoro Ferri in his residence on the Via della 10/9/1984 #37484 y the figure and light vanish, and Ferri sees a stationary ink light with t 10/9/1984 #37484 ht approaches and floods the area. Ferri gets up and approaches the window 10/9/1984 #37484 es then moves on to the northwest. Ferri’s dog has not barked through the e 10/9/1984 #37484
socket, Rhode Island 7:15 p.m. Joe Ferriere sees a large, cigar-shaped obje 7/3/1967 #22601
FERRIERE-LA-GRAND, FR 2 girls / 14. Whit 7/25/1990 #39660
FERRIERE-LA-GRANDE, FR 5 observer(s). Do 9/20/1974 #29465 FERRIERE-LA-GRANDE, FR 1 observer. Red g 3/14/1990 #39460 Two 14-year-old girls in Ferriere-La-Grande, France watched a whi 7/25/1990 #39662
take him aboard a small ship that ferries him to a larger craft further aw 6/28/1979 #34639 reflections of cargo or passenger ferries may have affected at least some 4/23/2007 #45022 link between the radar traces and ferries and proposes that two solid airb 4/23/2007 #45022
LOGANSVILLE, OHIO 'Huge ferris wheel / many lights'. 30cm / arms 10/31/1953 #9264 nsville, Ohio at 7:30 p.m. a huge, Ferris wheel shaped object with many mul 10/31/1953 #9266 1.5 meter column of white smoke. A Ferris wheel of fireworks rose up, then 4/8/1972 #26641 AKE, NJ ABC newsman. Garish silent ferris wheel / treetop level. / r201p108 6/4/1974 #29161 ning. An object that looked like a Ferris wheel on its side was sighted on 12/5/1975 #30686 An object that looked like a Ferris wheel on its side was sighted in 12/5/1975 #30688 FLA 11+3 observer(s). Huge "top / ferris wheel" glitters. / J. A. Hynek. / 12/12/1975 #30706 or 20 minutes. It looks like a big Ferris Wheel on its side. 6/25/1984 #37380 Philip Imbrogno and Dennis, saw a "Ferris wheel" shaped UFO in the sky in H 10/1984 #37472 OSSINING, NY Hynek and Imbrogno. "Ferris wheel" / night lights. Vanishes. 10/5/1984 #37476 flips on its side and turns like a Ferris wheel. After 30 seconds, it is lo 10/5/1984 #37477 Philip Imbrogno and Dennis, saw a "Ferris wheel" shaped UFO in the sky in H 10/5/1984 #37478 ENGL 2 / car / A272. Huge perfect ferris wheel with spokes. See Flying Sau 7/6/1985 #37615 York, see an object “like a giant Ferris wheel” the size of a football fie 3/26/1986 #37811 . It was lit up with lights like a Ferris wheel. 8/8/1999 #43818
FT. THOMPSON, SD 1+3 cops. Ferris-wheel night light hovers over Ind 10/11/1966 #20987 observer(s). Photographs spinning ferris-wheel disk. 1/17/1973 #27241 KFIELD, LEICS Many cars stop. Huge ferris-wheel spins across M1 motorway go 9/21/1986 #38032 A huge Ferris-wheel shaped object was seen spin 9/21/1986 #38033 GL 2 separate couples. Large white ferris-wheel ovoid. Structure visible. 7/15/1989 #39019
entina 10:55 p.m. Astronomers Luis Ferro and Renato Matteassi at the San Mi 9/14/1964 #18552 razil 8:30 a.m. Farmer Antônio Pau Ferro is working on his farm in São João 9/10/1965 #19550 eet and hover. The beings approach Ferro, then move back to the two UFOs. T 9/10/1965 #19550 Antonio Pau Ferro, a farmer, was working in his corn 9/10/1965 #19551 Guarulhos, Brazil Antonio Pau Ferro saw two objects land. Two dwarfish 9/11/1965 #19554
e of a sphere. Maj. Antonio Munáiz Ferro-Sastre investigates the sightings 6/22/1976 #31129 astian Elcano. Maj. Antonio Munáiz Ferro-Sastre again investigates, conclud 11/19/1976 #31559
Partido Macachín Estación Hidalgo Ferrocarril Sarmiento La Pampa, Argentin 5/15/1950 #4944 ween Macachín and Estación Hidalgo Ferrocarril Sarmiento), La Pampa, Argent 5/15/1950 #4944
El Ferrol del Caudillo, Spain "Bright, circ 9/11/1973 #27800
aler, who fails to recognize it as ferrous and possibly ships it to Japan. 6/12/1960 #16312
a, Argentina Buenos Aires Hospital Ferroviario 3:30 a.m. Carlos Alberto Dia 1/4/1975 #29715 someone takes him to the Hospital Ferroviario. However, an extensive inves 1/4/1975 #29715
Serafim Ferrreira sanitarium in Lins, São Paulo, 8/25/1968 #24376 t Maria José Cintra of the Serafim Ferrreira sanitarium in Lins, São Paulo, 8/25/1968 #24376
SIDI FERRUCH, ALGERIA Many observer(s). Cylin 10/6/1952 #8092
Broughty Ferry, Dundee Scottish minister and scie 1838 #133 inhabited. At his home in Broughty Ferry, Dundee, he computes that the Sola 1838 #133 KNIGHTS FERRY, CA 2 ministers. Fireball skims gr 11/22/1896 #344 NORTHWEST / CANYON FERRY, MT 2 / car. 1M saucer / 3km altit 7/29/1947 #3246 Canyon Ferry (Helena?), MT 3' Bright Disc Maneu 7/29/1947 #3250 / Seattle to/from/between Victoria ferry. Night light zigzags going northwe 12/17/1949 (approximate) #4439 ing in 1949 two witnesses aboard a ferry in Puget Sound bound for Victoria, 12/17/1949 #4440 nd-Couronne, France Jean Andrieux, ferry operator, saw a large white sphere 9/30/1954 #10513 Jean Andrieux, a ferry operator in Grand-Couronne, France 9/30/1954 #10524 BUZZARDS BAY, MA Ferry crew and more/others. Grey ovoid h 10/7/1958 #15324 d Cournamont Hill near the Purnong Ferry over the Murray River. They see to 3/13/1959 #15641 2:10 a.m., 1.6 kilometers from the ferry, two men names Briggs and Towill c 3/13/1959 #15642 NEW FERRY, ENGL Housewife. Silver saucer wit 11/24/1959 #16099 At 1:00 p.m. Mrs. Sperring in New Ferry, Cheshire, England watched a silve 11/24/1959 #16101 CANYON FERRY, MT Several observer(s). Glowing o 4/29/1964 #18220 ted glowing object fly over Canyon Ferry, Montana, and two children saw a l 4/29/1964 #18222 Canyon Ferry Reservoir, MT Egg-shaped object si 4/30/1964 #18226 Canyon Ferry, Montana Several anonymous adults 4/30/1964 #18229 Canyon Ferry, MT Glowing oval object landed, in 4/30/1964 #18230 Canyon Ferry, Montana 10:30 p.m. Several childr 4/30/1964 #18232 Several children living in Canyon Ferry, Montana, see a lighted, egg-shape 4/30/1964 #18232 elongated glowing object in Canyon Ferry, Utah. Two children saw the lighte 4/30/1964 #18235 ash and his family were awaiting a ferry boat when a brilliant, orange-red 8/14/1965 #19389 Canyon Ferry, MT Nr. midnight. A relative of NI 7/7/1967 #22626 SOUTH / ALGECIRAS, SP All / Ceuta ferry. UFO's rise / sea. Fly / good dist 4/15/1974 (approximate) #29024 a Algeciras, Spain Passengers on a ferry on the Strait of Gibraltar between 4/15/1974 #29029 in France, all passengers aboard a ferry off the coast of Algeciras, Cadiz, 4/15/1974 #29033 WOOLWICH FERRY, LONDON Several observer(s). 2 cyl 1/25/1978 #32914 Warrington, England Fiddler’s Ferry Power Station 10:45 p.m. Joyce Bla 10/28/1978 #33887 light hovering above the Fiddler’s Ferry Power Station. Her husband and two 10/28/1978 #33887 ary Islands 3:10 a.m. The merchant ferry Manuel Soto, owned by Transmediter 12/23/1985 #37735 NYC, NY Many / staten island ferry. Huge craft rises / bay. Roils wat 9/15/1995 #42473 Twilight. A Polish passenger on a ferry to Stockholm, Sweden, watches a la 6/1997 #43307 even o'clock that night in Martins Ferry, Ohio. A man was sleeping when he 10/15/2000 #44059 ozens of passengers on the Rogalin ferry returning from Sweden to Gdansk, P 8/20/2001 #44238 derwater. After three minutes, the ferry leaves it behind. 8/20/2001 #44238 Jon Ferry, Marconi director, working on a cr 2004 #44640
ea. Made several circles above the ferry-boat pier. (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 11/2/1885 #269 ea. Made several circles above the ferry-boat pier. 11/2/1885 #270
It made several circles above the ferryboat pier then plunged into the sea 11/2/1885 #271 RGE, ROM 6M saucer with tail paces ferryboat. U-turn back going west. / r84 9/18/1967 #23080 CANAL DE CHILOE, CHILE All / ferryboat. Luminous/glowing object slows 5/17/1968 #23966 At 7:00 p.m. many onboard a ferryboat in Canal de Chacao, Chile watc 5/17/1968 #23971 GUANABARA BAY, BRZ Several / ferryboat. Brilliant domed ovoid / 600M 6/4/1968 #24002 IL Big ball / light zigzags behind ferryboat. Saucer rises / water / 01 Jul 6/20/1981 #35976 SOUTHEAST / GOZO I, MALTA Ferryboat. Ovoid going down. Opens up. R 7/1996 #42942
FERRYHILL, DURHAM 4 boys. Domed saucer w 8/22/1995 #42407
ral Oregon Witness: Joseph Shell, ferrying SNJ trainer for North American 5/27/1949 #4213 ilot and businessman Joseph Shell, ferrying an SNJ trainer for North Americ 5/27/1949 #4214 ssian-built M-14 Hound helicopters ferrying men and materiel over the borde 6/15/1968 #24040
ST. IGNACE, MICH 2 Ferrymen. Saucer races all over/all abou 4/7/1950 #4808 Two ferrymen in Saint Ignace, Michigan watch 4/7/1950 #4819
oup SOBEPS), film director Patrick Ferryn, and José Fernandez take four pho 3/31/1990 #39503 es southeast of Brussels, Belgium. Ferryn estimates its altitude is only 1, 3/31/1990 #39503 omenes Spatiaux, headed by Patrick Ferryn. 6/11/2007 #45035
-235 (with the remainder being the fertile uranium-238). It is JCO’s first 9/30/1999 #43856
was of being inside a huge "Embryo Fertilization Room." Small beings were w 1/30/1990 #39398
humanoids (or Greys) take soil and fertilizer. / r211p38 / r249p346+/ r4p58 4/24/1964 #18187 storage site for ammonium nitrate fertilizer. 2/21/1968 #23774 :40 p.m. G. W. Schoen is spreading fertilizer on a farm near Westminster, M 9/20/1978 #33714
La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, Seine-et-Marne, Fran 6/24/1994 #41581 ce 2:40 a.m. Three gendarmes at La Ferté-sous-Jouarre, Seine-et-Marne, Fran 6/24/1994 #41581
as benevolent Space Brothers argue fervently for nuclear disarmament. The m 1958 #14782 closed his eyes and began to pray fervently, and he did not see the entiti 2/20/1997 #43199
FES, MOROCCO Fireball-rocket going quick 9/23/1946 (approximate) #2188
original meteor. However, Frank C. Feschino has done extensive research to 9/12/1952 #7905 y landing near Arcadia, Tennessee. Feschino thinks that these three objects 9/12/1952 #7905 ina in that time period, and these Feschino suspects may have been attempti 9/12/1952 #7905 the wreckage has never been found. Feschino thinks that a UFO damaged in do 9/12/1952 #7905 Virginia region that, according to Feschino, involves a search for a second 9/12/1952 #7905 for a second downed UFO. Although Feschino jumps to many conclusions and h 9/12/1952 #7905
d on Venus’s dark side is due to a festival of fire in honor of the “ascens 1824 #117 s Royal Order of Tibet organizes a festival in Laguna Beach, California, dr 9/10/1937 #1277 , France, are having their Ducasse festival meal when they see a fast, lumi 10/3/1954 #10665 he annual Naga Light (ghost light) festival. He witnesses and videos many o 10/6/2006 #44971 up to 408 counted at the Phayanak festival on October 24, 2018 (260 in Rat 10/6/2006 #44971
ted 3,000 attend the related music festivals in Rachel and Hiko, Nevada, ac 9/20/2019 #45609
nnati is to operate it. During the festivities, Berger’s sweeping searchlig 8/19/1949 #4329
ights resembling “Chinese lanterns festooned between the masts of a lofty v 2/24/1893 #308
REGUENGO DO FETAL, PORTUGAL 30M red saucer hovers / 8/5/1977 #32361 inute on this night in Reguengo do Fetal, Leiria, Portugal, and then it too 8/5/1977 #32363
ground nearby. The witness went to fetch a camera. At this point the sphere 4/25/1978 #33169 s then gave an order to his dog to fetch one of the sheep. When he looked b 2/6/1980 #35160 outdoors with her car mechanic to fetch her car which had broken down. Onc 2/21/1995 #42055
he ground and ran off when someone fetched a gun. 1/2/1953 #8496
ne when the witness returned after fetching his camera. It probably descend 4/22/1991 #40048
Near Fetebrogh, New Jersey the lights of a Vo 1/18/1966 #19851
ndows, blocking the road ahead. He fetl attracted to it, and alternately fr 11/28/1980 #35680
n a few months later to remove the fetus. During a subsequent abduction sev 4/1987 #38155 advance. Girl abduction / 3 hours. Fetus taken. Found all wet. 1/30/1997 #43180 was abducted for three hours. Her fetus was reportedly taken, and she was 1/30/1997 #43181
e aliens create pregnancies, steal fetuses, and grow hybrids in vats and in 1/1998 #43482
. Vesco states a craft called the “Feuerball” developed in Oberammergau in 1958 #14787 y no evidence of the Kugelblitz or Feuerball exist in the records. 1958 #14787
xas Witness: USAF pilot Maj. D.W. Feuerstein, on ground. One bright tubula 5/29/1952 #6384
bbona, Illinois 11:43 a.m. Hugo W. Feugen is flying his own Aeronca Champio 11/28/1974 #29619 A pilot, Hugo W. Feugen, flying over Shabonna, Illinois a 11/28/1974 #29620
Fonfrede, near Chambon Feugerolles, France Baptiste Jourdy, who 10/11/1954 #10928 In Fonfrede, near Chambon Feugerolles, Loire, France. Baptiste Jou 10/11/1954 #10944
LA FEUILLADE, FR ~50 40cm spheres / tight T 10/1954 #10531
FEURS, FR Car quits. Saucer going down. 9/15/1954 #10307 ndary road at around 11:00 p.m. in Feurs, St. Etienne, Loire department, Fr 9/15/1954 #10315
Fort the next two days, she has a fever that forces her to stay home from Summer 1954 #9919 report nausea, stomach aches, and fever for 2 days after the incident (it 1/21/1977 #31743 The day following the encounter, “fever blisters” break out on his face an 5/13/1978 #33202 ylococcus. Then Chereze develops a fever and pain all over his body. 2/6/1996 #42742 intense pain in the lower back and fever. 2/12/1996 #42759
1,000 feet. The sighting causes a feverish exchange of messages between ai 10/27/1977 #32623
he suffered from sporadically high fevers and insatiable thirst. 9/15/1977 #32485
com/storage/files/image/2012-02-05/FEWarren1965_1.jpg https://www.ufohast 7/31/1965 #19225
com/storage/files/image/2012-02-05/FEWarren1965_2.jpg https://www.ufohast 7/31/1965 #19225
com/storage/files/image/2012-02-05/FEWarren1965_3.jpg https://www.ufohast 7/31/1965 #19225
com/storage/files/image/2012-02-05/FEWarren1965_4.jpg https://www.ufohast 7/31/1965 #19225
good cases still go there, but far fewer unidentifieds. Only solved cases a 8/26/1953 #9112 el do not go to Project Blue Book. Fewer credible unidentifieds are sent to 8/26/1953 #9113 ther contacts up to March 1984 are fewer. In 2008, Doty claims that the int 4/9/1983 #36830 ncident and finds that at present, fewer than 100 documented deaths are lik 4/26/1986 #37843
daughter were in a camping tent in Fey Canyon, her baby granddaughter was a 4/1982 #36422
FEYZIN, FR Light beams / large dark obje 9/15/1954 #10308 Feyzin, France A white light suddenly sw 9/15/1954 #10310 and M., age 19, who was driving in Feyzin, Rhone department, France at 11:3 9/15/1954 #10316 FT FEYZIN, FRANCE Landed domed saucer. Smal 6/1956 #12875
sh Casablanca Rabat Kenitra Meknes Fez 1:00–2:00 a.m. A silvery, luminous c 9/19/1976 #31409 lanca, Rabat, Kenitra, Meknes, and Fez. It gives off an intermittent trail 9/19/1976 #31409
eight p.m. two onboard a U.S. Navy FG1D research aircraft sighted a white l 9/7/1953 #9155
sted slush funds were connected to FHA and HUD. Fitts believed some of the 12/3/1999 #43892
in a car saw an object resting by fhe side of the road. They stopped and w 10/23/1954 #11337
on on a chalkboard: N = R fp ne fl fi fc L. The equation, the Green Bank Fo 11/1/1961 #16944 ersity in Washington, D.C. The Sci Fi channel sponsors a symposium on “Inte 11/8/2002 #44436 Roswell The Sci Fi channel airs a fictional miniseries a 12/2/2002 #44457
about 100' up. Duration: 10 mins. (FI-4 /Palmiter/ MUFON Indiana) (NICAP: 0 Summer 1973 #27577
ST. FIACRE, FR Cop and 1 / car. 7M hemispher 11/1/1981 #36202 vered at 35 meters altitude in St. Fiacre, Seine-Marne, France. It illumina 11/1/1981 #36203
COLONIAL BEACH, VA Man and fiance. Cylinder/cigar-shape-shaped craf 8/20/1995 #42403
then cut off all contact with his fiancee. His parents rejected him, and h 10/28/1973 #28311
At 1:45 a.m. a man and his fiancé were in a parked car on a road ne 3/15/1974 #28891 and got out of the road; then his fiancé called his attention to a pyramid 3/15/1974 #28891 nded a UFO group APRON, states his fiancé’s car was forced off the road in 1982 #36291 ield’s books. RC states he and his fiancé moved to Pensacola, FL and his fi 1982 #36291 ncé moved to Pensacola, FL and his fiancé was later killed in a car crash n 1982 #36291
elson Calmon Schubsky, 23, and his fiancée rush into the street along with 10/2/1971 #26400 he A303 with his partially sighted fiancée near Warminster, Wiltshire, Engl 6/25/1977 #32194 nal Between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m. The fiancée of Robert Garbauskas is in Sandw 7/6/1978 #33345 Charles Little and his fiancée were driving in Joshua Tree Nati 3/14/1995 #42094 ind his ears. Four years later his fiancée died of esophageal cancer, and L 3/14/1995 #42094 oland 10:30 p.m. A witness and his fiancée are driving north near Radomsko, 9/16/2008 #45168
(foreshadowing the Hynek swamp-gas fiasco in Michigan in 1966). This report 6/1952 #6403 US LOOK article, "Flying Saucer Fiasco" by John Fuller, reporting intern 5/14/1968 #23961
ues to approach and passes above a Fiat truck in the road ahead of them. Th 8/1962 #17309 iveway ahead, the driver stops the Fiat 2300 immediately. The UFO, about 65 8/20/1963 #17912 e was driving on the higway in his Fiat 1500 in Oriente, Buenos Aires provi 5/14/1973 #27486 Milan, Italy 9:58 p.m. Fiat Corporation pilot Alfonso Isaia cha 3/9/1974 #28872 n Sassello, Savona, Italy La Carta Fiat 8:40 p.m. Many people in the San Mi 9/7/1978 #33645 es. Franco Viacava drives off in a Fiat with two friends toward the light, 9/7/1978 #33645 ralli, a 25-year-old man driving a Fiat 127, was on his way home when his e 9/17/1978 #33703 off and the engine of their Polski Fiat 125p fails just as a large object f 2/1998 #43509
maged, slightly radioactive cotton fiber” that might have come from a Nevad 2/21/1955 #12011 rose from this were: night vision, fiber optics, food irradiation, integrat 1961 #16543 like and unstable,” with a uniform fiber diameter of 5 microns, and probabl 9/18/1968 #24478 pects of modern technology such as fiber optics and integrated circuits wer 6/1997 #43304 Technology Desk. Corso claims some fiber optics, integrated circuits, and n 6/1997 #43308
rnborough. The objects are made of fiberglass, and the smelly liquid is a f 9/4/1967 #22998
t material fell to the ground. The fibers resembled wool or nylon strands, 10/17/1952 #8149 mira Early morning. “Cobwebby gray fibers” fall in Horseheads, New York, co 2/21/1955 #12011 al is composed of “cotton and wool fibers with pieces of fine copper wire m 2/21/1955 #12011 feathers, cellulose, and synthetic fibers. 7/10/1956 #12960 L. Leatherland, who find that the fibers are “multifilament bundles” that 9/25/1956 #13245 teristic of “regenerated cellulose fibers, either viscose or cuprammonium r 9/25/1956 #13245 [to] overhead. Drops thin metallic fibers. / MJ#283+/ APRO Jan'62. 11/8/1961 #16960 ubstance, came off the UFO in thin fibers and settled to earth, draping its 11/18/1961 #16964 g chunks of it broke off and these fibers began settling down on everything 11/18/1961 #16964 maybe a thousand feet or more. The fibers cannot be seen with the naked eye 11/18/1961 #16964 seems like a rope compared to the fibers." "I didn't really notice the fib 11/18/1961 #16964 bers." "I didn't really notice the fibers much that day, but the next morni 11/18/1961 #16964 hitish material that resolves into fibers during a soil immersion test. Val 1965 #18688 is composed of white, crystalline fibers. 11/2/1971 #26449 lab findings found that there were fibers in the soil of an organism called 11/2/1971 #26450 milar to synthetic polymer textile fibers. They have a clear alternation of 10/18/2002 #44419 trands of cobweb-like “angel hair” fibers fall from the sky in Polonnaruwa, 10/20/2014 #45418 s that under ultraviolet light the fibers wiggle “as if alive.” Another wit 10/25/2014 #45421 s nose, and there were also glass “fibers.” https://mysteriousuniverse.org 12/12/2020 #45669
The lab finds the samples have a “fibrous structure, with mechanical resis 10/27/1954 #11449 th traces of nickel and manganese. Fibrous material from the front bumper i 7/13/1967 #22656 rd. After they disappear, a white, fibrous substance falls and settles on f 9/18/1968 #24478 f the sighting, the "…substance is fibrous, elastic, relatively strong, som 11/3/1968 #24628 little other than it is sticky and fibrous. 11/6/1968 #24637 go. They are found to be “whitish, fibrous material of uniform composition 10/12/1976 #31461 metry analysis. She finds that the fibrous material is not spider web but c 11/11/1999 #43878 n he sees white, cottony flakes or fibrous strands falling from the sky and 10/25/2014 #45421
raunstein, Austria 11:30 p.m. Karl Fichtinger watches an odd orange-yellow 10/28/1973 #28310
ching TV. Maine ufologists Shirley Fickett and Brent Raynes soon hear about 10/27/1975 #30486 ce that night and the next day, so Fickett contacts hypnotist Herbert Hopki 10/27/1975 #30486
es of hypotheses, speculation, and fiction about the possibility of intelli 10/1877 #211 lish what they consider outlandish fiction. Summer 1933 #1162 e easily manipulated into thinking fiction is fact. According to Annie Jaco 10/30/1938 #1300 is loosely based on a 1949 science fiction film titled The Flying Saucer. G 3/25/1948 #3598 azine: “THE FLYING SAUCERS-FACT OR FICTION?” 7/1950 #5029 icle, “The Flying Saucers: Fact or Fiction?” appears in Flying magazine. 7/1950 #5033 US Science fiction movie “The Thing from Another Wo 4/27/1951 #5509 US Science fiction movie “The Day the Earth Stood S 9/18/1951 #5673 ine cases with some crashed saucer fiction, claiming that 7 discs have been 7/22/1952 #7024 US Science fiction movie “The War of the Worlds” re 8/13/1953 #9066 s long-time obsession with science fiction, horror movies, and the occult. 9/28/1953 #9186 Producer Ivan Tors debuts Science Fiction Theatre, a science fiction antho 4/5/1955 #12081 Science Fiction Theatre, a science fiction anthology TV series that present 4/5/1955 #12081 o, an analysis of UFOs and science fiction is presented that notes: “Genera 5/23/1955 #12151 ate material propounded in science fiction. Absurd and fantastic theories g 5/23/1955 #12151 US Science fiction movie “This Island Earth” is rel 6/10/1955 #12192 US Science fiction movie “Forbidden Planet” is rele 3/3/1956 #12743 US Science fiction movie “Earth vs. the Flying Sauc 6/13/1956 #12897 n American black-and-white science fiction film from Columbia Pictures, pro 6/13/1956 #12900 Japan Japanese science fiction movie “The Mysterians” is releas 12/28/1957 #14763 first as the script for a science fiction novel. It is only after the inve 4/24/1965 #18916 d “Are Flying Saucers Only Science Fiction?” Princeton University history p 2/27/1966 #19925 US Science fiction movie “2001: A Space Odyssey” is 4/2/1968 #23882 y, France. It publishes Réalité ou Fiction from 1975 to 1987. 1975 #29676 ghamshire, England British science fiction author David Langford publishes 1979 #34254 he technology involved is “science fiction.” https://www.earthfiles.com/20 1982 #36292 e, The Roswell Report: Fact Versus Fiction in the New Mexico Desert, by Col 7/1995 #42286 n the title Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction. The film is broadcast by Channe 8/28/1995 #42425 entified Aerial Phenomena: Science Fiction or Science Fact?” at George Wash 11/8/2002 #44436 y Alice Bradley Sheldon (a science fiction author using the pseudonym James 11/1/2005 #44898 pe the information in it and it is fiction with concepts that are true. The 4/5/2016 #45449 Alabama astrophysicist and science fiction author Travis S. Taylor, sends u 6/15/2019 #45585
m. However, the tale is actually a fictional story written by a corresponde 6/6/1884 #258 craft in the story is taken to the fictional “Wolf AFB” in Texas where it i 7/1980 #35399 Roswell The Sci Fi channel airs a fictional miniseries about UFOs and abdu 12/2/2002 #44457 ant places and that he created the fictional character of John Axee to bett 11/5/2010 #45305 had a simulator for the Locust A fictional “Maynard Corporation” was laun 4/5/2016 #45449
e set of stories are only slightly fictionalized versions of a source’s exp 7/31/1999 #43815
on reported is something real, not fictitious. These objects approximate th 9/23/1947 #3415 scs are “real and not visionary or fictitious.” Reports (based on the cases 9/23/1947 #3417 scs are “real and not visionary or fictitious.” Twining suggests UAP could 9/23/1947 #3419 yee Gordon Edwards had written the fictitious tale to entertain readers of 7/2/1950 #5039 us health cures while concocting a fictitious personal history. His activit Summer 1951 #5549 . Typical methods are anonymous or fictitious letters, false defamatory or 8/1956 #13042 fort in preparing defenses against fictitious aircraft and weapons that the 3/1962 #17066 secret aircraft called the A-11—a fictitious name for the Air Force’s YF- 2/29/1964 #18140 res with the aliens were similarly fictitious. She also says that photos of 1997 #43155
. Hadden is on board the tanker MV Ficus in the Indian Ocean [or the South 8/23/1978 #33553
he next 20 minutes he watches them fiddle with instruments. The object then 10/23/1954 #11341
Warrington, England Fiddler’s Ferry Power Station 10:45 p.m. 10/28/1978 #33887 a strange light hovering above the Fiddler’s Ferry Power Station. Her husba 10/28/1978 #33887
ations to attack or disrupt a bona fide group, and instigates hostile actio 8/1956 #13042 s, of which they verify 38 as bona fide. 1957 #13433 lic inquiries and examine any bona fide new physical evidence that comes in 12/21/1977 #32802 at stated NASA would receive “bona fide physical [UAP] evidence.” One year 9/19/1978 #33710
s desk recommending the removal of Fidel Castro. He sets the wheels in moti 12/11/1959 #16116 Sidney Gottlieb proposes spraying Fidel Castro’s television studio with LS 3/17/1960 #16200 involved in the first plot against Fidel Castro. The strategy is managed by 9/1960 #16428 creasingly communist government of Fidel Castro. Launched from bases in Gua 4/17/1961 #16649 ion Cuba Covert operations against Fidel Castro are officially authorized b 11/30/1961 #16984 tended victim of the experiment is Fidel Castro. After attempts to program 6/30/1966 #20623 es the US attempted to assassinate Fidel Castro, President Johnson directs 4/24/1967 #22214 ident “that efforts to assassinate Fidel Castro had continued into Johnsonʼ 4/24/1967 #22214 maneuvering overhead, 14-year-old Fidel Hernandez Rolla was playing with s 4/23/1976 #31016 maneuvering overhead, 14-year-old Fidel Hernandez Rolla was playing with s 4/23/1976 #31019 h a mixture of fear and curiosity, Fidel approached the object and then cro 4/23/1976 #31019 le inside an opening in the craft. Fidel was able to see numerous multi-col 4/23/1976 #31019 ared at the witness. At this point Fidel heard unintelligible words inside 4/23/1976 #31019
and land on a nearby field. All of Fidel's friends fled in panic, so he was 4/23/1976 #31019
0 p.m. a commercial pilot named J. Fidelli, on the ground at McClellan Air 4/20/1952 #6143
on writes a memorndum to Harold A. Fidler at the Clinton Engineer Works in 4/17/1947 #2265
t. Fitts also claims AMS violated fiduciary and control practices by “inst 6/2004 #44706
ical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field” on electromagnetism. Maxwell deri 1865 #162 w Chatham-Kent], Ontario, are in a field on Muckle’s farm when they hear a 6/1880? #234 Domed cylinder/cigar-shape lands / field. Flies as observers approach. / r2 4/10/1897 #421 hn Hulle, saw a strange craft in a field. They had a discussion with its oc 4/15/1897 #482 hn Hulle, saw a strange craft in a field. They had a discussion with its oc 4/15/1897 #486 hn Hulle, saw a strange craft in a field near the city of Springfield, Illi 4/15/1897 #497 oximate date. While working in his field, Haney Savidge saw an aerial craft 4/16/1897 #502 oximate date. While working in his field, Haney Savidge saw an aerial craft 4/16/1897 #504 te and then moves over to a nearby field. The light suddenly ascends to an 4/16/1897 #510 C. G. Williams is walking across a field two miles south of Greenville, Tex 4/16/1897 #511 While working in his field in Downs Township, Illinois farmer 4/16/1897 #514 son. Cylinder/cigar-shape lands / field. 4 riders out repairing it. Ask fo 4/19/1897 #531 cable; it was found butchered in a field the next day. (NICAP: 02 - Close E 4/19/1897 #532 cable; it was found butchered in a field the next day. 4/19/1897 #533 LANCASTER, OH Airship going down / field. Horse spooked. 2 riders show obse 4/20/1897 (approximate) #541 on either end landing in a nearby field. He tethers his horse and approach 4/21/1897? #551 , lighted object land in his wheat field. He walked toward it, was stopped 4/22/1897 #554 , lighted object land in his wheat field. He walked toward it, was stopped 4/22/1897 #556 luminated object land in his wheat field. He walked toward it but was stopp 4/22/1897 #562 It slows, hovers, then lands in a field. LaGrone walks up and discovers fi 4/28/1897? #582 eet above the ground, throwing the field furrows into visible relief. As it 10/1899 #638 J. Crone is playing on a baseball field in the Violetville neighborhood of Summer 1910 #839 linder/cigar-shape / lit windows / field. 4-5 dwarfs reboard. Vertical asce 6/1914 #898 the door of his house and saw in a field a shining cigar- shaped object wit 6/1914 #899 the door of his house and saw in a field a shining cigarshaped object with 6/1914 #900 bject with luminous portholes in a field next to his house in Hamburg, Germ 6/1914 #901 t, but brighter, speeds across his field, passing centrally from south to n 9/9/1914 #916 as observed by 22 men of the First Field Company, NZ Army Corps and stated 8/21/1915 #933 as observed by 22 men of the First Field Company, NZ Army Corps and stated 8/21/1915 #934 what are now known as the Einstein field equations, which form the core of 11/1915 #937 m and rows of lights, sitting in a field 30 m to his left. (NICAP: 02 - Clo 10/1916 #952 YOUNGSTOWN, PA Swish! 3M saucer / field by railway. Lit windows / dome. Go 10/1917 (approximate) #966 m and rows of lights, sitting in a field 30 m to his left. He watched the o 10/1917 #967 Rich Field Waco, Texas Edwin T. Bauhan and ot Winter 1918? #979 Bauhan and other soldiers at Rich Field in Waco, Texas, see a noiseless, f Winter 1918? #979 travels along a hedge, traverses a field, and circles a row of houses befor 1/22/1919 #983 SOUTH YORKS White 'ghost' crosses field going [to] old mines. Back / Jan. 1/31/1920 #997 al objects some 650 feet away in a field to the north. In front of each is 1926 #1053 Silent 3M ovoid going [to] over / field. Wind blows going down. Going [to] 6/1926 #1057 sky. We even had time to take our field glasses and saw quite distinctly t 8/5/1927 #1077 large head and dangling arms in a field off Anstey Lane, Leicester, Englan Summer 1928 #1087 owl-saucer beams rays going down / field. Vacuum cleaner sound. / r78p152. 11/5/1928 (approximate) #1091 observed a faint violet light in a field between this town and Morrestown. Summer 1933 #1160 observed a faint violet light in a field between this town and Morrestown. Summer 1933 #1161 e sees a faint violet light in the field on his right. Curious, he walks ab Summer 1933 #1163 HWEST / NAZARETH, PA Violet glow / field. 3M sphere / ground. Door ajar. Di 8/1933 (approximate) #1170 hovered just above the ground in a field. Several small beings got out and 4/5/1935 #1228 enau [now Czernica, Poland] into a field belonging to Eva Braun’s family an Summer 1937 #1272 nd hovers about 500 feet above the field. The tractor motor stops running. 10/1938 #1296 oolchildren are playing in an open field in Armășești, Romania, when they s Early 8/1939 #1312 ENG Humming. Grey bell-shape over field. Solid green light retracts! 11/13/1939 #1319 bell-shaped object hovering over a field, dark window-like patches visible 11/13/1939 #1320 ect hovering about 20 feet above a field 100 feet away. He estimates it is 11/13/1939 #1321 aped object hovering over a nearby field. It had dark windows on its side, 11/13/1939 #1322 Mitchel Field near Uniondale, New York Riverside 5/1941 #1361 terceptor Command based at Mitchel Field near Uniondale, New York. On the w 5/1941 #1361 has shown far more interest in the field, and is already conducting researc 10/9/1941 #1373 o round reddish objects hover over field. [NICAP UFO Evidence, 1964, Hall, 8/29/1942 #1443 on: they found themselves out in a field with no memory of how they got the 8/29/1942 #1445 sharply outlined against the star field in the night sky. A flickering lig Fall 1942 #1446 University of Chicago Stagg Field Teams under physicists Herbert L. 11/15/1942 #1461 l nuclear reactors under the Stagg Field stands at the University of Chicag 11/15/1942 #1461 Wright Field Dayton, Ohio A Technical Data Labo 12/1942 #1469 aboratory is established at Wright Field near Dayton, Ohio, as part of the 12/1942 #1469 Jack Northrop Field Hawthorne (Calif.) Municipal Airpo 12/27/1942 #1473 first test flight at Jack Northrop Field [now Hawthorne (Calif.) Municipal 12/27/1942 #1473 Mullinix Field [now Bonriki International Airport 12/1943? #1548 evening duty adjacent to Mullinix Field [now Bonriki International Airport 12/1943? #1548 N, FR Girl. White helmet-saucer in field. Turns orange. Going up [to] with 8/30/1944 #1650 Southeast, Holland Field Artillery officer and men saw a br 10/1944 #1672 ther soldiers of the 489th Armored Field Artillery near Weert, Netherlands, Late 10/1944 #1684 ch a bright silvery object through field glasses moving silently from north Late 10/1944 #1684 Biggs Field Fort Bliss El Paso, Texas As their Mid 2/1945 #1785 eir C-47 prepares to land at Biggs Field, Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas, S/Sgt Mid 2/1945 #1785 Selfridge Field Selfridge Air National Guard Base 7/1945 #1888 ped objects appear above Selfridge Field [now Selfridge Air National Guard 7/1945 #1888 Los Alamos, New Mexico Oxnard Field, New Mexico Wendover Field [now Ai 9/1945 #1935 Oxnard Field, New Mexico Wendover Field [now Airport], Utah Sandia Base [n 9/1945 #1935 now part of Kirtland AFB] Kirtland Field The US Army atomic bomb production 9/1945 #1935 lamos, New Mexico, moves to Oxnard Field, New Mexico, from Wendover Field [ 9/1945 #1935 d Field, New Mexico, from Wendover Field [now Airport], Utah, to be closer 9/1945 #1935 of Kirtland AFB]. Nearby Kirtland Field is used as a B-29 base for aircraf 9/1945 #1935 surface of the sea and landed in a field on a nearby island, crushing two c 12/25/1945 #1953 staff and convince them to make a field visit. Indeed, the intelligence of 1946 #1962 Wright Field, Ohio The Air Materiel Command at 1/10/1946 #1964 The Air Materiel Command at Wright Field, Ohio, issues a restricted-access 1/10/1946 #1964 Jack Northrop Field Hawthorne Municipal Airport Muroc 6/25/1946 #2015 e Municipal Airport Muroc Army Air Field Edwards AFB A four-engine Northrop 6/25/1946 #2015 rst test flight from Jack Northrop Field [now Hawthorne Municipal Airport] 6/25/1946 #2015 nicipal Airport] to Muroc Army Air Field [now Edwards AFB] in California. 6/25/1946 #2015 ge says it is as big as a football field, has windows, and is making a loud Fall 1946 #2189 Wright Field, Ohio The War Department issues a 11/1946 #2205 ientists are helping out at Wright Field, Ohio. 11/1946 #2205 Oklahoma City, OK 8:30-9 p.m Field Engineer Savage saw a frosty white 5/17/1947 #2286 ectRound & Flat Object Observed By Field Engineer (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 5/17/1947 #2286 8:30 p.m. Byron B. Savage, an RCA field engineer, sees a frosty-white or s 5/17/1947 #2287 Between 8:30 and 9:00 p.m. Field Engineer Savage in Oklahoma City, 5/17/1947 #2288 Alamogordo Army Air Field Project Mogul flight number 4 is a 6/4/1947 #2312 launched from Alamogordo Army Air Field. 6/4/1947 #2312 g over a rise, he sees in a nearby field a large disc-shaped object hoverin 6/24/1947 #2396 Alamogordo Army Air Field Holloman AFB New Mexico Engle, New 6/27/1947 #2432 a pilot out of Alamogordo Army Air Field [now Holloman AFB], New Mexico, is 6/27/1947 #2432 Maxwell Field Maxwell AFB Montgomery, Alabama 9: 6/28/1947 #2448 ewey, and Capt. Redman) at Maxwell Field [now Maxwell AFB] in Montgomery, A 6/28/1947 #2448 Grand Canyon, near Williams Field, Arizona A Navy lieutenant was fly 6/30/1947 #2485 Wright Field Dayton, Ohio Around this time the 6/30/1947 #2488 izes an informal project at Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio, to collect UFO re 6/30/1947 #2488 ity. The project officer at Wright Field is Lt. Col. Edward G. Nabell Jr. 6/30/1947 #2488 -80 fighter aircraft near Williams Field, Arizona at 9000 meters altitude w 6/30/1947 #2489 Roswell Army Air Field, Roswell NM White Sands, NM Milita 7/1/1947 #2501 nn), stationed at Roswell Army Air Field, had received a call from Brigadie 7/1/1947 #2501 w- moving discs hovering above the field for 10 minutes. 7/2/1947 #2548 St. Louis Wright Field, Ohio Wright Field The St. Louis P 7/3/1947 #2582 t. Louis Wright Field, Ohio Wright Field The St. Louis Post-Dispatch report 7/3/1947 #2582 the Air Research Center at Wright Field, Ohio, and the army intelligence s 7/3/1947 #2582 Gen. Carl Spaatz has asked Wright Field to look into such reports. Air Mat 7/3/1947 #2582 ing into the discs and that Wright Field has no comparable technology. Lieu 7/3/1947 #2582 Lieut. William C. Anderson, Wright Field public relations officer, says the 7/3/1947 #2582 erman scientists working at Wright Field are asked about the discs, but the 7/3/1947 #2582 overy of the famous Roswell debris field by Mac Brazel on a ranch near Coro 7/3/1947 #2586 Washington, D.C. Roswell Army Air Field [now closed], New Mexico The first 7/4/1947 #2668 D.C., arrives at Roswell Army Air Field [now closed], New Mexico (presumab 7/4/1947 #2668 Roswell Army Air Field Alamogordo 3:00 a.m. Acting on wha 7/5/1947 #2718 ufmann returns to Roswell Army Air Field from Alamogordo to alert Colonel W 7/5/1947 #2718 Roswell Army Air Field in New Mexico US Highway 285 Frank 7/5/1947 #2721 ngent of men from Roswell Army Air Field in New Mexico drive north on what 7/5/1947 #2721 Roswell Army Air Field Fort Stanton Lincoln, New Mexico A 7/5/1947 #2722 dies are taken to Roswell Army Air Field, but one is still alive and taken 7/5/1947 #2722 n, Brazel discovers a large debris field. Scattered on the slopes and into 7/5/1947 #2723 that the sheep refuse to cross the field and are driven around it to water 7/5/1947 #2723 oing north low and slow over wheat field. Veers going southwest. Skims hill 7/6/1947 #2765 swell, New Mexico Roswell Army Air Field Brazel's ranch Brazel gets up earl 7/6/1947 #2807 e military at the Roswell Army Air Field [now closed] be notified. While wa 7/6/1947 #2807 ey will be able to find the debris field. KGFL reporter Frank Joyce calls W 7/6/1947 #2807 Fairfield-Suisun Army Air Field Fairfield, California Day. Army Ai 7/6/1947 #2809 conds at Fairfield-Suisun Army Air Field [now Travis AFB] near Fairfield, C 7/6/1947 #2809 well AAF Ranch Fort Worth Army Air Field Washington, D.C. Colonel William H 7/6/1947 #2812 ter visit the ranch to examine the field for himself. Marcel, taking some o 7/6/1947 #2812 o his ranch and examine the debris field. Acting on orders from Major Gener 7/6/1947 #2812 lown on to the Fort Worth Army Air Field, where it is given to Colonel Thom 7/6/1947 #2812 o say they did not find the debris field but observed a burned area in one 7/6/1947 #2812 ld ranch house close to the debris field), eat cold beans, and wait for day 7/6/1947 #2814 gible near the ground over a wheat field in Emporia, Kansas. It veered slow 7/6/1947 #2824 Hickam Field, HI A bright silver object about t 7/7/1947 #2923 Muroc Army Air Field, CA Oscillating Sphere Observed By 7/7/1947 #2924 arcel and Cavitt out to the debris field. It is three-quarters of a mile lo 7/7/1947 #2928 d Cavitt walk the perimeter of the field and then range out looking for mor 7/7/1947 #2928 to Shreveport, Louisiana Ellington Field [now Ellington Airport], Houston, 7/7/1947 #2933 e discs. Col. Warren, at Ellington Field [now Ellington Airport] in Houston 7/7/1947 #2933 ve students on a practice baseball field at Ohio State University in Columb 7/7/1947 #2938 g flown by special plane to Wright Field 7/8/1947 #2949 c was) being transported to Wright Field by special plane for examination.. 7/8/1947 #2951 urtan advised would request Wright Field to advise (FBI) results of examina 7/8/1947 #2951 CARRIZOZO, NM 5 pilots / field. Saucer feathers down. Shoots up g 7/8/1947 #2967 Muroc Air Field, California An Air Force major obs 7/8/1947 #3008 rds on the roads around the debris field. Armed guards encircle the primary 7/8/1947 #3011 e him escort the MPs to the debris field. Blanchard calls Eighth Air Force 7/8/1947 #3011 Roswell Army Air Field Corona in Lincoln County, New Mexi 7/8/1947 #3012 regular 9:00 a.m. Roswell Army Air Field staff meeting is moved up 90 minut 7/8/1947 #3012 vitt reporting an extensive debris field near Corona in Lincoln County, New 7/8/1947 #3012 Fort Worth Army Air Field, Texas Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio 7/8/1947 #3019 Worth Army Air Field, Texas Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio Corona, New Mexico R 7/8/1947 #3019 the second) to Fort Worth Army Air Field, Texas, with the wreckage to repor 7/8/1947 #3019 to a B-25 that is flying to Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio. Marcel goes to Ra 7/8/1947 #3019 Roswell Army Air Field New Mexico Chavez County Sheriff's 7/8/1947 #3020 9th Bomb Group at Roswell Army Air Field [now closed], New Mexico, with the 7/8/1947 #3020 to the Corona, New Mexico, debris field. Those left at the base are told t 7/8/1947 #3021 Cincinnati, Ohio Fort Worth Wright Field Roswell New Mexico 5:17 p.m. Speci 7/8/1947 #3026 ween [Eighth Air Force] and Wright Field had not borne out this belief. Dis 7/8/1947 #3026 alloon being transported to Wright Field by special plane for examination.” 7/8/1947 #3026 Fort Worth Army Air Field Roswell 6:29 p.m. An Associated Pr 7/8/1947 #3027 oes out that a Fort Worth Army Air Field officer (Newton) has identified th 7/8/1947 #3027 bserved a metallic object at Muroc Field (now Edwards AFB) in California at 7/8/1947 #3028 was stationed at Roswell Army Air Field as the Public Information Officer 7/8/1947 #3029 ” McQuiddy claims Roswell Army Air Field next calls him and asks him to cha 7/8/1947 #3030 s stationed at Fort Worth Army Air Field and received a phone call from Gen 7/8/1947 #3031 ates he requested Roswell Army Air Field to send the material to Fort Worth 7/8/1947 #3031 he material to Fort Worth Army Air Field, which was eventually sent to Gen. 7/8/1947 #3031 to Gen. Benjamin Chidlaw at Wright Field. DuBose states photographs of a we 7/8/1947 #3031 991 entry) flew directly to Wright Field. https://ufologie.patrickgross.or 7/8/1947 #3032 fighters. Going quickly south over field / 4K' altitude. Straight and level 7/9/1947 #3044 Wright Field, Ohio Pentagon The US Army Air For 7/9/1947 #3057 2 Technical Intelligence at Wright Field, Ohio, with summaries sent to the 7/9/1947 #3057 Gowen Field [now Boise Airport], Boise, Idaho 7/9/1947 #3063 ds as he prepares to land at Gowen Field [now Boise Airport], Boise, Idaho. 7/9/1947 #3063 Roswell Army Air Field New Mexico Late afternoon. 1Lt Che 7/9/1947 #3066 ton, stationed at Roswell Army Air Field in New Mexico, is sent by Maj. Edw 7/9/1947 #3066 HARMON FIELD, NFLD Air mechanics and more/other 7/10/1947 #3093 Harmon Field, Newfoundland, CAN Harmond Field P 7/10/1947 #3097 n Field, Newfoundland, CAN Harmond Field Photo (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Ca 7/10/1947 #3097 Harmon Field, Newfoundland, CAN Disc-shaped obj 7/10/1947 #3100 Harmon Field, Newfoundland, Canada Witnesses: 7/10/1947 #3101 Fort Worth Wright Field, Ohio Dayton Roswell debris and bo 7/10/1947 #3103 en flown from Fort Worth to Wright Field, according to future Brig. Gen. Ar 7/10/1947 #3103 hur Exon, then stationed at Wright Field, Ohio, who says that a special uni 7/10/1947 #3103 Proving Ground, New Mexico Wright Field, Ohio 4:25 p.m. A V-2 launch is ab 7/10/1947 #3108 e Sands before returning to Wright Field, Ohio. 7/10/1947 #3108 the clouds over Ernest Harmon Air Field in Newfoundland, Canada. They watc 7/10/1947 #3118 nd some assistants are surveying a field in Campina do Amoral in the Colôni 7/23/1947 #3218 t like a bubble is floating over a field about one mile away. Suddenly the 7/25/1947 #3231 Robertson takes a side road to the field where he retrieves a piece of meta 7/25/1947 #3231 st Harmon AFB, Newfoundland Wright Field, Ohio Stephenville Pentagon After 7/28/1947 #3239 nder of T-2 intelligence at Wright Field, Ohio, to send a top-level assessm 7/28/1947 #3239 Hamilton Field, CA Two 15-25' Spheres Observed By 7/29/1947 #3251 McChord Field near Tacoma, Washington Hamilton A 8/1/1947 #3281 nd Davidson make a stop at McChord Field near Tacoma, Washington, to speak 8/1/1947 #3281 EEK, OR Disk sweeps low over wheat field. Near vertical takeoff. No further 8/7/1947 (approximate) #3305 Harmon Field, Newfoundland, CAN 2 small crescen 8/14/1947 #3325 Harmon Field, Guam 10:40 a.m. Three men of the 8/14/1947 #3331 cations Service Squadron at Harmon Field, Guam, see two small crescent-shap 8/14/1947 #3331 n top, on the ground across an ice field. There were two dwarfs less than t 8/14/1947 #3334 BRADLEY FIELD, ID 2 pilots / ground. 2 silver do 8/21/1947 #3358 Mitchel Field Long Island New York A memo from C 9/3/1947 #3383 se Command headquarters at Mitchel Field on Long Island, New York, states t 9/3/1947 #3383 Washington, D.C. Wright Field, Ohio In Washington, D.C., Alfred 9/5/1947 #3386 , D.C., Alfred Loedding (as Wright Field T-2’s liaison with the Pentagon) m 9/5/1947 #3386 Pentagon are transferred to Wright Field, Ohio, shortly afterwards. 9/5/1947 #3386 Jack Northrop Field in Hawthorne, California Muroc AFB 10/21/1947 #3466 rst test flight from Jack Northrop Field in Hawthorne, California, reaching 10/21/1947 #3466 t. Col. Walker sends a memo to his field commands in Germany in response to 11/10/1947 #3482 Boise Idaho Mitchel Field, New York Boise Idaho Statesman Av 11/18/1947 #3492 . George E. Stratemeyer at Mitchel Field, New York, for information and ask 11/18/1947 #3492 reports his position to Standiford Field in Louisville, Tech/Sgt. Quinton A 1/7/1948 #3544 Wright Field Project Sign officially launches a 1/22/1948 #3563 Sign officially launches at Wright Field. The primary investigators are Cap 1/22/1948 #3563 Wright Field Col. William E. Clingerman, writin 1/23/1948 #3564 ng for Col. Howard McCoy at Wright Field, asks Lt. Col. George Garrett of A 1/23/1948 #3564 d east of Aztec, New Mexico Wright Field in Ohio Arizona Phoenix North Caro 3/25/1948 #3598 e supposedly transported to Wright Field in Ohio. Dr. Gee, who claims to ha 3/25/1948 #3598 ty takes vegetation samples. Force field pushes observer(s) to ground. 7/1948? #3688 o. Sign is ordered to get into the field immediately and investigate the Ch 7/25/1948 #3738 he clouds. Later that day at Clark Field in the Philippines American milita 8/1/1948 #3767 was also reportedly seen at Muroc Field, now Edwards AFB. 8/31/1948 #3791 Wright Field, Ohio Gen. Charles Cabell writes a 11/3/1948 #3867 ell writes a firm letter to Wright Field in Ohio, asking Project Sign for a 11/3/1948 #3867 HICKAM FIELD, HI Project Bluebook Case #275. 1 1/4/1949 #3956 1 observer. Silent saucer circles field. Blinks 1 / second(s). Going quick 1/4/1949 #3956 Hickam Field, HI A flat white, elliptical objec 1/4/1949 #3957 Hickam Field, Hawaii Witness: USAF pilot Capt. 1/4/1949 #3958 Hickam Field Honolulu, Hawaii Joint Base Pearl 1/4/1949 #3959 R. Stoney, on the ground at Hickam Field [now part of Joint Base Pearl Harb 1/4/1949 #3959 At 2:07 p.m. in Hickham Field, Honolulu, Hawaii Captain Paul Sto 1/4/1949 #3960 San Antonio, Texas The FBI field office in San Antonio, Texas, issu 1/31/1949 #3989 Sims is able to run 10 paces to a field telephone before it vanishes. All 3/8/1949 #4041 Kelly AFB Kelly Field Annex San Antonio, Texas Killeen B 4/14/1949 #4090 ict office at Kelly AFB [now Kelly Field Annex] in San Antonio, Texas, hand 4/14/1949 #4090 rmán, who wants Kaplan to set up a field investigation. They emphasize that 4/25/1949 #4109 oblong white discs pass through a field of fire. They are flying at about 5/5/1949 #4150 rcled each other and banked over a field in Livermore, California. One of t 5/6/1949 #4163 Stewart Field, Newburgh, NY Yellow oblong soundl 6/1/1949 #4221 orona, New Mexico Roswell Army Air Field The gouge is said to be still visi Summer 1949 #4246 to be still visible in the debris field near Corona, New Mexico. Mack Braz Summer 1949 #4246 three others from Roswell Army Air Field supposedly confiscate the pieces. Summer 1949 #4246 the ULATT technology used magnetic field lines for travel. https://majesti 8/17/1949 #4320 to study the green fireballs from field locations. 9/1/1949 #4343 , Massachusetts, is selected for a field project, under LaPaz’s supervision 10/14/1949 #4394 LANGLEY FIELD, VA Project Bluebook Case #520. Mi 12/28/1949 #4448 Carson's Field, New Zealand Carson’s Field (specu Early 1950's #4457 rson's Field, New Zealand Carson’s Field (speculated location), New Zealand Early 1950's #4457 Pope AFB [now Pope Field], Fayetteville, North Carolina Bol 1/24/1950 #4509 port plane from Pope AFB [now Pope Field], Fayetteville, North Carolina, to 1/24/1950 #4509 craft that had landed in a nearby field. The UFO had a dark interior, and 2/15/1950 #4538 PENSACOLA, FL Saufley Field. Group / military and separate civ 3/23/1950 #4709 Hubbard Field Reno–Tahoe International Airport R 3/26/1950 #4731 illiant light northeast of Hubbard Field [now Reno–Tahoe International Airp 3/26/1950 #4731 in the aircraft or guided missile field.” 4/4/1950 #4792 Mobile (Brookley AFB & Bates Field), AL Object flying to the NE or E 4/10/1950 #4840 K, WY 4 oilmen. 2 saucers over oil field / 2 hours. Lights and flames / rim 5/17/1950 #4948 ng watched two saucers over an oil field for two hours. The object had ligh 5/17/1950 #4949 . An 8- or 10-foot-disc lands in a field behind Mrs. Mason Vaughan’s house Summer 1950 #4997 harles P. Cabell orders secret UFO field investigations to be conducted by 7/1950 #5032 going quickly northwest / Lambert Field. Pace plane / 13 July. 7/12/1950 #5057 VILJANDI, ESTONIA Girl. 6M ovoid / field. Small figure(s) walk awkwardly. T 8/1950 (approximate) #5086 m frames / 2 saucers over baseball field. Going quickly southwest. / MJ#223 8/5/1950 #5107 in diameter and settles in an open field. After summoning Sgt. Joseph Cook 9/26/1950 #5199 man James Casper, they go into the field to investigate. When they turn the 9/26/1950 #5199 Carolina Pope AFB Fort Bragg Pope Field 4:20 p.m. After taking off from Ra 10/15/1950 #5236 ing slowly near Pope AFB [now Pope Field] at Fort Bragg. They look like two 10/15/1950 #5236 he Department of Transport lab and field facilities during off-hours to gat 12/2/1950 #5311 ously classified communique from a field agent named Auerbach (first name n 12/3/1950 #5314 way. They do see part of the crash field and pick up a small piece of metal 12/6/1950 #5330 pparent loop, coming back over the field. At the top of the loop it is out 3/15/1951 #5489 r going ESE slow 2800' over Geiger field. Going up / 60 degree angle. 5/29/1951 #5521 March Field, CA Radar-visual sighting of silve 7/23/1951 #5581 assigned to reshape the study and field mounting concern for the Pentagon. 10/1951 #5692 trol cameras that can be used as a field spectrometer. 3/7/1952 #5949 TRUAX FIELD, WI Pilot and RADAR. 5-6 glowing-d 4/16/1952 #6087 li, on the ground at McClellan Air Field in Sacramento, California saw eigh 4/20/1952 #6143 mplete investigation of UAP in the field than Project Blue Book. AFOIN offi 4/24/1952 #6179 to report the incident to Moffett Field for fear of ridicule. 4/25/1952 #6180 San Jose, California Moffett Field, Santa Clara County 11:00 a.m. A b 4/25/1952 #6185 utes. The biochemist calls Moffett Field in Santa Clara County, but hangs u 4/25/1952 #6185 an aspect ratio of 8:1 crosses the field of vision of the observer’s theodo 6/8/1952 #6470 liant light source cross sky SW of field after hovering for about an hour. 6/13/1952 #6493 Standiford Field [now Louisville International Airp 6/15/1952 #6511 ject in the vicinity of Standiford Field [now Louisville International Airp 6/15/1952 #6511 tion shoot to the east over Walker Field, Roswell, New Mexico at 8:30 p.m. 6/16/1952 #6518 ed-lighted object come in over the field. The radar blip suddenly enlarges, 6/19/1952 #6551 Kelly AFB Kelly Field San Antonio, Texas 12:30 p.m. T/Sg 6/21/1952 #6578 altitude near Kelly AFB [now Kelly Field] in San Antonio, Texas, sees a sma 6/21/1952 #6578 Geiger Field [now Spokane International Airport 6/23/1952 #6610 d coin for 5–7 minutes over Geiger Field [now Spokane International Airport 6/23/1952 #6610 usetts Lynn, Massachusetts Hanscom Field, Bedford, Massachusetts 7:25 a.m. 7/1/1952 #6689 th Air Police Squadron, at Hanscom Field, Bedford, Massachusetts, see the t 7/1/1952 #6689 amera still so the UFO crosses the field of view. He repeats the procedure 7/2/1952 #6694 Peterson Field (12 miles E of ), CO ADC Personnel 7/22/1952 #7015 , men in control towers at Fairfax Field and Municipal Airport. One greenis 7/26/1952 #7170 s in the control towers at Fairfax Field and Municipal Airport, Kansas City 7/26/1952 #7178 w two more UFOs to the east of the field moving for a short distance, stopp 8/5/1952 #7470 Dallas Love Field, Texas Night. Pioneer Airlines pil 8/13/1952 #7575 ine test flight out of Dallas Love Field, Texas. He tries to intercept it, 8/13/1952 #7575 and off. Away / hit by spotlight / field. 8/14/1952 #7589 KA, SD 2+/ car. Saucer hovers 3M / field. Very large window. Away fast when 8/24/1952 #7705 Object reported hovering over open field; bluish lights seen through ports; 8/27/1952 #7753 / WINDSOR, ONT 10M domed saucer / field. Object sparks and glows and quick 8/28/1952 #7759 LOVE FIELD AND DALLAS, TX Air Traffic Control 1/6/1953 #8503 Duncanville, Texas Meacham Field Fort Worth Meacham International A 1/6/1953 #8510 is notified by the CAA at Meacham Field [now Fort Worth Meacham Internatio 1/6/1953 #8510 d disc-shaped UFO that landed in a field at 1:00 p.m. Two humanoids wearing 1/12/1953 #8536 e first suggests using 4602nd AISS field units to conduct Blue Book field i 1/14/1953 #8539 S field units to conduct Blue Book field investigations. The meeting adjour 1/14/1953 #8539 Rosalia, Washington Geiger Field [now Spokane International Airport 2/6/1953 #8643 ather balloon launched from Geiger Field [now Spokane International Airport 2/6/1953 #8643 ' altitude / 40 minute(s). Big oil field. 2/25/1953 #8701 0,000 feet altitude over a big oil field. 2/25/1953 #8706 ntelligence at Ent suggesting that field teams of 4602nd personnel intervie 3/5/1953 #8733 S personnel valuable experience in field interrogations and cooperating wit 3/23/1953 #8780 Spain Flying Field Yuma AFB [now Marine Corps Air Sta 5/5/1953 #8866 t Wells Alan Webb is standing in a field near the Vacuum Cooling Company pl 5/5/1953 #8866 y plant, not far from Spain Flying Field and about a mile north of Yuma AFB 5/5/1953 #8866 the craft, possibly due to a force field around the disc. With the glasses 5/5/1953 #8867 ken over nearly all of Blue Book’s field investigations. (Ruppelt, p. 232) 7/1953 #8978 observing the F-86 through 6 power field glasses an UFO, black in color, mo 7/19/1953 #9001 ntified white light viewed through field glasses. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 - 7/31/1953 #9025 o German workers as it landed in a field close to a railway. It was shaped 7/31/1953 #9026 bout 16 feet in diameter land in a field near a railroad track on Wolin Isl 7/31/1953 #9028 o German workers as it landed in a field close to a railway in Woolen, Pola 7/31/1953 #9029 lobe rises / woods. Stops. Drops / field. Turns off / vanishes. 8/1953 (approximate) #9031 A, ROMANIA Child sees odd UFO over field. Square face in window. Flies off. 8/1953 (approximate) #9032 ce Base Kelly Air Force Base Kelly Field Annex San Antonio, Texas The US Ai 8/1/1953 #9037 to Kelly Air Force Base [now Kelly Field Annex], both in San Antonio, Texas 8/1/1953 #9037 S, FR Noisy saucer hovers 10' over field by N137. Hits trees. Quickly going 9/1953 #9128 labama Operation Top Hat, a “local field exercise,” takes place at the Army 9/15/1953 #9168 Board sets up a restricted landing field near the Suffield Experimental Sta 1954 #9423 West Coast military field Mutual Radio broadcaster Frank Edw 1/13/1954 #9480 ing held in a “West Coast military field.” 1/13/1954 #9480 o Kilbourne Hole Potrillo Volcanic Field White Sands Proving Grounds Cosett 1/18/1954 #9493 ic crater in the Potrillo Volcanic Field of southern New Mexico, to collect 1/18/1954 #9493 ight-blue light moving off a hilly field. It passes over their car at an al 1/29/1954 #9512 GREENFIELD, MA Saucer rises / field. Chases 3 kids. Windows / edge. Go 2/14/1954 #9542 h an Alien delegation at Muroc Air Field (Edwards AFB) in February 1954, in 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557 ernard G. Klein Jr. Naval Outlying Field San Nicolas Island, California 2:0 4/22/1954 #9704 ng a vehicle on the Naval Outlying Field San Nicolas Island, California, wh 4/22/1954 #9704 sroads, he saw an orange glow in a field and observed it from a hedge. It c 5/20/1954 #9819 ssroads he saw an orange glow in a field and stopped to observe it from a h 5/20/1954 #9821 ad in front of them and lands in a field. The car stalls, and they watch as 6/21/1954 #9920 n front of the car and landed in a field. The car stalled and they had to p 6/21/1954 #9923 oids (or Greys) gather something / field. / r217p160. 8/1954 (approximate) #10075 voids 30M away. Beams going down / field. Rotate slow counterclockwise. 8/1954 (approximate) #10081 MONT, FR Ball / light going down / field. Approaches 2 / car. They go. UFO 8/1/1954? #10088 er deflection in the gravitational field than a conventional object would c 8/8/1954 #10116 pal and his oldest son went to the field where the children had been playin 8/10/1954 #10117 pal and his oldest son went to the field where the children had been playin 8/10/1954 #10119 round the control tower at Maxwell Field in Alabama. It was seen by both gr 8/11/1954 #10130 C (Blue Book) with preliminary and field UFO investigations, and that USAF 8/12/1954 #10138 LAMBERT FIELD, MO Navy Lt. 3M diameter black obj 8/27/1954 #10185 ROIS-FONDS, FR Saucer going down / field. 2 pseudo-human/entity / helmets / 9/1/1954? #10227 2 observer(s). Silent 12M saucer / field. Wide door / side. Plate / top. Qu 9/7/1954 #10263 object floating in mid-air over a field: "It looked like an unfinished hay 9/7/1954 #10266 y object floating in midair over a field as they are bicycling between Harp 9/7/1954 #10268 y object floating in midair over a field at 7:15 a.m. "It looked like an un 9/7/1954 #10270 idly, without noise, and land in a field near the church. It took off very 9/23/1954 #10417 no noise as it landed in a nearby field, next to a church. It took off ver 9/23/1954 #10424 luminous object lands / seconds / field by church. / r8#152. 9/24/1954 #10431 ject landed for a few seconds in a field by a church in Lencouacq, Landes, 9/24/1954 #10440 S, FR 1 / car. 3M saucer on legs / field. 3 figure(s) outside / 2 min. Quic 9/28/1954 (approximate) #10483 disc was seen resting on legs in a field by a single witness. Three beings 9/28/1954 #10492 CHERENG, FR 3M sphere lands / field near woods. 16cm webbed footprints 9/30/1954 #10504 wing cylinder/cigar-shape landed / field. Observers keep driving.. 9/30/1954 (approximate) #10508 limbs ladder into classic saucer / field. 10/1954 #10527 manoids (or Greys) run to saucer / field. Bleat like calves! / LDLN#319+loc 10/1954 #10533 A Woman. "Luminous plate" lands in field. Flies off again. No further detai 10/1/1954 #10538 SONS SUR MATZ, FR Farmer. Saucer / field. Flattened grass found after. / LD 10/1/1954 (approximate) #10544 aving a long trail. It landed in a field, then took off again. 10/1/1954 #10555 e. A farmer saw a white craft in a field. Flattened grass was later found a 10/1/1954 #10558 g trail in the sky. It landed in a field, and then took off again. 10/1/1954 #10571 ocks and quickly going down / open field. / r3p67. 10/2/1954 (approximate) #10590 rver(s). Green-glow saucer lands / field. Away and returns later. / r8#181. 10/2/1954 #10603 ting a weak green glow landed in a field. Witnesses: Messrs. Domant and Gil 10/2/1954 #10608 Gilcher saw a disc-shaped UFO in a field in Guebling, France. It was emitti 10/2/1954 #10622 green trail. Area = forest and gas field. 10/3/1954 #10624 n bridge. Saucer with clear dome / field. / LDLN#319. 10/4/1954 #10677 manoids (or Greys) work / saucer / field. Small humanoids (or Greys) see an 10/4/1954 #10685 the size of a carriage land in his field. Two men of normal height emerged 10/4/1954 #10693 the size of a carriage land in his field. Two men of normal height emerged 10/4/1954 #10702 and bounced several times across a field this morning. The witness, Mr. G. 10/5/1954 #10741 R Flash! 3M cylinder/cigar-shape / field. Lit portholes. Dark figure outsid 10/6/1954 #10746 COZES, FR Domed saucer / field. 2 noseless Cyclops search ground 10/6/1954 #10752 noticed an odd looking object in a field. It was about three meters in leng 10/6/1954 #10758 MONTEUX, FR 9' hemisphere lands / field. Farmer temp paralyzed and gasps f 10/7/1954 #10774 s. Black domed saucer going down / field. 2 pseudo-human/entity / helmets b 10/7/1954 #10776 haped object 3 m in diameter, in a field 3 m away from Route N16 and 1 m ab 10/7/1954 #10783 saw an object that had landed in a field. It was hemispherical, about 2.5 m 10/7/1954 #10785 us object about 300 feet away in a field between Monteux and Althen-des-Pal 10/7/1954 #10790 ect three meters in diameter, in a field three meters away from Route N16 a 10/7/1954 #10797 tallic object that had landed in a field. It was hemispherical, about 2.5 m 10/7/1954 #10798 BLANZAY, FR 1 / car. Saucer in field. Short squat figure with luminous/ 10/10/1954 (approximate) #10871 object hovering 1.5 meters over a field in Rinckerode, Lower Saxony, Germa 10/10/1954 #10898 s). Silent luminous/glowing disk / field turns red and quickly going up [to 10/11/1954 #10914 ss; round UFO took off from nearby field (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 10/11/1954 #10924 FR 1 observer. 1.5M sphere rises / field. No further details. / r217p104. 10/12/1954 #10962 AY, FR Boy. Cylinder/cigar-shape / field. Pseudo-human/entity says look but 10/12/1954 #10965 lobe going / low altitude. Lands / field a few seconds. Going up [to] and g 10/13/1954 #10995 TH / NIMES, GARD Saucer on legs in field. Green light / 3 windows. Rises / 10/14/1954 #11009 / bicycle. Luminous orange dome on field. / r49p175+/ r138#9+/ r8. 10/14/1954 #11027 HIEU, FR 3 observer(s). Big glow / field. 6-7 small humanoids (or Greys) wa 10/14/1954 #11037 A' VENIER, ITL 2 / farm. Saucer on field / several min. Fast flaming takeof 10/14/1954 #11039 inding light which illuminated the field for about 600' around. The craft a 10/14/1954 #11041 e object on the ground near a corn field. 10/14/1954 #11048 e object on the ground near a corn field off of highway D91. 10/14/1954 #11070 rver. Cylinder/cigar-shape lands / field. Shoots going up [to] whistling an 10/15/1954 (approximate) #11094 felt "paralyzed." He then saw in a field near the road a brown object about 10/16/1954 #11143 elt "paralyzed. " He then saw in a field near the road a brown object about 10/16/1954 #11149 FR 3M cylinder/cigar-shape lands / field. 1M diameter. Small humanoid (or G 10/18/1954 (approximate) #11188 observer(s). Domed saucer lands / field. Quickly going up [to] and going q 10/18/1954 #11190 Separate observer(s). 10M saucer / field. Truck malfunctions due to EME (el 10/18/1954 #11196 rk elongated object seen in nearby field (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 10/18/1954 #11206 a bright white light, resting in a field. When they approached it, the obje 10/18/1954 #11207 n to less than 20 mph. In a nearby field he sees an elongated object about 10/18/1954 #11212 s green. The object pauses above a field near their car, which they pull ov 10/18/1954 #11214 s, and the two balls settle in the field. In the dim light emitted by the o 10/18/1954 #11214 . Paquet was tending her cows in a field in Moutier-Rozeille, Creuse, Franc 10/18/1954 #11215 rsation came from a nearby heather field. Then two men approached to within 10/18/1954 #11215 right white light and resting in a field. When they approached it the objec 10/18/1954 #11216 . He then saw hovering in a nearby field a motionless, silent elongated or 10/18/1954 #11218 LIVORNO, ITALY UFO lands / field. Type unknown. 2 small red monster 10/19/1954 #11226 nous/glowing object takes off from field. Night lights maneuver / separate 10/19/1954 #11231 NEAR ST. AVOLD, FR Saucer lands / field. Trees scorched and ground plowed 10/19/1954 #11232 g objects emitting smoke land in a field. Out of them came small, red, mons 10/19/1954 #11238 g objects emitting smoke land in a field in Livorno, Tuscany, Italy. Out of 10/19/1954 #11247 haped object descend and land in a field next to some woods. A man dressed 10/19/1954 #11248 . a disc-shaped object landed in a field in St. Avold, Meurthe-et-Moselle, 10/19/1954 #11249 to, Italy A young man walking in a field heard a rustling noise and saw a s 10/21/1954 #11297 A young man walking in a field in Melito, Italy heard a rustling 10/21/1954 #11306 c effects). Cylinder/cigar-shape / field. 4+figure(s) inside. 1 speaks chin 10/22/1954 #11316 n a cigar-shaped UFO was seen in a field by the rider. Four of more beings 10/22/1954 #11322 man standing immobile in a nearby field. Thinking that the figure might be 10/23/1954 #11346 . Later, the harassed owner of the field claimed that the mysterious blond 10/23/1954 #11346 y by “distorting the gravitational field.” 10/24/1954 #11363 AIS, FR 1 observer. Saucer rises / field by beet scales. Absolute(ly) silen 10/25/1954 (approximate) #11376 car. Blinding 4M disk going down / field. Silent. Beams going down. / r8#30 10/25/1954 #11382 Chéradame agrees to ride into the field and take a look, but he only goes 10/25/1954 #11392 owing light was seen rising from a field nearby some beet scales in Calais, 10/25/1954 #11399 tucci, were walking home next to a field in Colcerasa Di Cing, Marche, Ital 10/25/1954 #11401 untered a bright light source in a field. When they approached the light, t 10/25/1954 #11404 erged from the light source in the field and separated into two distinct fo 10/25/1954 #11404 l over tracks. Going [to] out over field and vanishes! 10/26/1954 #11412 road tracks. It floated out over a field and then vanished. 10/26/1954 #11421 Sparkle object quickly going up / field. Ruined fences. Cows scared. / r13 10/27/1954 #11431 Y, FR D49. Dark 5M saucer landed / field. Takes off / red glowing. Triangul 10/27/1954 #11435 ssing sound and saw an object in a field. It was stationary, 1 m above the 10/27/1954 #11444 saw a craft which took off from a field. They noted that the cows in the f 10/27/1954 #11451 d. They noted that the cows in the field appeared to be afraid, bellowing a 10/27/1954 #11451 ssing sound and saw an object in a field that was emitting a blinding glar 10/27/1954 #11452 At 2:25 p.m. several workers in a field in Palagonia, Italy sighted a lumi 10/29/1954 #11482 Flips over. Gently lands on edge / field. Quickly going up. / r8#326. 11/3/1954 #11543 server(s). 4M saucer-cloud lands / field. Dome glows pink. / La Montagne. 11/3/1954 #11546 as amazed when it came down into a field where it landed on edge, very gent 11/3/1954 #11547 as amazed when it came down into a field where it landed on edge, very gent 11/3/1954 #11548 1 observer. Brilliant red sphere / field. Gone when observer(s) arrives. / 11/4/1954 #11559 2 / car. 25M saucer tilts 50M over field. Going up [to] and vanishes as obs 11/9/1954 #11606 ed object tilted, 50 meters over a field in Inchy, Nord department, France. 11/9/1954 #11612 n AFB near Dayton, Ohio Standiford Field [now Louisville International Airp 11/12/1954 #11629 ard, deputy director of Standiford Field [now Louisville International Airp 11/12/1954 #11629 minous UFO approach them in a farm field. As it approaches, the engine that 11/14/1954 #11652 k flying object overhead swept the field, hitting both vehicles. The tracto 11/14/1954 #11654 shaped object landed in a farmer's field. Three dwarf humanoids wearing met 11/14/1954 #11655 rl / 12. Glowing-boat going down / field. 3 hairy small humanoids (or Greys 11/18/1954 #11666 "a glowing boat" land in a nearby field. Three hairy dwarf humanoids emerg 11/18/1954 #11667 CASELLE DI NOGARA, ITL Saucer / field several min. Observer(s) fires 2 s 12/4/1954 #11756 buzzing. Enormous saucer just over field nearby. 12/9/1954 #11779 s entities with luminous eyes in a field. They quickly vanish. Aquilante re 12/9/1954 #11786 ns that he met two “dwarfs” in the field wearing multicolored suits. They f 12/9/1954 #11786 d to toe” are standing in a nearby field. As he approaches, one runs toward 12/9/1954 #11787 nd plucks a tobacco plant from the field, then both jump into the craft, wh 12/9/1954 #11787 s/glowing barrel hovers vertical / field. 'Man' watches girl observer(s) / 12/11/1954 #11799 hovering vertically over a nearby field in Predale, Casina, Italy. She sai 12/11/1954 #11801 to toe" were standing in a nearby field. As he approached, one ran toward 12/11/1954 #11802 d plucked a tobacco plant from the field, then both jumped into the craft, 12/11/1954 #11802 L, ARG 7 / car. 50' saucer lands / field. 2 pseudo-human/entity outside re- 12/28/1954 #11867 ut 100-200 meters away in a nearby field, and it was emitting a bluish ligh 12/28/1954 #11869 BRU / GARDONNE, FR Red saucer / field. Observer(s) frozen. Ground dug od 12/29/1954 #11873 Ritland recalls a “little X-shaped field” just off the eastern side of Groo Early 1955 #11901 portholes was seen hovering over a field on the Lord Montbatten estate in B 2/23/1955 #12016 oard a UFO hovering above a nearby field. The man accepted the invitation a 2/24/1955 #12017 in Frederick, Maryland. The agency field tests it covertly along Florida’s 3/1955 #12024 along the crooked edge of the cane field and the swamp toward our house." I 5/29/1955 #12166 O reports for 1955, it has made 23 field investigations and has 25 unsolved 6/30/1955 #12221 PLESSIEL FIELD / ABBEVILLE, FR 2 separate observe 7/18/1955 #12268 in and five other witnesses on the field were blinded by the light from a d 7/18/1955 #12270 CAZERES, FR 2 egg-yolks / field. 2 bald 90cm small humanoids (or G 8/1955 #12308 , FR Intense light. Saucer lands / field / total silence. Dog scared. 8/18/1955 #12370 HICKAM FIELD, OAHU, HI Many observer(s). Large 9/22/1955 #12466 At Hickham Field in Honolulu, Hawaii at 7:30 p.m. a 9/22/1955 #12469 nd his neighbor Erminda where in a field tending some cattle in Portela de 10/20/1955 #12513 ical Intelligence Office at Wright Field (which became the Foreign Technolo 1956 #12639 telligence operation out of Wright Field, staffed with people from Ramo-Woo 1956 #12639 linear echelon toward(s) Ellington Field. Silent. 1/14/1956 #12658 chelon formation, toward Ellington Field. They made no sound. 1/14/1956 #12659 Kentucky Standiford Field Louisville, Kentucky Bedford, Indi 1/31/1956 #12687 an F-51 Mustang out of Standiford Field [now Louisville International Airp 1/31/1956 #12687 could create a local gravitational field and serve as a USAF interceptor wi 2/25/1956 #12739 utilizing principles of Einstein’s Field Theory, a destroyer (identified by 4/1956 #12777 050. 2 observer(s). 2M UFO lands / field 100M away. Fantastic speed. 4/4/1956 #12784 ry, balloon-shaped craft land in a field 300 ft away from them (NICAP: 01 - 4/6/1956 #12794 ft about 2 m in diameter land in a field 100 m away from them, about 8 km e 4/6/1956 #12795 t two meters in diameter land in a field 100 meters away from them, about e 4/6/1956 #12796 ONTDIDIER, FR Domed saucer lands / field. Observer(s) flees. Gone on return 7/1956 #12938 Naval Air Station Cecil Field, near Jacksonville, Florida 3:40 p 8/22/1956 #13116 es east of Naval Air Station Cecil Field, near Jacksonville, Florida. Their 8/22/1956 #13116 lectro-magnetic effects). 2 hide / field. Beam unrolls and searches. Going 9/1956 #13158 rch into gravitational and unified field theories with the hiring of Joshua 9/1956 #13166 2 / farm. 3M thick saucer 60M over field. Glows red going [to] orange going 9/2/1956 #13171 seconds before passing out of the field. Clark moves the telescope and is 9/8/1956 #13208 erver(s). 2M silver mirror rises / field. Splits / 2. 90° turn over car and 9/9/1956 #13209 hovering about 100 feet away in a field by the road. They stop the car and 9/15/1956 #13224 1 / bicycle. 30M aluminum saucer / field reflects moonlight. Observer(s) sc 11/1956 #13300 ra chief Sidney Gottlieb organizes field trials of psilocybin for injection 2/1957 #13481 ct 50+ ft wide hovering low over a field (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, BB: 3/6/1957 #13522 way, he encounters a type of force field that prevents him from approaching 5/1957 #13630 shoots off to the north. The force field disappears. 5/1957 #13630 erver(s). Dazzling object hovers / field. Passes water tower / low altitude 5/2/1957 #13641 investigative duties to the 1127th Field Activities Group of the 1006th AIS 7/1957 #13765 Forbes Field [now Topeka Regional Airport], Kan 7/17/1957 #13808 e aircraft is flying out of Forbes Field [now Topeka Regional Airport], Kan 7/17/1957 #13808 n 2 ball shaped landing gears in a field outside town. Additional proof of 7/30/1957 #13860 amples taken from elsewhere in the field. Finally, the insects there had un 7/30/1957 #13860 glowing silver 2M eggs circle over field. 3 clockwise and 3 counterclockwis 8/15/1957 (approximate) #13899 growling at something in the mint field. They hear a loud, irritating soun 9/1957 #13966 about 50 feet wide landing in the field and supported by three legs with s 9/1957 #13966 aordinary changes / earth magnetic field. / r120p148. 9/4/1957 #13976 rie, Michigan Truax AFB [now Truax Field Air National Guard Base] northeast 9/20/1957 #14020 nd later from Truax AFB [now Truax Field Air National Guard Base] northeast 9/20/1957 #14020 white luminous sphere landed in a field 700 yards away from the house of M 9/25/1957 #14033 smaller objects disappear from the field of the telescope until only the or 10/6/1957 #14066 al Air Station South Weymouth Shea Field Naval Aviation Historical Museum M 10/9/1957 #14085 ation South Weymouth [now the Shea Field Naval Aviation Historical Museum], 10/9/1957 #14085 NEAR KEMMERER, WY 4 / oil field. "Flaming whale" going south / 150 10/10/1957 #14087 ve seen two craft land in a nearby field at the same hour. 10/10/1957 #14091 ve seen two craft land in a nearby field at the same hour. 10/10/1957 #14096 Blazing disc? plays tag 20x / farm field. 100M altitude. 10/14/1957 #14106 y A. Villas-Boas. He was plowing a field with his brother when they saw a r 10/14/1957 #14109 saw a red light at the edge of the field. He went toward it, but it shifted 10/14/1957 #14109 c shaped, play tag with him over a field on his family farm in Sao Francisc 10/14/1957 #14112 Gerais, Brazil. He was plowing the field with his brother on a tractor when 10/14/1957 #14112 saw a red light at the edge of the field. He went toward it, but it shifted 10/14/1957 #14112 the furrows in the freshly plowed field, but he was quickly seized by unkn 10/16/1957 #14131 gg-shaped object hover over an oil field near Ballinger, Texas at around 2 11/1/1957 #14191 effect (EME). 60M torpedo rises / field. Going quickly east. / APRO 11'57+ 11/2/1957 #14203 from the rear, rises up out of the field, heads straight toward their truck 11/2/1957 #14216 agnetic effect (EME). 18M saucer / field. Going up [to] and going southeast 11/5/1957 #14321 topped; UFO seen hovering low over field (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 11/5/1957 #14335 , cigar-shaped object resting in a field. He is soon escorted inside the sp 11/5/1957 #14343 30m brown cloud nears car. Lands / field. Orange light / center. Roars. 11/6/1957 #14388 lue-green. It hovered 60 m above a field and came to the ground with a soft 11/6/1957 #14417 object like an elongated egg in a field 300 feet away from his house. 20 m 11/6/1957 #14422 . It hovers about 200 feet above a field and lands with a soft whirring sou 11/6/1957 #14430 reen. It hovered 60 meters above a field and came down to the ground making 11/6/1957 #14441 ry officers. They drive him to the field where the encounter took place and 11/10/1957 #14523 gstown, then he is returned to the field at 11:00 p.m. 11/10/1957 #14523 pace. Paralysis. Lights going up / field.. 11/16/1957 #14564 lent transparent 3M globe hovers / field. Lights inside. Quickly going up [ 11/21/1957 #14586 a triangular UFO moving low over a field some 300–600 feet away. It is emit 11/21/1957 #14589 riangular pattern hovering above a field off State Highway 8 just north of 11/23/1957 #14604 ing quickly south. Seen to Moffett field. 12/7/1957 #14681 est, one flew south toward Moffett Field. 12/7/1957 #14683 IL Farmer. 4M 'watermelon' lands / field 20M away. Grass crushed. 12/10/1957 #14699 eter long "watermelon" landed in a field, only 20 meters from a farmer. The 12/10/1957 #14705 SKYRDSTRUP FIELD, DK Formation / saucers leaves Dan 4/10/1958 #14973 like crafts going south. 1 lands / field. Quickly going up [to] fast. Jerky 4/16/1958 #14992 . 2.3M saucer / slow spin. Lands / field. Faces / portholes! Quickly going 6/1958 #15067 observer(s). Patch / blue light / field. Only 1 observer(s) sees small hum 8/18/1958 #15213 x30 mm Japanese artillery-observer field glasses. It looks to be a Saturn-s 8/18/1958 #15215 aw 2-3 bright objects pass through field of telescope. [VI] (NICAP: 01 - Di 10/26/1958 #15380 led approach to Pope AFB [now Pope Field] in Fayetteville, North Carolina, 11/4/1958 #15425 server sees a bright UFO cross his field of vision through his telescope fr 12/6/1958 #15471 ONG, SOUTH AUST 60M domed saucer / field. Going up [to] and going southwest 3/13/1959 #15638 dome-shaped object take off from a field 400 m away. It resembled a huge, b 3/13/1959 #15640 control tower crewman at McCarran Field, and Air Force men were amoung tho 6/17/1959 #15772 RSA 12M saucer hovers 5M over farm field. Orange glow and green light / sid 6/21/1959 #15778 investigative duties to the 1127th Field Activities Group stationed at Fort 7/1959 #15807 bserver(s). Big boat rests / empty field. Green-brown colored tarp covers. 8/4/1959 #15894 t rose very fast vertically from a field three kilometers away, while makin 9/13/1959 #15972 over and clockwise rising. Lands / field. Quickly going up. / r143. 9/25/1959 #15989 ltitude. It eventually landed in a field. 9/25/1959 #15991 not working, and the armature and field wires have melted together. Later, 12/1959 #16107 d silver domed object going down / field. Door opens. Figure exits! 12/17/1959 #16121 hed a silver, domed disc land in a field. A door in the craft opened and a 12/17/1959 #16122 McCarran Field, Las Vegas NV A blue light, which 1/3/1960 #16149 egas, Nevada sky, puzzled McCarran Field tower controlmen. "It was the fast 1/3/1960 #16149 t saucer going down [to] toward(s) field. / r79p17. 1/18/1960 #16152 hts dimmed as UFO descended toward field, apparently about a mile off highw 1/18/1960 #16153 reen flash lights up the sky. In a field to the north about 1 mile away the 1/18/1960 #16155 rby. The object flew off towards a field approximately 1.5 kilometers from 1/18/1960 #16156 ect, which is moving slowly over a field. As he is winding the film to take 7/3/1960 #16329 three-storey building, in a nearby field while driving down a highway north 9/2/1960 #16432 NORTH / BUNNEL, FL UFO / field. Car malfunctions due to EME (elec 9/3/1960 (approximate) #16433 ered and landed on large overgrown field. [NICAP UFOE, V] (NICAP: 11 - Avia 1/10/1961 #16573 era and one new geiger counter for field work. It also recommends raising t 3/17/1961 #16634 and helmets. The newspapers had a field day with this report, but private 4/18/1961 #16654 Colorado Springs, Colorado Hanscom Field, Bedford, Massachusetts A new squa 7/1/1961 #16742 pace Track organization at Hanscom Field, Bedford, Massachusetts, assumes a 7/1/1961 #16742 rolet Bel Air and fills the entire field of view in the windshield. It remi 9/19/1961 #16857 s involve “employment of qualified field intelligence personnel on a quick 11/13/1961 #16962 action basis to recover or perform field exploitation of unidentified flyin 11/13/1961 #16962 cts. The document gives the 1127th Field Activities Group at Ft. Belvoir re 11/13/1961 #16963 ing at a sharp angle over a plowed field; it had a bright white light on ea 11/22/1961 #16973 They see red lights moving in the field and both cars go in pursuit of the Late 11/1961 #16978 es see the lights hovering above a field, one above the other. The objects Late 4/1962 #17130 ern-like light resting in a nearby field. It brightens and dims alternately 5/12/1962 #17165 Fog fills woods. "House" lands in field. / r156#12. 5/13/1962 #17168 . Silent 20M luminous mass spins / field. 3M tall. 5/13/1962 #17169 . while driving in their car. In a field they saw a 20-meter wide luminous 5/13/1962 #17172 MARGNY, FR Boy / 8. UFO / 3 legs / field. Buzz like high tension power line 7/1962 #17260 the police that while working in a field, he saw two spherical objects hove 8/20/1962 #17347 the police that while working in a field in Duas Pontes, Minas Gerais State 8/20/1962 #17349 ent ovoid hovers / 8M over alfalfa field. Blunt ends. Going up [to] and goi 9/1962 #17377 rancher, thought some lights in a field were those of a car. When coming n 9/1962 #17378 ANGACO, ARG Object going up / field. No description. Leaves (something 9/3/1962 #17385 , CA 50' saucer beams going down / field. Going quickly east. Irrigation wa 9/26/1962 #17441 just eight meters above an alfalfa field. It had blunt ends. It ascended to 9/26/1962 #17442 uminous, blue object hovering in a field. They entered it as if "sucked int 11/1962 #17524 e object hanging in the air over a field on the other side of the road. It 11/1962 #17525 scover a burned area of grass in a field just over a mile from their house 1/1963 #17624 l-shaped object that landed in the field. 1/1963 #17624 follows some power lines across a field and disappears to the northeast. “ 6/26/1963 #17809 RLTON, WILTS 8' x8'CRATER / potato field. Dirt gone. 4 holes. Crops burnt. 7/16/1963 #17831 aw a bright oval object hover in a field and drop something. Approaching th 9/19/1963 #17944 e a bright, oval object hover in a field and drop something. Approaching th 9/19/1963 #17947 aw a bright oval object hover in a field and drop something. Approaching th 9/19/1963 #17948 USTR 2 boys and 20. Saucer lands / field. 7' figure / diving suit exits. 2n 10/1/1963? #17970 ey see a bright, golden light in a field about 240 feet away, floating 10 f 11/16/1963 #18045 , KENT Glowing-ovoid over football field. 3 60cm footprint and crushed vege 11/21/1963 #18054 EPPING, ESSEX 8' saucer lands / field. Circular depression with tripod. 12/27/1963 #18096 bjects hover / one hour. 1 lands / field. 1 shoots going quickly north. No 2/25/1964 #18136 r found shiny elliptical object in field, confronted by two small humanoids 4/24/1964 #18192 bout 8 m long and 6 m wide, in his field. He spoke in English to two dwarfs 4/24/1964 #18193 r found shiny elliptical object in field, confronted by two small humanoids 4/24/1964 #18197 COMSTOCK, MN Farmer. Ovoid rises / field and going up [to] into cloud. Cavi 5/5/1964 #18240 Comstock, MN Object landed in field, physical traces (UFOE Section VII 5/5/1964 #18241 d Ernst, saw an object rise from a field and fly rapidly into the cloud ban 5/5/1964 #18242 Comstock, MN Object landed in field, physical traces 5/5/1964 #18243 d Ernst, saw an object rise from a field in Comstock, Minnesota and fly rap 5/5/1964 #18245 ds. 3M silver domed saucer lands / field near reservoir. / R. Palmer. 5/9/1964 #18249 rrive from the south and land in a field 150 m away. Estimated diameter: 3 5/9/1964 #18253 rrive from the south and land in a field next to a reservoir, 150 meters aw 5/9/1964 #18255 ISTA, CA 2 saucers glow. 1 lands / field. Also several report(s) / cigars. 5/13/1964 #18260 objects, one of which landed in a field. It was round and luminous. 5/13/1964 #18261 n the sky. One of them landed in a field. It was round and luminous. Also, 5/13/1964 #18263 OR 4' square box / 4 legs lands / field. Beeps. Traces / soil. / MJ#253+/ 5/18/1964 #18279 on four legs, was seen in a wheat field by 10-year-old Mike Bizon. It made 5/18/1964 #18283 ting on four shiny legs in a wheat field. With a soft beeping noise, it ros 5/18/1964 #18285 on four legs in an adjacent wheat field. It rises slowly off the ground to 5/19/1964 #18288 ect Bluebook Case #8839. Saucer in field chased down road by observer(s) / 5/26/1964 #18301 bottom of a ball, was spotted in a field and chased down the road for 2 mil 5/26/1964 #18305 ped like the bottom of a ball in a field at Pleasant View, Pennsylvania, an 5/26/1964 #18308 l (hemispherical) was spotted in a field and chased for two miles down a ro 5/26/1964 #18311 meter, land about 18 m away in the field. He felt a mild electric shock whe 6/14/1964 #18355 er, land about 18 meters away in a field. He felt a mild electric shock whe 6/14/1964 #18357 Rome, IN Mysterious Markings in Field Baffle Perry County Farm Family. A Late 6/1964 #18374 egs were discovered in the alfalfa field. (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) Late 6/1964 #18374 e a shiny, dome-shaped object in a field along the roadside. Looking for th 7/16/1964 #18421 nd, flattened area is found in the field where the grass is crushed and bus 7/16/1964 #18421 s shiny as chromium, was seen in a field alongside a road by five boys at 1 7/16/1964 #18422 NJ White ovoid buzzes car. Lands / field. Nears observer(s) who runs. / r8 7/27/1964 (approximate) #18442 as trustworthy, were at work in a field when they saw an intense light, co 7/28/1964 #18456 as trustworthy, were at work in a field near Lake Chelan, Washington when 7/28/1964 #18457 t followed a car, then landed in a field. The driver got out to observe it, 7/30/1964 #18459 horses act up. Concentric rings / field. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16# 8/21/1964 #18501 to hike a half mile across an open field while a searchlight beam from an o 12/10/1964 #18655 e road, hover at ground level in a field for less than one min, then take o 12/21/1964 #18667 O comes down gently and lands in a field to Burns’s right. Meanwhile, Burns 12/21/1964 #18670 Williamsburg, VA UFO Hovering Over Field Stalls Cars (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases 1/23/1965 #18755 25 feet wide, hovering over nearby field about 4 feet off the ground. It is 1/23/1965 #18759 aped object hovering over a nearby field about four feet off the ground, 50 1/23/1965 #18760 VA Square Object Size of Football Field (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, C 1/25/1965 #18764 man walking toward the road from a field. He sits down and peers intently a 1/26/1965 #18769 sing. Oily spots were found in the field. 3/4/1965 #18840 ng fast into the sky from a nearby field. They rose from the ground in sequ 3/4/1965 #18842 h very fast over the El Toreno oil field in Barinas province, Venezuela. 3/20/1965 #18870 , NB Huge object hovers low / farm field. Loud hiss. Series / circular hole 4/14/1965 #18905 rs. French observed an object in a field at 4 m altitude. It had blinding w 5/24/1965 #18959 Australia observed an object in a field at 4 m altitude. It had blinding w 5/24/1965 #18964 ight green glow hovered low over a field in Monte Negro, Rio Grande do Sul, 6/3/1965 #18989 ped object 30 m away in a lavender field. The craft was set on a central pi 7/1/1965 #19045 feet away from him in his lavender field. Squatting on the ground near the 7/1/1965 #19047 -shaped object 30 meters away in a field of lavender. The craft was set on 7/1/1965 #19049 r. Ground traces were found in the field. 7/1/1965 #19049 ic path. Two variometers (magnetic field measuring instruments) register su 7/3/1965 #19062 olor photos through theodolite and field glasses. 7/3/1965 #19064 Truax Field, WI Missile Radar Picks Up Target 7/25/1965 #19168 ONSEMPRON-LIBOS, FR Large saucer / field. Going quickly south fast. Officia 7/29/1965 #19199 d a large, disk-shaped object in a field near Monsempron-Libos. It flew at 7/29/1965 #19200 d a large, disc-shaped object in a field near Monsempron-Libos. It flew awa 7/29/1965 #19204 lands. Small humanoid (or Grey) / field. Burnt grass and indents. / APRO J 8/10/1965 (approximate) #19355 aura, were going to work in a bean field when they observed three creatures 8/13/1965 #19380 he side of the road next to a bean field. His two teenagers, Ellen Grace Ry 8/13/1965 #19383 gs, while walking next to the bean field at seven o'clock in the morning. T 8/13/1965 #19383 quickly north / flames. 15' burn / field. 8/15/1965? #19394 Missouri when she saw a light in a field with “smoke” around it. In a nearb 8/16/1965 #19410 e they flew the ship over a nearby field, which caused its interior lights 8/16/1965 #19410 FOs flying at treetop level over a field. The objects flew in three groups 8/28/1965 #19470 of grass stood out clearly” in the field. Officer Goode, who was driving wi 9/3/1965 #19495 rigid configuration moving over a field, sometimes fluttering to low altit 9/3/1965 #19505 rom nearby woods and hovers over a field. Horses are spooked. Muscarello ge 9/3/1965 #19511 er Bertrand drives him back to the field along Route 150 to investigate. Wh 9/3/1965 #19511 ertrand flashes a light around the field around 3:00 a.m., a huge dark obje 9/3/1965 #19511 oid (or Grey)-size airplane / farm field. No jets / props. Gone later. 10/15/1965 (approximate) #19658 Camilo Filho is walking through a field near the city cemetery in Canhotin 10/22/1965 #19673 ARG 12 observer(s). Saucer lands / field. Paper found-"CHNY Ynoss" written 12/4/1965 #19752 at on bottom) hovering low above a field. A greenish glow was visible aroun 1/7/1966 #19811 ered for five minutes over an open field while they watched, then "got a tr 1/11/1966 #19830 uphine when he saw headlights in a field and observed an object come over h 1/16/1966 #19840 assed over his car and landed in a field on the other side of the road. 1/16/1966 #19841 d that the object had some kind of field effect on their theodolite, moving 1/18/1966 #19852 n they think they see a neighbor’s field on fire. The fire seems oddly dome 3/1966 #19930 HARROW, ONTARIO UFO lands / field. 12 meters diameter X 7M high. Por 3/17/1966 #19976 ting a pulsating white light, in a field. It had a revolving section with p 3/17/1966 #19981 ating white light, and landed in a field. It had a revolving section on it 3/17/1966 #19985 studies of such wreckage at Wright Field for years”. Also mentions what is 3/21/1966 #20013 Truax Field, WI Yellow Object Tracked By Teles 3/25/1966 #20078 saw two white oval UFOs land in a field behind the police station in Hamil 3/26/1966 #20094 rles Cozens, 13, is strolling in a field behind the Hamilton Mountain Polic 3/29/1966 #20140 o white oval-shaped UFOs land in a field. When the witness walked up and to 3/29/1966 #20144 sand dunes. After losing power Mr. Field allowed his car to roll backward a 3/30/1966 #20166 LIBERTY, MO Night lights / field. Hide when train passes and return 4/1/1966 #20194 saw two starlike objects land in a field. One of them rose rapidly when a t 4/1/1966 #20199 car. In the middle of an adjacent field, he sees a column of light some 25 4/4/1966 #20224 in diameter in the freshly plowed field. 4/4/1966 #20224 saw brilliant lights flashing in a field, followed by the abrupt departure 4/4/1966 #20225 conical beam of light in a nearby field, very white at ground level and ra 4/5/1966 #20239 c disc-shaped UFO land in a nearby field, then take off again, while severa 4/6/1966 #20259 at seemed to surround them. In the field they saw two red lights each about 4/7/1966 #20271 ront of a landed light in a nearby field. Four domed football shaped object 4/8/1966 #20277 e, the UFO flew off through a corn field, at one point illuminating the ter 4/18/1966 #20329 o and then flew off through a corn field. The witness, Mr. P. Friend, had s 4/18/1966 #20333 ds / SR114. At 2355 2 see saucer / field with searchlight. 4/19/1966 #20337 . The object appeared to land in a field. Later two witnesses approached th 4/19/1966 #20340 Later two witnesses approached the field and saw unidentified lights rise a 4/19/1966 #20340 , stopped, and saw the object in a field. It was a disk with a white, a gre 4/19/1966 #20345 n. The object appears to land in a field off State Highway 114. At 12:00 mi 4/19/1966 #20346 car was seen by two witnesses in a field in Peabody, Massachusetts. It had 4/19/1966 #20347 the house. It seemed to land in a field near the school. Three adults came 4/22/1966 #20371 UFO for about 20 minutes. A "force field" around the craft made it difficul 4/22/1966 #20377 . Later they found imprints in the field where the object had landed, appar 4/23/1966 #20385 and land a few yards from her in a field. It had red lights on each side, a 4/23/1966 #20392 e center, hover above the athletic field, then fly away. (NICAP notes from 5/23/1966 #20508 AMHERST, NY 3 teens and teacher / field trip. 2+photographs / classic sauc 5/26/1966 #20510 ing peak travel hours as part of a field experiment on the vulnerability of 6/6/1966 #20536 some ten meters across in a potato field all the leaves were brittle and ye 6/27/1966 #20618 rd for results in the mind-control field. Operation MKSearch goes into over 6/30/1966 #20623 on with lights makes 2 passes over field. Shoots straight going up. 7/5/1966 #20632 2 observer(s). 100' saucer lands / field / 60 minute(s). Portholes. Grindin 7/11/1966 #20636 ed, luminous object 30 m away in a field. It had small openings and made a 7/11/1966 #20638 s group of scientists” from Wright Field. This was not Project Blue Book bu 7/23/1966 #20673 disappeared. The next day a wheat field was found flattened over an area 3 7/28/1966 #20691 disappeared. The next day a wheat field was found flattened over a three m 7/28/1966 #20693 r(s). Rectangular panel / light in field. Vanishes. No traces found. 8/1966 #20706 a 50-foot diameter disc land in a field. A tall man dressed in a loose-fit 8/11/1966 #20739 up she found herself lying in the field where the UFO had landed. Her frie 8/11/1966 #20739 rvoir, appeared to land in a small field, then rose up into clouds very rap 8/19/1966 #20770 servoir, then appears to land in a field 250 feet away. It tilts on edge an 8/19/1966 #20772 inds three odd indentations in the field in the form of a triangle with sid 8/19/1966 #20772 appeared to almost land in a small field less than 80 meters away, but titl 8/19/1966 #20773 d an incident in the Minot missile field in which a flying object took “off 9/1966 #20820 At the Suffolk County Air Field, New York Witnesses Stahl and Lade 9/6/1966 #20855 He notices a group of lights in a field to the west past the dead end. He 10/4/1966 #20957 the ground some 840 feet into the field. They estimate it is 27 feet in di 10/4/1966 #20957 tral light beam that illuminated a field. During the sighting he heard a wh 10/26/1966 #21036 tral beam of light shines onto the field below. The car radio bursts with s 10/26/1966 #21038 interested and experienced in the field, and essentially knows exactly wha 11/1/1966 #21060 make the Colorado project’s first field trip, to Minot and Donnybrook, Nor Early 11/1966 #21070 [to] under power lines and across field. 11/4/1966 #21073 o-magnetic effects). Night light / field. Dog chases.. crushed and bloodles 11/15/1966 #21104 ed red. It finally scurried into a field and disappeared. 11/15/1966 #21109 ed red. It finally scurried into a field and disappeared. 11/16/1966 #21110 later in the center of an isolated field. The knee-high grass around the do 11/20/1966 #21129 with a domed top ascends into his field of view. After stopping for 3 seco 11/22/1966 #21140 t in diameter hovering over a corn field, making a noise like whirling wind 12/2/1966 #21177 eral observer(s). 3 saucers rise / field. Blow steam. Pace car. Big blast. 12/25/1966 #21218 Three objects rose from a field with a screaming hi-pitched noise, 12/25/1966 #21221 contactees). They planned a mobile field unit to gather data using various 1967 #21234 boratory evaluation of hypotheses, field observations, and examination of U 1967 #21238 boratory evaluation of hypotheses, field observations and examination of UA 1967 #21240 d light. The object hovered over a field, circled the house, and flew away. 1/13/1967 #21296 g motionless low over an adjoining field. It was 25 feet in diameter, had a 1/13/1967 #21300 lowing white light darted into his field of vision. (NICAP files) (NICAP: 0 1/17/1967 #21329 glowing white light darts into his field of vision. It hovers above the roa 1/17/1967 #21333 dark object that is moving over a field. The object hovers and swings arou 1/20/1967 #21360 ulder. It lands on three legs in a field. The object is egg- shaped and abo 2/5/1967 #21460 n a man approaches from across the field and talks to them, apparently by t 2/5/1967 #21460 MILLER CO, MO 4M saucer / field. Invisible barrier 5M away. 65cm f 2/14/1967 #21542 any witnesses, landing in a nearby field. Marks were found in the snow (phy 2/14/1967 #21543 t was seen resting on a shaft in a field. Small beings were reportedly movi 2/14/1967 #21544 son City, MO Disc-shaped object in field, small beings moved around beneath 2/14/1967 #21550 ntly resting on a shaft in a muddy field, and was rocking back and forth. S 2/14/1967 #21552 long, cigar-shaped UFO landed in a field beside Interstate 70 near St. Loui 2/16/1967 #21574 r(s). UFO glides. Circles. Lands / field. Spins going northeast. / FSR'67#4 2/22/1967 #21619 ights glide, circle, and land in a field. He saw it again spinning in the n 2/22/1967 #21622 glide, circle, and then land in a field. He saw it again spinning in the n 2/22/1967 #21625 greenish-blue oval hovering over a field, moving up and down. The object ch 3/8/1967 #21810 ht about 100 yards away in an open field. Near the latter were 5 moving bla 3/12/1967 #21874 forth about 30 feet above a snowy field in front of trees for 8 minutes. ( 3/16/1967 #21902 e front. The object hovered over a field before disappearing, possibly land 3/18/1967 #21916 ken his astronomy class to an open field on the Shreveport, Louisiana, camp Spring 1967 #21926 rver(s) = Deluce. 2 night lights / field. Pace car. Fly over house. / CUFOS 3/23/1967 #21951 WEST / KENT, OH Fog. Saucer / field. 4+small humanoids (or Greys) cros 3/28/1967 #22002 seen hovering several feet over a field between Kent and Munroe Falls, Ohi 3/28/1967 #22007 -magnetic effects). Saucer rises / field. Also night lights / 2130+2nd sauc 3/30/1967 #22012 w a disc-shaped object rise from a field by the road. The object gave off a 3/30/1967 #22017 another disc shot up from another field, emitting sparks the color of a bl 3/30/1967 #22017 w orange and shower green sparks / field. No further details. / FSR'67#6. 3/31/1967 #22018 wo smaller sources, were seen in a field. No details. 3/31/1967 #22021 wo smaller sources--were seen in a field in Hanley, England. 3/31/1967 #22024 kids. Metallic saucer going down / field by school. USAF investigation. 4/7/1967 #22086 / farm. Silent grey ovoid hovers / field. Lights / rim and top. Quickly goi 5/2/1967 #22264 Marliens, France In a field which belonged to the Mayor, Mr. M 5/9/1967 #22303 In a field that belonged to Mr. Maillotte, th 5/9/1967 #22304 HOLBAEK, DK Domed UFO / farm field. Figure moves / window. Angel hair 5/11/1967 #22313 hted on this night hovering over a field at a farm. A silhouette of a human 5/11/1967 #22320 E-TREIZE-VOIES, FR Saucer landed / field takes off with noise / vacuum clea 5/27/1967 #22407 in the morning a disc landed in a field in St.-Andre-Treize-Voies, Vendee 5/27/1967 #22409 al object upright / 30M altitude / field. Spins and going up / extremely fa 6/11/1967 #22489 the full report from the police, a field investigator examined the area and 7/5/1967 #22613 val light the length of a football field). The object(s) stopped (hovered) 7/14/1967 #22657 hem saw the object hovering over a field. When he drove away it followed hi 7/17/1967 #22683 e ground. The glow was in a nearby field next to a cemetery. Within the glo 7/21/1967 #22719 from the sky and land in a nearby field. Thinking that nobody would believ 7/21/1967 #22721 ght white lights "wobbling" over a field. When a plane flew into the area, 7/25/1967 #22729 eet altitude, hovered over a wheat field and , slowly landed. (North Dakota 8/3/1967 #22784 PHILPOT, KY Pop! Barrel going up / field to 30M. Tilts horizontal. Going qu 8/4/1967 #22795 in diameter was found in the bean field where the object was seen (physica 8/4/1967 #22799 UFO group from Edmonton visits the field and finds three additional rings. 8/5/1967 #22815 red-glowing saucers take off from field. Going quickly northwest / r8#865. 8/6/1967 #22820 glowing, red disks take off from a field near the house. 8/6/1967 #22828 scs take off in V formation from a field near their house in Tetepango, Hid 8/6/1967 #22829 glowing, red discs take off from a field near his house. 8/6/1967 #22833 22M object / type unknown hovers / field / 37M altitude. Paces 2 / car both 8/10/1967 #22855 was hovering about 125 feet over a field. It was an elongated, diamond-shap 8/10/1967 #22857 saw a white light hovering over a field and maneuvered their car to illumi 8/19/1967 #22891 estigate a green light he saw in a field. His headlights illuminated a larg 8/23/1967 #22896 estigate a green light he saw in a field. His headlights illuminated a larg 8/23/1967 #22897 ge disc on or just above ground in field, three small humanoid beings emerg 8/23/1967 #22903 ad when he sees a green light in a field to the south. He turns off his lig 8/23/1967 #22904 on, age 20, saw a green light in a field ahead of him, not far from the roa 8/23/1967 #22906 ailer. He sees a large object in a field some 900–1,200 feet away. It is fo 8/27/1967 #22940 verhead and apparently landed in a field about 400 yards away. No sound was 9/2/1967 #22980 range light on top in the adjacent field. It was shaped like an inverted sa 9/2/1967 #22984 ion. Subsequent examination of the field failed to reveal any traces. This 9/2/1967 #22984 aucer-shaped, metallic object in a field. He calls the police, who send it 9/4/1967 #22998 ST. ANDRE / SURAN, FR 2 / field. Rounded cone buoy whistles when g 9/5/1967 (approximate) #23002 ONSTITUCION, ARG 4M saucer lands / field / 4 hours / big storm. Traces and 9/11/1967 #23036 tched a large, glowing object in a field 300 m away, giving off brilliant b 9/11/1967 #23042 lowing orange object hovering in a field about 1,000 feet away from the far 9/11/1967 #23045 LA BALEIA, BRZ Domed saucer / field. Door slides up. 2 2M men going [t 9/14/1967 #23051 A, KS Boys and mom. Saucer lands / field. Light rotates / edge-windows. Cle 9/14/1967 #23052 mushroom-shaped craft on a playing field. It had a cupola on top, and a gui 9/14/1967 #23059 an object in an adjacent football field. It is shaped like a mushroom with 9/14/1967 #23060 e soil. A hazy screen like a force field drops around the object, and a doo 9/14/1967 #23060 mushroom-shaped craft on a playing field. It had a cupola on top, and a gui 9/14/1967 #23061 with portholes landed on a soccer field. Physical traces were left by the 9/17/1967 #23074 with portholes landed on a soccer field. (Beings seen in association with 9/17/1967 #23075 cumference. The object landed in a field, ascended, then moved out of sight 9/18/1967 #23082 s of the landing were found in the field. (Evening News, Sault. Ste. Marie, 9/18/1967 #23082 ver makes on-the-spot inquiries or field investigations. 9/27/1967 #23136 E DU CHIEN, WI 2 girls. 4M ovoid / field. Buzz and beam. Object exits. TV R 9/30/1967 #23148 ntity. Sex with odd female. Left / field. UFO retracts legs and flies. 10/6/1967 #23182 acked out again and recovered in a field about a mile from his original loc 10/6/1967 #23187 red object the size of a football field. With a whining noise it went stra 10/10/1967 #23205 WZ 3 10x5M vertical cylinders 5M / field. Buzz. Small object drops. / r8#88 10/11/1967 #23209 ng 50 m away and 5 m above a maize field, making a noise resembling a swarm 10/11/1967 #23215 k. Silent circular object hovers / field. Circular flattened reeds. 10/20/1967 #23271 lsating red lights floating over a field, apparently body lights on a large 10/22/1967 #23286 pulsating lights above an adjacent field. They are joined by six other peop 10/22/1967 #23290 ext day, he visits the site in the field and finds child-like footprints in 10/22/1967 #23290 iny creatures were discovered in a field in Charleswood, British Columbia, 10/22/1967 #23291 ta. The object then hovers above a field, paces the truck again, hovers, pa 10/27/1967 #23352 White fireball quickly going up / field. Stops. Going [to] out and back. / 10/28/1967 #23359 above car. Car drawn into adjacent field, witnesses confronted by beings 11/2/1967 #23389 as if fastened to the craft into a field of wheat stubble where Tossie gets 11/2/1967 #23390 peared. It glided quickly across a field and disappeared into the woods. 11/2/1967 #23391 en, off the highway and out into a field of wheat stubble. As soon as the c 11/2/1967 #23392 e they accompanied him back to the field the object had departed and Begay 11/2/1967 #23392 eir car, then it landed again in a field. The two women again tried to appr 11/9/1967 #23434 oid object came down slowly into a field of maize in Centeno, Santa Fe prov 11/12/1967 #23439 STR 6M saucer quickly going down / field. Portholes. Whines. TV Radio Frequ 11/16/1967 #23467 ound and square windows, land in a field with a whining noise. It took off 11/16/1967 #23470 ound and square windows, land in a field in Yerecoin, Western Australia wit 11/16/1967 #23472 him again and beam him back to the field. He runs home in a state of terror 11/17/1967 #23477 brightly lit object hovered over a field, and then landed at Gull Lake, nea 11/19/1967 #23483 ow altitude, hovered over a nearby field. (U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No 12/15/1967 #23589 de, and then hovered over a nearby field. While hovering a smaller sphere d 12/15/1967 #23592 craft by creating an electrostatic field around the craft. “Dan Marckus,” a 1968 #23633 2 Spirit utilized an electrostatic field around the aircraft to reduce drag 1968 #23633 0M and orange fireball spins low / field. Chases car. Shoots quickly going 1/20/1968 #23679 which seems to be flickering in a field. It seems to be spinning and is 20 1/20/1968 #23683 vore, Ireland saw a disc land in a field. Several entities emerged and plac 1/26/1968 #23704 s of several paralyzed cows in the field. The UFO then took off and showere 1/26/1968 #23704 VETON, MO Noise. 30m saucer lights field / 6m altitude. Windows. Cows missi 2/9/1968 #23742 ver, citing Lawrence Fawcett, APRO field investigator). (NICAP: 03 - EME Ca 2/21/1968 #23770 vember 1961 that states the 1127th Field Activities Group at Ft. Belvoir ha 3/1968 #23799 ss." The object left over a nearby field, emitting a cloudy haze all around 3/4/1968 #23826 . The object departs over a nearby field, emitting a cloudy haze all around 4/4/1968 #23895 of light take off from a neighbors field near Sanford, Colorado. No evidenc 5/7/1968 #23950 de. Looking towards a nearby empty field he saw a hovering disc-shaped UFO, 6/10/1968 #24018 oise and noticed in the same empty field a strange triangular shaped cloud. 6/10/1968 #24018 of scorched grass was found in the field. 6/10/1968 #24018 ike a flattened oval was seen in a field by a witness. Next to the object s 6/11/1968 #24023 men in a car stopped to rest in a field after long drive. While driving in 7/16/1968 #24181 long drive. While driving into the field, with headlights on only long enou 7/16/1968 #24181 j-Napoca, Romania was scanning the field with his binoculars at eleven o'cl 7/20/1968 #24195 re looking humanoids standing on a field. The humanoids were standing aroun 7/20/1968 #24195 y black small humanoid (or Grey) / field. Traces. / r193#18. 7/28/1968 #24242 QB Glowing-cloud rotates. Lands / field. 1M bottle-head figure(s) chase co 7/28/1968 #24243 st over him and goes into a nearby field. About 12 feet in diameter, it is 7/28/1968 #24244 t luminous on top. The cows in the field are being chased by 4 or 5 small e 7/28/1968 #24244 over him and went toward a nearby field. The object was dark on the bottom 7/28/1968 #24246 us on top. He then saw cows in the field being chased by four or five, thre 7/28/1968 #24246 custs was heard emanating from the field. The airfield had closed at sunset 7/29/1968 #24256 they see a dome-shaped object in a field about 230 feet behind their house. 7/30/1968 #24263 pons Laboratory begins to set up a field instrumentation lab at Con Thien c 8/1968 #24284 d object on the ground in a nearby field. The object had a dome with a revo 8/8/1968 #24310 , BRZ 6M hat-saucer hovers 5M over field 100M away. 3 rods going down. Port 8/15/1968 (approximate) #24327 ed disc hovered five meters over a field at 4:00 a.m., 100 meters away. It 8/15/1968 #24333 .m., and was crossing a cultivated field when, as he turned a bend, saw a s 8/25/1968 #24377 Galvez saw a lighted object in his field in Ucero, Soria, Spain that descen 8/28/1968 #24392 rver. White aluminum globe rests / field by Imurissu River Bridge. 9/9/1968 #24446 d intermittent sparks. In a nearby field the grass had been burned in a cir 9/21/1968 #24497 k if they had seen any lights in a field the night before. The families go Late 9/1968 #24511 ght before. The families go to the field and find a large oval place where Late 9/1968 #24511 report also includes summaries of field studies, photographic evidence, di 10/31/1968 #24608 s, and astronaut sightings. In the field studies section, Roy Craig concede 10/31/1968 #24608 HANBURY, ENGL Brill object rises / field. Hovers over house. 3 figure(s) vi 11/20/1968 #24667 e car and watch as it rises from a field on their left, silently pass over 11/20/1968 #24672 lights and a transparent dome in a field to the left. The brilliant object 11/20/1968 #24673 The brilliant object rose from the field and hovered above a house. It appe 11/20/1968 #24673 mitting flashes, which landed in a field briefly. It suddenly took off and 11/22/1968 #24684 mitting flashes, which landed in a field briefly. It suddenly took off and 11/22/1968 #24685 with a blue glow land briefly in a field. It suddenly took off and was lost 11/22/1968 #24690 cer going [to] over house. Lands / field. Dodges bullets! Saucers dart. 11/24/1968 #24696 / light going down [to] strawberry field. Crop destroyed. 11/24/1968 (approximate) #24698 ver a house. It landed in a nearby field, and was shot at. It dodged bullet 11/24/1968 #24699 ary school students on a motorboat field trip on Nahuel Huapi Lake, Argenti Late 12/1968 #24790 and saw an incredible scene: on a field only 30 meters away, and hovering 1/6/1969 #24822 , MO Dogs bark. Huge ovoid lands / field. Rises going up. Tripod indents sc 2/1969 #24885 a Mina Da Silva was weeding a rice field later that same morning at a place 2/6/1969 #24898 saw an unusual object in a nearby field. A man emerged from the shadows an 2/17/1969 #24925 e was struck by some type of force field and temporarily paralyzed. 3/14/1969 #25013 m domed metallic saucer in alfalfa field / 20 minute(s). Departure unseen. 3/23/1969 #25038 th spotlights and portholes sits / field / rain. Going up [to] and hovers / 4/22/1969 #25081 30-foot wide saucer standing in a field while driving at 10:30 p.m. The ob 4/22/1969 #25083 the object hovering over a playing field lit by floodlights, where some you 4/25/1969 #25091 formed a kind of ceiling over the field and it was unlikely that had any o 4/25/1969 #25091 the embankment they found a barley field with a path through it, such as th 5/11/1969 #25128 have thrown themselves down in the field. According to Luczkowich, the crus 5/11/1969 #25128 f a landing were found in a nearby field, and some soil appeared to have be 5/28/1969 #25167 ameter. As they flew over a nearby field the witnesses could see a bluish g 6/10/1969 #25209 ockwise above the adjacent soybean field. The next morning, they tell Pat’s 7/12/1969 #25264 r, nearly bare oval in the soybean field. The plants’ leaves are severely d 7/12/1969 #25264 urnt soybean plants was found in a field on the farm. 7/13/1969 #25269 nard O’Brien is cutting grass in a field with his tractor near Manotick, On Mid 7/1969 #25270 a particular spot. He notifies the field’s owner, John Fox, who comes out f Mid 7/1969 #25270 three near-perfect circles in the field, two together and the third nearly Mid 7/1969 #25270 went straight over the nearby farm field very fast. Viewed about 10 seconds 7/18/1969 #25279 ts). Yellow-orange saucer hovers / field / 15 minute(s). Bike OK after. 8/27/1969 #25330 haped thing hovering over a nearby field for 15 minutes.His motorcycle func 8/28/1969 #25334 in diameter landed noisy disc in a field in Viana de Cega, Valladolid provi 9/11/1969 #25363 2 college kids. 13M saucer lands / field. Cops find crushed weeds only. 10/28/1969 #25428 light descends. Beam lights entire field. Many observer(s). Similar / early 10/31/1969? #25441 AMBEZ, FR Mayor. 3M saucer rises / field. Circles twice 150+600M altitude. 11/18/1969 #25463 hole in the ground was found in a field on the farm, and some soil was mis 1/9/1970 #25543 zzes, indicating a strong magnetic field, and one observer (Norman Foxwell) 3/28/1970 #25613 YVETTE, FR Large domed saucer over field. Grows halo and quickly going up [ 4/1970 (approximate) #25616 FR 1 / car. Large triangle lands / field. Darkens. No further details. (Ear 4/3/1970 #25621 (s). Extreme bright light 20m over field just off I40. Whistles. 4/21/1970 (approximate) #25638 e security guards at nearby Falcon Field across the highway. 6/2/1970 #25688 the light returns and crosses the field across the street. The family tele 7/4/1970 #25726 Pseudo-human/entity views alfalfa field. / r50p30. 8/16/1970 #25789 object hovering two meters over a field by the side of the road. The objec 8/16/1970 #25790 le. The man was examining a nearby field of alfalfa. He then turned and too 8/16/1970 #25791 e-cylinder/cigar-shape hovers over field. Odd glow doesn't reach ground. 9/27/1970 #25854 st 3M over canal. Then glides over field. 9/27/1970 #25855 -shaped object resting on a nearby field. One of the witnesses approached t 10/24/1970 #25886 AR NEWBURY, ENGL 20' grey saucer / field. Retracts 2 arms and rises as obse 12/7/1970 #25930 nded 30 meters away from them in a field of maize. It made a whistling soun 1/8/1971 #25987 en plugged up. When they came to a field the light disappeared. Suddenly Mr 2/2/1971 #26011 Investigate the FBI burgles an FBI field office in Media, Pennsylvania, tak 3/8/1971 #26045 car follow saucer going [to] farm field. Beams going up. Square windows. F 4/14/1971 #26069 t above the ground over a ploughed field, 80 yards away. It was 25-30 feet 4/14/1971 #26073 n object hovering over the lighted field where youths were playing football 4/24/1971 #26081 youths were playing football. The field lights formed a king of "ceiling" 4/24/1971 #26081 ormed a king of "ceiling" over the field and is unlikely that had they look 4/24/1971 #26081 a luminous object over a farmer's field while driving on a rural road. It 4/25/1971 #26082 a luminous object over a farmer's field while driving on a rural road. It 4/25/1971 #26084 woman stopped the car next to the field and just studied the object. The o 4/25/1971 #26084 hree legs in a shallow hollow in a field near Stara Cerkev, Slovenia. He ap 5/1971 #26092 ther boys; while crossing a grassy field, alone, he saw a bright object slo 5/15/1971 #26110 igh-tension wires that crossed the field. A door 'came down" out of which e 5/15/1971 #26110 her boys. He was crossing a grassy field at 10:00 p.m. when he saw a bright 5/15/1971 #26111 igh-tension wires that crossed the field. He crouched down in some tall gra 5/15/1971 #26111 ROSEDALE, ALTA Box going down / field. 2 pseudo-human/entity inside. 1 o 6/9/1971 #26160 of his cows bellowing on a nearby field. They also saw a dark spherical ob 7/27/1971 #26246 pherical object hovering above the field, a reddish light shone out of what 7/27/1971 #26246 of his cows bellowing in a nearby field. The witness and his wife went out 7/27/1971 #26247 and saw the cows running from the field. They also saw a dark spherical ob 7/27/1971 #26247 pherical object hovering above the field, with a reddish light shining out 7/27/1971 #26247 g lights hovering above her potato field. It quickly disappears. The next m 7/29/1971 #26252 bject had burnes or irradiated the field from a height of 15 feet. 7/29/1971 #26252 -old peasant, was guarding a melon field in Aznacollar, Spain from poachers 9/11/1971 #26328 went down into a depression in the field, but 5 or 6 stayed behind, and one 9/11/1971 #26328 NALCOLLAR, SP Bus-size UFO lands / field. 50 pseudo-human/entity March goin 9/12/1971 #26329 in formation into a hollow in the field and are lost to view. Juan can now 9/12/1971? #26330 -old peasant, was guarding a melon field in Aznacollar, Spain from poachers 9/12/1971 #26331 went down into a depression in the field, but 5 or 6 stayed behind, and one 9/12/1971 #26331 bject 1000 meters away rise from a field and fly off toward the south. 9/20/1971 #26356 disc-shaped object take off from a field in the same field. At the time the 9/25/1971 #26380 take off from a field in the same field. At the time there were many repor 9/25/1971 #26380 sc-shaped object take off from the field where the figure had disappeared. 9/27/1971 #26384 observer(s). 9' saucer hovers 2' / field. Ring / burnt soil. / MJ#209+/ r11 11/2/1971 #26445 aying, "Are there any pigs in that field? They are hungry." Then she saw, n 11/3/1971 #26452 telepathically, "Any pigs in that field? We are hungry." 11/4/1971 #26457 of fire, which burnt a sugar cane field. 11/5/1971 #26460 sating over a small square of open field. Geller felt an irresistible attra 12/6/1971 #26490 dies. Huge grey sphere/orb/globe / field. Light crosses road. Sphere gone. 12/17/1971 #26505 w a huge gray sphere in the nearby field. He then saw a light move across t 12/17/1971 #26506 m wide and 10 cm deep in his wheat field. The wheat was swirled in a counte 12/25/1971 #26518 ms join her on these vigils. CUFOS field investigator John Paul Oswald join 1972 #26528 oes north going south. Hovers over field / 10 min, goes back going quickly 2/10/1972 #26567 een by three women hovering over a field for ten minutes. It then shot away 2/10/1972 #26569 station. It hovered over a nearby field, and directed powerful light beams 2/11/1972 #26572 powerful light beams down onto the field. 2/11/1972 #26572 later vanished. According to APRO field investigator Donald Worley, the wo 3/10/1972 #26598 RG Trucker / N7. Mist and saucer / field. 3 Asiatic pseudo-humans/entities 3/16/1972 #26605 netic effects). 3 red UFO's down / field. Vanish when headlights lit. 3/26/1972 #26624 when three red UFOs came down in a field between Dargies and Grandvilliers, 3/26/1972 #26625 ravitational screens and a unified field theory. Hardware described is “th 6/1972 #26694 lights that had just landed in his field. Cows in the pasture panicked. The 6/16/1972 #26717 hey also viewed the object through field glasses. In one of the photographs 7/23/1972 #26827 and Stephen Barnett had reached a field beyond the copse at 9:15 p.m. whil 7/26/1972 #26836 ike" wings. Observers watched with field glasses. (SL-60, page 9) (NICAP: 0 8/1/1972 #26866 car and drove away, stopping at a field outside the forest. They then went 8/6/1972 #26882 upon a UFO next landed in a nearby field and his passenger left the vehicle 8/8/1972 #26885 ht that appeared to be in a nearby field. As she stood there watching, she 8/9/1972 #26890 lands on top / Quonset hut! Lights field. Coded beeps.. 8/12/1972 #26902 light illuminated the surrounding field. On the same night two women watch 8/12/1972 #26913 a huge ship" come down in a nearby field, out of which came two beings abou 8/25/1972 #26954 lum. Goes and returns. Bald spot / field. Rocky fragments. 8/27/1972 #26957 ded and took off twice in a nearby field. (NICAP UFOI, Oct 1972, page 3) (N 9/13/1972 #26990 ded and took off twice in a nearby field. The object was round and had "ra 9/13/1972 #26991 a CIA UAP group that monitored the field. https://www.abovetopsecret.com/f 10/7/1972 #27055 cal cloud-like UFO land in a snowy field 700 feet away. Three four-foot ta 11/28/1972 #27151 the figure. It disappeared into a field. 12/22/1972 #27184 appeared at 7:30 p.m. and a “force field” threw a girl a distance of three 12/31/1972 #27197 oad / low altitude as if landing / field. 1/6/1973 #27222 s if intending to land in a nearby field. 1/6/1973 #27223 eudo-human/entity / glowing door / field. Structure invisible. / r96#161. 2/4/1973 #27269 rom the road hovering over an open field at about 400 feet altitude. The li 2/21/1973 #27305 obe / tripod rises / lake. Hover / field. Photographs. Power outage / r231. 3/14/1973 #27345 ake; it next hovered over a nearby field. Disc-shaped craft were seen flyin 3/14/1973 #27347 on a UFO hunting expedition. In a field near Songeons, France and some 250 3/24/1973 #27373 ond luminous ball, likewise in the field, was about 200 meters away. A tria 3/24/1973 #27373 They spotted a luminous ball in a field near Songeons only 250-300 meters 3/25/1973 #27376 hen next tried to drive around the field and observe the light from the rea 3/25/1973 #27376 nous ball was then seen in another field about 200 yards away. From its bas 3/25/1973 #27376 tions in the Earth’s gravitational field. The resulting Project Identificat 4/1973 #27397 . This is the first UFO scientific field study, able to monitor the phenome 4/1973 #27397 rt, Project Identification, on his field research in 1981. 4/1973 #27397 the ground. They saw a glow from a field a mile from road that they presume 4/30/1973 #27457 gnetic effects). Saucer going up / field. Round hole and burnt grass. / FSR 6/1973 #27539 s). Bright round object going up / field. Round hole and burns. / FSR'73#11 6/1/1973 #27544 s / missing time. Car found / farm field! / r87p60. 9/1973 #27736 Hunter Army Air Field, GA "Saucer-shaped" object with fl 9/8/1973 #27781 he base of the mountain, to Bonu's Field, an open spot about a mile south. 9/11/1973 #27803 orth side. The witnesses at Bonu's field had gotten back in their cars and 9/11/1973 #27803 Round glowing object lands / farm field. No further details / Marion Daily 9/12/1973 #27804 he base of the mountain, to Bonu's Field, an open spot about a mile south. 9/12/1973 #27809 orth side. The witnesses at Bonu's field had gotten back in their cars and 9/12/1973 #27809 ). Luminous/glowing objects land / field. Observer(s) temporarily paralyzed 9/19/1973 (approximate) #27835 moved slowly. Authorities at Baier Field were notified, who reported that n 9/24/1973 #27864 from the edge of Quincy to Baldwin Field before it disappeared . (NICAP: 01 9/29/1973 #27886 engine sound coming from a nearby field. When they went to look the men sp 9/30/1973 #27892 in the evening. The site was in a field of waist-high weeds about a quarte 9/30/1973 #27893 d-glowing sphere/orb/globe rises / field. / r231'74#1p54. 10/1/1973 #27910 e. 3 night lights land and flash / field. Sudden maneuvers and turns. / r21 10/2/1973 #27916 LTA BEND, MO Several / farm. UFO / field. Type unknown. Burnt area. Trees h 10/3/1973 #27919 projector emanating from a nearby field. Later, at 11:30 a.m., the woman i 10/6/1973 #27960 two objects, moving around in the field, are five “little people” about 4 10/6/1973 #27960 s. Tracked / military RADAR / Baer Field. 10/9/1973 #27968 , IN Air Traffic Controller / Baer Field. Many calls. UFO / RADAR / unbelie 10/9/1973 #27969 ing, Military radar at nearby Baer Field picked up the object, (NICAP: 09 - 10/9/1973 #27970 DENTSVILLE AND OWEN FIELD, SC Football object seen. Possible 10/12/1973 #28013 t with blinking lights landed in a field in Highland County (NICAP: 02 - Cl 10/14/1973 #28028 eared just above the ground over a field on the north edge of E. (NICAP: 02 10/15/1973 #28056 s. Huge blue-glowing saucer. Low / field. Strobe-lights / edge. Power outag 10/16/1973 #28072 she came to she was standing in a field. The "robot" like figure was stand 10/16/1973 #28089 , round, silver craft hover over a field, then land. (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 10/17/1973 #28119 ound, silver craft hovering over a field near Wayne, New Jersey. The UFO la 10/17/1973 #28141 GATES MILLS, OH Observer(s) = Jeff Field. Cylinder/cigar-shape over Berkshi 10/18/1973 #28150 ST / GOSHEN, OH 50' domed saucer / field / tripod. Dogs frantic. 3 pseudo-h 10/19/1973 #28183 on a dimly lit object sitting in a field on tripod legs, approx. 300 ft awa 10/19/1973 #28189 a farmer was walking his dogs in a field in the early evening when they beg 10/19/1973 #28198 HMORE, ALTA 2 / car. Saucer lights field. Photographs. Series / distant sta 10/20/1973 #28204 bject that was sitting on a nearby field. She was forced into a room, strip 10/20/1973 #28220 usetts University of Massachusetts field station June Margolin sees a shiny 10/22/1973 #28239 s. The University of Massachusetts field station examines a sample. It is n 10/22/1973 #28239 walk toward the other side of the field to investigate. They can see an ob 10/22/1973 #28240 f lights was seen dancing over the field. The next day imprints were found 10/22/1973 #28244 ext day imprints were found in the field where the beings had last been see 10/22/1973 #28244 out 100 feet in diameter land in a field near Uniontown, Pennsylvania. “Scr 10/25/1973 #28285 d his father, they walk around the field until the witness undergoes a viol 10/25/1973 #28285 two boys proceeded up a hill in a field and observed a white, dome-shaped 10/25/1973 #28286 at the same time the object in the field disappeared and the sound stopped. 10/25/1973 #28286 n home, and the other two left the field and went to a neighbor's farmhouse 10/25/1973 #28286 reported that before they left the field the larger of the two creatures wa 10/25/1973 #28286 o the ground. The man ran into the field growling and screaming near inhuma 10/25/1973 #28286 INKSTER, ND Bright 10' "cube" over field. Static / air. Truck runs badly 2 11/4/1973 #28365 tending to play in a vacant lot or field in the neighborhood. When they arr 11/16/1973 #28434 hovering about 18 inches above the field. It seems inactive. One of the boy 11/16/1973 #28434 e reddish orange sphere across the field north of Lincoln, Missouri at 9:30 11/26/1973 #28468 d object in a snow-covered soybean field while driving southwest of Underwo 12/5/1973 #28524 2 white balls to and fro over Leek Field. Land / observer(s) feet! Going qu 12/6/1973 #28526 . Silent saucer. Beam going down / field. Throws dirt up 20'. 2 robots. / r 12/14/1973 #28571 le crop circle is found in a wheat field at Wokuma, South Australia. The wh 12/15/1973 #28577 LES RIVEAUX, FR 3M dome hovers / field. 2 glowing-tubes protrude. Observe 12/25/1973 #28603 ree-meter wide dome hovered over a field at a farm in Les Riveaux, Allier d 12/25/1973 #28604 ay and the size of half a football field. It silently moves over the dairy 1974 #28632 uminous/glowing blue masses land / field. Shape unknown. 1/1/1974 #28638 overed over a high school athletic field. It turned off its lights when it 1/4/1974 #28644 landed object 150 meters away in a field to his right. The UFO was shaped l 1/7/1974 #28661 the sky near the mountain. Through field glasses, they see a disc-shaped ob 1/24/1974 #28701 r(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape rises / field. Intense yellow-orange color on ta 2/1974 #28718 , 21, FR 1.7M shoebox jerks around field. Jumps hedges. Going quickly south 2/6/1974 #28739 Fresh marks are found in a plowed field at the site where the object was s 2/8/1974 #28747 e “hit by a blast of wind or force field.” The engine and lights give out, 2/14/1974 #28772 l. Brill domed saucer ahead. Force field? 2/17/1974 #28776 dark at this hour. In an adjacent field he saw a dark circular object. Phy 2/28/1974 #28820 sky. They floated leisurely over a field across the road from their house a 3/1/1974 #28842 nd started hobbling out toward the field. The wife saw one of the objects f 3/1/1974 #28842 ange cylinder/cigar-shape 50M over field. / r213p145+/ FSRv21#6. 3/5/1974 #28858 EROUGER, FR Bright 30M "Trolley" / field. Going up [to] slow and changes sh 3/7/1974 #28866 rightly illuminated "trolley" in a field in Comberouger, France. It ascende 3/7/1974 #28867 the center of her school football field in Lewisburg, Tennessee instead of 3/20/1974 #28916 she recalls seeing nothing in the field, she next remembers finding hersel 3/20/1974 #28916 vers an odd imprint in his soybean field near North Creek in northwestern P 4/29/1974 #29070 dogs were barking and horses in a field were also making noise. As they go 4/30/1974 #29072 ecause he feels some kind of force field. Against his will he returns to hi 5/1974 #29074 lips tries to report this, but his field phone is out. The backup generator 5/1974 #29075 ver(s). Night light maneuvers over field near airport. Circle / burnt grass 5/5/1974 (approximate) #29082 elepathically directed to a nearby field. There she saw a 100-foot long, fo 5/5/1974 #29086 pes to form an "artificial gravity field." He described a crew of eight men 5/26/1974 #29135 his small cabin in the middle of a field in Les Nourradons, Var, France whe 5/26/1974 #29136 ght of a being running through the field and a bright beam of light was sho 5/26/1974 #29136 ecar prototype moving low over the field with two beings inside. Five other 5/26/1974 #29136 next day he saw red lights in the field that flew away when he approached. 5/26/1974 #29136 SBURY, MA 4 / car. Large dome over field. Rectangular opening / bottom. Sil 6/6/1974 #29166 luttering motion above an adjacent field. (Christian Science Monitor, Aug. 6/6/1974 #29168 . Observer(s) led going [to] UFO / field. Fourth telepaths "cooperate". Sam 6/16/1974 #29200 farmer saw object land in soybean field around 12:00 a.m. (Don Worley file 6/18/1974 #29210 ed fiery object take off from bean field. (Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close 6/18/1974 #29211 ers an area the size of a football field, but he cannot see a beam or light Summer 1974 #29218 MANS, FR Large domed saucer sits / field / 20 minute(s). Big portholes with 6/24/1974 #29220 es a UFO hovering low above a near field. It is a disc with a red domed are 6/25/1974 #29224 Y, FR 2 / car. Strange 6M torus? / field. Great fear. Object barely describ 8/15/1974 #29351 pproached their stopped car from a field. They were made to touch a black b 8/22/1974 #29376 th square dome and lights. Lands / field. Blast / hot air on takeoff. Carbo 8/28/1974 #29392 ES, FR Saucer with "arms" low over field. Going quickly NNW. Burnt beet pla 8/28/1974 #29395 ith "arms" came in low over a beet field. Burnt beet plants were found at t 8/28/1974 #29399 NBURG, SSK 5 3M metallic saucers / field. Going up / low altitude. / r98#30 9/1/1974 #29413 ter learns that cattle in a nearby field bellowed and broke through a fence 9/1/1974 #29417 vegetation was found in an alfalfa field. 9/4/1974 #29423 ject hovers / radio tower. Lands / field. 35' burnt patch and 4 indents. 9/9/1974 #29438 Nova Scotia, and then landed in a field. The witness was a Ms. K. Vernon. 9/9/1974 #29440 NEAR COLLERET, FR 12M saucer / field 40M away. Motor and lights and das 10/28/1974 #29564 lens-saucer crosses D22. Hovers / field / 6M altitude. Curves going north. 11/5/1974 #29585 nder/cylindrical object rises from field silently. 11/22/1974 #29602 a big yellowish white light in the field, which "quickly disappeared." The 11/30/1974 #29622 rver(s). Cluster / lights hovers / field. Going [to] 40' over car. Shoots g 1/16/1975 #29753 car. Ovoid hovers 10M over sports field. Going up [to] slow / angle as car 1/28/1975 #29769 shaped UFO hovered over a football field. Only 10 meters above the ground, 1/28/1975 #29771 shaped UFO hovered over a football field in Dolianova, Italy. Only 10 meter 1/28/1975 #29773 phere/orb/globe lands under tree / field. Nears boy who runs. Other observe 2/5/1975 #29785 FI). Dark phony helicopter 5M over field. Beams going down. Going northeast 2/10/1975 #29798 haped object hover silently over a field for ten minutes in Carces, France. 2/10/1975 #29802 CT 2 observer(s). 60' UFO hovers / field. Dogs react. TVs electro-magnetic 2/24/1975 #29841 -shaped UFO hovering over a nearby field. The UFO effected their TV recepti 2/24/1975 #29842 e of the object. (Source: E. Jahn, field investigator, CUFOS case file repo 2/24/1975 #29842 -shaped UFO hovering over a nearby field in Enfield, Connecticut at 9:50 p. 2/24/1975 #29843 R and G and B lights going down / field. Unidentified helicopter circles. 3/5/1975 #29873 rt was at his airfield, Friendship Field, when the object was sighted. The 4/10/1975 #29984 r beams going down / lake. Lands / field. Radiation/radioactivity 4X normal 5/1975 #30012 burned areas in the center of his field. They are 5 feet in diameter and 4 5/30/1975 #30069 llow 60cm sphere/orb/globe lands / field / 6 minute(s). Rises / 1M and goin 6/9/1975 #30093 globe hovers and maneuvers 4M over field / 30 minute(s). Back / 15 June. 6/14/1975 #30102 Air Force Captain. Domed saucer / field. 2 pseudo-human/entity inside. Obs 6/15/1975 (approximate) #30104 Y-shaped landing marks dug / farm field. No tracks found nearby. 6/21/1975 #30113 c domed disc was seen in a tobacco field. A thirty-foot diameter area of pl 7/6/1975 #30165 allic cylinder landed in a tobacco field. Thinking it is probably a tank tr 7/6/1975 #30167 c domed disc was seen in a tobacco field. A thirty-foot diameter area of pl 7/6/1975 #30169 in the sky, when it came down in a field a quarter of a mile away from them 8/8/1975 #30244 controller sees the object through field glasses at an altitude of about 2, 8/14/1975 #30270 LOUP, FR 4 2M rectangles hang over field. Cloud-saucer overhead. / r30p568. 8/18/1975 #30284 ance further they saw a light in a field a few hundred meters from the road 8/22/1975 #30297 ance further they saw a light in a field a few hundred meters from the road 8/22/1975 #30298 separate observer(s). 3M saucer / field jumps car. 2 minute(s) / missing t 8/29/1975 #30322 hree-meter diameter dark disc in a field that jumped at his car, then shot 8/29/1975 #30326 NISSIEUX, 26, FR 3M saucer lands / field. Antenna / Rh side. Boxy object pr 9/9/1975 #30349 man. 1.5M sphere/orb/globe lands / field. TV Radio Frequency Interference ( 9/12/1975 #30354 (s). 6' silver saucer hovers low / field. Hums and spins. Going [to] up val 9/14/1975 #30356 to hit the brakes. It runs into a field. Suffern gets out and puts his han 10/7/1975 #30421 was found dead and mutilated in a field near Hayden, Colorado. An unidenti 10/22/1975 #30459 oring AFB Limestone, Maine Hancock Field Air National Guard Base, Syracuse, 10/27/1975 #30488 m the 21st NORAD Region at Hancock Field Air National Guard Base, Syracuse, 10/27/1975 #30488 ical object, "as big as a football field." They were then enveloped in a bl 10/27/1975 #30489 -sphere/orb/globe lands / football field. Flies. High-radiation / grass. / 11/2/1975 #30538 GOODRIDGE, MN 2 / car. 8' saucer / field. Rises and re-lands. Car stalls-ne 11/25/1975 (approximate) #30660 Goodridge, MN On this night in a field nine miles west of Goodridge, Minn 11/25/1975 #30662 ght feet in diameter was seen in a field. It rose off the ground, then rela 11/25/1975 #30662 On this night in a field nine miles west of Goodridge, Minn 11/25/1975 #30663 ght feel in diameter was seen in a field. It rose off the ground, then rela 11/25/1975 #30663 out through the bedroom wall to a field several blocks away, where they to 12/2/1975 #30681 ). Night lights. 5M saucer lands / field. Rises fast and going quickly [to] 12/15/1975 #30716 meter in diameter disc landed in a field. It rose up fast and shot away tow 12/15/1975 #30717 meter in diameter disc landed in a field. It rose up fast and shot away tow 12/15/1975 #30719 blue lights pass slowly across his field of view. Moments later they are go 1/4/1976 #30758 nd landed 100 yards away in a farm field beside the road. It had the form o 1/9/1976 #30781 URIAGE, FR 30M trapezoid rests / field. Going up [to] as observer(s) near 1/21/1976 #30804 12 MI WITH FAIRFIELD, MT UFO / field like 2-story building with square 1/21/1976 #30806 NA, MT Large being walks upright / field. Observer(s) chases. UFO hovers ne 2/22/1976 #30893 t wide shoulders walking through a field about a mile from Interstate I-15 2/22/1976 #30894 t wide shoulders walking through a field about a mile from Interstate I-15 2/22/1976 #30895 a UFO descend and land in a nearby field. The UFO was 8-10 meters wide, and 2/25/1976 #30902 l bank on the far side of a sports field opposite his house. He crosses the Late 2/1976 #30905 opposite his house. He crosses the field, climbs the bank, and sees from ab Late 2/1976 #30905 the rough grass beyond the sports field has been scorched in a circular pa Late 2/1976 #30905 a UFO descend and land in a nearby field. The UFO was 8-10 meters wide, and 2/25/1976 #30907 igure took a few steps through the field of barley, and then returned to th 2/25/1976 #30907 was playing with some friends in a field outside of town, when they saw the 4/23/1976 #31016 lowly descend and land on a nearby field. The craft was topped by a crystal 4/23/1976 #31016 was playing with some friends in a field outside of town, when they saw the 4/23/1976 #31019 lowly descend and land on a nearby field. All of Fidel's friends fled in pa 4/23/1976 #31019 ree tall beings walked to a potato field where several pounds of potatoes w 4/23/1976 #31019 er(s). Dog howls. UFO low / barley field. 18M crop circle found later. / r3 6/11/1976 #31098 body parts missing was found in a field next to triangular pod marks. A fl 6/13/1976 #31105 g noise and light. 12M saucer over field. Same noise 2 nights and more. / r 6/25/1976 #31137 PAGE FIELD AND FT. MYERS, FL NAL pilot and se 6/26/1976 #31141 e were all damaged by some kind of field effect from the UFO. 7/31/1976 #31207 move around cylinder/cigar-shape / field. Away when horn blows. 8/1976 #31209 and shines his headlights into the field. He sees an object the size of a “ 8/7/1976 #31243 tness is walking with her dog in a field off Larimer County Road 76H northw 9/1/1976 #31324 etreated, moving slowly out over a field, with the cables still retracting. 9/10/1976 #31373 ed object with 4 lights going up / field. Hovers / 5 minute(s). 30' crop ci 9/25/1976 #31427 ed red lights near the ground in a field. They hovered for one minute over 9/25/1976 #31429 out playing near a walled playing field next to a local cemetery in Baraca 10/29/1976 #31505 ight descend towards the walled in field, so they ran to the field and saw 10/29/1976 #31505 alled in field, so they ran to the field and saw it land behind some bushes 10/29/1976 #31505 lf of Bothnia and land in a nearby field. When he approaches it, the object Early 12/1976 #31579 hopped over a fence and entered a field of a horse farm. His last memory o 12/6/1976 #31587 ppears to be landing silently in a field to the east of the road, but it st 12/15/1976 #31604 lits and rejoins. Possible landing field. No physical trace(s). 12/28/1976 #31635 n, about 1,200 feet from them in a field. It appears to be 90–120 feet in d 1/1/1977 #31681 s upset. Silver-red ovoid / plowed field. Humming wavers. No physical trace 1/21/1977 #31734 d at 80 feet altitude over a snowy field at 10:30 p.m. Their dogs barked du 1/26/1977 #31753 rmer finds 50cm 30 kg metal disk / field. Unidentified. Many odd elements. 2/2/1977 #31777 eter and weighing 66 pounds in his field in Dalabuszki village, north of Go 2/2/1977 #31780 he knew he was in a school playing field and facing a circular craft. The c 2/2/1977 #31781 ee a silvery cigar-shaped UFO in a field behind the building, partially hid 2/4/1977 #31790 rds away from them in an adjoining field. David George, age 9, said it was 2/4/1977 #31792 w cigar-shaped object glide over a field emitting a loud humming sound. (So 2/17/1977 #31824 w cigar-shaped object glide over a field emitting a loud humming sound. Bef 2/17/1977 #31825 whole area lit up like a football field light was turned on, and a very br 3/5/1977 #31860 whole area lit up like a football field light was turned on, and a very br 3/5/1977 #31861 disc- shaped UFO descend into the field near his factory's security gate. 3/6/1977 #31864 d disc-shaped UFO descend into the field near his factory's security gate i 3/6/1977 #31866 Arjuna Oil Field Java Sea, Indonesia 7:40 p.m. Ten 3/10/1977 #31892 d one mile apart at the Arjuna Oil Field in the Java Sea, Indonesia, see an 3/10/1977 #31892 west, it circles the offshore oil field twice and then speeds off to the e 3/10/1977 #31892 cause a disruption in the magnetic field around the aircraft to the point w 3/12/1977 #31901 , that was resting in the adjacent field. Around its underside there was a 3/13/1977 #31906 n the bottom. Drifting west into a field, the object makes a sound like a “ 3/29/1977 #31933 two boys followed it to the Nadon field by the river, in which there was a 4/6/1977 #31953 saw." It descended and landed in a field 100 yards behind the hotel. "It wa 4/19/1977 #31997 saw." It descended and landed in a field 100 yards behind the hotel. Burn m 4/19/1977 #31998 saw." It descended and landed in a field 100 yards behind the hotel. Two cr 4/19/1977 #31999 ings” and climb a grassy bank in a field. When she returns to the window af 4/19/1977 #32001 saw." It descended and landed in a field 100 yards behind the hotel. "It wa 4/19/1977 #32002 losed gate at the other end of the field. It was dressed in a silver suit, 4/20/1977 #32004 losed gate at the other end of the field. It was dressed in a silver suit, 4/20/1977 #32005 the southern horizon across their field of view to the northern horizon fo 4/23/1977 #32017 estigator [The Essex Hotline], and field investigator Barry King came out a 5/3/1977 #32053 tened area was found in the grassy field. 5/5/1977 #32060 sisters had gone into Middle Cliff field, at St. Brides, Pembrokeshire, Wal 5/15/1977 #32096 appeared. On the other side of the field a silvery-white disc-shaped object 5/15/1977 #32096 her, but when they returned to the field there was no sign of the object or 5/15/1977 #32096 s. It was the length of a football field, and 50-75 yards wide. 5/17/1977 #32108 whirring sound while playing in a field near their house in New Elgin, Mor 5/18/1977 #32111 m. Three 14-year-old boys are in a field near Bayview Avenue and Willow Pas 5/20/1977 #32116 ORSET Large silver saucer hovers / field. Green cone / light extends. Going 5/21/1977 #32118 -shaped object that hovered over a field in Canford Heath, Poole, England. 5/21/1977 #32123 ed instantly, along with the force field. The craft begins to glide away ov 6/17/1977 #32172 at a low altitude above a soybean field about 600 feet beyond the fence li 7/1/1977 #32227 ITL 2 kids. Red 25cm ball hovers / field / 5M altitude. Shoots away! 7/10/1977 #32255 kshire, England. As he crossed the field, he saw three figures who seemed t 8/9/1977 #32372 us 5M ovoid hovers / 2M altitude / field. = "condensed cloud". 8/13/1977 #32393 Separate observer(s). 2.2M ovoid / field. Traces found later. Big investiga 8/13/1977 #32394 2.2 meter ovoid object landed in a field in Houetteville, Eure department, 8/13/1977 #32400 us. As he is walking by a deserted field, he sees a UFO “like an enormous h 9/15/1977 #32484 k when he saw a flying saucer in a field that looked like an enormous hat. 9/15/1977 #32485 ll, through which he could see the field from which he had just come. Two f 9/15/1977 #32485 rset, England 11:00 p.m. Ethel May Field is in her backyard in Parkstone, P Late 9/1977 #32518 is about 20 feet in diameter, and Field can see two humanoid figures visib Late 9/1977 #32518 ve a hedge. The cows in the nearby field were acting very disturbed. Her sk 9/26/1977 #32522 n electrostatically charged energy field and she heard a humming sound. Whe 9/26/1977 #32522 ere going quickly [to] by. Lands / field. Nobody goes closer. 10/2/1977 #32544 ar. Big luminous disk going down / field / several min. Metallic noise. Sud 10/15/1977 #32577 isc-shaped object descended into a field, and then stayed on the ground for 10/15/1977 #32580 re later found in the newly plowed field. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (N 10/25/1977 #32608 re later found in the newly plowed field. Each track is rectangular with ro 10/25/1977 #32609 re later found in the newly plowed field. Each track was rectangular shaped 10/25/1977 #32610 RW 2+1 observer(s). Saucer lands / field. Small humanoid (or Grey) inside. 11/1/1977 #32649 300 feet away in a newly ploughed field. They see a human-like figure insi 11/1/1977 #32651 with 2 square orange lights low / field. / MJ#176. 11/11/1977 #32664 metallic 40' domed saucer crosses field toward(s) car. / r169p14. 12/8/1977 (approximate) #32746 Medvezhye gas field Nadym, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Ok 1/1978 #32836 airliner between the Medvezhye gas field and Nadym, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomou 1/1978 #32836 UEBLING, FR 3 big luminous balls / field. 1 follows man / cycle going north 1/7/1978 #32857 H / ARMOR-PLAGE, FR Glowing-dome / field. Light rotates. Mopod/motorscooter 1/11/1978 #32873 County, UK Four men were out in a field by the River Weaver when they sigh 1/27/1978 #32917 se glowed purple. Cows on a nearby field seemed to become paralyzed and una 1/27/1978 #32917 hese glow purple. Cows on a nearby field seem to become paralyzed, unable t 1/27/1978 #32919 pouching early in the morning in a field by the River Weaver in Fordsham, C 1/27/1978 #32921 se glowed purple. Cows on a nearby field seemed to become paralyzed and una 1/27/1978 #32921 Memorial Elementary School playing field 6:15 p.m. Four boys are playing on 1/31/1978 #32928 Memorial Elementary School playing field. They notice an “airplane” that pa 1/31/1978 #32928 plane” that passes slowly over the field; moments later, another object arr 1/31/1978 #32928 playing on the ice in the playing field of the Montvale Memorial Elementar 1/31/1978 #32930 hool's floodlights illuminated the field. The boys then noticed a "plane" l 1/31/1978 #32930 object that passed slowly over the field. Moments later a second object arr 1/31/1978 #32930 EN, FR Farmer. Square "mushroom" / field. 2 strong beams / bottom. Takes of 2/2/1978 #32943 tened all three men ran across the field, got back into their vehicle, and 2/17/1978 #32974 erver(s). Dark saucer going down / field behind house. Portholes / rim. Noi 2/19/1978 #32978 shaped object that ascended from a field behind a house. It had portholes a 2/19/1978 #32983 n, it is 12:05 a.m. and he is in a field in Summerville, 15 miles from his 3/18/1978 #33055 ed and he found himself alone in a field miles away from where he had encou 3/18/1978 #33056 ess above him. He could only see a field with tall grass. He was then float 3/24/1978 #33079 ng boxcar covered / lights crosses field / low altitude. Buzzes car. 3/30/1978 #33099 car" covered with lights crossed a field and buzzed a car at low altitude i 3/30/1978 #33102 FREMONT, NY Big hole / field. 15' deep 10' diameter. Vertical w 3/31/1978 #33103 young man is walking his dog in a field in Dublin, Ireland, when he spots 3/31/1978 #33106 domed disc the size of a football field. The police alert the Center for U 4/29/1978 #33179 ut playing, saw a cat and ran to a field when he suddenly noticed a hoverin 5/2/1978 #33183 the street. As he ran towards the field he suddenly noticed a hovering sil 5/2/1978 #33185 ject came low over a nearby fenced field, and he could now see that it was 5/10/1978 #33194 ject came low over a nearby fenced field, and he could now see that it was 5/10/1978 #33199 r. Volumes 2–4 contain 10 detailed field investigations and the fifth volum 6/1978 #33245 ELLARIA, ITL 3+observer(s). Dome / field rotates blinding beam. Turns extre 6/4/1978 #33254 ith 3 small humanoids (or Greys) / field. Missing time. Abduction regressed 6/16/1978 #33281 a soft glowing object in a nearby field near Borisoglebsk, Voronezh, Russi 6/16/1978 #33282 as stopped by some kind of a force field and blacked out. When he came to h 6/16/1978 #33282 g looked old and frayed. The force field was gone, so he again began to wal 6/16/1978 #33282 domed disc came down low over the field and hovered, bobbed, wobbled, and 6/25/1978 #33310 domed disc came down low over the field and hovered, bobbed, wobbled, and 6/25/1978 #33311 LEMPDES, FR 5M umbrella-top / field. Human shapes inside / helmets and 7/8/1978 #33351 were playing in a tree in an empty field near the Can Fita farm in Can Cifr 7/11/1978 #33367 e-shaped metallic object land in a field. A short humanoid with greenish sk 7/16/1978 #33389 e-shaped metallic object land in a field in Iracauba, Brazil. A short human 7/16/1978 #33393 light near the ground in the north field of her farm near Uniopolis, Ohio. 7/21/1978 #33406 circular area of cut beans in the field, and the timothy stubble looks lik 7/21/1978 #33406 dio-controlled model airplane in a field in Marshall, Michigan, when they s 7/27/1978 #33428 xas. They were working in a nearby field when they saw the Bigfoot-like cre 7/29/1978 #33451 before a UFO detector (a magnetic field instrument) starts buzzing. Dains 8/18/1978 #33526 medium-sized humanoid figures in a field. They were wearing silvery, loose- 8/23/1978 #33556 have moved to the northwest over a field. A rod or a light beam comes down 8/24/1978 #33564 slowly descend and land in an open field. The object had two round black do 8/24/1978 #33565 EDD, WALES 10' bullet going down / field. 3 6' pseudo-human/entity scare an 9/1/1978 #33619 saw a large silvery sphere above a field, and watched the cows panic and ne 9/1/1978 #33621 ached to their suits walk across a field. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (N 9/1/1978 #33621 see a large silvery sphere above a field and watch the cows panic and hear 9/1/1978 #33622 ed to their suits walking across a field. Some of the teens run to the vill 9/1/1978 #33622 saw a large silvery sphere above a field, and watched the cows panic and ne 9/1/1978 #33623 ached to their suits walk across a field. She ran to the village to find so 9/1/1978 #33623 10 meters long rising from a maize field. An area about 3 x 7 meters was fo 9/2/1978 #33625 bout 3 x 7 meters was found in the field where plants were bent and dehydra 9/2/1978 #33625 object was seen taking off from a field of maize at 8:10 a.m. in San Miche 9/2/1978 #33627 descend between a road and a maize field in Alessandrio, Piedmont, Italy. T 9/3/1978 #33630 ack to get the horses. Back in the field he encountered a large round objec 9/6/1978 #33640 .m. a young man was walking near a field in Cosenza, Calabria, Italy when t 9/21/1978 #33725 coming down from the sky into the field. Dog barked. UFO was oblong, very, 9/25/1978 #33747 ways. 140' imprint left in soybean field. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (N 9/25/1978 #33747 be with portholes going north over field / 40M altitude. 10/7/1978 #33802 r(s). White metal ovoid going up / field. Joins large cylinder/cigar-shape. 10/8/1978 #33808 small object is seen resting in a field 300 feet from the Marlett Sturgell 10/8/1978 #33812 r his home when he came to an open field and spotted a large light brown ob 10/25/1978 #33872 o, Italy, when he comes to an open field and spots a large light-brown obje 10/25/1978 #33873 zzi, Italy when he came to an open field and spotted a large light brown ob 10/25/1978 #33875 nagers see a triangular UFO over a field in Sherman, Texas. The object shoo 10/30/1978 #33897 were sitting around chatting in a field in Loose Valley, near Maidstone, K 10/31/1978 #33902 nding of disc-shaped object in oil field, E-M effects on oil pumps and comm 11/9/1978 #33934 nding of disc-shaped object in oil field, E-M effects on oil pumps and comm 11/9/1978 #33935 anding of discshaped object in oil field, E-M effects on oil pumps and comm 11/9/1978 #33937 flashing red lights landed at Oil Field Centre No. 24 in the Kuwait desert 11/9/1978 #33940 nded cylinder/cylindrical object / field. Small dome. Going up [to] slow an 11/16/1978 #33960 30 minutes at the Al Sabriyah Oil Field in Kuwait. At 6:00 p.m. a Puma hel 11/21/1978 #33975 T-A-MOUSSON, FR 10M saucer rises / field. Going [to] 10M over car. Circles. 11/23/1978 #33985 aped UFO flew silently over an oil field in Abu Dhabi, UAE. There were 11 o 11/23/1978 #33989 ource of the light was in a nearby field, but the light had gradually disap 12/6/1978 #34068 s in diameter that had landed in a field. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (N 12/11/1978 #34091 s in diameter that had landed in a field. 12/11/1978 #34094 a neon glow was taken near an oil field by a Dubai government official in 12/12/1978 #34101 ial features. It moved around in a field at very high speed and then remain 12/15/1978 #34139 s lines. Beams going down. Lands / field / 60 minute(s). Traces. 12/22/1978 #34195 0M pile / 30cm fireballs appears / field! 12/31/1978 #34235 IDGE Shaft / light from sky lights field like day. Shoots going up [to] and 1/1979 #34264 shape. Going [to] away and lands / field. 1/1/1979 #34271 a 7-8 foot tall hairy figure in a field at 11:00 p.m. near Sturbridge, Mas 1/5/1979 #34306 ylinder-shaped object over an open field about 50' from the road with light 1/8/1979 #34316 erference (RFI). Metal-grey disk / field. Weak blue-glowing / bottom. Quick 2/13/1979 #34419 taly saw a metallic gray disc in a field. It had a weak bluish-glow coming 2/13/1979 #34420 age 49, was clearing an overgrown field at the entrance to a farm in Serod 2/26/1979 #34449 age 49, was clearing an overgrown field at the entrance to a farm in Serod 2/26/1979 #34450 aces were found later in a soybean field. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (N 4/7/1979 #34501 aces were found later in a soybean field. 4/7/1979 #34502 s). Photographs. 2 men abduction / field. Much detail. / r98#174+/ MJ#190+/ 4/13/1979 #34509 Vizcacheras, Argentina Oil field landing, reaction to light, landin 5/1/1979 #34536 object with portholes landed in a field in Pampulhas, Minas Gerais, Brazil 5/5/1979 #34545 t jelly-disk stops / 5M altitude / field. Going quickly [to] extremely fast 5/14/1979 #34557 as eventually returned to the same field as his first abduction experience. 5/17/1979 #34566 two feet in the access road to his field. Two small beings run from behind 7/25/1979 #34679 . Flashes going down. Lands / bean field? 7/28/1979 #34685 IN Round Object Hovers Over Wheat Field (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, Cod 8/1979 #34689 when they see bright lights over a field to the left. 15 seconds later the Mid 8/1979 #34743 10M saucer follows car. Stops over field. No traces / no separate observer( 8/25/1979 #34772 nutes, and then stopped low over a field. No traces were found. 8/25/1979 #34776 Pasco, Washington alfalfa field 10 miles north of Pasco, Washingto 8/29/1979 #34799 :00 a.m. A woman is in her alfalfa field 10 miles north of Pasco, Washingto 8/29/1979 #34799 kup, then pausing to hover above a field 10 feet up. They jump out to watch 9/4/1979 #34834 with a wobbling motion low over a field in New Richmond, Wisconsin at 7:45 9/4/1979 #34836 15M altitude going down / 3M over field. Going southeast to lake and quick 9/5/1979 #34837 vers 300–500 feet away in a nearby field for 5 minutes then moves up and aw 9/11/1979 #34860 el and encountered two aliens in a field. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (N 9/14/1979 #34881 el and encountered two aliens in a field. A huge craft hovered nearby and a 9/14/1979 #34884 ther and hovers 250 feet above the field to their left, bathing it in a pin 10/6/1979 #34945 r-old youngsters were playing in a field in Heiloo, Netherlands at around s 10/7/1979 #34951 arms, were seen moving around in a field in Goiania, Brazil. They moved abo 10/12/1979 #34953 irport near Norilsk Messoyakha Gas Field Three Russian aircraft approaching 10/27/1979 #34971 ar Norilsk, and the Messoyakha Gas Field. 10/27/1979 #34971 ewan, sees a white light land in a field about a quarter mile to the south 11/14/1979 #34998 ext morning her husband passes the field and notices that it is emitting a 11/14/1979 #34998 and he woke up later in a cabbage field. GEPAN investigates and finds the 11/26/1979 #35015 gar-shape with lights going down / field 150M away. Silver figure moves out 11/27/1979 #35017 at an oblique angle and land in a field in Porcie-Amblagnieu, Isere depart 11/27/1979 #35022 cm orange-glowing ovoid going up / field. Flash and away. 1/2/1980 #35121 -magnetic effects). Orange light / field. 30 minute(s) / missing time. Obse 2/11/1980 #35164 uffs, IA Brilliant orange light in field, memory loss, physiological effect 2/11/1980 #35166 ticed a strong glowly light over a field 200 meters away, on the left side 2/11/1980 #35167 ticed a strong glowly light over a field 200 meters away, on the left side 2/11/1980 #35170 (s). Brilliant clam-saucer lands / field. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) with 3/9/1980 #35207 rm in the region. After entering a field through a gate he noticed a strang 4/20/1980 #35281 a strange light cavorting over the field. Then, about 50 meters away near a 4/20/1980 #35281 garden where she saw in the nearby field a group of four humanoids that see 4/20/1980 #35281 aped object the size of a football field hovering above a patch of trees. T 5/1980 #35298 year-old son see several UFOs in a field near Cimarron, New Mexico, after w 5/5/1980 #35306 rs and several students searched a field and saw three more of the tiny ent 6/18/1980 #35380 SASSANO, ITL 2 / farm field. Big white "bottle" going down / g 7/1980 #35396 /box-like crafts cavort and land / field close by. Follow car. Want to be s 7/18/1980 #35417 ar swathe of flattened oats in his field near the Westbury White Horse in W 7/21/1980 #35423 the ground at the Oktyabriski oil field in Russia. It flew off to the nort 8/5/1980 #35443 len Crystal was out in an isolated field near Pine Bush by herself when she 8/8/1980 #35446 len Crystal was out in an isolated field near Pine Bush, New York by hersel 8/8/1980 #35448 actice in the evening at a playing field between Clifton and Morenci, Arizo 10/23/1980 #35585 ical UFO hovering over an athletic field in Heidelberg. The object had powe 11/14/1980 #35638 ical UFO hovering over an athletic field in Heidelberg, Germany. The object 11/14/1980 #35640 d by a yellow mist. It landed in a field, illuminating the ground, then sho 12/27/1980 #35748 flashing light is seen across the field to the east, almost in line with a 12/28/1980 #35749 rbance.” They soon come to a large field where about 40 military personnel 12/28/1980 #35750 or mist. When his group enters the field, Warren sees it is a glowing, yell 12/28/1980 #35750 M cylinder/cigar-shape hovers 4M / field. Going [to] over road. Turns going 1/26/1981 #35800 nd was hovering four meters over a field. It moved over the road, then turn 1/26/1981 #35802 bloodless horses were found on the field where the object had hovered. (NIC 2/1981 #35810 several golden lights on a nearby field. He approached the lights but thes 2/13/1981 #35826 several golden lights in a nearby field. He approached the lights but they 2/13/1981 #35827 ting red lights rise from a nearby field and leave at high speed. A scorche 2/13/1981 #35827 utiful" blue light hovering over a field about 20 meters away. His animals 2/18/1981 #35831 utiful" blue light hovering over a field about 20 meters away. He woke up a 2/18/1981 #35832 she suddenly woke up standing in a field feeling very cold and wet. She the 3/1981 #35854 metallic object hovering over the field, suddenly a group of figures, as m 3/1981 #35854 noticed strange lights on a nearby field behind a row of eucalyptus trees. 3/1981 #35855 trees. As the witness entered the field he spotted a large metallic dome s 3/1981 #35855 form of limbo. Then across an open field four white and two red lights appe 7/15/1981 #36008 f limbo state. Then across an open field besides the road four white and tw 7/16/1981 #36010 Ufologist Pat Delgado examines the field and is struck by the sharply defin 8/1981 #36051 with three bright lights land in a field. Another man reported seeing three 8/5/1981 #36060 and sees them enter a muddy plowed field some 80–90 feet across. Three-quar 10/2/1981 #36154 ed the object and went to a nearby field. The men could only speak in stutt 1982 #36284 r corridor at Gray AAF/Robert Gray Field. The pilot saw a huge section of l 1982 #36292 SC 2 / car. 25M arrowhead hovers / field. Spotlights and more/others. Odd s 2/13/1982 #36342 UFO with spotlights hovered over a field in Spartanburg, South Carolina at 2/13/1982 #36343 gular shaped craft land on an open field. Three humanoids exited the object 2/14/1982 #36344 mates it is as large as a football field. The object moves away noiselessly Mid 2/1982 #36347 cops. 20M saucer hovers and lights field. Colored beams sweep ground. Hums. 3/12/1982 #36387 ed craft on the ground on a nearby field. Next to the object stood two shor 4/1982 #36423 SLEY, SC 1 / car. Odd water tank / field. Flies away when car headlights hi 7/14/1982 (approximate) #36534 ed like a "water tank" in a nearby field flew away when the witness's car h 7/14/1982 #36535 ooking at the cattle in the nearby field. The beings then walked back to th 7/20/1982 #36538 ure appeared suddenly in the empty field. It was normal height and wore a o 7/22/1982 #36545 ight from a multi-colored UFO in a field. Ehen they shone a spotlight in th 7/23/1982 #36546 ight from a multi-colored UFO in a field in Ste-Dorothee, near Laval, Quebe 7/23/1982 #36547 lights shone light beam down into field, three humanoid silhouettes visibl 11/19/1982 #36686 lights shone light beam down into field, three humanoid silhouettes visibl 11/19/1982 #36687 work noticed a green light over a field directly ahead of her, south of Te 11/19/1982 #36688 g a bright shaft of light onto the field. In the center of the object she c 11/19/1982 #36688 m energy, or the zero point energy field. Uncontrolled, this energy could b 1983 #36738 large star-shaped hole in his bean field west of Wauseon, Ohio, around whic 3/11/1983 #36781 g an object as large as a football field. William Hele, a meteorologist for 3/24/1983 #36807 Brief power outage. Saucer lands / field. Traces / soil. 4/10/1983 #36831 Ross, OH Object lands in field near a house (NICAP: 06 - Trace Ca 4/10/1983 #36834 ts, animal reaction. UFO rose from field illuminating area, body lights vis 4/10/1983 #36835 , Chile at only 5 meters above the field. It stopped the game as the 200 pe 4/28/1983 #36847 , Chile at only 5 meters above the field. It stopped the game as the 200 pe 4/28/1983 #36848 re/orb/globe extends red pyramidal field over power lines. Vanishes top goi 5/24/1983 #36867 3 observer(s). Saucer going down / field. Pseudo-human/entity enters it. 2 6/5/1983 #36875 Varzi, Pavia, Italy alfalfa field 5:00 a.m. Retired restaurant manag 6/5/1983 #36876 t is hovering low above an alfalfa field. Its upper portion is slowly rotat 6/5/1983 #36876 oming from an object in a farmer’s field about 450–600 feet away. It appear 8/1/1983 #36929 ater and finds himself in a soccer field and cannot remember how he got the 8/12/1983 #36949 from the sky and landed in an open field across the street from the home of 12/27/1983 #37084 ight green lights lands in an open field across the street from the home of 12/27/1983 #37085 ackings, photographs by scientific field team with instruments 1/1984 #37100 alley, Norway. January — Seven oil field workers in Sharjah, United Arab Em 1/1984 #37101 analysis. Changes in the magnetic field are recorded in 40% of the sightin 1/21/1984 #37136 ointing downward, hovering above a field. Each has two bright lights in the 3/21/1984 #37237 ular object the size of a football field hovering 100 feet above the road. 4/25/1984 #37294 y, it backs off and hovers above a field, then moves around to the other si 4/27/1984 #37306 altitude before it shoots across a field and stops again. He goes inside to 5/6/1984 #37324 sees the object moving across the field before vanishing. The dogs remain 5/6/1984 #37324 orted to be larger than a football field, and it followed a car being drive 5/31/1984 #37345 orted to be larger than a football field, and it followed a car being drive 5/31/1984 #37349 ing object “as large as a football field.” It directs intense beams of ligh 7/19/1984 #37404 de of the road in a freshly plowed field. There are 11 lights on the left a Late 9/1984 #37469 ext day, Vladimirov returns to the field and finds three round depressions Late 9/1984 #37469 ert J. Allen Hynek, accompanied by field investigators Philip Imbrogno and 10/1984 #37472 ert J. Allen Hynek, accompanied by field investigators Philip Imbrogno and 10/5/1984 #37478 eppe Cocozza goes into his alfalfa field near Prata di Principato Ultra, Av 10/8/1984 #37480 w. On the beaten-earth path to the field he encounters an entity about 4 fe 10/8/1984 #37480 PWLLHELI, WALES Humming / field. Small humanoids (or Greys) grab m 2/8/1985 #37553 ht clusters hovering over a nearby field. One of them blinked out, while th 2/12/1985 #37556 5' figure(s). "Use earths magnetic field and gravity / propulsion. 5/9/1985 #37588 ing sound coming from the adjacent field. When he walked closer to the fiel 5/9/1985 #37589 ield. When he walked closer to the field, he saw a silvery glow coming from 5/9/1985 #37589 ow coming from a depression in the field. Two figures suddenly appeared, an 5/9/1985 #37589 said they use the Earth's magnetic field and gravity for propulsion. After 5/9/1985 #37589 walked to the silvery glow in the field. Moments later the humming sound i 5/9/1985 #37589 lifted off from the hollow in the field. It hovered for a few seconds, the 5/9/1985 #37589 two-thirds the size of a football field a few miles to the northwest. It i 7/1985 #37613 ALES 1 observer. Red ovoid glows / field. Shrinks until gone. Others nearby 1/4/1986 #37751 bject descend and land in a vacant field between two buildings. Moments lat 1/15/1986 #37765 cars pulled over on I-5 near Payne Field, Everett, Washington at around 8:3 3/1/1986 #37796 rris wheel” the size of a football field. It makes a humming sound and has 3/26/1986 #37811 manoid (or Grey) exits and walks / field. 7/28/1986 #37955 bserver(s) dizzy. Also saucer over field 6 September. 9/5/1986 #38014 BILT, PA 3 observer(s). Fireball / field rises and paces car / SR201 / 3 mi 9/7/1986 #38019 glowing ball of light rose from a field and paced a car on SR highway 201 9/7/1986 #38020 r with lit-up windows” landed in a field about 900 feet away. An orange lig Late 12/1986 #38087 er look and stop alongside an open field. The main cigar-shaped object is s 3/6/1987 #38130 Verona, Wisconsin Police Station Field 1:00 p.m. Police in Verona, Wiscon 3/20/1987 #38150 s behind a hill and hovers above a field. Within a minute, the lights move 3/20/1987 #38150 ghts silently floating low above a field less than one mile away to the nor Late 7/1987 #38218 guard. Large circle / lights over field. 2 cows found mutilated next day. 8/1987 #38222 rydon, Indiana, including five UFO field investigators, shot a video of an 8/23/1987 #38253 ht-Patterson Air Force Base Wright Field William S. Steinman makes another 8/30/1987 #38264 d and is still stored near “Wright Field.” Four normal looking males were f 8/30/1987 #38264 DK 1 / car. Figure stands / rainy field. Huge ball / light nears. Goes ext 10/15/1987 #38304 RINGSTED, DK 1 observer. "Boy" / field. 3M glowing-ball floats up. Both j 11/12/1987 #38323 ted a short child-like figure in a field at 8:20 p.m. Upon closer investiga 11/12/1987 #38324 ound and ran towards a nearby open field. Ed Walters chased the creature, a 12/2/1987 #38348 er(s). 2 35cm red balls maneuver / field. Melted snow and small footprints 1/4/1988 #38392 red spheres maneuvered low over a field in Vetterslev, Denmark starting at 1/4/1988 #38404 footprints were later found in the field. During that same time there were 1/4/1988 #38404 e evening, and then hovered over a field for several minutes. A beam of lig 2/12/1988 #38460 oss shaped" object size / football field. Grey and black stripes. Buzzin. 3/10/1988 #38495 modynamics could lead to a unified field theory and novel propulsion method 4/1988 #38527 car looks up. Triangle going [to] field. 3-4 cars chase! 4/20/1988 #38542 wing object hovering over a nearby field. He recalled walking back inside t 5/21/1988 #38574 ALLEROD FIELD, DK 2 / light plane. 50cm silver b 6/7/1988 #38583 ibrant bright night light hovers / field. Shoots up. Complex crop circle fo 6/20/1988 (approximate) #38587 rees 70' away. Lights / edge. Same field / 1976 UFO. 9/3/1988 #38630 around edge, and was over the same field as 1976 UFO sighting. 9/3/1988 #38631 Lorene Gilliland. UFO lands in her field. Type unknown. 10/10/1988 #38666 electricity. Glowing ring hovers / field. 12/19/1988 #38757 ive duty with the US Navy at Cecil Field Naval Air Station in Florida a col 1/1989 #38774 riangle UAP the size of a baseball field was near the base in Puerto Rico a 1/1989 #38774 Object with red lights hovers over field 60m from house / 4 minute(s). No f 2/9/1989 #38827 te observer(s). Mothership lands / field. Groups / UFO's seen / 3 days. / r 2/20/1989 #38844 orts the surrounding gravitational field, causes the craft to be invisible, 3/1989 #38855 boomerang stops 50' over baseball field. Circles. Missing time. 3/2/1989 #38863 s an object the size of a football field hovering above his chicken house a 3/12/1989 #38871 to] overhead. Turns and stops over field. 2 red night lights drop going dow 4/19/1989 #38910 shaped object as big as a football field near a golf course in Trumbull, Co 5/4/1989 #38936 also suggests they went to Wright Field. He states members included USAF S 7/1989 #39001 above the ground. It floats into a field where there are several horses, wh 8/1989 #39040 s). Silent mushroom shape hovers / field. USAF jets show within 30 min. 8/31/1989 #39077 ushroom-shaped object hovered over field, two smaller objects with red ligh 8/31/1989 #39079 ushroom-shaped object hovered over field, two smaller objects with red ligh 8/31/1989 #39080 ed UFO with a light hovered over a field in Butler, Pennsylvania. Two small 8/31/1989 #39081 rtment, France a man saw down in a field of alfalfa a luminous square 10 x 9/4/1989 #39091 Corona, New Mexico Roswell debris field site The Center for UFO Studies co 9/15/1989 #39104 t expedition to the Roswell debris field site near Corona, New Mexico. The 9/15/1989 #39104 column / light going down [to] to field. Away slowly. 10/1989 #39135 vehicle and hovered over a nearby field. They then saw a cone of soft, mul 11/6/1989 #39216 , see an intense light in a nearby field. Above the field is a triangular o 11/29/1989 #39272 light in a nearby field. Above the field is a triangular object with three 11/29/1989 #39272 LE, IN 2 / SR37. Circle / lights / field near power station/depot/facility. 12/17/1989 #39317 ters just over house. Then 5M over field. 1/21/1990 #39385 erver. Grey ovoid 40' over trees / field / 5 second(s). Rises and away / im 3/2/1990 #39439 d back, saw object hovering over a field (section XII). (NICAP: 02 - Close 3/27/1990 #39488 d back, saw object hovering over a field 3/27/1990 #39489 L CARMEN, ARG Fireball over soccer field. Beams going down. Grass turns int 5/4/1990 #39552 orhood dogs barking. He sees, in a field about 325 feet away from him, a py 5/4/1990 #39556 inous sphere hovered over a soccer field, emitting beams of light. The beam 5/4/1990 #39557 l the car had passed. While in the field the aliens appeared to clean their 5/18/1990 #39576 to a large oval craft in a nearby field, A man awaits them and helps them 7/6/1990 #39637 and she finds herself back in the field with her goats, the strange woman 7/6/1990 #39637 rop circles were found in a nearby field. 8/4/1990 #39680 n this night, and then landed in a field. Three humanoids wearing tight-fit 8/31/1990 #39709 A round UFO landed in a field during the day in Pelabuhan Klang, 9/28/1990 #39751 g on them, both disappear from his field of vision, although ground radar c 10/8/1990 #39766 d cylinder/cigar-shape hovers over field. 3+1M beams going down / plants. / 11/5/1990 #39861 e crafts hover and play. 1 lands / field. 1 buzzes car. Absolute(ly) silent 11/6/1990 #39878 objects were seen: one landed in a field, and the other buzzed a car. Both 11/6/1990 #39879 ghbor’s garden and in an abandoned field. After a while, the light turns of 11/22/1990 #39898 car. White cylinder/cigar-shape / field. Lights and engine electro-magneti 2/22/1991 #39980 rky motion. They park the car in a field to watch the object, which approac 2/22/1991 #39982 VILLARDS D'HERIA, FR Dlt(?) / field. Orange fireball exits and checks 3/19/1991 #40022 Two teens playing in an isolated field on this afternoon in Mini Mini, Pu 5/14/1991 #40060 pressions of grass were found in a field in Troy, Illinois. No one could pr 6/6/1991 #40085 which remains motionless over the field. At one point a luminous, yellow r 6/8/1991 #40092 r crop circle was found in a wheat field in Medina, New York. 7/5/1991 #40113 mpers. White sphere/orb/globe over field. Small red objects exit and drop / 7/25/1991 #40132 A white sphere hovered over a field on this night in Carleton, Quebec. 7/25/1991 #40133 EAN, FR Ex-Air Force pilot. Moving field of stars distorted by huge "lens"! 8/10/1991 #40146 gnetic rocks displayed no magnetic field within this ellipse. All clocks an 8/28/1991 #40168 here to Benjamin Chidlaw at Wright Field. http://www.roswellproof.com/dubo 9/16/1991 #40189 d a large silvery sphere land in a field very close to them in Longwy, Fran 12/27/1991 #40268 down. Small white objects all over field. 1/28/1992 #40307 cows mutilated. Night lights over field going quickly northeast and away. 2/6/1992 #40321 ey stopped the car and went into a field to get a better view. They saw a w 3/3/1992 #40349 TH / FT MYERS, FL Cop. Saucer over field buzzes car. Lights / edge. Glows o 3/12/1992 #40373 4 observer(s). Silent UFO hovers / field. Lights ground and observer(s). Sh 3/28/1992 #40402 crop circle appears in a rapeseed field at Sutton Scotney, close to Winche 4/28/1992 #40436 olecules by modifying the electric field, a technology developed from explo 5/13/1992 #40463 July. 2 robed figure(s) glide over field. 5/25/1992 (approximate) #40472 d figures were seen gliding over a field in Marshfield, Missouri. 5/25/1992 #40473 le home rattled. 5m saucer lands / field nearby. Crushed grass. 6/27/1992 #40508 n a disc-shaped object landed in a field nearby. The grass was crushed down 6/27/1992 #40509 ) hides. Faints? Circular traces / field. 7/6/1992 #40513 es were discovered were found in a field outside. 7/6/1992 #40514 TONE, SSK Large depression / wheat field. Soil rock hard. Flattened porcupi 8/1992 #40542 t descends rapidly, moves across a field, and hovers. A cone of light emerg 8/19/1992 #40583 ph. Several witnesses called MUFON field investigator George Hoenig, who to 8/20/1992 #40586 top of the craft, as if the energy field surrounding the object was causing 9/16/1992 #40623 ighted windows hovering low over a field at 8:30 p.m. They could see that b 9/20/1992 #40634 monks" walking in single file in a field. They wore black smocks and cowls 9/24/1992 #40639 ark dome with looped legs hovers / field. Lights / edge. Going quickly east 10/8/1992 #40665 the operations hanger of the 44th Field Maintenance Missile Squadron at El 10/27/1992 #40694 g down / 3M altitude. Beams search field and light car. 11/17/1992 #40716 dependent male witnesses, one with field glasses, watched a multi-colored, 12/20/1992 #40755 nute before midnight, resting in a field. Later they saw a flying triangle 1/9/1993 #40790 ar. Glowing-object size / baseball field. Hovers 1 mile away. Moves away an 2/8/1993 #40844 om a nearby ditch by the edge of a field. She went over to look and there s 2/28/1993 #40866 ike a large fruit silo in a nearby field. As she took a closer look she not 3/20/1993 #40894 chen. Later during a search of the field numerous ground traces were found, 3/20/1993 #40894 ters in diameter, land on a nearby field. The craft was totally silent when 3/20/1993 #40895 backwards and forwards across the field beyond the perimeter fence, as if 3/31/1993 #40914 lattened circles were found in the field, eleven and twenty feet in diamete 3/31/1993 #40915 erious lights coming from a nearby field at around one o'clock in the morni 5/12/1993 #40975 ning. A local youth approached the field and saw a huge glowing object hove 5/12/1993 #40975 USSEX Fireball goes 2mph just over field. Car stops to let it cross A23. 6/20/1993 #41024 les and rings was found in a wheat field in East Kennett, Wiltshire, Englan 7/24/1993 #41083 linder/cylindrical object hovers / field. ? overhead. Crop circle found lat 7/30/1993 #41093 cylindrical object hovering over a field at 3:00 a.m. Complex crop circles 7/30/1993 #41094 ith large cucumber-like heads in a field at 10:30 p.m. They were wearing al 8/5/1993 #41107 ver clothing. They glided over the field and disappeared from sight. 8/5/1993 #41107 the UFO has landed in an adjacent field and that they get out of the car t 8/8/1993 #41117 shaped object hovering low above a field by the roadside. It had what appea 8/8/1993 #41118 huge fiery red eyes appear in the field. The figure began moving slowly to 8/8/1993 #41118 memory found herself standing in a field, where a short stocky woman was ap 8/10/1993 #41123 was standing in the middle of the field, in front of a table that containe 8/10/1993 #41123 LL, QBC 2 observer(s). Blue ball / field. Lights out-stereo OK! Police radi 9/3/1993 #41177 was seen by police and others in a field in Hull, Quebec at 11:30 p.m.. Res 9/3/1993 #41178 ta-shaped craft hovered low over a field at 8:50 p.m. Directly under the ob 9/7/1993 #41187 . Night lights exit fog and circle field / 3 minute(s). 10/17/1993 #41239 s emerged from a fog and circled a field for three minutes. 10/17/1993 #41241 triangle/box-like craft going up / field when hit / spotlight. Absolute(ly) 11/22/1993 #41295 on a boomerang-shaped object in a field, which rose and moved. It was 60 f 11/22/1993 #41300 s saw a UFO settle down on a snowy field just across the road from her hous 12/9/1993 #41327 ct and appeared to jump across the field with large leaps. They approached 12/9/1993 #41327 ILLE-EN-BARROIS, FR 7 observer(s). Field lit. Domed saucer. 3 figure(s). 1 1/4/1994 #41357 or came very close to landing in a field, illuminating the entire area. Thr 1/4/1994 #41361 ed sphere/orb/globe spins 25M over field. Car dies. 2/12/1994 #41409 observer(s). 3M disk going down / field. Observer(s) aim light. Saucer shi 4/25/1994 #41502 arge disc-shaped craft landed in a field 25 miles from Great Falls, Montana 4/25/1994 #41503 a/triangle/box-like craft hovers / field / several min. Red white and blue 6/18/1994 #41571 A Several observer(s). Saucer over field / 2 minute(s). Whistles. 2 circles 6/20/1994 #41573 Arad, Romania, and a nearby wheat field became lit up by a very bright lig 6/27/1994 #41588 nd saw a light gliding towards the field. He ran to his hut and watched fro 6/27/1994 #41588 El Mirage Field Mojave Desert California The first 7/3/1994 #41604 drone takes place at the El Mirage Field in the Mojave Desert, California. 7/3/1994 #41604 SET UFO with square panels lands / field. 40 sightings near here / JUNE94. 7/7/1994 #41611 tyle crop formation was found in a field in Avebury, England on this day. 8/11/1994 #41669 shines beam on train. Then lands / field. No further details / MUFON AZ. 9/1/1994 #41710 the middle of a nearby sugar cane field. She filmed the four-foot-tall hum 9/16/1994 #41756 sions were found in the sugar cane field. Another witness came forward who 9/16/1994 #41756 nous dome-shaped craft land in the field that same night. 9/16/1994 #41756 Area 51 Wright-Patterson field TV host Larry King broadcasts “Lar 10/1/1994 #41779 t I think that at Wright-Patterson field, if you could get into certain pla 10/1/1994 #41779 ON, IN Domed ovoid size / football field. 60m altitude. Videos taken. / r60 10/12/1994 #41802 . Big silent black saucer low over field nearby. Flashes. Shoots away. 11/17/1994 #41852 sc maneuver, then hover low over a field. On the dome was a porthole, and i 11/23/1994 #41863 ar to be sitting in a snow-covered field. She stops the car to look and rea 12/29/1994 #41910 and pass in front of the car to a field on the left. Suddenly they pivot 9 12/29/1994 #41910 ome on a dirt road through a wheat field in Lacrosse, Washington at 9:45 p. 12/29/1994 #41912 and "legs" and moved slowly over a field, close to the witnesses. 1/30/1995 #42003 off from the ground in a farmer's field at 6:15 a.m. They wree only 100 fe 3/10/1995 #42084 eport. Silver glowing-ball lands / field. All lit up. Silent. No traces. 3/15/1995 #42103 ext to a tree nearby their playing field. The creature was gray colored wit 4/3/1995 #42138 angular-shaped UFO hovering over a field behind her house. The craft was gr 5/7/1995 #42188 ular craft were seen over the same field. Large white, box-shaped objects a 5/7/1995 #42188 and appeared to be working in the field. 5/7/1995 #42188 er outage. Large Brill object over field. Crushed wheat found. 5/15/1995 #42206 tive records from Roswell Army Air Field in New Mexico from March 1945 to D 7/28/1995 #42335 nt documents from Roswell Army Air Field (RAAF) were “destroyed without pro 7/28/1995 #42338 ow night light hovers. Descends to field. Guard dogs upset / cringe. 8/20/1995 #42404 Several bizarre objects near Paine field. Hover and jump and vanish. Type u 8/31/1995 #42432 remely bright ball / light lands / field. 2 nd.obs sees night light zigzag 10/31/1995 #42571 ball of light landing in a nearby field. Two hours later a second witness 10/31/1995 #42573 altitude and then descended into a field. UFO investigators recorded strang 11/1/1995 #42575 een thru) binoculars. 10 ring over field. Rays radiate / edge. Vanishes sud 12/19/1995 (approximate) #42647 r-shaped objects flying low over a field. It was rumored that the military 1/20/1996 #42697 here that followed some of the UFO field investigators late one night. 2/23/1996 #42776 and 6:00 p.m. A man driving past a field in Southport, Merseyside, England, 3/1/1996 #42795 utes before it starts circling the field. Then it stops and the lights merg 3/1/1996 #42795 riangular UFO as large as a soccer field with a white light in each corner 3/9/1996 #42817 herical object hovering low over a field in San Pedro Toxin, Jalisco State, 5/16/1996 #42903 noticed a strong light in a nearby field. He stopped his car and got out to 6/21/1996 #42936 stery crop circle found in a wheat field belonging to Dan Arend off County 7/4/1996 #42945 triangular-shaped UFO landed in a field in Chillan, Chile. It left three c 7/9/1996 #42953 STRIA 1 observer. Triangle lands / field. 3 circular 10cm indents 1.7M apar 7/11/1996 #42955 med Dionisio was walking through a field around noon in Los Villares, Jaen, 7/16/1996 #42959 man saw some flashing lights in a field at 10:40 p.m. Because they were ju 8/11/1996 #42980 by a strong enough electromagnetic field.) Dr. Michael Wolf claims to have 8/30/1996 #43001 ful blue glow appear over a nearby field at about treetop level. In order t 9/23/1996 #43039 thin figures, moving about in the field. One of the figures was much talle 9/23/1996 #43039 beings moved in among trees in the field, while a large black object sat on 9/23/1996 #43039 e objects suddenly shot across the field towards the witnesses, hovering on 9/23/1996 #43039 Domed disk shows / photograph over field. No visual when taken. / HUFON. 10/27/1996 #43098 d by Margaret DeHarpporte, a MUFON Field Investigator, an abduction occurre 11/3/1996 #43104 m a very bright source in a nearby field, and they next noticed movement co 11/9/1996 #43110 ed towards the light source on the field. Frightened, Boscolo and his frien 11/9/1996 #43110 l figure emerging from a gate in a field on his right hand side. The figure 11/23/1996 #43118 gt Anthony W. Keel is engaged in a field training exercise about one mile f 12/1996 #43127 tallic oval-shaped craft land in a field close to him. It landed on several 12/9/1996 #43133 he found himself in an unfamiliar field. He followed a nearby path and rea 12/9/1996 #43133 ound a circular ground mark at the field where Bragatto was supposedly drop 12/9/1996 #43133 and saw lights in the middle of a field resembling headlights. He grabbed 1/5/1997 #43166 xt was hit by some invisible force field and was unable to move. He then sa 1/5/1997 #43166 inder/cylindrical object upright / field. 3 feet and 2 portholes. Going up 3/5/1997 #43219 l cylinder was spotted landed in a field in San Martino d'Spino, Lombardia, 3/5/1997 #43220 r object descend and hover above a field some 700 feet away near Dymchurch. 3/8/1997 #43222 dome at one end hovered low over a field in Lympe, England near the town of 3/8/1997 #43223 descends vertically and lands in a field not too far away. He approaches it 5/18/1997 #43297 slowly from the sky into a nearby field at 10:30 a.m. The figure was about 5/18/1997 #43298 he other is still circling above a field. Suddenly, both lights depart at h 6/1997 #43306 ise object that seems to land in a field near a highway he is driving along 6/8/1997 #43318 elta/triangle/box-like craft low / field. Observers follow / truck. Vanishe 6/9/1997 #43320 swell, New Mexico Roswell Army Air Field hospital Walker AFB Holloman AFB, 6/24/1997 #43338 f alien bodies at Roswell Army Air Field hospital are a combination of two 6/24/1997 #43338 invoked to explain the 1947 debris field at Corona, New Mexico. 6/24/1997 #43338 ASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field in Cleveland, OH. Vacuum fluctuati 8/1997 #43363 ASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field. She stated Marc Mills was in char 8/1997 #43363 hts then disappeared into a nearby field. Approaching the village of Chirim 8/5/1997 #43369 go by dropping her off in a large field, not far away from her rural home. 10/18/1997 #43432 void blocks stars. Glides low over field. 10/20/1997 #43434 llic object hovering over a nearby field. He stopped his truck to investiga 12/10/1997 #43457 n he awoke he was face down in the field, completely naked with bruises on 12/10/1997 #43457 e triangular craft hovering over a field at 3:00 a.m. It moved slowly over 12/14/1997 #43461 ess saw a bright light in a nearby field that increased rapidly in size as 12/16/1997 #43464 otated to create a magnetic vortex field which allegedly “disrupts” gravity 1998 #43481 t was seen hovering over a flooded field at about 50-75 feet altitude. 1/26/1998 #43506 o witnesses were parked in an open field in Drente, The Netherlands when th 2/14/1998 #43521 red a flashing blue light over the field and they both saw an object resemb 2/14/1998 #43521 upside-down pear hovering above a field. He called his wife and both watch 3/8/1998 #43531 agona, Spain alongside an isolated field when he noticed a bright light to 6/21/1998 #43591 nd a flying humanoid over a soccer field. Two farmers, the groundskeeper, a 8/8/1998 #43620 en it flew by and hovered over the field. The witnesses described the human 8/8/1998 #43620 Six crop circles were found in a field of Durham wheat outside of Outlook 8/11/1998 #43628 ents spotted a small humanoid in a field. It was crouched down like an old 8/21/1998 #43634 rver. 6M saucer 300M away low over field. Lights area like day. Speeds up g 12/21/1998 #43701 CHERO, PERU Glowing-object lands / field. Large circular indent found next 3/8/1999 #43744 resting on the ground in a nearby field, about 200 meters away. Two short 5/10/1999 #43767 razil a UFO the size of a football field landed in the city. Jet intercepto 6/12/1999 #43785 ject hovering seven meters above a field. It was silver and black with ligh 7/3/1999 #43790 new mobile home going up [to] from field! Turns. 60 hz humming. Shakes. Goi 7/23/1999 #43811 le home took off vertically from a field in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania 7/23/1999 #43812 Grappa, Italy had gone out to the field next to his home in order to relie 8/14/1999 #43822 multicolored lights coming from a field behind him. Investigating more clo 8/14/1999 #43822 phere going [to] low / fog. Lights field randomly. Going north. 11/21/1999 #43884 haped object descend into a nearby field in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. La 2/19/2000 #43954 A disc hovered low over a soccer field in Mexico City, Mexico at 2:00 a.m 2/22/2000 #43956 A football field sized object with lights was sight 7/7/2000 #44011 tering a large glowing sphere in a field in Columbus, Nebraska at 11:40 p.m 7/16/2000 #44020 f his friends were out in a wooded field near Firsanovka, Moscow, Russia wh 7/25/2000 #44022 e object on the ground in a nearby field. 10/15/2000 #44059 round object, the size of a soccer field, that hovered just outside the sch 10/19/2000 #44060 SOUTHEAST / LINCOLN, NE Saucer / field. Windows. Objects move outside. Do 11/30/2000 #44091 used his binoculars to search the field. He could now see a lighted disc-s 11/30/2000 #44094 C 1 / farm. 3M ovoid hovers / corn field. Lights flash / bottom/underside. 3/2/2001 #44146 round the area. According to MUFON field investigator and pilot Bob Durant, 7/15/2001 #44209 in an attempt to enter the nearby field. The frightened witnesses accelera 7/26/2001 #44211 the grounds of the local football field in Quedas do Iguacu, Parana, Brazi 7/29/2001 #44213 meters in diameter were found in a field, forming an isosceles triangle. 9/7/2001 #44251 the size of a university football field. She drives directly underneath, a 3/15/2002 #44324 manoid beings standing in a nearby field. They were over two meters tall, a 3/26/2002 #44326 3M silver hubcap going south stops field / 5M altitude. Lights / rim. Going 3/27/2002 #44327 d disc flew low and stopped over a field at only five meters altitude. It h 3/27/2002 #44328 ts said they saw a UFO land in the field behind Fatma Primary School in the 6/5/2002 #44347 mmense light rose from an adjacent field, coming from a large, 200 meter lo 7/21/2002 #44362 ghts was sighted hovering low in a field off Route 1 South in Dover, Delawa 8/30/2002 #44387 n archaeological dig at the debris field site near Corona, New Mexico, fund 9/16/2002 #44400 Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field [now Creech AFB] Clark County, Nev Late 9/2002 #44405 Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field [now Creech AFB] in Clark County, Late 9/2002 #44405 the video it appears that a plasma field or something was surrounding the o 11/22/2002 #44449 k, flying wing was seen low over a field near a highway south of St. Cloud, 11/28/2002 #44454 swell, New Mexico Roswell Army Air Field Roswell, New Mexico, witness Walte 12/26/2002 #44460 mporary morgue at Roswell Army Air Field. Haut dies December 15, 2005, and 12/26/2002 #44460 slowly at a low level over a farm field and farmhouses in Villeneuve, Albe 1/31/2003 #44483 they were at the other end of the field. He heard what sounded like the ho 5/3/2003 #44523 dt’s research has been used in the field of electromagnetics working at the 7/2003 #44560 Roswell debris field site The Sci-Fi Channel places a s 7/5/2003 #44561 stone marker at the Roswell debris field site to commemorate the 1947 crash 7/5/2003 #44561 h a circle of lights was seen in a field in Tatum, New Mexico at around 9:3 12/30/2003 #44633 traffic take off vertically from a field. The object has bright strobe ligh 1/4/2004 #44643 ct. It descends and hovers above a field. The witness can’t pull over, so t 1/21/2004 #44653 it descended and landed in an open field encircled by trees on the El Pedre 5/8/2004 #44696 lvania. It then hovered low over a field for 10 minutes, before flying off 5/9/2004 #44698 iameter that had landed in an open field off of Chestnut Street. They both 7/27/2004 #44719 ed craft on the ground in a nearby field. The craft appeared crystal like i 11/8/2004 #44780 isc-shaped object hovering above a field at 9:35 p.m. It was silver gray in 12/5/2004 #44799 , apparently a large cow, from the field below. 1/31/2005 #44811 other about 300 feet away above a field. Suddenly two of the lights move t 5/1/2005 #44828 Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field Creech Air Force Base in Nevada, f 10/2005 #44882 Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field, activates the Joint Unmanned Aeri 10/2005 #44882 tional Laboratory Roswell Army Air Field Wright- Patterson AFB Sandia Army 11/1/2005 #44898 ional Laboratory. Roswell Army Air Field took the craft and sent it on to W 11/1/2005 #44898 shaped like a window hovering in a field, about 50 yards away. It took off 11/21/2005 #44904 ped craft hovering over his nearby field. It was about 50 feet in the air. 12/18/2005 #44913 dly produces an unexplained energy field that creates the appearance of a B 5/15/2006 #44942 n a stand of oak trees alongside a field where they had just run their dogs 8/5/2006 #44952 d yet, and it went through a large field. They were in the middle of the ro 10/27/2007 #45080 te available to the organization’s field investigators. 2008 #45107 eared to be the size of a football field, and it was moving slowly and sile 2/12/2008 #45119 ing a “night vigil” in an isolated field at about 350 meters from the road 4/12/2008 #45128 eyes at about 100 meters away in a field. The eyes were shiny and the men i 4/12/2008 #45128 , about 100 meters away in another field. The eyes vanished and then would 4/12/2008 #45128 another 100 meters away in another field; this went on for several minutes. 4/12/2008 #45128 l32fog?t=58 Note: Do local FBI field offices or DOE/NNSA counterintelli 6/28/2008 #45148 g strange in the sky over a nearby field. They saw something white flying t 9/5/2009 #45242 maneuvering high above its missile field. The UFO appears similar to an adv 10/23/2010 #45303 cigar-shaped UAP above its missile field. Later that day, the missile site 10/23/2010 #45304 oswell, 4 July 1947 Large debris field requiring recovery 40 mi. SW of Co 3/26/2011 #45320 , hat-shaped object passing over a field to the east at about 53 mph toward 4/13/2012 #45341 Eagle Ford Shale Field near Cotulla, Texas 10:04 p.m. A s 7/5/2012 #45347 well site in the Eagle Ford Shale Field near Cotulla, Texas, snaps an imag 7/5/2012 #45347 ppeared to pass through the ATFLIR field of vision at high speed. The two m 4/23/2014 #45407 conductor in the presence of an EM field was an alloy of germanium, uranium 8/2014 #45413 linical Medical Acute and Subacute Field Effects on Human Dermal and Neurol 1/9/2018 #45503 isappearing. Cows in a neighboring field are agitated and group closely tog 6/15/2019 #45585 investigate drone sightings in the field, there are 23 drone activity repor 1/13/2020 #45626 ification of a local gravitational field. Podkletnov uses thin gold layers 2/4/2020 #45630 in 1947, it was brought to Wright Field and the “Anderson Trust” was estab 10/2021 #45713 ing, quantum vacuum propulsion and field effects of UAP on nearby humans. 3/25/2022 #45743 scussed: A 150,000 gauss magnetic field is associated with operating UAP c 9/26/2022 #45772
2 girls. Dark form appears. 'Force field' throws girl 3M away! 12/31/1972 #27195
e evening in Montauk, New York Mr. Field's 1965 Ford pickup truck experienc 3/30/1966 #20166
WILTS 1 / car. Blue saucer lands / field-ditch. Search beam / top. Bad phot 10/28/1977 #32624
GOODLAND, KS Farmer sees saucer / field-retracts legs. Rises / 100'. Rocks 5/5/1954 #9749
brightly glowing, orange, football field-sized disc that illuminates the mi 11/7/1975 #30576
Fielding Lake, WA Caramia. (McDonald lis 7/9/1948 #3701 Fielding Lake, Alaska West-Northwest Eas 7/9/1948 #3704 connaissance Group, are fishing at Fielding Lake, Alaska, when they hear a 7/9/1948 #3704 break into the office of Lewis J. Fielding, Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist 9/3/1971 #26311
, and finds the neighboring clover fields matted all over with a thick coat 9/21/1741 #63 so bright it illuminates the cane fields below, then travels like a “slow- 1/4/1906 #686 ximately 70,000 people crowded the fields surrounding the Cova da Iria, a g 10/13/1917 #971 raine During a mission to bomb oil fields in Romania, a Russian Tupolev Tu- 1944 #1559 pass overhead as he is working his fields. It seems to be flying at 10,000 7/3/1947 #2583 5:40 a.m. a farmer out plowing his fields in Kincardine, Ontario, Canada sa 7/9/1947 #3071 rs of our present knowledge in the fields of atmospheric, ionospheric, and 9/24/1952 #8022 minutes. It is also seen over oil fields in Khuzestan Province. 5/18/1953 #8884 demonstrating the use of magnetic fields in spacecraft propulsion. Smith a 7/28/1954 #10059 UFO. While picking blueberries in fields around Ceydalen, near Mosjoen, No 8/20/1954 #10158 hemis, Tunisia Many workers in the fields 12 km south of the town saw an ob 9/3/1954 #10238 At 1:00 p.m. many workers in the fields 12 kilometers south of the town o 9/3/1954 #10240 ne Mazaud is walking home from his fields at Mourieras, north of Bugeat, Co 9/10/1954 #10285 as driving a tractor back from the fields when he saw a small man no bigger 9/14/1954 #10297 g a tractor back from his family's fields in Coldwater, Kansas when he saw 9/14/1954 #10302 ht and flew away very low over the fields. 10/5/1954 #10727 t and flew away, very low over the fields. 10/5/1954 #10739 he UFO leaves, flying low over the fields. 10/7/1954 #10788 soline truck and ran away into the fields while the object flew on toward M 10/11/1954 #10933 oline truck and ran away into some fields while the object flew on toward M 10/11/1954 #10949 , 22, who was coming back from the fields, leading a mare by the bridle, wa 10/16/1954 #11142 , age 22, was coming back from the fields leading a mare by her halter when 10/16/1954 #11148 y Puyfourcat is returning from the fields near Cier-de-Rivière, Haute-Garon 10/17/1954 #11176 after leaving home to work in the fields. His family and police fail to fi 12/9/1954 #11786 that they might use gravitational fields as propulsion. 2/2/1955 #11967 out for a walk through some local fields when he suddenly felt that he was 7/17/1955 #12267 as he ran with his dog across the fields and to his home. The witness hid 7/17/1955 #12267 e people, underwater cities, force fields, and much more. The book falls in 4/1956 #12777 ent in 1979, which links the force fields back to T. Townsend Brown, later 4/1956 #12777 ce origin, underwater bases, force fields, and more. Sherby and Hoover repr 4/1956 #12778 on by A. Villas-Boas. Alone in the fields on a clear night, he saw a big, r 10/16/1957 #14127 ng hours of this day. Alone in the fields on a clear night, Antonio Villas- 10/16/1957 #14131 s. Silver-glow object lands / cane fields. Going up [to] and away. 11/6/1957 #14380 with Allied craft with intense EM fields. The Kugelblitz was allegedly lar 1958 #14787 e a finely-knit shroud over Goff's fields, trees, machinery, and power line 11/18/1961 #16964 that day, but the next morning my fields and trees just glowed with the st 11/18/1961 #16964 overlapping his potato and barley fields. It is about 8 feet wide and 4 in 7/16/1963 #17833 = saucers batter craft / magnetic fields. (Disinfo?) 10/12/1964 #18582 ith instruments measuring magnetic fields (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 7/3/1965 #19060 ior of the car and the surrounding fields (11:30 p.m.). “Every blade of gra 9/3/1965 #19495 Hernandez was coming back from the fields near Cordoba when he saw a disk-s 5/16/1966 #20488 Hernandez was coming back from the fields near Cordoba, Spain when he saw a 5/16/1966 #20489 Hernandez was coming back from the fields during this afternoon near Cordob 5/16/1966 #20491 AMPO, TX UFO over road. Flies over fields now and then. Goes behind trees. 11/2/1966 #21067 ld leave the road and fly over the fields from time to time. The greenish-b 11/2/1966 #21068 ld leave the road and fly over the fields from time to time. The greenish-b 11/2/1966 #21072 en glowing circle lights house and fields. No further details. 11/26/1966 #21149 ive identical objects are found in fields and golf courses in the southern 9/4/1967 #22998 rojecting white beam of light onto fields and woods as it moved south. One 8/16/1968 #24340 ess was exercising her dog in some fields between Bridgeworth and Shrewsbur 4/12/1969 #25059 professors / car. Fireball lights fields like day / 10 second(s). South go 5/18/1970 #25665 w a sparkling mist appear over the fields in Granadero, Argentina around da 3/16/1972 #26606 ude and direction of gravitational fields. “No new or radical change in fun 6/1972 #26694 tnesses decide to walk through the fields and approach the object. Around 3 8/12/1972 #26911 ices a column of smoke rising from fields in the north. She calls over two 10/6/1973 #27960 orange ovoid very low over cotton fields and railroad/railway tracks. 10/15/1973 #28042 . Red fireball with beacon circles fields / 4 hours. / r30p439. 2/1974 #28721 IRSON, FR Trucker. 25M saucer over fields and woods. Probable landing. Rise 2/2/1974 #28725 with portholes aims beams all over fields. Shape obscure. Disappears. 2/21/1974 #28786 ear-old farmer, was working in his fields on a sunny, hot day when he heard 5/29/1974 #29144 erver(s). 6M ovoid going [to] over fields. Makes 90° turn. Splashes into la 11/27/1974? #29612 farmer driving through one of his fields in Orfordville, Wisconsin at dusk 5/4/1976 #31038 s later, deploy back into adjacent fields. One of them approaches the house 7/23/1977 #32305 later, deployed back into adjacent fields. One of them approached the house 7/23/1977 #32306 the shoreline and then crossed two fields to get to the ocean's edge. Sever 10/30/1977 #32639 at the south window looking out at fields and sees a bright moon and an obj 9/15/1978 #33686 Oil Fields, Kuwait Technicians observed land 11/9/1978 #33934 In oil fields, Kuwait Technicians observed land 11/9/1978 #33935 Oil Fields, Kuwait Major UFO/E-M Incidents O 11/9/1978 #33936 ghts appears over the northern oil fields of the Kuwaiti Oil Company at Umm 11/9/1978 #33939 to circle a house and surrounding fields at 100-300' off the ground. (NICA 11/29/1978 #34023 Vizcacheras oil fields Mendoza province Andes mountains 5/1/1979 #34537 y engineers at the Vizcacheras oil fields in a remote area of Argentina’s M 5/1/1979 #34537 of Talco a peasant out plowing the fields encountered a landed disc-shaped 9/25/1979 #34922 o, Chile a peasant out plowing the fields encountered a landed disc-shaped 9/25/1979 #34923 rm and was taking his sheep to the fields at around eleven o'clock in the m 2/6/1980 #35160 Bargersville, Indiana Empty Fields 9:00 p.m. A woman is driving home 5/9/1980 #35319 ut the size of lemons in the empty fields around them. The balls blink on a 5/9/1980 #35319 BUSH, NY Saucers / deltas all over fields. Perseid shower also seen = diffe 8/9/1980 #35451 ndiana, driving past two different fields on the same road, see 7–11 four-f 1/15/1981 #35792 Twenty workers returning from the fields at the Forestry Commission Statio 8/15/1981 #36075 NASA and CIA, and he worked in the fields of bio-astronautics and life scie 1982 #36293 as being outside their established fields of inquiry.” 1/5/1982 #36296 body the length of three football fields. As it passes over the Unit 3 rea 7/24/1984 #37412 rt it the length of three football fields and shaped like a cone. It passes 7/24/1984 #37416 t with blue lights covers 2 soccer fields! 11/12/1985 #37702 ey estimate it is several football fields in length. On October 6, the man 9/22/1987 #38291 er. Many cops and helicopters comb fields. 12/1988 (approximate) #38731 pters were seen combing the nearby fields later that night. 12/12/1988 #38753 OLYMPIA FIELDS, IL 2 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar 2/2/1989 #38815 t were maneuvering slowly over the fields alongside the highway. They stopp 11/6/1989 #39216 ent devices registered no magnetic fields at all within an elliptically sha 8/28/1991 #40168 SAN JOSE, CA 1 observer and more. Fields lit. Round fuzzy white night ligh 10/6/1994 #41787 indow to take one last look at the fields. Immediately he noticed a small o 3/7/1996 #42815 t is the size of multiple football fields and up to one mile long. Reports 3/13/1997 #43229 take quick short flights over the fields then fall down and land. It seeme 7/23/1997 #43359 oving out the sky over some nearby fields, was awakened when he felt some t 1/1/1998 #43484 as, about the size of two football fields. In places the sand had been vitr 7/17/1999 #43806 a very bright light in one of his fields, so he decided to walk out there 11/30/2000 #44094 UFO was sighted hovering over some fields in Garfield county, and were seen 1/2/2003 #44464 flies swiftly across snow-covered fields near Raymore, Saskatchewan, headi 2/19/2003 #44494 ise missile, flew north across the fields of Raymore, Saskatchewan, Canada. 2/19/2003 #44495 or a short evening walk across the fields of Barnoldswick, Lancashire, Engl 7/16/2003 #44565 racting light. The electromagnetic fields generated by plasma phenomena are 5/15/2006 #44942 “close proximity of plasma related fields” which it said can “adversely aff 5/15/2006 #44942 tion between electric and magnetic fields writing there is a possibility to 2/1/2007 #45004 high revolutions to create gravity fields in a vacuum and in the air. He st 2/4/2020 #45630 concept but use rotating magnetic fields at high speed to create the antig 2/4/2020 #45630
Moccasin, Montana North Star and Fieldstone roads Old Musselshell Trail s 9/21/2012 #45354 the intersection of North Star and Fieldstone roads when they notice a bar- 9/21/2012 #45354
ay Project Hessdalen sets up three fieldwork stations, the primary one on A 1/21/1984 #37136
CLUJ, ROM Parachute-UFO. Fierce rays. More UFO's 15 December and 12/11/1968 #24758 the guard dogs, a wolfhound with a fierce disposition, that was going crazy 3/25/1971 #26054 elve foot tall hairy creature with fierce glowing red eyes. The creature ut 4/12/1977 #31978
Bannister, whose dogs are barking fiercely. The stranger points a lantern- 4/15/1897 #488 st at a moderate speed, but darts “fiercely” toward the interceptor when it 8/7/1952 #7509 rn on his world lecture tour, amid fiercely critical media coverage. The ro 5/18/1959 #15737 Hierges, Nord, France dogs barked fiercely when a metallic domed disc-shap 9/4/1974 #29422
NEAR VERDUN, FR Fiery ovoid going quickly southeast turn 1/1034? #7 DERBYSHIRE AND LEICS COS, ENGL Fiery wheel / barrel spins. Strong rays. 10/14/1387 #16 ARRAS, FRANCE Fiery rod hovers / 15 minute(s). Suddenl 11/1/1461 #21 A fiery rod or cylinder hovered for 15 min 11/1/1461 #22 ating beam scorches ground. Also 2 fiery spheres. / r8 p?? 1/1520? #25 Above Tubingen, Germany fiery clouds circled in the sky around s 12/5/1557 #31 smoke issuing from its sides. Two fiery rays extend from its front part. L 8/15/1663 #44 Hampstead. It shoots out “several fiery coruscations” and turns into an in 3/19/1847 #143 ve the first. After 2–3 minutes, a fiery ball drops from the upper cloud to 3/19/1847 #143 orth going south. Shoots out small fiery ball / 90° to original trajectory. 12/8/1850 (approximate) #146 k and his mate see the sky turning fiery red. Suddenly a large fireball app 2/25/1885 #264 nadarko, Oklahoma, when they see a fiery object shaped like a stovepipe. Fr 11/1906 #692 NEAR BRNO, MORAVIA, CZK 6 fiery red 'stars' circle point very high 9/1913 (approximate) #891 meting object, also described as a fiery pockmarked meteor or planetoid, is 10/1917 #968 aw a huge ball of light giving off fiery colors, 25 km from Robsart. It lan 7/1929 #1101 aw a huge ball of light giving off fiery colors, 25 km from Robsart. It lan 7/1929 #1102 T / WAGON MOUND, NM Several / car. Fiery disks spin and light sky. Back / g 3/25/1932 #1138 the lake to the east and leaves a fiery train. It falls on a cottage and t 8/9/1934 #1217 rmany Two rockets; altered course; fiery head and blazing stern. (Page 54 R 1/2/1944 #1561 Worms, Germany Circular, fiery ball; triangle of ovals three circ 12/26/1944 #1735 over Sala, Sweden, leaving a long, fiery trail. An explosion is heard. 6/9/1946 #2004 e with the aircraft. The stream of fiery exhaust from the craft was about h 8/1/1946 #2101 his plane. It has a silver-white, fiery exhaust. 6/2/1947 #2309 SE(AL), NJ Ex-registrar. Moon-size fiery ring going [to] over high school / 6/18/1947 #2339 n and sees a “ball of fire, with a fiery blue tail behind it.” The object i 6/27/1947 #2432 PRESTON, ON 1 observer. Fiery red disk 'like washing machine lid 7/6/1947 #2796 Y 2+1 separate observer(s). Bright fiery disk going quickly northwest. Seem 7/7/1947 #2905 , Kentucky, when he notices three “fiery balls” in the sky. He takes a 5-se 7/7/1947 #2942 ch side there was a tubular shaped fiery glow, like some sort of exhaust. H 8/13/1947 #3322 ing southwest slow. Engine sounds. Fiery tails. Planes? 10/7/1947 #3447 s from), OR 2 balls of fire with a fiery trail headed NW at 700-900 mph (NI 11/12/1947 #3484 o, Oregon, sees two fireballs with fiery tails heading northwest at 700–900 11/12/1947 #3485 ics professor, said she observed a fiery object whizzing through the sky. M 7/11/1948 #3707 dge, Tennessee watched a brilliant fiery ball of light hover over restricte 1/14/1950 #4489 ilently through the sky with a red fiery trail one hundred feet long, but l 3/10/1950 #4608 ESCANABA, MICH Fiery blue-glowing disc races over town. 3/31/1950 #4774 TON, ALTA Thousands / observer(s). Fiery red rod or light hangs / sky. Same 4/19/1950 #4868 rch facilities watched a brilliant fiery ball of light hover over restricte 6/14/1950 #4986 ite flow and with a reddish-purple fiery ring around the rim. It shot up an 2/8/1951 #5434 RICHMOND, CA Slow fiery pencil-cloud going east from bay. 9/19/1951 #5680 Goose Bay, Labrador A fiery, spherical object made a right-ang Early 1952 #5848 ocratic Republic of the Congo] Two fiery discs are sighted over the uranium 3/29/1952 #5993 for 5-7 minutes. Many others saw a fiery light that might have been a meteo 6/23/1952 #6615 GOOSE BAY, NFLD Fiery sphere makes 90° turn. Dives at me 6/24/1952 #6618 three o'clock in the morning four fiery teardrop-shaped flames flew rapidl 7/23/1952 #7086 UT Numerous separate observer(s). Fiery orange saucer cavorts all over/all 7/26/1952 #7151 nlargements of a few frames show a fiery looking, roughly circular object, 7/29/1952 #7330 AMARILLO, TX 4 / car. 3 fiery orange fireballs going north. Each 8/23/1952 #7689 TX 2 observer(s). Top-saucer west fiery tail. Hovers / 20 minute(s). Whist 8/24/1952 #7703 red to yellow to blue, and with a fiery tail, hovered for 20 minutes, whis 8/24/1952 #7712 red to yellow to blue, and with a fiery tail, hovered for 20 minutes, whis 8/24/1952 #7718 others. Six objects, varying from fiery red to sparkling diamond appearanc 8/28/1952 #7771 estimated 8–12 miles distance. One fiery red object is stationary for 15 mi 8/28/1952 #7773 than a star or planet varying from fiery red, red-blue, red-green, and spar 8/28/1952 #7773 varied in color and intensity from fiery red to sparkling diamond white in 8/28/1952 #7774 object shaped like a fat football, fiery orange-red in color, descend and t 9/13/1952 #7917 ORTH / TRIPOLI, LIBYA 2 / England. Fiery football-size object out over sea 9/22/1952 #8000 35 MI SOUTHEAST / SEAL I., NS Fiery object bobs / sea. Skips about. Cr 10/23/1952 #8175 ually observed for three minutes a fiery red-orange ball traveling soundles 1/22/1953 #8560 troller RADAR and more. Jet chases fiery saucer going quickly northwest up 1/28/1953 #8588 ng quickly east toward(s) Sierras. Fiery rear. 8/20/1953 #9085 ARRAS, FR Fiery disk stops. Rocks. Flash. Going qu 1/7/1954 #9460 Arras, France 4:27 a.m. A fiery disk, followed by a luminous trail 1/7/1954 #9462 Pas-de-Calais, France 4:27 a.m. A fiery disk, followed by a luminous trail 1/7/1954 #9463 New York City, NY Passengers saw a fiery object hit the aircraft wing witho 1/14/1954 #9485 ontroller and cops and more/others fiery Tlw-red objects circle / 6km altit 8/6/1954 #10102 ding close by. The craft took on a fiery color and flew away. 8/23/1954 #10169 igs. The object took on a glowing, fiery color and flew away. [Note: the Ai 8/23/1954 #10172 AZE, FR 2 observer(s). Fiery orange 6M cylinder/cylindrical obj 10/2/1954 #10598 nd Mrs. Laroche, from Paris, saw a fiery sphere landing near Chantonnay. 10/6/1954 #10753 and Mrs. Laroche from Paris saw a fiery sphere land near Chantonnay, Monch 10/6/1954 #10761 NEAR BEAUVAIN, ORNE, FR 4 meter fiery domed sphere/orb/globe / treetop l 10/9/1954 #10830 n mid-air. It was very bright and "fiery," and it came very low. 10/9/1954 #10842 Christain Carette saw for 10 sec a fiery sphere flying at treetop level. Di 10/9/1954 #10846 in midair. It was very bright and "fiery," and came very low to the ground. 10/9/1954 #10860 , France Christopher Carette saw a fiery sphere flying at treetop level for 10/9/1954 #10864 us object on the ground. It became fiery red in color and flew away when th 10/11/1954 #10931 us object on the ground. It became fiery red in color and flew away when th 10/11/1954 #10947 LOUHANS, FR 1+2 observer(s). Fiery mushroom-cap rises from side / rai 10/12/1954 #10959 VIELMUR-SUR-AGOUT, FR Fiery orange ovoid lands vineyard / 3 ho 10/12/1954 #10968 Vielmur, France. It looked like a fiery orange ball, illuminated the viney 10/12/1954 #10985 COMMENTRY, FR Several observer(s). Fiery disk passes radio antenna. Changes 10/14/1954 #11028 ity of Amiens, Somme, France saw a fiery object spinning high in sky, shoot 10/19/1954 #11246 r. Fillonnau, stopped when a large fiery ball flew near it. A violent air d 10/21/1954 #11308 ter. The underside was a source of fiery light. Four small beings emerged a 12/10/1954 #11794 twice as a recognition signal. The fiery globe flipped its lights out twice 11/14/1955 #12569 . The ends scintillated and were a fiery red, while the part in the center 7/23/1956 #13013 T Blue Book. Observer(s) = Gordes. Fiery object makes 90° turn. 4 windows. 8/19/1956 #13098 Newington, CT Fiery object made turn, dimmed, window-l 8/19/1956 #13099 / BANJARMASIN, BORNEO Saucer with fiery rim lands / lake. Smoke and noise 12/1956 #13375 and down. Away extremely fast with fiery trail. 12/9/1956 #13391 OAST Blue Book. Several airliners. Fiery tail falls off green sphere going 3/9/1957 #13534 rways pilot took evasive action as fiery round, greenish-white object passe 3/9/1957 #13536 Columbia, SC Fiery Ball With Tail Passes C-47 (NICAP: 3/9/1957 #13539 PRESTON, ON Bright fiery circular object follows teen girls 8/14/1957 #13891 ty, Ontario at 10:30 p.m. a bright fiery, circular object followed two teen 8/14/1957 #13895 GALESBURG, IL Dog barks. Fiery orange ovoid hovers. Then going qu 11/5/1957 #14298 s flickered and went out, as large fiery object passed overhead (NICAP: 03 12/8/1957 #14689 Soap Lake, Washington, see a huge, fiery object pass overhead from north to 12/8/1957 #14692 Lake, Washington died when a huge, fiery UFO flew overhead from north to so 12/8/1957 #14697 . The upper hemisphere and rim are fiery red, while the lower hemisphere is 12/21/1957 #14755 GRAGA, MINHO, PORTUGAL Fiery disk changes colors over city. / C 7/12/1958 #15137 the object, which gradually took a fiery color, then exploded. The witness 10/31/1958 #15409 light at one end that changed to a fiery color, then the object exploded. T 10/31/1958 #15410 STRATFORD-ON-AVON, WARWICKS Fiery saucer lands. 3 men exit and sit c 1/1959 #15520 onard Hewins, of Tredington, saw a fiery, round object come down from the e 1/1959 #15522 von, England Leonard Hewins sees a fiery, round object come down near Strat 1/1959 #15523 descends to about 160 feet, grows fiery red, then explodes with a crash an Late 12/1959 #16134 ana Mr. Arnold saw a round object, fiery red in color, arriving at high spe 4/18/1960 #16233 9:00 p.m. Mr. Arnold saw a round, fiery red flying object approach at high 4/18/1960 #16234 owing a sonic boom above Quebec, a fiery object falls from the sky from an 6/12/1960 #16312 ed it for herself. She said a big, fiery, red sphere flew over her house an 1961 #16545 k out the bedroom window and see a fiery cigar-shaped object moving at low 2/28/1961 #16615 ering a roadblock, and observing a fiery orb in the road. At 5:00 a.m., the 9/19/1961 #16857 by many at 4:45 a.m. One object--a fiery ball of light 30 meters in diamete 5/13/1962 #17173 Aires Airport, Argentina A large, fiery disk was observed on the runway by 12/21/1962 #17600 EZEIZA AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ARG Fiery saucer 10M over runway. Planes cir 12/22/1962 #17603 At three a.m. a large fiery disc was observed on the runway by 12/22/1962 #17607 s, then shut. Half an hour later a fiery ball flew over Belgrade, Montana c 2/22/1963 #17681 Sandy Creek, Australia A fiery red object, 8 m wide 4 m high, wit 6/28/1963 #17813 e evenly spaced openings that emit fiery beams. In the dome, several large 10/1963 #17969 Massillon, Ohio A fiery object, maneuvering at low altitud 5/17/1964 #18277 At 9:00 p.m. a fiery object, maneuvering at low altitud 5/17/1964 #18278 ing on Millinocket Lake Road saw a fiery, spherical object to the side. He 5/24/1964 #18296 nesses in Millinocket, Maine saw a fiery orange object which followed their 5/24/1964 #18298 HOBBS, NM Fiery saucer swoops down. Child badly bu 6/2/1964 #18316 A fiery disc swooped down low over Hobbs, 6/2/1964 #18323 ther officers see an intense blue, fiery tongue of light approaching the sh 7/6/1965 #19078 ship Raduga in the Red Sea watch a fiery sphere emerge from the water 2 mil 8/2/1965 #19267 AMBLESIDE, CUMBRIA Fiery red cylinder/cigar-shape with lit 8/6/1965 #19331 , Cumbria, England panicked when a fiery red cigar-shaped object with illum 8/6/1965 #19335 ennessee, and Texas of a prominent fiery object shedding sparks and leaving 2/15/1967 #21555 :10 p.m. EST. Five witnesses saw a fiery glowing object shaped like a camp 3/8/1967 #21806 le in southwest Pennsylvania saw a fiery orange object that paced their car 3/17/1967 #21912 H / NIOBE, ND Several observer(s). Fiery object hovers / low altitude. Poss 3/26/1967 #21992 At 10:30 p.m. a fiery light thought to be a UFO was seen 9/21/1967 #23107 2 separate observer(s). Torpedo or fiery ring passes 30' from 1 observer(s) 10/9/1967 #23197 e lights appear in the sky. One is fiery red, while the other two are brigh 10/12/1967 #23228 JCT US40+SR88, UT Huge fiery half-dome loops / sky. Going quick 10/14/1967 #23235 Lake Charles, LA Bright, fiery ball flash 4 times while moving E, 10/18/1967 #23262 itness: John Herbert. One bright, fiery ball flashed four times while movi 10/18/1967 #23263 a John Herbert witnessed a bright, fiery ball that flashed four times while 10/18/1967 #23266 way. It was dome shaped, in part a fiery orange- yellow color, and in part 11/9/1967 #23434 ound. It moved away quickly with a fiery light that was painful to the eye. 11/14/1967 #23448 ge red object that emitted a small fiery object about 8 inches in diameter 12/7/1967 #23557 (CST). Hundreds of people reported fiery objects streaking across the sky, 3/3/1968 #23812 (CST). Hundreds of people reported fiery objects streaking across the sky, 3/3/1968 #23814 MPULUNG, ROMANIA Many observer(s). Fiery sphere. Maneuvers. Sphere vanishes 3/18/1968 #23846 BURG, FL 1 observer. Humming. 125' fiery wheel overhead. Shoots quickly goi 8/15/1968 #24328 Floresta. Fireball hovers. Shoots fiery beam when moving. 1/5/1969 #24817 ed a hovering fireball that shot a fiery beam when it began moving. At 11:4 1/5/1969 #24818 at 10:30 p.m. a truck driver saw a fiery ball hovering over some snow cover 2/10/1969 #24910 s and changes color from silver to fiery yellow. The UFO starts spinning co 2/18/1969 #24928 AFFS Several separate observer(s). Fiery sphere/orb/globe going quickly SSW 7/1969 #25240 light, red underparts, and created fiery exhaust trails. 9/24/1969 #25378 NORTH / SALINS D'HYERES, VAR Fiery cylinder/cylindrical object going 3/25/1971 #26053 re alerted by another soldier to a fiery red, disc-shaped craft moving slow 3/25/1971 #26054 w South Wales, Australia sighted a fiery orangish-red ball of light that sh 4/23/1971 #26079 pe, South Africa, is alerted to a “fiery red ball hovering at tree-top leve 6/26/1972 #26735 a machine", luminous buttons, and fiery eyes. "The specter faced him, but 8/16/1972 #26922 s in Hinojos, Huelva, Spain, see a fiery, square-shaped object flying close 12/2/1972 #27160 . on a highway in Hinojos, Spain a fiery square-shaped flying object flew c 12/31/1972 #27197 T / FREDERICKSBURG, PA 1 observer. Fiery ovoid over road. / Lebanon Daily N 11/14/1973 #28420 a.m. Second elderly farmer watched fiery object take off from bean field. ( 6/18/1974 #29211 sister calls and alerts him to a “fiery glow” near his barn on Three Mile 10/7/1975 #30421 M. In the village of Icoaraci, two fiery balls of light were seen in the sk 5/17/1977 #32104 em do Para, Para State, Brazil two fiery balls of light were seen in the sk 5/17/1977 #32107 SANTIAGO, CHILE Fiery silent torus hovers and tilts. Bea 5/23/1977 #32124 Santiago, Chile 6:00 AM. 8A fiery looking torus-shaped object hovere 5/23/1977 #32125 A fiery looking torus-shaped object hovere 5/23/1977 #32126 MOSCOW, RS Fiery 1M sphere/orb/globe appears over K 8/5/1977 #32362 like, bright blue object leaving a fiery trail plummeting toward the surfac 3/11/1978 #33032 y circular metallic craft within a fiery ball of flames. The area around th 5/10/1978 #33194 y circular metallic craft within a fiery ball of flames. The craft continue 5/10/1978 #33199 er / jet going quickly south. Also fiery rectangular cylinder/cylindrical o 8/27/1978 #33576 ees over Ipswich Bay an elongated, fiery red rectangle moving north to sout 8/30/1978 #33605 lue and green in color, and spewed fiery particles, resembling an airplane 12/21/1978 #34188 lue and green in color, and spewed fiery particles, resembling “an airplane 12/21/1978 #34194 bo, Italy A farmer spotted a large fiery red sphere descend and land in a n 1/13/1979 #34337 spotted a large blindingly bright fiery red sphere descend in a nearby pas 1/13/1979 #34338 e it rises into the air, leaving a fiery trail and a column of smoke. 3/2/1979 #34458 flying horizontally and leaving a fiery trail. Some 30 others witness this 6/14/1980 #35367 is, Elias recalled floating into a fiery red, cigar-shaped object with flas 9/25/1980 #35535 ERG = DELEMONT, SWZ 2 observer(s). Fiery disk hovers / seconds and quickly 11/16/1980 #35642 130 feet, they are confronted by a fiery diamond-shaped object, emitting fl 12/29/1980 #35757 The UFO then changed into a bright fiery flame and disappeared. The woman r 6/3/1982 #36492 from silver to yellow to orange to fiery red-orange. It slowly moves up the 10/27/1982 #36666 At 10:00 p.m. a fiery ball was seen humming and lighting 11/1/1983 #37041 ky and other technicians observe a fiery sphere, similar in color to brass, 4/26/1986 #37844 s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Large fiery white object from hills levels off 7/12/1986 #37940 and atmospheric re-entry, multiple fiery objects from NW to SE. 12/12/1987 #38356 VSKIY-RASPADOK, RUSSIA Silent 400M fiery cylinder/cylindrical object going 9/24/1988 #38645 At 8:00 p.m. a 400 meter long fiery cylinder flew at low altitude over 9/24/1988 #38646 -old A. D. Golovatskaya, watched a fiery green elongated craft fly low over 4/24/1989 #38926 I. Lerman and his wife Ann watch a fiery object with a tail over Lake Radun 6/30/1989 #38998 n Huejutla, Mexico. At 7:00 p.m. a fiery ball of light levitated a man off 5/12/1991 #40059 Miraima, Ceara State, Brazil saw a fiery ball of light that moved at six me 9/30/1992 #40650 n-foot tall black figure with huge fiery red eyes appear in the field. The 8/8/1993 #41118 ODOS, FR 1 observer. Huge fiery "milestone"? flies south going qui 1/6/1994 #41365 urned about to glare at them with "fiery red eyes" set in a humanoid face. 5/3/1996 #42892 he sky. A husband and wife watch a fiery orange object near Ripley, Ohio, f 10/16/1996 #43073 e in Post Falls, Idaho witnessed a fiery ball of light that was seen on the 9/21/1999 #43851 he eyes of the beings were red and fiery, and were like slits. The UFOs did 10/17/1999 #43862 menacing look from the creature's fiery red eyes. The shocked policeman re 4/17/2000 #43982 A round fiery ball was seen in the western sky i 6/13/2000 #44003 she was surprised to see a strong fiery orange light outside, floating in 2/13/2004 #44664 e others. They were all bright and fiery colored, spinning and moving very 8/4/2007 #45042 onald Reagan say they see a large, fiery orange UAP hovering 100 feet above 5/9/2022 #45747
binoculars. It tilts, revealing a fiery-red bottom. The UFO spins and drif 2/1/1954 #9526 La Camp, LA A fiery-red disc from the S touch the grou 4/12/1960 #16223 siana Witness: Monroe Arnold. One fiery-red disc exploded four or five tim 4/12/1960 #16224 rnold, a physical scientist, saw a fiery-red disc that made a rumbling soun 4/12/1960 #16225 Bark River, MI Fiery-red, round object, preceded by lig 2/27/1961 #16608 ichigan Witness: Mrs. LaPalm. One fiery-red, round object, preceded by lig 2/27/1961 #16609
anded 300 m away. It looked like a fieryorange ball, illuminated the vinyar 10/12/1954 #10975
FIESOLE, ITL 3 observer(s). Glowing-disk 10/6/1977 #32554 A housewife in Fiesole, Italy had gone to visit the ped 10/6/1977 #32555
HUACATLAN, NAYARIT, MX 300+mayor / fiesta. 4 circular luminous/glowing sauc 3/22/1995 (approximate) #42113
CUPAR, FIFE, SCOTLAND Big boom. Clothes fly off 6/30/1842 #134 ri Late afternoon. Clifford DeWitt Fife hears a whirring in the air near Ne Mid 11/1948 #3876 CUPAR, FIFE, SCOT 2 kids. Night light very high 10/24/1963 #18005 Cupar Fife, Scotland Light move for an unspeci 10/24/1963 #18006 Cupar Fife, Scotland Witnesses: A. McLean (12) 10/24/1963 #18007 Cupar, Fife, Scotland. No time given. Brothers 10/24/1963 #18008 over the reservoir in Craigluscar, Fife, Scotland at two o'clock in the aft 2/19/1994 #41421 ROSYTH, FIFE, SCOTLAND 1 observer frozen. Saucer 2/26/1994 #41425 s in a residential area of Rosyth, Fife, Scotland took two photographs of a 2/26/1994 #41427 and Jean, two women from Kennoway, Fife, Scotland had seen a huge triangula 9/23/1996 #43039 sibly light-emitting engines. Gov. Fife Symington is one witness, although 3/13/1997 #43229 ment of Public Safety Arizona Gov. Fife Symington calls a press conference, 6/19/1997 #43331 le outside gardening in Buckhaven, Fife, Scotland at 3:30 p.m. in the after 3/18/2003 #44503 ject was sighted from Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland at 9:15 p.m. 12/15/2005 #44911 Phoenix Lights Former Arizona Gov. Fife Symington admits that he witnessed 3/18/2007 #45012 ean in the Prescott Daily Courier, Fife says: “It was enormous and inexplic 3/18/2007 #45012 , moderated by former Arizona Gov. Fife Symington, is held at the National 11/12/2007 #45093 h his son Bo and girlfriend Joanna Fife on the porch of his ranch home in L 7/5/2009 #45230
the subject of flying machines for fifteen years” and who moved to Californ 11/22/1896 #347 raft, which followed the train for fifteen minutes. It had one red and one 4/15/1897 #499 y spaced formation, ten across and fifteen deep, in a perfect square. They 8/12/1942 #1435 ll figure dressed in a brown robe. Fifteen feet to its left are five other 10/1944 #1673 Europe String of lights, twelve to fifteen in number, orange to yellow in c 12/1944 #1716 er occurred Saturday confined to a fifteen foot square area of Hill Militar 1/7/1947 #2223 d the object for a total of ten to fifteen seconds. Chiles and Whitted stat 7/24/1948 #3724 heast to northeast and disappears. Fifteen other witness also see the displ 6/29/1949 #4256 and the other had flashing lights. Fifteen minutes later two more passed ov 6/26/1952 #6640 same configuration. After another fifteen minutes a single object flew ove 6/26/1952 #6640 and flew at 3,600 miles per hour. Fifteen minutes later a bright object ho 1/1/1953 #8495 tte saw a similar object in 1938. Fifteen second sighting. 3/29/1953 #8794 . It soon drops down out of sight. Fifteen minutes later it is seen again, 12/30/1953 #9409 s. H. Hopkins and their daughter. Fifteen to twenty yellow objects in a V- 4/26/1954 #9726 witnesses, UFO spotted, “twelve to fifteen” short, dark figures who repeate 4/21/1955 #12096 ing horizontally and disappearing. Fifteen minutes later the lights were se 5/9/1956 #12842 ed over a highway intersection for fifteen minutes. 1/4/1959 #15535 Fifteen minutes later, at 9:00 p.m., two 3/19/1959 #15654 ht the headlights of a car driving fifteen miles east of Globe, Arizona ill 6/10/1960 #16311 esembling a hovercraft was seen at fifteen minutes after minute in Ryde, En 7/3/1961 #16745 animals and went out to calm them. Fifteen min later he saw an object land 1/11/1963 #17633 animals and goes out to calm them. Fifteen minutes later he sees a domed di 1/11/1963 #17634 animals and went out to calm them. Fifteen minutes later he saw a domed dis 1/11/1963 #17635 Fifteen or more flying discs paced a car 6/23/1964 #18370 Fifteen or more disc-shaped objects pace 6/24/1964 #18372 re blinded and could hear nothing. Fifteen minutes later they could see aga 4/3/1965 #18889 Peabody, MA 7:30-7:45 p.m. EST. Fifteen minutes later 5 miles south of D 4/17/1966 #20313 n the figure reached a point about fifteen to twenty feet from the two men, 11/17/1966 #21119 ge in Williamstown, Massachusetts. Fifteen minutes later a lighted reddish 1/18/1967 #21344 m of psychiatrists and put through fifteen hypnosis sessions. No contradict 6/14/1968 #24033 ous reddish-yellow light hover for fifteen just 2 meters over the ground in 6/26/1971 #26199 On the same night a fifteen year old boy named Skiver took a 1/8/1972 #26545 ll being, but with no UFO present. Fifteen minutes later a 12-year-old boy 2/15/1972 #26580 t in all directions in the sky for fifteen minutes, then shot straight up a 6/4/1972 #26701 ded to shoot at it with the rifle. Fifteen rounds were fired. They heard a 6/26/1972 #26736 Fifteen objects with colored lights buzz 10/10/1973 #27984 At 6 p.m. fifteen witnesses reported that a lentic 10/27/1973 #28302 Fifteen minutes after the UFO landing in 4/15/1974 #29033 about heavily swinging their arms. Fifteen minutes later, at 12:45 a.m., a 9/29/1974 #29492 Two hours and fifteen minutes later, at 2:45 p.m. on t 1/2/1975 #29704 ht-foot tall beings standing about fifteen feet from the roadway. As her ca 2/25/1976 #30908 t of St. Davids Around 12:00 noon. Fifteen children, mostly 10-year-old boy 2/4/1977 #31790 into canyon. A school teacher and fifteen students witnessed the descent, 5/6/1977 #32064 into canyon. A school teacher and fifteen students witnessed the descent, 5/6/1977 #32066 of light. It flew off to the west. Fifteen minutes later a car with two 30- 5/21/1977 #32123 north of Bogota, Colombia. Ten to fifteen discs were sighted by numerous o 5/9/1979 #34553 d he received calls from more than fifteen people asking what the lights ov 6/28/1981 #35980 A V-shaped formation of ten to fifteen red lights flew over the Hudson 5/31/1984 #37349 of 1,000 feet. It winked out after fifteen seconds. 7/5/1984 #37388 Fifteen witnesses in Corydon, Indiana, i 8/23/1987 #38253 tings they had during the eclipse. Fifteen videotapes are submitted, each t 7/11/1991 #40119 en a bright light hurt their eyes. Fifteen meters away was a domed craft wi 3/9/1992 #40367 off rapidly to the north-norheast. Fifteen minutes later a second object fo 9/10/1992 #40616 a vehicle, making a humming sound. Fifteen minutes later, 4 miles east of G 11/21/1993 #41288 and went back to the guard shack. Fifteen seconds later the dog began bark 2/9/1995 #42031 from a disc-shaped object hovered fifteen feet overhead. The craft emitted 9/29/1995 #42520 quare of eight lights” in the sky. Fifteen minutes later, a silent boomeran 7/1997 #43344 Fifteen people, including members of a P 11/7/1998 #43678 de. It was also completely silent. Fifteen minutes later a motorist driving 3/10/1999 #43746 e clouds, for an average of ten to fifteen minutes at a time. 7/4/2000 #44009 er was seen passing below the UFO. Fifteen minutes later a spherical UFO ca 4/6/2003 #44512 Fifteen to twenty cigar-shaped objects w 8/6/2007 #45044 ee's restaurant. It was only about fifteen to twenty feet from his vehicle 9/14/2009 #45247
On that same night in 1969 a fifteen-foot in diameter silver ovoid ob 6/4/1969 #25200
River, Nova Scotia, CAN A silent, fifteen-meter diameter round object hove 7/6/1980 #35407 Bear River, Nova Scotia a silent, fifteen-meter diameter round object hove 7/6/1980 #35409
rated away toward the end of their fifteen-second observation. 8/4/1950 #5106
Fifteen-year-old Michael D. of Passapata 5/15/1971 #26111
Bombardment Group, 5th Wing of the Fifteenth Air Force) is returning from b 11/24/1944 #1705
Carnegie Institution of Washington Fifth Washington Conference on Theoretic 1/26/1939 #1306 on holds a press conference at the Fifth Washington Conference on Theoretic 1/26/1939 #1306 w Mexico Lincoln LaPaz submits the fifth of a series of reports on “anomalo 8/17/1949 #4319 tre Gen. Earle E. Partridge of the Fifth Air Force, responsible for the Kor 6/8/1950 #4981 fall in history that has been one fifth as high as the present fall. If th 11/9/1951 #5773 Battelle issues its fifth status report on Project Stork to 9/10/1952 #7890 other discs follow in sequence. A fifth disc drops much lower than the ear 8/23/1954 #10170 Colorado Springs, Colorado At the Fifth AISS Commander’s Conference at Ent 5/23/1955 #12151 Station Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s fifth Antarctic expedition (Operation De 11/1955 #12534 Giant Rock Landers, California The fifth Interplanetary Spacecraft Conventi 5/31/1958 #15064 ee more were seen in the sky and a fifth object shaped like an inverted ski 1/8/1959 #15542 ing. A weather officer with the US Fifth Air Force in Tokyo, Japan, is in t Spring 1959 #15662 Edward K. Gaylord. Carr pleads the Fifth Amendment. 5/4/1959 #15722 ly overheats and explodes. About a fifth of the fuel is ejected and most of 6/25/1965 #19027 ss than three feet tall, while the fifth man was over six feet tall and blo 7/21/1965 #19156 the center one turning white every fifth pulsation. At sunrise, the object 6/19/1966 #20588 nes, CE-5: Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind, p. 164; MUFON UFO Journal, J 6/24/1966 #20608 nged in a diamond formation with a fifth at the center. These "objects" or 3/12/1967 #21874 have emerged from it, as well as a fifth object that has just appeared. Aft 9/29/1968 #24521 of them in a box formation with a fifth leading, are seen over Christies B 3/14/1971 #26046 ect was reported to have landed on Fifth and Jackson Streets. The witness i 2/17/1974 #28777 st Grove, Oregon. At 3:00 a.m. the fifth UFO abduction occurred to a UFO ab 11/21/1975 #30650 ailed field investigations and the fifth volume gathers other studies and l 6/1978 #33245 V-formation, four in one row, the fifth forming the other. They move downw 8/5/1979 #34716 ging from their necks and belts. A fifth witness later saw the same five be 3/3/1980 #35194 anic and the ship’s dog to howl. A fifth object appears briefly, leaving a 9/17/1982 #36607 re in a diamond formation with the fifth light in the center of the formati 1/27/1984 #37156 e in a diamond formation while the fifth is in the center. After watching t 1/27/1984 #37158 Leonard Stringfield issues his fifth Status Report. 1/1989 #38770 , wearing olive-drab uniforms. The fifth was a dark-haired humanoid that wo 4/2/1989 #38888 n. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) attends the fifth meeting of the National Institute 8/1996 #42968 study UFOs—as a DIA project on the fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring to Fall 2007? #45070 s are accurate, but he indicates a fifth individual is present. He describe 3/2010 #45270 orida Shuttle Landing Facility The fifth X-37B mission, Orbital Test Vehicl 10/27/2019 #45615
he same as that of Theta Cancri, a fifth-magnitude star which is also visib 7/29/1878 #214
Mr. Reeve, a man in his fifties, was driving in the fog in Mannu 5/31/1972 #26691 At 8:20 p.m. two women in their fifties were driving on a highway in Wat 9/17/1975 #30367 eachers, a married couple in their fifties. Their dog hid behind them, then 12/10/1976 #31593 nd 8:30 p.m. two teachers in their fifties had gone for a short evening wal 7/16/2003 #44565
States and Canada. There were over fifty reports of "airships" on this day, 4/15/1897 #495 es a “tight formation of more than fifty birds.” 4/22/1945 #1852 r Force files there were more than fifty reports of UFOs seen during the da 6/10/1947 #2320 At 2:59 p.m. in Temple, Texas fifty to seventy-five gray-white discs c 4/6/1952 #6039 r that the others and move faster. Fifty follow the straight west-to-east p 8/10/1952 #7539 Rockford, IL Fifty - four "flying saucers" were sight 8/11/1952 #7545 le, performed a loop and returned. Fifty second sighting. 10/19/1953 #9242 Oklahoma Oct. 15, 16 and 17, 1954. Fifty objects with illuminated bottoms w 10/15/1954 #11107 1954 and for the next two nights, fifty objects with illuminated bottoms w 10/15/1954 #11120 Lima, Peru Fifty residents of Lima, Peru, watch a f 12/30/1954 #11881 Strands of "angel hair" as long as fifty feet fell over a 110 mile-long are 10/23/1957 #14150 bubble with 12 lights. It hovered fifty feet above the ground, and then sh 1/2/1968 #23644 lighted sections. It descended to fifty feet over the sea, as close as 150 9/22/1971 #26363 Montgomery County, OH Dawn. About fifty motorists pulled off the expresswa 10/11/1973 #27992 At dawn around fifty motorists pulled off the expresswa 10/11/1973 #28001 base. It was near the ground only fifty feet away from him, and he could s 7/22/1975 #30201 ck when he noticed a large object, fifty feet in diameter and twenty-five t 10/18/1975 #30441 llet-shaped object hovered between fifty and five hundred feet above some t 5/25/1979 #34578 llet-shaped object hovered between fifty and five hundred feet above some t 5/25/1979 #34579 ights in front came overhead, just fifty feet above the ground. Later he co 3/2/1989 #38864 A fifty foot in diameter disc-shaped objec 10/8/1993 #41227 Fifty people on the beach in Eforie Nord 11/3/1996 #43103 ews of a number of fishing vessels fifty miles off the coast of Neah Bay, W 3/10/2004 #44675 in witness) secret were sealed for fifty years.” It also states “Special Ag 4/18/2017 #45468
A fifty-foot diameter red ellipse-shaped o 4/22/1967 #22210 n Bagshot Heath, Surrey, England a fifty-foot diameter lenticular disc with 9/15/1985 #37664
specialists subjected Puentes to a fifty-hour interrogation after which he 6/14/1968 #24033
ions.” http://www.project1947.com/fig/horten1.htm Note: This finding w 12/16/1947 #3504 apers. http://www.project1947.com/fig/1948a.htm Note: The RDB was chai 1/31/1948 #3568 ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fig” Yield: .02KT 8/18/1958 #15214
FIGANIERES, VAR Vegetation all dead! Car 4/12/1957? #13596 ded to the side of highway N562 in Figanieres, Var, France, causing the eng 4/12/1957 #13598
s France The Parisian newspaper Le Figaro cites unnamed specialists who say 2/11/1983 #36764 t bright. Going quickly east. / Le Figaro and Inet. 9/17/1996 #43027
SOUTHWEST / FIGEAC, FR Kids. Odd man runs to box. Go 9/27/1954 #10457 Figeac, France Children saw "a box" and 9/27/1954 #10470 Children in Figeac, France saw "a box" and "an unkno 9/27/1954 #10475 FIGEAC, LOT 3+observer(s) / (seen thru) 5/14/1973 #27484
ed and Hilger, Montana, 1Lt Walter Figel, deputy crew commander of the Miss 3/16/1967 #21904
bserved, and everything starts to “fight against each other.” The battle la 4/4/1561 #32 Germany 9:50 a.m. During an aerial fight over Stuttgart, Germany, the crews 9/6/1943 #1528 ings CO: “Reversal of direction of fight, manoeuvres” , Project Grudge case 5/19/1947 #2289 ings CO: “Reversal of direction of fight, manoeuvres” , Project Grudge chas 5/19/1947 #2290 prostitutes—“people who could not fight back,” as one agency officer puts 6/9/1953 #8930 d ask Whitman to do what he can to fight malice, prejudice, and hate on ear 11/10/1965 #19711 over area. Missiles fired. Causes fight / China. 4/24/1970 #25641 to jump and fall, then gets into a fight with it for 15 minutes. Finally, t 9/9/1976 #31362 ZE, FL Ed abducted / 75 minute(s). Fight with 4 small humanoids (or Greys) 5/1/1988 #38549 , and wouldn’t we come together to fight that particular threat?” 5/4/1988 #38554 mic equipment, and observed by the fight controller in Balice, the Polish A 1/14/1993 #40795 r her in her bedroom. She tried to fight him off by hitting him, but her ha 9/11/1997 #43405 r her in her bedroom. She tried to fight him off by hitting him, but her ha 9/12/1997 #43407
o the center of a formation of RAF fighter aircraft over Sussex, England. T 7/5/1933 #1168 and asks Lockheed to develop a jet fighter 6/1943 #1506 rnia, to ask them to develop a jet fighter. 6/1943 #1507 deliver proposal for the XP-80 jet fighter 7/1943 #1513 liver a proposal for the XP-80 jet fighter to the Air Tactical Service Comm 7/1943 #1515 ews of the 384th Group noticed, as fighter attacks suddenly fell off, they 10/14/1943 #1535 es, Italy Night. British 255 Night Fighter Squadron leader Patrick Hardy Ve 12/14/1943 #1553 , a RAF Beaufighter with the 255th fighter squadron. 12/14/1943 #1554 oo-fighter" balls followed some US fighter planes of the 415th Squadron fly 1/30/1944 #1567 The first operation jet fighter, the Messerschmitt Me 262, is in 4/1944 #1587 Unknown City, France 415th Night Fighter Squadron pilot saw formation of 11/1944 #1689 Col. Oris B. Johnson’s 422d Night Fighter Squadron, equipped with P-61 Bla Early 11/1944 #1690 reports are rocket planes or night fighter jets. Early 11/1944 #1690 SPEYER, GERM 2 / fighter crew. Huge orange sphere. Instru 11/27/1944 #1707 onald J. Meiers of the 415th Night Fighter Squadron, and intelligence offic 11/29/1944 #1710 of light are reported by the Night Fighter Squadrons during bombing raids o 12/14/1944 #1721 r Charlie Horne of the 415th Night Fighter Squadron suggests calling the ob 12/14/1944 #1721 ows the escapades of a madcap fire fighter who calls his fire truck the “Fo 12/14/1944 #1721 o southeast. A Grumman F6F Hellcat fighter is scrambled on at least two occ 12/23/1944 #1731 City, Germany Another 415th Night Fighter Squadron pilot was followed by t 1/1945 #1747 onald J. Meiers of the 415th Night Fighter Squadron says he has been follow 1/2/1945 #1752 , Germany 12:10 a.m. A 415th Night Fighter Squadron crew observes two amber 1/30/1945 #1764 lligence officer for the 415 Night Fighter Squadron, responds to Corning’s 1/30/1945 #1765 st by offering a summary of 14 foo fighter reports from December 14, 1944, 1/30/1945 #1765 Me 262, the first operational jet fighter, and that the H.IX V2 outperform 2/2/1945 #1771 nsidered by many as unsuitable for fighter missions, being slow in turning. 2/2/1945 #1771 n the Jäger-Notprogramm (Emergency Fighter Program) for accelerated product 3/12/1945 #1811 IWO JIMA, JPN Night lights follow fighter. 200+RADAR blips going southwest 3/26/1945 #1828 ng several lights followed a night fighter aircraft from the 549th NFS squa 3/26/1945 #1830 diameter) passed a RAF Spitfire XI fighter from the 541th Squadron at 340 m 3/26/1945 #1831 mation were sighted by a 415th NFS fighter pilot east of Pfalzerwald, Germa 5/3/1945 #1863 Sasebo, Japan Foo fighter; a big ball of fuzzy orange-red 7/7/1945 #1892 cylinder/cigar-shape faster / any fighter. Slight rumble. Turns going quic 5/31/1946 #2001 e maneuvers when approached by the fighter aircraft. The UFO was pursued fo 1/16/1947 #2229 he German Messerschmidt Me 262 jet fighter. A correct, more detailed summar 6/9/1947 #2315 named McGinty was flying in a P-80 fighter aircraft near Williams Field, Ar 6/30/1947 #2489 ions of the National Guard’s 116th Fighter Group. Local sheriff’s deputies 7/3/1947 #2584 rtland AFB’s commander scrambles a fighter jet piloted by Kenny Chandler to 7/4/1947 #2670 lecting light, about the size of a fighter. He gives chase, attempting to k 7/8/1947 #3023 d from side-to-side like an escort fighter. 7/29/1947 #3252 s from side-to-side like an escort fighter. 7/29/1947 #3255 d from side-to-side like an escort fighter. 7/29/1947 #3256 Media, Pennsylvania USAF fighter pilot W. Boyce sees a hovering d 8/1947 #3274 First flight of the prototype jet fighter XP-86 flies from Muroc Dry Lake 10/1/1947 #3442 Creek, Arizona Witnesses: ex-AAF fighter pilot J.L. Clark, civilian pilot 10/14/1947 #3456 for the Horten Ho 299 (a prototype fighter/bomber flying wing design), his 12/16/1947 #3503 ft group, is flying with the 166th Fighter Squadron of the Ohio National Gu 1948 #3521 ars and disappears intermittently. Fighter pilot USAF Capt. Charles E. McGe 1/7/1948 #3546 . Charles P. Cabell for stationing fighter aircraft at all bases on continu 3/3/1948 #3587 flight of four P-47s from the 67th Fighter Group about 9 miles southeast of 4/1/1948 #3603 Thunderbolt fighters of the 67th Fighter Squadron and was flying south at 4/1/1948 #3604 argo, North Dakota between an F-51 fighter plane and a somewhat flattened w 10/1/1948 #3828 tighter than could be made by the fighter plane. The encounter lasted 27 m 10/1/1948 #3828 Japan An F-61 “Black Widow” fighter tracked UFO on radar and tried t 10/15/1948 #3835 hill of a P-61 "Black Widow" night fighter. Up to six objects tracked on r 10/15/1948 #3840 ver “Bud” Hemphill Jr. of the 68th Fighter Squadron is flying a Northrup F- 10/15/1948 #3841 er driven P-61 "Black Widow" night fighter tracked up to six objects on rad 10/15/1948 #3843 ir Force Captains flying in a F-80 fighter, and a 1st Lt. from the 23rd Fig 11/23/1948 #3890 ghter, and a 1st Lt. from the 23rd Fighter Squadron on the ground at Furste 11/23/1948 #3890 86 was the primary U.S. air combat fighter during the Korean War, with sign 1949 #3940 disc speeds away faster than a jet fighter. It disappears from ground radar 5/21/1949 #4200 An F-80 fighter pilot flying over Akita, Japan s 11/21/1949 #4422 ses: Marvin Odom, former U.S. Navy fighter pilot, USAF Lt. Philip Foushee, 2/5/1950 #4530 J. Sevila, a pilot with the 131st Fighter Squadron, hears a sound like a f 4/6/1950 #4802 and four other airmen of the 187th Fighter Squadron of the Wyoming National 5/21/1950 #4959 speeds past his Gloster Meteor jet fighter at 20,000 feet. As he undergoes 6/1/1950 #4978 ircraft battalion, radar units and fighter squadrons alerted for further ob 8/4/1950 #5099 look into significant reports. RAF Fighter Command is advised that all futu 8/15/1950 #5127 etected from Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Fighter planes were, scrambled but saw n 11/29/1950 #5300 over/all about RADAR screens. Full fighter intercept finds nothing. 12/15/1950 #5351 hem, of different sizes, flying in fighter formation, generally from east t 1951 #5375 ghted on the radarscope of an F-82 fighter. The GCI gives the go-ahead to i 1/21/1951 #5410 erception is unsuccessful, and the fighter returns to base. In all, three p 1/21/1951 #5410 t and radar operator of F-82 night fighter. One amber light made three or 2/1/1951 #5427 colored object about the size of a fighter plane” flying at 900 mph at 5,00 9/10/1951 #5660 w over two Air National Guard F-51 fighter aircraft being flown by pilots W 11/24/1951 #5791 nald “Deke” Slayton, flying a P-51 fighter at 10,000 feet, sees a whitish o 12/12/1951 #5817 buquerque, NM Summer, 1952; Secret fighter base, Albuquerque, NM, G,V (NICA 1952 #5831 mmer 1952; Albuquerque, NM, Secret Fighter Base (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation C 1952 #5832 heads back to refuel, and a second fighter is scrambled. This pilot gets a 1/22/1952 #5876 m a Soviet Lavochkin La-9 or La-11 fighter aircraft, or spotlights carried 3/5/1952 #5946 6, then made a pass at an F-84 jet fighter, flipped on edge, fluttered 20' 3/29/1952 #5990 Air Force sets out in pursuit in a fighter plane from the city airport. On 3/29/1952 #5993 , when they look up to watch a jet fighter as it shoots to the north above 4/23/1952 #6163 lored discs, appearing as large as fighter planes. Seven sightings of one 4/27/1952 #6199 . They were said to be as large as fighter planes. They had seven sightings 4/27/1952 #6202 ot of an F-51 assigned to the 18th Fighter Bomber Group flying at 9,000 fee 5/15/1952 #6332 n overhead by a US Air Force F-94C fighter jet flying in Grid Area CT 4856 5/26/1952 #6367 ally shaped objects, larger than a fighter aircraft, were observed from the 5/29/1952 #6385 The UFO accelerated away after the fighter jet made two unsuccessful attemp 5/31/1952 #6395 w 5-6 times as fast as an F-86 jet fighter for 6 seconds. 6/5/1952 #6446 , Virginia. At 4:33 p.m., a Marine fighter jet is scrambled from Marine Cor 6/15/1952 #6510 o base. At 5:43 p.m., an Air Force fighter attempts to intercept the same s 6/15/1952 #6510 is seen over Blackstone, Virginia. Fighter jets from Langley AFB in Hampton 6/15/1952 #6510 ed the sky in front of a USAF F-94 fighter plane at 1:28 a.m. local time. T 6/17/1952 #6530 tains and pilots of F4U-4B Corsair fighter planes. One 10-20' white or silv 6/20/1952 #6561 tains and pilots of F4U-4B Corsair fighter planes of the 7302nd Squadron si 6/20/1952 #6563 er Corps. The light eluded an F-47 fighter sent to investigate it, flying a 6/21/1952 #6583 ously to a speed faster than a jet fighter. 6/29/1952 #6666 rently, this is a prank by Casey’s fighter pilot buddies at the 62nd who ar 7/12/1952 #6785 , Japan USAF pilot flying F-94 jet fighter chased blue-green fireball. (NIC 7/23/1952 #7064 r Alaska southeast of Talkeetna. A fighter jet was vectored into the locati 7/24/1952 #7120 in a de Havilland Vampire FB-9 jet fighter and returning to base at RAF Old 7/30/1952 #7362 ation. They sped away as USAF F-86 fighter jets were scrambled. The sightin 8/3/1952 #7438 y 1:43 a.m. An Air Force F-94B jet fighter from Dover AFB in Delaware is fl 8/12/1952 #7559 ensland, Australia an RAAF Vampire fighter pilot encountered a large circul 8/14/1952 #7596 orgia Air National Guard F-84G jet fighter pilot Col. G.W. Johnson. Two 6' 8/24/1952 #7710 orgia Air National Guard F-84G jet fighter pilot Col. G.W. Johnson. Two six 8/24/1952 #7716 t the disappearance of an F-94 jet fighter out of Tyndall AFB in Panama Cit 9/12/1952 #7905 r; the last known contact with the fighter is at 5:43 p.m. over the Gulf of 9/12/1952 #7905 ports of UFOs, especially those by fighter pilots who have seen them. He ar 9/19/1952 #7980 ave seen them. He arranges for RAF Fighter Command to send copies of any re 9/19/1952 #7980 write: “Based on my experience in fighter tactics, it is my opinion that t 10/29/1952 #8215 d, heading south or southwest. The fighter gets a brief radar lock-on. 11/26/1952 #8344 e white object almost crashes into fighter (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 12/4/1952 #8375 a meteor. But at 7:15 p.m. an F-94 fighter jet with a two-man crew flying n 12/10/1952 #8410 Col. Donald J. M. Blakeslee, 27th Fighter Escort Wing, while flying near M 12/29/1952 #8461 ngton 7:15–7:30 a.m. USAF ADC 82nd Fighter Interceptor Squadron personnel a 1/8/1953 #8515 El Toro Marine Base, CA Marine Fighter Asked To Check On Amber Object ( 1/28/1953 #8592 The object is seen by at least two fighter aircraft from other squadrons. 1/29/1953 #8615 F-94 jet interceptor and two other fighter aircraft reported seeing a dark 1/29/1953 #8618 in the sky over Korea and an F-94 fighter jet was scrambled to intercept i 2/7/1953 #8648 Capt. Roderick D. Thompson, 3600th Fighter Training Group out of Luke AFB n 3/3/1953 #8727 A USAF F-84 fighter jet flying out of Luke AFB near 3/3/1953 #8728 hours and seven minutes, and RF-80 fighter jets and Air National Guard F-51 3/5/1953 #8734 es this to an armada of 100 MiG-15 fighter aircraft (actually only 11) that 3/14/1953 #8753 co Witness: pilot of USAF F-86 jet fighter at 600 kts. (700 m.p.h.). One 3/27/1953 #8790 ular UFO was chased by a USAF F-86 fighter jet over Mount Taylor, New Mexic 3/27/1953 #8791 le north of the Yuma, Arizona USAF fighter base, Wells A. Webb noticed a st 5/5/1953 #8867 orce Base disappearance of an F-89 fighter plane occurred on this date. An 11/23/1953 #9319 ard for air traffic controllers. A Fighter Command investigation concludes 1954 #9422 ROUEN, FR Fighter pilot photos saucer identical to 3/5/1954 #9594 dly taken near Rouen, France, by a fighter pilot is actually a retouched ph 3/5/1954 #9599 Robert Johnson, flying an F-86 jet fighter. He chased an object at more tha 3/12/1954 #9616 . It appeared to be the size of a fighter plane but had neither tanks nor 3/12/1954 #9616 object appears to be the size of a fighter plane but has neither tanks nor 3/12/1954 #9617 A U.S. Air Force F-86 fighter jet was scrambled to pursue a UF 3/12/1954 #9619 r D.R. Higgin, flying an F3D-2 jet fighter. One dark gunmetal delta-shaped 5/10/1954 #9771 io Air National Guard F-51 Mustang fighter at 240 mph from Dayton to Columb 6/23/1954 #9936 lahoma City 8:30 p.m. Several USAF fighter pilots pursue a triangular forma 8/28/1954 #10198 de Haviland Vampire ground attack fighter to intercept a target detected b 10/1954 #10537 Quebec, in an F-86 Sabre Mk 5 jet fighter when he notices a contrail high 10/1/1954 #10565 Lt. James R. Salandin of the 604th Fighter Squadron is flying a Gloster Met 10/14/1954 #11058 d J. Stealy, commander of the 57th Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Keflavík 5/4/1955 #12118 Portland, OR 2 fighter pilots saw round object with/sil 7/20/1955 #12273 acuse (near), NY Pilot flying F-86 fighter saw an orange object (NICAP: 11 7/25/1955 #12284 ly circles thir jet, and the other fighter tracks it on radar but cannot se 2/12/1956 #12714 following the object. The promised fighter jet interception is never seen. 4/8/1956 #12803 stimated speed of 36 mph. An F-86D fighter was scrambled, but there were ne 5/8/1956 #12838 nge. A T-33 trainer from the 512th Fighter Interceptor Squadron crewed by 1 8/13/1956 #13080 e base. A de Havilland Venom night fighter is scrambled, directed by Neatis 8/13/1956 #13080 e object is glued right behind the fighter. After 10 minutes, the fighter h 8/13/1956 #13080 the fighter. After 10 minutes, the fighter heads back. The UFO follows brie 8/13/1956 #13080 The crew of an F-86 fighter jet flying at 36,000 feet over t 8/23/1956 #13125 o UFOs move in behind an F-100 jet fighter. Through 7x50 binoculars, and al 11/8/1956 #13315 by a jet interceptor from the 54th Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Ellswort 11/25/1956 #13352 r Hot Springs, South Dakota a USAF fighter jet from the 54th Fighter Squadr 11/25/1956 #13353 a a USAF fighter jet from the 54th Fighter Squadron made three passes at a 11/25/1956 #13353 TTAN, NY Saucer follows bomber and fighter escort through turn. Flips. Goin 12/4/1956 #13389 bject starts to pull away from the fighter and at 13.8 miles all radar disa 12/17/1956 #13408 On this morning at 8:13 a.m. a fighter pilot flying over Rouen, France 3/5/1957 #13520 At 7:00 p.m. fighter jets were observed chasing a gol 4/11/1957 #13595 st; FUFOR Index) Radar/Visual; F2H Fighter & FPS-6 Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR 8/22/1957 #13921 At 8:06 p.m. four Portuguese F-84 fighter jets from Ota AFB on a night tra 9/4/1957 #13979 west of Tonopah, Nevada 6:10 p.m. Fighter pilot 1st Lt. Joseph F. Long’s c 11/23/1957 #14603 ergency landing by an American jet fighter low on fuel. The men see a brigh 1958 #14783 r of the world’s first jet-powered fighter, the He 280; Belluzo was an indu 1958 #14787 gation of technology linked to foo fighter/UAP development. * https://arc 1958 #14787 Vojens Skrydstrup Airport A Danish fighter pilot reports seeing a formation 4/10/1958 #14974 te and disappear. The commander of Fighter Wing Skrydstrup appeals to the p 4/10/1958 #14974 pilot named Scharf flying an F-102 fighter aircraft over Puget Sound, Washi 6/9/1958 #15086 ilot Apoloniusz Czernów of the 3rd Fighter Regiment in Warsaw, is returning 8/1958 #15171 ars do not pick up any target. RAF Fighter Command Headquarters says the li 2/25/1959 #15615 ile Command at Sverdlovsk, Russia. Fighter aircraft sent to intercept them Spring 1959 #15661 ghly Maneuverable Lights Tracked / Fighter Scrambled (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cas 4/13/1959 #15701 Os. The first case was an F-86 jet fighter that was sent aloft to investiga 5/1961 #16669 Gnd Radar Tracks Object Chased By Fighter & Heli Pilots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR 5/20/1961 #16691 d Lt. Phil Lee, based with the 82d Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Travis A Summer 1961 #16735 62 while attached to the 354th TAC Fighter Wing deployed to WPAFB on a hurr 1962 #17012 r P.J. (initials), attached to TAC Fighter Wing was deployed at Wright-Patt 4/1962 #17093 he city. Chinese Air Force MIG jet fighter aircraft were scrambled to inter 1/1/1964 #18107 lta-shaped and about the size of a fighter. Its color is black or gray and 11/19/1964 #18629 red to be "twice the size of a jet fighter plane." (Brief United Press Inte 4/3/1966 #20211 lerted the Air Force, who sent out fighter planes to investigate the UFO. A 4/17/1966 #20305 out of Iraq to Israel. The MiG-21 fighter is evaluated by the Israeli Air 8/16/1966 #20755 adura, Spain Two Spanish Air Force fighter pilots chased UFO, radios failed 6/3/1967 #22455 adura, Spain Two Spanish Air Force fighter pilots chased UFO, radios failed 6/3/1967 #22456 1 acquired through defecting Iraqi fighter pilot Munir Redfa. Soviet-built 3/1968 #23797 Nevada The US Navy establishes its Fighter Weapons School (Top Gun) to teac 3/3/1969 #24960 Weapons School (Top Gun) to teach fighter and strike tactics to selected a 3/3/1969 #24960 ng, inclined in vertical position. Fighter aircraft sent to investigate, ob 3/14/1969 #25011 on during a daytime flight. When a fighter aircraft was sent to investigate 3/14/1969 #25012 Turkey in a US- built F-5A Freedom Fighter. He flies above it, thinking it 6/17/1969 #25221 see the object from cafes. An F-5A fighter is scrambled from Morón Air Base 9/1975? #30333 f the objects were made, Air Force fighter planes were sent aloft in unsucc 10/1975 #30401 Post, the Wing Commander requests fighter coverage from the 21st NORAD Reg 10/27/1975 #30488 on at North Bay, Ontario. However, fighter support is denied by both region 10/27/1975 #30488 Two F-106 fighter jets were scrambled out of Malms 11/8/1975 #30582 ar contact made and no request for fighter scramble initiated. (NICAP: 09 - 11/12/1975 #30614 ates aircraft. Testimony of French fighter pilot Colonel Claude Bosc. On ni 3/3/1976 #30920 Tehran, Iran F-4 fighter aircraft attempted intercept of 9/19/1976 #31408 Victor Alert facility that houses fighter aircraft, and though a back- up 7/1/1977 #32227 , it appears smaller than an F-100 fighter. It moves off to the south, flyi 8/27/1978 #33579 cides to produce an F-117A stealth fighter based on the mostly successful t 11/1/1978 #33908 een object was sighted by military fighter pilots while flying over eastern 11/15/1978 #33958 ctor Sha Yangkao is flying a night fighter over Houma, Shanxi, China, when Late 2/1979 #34448 ordered, and a Dassault Mirage III fighter takes off from Manises Air Base 3/13/1979 #34474 toward the new position. When the fighter is about 9 miles from the target 3/13/1979 #34474 , Nevada The first YF-117A stealth fighter makes its maiden flight at Groom 6/18/1981 #35975 he object depart to the south. The fighter pilots can see nothing. Followin 10/19/1982 #36654 h is absorbed by the 37th Tactical Fighter Wing in 1989. In 1992, the entir 1984 #37095 ico, under the command of the 49th Fighter Wing. 1984 #37095 le launched from a USAF F-15 Eagle fighter aircraft. The test results in 28 9/13/1985 #37660 . Nearly two-thirds are pursued by fighter interceptors and more than one-t 1986 #37742 to place. At this time three F-5E fighter jets were scrambled from Santa C 5/19/1986 #37874 s unidentified targets. Three F-5E fighter jets are scrambled from Santa Cr 5/19/1986 #37881 he existence of the F-117A stealth fighter. After the announcement, pilots 11/10/1988 #38710 razilian Air Force flying a Mirage fighter jet is returning from a mission 12/1/1988 #38733 at 7:45 p.m. two US Air Force F-14 fighter jets tried to intercept a very l 12/28/1988 #38764 e South African border. Two Mirage fighter aircraft allegedly pursue a fast 5/7/1989 #38938 taking the shape of a triangle. A fighter jet is scrambled, but the object 7/28/1989 #39035 ruptly. It shot away when a Soviet fighter jet appeared. 7/28/1989 #39036 At Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Russia a fighter aircraft was scrambled at 10:05 3/21/1990 #39476 lorida, sees what looks like a jet fighter about to crash. Two military jet 4/5/1990 #39511 near a restricted area, two MIG-29 fighter jets already on patrol were dire 8/28/1991 #40168 North Port, Florida a former WW II fighter pilot and his neighbor saw a cyl 11/24/1991 #40238 Rockwell-MBB X-31 experimental jet fighter designed to test thrust-vectorin 4/29/1993 #40956 he possible crash of a RAF Tornado fighter jet during a chase of a Flying T 3/12/1994 #41454 t with colored lights sounds / jet fighter! No RADAR. No jets up. 12/13/1994 #41893 is a false projection of a stealth fighter. The description of the technolo 5/1996 #42891 aw an object resembling a "stealth fighter" with more rounded wings, hoveri 2/14/1998 #43521 commander scrambles a Shenyang J-6 fighter, which gets to within 2.5 miles 10/19/1998 #43665 O is denied by ground control. The fighter is forced to return after runnin 10/19/1998 #43665 ad tracks. Two A-10 Thunderbolt II fighter aircraft appear and try to follo 11/4/2000 #44071 6,000 feet; the unknown object and fighter are about 1–2 miles away. In Wal 7/26/2002 #44366 t and goes out to see a single jet fighter. At 1:40 a.m., he sees a bright, 7/26/2002 #44366 to come watch the display. Soon a fighter comes over his house in obvious 7/26/2002 #44366 phasize that the B-2 and the F-117 fighter have a distinctive 'saw-tooth' p 10/29/2002 #44424 turns to the 8th Predator Tactical Fighter Base in Isfahan. 10/28/2004 #44773 gine, all-weather stealth tactical fighter aircraft developed for the Air F 12/15/2005 #44909 l targets for Russian Sukhoi Su-27 fighter aircraft. 9/5/2006 #44958 The Grumman F-14 Tomcat supersonic fighter is retired by US Navy, having be 9/22/2006 #44964 akenheath in Suffolk, England. One fighter gets a radar lock on an unidenti 1/12/2007 #44999 Mitrică is flying a MiG-21 LanceR fighter on a training flight from Romani 10/30/2007 #45086 ntil about 9:30 p.m. Some also see fighter jets chasing the light. Angela J 1/8/2008 #45112 arl Lewis, spokesman for the 301st Fighter Wing at Naval Air Station Joint 1/8/2008 #45112 n F/A-18F Super Hornet from Strike Fighter Squadron 11 (VFA-11, the “Red Ri 6/27/2013 #45376 n F/A-18E Super Hornet from Strike Fighter Squadron 143 (VFA-143, the “Puki 11/18/2013 #45395 (UAS), but that Commander, Strike Fighter Wing Atlantic and Fleet Area Con 11/18/2013 #45395 n F/A-18E Super Hornet from Strike Fighter Squadron 106 (VFA-106, the “Glad 3/26/2014 #45405 r F/A-18F Super Hornet from Strike Fighter Squadron 11 (VFA-11, the “Red Ri 4/23/2014 #45407 arning area while conducting Basic Fighter Maneuvering out of Naval Air Sta 4/24/2014 #45408 The crew of a F/A-18F from Strike Fighter Squadron 11 (VFA-11), flying out 4/27/2014 #45409 lots from the VFA-11 “Red Rippers” fighter squadron report sighting UFOs “a 2/2015? #45430 ith two jets, prompting the VFA-11 fighter squadron to submit a Notice to A 2/2015? #45430 n F/A-18E Super Hornet from Strike Fighter Squadron 106 (VFA-106, the “Glad 3/13/2018 #45523 ction of Greenland. Canadian CF-18 fighter jets are soon launched from CFB 11/21/2018 #45548 nvestigators conclude it is an F-4 fighter jet of the Greek Air Force. 3/2019 #45565 y hear the roar of what seem to be fighter jets headed for the glow. Other 11/9/2019 #45616
" Witness: USAF pilot of the l8th Fighter-Bomber Group. One black coin-sha 6/23/1952 #6606 6:08 a.m. a USAF pilot of the 18th Fighter-Bomber Group sighted a black coi 6/23/1952 #6612 se commander orders a Sukhoi Su-22 fighter-bomber to destroy the target, as 4/11/1980 #35269 . Bond requests to fly a MiG-23 BN fighter-bomber, a newly acquired superso 4/26/1984 #37301 e in Nevada The last F-117 stealth fighter-bomber is retired and returned t 4/22/2008 #45130
egre, Portugal Four Portuguese jet fighter-bombers under the command of Cap 9/4/1957 #13978 d several US 7th Air Force Phantom fighter-bombers soon arrive on the scene 6/15/1968 #24040 and accompanied by a pair of F-111 fighter-bombers. Gibson and his girlfrie Late 8/1989 #39073
mmy Priestly Robinson of the 561st Fighter-Day Squadron, is lost near the e 11/1/1952 #8228
the night flying units of the 56th Fighter-Interceptor Group. 1st Lt. Franc 3/9/1950 #4598 p.m. Two F-86E pilots of the 61st Fighter-Interceptor Wing are on a missio 5/15/1952 #6333 6 p.m. An F-94B from the USAF 59th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron at Goose Ba 11/26/1952 #8344 gton Witnesses: men from the 82nd Fighter-Interceptor Squadron, including 1/8/1953 #8514
raturnaya Gazeta and confirms that fighter-interceptors have encountered UF 11/9/1990 #39882
(GOC) post Ph-04 / black. "Silent fighter-sized silver saucer faster / jet 9/4/1952 #7841
ernating white and red lights. Two fighters from a nearby air base attempt 8/17/1936 #1247 ng across the English Channel. RAF fighters are sent to intercept, but thei 3/1941 #1354 mierz Bzowski and other resistance fighters are monitoring a fire in the Wa 4/9/1943 #1494 h Sqd. 30-cm amber balls follow US fighters. Going quickly [to] chased away 1/30/1944 #1566 11:00 a.m. a flight of three P-38 fighters at 33,000 feet saw above them, 6/1944 #1599 to about 40,000 feet and paced the fighters for 3 minutes, then accelerated 6/1944 #1599 lnerable to anti-aircraft guns and fighters, as it dropped from an altitude 9/7/1944 #1666 on, equipped with P-61 Black Widow fighters, reports seeing 15–20 mystery o Early 11/1944 #1690 suggests calling the objects “foo fighters,” a name gleaned from the men’s 12/14/1944 #1721 , FR Orange night lights pace USAF fighters. RADAR malfunctions due to EME 12/22/1944 #1726 ed ball going up [to] and paces US fighters. Can't shake it. Rises and away 12/24/1944 #1732 Strasbourg (north of), France Foo fighters. (Page 131 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - 1/1/1945 #1750 es an article stating that the foo fighters are German weapons. Lieut. Dona 1/2/1945 #1752 ine Islands Afternoon. Several F6F fighters on patrol (one piloted by Ensig 2/7/1945 #1774 flares dropped in air; called foo fighters. (Page 145-146 Ref.1) (NICAP: 1 3/9/1945 #1809 Speyer, Germany Saw 2 Foo fighters; one orange and one greenballl. 3/19/1945 #1818 ol. Jo Chamberlin’s article on foo fighters appears in American Legion Maga 12/1945 #1948 nes, who has been skeptical of foo fighters and ghost rockets, is behind th 1946 #1962 speeds well above what current jet fighters were capable of doing. With the 7/1/1947 #2500 3 teens. Small white disk faster / fighters. Going quickly south over field 7/9/1947 #3044 port on secret German weapons. Foo fighters are said to be caused by a rock 8/20/1947 #3355 and three others are flying F-51D fighters to Louisville, Kentucky. After 1/7/1948 #3544 Col. McCoy’s proposal to maintain fighters on alert for UFOs “unfeasible.” 3/17/1948 #3589 flight of four F-47S Thunderbolt fighters of the 67th Fighter Squadron an 4/1/1948 #3604 y first appear like snub-nosed jet fighters of an unknown type, shifting fr 7/17/1948 #3714 of USAF flight of F-84 or F-86 jet fighters. Object speed was 22 miles/minu 9/21/1950 #5191 light of two USAF F-84 or F-86 jet fighters. The object's speed was calcula 9/21/1950 #5193 this morning a total of seven F-86 fighters were scrambled to chase a UFO t 9/23/1951 #5687 Air Force pilots flying three F-94 fighters out of McChord AFB [now Joint B 10/16/1951 #5730 er cannot find anything about foo- fighters during his trips to USAF intell 1952 #5838 res the Wonsan sighting to the foo fighters of World War II. 2/8/1952 #5894 ded after the first incident. When fighters are scrambled from McGuire AFB 5/1952 #6229 nie A. McDonald) of F4U-4B Corsair fighters with the 7302nd Squadron over c 6/20/1952 #6562 can F-86 Operation INTERCEPT Sabre fighters were vectored onto a target UFO Summer 1952 #6564 ), WA Object "Rolling" Between Two Fighters (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Co 7/15/1952 #6824 eeds of 1,500– 2,000 mph, that jet fighters scrambled to intercept them hav 7/18/1952 #6896 sed] in Boron, California. Two jet fighters are guided into the area by Cap 8/19/1952 #7650 looks away briefly. Two Meteor F.8 fighters are scrambled from RAF Tangmere 10/21/1952 #8172 no other radars confirming, and no fighters scrambled. A pilot at 6,000 fee 11/30/1952 #8359 ifornia coast, US Marine Corps jet fighters pursued a red disc-shaped UFO. 1/28/1953 #8605 August 1, a squadron of Air Force fighters sees the object streaking downw 7/30/1953 #9022 so much he lands immediately. Jet fighters are scrambled and the same nigh 8/6/1953 #9052 and L.D. Linhard, flying F9F-2 jet fighters. Ten silver, oval objects flew 12/24/1953 #9393 nd L. D. Linhard, flying F9F-2 jet fighters, see 10 silver oval objects fly 12/24/1953 #9394 ervers saw 14 discs climb when the fighters approached (NICAP: 01 - Distant 2/22/1954 #9564 n the second of two Navy F3D-2 jet fighters over Elsinore, California at 12 5/10/1954 #9772 Dallas, TX Four Navy Fighters Encounter 16 UFOs (NICAP: 11 - 5/14/1954 #9795 action. But he lets slip that USAF fighters regularly carry movie cameras t 6/7/1954 #9872 , Delaware, for an hour. Two F-86D fighters are scrambled but cannot reach 6/12/1954 #9897 00,000 feet, far faster than other fighters at the time. https://archive.o 1955 #11897 Cincinnati, OH Jet Fighters Dogfight With UFO Picked Up On 8/23/1955 #12396 ay], Labrador 10:55 p.m. Two F-89D fighters flying at 20,000 feet, one crew 2/12/1956 #12714 d by Soviet radar; a number of MiG fighters unsuccessfully try to intercept 7/4/1956 #12951 Kent OPERATION INTERCEPT: Two USAF fighters intercept a UFO. The F-86D’s fi 5/20/1957 #13665 ilton Torres is flying F-86D Sabre fighters with the 406th Bomber Wing base 5/20/1957? #13667 Nemuro Strait, Japan 86 jet fighters scrambled to intercept disc-sha 7/24/1957 #13824 g mission at the head of three jet fighters over Grenada, Spain, when he ob 11/4/1957 #14281 ich stated “balls of fire” and foo fighters (early terms for UAP) had no co 1958 #14787 is 41,000 feet. Two F-89J Scorpion fighters are scrambled to intercept it b 10/1/1959 #16007 r Base, Morocco. Rogers states jet fighters from Zaragoza AFB, Spain were s 1960 #16145 Nellis AFB near Las Vegas, Nevada. Fighters are scrambled from Luke AFB nea 4/18/1962 #17120 st time the presence of MiG-21 jet fighters in Cuba. 9/1/1962 #17381 O flying toward the southwest. MiG fighters are scrambled in pursuit but fa 1/1/1964 #18106 d dome-shaped object following jet fighters. UFO shot straight up and out o 10/11/1964 #18579 d dome-shaped object following jet fighters. UFO shot straight up and out o 10/11/1964 #18580 haped object being followed by jet fighters in Brockton, Massachusetts at f 10/11/1964 #18581 erved directly in front of two jet fighters. The UFO ascended rapidly to av 4/4/1965 #18897 indicates frequent radar blips and fighters are constantly scrambled to pur 10/2/1965 #19638 the launch control facility. F-106 fighters are scrambled, but at that mome 3/5/1967 #21765 unidentified targets that two jet fighters have gone up to intercept. Soon Mid 3/1967 #21891 e in Madrid, from which two faster fighters are scrambled. The new fighters 6/9/1967 #22482 er fighters are scrambled. The new fighters experience the same radio inter 6/9/1967 #22482 ive separate radars. Scrambled jet fighters did not find them. They moved a 10/6/1967 #23186 it was aiding Albanian resistance fighters.) 10/10/1967 #23204 ees two English Electric Lightning fighters fly low overhead. Ahead of the 10/27/1967 #23353 raft that were responsible for foo fighters. After the war, these concepts 1968 #23626 is on combat training against MiG fighters, now that MiG testing at Groom 3/3/1969 #24960 s of UFOs over Ankara, Turkey. Jet fighters are scrambled from Mürted Air B 10/24/1969 #25423 ., NORAD is alerted. Two F-106 jet fighters are dispatched from Homestead A 9/14/1972 #26997 ecords gave no indication that the fighters fired on the intruders.” 10/1975 #30401 ach, and re-illuminating after the fighters return to base. All members of 11/7/1975 #30576 no way this is a star or planet.” Fighters are immediately scrambled from 7/30/1976 #31203 moving and soundless. Then two jet fighters, apparently scrambled from Grif 5/1980 #35298 ar object, Schwarz orders two more fighters to scramble. The Saab 105 pilot 5/7/1980 #35315 Brazil Two Brazilian Air Force F-5 fighters flying at about 5,000 feet over 1/3/1982 #36295 ne and closes in. Two US Navy F-14 fighters are scrambled from an aircraft 10/19/1982 #36654 not respond to radio contact. Two fighters are scrambled but they fail to 1984 #37097 light consists of three Mirage III fighters equipped with Sidewinders and M 5/19/1986 #37881 tured on radar, and pursued by jet fighters. Activity ceases around 11:20 p 5/19/1986 #37881 ere chased by the three Mirage III fighters. Only one of the jets was able 5/19/1986 #37882 to two US Air Force F-117 stealth fighters, an aircraft that had not yet b 5/16/1988 #38570 r the interceptors land. Two other fighters are assigned to chase the objec 1/22/1990 #39387 and an order to scramble two F-16 fighters from Beauvechain Air Base is gi 3/30/1990 #39499 sitated the scrambling of two F-16 fighters. He says the target was detecte 7/11/1990 #39641 en with a flight of F-117A stealth fighters several times since the summer 10/1/1990 #39756 Russian Air Force jet fighters were scrambled after radar cont 10/8/1990 #39767 yellow-red sphere appears, and six fighters are scrambled to intercept it. 2/27/1997 #43212 eral times, despite Italian and US fighters attempting to intercept them. 3/6/1997 #43221 Jane Segal receives reports that “fighters from Dover Air Force Base were 11/30/1998 #43692 move across the sky chased by F-16 fighters. The UFO changed directions sev 12/1/2001 #44280 by one military jet. Two pairs of fighters take off from Andrews at 1:00 a 7/26/2002 #44366 wine, Maryland, sees the first two fighters at 1:00 a.m., then at 1:30 a.m. 7/26/2002 #44366 dged orange object that one of the fighters is chasing. The pursuit takes p 7/26/2002 #44366 000–2,000 feet behind it. The four fighters return to base around 1:50 a.m. 7/26/2002 #44366 d then to red within four minutes. Fighters are scrambled, and occupants an 5/11/2005 #44840 sation of pilots in two USAF F-15C fighters on a training mission just nort 1/12/2007 #44999 Typhoon pilot is leading a pair of fighters from Coningsby, England, to an 1/15/2019 #45558
FRESNOY-LE-GRANDE, FR Foo Fighters-ball follows 50M off Rt. wing o 8/7/1971 #26270
de from a 2015 secondhand story on FighterSweep.com that, in spite of provi 11/14/2004 #44784
Gallipoli, Turkey During severe fighting in the Dardanelles a peculiar c 8/21/1915 #933 Gallipoli, Turkey During severe fighting in the Dardanelles a peculiar c 8/21/1915 #934 gazine (4/30/64) that while he was fighting a scattered rear-guard, mostly 1922 #1017 ember of the Spanish Blue Division fighting with the Germans near Pushkin o 9/1943 #1525 ivermore soon establish a rivalry, fighting for weapons contracts and feasi 1952 #5836 s, whom she took to be the workers fighting the ants. The boys told her tha 2/6/1969 #24898 re evil. She clung to her husband, fighting the feeling of blacking out, bu 8/8/1993 #41118 es U.S. Cites National Security In Fighting Claims Tied to Toxic Disposal F 2/8/1996 #42747
by three short, bald creatures. He fights with them until a human wearing a 11/5/1975 #30562
eclares that “flying saucers are a figment of the imagination.” Shortly aft 10/10/1954 #10894
Moscow proclaims that saucers are “figments of the imagination of western w 12/7/1953 #9346
es. Follows car / 1 mile. Possible figr. 10/25/1987 (approximate) #38312
FIGUEIRA DO FOZ, PORTUGAL Orange sphere 4/22/1966 #20360 oast. No further details. / Voz da Figueira. 4/22/1966 #20360 was seen flying over the coast at Figueira da Foz, Portugal at nine p.m. l 4/22/1966 #20379 ed object hovered over the city of Figueira da Foz, Portugal for 30 minutes 1/22/1978 #32905 p.m. all clocks in the village of Figueira da Foz, Portugal stopped for on 11/27/1978 #34011
FIGUERA DA FOZ, PORT UFO / type unknown. 11/27/1978 (approximate) #34008 FIGUERA DA FOZ AND COIMBRA, PORTUGAL Man 1/6/1979 #34308
FIGUERAS, SP Highway Nii. 3 cars electro 10/1966 #20941
ing pool in Saint-Assiscle, Damien Figueres, 56, was walking with his dogs 10/15/1954 #11098 Assiscle, Perpignan, France Damien Figueres, age 56, was walking with his d 10/15/1954 #11114
uguay 10:15 p.m. Cpl. Juan Fuentes Figueroa and four other Uruguayan Navy s 10/28/1972 #27095 0 p.m. Corporal Juan Maria Fuentes Figueroa, age 41, encountered a multicol 10/28/1972 #27097 motorcycle, and was going west on Figueroa Avenue in Los Angeles, Californ 10/31/1976 #31512 gena. One of the witnesses, Miguel Figueroa, pursued the beings in his car, 8/31/1990 #39708 closer. When the light dissipated, Figueroa again gave chase, and managed t 8/31/1990 #39708
lists the date as October 2nd but Figuet & Ruchon believe the correct date 10/1/1954 #10576 lists the date as October 3rd, but Figuet & Ruchon believe this is in error 10/2/1954 #10621 quickly ESE. / r217p62. Hoax! / M. Figuet. 10/16/1954 #11133 and silently from the west. Michel Figuet on the Junon goes into the coming Late 9/1965 #19604 vers in the midst of a faint halo. Figuet watches the object vanish in the Late 9/1965 #19604
FIGUIERA DO FOZ, PORTUGAL Disk hovers ov 1/22/1978 #32904
ruction of the Berlin Wall and the figurative Iron Curtain and one of the s 11/9/1989 #39221
nous globe going [to] over road. 4 figure(s) with lights inside. Volcano ac 4/1812 (approximate) #105 ALDERSHOT, HAMPS Helmeted figure floats over guards who shoot. Stu 5/15/1877? #210 ver(s). Fish-blimp with prop and 8 figure(s). Music and gibberish. Drops fl 3/26/1880 #227 LAKE ELMO, MN Figure with lantern searching around. Ru 4/13/1897 #451 lmo, Minnesota, when they notice a figure in a clearing, walking around as 4/13/1897 #454 erlain and Jones, saw a very large figure walking around in a clearing look 4/13/1897 #456 Large object going north. Lands. 2 figure(s) hide. Object spreads 4 wings a 4/15/1897 #476 ve them. After 10 minutes, a small figure dressed in a blue sailor suit sta 4/25/1897 #573 er(s). Airship. 2 lights / ends. 2 figure(s) seen. Quickly going up [to] go 7/24/1909 #783 quickly south / 300M altitude. 3-4 figure(s) aboard. / L. Farish. 1/15/1910 #834 reen round object rests / hilltop. Figure(s) outside. Going up [to] and awa 3/1914 (approximate) #896 m. They notice a similarly colored figure standing in a door that has been 7/1919 #990 guttural sounds. They see another figure running toward the stream leading 7/1919 #990 some water into a can. The larger figure seems to be hurrying the smaller 7/1919 #990 e seems to be hurrying the smaller figure back into the object. The door sl 7/1919 #990 FR Boy / 8 abduction / 2 tall thin figure(s) / diving-suits. Tank with squa 7/1921? #1011 their helmets into a tank on each figure’s back. They turn to look at him 11/1926 #1067 ees a black, faceless, 5-foot-high figure with a large head and dangling ar Summer 1928 #1087 s a “large globe on legs” near the figure. She wakes up her father (who is Summer 1928 #1087 an see the head and shoulders of a figure inside wearing a tight-fitting ou 5/1930 #1114 going west very low overhead. Thin figure(s) move / portholes. Going [to] c 9/4/1938 (approximate) #1293 s-shaped appendage in front like a figure head. The objects traveled extrem 12/1942 #1466 ject embedded in the sand. A human figure is standing next to it, apparentl 7/18/1943 #1518 dig it up. When he passes by, the figure, apparently an Asian woman with l 7/18/1943 #1518 ily. Domed disk hovers over house. Figure(s) / windows. Soft humming. Blink 11/1943 #1539 tly makes a noise, and the outside figure notices her. Its helmet flips ove Late 8/1944 #1647 oor, where he sees a 4.5-foot-tall figure dressed in a brown robe. Fifteen 10/1944 #1673 isible from the shoulders up, is a figure. Their heads are very round. The Late 8/1946 #2160 s outside again in time to see the figure “waddling” away. He walks under a 4/1950 #4784 R Cold hands grab woman. Invisible figure nears. / LDLN#314+/ MJ#309. 5/20/1950 #4953 ONIA Girl. 6M ovoid / field. Small figure(s) walk awkwardly. Telepathy! Sil 8/1950 (approximate) #5086 who appeared initially as a mother figure. Crescent had large eyes, pale sk 1951 #5372 / 30M altitude near observer(s). 3 figure(s) / square windows operate lever 5/1952 #6227 enly a porthole opens, and a human figure looks out and notices him. Rossi 7/25/1952 #7137 t. He asks if he is hurt, then the figure reenters the vehicle and it zooms 8/6/1952 #7490 #1972. 75' saucer / 10' altitude. Figure / window. Small propellers. / r70 8/25/1952 #7719 nd / 5 minute(s). Portholes. Vague figure moves inside. 8/25/1952 #7724 nd shoulders of a motionless human figure. Along its outer edge are a serie 8/25/1952 #7732 object explode, and another does a figure 8 maneuver. There are 4–6 objects 8/28/1952 #7773 ing or hissing sound. A huge black figure with glowing orange eyes blocked 9/11/1952 #7896 range eyes blocked their path. The figure was about 12 feet high (4 meters) 9/11/1952 #7896 obbing or hissing sound and a huge figure with glowing orange eyes nearby. 9/12/1952 #7902 e eyes nearby. About 4 m tall, the figure had a red face and "floated" towa 9/12/1952 #7902 ing or hissing sound. A huge black figure with glowing orange eyes blocked 9/12/1952 #7906 About 12 feet high (4 meters), the figure had a reddish face and "floated" 9/12/1952 #7906 they see an 8- foot, heavily built figure walking with “fluid movements” al 10/1952 #8073 turns around immediately, but the figure is gone, even though the terrain 10/1952 #8073 w going quickly [to] tree. Manlike figure in Cape on limb. Glows. Vanishes. 6/18/1953 #8937 ts RADAR blips ovoids and possible figure in one. 8/6/1953 #9051 jects were sighted, and possibly a figure was seen inside one of them. 8/6/1953 #9053 the man is Gordon Deller, a minor figure in Australian ufology who has som 12/1953 #9330 globe of light had been seen. The figure was encased in a glowing white li 3/28/1954 #9648 it descended and landed. The human figure, now on the ground, was short and 4/8/1954 #9678 the object stood a four-foot tall figure. The humanoid disappeared in a fl 5/11/1954 #9776 CT Cop. Saucer hovers near ground. Figure(s) move inside. Dives. Spins on e 6/1/1954 (approximate) #9856 ves 700 UFO reports a week, the 87 figure only applies to cases under “spec 6/7/1954 #9872 observer(s). Sphere going down. 7' figure chases kids. 15M / trace. / r54p4 8/7/1954 #10109 d, Quebec, Canada. It landed and a figure wearing a black diver suit and wi 8/10/1954 #10119 allic top-saucer going down. Hairy figure exits to woods. Reboards and quic 9/17/1954 #10330 ze of a small bus, and there was a figure in front of it. It rose and took 9/19/1954 #10360 d he could see a black silhouetted figure moving around in front of it. Aft 9/19/1954 #10363 Vitorino Lourenco Monteiro, said a figure emerged from the craft and said s 9/20/1954 #10369 ze of a small bus, and there was a figure standing in front of it. The obje 9/20/1954 #10371 car. 3M saucer on legs / field. 3 figure(s) outside / 2 min. Quickly going 9/28/1954 (approximate) #10483 car. Having stopped, they saw the figure disappear into the woods. 10/1/1954 #10560 car. When they stopped the car the figure disappeared into the woods. 10/1/1954 #10575 and saucer hovers 50M over garage. Figure(s) move inside. Going up [to] whe 10/2/1954 #10602 meters away moved a short shadowy figure that "slid over to the machine." 10/2/1954 #10620 lar craft 3 m diameter and a small figure wearing a diving suit, standing c 10/3/1954 #10657 a three-meter diameter and a small figure wearing a diving suit, standing c 10/3/1954 #10668 shape / field. Lit portholes. Dark figure outside. Traces. / r138#9p19. 10/6/1954 #10746 NEAR LANEUVILLE, FR Hairy 120cm figure by 10M sphere. Jet takeoff! Groun 10/6/1954 #10747 ark silhouette of a small humanoid figure. However, seized with fright he d 10/6/1954 #10758 his bicycle when he suddenly saw a figure in a diving suit aiming a double 10/9/1954 #10849 of light coming from a 4-foot-tall figure that looks like a diver. It wears 10/9/1954 #10854 the evening when he suddenly saw a figure in a diving suit aiming a double 10/9/1954 #10867 car. Saucer in field. Short squat figure with luminous/glowing eyes outsid 10/10/1954 (approximate) #10871 hits invisible wall. 4M saucer. 4 figure(s) in shrubs. 10/10/1954 #10874 ellow saucer 20M away. Horses run. Figure seen / 2 minute(s). / LDLN#319. 10/11/1954 #10918 rs in Bremondans, Doubs, France. A figure was seen for two minutes. 10/11/1954 #10950 saucer and lands. Large and small figure(s) inside. Shoot up valley. 10/12/1954 #10958 to Kenitra, Morocco, sees a small figure in a metallic suit climbing abroa 10/12/1954 #10977 RAL, FR 6M saucer going down. Dark figure inside. Going up [to] and going q 10/14/1954 #11018 ge being of small height and bulky figure with large slanted eyes. Its body 10/14/1954 #11044 m. It was transparent, and a dark figure could be seen inside. After remai 10/14/1954 #11047 tarovski, a miner, meets a strange figure in Erchin Forest, near Lewarde, N 10/14/1954 #11057 ge being of small height and bulky figure with large slanted eyes. Its body 10/14/1954 #11065 t was also transparent, and a dark figure could be seen inside. After remai 10/14/1954 #11069 nder/cigar-shape lands. 2 helmeted figure(s) in lit portholes. 10/15/1954 #11083 linder/cigar-shape lands. Helmeted figure(s) behind portholes. 10/15/1954 #11087 ights a four-foot-tall bluish-gray figure with arms and legs spread. His he 10/15/1954 #11111 down / 3 legs / ditch. Lights out. Figure exits. / r30p206. 10/16/1954 #11137 , and a small, gesticulating human figure was seen under it. The witness wa 10/16/1954 #11140 apable of moving, Dr. Robert saw a figure about 1.2 m tall moving in the li 10/16/1954 #11144 of moving, Dr. Robert watched as a figure about 1.2 meters (4 feet) tall mo 10/16/1954 #11150 , and a small, gesticulating human figure was seen under it. The witness wa 10/16/1954 #11152 were confronted with a bulky human figure, about 1 m tall. The creature wor 10/18/1954 #11209 y were confronted by a bulky human figure about one meter (3.3 feet) tall. 10/18/1954 #11220 o the villa, he observed a strange figure at the top of the steps, near to 10/18/1954 #11225 st inches from her handlebars. The figure was of human shape, but squat, an 10/19/1954 #11252 MELITO, ITL UFO lands. Figure / diving suit lights area. Observ 10/21/1954 #11284 a nearby field. Thinking that the figure might be an extraterrestrial he d 10/23/1954 #11346 claimed that the mysterious blond figure was merely a Polish farmer, but t 10/23/1954 #11346 COLCERASA, IT 2 boys. 3 35cm figure(s) enter 150cm ovoid. PROPs.spin 10/25/1954 #11378 BBIO, ITL Red 'saucer' / ground. 2 figure(s) exit. Reboard and take off. / 10/25/1954 #11383 nce at La Vaureille when he sees a figure crouching on the roadway. When he 10/26/1954 #11418 on the roadway. When he stops, the figure stands up and points two powerful 10/26/1954 #11418 TL Semi-transparent saucer hovers. Figure inside watches men work. Going do 10/29/1954 #11474 ITL Farmer. Dark object 500M away. Figure visible on one side. Stranded car 11/1/1954 #11512 L Green glowing saucer hovers low. Figure(s) move inside. Ignore fisherman. 11/1/1954 #11514 ved a “very tiny, hard to make out figure” to one side of the object. 11/1/1954 #11521 e and fired twice at the very tall figure who came out of the turret on the 12/4/1954 #11758 fle and fired twice at a very tall figure that emerged from the turret on t 12/4/1954 #11759 here moved about a strange looking figure, which seemed to be a dwarf with 12/4/1954 #11760 erver(s). Orange flat ovoid glows. Figure 8s etc. all over sky. Night light 2/18/1955 #12008 ove the ground. He sees a humanoid figure dressed in what look like overall 2/23/1955 #12015 down / hillside. Smoke and beams. Figure(s) move inside. Going quickly eas 6/10/1955 #12193 their headlights light up a small figure in the street. It is 4 feet tall, 8/16/1955 #12364 forated with holes, appears on the figure’s chest just below its throat. It 8/16/1955 #12364 nts later they saw an undetermined figure inside a “screen-like” image in t 10/20/1955 #12513 screen-like” image in the sky. The figure had a definite human shape. Secon 10/20/1955 #12513 later they spotted a second flying figure approaching under the clouds. As 10/20/1955 #12513 proaching under the clouds. As the figure approached they could tell that i 10/20/1955 #12513 ey could tell that it was a female figure, flying at three meters above the 10/20/1955 #12513 SA, SP 30 observer(s). Cone with 3 figure(s) with antennas / inside. Going 8/1956 #13036 pattern resembling an hourglass or figure eight. The radar expert said he w 11/8/1956 #13315 way. Its lone occupant, a helmeted figure with a long, olive- colored face 5/1957 #13631 in diameter, forming a four- sided figure with these measurements: 20 feet 7/30/1957 #13862 IJI White saucer going down / sea. Figure beams / light at 4 / boat. Quickl 10/8/1957 #14072 overing 7 m above the water, and a figure on board the craft aimed at them 10/8/1957 #14076 am so bright they "felt weak." The figure disappeared suddenly, and the obj 10/8/1957 #14076 be revolving, and they can see the figure of a man standing on the outside. 10/8/1957 #14078 a man standing on the outside. The figure shines a blinding light at their 10/8/1957 #14078 and weak. As they draw closer, the figure disappears and the object rises r 10/8/1957 #14078 even meters above the water, and a figure onboard the craft then aimed a be 10/8/1957 #14079 right and made them feel weak. The figure disappeared suddenly, and the obj 10/8/1957 #14079 about 3 m high, at ground level. A figure was seen near this object, also s 11/2/1957 #14212 t 10 feet high, at ground level. A figure is near the object holding a whit 11/2/1957 #14214 as about three meters in height. A figure was seen standing near this objec 11/2/1957 #14220 hape with portholes lands by lake. Figure(s) move outside. / r141#2p47. 11/8/1957 #14472 Stays / 30 minute(s). Going north. Figure(s)? / r8#438. 11/8/1957 #14478 pleton, 27, mother of two, saw the figure of a man appear near her fireplac 11/18/1957 #14576 age 27 and mother of two, saw the figure of a man appear near her fireplac 11/18/1957 #14578 n though different objects seem to figure in each sighting. The alignments, 1958 #14781 brant bright object lands / beach. Figure(s) float down. Talk gibberish. / 1/26/1958 #14842 ruck toward Santa Fe when he saw a figure, 3 m tall, blocking the road. He 5/27/1958 #15056 Fe, Argentina when he saw a giant figure, three meters tall, blocking the 5/27/1958 #15057 / 1 side. Door opens / other side. Figure gone. 9/1958 #15236 SCOT Soldiers. Gurgle noise. 2 7' figure(s) / odd suits. Saucer takes off. 11/1958 #15411 Several days later, a strange male figure wearing "a sort of uniform" was e 1/21/1959 #15560 a tall, heavy-set man emerged. The figure wore a tight-fitting, multicolore 3/29/1959 #15678 ng up something (not visible). One figure seemed to be standing, looking do 6/26/1959 #15790 BLENHEIM, NZ 2 figure(s) / 9M domed saucer. Hovers / 8M 7/13/1959 #15838 ct going down / field. Door opens. Figure exits! 12/17/1959 #16121 ESERVOIR, SP 1 / motorcycle. 2 red figure(s) / Michelin-Man suits cross roa 5/1960 #16246 Globe, Arizona illuminated a small figure standing 300 feet away. The being 6/10/1960 #16311 und. Mrs. Hiot saw a human-looking figure inside the saucer. 8/2/1960 #16364 watch it for 5 minutes, then see a figure standing behind the ball. It is a Late 8/1960 #16417 glowing nude, generally humanlike figure, about 6 feet tall, holding a lig Late 8/1960 #16417 olding a light at chest level. The figure is square-shouldered and has disp Late 8/1960 #16417 o-magnetic effects). Driver dazed. Figure(s) approach car. 60 minute(s) mis 9/3/1960 (approximate) #16433 (s). 4M saucer rests / park. Vague figure(s) inside. Going quickly north. / 12/9/1960 #16528 Rocket / going down [to] 4 legs. 2 figure(s) nearby. / Flying Saucer Review 1/1961? #16554 2 / camp. Flaming object / shore. Figure(s) run to and fro. No trace. / r9 3/15/1961 #16628 ook at him. In unison, all but one figure move to what appears to be a pane 9/19/1961 #16857 on of the craft. The one remaining figure continues to look at Barney and c 9/19/1961 #16857 h. They get out of the car and one figure waves them away. Eventually, the Late 11/1961 #16978 figures in the right shoulder. The figure spins around, goes down on his kn Late 11/1961 #16978 is knees, gets help from the other figure, then yells, “Now what the hell d Late 11/1961 #16978 llic saucer going down / meadow. 2 figure(s) exit and reboard. Quickly goin 4/9/1962 #17103 TREAL, QB 9' barrel shape flies. 2 figure(s) visible inside via 2 portholes 5/31/1962 #17213 any observer(s). Saucer maneuvers. Figure appears. Shrinks and vanishes / T 6/26/1962 #17247 he road. A very tall human looking figure stood next to an open door in the 7/18/1962 #17283 e terrain. There was also a second figure looking out from a large porthole 7/18/1962 #17283 akened by sounds and see a shadowy figure, apparently floating in the room. 8/17/1962 #17336 erver(s). Lit portholes around. No figure(s). 11/5/1962 #17537 body of a fish but underneath the figure of a man. 11/15/1962 #17548 eared and made a gesture. A second figure was also seen. The craft took off 12/17/1962 #17587 aucer lands. Observer(s) frozen. 2 figure(s) move / dome. / Flying Saucer R 1/11/1963 #17632 wave going [to] May. Night lights. Figure(s). Animals terrified. / Flying S 4/1963 #17716 E, SA 1 observer. Saucer lands. 7' figure exits. "Photographs" plants with 5/1963? #17733 WHIDBEY ISLAND, WA UFO. 3 figure(s) inside. Tilts. Sinks partly / 10/1963 #17963 r saucer 300' away / 20' altitude. Figure(s) move / windows. 10/1963 #17965 rge windows are visible in which a figure can be seen, at least by the moth 10/1963 #17969 s and 20. Saucer lands / field. 7' figure / diving suit exits. 2nd figure. 10/1/1963? #17970 7' figure / diving suit exits. 2nd figure. 10/1/1963? #17970 ucers and cylinder/cigar-shape and figure(s) all over/all about farmhouse a 10/21/1963 #17993 SOUTHWEST / SOUTH RIVER, NJ 3 figure(s) / tight grey suits zip across 10/23/1963 #18001 ating 3 m above ground, and a dark figure the size of a man, with wings lik 11/16/1963 #18044 sappears behind trees, then a dark figure shambles out of the woods. It is 11/16/1963 #18045 e the ground, and a dark man-sized figure with wings like a bat and no head 11/16/1963 #18046 GUM CREEK, SOUTH AUST Figure appears like magic. Touches black 2/3/1964 #18124 [to] and going up / paddock. Tall figure exits and walks around.. 2/29/1964 #18139 de cylinder to ground, and a black figure, three to four feet tall, with pa 4/23/1964 #18186 gitated. Then they insist that the figure was just a passerby, get angry, a 5/24/1964 #18297 e boys spot a 3-foot-tall humanoid figure crouching in a tree about 150 fee 7/16/1964 #18421 w stones and apples at it, but the figure is too far away. After about 15 m 7/16/1964 #18421 away. After about 15 minutes, the figure, moving stiffly, falls backwards 7/16/1964 #18421 arent domed object / 12M altitude. Figure and instruments inside. Telepathy 8/1964 #18462 creatures, one of them a robotlike figure with "eyes" about 10 cm in diamet 9/5/1964 #18538 ore a silver flight suit. A second figure stood in front of an instrument p 3/6/1965 #18846 n the roof, he beckoned to another figure that appeared at a second window. 5/30/1965 #18977 linders with cross-bars. Lands. 5' figure outside. No further details. 7/25/1965 (approximate) #19165 a. Stops / water. Door opens and 3 figure(s) seen. / r113p201. 8/1965 #19227 a small four and a half foot tall figure with yellow eyes, and inside the 8/3/1965 #19294 s, and inside the dome was another figure moving about. Frightened, the boy 8/3/1965 #19294 CARACAS, VNZ Object lands. 3 figure(s) exit. Fly when observer(s) nea 8/6/1965 #19329 nt sphere/orb/globe / golf course. Figure(s) move inside. Gone / bang. / r5 8/9/1965 #19346 behind a tree. He did not see the figure leave, but a minute or so later h 8/13/1965 #19384 above the ground. A tall humanoid figure with long dangling arms, and wear 8/14/1965 #19391 s at flaming "boat". Circles farm. Figure(s) seen. / FSRv12#1+/ r8. 8/15/1965 #19393 ). 8 Mx3.5M saucer lands / road. 3 figure(s) move inside. Up and away. / r6 8/15/1965 #19398 eturning home, she sees an unusual figure in the ditch to her right. It tur 8/16/1965 #19408 ilroad/railway tracks. Door opens. Figure looks around. / r8#687. 8/23/1965 #19454 A 25cm object lands / tripod. Tiny figure(s) exit / ramp. Make repairs. Reb 8/25/1965 (approximate) #19459 going [to] just over trees. Vague figure inside moves. 8/31/1965 #19483 allic saucer / hayfield. 20' high. Figure(s) / 3 portholes. Retracts beams. 10/1965 #19628 fright at the sight of the strange figure. Aldridge then drove off to get t 11/24/1965 #19734 NEAR HORNINGSHAM, WILTS 3 figure(s) / space-suits jump into hedger 1/21/1966 #19863 d eyes and no apparent mouths. One figure was seen to have fair hair. They 1/21/1966 #19865 binoculars. Orange glowing-ovoid. Figure(s) move behind portholes / r204p1 3/20/1966 #20001 a on top, spindly legs. Human-like figure entered, craft took off, hovered, 3/23/1966 #20049 pened and a very thin, child-sized figure was seen. The object then began t 3/30/1966 #20161 antenna rests / construction area. Figure(s) inside. Post St. 3/31/1966 #20170 WEST / SEDALIA, CO 6 teens. 2.2M figure(s) / campsite. 1 / roof of shed. 4/7/1966 #20261 king. They next saw a big humanoid figure pass in front of a landed light i 4/8/1966 #20277 d over police radio that night and figure this must be what was seen. The o 4/17/1966 #20318 void rattles. Lands / 3 minute(s). Figure seen. Grass matted and marks. 8/1/1966 #20712 uliar light phenomenon and a small figure that entered a bedroom (NICAP: 02 9/5/1966 #20849 uliar light phenomenon and a small figure that appeared to enter a bedroom. 9/5/1966 #20850 t appeared to enter a bedroom. The figure was not seen again. 9/5/1966 #20850 an saw a large brownish man-shaped figure on the limb of a tree. 11/1/1966 #21063 the two police officers. When the figure reached a point about fifteen to 11/17/1966 #21119 t Virginia. Mothman, a tall winged figure in gray, was standing on the golf 11/27/1966 #21152 a flying humanoid. It was a winged figure about 300 feet up in the sky, and 12/4/1966 #21182 hen they saw a giant gray man-like figure with glowing red eyes in Point Pl 12/6/1966 #21188 lights hovers / Ohio River. Small figure(s) outside. All quickly going up. 12/8/1966 #21192 round near the witness. A humanoid figure was seen standing inside the lumi 1/6/1967 #21268 h of which he could see a helmeted figure, human like and dressed in green 1/11/1967 #21288 g boy. 5M domed disk with windows. Figure / doorway. Traces. / r41p325+/ NI 1/13/1967 #21292 the window to see a tall humanoid figure hurrying away from the house. He 1/15/1967 #21315 o show the head of a humanoid like figure protruding from the opening on to 1/19/1967 #21355 d. Invisible barrier 5M away. 65cm figure / spacesuit. / r113p191+/ r41. 2/14/1967 #21542 ) films silent orbs / maneuvers. 4 figure(s) also show! 2 going SSE. 1 quic 2/17/1967 #21581 Metal-grey top-saucer near ground. Figure(s) move / windows! Steam / holes 3/12/1967 #21865 a wooded area and saw a huge white figure appear suddenly in front of their 3/12/1967 #21877 LL, MA Saucer hovers / airstrip. 2 figure(s) move / dome. Glowing-portholes 4/1967 (approximate) #22026 , NY Circular object landed, small figure seen in doorway; radio (off) made 4/14/1967 #22130 nguage. A tiny metallic robot-like figure appeared in the doorway of the ob 4/14/1967 #22131 light emanated. They also saw the figure of a man come out of one of the w 5/1/1967 #22263 OLBAEK, DK Domed UFO / farm field. Figure moves / window. Angel hair found. 5/11/1967 #22313 a farm. A silhouette of a humanoid figure was seen moving behind a window i 5/11/1967 #22320 -shape going west over US2. Close. Figure / cockpit! Up and away / angle. 6/15/1967 #22506 1 observer / lonely path. Strange figure digs / dirt / small trowel. Odd s 6/24/1967 (approximate) #22539 ngton, England came upon a strange figure bent down by the side of the path 6/24/1967 #22551 down by the side of the path. The figure was short and was wearing what lo 6/24/1967 #22551 oticed the witness approaching the figure made a strange, high-pitched soun 6/24/1967 #22551 e did so, and saw a five foot tall figure wearing a luminous tight-fitting 7/18/1967 #22695 rce of light coming from above the figure. At first he thought someone was 7/18/1967 #22695 ard, "Danger; I must go." Then the figure dissolved into a blurred glow of 7/18/1967 #22695 fourth window was a thin humanoid figure with an egg-shaped head and a fea 7/20/1967 #22713 . Once back outside he saw a small figure emerge from behind the object. Th 7/21/1967 #22721 emerge from behind the object. The figure was about 1.25 meters in height, 7/21/1967 #22721 Huge red saucer goes behind hill. Figure(s) seen. Forest lit up. / r8#859. 7/24/1967 #22724 ROANNE, FR Noises. Vague figure / gate. Dark object by woods = 6M 8/1967 (approximate) #22764 r slides open and a small, glowing figure steps out, who bends over, picks 8/3/1967 #22788 equently. After a few minutes, the figure reenters the small object, which 8/3/1967 #22788 ance when they caught sight of the figure dressed in black, with a black fa 8/12/1967 #22870 nswick reported sighting a similar figure in the woods near the same road. 8/14/1967 #22876 saw that it was a small human-like figure. He passed within ten feet of the 8/26/1967 #22936 CARACAS, VNZ Girl screams. Figure / window. Parents see it fly as i 9/8/1967 #23017 area, moving back and forth and in figure 8's, at about 200-300 feet altitu 9/11/1967 #23040 He starts running anyway, but the figure tells him to come back the next d 9/14/1967 #23060 or they will take his family. The figure reenters the UFO, which takes off 9/14/1967 #23060 as he approached the stall a small figure about the size of a boy, 3.5 feet 9/22/1967 #23115 stall and was gone in seconds. The figure was described as a hairy dwarf, a 9/22/1967 #23115 the Bermuda Triangle. He notices a figure in the back seat of their car and 10/11/1967 #23216 WHITEROCKS, UT Luminous/glowing figure in home! metal suit. Glows. Walks 10/12/1967 #23222 shape / treetops. Fast and silent. Figure(s) move / windows. 10/21/1967 #23274 pread across the grass, and then a figure described as tall, man-shaped, an 11/2/1967 #23391 s) red-glow object / ground. Large figure approaches. Vanishes. / FSR'68#2. 11/16/1967 #23466 bject at ground level, with a dark figure, slightly larger than a normal hu 11/16/1967 #23469 ing object at ground level. A dark figure, seven to ten feet tall, was seen 11/16/1967 #23471 EME (electro-magnetic effects). 2 figure(s) and telepathy. / r148. 11/28/1967 #23515 r. There appeared to be a humanoid figure onboard the object. 12/7/1967 #23558 the car and then noticed a strange figure looking at them from nearby. The 12/16/1967 #23594 be coming from his direction. The figure approached and put an arm on the 12/16/1967 #23594 nd gloves. Inside the dome a third figure was moving about. The two outside 1/6/1968 #23655 and going down / beach. 3 stiff 2M figure(s) appear. Telepathy. / r246p141. 1/30/1968 (approximate) #23710 0' altitude. "Old and metallic". 2 figure(s) on catwalk / edge. Windows. 2/1968 #23718 , England a tall luminous shape or figure glided from an entrance in a near 2/29/1968 #23793 ashed a beam of light at them. The figure then disappeared. Several days la 4/3/1968 #23888 could see the silhouette of a huge figure gliding toward them. They took of 5/5/1968 #23946 n from a side road the silhouetted figure was still visible and still movin 5/5/1968 #23946 ranged in a semicircle. Above each figure is something like an Arabic numer 5/17/1968 #23969 lar shaped cloud. A giant man-like figure, over two meters tall, with long 6/10/1968 #24018 VIA Bright object going down. Thin figure exits. Observer(s) faints. / r8#9 6/19/1968 #24047 ds 120cm cone / ground. Silent. No figure(s). 7/1968 #24102 RICARDONE, ARG 2 3M figure(s) Exert telepathy influence to s 7/1/1968 #24110 t to the bedroom window he saw the figure fly away to a point about 200 fee 7/1/1968 #24121 ruby red in color. In seconds the figure was like a silver dot that had me 7/1/1968 #24121 t! Never sees UFO except inside! 2 figure(s). See reference. 7/3/1968 #24139 the room she saw a short humanoid figure wearing a silvery suit. Frightene 7/15/1968 #24179 rls goes outside and sees a female figure, less than 5 feet tall and wearin 7/20/1968 #24193 ad been and saw a small human-like figure that had feminine features; the f 7/20/1968 #24194 re that had feminine features; the figure was standing where the object had 7/20/1968 #24194 nder/cigar-shape. Woods lit. Buzz. Figure / ground vanishes. Ground burnt. 7/21/1968 #24197 ages 7 to 13, reported they saw a figure they described as "The Virgin Mar 7/22/1968 #24206 ir. Four of the girls just saw the figure, but two also heard a voice they 7/22/1968 #24206 c a boy reported seeing a man like figure that was apparently airborne and 7/22/1968 #24206 t 1:00 a.m. when he saw a helmeted figure. Suspecting it was a criminal int 7/23/1968 #24214 e him with a metal crowbar but the figure dodged the blows and was soon joi 7/23/1968 #24214 tes. Lands / field. 1M bottle-head figure(s) chase cows. Sick. 7/28/1968 #24243 cer 30m away / 15m altitude. Small figure / dome port. 8/1968 #24277 a three-foot tall, hairy, heavyset figure lurking in some nearby shadows. I 8/4/1968 #24296 and saw a four foot tall luminous figure jump out of a hedge nearby. The f 8/6/1968 #24301 re jump out of a hedge nearby. The figure had large shoulders and long arms 8/6/1968 #24301 tall, emerged from the craft. The figure wore a shiny metallic, tight fitt 8/8/1968 #24310 who stood paralyzed with fear. The figure then suddenly stopped, walked bac 8/8/1968 #24310 bject on the ground from which the figure of a man wearing a brilliant silv 8/12/1968 #24318 bject on the ground from which the figure of a man wearing a brilliant silv 8/12/1968 #24322 COLERAINE, QB 2 kids. 1M bald figure / cemetery. Black beard. Back / 4 8/29/1968 #24395 rtain and saw a very tall man-like figure over two meters (6.6 feet) in hei 8/31/1968 #24410 d not move and watched the strange figure move away backwards without takin 8/31/1968 #24410 ar a muffled laugh coming from the figure. 8/31/1968 #24410 several X. Hums and spins. Lands. Figure(s) inside. 9/9/1968 #24445 MARTIN DE TOUS, SP 4 8-shaped 80cm figure(s) inch-worm uphill to 5M saucer! 9/11/1968 #24451 K, QBC 2+several. Flashing UFO and figure(s) type unknown. Tracks and 42' / 9/21/1968 #24494 (s). Disk hovers 2M / palm-tree. 2 figure(s) / transparent dome. Radio Freq 10/1968 #24529 . Transparent violet object with 2 figure(s) inside hovers / 10'. / r203p63 10/8/1968 #24550 golden, cigar-shaped object, and a figure armed with a flashing weapon that 10/9/1968 #24553 golden, cigar-shaped object, and a figure armed with a flashing weapon that 10/9/1968 #24554 tform under the craft, and another figure appeared to be using a keyboard i 10/9/1968 #24554 icating a square shape. A nebulous figure was seen behind the lights. 10/28/1968 #24599 ises / field. Hovers over house. 3 figure(s) visible / dome. / Flying Sauce 11/20/1968 #24667 nd 20. Domed saucer / ground. 2 2M figure(s) / spacesuits strike with a dis 11/21/1968 #24675 s). 10M saucer follows car. Lands. Figure(s) work. Cat screams. Going quick 12/12/1968 #24761 WHAMGAMATA, NZ Odd silence. 5 figure(s) float going down [to] and near 1/1969 #24810 king about. From the right another figure appeared and both walked toward t 1/6/1969 #24822 caught sight of a tall human like figure that appeared to have a disfigure 1/12/1969 #24836 server(s). Saucer going down. 3 5M figure(s) glow. Cane and plant samples. 1/14/1969 #24840 s). Domed saucer lands / beach. 2M figure(s) gather rocks and 25cm core sam 2/1969 #24886 and walked around the object. The figure was very tall and lean with light 2/17/1969 #24925 when she got back the UFO and tall figure were gone. 2/17/1969 #24925 A, BRZ 5M saucer lands / tripod. 3 figure(s) / catwalk work instruments. FS 2/20/1969 (approximate) #24933 saucer hovers 6M away. Door opens. Figure(s) float out. 3/6/1969 #24973 altitude. Domed 5M saucer lands. 2 figure(s) seen. 3/19/1969 #25028 h in Nova Scotia. The tall shadowy figure consisted of a very dark humanoid 4/24/1969 #25088 LIA 3 / cab. 10M saucer over park. Figure / window works controls. / r96#16 4/25/1969 #25089 most of the upper part. A humanoid figure is apparently operating controls 4/25/1969 #25090 controls near the window. Another figure is pointing at the witnesses. A t 4/25/1969 #25090 ees appear in front of him a human figure who stands motionless, gazing at 5/4/1969 #25114 at him in a friendly fashion. The figure, about five and a half feet tall, 5/4/1969 #25114 sence. Speaking in Portuguese, the figure gives da Silva certain “revelatio 5/4/1969 #25114 ecret. He apparently knows who the figure is but he does not reveal that ei 5/4/1969 #25114 ing only that he wasn’t Jesus. The figure vanishes, and the beings who have 5/4/1969 #25114 na George Kaiser noticed a strange figure 25 feet away. The being was the s 5/19/1969 #25148 ed a luminous, cloud-like humanoid figure standing by a nearby gate. It app 5/30/1969 #25169 CUNA, CHILE 4 / truck. 2 brilliant figure(s) hide from view. Beam paralyzes 6/1969 #25180 n the objects and in each window a figure was seen looking out. The last ob 6/10/1969 #25209 wn / cloud. Lands near building. 2 figure(s) inside. Traces. / r180p66. 7/1/1969 #25243 ot near the spot Christopher saw a figure about seven feet tall in the moon 8/27/1969 #25333 Saucer lands. Small green robotic figure(s) gather rocks and plants. 9/14/1969 #25368 t light over hedge. 5 black shadow figure(s) nearly invisible. / MJ#177. 11/1969 (approximate) #25444 OLAVARRIA, ARG Farmer. Odd figure(s) fly over corral. Beams freeze 11/24/1969 #25470 he center. At one point the larger figure chased after something to the edg 12/27/1969 #25510 rehouse and stable, when she saw a figure at a windowpane-less second floor 6/4/1970 #25690 on of Auckland, New Zealand, saw a figure about 20 yards away from him whil 6/21/1970 #25704 to the north, toward the sun. The figure was blond with short-cropped hair 6/21/1970 #25704 ot be. When he again looked up the figure had gone. Foster rushed out in se 6/21/1970 #25704 s needed to sustain life. A leader figure told him that he had been brought 7/4/1970 #25727 loud over road near airport. 3 see figure inside and drive thru. 7/11/1970 #25733 y. Inside of it a thin, human-like figure could be seen. As the car drove t 7/11/1970 #25734 nts are found forming an irregular figure on the hillside. 7/25/1970 #25750 give off a bluish glow. The middle figure turned slowly to face him. The ey 8/15/1970 #25787 int they were able to see that the figure was wearing a cape. 8/24/1970 #25802 someone holding down her hands. A figure then stood in front of her. She d 9/7/1970 #25828 in front of her. She described the figure as short, with a large hairless h 9/7/1970 #25828 away they noticed a silver-suited figure walking towards them. They accele 10/24/1970 #25886 A humanoid figure about 90 centimeters (three feet) 12/20/1970 #25949 lowing-ovoid / trees. Hums. 4 dark figure(s) about. Quiet takeoff. 1/1971 #25961 light on it, they saw a diminutive figure, less than 2-feet tall, moving ab 1/22/1971 #25994 light on it, they saw a diminutive figure less than two feet tall moving ab 1/22/1971 #25996 curiosity, and he heard the little figure growl. Then there suddenly appear 2/16/1971 #26021 hem a few seconds later the little figure had disappeared. 2/16/1971 #26021 he object was occupied by a single figure. 2/18/1971 #26026 a glimpse of a vaguely human-like figure kneeling on the front lawn near a 2/27/1971 #26034 arby bushes. They saw a huge bulky figure that seemed to move clumsily amon 3/25/1971 #26054 g the brush. The men yelled at the figure to stop but it changed directions 3/25/1971 #26054 d. Beams going up. Square windows. Figure(s) inside! / r41p215. 4/14/1971 #26069 own" out of which emerged a "huge" figure, who was hunched over, had long a 5/15/1971 #26110 own" out of which emerged a "huge" figure who was hunched over and walked i 5/15/1971 #26111 nage ordered his dog to attack the figure. The being then turned and re-boa 5/15/1971 #26111 ' cone saucer 20' over road. Hums. Figure inside and out. Observer(s) hit / 5/21/1971 #26119 fter two minutes the witness saw a figure walk back and forth in the openin 5/21/1971 #26120 in the opening of the object. The figure was dressed in a gray white metal 5/21/1971 #26120 ch, and after two minutes he saw a figure walk back and forth within the do 5/21/1971 #26121 is left and saw a similarly garbed figure only three feet way from the driv 5/21/1971 #26121 AUCKLAND, NZ 1 observer. 3 figure(s) / beach follow silver strip / 6/3/1971 #26155 s are moving about inside. A third figure is outside in a crouched position 6/9/1971 #26162 the attention of another humanoid figure outside the object, visible in th 6/9/1971 #26165 s tent window and saw a human-like figure, foggy white in color like a phan 7/8/1971 #26218 e boy's tent. The farther away the figure went, the less distinct it became 7/8/1971 #26218 ath toward the other tent, but the figure had disappeared. He got the boys 7/8/1971 #26218 they suddenly noticed a very tall figure that seemed to be trying to enter 8/16/1971 #26290 e noticed that it was a man-shaped figure that rapidly changed direction an 8/19/1971 #26296 ible" motorcycle. He described the figure as human with rosy skin, long bla 8/19/1971 #26296 As other witnesses approached the figure disappeared in the direction of a 8/19/1971 #26296 take off from the field where the figure had disappeared. 9/27/1971 #26384 learly, the outline of a tall male figure striding up the road in the brigh 10/28/1971 #26438 road in the bright moonlight. The figure was about seven-foot tall, with e 10/28/1971 #26438 whatsoever. Soon a shapeless dark figure parted from the strange building 12/6/1971 #26490 at ground level, and he then saw a figure dressed in a long robe in the mid 12/13/1971 #26496 en he stepped one yard towards the figure it suddenly vanished. He then ran 12/13/1971 #26496 SAU 2 observer(s). Lumpy dog-head figure floats / trees. 4M dome / ground 12/14/1971 #26497 the road when she saw a tall male figure all in white clothing walking tow 3/7/1972 #26590 n the accelerator and saw the tall figure striding along through deep pools 3/7/1972 #26590 og. Large metallic glow saucer. 5' figure(s) in and out. Traces. Going quic 3/25/1972 #26622 opped his car. Next, a "human like figure" ran past the car from the rear a 3/25/1972 #26623 within 10-12 feet, and he saw this figure motion to him to go back. The fig 3/25/1972 #26623 gure motion to him to go back. The figure was between five foot and five fo 3/25/1972 #26623 yellowish white ball-shaped UFO. A figure wearing boots emerged from the sp 4/24/1972 #26661 (s). Disk lands. Ramp lowers. 2 4' figure(s) nearby. / Argosy UFO Annual. 5/2/1972 #26667 same as the ship. Another similar figure was walking towards the road (the 6/1/1972 #26696 s 5 meters from the road). A third figure was standing on the right side of 6/1/1972 #26696 DEMING, NM Big object over road. 2 figure(s) / south-suits work / bottom. B 7/1972 #26747 KURABY, AUSTRALIA 6 grey figure(s) / roadside. 1 gestures. Silver 7/19/1972 #26809 wards a barn and caught sight of a figure, resembling that of a small man o 7/26/1972 #26836 f the barn. Upon being noticed the figure dodged out of sight behind the si 7/26/1972 #26836 lic saucer. 2 small objects orbit. Figure(s) / portholes. Hypno-beam! Missi 8/11/1972 #26894 , NATAL, RSA UFO and square-headed figure seen both places. No further deta 8/16/1972 #26918 uthwa said. She estimated that the figure was more than 11 feet tall. She f 8/22/1972 #26949 Several observer(s). UFO lands. 3 figure(s) outside. Broken trees and burn 8/24/1972 #26950 VILLA ALTAGRACIA, DOM.REP 2 figure(s) exit UFO / ground. Take goat a 9/16/1972 (approximate) #27005 ght forefinger below his nose. The figure suddenly vanished unaccountably f 9/21/1972 #27022 til he suddenly encountered a tall figure, glowing a bluish green, moving a 9/27/1972 #27035 he approached within 30 meters the figure swung around, in a stiff mechanic 9/27/1972 #27035 opposite the being. This humanoid figure, strongly built and about 7.5 fee 9/27/1972 #27035 profile, the torso of a very tall figure pass close by. Only when he could 9/28/1972 #27038 se by. Only when he could see this figure through the windshield could Rodr 9/28/1972 #27038 e could follow the movement of the figure with his eyes, he could not move 9/28/1972 #27038 noise, similar to bees, while the figure was in view. He sat there for sev 9/28/1972 #27038 here for several minutes after the figure vanished, not knowing what to do. 9/28/1972 #27038 , ARG G. Ciccioli abduction / tall figure(s). Exam and samples. Sketches. / 10/4/1972 #27047 AMON, PR A. Martinez. Ovoid lands. Figure(s) exit and steal concrete blocks 10/14/1972 #27073 CLYDE, ALTA Woman sees odd figure by remote cabin. Abduction to moo 11/4/1972 #27107 Kids. Cloud-object LANDs. Squarish figure(s) / diving-suits emerge. 11/28/1972 #27147 a vehicle saw a tall thin, glowing figure standing on the roadway as they d 12/22/1972 #27184 ppeared to curve upon striking the figure. It disappeared into a field. 12/22/1972 #27184 s visible from the waist upwards a figure wearing dark gray clothing made o 12/30/1972 #27193 2 observer(s). Saucer going down. Figure(s) work / instrument panel. Telep 1/1/1973 #27206 r makes 18O° turn and follows car. Figure(s) / windows. Going quickly east 1/2/1973 (approximate) #27214 the craft opened, and a human-like figure in white descended on a rope to t 1/4/1973 #27221 ined man in a white spacesuit. The figure was of normal height and appeared 2/4/1973 #27270 STER, OK Saucer paces cargo DC8. 3 figure(s) / dome. Hides / RADAR. / r218p 2/14/1973 #27286 arlier encounter, she saw the same figure standing outside the car, but the 2/22/1973 #27310 saw nothing. She reported that the figure was normal sized, wearing a white 2/22/1973 #27310 room lit by an unknown source. The figure appeared in the room with her, an 2/22/1973 #27310 uddy could see for miles. When the figure vanished abruptly the rainy condi 2/22/1973 #27310 g to face him, she saw a childlike figure smaller than her 13-year-old brot 2/26/1973 #27318 M 1 observer. 2 globes / light and figure seen. No further details. / GESAG 3/20/1973 #27351 ench periscope and sees a humanoid figure dressed in shiny, tight-fitting c 3/20/1973 #27352 nes a few miles away, the humanoid figure was imaginary, and the photo was 3/20/1973 #27352 ng a "board" and was just a "tiny" figure but "of great height." He held on 3/20/1973 #27353 quency Interference (RFI). 2 vague figure(s). / r30p476. 3/24/1973 #27370 s). Multicolor saucer lands. Stick figure(s) move around inside. / r231'74. 3/28/1973 #27382 pass / low altitude. See reference figure 2d. 3/29/1973 #27389 me down from the sky he saw a tiny figure like a five-year-old child. The c 3/29/1973 #27390 was terrified when...I saw a tiny figure...wearing on its head what looked 3/29/1973 #27390 IRAN Man / woods. UFO descends. 4 figure(s) take man aboard. Missing time. 4/7/1973 #27411 BALTIMORE, MD 1 observer. 3-legged figure by railroad/railway tracks. Back 4/25/1973 #27445 peating cycle. He then saw a human figure materialize 10 feet below the obj 5/12/1973 #27481 lize 10 feet below the object. The figure was clad all in silver, and desce 5/12/1973 #27481 . When it reached the pavement the figure stood looking to the right, then 5/12/1973 #27481 witness. After a half a minute the figure ascended rapidly, "like a helium 5/12/1973 #27481 t vanished before reaching it. The figure was entirely silver in color and 5/12/1973 #27481 the boot itself. The height of the figure was not much more than 2.5 feet. 5/12/1973 #27481 a brook by a footbridge a strange figure came out from under the bridge. T 5/15/1973 #27492 within, she observed a human-like figure approach the opening from one sid 6/23/1973 #27584 ion, she described seeing the same figure appear before her on the patio. S 6/23/1973 #27584 / jelly glows over lake. Possible figure inside. 3+hours / missing time. 7/1/1973 #27609 hed and touched by a human looking figure. He then became confused and felt 7/27/1973 #27657 les hovers near church meeting. No figure(s). 8/1973 (approximate) #27667 de of the highway. A tall humanoid figure stood next to the object. The wit 8/9/1973 #27688 d Chieti, Italy they saw a bizarre figure almost six meters tall, leaning a 8/16/1973 #27706 The witnesses were able to see the figure close up, at a distance of only t 8/16/1973 #27706 sses to get a better look, but the figure quickly faded away, leaving behin 8/16/1973 #27706 w a huge shadow on the wall from a figure outside. A strong odor like rotte 8/21/1973 #27718 ds an open door was a normal sized figure of human appearance. A second occ 9/6/1973 #27774 "monster". UFO and several more 7' figure(s) / 24-25 Sep. '73. 9/20/1973 #27841 er buzzes car. Object / road. 2 5' figure(s) / knapsacks with aerials. 9/20/1973 #27842 blue, and red. A strange humanoid figure, metallic or robot-like in appear 9/30/1973 #27892 NORTH MELBOURNE, AUS 2 bald figure(s) float and sway / bedroom. Slit 10/3/1973 #27920 ARK Several observer(s). Ghostlike figure west / beard near Ozarks College. 10/12/1973 #28014 ANK, CA Domed saucer / backyard. 4 figure(s) invite 2 tots aboard. Dog fran 10/16/1973 #28076 o, Mary Geddis sees a “ghost-like” figure floating about 50 feet above the 10/16/1973 #28085 saw a tall, dark-colored metallic figure. Gabriella then saw flickering mu 10/16/1973 #28089 nding in a field. The "robot" like figure was standing next to her, and bef 10/16/1973 #28089 evening a woman saw a "ghost like" figure floating about 50 feet above the 10/16/1973 #28091 r(s). Copper saucer hovers low. 6' figure tries / grab 2 kids with claw. / 10/17/1973 #28099 s a bubble. Inside she saw a human figure standing up. (NICAP: 02 - Close E 10/17/1973 #28114 nd-a-half-foot-tall, silver-suited figure in his headlights. He stops, gets 10/17/1973 #28133 stops, gets out, and talks to the figure, all the while taking Polaroid ph 10/17/1973 #28133 red rotating police car light. The figure runs away and although Greenhaw p 10/17/1973 #28133 s a bubble. Inside she saw a human figure standing up. Eighteen hours later 10/17/1973 #28136 g home, witness saw a "ghost-like" figure floating about 50 ft above the gr 10/19/1973 #28187 AINS, PR 9 observer(s). 4 weird 5' figure(s) avoid flashlights / 12 hours. 10/20/1973 #28205 COVEDALE, OH Ape-like figure / luminous/glowing 7' belljar. Fi 10/21/1973 #28224 r(s). 100' saucer going down. 2 8' figure(s) by fence. Missing time? / r178 10/25/1973 #28280 lights / mountains. Dark hairy 4' figure darts across road. Night light go 10/26/1973 #28289 ront veranda, and saw a motionless figure wearing an old black coat with a 11/1/1973 #28338 hat pulled down over the face. The figure appeared to be covered with maski 11/1/1973 #28338 void with antennas / low and slow. Figure inside waves. White powder going 11/2/1973 #28346 indow she sees a smallish humanoid figure standing behind a console. The fi 11/2/1973 #28352 ure standing behind a console. The figure has a round, grayish head, a wrin 11/2/1973 #28352 LA Foggy Eve. 1 / car. 3' silvery figure(s) / bridge. Split arms. No UFO s 11/7/1973 #28380 over car. Drops liquid. Thin green figure(s) try / stop car. Paint peels. 11/13/1973 (approximate) #28417 OVOID 6" over bay. Jerks around. 4 figure(s) inside. 11/17/1973 (approximate) #28436 s ball paces car. Pink fog / road. Figure sweeps white line! / r231'76p6. 11/18/1973 #28438 ghway. They also see a small human figure standing in the middle of the roa 11/18/1973 #28442 nd could clearly see a small human figure inside. The truck functioned norm 11/19/1973 #28449 JOLIETTE, QB 4' figure looks through window. Head glows. 11/22/1973 #28458 om the head. After 15 seconds, the figure withdraws. She alerts her husband 11/22/1973 #28459 lassic 6m saucer lands 50m away. 2 figure(s) take samples / ground. 11/27/1973 (approximate) #28469 NEAR CARNEGIE, OK 3 / car. Odd figure with red pants and welders mask n 12/5/1973 #28522 after her abduction. If she could figure out what stars are on the map, sh 1/1974 #28637 came up with a 7-foot tall, bulky figure standing in a slumped forward pos 1/4/1974 #28643 came upon a seven-foot-tall, bulky figure standing in a slumped forward pos 1/6/1974 #28654 er. Power outage. Glowing bus with figure(s) inside floats going east. / LD 2/3/1974 (approximate) #28734 ight going down. Thin curved black figure(s) move / ground.. 2/22/1974 #28791 the oval-shaped machine emerged a figure that was an exact replica of the 2/28/1974 #28825 6 observer(s). Red ovoid and squat figure on ground. Burnt physical traces. 3/1/1974 #28838 by a massively large dark humanoid figure or silhouette while they were inv 3/4/1974 #28854 When the officers approached, the figure disappeared quickly into a nearby 3/4/1974 #28854 BALUNGA, FR FAF man and 1 / car. 3 figure(s) walk / roadside. Pyramid delta 3/15/1974 #28887 car abduction / 4 tall transparent figure(s). Asked / remain silent. / Flyi 3/23/1974 #28927 d. Large windows. Neon glowing and figure(s) move inside. Night lights abov 3/31/1974 #28976 TIMMINS, ONT Saucer nears window. Figure exits / hatch and climbs on top! 4/1974 #28980 the window she saw "an indefinite figure which seemed to be covered by a l 4/11/1974 #29004 rver(s). Saucer going down / road. Figure works / dome. 60 burnt area / roa 4/30/1974 #29071 noticed an indistinct "egg-shaped" figure moving around inside the craft. A 4/30/1974 #29072 2 black pseudo-human/entity. White figure(s) later. Night light maneuvers a 5/11/1974 #29099 ingford, Essex, England observed a figure in the distance resembling a woma 5/11/1974 #29100 0 minutes as a second black-gowned figure moved among some nearby trees. Th 5/11/1974 #29100 among some nearby trees. The woman figure, then the second figure, vanished 5/11/1974 #29100 The woman figure, then the second figure, vanished from view. Next, the fi 5/11/1974 #29100 anished from view. Next, the first figure re-appeared 50 yards away from it 5/11/1974 #29100 g-ball going up / 25M over valley. Figure inside? Going quickly west. Telep 5/18/1974 #29110 er going down / beach / 4 legs. 6' figure exits in fog. Indents with red gu 5/20/1974 #29117 ne hose running down the back. The figure stepped out briefly onto the sand 5/20/1974 #29120 WARNETON, BELGIUM Car sputters. 2 figure(s) / space-suits on roadside agai 6/6/1974 #29165 FO follows car / several km. 3 fat figure(s) inside. Responds / lights. 6/16/1974 #29199 s smell investigated. Hairy hooved figure walks mechanically! 7/26/1974 #29279 er lines ahead. He then observed a figure suspended ten feet in the air in 8/1/1974 #29298 fectly human in appearance, a male figure of large build, about 6' 6" tall, 8/1/1974 #29298 hat he would be visited again. The figure passed from view and Justice took 8/1/1974 #29298 . Observer(s) fatigued. Noises and figure(s) / next 6 Mos! / r30p505. 8/16/1974 #29358 /globe splits / 2. Half going SSE. Figure(s) / helmets move / other half! / 8/26/1974 #29388 inches above the road surface. One figure approached her and asked her, tel 9/3/1974 #29418 oked out and saw a three-foot tall figure carrying a purple light like a fl 9/8/1974 #29437 BICESTER, OXON Strange figure follows 2 boys. Night light overh 10/9/1974 #29506 t seemed to come from an authority figure, a university professor with offi 11/2/1974 #29580 cigar-shape stops over building. 5 figure(s) move between 4 square porthole 11/10/1974 #29590 g him, he turned and saw a strange figure just behind him. He his astonishm 11/21/1974 #29601 ned run, but ran straight into the figure and was knocked to the ground. He 11/21/1974 #29601 again, thoroughly frightened. The figure was small, reaching only to Lance 11/21/1974 #29601 ly the light, the animals, and the figure vanished. There were others cars 11/27/1974 #29614 d front of glass.” Inside stands a figure with its arms raised above its he 12/2/1974 #29629 ised above its head. He thinks the figure is as scared as he is because its 12/2/1974 #29629 ront, behind which could be seen a figure visible from the waist up, with a 12/2/1974 #29631 ver his head, as if in terror. The figure seemed to be a little taller than 12/2/1974 #29631 ical object sucks dirt. Saucer and figure / roof / house. See reference. 12/21/1974 #29649 atcher to report seeing a humanoid figure wearing "a silver and black suit 12/29/1974 #29661 of Lumberton, North Carolina. The figure would jump into bushes and vanish 12/29/1974 #29661 wearing a long yellow outfit. The figure seemed to float just above the fl 3/6/1975 #29876 Saucer stops over boats. Helmeted figure(s) work controls / dome. Going qu 3/12/1975 #29889 enthouse. 3 taps / window. Glowing figure and 12M saucer outside. 4/6/1975 #29972 t to the window and saw a "glowing figure" outside that ran and hid behind 4/6/1975 #29978 truck. Saucer going up / ground. 2 figure(s) / dome. Blinding lights. Hands 5/5/1975 #30035 RADIUM HOT SPRINGS, BC 40' saucer. Figure / window. Lights beam going down. 7/1975 #30138 c-shaped craft land nearby. A gray figure with a large lemon-shaped head th 7/12/1975 #30174 he witnesses tried to approach the figure a shiny red beam of light hit one 7/12/1975 #30174 r shops. Trapdoor / top closes. No figure(s). North going south. 7/18/1975 #30186 / sea. Oval door. 2 70cm 3-legged figure(s) jump about / beach! 8/12/1975 #30252 ES, BELGIUM Strange screech. Human figure hangs / 3kv power lines! Vanishes 8/16/1975 #30279 a dark 1.20 meter tall human-like figure with a well-proportioned body. It 8/16/1975 #30281 e area. Suddenly, a very tall gray figure with bits of white hair appeared 9/17/1975 #30367 to be white whiskers. The humanoid figure seemed to be in total "control" a 9/17/1975 #30367 ey looked again the sphere and the figure were both gone. 9/25/1975 #30384 s heading to his own home, a small figure wearing a helmet and silver-gray 10/7/1975 #30421 r/cigar-shape with small wings and figure(s) / cabin. Colored instrument pa 10/19/1975 #30448 maneuvers closely. Semi-invisible figure(s) seen. / r5p148. 10/25/1975 #30467 stalled. Out of nowhere a strange figure then approached the vehicle very 11/3/1975 #30548 TOPPENISH RIDGE, WA Cows flee 3 7' figure(s) / ditch. 1 jumps 15'. UFO. "Gh 12/14/1975 #30714 ess speeds up, swerving around the figure. A few moments later, a bright, e 12/14/1975 #30715 cticut when he saw a large glowing figure floating, near some sumac bushes 1/11/1976 #30785 me sumac bushes 400 feet away. The figure was seen in profile from the wais 1/11/1976 #30785 he site. When they encountered the figure again one of them shone a flashli 1/11/1976 #30785 he flashlight was pointed away the figure rose up again, and remained in vi 1/11/1976 #30785 ng abducted from her car by a tall figure dressed in white. There were two 1/14/1976 #30786 e craft over woods. Goes overhead. Figure / small window! 1/19/1976 #30799 BOUZE TO/FROM BEAUNE, FR Flashes. Figure / diving suit on roadside. Helmet 1/26/1976 #30820 make out the upper portion of the figure because the bushes blocked his vi 1/26/1976 #30821 orning a Mr. Daliz noticed a human figure in Hudson Park with a light attac 2/19/1976 #30887 Glowing-dome lands / beach. Hums. Figure(s) / windows? Louder going up [to 2/25/1976 (approximate) #30900 ssed in a black coverall suit. The figure took a few steps through the fiel 2/25/1976 #30907 Olocau, Valencia, Spain saw a dark figure float across the road ahead of th 3/14/1976 #30940 and 4 night lights. Maneuvers and figure 8s. 4/25/1976 #31022 LEIGH, ENGL 1 observer. Silver figure stands by silver sphere/orb/globe 5/11/1976 #31043 ster, UK 6:15 a.m. A silver suited figure stood next to silver sphere on th 5/11/1976 #31044 A silver suited figure stood next to silver sphere on th 5/11/1976 #31045 porthole a dark, shadowy, man-like figure could be seen looking out at the 5/18/1976 #31060 porthole a dark, shadowy, man-like figure could be seen looking out at the 5/18/1976 #31061 RAPHAEL, FR Several / 2 cars. 4-8 figure(s) move around cylinder/cigar-sha 8/1976 #31209 uld see projected the profile of a figure, ten feet tall, wearing a tight-f 8/2/1976 #31222 , saw by its powerful headlights a figure first standing, and then running 8/16/1976 #31273 mower, causing it to stop, and the figure next turned around and looked at 8/16/1976 #31273 g panels of light inside. The tall figure floated up into this doorway, and 8/16/1976 #31273 2M glowing-sphere lands. 1.9M fat figure with helmet outside. 9/1/1976 #31321 observer(s). Saucer over factory. Figure moves / dome. Turns extremely bri 10/6/1976 #31450 in Rive-de-Gier, Loire, France. A figure was seen moving about inside the 10/6/1976 #31452 der/cigar-shape / 100M altitude. 2 figure(s) / rectangular window. 3 circle 10/24/1976 #31491 k cap like that of a Pierrot. This figure then disappeared “progressively,” 10/30/1976 #31510 around he saw a luminous humanoid figure at least ten feet tall, only 50 f 11/12/1976 #31540 50 feet away. The thick, luminous figure seemed to consist entirely of sma 11/12/1976 #31540 y saw a nine foot tall milky white figure wearing a diamond shaped red helm 11/12/1976 #31541 s. Then he saw a small, child-like figure fun in front of the headlights fr 12/6/1976 #31587 car. He looked again at the small figure again and had the thought that he 12/6/1976 #31587 im that the stretch cloth suit the figure was wearing carried 40,000 volts 12/6/1976 #31587 ima, Portugal, a 2-meter tall dark figure, wearing a one-piece robe that fe 12/10/1976 #31593 d behind them, then retreated. The figure was in view for five minutes, the 12/10/1976 #31593 MEYLAN, FR Glowing figure / very long arms. Guard paralyzed 12/12/1976 #31595 rver(s). Bang! Huge ovoid. Shadowy figure(s) move inside. Going northwest. 12/31/1976 #31643 earby hill a strange looking bulky figure that was dark and motionless. It 1/3/1977 #31687 ophone, seemed to emanate from the figure. The two witnesses became afraid 1/3/1977 #31687 object was a very tall, heavy set figure, human like. (NICAP: 07 - Entity 1/4/1977 #31690 object was a very tall, heavy set figure, human like. The object suddenly 1/4/1977 #31691 disappeared, and so did the bulky figure. The witness suffered from severe 1/4/1977 #31691 rver(s). Dome spins. Lights flash. Figure moves / window. / APRO 4'79. 2/3/1977 #31782 en reported seeing a thin humanoid figure with a round head. It seemed to b 2/3/1977 #31784 le lands / school and yards. Small figure / space-suit inside. 2/10/1977 #31805 lame-like light and a human-shaped figure, gray all over gray, that looked 2/10/1977 #31808 ld not see any hands or feet. This figure in an inflated suit was about fou 2/10/1977 #31808 he thought she could see a shadowy figure inside. She also saw the helicopt 2/10/1977 #31808 ore it left the area, a human-like figure was seen briefly to step out of t 2/17/1977 #31825 down." Up on the hill was another figure carrying what appeared to be "a b 3/5/1977 #31861 size of a basketball." The second figure was walking away from an object t 3/5/1977 #31861 g?” Daniels replies, “Well, let me figure this out. I’ll let you know.” The 3/12/1977 #31901 around only a few yards away was a figure "like a skinny human six-foot tal 3/13/1977 #31904 around only a few yards away was a figure "like a skinny human six-foot tal 3/13/1977 #31906 parent. Taylor took a swing at the figure and ran for home. On arrival he f 3/13/1977 #31906 lower part. There appeared to be a figure inside the object." (Sources: Stu 3/15/1977 #31907 lower part. There appeared to be a figure inside the object." After three m 3/15/1977 #31910 r going down [to] by NATO base. 6' figure / spacesuit. / FSRv23#1p6. 3/17/1977 #31914 n for a landing. Then a human like figure, well over six-foot tall with ver 4/4/1977 #31941 no landing gear. Then a human like figure, well over six-foot tall with ver 4/4/1977 #31943 seven to eight foot tall humanoid figure, who floated in the air with arms 4/7/1977 #31956 seven to eight foot tall humanoid figure, who floated in the air with arms 4/7/1977 #31957 been hovering, a thin, human-like figure emerged. It had long brown hair a 4/12/1977 #31974 11-year-old boy reported seeing a figure 50 meters away dressed in a silve 4/12/1977 #31976 been hovering, a thin, human-like figure emerged. It had long brown hair a 4/12/1977 #31977 nge looking boots. Behind the thin figure five other shorter figures appear 4/12/1977 #31977 LITTLE HAVEN, WALES Saucer lands. Figure(s) / white plastic suits exit. In 4/19/1977 #31995 yards away." A few moments later a figure appeared and drifted through a cl 4/20/1977 #32004 yards away." A few moments later a figure appeared and drifted through a cl 4/20/1977 #32005 ales when they saw a silver-suited figure outside their window. Pauline had 4/23/1977 #32018 nd the police immediately, but the figure had gone before they arrived. Mrs 4/23/1977 #32018 e previous night, they saw a small figure crouching on all fours, facing th 4/23/1977 #32019 DALE, WALES 7' figure / aqualung. Burnt bush. TV fried. 4/24/1977 #32020 ales when they saw a silver suited figure at their window. Pauline saw it f 4/24/1977 #32021 nd the police immediately, but the figure had gone before either arrived. M 4/24/1977 #32021 HAVEN, WALES 1+kids. Large silver figure peers / window. Sphere/orb/globe 4/26/1977 #32028 s reports seeing a luminous silver figure 7–8 feet tall looking into her wi 4/26/1977 #32029 ices it too. Humanoid in form, the figure’s face is black and featureless; 4/26/1977 #32029 at a 7-8-foot tall luminous silver figure, three feet wide, looked in a win 4/26/1977 #32030 ovoid rises / ground. Buzzes car. Figure / window waves arm! 5/5/1977 #32056 e truck and close to the ground. A figure wearing a dark gray coverall and 5/5/1977 #32057 n the top and one on the bottom. A figure wearing a dark gray coverall and 5/5/1977 #32060 oing down / canyon. Back / 0930h. "Figure(s) inside". 5/6/1977 #32063 bushes. They then observed a huge figure, about eight feet tall and four f 5/8/1977 #32074 lock when they saw a silver-suited figure walking away from them, about 60 5/15/1977 #32096 med saucer going down. Silver suit figure(s) exit. Traces. / MJ#289. 5/18/1977 #32109 indows going down. 3 misty robotic figure(s) fade away. / r60#106. 5/20/1977 #32114 EME (electro-magnetic effects). 2 figure(s) / windows. Observer(s) numb. 6/24/1977 #32187 erto Rico when he saw a very small figure across the road. It was about 40 7/12/1977 #32266 eighbors watched the lights of the figure as he moved about the trees for 1 7/12/1977 #32266 ll 300 yards away. They then saw a figure on a distant hill shining a light 7/23/1977 #32304 the air and move back and forth. A figure taller than the others, who were 7/23/1977 #32304 s develop severe headaches. Then a figure on a distant hill on a neighbor’s 7/23/1977 #32305 the air and move back and forth. A figure taller than the others, who are l 7/23/1977 #32305 severe headaches. They then saw a figure on a distant hill shining a light 7/23/1977 #32306 the air and move back and forth. A figure taller than the others, who were 7/23/1977 #32306 pole. Each had an arm raised. "One figure was a man in a sleveless jerkin a 8/9/1977 #32372 hts picked up a shining triangular figure in front of him on the road. It w 8/11/1977 #32385 nomenon. Next, one of the humanoid figure started to enter his bedroom thro 8/26/1977 #32426 he witness yelled out, causing the figure to leave, leaving a faintly lumin 8/26/1977 #32426 r headlights illuminated a strange figure walking by the side of the road. 8/28/1977 #32439 notified the carabinieri, but the figure had gone before they arrived at t 8/28/1977 #32439 oot to a nearby quarry, they saw a figure over two meters tall, wearing a s 8/30/1977 #32441 the parties flashed a light on the figure, it emitted sounds like "radio si 8/30/1977 #32441 aimed to be able to see a humanoid figure with a frog-like head looking out 8/30/1977 #32442 rry a mile from Sturno, they saw a figure over two meters tall that was wea 8/31/1977 #32446 one of them flashed a light at the figure, it emitted radio-like sounds. Wh 8/31/1977 #32446 ave silver suits and headgear. The figure on the right appears to be operat Late 9/1977 #32518 liant flash, and a three-foot tall figure encased in light appeared. The wi 9/25/1977 #32519 brilliant golden yellow light. The figure also radiated a blue aura that at 9/25/1977 #32519 NEAR HOUSTON, TX 2 / car stopped / figure / silver suit and led to UFO. Mis 9/27/1977 #32525 to the first one, and both weave a figure 8 at least 6 times as they pass n 9/28/1977 #32531 / Cliff. Vapor going down / rocks. Figure(s) / mist. / MJ#126. 10/16/1977? #32581 / night light. Night lights land. Figure(s) move outside. / MJ#126+/ r96#1 10/17/1977 #32583 hen she spotted a strange humanoid figure standing by a nearby tree. The fi 10/26/1977 #32619 ure standing by a nearby tree. The figure began walking very slowly and see 10/26/1977 #32619 o stagger like if intoxicated. The figure was short and very pale and had o 10/26/1977 #32619 beams burn people / house and dog. Figure(s) and pseudo-human/entity visit! 10/29/1977 #32626 left side of the rocks the second figure appeared to "walk" out over the w 10/30/1977 #32639 ughed field. They see a human-like figure inside the object behind one of i 11/1/1977 #32651 d the lights seen earlier with the figure, became frightened, and drove off 11/13/1977 #32671 the area he observed a human like figure wearing a shiny green metallic un 11/13/1977 #32672 ith visor. The witness ordered the figure to stop, but it continued walking 11/13/1977 #32672 he officer pointed his M-16 at the figure the being suddenly turned around 11/13/1977 #32672 MSITE L-9, SD Foia. 2 figure(s) melt rifle. Board 20' saucer a 11/16/1977 #32675 ne, he (allegedly) sees a helmeted figure in a glowing green metallic suit. 11/16/1977 #32677 ly a seven-foot tall, dark, hooded figure leaped out of some bushes along t 11/29/1977 #32709 es along the side of the road. The figure jumped directly in front of the c 11/29/1977 #32709 ness slammed on the brakes but the figure suddenly vanished in plain sight. 11/29/1977 #32709 14m saucers hover. 3 more join. 2 figure(s) / each dome. All going northwe 12/2/1977 #32723 e. They dropped the animal and the figure that was hit staggered off into t 12/2/1977 #32727 IMATA VALLEY, NZ 1 observer. 145cm figure / roadside. Silver suit. Waves / 12/8/1977 #32743 drew his attention to a tall white figure standing behind a fence. The figu 12/10/1977 #32759 igure standing behind a fence. The figure was about eight feet tall and wea 12/10/1977 #32759 NZ Silver glowing-saucer lands. 7' figure waves from door. / MJ#177+/ r210 1/1978 #32833 EST / RAINFORD, ENG 4 / car. 200cm figure / space-suit stands / road. No fa 1/2/1978 #32844 h. They suddenly see a 7-foot tall figure with red eyes appear in the glare 1/2/1978 #32846 with two flashing red lights. The figure takes two steps towards the witne 1/2/1978 #32846 ditch. Suddenly a seven foot tall figure appeared in the glare of the head 1/2/1978 #32847 shing red lights on its chest. The figure took two steps towards the witnes 1/2/1978 #32847 t when a short silvery transparent figure suddenly appeared hovering above 1/4/1978 #32852 ey saw a 2.1 meter tall human-like figure, standing eight meters away from 1/6/1978 #32855 ey saw a 2.1 meter tall human-like figure, standing eight meters away from 1/6/1978 #32856 w black visor across the eyes. The figure seemed surprised by their presenc 1/6/1978 #32856 rs bedroom reported seeing a white figure at the foot of his bed that tried 1/9/1978 #32862 back the curtains, he saw a white figure standing on top of the back porch 1/9/1978 #32862 rch roof, only four feet away. The figure was hooded and seemed to be weari 1/9/1978 #32862 orch he again saw the white suited figure standing just outside the glass d 1/9/1978 #32862 .m. when he spotted a white-suited figure standing on a path about 90 feet 1/10/1978 #32872 on a path about 90 feet away. The figure was described as four and a half 1/10/1978 #32872 ss spoke English and French at the figure but got no reaction. After awhile 1/10/1978 #32872 rage. The boys then notice another figure, this one a woman standing in the 1/31/1978 #32928 age. The boys then noticed another figure, this one a woman standing in the 1/31/1978 #32930 t 20M saucer going down. 25M away. Figure / helmet exits and waves! / r41p3 2/4/1978 #32948 ITL 2 / car. Violet cloud. 4 vague figure(s). 20 minute(s) / missing time / 2/23/1978 #32994 ractable beam searches lake. Large figure. 3/15/1978? #33040 n, he notices a 7-foot-tall silver figure coming down a steep embankment to 3/17/1978 #33048 pping his van, Edwards watches the figure descend with an unnatural stiff-l 3/17/1978 #33048 n unnatural stiff-legged gait. The figure walks across the road only 15 fee 3/17/1978 #33048 rom him. As he passes Edwards, the figure looks at him and two beams of lig 3/17/1978 #33048 ce surrounding the UKAEA site. The figure raises an arm (one of two that se 3/17/1978 #33048 en Vaudrey discovers that the tall figure was a 6 foot, 5 inch fireman dres 3/17/1978 #33048 2 100+' triangles going southeast. Figure in window? Light / corners. 3/22/1978 #33069 think they see the silhouette of a figure in the windows. It moves very slo 3/22/1978 #33072 AUCKLAND, NZ Flashes. 2 figure(s) look going down / wedge-UFO at 4/2/1978 #33116 assumed the shape of a human-like figure that remained suspended above the 5/2/1978 #33183 ed suspended above the ground. The figure was about 170 meters tall. The ca 5/2/1978 #33183 assumed the shape of a human-like figure that remained suspended above the 5/2/1978 #33185 ed suspended above the ground. The figure wore a kind of "cape" or long tun 5/2/1978 #33185 ss shoes on the figure's feet. The figure was about 170 meters tall. The ca 5/2/1978 #33185 notice any facial features on the figure except what appeared to be thin l 5/2/1978 #33185 what appeared to be thin lips. The figure extended its arms at him, as if b 5/2/1978 #33185 y. Looking back he did not see the figure again, and the UFO rose up into t 5/2/1978 #33185 nd fades away. 2 large and 2 small figure(s) by. / MJ#241. 5/14/1978 #33206 lane road / city with red sky!! No figure(s). / r25p295. 7/6/1978 #33341 youths saw a huge seven foot tall figure with large red glowing eyes. One 7/9/1978 #33362 p.m. when they noticed a huge dark figure with red glowing eyes that appear 7/10/1978 #33363 astonished to see another bizarre figure standing just in front of some ne 7/11/1978 #33367 by trees. They describe the second figure as a man over two meters tall, be 7/11/1978 #33367 t left she thought she saw another figure through a porthole in the object. 7/11/1978 #33368 be going down / abandoned house. 3 figure(s) inside. Going up [to] and diss 8/1978 #33455 up and was startled to see a short figure standing in their room. The figur 8/22/1978 #33551 figure standing in their room. The figure raised one hand, waved, then lept 8/22/1978 #33551 ar. Ovoid going [to] low over US6. Figure(s) move behind rectangular portho 8/26/1978 #33571 ack objects close enough to form a figure 8. The are making sounds like inc 9/6/1978 #33639 CARPENTERSVILLE, IL 2m figure outside window. 1m domed saucer / 9/15/1978 #33681 oise stopped, but then she saw the figure of a six-foot tall man. He was dr 9/15/1978 #33684 noise stops, but then she sees the figure of a 6-foot tall man. He is dress 9/15/1978 #33687 oise stopped, but then she saw the figure of a six-foot tall man. He was dr 9/15/1978 #33688 DELANO, TN 1 observer. 2 figure(s) with flashlights / yard. Pink 9/16/1978 #33690 ights / yard. Pink UFO going down. Figure(s) vanish! / MJ#245. 9/16/1978 #33690 egs that terminate in flat pads. A figure about 3.5 feet tall appears from 9/18/1978 #33708 top of a nearby hill. A human-like figure stood by the object. It wore two 9/21/1978 #33725 p.m., Sgt. Ion Radu notices a dark figure about 8 feet tall moving slowly o 9/23/1978 #33736 approaches to within 4 feet of the figure and raises a club to hit it, but 9/23/1978 #33736 h of lights” at the spot where the figure had stood and others hear mysteri 9/23/1978 #33736 cried out, pointing to a tall dark figure on a nearby hill. The being was s 9/24/1978 #33744 re. One of them walked towards the figure holding a club in his hand, and a 9/24/1978 #33744 of Russia noticed a short humanoid figure standing on the balcony of her ho 9/28/1978 #33770 . She stared in fascination at the figure, which she described as having a 9/28/1978 #33770 silver disk 15M over 2 / car. 3-4 figure(s) move / transparent door. / LDL 10/7/1978 #33801 when their headlight beams catch a figure standing in the grassy strip betw 10/8/1978 #33817 ster, England when at 11:30 p.m. a figure suddenly appeared in his headligh 10/8/1978 #33822 in the center of the highway. The figure was human like but over six feet 10/8/1978 #33822 aring a shiny silvery uniform. The figure was also encased in an orange glo 10/8/1978 #33822 / 75m altitude. Beams 2 tentacled figure(s) going down. Soil and plant sam 10/9/1978 #33823 (AEC) reactor. 2 beams going down. Figure? / r10p256. 10/29/1978 #33888 ther witness then saw a tall, thin figure wearing a hat, "dancing" behind h 10/31/1978 #33902 around and saw the same thin black figure walk across the opening between s 10/31/1978 #33902 f the young men saw the thin black figure silhouetted against some wardrobe 10/31/1978 #33902 pe. At five feet away the triangle figure vanished into thin air. 11/9/1978 #33941 .REP 5 / home. Power out. 10' cone figure(s) and pseudo-human/entity circle 11/20/1978 #33965 stood a tall, heavy set human-like figure, who appeared to be wearing a lar 11/24/1978 #33996 effects). Watchman abduction / 3M figure(s) / huge delta/triangle/box-like 12/6/1978 #34063 n abduction? Pear shaped craft and figure(s). / r243p83. 12/8/1978 #34074 il On this night a tall human-like figure with light colored skin, dark hai 12/11/1978 #34091 Arembepe, Brazil a tall human-like figure with light colored skin, dark hai 12/11/1978 #34094 illiant object maneuvers overhead. Figure going up / ground nearby! No desc 12/13/1978 #34106 Frequency Interference (RFI). 2 2M figure(s) exit saucer. Gibberish. See / 12/15/1978 #34134 Italy spotted a bizarre human-like figure about 1.60 meters in height, wear 12/15/1978 #34139 nesses were afraid to approach the figure. Some thought it was a prank and 12/15/1978 #34139 As the police arrived the strange figure suddenly ran through an opening i 12/15/1978 #34139 even closer they saw a human like figure walk in front of the light, and m 1/3/1979 #34290 light, and moments later a second figure walked from the opposite directio 1/3/1979 #34290 orted seeing a 7-8 foot tall hairy figure in a field at 11:00 p.m. near Stu 1/5/1979 #34306 ive in appearance, while the other figure was somewhat shorter. Both wore s 1/19/1979 #34362 object, he saw a strange luminous figure emerge from the rear of the craft 2/26/1979 #34449 object, he saw a strange luminous figure emerge from the rear of the craft 2/26/1979 #34450 ge from the rear of the craft. The figure appeared to be robot-like in natu 2/26/1979 #34450 GUAY Several observer(s). Helmeted figure(s) / ovoid dives / truck and circ 3/2/1979 #34456 ffects). UFO lands / 90 second(s). Figure(s) look through portholes. / News 5/5/1979 #34541 d surrounding it. Another helmeted figure stands by a ladder extending from 5/16/1979 #34563 d surrounding it. Another helmeted figure stood by a ladder extending from 5/16/1979 #34564 Saucer going down [to] near huts. Figure(s) move inside. / International U 5/20/1979 #34570 y puck hovers over path. Geometric figure(s) flash / edge. Burns. / Interna 5/22/1979 #34573 g down / legs. Beam sweeps. 2 ugly figure(s) / transparent dome. Quickly go 6/19/1979 #34619 d of the object, and a short squat figure with thick arms and legs and a ro 7/15/1979 #34655 tilts. 2 small humanoid (or Grey) figure(s) / clear-dome. Tilts. Going qui 8/4/1979 #34710 object going [to] over lake. 1.5M figure(s) / spacesuits walk going [to] w 8/10/1979 #34723 missing time. Woman abduction. 2M figure / slant-eyes. / r169p98. 8/19/1979 #34756 BRAZIL Huge dark object passes. 2 figure(s) / window. Tile roof collapses. 8/26/1979 #34781 ough he is going 70 mph, he sees a figure standing outside. When it throws 8/29/1979 #34803 near his house. A short human-like figure appeared next to the craft. (NICA 9/19/1979 #34899 ear his house. A short, human-like figure appeared next to the craft. He wo 9/19/1979 #34901 nts, and does not remember how the figure and the object left. 9/19/1979 #34901 in diameter. Then he saw a shadowy figure. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) ( 9/26/1979 #34926 watched a seven-foot-tall silvery figure that was apparently drilling a ho 10/4/1979 #34942 d with a tube. The boy watched the figure until it suddenly spotted him. Th 10/4/1979 #34942 until it suddenly spotted him. The figure then disappeared in a puff of pin 10/4/1979 #34942 almond-shaped protruding eyes. The figure wore a shiny white robe. One of t 10/7/1979 #34951 ing down / field 150M away. Silver figure moves outside. 11/27/1979 #35017 stling sound. A very tall man like figure wearing a shiny silvery outfit go 11/27/1979 #35022 , age 27, was approached by a tall figure with an oval-shaped head who wore 12/2/1979 #35040 t surrounded the gas pumps and the figure ordered Zanfretta to accompany hi 12/2/1979 #35040 zed. UFO 1M overhead. 2 thin 180cm figure(s) exit. Voices. / Flying Saucer 12/4/1979 #35047 he light he could see a human like figure. Stunned, he went to the window a 12/30/1979 #35104 ow and saw the back of a very tall figure wearing a very tight-fitting lumi 12/30/1979 #35104 k. His arms were at his sides. The figure seemed to move slowly at first, b 12/30/1979 #35104 huge two-meter tall glowing green figure standing at the foot of his bed. 1/5/1980 #35124 e a holographic image than a solid figure. The being apparently communicate 1/5/1980 #35124 IEDRAS, PR Large and small webfoot figure(s) glide. Study chickens. All obs 3/3/1980 #35192 ESHIRE 2 / car. Brill lights. 2 7' figure(s) glide up. Telepathy battle of 6/1980 #35346 . He then observed a human looking figure dressed in a metallic suit emerge 7/16/1980 #35414 . He then observed a human looking figure dressed in a metallic suit emerge 7/16/1980 #35415 et away from it. Moments later the figure returned to the object and it qui 7/16/1980 #35415 ly) quiet. UFO's hovers. Probe and figure(s). Retarded boy frantic.. 7/18/1980 #35416 Ovoid going down [to] 12M away. 2 figure(s) move to and fro / window. Car 11/1/1980 #35601 discredit Bennewitz so no one will figure that out. However, Doty claims th 11/26/1980 #35673 ps and his dog attracted him to a "figure" standing by the fence. The figur 2/13/1981 #35826 figure" standing by the fence. The figure was a meter and a half tall, squa 2/13/1981 #35826 and one of his dogs led him to a "figure" standing by the fence on his pro 2/13/1981 #35827 ms or feet. The dog approached the figure and began barking, and then both 2/13/1981 #35827 "echo" that seem to come from the figure itself. The witness grabbed a fla 2/13/1981 #35827 eard a loud "crackling" sound. The figure by now had disappeared. He next s 2/13/1981 #35827 ine, she turned around and saw the figure of a "feminine appearing" man wit 5/1981 #35919 observer(s). Ovoid lights farm. 2 figure(s).. 1 / conning tower and 1 / co 7/11/1981 #35995 going east. Slots and windows. Fat figure. / r41p49. 7/12/1981 #35999 s on its surface. A heavyset squat figure was seen at one of the windows. 7/12/1981 #36003 was briefly able to see a humanoid figure apparently wearing a green outfit 9/1981 #36097 A, ITL Anonymous observer(s). Tall figure / luminous suit by bridge. Big da 9/20/1981 #36131 the object he noticed a very tall figure who was wearing a shiny luminous 9/20/1981 #36134 on the craft and a tall human like figure then appeared, his arms seemed to 10/8/1981 #36165 car. 2 night lights scour terrain. Figure / white room regressed. Abduction 10/24/1981 #36184 was there but he couldn't move. A figure 1.2 meters tall walked up the roa 10/24/1981 #36186 ey saw a four-foot tall human like figure float over a nearby fence and com 12/29/1981 #36281 at was repeated four times, then a figure appeared suddenly in the empty fi 7/22/1982 #36545 p.m. a small glowing, transparent figure was seen among the branches of a 7/30/1982 #36556 atures, and the bottom half of the figure was dark. The motorist drove by a 8/2/1982 #36561 il it became a huge, dark man-like figure that approached him making a stra 11/10/1982 #36678 e ground. He then screamed and the figure stopped, turned, and left. He the 11/10/1982 #36678 He then saw a bright flash and the figure vanished. The figure was describe 11/10/1982 #36678 flash and the figure vanished. The figure was described as completely black 11/10/1982 #36678 .m. in Arrolobos, Spain saw a dark figure walk toward him. The witness yell 11/13/1982 #36681 ess yelled, asking who he was. The figure replied in a low guttural voice " 11/13/1982 #36681 er beams light going down / car. 3 figure(s) move / window. Near NASA. / r4 11/19/1982 #36685 m lit. White 10' saucer over lawn. Figure outside vanishes! 2/7/1984 #37178 igh rate of speed. A lawn ornament figure was reported missing. 2/7/1984 #37181 PRATO / PRINCIPATO, ITL 4' figure / helmet probes ground / forked t 10/8/1984 #37479 POLCANTO, FIRENZE, ITL Figure / hill. Light / head. Observer(s) 10/9/1984 #37482 coming from the forehead of a dark figure on a nearby hill across the road. 10/9/1984 #37484 hill across the road. Suddenly the figure and light vanish, and Ferri sees 10/9/1984 #37484 join cylinder/cigar-shape. Head of figure / saucer. All going east toward(s 12/26/1984 (approximate) #37531 ect. The head and upper torso of a figure was reportedly seen inside one of 12/26/1984 #37532 4' fireball exits and drops. Tall figure runs. Traces. 1/2/1985 #37545 lectro-magnetic effects). 2 silver figure(s) / road. Snow melts. 4/14/1985 #37578 LOWTON, ENGLAND 1 observer. 2 5' figure(s). "Use earths magnetic field an 5/9/1985 #37588 Several photographs taken = vague figure(s). See reference. 7/21/1985 #37626 / 2M white globes and small simian figure(s) and animal mutilations. 9/1985 #37653 veral kids. Several 10cm humanlike figure(s) / woodpile. Nothing found. 10/1985 #37669 rs very low. Row / windows. 1 dark figure / ground. 2nd / lit doorway. / W. 1/9/1987 #38095 arge layer cake object. Human-size figure(s) move / windows. Hovers 4 minut 6/19/1987 #38193 A Kids and mom. Saucer. 2 2M green figure(s) with cat ears beam light going 9/1/1987 #38271 STOCKSBRIDGE, ENGL Guards. Hooded figure / new and inaccessible bridge. Va 9/8/1987 #38279 th Yorkshire, England saw a hooded figure standing on an inaccessible bridg 9/8/1987 #38280 e headlights of their car upon the figure it suddenly vanished. Moments lat 9/8/1987 #38280 NEAR HASLEV, DK 1 / car. Figure stands / rainy field. Huge ball / 10/15/1987 #38304 trees. He hears a noise and sees a figure wearing a helmet and a dark suit Mid 10/1987 #38305 ’t come closer. As he watches, the figure raises its hand as if to say good Mid 10/1987 #38305 bserver spotted a short child-like figure in a field at 8:20 p.m. Upon clos 11/12/1987 #38324 speed. The witness felt the short figure may have entered the ball shaped 11/12/1987 #38324 ill when he notices an odd-looking figure in the trail ahead of him. It is 12/1/1987 #38345 he witnesses can see a shadow-like figure moving about. The object suddenly 3/3/1988 #38482 NIVA, HORNBAEK, DK 1 / car. 2 55cm figure(s) / olive suits gesture over sto 9/28/1988 #38654 EAR HUNGE, SWEDEN 1 observer. 1.6M figure / diving suit. Vanishes / thin ai 11/24/1988 #38721 tness saw a six-foot tall humanoid figure near Hunge, Sweden at 9:00 p.m. I 11/24/1988 #38722 overhead. Radio out. (Observer saw figure / bedroom earlier. 4/4/1989 #38889 USTRL Chirp. Semi-transparent 65cm figure appears / bedroom. Touches belt a 4/12/1989 #38900 the right side of the bed a short figure suddenly appeared. She described 4/12/1989 #38902 cylinder/cigar-shape / rooftops. 4 figure(s) move inside. Car malfunctions 4/24/1989 #38924 t. Repeat abductee fires 4 shots / figure(s) / window. Power back on.. 5/1/1989 #38930 CA 30' saucer over power lines. 6 figure(s) emerge and work / UFO. TV Radi 5/10/1989 #38940 . Moves going [to] river. Headless figure emerges. More orbs. 6/6/1989 #38980 cloud in the garden, and then the figure of a giant almost eight meters ta 6/29/1989 #38996 ite ovoid passes. Possible cloaked figure / bedroom that night. 7/18/1989 #39026 PERM, URALS, RUSSIA Tall dark figure. Short legs. Small knob for head. 8/1989 (approximate) #39037 he noticed a huge, eight-foot-tall figure with bright slanted eyes. The bei 8/10/1989 #39055 in Voronezh, Russia at 7:00 p.m. A figure more than three meters tall emerg 9/26/1989 #39121 und. A hatch opens and a heavy-set figure emerges. The being moves very slo 9/27/1989 #39124 nd. A hatch opened and a heavy set figure emerged. The being moved very slo 9/27/1989 #39126 A figure with two eyes and a broad mouth s 10/11/1989 #39163 r(s). Saucer blocks road! Green 7' figure(s) exit. Observer(s) plagued / UF 10/13/1989 #39168 KECSKEMET, HUNG 4' green figure checks out Air Force jet. Lifts a 10/28/1989 (approximate) #39190 t, Hungary military base. When the figure lifted one of its arms a cone of 10/28/1989 #39192 sphere/orb/globe objects by house. Figure inside landed UFO? 10/31/1989 #39196 rranged in a semi-circle above the figure’s heads. The beings stood quietly 10/31/1989 #39199 sleep she heard and “felt” a large figure enter her room and stand over her 10/31/1989 #39199 ed a small, two-foot tall humanoid figure running past their bedroom window 10/31/1989 #39201 on the SW corner of the house. The figure appeared to be holding his arms u 10/31/1989 #39201 / truck. 40M disk / ground. Shadow figure(s) take matches. Observer(s) aske 11/2/1989 #39209 [to] woods. Beam hits soldier. 10' figure(s) by forest. 11/20/1989 #39238 legedly witnessed by international figure and security guards (Hopkins, 199 11/30/1989 #39281 legedly witnessed by international figure and security guards (Hopkins, 199 11/30/1989 #39282 Lights. Door stuck. Saucer. Fat 4' figure / big nose and mouth. Missing tim 2/1990 #39402 ZK Saucer wavers going down. Large figure / window! Extends antenna / flash 2/7/1990 #39413 urroundings quite clearly. A large figure with an oval-shaped head was seen 2/7/1990 #39414 and ladder going down [to] close. Figure climbs ladder. 7/23/1990 #39657 le. On the ladder stood a humanoid figure, but no details could be seen bec 7/23/1990 #39658 acial features, arms, or legs. One figure followed the other, and both quic 8/31/1990 #39707 Astounded, she next saw a humanoid figure floating next to the object. The 9/13/1990 #39731 e floating next to the object. The figure was human-like, tall, slender, an 9/13/1990 #39731 rge round heads could be seen. One figure was standing up, while the other 9/13/1990 #39732 eters away from their vehicle. The figure had two long legs and two huge ro 10/6/1990 #39760 y northeast. Turns. Several beams. Figure moves / cabin. 11/5/1990 #39838 ght towards the ground. A man-like figure was seen moving around inside a c 11/5/1990 #39872 an intruder in her house, a small figure in a watery-green cosmonaut suit 2/6/1991? #39974 ior of a spaceship. The screen and figure dissolve. The next day, near a bu 2/6/1991? #39974 ear a bus stop, she sees a strange figure wearing a cape who scowls at her 2/6/1991? #39974 prises wiry stork-man by trashcan. Figure jumps wall. Claws and talons. 2/25/1991 (approximate) #39983 reet, and traced a brief series of figure 8s. Suddenly, after 5 seconds the 5/17/1991 #40066 ESSEX 3 fishermen. Edge / saucer? Figure(s) seen looking / 6 windows / edg 5/18/1991 #40068 noticed a strange-looking humanoid figure standing near the trampoline. It 7/21/1991 #40129 ore/others. UFO going down / road. Figure(s) exit and float over ground. Fl 8/13/1991 #40149 hundreds. Glowing-ovoid and giant figure maneuvers all over/all about. Cha 11/6/1991 #40219 d and saw a human-shaped, greenish figure standing in front of a door. The 12/4/1991 #40254 e standing in front of a door. The figure was of normal height and bright g 12/4/1991 #40254 ame face to face with the greenish figure. After a few minutes the being ro 12/4/1991 #40254 They wore gray coveralls, and one figure was carrying something resembling 12/27/1991 #40268 MEZOBERENY, HUNG Small black figure / kitchen. Ovoid / garden. Burn m 1/24/1992 #40301 en a short, dull black, egg-shaped figure suddenly crossed the room and pas 1/24/1992 #40302 cloud-saucer shoots beams / sides. Figure(s) shine beams going up. 2/24/1992 #40333 rabbed her son, at which point the figure vanished in a flash of white ligh 3/4/1992 #40354 noticed a five-foot tall humanoid figure standing by the side of the road, 3/13/1992 #40377 ly members again saw a shadow like figure with claws move out of the hallwa 5/5/1992 #40454 night lights to late July. 2 robed figure(s) glide over field. 5/25/1992 (approximate) #40472 Nyman a foundation stone authority figure around whom to rally. The so-call 6/13/1992 #40492 was a short hairless greenish-gray figure that walked quickly into her kitc 8/13/1992 #40569 lly, but it suddenly vanished. The figure had an elongated head and what ap 8/13/1992 #40569 2 observer(s). Black armless 3.5M figure with 3 white patches for eyes. / 9/19/1992 #40630 They then saw the tall, jet-black figure watching them from behind some tr 9/19/1992 #40631 g them from behind some trees. The figure ducked down, then bounded away in 9/19/1992 #40631 the spot. Moments later a luminous figure appeared, hovering about 10 meter 9/24/1992 #40639 cloud" 25 cm above the ground. The figure was described as a female wearing 9/24/1992 #40639 ee anything. According to Paca the figure had extremely beautiful facial fe 9/24/1992 #40639 attempted to approach the glowing figure it seem to vanish, but when she s 9/24/1992 #40639 es some skepticism and patience to figure out what could be alien and what 10/1992 #40653 time. 1 examined 1 guarded. Mantis figure(s). 11/20/1992 #40720 a four-foot tall glowing man-like figure emerge from the brush. It moved s 11/20/1992 #40721 ake another look, but the humanoid figure had already vanished. 11/23/1992 #40724 ee a.m. the witness awoke to see a figure kneeling to the left side of his 1/19/1993 #40802 about half way down the side. The figure was thin and had normal features, 1/19/1993 #40802 e witness reached out to touch the figure, but his hand went right through 1/19/1993 #40802 ghts. Then he saw a white humanoid figure standing in his bedroom. 1/20/1993 #40804 marind tree, when a gigantic black figure with a tail and two horns appeare 1/22/1993 #40810 unfamiliar language or tongue. The figure appeared to vanish in plain sight 1/22/1993 #40810 r son remembered seeing a humanoid figure standing in his doorway and then 1/27/1993 #40816 lia Kylie C. awoke and saw a small figure standing beside her bed, halfway 2/1/1993 #40831 d three taller beings. The smaller figure had dark almond-shaped eyes, smal 2/1/1993 #40831 desire to reach out and touch the figure as an overwhelming feeling of lov 2/1/1993 #40831 nk lands. Pure silicon found. 2.5M figure(s) to JUN'93. 3/20/1993 #40892 ng its size. A seven-foot tall man figure appeared near the object. Dogs in 3/20/1993 #40894 barking upon catching sight of the figure. The being wore a metallic covera 3/20/1993 #40894 if forming a cocked Y. The entire figure glowed white. The distance was es 4/17/1993 #40941 midnight noticed a tall dark human figure standing next to a light pole. Th 7/31/1993 #41095 standing next to a light pole. The figure seemed to be staring at him. The 7/31/1993 #41095 gh speed but then noticed that the figure was now running after him at very 7/31/1993 #41095 ed also, still staring at him. The figure then disappeared and a bright whi 7/31/1993 #41095 A witness takes a video of an odd figure on a beach at Rhyl, Clwyd, Wales. 8/1993 #41099 beach, a strange semi-transparent figure in a silver suit becomes visible 8/1993 #41099 nce. Looking up, he cannot see the figure, which appears to have vanished. 8/1993 #41099 eparate cars abduction. Tall black figure(s). Marks. False pregnancy? / MJ# 8/8/1993 #41113 d their home, they saw a tall dark figure standing on the side of the road. 8/8/1993 #41118 , they saw a seven-foot tall black figure with huge fiery red eyes appear i 8/8/1993 #41118 red eyes appear in the field. The figure began moving slowly towards them, 8/8/1993 #41118 watched in the rear view mirror a figure appeared at the front of the obje 11/29/1993 #41309 ed at the front of the object. The figure was very thin and had a large hea 11/29/1993 #41309 ver(s). Field lit. Domed saucer. 3 figure(s). 1 exits / door. / r226#19. 1/4/1994 #41357 Route 548. Beams going down / car. Figure / road. Going quickly northwest. 2/1/1994 #41395 ght towards the ground. A humanoid figure is also seen standing on the road 2/1/1994 #41398 hey saw a strange-looking dwarfish figure moving close to the building. The 4/15/1994 #41493 moving close to the building. The figure was dark in color, about 1.30 met 4/15/1994 #41493 he adult witnesses saw the strange figure moving behind a partially collaps 4/15/1994 #41493 . The children also saw a humanoid figure standing at a door-like entrance 6/15/1994 #41568 tree, a tall, dark winged man-like figure. It stepped from behind the tree 6/23/1994 #41579 room. Lizard-types. Small helmeted figure(s) mutilate cows. 3 hours missing 9/20/1994 #41763 side and she saw a small humanoid figure sitting near the foot of her bed. 9/20/1994 #41766 startled woman took a swing at the figure but missed. Two other figures wer 9/20/1994 #41766 STENSVED, DK 1.5M figure runs by house. Scrape-noise / til 11/14/1994 #41846 by a bizarre looking, shiny white figure that floated quietly above the gr 2/9/1995 #42031 to vibrate and "jump around." The figure was wearing what looked like a fl 2/9/1995 #42031 n; another duty was to accompany a figure known as “Axlerod” to a secret lo 3/31/1995 #42130 e could see that it was a humanoid figure enclosed in a dark "wing-shaped" 5/15/1995 #42211 a tight-fitting helmet or cap. The figure attempted to approach the witness 5/15/1995 #42211 4 disks / low altitude. 50 bizarre figure(s) / ground. / r60#314. 7/9/1995 #42294 WALLINGTON, NJ 3 4' figure(s) / in space-suits study coat-ha 8/11/1995 #42373 very shaken when he saw a humanoid figure with a very large head and standi 8/15/1995 #42390 standing about four feet tall. The figure had an amazingly smooth stride, a 8/15/1995 #42390 MANSON, WA Figure(s) / scuba diver suits in apartme 11/1/1995 #42574 that it was a very short, man-like figure with huge glowing red eyes. The s 11/1/1995 #42575 huge glowing red eyes. The strange figure turned around and stared at him. 11/1/1995 #42575 the patio and saw a strange hairy figure, grayish in color, covering its b 11/9/1995 #42589 Saucer flashes / low altitude. No figure(s) visible / large clear windows. 11/23/1995 #42620 3 girls and more/others. Red-eyed figure with big feet. Rumor 2 ETs caught 1/20/1996 #42692 SM Room lit. Ovoid / paddock. Thin figure / garden beckons. Back 17 Februar 2/10/1996 #42753 ding in the garden was a tall thin figure over two meters tall. The figure 2/10/1996 #42754 n figure over two meters tall. The figure beckoned the witness with its lef 2/10/1996 #42754 RA, ZIMB Teen. White 1M round-head figure west / pack and antenna. Clicks. 3/6/1996 #42803 observer(s). Silent peanut-ovoid (figure 8) going SSE. Glow intensity vari 3/6/1996 #42806 ND 1+boys. 40' grey saucer stops. Figure(s) move / 4 windows. 6 legs. Truc 7/3/1996 #42944 e was also a small strange looking figure moving around it. He yelled for R 7/8/1996 #42950 bout 200-300 meters away, he saw a figure suddenly appears, along with what 9/15/1996 #43021 ch, so he could not see its entire figure. Both the alien and young boy sta 9/16/1996 #43025 EORGEVILLE, PA 2 boys. 4' sky-blue figure marches / cornfield. Swings arms. 9/24/1996 #43040 spotted a four-foot-tall sky-blue figure marching through a cornfield near 9/24/1996 #43041 his bedroom window, he saw a dark figure standing outside on the ground. T 9/26/1996 #43043 ost. Blue tube maneuvers. Luminous figure predicts rescue.. 9/27/1996 #43045 , he came up a hill and saw a tall figure emerging from a gate in a field o 11/23/1996 #43118 field on his right hand side. The figure wore a silver suit with some kind 11/23/1996 #43118 indow. It appeared to be a reddish figure with wings, or something on eithe 11/24/1996 #43120 arate report(s). Abductions? White figure tries / levitate kid through roof 12/1996 #43126 nd. Next a two-meter tall humanoid figure stepped out. The being approached 12/9/1996 #43133 ning her head, she noticed a small figure about 4-foot 8 inches tall standi 2/13/1997 #43191 struggled some more, grabbing the figure by the throat, noticing that the 2/24/1997 #43207 dropped to the floor. Next a third figure appeared in the room, and the two 2/24/1997 #43207 e was a 4-meter tall shadowy human figure in the center of the light. One w 3/19/1997 #43235 cts). Domed saucer hovers. Several figure(s) / windows. Orbs exit and maneu 5/18/1997 #43296 merchant watched a tall human-like figure descend slowly from the sky into 5/18/1997 #43298 o a nearby field at 10:30 a.m. The figure was about 1.60 meters tall, and t 5/18/1997 #43298 , reported seeing a flying silvery figure in the sky over Arad, Israel. The 7/22/1997 #43356 in the sky over Arad, Israel. The figure appeared to have a frozen, silver 7/22/1997 #43356 Estrada witnessed a small robotic figure that moved in quick jerky jumps o 7/23/1997 #43359 oached to within ten meters of the figure. Around the same time other local 7/23/1997 #43359 te(s) / missing time. Dreams / odd figure(s).. 8/7/1997 #43372 n he came upon a strange man-sized figure, dark green in color, with a stra 10/10/1997 #43426 a strange growth on its face. The figure had two small hands with three fi 10/10/1997 #43426 ors that he saw the outline of the figure, and that it was human looking wi 10/10/1997 #43426 ight when an unknown alien looking figure suddenly began pulling on her lef 10/16/1997 #43430 its center. Something like a small figure was taken up inside the beam. Lig 12/14/1997 #43461 eam from an outside source. Next a figure appeared but with no real disting 12/14/1997 #43462 up his friend and they both saw a figure standing in the bedroom. Terrifie 1/1/1998 #43484 oked again a few moments later the figure had vanished. The craft, however, 1/1/1998 #43484 stayed visible until sunrise. The figure was described as tall, with a hug 1/1/1998 #43484 was a glass dome and a pilot-like figure apparently wearing some type of h 1/11/1998 #43498 e suddenly awoke to see a humanoid figure standing at her bedroom door. The 2/1/1998 #43510 standing at her bedroom door. The figure seemed to be dark in color and ha 2/1/1998 #43510 ying down on some kind of table. A figure wearing a bluish shiny suit appro 4/13/1998 #43550 and apparently was able to see the figure run from the bedroom. 4/27/1998 #43559 heir house. They also saw an alien figure floating next to the object, the 5/7/1998 #43562 her feet stood a tall, human like figure, with black hair, large eyes, fin 6/8/1998 #43584 and unafraid. She asked the human figure what were they doing, and his ans 6/8/1998 #43584 n, Kentucky watched a tall glowing figure, without a neck and with a large 6/9/1998 #43585 the ceiling. A tall human looking figure with black hair (previously encou 7/11/1998 #43601 d about two meters above the small figure. The small humanoid then levitate 8/21/1998 #43634 en they noticed a strange humanoid figure emerge from the water not far fro 8/24/1998 #43637 m the water not far from them. The figure came out and began moving its arm 8/24/1998 #43637 oached, they saw it was a humanoid figure in a standing position. It flew c 9/14/1998 #43646 t gleamed on it. After landing the figure went up the hill by making some s 9/14/1998 #43646 nt of the light a small child-like figure was seen walking back and forth a 9/18/1998 #43648 he center of the red light. Then a figure became visible inside the white l 9/21/1998 #43650 isible inside the white light. The figure moved back and forth, apparently 9/21/1998 #43650 ing out. The witness described the figure as tall, thin, and man-like. It w 9/21/1998 #43650 o briefly saw a 4 foot 8 inch tall figure apparently standing on the object 9/25/1998 #43651 the foot of his bed and saw an odd figure standing there. The figure was ha 10/25/1998 #43670 an odd figure standing there. The figure was hard to see because of the li 10/25/1998 #43670 by woods a two-meter tall humanoid figure appeared. Because it was dark the 11/25/1998 #43685 wing green eyes. He challenged the figure but it did not move, then he fire 11/25/1998 #43685 m. He took a few steps towards the figure which then raised one hand up, cr 11/25/1998 #43685 when he looked up and saw a short figure with a very large head looking in 2/21/1999 #43733 t out of the car and saw the short figure disappear into the distance up th 2/21/1999 #43733 ght towards the ground and a short figure materialized within the light on 4/1/1999 #43752 manoid figures, including a female figure. Whereabouts of the film is unkno 4/15/1999 #43758 f the craft a vaguely human-shaped figure was visible. Suddenly, the craft 7/14/1999 #43802 ater he saw a small white, grayish figure standing just inches away from hi 7/18/1999 #43807 ichard Dolan states he was able to figure out who actually wrote the Zodiac 7/31/1999 #43815 e 50 feet away. It was a blue-gray figure moving along the trail toward her 8/22/1999 #43831 blue jacket, but abruptly the blue figure glided off the trail to her right 8/22/1999 #43831 on. Before it glided away the blue figure seemed to change directions. As i 8/22/1999 #43831 d standing outside the window. The figure appeared grayish white, with larg 9/3/1999 #43842 iefly, and when he looked back the figure was gone. 9/3/1999 #43842 y lethargic. In the dark she saw a figure in the room; she could see it sta 10/26/1999 #43866 ould not move. They then noticed a figure exit the craft, who completely ig 11/13/1999 #43880 the window he saw the outline of a figure, the size of a little boy, but it 1/17/2000 #43929 anced out a window they saw a dark figure jumping behind the trees. It had 1/24/2000 #43933 cusa, Sicily, Italy saw a humanoid figure suspended high in the sky over th 2/2/2000 #43938 Argentina noticed a short humanoid figure that he first mistook for a child 4/17/2000 #43982 or a child. When he approached the figure, intending to reprimand it for be 4/17/2000 #43982 mbered lying down on a table and a figure was at her head on the right side 5/17/2000 #43996 ht side over her shoulder; another figure was at her feet on her right side 5/17/2000 #43996 und. At the same time he noticed a figure dressed in what looked like a lon 7/11/2000 #44014 n a nearby fence. He described the figure as short in stature, wearing a la 7/11/2000 #44014 in the living room. Soon an alien figure came to his bedroom door and ente 7/12/2000 #44015 mained stationary. They then saw a figure standing about three feet away fr 7/13/2000 #44016 et away from the front bumper. The figure was described as large, lacking e 7/13/2000 #44016 tion. After about five minutes the figure and the object disappeared. The w 7/16/2000 #44020 red to be an amorphous transparent figure, with large bright yellowish almo 8/2/2000 #44026 yellowish almond-shaped eyes. The figure floated towards a nearby tree kno 8/2/2000 #44026 and summoned her husband, but the figure had already vanished. The followi 8/2/2000 #44026 cket near the disc, and suddenly a figure moved quickly from the thicket to 11/30/2000 #44094 sitation of possibly a holographic figure occurred at four o’clock in the m 12/31/2000 #44110 e witness reported that a humanoid figure and a blue light passed through a 12/31/2000 #44110 terialized inside the bedroom. The figure and the blue light disappeared at 12/31/2000 #44110 0 floating cots, each with a human figure on them. To her right she noticed 5/2/2001 #44174 p.m. two witnesses saw a luminous figure walking on the side of the road w 7/26/2001 #44211 from the area. They described the figure as about two meters to 2.15 meter 7/26/2001 #44211 lighted window and a tall man-like figure could be seen looking out. It the 7/27/2001 #44212 let him make out any details. The figure quickly took shelter among Sepulv 8/2/2001 #44218 n around and was confronted by the figure of a tall man, who was enveloped 8/4/2001 #44225 aura and apparently headless. The figure suddenly vanished in plain sight. 8/4/2001 #44225 falling from it. The object does a figure eight before heading in the direc 3/15/2002 #44324 road when out of nowhere a female figure with long black hair appeared in 5/3/2002 #44336 a light flowing gown. The strange figure was very pale and appeared elderl 5/3/2002 #44336 ad seen a strange small human like figure in her bedroom. 7/28/2002 #44367 witness saw what appeared to be a figure glowing all white, with black "st 7/28/2002 #44368 head. The man stood staring at the figure for 20 seconds and then left the 7/28/2002 #44368 left the area. Prior to seeing the figure, he had seen lights in a large ov 7/28/2002 #44368 on his high beams. He then saw the figure walk out from the side of the roa 1/22/2003 #44477 Springs, Florida a man saw a dark figure outside his window, and at first 4/4/2003 #44511 ad, but after about 30 seconds the figure walked away. As it went behind so 4/4/2003 #44511 out of an alley he saw a dwarfish figure run across the street between two 4/18/2003 #44515 and running on two legs. When the figure disappeared the witness ran to th 4/18/2003 #44515 he witness could only describe the figure as having brown legs, and as it r 4/18/2003 #44515 round 3:30 a.m., one of them saw a figure standing a short distance off the 5/2/2003 #44521 ck toward town. They described the figure as man-like, wearing light colore 5/2/2003 #44521 me when they looked up and saw the figure of a man in the sky. He was dress 7/16/2003 #44565 n. He appeared to be a sympathetic figure, and she believed he understood w 9/3/2003 #44592 silhouette-like, 8- or 9-foot-tall figure, visible against the moon-lit sky 2004 #44637 slowly across the sky in repeated figure eight patterns. It disappeared co 1/30/2004 #44658 His eyes focused on a little dark figure standing very still. This caught 3/12/2004 #44676 s evening when she spotted a black figure run past her window. She looked o 5/17/2004 #44703 er cleaning, but again saw another figure run by the window, this one not a 5/17/2004 #44703 saw was a glowing silvery man-like figure that was flying above the neighbo 7/26/2004 #44717 t a height of 21 to 24 meters. The figure flew at a reasonably fast pace. T 7/26/2004 #44717 to watch it through a window. The figure went behind some trees and when i 7/26/2004 #44717 They stopped and turned around. A figure resembling an elderly woman stood 8/2/2004 #44725 l seconds of observation the alien figure simply dissolved into thin air. T 8/2/2004 #44725 the problem. Suddenly, a very tall figure walked by the front door of her h 10/27/2004 #44771 ont door of her house. The strange figure had a very pale white complexion, 10/27/2004 #44771 hite according to the witness. The figure then turned to look at her, and t 10/27/2004 #44771 sible, from which he briefly saw a figure descend down what appeared to be 11/8/2004 #44780 at looked to be an alien face. The figure was standing by a dresser next to 11/25/2005 #44906 hen saw a tall, very pale humanoid figure with glowing eyes that ran across 1/30/2006 #44920 king VP of BAE Systems is just one figure involved in the UAP issue that he 9/27/2006 #44969 had seen a shadowy, two-foot tall figure walking in the brush. The figure, 4/12/2008 #45128 l figure walking in the brush. The figure, whatever it was, seemed to be wa 4/12/2008 #45128 er four-year-old brother. When the figure became aware that the girl had se 8/28/2009 #45239 and reported that he saw a shadowy figure moving about outside their tent, 8/30/2009 #45240 nio states he asked a senior Naval figure about the program and they told h 9/19/2017 #45481 umman, Lockheed Martin” to try and figure out some of the answers when the 6/24/2018 #45530 to have solar panels. But the true figure could be much higher, with more t 1/1/2021 #45672
tness who was so frightened by the figure's appearance she went into a stat 3/22/1969 #25037 . No features could be seen on the figure's face, and it wore a uniformly s 4/7/1977 #31957 gold-colored laceless shoes on the figure's feet. The figure was about 170 5/2/1978 #33185 12 small lights hovering over the figure's head. Another witness, standing 9/24/1992 #40639 what to do. As he got closer, the figure's appearance seemed to have metam 3/12/2004 #44676
1 observer. 2 daytime stars make 6 figure-6' south / sky. Going quickly wes 9/28/1977 #32530
AUX.AFB RADAR blip circles 2X and figure-8 maneuver by missile test! Going 3/10/1959 #15632 e-like creature with a very large "figure-8" shaped head on Miller Road in 4/22/1977 #32013 VILA REAL DE STO ANTONIO, PORTUGAL Figure-8 object maneuvers oddly. Follows 12/26/1978 #34209 lights. 1 going southeast. 1 makes figure-8. 1st rejoins. Both quickly goin 11/4/1995 #42581 all directions. It next moved in a figure-8 pattern and flew off towards th 2/15/1999 #43729 , satellite-like lights, performed figure-8 movements around one another in 6/30/2000 #44007 It makes unusual maneuvers like a figure-8 and zigzags, and is joined by a 12/24/2000 #44109 and; one reported it looked like a figure-8 on its side. 9/10/2001 #44256
s). Hamburger-saucer hovers. Makes figure-8' south etc. Shoots going quickl 10/18/1993 #41242
2 / car. Ovoids cavort. Gyrate. Do figure-8s. Circle. Faster / planes. 7/4/1947 #2638 May. '71 round nightlights become figure-8s. 9/3/1966 #20836 . Ten F-16s and one AWACS jet make figure-8s over the area. Two F-16s from 1/8/2008 #45112
it above and below, and performing figure-eights and other maneuvers for ov 9/3/1954 #10239
disk-shaped craft with a humanoid figure-the second time, cigar shape with 1948 #3520
a telegram indicating that he has figured out that the lights are a “natur 8/30/1951 #5638 as well as several others who have figured in the UFO chase, either as disp 4/17/1966 #20318 med could exist,” and they had not figured out how to cut a hole in it. The 1990 #39358 s a friend of his in Ann Arbor, MI figured out a way to tap into zero-point 11/2000 #44070
LYON, FRANCE Mob Lynches 3 figures from 'cloudship'. They admitted 1/840? #3 shaft of light. He sees two human figures visible to the waist, one of whi 8/20/1829 #125 ke device. There were eight to ten figures aboard. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 3/26/1880 #228 ke device. There were eight to ten figures aboard. Their language was not u 3/26/1880 #229 ke device. There were eight to ten figures aboard. Their language was not u 3/26/1880 #231 se towards the North." Two strange figures aboard the craft made efforts to 4/15/1897 #478 se towards the North." Two strange figures aboard the craft made efforts to 4/15/1897 #483 s and rose towards the North". Two figures with shoulder-length hair were s 4/15/1897 #496 ary. The object landed and shadowy figures returned to it. A man who had go 12/24/1903 #664 ad. 1 observer with telescope sees figures aboard. 5/22/1909 #772 a bird, and varying its speed. Two figures can be seen inside. It disappear 7/30/1909 #789 early illuminated by the moon. Two figures were visible inside the craft, a 8/2/1909 #796 ed the animal. Three human looking figures stood on deck, and one waved and 8/3/1909 #800 white light at its head. Two dark figures can be seen in the center of the 8/18/1909 #805 us wings; others detect one or two figures inside. The airship is attribute 12/22/1909 #821 ter to inside the UFO. Three other figures, dressed in khaki, are adjusting 8/1914 #907 nexpected mist. Two white humanoid figures with piercing eyes and unusually 9/1914 #914 th elongated windows through which figures could be seen. 10/1917 #967 him. Their heads are bald, and the figures are dressed in leather “knee pan Late Summer 1919 #993 area. Luminous balls surround the figures, who are giving off “musical sou Summer 1920 #1003 ps into a backyard and finds three figures dressed in odd suits made of sil 11/1926 #1067 f the object four or five dwarfish figures were running back and forth. (NI 6/12/1929 #1096 f the object four or five dwarfish figures were running back and forth. He 6/12/1929 #1097 he witnessed four or five dwarfish figures running back and forth within 6 6/12/1929 #1099 t through a gully. Some 8–10 other figures walk forward, much smaller and w 1930 #1106 hen it gets brighter, they can see figures moving inside it. The witnesses 1930 #1108 rway extends downward with a dozen figures dressed in silver suits moving u Summer 1933 #1162 o be a Romany wagon. They see five figures—one next to the object, two fart 5/1935 #1229 a boat on the shore. Suddenly the figures run toward the object, something 5/1935 #1229 e of someone looking at him. Other figures are taking turns looking through Summer 1938 #1285 t high. A platform with two moving figures is lowered from underneath. A bl 7/25/1938 #1288 e object came down slowly, and two figures could be seen moving around insi 7/25/1938 #1289 tive by some newspapers and public figures, leading to an outcry against th 10/30/1938 #1300 e craft, where he sees other human figures of normal height, including an a Late Summer 1942 #1440 en feet to its left are five other figures dressed in luminous brown metall 10/1944 #1673 and the disc the witnesses see two figures larger than normal height (7 fee Summer 1946 #2013 haped craft with windows, humanoid figures visible inside, hovered at low a Late 8/1946 #2159 Lima, Peru Three "Figures" Near Disc (NICAP: 07 - Entity C 2/28/1947 #2243 n also see two short (3 feet tall) figures wearing green suits and white he 6/24/1947 #2396 tanding underneath the object. The figures suddenly vanish, and the craft t 6/24/1947 #2396 50 m away. Jose C. Higgins saw two figures through, a window. Later three b 7/23/1947 #3216 from them. Jose C. Higgins saw two figures through a window inside the craf 7/23/1947 #3219 econd time, cigar shape with three figures. 1948 #3520 walked toward it for 10 min. Three figures came out as he was 20 m away. Th 2/1949 #3992 d the craft, the witness saw three figures with stocky short legs, apparent 2/17/1949 #4014 d the craft, the witness saw three figures with stocky short legs, apparent 2/17/1949 #4016 she had seen were apparently human figures, wearing shimmering metallic clo 6/17/1950 #4992 him it apparently alarmed the two figures, for they rushed back to the obj 6/17/1950 #4992 st on the surface of the lake. Ten figures, 1.20 m tall, dressed in shiny c 7/2/1950 #5038 er’s surface. A hatch opens and 10 figures, 3–4 feet tall, emerge, wearing 7/2/1950 #5039 st on the surface of the lake. Ten figures, four feet tall, dressed in shin 7/2/1950 #5040 arge one and float above it. Other figures inside the craft and on its deck 6/19/1951 #5546 ns, hovering in the same spot, the figures still visible at the windows. Af 9/1951 #5647 ify him. A female in the cage soon figures out the lever’s significance and 1952 #5837 observed them for 30 min, saw two figures standing on one of the craft and Summer 1952 #6575 German mayor states two human-like figures wearing shimmer metallic clothin 7/16/1952 #6832 Le Vigan, France Approximate date. Figures with helmets and masks were seen 10/15/1952 #8135 bserver(s). Saucer / ground level. Figures move / portholes / bottom/unders 5/30/1954 #9842 found himself "paralyzed" as three figures emerged from the light and moved 9/28/1954 #10485 luminous object descend and three figures emerge. He is then paralyzed and 9/28/1954 #10488 ound himself paralyzed while three figures emerged from the light and moved 9/28/1954 #10490 about 130 feet away. Two helmeted figures emerge from a dome. The man flee Early 10/1954 #10609 sparent plastic, and two humanlike figures were standing inside. It took of 10/9/1954 #10847 er persons when they saw two small figures, the height of 11-year-old child 10/9/1954 #10850 rent, and he sees two human-shaped figures inside. As he approaches, the ob 10/9/1954 #10853 La Caiffe” when they see two small figures about the size of 11-year-old ch 10/9/1954 #10855 e looks closer and sees four small figures with big heads and chests and sm 10/9/1954 #10858 sparent plastic, and two humanlike figures were seen standing inside. It to 10/9/1954 #10865 er friends when they saw two small figures cross the road in front of their 10/9/1954 #10868 y, a round object with three small figures around it. The figures go inside 10/11/1954 #10938 three small figures around it. The figures go inside the object, which then 10/11/1954 #10938 diameter, was seen on the ground. Figures with helmets covering the head c 10/15/1954 #11103 diameter, was seen on the ground. Figures with helmets covering their head 10/15/1954 #11119 wed a dome from which two helmeted figures emerged. The witness fled, but h 10/17/1954 #11173 had a dome from which two helmeted figures emerged. The witness fled, but h 10/17/1954 #11179 was plowed up at the landing site. Figures may have been seen. 10/19/1954 #11249 in Ernemont, France. Three shadowy figures exited the object and went in di 10/23/1954 #11345 nd observed three very short, dark figures with huge flattened heads standi 10/25/1954 #11401 ock in the evening. Two human like figures briefly emerged from the object, 10/25/1954 #11402 plastic bags" lit from within. The figures emerged from the light source in 10/25/1954 #11404 oached and saw two three-foot tall figures with round heads andlarge eyes r 11/4/1954 #11569 d supporting an antenna. Two small figures dressed in white and gray, weari 11/8/1954 #11596 nd supported an antenna. Two small figures dressed in white and gray, weari 11/8/1954 #11602 passed. Then it stopped, and three figures materialized from the mist at th 11/9/1954 #11611 Jose Rodrigues comes across three figures in tight-fitting suits inspectin 11/14/1954 #11651 nd P. Santucci, suddenly saw three figures who, as soon as they were discov 11/25/1954 #11703 mes spurting out. Four small hairy figures, 3 feet tall, scramble out and g 12/9/1954 #11788 meters away they noticed two human figures next to it. The beings were of n 12/28/1954 #11869 om the ground at midnight. Several figures could be seen inside a transpare 12/29/1954 #11877 d, “twelve to fifteen” short, dark figures who repeatedly popped up at the 4/21/1955 #12096 headlights illuminate three short figures kneeling next to the road. They 5/25/1955 #12159 pper torso is lopsided. One of the figures is holding a rod emitting blue-w 5/25/1955 #12159 d smoke or fog and beams of light. Figures could be seen moving around insi 6/10/1955 #12194 and, Ohio, when he notices 4 small figures about 3 feet high on the riverba Late 6/1955 #12211 Georgia, when four small humanoid figures with caps and huge eyes are caug 7/3/1955 #12232 es the car, driving past them. The figures seem oblivious. 7/3/1955 #12232 side he could see several humanoid figures who appeared to be observing him 7/17/1955 #12267 pears to be on the ground with 3–4 figures beside it. He goes into the recr 10/1955 #12477 wer part of the dome she could see figures moving about, like people "walki 12/21/1955 #12619 aks off. One of the women sees two figures wearing white Navy uniforms in a 10/1957 #14051 he tries to run away. Three small figures bring him into the object, where 10/16/1957 #14128 e top part was reddish yellow. Two figures emerged from it and entered the 10/25/1957 #14154 e top part was reddish yellow. Two figures emerged from it and entered the 10/25/1957 #14157 g above his garage. He can see two figures walking around inside. The objec 11/7/1957 #14463 art was bright, and there were two figures visible inside. 11/8/1957 #14483 part was bright and there were two figures visible inside. 11/8/1957 #14494 is transparent, and he can see two figures inside. He stops the car to watc 11/21/1957 #14589 ove 250 m away, he clearly saw two figures who looked like human beings, si 11/22/1957 #14595 away, but he could clearly see two figures who looked like human beings, si 11/22/1957 #14596 its lighted windows Starr sees two figures that pass each other, walking in 12/16/1957 #14735 n complete silence. Except for the figures, she had seen nothing inside the 12/16/1957 #14736 me within 60 cm of the ground. Two figures came out of the bottom of the ob 12/30/1957 #14770 to within 60 cm of the ground. Two figures got out of the bottom of the obj 12/30/1957 #14772 lled, and the lights went off. Two figures, looking like animals or huge in 1/1958 #14790 haped object, and she sees shadowy figures floating around it. The UFO rise 1/1958 #14793 Aston, Great Britain Two figures again appeared to Mrs. Appleton 1/7/1958 #14812 At 2:15 p.m. two human looking figures again appeared to Mrs. Appleton 1/7/1958 #14813 r-shaped object with portholes and figures inside looking out. Grusinki can 9/1958 #15239 ard a "gurgling noise" and saw two figures, over 2 m tall, dressed in pecul 11/1958 #15414 y. While a blue haze formed, three figures emerged from the object and seem 1/1959 #15522 away. A blue haze forms and three figures emerge and sit down with clumsy 1/1959 #15523 top of the object, four humanlike figures, their bodies surrounded by illu 6/26/1959 #15790 west and one overhead. “Two of the figures seemed to be doing something nea 6/26/1959 #15790 er wave their arms, and two of the figures on the main object wave back. Gi 6/26/1959 #15790 nd 37 others watched four luminous figures on top of a low, hovering, disc- 6/26/1959 #15791 tnessed part of the time. The four figures on top of the craft were surroun 6/26/1959 #15791 de of the nearby mountain. Several figures carrying what looked like bright 8/20/1959 #15932 nating the area like daylight. The figures then left the area and the witne 8/20/1959 #15932 e object stood two tall human-like figures wearing shiny silvery-orange out 10/16/1959 #16035 then exploded, while four dwarfish figures ran away into the brush. 4/5/1960 #16215 then exploded, while four dwarfish figures ran off into the brush. 4/5/1960 #16216 es initiate talks with two leading figures of the Mafia, Johnny Roselli and 9/1960 #16428 . Presented with all the facts and figures, USAF Gen. Thomas D. White finds 12/14/1960 #16533 ground not far away. Four humanoid figures could be seen between the object 3/3/1961 #16620 There was a fire nearby, and four figures could be seen between it and the 3/10/1961 #16625 There was a fire nearby, and four figures could be seen between it and the 3/10/1961 #16626 the object, and they can see four figures moving quickly between the objec 3/16/1961 #16632 cal white band along the side. Two figures were visible inside the object. 4/18/1961 #16652 ite band along the side. Two other figures are visible inside. The creature 4/18/1961 #16653 ction in the center he can see two figures on each side. The objects begin Summer 1961 #16736 of portholes and half-a-dozen dark figures working at control panels inside 9/19/1961 #16852 ney claims see about 8–11 humanoid figures who are peering out of the craft 9/19/1961 #16857 of portholes and half a dozen dark figures working at control panels inside 9/19/1961 #16858 O incident (without mentioning the figures). Maj. Paul W. Henderson of the 9/21/1961 #16866 o Donald E. Keyhoe (mentioning the figures Barney remembers seeing) and ask 9/26/1961 #16873 ding takes place, and they see the figures again, wearing white coveralls a Late 11/1961 #16978 tly 150 yards away with two of the figures watching them. Two of the men ge Late 11/1961 #16978 ots, apparently hitting one of the figures in the right shoulder. The figur Late 11/1961 #16978 of what happened to the craft and figures. By the time they get home, dawn Late 11/1961 #16978 approach it and sees two helmeted figures come from behind the object. The Late 11/1961 #16979 . The fishermen called out but the figures ignored them, except the last th 8/1/1962 #17313 15 feet high, and had "human-like figures moving about inside the machine. 8/28/1962 #17370 . Siragusa (Case 531), who saw two figures over 2.10 m tall. The light from 9/5/1962 #17386 nce. Kids see legs and windows and figures. 10/28/1962 #17506 rm when he suddenly saw a group of figures 80 m away. He slowed down as the 11/1962 #17524 ounding a bend, he sees a group of figures in the road 260 feet ahead. He s 11/1962 #17525 pper dome showing two dark, moving figures, ascended in the direction of Br 1/11/1963 #17633 g land in the village square. Dark figures are moving inside the transparen 1/11/1963 #17634 slucent upper dome showed two dark figures moving about inside. Two minutes 1/11/1963 #17635 t 7:15 p.m. There were four seated figures inside, who wore divers suits wi 8/28/1963 #17924 ent front part she could see three figures. Suddenly one of the occupants w 10/1963 #17966 e and a sulphurous odor was noted. Figures were seen in the vicinity of the 10/21/1963 #17996 se. They can see some 40 humanlike figures (silhouettes) moving around with 10/21/1963 #17997 ld smell a strong sulphurous odor. Figures were seen in the vicinity of the 10/21/1963 #17998 shlight off to his left, and three figures, 3–4 feet tall, cross the road i 10/23/1963 #18004 Socorro. Near it were standing two figures, below average height, dressed i 4/24/1964 #18194 hes it and feels a hard metal. Two figures suddenly appear from under the o 4/24/1964 #18199 s some small depressions where the figures were standing, as well as a thin 4/24/1964 #18199 rturned car, but then he sees “two figures in what resembled white coverall 4/24/1964 #18200 ears Zamora’s car approaching. The figures are small, and the object is ova 4/24/1964 #18200 ding light. He caught sight of two figures moving near it. 9/5/1964 #18537 agota, got a blured glimpse of two figures moving about. 9/5/1964 #18540 gota, got a blurred glimpse of two figures moving about. 9/6/1964 #18542 revealing an interior light. Three figures, each 3 feet tall and wearing ti 1/19/1965 #18750 the ground near the object are two figures about the size of 8-year-old boy 7/1/1965 #19047 ches them to about 20 feet and the figures stand up. They are dressed in gr 7/1/1965 #19047 lepathic communication. One of the figures points a pencil-like object at M 7/1/1965 #19047 the silhouettes of several little figures could be seen inside the craft. 8/8/1965 #19342 e as the road. Three human-looking figures could be seen moving inside the 8/15/1965 #19402 on of her brain and body. Two more figures, about a foot shorter than the o 8/16/1965 #19410 , flashing object land 200 m away. Figures moved around it, as if examining 8/20/1965 #19440 s could see luminous red or violet figures moving about and examining the c 8/20/1965 #19444 ctivity. After a short while these figures re-entered the machine, which to 8/20/1965 #19444 lights inside it. Three human-like figures were seen outside the object, on 8/26/1965 #19466 hree "gray garbed and white faced" figures, looking like frogmen, jump into 1/21/1966 #19865 ough that he could distinguish two figures moving about inside it. He chase 3/24/1966 #20074 hadows of one or two human-looking figures, and heard the beings shouting a 4/1/1966 #20203 had been they can now see two gray figures with large slanted eyes and wear Autumn 1966 #20919 l triangles, and other geometrical figures. Two of the students go home for 10/21/1966 #21026 the plant roof, and they could see figures moving about on the roof. They w 10/30/1966 #21051 At this point she could see 3 or 4 figures moving about the large object on 11/17/1966 #21118 m an elevatorlike shaft came human figures that placed small spheres around 2/5/1967 #21459 me five or six tall, human-looking figures wearing black robes, who placed 2/5/1967 #21462 racteristics could be seen, "these figures were definitely of human appeara 3/12/1967 #21876 e. Inside the dome were two moving figures. Portholes glowed on the perimet Spring 1967 #21921 y vanished. At the same time, five figures appeared about 3 m away. They ha 3/20/1967 #21922 0 feet from the car, they see five figures standing in an irregular semicir 3/20/1967 #21923 daughter continues staring at the figures, which have slits for eyes and m 3/20/1967 #21923 y vanished. At the same time, five figures appeared about three meters away 3/20/1967 #21927 ck cable, and eight small humanoid figures emerged from the large object an 4/13/1967 #22128 s light moved three small humanoid figures about three feet tall, wearing m 6/13/1967 #22504 gnia" as well as what seemed to be figures of men dressed in frogman's suit 6/15/1967 #22510 From her window she saw two small figures apparently speaking to each othe 7/7/1967 #22631 and two silver suited, human-like figures dropped slowly to the ground and 7/17/1967 #22685 low he could see two shiny silvery figures moving about, apparently floatin 7/21/1967 #22719 loating just above the ground. The figures soon disappeared from sight. Lat 7/21/1967 #22719 ilar de Goias, when they saw three figures "playing about" on the landing s 8/13/1967 #22874 or insignia. Near it appeared two figures about 1.5 m tall, wearing silver 8/24/1967 #22914 nia. Next to it appeared two human figures about 1.5 meters tall, wearing s 8/24/1967 #22918 y cows when they saw four dwarfish figures, 3.5 to four feet tall, on the o 8/29/1967 #22955 lf imagined" she could see shadowy figures moving back and forth in front o 9/2/1967 #22984 rd along the column. Two humanlike figures, 6 feet tall, emerge, dressed in 9/14/1967 #23060 e, glowing object, and three small figures, about 1.25 m tall, witll oversi 9/15/1967 #23066 ." The object blacked out, and the figures hid while a car passed, after wh 9/15/1967 #23066 e, glowing object, and three small figures, about 1.25 meters tall, with ov 9/15/1967 #23071 ." The object blacked out, and the figures hid while a car passed, afterwar 9/15/1967 #23071 roached, tilted down. Two humanoid figures and control panels visible. Obje 10/24/1967 #23303 en, and white lights. Two humanoid figures and control panels are visible t 10/24/1967 #23305 d he saw then three small humanoid figures, the size of ten-year-old childr 10/30/1967 #23373 l 2:30 p.m. Three small white-clad figures (humanoids) were seen around a d 11/24/1967 #23505 bject tipped forward, two humanoid figures visible inside. Object rotated, 12/8/1967 #23562 Inside the dome are two indistinct figures. The object rotates clockwise, m 12/8/1967 #23564 ext to the UFO were two human-like figures wearing blue coveralls and black 1/6/1968 #23655 flashlight at the object. The two figures suddenly scrambled into the obje 1/6/1968 #23655 e beach. Next, three stiff-walking figures appeared. There was also telepat 1/30/1968 #23712 re standing." There were two other figures inside the tower. When he shone 2/1/1968 #23723 t a better view. He sees about 4–5 figures about 4 feet tall spread out aro 2/27/1968 #23787 lass or plastic lens with embossed figures arranged in a semicircle. Above 5/17/1968 #23969 portholes shadows or sillouhetted figures were visible moving about inside 5/17/1968 #23970 g when two very tall human looking figures appeared in his room. They were 6/14/1968 #24035 ne on the ground. These human like figures appeared to be naked or topless 7/20/1968 #24195 e to observe several human-looking figures through square portholes that en 7/22/1968 #24204 e to observe several human-looking figures through square portholes that en 7/22/1968 #24205 which shot out sparks. He saw two figures, but at that distance he could n 7/25/1968 #24227 e water. The young man can see two figures with large heads, oversized oval 8/7/1968 #24307 back to the car for a gun, and the figures vanished. Other maneuvering ligh 10/15/1968 #24563 eland, Florida. Several human-like figures could be seen through some light 11/9/1968 #24647 to "quiver like a jelly." Several figures were seen on the deck of the cra 11/20/1968 #24670 what appear to be several humanoid figures walking across the bright top of 11/20/1968 #24672 house. Intermittently, some of the figures bend down as though looking at s 11/20/1968 #24672 ke a jelly." Several human-looking figures were seen walking around on the 11/20/1968 #24673 f the UFO were three six-foot tall figures of human appearance, wearing ski 11/21/1968 #24676 France nine witnesses saw strange figures moving around in front of a ligh 12/12/1968 #24766 osite end of the square three more figures appear, making a total of five f 1/6/1969 #24822 res appear, making a total of five figures. By now the witnesses are totall 1/6/1969 #24822 minated rectangle in which several figures were seen walking in front of. A 1/15/1969 #24850 nous/glowing rectangle / ground. 3 figures pass several times. Traces / soi 1/16/1969 #24852 e dome, and from this two humanoid figures emerged and seemed to float to t 2/6/1969 #24897 the dome and from it two humanoid figures emerged and floated to the groun 2/7/1969 #24902 itself back, and three human-like figures stood in the opening, one a woma 3/17/1969 #25020 in which he could see at least two figures moving about. It approached him, 3/19/1969 #25031 was able to see that two humanoid figures—one in red overalls and the othe 3/19/1969 #25031 luminated silhouettes of two small figures standing on a precipice above th 3/22/1969 #25037 streetlights were on again and the figures were gone. 3/22/1969 #25037 could be seen three tall humanoid figures, over six feet tall. in the tran 4/25/1969 #25091 he begins dozing off. He perceives figures moving around him, and he feels 5/4/1969 #25114 at about 3 p.m. he became aware of figures moving around behind him. He hea 5/4/1969 #25115 hat he was looking at two humanoid figures about three and a half to four f 5/11/1969 #25128 n elevation. They saw two luminous figures hide from view. A beam of energy 6/3/1969 #25194 tion / car. Waken / salt lake. Odd figures. See references and Flying Sauce 6/15/1969 (approximate) #25216 n he could see the movement of two figures through a window-like opening. T 7/1/1969 #25244 reported seeing five tiny men like figures wearing red colored outfits emer 7/2/1969 #25245 o saw five or six small human like figures less than a meter tall, all scur 8/19/1969 #25324 al to the first, also with visible figures inside transparent domes fly ove 11/15/1969 #25461 ey drove into the parking lot. The figures then abruptly vanished. 12/27/1969 #25510 vering near building, two humanoid figures visible in upper portion (UFOE I 1/1/1970 #25530 vering near building, two humanoid figures visible in upper portion 1/1/1970 #25531 s middle. She can see two humanoid figures in dark, tight-fitting clothing 1/1/1970 #25532 ey could clearly see two tall male figures inside the craft wearing tight-f 1/1/1970 #25533 isc on ocean surface, two humanoid figures visible, took off in an arc, hea 6/27/1970 #25712 isc on ocean surface, two humanoid figures visible, took off in an arc, hea 6/27/1970 #25713 o de Janeiro, Brazil. Two humanoid figures are standing on the rim. After a 6/27/1970 #25714 of which were two short, thickset figures wearing dark gray metallic cover 6/27/1970 #25716 Inside he caught a glimpse of some figures who seemed to be peering over a 8/15/1970 #25787 side the control room and saw five figures all with their backs to him. The 8/15/1970 #25787 s all with their backs to him. The figures were humanoid in form with large 8/15/1970 #25787 d the other on a tree branch. Both figures were dressed in yellow suits, an 8/20/1970 #25799 g from school when he saw two tiny figures hiding in the bushes near the sc 8/20/1970 #25799 stead Falls, Ohio when two strange figures approached. The two men were dre 8/24/1970 #25802 e sky and land near her house. Two figures appeared to have been waiting th 8/24/1970 #25803 of disc with windows, two humanoid figures visible inside, light beam upwar 4/14/1971 #26070 of disc with windows, two humanoid figures visible inside, light beam upwar 4/14/1971 #26071 d Miss L. perceived two human like figures silhouetted in them. The figures 4/14/1971 #26073 e figures silhouetted in them. The figures appeared to be very tall, perhap 4/14/1971 #26073 ngle revealing three tall humanoid figures, over six feet tall, in the tran 4/24/1971 #26081 w at 3:30 a.m. and saw three short figures about five feet tall walking by 5/8/1971 #26103 , on Loch Ness. Three human-shaped figures in gray coveralls emerge from so 8/16/1971 #26288 ees 1.5M saucer, 6M over ground. 2 figures seem to signal.. 9/18/1971 #26344 t six meters above the ground. Two figures were visible inside, would could 9/18/1971 #26345 e. Paulo Caetano saw several small figures beside the craft, who pointed a 10/11/1971 #26418 rection. The witness and the small figures remained eyeing each other, with 10/11/1971 #26418 n saw several large, dark humanoid figures moving about. The campers stayed 10/14/1971 #26424 st. He became aware of three giant figures standing in a line near the oppo 10/28/1971 #26438 his flashlight at one of the tall figures. Immediately it vanished, only t 10/28/1971 #26438 d an odd noise and saw six grayish figures standing along the side of the r 7/19/1972 #26814 orbiting it was seen in the skies. Figures were seen through portholes in t 8/11/1972 #26899 z saw two strange, eight-foot tall figures, dressed in bright silvery cloth 8/18/1972 #26928 the ground. Several slim humanoid figures wearing coveralls began to exit 8/26/1972 #26956 FO from Bicknell to Vincennes." No figures were available on apparent size, 10/9/1972 #27062 Arroyos, Argentina at 10 p.m., and figures could be seen on board working b 1/1/1973 #27212 n in the sky and follow their car. Figures could be seen through windows in 1/2/1973 #27216 nfirmed by airborne radar. Shadowy figures seen in dome 2/14/1973 #27289 spection, he sees that some of the figures look old and injured. Gleason ca 2/19/1973 #27298 val shaped flying craft, "with two figures like people, in big hats and lin 5/1973 #27459 ) and two well-connected Hollywood figures: documentarist Robert Emenegger 5/1973 #27460 Mexico when he noticed five little figures standing in the road ahead of hi 5/22/1973 #27520 he got out of his truck the little figures began to scatter to the sides of 5/22/1973 #27520 could see three identical looking figures of small stature through the tra 5/27/1973 #27535 eral transparent windows. Humanoid figures could be seen behind the windows 6/15/1973 #27568 e inside. There were some "strange figures" looking out from these windows. 7/9/1973 #27625 nd they could see several humanoid figures moving about inside. Some appear 7/10/1973 #27627 windows. The background behind the figures was red, making the figures look 7/10/1973 #27627 nd the figures was red, making the figures look like silhouettes. The unusu 7/10/1973 #27627 hem. They could see three humanoid figures through three oblong shaped port 7/29/1973 #27662 was visible in the distance. Both figures wore white silvery suits. She sa 9/6/1973 #27774 a quarter mile from the road, the figures had vanished; above them, howeve 9/20/1973 #27849 e woods, and the three objects (or figures) appeared to glide straight thro 9/20/1973 #27849 iddle of the night and noticed two figures standing in the shadows in front 10/3/1973 #27926 meone notices that the objects and figures have disappeared. The couple’s d 10/6/1973 #27960 of about 200 feet from them. Five figures of small stature, wearing bright 10/6/1973 #27961 wing object disgorged a variety of figures, perhaps twenty. They could see 10/14/1973 #28031 y. They could see a couple of male figures approaching their camper slowly. 10/14/1973 #28031 rbank, CA Landed UFO with humanoid figures inside (UFOE II, Section VIII, X 10/16/1973 #28080 the witness remembered seeing five figures standing around her car looking 10/19/1973 #28199 ared transparent. She saw two dark figures inside the UFO. The object desce 10/20/1973 #28221 ed by five or six vaguely humanoid figures who darted about the thick veget 10/20/1973 #28222 baby approach small bright silver figures bouncing on highway 9 miles east 10/22/1973 #28238 when they see two strange-looking figures 30 feet ahead of them on the roa 10/22/1973 #28241 ie accelerates and drives past the figures. The witnesses alert the sheriff 10/22/1973 #28241 Flatter, investigate. They see no figures but hear an odd, high-frequency 10/22/1973 #28241 His headlights pick up two 4-foot figures 20 feet off the side of the road 10/22/1973 #28241 tion owner, encountered these same figures about one mile south of the firs 10/23/1973 #28248 she was able to see three "hooded figures." She hurried into her house and 10/24/1973 #28270 along the fence line were two tall figures, from seven to nine feet tall, c 10/25/1973 #28286 e street. A "ground crew" of 10-12 figures, wearing dully glowing "cube typ 10/28/1973 #28312 hts. After that, two tall humanoid figures wearing uniforms and helmets wit 11/3/1973 #28362 told him not to be afraid. The two figures took him to a nearby clearing, w 11/3/1973 #28362 and the Prescott saw two humanoid figures about 5 to 6 ft tall, very thin, 1/23/1974 #28693 tes and Prescott sees two humanoid figures, apparently dead, about 5–6 ft t 1/23/1974 #28694 cended making a humming sound. The figures were human looking, 6 feet tall, 3/21/1974 #28920 road. He got out and ran, and the figures pursued him. After running nearl 3/21/1974 #28921 and closed the door the same four figures re-appeared, gesturing to each o 3/21/1974 #28921 ng about 9 meters away. He saw the figures digging into the roadside with a 3/21/1974 #28921 up into the air while tall, hooded figures touch his head with an unknown d 3/23/1974 #28936 nto the air, then some tall hooded figures touched his head with somekind o 3/23/1974 #28939 light. He stops his engine as some figures approach. He runs and they follo 3/26/1974 #28956 pped the motor of his car and some figures approached him. He ran, frighten 3/26/1974 #28957 ws and a blue-green neon glow, and figures could be seen moving around insi 3/31/1974 #28979 by a ramp with steps. Three small figures climb down backwards. They are s 5/5/1974 #29085 white light around him and several figures looking down at him. The beings 5/9/1974 #29098 in saw through binoculars two more figures, this time dressed in white. One 5/11/1974 #29100 rotrusions. He sees three humanoid figures gathering snow and rocks and put 6/15/1974 #29198 hway. He sees three tall, helmeted figures standing inside the craft. When 6/16/1974 #29202 ighway. He saw three tall helmeted figures standing inside the craft. When 6/16/1974 #29203 t door where she found two strange figures standing. They were about five f 7/17/1974 #29266 rs. It had portholes through which figures could be seen inside the craft. 8/1/1974 #29296 witnesses reported seeing strange figures and hearing loud noises in the a 8/16/1974 #29363 nly spotted two small "mummy like" figures in the woods, some 40 yards dist 8/20/1974 #29373 asted one hour, although the mummy figures were only seen briefly. 8/20/1974 #29373 other half remained in place, and figures in helmets were seen moving abou 8/26/1974 #29391 . She next saw four short humanoid figures, each standing upon a "small sur 9/3/1974 #29418 r and a half later than usual. The figures were 4-5 feet tall, with small h 9/3/1974 #29418 observed three heavy set humanoid figures, about 5 1/2 foot tall, "waddlin 9/19/1974 #29464 f the witnesses saw two human-like figures walking near their car. They wer 12/1/1974 #29627 ide of which 3 dark shadowy moving figures were visible. (Humcat 1975-3 Sou 1/8/1975 #29733 en small (3.5-feet tall), helmeted figures dressed in coveralls emerge from 1/12/1975 #29744 ess reported seeing two human-like figures flying around outside the craft, 3/6/1975 #29875 the craft stood two human-looking figures, wearing bulky helmets on their 3/12/1975 #29891 y suddenly came upon two tall dark figures with red glowing eyes, who appro 3/28/1975 #29923 ct was seen on the ground with two figures inside the dome. The witness, wh 5/5/1975 #30037 ound in Pleasanton, Texas with two figures inside the dome. The witness, wh 5/5/1975 #30038 sound. They next saw two humanoid figures standing 30 meters directly in f 8/8/1975 #30244 sound from the UFO and saw shadowy figures in it and felt numbness, after w 8/13/1975 #30258 blong window in the UFO and shadow figures moving within. He hears a high-p 8/13/1975 #30264 tall that stood side by side. The figures were completely illuminated by t 8/22/1975 #30298 ir features could be made out. The figures began walking very quickly towar 8/22/1975 #30298 Hikawa didn't see them. Among the figures Furuya saw were some resembling 10/1/1975 #30409 headlights. When this happened the figures faded away, but their car was ab 10/1/1975 #30409 he area. Hikawa suggested that the figures may have been "spacemen", and th 10/1/1975 #30409 " / roadside = saucer. Silver-suit figures outside hold rods in hands.. 10/14/1975 #30429 he tracks they saw two quasi-human figures about five feet tall, dressed in 11/8/1975 #30584 thing. Moments later he sees three figures in the ditch. One jumps up on th 12/14/1975 #30715 dome they could see two human like figures. They had tight fitting hoods on 2/5/1976 #30846 dome they could see two human like figures. They had tight fitting hoods on 2/5/1976 #30848 Elmwood, WI Huge orange object, figures moving inside, blue flash, witne 4/22/1976 #31008 ing gear. He could see movement of figures moving around inside the craft. 4/22/1976 #31011 dome several very tall, human-like figures could be seen moving about. He t 4/23/1976 #31016 t. He then saw three tall man-like figures appear from behind the object, n 4/23/1976 #31016 dome several very tall, human-like figures could be seen moving about. He t 4/23/1976 #31019 t. He then saw three tall man-like figures appear from behind the object, n 4/23/1976 #31019 orado feedlot saw three human-like figures glide over one of the feedlot fe 8/5/1976 #31233 derson stopped his lawn mower. Two figures emerged from a door in the craft 8/23/1976 #31294 ht.” The craft then took off. Both figures carried flashlights 3 feet long. 8/23/1976 #31294 one. Then two very tall human like figures emerged. The figures wore tight- 10/29/1976 #31505 ll human like figures emerged. The figures wore tight-fitting black diving 10/29/1976 #31505 g suits and wide bright belts. The figures walked slowly towards the wall, 10/29/1976 #31505 m turned white. Moments later both figures walked back to their craft. At t 10/29/1976 #31505 ges of apparently extraterrestrial figures appeared and communicated with t 10/29/1976 #31506 le to see three or four human like figures. Two of them were looking at her 10/31/1976 #31512 ughter Neck when they saw two tall figures in an adjacent cornfield, about 12/6/1976 #31586 yards away. The two giant humanoid figures were maybe 8 or 9 feet tall, and 12/6/1976 #31586 ing horse" ("cheval d'arcon"). Two figures stood looking at her. Not very t 12/10/1976 #31594 in the sky for a few moments. The figures of three or four beings could be 12/15/1976 #31606 surrounded by several gray-colored figures. He tried to get away but his le 1/1/1977 #31683 only 60 feet away. Immediately two figures appear on the roof; they are ove 1/6/1977 #31706 only 60 feet away. Immediately two figures appeared on the roof, they were 1/6/1977 #31707 ausing panic. Two small human like figures, walking stiffly, could be seen 1/23/1977 #31748 Behind the windows several moving figures moved slowly back and forth. At 2/20/1977 #31833 ng beings directly behind him. The figures were no more than 1.10 to 1.30 m 2/24/1977 #31846 appear to have necks. The strange figures were rocking their torsos slowly 2/24/1977 #31846 the thin figure five other shorter figures appeared. The group walked brisk 4/12/1977 #31977 family members, the object and the figures have vanished. 4/19/1977 #32001 hough their feet were webbed." The figures walked around near the object fo 4/19/1977 #32002 they returned the UFO and humanoid figures had gone. Burn marks were found 4/19/1977 #32002 cent, and said that they could see figures inside the craft. It was seen ag 5/6/1977 #32064 cent, and said that they could see figures inside the craft. It was seen ag 5/6/1977 #32066 . One minute later, they see three figures advancing toward them from near 5/20/1977 #32116 t and look back in time to see the figures fade from view. 5/20/1977 #32116 ly saw approaching him three small figures emerging from an alley adjacent 6/12/1977 #32161 ut 300 feet away and see two small figures floating up and down in front of 7/23/1977 #32305 a tree. Then they see several more figures at various spots carrying what s 7/23/1977 #32305 tate police. All of the lights and figures disappear just prior to the arri 7/23/1977 #32305 100 yards away, and saw two small figures floating up and down in front of 7/23/1977 #32306 . After this they saw several more figures, at various spots, carrying what 7/23/1977 #32306 tate police. All of the lights and figures disappeared just prior to the ar 7/23/1977 #32306 to the craft stood two human-like figures. The figures were about 1.65 met 7/24/1977 #32308 stood two human-like figures. The figures were about 1.65 meters in height 7/24/1977 #32308 to the craft stood two human-like figures. The figures were about 1.65 met 7/24/1977 #32310 stood two human-like figures. The figures were about 1.65 meters in height 7/24/1977 #32310 tnesses saw two normal sized human figures that glowed a silvery white inst 8/1/1977 #32345 ne a flashlight beam on one of the figures it disappeared, but re-appeared 8/1/1977 #32345 d and three tall, thin, baldheaded figures were seen moving around the obje 8/3/1977 #32350 d and three tall, thin, baldheaded figures were seen moving around the obje 8/3/1977 #32355 s replaced by two strange humanoid figures: a woman two meters tall and a s 8/3/1977 #32356 h that moved without opening. Both figures were dressed in tunics; the woma 8/3/1977 #32356 he crossed the field, he saw three figures who seemed to be dancing around 8/9/1977 #32372 few meters away. Moments later two figures with gold-colored faces appeared 8/26/1977 #32426 urtains. Soon after this, two more figures were heard walking by. Finally, 8/26/1977 #32426 ng by. Finally, the lights and the figures vanished. Investigators reported 8/26/1977 #32426 he dip, they saw two tall humanoid figures standing on the right hand verge 8/28/1977 #32437 t hand verge near the highway. The figures were at least seven feet tall, a 8/28/1977 #32437 nesses of Guardsmen's Busbies. The figures stood motionless, facing each ot 8/28/1977 #32437 without stopping, and although the figures were in view for no more than si 8/28/1977 #32437 . At the same time, three very odd figures materialized nearby him. The fig 9/15/1977 #32485 gures materialized nearby him. The figures were about four feet tall, with 9/15/1977 #32485 d from which he had just come. Two figures went one way, the third another. 9/15/1977 #32485 ou? What do you want from me?" The figures fell back at the sound and tumbl 9/15/1977 #32485 er, and Field can see two humanoid figures visible almost to the waist insi Late 9/1977 #32518 r was silvery white two human like figures could be seen moving slowly insi 10/6/1977 #32555 UFO but they did see two humanoid figures walking about on the rocks. They 10/30/1977 #32639 e door of a dumbwaiter. One of the figures entered this doorway and appeare 10/30/1977 #32639 y. He next sees five or six “small figures” walking toward the vehicle befo 11/1977 #32648 and he observed two similarly clad figures; he challenged both but they ref 11/13/1977 #32672 r and the other in the helmet. The figures run over a hill and Jenkins purs 11/16/1977 #32677 el were two silver-suited humanoid figures of slight build, about 4 feet 8 12/2/1977 #32727 Three more discs joined them. Two figures were seen inside each dome. All 12/2/1977 #32728 that made it hard to look at. Two figures of normal height emerged. They w 1/27/1978 #32917 that made it hard to look at. Two figures of normal height emerged. They w 1/27/1978 #32921 They next notice several humanoid figures moving around the school park, w 1/31/1978 #32928 n unpleasant sulfur-like odor. The figures walk away toward the nearby Publ 1/31/1978 #32928 They next noticed several humanoid figures moving around the school park, w 1/31/1978 #32930 chool park, walking stiffly. These figures were of average height and bald 1/31/1978 #32930 llow suit. As the boys watched the figures, they noted an uncanny silence a 1/31/1978 #32930 sulphur like odor in the area. The figures walked away towards the nearby P 1/31/1978 #32930 s saucer object hover near ground. Figures move inside clear dome. 2/1978 #32935 land behind some nearby trees. Two figures about six feet tall were next se 2/1/1978 #32939 orough, Lincolnshire, England. Two figures about six feet tall were next se 2/1/1978 #32941 stops 600 feet away, hovering. Two figures in dark robes can be seen from t 4/2/1978 #33121 two white uniformed Grey humanoid figures standing on the grounds of an ab 5/2/1978 #33184 hen descended and faded away. Four figures, two large and two small, were s 5/14/1978 #33212 all in the UFO numerous human like figures wearing helmets and tight-fittin 7/8/1978 #33353 all in the UFO numerous human like figures wearing helmets and tight-fittin 7/8/1978 #33355 increased when they realized both figures had apparently come from a huge 7/11/1978 #33367 guests could now see several Grey figures that appeared to be waving at th 8/22/1978 #33551 torists. Inside the craft were two figures wearing a kind of helmet similar 8/23/1978 #33555 ss saw three medium-sized humanoid figures in a field. They were wearing si 8/23/1978 #33556 from the craft, and two human-like figures emerged; they wore white helmets 8/24/1978 #33565 returning both the object and the figures were gone. 8/24/1978 #33565 e 6 road. Within the craft several figures could be seen moving about behin 8/26/1978 #33572 e 6 road. Within the craft several figures could be seen moving about behin 8/26/1978 #33573 their noses were flat. One of the figures was holding an object that looke 9/10/1978 #33657 for the door, and in response both figures put their fingers up their noses 9/10/1978 #33657 she had seen the disc land and saw figures come out of it. The next night s 9/15/1978 #33689 ink-colored UFO descended, and the figures vanished. 9/16/1978 #33695 se and noticed a group of humanoid figures standing besides the road. Five 9/18/1978 #33709 ding besides the road. Five of the figures wore white coverall suits, as in 9/18/1978 #33709 raft they were able to see several figures that seemed to be talking excite 9/20/1978 #33718 nd. The object beams two tentacled figures down to the ground, who collect 10/8/1978 #33818 was able to see several human-like figures standing behind the windows. At 11/11/1978 #33944 the ground nearby. About ten short figures were walking around the object. 11/11/1978 #33945 was able to see several human-like figures standing behind the windows. At 11/11/1978 #33946 and saw two short, squat humanoid figures nearby. The upper half of the cr 11/28/1978 #34015 o investigate she saw two humanoid figures about one meter (3.3 feet) in he 11/29/1978 #34026 ts. She yelled for her son but the figures suddenly vanished in plain sight 11/29/1978 #34026 altitude over Leme. Several moving figures could be seen moving inside thro 12/3/1978 #34055 azil on this night. Several moving figures could be seen moving inside thro 12/3/1978 #34056 energetic state. She then saw two figures of milky white color. She fell i 12/4/1978 #34058 o tall and very corpulent humanoid figures. Pilar noticed that the humanoid 12/6/1978 #34068 remember was seeing three to four figures with large pumpkin shaped heads 12/8/1978 #34078 e to make out two short human-like figures. The figures wore silvery suits, 12/12/1978 #34099 two short human-like figures. The figures wore silvery suits, resembling t 12/12/1978 #34099 e to make out two short human-like figures. The figures wore silvery suits, 12/12/1978 #34102 two short human-like figures. The figures wore silvery suits, resembling t 12/12/1978 #34102 The suits were luminous, and both figures wore huge oval-shaped helmets. T 12/12/1978 #34102 d black visors. Over the chest the figures had what appeared to be straps w 12/12/1978 #34102 ght round light on the center. The figures rose off the ground to a height 12/12/1978 #34102 water. She next noticed two short figures standing in the garden at the ad 12/16/1978 #34148 sleep. She next noticed two short figures standing in the garden at the ad 12/16/1978 #34155 en he noticed two short human like figures "floating" ten meters above the 1/2/1979 #34281 ding. Startled, he watched the two figures from his balcony. The two humano 1/2/1979 #34281 unable to move and noticed several figures moving around him. As a light bl 1/3/1979 #34292 her room he saw several human like figures wearing gray coveralls. In anoth 1/3/1979 #34292 oked under the hood he noticed two figures looking at him from behind a nea 1/19/1979 #34362 But he soon looked back at the two figures more closely and noticed that on 1/19/1979 #34362 e shiny tight-fitting outfits. The figures stared at him for a few minutes 1/19/1979 #34362 e and they could no longer see the figures or the objects. When the "whirlw 1/23/1979 #34368 When the "whirlwind" went away the figures and objects were no longer there 1/23/1979 #34368 hey could no longer see either the figures or the objects. When the "whirlw 1/24/1979 #34377 en the "whirlwind" abated both the figures and the UFOs were gone. 1/24/1979 #34377 ushes, two silvery-garbed humanoid figures who appeared to be smiling. Her 2/21/1979 #34441 and when she looked back again the figures were gone. The bright orange sph 2/21/1979 #34441 lasted for a few minutes; helmeted figures were reportedly seen onboard the 3/2/1979 #34457 lasted for a few minutes; helmeted figures were reportedly seen onboard the 3/2/1979 #34459 . The ground was lit brightly, and figures could be seen looking out throug 5/5/1979 #34545 nded object and four tiny humanoid figures near it. The creatures were only 5/19/1979 #34567 nded object and four tiny humanoid figures near it in the middle of the aft 5/19/1979 #34569 observer(s). UFO with 2 antennas. Figures visible / (seen thru) binoculars 5/26/1979 #34581 e city. With the aid of binoculars figures could reportedly be seen inside 5/26/1979 #34586 e city. With the aid of binoculars figures could reportedly be seen inside 5/26/1979 #34592 He is approached by three humanoid figures who tranquilize him and take him 6/28/1979 #34639 e second object and three humanoid figures were seen descending a ladder. ( 8/2/1979 #34701 e second object and three humanoid figures were seen descending a ladder. T 8/2/1979 #34704 Inside the clear dome two humanoid figures could be seen. They appeared to 8/4/1979 #34715 nto a UFO piloted by two humanlike figures dressed in white shirts and pant 8/29/1979 #34803 t away and was able to see shadowy figures appearing at the windows. The UF 9/26/1979 #34929 0 a.m. when he spotted two strange figures suspended about 20 cm from the g 10/4/1979 #34941 continued observing the scene. The figures were thin and human-like, wearin 10/4/1979 #34941 witness restarted his scooter, the figures disappeared into the darkness. T 10/4/1979 #34941 icycle and saw three other similar figures standing immobile about 50 meter 10/7/1979 #34951 of the object. He can now see two figures standing in front of the object, 1/14/1980 #35135 tedly encountered similar humanoid figures at night, one year later. 2/11/1980 #35169 nce, he noticed two short humanoid figures. Curious, he jumped the fence an 4/20/1980 #35281 umped the fence and approached the figures. At a distance of ten meters fro 4/20/1980 #35281 s suddenly turned red, and the two figures disappeared to re-appear 30 mete 4/20/1980 #35281 local school and saw two minature figures less than 7 feet away from them. 6/18/1980 #35380 d 200 feet up at its closest. Five figures are visible from the waist up th 10/15/1980 #35568 e dies and the vehicle shakes. Two figures were seen moving inside a window 11/1/1980 #35607 anybody. At that moment one of the figures turned and faced the others, and 11/1/1980 #35608 ver the field, suddenly a group of figures, as many as 10 approached her. W 3/1981 #35854 n a bed in a strange room. Several figures were around her communicating vi 3/1981 #35854 . He then noticed several man-like figures sitting behind the windows, thes 3/1981 #35855 es see two human forms emerge; the figures began gesticulating and "jumping 4/15/1981 #35898 examined by several four-foot tall figures, who were hairless and had deep 7/15/1981 #36008 n reported seeing three human-like figures dressed in black exit the object 8/5/1981 #36060 the central mass were two or three figures, whose features were not discern 8/16/1981 #36077 s white in color with some visible figures on its surface. (NICAP: 02 - Clo 9/1981 #36096 in sector when he noticed two tall figures walking on the side of the road. 10/2/1981 #36155 eplies that he does not have those figures as they “disappeared into the un 3/4/1982 #36377 he object stood two short man-like figures, described as very thin, with lo 4/1982 #36423 came aware of two unusual humanoid figures standing by his bed. One was sho 4/20/1982 #36448 cle spotted several short man-like figures with large heads running towards 5/1982 #36460 her window. She saw two man- like figures staring at her from inside the c 6/3/1982 #36490 e her window. She saw two man-like figures staring at her from inside the c 6/3/1982 #36492 rom it he saw two huge human- like figures standing in the middle of the ro 7/20/1982 #36537 from it he saw two huge human-like figures standing in the middle of the ro 7/20/1982 #36538 approached. He was able to see two figures that seemed clothed in silver li 9/1982 #36589 ground below several small shadowy figures could be seen moving around. Sud 10/1982 #36624 around. Suddenly thee of the short figures appeared at the bedroom door. Th 10/1982 #36624 he could see three dark human-like figures moving around, visible from the 11/19/1982 #36688 ndows. Roberto sees three humanoid figures beside the UFO. They seem to be 8/12/1983 #36949 rom a depression in the field. Two figures suddenly appeared, and when he s 5/9/1985 #37589 d about 200 meters away. Two short figures emerged from the UFO and walked 6/3/1986 #37904 e could clearly see six human-like figures of short to average height, perh 6/20/1986 #37918 height, perhaps 5 feet tall. These figures were wearing white hooded tunics 6/20/1986 #37918 si State, Mexico. Several gigantic figures descended from the object and in 9/13/1986 #38027 bed when seven to nine human-like figures suddenly appeared in her bedroom 1/25/1987 #38104 she saw three floating human like figures approaching the light. The figur 8/2/1987 #38226 figures approaching the light. The figures were about 1.80 meters in height 8/2/1987 #38226 d had long light-colored hair. The figures briefly turned to stare at the w 8/2/1987 #38226 ricity pylon. Upon approaching the figures, they also suddenly vanished int 9/8/1987 #38280 but was soon surrounded by several figures that grabbed him from behind. Th 5/1/1988 #38551 ght disk / sky. Beam / light has 2 figures in it. Possible abduction. 2/6/1989 #38817 recalled confronting two very tall figures within a light. The beings touch 2/6/1989 #38818 d girl saw two short white glowing figures, whom she called angels, near a 4/19/1989 #38911 peared to be made of crystal. Four figures wearing silvery, tight-fitting u 4/24/1989 #38926 phere landed on the riverbank. Two figures then appeared in front of the sp 4/30/1989 #38927 m this void emerged three enormous figures over two meters in height, weari 10/8/1989 #39150 chinery. After approaching her the figures pulled her by her arms, but she 10/8/1989 #39150 closed blinds of the window. Three figures, similar to people, then appeare 10/31/1989 #39199 peared standing on her carpet. The figures wore diver’s suits similar to co 10/31/1989 #39199 f panic she mentally commanded the figures to depart. Immediately they vani 10/31/1989 #39199 ndow, feeling some regret that the figures had left, and she yelled out for 10/31/1989 #39199 ct struck a soldier. Ten-foot tall figures are seen in the forest. 11/20/1989 #39242 aw several one-meter tall helmeted figures wearing glowing suits with strip 5/18/1990 #39576 t 100 yards ahead of him two short figures that quickly crossed from the ro 8/31/1990 #39707 et a better look. He described the figures as skinny and gray, varying betw 8/31/1990 #39708 , and inside three dark human-like figures with large round heads could be 9/13/1990 #39732 then approached by two human-like figures with 3-digit hands and skin with 1/26/1991 #39966 orted seeing several tiny humanoid figures wearing red clothing standing ne 5/12/1991 #40058 along its rim and several man-like figures could be seen moving about insid 5/18/1991 #40070 g accounts or laundering money for figures such as Saddam Hussein, Manuel N 7/5/1991 #40112 he guesthouse. Two dark human-like figures emerged from the landed object a 8/13/1991 #40152 witnesses were not able to see the figures completely, and only saw their a 8/13/1991 #40152 he ground. About 15 small humanoid figures were walking about near the obje 12/1/1991 #40251 Longwy, France. Two human looking figures with blue eyes emerged from the 12/27/1991 #40268 light towards the ground. Several figures were visible inside the object, 2/24/1992 #40336 triangular bottom. Inside were two figures. They had long hair, large slant 3/9/1992 #40367 aralyzed and observed two humanoid figures wearing what appeared to be cloa 4/20/1992 #40425 ng what appeared to be cloaks. The figures walked by him and then disappear 4/20/1992 #40425 Two robed figures were seen gliding over a field i 5/25/1992 #40473 anding next to his bed three small figures. They had pale white skin, frail 6/9/1992 #40489 and huge luminous black eyes. The figures stood motionless staring at the 6/9/1992 #40489 nating a feeling of curiosity. The figures then receded backwards and with 6/9/1992 #40489 there were about 20 thin humanoid figures standing and moving back and for 9/20/1992 #40634 "time". Harold saw three humanoid figures enter the restaurant's front win 1/12/1993 #40794 atch opened and several very large figures exited. They were about 2.5 mete 3/20/1993 #40895 bout six feet high. Three humanoid figures were standing there and staring 4/17/1993 #40940 low over the ground. Five humanoid figures descended from the object and st 5/12/1993 #40975 a nearby hill. Soon three humanoid figures became visible next to the light 6/18/1993 #41022 eory alleged that a “group” of key figures kept true UAP study, crash recov 7/22/1993 #41077 he ground with a red glow. Several figures were seen moving around, apparen 7/26/1993 #41090 indows around the bottom. Humanoid figures were seen moving about inside. T 8/8/1993 #41118 level. Behind the windows several figures could be seen moving around. As 8/18/1993 #41144 DEVON Glowing UFO just over Moor. Figures walk beneath. 8/26/1993 #41161 at Ivybridge in Plymouth, England. Figures were seen walking around underne 8/26/1993 #41162 bject several small, thin, shadowy figures were seen gliding about just abo 9/7/1993 #41187 lluminating the entire area. Three figures are seen inside a doorway, one o 1/4/1994 #41361 Inside they could see eight to ten figures standing in a group. Seconds lat 4/7/1994 #41480 ht shining in his face and several figures standing around his bed. He next 9/20/1994 #41765 t the figure but missed. Two other figures were standing next to the bed an 9/20/1994 #41766 he attempted to escape, one of the figures approached her and grabbed her b 9/20/1994 #41766 y them at 11:00 p.m.. Two humanoid figures appeared next to the object. The 12/11/1994 #41890 esses directed a flashlight at the figures, and a beam of light from the ob 12/11/1994 #41890 1:45 p.m. Bizarre looking humanoid figures were also seen on the ground. 7/9/1995 #42295 the objects had disappeared, three figures looking like women were seen sta 10/27/1995 #42566 reported encountering two humanoid figures in his apartment at 11:40 a.m. T 11/8/1995 #42587 Lugo, Leon, Spain at 8:30 p.m. No figures were visible in its large, clear 11/23/1995 #42621 s able to see several gray-colored figures with huge black eyes looking dow 12/13/1995 #42642 f these he was able to see several figures moving around. The object descen 5/6/1996 #42898 exico at 11:30 p.m. Seven dwarfish figures about 80 cm tall, who emitted a 5/16/1996 #42903 e to see it. Suddenly he saw three figures standing next to the object. Two 7/16/1996 #42959 the silhouettes of many small thin figures, moving about in the field. One 9/23/1996 #43039 ing about in the field. One of the figures was much taller than the others, 9/23/1996 #43039 lack object sat on the ground. The figures appeared to be moving towards th 9/23/1996 #43039 d tubular canisters around. Taller figures were also seen and described as 9/23/1996 #43039 emerge from the luminous form. The figures looked to be transparent and pas 1/5/1997 #43166 ingly unaware of his presence. The figures then walked toward the nearby ba 1/5/1997 #43166 n the room. She then saw two short figures standing near her bed. She was t 2/24/1997 #43207 hen she regained consciousness the figures had gone. The children had appar 2/24/1997 #43207 away. There looked to be humanoid figures dressed in white clothing moving 4/28/1997 #43283 hrough the windows some silhoetted figures with large heads could be seen. 5/18/1997 #43299 veral large headless dark humanoid figures milling around it. The figures s 8/5/1997 #43369 oid figures milling around it. The figures seemed to be signaling Luna to s 8/5/1997 #43369 d. They saw a number of tall, thin figures that “spoke” to them, followed b 12/12/1997 #43458 ded vertically and landed. Several figures came out of the object. They had 2/14/1998 #43521 several windows and inside several figures could be seen moving around. The 8/15/1998 #43632 saw several four-foot-tall hooded figures running around her yard. Later s 10/30/1998 #43671 at 1:30 a.m. and saw three bizarre figures in the shape of bowling pins sta 11/13/1998 #43681 there staring at the witness. The figures glowed a white color, but did no 11/13/1998 #43681 e he reportedly saw three humanoid figures, including a female figure. Wher 4/15/1999 #43758 , about 200 meters away. Two short figures wearing shiny metallic outfits s 5/10/1999 #43767 ind the windows they could see two figures wearing helmets with antennas on 11/1/1999 #43869 n this and multiple other humanoid figures on other occasions, in different 1/24/2000 #43933 ina. Later on three short humanoid figures were seeing moving near the obje 2/19/2000 #43954 erhead and land in her garden. Two figures came out of the object. They had 7/14/2000 #44017 stalled and stopped. Several short figures with large heads and huge eyes n 9/23/2000 #44045 e turned her heard she saw several figures in the room: two of them took ho 10/15/2000 #44058 s eyes came into focus, he saw two figures already inside the room and a th 10/15/2000 #44059 oom and a third coming inside. The figures appeared to be slightly luminous 10/15/2000 #44059 k and forth on his bed. One of the figures then became dark and apparently 10/15/2000 #44059 hich several short dark human-like figures with large heads would approach 10/19/2000 #44060 point he noticed two short shadowy figures that had appeared, almost dancin 4/23/2001 #44161 ged to blurt out "get out" and the figures and the light vanished. 4/23/2001 #44161 cle and approached the two strange figures on foot. One of the men walked a 3/26/2002 #44326 e remembered seeing a formation of figures, arranged into a ten pin bowling 4/28/2003 #44519 er mother claims to have seen dark figures carrying strange instruments. Wh 7/12/2003 #44563 got closer to the ramp he saw two figures approximately 3-4 feet tall. Eac 7/27/2004 #44718 mp. He couldn't tell for sure. The figures appeared to be looking to the no 7/27/2004 #44718 xt reported that he could see four figures approaching him from the object, 8/25/2004 #44741 der to infrared mode. The humanoid figures seemed very tall, but the men st 8/25/2004 #44741 properly. Dmitriy noticed that the figures moved evenly as if robotic in na 8/25/2004 #44741 kilometers per hour. The humanoid figures then walked in different directi 8/25/2004 #44741 tradicted the defensive order. The figures seemed to walk through some high 8/25/2004 #44741 ined close to his car. He then saw figures with glowing eyes standing all a 2/15/2006 #44923 distant, and there were about 50 “figures” moving about among the lights. 8/6/2006 #44953 loaked by clothing. Next these two figures retreated quickly about ten feet 8/29/2007 #45050 make out a shape. Before the small figures entered the craft they looked ba 8/29/2007 #45050 the tent and saw 12 to 15 humanoid figures that looked like people, but som 9/16/2007 #45059 rt with large bald heads. The tall figures appeared to be wearing white, cl 9/16/2007 #45059 cloak-like outfits, and the short figures appeared to be naked. Terrified 9/16/2007 #45059 had no discernable head or facial figures. Looking back in his rearview mi 9/14/2009 #45247 clear window with small human-like figures inside looking out. 9/11/2010 #45297 t false numbers to make Navy budge figures match Treasury figures known as 11/18/2013 #45396 Navy budge figures match Treasury figures known as “unsubstantiated change 11/18/2013 #45396 NORAD releases figures indicating that radar Tracks of 7/1/2016 #45455
groups in town to view the famous figurines of Waldemar Julsrud, during th 7/1956 #12940 m with tables adorned with crystal figurines. She also saw slips of paper u 10/8/1992 #40667 saw slips of paper underneath the figurines, with the names of other peopl 10/8/1992 #40667
o claims the Navy charged TAI with figuring out a plan to disclose ET “live 12/10/1994 #41888
A South African Mirage FIIG AF allegedly jet shot down a UFO th 5/7/1989 #38939
OFF WAKAYA ISLAND, FIJI 10 / boat. Saucer seen / 2 hours go 7/12/1956 #12965 he Pacific island of Levuka in the Fiji Islands, several people on a fishin 7/12/1956 #12968 LEVUKA IS.FIJI 10 observer(s) / boat. Circular / l 7/13/1956 #12969 NEAR NAWACA, FIJI White saucer going down / sea. Figu 10/8/1957 #14072 Bua Province, Fiji Islands Natives in small boat saw U 10/8/1957 #14074 Nabouwalu, Fiji Islands Two couples going from Nabo 10/8/1957 #14076 Nabouwalu, Viti Levu, Fiji Day. Four Fijians in a punt with an 10/8/1957 #14078 rd motor off Nabouwalu, Viti Levu, Fiji, see a white, circular object, whic 10/8/1957 #14078 ng from Nabouwalu to Nawaca in the Fiji Islands by motor boat saw a white c 10/8/1957 #14079 ils. Fireballs going down / sea in Fiji / 04 April. / APRO. 4/15/1963 #17727
bouwalu, Viti Levu, Fiji Day. Four Fijians in a punt with an outboard motor 10/8/1957 #14078
are reticulations “resembling the filament in old electric light bulbs.” C 10/1952 #8073 ellow ring around them. Angel hair filament material fell to the ground. Th 10/17/1952 #8149 Wales. He notices streams of fine filament coming down out of the sky over 8/30/1969 #25339 UFO moving at right angles to the filament fall. 8/30/1969 #25339 r 5 rectangles connected by a thin filament were seen moving over Wheeler S 9/26/2002 #44409
ions and always in formation. More filamentous material falls from the sky. 11/7/1954 #11589 rn Australia A huge fall of “white filamentous threads” covers hedges, tree 6/9/1999 #43782 White filamentous threads like "angel hair" fe 6/9/1999 #43783
own of Gaillac, France. Angel hair filaments fell on the roofs of houses in 10/27/1952 #8205 rston North, New Zealand, numerous filaments of a “substance resembling spi 5/30/1953 #8915 trail described as “strange shiney filaments” that cover wires and trees. A 10/9/1953 #9216 , Australia 4:00 p.m. White, silky filaments fall in strands averaging 30 f 5/12/1954 #9780 he debris, which resembled silvery filaments clinging together like cobwebs 10/13/1954 #11002 e, Italy. A large amount of “white filaments” falls that clings to everythi 10/27/1954 #11449 s later and Perego notices shining filaments falling from the sky. He grabs 11/6/1954 #11585 lies / edge. Maneuvers over hedge. Filaments radiate. 5/31/1955 #12168 ous, white, but not blinding. Many filaments of various colors were radiati 5/31/1955 #12169 rom the ground. Many multi-colored filaments of light radiated from the UFO 5/31/1955 #12170 Wales. A trail of shiny, web-like filaments falls and gradually disintegra 6/6/1962 #17219 Beach, Adelaide, South Australia. Filaments fall. 3/14/1971 #26046 of about 65 feet with some cloudy filaments hanging from its base. Investi 11/17/1974 #29598 slow. Left and right maneuvers. 3 filaments hang. / r30p602. 1/15/1976 #30790 and shows “unequivocally” that the filaments are not organic, but similar t 10/18/2002 #44419
friars. Luminous bodies fly single file / 1 hour. / Belgian UFO Society (SO 1/8/1388 #17 es 20 little men walking in single file towards him. Their heads are bald, Late Summer 1919 #993 eeing two groups of them in single file. One group of six were lower than w 7/4/1945 #1891 ands / Tintown. 9 saucers / single file going southeast over mountains acco 6/27/1947 #2423 t going quickly northeast / single file. / CAA report. 7/5/1947 #2692 ead going quickly southwest single file. / r171p86. 7/7/1947 #2849 s buzz going quickly east / single file. Blue glow. 7/7/1947 #2865 art and 1. 4 silver disks / single file. Fast / 5000' altitude. 7/7/1947 #2868 und objects all going east, single file in a straight line (NICAP: 01 - Dis 7/7/1947 #2919 and silent / high altitude. Single file. / r111p20. 7/8/1947 #2962 Island incident is a hoax. The FBI file notes that Dahl stated that “if que 8/7/1947 #3306 ry high and very fast. / Blue Book file. 8/3/1948 #3770 al-shaped objects flying in single file. They were each 20 feet long and 10 5/27/1949 #4215 sic metallic saucers going south / file. Last 2 turn sharply going quickly 7/1949 #4257 en flew up and away. Note in case file: "No investigation." 5/7/1950 #4932 rp right-angle turn, flying single file, and speed out of sight. 5/21/1950 #4959 wingtips. Going quickly south. Big file vanishes. / r55p109. 5/1/1952 #6231 departing after 20 seconds. Case file includes three vague photographs. 7/9/1952 #6738 n of bright orange discs in single file veered over Washington, D.C. and di 7/18/1952 #6900 the summary card attached to the file showed completely different informa 9/14/1952 #7937 : the summary card attached to the file showed completely different informa 9/14/1952 #7944 r her sighting is missing from the file. 11/24/1952 #8334 mps over Hawkes Bay. Slow / single file. Going northeast. 12/16/1952 #8423 e only one part-time analyst and a file clerk to maintain a reference file 5/1953 #8851 file clerk to maintain a reference file of activities of USAF and other age 5/1953 #8851 mes the star Capella. The official file is several hundred pages long. 8/5/1953 #9049 50 minutes. No further details in file. 8/27/1953 #9116 he USG contractor sending the case file to USAF Air Technical Intelligence 12/18/1953 #9384 that the DDI has 15,000 reports on file since 1947 stored in nine drawers i 1954 #9420 Headquarters will keep a complete file on all the sightings. That’s why we 1/13/1954 #9481 nt the information copied. We will file them under separate headings, such 1/13/1954 #9481 head toward the airplane in single file. The other 8 objects continue flyin 3/24/1954 #9639 Texarkana, Texas (file not clear). Witness: L.T. Prewitt 6/8/1954 #9876 entified. 7 teardrop-shapes single file. Turn blue. Speed up. 8/27/1954 #10184 op-shaped objects flew in a single file over Dorchester, Massachusetts at t 8/27/1954 #10190 in December, but the official RAN file remains classified until 1982. 8/31/1954 #10218 erver(s). 25 night lights / single file. Also silver ovoid going quickly so 9/4/1954 #10244 beyond his fence walking in single file toward a dark object sitting on the 9/10/1954 #10286 l humanoids (or Greys) walk single file. / r30p167. 10/14/1954 #11037 Frost’s son states he uncovered a file in the Canadian National Archives t 1955 #11897 or 5-7 minutes. Only item in case file was summary form. 1/1/1955 #11908 s fell. No further information in file. 1/26/1955 #11943 aust. It made a hissing sound. The file on the case is missing from the US 6/15/1955 #12199 e. Going straight and level single file. Too late / scramble. 7/7/1955 #12239 ing that the CIA should maintain a file of UFO sightings but deny that all 8/8/1955 #12342 these programs are marked “Do not file,” offering no clues that they exist 8/1956 #13042 ng southeast toward(s) town single file. 10/3/1956 #13261 omething like 10,000 sightings” on file and a large map of the British Isle 6/15/1957 #13730 ed the Air Force for the Blue Book file on the RB-47 case, the file could n 7/17/1957 #13808 e Book file on the RB-47 case, the file could not be found. Ultimately, the 7/17/1957 #13808 he case was put together by better file searching at Blue Book, James E. Mc 7/17/1957 #13808 ous investigation of any report on file” at RCAF headquarters. 12/1957 #14650 His radio quit working. He did not file an official Navy report of his enco 12/11/1958 #15474 ) and all going [to] Moscow. / txt file here. 2/21/1959 #15598 meteors. 3rd object follows. / txt file. 3/20/1959 #15657 Affa correspondence from 1954 in a file and decides to follow up on it. He 7/5/1959 #15817 erated and made sharp turns. Case file includes other reports from Mrs. Cl 4/25/1960 #16242 Corso said in 1961 he was given a file cabinet from his superior General T 1961 #16543 tude. They are traveling in single file at about 30 mph and are spaced 1–2 Summer 1961 #16736 nd fly into the woods. (NICAP case file; Swords 300) Summer — Donald MacKen Summer 1962 #17239 described in the Project Blue Book file) on the next day.. 8/13/1963 #17899 ng and 8 inches apart, in a single file, are found leading from the landing 1/12/1965 #18720 Angleton, TX Project Blue Book File #(?): Damon/Angleton, TX. Deputy Sh 9/3/1965 #19495 probably is included in the NICAP file report.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 6/16/1966 #20567 ngers” and is selected because his file states that he has no qualms about 6/30/1966 #20623 e UFO problem and are setting up a file area in the Lindheimer Observatory 1/5/1967 #21259 directly involved in this work to file a formal complaint against Helms, w 9/1967 #22974 also tracked on ship’s radar. They file a report with the Lunenburg CMP off 10/4/1967 #23176 rmation break up and form a single file, the wires and towers lighting up w 10/22/1967 #23290 2 spheres going southeast / single file. Longitude & latitude coords. = Ost 10/25/1967 #23313 (body lights). (Phone call, NICAP file memo.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 12/1/1967 #23530 entified newspaper clipping, NICAP file; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 12/7/1967 #23556 c sightings are kept in a separate file but transferred to the Public Archi 1968 #23630 lked down the light beam in single file and jumped from the end of the beam 2/21/1968 #23774 h glowing red eyes march in single file close to the ridge of an adjacent c Spring 1968 #23852 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “File” YieldMax: 20KT 10/31/1968 #24607 hey could see that it was a single file formation of disc-shaped objects, w 6/10/1969 #25209 ive feet tall walking by in single file. All wore tight fitting, light blue 5/8/1971 #26103 nd forces. A Combat Air Activities file of 16 such incidents between 1967 a 10/16/1973 #28084 adio station/depot/facility single file. Regroup / fan formation. 12/21/1974 #29651 ing requirements. Each agency must file an annual report on its FOIA reques 12/31/1974 #29666 and John Mackanics investigate and file reports. Months later, O’Barski rel 1/12/1975 #29744 hn, field investigator, CUFOS case file report dated March 11, 1975; NICAP 2/24/1975 #29842 une 1975. Treherne Detachment RCMP File Reference: 75-079-4) (NICAP: 02 - C 6/4/1975 #30080 , 1975. Shoal Lake Detachment RCMP File References: 75-700-126, National Re 11/18/1975 #30640 Saunders gives his UFOCAT computer file to the Center for UFO Studies in Ev 1976 #30742 sky. (Source: CUFOS investigation file, report dated March 1, 1976). (NICA 2/18/1976 #30879 ght. (Sources: CUFOS investigation file, report dated May 17, 1976; Mark Ro 2/18/1976 #30880 rence, case 394, citing MUFON case file). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/20/1976 #30889 arge almond-shaped eyes. In single file the three tall beings walked to a p 4/23/1976 #31019 or UFO Studies case investigations file, December 1976; International UFO R 12/18/1976 #31611 roup walked briskly away in single file, towards the desert and into the di 4/12/1977 #31977 bserver. 3 silent spheres / single file. Back again / opposite direction. 11/6/1977 #32659 ee there are no other documents on file, Doty begins to backtrack. Maccabee 8/8/1980 #35447 ast going quickly southwest single file. Seen widely. / Flying Saucer Revie 11/11/1980 #35629 er, who suggest that the witnesses file a complaint with the Judge Advocate 12/29/1980 #35757 laims he has 50,000 UFO reports on file in the Moscow Aviation Institute an 7/31/1981 #36047 ate 1980s, and created an incident file. No formal investigation appears to 7/24/1984 #37416 1955, from Air Tech. Intel. Ctr., file no. TS5–2862, has been WITHDRAWN fr 6/28/1985 #37610 s in Washington, D.C., between two file folders. 7/18/1985 #37623 eings from alien objects.” Another file, from Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio 10/28/1986 #38056 hat it keeps a classified personal file on Stanton T. Friedman and denies a 8/2/1989 #39041 r. 4 dark-grey silent balls single file 4M over ground. 8/19/1990 #39691 ession of monks" walking in single file in a field. They wore black smocks 9/24/1992 #40639 earcher Nick Redfern that it has a file on Majestic-12, although it is in “ 7/22/1993 #41076 ough it is in “closed status.” The file title is labeled “Espionage.” 7/22/1993 #41076 ls ufologist Nick Redfern it has a file on “Majestic-12,” but it is in “clo 7/22/1993 #41077 but it is in “closed status.” The file is labeled “Espionage.” https://ww 7/22/1993 #41077 erver(s). 3 orbs going [to] single file. Absolute(ly) silence. No birds / b 7/7/1994 #41612 Stated a sighting report he could file had two pages of information, and a 8/30/1996 #43003 ojection.” The story also states a file room at WPAFB has over 2 million ac 7/31/1999 #43815 Zodiac. Eric has compiled his own file but it is not verifiable yet. (Note 5/8/2000 #43991 cial study done by TRW. Eric has a file on Zodiac. https://www.amazon.com/ 3/3/2001 #44147 he finds a rare Project Blue Book file that shows Howard Cross from Battel 12/17/2001 #44294 m south to north slowly, in single file, over Browns Plains, Queensland sho 7/12/2002 #44359 ast at a very high speed in single file. 9/14/2004 #44756 oject Grudge and a rare “artifact” file that was kept away from Project Blu 1/23/2009 #45208 not debriefed and was not told to file a report. The supervisor told him “ 1/2010 #45266 14, the DOD declassifies a lengthy file on Project Pandora and Project Biza 2014 #45400 35mm slides are also on this last file. There was a Press ‘D’ Notice issue 8/12/2022 #45762
r completely cured. The report was filed by an anonymous source. 10/25/1957 #14157 e men in cigar." Project Blue Book filed a newspaper article on the case, b 12/16/1957 #14736 disappeared to the north. [Witness filed NICAP report form.] (NICAP: 02 - C 6/21/1963 #17799 appeared in the distance. [Witness filed NICAP report form.] (NICAP: 01 - D 7/20/1963 #17843 ome woods, according to the report filed with the RCMP. 5/19/1969 #25146 ase documented by Thomas M. Olsen, filed report with several major UFO grou 9/1970 #25821 onstabulary Report, Aug. 19, 1971, filed by Constable Leslie G. Leek.) (NIC 8/16/1971 #26287 Angeles NICAP Subcommittee report filed by Mrs. Idabel Epperson, who inter 11/5/1971 #26459 st Barry Greenwood later stated he filed FOIA inquiries for records and Van 7/17/1974 #29267 YWATCH patrol. This report was not filed for eleven years because of the na 10/4/1974 #29500 , France. The frightened observers filed a police report. 8/11/1975 #30251 incidents result in a report being filed with the Air Force Office of Speci 8/8/1980 #35447 Peter Gersten’s 84-page petition (filed in early 1982) for the Supreme Cou 3/8/1982 #36383 Larry W. Bryant, Director of CAUS, filed a Civil Action, Case #83–1932 (Jud 6/24/1983 #36891 r-Twining memo: it was incorrectly filed; no other researchers have found i 7/22/1987 #38212 from this day. A police report was filed that at 5:20 p.m. a brilliant, one 11/14/1990 #39890 ntastic speed. A police report was filed over the incident. 8/28/1995 #42426 According to a case report filed by Margaret DeHarpporte, a MUFON F 11/3/1996 #43104 ity LLC, which manages Los Alamos, filed a patent in 2021 for aerospace veh 5/17/1999 #43770 An FAA report on the incident was filed. The planes were about 100 miles a 10/26/1999 #43865 on attempt was alleged in a report filed with the National UFO Reporting Ce 2/11/2003 #44486 g. A second independent report was filed at 10:45 p.m. from ten miles south 8/6/2007 #45044 rst time, following a FOIA request filed in 2005, and it declassifies docum 6/25/2013 #45375 iation Enterprise CTO James Sheehy filed for appeal to the USPTO and stated 11/2/2017 #45490 urity LLC based in Los Alamos, NM, filed a patent for aerospace vehicles th 6/25/2021 #45695 lly withheld from Congress, and he filed a complaint alleging that he suffe 6/5/2023 #45798
/FOIA/FOIA-Electronic-Reading-Room/FileId/161544/ (p55, p57, p104). https 3/1968 #23799 /FOIA/FOIA-Electronic-Reading-Room/FileId/161544/ (p55, p57, p104) 2/25/1982 #36370
They weren't called UFOs." (George Filer) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) Summer 1968 #24063 hing off. Retired USAF Maj. George Filer III, who later serves as MUFON New 1/18/1978 #32894 otified. Retired USAF Maj. George Filer III claims he was there, the recov 1/18/1978 #32895 FO secrecy. Interviews with George Filer, Tom Bearden, Glenn Dennis, Richar 5/9/2017 #45469
pnosis and research. Edward Condon files the letter under “psychological” a 1930 #1106 elescope. (Ref. 3; Report in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/1939 #1316 o yellow. (Ref. 3; Report in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 5/30/1940 #1336 ess said. (Ref. 3; Report in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) Fall 1942 #1446 tes. (Ref. 3; Bill Chalker, The Oz Files, 1996, pp. 35-36.) (NICAP: 03 - EM 2/1944 #1569 cts in V-formation. / Haines pilot files. 3/1944 #1581 stars. According to the Air Force files there were more than fifty reports 6/10/1947 #2320 entified” case in the Project Sign files. 6/24/1947 #2400 morandum found in official FBI UFO files, addressed to “important aeronauti 7/8/1947 #2953 ect "too fast for a balloon. / FBI files. 8/3/1947 #3284 zigzag / twice plane-speed. / FBI files / APRO. 8/14/1947 #3324 According to files released by the FBI through FOIA r 8/14/1947 #3333 angements are made to transfer UFO files from Garrett’s office in the Penta 9/21/1947 #3412 effect was in the old Project Sign files.” 12/1947 #3496 . Center. (ATIC) query / Blue Book files. No further details. 12/13/1947 #3501 r details / brief note / Blue Book files. 12/20/1947 #3508 of Air Force Intelligence for all files on “Swedish incidents” in 1946 and 1/23/1948 #3564 t SIGN, incident ?207 in Blue Book files: at approx. 2200 hours, Lt. Henry 11/18/1948 #3880 ment would be in Project Blue Book files, but it is not. 11/30/1948 #3895 Project Sign files are sent to the Navy by Col. Willi 12/13/1948 #3928 Project Grudge is terminated. Its files are put into storage. The Grudge r 12/27/1949 #4446 in Ohio to look at the actual case files is turned down weeks later. 1/1950 #4470 ing at that time, but the Bureau’s files have no information to verify that 3/22/1950 #4702 d like bees buzzing. Only data in files was from East African "Standard" n 12/2/1950 #5310 G resources and all but three case files (up to 28) remain lost because the 1951 #5379 https://www.ufoexplorations.com/files/ugd/aa4aaca0261f418177495ca81a5c83 1951 #5379 -white. No further information in files. 3/10/1951 #5476 rnment, had complete access to our files” (scientists convinced of the ETH) 8/30/1951 #5638 North Truro, MA (McDonald files; Jan Aldrich; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 10/21/1951 #5739 discovers they have more complete files than ATIC in Dayton, Ohio, does. H 1/29/1952 #5883 to have copies made of the missing files for him at Project Grudge (though 1/29/1952 #5883 everything). The offices with UFO files include the Technical Capabilities 1/29/1952 #5883 UFO report, but it can’t find the files he requests. Ginna becomes suspici 3/3/1952 #5942 ata forwarded by Project Blue Book files. 3/31/1952 #5998 V-formation. No further details in files. 4/14/1952 #6077 25 second(s). No further details / files. 4/19/1952 #6129 tear-drop shaped lights (McDonald files; Jan Aldrich; cf. Ruppelt p. 140; 5/25/1952 #6357 f time. No further information in files. 6/2/1952 #6426 , Korea Case missing from official files. 6/6/1952 #6453 nnesota Case missing from official files. 6/9/1952 #6473 ds. No further information in the files. 6/17/1952 #6525 issouri Case missing from official files. 6/23/1952 #6603 ea area Case missing from official files. 6/25/1952 #6627 topped. No further information in files. 6/26/1952 #6637 center again. 700mph. / Blue Book files. 7/21/1952 #6966 down [to] and circles. / Blue Book files. 7/22/1952 #7006 wnward. No further information in files. 7/22/1952 #7018 Warning found in official FBI UFO files. 7/24/1952 #7091 s). No further details / Blue Book files. 7/26/1952 #7153 ifornia Case missing from official files. 7/26/1952 #7173 tails [in] type unknown. Blue Book files. No further details. 7/28/1952 #7228 objects speed over town. Blue Book files. No further details. 7/28/1952 #7230 range light. No further details in files (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 7/30/1952 #7356 10 minutes. No further details in files. 7/30/1952 #7360 missing from the Project Blue Book files. 8/1/1952 #7411 ichigan Case missing from official files. 8/6/1952 #7488 veral minutes. No further data in files. 8/20/1952 #7662 y and change color(s). / Blue Book files. 9/3/1952 #7834 en going quickly east. / Blue Book files. No further details. 9/15/1952 #7949 ing quickly northwest. / Blue Book files. 9/22/1952 #8000 north / 600m altitude. / Blue Book files. 9/26/1952 #8032 20 seconds. No further details in files. 10/17/1952 #8147 r. Strong white beams. / Blue Book files. 11/8/1952 #8256 kwise / 400' altitude. / Blue Book files. 11/15/1952 #8275 ifornia Case missing from official files. 12/28/1952 #8453 ed. No further information in the files. 1/28/1953 #8599 hanged to "Venus" in the Air Force files in 1963. 2/17/1953 #8685 on the incident to anyone. http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United% 2/19/1953 #8686 ld E. Keyhoe and verifies that the files on 41 cases investigated by the Ai 2/25/1953 #8703 ute(s). No further details [in] in files. 6/21/1953 #8947 or 20 minutes. No further data in files. 6/21/1953 #8951 nd calls it “the best” in the USAF files, Hynek writes that the “entire inc 8/5/1953 #9049 Castle AFB (near), CA TB-29 Crew Files CIRVIS Report (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 8/20/1953 #9088 moved very fast. Case missing from files. 9/3/1953 #9139 hen it banks sideways. / Blue Book files. 11/14/1953 #9297 ook, but it does not appear in its files. 6/21/1954 #9921 a on 1985 in the 126th box of USAF files. Carbon of the original form. 7/14/1954 #10014 rolls and loops about. / Blue Book files. 9/24/1954 #10430 y northeast extremely fast. / APRO files. 11/2/1954 #11532 reviewing UFO reports in the RAAF files and writing an assessment for the 12/26/1954 #11862 ghts. * https://www.archives.gov/files/declassification/iscap/pdf/2014-00 12/28/1954 #11870 ttps://www.sunrisepage.com/roswell/files/government/usaf/1949FirstProgressR 5/5/1955 #12123 ttps://www.sunrisepage.com/roswell/files/government/usaf/1949SecondProgress 5/5/1955 #12123 https://www.sunrisepage.com/uft/files/media/ConquestofGravityAimofTopSci 11/20/1955 #12580 s Applied Science Division retains files for incoming raw reports that migh 2/9/1956 #12704 it is an unproven claim. https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United% 4/1956 #12779 se of prohibitive costs.” https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/USA%20- 7/5/1956 #12953 Washington, D.C. T. Townsend Brown files incorporation papers for a new UFO 8/29/1956 #13151 ertson. Case missing from official files. 4/25/1957 #13618 ry radar UFO case in the Blue Book files from now on is a NORAD case becaus 9/12/1957 #13992 is listed in the Project Blue Book files as case number 61 for the month of 12/8/1957 #14693 existence of a US Army Air Forces files on the German Air Force’s secret w 1958 #14787 vestigation is performed. https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/USA%20- 2/28/1958 #14899 l Congressional hearing.” https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/USA%20- 6/20/1958 #15107 further interest in UAP. https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/USA%20- 8/13/1958 #15200 turns. Going southwest. / Bluebook files. 11/15/1958 (approximate) #15442 ng fireball. Going [to] low single files going [to] horizon. 7/21/1959 #15867 te: little data on the case in the files. 3/23/1960 #16204 ment for the job. According to CIA files, it is Giancana who suggests poiso 9/1960 #16428 rking on UAP from 1 to 2. https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/USA%20- 3/17/1961 #16634 , Texas Case missing from official files. Spring 1961 #16636 inutes. Case missing from official files. 4/4/1962 #17098 th of time. No further details in files. 6/30/1962 #17255 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/nelson_01.jpg Late 1963 #17989 th of time. No further details in files. Note: Project Blue Book chief Maj 10/24/1963 #18007 details are found in the Air Force files, but Project Blue Book chief Major 10/24/1963 #18008 first “unknown” in the RAAF’s UFO files. 1/23/1964 #18117 re and denies his claims. https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United% 4/30/1964 #18236 ating and “there are no documents, files, or dossiers held by the Departmen 2/27/1965 #18829 inute. No further data was in the files. 7/6/1965 #19077 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-02-05/FEWarren1965_1.jp 7/31/1965 #19225 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-02-05/FEWarren1965_2.jp 7/31/1965 #19225 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-02-05/FEWarren1965_3.jp 7/31/1965 #19225 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-02-05/FEWarren1965_4.jp 7/31/1965 #19225 ond(s). No further details [in] in files. 8/4/1965 #19304 or 12 seconds. No further data in files. 8/4/1965 #19315 16-17 seconds. No further data in files. 8/4/1965 #19316 hovered over car. Report in NICAP files (E,R) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 8/18/1965 #19417 conds. (Sources: Project Blue Book files counted in official statistics, ca 8/30/1965 #19481 Tucker. Case missing from official files. 10/4/1965 #19643 k thrown off road. Report in NICAP files (E,L) truck (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases 12/20/1965 #19779 t., humming sound. Report in NICAP files. (E,L) car. Section II (NICAP: 02 3/23/1966 #20043 ific body to study Blue Book’s UFO files. He also writes to his legislator 3/28/1966 #20117 a whistling or humming sound. (BB files, Fowler, 1974, pp. 125-27.) (NICAP 3/30/1966 #20154 r 2.5 hours. No further detail in files. 4/30/1966 #20433 n, Ohio, and examine the Blue Book files. On his first visit, he is steered 6/6/1966 #20535 nd he would lose access to all the files. McDonald says Hynek should have s 6/8/1966 #20543 contradicts many now declassified files including a 1957 memorandum where 7/21/1966 #20664 rther details / reference. / NICAP files. 8/25/1966 #20804 details / this reference. / NICAP files. 8/27/1966 #20813 ce report form in Colorado Project files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 1/6/1967 #21266 away. No further details. / NICAP files. 1/7/1967 #21269 ay. (Letter dated 1/21/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 1/7/1967 #21270 tness in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 1/10/1967 #21283 ry farm owner, Iola , KS, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 1/13/1967 #21296 e NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 1/16/1967 #21318 d into his field of vision. (NICAP files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 1/17/1967 #21329 e down alongside their car. (NICAP files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 1/17/1967 #21330 ir Force report, Project Blue Book files, National Archives; Fowler, 1974, 1/18/1967 #21339 3 seconds. (Robinson letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 1/18/1967 #21340 hoto himself. (Ridge, APRO & NICAP files) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) 1/19/1967 #21350 letter, Scottsbluff, NE., in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 1/21/1967 #21363 tport News, 1/26/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 1/24/1967 #21373 of Air Force report form, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 1/26/1967 #21393 patch, Pa., 1/29/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 1/28/1967 #21407 ville, Ind., 2/9/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/1967 #21427 t. (Letter dated 2/22/67, in NICAP files (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/1967 #21428 hat he will look at the NICAP case files. 2/1/1967 #21433 pretty good stunts. (Ridge, NICAP files). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/2/1967 #21440 n Spectator, 2/4/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/3/1967 #21446 2/5/67, Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/4/1967 #21448 ocrat, Pa., 3/11/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/4/1967 #21449 est towards Bedford. (Ridge, NICAP files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/5/1967 #21455 of roof. (Ridge, Clipping in NICAP files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/5/1967 #21456 zard Herald 2/13/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/6/1967 #21467 st Dispatch, 2/7/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/6/1967 #21468 stport News, 2/9/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/7/1967 #21473 estport News 2/9/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/7/1967 #21474 lor, then a pale blue. (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/7/1967 #21475 lis, USNR retired, letter in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) 2/8/1967 #21478 nal, Kans., 2/18/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/8/1967 #21480 ant, Conn., 2/14/67, copy in NICAP files and in Donald E. I Key hoe Archive 2/8/1967 #21481 nd in Donald E. I Key hoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/8/1967 #21481 r, Ontario, 2/11/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/10/1967 #21498 , Missouri, 2/11/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/10/1967 #21500 ews, Conn., 2/16/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/11/1967 #21510 er, Alaska, 2/14/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/12/1967 #21519 copy in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/12/1967 #21521 ed. (Letter dated 2/22/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/13/1967 #21533 s NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/13/1967 #21535 ay. (Letter dated 2/23/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) 2/14/1967 #21543 t Virginia, 2/15/67, copy in NICAP files; undated Kalapaca investigation re 2/14/1967 #21546 paca investigation report in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/14/1967 #21546 City Star, 2/16/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/14/1967 #21547 rt. (Letter dated 2/17/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/15/1967 #21554 tion). (Letter from witness, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 2/16/1967 #21564 nd bobbed around. (Letter in NICAP files.) (Ogdensburg Journal, N.Y., 2/17/ 2/16/1967 #21565 rnal, N.Y., 2/17/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/16/1967 #21565 ily Capital 2/18/67, copy in NICAP files.) [Note: Very likely a flare- or c 2/16/1967 #21567 etter from witness, 9/14/67, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 2/16/1967 #21569 s NICAP Subcommittee Report, NICAP files; Project Blue Book files, National 2/17/1967 #21583 rt, NICAP files; Project Blue Book files, National Archives; U.F.O. Investi 2/17/1967 #21583 Courant, 2/21/67, copies in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/19/1967 #21594 Sun-Tattler 3/11/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 2/19/1967 #21595 une, Texas, 2/23/67, copy in NICAP files and in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives f 2/19/1967 #21596 s and in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/19/1967 #21596 n Bulletin, 2/21/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/20/1967 #21604 on Tribune, 2/23/67, copy in NICAP files and in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives f 2/21/1967 #21610 s and in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/21/1967 #21610 ly. (Letter dated 3/25/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/21/1967 #21611 ily Courier 2/23/67, copy in NICAP files.) [Note: There is a Titan II ICBM 2/21/1967 #21613 -ltem, Ind., 3/3/67, copy in NICAP files; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969b, p. 34.) ( 2/22/1967 #21620 truck moved away. (Report in NICAP files; Marion Weekly Leader 2/23/67, cop 2/23/1967 #21631 ekly Leader 2/23/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/23/1967 #21631 s, Ontario, 2/27/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/24/1967 #21639 t in Colorado Project and in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/25/1967 #21646 argo Forum, 2/25/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/25/1967 #21647 NICAP Subcommittee report in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/26/1967 #21655 ng Gazette, 2/27/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) 2/26/1967 #21657 s (Ontario) 2/27/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/26/1967 #21658 rter, Ohio, 2/28/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/26/1967 #21659 te Journal, 2/28/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 2/27/1967 #21671 a 45x telescope. (Letter in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/27/1967 #21673 rld Herald, 2/28/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/27/1967 #21674 on Journal, 2/28/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/27/1967 #21676 s, Michigan, 3/1/67, copy in NICAP files.) . (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/28/1967 #21681 ss-Scimitar, 3/4/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 2/28/1967 #21682 nal, Kansas, 4/2/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 3/1967 #21689 eles NICAP Affiliate report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/1967 #21693 Trenton/an, 9/12/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 3/1967 #21694 ller letter, Kirksville, MO, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 3/1967 #21695 rce UFO report form, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/1/1967 #21707 cord, 3/4 or 3/5/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/1/1967 #21709 possible E-M effects. (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 3/1/1967 #21712 itar, Tenn., 3/4/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 3/2/1967 #21723 ir Force report, Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP: 01 - 3/2/1967 #21724 ss-Scimitar, 3/4/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/2/1967 #21725 ed). (Letter dated 3/3/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/3/1967 #21739 be heard. (Letter 3/8/67, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/3/1967 #21741 el, Florida, 3/7/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/3/1967 #21742 Lewistown newspaper, copy in NiCAP files; Air Force report, Project Blue Bo 3/3/1967 #21743 ir Force report, Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP: 02 - 3/3/1967 #21743 be heard. (Letter 3/8/67, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 3/3/1967 #21744 al, S. Dak., 3/7/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 3/5/1967 #21760 gle, Kansas, 3/9/67, copy in NICAP files; McDonald, 1967, Case 6, reprinted 3/8/1967 #21801 Sun-Herald, 3/12/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/8/1967 #21802 Beacon-News, 3/9/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/8/1967 #21803 resident received 10/25/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/8/1967 #21804 , Kentucky, 3/16/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/8/1967 #21805 dar contact. (Frey report in NICAP files, NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - 3/8/1967 #21806 ouston Post, 3/9/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/8/1967 #21808 No. 00534B in Colorado UFO Project files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/8/1967 #21809 minutes. (Letter 3/11/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 3/8/1967 #21810 nal, Midi., 3/10/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 3/8/1967 #21811 e top of this page. (NICAP & MUFON files) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) 3/9/1967 #21832 ispatch, Ohio, 3/10/67, copy NICAP files.) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) 3/9/1967 #21833 rald, Iowa, 3/10/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/9/1967 #21834 away. (Federspiel letter in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/9/1967 #21835 outheast. (Tillett report in NICAP files). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/9/1967 #21836 ion, Minn., 3/16/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/10/1967 #21850 , Arkansas, 3/12/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/10/1967 #21851 us Dispatch 3/12/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/11/1967 #21856 f sight. (Witness reports in NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 3/11/1967 #21857 as Gazette, 3/14/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/12/1967 #21866 Boyer letter dated 5/5/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 3/12/1967 #21867 alls Times, 3/14/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/12/1967 #21870 Subcommittee report, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 3/13/1967 #21881 , Arkansas, 3/27/69, copy in NICAP files; phone conversation with surgeon's 3/14/1967 #21884 n's wife 5/12/69, notes in : NICAP files.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 3/14/1967 #21884 , Calif., 3/15/67, report in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/15/1967 #21889 e object. (Witness letter in NICAP files, NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 04 - 3/15/1967 #21890 nty, Mien., 3/17/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/16/1967 #21897 Venezuela, 3/18/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) 3/16/1967 #21898 s. (Unidentified clipping in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 3/17/1967 #21909 ar. (Letter dated 3/29/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/17/1967 #21910 rom witness dated 1 /9/68 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/17/1967 #21911 erald, Pa., 3/18/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/17/1967 #21912 utes. (White letter, 4/8/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/17/1967 #21913 nday report, Urbana, 9/6/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/18/1967 #21916 beyond the trees. (Report in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 3/21/1967 #21935 rld Herald, 3/23/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/23/1967 #21953 lls Leader, 3/24/67, copy in NICAP files.) [Malmstrom AFB, MT, Minuteman IC 3/23/1967 #21954 thwest into a cloud. (Ridge, NICAP files) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 3/23/1967 #21955 , Missouri, 3/26/67, copy in NICAP files; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 3/25/1967 #21981 AP report form and letter in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 3/25/1967 #21982 Force report in Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP: 02 - 3/29/1967 #22011 t, England, 3/31/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/30/1967 #22013 resident, received 10/25/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 3/30/1967 #22016 Force report in Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP: 02 - 3/31/1967 #22020 g Democrat, 7/14/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/1967 #22029 n about three seconds. (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/1/1967 #22037 a NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/1/1967 #22039 ress, Mich., 4/6/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/5/1967 #22061 ing sound. (Letter 4/9/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/5/1967 #22062 elleville Telescope, 4/6/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/5/1967 #22063 t-News, Pa., 4/9/67, copy in NICAP files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/8/1967 #22094 s NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files; Fowler, 1974, p. 346.) (NICAP: 02 4/11/1967 #22107 rge as a car. (Ricks letter, NICAP files; The l/.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV 4/11/1967 #22109 ry McKay report, 4/17/67, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/12/1967 #22116 ter to Herb Roth, 5/5/67, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/12/1967 #22118 and flew away. (Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP: 03 - 4/12/1967 #22119 d and flew away. Project Blue Book files, (E) National Archives, car (NICAP 4/12/1967 #22120 ay. (Letter dated 4/16/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/16/1967 #22138 ttom bulge. (Ricks letter in NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4/17/1967 #22149 egister, 4/1/67,(??) copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 4/18/1967 #22158 ter, W.Va., 4/22/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/19/1967 #22163 Daily News 4/20/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 4/19/1967 #22164 NICAP Subcommittee report in NICAP files; Fowler, 1974, p. 347.) (NICAP: 02 4/20/1967 #22170 ne Larson report, 8/1/67, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/21/1967 #22181 eport, NICAP report form, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/21/1967 #22182 kly News, 4/26/67, a copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 4/23/1967 #22211 per clipping dated 9/8/67 in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) 4/26/1967 #22220 entified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/26/1967 #22221 (Letter received 11 /28/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/27/1967 #22228 ' Gazette, 4/29/67, copy in NICAP files.) . (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/27/1967 #22229 lds report received 7/26/67, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4/27/1967 #22230 Carter report dated 5/24/67, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4/28/1967 #22243 te, Mass., - 5/2/67, copy in NICAP files.) [See previous case re: dropped " 4/30/1967 #22248 copy in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 5/1967 #22252 d vision problems. Report in NICAP files, (E,R) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 5/1/1967 #22260 ity Tribune, 5/7/67, copy in NiCAP files; L/.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No 5/6/1967 #22281 copy in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files; L/.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No 5/7/1967 #22292 rt received 7/28/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 5/8/1967 #22299 r 90 m.p.h. (Witness letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 5/9/1967 #22301 Daily News, 5/10/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 5/9/1967 #22302 (Witness report, 7/18/67, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 5/13/1967 #22334 from Frank Edwards, 5/18/67, NICAP files; Ridge, 1994, pp. 22-23 from Edwar 5/15/1967 #22345 ght. (Air Force report form, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 5/15/1967 #22346 es, Calif., 5/16/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 5/16/1967 #22352 ity Record, 5/25/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 5/19/1967 #22374 t. (Witness letter, 5/25/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 5/20/1967 #22378 below tree-top level. (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 5/21/1967 #22385 g rapidly to the east. (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 5/21/1967 #22386 (Letter from Chuck Thaxton, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incidents) 5/25/1967 #22396 dy lights). (Witness letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 5/25/1967 #22397 ight. (Letter dated 5/28/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 5/28/1967 #22412 side. (Letter dated 6/5/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 5/28/1967 #22413 City Times, 6/14/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 5/29/1967 #22420 , Manitoba, 7/21/67, copy in NICAP files; APRO Bulletin, May-June 1967, p. 5/31/1967 #22429 de. (Stroud letter, 7/21/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 6/1967 #22436 newspaper clipping, 6/2/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/1/1967 #22444 or 2 miles. (Clausen report, NICAP files; U.F.O Investigator, school bus Vo 6/1/1967 #22446 , Manitoba, 6/29/67, copy in NICAP files; Winnipeg Free Press 6/7/67 with d 6/5/1967 #22463 indicated as June 6, copy in NICAP files; case reported to the University o 6/5/1967 #22463 kin Dam Plant. (Cook report, NICAP files; The Shamokin Dam News.) (NICAP: 0 6/5/1967 #22464 speed. (Letter dated 6/9/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/5/1967 #22466 ess letter to Cook, 7/12/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 6/6/1967 #22471 olve. (Letter dated 6/20/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 6/9/1967 #22481 s NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 6/10/1967 #22486 nce. (Cuneo letter, 6/19/67, NICAP files; APRO Bulletin, Nov. - Dec. 1967, 6/15/1967 #22509 ight. (Heath letter 6/26/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) 6/21/1967 #22526 NICAP Subcommittee report in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/21/1967 #22527 a NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/21/1967 #22528 . (Campbell letter, 8/31/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating Summer 1967 #22529 ring. (Letter dated 6/23/67, NICAP files.). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 6/22/1967 #22533 t an hour. (Pickrell report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 6/24/1967 #22543 La Voz Del Interior 6/26/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/24/1967 #22544 ltimore Sun 6/26/67,.copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 6/24/1967 #22545 ltimore Sun 6/26/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 6/24/1967 #22546 al reactions). (Cook report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 6/25/1967 #22553 call from witness, 7/20/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/25/1967 #22554 Maui at the time; report in NICAP files.) : (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 6/26/1967 #22558 ee line. (McPhillips report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/27/1967 #22562 ff. (Tehran Yomiori, 7/1/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 6/28/1967 #22567 itness' father dated 7/6/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 6/29/1967 #22570 ity Journal, 7/2/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/30/1967 #22577 s & Stripes, 7/6/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/1967 #22587 g for unrelated information in the files. He shares it with Norm Levine and 7/1967 #22589 Colorado UFO Study, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/3/1967 #22598 (Cape Argus 7/5/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/3/1967 #22599 Daily Observer, 7/6/67, UFO NICAP files; McDonald, 1968b, p. 74, reprinted 7/4/1967 #22607 hts were seen. (Cook report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/4/1967 #22609 ephone call 7/7/67, notes in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/6/1967 #22619 sight. (Letter from captain, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/8/1967 #22635 rrisburg, 7/12/67, copy in , NICAP files; Cook report, NICAP files.) (NICAP 7/9/1967 #22636 , NICAP files; Cook report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/9/1967 #22636 nexplained case, Project Blue Book files, National Archives.) (NICAP: 02 - 7/10/1967 #22644 h Columbia, 7/27/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 7/11/1967 #22649 Press, Vt., 7/14/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/12/1967 #22653 ess, Mich., 7/14/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/12/1967 #22654 ng Standard 7/15/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/14/1967 #22657 a NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/15/1967 #22661 ubcommittee report, 9/15/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/15/1967 #22662 the mountain. (Cook report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/15/1967 #22663 s/objects). (Epstein letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/15/1967 #22665 ette, Nev., 7/20/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/16/1967 #22668 NICAP Subcommittee, 8/29,67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 7/17/1967 #22676 rt form, Stokesberry report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/18/1967 #22693 (Letter : received 12/26/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/19/1967 #22699 ubcommittee report, 8/11/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) ( 7/20/1967 #22708 ve the ground. (Cook report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/20/1967 #22709 Beach, MA (Hynek-CUFOS-Willy Smith files; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 7/23/1967 #22723 reactions). (Stinson letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) ( 7/25/1967 #22729 ubcommittee report, 10/4/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/26/1967 #22733 ubcommittee report, 10/4/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 7/26/1967 #22734 ctor, N.C., 7/28/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/27/1967 #22738 ve. (Fowler report, 8/14/67, NICAP files; NICAP report forms; U.F.O. Invest 7/27/1967 #22739 Times, LA., 7/28/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 7/27/1967 #22740 efense report form, 8/28/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/29/1967 #22749 ren." (Amos letter, 9/26/68, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/1967 #22768 runs through 1973, amassing 10,000 files on more than 300,000 individuals a 8/1967 #22770 . (WXUR News report, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/1/1967 #22772 , 8/20/67, 8/28/67 copies in NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, March 1968, 8/4/1967 #22796 dy lights). (Lorczak letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/4/1967 #22798 of a hoax. (Christol letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 8/4/1967 #22799 ation beam. (Hunkins letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/5/1967 #22812 El Mundo, 8/9/67, copies in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) (NICAP 8/6/1967 #22825 and Bufalino report, 8/9/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/6/1967 #22826 port. (Ramos letter, 8/8/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/6/1967 #22827 a NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 8/10/1967 #22857 Subcommittee report, 9/7/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 8/11/1967 #22861 Subcommittee report, 9/7/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/11/1967 #22862 ewspaper clipping, 10/27/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 8/12/1967 #22865 amento Bee, Calif., 8/18/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 8/16/1967 #22884 Subcommittee report, 9/7/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 8/18/1967 #22887 f. (Witness letter, 8/23/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 8/19/1967 #22890 ubcommittee report, 10/4/67, NICAP files) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 8/19/1967 #22891 ting. (Hall letter, 8/28/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/24/1967 #22913 s Democrat, 8/25/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/25/1967 #22921 , Manitoba, 10/4/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/28/1967 #22941 ubcommittee report, 9/19/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/29/1967 #22950 ter Stroud, Toledo, 8/30/67, NICAP files.) , (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 8/29/1967 #22951 it Journal, 10/1/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/29/1967 #22952 ubcommittee report, 10/4/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/31/1967 #22962 (Ca/gary Albertan, 10/18/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 9/1967 #22966 ry Herald, 9/5/67, copies in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 9/1967 #22968 DeSoto Press Times, 9/25/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 9/1967 #22969 o to look at the Project Blue Book files. They find cases stored adjacent t 9/1967? #22970 es stored adjacent to the official files, and some in a classified safe. Sa 9/1967? #22970 ubcommittee report, 9/12/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 9/3/1967 #22987 send Leader, 9/7/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) 9/5/1967 #23003 s NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files; Fowler, 1974, p. 349.) (NICAP: 01 9/8/1967 #23019 ubcommittee report, 10/4/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 9/10/1967 #23030 sit to NICAP Office 11/8/68, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 9/11/1967 #23040 call from witness, 9/12/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 9/11/1967 #23041 etter from witness, 9/15/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 9/13/1967 #23047 14/67 and 9/15/67, copies in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 9/13/1967 #23048 entified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 9/14/1967 #23054 m witness's father, 9/15/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 9/14/1967 #23056 NICAP Subcommittee, 9/26/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 9/14/1967 #23057 ICAP report form and letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 9/14/1967 #23058 cars approached. (Report in NICAP files; Gillmor, 1969, p. 347.) (NICAP: 0 9/15/1967 #23064 , Maryland, 9/25/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) 9/17/1967 #23074 , Maryland, 9/25/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 9/17/1967 #23075 Ste. Marie, 9/20/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 9/18/1967 #23082 bcommittee Chairman, copy in NICAP files; Fowler, 1974, p. 349.) (NICAP: 01 9/23/1967 #23119 a NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 9/23/1967 #23120 e report, received 11 /7/68, NICAP files.) [Minot AFB Minuteman ICBM Comple 9/24/1967 #23126 o Telesram, 9/25/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 9/25/1967 #23130 louds. (Letter from witness, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 9/28/1967 #23143 ado UFO Project report form, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 9/30/1967 #23149 , Ontario, 10/12/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/1967 #23154 d Herald, Nebraska, 10/3/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/2/1967 #23163 s NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files; Fowler, 1974, p. 350.) (NICAP: 04 10/2/1967 #23165 5/67 and 10/17/67, copies in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/5/1967 #23179 s,Ontario, 10/16/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/10/1967 #23202 (Stars 6t Stripes, 10/15/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/12/1967 #23227 ourier-News, N.J., 10/18/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/17/1967 #23243 tter from witness, 10/23/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/17/1967 #23245 entified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/19/1967 #23270 ort from local investigator, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/22/1967 #23285 intervals. (Clausen report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/22/1967 #23287 12/1/68, Donald E. Keyhoe Archives files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/22/1967 #23288 d newspaper article, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 10/22/1967 #23289 objects. (Hennessey report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/23/1967 #23292 ter from local investigator, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/24/1967 #23299 formation ascended. (Letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/24/1967 #23300 entified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/26/1967 #23331 2/19/68, Donald E. Reyhoe Archives files; Keyhoe and Lore, 1969a, p. 6.) (N 10/27/1967 #23344 Sentinel, 10/30/67, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/30/1967 #23367 clipping and police report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 10/31/1967 #23375 tal-Journal, Kans., 11/5/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 11/4/1967 #23401 e NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 11/5/1967 #23404 ly Express, 11/7/67, copy in NICAP files; Hennessey report, NICAP files; U. 11/5/1967 #23405 CAP files; Hennessey report, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 11/5/1967 #23405 entified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 11/8/1967 #23421 he scope. (Hennessey report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rating 11/8/1967 #23422 he Ministry of Defence and RAF UFO files are no longer discarded every five 11/8/1967 #23427 uments. Further pressure to retain files comes in 1970 from MP John Langfor 11/8/1967 #23427 ght Officers Network report, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 11/15/1967 #23459 path. (Letter from witness, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 11/15/1967 #23460 eport and NICAP report form, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 11/15/1967 #23461 a NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 11/15/1967 #23462 port and NICAP report forms, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 11/15/1967 #23463 entified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 11/17/1967 #23476 cled, and sped off. (Letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 11/18/1967 #23478 stimated 1,000 mph. (Letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 11/19/1967 #23482 ing that the RCAF transfer its UFO files to the National Research Council, 11/24/1967 #23507 d Manufacturing Plant. (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 11/27/1967 #23514 ova Scotia, 12/6/67, copy in NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 11/29/1967 #23522 (Saskatoon UFO Club report, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 12/3/1967 #23542 entified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 12/4/1967 #23550 from Saskatchewan UFO club, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 12/7/1967 #23557 entified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 12/11/1967 #23569 entified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 12/12/1967 #23571 nal, N.Y., 12/21/67, copy in NICAP files. Case investigated by Ted Bloecher 12/12/1967 #23572 nd J. E. McDonald, report in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 12/12/1967 #23572 entified newspaper clipping, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 12/13/1967 #23578 entified newspaper clipping, NICAP files; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 12/14/1967 #23585 e is denied further access to RAAF files. 1968 #23629 frozen ground. (Browning) (Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 1/24/1968 #23694 sends a copy to the project’s open files. 1/31/1968 #23714 isting and future UFO reports. The files are kept in an office of the Counc 2/1968 #23719 10– 15 of the best cases from his files. 2/8/1968 #23740 p104). https://www.archives.gov/files/declassification/iscap/pdf/2009-06 3/1968 #23799 e Witnesses 1? (Selby) (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/1968 #24282 e Witnesses 1? (Selby) (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/1968 #24283 on) No sound. 9.5 mins (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/16/1968 #24340 awing, Regional Encounters: The FC Files, pg. 27) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 9/8/1968 #24439 Indiana NICAP Subcommittee. (Ridge files) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 11/1968 #24611 bject flew away. Project Blue Book files, National Archives, same as Nov. 2 11/22/1968 #24681 0 reports in the Project Blue Book files, he estimates that 1,000–3,000 (10 3/3/1969 #24961 ge 31, Regional Encounters: The FC Files, Ridge) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 7/18/1969 #25279 C.M., dated Aug. 7, 1969, in NICAP files (R,L) car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 8/5/1969 #25309 learance to enter. Eventually, the files, minus the witness names, are cons 12/17/1969 #25501 for preservation of Air Force UFO files for future study. 12/26/1969 #25508 is staffed for the last time. The files have been packed in boxes and are 1/30/1970 #25564 it from upstairs bedroom. (Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/8/1971 #26214 UFO matter for many years, have no files or persons knowledgeable on the su 7/29/1971 #26251 agon would pull his access to case files as retribution. Hynek also writes 5/1972 #26666 to allow the public to study these files. Since the beginning of 1968 these 10/2/1972 #27044 ter Gleason had a subscription to, files a Freedom of Information Act reque 2/19/1973 #27298 hey will also have access to their files, including those of the Department 5/1973 #27460 ual Experiences from the Timmerman Files,” IUR 27, no. 2 (Summer 2002): 23– 8/1973 #27672 s://youtu.be/MtJo6vKnY54 https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United% 12/28/1973 #28612 https://www.ufoexplorations.com/files/ugd/aa4aac0ac132bebd5b43ffa84a5c58 12/28/1973 #28612 then unreleased Project Blue Book files at Maxwell AFB, Alabama, which inc 1/1974 #28636 RAF Valley team. National Archives files released in 2005 show that the MoD 1/23/1974 #28694 (like oOOOo) with no sound. (Ridge files, UFOFC) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 1/25/1974 #28704 had seen an alien sifting through files and papers. A blue light emanated 4/1974 #28982 he secure facility looking through files. A blue light emanated from its he 4/1974 #28984 (Hynek 4-19?, possibly Don Worley Files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/8/1974 #28999 ield around 12:00 a.m. (Don Worley files) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 6/18/1974 #29210 take off from bean field. (Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/18/1974 #29211 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-11-18/sask-star-phoenix 7/17/1974 #29267 it haze in the southwest. . (UFOFC files, Fran Ridge) (NICAP: 02 - Close En 7/30/1974 #29286 eport synopsis. (UFOFC, Fran Ridge files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/4/1974 #29500 SKYWATCH patrol. (UFOFC, ran Ridge files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/5/1974 #29501 ights previous. (UFOFC, Fran Ridge files) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/6/1974 #29502 ” cases from the Project Blue Book files before they are withdrawn from pub 1/1975? #29684 e relative altitude. (UFOFC, Ridge files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/9/1975 #29791 nd scorched earth. (Sources: CUFOS files, report dated February 27, 1975; N 2/10/1975 #29799 looked like a gun. (Sources: CUFOS files, report dated July 14, 1975; APRO 2/23/1975 #29837 US Project Blue Book files transferred from Maxwell AFB, Alab 3/1975 #29860 B in Montgomery, Alabama Blue Book files are withdrawn from public access b 4/1975 #29930 ons are made on the original paper files. 4/1975 #29930 AFB, AL withdraw Project Blue Book files from public access. Some documents 4/1975 #29931 ons are made on the original paper files. https://www.nicap.org/bb/BB_Unkn 4/1975 #29931 urces: Center for UFO Studies case files, report dated May 4, 1975; Jennie 4/9/1975 #29982 urces: Center for UFO Studies case files, letter dated August 3, 1975; Larr 6/12/1975 #30098 operator notifies the captain, who files a report. The case is investigated 6/23/1975 #30117 zona, headed by William Spaulding, files a FOIA request with the CIA for co 7/14/1975 #30180 urces: Center for UFO Studies case files, report dated August 5, 1975; FSR, 7/20/1975 #30192 l finishes reviewing the Blue Book files and turns over the sanitized versi 12/1975 #30679 without yet physically moving the files to NARA facilities. These files no 12/1975 #30679 he files to NARA facilities. These files now include an added set of AFOSI 12/1975 #30679 now include an added set of AFOSI files of UFO investigations from 1948 to 12/1975 #30679 600 yards distant at first. (Ridge files, UFO Filter Center) (NICAP: 02 - C 2/7/1976 #30850 mes P. Barrett, case investigation files, and HUMCAT: Catalogue of Humanoid 2/10/1976 #30862 ing the redacted Project Blue Book files through the commercial firm Fuller 2/19/1976 #30886 gh rate of speed. No sound. (Ridge files, UFO Filter Center) (NICAP: 01 - D 3/27/1976 #30960 r he would make public all the UFO files if he became president. Carter ans 3/31/1976 #30970 e redacted Project Blue Book paper files at its College Park, Maryland, bra Mid 5/1976 #31055 two balls was open space. (Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/1976 #31078 lm with redacted Project Blue Book files. 7/12/1976 #31160 in creek bed under trees. (Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/15/1976 #31269 ute into the sky and away. (Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/18/1976 #31279 tial report. (MUFON Indiana, Ridge files) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 10/1976 #31438 ce: Paul Stonehill, The Soviet UFO Files, p. 69). (NICAP: 08 - Photographic 1/16/1977 #31724 inutes. (Sources: Northern Network files, case report dated March 1, 1977; 2/7/1977 #31796 ough to hold an 18-wheeler. (Ridge files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/6/1977 #31865 and static came on radio. (Worley files) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 3/23/1977 #31927 d her car radio went dead. (Worley files) (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) 3/23/1977 #31928 ound on the ground. (Source: CUFOS files, report dated April 10, 1977). (NI 4/8/1977 #31962 craft UFO Encounters, p. 50; CUFOS files, citing newspaper clipping dated M 5/5/1977 #32058 ance. (Source: MUFON Investigation files, case #890709). (NICAP: 02 - Close 6/17/1977 #32170 moved at about 25-30 mph. (Worley files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/1977 #32219 Hynek Center for UFO Studies case files). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/9/1977 #32252 60 miles to the NW. (UFOFC, Ridge files) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/12/1977 #32262 INDIANA. (UFO Filter Center, Ridge files) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/12/1977 #32263 a crash. None found. (UFOFC, Ridge files) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/24/1977 #32309 Ground Saucer Watch files a complaint, spearheaded by lawyer 9/21/1977 #32502 esearcher Barry Greenwood promptly files. 12/13/1977 #32768 Citizens Against UFO Secrecy files a request with the US State Depart 1/19/1978 #32899 Webb, who pores through Air Force files looking for episode ideas. The fir 2/19/1978 #32982 in US Defense Intelligence Agency files and is released through FOIA in 19 5/13/1978 #33203 on behalf of Ground Saucer Watch, files a discovery motion requesting UFO 6/1978 #33244 a discovery motion requesting UFO files from the CIA. His motion consists 6/1978 #33244 r of Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, files a FOIA request with the CIA that i 7/13/1978 #33380 1978-8-august.html (p8) * http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Magazines/United% 8/1978 #33460 review for release. Most of these files are from the Office of Scientific 8/10/1978 #33496 it seems to be unfunded. https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/USA%20- 9/19/1978 #33710 ns on the board and keeps the case files in his personal possession. He is 10/1978 #33786 es above them. A report in the CIA files indicates it is flying at 20,000 f 10/23/1978 #33863 of his home without access to the files. 12/1978 #34035 equests to avoid releasing all UAP files in its possession. https://www.th 12/15/1978 #34142 Clark replies that “permanent” UAP files are not maintained. https://archi 12/20/1978 #34186 strom AFB maintained permanent UAP files of SAC base overflights dated 30 A 12/20/1978 #34186 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/afteletype1967-03 12/20/1978 #34186 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/minotafb1966-08-2 12/20/1978 #34186 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/minotafb1966-08-2 12/20/1978 #34186 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/minotafb1966-08-2 12/20/1978 #34186 to national security. * https://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/member/1 12/20/1978 #34186 ember/17f7ee96ee7e.gif * https://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/member/9 12/20/1978 #34186 ember/97c8c30ee9f4.gif * https://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/member/4 12/20/1978 #34186 ember/484a10c214d8.gif * https://files.abovetopsecret.com/images/member/0 12/20/1978 #34186 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/affoiaresponse197 12/20/1978 #34186 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/affoiaresponse197 12/20/1978 #34186 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/affoiaresponse197 12/20/1978 #34186 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/affoiaresponse197 12/20/1978 #34186 Peter Gersten of CAUS files a request with the NSA for copies 12/22/1978 #34197 -N.Y.) saying that “permanent” UFO files are not maintained, but includes s 2/9/1979 #34415 Peter Gersten again files a FOIA request with the NSA, this 2/16/1979 #34430 isled by DOE/LANL as well. http://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Digitizedby 2/16/1979 #34431 ting that the GSW requests for UFO files are an “undue burden” and that the 9/19/1979 #34900 Peter Gersten files an appeal with the NSA to release 1/23/1980 #35142 Investigator is published, and its files are eventually turned over to the 6/1980 #35347 tigated by agent Richard Doty, who files a preliminary report on the incide 8/8/1980 #35447 Peter Gersten files a reply to the NSA’s September req 11/6/1980 #35621 tu.be/Y3xK5O7Iqo0?t=2272 https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Digitizedby 11/17/1980 #35646 Citizens Against UFO Secrecy files an appeal against the CAUS v. NSA 1/12/1981 #35783 er Bill Chalker to examine its UFO files. Chalker visits the archives in Ca 1982 #36289 more than 1,000 reports in 53 RAAF files through 1984, allowing him to comp 1982 #36289 e of some interesting cases in the files is not suggestive of an RAAF cover 1982 #36289 ear the case because releasing the files “could seriously jeopardize the wo 3/8/1982 #36383 Citizens Against UFO Secrecy files a request with the National Securi 4/27/1982 #36455 aw a light with light-beam. (Ridge files) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 4/11/1983 #36837 iberty, KY Abduction report (Ridge files) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 6/1983 #36873 ess. (NUFORC & MUFON Indiana/Ridge files) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 8/9/1983 #36939 rts of previous encounters. (Ridge files) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 8/15/1983 #36953 . https://www.ufoexplorations.com/files/ugd/aa4aac461cac7b9fc24ae59f3a6569 5/16/1984 #37330 https://www.ufoexplorations.com/files/ugd/aa4aac02990b506eb941b29c48d3cd 5/16/1984 #37330 p. Case never investigated. (Ridge files) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 7/1984 #37384 e. No further details. / R. Haines files. 7/27/1984 #37419 igations. More recent declassified files have revealed that RAF Rudloe Mano Fall 1984 #37466 elite Special Branch in 1997 opens files on two UFO researchers in the UK w Fall 1984 #37466 percipients, several hours. (Ridge files). (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 11/17/1984 #37506 aska US physicist Bernard Eastlund files a patent on a “Method and apparatu 1/10/1985 #37546 seen. Large saucer nearby. / Rsid files. No further details. 2/8/1986 #37782 o had accidentally tapped into UFO files. The British officer copied many o 10/28/1986 #38056 British officer copied many of the files but is arrested for being in a sec 10/28/1986 #38056 ct that he still has copies of the files and manages to tell the British of 10/28/1986 #38056 greement for “John” to deliver the files the next time they meet on Novembe 10/28/1986 #38056 found no evidence of MJ-12 in the files. Maccabee also states Pandolfi adm 7/7/1987 #38206 tificexploration.org/sites/default/files/docs/program20thannual.pdf 4/1988 #38527 ediately bar anyone from using the files and move them to a garage at an un 4/12/1988 #38541 st, although fortunately APRO case files prior to 1957 have been preserved 4/12/1988 #38541 adar UAP case in Project Blue Book files is a NORAD case because the subord 6/1989 #38972 strict of Columbia Larry W. Bryant files suit in District Court for the Dis 8/28/1989 #39076 olumbia for the FBI to release its files on Stanton T. Friedman. 8/28/1989 #39076 The FBI releases a handful of its files on Stanton T. Friedman as a result 11/13/1989 #39228 /transcripts/treativ.htm https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/0%20-%2 3/9/1992 #40368 process lasts until 1999, when 84 files (covering 122 cases between 1962 t 9/1992 #40601 of the agency’s original UFO case files. It ensures that all reports in of 11/16/1992 #40714 after researcher Timothy S. Cooper files a FOIA request. There is a concent 1994 #41342 d analyses, and perhaps voluminous files, have been made inaccessible to th 1995 #41923 ys the bills ... It’s time for the files to be declassified and made genera 1995 #41923 ng [to] 4K' below plane. / Aldrich files. 9/4/1995 #42439 ld war. Bevan claims he downloaded files of space-related technology from W 6/21/1996 #42937 ecurity clearance to inspect those files. As Greer informs a Portland, Oreg 4/10/1997 #43260 ASTRA/AURORA” was mentioned in MOD files (see 12 August 2022), suggesting t Late 1990's #43480 py 16mm microfilm of the Blue Book Files, filmed at Maxwell AFB in Montgome Early 3/1998 #43528 Collis Elite the “completed NORTH files on NM discoveries of 1947…S&T at P 3/11/1998 #43532 of our briefing from STAC on their files but are reluctant to share NORTH m 3/11/1998 #43532 TV documentary, The Secret KGB UFO Files, is released in the US and hosted 9/13/1998 #43644 r of Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, files a FOIA lawsuit in federal district 1/22/1999 #43717 in 2000. The Department of Defense files a motion to dismiss the suit. Assi 1/22/1999 #43717 t UFO Secrecy (CAUS) Peter Gersten files a FOIA lawsuit in a federal distri 1/22/1999 #43719 ghtings. The Department of Defense files a motion to dismiss the suit, and 1/22/1999 #43719 re; he also states he believes the files of Project Majestic and Project Je 1/23/1999 #43720 l references to MJ-12 in their UAP files and to destroy documents that coul 7/7/1999 #43798 hfoundation.org/about/ * https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Books/Digitizedby 12/3/1999 #43892 a large collection of UFO and USO files at Norton AFB in March 1985. They 9/1/2002 #44389 al projects record group in OUSDAT files not belonging to usual SAP, but ra 10/16/2002 #44418 d the program Landsearch to search files and folders on every machine. “ h 11/2002 #44428 olled through allegedly classified files on the laptop in front of him mark 7/2003 #44560 the organization will make its UFO files available to the public worldwide 1/2006 #44917 AS)) to transfer all remaining UFO files to the National Archives. Funds ar 9/2006 #44957 re found to scan approximately 160 files and remove sensitive personal info 9/2006 #44957 gations, begins to put all its UFO files on its website. These reports have 3/22/2007 #45013 nce its creation in 1977. Some 400 files, covering the period 1988–2005, ar 3/22/2007 #45013 Archives The first tranche of UFO files is released by the UK National Arc 5/12/2008 #45137 ns they had “access” to the “real” files in Europe and wanted to see how th 11/24/2008 #45191 ims an “exhaustive search” in data files was conducted, and the Air Force “ 12/22/2008 #45197 licly release more than 15,000 UFO files each. 2009 #45201 ives releases another batch of UFO files. 3/2009 #45213 yan Air Force declassifies its UFO files and makes them public, including r 6/2009 #45224 ives releases another batch of UFO files. 8/6/2009 #45233 ives releases another batch of UFO files, more than 6,000 pages of document 2/17/2010 #45269 eleases another 5,000 pages of UFO files to the public. This release alone 8/5/2010 #45290 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/salas_01.jpg ht 9/27/2010 #45299 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/salas_02.jpg ht 9/27/2010 #45299 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/mcdonough_01.jpg 9/27/2010 #45299 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/mcdonough_02.jpg 9/27/2010 #45299 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/jamison_01.jpg 9/27/2010 #45299 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/jamison_02.jpg 9/27/2010 #45299 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/arneson_01.jpg 9/27/2010 #45299 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/fenstermacher_01. 9/27/2010 #45299 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/fenstermacher_02. 9/27/2010 #45299 t batch of Ministry of Defence UFO files from 1985 to 1995, followed shortl 8/2011 #45331 995, followed shortly afterward by files for 1997 and 1998–2000. 8/2011 #45331 nal Archives opens more UFO policy files, covering 1995–1997, 1997–1998, an 7/2012 #45345 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2012-11-04/fergus-cty-sherri 9/19/2012 #45353 ttps://www.ufohastings.com/storage/files/image/2010-10-11/afteletype1967-03 9/19/2012 #45353 releases another batch of 209 UFO files, approximately 52,000 pages, cover 6/21/2013 #45374 es, covering 2009. The full set of files show that the Ministry of Defence 6/21/2013 #45374 ed to be the final batch, but more files are discovered later. 6/21/2013 #45374 dangerous, harmful degrees. In the files of the program said to end in 1979 2014 #45400 ewald Jr. puts the Fold3 Blue Book files online into his Black Vault websit 1/10/2015 #45426 website and makes many of the case files into easily downloadable PDFs. The 1/10/2015 #45426 e Naval Air Station Patuxent River files a patent for a triangle/diamond sh 11/2/2017 #45490 ade of Varginha release the secret files on the 1996 Varginha case. 2/2018 #45504 onal Archives releases 18 more UFO files that had been missed since the las 4/2019 #45569 r.house.gov/sites/walker.house.gov/files/UAPLetter.pdf 9/6/2019 #45607 nce another “final” release of UFO files. 1/30/2020 #45628 que, New Mexico The extensive case files of the Center for UFO Studies (inc 11/2020 #45664 Center for UFO Studies (including files originating from the National Inve 11/2020 #45664 Tom DeLonge’s To the Stars Academy files a report to the US Securities and 2/17/2021 #45677 Prime, UFOs, DOE and AEC suggests files exist but need a subject matter ex 7/29/2022 #45759 ntation from Hal Puthoff https://files.afu.se/Downloads/Documents/0%20-%2 9/26/2022 #45772 r sightings discovered in existing files, bringing the total number of UFO 1/12/2023 #45792
Sr. Joao Prestes Filho, age 40, had anticipated an uneven 3/5/1946 #1974 azil Approximate date. Jose Camilo Filho saw two creatures near a landed ob 10/22/1965 #19671 mbuco, Brazil Evening. José Camilo Filho is walking through a field near th 10/22/1965 #19673 On or about this date Jose Camilo Filho saw two creatures near a landed ob 10/22/1965 #19674 Mogi-Guassu, Brazil Dario Filho, his wife, his grandson, and a ban 11/13/1965 #19718 Sao Paulo State, Brazil Sr. Dario Filho, his wife, his grandson, and a ban 11/13/1965 #19720 Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Salgado Filho Airport near Gravataí Cruzeiro do 3/21/1967 #21936 razil, while on its way to Salgado Filho Airport near Gravataí. The control 3/21/1967 #21936 Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Salgado Filho International Airport Day. The cre 3/27/1967 #22001 e sighting to the tower at Salgado Filho International Airport, which asks 3/27/1967 #22001 . a civil servant named Pedro Dema Filho heard a loud humming noise and was 7/17/1968 #24186
Teheran, Iran Ghaseme Fili, of Amireah Street, was on the seco 10/8/1954 #10814 oward the object by a magnet." Mr. Fili cried out in terror and woke up his 10/8/1954 #10814 Mr. Ghaseme Fili, of Amireah Street, Teheran, Iran w 10/8/1954 #10818 oward the object by a magnet." Mr. Fili cried out in terror and woke up his 10/8/1954 #10818
cers, Jacques Belanger and Stephan Filiatrault, driving on Route 317 in Thu 10/6/1990 #39760
Miami, FL Mr. Filiberto Cardenas, age 45, was driving 1/3/1979 #34287 e also occurred while driving. Mr. Filiberto Cardenas, age 45, was driving 1/3/1979 #34292 iceno, Italy Artist and ceramicist Filiberto Caponi has a series of encount 5/9/1993 #40971
educed basically to collection and filing. In this condition, or worse, the 1/1949 #3950 ning the nature of UFOs, but it is filing them into three classifications: 7/29/1952 #7324 ed in nine drawers in three wooden filing cabinets with Yale locks, doubly 1954 #9420
US USAF argues in court filings that it never used the name Area 1990's #39346 lso a partner. The company’s state filings are still active but its website 3/2004 #44671 ons the collaboration in their SEC filings, nor do any of the companies men 12/2015 #45441 the companies mention it in their filings. TTSA also never mentions workin 12/2015 #45441 ver mentioned in TTSA’s public SEC filings, nor has TTSA ever mentioned wor 8/8/2019 #45605
At 4:00 a.m. a Filipino farmer north of Baras in Rizal 11/1/1968 #24616
Gabor Tarçali (Hungary), Lachezar Filipov (Bulgaria), and Anthony Choy (Pe 10/15/2018 #45540
Gorizia, Italy Filippo Corridoni saw a half-empty ballo 10/19/1954 #11239 At 7:20 p.m. Filippo Corridoni saw what he thought wa 10/19/1954 #11250 m. Giacomo Barra, Giuseppe Pordoi, Filippo Marin, and Silvano Guardinfante 6/3/1961 #16715
Filipstad, Värmland, Sweden 1:15 p.m. Tw 7/30/1946 #2086 k crosses are seen in the sky over Filipstad, Värmland, Sweden. 7/30/1946 #2086
ro, Udine, Italy 3:30 p.m. Giorgio Filiputti is fishing in the Corno river 9/18/1978 #33708 . The entity stares at the shocked Filiputti. After a few minutes it begins 9/18/1978 #33708 walking around to the other side. Filiputti hears a rumbling sound and a p 9/18/1978 #33708
h bringing two baskets, which they fill and return. One of the men identifi 4/19/1897 #539 ative” data sheet for observers to fill out, a more detailed coding scheme, 6/6/1952 #6455 lack "kettle" that he proceeded to fill with snow. He then walked to the Me 11/28/1972 #27151 d the border, but when he tried to fill the tank it would take only 22 cent 5/31/1974 #29150 en the lights, but only three will fill out a report. 2/22/1984 #37198 videotape is shown and 900 people fill out UFO sighting reports. 8/25/1984 #37440 omekind of space station, began to fill the view from the left side of the 9/6/1995 #42445 a loud noise, and saw his bedroom fill with light. After the objects had d 10/27/1995 #42566 ain.” The group was later told to fill out an incident form, and told it “ 10/1998 #43656 ank reaches critical mass when its fill level, containing about 35 pounds o 9/30/1999 #43856
peculiar color" and the sky became filled with thousands of discs, the size 8/26/1893 #310 and stronger than a crystal goblet filled with the most sparkling water and 5/13/1917 #958 pages of Amazing Stories are soon filled with stories and articles about t 11/1943 #1541 he is offered a trip, put in a tub filled with liquid, and taken on a trip 12/4/1949 #4434 ether mixed with sulphurous smoke) filled the air. Mr. Snitowski thought a 9/13/1952 #7914 West Virginia. An unpleasant odor filled the air, similar to the smell of 9/13/1952 #7916 stened at the wrists and ankle. He filled a shiny pail with water and hande 5/20/1953 #8888 wrists and ankle. The UFO occupant filled a shiny pail with water and hande 5/20/1953 #8890 The saucer goes to a “mother ship” filled with friendly space people. At on 4/7/1956 #12798 some numbers. A sort of heat wave filled the car, and the witness ran out 11/1957 #14181 isible inside the object. Simonton filled a jug with water, returned it to 4/18/1961 #16652 Bible and other ancient texts are filled with many UFO flying saucer sight 1962 #17010 bright trail. Soon thereafter, fog filled a wooded section near Uncativo, a 5/13/1962 #17170 ue the car chase. The car radio is filled with static. Finally, they veer o Summer 1962 #17239 e” (like a white-out) with the air filled with static electricity. There is 4/20/1964 #18180 very garments. Each carries a tray filled with alfalfa, roots, soil, leaves 4/24/1964 #18199 rs. Some of them are holding boxes filled with unusual gadgets. The next da 11/25/1964 #18637 ntical in appearance. The room was filled with electronic equipment and con 9/3/1965 #19518 ouse. After some time, the room is filled for an instant with brilliant whi 10/2/1966 #20949 time later that night the room was filled with a brilliant white light, whi 10/2/1966 #20950 laced in an enclosed seat that was filled with a soothing liquid, in which 1/25/1967 #21389 which she spoke of the radio being filled with static and unspecified being 7/17/1967 #22686 5 layers, and riddled with bubbles filled with air and dirt. 2/18/1968 #23763 of an explosion. The sky above is filled with a fading red light, and they Spring 1968 #23852 lass bottle and a mug. Mrs. Cintra filled these for her from the drinking f 8/26/1968 #24381 d with beautiful engravings. Maria filled them. The woman said something su 8/27/1968 #24388 d with beautiful engravings. Maria filled them. The woman said something li 8/27/1968 #24390 he engine lost power and the radio filled with static. Their dog cried, cla 11/25/1968 #24705 s car had just passed them when it filled with a bluish white light from be 3/5/1971 #26044 On the other side was a small room filled with mist, where he encountered 4 3/14/1971 #26047 to lose power and his car's radio filled with static interference. He noti 5/22/1973 #27519 his mouth and a high-pitched whine filled the room. At the same time both b 10/3/1973 #27926 uble breathing, and the air became filled with a strong odor like rotten eg 10/25/1973 #28286 e front yard. A central section is filled with alternating blue and gold re 11/1973 #28329 a flying disc up so close that it filled the view from the window. 4/27/1974 #29067 ce by road was 288 km. He had also filled the gas tank in Fort Victoria and 5/31/1974 #29150 for about a minute. Next, the car filled with a "choking smell," and they 9/16/1974 #29460 eir noses, and the witnesses "eyes filled with tears." The whole area was l 8/3/1975 #30232 was so large and so close that it filled most of their windshield, and rem 11/27/1975 #30669 witnesses because their appearance filled them with feelings of terror. The 8/6/1976 #31241 uthorities contend, is a container filled with soil and stone samples colle 1/10/1977 #31715 and a sound like thunder. The sky filled with a pink smoke, which slowly d 5/17/1977 #32107 inder begin spinning, the radio is filled with static, and the engine sputt 5/26/1979 #34590 also shown a large glass cylinder filled with a blue liquid, inside of whi 12/2/1979 #35040 orce and its contractors regularly filled 55-gallon drums with toxic wastes 1980's #35108 an and UFO guru whose lectures are filled with falsehoods, disparaging his 8/15/1980 #35458 the same time a large orange glow filled the windshield of a motorist and 6/22/1981 #35979 truck begins to vibrate, and he is filled with a tingling sensation all ove 12/15/1981 #36256 was asleep when a brilliant light filled her bedroom. She looked out the w 2/15/1982 #36346 wo to three days. The orange light filled the back of her yard so thoroughl 3/23/1987 #38153 achieved using a rotating cylinder filled with mercury, but that the resear 4/1988 #38527 ggle and a sour smell, like mildew filled Walters nostrils. Finally the str 5/1/1988 #38551 d 30 degrees to face a curved wall filled with a row of video screens. The 3/16/1993 #40886 nded in an strange beautiful city, filled with humans of all ages. A large 3/20/1993 #40895 d inside a transparent tub or tank filled with breathable fluid by two shor 9/6/1995 #42445 an inside a plastic looking column filled with liquid, with blue electricit 4/15/1997 #43261 D ON MAPS, CO 3 observer(s). Cloud filled / lights. Cone beam going down [t 6/23/1997 #43334 d the UFO vanished, and the canyon filled with a greenish-blue fog that las 7/7/2000 #44013 g random frequencies. The van also filled with an acrid odor like burnt wir 7/21/2002 #44362 a.m., at which time a haze or fog filled the area and he lost consciousnes 8/26/2004 #44743 shaped object surrounded by a mist filled with red points of light. It is s 10/31/2008 #45182 never-ending, flat, light blue and filled with naked screaming human beings 3/31/2011 #45322
nia Sacramento Valley Capt. Robert Filler and Lt. Phil Lee, based with the Summer 1961 #16735 everal times to a higher altitude. Filler estimates it is moving at 36,000 Summer 1961 #16735
left side of the aircraft and one fillet on the right. (On later aircraft, 4/26/1962 #17131
tarts shedding all the “pie slice” fillets of titanium on the left side of 4/26/1962 #17131
ng, and the younger of the men was filling a large container with water. Th 5/6/1897 #592 s raining, and the younger man was filling a large container with water. Th 5/6/1897 #594 mmediately involve recruitment and filling positions with competent profess 1/1/1949 #3954 the UFO is extraordinarily clear, filling the entire screen. 1965 #18690 e, IL 11:50 p.m. Herb Williams was filling a truck with diesel fuel at the 4/30/1971 #26086 the light. When they pulled into a filling station for santuary the light f 4/26/1975 #30007 t stopped for a few minutes over a filling station, causing a power outage. 10/29/1975 #30513 A brilliant white light that began filling her room awakened the witness. S 2/15/1981 #35829
t hovers. Girl frozen. Rash. Tooth fillings crumble. / FSRv22#1. 1/23/1976 #30812 issing time. Both observer's tooth fillings dissolve! 8/17/1986 #37994
FILLMORE, CA 3 teens / car. Cylinder/cig 2/22/1978 #32989
he car driven by a bricklayer, Mr. Fillonnau, stoped as a large ball of fir 10/21/1954 #11299 he car driven by a bricklayer, Mr. Fillonnau, stopped when a large fiery ba 10/21/1954 #11308
e, Charente, France 8:00 p.m. A M. Fillonneau is driving in Criteuil-la-Mad 10/19/1954 #11242
He is carrying a bucket, which he fills with water from a nearby spring. H 4/17/1897 #525 kima, Washington, when her bedroom fills with bluish-white light pouring in 1948? #3524 Washington DC Gen. Walter B. Smith fills the vacant MJ-3 position. 8/1/1950 #5095 he program, rents a DC-3 airliner, fills it with 20 newsmen, and has the pl 8/1/1952 #7410 ripod-like landing gear. The pilot fills a rubber-like pail with creek wate 5/20/1953 #8889 g the descent, a furnace-like heat fills the cockpit and the engine plenum 7/2/1954 #9984 Small humanoid (or Grey) exits and fills bottle / river water! 10/1954 #10532 n takes the jug into his basement, fills it with water, and returns it to t 4/18/1961 #16653 Hills’ 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air and fills the entire field of view in the wi 9/19/1961 #16857 er/cigar-shape / low altitude. Fog fills woods. "House" lands in field. / r 5/13/1962 #17168 passes nearly in front of him, it fills his entire windshield. The UFO com 12/21/1964 #18670 ver. White night lights flash. Air fills with smoke. "Yen" sound heard clos 3/22/1966 #20026 ith engraved ornaments, and Cintra fills it with water from a fountain and 8/25/1968 #24376 aucer. Then goes to window. Saucer fills vie. 4/27/1974 #29065 or one minute, and a choking smell fills the car so that they leap from the 9/16/1974 #29459 ilver with two antennae on top. It fills half the windshield in angular siz 8/12/1978 #33512 back into the opening, which then fills up with clouds. 9/21/1980 #35524 the ground. It is so large that it fills the sky in front of him, and it ma 12/31/1982 #36733 nth earlier. The brown area slowly fills in with Bermuda grass after 6 mont 1/1988 #38385 ice. Disc / ice going up [to] and fills hole. Pt. traces. 1/7/1990 #39368 M, MA Several / car. Bright saucer fills car / green light. "Pains in head" 11/19/1995 #42608
cle is found on either side of the filly’s neck. A veterinarian, Dr. McKee, 4/6/1978 #33128
s and dissipate quickly, leaving a film like cobweb. 5/16/1808 #102 New Jersey Possibly the first UFO film ever made, The Mysterious Airship p 4/26/1915 #927 French short produced by the Ideal Film Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey, an 4/26/1915 #927 Jersey, and distributed by United Film Service, the film does involve a my 4/26/1915 #927 ibuted by United Film Service, the film does involve a mysterious airship b 4/26/1915 #927 adio signals on chemically treated film. One signal consists of a “fairly r 8/22/1924 #1041 AIR FORCE BASE, GER Rocket launch. Film shows sphere circle and follow rock 2/12/1944 #1572 :00 p.m. on this day. The tracking film showed an unidentified sphere that 2/12/1944 #1573 n / ghost rocket. Clearly visible. Film going [to] military. Shows blank. 8/22/1946 #2148 tographer Gösta Skog takes a color film of a ghost rocket at Getå, 100 mile 8/22/1946 #2149 3,000 feet, trailing exhaust. The film turns out to be overexposed. 8/22/1946 #2149 saucer / staircase maneuvers. Bad film. / r185p1. 7/9/1947 #3041 s 10 seconds of 8mm motion-picture film (but it shows no trace of the objec 7/9/1947 #3063 ly based on a 1949 science fiction film titled The Flying Saucer. GeBauer a 3/25/1948 #3598 promoting his soon-to-be-released film The Flying Saucer, claims that the 8/1949 #4301 requently occurs in cameras during film pulling in dry or cold climates.” S 10/14/1949 #4395 f the Norwood police department to film the display. He uses three rolls, 2 10/23/1949 #4401 i a black-and-white motion picture film was made showing a large disc-shape 10/23/1949 #4402 te operators at White Sands are to film any unusual objects that happen to 3/16/1950 #4655 vy takes about 1,200 feet of color film of UFOs—one above the other, turnin Spring 1950 #4691 asks the Chilean Embassy about the film in 1956, it tells Keyhoe that the f Spring 1950 #4691 in 1956, it tells Keyhoe that the film is classified and not available. Spring 1950 #4691 object is too bright to appear on film. Thompson returns home on March 30. 3/28/1950 #4750 hite disk over straits. Blue smoky film. Very high. 3/30/1950 #4767 m. Enrique Hausmann Muller takes a film of a bright, circular UFO with rays 4/25/1950 #4895 (Holloman AFB), NM Cinetheodolite Film Taken By Tracking Station (NICAP: 0 4/27/1950 #4906 Inc., sees, tracks, and manages to film four high-flying objects streaking 4/27/1950 #4909 aircraft. They do not develop the film in the camera until they use it up 5/11/1950 #4939 objects. They separately track and film two of the objects down the North A 5/24/1950 #4964 ANDS PG, NM 2 separate theodolites film object just prior / missile test. / 5/29/1950 #4967 VILLE, KY Newsman shoots 50' / 8mm film. Large bright saucer near passing p 6/27/1950 #5012 Louisville, KY Movie film of UFO taken by newspaper reporter 6/27/1950 #5015 na around it. He shoots 50 feet of film with his 16mm movie camera as the o 6/27/1950 #5018 instrument on the object to take a film, it begins maneuvering. Turning tow 7/1950 #5035 e. The men turn over their exposed film to the Data Reduction Division for 7/1950 #5035 are asked if they can identify the film of the object they photographed. On 7/1950 #5035 le from outer space. He is shown a film of 14 frames on a Recordak projecto 7/1950 #5035 but no details. (Puzzled about the film, he later talks to a mathematician- 7/1950 #5035 a UAP. Booth and a camera operator film a cigar shaped metallic object. The 7/1950 #5037 metallic object. The men turn the film over to the Data Reduction Division 7/1950 #5037 in Great Falls, Montana. The 16mm film was shot by Nick Mariana and was wi 8/5/1950 #5108 frames from the first part of the film, those showing the best closeup ima 8/5/1950 #5108 ts, had been deleted. The existing film consists of 280 frames of 16mm film 8/5/1950 #5108 ilm consists of 280 frames of 16mm film. The UFOs first hovered, then moved 8/5/1950 #5108 T Nick Mariana / Montana UFO Color Film (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Co 8/15/1950 #5125 ea and might be the objects on the film, but Mariana and Raunig had seen th 8/15/1950 #5126 ms that the first 35 frames of his film—which he says most clearly show the 8/15/1950 #5126 reat Falls area who view Mariana’s film support him. They claim that the mi 8/15/1950 #5126 ave removed only a single frame of film that was damaged in the analysis. I 8/15/1950 #5126 is. In 1952, Blue Book reviews the film; so does Robert M. L. Baker Jr. in 8/15/1950 #5126 roject in 1967. All studies of the film agree that it was not faked and tha 8/15/1950 #5126 kle cinetheodolite crews track and film multiple objects sporadically sever 8/31/1950 #5154 cal length camera with 35 mm color film. Frames 593 and 595 (2 seconds of n 8/31/1950 #5154 (2 seconds of nearly 10 minutes of film) show its elevation angle changing. 8/31/1950 #5154 n named Murphy. He shot 10 feet of film showing the spinning disc-shaped ob 9/11/1950 #5173 rman. Telescopic 8mm movies. 10' / film. Spinning disk-saucer. 9/12/1950 #5174 el, and equipment for his upcoming film The Thing from Another World by ref 9/13/1950 #5176 eventually becomes the 1958 horror film The Blob. 9/26/1950 #5199 he had given them another roll of film. In a further interview with the 5t 10/6/1950 #5215 uctions releases a 9½-minute short film, The Flying Saucer Mystery, apparen 11/17/1950 #5279 tly the first UFO documentary. The film’s main focus is on the best new evi 11/17/1950 #5279 tic photographs and motion picture film of flying saucers, the two snapshot 11/17/1950 #5279 hots by farmer Paul Trent, and the film shot by Louisville (Ky.) Times phot 11/17/1950 #5279 and Admiral Calvin M. Bolster. The film is apparently only shown for a few 11/17/1950 #5279 d took off. Their exit was "like a film in reverse." 2/4/1951 #5432 Arctic Everywhere Howard Hawks’s film The Thing from Another World opens, 4/7/1951 #5500 2 objects near B29. 2 RADAR's and film and telescopes. / r120p355+/ r242p8 7/14/1951 #5572 Holloman AFB, NM Tracking Camera Film (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, BB 7/14/1951 #5573 a 35mm camera, shoots 200 feet of film. The UFO shows on the film as a rou 7/14/1951 #5575 feet of film. The UFO shows on the film as a round, bright spot. The film h 7/14/1951 #5575 film as a round, bright spot. The film has never been released. 7/14/1951 #5575 s five photos. He gets the roll of film developed the next day and takes it 8/30/1951 #5638 aneuver going west. 40' good 16 mm film. / r242p15. 7/2/1952 #6692 e Tremonton, Utah / Newhouse Color Film (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, Co 7/2/1952 #6693 He takes about 75 seconds worth of film through the telephoto lens of his 1 7/2/1952 #6694 e 3-4 times. Blue Book obtains the film and sends it to the USAF Photo- Rec 7/2/1952 #6694 nidentified object appeared on the film when developed. 7/6/1952 #6723 hrough the screen, on Super XX cut film 4-by-5-inch format. The lights disa 7/16/1952 #6843 FL Movies taken of high-speed UFO; film submitted to Air Force, never relea 7/29/1952 #7308 e Pfc Ralph C. Mayher, using 16 mm film exposed at 24 frames per second, ob 7/29/1952 #7330 er submits the main portion of the film to the Air Force for analysis. The 7/29/1952 #7330 to the Air Force for analysis. The film is never returned, and no analysis 7/29/1952 #7330 of the disc. The CIA examines the film in 1957 and returns it with no comm 7/29/1952 #7330 gun sight and shoots a gun camera film of a white or silvery sphere estima 8/1/1952 #7408 iles west-southwest of Dayton. The film reportedly shows a UFO in the upper 8/1/1952 #7408 A North American Aviation Company film crew, headed by Dick Beemer, is at 9/30/1952 #8070 ards AFB in southern California to film some tests. They are at Rogers Dry 9/30/1952 #8070 David S. Bunch takes 40 minutes of film with an 8mm camera and telephoto le 11/16/1952 #8289 ar to the west. Keyhoe reviews the film along with some Air Force officers. 11/16/1952 #8289 ught of this name from Kodak Ortho film?] is a beautiful being with long bl 11/20/1952 #8309 top three cases: the Tremonton UFO film of July 2; a dubious sighting of an 11/25/1952 #8340 CULVER CITY, CA Film crew. Saucer filmed overhead. USAF 11/28/1952 #8351 At 4:00 p.m. a motion picture film crew filmed a disc-shaped object at 11/28/1952 #8353 return the photo he borrowed. The film holder is pushed out of a porthole 12/13/1952 #8414 s he was summoned to see a special film at the base theater; with no briefi 1953 #8483 ; with no briefing, he was shown a film of a desert scene with a silver dis 1953 #8483 ght suit pastel in color; when the film ended there was no credit and the o 1953 #8483 , it was a hoax.” Mr. T states the film was shot by an inexperienced camera 1953 #8483 ars later that he too saw the same film under similar conditions. [Retriev 1953 #8483 e’s Project Stork. The CIA shows a film of seagulls in flight. Lt. Col. Ode 1/15/1953 #8541 aw” and “unevaluated.” The Montana film is said to depict aircraft. They re 1/17/1953 #8548 ject the Navy analysis of the Utah film, calling the objects “high reflecti 1/17/1953 #8548 ss has heard rumors about the Utah film, and he decides to release it, focu 1/29/1953 #8613 ritten a press release on the Utah film with the approval of Capt. Harry B. 2/9/1953 #8653 EAR QUARTZITE, AZ 30' / 16 mm USAF film. 100M saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape a 3/3/1953 #8724 He takes 151 frames of gun camera film of object with a 16 mm N-9 camera, 3/3/1953 #8727 filmed 30 feet of 16mm gun camera film that showed a cigar or fuselage-sha 3/3/1953 #8728 tage comes from a test flight. The film is produced by George Pal, directed 8/13/1953 #9068 t exits odd cloud. Fast 90° turns? Film going [to] USAF. / APRO Jul. '61. 8/23/1953 #9100 Port Moresby, New Guinea Movie film taken by Drury (NICAP: 08 - Photogr 8/23/1953 #9102 Australia, AU The Drury Film (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) 8/23/1953 #9103 inea, takes 24 frames of 8mm color film of a silvery object that emerges fr 8/23/1953 #9105 gence are said to have studied the film, which has since disappeared, with 8/23/1953 #9105 ate, a photographer using infrared film with a red filter obtained a photo 11/14/1953 #9300 ers with UFOs involving gun-camera film. His stories are bogus, and later h 12/1953 #9329 pear to be a scratch or rub on the film, and has a pattern of light and sha 1954 #9421 ngs, maps, charts, photographs and film taken to Building 21 KB-88; and wea 1954 #9424 is given the runaround on the Utah film. 1/6/1954 #9456 quoted the ATIC material; the Utah film analysis is classified; a 1953 lett 4/11/1954 #9682 some 200 photos and take some ciné film of the object. Shortly after they r 4/18/1954 #9696 ar, and confiscates the photos and film. They are never returned. 4/18/1954 #9696 gh official channels, and the Utah film exists but only shows conventional 6/7/1954 #9872 the circumstances under which the film is shot. 6/30/1954 #9969 aste takes 32 frames of 35mm color film of the UFO with his personal camera 9/3/1954 #10239 with his personal camera, but his film and that of his copilot is confisca 9/3/1954 #10239 d his clothes covered with a white film of adhesive substance, not unlike p 10/14/1954 #11047 clothes were covered with a white film of adhesive substance, not unlike p 10/14/1954 #11069 HILLS, CA Domed saucers / infrared film. No visual. Nevada atomic test in p 3/5/1955 #12034 llic.” The crew obtains gun camera film, but of poor quality. The object sp 6/4/1955 #12180 on Frank Edwards travels with a TV film producer to the Navy Department at 6/13/1955 #12196 Pentagon UFO press spokesman. The film uses only one professional actor, H 5/3/1956 #12828 and readies itself to counter the film’s impact. The documentary analyzes 5/3/1956 #12828 pieces of UFO footage: the Montana film of 1950 and the 1952 UFO Utah film 5/3/1956 #12828 film of 1950 and the 1952 UFO Utah film (both shown for the first time in p 5/3/1956 #12828 an black-and-white science fiction film from Columbia Pictures, produced by 6/13/1956 #12900 n, is released in Los Angeles. The film’s storyline is suggested by Donald 6/13/1956 #12900 enom pilots has taken a gun-camera film, which was later shown at a briefin 8/13/1956 #13080 r within the spectral range of the film. 8/27/1956 #13140 RADAR. Many night lights maneuver. Film. Jet chases. / r46p58. 3/23/1957 #13556 begin readying the scope, load the film, and wait for the okay. Gettys says 5/2/1957 #13643 through spotting scopes while the film rolls. They shoot about 100 feet th 5/2/1957 #13643 are too late. After they turn the film in, three officers show up and inte 5/2/1957 #13643 rn California. When developed, the film reveals a variety of shapes from va Summer 1957 #13745 aucer maneuvers / clear sky. 35' / film taken. Follows car? / r46p116. 11/3/1957 #14233 s in the west. Duncan takes a 35mm film of the object. Stokes notices a wav 11/4/1957 #14286 own slides of UFO photos and a UFO film taken from inside a military plane. 11/17/1957 #14571 Nuclear physics student. 90s / 8mm film / 9 silver 6M globes. / r66p203. 1/3/1958 #14796 , California, shoots 90 seconds of film of UFOs at Diamond Head, Hawaii. De 1/3/1958 #14800 sions of any kind are visible. The film, in color, is said to be clear and 1/3/1958 #14800 acy, shot 90 seconds of 8 mm movie film of nine silver globes over Diamond 1/3/1958 #14801 y above the island. In a sanitized film record of the event, men in flip-fl 8/1/1958 #15174 s. 4 large cigars and disk / 16 mm film. / r2p210+/ r242p91. 7/28/1959 #15882 d simultaneously take 8mm and 16mm film footage of three cigar-shaped objec 7/28/1959 #15884 ow. Going [to] 2K' altitude. 19' / film. / r242p40+/ APRO 8'60. 3/4/1960 #16193 ade a slight climb for 4 minutes. Film exposed during sighting showed no i 3/4/1960 #16195 over a field. As he is winding the film to take another shot, the object ac 7/3/1960 #16329 e / Gulf. U-turn and retreats. 8mm film / businessman. 1/22/1961 #16583 e Gulf. Photographed on 8 mm movie film by a businessman. [NICAP UFOE, VIII 1/22/1961 #16585 is son on the beach with 8mm movie film and captures the UFO. 1/22/1961 #16587 own a short 20–30-minute Air Force film showing, spliced together without i Spring 1962 #17078 efinitely something up there,” to “film spots,” to “sun rays on the lens.” 4/30/1962 #17141 AR station/depot/facility. 90'35MM film. 7/1962 #17259 ifornia when he saw and took movie film of a grayish-white UFO. It paced th 7/17/1962 #17280 , NZ Observer(s) photographs city. Film shows yellow disk with black dot ov 10/16/1962 #17474 light going up / jungle floor. 8mm film / DC3. / r78p193. 12/21/1962 #17598 Falls, Venezuela. He obtains color film of a UFO rising from the base of a 12/21/1962 #17601 g from the base of a mountain. The film shows a yellowish teardrop-shaped o 12/21/1962 #17601 in the sky. He exposed 8 mm color film of the object using a 36 mm tele-ph 7/18/1963 #17838 e-photo lens. (A few frames of the film were submitted to NICAP, but the im 7/18/1963 #17838 Sands, Cumbria, England. When the film is developed, a man, encased in a w 5/24/1964 #18297 hoto, but nothing registers on the film. 7/14/1964 #18409 smann states he studied Top Secret film at Vandenberg AFB, CA of a UAP shoo 9/1964 #18525 man states the CIA confiscated the film. The event is corroborated by Lt. R 9/1964 #18525 ing officer, where he is shown the film and told to forget it ever happened 9/15/1964 #18556 nts and who probably never saw the film, “identified” the object as “nothin 9/15/1964 #18556 tral Australia Texas A short color film of a “huge, windowed, hovering craf 1965 #18690 p.m. George Adamski takes his last film of a spaceship at Madeleine Rodeffe 2/26/1965 #18827 nea, he is not allowed to have the film processed until he returns to Austr 5/28/1965 #18973 irectly to Canberra where both the film and the flight recorder are confisc 5/28/1965 #18973 ulting in several photographs. The film was conficated by the Australian mi 5/28/1965 #18974 Ocean near Hawaii. Motion picture film was shot. 6/4/1965 #18991 they were too far away from him to film them. Several experts got their hea 6/6/1965 #18995 s inexpensive camera, using ASA 64 film. Alan decides not to try for a seco 8/2/1965 #19263 ports that all but one roll of the film is confiscated by military personne 12/9/1965 #19762 ficers were ordered back and their film was confiscated. Later his report a 3/21/1966 #20014 ph of the UFO and when pulling the film through the camera the UFO moved of 4/11/1966 #20285 named Hansen shot a motion picture film of a disc-shaped object while shoot 4/15/1966 #20300 ed object while shooting an action film from a helicopter. The television s 4/15/1966 #20300 e television show NOVA claimed the film shows what probably was a light air 4/15/1966 #20300 uilding and a 35-mm motion picture film crew who filmed the entire episode. 5/11/1966 #20478 ned Air Force weather balloon. The film from the test firing has never been 5/11/1966 #20478 0 p.m. Kenneth Arnold takes a 16mm film of a UFO over Idaho Falls, Idaho. T 7/9/1966 #20635 ty writes the FBI Director about a film of a UAP taken by a U.S. citizen, s 7/21/1966 #20664 g 7x50 binoculars. Super 8mm movie film reportedly was taken of the object, 8/24/1966 #20799 y was taken of the object, but the film was not made available for study. ( 8/24/1966 #20799 bank. When he develops the roll of film, the photos show a blurred disc- sh 11/22/1966 #21140 anonymous, succeeded in saving his film from which this single photograph w 2/2/1967 #21438 a zigzag motion and she is able to film some of its maneuvers. Subsequent f 2/17/1967 #21586 MOLINE, IL Cop. 25' / 8mm film / luminous ovoid. No balloon. 6-day 3/9/1967 #21823 ssippi River. There are 25 feet of film, and the photographer is considered 3/9/1967 #21841 no details that are evident in the film. 3/9/1967 #21841 s of a team while doing underwater film work for ABC News saw five bright w 4/12/1967 #22118 members of a team doing underwater film work for ABC News saw five bright w 4/12/1967 #22124 tralia A couple captures on an 8mm film camera 10 frames (2.5 seconds) of f 5/1967 #22258 d its circumference. The developed film appears to show a craft with portho 5/1967 #22258 ky. Mr. Denniss shot a few feet of film in the direction of flight. On the 7/3/1967 #22603 in the direction of flight. On the film is a red, round luminous object, fl 7/3/1967 #22603 ding white ovoid only seen editing film. 11/1/1967 #23382 ess photographed the UFOs on color film and submitted the unprocessed film 11/6/1967 #23412 film and submitted the unprocessed film to the Military Police. (NARA-PBB92 11/6/1967 #23412 altitude changes shape several X. Film and photographs. / r84p193+/ r193#1 11/21/1967 #23489 tos with a 35mm camera using tri-X film with five other witnesses at 7:15 p 1/23/1968 #23689 magnetic monitoring device with a film camera set up by the Queensland Fly 3/2/1968 #23806 s paced by a UFO. About 50 feet of film is exposed. On March 4, another 16 3/2/1968 #23806 d during a local UFO sighting. The film is apparently intercepted by the RA 3/2/1968 #23806 fter Victor Mele, the owner of the film, sends it to a Kodak processing fac 3/2/1968 #23806 ectro-magnetic effect (EME) works! Film lost / mail? / r120p170. 3/4/1968 (approximate) #23817 Finally, in October 1998 Argentine film director Aníbal Uset admits to rese Early 5/1968 #23939 based on the plot of his upcoming film Ché OVNI. The movie’s poster even s Early 5/1968 #23939 es Richey captures the tracking on film. As the B-52 starts its descent bac 10/24/1968 #24587 th the UFO and when the radarscope film is recorded. Shortly afterwards, RA 10/24/1968 #24587 ons, an analysis of the radarscope film, and the B-52 crew debriefing. Werl 10/24/1968 #24587 20 and takes 25 feet of 8mm color film to document the damage. 4/17/1969 #25067 . Someone shot some motion picture film of the object. 6/14/1969 #25215 val disc. The jets take gun-camera film, which has never been released. One 10/24/1969 #25423 light with a dark aura. Probably a film defect. 1/25/1971 #26002 ordo, New Mexico 6:00 a.m. A 16-mm film is allegedly taken of retrieved UFO 5/1971 #26091 EL PLATA, ARG Many observer(s) and film. Blazing saucer stops / minutes. Ma 5/1/1971 #26094 Motion picture film was shot of a blazing saucer-shaped 5/1/1971 #26095 ng high-resolution black-and-white film, strapped on the bottom of the airc 9/4/1971 #26317 que, aerial object was captured on film at a maximum distance of 10,000 fee 9/4/1971 #26317 een by many people and recorded on film and by space-borne sensors. An eyew 8/10/1972 #26892 econds of the orange blob on color film as it pulsates and passes behind di 1/11/1973 #27230 ct showed up in the print when the film was later developed. 3/7/1973 #27337 last minute, permission to use the film is withdrawn, though Emenegger and 5/1973 #27460 Coleman and Weinbrenner claim the film shows “alien visitors” and their me 5/1973 #27461 ion, permission to use the landing film is withdrawn. https://web.archive. 5/1973 #27461 tempted to take a picture, but his film jammed. 5/21/1973 #27514 of mist appeared on the developed film. Later that night the campers found 10/20/1973 #28222 seemingly completed coated with a film of oil. They were about 1.5 meters 11/18/1973 #28443 FOIA response by the USAF shows a film of a “Blue Room” rumored to be asso 12/28/1973 #28612 ogordo, New Mexico The documentary film UFOs: Past, Present, and Future is 5/9/1974 #29097 ame title by Robert Emenegger. The film shows stock footage of Holloman AFB 5/9/1974 #29097 ton Spectator, which processes the film in its darkroom. 3/18/1975 #29910 made a ninety-degree turn. A movie film was made of the UFO. (Source: Richa 5/12/1975 #30051 hen swooped down and away. A movie film was made of the UFO. 5/12/1975 #30053 ed power to his car. The developed film which was later turned over to the 8/13/1975 #30257 emember seeing when he exposed the film. In 1980, he sends a copy of the ph Late 10/1975 #30470 07-size object hovers. 40 frames / film show nothing. / NICAP FEB'76. 1/31/1976 #30834 naras, and Bill Zonaras—waiting to film a solar eclipse at Taola Point in B 10/23/1976 #31488 ude photos and clips of gun-camera film taken by air force pilots. 10/30/1976 #31509 pronounced as genuine by the Kodak film company. 1/5/1977 #31702 take 8mm movies / 4 white saucers. Film tests valid. / r114p155. 4/11/1977 #31970 jamming-type interference. Camera film from the aircraft’s radar records a 5/26/1977 #32133 targets all 600 feet wide. On the film the UFO appears as an “elongated sh 5/26/1977 #32133 ng-objects. Fast zigzag streaks on film. 6/28/1977 #32201 an outdoor screening of a Romanian film in Zhangpu County, Fujian, China, t 7/7/1977 #32245 ridge like substance. Then in the "film" one of the entities moved toward t 9/15/1977 #32485 through escalating UFO waves. The film culminates in a spectacular landing 11/17/1977 #32680 ira, Para, Brazil using Extachrome film. It looked like a fried egg or a do 1/23/1978 #32908 the Rhine River, Germany. When the film is developed, he notices a dark spo Summer 1978 #33295 had a role to handle confidential film and saw a photo of a small humanoid 8/1978 #33460 hina At an open-air motion picture film showing, several Chinese Air Force 10/23/1978 #33861 ce pilots are attending an outdoor film screening at Lintao Air Base, Gansu 10/23/1978 #33863 At an open-air motion picture film showing in Kansu Province in China, 10/23/1978 #33864 icture of a UFO in Kuwait, but the film came out blank when developed. 11/19/1978 #33964 e cargo plane / 12 mile(s). Loop / film. / International UFO Reporter (CUFO 12/22/1978 #34196 ne(s)/airliner crews and RADAR and film. Delta/triangle/box-like craft and 12/30/1978 #34229 midnight, a famous motion picture film was taken by a news crew while flyi 12/31/1978 #34238 This sequence Crockett captures on film. Bruce Maccabee spends 10 days in N 12/31/1978 #34246 iewing witnesses and analyzing the film, which he concludes does not have a 12/31/1978 #34246 midnight, a famous motion picture film was taken by a news crew while flyi 12/31/1978 #34249 he intercept while the third takes film footage. The UFO’s erratic movement 5/7/1980 #35315 rces claiming to have seen a movie film depicting a crashed saucer and smal 6/1980 #35350 Sunn Classic Pictures releases the film Hangar 18 about a cover-up followin 7/1980 #35399 ed UAP programs quietly encouraged film production for disclosure purposes, 7/1980 #35399 the Ark (and mention Ararat in the film), The Amazing World of Psychic Phen 7/1980 #35399 and The Outer Space Connection, a film about the ancient alien hypothesis. 7/1980 #35399 s://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hangar18(film) 7/1980 #35399 to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Film / UFO. Complex abduction regressed. 9/25/1980 #35531 ut of the vehicle and attempted to film the object, while the other two men 9/25/1980 #35535 y below, but when she develops the film, a bright, disc-shaped object appea 11/6/1980 #35622 d AFB in New Mexico to present his film, photos, and electromagnetic findin 11/10/1980 #35625 and cryptically, analyses of a UFO film apparently taken in October. It als 11/17/1980 #35645 CHATSWORTH, CA 25+observer(s) and film and more. Brilliant white cylinder/ 1/25/1981 #35797 star map. Allegedly the cosmonauts film the event and the film is later sho 5/14/1981 #35937 cosmonauts film the event and the film is later shown to party leaders by 5/14/1981 #35937 ppearing UFO. It felt "as though a film had been stopped and started again. 9/10/1981 #36109 35mm camera using high-speed color film. He sees and takes 8 photographs of 1/9/1982 #36298 rounds up. Going east. Low-Q movie film taken. 12/31/1982 #36731 d. He was able to shoot some movie film of the UFO, but the images are of l 12/31/1982 #36732 d. He was able to shoot some movie film of the UFO, but the images are of l 12/31/1982 #36734 s.) as “Star Wars,” after the 1977 film by George Lucas. By the early 1990s 3/23/1983 #36792 promises Howe thousands of feet of film of crashed discs, bodies, EBE-1, an 4/9/1983 #36830 commitment to secure the promised film footage. HBO wants the film, but Do 4/9/1983 #36830 omised film footage. HBO wants the film, but Doty now stalls. In June, Doty 4/9/1983 #36830 s he was shown a highly classified film of three Minuteman III dummy warhea 1984 #37098 uring a test at Vandenberg. On the film, a small white object maneuvered ne 1984 #37098 ect their identity) showed him the film. Mills also states he heard second 1984 #37098 USG disclosure, but a documentary film. http://www.nicap.org/840505orbit_ 5/5/1984 #37321 security monitors is instructed to film the object using a camera atop a 95 7/24/1984 #37412 d AFB North Hollywood, California, film producer Jaime Shandera receives an 12/11/1984 #37522 aining an undeveloped roll of 35mm film with the faked 1952 Eisenhower brie 12/11/1984 #37522 es moving slowly. Television crews film the objects, astronomers in Santiag 8/17/1985 #37645 photos in that direction. When the film is developed, one shot shows a blur 9/9/1985 #37656 en a tour of the craft and shown a film with apocalyptic imagery, including 12/1/1987 #38345 floods. He is then shown a second film, but he never reveals the contents 12/1/1987 #38345 never reveals the contents of this film, saying that the aliens who abducte 12/1/1987 #38345 EBEs and began to promote positive film projects like Close Encounters and 12/29/1987 #38379 tion/depot/facility! 4 jets show / film. Invisible / eye. 1/1988 #38384 Bryant that he had never promised film footage to Linda Moulton Howe. 3/5/1988 #38491 ng of type "Grey" Aliens. NASA CIR film has aided in locating this base and 6/6/1988 #38581 er’s John F. Kennedy assassination film enhanced to show Secret Service Age 10/8/1988 #38665 aul Shartle describes the Holloman film footage, saying it shows aliens eme 10/14/1988 #38674 tsky hastily takes two photos. The film is developed in the offices of the 6/24/1989 #38994 Hakui City, Japan Videorecorder film taken of a white, Saturn-shaped obj 7/6/1989 #39011 wa Prefecture, Japan Videorecorder film taken of a white, Saturn-shaped obj 7/6/1989 #39012 he rotation was not visible on the film, however; instead, the object appea 8/10/1989 #39054 FO Research and made a copy of the film available for analysis. The UFO ima 8/10/1989 #39054 image measures about 3.3 cm on the film, and it appears for 3 minutes and 5 8/10/1989 #39054 Communion, a feature film based on abductee Whitley Strieber’ 11/10/1989 #39225 ve out to Tikaboo Peak, where they film an orange light maneuvering above G 2/1990 #39403 of the Belgian UFO group SOBEPS), film director Patrick Ferryn, and José F 3/31/1990 #39503 our photos, using high-sensitivity film, of one of the triangular objects p 3/31/1990 #39503 the naked eye, is also lost on the film. At the same time, the airplane lig 3/31/1990 #39503 his camera malfunctions. When the film is developed, a luminous cigar-shap Summer 1990 #39620 At 10:45 p.m. an ABC-TV film crew videotaped a red UFO over Gulf 1/11/1991 #39950 ort of radiation exposed all their film and ruined all videotape. Whenever 8/28/1991 #40168 f about 500 feet. When she has the film developed, she notices an odd dark 9/19/1991 #40194 this evening the Current Affair TV film crew filmed a red UFO as it hovered 4/16/1992 #40419 emieres Fire in the Sky, a feature film directed by Robert Lieberman that i 3/12/1993 #40881 traordinary Matters, a documentary film by Allen Ross, premieres at the the 6/3/1993 #41002 image did appear on the developed film. 8/18/1993 #41146 an photographs saucer with lights. Film roll all blank include/including fa 11/4/1993 #41263 to be a fuzzy, gaseous cloud. The film is genuine, according to Steven Gre 1994 #41341 lens and loaded with 400 ASA color film. Dogs do not react to the object. 8/31/1994 #41707 trailer, and had taken all of his film and camera equipment. 8/15/1995 #42389 cameraman and several. Odd cube on film. Changes colors. / news. 8/16/1995 #42391 the first time the “alien autopsy film,” a 17-minute black-and-white film 8/28/1995 #42425 film,” a 17-minute black-and-white film supposedly depicting a secret medic 8/28/1995 #42425 lien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction. The film is broadcast by Channel 4 in the UK 8/28/1995 #42425 disc near Roswell, New Mexico. The film footage is allegedly supplied to hi 8/28/1995 #42425 aviau, are shown commenting on the film’s authenticity. The program causes 8/28/1995 #42425 h Time magazine declaring that the film has sparked a debate “with an inten 8/28/1995 #42425 any home movie since the Zapruder film.” Fox rebroadcasts the program twic 8/28/1995 #42425 Kiviat that he suspects the entire film is a fake, but Fox makes it clear t 8/28/1995 #42425 tive. In 2006, Santilli admits the film is not authentic but rather a stage 8/28/1995 #42425 e unusable by the time he made his film. The military cameraman is portraye 8/28/1995 #42425 m the original are embedded in his film, but he never specifies which ones. 8/28/1995 #42425 rael. He grabs his video camera to film it, just as a glowing white oval-sh 6/24/1996 #42938 Gang River. Going quickly west. TV film and more/others. 11/22/1996 #43114 Korea and flew off to the west. TV film footage was made and shown on Korea 11/22/1996 #43116 ded in getting the object on video film. 11/25/1996 #43123 female figure. Whereabouts of the film is unknown. 4/15/1999 #43758 on of the witness tried in vain to film it. 8/20/2001 #44239 sh Sr. tells Eric the Holloman AFB film of a landed UAP was “the real thing 3/26/2004 #44681 e” filmed at a distance. [A second film of infrared footage, known as the G 11/14/2004 #44784 ked up a video camera and began to film. The lights were high in the sky, a 1/30/2006 #44920 include Groom Lake Air Force Base. Film taken from just outside the bases' 2013 #45356 e ocean in their vicinity, so they film the object on infrared thermal vide 4/25/2013 #45365 . He zooms in on it using infrared film. The naval pilot sees it as a “flat 11/11/2014 #45423 alos spends two years studying the film, then releases the footage, admitti 11/11/2014 #45423 . A three star general presented a film of an ARV “hopping” over a desert s 12/2014 #45425 t’s held in private industry. The film also states “free energy” researche 12/2014 #45425 l poisoning three months after the film finished editing. https://youtu.be 12/2014 #45425 nd Flying Saucers is released. The film, available on Netflix beginning in 12/4/2018 #45550 r his conscience. Jeremy Corbell’s film explores Lazar’s groundbreaking cla 12/4/2018 #45550 ie seem more like a collage than a film. There is also the psychobabble nar 12/4/2018 #45550 Sea between Turkey and Greece. The film is taken through the airplane windo 3/2019 #45565 US Bob Lazar and film maker Jeremy Corbell sit down for a 6/20/2019 #45586 also stop and watch. Some start to film the object and the jets, as d o the 11/9/2019 #45616
A CATALINA ISLAND, CA 10 second(s) filmclip / ovoid-lens saucer taken / hel 4/15/1966 #20296
to capture the brilliant image on filme. Despite having a camera with him 10/31/2001 #44269
and kills his dog. Dahl claims he filmed the objects. 6/21/1947 #2356 rdo (Holloman AFB), NM Two Objects Filmed During Shrike Missile Test (NICAP 8/30/1950 #5148 mogordo (Holloman AFB), NM Objects Filmed After V-2 Launch (NICAP: 08 - Pho 8/31/1950 #5153 egular blobs of light in formation filmed (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases, 7/16/1952 #6841 CULVER CITY, CA Film crew. Saucer filmed overhead. USAF silences observer( 11/28/1952 #8351 00 p.m. a motion picture film crew filmed a disc-shaped object at MGM Studi 11/28/1952 #8353 press release written up on a UAP filmed on Utah. “We’ve been ordered [by 2/9/1953 #8656 f Luke AFB near Quartzite, Arizona filmed 30 feet of 16mm gun camera film t 3/3/1953 #8728 ral, Florida. The UFO evaded being filmed by the warplane's gun camera. 3/25/1954 #9644 s 1956, Late; Bet. N. & S. Dakata. Filmed by AF crew (NICAP: 08 - Photograp 1956 #12630 Dakota and S. Dakota, various UFO filmed by AF crew. Radar. (NICAP: 08 - P Late 1956 #13280 server(s). Bright object with halo filmed. Hovers. Gone. Reappears. Going q 2/9/1959 #15583 ial Beach, CA Bright UFO with halo filmed. [NICAP UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 01 - 2/9/1959 #15584 Pilot Charles Morris filmed three silver discs with his motio 3/4/1960 #16196 A metallic UFO was filmed at 4:45 p.m. as it approached Egl 1/22/1961 #16589 Newark, OH Boy filmed unidentified light. [NICAP UFOE, 5/29/1961 #16703 lifornia two disc-shaped craft are filmed passing a USAF X-15 rocket plane 4/29/1962 #17135 WARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 saucers filmed passing Air Force X15 / record fl 4/30/1962 #17136 pparently rising from jungle floor filmed from aircraft. [NICAP UFO Evidenc 12/21/1962 #17599 AGUIR PRV.GNDS, ALGERIA Black disk filmed. Hovers / 3000M altitude / 5 minu 4/1963 #17718 ning in Texas in 1967. He says the filmed image of the UFO is extraordinari 1965 #18690 35-mm motion picture film crew who filmed the entire episode. The following 5/11/1966 #20478 police officer Mr. Fisher, age 32, filmed 8mm motion pictures of a luminous 3/9/1967 #21841 from the audience. The program is filmed in Banbury, England, town hall fo 1/1972 #26534 es Bright daylight fireball meteor filmed lasting up to 45 seconds or more. 8/10/1972 #26891 others. At some point his cameo is filmed. 7/23/1976 #31183 RA, PORT UFO / same Hr / 4 nights. Filmed / TV crew. Electric motor sound / 1/1/1977 #31675 vince, Portugal 9:00 PM. A TV crew filmed a UFO. It made a sound like an el 1/1/1977 #31679 porto Province, Portugal a TV crew filmed a UFO. It made a sound like an el 1/1/1977 #31682 ute. On the same day an object was filmed with a Canon Super 8 movie camera 1/23/1978 #32908 ion, 17 firsthand witnesses, event filmed. 12/1980 #35684 stopped to watch, and Dr. Heijster filmed it on and off for a period of abo 8/10/1989 #39054 :30 p.m. a huge glowing object was filmed at it hovered over the Gulf of Me 11/30/1989 #39285 ng the Current Affair TV film crew filmed a red UFO as it hovered over the 4/16/1992 #40419 ct, with 6 seconds of footage, was filmed by a 42-year-old woman near Highw 5/6/1993 #40970 rthamptonshire, England. A witness filmed a four-minute videotape of the en 5/7/1994 #41516 At about the same time Sara Cuevas filmed a disc-shaped craft hovering over 9/16/1994 #41756 of a nearby sugar cane field. She filmed the four-foot-tall humanoid as it 9/16/1994 #41756 quen Province, Argentina a witness filmed a 500 meter in diameter saucer at 8/11/1995 #42375 ide. Going quickly east over town. Filmed / politician. 1/27/1996 #42715 6 the Space Shuttle mission STS-80 filmed a UFO maneuvering in Earth orbit. 12/1/1996 #43129 microfilm of the Blue Book Files, filmed at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Ala Early 3/1998 #43528 the late evening. Another UFO was filmed the night before. 5/19/1999 #43771 Three days after a witness had filmed a strange UFO over the area, 31-y 9/6/2000 #44037 ocus low-resolution backlit plane” filmed at a distance. [A second film of 11/14/2004 #44784 GIMBAL video is unrelated and was filmed on the East Coast of the United S 11/14/2004 #44784 media for any other witnesses who filmed the event to come forward. Jenny 11/9/2019 #45616
ers for 45 seconds. Motion picture filming was attempted, but resulted in p 7/9/1947 #3074 s them his approval and they begin filming, each viewing the object through 5/2/1957 #13643 t about 100 feet then stop. During filming, the object moves from 1 mile aw 5/2/1957 #13643 icrophone is cut off, although the filming continues. Menzel then appears, 1/22/1958 #14838 ack over the Gulf. Harry Caslar is filming his son on the beach with 8mm mo 1/22/1961 #16587 rt M. Jacobs, who was in charge of filming the test flight. Both men state 9/1964 #18525 Big Sur, CA The Big Sur Filming / UFO Disables Dummy Warhead ? ( 9/15/1964 #18554 ur, California. At the time of the filming, apparently no one knows anythin 9/15/1964 #18556 en return to view. Crockett starts filming. Wellington is tracking a target 12/31/1978 #34246 5 a.m. a professional videographer filming the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, Washi 8/13/1982 #36577 bjects. Stunned, Maximovitch stops filming immediately after capturing the 6/24/1996 #42938 camera inside the house and began filming the object, but soon lost sight 9/15/2002 #44397 be present on the huge naval base filming a documentary. The UFO had two e 4/18/2003 #44516
d and narrated by actor and future filmmaker Orson Welles, is an adaptation 10/30/1938 #1300 ly meet with Hollywood documentary filmmaker Robert Emenegger and producer 5/1973 #27461 ary White House Hungarian-American filmmaker and UFO hobbyist Colman VonKev 9/28/1981 #36143 ey in front of his house 4:10 p.m. Filmmaker Paul Davids is at work in his 2/25/1987 #38123 icious circumstances in 2021. The filmmaker who created this movie, James 12/2014 #45425 conspiracy theorist Bob Lazar and filmmaker Jeremy Corbell on The Joe Roga 6/27/2019 #45588 n to this incident are released by filmmaker Jeremy Corbell. The materials 7/15/2019 #45593
WHITE SANDS PG, NM Theodolite films / missile test. 10M objects / 150K 4/27/1950 #4899 lloman AFB), NM Askania Theodolite Films Objects At Tracking Station (NICAP 5/24/1950 #4963 Twinkle cinetheodolite station P-8 films one object to the northeast for 6 5/24/1950 #4964 north from P-8 and 7 feet higher, films another object, hence no triangula 5/24/1950 #4964 raphed by both stations. After the films are developed, it turns out that t 5/29/1950 #4973 era from the glove compartment. He films the objects passing behind a water 8/15/1950 #5126 hours. Cinetheodolite station P-5 films an object using a one-frame-per-se 8/31/1950 #5154 ado, on getting radar scope camera films as UFOs are being tracked. “They a 3/19/1952 #5961 uddenly. Alpert grabs a camera and films 4 roughly elliptical irregular blo 7/16/1952 #6843 going quickly southwest / 525MPH. Films taken. / r48p93+/ r97#54. 8/1/1952 #7395 uated. The panel has looked at two films and soil and vegetation samples fr 10/10/1952 #8114 s. They watch the Montana and Utah films. Lt. Robert S. Neasham and Harry W 1/14/1953 #8539 y report on their analyses of both films, which conclude that the objects a 1/14/1953 #8539 he showing of the Utah and Montana films. 1/29/1953 #8614 e/others. 2 silver DISKs / eclipse films. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v2#1 6/30/1954 #9965 s from Project Blue Book including films and photos that led them to conclu 1955 #11899 zed nearly 700 UFO photographs and films, of which they verify 38 as bona f 1957 #13433 (probably Maj. Friend) gun-camera films obtained during jet interceptor UF 1962 #17004 ed, nor has the existence of these films ever been acknowledged.” 1962 #17004 rt J. Friend, tells him gun-camera films from jet encounters with UAP are r 1962 #17011 d by NPIC and the existence of the films are not acknowledged. https://www 1962 #17011 5 / worlds record altitude / 314K' films 5-8 UFO's pacing! 7/17/1962 #17276 near Lompoc, California. His crew films an SM-65F Atlas missile launch whe 9/15/1964 #18556 but cannot see them visually. Two films of the scopes are taken. 8/1/1965 #19245 PALMER, MA Observer(s) films silent orbs / maneuvers. 4 figure( 2/17/1967 #21581 repeat UFO sightings, further UFO films, and photographs showing superimpo 2/17/1967 #21586 city. Photos. Newspapers. TV airs films. No further details. 4/9/1967 #22097 ailable physical evidence “such as films, material samples, etc.” obtained 12/30/1977 #32820 , NZ TV crew paced. RADAR and good films. Cone-saucer shape. / r10p222+dwg 12/31/1978 #34233 for five minutes, and one officer films the object on camera. Over the nex 7/24/1984 #37416 A, PARANA, BRZ Freelance cameraman films glowing round object. / TV coverag 5/21/1986 #37885 been briefed on UFOs with training films that show crashed UFOs, and it is 7/19/1990 #39651 SOUTHEAST / VICTORIA, ARG Newsman films milky-glowing object. Rises / road 7/23/1991 #40130 CUTRAL-CO, ARG Observer(s) films 500M saucer / low altitude. Going 8/11/1995 #42371 trainer plane. Hits and destroys! Films. 11/16/1996 #43111 eira, 10, picks up a camcorder and films the light with the help of his cou 1/2/1998 #43486 Turkey Greece An airline passenger films a supposed UFO over the Aegean Sea 3/2019 #45565 ocket tests, the team observes and films on two occasions a round, white ba 6/15/2019 #45585
man. The existence of an original filmstrip of the alleged autopsy has nev 8/28/1995 #42425
he AM/FM antenna has broken off. A filmy substance covers the truck. He dri 8/29/1979 #34803
on posts, information centers, and filter centers are established. 5/1941 #1361 at Eielson Air Force Base AL with filter paper samples indicating a Soviet 9/3/1949 #4344 s at more than 16,000 posts and 73 filter centers to detect a sneak attack 7/14/1952 #6816 Elgin, Illinois Chicago Filter Center O’Hare Airport in Chicago 8/21/1952 #7670 . Everett A. Turner at the Chicago Filter Center, who tells him to call aga 8/21/1952 #7670 City object. It hovers near an air filter center, performing more maneuvers 8/5/1953 #9049 her using infrared film with a red filter obtained a photo of a disembodied 11/14/1953 #9300 lous propagation.” Later computers filter out smaller echoes and increase t 1954 #9422 east 45 minutes. The Baltimore GOC Filter Center allegedly tracks an object 6/12/1954 #9897 Loveland, Ohio Columbus Filter Center 7:48 p.m. GOC spotter Char 5/24/1955 #12155 eport the incident to the Columbus Filter Center. 5/24/1955 #12155 re then to be forwarded to the ADC filter center using the code “Fox Trot K 9/9/1955 #12444 m rayon,” perhaps from a defective filter. 9/25/1956 #13245 rate / 4600A (seen thru) telescope filter triples. Other filters OK.. 8/26/1974 #29390 istant at first. (Ridge files, UFO Filter Center) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 2/7/1976 #30850 speed. No sound. (Ridge files, UFO Filter Center) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 3/27/1976 #30960 ice dispatcher reported to the UFO Filter Center at Mt. Vernon, INDIANA, th 7/12/1977 #32262 UFOFC at Mt. Vernon, INDIANA. (UFO Filter Center, Ridge files) (NICAP: 01 - 7/12/1977 #32263 40 PM. Report not phoned in to UFO Filter Center but came over police scann 7/24/1977 #32309 vealed that RAF Rudloe Manor was a filter center for UFO reports in the 195 Fall 1984 #37466
.m. It emitted beams of light that filtered through the fog and mist. It ch 5/29/2003 #44549
, personnel assigned to remove the filters from the B-17 drones have appare 5/15/1948 #3651 large test. Evidence suggests that filters to remove the iodine are disable 12/2/1949 #4431 u) telescope filter triples. Other filters OK.. 8/26/1974 #29390 n, as well as cameras with grating filters, a seismograph, Geiger counter, 6/3/1983 #36874 er. Night light nears house. Light filters through tile roof. Bed shakes.. 3/1992 #40341 erial with some inorganic silicate filters. 10/23/2002 #44422
BOM FIM MINE, BRZ Silent saucer rises / grou 9/1978 #33614
itude (radio cut off after launch, fin 4 failed prior to cutoff) 4/16/1946 #1982 on is that the V-2 had a defective fin. Trade consultant and former state r 5/15/1947 #2284 reflective object with no vertical fin or wings (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 7/8/1947 #3007 saucer maneuvers. 90° turns. Small fin. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 4/1/1948 #3601 20 feet long, with a small dorsal fin. It was flying on a northerly headin 4/1/1948 #3604 ing. 35' metal saucer / jet speed. Fin / rear. Going quickly SSE. / r133#1p 5/24/1949 #4204 surface with a vertical stabilizer fin. The time of observation is less tha 5/24/1949 #4207 A metallic disc with a tail fin was viewed through binoculars as it 5/24/1949 #4208 GERMAN, ID 3 / car. 2M sphere with fin lands. Fantastic close maneuvers / 3 12/14/1950 #5346 200 feet long.” It has a vertical fin at one end, and at regular intervals 2/19/1951 #5449 object was a square-cut, vertical fin. The body of the craft was a dull si 2/19/1951 #5451 e middle, looking something like a fin, was seen at 2:30 in the afternoon b 4/21/1952 #6148 elta-shaped object with a vertical fin, flew straight and level, and then h 7/21/1952 #6980 delta-shaped object with vertical fin (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 7/22/1952 #7009 had no windows or lights and had a fin at its equator that was rotating, me 1953 #8484 pilots. 22' delta object 10' wide. Fin / top. Buzzes plane formation. 5/10/1954 #9768 ect, 22' long and 10' wide, with a fin on the top, descended at a 25-30' an 5/10/1954 #9771 l to it (20 feet), and had a third fin on its upper half. It was the color 5/10/1954 #9772 en (Widow Geoffroy and Miss Gisele Fin) made independent reports of a dark 9/24/1954 #10433 rk clothes and a kind of cap. Miss Fin came within 30 m of the craft and st 9/24/1954 #10433 en, Mrs. Geoffroy and Miss Gazelle Fin, independently witnessed a dark gray 9/24/1954 #10437 clothes and some kind of cap. Miss Fin came within 30 meters of the craft a 9/24/1954 #10437 st. Other going quickly NNW. Small fin / each. 7/10/1957 #13784 vening a disc-shaped object with a fin or rudder-like proturberance was see 7/22/1960 #16344 Kansas City, KS Oval object with/fin extending from one edge to the cente 8/12/1961 #16788 One very large oval object with a fin extending from one edge to the cente 8/12/1961 #16790 pps see a large oval object with a fin extending from one edge to the cente 8/12/1961 #16791 nesses saw one round object with a fin on top and another under it at 1950, 9/15/1962 #17400 nesses see one round object with a fin on top and another under it at darti 9/15/1962 #17403 nesses saw one round object with a fin on top, and another under it at 7:50 9/15/1962 #17404 ht silver fuselages and an upright fin. They made a buzzing sound. 8/28/1965 #19470 ilent cone-saucer 200M away. Small fin / side. Tilts. Vanishes. 9/10/1965 #19546 approx. 35–48 ft. in diam., had a fin on the end and an exhaust port or so 11/1965 #19690 ort or some kind of hole below the fin. It had rows of squares around the r 11/1965 #19690 ASA) employee saw a disc with tail fin in Oregon cataloged by Project Grudg 1966 #19799 om-shaped, supported a dome with a fin, was greenish, and left toward the S 2/23/1967 #21632 supported a dome on top and also a fin. It was green in color, and left in 2/23/1967 #21636 m away. It had a domed top with a fin and measured 75 cm in diameter. As h 6/20/1967 #22522 rs away. It had a domed top with a fin and measured 75 cm in diameter. As h 6/20/1967 #22523 firmed. Country: USA Name: “Dorsal Fin” YieldMax: 20KT 2/29/1968 #23790 ASA) employee saw a disc with tail fin in Oregon cataloged by Project Grudg 3/1968 #23799 s over airport/apartment building. Fin / rear. Lights blink. 10/29/1972 #27100 ect circles bridge / low altitude. Fin / bottom. / news. 11/29/1973 #28479 trees / backyard. Shoots going up. Fin / bottom. 5/23/1974 #29126 ing towards him. He can see a tail fin. It changes direction to the southwe 10/29/1977 #32629 d / 1km altitude. Large triangular fin / top. 20-day wave.. 10/26/1978 #33877 . It is soundless, oval, and has a fin on its tail. When Blackwood flashes 10/26/1978 #33880 PUDASJARVI, FIN Headlight beams bend / fog. Abductio 4/2/1980 #35246 shaped like the rounded-off "tail fin" of an airplane with a very short fu 6/22/1984 #37374 shaped like the rounded-off "tail fin" of an airplane with a very short fu 6/22/1984 #37375 ngated eyes and what looked like a fin on their foreheads. The beings wore 4/17/1996 #42872
has a fan-like wheel on front and fin-like projections on the side. 9/7/1897 #608 ack band made up of squares, and a fin-like device protruded from one end. 12/10/1964 #18655 A man saw a sphere with triangular fin-like projections . The object moved 8/19/1967 #22890 he UFO had a bevelled bottom and a fin-like tail. There was no trouble with 11/28/1978 #34016 descend. It has a pointed top and fin-like protrusions on each side. Next 5/16/1979 #34563 void craft had a pointy top, and a fin-like protrusions on each side. Next 5/16/1979 #34564
incarnation and describes Phylos’s final incarnation in 19th century Americ 1905 #673 wife and she sees the ball make a final loop before it disappears in the w 6/1932 #1144 wedish Chief of Staff releases its final report on ghost fliers. After conc 7/8/1935 #1231 The first draft of the final report of the MAUD Committee is wr 6/26/1941 #1366 Alamos Oppenheimer reveals Segrè’s final measurements to the Los Alamos sta 7/4/1944 #1618 Germany Final V-2 rockets used during WW2 3/27/1945 #1832 for 73 miles, and then back over a final 140-mile leg to complete the exerc 12/5/1945 #1950 ghost rocket committee issues its final report on 987 ghost rocket cases, 12/23/1946 #2213 The final EEI, called “Analysis of Flying Di 12/22/1947 #3509 ouncing appears to start after the final 270° course change to the west. 1/27/1949 #3981 ning altitude of 60,000 feet and a final altitude around 40,000 feet. LaPaz 1/31/1949 #3988 Dayton, OH Part of the Final Report of Project SIGN, written by 2/1949 #3990 ridge Labs Project Sign releases a final sanitized report, “Unidentified Ae 2/11/1949 #4003 orwards a copy of the Project Sign final report to the Research and Develop 5/19/1949 #4195 their way into the Project Grudge final report. 5/19/1949 #4195 USAF’s AMC issues a final 600-page report, “Unidentified Fly 8/10/1949 #4315 est at White Sands Pad 33 (3rd and Final Hermes II test) 11/11/1950 #5274 orking Party produces its six-page final report for the Ministry of Defence 6/1951 #5530 sicist Louis Elterman releases the final report on Project Twinkle. Basical 11/27/1951 #5794 s a raised ring on the bottom. The final picture is taken as the object is 5/7/1952 #6270 25,000 feet. Three hours later the final sighting takes place near Enid, Ok 5/28/1952 #6378 began a gentle climb followed by a final sudden acceleration. 8/26/1952 #7744 of its CSI Quarterly Bulletin. The final issue appears in early 1954. 9/1952 #7803 n one individual.” 500 copies of a final version of the sighting questionna 11/10/1952 #8259 goes on for 10–15 minutes until a final pass when the object shines a brig 1953 #8479 Montana Utah The final day of the Robertson Panel. The pa 1/17/1953 #8548 already seen it) and puts it into final form. (By 11:00 a.m., both CIA Dir 1/17/1953 #8548 The final issue of Space Review edited by Al 10/1953 #9197 -54 after completing its turn onto final landing approach. No radar or othe 3/5/1954 #9598 rface of the water. It then made a final ascent and flew away. 10/22/1954 #11323 light tested, but destroyed in the final few weeks of the war. 1955 #11897 ond Hoover Commission presents its final report to Congress on streamlining 6/29/1955 #12219 al Year (1957–58). This was Byrd’s final visit to Antarctica and although h 11/1955 #12534 onard H. Stringfield publishes the final issue of CRIFO Orbit. 3/1/1957 #13517 nutes. He is promised he will have final say over his part of the script, a 12/1957 #14654 le that this is the reentry of the final stage of the rocket that launched 12/1/1957 #14660 e over about 5 minutes. During the final 5-minute observation, the object c 9/8/1958 #15261 in his cockpit while he was on the final approach...” He executes a go-arou 11/4/1958 #15425 lly northeast of Las Vegas until a final explosion occurs from the directio 4/18/1962 #17120 n Chrome Dome mission. They are on final approach to landing when a huge, m Late 10/1962 #17496 ontact with in order to ask for a “final agreement” from the pope because o 5/31/1963 #17774 en accelerates straight up. On the final ascent, the sound increases in pit 3/29/1966 #20139 coast of California The fourth and final launch of a D-21 drone from an M-2 7/30/1966 #20696 ns below their airplane during its final landing approach. 4/17/1967 #22153 e they are issued to the public. A final report might be cobbled together f 8/27/1967 #22939 eafloor looking for an object. The final report says no trace of an object 10/4/1967 #23176 Harriet Hunter meet to discuss the final University of Colorado report. Con 11/13/1967 #23443 iter Daniel S. Gillmor to edit the final project report. Gillmor receives e Late 5/1968 #23983 es his evaluation and forwards the final report to SAC headquarters. It is 10/24/1968 #24587 US Colorado UFO Project final report submitted to secretary of t 10/31/1968 #24605 uck Flood until December 2008. The final editor is David Marler, who runs t 5/1969 #25104 t oval-shaped. After they fire two final shots, the object moves away throu 6/26/1972 #26735 vy N-1 rocket fails its fourth and final test attempt 11/23/1972 #27133 dio messages. Rutledge publishes a final report, Project Identification, on 4/1973 #27397 in the late 1950s but who received final discharge as late as 1964. None of 7/12/1973 #27631 but the light follows him. During final approach, another object (a thin r 9/18/1976 #31395 piloted by Capt. Dingra, makes its final approach to Dum Dum Airport [now N 7/16/1977 #32281 eparts 2 miles from the aircraft’s final touch-down. 7/16/1977 #32281 not visible to the viewers. On his final descent the door closed and disapp 10/30/1977 #32639 w closed] near Balboa, Panama. Her final frame shows an oval object that sh 6/17/1978 #33286 ires, Argentina, stragglers on the final leg of a 39-day stock car race. Th 9/23/1978 #33734 wl flap might have traveled to its final position from the area where the a 10/21/1978 #33856 f white and red-orange lights. The final photo shows the tops of nearby tre 1/9/1982 #36298 xhibited anamalistic motion during final distant five minutes of the 12 min 5/18/1984 #37332 bimonthly, to erratically with the final issue of 158 appearing in 2012. 9/1986 #38008 The final issue of the APRO Bulletin is publ 9/1987 #38269 8:10 p.m. A Boeing 737 pilot, on a final approach to the runway at El Tepua 6/1/1988 #38579 becomes much more sporadic and the final confirmed lock takes place at 12:4 3/30/1990 #39499 don, UK Alitalia Airlines plane on final approach saw round object cross it 4/21/1991 #40044 ringfield releases his seventh and final status report on UFO crash/retriev 2/1994 #41393 conds before it is dropped for the final time. 3/8/1995 #42081 g security clearances,” issues its final report. It concludes that secrecy 3/3/1997 #43217 s she “never presented them with a final report” on the contract. Baker did 8/1/1997 #43364 ract and that Li never delivered a final report not due to nefarious reason 8/1/1997 #43364 ff the deception, infiltration and final invasion. This writer adheres to C 3/11/1998 #43532 Do We Keep Them Closed? ” “Until final outcome of STAC, NASA-TZER and WPA 3/11/1998 #43532 Spanish Fort, Alabama. The pilot’s final words are: “Night Ship 282, I need 10/23/2002 #44422 e engine block has been split. The final NTSB report indicates that the acc 10/23/2002 #44422 S. Aerospace Industry delivers its final report to Congress; it recommends 11/27/2002 #44452 Just as an airliner is making its final approach to the Santa Rosa Airport Late 7/2005 #44857 nter for UFO Studies publishes the final issue of the International UFO Rep 3/2012 #45340 n 2009. This is supposed to be the final batch, but more files are discover 6/21/2013 #45374 idnight, the USS Russell reports a final sighting involving multiple pyrami 7/15/2019 #45593 istry of Defence announce another “final” release of UFO files. 1/30/2020 #45628 a Unexplained Events Investigation—Final Report,” the CDC study was complet 1/15/2021 #45673 e associated UAP provisions of the final FY2023 National Defense Authorizat 12/6/2022 #45785
gland, and the English Channel; it finally breaks up, after a passage withi 8/18/1783 #90 for a distance of 3 miles, and it finally stops against an outcrop of anth 6/19/1857 #150 tal path. Olson and his colleagues finally publish their discovery in the J 7/20/1860 #155 an airship descend, then rise, and finally shoot off to the west toward Han 11/29/1896 #370 again circled for 15 more minutes. Finally, it descended once more and disa 2/1/1897 #386 pace with his plane for 5 minutes. Finally they turn, change course, and fl 1/1926 #1056 fire on it, to no apparent effect. Finally it sped away at an estimated 1,0 3/25/1942 #1405 , but the object keeps pacing him. Finally, it moves in front of the bomber 6/25/1942 #1422 “perfect parabola at great speed, finally disappearing behind the horizon 11/16/1944 #1697 exit large object / high altitude. Finally going west. / Flying Saucer Revi 7/20/1945? #1902 s to spin wildly. When the objects finally vanish in the distance, the comp 6/24/1947 #2400 the sky, frequently returning but finally disappearing on the night of Jul 7/1/1947 #2524 outh, then turned to the east, and finally flew off to the west. A blue dis 7/1/1947 #2533 ) and newsmen. Shiny saucers flip. Finally going quickly east. / r15p19. 7/4/1947 #2614 crash site but find nothing else. Finally, they return and spend the remai 7/7/1947 #2928 M altitude. Fast spin. Blue light. Finally going south. 7/20/1947 #3203 d by a cord” for a few minutes and finally moves off to the southeast with 8/17/1947 #3343 d then to a circular formation and finally to no regular formation, at whic 7/17/1948 #3715 ombing and Gunnery Range (the site finally chosen in 1950, now part of Nell Late 1948 #3842 low the F-61, then reappeared, and finally took off with a burst of speed. 10/15/1948 #3843 arying speed, bouncing motion, and finally a rapid erratic climb. 12/3/1948 #3903 00–400 mph) and a bouncing motion, finally disappearing after a rapid, erra 12/3/1948 #3904 irfield, blinking once per second, finally flying away climbing into the no 1/4/1949 #3960 returned to its original position, finally engaging in some erratic movemen 4/9/1949 #4085 brity on the contactee circuit. He finally meets Alan in person in 1961. 7/4/1950 #5042 miles to the northwest, where they finally disappear into a cloud. Mid 8/1951 #5608 circles for about two minutes, and finally sped away to the east. Soon the 10/11/1951 #5724 circles for about two minutes, and finally sped away to the east. Soon they 10/11/1951 #5726 ar, domed disc at 9:50 a.m., which finally accelerated and outdistanced the 1/21/1952 #5872 n / sky. Makes 3 passes over city. Finally goes going quickly southwest. 4/28/1952 #6203 cloud circles and stops several X. Finally going quickly south with vapor t 6/6/1952 #6450 dnight. The pilot, a USAF colonel, finally reports a visual sighting of the Summer 1952 #6581 ights, but with l mile separation; finally a single light. Speed estimated 6/26/1952 #6638 eased distance “considerably,” but finally loses sight of it at the tower. 7/1/1952 #6689 ct changed direction and attitude, finally tipping on end and departing aft 7/9/1952 #6738 es east of Kutztown, Pennsylvania, finally tipping on end and departing. He 7/9/1952 #6741 n hovered in place for 90 seconds. Finally, it picked up speed and disappea 7/15/1952 #6831 ot want the press around when they finally get a good look at a saucer). Th 7/26/1952 #7174 r object hovering further away. It finally tilts up vertically and shoots o 8/7/1952 #7507 rn, followed by a gentle climb and finally sudden acceleration. 8/26/1952 #7743 es to an in-line abreast grouping. Finally, the UFOs switch to a vertical s 9/1/1952 #7817 void / 2 separate loops over town. Finally going quickly west. 9/3/1952 #7833 ate loops over Tucson, Arizona. It finally flew off quickly to the west. 9/3/1952 #7840 accelerated to original speed and finally flew out of sight vertically aft 1/10/1953 #8529 stops again, speeds up again, and finally flies out of sight vertically. 1/10/1953 #8530 d dives at a speed of 200–700 mph. Finally, it crosses the path of the airc 5/10/1953 #8872 haped and flying at high altitude. Finally, at 4:45 p.m., a large, luminous 1/18/1954 #9494 n structures of the Holy See, they finally met in a public place in Rome. A 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557 and moves in jerks / 25 minute(s). Finally going quickly west. 6/24/1954 #9937 hovered again for ten seconds, and finally faded out after being in view a 8/2/1954 #10095 flew away and then came back, but finally vanished when a helicopter appro 8/12/1954 #10139 altitude, making sudden turns. It finally shot straight up into the sky an 8/18/1954 #10152 pparently representing planets. He finally indicates he wants the women to 8/20/1954 #10157 and also view the object. The UFO finally shoots upward and disappears aga 9/3/1954 #10239 suddenly, rose, then hovered, and finally flew off to the west. 9/7/1954 #10269 ves, moving every four minutes. It finally turned off its light. 9/8/1954 #10274 high, he found himself paralyzed. Finally, at 10:30 p.m. two women, Mrs. S 10/6/1954 #10761 h color lasted several minutes. It finally shot away at high speed. 10/17/1954 #11181 Finally, at 11:30 p.m. Ms. Ermellina Lan 10/27/1954 #11455 sensation persisted for awhile but finally left him. Godoi noticed that the 11/2/1954 #11539 e and thought he was going to die. Finally, the light went away. 12/17/1954 #11828 of the water in Guanabara Bay, and finally climbed up at an oblique angle, 12/18/1954 #11831 air, stops, oscillates again, then finally moves away at high speed. It tra 6/25/1955 #12210 l times without turning around and finally flew away very fast. 9/17/1955 #12459 l times without turning around and finally flew away at a high rate of spee 9/17/1955 #12460 imilar missions over the next year finally prove that. At least in official 7/9/1956 #12957 then hovered several minutes, and finally flew off to the west. The edges 8/12/1956 #13073 taken from elsewhere in the field. Finally, the insects there had undergone 7/30/1957 #13860 rs about 2 feet off the ground. It finally takes off at a 45° angle to avoi 7/30/1957 #13862 g pulsing object hovers by clouds. Finally rises until gone. No further det 11/5/1957 #14312 g to town. TV sets in town dimmed, finally lost both picture and sound duri 11/5/1957 #14334 he southwest. TV sets in town dim, finally losing both picture and sound du 11/5/1957 #14345 The object rests a few minutes and finally takes off to the northeast. 11/5/1957 #14347 heater, wipers, and radio fail and finally the car stalls out as the UFO ho 12/8/1957 #14691 a series of high-speed maneuvers, finally disappearing at 4:35 a.m. The ca 2/24/1958 #14890 vation is about 1 hour 10 minutes. Finally the UFOs move away to the northe 10/3/1958 #15311 ess it is split into three pieces. Finally, an engineer in Linköping named 11/9/1958 #15435 nd taken to a hospital. When Irwin finally woke up form a deep sleep, he wa 2/28/1959 #15624 the scope and visual contact when finally lost. Visual contact is disrupte 10/2/1959 #16011 hlight in his hand. Somehow he was finally able to turn the flashlight on a 10/16/1959 #16035 bright glow around its rim. It was finally lost from sight behind the cloud 12/3/1959 #16113 , then made a 180-degree turn, and finally rose and departed vertically. It 3/23/1960 #16205 d horizontal and then darkened. It finally flew to the northeast and out to 4/16/1960 #16229 kilometers, keeping same distance. Finally, after it flew away by climbing 5/17/1960 #16281 radually it began to spin less and finally stopped. It was about 1700 feet 6/22/1960 #16316 box around it, and goes racing on. Finally it speeds out of sight in about Spring 1961 #16637 as it hovered. After 15 minutes it finally rose higher and higher into the 5/22/1961 #16695 d around it for over an hour. They finally rejoined it and the large craft 5/31/1961 #16705 hovered while spinning again, and finally ascends and leaves. 9/8/1961 #16822 andle the program prove futile. It finally gives up the entire idea. The pr 1962 #17005 e car radio is filled with static. Finally, they veer off and fly into the Summer 1962 #17239 near Santa Anastasia church. They finally went home. About 0300, one of th 6/26/1962 #17248 rouble in making it retract, which finally he overcomes. He is about 6 feet 10/28/1962 #17513 m and a cruise missile and the CIA finally decides to work with the USAF to 12/7/1962 #17574 served descending, changing color; finally appeared silvery. The UFO then c 6/19/1963 #17795 d sister also see the light, which finally becomes indistinguishable with a 8/4/1963 #17863 balls maneuver and pass over town. Finally go away fast. No further details 8/5/1963 #17866 a bigger glow, a minute later, and finally exploded. Note: same witness h 8/13/1963 #17898 a bigger glow a minute later, and finally explode. The same witness had an 8/13/1963 #17899 d it makes a low humming noise. It finally rises slowly and makes a small c 10/1963 #17969 nuing to pace the van for a while, finally zooming ahead over a hill and ap 10/31/1963 #18014 hanged course by about 45 degrees. Finally it made a 90- degree turn, accel 11/3/1963 #18026 ame visible on the UFO. The object finally moved away to the northwest maki 11/12/1963 #18034 euvering around the larger one. It finally merges with the large object, wh 5/26/1964 #18307 mation, then a circular formation; finally the objects split the formation 6/24/1964 #18372 ering motion near the ground, then finally shot off at high speed. The witn 8/25/1964 #18510 n the beings away; they back away. Finally, he shoots an arrow at the robot 9/5/1964 #18539 the same path, hovered again, and finally moved away at high speed. 5/14/1965 #18943 ems to approach them, then recede. Finally, it rapidly rises to about 300 f 5/24/1965 #18962 en in front of some cirrus clouds. Finally, it disappears to the northwest, 7/3/1965 #19064 ifferent colors for 45 minutes. It finally moved off to the south. It was p 7/31/1965 #19222 ed up and down several times, then finally darted to the south out over the 8/9/1965 #19349 en moving around inside the craft. Finally, with a burst of orange flame, t 8/14/1965 #19392 UFO, illuminated by a green light. Finally, with a burst of orange flame, t 8/15/1965 #19402 mies” came from different planets. Finally she was led back to her car; the 8/16/1965 #19410 turns twice at 8:45 and 9:00 p.m., finally disappearing to the southwest. T 8/19/1965 #19427 peak or move for a while. When she finally reached her window, she saw a ve 8/20/1965 #19437 down again over a woods, rose, and finally flew off to the southwest. Effec 8/20/1965 #19439 speak or move for awhile. When she finally was able to reach her window and 8/20/1965 #19441 his engine coughed, sputtered, and finally died. There was a blue light com 9/14/1965 #19561 , reverse-falling leaf motion, and finally started to fly away. The witness 2/22/1966 #19914 red, came within 15 m of them, and finally flew off toward the southwest. 3/3/1966 #19937 came within 15 meters of them. It finally flew off toward the southwest. 3/3/1966 #19938 rea was visible on top. The object finally ascended to the east, moved out 3/20/1966 #20005 neighbor to see the object, which finally shot upwards out of sight. (NICA 3/23/1966 #20045 e UFO. The object descended before finally moving out of sight. (Fowler, 19 3/29/1966 #20132 m like a swarm of bees. The object finally rose and sped away at a steep an 3/31/1966 #20173 used "anti-gravitational effects," finally disappearing in clouds. (Letter, 4/5/1966 #20238 ove trees, rocking back and forth. Finally it accelerated and sped away lea 4/6/1966 #20255 off beams of white, then blue, and finally red light. It moved rapidly up-a 4/17/1966 #20320 pparently followed. The object was finally seen speeding away to the northe 4/22/1966 #20366 he sphere that smelt "electrical." Finally another car approached, and the 4/22/1966 #20377 t beams retract inside the object. Finally, it shot away fast. 4/22/1966 #20378 roundish, but irregularly shaped. Finally, at 3:25 p.m. Mrs. Janice Oyler 5/16/1966 #20490 ding him on a cat-and-mouse chase. Finally the object accelerated and sped 6/24/1966 #20605 ht even at speeds of 170 km/hr. He finally stopped to observe it, but becam 7/25/1966 #20681 speeds attempting to elude it. He finally stopped to watch it, but became 7/25/1966 #20685 d over a tree near their home, and finally shot off to the northeast. 8/6/1966 #20729 ne shape, then to a thin line, and finally sped away disappearing in second 8/22/1966 #20784 d, then followed the aircraft, and finally accelerated up and away at high 9/20/1966 #20903 light beams toward the ground, and finally sped away. (Sagan & Page, 1972, 9/22/1966 #20913 ndependently, emitted light beams, finally sped away 9/22/1966 #20914 light beams toward the ground, and finally speeds away in 3 seconds. 9/22/1966 #20915 inches in diameter, glowed red. It finally scurried into a field and disapp 11/15/1966 #21109 s in diameter, they glowed red. It finally scurried into a field and disapp 11/16/1966 #21110 constantly directed at the water. Finally the lights went out and a bright 12/8/1966 #21193 out from under the UFO. The object finally made an odd maneuver in the sky 1/3/1967 #21251 oming brilliantly yellow-white, it finally took off at tremendous speed. As 1/11/1967 #21288 at he is having a negative effect. Finally, Condon writes Keyhoe saying tha 2/1/1967 #21433 by a second object flying behind. Finally, both UFOs sped away. The close 2/2/1967 #21443 illated and turned red-orange, and finally landed in Monin's garden, 110 fe 2/5/1967 #21463 . It then stopped and hovered, and finally sped away. 2/19/1967 #21599 rallel to a truck for two minutes, finally going behind some trees. The tru 2/20/1967 #21608 , hovered again for 3 minutes, and finally sped away. (Winfield Daily Couri 2/21/1967 #21613 across the highway, stopped, then finally moved away to the west-southwest 2/26/1967 #21664 ared and reappeared several times. Finally, at nine p.m. MST a cigar-shaped 2/27/1967 #21678 m at high speed along the road. It finally splits into two, changes to a re 3/24/1967 #21970 red but was then seen again, & and finally departed at tremendous speed. (N 3/25/1967 #21983 ended from it for about 5 minutes. Finally it shot ;-away to the northwest. 4/12/1967 #22117 ck down to the window and entered. Finally the UFO moved away, gaining alti 5/1/1967 #22263 ving back and forth over the road. Finally it catches up with the car and h 5/26/1967 #22405 hovered, then moved behind trees, finally disappearing. It was estimated t 6/11/1967 #22492 object emitted vapor at its base. Finally it ascended into a fog bank, des 6/24/1967 #22541 red colored (multicolored lights). Finally the three smaller objects merged 6/24/1967 #22543 few hundred feet above the ground, finally picking up speed and disappearin 7/4/1967 #22610 w altitude close to the witnesses. Finally, it climbed fast and disappeared 8/1/1967 #22773 whistling sound and footsteps, and finally a little being jumped out from b 8/23/1967 #22908 ed, then assumed a drop shape, and finally dissolved away and vanished. 9/19/1967 #23096 ees saucer hover and Sashay about. Finally going quickly northeast. 9/22/1967 #23108 like a bomb,” then a “whoosh,” and finally a loud bang. When next seen by t 10/4/1967 #23176 churned the water" over a pond. It finally sped off. There were many witnes 10/17/1967 #23248 hot. His flashlight fails to work. Finally, the object shoots straight up a 12/13/1967 #23581 His flashlight also wouldn't work. Finally the object shot straight up and 12/13/1967 #23582 ho were too afraid to approach. It finally rose vertically, and left behind 1/23/1968 #23688 d that she lived there alone. They finally left disappearing down a nearby 1/29/1968 #23708 g and making sharp turns before it finally vanished abruptly. 2/13/1968 #23756 in Maipú that could be the Vidals. Finally, in October 1998 Argentine film Early 5/1968 #23939 they had "brainwashed" him. He was finally released between the towns of Br 6/20/1968 #24056 ike it had “turned to stone.” They finally released him, and he watched the 7/17/1968 #24186 e. The object reversed course, and finally flew away toward the south. 8/16/1968 #24344 ection, three photos taken. Object finally shot upward out of sight (Sectio 8/18/1968 #24350 ection, three photos taken. Object finally shot upward out of sight 8/18/1968 #24351 hen reversed direction. The object finally accelerated and shot upward out 8/18/1968 #24353 ll again, this time with no water. Finally the beings took hold of the witn 9/1/1968 #24422 cm ovoid descends. Skims rooftops. Finally going quickly west. / La Razon. 9/12/1968 #24453 t object, then hovered in the sky, finally departing toward the northeast. 11/26/1968 #24719 t exactly happened next. The craft finally sped off effortlessly about 200 12/10/1968 #24757 stopped moving the light went out. Finally, the UFO ascended with a jerky m 1/26/1969 #24872 , illuminating police chief's car. Finally ascended, flew away to south (Re 3/10/1969 #24988 , illuminating police chief's car. Finally ascended, flew away to south 3/10/1969 #24989 ves in an unintelligible language. Finally, they shook their heads and depa 5/5/1969 #25117 It subsequently doubled back, and finally shot straight up and was gone. 7/17/1969 #25276 ce of Doux River, then turned, and finally flew off to the northeast. 8/11/1969 #25318 hile not knowing what to do until, finally, he was again able to start the 8/19/1969 #25324 he being then took the paper back. Finally they disappeared by passing thro 11/24/1970 #25917 mist surrounded the plane when it finally broke free, and the plane had be 12/4/1970 #25926 over a ten minute period until she finally managed to wake her husband who 8/11/1971 #26280 a descending pendulum trajectory, finally slipping behind the tops of some 9/20/1971 #26354 hing else of the craft, the family finally went to bed for the night. (Cont 11/2/1971 #26450 cled their farm for 45 minutes. It finally left by spiralling up into the s 11/6/1971 #26465 nd the “special access program” is finally made official. These are securit 3/8/1972 #26592 , then reappeared over a ditch and finally moved away silently at treetop h 6/9/1972 #26711 rom the rear end of the object. If finally flew away at 11:03 p.m. towards 8/6/1972 #26881 s directed perpendicularly upward. Finally, toward 5:00 a.m., the large obj 8/12/1972 #26911 hovered nearby for 20 minutes, and finally flew off slowly to the south. 9/14/1972 #27002 walked slowly and awkwardly ahead, finally crossing diagonally to the left 9/28/1972 #27038 vanished, not knowing what to do. Finally, some other workers approached t 9/28/1972 #27038 iled to work during the encounter. Finally, a fog appeared from nowhere, ob 10/23/1972 #27089 ssumed a cigar-like configuration. Finally, there were several reports from 5/15/1973 #27494 m 8:15 to nearly midnight, when it finally diminshed into a light point. Mu 10/5/1973 #27950 lsating with a weak luminosity. It finally moved out of sight in 45 seconds 10/27/1973 #28302 ge. He changed jobs frequently and finally stopping working altogether, bec 10/28/1973 #28311 inues to ignore occupant cases but finally admits that the CIA, not the Air 12/1973 #28495 d changes color. Stops and starts. Finally going north. 1/24/1974 #28696 multiple stops and starts, before finally shooting off rapidly to the nort 1/24/1974 #28703 behind them. After the objects had finally disappeared, they found the rear 2/14/1974 #28773 assist him with his voice. He was finally released and the aliens apparent 2/28/1974 #28825 t farms. Beams quickly going down. Finally going quickly northeast. 3/23/1974 #28929 rey 20M disk / hills. 3 90° turns. Finally going quickly east over mountain 4/15/1974 #29025 he light it seems to turn off, but finally he gets a better view: “It seems 10/10/1974 #29512 intains a parallel course until it finally disappears in cloud cover about 10/11/1974 #29519 ire length / train / low altitude. Finally going quickly north. 11/27/1974 (approximate) #29613 lled out some hair from his chest. Finally Diaz fainted again, and when he 1/5/1975 #29723 lights area. Hovers and maneuvers. Finally going south. 1/24/1975 #29763 then engaged in some maneuvers. It finally flew off toward the south. (Sour 1/24/1975 #29764 then engaged in some maneuvers. It finally flew off toward the south. 1/24/1975 #29765 ome with a smaller disc was seen. Finally, a small glowing dome appeared i 4/25/1975 #30004 ing station for santuary the light finally shot off rapidly to the east. Th 4/26/1975 #30007 arp turns, unlike normal aircraft. Finally, their blips merge on the radar 5/3/1975 #30026 but none of them could move. When finally they did manage to stand up, the 7/12/1975 #30175 ect changes its motion frequently. Finally it picks up speed and blinks out Late 7/1975 #30204 ct pursued them for three minutes. Finally, the UFO rose up swiftly to a pi 8/4/1975 #30235 which was four meters in diameter, finally moved slowly off the road to the 8/22/1975 #30299 ng window and three bright lights. Finally it rose vertically, together wit 10/27/1975 #30489 so took a button from his clothes. Finally, he put on his clothes, and was 10/27/1975 #30489 nd stopped over a second mountain; finally, it just fades away. 11/1/1975 #30535 ght wobble, then a sharp turn, and finally accelerated away to the southwes 11/22/1975 #30653 he east, hovered a third time, and finally moved rapidly off to the northwe 11/23/1975 #30656 n of the sighting. The two objects finally flew out of view. 2/20/1976 #30891 Fireball 10' over house / 105min. Finally shoots away. 3/5/1976 #30924 ppeared below the low flying disk. Finally it flew off. 8/1/1976 #31219 e, from yellow to light green, and finally to white. When the craft is stil 9/3/1976 #31335 to a fight with it for 15 minutes. Finally, the creature loops a cable arou 9/9/1976 #31362 inks in size toward 12:00 noon and finally appears like a twinkling star in 9/9/1976 #31363 lue. It grows blurry and fuzzy and finally fades away in a vapor. The stran 9/11/1976 #31376 tude; they then hovered again, and finally vanished. A distant rumbling was 9/25/1976 #31429 t had two white beams of light. It finally flew off towards the sea. 10/15/1976 #31466 inverted.” The unidentified object finally flies away toward the sea. 10/17/1976 #31474 speed at first, then sped up, and finally shot away to the west. 12/19/1976 #31625 e "all sorts of lights to go off." Finally, he found himself outside an apa 2/2/1977 #31781 fallen and the boys returned home, finally running because it seemed to the 4/6/1977 #31953 jerky "stepped up" maneuvers, and finally ascending vertically at a terrif 5/18/1977 #32111 urns and was completely silent. It finally flew off behind a house. (Source 6/21/1977 #32179 urns and was completely silent. It finally flew off behind a house. 6/21/1977 #32183 . They examined him in silence. He finally woke up several hours later, and 7/10/1977 #32257 ore figures were heard walking by. Finally, the lights and the figures vani 8/26/1977 #32426 ating for the witnesses to follow. Finally, at about 3:30 a.m., it emitted 8/30/1977 #32441 h wanting the witnesses to follow. Finally, at about 12:30 a.m. it emitted 8/31/1977 #32446 an estimated 1,000 feet altitude. Finally, the object moves toward the wes 10/17/1977 #32584 alk" out over the water's surface, finally disappearing behind the left sid 10/30/1977 #32639 her paralysis subsided and she was finally able to move. The dome-shaped ma 2/15/1978 #32971 w in circles at a low altitude. It finally flew off at high speed after thr 3/10/1978 #33027 , slowing to a mere 3 mph. Collins finally locks on this object. Shortly af 5/14/1978 #33210 oticed that all sounds had ceased. Finally their car "landed" back on the h 7/6/1978 #33346 al growling noise. The witness was finally able to flee the area. 7/9/1978 #33362 ling. Petrified for 45 seconds, he finally sticks his head out the door and 7/11/1978 #33366 ing; E-M effects, dogs whined; UFO finally took off at high speed (section 8/11/1978 #33502 ing. E-M effects, dogs whined. UFO finally took off at high speed 8/11/1978 #33504 then made a quick 90-degree turn, finally shooting off to the south. 8/18/1978 #33527 r to the southwest in two seconds. Finally, it moves straight up out of sig 8/21/1978 #33538 nd it, then reentered, and the UFO finally shot off at tremendous speed. Wh 8/22/1978 #33549 opped briefly above a building. It finally went behind the National Theater 8/31/1978 #33611 e witnesses during the melee. They finally managed to escape, and summoned 9/10/1978 #33657 o the 3 o'clock position, and then finally ascended above 25,000 feet. Anot 9/10/1978 #33660 hoe-shaped protrusion on the dome. Finally, it continues walking around to 9/18/1978 #33708 and he fainted again, and when he finally woke up sometime later everythin 9/21/1978 #33725 ere unable to move. When the being finally disappeared and they were able t 9/24/1978 #33744 t they could see he had gray skin. Finally, the men glided up a hill and se 10/2/1978 #33791 like "they were growing in size." Finally the UFO began to move away, thro 10/30/1978 #33898 ons and memories emerge over time, finally ceasing in 1980. 12/6/1978 #34065 d through partially opened blinds. Finally, she decided she would bathe and 12/6/1978 #34068 Finally, in Pomeroy, Washington a large 12/14/1978 #34130 ountain for several minutes before finally shooting away. (NICAP: 01 - Dist 12/16/1978 #34151 ountain for several minutes before finally shooting away. 12/16/1978 #34157 ad on its own accord. When the car finally stopped, he got out to investiga 12/28/1978 #34219 in road on its own accord. The car finally stopped and Mr. Zanfretta got ou 12/28/1978 #34220 l and watch the UFO as well, which finally moves off to the southeast makin 12/31/1978 #34247 they don't seem to be interested.” Finally, when she showed them how to lig 1/4/1979 #34296 they don't seem to be interested." Finally, when she showed them how to lig 1/5/1979 #34304 bright orange and then to red, and finally dimmed to reveal a two-meter wid 1/13/1979 #34338 ors from red to green to yellowand finally to blue while it flew in a horiz 2/13/1979 #34421 n he tries to approach. Dos Santos finally sees a huge, white, egg-shaped o 5/16/1979 #34563 shed when he tried to approach. He finally saw a huge white, egg-shaped obj 5/16/1979 #34564 e, stops, and tilts the other way. Finally, it flies away to the west. 8/4/1979 #34714 e windows approached, hovered, and finally sped away over horizon (section 8/29/1979 #34795 quare windows approached, hovered, finally sped away over horizon 8/29/1979 #34796 dows approached, hovered, and then finally sped away over the horizon in Er 8/29/1979 #34805 a third intercept attempt, the UFO finally disappears, heading for Africa. 11/11/1979 #34997 tilted, and was completely silent. Finally, it shot off to the west. 11/27/1979 #35021 awhile, then shot straight up, and finally zigzagged before vanishing at a 4/26/1980 #35294 forcing her to back up the truck. Finally, the phenomenon ceases and she d 5/9/1980 #35319 topped briefly in in the west, and finally shot straight up out of sight. T 9/26/1980 #35538 d, still bobbing and spinning, and finally shoots upward. 12/13/1980 #35712 slowly, shoots across the sky, and finally divides into three and disappear 12/15/1980 #35719 It moved slowly, then stopped, and finally shot away fast. The sighting las 4/25/1981 #35916 d car, bright illumination. Object finally shot away (section I). (NICAP: 0 7/12/1981 #36000 d car, bright illumination. Object finally shot away 7/12/1981 #36001 shifts to the east, northwest, and finally north, making irregular movement 9/26/1981 #36141 over a wide area around the farm, finally disappearing behind some trees. 3/23/1982 #36412 the north, then circled back, and finally flew off by making a vertical as 7/21/1982 #36541 al silence in the area. The object finally began moving and as it passed by 7/22/1982 #36544 ped and reddish in color, and then finally disappeared above Winter Hill. L 7/22/1982 #36545 gave off white beams of light. It finally moved away silently after 30 sec 10/2/1982 #36630 tually beginning to climb until it finally disappears into the distant haze 10/24/1982 #36663 tries to start it, but the engine finally catches and she drives to work, Spring 1983 #36790 nuclear reactor for 15 minutes. It finally flew away toward the northeast. 6/14/1984 #37362 and to red as they turn away. They finally form up into a boomerang shape. 6/21/1984 #37370 tric circles, then as a cloud, and finally as an amorphous mass. While copi 9/7/1984 #37458 high-pitched humming sound. He was finally able to restart the car and drov 6/20/1986 #37918 it and take off at great speed. It finally takes off quickly away from the 8/11/1987 #38241 then shot straight up, paused and finally accelerated out of sight. When t 9/24/1987 #38294 st, then toward the northwest, and finally further to the southwest. 10/1/1987 #38297 ext, the disc moved laterally, and finally ascended out of sight. The sight 11/24/1987 #38334 was holding him down. When he was finally able to move, he ran back to the 12/2/1987 #38348 ke mildew filled Walters nostrils. Finally the struggle ended when Walters 5/1/1988 #38551 Betty Cash and Vickie Landrum, and finally “Falcon” (or someone pretending 10/14/1988 #38674 rd the boat, turned west, and then finally south, making a slight humming s 1/30/1989 #38809 hanging direction upward, and then finally slowly going out of view. 8/23/1989 #39071 s with red lights emerged from it. Finally, all UFOs shot away at high spee 8/31/1989 #39081 d and began screaming at them. She finally began to fade out of consciousne 10/8/1989 #39150 then rose up, hovered briefly, and finally flew away quickly. 10/28/1989 #39191 re approaching their vehicle. They finally drove away experiencing several 11/6/1989 #39216 ing traffic, then turning back on. Finally, all the lights blinked out and 12/6/1989 #39301 object, then joined together, and finally shot off toward the south-southe 8/20/1990 #39694 inks it resembles a large airship. Finally, the order is given to destroy i 9/2/1990 #39716 ond to hide behind some trees, and finally it vanished after being in sight 10/6/1990 #39762 then move over a nearby hill, and finally fly out of view. The object was 11/28/1990 #39913 ourse, going directly overhead and finally passed beyond some trees. He cou 3/10/1991 #40009 ed toward the four witnesses, then finally blinked out. 8/25/1991 #40166 , and made turns around itself. It finally disappeared at dawn around six a 11/6/1991 #40221 o white, then paced their car, and finally turned ruby red in color. 7/18/1992 #40526 hour searching for the creatures. Finally at 3 p.m. he spotted the tiny be 9/22/1992 #40635 ved, then stopped and hovered, and finally continued on after five minutes. 8/18/1993 #41145 gave off silver feams of light. It finally split into two parts and flew of 11/3/1993 #41262 t an hour, while they watched her. Finally she told the beings to go away a 11/18/1993 #41284 e was seen dropping red dots. They finally scattered in four directions. 8/13/1994 #41672 sing in the same area, but when he finally showed up, he "raced away in his 9/2/1994 #41713 ood look at the side of the craft. Finally, he was told it was time to go b 9/11/1994 #41734 moving slowly in the night sky. It finally streaked off to the north. 1/3/1995 #41948 d were very strange in appearance. Finally, the craft and beings left, leav 2/23/1995 #42060 n swinging at it with his machete. Finally, the being and the multicolored 5/15/1995 #42211 Lessman, Guavin and Ed Dames, and finally Star Gate (DIA and CIA) with Smi 6/30/1995 #42284 FO dipped to avoid the trees, then finally shot off to the east. 9/29/1995 #42520 er all over/all about / mountains. Finally all going quickly east. 6/8/1996 #42926 ished for three days. When she was finally found, she told the search party 9/15/1996 #43020 e and entered a cloud that lit up. Finally, his car radio came back on. 7/15/1999 #43804 ove but was unable to. When he was finally able to turn his head, he saw a 7/18/1999 #43807 and reappear a number of times; It finally hovered low over the water 200 m 11/26/1999 #43889 p.m. It made no sound as it flew. Finally, twenty minutes later in Fontana 1/23/2000 #43932 Finally the same evening in Mexico City, 3/2/2000 #43963 rubbed her eyes repeatedly and was finally able to open them again. Frighte 7/31/2000 #44024 lids. Using tremendous effort, she finally was able to turn around and was 8/4/2001 #44225 intermittently for 45 minutes. It finally rose again into the sky. 8/25/2001 #44246 wn of Touchet for five minutes. It finally moved rapidly away over the dese 2/25/2002 #44320 n the east coast of the US. Miller finally states he has a list of civilian 4/25/2002 #44333 cast a reflection on the lake, and finally flew off toward the north at a l 10/22/2002 #44421 O paces them to one side before it finally disappears. Five police cars are 11/28/2002 #44453 de a sudden, inexplicable turn and finally made a line for Cerro El Avila m 8/28/2003 #44585 it stopped for a few minutes, and finally took off. 8/28/2003 #44586 y as if from a power interruption. Finally, the craft approached Ayu-Dug at 8/2/2004 #44725 the night sky on this clear night. Finally, on the same night on the easter 9/11/2004 #44754 d other instruments become jammed. Finally, the F-14 ascends to 19,000 feet 10/28/2004 #44773 stopped and made a quick turn, and finally shot off into the atmosphere. 2/21/2005 #44815 re so clueless that when officials finally make radio contact and order the 5/11/2005 #44840 lumbia, then stopped, hovered, and finally flew away again. 10/19/2005 #44891 oise. After daylight had broken he finally had the courage to pull off his 11/25/2005 #44906 ar continued to slow down until it finally came to a complete halt. He and 8/6/2006 #44953 ed back towards the witnesses, and finally moved away. At 11:30 p.m. in New 8/20/2006 #44956 ed this object for 2-3 minutes. It finally disappeared into the cloud cover 4/17/2007 #45018 d moving very fast across the sky. Finally, at 11:15 p.m. a circular light 8/4/2007 #45042 nd down motion for 45 seconds, and finally just faded away. 8/6/2008 #45156 ] aliens back there!" After he had finally calmed her down, he told her to 8/30/2009 #45240 l objects or phenomena in the air. Finally, the well-intentioned change of 1/1/2017 #45463 unidentified commercial aircraft.” Finally, four reports are confirmed by l 1/13/2020 #45626 over does the Trump administration finally provide the report to a few Sena 8/2020 #45657
ard M. Bissell Jr. and asks him to finance OPC operations by diverting some 8/23/1951 #5616 orth American political, business, finance, academic, and media leaders lat 5/29/1954 #9840 s spent a total of $2.6 million to finance the campaign of Eduardo Frei Mon 9/4/1964 #18533 t WPAFB through the Accounting and Finance Section records. Stringfield als 1977 #31658 cessful in technology, sports, and finance. 8/30/1987 #38264 ord, an accountant for the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) st 11/18/2013 #45396
analysis to the US military. It is financed by the US government, endowment 5/14/1948 #3650 RIAS (see 1955), and states it is financed by Glenn L. Martin Co. but isol 11/20/1955 #12580 ustralia McDonald is in Australia, financed by a small grant from the Offic 6/27/1967 #22565 A. Frosch, wanting to know who has financed James E. McDonald’s visits to A 9/30/1968 #24526 vestigation of cattle mutilations. Financed by grants from the Law Enforcem 4/25/1979 #34523 and puzzling body scars. The poll, financed by the Bigelow Holding Corporat 5/1992 #40439
nnection between the corporate and financial world and government-held tech 12/28/1954 #11868 nizations supported by people for “financial gain, religious reasons, pure 12/27/1960 #16541 reat success. They argue that “the financial and organizational assistance 9/4/1964 #18533 board of directors to the growing financial crisis brought on by Donald E. 10/27/1969 #25425 went along with the narrative for financial gain. The other three members 8/20/1976 #31282 . Because of NICAP’s current acute financial crisis, he concludes that if t 1/1979 #34268 they should hire a lawyer and seek financial compensation for their injurie 12/29/1980 #35757 massive money laundering and other financial crimes and illegally gaining t 7/5/1991 #40112 ustin Fitts, and several media and financial industry executives. Meeting m 12/3/1999 #43892 to manage internal accounting and financial controls and Fitts claims whil 6/2004 #44706 SA, FTC and DOE, (4) the target of financial scams and traps intended to ba 2/13/2009 #45212 ospace, intelligence and corporate financial communities. https://www.amaz 8/1/2021 #45703 the Secretary of State to provide financial support for personnel sufferin 10/8/2021 #45715 (see 1 May 2021)? Douglas did have financial difficulties in the late 1960s 10/21/2021 #45717
s they are incorrectly stored in a financial-records building and discovere 4/13/1953 #8823 Financial-records building Most Project 1973 #27199 s they are incorrectly stored in a financial-records building and discovere 1973 #27199
T. Townsend Brown has proven so financially inept that the NICAP board a 1/14/1957 #13455
aparte. Its first chief is Stanley Finch. Attorney General George W. Wicker 7/26/1908 #716 Madisonville, Kentucky, through a Finch telescope of a cone-shaped object 1/7/1948 #3542 3:27 p.m. High school student Gary Finch is driving on the Wilmer-Georgetow 1/7/1966 #19814
itten. The next morning, searchers find a cup of peculiar workmanship, but 3/26/1880 #230 ng upward. They go to the spot and find a circular area, 16 feet across, th 6/1880? #234 archers who come to the site later find traces and footprints. Summer 1907 #695 with a newspaper reporter and they find signs of trampling in the grass for 5/18/1909 #758 of Potsdam until early morning but find nothing. Though the women are consi 3/13/1913 #886 gh alert. Later, Brockville police find two paper balloons that might expla 2/14/1915 #925 Several days later they return and find the earth “scuffed about” on the sp 1925 #1045 . Two nights later they return and find imprints and burn marks, which they Summer 1933 #1162 not so very different from what we find on earth.” 1935 #1221 , before 1947, but researchers can find no confirmation in any of Hull’s pa 1939? #1303 ect, which takes off. The children find a circular area of yellowed grass w Early 8/1939 #1312 the government in 1999 seeking to find out more about the incident. He des Late 1942? #1456 yers sent to search for them never find anything. These radar ghosts are us 4/1945 #1834 es on the balls of fire but cannot find a good explanation for them. 4/26/1945 #1855 f cars are dispatched, but fail to find the farm. They locate a pub called 1946 #1962 the same angle and direction. They find black marks on the snow and ice. 4/25/1946 #1984 Torvald Linden and other witnesses find a shallow crater a little more than 7/10/1946 #2046 team led by Karl-Gösta Bartoll can find no trace of a “ghost bomb.” 7/19/1946 #2072 and friends go to the site but can find nothing. 9/11/1946 #2177 “has helped many young students to find their directions” 3/17/1947 #2248 / hills. Army Air Force (AAF) men find stinky odor only. 6/29/1947 #2453 o locate the object, but he cannot find it. Before midnight, Frank Kaufmann 7/4/1947 #2670 embedded in a cliff. The soldiers find civilians on the site already. Besi 7/5/1947 #2721 sian military. A frantic search to find what happened to the brothers alleg 7/5/1947 #2721 ports, Wilcox is excited about the find and suggests the military at the Ro 7/6/1947 #2807 lcox believes they will be able to find the debris field. KGFL reporter Fra 7/6/1947 #2807 eputies return to say they did not find the debris field but observed a bur 7/6/1947 #2812 details or another crash site but find nothing else. Finally, they return 7/7/1947 #2928 of it is found. Army investigators find “Made in USA” on the disc. It is on 7/7/1947 #2930 other disc-like debris that people find or make in order to have some fun i 7/7/1947 #2930 Texas, and advises them of the new find. 7/8/1947 #3011 pick up physical evidence; and to find out if they are nuclear- propulsion 9/23/1947 #3417 m Circleville, Ohio. He expects to find the buildings on fire, but instead 2/1948 #3570 rawl through a broken porthole and find the bodies of 16 small humanlike be 3/25/1948 #3598 can send two of his men to AMC to find out if Project Grudge plans to do a 4/25/1949 #4109 tigations continue in an effort to find definite explanations for the many 4/27/1949 #4116 ng with some appendices that later find their way into the Project Grudge f 5/19/1949 #4195 hey triangulate its location, they find it is 3 miles south of one observat 6/6/1949 #4228 agents dragged the lake and didn’t find anything. https://mysteriousuniver 8/17/1949 #4321 ts meet with William D. Crozier to find out about his July 25 dust collecti 8/18/1949 #4322 nd William Sheehan investigate and find that this and other Martian flashes 1/16/1950 #4495 researchers in 2013–2015 claim to find evidence of a model suspended from 5/11/1950 #4939 l, who wants somebody from ATIC to find out what’s going on. Dunn sends Lt. 9/12/1951 #5663 pt. Edward J. Ruppelt later cannot find anything about foo- fighters during 1952 #5838 and thinks he hit it, but he can’t find the body. 1952 #5842 y serious UFO report, but it can’t find the files he requests. Ginna become 3/3/1952 #5942 orce liaison, Robert B. Landry, to find out what is going on with UFOs. Lan 7/29/1952 #7321 ional Security Council directly to find out how to proceed with the UFO pro 7/29/1952 #7321 cal silver saucers. 3 jets scout / find nothing. 8/4/1952 #7443 ng search the area separately, but find no trace of the encounter other tha 9/12/1952 #7905 sive period of time, and failed to find any wreckage. 11/23/1953 #9319 or alternate explanations, but can find none, so he reports the sighting to 1/10/1954 #9476 ist of four concentric rings. They find more fresh tracks on January 22. Sa 1/18/1954 #9493 top and search for 20+ minutes but find nothing. 4/22/1954 #9704 Keyhoe and Edwards find out about the O’Mara interview, and 6/12/1954? #9896 lights move around the area. They find a large, brown, circular spot in th 6/21/1954 #9920 Pilot Lt. William E. Atkins cannot find the aircraft, the controller tells 7/2/1954 #9984 is father and Sheriff Floyd Hadley find pear-shaped footprints, wide at the 9/2/1954 #10232 arrive at the spot with rifles but find nothing. Instead, they discover a s 10/4/1954 #10698 nd he has difficulty writing. They find a 27-inch circle of disturbed earth 10/26/1954 #11418 f Rua Andaguara, he is startled to find a glowing, circular object landed i 11/2/1954 #11537 is examined by psychiatrists, who find him neither neurotic nor psychotic. 11/2/1954 #11537 im, fading to black. Investigators find an area 12–15 feet in diameter wher 11/8/1954 #11599 Mill roof across the river. He can find no trace of rain on the wooden deck 11/17/1954 #11663 n Petare, Caracas, Venezuela. They find their way blocked by a 10-foot-wide 11/28/1954 #11722 roach. Ponce sees them and runs to find a police station. Gonzáles recovers 11/28/1954 #11722 lds. His family and police fail to find him. On December 10, near 12:00 mid 12/9/1954 #11786 Oil Center, New Mexico, but he can find no fragments. Lincoln LaPaz reports 4/5/1955 #12080 uddard alerts the police, but they find nothing. 8/16/1955 #12364 imes by later authors, but I could find no corroborating evidence of this.” 8/21/1955 #12386 e goes into the recreation room to find more witnesses. When they go outsid 10/1955 #12477 artin Tajmar in a 2004 paper. They find that no thrust can be observed in a 11/30/1955 #12594 a square-mile area for 3 hours but find nothing. 7/28/1956 #13023 . G. Cocks and L. Leatherland, who find that the fibers are “multifilament 9/25/1956 #13245 ened, they investigate further and find a shiny rock that is hot to the tou 11/11/1956 #13322 ssing. Officials drag the lake but find nothing. 3/23/1957 #13557 cal residents examine the area and find burned patches on the ground and sm 7/30/1957 #13862 ew Jersey. Walker and Johnson both find that the sample “had undergone a di Early 9/1957 #13971 otes from the Colorado Project and find that the team had covered up the fa Early 9/1957 #13971 ok, presumably because he wants to find out how the Air Force is implementi 9/16/1957 #14001 view the landing site, where they find deep imprints and some “mysterious 11/5/1957 #14343 ples and check for radiation (they find none). 11/6/1957 #14422 en circuit breaker, but they could find no cause. 11/14/1957 #14551 aker, although investigation could find no apparent cause. In Oporto, Portu 11/14/1957 #14552 n the bearing is drilled out, they find a heap of ash inside the cavity, as 11/21/1957 #14590 n of this. Note: Cook did however find the existence of a US Army Air Forc 1958 #14787 car to check the engine they could find nothing wrong, so they decided to s 2/24/1958 #14890 own / fjord. Ships subs and divers find only dead fish. 6/1/1958 #15073 t. They go to the landing site and find broken branches and a scorched stri 9/29/1958 #15286 hey return to the landing site and find flattened grass and a still-hot, sm 11/9/1958 #15435 II rocket on December 6, 1958: “We find ourselves faced by powers which are 1/1/1959 #15526 When the parents return home, they find the dogs in a terrified state. 2/24/1959 #15605 search for wreckage for 4 days but find none. Spring 1959 #15662 closer, they can hear no sound and find it is about 50–75 feet from the roa 3/22/1959 #15665 ribble and other UFO investigators find witnesses who claim to have seen tw 4/1/1959 #15688 rs. At the spot where it was, they find the grass flattened in the shape of 5/20/1959 #15741 T-33 jet trainer, but it failed to find the UFO in time. 9/13/1959 #15974 nd travel to the impact area. They find an area of burned grass and another 6/22/1960 #16315 pole to probe the lake bottom and find a channel that is one foot deeper a 6/22/1960 #16315 on on two more occasions but could find nothing. 6/22/1960 #16316 it lifts off and shoots away. They find the soil of the hill to be warm to 11/3/1960 #16493 ad [now St. Petersburg] arrive and find odd, crumbling black pellets on the 2/1961 #16593 rom sight. In the morning they can find no traces on the soft mud flat. 3/16/1961 #16632 lo, Brazil. When they arrive, they find about 20 cars stopped along the roa 6/5/1961 #16721 n them to full consciousness. They find that they have traveled nearly 35 m 9/19/1961 #16857 e scene of its landing, where they find at 150 yards distance, a “silo-appe Late 11/1961 #16978 Dakota, 11 miles away, where they find a police officer, who listens to th Late 11/1961 #16978 rips over several months to try to find their encounter site but are unsucc 2/1962 #17032 ntinue using aircraft. They do not find anything of importance except some 4/18/1962 #17120 Argentine Air Force investigators find a circle of scorched grass. 5/22/1962 #17192 Firth arrives to investigate. They find a strange box-shaped object, large Summer 1962 #17239 he removes the covers, but she can find no source for the light. It then ju Fall 1962 #17434 ots to a depth of 3–4 inches. They find a carbonized residue and whitish po 1/1963 #17624 cer drops box / ground. Kids look. Find partly transparent 10' man! / r8#58 9/19/1963 #17943 y flies away. The next day, police find large footprints near the abandoned 10/12/1963 #17987 king back and forth, the witnesses find innumerable white balls one-quarter 10/21/1963 #17997 h equipped and unequipped, fail to find any wreckage in the river, which is 10/31/1963 #18017 aches. They search for 3 hours but find no wreckage. 11/20/1963 #18052 ice of Research and Development to find new offensive-use agents with a foc 1964 #18101 gt. M. S. Chavez arrives, and they find burning brush (including a badly da 4/24/1964 #18200 te of a thorough investigation, to find the vehicle or other stimulus that 4/24/1964 #18200 er visit the site the next day and find the circles, which they estimate mu 4/25/1964? #18205 , and Albert Vega) investigate and find the ground still smoldering and sco 4/26/1964 #18209 few seconds. Ernst and his brother find a crater-like depression, about 3 f 5/5/1964 #18244 mells sulfur or burning rubber and find three imprints in a triangle with t 6/14/1964 #18356 n 2 miles from their campsite they find a compact, gelatinous mass of green 8/9/1964 #18472 and her husband and father-in-law find two equilateral triangular imprints 11/25/1964 #18637 er and asked to take an A-12 up to find a Russian reconnaissance balloon th 1965? #18680 t lands in 16 inches of snow, they find a large circular imprint about 10–1 1/12/1965 #18720 st officials climb to the area and find several treetops bent over and one 1/25/1965 #18766 l photographer Charles Weaver, but find nothing. Some time later, Houffer a 1/26/1965 #18769 opters, and a Shackleton failed to find anything after a 90 minute search, 2/12/1965 #18813 up, and sees the object. Neighbors find the leaves of nearby trees are sing 7/9/1965 #19089 off. They return the next day, but find no traces. 8/1/1965 #19246 s. The next morning, the witnesses find a 6-inch-wide circle of depressed s 8/19/1965 #19426 ear but return later that night to find the object still there. 9/3/1965 #19512 but when they returned they could find no one. 11/24/1965 #19734 ey have searched the woods and can find “absolutely nothing.” The official 12/9/1965 #19762 an Air Force intelligence officers find a variety of circles in the area, r 1/19/1966 #19858 s the road and hits a tree. Police find a circular impression about 2–5 inc 4/4/1966 #20224 on, and daughter-in-law woke up to find the whole house bathed in bright li 8/20/1966 #20777 uggle. Next to the corpses, police find an empty water bottle and a packet 8/20/1966 #20779 on, and daughter-in-law woke up to find their entire house in Heraldsburg, 8/20/1966 #20780 ck. Some days later, investigators find three holes, 8 feet apart in an equ 10/4/1966 #20957 es coming from his radio, but they find no evidence of the encounter. On No 11/15/1966 #21107 ck to the site in the daylight and find odd-looking tracks like “two horses 11/15/1966 #21107 Mrs. Christiansen returned home to find their children in a very distraught 1/15/1967 #21315 esses.” The Air Force is unable to find out anything about them because thi 2/1967 #21430 kely to detect UFOs). Low tries to find out if NORAD can help with identify 3/28/1967 #22005 they are able to restart it. They find three round imprints, about 6 inche 4/8/1967 #22095 d contacts police. They return and find a kidney-shaped black spot on the r 4/21/1967 #22194 en they recover their senses, they find that 2.75 hours have elapsed. For 2 5/1967 #22255 rs overhead. F102s scramble. Can't find. / APRO 5'67. 6/11/1967 #22488 for 10 minutes, Cuneo goes back to find another witness, but when he return 6/13/1967 #22503 partment of Forestry, which cannot find an explanation for their condition 6/18/1967 #22520 he University of Colorado and APRO find an area of grass some yards from th 7/5/1967 #22615 ate police and highway patrol, who find only skid marks at the scene. The n 7/13/1967 #22656 ographers” in New York, who cannot find evidence of a hoax. Soon, however, 7/21/1967 #22718 led as to what made the marks, can find no evidence of a hoax, and seriousl 8/5/1967 #22815 return to where the being was and find some odd three-toed footprints abou 8/23/1967 #22905 nary for 30–50 seconds. They later find some odd dust on their car and some 8/28/1967 #22943 the Project Blue Book files. They find cases stored adjacent to the offici 9/1967? #22970 NEAR OURAY, UT 2 find truck / gulch. Oil still drips. No 9/1/1967 #22976 After 2 weeks of phone calls, they find that no X-15 flew on September 1. ( 9/1/1967? #22977 . Her family came into the room to find out why she had screamed. 9/3/1967 #22990 e area to look for UFOs. When they find out he is a specialist in blood coa 9/9/1967 #23026 conds. The next day, the witnesses find a sootlike material on the ground a 9/11/1967 #23045 shock. At the landing site, police find some foul-smelling black material t 9/14/1967 #23060 nclusion. Condon says that if they find extraterrestrial evidence, he would 9/18/1967 #23084 husband and a forest ranger try to find the burned spot. They locate a burn 9/20/1967 #23101 out 35 feet in diameter. They also find three triangular imprints forming a 9/20/1967 #23101 rs. Scrambled jet fighters did not find them. They moved at speeds of 80 kn 10/6/1967 #23186 ens visit the Colorado project and find its investigatory procedures “sadly 10/10/1967 #23204 at the landing site, but all they find is a small, four-toes footprint in 10/21/1967 #23282 ey go back to the site, where they find Begay in a state of shock in the ca 11/2/1967 #23390 titute of Aerospace Studies, might find them interesting. 11/14/1967 #23450 n raining all night. Investigators find that the ice is 3 inches thick in s 2/18/1968 #23763 assy, and subsequent inquiries can find no one in Maipú that could be the V Early 5/1968 #23939 nd Soviet intelligence specialists find 48 spent cartridges and 14 bullets 6/14/1968 #24031 t vanishes. The next morning, they find a circular burnt area about 6 feet 7/20/1968 #24193 f. Reporters and UFO investigators find a considerable area of burned grass 8/16/1968 #24342 visit the site shortly afterwards find their watches stop mysteriously. 8/16/1968 #24342 he sanitorium manager and his wife find high-heeled footprints on the fresh 8/25/1968 #24376 torell visit the apparent site and find erratic burned patches of Dasylirio 8/26/1968 #24379 o State, Brazil opened the door to find a “foreign looking woman” wearing w 8/26/1968 #24381 stops and the lights go out. They find themselves unable to move and sever 9/1/1968 #24421 . The families go to the field and find a large oval place where the grass, Late 9/1968 #24511 s and anthologies of Ummo writings—find an avid readership. 1969 #24804 University of Colorado report): "I find it hard to escape the conclusion th 2/1/1969 #24888 arry him to a neighbor’s house and find a red swelling on his leg. Later, i 2/7/1969 #24901 g on his leg. Later, investigators find three imprints in an equilateral tr 2/7/1969 #24901 t first, O’Neil only discusses his find within the family, but the news qui 9/4/1969 #25351 ds. 13M saucer lands / field. Cops find crushed weeds only. 10/28/1969 #25428 the mine and kill the snake, they find the area oddly hot. They notice a d 10/30/1969 #25439 d is out of sight in seconds. They find a shallow, oval, depressed spot les 10/30/1969 #25439 iscovered, and two days later they find a metallic glob about the size of a 10/30/1969 #25439 ian bomber vanishes. Search planes find 20 huge saucers / extreme altitude! 4/24/1970 #25642 ed farmhouse named Enebacken, they find three round marks, one foot in diam 4/29/1970 #25645 hed out in search of him but could find no trace. 6/21/1970 #25704 . Her son and brother-in-law later find three imprints 30–40 feet apart in 7/4/1970 #25726 triangle in the meadow. They also find circles impressed in the grass, the 7/4/1970 #25726 15–20 feet in diameter. Then they find tracks “going to the creek like the 7/4/1970 #25726 ate, they go out in a boat but can find no submerged object. 8/14/1970 #25784 hpond. Curious, Dickson decided to find out who the stranger was. He steppe 2/27/1971 #26034 arches for the “garage” but cannot find it. 6/29/1971 #26203 unit dispatches a motor vehicle to find the object, but due to the ruggedne Late 9/1971 #26378 e site, looking for evidence. They find nine circular imprints of its suppo 6/26/1972 #26735 other locals visit the orchard and find a circular area 15 feet in diameter Early 9/1972 #26975 ound level. The next morning, they find an evergreen tree about 300 feet fr 9/14/1972 #26999 while haranguing about the need to find out about Soviet Mig-25s, hands Eme 5/1973 #27460 ndia’s 10 launch sites. The guards find that the inner security alarm has a Autumn 1973 #27860 y fence surrounding the site. They find a large, bright UFO hovering above Autumn 1973 #27860 ater, UFO investigators arrive and find additional marks in the shape of a 10/6/1973 #27960 / farm. Cow missing. Police can't find farm. 10/14/1973 #28021 r, officers arrive, talk to Roach, find nothing amiss, and leave. Roach the 10/16/1973 #28088 me to time to see if RV could help find UAP bases; he added “they have an o 10/27/1973 #28303 wever, Argentine UFO investigators find major discrepancies and consider Ll 10/28/1973 #28309 rs. Beaudoin, come to the door and find a terrified woman who is covering h 11/2/1973 #28352 Midland, Pennsylvania, two hunters find a 42-foot ring impressed in the gra 11/3/1973 #28361 woods. There he was told he would find a metallic sphere, which he did. Th 11/3/1973 #28362 ylinder/cigar-shape 80M away. Cops find inexplicable traces. 12/29/1973 #28613 a town 20 miles to the north. They find a police station to report the inci 1/3/1974 #28641 station to report the incident and find that it is now 3:30 a.m. 1/3/1974 #28641 riod / missing time = 2 hours. Now find themselves here! 1/16/1974? #28681 ash site on a barren hilltop. They find no trace of a crash the next day, b 1/23/1974 #28694 STRAIGHT & LEVEL FLIGHT, FR 4 cops find several small humanoids (or Greys) 2/1974 #28719 s. Investigating police arrive and find no tracks but notice that the anima 2/6/1974 #28742 le, eventually growing paler. They find deep, clear-cut tracks of caterpill 2/8/1974 #28748 places, about 325 feet apart, they find numerous scoop marks, about 33 inch 2/8/1974 #28748 the area, but they were unable to find him. After waiting a safe period of 3/21/1974 #28921 the Guardia Civil investigate and find a hole in the ground. 3/26/1974 #28956 her and go to the site, where they find an area of burned grass 50–75 feet 4/19/1974 #29047 examine the site the next day and find a patch of ferns that appear abnorm 5/20/1974 #29119 CHENGDU, GANSU, CHINA Can't find/locate. 3 separate observer(s). Tal 7/29/1974 #29284 ed with the Center for UFO Studies find independent witnesses, including a 1/12/1975 #29744 return early the next morning and find that some trees, ranging 5– 20 feet 2/10/1975 #29800 zed at a scientific laboratory and find that the trees are only superficial 2/10/1975 #29800 ed. They drive 9 miles further and find a road construction crew and tell t 3/22/1975 #29916 t, but the object is gone and they find unusual ground marks. On March 25, 3/22/1975 #29916 elve years ago I made an effort to find out what was in the building at Wri 3/28/1975 #29922 l, Quebec, for a few seconds. They find a piece of metal and a hole in the 4/26/1975 #30006 ing a radiation survey meter, they find a few radioactive hot spots about 2 5/13/1975 #30056 le. They wanted to talk to him and find out more about his unusual arrival, 7/12/1975 #30175 group was also quite surprised to find that their various ailments, which 7/12/1975 #30175 they decided to interrupt him and find out who he was, so they wanted to s 7/12/1975 #30175 ack inside the coffee bar, only to find that the mysterious stranger had al 7/12/1975 #30175 the site. Although they could not find any footprints or other ground mark 8/8/1975 #30244 ea covered by the beings, they did find the ground blackened and grass char 8/8/1975 #30244 doctor by profession), woke up to find two beings in silvery suits standin 9/15/1975 #30363 un up to the barracks entrance and find no trace of the soldier who had sta Fall 1975 #30380 ted men to search, but they do not find him. A few hours later, four soldie Fall 1975 #30380 has landed. At the location, they find a bare spot, 12 feet square, of bur 11/2/1975 #30540 thorough search of the area, they find no trace of him and drive home. Whe 11/5/1975 #30562 . They search for several days and find nothing. Walton reappears outside H 11/5/1975 #30562 When the computer is checked, they find that the tape has mysteriously chan 11/7/1975 #30576 at four o'clock in the morning to find two beings standing beside her bed 12/2/1975 #30681 art getting severe headaches. They find the car has started back up on its 1/6/1976 #30770 being pulled. Moments later, they find themselves 8 miles away, just outsi 1/6/1976 #30770 , Kentucky, around 1:25 a.m., they find they are missing about an hour and 1/6/1976 #30770 parents. A police search fails to find him. In the evening of June 24, Cou 6/23/1976 #31134 ent through the “screen.” He could find no trace of it after stopping and g 8/2/1976 #31222 he morning they were astonished to find out that there was no other wing of 8/10/1976 #31252 whereupon the whine stops. She can find no ground markings. 9/3/1976 #31334 hospital in Brusque, where doctors find no sign of injury. He recovers afte 9/3/1976 #31335 n the fresh snow, but she couldn’t find her. “It was snowing. And her littl 9/3/1976 #31337 is palm. He does and is shocked to find that its color has changed to brigh 9/11/1976 #31376 off. Days later, Paul and Don Hood find a 30-foot-diameter circle of burned 9/11/1976 #31377 about 45 feet in diameter. Police find landing marks and a burned area. 9/13/1976 #31382 urn to the site in the daytime and find a circle of flattened, discolored g 9/25/1976 #31428 ors odd patient = ET. "You need to find better energy source. 10/28/1976 #31498 g was the fact that they could not find a single spent cartridge case. More 11/12/1976 #31540 n one side, flat on the other, the find does not appear to be from a satell 2/2/1977 #31780 village. They run to the spot but find nothing there. 2/4/1977 #31789 . The investigators were unable to find any plausible source for these myst 2/10/1977 #31808 from a nearby friend’s house. They find skid marks, but no traces of blood 3/4/1977 #31858 earching for him but are unable to find him. At around 4:15 a.m., Valdés su 4/25/1977 #32026 ng for him but they were unable to find him. At around 4:15 a.m. Valdes sud 4/25/1977 #32027 the location of ground zero, they find nothing except a strong burning sme 5/3/1977 #32050 t last for two days. The witnesses find three footprints in the powdery dus 7/23/1977 #32305 nts who investigate the site later find a stone that is intensely hot 2 day 8/11/1977 #32384 rn city limits. At the scene, they find an area covered by molten metal tha 12/17/1977 #32792 the side of the road but couldn't find anything wrong with the car. He dec 12/18/1977 #32797 he snow. They call the police, who find a melted hole about 28 inches in di 2/2/1978 #32946 company him to the site where they find a group of UKAEA constabulary offic 3/17/1978 #33048 quests an alcoholic drink, only to find that the entities do not imbibe. He 5/1978 #33181 y 14, police from Tarija, Bolivia, find the object, a dull metallic cylinde 5/6/1978 #33190 up. On July 23, she and her nephew find a 100-foot circular area of cut bea 7/21/1978 #33406 uth. Vanishes as jets near / can't find. / International UFO Reporter (CUFO 8/17/1978 #33521 the police, who upon their arrival find the village in an uproar, thinking 9/1/1978 #33622 n of the supposed landing site and find a circular patch of flattened barle 9/1/1978 #33622 a field. She ran to the village to find some other witnesses. 9/1/1978 #33623 ow shutters. The next morning they find four parallel scratches on the shut 9/23/1978 #33736 s too. Later, three forest workers find 7-inch oval footprints about one mi 10/2/1978 #33790 ckers visit the encounter site and find a large area of depressed grass wit 10/2/1978 #33790 lleagues arrive at 1:00 a.m., they find him lying in a nearby lawn in a con 12/6/1978 #34065 MARZOCCA, ITL Can't find/locate. Car malfunctions due to EME 12/12/1978 #34096 along a remote country road, they find the dog standing 60 feet away from 1/4/1979 #34294 l County, England were awakened to find their bedroom lit up brightly. One 1/29/1979 #34389 ere awakened at around two a.m. to find their bedroom lit up brightly. One 1/29/1979 #34391 car without headlights. The police find that he does not know his name, whe 2/5/1979 #34405 object lands / quarry. Cops and 2 find nothing. 2/21/1979 #34439 visit the site on February 25 and find odd indentations in the snow in two 2/22/1979 #34444 go to inspect the landing spot and find a large circle in which the sand ha 5/1/1979 #34537 ad was waking up in the morning to find the man's shotgun totally dismantle 7/15/1979 #34656 psychiatrists examine the crew and find nothing physically wrong, but they 8/23/1979 #34768 SANTIAGO, CHILE 2 observer(s) find small humanoid (or Grey) by saucer 11/1979 #34977 ointed to investigate the site and find tracks where Taylor says the smalle 11/9/1979 #34989 he south to look for it but cannot find the object. 9/4/1980 #35494 ambles a Macchi jet, but it cannot find the objects. At 1:20 p.m., a target 12/4/1980 #35698 ; 5-6 of his classmates decided to find out what was going on and tried to 12/14/1980 #35716 the eastern edge of the forest and find three small impressions on the grou 12/26/1980 #35737 ntrol at 4:30 a.m. Most ufologists find Warren’s account unreliable, and th 12/28/1980 #35750 vestigate, but in the morning they find three sets of footprint-like traces 1981 #35763 ve the ground. Investigators later find seven odd oval marks where the obje 8/8/1981 #36064 e light had landed, and failing to find anything, he decided to drive home. 9/11/1981 #36110 e light had landed, and failing to find anything, he decided to drive home. 9/12/1981 #36112 nd searched the area but failed to find anything. 7/22/1982 #36545 ligence community targeted Howe to find out who her inside sources were. 4/9/1983 #36830 bles (they inspect the paddock but find no traces), then it is lost to view 7/22/1983 #36921 pine. Local police investigate and find her “visibly shaking.” 10/13/1983 #37004 nd scrambles a Cessna but does not find anything. Radar is still tracking o 4/12/1984 #37258 / farm road. Luminous sphere. Cops find traces. 10/9/1984 #37483 ies have been baffled in trying to find explanations. Nellis Air Force Base 2/24/1985 #37559 embedded in the wing, but does not find any. 7/1985 #37613 if the people of the world were to find out that there was some alien life 11/19/1985 #37711 the sphere landed is on fire. They find the grass all wet, with 5- foot fla 4/22/1986 #37833 in Manzuno, Italy. He gets out to find out what happened, hears a sharp wh 8/31/1986 #38005 nce journalist Ed Conroy begins to find himself a target of an unmarked Bel 3/1987 #38127 They pass out and wake up later to find themselves strapped to steel tables 3/7/1987 #38132 heir clearances to nose around and find secret UAP information and projects 7/7/1987 #38206 loud knocking sounds. She wakes to find small punctures on her inner wrist 1988 #38383 rucker drive back to the scene and find skid marks and footprints. In the a 1/20/1988 #38422 lanet. Wouldn’t we all of a sudden find that we didn’t have any differences 5/4/1988 #38554 -2. However, Aviation Week editors find that there are no airspace restrict 11/22/1988 #38718 d Contra supporters.” It does “not find that Contra leaders were personally 4/13/1989 #38905 "well, we won't take you, we will find others." They went inside the craft 7/4/1989 #39009 R. Schmitt, and Kevin Randle. They find no unusual debris but survey the si 9/15/1989 #39104 urrounding UAP but he still cannot find exactly what it is covering up. Val 9/17/1989 #39112 to the next morning. Doctors could find no bruises nor abrasions on her arm 10/8/1989 #39150 f the immediate vicinity failed to find anything. 12/8/1989 #39305 the Brazilian Air Force, which can find no explanation. 1/22/1990 #39387 ko is sent up in an interceptor to find it. At 10:05 p.m., he sees the obje 3/21/1990 #39475 n his bedroom in Columbus, Ohio to find a small humanoid standing in the be 7/29/1990 #39666 ause nobody dares talk about it. I find no leaks anywhere.” https://ufos-s 1991 #39939 s, and the husband runs outside to find two strange beings on his patio. Th 3/31/1991 #40025 rs searched the area but failed to find anything. The next day several six- 5/12/1991 #40058 c and fled. They later returned to find both the object and the severed fin 5/14/1991 #40060 ocument led Wilson on his quest to find an extragovernment UAP reverse engi 7/28/1991 #40136 ear of blood tests, and state they find it incomprehensible that if he were 8/10/1991 #40147 of which investigate the case, but find no evidence of murder. 8/10/1991 #40147 d the area. However, was unable to find Luis anywhere in the area, so he ra 3/5/1992 #40359 make it impossible for Congress to find out what’s going on,” D’Amato added 5/22/1992 #40469 ims. Even people who believe Lazar find it hard to make sense of it all. Wh 10/1992 #40653 edirected to Malmstrom, where they find that many “anomalies” have been rep 1/1993 #40782 tion on frantic wartime efforts to find the Horten brothers, as well as an 1994 #41342 d of hypnosis. She is disturbed to find that at least 10 people close to he 1994 #41345 ons, the DOE told the GAO it could find no records from 1947 related to UAP 1994 #41349 t, and similar crash incidents” to find out whether “proper procedures to e 2/9/1994 #41408 s later, he wakes up in his bed to find that a 10-foot-tall female alien wi Early 6/1994 #41548 in the sky. They drive closer and find that the source is a stationary obj 6/24/1994 #41581 rt. Saucer near Trimble Road. Cops find nothing. No further details. 8/23/1994 #41686 rning. A 22-year-old man awoke to find a bright light shining in his face 9/20/1994 #41765 uld get into certain places, you’d find out what the Air Force and the gove 10/1/1994 #41779 ice report "UFO taking boat". Cops find boat only. No further details. 1/12/1995 #41970 The man looked around but did not find anything unusual, so he fed his dog 2/9/1995 #42031 . They return the next morning and find an area of dry vegetation twisted c 10/1/1995 #42529 igações de Fenômenos Aeroespaciais find that in the soil samples obtained w 10/1/1995 #42529 vers rushed to the scene but could find nothing. 10/27/1995 #42566 ends return to look for traces and find much of the vegetation scorched. Te 12/12/1995 #42641 , firefighters arrive expecting to find a wild animal, but they encounter a 1/20/1996 #42693 return to the vacant lot, all they find is two footprints and an awful sten 1/20/1996 #42695 uon Valley, Tasmania, Australia to find her bedroom lit up, and she had an 2/10/1996 #42754 o out. Later, Trout Lake officials find large rectangular impressions in th 3/12/1996 #42821 them that they were also trying to find it. The elderly couple had been dri 6/4/1996 #42921 hill. When they investigate, they find an object moving along the ground, 8/17/1996 #42984 days. He did, however, reportedly find numerous scars on his body that he 9/26/1996 #43043 CASTELLO D'AGOGNA, ITL Can't find/locate. 1 observer. Luminous 2M dis 11/25/1996 #43121 exico a 53-year-old woman awoke to find three short dwarfs cavorting about 1/8/1997 #43168 on that some UFO researchers later find suspicious—particularly when there 3/24/1997 #43239 Santa Fe, California. Two deputies find 39 bodies of identically dressed, a 3/26/1997 #43240 rey announces that he is unable to find sufficient evidence of an extraterr 6/1997 #43305 'clock in the evening she awoke to find a Grey humanoid standing over her i 9/11/1997 #43405 'clock in the evening she awoke to find a Grey humanoid standing over her i 9/12/1997 #43407 nson was awoken around midnight to find several strange beings standing ove 10/18/1997 #43432 al or glass embedded in tissue and find no evidence for radio emissions. No 1998 #43479 tary units, however they failed to find anything. Later one of the witnesse 8/12/1998 #43629 r conducted a search but failed to find anything. 11/25/1998 #43685 ht after the incident she awoke to find her room very warm and cloying. The 1/7/1999 #43711 sted by Gersten’s group and cannot find any records. 1/22/1999 #43717 arch for information and could not find any results. https://culteducation 1/22/1999 #43719 under the code name Operation Sea Find using divers, sonar equipment, and 7/27/1999 #43814 r their radar data at the time and find that it has recorded many targets. 11/11/1999 #43879 Florida a woman suddenly awoke to find herself being dropped onto her bed 1/13/2000 #43928 Ontario, Canada when he woke up to find his bedroom door open and someone w 7/12/2000 #44015 in Lake LaBerge, Yukon, Canada to find her bedroom lit up by a series of f 12/13/2000 #44103 kill it, but the search failed to find anything. On the same night three w 5/1/2001 #44173 ater that “Puthoff really wants to find the hardware,” despite Westwood bel 5/5/2001 #44178 wing down, he looked but could not find a safe place to stop on the narrow 10/31/2001 #44269 ed with other witnesses, but could find no trace of the strange apparition. 5/3/2002 #44336 the names of the ships, he did not find any corroboration in the PUBLIC DOM 11/2002 #44428 ect. They look until 7:00 a.m. but find nothing. 4/2003 #44508 the sea but they were not able to find anything. 6/22/2003 #44557 ved at the top of the hill only to find three circle-shaped burn markings o 3/12/2004 #44676 arched for the "nun" but could not find anyone. They continued their descen 8/2/2004 #44725 sensations all at once, but could find no description for what he actually 10/2/2004 #44766 After the object disappears, they find a two-inch hole in the ice where th 1/31/2005 #44810 exandre Martins and Mario Pinheiro find a connection between electric and m 2/1/2007 #45004 to “manipulate inertial mass” and find applications to electromagnetic pro 2/1/2007 #45004 l minutes. The men again failed to find any footprints or traces. Soon, the 4/12/2008 #45128 ched the bushes but they failed to find anything. Later, when the group was 4/12/2008 #45128 onducted, and the Air Force “could find no tactical or technical informatio 12/22/2008 #45197 ng to shake. The next morning they find their telephone service is out and 3/19/2013 #45362 insects might be the culprits but find nothing they can link to the medica 10/24/2017 #45486 isch states “the AATIP program did find the UFO crash retrieval program via 2018 #45498 to locate the “unknown track,” but find nothing. A declassified report from 11/21/2018 #45548 et estimate writes that it can not find a single plausible source of energy 11/29/2018 #45549 he University of Pennsylvania team find that, compared to a healthy control 7/2019 #45589 and visuospatial subnetworks” but find no differences in executive functio 7/2019 #45589 explanation for it. But we need to find out.” The paper reports that while 7/23/2020 #45654 ccess to all UAP programs, did not find the UAP crash retrieval program whe 5/1/2021 #45687 topic with them of how one cannot find waived-unacknowledged SAPs that ope 5/1/2021 #45687 ence operation underway, to try to find out as much as possible through har 5/2022 #45746
e. The UFO speeds away, leaving no findable landing traces. The witness cla 8/1979 #34692
ND Military observer(s) with range finder. Ovoid at 38K'. Swift level fligh 6/1940 #1338 ember focused a height- and range- finder on a flattened sphere moving rapi 6/1940 #1339 ees an object in his optical range finder and follows it for about 90 secon 2/17/1947 #2241 arangua, Brazil Airliner direction finder and transmitter - receiver burnt 11/3/1957 #14239 or generator), automatic direction finder, and the radio (both receiver and 11/4/1957 #14283 , MO (McDonald list) FPS-6A Height Finder Tracks UFO (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cas 1/22/1962 #17022 at explains, in pictures, what the finder should do in the event of discove Summer 1962 #17239 hnicians were repairing the height finder radar antenna located northeast o 3/5/1965 #18844 rference (RFI) and Radio Direction Finder (RDF) electro-magnetic effect (EM 3/18/1965 #18862 ct affects the automatic direction finder and the radio. As copilot Tetsu M 3/18/1965 #18864 at the plane's automatic direction finder malfunctioned. The circular UFO w 3/18/1965 #18865 . by an AN/FPS-6 Long Range Height Finder Radar of the 763rd Radar Squadron 8/19/1965 #19427 Spherical Object Tracked on Height Finder Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 11/11/1975 #30607 bjects / line. Automatic Direction Finder (ADF) and compass and radio and e 5/26/1979 #34583 his magnetic compass and direction finder begin spinning, the radio is fill 5/26/1979 #34590 nton airport. The Aerial Direction Finder was working at the time but the D 7/22/1989 #39030 including his automatic direction finder, which drifts around aimlessly. A 6/8/1991 #40092
d look for the object. Through the finders on the theodolite the object pre 7/1950 #5035 3. 2 Sergeants and RADAR and range finders. Bright ovoid. Disappears. 9/18/1966 #20894
ousness. His next recollection was finding himself, in a dazed state, in Gu 5/8/1880 #233 ng into a cloud for 12 minutes and finding himself over Elba. 10/10/1936 #1252 calls for a discreet canvass into finding German engineers who might know 11/10/1947 #3482 com/fig/horten1.htm Note: This finding was never delivered to Congress 12/16/1947 #3504 s against planetary approaches and finding a correlation; it mentions the b 11/8/1948 #3871 for seashells, but he had no luck finding any, and after searching for an 7/27/1952 #7216 By the time they are successful in finding the signal four hours later, the 11/1/1952 #8228 evisited the spot and succeeded in finding a railway signalman who said he 5/13/1954 #9791 e Brazilian military investigates, finding nothing amiss in the city. 11/22/1954 #11690 area for 2 hours afterward without finding anything. Bill Watson sees a dar 4/5/1955 #12080 ix of his colleagues confirmed the finding. None knew what it was. "I didn' 11/8/1956 #13315 urther tests at an accredited lab, finding variations well outside the norm Early 9/1957 #13971 o speculates on the possibility of finding alien artifacts on earth and the 12/14/1960 #16532 rial.) Technicians spend four days finding and reattaching the pieces. None 4/26/1962 #17131 11.” They are mostly interested in finding out if any nearby animals had be 5/24/1964 #18297 ling winds. Collins is tasked with finding the balloon visually and using r 1965? #18680 witnesses in Dexter and Hillsdale, finding the reports contradictory and va 3/23/1966 #20053 ving an almost zero expectation of finding a saucer.” He recommends stressi 8/9/1966 #20734 ing the aircraft are essential for finding the SAM missile launch sites res 5/16/1967 #22354 ous propagation in radar cases. In finding natural explanations, Thayer oft 10/31/1968 #24608 through an opening" into the ship, finding himself inside a small elevator, 5/20/1969 #25151 After finding huge mysterious footprints on th 12/7/1970 #25934 ng on some difficult UFO cases but finding none worthy of attention. Ufolog 1974 #28629 n over a cattle grid, inexplicably finding themselves in Ilam 12 miles away 1/3/1974 #28641 g in the field, she next remembers finding herself inside a brightly lit ro 3/20/1974 #28916 d, but they woke up at 12:45 a.m., finding that they had somehow exchanged 3/5/1976 #30928 re she had last been seen, without finding a trace. It was assumed by all i 5/10/1977 #32083 e publisher, Cosimo, in 2017 after finding “inaccurate or embellished” test 12/28/1980 #35750 a detailed on-site investigation, finding no contradictions. 2/1982 #36319 sion on “how to keep everyone from finding out what is really going on.” h 1990 #39358 e than 20,000 people interested in finding out the truth. 3/1994 #41432 hovering over it. He next recalls finding himself parked in the middle of 5/7/1995 #42189 The next thing she remembered was finding herself standing in a different 6/10/1998 #43586 peace sign. Marisa reported later finding several anomalous scars on her b 6/27/1998 #43596 sts of lights in her room and then finding herself onboard a round object w 1/7/1999 #43711 discontinued on September 16 after finding no evidence. On October 1, a sec 7/27/1999 #43814 next conscious memory was suddenly finding himself inside a very bright pla 8/10/2000 #44029 e Ambientale in Turin disputes the finding and proclaims the material spide 10/18/2002 #44419 ed hands. A local teacher reported finding a strange hairy cadaver on the s 4/22/2003 #44518 casional rarer types. One surprise finding is that 40% suffer chronic fatig 8/3/2012 #45351 rospace division was “dedicated to finding revolutionary breakthroughs in p 10/26/2017 #45488
Force Intelligence, summarizes the findings of Lt. Col. Garrett’s investiga 8/22/1947 #3360 esent lines would only confirm the findings presented herein.” The report c 8/10/1949 #4315 ogical warfare” be informed of the findings. Appendix D is written by USAF 8/10/1949 #4315 leases only a brief summary of its findings in the death of James Forrestal 10/11/1949 #4386 er briefed the CIA in 1953 but its findings never reached Congress or the p 1951 #5379 tistical study to verify Ruppelt’s findings, using the newly established AT 12/19/1951 #5821 special ad hoc tasks. AFOIN-X(SG) findings were therefore not shared in op 4/24/1952 #6179 Patterson AFB and a summary of its findings. It offers an analytical descri 8/15/1952 #7610 an internal 6-page document of its findings. It has made a study of the Sov 8/19/1952 #7648 tratton’s interest contradicts the findings of the Robertson Panel, Blue Bo 12/2/1952 #8364 al time. Given the Robertson Panel findings, he proposes to call the projec 5/1953 #8851 Sorel, Quebec. Smith rejects those findings and and conducts his own tests 6/12/1960 #16312 he CIA has synthesized many of the findings from its psychological research 7/1963 #17819 ic panel to review the methods and findings of Project Blue Book. LeBailly 9/28/1965 #19618 e Book—its resources, methods, and findings.” 9/28/1965 #19619 ates in 1970, but no report on its findings is ever released. Late 1967 #23240 des: “I am not opposed to negative findings—on UFOs or other scientific que 1/31/1968 #23714 hat it appears that these negative findings were being adumbrated as early 1/31/1968 #23714 using portable manpack radars. The findings involve 99% UFOs and only 1% IF 8/1968 #24284 ent of its scope, methodology, and findings. 11/15/1968 #24661 t for laboratory analysis. The lab findings found that there were fibers in 11/2/1971 #26450 off is intrigued. He writes up his findings and a few weeks later he is vis 6/6/1972 #26703 ess and the American public to the findings of Project Blue Book, which con 3/1974 #28831 ed disc. If true, this contradicts findings of Blue Book delivered to Congr 1977 #31659 report to see if there are any new findings. Press also suggests that NASA 7/21/1977 #32297 rity cases. This is in response to findings from the Watergate break-in, wh 10/25/1978 #33874 ing cases as balloons, stars, etc, findings that then made their way to Con 1979 #34260 After presenting his findings to the GEPAN Scientific Council 12/30/1979 #35103 film, photos, and electromagnetic findings. 11/10/1980 #35625 estigates the case and reports his findings on the Skeptoid podcast. He fin 12/29/1980 #35757 ects. Maccabee doesn’t know if any findings were discovered. Pandolfi late 7/7/1987 #38206 of Project Mogul balloon research findings by McAndrew, with additional at 7/1995 #42286 ues an unpublished report on their findings, titled “GCHQ and the UFO Cover 3/1997 #43215 ysis of these objects. Some of the findings are potentially noteworthy—the 1998 #43479 fraudulent MIT report that ignored findings of a successful cold fusion exp 5/17/1999 #43770 , unconventional aerospace-related findings” that will “likely lead to tech 6/24/2009 #45227 laboratory experiments confirm the findings that PZT can achieve flight and 4/2017 #45467 na, Cuba New York Times Subsequent findings by the University of Pennsylvan 7/2019 #45589 Havana Syndrome attacks brings its findings to CIA director Gina Haspel. Ac 12/3/2019 #45621 idn’t clarify if that meant from a findings perspective, a budgetary perspe 7/19/2020 #45653 ontracts. Davis states he briefed “findings,” presumably of his own investi 10/2/2021 #45714
east Hancock County, Ohio Findlay, Ohio A couple driving on a coun Early 4/1974 #28990 ts follow them all the way home to Findlay, Ohio. Early 4/1974 #28990
le, Dorset, England 9:01 a.m. Jean Findley of Poole, Dorset, England, is wa 12/6/1980 #35704
Selborne, Hampshire, England, and finds the neighboring clover fields matt 9/21/1741 #63 s. The next morning, Erastus Dewey finds a strange substance 20 feet from h 8/13/1819 #110 sits the supposed landing site but finds no burn marks or meteoritic stones 4/1/1826 #122 Anna Cridge and wife Elizabeth. He finds it harbors a thriving civilization 1873 #198 light. Amid the shattered glass he finds a slip of paper allegedly written 12/26/1896 #380 he object. In the mud, Chamberlain finds 14 footprints, each 2 feet long, 6 4/13/1897 #454 trange voices behind his house. He finds a landed airship and its crew of t 4/20/1897 #546 ian mineralogist Leonid Kulik, who finds a zone about 5 miles across where 6/30/1908 #711 turns right, and ascends until it finds a break in the high branches of a 1/22/1919 #983 e ceiling, and in a few moments he finds himself back on the ground. He mus 1921 #1010 y Thomas slips into a backyard and finds three figures dressed in odd suits 11/1926 #1067 ot where the object had rested and finds the sand “fused like glass crystal 10/18/1927 #1081 cene, about 15 miles from town, he finds a weird-looking craft “broken and Early Spring 1941 #1355 ning home in Prouvy, Nord, France, finds herself face-to-face with three sm 1942 #1385 Njurunda, Sweden A journalist finds three dubious fist-size fragments, 7/9/1946 #2034 from Svenska Dagbladet on July 11 finds a “burnt-brown object with a hollo 7/10/1946 #2046 t a laboratory in Kubikenborg, who finds it contains paper with microscopic 7/10/1946 #2046 h Defense staff his analysis of 27 finds of mysterious substances, allegedl 9/21/1946 #2185 representative Jon Andrew Kissner finds evidence in 1994 that possibly ano 5/15/1947 #2282 representative Jon Andrew Kissner finds evidence in 1994 that possibly ano 5/15/1947 #2284 SOUTHEAST / CORONA, NM WW Brazel finds much weird wreckage. Unknown symbo 7/3/1947 #2556 interview Richard Rankin. The FBI finds that the CIC agents have also inte 7/27/1947 #3235 shows them a smelting lot where he finds similar pieces of slag. Smith and 8/3/1947 #3285 t day. Army veteran Clifford Stone finds later that there had been no Skyho 1/7/1948 #3544 eared behind trees. A later search finds no traces. 7/29/1948 #3753 y of New Mexico in Albuquerque. He finds LaPaz’s understanding of the green 2/8/1949 #3998 er, the Navy corpsman guarding him finds the room empty. Forrestal’s body i 5/22/1949 #4203 sts 10 minutes. After he lands, he finds all his spark plugs burned out. Wh 7/24/1949 #4283 ppendix. Based on 237 cases, Hynek finds that 32% can be explained astronom 8/10/1949 #4315 ousands / observer(s). Searchlight finds sphere/orb/globe / 17K' altitude. 9/11/1949 #4354 eturning to his father’s house, he finds it is April 14, 1950, and has lost 12/4/1949 #4434 rom another planet.” The Air Force finds itself buried in letters, telegram 12/24/1949 #4443 ia. After the first two events, he finds his hearing temporarily restored. 1950 #4463 m a string. Researcher Brad Sparks finds major mathematical and scientific 5/11/1950 #4939 e next day with two companions and finds only an ash heap. But they look up 5/15/1950 #4944 efing by squadron intelligence, he finds out that four RAF controllers at t 6/1/1950 #4978 e direction of Stockheim. Later he finds a circular depression in the groun 6/17/1950 #4991 rborough, Ontario, member of APRO, finds in 1974 that Steep Rock employee G 7/2/1950 #5039 AR screens. Full fighter intercept finds nothing. 12/15/1950 #5351 N RADAR blip. F82 intercepts. Only finds odd small smoke cloud.. 12/20/1950 #5358 ching to within 150 feet of it, he finds himself paralyzed and notices that 6/19/1951 #5546 and on radar over the facility. He finds that the radiation counters have d 7/1951 #5556 father, who inspects the room but finds nothing. 7/4/1951? #5559 is skeptical. The Colorado project finds a “glaring internal inconsistency” 5/7/1952 #6270 s an odd light above the river and finds that it belongs to an enormous dis 7/25/1952 #7137 urther questioning. He arrives and finds a number of officers, including hi 7/30/1952 #7362 American Astronomical Society and finds that five (11%) have seen a UFO, s 8/6/1952 #7489 UFO's / 180m altitude. 600kph. B26 finds nothing. 8/10/1952 #7535 out ship around 3:04 p.m., Adamski finds tracks in the desert floor. His co 11/20/1952 #8309 Ruppelt finds out that the CIA Robertson Panel i 12/22/1952 #8442 Gen. William H. Blanchard when he finds out his wife is about to give birt Mid 2/1953 #8676 hem off and gets within 6 feet, he finds himself paralyzed as a powerful or 9/10/1954 #10286 jector. Gatay tries to run, but he finds himself helplessly nailed to the s 9/30/1954 #10517 and lights up as it takes off. He finds flattened and scorched grass over 10/3/1954 #10666 nd disappears in the northwest. He finds when he arrives at a farm that he 10/11/1954 #10939 o out and the engine stops, and he finds that his battery is completely dea 10/19/1954 #11242 ring sound. A police investigation finds a spot of oil at the location. 10/19/1954 #11243 he University of Florence. The lab finds the samples have a “fibrous struct 10/27/1954 #11449 vering about 6 feet in the air. He finds himself temporarily paralyzed with 11/8/1954 #11600 . After taking the pill, Angelucci finds himself in an “exalted state” and 12/1954 #11737 then takes off. The witness later finds square-shaped holes in the riverba 12/15/1954 #11815 t a local Westinghouse laboratory, finds it is 30% carbon, with calcium, si 2/21/1955 #12011 lum.” The man flees to his car but finds it will not start. Through the win Late 7/1955 #12285 ng-object dives to sea. Big search finds nothing. 1/18/1956 #12665 er, an accident investigation team finds that a series of rivets had popped 7/22/1956 #13007 ch [now closed] in Cambridgeshire, finds the object on radar north of Cambr 8/13/1956 #13080 e returns to work the next day, he finds leaves on the ground that have bur 10/2/1956 #13260 es back to the site with Clark and finds an “oblong ring of pressed grass” 11/6/1957 #14422 neth Locke, visits the site. Locke finds high levels of radioactivity (a ma 11/6/1957 #14430 flashlight, climbs up a bank, and finds in a patch of bracken a metallic s 11/21/1957 #14590 f Manchester analyzes the disc and finds the outer casing is made primarily 11/21/1957 #14590 r Force representative. But Keyhoe finds out that it will not be a panel di 12/1957 #14654 es of the burned hay. The material finds its way to geologist Nicholas N. K 12/14/1957 #14729 he University of North Dakota, who finds that it is light, porous, and most 12/14/1957 #14729 E. Corrales of Caracas, Venezuela, finds an odd luminous streak on a photog 12/18/1957 #14747 ted the claims in Lusar’s book and finds mixed corroboration, particularly 1958 #14787 Going down [to] into forest. Army finds nothing. 8/1958 #15165 ngineer in Linköping named Schalin finds the metal has the hardness of sapp 11/9/1958 #15435 ight they saw. In the evening, she finds there is an electrical failure on 11/11/1958 #15438 f his telescope. But the Air Force finds that the couple were never looking 3/22/1959 #15665 rmation on UFOs. At the meeting he finds out that the man is an agent of th 8/1959 #15887 to check his headlights, which he finds are shining feebly. He notices a h 12/1959 #16107 ick. Suddenly and inexplicably, he finds his clothes are soaked and he feel 12/1959 #16107 es have melted together. Later, he finds it odd that he has not encountered 12/1959 #16107 y an independent metallurgist, who finds that the composition “does not cor 6/12/1960 #16312 plane on July 19 and August 15 and finds the impact area as Person has desc 6/22/1960 #16315 industrial concentration. When he finds one that roughly matches, he asks 12/14/1960 #16533 figures, USAF Gen. Thomas D. White finds the plan “splendid.” Disregarding 12/14/1960 #16533 Petersburg Forester Vasili Brodski finds a mysterious crater 100 feet long, 2/1961 #16593 t an investigation by the military finds no trace. 7/17/1961 #16765 goes to the site with a priest and finds an area of singed grass and a ligh Autumn 1961 #16869 rviewing the Hills for 6 hours. He finds that their amnesia concerning some 10/21/1961 #16923 lepathically not to resist. Mendes finds he is completely unable to move. H Late 11/1961 #16979 brary. An NSA-conducted evaluation finds that Harvest is more powerful than 1/1962 #17015 and looks up at the road, which he finds is blocked by an oval-shaped objec 10/12/1963 #17987 witnesses returns 3 days later and finds most of the mass gone, with some r 8/9/1964 #18472 NS ELTANIN PHOTOGRAPHS DEEP SEABED FINDs erect 1M sponge with crossbars wit 8/29/1964 #18519 united with his companions, Schrum finds that one of the other hunters, who 9/5/1964 #18539 er and disappears. The Coast Guard finds nothing. 1/29/1965 #18781 orarily blinded. In the morning he finds a symmetrical circle of burned gro 3/15/1965 #18859 extensive investigation by police finds no traces. 8/2/1965 #19268 About 40 feet south of the tree he finds a burned area about 15–20 feet in 8/11/1965? #19367 the case during the next month. He finds a huge gap between media coverage 9/3/1965 #19511 local perceptions. Raymond Fowler finds that the local advertising plane o 9/3/1965 #19511 on by Citizens Against UFO Secrecy finds many discrepancies in Kaback’s acc 11/1965 #19695 ating. After its departure, Pedley finds a clearly defined, nearly circular 1/19/1966 #19858 iles south of Temple, Oklahoma, he finds the road blocked by a wingless air 3/23/1966 #20050 here are no landing traces. Laxson finds another witness, truck driver C. W 3/23/1966 #20050 of Arizona, examines the photo, he finds a jagged line of discontinuity run 4/2/1966 #20208 below in the shiny object, and he finds that the discontinuity is actually 4/2/1966 #20208 of, where he checks his lights but finds nothing wrong. On the night of Apr 4/4/1966 #20224 0 feet to 2,000 miles up but never finds any UFOs. He neglects to mention t 5/10/1966 #20474 dward U. Condon, who hesitates but finds the $300,000 offered by the Air Fo Late 7/1966 #20683 e clouds at high speed. Flickinger finds three odd indentations in the fiel 8/19/1966 #20772 in charge of the M-6 missile crew, finds his radio transmission interrupted 8/24/1966 #20802 nishes.” An Air Force investigator finds landing indentations 7 inches deep 9/13/1966 #20879 ic in Exeter, New Hampshire, which finds a spasm in the eyelid and tearing, 11/1/1966 #21061 s flies behind house. Search / bay finds nothing. 11/19/1966 #21126 n he sees smoke rising from it. He finds their tent and other camping equip 11/22/1966 #21141 Japan. On developing one image, he finds a luminous, oval-shaped object wit 2/13/1967 #21536 chiatrist Berthold E. Schwarz, who finds her repeat UFO sightings, further 2/17/1967 #21586 the ground. In the morning, Morris finds three dents in the front bumper an 3/28/1967 #22004 s to the airport on Highway 94 and finds two more witnesses. Jefferson City 4/17/1967 #22153 each leg of the machine rested he finds two spike holes, similar to those 4/21/1967 #22194 turns to the spot the next day and finds an odd substance. It looks like “c 5/1967 #22257 ontrol tower. The Colorado project finds this to be one of the most puzzlin 5/13/1967 #22337 e next day he goes to the spot and finds a circular burned area 100 feet in 6/1967 #22439 n heat. The University of Manitoba finds evidence of fungus on one sample b 6/18/1967 #22520 lysis by Canadian National Defence finds the object is an oblate ellipsoid 7/3/1967 #22600 Richardson returns to the site and finds a piece of metal in the road. Mark 7/13/1967 #22656 t conducts a test on the metal and finds it consists of iron and chromium, 7/13/1967 #22656 ight of heavy rain, Edgar Schielke finds a circular mark more than 30 feet 8/5/1967 #22815 from Edmonton visits the field and finds three additional rings. An RCAF te 8/5/1967 #22815 evidence has been trampled. Jones finds two more rings. The marks vary fro 8/5/1967 #22815 n a classified safe. Saunders also finds problems when he examines the stat 9/1967? #22970 takes a look at the dead horse. He finds that Lady’s lungs, heart, and thyr 9/9/1967 #23026 thyroid are completely missing and finds the complete absence of blood dist 9/9/1967 #23026 r the lack of blood and organs. He finds an infection in the horse’s right 9/9/1967 #23026 a veterinarian Wallace Leary later finds evidence of two bullet holes in La 9/9/1967 #23026 by geophysicist Roberto Murto, who finds it is made of iron, magnesium, and 9/14/1967 #23060 oy to psychological testing and he finds no disorder. The UFO fails to retu 9/14/1967 #23060 the 1990s, researcher Chris Styles finds evidence that there is a second cr 10/4/1967 #23176 y and disappears in 12 seconds. He finds two impressions in the hard surfac 10/9/1967 #23201 e visits the site in the field and finds child-like footprints in the moist 10/22/1967 #23290 uck driver Karl Farlow (or Barlow) finds that the lights on his diesel truc 11/6/1967 #23414 Bill Wlaskin goes to the site and finds a piece of metal that he shows to 12/3/1967 #23545 the road facing the wrong way. She finds that she can control the car again 12/12/1967 #23575 overpowers him. When his colleague finds him a few minutes later, the objec 1/31/1968 #23715 workplace at British Aerospace and finds that two key transistors have burn 3/4/1968 #23824 object. Dos Santos goes inside and finds a hole in the roof, tile scattered 5/17/1968 #23969 ciousness. At dawn, an Army patrol finds him still unconscious and takes hi 6/14/1968 #24031 e. When the UFO vanishes, the wife finds that the arthritis in her neck has 6/20/1968 #24055 Leaves rustle / park. Observer(s) finds 120cm cone / ground. Silent. No fi 7/1968 #24102 landing site shortly afterward and finds marks forming an isosceles triangl 7/1/1968 #24118 dips the envelope in a puddle and finds that both the envelope and his han 7/2/1968 #24131 amily goes to the landing site and finds three holes, each about 5 inches d 7/2/1968 #24131 he object and strikes her, and she finds that her legs are paralyzed. Putti 7/22/1968 #24204 his dog intending to help. But he finds a globe-shaped, glowing object hov 8/16/1968 #24342 of Manitoba analyzes a sample and finds it to be “cellulose-like and unsta 9/18/1968 #24478 ing sound. The next day, Schneider finds a burned circle of grass just over 9/26/1968 #24516 ce in a petroleum-industry lab but finds out little other than it is sticky 11/6/1968 #24637 e “strangely subdued.” Outside, he finds a flattened area in a sacaline (Re 4/17/1969 #25067 large quadrangular room, where he finds himself with his original three ca 5/4/1969 #25114 Chaput gets up in the morning, he finds a large circular indentation in th 5/11/1969 #25125 in diameter and 3 inches deep. He finds a second, slightly smaller circle 5/11/1969 #25125 se it is gone. On the site, Longey finds an elliptical area of burned grass 5/22/1969 #25157 nd UFO investigator Hans Bemelmans finds some scorched grass in the thickly 6/26/1969 #25236 Fox, who comes out for a look. Fox finds three near-perfect circles in the Mid 7/1969 #25270 Near the center of the circle, he finds three ground indentations, positio 9/4/1969 #25351 . Several observer(s). Huge search finds zero. 9/13/1969 #25367 Louis County Health Department, he finds the samples test negative for prot 10/8/1969 #25400 h. After this experience, Heinonen finds his right leg numb, and he vomits 1/7/1970 #25540 boratory for gamma-ray testing and finds significant non-background radiati 4/29/1970 #25645 is actually a raised tombstone. He finds four circular patches of flattened 11/29/1970 #25922 with her parents the next day and finds several pointed holes in the groun 5/1971 #26092 BA DL ALCORES, SP Same observer(s) finds 3M saucer / same area. Always sile 5/2/1971 #26096 d it but before taking 20 steps he finds himself walking calmly back. The o 6/29/1971 #26203 ars. The next morning, her husband finds two 11-foot-wide circular patches 7/29/1971 #26252 th Australia, farmer Robert Habner finds a single-ring crop circle 10 feet 12/1971 #26482 proceeds to trial, at which Bryan finds for the CIA and issues a permanent 3/1972 #26584 d material. The appeals court also finds that Marchetti is entitled to time 3/1972 #26584 xt day, Mario goes to the site and finds four deep tracks, about 8 inches d 3/19/1972 #26617 in amplitude. Robert H. Coddington finds, after an analysis of the tape, th 6/22/1972 #26726 rs above Mexico City. Suddenly, he finds himself on the balcony of his hous 10/22/1972 #27085 his time the object leaves, and he finds he can restart the car. An inspect 11/30/1972 #27154 in the north, moving eastwards. He finds a convenient place to stop, wind d 1/11/1973 #27230 e light is gone. The next day, she finds the horse frothing, and it had app 6/4/1973 #27549 scia, Italy A 16-year-old UFO buff finds and photographs some strange marks 7/27/1973 #27656 through an opening at its base. He finds himself in a round room with four 7/27/1973 #27656 nd goes to check the location. She finds a large, circular patch of burned 10/6/1973 #27960 . Investigator Leonard Stringfield finds that a fire alarm had gone off at 10/21/1973 #28228 policeman arrives at 9:45 p.m. and finds the landing spot still glowing sli 10/25/1973 #28285 in a railyard 5.5 miles away, then finds himself in a hospital. However, Ar 10/28/1973 #28309 olice. Investigator Walter N. Webb finds that the position of the UFO corre 11/2/1973 #28352 he grass. Investigator Stan Gordon finds a trail of three-toed footprints—1 11/3/1973 #28361 es outside to investigate but only finds the dog “scared to death.” The fol 11/22/1973 #28459 harvesting, farmer Kevin O’Connell finds seven sections of his oat crop fla 12/8/1973 #28541 a reflection in the car window and finds the “wiggly clouds to the right” i 1/18/1974 #28684 when hit with a hammer, and Terry finds that it moves after being shaken a 3/27/1974 #28961 n home. Investigator Graham Conway finds residual material present in three 8/16/1974 #29362 Fuhr goes to the landing area and finds five rings of depressed grass swir 9/1/1974 #29417 light. A check at the local garage finds water in the radiator low, otherwi 9/16/1974 #29459 rent, lighted cubicle. Suddenly he finds himself inside it, strapped to a s 10/15/1974 #29531 r 25 minutes. The next morning, he finds a circular ring in the snow about 12/17/1974 #29645 . Investigator Malo Martínez later finds two parallel scorched areas where 1/1/1975 #29689 turns to the site the next day and finds holes that had been left. Hudson C 1/12/1975 #29744 tional Defence Research Institute, finds the work a waste of time and tries 4/14/1975 #29986 Hazel Dell, Saskatchewan, when he finds two burned areas in the center of 5/30/1975 #30069 husband is a car mechanic, and he finds nothing wrong with the car. He get 7/1975 #30142 ns of being unable to move. Jackie finds herself sitting in the back seat ( 8/26/1975 #30310 uffern, 27, drives to the spot and finds no fire. However, when he starts g 10/7/1975 #30421 oing back to his sister’s house he finds a large disc-shaped object resting 10/7/1975 #30421 ation using thermoluminescence and finds the readouts normal for the center 11/2/1975 #30540 He remembers nothing else until he finds himself walking along a highway, w 11/5/1975 #30562 edure with a polygraph in 1975 and finds him deceptive. 11/5/1975 #30562 by ufologist R. Leo Sprinkle, who finds that they have generally compatibl 1/6/1976 #30770 s behind trees. Observer(s) looks. Finds saucer size = 2-story house! / r30 1/8/1976 #30774 missing the next morning. A friend finds his books and notebooks scattered 6/23/1976 #31134 Francisco looks out the window and finds there is no hotel wing where he th 8/10/1976 #31251 what happened, and one of the sons finds a series of marks in the narrow dr 9/11/1976 #31376 f the road. As he moves closer, he finds that the lights are actually two o 10/22/1976 #31486 the marshy area two days later and finds an oblong area, 40 feet by 20 feet 10/22/1976 #31486 a smaller, irregular area where he finds exposed soil is and a few round ho 10/22/1976 #31486 think it is a prank until a doctor finds slight burns on his chest and back Early 12/1976 #31579 eyes. When he comes out again, he finds that military personnel have arriv 1977 #31656 ver to the rooftop in question and finds a large, elliptical-shaped crust o 1/6/1977 #31706 meter, on top of the snow. He also finds four small footprints only 6.5 inc 1/6/1977 #31706 NEAR GOSTYNIN, POLAND Farmer finds 50cm 30 kg metal disk / field. Uni 2/2/1977 #31777 , Poland Farmer Zbigniew Tuszewski finds a strange disc 1.6 feet in diamete 2/2/1977 #31780 de of DeRuyter, New York, when she finds herself overtaking and driving und 4/1/1977 #31938 anets. A Roper Organization survey finds that 7% have seen a UFO. 1978 #32824 Dix fence line. A security patrol finds its dead body near the McGuire AFB 1/18/1978 #32894 tells his father, who goes out and finds a round circle in the snow. They c 2/2/1978 #32946 d the car, he goes back inside and finds his girlfriend crying. Twenty minu 2/23/1978 #32997 Ribamar dos Santos, hears his cry, finds and recognizes him, and takes him 3/24/1978 #33078 ospital by Dr. Linda Macieira, who finds that he has four teeth missing and 3/24/1978 #33078 neurologist Antônio Saldanha, who finds that Serra still cannot speak and 3/24/1978 #33078 o the site with some villagers and finds rectangular footprints in the mudd 5/17/1978 #33224 CORSICO, ITL Watchman finds dark domed saucer on 3-4 legs. 2 p 7/1978 #33316 atories in Albuquerque. Schoenfeld finds “highly suspicious” deposits of po 7/5/1978 #33339 VENADO TUERTO, ARG Rancher finds mutilation cow. Others see 3 sauce 8/30/1978 #33593 ly, and shoots up into the air. He finds a 22-by-10-foot depressed area of 9/2/1978 #33626 im to go back. When he returns, he finds a large domed object with windows 9/6/1978 #33638 to the site the following day and finds three burn marks in the unpaved ro 9/17/1978 #33701 road. Digging into the ground, he finds the earth carbonized to a depth of 9/17/1978 #33701 rgy Community labs at Ispra, which finds that the road material has been bu 9/17/1978 #33701 day he returns to the clearing and finds a nearly circular area about 12 fe 11/24/1978 #33995 QUITMAN, TX Ron again. Finds self in Gilmer, TX. 30 mile(s) in 1/30/1979 #34392 ather grapes from his vineyard. He finds an egg-shaped, white, metallic obj 7/25/1979 #34679 Morning. A teen who mows the lawn finds a strange design on the lawn of an 8/2/1979 #34702 halmologist Leonard Prochaska, who finds that Johnson’s problems have clear 8/27/1979 #34787 near Lake City, Minnesota, when he finds a circle of flattened corn 50 feet 9/16/1979 #34890 e circle, and some are charred. He finds a path leading to another circle 1 9/16/1979 #34890 pear. Three days later, the family finds a 30 foot-by-45 foot triangular ar 10/20/1979 #34962 mitting a dense cloud of smoke. He finds a ring of smoldering grass some 30 11/14/1979 #34998 bage field. GEPAN investigates and finds the story problematic. On July 7, 11/26/1979 #35015 ocation for two days, whereupon he finds the carcass of the calf. It looks 4/1980 #35244 neuvering takes place, and Huertas finds the object chasing him at one poin 4/11/1980 #35269 Leonard Stringfield finds an article in UFO Sightings by Dav 5/6/1980 #35308 BUSH, NY E. crystal chases UFO's. Finds small humanoid (or Grey) / farmfie 8/8/1980 #35444 trol Center at Sublette, Missouri, finds a radar target in the same directi 11/18/1980 #35654 s missing. The next day, the woman finds a rectangular mark on her abdomen 11/19/1980 #35659 nearly fatal case of pneumonia and finds out she is pregnant. The man disco 11/19/1980 #35659 ndings on the Skeptoid podcast. He finds that the notes taken by Cash’s car 12/29/1980 #35757 to affect cars or motorcycles. He finds that most of these cases occur in 1981 #35762 outlets, he goes back outside and finds the object is now directly overhea 4/25/1981 #35915 another 2 miles. A mechanic later finds that the two fuses controlling the 7/19/1981 #36020 thing leads to another, and Mendez finds herself under interrogation by the 10/1981 #36150 tests, which she fails because she finds them very distressing. This leads 10/1981 #36150 report sponsored by Merit Report, finds that 49% of Americans definitely o 1982 #36287 ng alone near Hampshire, Tasmania, finds that his car is gradually losing p 7/6/1982 #36531 the area. An inspection of the car finds nothing to account for its behavio 7/6/1982 #36531 lysis of the samples made by GEPAN finds that the plants are dehydrated, bu 10/21/1982 #36657 Wauseon, Ohio Richard Mull finds a large star-shaped hole in his be 3/11/1983 #36781 he blacks out for a short time and finds that the engine, lights, and radio Spring 1983 #36790 Circle / night lights. Observer(s) finds town empty. / Flying Saucer Review 4/29/1983 #36849 ious. He revives 2 hours later and finds himself in a soccer field and cann 8/12/1983 #36949 awakes to a loud humming sound and finds his room illuminated by a bright l 2/7/1984 #37180 ladimirov returns to the field and finds three round depressions in the soi Late 9/1984 #37469 Cocozza returns with a shotgun and finds some hoof-like footprints and hole 10/8/1984 #37480 s up and approaches the window but finds himself paralyzed for a few second 10/9/1984 #37484 . The light then withdraws, and he finds he can move again. The white light 10/9/1984 #37484 A Roper Organization poll finds that 25% of Americans think that U 1/1985 #37544 mplex natural cause. Erling Strand finds it odd that the lights are so loca 1/13/1985 #37548 ished research on the incident and finds that at present, fewer than 100 do 4/26/1986 #37843 w often a given feature occurs. He finds that the classic abduction story c 1987 #38089 minutes away. When he arrives, he finds that it is about two hours later t 12/1/1987 #38345 ologist who examines a soil sample finds four southern chinch bugs (Blissus 1/1988 #38385 woman drives off with it. He later finds out that the dog recovered after a 2/9/1988 #38448 g off to the north. Later, the man finds a depressed area in the tall grass 9/2/1988 #38629 pper. The CINDACTA III radar still finds nothing. The UFO begins to approac 12/1/1988 #38733 endarmérie, which investigates and finds a gigantic circular trace in the m 12/12/1989 #39315 gone. The next morning her husband finds a circle of burned grass 11 feet i 3/7/1990 #39452 e object is gone. The next day, he finds four circular holes about 3 feet i 5/4/1990 #39556 dimly lit interior, then suddenly finds herself in another room with other 7/6/1990 #39637 eal, her memory goes blank and she finds herself back in the field with her 7/6/1990 #39637 RUSSIA Blip / 4500M altitude. Jet finds 2 cigars 2000+400M long! 10/8/1990 #39765 , he brushes down his trousers and finds that they are charged with static 6/16/1991 #40099 body. After staggering around, he finds his car with the keys still in the 6/16/1991 #40099 search with numerous abductees. He finds many accounts of hybrid making and 3/1992 #40342 ensive psychological testing, Ring finds that abductees and those who have 5/1/1992 #40442 lker. Khoury wakes up suddenly and finds two nude females seated on his bed 7/23/1992 #40530 rman. 90 minute(s) / missing time. Finds cuts / chest. 5/27/1994 #41539 de Santana, Bahía, Brazil, when he finds an object the size of a Volkswagen 1/12/1995 #41971 nds / Citrusdal. Big investigation finds nothing. 5/30/1995 #42233 When it crashes into the woods, he finds a dirt road that leads him to the 1/13/1996 #42681 ng its edge. The next morning, she finds three circular patches of deep gre 7/17/1996 #42961 e gets out, checks the engine, and finds nothing wrong. The UFO moves off a 8/29/1996 #42999 ayde analyzes the video images and finds that the object is real, metallic, 11/16/1996 #43112 mes driving. When he gets home, he finds that his watch and car clock are 5 11/4/1997 #43437 home. Upon inspecting her car, she finds a cream- colored residue where it 11/27/1998 #43686 n Burnet has a sample analyzed and finds copper, aluminum, zinc, iron, sodi 6/9/1999 #43782 nfrared spectrometry analysis. She finds that the fibrous material is not s 11/11/1999 #43878 s by pilots from 1916 to 2000. She finds that 606 cases (36.7%) are sightin 2/2001 #44137 inside is cracked and sere, and he finds some odd reddish-brown particles o 4/1/2001 #44156 olm Keller tells Jacques Vallée he finds a rare Project Blue Book file that 12/17/2001 #44294 logist Don Ledger investigates and finds that radar at Moncton Center in Ne 8/13/2002 #44383 ed by the Sci-Fi channel. The team finds a small number of artifacts of unk 9/16/2002 #44400 ever, an independent investigation finds numerous discrepancies with regard 10/23/2002 #44422 t on examining one transparency he finds an image that appears to be an ell 1/27/2004 #44657 has surfaced, although Hilkevitch finds out that one of the pilots is in p 11/7/2006 #44981 ” The RCAF reviews radar data, but finds nothing near the plane. Within an 9/19/2016 #45459 an State University economist that finds $21 trillion in unauthorized spend 12/11/2017 #45492 A report finds that the earlier FBI investigation 11/9/2018 #45545 itive; nevertheless, the Committee finds that the information sharing and c 6/23/2020 #45649 ve occurred 18 months previous. He finds the stigma associated with this su 5/2021 #45685
rted to spin, released a shower of fine silvery threads, and rose straight 3/1945 #1802 Suddenly one end spews a shower of fine, silvery threads that glint in the 3/1945 #1805 ressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in 3/22/1950 #4702 uniform, with gloves and boots, of fine metallic mesh. A ribbed belt surrou 10/1952 #8073 a deep black metal exterior with a fine gloss. It did not leave a vapor tra 7/19/1953 #9004 a prison term of 10 years and/or a fine of $10,000. 2/17/1954 #9550 reading KA a law that referred to fine, imprisonment with hard labor and g 4/12/1954 #9685 Booth Luce. Some witnesses report “fine cotton or wool particles” falling f 10/28/1954 #11465 stand, and with smiles that showed fine white teeth, they took a pot of flo 11/1/1954 #11516 ton and wool fibers with pieces of fine copper wire mixed in” and looks lik 2/21/1955 #12011 reddish face, a bald head and very fine teeth. The craft was round, about 3 9/16/1955 #12456 reddish face, a baldhead, and very fine teeth. The craft was round, about 3 9/16/1955 #12457 y of 10 years in prison or $10,000 fine (JANAP 146) is “nuts.” This policy 12/21/1958 #15495 Unable to pay, Carr works off his fine in jail at a dollar a day. 11/19/1959 #16095 flame or seem to burn. "They're so fine you just can't tell when you've got 11/18/1961 #16964 en, with heads, normal human eyes, fine hands with five fingers, and no hai 7/1/1965 #19045 bald heads, normal human eyes, and fine hands with five fingers. They seeme 7/1/1965 #19049 hen suddenly the TV blacked out. A fine herringbone pattern appeared on the 11/14/1966 #21101 uddenly the TV blanked out. A very fine herringbone pattern appeared on the 11/15/1966 #21109 pencil. On the same day, web-like “fine woven cotton” is seen on a lawn and 5/11/1968 #23958 x moon-size red glowing ovoid with fine black stripes. 12/12/1968 #24762 South Wales. He notices streams of fine filament coming down out of the sky 8/30/1969 #25339 igh-speed. Tach reads 0 / car runs fine. 11/15/1969 #25457 of uniform composition being quite fine with frequent branching.” The prima 10/12/1976 #31461 MOON Astronomer Trouvelot. Fine line / light crosses crater Eudoxus 2/20/1977 #31830 d looking, tanned, with long light fine hair. The woman and one of the men 5/16/1979 #34563 d looking, tanned, with long light fine hair. The woman and one of the men 5/16/1979 #34564 usands of panes of glass or making fine holes in them. The cosmodrome is sa 6/1/1982 #36489 off. Traces at the site included a fine, glassy metallic fabric debris, lea 1/29/1986 #37776 gure, with black hair, large eyes, fine chiseled facial features and very t 6/8/1998 #43584 hy that everything was going to be fine. The witness felt that the aliens n 5/2/2001 #44174 der aircraft at about 2:00 p.m. in fine weather with good visibility for mi 4/23/2007 #45022
ey. Watters admits the hoax and is fined $40 by a judge. 7/7/1953 #8989 ilroad man in Yukon, Oklahoma, and fined $5,000. Unable to pay, Carr works 11/19/1959 #16095
s female, about 19-years old, with finely chiseled features, a pink complex 4/23/1993 #40948
ed to earth, draping itself like a finely-knit shroud over Goff's fields, t 11/18/1961 #16964
t looks like “cotton wool,” but is finer than cotton. He leaves it in the s 5/1967 #22257
f 10 years in prison or $10,000 in fines (JANAP 146). “Nuts to that. Who ne 12/21/1958 #15494 probably JANAP 146(D)) stipulating fines and jail sentences for anyone publ Spring 1962 #17078 derly conduct and are sentenced to fines of $250 and 50 hours of community 1/5/2009 #45206
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Finfoot” YieldMax: 40KT 3/7/1966 #19946
ts metallic surface with her index finger, getting a mild electric vibratio 8/16/1949 #4318 COLUMBUS, WI Observer(s) = finger. Crescent object hovers / several 6/18/1952 #6533 Columbus, Wisconsin Witness: R.A. Finger. One crescent-shaped object hover 6/18/1952 #6539 a shiny object at the tip of each finger, fled when the witness denied his 11/6/1957 #14414 shiny objects at the tips of each finger, fled when Mr. Trasco turned down 11/6/1957 #14438 bottom of the craft. It pointed a finger at the witness who felt paralyzed 12/17/1962 #17589 ring eyes. One of them had "a long finger on his left hand." Their clothes 1/19/1965 #18746 ercing eyes. One has an extra-long finger on its left hand. They speak in a 1/19/1965 #18750 d speed. Estimated size (thumb and finger method) approx. 200 to 1000 ft. d 2/11/1965 #18803 e the sighting, and his left index finger swelled and bled freely. After ex 9/3/1965 #19506 n alligator bite on his left index finger is suddenly relieved of pain, lat 9/3/1965 #19512 e the sighting, and his left index finger swelled and bled freely. After ex 9/3/1965 #19517 sing time. Abduction? Ankle wound. Finger grows. / MJ#309. 4/1969 #25043 SOLLENTUNA, SWD "Magnetic finger" follows engineer around work. Sa 8/25/1970 #25804 l paring from her right hand index finger. A blood sample was taken with a 10/16/1973 #28089 d one drew a blood sample from his finger with a device that looked like an 10/28/1973 #28311 syringe was stuck into his middle finger, taking a blood sample, but leavi 9/15/1977 #32485 low over the ice “in the snap of a finger.” They make several passes toward 3/4/1988 #38487 crews sees UFOs heading north in “finger” formation. 11/5/1990 #39869 ngers and the creature let go. The finger fell to the ground oozing a green 5/14/1991 #40060 attempted to retrieve the severed finger, but dropped it during their pani 5/14/1991 #40060 nd both the object and the severed finger gone. 5/14/1991 #40060 ected by a membrane and a separate finger or thumb. Their bodies were of a 5/2/2001 #44174
m of blood circulation. It had six fingered extremities and was about 1.60 1/21/1959 #15560 to that of a crocodile, and with 3 fingered hands. The room was cold and th 3/14/1971 #26047 raised the left armrest and nimbly fingered several silvery buttons. The se 2/5/1978 #32957 manoids with huge black eyes, four fingered hands and protruding stomachs. 3/20/1993 #40895 thin neck and thin arms with three fingered hands that had sharp claws. 9/7/1995 #42447
ent invasion of Earth. He refuses, fingering his crucifix, which the angry 5/4/1969 #25114 osition that the soldier rejected, fingering his rosary. The leader became 5/4/1969 #25115
Although their arms terminated in fingerless stumps, they were nevertheles 1/5/1975 #29723
rved portholes and a long bar with fingerlike devices emerging from an open 11/29/1965 #19739 rved portholes and a long bar with fingerlike devices emerging from an open 11/29/1965 #19740
ome of them with the marks of five fingernails or claws on the broken surfa 8/23/1967 #22908 d been scratched by claws or sharp fingernails. A short while later another 9/22/1967 #23115 al shaped eyes, and she lacked any fingernails. She wore a long sleeveless 9/11/1981 #36110 al shaped eyes, and she lacked any fingernails. She wore a long sleeveless 9/12/1981 #36112 hree fingers on each hand and long fingernails. The being made a threatenin 10/10/1997 #43426
ular area. Marks “like three large fingerprints pushed together into mud” a 12/27/1963 #18098 would provide "the universe at his fingerprints," which he wrote out for th 6/15/1971 #26176
The arms are long, with long thin fingers. Three of them enter the house a 10/1944 #1673 ms are burned and the flesh on his fingers is falling off. His chest, neck, 3/5/1946 #1973 rearms, and only four long slender fingers on each hand. 7/4/1947 #2672 reenish hands with eight talonlike fingers. 8/14/1947 #3328 eenish hands with eight talon-like fingers. They wore something similar to 8/14/1947 #3334 and a slit for a mouth, with three fingers and a thumb. The manual claims m 1954 #9424 e women, “with long well manicured fingers like that of an artist”. The str 8/20/1954 #10158 efly. He only manages to move some fingers, but with some concentration mak 10/19/1954 #11243 pear, leaving a green stain on the fingers. 10/22/1954 #11324 about three feet tall with clawed fingers. The dwarves fought with the men 11/28/1954 #11724 d pulsating. He touches it and his fingers leave marks. They put it in a ja 2/28/1958 #14898 rms. The pointed nails of its long fingers nearly touched the ground. 5/2/1958 #15010 rms. The pointed nails of its long fingers nearly touched the ground. 5/2/1958 #15011 to them, then it points one of his fingers at the moon and begins to walk b 8/28/1963 #17922 peared to be bleeding. He had more fingers on his hands than a normal human 5/15/1964 #18271 l human eyes, fine hands with five fingers, and no hair. They seemed surpri 7/1/1965 #19045 man eyes, and fine hands with five fingers. They seemed surprised when the 7/1/1965 #19049 shape of an ovoid with three tiny fingers. The object was described as abo 8/2/1965 #19272 me clouds “as fast as a snap of my fingers” emitting red vapor toward the g 8/19/1965 #19427 r / ground level. Mechanical arm / fingers extends / opening! / r204p92+/ r 11/29/1965 #19738 mes known to the CIA staff as “Dr. Fingers” and is selected because his fil 6/30/1966 #20623 abnormal teeth and mouth, and five fingers on his hands. The being was agil 8/16/1967 #22885 thes and have hands with only four fingers. They take Seewaldt’s clothes of 11/17/1967 #23477 ing half his hand. The ends of his fingers and toes emitted light, and when 6/14/1968 #24032 ight emanated from the tips of the fingers of both entities and from their 6/24/1968 #24076 inside their house. Marks of four fingers were found on the door to their 7/9/1968 #24163 ian images. The beings prick their fingers and take blood samples before go 9/1/1968 #24421 sses' left hands and pricked their fingers three times, taking blood sample 9/1/1968 #24422 and a half feet long. It had three fingers and a face.” 11/9/1969 #25455 he "dog" to him with a snap of his fingers. He then passed a thick leash ar 6/4/1970 #25690 of which are ice needles as big as fingers with a ball of ice on top and so 1/3/1971 #25972 The hands consisted of three long fingers that ended in claws. The feet we 8/16/1971 #26291 en egg sulphur smell. It had three fingers on its hands and at the elbows t 8/16/1971 #26291 nned, bald humanoids with 6 webbed fingers and toes and thin lipped mouths. 8/17/1971 #26293 nts touch the soil, it turns their fingers numb, persisting for several wee 11/2/1971 #26449 if the soil was crystallized." Her fingers went numb, like she had been giv 11/2/1971 #26450 bstance that numbed Mrs. Johnson’s fingers when she touched the ground. The 11/2/1971 #26450 n, but the strands dissolve in his fingers. 11/28/1972 #27149 te trousers. There were only three fingers on each blue-gloved hand and 3 t 5/15/1973 #27492 face and his hands, which had long fingers, were pallid white, his ears wer 5/16/1973 #27496 noid with protruding eyes and four fingers on each hand. He wore a tight-fi 10/15/1973 #28060 s?) with two or three big claws or fingers that opened "like a clasp." They 10/16/1973 #28093 . He had hands with three or four fingers. It wore a belt that had several 10/20/1973 #28219 ayish, his hands hairy with normal fingers, shaped at the tips like spatula 11/18/1973 #28443 looked like long claws instead of fingers. His legs appeared rather short. 5/5/1974 #29085 ther suffers from swollen arms and fingers the following day. The right sid 9/16/1974 #29459 s, Mrs. Richards had swollen arms, fingers, and became numb on the right si 9/16/1974 #29460 ds had a thumb and only three long fingers. By telepathy, this entity told 10/27/1975 #30489 , Ontario, see a round object with fingers of white light emanating from it 11/3/1975 #30545 nslucent it was so pale, and their fingers were exceptionally long, especia 12/4/1975 #30685 se, mouth, or neck, and instead of fingers they had pincers like a crayfish 8/25/1976 #31302 middle, large eyes, and claw-like fingers. Apparently frightened by the wi 9/3/1976 #31340 s thin arms were lacking hands and fingers. There were no facial features v 10/15/1976 #31465 s were their oddly cramped-looking fingers, reminiscent of those of spastic 2/24/1977 #31846 ith delicate bodies, and very long fingers. They wore skintight one-piece d 3/20/1977 #31921 ugh they had hands, but she saw no fingers. "I though their feet were webbe 4/19/1977 #32002 lso observed that he had only four fingers, that his feet were webbed like 7/12/1977 #32266 n faces, slanting eyes, and webbed fingers; they move in a jumping motion a 5/17/1978 #33224 large egg-like heads and very long fingers. They seemed to be working aroun 6/16/1978 #33282 in response both figures put their fingers up their noses and vanished inst 9/10/1978 #33657 hands and feet with extremely long fingers and nails. The shorter of the be 11/24/1978 #33997 mmy wrapping. Their hands had four fingers, and were twice the length of hu 11/25/1978 #34005 and were twice the length of human fingers. Dark triangular objects with pa 11/25/1978 #34005 r heads, pointed ears, and rounded fingers. Further abductions and memories 12/6/1978 #34065 lls, and their hands had only four fingers. Both wore helmets with dark fac 1/13/1979 #34339 to him. They had bright eyes, long fingers, and skinny arms. The beings see 10/6/1979 #34947 noses with large thick lips. Their fingers were large and were connected by 3/3/1980 #35194 . One photo shows a hand with four fingers and clawlike nails. His source c 6/2/1980 #35352 with a large head, gray skin, thin fingers, and shiny golden garb. 11/19/1980 #35659 ers, long hanging arms with 4 long fingers and had grayish skin. They wore 2/10/1981 #35823 used soreness in witness's leg and fingers. 9/16/1981 #36118 with long thin arms, and with six fingers on each hand. The being had a la 11/1/1982 #36669 nd long thin hands with only three fingers, the middle one being the longes 5/29/1986 #37898 a thin, spindly body, long webbed fingers and toes, and tabs or suction cu 8/31/1987 #38265 or suction cups on the ends of its fingers and toes. It also has a wrinkled 8/31/1987 #38265 a thin, spindly body, long webbed fingers and toes, and tabs or suction cu 8/31/1987 #38266 or suction cups on the ends of the fingers and toes. It also had a wrinkled 8/31/1987 #38266 ere captured alive. They had three fingers/toes on each limb, and no sex or 5/7/1989 #38939 paralyzed a while, the tips of her fingers burned and enlarged, and she is 10/11/1989 #39161 treated for burns to her hands and fingers. Around the same time other loca 10/11/1989 #39164 ngs had hands with three claw-like fingers. Dima reported that when they no 5/18/1990 #39576 headgear like welding masks. Their fingers resemble claws. At some point th 7/9/1990 #39640 r Greys) walk / road. 3 toes and 3 fingers. Jump bridge to lake. 8/11/1990 #39683 three toes on each foot and three fingers on each hand; they jumped from a 8/11/1990 #39686 three toes on each foot and three fingers on each hand. Ten carloads of wi 8/31/1990 #39708 ointed ears, long arms, with three fingers on each hand and three toes on t 8/31/1990 #39708 d to cut off one of the creature's fingers and the creature let go. The fin 5/14/1991 #40060 t was very skinny with long skinny fingers on its long arms. The girls next 7/21/1991 #40129 forearms. The beings had long bony fingers. They then led him to a shiny me 4/12/1992 #40414 ar. Small humanoids (or Greys) / 3 fingers and cold skin. 8/17/1992 #40578 said that the hands had only three fingers. On seeing the witnesses, the ti 9/22/1992 #40635 ly and appeared to have only three fingers on each hand. The witness felt t 2/1/1993 #40831 long arms that ended in four long fingers. He communicated with the witnes 3/16/1993 #40886 10-foot-tall female alien with six fingers and braided leg fur is in his ro Early 6/1994 #41548 mber seeing huge eyes and 12" long fingers working on him. Next, he was flo 9/11/1994 #41734 ad three very long, white, slender fingers with rather bulbous tips on the 2/2/1995 #42013 that even covered their hands and fingers. They appeared to have some kind 8/11/1995 #42376 and located closer together, like fingers. Mr. Brzinski said that the tall 8/11/1995 #42376 oed feet, two arms with only three fingers, a huge head two three bony prot 1/20/1996 #42695 ands with three exceptionally long fingers. It ran away when Hildo cried ou 1/20/1996 #42697 hands with five long, well defined fingers and their mouths were slit-like. 7/16/1996 #42959 had long arms that ended in three fingers. It also had a tube-like appenda 9/24/1996 #43041 led that the beings had only three fingers on each hand. 12/26/1996 #43150 ure had two small hands with three fingers on each hand and long fingernail 10/10/1997 #43426 ds approached her and held out two fingers forming a "V" or peace sign. Mar 6/27/1998 #43596 and no mouth. It had short stubby fingers on one hand. A most unusual feat 8/10/2000 #44029 color. Their hands had three large fingers connected by a membrane and a se 5/2/2001 #44174 . It had huge hands with very long fingers. Recovering his senses, Simon st 1/4/2003 #44468 They stood 3-4 feet tall, had long fingers, almond eyes, and big heads. The 2/28/2006 #44927
electric vibration and making her fingertip turn red. The object begins ro 8/16/1949 #4318 circular, bluish objects in loose "fingertip" formation twice flew parallel 4/24/1952 #6175
witnesses feel a tingling in their fingertips and knees. Faa and three of t 8/12/1972 #26911 ning to go, the leader brushed his fingertips over Mr. Sands hand, which se 1/29/1976 #30833
ect with bright aluminum or chrome finish (Patrick, delete single quotes) ( 12/22/1941 #1380 r of small discs with a dull-white finish. They move up and down and sidewa Late 4/1947 #2266 r Pasco, Washington. “The exterior finish appears to be spun or burnished a 7/1948 #3691 the panel until March so they can finish the study. Robertson agrees to po 12/12/1952 #8413 effort to buy time for Battelle to finish its statistical analysis. Jacques 1/9/1953 #8521 he glass, and burned specks in the finish of the hood. 5/10/1961 #16681 ircraft. It has a dull, gray-white finish and one blinking red light. When 11/30/1966 #21165 shaped object with a dull aluminum finish"shoot around in sky" at around fo 5/12/1967 #22326 ll-shaped object with a dull metal finish and five square windows. An inten 7/20/1967 #22708 shaped object with a dull aluminum finish hovering over a pond some 100-200 1/24/1968 #23697 t appeared to have a dull metallic finish. It displayed regular flashes fro 5/27/1968 #23988 Walton and six fellow log cutters finish a long day of thinning undergrowt 11/5/1975 #30562 lowly westward. It has a dull gray finish and appears to be quite distant. 9/1/1976 #31325 a swimming pool, with a very shiny finish and a cylindrical handrail. One o 2/5/1978 #32957 ilent and the surface has a mirror finish. It exhibits no wobble as it pass 9/4/1980 #35494 ilding 1:30 a.m. A man and his son finish picking fruit in their orchard on 9/30/1982 #36621 manta ray with a dull-black matte finish. He pulls over and can hear no so 8/19/1992 #40583 ow where Li went or why she didn’t finish her contract. Baker also states h 8/1/1997 #43364 not attributable to the car’s own finish. There is no evidence of heat tra 11/27/1998 #43686
Sergeant and a hired man have just finished milking their cows near Wilming 12/26/1896 #380 only sending AMC raw data and not finished analyses. LaPaz says he is on l 2/24/1949 #4023 near the craft. When the work was finished, a trap through which light had 4/24/1950 #4887 near the craft. When the work was finished, a trapdoor through which light 4/24/1950 #4890 highway worker Truman Bethurum had finished working the night shift and dec 7/27/1952 #7216 wain of Coldwater, Kansas had just finished driving a tractor at 10:00 p.m. 9/2/1954 #10233 attered about the map. He had just finished scrutinizing the map when he lo 11/2/1954 #11539 r two minutes. Przybylski has just finished observing Sputnik 1 and 2, so i 11/8/1957 #14486 last one "just stood there." When finished they rolled back up the ramp, t 8/20/1966 #20781 chet as they strike. Before he has finished the clip, the object begins mov 5/13/1967 #22336 o doubt that Project Blue Book was finished.” 3/1969 #24956 scribable malaise, so they quickly finished their drinks and left the bar t 8/10/1976 #31252 The main witness had finished closing up his canteen in Fuent 2/13/1981 #35827 ulsion. After the conversation was finished, both beings walked to the silv 5/9/1985 #37589 k to feed the pigs and when he was finished he turned around and saw a huma 12/4/1991 #40254 n Concord, North Carolina had just finished his shift at 8:00 p.m. and had 4/21/2003 #44517 Illinois countryside and had just finished putting away equipment and chai 5/2/2003 #44521 to thin air. The stunned witnesses finished their descent to the hamlet in 8/2/2004 #44725 drove about they came upon a newly finished building on a new road, so they 10/27/2007 #45080 soning three months after the film finished editing. https://youtu.be/afLs 12/2014 #45425
tion or “rustle” outside. When she finishes the conversation, she looks out 7/1965 #19039 Booth of Pascagoula, Mississippi, finishes watching TV and checks the fron 10/11/1973 #27999 ARA facilities The Air Force panel finishes reviewing the Blue Book files a 12/1975 #30679 ad and a strange liquid. After she finishes the meal, her memory goes blank 7/6/1990 #39637
ing home along Market Street after finishing a concert at a night club in E 8/10/1945 #1922 bregón, Mexico City, Mexico, after finishing work at a nearby restaurant. H 5/15/1978 #33217 ujimolpa and Obregon, Mexico after finishing work at a nearby restaurant. H 5/15/1978 #33220 y FR 665 toward Alice, Texas after finishing a job. His vehicle had about 1 6/12/1981 #35967 tion, then the orange light. After finishing some work in the kitchen, Clar 6/5/1983 #36876
s of three witnesses in Guimiliau, Finistere department, France on this aft 10/8/1952 #8104 n the road northeast of Plouezoch, Finistere, France. She received electric 10/27/1954 #11454 a witness driving near Pouldergat, Finistere, France saw a hemispheric dome 3/26/1974 #28958 three humanoids in Riec-sur-Belon, Finistere, France. They were 1.7 meters 9/29/1974 #29492 the highway N165 west of Quimper, Finistere, France a 6-meter diameter sph 5/3/1975 #30030 Many witnesses in Montjoly, Finistere, France watched a noctural lig 8/25/1977 #32424 Bannalec, Finistere, France A 15 meter in diameter 1/5/1979 #34299 In the town of Bannalec, Finistere, France a 15 meter in diameter 1/5/1979 #34305 a roadside swamp in Roc Tredudon, Finistere department, France. 9/28/1990 #39753 w over the shoreline at Kerlaviou, Finistere department, France at a low al 8/8/1998 #43621
North Atlantic Ocean Cape Finisterre, Spain 11:50 a.m. The crew of 11/4/1749 #70 Ocean some 240 miles west of Cape Finisterre, Spain. 11/4/1749 #70
Loctudy, Finistère, France 4:00 a.m. M. P. Lucas, 10/5/1954 #10732 . M. P. Lucas, a baker in Loctudy, Finistère, France, is getting water from 10/5/1954 #10732 Landévennec, Finistère, France Telgruc-sur-Mer Paris 5/20/1974 #29119 n a small road toward Landévennec, Finistère, France, when they notice a po 5/20/1974 #29119
eth Hartmann and Patrolman Richard Fink drive up and they tell them the sto 10/26/1958 #15385
Baltimore, MD 7:45 p.m. At Finksburg, about 20 miles west of Baltim 1/2/1975 #29698
LANGELMAYESI, FINL 10M fireball going [to] lake toward 8/28/1945 (approximate) #1928 HELSINKI, FINL Ghost rocket going northwest to Tam 6/10/1946 #2006 JYVASKYLA, FINL Amateur astronomer and more. Metall 7/1947 #2494 JAMSA, FINL Girl / 11. Brown cylinder/cigar-sha 7/1947 #2495 URJALA, FINL Teenage girl. Grey cylinder/cigar-s 10/1947 (approximate) #3433 KARKKILA, FINL 4 teens. Cylinder/cigar-shape with 11/1947 (approximate) #3471 SEINAJOKI, FINL 1 observer. Red-yellow ball / light 11/2/1947 #3477 VAASA, FINL Project Bluebook Case #99 / news. S 1/3/1948 #3530 NEAR ALAJARVI, FINL Army Major and 1. Large silent glow 7/15/1948? #3709 HELSINKI, FINL 2 cops. 50' saucer north going quic 7/19/1952 #6907 HELSINKI, FINL Teacher and class. 2 silver saucers 9/6/1952 #7858 PIHLAVA, FINL 1 observer. Thick DC3-size metallic 5/10/1962 #17156 LAKE KALLAVESI, FINL Bent saucer drops hot fragment = Fe 8/22/1964 #18502 ESPOO, FINL 3 observer(s). Silent 20' washtub-s 8/31/1965 #19483 LIEKSA, FINL 3 observer(s). Metallic disk hovers 7/1/1966 #20626 HELSINKI TO/FROM OULU, FINL Airline crew. 3 cigars and 20 sauce 12/1966 #21169 SUOMUSSALMI, FINL Farmer tries / grab 75cm UFO near g 6/20/1967 #22521 SOUTHWEST / PUDASJARVI, FINL 2 / car. 4' vertical bullet-dome bu 11/13/1967 #23440 NIVALA, FINL Night light drops hovers and lands 11/14/1968 #24654 RISSALA, FINL Military pilots and ground RADAR's. 4/12/1969 #25056 KOTKA, FINL Military observer(s). 8 orange clou 8/15/1969 #25322 IMJARVI, FINL 2 skiers. 3M saucer. Odd 90CM small 1/7/1970 #25537 PUDASJARVI, FINL Glowing-sphere over mountains offlo 1/28/1970 #25557 SAAPUNKI, FINL Several observer(s). 10M fireball h 1/3/1971 #25970 EURAJOKI, FINL Military report. Bright hat-saucer 2/3/1971 #26012 NORTHEAST / HELSINKI, FINL 2 Air Traffic Controllers and pilot 3/3/1971 #26041 ROVANIEMI, FINL 1 / truck. 3M beam / light moves ov 3/4/1971 #26042 KAUHAJOKI, FINL 2+1 separate observer(s). Tall thin 12/22/1972 #27183 NEAR VETELI, FINL 2 girls. Dark form appears. 'Force 12/31/1972 #27195 SUONENJOKI, FINL 1 observer. Buzz. Blob / jelly glow 7/1/1973 #27609 NEAR MIKKELI, FINL 2 pilots / DC9+ground observer(s). 3/13/1974 #28876 TUUSULA, FINL 4 observer(s). 10M fuselage with sq 12/12/1975 #30707 NEAR TOMIO, FINL Fireball going east from Sweden. Be 11/15/1976? #31550 AANEKOSKI, FINL Several observer(s). Animals scared 12/3/1977 #32732 SUONENJOKI, FINL Humming. Mini-bell UFO / 2M altitud 3/16/1979 #34478 PANKAKOSKI, FINL Red light-ball going down / trees. 3/19/1979 #34480 RAUMA, FINL 2 observer(s). Silver saucer going 6/19/1979 #34619 NEAR VAASA, FINL 2 observer(s). 3M blazing saucer pa 9/1980 #35487 NEAR LIEKSA, FINL 2 / boat. Black sphere / sky. 6 hou 7/31/1981 #36042
Vilppula [now Mänttä-Vilppula], Finland While playing along the shore of Summer 1907 #695 ar Vilppula [now Mänttä-Vilppula], Finland, a group of boys see a light com Summer 1907 #695 ice. Going quickly north toward(s) Finland. 8/24/1909 #808 den, 234 from Norway, and 137 from Finland, and the Swedish Air Force under 12/24/1933 #1182 eastern Finland Helsinki Vyborg Finland Sweden N 2/2/1934 #1201 eastern Finland Helsinki Vyborg Finland Sweden Norway Night. A large uni 2/2/1934 #1201 fied airplane is seen over eastern Finland close to the Russian frontier, a 2/2/1934 #1201 st month over Helsinki and Vyborg, Finland, as well as Sweden and Norway. T 2/2/1934 #1201 Sweden, Northern Finland, Norway, Various Ghost aviators 2/3/1934 #1202 Sweden Norway Finland The Swedish Chief of Staff relea 7/8/1935 #1231 nvestigated by Sweden, Norway, and Finland are of actual aircraft violating 7/8/1935 #1231 OITTI, FINLAND M. Mustapa. 5 silver disks seen. 8/1943 #1519 lake Längelmävesi, Finland 5:00 a.m. Ilona Johansson-Paason 8/1945 #1911 n a sauna along lake Längelmävesi, Finland, wakes up and sees a 35-foot daz 8/1945 #1911 morning two women in Langelmayesi, Finland noticed a dark cylindrical objec 8/28/1945 #1932 west Finland Västerbotten Västernorrland Kopp 2/21/1946 #1969 w Västra Götaland] Vaasa province, Finland 8:30 p.m. One or more meteors ar 2/21/1946 #1969 e or more meteors are seen in west Finland and the counties of Västerbotten 2/21/1946 #1969 rmhouse on fire in Vaasa province, Finland. It leaves a long trail of smoke 2/21/1946 #1969 ket reports in Scandinavia, Sweden/Finland 2/26/1946 #1970 0 Ghost Rocket sightings in Sweden/Finland 5/1946 #1985 Helsinki, Finland A rocket is seen traveling over 5/13/1946 #1992 t is seen traveling over Helsinki, Finland, in a southwesterly direction at 5/13/1946 #1992 Helsinki, Finland 10:17 p.m. A rocket-like light p 6/9/1946 #2005 t-like light passes over Helsinki, Finland, at 10,000 feet leaving a smoke 6/9/1946 #2005 re seen over Tampere and Helsinki, Finland. 6/10/1946 #2008 TURKU, FINLAND Numerous observer(s). Fast brigh 7/9/1946 #2033 Turku, Finland 3:35 p.m. Many people see a brig 7/9/1946 #2041 object moving swiftly over Turku, Finland, and leaving a short trail. It c 7/9/1946 #2041 ast shadows as it flew over Turku, Finland from south to north. 7/9/1946 #2043 a Peenemünde, Germany Parikkala in Finland Łeba, Poland The Hungarian repor 8/13/1946 #2128 iumaa, Peenemünde, or Parikkala in Finland, while the naval attaché in Stoc 8/13/1946 #2128 JYVASKYLA, FINLAND Several hundreds / observer(s). 9/25/1946 #2190 ondon, England Peenemünde, Germany Finland Capt. J. B. Pearson Jr., US nava 2/17/1947 #2241 eenemünde, Germany, and fly toward Finland. The best observation is from an 2/17/1947 #2241 mo region (Pechengsky District) of Finland Russia Bernt Balchen, Norwegian 10/14/1947 #3457 mo region (Pechengsky District) of Finland, recently ceded to Russia. Gen. 10/14/1947 #3457 UTSJOKI, FINLAND Numerous observer(s). Flying sau 12/20/1947 #3508 0 seconds over the coast of Vaasa, Finland. 1/3/1948 #3531 w from west to east over Alajarvi, Finland. The craft had no wings. 7/15/1948 #3710 NORTH / MIKKELI, FINLAND 2 observer(s). 25M saucer / 300M 6/9/1951 #5538 At 8:10 p.m. in Mikkeli, Finland two witnesses watched a 25 meter 6/9/1951 #5539 Finland AFS, MN (McDonald list; FUFOR In 8/20/1951 #5612 Finland AFS, MN CPS-3 Tracks "Unknown Or 3/1952 #5939 Finland AFS, MN 6:29 a.m. (CST). (McDona 2/1953 #8624 Helsinki, Finland Several people reported having s 9/14/1954 #10296 Helsinki, Finland Night. Several people see a circ 9/14/1954 #10300 see a circular UFO over Helsinki, Finland. Flying at 2,600 feet, it gives 9/14/1954 #10300 Osel Island and Gulf of Finland, At Sea (McDonald list) (NICAP: 8/11/1958 #15189 KAJAANI, FINLAND 6 observer(s). Moon-size red-ora 12/17/1958 #15477 Zemla, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia Finland The Soviet RDS-202 hydrogen bomb 10/30/1961 #16939 unding areas and breaks windows in Finland 1,000 miles away. 10/30/1961 #16939 Kallavesi lake, Finland Åbo Akademi University in Turku 8/1964 #18466 summer cottage at Kallavesi lake, Finland, when he suddenly notices a stra 8/1964 #18466 HELSINKI, FINLAND 2 / observer(s). Glowing disk ho 7/23/1965 #19162 Makklya, Finland 8:20 p.m. LT. A woman was called 8/31/1966 #20818 FINLAND AFS AND GRAND MARAIS, MN Project 9/5/1966 #20847 Finland AFS, MN Egg-Shaped Object Tracke 9/5/1966 #20848 time a 69-year old woman in Ikuri, Finland suddenly awoke to see through he 1/15/1967 #21312 Suomussalmi, Finland Farmer Arvi Juntunen heard a lou 6/20/1967 #22522 rmer Arvi Juntunen in Suomussalmi, Finland heard a loud humming sound at no 6/20/1967 #22523 Pori Airport, Finland Vaasa During a Fouga Magister ai 4/12/1969 #25057 training mission at Pori Airport, Finland, a Finnish Defence Forces flight 4/12/1969 #25057 Imjarvi, Finland Two skiers saw disc-shaped objec 1/7/1970 #25538 Imjarvi, Finland Two skiers saw disc-shaped objec 1/7/1970 #25539 Imjärvi, Finland 4:45 p.m. Two skiers, lumberjack 1/7/1970 #25540 and farmer Esko Viljo, at Imjärvi, Finland, watch a disc- shaped, buzzing U 1/7/1970 #25540 ome in the sky outside of Imjarvi, Finland. It was wrapped by a reddish-gra 1/7/1970 #25541 SALLA, FINLAND Small humanoid (or Grey) appears 4/15/1970 #25630 ee in his kitchen in Kursu, Salla, Finland at around 5 p.m. when he and his 4/15/1970 #25633 Saapunki, Kuusano, Finland 6:15 a.m. Maun and Matta Talana 1/3/1971 #25972 e their home at Saapunki, Kuusano, Finland. It is about 33 feet in diameter 1/3/1971 #25972 flew over Kuusamo, Oulu province, Finland in an eschelon formation. They m 1/11/1971 #25988 awoke abruptly in Ikuri, Tampere, Finland at 6:30 a.m., and watched out he 1/15/1971 #25989 anninen were driving from Kuusamo, Finland towards Oulu at 8 p.m. when in t 2/2/1971 #26011 Kangaskyla Kinnula, Finland 3:00 p.m. Two young men, P. Alir 2/5/1971 #26013 Kangaskylä Kinnula Finland 3:00 p.m. Petter Aliranta and Es 2/5/1971 #26014 s around Kangaskylä, near Kinnula, Finland, when they see a 15-foot object 2/5/1971 #26014 the woods in Kangaskyla, Kinnula, Finland when Mr. Aliranta noticed a 15 f 2/5/1971 #26015 g five residents of Turun Sanomat, Finland saw a UFO, while another saw an 2/22/1971 #26028 LAPPI, FINLAND Blazing ovoid lands. 3 pod marks 5/4/1971 #26100 o Heinonen was at home in Imjarvi, Finland at 10:15 p.m. when he heard a st 5/5/1972 #26671 drove around a curve in Kauhajoki, Finland at two o'clock in the morning. T 12/22/1972 #27184 In Veteli, Finland in 1972 a dark form appeared at 12/31/1972 #27197 Tampere, Finland Suomen Ufotutkijat ry, the Finni 1973 #27203 ssociation, is founded in Tampere, Finland. Over the years it has published 1973 #27203 side summer cottage in Sounenjoki, Finland when he awoke to a buzzing sound 7/1/1973 #27610 grad St. Petersburg Russia Gulf of Finland Unit One of the Leningrad [now S 11/30/1975 #30677 to the atmosphere over the Gulf of Finland. The official line is that a man 11/30/1975 #30677 ALAND ISLAND, FINLAND 2 observer(s). White spoon-shape 11/14/1976 #31544 Oulu, Finland Gulf of Bothnia Afternoon. Eero Early 12/1976 #31579 his way home from school in Oulu, Finland, when he sees a 15-foot ball of Early 12/1976 #31579 LAPINLAHTI, FINLAND 1 observer. Saucer hovers over r 1/6/1977 #31705 LAIHIA, FINLAND Night light from north. Fireball 3/6/1977 #31863 ssia Copenhagen, Denmark Helsinki, Finland Vladivostok, Primorsky Krai, Rus 9/20/1977 #32499 Copenhagen, Denmark, and Helsinki, Finland, in the west to Vladivostok, Pri 9/20/1977 #32499 NEAR RENKO, FINLAND 4 / car. 7-9 night lights in for 6/2/1978 #33249 Hameenlinna, Finland 10:00 p.m. A married couple driv 6/2/1978 #33251 couple driving toward Hameenlinna, Finland, watch a formation of 7–9 bright 6/2/1978 #33251 Nurmijärvi, Finland 7:20 p.m. An engineer, his wife, 8/3/1978 #33467 ter are driving toward Nurmijärvi, Finland, when a 6-foot oval with clear b 8/3/1978 #33467 Rauma, Finland A man and a woman saw a silvery 6/19/1979 #34621 Pudasjarvi, Finland Car drove into "fog," headlights 4/2/1980 #35247 Pudasjarvi, Finland Car drove into "fog," headlights 4/2/1980 #35248 on this day in 1980 in Pudasjarvi, Finland. Ms. Ivanoff, age 25, was drivin 4/2/1980 #35249 Lieksa, Finland Black sphere and satellite light 7/31/1981 #36043 Lieksa, Finland Black sphere and satellite light 7/31/1981 #36044 Lieksa, Finland Black sphere and satellite light 7/31/1981 #36045 Lieksa, Finland Black sphere and satellite light 7/31/1981 #36046 lake Mönninselkä Pielisjärvi, Finland 8:50 p.m. Two men in a motorboat 7/31/1981 #36048 lake Mönninselkä near Pielisjärvi, Finland, see a dark spot in the sky. Fou 7/31/1981 #36048 lake near Cape Vaaraniemi, Lieksa, Finland and was watched by two witnesses 7/31/1981 #36050 Minsk, Belarus Plesetsk Cosmodrome Finland 4:10 a.m. While approaching Mins 9/7/1984 #37458 Soviet missile launch watching in Finland. 9/7/1984 #37458 (levitated) silently in Helsinki, Finland for 10 minutes. There was the oc 8/28/1994 #41698 walking home from school in Raahe, Finland when he saw a red light in the s 10/3/1997 #43424 .m. north of the city of Helsinki, Finland two people heard and saw somethi 11/13/1998 #43682 UFO was sighted in Nastola, Hame, Finland. The object changed shape rapidl 8/28/2003 #44586 Sweden Kaliningrad, Russia Korsö, Finland Sandön, Finland The Swedish mili 10/16/2014 #45417 rad, Russia Korsö, Finland Sandön, Finland The Swedish military reportedly 10/16/2014 #45417 nd divers. On the island of Korsö, Finland, a mysterious man dressed in bla 10/16/2014 #45417 g off the nearby island of Sandön, Finland. (It later turns out that the ma 10/16/2014 #45417
Finland-Russia border Several UFO sighti 12/1957 #14651 UFO sightings take place along the Finland-Russia border. A cigar-shaped ob 12/1957 #14651
to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Finless black torpedo going quickly nort 9/28/1988 #38653
cretary of the Air Force Thomas K. Finletter asking that the UFO project be 1/29/1951 #5421 cretary of the Air Force Thomas K. Finletter. 2/21/1952 #5917 Gen. Nathan Twining, to Secretary Finletter in response to Sen. Russell’s 3/5/1952 #5946 cretary of the Air Force Thomas K. Finletter issues Air Force Letter 200-5, 4/29/1952 #6215 efed Air Force Secretary Thomas K. Finletter for one hour. 5/8/1952 #6272 Air Force Secretary Thomas Finletter and his staff (including his s 5/8/1952 #6276 ions over the previous five years. Finletter asks questions about some spec 5/8/1952 #6276 Air Force Secretary Finletter issues a press release about h 6/4/1952 #6438 tant to Air Force Secretary Thomas Finletter, he tried to “have him prepare 4/3/1956 #12781 on was established with a saucer.” Finletter declines to do so. 4/3/1956 #12781
a Goleta Valley 9:00 p.m. Wilberta Finley, an air spotter for the Civil Air 10/1943 #1531 klahoma Early morning. Sgt. Norman Finley of the Joplin, Missouri, police a 1/13/1967 #21298
sighting an oval shaped UFO with a finlike rear projection on this night. I 2/24/1968 #23783
ng light come in from the USS John Finn. A white light hovers above the fli 7/14/2019 #45592
FINNERODJA, SWEDEN 4 observer(s). Large 2/22/1975 #29835
. Jaakku Kivistö is serving in the Finnish Army as a noncommissioned medica Late 7/1944 #1623 cigar-shaped object is seen by two Finnish farmers moving horizontally at a 12/1957 #14651 ission at Pori Airport, Finland, a Finnish Defence Forces flight controller 4/12/1969 #25057 the UFOs as well. According to the Finnish Armed Forces magazine Ruotuväki, 4/12/1969 #25057 Finland Suomen Ufotutkijat ry, the Finnish UFO Research Association, is fou 1973 #27203 midnight by military men along the Finnish border; when they try to report 9/20/1977 #32499 Norwegian Finnish Oslo Bergen Norwegian, Swedish, 6/3/1983 #36874 slo Bergen Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish ufologists launch Project Hessda 6/3/1983 #36874
and German pilot flying in Banak, Finnmark, Norway at 5:35 p.m. detected a 3/14/1942 #1400 KAUTOKEINO, NORWAY AND FINNMARK PROV 3 cops and 2 / (seen thru) 5/13/1954 #9786 Altafjord, Troms og Finnmark, Norway 11:15 a.m. Bjørn Tarald 6/1/1958 #15074 lunge into the Altafjord, Troms og Finnmark, Norway. A column of water rise 6/1/1958 #15074 Alta, Troms og Finnmark, Norway 2:00 a.m. Four resident 10/14/1982 #36641 . Four residents of Alta, Troms og Finnmark, Norway, see three points of li 10/14/1982 #36641
FINNSAHOGDA, NORW Night light / regular 2/12/1984 #37185
Finnsåhøgda Fjellbekkhøgda Hessdalen, No 3/17/1982 #36396 oblong lights passing in front of Finnsåhøgda and Fjellbekkhøgda mountains 3/17/1982 #36396
ject is cigar-shaped with wings or fins. It descends to just above the tree 4/14/1897 #462 ground. It appeared to have large fins or wings, and flashing red, white a 4/18/1897 #529 rs a cone-shaped object with large fins on either side can be discerned. It 4/19/1897 #537 y silent cylinder/cigar-shape with fins going north offshore. 9/2/1902 #652 a large fish-like object with “big fins extended outward near the front, an Summer 1927 #1072 They can see small side wings and fins. A blue-white light streams from th 8/13/1946 #2131 3' black cylinder/cigar-shape with fins moves trees. No trace found / Albuq 9/11/1946 #2174 narrow body, and what appear to be fins on the tail. It is traveling fast a 9/11/1946 #2177 OR 1+2 nuns. 9 shiny saucers with fins weave in and out in formation. / r1 6/26/1947 (approximate) #2414 on this day, nine shiny discs with fins flew over La Grande, Oregon, weavin 6/26/1947 #2420 GFIELD, MO 3 / ground. Saucer with fins follows light plane going northeast 7/7/1947 #2857 seconds; it has two knobs or thick fins on the top. Around 4:00 p.m., a pil 7/8/1947 #3014 in Yar (2nd that day), 260km (Lost fins after launch) 11/2/1947 #3476 elage going [to] 100' under plane. Fins. / MJ#124. 9/25/1949 #4368 . The rocket had what looked to be fins. 9/25/1949 #4369 upside down hat-saucer with small fins hovers / seconds. Going quickly sou 4/30/1950 #4916 e-down, hat-shaped disc with small fins. It was an estimated 15 meters in d 4/30/1950 #4917 nt radiance or luster. It also has fins one-third of the way back from the 7/1950 #5035 e the front—a round shape with the fins extending out from the sides. It th 7/1950 #5035 drical object with black spots and fins / 1 end. 900mph / 1500' altitude / 7/24/1951 #5582 5 times long as it was wide, with fins at one end, and colored greyish wit 7/24/1951 #5584 cylinder with many black spots and fins at one end flew at 900 mph at an al 7/24/1951 #5585 sappear to the north. They see two fins on its end shooting out red and gre 1/9/1953 #8523 on: Round, thin disc with two tail fins at the rear, appearing metallic and Winter 1953 #9385 hes, and his shoes seemed to have "fins." He carried two cylinders on his b 9/14/1954 #10297 hes, and his shoes seemed to have "fins" attached. He carried two cylinders 9/14/1954 #10302 de. Row / portholes. 4 tubes and 4 fins. Quickly going up. / LDLN#325. 10/29/1954 #11472 s on its side, four tubes and four fins, and took off vertically. 10/29/1954 #11480 and 2 feet in diameter, with four fins and a box suspended from it by appa 12/3/1954 #11754 outh / sea. Lands. Headlight and 4 fins. 12cm footprints and metallic physi 12/7/1954 #11766 iameter, with a headlight and four fins. Traces: ground marks and metallic 12/7/1954 #11774 d saucer / fireball drops / trees. Fins spin under. Glows. Extremely fast. 4/8/1956 #12800 ter, with a red dome, and rotating fins under it. It emitted a yellow-orang 4/8/1956 #12802 ter, with a red dome, and rotating fins under it. It emitted a yellow-orang 4/8/1956 #12804 he underside resembles a disc with fins. When a jet takes off from the airf 8/22/1956 #13116 hot at him. This UFO had no wings, fins or propulsion sounds, except for th 10/2/1956 #13258 uorescent-blue submarine with tail fins sitting at the end of the runway. I 5/1957 #13630 the machine resembled a disk with fins. When a jet aircraft took off from 8/22/1957 #13922 ts underside resembles a disc with fins. When a jet takes off from the airf 8/22/1957 #13924 the machine resembled a disc with fins. When a jet aircraft took off from 8/22/1957 #13925 rver(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape with fins / front going west. Hovers. Turns g 11/6/1957 #14366 above the ground. It had no wings, fins, or other external structure. Behin 12/16/1957 #14736 r. They are spherical, and no tail fins or protrusions of any kind are visi 1/3/1958 #14800 rong wind. Absolute(ly) silent. No fins. 8/1958 #15164 ockheed has also added twin canted fins instead of a single right-angle one 9/14/1959 #15976 hts on what appears to be bat-wing fins begin to telescope out of the sides 9/19/1961 #16857 ly, a long cylindrical object with fins along its sides appears from the no 9/14/1963 #17938 IT RIDGE, CO 2 fast cylinders with fins / 60M altitude. Cylinders tumble ne 5/2/1964 #18238 black wingless object w two stubby fins in the rear portion followed a C-11 10/7/1964 #18575 o-magnetic effects). 35' rocket on fins / road. 6"cans walk. / r55p206+/ r2 10/23/1965 #19675 somewhat like a rocket, sitting on fins on the road. Three creatures with " 10/23/1965 #19677 ke device resting on three legs or fins. As his car skids to a stop 20 feet 10/23/1965 #19678 et in diameter, resting on legs or fins. His car engine stalled, the lights 10/23/1965 #19679 ecaled flying disc craft with tail fins at MacDill AFB. Pickett and his bu 1966 #19799 neered flying disc craft with tail fins witnessed by ret. USAF pilot Warren 3/1968 #23799 gray, metallic cylinder with four fins at its end moving slowly west to ea 2/19/1969 #24930 ong cigar-shaped UFO with two tail fins and red lights front and aft, with 3/2/1971 #26040 e lights on top of each of the two fins, was seen for 30 minutes. In La Lou 3/2/1971 #26040 0-foot-long blimp-like object with fins hovered over Penns Wood, Pennsylvan 6/13/1973 #27563 netic effects). Weird catfish with fins and feathers exits. / r79p58. 10/16/1973 #28069 RUBISNO-POLJE, YUGOSL Ovoid with 2 fins. Also several domed saucers / 10 De 12/7/1973 #28537 with delta/triangle/box-like craft fins up and down. Cigars and night light 3/4/1977 #31857 er a cigar-shaped UFO w triangular fins on its upper and lower margins was 3/4/1977 #31859 ike a torpedo with four swept-back fins at the back with a round band conne 12/1/1977 #32722 t is gray and egg-shaped, with two fins on either side, and is the size of 2/22/1979 #34444 trusions on each side. Next to the fins are several windows. As it descends 5/16/1979 #34563 trusions on each side. Next to the fins Arlindo could see several windows. 5/16/1979 #34564 ng east / 8k' altitude. Silent. No fins / wings. 8/1/1983 #36927 arge delta/triangle/box-like craft fins follows power lines. Shoots away. 8/18/1985 #37646 s a metallic missile with steering fins in the back. It occasionally change 8/18/1985 #37647 ng down / encounter bay and sinks. Fins and propeller! 5/24/1986 #37891 merged. It was described as having fins and a propeller. 5/24/1986 #37893 foot long cigar-shaped object with fins on the top and bottom. It floated a 9/6/1986 #38017 ng, about 4–6 feet long with large fins. It appears to be descending and un 6/25/1987 #38200 seamless. It is tube-shaped, with fins extending from the mid-section all Early 8/1987 #38225 2 thin triangular objects / large fins. Possible A10 Thunderbolts. 1/2/1988 #38387 ole-like openings along the sides, fins on its tail, and travels at about 6 2/13/1989 #38839 lowing-sphere/orb/globe with small fins arcs going down. Reappears and arcs 7/23/1993 #41079 ar-shape. Hovers. Darts. Going up. Fins / ends. Light / top. Size unknown. 2/28/1994 #41429 ot up in the sky very fast. It had fins on the ends and a light on the top. 2/28/1994 #41430 the objects looked like manta-ray fins, and it floated oddly through the s 3/18/2003 #44503
drical object--l/3 snout, 2/3 tail fins--flew at an estimated Mach 2.7 (2,0 3/26/1962 #17085
Finucane, AU 9:20 p.m. LT. A man was dri 10/31/1967 #23375
stralia, a man and woman, Hans and Fiona, saw a combination of low flying, 9/25/2001 #44264
Sesto Fiorentino, Toscana, Italy Mr. & Mrs. Mo 2/23/1978 #32995 Sesto Fiorentino Florence Italy 11:45 p.m. A c 2/23/1978 #32997 erence on their car radio in Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, Italy. When the ma 2/23/1978 #32997 were sitting in their car in Sesto Fiorentino, Toscana, Italy listening to 2/23/1978 #32998 Jersey 4:30 a.m. Patrolmen Robert Fiorentino and Amthony Puglio of the Map 6/17/1978 #33285
Parliament—Giancarlo Abete, Publio Fiori, Alessandro Scajola, and Martino S 7/10/1984 #37390
ncipal. 15M grey ovoid hovers over fir trees. Gone on 2nd glance! 11/6/1957 #14368 ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fir” Yield: 1360KT 5/11/1958 #15028 re it disappeared behind some tall fir trees. (NICAP UFOI, Oct 1972, page 3 8/21/1972 #26943 re it disappeared behind some tall fir trees. (NICAP UFOI, Oct 1972, page 3 8/27/1972 #26961 silence and disappears behind high fir trees. The next day he returns to th 11/24/1978 #33995 nia, when he sees a glow next to a fir tree. Pointing his flashlight in tha Summer 1985 #37606 r, he returns to the area near the fir tree and experiences an irrational p Summer 1985 #37606 bject seemingly jammed between two fir trees. On its circumference, small l 12/12/1989 #39315
UXBRIDGE, ENGL Big pillar / fire. Rises going south. Fireball / fron 11/4/1322 #14 se outside and see a large ball of fire descend from the north and then hea 8/15/1663 #44 t noon on this day a large ball of fire, 45 meters in diameter, descended t 8/15/1663 #45 ding ships, large flocks of birds, fire, and smoke, as well as a dark “roun 4/8/1665 #46 le, scorched with the Sun, full of fire, very amorous.” 1686 #50 tard observes a meteoric stream of fire that persists for at least one hour 7/14/1745 #68 airgowrie A cloud “like a house on fire” that soon takes on a pyramidal for 9/9/1767 #83 dark side is due to a festival of fire in honor of the “ascension of a new 1824 #117 hen they notice what seems to be a fire balloon ascending slowly in the wes 3/19/1847 #143 n the sky overhead “like a coal of fire glowing,” red in color and stationa 3/21/1854 #148 through its center, setting it on fire, and continues on in a straight cou 6/19/1857 #150 mes very low it was accompanied by fire and dense smoke. It produced the sa 12/7/1872 #194 mes very low it was accompanied by fire and dense smoke. It produced the sa 12/7/1872 #195 es very low, it was accompanied by fire and dense smoke. It produced much t 12/7/1872 #196 with something described as "blue fire." (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 1880 #222 with something described as "blue fire." 1880 #224 the engineer sees a large ball of fire rushing down the rails to the engin Early 7/1880 #235 earance is of a “gigantic sword of fire, moving handle first.” 7/3/1884 #261 Atlantic Ocean - A huge sphere of fire was observed rising out of the ocea 11/12/1885 #272 c Ocean Midnight. A huge sphere of fire was observed rising out of the ocea 11/12/1887 #281 e, Atlantic Ocean A huge sphere of fire was observed rising out of the ocea 11/12/1887 #282 parted for yards by a huge ball of fire at least 10 feet in diameter, and b Early 9/1888 #285 nts setting the grass and weeds on fire. In addition to the fragments is a 6/13/1891 #293 ght in the sky from which balls of fire fall to the ground near him. 6/19/1892 #304 “like a cigar box with a spark of fire in it.” Mid 1/1897 #381 d eye it looks like a huge ball of fire, but through opera glasses it resem 4/11/1897 #431 komo, Indiana 10:10 p.m. A ball of fire is seen moving slowly and horizonta 4/22/1897 #558 h and a sound similar to artillery fire. Eyewitnesses closer to the explosi 6/30/1908 #711 rango, Colorado Evening. A ball of fire the size of the full moon is seen f 7/22/1911 #855 Germany, observe an airship catch fire and explode. The fire brigades of t 3/13/1913 #886 irship catch fire and explode. The fire brigades of three villages, 40 rifl 3/13/1913 #886 ove the Vickers shipyard. Soldiers fire upon them with machine guns and the 8/10/1914 #908 g plant Afternoon. A large ball of fire sweeps over the southeast portion o 8/14/1914 #912 rristown, New York. Three balls of fire drop from it into the river. Two mo 2/14/1915 #925 PORTSMOUTH, NH Guards fire on mystery plane. 'Toy balloon with 4/14/1917 #956 tes that a silvery object trailing fire is seen in Rodez, Aveyron, France, 11/28/1928 #1092 at blazing light, almost a ball of fire,” that is moving around the horizon 1/22/1935 #1223 aft remain grounded. The artillery fire continues sporadically until 4:14 a 2/24/1942 #1388 direct result of the anti-aircraft fire. Three are killed in car accidents 2/24/1942 #1388 e were killed by the anti-aircraft fire hitting the ground and in subsequen 2/25/1942 #1391 came closer the tail gunner opened fire on it, to no apparent effect. Final 3/25/1942 #1405 storia) and seven other ships open fire on it. The object is not hit and pr 8/5/1942 #1430 dome on top. The ships continue to fire on the UFO, which attains extremely 8/5/1942 #1430 two types of phenomena: a ball of fire that is shot from the ground and dr 9/25/1942 #1448 and hovered. Orders were given to fire upon them. He asserted that they co 1943 #1474 sistance fighters are monitoring a fire in the Warsaw Ghetto in Poland. The 4/9/1943 #1494 ng of a B-17 bomber, setting it on fire. The bomber does not return from th 9/6/1943 #1528 d claims that silver-blue balls of fire appeared near their wing on six mis Autumn 1943 #1530 f focus on personnel with blast or fire injuries. Within a day, the first s 12/2/1943 #1549 investigating the strange balls of fire. 8/17/1944 #1645 Germany Light blue colored ball of fire approximately three feet in diamete 10/29/1944 #1686 Cologne, Germany A ball of fire; circular, pale orange, clean edged 10/30/1944 #1687 ar gunner reports a ball of orange fire closing in on them. He orders an ev 10/30/1944 #1688 t of some 9,300 Fu-Go bomb-bearing fire balloons intended to land in North 11/3/1944 #1691 object at a distance of 21 miles. Fire Control Officer P. Kendall Bruce de 11/16/1944 #1697 lippines, Lieut. JG Kendall Bruce, fire control officer on the ship, observ 11/30/1944? #1711 follows the escapades of a madcap fire fighter who calls his fire truck th 12/14/1944 #1721 madcap fire fighter who calls his fire truck the “Foomobile.” Smokey Stove 12/14/1944 #1721 tates, “where there’s foo, there’s fire.” 12/14/1944 #1721 takes off in pursuit of a ball of fire that quickly leaves him behind as i 12/23/1944 #1731 y Multiple sightings: red balls of fire; two yellow streaks of flame & disa 12/26/1944 #1734 y when they encounter two balls of fire on three occasions pacing their pla 1/2/1945 #1751 rned to starboard and two balls of fire turned with me. I turned to the por 1/2/1945 #1752 n explanation for the red balls of fire pacing planes. No response has been 1/2/1945 #1753 alley (Central), Italy Red ball of fire that did not appear to be Jet A/C. 2/17/1945 #1788 ngines develops a problem, catches fire and stops. Ziller is seen putting t 2/18/1945 #1790 ess; cluster of 15 orange balls of fire. (Page 139-140 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - 2/21/1945 #1791 enza, Italy Two large red balls of fire; hovering. (Page 140 Ref.1) (NICAP: 2/21/1945 #1792 s: (1) 100 hundred balls of orange fire; (2) two balls of foo fire. (Page 1 3/13/1945 #1812 orange fire; (2) two balls of foo fire. (Page 147 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Avia 3/13/1945 #1812 ship radar. Two antiaircraft guns fire on the object, but it does not move 3/22/1945 #1820 ergamo/Ghedi, Italy 2 balls of foo fire. (Page 150 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - Avia 3/23/1945 #1821 Multiple sightings: yellow ball of fire about 6 inches in diameter; orange 3/24/1945 #1823 nd red flashes; six white balls of fire; grayish ball of fire about size of 3/24/1945 #1823 ite balls of fire; grayish ball of fire about size of soccer ball; red ball 3/24/1945 #1823 t size of soccer ball; red ball of fire. (Page 152-153 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - 3/24/1945 #1823 ion, some crews reported "Balls of Fire followed our aircraft." (NICAP: 11 4/3/1945 #1836 Honshu, Japan Multiple balls of fire sightings: size of basketball; stre 4/3/1945 #1837 reamer of light behind the ball of fire; ball of fire emitting a steady pho 4/3/1945 #1837 t behind the ball of fire; ball of fire emitting a steady phosphorescent gl 4/3/1945 #1837 w; wing in connection with ball of fire &; amber colored searchlight; strea 4/3/1945 #1837 ber colored searchlight; stream of fire emanating from object, twelve inche 4/3/1945 #1837 Nagoya, Japan Ball of fire changing colors; orange to red. (Pa 4/7/1945 #1841 e to take photographs of “balls of fire” in the Pacific. 4/17/1945 #1847 ation and theories on the balls of fire but cannot find a good explanation 4/26/1945 #1855 ntelligence Report on the balls of fire in the Pacific Theatre. The Truk si 6/9/1945 #1875 Fukuoka, Japan One bright ball of fire; no fuselage or any wings. (Page 18 6/19/1945 #1878 diameter. The gun crews hold their fire. After several minutes, it disappea Summer 1945 #1883 ir crews started sighting balls of fire, i.e., glowing objects about the si 7/1945 #1886 full moon as one of these balls of fire. Some reports speculated that these 7/1945 #1886 rts speculated that these balls of fire were exhausts from a Japanese devel 7/1945 #1886 ce ceiling of the P-47D” and opens fire with 8 machine guns. The object sho 7/1945 #1888 known City, Japan Several balls of fire much larger than supercharger glow, 7/2/1945 #1890 nd sees a 35-foot dazzling ball of fire streaking in her direction along th 8/1945 #1911 vestigation into wartime “balls of fire.” Exhaustive investigations of Germ 10/9/1945 #1944 It supposedly sets a farmhouse on fire in Vaasa province, Finland. It leav 2/21/1946 #1969 ving Grounds, NM First static test fire of V-2 missile at White Sands Pad 3 3/15/1946 #1979 inder/cigar-shape / 900M altitude. Fire and sparks / tail. 7/22/1946 #2076 ickly northwest / 10 second(s). No fire / smoke. 7/27/1946 #2081 ue and green smoke and a series of fire balls.” The object explodes with a Early 8/1946 #2102 he looks down and sees a “ball of fire, with a fiery blue tail behind it.” 6/27/1947 #2432 County, California where a forest fire lookout in Fort Ross saw what looke 7/3/1947 #2586 N LEANDRO, CA Several / police and fire Departments and many calls. White d 7/5/1947 #2706 some kind. Wilcox calls the local fire department to alert them about the 7/5/1947 #2719 iles north of Roswell. The Roswell Fire Department, escorted by members of 7/5/1947 #2719 und level. Hits tree. Tree catches fire. No further details. 7/7/1947 #2840 head, where it hovers as a ball of fire. A similar object comes from the ea 7/7/1947 #2939 hey see a ball of white, sparkling fire, like a Fourth of July sparkler, ab 7/9/1947 #3068 off, when the left engine catches fire. An army hitchhiker and engineer pa 8/1/1947 #3281 y, Washington A forest ranger at a fire lookout tower on Mt. Josephine, Ska 8/17/1947 #3343 ipped at an angle northeast of the fire tower. It slows to a stop, levels o 8/17/1947 #3343 nco (40 miles from), OR 2 balls of fire with a fiery trail headed NW at 700 11/12/1947 #3484 e expects to find the buildings on fire, but instead there is a large, dome 2/1948 #3570 ke Island (near), At Sea A ball of fire explode like a shell (NICAP: 01 - D 5/6/1948 #3640 s ordered to intercept it and open fire if it refuses to land. When he clos 6/16/1948 #3671 lter Massey, who sees a “stream of fire” in the north. As it moves overhead 7/24/1948 #3733 nt star surrounded by streamers of fire like the tentacles of an octopus.” 8/21/1948 #3785 causing panic, a riot, and a major fire. 2/12/1949 #4005 st of), TX A reddish white ball of fire pass horizontally over the base air 3/31/1949 #4060 exas, sees a reddish-white ball of fire passing horizontally above the base 3/31/1949 #4063 e V-2 cut-off; WAC stage failed to fire) 4/21/1949 #4096 balloon launch crewmen (Navy Chief Fire Controlman William Akers, Davidson, 4/24/1949 #4104 hite discs pass through a field of fire. They are flying at about 200–250 m 5/5/1949 #4150 LIAM AND HYMERS, ONT Huge streak / fire. Does neat loop and vanishes / news 10/24/1949 #4403 red exhaust-like or orange ball of fire circle (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 1/22/1950 #4502 ibes it as a “large ball of orange fire.” At 4:40 a.m., Lieut. Smith picks 1/22/1950 #4503 ine! 6m saucer 150m overhead spews fire and smoke. No propellers. 4/10/1950 #4836 es. Its touchdown set the grass on fire. It took off and flew to the west. 5/17/1950 #4950 ulf of Mexico, At Sea Huge ball of fire descend slowly in 1-1/2 mins in a w 6/23/1950 #4999 tians, AK Strange deep red ball of fire near the horizon (NICAP: 01 - Dista 9/1/1950 #5163 en explodes, shooting red balls of fire in all directions. 11/2/1951 #5763 t leaves a streak of brilliant red fire. 11/3/1951 #5766 miles E of), WI An orange ball of fire with blue tail flying on a level tr 11/26/1951 #5793 also described as a “huge ball of fire,” paces two B-29s on the same night 1/29/1952 #5886 hich was evading mild antiaircraft fire. 45 second sighting. 2/23/1952 #5922 e aircraft is evading antiaircraft fire near Sinuiju, North Korea. It arriv 2/23/1952 #5923 ber was evading mild anti-aircraft fire at the time, and the UFO seemed to 2/23/1952 #5924 of the car and debates whether to fire it at the object, which remains in 3/29/1952 #5995 tacking bomber look like a ball of fire in the sky.” It is essentially a br 4/7/1952 #6043 tail hovers / seconds. Then spurts fire and moves going southwest. / Toront 4/24/1952 #6169 entagon, where orders are given to fire on it if it returns. Nogle says tha 5/1952 #6229 wed by two smaller orange balls of fire. Probable meteor. 5/8/1952 #6275 e, New Mexico Witnesses: two city fire department employees. Two circular 5/28/1952 #6375 1:45 p.m. Albuquerque, New Mexico, fire department employees Martin Romero 5/28/1952 #6376 ing faster than the B-29. The B-29 fire control radar locks onto the object 7/22/1952 #7027 ks onto the object and prepares to fire just as the UFO changes course and 7/22/1952 #7027 made contact with a moving ball of fire with a stream of flame travelling a 8/9/1952 #7527 them he is watching “two balls of fire” making a 10-mile circle and leavin 8/13/1952 #7576 ng outer disk that glowed as if on fire. Color similar to aluminum. They em 8/16/1952 #7613 th hump over scene / recent forest fire. Maneuvers. Going quickly west. 8/27/1952 #7750 dly see a large pulsating “ball of fire” about 50 feet to their right. They 9/12/1952 #7905 reported as “meteors” or “balls of fire” or “flaming planes”) passing in we 9/12/1952 #7905 three objects had been damaged by fire directed at them by Air Force inter 9/12/1952 #7905 eenish glow and jets three rays of fire from its rear. Jensen estimates the 9/14/1952 #7940 oke bursts similar to antiaircraft fire (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 11/27/1952 #8347 -3-3-4-3), similar to antiaircraft fire, was seen over a 20 minute period. 11/27/1952 #8348 -3-3-4-3), similar to antiaircraft fire, which was seen over a 20 minute pe 11/27/1952 #8349 ol, Maine, watch a big red ball of fire moving west-northwest for 12 minute 3/8/1953 #8740 sses observe the wingless Comet on fire plunging into the village of Jagalg 5/2/1953 #8857 ROUND TOP MOUNTAIN, OR Fire lookouts. Bronze stovepipe cylinder 8/1953 (approximate) #9033 Apparently in trouble, it belches fire and smoke, and after a few minutes Autumn 1953 #9176 es he hears an explosion. Balls of fire rain down from the sky. He tells th Autumn 1953 #9176 oing southeast / 10 seconds. Spout fire and drop night lights. Silent. 5/10/1954 #9769 kpit and the engine plenum chamber fire warning light goes on. Atkins shuts 7/2/1954 #9984 fficial investigation confirms the fire was caused by a malfunction of the 7/2/1954 #9984 was caused by a malfunction of the fire detector circuit. There is no evide 7/2/1954 #9984 ere is no evidence of an in-flight fire. Kevin Randle suspects a balloon is 7/2/1954 #9984 et-shaped object dropping balls of fire. At 11:35 p.m., on the North Beach 8/1/1954 #10090 plosion was followed by an asphalt fire at 4:15 p.m. A rectangular area 70' 8/27/1954 #10191 low altitude / 15 mn. Dump catches fire. 9/22/1954 #10388 saw a bright light and, fearing a fire, rushed to the scene. There he obse 9/30/1954 #10514 w a brilliant light and, fearing a fire, rushed to the scene. There he obse 9/30/1954 #10525 LE DONJON, FR 6 hunters fire 4 shots going [to] 15M glowing-disk 10/10/1954 #10880 fering burns. Some haystacks catch fire. The sighting lats 2 minutes. 10/14/1954 #11056 ses over / range of trees. 2 catch fire. East / shore Lago Maggiore. 10/15/1954 #11079 d desiccated, and haystacks caught fire as it flew over, while the cattle s 10/15/1954 #11099 over a range of trees; two caught fire. 10/15/1954 #11101 nd desiccated, and haystacks catch fire as it flies over while the cattle s 10/15/1954 #11109 d desiccated, and haystacks caught fire as it flew over while the cattle su 10/15/1954 #11115 of trees; two of the trees caught fire. 10/15/1954 #11117 llonnau, stoped as a large ball of fire flew near it. A violent air displac 10/21/1954 #11299 ylinder/cigar-shape with smoke and fire. Sounds. Going quickly north inland 10/25/1954 #11385 ing a noise and emitting smoke and fire. 10/25/1954 #11403 at the intruders, but it failed to fire and the witness suddenly felt so we 11/14/1954 #11648 gun suddenly felt heavy, failed to fire, and he was unable to move or speak 11/14/1954 #11655 Looking like a "light airplane on fire," it changed course, losing altitud 5/29/1955 #12166 not noted, NM Three unusual green fire balls; heavy radio and TV disturban 6/6/1955 #12188 aches the house, Sutton and Taylor fire shotguns through the window screen, 8/21/1955 #12386 g over him sounding like artillery fire. He sees two in a series looking li 8/21/1955 #12386 r(s). Night light streaks over big fire / hills and going quickly south out 9/12/1955 #12448 er and John Freeland see a ball of fire plunge behind the breakwater at Red 2/9/1956 #12703 . The upper one releases a ball of fire that drops into the top of the lowe 7/26/1956 #13020 htings over 12-day period. Retired fire department engineer in Hartford saw 8/8/1956 #13061 oid sucks and blows smoke / forest fire. / r140. 9/12/1956 #13216 and watch as two whirling balls of fire submerge. 11/21/1956 #13340 At 6 p.m. a huge ball of fire rose up from behind a barn in Puyal 3/23/1957 #13559 the radio he receives an order to fire a salvo of rockets at the target; t 5/20/1957? #13667 nd Soviet Anti-Aircraft guns/teams fire / group / fast saucers. 2 F86's cha 7/24/1957 #13821 / fast saucers. 2 F86's chase and fire. / MJ#291. 7/24/1957 #13821 viet Anti-Aircraft guns/teams guns fire on fleet / UFO's. See above. / r47p 7/24/1957 #13822 Russia, in the Pacific Ocean open fire on luminous, fast-moving UFOs. No h 7/24/1957 #13826 umbria, England UK Europe Evening. Fire ignites Windscale Pile Number One, 10/9/1957 #14083 out in panic as the vehicle caught fire. The object rose with the sound of 11/1957 #14181 tings ball lightning or St. Elmo’s fire, even though there are no electrica 11/2/1957 #14216 Around 1:00 a.m. Levelland (Texas) Fire Marshall Ray Jones, while out drivi 11/3/1957 #14246 Kodiak, Alaska, sees a red ball of fire with a greenish-yellow trail as he 11/4/1957 #14288 linois, when they notice a ball of fire fluctuating from white to yellow pa 11/5/1957 #14345 with several portholes from which fire and smoke appeared to be coming. It 11/8/1957 #14482 d had several portholes from which fire and smoke appeared to be coming. It 11/8/1957 #14493 sle of Man, when an orange ball of fire crosses the sky. As it passes over 11/29/1957 #14638 shington, watch a “strange ball of fire” for 20 minutes. A truck driver see 12/3/1957 #14667 Ellensburg saw a "strange ball of fire" for 20 minutes. A truck driver rep 12/3/1957 #14668 The disabled car did not catch on fire. 12/11/1957 #14711 a Night. A sergeant in charge of a fire truck crash crew at an air base in 1958 #14783 llivan Jr., which stated “balls of fire” and foo fighters (early terms for 1958 #14787 o meter in diameter orange ball of fire was sighted by many at 7:15 a.m. ov 6/21/1958 #15113 hts hover and maneuver near forest fire. Going quickly [to] away. 9/27/1958 #15283 it could have been an airliner on fire attempting a crash landing, so he w 2/28/1959 #15624 em and zigzag to avoid machine gun fire. Spring 1959 #15661 for authorization for the pilot to fire on the UFO, and he gets permission Spring 1959 #15662 e glow, similar to that of a dying fire. It flew away horizontally and was 6/21/1959 #15779 After a minute, a bluish blaze of fire comes from the bottom and it rises 9/7/1959 #15960 aged by some kind of explosion and fire, and the inside was completely char 9/26/1959 #15994 . “It was colored like a large red fire and looked like an atomic cloud”, h 9/29/1959 #15997 s bedroom window and saw a ball of fire shooting through the sky, after whi 9/29/1959 #15997 quiry found that there had been no fire or explosion aboard the jet before 9/29/1959 #15997 feet over Texas, sees a “large red fire” that looks like a mushroom cloud. 9/29/1959 #15998 (s). Strange object seems to shoot fire. Seen / 2 hours. / O Seculo. 11/5/1959 #16079 h a bright blue light as a ball of fire approaches out of the south. It pas 7/2/1960 #16327 ous objects ‘lit up like a ball of fire and going fast’ zoom over Portland. 2/5/1961 #16596 en between the object and a nearby fire. Their encounter lasted 45 minutes. 3/3/1961 #16620 th four windows in it. There was a fire nearby, and four figures could be s 3/10/1961 #16625 th four windows in it. There was a fire nearby, and four figures could be s 3/10/1961 #16626 t the end standing by the water. A fire is visible to the right of the obje 3/16/1961 #16632 quickly between the object and the fire. Reynolds watches through binocular 3/16/1961 #16632 s and gives unauthorized orders to fire a salvo at the disc. All the missil Summer 1961 #16734 tion, a commissary, control tower, fire station, and housing. The Navy also 8/1961 #16776 brown cigar-shaped object spouting fire from its rear and moving southeast. 10/15/1961 #16913 O pulls away swiftly before he can fire. 1/29/1962 #17026 d a humming sound and a flickering fire through an opening. The boy's fathe 8/20/1962 #17347 cer 50M over truck. Engine catches fire. 8/28/1962 (approximate) #17368 truck. The truck engine caught on fire. 8/28/1962 #17370 lgrade, Montana A strange globe of fire hit a car driven by a civilian man. 2/21/1963 #17676 eteran of 37 years training forest fire lookouts for the U.S. Forest Servic 9/14/1963 #17937 anville, California E. A. Grant, a fire lookout with 37 years of experience 9/14/1963 #17939 h 37 years of experience at forest fire lookouts for the U.S. Forest Servic 9/14/1963 #17939 ee what seems to be an airplane on fire, but the house-sized object approac 10/1963 #17969 min. It was described as a ball of fire without structure, about 75 cm in d 5/24/1964 #18296 d. The sphere was a fuzzy "ball of fire," only 75 centimeters in diameter. 5/24/1964 #18298 Denver, CO White ball of fire, the size of a car, climb slowly, t 7/27/1964 #18445 ness: A. Borsa. One white ball of fire, the size of a car, climbed slowly, 7/27/1964 #18448 d Air Force pilots reportedly open fire on them, even though officials susp 9/18/1964 #18559 on. It leaves behind two trails of fire. 1/11/1965 #18708 ead, Oregon. It left two trails of fire behind. 1/11/1965 #18711 ps bent over and one green tree on fire where the UFO was seen. 1/25/1965 #18766 antastic speed. It emits a ball of fire as it disappears. 1/26/1965 #18768 rnia Pilots Robert L. Stephens and fire control officer Daniel Andre reach 5/1/1965 #18924 length / cylinder/cigar-shape. "On fire". 6/19/1965 #19015 ect shaped like a plate, emittting fire and smoke through two openings in i 8/25/1965 #19463 two antennae on top and emittting fire and smoke through two openings in i 8/25/1965 #19465 P, NY 2 / light plane. Huge ball / fire where high tension power lines line 11/9/1965 #19703 cksburg, including local volunteer fire department members (Carl Metz and P 12/9/1965 #19762 ink they see a neighbor’s field on fire. The fire seems oddly dome-shaped. 3/1966 #19930 ee a neighbor’s field on fire. The fire seems oddly dome-shaped. They conti 3/1966 #19930 hen a “brilliant, flashing ball of fire” appears three feet above the front 4/24/1966 #20404 tly to the right of their car. The fire ball lights up the surrounding area 4/24/1966 #20404 en he sees something like a car on fire ahead of him. Suddenly he notices t 9/1966 #20827 hissing sound emitting streams of fire. 10/14/1966 #21000 e it disappeared over and behind a fire tower on a 1,320 foot hill about ha 12/18/1966 #21210 in the central ring jetted out red fire. Then the object ascended verticall 1/29/1967 #21412 ared to drip white phosphorus-like fire. The object was stationary for 4 mi 2/16/1967 #21567 IG 21s chase plain sphere. 1 opens fire and explodes. Object going quickly 3/1967 #21683 m above ground. Thinking it was a fire, the witnesses stopped. Paralysis a 3/8/1967 #21813 from the tracks. Thinking it was a fire, Galimberti stopped the train and b 4/20/1967 #22172 to approach the scene, armed with fire extinguishers. When they got close 4/20/1967 #22172 rapidly. Meanwhile, the road is on fire. After it dies out, Crowder drives 4/21/1967 #22194 .) [See previous case re: dropped "fire ball."] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 4/30/1967 #22248 ometimes the military is forced to fire on them. 5/5/1967 #22276 DT. A state forestry employee at a fire lookout tower saw an oval blue- whi 7/28/1967 #22746 red and moved around, circling the fire tower. At one point it emitted a bl 7/28/1967 #22746 Gilroy, CA Oval object approached fire lookout tower, hovered, illuminated 7/28/1967 #22747 aw an orange light "like a ball of fire" that approached from the horizon. 7/29/1967 #22748 ted, Connecticut. Thinking it is a fire, she wakes up her son Jack and they 9/20/1967 #23101 a, CAN Time not reported. A forest fire lookout saw an oval object with a r 10/10/1967 #23202 A forest fire lookout in Bow River Provincial For 10/10/1967 #23206 object shaped like a "haystack on fire" (hemisphere), flat on the bottom, 10/14/1967 #23236 orange object like a “haystack on fire” landed in the desert near Ouray, U 10/14/1967 #23238 O Saucer flies / woods. Big forest fire despite rain. / LDLN#94. 11/26/1967 #23512 watch a big ball of red and orange fire to the east. At first they think it 1/20/1968 #23683 titute for International Studies A fire breaks out in the navigator’s compa 1/21/1968 #23684 cking him down. His jacket catches fire and he rolls around, screaming with 3/19/1968 #23849 m to the ground. His jacket caught fire and the boy rolled around on the gr 3/19/1968 #23850 ght. Several bursts of machine gun fire were heard coming from a location i 6/14/1968 #24029 ight several bursts of machine gun fire were heard coming from a location i 6/14/1968 #24033 mbers soon arrive on the scene and fire on the intruders, supported by anti 6/15/1968 #24040 supported by anti- aircraft ground fire. During the Allied attack the presu 6/15/1968 #24040 e ships are involved in a friendly fire incident in which the Hobart is hit 6/15/1968 #24040 the dog howled. An orange ball of fire slowly descended toward a maple tre 6/21/1968 #24069 al fired a burst of submachine gun fire at them, upon which the beings lift 7/25/1968 #24226 Police officer saw a huge ball of fire falling directly downward. Other of 9/20/1968 #24489 hneider Jr. gets up and checks the fire in the kiln next to his house in Vi 9/26/1968 #24516 home when they saw a large ball of fire approaching from the nearby mountai 11/9/1968 #24649 , which she described as a ball of fire that floated around over the ground 11/9/1968 #24649 struck in the legs by a "burst of fire" coming from a form partly hidden i 5/4/1969 #25115 d gotten permission from Keyhoe to fire five of NICAP’s eight employees as 10/27/1969 #25425 , the building mysteriously caught fire and burned to the ground. 6/4/1970 #25690 re, Ethiopia a red glowing ball of fire swept through the village, destroyi 8/7/1970 #25776 use. Anti-Aircraft guns/teams guns fire warning shots. 9/22/1970 #25849 e suggested a video showed a large fire of an unknown object, large parts b 1/1971 #25962 TIMBERWOLF MOUNTAIN, WA Fire lookout. Silent 80' cylinder/cigar- 7/15/1971 (approximate) #26228 ALCANICES, SP "Fire" in woods. Circular burn spots foun 9/18/1971 #26343 counter at ten p.m. with a ball of fire, which burnt a sugar cane field. 11/5/1971 #26460 g, and thought that his car was on fire. He ran out, started his car, and b 3/25/1972 #26623 changing colors. Smit and Kitchin fire at it some more, after which it dis 6/26/1972 #26735 d somewhat oval-shaped. After they fire two final shots, the object moves a 6/26/1972 #26735 th Africa. They thought they saw a fire in the thick bush land. Thinking it 6/26/1972 #26736 2 / car. Red disk rises / ground. Fire still burning / police arrive. 7/5/1972 #26768 a.m. a landed UFO started a grass fire when it took off in King William's 7/5/1972 #26775 e, but then the smoke became a big fire. "There was a bright light shining 8/22/1972 #26949 mits a beam that sets the brush on fire. 12/13/1972 #27176 ize metallic disk going north past fire tower. Low and silent. No lights. 3/5/1973 #27331 NEAR THERINES, FR 2 orbs fire square and triangular beams. Radio 3/24/1973 #27370 to the witness, two days after the fire metal fragments that had been colle 5/22/1973 #27520 rds Center in Overland, Missouri A fire destroys some 16–18 million officia 7/12/1973 #27631 hese records was made prior to the fire. 7/12/1973 #27631 dez de Cordoba was flying a forest fire aircraft he saw a strange object wh 7/16/1973 #27634 ed to arm a missile and prepare to fire at it, the weapons systems electron 9/19/1973 #27839 afraid and acting up. An order to fire on the object comes from Strategic 10/1973 #27902 ure / luminous/glowing 7' belljar. Fire alarm trips. Ashes and powder. / r1 10/21/1973 #28224 Ape-figure in transparent bubble. Fire alarms. 10/21/1973 #28225 r Leonard Stringfield finds that a fire alarm had gone off at the same time 10/21/1973 #28228 house. Type unknown. House catches fire.. 10/22/1973 #28230 humanoid with eyes "like balls of fire" peered through his window. Afterwa 10/23/1973 #28253 . He sees a humanoid with balls of fire for eyes looking into the car. Afte 10/24/1973 #28267 humanoid with eyes "like balls of fire" peered at him through his car wind 10/24/1973 #28272 lian civilian and US Navy employee fire captain, notices a large, stationar 10/25/1973 #28284 West Virginia police chief and two fire tower observers watched a light cav 10/26/1973 #28297 Zinn skidded into a ditch. The two fire observers joined him and all three 10/26/1973 #28297 WEST / OHIOPYLE, PA 2 observer(s) fire guns going [to] 7' Bigfoot. Vanish 2/6/1974 #28741 ople” who approach him. They have “fire red eyes that glowed in total darkn 2/6/1974 #28742 rry Betz investigate a small brush fire near their residence on Fort George 3/27/1974 #28961 ne guns, and that they were not to fire on the object unless it initiated a 4/1974 #28983 ject. Nakamura’s parachute catches fire and he falls to his death. 6/9/1974 #29175 a black twin-engine aircraft open fire on Robert Smith Jr. while he is dri 7/15/1974 #29262 The fire lookout at Satus Peak in Yakima Cou 7/20/1974 #29271 SATUS PEAK, WA Fire lookout / (seen thru) binoculars. S 7/21/1974 #29272 EAST / GOLDENDALE, WA Fire lookout. Red-glowing cylinder/cigar 8/9/1974 #29317 nnecticut, when they see a ball of fire in the sky. They ride to one of the 11/7/1974 #29588 ne of her neighbor's houses was on fire. It wasn't a fire, but a large red 1/20/1975 #29756 's houses was on fire. It wasn't a fire, but a large red blinking ball of l 1/20/1975 #29756 burned on their bark but that the fire is oil-based. They suspect the glow 2/10/1975 #29800 g object is a low-temperature fuel fire. 2/10/1975 #29800 signaled the fact to the National Fire Departments. 6/20/1975 #30112 7, drives to the spot and finds no fire. However, when he starts going back 10/7/1975 #30421 y she thought his barn might be on fire. The UFO was parked on a road that 10/7/1975 #30422 . Their eyes feel like they are on fire and appear orange. The UFO is visib 10/27/1975 #30486 135 aircraft are hit by small arms fire. Security forces pursue the intrude 11/3/1975 #30546 all maneuvers and lands. Blast and fire. No traces. / r162p162. 1/18/1976 #30797 igh rate of speed. Jafari tries to fire an AIM-9 heat-seeking missile at it 9/18/1976 #31395 rcraft, Houssain Perouzi, tried to fire one of his missiles at the UFO, the 9/19/1976 #31411 LA REAL, SP Night lights. Soldiers fire at 3M ghost. Vanishes. No shells fo 11/12/1976 #31539 could not be seen. Trejo tried to fire his rifle, but was unable to becaus 11/12/1976 #31540 oops of the security detachment to fire, but their weapons were mysteriousl 1977 #31658 ng from the woods as if there is a fire in a nearby village. They run to th 2/4/1977 #31789 Robert Smyth) watch a red ball of fire the size of the full moon drift ove 3/8/1977 #31878 in a tilted position. Jos did not fire his gun, but called to his friend A 4/6/1977 #31953 eneral panic / news. Several UFO's fire red and white beams all over/all ab 7/1977 #32208 emen. Strange shiny object circles fire in progress. 8/1977 #32337 e a circular or elliptical ball of fire flying at tremendous speed. 11/2/1977 #32656 e his command to halt, so he opens fire on them. His bullets strike one on 11/16/1977 #32677 nscious. He got his gun and opened fire on the creatures, hitting one. They 12/2/1977 #32727 r going north and south over grass fire. 3 lights blink / sequence. 12/28/1977 #32816 rch Reactor building and the UKAEA fire station, he notices a 7-foot-tall s 3/17/1978 #33048 eman dressed in a high-temperature fire suit who was trying to scare some s 3/17/1978 #33048 ugh some witnesses report balls of fire and streaks of light in the sky. Th 4/2/1978 #33119 ver(s). Red disk going down. Grass fire. Night lights watch firemen. / IURv 9/13/1978 #33669 others rush to the area and see a fire burning in the brushwood-covered wa 9/13/1978 #33671 long shape, red and pink as if on fire in SW sky. Angular size was somewha 9/15/1978 #33683 long shape, red and pink as if on fire, in the southwest. Two “normal” men 9/15/1978 #33686 SATUS PEAK, WA Fire watcher / (seen thru) binoculars. C 9/29/1978 #33777 At 11:08 p.m. a woman fire watcher at Satus Peak, Yakima Count 9/29/1978 #33783 ovoid maneuvers over hills. Recent fire there. 10/14/1978 #33831 object and make drawings of it. A fire had broken out 2 miles west on the 11/13/1978 #33952 language. He panicked and tried to fire a warning shot into the air with hi 12/6/1978 #34070 rticles, resembling an airplane on fire. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 12/21/1978 #34188 ticles, resembling “an airplane on fire.” Smaller objects surrounded it. 12/21/1978 #34194 s / car. Dome shaped object spouts fire. Seen twice from bridge. 4/9/1979 #34503 NEAR GOAT ROCKS PEAK, WA Fire rangers / (seen thru) binoculars. L 9/12/1979 #34865 unt Adams Simon Butte 11:00 p.m. A fire lookout at the Satus Peak tower on 9/12/1979 #34867 ays that the interior looks like a fire has gone through it (though not the 10/6/1979 #34946 ircular object with red and yellow fire beneath it hover for 5 minutes befo 12/3/1979 #35044 BASE / LA JOYA, PERU PAF SU22 jets fire / saucer over Air Force Base. Same 5/9/1980 #35318 roleum tanks, and the house caught fire. Nearby airport radar confirmed the 6/5/1980 #35355 ops, and it was emitting blasts of fire and a continuous roar that reminded 12/29/1980 #35758 In 1981 at 10:35 a.m. the fire lookout at the Satus Peak fire towe 6/22/1981 #35979 the fire lookout at the Satus Peak fire tower on the Yakima Indian Reservat 6/22/1981 #35979 ng day (June 29), at about 9 p.m., Fire Chief Ramon Nolette was standing in 6/28/1981 #35980 s in sky in Shazhou County, China. Fire lookouts at the Sopelia Tower stati 7/4/1981 #35988 p.m. Four witnesses, three of them fire control lookouts, on the Yakama Ind 7/15/1981 #36006 uilding. Muchena goes to douse the fire but stops when he sees three men we 8/15/1981 #36075 use and was startled to see a huge fire like light, illuminating a mass clu 12/17/1981 #36262 s on a flaming appearance, causing fire brigades to rush to the scene, keep 1/15/1982 #36301 illernie, Minnesota. Five spots of fire fell to the ground as the object ro 2/10/1982 #36331 illernie, Minnesota. Five spots of fire fell to the ground as the object ro 2/10/1982 #36335 ers. It was described as a ball of fire with white streaks through it. 4/25/1982 #36454 al separate observer(s). 2 saucers fire 4-color beams. Falklands War on. 5/20/1982 #36475 st / 7M altitude. Lights area. Big fire and 150kph winds. / news. 8/13/1982 #36573 SOUTHEAST / SATUS PEAK, WA 3 / fire lookout. Night light hovers. Dims o 9/9/1982 #36598 of new grass that comes up after a fire has burned the old grass. A prickly 5/20/1983 #36862 VENTSPILS, LATVIA 4 Russian jets fire rockets / UFO. Premature explosions 8/26/1983 #36956 A fire lookout at Sopelia Tower in Yakima 9/20/1983 #36975 catch up with it. When the pilots fire at the UFO, it descends to 325 feet 1984 #37097 ped circular UFO that appeared to ‘fire’ balls of light to the ground for t 4/1984 #37252 5 p.m. Antiaircraft batteries open fire on a UFO that is flying from west t 8/5/1985 #37637 t is described by some as a forest fire, which lasts for approximately one 1/29/1986 #37775 nity also report a reddish ball of fire with a tail (undoubtedly a meteor o 2/26/1986 #37789 rest where the sphere landed is on fire. They find the grass all wet, with 4/22/1986 #37833 nit 4 reactor at the height of the fire. Two bright rays shoot out from the 4/26/1986 #37844 aj. Ross E. Mulhare and starting a fire. The Air Force establishes restrict 7/11/1986 #37939 out 1,000 feet away seems to be on fire. The man goes home to get his motor Late 7/1987 #38218 n they get to the barn there is no fire and the light is coming from anothe Late 7/1987 #38218 ior is like a “swirling liquid (or fire embers) with constantly changing pa 2/4/1988 #38439 giant object turned into a ball of fire before their eyes. Both witnesses t 2/11/1989 #38835 UFO returns. Cops / 6 agencies and fire chief report. 1 poor photo. 3/1/1989 #38857 .m. police from six agencies and a fire chief reported sightings in Geraldi 3/1/1989 #38860 touched down to the ground it set fire to a meadow, leaving behind four bu 9/21/1990 #39744 or officer that his unit is not to fire on any objects that might appear wi Late 1990 #39786 Alleged NRO document on a “Blue Fire” sequence informs associated groups 7/28/1991 #40136 ation. If necessary the jets would fire warning shots to encourage the obje 8/28/1991 #40168 itness saw first an orange ball of fire at a minute before midnight, restin 1/9/1993 #40790 Paramount premieres Fire in the Sky, a feature film directed 3/12/1993 #40881 THEAST / ANTRAIGUES, FR 2 separate fire brigades. 3 silent green fireballs 3/31/1993 #40909 re than 30–40 mph. He sees the UFO fire a narrow beam of light (like a lase 3/31/1993 #40914 Graham sees something like a small fire off to his left. Downs shines his s 4/28/1993 #40953 8:50–9:05 p.m. A brilliant ball of fire with a long trail of sparks is seen 9/14/1994 #41749 ash site is protected from view by fire engines and tarpaulins, and the bas 9/26/1994 #41775 BUCKS 1 observer. Circular ball of fire hovers. Vanishes. Returns / 10 mn. 3/3/1995 #42075 bserver(s). Silent spinning ball / fire hovers. Lights sky. Drops going dow 3/3/1995 #42076 FR Blue-yellow sphere hovers over fire station. / No further details / new 4/15/1995 #42151 through dry woods. Follow road. No fire. Back 9 May. '97. 4/20/1995 #42161 od 8:00 a.m. The Varginha, Brazil, fire department receives a call from som 1/20/1996 #42693 ldier, uniformed military men open fire while they are sweeping the small f 1/20/1996 #42694 several calls came into the local fire department about a "wild animal" on 1/20/1996 #42697 e north side of the park. When the fire department arrived they found the m 1/20/1996 #42697 ll others. Soon units of the local fire department arrived and apparently t 1/20/1996 #42697 s of the Army, the police, and the fire department between the two hospital 1/21/1996 #42704 ing and reappearing. Permission to fire on the UFO is denied by ground cont 10/19/1998 #43665 cially exist but he took it from a fire; he also states he believes the fil 1/23/1999 #43720 nearby stonewall. A large ball of fire appeared a few seconds later from b 11/25/1999 #43886 raight line, looking like balls of fire, giving off what seemed to be smoke 1/29/2000 #43936 BLUE BEND, WV Fire lookout videos numerous 15M circula 4/6/2000 #43976 bed as looking like "trees were on fire." It hovered, then moved out of sig 6/7/2000 #44001 ds are cooking dinner over an open fire in a wooded area near Elsberry, Mis 11/2000 #44069 dour, Landes, France saw a ball of fire having several flashing lights. It 11/1/2002 #44432 At 4 p.m. Fire Chief Ezequiel Alvarez reported see 4/22/2003 #44518 Many telephone calls came into the fire department of Teramo, the Port Auth 6/22/2003 #44557 0 witnesses gathered around a camp fire at 11:55 p.m. It was chased a few m 8/30/2003 #44588 oticed what first appeared to be a fire on a nearby ridge. As he drove he g 10/2/2004 #44766 ser and realized that it was not a fire at all but a series of three reddis 10/2/2004 #44766 r right to proceed. The F-16s then fire four bright flares across the plane 5/11/2005 #44840 ego, California. However, a forest fire in Julian closed off Route 78, so t 9/16/2007 #45059 as Gerais military police, and the fire brigade of Varginha release the sec 2/2018 #45504
LONDON Bright white cloud 'drops fire' / Westminster Hall and parliament. 3/14/1660 #43
models, especially at first, have fire-control problems and electrical sho 6/1953 #8922
torpedoes with a “wide nose” and “fire-spurting tail.” Stockholm is said t 8/11/1946 #2117
he has earlier expressed a fear of firearms of any kind, she picks up the g 2/19/1954 #9558 US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms?] is driving near Lynden, Washi 1/12/1965 #18717
pillar / fire. Rises going south. Fireball / front shoots beams. Turns goi 11/4/1322 #14 he port of Hamburg, Germany, see a fireball moving to the south. Its rays a 12/15/1547 #27 he lake, low over its surface. The fireball seems to measure about 140 feet 8/15/1663 #44 Less than an hour later, a similar fireball reappears over the same lake. M 8/15/1663 #44 r Kirch and more/others. Moon-size fireball hovers / 8 minute(s). Altitude 7/9/1686 #51 nd, where it appears as a bursting fireball. 12/5/1737 #60 ERTSFORDSHIRE AND LONDON, ENG 20cm fireball falls. Levels going quickly ESE 12/11/1741 #64 e HMS Montagu watches a large blue fireball, apparently low on the water, h 11/4/1749 #70 DERBY, ENGL Many observer(s). Fireball bounces going up and down. Odd 11/18/1795 #93 s 8:00–9:00 p.m. A brilliant white fireball streaks across the sky at Amher 8/13/1819 #110 Connecticut, sees a brilliant red fireball in the sky near the star Gamma 1/22/1855 #149 France, watches a slow, blood-red fireball move across the sky and change 8/1/1871 #190 A huge fireball flew over Lake Glasfjorden near 2/5/1883 #252 urning fiery red. Suddenly a large fireball appears above the ship and fall 2/25/1885 #264 OFF CAPE RACE, NFL Ship crew. Red fireball going up / sea. Going [to] agai 11/12/1887 #280 Newfoundland, watches an enormous fireball rising from the sea to the heig 11/12/1887 #283 lash of lightning strikes, and the fireball disappears. The waters of the l Early 9/1888 #285 t in 1889, in Leicester, England a fireball zigzagged across the sky under 6/13/1889 #290 KNIGHTS FERRY, CA 2 ministers. Fireball skims ground. Rises. Half-circl 11/22/1896 #344 rth Loup, Nebraska Night. A bright fireball appears in the west over North 3/13/1897 #390 KAMLOOPS, BC Several observer(s). Fireball rises / hill. Moves side-side. 7/12/1897 #599 , BC Several observer(s). Luminous fireball hovers / red mountain / 15 minu 8/11/1897 #602 sh Columbia, Canada a luminous red fireball hovered for 15 minutes over a n 8/11/1897 #603 ROMONT, SWZL Fireball changes color(s) over Gros-Mont 1/2/1898 #615 ry in Serbia, Yugoslavia sighted a fireball at 9:32 p.m. that stopped still 4/25/1898 #620 with his father when they see the fireball descending, apparently coming a 10/4/1898 #625 o (possibly Mary Peveto) watches a fireball (probably the same one as Octob 10/4/1898 #626 in, Texas 8:00 p.m. A blue-colored fireball appears over Austin, Texas, and 5/13/1902 #651 OBSERVATORY, SOUTH AUS Astronomer. Fireball lasts / 4 minute(s)! / Charles 11/20/1902 #657 rver(s). Area lit. Bluish circular fireball going [to] straight going down. 1/27/1903 #658 , Hall, II) (These were apparently fireball meteors. See report and analysi 2/28/1904 #669 STRUMA VALLEY, BULGARIA Fireball descends slow as a parachute. G 7/1913? #890 ph Newman sees a “distinctly green fireball” in the low eastern sky that mo Spring 1930 #1111 ARROYOMOLINOS DE LEON, SP Fireball explodes with damage. 2nd fireb 12/8/1932 #1149 Fireball explodes with damage. 2nd fireball maneuvers / 1800hrs. / r50p01. 12/8/1932 #1149 p in a flash and the cloud emits a fireball that arcs across the lake to th 8/9/1934 #1217 NGL Intense blackness. Writhing 2' fireball at observer(s)' feet. Rises and 11/10/1940 #1347 Lt. Col., watched a pulsating red fireball sail up to the front lines, hov Summer 1944 #1607 Y 415th Bomber Squadron. Brilliant fireball / 2K' altitude. 200mph. RADAR m 12/15/1944 #1722 e. The balloon causes sparks and a fireball that results in the power being 3/10/1945 #1810 DAXIAN, SICHUAN, CH 30cm white fireball flies east going west. Slow eno 4/20/1945 #1850 Tokyo, Japan Fireball follows a B-29 of the 39th Bomb 5/25/1945 #1870 LANGELMAYESI, FINL 10M fireball going [to] lake toward(s) pier. 8/28/1945 (approximate) #1928 LANDSKRONA, SWD 3+observer(s). Fireball = 6M wingless cylinder/cigar-sh 5/24/1946 #1996 OREBRO, SWD Green fireball trails red smoke going quickly 7/10/1946 #2044 RAMSJO, SWD 3+observer(s). 20cm fireball / treetops. Going quickly east. 7/11/1946 #2050 GAVLE, SWEDEN Yellow fireball going quickly east. Same seen / 8/9/1946 #2112 Bertil Lindblad sees an exploding fireball in Ljugarn on Gotland, Sweden. 8/11/1946 #2116 WILMINGTON, NC Fireball passes slowly going quickly nor 8/24/1946 #2153 PHILOMATH, OR Purple fireball cruises going quickly east over 9/6/1946 #2170 g quickly east over town. Also red fireball low and slow over New Orleans. 9/6/1946 #2170 VILLEFAUX, FR Blinding fireball follows mail truck / 15 minute( 9/25/1946 #2191 BOMBAY, INDIA Dazzling fireball then round blue night light wit 6/6/1947 #2313 s evening around 9 p.m. a dazzling fireball was seen over Bombay, India. Th 6/6/1947 #2314 rs. J. M. Harrison watches a large fireball pass toward the northwest from 6/26/1947 #2417 nd separate observer(s). Fast high fireball going quickly south straight an 7/1/1947 #2508 SHERBROOKE, PEI 2 observer(s). Fireball northwest going quickly southea 7/3/1947 #2565 FALLS, NJ 3 separate observer(s). Fireball and disks and saucers hover and 7/4/1947 #2593 ITY, UT Numerous observer(s). Huge fireball maneuvers / high altitude. Goin 7/7/1947 #2904 USAF in connection with the "green fireball" investigations. 7/10/1947 #3117 KASHMERE GARDENS, TX Silver disk / fireball. Bounces and circles. Dips and 7/12/1947 #3155 CK, ID 1 observer. Blinding silver fireball dives / Army surplus truck. Hit 7/30/1947 #3258 o EME (electro-magnetic effects) / fireball passes / r171. 8/17/1947 #3340 . Small humanoid (or Grey) leaves. Fireball rises! 1/1948? #3529 J. Allen Hynek says it might be a fireball but considers that “far-fetched 7/26/1948 #3742 E BASE, CA Air Traffic Controller. Fireball climbs toward(s) plane. Erratic 12/3/1948 #3900 +airliner crew. Flash. Huge orange fireball / collision course. Dives. 12/5/1948 #3906 o others saw a huge luminous green fireball at 9:27 p.m., which appeared to 12/5/1948 #3910 on into the previous night’s green fireball. 12/6/1948 #3912 agents / T7 plane. Very big green fireball northeast going quickly southwe 12/8/1948 #3915 gents In T-7 Observe Intense Green Fireball At 13,000' (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 12/8/1948 #3916 ity of New Mexico, about the green fireball sightings. He says they do not 12/9/1948 #3921 AL, NM L. LaPaz and 2 / car. Green fireball east going west / 2.2sec straig 12/12/1948 #3924 , CAP Intel Officer Observed Green Fireball (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 12/12/1948 #3925 . Charles L. Phillips) see a green fireball near Bernal, New Mexico. He cal 12/12/1948 #3926 A silent green fireball flew over Bernal, New Mexico to 12/12/1948 #3927 OSI Case 14; AESS OP Sighted Green Fireball With Triangulation (NICAP: 01 - 12/20/1948 #3933 Rees, LaPaz argues that the green fireball he saw on December 12 was no me 12/20/1948 #3935 mos, New Mexico, spot a blue-white fireball moving in a nearly flat traject 12/20/1948 #3936 ens of witnesses of the January 30 fireball and manages a rough triangulati 1/31/1949 #3988 nages a rough triangulation of the fireball’s 143-mile path from Amarillo t 1/31/1949 #3988 LaPaz’s understanding of the green fireball reports unsettling. He discusse 2/8/1949 #3998 Salsbury and 1 / car. Green-white fireball hovers. Arcs downward going wes 2/14/1949 #4006 sion, Arizona saw a greenish white fireball hover, then arc downward toward 2/14/1949 #4008 AFOSI Case 25; 19:05 - Green-white fireball in horizaontal flight low in th 2/27/1949 #4025 ct Grudge. It also discusses green fireball cases. 3/22/1949 #4052 o Mountain 10:00 p.m. A huge green fireball with a red afterglow is seen st 4/5/1949 #4076 pears behind the mountain. Another fireball is seen at 11:00 p.m., and the 4/5/1949 #4076 F headquarters a list of all green fireball reports it has investigated (39 4/19/1949 #4094 ry 11 Sign report, with some green fireball information added. It recommend 4/28/1949 #4125 ory in New Mexico to discuss green fireball observations at that facility. 4/28/1949 #4127 es an operational plan for a green fireball observation and tracking networ 5/4/1949 #4144 KEY WEST, FL TO GA Huge silent fireball zigzags 800mi going quickly nor 6/5/1949 #4225 On this night in 1949 a huge fireball zigzagged 800 miles toward the 6/5/1949 #4226 A blue-green fireball was sighted at dawn north of Va 7/3/1949 #4262 BROWNWOOD, TX 30cm fireball 10M over house. Sparks when tou 7/17/1949 #4270 Socorro (near), NM Green fireball sighting-left possible copper p 7/24/1949 #4281 of Mines campus at Socorro A green fireball is seen falling close to Socorr 7/24/1949 #4285 igence: “reports that fall in the ‘fireball’ category will no longer be inc 9/1/1949 #4343 aerial incidents.” AMC hands green fireball reports over to the USAF Cambri 9/1/1949 #4343 ate the New Mexico and Texas green fireball cases and consider the creation 9/14/1949 #4356 ew Mexico 1:07 a.m. A bluish-green fireball is seen moving to the northeast 10/10/1949 #4385 mos Joseph Kaplan brings the green fireball plan to the USAF Scientific Adv 11/3/1949 #4409 r W. W. Jones watches a blue-white fireball moving 5°–7° per second over Ki 11/27/1949 #4427 , New Mexico, when he sees a green fireball descend near Albuquerque. 11/27/1949 #4428 pment Board, Joseph Kaplan’s green fireball project is approved by AMC. 12/20/1949 #4441 Book. 1 Air Force-man / car. Green fireball maneuvers / tens. Changes cours 1/7/1950 #4476 , New Mexico, when he sees a green fireball. It descends at a 60° angle, th 1/7/1950 #4478 ad / Fairchild-Nepa workers. Brill fireball hovers / restricted airspace. 1/14/1950 #4487 NAS, AK 6 Navy airmen can't catch fireball going quickly west / FBI docume 1/23/1950 #4505 Air Traffic Controllers and many. Fireball going quickly west / 9km altitu 2/1/1950 #4522 As the objects are maneuvering, a fireball drops from one. Five minutes la 2/2/1950 #4526 Many / airport. 2 cigars maneuver. Fireball drops / 1+flies away. Vibrant b 2/5/1950 #4528 luminated cylinders, one dropped a fireball, both maneuvered together then 2/5/1950 #4529 cylinders, one of which dropped a fireball, maneuvered together and then d 2/5/1950 #4530 port on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. A fireball dropped from one of them, then 2/5/1950 #4531 oratories in Massachusetts that a “fireball project” ought not be pursued b 2/20/1950 #4541 of Kaplan and Maj. Oder to start a fireball research project come to fruiti 3/16/1950 #4655 PEARL HARBOR, HI Brill blue-green fireball passes overhead. Pauses and con 3/24/1950 #4716 AND MORE/OTHERS, ON Crowds. Brill fireball. No wings. 4 night lights join. 3/29/1950 #4751 CO Military reconnaissance flight. Fireball maneuvers / 90 second(s). Desce 6/24/1950 #5002 SAVANNAH, GA 2 observer(s). White fireball / night light maneuvers erratic 6/28/1950 #5020 RIVERSIDE, FL Fireball brightens and roars every 2 sec 7/11/1950 #5052 ISLAND, AK Aleuts terrorized. Huge fireball / ovoid at sea. 3 repeats. Goin 9/1/1950 #5162 TATUM, NM Blue Book. Fireball / grey edge going south. Saucer 9/17/1950 #5180 B in Orange County, New York saw a fireball drop from a high altitude, and 1/12/1951 #5393 Rodeo, NM Pilot saw a green flare [fireball?] pass his plane. (NICAP: 01 - 2/19/1951 #5448 BANGUI, FR. EQT.AFR White fireball buzzes Air Force Base. Fast and 3/1951 #5466 PO, KOREA 9+observer(s). 2' orange fireball buzzes B29. Flashes blue-white 3/10/1951 #5474 RONA, NM EXP'l RADAR facility. Red fireball slowly drops into trees. Glows 7/9/1951 #5564 AZ, NM, TX, OK, various Green fireball. (LIFE Incident 10; [FUFOR Inde 11/2/1951 #5760 agstaff, Arizona 9:00 p.m. A green fireball is sighted in Arizona, New Mexi 11/3/1951 #5766 Albuquerque, NM The eighth fireball in 13 days was seen here and as 11/10/1951 #5774 ticut, when they see a huge yellow fireball with a greenish-blue tail strea 11/11/1951 #5775 New Mexico 6:42 p.m. A vivid green fireball is reported from Dodge City, Ka 11/20/1951 #5782 World Airlines pilot also see the fireball. 11/20/1951 #5782 TUCUMCARI, NM Fireball going quickly east from Portale 12/13/1951 #5818 A Cops and more/others. Blue-green fireball throws sparks / ends. Turns goi 1/4/1952 #5860 , NORTH KOREA 3 USAF / B29. Orange fireball / sphere. Paces plane / 5 min. 1/29/1952 #5879 swell (25 miles SE of), NM Unusual Fireball Near B-29 Crew (NICAP: 11 - Avi 2/17/1952 #5905 d. Observer(s) = Beyer. Red-orange fireball zigzags / 15 minute(s). Swoops 2/19/1952 #5908 A reddish-orange fireball zig-zagged for 15 minutes over 2/19/1952 #5910 ir Materiel Command to study green fireball and disc phenomena near the fac 2/19/1952 #5911 nomer Lincoln LaPaz argued a green fireball he saw was no meteor, and turne 2/19/1952 #5911 rceptor. On either occasion, a red fireball increased in brightness and the 3/23/1952 #5969 WEST / NASH, TX 30M fireball going quickly east over 2 / car 4/1952 (approximate) #6004 TORPO, NORWAY 3 observer(s). Fireball going up / woods. Lights area. 4/13/1952 #6068 In Torpo, Norway at 10:35 p.m. a fireball came down in some nearby woods. 4/13/1952 #6070 New Mexico 8:30–8:40 p.m. A green fireball about one-third the size of the 5/28/1952 #6377 ear Otto, New Mexico, sees a green fireball rise up and drop steeply down. 5/28/1952 #6377 NEAR MASCOT, NSW Ana pilot. Orange fireball going quickly [to] by. Returns. 7/1952 #6677 OTTAWA, ON 2 Army men. Silent fireball going west. Circles city / 200m 7/8/1952 #6726 AWA AIR FORCE BASE, JPN Blue-green fireball rushes F94. F94 pursues. Object 7/23/1952 #7051 F-94 jet fighter chased blue-green fireball. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, B 7/23/1952 #7064 L'ARBRET, PDC, FR N25. 2 cops. Fireball goes going [to] Arras. Stops ov 8/3/1952 #7432 FORCE BASE, WY 2 / ground. Intense fireball going west. Stops over theater. 8/8/1952 #7511 Pohang (K-3 area E of), Korea Fireball with stream of flame pass an ai 8/9/1952 #7522 ry observer(s). Unidentified green fireball parallels C54 transport / 10 se 8/22/1952 #7674 MORRIS, PA News. Red fireball hovers over town / 20 minute(s) 9/17/1952 #7965 TH KOREA Marine pilot. 20cm orange fireball buzzes interceptor. Shoots goin 10/12/1952 #8119 the bomb dropped on Nagasaki. The fireball is 3 miles wide and completely 11/1/1952 #8228 / ground. Planes see night light. Fireball maneuvers. 11/15/1952 #8276 SSION (AEC), GA 2 observer(s). Red fireball passes over H-bomb plant. Seen 11/21/1952 #8312 At 7:40 p.m. an odd fireball moved too slowly to be a meteor 11/28/1952 #8354 raft in near-collision with orange fireball (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB 12/10/1952 #8404 VA Aero engineer and 2 / airport. Fireball over whirlwind / trash! Terrifi 12/14/1952 #8416 ORCE BASE, PR 2 / RB36. Red-orange fireball seen / 5 minute(s). Passes plan 12/31/1952 #8466 Airborne observer(s). Brill orange fireball with reddish tail. Goes steadil 1/6/1953 #8507 A Many separate observer(s). White fireball going quickly west over GG-brid 2/13/1953 #8668 night lights play in stars. 1 pink fireball goes going up / high-speed. 3/22/1953 #8774 LAMOS, NM Security Gd. Green ovoid fireball falls upward. / USAF Office of 8/3/1953 #9041 EAST NEW HAVEN, CT 18cm fireball passes cars. Hits signboard. H2 8/19/1953 #9083 A small, fast-moving, ricocheting fireball rips a foot-wide hole through a 8/19/1953 #9084 SUR-HUILLARD, FR 4 observer(s). 5M fireball close / ground. Turns into cyli 10/4/1953 #9202 e and sees a large, round, reddish fireball, but places the time at 10:45 p 1/4/1954 #9445 oing quickly northwest to coast. / fireball seen widely / same time. 1/7/1954 #9460 RT/APARTMENT, NY Several / ground. Fireball drops / low altitude. B47 buzze 1/14/1954 #9483 drops / low altitude. B47 buzzed / fireball just after. / MJ#249. 1/14/1954 #9483 Cold Bay, AK Red Fireball Hovers Near C-54 (NICAP: 11 - A 1/28/1954 #9505 ET, AK Glowing UFO crosses bay 4X. Fireball paces plane. Busy all month / U 4/21/1954 #9699 T AB, THAILAND 4 pilots. 6' orange fireball buzzes and paces T6 trainers. R 5/1954 #9737 NEAR LOGAN, UT Brilliant red fireball rises / ground. Blast and crate 5/1/1954 #9742 HORSHAM, VCT Massive fireball going quickly south / 1600+kph 5/4/1954 #9746 LYME REGIS, DORSET 2 observer(s). Fireball over bay hovers and moves in je 6/24/1954 #9937 ission (AEC) National test center. Fireball going up / incredibly fast. 6/26/1954 #9949 OFF PARANAGUA, BRZ Orange fireball buzzes DC3 / 2 hours. Turns blu 8/5/1954 #10100 s continuously buzzed by an orange fireball for two hours. It would turn bl 8/6/1954 #10107 City not noted, NM Large green fireball observed; radio and television 9/18/1954 #10343 Denver (near), CO Green fireball seen by thousands of witnesses 9/18/1954 #10345 New Mexico 8:40 p.m. A huge green fireball streaks across Colorado and New 9/18/1954 #10349 IGNOLES, FR Milkman. Bright silent fireball going quickly northeast. Blazin 10/5/1954 #10713 going up / sky. 10 October. Green fireball over Rhone Valley. 10/5/1954 #10722 NORTH / CLOYES-SUR-LE-LOIR, FR 2M fireball lands / road. Black silhouette. 10/9/1954 #10831 Jeannet and Garnier saw a reddish fireball fly low over their car as their 10/14/1954 #11049 , France, when a brilliant reddish fireball passes near his car to the west 10/14/1954 #11059 Jeannet and Garnier saw a reddish fireball fly low over their car as their 10/14/1954 #11071 NIFFER TO/FROM KEMBS, FR 2 / cars. Fireball zigzags over road. Going quickl 10/15/1954 #11091 At 9:00 p.m. a fireball was seen by two witnesses drivi 10/15/1954 #11124 SAULIEU, 21, FR 5 / car. Bright fireball rises / ground. Going quickly s 10/16/1954 #11136 COURNON, FR 6 observer(s). 80cm fireball lands. Floats going [to] woods. 10/17/1954 #11162 ucer on ground takes off going up. Fireball going quickly southwest. / r230 10/17/1954 #11168 AMIGNY-ROUY, FR 4M fireball stops over village. Lands. Goin 10/17/1954 #11170 nte, France, when he sees a bright fireball. His headlights go out and the 10/19/1954 #11242 CRITEUIL-LA-MAGDELEINE, FR Fireball stops car. Big electro-magnetic 10/21/1954 #11292 AMENGRIE, FR Bike lamp flashes. 4M fireball nears. Shrinks to nothing. / r3 11/1954 #11501 WALDERALM, AUSTRIA 2+observer(s). Fireball high over peak. Small cylinder/ 11/12/1954 #11625 Small cylinder/cigar-shape drops / fireball and passes Ifo trees! 11/12/1954 #11625 BERWELL AND MORE/OTHERS, AUS White fireball with orange flames / sides. Cir 11/23/1954 #11695 e of 20 meters it expelled a large fireball. This exploded just before touc 11/23/1954 #11697 c disk blazes going quickly south. Fireball? 12/20/1954 #11842 IDYLLWILD, CA Large fireball drops / sky. Hits bomber wing / 1/14/1955 #11931 KOOWEERUP, VCT Fireball and flying railroad/railway-car 2/6/1955 #11976 xas Tyler Lufkin Midnight. A green fireball shoots across east Texas like a 2/13/1955 #11999 TORONTO, ON Many observer(s). Fireball with long tail circled downtown 3/12/1955 #12044 ] GLASGOW Thousands / observer(s). Fireball zigzags going north across Brit 3/24/1955 #12057 Cloudcroft when she sees a yellow fireball with a red tail traveling fast 4/5/1955 #12080 ue, New Mexico, watch a blue-green fireball streak west over the city. It a 4/8/1955 #12089 ents and motorists see a brilliant fireball streak across the sky above Cou 4/25/1955 #12101 h. Witnesses in Nebraska think the fireball descends abut 3 miles southeast 4/25/1955 #12101 MARCH, VNZL Many observer(s). Huge fireball going down. Hovers / 10M. Windo 6/2/1955 #12175 3 military observer(s) and RADAR. Fireball makes 23 minute(s) south-curve 7/11/1955 #12250 D, CA 2 observer(s). Orange-yellow fireball going [to] San Bernardino. Turn 7/28/1955 #12293 RICHMOND, CA 2 observer(s). White fireball / colored lights going quickly 8/2/1955 #12321 on 9:05 p.m. Eddy Geddes notices a fireball as he is driving to Kalispell, 9/2/1955 #12425 er the object is gone, but another fireball is apparently seen later. The s 9/2/1955 #12425 HARTFORD, KY Farmer. 40cm fireball scouts barns and cabins / 1m al 10/1955 #12475 E, IL Military observer(s). Orange fireball / green tail. Gradual climb / h 1/3/1956 #12644 (seen thru) binoculars. Red-orange fireball / end / runway. Jet scrambles. 1/11/1956 #12654 , FR 5 observer(s). Domed saucer / fireball drops / trees. Fins spin under. 4/8/1956 #12800 SS Roosevelt. Many / RADAR-visual. Fireball passes / top saucer going down 7/26/1956 #13017 MOUSSAN, AUDE, FR Red fireball stops 100M from motorcycle. Sho 8/17/1956 #13096 ANGELES, CA 3+several observer(s). Fireball then 2 more. Instant 180° turn 8/20/1956 #13101 LE, AL Airline(s)/airliner pilots. Fireball stops dead. Zigzags all over/al 11/14/1956 #13326 LEMMON, SD 1M fireball follows train. Boom! Railroad/r 11/16/1956 #13331 he Maersk view an intensely bright fireball giving off weird flashes of lig 12/13/1956 #13400 arp turns. Going quickly east. Red fireball back / 2300h. 1/8/1957 #13450 NORTHWEST / FT. WORTH, TX Fireball maneuvers all over/all about. F 1/16/1957 #13459 NEAR PUYALLUP, WA Fireball quickly going down [to] behind 3/23/1957 #13554 CD.BOLIVAR, VNZL 4 kids. Fireball quickly going down [to] going [ 3/28/1957 #13563 FELIPE, VNZL Numerous observer(s). Fireball falls. Stops / mid air. Going q 6/6/1957 #13708 tude of 8,000 meters. That night a fireball descended over San Felipe, Vene 6/6/1957 #13710 Jet pilot and ground RADAR. Bright fireball zooms away when jet nears. / r1 6/17/1957 #13733 #4848. Observer(s) = Henkins. Gold fireball glides / 1 minute(s) into water 7/29/1957 #13849 Oldsmar, FL A pale yellow fireball glide into the water and explod 7/29/1957 #13852 ss: E.E. Henkins. One pale yellow fireball glided into the water and explo 7/29/1957 #13854 E. Henkins observed a pale yellow fireball glide into the water and explod 7/29/1957 #13856 FLATONIA, TX Huge fireball follows car 22 km. Just off US9 9/7/1957 #13984 UBONNE, FR 2 cops / car. Moon-size fireball going quickly southeast / 200kp 9/22/1957 #14026 Prospector. Distant brilliant red fireball hovers / 45m. High radiation/ra 10/10/1957 #14090 Lake City Airport 4:00 a.m. A huge fireball plunges from the sky near Myton 10/10/1957 #14094 A, VNZL Numerous observer(s). Huge fireball going quickly south. Stops over 10/29/1957 #14159 LUMBERTON, NC 4 observer(s). 60m fireball. Quickly going up [to] vertical 10/31/1957 #14169 lue night light exits and returns. Fireball turns going quickly south. 11/2/1957 #14205 WEST / LEVELLAND, TX Big fireball hovers. Going down / road. Truc 11/3/1957 #14226 to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Fireball quickly going up [to] and truck 11/3/1957 #14226 SUNDOWN, TX Orange fireball hovers. Lands / road. Truck lig 11/4/1957 #14258 RANGUA, BRZ Varig C46 buzzed / red fireball. Electronics fried. / r242p120+ 11/4/1957 #14259 KODIAK, AK Cop. Red fireball going west 15M over school. Rad 11/4/1957 #14270 Coast guards and more/others. Oval fireball going [to] over Hebrides island 11/5/1957 #14314 ER(S), FR Astronomer and hundreds. Fireball going [to] WNW. Going up. Sharp 11/8/1957 #14477 umerous observer(s) and cops. Fast fireball maneuvers / all directions. Awa 11/18/1957 #14574 ucker and separate cops. Large red fireball and more / or blue delta/triang 11/29/1957 #14636 ks of luminescence everywhere. The fireball bursts like fireworks, seen by 11/29/1957 #14638 ELLENSBURG, WA Odd fireball hangs over Menastash Ridge / 20 12/3/1957 #14663 5 minute(s). Big flash / horizon. Fireball shrinks there. 12/5/1957 #14671 a big flash on the horizon, and a fireball appeared there, then shrank. In 12/5/1957 #14674 US19 / TARPON SPRINGS, FL 2 / car. Fireball near sun. 1600 reading / photog 5/8/1958 #15022 T. LAUDERDALE, FL 2 / boat. Orange fireball flares up and flees when hit / 5/17/1958 #15040 dale, Florida watched as an orange fireball flared up and sped away when a 5/17/1958 #15042 UNAN, CH 30+observer(s). 2M orange fireball spins smoke. 120° turn near sch 6/21/1958 #15108 ducking for cover as a phenomenal fireball consumes the sky overhead. Duri 8/1/1958 #15174 D MORE/OTHERS, ITL Power outage as fireball going southeast. AOK after. / r 8/3/1958 #15175 adio emitted strange buzz as green fireball passed (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 10/3/1958 #15309 OFF BEAR CREEK, NY Cop and 2. Fireball going up [to] and hovers / 90 m 10/13/1958 #15341 , KS Separate observer(s). Blazing fireball floats / low altitude. Quickly 11/11/1958 #15436 troller and 6 military. 30cm green fireball emerges / sea. Hisses and spins 2/13/1959 #15588 ic Controllers and all / airliner. Fireball night light going southwest / 1 5/13/1959 #15727 ard a Braniff airliner witnessed a fireball fly across the sky toward the S 5/13/1959 #15730 r(s) / 5 glowing-objects exit long fireball. Going [to] low single files go 7/21/1959 #15867 m. they were awake to see a bright fireball descend and land on the side of 8/20/1959 #15932 RTH / AZORES Navy crew. Very large fireball paces USS chambers / 10 kts / 1 10/3/1959 #16012 MONTEVIDEO, URG Red fireball going quickly south / high alti 10/15/1959 #16032 EW MARTINSVILLE, WV 2 observer(s). Fireball or black Saturn saucer with lig 2/17/1960 #16179 LAS CRUCES, NM 2+2 separate cops. Fireball lands and flies. Bright green d 9/26/1960 #16462 USS Glacier, watches a tear-shaped fireball over Admiralty Bay, South Shetl 3/16/1961 #16631 FORT PIERCE, FL Mayor and airmen. Fireball / fantastic maneuvers. Big wave 3/22/1961 #16638 ILHA GRANDE, BRZ Vasp pilot. Fireball maneuvers all over/all about. R 7/24/1961 #16771 w of an icebreaker sighted an oval fireball that flew from the northeast to 8/16/1961 #16796 US60 / DATIL, NM 2 / car. Fireball buzzes car. Splits / 4 night li 10/21/1961 #16920 , New Mexico 2:00 a.m. A brilliant fireball flashes in front of Richard and 10/21/1961 #16922 NORTH / EGYPT UK airmen. Strong fireball passes 4 RAF jets / MACH 2. Mak 9/11/1962 #17393 BELGRADE, MT Odd fireball shakes car. Several waken oddly 2/22/1963 #17680 K SHIP CREW Bright white moon-size fireball going quickly east / 1 minute(s 3/18/1963 #17709 ic Laurel", watched a bright white fireball shoot to the east for one minut 3/18/1963 #17712 LANZHOU, GANSU, CH 1 observer. Red fireball lands / yard. Spins and shoots 7/1963 #17816 WAYNE, IL 7 observer(s). Fireball paces car / 6mi. Car and radio 8/4/1963 #17861 MT. VERNON, IL Fireball paces and circles car / 30 min. 8/8/1963 #17878 T. GALLEN, SWITZERLAND 1 observer. Fireball darkens / 4 minute(s). Brighten 8/13/1963 #17892 St. Calen, Switzerland Saw a fireball become a dark object after 4 mi 8/13/1963 #17894 rland Witness: A.F. Schelling. One fireball became a dark object after 4 mi 8/13/1963 #17898 :04 p.m. A. F. Schelling watched a fireball become a dark object after four 8/13/1963 #17899 San Francisco, CA Fireball observed, shock wave felt, over 11/7/1963 #18028 MILLINOCKET, ME 75cm fireball circles car. Car won't start un 5/24/1964 #18293 bserver(s) = Borsa. White car-size fireball climbs slow then speeds up. 7/27/1964 #18441 n Denver, Colorado sighted a white fireball, estimated to be the size of a 7/27/1964 #18451 ATL.NR ARGENTINA Fireball circles 2 ships. Odd voices. Bi 7/28/1964 #18452 LITTLETON, MASS 3M fireball / sphere/orb/globe crosses road 8/28/1964 #18516 OPORTO, PORTUGAL Green fireball / sky splits / 2 pieces. 1 hove 11/8/1964 #18609 ALEZA, BRAZIL 2 / car / skids. Red fireball going down. 2 robots exit. Obse 4/3/1965 #18888 TV electro-magnetic effect (EME). Fireball hovers. Earth shakes. / r230v1# 6/25/1965 #19026 ORANGE, FR Several observer(s). Fireball chases jet plane. Military sear 7/1/1965 #19042 Military searchlight tries to spot fireball. 7/1/1965 #19042 BAHIA BLANCA, ARG Large fireball drops small object. Returns goi 7/19/1965 #19125 s small object. Returns going up / fireball. Burn spot left. / Flying Sauce 7/19/1965 #19125 JUSTIN, TX Deputies. Blazing fireball lands near Wagle Mountain lake. 8/2/1965 #19248 ALTA, MEXICO Several observer(s). Fireball shoots blue beams. Odd vibratio 8/4/1965 (approximate) #19303 observer(s). Saucer hovers. Orange fireball maneuvers. Going quickly [to] i 8/10/1965 #19353 cific Northwest, Various 9:40 P.M. Fireball meteor traveling easterly acros 8/10/1965 #19359 Pacific Northwest 9:40 P.M. Fireball meteor traveling easterly acros 8/10/1965 #19362 ANDOVER, MASS Navy physicist. Fireball no meteor. It kept on going. Fa 9/27/1965 #19611 Northeastern United States Fireball meteor sighting at 7:56 P.M. Am 9/27/1965 #19615 2+3 kids. City lights dim as domed fireball goes over. Lights out when gone 11/9/1965 #19702 E, NY Several pilots / runway. 50' fireball / 100' altitude near airport. S 11/9/1965 #19706 OOROOPILLY AND BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA Fireball hovers / houses. Going up and d 12/6/1965 #19754 gh, PA woods. It had appeared as a fireball flying across several U.S. stat 12/9/1965 #19760 g AFB 4:47 p.m. A large, brilliant fireball is seen by thousands in at leas 12/9/1965 #19762 ial explanation of the widely seen fireball is that it is a mid-sized meteo 12/9/1965 #19762 LI, IT Air and ground observer(s). Fireball over base. Jets chase. Big blac 1/9/1966 #19818 rachute' quickly going down / sea. Fireball going west. / Flying Saucer Rev 3/16/1966 #19971 CONCEPCION DEL URUGUAY, ARG Green fireball blinds 3 / truck. Malfunctions 4/1/1966 #20192 FLEMING, NY Fireball swoops quickly going down / car 4/24/1966 #20393 CAVEZZA, ITL Farmer. Fireball stops over trees. Tractor malfu 8/1966 (approximate) #20705 MOULTONBOROUGH, NH 3' fireball skirts walls and ceiling inside 8/10/1966 #20735 p / 120mph going north nearly hits fireball / road! 2nd UFO follows car. / 9/1966 #20821 VLIERZELE, BELGIUM Bang! Green fireball appears behind car. 18 Nov. '68 11/19/1966 #21125 ears behind car. 18 Nov. '68 green fireball hits 2 separate cars. 11/19/1966 #21125 NH USCG plane. Near collision with fireball. Pease Air Force Base RADAR con 11/22/1966 #21136 d ships crew and airliners. Yellow fireball east going west. 2nd object wes 1/22/1967 #21364 FALLON NAS, NV Red fireball going quickly south fast. Stops 2/28/1967 #21679 light / 4 rectangular windows. Red fireball flashes. 4/3/1967 #22049 CHATOU, FR Blinding fireball passes 20M / observer(s). Steer 7/17/1967 #22670 CHAULNES TO/FROM ROSIERES, FR Fireball zigzags. Going down / 2M altitu 7/19/1967 #22697 JEWISH CREEK, FL Car buzzed / fireball again. Dog shakes. Sand burnt. 7/21/1967 #22714 CHARLES, LA Blue Book. 1 observer. Fireball flashes 4X passing just over tr 10/18/1967 #23260 CAIN-SUR-SIOULE, FR 2 / car. White fireball quickly going up / field. Stops 10/28/1967 #23359 ANUS, ARG 7 observer(s). Brilliant fireball hovers / shed. Observer(s) rais 11/16/1967 #23468 ] SHAUNAVON, SSK 1 / car. Blinding fireball flies away. Burnt grass found. 11/19/1967 #23479 kly east / 5km altitude. Drops red fireball. Beams and more. 12/3/1967 #23538 inous sphere in the sky drop a red fireball and emit beams of light. 12/3/1967 #23546 / factory. Lights go out. Powerful fireball outside / low altitude changes 12/14/1967 #23583 NNE / WENATCHEE, WA 2+cop. Blazing fireball hovers over dam. Goes north and 12/15/1967 #23588 ILLION, SD 2 / car. 10M and orange fireball spins low / field. Chases car. 1/20/1968 #23679 RTUGAL Several observer(s). Bright fireball seen / 20 minute(s). No further 2/5/1968 #23735 . TV black. House flooded / light. Fireball outside shoots away. 3/3/1968 #23809 REVERE, MASS 3 observer(s). Orange fireball nears maple tree. Zips off and 6/21/1968 #24062 7 / bus and separate observer(s). Fireball buzzes bus. Stops. Continues no 7/25/1968 #24223 ST / TENERIFE, CANARY ISLANDS 20cm fireball paces airliner. Lights interior 9/17/1968 #24472 roadside. 2M burnt circular found. Fireball flys near. / r180p59. 10/19/1968 #24573 PASSO FUNDO, BRZ 4 / car. Fireball shoots going down / ground. 15 10/30/1968 #24602 SOUTHWEST / MAITLAND, SOUTH AUST Fireball follows car / 9mi to 150kph. 90 11/26/1968 #24712 500M sphere hovers / 8km altitude. Fireball orbits incoherently. 12/1/1968 #24742 FRANOIS, FR 2 observer(s). Fireball hovers / 20 minute(s). Lights a 12/12/1968 #24760 / home. Luminous/glowing car-size fireball / ground. TV Radio Frequency In 12/18/1968 #24777 GRE, BRZ Soldiers / Vila Floresta. Fireball hovers. Shoots fiery beam when 1/5/1969 #24817 e Vila Floresta watched a hovering fireball that shot a fiery beam when it 1/5/1969 #24818 CHILLAN, CHILE Fireball going up. 2 cars start with no 2/2/1969 #24889 DARTMOUTH, MASS Truck driver. Fireball low over trees. Flies when obse 2/10/1969 #24908 NEAR CAMPINAS, BRZ Erratic fireball maneuvers. Stops over car / mal 3/11/1969 #24994 Southern part, UK 7:38 P.M. Bright fireball meteor traveling south-southeas 4/3/1969 #25046 Southern UK 7:38 P.M. Bright fireball meteor traveling south-southeas 4/3/1969 #25047 overs / end / high altitude. Green fireball shoots going quickly west. 9/5/1969 #25353 AND, AUSTRALIA 6 observer(s). 30cm fireball going north overhead / 3 minute 11/16/1969 #25462 BANFF, ALTA 2 / car. 10' diamond fireball follows car all over town. "Wat 12/15/1969? #25497 OFF HYTHE, HAMPS Fireball goes down river to Isle of Wigh 2/2/1970 #25570 / ARCELOT, FR 6 professors / car. Fireball lights fields like day / 10 sec 5/18/1970 #25665 oid rolls going southeast. 14 July fireball going quickly southeast. Stops 7/13/1970 #25735 SALADARE, ETHIOPIA Fireball flattens huts and stone wall. T 8/7/1970 #25774 in Newfoundland watch a blood-red fireball 8–10 feet long with a trail of 8/14/1970 #25784 GRAND RAPIDS, MI 2 cops. 50' fireball / 1000' altitude below overcast 9/10/1970 #25834 IMOSAS, FR Vibrant bright 2M white fireball follows land contours. Blinks o 9/13/1970 #25836 GREYLOCK, MA Men with 2-way radio. Fireball flashes by. Car malfunctions du 10/18/1970 #25882 in the air the globe changes to a fireball, which quickly disappears. Afte 10/29/1970 #25893 NKI, FINL Several observer(s). 10M fireball hovers and going [to] over lake 1/3/1971 #25970 d bathed in light caused by a huge fireball about 60 feet away, which rises 1/3/1971 #25972 NEAR PENRITH,, AUST Im fireball paces car closely / 13 minute(s 1/5/1971 #25977 , BRAZIL Many observer(s) to June. Fireball going north. Sharp turns and go 3/1971 #26036 NEAR CAMPINA GRANDE, BRZ 10M fireball / bushes. Chases man across dam 3/22/1971 #26049 car and separate observer(s). Red fireball circles and follows car. Going 8/25/1971 #26303 CH Several observer(s). Orange-red fireball jumps going up and down / mount 9/17/1971 #26339 2+railroad/railway men incoherent. Fireball seen. Burnt sugar cane. / Eveni 11/5/1971 #26458 QUEBEC, QBC Separate observer(s). Fireball drops slowly. Lights area red. 12/13/1971 #26495 AUFORT, RSA Cop and 1 shoot at red fireball and black sphere/orb/globe. Dam 6/26/1972 #26733 , RSA Railroad/railway men. Orange fireball / huge arc. Hovers over trucks 7/5/1972 #26772 out of sight. At 9 p.m. an orange fireball made a huge arc through the sky 7/5/1972 #26775 tern United States Bright daylight fireball meteor filmed lasting up to 45 8/10/1972 #26891 cer going east. West / loud whirr. Fireball turns 90° going quickly [to] WN 8/20/1972 #26935 bserver(s) with telescope. 65' red fireball hovers. Going [to] away / 2500m 8/20/1972 #26936 -de-Rougemont, Rouville, Quebec. A fireball turned 90 degrees, and shot off 8/20/1972 #26940 ARG Several observer(s). Saucer / fireball. 7' batman back / auto plant. C 9/27/1972 #27033 NORTH / BONDUEL, WI 2 / car. Fireball tumbles and blinks / 60M altitu 9/29/1972 #27040 RIO PIEDRAS, PR Fireball / sky shoots beams. Watches sev 10/28/1972 #27094 0 feet, it tilts, belches a bright fireball, and silently disappears at tre 10/28/1972 #27095 ELLE, BELGIUM 1+2 observer(s). Red fireball with brilliant white ring wobbl 12/18/1972 #27179 HINOJOS, SP 4 observer(s). Square fireball lights area. Lights out / 2 car 12/31/1972 #27196 SW / BEIRA, MOZAMBQ 737 crew. 30cm fireball going up / ground. Flashes. Pac 1/8/1973 #27225 A, NZ Airliner. Intense blue-white fireball paces. Compasses spin 12 rpm. / 2/2/1973 #27260 MONTMIRAIL, 51, FR 1M fireball / complex maneuvers / 30 minute 3/3/1973 #27326 JEAN-DE-BOURNAY, FR Vibrant bright fireball maneuvers near 2 observer(s) / 3/9/1973 #27339 CHEVY CHASE, MD Girl / 12. 1M fireball going down / tree. Flashes and 6/6/1973 #27551 approximate. 3 / car and more. 5M fireball. Engine dies. Power outage. Hea 6/7/1973 #27555 Sousas, Brazil Yellow "fireball" approached, stopped 50 meters 6/7/1973 #27556 n a car near Sousas, Brazil saw a "fireball" which came toward them and sto 6/7/1973 #27557 PONZANO MAGRA, ITL 12 observer(s). Fireball follows terrain near 130kv line 7/4/1973 #27613 Israeli war. Cops and several. Big fireball maneuvers and turns. 10/10/1973 (approximate) #27978 jubljana, Yugoslavia watched a big fireball making maneuvers and turns in t 10/10/1973 #27982 DRAGUIGNON, FR Fireball and glowing / mountain. Large s 10/19/1973 #28182 ots and RADAR and more/others. Red fireball maneuvers all over/all about ai 10/23/1973 #28246 SMARTNO, SLOVENIA Several kids. Fireball jumps all over/all about. Vanis 11/11/1973 #28408 MARTINA FRANCA, ITALY 2 teens. Fireball lands / railroad/railway statio 11/20/1973 (approximate) #28450 MONTREAL, QB 2 / car. Fireball becomes horizontal bar. Suddenl 11/30/1973 #28486 t 3M saucer lands / vineyard. 20cm fireball rises / sky. 1/12/1974 #28674 ty, England, record at least three fireball meteors this evening. The Briti 1/23/1974 #28694 NEUILLE, 03, FR 4 observer(s). Red fireball with beacon circles fields / 4 2/1974 #28721 e comes and goes in jumps. 0800 1M fireball lands / ground / r251p77. 2/4/1974 #28735 ALTAMURA, ITL 3 / car. Fireball quickly going down. Red ovoid p 2/6/1974 #28740 LA POSSONNIERE, FR Fireball going down / late Jan. 5 Mx5M t 2/9/1974 #28752 N21 / AUREILHAN, FR Red fireball follows car / 18km. Small fireb 3/1/1974 #28833 fireball follows car / 18km. Small fireball splits off and away. Motor trou 3/1/1974 #28833 POILLY-LEZ-GIEN, FR Fireball changes vivid color(s). Going q 3/5/1974 #28859 LIBERCOURT, FR 4 observer(s). Fireball maneuvers low / horizon. 3 nigh 3/18/1974 #28905 ARQUES, PDC Red fireball silently blinks and slowly pass 3/18/1974 #28906 WEST / CARCES, FR Huge red fireball with trapezoid inside hovers / 4/13/1974 #29011 YOUBOU, BC 4+observer(s). Tumbling fireball stops over Lake Cowichan. = 3 l 5/1/1974 #29076 FR Night light maneuvers. Then 1M fireball seems to land. 3 identical impr 5/28/1974 #29140 lights go all over/all about. Huge fireball lands. Traces. / r30. 6/14/1974 #29188 s / 15 minute(s) intervals. Orange fireball stops. Shoots going quickly sou 8/15/1974 #29350 Distant lightning. Silent 6M white fireball goes straight and level south g 8/17/1974 #29365 SOUTH AUSTR Car / roadside. White fireball passes by. Car shakes and engin 9/1974 #29409 WEST / INVERMERE, BC 4+kids. 22M fireball / 60M altitude scans mountains 9/14/1974 #29454 NOE TO/FROM MURET, FR Night light. Fireball follows car / 8km. Building lig 10/1974 (approximate) #29495 bathing / lake zapped / blue-beam. Fireball zigzags away. Sick. Burns. 10/1974 #29496 Controllers. 2 747s "sandwich" red fireball. Going up / extremely fast. / r 10/23/1974 #29551 SOUTH / LORDSBURG, NM 3 / car. Fireball shines blue light going down / 1/6/1975 #29727 FJORDUR, ICELAND Many observer(s). Fireball maneuvers fast and slow. Wave / 1/9/1975 #29735 NEAR BEZOLLES, FR Fireball 5M over D112. Several beams ext 1/14/1975 #29747 MATTOON, WI 2 / car. Fireball follows car home. Hovers / tree 3/2/1975 #29863 LA FLAMENGRIE, 02, FR Milkmen. 2M fireball all over/all about farm. Rectan 4/1/1975 #29933 A fireball was sighted near a farm south o 4/1/1975 #29935 PAEA, TAHITI Screech! Moon-size fireball going [to] over. Makes 90° turn 4/15/1975 #29988 , FR Several separate observer(s). Fireball. 50M glowing-cylinder/cigar-sha 7/23/1975 #30202 night light maneuvers. Huge white fireball rises / ground and vanishes! / 8/1/1975? #30229 BEAUPUY, FR Trucker. Moon-size fireball pass from cloud to cloud 3 time 8/18/1975 #30286 COX, HGR, FR 3 observer(s). Red fireball going quickly southeast lands a 8/18/1975 #30287 s them that he has just seen a red fireball 1,000 feet above him headed tow 8/20/1975 #30291 SOUTHWEST / WAKEFIELD, WEST YORKS Fireball appears over TV mast. Swoops do 9/22/1975 #30375 SINOIA, SALISBURY, RHD Small fireball near road. Droning sound. Extre 10/30/1975 #30516 theast overhead. Dark corona. Also fireball / 03 December. / FSRv12#8. 11/26/1975 #30664 ALAIS-SUR-VIENNE, FR 2 / car. Huge fireball by HT lines. Vanishes / seconds 12/8/1975 #30692 BAZLANEC, FR Separate observer(s). Fireball going down. Power breakers trip 12/24/1975 #30735 bserver(s). Pyramid / ground emits fireball and lights woods. 50M saucer ro 1/7/1976 #30773 ST.-JUST-DE-CLAIX, FR Fireball and 10M cone. 3 2.5M cone-figur 1/9/1976 #30778 ST. MARTIN-DE-URIAGE, FR 3M fireball beams 4 lights going down / cen 1/17/1976 #30794 IEW, VA Several observer(s). Brill fireball maneuvers and lands. Blast and 1/18/1976 #30797 CUGNAUX, FR 2 kids. Fireball over chimney goes left going [t 1/18/1976 #30798 Family. Geese and horses frantic. Fireball halfway up TV tower nearby. 2/9/1976 #30858 3 pilots. Near crash with 2M green fireball. Luminous/glowing trail. / LDLN 3/3/1976 #30918 / GRAHAMSTOWN, RSA 3+observer(s). Fireball 10' over house / 105min. Finall 3/5/1976 #30924 veral separate observer(s). Orange fireball follows plane. 750m altitude. 6/26/1976 #31141 SABREVOIS, QB Fireball outside house. Entities outside 7/29/1976 #31192 MAZERES, FR Silent 100M fireball going southeast / 2 minute(s). 7/30/1976 #31199 STONY POINT, NY Cop and 2. Fireball spins over power station/depot/ 8/22/1976 #31290 LK, ME Allagash 4 and more/others. Fireball hovers 200' over trees. Shrinks 8/24/1976 #31296 EI MARMI, ITL 3 kids / beach. 35cm fireball 30M away. Jerky trajectory. Hal 8/27/1976 #31308 LOVINGTON, NM Brill fireball hovers near Venus. Changes colo 9/30/1976 #31433 2 observer(s). White spoon-shaped fireball goes going northwest / 30 minut 11/14/1976 #31544 NEAR TOMIO, FINL Fireball going east from Sweden. Beam kn 11/15/1976? #31550 ZIMBABWE Many observer(s). Orange fireball maneuvers over farms. Seen prev 11/20/1976 #31561 s passing a bicyclist he noticed a fireball in the northwest sky falling fa 12/6/1976 #31587 atch the descent of a purple-green fireball. They drive to the impact site 1977 #31656 MEZILHAC, FR 4 observer(s). Fireball going [to] under cloud-ceiling. 1/1/1977 #31672 ENNY, SOUTH AUSTR Farmer. Flashes. Fireball passes close. Away / high speed 1/20/1977 #31730 ANO, ITALY RADAR and jet track red fireball. Goes going up [to] 23K'. In si 2/23/1977 #31840 / CHAUMONT, FR FAF jet buzzed 2X. Fireball / mach 1.4. RADAR invisible. Go 3/7/1977 #31867 LLE, PA 2+2+2+2+2+observer(s). Red fireball maneuvers against wind. Landing 3/8/1977 #31875 ) DC10 / autopilot veers left! 30M fireball near. 3 compasses goofy. 3/12/1977 #31899 NORTH / DALE, DYFED, WALES Glowing fireball follows family / car. Engine an 3/17/1977 #31912 MASSENZATICO, ITL 2 observer(s). Fireball maneuvers and going down [to] s 3/30/1977 #31934 wn [to] and swings left and right. Fireball at end. 5/23/1977 #32124 SAO BENTO, BRZ Bird-shaped fireball zaps man / horseback. Faints. O 7/14/1977 #32270 usands / open theater. Silent 40cm fireball spins circles and maneuvers / 8 8/1977 #32332 FONTANIGORDA, ITL Fireball going down. Small humanoids (or 8/26/1977 #32425 APE GIRARDEAU, MO Physicist and 2. Fireball dims and turns when near airlin 10/7/1977 #32556 RTO, PORTUGAL Several observer(s). Fireball / 200M altitude. Too bright to 1/21/1978 #32903 BELL ISLAND, NFL Fireball. Huge unidentified blast. Elect 4/2/1978 #33114 AUSTR 1 observer / sunrise. Orange fireball spins. Jumps into and out of wa 4/12/1978 #33142 KERMAN, CA Cop. Ovoid fireball hovers / street. Flash & appare 5/13/1978 #33200 Many observer(s). 2+dates unknown. Fireball / mountains. 5M saucer rotates 7/1978? #33315 SOURE, PORTUGAL 2 / car buzzed by fireball. White blue and pink. Thunders 7/12/1978 #33370 RAMBLON, ARG Fireball stops over railroad/railway sta 7/12/1978 #33372 PEORIA, IL 2 / car. Fireball flies behind building. Hovers / 8/7/1978 #33482 ly. The strip morphs into a bright fireball about 5 feet wide. It disappear 9/3/1978 #33630 HANY, WV 3 separate cops and many. Fireball and 2 red 300' objects. Hover a 11/3/1978 #33917 ther independent witnesses saw the fireball and two 300 foot long objects. 11/3/1978 #33918 NAGO, ITL Extremely bright 4M red fireball / roadside. Orange rim. Going u 1/1/1979 #34270 ATRI, ITL Several observer(s). Fireball quickly going down. Stops by ho 1/1/1979 #34272 101 NEAR SHERMAN OAKS, CA 4 / car. Fireball going up and down. Skips. Vanis 1/21/1979 #34365 AUBA, BRZ Woman levitated / beam / fireball and odd tornado. Lowered gently 1/27/1979 #34383 entified ship sails / water. Large fireball exits going [to] inland. Return 3/30/1979 #34495 ISLAMPUR, INDIA Fireball yanks tin roofs and trinkets lo 7/10/1979 #34651 ERAC-LE-CHATEAU, FR 4 observer(s). Fireball going south / jumps. Turns to c 8/1/1979 #34694 LE DOLUS, FR Fireball going down / trees. 2 doors ope 8/2/1979 #34700 iro, just hours after reports of a fireball in Bolivia and northern Chile. 8/10/1979 #34724 plane. Instruments go crazy. 300' fireball overhead. Watch stops. Object g 8/18/1979 #34753 NEAR SANTA CRUZ, BLV Fireball going down. 3' sphere found. Li 8/19/1979 (approximate) #34755 Ex-cop. Car O / O / control. Green fireball. Clocks stop. Missing time.. / 8/20/1979 #34762 (s). Semi-transparent clouds glow. Fireball exits and shoots rays and spins 10/14/1979 #34954 ELIZABETH, NJ 8+cop. 4cm red fireball inside and outside airport/apar 11/8/1979 #34984 Grays Harbor, WA A fireball or missile flew in over the Gra 12/10/1979 #35064 On this evening in 1979 a fireball or missile flew in over the Gra 12/10/1979 #35066 KU STRAIT, AK 300+observer(s). Red fireball slows and hovers. 90° turn and 1/24/1980 #35143 AUZEBOSC, FR 3 observer(s). 20M fireball hovers over house. Hides / cops 6/30/1980 #35395 VENCE, FR 2M red fireball hovers low. Zigzags going up / 7/12/1980 #35411 nts. Ground and sky lit. White-red fireball going quickly northwest close b 7/21/1980 #35422 , ONT 3 observer(s). Silent orange fireball hovers and lights overcast / 30 11/1/1980 #35602 torpedo paces small plane. Turns / fireball. Shoots going up / Internationa 11/5/1980 #35619 rver(s). Vibrant bright slow white fireball going southwest. Power outage a 11/11/1980 #35631 ls.” Astronomers also record three fireball meteors the same night, the lar 12/25/1980 #35732 atural debris seen burning up as a fireball over southern England at the ti 12/26/1980 #35737 es with the appearance of a bright fireball over southern England; such fir 12/28/1980 #35750 ing quickly northeast. Becomes big fireball. Vanishes. 2/4/1981 #35815 night lights play / sky. Cop sees fireball. 3/21/1981 #35869 CORSEUL, FR 2 / car. 50cm fireball blocks road 15M ahead. Observer 4/12/1981 #35890 LLASA AND, TIBET Huge fireball east going west / 7 minute(s). 7/24/1981 #36029 NORTH / MUTARE, ZIMB 7' fireball at tower. 3 silver suit pseudo- 8/15/1981 #36074 e group, and he watches the 5-foot fireball maneuver around the grounds the 8/15/1981 #36075 inging a warning bell, he sees the fireball come back down the tower, go pa 8/15/1981 #36075 omen in the compound have seen the fireball and the entities and run out in 8/15/1981 #36075 rning from work at 6:00 p.m. saw a fireball rolling across the grounds of t 8/15/1981 #36076 ILL, WA 1 observer. Extreme-bright fireball stationary over power lines / 6 10/1981 (approximate) #36145 BALTIC SEA 16' fireball paces and blasts hole in Russia 10/16/1981 #36173 ARKS, ME 2+4 / separate cars. Huge fireball forces detours / SR43. / MJ#283 11/29/1981 #36237 ESSAOUIRA, MOROCCO 12 observer(s). Fireball maneuvers and spins. Beams goin 12/26/1981 #36277 RS 3 airliners and ground RADAR's. Fireball zigzags going south / 1100km. / 2/8/1982 #36323 PECEM, BRZ Fireball chases 2 women 500M. Going quic 4/1982 #36421 ROMEOVILLE, IL Fireball going quickly east near powerpl 6/15/1982 #36501 Romeoville, IL A fireball with an odd shape flew rapidly 6/15/1982 #36502 At around 9:30 p.m. a fireball with an odd shape flew rapidly 6/15/1982 #36503 NEAR HOYT, MT Campers. Huge fireball going northeast slow down Yello 8/10/1982 #36565 h of light exploded into an orange fireball near the M.V. Strathdee, a Roma 9/17/1982 #36606 h of light exploded into an orange fireball near the M.V. Strathdee, a Roma 9/17/1982 #36608 LAWRENCE, KS Cop. Silent orange fireball 350' over power pole. Southwest 5/4/1983 #36851 VALE DAS VELHAS, BRZ Fireball hums and lights area. Man levit 11/1/1983 #37039 TON-SALEM, NC 4 observer(s). Large fireball drops 3 small objects / swamp. 11/28/1983 #37051 NGTON, WV 1 observer. Large silent fireball hovers over home. Lights area. 1/22/1984 #37138 CA, CA 1 observer. Silent 24cm red fireball going up and down [to] low arou 3/25/1984 #37243 LLANGERNYW, WALES 20+observer(s). Fireball and night lights and saucer? Co 4/14/1984 #37261 car. Blue night light zaps yellow fireball. Disintegrates. Chases 2nd fire 4/20/1984 #37277 ireball. Disintegrates. Chases 2nd fireball. / MJ#195. 4/20/1984 #37277 .m. The blue UFO zapped the yellow fireball with a red beam, apparently cau 4/20/1984 #37279 BLAIRGOWRIE, SCOTLAND Fireball. Odd house-key shape hovers. Ps 4/25/1984 #37287 en they see a strange light like a fireball. The truck stops, and later it 5/5/1984 #37318 nd, WA At 3:45 a.m. a spark-tailed fireball splashed down 1000 yards south 7/27/1984 #37421 At 3:45 a.m. a spark-tailed fireball splashed down 1000 yards south 7/27/1984 #37422 ' saucer / 200' altitude. Hums. 4' fireball exits and drops. Tall figure ru 1/2/1985 #37545 NEAR DALNEGORSK, RUSSIA Orange fireball going northwest. Crashes. Stran 1/29/1986 #37773 KEY LARGO, FL 1 observer. Fireball going down / high altitude. Sto 1/29/1986 #37774 stok, Russia in eastern Asia a red fireball flew parallel to the ground wit 1/29/1986 #37776 WINCHESTER, MA 1+several. Fireball low over trees / back yard. Fla 7/3/1986 #37928 ATE, MALAYSIA Several observer(s). Fireball going down [to] and hovers by h 7/28/1986 #37955 RICHMOND, IN Blinding fireball going quickly west stops near p 7/30/1986 #37958 ST / VANDERBILT, PA 3 observer(s). Fireball / field rises and paces car / S 9/7/1986 #38019 LAGUNA CARTAGENA, PR Red fireball sinks / lake. Huge saucer emerg 5/30/1987 #38179 mhouse, they see another object, a fireball with a tail descending in the a Late 7/1987 #38218 IADING, CH Air Force pilot. Orange fireball spirals. Going down. Going up. 8/27/1987 #38256 Traffic Controller / tower. Small fireball hovers 300M from end / runway. 8/27/1987 #38261 SOMERS, MT 2 / car. Fireball paces car. Divides / 2. 1 part 9/1987 #38267 OVA / BOLSHAYA ZLATOGORKA Photos / fireball analyzed = solid. 3/18/1988 #38510 DE, DK Fisherman. Small silent red fireball rises from creek. Hovers. Going 4/24/1988 #38545 LAN 737 banks sharply / avoid fast fireball. Type unknown. / r150p65. 6/1/1988 #38578 A, MI Multiple observer(s). Bright fireball paces car / treetop level. = da 2/3/1989 #38816 POWAY, CA 1 observer. Bright fireball drops straight going down. Make 2/21/1989 #38845 PENSACOLA, FL Woman / car. Huge fireball low overhead. Radio out. (Obser 4/4/1989 #38889 HAIFA, ISRAEL Fireball slowly drops / beach. Burns / h 4/21/1989 #38914 E, BRZ 2 / farm. Big silent flashy fireball over lake. Back days later. 6/1989 #38969 VOLOGDA, RUSSIA Fireball seen over town / 17 minute(s). 6/11/1989 #38984 CAUJAC, FR 1 observer. Moon-size fireball brightens and dims 3 times in 3 10/18/1989 (approximate) #39175 GUES, FR 1 observer. 25cm fast red fireball going quickly south parallel / 10/26/1989 #39187 Central United States Fireball meteor observed about 6:15 A.M. 1/24/1990 #39388 Eastern United States Long-lasting fireball meteor, blue-green with short t 1/26/1990 #39389 (s). 3 night lights hover and fly. Fireball / motor sounds. Beams going dow 2/21/1990 #39423 rtheastern United States Prominent fireball meteor changing color from whit 2/23/1990 #39430 EL CARMEN, ARG Fireball over soccer field. Beams going 5/4/1990 #39552 SOLEDADE, RGN, BRAZIL 1 / 2M red fireball circles house chasing 2 observe 7/20/1990 #39654 AJES, BRZ Woman nearly levitated / fireball. Multicolor dots all over/all a 8/1990 #39673 KOV, UKRAINE Night. Woman sees red fireball over houses. Turns into saucer. 8/23/1990 #39699 R 1 observer. Intense white / blue fireball low and slow. Goes over house. 10/21/1990 #39802 West Virginia). 2:50 to 3:00 A.M. Fireball meteor, green and red sparks, m 3/6/1991 #39997 D'HERIA, FR Dlt(?) / field. Orange fireball exits and checks observer(s) ou 3/19/1991 #40022 DURANT, OK 50cm fireball and saucer / moves / response / 4/14/1991 #40039 NORTH / CAMPO REDONDO, BRZ Fireball levitates man twice. Heat and c 5/12/1991? #40056 CLACTON-ON-SEA, ESSEX Orange fireball / pale halo. East going west / 6/5/1991 #40083 An orange fireball with a pale halo flew east to w 6/5/1991 #40084 NORTH / ASUNCION, PARAGUAY Intense fireball buzzes Lap liner and 3 / Cessna 6/8/1991 #40087 MAZVIADEI DAM, ZIMBABWE Small blue fireball flies parallel / ground low alt 6/14/1991 #40096 MILK HILL, WILTS 75' fireball crosses sky. In JULY91 saucer v 6/22/1991 #40103 NEAR PARAIPABA, BRZ Farmer and 3. Fireball with small lights east going we 8/25/1991 #40165 bserver(s) hides under tree. Runs. Fireball going [to] over. Crack! Tree Bl 9/1991 #40176 ke craft hovers. Tilts on end. Red fireball exits and going quickly south. 10/8/1991 #40207 MO 2 observer(s). Very large white fireball hovers. Shoots going up [to] an 11/25/1991 #40240 RAGUE, OK 2 large night lights and fireball at microwave tower. Helicopters 1/7/1992 #40281 SANTO ANGELO, RS 1 observer. Fireball zigzags south going quickly nor 1/9/1992 #40282 thwest, OR 12:15 A.M. Bright green fireball meteor, wavered, split up, brig 2/24/1992 #40334 t (Oregon) 12:15 A.M. Bright green fireball meteor, wavered, split up, brig 2/24/1992 #40335 VICENTE DE CARVALHO, BRZ 20cm fireball enters room. "Vuuh" sound. Obse 3/15/1992? #40383 CASCAVEL, CE, BRZ Fireball follows engineer / minutes. Sau 7/17/1992 #40520 engineer / minutes. Saucer follows fireball! No further details. 7/17/1992 #40520 AMARANTE, BRZ Several observer(s). Fireball lights up campsite like day. Sh 7/25/1992 #40534 CAMPO REDONDO, RGN, BRZ 2M yellow fireball over hunters / 30 minute(s). Ex 8/6/1992 #40556 MIRAIMA, BRZ 6 observer(s). Fireball / 6M altitude by railroad/railw 9/30/1992 #40644 MIRAIMA, BRZ Fireball hovers. Follows 5 observer(s) t 10/4/1992 #40661 rious About 7:50 P.M. Green-orange fireball meteor southwest to northeast o 10/9/1992 #40669 State About 7:50 P.M. Greenorange fireball meteor southwest to northeast o 10/9/1992 #40670 ts fireballs / 30 minute(s). Large fireball divides / 4 twice. 1/21/1993 #40806 TH, DK 3+/ (seen thru) binoculars. Fireball with beams. Rises going south. 2/17/1993 #40851 ps / helicopter and 1 / car. Large fireball buzzes helicopter. Releases 3 s 3/4/1993 #40877 NNE, BORNHOLM, DK Cop. Silent 50cm fireball zips all over/all about silo. G 3/24/1993 #40898 PYECOMBE, WEST SUSSEX Fireball goes 2mph just over field. Car 6/20/1993 #41024 DERBY, DERBYSHIRE Red fireball maneuvers. Also separate observ 6/26/1993 #41037 seemed to "want to be seen." A red fireball maneuvered in the sky over Derb 6/26/1993 #41039 CHILTINGTON, WEST SUSSEX Fireball jumps up from behind trees / a 7/3/1993 #41049 ETRANGE-ELVANGE, FR 2 observer(s). Fireball like white flare / arms length. 8/11/1993 #41127 ARMSTRONG, BC Red fireball flies east going west over town 8/23/1993 #41153 nder/cylindrical object seen 22nd. Fireball / 30 th. Night light / 1 Octobe 9/21/1993 #41206 KENNINGTON, KENT Vibrant bright fireball radiates beams / light. Shape u 10/11/1993 #41230 7 observer(s) and more. Moon-size fireball going quickly west. Stops. 90° 11/30/1993 #41310 CARP, ONT 2 / car. Huge blazing fireball follows car home. Responds / he 12/1/1993 #41314 ST. DENIS, REUNION 3 observer(s). Fireball curves northeast going NNW. Sto 1/18/1994 #41375 SOUTHWEST / NOMAIN, FR Cab driver. Fireball going quickly northeast. Stops. 2/2/1994 #41401 ex 2-domed structure with bars and fireball / front. 2/2/1994 #41401 JUMILLA, SP Fireball north going quickly south / 183 5/1/1994 #41512 ERLEE, DURHAM 2 / car / A19. Large fireball going down [to] behind hill. Go 6/21/1994 #41576 ON-SUR-SAONE, FR 1 observer. White fireball catches up to plane and vanishe 8/1/1994 #41652 FR Cops and several. Red moon-size fireball. Aims beams quickly going down. 8/19/1994 #41680 oing [to] over trees. Ray / light. Fireball follows. Back Jan. 23. 12/27/1994 #41907 GEFOSSES, FR Start of Cotentin fireball wave. 13 sightings / 4 days. / 12/30/1994 #41913 NDEVILLE, FR 3 observer(s). Silent fireball and cylinder/cylindrical object 1/1/1995 #41934 west going east. Sudden fast turn. Fireball splits. / r226#25. 1/1/1995 #41934 es not appear on radar. Possibly a fireball meteor. 1/6/1995 #41956 EY, LEICS Several observer(s). Big fireball offloads small buzzing balls / 2/2/1995 #42011 / row. Vibrant bright pear-shaped fireball over trees. 2/11/1995 #42034 IX-EN-CHAMPAGNE, FR 2 observer(s). Fireball in fog west going quickly east 3/7/1995 #42078 WASHINGTON PARK, IL 1 observer. Fireball north going quickly south. Redd 3/15/1995 #42105 bserver. Fuse blows. Silent orange fireball / complex trajectory. Sawtooth. 4/1/1995 #42132 CHALONS-SUR-MARNE, FR Silent white fireball south going northwest over tree 4/15/1995 #42153 e disk / ground. Structure on top. Fireball over Phoenix next morning. 5/21/1995 #42217 ANN ARBOR, MI 2 observer(s). Green fireball streaks by. Going down [to] bel 6/14/1995 #42254 CHARD, SOMERSET 2 / car. Fireball behind bush jumps up over car. 6/25/1995 #42274 (seen thru) binoculars. Red-orange fireball flies ahead of plane going quic 6/29/1995 #42281 cabbies / police report. Moon-size fireball crosses dock. Turns going quick 8/17/1995 #42394 CA 5+separate observer(s). Orange fireball / night light shoots flames. Zi 8/26/1995 #42416 ENSLEY, FL 2+/ car. White-hot fireball emits sparks. West going quickl 8/27/1995 #42421 A, FL 2 / car / bay bridge. Red 1' fireball / trees shoots our and back. Sw 9/2/1995 #42436 MAPLE VALLEY, WA 1 observer. Fireball floats by. Zigzags. Fades. Shoo 9/24/1995 #42504 , AZ 1 / truck. Flaming red-orange fireball flares. Dims. Rises vertically 10/8/1995 #42540 ot dives to avoid extremely bright fireball. Fireball jumps about. Clevelan 2/27/1996 #42785 o avoid extremely bright fireball. Fireball jumps about. Cleveland Air Traf 2/27/1996 #42785 ly and police report. Large orange fireball rotates. Hovers. Maneuvers. Zig 4/3/1996 #42851 bus crew and NY FAA RADAR. Intense fireball paces liner. Jumps 20 mile(s) / 4/12/1996 #42863 At 11:50 p.m. an intense fireball paced an airliner while flying 4/12/1996 #42864 ert. Hundreds / observer(s). Large fireball and 2 small night lights flash 8/4/1996 #42970 DUN, FR 1 / car. Blinding sun-like fireball hovers / peak / 4 minute(s). Va 8/12/1996 #42981 GYMPIE,, AUSTRALIA 1 / car. Bright fireball going east / 10 minute(s) / 400 9/9/1996 #43011 he had seen a bluish or blue-green fireball descend almost vertically to th 10/3/1996 #43052 least four intense bright-orange "fireball" type lights over the city, bef 11/25/1996 #43123 NCHARMES, FR 1 observer only! 140M fireball going SSE / 40M altitude. Quite 2/5/1997 #43184 TIN-EN-GOELE, FR 2 separate teens. Fireball going down / angle. Makes 6 wid 3/11/1997 #43226 ARNE, FR Several firemen and more. Fireball going west to burning garage. C 4/1/1997 #43248 separate observer(s). Valley lit. Fireball hovers Mt. Sir Donald. Shoots q 12/18/1997 #43466 GMUNDEN, AUSTRIA 8 teens. Red fireball going [to] over lake. Going up 6/1/1998 #43578 Antrim, MI Fireball chain and coincidental barking 11/16/1999 #43882 on, WI Dog does not react as large fireball flies over (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - A 11/16/1999 #43883 00 p.m. the witnesses observed two fireball like objects collide. One then 9/20/2000 #44043 Etzikom, Alberta, see a brilliant fireball falling and apparently striking 4/1/2001 #44156 Salisbury, MD Dogs bark at fireball that lights terrain and is hear 1/22/2002 #44309 nswick, sees a bright, fast-moving fireball. Around 11:00 p.m., a couple ne 1/17/2004 #44651 rchard, Washington, when an orange fireball travels from southeast to north 7/16/2007 #45038 ide. Looking up, he sees an orange fireball flying past with small fragment 2/24/2018 #45511 , Turkey 11:00 p.m. A bright green fireball illuminates the night sky over 7/30/2021 #45701
N NAS / PENSACOLA, FL 2 cadets. 5M fireball-cylinder/cigar-shape. 2 objects 4/4/1965 #18891
ALGODONALES, SP 2 Mx10cm fireball-disk going [to] over road and d 6/9/1972 #26708
Copenhagen, Denmark Several fireball-like objects fly over Copenhage 9/4/1956 #13186 ntarctica Meteorologist observed a fireball-like object, multi-colored, bel 3/16/1961 #16630 il" being who was accompanied by a fireball-like object and a huge hairy hu 4/10/1989 #38899
COLD BAY, AK 9 / C54 crew. Red fireball-night light going up [to] going 1/28/1954 #9504 CHAZELLE, FR Duck hunters. Fireball-night light buzzes all around. 12/1973 #28493
FES, MOROCCO Fireball-rocket going quickly west. Turn 9/23/1946 (approximate) #2188
SCUTARI, TURKEY Fireball-saucer circles pier / 6M altitu 11/2/1885 #268 POINT, NC 2 / private plane. Huge fireball-saucer going north fast. Bottom 7/12/1947 #3153 VICARAGE FARM, STAFFS Huge fireball-saucer stops and hovers. Shoots 12/15/1951 #5819 RADAR-visual (observation). Yellow fireball-saucer 10 minute(s) after rocke 1/5/1965 #18695 NEAR FARGO, ND 2 observer(s). Fireball-saucer on ground. Photograph ta 2/26/1967 #21654
NEAR ALBUQUERQUE, NM 9 green fireball-saucers. RADAR-visual (observat 7/3/1954 #9985
VEUREY, ISERE 4 observer(s). Fireball-sphere/orb/globe plays / sky / 1/9/1976 #30780
LOCATION UNKNOWN Night lights and fireballs overhead all night. 'Wind maki 9/24/1235 #10 AGINCOURT, FR Fast fireballs strike with a disabling beam F 10/25/1415 #18 PORTUGAL Flying red cylinders and fireballs terrify population. 'Rain of b 1/3/1551 #28 KYOTO, JAPAN May. Many fireballs. Flaming wheel spins near Nijo 5/1/1606 (approximate) #36 GIUM Large glowing clouds collide. Fireballs and light circles. Same / Vilv 10/19/1726 #57 NFLD Crew / steamship St. Andrew. Fireballs zig-zag and descend into sea. 10/30/1906 #691 ween 40 and 60 bright, slow-moving fireballs moving from horizon to horizon 2/9/1913 #881 tically identical path. Individual fireballs are visible for at least 30 to 2/9/1913 #881 es a press release identifying the fireballs as a “new German weapon” and t 12/13/1944 #1719 Los Alamos, NM Green Fireballs seen in Southwestern US 1945 #1740 n that the Air Ministry thinks the fireballs are either Me-262’s or flak ro 3/18/1945 #1816 RY US B29 BASE IN MARIANAS ISLANDS Fireballs maneuver and follow bombers. O 5/1945 #1857 R Pilot / 415th Squadron. 5 orange fireballs / delta/triangle/box-like craf 5/3/1945 (approximate) #1861 FAYETTEVILLE, NC Fireballs land / roof. House burns down. 12/25/1945 #1952 GS AND HAGALUND, SWD Wave / silent fireballs and wingless cigars mystify al 5/25/1946 (approximate) #1998 aped objects and eleven reports of fireballs rocketing over Sweden at about 7/9/1946 #2042 AST AND CENTRAL SWEDEN Huge wave / fireballs rockets cigars. 1 offloads nig 8/11/1946 #2114 LONGWY, FR Newsman and several. 2 fireballs connected / bar north going so 9/12/1946 #2179 FURT, GERM 3 US WACs / base. 3 big fireballs maneuver / 30 minute(s). Vanis 2/3/1947 #2237 LANSING, MI 2 observer(s). Fireballs shoot to and fro between cloud 6/15/1947 (approximate) #2330 lls / sheriff. Colored saucers and fireballs all over/all about Siskiyou Co 7/7/1947 #2842 E 4 observer(s) and more/others. 3 fireballs going west separately. Stop. J 7/7/1947 #2909 h of Cape Blanco, Oregon, sees two fireballs with fiery tails heading north 11/12/1947 #3485 Los Alamos, NM Green fireballs prominent in New Mexico 11/1948 #3859 LOS ALAMOS, NM FBI report. Green fireballs or saucers seen 5, 6, 7, 8, 11 12/5/1948 (approximate) #3905 maneuver. The same night 12 green fireballs seen traveling rapidly north t 12/5/1948 #3910 c cameras to try to photograph the fireballs. 12/12/1948 #3926 a report on these anomalous green fireballs. He concluded that what he saw 12/12/1948 #3927 ight switch. The interest in green fireballs inspires the creation of an in 12/20/1948 #3935 Paz to try to photograph the green fireballs, personnel (William D. Wilson, 12/20/1948 #3936 he heard LANL was analyzing green fireballs (this last claim has been conf 1949 #3947 to USAF Intelligence on the green fireballs. It is signed by David Z. Beck 1/7/1949 #3968 Intelligence concerning the green fireballs. It recommends a scientific st 1/13/1949 #3973 mediate investigation of the green fireballs, noting that “local commanders 1/31/1949 #3988 lls AFOSI agent Paul Ryan that the fireballs are artificial, perhaps radio- 1/31/1949 #3988 . Charles P. Cabell that the green fireballs look like a serious issue that 2/11/1949 #4002 meteors are blue-green, the green fireballs are described as pale green or 2/16/1949 #4010 ions to photograph and analyze the fireballs. Teller thinks the fireballs m 2/16/1949 #4010 e the fireballs. Teller thinks the fireballs might be electrical-optical ph 2/16/1949 #4010 d that Hynek is studying the green fireballs topic. He adds: “It seems unli 2/18/1949 #4017 nvestigations to discuss the green fireballs with LaPaz and Neef and to mol 2/23/1949 #4021 . The AMC officers retort that the fireballs are not an Army concern. Grose 2/24/1949 #4023 OD, TX Project Bluebook Case #319. Fireballs etc. mimic actual flare tests 3/17/1949 #4046 ans to do anything about the green fireballs. Before Rees has a response, J 4/25/1949 #4109 assistance in investigating green fireballs and the Killeen lights. They a 5/5/1949 #4149 and Navy officials agree that the fireballs remain unexplained. AFSWP pers 5/5/1949 #4149 over, he wants to see if the green fireballs are still reported (they are) 7/13/1949 #4269 henomena. Kaplan suspects that the fireballs are an auroral phenomenon, but 7/13/1949 #4269 would stay on to look out for the fireballs. 7/13/1949 #4269 ” He notes that “Many of the green fireballs now appearing descend in nearl 8/17/1949 #4319 ier months almost all of the green fireballs observed moved almost horizont 8/17/1949 #4319 lain the yellow-green color of the fireballs. He suggests that further air 8/18/1949 #4322 amples be taken in areas where the fireballs are seen. 8/18/1949 #4322 cinnati Enquirer offices regarding fireballs and comet-like objects all acr 8/19/1949 #4329 ther facilities to study the green fireballs from field locations. 9/1/1949 #4343 rs at Sandia Base, New Mexico, see fireballs of various colors traveling ei 9/27/1949 #4375 ow, and Stanislaw Ulam), the green fireballs are identified as probably atm 10/14/1949 #4394 By this time, he is convinced the fireballs are a rare type of meteor. But 11/3/1949 #4409 ALMANSA, SP Night lights and fireballs north going quickly south / 2 1/28/1950 #4515 LOS ALAMOS, NM Night lights and fireballs zip all over town to 1645hrs. 3/17/1950 #4661 t Twinkle. 8 30' saucers and green fireballs / FBI. 150k' altitude. / Inter 5/24/1950 #4962 n New Mexico,” discusses the green fireballs and notes that OSI is concerne 8/1950 #5093 Belmont to D. Milton Ladd on green fireballs. 8/23/1950 #5136 AN BORDER AREA Wave / night lights fireballs etc. Green and black. West goi 12/29/1950 #5369 ul, South Korea Several Pilots Saw Fireballs (Probable IFO) (NICAP: 09 - RA 7/1/1951 #5557 oman AFB, New Mexico, on the green fireballs, Project Twinkle’s Maj. Edward 8/27/1951 #5636 nnel talk to LaPaz about the green fireballs and he insists they are not me 8/28/1951 #5637 shape paces plane. Bursts into red fireballs going quickly [to] all directi 11/2/1951 #5758 t into pieces that looked like red fireballs, which scattered in all direct 11/2/1951 #5764 tics Since October 30, seven green fireballs of exceptional size have been 11/9/1951 #5773 he phenomenon is not natural.” The fireballs travel in straight lines and a 11/9/1951 #5773 low frequency of occurrence of the fireballs does not justify the $50,000 a 11/27/1951 #5794 NORWAY 4 separate events / winter. Fireballs hover silently and going quick 12/23/1951 (approximate) #5823 uickly SSW / San Francisco. Orange fireballs back 24 February. 2/19/1952 #5909 hysical Association to study green fireballs which eventually became Twinkl 2/19/1952 #5911 btaining more information on green fireballs using a special diffraction gr 3/7/1952 #5949 , WA 2 / F94+ground RADAR's. 2 red fireballs / 90mph / 22K and 25K' altitud 3/22/1952 #5967 cer going quickly west and several fireballs in formation very fast north g 4/23/1952 #6160 ner flight and marine pilot. Green fireballs. Faster / balloon. Slower / me 7/10/1952 #6748 KEY WEST, FL 1 observer. 6 orange fireballs in circular orbit over sea. "N 7/24/1952 #7106 ines 30M disk / sky. Red and green fireballs exit going up. Disk quickly go 7/28/1952 #7239 ARILLO, TX 4 / car. 3 fiery orange fireballs going north. Each makes sharp 8/23/1952 #7689 T / LANTANA, FL 2 / truck. 2 white fireballs maneuver and play all over/all 9/6/1952 #7856 FLATWOODS, WV Several observer(s). Fireballs. Glowing robot with antennas. 9/12/1952 #7899 HICHESTER AND IPSWITCH, ENG Wave / fireballs and tadpole and beetle shapes. 11/21/1952 #8311 Case #101. 2 separate observer(s). Fireballs and RADAR blips 5 / hours. 4 p 11/25/1952 #8336 GMX SOUTH / COAST, LA B29 crew. 20 fireballs going quickly east. RADAR-visu 12/6/1952 #8381 / SEQUOIA NOT PLOTTED ON MAPS, CA Fireballs and 1000' saucer very close / 7/23/1953 #9010 near plane. Climbs going north. 3 fireballs / separate ground observer(s). 6/24/1954 #9939 lla saucer east going west. Shoots fireballs which make clouds. 1/24/1955 #11940 xico 9:55–10:15 a.m. Three or four fireballs fall in various places in sout 4/5/1955 #12080 ce accompany the appearance of the fireballs. 4/5/1955 #12080 Mexico Night. Three unusual green fireballs pass over New Mexico. Radio an 4/6/1955 #12085 nt 2M torpedo follows river. Emits fireballs going quickly [to] all directi 7/21/1956 #12998 rver(s). Torpedo-shape emits small fireballs / rear / 1 minute(s). 7/22/1956 #13004 COPENHAGEN, DK Many. Fireballs and saucers / 3000kph / 5km al 9/4/1956 #13181 BRIDGE AND MILBANK ETC., SD Wave / fireballs and circular objects. Drop and 11/16/1956 #13330 ARF / KOBE, JPN Explosive sound. 2 fireballs whirl on water and sink. Firew 11/21/1956 #13339 HAYWARD, CA 8+observer(s). Fireballs tumble going quickly northwest 5/17/1958 #15039 MA CITY, OK AND MORE/OTHERS Wave / fireballs. 1 makes 180° turn. Compass sp 2/20/1959 #15592 Wave of fireballs were seen flying over Oklahoma 2/20/1959 #15597 D ENTIRE STATE Wave / night lights fireballs and unidentified shapes / 2 da 2/5/1961 (approximate) #16594 HEAST TUCSON, AZ 3 boys. 3+1 green fireballs exit delta/triangle/box-like c 6/25/1962 #17244 RAL, KS AND MORE Many / wide area. Fireballs going quickly west. 1 stops an 8/2/1962 #17314 15. 2 observer(s). Night lights. 3 fireballs stop / 5 minute(s). Going quic 11/17/1962 #17550 ) / Blue Book. No further details. Fireballs going down / sea in Fiji / 04 4/15/1963 #17727 , FR 2 funnel-saucers emit 2 small fireballs. 1 going north. 1 going south. 5/28/1963 #17767 ITACUARO, MEXICO Many observer(s). Fireballs maneuver and pass over town. F 8/5/1963 #17866 oing east. Glows and splits. 6 red fireballs exit going north. 4/1/1966 #20191 and going quickly east to sea. Red fireballs. / r111p29. 4/8/1966 #20273 ARM / AVEYRON, FR 2+observer(s). 6 fireballs enter luminous vertical cylind 6/15/1966 #20559 r there were widespread reports of fireballs seen by hundreds of people thr 7/17/1967 #22684 rate observer(s). Night lights and fireballs hover maneuver and explode! 1 9/28/1967 #23142 he sky, hovered, and dropped three fireballs. (Colorado UFO Project report 9/30/1967 #23149 DELAND AND DELEON SPRINGS, FL Fireballs ovoids and luminous/glowing ri 7/21/1968 #24196 days. Night lights and saucers and fireballs all over/all about. Changing s 5/2/1969 #25108 26' broken vegetation. Saucers and fireballs / months. / r156#6. 6/17/1969 #25219 EL CASTANUELO, SP Foo-Fighters and fireballs and probes all over/all about 1970 #25516 ver(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape emits fireballs and night lights. Going up [to 7/1970 (approximate) #25722 RSA Several separate observer(s). Fireballs and ovoids show 3X / 15 minute 2/13/1972 #26578 GREENSBURG, PA Several report(s). Fireballs and disk seen / 15 minute(s). 4/22/1972 #26657 p.m. several reports were made of fireballs and a disc seen for 15 minutes 4/22/1972 #26659 E, BELGIUM Numerous observer(s). 3 fireballs / triangle curve east going qu 7/4/1972 #26761 gle/box-like crafts seen to 1430h. Fireballs all over/all about Cape Prov. 7/5/1972 #26769 VALDEHUNCAR, SP Series / fireballs Jan-February. 2 sightings by a 2/1/1973 #27258 , SP Circle / lights-saucer. 2 red fireballs vanish going quickly south tow 4/24/1973 #27443 tal. Silent exit. Night lights and fireballs / weeks. 5/4/1973 #27466 erver(s). Circular object ejects 3 fireballs over Ozark Lake. / SKYLOOK#68p 5/27/1973 #27531 ND MORE/OTHERS Many observer(s). 2 fireballs going down / series. 10km loop 9/10/1973 #27797 BOUZINVILLE-EN-BEAUCE, FR Fireballs fly and maneuver and land / 14 12/19/1973 #28582 VALENII DE MUNTE, ROM 2 fireballs join into cylinder/cigar-shape 2/8/1974 #28744 BOULDOUX, FR 2 white and 1 red fireballs blink over ground. Go out when 3/15/1974 #28889 FR 13+saucers and night lights and fireballs.. 1840 going [to] 2230hrs. All 8/12/1974 #29330 night light. Blowup = dumbell / 2 fireballs joining. 12/12/1974 #29639 am. 15M saucer maneuvers. Series / fireballs etc. 8/3/1975 #30230 EAR TALTAL, CHILE 2 / van. Group / fireballs maneuvers. 1 quickly going dow 8/4/1975 #30233 TURURU, CEARA, BRZ 30 day siege / fireballs etc. Burning beams. General pa 10/1/1975 (approximate) #30408 house. Entities outside are small fireballs on legs! Odd. 7/29/1976 #31192 PINHEIRO, BRZ Fireballs March-June. 60% / population s 3/1977 #31854 A, FINLAND Night light from north. Fireballs come from east and west. All j 3/6/1977 #31863 ICOARACI, PARA, BRZ Thunder. 2 fireballs south going north and north go 5/17/1977 #32102 , COSTA RICA Series / night lights fireballs saucers make news. Orange sphe 10/20/1977 (approximate) #32591 Separate observer(s). 4 rows / red fireballs. Shape = WW2 helmet. East goin 3/8/1978 #33019 VILLE, NY Many observer(s) / wave. Fireballs. Silent diamond 50' altitude. 4/6/1978 #33126 he sighting, apparently caused by “fireballs” hitting the ground. Teacher S 11/13/1978 #33952 car. Watery noise. 10M pile / 30cm fireballs appears / field! 12/31/1978 #34235 PONT SCORFF, FR 2 fireballs quickly going down [to] vertic 3/15/1979 #34477 lookouts / Satus Peak. 2+1 orange fireballs zigzag / skyline. Hover and sw 9/13/1979 #34868 PLESTIN, FR 2+5 kids. 2 fireballs follow car. Observers run to h 9/5/1980 #35496 ollow car. Observers run to house. Fireballs going [to] away over trees. 9/5/1980 #35496 LIERES AND MORE/OTHERS, FR 3 green fireballs east going quickly southwest s 11/11/1980 #35629 reball over southern England; such fireballs are a common source of UFO rep 12/28/1980 #35750 oing south. Glows. Ejects 7 silver fireballs. Fireballs trail saucer. All s 4/13/1981 #35895 Glows. Ejects 7 silver fireballs. Fireballs trail saucer. All silent. 4/13/1981 #35895 ds / observer(s). Domed saucer and fireballs and spirals. / r10p62+/ APRO v 7/24/1981 #36030 server(s). Multicolor saucer fires fireballs at ground. Maneuvers. 4/26/1984 #37299 10:00 p.m. a multicolor disc fired fireballs at the ground and maneuvered i 4/26/1984 #37304 rb/globe / 8m altitude. 1800hrs. 4 fireballs / treetop level / 15 minute(s) 10/25/1985 #37691 mountains and sky. Flashes. Beams. Fireballs. 7/5/1986 #37929 KALUNDBORG FJORD, DK 3 red 1M fireballs circle and maneuver / low alti 7/14/1986 #37941 t beams 2 lights going down / car. Fireballs exit / underside. 8/2/1986 #37969 ights. Box chases man. Abductions. Fireballs nightly. Landings. 9/2/1986 #38011 veral dates / fall-88. Saucers and fireballs follow cars and planes. Vanish 10/1988 (approximate) #38658 EVANSVILLE, IN 2 observer(s). 5 fireballs and 3 glowing delta/triangle/b 10/11/1990 #39777 ARBONNE AND CUXAC AND VINASSON, FR Fireballs west going east / same time on 10/20/1990 #39796 ONDON Several observer(s). 2 large fireballs hover and maneuver / tree leve 10/29/1990 #39815 -DE-LA-GRANGE, FR 2 observer(s). 2 fireballs going east. Follow shallow hil 11/5/1990 #39846 aced and zapped. Gear messed with. Fireballs and probes / 5 days. 7/24/1992 #40532 GABIAN, FR 2 observer(s). 2 close fireballs and small red night light goin 1/6/1993 #40786 r(s). "Rotorless helicopter" emits fireballs / 30 minute(s). Large fireball 1/21/1993 #40806 r" with no rotors offloads 4+4 15M fireballs! 2/5/1993 #40840 helicopter several X. Emits small fireballs. Darkens. 2/26/1993 #40861 uzzes helicopter. Releases 3 small fireballs. 3/4/1993 #40877 rate fire brigades. 3 silent green fireballs / triangle formation going qui 3/31/1993 #40909 course, the object releases three fireballs. Fearing a collision, Graham b 4/28/1993 #40953 lenski, also see the light and the fireballs. Smolenski tries to follow the 4/28/1993 #40953 ST SUSSEX Several night lights and fireballs to SEPT7. Many observer(s). "W 6/26/1993 #41035 gs since July. Cigars night lights fireballs. UFO's for years. 10/1993 #41212 R 4 observer(s) / ground. 2 yellow fireballs follow airliner. Make 90-turn 8/27/1994 #41693 angle/box-like craft hovers. Green fireballs from woods zigzag and go over 9/9/1994 #41728 / SPEZET, FR 2 observer(s). 3 1.5M fireballs going quickly [to] through dry 4/20/1995 #42161 s over neighbor's house. Look like fireballs. 5/19/1995 #42214 REVIN, FR Triangle and west fireballs and various flashes. 7 minute( 8/18/1995 #42397 p.m. a triangle-shaped object with fireballs and various flashes was seen i 8/18/1995 #42400 LA CHAPELLE / MONT-DE-FRANCE 2 red fireballs with blue halos. 1 makes circu 9/25/1995 #42511 QLD Several observer(s). 2 orange fireballs spin / 20 minute(s). Going nor 2/3/1996 #42735 ATOO, AUSTR Amateur astronomers. 2 fireballs rise over Mt. burnett telecom 2/3/1996 #42736 arate observer(s). 2 silent orange fireballs going east / low altitude. Tur 2/5/1996 #42740 EAST / DOYLESTOWN, PA 3 bright fireballs. Van motor and lights quit. Ma 2/25/1996 #42778 WEST / COL.-DE-VENCE, FR Fireballs north going quickly south. 10 9/13/1996 #43018 h. 10 minute(s) later big flash. 2 fireballs zigzag. Power outage. 9/13/1996 #43018 ghtings of one or more blue-green "fireballs" streaking overhead were repor 10/3/1996 #43052 KUMSLOD, THAILAND Wave / 1' fireballs in local flap. Government inve 10/15/1996 (approximate) #43068 a number of intense bright orange fireballs traveling fast over Canberra, 11/25/1996 #43123 lits / 2. 1 going south. 1 emits 8 fireballs. Fireballs dance / all directi 2/9/1997 #43189 going south. 1 emits 8 fireballs. Fireballs dance / all directions / 3 hou 2/9/1997 #43189 nny, Poland, when they see glowing fireballs playing about on the hill and 6/18/1997 #43328 . They try to communicate with the fireballs by flashing their headlights o 6/18/1997 #43328 Many observer(s) / 5 days. Orange fireballs hover over transmitters / oil 7/13/1997 #43349 void / video. Away very fast. Also fireballs / Italy. 9/7/1997 #43398 FALFAL DAM, CHILE 5 observer(s). 2 fireballs pass. 18M ovoid goes up River 1/24/1998 #43503 l Dam five observers first saw two fireballs fly pass at 8:00 p.m. Next, an 1/24/1998 #43504 ranging from silver discs to green fireballs, flying loops around passenger 10/15/2000 #44056 ere was a procession of orange/red fireballs that passed from west to east. 4/26/2001 #44168 and Australia At least three green fireballs brighter than the moon but not 5/16/2006 #44943 on of Australia. The timing of the fireballs suggests they might be debris 5/16/2006 #44943
NM AND WIDE AREA 5 B29s see green fireballs-orbs straight and level. 1 des 5/28/1952 #6370
ghts; 21:40 - slightly larger than firebox lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 5/3/1949 #4141
LPHIA, PA Many observer(s). "Giant firecracker". Several hundred mph. / FBI 8/6/1947 #3299 hia, Pennsylvania sighted a "giant firecracker" in the sky at 10:30 p.m. fl 8/6/1947 #3301 g a bang resembling the sound of a firecracker exploding. It came from the 8/2/1994 #41653
followed by 4–5 faint sounds like firecrackers. At 11:19, a commercial jet 7/27/1979 #34683
ver the heads of two sentries, who fired without result. The apparition stu 1880 #222 ver the heads of two sentries, who fired without result. The apparition stu 1880 #224 sent the mystery inventor, who has fired Collins for talking too much. But 11/22/1896 #347 tor to land. Two warning shots are fired, but the lights go out and the obj 1/29/1913 #875 ssumed to be enemies and should be fired upon. 8/11/1914 #909 ne started malfunctioning. When he fired a pistol at the lights they rose r 1/31/1916 #942 noise outside of the cave and had fired their rifles in the direction of t 1922 #1017 e than 1,400 shells are eventually fired. Pilots of the 4th Interceptor Com 2/24/1942 #1388 30 Anti-Aircraft guns/teams shells fired / huge silent saucer. Not hurt. 18 2/25/1942 #1389 rth Holland, The Netherlands. They fired several rounds at the object. 3/25/1942 #1406 ir crews are seeing either rockets fired from aircraft, parachute rockets, 2/9/1944 #1571 ear directly in front of aircraft; fired upon without result. (Page 137 Ref 2/17/1945 #1787 Germany Nazis fired eleven V-2 missiles at a bridge, t 3/17/1945 #1814 target and the only time they were fired on a German target during the war 3/17/1945 #1814 ll of fuzzy orange-red light; B-29 fired on object, appearing to hit with n 7/7/1945 #1892 ntly without heads. Frightened, he fired at them three times. A moment late 2/17/1949 #4014 ntly without heads. Frightened, he fired a gun at them three times. A momen 2/17/1949 #4016 broad daylight view of the UFO and fired tracer bullets at it before it acc Summer 1952 #6564 ated out of range. The officer who fired the bullets was debriefed by his C Summer 1952 #6564 resembled a half egg. The witness fired his gun at the object. Numerous li 1/29/1953 #8612 ed in half lengthwise. The witness fired his gun at the object. Numerous li 1/29/1953 #8618 ank Edwards, pro-saucer newscaster fired. 8/1954 #10071 adcasting Network Frank Edwards is fired by his sponsor at the Mutual Broad 8/11/1954 #10125 as he was driving near Guanare. He fired at the object with his revolver, w 12/1954 #11734 itted. The witness got a rifle and fired twice at the very tall figure who 12/4/1954 #11758 light. The witness got a rifle and fired twice at a very tall figure that e 12/4/1954 #11759 the window screen. Again they were fired at with rifles without apparent ef 8/22/1955 #12391 hters intercept a UFO. The F-86D’s fired Mighty Mouse missiles at the UFO a 5/20/1957 #13665 ussian coastal artillery batteries fired on high speed UFOs on this day alo 7/25/1957 #13838 Guideline) surface-to-air missile fired by a defense battalion near Kyshty 5/1/1960 #16248 ort of Russian tact missiles being fired on UFO (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Connec 1961 #16546 ucers all over/all about. Missiles fired. Electric out. / r211p31. 6/21/1961 #16733 m the target. A third salvo is not fired, because at that point the smaller Summer 1961 #16734 d not been removed and no shot was fired. The primary witness (who remains Late 11/1961 #16978 clods at the entity, and the dwarf fired back using what looked like a blac 7/18/1963 #17839 strange helmets, emerged. Douglas fired at them, as a red beam burned him. 10/12/1963 #17986 elmets. Douglas took out a gun and fired at them, as a red beam burned him. 10/12/1963 #17988 light. Picking up his revolver, he fired four shots at the beings, who fled 10/12/1963 #17988 erneath the UFO. Mr. D. Adams then fired a .22 calibre pistol at it and hea 4/28/1964 #18218 e object. As the UFO moved away he fired six more shots with apparently no 4/28/1964 #18218 n got out; one had a rifle that he fired at the entities. Suddenly there wa 4/3/1965 #18889 low over a farm. In fear, the man fired at it with his rifle. 8/15/1965 #19399 had stopped for a better look, and fired his pistol at it when it was less 3/23/1966 #20057 was less than 100 feet away. King fired four shots at the 60-foot long ell 3/23/1966 #20057 t object with a dark underside. He fired at it four times, hearing the bull 3/25/1966 #20079 t object with a dark underside. He fired at it four times with his pistol, 3/25/1966 #20084 Davies ranch. Rancher D. F. Davies fired ten .38-caliber bullets at it and 4/1/1967 #22042 s head. He took out his pistol and fired a complete clip of bullets at the 5/6/1967 #22285 a, carrying a .44 caliber carbine, fired a shot at the nearest being. Just 8/13/1967 #22874 ith McDonnell and tried to get him fired. 10/13/1967 #23233 eadied his .22 revolver on it, and fired 6 shots at the UFO occupant. He re 10/29/1967 #23364 / months. Change color(s) / shots fired. 12/28/1967 #23616 ave the memo to McDonald should be fired. Condon is also furious. 2/5/1968 #23737 t Saunders and Norm Levine will be fired. Low types the letters himself and 2/8/1968 #23740 ce-sponsored Colorado UFO project, fired by Dr. E. U. Condon for alleged "i 2/9/1968 #23745 ier, that Saunders and Levine were fired for insubordination, not incompete 2/9/1968 #23746 s later in Cabanas, Cuba a soldier fired 48 rounds from his machine gun at 6/14/1968 #24033 as an American helicopter, Puentes fired at it. The craft turned orange and 6/14/1968 #24033 toward the soldiers. The corporal fired a burst of submachine gun fire at 7/25/1968 #24226 er saucers all over area. Missiles fired. Causes fight / China. 4/24/1970 #25641 d lights. He drew his revolver and fired at the object, and between the sec 9/9/1970 #25832 ng heavy moving towards them. They fired their weapons in the direction of 3/25/1971 #26054 took out his service revolver and fired a shot at it, but missed. 3/17/1972 #26607 ith the rifle. Fifteen rounds were fired. They heard a thud from the sevent 6/26/1972 #26736 SAM missiles were fired upon a luminous orange sphere that 9/30/1972 #27041 was a weapon. Sgt. Alexander then fired six rounds form his revolver. Afte 10/14/1972 #27077 is vehicle and radioed that he had fired at the creatures. Soon another sec 10/14/1972 #27077 and was missing one hand. Someone fired five or six shots at the creature 9/26/1973 #27873 off with a whooshing sound. Brown fired several shots at it with no appare 10/17/1973 #28139 ed to a red signal rocket they had fired to get the UFO's attention. The UF 12/10/1973 #28553 in the late afternoon, and when he fired his rifle at an elk the bullet wen 10/25/1974 #29557 ve no indication that the fighters fired on the intruders.” 10/1975 #30401 round, but saw nothing. Then Steve fired his rifle several times. Immediate 10/26/1975 #30476 round, but saw nothing. Then Steve fired his rifle several times. Immediate 10/27/1975 #30491 hen caught sight of the entity and fired at it. Between the two of them the 11/12/1976 #31540 t it. Between the two of them they fired 40-50 shots. At the instant the fi 11/12/1976 #31540 led as a result of the “lightning” fired at them by the UFOs, and injuries 7/1977 #32220 t they refused to stop, so he then fired his weapon, striking both. They we 11/13/1977 #32672 15 seconds later both stood up and fired several flashes of light at the of 11/13/1977 #32672 police officer named Linnevold was fired from his job for chasing a UFO dur 2/7/1978 #32959 cky; the security detail allegedly fired but their weapons jammed. Leonard 8/1978 #33460 on one end of the object. The UFO fired a beam of light, then shot off tow 12/25/1978 #34206 xt to his car. His pistol had been fired six times, and giant footprints we 12/28/1978 #34220 ature ran towards him. The witness fired three shots at it and then ran awa 1/5/1979 #34306 Joya, Arequipa Province, Peru. It fired on the round object, but the UFO z 5/9/1980 #35320 ess badly frightened, memory loss. Fired pistol at object circling the car, 8/30/1981 #36091 ess badly frightened, memory loss. Fired pistol at object circling the car, 8/30/1981 #36092 ht towards the ground. The witness fired four shots at the object and then 8/30/1981 #36093 n circled his car, and the witness fired a pistol at the object and attempt 8/30/1981 #36093 fers to the Soviets. Schweitzer is fired on October 21 for making unauthori 9/28/1981 #36143 4:00 p.m., five Terne rockets are fired at nearby Halsenøy. Near midnight, 4/27/1983 #36846 es place and six Terne rockets are fired. They hit the water and plunge dee 4/27/1983 #36846 At 10:00 p.m. a multicolor disc fired fireballs at the ground and maneuv 4/26/1984 #37304 a repeat UFO abductee, got up and fired a gun four times at the being thro 5/1/1989 #38932 rders three ground-to-air missiles fired at it. The UFO makes a slight hori 5/25/1990 #39592 hed the object, without warning it fired a powerful beam of concentrated en 9/13/1990 #39732 ital, and as a result he was later fired from his job as a border guard. 1/26/1991 #39966 tto indicates that no thruster was fired in that timeframe. 9/15/1991 #40187 d, and a third missing. The hunter fired shots in the direction of the soun 9/13/1994 #41744 ficer's Chow Chow dog. The officer fired his pistol at the creature, which 9/7/1995 #42447 creature with red glowing eyes. He fired at the being several times with hi 9/16/1995 #42477 uerto Rico farmer Elliot Feliciano fired his gun at a large creature that j 11/11/1995 #42594 lice in Nayarit, Mexico reportedly fired a hail of bullets at a creature on 5/3/1996 #42892 check, then loaded his weapon, and fired two shots into the air. Suddenly f 11/25/1998 #43685 igure but it did not move, then he fired at it with his rifle, once, withou 11/25/1998 #43685 howling in pain and slunk away. He fired at the humanoid again, but it just 11/25/1998 #43685 grabbed his Rugger 10-22 rifle and fired 100 rounds of .22 caliber ammuniti 1/30/2000 #43937 cording to the witnesses, the jets fired missiles at the UFO and hit it, ca 12/1/2001 #44280
1. When a small team of police and firefighters arrive, they encounter an o 8/20/1966 #20779 d guards prohibit entry, including firefighters, and a helicopter gunship c 7/11/1986 #37939 ndere neighborhood. At 10:00 a.m., firefighters arrive expecting to find a 1/20/1996 #42693 ler João Bosco Manoel comes across firefighters Sgt. Palhares, Cpl. Rubens, 1/20/1996 #42693 One of its feet is brown, and the firefighters are trying to conceal it fr 1/20/1996 #42693 York City, and numerous police and firefighters took video of the event whi 7/15/2001 #44209
are ice flaking off the aircraft (“fireflies”). They are described by a NAS 4/30/1962 #17141 n to dance around the spheres like fireflies. 10/4/1967 #23177 hen all 10 dart around “like crazy fireflies” for a minute before moving cl Fall 1986 #38035
f a “weird light like looking at a firefly” while changing shape. Loedding 10/1952 #8076
t, the vessel grows luminous, with firefly-like sparks of luminescence ever 11/29/1957 #14638
At 9:15 a.m. PDT the firelook at Satus Peak on the Yakima Ind 8/5/1976 #31234
rning. Engineer John J. Hussey and fireman John Henderson of the Great Nort 12/5/1897 #613 VALLEY CITY, ND Fireman. Bright red 40cm ball going quic 6/16/1947 (approximate) #2332 nane Airport, France Mr. Chesneau, fireman, saw a round luminous object slo 1/4/1954 #9444 ere is only one witness present, a fireman at the airport named Chesneau. T 1/4/1954 #9445 Mr. Chesneau, a fireman at the Marignane Airport in Fran 1/4/1954 #9446 Mr. Chesneau, a fireman, saw a round luminous object slo 1/5/1954 #9452 Bergerac, France Returning home, fireman Jean Dufix, 26, saw an oval ligh 10/1/1954 #10562 gerac, Dordogne department, France fireman Jean Dufix, age 26, saw an oval 10/1/1954 #10579 KINGSTON, RI Fireman. 2 glowing saucers glide going n 5/20/1956 #12861 DUBLIN, GA Fireman and more/others. Round silver di 4/7/1957 #13585 ips and rises before speeding off. Fireman Bob Volz also sees a reddish-ora 11/4/1957 #14285 ht following the aircraft carrier. Fireman’s apprentice Chester C. Grusinsk 9/1958 #15239 south of Fostoria, Ohio, when the fireman and engineer see a large cigar-s Fall 1965 #19592 ure district, France a 63-year-old fireman spotted a disc or oval-shaped ob 3/10/1972 #26599 ob Gribble, a Seattle, Washington, fireman, establishes the National UFO Re 1974 #28630 e tall figure was a 6 foot, 5 inch fireman dressed in a high-temperature fi 3/17/1978 #33048
le, Illinois 10:30 p.m. Policemen, firemen, and many other residents of Jac 4/10/1897 #425 NM Project Bluebook Case #1233. 2 firemen. 1+2+1 saucers / 50 minute(s). A 5/28/1952 #6369 lands Bt. 11:00 and 12:00 p.m. Ten firemen and their chief observed the two 8/4/1954 #10098 nds 11:00 p.m.–12:00 midnight. Ten firemen and their chief observe two flyi 8/4/1954 #10099 PELOTAS, BRAZIL Firemen and more/others. Large silent lu 10/12/1954 #10964 BINGHAMTON, NY 3 firemen and many. Fast bright object goi 7/24/1964 #18434 house only 150 feet away, although firemen can locate nothing that set it o 10/21/1973 #28228 GUARDA, BEIRA ALTA, PRT 12 firemen. Strange shiny object circles fi 8/1977 #32337 ed, igniting the grass. Police and firemen who arrive 15 minutes later all 12/17/1977 #32792 wn. Grass fire. Night lights watch firemen. / IURv4#3. 9/13/1978 #33669 n the brushwood-covered wasteland. Firemen put out the blaze, but the area 9/13/1978 #33671 ergency response that follows, 134 firemen and station staff are hospitaliz 4/26/1986 #37843 MIDDLETOWN, NJ Firemen and many. UFO's all over norther 8/6/1992 #40554 volving doctors, nurses, soldiers, firemen, and military police. The bodies 1/22/1996 #42706 CHALONS-SUR-MARNE, FR Several firemen and more. Fireball going west to 4/1/1997 #43248
FIRENZE, ITALY 'Luminous cloud' going qu 12/9/1731 #58 FIRENZE, ITL Numerous observer(s). White 4/24/1909 #727 FIRENZE, ITALY Cylinder/cigar-shape turn 9/22/1946 #2186 Going quickly southeast toward(s) Firenze. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v1 10/27/1954 #11429 FIRENZE, ITL 15K / ballgame. 2 orbs drop 10/27/1954 #11430 SOUTHEAST / FIRENZE, ITL 6 observer(s). Round glowin 11/4/1954 #11557 NEAR FIRENZE, ITL BEA pilot. Slender shiny me 11/15/1967 #23456 FIRENZE, ITL Classic saucer appears / fa 7/15/1978? #33384 6:00 a.m. in Torre del Lago, near Firenze, Italy a cigar-shaped object wit 9/14/1978 #33678 POLCANTO, FIRENZE, ITL Figure / hill. Light / head 10/9/1984 #37482 FIRENZE, ITL 1 observer. Ovoid near balc 8/8/1985 #37639 over Dicomano, north-northeast of Firenze in Tuscany, Italy, then accelera 7/19/1999 #43808
he figure of a man appear near her fireplace while a whistling sound was au 11/18/1957 #14576 he figure of a man appear near her fireplace in Aston, England at three o'c 11/18/1957 #14578 h, when a man appeared next to her fireplace while a whistling sound was au 1/7/1958 #14813
h a luminous body, standing near a fireplug. 8/25/1955 #12407 h a luminous body, standing near a fireplug. 8/25/1955 #12409
the center of gravity is above the firepoint and notes that the intersectio 4/21/1967 #22194
nocent civilians, excessive use of firepower, torture, and targeted killing 5/1967 #22253
with some light material, airproof fireproof, waterproof. The inside must b Summer 1931 #1130
engine is malfunctioning. When he fires his pistol at it, the lights rise 1/31/1916 #941 e, one of the guardsmen panics and fires his rifle at it. It moves off and 4/13/1917 #955 The Polish Army anti-aircraft gun fires on it, then the German batteries j Early 7/1944 #1617 nds, NM Between 1946–1951 the Army fires 67 V-2 rockets from the White Sand 1946 #1958 ltitude / 30 minute(s). 1 observer fires shotgun. / r171p98. 7/9/1947 #3047 Wall asks permission to shoot and fires a round from his M-1 rifle at it. Early Spring 1951 #5471 ith a wingspread of 7 feet. Taylor fires at it repeatedly with his rifle an 1952 #5842 cops. Luminous saucer hovers. Cop fires shots. Going quickly south. / r148 12/3/1954? #11746 r / field several min. Observer(s) fires 2 shots / giant exiting. / r39. 12/4/1954 #11756 des heavy gunfire at times. Sutton fires point blank at it, knocking it fro 8/21/1955 #12386 12M over marsh. Hums. Observer(s) fires 9 shots. / r141#11p1. 1/1/1957 #13443 NICAP fires its office manager, treasurer, and 9/1958 #15238 t to make a firing pass. The pilot fires two missiles, but they detonate ju Spring 1959 #15662 enish object 100 feet overhead and fires six rounds from a .32 pistol at it 4/28/1964 #18217 , jumps out of the tree and lights fires to attract its attention. The ligh 9/5/1964 #18539 NABLUS, PALESTN Guard fires at flaming "boat". Circles farm. F 8/15/1965 #19393 northern Ohio starting some grass fires and causes sonic booms in the Pitt 12/9/1965 #19762 he takes his .22 magnum pistol and fires it four times at the UFO, which gl 3/23/1966 #20052 and 6 / boat. Ovoid / sea surface fires beams quickly going up. 9/14/1966 #20882 UT Saucer 8M over car. Observer(s) fires shots. Metallic ricochet. / MJ#289 5/13/1967 #22329 .25 caliber pistol, loads it, and fires point blank at the object. He hear 5/13/1967 #22336 UFO low over lumberyard. Watchman fires 6 shots. Darkens and away. 7/19/1967 #22698 kids. Animals frantic. Clam saucer fires sharp beam going down / ground. Go 8/29/1967 #22948 to that of "a power mower when it fires but fails to start." The object bl 9/15/1967 #23066 to that of "a power mower when it fires but fails to start." The object bl 9/15/1967 #23071 he UFO land on the south coast and fires at it with automatic weapons. Early 1968 #23635 approaches to within 165 feet and fires about 40 machine gun rounds into i 6/14/1968 #24031 t panel. The being with the weapon fires it and a luminous ball hits Pereir 10/2/1968 #24537 ow altitude. Observer(s) exits and fires shots. No further details. 2/17/1971 #26022 ht white cloud circles going east. Fires thin beam going up. Going down / t 10/12/1971 #26420 ng. As the object moves away, Smit fires at it an eighth time; this time he 6/26/1972 #26735 lowing day, and the Norwegian Navy fires an antisubmarine missile at the in 11/21/1972 #27132 N 20-30 night lights circle forest fires. Possible cause? Hover and vanish. 10/18/1973 #28149 nt of the other. The older witness fires a tracer slug with his rifle over 10/25/1973 #28285 ling to keep up. The older witness fires three bullets into the larger crea 10/25/1973 #28285 MONTMORT, FR 10M rocket lands. Man fires shot. Going up [to] 15M and re-lan 12/22/1973 #28596 h its hands raised in the air. She fires into his midsection and it “just d 2/6/1974 #28742 s). Ovoid lands / ice. Observer(s) fires shots. Clinks. / NICAP Jun'74. 3/20/1974 #28913 ine engine. A narrow beam of light fires from the bottom of the disc and st 11/5/1975 #30562 his staff toward Klein. The staff fires a beam of bluish-white light that 9/3/1976 #31335 ad/railway station/depot/facility. Fires green band / light. Shoots going q 7/1977 #32214 lares organize night vigils, light fires, and ignite fireworks. Mayor José 7/1977 #32220 and moves westward. One of the men fires a shotgun to lure it back; when th 10/1/1977 #32542 ppears in front of his car. The MP fires five rounds into the being and one 1/18/1978 #32894 ored 6M sphere / rooftop altitude. Fires 2 separate beams. No further detai 8/22/1978 #33543 MacDonald goes to help put out the fires at Martins Pond, where the tundra 11/13/1978 #33952 low altitude. 2 iron claws / end! Fires beams. Going quickly south. / r39. 12/25/1978 #34202 grabs his .32 automatic pistol and fires 8 rounds at it with no effect. He 8/29/1979 #34803 me 1,800 feet above the ground, he fires 64 rounds from his 30mm guns at it 4/11/1980 #35269 Silent "inverted pressure cooker" fires rays and red jets. / FSRv24#12. 1/23/1983 #36752 on Stord island. At 5:21 p.m., it fires a Terne rocket as a warning. On Ap 4/27/1983 #36846 Oslo, after another sonar contact, fires a Terne rocket and drops a mine. F 4/27/1983 #36846 any observer(s). Multicolor saucer fires fireballs at ground. Maneuvers. 4/26/1984 #37299 ALF, IL Power out. Repeat abductee fires 4 shots / figure(s) / window. Powe 5/1/1989 #38930 hovers 1M / ground. Portholes. Man fires shots. Vanishes. 11/23/1991 #40235 inder/cigar-shape hovers offshore. Fires beams. 2 Air Force jets chase. 8/22/1993 #41150 , FR 1 observer. Flashy white disk fires orange sparks. West going quickly 7/25/1994 #41641 rried by an invisible beam. Gardea fires two shots and the humming stops. 9/13/1994 #41743 Cluster / night lights / horizon. Fires 4 bolts / light at mountain twice. 9/11/1995 #42454 l on Area 51 worker toxic disposal fires lawsuits: “A Secret Air Base Hazar 2/8/1996 #42747 ting Claims Tied to Toxic Disposal Fires Plaintiffs Fear Retaliation” 2/8/1996 #42747 tings were associated with several fires of unknown origin that had alleged 10/3/1996 #43052
ly or immediately afterward in the firestorm. By the end of the year, anoth 8/6/1945 #1915
h blue beam puts out street light. Firetruck appears. 2/11/1989 #38834 odd thing that happened is that a firetruck appeared driving down her stre 2/11/1989 #38836
itness was out collecting bark for firewood in a spot near her lake on Keat 5/2/1968 #23940 elo d’Ambros, 61, is out gathering firewood in a copse near Gallio, Vicenza 11/24/1978 #33995 near Gastagh, Italy to gather some firewood and had sat down on a log to re 11/24/1978 #33997 n and his son were out hunting for firewood, and were using a disused track 9/19/1992 #40631
flew away with the noise of a wet firework, throwing magnesiumlike sparks. 9/15/1954 #10310 a white dot, and exploding like a firework. A few days earlier the doctor 11/1/1968 #24620
balloon that someone has attached fireworks to in preparation for a Fourth 7/2/1907 #697 HAUSER LAKE, ID Many / fireworks. Metal 30' disk / 20K' altitud 7/4/1947 #2624 e result of some kind of home-made fireworks experiment, although Dow chemi 7/9/1947 #3068 flew away, making a noise like wet fireworks, and throwing magnesium-like s 9/15/1954 #10316 fireballs whirl on water and sink. Fireworks? 11/21/1956 #13339 ion. They see something resembling fireworks on the bay and watch as two wh 11/21/1956 #13340 erywhere. The fireball bursts like fireworks, seen by others on the island 11/29/1957 #14638 h moved off. A popping sound, like fireworks, was heard during the sighting 10/17/1967 #23243 1.5M white column / smoke. Wheel / fireworks rises going quickly northwest? 4/8/1972 #26640 of white smoke. A Ferris wheel of fireworks rose up, then flew off fast to 4/8/1972 #26641 gle northeast going southeast over fireworks show. Silent. Violent accelera 7/14/1972 #26797 on. Vanishes. Leaves sulfur smell. Fireworks? 11/10/1975 #30591 ht vigils, light fires, and ignite fireworks. Mayor José Ildone Favacho Soe 7/1977 #32220 Arlington, VA Prior to a fireworks display, a retired USAF Colone 7/4/1977 #32234 Flakes / odd chemicals going down. Fireworks? / r125p51. 7/2/1978 #33322 pieces, and creates a spectacular fireworks display over northwest Europe. 12/25/1980 #35732 ut like a flower, reminiscent of a fireworks display. The lightning produce 12/1992 #40736 d night lights and small orbs near fireworks test. Clicks and pulses. 7/3/1994 #41603 METZ, FR 2 / fireworks display. Ball / light = ovoid 9/7/1997 #43398 he top of the mountain, resembling fireworks. Over the next 15 minutes a to 8/2/2004 #44725
They spoke something like "Verren…firg…unch", and then the craft went stra 11/16/1952 #8290
man Lt. Zwickau claims that he was firing rockets while flying from Leipzig 3/13/1913 #886 Suddenly the object retaliated by firing jets of flame at the cave entranc 1922 #1017 7th Coast Artillery Brigade begins firing .50 caliber machine guns and 12.8 2/24/1942 #1388 side, and the front gunner starts firing at it. Sabiński takes evasive act 6/25/1942 #1422 epting Allied bomber formations by firing a spray of rocket shells from the 8/20/1947 #3355 t two radar locations and a rocket firing incident observed in the Petsamo 10/14/1947 #3457 hile awaiting the start of a flare firing, they watched, for an hour, while 3/17/1949 #4048 and Killeen Base to prepare a test firing of some flares to prove that rece 3/17/1949 #4049 Fort Bliss, Texas Waco no. 4 firing range 11:40 a.m. Army officers Ma 5/5/1949 #4150 Molloy C. Vaughn on the Waco no. 4 firing range at Fort Bliss, Texas, watch 5/5/1949 #4150 he North American Aviation missile firing range. Project Twinkle cinetheodo 5/24/1950 #4964 ile Range, New Mexico, just before firing a test missile. The object is tra 5/29/1950 #4973 d tells him that he has considered firing a guided missile at a UFO to brin 2/25/1952 #5931 ilver disks going west inland over firing range. Maneuver / high altitude. 7/25/1952 #7128 ge of 3,000 feet, the pilot begins firing at the object, but it pulls up in 9/1952 #7801 only three spark plugs were still firing. 3/30/1955 #12071 amogordo, NM During a missile test firing at a point in space, a UAO was tr 12/15/1956 (approximate) #13403 Torres seeks authentication before firing. Torres locates the large target 5/20/1957? #13667 permission for the pilot to make a firing pass. The pilot fires two missile Spring 1959 #15662 ng, but does not block the missile firing, since the tracking system contin 1/10/1961 #16574 ter Patrice Lumumba is executed by firing squad near Élisabethville [now Lu 1/17/1961 #16578 During a night test firing of the NASA Saturn-V-B second sta 5/11/1966 #20478 er balloon. The film from the test firing has never been released by the go 5/11/1966 #20478 lands near military / runway. Cops firing at small humanoids (or Greys) fro 7/26/1968 #24230 Pendleton rifle range during night firing exercises. (NUFORC) (NICAP: 01 - 3/21/1970 #25604 nabara, Brazil was paralyzed after firing on a UFO with multicolored lights 9/9/1970 #25832 ix rounds form his revolver. After firing the shots, Alexander returned to 10/14/1972 #27077 patrol at the Las Bardenas Reales firing range near Arguedas, Navarre, Spa 1/2/1975 #29702 ed 40-50 shots. At the instant the firing began the apparition vanished. Th 11/12/1976 #31540 Leirvik results in another rocket firing. On May 1, at 4:20 p.m., another 4/27/1983 #36846 hind them. The British Army denies firing any missiles. The British Civil A 4/21/1991 #40046 acting to a Space Shuttle thruster firing. Astronomer Philip C. Plait discu 9/15/1991 #40187 e witness loaded his gun and began firing at the craft, but when nothing ha 1/7/1997 #43167
as planted ‘rockets,’ ‘submarine’ firings, Naga Dragons speaking, they all 10/6/2006 #44971
, both employees of a rug cleaning firm. One shiny aluminum object, shaped 7/29/1948 #3752 ndianapolis, Indiana, rug cleaning firm, are in a truck headed west when th 7/29/1948 #3753 , both employees of a rug cleaning firm in Indianapolis, Indiana saw a shin 7/29/1948 #3754 Ohio Gen. Charles Cabell writes a firm letter to Wright Field in Ohio, ask 11/3/1948 #3867 he enthusiasm of this group took a firm hold in the Pentagon, at Air Defens 6/30/1952 #6674 e local representative of a German firm, Max Favell, saw an object give off 10/9/1954 #10851 vell, a representative of a German firm in Beirut, Lebanon, sees a white fl 10/9/1954 #10857 company representative of a German firm, Max Favell, saw an white flying ob 10/9/1954 #10869 avala, an employee of a commercial firm, observed a very bright disc come d 12/4/1954 #11760 Elkin and Company, a construction firm in Trenton, New Jersey. He sees a c 10/2/1956 #13260 adio, translator for export-import firm. One object "big as a hen's egg" f 6/12/1957 #13720 io, a translator for export-import firm, sighted a UFO as "big as a hen's e 6/12/1957 #13721 der The director of an engineering firm and four of his staff members see f 11/27/1957 #14632 re data in the hopes of plotting a firm orbit for the mystery satellite. 8/25/1960 #16414 ons to 171 of the items but stands firm on the remaining 168. The trial is 3/1972 #26584 silent banana 60M over electronics firm. 5/15/1974 #29104 Book files through the commercial firm Fuller & Dees Marketing Group in Mo 2/19/1976 #30886 l and banister but could not get a firm hold. His next memory was of being 1/1/1977 #31683 ne owned and operated by a Chicago firm. 4/29/1978 #33179 The owner of a large firm and prominent business executive wa 9/14/1978 #33680 stem (PROMIS) developed by private firm Inslaw to aid prosecutors in tracki 1982 #36286 on either side of him and place a firm grip on his forearms. The beings ha 4/12/1992 #40414 The Roper market research firm conducts a telephone poll, sponsore 8/2002 #44372 omputing and local venture capital firm R&R Ventures, of which Asprey was a 3/2004 #44671 oted in the northwest corner). The firm Bechtel Corp. is noted as having a 5/30/2018 #45528 Marriott for his involvement in a firm named InterNASA. Kiviat claims he w 2/26/2019 #45564 to a third-party aerospace/defense firm that hosts a waived-unacknowledged 5/1/2021 #45687 , a start-up technology investment firm. Wackenhut and SAIC are linked to 9/26/2022 #45772
cenarios with sponsorship from Joe Firmage. Bigelow remains convinced UAP i 1/8/1999 #43712 denied Fitts’ allegations and Joe Firmage, another Board member, did not r 12/3/1999 #43892 also linked to TAI’s Petersen and Firmage, with Jacques Vallée noting the 12/3/1999 #43892 aranormal groups and projects. Joe Firmage’s ISSO is there, which houses fo 2/20/2000 #43955 Hilary Evans, Robert Sheaffer, Joe Firmage, and Greg Sandow. Betty Hill joi 9/2000 #44035 TV producer Robert Kiviat sues Joe Firmage, former CIA official Ron Pandolf 2/26/2019 #45564 es, and Fugal began supporting Joe Firmage’s work by co-founding Motion Sci 10/27/2022 #45784
Palalda, France Mr. and Mrs. Firmin Bason heard an unusual noise and 4/22/1957 #13611 ce. It was witnessed by Mr. & Mrs. Firmin Bason. The vines thrashed about a 4/22/1957 #13613 ST. FIRMIN, FR Several observer(s). Wedge-sa 8/15/1991 #40156
is motorbike and and held on to it firmly. They were dressed in dark covera 2/28/1974 #28822 garne’s skepticism. Lord Strabolgi firmly rejects the request for an offici 1/18/1979 #34358 f about 800 meters, and gently but firmly directing it to the Air Station. 8/28/1991 #40168
long model airships to advertising firms in the UK, one of them in Cardiff. 5/19/1909 #765 ch he lists the names of aerospace firms conducting gravity-control propuls 11/30/1955 #12594 opulsion research by the aerospace firms cease after 1974. Follow-up studie 11/30/1955 #12594 likely not the whole story of oil firms’ interest in possible UAP-related 1994 #41347 gests some executives at aerospace firms know of the programs and at least 4/30/2019 #45575 hcTe4?t=4632 Note: No specific firms are mentioned, but one naturally w 4/30/2019 #45575
across the golf links to tell the firs man they had seen a ghost. 5/15/1973 #27492
ds were out in a wooded field near Firsanovka, Moscow, Russia when they hea 7/25/2000 #44022
MOON Astronomer Firsoff. Flashes / lunar south pole rese 5/24/1955 #12152
her bright cloud appears above the first. After 2–3 minutes, a fiery ball d 3/19/1847 #143 USS Advance, participating in the First Grinnell Expedition to the Arctic 9/15/1850 #145 y near the star Gamma Draconis. At first it is stationary but after 15 seco 1/22/1855 #149 st. It moves in a straight line at first, then moves south for a bit, then 6/8/1868 #172 not an actual landing, this is the first instance of close observation of a 7/1868 #174 bject slowly crossing the moon. He first sees it in front of the moon, then 4/24/1874 #203 d equidistant from each other. The first ball emits a tail that envelops th 9/30/1880 #240 antic sword of fire, moving handle first.” 7/3/1884 #261 is widely regarded as the world’s first practical modern automobile and wa 1885 #262 ical modern automobile and was the first car put into series production. 1885 #262 Heinrich Hertz became the first person to transmit and receive con 11/1886 #278 m the southwest and approaches the first object, but clouds prevent any fur 9/2/1891 #296 The first practical radio transmitters and r 1894 #312 nals made by intelligent beings is first hinted at, and then adopted as the 5/1894 #314 British Columbia. The same day, a First Nations boy sees something similar 7/3/1896 #327 t. Louis, MO 7:45 p.m. This is the first report from the entire period to b 4/15/1897 #480 es Morning Commercial, the airship first appeared about nine oclock, travel 4/16/1897 #503 ings and brilliant lights. When he first sees it, the object is hovering 15 4/22/1897 #559 close until 1900, when the book is first published, documenting her various 1900 #639 Orville and Wilbur Wright make the first controlled, sustained flight of a 12/17/1903 #663 hip pass over the city. It is seen first in Irvington and then floats over 9/16/1906 #688 River, Long Island, New York. The first light stops and as the others reac 5/1908 #704 ney General Charles Bonaparte. Its first chief is Stanley Finch. Attorney G 7/26/1908 #716 y. It is generally regarded as the first affordable automobile, which made 10/1/1908 #718 nd nighttime. The sightings are at first most intense over the southern end 7/1909 #778 to a cloud. Capt. Lyman Jackman at first thinks it is a balloon, but its es 8/9/1909 #802 21. MP William Joynson-Hicks asks First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Chur 10/14/1912 #864 St. Petersburg, FL The world’s first scheduled passenger airline servic 1/1/1914 #895 n his seaplane to make perhaps the first report of a UFO sighting by a mili 9/6/1914 #915 Fort Lee, New Jersey Possibly the first UFO film ever made, The Mysterious 4/26/1915 #927 y issued a statement which for the first time ever explicitly charged a gov 5/24/1915 #928 This was observed by 22 men of the First Field Company, NZ Army Corps and s 8/21/1915 #933 This was observed by 22 men of the First Field Company, NZ Army Corps and s 8/21/1915 #934 er older sister Barbara have their first alleged encounter with a UFO on th 10/1917 #968 dren--Lucia, Jesus and Marto-- had first met a mysterious lady in blue ther 10/13/1917 #971 Liveright publishes Charles Fort’s first book of scientific anomalies, The 12/1/1919 #994 First meeting of the League of Nations 1/16/1920 #996 First commercial radio broadcast from KD 11/2/1920 #1007 ts to engineer foreign policy. The first issue of Foreign Affairs is publis 7/29/1921 #1013 epathically told him that only the first three letters had been received. R 10/27/1926 #1065 adio transmission has occurred—are first observed by civil engineer and ama Late Summer 1927 #1079 Antarctica Richard E. Byrd’s first expedition to Antarctica. He set u 10/1928 #1088 alled Little America. This was the first of the American bases on the conti 10/1928 #1088 nd his companions would become the first to fly over the South Pole. The fl 11/29/1929 #1105 hite “airship” as he is making the first solo flight in a Gypsy Moth seapla 6/6/1931 #1127 “vague and unreliable” reports at first. 1/10/1934 #1195 einrich Focke designed the world’s first practical, stable transverse twin 6/26/1936 #1245 City Tiffany Thayer publishes the first issue of the Fortean Society Magaz 9/1937 #1276 umbia University team conducts the first nuclear fission experiment in the 1/25/1939 #1305 owered Heinkel He 178, the world’s first jet aircraft, made its first fligh 8/1939 #1309 rld’s first jet aircraft, made its first flight 8/1939 #1309 ee on Uranium, which meets for the first time at the National Bureau of Sta 10/21/1939 #1318 om in Burlington House, London The first meeting of the MAUD Committee in E 4/10/1940 #1331 The first draft of the final report of the M 6/26/1941 #1366 rcraft with a 38-foot wingspan, is first flown at Baker Dry Lake in the Moj 7/3/1941 #1368 aped object, 15m in diameter, that first hovered, and then shot straight up 3/14/1942 #1400 Germany First German V-2 rocket test to get very 10/3/1942 #1452 tical in size and shape except the first, which was larger, brighter and se 12/1942 #1466 Germany Chicago Pile-1 (CP-1), the first human-made self-sustaining nuclear 12/2/1942 #1471 ity of Chicago Chicago Pile-1, the first nuclear reactor, goes critical at 12/2/1942 #1472 h a wingspan of 60 feet, makes its first test flight at Jack Northrop Field 12/27/1942 #1473 The USAAF First Air Division was flying over the E 6/25/1943 #1512 ington Construction begins for the first reactor at the Hanford site in Was 10/10/1943 #1533 r fire injuries. Within a day, the first symptoms of mustard poisoning appe 12/2/1943 #1549 the Solomon Islands see what they first assume are the headlight beams of 2/20/1944 #1576 Germany The first prototype H.IX V1, an unpowered gl 3/1/1944 #1585 the pilot attempts to land without first retracting an instrument-carrying 3/1/1944 #1585 The first operation jet fighter, the Messers 4/1944 #1587 hysicist Emilio Segrè receives the first sample and within 10 days discover 4/5/1944 #1589 cloud. The large object disappears first, followed by the discs, which race Summer 1944 #1611 ing on a steep hillside that he at first takes for a military truck. As he Late 7/1944 #1623 Objectives Subcommittee holds its first meeting in London, England. Presen 9/6/1944 #1665 Germany First V-2 rocket attacks begin. Two laun 9/7/1944 #1666 ana The Japanese Army launches the first of some 9,300 Fu-Go bomb-bearing f 11/3/1944 #1691 patrol craft discovers one of the first Fu-Go balloons floating off San Pe 11/3/1944 #1691 Corning First Tactical Air Force Executive Offic 1/20/1945 #1759 ego, California, and publishes the first issue of its newsletter, The Round 2/1945 #1768 Hanford Los Alamos The first Hanford plutonium arrives at Los A 2/2/1945 #1770 Oranienburg, Germany Gotha The first flight of the H.IX V2 is made in O 2/2/1945 #1771 competition and do not attend the first test flight. The test pilot is Leu 2/2/1945 #1771 t with a Messerschmitt Me 262, the first operational jet fighter, and that 2/2/1945 #1771 en V-2 missiles at a bridge, their first use against a tactical target and 3/17/1945 #1814 t really a “racial memory,” as the first story had asserted. Shaver, workin 4/1945 #1835 White Sands Proving Grounds, NM First atomic bomb test “Trinity”, 35 mil 7/16/1945 #1897 e Range Alamogordo, New Mexico The first detonation of a nuclear weapon (an 7/16/1945 #1900 Hiroshima, Japan First atomic bomb attack at Hiroshima, J 8/6/1945 #1913 coma and dies on September 15, the first person to die accidentally from cl 8/21/1945 #1925 Texas White Sands, New Mexico The first group of seven German rocket scien 9/1945 #1934 inawa, Japan Night. Machinist Mate First Class George M. Reynolds, attached 9/26/1945? #1940 3, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM First static test fire of V-2 missile at 3/15/1946 #1979 3, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM First V-2 missile test at White Sands Pa 4/16/1946 #1982 3, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM First nominal V-2 missile test at White 5/10/1946 #1989 Plans for a new test site for the first Soviet ballistic missiles and atom 5/13/1946 #1990 paper in Stockholm, Sweden, is the first to use the term “Spökraket” (ghost 5/28/1946 #1999 XB-35 flying wing bomber makes its first test flight from Jack Northrop Fie 6/25/1946 #2015 3, White Sands Proving Grounds, NM First picture of Earth from space. V-2 m 10/10/1946 #2201 ilable, and seven months after the first observations, no actual proof that 12/23/1946 #2213 , NM Einstein sees "Greys" for the first time 1947 #2215 past Mount Rainier, Washington. At first he assumes they are jets, but he c 6/24/1947 #2398 nformation than they may appear at first sight.” 6/24/1947 #2398 rmal. Johnson’s report is the very first “unidentified” case in the Project 6/24/1947 #2400 where the term "flying saucer" was first coined, despite the fact that the 6/24/1947 #2402 se kite.” Bill Bequette writes the first saucer news story for the newspape 6/25/1947 #2411 15 other UFO encounters during the first month of the “flying saucer” myste 7/1947 #2492 exico since July 1. The object had first appeared over the highly restricte 7/1/1947 #2501 ond craft. The idea is to land the first aircraft in a visible location in 7/1/1947 #2523 Albuquerque, New Mexico. They flew first toward the south, then turned to t 7/1/1947 #2533 San Francisco, CA The first instance of the ET hypothesis to a 7/3/1947 #2551 Sneide 1886-8/31/1947. His letter first appeared in the San Francisco Chro 7/3/1947 #2551 United Air Lines Capt. E.J. Smith, First Officer Ralph Stevens, Stewardess 7/4/1947 #2651 f the moon. This is apparently the first public mention of an extraterrestr 7/4/1947 #2654 105 pilots Capt. Emil J. Smith and First Officer Ralph Stevens are flying f 7/4/1947 #2667 Field [now closed], New Mexico The first of the special flights from Washin 7/4/1947 #2668 est of Roswell. They are among the first civilians to stumble across the im 7/5/1947 #2719 r, entrusted with oversight of the first and only atomic-bomb strike force 7/6/1947 #2812 C. 2:00 a.m. A special flight (the first) leaves Roswell AAF for Andrews AA 7/7/1947 #2927 rom the east, passing close by the first one. A third object approaches fro 7/7/1947 #2939 hes from the east and stops by the first object before moving on. The first 7/7/1947 #2939 first object before moving on. The first object then retraces its path to t 7/7/1947 #2939 n below is from the newspaper that first published it and suffers from dete 7/7/1947 #2947 silver or aluminum-white object at first thought to be a parachute was seen 7/8/1947 #3005 center. Ruppelt says these are the first sightings “that really made the Ai 7/8/1947 #3014 to radio stations around noon (the first apparently to Frank Joyce at KGFL) 7/8/1947 #3015 AFB, according to Robert E. Smith, First Air Transport Unit. A crate allege 7/9/1947 #3054 nd questioning the individuals who first sighted the discs. Col. L. R. Forn 7/10/1947 #3078 and southeast fly in and join the first one. All three fly away silently t 7/13/1947 #3172 ects approaches and passes him. At first he takes them for birds, but he ca 7/15/1947 #3187 er going again. This is one of the first cases of “vehicle interference” UF 7/23/1947 #3217 e Central Intelligence Agency, the first peacetime intelligence agency in t 7/26/1947 #3233 thy Americans. The act creates the first black military and intelligence bu 7/26/1947 #3233 4 p.m. Capt. Charles F. Gibian and First Officer Jack Harvey are piloting U 7/28/1947 #3240 The first Gallup poll on UFOs shows that 90% 8/14/1947 #3329 te confirms James Forrestal as the first Secretary of Defense. 9/17/1947 #3401 n, publishes a single issue of the first flying saucer fanzine, Weird Unsol Fall 1947 #3418 First flight of the prototype jet fighte 10/1/1947 #3442 he sound barrier (670 mph) for the first time in an experimental rocket-pow 10/14/1947 #3458 Kapustin Yar First Russian V-2 missile test at Kapust 10/18/1947 #3459 propelled Northrop YB-49 makes its first test flight from Jack Northrop Fie 10/21/1947 #3466 arch and Development Board has its first meeting. 12/19/1947 #3507 Muray Hill, NJ First transistor was successfully demons 12/23/1947 #3510 aith twice saw an object land. The first time, it was a disk-shaped craft w 1948 #3520 ovel titled The Flying Saucer, the first book to use that phrase in its tit 1948 #3523 Lt. Col. James C. Beam becomes its first project director. 1/26/1948 #3565 y maneuvered by ground control for first 40s of flight) 2/6/1948 #3575 iper Cub airplane and flying point first below the cloud level at between 2 2/20/1948 #3583 ed in cream", and was flying point first below the cloud level at between 2 2/20/1948 #3584 e editor Curtis Fuller publish the first issue of Fate magazine at Clark Pu Spring 1948 #3592 YB-35 flying wing bomber makes its first and only flight at Edwards AFB in 5/15/1948 #3652 te hands. This would have been the first article revealing the crash retrie 6/1948 (approximate) #3665 t pass overhead at 1,500 mph. They first appear like snub-nosed jet fighter 7/17/1948 #3714 imply vanish in sequence, then the first three reappear one at a time in th 8/15/1948 #3782 Pad 33, 13.4km altitude (Bumper 2 First stage failed due to propellant flo 8/19/1948 #3784 1 mph (slightly more than Yeager’s first record) in a North American F-86A- 9/15/1948 #3802 y [to] 300mph over woods. Wide-end first. / p104. 10/1/1948 #3823 The first Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publicat 10/1/1948 #3826 which moves up to 600 mph. On his first pass he gets as close as 500 feet 10/1/1948 #3827 outh of Nevada, Missouri a witness first heard a whirring sound at 4 p.m., 11/15/1948 #3877 te Sands Pad 33, 145.3km altitude (First Hermes B ‘Organ’ test of ramjet di 11/18/1948 #3879 in Bavaria, Germany 10:20 p.m. The first [although see October 15] document 11/23/1948 #3889 ee the second object, described as first orange, then green. 12/5/1948 #3909 r, with significant numbers of the first three production models seeing com 1949 #3940 roximately 8–10 miles away. In the first sighting at 10:20 p.m., the object 1/27/1949 #3981 r Forces.” It was thought that the first UFOs over Sweden were of Russian o 1/31/1949 #3987 querque, New Mexico. The object is first round then shifts to an ellipse as 2/17/1949 #4015 ead Gen. Curtis LeMay delivers the first SAC Emergency War Plan, which call 3/1949 #4030 at Camp Hood, Killeen, Texas, the first of several weekly meetings. Army a 5/5/1949 #4149 ers est 2 days earlier, tracks its first object (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 5/6/1949 #4155 kes a more skeptical tone than the first part, with the Gorman case receivi 5/6/1949 #4160 artillery observers, tracked their first object. They sighted and triangula 5/6/1949 #4164 ay 20 west of Boise, Idaho spotted first one disc, then five more silver di 5/13/1949 #4186 tes. This observation involves the first real- time triangulation of a UFO 6/6/1949 #4228 ll across the Cincinnati area this first night. The searchlight picks up th 8/19/1949 #4329 Semipalatinsk Test Site First Soviet atomic bomb test RDS-1 “Fir 8/29/1949 #4337 rst Soviet atomic bomb test RDS-1 “First Lightning” at Semipalatinsk in Sem 8/29/1949 #4337 Soviet Union secretly conducts its first successful nuclear weapon test (Fi 8/29/1949 #4340 st successful nuclear weapon test (First Lightning) at the Semipalatinsk Te 8/29/1949 #4340 The design is very similar to the first US “Fat Man” plutonium bomb. The p 8/29/1949 #4340 Mt. Palomar, CA Flying discs first observed near the observatory at M 11/25/1949 #4425 z, a deaf-mute, claims to have the first of three close encounters (the oth 1950 #4463 ens in UFOs in Colombia. After the first two events, he finds his hearing t 1950 #4463 TRUE magazine publishes first article on Flying Saucers 1/1950 #4466 t of sight behind a mountain. When first seen, it is yellowish-white, chang 1/7/1950 #4478 tor, and bombardier. One object is first sighted on a bearing of 330° trave 1/12/1950 #4484 of Land-Air, Inc., has set up its first operations post, manned by two obs 2/21/1950 #4542 outhern Airlines Capt. Jack Adams, First Officer G. W. Anderson, Jr. One 10 3/20/1950 #4689 hern Airlines Capt. Jack Adams and First Officer G. W. Anderson Jr., flying 3/20/1950 #4690 ing to brown around the edges.” It first travels northwesterly at 25,000–30 3/22/1950 #4701 Venus or Mars who are making their first exploration of our Earth.” 3/26/1950 #4728 Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt 4:00 p.m. F 3/26/1950 #4730 Eleanor Roosevelt 4:00 p.m. Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt interviews 3/26/1950 #4730 . five disc-shaped UFOs were seen, first three, then another two, flying ov 3/26/1950 #4732 sman Edward R. Murrow produces the first extended TV commentary on UFOs, “T 4/7/1950 #4816 New Mexico Physicist Enrico Fermi first formulates the “Fermi Paradox” dur Summer 1950 #4996 irlines plane (Capt. E. L. Remlin, First Officer David Stewart, and observe 6/24/1950 #5004 alled in and questioned by a young first lieutenant unknown to them who ask 7/1950 #5035 orne radar confirms it. The object first appears as a round ball; after it 7/11/1950 #5056 riana claimed many frames from the first part of the film, those showing th 8/5/1950 #5108 280 frames of 16mm film. The UFOs first hovered, then moved smoothly at ve 8/5/1950 #5108 rises when Mariana claims that the first 35 frames of his film—which he say 8/15/1950 #5126 , California Norfolk, Virginia The first US Army large-scale aerosol vulner 9/1950 #5160 l agents from a ship offshore. The first open-air tests with biological sim 9/1950 #5160 George Adamski first receives national exposure as coau 9/1950 #5161 y’s Behind the Flying Saucers, the first book on UFOs. It sensationally cla 9/8/1950 #5171 th a steady white light that he at first mistakes for an aircraft. He gets 11/7/1950 #5270 ing Saucer Mystery, apparently the first UFO documentary. The film’s main f 11/17/1950 #5279 new evidence of 1950, the alleged first authentic photographs and motion p 11/17/1950 #5279 from a field agent named Auerbach (first name not given) in Richmond, Virgi 12/3/1950 #5314 metallic, egg shaped craft. On his first encounter he saw a short alien, co 1951 #5372 by typical Alien Grays, eight the first time. There were also short creatu 1951 #5372 nce Paris Marc Thirouin founds the first UFO group in France, the Commissio 1951 #5378 the northwest. This is one of the first reports to make it into the CIRVIS 1/20/1951 #5407 n Air Force B-50D bomber drops the first atomic bomb, the Able blast, for t 1/27/1951 #5419 was so bright that they thought at first that perhaps the auto-pilot had go 2/8/1951 #5434 is about 400 feet in diameter and first seen moving above the surface of t 2/9/1951 #5436 nated representatives. The board’s first director is Gordon Gray, later Nat 4/4/1951 #5498 shall at this time; apparently his first visit to Mexico was a vacation in Summer 1951 #5549 ight-Patterson AFB in Ohio for the first time to gather information on “Pro 6/22/1951 #5550 ed them to earth alive. It was the first successful flight of animals into 7/22/1951 #5580 w Mexico at around 10:45 a.m. They first saw two disc-shaped objects that s 8/15/1951 #5610 now appears to pass from above the first row, through it to a position belo 8/30/1951 #5638 unidentified track then joined the first two. More than 15 minutes. 9/14/1951 #5667 unidentified track then joined the first two. This incident lasted longer t 9/14/1951 #5668 orge AFB at about 8:00 a.m. as the first two were running low on fuel and b 9/23/1951 #5687 e ground. The flight crew saw the first object, a brightly glowing one wit 10/11/1951 #5724 h sped across the sky. Total time first object was seen was 5 minutes, sec 10/11/1951 #5724 ted a UFO. The flight crew saw the first object, a brightly glowing UFO wit 10/11/1951 #5726 total time for the sighting of the first object was five minutes, and the s 10/11/1951 #5726 c bomb test RDS-3 (Joe 3), 41.2kt, first air dropped, released at 10km deto 10/18/1951 #5731 d like a flying wing. It hovers at first, then it passes 100 feet above and 11/24/1951 #5789 Project Grudge issues its first Status Report, classified “confide 11/30/1951 #5798 object seemed to be stationary at first, then it moved away. 12/7/1951 #5813 Minnesota. It looks like a kite at first, then like a weather balloon, then 12/12/1951 #5817 he USAF evaluation of UFO reports: first, a study of witness perception and 12/26/1951 #5826 y, coauthors what he claims is the first peer-reviewed paper describing dee 1952 #5837 Landers, California, receives the first of many psychic messages from extr 1/6/1952 #5861 rom “Lutbunn, senior in command of first wave, planet patrol, realms of Sch 1/6/1952 #5861 t 6000 feet altitude when the crew first spotted the object. The disc was v 1/21/1952 #5872 nce of only 2000 feet. When it was first seen it was at 200 feet, and then 1/21/1952 #5872 lot gets a strong radar return. At first, the object is almost stationary, 1/22/1952 #5876 off the east coast of Korea. It is first detected at a distance of 25 miles 2/2/1952 #5893 30 p.m. The object moved slowly at first, then accelerated away. The sighti 2/12/1952 #5900 o has since been identified as the first of six original National Stockpile 2/22/1952 #5920 aucer was sighted moving slowly at first, then very fast for 30 seconds ove 3/21/1952 #5966 tercept mission for two F-84s. The first F-84 overtakes him at 6,000 feet w 3/29/1952 #5992 lane from the city airport. On his first approach he comes to within about 3/29/1952 #5993 rth. It flew straight and level at first at an estimated speed of 1,000 kno 4/5/1952 #6035 eric H. Smith Jr. orders America’s first nationwide Air Defense Readiness a 4/16/1952 #6093 nnesota. The disc made no sound at first but as it was fading away behind s 4/21/1952 #6148 UFO study group that meets for the first time today. Project Second Storey, 4/22/1952 #6155 ar looking discs then followed the first, then two more in a procession pas 4/22/1952 #6156 Battelle releases its first status report on Project Stork, no 4/25/1952 #6186 FB, NM Radar tracking of 4,000 mph first (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 4/30/1952 #6222 antiaircraft guns loaded after the first incident. When fighters are scramb 5/1952 #6229 t, a Staff Sergeant, and an Airman First Class. Ten times, an aluminum or s 5/7/1952 #6266 ca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In the first, the UFO resembles an airplane com 5/7/1952 #6270 ortheast at above 20,000 feet. The first object seems to waver on its axis, 5/10/1952 #6296 path but at a higher altitude. The first object is the size of a B-36 at hi 5/10/1952 #6296 were seen during 45 minutes. The first two were in a trail formation, the 6/5/1952 #6445 en flying over Lubbock, Texas. The first two lights flew over in a trailing 6/5/1952 #6449 here is no audible sound. They are first seen at about 60° above the horizo 6/8/1952 #6469 e / airplane speed. Flies wide-end first. Silent. 6/21/1952 #6568 Paris The first issue of Ouranos is published by t 6/24/1952 #6619 bjects for 18 minutes over Canada, first encountering the objects around Se 6/29/1952 #6668 dney, New South Wales, Australia’s first civilian UFO organization, followi 7/1952 #6678 An identical UFO is following the first some distance back. No vapor trail 7/1/1952 #6689 an identical UFO was following the first one some distance back. Both were 7/1/1952 #6691 says that the disc stands still at first and then seems to back away and ch 7/5/1952 #6716 8:18 p.m. Capt. James E. Lundy and First Officer Leon Blanks are flying a N 7/10/1952 #6751 a Witnesses: Pan American Airways First Officer William Nash, Second Offic 7/14/1952 #6815 Capt. William B. Nash and copilot First Officer William H. Fortenberry, fl 7/14/1952 #6817 The Lorenzens publish the first issue of the APRO Bulletin. 7/15/1952 #6828 nes pilot Capt. Paul L. Carpenter, First Officer George Fell, and Flight En 7/18/1952 #6895 em to be about 100 miles away. The first object is moving south by southeas 7/18/1952 #6895 erson AFB, Ohio 10:00 a.m. Ruppelt first hears about the National Airport s 7/21/1952 #6981 He gets aboard and is taken on his first trip into outer space. 7/23/1952 #7084 h passage of UFOs took 30 seconds. First two objects flew over, then one, t 7/27/1952 #7217 s over Albuquerque, New Mexico. At first they appear overhead in no pattern 7/29/1952 #7329 he morning in Afton, New York UFOs first appeared near the position of the 8/1/1952 #7413 At 3:00 a.m. on this morning USAF First Lt. W.A. Theil and an enlisted man 8/2/1952 #7425 ond object is half the size of the first, and the third is half the size of 8/5/1952 #7468 lf the size of the second one. The first one resembles an automobile headli 8/5/1952 #7468 radical directional change by the first object, straight and level flight 8/7/1952 #7508 bject 3 miles away that appears at first triangular, then more saucer shape 8/7/1952 #7509 . No sound is heard. The object is first seen moving north to south until i 8/9/1952 #7525 cial UFO study group meets for the first time and is given a summary (proba 8/14/1952 #7593 86 Sabre jets are scrambled but at first cannot locate the target. The seco 9/1952 #7801 ation in Los Angeles publishes the first of only four issues of its CSI Qua 9/1952 #7803 n an estimated 10 miles away. When first spotted, the UFOs are in an in- tr 9/1/1952 #7817 ry of one of these objects (moving first northwest then northeast then sout 9/12/1952 #7905 begins in the North Sea. It is the first large-scale naval exercise underta 9/14/1952 #7939 cts flew in tight formations: the first group slow, the second faster. Se 9/17/1952 #7970 ects flew in tight formations: the first group slowly, the second group fas 9/17/1952 #7971 Idaho Evening. Paul Solem has his first contact with a flying saucer aroun Fall 1952 #8014 tic social order. This will be the first of many contacts for Solem. Over t Fall 1952 #8014 The first number of Albert K. Bender’s Space 10/1952 #8072 ng near Plainsboro, New Jersey. At first, they think it is an aircraft cras 10/1952 #8076 f danger to the United States. The first involves mass psychological consid 10/2/1952 #8084 the AEC flagship for Ivy Mike, the first detonation of a hydrogen bomb at E Late 10/1952 #8184 white light that is motionless at first, then starts zigzagging for less t Late 10/1952 #8184 asaki Nuclear test Ivy Mike is the first successful full-scale test of a mu 11/1/1952 #8228 hoenix Gazette Palomar Gardens The first printed account of the encounter w 11/24/1952 #8333 nt notes an out-of-place light. At first the pilot thinks it’s Venus, but t 1953 #8479 ed at the US embassy in Moscow are first detected, increasing in intensity 1/1953 #8486 at “H. P. Robertson told us in the first private (no outsiders) session tha 1/14/1953 #8539 conventional reasoning.” The panel first reviews the CIA OSI study from Aug 1/14/1953 #8539 ation. It is possibly here that he first suggests using 4602nd AISS field u 1/14/1953 #8539 ie Armstrong Essipoff (Ben Hecht’s first wife), later writes to Keyhoe sayi 1/28/1953 #8602 He shoots at the object twice. The first bullet bounces off with a metallic 1/29/1953 #8616 wice flew away and returned to the first. After 5 minutes, both were lost 2/4/1953 #8636 wice flew away and returned to the first. The two dull white objects maneuv 2/4/1953 #8638 A UFO that first appeared saucer-shaped, but reveal 2/13/1953 #8674 temperature inversions. It is the first book-length argument against UFOs, 3/1953 #8721 y an academic institution, and the first UFO book by a scientist. ATIC pers 3/1953 #8721 t. The F-94C models, especially at first, have fire-control problems and el 6/1953 #8922 fornia Max B. Miller publishes the first issue of Saucers, a digest-sized q 6/1953 #8925 miles west of Ramore, Ontario. The first person to see it is A/2c Dean McDo 6/30/1953 #8976 thinks the object is the moon. The first airman gets hysterical and calls t 6/30/1953 #8976 Leland, Georgia, and waits for the first car to stop. They tell the driver, 7/7/1953 #8989 Moscow, Idaho. At 10:10 p.m., the first of two F-86s is scrambled. The obj 8/9/1953 #9058 Semipalatinsk Test Site First Soviet hydrogen bomb test (Joe 4), 8/12/1953 #9061 Site Kazakhstan The USSR tests its first thermonuclear device, RDS-6s or Jo 8/12/1953 #9065 ng Saucers International holds the first UFO conference at the Hollywood Ho 8/16/1953 #9074 kers. However, George Van Tassel’s first Giant Rock Interplanetary Spacecra 8/16/1953 #9074 e Van Tassel gets to step, for the first time, inside a flying saucer, when 8/24/1953 #9108 rmation at about 200 mph. They are first seen heading west through breaks i 8/28/1953 #9120 ve Landed. Leslie asserts that the first spaceman (a Venusian) arrived on e 9/1953 #9130 2,300 mph. It is 4 miles away when first seen and compares with a C-47 in s 9/28/1953 #9187 raveling on the same course as the first object. 9/28/1953 #9187 00M altitude. Going quickly north. First seen in Benin. 10/11/1953 #9219 ass over Exmouth, Devon handle-end first. 12/14/1953 #9364 Washington (D.C.) The first of a series of articles in the Was 12/26/1953 #9397 gartner took some photographs. The first two objects were joined by four ot 2/1/1954 #9527 a huge ellipsoidal object that was first seen flying toward the west, but m 2/18/1954 #9556 device detonated by the US and its first lithium deuteride–fueled thermonuc 3/1/1954 #9584 al Australian Air Force issues its first statement of policy on UFOs, admit 4/1954 #9657 tactee George Van Tassel holds the first Giant Rock Interplanetary Spacecra 4/4/1954 #9665 onard H. Stringfield publishes the first issue of CRIFO Newsletter. (CRIFO 4/7/1954 #9672 What first appeared to be a flaming ring made 4/26/1954 #9727 delta winged UFO as it passed the first Navy jet at a speed in excess of 2 5/10/1954 #9772 d storm in the desert. One witness first decided to approach it, then ran a 5/18/1954 #9810 erg in Oosterbeek, Netherlands The first conference of European and North A 5/29/1954 #9840 ts interests around the globe. The first meeting is initiated by several pe 5/29/1954 #9840 same triangular position with the first. They then begin a light display w Summer 1954 #9922 Kaluga Oblast, Russia, becomes the first grid-connected nuclear power plant 6/27/1954 #9957 thers to witness these events were First Officer Lee Boyd and Navigator Cap 6/29/1954 #9958 A saucer-buff zine titled Nexus is first published by James W. Moseley in N 7/1954 #9977 trol tower vectors him back to the first target. Atkins cannot see any airc 7/2/1954 #9984 tar in the southern sky that he at first thinks is a supernova. Soon it res 7/8/1954 #10003 fornia Palomar Mountain One of the first UFO meetings in California is held 8/7/1954 #10112 e objectives of UFO reporting as: “First as a possible threat to the securi 8/12/1954 #10138 ed about ten feet. They hovered at first, then climbed vertically at a terr 8/26/1954 #10183 ther station, Greenland 11:05 p.m. First Officer H. G. Gardner and Engineer 8/29/1954 #10204 First Officer H.G. Gardner and engineer 8/29/1954 #10205 en turns in the position where the first light was observed. According to O 8/31/1954 #10218 . Benjamin W. Chidlaw, becomes the first CINCONAD, and USAF is designated a 9/1/1954 #10228 f Chabeuil, Drome, France saw what first resembled a "scarecrow" in a cornf 9/26/1954 #10452 light in the sky at 10 o'clock. He first took it to be a shooting star, but 10/1/1954 #10579 he was on. Seeing a blue light at first, he thought that an airplane had m 10/9/1954 #10863 e or smoke. Traces larger than the first, and symmetrical, were observed. D 10/10/1954 #10887 e or smoke. Traces larger than the first, and symmetrical, were observed. D 10/10/1954 #10903 ch time a third witness joined the first two. It ultimately turned brighter 10/11/1954 #10927 is time a third witness joined the first two. The UFO ultimately brightened 10/11/1954 #10943 ered it was not a helicopter as he first thought, and he saw four dwarfs we 10/17/1954 #11184 River, where they then joined the first two and all four vanished. Fiteen 10/18/1954 #11215 h was attached horizontally to the first one, just centimeters above the gr 10/18/1954 #11225 another one rapidly approaches the first and stops next to it. The second o 10/24/1954 #11365 ange object on the ground which he first thought was a downed airplane. It 10/24/1954 #11366 e opposite him, looking around. At first he thought they were excursionists 10/24/1954 #11368 At first, a dull white aluminum colored UFO 10/24/1954 #11373 hours had elapsed, and circled the first one. 10/24/1954 #11373 height of 12,000 feet. The targets first appear in a U-formation, then conv Late 10/1954 #11393 They wore shiny black outfits. The first boy yelled for his friend to come 10/25/1954 #11401 loud whistling sound, knocking the first witness down with a strong gust of 10/25/1954 #11401 lashed in the sky, moved slowly at first, then sped up, dropped diagonally, 10/27/1954 #11450 nd a head like a diving helmet. At first she was paralyzed with terror, but 10/27/1954 #11455 speeds, as high as 750–850 mph. At first he calculates that there are about 11/6/1954 #11585 nter with three hairy dwarfs. They first saw a luminous sphere on the groun 11/28/1954 #11724 the west. This observation is the first of about a dozen others reported o 12/3/1954 #11754 and the other raises its arm. The first one kneels down and plucks a tobac 12/9/1954 #11787 a Vista, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil first noticed a disturbance among his ch 12/11/1954 #11802 him, the other raised its arm. The first one knelt down and plucked a tobac 12/11/1954 #11802 w a very bright light on the road, first thought it was an American car wit 12/17/1954 #11828 them for 20 minutes, until by the first light of dawn they could no longer 12/28/1954 #11869 don, England George King gives the first public demonstration of his contac 1/1955 #11903 ublishes The Case for the UFO, the first book to use the relatively new US 3/1955 #12022 een carefully continuing since the first memo (MTM-622) about the progress 3/1/1955 #12026 attracts a smaller crowd than the first. This time George Adamski is in at 3/12/1955 #12046 er RAF pilot Derek Dempster as its first editor. Spring 1955 #12053 l and thinks Kilgallen’s source is First Sea Lord Louis Mountbatten. Some s 5/22/1955 #12148 onnaissance aircraft, the nation’s first aerial espionage program. It consi 7/1955 #12225 Lake “Ranch” in Nebada receives it first delivery of U-2s from Burbank, Cal 7/24/1955 #12283 Groom Lake, Nevada The first test flight of the Lockheed U-2 ta 8/1/1955 #12316 ring a high-speed-taxi test in the first U-2, Lockheed’s chief test pilot, 8/1/1955 #12316 e is unable to land the U-2 on his first attempt, and it bounces back into 8/1/1955 #12316 says it looks like a steel ball at first, then as it gets closer it appears 8/19/1955 #12374 er / cemetery. Richard Price age 8 first abducted. Implants and long story. 9/15/1955? #12454 near the tracks. Russell sees the “first flying disc ascend and pass over t 10/4/1955 #12488 ith the Senator in time to see the first [UFO], while Mr. Efron said that h 10/4/1955 #12488 he got only a short glimpse of the first. However, all three saw the second 10/4/1955 #12488 me round, disc-shaped craft…as the first.” A fourth witness is unidentified 10/4/1955 #12488 m Phoenix, Arizona. He saw what he first thought was an airliner and blinke 11/14/1955 #12569 Semipalatinsk Test Site First megaton-class Soviet hydrogen bomb 11/22/1955 #12582 palatinsk Test Site Kazakhstan The first Soviet test of a true thermonuclea 11/22/1955 #12586 inous green-blue and jellylike. It first appeared overhead diving at a 45 d 11/25/1955 #12593 t UFOs, and UFO and the Bible, the first book-length attempt to connect bib 1956 #12635 with space visitors. Jessup is the first writer to use the term “ufology” i 1956 #12635 of Fournet’s motion study, and he first describes the basic contours of th 1/1956 #12642 rised the warhead of the R-5M, the first medium-range ballistic missile in 2/5/1956 #12697 tested with a live warhead for the first and only time on February 5, 1956. 2/5/1956 #12697 ed for a total of 4 hours. When it first appears on radar it is directly ab 2/17/1956 #12723 ker and more muscular. As the ship first rises into space, Akon says he has 4/7/1956 #12798 10:15 p.m. Capt. Raymond E. Ryan, First Officer William Neff, flight atten 4/8/1956 #12803 UFO Utah film (both shown for the first time in public). It concludes with 5/3/1956 #12828 es Pilot Hervey Stockman makes the first of eight U-2 flights over Soviet R 7/4/1956 #12951 dents and their organizations; the first one targets the American Communist 8/1956 #13042 n the island of Bornholm, Denmark, first report 2–3 objects on an easterly 8/22/1956 #13117 crucial information on the world’s first satellites. The team records some 9/11/1956 #13214 NICAP issues its first news release. T. Townsend Brown em 11/4/1956 #13305 when he glanced up and saw what at first appeared to be a falling star, off 11/8/1956 #13314 s, pointed straight out, Freestone first saw the UFO. "It appeared at appro 11/8/1956 #13315 ars a copyright date of 1953), the first of three books that set forth an a 1957 #13430 olent. He writes that space people first arrived 1 billion years ago [prior 1957 #13430 e Sky in 1959. These are among the first ancient astronaut books. In the la 1957 #13430 ortheast of Camarillo, California. First they see a large, soundless, and p 3/22/1957 #13553 a, California at dusk. The witness first spotted a white bubble-shaped obje 5/10/1957 #13654 a Test Site Area 51 Boltzmann, the first of 29 nuclear tests in Operation P 5/28/1957 #13684 England, when both the captain and first officer see a brilliant light appr 5/31/1957 #13690 -green, pulsating object joins the first on the opposite side of the airlin 6/3/1957 #13698 NICAP publishes the first issue of The UFO Investigator. 7/1957 #13766 unched on October 4, 1957, was the first successful artificial satellite.[3 7/1/1957 #13768 inutes. The RB -47 incident is the first conclusive instrumented proof for 7/17/1957 #13808 pital Airlines Capt. R.L. Stimley, First Officer F.J. Downing. One large, r 7/29/1957 #13853 Airlines Captain R. L. Stimley and First Officer F. J. Downing sighted a la 7/29/1957 #13855 Works) in Burbank, California. His first assignment is to investigate radar 8/1957 #13867 ilot Capt. Jorgé Campos Araujo and First Officer Edgar Onofre Soares observ 8/14/1957 #13893 s. During the next five minutes it first moved away and then came back agai 8/14/1957 #13895 ome Pacific Ocean Russia makes the first successful long flight of an ICBM, 8/27/1957 #13936 is case is often claimed to be the first radiological attack by the KGB, es 9/1957 #13965 hot at the Nevada Test Site is the first fully contained underground nuclea 9/19/1957 #14014 l defense alert is called when the first of two or three supersonic objects 9/20/1957 #14020 t 3:24 p.m., another UFO joins the first on a similar trajectory 150 miles 9/20/1957 #14020 USSR The USSR launches the first artificial earth satellite, Sputni 10/4/1957 #14057 h reflective panels that make it a first magnitude object, trailing 600 mil 10/4/1957 #14057 rds above a bunker used during the first A-bomb explosion. This wave of sig 11/2/1957 #14194 on the ground near the site of the first A-bomb explosion. It was first see 11/3/1957 #14242 the first A-bomb explosion. It was first seen as a sunlike source 50 m abov 11/3/1957 #14242 driving west near the site of the first A-bomb explosion, Trinity Site, in 11/3/1957 #14251 on the ground near the site of the first A-bomb explosion. It was first see 11/3/1957 #14254 the first A-bomb explosion. It was first seen as a sun-like source 50 meter 11/3/1957 #14254 USSR Sputnik 2 launched. Laika = first dog in space. Alien dognappings fo 11/4/1957 #14256 ject, red and yellow, twice landed first near the Jockey Club, then near th 11/16/1957 #14568 the Soviets will “probably have a first operational capability with up to 12/1957 #14649 right hand raised. She thought at first they might be stewards, carrying t 12/16/1957 #14736 veral, Florida The US conducts its first successful launch of an SM-65A Atl 12/17/1957 #14742 sh jackets. A third man joined the first two, then all lights went off insi 12/18/1957 #14746 Sheffield, Alabama. The object was first seen flying to the northwest. It t 12/26/1957 #14761 disk going south. 2nd disk passes first. / r141#19p14. 12/29/1957 #14768 pany, the developer of the world’s first jet-powered fighter, the He 280; B 1958 #14787 "our images are projections." Her first encounter occurred the previous No 1/7/1958 #14813 ida 10:48 p.m. The US launches its first satellite, Explorer 1, from Cape C 1/31/1958 #14856 Missile Annex, Florida. It is the first spacecraft to detect the Van Allen 1/31/1958 #14856 Cape Canaveral Launch Complex 26 First US Satellite Explorer 1 launched i 2/1/1958 #14861 nsylvania. It travels northwest at first, then turns west and disappears af 4/13/1958 #14980 ler. A second red light joined the first, then they separated and silently 5/30/1958 #15062 e and quickly reappears behind the first jet. The first pilot reverses his Summer 1958 #15111 eappears behind the first jet. The first pilot reverses his course and agai Summer 1958 #15111 rk The New York sector becomes the first operational component of the Semi- 6/26/1958 #15117 MI Extremely bright object shaped first like a bell, then a saucer (NICAP: 8/17/1958 #15208 One extremely bright object shaped first like a bell, then like a saucer, h 8/17/1958 #15209 ved an extremely bright UFO shaped first like a bell and then like a saucer 8/17/1958 #15210 te object flew at varying speeds. First sighting lasted 2 minutes, second 9/1/1958 #15246 was flying at varying speeds. His first sighting lasted two minutes and th 9/1/1958 #15247 ed with the carrier, which was the first to carry nuclear weapons and the o 10/1958 #15295 An enormous object that first looked like a puff of smoke, then 10/2/1958 #15305 an elliptical, aluminum object was first spotted flying at two kilometers a 10/31/1958 #15410 smaller, silver round object. The first object explodes, then the second o 11/1958 #15415 t moves toward the location of the first at high speed. Sighting lasts 1 mi 11/1958 #15415 one smaller, silver round object. First object exploded, then second objec 11/3/1958 #15421 t moved toward the location of the first at high speed. Sighting lasted 1 11/3/1958 #15421 e Canaveral, Florida 5:44 a.m. The first launch of a Juno II, carrying Pion 12/6/1958 #15472 zes the men in what is perhaps the first use of hypnosis of a UFO witness, 12/20/1958 #15489 artment D (Dezinformatsiya) in the First Chief Directorate, which under Yur 1959 #15513 s in Auckland, New Zealand, on the first stop on his world lecture tour whe 1/17/1959 #15553 ed on shore a short time after the first recovery. The alien that had still 1/21/1959 #15560 da USAF Project Office Just as the first working models of the Army’s VZ-9 2/20/1959 #15596 of Williamsport, Pennsylvania. At first Killian thinks he is seeing Orion’ 2/24/1959 #15604 r Force launches Discoverer 1, the first of a series of satellites that are 2/28/1959 #15623 ad. The UFO parallels their car at first, then the light shafts go out, and 3/22/1959 #15665 Mississauga, Ontario The first Avrocar, #58-7055, rolls out of th 5/1959 #15719 ormed UFO Advisory Panel holds its first meeting at Wright-Patterson AFB in 5/5/1959 #15723 full power and unsheathed for the first time. It is a water- cooled 10-meg 6/1959 #15754 n, Indiana a torpedo-shaped object first hovered, then dove out of sight. 6/3/1959 #15760 reen. They split, half joining the first and half sailing over Kathleen. Th 8/1959 #15889 of Lockheed’s Skunk Works are the first to return to Area 51 in Nevada to 9/1959 #15950 . Warren AFB Cheyenne, Wyoming The first Atlas-D ICBM is successfully launc 9/9/1959 #15962 as S. Power, CINCSAC, declares the first ICBM to be operational. Shortly af 9/9/1959 #15962 perational. Shortly afterward, the first operational Atlas-D ICBM squadron 9/9/1959 #15962 ter at Edwards AFB, California The first powered X-15 flight is piloted by 9/17/1959 #15981 The first attempt to hover a tethered Avroca 9/29/1959 #15999 te during the time of contact. The first object on radar is seen at 10° ele 10/2/1959 #16011 The first completely free flight of an Avroc 11/12/1959 #16087 s director of the BSRF. One of the first major things he does is discredit 1960's #16135 The first planar monolithic integrated circu 1960 #16137 Victoria Queensland The first issue of the Australian Flying Sau 1/1960 #16147 afely and is captured. This is the first time in five years of overflights 5/1/1960 #16248 Thor-Delta rocket and becomes the first passive communications satellite. 8/12/1960 #16372 patrol when see what they think at first is an airliner about to crash. It 8/13/1960 #16380 California on Hoag Road when they first encountered the UFO. It had red li 8/13/1960 #16381 y satellite is launched. It is the first completely successful mission and 8/18/1960 #16406 eyer Lansky become involved in the first plot against Fidel Castro. The str 9/1960 #16428 ] Moscow Kaliningrad Hiroshima The first Single Integrated Operational Plan 12/14/1960 #16533 The first American to publish on the microwa 1961 #16547 feet. There are six lights in the first group and eight in the second and 1/17/1961 #16580 west and then return to where they first appeared. 1/17/1961 #16580 Vietnam US military advisors first accompany South Vietnamese troops 2/28/1961 #16611 cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin becomes the first human to go into outer space when 4/12/1961 #16647 sing Air Force planes to UFOs. The first case was an F-86 jet fighter that 5/1961 #16669 Union Mills, IN First Week of May - Hemispherical UFO wi 5/1961 #16671 Astronaut Alan Shepard becomes the first American in space (for 15 minutes 5/5/1961 #16676 om Cape Canaveral, Florida, as the first manned Project Mercury launch. 5/5/1961 #16676 UFOs was observed by a librarian. First motionless, the smaller objects th 6/4/1961 #16719 Detection and Tracking System. The first squadron commander is Col. Robert 7/1/1961 #16742 55 degrees elevation. The observer first saw one object that was white or m 9/30/1961 #16881 very fast, then came out from the first object. The Las Vegas AFS tracked 9/30/1961 #16881 o the east above Sunset, Utah. The first pair looks like puffy cotton joine 10/14/1961 #16911 the southwest going northeast. At first I thought it was an airplane but w 11/18/1961 #16964 nitrates are in their car. For the first time, Barney and Betty realize tha 11/25/1961 #16980 and has no seams or markings. His First Officer is watching an identical o 1962 #17006 five objects leave, one at a time, first the bottom one, then the top, then 1962 #17006 ffairs. Misraki is also one of the first authors to suggest that apparition 1962 #17010 5 hours flying time, becoming the first American to orbit the earth. 2/20/1962 #17055 ke, Nevada Burbank, California The first A-12 test aircraft covertly arrive 2/28/1962 #17063 s Colorado Eureka, Utah Object was first spotted over Oneida, New York and 4/18/1962 #17115 Evening. A red, glowing object is first seen at a great height over Oneida 4/18/1962 #17120 The A-12 is taken on its first (unofficial and unannounced) fligh 4/25/1962 #17129 the A-12 up to 30,000 feet on its first official flight at Area 51 for 59 4/30/1962 #17140 rizzling rain when a bright light, first thought to be from a car, approach 5/1962 #17145 nd Day. Capt. Gordon Pendleton and First Officer J. P. Murphy are flying an 5/21/1962 #17187 proximately 20 times brighter than first magnitude stars, is seen at Hallet 6/7/1962 #17221 -like flying nocturnal lights. The first was seen, and then ten seconds lat 6/21/1962 #17240 ops at a higher elevation than the first. A “flare-like” light approaches t 6/25/1962 #17245 nd seems to be absorbed by it. The first UFO spits out more green flares, t 6/25/1962 #17245 nce in the Mediterranean Sea. They first believed it was a foreign submarin 8/1/1962 #17313 mber 5 — U-2 photos reveal for the first time the presence of MiG-21 jet fi 9/1/1962 #17381 , New Jersey Two bright disks were first seen at 1700, then were seen again 9/15/1962 #17400 Two bright discs were first seen at 5:00 p.m., then again at 6 9/15/1962 #17404 jerky motion; it moves quickly at first but slows down as it reaches the z 10/12/1962 #17468 Cuba A U-2 takes the first photo of an IRBM site under constr 10/17/1962 #17476 ev, urging him to launch a nuclear first strike against the US, which the S 10/26/1962 #17499 bassador Dobrynin, “You have drawn first blood. The president had de 10/27/1962 #17505 pt jumping ahead of them. When the first lights of the city came into sight 11/26/1962 #17563 ines the radio source CTA-102, the first Soviet effort in the search for ex 1963 #17620 an is told that in this month, the first “embryo” was produced under Projec 1/1963 #17625 ience. They speak about it for the first time publicly. 3/3/1963 #17692 National Laboratories conducts the first of four top-secret, dry-surface pl 5/15/1963 #17742 for fear of ridicule, saw what he first thought was a bulldozer by the sid 5/20/1963 #17753 er, South Australia saw what he at first thought was a bulldozer by the sid 5/20/1963 #17754 y shot off at very great speed, at first in level flight across my front, t 6/16/1963 #17788 achieves a speed of Mach 3 for the first time. 7/20/1963 #17844 t appeared in the northeastern sky first as a red, then a white moving ligh 8/6/1963 #17873 Edwards AFB California The first flight of the USAF version of the 8/7/1963 #17877 er Susanville, California, that at first seems to be a balloon, but is movi 9/14/1963 #17938 uver in the sky for 25 minutes. At first it hovers, then it begins moving s 9/19/1963 #17946 s were seen in the vicinity of the first disks. All six objects had a white 10/21/1963 #17996 s were seen in the vicinity of the first disc. All six objects were about e 10/21/1963 #17998 iffs chased a low-flying UFO which first appeared as a white flashing light 11/12/1963 #18034 allée meets J. Allen Hynek for the first time at his residence in Evanston, 11/17/1963 #18047 highway 55 east of town when they first saw the UFO. It appeared to be sur 11/20/1963 #18051 rake writes Gods or Spacemen?, the first of a series of books espousing his 1964 #18103 Barney Hill has his first hypnosis session with Benjamin Sim 1/4/1964 #18109 t it is significant that it is the first “unknown” in the RAAF’s UFO files. 1/23/1964 #18117 e action. A third light joined the first two and they moved away after 5-10 2/25/1964 #18137 ee Review in preparation for their first Congress of Scientific Ufologists 3/1964 #18143 Betty Hill has her first hypnosis session with Benjamin Sim 3/7/1964 #18145 pid changes in altitude. They were first detected at 122 degrees, 60,000 fe 4/17/1964 #18178 supplies. The right-side observer first sees the objects approaching at ab 4/20/1964 #18180 n a ravine about 450 feet away. At first, he thinks it is an overturned car 4/24/1964 #18200 zon. It made a beeping noise, rose first to the altitude of the Phone poles 5/18/1964 #18283 eld at arm’s length. The object is first noticed hovering over the south fe 5/21/1964 #18289 t. The other officer arrived there first, and witnessed the object giving o 6/12/1964 #18348 everal times in front of them. The first time the UFO caused such tremendou 6/14/1964 #18358 ack and forth as they did so. They first formed a V-formation, then reforme 6/23/1964 #18370 Hilberg, and Dale Rettig hold the first Congress of Scientific Ufologists 6/27/1964 #18377 Witnesses: Maj. D.W. Thompson and First Pilot lst Lt. J.F. Jonke, on a USA 8/18/1964 #18495 a.m. USAF Major D. W. Thompson and First Pilot 1st Lt. J. F. Jonke are flyi 8/18/1964 #18497 Major D.W. Thompson and First Pilot Lt. J. F. Jonke were flying 8/18/1964 #18498 ffice of Maj. Florenz J. Mansmann, First Strategic Aerospace Division, his 9/15/1964 #18556 Brimfield, Massachusetts. When she first sees it, the TV set fades, and lig 10/29/1964 #18595 sful in their repair activities at first, until a second disc landed, presu 11/25/1964 #18638 Palmdale, California The first flight of an SR-71 Blackbird takes 12/22/1964 #18673 an. Two more little men joined the first and ran with him, and they easily 1/26/1965 #18770 rn, which the photographer entered first. Huffer heard his companion call o 1/26/1965 #18770 rch Society of South Australia The first conference of Australian UFO organ 2/27/1965 #18829 east, then left toward the south. First seen as a single, bright light, th 4/8/1965 #18899 smond Leslie was a coauthor of his first book. Captain Thomas F. Mantell, p 4/24/1965 #18916 er husband had presented it to her first as the script for a science fictio 4/24/1965 #18916 ified Flying Objects publishes the first issue of the Interplanetary Intell 5/1965 #18923 two more lights joined up with the first two. One of the objects may have b 5/7/1965 #18935 examine the UFO problem. It is the first book by a working scientist to arg 6/1965 #18978 alia at about 11.30 a.m. Mr. Adams first noticed two of the objects from a 6/6/1965 #18995 hted object flying out of the sea. First Officer Toronin Lien first saw a l 7/6/1965 #19076 he sea. First Officer Toronin Lien first saw a large, blue, intense flame b 7/6/1965 #19076 sea from Puerto La Cruz, Portugal. First Officer Toronin Lien first saw the 7/6/1965 #19079 rtugal. First Officer Toronin Lien first saw the large, blue, intense flame 7/6/1965 #19079 for the third time since they had first contacted him. He was told that th 7/21/1965 #19156 ct descends and hovers next to the first. Two beings about 5 feet tall emer 7/26/1965 #19181 evel for 12 seconds. He thought at first it might have come from a police c 8/4/1965 #19324 isc-shaped flying object that they first took to be the moon. But it then “ 8/8/1965 #19342 s driving a car observed what they first thought was the rising moon. It wa 8/9/1965 #19347 r, and had large bulging eyes. The first “person” was described as like a g 8/13/1965 #19383 h became illuminated and took off, first vertically, then toward the west. 9/1/1965 #19491 nt causes him to pay attention. At first Bertrand and Muscarello see nothin 9/3/1965 #19511 ver, Massachusetts at 7:28 p.m. He first thought it could be a meteor, but 9/27/1965 #19616 bley County deputy sheriff, is the first to spot a strange object that seem 10/21/1965 #19670 ye and through 7x35 binoculars. At first they hear no sound, but as the obj 10/21/1965 #19670 ed twenty feet in front of it. His first thought was to knock it over with 10/23/1965 #19679 sent state of the UFO problem. The first section gives an analysis of UFO p 1966 #19794 he observed a light flash that she first believed was an approaching plane. 1/5/1966 #19806 to stop his car when an object he first thought was a helicopter landed on 1/7/1966 #19812 EST. Police and citizens reported first a brilliant light source, then lat 1/11/1966 #19826 EST, police and citizens reported first a brilliant light source, then lat 1/11/1966 #19829 lled lagoon, at the point where he first saw it. The marking is about 32 fe 1/19/1966 #19858 sporting event observed what they first thought was the moon. After drivin 1/29/1966 #19872 object was later seen to join the first one. 2/16/1966 #19906 was later seen coming to join the first one. 2/16/1966 #19908 California The D-21 is first launched from an M-21 off the coas 3/5/1966 #19941 O from the college dormitory. They first saw a pattern of lights on the gro 3/21/1966 #20024 liam Van Horn tells him that he at first thought the lights were marsh gas 3/23/1966 #20053 bright object that they thought at first was a balloon covered with fluores 3/23/1966 #20054 on as a second UFO linked with the first. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 3/24/1966 #20064 ed Services Committee conducts the first public hearing by the US Congress 4/5/1966 #20249 e radar “unknown” per month in its first year alone. Blue Book scientific a 4/5/1966 #20253 paced by a UFO. Copilot Herb Bates first notices the UFO when the Convair t 4/25/1966 #20415 pacing their car. The lights were first seen above the roadside telephone 5/8/1966 #20467 hey did not touch anything without first illuminating it with these beams. 5/10/1966 #20471 hey did not touch anything without first illuminating it with these beams. 5/10/1966 #20475 when he noticed something that he first thought was a kite or balloon in t 5/16/1966 #20490 xamine the Blue Book files. On his first visit, he is steered to an unedite 6/6/1966 #20535 of central intelligence. He is the first DCI since Dulles to push hard for 6/30/1966 #20623 sighted and tracked on radar; the first object flies underneath this secon 8/24/1966 #20802 another one following his car. The first one looked like a flaming car and 9/1966 #20823 object made a "singing" noise. At first the object descended, then followe 9/20/1966 #20903 ed ball, which maneuvers while the first UFO takes off southward. The red b 10/2/1966 #20949 , which maneuvered about while the first UFO took off southward. The red ba 10/2/1966 #20950 p the surrounding terrain. The UFO first hovered, and then moved around err 10/10/1966 #20985 Newton, Illinois A adolescent first saw a bright light, then a plate-s 10/14/1966 #20999 ; engineers saw a sphere which at first appeared translucent, then reflect 10/21/1966 #21024 Hynek make the Colorado project’s first field trip, to Minot and Donnybroo Early 11/1966 #21070 onducts a telepathic conversation, first asking Derenberger’s name and sayi Early 11/1966 #21070 a UFO and gets out to watch it. At first it looks like two lights near the 11/6/1966 #21080 ject, illuminated by a faint glow, first hovered and then shot upwards out 11/12/1966 #21094 t whose bright, reflective surface first catches the eye of Assistant Gener 11/22/1966 #21142 llagrasa receives by telephone his first message from inhabitants of the pl 11/28/1966 #21157 n they were pursued by a UFO. They first observed a dark, red object land b 11/28/1966 #21160 afternoon five pilots saw what at first appeared to be an airplane. Instea 12/4/1966 #21182 Bruneau recommends that the study first become a project of the Centre Nat 1967 #21237 from his ejection seat. He is the first pilot to be killed in an A-12 acci 1/5/1967 #21260 St. Louis, MO 5:45 p.m. CST. A man first saw 4-5 square lights in a tilted 1/7/1967 #21270 est Virginia when she saw what she first took to be a small plane approachi 1/11/1967 #21287 Cheyenne Mountain briefing is the first in a series of tactical moves desi 1/13/1967 #21297 6:35 p.m. Betty Andreasson has her first abduction experience in South Ashb 1/25/1967 #21386 9 book about the case contains the first reference to an implant in abducti 1/25/1967 #21386 g, Germany 8:30 p.m. LT. Witnesses first heard a -pulsating sound, then saw 1/26/1967 #21396 e near Knox City, Missouri what at first looked like the full moon, but as 1/29/1967 #21412 d the ground over which the object first approached the house failed to gro 1/29/1967 #21412 went out. The bright luminous UFO first came toward them, then stopped abo 2/2/1967 #21443 ple watched a disc or ellipse that first flew like an airplane, but then mo 2/3/1967 #21445 mbers of a band saw an object that first looked like a boomerang, then appe 2/5/1967 #21454 from ground and joined up with the first, and then both sped out of sight i 2/6/1967 #21472 itness, a civilian named Atkinson, first heard a "chirping"noise at between 2/12/1967 #21524 . PST. A witness watching aircraft first saw a white disc passing overhead 2/13/1967 #21532 directions and fell in behind the first (rendezvous). The last one was bla 2/13/1967 #21532 ground. The object moved slowly at first, then accelerated. (Letter dated 2 2/13/1967 #21533 Two other white lights joined the first UFO; they merged with the oval-sha 2/16/1967 #21577 p.m. CST a red oval object hovered first over a truck, then over the witnes 2/23/1967 #21638 d and then went out. The light was first seen in the northern sky and flew 2/25/1967 #21649 nessed four lights in the sky. The first hovered at treetop level, then was 3/2/1967 #21733 They flew to the north, slowly at first and then extremely fast, lighting 3/5/1967 #21767 oined by second object from west. First object opened top, second came ove 3/6/1967 #21776 body lights. The object hovered at first, then moved at high speed. Many ot 3/9/1967 #21834 an airliner. It moved sideways at first, then climbed and accelerated away 3/30/1967 #22013 Carol Watts had the first of a number of alleged contacts wi 3/31/1967 #22025 tionally. It launches a newsletter first called International Sky Scouts Ne 4/1967 #22031 objects came from the path of the first (satellite objects). The objects w 4/6/1967 #22075 h flashing lights, bright white at first and then turning to red. The objec 4/19/1967 #22162 bright object in the sky that they first thought was the moon. The object e 5/1/1967 #22263 d, and Condon remarks that for the first time a scientific analysis of a UF 5/5/1967 #22275 e object as it was taking off. The first one showed the object at treetop l 5/6/1967 #22283 hotos as the object takes off. The first photo shows the object at treetop 5/6/1967 #22284 s of the landing gear are shown in first photo, while the second showed no 5/6/1967 #22287 meck, Bas-Rhine department, France first sighted seven or eight black, lent 5/6/1967 #22288 d over, and changed directions. It first moved north to south, then northea 5/13/1967 #22340 iation and Cosmonautics Center The first official Soviet UFO Study Group is 5/17/1967 #22369 antenna. The second disc "pulsed" first. 6/3/1967 #22458 were visible in the ship. Then the first being came back, asked Leland what 6/9/1967 #22484 e abruptly, the second joining the first in the sky. After hovering briefly 6/21/1967 #22527 ntro Ufologico Nazionale holds the first UFO conference in Italy at Riccion 6/24/1967 #22550 laying in the yard when the object first appeared overhead. As they watched 6/30/1967 #22580 aw a half moon shaped object. They first noticed two luminous points that l 7/4/1967 #22608 mate a diameter of 50–100 feet. At first the object appears to be hovering, 7/4/1967 #22610 t staff meet again to nominate the first set of UFO reports for its “case b 7/6/1967 #22620 ws and with glowing lights inside. First seen on the ground (landed), the o 7/16/1967 #22668 Stanley L. noticed a light that he first thought was the moon, but it moved 7/17/1967 #22683 I had imbibed the night before, my first night in Italy. As I saw the "thin 7/18/1967 #22691 t coming from above the figure. At first he thought someone was playing a p 7/18/1967 #22695 ct appearing to try to “steer” the first onto a “definite course.” Through 7/30/1967 #22754 te course.” Through binoculars the first object appears bright blue. A seco 7/30/1967 #22754 The object was hidden by a hill at first but all of a sudden it appeared ag 8/5/1967 #22814 4 inches tall, and its face was at first completely in shadow. Then it jerk 8/23/1967 #22908 after the other, and plunged head first into the top of the sphere, which 8/29/1967 #22955 detailed description of an object first seen with unaided eye, then throug 8/30/1967 #22959 y. Barking dogs (animal reactions) first attracted the witnesses' attention 9/1967 #22969 Midwest UFO Network publishes its first issue of Skylook. 9/1967 #22973 in a different direction from the first two. (Phone call from witness's fa 9/14/1967 #23056 en found at the spot. This was the first highly publicized case of many mor 9/15/1967 #23070 by the presence of an intruder who first tugged at the trainer's pillow, th 9/22/1967 #23115 ar object about 5 degrees from the first. (Hall, 2001, p. 161; letter to Ra 9/23/1967 #23119 The second light moved toward the first, and the two merged. The resultant 9/23/1967 #23120 ed objects with domes on top. They first appeared as a string of lights fly 9/24/1967 #23126 ibidabo, Barcelona, Spain which he first took to be a large Jeep. However, 10/1/1967 #23160 hich was orange in color. Like the first one it too eventually faded to blu 10/4/1967 #23177 ss the sky, stopped and joined the first object (rendezvous). Both objects 10/10/1967 #23207 Russia 400 individuals attend the first meeting of the UFO Study Group of 10/18/1967 #23265 a second cross appeared after the first had gone. 10/24/1967 #23306 , green, and white body lights, at first moving slowly, then maneuvering ra 10/30/1967 #23368 slowly at about 5 mph. It moved at first into a gully, breaking some trees, 10/30/1967 #23373 the front seat of the car with the first entity, who tries to communicate w 11/2/1967 #23390 r. It was stationary (hovering) at first, then accelerated to 5 miles/secon 11/8/1967 #23422 nous object in the sky, which they first mistook for the moon. It approache 11/9/1967 #23434 e lighted area. It moved slowly at first, then very fast, and made several 11/20/1967 #23487 g a pale blue light over the city. First it looked like a large ball, then 11/21/1967 #23490 t flying with a lateral motion. It first moves upward for 2 seconds at the 11/22/1967 #23498 e is taken on board by aliens (who first ask him, “Are you the watchman ove 12/3/1967 #23545 oculars and watches all three. The first two stop about 15°–25° above the h 12/24/1967 #23607 y much ignored these lights on the first night, wondering if it was just so 1968 #23622 neer Philip J. Klass publishes his first UFO book, UFOs—Identified, in whic 1968 #23627 ed and orange fire to the east. At first they think it is the moon and go i 1/20/1968 #23683 mission to deter a Soviet nuclear first strike. The recovery and decontami 1/21/1968 #23684 bject one half meter long. For the first time, the report is able to presen 1/21/1968 #23684 out of town and the staff read it first. Low does not see it until 4:00 p. 2/5/1968 #23737 a dark cigar-shaped UFO since his first spectacular close encounter on Jan 2/5/1968 #23738 na on top of that. When the object first appears, a dog is seen cowering an 2/19/1968 #23767 lish as Chariots of the Gods?, the first of several books setting out the “ 3/1968 #23798 adena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan The first SR-71s arrive at Kadena Air Base, 3/8/1968 #23832 Lujan, Mendoza, Argentina that he first mistook to be guards. Their dress 6/30/1968 #24097 minutes later it moved back to the first spot it had occupied. Five oval-sh 7/9/1968 #24164 racking unidentified aircraft. The first project name is HAVE FEAR. At leas 8/1968 #24284 ldren were Denis Bogus, age 7, who first saw the object; his brothers Micha 8/29/1968 #24401 ke screen, on which there appeared first a waterfall, then a mushroom cloud 9/1/1968 #24422 ares that Sleeper’s letter is “the first time in my 20 year association wit 9/4/1968 #24427 ar and Yale, B.C, CAN 3:00 a.m.The first sighting took place in the Fraser 10/1968 #24533 northwest to southeast. The UFO at first appears bright blue then changes f 10/18/1968 #24571 t appears bright blue then changes first to a whitish-blue then to red. Whe 10/18/1968 #24571 server(s). Huasco saucer seen here first. Also seen Valparaiso / 2000h. 10/19/1968 #24574 ing Objects, to the Air Force. The first two sections, conclusions and reco 10/31/1968 #24608 Kent, IN Abduction report. First investigated by Bay Area (CA) Subc 11/1968 #24611 er, bicycling near the site of the first reported incident at 11:00 a.m. He 11/1/1968 #24618 front of the girls. Afrodit saw it first as she was on her bicycle, and not 11/9/1968 #24649 lets from a .22 caliber rifle. The first bullet made a "whomp" sound, like 11/24/1968 #24699 ky engage in sudden maneuvers. The first one was northbound at 45 degrees 11/26/1968 #24719 made a 180 degree turn to join the first object, then hovered in the sky, f 11/26/1968 #24719 d above the second light. Then the first light came back and the three form 11/29/1968 #24732 . Mariano Cuadra Medina issues the first regulations in Spain on how to han 12/26/1968 #24792 w the scientific method. It is the first book to question the ETH and the f 1969 #24802 t book to question the ETH and the first to lay the groundwork for the psyc 1969 #24802 logist Antonio Ribera receives his first Ummo communication, a letter postm 1969 #24804 rom him. The object changes color, first to blue, then to red, then back to 1/6/1969 #24821 n the sky ahead, traveling big end first. They get within a quarter mile an 1/25/1969 #24871 medallions around their necks. At first stunned, Luis fought back effectiv 2/12/1969 #24915 ng a car at 7:30 p.m. When the UFO first appeared, the car's engine began t 2/20/1969 #24935 t super-heavy N-1 rocket fails its first attempt 2/21/1969 #24937 shaking like a leaf." The light he first saw was a luminous haze that had n 2/22/1969 #24939 going up and down [to] pointed end first. P265. 3/11/1969 #24995 ve the ship at exactly noon on the first day. E-M effects (NICAP: 11 - Avia 3/17/1969 #25018 e third girl ran to the aid of the first witness who was so frightened by t 3/22/1969 #25037 ing slightly in the wind. When the first people neared the site the object 3/31/1969 #25041 nia Condon speaks publicly for the first time after the end of the Colorado 4/26/1969 #25094 bout 50 yards ahead of his car. At first he thought it might be a couple of 5/11/1969 #25128 le. The beings stood motionless at first, but they soon scurried off by run 5/11/1969 #25128 up an embankment to the left. The first two had barely disappeared when a 5/11/1969 #25128 ate University, is selected as the first MUFON Director 5/31/1969 #25174 approaching them at 1:00 a.m. When first spotted the UFO was at about 500 f 6/10/1969 #25209 , and an electronics engineer. The first report was at 9:35 p.m. "The objec 6/20/1969 #25229 ish object flying at high altitude first stopped in mid-air, then rocked to 7/17/1969 #25276 e Apollo 11 Lunar Module lands the first astronauts on the moon, Neil Armst 7/21/1969 #25288 cond officer saw it later than the first. It was confirmed not to be RAF ai 8/5/1969 #25310 nd landed on three long stilts. At first, O’Neil only discusses his find wi 9/4/1969 #25351 Wildwood, Alabama at 10:15 p.m. At first they noticed white lights, next re 10/28/1969 #25431 om New Zealand on this day. In the first a horse was reported to be panicke 11/5/1969 #25452 g Siberia The D-21 drone makes its first reconnaissance mission over China, 11/9/1969 #25454 t two other UFOs, identical to the first, also with visible figures inside 11/15/1969 #25461 ofs about 70 meters above him. The first object joined the other two and al 11/15/1969 #25461 was about two a.m. when her mother first noticed a black, saucer-shaped fly 12/27/1969 #25510 ninge UFO-Sverige is formed as the first nationwide UFO organization in Swe 1970 #25521 ectly at Kendall, then touches the first being, who moves a lever, apparent 1/1/1970 #25532 Explorer 1, the first US satellite, decays 3/31/1970 #25614 off to the northwest in sequence, first one, then the other. 4/11/1970 #25629 Peoria, Illinois MUFON holds its first annual conference in Peoria, Illin 6/13/1970 #25700 nd she could not move her head. At first she could only see what appeared t 9/7/1970 #25828 vering in the sky. It was fuzzy at first but then became perfectly clear. I 11/24/1970 #25918 and on the tails." They thought at first it was a plane crashing. It was 25 1/22/1971 #25997 and stop, in a jerking manner. She first thought the object was something c 4/25/1971 #26084 er disc, 10-15 meters in diameter, first landed and then began glowing. Two 8/2/1971 #26264 ing from behind a cloud, which she first thought was the moon. She watched 8/11/1971 #26280 r objects, perfect replicas of the first, next came out from beneath it and 8/11/1971 #26280 iefly and then turned on again, at first gradually, then more brightly. She 8/11/1971 #26280 d R. Seaman sighted an object that first appeared as a halo, then narrowed 8/30/1971 #26306 The first sighting of a tall, hairy creature 9/25/1971 #26380 bjects then appeared alongside the first. (Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee r 11/5/1971 #26459 d enter the craft from above, feet first. There were two other short beings 12/20/1971 #26510 e Anthony Norman Davis becomes the first head of the British UFO desk to ap 1/1972 #26534 sted and later withdrew. It is the first book the federal government of the 3/1972 #26584 g away. This effect lasted for the first 200 meters. 3/10/1972 #26599 announces a $50,000 reward to “the first person who can prove that an Unide 3/12/1972 #26601 US. It contains some pure tones at first, followed by modulations in amplit 6/22/1972 #26726 tions, and close encounters of the first, second, and third kind. It is an 7/1972 #26749 A light over Cheox, Belgium at first appeared to be behaving like a sat 7/6/1972 #26780 Lebanon, IN Early morning. 45-min. First observed as a triangle of lights t 8/1/1972 #26866 ss it continued to pulsate colors. First, a bright orange, then gray, then 8/11/1972 #26895 unity buildings. Renata Faa is the first to see a star-like object come out 8/12/1972 #26911 urrounded by pulsating lights. She first spotted the "elongated" object and 8/21/1972 #26943 ca when she looked up and saw what first looked like a man in a white suit, 8/22/1972 #26949 urrounded by pulsating lights. She first spotted the "elongated" object and 8/27/1972 #26961 ead of him on the road was what he first took to be an overturned bus, with 8/28/1972 #26966 ze, Saone-Loire department, France first sighted a phosphorescent green lig 9/7/1972 #26979 Airman First Class Steven Briggs and Airman Den 10/14/1972 #27077 she saw a sudden flash in the sky. First expected to be a "falling star" sh 11/24/1972 #27138 nning around this object, which at first was reddish orange in color and th 12/30/1972 #27193 med in honor of the founder of the first UFO organization, Commission Inter 1973 #27202 ristchurch, New Zealand two people first heard a humming sound, then a dark 1/14/1973 #27235 have seen the object since it was first sighted in February. The UFO has b 2/1973 #27256 lowish-green at treetop level. The first saw it 300 meters away and it late 3/24/1973 #27373 light at treetop level, which was first seen 300 meters away and later app 3/25/1973 #27376 At one of the small windows of the first little object that came down from 3/29/1973 #27390 . Our fourth planet has three. Our first and third planets each have one. O 4/1973 #27396 over the next 7 years. This is the first UFO scientific field study, able t 4/1973 #27397 ed car; burn marks found where UFO first seen. Ballester Olmos, 1976, pp. 4 4/22/1973 #27439 berside watched an object that was first round in shape, but later assumed 5/15/1973 #27494 after giving a ride to a stranger. First his car radio gets static and the 5/22/1973 #27518 short distance away from them. At first he thought they might be children, 5/22/1973 #27520 m. In an undulating course the UFO first hovered, then came straight at the 5/23/1973 #27522 to wear corrective lenses for the first time in her life. Also, her previo 5/27/1973 #27535 om her Phoenix, Arizona patio what first appeared to be a star. It descende 6/23/1973 #27584 d. She then looked back toward the first object and found it too had vanish 6/23/1973 #27584 one point a small light joined the first object. 6/23/1973 #27585 st driving home in Athens, Georgia first experienced radio interference and 9/3/1973 #27755 obel Nielson saw an object that at first seemed oval shaped, then assumed a 9/22/1973 #27853 identical-looking being joined the first one from the woods beyond. They lo 9/27/1973 #27879 re released 20 minutes later. They first contact Keesler AFB in Biloxi, but 10/11/1973 #27997 Nearly three hours after the first close encounter report from Conner 10/11/1973 #28003 ect hovers about 60 feet above the first, illuminating it. A “catfish-like” 10/16/1973 #28086 light coming from the south. They first think it is a security light on a 10/16/1973 #28087 noticed a humming sound, faint at first that seemed to be growing stronger 10/16/1973 #28089 FO hovered about 60 feet above the first, illuminating it with a light. Bot 10/17/1973 #28140 Ft. Knox, KY 7:15 a.m. Sergeant First Class Ralph E. Green caught sight 10/18/1973 #28162 said, "There's something strange. First of all, it's a strange light. (NIC 10/18/1973 #28164 object appears that resembles the first but seems to be covered in “cobweb 10/18/1973 #28171 is. A second triangle is above the first. 10/20/1973 #28218 The first in a series of three independent o 10/22/1973 #28244 re her. About 15 minutes after the first encounter by Ms. Carne, Mr. & Mrs. 10/22/1973 #28244 igures about one mile south of the first sighting. (NICAP: 07 - Entity Case 10/23/1973 #28248 re near her house. The beings were first seen in her carport, and they walk 10/23/1973 #28251 rates at speed to the north. It is first seen at about 20° elevation, to th 10/25/1973 #28284 e witnesses shot at the creatures, first tracer bullets were shot over thei 10/25/1973 #28286 y 6:00 a.m. They estimate that the first object has given off 1,200 signals 10/28/1973 #28310 At 8:30 p.m. the first in a series of humanoid encounters 11/1/1973 #28338 the helicopter they think it is at first. They watch it for 5–10 minutes be 11/6/1973 #28375 s took Castillo to a closet on the first floor and gestured to him to put o 11/18/1973 #28443 h some human features, and for the first time, women who wore tight-fitting 11/18/1973 #28443 range cattle deaths. The incidents first receive wide publicity in the Dece 12/1973 #28494 New Jersey, in Gloucester County, first noticed a red glow, then a hamburg 12/3/1973 #28515 her and her four teenage daughters first saw a flash of green light, then t 12/5/1973 #28524 , 39.3 light years from earth. She first publishes her results in Pursuit. 1/1974 #28637 -shaped object that flew slowly at first, making controlled maneuvers, and 2/13/1974 #28765 nce a domed disc-shaped object was first sighted as it was heading toward t 2/13/1974 #28766 unter less than 24 hours after his first close encounter, near the same sit 3/21/1974 #28921 t away. Two beings come out of the first UFO, point to the truck, then go i 3/26/1974 #28956 s away. Two beings came out of the first vehicle, pointed to the observer's 3/26/1974 #28957 t again, and was able to approach, first in his car and then on foot, to wi 3/31/1974 #28979 ual previously on the night of his first encounter. 4/26/1974 #29064 might have been a car accident at first since they saw red lights. There a 4/30/1974 #29072 ordan had a close encounter of the first kind with a UFO. 5/9/1974 #29098 ure, vanished from view. Next, the first figure re-appeared 50 yards away f 5/11/1974 #29100 Córdoba, Argentina, publishes the first issue of OVNIs: Un Desafio a la Ci 6/1974 #29153 scended from the sky "and took the first UFO and its occupants in tow." The 8/5/1974 #29311 ltitude of 75,000 feet, the UFO is first spotted over the Gulf of Mexico ab 8/25/1974 #29386 he remains. Mexican spotter planes first locate the wreckage of the aircraf 8/25/1974 #29386 contact with its occupants for the first time. They were human in appearanc 9/21/1974 #29468 m Deer Lake to Gander. A passenger first notices a strange light following 10/10/1974 #29512 n governments are reported for the first time. In addition, the article dis 12/22/1974 #29657 blish The Unidentified, one of the first books to reject the notion of alie 1975 #29671 n-Westerham, Bavaria, Germany, the first is titled Die Erforschung unbekann 1975 #29678 s named Marie LeClere and Richard (first name only) observed it as a light 1/5/1975 #29726 ed imprints. The entire event from first observing a luminous phenomenon in 1/5/1975 #29726 formed their parents, who could at first see the orange light pulsating in 2/23/1975 #29839 d the tongue were removed from the first animal. The sexual organs were rem 2/27/1975 #29854 Two other family member joined the first two and watched the object move ab 3/31/1975 #29927 Lumberton, NC 1:45 a.m. . The first sighting occurred on Highway 301 w 4/3/1975 #29944 on Lumberton, North Carolina. The first sighting occurred in Lumberton at 4/3/1975 #29953 er an hour, beginning at 9:30 p.m. First, a meteor was seen shooting throug 4/25/1975 #30004 he moved to the counter and stood first in the queue. As soon as he got th 7/12/1975 #30175 ve what looked like rivets. It was first seen at a distance of 150 meters, 7/28/1975 #30212 from the side of the road when it first started following them, and the dr 8/4/1975 #30235 tion from which they had come. The first object moves toward the two police 8/20/1975 #30291 ead and slightly ahead of them. At first they think it might be a helicopte Fall 1975 #30381 ashington, about 25 miles from the first incident, the bright light again a Fall 1975 #30381 lose to witness after appearing at first as a bright light. It circled behi 10/2/1975 #30410 o UFOs maneuvering in the sky. The first object was triangular in shape wit 10/16/1975 #30430 o UFOs maneuvering in the sky. The first object was triangular in shape wit 10/16/1975 #30431 it came from same direction as the first and had red, green, and blue light 10/16/1975 #30431 epactin Reservoir in Ulster County first saw a luminous "sled" with hoops o 11/8/1975 #30583 ing east, about the size of a car. First seen approximately 1015. Approxima 11/10/1975 #30593 ium. The object seemed to hover at first and then suddenly shot into the sk 11/11/1975 #30602 author Zecharia Sitchin writes his first book of many, The 12th Planet, pro 1976 #30744 es occurred on the same night, the first in Benacazon, Spain and the second 1/28/1976 #30829 in Dargo, Victoria, Australia. The first occurred at 12:30 a.m. in the Euro 1/28/1976 #30829 area February 5, 1976, and for the first time in their long and frustrating 2/5/1976 #30847 round and 500-600 yards distant at first. (Ridge files, UFO Filter Center) 2/7/1976 #30850 The first humanoid report on this day occurr 2/25/1976 #30906 änomene] in Mannheim, Germany. The first issue of its somewhat skeptical, a 3/1976 #30912 -year-old woman in Redmond, Oregon first saw an object high in the sky at 9 3/5/1976 #30929 d until 1:30 a.m. on March 16. The first observer happened to have a citize 3/15/1976 #30942 e Center for UFO Studies holds its first conference on UFO research at the 4/30/1976 #31029 Ground Saucer Watch issues its first newsletter, which is published thr 6/1976 #31079 land UFO Study Group publishes its first newsletter, which lasts through Se 7/1976 #31144 y its powerful headlights a figure first standing, and then running on the 8/16/1976 #31273 e man’s helmet lit up and his belt first start glowing reddish, but then gl 8/16/1976 #31273 ps of the transmission towers. The first UFO is moving closer and passes ov 9/10/1976 #31371 the larger disc toward the plane. First, the aircrafts' inertial navigatio 9/19/1976 #31411 s were lost. When the pilot of the first aircraft, Houssain Perouzi, tried 9/19/1976 #31411 was changing colors and shape when first detected; it next engaged in a ser 9/19/1976 #31411 eigert and Jose Pinto, captain and first officer of the Portuguese airline 9/19/1976 #31413 ide. The object departed slowly at first, then shot away at great speed. It 9/20/1976 #31416 he saw two lights ahead, which he first took to be a car parked on a hillt 10/24/1976 #31493 sound. At the spot at which he had first sighted the UFO three circular lan 10/24/1976 #31493 ation: 15 minutes. Moved slowly at first, then seemed to stop, then moved q 10/28/1976 #31500 alist Juan J. Benítez receives the first batch of some 300 pages of UFO rep 10/30/1976 #31509 The first issue of the International UFO Rep 11/1976 #31515 ornia Area 51 in Nevada Lockheed’s first Have Blue demonstrator stealth air 11/16/1976 #31554 ons, or any other accessories. His first thought was to jump out and grab t 12/6/1976 #31587 of his location, moving slowly at first but then accelerating so fast that 12/6/1976 #31587 Union China Sudan Afghanistan The first KH-11 Kennen reconnaissance satell 12/19/1976 #31620 l Reconnaissance Office. It is the first American spy satellite to use elec 12/19/1976 #31620 ction. It moved at a slow speed at first, then sped up, and finally shot aw 12/19/1976 #31625 trench stretches from beneath the first hole all the way to the second. To 1/10/1977 #31715 down the slopes, edging closer. At first it is about 2 miles away at treeto Mid 1/1977 #31723 ce of about 25 miles. The light is first spotted as they are driving northw 2/22/1977 #31839 Two objects, three minutes apart. First one big enough to hold an 18-wheel 3/6/1977 #31865 uth of), NY 9:05 PM. The pilot and first officer of an United Airlines DC-1 3/12/1977 #31900 ect coming toward him (southbound) first in distance then directly above hi 4/5/1977 #31947 ect coming toward him (southbound) first in the distance then directly abov 4/5/1977 #31949 g out he observed two objects. The first was a silvery-gray egg-shaped obje 4/7/1977 #31956 g out he observed two objects. The first was a silvery-gray egg-shaped obje 4/7/1977 #31957 2:00 a.m. Captain Scherrer, Senior First Officer Schmid, and hostess Rothen 4/14/1977 #31980 t, Netherlands. Schmid notices the first of four “lightning-like lights” in 4/14/1977 #31980 their window. Pauline had seen it first, but she said nothing about it to 4/23/1977 #32018 re at their window. Pauline saw it first, but said nothing to her husband u 4/24/1977 #32021 nd the meteorological service. Its first director is aeronautical engineer 5/1/1977 #32046 n alley adjacent to the hotel. His first thought was that they were coming 6/12/1977 #32161 y sheriff, was on duty and was the first person to observe the phenomenon. 7/21/1977 #32296 duty In Porter, Texas and was the first person to observe the UFO. Officer 7/21/1977 #32299 :30 a.m. they went to bed, but the first two witnesses thought they could h 8/1/1977 #32345 heast and stops directly above the first object at about 400 feet. The lowe 8/11/1977 #32384 opped in the air directly over the first one. The witnesses had an episode 8/11/1977 #32388 -minute period in Tooele, Utah. It first travels to the south but executes 9/7/1977 #32469 epartment, France a glowing sphere first descends, then reverses course and 9/14/1977 #32481 r on the wall in moving color. The first showed Antonio, lying naked, on an 9/15/1977 #32485 e aircraft at roughly 12,000 feet. First Officer Jack Forsythe and Second O 9/22/1977 #32510 f light appears, catches up to the first one, and both weave a figure 8 at 9/28/1977 #32531 es and composed of scientists. The first group has the task of studying the 10/1977 #32539 he causes. The coordination of the first commission is entrusted to Col. Bo 10/1977 #32539 ed. It then began changing colors, first to red and then to silvery white. 10/6/1977 #32555 within several hundred feet of the first object; both continue to hover and 10/11/1977 #32568 ers above the water, when near the first light it stopped. It was visible t 11/1/1977 #32652 s, but the pilot can never get the first one to work again. He has no troub 11/18/1977 #32686 PAN’s Scientific Council holds its first meeting. The group is given a two- 12/1977 #32719 stealth aircraft is tested for the first time at Area 52 in the Tonopah Tes 12/1/1977 #32721 Fort Mitchell, KY A green glow was first seen by a married couple. This was 12/21/1977 #32801 A green glow was first seen by a married couple in Fort M 12/21/1977 #32803 Italian Department of Defense the first official dossier of UFO sightings 1978 #32826 ward track over western Canada. At first the USSR claims that the satellite 1/24/1978 #32912 ed ball moves to the north and the first light departs to the south. 1/27/1978 #32920 s released was to have them in the first place so that one could mail them 2/2/1978 #32945 him. When they addressed him he at first thought they were using speech, bu 2/5/1978 #32957 seemed to be a superior and spoke first, and then the others conversed wit 2/5/1978 #32957 les looking for episode ideas. The first season stars William Jordan as Maj 2/19/1978 #32982 gator Robert E. Engberg traces the first wave beginning around Chisago City 3/22/1978 #33071 The other two remain stationary at first, then all three ascend into the sk 3/28/1978 #33090 raveling over the hills toward the first object. It turns in front of the b 3/29/1978 #33097 A close encounter of the first kind happened in Eden Prairie, Min 4/26/1978 #33173 to speak in a strange language. At first, he mistakes them for foreigners b 5/10/1978 #33196 otaling 670 pages is prepared. The first volume is a synthesis written by C 6/1978 #33245 V glow.” Moving slowly eastward at first, it speeds up until it recedes to 6/22/1978 #33298 gist Leonard Stringfield gives his first talk on Crash Retrievals in Dayton 7/29/1978 #33439 intelligence during WW2, gave his first major presentation on Crash Retrie 7/29/1978 #33440 ls him in controversy. This is the first of his seven “status reports” on a 7/29/1978 #33449 o the left, which swings above the first light and joins the second one. Al 8/3/1978 #33468 ng west on War Memorial Drive to a First Assembly of God church in Peoria, 8/7/1978 #33485 ects followed the same path as the first. The sightings lasted 30 minutes. 8/11/1978 #33507 outhampton, Bermuda. They saw what first appeared to them to be a helicopte 8/22/1978 #33551 rd, following the same path as the first light. Total duration of the sight 8/23/1978 #33553 d throughout the neighborhood. The first UFO was joined by two or three oth 9/6/1978 #33637 d throughout the neighborhood. The first UFO was joined by two or three oth 9/6/1978 #33642 did this several more times as the first witness, armed with a knife, ran a 9/10/1978 #33657 olding a device like a camera. The first one takes his bag of mushrooms. Ma 9/27/1978 #33762 ing silently at about 200 feet. At first it looks like two saucers joined a 10/8/1978 #33816 caused radio interference. The UFO first rose up from the surface of the se 11/9/1978 #33942 suddenly and moves underneath the first, and both begin a slow descent and 11/13/1978 #33952 his shirt buttoned improperly. At first his memory was so impaired that he 11/15/1978 #33959 rch institute in Novosibirsk. When first discovered the humanoid allegedly 12/6/1978 #34066 on this date around the world. The first three occurred in Italy. At four o 12/14/1978 #34125 a reddish pink and began pulsating first slowly, then faster and faster. He 12/14/1978 #34127 into the morning sky. He said "At first I thought it was a bright star or 12/16/1978 #34144 partment, Peru on this night. They first noticed a brightly illuminated rho 12/25/1978 #34207 loted by Capt. William Startup and First Officer Robert Guard. While flying 12/31/1978 #34246 ime or abductions on this day. The first occurred in Mindalore, South Afric 1/3/1979 #34291 pylon on the side of the road. At first he thought they were electrical co 1/19/1979 #34362 uth of Denbigh, Clwyd, Wales, U.K. first spotted a domed ovoid object hover 1/26/1979 #34382 County, Sweden at 9:00 p.m. It was first seen weaving in and out silently b 5/3/1979 #34539 returned to the same field as his first abduction experience. 5/17/1979 #34566 ounters with UFOs on this day. The first occurred at five minutes after mid 5/29/1979 #34594 shiny ahead of him. He thought at first it was his neighbor's car, but whe 7/25/1979 #34681 Studies in Evanston, Illinois. The first part covers IFOs, showing how norm 8/1/1979 #34699 icopter. 2' saucer passes. Slow at first. Can't catch it after. 8/4/1979 #34709 hem at 4:05 p.m. It flew slowly at first, then sped up. Their helicopter co 8/5/1979 #34717 zing the ground. Their speed, when first sighted, was estimated to be 600 m 8/9/1979 #34722 to another circle 18 feet away. At first, he thinks lightning caused it, bu 9/16/1979 #34890 he figure seemed to move slowly at first, but after five minutes it appeare 12/30/1979 #35104 des UFO- Phänomens) publishes the first issue of Journal für UFO-Forschung 1/1980 #35119 ame near Council Bluffs, Iowa. The first car with six witnesses, including 1/21/1980 #35141 in France on this day in 1980. The first occurred in La Racine at 4:20 a.m. 1/28/1980 #35149 t light descending toward her car, first mistaking it for an aircraft landi 4/9/1980 #35261 ds forming evenly spaced below the first and forming an equilateral triangl 4/20/1980 #35280 e University of Wyoming campus The first Rocky Mountain Conference on UFO I 5/23/1980 #35340 bright object is accompanying the first, flying horizontally and leaving a 6/14/1980 #35367 half-moon with a serrated edge. At first she thinks it is the moon, but it 6/15/1980 #35373 publish The Roswell Incident, the first major review of the 1947 Roswell c 9/1980 #35488 hiny object ahead of them. For the first 5–6 seconds, the object grows larg 9/4/1980 #35494 Biological Entity (EBE) and is the first of three that the government would 9/8/1980 #35504 archer William Moore meets for the first time with AFOSI officer Richard Do 9/30/1980 #35547 alled “Falcon” by Moore) who Moore first contacted on September 5. (The ide 9/30/1980 #35547 for the NSA, Eugene F. Yeates. The first of the two is the “unclassified, s 11/18/1980 #35653 Yeates, writes two affidavits: the first an unclassified version that state 11/18/1980 #35655 ite taken on the morning after the first sighting. 12/26/1980 #35737 , as the witnesses had seen on the first night. The Orfordness Lighthouse i 12/28/1980 #35749 imony. In 2010, Jenny Randles, who first reported the Rendlesham case in th 12/28/1980 #35750 uthored with local researchers the first book on the case in 1984, Sky Cras 12/28/1980 #35750 kins publishes Missing Time, which first describes his research into abduct 1981 #35761 source, quantum teleportation was first proposed in 1993 and achieved in 1 1981 #35765 S. Maccabee, and Don Berliner. The first hour consists of Larry King interv 2/7/1981 #35817 crew saw four orange lights on the first object and 3 lights on the other o 2/25/1981 #35845 other one. After three minutes the first object executed a turn to the righ 2/25/1981 #35845 he maneuver and followed after the first some six to eight minutes later. 2/25/1981 #35845 ina The Journal of UFO Research is first published by China’s UFO Research 3/1981 #35858 bject from their space station. At first the object was 1/2 mile away but i 5/14/1981 #35936 8 windows and well-lit inside. At first it is 1/2 mile away but it eventua 5/14/1981 #35937 a bright object in the sky that he first thought was an airplane. It increa 6/12/1981 #35967 Groom Lake, Nevada The first YF-117A stealth fighter makes its 6/18/1981 #35975 e information. The document is the first time that the term MJ-1 makes its Summer 1981 #35977 First there was a whistling sound, and t 7/9/1981 #35991 turn to the southeast. When Pring first notices the lights, he gets out of 8/12/1981 #36070 ed three red spheres at 9 p.m. The first object came in over the lake at tr 9/16/1981 #36119 ear Makalu in Nepal. The object at first is moving slowly southward, then s 9/26/1981 #36141 speak, their lips do not move. The first one asks his name, then the second 10/2/1981 #36154 John Spencer, this report was the first of a four-year wave of reports fro 12/1/1981 #36241 John Spencer, this report was the first of a four-year wave of reports fro 12/1/1981 #36242 nly speak in stuttering voices. At first they were subjected to alcohol tes 1982 #36284 ogether. One of them resembles the first object but is smaller. The other i 2/19/1982 #36356 d in squares in the night sky. The first two formations of objects moved sl 3/13/1982 #36388 d in squares in the night sky. The first two formations of objects moved sl 3/13/1982 #36389 lowish-green UFO was stationary at first, then climbed rapidly and increase 6/18/1982 #36511 , they encounter an object they at first think is a malfunctioning parachut 10/24/1982 #36663 anish, not French, is the writers’ first language. Other analyses indicate 1983 #36736 Seville, Spain The first issue of Cuadernos de Ufologia, ed 1/1983 #36741 ard Doty in New Mexico. During the first meeting, with Bill Moore in attend 1/10/1983 #36742 eir screens for 40 minutes. It was first picked up 50 nautical miles north 3/27/1983 #36820 arch. At 4:55 p.m., the Oslo has a first sonar contact south of Leirvik on 4/27/1983 #36846 ing lower part. It was silent when first noticed, then a white beam of ligh 5/9/1983 #36857 Paula E. Green, 12, undergoes her first abduction experience as she is wal 10/1983 #36990 th a 14-year-old friend. It is the first of some 52 further incidents. 10/1983 #36990 cks and disappeared. The witnesses first thought it was a train coming. One 10/26/1983 #37022 O, but a second witness pulled the first witness away from an apparent abdu 11/1/1983 #37041 and missing time. Although not his first abduction experience, his memories 1984 #37094 with three lights appears over the first one, hovers a few minutes, then di 1/3/1984 #37105 r, and the object moves toward the first UFO. 1/9/1984 #37124 on were driving in Texas when they first encountered radio interference. UF 1/26/1984 #37153 he UK Ministry of Defence, for the first time ever, releases UFO reports to 3/4/1984 #37216 t-floor balcony. It is hovering at first, then starts moving up and down an 3/24/1984 #37240 d in Napa, California. The UFO was first seen at 9:55 p.m., and described a 4/25/1984 #37296 and reported abduction during the first part of the month of July. Witness 7/1984 #37384 nd Carol, who was driving, was the first to see a bright yellowish-orange l 7/15/1984 #37399 nd Carol, who was driving, was the first to see a bright yellowish-orange l 7/15/1984 #37401 a semicircle of lights. The lights first flash yellow, then white, then blu 7/24/1984 #37412 nto view and moves in front of the first UFO for 5 seconds, then vanishes. 8/20/1984 #37436 hanges shape repeatedly, appearing first as rays, then concentric circles, 9/7/1984 #37458 e same time that the pilots in the first craft notice the UFO, a Soviet mis 9/7/1984 #37458 configuration of lights in the row first turned into a U-shaped, and then i 9/17/1984 #37462 ultants for them. It meets for the first time this week, with only three ot 5/20/1985 #37590 he last time at the Pentagon. This first meeting’s attendees include Robert 5/20/1985 #37590 Captain Wang Shuting and his crew first observe the object. The UFO crosse 6/11/1985 #37598 Captain Wang Shuting and his crew first observed the object.. The UFO flew 6/11/1985 #37599 last, Russia During startup of the first reactor at the Balakovo Nuclear Po 6/27/1985 #37609 ange views on UFO research for the first time. Some 40 papers are presented 8/1985 #37634 are involved in UFO research. The first recognized photo of a UFO in China 8/27/1985 #37651 een near Newport, South Wales. The first is covered with multicolored light 3/18/1986 #37800 bducted for what may have been the first time, from the family cabin in Ora 4/2/1986 #37817 ge III jets from Anapolis AFB. The first visual contact was made about 10:5 5/19/1986 #37882 ng a soft high-pitched sound. They first flew north to south, then turned a 7/30/1986 #37960 s later while driving to work. The first object is a white ball of light se 8/12/1986 #37984 he other. Capt. Kenju Terauchi and First Officer Takanori Tamefuji, along w 11/17/1986 #38072 the object disappears. The FAA at first confirms that several of its radar 11/17/1986 #38072 ientific Exploration publishes the first issue of its Journal of Scientific 3/1987 #38126 eet (9,000 meters) when he and his first officer observed an unidentified o 5/16/1987 #38175 ing to say who sent it to him. The first mention appears in the London Obse 5/31/1987 #38180 hey spotted a light in the sky. It first appeared to be flying south but it 7/4/1987 #38204 Gulf Breeze, FL First five photos reported taken by buil 11/11/1987 #38320 Gulf Breeze, FL First five photos reported taken by buil 11/11/1987 #38321 y in Gulf Breeze, Florida, has his first alleged encounter with a UFO. He s 11/11/1987 #38322 innesota at 10:00 p.m. The UFO was first seen above the trees along the sho 12/25/1987 #38373 were within 200 feet of where the first witness had been standing. 12/25/1987 #38373 also claims on 30 April 1964, the first communication between aliens and t 12/29/1987 #38379 lights in the shape of a cross. At first it remains motionless, but begins 1/5/1988 #38405 detach from the side, hovering at first, then darting and zigzagging aroun 3/4/1988 #38487 s second abduction experience, the first occurring while on a camping trip 5/21/1988 #38574 king to John Lear by phone for the first time on October 4, conspiracy theo 10/8/1988 #38665 Soviet Union First and only test of the Soviet Buran 11/15/1988 #38715 ran orbital spaceplane. It was the first spaceplane to perform an uncrewed 11/15/1988 #38715 hrup Grumman B-2 stealth bomber is first publicly displayed at United State 11/22/1988 #38718 A brilliant light was first seen lakeside in Shelton, Mason Co 12/2/1988 #38735 Long Island UFO Update, edited at first by George McLain in Center Moriche 1/1989 #38771 engineer was driving home when he first saw the object, which had red and 5/4/1989 #38936 red and white lights turned on at first, then turned off; with the light t 5/4/1989 #38936 ogist John Lear’s secure house, is first interviewed by journalist George K 5/14/1989 #38949 se Lake Groom Lake Robert Lazar is first interviewed by George Knapp on KLA 5/15/1989 #38952 n KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, NV for the first time. Lazar claims he was employed 5/15/1989 #38953 t an altitude of 1,640–3,280 feet, first slowly, then speeding up. After a 6/30/1989 #38998 s Vegas, speaking candidly for the first time about his part in counterinte 7/1/1989 #39002 30 miles. According to the pilots, first one, then two “strange objects” pa 7/26/1989 #39033 nutes near Sunderland, England. At first it is stationary, but then it move 8/22/1989 #39069 She went back to the point of her first view, but the object had gone. The 8/25/1989 #39074 enter for UFO Studies conducts the first expedition to the Roswell debris f 9/15/1989 #39104 t a local park in Voronezh, Russia first observed a pinkish glow approachin 9/27/1989 #39126 details, also reporting seeing the first witness on an adjacent table. Thei 11/6/1989 #39216 discovered about 150 feet from the first couple’s residence—a perfectly rou 11/20/1989 #39241 for 15 minutes. It is hovering at first, then passes above their house. 12/11/1989 #39312 tunately, he is unable to read the first portion of the tape, so it is lack 1990 #39349 of the tape, so it is lacking the first 10,000 records. Fortunately, the C 1990 #39349 Clark publishes volume one of the first edition of his UFO encyclopedia. 1990 #39351 lletin of Anomalous Experience (at first under the title of Ratchet Patrol) 1/1990 #39359 ness in Richmond, British Columbia first noticed a light outside the apartm 2/5/1990 #39409 and woman watched as it turned to first pink and then white as it flew awa 2/5/1990 #39409 f his lawn chair when he spots the first object. Every 45 minutes, a new ob 2/28/1990 #39432 pace Shuttle Atlantis launches the first stealth satellite in STS-36 for th 3/1/1990 #39437 second formation moves toward the first. Traffic Center Control at Semmerz 3/30/1990 #39499 wnship, Pennsylvania at 10:30 p.m. first saw three bright lights ahead. The 4/17/1990 #39532 ect, about 20-45 feet in diameter, first hovered, then appeared to pace his 4/18/1990 #39536 ngle. Three more lights joined the first three to form a hexagon; a metalli 4/22/1990 #39540 , Russia, when he is asked for the first time whether the USSR studies UFOs 4/26/1990 #39543 At about the time of the first Belgium report, at 10:30 p.m. a wo 5/4/1990 #39558 t had six lights on its perimeter. First it was seen hovering, then it move 10/6/1990 #39762 -shaped objects. The length of the first is about 6,500 feet and the second 10/8/1990 #39766 saw two cigar-shaped objects, the first one reported to be two kilometers 10/8/1990 #39767 a massive UFO comes into view. His first impression is of a huge crane with 11/5/1990 #39868 ight of about 2.5 m. Terrified, he first two shots at the object, which qui 12/31/1990 #39931 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma a UFO that first appeared as a white light made an 1/16/1991 #39956 es driving east of Binga, Zimbabwe first observed a cluster of red nocturna 3/14/1991 #40012 e officers on duty that night. The first to see the UFO is Lt. Damasceno of 4/11/1991 #40034 a US Wendelle C. Stevens holds the First World UFO Congress in Tucson, Ariz 5/1/1991 #40053 ed multicolors. It moved slowly at first, moved and dipped repeatedly. 5/15/1991 #40063 yellow and the other red, and they first moved up and down, then in a trian 8/13/1991 #40152 m. a huge, dirigible-shaped object first attracted the attention of the mil 8/28/1991 #40168 publishes the second volume of the first edition of his UFO encyclopedia. 1992 #40273 son down the hallway. Paralyzed at first, when the being was out of sight s 3/4/1992 #40354 ses.” In addition to providing the first photographs of the distinctive con 3/23/1992 #40397 g in size) with square windows. At first, 14-year-old Robbie saw a line of 5/3/1992 #40449 in which she was led to believe at first that she was looking at deer, and 6/18/1992 #40497 Winchester, Hampshire, England The First International Conference of the Ce 7/17/1992 #40523 half, beginning at 10:00 p.m. The first sighting was of a band of arcade-l 8/20/1992 #40586 apart and had ten lights each. At first they moved at a steady, slow pace, 8/20/1992 #40586 ddle, and white on the bottom. The first witness, age 65, saw the light out 8/25/1992 #40591 from one position to another." The first witness called the others to come 8/25/1992 #40591 The first Spanish Air Force UFO document is 9/1992 #40601 10-12 nocturnal lights joined the first object, and all went off rapidly t 9/10/1992 #40616 The first official Spanish UFO reports are d 10/1992 #40657 an in Valley View, South Australia first heard a rushing wind noise, then s 11/30/1992 #40735 adliny, Slovakia - The witness saw first an orange ball of fire at a minute 1/9/1993 #40790 er, under hypnotic regression, the first investigator was able to recall th 3/16/1993 #40886 n estimated 150 feet altitude. She first thought it was a low flying plane, 3/26/1993 #40902 ssed a silver metallic craft land: first the front end touched down, then t 3/30/1993 #40907 igent extraterrestrial life in the first six decades of the 20th century, e 4/1993 #40919 Luis Jordán Peña confesses for the first time to hoaxing the Ummo letters a 4/1993 #40920 os Aires, Argentina, publishes the first issue of Los Identificados, a jour 4/1993 #40922 Rogers, Arkansas then back to the first cloud formation on the exact rever 6/1/1993 #41000 balloon" flying over the beach. At first it resembled a round black object 7/27/1993 #41091 began development in 1990, and its first published experiment takes place o 8/1/1993 #41100 The first public experiment for Project MARA 8/1/1993 #41101 ights were blinking and round. The first set spun clockwise and became blur 8/11/1993 #41131 Airport at Otopeni, Romania. They first turn up on radar, then are seen vi 8/14/1993 #41137 zement, staring at them. When they first came in she thought she could see 8/20/1993 #41148 on.” Leslie Kean suspects that the first redacted word is “Russia” and the 10/18/1993 #41246 f crushed vegetation were found: a first line of 8m x 40 cm, and a second l 10/30/1993 #41256 ms, and is told he is part of the “first wave” of intcomm personnel. https 12/1993 #41313 pean Community. The resolution was first proposed in 1991 by Belgian deputy 12/1/1993 #41315 eman AFB Knob Noster, Missouri The first operational Northrop Grumman B-2 S 12/17/1993 #41331 ny intcomm duties, he receives his first comm from a source alleging to be Early 1994 #41352 ierce County, Washington State the first thing that happened was that a tee 4/17/1994 #41495 ). Angela Hind writes, “It was the first time in Harvard’s history that a t 5/1994 #41510 A smaller craft soon followed the first one. 6/27/1994 #41590 Sgt. Sherman states his first higher level communication happene 7/1994 #41596 Field Mojave Desert California The first flight of a CIA-developed Predator 7/3/1994 #41604 nd 6:48 p.m. Capt. Roger Wills and First Officer Mark Stuart are piloting a 1/6/1995 #41956 es a document purporting to be the first annual report of the Majestic 12 P 2/22/1995 #42058 was picked up 70 seconds after the first one dropped off the radar, separat 3/8/1995 #42081 altitude, Capt. Gene Tollefson and First Officer John J. Waller see a row o 5/25/1995 #42227 of Soviet nuclear explosions. The first part of the 1,000+-page document i 7/1995 #42286 s London Fox TV broadcasts for the first time the “alien autopsy film,” a 1 8/28/1995 #42425 eters away, a bizarre creature. At first, because of the darkness Tapia tho 11/1/1995 #42575 , especially ufology. It holds its first organizational meeting in December 12/1995 #42635 istopher (Kit) Green as chair. The first official board meeting takes place 12/1995 #42635 d eyes crouching beside a wall. At first they think it is a statue, but the 1/20/1996 #42695 egional do Sul de Minas, where the first examinations are performed. 1/20/1996 #42696 a silver, cigar-shaped object they first thought was a jet falling through 2/18/1996 #42771 c also flew in and merged into the first disc. 4/2/1996 #42850 cers, nine lights identical to the first appeared out of nowhere, and were 4/15/1996 #42870 nd made a "voom-voom" sound. Mancu first thought it was the district police 7/8/1996 #42950 d in the area where the object was first seen. 7/17/1996 #42962 ocal youngsters reported that they first noticed a total lack of animal noi 7/22/1996 #42963 hey were just above the ground, he first thought they were lights on a harv 8/11/1996 #42980 gency.” This drug ring “opened the first pipeline between Colombia’s cocain 8/18/1996 #42985 ther smaller one, identical to the first, but this one contained a very tal 9/23/1996 #43039 rts students in Crestone, Colorado first sighted a rapidly zigagging light 10/10/1996 #43063 --100 years to the night after the first airship sighting there--a large ro 11/23/1996 #43119 k bar appears, about 45° below the first one. They both start moving east i 1/13/1997 #43170 nside and woke up their father. He first thought they were joking, but all 2/16/1997 #43194 He seemed to be stronger than the first. She suddenly fainted. When she re 2/24/1997 #43207 Arizona. Tim Ley and his family at first see a tiny arc of five white light 3/13/1997 #43229 a Grange, California the witnesses first thought they saw a flock of birds, 4/18/1997 #43265 eems to have been ejected from the first. It travels a short distance north 4/20/1997 #43268 First there was a flash in the sky at 2: 4/27/1997 #43281 construct a base on the Moon. When first released, the book contains a fore 6/1997 #43304 ay. A second object approaches the first and the two travel away together. 8/4/1997 #43368 en pilots Capt. Philippe Bobet and First Officer Kurt Grunder see a cylindr 8/9/1997 #43376 the horizon and to the left of the first object. Neither object appeared to 10/13/1997 #43427 h, similar to rockets, although at first neither seemed to move. They stopp 10/13/1997 #43427 ological Research Center (CPU) The first World Forum of Ufology takes place 12/7/1997 #43453 the left side of the aircraft. At first it seems stationary, then appears Winter 1997 #43468 at the Alfalfal Dam five observers first saw two fireballs fly pass at 8:00 1/24/1998 #43504 nd object appeared and circled the first one, then both UFOs shot straight 4/18/1998 #43551 o F., was having breakfast when he first saw the multicolored UFO. A second 8/8/1998 #43620 a UFO that was triangle shaped at first, but later changed to an oval shap 8/14/1998 #43631 its arms in a strange fashion. At first it was standing with its back to t 8/24/1998 #43637 became aware of their presence by first noticing the flashlight being held 8/24/1998 #43637 sky about one kilometer away. They first thought it might be a helicopter b 9/14/1998 #43646 d to be traveling together. As the first car passed them, the headlights of 9/25/1998 #43652 through Alexander, Arkansas: “The first was larger, more white, more stati 11/11/1998 #43680 ceasing entirely. Then from their first floor balcony the witnesses saw th 11/13/1998 #43682 ann with Petersen who would create first contact scenarios with sponsorship 1/8/1999 #43712 ject had a red and white patch; it first oscillated in flight, then swooped 2/25/1999 #43736 equal sides, flying with the point first." 3/10/1999 #43746 an to descend at high speed. He at first thought it was a shooting star and 3/15/1999 #43748 s away above a nearby rooftop when first spotted. The object halted six met 7/14/1999 #43802 First the car radio cut out, reported th 7/15/1999 #43804 A craft that at first looked like a mobile home took off 7/23/1999 #43812 isclosed the name “Zodiac” for the first time publicly. * https://youtu.b 7/31/1999 #43815 like two quarters on edge. It was first seen flying in the west at high al 8/16/1999 #43824 t 4:10 a.m. in Izmir, Turkey a man first observed a huge, oval-shaped craft 8/18/1999 #43826 ng along the trail toward her. His first impression was that it was someone 8/22/1999 #43831 fertile uranium-238). It is JCO’s first batch of fuel for that reactor in 9/30/1999 #43856 soon after, the DOD announced its first ever department-wide independent a 12/3/1999 #43892 of Loveland, Colorado, claims his first UFO experience. He has many experi 2000 #43913 that after about eight minutes the first light disappeared, then the third 1/29/2000 #43936 ed a short humanoid figure that he first mistook for a child. When he appro 4/17/2000 #43982 and what appeared to be a plane at first that was traveling south to North. 5/17/2000 #43996 en at any one time were three. The first report was at 9:45 p.m. and the se 6/3/2000 #44000 . and the second at 10:00 p.m. The first report commented that the three br 6/3/2000 #44000 second object came and joined the first, going around the circle and makin 9/11/2000 #44038 in Seattle by the percepients. The first was in Del Valle, Texas and occurr 10/15/2000 #44058 esses in Oakville, Ontario, Canada first saw six chevron or V-shaped craft 11/28/2000 #44085 . The second object approaches the first one and they fly away together. 12/24/2000 #44109 of Sao Paulo, Brazil reported that first everything froze on the street. Th 1/29/2001 #44134 r home a husband and wife were the first to report a circular lighted objec 4/25/2001 #44164 t to east. The second followed the first at a 5 minute interval, then 20 mi 4/26/2001 #44168 eret and Sayerville, New Jersey. A first witness at 12:15 a.m. reported V-s 7/15/2001 #44209 the intensive therapy wing on the first floor when she was suddenly seized 8/4/2001 #44225 athroy, Ontario, Canada. They were first seen in a triangle, which then for 8/14/2001 #44233 lights were flashing in sequence: first two flashes, then a pause, then th 8/30/2001 #44249 ber, and the others were white. At first, it looked like the lights were al 8/30/2001 #44249 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia first reported a group of three craft co 9/11/2001 #44258 d not blend in with the sky as the first group had. Then eight of the craft 9/11/2001 #44258 eded to be taken seriously.” It is first publicly acknowledged in February 12/2001 #44279 Two gray plumes of smoke were first seen in the sky over Stockport Rai 12/18/2001 #44295 ky, a locomotive trailing unit and first two cars were severely damaged as 1/14/2002 #44307 autopsy” materials when he was the first Air Force MD to make the rank of G 3/5/2002 #44323 cation of a senior officer who had first hand knowledge of USG alien reprod 4/25/2002 #44333 o the area where they observed the first object and once again observed hov 6/8/2002 #44349 northeast sky and flew between the first two, then changed direction and fl 7/13/2002 #44360 im calm, while Sgt. Medina was the first backup officer to arrive on the sc 7/21/2002 #44362 in Brandywine, Maryland, sees the first two fighters at 1:00 a.m., then at 7/26/2002 #44366 alkie-talkies with them. The girls first noticed that a large orange light 7/28/2002 #44367 roximately 50 degrees south of the first anomaly, and about 10 degrees abov 7/28/2002 #44367 degrees closer to the ground. The first light then began to move slowly no 7/28/2002 #44367 s stars. Going northwest flat edge first. 15Kph. Absolute(ly) silent. 8/13/2002 #44380 t at 11:13 p.m. that he thought at first was a B-52. It was a huge flying t 9/5/2002 #44390 ght forming a flying triangle. "My first thought was that I was having a di 9/15/2002 #44397 ngton. Ov the hills to the east he first noticed a very bright light on an 10/29/2002 #44424 , and their cousin, Sashay Rauter, first noticed a very bright tube of inte 11/22/2002 #44449 figure outside his window, and at first thought it was a man. It slightly 4/4/2003 #44511 fornia. They were moving slowly at first over, but they then separated and 5/7/2003 #44527 Former Airman First Class Charles J Hall releases a bo 5/7/2003 #44528 e at 1:30 a.m. A witness said, "We first thought it was a Stealth F-117, bu 5/9/2003 #44531 ries, Canada. It was stationary at first, then moved slowly into some cloud 6/23/2003 #44558 aw a moving light in the sky. They first assumed it was a plane, but then i 7/12/2003 #44563 at the same star in the sky as the first one, and they all vanished in a br 7/12/2003 #44563 nalyze information on UFOs for the first time. It hears testimony, largely 8/26/2003 #44584 A soft humming noise was first heard in Dunstable, Bedfordshire, 11/26/2003 #44622 the twilight just before dawn. He first saw a light in the sky as he was d 12/10/2003 #44627 bout three-fourths the size of the first, also egg shaped, gray in color, b 1/4/2004 #44646 ew overhead in a suburban area. It first flew at a slow pace, then sped off 3/14/2004 #44677 indow, this one not as dark as the first. Ten minutes later she was in the 5/17/2004 #44703 cted sunlight at times as it moved first west, then to the northwest. 6/12/2004 #44711 aryana State, India. Stationary at first, the UFO flew off to the south at 7/31/2004 #44722 ust to the west of Partenit. Their first six nights were uneventful, but on 8/2/2004 #44725 after a cousin who had missed the first sighting saw a smaller hovering tr 8/23/2004 #44740 each resort, also corroborated the first witness's account, but was also br 8/25/2004 #44742 ight course and stops close to the first light, which continues to dance ar 9/16/2004 #44757 ral Tennessee when he noticed what first appeared to be a fire on a nearby 10/2/2004 #44766 targets.” After the return of the first team to USS Nimitz, a second F-18 11/14/2004 #44784 runswick, Canada. It was moving at first, stopped and hovered for a minute, 11/21/2004 #44788 ng in complex maneuvers. A dot was first seen, then a vertical line that tu 12/18/2004 #44800 d 120,000 requests are made in the first year. Private citizens make 60% of 1/1/2005 #44806 like a blimp, it was not moving at first when first sighted at 3:33 p.m.; i 4/12/2005 #44824 p, it was not moving at first when first sighted at 3:33 p.m.; it vanished 4/12/2005 #44824 re evacuated from the White House. First lady Laura Bush and former first l 5/11/2005 #44840 . First lady Laura Bush and former first lady Nancy Reagan, who is visiting 5/11/2005 #44840 lahoma at 7:15 p.m. When they were first seen they were hovering, then they 5/16/2005 #44843 ring” aspect of the agency. At its first meeting, it renews the agreements 9/22/2005 #44878 ich recovered six bodies that were first sent to Sandia then to Los Alamos. 11/1/2005 #44898 source, and made no sound. It was first seen hovering, then moved out of s 2/12/2006 #44922 He turned into the driveway of the first house he came to and the lights di 2/15/2006 #44923 va Scotia, Canada at 8 p.m. It was first seen to be hovering, then it flew 2/25/2006 #44924 ncial Park in Saskatchewan, Canada first observed a disc-shaped object hove 5/18/2006 #44944 int, Nova Scotia, Canada a witness first observed a simple blue nocturnal l 8/18/2006 #44955 ring over Gate C-17. The object is first spotted by a ramp worker who is pu 11/7/2006 #44981 rmed at Creech AFB, Nevada, as the first MQ-9 Reaper drone squadron. 11/8/2006 #44982 Launch Center or nearby. It is the first known successful satellite interce 1/11/2007 #44998 e period 1988–2005, are put online first. 3/22/2007 #45013 almost flittering like a moth. He first thought it was a police helicopter 4/17/2007 #45018 row of individual blue lights that first were traveling to the left. As the 4/17/2007 #45018 rection, the object appeared to be first an ellipse and then a full circle; 4/17/2007 #45018 second UFO immediately behind the first: Bowyer estimates both lights to b 4/23/2007 #45022 tion and time of the sighting. The first object is presumed to have been ne 4/23/2007 #45022 e. It was turning at right angles, first quickly and then slowly. It had th 5/16/2007 #45030 like a dome with a flat bottom was first seen hovering, then completely van 9/7/2007 #45053 A humming sound was heard first, then a disc-shaped object reporte 9/10/2007 #45055 n his body including his anus. At first he thought he must have been the v 9/21/2007 #45066 s underneath. It was stationary at first, then moved over the witnesses. 10/28/2007 #45082 at 12:30 p.m. It was stationary at first, then shot off to a distance. 11/3/2007 #45088 Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth, who first tells her he thinks the lights are 1/8/2008 #45112 AFB, Nevada, as “the Air Force’s [first] test squadron for unmanned aerial 3/5/2008 #45124 UK National Archives The first tranche of UFO files is released b 5/12/2008 #45137 e than 1.7 million visitors in the first few days. Internet searches on UFO 5/12/2008 #45137 losed in the PUBLIC DOMAIN for the first time and contains several sub-proj 6/2008 #45144 15 p.m. an object was sighted that first traveled in a straight line with n 8/6/2008 #45156 bell-shaped object, stationary at first, was sighted in Calgary, Alberta, 9/6/2008 #45166 bottom. It seems to be rotating at first and takes another pass over the hi 9/16/2008 #45168 Studies project in Las Vegas, its first full-time employee. 11/2008 #45184 ma. The same day the DHS personnel first interview “Jones,” he hears low-fl 5/8/2009 #45221 , he sees it is a rotating object, first a cylinder, then a diamond shape. 6/24/2009 #45228 humanoid beings standing there. At first she thought they were other camper 8/30/2009 #45240 kies over Alabama on this day. The first report was at 8:17 a.m. from Frank 9/9/2009 #45244 Agency’s AAWSAP program issues the first of 38 Project Physics position pap 12/1/2009 #45260 ature and scope of the papers. The first paper is on “Advanced Nuclear Prop 12/1/2009 #45260 ation, Florida Low Earth Orbit The first X-37B, an uncrewed, reusable, robo 4/22/2010 #45276 obotic spaceplane, launches on its first mission, Orbital Test Vehicle 1 / 4/22/2010 #45276 Cape Canaveral SLC-40, FL First Falcon 9 Technology Demonstration 6/4/2010 #45284 An airliner preparing for descent first notices the object and notifies th 7/7/2010 #45286 as a second craft emerged from the first and perform impossible manuevers f 7/15/2010 #45287 er of at least 32 feet. The object first looks like a luminous spot produce 10/11/2010 #45301 kpit flashing with white light. It first glided straight for 300 feet, then 12/31/2010 #45309 ith air distortion due to heat. At first one witness thought it was a flock 2/11/2011 #45314 Kentucky saw a flying object that first looked like a radio tower with a f 2/11/2011 #45315 ional Archives makes available its first batch of Ministry of Defence UFO f 8/2011 #45331 their civic public benefit. In its first assessment of these disclosures, t 6/14/2013 #45372 s the existence of Area 51 for the first time, following a FOIA request fil 6/25/2013 #45375 ns Headquarters] documents are the first to prove that a major western gove 2/24/2014 #45402 R) system. While investigating the first pair of UADs, another two appeared 4/23/2014 #45407 e, England 2:36 p.m. The pilot and first officer of an Airbus 320 flying at 6/13/2014 #45410 rmanium is a semiconductor and the first metallic material (discovered in 2 8/2014 #45413 orce Base in 1988. Brad states the first generation Aurora was also at the 12/2014 #45425 Retired US Navy Petty Officer First Class flight Engineer “Brian” tell 1/30/2015 #45429 see three black dots that they at first think might be breaks in the cloud 2/3/2016 #45444 y Site’s Area 6 activities for the first time publicly. Morgan states top s 3/5/2016 #45445 speaks publicly about UAP for the first time. He tells journalist Leslie K 5/9/2016 #45452 ith all this array of sensors; you first need to tweak the human somehow to 3/27/2017 #45466 ey, West Sussex, England, when the First Officer, in the right-hand seat, n 7/14/2017 #45475 cloud ‘Oumuamua (1I/2017 U1), the first known interstellar object detected 10/19/2017 #45485 the Sun on September 9. When it is first observed, it is about 21 million m 10/19/2017 #45485 soon after, the DOD announced its first ever department-wide independent a 12/11/2017 #45492 en an internal reflection, but the First Officer and another person have al 2/1/2018 #45505 rational service. The aircraft was first operationally deployed in 1995 and 3/9/2018 #45522 England, in busy airspace when the First Officer and Captain see a fairly l 5/5/2018 #45526 tic Robert Sheaffer, reviewing the first four episodes, points out numerous 1/8/2019 #45557 US First season of History Channel’s “Unide 5/31/2019 #45582 vidence; others say it is merely a first step toward an explanation, and di 7/2019 #45589 night, with the USS Rafael Peralta first recording two UAVs and then four U 7/15/2019 #45593 at 37,000 feet at 575 mph when the first officer, looking across to the lef 3/19/2020 #45639 t descend into view from above. He first thinks that it is a meteor and beg 3/19/2020 #45639 s. The New York Times and NBC News first report on details of the unclassif 8/2020 #45657 and, at 1,800 feet. Both pilot and First Officer suddenly see a bright ligh 9/1/2020 #45660 ast that if he were President, the first thing he’d want to know is the “De 5/5/2021 #45688 into the Congressional record, the first page of which describes an organiz 5/17/2022 #45751 enter for UFO Studies launches its first Facebook page. 5/27/2022 #45752 disclosures, reported here for the first time. Other intelligence officials 6/5/2023 #45798
T. Fontes made this case up, as no first- hand witnesses to the event have 11/4/1957 #14284 ediately prompts dozens of alleged first- hand witnesses of crashed UFOs or 5/1977 #32042
g the incident to authorities. His first-degree burn was treated at a hospi 3/29/1966 #20134 g the incident to authorities. His first-degree burn is treated at a hospit 3/29/1966 #20140 urned. Casalvieri de Panassiti has first-degree burns on her face and hands 7/22/1968 #24204 ad been burned. Mrs Casalvieri had first-degree burns on her face and hands 7/22/1968 #24205
age 50) https://www.abebooks.com/first-edition/German-Secret-Weapons-Worl 1958 #14787
ad is recovered. It represents the first-ever successful recovery of an obj 8/10/1960 #16367 cle is regarded in the West as the first-ever evidence that the Soviets are 2/1967 #21431
first-floor dental office of Walter Grie 5/24/1971 #26130 tist Julio Suárez Marzal is in the first-floor dental office of Walter Grie 5/24/1971 #26130 dingly bright red light from their first-floor porch in Uccle, Belgium. It 10/17/1977 #32584 et long and 6.5 feet tall from the first-floor balcony. It is hovering at f 3/24/1984 #37240
The first-generation Air Force Satellite Sur 10/1/2013 #45388
estrials. Shaver claims to possess first-hand knowledge of the Deros and th 11/1943 #1541 n Chicago, Illinois. It features a first-hand story and a 30-page UFO round Spring 1948 #3592 ona border. He also saw the bodies first-hand at Wright-Patterson AFB. The 1953? #8470 Cooke saying that he has analyzed first-hand UFO encounters by Air Force p 8/7/1966 #20731 V, encourage viewers to send their first-hand accounts in to the newly form 11/10/1967 #23437 Stringfield, who now has about 20 first-hand informants to various crash/r 10/1980 #35549
terrestrial race. The novel is the first-person narrative of both an unname 1898 #614 Strieber publishes Communion, the first-person account of his abductions a 2/1987 #38108 titudes of UFO researchers through first-person interviews. 3/3/2020 #45637
t Point, Georgia, are watching the first-quarter Moon through a 6-inch refl 12/1/1962 #17568
eral, Florida, suffers a premature first-stage cutoff, preventing the upper 12/6/1958 #15472 k it is caused by something in the first-stage fuel of the RSD-10; others s 10/1988 #38661
Moscow Caucasus Middle East A first-strike scenario, the Pincher war p 6/18/1946 #2012 USSR A first-strike war plan (Sizzle) is develo 12/1948 #3899
on these materials to examine them firsthand and to make a more complete an 7/1958 #15131 t moderate levels of radiation, 17 firsthand witnesses, event filmed. 12/1980 #35684
FIRTATESTI, ROMANIA 5 observer(s). Brill 8/23/1968 #24371
SOLWAY FIRTH TO NEWCASTLE, ENGL Many separate o 8/21/1957 #13917 . Turns going quickly northeast to Firth and sea. / FSRv4#1. 11/8/1957 #14473 erland, Scotland RAF Kinloss Moray Firth RAF Evanton Around 9:00 p.m. Harve Summer 1962 #17239 now Kinloss Barracks] on the Moray Firth arrives to investigate. They find Summer 1962 #17239
U.S. Air Force F-86 from the 87th FIS and tracked by ground radar moving a 12/11/1957 #14714 t close encounter with three MUFON FIs out on routine SKYWATCH patrol. This 10/4/1974 #29500
allegedly reaches $2.3 billion in fiscal 1987, according to a 1986 procure 3/1990 #39434 (DHS) to secure funding for future fiscal years. Lacatski allegedly met DHS 2/2011 #45312
Issenheim, France Lucien Fisch saw an object land near Route N83. 10/20/1954 #11269 Lucien Fisch saw an object land near Route N83 10/20/1954 #11277
Area 3 of an Army Ordnance Depot Fischbach bei Dahn, Rhineland-Palatinate 5/1974 #29075 Pershing missiles are stored near Fischbach bei Dahn, Rhineland-Palatinate 5/1974 #29075
ack Wilhelm, Jack Reeves, and John Fischer) at Bismarck (North Dakota) Airp 11/26/1968 #24718
minated to a depth of 30 feet, and fish are seen swimming away from the obj 8/15/1663 #44 wheel going [to] ovoid going [to] fish shape. Vibrant bright red and fast. 4/5/1870 #186 ew over them. It was shaped like a fish and seemed to be guided by a large 3/26/1880 #228 ew over them. It was shaped like a fish and seemed to be guided by a large 3/26/1880 #229 om a “large balloon” shaped like a fish approaching from the west. A flower 3/26/1880 #230 ew over them. It was shaped like a fish and seemed to be guided by a large 3/26/1880 #231 like a steamboat" in front, with a fish tail at the rear. He claimed it was 4/16/1897 #516 iles resembling ‘schools of flying fish,’ about a foot long and similar to 1/15/1943 #1480 (s). Many disks play like school / fish. Going quickly northeast toward(s) 7/7/1947 #2841 hands were rugged and cold like a fish. 9/11/1953 #9162 hands were rugged and cold like a fish. 9/12/1953 #9165 hands were rugged and cold like a fish. 9/12/1953 #9166 ds / river. Water boiled. 200+dead fish. 12/7/1954 #11768 ONIA ISLAND Gypsum mine. Luminous "fish net" hovers / 20 minute(s). Away ve 1/31/1955 #11952 e night lights hover and dart like fish in tank / 10 minutes. Vanish. 7/24/1956 #13015 ore. They dart about the sky “like fish in a tank,” come together, hover, a 7/26/1956 #13021 4+observer(s). Metallic "tailless fish" zigzags going west across sky. / r 12/30/1956 #13418 OSHUA TREE, CA 12M wingless flying fish going west slow / 15M altitude. Fea 7/15/1957 #13796 ips subs and divers find only dead fish. 6/1/1958 #15073 column of water rises up, and dead fish float to the surface. The frigate K 6/1/1958 #15074 l they found were a number of dead fish. The frigate KNM Arendal and the su 6/1/1958 #15075 nt officers." A short time later a fish and game inspector did stop and too 2/28/1959 #15624 rgentina. It is shaped like a huge fish, is silver in color, and sports a t 6/1959 #15753 bes Oannes as having the body of a fish but underneath the figure of a man. 11/15/1962 #17548 hat the objects were too big to be fish or sharks, and the wrong shape to b 6/6/1965 #18995 aphed underwater beneath schools / fish. 7/5/1965 #19068 a wingless aircraft, shaped like a fish, in the road. It is about 75 feet l 3/23/1966 #20050 ralls "with something like a glass fish bowl on his head," of medium height 1/5/1967 #21261 in Hackettstown, New Jersey near a fish hatchery, five witnesses including 4/12/1967 #22127 Observer(s) = astronomer Marjorie fish. 2/1969 #24884 mouth appeared toothless, "like a fish." To the side of the witness were l 5/4/1969 #25115 es of water from the bottom of the fish pond, crouched on its hands and kne 2/27/1971 #26034 FISH R.BRIDGE, RSA 2 / truck. Banana wit 7/5/1972 #26767 bright silvery clothing resembling fish scales. When they got closer the tw 8/18/1972 #26928 med saucer going down [to] 7M over fish farm. Going quickly west. / Flying 11/2/1972 #27104 down. Small humanoids (or Greys). Fish die. Observer(s) sick. Grows new te 12/30/1972 #27191 ith head coverings, no noses, long fish like mouths, orange hands (gloves?) 10/16/1973 #28093 ibed as silver and looking like a "fish" (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/17/1973 #28115 2 observer(s) and more. Box scans fish nets with beam. Going quickly north 12/2/1973 #28499 rbor, Ohio Since 1968, Marjorie E. Fish, a schoolteacher in Oak Harbor, Ohi 1/1974 #28637 fficulty and many failed attempts, Fish creates a 3D map that indicates the 1/1974 #28637 ons reveal some interpretations in Fish’s map to be inaccurate, and she rej 1/1974 #28637 n-minded article about Marjorie E. Fish’s analysis of Betty Hill’s star map 12/1974 #29624 oddly structured craft and noticed fish jumping out of the water (NICAP: 04 2/26/1975 #29850 Freeze Out Lake, MT A Montana Fish and Game Department employee saw a 11/11/1975 #30606 , Montana Choteau County A Montana Fish and Game Department employee at Fre 11/11/1975 #30610 e round eyes resembling those of a fish. Over its mouth was a box like devi 3/13/1977 #31906 baldheads. They were wearing glass fish bowl-type helmets, with a metallic 6/12/1977 #32161 object in the shape of a “stingray fish” (triangular). It flies slowly at 1 8/28/1977 #32432 FISH SPRINGS SOUTHWEST / DUGWAY, UT 4 ob 4/24/1992 #40429 / car. 4M glowing saucer hovers / fish farm. Projects cone / light down. 10/9/1992 #40668 i, United Arab Emirates al-Hamriya Fish Market Dubai International Airport 11/27/1995 #42625 ilently moving from the al-Hamriya Fish Market southeast toward Dubai Inter 11/27/1995 #42625 tity with red eyes and brown skin. Fish peddler João Bosco Manoel comes acr 1/20/1996 #42693 metallic shiny scales, resembling fish scales, covered their bodies. They 7/8/1996 #42950 Atlantic Ocean, NJ Fish come to surface as cylinder hovers 8/23/2001 #44242 ughout the McKees Domain, and dead fish washed up on the beach in Ruby Bay 6/9/2004 #44709 s are dead, as is their electrical fish locater. After the object disappear 1/31/2005 #44810 ards the lake. Vike is able to see fish swimming beneath the surface of the 4/6/2007 #45016 ects floating up to it, apparently fish. 10/10/2007 #45072 Former USG contractor Bob Fish tells Clinton campaign manager John 3/6/2015 #45433 (DSP) collects “hard data” on UAP. Fish states he had lunch with a few memb 3/6/2015 #45433 and traveled past a DSP satellite. Fish names The Aerospace Corporation in 3/6/2015 #45433 Former USG contractor Bob Fish tells Clinton campaign manager John 3/6/2015 #45434 AFB in Florida. He allegedly told Fish they were sometimes diverted to tra 3/6/2015 #45434
LAMY, NM 4 observer(s). Fish-blimp with prop and 8 figure(s). Mu 3/26/1880 #227
OFF HARDYS BAY, NSW Fish-boat. Hiss and boiling sound. Brigh 10/18/1978 #33842
t-fitting coverall uniform with a "fish-bowl" helmet over his head. He was 1/25/1967 #21387 lvery uniforms, with a transparent fish-bowl type helmet over their heads. 1/5/1979 #34304
SICHEVITA, ROMANIA 1.5M fish-cigar goes south going quickly nort 4/12/1958 #14977
Case #019. 2 observer(s). 2 shiny fish-cigars going quickly east very fast 10/20/1947 #3461
ng pink-haired, platinum- skinned, fish-eating Martians said to be running 12/1953 #9329
eece Andrew Lacey, 9, sees a large fish-like object with “big fins extended Summer 1927 #1072 ding onto a handrail. It had gray, fish-like skin, a wide mouth, one glowin 10/17/1973 #28140 ing as having elongated heads with fish-like eyes. They wore shiny metallic 11/15/1973 #28426
2 observer(s). Silent luminous red fish-saucer going quickly northwest. Big 12/1/1954 #11741
ject Bluebook Case #6317. Odd 20' "fish-shape" UFO hovers and drops behind 3/26/1959 #15670 NORTHWEST / LAPOINT, UT Silver "fish-shape" goes going up and down [to] 11/21/1966 #21130 ACH, CA 4 observer(s). Arrowhead / fish-shape lights seas. Hums. Flies over 8/23/1981 #36082 , FR Several separate observer(s). Fish-shape and cigars and more. Some low 12/1/1990 #39916
into pieces. He sees an enormous, fish-shaped airship with extended wings, 12/26/1896 #380 GOTEBORG, SWEDEN 5' fish-shaped cylinder/cigar-shape north g 8/12/1946 #2121 ilots and ground observer(s). Long fish-shaped objects seen. No further det 12/1948 #3897 cked by a wingless aircraft, perch fish-shaped (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 3/23/1966 #20042 h telescope. Several multi-colored fish-shaped objects north going quickly 10/12/1972 #27067 ersville, IN Around 8:00 p.m. Grey fish-shaped object with plastic-like com 10/14/1973 #28027 Beach, California saw an arrowhead/fish-shaped object with white, red, and 8/23/1981 #36083 Russia. It had a blunt nose and a fish-shaped tail. The craft was silent a 4/24/1989 #38926
somewhat linear ridges that have a fishbone-like pattern, and, with the sma 1824 #117
t who wore a silver uniform with a fishbowl style helmet. The incident repo 2/15/1950 #4538 wore divers suits with transparent fishbowl helmets. One entity, a Cyclops 8/28/1963 #17924 -piece uniform with a transparent "fishbowl" helmet. His hands were gloved 3/2/1965 #18833 ralls "with something like a glass fishbowl on his head," of medium height, 1/5/1967 #21258 . 25M saucer lands / tripod. Man / fishbowl helmet exits. / USAF Tech. Inte 1/25/1967 #21378 d beings who were visible, wearing fishbowl or globe-shaped helmets. After 4/16/1974 #29042 l, with small heads in transparent fishbowl helmets, through which she was 9/3/1974 #29418 tight gray coveralls, and globular fishbowl helmets that covered their head 9/3/1976 #31341 ere wearing one-piece outfits with fishbowl type helmets over their heads. 1/12/1979 #34333
e shiny metallic armored suits and fishbowl-like clear helmets. One stood n 7/20/1982 #36538
in dull silver coveralls and wore fishbowl-type helmets. They proceeded to 2/21/1968 #23774 e silvery clothes with transparent fishbowl-type helmets over their heads. 1/4/1979 #34296
all lagoon and set up his tent and fished for a while without success. The 5/4/1969 #25115
Bradford (near), IL Fisher Case (P) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 3/18/1950 #4673 ois 8:40 a.m. Private pilot Robert Fisher, flying a Beechcraft Bonanza over 3/18/1950 #4675 mmerman and civil engineer Charles Fisher are watching a jet aircraft speed 6/12/1950 #4984 Flatwoods, West Virginia G. Bailey Fisher farm West Virginia National Guard 9/12/1952 #7905 elonging to local farmer G. Bailey Fisher. The boys go to the home of the M 9/12/1952 #7905 sman Eugene Lemon, 17, walk to the Fisher farm. At the top of a hill, they 9/12/1952 #7905 pt. Robert R. Zadnick, Lt. Paul R. Fisher, and Lt. George A. Kerr flying an 3/5/1954 #9598 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fisher” Yield: 13.4KT 12/3/1961 #16987 afternoon. Police officer William Fisher said he was riding his motorcycle 3/9/1967 #21832 ject hovering at about 3,000 feet. Fisher took color motion pictures of the 3/9/1967 #21832 oline, Illinois police officer Mr. Fisher, age 32, filmed 8mm motion pictur 3/9/1967 #21841 ert CIA employee. Lombard and John Fisher are voted onto the board. 10/1978 #33786 Two men names Fisher and Schmidt took five photographs 4/3/1998 #43543 d Clinton campaign assistant Milia Fisher met virtually with musician Tom D 1/24/2016 #45443
black balloon suspended over it. A Fisheries Dept. spokesman commented that 6/6/1965 #18995
m the object and was directed onto fisherman in a boat on the lake. The wat 8/15/1663 #45 minated to a depth of 30 feet. The fisherman were burned by the heat from t 8/15/1663 #45 Several fisherman off the coast of Kvalsik, Norw 2/11/1937 #1266 WICKIUP RESERVOIR, OR Fisherman. Telescopic 8mm movies. 10' / 9/12/1950 #5174 MARGATE, KENT Fisherman. 4 bright 'dinner-plates' go e 9/21/1952 #7996 er Norman S. Bean reports that two fisherman in CA spot UFO’s 6/20/1953 #8941 er Norman S. Bean reports that two fisherman in CA spot UFO’s 7/20/1953 #9006 BAY ST. LOUIS, MS Fisherman. 3 red-yellow objects hang / s 5/19/1954 #9813 At 8:30 p.m. a fisherman in Bay St. Louis, Mississippi 5/19/1954 #9816 Roverbello, Italy A fisherman met with a red-clad being who 10/5/1954 #10725 e an unknown language approached a fisherman. It quickly left when the witn 10/5/1954 #10736 low. Figure(s) move inside. Ignore fisherman. Quickly going up. 11/1/1954 #11514 A fisherman, G. Seenza, was on the Dese Ri 11/1/1954 #11522 ARQUA'POLESINE, ITL Fisherman. 3M transparent globe going do 11/12/1954 (approximate) #11624 A fisherman watched a three meter wide tra 11/12/1954 #11630 heast of Tokyo, Japan, by Japanese fisherman aboard the Kitsukawa Maru. A v 4/19/1957 #13607 BISTINEAU, LA Fisherman. Blood red 60M hemisphere goin 4/25/1957 #13616 ain and crew of freighter Hawaiian Fisherman saw three brightly lighted obj 6/18/1957 #13738 w of the Matson freighter Hawaiian Fisherman see two brightly lit objects o 6/18/1957 #13740 tra, Indonesia 5:00 p.m. Two Malay fisherman are in a waterway near Bagansi 11/6/1957 #14424 SYRACUSE, NY Fisherman. Saucer lands. Small humanoids 4/1960 (approximate) #16211 on marked as (2) on the map, three fisherman were frightened when a luminou 5/13/1960 #16269 Paracuru, Ceará, Brazil 4:00 a.m. Fisherman Raimundo Ursulino dos Santos s 5/14/1960 #16276 urfaced 300 meters away from three fisherman in two boats off of Le Brusc, 8/1/1962 #17313 Libreville, Gabon A fisherman witnessed the landing of a cra 12/25/1963 #18094 A fisherman in Libreville, Gabon witnessed 12/25/1963 #18095 Classic domed saucer rises / lake. Fisherman hospitalized / shock. 7/31/1965 #19216 (or Grey) gives piece of metal to fisherman as token. 8/13/1965 #19375 28" tall, introduced himself to a fisherman named Joao do Rio as a UFOnaut 8/14/1965 #19390 e southern tip of New Zealand. Two fisherman, Mr. R. D. Hanning, age 41, sk 11/13/1965 #19719 CAN Early on that same morning two fisherman at Burton, 45 miles northwest 9/21/1966 #20907 LAKE TIORATI, NY Fisherman. 2 good photographs / 18' sauc 12/18/1966 #21207 SOUTHEAST / INNIS, LA Fisherman photographs double-domed sauce 1/12/1967 #21289 OFF LA ESCALA, SP Fisherman. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) 9/21/1968 #24492 OSSIPEE, NH Fisherman in boat and more/others. Splas 7/4/1969 #25248 ghout the eastern United States, a fisherman had a close encounter with an 11/6/1973 #28377 t was moving at 4-6 knots, and the fisherman reported that he repeatedly ha 11/6/1973 #28377 ach and then dropped into the sea. Fisherman Avelino Severiano Generosa, ag 6/18/1974 #29212 Fontenelle Trindade, a 40-year-old fisherman, saw a light flying north at m 11/1/1977 #32652 later in a scrub forest. A nearby fisherman, José Ribamar dos Santos, hear 3/24/1978 #33078 cate him. Eighty-one hours later a fisherman heard a shout for help and fou 3/24/1978 #33079 PECEM, CE, BRZ Saucer zaps fisherman / red beam / 3 hours. Gone / D 2/1983 #36757 Aldershot, UK Fisherman taken aboard UFO (NICAP: 02 - 8/12/1983 #36947 ate. 1 object with 2 lights shot / fisherman. Bullet pings. 7/1987 #38203 STORVORDE, DK Fisherman. Small silent red fireball ris 4/24/1988 #38545 LA PARGUERA / LAJAS, PR Fisherman. Group / small humanoids (or G 7/1989 #38999 cylinder/cylindrical object nears fisherman. 90 minute(s) / missing time. 5/27/1994 #41539 ilver cylindrical UFO approached a fisherman in Brisbane, Queensland, Austr 5/27/1994 #41540 RAFARD, SP, BRZ Fisherman. Round object ascends / high v 1/1/1995 #41930 untsville, Alabama were taken by a fisherman. 11/12/1995 #42598 shing boat at 11:15 p.m. while the fisherman was engaged in hauling up a li 1/30/2000 #43937 Fisherman off the south coast of Viegues 7/25/2000 #44023 morning by a farmer and also three fisherman on the Susquehanna River. It w 8/6/2002 #44376 ary wildly, saying, “it was like a fisherman’s tale, growing with each rete 3/5/2004 #44672
ne hour. Witnesses include several fishermen who later complain of tremors 4/8/1665 #46 burner in Hitachi province, Japan. Fishermen bring her inland to investigat 2/22/1803 #100 yphs that no one can decipher. The fishermen return her and her vessel to t 2/22/1803 #100 a strong light and was seen by two fishermen to plunge into the sea 6 km aw 6/16/1909 #775 a strong light and was seen by two fishermen to plunge into the sea 6 km aw 6/16/1909 #776 a strong light and was seen by two fishermen to plunge into the sea six kil 6/16/1909 #777 KVALSVIK, NORW Fishermen. Large plane going down / sea. 2/11/1937 #1263 la, Tasmania, following reports by fishermen of strange lights on the water Summer 1942 #1419 OFF ANCONA, ITALY Fishermen. Ghost-bomb falls / sea. Big v 9/2/1946 #2168 rrian Sea, At Sea 2:30 p.m. (EDT). Fishermen rep "little men" on "sub". (NI 7/1947 #2499 a hose in the lake, then took off. Fishermen later reported a green moss fo 7/2/1950 #5038 xtracted water, and then took off. Fishermen later reported a green moss fo 7/2/1950 #5040 OFF COAST, NJ Fishermen. Glowing saucer. Drops. Darts 5/25/1952 #6352 ning. It was sighted by a group of fishermen. 5/25/1952 #6364 LIVORNO, ITL Fishermen spooked. Waves / night lights 11/8/1954 (approximate) #11591 rimorsky Krai, Russia Sea of Japan Fishermen at lake Ozero Blagodati, Primo 1956 #12637 ds resembling horse hairs that the fishermen pick up the next day. The obje 1956 #12637 Pacific Ocean, near Japan Japanese fishermen aboard the "Kitsukawara Maru" 4/19/1957 #13606 eweler Wilson Lustosa and numerous fishermen saw an object hovering 15 m ab 4/1958 #14953 , Wilson Lustosa stops to ask some fishermen what they are looking at. He h 4/1958 #14955 OFF LE BRUSC, FR 3 / fishermen. 4M glowing-saucer going down. 6/12/1958 #15090 near Le Brusc, France - Three fishermen had gone to sea on the Mediter 6/12/1958 #15092 some in strands 5–6 feet long. Two fishermen at sea, George Korkan and Jack 11/9/1958 #15434 Z Large UFO going south over lake. Fishermen dive. 1 drowns. / r47p71+/ APR 10/6/1961 #16897 Three commercial fishermen driving south on the Dauphin I 2/19/1962 #17053 the water and climbed aboard. The fishermen called out but the figures ign 8/1/1962 #17313 t three, who turned to look at the fishermen. The very last one waved. Then 8/1/1962 #17313 lently in a graceful arc above the fishermen, and disappeared rapidly into 8/1/1962 #17313 n eruption of muddy water and mud. Fishermen, including Tetsuo Ioshigawa, a 10/31/1963 #18017 alabria, Italy for ten minutes. As fishermen approached in a boat dove unde 1/9/1964 #18112 200M EAST / DOVER, DE 4 fishermen. Luminous object going quickly 8/18/1964 #18493 90 feet. A motorboat with six Arab fishermen is in the area and also sees t 8/2/1965 #19267 OFF ST. FLORENT, CORSICA Fishermen. 3 metallic disks going quickl 6/18/1966 #20575 s quickly. At about the same time, fishermen Ivan Collicut and Patrick O’Ha 9/21/1966 #20909 okeshire, Wales, when he and other fishermen notice a small, bluish, lumino 10/8/1966 #20974 Wayne County, IN 3:00 a.m.EDT. Fishermen saw a missile-shaped (elongate 5/10/1967 #22308 or debris are found, either by the fishermen or by a Canadian Coast Guard s 10/4/1967 #23176 OFF PADDY ISLAND, TASM Fishermen / 2 boats. Domed disk / 100M a 10/28/1969 (approximate) #25426 Fishermen in two boats off Paddy Island, 10/28/1969 #25429 et in diameter was sighted by some fishermen in Bonneville Carteret, Norman 12/2/1973 #28506 ta Catarina, Brazil 3:30 p.m. Some fishermen at Praia dos Navegantes beach, 7/2/1974 #29237 ASCOLI PICENO, ITL Fishermen. Brilliant Oblong object rises 3/30/1976 #30968 LAKE TULLOCH, CA 3 fishermen. UFO / 50K' altitude. 900mph. 3/29/1978 #33091 OFF CECINA, ITL 12 fishermen. Big 'parachute' going down [t 9/16/1978 #33691 tween 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. two fishermen in a boat in Grottammare, Marc 10/24/1978 #33869 Italy, on board the Exodus, three fishermen—Flaviano Mattiucci, Gennaro Ma 11/8/1978 #33928 dar, but was also witnessed by two fishermen. 11/9/1978 #33942 t of six UFOs was seen by Peruvian fishermen over the Caynarachi River (NIC 12/25/1978 #34203 t of six UFOs was seen by Peruvian fishermen over the Caynarachi River in t 12/25/1978 #34207 Colusa, CA Two fishermen observed a hemispherical objec 5/26/1979 #34584 PARNAIBA R, BRZ Night lights buzz fishermen. UFO lands. Door slams! Voices 9/23/1984 #37463 m. several nocturnal lights buzzed fishermen fishing in the Parnaiba River 9/23/1984 #37467 One hour and twenty minutes later fishermen off the shore of Provincetown, 3/4/1990 #39447 ST. OSYTH, ESSEX 3 fishermen. Edge / saucer? Figure(s) seen 5/18/1991 #40068 of St. Osyth, Essex, England three fishermen saw a saucer-shaped object on 5/18/1991 #40070 OFF NE.ICELAND Fishermen. Fast flashing submarine break 12/21/1992 #40757 GUSTAVUS, AK Boatload / fishermen. Very large orange object retu 2/12/1995 #42038 ched near a boatload of commercial fishermen at sea off the coast of Gustav 2/12/1995 #42040 OFF PISCO, PERU Fishermen. Large light rises / sea! Bank 2/9/1999 #43723 At 11:45 p.m. a group of fishermen in Pisco, Peru watched an anom 2/9/1999 #43725 EAST / COFFS HARBOUR, NSW Fishermen video large orange dome. 40M a 11/7/1999 #43876
. The ball came rolling toward the fishermen's boat, and they were terrifie 6/12/1958 #15092
Fishers Island, New York 2:30 a.m. Four 8/18/1909 #805 aving station on the south side of Fishers Island, New York, see a winged a 8/18/1909 #805
US Highway 250 Fishersville, Virginia 5:00 p.m. Driving 12/21/1964 #18670 y 250, Horace Burns is approaching Fishersville, Virginia, when an enormous 12/21/1964 #18670
Jeffersontown, Kentucky Fisherville 11:00 p.m. James L. Hendry s 4/10/1945 #1843 ht that seems to be directly above Fisherville, 3 miles to the east. Its br 4/10/1945 #1843 with a beehive-shaped UFO in rural Fisherville, Virginia. At five o’clock i 12/21/1964 #18671
restes is returning on foot from a fishery on the banks of the Tietê River 3/5/1946 #1973
ll four have mouths that look like fishes’ mouths. The room is made of ston 5/4/1969 #25114
Nr. Fishguard, S. Wales Test Pilot Chases Di 2/1956 #12690
ey are inferior mirages of distant fishing boats, as atmospheric conditions 2/24/1893 #308 er, captain of the "Sea Wing," was fishing with S. H. Davis, of Detroit, wh 4/14/1897 #459 er, captain of the "Sea Wing," was fishing with S. H. Davis, of Detroit, wh 4/14/1897 #461 ng a hunting jacket and a cap, was fishing from the deck of the object. Nea 4/14/1897 #461 er, captain of the "Sea Wing", was fishing on Lake Erie near Cleveland, Ohi 4/14/1897 #474 ng a hunting jacket and a cap, was fishing from the deck of the object. Nea 4/14/1897 #474 H. Stockman of the smack Superb is fishing in the North Sea 35 miles out of 10/1908 #717 rt also speculates that someone is fishing for us and that an alien race co 12/1/1919 #994 MT. PLEASANT, IA 1 / fishing. Metallic blue milk-can lands 15 6/3/1920 #998 nt, Iowa Day. Jesse Clark Linch is fishing on a pond near Mount Pleasant, I 6/3/1920 #999 of Freeport, Texas, when he is out fishing with some friends. They look lik Late 10/1920 #1006 Jersey Night. Frank Van Keuren is fishing with others along the waterway o Summer 1933 #1164 , Norway 9:00 p.m. The crew of the fishing vessel Fram is departing Kvalsvi 2/11/1937 #1265 d anticipated an uneventful day of fishing in Aracariguama, Sao Paulo State 3/5/1946 #1974 Nipissing Lake, Ontario While ice fishing at Anima Nipissing Lake, Ontario 4/25/1946 #1984 en 11:30 a.m. Kurt Larsson, 11, is fishing at the north end of Lake Kattist 7/19/1946 #2070 hysician from Augusta, Georgia, is fishing 10 miles off St. Helena Sound, n Late 5/1947 #2298 over a couple while they were out fishing on a bridge at 3:00 p.m. 7/4/1947 #2676 NORTH / MIAMI SPRS, FL 2 fishing. 2+1 4M saucers going up / everg 7/6/1947 #2739 GMX SOUTH / SARASOTA, FL 1 / fishing boat. Round flat silver blimp go 7/7/1947 #2879 with Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Grant, are fishing on Great Pond near Rome, Maine, 7/7/1947 #2939 onal Airport] are returning from a fishing trip and driving up a mountain r 7/10/1947 #3110 . A. C. Urie and his two sons were fishing in the Snake River Canyon near T 8/13/1947 #3322 SAF 72nd Reconnaissance Group, are fishing at Fielding Lake, Alaska, when t 7/9/1948 #3704 m. Two Kirtland AFB sergeants on a fishing trip with their families five mi 7/17/1948 #3714 land Air Force Base Sergeants on a fishing trip with their families to San 7/17/1948 #3715 A man named Abreu and a friend are fishing at Springer Lake, northwest of S 4/25/1949 #4108 EAST / GOLD BEACH, OR 5 scientists fishing. 35' metal saucer / jet speed. F 5/24/1949 #4204 eth, and Mrs. William McBeth) on a fishing boat on the Rogue River, Oregon, 5/24/1949 #4207 SHOSHONE LAKE, WY 2 fishing. 8 metal saucers 300m over boat 7/8/1949 #4264 , IN Project Bluebook Case #408. 2 fishing / quarry and 1. 12m metal object 7/23/1949 #4275 Delphi (north of), IN 2 observers fishing saw some 12-meter objects circle 7/23/1949 #4276 At 11:40 a.m. two people fishing in a flooded quarry north of Del 7/23/1949 #4277 OFF PALM ISL., AUSTRALIA 2 fishing. Plain shiny 100' metallic cylin 10/1949 #4379 , TN Project Bluebook Case #682. 2 fishing. 3 black saucers maneuver / unis 3/29/1950 #4754 clock in the evening the crew of a fishing boat off the coast of Perugia, I 4/1/1950 #4787 Mead, Nevada 9:00 a.m. While on a fishing trip to Lake Mead, Nevada, with 4/2/1952 #6017 Vico, Italy A man who was fishing in the Serchio River saw a disk 7/24/1952 #7113 .m. Carlo Rossi is on his way to a fishing spot on the Serchio river near S 7/25/1952 #7137 A man who was fishing in the pre-dawn hours in the Ser 7/25/1952 #7139 VALLEY VIEW, TX 3 fishing / lake. Wingless going / arc. Sp 8/5/1952 #7459 eputy sheriff of Starke County, is fishing in a boat with Surphin Casper on Mid 8/1952 #7608 fast shiny saucers. 90° turn over fishing boat and away. / r114p55. 7/21/1953 #9009 LAKE SALEM, VT 3 fishing. 3 silver globes buzz large pass 8/15/1953 (approximate) #9070 three crew members of the Japanese fishing vessel Daigo Fukuryū Maru are al 3/1/1954 #9584 ("Lucky Dragon No. 5"), a Japanese fishing boat, and created an internation 3/1/1954 #9589 of the name "Lucky Dragon" of the fishing boat was not lost on any of the 3/1/1954 #9589 the object at each side.” Two men fishing in the River Dargle near Powersc 8/1/1954 #10090 NEW BADEN, IL Electric eng. fishing. Glowing car-size rectangular bo 9/18/1954 #10339 ozevet, France The crew of several fishing boats saw a luminous, orange-col 10/7/1954 #10781 rly in the day the crew of several fishing boats at sea saw a luminous, ora 10/7/1954 #10795 A man was returning from fishing along the canal at Reims, Marne, 10/17/1954 #11180 Pontal, Brazil Jose Alves was fishing in the Pardo River when he sudde 11/4/1954 #11563 ontal, São Paulo, Brazil, is night fishing in the Rio Pardo in a deserted s 11/4/1954 #11564 On this evening Jose Alves was fishing on the river in Pontal, Sao Paul 11/4/1954 #11568 ato Grosso do Sul, Brazil A man is fishing in a river near Campo Grande, Ma 12/15/1954 #11815 with three aliens in Brazil. While fishing in the river in Campo Grande in 12/15/1954 #11817 In 1955 a British fishing trawler crew spotted a silver da 6/5/1955 #12187 rs. Bordes, of New York City, were fishing when they heard a loud splash an 9/17/1955 #12459 Mrs. Bordes of New York City were fishing at night when they heard a loud 9/17/1955 #12460 Fiji Islands, several people on a fishing boat saw a cigar-shaped UFO. It 7/12/1956 #12968 ers and violent maneuvers. Studies fishing boat? 8/1956 (approximate) #13032 , São Paulo, Brazil Several people fishing near Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, Early 9/1957 #13971 Capt. Fred Sutton, skipper of the fishing trawler Ella Hewett, is 4 miles 11/29/1957 #14638 me to Chimbay, Uzbekistan, after a fishing expedition to the Aral Sea. They 6/1958 #15072 , AK Diesel Generator Disrupted On Fishing Boat (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, Cod 12/16/1958 #15476 w York An electronics engineer was fishing when he heard a shrill, whirring Spring 1960 #16201 lent object going down / 100M over fishing boat. 3 observer(s). Blue light 5/13/1960 #16263 s disc hovered 300 feet over their fishing boat in a clear sky for three mi 5/13/1960 #16269 vey Packard and five other men are fishing near East Peru, Maine, when thre Summer 1962 #17239 e dawn. The skipper of a chartered fishing boat 6 miles southeast of Avalon 7/28/1962 #17295 I, MS Project Bluebook Case #8133. Fishing boat. 2 red and black moon-size 9/21/1962 #17423 i, in the Gulf of Mexico Witness: fishing boat captain S.A. Guthrie. Two o 9/21/1962 #17427 A fishing boat captain, S. A. Guthrie, and 9/21/1962 #17429 s Bay, South Africa Fred White was fishing when he heard a high-pitched whi 3/13/1963 #17705 Fred White was fishing in Richards Bay, South Africa at 3/13/1963 #17706 At 1:30 a.m., while fishing in the Florida Everglades in Hen 3/14/1965 #18854 D. Hanning, age 41, skipper of the fishing vessel Eleoneai, and Mr. W. J. J 11/13/1965 #19719 e are found on land near the small fishing village of Palomares, Spain. The 1/17/1966 #19844 nnecticut A civilian who was going fishing saw an object dive toward his ca 6/11/1966 #20552 tport, Massachusetts who was going fishing early in the morning (3:45 a.m.) 6/11/1966 #20554 Frederick William “Ted” Holiday is fishing on the lifeboat slipway at Tenby 10/8/1966 #20974 After a short time, he resumes his fishing, but 10 minutes later a dark obj 10/8/1966 #20974 FISHING CREEK VALLEY, PA 12M saucer goin 4/1/1967 #22034 Fishing Creek Valley, PA Two dogs barked 4/1/1967 #22040 At 6:30 p.m. EST in Fishing Creek Valley, Pennsylvania a 12- 4/1/1967 #22043 nch plate suspended by a string or fishing line— held close to the camera. 6/1/1967 #22448 Student Y. Divak and a friend were fishing when they saw the reflection of 7/18/1967 #22692 enezuela Morning. A lawyer who was fishing from a boat saw a gray-blue, dou 8/4/1967 #22796 , Hugo Sierra Yepez [or Yepes], is fishing from his boat in the sea about 1 8/4/1967 #22804 e water violently disturbed near a fishing boat. A Saturn-shaped UFO, six m 8/4/1967 #22807 myanovich Oleynikov of the Russian fishing boat Kama is in Vyborg Bay in we 9/1967 #22972 9:00 pm, the captain and crew of a fishing boat saw four brilliant red ligh 10/4/1967 #23175 Island, the captain and crew of a fishing vessel see a brilliant white lig 10/4/1967 #23176 n half an hour of the crash, local fishing boats go out to the crash site i 10/4/1967 #23176 ather and son are returning from a fishing trip when they notice an odd ora 10/14/1967 #23238 OFF PALENCIA, SP 10 fishing. Saucer going down / sea level. 11/17/1967 #23473 plomatic visit to Kathmandu was a “fishing expedition” for info on “space o 3/1968 #23799 30KM NORTH / MALTA 5 fishing. Gold cylinder/cigar-shape going 7/1968 #24100 destroyer USS Leary is navigating fishing waters in the Gulf of Tonkin. En 1969 #24805 kout about a possible light from a fishing boat in the water ahead. But the 1969 #24805 OFF QUINTERO, CHL Fishing crew. Odd object / water vanishe 2/12/1969 #24912 The crew of a fishing boat off the coast of Quinteros, 2/12/1969 #24916 ier named José Antônio da Silva is fishing by himself at Bebedouro (apparen 5/4/1969 #25114 ccurred in 1969 to a soldier while fishing on the banks of the Rio das Velh 5/4/1969 #25115 and taken a bus to Bebedouro to go fishing the evening before. At about mid 5/4/1969 #25115 ere in the room. They examined his fishing tackle and other possessions. Se 5/4/1969 #25115 60, of the Fazenda Constantino was fishing during the day on the Rio Das Ve 5/5/1969 #25117 pshire - The principal witness was fishing in a boat at about 7:00 in the m 7/4/1969 #25252 xico 9:00 p.m. Albert Formiller is fishing for bass in Cholla Bay, Sonora, 11/5/1970 #25902 At 4:00 a.m. four men out fishing on Buffumville Reservoir in Oxfo 5/29/1971 #26142 OFF TOCOPILLA, CHL Fishing crew. Red luminous sphere hovers 9/25/1971 #26374 three a.m. Norman Chastain was out fishing late at night in the St. Johns R 1/26/1972 #26556 FISHING CREEK, NJ Man photographs 25' sa 7/7/1972 #26782 CUDILLERO, SPAIN Night light near fishing boats. Maneuvers impossibly. Res 10/5/1973 (approximate) #27943 both of Gautier, Mississippi, are fishing in the Pascagoula River when the 10/11/1973 #27997 in Parker, were doing some evening fishing from an old pier in an abandoned 10/11/1973 #28005 NTE GORDO, PORTUGAL 3 saucers buzz fishing boat / 3 hours. Very close. Go w 11/2/1973 #28343 irected a beam of light upon their fishing nets. 12/2/1973 #28506 F crewman and a companion are on a fishing trip to Lake Sorell, Tasmania, w 2/26/1975 #29852 al man and his companion were on a fishing holiday at a lakeside camp on La 2/26/1975 #29853 dez Peninsula, a group of men on a fishing boat saw a bright light with a d 3/2/1975 #29865 dez Peninsula, a group of men on a fishing boat saw a bright light with a d 3/2/1975 #29869 At 4:30 a.m. several anglers fishing in the surf at Punta Ocoa, Domin 3/12/1975 #29891 ct appears several times above two fishing trawlers one mile off the coast Summer 1975 #30115 SOUTH / TRINITY LAKE, NY Boy fishing. Orange-glowing sphere maneuvers 8/1/1975 #30227 set of twins)--had gone out night fishing in a canoe during a camping trip 8/26/1976 #31307 taking a walk down to his favorite fishing pond, when suddenly a disc-shape 8/6/1977 #32365 taking a walk down to his favorite fishing pond, when suddenly a disc-shape 8/6/1977 #32366 flying north at medium speed while fishing in the river in Colares, Para St 11/1/1977 #32652 and (near), Russia The crew of the fishing trawler Vasily Kiselev also obse 12/1977 #32718 TWEED HEADS, AUSTR 2 fishing. Pulsating night light rises / m 1/17/1978 #32885 TERCIERA ISLAND, AZORES 2 fishing. 3 fast saucers leave yellow tra 4/14/1978 #33146 a similar object on June 16 while fishing at nearby Fuerte Amador. 6/17/1978 #33286 aly 3:30 p.m. Giorgio Filiputti is fishing in the Corno river at the point 9/18/1978 #33708 PESCARA, ITL Night lights follow fishing boats. 1 flies going up. 2 men d 10/12/1978 #33829 ed night light follows and circles fishing boat. Back 7 Nov. '78. 11/3/1978 #33916 OFF SILVI MARINA, ITL Separate fishing boats. Night light going up [to] 11/7/1978 #33923 xodus Andrea Padre 5:30 p.m. While fishing in the Adriatic Sea off San Bene 11/8/1978 #33928 e hour later, the radar of another fishing boat, the Andrea Padre, reports 11/8/1978 #33928 ped, and was not a Japanese shrimp fishing boat, as claimed by debunkers. 12/31/1978 #34249 s / 30M. Photographs. Watch stops. Fishing lures gone. 7/16/1979 #34657 rivets visible was seen by two men fishing on Great Bear Lake. They were ab 7/16/1979 #34658 rivets visible was seen by two men fishing on Great Bear Lake, Northwest Te 7/16/1979 #34659 ST. MARTIN-SL-PRE, FR Man fishing. Silent dome-saucer hovers near 8/1979 #34688 el peninsula, Poland 8:15 p.m. Two fishing boats belonging to the Szomborg 8/23/1979 #34768 OFF SOUTH MARGHERITA, ITL 2 / fishing boat. Swallow-tail delta/triangl 9/14/1979 #34873 three photographs of his friends’ fishing boat coming out of the Motunau R 10/27/1979 #34970 ic aboard the Brilliant, a Russian fishing trawler operating 20–30 miles of 1/24/1980 #35144 280 in San Mateo, California, on a fishing trip with his 18-year-old son. T 4/20/1980 #35278 ritish Columbia 2:30 p.m. A man is fishing in the Thompson River near Kamlo 5/16/1981 #35940 Several people were fishing on a lake in Newberry, South Car 7/15/1981 #36009 diana 8:45 p.m. Louise Betulius is fishing in a lake near Evansville, India 7/23/1981 #36025 Two men were fishing close to the mouth of the River 10/24/1981 #36185 Around 1:00 a.m. Alfred Burtoo is fishing along the Basingstoke Canal in A 8/12/1983 #36948 ki, his daughter, and a friend are fishing in a coastal lake near Wicie, Po 9/3/1983 #36969 nocturnal lights buzzed fishermen fishing in the Parnaiba River in Maranha 9/23/1984 #37467 r thirties, Long and Jandura, were fishing from a boat on Banksons Lake, Mi 8/1/1986 #37968 ong Point, Long Island, New York a fishing boat's radar system and other el 1/30/1989 #38809 NEAR OMRO, WISCONSIN 2 fishing scared. Odd object falls. Stops. 8/10/1989 #39046 Wisconsin couple doing some night fishing on Lake Michigan saw a silver, d 8/10/1989 #39052 four companions who had gone on a fishing expedition had stopped on the ro 2/11/1995 #42036 nt to the Naugatuck River) after a fishing trip to Harwinton, Connecticut. 7/15/1995 #42303 A couple returning from a fishing trip at 2:45 p.m. sighted a huge 7/15/1995 #42305 a and Wilson da Silva Oliveira are fishing off the Ilha do Major, a mangrov 10/1/1995 #42529 HUNTSVILLE, AL Man fishing. 3 poor Polaroids / domed ovoid 11/12/1995 #42596 e, were preparing their boat to go fishing and had just exited the boat sto 4/1/1999 #43752 ida Gulf of Mexico 7:57 p.m. While fishing off Fort Pickens near Pensacola, 10/9/1999 #43859 Jose Freira and Cid Moreira, were fishing in the river at Benito Goncalves 11/1/1999 #43869 ject hovered silently above a crab fishing boat at 11:15 p.m. while the fis 1/30/2000 #43937 York by two males in a sailboat. A fishing boat skipper heard their dramati 9/9/2002 #44393 The crews of a number of fishing vessels fifty miles off the coas 3/10/2004 #44675 ty, Indiana 10:00 p.m. Two men ice fishing at Columbia City, Indiana, encou 1/31/2005 #44810 .m. A woman is driving home from a fishing trip at Sargent, Texas, on FM261 7/5/2005 #44851 named Ove who is doing some trout fishing.) At a press conference later in 10/16/2014 #45417
e also sighted later that night in Fishkill and south Putnam County. 5/31/1984 #37349
s like a “great black cigar with a fishlike tail.” The body is at least 100 11/26/1896 #365 30 p.m. Three witnesses. No sound. Fishlike object suddenly grew larger and 10/15/1973 #28056
the front lawn near a nearby empty fishpond. Curious, Dickson decided to fi 2/27/1971 #26034
to slow down it began to wobble or fishtail in its path.” Several people se 4/18/1962 #17120
FISMES, FR 4 girls / 10. Night lights to 11/27/1990 #39912
search for the uranium-235 of the fissile core of a secondary, a small obj 1/21/1968 #23684
für Chemie The process of nuclear fission is discovered by chemist Otto Ha 12/17/1938 #1301 olm, Sweden The process of nuclear fission is explained theoretically in St 1/13/1939 #1304 who compares it to the biological fission of living cells. 1/13/1939 #1304 ty team conducts the first nuclear fission experiment in the US in the base 1/25/1939 #1305 released. The results confirm that fission is occurring and hints strongly 1/25/1939 #1305 ope uranium-235 that is undergoing fission. 1/25/1939 #1305 announce the discovery of nuclear fission. 1/26/1939 #1306 blishment of research into nuclear fission by the US government, and ultima 8/2/1939 #1313 f Danish physicist Niels Bohr that fission is more readily produced in the 3/1940 #1325 ays discovers that the spontaneous fission rate is too high for use in a gu 4/5/1944 #1589 is too high for use in a gun-type fission weapon (because of pu-240 isotop 4/5/1944 #1589 la Gay 8:15 a.m. An atomic bomb (a fission weapon containing 64 kilograms o 8/6/1945 #1915 lly from close exposure to nuclear fission. 8/21/1945 #1925 US government releases radioactive fission products at the Hanford Site plu 12/2/1949 #4431 sion energy and neutron- initiated fission. Scholars dispute the authentici 8/12/1953 #9065 ound nuclear test, meaning that no fission products are vented into the atm 9/19/1957 #14014 ergoes bombardment and spontaneous fission, producing antimatter particles 3/1989 #38855 atically shut down their sustained fission reactions by inserting control r 3/11/2011 #45318 ng conditions, by closing down the fission reaction in a controlled manner. 3/11/2011 #45318
nt, with only 1.7% of its material fissioning, but it is enough to oblitera 8/6/1945 #1915
ith microscopic cracks and shows a fissure running through two-thirds of it Early 9/1957 #13971 team got into the craft through a fissure in the shell; it was transported 1977 #31658
makes a clenching motion with his fist on the garage keys that he holds in 10/19/1954 #11243 motion he made when clenching his fist on the garage keys seemed to free h 10/20/1954 #11274 e made a clenching motion with his fist on the garage keys that he held in 10/20/1954 #11283 a plate up next to the moon with a fist (probably John’s) and blurring it w 8/8/1965 #19341 ea in the windshield the size of a fist. She can’t account for about 15 min 7/17/1967 #22682 a cracked area the size of a man's fist in the windshield. In September she 7/17/1967 #22686 metallic glob about the size of a fist nearby. They have the material anal 10/30/1969 #25439 craft, described as "the size of a fist at arms length." It executed a sudd 10/26/1999 #43865 e, yellow, white and pale blue. At fist they thought it was an arriving air 7/28/2002 #44367
n A journalist finds three dubious fist-size fragments, one of iron and the 7/9/1946 #2034
d from a peculiar circular pile of fist-sized stones. The heel marks seem d 10/22/1967 #23290
inst the car, pounding their hairy fists against the windows in frustrated 4/10/1954 #9681
heavy fur coats and fur caps that fit tightly over the heads. Lethbridge p 5/18/1909 #758 thumbs.” That description seems to fit the body shown in two photographs th 7/7/1948 #3699 ere are 10 incidents that strongly fit the pattern and 20 others that might 2/16/1949 #4010 0% of all the sightings definitely fit the category of unnatural phenomena. 3/18/1953 #8760 ient information, most cases “will fit to some extent one of the hypotheses 2/15/1955 #12004 ct. (Project 1947 reports, Aldrich fit Greenwood; cited in Weinstein, 1999, 4/20/1966 #20348 now because the data that does not fit satellite or ballistic trajectories 3/28/1967 #22005 altitude of 1,200 feet would have fit inside this ring. It was observed fo 8/5/1967 #22813 and timing and size and shape all fit. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 6/18/1969 #25222 t on a uniform, which stretched to fit him perfectly. A gigantic craft came 11/18/1973 #28443 After the incident she went into a fit of hysterics. 12/12/1973 #28559 nesses. The whole object could not fit into a single frame. Its apparent si 1/30/1981 #35808 o small that two adults can hardly fit inside. Investigators who collect “r Early 8/1987 #38225 ut many of the descriptions do not fit such explanations. At 5:25 p.m. a tr 11/5/1990 #39871 then vanish. Khoury has a coughing fit and goes to the bathroom where he di 7/23/1992 #40530 throat and he went into a coughing fit. The two women suddenly simply disap 7/23/1992 #40531 cannot just take a human being and fit him with all this array of sensors; 3/27/2017 #45466
ree in an empty field near the Can Fita farm in Can Cifre, Ibiza, Spain whe 7/11/1978 #33367
La. FBI agent E. G. Fitch forwards Schulgen’s request to Ass 7/10/1947 #3102 A memo from FBI agent E. G. Fitch says that Special Agent Reynolds h 7/29/1947 #3253 An FBI memo from E. G. Fitch to D. Milton Ladd identifies eithe 8/6/1947 #3300 FBI memo to D. M. Ladd from E. G. Fitch on “Flying Discs” mentions SAC Rey 8/19/1947 #3351 h tells Ohio UFO researchers C. W. Fitch and George Popovitch: “We are spec 6/12/1960 #16312
ley, Ohio, for 20 minutes. Charles Fite and Bill Adams in Aberdeen, Ohio, s 10/16/1996 #43073
e first two and all four vanished. Fiteen minutes later Mrs. Paquet's dog b 10/18/1954 #11215
ight they kept waking up and had a fitful night; the husband reported that 8/30/2009 #45240
s is a matter of a simple hoax. It fits into the historical timeline well a 7/1/1947 #2501 to date is that no one explanation fits all sightings, and about 20% of all 3/18/1953 #8760 stribute its largest study to date fits with that strategy. See 5 May 1955 7/5/1956 #12953 om the center. … Above description fits with what seven other flights saw…. 3/9/1957 #13540 r the incident, the child suffered fits of weeping and cold chills. 8/4/1968 #24297 th going quickly southeast slowly. Fits and starts going up and down. 3-4km 8/1970 #25764 scation of cold fusion experiments fits a broader trend that advanced energ 5/17/1999 #43770
pped with a wide-angle-lens camera fitted with a spectrographic grating. 5/19/1949 #4196 Bragg. They look like two saucers fitted together and are about 100 feet i 10/15/1950 #5236 -colored clothing with shiny balls fitted to the shoes, jump out. Ramos thi 1/12/1953 #8535 ect and its maneuvers could not be fitted to the pattern of any known objec 10/25/1955 #12519 heer speculation” or “deliberately fitted.” He also presents him Gen. Joe W Mid 7/1957 #13799 t, interlocking web of intricately fitted evidence.” 7/17/1957 #13808 from no visible source. Here they fitted on him a helmet like their own, t 5/4/1969 #25115 of wood, rope, and a baseball cap fitted with a loop of wire to help them 9/9/1991 #40182 on areas in 2008. Claims two F-16s fitted with Li-Baker high frequency grav 2008 #45108 g a battery-powered electric drone fitted with a mannequin. Jet packs would 10/14/2020 #45662
a 12:30 p.m. David A. K. Morris, a fitter with Service Unit 10 of the Royal 6/1944 #1601
londe hair and dressed in a tight- fitting overall, turns in his direction. 7/18/1943 #1518 ncidents occur at scattered times, fitting a periodic 1.5-hour time schedul 10/14/1949 #4395 earby stood a man dressed in tight fitting clothes and wearing a helmet who 4/24/1950 #4890 t nose, hands and feet. Wore tight fitting, dark colored suites. One Alien 1953? #8470 n skin, no hair, and wearing tight fitting dark suits; one humanoid appeare 1953 #8482 ption: Large helmeted heads, tight fitting suits, legs stiff when they walk Summer 1953 #8945 portioned heads, no helmets. Tight fitting dark blue suite. Faces, under ‘c 4/12/1954 #9683 et tall with large heads, in tight fitting dark blue uniforms, no helmets. 4/12/1954 #9685 d hands of humans. They wore tight fitting clothes, and had small mouthes a 7/15/1954 #10020 ylinders on their shoulders, tight fitting skullcaps with pointed peaks in 9/30/1954 #10519 airy dwarf wearing an orange tight fitting jacket climb aboard the craft, w 10/5/1954 #10740 g. They wore a sort of gray, tight fitting, one-piece coverall that covered 11/1/1954 #11520 ssed in white clothes with tightly fitting skullcaps, and collect samples o 11/4/1954 #11564 e, saw three short beings in tight fitting, luminous coveralls examining th 11/13/1954 #11642 t of overalls, and wearing a close fitting hat or helmet. As the Saucer pow 2/23/1955 #12013 He was tall and fair, wore a tight fitting plastic garment, and seemed to c 1/7/1958 #14813 ood over six-feet tall, wore tight fitting trousers and heavy boots, and ha 6/26/1959 #15792 f him. They are dressed in “tight- fitting silver-gray one-piece suits” tha 10/23/1963 #18004 around. The humanoid wore a tight fitting bluish-black tunic, a purple cap 2/29/1964 #18141 by a young man dressed in a tight fitting, bluish white two piece uniform, 1/30/1965 #18785 o the two investigators (a turbine fitting, metal parts, a broken bulb and 4/24/1965 #18916 ng, metal parts, a broken bulb and fitting, a phial containing silver sand, 4/24/1965 #18916 ax-like complexions and wore tight fitting one piece-outfits. They spoke an 9/10/1965 #19551 shaped eyes and were wearing tight fitting, silverly gray uniforms. Her dau 4/22/1966 #20377 d very large ears. He wore a tight fitting red coverall like garment with s 5/15/1967 #22348 ut three feet tall, who wore tight fitting brown uniforms. A circular depre 8/15/1967 #22883 saw no nose. He was wearing tight fitting coveralls and carried a pack on 11/2/1967 #23392 , possibly wearing flexible, tight fitting metallic clothing. At her appear 1/3/1968 #23647 hair, and they wore luminous close fitting garments. Holding hands, they be 6/27/1968 #24087 igure wore a shiny metallic, tight fitting uniform. At the same time the ob 8/8/1968 #24310 olored, shiny clothes, and a tight fitting hood, and holding an engraved gl 8/26/1968 #24381 and teeth. The being wore a tight fitting dull black outfit and had very l 8/31/1968 #24410 e a shiny dark blue or black loose fitting one-piece suit that was tucked i 12/18/1968 #24779 ngs were well built and wore tight fitting grayish green coveralls. One bei 4/5/1969 #25051 meters in height, clad in a tight fitting shiny green suit and helmet. The 4/15/1970 #25633 ht-fitting uniform. It had a close fitting hood of the same color with shin 8/16/1970 #25791 by in single file. All wore tight fitting, light blue sports shirts and da 5/8/1971 #26103 four inches tall, and wore a tight fitting metallic looking coverall that h 3/25/1972 #26623 ece luminescent bluish-green tight fitting coverall with a broad silvery be 9/27/1972 #27035 r feet tall, clad in a dark, close fitting uniform with a "plated" surface, 2/26/1973 #27318 ether the silvery body was a close fitting garment or the actual skin color 5/12/1973 #27481 , "like a person draped in a close fitting sheet." It was seen only briefly 10/16/1973 #28091 ; they may have been wearing tight fitting one-piece suits. They were blond 10/29/1973 #28319 d hair. Some of the men wore tight fitting silvery outfits with orange boot 11/3/1973 #28362 oking, 6 feet tall, and wore tight fitting coverall type garments with a me 3/21/1974 #28920 d in front. The being wore a tight fitting, silvery outfit with a belt, glo 8/1/1974 #29298 ng wearing silvery boots and tight fitting clothing of a dull silver color, 10/26/1975 #30475 re clad in dark but luminous tight fitting clothing resembling rubber or pl 1/29/1976 #30832 human like figures. They had tight fitting hoods on their heads. The UFO fl 2/5/1976 #30846 human like figures. They had tight fitting hoods on their heads. The UFO fl 2/5/1976 #30848 lack diving helmets and red tight- fitting coveralls, and are moving levers 6/22/1976 #31128 like a police officer's but closer fitting, and were holding tubes about a 8/6/1976 #31241 spacesuit, and appeared in a close fitting, light green one-piece suit; the 8/23/1976 #31294 ters tall, wearing a silvery tight fitting coverall and a helmet. Where the 8/30/1977 #32441 rs away from them. It wore a loose fitting silvery outfit that was shiny in 1/6/1978 #32856 The suits were sufficiently tight fitting for their muscles to show. They 2/5/1978 #32957 ing. The being was wearing a tight fitting silvery outfit with a round helm 2/17/1978 #32974 manoids who wore shiny white tight fitting suits. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 5/10/1978 #33194 manoids who wore shiny white tight fitting suits. Their heads were enclosed 5/10/1978 #33199 about 5 feet tall wearing tightly fitting black “diver suits.” The men hav 5/17/1978 #33224 ngs. They were clad in dark, tight fitting coveralls that started below the 11/24/1978 #33997 ous helmets and wearing dark loose fitting uniforms. The little men moved a 11/29/1978 #34026 in, dark hair, and wearing a tight fitting silvery suit and boots was seen 12/11/1978 #34091 in, dark hair, and wearing a tight fitting silvery suit and boots was seen 12/11/1978 #34094 earby, and three men wearing tight fitting silvery outfits and large helmet 1/24/1979 #34375 earby, and three men wearing tight fitting, silvery outfits and large helme 1/24/1979 #34377 ne stalled. It was wearing a tight fitting outfit with a transparent helmet 8/15/1979 #34744 man-like, wearing dark blue, loose fitting coveralls. Their eyes were fluor 10/4/1979 #34941 oval-shaped head who wore a loose fitting windbreaker. At the same time a 12/2/1979 #35040 -like eyes. It was wearing a tight fitting, beige jumpsuit. The being stood 8/8/1980 #35448 eing, described as wearing a tight fitting, yellow coverall outfit that cov 9/25/1980 #35535 tures. They wore helmets and tight fitting, dark blue outfits. During the i 2/18/1981 #35832 d up into the air. It wore a loose fitting silvery outfit, its arms were ve 10/8/1981 #36165 ded up into the air. He wore losse fitting, silvery coveralls. His arms app 11/8/1981 #36211 hort humanoids wearing black tight fitting uniforms emerged from the object 3/21/1986 #37804 st. The beings wore silvery, tight fitting overalls with a wide belt having 5/29/1986 #37898 ide shoulders, and they wore tight fitting clothing with boots and gloves. 3/5/1992 #40359 elt that supported a pair of loose fitting trousers. It was too dark to see 1/19/1993 #40802 arms. They wore helmets and tight fitting silvery uniforms. The two humano 6/21/1996 #42936 feet tall. They were wearing tight fitting, one-piece silvery outfits. Thei 7/16/1996 #42959 y was declared dead years earlier, fitting a pattern of black budget progra 8/30/1996 #43000 resembling humans. They wore loose fitting gray outfits with several golden 12/9/1996 #43133 their bald heads. They wore tight fitting, two piece gray colored outfits 6/5/1997 #43311 ere barefoot and wore white, loose fitting outfits. She also saw human adul 8/2/2001 #44220 tures. Their suits were very tight fitting, and made of an apparent synthet 3/26/2002 #44326 e was dressed in a long gray loose fitting garment that completely covered 8/2/2004 #44725
sts his only inventions are dental fittings. A prominent citizen of Oakland 11/22/1896 #347 urret, manipulating or fixing some fittings there, while the other two were 10/1/1967 #23160 his except their smaller size. The fittings and furniture were all of "spun 4/4/1977 #31943 ed in one piece, with no rivets or fittings. At this point he became aware 2/5/1978 #32957
Urban Development Catherine Austin Fitts, and several media and financial i 12/3/1999 #43892 subject of life outside of Earth. Fitts later said the Undersecretary of t 12/3/1999 #43892 t aliens exist and live among us.” Fitts claims her time at HUD and after, 12/3/1999 #43892 nds were connected to FHA and HUD. Fitts believed some of the illegal fundi 12/3/1999 #43892 n Institute at the time and is who Fitts claims told her she could see alie 12/3/1999 #43892 Chairman of the TAI board, denied Fitts’ allegations and Joe Firmage, anot 12/3/1999 #43892 a Note: In 2017, Catherine Austin Fitts published a paper with a Michigan 12/3/1999 #43892 dit in its history. Years earlier, Fitts believed some of the unauthorized 12/3/1999 #43892 Urban Development Catherine Austin Fitts writes in a paper that a “large pr 6/2004 #44706 ng DOD/HUD funds were siphoned to. Fitts also claims that complaints about 6/2004 #44706 systems that failed a GAO audit. Fitts also claims AMS violated fiduciary 6/2004 #44706 ounting and financial controls and Fitts claims while she was at HUD, AMS’s 6/2004 #44706 Urban Development Catherine Austin Fitts publishes a paper with a Michigan 12/11/2017 #45492 independent audit in its history. Fitts believes some of the unauthorized 12/11/2017 #45492
FITTSTOWN, OK 15M saucer stops near men 9/22/1967 #23109 Allen Fittstown Oklahoma Highway 8:00 p.m. Sim 9/22/1967 #23114 ck with jumper cables in Allen [or Fittstown], Oklahoma, when they see a di 9/22/1967 #23114
m Caskey Swaim as Staff Sgt. Harry Fitz. Former USAF Col. William T. Colema 2/19/1978 #32982
ight moving to the northeast. John Fitzgerald sees a V-shaped object with a 4/12/1897 #447 Fitzgerald and Gamey see little men in d 8/19/1949 #4323 , California Two prospectors, Buck Fitzgerald and Mase Garney, report that 8/19/1949 #4328 n C. Bourland and executives E. J. Fitzgerald and S. N. Miller) also see th 4/27/1950 #4910 ke, Ohio 3:00 a.m. Mrs. William H. Fitzgerald of Sheffield Lake, Ohio, sees 9/21/1958 #15276 l students, James Murphy and Kevin Fitzgerald, in East Hartford, Connecticu 7/20/1965 #19154 point, Bush and his aide Jennifer Fitzgerald take Carter and Vice Presiden 11/19/1976 #31557
t. Neil Schneider and Deputy David Fitzpatrick see top-shaped objects makin 3/17/1966 #19983 aw County sheriff’s deputies David Fitzpatrick and Stanley McFadden arrive 3/20/1966 #20012 A photograph taken by Deputy David Fitzpatrick on March 17 is obviously a t 3/23/1966 #20053
FITZROY, AUSTRALIA 8+observer(s). ~30 tr 7/2/1956 #12945
ontrolman William Akers, Davidson, Fitzsimmons, Moorman) see a white, round 4/24/1949 #4104
OFF FIUMICINO, ITL Numerous observer(s) / la 9/15/1978 #33682 FIUMICINO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ITL Air For 11/12/1978 #33948 FIUMICINO, ITL Several / shore. Dark obj 9/15/1979 #34886
rags; some near an inch broad, and five or six long, which fell with a degr 9/21/1741 #63 rsing the disc of the Sun in about five hours. 2/12/1820 #111 ree turns and other maneuvers, for five minutes. 9/7/1820 #113 m., at Ainab, Lebanon, two objects five times as large as the moon, joined 6/18/1845 #141 , Pennsylvania 12:00 noon. Four or five witnesses watch a luminous object l 8/7/1869 #179 hovered and floated in the sky for five minutes and then vanished. 7/6/1874 #205 ia side of the Delaware River some five miles northwest of Port Jervis, New 2/16/1885 #263 the southeast. The sighting lasted five minutes. 11/12/1885 #272 nia and landed nearby at 9:00 p.m. Five men went out to investigate, and fo 12/7/1896 #376 swer any further questions, so the five men left. The craft was seen flying 12/7/1896 #376 e point it remained stationary for five minutes at the edge of a low cloud, 4/1/1897 #409 north. It seemed ready to land and five men drove toward it. About 7 km nor 4/15/1897 #478 north. It seemed ready to land and five men (F. G. Ellis, James Evans, Davi 4/15/1897 #483 a farm near Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Five witnesses see an odd-looking man in 4/15/1897 #488 north. It seemed ready to land and five men--F. G. Ellis, James Evans, Davi 4/15/1897 #496 r Linn Grove, Iowa, heading north. Five men—James Evans, F. G. Ellis, Ben B 4/16/1897 #507 of the ship and says it is one of five built in a small Iowa town. Rabbi A 4/19/1897 #539 city.” One aeronaut tells him that five airships have been built in an Iowa 4/22/1897 #560 e and saw a flying object circling five meters above the ground. It was elo 4/22/1897 #561 t down toward a hill to the south, five kilometers from Aquila, Texas. When 4/26/1897 #579 ld. LaGrone walks up and discovers five men, two of whom take rubber bags a 4/28/1897? #582 three tell him that this is one of five airships touring the country (and t 4/28/1897? #582 Hot Springs, Arkansas five miles west of Hot Springs, Arkansas 5/6/1897 #593 ille, Tennessee During a rainstorm five miles west of Hot Springs, Arkansas 5/6/1897 #593 ard the northwest. It was seen for five minutes in Antsiferova, Russia. 9/17/1897 #610 hat a cigar-shaped object directed five beams of light at a ship's bridge o 5/14/1909 #744 At 1:00 a.m. five people driving in the mountains fro 5/16/1909 #751 ated windows. Near it were four or five dwarfs 1.20 m tall, clad in light c 6/1914 #899 ated windows. Near it were four or five dwarfs 1.20 m tall, clad in light c 6/1914 #900 itude near Bigfork, Montana around five o'clock in the late afternoon. It h 2/9/1915 #924 ped objects in Westmont, Illinois. Five smaller discs are trailing in a str 8/1926 #1060 . Within 6 m of the object four or five dwarfish figures were running back 6/12/1929 #1096 . Within 6 m of the object four or five dwarfish figures were running back 6/12/1929 #1097 ers high, and he witnessed four or five dwarfish figures running back and f 6/12/1929 #1099 Robsart, CAN Five persons among them Einar Rostivold, 7/1929 #1101 Robsart, Canada Five persons among them Einar Rostivold, 7/1929 #1102 Bondy, Seine-St-Denis, France for five minutes, rose higher in the air, th 1/21/1933 #1154 ems to be a Romany wagon. They see five figures—one next to the object, two 5/1935 #1229 00 midnight. Louie R. Lindblad and five companions from Texarkana, Arkansas Fall 1936 #1249 th the Center for UFO Studies) saw five disc-shaped objects traveling at ab Spring 1940 #1327 , Illinois, William T. Powers sees five disc-shaped objects in the northern Spring 1940 #1328 re damaged by shell fragments, and five civilians die as an indirect result 2/24/1942 #1388 II, widespread panic resulted, and five people were killed by the anti-airc 2/25/1942 #1391 y and is flying on a level course. Five minutes later, as the Lancaster app 11/28/1942 #1464 alerted to their stations. Shortly five saucers (such as those pictured by 1943 #1474 r. As many as 6 others appear, and five are visible at one time, each begin 4/1944 #1588 copilot notice a sphere “probably five or six feet in diameter, of a very 8/11/1944 #1640 aring to hover in air for at least five minutes. (Page 76 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 8/13/1944 #1643 then is followed by another, then five others in succession. 9/1944 #1663 robe. Fifteen feet to its left are five other figures dressed in luminous b 10/1944 #1673 from the objects. On this evening five orange spheres flying in a triangul 5/3/1945 #1863 regnant woman, Elsie Mitchell, and five children are killed when they disco 5/5/1945 #1864 ty Noon. Pilot Rolan D. Powell and five other F6F Hellcat pilots at Naval A Mid 7/1945 #1896 At five o'clock in the morning two women in 8/28/1945 #1932 a A training flight (Flight 19) of five TBM Avenger torpedo bombers disappe 12/5/1945 #1950 oid blaming Taylor for the loss of five aircraft and 14 men. One of the sea 12/5/1945 #1950 riangle. Flight 19, a formation of five TBM avengers became disoriented whi 12/5/1945 #1951 d a cylindrical object was sighted five minutes later in the sky over south 8/11/1946 #2118 , Illinois a V-shaped formation of five silver disks, with one trailing beh 9/11/1946 #2178 ck, South Australia, when they see five gray, oblong objects rise apparentl 2/6/1947 #2238 rt Augusta, South Australia, watch five white or light-pink egg-shaped obje 2/6/1947 #2238 d lands 6 miles east of Alamogordo five and a half minutes after launch. Co 5/15/1947 #2284 ng Plant. They had it in sight for five minutes before it was obscured by t 6/2/1947 #2311 storm. It stayed on the ground for five minutes, ascended quickly and shot 6/13/1947 #2327 sees six doughnut-shaped objects. Five of them are circling the sixth, whi 6/21/1947 #2356 ascade Mountains of Oregon sighted five or six discs flying silently overhe 6/24/1947 #2401 th. Their sighting lasted at least five minutes, and was investigated by th 6/28/1947 #2451 hway patrol Sgt. Claude Cross—view five large discs moving at high speed to 7/4/1947 #2658 gton, when they see a formation of five discs over Emmett, Idaho, silhouett 7/4/1947 #2667 . Harris and his passenger sighted five circular objects flying below his a 7/4/1947 #2673 adquarters in Portland, Oregon saw five flying discs, two going south, thre 7/4/1947 #2675 Albuquerque, NM 9:00 AM. Five discs flew toward the east over the 7/5/1947 #2717 ck over the city. In the afternoon five witnesses saw a sphere maneuver in- 7/5/1947 #2717 off while others secure the area. Five bodies are allegedly found on the s 7/5/1947 #2721 Albuquerque, New Mexico - Five discs flew toward the east over the 7/5/1947 #2728 ck over the city. In the afternoon five witnesses saw a sphere maneuver in- 7/5/1947 #2728 At five o'clock in the morning, Mr. McLean 7/6/1947 #2816 on, radar technician saw an object five miles south of Medford, flying east 7/7/1947 #2835 Lakeland, FL Five "Turtle-Backed" Objects Headed NE ( 7/7/1947 #2922 ence. It is decided to investigate five flying disc incidents with “qualifi 7/7/1947 #2935 us, Ohio Olentangy River 7:45 p.m. Five students on a practice baseball fie 7/7/1947 #2938 Duran, reported the he had sighted five disc-shaped objects over Mexicali, 7/7/1947 #2943 ogers Dry Lake 9:30 a.m.–9:20 p.m. Five separate UFO sightings take place a 7/8/1947 #3014 in Honolulu, Hawaii. At 9:47 p.m. five teenagers camping out at a golf cou 7/8/1947 #3028 in Kincardine, Ontario, Canada saw five disc-shaped objects criss-cross the 7/9/1947 #3071 At 9:30 p.m. four or five bright white, one-meter wide discs 7/13/1947 #3172 arrive in the late afternoon. The five men talk until 11:00 p.m., when Cri 7/31/1947 #3264 own out that caused suffocation of five occupants. The bodies had turned bl 1948 #3527 horizontal flight. Zaikowski says five other adult witnesses and a number 1/6/1948 #3533 izontal flight. Mrs Zaikowski said five other adult witnesses and a number 1/6/1948 #3534 accelerating rapidly to vanish in five seconds. There was no trail. Estima 4/1/1948 #3604 ches a brilliant spherical UFO for five minutes while sitting in Johnson Pa 7/4/1948 #3698 a fishing trip with their families five miles south of San Acacia Diversion 7/17/1948 #3714 an people or the American economy. Five primary sites are considered: Dugwa Late 1948 #3842 nd his radar picked up the targets five miles ahead of the plane. Only one 10/15/1948 #3843 [now closed] near Munich, Germany Five US Air Force pilots observe a silve 10/29/1948 #3855 . Period of visibility from one to five seconds.” 4/19/1949 #4094 t was tracked with a theodolite by five government contractors from General 4/24/1949 #4105 rizona at an estimated altitude of five miles. It rolled and soared off tow 4/28/1949 #4131 a gray trail. The sighting lasted five minutes. 5/6/1949 #4163 Idaho spotted first one disc, then five more silver discs flying in a V for 5/13/1949 #4186 l is awake and refuses a sedative. Five minutes later, the Navy corpsman gu 5/22/1949 #4203 er, Oregon Elephant Rock 5:00 p.m. Five witnesses (NACA Ames Research Lab e 5/24/1949 #4207 ff, California, to Burns, Oregon. Five to eight oval objects, twice as lon 5/27/1949 #4213 he event was witnessed by at least five U.S. Navy rocket scientists and eng 6/10/1949 #4233 te upwards leaving the V-2 behind. Five other missile observation crews als 6/14/1949 #4240 Mesa, AZ Five objects observed by two witnesses. 6/24/1949 #4251 On this afternoon five luminous disc-shaped objects flew i 8/8/1949 #4314 Key Atomic Base, NM Five Objects Cross Radarscope At Key Ato Fall 1949 #4364 A legitimate radar contact tracks five apparently metallic objects at a gr Fall 1949 #4366 ebraska 6:30 p.m. Lester Wolfe and five others 5 miles southeast of Lexingt 9/26/1949 #4372 left trails of sparks. There were five witnesses, and the report was made 9/26/1949 #4374 Mexico 1:30 and 3:00 a.m. At least five observers at Sandia Base, New Mexic 9/27/1949 #4375 ht picks up two distinct groups of five triangular objects that seem to eme 10/23/1949 #4401 in a searchlight beam; it emitted five triangular or delta-shaped objects. 10/23/1949 #4402 ute, an air freighter is paced for five minutes by a UFO. When the pilots t 1/1950 #4469 ir vision for approximately twenty five (25) seconds and that the appearanc 1/10/1950 #4480 in diameter, maneuvered in the sky five miles away from a C-45 transport pl 1/24/1950 #4510 vering, a fireball drops from one. Five minutes later they both climb at hi 2/2/1950 #4526 nt reportedly occurred in a forest five miles north of Salzburg at around 1 2/15/1950 #4538 on post at Datil, New Mexico, take five photos (using a Cineflex camera wit 2/24/1950 #4554 ver Chihuahua Airport in Mexico at five kilometers altitude during the day, 3/1/1950 #4571 ibed as an "artificial device." At five o'clock in the morning the crew of 3/8/1950 #4594 UFO maneuver erratically for about five minutes. 3/14/1950 #4638 etallic appearing disc was sighted five miles northeast of Bradford, Illino 3/18/1950 #4679 ing trails of smoke. At 11:15 a.m. five disc-shaped UFOs were seen, first t 3/26/1950 #4732 y toward the west. One stopped for five minutes, and then shot up verticall 3/30/1950 #4770 tude. It was a gray metallic disc, five meters in diameter and 15-feet thic 4/8/1950 #4831 At around 8:00 p.m. police and five other independent witnesses in Sava 4/30/1950 #4917 at the Amarillo, Texas airport for five minutes. Its touchdown set the gras 5/17/1950 #4950 Hamilton AFB, CA Disc Makes Five Passes At Control Tower (NICAP: 01 6/21/1950 #4995 es a roar like thunder as it makes five passes over the base. They observe 6/21/1950 #4998 target followed them for the next five minutes. It passed the B-29 and spe 8/25/1950 #5139 ust 15-20-feet above the water for five minutes. 8/30/1950 #5151 Airfield, Hampshire, England, with five other officers, one of whom is Wing 9/5/1950 #5169 at flying saucers are real. It has five members, representing UK intelligen 10/1950 #5206 imp with three portholes hover for five seconds over Bonlee, North Carolina 10/23/1950 #5253 Five witnesses including an engineer wat 8/15/1951 #5610 hts over Lubbock, Texas, and takes five photos. He gets the roll of film de 8/30/1951 #5638 [now Terre Haute Regional Airport] five miles east of Terre Haute, Indiana 10/9/1951 #5715 now Terre Haute Regional Airport], five miles east of Terre Haute, Indiana. 10/9/1951 #5715 e sighting of the first object was five minutes, and the second sighting la 10/11/1951 #5726 feet below his flight level about five miles southeast of Hastings, Minnes 12/12/1951 #5817 in San Mateo, California, observe five smaller objects merging with a much 1952 #5841 of the ejection craft in 1947 with five bodies, and the ejection craft were 1952 #5845 rgia North Carolina South Carolina Five trials are conducted through April 3/26/1952 #5980 eport that at 8:15 p.m. he watched five lights in the evening sky over Shar 4/6/1952 #6040 losed] in Limestone, Maine, tracks five unknown targets headed southwest in 4/17/1952 #6106 andt, DRB chairman, meets at least five times. It is chaired by astrophysic 4/22/1952 #6155 plus one Lt. Colonel 4 miles away. Five flat-white discs about the diameter 5/1/1952 #6240 ort] near Victorville, California, five independent witnesses in the base c 5/1/1952 #6244 base control tower see a group of five white discs moving in formation for 5/1/1952 #6244 nardino County, California watched five flat, white discs make a sudden 90 5/1/1952 #6247 the company of João Martins, takes five photographs of a UFO over Barra da 5/7/1952 #6270 Five very clear photographs were taken o 5/7/1952 #6271 F investigations over the previous five years. Finletter asks questions abo 5/8/1952 #6276 , disc-shaped objects were seen on five occasions between 10:45 and shortly 5/10/1952 #6295 eriff's Office received reports of five "flying saucers" as large as B-36's 5/13/1952 #6319 xico, from eight ground points and five aircraft. Lincoln LaPaz pinpoints t 5/28/1952 #6377 mission at 8:10 p.m., the crews of five USAF B-29 bombers see green spheric 5/28/1952 #6378 Beatty and two civilians. At least five long silver objects flew in a neat 6/1/1952 #6413 ity, South Dakota watched at least five long silver objects flew in a neat 6/1/1952 #6422 ey in Marin County, California for five minutes. 6/12/1952 #6488 ntenance specialist S/Sgt. Sparks. Five or six greyish discs, in a half-moo 6/16/1952 #6517 A Staff Sergeant saw five gray discs in a arc formation shoot 6/16/1952 #6518 es: many and varied. From one to five large silver-yellow objects flew er 6/17/1952 #6524 They flew one behind the other for five seconds, then vanished from view. 6/23/1952 #6614 an Arthur Myers Hamilton is flying five miles south-southeast of Norman, Ok 7/5/1952 #6717 Belleville, IL Five Radar Tracks In 50 Minutes (NICAP: 7/12/1952 #6781 in the edgewise position, the last five slid over and past the leader so th 7/14/1952 #6817 radio engineer E. W. Chambers sees five huge discs circling in a loose form 7/19/1952 #6935 rn. He had the object in sight for five minutes. 7/19/1952 #6938 ifornia. One object ascended while five followed it in spirals. One object 7/19/1952 #6939 05 a.m. at Andrews AFB in Maryland five witnesses visually observed three r 7/20/1952 #6955 object was 20 m in diameter, with five propellers in the rear and a dome w 7/24/1952 #7113 ct was 20 meters in diameter, with five propellers in the rear and a dome w 7/25/1952 #7139 e likely cause of the radar blips. Five minutes later an F-94 pilot made vs 7/27/1952 #7215 direction of Seattle, Wash. Two to five flat disc-shaped objects: one hove 7/29/1952 #7318 insufficient information." All but five come from the United States. 7/29/1952 #7332 osition. Twelve of them saw two to five flat disc-shaped objects fly over. 7/29/1952 #7335 t Co. plant. Their sighting lasted five minute sighting. 7/29/1952 #7338 overed together and maneuvered for five minutes over Lancaster, California. 8/1/1952 #7412 Lubbock, TX Five civilian men observed a metallic lo 8/2/1952 #7421 , then flew straight and level for five minutes. 8/4/1952 #7451 stronomical Society and finds that five (11%) have seen a UFO, seven are in 8/6/1952 #7489 ped object that flew very fast for five minutes, and hovered for two second 8/9/1952 #7526 larger object. The sighting lasted five minutes. 8/14/1952 #7596 ng changes of direction as many as five times a minute. Some course changes 9/1/1952 #7817 ner, in a slightly curved path for five seconds. 9/9/1952 #7888 at them by Air Force interceptors. Five other objects are observed in North 9/12/1952 #7905 d, ME RV: Navy Patrol Plane Crew / Five UFOs Picked Up On Radar (NICAP: 09 9/16/1952 #7958 isually and via radar. A group of five lights was seen at the same time a 9/16/1952 #7961 ark elongated cigar and a group of five unidentified lights and picked up a 9/16/1952 #7963 Five men in a RAF Meteor aircraft, inclu 9/19/1952 #7981 Witness: USAF T/Sgt. B.R. Hughes. Five or six circular objects, bright whi 9/29/1952 #8061 . USAF Sgt. B. R. Hughes witnessed five or six circular objects, bright whi 9/29/1952 #8065 Ashiya, Japan As Many As Five Targets Observed (McDonald list) (N 10/15/1952 #8134 rface forward and was in sight for five seconds. It moved much faster than 10/24/1952 #8182 Five military witnesses at Woomera Open 10/27/1952 #8201 At five o'clock a white cylinder surrounded 10/27/1952 #8205 en faded away. The sighting lasted five minutes. 11/4/1952 #8248 er Bureau observer Earl Oksendahl. Five oval-shaped objects, with lights al 11/13/1952 #8271 ather bureau witness, at 2.43 a.m. five glowing objects in formation made a 11/13/1952 #8272 some Air Force officers. It shows five glowing, oval-shaped objects. 11/16/1952 #8289 isc hovering at 9:30 a.m. It had a five meter long cylinder rotating on the 11/16/1952 #8290 e was a cylindrical section, about five meters wide, made up of a rapidly r 11/18/1952 #8298 Maria, a Capuchin missionary, and five others are driving along the road t 11/22/1952 #8323 100 miles south of Louisiana track five unidentified blips on the bomber’s 12/6/1952 #8389 ets are 20 miles or more away. The five UFOs merge with a huge blip that ac 12/6/1952 #8389 At 5:25 a.m. five blue objects buzzed a B-29 flying a 12/6/1952 #8390 Itazuke AFB, Japan Five Plots on AN/MPS-5 (NICAP: 09 - RADA 12/18/1952 #8431 inslow, Arizona Lyman Streeter and five other witnesses observe a large, ci 12/21/1952 #8438 e microwave transmissions are only five microwatts per square centimeter, w 1/1953 #8486 etallic dome shaped UFO maneuvered five feet above a hayfield in Santana do 1/3/1953 #8500 Corona, CA Five 25 ft green spheres fly in V-format 1/28/1953 #8593 itness: USAF T/Sgt. George Beyer. Five 25' green spheres flew in V-formati 1/28/1953 #8598 a speed in excess of 1,000 mph. At five minutes before midnight an F-94 jet 1/29/1953 #8618 und the edges of the objects.After five minutes both objects were lost to s 2/4/1953 #8638 observed for a period of three to five minutes. The B-36 made a 180 degree 2/6/1953 #8644 and co-pilot. It then hovered for five minutes. 2/16/1953 #8680 At 10:04 p.m. five airmen of the US Air Force 754 AC&W 2/17/1953 #8685 ness: USAF airman/private pilot. Five yellow discs made circular turns, f 2/27/1953 #8713 F airman and private pilot spotted five yellow discs making circular turns 2/27/1953 #8715 aces. Six of the beings were about five feet tall. Two of the beings were o 3/22/1953 #8776 Lackland AFB, TX AN/FPS-3 Tracks Five Or More Targets (NICAP: 09 - RADAR 5/23/1953 #8905 ect eluded the pursuing F-94 after five minutes. 6/22/1953 #8957 Olsson of Project Blue Book sends five supposedly unsolved UFO cases of 19 7/1953 #8979 vering at estimated altitudes from five to eight thousand feet. Visually ob 7/26/1953 #9017 t 30 m in diameter was observed by five Polish and two German workers as it 7/31/1953 #9026 Wolin Island, Poland 7:00 p.m. Five Poles and two Germans see a disc-sh 7/31/1953 #9028 meters in diameter was observed by five Polish and two German workers as it 7/31/1953 #9029 on screen at various times around five p.m., hovering and maneuvering. Noc 8/6/1953 #9053 2. The crew follows the object for five minutes and noticed it exhibited an 12/18/1953 #9384 isual and spotted a circular craft five miles behind them. They tried to ou Winter 1953 #9385 . The duration of the sighting was five minutes. 12/26/1953 #9398 distances of 15–40 miles. At least five witnesses use binoculars. Hynek cal 1/1/1954 #9437 ts descend over Sumner, Washington five witnesses drove on this evening to 3/28/1954 #9648 intense roaring sound that lasted five seconds. It left a bright white tai 4/26/1954 #9727 though LaPaz digs down 25 feet for five days. Nearly 50 years later, Theron 5/1/1954 #9744 and the sighting reportedly lasted five minutes. 5/5/1954 #9754 At 1:10 a.m. five observers with binoculars north-nor 5/9/1954 #9766 a nearby tree. Inside the dome are five helmeted men staring at the witness Late Spring 1954 #9803 Five men and a woman on the doorstep of 5/30/1954 #9847 e felt drawn to it, and was met by five entities, who had the height, skin 7/15/1954 #10020 At 7:15 p.m. five metallic spheres or ovoid shaped ob 7/22/1954 #10037 Massachusetts Capt. Jan P. Bos and five officers of the Dutch ocean liner G 7/29/1954 #10063 w, then orange, then pink, four or five times while flying straight and lev 8/6/1954 #10104 -meter area, with two tracks about five meters long. 8/10/1954 #10119 way, then crossed in front of it. Five minute sighting. 8/15/1954 #10144 n front of it. The incident lasted five minutes. 8/15/1954 #10145 ned little man about the size of a five year old child crouching about 20 f 9/2/1954 #10233 t wide disc-shaped object hovering five feet above the ground. He jumped in 9/2/1954 #10233 100 feet, hovers, and speeds away. Five imprints on three wooden railroad t 9/10/1954 #10286 At 4:30 p.m. five women in Col du Beal, Puy-de-Dome, 9/19/1954 #10362 au saw a red glowing round object, five meters in diameter and 2.5 meters h 10/2/1954 #10621 d Mrs. Guillemoteau saw an object, five meters in diameter and 2.5 meters h 10/3/1954 #10672 , including nine close encounters. Five reports are from North Africa, one 10/5/1954 #10735 At 11:45 a.m. in Bordeaux, France, five people saw two bright metallic disc 10/5/1954 #10742 e side. It took off and flew about five meters over the head of the witness 10/7/1954 #10797 ked like "an oval sail" descend to five feet above the ground about 60 feet 10/8/1954 #10820 year-old children and crossed only five meters in front of them. Stopping i 10/9/1954 #10868 ocq, France At Donjon de Montlaur, five persons, among them J. Dubois, saw 10/13/1954 #10997 At 12:15 a.m. five kilometers north of Nimes, France M 10/14/1954 #11061 Italy. It stopped and hovered just five meters above the ground. It rose ag 10/17/1954 #11183 tist, Raffael Castelle, saw a disc five meters in diameter land on the prop 10/17/1954 #11184 trail behind, and the event lasted five minutes. 10/25/1954 #11397 the light source. They were about five feet tall. 10/25/1954 #11404 On this day a five meter long cigar-shaped object came 10/26/1954 #11420 ce except that they were less than five feet tall. They had dark brown skin 11/2/1954 #11539 bject floating toward him at about five mph. It had no lights and no markin 11/9/1954 #11611 At around five o'clock in the evening two young sh 11/23/1954 #11697 object remained on the ground for five minutes and took off in a vertical 11/27/1954 #11714 Also in 1954 at 12:45 p.m. five miles east of the city of Manila in 11/28/1954 #11725 about 70 feet in diameter, and had five evenly spaced yellow portholes. The 11/28/1954 #11725 this date in 1954. A photograph of five objects was taken in El Tigre. At 6 12/10/1954 #11798 he lights were arranged in an arc, five feet above the ground. Two tall bei 2/4/1955 #11974 speed, and were gone from sight in five seconds. This case was listed as an 5/4/1955 #12119 ighted a large domed disc hovering five feet above the courtyard outside hi 5/14/1955 #12132 Five rhomboid-shaped objects circled the 5/29/1955 #12167 s altitude, and crossed the sky in five minutes. It was definitely "not a p 6/5/1955 #12187 In Petare, Venezuela five ovoid objects descended on a hillsi 6/10/1955 #12194 r Abbeville, France Mr. Maupin and five other witnesses on the airfield wer 7/18/1955 #12269 r Abbeville, France Mr. Maupin and five other witnesses on the field were b 7/18/1955 #12270 ance Messrs. Coisin and Mahieu saw five brown, disk-shaped machines coming 8/5/1955 #12330 p.m. Messrs. Coisin and Mahieu saw five brown, disc-shaped craft come down 8/5/1955 #12332 p.m. Messrs. Coisin and Mahieu saw five brown, disc-shaped machines coming 8/5/1955 #12334 was silver white in color, four or five feet across, and at a distance of l 8/20/1955 #12380 cenario occurs on September 4 when five F-94C Starfire jets (as well as oth 9/2/1955 #12425 us in Dunoon, Scotland, UK sighted five shiny, metallic saucers that reflec 9/7/1955 #12435 saw the object again. It was about five meters long and surrounded by turbu 9/17/1955 #12460 ons Officer Capt. B.G. Denkler and five men of the USAF 663rd AC&W Sqdn. Tw 11/20/1955 #12578 water some 300 feet off the shore. Five county lifeguards row out to look f 2/9/1956 #12703 p, Louisiana at 4:00 p.m. at least five silver disc-shaped objects emitted 2/11/1956 #12710 Five silent cigar-shaped objects flew so 4/27/1956 #12815 ister, an amateur astronomer, sees five “orange blobs” flying in a U-shape 5/4/1956 #12832 h technician observed formation of five flat, circular UFOs. (UFOE, VI) (NI 8/1956 #13041 g near Newark, Ohio, when they see five bright lights in a rigid V- formati 8/1956 #13045 up to this point takes 25 minutes. Five minutes later, another solid target 8/13/1956 #13080 Carpenter observes a formation of five flat, circular, pinkish UFOs over B Mid 8/1956 #13089 per hour, and the sighting lasted five minutes. 9/22/1956 #13236 reestone said the UFO was "four to five times larger than any aircraft obse 11/8/1956 #13315 peared fairly large, being four to five times larger than any normal aircra 11/8/1956 #13315 . The duration of the sighting was five minutes. 1/10/1957 #13452 ion [now closed], Asmara, Eritrea, five enlisted men of the US Army’s 4th D 1/21/1957 #13468 gefield, Connecticut encountered a five meter long cigar-shaped object clos 2/9/1957 #13488 eption that by that time there are five red objects flying well below the g 3/22/1957 #13553 in the amount received in the last five years from the testing of atomic we 3/28/1957 #13566 d Luce Bay, Wigtownshire, Scotland Five unusual radar contacts are detected 4/4/1957 #13582 had sharply defined edges, and was five times the apparent size of the moon 4/7/1957 #13588 etic effects. The encounter lasted five minutes, and was followed by a poli 4/22/1957 #13613 ke being of average height, around five foot eight inches tall, was seen in 5/1/1957 #13639 e craft. Inside there were another five or six men dressed in something sim 5/1/1957 #13639 an named Stichler. It hovered only five meters above the ground, and then t 5/25/1957 #13678 At five o'clock in the afternoon a silver d 6/6/1957 #13710 a public relations event by having five Air Force officers and a videograph 7/19/1957 #13814 two teenage girls. During the next five minutes it first moved away and the 8/14/1957 #13895 small discs, estimated to be only five centimeters thick, dart and maneuve 8/15/1957 #13901 oidal UFO low over the shore, just five meters from the ground, and 100 met 8/28/1957 #13940 , Texas Route 116 [now 114] Pettit Five Mile Road Pettit, Texas 10:50 p.m. 11/2/1957 #14216 Pettit (near its intersection with Five Mile Road). They see a flash of lig 11/2/1957 #14216 Five kilometers west of Canadian, Texas 11/2/1957 #14220 1 a.m. speeding north to south for five seconds by Ensign Wayne Schotley, L 11/5/1957 #14342 ed dish" 15 meters in diameter and five meters high, with a cone on top abo 11/6/1957 #14441 along." The UFO was accompanied by five or six loud booms and three brillia 11/14/1957 #14552 ose from behind the trees, and all five flew toward the Atlantic. 11/18/1957 #14575 rom behind the trees, and then all five flew away toward the Atlantic Ocean 11/18/1957 #14577 2017, David Clarke discovers that five specimens from the Silpho disc have 11/21/1957 #14590 Index) Radar Contact On Visuals By Five Pilots (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Co 11/23/1957 #14599 and four of his staff members see five black, disc-shaped objects hovering 11/27/1957 #14632 men in Jackson, Mississippi. After five minutes there was a big flash on th 12/5/1957 #14674 lar object hover at 10:30 p.m. for five minutes, then shoot off to the nort 12/5/1957 #14674 maneuvered over the mountains for five minutes at 5:15 p.m. It had a red g 12/6/1957 #14679 he object hovered motionless, just five feet above the ground. It had no wi 12/16/1957 #14736 scillated and sparkled. For almost five minutes the glow and the sparking c 12/16/1957 #14736 te Poran, Brazil Mrs. Mendonca and five other persons saw a light in the so 12/21/1957 #14754 At 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Mendonca and five other persons in Ponta Poran, Brazi 12/21/1957 #14757 The estimated diameter of each was five meters. 12/21/1957 #14757 a single blip.The sighting lasted five minutes. 1/11/1958 #14820 home on a flat tire, followed for five kilometers by the object, which was 1/13/1958 #14825 arates into two groups of four and five objects. 4/9/1958 #14970 lit up into two groups of four and five. 4/9/1958 #14972 Information group in December with five other Danish military jet pilots. 4/25/1958 #15000 allic luster. It flew overhead for five minutes. 6/14/1958 #15098 A procession of four or five flying objects passed over Chautauq 8/11/1958 #15194 Switzerland in perfect weather at five o'clock in the afternoon when they 8/16/1958 #15204 degrees elevation. It hovered for five minutes, then flipped over and sped 8/17/1958 #15210 und at the site. The imprints were five meters apart, and arranged in a squ 9/2/1958 #15251 und level less than 200 m away for five min. A red light appeared at one en 10/31/1958 #15409 el, less than 200 meters away, for five minutes. It had a red light at one 10/31/1958 #15410 n highway in Caracas, Venezuela at five o'clock in the morning. It made a s 11/12/1958 #15440 iscovered that it was a disc about five meters wide, set on tripod landing 12/20/1958 #15491 At 1:30 a.m. five people saw a luminous globe make sh 1/4/1959 #15535 ject ahead in the sky. After about five seconds the object moved toward the 1/13/1959 #15550 out a call to nearby aircraft, and five other commercial airline pilots ind 2/24/1959 #15604 that a red egg shaped object made five passes over their house, which is l 2/24/1959 #15607 a red light on top flew around for five minutes at 150 meters altitude. No 2/25/1959 #15616 as preparing for bed when he saw a five foot tall man with a crimson face, 3/12/1959 #15637 row of 8 or 9 portholes, was about five meters (16 feet) wide, and it illum 3/31/1959 #15684 ct spinning at ground level. After five minutes it began chasing him, flyin 4/15/1959 #15704 ct spinning at ground level. After five minutes it began chasing him, flyin 4/15/1959 #15705 m, flying six meters above him for five minutes. The UFO was luminous and s 4/15/1959 #15705 p.m. north of Lexington, Kentucky five glowing ovoid objects dived and man 9/7/1959 #15961 ht blue lights within it, and then five larger red lights, flew very fast v 9/13/1959 #15969 ht blue lights within it, and then five larger brilliant red lights. The ob 9/13/1959 #15972 of unknowns. This version devotes five full paragraphs to public release o 9/14/1959 #15975 oma, Washington, tracks a total of five objects that usually appear in pair 10/2/1959 #16011 material falls for about 2 hours. Five samples are collected and sent to t 10/12/1959 #16030 After five flights, testing of the Avrocar is 12/5/1959 #16114 y of 12 A-12 aircraft that will be five times faster than the U-2 and fly t 1/26/1960 #16157 he sky in overcast skies at around five o'clock in the morning. It had four 1/31/1960 #16161 er Rome AFB, New York at 6:27 p.m. Five military witnesses including contro 2/27/1960 #16187 e department, France for more than five minutes, then shot away to the sout 3/25/1960 #16208 ne fiery-red disc exploded four or five times. Analysis of paint samples fr 4/12/1960 #16224 umbling sound and exploded four or five times while flying through the sky 4/12/1960 #16225 , Montana Witness: Mrs. M. Clark. Five circular objects flew in trail form 4/25/1960 #16242 s. M. Clark of Shelby, Montana saw five circular or round objects fly in a 4/25/1960 #16243 aptured. This is the first time in five years of overflights that the US is 5/1/1960 #16248 ast 185 feet and is 14 feet thick. Five transparent bubbles are visible on 7/1/1960 #16324 maneuvering, silent red light with five white lights, descending to 100–200 8/13/1960 #16380 atellite” is seen and photographed five times by Grumman Aircraft Engineeri 8/25/1960 #16414 inster, British Columbia 9:25 p.m. Five people are out looking for the Echo 9/29/1960 #16467 shaped object fly toward the west. Five 30' diameter domed discs joined the 10/4/1960 #16478 griddle. The men were described as five feet tall with dark hair. They wore 4/18/1961 #16654 ompang, New South Wales, Australia five men watched a large object hover in 5/31/1961 #16705 ng speeds, in an arc-like path for five minutes. A radar contact with visua 6/2/1961 #16712 ct resembling a hovercraft, having five windows through which an orange lig 7/3/1961 #16744 er minute in Ryde, England. It had five windows through which a bright oran 7/3/1961 #16745 ast, then disappeared from view in five sec or so. 8/12/1961 #16789 sity. It stayed there for three to five minutes, then shot straight up, and 8/12/1961 #16792 the east. It was gone from view in five seconds. A U.S. Air Force Project B 8/12/1961 #16792 On this night five people on a farm in Stillwater, Min 8/17/1961 #16799 Toulouse, France Approximate date. Five persons observed a luminous, yellow 8/25/1961 #16803 Toulouse, France Five people at Toulouse, France, see a l 8/25/1961? #16804 On or about this date five persons riding in a car near Toulou 8/25/1961 #16805 On this day at around five o'clock in the afternoon the passen 9/21/1961 #16867 aft off the California coast spots five targets on his scope. Four of the o 9/27/1961 #16876 heading. After a few minutes, the five objects leave, one at a time, first 1962 #17006 tion from Myrtle Beach AFB. He and five men walked through the base looking 1962 #17012 14, snaps an out-of-focus photo of five domed discs that he and two friends 2/1962 #17033 s remained on. The incident lasted five minutes. 2/9/1962 #17044 light. The entire sighting lasted five minutes. 2/25/1962 #17062 d together without interpretation, five or six gun-camera clips apparently Spring 1962 #17078 round 9:00 p.m. Harvey Packard and five other men are fishing near East Per Summer 1962 #17239 h-white UFO. It paced the X-15 for five seconds, and then darted above and 7/17/1962 #17280 C.T. Loftus, H. Wilbert. Four or five lights darted about the sky for 7-1 7/19/1962 #17288 tus and H. Wilbert watched four or five lights dart about in the sky silent 7/19/1962 #17289 sh. He and another crew member see five men, “two in all-white garb, two in 7/28/1962 #17295 s having a very strange structure. Five occupants were seen on board. 7/28/1962 #17296 he north at a great rate of speed. Five minutes later, they drive up to the 8/1962 #17309 s at about the same time at around five a.m. One object was hovering, while 9/18/1962 #17418 Amagasaki City, Japan Five students saw, and independently ske 12/12/1962 #17581 Hyogo Prefecture, Japan 4:30 p.m. Five schoolgirls in Amagasaki, Hyogo Pre 12/12/1962 #17584 n, see a brightly glowing UFO. All five students independently sketch a Sat 12/12/1962 #17584 the ground. The object was four or five meters wide and had a windowed turr 12/17/1962 #17589 ome, Italy. It was estimated to be five meters in diameter. The man who wit 1/4/1963 #17629 r than a jet, after hovering about five sec. The witness suffered from a st 2/15/1963 #17667 UFO was seen below the clouds for five minutes. 7/22/1963 #17848 Centralia, Illinois Five persons observed a luminous source 8/7/1963 #17876 Millersport, Ohio 9:30 p.m. Five members of a family in Millersport, 10/1963 #17969 shining a spotlight onto it. After five minutes it left. Following the even Late 1963 #17989 stopped and jumped out as it dived five or six times, at one point hovering 12/14/1963 #18080 and jumped out as it dove as them five or six times, at one point hovering 12/14/1963 #18082 room. She saw a man approximately five feet four inches tall with a red fa 2/3/1964 #18126 at 10:28 p.m. It was witnessed by five people from two families. 5/15/1964 #18273 3 m of the car. It flew away after five min. It was described as a ball of 5/24/1964 #18296 75 centimeters in diameter. After five minutes, it flew away and the car c 5/24/1964 #18298 ct around 10:30 p.m. It was moving five meters above the ground and less th 6/8/1964 #18339 Also on the same night five witnesses, including Sheriff L. C. 6/8/1964 #18340 ts blinked and turned to dark red. Five min later it went away slowly. 6/13/1964 #18351 ts blinked and turned to dark red. Five minutes later it flew away slowly. 6/13/1964 #18353 Baffle Perry County Farm Family. A five foot circular burned circle, with t Late 6/1964 #18374 by two others, paced aircraft for five minutes 7/16/1964 #18419 klin, New York Shortly after noon. Five boys (Edmund Travis, Randy Travis, 7/16/1964 #18421 een in a field alongside a road by five boys at 12:30 p.m. in Conklin, Broo 7/16/1964 #18422 pidly, then paced his airplane for five minutes. 7/16/1964 #18423 luminous ring hovered for four to five minutes. Air Force unidentified cas 7/27/1964 #18449 , Wisconsin 11:00 p.m. A family of five in Adams, Wisconsin, is returning h 11/26/1964 #18639 in rural Fisherville, Virginia. At five o’clock in the afternoon Mr. Burns 12/21/1964 #18671 erns; they also would brighten for five minutes and then dim for three minu 1/14/1965 #18733 At 10:00 p.m. five miles northwest of Wilmot, New Hamp 1/15/1965 #18741 clear day you could not see it at five thousand feet." The occupants spoke 1/19/1965 #18746 of Corrientes saw a craft land and five tall, "Cyclops" beings (i.e. creatu 1/31/1965 #18789 Argentina Several persons observed five luminous objects in flight. A trans 2/4/1965 #18799 t. A transparent craft landed, and five creatures, about 2 m high, with one 2/4/1965 #18799 entes province, Argentina observed five luminous objects in flight at night 2/4/1965 #18802 t. A transparent craft landed, and five creatures about two meters high, wi 2/4/1965 #18802 feet in diameter, at a distance of five miles. They were tracked on airborn 2/11/1965 #18811 ong the beach near Guarani, Brazil five local residents saw a large flying 2/14/1965 #18814 s he saw a robot-like being, about five feet tall, wearing a silver one-pie 3/2/1965 #18833 a doctor in Fort Myers, and spent five days in the hospital. 3/15/1965 #18857 ynn was admitted to hospital for a five day stay. 3/15/1965 #18860 Les Hendy, reported seeing four or five “mysterious objects” floating in th 6/6/1965 #18995 y Fork, Utah. It flew overhead for five minutes. 6/14/1965 #19005 normal human eyes, fine hands with five fingers, and no hair. They seemed s 7/1/1965 #19045 ence department, France. At around five o'clock in the morning farmer Mauri 7/1/1965 #19049 ral pivot with six legs, was about five meters long, and had a door showing 7/1/1965 #19049 al human eyes, and fine hands with five fingers. They seemed surprised when 7/1/1965 #19049 tland Islands Antarctica 7:15 p.m. Five garrison members of the British Ant 7/2/1965 #19053 At 7:00 p.m. five scientists and meteorological obser 7/2/1965 #19054 al times. Also, later that evening five people witnessed a luminous circula 7/19/1965 #19136 at fantastic speed. After four or five minutes it took off with a "violent 7/20/1965 #19152 res, Quebec, Canada at 4:30 p.m. A five foot tall being was seen outside. T 7/25/1965 #19172 itnesses, and the encounter lasted five minutes. 7/25/1965 #19172 3 m in diameter, 1.5 m high, with five occupants, wearing luminous helmets 7/26/1965 #19179 witness experienced headaches for five days. 7/26/1965 #19179 er, 1.5 meters high, and contained five occupants who wore luminous helmets 7/26/1965 #19183 witness experienced headaches for five days following the close encounter. 7/26/1965 #19183 observed an object that landed for five min. It emitted a blinding purple l 7/30/1965 #19210 At five o'clock in the afternoon the two Mc 7/30/1965 #19212 fied flying object that landed for five minutes. It emitted a blinding purp 7/30/1965 #19213 y cross-bars landed at 4:30 p.m. A five foot tall humanoid being was seen o 7/31/1965 #19223 the watch for anything suspicious. Five objects are spotted over the Sioux 8/1/1965 #19242 a.m. The Sioux Army Depot reports five objects going east at 3:35 a.m. Rep 8/1/1965 #19242 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Five children saw a brilliant, round obj 8/2/1965 #19262 Five children saw a brilliant, round obj 8/2/1965 #19273 object had an orange glow and was five meters in diameter, 1.5 meters high 8/4/1965 #19321 moving inside the glow. There were five other witnesses one of whom stated 8/9/1965 #19347 At 11:00 p.m. five people driving in a car in Salto, U 8/14/1965 #19392 Salto, Uruguay Five persons in a car heard a humming so 8/15/1965 #19400 ay in Salto, Uruguay at 11:00 p.m. five people in a car heard a loud hum an 8/15/1965 #19402 es visible. It stood slightly over five feet tall. At this point a football 8/16/1965 #19410 over to Capt. James A. Dorsey and five others from Niagara Falls Air Force 8/19/1965 #19427 were illuminated with green light. Five min later it came down again over a 8/20/1965 #19439 ect was a small silvery disc, only five feet in diameter, and it landed on 8/20/1965 #19443 ded near the tracks. It was round, five meters in diameter, and 2.5 meters 8/23/1965 #19456 te cigar-shaped object was seen by five witnesses in Sandbach, Cheshire, En 8/30/1965 #19481 n and two Police officers observed five lights in a rigid configuration mov 9/3/1965 #19505 zed by a large object with four or five bright red lights that approaches f 9/3/1965 #19511 At five o'clock in the morning Governor Seb 9/5/1965 #19525 g noise and saw two luminous discs five feet wide and two feet thick, come 9/10/1965 #19551 physical traces included a burned five foot diameter depression on the mac 9/16/1965 #19575 , Minnesota Witness: Bett Diamon. Five orange lights in a row flew fast an 9/25/1965 #19602 hisholm, Minnesota Bett Diamon saw five orange lights flying in a row at a 9/25/1965 #19605 George, Minnesota Gibbon 6:10 p.m. Five witnesses are in a car near Saint G 10/21/1965 #19670 stock and there he saw a man about five feet tall, with wide shoulders and 11/24/1965 #19734 oval object resting on the beach. Five minutes later a sliding door on the 11/30/1965 #19742 pua New Guinea. It was visible for five minutes and left behind a smoke tra 1/1/1966 #19801 hite, one-piece suit. He was about five and one half feet tall, stocky buil 1/5/1966 #19806 es. The glowing object hovered for five minutes over an open field while th 1/11/1966 #19830 the roadside. The object was about five meters in length and had portholes 1/16/1966 #19841 a minute at 2:30 p.m. There were five witnesses. 2/6/1966 #19890 nd out over Lake Erie. Police from five jurisdictions are involved. Selfrid 3/14/1966 #19966 ford, Connecticut was heard by the five witnesses, two teenage girls and th 3/16/1966 #19975 p.m. two domed discs were seen by five witnesses over a forest in Trinidad 3/23/1966 #20056 t red elliptical object with dome, five or six portholes emitting bright wh 3/29/1966 #20132 Five hours later, at 9:15 p.m. in Hamilt 3/29/1966 #20144 Texas. It stayed on the ground for five minutes. On the same night in Suffo 3/30/1966 #20166 At 4:45 a.m. five witnesses in Warminster, England sa 4/1/1966 #20204 as being pursued from the scene by five unidentified aircraft that circle i 4/6/1966 #20257 eed, seeing it or a similar object five times. The UFO alternately hovered 4/7/1966 #20267 t went down behind some trees when five planes and a helicopter came over t 4/19/1966 #20344 There were five UFO reports this day from Massachus 4/19/1966 #20347 area in Bellingham, Massachusetts. Five aircraft and a helicopter flew over 4/19/1966 #20347 golf course traveling north, about five miles west of the town, when the ob 4/22/1966 #20376 umming noise.There were a total of five witnesses, and the sighting lasted 4/24/1966 #20406 ied, non-transponding target about five miles to the 11 o'clock position fr 5/4/1966 #20448 et, Walker’s Starfighter is one of five aircraft in a tight group formation 6/8/1966 #20544 Rouret. It remained motionless for five min, then disappeared. Its lights w 6/18/1966 #20579 France. It remained motionless for five minutes, then disappeared. Its ligh 6/18/1966 #20582 oval-shaped metallic object, about five meters long, hovering at a low alti 7/17/1966 #20649 w up and out of sight in less than five seconds. The entire incident lasted 7/25/1966 #20685 briefly seen. The sighting lasted five minutes. Ground marks were found in 7/31/1966 #20703 luminum-colored oblong object with five evenly spaced yellow windows for ab 8/5/1966 #20724 was ten meters meters in diameter, five meters high, and floated down the s 8/19/1966 #20773 cylinder and a ramp slid out, and five robotic metal "boxes" with small wh 8/20/1966 #20781 , luminous white object split into five objects and all streaked away towar 8/23/1966 #20796 , luminous white object split into five objects. All five objects streaked 8/23/1966 #20797 bject split into five objects. All five objects streaked away toward the we 8/23/1966 #20797 atic disrupts their radio contact. Five to eight minutes later, the glow di 8/24/1966 #20802 nside the globe were the images of five "non-human, hairless heads" with ov 10/2/1966 #20950 During the day five men digging a grave in a cemetery i 11/12/1966 #21096 ort in the middle of the afternoon five pilots saw what at first appeared t 12/4/1966 #21182 d from the UFOs knocked one of the five witnesses against a car. Flattened 12/25/1966 #21221 climbed and shot away. There were five witnesses on board the aircraft. 12/30/1966 #21231 p.m. Robert Blaine is driving with five other witnesses on State Highway 55 Early 1/1967 #21244 ed his house and hovered again for five minutes back in its original positi 1/13/1967 #21300 r. is driving on State Highway 135 five miles north of Freetown, Indiana, w 1/17/1967 #21333 the entities was between 3 1/2 and five feet. Quazgaa began telepathic comm 1/25/1967 #21389 and 1:45 p.m. Alex Butler, 10, and five young friends are playing on Studha 1/28/1967 #21409 d children Robert, Roger and Diane five miles southwest and 20 miles west o 1/30/1967 #21422 KS 7:40 p.m. CST (8:40 p.m. EST). Five people watched a disc or ellipse th 2/3/1967 #21445 six minutes by seven musicians and five other observers in Oakland City, In 2/5/1967 #21461 . From an elevator-like shaft came five or six tall, human-looking figures 2/5/1967 #21462 from view. The observation lasted five minutes, and no landing traces were 2/5/1967 #21463 ntario 6:43 p.m. Mary McCarthy and five of her young nieces and nephews see 2/8/1967 #21483 icture during the encounter. After five minutes the UFO flew south, stopped 2/10/1967 #21508 ave quick moving arms. After about five minutes they disappeared behind the 2/14/1967 #21552 ST. Three independent reports from five witnesses (including two policemen) 2/16/1967 #21566 came out with two other witnesses five minutes later. 2/22/1967 #21625 Oxford, MA 6:30 p.m. EST. Five people, including a newspaper repor 2/26/1967 #21657 king a purring sound. At 6:30 p.m. five people in Oxford, Massachusetts, in 2/26/1967 #21663 st-southwest and disappeared after five minutes. 2/26/1967 #21664 mined. Low says, “Probably four or five.” Low says he ultimately hopes to r 3/1967 #21696 Gosport, IN 9:30 p.m. EST. Five people in a car saw a red object, f 3/1/1967 #21710 ater in Piggot, Arkansas, which is five miles to the northwest of Patterson 3/2/1967 #21733 inte Woods, MI 7:45-8:10 p.m. EST. Five witnesses saw a fiery glowing objec 3/8/1967 #21806 earance." After hovering for about five minutes, the object gradually depar 3/12/1967 #21876 ddenly vanished. At the same time, five figures appeared about 3 m away. Th 3/20/1967 #21922 er, 10 feet from the car, they see five figures standing in an irregular se 3/20/1967 #21923 ddenly vanished. At the same time, five figures appeared about three meters 3/20/1967 #21927 0 p.m. CST). A barking dog alerted five witnesses (animal reactions), who s 3/22/1967 #21946 New Winchester, Ohio 4:00 p.m. Five witnesses in New Winchester, Ohio, 3/26/1967 #21997 he road ahead, Morris sees four or five large-headed humanoids moving rapid 3/28/1967 #22004 nt and Munroe Falls, Ohio. Four or five beings, each under four-feet tall, 3/28/1967 #22007 ield, Berkshire, UK 7:30 p.m. GMT. Five people saw a carrot-shaped (cone-sh 3/30/1967 #22013 d domed disc approached a car with five occupants in Hessel, California. Th 4/1/1967 #22044 Five witnesses at the intersection of Hi 4/9/1967 #22099 s hovering above trees. It emitted five light beams from the underside, too 4/10/1967 #22104 rotating red light on the bottom. Five minutes later, at 6:50 p.m. a mass 4/11/1967 #22110 in Loco, Texas. Four beings, under five feet tall and with wrap around eyes 4/11/1967 #22110 Hackettstown, NJ Night. Five people, including a policeman, watc 4/12/1967 #22115 erwater film work for ABC News saw five bright white lights in formation, “ 4/12/1967 #22118 t light. It made rapid motions for five minutes, and a rod extended from ob 4/12/1967 #22123 erwater film work for ABC News saw five bright white lights in formation wh 4/12/1967 #22124 , New Jersey near a fish hatchery, five witnesses including a police office 4/12/1967 #22127 Vo Than, Viet Nam Time not given. Five white oval objects, oriented vertic 4/17/1967 #22147 ing behind small scattered clouds. Five minutes later jet aircraft at high 4/17/1967 #22147 Minh City], Vietnam, when he sees five bright-white, oval-shaped objects t 4/17/1967 #22152 estimates their speed to be about five times that of any jet aircraft. Abo 4/17/1967 #22152 now Ho Chi Minh City), Vietnam saw five lluminated white ovals that passed 4/17/1967 #22154 tuated slightly, and then moved at five times the speed of a jet. Five minu 4/17/1967 #22154 at five times the speed of a jet. Five minutes later, several jets at high 4/17/1967 #22154 severe TV interference. There were five independent reports of the close en 4/17/1967 #22156 hind their car, and paced them for five minutes. The engine of the car miss 4/21/1967 #22195 A Evening. Many witnesses reported five objects with three green lights in 4/30/1967 #22248 nescent trail. They watched it for five minutes as it went over the horizon 5/2/1967 #22266 at around 2:00 a.m. It was seen by five teenagers, including a 14-year-old 5/7/1967 #22297 d two people driving in a vehicle, five miles south of Neola, Utah. It slow 5/12/1967 #22327 of South Dakota faculty member and five others saw a lens-shaped object (di 5/13/1967 #22334 er in Vermillion, South Dakota and five others saw a lens-shaped object (di 5/13/1967 #22340 which zigzagged back-and-forth for five minutes over a jet that was heading 5/17/1967 #22371 out it.” He says the same thing in five other languages. There is no respon 5/20/1967 #22382 At around 3:00 a.m. a five meter long cigar-shaped object was 5/30/1967 #22427 er Island, BC, CAN 10:30 p.m. PDT. Five neighbors saw a large saucer-shaped 6/5/1967 #22466 ywatch near London. In Manchester, five unidentified objects were observed 6/24/1967 #22546 sband, who had just come home, and five children staring up into the sky. A 6/30/1967 #22580 dazed. The boy explained that the five of them had been playing in the yar 6/30/1967 #22580 orning, CA 5:15 a.m. PDT. At least five witnesses from two independent loca 7/4/1967 #22607 ing, California 5:15 a.m. At least five witnesses from two independent loca 7/4/1967 #22610 ighway Night. A witness is driving five miles north-northeast of Murray Bri 7/5/1967 #22616 o the window. He did so, and saw a five foot tall figure wearing a luminous 7/18/1967 #22695 d off toward the south after about five minutes. De Polo has had a number o 7/18/1967 #22695 bject with a dull metal finish and five square windows. An intense white li 7/20/1967 #22708 o trees showed cuts at a height of five meters, and a third tree at three m 7/20/1967 #22712 with an intense light coming from five square windows. In the fourth windo 7/20/1967 #22713 e a silent disc-shaped object made five falling leaf maneuvers in the sky. 8/3/1967 #22789 ounded by vapor. He was only about five meters away from the witnesses, and 8/3/1967 #22791 yes, abnormal teeth and mouth, and five fingers on his hands. The being was 8/16/1967 #22885 rt, some of them with the marks of five fingernails or claws on the broken 8/23/1967 #22908 ere seen to emerge from the sea at five o'clock in the afternoon by Ruben N 8/25/1967 #22927 North York, PA Twilight. Five people, two of them adults, saw a r 8/29/1967 #22950 MO 12:30 a.m. CDT. Two couples saw five round objects with flashing, multi- 9/1967 #22969 eclares it an expensive hoax. Soon five identical objects are found in fiel 9/4/1967 #22998 9:30 p.m. EDT. A couple and their five children saw a flash of bright oran 9/11/1967 #23040 ver the lake or above the plant on five succeeding nights. The plant isn’t 9/11/1967 #23044 Toronto, Ontario, CAN Night. Five policemen saw a white light that mo 9/25/1967 #23130 ns are also made by other vessels. Five miles southwest of Weymouth, a poli 10/4/1967 #23176 east two objects were picked up on five separate radars. Scrambled jet figh 10/6/1967 #23186 erside. It circles the car four or five times at a height of 1,000 feet, th 10/11/1967 #23217 e Hat, Alberta, CAN 9:45 p.m. MDT. Five teenagers saw a disc with two white 10/19/1967 #23270 ned in the bottom of the craft and five small drones dropped out of it. The 10/24/1967 #23310 At 7:30 p.m. a group of five hunters driving on Lone Cone Mounta 10/28/1967 #23363 ately ahead of them, hovering just five feet off the ground, they saw a dom 11/2/1967 #23392 Treysa, Germany 3:30-5:45 a.m. LT. Five UFOs were reported hovering over Ha 11/6/1967 #23412 iles are no longer discarded every five years as of transitory interest. Th 11/8/1967 #23427 . Inside the object they could see five dark greenish creatures, four feet 11/9/1967 #23434 out some type of machinery." After five minutes of watching it, they began 11/9/1967 #23434 anging by their sides. After about five minutes they returned to the disc a 11/24/1967 #23508 a bright blue glow that was about five meters in diameter. He left a writt 11/28/1967 #23517 At five o'clock in the morning Ms. Emma Gri 1/3/1968 #23647 around, as if there may have been five or six of them. 1/3/1968 #23647 balls of light from a hatch, then five white ones. There were at least 20 1/13/1968 #23663 along its midsection. It also had five steady bright white lights spaced e 1/17/1968 #23668 35mm camera using tri-X film with five other witnesses at 7:15 p.m. The im 1/23/1968 #23689 At 10:00 p.m., five miles from White Rocks, Utah, a wom 1/23/1968 #23690 12:12 a.m. Ms. Cecilia Brewer and five companions were driving home from w 2/21/1968 #23770 12:12 a.m. Ms. Cecilia Brewer and five companions were driving home from w 2/21/1968 #23773 was slender and not tall, perhaps five feet nine. He changed position a fe 2/26/1968 #23784 Arrecife Vargas Venezuela Five UFOs are seen diving into the ocean Early 5/1968 #23938 to the witness there were four or five huge birds or flying humanoids flyi 6/14/1968 #24034 w a bright, stationary object only five meters above the ground. At this po 6/18/1968 #24045 At five minutes past midnight in Monte Band 6/23/1968 #24071 ides 5.2 feet wide. At 11:15 p.m., five skeptical men (including Police Sgt 7/2/1968 #24131 men who beckoned to him. They were five and a half feet tall, with thin whi 7/2/1968 #24133 a Catalina Channel for 90 minutes. Five smaller objects are seen maneuverin 7/9/1968 #24162 to the first spot it had occupied. Five oval-shaped objects with clear edge 7/9/1968 #24164 road, loads her camera, and takes five photos, only one of which shows the 7/13/1968 #24173 At 12:15 a.m. five police, members of the National Gen 7/16/1968 #24183 eep's engine lost power during the five minute duration of their encounter. 7/16/1968 #24183 mselves in a beach. As he watched, five minutes later a large gray balloon 7/20/1968 #24195 he same size as the witness, about five foot five inches in height. 7/23/1968 #24214 ze as the witness, about five foot five inches in height. 7/23/1968 #24214 d like a spinning top, hovered for five minutes only 10 meters from the roa 7/25/1968 #24228 At 9:00 p.m. five young people, including Paul Sauve, 7/28/1968 #24245 the field being chased by four or five, three-foot tall entities with elon 7/28/1968 #24246 n diameter hat-shaped disc hovered five meters over a field at 4:00 a.m., 1 8/15/1968 #24333 tall, they are running on “four or five legs” toward the UFO, which abruptl 8/16/1968 #24342 topped, flipped over, then emitted five light beams downward, focusing into 8/16/1968 #24344 cigar-shaped object surrounded by five smaller ones. The formation maintai 8/22/1968 #24369 ployees, stated that they observed five dwarfs, with oversized heads, who e 8/31/1968 #24407 ff work--stated that they observed five dwarfs with oversized heads, who em 8/31/1968 #24408 lar or oval UFO 12 feet across and five feet high that was hovering four fe 9/1/1968 #24422 th three small lights hovering for five minutes. The object stayed in one p 9/19/1968 #24486 ay Bridge, South Australia sighted five bright orange oval shaped lights th 10/28/1968 #24598 haped object approached a car with five soldiers in Los Monegros, Zaragoza, 11/1/1968 #24619 In 1968, shortly after five p.m., a disc, red and bluish in col 11/19/1968 #24666 hwest of Meriden, Connecticut. The five witnesses viewed the object thru a 11/19/1968 #24666 on the deck of the craft for about five min, then it left with a jerky moti 11/20/1968 #24670 On this evening five teenagers in Southall Ridge, near R 11/24/1968 #24699 York, when they see an object with five red, blinking lights about 100 feet 11/25/1968 #24704 e entire incident lasted more than five minutes. Their were other independe 11/26/1968 #24719 The experience lasted an estimated five minutes, although there were gaps i 12/10/1968 #24757 swooped down and paced a car with five teenage hunters inside near Coorong 12/15/1968 #24771 ies were driving together in a car five miles north of Wairakei, New Zealan 12/18/1968 #24779 figures appear, making a total of five figures. By now the witnesses are t 1/6/1969 #24822 rtlenecks. The incident lasted for five minutes. As the witnesses continued 1/6/1969 #24822 nley, Nevada while milking cows at five o'clock in the morning, a young man 1/26/1969 #24872 red, about 12 feet in diameter and five feet high. A hinged door was open o 2/7/1969 #24902 hateau Des Martins, Vienne, France five horses in the paddock of M. Meingau 2/16/1969 #24923 stant observed a strange craft and five humanoid beings, described as tall 2/28/1969 #24951 omed disc passed over a police car five miles west of Westhope, North Dakot 3/10/1969 #24991 wed their car home, for a total of five minutes. The UFO made a "tweeting" 4/20/1969 #25076 riendly fashion. The figure, about five and a half feet tall, is Caucasian, 5/4/1969 #25114 g sound. The incident lasted about five minutes. Ring ground marks were fou 5/11/1969 #25127 like pigs grunting." After four or five minutes one of the beings moved a c 5/20/1969 #25151 tralia at 6:30 p.m. In Eden Valley five minutes later a UFO with two rows o 6/4/1969 #25199 al school children reported seeing five tiny men like figures wearing red c 7/2/1969 #25245 same night a discovery was made of five unmanned ships west of the Azores. 7/20/1969 #25282 in Tepic, Nayarit state, Mexico a five meter in diameter disc maneuvered s 7/24/1969 #25296 ater, at 10:45 p.m. Mountain Time, five woman driving fourteen miles west o 8/5/1969 #25311 a bend in the road, Sr. Renato saw five or six small human like figures les 8/19/1969 #25324 A dog barked furiously during the five minute encounter. The flourescent U 9/24/1969 #25378 targets. The officer in charge and five other personnel can now see one mas 10/24/1969 #25422 sonnel can now see one massive and five smaller lighted objects approaching 10/24/1969 #25422 ship, which is 360 feet long. The five smaller objects are egg- shaped, bl 10/24/1969 #25422 ten permission from Keyhoe to fire five of NICAP’s eight employees as a cos 10/27/1969 #25425 Vancouver Island, British Columbia five nurses saw a silver metallic Saturn 1/1/1970 #25533 r. And Mrs. Aristeu Machado, their five daughters, and Mr. Joao Aguiar of L 6/27/1970 #25716 Five people driving in a car in Brindisi 7/16/1970 #25739 ed inside the control room and saw five figures all with their backs to him 8/15/1970 #25787 d with a series of procedures. The five were all dressed in a similar style 8/15/1970 #25787 in some bushes near their school. Five little men described as merely thre 8/19/1970 #25796 e ground near the school compound. Five three-inch tall humanoids emerged f 8/20/1970 #25799 shaped like a turtle shell and had five small windows. Five three-inch- tal 8/24/1970 #25801 shell and had five small windows. Five three-inch- tall humanoids with two 8/24/1970 #25801 over their heads. They stood about five feet tall. The beings got to within 8/24/1970 #25802 pitched sound and was in view from five to six minutes. 9/25/1970 #25851 A 17-year-old named Arai sight five or six discs flying in formation ov 11/29/1970 #25923 eared twice over the area within a five minute period. 12/25/1970 #25953 ast to west over Lerida, Spain for five minutes at 8 p.m. It left a zig-zag 1/23/1971 #26000 On this evening five residents of Turun Sanomat, Finland 2/22/1971 #26028 nt completely vanished. There were five witnesses total, including independ 3/2/1971 #26039 er Route E41 toward the southwest. Five minutes later in Nivelles, Belgium 3/2/1971 #26040 delaide, South Australia 4:00 p.m. Five silver objects, four of them in a b 3/14/1971 #26046 s later. During a hypnosis session five years later Scott described how the 3/14/1971 #26047 ed object landed on three legs for five minutes. It spiraled upward on take 5/3/1971 #26099 and saw three short figures about five feet tall walking by in single file 5/8/1971 #26103 In the window was a man less that five feet tall dressed in olive green co 6/9/1971 #26165 ving near a horse race track about five kilometers outside of Kadina, South 8/8/1971 #26274 he beam of light turned off and on five times over a ten minute period unti 8/11/1971 #26280 se. The creature was about four to five feet in length and looked to have a 8/16/1971 #26291 took off for home. Under hypnosis five years later, John Hodges recalled t 8/17/1971 #26293 p, and it emitted a light beam for five seconds. 9/8/1971 #26326 ost to view. Juan can now see only five or six “chiefs” standing on a slope 9/12/1971? #26330 urnishings inside, but inside were five more similar dwarfs. "An infernal d 9/22/1971 #26365 ate of shock and nearly blind. For five days he still could not see well an 9/22/1971 #26365 15 police and sheriff deputies in five towns, centered on Excelsior, Minne 12/1/1971 #26483 ng in East Kingston, New Hampshire five witnesses came upon an object close 1/5/1972 #26541 saw was a humanoid creature about five feet tall, with pointed ears, large 1/26/1972 #26556 ural phenomenon.” It has appointed five experts to a blue-ribbon panel that 3/12/1972 #26601 to go back. The figure was between five foot and five foot four inches tall 3/25/1972 #26623 e figure was between five foot and five foot four inches tall, and wore a t 3/25/1972 #26623 tire incident had lasted more than five minutes. Mr. Lestin was terrified b 5/2/1972 #26669 Shortly after midnight five independent witnesses had a close e 8/5/1972 #26876 feet away, and the sighting lasted five minutes. 8/5/1972 #26876 ar-shaped and about 100 feet long. Five other white lights emit luminous be 8/12/1972 #26911 FIVE ISLANDS, ME Several observer(s) wit 8/20/1972 #26936 out of which came two beings about five feet tall. They took some samples o 8/25/1972 #26954 e conversation continued for about five minutes, during which Miller told G 9/22/1972 #27026 d. Around 1:15 p.m., it is seen by five police officers on Kvamsøy. Norwegi 11/20/1972 #27129 Another girl witnessed the event. Five hours later, at 11:30 p.m. on a hig 12/31/1972 #27197 lia at nine o’clock in the evening five people saw a large disc make a 180- 1/2/1973 #27216 l basketball coach Reggie Bone and five players on his team are driving bac 2/21/1973 #27305 ed, covering an area of only about five feet square. A small truck came up 3/13/1973 #27343 At 11:30 p.m. five witnesses saw a UFO that hung over 4/27/1973 #27451 ion event in which he vanished for five days, turning up again in Colatina 5/22/1973 #27519 f Veracruz, Mexico when he noticed five little figures standing in the road 5/22/1973 #27520 A circular indentation five meters across was found as a possib 6/3/1973 #27548 round or pear-shaped with four or five red lights on top and bottom and a 6/20/1973 #27576 ilar crystals in this place, about five in all, and they were hooked up to 8/4/1973 #27683 iver going to work this morning at five a.m. saw a small "airplane" change 9/23/1973 #27861 moved behind the treeline. It had five rows of lights of its side, and was 9/23/1973 #27862 as missing one hand. Someone fired five or six shots at the creature with n 9/26/1973 #27873 ish-gray oval-shaped object, about five meters wide, rise up beyond the tre 9/27/1973 #27879 Saint-Mathias-de-Chambly, CAN Five small humanoids in orange garb obse 10/5/1973 #27951 s, moving around in the field, are five “little people” about 4 feet tall p 10/6/1973 #27960 tance of about 200 feet from them. Five figures of small stature, wearing b 10/6/1973 #27961 witnesses. These beings were about five feet tall. Their skin was gray and 10/11/1973 #28005 a round object during their break. Five men from the D & M Dishwashing Manu 10/15/1973 #28053 en were all about the same height, five feet six inches to five feet eight 10/16/1973 #28089 me height, five feet six inches to five feet eight inches tall. Fair skinne 10/16/1973 #28089 ining liquid. She observed four or five humanoids on the craft and at least 10/16/1973 #28093 osis the witness remembered seeing five figures standing around her car loo 10/19/1973 #28199 ar looking at her. They were about five feet tall with pasty white faces an 10/19/1973 #28199 ers found themselves surrounded by five or six vaguely humanoid figures who 10/20/1973 #28222 a tremendous speed, leaving behind five ground marks and a scorched area. 10/28/1973 #28313 many triangular footprints four to five inches long, showing four claw mark 10/29/1973 #28319 nter began with the observation of five red lights in a curve, indicating s 11/23/1973 #28461 At 6:45 p.m. in the mountains five kilometers southeast of Fabregues, 12/6/1973 #28535 huge cigar-shaped UFO with four or five along the side and an appendage app 12/20/1973 #28592 und marks and small footprints. At five a.m. CST another cigar-shaped objec 12/31/1973 #28623 was making his usual early morning five mile run in the park in Santa Ana, 1/6/1974 #28654 rently tht interior of the object. Five small (3-4 ft) occupants observed, 1/8/1974 #28665 ghted room with a golden aisle and five occupants seated on the left-hand s 1/8/1974 #28666 he interior of a UFO. He could see five small occupants within, seated on h 1/8/1974 #28667 rain and his car's interior. After five minutes the interior light went out 1/8/1974 #28667 could now see that the lights were five humanoid beings that were walking g 1/15/1974 #28680 f the day when they were buzzed by five glowing red UFOs, which circled the 1/29/1974 #28713 e way, he sees “shadows of four or five hairy people” who approach him. The 2/6/1974 #28742 The UFOnauts were between four and five feet tall, wore white coveralls, an 2/9/1974 #28755 inated the countryside. There were five witnesses: Mrs. Corbalan, her young 3/1/1974 #28841 y caught their attention. They saw five saucer-shaped objects about two fee 3/1/1974 #28842 n the midst of a herd of cows some five hundred yards away. Only one cow pa 3/1/1974 #28842 n Airline pilot reported cigar and five smaller objects (NICAP: 11 - Aviati 3/17/1974 #28895 shiny oval or cigar-shaped object, five smaller spherical-appearing satelli 3/17/1974 #28896 , was driving through a foggy area five kilometers from the Rota Naval Airb 3/17/1974 #28898 Eure-et-Loir, France, hovered for five minutes, and then flew away. 4/12/1974 #29008 that he embarked upon on this day. Five or six days later he was found rain 4/26/1974 #29064 dshake and entered. Inside she saw five or six more humanoid beings seated 5/5/1974 #29086 aboard. The jeep ran up the beach five times, then drove into the sea and 5/5/1974 #29087 backwards. They were all less than five feet tall and had long, large bald 5/7/1974 #29093 gain. The aliens were described as five feet tall, with light skin, huge al 5/9/1974 #29098 etops in the same direction. After five minutes it moved off, passing almos 5/11/1974 #29100 the field with two beings inside. Five other humanoids were walking nearby 5/26/1974 #29136 age hovered over New York City for five minutes around 6:30 p.m. in 1974. I 6/4/1974 #29162 th and land on sea. It floated for five minutes before submerging. At 11 p. 6/13/1974 #29186 e, then back to silver-white every five minutes, placed a car for several m 6/13/1974 #29186 figures standing. They were about five feet tall and had large heads that 7/17/1974 #29266 nished. The entire incident lasted five minutes. 8/5/1974 #29310 Langenburg, Saskatchewan, Canada Five dome-shaped objects in pasture, spi 9/1/1974 #29416 goes to the landing area and finds five rings of depressed grass swirled in 9/1/1974 #29417 the spot with something that left five small puncture marks. He then told 9/3/1974 #29418 the encounter, which lasted about five minutes. 9/26/1974 #29484 ough each of the unlit objects has five small lights arrayed across its sur 10/14/1974 #29527 utheast of Rawlins, Wyoming Night. Five witnesses in Ramona, California, wa 10/15/1974 #29531 of Rawlins, Wyoming, when he sees five elk standing motionless. He attempt 10/15/1974 #29531 In Ramona, California five young people from the Overfelt and 10/15/1974 #29533 encounter with a UFO. At 7:30 p.m. five men in a boat in Cincinnati, Ohio h 10/27/1974 #29562 l moon. The photo, however, showed five small lights, each with a dashed tr 11/26/1974 #29610 ed by a black square and topped by five bright dots. 1/2/1975 #29701 d object passing overhead. He took five photographs, then felt himself bein 1/5/1975 #29724 nciousness in a small cubicle only five feet in diameter. There was a row o 1/5/1975 #29724 yard. The object was a domed disc, five meters in diameter and six feet hig 2/23/1975 #29839 aight up like a bullet. There were five witnesses of various ages from thre 3/14/1975 #29898 ing silvery-gray light. In another five minutes of driving they saw what lo 4/6/1975 #29975 At 5:15 p.m. five red lights in close formation came 4/6/1975 #29977 At five minutes after midnight a 70-foot di 7/4/1975 #30158 At five o'clock in the afternoon in Mount P 7/6/1975 #30169 pstairs at the only way out. After five minutes of waiting and not seeing h 7/12/1975 #30175 n diameter with large round lights five feet in diameter around its base. I 7/22/1975 #30201 he UFO took off with a loud whine. Five equidistant leg marks were left in 7/31/1975 #30219 e object hovering motionless about five meters above the ground, in front o 8/8/1975 #30244 a high speed. The sighting lasted five minutes. 8/14/1975 #30271 e its speed to be 3,000 mph. About five miles outside Albany, the target va 8/20/1975 #30291 o call from Gross informing him of five "strange looking" lights in the sou 10/4/1975 #30416 bserve the objects for a period of five minutes. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGAT 10/4/1975 #30416 f the noise and saw two large eyes five feet above the ground and a black o 10/25/1975 #30473 three or four minutes of this, all five of them piled into their Ford Bronc 10/26/1975 #30476 e dark, non-reflecting forms about five feet high, vaguely human in shape, 10/27/1975 #30491 After 3 or 4 minutes of this, all five of them piled into their Ford Bronc 10/27/1975 #30491 nly one spoke to him. This man was five feet tall, stocky and of dark compl 11/3/1975 #30547 saw two quasi-human figures about five feet tall, dressed in dark blue or 11/8/1975 #30584 There were five separate reports of unmarked black 12/2/1975 #30680 e Siskiyou Mountains of California five young men witnessed a greenish clou 12/8/1975 #30698 minous white color, and resting on five thin legs. A door in the craft open 1/5/1976 #30760 minous white color, and resting on five thin legs. A door in the craft open 1/5/1976 #30761 e was at a loss to answer. Four or five other questions were asked, which h 1/29/1976 #30833 man and a woman reported they had five hours of missing time that occurred 2/7/1976 #30851 within 300-400 feet. The women saw five objects at this point. After passin 2/18/1976 #30881 e to observe the objects for about five minutes. (Reference: UFO INVESTIGAT 2/19/1976 #30884 Maneru, Spain 4:00 p.m. Five school children saw a UFO descend a 2/25/1976 #30902 In Maneru, Spain at 4:00 p.m. five school children saw a UFO descend a 2/25/1976 #30907 ance 8:10 p.m. A silver box, about five meters in diameter, flew low over t 3/2/1976 #30916 At 8:10 p.m. a silver box, about five meters in diameter, flew low over t 3/2/1976 #30917 o beings in shiny suits, less than five feet tall, were seen outside making 3/3/1976 #30919 o beings in shiny suits, less than five feet tall, were seen outside making 3/3/1976 #30922 silently, tilted at an angle after five minutes, and moved away slowly. The 4/25/1976 #31024 About five hours after the Belgium UFO encount 5/4/1976 #31038 ld woman named Bryant, experienced five hours of missing time and later rel 5/21/1976 #31069 ld woman named Bryant, experienced five hours of missing time and later rel 5/21/1976 #31070 om their car while driving on I-70 five miles west of Colby, Kansas. The De 6/20/1976 #31117 t hovered with a humming sound for five seconds, and then sped away. Small 7/5/1976 #31154 a red on the other. It hovered for five minutes, and had a red flame coming 7/22/1976 #31177 a red on the other. It hovered for five minutes, and had a red flame coming 7/22/1976 #31178 ing north to south. At 11:27 p.m., five objects showing red and green light 8/3/1976 #31226 dar. From 12:24 a.m. to 4:00 a.m., five separate radar returns are tracked 8/3/1976 #31226 a motorcycle. He watched them for five minutes, and then went to get other 8/4/1976 #31232 his car headlights two green men, five foot seven inches tall. The beings 8/7/1976 #31245 At around five o'clock in the afternoon, two boys 8/14/1976 #31264 Five witnesses, including a Mrs. Lucas, 8/15/1976 #31271 20 inches long, 8 inches wide, and five feet apart where he had been runnin 8/16/1976 #31273 p.m. Object, no sound, 2.5 mins., five witnesses. Lady, out shaking rug on 8/18/1976 #31279 ode.” After what seemed like about five seconds the boy found himself back 8/25/1976 #31302 s. Later that same night, at about five a.m., his 11-year old sister awoke 8/25/1976 #31302 ust disappeared? She weighed maybe five pounds max, so possibly some owl or 9/3/1976 #31337 en two houses. Nearby were four or five small spheres. Standing in front of 9/3/1976 #31338 morning US Air Force radar tracked five UFOs for 30 minutes. 9/6/1976 #31349 . The duration of the sighting was five minutes. 9/19/1976 #31412 and at a speed of 240 km/hour were five minutes after takeoff from Portela 9/19/1976 #31413 Paul Bennett was playing with five friends near Westfield Grove in Wro 10/15/1976 #31465 to the south near the airport for five minutes, then flew away toward the 10/17/1976 #31475 before disappearing out of sight. Five or more objects were ejected from t 10/28/1976 #31502 caused a loss of consciousness for five minutes. Afterwards, their physiolo 10/30/1976 #31511 e sighting has lasted no more than five minutes. 11/8/1976 #31532 trating whistle that continued for five minutes, stopped, and then started 11/12/1976 #31540 reated. The figure was in view for five minutes, the entire time it took th 12/10/1976 #31593 lf-cylinder, convex side up, about five feet long. She was forcibly placed 12/10/1976 #31594 te- Merne, France, which publishes five issues of Groupe 5255 in 1980–1982. 1977 #31654 range ovoid hovered in the sky for five minutes over Saint-Donat in Drome d 1/1/1977 #31682 r was just above the roadway, with five legs extended as landing gear. Both 1/5/1977 #31699 paralyzed and frozen in place for five minutes, 150 meters away from the c 1/5/1977 #31699 a robot like fashion" for the next five minutes. When a crowd of people arm 1/23/1977 #31748 then vanished. The incident lasted five minutes. 1/26/1977 #31753 . He sensed, rather than observed, five humanoids gathered around him. They 1/27/1977 #31761 time, again in the same place for five minutes, by a total of 14 boys and 2/4/1977 #31792 the landing site and the marks of five landing gear. An analysis is perfor 2/11/1977 #31810 At around 7 p.m. a five meter long walnut-shaped UFO follow 2/13/1977 #31814 or hovered close to the ground for five minutes, but no noticeable landing 3/6/1977 #31864 or hovered close to the ground for five minutes, but no noticeable landing 3/6/1977 #31866 tops and the headlights dim. After five minutes, the object flies off and t 3/9/1977 #31886 d and the headlights dimmed. After five minutes, the object flew off and th 3/9/1977 #31889 children's playhouse. It was about five feet in diameter, with eight "pods 4/4/1977 #31942 t smaller in size, between four to five feet tall. They wore brown one-piec 4/4/1977 #31943 children's playhouse. It was about five feet in diameter, with eight "pods 4/4/1977 #31944 35 feet in diameter. After four or five minutes a humanoid being appeared, 4/6/1977 #31952 hen stopped in place for more than five minutes, during which Mrs. Madison 4/6/1977 #31953 trident sharp sound. After four or five minutes a humanoid being appeared, 4/6/1977 #31953 king boots. Behind the thin figure five other shorter figures appeared. The 4/12/1977 #31977 sin, see a flat, round object with five white lights on its rim and two red 4/22/1977 #32012 Five hours later, in Yatala Vale, a subu 4/22/1977 #32015 ch Abby observed closely for about five seconds. Her companion, occupied wi 4/23/1977 #32019 gland. At one point it looked like five balls joined together in a circle. 5/21/1977 #32122 he lower section there are four or five panels. The object is about 42–50 f 6/17/1977 #32171 e Recreation Area, Louisiana Dusk. Five individuals—Dale Schexnaider and hi 6/17/1977 #32172 meter hovering overhead for around five minutes. Description: I saw people 7/4/1977 #32235 At 11:45 p.m. PDT five people in a boat on a lake in Blyth 7/15/1977 #32278 At five o'clock in the morning a glowing sp 7/17/1977 #32288 The others all approached him and, five minutes later, deployed back into a 7/23/1977 #32306 ity experienced a power outage for five minutes, until it went away. 7/31/1977 #32329 ke a metallic submarine shape with five portholes. It hovers for 20 seconds 8/4/1977 #32360 e over the horizon and was seen by five witnesses, including police. There 8/11/1977 #32382 t of him on the road. It was about five feet tall and not more than 30 inch 8/11/1977 #32385 e over the horizon and was seen by five witnesses, including police. There 8/11/1977 #32387 in a car. When they got there, all five saw the strange being advancing and 8/30/1977 #32441 they found three friends, and all five returned by car. The group saw the 8/31/1977 #32446 Havelock North (south of), NZ Five members of a family, traveling in a 9/7/1977 #32468 ecutes a 90° turn toward the west. Five minutes later it returns, moving ea 9/7/1977 #32469 Five members of a family, traveling in a 9/7/1977 #32470 Griselles, France Five silent disc-shaped object flew alon 9/26/1977 #32521 At 8:10 p.m. five silent disc-shaped object flew alon 9/26/1977 #32523 not fear” repeatedly. He next sees five or six “small figures” walking towa 11/1977 #32648 te directions. Three minutes later five more came, and flew off to the nort 11/28/1977 #32703 hovered at the altitude of four to five kilometers. The trawler's radar sta 12/1977 #32718 an analysis of two UFO photos, and five statistical analyses of samples and 12/1977 #32719 Five 45-foot in diameter domed discs hov 12/2/1977 #32728 d and followed it, circling it for five minutes. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 12/15/1977 #32776 d and followed it, circling it for five minutes. The UFO did not appear on 12/15/1977 #32777 in front of his car. The MP fires five rounds into the being and one round 1/18/1978 #32894 that hovered over Toledo, Ohio for five minutes. It had windows and a struc 1/23/1978 #32909 and loaded it with its maximum of five carriages. It was then that he caug 2/5/1978 #32957 deck" was about 15 meters wide and five meters high. In the center stood a 2/5/1978 #32957 ed entirely in black. He was about five and a half feet tall, extremely thi 4/25/1978 #33171 wmember on the Apalachicola River, five miles south of Wewahitchka, Florida 5/15/1978 #33218 d newspaper reports. Approximately five hours earlier that day a private pi 6/4/1978 #33256 ver, and it faded away after about five seconds. He walked another 50 meter 6/16/1978 #33283 yellow light about 325 feet away. Five or six very tall entities are stand 7/4/1978 #33335 iameter, landed behind a mountain. Five or six "Nordic" looking beings with 7/4/1978 #33337 ghts. The examination reveals that five of the animals have a “glittery sub 7/5/1978 #33339 indow in Forest Park, Georgia only five or six feet away. It was about 12 f 7/5/1978 #33340 , was sighted by several witnesses five kilometers away from Estacio Rambio 7/12/1978 #33376 ow-white oblong object. There were five separate sightings reported of the 7/29/1978 #33450 ooting star fly across their view. Five minutes later, they arrive at churc 8/7/1978 #33485 , and it successfully hid from the five witnesses. 8/11/1978 #33510 lation was discovered this morning five miles northeast of Mancos, Montezum 8/31/1978 #33610 a postal clerk, Mr. T. Atkins, and five other witnesses sighted a stationar 9/10/1978 #33661 shaped object seen by hundreds for five minutes, including police, guards, 9/14/1978 #33677 during the sighting, which lasted five minutes. 9/14/1978 #33678 oat towards his vehicle. They were five feet tall and wore green coveralls 9/17/1978 #33703 figures standing besides the road. Five of the figures wore white coverall 9/18/1978 #33709 e soldiers try to resuscitate him. Five soldiers see a “wreath of lights” a 9/23/1978 #33736 levated up into the craft. Inside, five short humanoid beings surrounded by 9/26/1978 #33753 ver the main road. and was seen by five witnesses including a 30-year-old w 9/29/1978 #33780 Around five o'clock in the morning a 51-year-ol 10/25/1978 #33875 hool in Bethany, West Virginia for five minutes beginning at 7:00 p.m. It m 11/3/1978 #33918 g only 5 meters from the shape. At five feet away the triangle figure vanis 11/9/1978 #33941 ntino, were driving near the ocean five miles west of Silvi Marina, Abruzzi 11/9/1978 #33942 ght he recalled in flashbacks that five beings came to his car and pushed d 11/15/1978 #33959 approaching a residence containing five female witnesses, when two or three 11/20/1978 #33968 levitated aboard the UFO. She was five months pregnant at the time. She ha 11/25/1978 #34005 Suddenly, it lit up the ground for five seconds and shot away. 11/28/1978 #34021 d a beam down onto the police car. Five lights came on aboard the object. W 12/9/1978 #34082 age, France, a luminous UFO, about five meters in diameter and with an ante 12/10/1978 #34086 very tall humanoids standing only five meters away. Seconds later the witn 12/15/1978 #34135 very tall humanoids standing only five meters away. They were dressed in b 12/15/1978 #34141 zuela Early morning, predawn hours five UFOs emitted different colors, made 12/16/1978 #34151 n the early morning, predawn hours five UFOs emitted different colors, made 12/16/1978 #34157 At five o’clock in the morning three people 12/20/1978 #34184 ontrol, which confirms that it has five oscillating objects on its scopes. 12/21/1978 #34192 south to north. It was followed by five more objects in formation. The UFOs 12/25/1978 #34207 sses to the fly-by, for a total of five witnesses. 12/25/1978 #34208 The generator stopped working for five minutes (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 12/28/1978 #34218 ans, and the generator stopped for five minutes while the central power pla 12/28/1978 #34221 g-shaped object with landing gear. Five or six dark- skinned entities are s 1/4/1979 #34294 nd shot away at a high speed after five minutes. 1/8/1979 #34321 saw a rectangular silvery object, five feet tall by two feet wide and thre 1/13/1979 #34339 spaper to report the sighting of a five meter in diameter metallic, oval-sh 1/14/1979 #34341 o witnesses in Metzeral, France at five p.m.. The UFO made a buzzing sound 1/18/1979 #34360 portation experience that included five minutes of unexplained missing time 1/30/1979 #34393 craft. The whole encounter lasted five minutes. Ground traces were found t 2/26/1979 #34449 sound. The whole encounter lasted five minutes. Ground traces were found t 2/26/1979 #34450 witnesses, and the incident lasted five minutes. 4/16/1979 #34511 d object hovered between fifty and five hundred feet above some trees near 5/25/1979 #34578 d object hovered between fifty and five hundred feet above some trees near 5/25/1979 #34579 e flying near Hailey, Idaho, spots five orange objects flying in a horizont 5/26/1979 #34590 on this day. The first occurred at five minutes after midnight over Hailey, 5/29/1979 #34594 a, independently reported sighting five orange objects in a line, moving to 5/29/1979 #34594 ee blinks of the eye." After about five minutes, a second sighting took pla 6/12/1979 #34611 ck lips. All were between four and five feet tall and wore white uniforms a 6/18/1979 #34618 nds. It ascends and descends about five times. 7/1/1979 #34645 utside their home. They watched as five strange humanoid creatures floated 7/15/1979 #34656 utes, it stops and hovers. Four or five white flashes erupt from its right 7/27/1979 #34683 orth of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, sees five large red lights suddenly appear in 8/5/1979 #34716 n, witnessed a disc-shaped UFO for five minutes. 8/25/1979 #34777 for about 10 seconds. They can see five large, square windows with rounded 8/29/1979 #34800 eyor, was out picking mushrooms at five o'clock in the afternoon in a woode 9/2/1979 #34820 illiant metallic sheen was seen by five witnesses near a lake two miles eas 9/5/1979 #34840 5 degree angle. Total duration was five minutes. 9/5/1979 #34840 Four or five 6-pointed star-shaped objects paced 9/9/1979 #34854 ht. At the landing site were found five holes, three centimeters in diamete 9/19/1979 #34902 meter wide disc on the highway, at five o'clock in the morning. The UFO had 9/23/1979 #34918 Store near the witnesses 7:00 p.m. Five teenage girls in West Palm Beach, F 11/8/1979 #34986 toward Dechmont Law. At 5:50 p.m. five women in Livingston watched a circl 11/8/1979 #34987 ped UFO pursue their car for about five minutes at a distance of 400 meters 12/3/1979 #35046 to move slowly at first, but after five minutes it appeared to glide quickl 12/30/1979 #35104 At around five a.m. the witness, a 33-year-old pai 1/5/1980 #35124 ree minutes, then was observed for five more minutes as it flew over Lake T 1/29/1980 #35150 uegos, Spain later that same night five witnesses, including Rafael Tobajas 2/11/1980 #35169 ground. It remained motionless for five minutes, then disappeared quickly. 2/11/1980 #35174 ooked out they were stunned to see five strange looking beings inspecting t 3/3/1980 #35194 the cages. Two of the beings were five feet tall and the others were three 3/3/1980 #35194 A fifth witness later saw the same five beings enter a landed disc-shaped c 3/3/1980 #35194 San Mateo, CA Five apparently metallic Saturn-shaped o 4/20/1980 #35275 San Mateo, CA Five apparently metallic Saturnshaped ob 4/20/1980 #35277 with his 18-year-old son. They see five bright, apparently metallic, Saturn 4/20/1980 #35278 itnesses in a car on I-280 watched five bright metallic Saturn-shaped objec 4/20/1980 #35282 cular object approached a car with five people inside from behind, forcing 6/14/1980 #35369 omed discs circled and hovered for five minutes while directing a beam of l 6/21/1980 #35386 an Bernardino, CA Three airmen and five civilians at separate locations sig 8/3/1980 #35440 Tianjin, China Bohai Bay 3:00 a.m. Five off-duty metalworkers at the Dagang 10/5/1980 #35556 ay and 200 feet up at its closest. Five figures are visible from the waist 10/15/1980 #35568 ctangular windows on its side, and five humanoids could be seen standing in 11/1/1980 #35608 a perfect right-angle turn upward. Five minutes later, it reappears behind 11/5/1980 #35620 sc with a dome on top and a row of five windows, blocking the road ahead. H 11/28/1980 #35680 Adamski, who had been missing for five days before his body was found on t 11/29/1980 #35682 ect high above one of the runways. Five minutes later, the radar returns an 12/4/1980 #35698 t in diameter and 9–13 feet thick. Five intense, steady, blue-white lights 12/6/1980 #35703 oud-cigar maneuver erratically for five minutes over the San Pedro Channel 12/10/1980 #35709 reached downward to the ground for five minutes on an otherwise clear night 12/18/1980 #35728 undreds of calls reporting four or five “comet-like objects leaving bright 12/25/1980 #35732 two nights earlier, flashed every five seconds, which was the flash rate o 12/28/1980 #35750 atient. She spent four of the next five weeks in the hospital. Cash and Lan 12/29/1980 #35758 ng the road. Schuessler also found five other witnesses who had observed th 12/29/1980 #35758 y in Trans-en-Provence, France. At five p.m. Mr. Nicolai, a gardener, saw a 1/8/1981 #35780 ncountered a cigar-shaped UFO. The five meter long object had portholes, an 1/26/1981 #35802 es the object is about the size of five B-52s and moving at 2,000 feet alti 4/16/1981 #35901 ed him. He recovered consciousness five days later. When he awoke he was in 4/20/1981 #35910 d moving at high speed on at least five radar scopes up and down the Atlant Early 5/1981 #35924 near Clatskanie, Oregon at around five o'clock in the morning. A large del 5/12/1981 #35934 At 12:50 a.m. five observers driving in a vehicle, inc 7/12/1981 #36003 hlight. The close encounter lasted five minutes. 8/28/1981 #36088 h and see a triangular object with five bright white lights on the front an 9/18/1981 #36128 Moorpark, the light resolves into five separate lights, three in a row abo 9/18/1981 #36129 some lights emerging from the sea. Five minutes later they noticed emerging 10/24/1981 #36185 egree turn near Luna Mountain. The five witnesses said they saw a jet aircr 12/8/1981 #36250 egree turn near Luna Mountain. The five witnesses said they saw a jet aircr 12/8/1981 #36253 f Ipoh in Perak, Malaysia 7:00 AM. Five early morning joggers watched a Sat 1/24/1982 #36310 village of Ipoh in Perak, Malaysia five early morning joggers watched a Sat 1/24/1982 #36311 ed ground in Willernie, Minnesota. Five spots of fire fell to the ground as 2/10/1982 #36331 " in the fog. They are missing for five days. When they are returned they r 2/10/1982 #36332 ed ground in Willernie, Minnesota. Five spots of fire fell to the ground as 2/10/1982 #36335 " in the fog. They are missing for five days. When they are returned they r 2/10/1982 #36336 . The entire sighting lasted about five minutes. 2/25/1982 #36369 ei province, China 9:10–10:53 p.m. Five Chinese Air Force pilots are flying 6/18/1982 #36510 Five Chinese Air Force jet pilots flying 6/18/1982 #36511 rection of the noise it revealed a five to six foot tall being with a large 7/23/1982 #36546 rection of the noise it revealed a five to six foot tall being with a large 7/23/1982 #36547 In 1982 at five p.m. at a military base in Malmby, 12/17/1982 #36718 s a Terne rocket and drops a mine. Five minutes later it launches four more 4/27/1983 #36846 contact is lost. Around 4:00 p.m., five Terne rockets are fired at nearby H 4/27/1983 #36846 lo again attacks with six rockets. Five minutes later it launches four more 4/27/1983 #36846 ribbon of light moving southeast. Five days later, they discover in their 8/26/1983 #36960 ribed as silent, very bright, with five lights by the two witnesses, two me 10/17/1983 #37010 coming from space hit three of the five missiles. He did not see the footag 1984 #37098 A 5:40 AM. Four witnesses observed five large, brilliant, stationary white 1/27/1984 #37156 at Valley Center, California, see five stationary white lights in the nort 1/27/1984 #37158 altitude of 10,000 feet and about five miles distant, the object came to a 1/30/1984 #37165 ding at a high rate of speed about five miles away. At about 10,000 feet, i 1/30/1984 #37166 , OH 4:00 PM. This sighting was by five highly educated witnesses. The obje 2/22/1984 #37197 us International Airport 4:00 p.m. Five witnesses, all with PhDs, report an 2/23/1984 #37201 Boeing 747. It paced his truck for five minutes. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encount 3/21/1984 #37234 een lights. It paces his truck for five minutes then vanishes. 3/21/1984 #37236 Boeing 747. It paced his truck for five minutes. He reported it had "prism- 3/21/1984 #37238 in Boulaur, Gers, France 5:50 a.m. Five nuns at the Sainte-Marie Cistercian 3/24/1984 #37240 Llano, TX 8:05 PM. Five people in Llano, Texas, witnessed a 4/19/1984 #37272 At 8:05 p.m. five people in Llano, Texas witnessed a 4/19/1984 #37275 p the canyon, and was in sight for five minutes. 4/25/1984 #37296 Seco Tucumán, Argentina 9:45 p.m. Five workers on a garbage truck are near 5/5/1984 #37318 listic motion during final distant five minutes of the 12 minute observatio 5/18/1984 #37332 s directly over Unit 3 reactor for five minutes, and one officer films the 7/24/1984 #37416 sile base in Uzbekistan 11:45 p.m. Five witnesses, including missile techni 10/1984 #37473 insburg, West Virginia. There were five lights on the bottom of the craft a 12/30/1984 #37535 insburg, West Virginia. There were five lights on the bottom of the craft a 12/30/1984 #37536 n one-half mile away. This happens five times. Then the object ascends at a 1985 #37541 ue ski suits. The female was about five feet tall, and the male somewhat sh 5/9/1985 #37589 diary. He states he ate lunch with five top space scientists and it was “fa 6/11/1985 #37600 ollowing sightings in Bulawayo and five other cities in Matabeleland South. 7/22/1985 #37628 de no sound. Their sighting lasted five minutes. 2/8/1986 #37784 ingham, Washington reported seeing five V-shaped objects that flew in forma 5/3/1986 #37853 of Belt, Montana Night. A group of five lights maneuver at high speed above Fall 1986 #38035 call in to report the lights. Soon five more lights descend from the clouds Fall 1986 #38035 altitude, and appeared to be about five meters in size. Having reached the 11/3/1986 #38059 ny hatchway opened in the wall and five three-foot tall humanoid beings ste 3/7/1987 #38133 for his house when suddenly he saw five bright flashes of light. He looked 3/7/1987 #38134 shes. From his hiding place he saw five additional creatures about 1.20 met 3/7/1987 #38134 ses in Corydon, Indiana, including five UFO field investigators, shot a vid 8/23/1987 #38253 Five witnesses, including three police, 9/3/1987 #38277 Gulf Breeze, FL First five photos reported taken by builder Ed 11/11/1987 #38320 Gulf Breeze, FL First five photos reported taken by builder Ed 11/11/1987 #38321 out of sight. The sighting lasted five minutes. 11/24/1987 #38334 ay. The holes were between one and five inches in diameter and were within 12/25/1987 #38373 eared under it. The beam deposited five small beings on the roadway, all of 1/12/1988 #38411 he size of an automobile and about five feet tall. It never made any noise 1/19/1988 #38417 stationary and silent for another five minutes before it "took off like st 3/1/1988 #38479 t-shaped discs followed a boat for five kilometers. The four witnesses repo 7/24/1988 #38607 red light hovered over his car for five minutes. 9/22/1988 #38644 na saw a diamond-shaped object for five minutes moving across the roadway i 1/12/1989 #38780 verhead in Gainesville, Florida at five a.m. for five minutes. It was 10 fe 1/23/1989 #38797 nesville, Florida at five a.m. for five minutes. It was 10 feet in diameter 1/23/1989 #38797 them. As they got closer they saw five circular objects on the ground alon 2/7/1989 #38820 d. The vehicle's engine stalled as five humanoids, about 90 cm tall, emerge 2/7/1989 #38820 home. It had a bluish complexion. Five men appeared, four apparently human 4/2/1989 #38888 Five girls observed two multicolored lig 5/6/1989 #38937 Colorado Jacques Vallée presents “five arguments against the extraterrestr 6/1989 #38970 ed. The next thing she knew it was five o'clock in the morning. She was lat 6/29/1989 #38997 at ground level for approximately five minutes, 30 feet away, circled a tr 8/13/1989 #39061 w, Warkwick, England for more than five minutes. The driver and child passe 9/17/1989 #39111 and Borise watched a large sphere, five meters in diameter, land in a park 9/21/1989 #39115 nd it was tested at Fort Meade, MD five months prior. He stated he had been 9/28/1989 #39132 ering 100 meters away. After about five minutes, the object moved slowly aw 10/30/1989 #39195 ite light. She encountered several five foot tall slender "Grey" humanoids 11/6/1989 #39216 ed a large disc-shaped object with five beams of light while flying over Bo 11/22/1989 #39247 the lower east side of Manhattan. Five aliens come into her bedroom while 11/30/1989 #39283 iving room. Linda and three of the five aliens are floated out through her 11/30/1989 #39283 black, Huey-model helicopters. All five craft moved slowly into the distanc 12/1/1989 #39294 ibed as being at least seven feet, five inches tall, thin, with large heads 12/8/1989 #39305 is three daughters were driving on Five Points Road in the suburbs of India 1/12/1990 #39376 st 40 feet above some trees. After five seconds the object ascended and acc 3/2/1990 #39442 Separate observers reported seeing five Grey humanoids walk down a road in 8/11/1990 #39686 Lubmin [shut down soon afterward]. Five people, including nuclear physicist 8/24/1990 #39701 es, and the possibility of four to five additional humanoids of similar app 8/31/1990 #39707 At 3:00 a.m. five small gray-colored humanoids, with 8/31/1990 #39708 witnesses reportedly observed the five humanoids walking down the dirt roa 8/31/1990 #39708 Five white discs flew over a racetrack i 10/10/1990 #39772 two large round objects, each with five blue lights and several white light 11/5/1990 #39867 d, and then drifted in the sky for five minutes. That same evening in Oklah 1/16/1991 #39956 ir car. The close encounter lasted five minutes. 3/14/1991 #40012 On this evening five young witnesses watched a large sil 12/27/1991 #40268 ek, Northern Territory, Australia, five people are in a car driving around 2/1992 #40311 l, when a domed disc lands nearby. Five 4.5-foot tall humanoids emerge and 3/5/1992 #40358 g everyone what had just happened. Five hours later Luis appeared in town a 3/5/1992 #40359 ices, and when he looked up he saw five strange humanoid beings standing in 3/5/1992 #40359 nded like radio transmissions. The five beings stood around him, standing a 3/5/1992 #40359 A nocturnal light followed five people into the town of Russas, Cea 4/9/1992 #40411 ts that hovered over the beach for five minutes. At the same time a semi-tr 4/21/1992 #40427 the abduction phenomenon might be. Five indicator questions in the survey a 5/1992 #40439 ts on the object passed over them, five vertical beams of light shot down, 8/15/1992 #40576 d about 300 meters away from them. Five from the group approached and watch 9/22/1992 #40636 of light coming from the two ends. Five minutes later (9:15 p.m.) in Stanle 9/30/1992 #40651 e child. The indicent lasted about five minutes. 12/4/1992 #40742 new things. After what seemed like five minutes he was returned to an exit 3/16/1993 #40886 re glowing windows along its side. Five huge beams of powerful light shone 3/20/1993 #40894 At five o'clock in the morning Mr. Julio Ch 3/20/1993 #40895 ball the size of a football. After five seconds it flew silently past the w 4/17/1993 #40940 ject hovering low over the ground. Five humanoid figures descended from the 5/12/1993 #40975 r-shaped object and kept there for five hours. Inside she was met by two th 5/19/1993 #40986 position. It seemed to float about five meters above the ground. Using bino 5/28/1993 #40993 nd some trees. At the same time or five minutes later in Cromwell, Indiana 7/13/1993 #41066 Melbourne, Victoria, AU Five people in two separate cars encount 8/8/1993 #41115 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Five people in two separate cars encount 8/8/1993 #41116 rtheast for 20 minutes. There were five independent witnesses to the event. 8/11/1993 #41129 ed, and finally continued on after five minutes. 8/18/1993 #41145 H-shape. It followed their car for five minutes and had flashing lights. 10/6/1993 #41221 ge; The close encounter lasted for five minutes. 10/29/1993 #41254 rsaw, Benton County, Missouri. The five witnesses reported that it moved ex 11/3/1993 #41261 object spinning over the city for five minutes. It gave off silver feams o 11/3/1993 #41262 e says all comms began with 118, a five digit “zip” and then the comms. Sh Early 1994 #41352 At five minutes after midnight in Tronville 1/4/1994 #41361 every white light. The object was five times larger than a car. Its distan 4/8/1994 #41482 ur o'clock in the morning at least five witnesses heard a loud hissing soun 6/27/1994 #41588 to their cabin, but that night all five witnesses are unable to account for 7/21/1994 #41634 sighted in Racoon Lake, Indiana by five witnesses driving on US Highway 36. 9/9/1994 #41733 on Easter Island. They were about five feet tall, grayish brown in color, 9/11/1994 #41734 her neighbors witnessed a total of five aerial craft. They also reported mi 1/3/1995 #41948 red disc-shaped object hovered for five minutes over Errington, Nanaimo, Br 1/5/1995 #41952 in Quilcene, Washington at around five o'clock in the early morning. 2/7/1995 #42025 t was "bigger than a blimp." After five minutes of hovering, it left toward 3/1/1995 #42070 outh Yorkshire, England 12:15 a.m. Five witnesses in Low Bradfield, South Y 7/29/1995 #42342 in. The incident reportedly lasted five minutes, but it is not known for ce 8/6/1995 #42363 Claro, San Paulo State, Brazil at five o'clock in the morning. It gave off 8/30/1995 #42429 He described the creature as about five feet tall, with dark skin, a round 9/7/1995 #42447 magnetic disturbances in the area. Five days earlier, on October 27, a hous 11/1/1995 #42575 clothing and was between four and five feet tall. Later that morning sever 1/20/1996 #42697 ne was dead, two were injured, and five were supposedly taken alive and unh 1/20/1996 #42697 marine-shaped object hovering some five meters above the ground. It looked 1/20/1996 #42697 half-hour later in Union, Missouri five nocturnal lights were videotaped fl 1/28/1996 #42723 t on Highway 18 in a roofing truck five miles past Interstate 85, two men s 2/18/1996 #42771 Five people driving on highway 375 in Ne 2/28/1996 #42788 he transparent sphere he could see five very tall men. They appeared to be 3/7/1996 #42815 t reportedly wore a golden helmet. Five animals were found dead in the zoo. 4/21/1996 #42877 ct just above the lake. After some five to ten minutes, the object shot str 5/7/1996 #42899 ar was unable to move for the next five minutes. Afterwards he felt very ti 6/21/1996 #42936 object had the form of a flat hut, five or six meters across and two or 2.5 7/8/1996 #42950 ed eyes. They had large hands with five long, well defined fingers and thei 7/16/1996 #42959 re lights on a harvester. However, five more witnesses 600 meters away had 8/11/1996 #42980 After viewing the object for about five minutes, it zig-zagged and shot up 8/20/1996 #42986 is signed by 71 states, including five of the eight then- nuclear states. 9/10/1996 #43014 stared at each other for at least five minutes. It didn't flinch or move. 9/16/1996 #43025 amily sees a bowl-shaped disc with five rectangular windows in Gypsumville, 10/25/1996 #43095 ic, reflective, and boasts a speed five times greater than the airplane. It 11/16/1996 #43112 ntense, since we have already lost five of our aircraft as a result of ligh 12/9/1996 #43133 da, two silver-gray objects follow five people along a road. They hover abo 2/22/1997 #43202 ibly wrinkled. The being was about five feet tall and thin. She then bit th 2/24/1997 #43207 family at first see a tiny arc of five white lights just after 8:00 p.m. i 3/13/1997 #43229 er’s square-shaped UFO, containing five spherical lights or possibly light- 3/13/1997 #43229 nia. It passed within 10 meters of five observers, making rhythmic pulses a 5/12/1997 #43292 utiful beings" inside. After about five minutes the object shot away at hig 5/14/1997 #43293 delivery truck starting at around five o'clock in the morning. The deliver 8/15/1997 #43383 nesota at 11:30 p.m. Then they saw five brilliant lights on a lenticular-sh 9/22/1997 #43414 e witness then landed. The UFO was five meters long and ten meters wide. Th 10/3/1997 #43424 oids, which she described as about five feet tall, with pale grayish skin a 10/19/1997 #43433 antiago, Chile at the Alfalfal Dam five observers first saw two fireballs f 1/24/1998 #43504 men names Fisher and Schmidt took five photographs of a silent maneuvering 4/3/1998 #43543 At five o'clock in the afternoon over Edinb 6/6/1998 #43582 At 5:30 a.m. five witnesses in Claut, Pordenone, Ital 8/8/1998 #43620 Five youths in Massape, Ceara State, Bra 8/12/1998 #43629 n San Jose, California two sets of five objects flew over the city at 10:30 9/26/1998 #43653 ilometers away. She watched it for five minutes until its lights turned off 10/2/1998 #43658 overing until it blinked out after five minutes. 10/10/1998 #43662 in diameter. She watched them for five minutes before leaving the window. 10/24/1998 #43669 f a house, and was estimated to be five miles away at 22.5 degrees elevatio 11/3/1998 #43675 ct moving quickly across the road. Five minutes later he sees a green beam 11/6/1998 #43676 pins standing in the hallway about five feet from his bedroom doorway. They 11/13/1998 #43681 he sky. Strange vibrations lasting five minutes followed, and then all beca 11/13/1998 #43682 Belper, Derbyshire, England Night. Five people in the towns of Brinsley, No 3/24/1999 #43750 was a plane, he continued driving. Five minutes later he saw a bright spher 5/10/1999 #43767 threads like "angel hair" fell for five hours from the sky, leaving a sheen 6/9/1999 #43783 ovoid object in the sky at around five o'clock in the morning, whose prese 7/7/1999 #43795 and disappeared over the rooftops. Five days later, at around 2:30 in the a 7/14/1999 #43802 inside the craft, but he could see five occupants inside a well-lit white d 8/14/1999 #43822 them and walked around the object. Five minutes later the humanoid being re 11/13/1999 #43880 ntal image of a flying object with five beings aboard in her backyard. Thre 1/3/2000 #43917 Millstadt, and O’Fallon, Illinois. Five on-duty police officers around thes 1/5/2000 #43920 nd then backtracked. At 10:15 p.m. five bright lights in a triangle formati 1/29/2000 #43936 off what seemed to be smoke. These five bright lights were also observed by 1/29/2000 #43936 ly in Rockford, Illinois witnessed five objects, three times larger than th 2/11/2000 #43946 At around 9:15 to 9:30 p.m. five large orange glowing lights flew in 2/16/2000 #43951 At five o'clock in the morning a young coup 3/30/2000 #43973 ever changed position. After about five minutes the figure and the object d 7/16/2000 #44020 rried a brown staff that was about five feet long, and the creature glided 8/3/2000 #44027 urprised to see that it was almost five a.m. already, although it seemed on 9/23/2000 #44045 of 2000, he hadn’t seen the man in five years and they don’t know where he 11/2000 #44070 ite large object at 3:46 a.m. with five big bright white lights arranged in 11/29/2000 #44088 erais, Brazil 10:00 pm. A group of five people is traveling in a Volkswagen 12/13/2000 #44101 ew Zealand New Plymouth 12:01 a.m. Five people driving along Highway 3 sout 1/1/2001 #44114 everal motorists reported sighting five discs flying along the western shor 1/1/2001 #44115 gher altitude. The sighting lasted five minutes. 1/5/2001 #44120 adar System goes into operation at five units worldwide including Beale AFB 1/31/2001 #44136 humming sound. The sighting lasted five minutes. 2/27/2001 #44143 at high speed. The sighting lasted five seconds. 4/25/2001 #44167 before the third object, and then five minutes again until the fourth one 4/26/2001 #44168 s with the foremost lights. We see five lights, then a space, then four lig 7/15/2001 #44209 us symmetry to either the group of five or group of four lights, or to the 7/15/2001 #44209 Five geography students camping oin a de 8/1/2001 #44217 toria, British Columbia 12:25 a.m. Five people watch seven gray objects fly 8/12/2001 #44232 heard. The entire sighting lasted five minutes. 9/19/2001 #44262 Offutt AFB in Omaha, Nebraska for five minutes. 9/21/2001 #44263 the entire incident, which lasted five minutes. The two objects vanished a 10/2/2001 #44265 dle, flew toward the northwest. In five minutes it came back heading southw 11/15/2001 #44277 t line. That night, at 11:45 p.m., five bronze lights, each elliptical in s 11/19/2001 #44278 followed it in their car for about five minutes until they could no longer 12/10/2001 #44286 Note: NASA BPP was working on five methods of antigravity at this time 2002 #44302 ngton near the town of Touchet for five minutes. It finally moved rapidly a 2/25/2002 #44320 w and stopped over a field at only five meters altitude. It had lights arou 3/27/2002 #44328 ghting was reported to have lasted five minutes. 6/1/2002 #44345 d to be really bright stars. After five minutes, as they got closer the two 9/15/2002 #44398 side before it finally disappears. Five police cars are involved in the inc 11/28/2002 #44453 was reportedly seen in the sky for five minutes that appeared shaped like a 1/8/2003 #44475 its center was seen in the sky for five minutes. It was silver in color wit 1/16/2003 #44476 dull blue light on the top. After five minutes the whirring sound faded an 5/3/2003 #44523 esses and the incident lasted from five to six minutes. 8/6/2003 #44571 ne takes a video of a formation of five yellowish lights leaving a smoke tr 8/20/2003 #44577 ia. The sighting reportedly lasted five minutes. 8/25/2003 #44583 pical airplane. It was in view for five seconds before it disappeared. 9/20/2003 #44605 large dark object was observed for five minutes overhead in Marstons Mills, 9/25/2003 #44608 the sky over Ringgold, Virginia at five o'clock in the evening. It was clos 10/8/2003 #44611 PST in Hayward, California. It was five feet in diameter at the thiner dime 1/4/2004 #44646 200 feet up. The sightings lasted five minutes. 1/4/2004 #44646 er house. She watched it for about five minutes and started to feel so she 2/13/2004 #44664 petrol service station along with five employees. He took one photo of it 7/31/2004 #44722 was not able to move for at least five minutes. 10/27/2004 #44771 he picture was totally blurry. The five other witnesses were Rodel Rulona, 6/14/2005 #44847 ness estimated the sighting lasted five minutes. 10/26/2005 #44893 ood watching the UFO , a man about five feet tall approached him. The man s 11/25/2005 #44905 e land nearby. The sighting lasted five hours. 5/18/2006 #44944 en moved away. The sighting lasted five minutes. At 8:00 p.m. in Sault Ste. 8/20/2006 #44956 disc was visible for approximately five minutes and was seen by close to a 11/7/2006 #44981 d out of view. The sighting lasted five minutes. 5/16/2007 #45030 nd not completely solid, and about five feet tall. It seemed incredibly thi 4/12/2008 #45127 ey saw it again, twice in the next five minutes. 6/30/2008 #45149 ock. The craft was round and about five meters tall, with legs for landing 8/3/2008 #45154 Surveillance System is awarded to Five Rivers Services, based in Colorado 2009 #45203 of eyewitness claims. They release five flare lights attached to helium bal 1/5/2009 #45206 , Poland, notices from his balcony five strange, whirling red-orange lights 5/26/2009 #45223 She estimated that they were about five feet tall. the one that saw her beg 8/30/2009 #45240 entire sighting lasted only about five seconds. The witness became extreme 9/14/2009 #45247 black boomerang shaped object with five green lights underneath flew overhe 5/12/2010 #45280 inuteman III nuclear missiles. The five Missile Alert Facilities affected, 10/23/2010 #45303 an III nuclear missiles, affecting five Missile Alert Facilities Alpha thro 10/23/2010 #45304 ol. John Alexander states that “if five people know [the reality of UAP], D 2/15/2011 #45316 ssages and predictions from it for five years. Among the claims were that d 7/2011 #45330 95 mph. Chemist Robert Powell and five other members of the Scientific Coa 4/25/2013 #45365 witnesses speak for 30 hours over five days. The panel reaches the conclus 4/29/2013 #45366 as two-tiered. The top section had five sets of green lights. There were th 6/1/2013 #45369 vidual lights in each set, and the five sets were all evenly spaced and not 6/1/2013 #45369 public has reported 250 sightings, five of which the navy takes seriously. 10/24/2014 #45420 from the 2004 USS Nimitz incident. Five pilots from the VFA-11 “Red Rippers 2/2015? #45430 a Turkey Hungary Bulgaria Peru The Five Continents UFO Forum is held in the 10/15/2018 #45540 th a $28 million dollar lawsuit by five diplomats, on the alleged basis tha 2/6/2019 #45560 and that they also see as many as five or six drones maneuvering nearby. T 7/15/2019 #45593 k cruise missile test or recovery. Five nuclear scientists die immediately 8/8/2019 #45604 single explanation,” and proposes five possible categories of explanation: 6/25/2021 #45694 consin, in foggy conditions, spots five lights moving in different directio 12/3/2021 #45727 ht to determine the feasibility of five potential causal mechanisms, includ 2/2/2022 #45737 Five witnesses on board the USS Ronald R 5/9/2022 #45747 Richard Doty claims he is aware of five UAP related projects at Area 51: Pr 6/13/2022 #45757 isputed document allegedly created five months later on 5 November 1961 is 12/17/2022 #45787
companions watch from a distance. Five-and-a-half feet tall, Orthon [could 11/20/1952 #8309
SAIC, citing Williams, suggests a five-dimensional theory of thermodynamic 4/1988 #38527
the UFOnauts' were estimated to be five-feet tall. 8/26/1974 #29391 e stood watching the object when a five-feet tall Grey humanoid with huge p 7/16/2000 #44020
claimed that he was abducted by a five-foot tall Grey humanoid UFOnaut who 2/15/1950 #4538 Bloomfield, NM Night. A dark, five-foot diameter disc paced a car. Whe 3/5/1950 #4583 in Bloomfield, New Mexico a dark, five-foot diameter disc paced a car. Whe 3/5/1950 #4584 Two five-foot long cylinders connected by cr 7/25/1965 #19172 Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada two five-foot long cylinders connected by cr 7/31/1965 #19223 white cape. When the man reached a five-foot high fence he leaped over it e 1/15/1967 #21315 fter a short while, flying east. A five-foot wide circular burned area was 8/6/1967 #22834 sants in Bulnes Nuble, Chile saw a five-foot tall being with a white head a 6/20/1968 #24057 n face to face with three strange, five-foot tall beings with unusually lar 9/1/1968 #24422 veral humanoids described as being five-foot tall with pale gray skin, larg 4/5/1969 #25051 ed around, she was confronted by a five-foot tall, robot-like being that wa 8/9/1972 #26890 features on its head. It was about five-foot eight inches tall, "advancing 11/13/1977 #32671 hovering close to the ground. Two five-foot tall thin humanoids appeared f 12/4/1979 #35050 hovering close to the ground. Two five-foot tall thin humanoids appeared f 12/4/1979 #35052 room with a Grey, faceless woman, five-foot ten inches tall who communicat 12/11/1979 #35073 ing a flashlight and encountered a five-foot six-inch tall man dressed in a 3/22/1982 #36408 es except for the driver noticed a five-foot tall humanoid figure standing 3/13/1992 #40377 mpo Rico, Canovanas, Puerto Rico a five-foot tall humanoid creature attacke 9/7/1995 #42447 po Rico, Puerto Rico saw a strange five-foot creature with red glowing eyes 9/16/1995 #42477
s of the UFO. They encountered six five-foot-tall entities with large eyes 9/19/1961 #16858 town, Pennsylvania a witness saw a five-foot-tall being with long slender e 8/3/2000 #44027
the ground. It sucks up two empty five-gallon trashcans and drags them swi 5/19/1960 #16289
gh a city with tall buildings on a five-lane highway. The sky, which had be 7/6/1978 #33346
, India Ahmedabad Early morning. A five-member team of geologists and glaci 9/27/2004 #44762
rance saw two UFOs at 9:30 p.m., a five-meter long elongated object and a s 9/4/1953 #9145 ing sound at 2:40 a.m., then saw a five-meter wide domed disc land in Mento 4/1/1954 #9660 nd ten p.m. when she encountered a five-meter long cigar-shaped object clos 2/3/1957 #13482 it a bright light dazzled him. The five-meter long object rose vertically, 5/19/1963 #17751 At 10 a.m. a five-meter in diameter, silver lenticula 6/11/1971 #26168 ot, France 11:00 p.m. On a farm, a five-meter in diameter disc landed in a 12/15/1975 #30717 a Neuvelot, France at 11:00 p.m. a five-meter in diameter disc landed in a 12/15/1975 #30719 sur-Mer, Aude department, France a five-meter in diameter domed disc was en 8/2/1976 #31223 year-old Mr. Coelho de Silva was a five-meter in diameter yellow glowing do 9/5/1976 #31346 a low level close encounter with a five-meter thick rectangular object with 1/29/1982 #36315 A five-meter diameter disc flew low over t 10/3/1998 #43660 d to the police that he had seen a five-meter wide, silent round gray objec 11/29/2000 #44090
laming cone or disc-shaped object, five-meters in diameter, hovered over a 4/22/1957 #13613
een. His crew sees the UFO close a five-mile gap in 10 seconds, an apparent 1/22/1950 #4503
ade a low-pitched whine during the five-minute sighting. It had tripod land 9/13/1966 #20880 golf course for several minutes. A five-minute long videotape was made of t 6/11/1995 #42252
ce Requirements Division, writes a five-page report based on the characteri 10/28/1947 #3469 rch and Analytic Network, writes a five-page letter to President Ronald Rea 9/28/1981 #36143
e objects are about the size of a “five-room house.” When they reach a clea 7/3/1947 #2584
way. He thinks it is as large as a five-story building and has thousands of 3/12/1978 #33036
for the second time. This time, a five-volume report totaling 670 pages is 6/1978 #33245
terling and Stefan Possony begin a five-week temporary duty trip to Europe 5/15/1952 #6331
nces that the report in March on a five-year investigation into UFOs by the 5/1955 #12110 eyes. Sleeping next to her was her five-year old son. She suddenly thought 8/20/1993 #41148 abilities Development Command. The five-year contract will focus on “inerti 10/17/2019 #45612
he sky he saw a tiny figure like a five-year-old child. The craft was float 3/29/1973 #27390 Mr. And Mrs. Henry Vidal and their five-year-old son were en route to Culia 11/27/1975 #30669
r / ground. 11 pseudo-human/entity fix window. Observer(s) halted / gesture 5/18/1946 #1993 lems, until the Army Air Force can fix its propulsion system. 9/11/1946 #2176 and track them on radar. The radar fix places them at 10,560 feet altitude 7/10/1952 #6753 noids (or Greys) exit and talk and fix saucer? / r8#662+/ r67p41. 7/26/1965 #19176 eetop level. They stopped to get a fix on it, then tried to approach it, bu 10/22/1967 #23284 '95. Men in Black = phony linemen. Fix stovepipe. See reference. 1/27/1968 #23705 the car. He did his best to get a fix on the structure of the craft, that 12/6/1976 #31587 radio interference and stopped to fix it. He then saw two very tall humano 12/15/1978 #34135 radio interference and stopped to fix it. He then saw two very tall humano 12/15/1978 #34141
ere staring at him. La Franier was fixated by his eyes and he felt somehow 4/25/1978 #33171
H.IX V1, an unpowered glider with fixed tricycle landing gear, is tested i 3/1/1944 #1585 , and pinkish in color; Hovered in fixed position and then went straight-up Mid 7/1945 #1895 d pinkish in color. It hovers in a fixed position at 65,000 feet and then g Mid 7/1945 #1896 ig dog, frozen in terror, its gaze fixed on the lake and a dark log-like ob 8/1945 #1911 an irregular descent. It flew at a fixed altitude for 6-7 seconds, approach 6/23/1952 #6612 mits three streaks that maintain a fixed position with regard to the main l 5/26/1953 #8910 rplane from the left and take up a fixed position on the left wing less tha Fall 1956 #13239 with a soft whirring. On top was a fixed dome with portholes. The object wa 11/5/1957 #14340 soft whirring sound. On top was a fixed dome with portholes. The object wa 11/5/1957 #14351 saw a cigarshaped object with two fixed red lights, which flew above them, 3/8/1965 #18849 bject with six lights--two of them fixed red lights. It flew above them at 3/8/1965 #18852 t opening his mouth, which bears a fixed grin, he addresses Derenberger tel Early 11/1966 #21070 ting white light in the center. It fixed a beam of light on the car and pur 12/1/1973 #28497 sees three bright points of light fixed horizontally in the black sky. He Summer 1974 #29218 s / 10 min. North going south then fixed. No RADAR. Time local. 11/16/1975 #30631 he object comes closer and takes a fixed position off the left wing. The ob 8/13/1976 #31261 lly from the northern horizon to a fixed position overhead in one minute. A 5/11/1977 #32089 hey see four gray-white ovals in a fixed sword-like formation pass silently 5/30/1978 #33242 face(s). Observer(s) frozen. Watch fixed! 3/27/1979 #34490 , the various lights maintaining a fixed position, leading observers to sus 11/1981 #36201 ct with three circular lights in a fixed position about 50 feet from the sh 1/3/1984 #37105 VUE, WA 6 red and white objects in fixed formation at 12K' going NE. seen / 9/2/1987 #38275 erious electrical problems must be fixed after the incident. 12/14/1987 #38364 suddenly felt as if her feet were fixed to the ground and she was unable t 9/24/1992 #40639 5 meters altitude with three white fixed lights was seen in Cholet, Maine-L 7/21/1997 #43354 tion of the sighting, staying in a fixed horizontal position." He then stop 11/22/2002 #44449 lling southwards in a loose though fixed formation at 28,000 feet in the im 11/10/2004 #44782 d one flashing strobe light and 12 fixed lights underneath. It was stationa 10/28/2007 #45082 n a shallow V shape appeared to be fixed to the bottom of a boomerang or ch 11/9/2007 #45092
s. The strange being stood staring fixedly at her, and a pencil beam of ora 10/19/1954 #11252 rd car with one male who is gazing fixedly toward the encounter site. Unfor 8/8/1993 #41117
disk / woods. Pseudo-human/entity fixes it. Traces. / r194#10+/ r30p84. 9/24/1954 #10426 A little later, simultaneous radar fixes are obtained at Tinker AFB in Okla 7/31/1965 #19220
service station attendant who was fixing their car's flat tire watched a r 11/21/1956 #13341 bed up the turret, manipulating or fixing some fittings there, while the ot 10/1/1967 #23160 lepathically. They were engaged in fixing something and hurried when they s 1/24/1968 #23697 apelike creature” that seems to be fixing something. In the process of call 10/21/1973 #28228 northeast of Des Moines, Iowa, are fixing breakfast when through their wind 7/17/1979 #34661 RANCISCO DE ASSIS, BRZ Observer(s) fixing TV antenna. 3 night lights / tria 2/6/1992 #40320 - A 28-year-old security guard was fixing his guard dog's dinner at 9:55 p. 2/9/1995 #42031 arbosa and his wife Vaudeline were fixing windows in their house when they 5/6/1996 #42898
ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fizeau” Yield: 11KT 9/14/1957 #13995
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fizz” YieldMax: 20KT 3/10/1967 #21852
s visible for several minutes then fizzles out. 8/3/1911 #856
ond wave of crop artists. Far from fizzling out, crop circles have evolved 9/9/1991 #40182
Glowing ovoid going [to] overhead. Fizzy-fuzzy edges. Stops. Going quickly 10/27/1955 (approximate) #12523
ng Strand, Håken Ekstrand, and Jan Fjellander. They secure technical assist 6/3/1983 #36874
Finnsåhøgda Fjellbekkhøgda Hessdalen, Norway The Pro 3/17/1982 #36396 assing in front of Finnsåhøgda and Fjellbekkhøgda mountains near Hessdalen, 3/17/1982 #36396
TAINING, FJN, CH Odd cloud dissipates revealing i 11/29/1979 (approximate) #35024
OSLO FJORD, NRW 4 observer(s). Orange bell go 12/1943 #1545 ng a UFO crashed into the sea in a fjord on the western coast of Sweden. At 8/11/1946 #2118 -like craft turns and going down / fjord. Ships subs and divers find only d 6/1/1958 #15073 ying markers crashed into the Alta fjord, Norway. At the impact site, 70 me 6/1/1958 #15075 PORSANGEN FJORD, NORW Still RADAR blip. Globe ligh 12/14/1966 #21201 NAMSEN FJORD, NORWAY 3M and triangular and roun 6/12/1972 (approximate) #26715 mystery submarine reported in the fjord. The same night, four other witnes 11/13/1972 #27122 s away from Mårenlandet toward the fjord’s southern end. Around 1:15 p.m., 11/20/1972 #27129 KALUNDBORG FJORD, DK 3 red 1M fireballs circle and 7/14/1986 #37941 veral local residents of Langeness Fjord, Iceland reported seeing small gra 1/12/1993 #40793
lake Fjosoken, Sorsele, Sweden After sunset. Late 11/1933 #1176 aircraft land on ice-covered lake Fjosoken, Sorsele, Sweden. It takes off Late 11/1933 #1176
0 a.m. ten kilometers southwest of Fkenberg, Sweden the pilot and co-pilot 8/26/1947 #3372
St. Petersburg, FL The world’s first scheduled passenger 1/1/1914 #895 vice took off from St. Petersburg, FL and landed at its destination in Tamp 1/1/1914 #895 anded at its destination in Tampa, FL, about 17 miles (27 kilometers) away. 1/1/1914 #895 EAST / FT LAUDERDALE, FL 6 Army Air Force (AAF) planes disorie 12/5/1945 #1949 LaGrange, FL A Navy gunnery and radar officer obse 5/1946 #1987 30 MI NORTHEAST / TAMPA, FL 3 C47 crew / 30K' altitude. 60M cylin 8/1/1946 #2094 Unknown City, FL Observation of cigar-shaped UFO by Ai 8/1/1946 #2095 Tampa (near), FL Puckett Case (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 8/1/1946 #2096 Coral Gables, FL Student and Einstein assistant Shirle 2/9/1947 #2240 OCALA TO/FROM ORLANDO, FL 3 / car. Several silver disks. Appear 3/30/1947 #2250 Coral Gables, FL Student and Einstein assistant Shirle 5/31/1947 #2302 NORTH / MIAMI SPRS, FL 2 fishing. 2+1 4M saucers going up / 7/6/1947 #2739 CLEARWATER, FL 1 observer. Shiny pie-tin disks flip 7/6/1947 #2756 TAMPA, FL 1+several separate observer(s). 2 big 7/7/1947 #2875 GMX SOUTH / SARASOTA, FL 1 / fishing boat. Round flat silver b 7/7/1947 #2879 LAKE BUCKEYE, FL 2+2 observer(s). 2 gold disks going [ 7/7/1947 #2895 Lakeland, FL Five "Turtle-Backed" Objects Headed N 7/7/1947 #2922 BOCA GRANDE, FL 3 observer(s). 3 disks wobble going q 7/11/1947 #3134 NEAR CORTEZ, FL Project Bluebook Case #252. Cucumber 1/27/1949 #3978 Cortez-Bradenton, FL A cigar shaped object as long as 2 pu 1/27/1949 #3979 KEY WEST, FL TO GA Huge silent fireball zigzags 80 6/5/1949 #4225 Key West, FL F6F Picks Up Object Tracked By Gnd Ra 1/14/1950 #4488 Key West, FL UFO Tracked By Gnd Radar Nr. Two F6F 1/15/1950 #4492 Tampa, FL B-29 Crew, Others, See 300' Object At 2/8/1950 #4534 KEY WEST NAS, FL Pilots and more/others. 2 objects pau 2/22/1950 #4546 PENSACOLA, FL Saufley Field. Group / military and s 3/23/1950 #4709 Jacksonville, FL Blue-White Flame Approaches C-47 (NIC 3/23/1950 #4711 RIVERSIDE, FL Fireball brightens and roars every 2 7/11/1950 #5052 HOLLY HILL, FL 2 observer(s). 60cm disk going down / 8/29/1950 #5143 Key West, FL (24.58° N, 81.80° W). (McDonald list) 11/14/1950 #5277 FT MYERS, FL 5 observer(s) / (seen thru) binocular 12/6/1950 #5324 Fort Meyers, FL 75 ft object, 3-4 ft thick, bubble on 12/6/1950 #5326 MacDill AFB, FL Summer of 1952; MacDill AFB, Florida, 1952 #5833 SOUTH DAYTONA, FL Postal worker. 10m metallic hemispher 1/3/1952 #5858 Key West, FL Ground/Visual (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Case 2/22/1952 #5919 MIAMI, FL 2 observer(s). 4 dark circular object 4/5/1952 #6027 Miami, FL 4 dark circular objects with mostly f 4/5/1952 #6030 600MI EAST / JACKSONVILLE, FL PAA crew. 3 large night lights going 5/8/1952 #6273 over the Atlantic 600 Miles E of), FL Three UAO Sighted By Constellation Cr 5/8/1952 #6274 MacDill AFB, FL USAF Colonel, B-29 pilot investigated Summer 1952 #6571 MacDill AFB, FL USAF Colonel, B-29 pilot investigated Summer 1952 #6574 FT. MYERS, FL 2 / home. Round orange disk hovers. L 6/27/1952 #6644 ORLANDO, FL Perfect 35' metal football exits tall 7/10/1952 #6746 WEST PALM BEACH, FL Project Bluebook Case #1451. Pilot an 7/15/1952 #6822 West Palm Beach, FL Discus-shaped object, greyish, except 7/15/1952 #6825 MIAMI, FL 2 observer(s). Opaque silver bubble f 7/18/1952 #6879 PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Project Bluebook Case #1458. Several 7/18/1952 #6886 Miami, FL Opaque, silvery bubble fly very fast 7/18/1952 #6888 Patrick AFB, FL Series of hovering and maneuvering re 7/18/1952 #6889 MADISON, FL 2 / farm. 2 saucers nearby. 1 advance 7/20/1952 #6941 PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Several military observer(s). Night l 7/21/1952 #6966 NEW SMYRNA BEACH, FL Private pilot and wife. Metallic disk 7/22/1952 #6994 SOUTH / TAMPA, FL 20 report(s). Saucers and night light 7/22/1952 #7000 SR50 NEAR ORLANDO, FL Ovoid mass / light east going quickly 7/22/1952 #7001 New Smryna (near), FL Very Large Disc Sighted By Private Pi 7/22/1952 #7016 OFF KEY WEST, FL 1 observer. 6 orange fireballs in cir 7/24/1952 #7106 MacDill AFB, FL USAF Colonel, B-29 pilot investigated 7/24/1952 #7112 KEY WEST, FL Hundreds / observer(s). Red saucer ov 7/26/1952 #7147 OFF HOLLYWOOD, FL Separate observers. Huge brilliant or 7/27/1952 #7184 MIAMI, FL Marines take 16 mm movies / UFO. Some 7/28/1952 #7231 Miami, FL Movies taken of high-speed UFO; film 7/29/1952 #7308 NORTH / JACKSONVILLE, FL Eastern Airlines crew. Extremely brig 7/30/1952 #7339 ORLANDO, FL 2 reports. Metal ovoid / gentle turns 7/30/1952 #7341 SOUTHEAST / CLEARWATER, FL Trucker. Blazing 15M saucer stops ove 8/5/1952 #7454 KEY WEST, FL 2+several observer(s). Saucer going s 8/7/1952 #7503 WAUCHULA, FL 2 / truck. Saucer nears. Flat bottom/ 8/8/1952 #7512 MIAMI, FL 2 observer(s). 15M domed disk spins l 8/12/1952 #7550 MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, FL 2 civil. Odd blips / 20 minute(s). 96 8/13/1952 #7565 KEY BISCAYNE, FL Separate observer(s). 2nd moon 60° / 8/14/1952 #7580 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 2 observer(s). Double pie pan saucer 8/15/1952 #7604 West Palm Beach (near), FL August 18, 1852; near West Palm Beach 8/18/1952 #7634 st 18, 1852; near West Palm Beach, FL. "Desvergers Case", "Scoutmaster Case 8/18/1952 #7634 WEST PALM BEACH, FL Scoutmaster aims flashlight at saucer 8/19/1952 #7643 PALM BEACH, FL 3+tots. Coin saucer lands / woods. Po 8/29/1952 #7778 WEST / LANTANA, FL 2 / truck. 2 white fireballs maneuver 9/6/1952 #7856 MIAMI, FL Abe Friedman sees "small salami" / (s 9/11/1952 #7892 BELLE GLADE, FL Humming. 14M saucer / lights / rim. G 9/14/1952 #7920 Belle Glade, FL Circular object with row of lights on 9/16/1952 #7959 WEST PALM BEACH, FL Saucer going south down Broadway / 15 9/24/1952 #8018 COCOA, FL Hundreds / calls. White ovoid hovers 10/3/1952 #8088 MIAMI, FL Observer(s) offshore. Meteor flares g 11/23/1952 #8326 4 MILES NORTH / EAU GALLIE, FL 2 observer(s). Flying wing / 800kph. 1/4/1953 #8502 Patrick AFB, FL At 2400 Z four airmen at Patrick AFB, 1/22/1953 #8560 LIDO KEY, FL 2 / beach. Cylinder/cigar-shape follo 6/10/1953 (approximate) #8931 KEY WEST NAS, FL 2 Navy observer(s). Circular night li 7/18/1953 #9000 Miami, FL Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lectu 8/17/1953 #9076 HIALEAH, FL 2 / car. Huge green disk drops and cu 8/27/1953 #9114 Miami, FL Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lectu 9/16/1953 #9169 Miami, FL Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lectu 10/9/1953 #9209 Miami, FL Miami Herald: Engineer Norman S. Bean 11/13/1953 #9294 PANAMA CITY, FL Very large saucer circles Navy Anti-M 11/19/1953 #9308 SIESTA KEY, FL Writer and doctor. Classic saucer hov 1/4/1954 #9441 Miami, FL Lecturer and engineer Norman S. Bean 2/22/1954 #9562 Miami, FL Miami News: Engineer Norman S. Bean g 3/11/1954 #9612 KEY BISCAYNE, FL 6 separate observers. Moon-size blue- 3/13/1954 #9620 MIAMI, FL Electric engineer and 3 / roof / (see 3/18/1954 #9626 EAST / FT. LAUDERDALE, FL U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) pilot. Sauce 3/25/1954 #9641 Ft Lauderdale, FL Ball With Golden Ring Stops Near F-9F 3/25/1954 #9642 MIAMI, FL Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Rou 5/6/1954 #9756 PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Guard. Formless night light moves goi 6/15/1954 #9907 DELRAY BEACH, FL 2 observer(s). Saucer spins. Tilts to 6/21/1954 #9913 Delray Beach, FL Bright round disc-shaped object with 6/21/1954 #9916 Miami Beach, FL Meteor like object descend, stop, and 6/22/1954 #9926 MIAMI, FL 1 observer. Large saucer rises / grou 7/29/1954 #10060 Key Largo, FL Huge, bright pale blue or whitish-blu 7/29/1954 #10062 Northwest Miami, FL Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a talk 11/22/1954 #11686 MIAMI, FL Several observer(s). Night lights (et 12/21/1954 #11851 BRADENTON, FL 3 airmen / car. Dark saucer 1000' nea 1/6/1955 #11923 Lakeland, FL A black smoke trail/circle-explosion 1/26/1955 #11942 MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, FL Saucer seen as large square glow / 30 5/17/1955 #12135 HOLT, FL Several civil and military observer(s 6/26/1955 #12212 Holt, FL Civilian and military witnesees. (Hyn 6/26/1955 #12215 BOCA CHICA NAS, FL Navy astronomer. 800' meteor / 40 mil 7/14/1955 #12259 SOUTH / KEY WEST, FL 2 / Navy jet paced / red night light. 7/28/1955 #12292 KEY BISCAYNE, FL Humming noise abates when light on. N 7/29/1955 #12295 NORTHWEST / MT. DORA, FL 5 observer(s). Night lights playfully 8/12/1955 #12356 WILLISTON, FL 30m saucer and 6 bell-shapes. Cops li 11/2/1955 #12542 Williams, FL Police, others saw as many as six ova 11/2/1955 #12543 MIAMI SHORES, FL 12 separate observer(s). Whistling so 11/11/1955 #12562 Marianna, FL MATS Pilot Tracks Unidentifed Target 12/6/1955 #12600 JACKSONVILLE, FL 2 airline(s)/airliner crews and many 12/11/1955 #12603 Jacksonville (near), FL Fast maneuvering orange-red round obj 12/11/1955 #12604 OFF SANIBEL, FL Buzzing sound. Double-plate saucer ho 12/15/1955 #12611 GMX, LA TO FL PAA flight engineer. Large long objec 1/22/1956 #12676 Coral Gables, FL Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lectu 2/7/1956 #12698 discussion group in Coral Gables, FL 2/7/1956 #12698 Miami, FL Miami News: Engineer Norman S. Bean g 2/8/1956 #12700 ST. PETERSBURG, FL Silver-white UFO going quickly west. 2/8/1956 #12701 MIAMI, FL 2+5 kids. 3 round silent night lights 3/31/1956 #12770 JACKSONVILLE, FL 5+observer(s). Small saucer going [to 5/9/1956 #12840 LUTZ, FL 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binocular 6/24/1956 #12917 SOUTH / FT. MYERS, FL Ex-Navy pilot / Cessna. Huge cylinder 9/21/1956 #13231 OFF ST. PETERSBURG, FL 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Circular 9/22/1956 #13232 SHARPES, FL 1 observer. Bright round object follo 11/8/1956 #13310 CAPE CANAVERAL, FL Several observer(s). 2 saucers buzz F 11/8/1956 #13311 CAPE SABLE, FL 6 PAA RADAR experts. Blip = huge bar- 11/8/1956 #13312 Miami, FL November 8, 1956; Miami, Florida, G ( 11/8/1956 #13313 DESTIN, FL Military pilot / air. Long thin objec 11/9/1956 #13317 Destin, FL Pilot saw a long narrow object with a 11/9/1956 #13318 DE FUNIAK SPRS, FL Military and civil observer(s). White 12/26/1956 #13413 CORAL GABLES, FL 2 / car. Dull red meteor shoots going 1/26/1957 #13475 BRADENTON BEACH, FL Classic saucer going down. Stops 15M 2/10/1957 #13489 Jacksonville, FL DC-6A Crew Take Evasive Action (NICAP 3/9/1957 #13537 JACKSONVILLE, FL 2 kids / yard. White disk going quick 3/10/1957 #13543 Off East Coast, FL Pan American Airways pilot observed b 3/29/1957 #13570 NORTHWEST / DE LAND, FL Small round cloud follows car / 30 km 4/1957 (approximate) #13571 ake UAP crash story in Everglades, FL. The source is an Associated Press em 5/1957 #13633 CORAL GABLES, FL Amateur astronomer / naked eye. Dim g 5/22/1957 #13672 NORTHWEST MIAMI, FL Flash! 2 ovoid disks descend going so 7/3/1957 #13774 TEMPLE TERRACE, FL 3 observer(s). Wingless airplane with 7/20/1957 #13815 OLDSMAR, FL Project Bluebook Case #4848. Observer 7/29/1957 #13849 Oldsmar, FL A pale yellow fireball glide into the 7/29/1957 #13852 CECIL NAS, FL Bell-shape chases civilians. Hides as 8/22/1957 #13918 Cecil NAS, FL Car chased a 50 ft black, bell shaped 8/22/1957 #13920 Dry Tortugas, FL Crew of aircraft saw object/ bright r 8/27/1957 #13934 NORTH / ST. PETERSBURG, FL Newsmen? Large metallic ovoid hovers 9/19/1957 #14008 CAPE CANAVERAL, FL 12 observer(s). White saucer back / 2 10/7/1957 #14067 Cape Canaveral, FL White oval object seen near Cape for 10/7/1957 #14068 WEST / QUINCY, FL 1 / US90. 2 airliner size eggs with f 10/15/1957? #14115 OFF CLEARWATER, FL 20+observer(s). Brill cylinder/cigar- 11/5/1957 #14307 Eglin AFB, FL (McDonald list) AN/FPS-16 Tracks at H 11/5/1957 #14326 Eglin AFB, FL USAF B-66 crew saw 3 objects, tracked 11/25/1957 #14611 Sarasota, FL White light source glided overhead, T 12/18/1957 #14745 TAMPA, FL USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC) obse 3/2/1958 #14908 Tampa, FL Balloon-shaped object with bright lig 3/2/1958 #14909 US19 / TARPON SPRINGS, FL 2 / car. Fireball near sun. 1600 read 5/8/1958 #15022 NORTHWEST / FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 2 / boat. Orange fireball flares up a 5/17/1958 #15040 Ft. Lauderdale, FL UFO sped away when light was shone at 5/17/1958 #15041 SARASOTA, FL 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Fuzzy ova 6/4/1958 #15078 Sarasota, FL White oval-shaped object zigzagged ov 6/4/1958 #15080 SOUTHWEST / TAMPA, FL Numerous separate observer(s). Brilli 12/12/1958 #15475 Coral Gables, FL Area-51/S-4 whistleblower Bob Lazar i 1/26/1959 #15565 Bob Lazar is born in Coral Gables, FL. 1/26/1959 #15565 MIAMI, FL 1 observer. White cigarette cylinder/ 2/12/1959 #15586 OCOEE, FL Ex-treasury officer. Large green nigh 4/3/1959 #15690 Ocoee, FL Treasury enforcement officer saw UFO 4/3/1959 #15691 BRADENTON, FL Glowing-disk stops 2km away. 1cm appa 4/23/1959 #15710 KEY WEST, FL 2 Navy men. 2 star-like night lights 10/20/1959 #16046 Key West, FL Navy enlisted men watched two UFOs re 10/20/1959 #16047 EVERGLADES NOT PLOTTED ON MAPS, FL PAA aero RADAR's. Huge ovoid blip / f 11/8/1959 #16083 SARASOTA, FL Architect. Yellow cylinder/cigar-shap 5/4/1960 #16249 Sarasota, FL Cigar-shaped UFO with four window-lik 5/4/1960 #16251 NORTH / BUNNEL, FL UFO / field. Car malfunctions due to 9/3/1960 (approximate) #16433 Cape Canaveral, FL UFO alters launch of U.S. Navy Polari 1/10/1961 #16569 Cape Canaveral, FL UFO blocks tracking of U.S. missile, 1/10/1961 #16570 EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, FL Metallic saucer nears Air Force Base 1/22/1961 #16583 Eglin AFB, FL An elliptical UFO, metallic looking, 1/22/1961 #16585 Tyndall AFB, FL (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 2/26/1961 #16602 FORT PIERCE, FL Mayor and airmen. Fireball / fantasti 3/22/1961 #16638 Ft. Pierce, FL Beechcraft pilot and passenger saw an 3/23/1961 #16639 Cape Canaveral, FL (McDonald list) Object Tracked Prior 4/11/1961 #16646 TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, FL Project Bluebook Case #7417. Pilots a 5/20/1961 #16689 Tyndall AFB, FL Gnd Radar Tracks Object Chased By Fig 5/20/1961 #16691 Tyndall AFB, FL Big silver-dollar disc hover and revo 5/22/1961 #16692 Bronson and Cross City, FL Oval Tracked By AN/FPS-6A (NICAP: 09 5/23/1961 #16697 Tampa, FL (McDonald list) Object Tracked At 34, 6/2/1961 #16709 CAPE CANAVERAL, FL UFO moves going up [to] going down / 9/7/1961 #16819 Cape Canaveral, FL (Hynek UFO Rpt p. 44) Object Moves Ve 9/7/1961 #16820 ation on a chalkboard: N = R fp ne fl fi fc L. The equation, the Green Bank 11/1/1961 #16944 OLDTOWN, FL Project Bluebook Case #7741. Huge sau 11/21/1961 #16965 Oldtown, FL Round, red-orange object fly straight 11/21/1961 #16966 POMPANO BEACH, FL Brilliant cylinder/cigar-shape with d 5/18/1962 #17176 Pompano Beach, FL Cigar-shaped UFO, brilliantly lighted 5/18/1962 #17178 PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Weathermen and several. 4 yellow nigh 8/10/1962 #17330 JACKSONVILLE, FL Numerous observer(s). Several 1M glow 10/10/1962 #17462 DADE CITY, FL Project Bluebook Case #8215. 2 observ 11/17/1962 #17550 Tampa, FL Bright star-like lights approach, hov 11/17/1962 #17551 Cape Canaveral, FL Minuteman Veers Off Course (NICAP: 01 3/18/1963 #17710 SANFORD, FL Night light changes colors. Moves goi 8/6/1963 #17869 Sanford, Fl Orville Hartle, Chairman of the LaPor 8/6/1963 #17871 SR60 WITH VERO BEACH, FL 15+disks pace car / miles. Hide / oth 6/23/1964 (approximate) #18369 CECIL NAS, FL Pilot. 4 red night lights merge over 12/28/1964 #18674 Tallahassee, FL Saucer With Domed Top / Humming Sound 2/1/1965 #18791 Nr. Brooksville, FL Landed Object And Entity Case / Hoax 3/2/1965 #18830 NEAR IMMOKALEE, FL 25M saucer zaps observer(s). Eye dama 3/15/1965 #18855 Everglades, FL Everglades / James Flynn Case (NICAP: 3/15/1965 #18856 Everglades, FL Hovering cone-shaped object, animal r 3/15/1965 #18858 ELLYSON NAS / PENSACOLA, FL 2 cadets. 5M fireball-cylinder/cigar- 4/4/1965 #18891 ST. PETERSBURG, FL Fast yellow-gold domed disk going qui 4/10/1965 #18903 FORT PIERCE, FL Pear-shaped object photographed under 7/5/1965 #19068 Cocoa, FL Police Observe Four Objects In Diamon 8/3/1965 #19284 MALABAR, FL Aerospace Tech. 3 saucers scout Gemin 8/21/1965 #19446 SALT SPRINGS, FL 3 observer(s). 45M saucer beams light 12/14/1965 #19768 Miami, FL Engineer Norman S. Bean gives a lectu 1/11/1966 #19822 ying saucers at Palm Beach Towers, FL 1/11/1966 #19822 Miami, FL Miami News: Engineer, inventor and le 2/22/1966 #19912 MIMS, FL Project Bluebook Case #10247. USAF / 3/20/1966 #20000 Miami, FL Pulsating light, varying from white t 3/20/1966 #20006 Miami, FL Engineer, inventor, and lecturer Norm 3/21/1966 #20013 KEY WEST, FL Boca Chica NAS buzzed / orange glow s 3/22/1966 #20025 Key West, FL Night, EST. FL. Several discs with fl 3/22/1966 #20028 Key West, FL Night, EST. FL. Several discs with flashing lights a 3/22/1966 #20028 FORT PIERCE, FL Blue Book. Glowing balloon too bright 3/23/1966 #20035 Fort Pierce, FL Bright object like a balloon covered 3/23/1966 #20041 HAGUE, FL Blue Book Case #. Man tries / touch 2 4/4/1966 #20216 Hague (<1 mile SE of), FL Elongated object on the ground, 6 ft 4/4/1966 #20222 SOUTH DAYTONA, FL 1 observer. 8M UFO in front / car. Go 4/8/1966 #20273 OVER OCALA, FL Governor and 6 / plane. Glowing-sauce 4/25/1966 #20411 Ocala, FL Governor's plane paced by globes (NIC 4/25/1966 #20413 EAST / NAPLES, FL 30m glowing-sphere/orb/globe follows 5/6/1966 #20452 Carnestown, FL 2:05 a.m. EDT. In Collier County, sou 5/6/1966 #20453 Gainesville, FL University campus police saw a round 5/23/1966 #20508 NEAR SEBRING, FL Private pilot / 2900m chased / 300m c 9/20/1966 #20899 Sebring, FL Giant Cone Shadows Private Aircraft ( 9/20/1966 #20901 Sebring, FL Private pilot encountered coneshaped 9/20/1966 #20902 Pinellas Park, FL 9:20 p.m. EST. A young boy saw a very 11/10/1966 #21087 BROOKSVILLE, FL Saucer lands again. Photographs / cir 12/4/1966 #21181 from rocket launched at Eglin AFB, FL, blue-green color, visible over wide 1/16/1967 #21321 HOLLYWOOD, FL Metallic disk. Row / green lights rot 2/19/1967 #21592 Hollywood, FL 4:30 p.m. EST. Two people saw a gun-m 2/19/1967 #21595 Plantation, FL 9:00 p.m. EST. Seven high school stud 3/3/1967 #21742 Daytona Beach, FL 12:45 p.m. EST. Two woman saw a disc 3/14/1967 #21885 OPA-LOCKA, FL 200+separate observer(s) / 3 days. Do 4/6/1967 #22071 OPA-LOCKA, FL 2 teachers and 200 kids. Metallic sau 4/7/1967 #22086 COCOA BEACH, FL Domed disk hovers. Tilts / small plan 4/21/1967 #22176 Cocoa Beach, FL 4:00 p.m. EST. A woman saw a shiny di 4/21/1967 #22182 Samoset, FL 9:00 p.m. EDT. A couple saw a cigar-s 5/1967 #22252 St. Augustine, FL 8:12 a.m. EDT. A woman saw a revolvin 6/1/1967 #22443 ORMOND BEACH, FL Girl / 8. Large orange object drops n 6/10/1967 #22485 Miami, FL 10:20 p.m. EDT. Seven witnesses saw a 7/18/1967 #22693 NEAR ISLAMORADA, FL Night light paces car. Goes when onco 7/20/1967 #22706 Titusville, FL 9:15 p.m. EDT. A woman and her daught 7/20/1967 #22708 JEWISH CREEK, FL Car buzzed / fireball again. Dog shak 7/21/1967 #22714 Pompano Beach, FL Dog in car fearful at low flying ligh 7/21/1967 #22715 Jewish Creek \[Homestead?\],, FL Yellow "jagged" object rise above a s 7/21/1967 #22716 Eglin AFB, FL 6:40 p.m. CDT. A man saw three whitis 8/5/1967 #22812 NORTHEAST / JACKSONVL, FL 2 / light plane. Grey triangle with 6 10/27/1967 #23338 ville (Over Atlantic Ocean NE of), FL 3:00 a.m. EDT. The pilot of a Piper-T 10/27/1967 #23342 HOMESTEAD, FL 5 / (seen thru) binoculars. Dull silv 4/24/1968 #23921 NEAR PUNTA GORDA, FL Car engine and lights fail. Saucer la 5/27/1968 #23985 Punta Gorda, FL Domed disc, green-blue glow, below tr 5/27/1968 #23986 DELAND AND DELEON SPRINGS, FL Fireballs ovoids and luminous/glowing 7/21/1968 #24196 ST. PETERSBURG, FL 1 observer. Humming. 125' fiery wheel 8/15/1968 #24328 BROOKSVILLE, FL Saucer nears car going through woods. 8/21/1968 #24362 NORTHWEST / OCALA, FL 2 observer(s). Green night light mane 9/15/1968 #24463 Ocala, FL Twin Beach C45H Encounters UFO / Gnd 9/15/1968 #24465 LAKELAND, FL 5 observer(s). Disk hovers 2M / palm- 10/1968 #24529 MEDULLA, FL Family. Dog barks. Transparent violet 10/8/1968 #24550 CYPRESS LAKE, FL 4 saucers pace 2 Cessnas. 1 grows leg 11/26/1968 #24710 Lake Cyprus, FL Two pilots report four ovals in echel 11/26/1968 #24715 Lake Cyprus, FL Four bright, oval objects paced aircr 11/26/1968 #24717 JACKSONVILLE, FL Hundreds / report(s). Cops chase odd 2/3/1969 #24892 NEAR APOPKA, FL Saucer follows car. Circles house. Go 6/29/1970 #25719 Apopka, FL Dog in car did not respond; dog outsi 6/29/1970 #25720 DELAND, FL Car malfunctions due to EME (electro- 11/7/1970 #25904 STUART, FL UFO lands / street / anonymous observ 2/17/1971 #26023 GULF BREEZE, FL 5 observer(s). Ovoid going west. Nigh 7/14/1971 #26226 APOLLO BEACH, FL 16M saucer 30M ahead / car. 120M alti 2/11/1972 #26570 Apollo Beach, FL A 24-year-old college graduate report 2/11/1972 #26571 CHARLOTTE HARBOR, FL Saucer chases cars / US17. Follows 1 7/10/1972 #26784 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 3 RADAR's and Air Traffic Controllers 9/14/1972 #26992 Palm Beach, FL Ground/Visual; Two 106's Scrambled (N 9/14/1972 #26996 KEY WEST, FL 2 observer(s). 3 domed top saucers bo 1/27/1973 #27246 HOLLYWOOD, FL Pilots and ground observer(s). Phony 8/18/1973 #27711 NORTH / TALLAHASSEE, FL 2+2 observer(s). Small round object g 9/13/1973 #27812 HOLLYWOOD, FL Dog barks. Orange-glow ovoid pulses a 9/29/1973 #27884 Hollywood, FL A woman observed an object for 3 to 4 9/29/1973 #27888 Hollywood, FL 8:30 p.m. A former naval pilot, his w 10/13/1973 #28019 KEY WEST, FL Airline(s)/airliner exec and 1. Silen 10/22/1973 #28233 PENSACOLA, FL 1 observer at home. Bright orange ext 10/24/1973 #28256 TALLAHASSEE, FL Air Traffic Controller and pilots and 11/12/1973 #28411 Bradenton, FL Patrick Thrush spots a hovering UFO a 12/13/1973 #28560 BRADENTON, FL Saucer with tube into river. Pulls an 12/13/1973 #28564 Bradenton, FL 8:50 p.m. While checking on a strange 12/13/1973 #28566 Stuart, FL An unidentified flying object was rep 2/17/1974 #28777 Pensacola, FL Red Sphere Paces Training Jet (NICAP: 11/11/1974 #29591 FT. PIERCE, FL 2 / car. Moonlit object spins going e 2/6/1975 #29786 BOCA RATON TO/FROM KEY LARGO, FL Cops and many. 2-5 night lights maneu 11/10/1975 #30588 HASTINGS, FL Many observer(s) / 4 day wave. 400' r 12/13/1975 #30710 NORTHEAST / SALT SPRINGS, FL 3 observer(s). 25' dome with 5 12' le 12/14/1975 #30713 Key West, FL 4:25 a.m. Mrs. Rosemary Heitmeyer was 1/27/1976 #30822 EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, FL 707-size object hovers. 40 frames / f 1/31/1976 #30834 Eglin AFB, FL 4:30 EST (3:30 CST). UFOs were spotte 1/31/1976 #30835 KISSIMMEE, FL 5 observer(s). Silver white saucer < 2/8/1976 #30853 Kissimmee, FL At 10:30 p.m. a silvery white disc-sh 2/8/1976 #30855 HIGH SPRINGS, FL Separate cops and more/others. Saucer 2/10/1976 #30860 High Spring, FL 11:00 p.m. A woman living near Lake C 2/10/1976 #30861 PAGE FIELD AND FT. MYERS, FL NAL pilot and several separate observ 6/26/1976 #31141 Central, FL 8:30 p.m. A family of four was travel 8/18/1976 #31278 HOLLYWOOD, FL Ex Navy pilot / (seen thru) binocular 10/13/1976 #31462 MIAMI, FL 3+observer(s). Oval glow with saucer 12/18/1976 #31610 NEAR BRISTOL, FL 1 observer. Saturn object. Invisible 1/12/1977 #31718 PLANTATION, FL 1 / car paced by saucer. Erratic moti 1/13/1977 #31719 US90 WITH MADISON, FL 1 / car. Blue-glow triangle changes c 10/25/1977 (approximate) #32607 DELAND, FL 1 observer / 21. Photograph / silent 1/15/1978 #32883 SANFORD, FL 2 / car and several observers. 100m b 3/31/1978 #33105 SILVER SPRS, FL 8 observer(s) and Ocala RADAR. 15m sa 5/14/1978 #33207 necastle Electronic Warfare Range, FL G,V, Radar Confirms Unidentified Ligh 5/14/1978 #33208 Ocala, FL Navy radar tracked an oblong object w 5/14/1978 #33209 WEWAHITCHKA, FL 2 / tugboat. 12m domed saucer with la 5/15/1978 #33214 NICEVILLE, FL Silent metallic eye-like object with 8/12/1978 #33511 Homestead, FL Three men saw a silver disc hovering 12/31/1978 #34244 HIALEAH, FL 3 / car / malfunctions due to EME (el 1/3/1979 #34283 Miami, FL Mr. Filiberto Cardenas, age 45, was d 1/3/1979 #34287 WEST PALM BEACH, FL 4 girls. Domed faceted saucer drops / 11/8/1979 #34985 SR346 SOUTHWEST / GAINESVILLE, FL 1 observer. Large bright saucer chase 12/19/1979 #35083 Gainesville, FL A large bright disc chased a car down 12/19/1979 #35085 NEAR POMPANO BEACH, FL 1 observer. 2 10' burger-buns circle 9/28/1980 #35539 Boca Raton, FL Two discs circle Aerostar PA60 (NICAP 9/28/1980 #35540 LITHIA, FL 2 observer(s). 2 lights = large silve 9/15/1981? #36116 and his fiancé moved to Pensacola, FL and his fiancé was later killed in a 1982 #36291 in a car crash near Singing Sands, FL where she was forced off the road in 1982 #36291 Clearwater FL Prof. John Spencer Carr of Clearwater 2/6/1982 #36322 f. John Spencer Carr of Clearwater FL calls ufologist Leonard Stringfield a 2/6/1982 #36322 40 MI WITH MIAMI, FL 9+several separate observer(s). Huge 1/30/1984 #37164 Miami (40 miles west of), FL 9:00 PM. Mine men working on an oil p 1/30/1984 #37165 GAINESVILLE, FL 2 / boat. Silent ovoid hovers 100M aw 4/13/1984 #37259 WILLISTON, FL Humming. Dogs hide / pens and cry. Ar 5/6/1984 #37322 Williston, FL Time not given. A 13-year-old boy wor 5/6/1984 #37323 FT MYERS BEACH, FL Several observer(s). Large bright gol 1/28/1986 #37772 KEY LARGO, FL 1 observer. Fireball going down / hig 1/29/1986 #37774 FT LAUDERDALE, FL 10 observer(s). 50 silver saucers man 7/19/1986 #37947 NEW PORT RICHIE, FL 2 observer(s). Flash / cloud. 3 orang 7/24/1986 #37950 SEBASTIAN, FL 1 / car. Bright yellow night light ov 7/25/1986 #37953 ST. PETERSBURG, FL House shakes. Radio Frequency Interfe 8/5/1986 #37971 KEY LARGO, FL 1 observer. Silent 20M x 12M flying w 8/11/1986 #37977 TALLAHASSEE, FL 1 observer. Night light zigzags and b 8/31/1986 #38003 FORT MYERS, FL W. B. Nash and son. Large silent curv 2/1/1987 #38109 WEST PENSACOLA, FL Several observer(s). 6 spheres make 9 7/23/1987 #38213 GAINESVILLE, FL Huge silent circular saucer stops 100 8/5/1987 #38230 WEST / ARCADIA, FL Lady sees saucer / bridge. Beings see 10/19/1987 #38307 GULF BREEZE, FL 5 photographs crown-saucer. Mr. Ed li 11/11/1987 #38319 Gulf Breeze, FL First five photos reported taken by b 11/11/1987 #38320 Gulf Breeze, FL First five photos reported taken by b 11/11/1987 #38321 GULF BREEZE, FL 2 observer(s). 30' saucer over trees 11/24/1987 #38333 DESTIN, FL Lady reports apparent abduction / 5-Y 11/25/1987 #38335 ORIOLE BEACH, FL Kids. "Extra streetlight". Glides beh 12/10/1987 (approximate) #38352 GULF BREEZE, FL Mr. Ed. Several photos / saucer. Poss 12/17/1987 #38365 GULF BREEZE, FL Mr. Ed. 1.5min / video / saucer. Some 12/28/1987 #38376 GULF BREEZE, FL Crown saucer low over road. 5 small h 1/12/1988 #38409 GULF BREEZE, FL ED's foto#24. Wife ducks beam from UF 2/7/1988 #38442 GULF BREEZE, FL 1 observer. Dark 20' saucer goes thro 3/2/1988 #38480 TIGER POINT VILLAGE, FL 4+2 observer(s) to 2145hrs. Orange ov 3/4/1988 #38484 GULF BREEZE, FL Minister and teen. Silent saucer rota 3/11/1988 #38497 VILLA VENYCE AND GULF BREEZE, FL 2 / car chase huge saucer / windows. 3/14/1988 #38504 SOUNDSIDE NEAR SABINE, FL 3+1+2+2 observer(s). Night lights cyl 3/16/1988 #38507 NAVARRE, FL 1+3+1+2 ind. observer(s). Ed takes st 3/17/1988 #38509 GRAND CANAL, FL 2+2 girls. Usual UFO over house. Diam 3/30/1988 #38521 GULF BREEZE, FL 2 observer(s). Circle / orange lights 4/3/1988 #38531 EAST / GULF BREEZE, FL 1 / US98. Saucer stays ahead of van. 4/28/1988 #38546 GULF BREEZE, FL Ed abducted / 75 minute(s). Fight wit 5/1/1988 #38549 GULF BREEZE, FL Engineer and family. Standard GB sauc 5/10/1988 #38560 PENSACOLA, FL 2 observer(s). Silent saucer 330' ove 7/8/1988 #38599 GULF BREEZE, FL Woman / car. Disk moves to and fro ov 10/5/1988 #38663 VALPARAISO, FL USAF housewife. Beams going [to] 2 st 10/24/1988 #38685 Valparaiso, FL Dog and cat wanted to approach rectan 10/24/1988 #38686 GULF BREEZE, FL 2 observer(s). Light passes window. C 12/4/1988 #38739 PENSACOLA, FL 2 / car. 15' Saturn-disk stops and ho 12/29/1988 #38765 PENSACOLA, FL Bay bridge. 2 / car. Orange ball hove 1/6/1989 #38776 GAINESVILLE, FL Multiple observer(s). Silent 10' disk 1/23/1989 #38793 GULF BREEZE, FL Dogs bark. 3' saucers land. Vanish as 2/8/1989 #38823 Gulf Breeze, FL Dogs barked constantly as 2 small dis 2/8/1989 #38824 PENSACOLA, FL 2 / car paced / 20' saucer. Goes. (1 3/8/1989 #38866 PENSACOLA, FL Woman / car. Huge fireball low overhe 4/4/1989 #38889 CANTONMENT, FL 1+1 observer(s). Dark 15' saucer. Doo 4/5/1989 #38891 Cantonment, FL Excited barking as disc emitted light 4/5/1989 #38892 ST. PETERSBURG, FL 2 observer(s). 7 7' disks / V-formati 4/9/1989 #38898 CRESTVIEW, FL Observer(s) aims .22 at 90' saucer. B 4/21/1989 #38915 Crestview, FL Barking alerted witness to disc, whic 4/21/1989 #38916 Crestview, FL Witness aimed rifle at hovering disc, 4/21/1989 #38917 WARRINGTON, FL 1 observer. 30'"bow-tie". Vanishes! O 5/1/1989 #38931 CANTONMENT, FL 1 observer. 40' silver "paper plate" 8/18/1989 #39065 Cantonment, FL Normally noisy dogs silent as disc ho 8/19/1989 #39066 GULF BREEZE, FL 2 observer(s). Translucent white 75' 8/22/1989 #39067 Gulf Breeze, FL Cats indifferent to triangle at tree 8/22/1989 #39068 NAVARRE BEACH, FL 2 observer(s) / balcony. Delta/triang 8/23/1989 #39070 GULF BREEZE, FL 3 / car. Saucer in distance joined / 9/9/1989 #39094 PENSACOLA, FL 35 observer(s). Walters photographs s 9/12/1989 #39097 CANTONMENT, FL 2 observer(s). 20' cones. 180° level 9/14/1989 #39099 Cantonment, FL Dogs hid while diamond shaped object 9/14/1989 #39100 PENSACOLA, FL 4 / car. Silver disk wobbles rising o 10/9/1989 #39152 Gulf Breeze, FL Dogs barking at hum of boomerang (NIC 10/9/1989 #39154 FT WALTON BEACH, FL 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Unidentif 10/30/1989 #39193 Ft. Walton Beach, FL Insects silent as lights are seen (NI 10/30/1989 #39194 Gulf Breeze, FL Dogs barking excitedly at hum of 3 be 11/1/1989 #39206 WHISPER BAY, FL 3 glowing blue-grey bell-shaped objec 11/2/1989 #39210 GULF BREEZE, FL 2 / car / US98. 10M beige cylinder/ci 11/15/1989 #39231 GULF BREEZE, FL 1 observer. Dark arrowhead drops and 11/30/1989 #39280 MIAMI, FL Watchman / mall. 225cm giant / parkin 12/7/1989 #39302 Gulf Breeze, FL Dark round or oblong object with red 1/8/1990 #39370 Gulf Breeze, FL Dark round or oblong object with red 1/18/1990 #39380 GULF BREEZE, FL 3' beam / light going down [to] outsi 3/7/1990 #39448 GULF BREEZE, FL Several observer(s). Military jets ch 4/5/1990 #39510 PENSACOLA, FL 2 / bay bridge. Delta/triangle/box-li 4/10/1990 #39515 WEST / MILTON, FL Observer(s) follows 30' sphere/orb/gl 4/18/1990 #39535 GULF BREEZE, FL 2+1 observer(s). 30x15' box with ligh 4/30/1990 #39544 NAPLES, FL 2 observer(s). Crown-saucer clearly a 6/10/1990 #39611 PENSACOLA, FL 5+observer(s). Large silver saucer ex 6/21/1990 #39618 PENSACOLA, FL Ret Navy pilot and 1. Huge blue-white 7/20/1990 #39653 GULF BREEZE, FL 2+observer(s). Red object going west 9/19/1990 #39734 PORT RICHEY, FL 3+3 observer(s). 3 red balls / light. 10/7/1990 #39763 PENSACOLA, FL 2 observer(s). Domed metal saucer. Bl 11/11/1990 #39884 MILTON, FL Navy Tech. Dull silver-grey wingless 11/25/1990 #39908 PENSACOLA, FL 2+4 kids. Car-size saucer / treetop l 12/5/1990 #39926 GULF BREEZE, FL Walters takes stereo-photograph / UFO 2/4/1991 #39971 GULF BREEZE, FL 2+35 observer(s). "Blimp" circled / l 4/9/1991 #40032 VERO BEACH, FL 1+6 kids. Light-grey 10' box with ant 7/27/1991 #40135 FT LAUDERDALE, FL 1 observer only. Silent white 360m de 11/14/1991? #40229 NORTH PORT, FL Silent cylinder/cylindrical object go 11/24/1991 #40237 NORTH / FT MYERS, FL Cop. Saucer over field buzzes car. Li 3/12/1992 #40373 HAINES CITY, FL Green saucer. Cop aghast. Car radio a 3/19/1992 #40386 Haines City, FL Domed object approached police car, g 3/19/1992 #40388 Haines City, FL Glowing green dome-shaped object mane 3/19/1992 #40389 GULF BREEZE, FL 1 observer. 10' domed saucer rises / 9/11/1992 #40618 SHALIMAR, FL 2 observer(s). "Rotorless helicopter" 1/21/1993 #40806 PENSACOLA BEACH, FL 2 observer(s). 10M "helicopter" with 2/5/1993 #40840 PENSACOLA BEACH, FL Crown-saucer passes 2X. Caught / 8mm 3/24/1993 #40899 PENSACOLA BEACH, FL Crown-saucer hovers near house. 1 Pol 4/2/1993 #40924 BAYPORT, FL Cop. Silent black boomerang paces car 4/16/1993 #40936 GULF BREEZE, FL Large orange ovoid followed / helicop 9/8/1993 #41188 SANTA ROSA SOUND, FL Ed Walters photograph. Water funnel u 4/26/1994 #41504 PENSACOLA, FL 2 / car. 8' saucer passes car. Stops 4/28/1994 #41508 PENSACOLA, FL 2 / car. 2 silent 150' metal ovoids / 5/20/1994 #41533 NAVARRE TO/FROM PENSACOLA, FL 2 observer(s). 2 small saucers hover 6/26/1994 #41583 PENSACOLA BEACH, FL 6 observer(s). Huge saucer near water 6/29/1994 #41592 VILLA VENICE, FL 3 observer(s). Huge boomerang / low a 8/27/1994 #41694 SHORELINE PARK, FL Several observer(s). Yellow rectangle 9/6/1994 #41716 GULF BREEZE, FL 2 nurses. Odd orange star drops. Zigz 9/7/1994 #41720 SEBASTIAN AND MINUTES, FL Many and 7 cops. Saucer / blimp seen. 10/4/1994 #41784 SHORELINE PARK, FL Many observer(s). 30 night lights / v 11/30/1994 #41871 KENDALL, FL 2+1 observer(s). 15' orange saucer / 12/18/1994 #41900 NEW PORT RICHIE, FL 1 observer. Huge coin-disk hovers. Go 1/2/1995 #41936 PORT CHARLOTTE, FL 3 observer(s). Immense ovoid with hun 1/9/1995 #41963 PEMBROKE PINES, FL 1 observer. Green triangle descends. 1/13/1995 #41972 SARASOTA, FL Pilot. 30' saucer going down / slant. 1/27/1995 #41999 PERDIDO KEY, FL 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent re 2/4/1995 #42018 PENSACOLA, FL 1 / car. Brilliant silent ellipse app 3/10/1995 #42083 PENSACOLA, FL 1 observer. Metallic-grey pie-tin sau 4/10/1995 #42144 BAKER GOING QUICKLY [TO] HOLT, FL 3 / SR189. Night lights form triangle 4/14/1995 #42149 PEMBROKE PINES, FL 1 / car. Blimp / W. sky. Starts movin 4/19/1995 #42158 I10 / BLACKWATER BRIDGE, FL 2 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape = 5/22/1995 #42219 HIALEAH, FL 2 observer(s). "Lampshade" object hov 5/27/1995 #42230 PENSACOLA, FL 1 / car. Black disk going quickly nor 6/5/1995 #42239 EAST / ESCAMBIA BAY BR, FL 2 / car. Group / lights spins and van 6/7/1995 #42241 HOLLEY, FL 1 observer. Flat-top silver saucer go 6/14/1995 #42255 FREEPORT, FL 7 observer(s). Flashing red triangle 6/16/1995 #42259 FT. PICKENS, FL "Meteor" slows. Drops going down. 90° 7/8/1995 #42292 SARASOTA, FL 1 observer. Solid ellipsoid drops thr 8/25/1995 #42413 ENSLEY, FL 2+/ car. White-hot fireball emits spa 8/27/1995 #42421 PENSACOLA, FL 2 / car / bay bridge. Red 1' fireball 9/2/1995 #42436 TALLAHASSEE, FL 2 observer(s). White / yellow disk go 9/13/1995 #42465 GULF BREEZE, FL 3 observer(s). Large dark silent perf 9/14/1995 #42469 15 MI SOUTHEAST / LAKELAND, FL FAA report. Plane crew sees UFO. Type 10/18/1995 #42557 ORLANDO, FL 1 observer. Odd half-circle / southea 11/18/1995 #42603 SOUTHEAST / GAINESVILLE, FL 2+child. Huge diamond going quickly [ 2/18/1996 #42769 OFF FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 3 observer(s). 2 tiny white rectangle 2/26/1996 #42781 ST. PETERSBURG, FL 5 observer(s). Bright object shoots g 3/19/1996 #42829 JACKSONVILLE, FL Man. Star west going quickly east. Su 4/2/1996 #42849 OFF BRADENTON, FL 2 observer(s). Vibrant bright night l 4/9/1996 #42860 OFF FT. WALTON BEACH, FL 5 crew. Vibrant bright object going d 4/28/1996 #42889 PENSACOLA, FL 1+several observer(s). Triangle going 6/17/1996 #42930 PENSACOLA, FL 1 / car. 18' sombrero saucer hovers / 10/18/1996 #43080 LONG KEY, FL 2 / US1. Metallic sphere appears and 2/24/1997 #43206 I-10 / JACKSONVILLE, FL 40M glowing saucer with concave botto 7/29/1998 #43615 EAST / MYAKKA ST. PK, FL 130M brown colored blimp nears truck. 9/7/1999 #43843 NORTH MIAMI BEACH, FL Domed saucer going west. 3+'stars' fo 11/28/2000 #44083 fund to a location at Palm Beach, FL belonging to the Coast Guard called P 2004 #44638 Port Charlotte, FL Cat fearful as distant light is viewe 8/25/2005 #44865 Cape Canaveral SLC-40, FL First Falcon 9 Technology Demonstrati 6/4/2010 #45284
OCALA, FLA MD. Glowing-orbs play over home. Shr 7/14/1950 #5067 DANIA, FLA 2 observer(s). Silent "flattened foo 7/26/1952 #7154 PALATKA, FLA 1 object splits into 2. Both maneuve 7/25/1961 #16773 ompare to Sept. 20, 1966, Sebring, Fla., case.) A wind-like sound was heard 1/22/1967 #21366 LIVE OAK, FLA Bright pink sphere flies over and ho 7/11/1975 #30172 WEST / HASTINGS, FLA 11+3 observer(s). Huge "top / ferris 12/12/1975 #30706 Pensacola (Fla.) Gulf Breeze, Florida Reporter Crai 6/10/1990 #39612 Myers announces in the Pensacola (Fla.) News-Journal that a foam UFO model 6/10/1990 #39612
FLACHERES, ISERE "Arc-lamp" outside hous 3/24/1972 #26621
square, fall like dead leaves. No "flack" or other explosions were noted at 6/25/1943 #1512 med to be maneuvering to avoid the flack as well. The sighting lasted an es 2/23/1952 #5924 Colorado Pueblo 11:20 p.m. Kenneth Flack is passing a car near Texas Creek, 8/27/1967 #22940 a standing position for 5 minutes. Flack is intensely cold and sleepy, so a 8/27/1967 #22940
also something compared to a white flag. When a car stopped in the vicinity 11/2/1957 #14212 is near the object holding a white flag. When he stops the car, a flash of 11/2/1957 #14214 e that witnessed to a white signal flag. When a car stopped in the vicinity 11/2/1957 #14220 . Behind them he could see a small flag or insignia showing a crowned seaho 12/30/1972 #27193 truck appears to be damaged, they flag down a passing car and call for a t 2/14/1974 #28772 Roca, and he frantically tried to flag down the car. The car slowed down b 2/11/1980 #35170 p [to] and away. Marked 'USA' with flag! 12/1980 (approximate) #35685 R.E. Cmndr., 37th F.W. Cmndr., Red Flag MOC, Dart East MOC, Dart South MOC 7/28/1991 #40136 and Sea Spray SOG. Terms like Red Flag, Dark East, Dark South, Paput Mesa, 7/28/1991 #40136 le coveralls. One was apparently a flag rank officer. There he lost conscio 11/9/1991 #40224 Red Flag logging camp Wuchang, Heilongjiang, Early 6/1994 #41548 armer named Meng Zhaoguo is at Red Flag logging camp near Wuchang, Heilongj Early 6/1994 #41548 re. Westwood writes two are senior flag officers, one is defense industry/h 3/6/2004 #44674 n the same direction with a hazy, "flag like" outer shell waving like a fla 2/11/2011 #45314 ag like" outer shell waving like a flag in the middle of the ocean, with ai 2/11/2011 #45314 e of what GCHQ itself calls ‘false flag operations’ and emails to people’s 2/24/2014 #45402
rrent location of a retired senior flag-rank officer who was directly invol 4/25/2002 #44333
in Lakewood, Colorado when he was flagged down by a tall man with a forked 10/10/1967 #23205 n his head. He stopped his car and flagged down a passing police officer, a 9/25/1977 #32519
people against their wishes and in flagrant contempt of the Constitution.” 1991 #39933
a bank of smoke along the river. "Flags on the custom house hung limp [so 1/13/1910 #832
ng aboard the USS Curtiss, the AEC flagship for Ivy Mike, the first detonat Late 10/1952 #8184 in New Mexico, are aboard the AEC flagship USS Curtiss cruising between Bi 4/7/1954 #9673
Flagstaff, Arizona During the opposition 5/1894 #314 ican astronomer Percival Lowell in Flagstaff, Arizona, and a few others. Th 5/1894 #314 Lowell Observatory Flagstaff, Arizona Mars Astronomers Perc 6/7/1894 #315 Pickering at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, see two “dazzling wh 6/7/1894 #315 Lowell Observatory Flagstaff, Arizona Mars Percival Lowell 12/1900 #642 al Lowell at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, records a shaft of l 12/1900 #642 y, Switzerland Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona Paris Observatory Swi 10/1913 #892 tive nights. Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, also observes them. 10/1913 #892 Flagstaff, AZ Astronomer/meteorologist o 5/20/1950 #4954 Lowell Observatory Flagstaff, Arizona 12:15 p.m. Meteorolog 5/20/1950 #4955 e grounds of Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, when he notices a ro 5/20/1950 #4955 Arizona New Mexico Texas Oklahoma Flagstaff, Arizona 9:00 p.m. A green fir 11/3/1951 #5766 1,000 feet about 20 miles south of Flagstaff, Arizona, watches the object s 11/3/1951 #5766 FLAGSTAFF, AZ 2 loggers. Silent low-flyi 7/12/1954 #10011 Flagstaff, AZ Elongated Object Seen & Tr 5/3/1958 #15012 NEAR FLAGSTAFF, AZ Cop and 1. Bright observer 7/17/1965 #19112 erque Winslow, Arizona Los Angeles Flagstaff 10:00 p.m. The crew of a Lear 1/13/1967 #21299 radar picks up both targets. Past Flagstaff, the object climbs at a 30° an 1/13/1967 #21299 radar picked up both targets. Past Flagstaff the object climbed at a 30° an 1/13/1967 #21301 interstate highway in Flagstaff, Arizona Night. About 25–30 pe 2/12/1981 #35824 people on an interstate highway in Flagstaff, Arizona, see a cigar-shaped o 2/12/1981 #35824
ning. It also melted holes in some flagstones. 9/20/1977 #32500
to Hospitalman 1st Class Thomas E. Flaherty from sick bay to see them. The 7/16/1952 #6843 10:50 a.m. Pilot LtJG William A. O’Flaherty and navigator LtJG R. S. Moore 8/29/1952 #7788
Y Woman. Dark object overhead with flailing appendages. Slow. Follows obser 6/25/1995 #42273 stings-on-Hudson, New York. It had flailing appendages, and moved slowly. I 6/25/1995 #42275
Activity over Germany.” An unnamed Flak Liaison Officer has coordinated the 9/25/1942 #1448 disks seen / British B17s. Chaff? flak? / LDLN#338. 10/14/1943 #1534 ts causing erratic flight or light flak tracers reaching their highest poin 2/9/1944 #1571 paces going quickly southwest. No flak. / r46p193+/ r25p197. 11/24/1944 #1703 tionary object, similar to a small flak burst floating. (Page 59 Ref.1) (NI 2/4/1945 #1773 e fireballs are either Me-262’s or flak rockets. 3/18/1945 #1816 object pulses. Maneuvers to evade flak? / r185. 2/23/1952 #5921
inue until dusk. They are “perfect flakes or rags; some near an inch broad, 9/21/1741 #63 (s). 30' saucer hovers over truck. Flakes / odd chemicals going down. Firew 7/2/1978 #33322 ce is sunburned and sore; the skin flakes off the next day and she quickly 9/9/1979 #34852 r jelly like substance with yellow flakes in it was discovered on a lawn ov 2/27/1997 #43213 tugal, when he sees white, cottony flakes or fibrous strands falling from t 10/25/2014 #45421
s. NASA claims the objects are ice flaking off the aircraft (“fireflies”). 4/30/1962 #17141
FLAMBOROUGH, ON Boy / 19. Domed saucer g 3/18/1975 #29907 FLAMBOROUGH, ONT Physics Major and 1. La 6/23/1993 #41031
Appelle, David Gotlib, and Georgia Flamburis develop and publish an “Ethics 1994 #41343
Wrecks trees and walls. Smoke and flame. Vanishes. / r221p15. 12/7/1872 #193 tion: 1 1/2 min, as a bluish-green flame. Then plunged into the sea. Made s 11/2/1885 #269 tion: 1 1/2 min, as a bluish-green flame. Then plunged into the sea. Made s 11/2/1885 #270 l of thunder, witnesses see a huge flame at Highland Lake, near Winsted, Co Early 9/1888 #285 t is dark, with several tongues of flame issuing from it at various points, 7/2/1907 #697 bject retaliated by firing jets of flame at the cave entrance. After near s 1922 #1017 n, the soldiers ran out to see the flame throwing UFO ascending into the sk 1922 #1017 ing down / snow. Slight hiss. Blue flame / rear. 1/1924 #1037 dots of light on the side and blue flame at the trailing end. It makes a sl 1/1924 #1039 emitting no noise, jet exhaust, or flame. 12/1942 #1466 orce reported that green "rings of flame 2 or 3 feet in diameter" corkscrew 11/26/1943 #1543 a “dark shadow” with a flickering flame coming out of its rear. It appears 2/1944 #1570 lanes that explode with a sheet of flame and dense black smoke. 11/4/1944 #1692 lls of fire; two yellow streaks of flame & disappeared from view; the crew 12/26/1944 #1734 ly Alleged jet; multiple spurts of flame; no radar return. (Page 136 Ref.1) 2/15/1945 #1784 streaks toward the northwest, blue flame shooting from the rear. After it v 6/1/1945 #1873 ense Division sees a clear, yellow flame passing low and slow over the coun 8/7/1946 #2110 no visible wings, rudders, lights, flame or projections of any type. It app 8/14/1946 #2135 , torpedo-shape, black object with flame, small rocket, small missile. It t 9/9/1946 #2172 oud noise. A yellowish- blue-green flame is shooting out near the back, and Fall 1946 #2189 tall. After a few seconds, a large flame erupts from the rear of the object 7/1/1947? #2522 r. Black cylinder/cigar-shape with flame and contrail / rear. Going quickly 7/3/1947 #2566 ectile trailing a blindingly white flame and a smoke trail pass overhead as 7/3/1947 #2583 swishing noise and he sees a blue flame underneath each of them. Smoke see 7/9/1947 #3053 r and 3.5 m thick. There was a red flame on one side of the top. 8/13/1947 #3319 a swishing sound. There was a red flame visible on one side of the top. Ac 8/13/1947 #3322 rsville (near), GA A blue circular flame pass the plane, turn, then blink [ 1/9/1948 #3551 led "up with a tremendous burst of flame out of its rear and zoomed up into 7/24/1948 #3724 ging color to orange with trailing flame (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - D 1/7/1950 #4477 Jacksonville, FL Blue-White Flame Approaches C-47 (NICAP: 11 - Aviat 3/23/1950 #4711 bright, circular UFO with rays of flame spinning off its edge in a pinwhee 4/25/1950 #4895 er / 3000' altitude. 1200mph. Blue flame. Roars. 3 passes. 6/21/1950 #4993 California. The object shoots blue flame and makes a roar like thunder as i 6/21/1950 #4998 ular object 2000' overhead. Jets / flame from edges. 6/28/1950 #5019 o] overhead / 1000mph. Spurts blue flame. / LDLN#211. 11/5/1950 #5260 nd pulsating 3 ft sphere with blue flame halo (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 1/29/1952 #5881 1 trainer plane. Comet-like pulses flame / 2 second(s). Straight and level 2/11/1952 #5895 -orange comet-shaped object pulsed flame for 1-2 seconds of a 1 minute stra 2/11/1952 #5897 ish orange object with a pulsating flame exhaust was spotted at a high alti 2/11/1952 #5898 turn going quickly north. Spouts / flame unaffected by air. 4/1952 (approximate) #6004 nish-gray in color, emitted a blue flame, but showed no other light. Summer 1952 #6576 It dove vertically, emitting a red flame 2-5 feet long as it did so, and st 6/22/1952 #6589 iptical-shaped object with a small flame (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 7/17/1952 #6863 iptical-shaped object with a small flame at the rear, periodically increasi 7/17/1952 #6869 ourne AFB, Ohio with a pinpoint of flame at the rear that would occasionall 7/17/1952 #6871 iptical-shaped object with a small flame at the rear, periodically increase 7/18/1952 #6892 e average airplane. It had a small flame coming from the rear of the craft 7/18/1952 #6903 LA 2 USAF men. Red ball with blue flame flew straight and level for 4 seco 8/2/1952 #7415 ake Charles, LA Red ball with blue flame tail fly straight and level (NICAP 8/2/1952 #7420 ted man. One red ball with a blue flame tail flew straight and level for 3 8/2/1952 #7423 ee a red ball with a trail of blue flame fly straight and level over Lake C 8/2/1952 #7424 ns against dark clouds. Sparks and flame down / center. 8/9/1952 #7521 of), Korea Fireball with stream of flame pass an aircraft (NICAP: 09 - RADA 8/9/1952 #7522 ving ball of fire with a stream of flame travelling at a high rate of speed 8/9/1952 #7527 0' apart. 5K' altitude. Silent. No flame. 9/15/1952 #7950 ls up. A cloud of yellow smoke and flame is seen at the rear. Three of the 5/30/1954 #9846 ed up. A cloud of yellow smoke and flame was seen at the rear. Three of the 5/30/1954 #9847 gar-shape with portholes and more. Flame / rear. Going up and down [to] and 9/3/1954 #10236 ches water. Quickly going up / red flame. Longitude & latitude coords. unkn 9/30/1954 #10507 off vertically and give off a red flame before being lost to view. 9/30/1954 #10512 k off vertically, giving off a red flame before being lost to view. 9/30/1954 #10523 flaming tube / rounded ends. White flame / end. 11/30/1954 #11733 observer. Silver ball expels blue flame / 10 minute(s). / Noticias. No fur 12/10/1954 #11791 lying silver ball expelling a blue flame for 10 minutes. 12/10/1954 #11797 resident sees the light burst into flame and drop to earth. Witnesses in Ne 4/25/1955 #12101 elongated object, emitting yellow flame [UFOE, V] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 1/22/1956 #12677 Speeds back going quickly east. No flame. 4/24/1956 #12813 uth, emitting a green light like a flame from the back. It made no sound wh 7/22/1956 #13008 r/cigar-shape incredibly fast. Red flame / rear. 90° turn! Police report ma 10/10/1957 (approximate) #14088 s 12 feet in diameter, with a pink flame coming from its base. It makes a l 10/15/1957 #14120 ing up [to] vertical. Cars stall / flame shoots. / r141#15p21. 10/31/1957 #14169 rocket-shaped object, with yellow flame and white smoke coming from the re 11/2/1957 #14216 m. a UFO with a cone-shaped orange flame at its tail moved southwest to nor 2/2/1958 #14869 blue-glowing ovoid passes / 1 min. Flame / rear. Seen widely.. 12/17/1958 #15478 ets going up / terrific ascent. No flame. / FSRv17#4. 12/31/1958 #15504 ose vertically emitting a blast of flame, and then sped away horizontally. 9/7/1959 #15961 ery rocket-like object with orange flame trail curving up and away "as if i 2/14/1960 #16174 losion heard by many people, and a flame. It bounced in an easterly directi 4/18/1960 #16233 losion heard by many people, and a flame. It bounced in an easterly directi 4/18/1960 #16234 west / 600M altitude. Sudden green flame / rear and away extremely fast. 8/14/1961 #16793 tring did not, however, burst into flame or seem to burn. "They're so fine 11/18/1961 #16964 sh tint and a bright yellow jagged flame coming from the rear: “As the obje 4/18/1962 #17120 road at low altitude, rose with a flame, and separated into two sections t 5/12/1962 #17162 feet. Its lights go out, a reddish flame comes from the bottom, and it make 5/12/1962 #17165 road at low altitude, rose with a flame, and separated into two sections t 5/12/1962 #17166 d a humming sound and a flickering flame through an opening. The boy's fath 8/20/1962 #17349 onnie Zamora. Watched object with flame underneath descend toward the dese 4/24/1964 #18195 and sees a brilliant blue “cone of flame” in the sky to the south-southwest 4/24/1964 #18200 south-southwest. The bottom of the flame is out of sight behind a hill. Thi 4/24/1964 #18200 s the top, the sound stops and the flame is no longer visible. He then noti 4/24/1964 #18200 e and sees a smokeless blue-orange flame coming from beneath. He notes a re 4/24/1964 #18200 He feels some slight heat from the flame. The roaring noise stops, and Zamo 4/24/1964 #18200 al takeoff as the object emitted a flame from the bottom. The foliage in th 4/24/1964 #18202 ject with a long acetylene-colored flame shooting downward, flew straight a 7/20/1964 #18430 m. It had a long acetylene-colored flame shooting downward from underneath 7/20/1964 #18431 n first saw a large, blue, intense flame behind the ship at high speed. He 7/6/1965 #19076 first saw the large, blue, intense flame behind the ship moving at high spe 7/6/1965 #19079 t. Finally, with a burst of orange flame, the object rose vertically into t 8/14/1965 #19392 t. Finally, with a burst of orange flame, the object rose vertically and va 8/15/1965 #19402 FO lifted off, emitting tongues of flame from two tubes or channels on the 9/16/1965 #19569 ighway, object lifted off emitting flame. Tar and gravel road severely dama 9/16/1965 #19573 off the road, emitting tongues of flame from two tubes or channels on the 9/16/1965 #19574 PPOQUIN, IREL 2 / car. Saucer with flame / rear. Photographs public / Londo 12/26/1965 #19789 le women of a luminous disc with a flame coming from the rear of the object 12/26/1965 #19790 object then flipped on edge, blue flame was emitted from the protuberances 3/29/1966 #20137 highway to the right, sucking its flame up behind it as it moves away. The 9/1966 #20827 ANDERSON, IN Gaslike flame maneuvers. Antenna / top? Separate 9/16/1966 #20888 al. After about half an hour a red flame shot upward from the object, then 11/17/1966 #21118 every two seconds. It gave off no flame and made no discernable sound. At 12/30/1966 #21232 re illuminated by white light. Red flame jets appear at one end when the ob 1/15/1967 #21311 then acquired a brilliant glow and flame was emitted from one end. The obje 2/20/1967 #21604 s shaped like a tapered boxcar and flame was coming out the rear. (Salisbur 3/12/1967 #21869 he object belches a white burst of flame from the bottom and ascends rapidl 4/21/1967 #22194 1.1 meters long. A white burst of flame came from the object, which shot u 4/21/1967 #22199 rch. 16M saucer with rivets shoots flame / bottom. Zigzags away. / r41. 5/25/1967 #22395 the ground, emitting a bright red flame which shot from a 3-4 foot round a 5/25/1967 #22398 altitude. It emitted a bright red flame from an aperture underneath as it 5/25/1967 #22399 ture underneath as it hovered. The flame withdrew and the object zig-zagged 5/25/1967 #22399 xplosion, it went straight up with flame coming from the bottom (exhaust). 8/4/1967 #22799 east of Rivers, sees a red ball of flame trailed by a blue light at 3,000–4 8/28/1967 #22943 a terrific speed, trailing jets of flame. 10/7/1967 #23189 legs. Going up / deep humming. No flame. Physical traces. / r8+/ r113p15. 10/9/1967 #23198 ep, low-pitched hum, but no smoke, flame, or haze. It left two impressions. 10/9/1967 #23200 ical. It gave out orange bursts of flame, and disappeared behind some trees 11/12/1967 #23439 appears 300' diameter. Tongues of "flame" / 30 min. 11/15/1967 #23455 the sky, shooting out two balls of flame while doing so. The lights were th 1/2/1968 #23644 on its base emitting bright orange flame. Some 8–10 other lights on its rim 2/4/1968 #23734 at Machado, which emitted a bluish flame that “floated” toward him. When it 2/6/1969 #24897 ted. A red welt remained where the flame had struck him. On the ground were 2/6/1969 #24897 eapon, points it at Machado, and a flame like a welding arc comes out of th 2/7/1969 #24901 y through, and it emitted a bluish flame that “floated” at him. When it hit 2/7/1969 #24902 ted. A red welt remained where the flame had struck him. On the ground were 2/7/1969 #24902 IPPIN, ARK Dogs howl and hide. 15m flame shoots going up. Trees and damp gr 3/1969 #24953 t from the lighted area. A sort of flame rises from this spot and enters th 1/7/1970 #25540 oated out from the lighted area. A flame of sorts rose from this spot and t 1/7/1970 #25541 MARSCIANO, ITL Streak / flame. 2 fast orange globes pass / 1.5M 6/13/1970 #25698 t emitted a cloud of red and white flame. The craft swung from right to lef 9/20/1971 #26354 , and encased in a red glow with a flame shooting from the bottom. It was a 9/20/1971 #26354 e saw it suddenly engulfed in blue flame, and in a matter of 30 minutes the 5/22/1973 #27520 unison. At this point, 3–4 jets of flame appear beneath the craft, the cent 4/16/1974 #29040 g silently in the sky, 4-5 jets of flame were emitted from the underside of 4/16/1974 #29042 ed, giving off an orange, jet-like flame. It was definitely not a Marine mi 6/29/1974 #29232 oof, and then a foot-long spurt of flame erupts from the car radio. The eng 9/26/1974 #29483 eral exhaust ports emitting yellow flame. 11/5/1974 #29586 Driver wipes window. Rag bursts / flame. / r210v25#1+/ r25p55. 3/22/1976 #30951 , and the yellow cloth bursts into flame. When the white car passes the cou 3/22/1976 #30952 ed for five minutes, and had a red flame coming from the bottom the entire 7/22/1976 #31177 ed for five minutes, and had a red flame coming from the bottom the entire 7/22/1976 #31178 Small saucer blows smoke mist and flame. Spins going quickly south. 8/1977 #32334 its a bluish glow like a tongue of flame. When it reaches an altitude of 33 9/18/1978 #33708 bserver(s). Washpan-saucer. Orange flame fans out / 1 side. Rotates counter 11/1978 (approximate) #33906 high speed emitting a burst of red flame from its bottom. During the same t 11/24/1978 #33997 ng UFO. At one time it shot a blue flame out of the front and the car stall 11/29/1978 #34023 id going east. Stops. Shoots off / flame and sparks. 6/19/1979 #34620 ion. One witness sees a rocketlike flame coming out of the object. On a sec 7/15/1981 #36006 e top window before it bursts into flame. As Muchena is ringing a warning b 8/15/1981 #36075 tower, go past him, and burst into flame again at an outbuilding. Muchena g 8/15/1981 #36075 g [to] over house. 1 / away. Eject flame particles. 10/6/1981 #36160 around the village, after which a flame comes out of the rear of the objec 10/15/1981 #36172 O then changed into a bright fiery flame and disappeared. The woman receive 6/3/1982 #36492 iewing programs Center Lane, Grill Flame, Gondola Wish, Sun Streak, Scanate 1983 #36739 d distant dogs stops. The campfire flame rises straight up, frozen. The asp Early Autumn 1987 #38274 edo / low altitude emits smoke and flame and debris! Brill sphere/orb/globe 1/4/1988 #38397 York. It reportedly emitted smoke, flame, and debris, and was followed thro 1/4/1988 #38404 humming sound and a burst of blue flame. They were reports of electrical o 5/10/1989 #38943 ted in yellow. Others saw a yellow flame behind the object. The object acce 5/16/1990 #39573 r/cigar-shape going quickly north. Flame / rear. Blinking and steady lights 11/23/1990 #39900 ver Vumba, Manicaland, Zimbabwe. A flame was emitted from the rear end of t 11/23/1990 #39901 ) silent UFO / 600' altitude. 240' flame mimics rocket plume. Military inve 1/19/1991 (approximate) #39962 KOMMETJIE, RSA Small blue flame flits all over/all about. 2000 L / 11/25/1991 (approximate) #40239 s. Going quickly southwest. Trails flame. 8/25/1992 #40589 r with an orange glow and a yellow flame that flew overhead and to the east 9/30/1992 #40651 e/orb/globe sucks clouds and blows flame. Trees uprooted / 300m. 12/22/1994 #41903 ox with lit domes stops over tree. Flame / side. Going quickly west. 1/15/1995 (approximate) #41975 ip” Atwater and Murray Watt, Grill Flame (Army INSCOM/AMSAA) with Joe McMon 6/30/1995 #42284 f deputies. Glow object over cars. Flame / rear. 4/14/1996 #42865 scribed it as bullet shaped with a flame coming from it. It zig-zagged all 8/11/1996 #42979 England countryside. It expelled a flame and then vanished. According to a 2/25/1997 #43209 t with two blue flames and a green flame that approached slowly on a linear 9/7/1997 #43399 15 seconds toward the east, with a flame visible from the tail section. It 6/12/1999 #43785 nd and had a tail of bright orange flame. The UFO was reported to the FAA b 1/2/2000 #43916 a vertical position, emit a white flame, and blink out. Over 30 more witne 1/8/2008 #45112
COSTA MESA, CA 2 cops. 2 flame-color saucers hover / marine airba 2/10/1956 #12705
d in Waco, Texas, see a noiseless, flame-colored, cigar-shaped object 100–1 Winter 1918? #979 Nagoya, Japan Red or flame-colored light, constant position, 5/14/1945 #1867 Yuma, AZ Bright red or flame-colored discs (NICAP: 01 - Distant 4/27/1952 #6197 rol tower operator). Bright red or flame-colored discs, appearing as large 4/27/1952 #6199 is wife observed two bright red or flame-colored discs that appeared in the 4/27/1952 #6202 erver(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Flame-colored cone-shape maneuvers / 15 6/26/1954 #9951 ight in Costa Mesa, California two flame-colored discs hovered over the Mar 2/10/1956 #12706 rn Tasmania when he notices a huge flame-colored glow lighting up the bush 11/1974 #29575
away / 20M altitude! Going north. Flame-glow 60cm all over/all about. 8/24/1953 (approximate) #9107 neuver away and back / 15 minutes. Flame-glow / rim. 9/3/1959 #15953
d, then made a 90 degree turn. Its flame-like color changed from red to ora 5/30/1940 #1337 icia Ellingson is seeing “glowing, flame-like lights” in her bedroom in Azu Fall 1962 #17435 he UFO passed overhead, emitting a flame-like tail, at an estimated speed o 10/4/1963 #17977 with blue-green, occasionally red, flame-like streaks coming from the under 2/27/1967 #21672 which rises and departs, a yellow flame-like light coming from the bottom. 11/2/1967 #23390 ansparent surface they could see a flame-like light and a human-shaped figu 2/10/1977 #31808 e craft was illuminated from three flame-like symmetrical appendages, and t 10/2/2004 #44766
w in its center with an indistinct flame-orange boundary. Suddenly the Pipe 8/13/1976 #31261
2 observer(s) and bad photograph. Flame-shaped object going quickly [to] o 2/3/1974 #28731
radiation illness after watching a flame-spewing UFO and mystery helicopter 12/29/1980 #35757
monton notices one man frying on a flameless grill and motions for some foo 4/18/1961 #16653
ming. On the other side was a blue flamelike glow. There was no noise, no s 12/1951 #5802 blue-green and with occasional red flamelike lights on the underside, dippe 2/27/1967 #21678 a sort of siren sound and emits a flamelike substance from the bottom. His 12/3/1967 #23545 Canoga Park, CA Disc with flamelike jets around perimeter hovered 9/14/1979 #34880 Canoga Park, CA Disc with flamelike jets around perimeter hovered 9/14/1979 #34882 itnessed a disc-shaped object with flamelike jets around the perimeter hove 9/14/1979 #34885
LA FLAMENGRIE, FR Bike lamp flashes. 4M fir 11/1954 #11501 SOUTH / LA FLAMENGRIE, 02, FR Milkmen. 2M fireball 4/1/1975 #29933 as sighted near a farm south of La Flamengrie, France at 9:10 p.m. Rectangu 4/1/1975 #29935
FLAMENZI, ROMN 50M saucer with portholes 10/20/1990 #39797
' wobbles east going quickly west. Flames all over. Seen / 2 hours. 6/10/1554 #29 /cylindrical object / sky. Gone in flames. 'Common event' / r2p12. 4/14/1561 #33 ast shakes sky. Blue object shoots flames / 20 minutes passing. No further 1/2/1756 #76 e, see a large globe surrounded by flames and making a whistling sound. The 6/12/1790 #91 1 observer. Flying torpedo shoots flames / all directions. Stops. Going qu 7/2/1907 #696 in diameter. It was dark, with red flames being emitted from spots on the s 7/2/1907 #698 hese ruptures came the intense red flames. 7/2/1907 #698 like solar apparition. Sparks and flames / 'sun'. 12/18/1933 #1178 solar apparition, with sparks and flames from a dancing "Sun". 12/18/1933 #1179 nown, Unknown Red ball; yellow/red flames followed aircraft through evasive 1/29/1944 #1565 ucer over railroad/railway tracks. Flames and vanishes when shot at. 9/1944 #1655 color, vivid lights, looking like flames, in a tight inverted triangle for 12/26/1944 #1735 nt called a Baka Bomb, but exhaust flames can only be seen from the rear; a 7/1945 #1886 pe going quickly southeast. Shoots flames / front. No trail. Surface glows. 7/20/1945 #1901 e. Its surface was glowing, it had flames shooting from its front, and it l 7/20/1945 #1904 ng up and down. Rises. "Explodes / flames". 7/8/1947 #2997 lowing sphere/orb/globe smokes and flames. Going quickly northwest. Also se 7/26/1947 #3232 rs. Away / 725kph. Slight hiss and flames. / r131p55. 8/6/1947 #3296 5 km/h, emitting a slight hiss and flames. Many observers in nearby Philade 8/6/1947 #3301 It has “pods” on the side emitting flames and is flying along the Snake Riv 8/13/1947 #3320 iling red, green and other colored flames (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 12/30/1947 #3514 eed object trailing green and blue flames (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 12/30/1947 #3515 pipe / farmer 6' away! Wobbles and flames. Going quickly [to] going northwe 2/18/1948 #3578 UFO then wobbled and emitted some flames. It shot away flying toward the n 2/18/1948 #3580 haped and wingless, the object has flames jetting 50 feet from its rear. Th 7/24/1948 #3734 California. It trailed a column of flames. It was also reportedly seen at M 8/31/1948 #3791 inute(s). Changes color(s). Shoots flames. Going quickly. 12/13/1949 #4437 . Featureless cylinder/cigar-shape flames going quickly northwest. Separate 3/12/1950 #4617 the craft; the vapor increased and flames (alternately reddish and greenish 3/18/1950 #4674 the craft. The vapor increased and flames, alternately red and green, shot 3/18/1950 #4680 Many observer(s). Object hovers. 3 flames shoot / tail. Swish. Flutters. Ty 4/13/1950 #4846 er oil field / 2 hours. Lights and flames / rim. Dives and maneuvers. 5/17/1950 #4948 o hours. The object had lights and flames around its rim. It made dives and 5/17/1950 #4949 tral cylinder and is surrounded by flames, then takes off in the direction 6/17/1950 #4991 s on the carrier see three exhaust flames. 2/2/1952 #5893 ject dove at a runway shooting red flames, hovered briefly over a hill, tur 6/22/1952 #6587 South Korea, shooting 2–5-foot red flames. It then heads west at about 300– 6/22/1952 #6588 DONSVILLE, VA Boy / 14. 4 teardrop flames going quickly east. Veer sharply 7/23/1952 #7043 morning four fiery teardrop-shaped flames flew rapidly toward the east over 7/23/1952 #7086 s 2 military / car / low altitude. Flames and going quickly [to] away. / AP 9/15/1952 #7952 ight lights going west. Small blue flames / bottom. Turn going quickly SSW. 9/16/1952 #7955 st overhead / 300m altitude. 2 red flames / rear. 9/17/1952 #7966 inder/cigar-shape-shape "in orange flames" / western coastline. 10/6/1952 #8092 its end shooting out red and green flames. It is making a buzzing noise. KV 1/9/1953 #8523 pilots reported UFO. Jets fell in flames 15 miles West of Quonset Point. 6/24/1953 #8959 quickly [to] by. Row / portholes. Flames / rear. No navigation lights. 11/19/1953 #9309 and instantly with blue and yellow flames. 3/1954 #9577 ne-shape maneuvers / 15 minute(s). Flames / bottom. 6/26/1954 #9951 , gray in color, with no lights or flames visible. Goose Bay AFB [now CFB G 6/29/1954 #9962 ard(s) coast. Slow / low altitude. Flames / rear. 7/13/1954 #10013 , FR Farmer. Saucer shoots colored flames. Low altitude flight. No further 10/13/1954 #10987 and metallic, with no portholes or flames. The report is sent to the Air Mi 10/14/1954 #11058 urrounded by short blue and yellow flames, the object was egg-shaped, flew 10/15/1954 #11099 urrounded by short blue and yellow flames. The object is egg-shaped, flies 10/15/1954 #11109 urrounded by short blue and yellow flames. It was egg-shaped, flew at 15 me 10/15/1954 #11115 RS, AUS White fireball with orange flames / sides. Circles. Then going quic 11/23/1954 #11695 ether hovering above the road with flames spurting out. Four small hairy fi 12/9/1954 #11788 ring just two feet off the ground. Flames emanated from the base of the obj 12/10/1954 #11798 ° turns. Absolute(ly) silent. Blue flames and away. 12/12/1954 #11803 urse, losing altitude and trailing flames. It touched the ground, lighting 5/29/1955 #12166 usual noise and saw a whirlwind of flames 10 or 15 m above ground, coming d 4/22/1957 #13611 me down and landed with a throw of flames. It took off again 30 min later,l 7/30/1957 #13861 tion. It made a humming sound, and flames came from underneath the object. 7/30/1957 #13863 y the object rises straight up and flames. As this happens, the car stalls 10/31/1957 #14176 ides islands / 17 minute(s). Large flames. 11/5/1957 #14314 northeast / 10 minute(s). Tail of flames. Odd. 4/12/1958 #14977 ands about 1.5 miles away. Exhaust flames issue from its rear, and its lumi 9/29/1958 #15286 ts around the rim, emitting orange flames. Inside a glass dome on top were 7/13/1959 #15840 around the middle shoot out orange flames. She can see two men inside, dres 7/13/1959 #15842 ing rows of jets giving off orange flames and heat. A transparent glass-lik 7/13/1959 #15843 as flat and round with occasional flames extending from its edge. The FAA 9/24/1959 #15987 shroom shape, emits red and yellow flames from the lower side, and ascends 9/24/1959 #15987 es, and resulted in explosions and flames. It left behind nine ground scars 4/12/1960 #16225 t 8M vertical ovoid / ground. Blue flames. Traces. / r111p222+/ MJ#252. 4/26/1964 #18206 e ground, north of La Madera. Blue flames appeared to circle the base of th 4/26/1964 #18208 meter, metallic, and shooting blue flames out of holes in the sides. As he 4/26/1964 #18209 watches over the next minute, the flames subside. It is still there when h 4/26/1964 #18209 rth of La Madera, New Mexico. Blue flames appeared to circle the base of th 4/26/1964 #18211 s, New Mexico A "black object with flames" is blamed for burns suffered by 6/2/1964 #18319 e rear, as well as 6 jet-like blue flames. 11/9/1964 #18611 OM CHELTENHAM, ENGL 2 observer(s). Flames flicker / entire length / cylinde 6/19/1965 #19015 er, took off with green and yellow flames, and illuminated the clouds when 8/5/1965 #19328 flashing lights on top, orange-red flames on bottom. It rose vertically wit 8/9/1965 #19351 ands / farm. Going quickly north / flames. 15' burn / field. 8/15/1965? #19394 ect flying at high speed, with red flames on its sides. It circled and came 8/15/1965 #19399 sec later it took off in a pool of flames, at high speed. The tar on the ro 9/15/1965 #19566 nds later it took off in a pool of flames at high speed. The tar on the roa 9/15/1965 #19567 or channels on the underside. The flames deflected about three feet off th 9/16/1965 #19569 ubes or channels on the underside. Flames from the macadam road surface sho 9/16/1965 #19574 nt of them at 12:10 a.m., emitting flames from two tubes on the underside. 9/16/1965 #19575 WEST / KECKSBURG, PA Meteor flames down. Recovery grossly exaggerate 12/9/1965 #19761 ped overhead, trailing two exhaust flames, then shot away to the northwest. 3/15/1966 #19970 three rows of lights, emitted red flames, and made the same noise as a hea 4/18/1966 #20330 nd three rows of lights, emits red flames, and makes the same noise as a he 4/18/1966 #20332 oles hovering about 350 feet away, flames shooting off of it. (Rodeghier, 1 4/25/1966 #20412 hovering about 350 feet away, with flames shooting off of it. 4/25/1966 #20417 gth and 100 feet in diameter with “flames” of different colors along its si 1/1967 #21243 ach end of the cigar was a jet of "flames," directed obliquely downward, an 2/5/1967 #21463 and leaving a trail. A loud sound, flames, falling debris reported. Estimat 2/15/1967 #21555 ifferent sizes with associated red flames. The larger object was stationary 2/26/1967 #21659 ifferent sizes with associated red flames. The larger object was stationary 2/26/1967 #21666 openings at the base through which flames are visible. The witnesses seem p 5/1967 #22255 a semi circular area 90' x 150' in flames. The strange aspect of this case 5/31/1967 #22430 mi-circular area that was still in flames. The strange fact about this case 5/31/1967 #22433 portion contains nozzles that emit flames. Athen in complete silence it tak 9/1967 #22972 and disappeared emitting four blue flames as it departed. 10/10/1967 #23206 4 saucers hover over radio tower. "Flames" / top. Flat bottoms. 1/5/1968 #23648 hover over a radio tower. They had flames coming from the top and flat bott 1/5/1968 #23651 ention to round object with ports, flames from underside. Object moved jerk 2/4/1968 #23733 cope. Hat-saucer with poles / rim. Flames / bottom. Going northwest. 180° t 3/21/1968 #23853 (s). Metallic object dives to sea. Flames and smoke trail. Unidentified / N 7/23/1968 #24210 Playa Penuelas, Chile. It trailed flames and smoke as it plunged downward. 7/23/1968 #24215 / trees and going down [to] again. Flames / bottom/underside. Circles / gra 6/1970 #25679 be about 33 feet in diameter, and flames seem to shoot from its base. It s 6/1970 #25684 ect tipped forward, and a trail of flames issued from the rear. The investi 1/7/1971 #25983 udden turn going northwest. Shoots flames / front! 3/25/1971 #26053 s of them, and the object gave off flames and exhaust. It may have landed r 4/23/1971 #26079 overs / power station. Rumbles and flames and shoots away. 1/1/1972 #26536 It made a rumbling sound, ejected flames, and shot away. 1/1/1972 #26537 n and then to whitish yellow, with flames shooting out. Smit dashes home, g 6/26/1972 #26735 a contrail when it moved, and red flames shot from the rear end of the obj 8/6/1972 #26881 ts head, although he noticed small flames burning around its feet." The wit 8/16/1972 #26922 the veldt at high speed, "emitting flames and smoke." He later had headache 8/16/1972 #26922 site spontaneously burst into blue flames and were likewise reduced to ashe 5/22/1973 #27520 pace capsule with rounded corners. Flames shoot from the back as it perform 11/7/1974 #29588 ar-shape going up / butte fast. No flames. 10/26/1976 #31496 M. A lenticular metallic disc with flames coming from the bottom made a 180 1/1/1977 #31677 ce a lenticular metallic disc with flames coming from the bottom made a 180 1/1/1977 #31682 ind the hotel. "It was round, with flames coming from the top of a dome. (S 4/19/1977 #31997 emerged from the dome through the flames. (Sources: David F. Webb and Ted 4/19/1977 #31999 ind the hotel. "It was round, with flames coming from the top of a dome. Th 4/19/1977 #32002 emerged from the dome through the flames. They wore cream or silvery color 4/19/1977 #32002 g quickly southwest. Portholes and flames / rim. 7/1977 #32215 allic craft within a fiery ball of flames. The area around the witness seem 5/10/1978 #33194 allic craft within a fiery ball of flames. The craft continued to descend, 5/10/1978 #33199 al, red object surrounded by white flames flying toward them at an altitude 6/19/1978 #33291 als rush out of bed to put out the flames. 8/21/1978 #33539 ht behind some houses. A column of flames rises up from the spot. Ciompi an 9/13/1978 #33671 a cigar ejecting a smoky trail and flames. In Gdańsk, the objects are cigar 8/20/1979 #34763 takes off in a burst of red-orange flames. Small circular impressions are f 11/15/1979 #35000 king ahead, he sees a machine with flames underneath hovering at a lay-by o 1/14/1980 #35135 ow and slow overhead. Nose = cone. Flames / rear. Rays all over/all about. 10/5/1980 #35554 ry diamond-shaped object, emitting flames down toward the road. What happen 12/29/1980 #35757 irectly in front of them, spitting flames from its underside. Betty Cash sl 12/29/1980 #35758 Aires province, Argentina observed flames in the distance, and then saw an 1/23/1981 #35796 te observer(s). Triangle jets dull flames southwest going northeast. Hundre 4/13/1981 #35896 azel bushes, emitting small bluish flames from its sides. The witness backt 10/8/1984 #37480 x times. A very bright light, like flames from a welding torch, was observe 1/29/1986 #37776 phere is surrounded by a ring, and flames appear on its surface from time t 4/22/1986 #37833 its surface from time to time. Two flames blaze on opposite sides, while an 4/22/1986 #37833 rns over Józsa, this time with 6–7 flames instead of 3. It speeds over the 4/22/1986 #37833 nd the grass all wet, with 5- foot flames (natural gas?) emanating from the 4/22/1986 #37833 th lights dives going [to] ground. Flames. Nothing found. Lands US119 / 2 S 8/31/1986 #38004 ding up. After a minute or two the flames die out and they see a silver-whi 6/30/1989 #38998 an orange light, and surrounded by flames. No noise. 11/22/1989 #39246 p of Kok Tobe Mountain. They watch flames go up and down and then see an ar 4/19/1991? #40041 . All mailboxes / 1 street burst / flames. Beings seen. No further details. 6/1992 #40477 observer(s). 200' flaming object. Flames extinguish. Goes behind trees. Ve 8/19/1992 #40580 TSARICHINA, BULG Cone emits blue flames. Burnt circle / grass. 12 UFO's / 5/1993 #40960 binoculars. It had reddish-orange flames or beams coming from its interior 8/14/1993 #41139 y sheep panicked and ran when blue flames shot from out of the bottom of th 6/27/1994 #41588 ange fireball / night light shoots flames. Zigzags across sky. / r60#316. 8/26/1995 #42416 r) triangular object with two blue flames and a green flame that approached 9/7/1997 #43399 und it. The objects began to throw flames from underneath, similar to rocke 10/13/1997 #43427 cts turned into black balls as the flames were emitted and remained that wa 10/13/1997 #43427 the sky. They said it was ejecting flames from the underneath end. 6/5/1998 #43581 ked like a light aircraft trailing flames and smoke, which appeared to cras 8/25/2003 #44582 a hockey stick-shaped object with flames shooting out the back at 4:00 a.m 9/24/2006 #44967
s carrying something like a gun or flamethrower. They pass through a fence 9/1957 #13966 f river water. The entity with the flamethrower shoots it at a jacaranda tr 9/1957 #13966
KYOTO, JAPAN May. Many fireballs. Flaming wheel spins near Nijo Castle. / 5/1/1606 (approximate) #36 the river, sometimes hovering and “flaming up,” for about 2–3 hours. After 1638 #41 LONDON M. Cromwell. Flaming red-glowing cylinder/cylindrical 12/16/1743 #66 BUSSIERES, FR Civil records. Flaming 'dragon' going [to] overhead / 1 2/5/1780 #87 Unknown City, WV Flaming, one-hundred foot blimp (Page 6 11/1/1931 #1132 RTOFERRAIO, ITL 3 military pilots. Flaming jet going quickly north / 770 kp 10/10/1936 #1251 BATA, HUNGARY Flaming cartwheel seen / days. Called ba 8/18/1940 (approximate) #1344 rows of blue-lighted windows and a flaming exhaust coming out of its tail. 12/23/1944 #1731 scouts harbor and going southeast. Flaming torpedo. 8/11/1946 #2115 A flaming object fell into the sea off the 9/20/1947 #3411 Wilmington, OH Appearance of a flaming red cone in the skies of Wilming 1/7/1948 #3540 served a squash-shaped object with flaming exhaust (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 7/24/1948 #3731 River, Alberta, CAN Bright orange flaming egg-shaped object flying (NICAP: 11/17/1948 #3878 bluish- or greenish-white, with a flaming blue tail twice as long as the b 3/13/1949 #4044 SINGTAO, CH US Navy BD5 crew. Long flaming cone turns white-orange. 10/18/1951 #5732 AJAX, ON 2 separate observer(s). Flaming red disk south going quickly nor 7/3/1952 #6696 / rounded corners drops / sky in a flaming plunge". 7/9/1952 #6729 rds watched a red ball with a blue flaming tail fly straight and level for 8/2/1952 #7425 s “meteors” or “balls of fire” or “flaming planes”) passing in westerly and 9/12/1952 #7905 bject, shaped like a fat football, flaming orange-red color, descended and 9/13/1952 #7915 Haven, CT A small round object -- flaming like red-hot iron -- plunged fro 3/19/1953 #8762 g Morrison. One blue object with a flaming trail, and two dark green glowin 10/29/1953 #9260 NEWBURYPORT, MA 3+observer(s). Flaming ring / sharp turns. = solid silv 4/26/1954 #9722 What first appeared to be a flaming ring made sharp turns in the sky 4/26/1954 #9727 SYDNEY, AUST Night lights play. Flaming "Trolley" going west from botany 6/14/1954 #9901 At 1:30 p.m. a flaming object bashed a hole in the side 8/11/1954 #10130 aucer on field / several min. Fast flaming takeoff. / Gaz.Padana. 10/14/1954 #11039 AMIENS, FR 70 observer(s). Flaming object spins high / sky. Shoots 10/19/1954 #11229 At 8:45 p.m a flaming object buzzed a truck driving in 10/19/1954 #11251 WOOD, LONDON, ENG Mayor sees long flaming tube / rounded ends. White flame 11/30/1954 #11733 st 50 jet planes at once. It had a flaming exhaust colored reddish, blue an 1/17/1957 #13463 PALALDA, FR 5M flaming disk hovers / vineyard. Wild spi 4/22/1957 #13609 A flaming cone or disc-shaped object, five 4/22/1957 #13613 / mining camps. Wave / disks with flaming tails. 7/21/1957 (approximate) #13816 d explode, showering the area with flaming fragments. One of the witnesses Early 9/1957 #13971 d explode, showering the area with flaming fragments. Some samples were gat 9/10/1957 #13988 NEAR KEMMERER, WY 4 / oil field. "Flaming whale" going south / 150M altitu 10/10/1957 #14087 awakened couple. Milkman reported flaming disc (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 11/5/1957 #14333 airfield tell them they had seen a flaming ball that rotated, made a 90° tu 11/16/1959 #16089 NEAR BOWNA, AUSTR 2 / camp. Flaming object / shore. Figure(s) run to 3/15/1961 #16628 lares brightly like a “tremendous, flaming sword” over Nellis AFB and then 4/18/1962 #17120 What looked like a flaming airplane making a loud roaring n 5/25/1962 #17202 Row / black dots / front. 2000mph. Flaming tail. / r242p141. 10/4/1963 #17975 es appeared to fear the light from flaming objects thrown at them. The witn 9/5/1964 #18538 NABLUS, PALESTN Guard fires at flaming "boat". Circles farm. Figure(s) 8/15/1965 #19393 wheel, intensely bright, with two flaming openings in front, about to land 9/8/1965 #19536 ed it as intensely bright with two flaming openings in the front. They quic 10/8/1965 #19652 large green dome on top and a red flaming tail two to three times its leng 12/16/1965 #19776 -blue object giving off brilliant, flaming light of alternating white-green 5/4/1966 #20447 hite object giving off a brilliant flaming light of alternating white-green 5/4/1966 #20448 s car. The first one looked like a flaming car and was the size of a 3-stor 9/1966 #20823 o, but it is dead. He sees another flaming object above Wharton Regional Ai 9/1966 #20827 E SANDS, NM Several / 2 cars. Huge flaming 'toadstool' quickly going up / r 9/1/1966 #20829 object flies over car. Loud whine. Flaming aura. Observer(s) scared. 10/18/1966 #21014 FOCOLA, NEW CALEDONIA Flaming pear shape / sky. Exposed skin b 12/1966 #21170 shirt and undershirt. He rips the flaming clothing off just as the UFO asc 5/20/1967 #22382 BRANDON, MB Pilot and 1. Flaming cone and silver object going qui 9/28/1967 #23139 l. Rounded rear and pointed front. Flaming takeoff! 12/6/1967 #23552 s. Silvery ones look like saucers. Flaming red = spheres? 11/29/1968 #24731 etallic cylinders zigzag and rise. Flaming end. Fast and silent. 5/10/1969 #25120 / TE KOPURU, NI, NZ 2 observer(s). Flaming rocket-like torpedo fast and low 10/8/1969 #25398 LE-VAL, BELGIUM 1 observer. Silent flaming ovoid blinks. NNW going SSE. Bac 12/10/1973 #28547 any observer(s). Cop chases silent flaming UFO up US52. Dome over square ba 2/19/1974 #28781 shell on top, several afterburners flaming from the bottom, and flew at an 2/19/1974 #28782 SOUTH / COPENHAGEN, DK Large flaming barrel caught / advertising phot 5/3/1975 #30018 UIL, FR 30M metallic lens saucer / flaming bottom/underside. 180° turn goin 1/1/1977 #31670 BOMPORTO, ITL Several observer(s). Flaming 12M sphere going down [to] by ce 6/29/1977 #32205 rto Rico is.” He then turns into a flaming blue candle and vanishes upward 9/4/1977 #32460 NAZAIRE, FR Separate observer(s). Flaming saucer going south to sea. Same 12/17/1977 #32784 oire-Atlantic department, France A flaming disc-shaped UFO flew to the sout 12/17/1977 #32785 oire-Atlantic department, France a flaming disc-shaped UFO flew to the sout 12/17/1977 #32794 EDENVALE, RSA Several observer(s). Flaming sphere/orb/globe goes up and dow 7/21/1978 #33405 ESSA, GRC Jets chase RADAR blips. "Flaming parachutes" / strong beams. / Fl 11/12/1981 #36216 . At 6:45 p.m. objects shaped like flaming parachutes, emitting powerful li 11/12/1981 #36221 bove the Buca forest it takes on a flaming appearance, causing fire brigade 1/15/1982 #36301 SCANDIA, MN 2 observer(s). 200' flaming object. Flames extinguish. Goes 8/19/1992 #40580 EDON, HUMBERSIDE Many observer(s). Flaming rocket shakes houses. Terrific n 6/20/1994 #41575 Guizhou province, China A strong, flaming light with a train-like rumbling 12/1/1994 #41875 LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 1 / truck. Flaming red-orange fireball flares. Dims 10/8/1995 #42540 WALLAROO, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Teen. Flaming bullet shape zigzags all around. 8/11/1996 #42978 shining cylindrical object with a flaming orange tail moved over Shanghai, 12/2/1999 #43891
Via Flaminia near Pesaro, Italy 11:00 p.m. T 4/22/1986 #37834 Two people are driving on the Via Flaminia near Pesaro, Italy, when their 4/22/1986 #37834
the developing process, perhaps a flammable fluid deliberately poured on t 5/16/1953 #8879
Southern Rhodesia, Africa J. H. Flanagan (a policeman) and some friends 7/25/1954 #10050 Chivhu], Zimbabwe Policeman J. H. Flanagan and friends see 6 UFOs over Enk 7/25/1954 #10052
towns of Pitten and Wingene, West Flanders, Belgium witnessed a large red 5/3/1973 #27464 o white light beams in Jette, East Flanders, Belgium. It flew between the w 9/9/1975 #30350
course. It had a bun-shaped top, a flange like two saucers in the center an 10/14/1954 #11005 ff, and surrounded by a horizontal flange. The witness entered through a br 1/30/1965 #18785 en saw a disc-shaped object with a flange around it and white beams of ligh 1/15/1967 #21309 ull aluminum-colored sphere with a flange around the middle and a window at 1/19/1967 #21349 There is a window at the top and a flange in the middle. When he gets to ab 1/19/1967 #21354 about 15 feet from the ground on a flange of metal; a similar structure pro 7/31/1968 #24271 g, tapered like a tear drop with a flange running along its topside from on 6/1973 #27543 it tapered like a teardrop with a flange running along its topside from on 9/1973 #27735 meter and 7–10 feet wide. It has a flange around its base and three legs. W 1/7/1974 #28660 About the size of a car, it had a flange bearing 2 red & 2 white lights su 1/8/1975 #29733 al above and below, with a central flange. He says, “It was a very big one— 11/17/1986 #38072 k Teflon-like covered bottom and a flange or rim that goes around near the 9/16/1996 #43023
ter tank. The object has a lighted flange-like base, a dome on top, and is 8/11/1964 #18480
d at least one was a disc with two flanges (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 6/24/1949 #4251 ientist. Cylinder/cigar-shape with flanges. Faster / jet going quickly sout 8/27/1978 #33576
an infection in the horse’s right flank that could have killed it; the cut 9/9/1967 #23026
like an ant's with "a rounded lobe flanked by two other lobes swelling out 3/5/1971 #26044 e "monsters" blocked the precipice flanked trail that constituted the only 10/20/1973 #28222 Cordoba, Arg Airline crew flanked by objects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 3/13/1974 #28878 Argentina Argentine Airlines plane flanked by two glowing objects that pace 3/13/1974 #28879 to Rico, to Córdoba, Argentina, is flanked by two glowing objects that pace 3/13/1974 #28880 -SUR-LOIRE, FR J. Chaput. Red disk flanked / 2 night lights stops. Going do 11/4/1975 #30550 6:50 p.m. a red disc-shaped object flanked by two nocturnal lights stopped 11/4/1975 #30552 6:50 p.m. a red disc-shaped object flanked by two nocturnal lights stopped 11/4/1975 #30553 culars reveal a blinking red light flanked by pairs of amber lights. 9/24/1976 #31422 A huge dark mass flanked by two beacons, and lit by a hal 1/29/1990 #39397
large central white light with two flanking lights over some power lines as 1/27/1983 #36754
an a mile into Laos to protect the flanks of a major combat operation. The 1/22/1969 #24866
nd found himself wearing a ladies’ flannel nightgown, which makes him suspe 2000 #43913
Civil Defense worker named Carlos Flannigan is driving a truck across a br Late 6/1955 #12211
cylinders dive / lake. Short wings flap! / r189p179. 7/18/1946 #2060 ed to his chest.” The wings do not flap; instead they retract close to his 1/6/1948 #3533 d to his chest.” The wings did not flap, instead they retracted close to hi 1/6/1948 #3534 and rounded at the tip and do not flap. Their legs are unusually short. Th 9/16/1948 #3803 WASHINGTON, DC 2nd great saucer flap. Ground-air RADAR and visual (obser 7/26/1952 #7149 shington, D.C., during the big UFO flap, USAF Director of Operations Gen. R 7/28/1952 #7264 ter. Flashes colored lights. Local flap. 9/14/1955 #12453 / 5 minute(s). 850mph. High-Q. Big flap. 10/31/1955 #12532 A UFO flap covering the states of North Dakota 11/8/1956 #13314 US When the "flap" of UFO reports began about Novembe 11/1957 #14179 Arizona Big "flap" in Arizona. Much activity. 3/1958 #14900 [to] close beneath overcast. Major flap / r156#13p7. 9/19/1968 #24480 to a 693-page report on “potential flap activities,” including surveillance 5/9/1973 #27472 on, the children crawled through a flap into his hut, which he told them he 5/15/1973 #27492 Valentich. In 1983, an engine cowl flap is found washed ashore on Flinders 10/21/1978 #33856 about the likelihood that the cowl flap might have traveled to its final po 10/21/1978 #33856 ILAND Wave / 1' fireballs in local flap. Government investigator no longer 10/15/1996 (approximate) #43068 shape hovers 600M over A465. Local flap from 17 July. 9/3/1999 #43840
ed “top secret” project the Flying Flapjack Vought XF5U. The story is appar 3/27/1950 #4741
T, ME Observer(s) / hill. 2 flying flapjacks going quickly west / series. 1 8/6/1952 #7480
rom side to side and has a pair of flapping wings and a red light on the bo 11/26/1896 #364 ocals. Flat metallic object makes "flapping noise". No further details. Typ 5/25/1949 #4209 , Tennessee on this day, making a "flapping noise." 5/25/1949 #4210 rts of Kyoto, Japan, when he hears flapping sounds and sees what seems to b 1952 #5842 sky, and flying at 70 mph without flapping its wide wings. The creature ha 12/4/1966 #21182 Awakened by a flapping noise outside, hospital recepti 8/26/1968 #24381 a spiral, with a repetition of the flapping sound. 8/26/1968 #24381 above their heads. She soon starts flapping her wings and flies away. 7/1969 #25242 meters from the ground and made a flapping sound. It was estimated to be 3 5/1/1975 #30017 VENTURA, CA 2 observer(s). Flapping noise. Silver-grey moon-size ba 7/22/1978 #33408 and is making a noise like a card flapping against bicycle spokes. It flie 7/22/1978 #33410 s head, looked at him, and started flapping its wings. The creature then to 4/19/1993 #40944 ickly southeast over Lake Laberge. Flapping sounds (made by UFO's.) 6/18/1997 #43326 they heard the sound of huge wings flapping overhead, and this caused one o 4/12/2008 #45128
Mjosa, Norway. They had short wing flaps. There were four witnesses. 7/18/1946 #2064 vice agents during a number of UAP flaps. Zechel and Sparks claim CIA is se 12/15/1978 #34142 12. 1.4M box appears / schoolroom. Flaps drop. 3 small humanoids (or Greys) 1/13/1979 (approximate) #34334 s above the schoolyard ground. Two flaps opened on the sides of the object 1/13/1979 #34339 ver. Dark object with blue lights "flaps wings like a pterodactyl". 10/2/1995 #42531
his ship. He signals it with a red flare, and to his surprise he is immedia 10/1908 #717 is immediately answered with a red flare above him. He then shows a white f 10/1908 #717 e above him. He then shows a white flare and receives a blue flare in respo 10/1908 #717 a white flare and receives a blue flare in response. The object appears sa 10/1908 #717 ish-red exhausts that occasionally flare and curl around them. Winter 1943 #1556 Pisa, Italy Multiple sightings: flare; flare that seemed to spiral. (Pag 2/15/1945 #1783 , Italy Multiple sightings: flare; flare that seemed to spiral. (Page 136 R 2/15/1945 #1783 ool-shape 'rocket-bomb'. Magnesium flare exhaust going quickly north. / FSR 8/12/1946 #2120 00 p.m. It had a magnesium colored flare for an exhaust. 8/12/1946 #2124 light, as brilliant as a magnesium flare." 7/24/1948 #3724 ilot Observes UFO Similar To Green Flare (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 12/5/1948 #3907 9; Commercial Pilot Reports Green Flare (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 12/5/1948 #3908 AFOSI Case 10; AESS Observed Green Flare Directly Over Sandia Base (NICAP: 12/6/1948 #3911 er Joseph Toulouse sees a greenish flare one-third the apparent size of the 12/6/1948 #3914 nd more brilliant than a meteor or flare, traveling a flat trajectory 2,000 12/8/1948 #3918 #319. Fireballs etc. mimic actual flare tests one hour later? / r185p2. 3/17/1949 #4046 ion. While awaiting the start of a flare firing, they watched, for an hour, 3/17/1949 #4048 Rodeo, NM Pilot saw a green flare [fireball?] pass his plane. (NICAP 2/19/1951 #5448 earchlight (dubbed a “Hell Roarer” flare) that can illuminate a battlefield 4/7/1952 #6043 esembling a light emitted by a red flare. Visible for 10 minutes, it is fly 7/10/1952 #6751 t the rear that would occasionally flare. The object had a resonant beat as 7/17/1952 #6871 iconsciousness by some kind of red flare coming from a hatch in a red ball 8/19/1952 #7651 e weather balloon with a magnesium flare over Ottawa, Ontario, but it does 9/8/1952 #7881 round observer(s). White "magnetic flare" disk. Very fast and erratic and s 4/8/1955 #12086 ather balloon carrying a magnesium flare was released aboiut the same time 6/26/1955 #12217 –10 minutes, thinking it is an oil flare, but the light suddenly rises stra 11/5/1957 #14348 Night lights pass. Brilliant green flare / 1200M altitude going south. Ligh 10/18/1958 #15355 n [to] and all directions. Pulses. Flare / green light. 8/6/1963 #17869 back-and-forth, and once emitted a flare of green-white light. The sighting 8/6/1963 #17873 :45 p.m., what was thought to be a flare lit up the north sky. The bright U Summer 1966 #20590 the image is not caused by a lens flare, damaged emulsion, or a known obje Late 12/1968 #24790 d Saucer Watch considers it a lens flare. Late 12/1968 #24790 LE CHAMBON-SUR-LIGNON, FR White flare flashes 1 / 5 second(s). Small sph 1/15/1976 #30789 the direction of Badajoz, “like a flare,” which lit up a wide area beneath 11/12/1976 #31540 flips but not its 2 strobes. Drops flare. Going ESE. 8/8/1978 #33486 photo. Probable reflection or lens flare. 11/6/1980 #35622 rted seeing what appeared to be a "flare" in the sky to his left, southeast 10/24/1981 #36186 as lighted, as if by a phosphorous flare. Looking up he saw a large white U 11/27/1982 #36691 ol in Almaty, Kazakhstan, notice a flare at the top of Kok Tobe Mountain. T 4/19/1991? #40041 2 observer(s). Fireball like white flare / arms length. Hovers / 2 minute(s 8/11/1993 #41127 G AND BORONIA, AUSTR 10' "distress flare" maneuvers. Several observer(s). S 9/22/1993 #41207 reported that their eyes seemed to flare up. He quickly ran away and called 12/9/1995 #42639 ewitness claims. They release five flare lights attached to helium balloons 1/5/2009 #45206
NICAP files.) [Note: Very likely a flare- or candle-carrying hot-air balloo 2/16/1967 #21567
eight large, green, red and white flare-like objects flew in generally str 3/17/1949 #4048 (west of), At Sea Radar Contacts & Flare-Like Explosion (NICAP: 09 - RADAR 2/13/1958 #14876 igher elevation than the first. A “flare-like” light approaches the second 6/25/1962 #17245 a-shaped, silvery object leaving a flare-like trail at Hartland, Connecticu 10/4/1963 #17980 aken on this evening of an orange, flare-like light that flew in from the s 9/23/1967 #23122 gators, shot a video of an orange, flare-like light with a small red light 8/23/1987 #38253
one of which explodes in a bright flare-up. The official explanation is th 9/5/2006 #44958
rida watched as an orange fireball flared up and sped away when a spotlight 5/17/1958 #15042 hts shone on the object, its light flared up and within seconds it took off 5/25/1967 #22396 e bulbous heads, narrow necks, and flared bodies. Unable to stop in time, h 3/4/1977 #31858 in the sun's rays. The craft then flared up, like a spark, and was gone in 6/15/1984 #37365 wearing a large pointed helmet and flared trousers with “something” pointin 8/10/1989 #39055 ange ball of light at 7:00 p.m. It flared up, then dimmed, and then rose ve 10/8/1995 #42541 olors changed from red to blue and flared in intensity. On the bottom of th 7/8/1996 #42950
Road] ahead of them, flickers and flares, then fades. A man dressed in a s Late 3/1873 #200 rby at Eastchurch, residents light flares to guide the craft in case it nee 10/14/1912 #864 g-like flash in the southwest that flares up several times then dies down. 1/22/1935 #1223 r balloon and exacerbated by stray flares and shell bursts from adjoining b 2/24/1942 #1388 icolored fragments, and multi-part flares. Another type involves “small col 9/25/1942 #1448 o A.I. or G.C.I. contacts; several flares similar to jets. (Page 86-87 Ref. 11/5/1944 #1694 et: dropped what looked like white flares; no radar contact. (Page 136- (NI 2/16/1945 #1786 Po Valley, Italy Alleged flares: cluster of 11 or more colored fl 2/21/1945 #1791 res: cluster of 11 or more colored flares that remained motionless; cluster 2/21/1945 #1791 in color that did not appear to be flares. (Page 141 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Di 2/22/1945 #1793 ights; had the appearance of white flares dropped in air; called foo fighte 3/9/1945 #1809 NTS PASS, OR Intense red and green flares sway between mountain-tops / 30 m 8/12/1946 (approximate) #2119 er 5–28, there were 23 reports of “flares or moving lights.” All but two ar 12/29/1948 #3938 are not meteors and are more like flares. 3/8/1949 #4041 gs of large, green, red, and white flares take place at Killeen Base, Texas 3/17/1949 #4049 e to prepare a test firing of some flares to prove that recent sightings ar 3/17/1949 #4049 , Texas, hands the Army reports of flares at Killeen Base to Col. William C 4/14/1949 #4090 542) April 16 and 18 — Mysterious flares are again observed at Killeen Bas 4/14/1949 #4090 company. No debris or evidence of flares are found. 4/28/1949 #4130 k east going quickly west. 3 white flares / sky. 7/12/1952 #6768 Ground Observer Corps (GOC). Large flares. 1350h. Chico, CA. Saucer beams w 8/3/1952 #7426 I, FL Observer(s) offshore. Meteor flares going [to] inland. Circles city a 11/23/1952 #8326 oing [to] inland. Circles city and flares again. Fast climb. 11/23/1952 #8326 .m. A fourth party sees two orange flares dropping from the sky near Pimba 11/22/1953 #9315 ency Interference (RFI). 6 fade. 1 flares. 2 vanish. 5/17/1955 #12136 police suspect that the lights are flares dropped from aircraft. 8/1955 #12310 DALE, FL 2 / boat. Orange fireball flares up and flees when hit / spotlight 5/17/1958 #15040 A brilliant cone giving off flares descended into the ocean near La 12/13/1959 #16119 ject noiselessly emits three green flares that take on a speedy horizontal 6/25/1962 #17245 The first UFO spits out more green flares, two of which disappear into the 6/25/1962 #17245 and blue lights, and was dropping flares. It made no engine sounds, nor wa 9/18/1966 #20895 the lights were airplanes shooting flares in the area. 2/8/1967 #21483 above the water. Occasionally one flares up so brightly that it causes an 10/4/1967 #23176 l explanations such as aircraft or flares have been dismissed. The head of 10/4/1967 #23176 RFI). Buzzes ski lodge. Responds / flares. / r41. 12/10/1973 #28546 ng south. 1200M altitude. Stops. 2 flares light. All vanishes. 8/12/1974 #29335 pes, conduits, gears, gas nozzles, flares, huge rigs for sifting through du 8/1976 #31214 kly south. Flashes blue. Drops red flares. 5/15/1977 #32094 center. It appears to drop 7–8 red flares as it is flying southbound in a s 5/15/1977 #32095 utes it moves down toward the sea, flares up, and goes out. Torres goes bac 11/30/1979 #35031 and look. As she does, the object flares up brightly and zips away at an i 4/1/1982 #36428 unclear if the orbs were magnesium flares or UFO's. 10/20/1992 #40683 truck. Flaming red-orange fireball flares. Dims. Rises vertically and gone. 10/8/1995 #42540 uge triangle going south. Videos = flares / USAF. 3/13/1997 #43228 ifies this group as magnesium LUU2 flares dropped by A-10 Warthog aircraft 3/13/1997 #43229 hotographer that clearly shows the flares, not the earlier UFO. Phoenix cit 3/13/1997 #43229 erations from Luke A.F.B. dropping flares, and this may well be the explana 3/13/1997 #43230 e explanation that the lights were flares: “As a pilot and a former Air For 6/19/1997 #43331 it was certainly not high-altitude flares because flares don’t fly in forma 6/19/1997 #43331 y not high-altitude flares because flares don’t fly in formation.” In a Dec 6/19/1997 #43331 an elliptical UFO. Ruling out lens flares and aircraft, he contacts the Min 1/27/2004 #44657 he lights are most likely burn-off flares on offshore oil platforms in the 3/5/2004 #44672 d. The F-16s then fire four bright flares across the plane’s nose, and the 5/11/2005 #44840 ramatic. And it couldn’t have been flares because it was too symmetrical. I 3/18/2007 #45012 ving at 85 mph deploying parachute flares. 1/27/2015 #45428 feet. A little over an hour later, flares are spotted, though the logs do n 7/23/2019 #45597
n an intense red and green object, flaring in intensity, swayed back and fo 8/12/1946 #2125 on and flies along a similar path, flaring every two seconds into a bright 6/28/1997 #43343 A gigantic flaring light descended over La Florida, 12/6/2001 #44283
Flasby, North Yorkshire, England 6:30 p. 6/1965 #18979 is in the garden at her cottage in Flasby, North Yorkshire, England, when a 6/1965 #18979
ing a severe thunderstorm, after a flash of lightning and a peal of thunder Early 9/1888 #285 in 100 yards of the shore, another flash of lightning strikes, and the fire Early 9/1888 #285 On that night there was a sudden flash in the sky over Logan, Ohio and th 4/16/1897 #515 one and cylinder/cigar-shape. Both flash multicolor beams. / r204p134+/ r21 4/19/1897 #530 ngs go back in the craft, a bright flash surrounds it, and it shoots into t Summer 1901 #645 About 10 minutes later, there is a flash and a sound similar to artillery f 6/30/1908 #711 ing [to] overhead. Driver / front. Flash. / r221p24. 5/15/1909 #746 or, who has seen one of the planes flash a searchlight beam that lights up 2/14/1915 #925 FATIMA, PORTUGAL 3 kids. Flash. Small woman appears. Back every m 5/13/1917 #957 t. Suddenly the sky lights up in a flash and the cloud emits a fireball tha 8/9/1934 #1217 a, Virginia, sees a lightning-like flash in the southwest that flares up se 1/22/1935 #1223 minutes, then it shoots away in a flash of light. Later he draws a waterco 8/11/1944 #1641 , are awakened by a loud noise and flash of light. The father goes to the d 10/1944 #1673 critical. He sees a momentary blue flash and is struck by a wave of gamma a 8/21/1945 #1925 he object explodes with a terrific flash. Early 8/1946 #2102 ped object. 2 compartments. Lights flash. See Des Moines. 4/5/1947 #2259 Witherspoon sees a disc-shaped UFO flash over the airport at Pittsburg, Kan Summer 1947 #2357 k at me as a combination Einstein, Flash Gordon, and screwball. I wonder wh 6/27/1947 #2431 NORTHEAST / CRAIG, MT Flash. Series / silver plates. Tumble / 7/4/1947 #2613 northwest into clouds. 1 brief red flash. 7/4/1947 #2626 Truelove” supposedly see a bright flash of light and hear a roaring sound 7/4/1947 #2670 rge propeller outruns light plane. Flash. 7/6/1947 #2794 ast of Boise, Idaho watched a disc flash by his window at one o'clock in th 7/6/1947 #2817 MI 1 observer. 2 saucers collide / flash. Fly / opposite directions. Groups 7/7/1947 #2908 OOK SPRINGS, AL 1 / private plane. Flash. 1M saucer seen against mountain. 7/8/1947 #2960 n Airport in New Jersey. He sees a flash of light, the engine gives out, an 7/23/1947 #3217 st of Dumas, Texas, when he sees a flash of light to his left. An oval obje 7/25/1947 #3231 gas, NV Moving reddish UFO emitted flash of light, shot upwards out of sigh 12/8/1947 #3498 over Las Vegas, Nevada. It emits a flash of green light and shoots upwards 12/8/1947 #3499 inous cylinder/cigar-shape. Lights flash / sides. Stops. Going quickly sout 8/1948 (approximate) #3765 S, NM Air Force C47+airliner crew. Flash. Huge orange fireball / collision 12/5/1948 #3906 . Roger Carter spot a bright green flash. Some 22 minutes later, an identic 12/5/1948 #3909 ome 22 minutes later, an identical flash rises from the east slope of Sandi 12/5/1948 #3909 - white obj disappeared w/greenish flash (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, N 12/28/1948 #3937 hin a few hundred feet. An intense flash of white comes from its tail and i 1949 #3946 ar his farm with a green lightning flash. It became dark. As he approached 2/17/1949 #4014 and near his farm in France with a flash of green lightning. It then became 2/17/1949 #4016 uclear weapons storage site, see a flash of pale blue light in the sky to t 3/6/1949 #4035 a white light with an orange trail flash across the western horizon. At 9:0 3/6/1949 #4035 rols report burst of lights like a flash bulb. 3/6/1949 #4035 ches tree. Going south. Rumble and flash. 7/17/1949 #4270 ] over farm. Maneuvers. Vanishes / flash! 2nd saucer passes. / AFU Sweden. 2/13/1950 #4536 ound 9 p.m. and then vanished in a flash. A second disc passed over the are 2/13/1950 #4537 TUIRI, MALLORCA, SP 3 photographs. Flash! Photographs shows ovoid with glow 3/29/1950 #4753 E, GA Pilot and 1 / ground. Silent flash. 8M top saucer going north. Neon-r 4/10/1950 #4837 TH / MORINVILLE, ALTA 2 / car. Big flash and near collision / 8M glowing-ov 4/23/1950 #4880 ng down [to] slow. Stops. 2 lights flash. Going quickly east fast. 6/7/1950 #4980 -man at end of runway. Vanishes in flash! No UFO. 9/2/1950 #5164 Oak Ridge, TN Lab Employee Sees Flash/Radiation Detected at Oak Ridge (N 10/23/1950 #5250 REDWOOD VALLEY, CA Flash fades to night light. Night light 2/24/1951 #5456 gainst wind. Turn going southwest. Flash and quickly going up. 8/5/1951 #5596 lm, Sweden, when they see a bright flash of light illuminate the sky. Berna 12/5/1951 #5805 ssachusetts, when he sees a “sharp flash of light about 35° or more above t 2/20/1952 #5915 F. Huge "flying submarine". Lights flash. 3X size / airliner. 5/3/1952 (approximate) #6250 Seattle, WA “Blue Flash” phenomenon reported over Seattle 5/12/1952 #6303 ew on to the east. A second bright flash was seen followed by complete dark 6/22/1952 #6589 A Round disc with a metallic shine flash and flutter like a flipped coin. ( 6/23/1952 #6595 a round disc with a metallic shine flash and flutter like a flipped coin fo 6/23/1952 #6610 k Case #1380. 2 6m circular lights flash over country / low altitude. Many 7/3/1952 #6697 The lights disappear suddenly in a flash. The photo is explained as showing 7/16/1952 #6843 ows jets / same speed. Ends domed. Flash and vanishes! 7/27/1952 #7182 AYTONA, LERIDA, SP Flash / lightning? 1.5M glowing saucer r 8/1952 #7382 white saucer crosses moon slowly. Flash. Going quickly [to] WNW instantly. 8/8/1952 #7510 -size saucer. Red and green lights flash top and bottom. / r136#6. 12/27/1952 #8448 widely. Going quickly east rising. Flash. U-turn going quickly west inland. 1/6/1953 #8505 like an X-ray. Suddenly there is a flash, and the UFO breaks away as sound 2/11/1953 #8664 he experiences no sound, and in a flash, the disc leaves the area. Balocco 2/19/1953 #8686 ormations. 600mph and more/others. Flash signals! 4/16/1953 #8829 n orange-colored light at the tail flash past toward the east near Wollongo 5/10/1953 #8873 ARRAS, FR Fiery disk stops. Rocks. Flash. Going quickly northwest to coast. 1/7/1954 #9460 xplosion; other witnesses report a flash of light at ground level. Lincoln 5/1/1954 #9744 anoid (or Grey) on ground beneath. Flash. Small humanoid (or Grey) gone. 5/11/1954 #9773 ure. The humanoid disappeared in a flash of light after seeing the witness, 5/11/1954 #9776 ID Several observer(s). Brilliant flash over Atomic Energy Commission (AEC 6/26/1954 #9949 MOON Astronomers. Lights flash / Kepler and Copernicus craters. U 9/5/1954? #10248 ISLES / SUIPPES, FR Flash! 3M cylinder/cigar-shape / field. 10/6/1954 #10746 tial paralysis / bicyclers. Gone / flash. 10/7/1954 #10771 bjects flew away with a tremendous flash. 10/18/1954 #11210 bjects flew away with a tremendous flash. 10/18/1954 #11222 ze globe hovers over Guaiba River. Flash and away. 10/26/1954 #11408 de. Going quickly [to] WNW. Lands. Flash. Observer(s) feel numb. / LDLN#325 10/27/1954 #11434 MONTREAL, QBC Flash. Large saucer stops. Makes 90° tur 12/12/1954 #11803 AUST Dark object paces car / 25km. Flash pattern repeats 40 times. 12/15/1954 #11811 overalls and a helmet. When a blue flash shot from one of the portholes the 2/23/1955 #12016 e Grab and his son see a brilliant flash of light from their home at 714 We 3/11/1955 #12041 LD, IL Ground Observer Corps (GOC) flash. Glowing ovoid speeds east going q 9/18/1955 #12461 NEAR KINGSVILLE, ON 1 / plane. Flash. Swarm / objects pace airliner. Du 2/21/1956 #12734 geria watched a huge UFO hover and flash for three hours. It had a ring of 2/23/1956 #12738 OC) observer(s). 2 'UFO's'. Lights flash. Hover. Make 4 complete stops then 6/14/1956 #12901 southeast / 4 minute(s). Gone in a flash of light. 7/16/1956 #12973 ornia, see a sparkling green light flash through the sky and seemingly land 7/28/1956 #13023 A green flash was seen in the sky over Brentwood 7/28/1956 #13024 erge / different directions. Green flash. Silent. Going quickly SSE going [ 8/14/1956 #13083 akes wide circles / sky. Contrail. Flash and fast exit. / r140#4p37. 9/21/1956 #13229 ckly going up [to] as truck lights flash. / FSRv3#1. 11/14/1956 #13325 something like a brilliant meteor flash by the aircraft. The object stops, 11/14/1956 #13329 Miami Air Traffic Control sends a flash message to the Civil Aeronautics B 3/9/1957 #13540 potlight. Small object enters car. Flash. Hubcaps gone. 6/25/1957 #13752 NORTHWEST MIAMI, FL Flash! 2 ovoid disks descend going south 7/3/1957 #13774 chological impact of the bomb. The flash is visible from Canada to Mexico a 7/5/1957 #13779 uvers all over/all about. 3 lights flash / bottom. Going quickly southwest. 7/17/1957 #13806 about 7 km from Galt when he saw a flash in the sky. A circular object maki 7/30/1957 #13861 hape going down / mountains. Wires flash / one end. Earth tremors. Spirals 8/30/1957 #13947 LE MARS, IA Flash / sky. 2 observer(s). Car lights a 9/1/1957 #13967 ids going up / desert and vanish / flash in series. Separate observer(s). 10/3/1957 #14055 wing disk low and slow. Vanishes / flash and bang! Dome / bottom/underside. 10/31/1957 #14170 ds. Small humanoid (or Grey) near. Flash! car headlights out. See / r141#18 11/2/1957 #14195 SHALLOWATER, TX 2 couples / car. Flash / sky. Headlights and radio electr 11/2/1957 #14208 n a car stopped in the vicinity, a flash of light from the object coincided 11/2/1957 #14212 ite flag. When he stops the car, a flash of light from the object coincides 11/2/1957 #14214 n with Five Mile Road). They see a flash of light to the right of the road. 11/2/1957 #14216 ing near Shallowater, Texas, see a flash of orange light in the southwester 11/2/1957 #14217 n a car stopped in the vicinity, a flash of light from the object coincided 11/2/1957 #14220 Weir Clem and Pat McCullough see a flash of light “like a brilliant red sun 11/3/1957 #14248 ilots at Selma saw a bright object flash from S to N; The CG Cutter Sebago 11/5/1957 #14327 ed night lights hover and spin and flash and maneuver. / r141#2p51. 11/8/1957 #14476 neuvers all directions. Vanishes / flash when neared. 11/13/1957 #14540 missing. Suddenly he sees a bright flash of light 20 feet above the highway 11/28/1957 #14635 ins going south / 5 minute(s). Big flash / horizon. Fireball shrinks there. 12/5/1957 #14671 After five minutes there was a big flash on the horizon, and a fireball app 12/5/1957 #14674 n-like object explode with a vivid flash. Unexpected blackouts are reported 12/7/1957 #14682 nish-blue object emitting a bright flash (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: B 1/12/1958 #14821 pilots. 5+3+4 yellow night lights flash every 5-8 second(s). Also circular 1/31/1958 #14853 ine. Going up. Going quickly east. Flash / each maneuver. / APRO 5'58. 4/19/1958 #14996 iven protective eyewear to prevent flash blindness from the explosion. Besi 8/1/1958 #15174 gars going east. 4th materializes. Flash! A saucer! going quickly northeast 11/20/1958 #15452 circle / 50M altitude. Red lights flash / top. Absolute(ly) silent. 1/8/1959 #15540 e reporting seeing a bright object flash down towards the desert northwest 6/17/1959 #15772 riously go dead as residents see a flash of light and hear a loud vibrato n 7/14/1959 #15852 or 25 meters then disappeared in a flash, with a gust of air. A glassy depo 9/29/1959 #16000 ject moves up and shoots away in a flash. Glassy deposits are found on some Late 10/1959 #16060 HAVERHILL, MA 4 kids / bus. Flash! Round silver domed object going d 12/17/1959 #16121 in Haverhill, Massachusetts saw a flash in the sky, then watched a silver, 12/17/1959 #16122 US2 9 MILE(S) WEST / LAKOTA, ND Flash. Car lights dim. Crescent saucer g 1/18/1960 #16152 ghts dim just as a brilliant green flash lights up the sky. In a field to t 1/18/1960 #16155 it emits a brilliant bluish-white flash that extends downward and to the w 2/6/1960 #16169 the southwest. He notices a bright flash of sunlight in his left side and t 1962 #17006 ns going quickly south. Vanishes / flash. No visual. / r249p128. 4/18/1962 #17118 DEL PLATA, ARG 3 observer(s). Blue flash / woods. Tractor malfunctions due 10/10/1962 #17461 A blue flash in the woods caused a tractor to s 10/10/1962 #17465 as, various (McDonald list) Bright Flash & Radar Track in 3 States (NICAP: 3/6/1963 #17693 ed to the east, producing steam, a flash, and a noise. 10/1963 #17966 olongation or tube. When witnesses flash a light at the object, the house i 10/21/1963 #17997 ar-like light hover, slow, dim and flash (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 12/11/1963 #18075 ar-like light slow, hover, dim and flash for one minute. 12/11/1963 #18077 om left to right on the horizon. A flash of white light erupts from its end 4/11/1964 #18169 achusetts, sees a bright lightning flash 5 miles to the south. At the same Summer 1964 #18367 TFIELD, MA Weatherman and 7 / car. Flash / horizon. 2 cars electro-magnetic 8/1964 (approximate) #18464 bot; when it hits, there is an arc flash and the robot is knocked backwards 9/5/1964 #18539 our watch for a while longer, then flash another SOS. The light approaches 11/3/1964 #18605 reatures feared the light from his flash camera. The object increased in lu 2/21/1965 #18824 returned with a box that emitted a flash when pointed at the witness. The o 3/2/1965 #18831 lack object at Reeves that emits a flash 3 times, then walks back to the la 3/2/1965 #18832 2 robots exit. Observer(s) shoots. Flash. All gone. 4/3/1965 #18888 orest, Illinois, Pat Harvey sees a flash and hears a commotion or “rustle” 7/1965 #19039 t lights criss-cross sky til Dawn. Flash red-green-blue-white. 8/2/1965 #19251 NNE. Instant turn going southwest. Flash and turns going quickly northeast 8/2/1965 #19255 rlscouts. 9 "bubbles" pass. Last 3 flash lights back and forth! 8/3/1965 #19280 chest. Another had a red lighting flash symbol on his uniform, and she too 8/16/1965 #19410 observer(s). Night lights maneuver flash and play all over Army camp area. 9/13/1965 #19556 in Cooper City, Florida and saw a flash in the western sky at 18:45 p.m. A 11/24/1965 #19734 f white clouds behind it. A bright flash of light was seen high in the sky 1/1/1966 #19801 :15 a.m. when she observed a light flash that she first believed was an app 1/5/1966 #19806 5 a.m. CST. Witnesses saw a bright flash of blue light, then a hovering ova 3/19/1966 #19994 TX 1 observer. White night lights flash. Air fills with smoke. "Yen" sound 3/22/1966 #20026 British Columbia. Ruby-red lights flash back and forth between them, as if 3/25/1966 #20082 s his hand was burned. There was a flash and a buzzing sound when the injur 3/29/1966 #20144 TUCSON, AZ 4 boys. Flash / sky. 3-4 disks going east / 4 mi 4/2/1966 #20205 DURHAMVILLE, NY 3 observer(s). Flash. Luminous/glowing UFO pulses and c 4/5/1966 #20228 New York A woman was awakened by a flash, thought her heater had exploded, 4/5/1966 #20240 mville, New York, is awakened by a flash. She thinks her trailer heater has 4/5/1966 #20247 nd them. It zooms toward them in a flash, passes overhead from west to east 4/8/1966 #20276 ver(s). 1 large and 2 small disks. Flash hover and swing like pendulums. 4/19/1966 #20338 lights / perimeter. Colored lights flash / bottom. 4/23/1966 #20384 tops over trees. Drops going down. Flash. 4/25/1966 #20410 ome kind of a switch the resultant flash burned her ankles and she fainted. 8/11/1966 #20739 Saginaw, MI Group of lights flash and change color while hovering (N 11/8/1966 #21083 suddenly go out. He sees an orange flash to his left at the level of his ho Early 1/1967 #21244 A passenger sees an orange-and-red flash go by on the driver’s side at wind Early 1/1967 #21244 SOUTH WILLIAMSTOWN, MA Flash and power outage. Domed glowing-di 1/18/1967 #21336 2:15 a.m.EST. Four witnesses saw a flash in the sky just before a power fai 1/18/1967 #21339 At midnight a flash in the sky was noted shortly befor 1/18/1967 #21344 Bedfordshire, England. Suddenly a flash of lightning strikes nearby, and A 1/28/1967 #21409 ro, KS Evening. Three people saw a flash of light, then an object that appe 3/1967 #21689 ted cones?), followed by an orange flash. The objects landed in the middle 3/3/1967 #21742 0 p.m. The UFOs gave off an orange flash, shot straight up into the sky, an 3/3/1967 #21748 NEAR BUFFALO LAKE, MT Flash! 150M cylinder/cylindrical object 3/7/1967 (approximate) #21785 men. Domed pancake nears. Blinding flash / 10 second(s). Going quickly nort 3/9/1967 #21824 at high speed across the sky. They flash by in about 5 seconds and disappea 4/17/1967 #22152 ts edge, and approaches them. They flash their headlights and the object st 4/29/1967 #22247 station, emitted a brilliant blue flash, and moved away. Two of the lights 6/5/1967 #22465 aneuvers. One object emitted a red flash. (Texas NICAP Subcommittee report, 6/10/1967 #22486 a V formation above the town. They flash orange and blue lights alternately 6/18/1967 #22519 ng from the dome, which started to flash. The object was completely quiet. 8/2/1967 #22777 ith a fluorescent glow and a short flash of light. Too terrified to go outs 8/12/1967 #22867 ith a fluorescent glow and a short flash of light. Too terrified to go outs 8/12/1967 #22869 ). Saucer / roadside. 1 man nears. Flash! cannot move! / r79p36. 8/27/1967 #22937 road; one driver walked toward it, flash of light knocked him out, APRO Bul 8/27/1967 #22938 uple and their five children saw a flash of bright orange light, then resol 9/11/1967 #23040 ake Charles, LA Bright, fiery ball flash 4 times while moving E, just above 10/18/1967 #23262 then takes off and disappears in a flash. 10/27/1967 #23350 hway 26 when they are blinded by a flash of light. Their car comes to a sto 11/2/1967 #23390 Idaho when they were blinded by a flash of white light. Their car engine s 11/2/1967 #23392 appear to drop smaller lights that flash as they fall. All are orange in co 12/24/1967 #23607 mall humanoids (or Greys) in dome. Flash and takeoff. 1/6/1968 #23654 the object, which emitted a bright flash and took off. 1/6/1968 #23655 re leaving, the object gives off a flash, and one of the dogs begins barkin 1/20/1968 #23683 Levels off / 600M. Square windows flash. Going [to] east-northeast. 4/23/1968 #23919 STRONGSVILLE, OH Kids. Flash! Flat featureless disk going down 7/1968 #24103 ). Brilliant ovoid and silver disk flash / color(s). Other UFO's. / r215p13 7/27/1968 #24235 tall, wearing coveralls. A violent flash and a blast of hot air were noted 7/31/1968 #24270 the object disappears in a sudden flash of light and a burst of hot air. T 7/31/1968 #24271 ir backs and there was a brilliant flash of light, and a sensation of heat 7/31/1968 #24272 RG 1 observer. Bang noise / radio. Flash. Double-dome saucer outside. Tripo 8/10/1968 #24314 there was a brilliant reddish blue flash and the whole scene disappeared. T 8/12/1968 #24322 l. 2 tiny balls join later. Gone / flash! 9/19/1968 #24484 shed. One minute later there was a flash of light and all the remaining obj 9/19/1968 #24487 ness, and when it emitted a bright flash Pereira found himself paralyzed. H 10/2/1968 #24538 HUASCO, CHL 2+1 observer(s). Flash. Saucer seen / ambulance. Motor an 10/19/1968 #24575 d then the display vanished with a flash, leaving a slowly dissolving cloud 11/2/1968 #24624 d then the display vanished with a flash, leaving a slowly dissolving cloud 11/2/1968 #24626 e ground and then disappeared in a flash. 11/9/1968 #24649 Blows steam. Changes shape. Drops. Flash. 12/23/1968 #24788 ox-like crafts. Stop / mid-flight. Flash. Dog barks. / FSRv18#1. 9/24/1969 #25377 e/others fro over mountain. Gone / flash. Also photograph / saucer JLY'70. 9/26/1969 #25379 ead / 3 minute(s). Vanishes with a flash. No further details. 11/16/1969 #25462 rs. Night lights circle object and flash color(s). Going east and descends. 12/13/1969 #25496 ROUILLAC, FR Saucer and flash. Next day big hole / ground. Dirt 1/9/1970 #25542 nte district, France followed by a flash. The next day a big hole in the gr 1/9/1970 #25543 SAN MATEO, CA Flash. 8M saucer hovers 15M over power t 2/10/1970 #25577 It disappeared in a "bright orange flash." The sighting was not connected w 6/11/1970 #25697 minutes as a series of red lights flash in sequence across it. The size is 7/4/1970 #25726 adside. Car stops. Big distracting flash. Saucer and small humanoid (or Gre 8/1970 #25761 ont of it. There he saw 3-D images flash through his mind at very high spee 8/15/1970 #25787 an by road / odd garb. Hides face. Flash and bang. Man gone. 8/19/1970 #25794 r approached. There was a blinding flash and a sound like a gunshot. Sandbe 8/19/1970 #25797 d shots he was struck by a violent flash that temporarily blinded him. His 9/9/1970 #25832 YETTEVILLE, ARK Many calls. Orange flash. Sonic boom! White silver saucer b 9/17/1970 #25839 back on his bike and sees a bright flash of white light to the southeast, w 11/29/1970 #25922 and then disappears quicker than a flash.” 1/23/1971 #25999 l humanoid (or Grey) / box / belt. Flash. Small humanoid (or Grey) gone. / 2/16/1971 #26020 wl. Then there suddenly appeared a flash of white light so intense that the 2/16/1971 #26021 eamed in pain from a sudden bright flash that seemed to come from the ocean 3/25/1971 #26054 UQUE, QBC UFO lands. Type unknown. Flash knocks observer(s) down. Imprints 5/30/1971 #26143 Tasmania. They then took off in a flash the color of a skyrocket. Landing 6/5/1971 #26158 STEWART, MN Flash and wind. Ducks frantic. 2 8M circ 6/25/1971 #26191 A brilliant flash of light followed by a gust of win 6/25/1971 #26193 do some hunting. They see a bright flash as something passes overhead and i 9/19/1971 #26347 JIANGLING, HUBEI, CH Tens flash / light. Silent yellow plate 5x di 10/1971 (approximate) #26392 ned yellow, and was gone in a huge flash. 7/5/1972 #26775 nder/cigar-shape tilts slowly. Big flash and shoots going quickly east extr 7/11/1972 #26791 ver(s). 2 very large round objects flash. Beam lights / one-another. Absolu 8/12/1972 #26901 car he was dazzled by a brilliant flash of white light, accompanied by int 8/28/1972 #26966 a nearby woods. They see a bright flash of light at ground level. The next 9/14/1972 #26999 orbs / complex circular maneuvers. Flash color(s) like signals. 10/13/1972 #27070 lyzed when he did this. A blinding flash occurred when the object took off, 10/28/1972 #27097 of the city, when she saw a sudden flash in the sky. First expected to be a 11/24/1972 #27138 nstruments and clocks." A powerful flash of light came from the underpart a 12/30/1972 #27193 Going quickly west to sea. Gone / flash. 2/21/1973 #27302 SAN CATALDO, ITL Flash! 2 / car stop. Big disk overhead / 4/1973 #27394 adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Flash / kitchen. / r231'74. 4/6/1973 #27405 off and on. She then saw a bright flash of light in her kitchen. 4/6/1973 #27410 ts dance / clouds / 1 hr and more. Flash as if signalling. / r28p372. 6/28/1973 #27590 chases 2 / truck / 6km. Red lights flash / top. 7/7/1973 #27617 TUCUPITA, VNZL Flash and thud. Disk spins under Orinoco 8/3/1973 #27673 / Boardman Lake. 10 colored lights flash / bottom/underside. 8/14/1973 #27698 ate plane. 3 night lights land and flash / field. Sudden maneuvers and turn 10/2/1973 #27916 ) and RADAR's. UFO. Colored lights flash. / r150. 11/15/1973 #28422 p and the door. A very bright blue flash of light shone briefly, bathing Ca 11/18/1973 #28443 ars / low altitude. Top and bottom flash alternately. 11/28/1973 #28472 four teenage daughters first saw a flash of green light, then they saw a li 12/5/1973 #28524 r. Witness takes 2 photos with his flash, the tube retracts and the UFO goe 12/13/1973 #28560 ver. Pulls and flies on photograph flash. Drops iron pyrite. 12/13/1973 #28564 k circle with a diagonal lightning flash through it. 12/19/1973 #28587 ns going [to] 7' Bigfoot. Vanish / flash. Night light rotates. / FSRv25#3. 2/6/1974 #28741 tion and it “just disappeared in a flash of light.” Her son-in-law, who liv 2/6/1974 #28742 A2 NEAR ST. AYBERT, FR 1 observer. Flash. Large flat object going NNW risin 2/25/1974 #28797 overs / 20 minute(s). Gone / white flash! / r30p457. 2/27/1974 #28807 ute(ly) silent and still. 4 lights flash. 3/2/1974 #28848 t. Stops. Turns going east. Lights flash. 3/2/1974 #28849 own / farm. Moves and stops again. Flash and away. / r30p480. 3/26/1974 #28954 feet and shoots straight up like a flash. 6/15/1974 #29198 y. Very fast domed saucers. Lights flash. / r28. 8/11/1974 #29320 / 500' altitude / 4h. 3k and mph. Flash. Vanishes. / r71p100. 8/20/1974 #29372 PERRY CONTROLLER, NY Flash. Night light maneuvers and PACEs c 10/21/1974 #29549 t for 20 minutes. It leaves like a flash. 11/11/1974 #29592 r 6–7 minutes, then after a bright flash it takes off. 12/31/1974 #29667 metallic saucer tilts and wobbles. Flash. Up and away. Night lights / separ 2/1975 #29777 sc, witness injured, paralyzed, by flash of light (NICAP UFO Evidence II, S 2/14/1975 #29810 sc, witness injured, paralyzed, by flash of light 2/14/1975 #29811 hurled onto his back by a powerful flash of light. The beings run up the la 2/14/1975 #29812 ST. PAULS, NC Cops and more. Big flash. Silent triangle / many colored li 4/3/1975 #29937 en, Denmark, when he sees a bright flash off to his right. When he develops 5/3/1975 #30025 ylindrical object circles tractor. Flash and whistle and windshield cracks. 7/17/1975 #30185 T. SHAW, MT 2 observer(s). Big red flash. Mutilated cow found. 2 more missi 7/27/1975 (approximate) #30209 nterstate 94, they see a brilliant flash of light and sounds like thunder. 8/26/1975 #30310 , CA Helicopters circle saucer and flash brief red lights at it. Saucer tur 9/3/1975 #30338 0M altitude. Drops / trees. Gone / flash. 9/29/1975 #30392 ly going up [to] to clouds. Gone / flash. Ball lightning? 9/29/1975 #30393 AGATA / GOTI, ITL 2+2 observer(s). Flash. Odd object going down. Stops / lo 10/4/1975 #30415 ings. The spaces between the trees flash by too quickly to make out what th 11/5/1975 #30562 lights zigzags. Split and rejoin / flash. Humming. / r169p118. 11/18/1975 #30638 ERMONT, FR Big flash. 2 white ovoids shoot by. Observer 12/14/1975 #30712 ent, France saw a searchlight beam flash three times. He then noticed a hum 1/26/1976 #30821 ers / 15M altitude. Colored lights flash in dome / bottom. 2/10/1976 #30860 tside making repairs. Blinded by a flash of intense light, he was captured 3/3/1976 #30922 had skin burns resulting from the flash of light. 3/3/1976 #30922 an. Object hovers / PR16. Blinding flash. No physical traces. / r120p194+FS 4/21/1976 #31001 bject, figures moving inside, blue flash, witness stunned; TV interference 4/22/1976 #31008 rees. Suddenly there is a blinding flash and he nearly loses control of his 4/22/1976 #31009 straight up. He sees some kind of flash and his car lights go out, the mot 4/22/1976 #31010 adio failed. He was stunned by the flash and experienced a lapse of conscio 4/22/1976 #31011 he car. The object moves away in a flash of light and burst of heat. The ca 8/6/1976 #31240 il, when his dog grows agitated. A flash of light illuminates the area, fol 9/9/1976 #31362 oles 3m over River Road. Gone in a flash. 9/28/1976 #31431 UFO / 1 min. Red and yellow lights flash. Type unknown. 10/8/1976 #31454 m saucer / edge. Beeps. Red lights flash and steady white light. Going east 11/8/1976 #31530 ide. It disappears in a bright red flash. 12/15/1976 #31605 object disappeared in a bright red flash after another 7-8 seconds. 12/15/1976 #31606 uddenly emitted a silvery lighting flash and disappeared, and so did the bu 1/4/1977 #31691 al observer(s). Dome spins. Lights flash. Figure moves / window. / APRO 4'7 2/3/1977 #31782 Then all three of them see another flash. Maastricht radar watches the targ 4/14/1977 #31980 ter, a third silent lightning-like flash is seen just in front of the airli 4/14/1977 #31980 l and right wing, where the fourth flash is seen. A military radar places t 4/14/1977 #31980 their shift when they see a “blue flash” over the airport. It appears in t 4/18/1977 #31992 e, Colombia. There was a brilliant flash of light that temporarily impaired 5/5/1977 #32059 rth going south collide / terrific flash. No traces. 5/17/1977 #32102 and collided causing a tremendous flash and a sound like thunder. (Source: 5/17/1977 #32104 and collided causing a tremendous flash and a sound like thunder. The sky 5/17/1977 #32107 of white, rectangular windows that flash on and off. A blue light zigzags n 5/20/1977 #32116 ALMONASTER LA REAL, SP Girl / 20. Flash. 2 pseudo-humans/entities appear. 8/3/1977 #32348 bout 20 meters further on, another flash of light again shone in her face. 8/3/1977 #32356 AIOLA, ITL Several observer(s). Flash! Luminous 5M ovoid hovers / 2M alt 8/13/1977 #32393 further down the slope. After the flash, the men fled back to the village. 8/30/1977 #32441 further down the slope. After the flash the group fled back to the village 8/31/1977 #32446 NEAR COROZAL, PR Farmer. Flash. Small humanoid (or Grey) appears. 9/4/1977 #32458 ue candle and vanishes upward in a flash. Other dwarf sightings take place 9/4/1977 #32460 ht appeared. There was a brilliant flash, and a three-foot tall figure enca 9/25/1977 #32519 They are blinding in intensity and flash on and off like a beacon, apparent 10/9/1977 #32564 cer. This was followed by a bright flash of light from the object, and then 11/13/1977 #32672 he object then emitted a brilliant flash of green light, and disappeared in 11/13/1977 #32672 s / woods. Lights / top and bottom flash. Accelerates going up. 11/18/1977 #32682 Aurora, Uruguay There was a great flash in the northeastern sky, followed 12/16/1977 #32780 Aurora, Uruguay there was a great flash in the northeastern sky, followed 12/16/1977 #32781 on his backpack when he noticed a flash of light from an object just above 3/1978 #33003 going northeast. Colored portholes flash. 3/1/1978 #33006 NEAR ANCONA, ITL "Green flash" buzzes commercial flights IH662+M 3/9/1978 #33020 planes in the area report a green flash. 3/9/1978 #33021 ises swiftly and disappears like a flash into the sky. 3/11/1978 #33032 d flashed about 7 or 8 times. Each flash was accompanied by a beep, then th 4/7/1978 #33131 p. Ovoid fireball hovers / street. Flash & apparent microwave burns. / Inte 5/13/1978 #33200 of blue light similar to a camera flash, then recedes and is gone. Amparan 5/13/1978 #33202 he car door is between him and the flash. Also, he has no burn on his back, 5/13/1978 #33202 ops over USA military base. Lights flash / top. Going quickly west. 6/12/1978 #33276 illuminating the interior like “40 flash cameras.” The reflection off the c 7/11/1978 #33366 or one second. The driver tries to flash the car lights at it, to no avail. 8/24/1978 #33564 as also heard the noise and seen a flash of light that causes the lights an 9/17/1978 #33701 red the UFO, which took off with a flash of light and an explosive sound. T 9/17/1978 #33703 g form the being and saw something flash in its hand. They wanted to assist 9/24/1978 #33744 r 10–15 seconds and her headlights flash off for one second. Then the objec 9/26/1978 #33751 ORANGE, CA Flash. 3+2 observer(s). 340' silent boom 9/27/1978 #33755 sy, Poland, when she sees a bright flash of light near a mountain. The chil 9/27/1978 #33761 d and framed by lights that do not flash. Some report three lights or bumps 11/1/1978 #33909 n this same night at 6 p.m. when a flash of light led to a period of uncons 11/15/1978 #33959 I15 SOUTHWEST / BARSTOW, CA Flash! Grey domed saucer tilted in cloud 11/27/1978 #34007 when a second more powerful orange flash of light again brought her attenti 12/6/1978 #34068 haped craft take off with a bright flash. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 12/15/1978 #34135 haped craft take off with a bright flash. A strong smell of sulphur was not 12/15/1978 #34141 MIRABELLO, ITL 2+kids. Flash. Burnt hair odor. 2 pseudo-human/e 1/3/1979 #34284 and it took off, emitting a bluish flash and pulsating twice before disappe 1/4/1979 #34296 g twice before disappearing with a flash. The dog returned to normal, and J 1/4/1979 #34296 and it took off, emitting a bluish flash and pulsating twice before disappe 1/5/1979 #34304 g twice before disappearing with a flash. The dog returned to normal, and J 1/5/1979 #34304 4 MILES / LINDALE, TX Flash / light. 2 UFO's appear. 5-6 hours 1/24/1979 #34371 road, rose about one meter, light flash. MUFON UFO Journal, December 1979 2/8/1979 #34409 thaway is momentarily blinded by a flash of light. Opening his eyes, he see 2/9/1979 #34416 sely corresponded with a brilliant flash of light coming from the object. I 2/9/1979 #34418 FERNVALE, QLD Bright flash / area. Cylinder/cigar-shape follo 2/21/1979 #34440 photograph, but there is a sudden flash that temporarily blinds him and le 5/16/1979 #34563 photograph, but there was a sudden flash that temporarily blinded him and l 5/16/1979 #34564 AO, PI American Scientist and 600. Flash. Saucer going down [to] near huts. 5/20/1979 #34570 ers over path. Geometric figure(s) flash / edge. Burns. / International UFO 5/22/1979 #34573 ansparent dome. Quickly going up / flash. 6/19/1979 #34619 , France when they noticed a green flash of light overhead followed by two 8/2/1979 #34704 some open land when they noticed a flash of light with shades of pink, oran 8/19/1979 #34760 ime. Pinsonneault suspects corneal flash burns and covers his eyes with ban 8/27/1979 #34787 ect going quickly east. Red lights flash / side. Leaves (something behind) 9/13/1979 #34870 le, Oregon, when they see a bright flash in the southern sky. It is caused 12/27/1979 #35100 ge-glowing ovoid going up / field. Flash and away. 1/2/1980 #35121 wards the beings he saw an intense flash of light that blinded him for a fe 2/6/1980 #35160 ff. Later in the day, an official “flash” message goes out to base personne 5/1980 #35296 spheres, all of which vanish in a flash of light. 6/15/1980 #35374 object base going southwest. Beams flash / underside. / local news. 7/27/1980 #35426 Palace. It has several lights that flash on and off 2–3 times per second. T 8/1980 #35437 ing down / road. Vanishes / lights flash. 9/5/1980 #35495 tain spot. The other two men saw a flash of light hit the hood of the truck 9/25/1980 #35535 nd. It then explodes in a blinding flash that gives off no heat. Instantly, 12/28/1980 #35750 every five seconds, which was the flash rate of the Orfordness Lighthouse. 12/28/1980 #35750 maneuvers / 100m altitude. Lights flash / sides. 1/26/1981 #35801 hovers 100M over paddock. Intense flash. Going down. 2/20/1981 #35838 away from the car, moments later a flash of light shot up into the sky (NIC 4/1/1981 #35883 ht silver disk. 6 round portholes. Flash. / r41p141+/ r150. 7/4/1981 #35983 ver driveway. Red and green lights flash. 8/18/1981 #36079 its own accord. There was a bright flash, then moments later two small Grey 8/30/1981 #36093 th going quickly north. Vanishes / flash! No further details. 12/2/1981 #36243 humming 70' night lights hover and flash. 50-100mph. 2K-3700' altitude. 12/4/1981 #36245 SOUTH LUIS DEL PALMAR, ARG Flash. Trucker wakes far away. Small hum 12/10/1981 #36254 east / 1500' altitude. Many lights flash. / r210v30#10. 6/15/1982 #36500 oing down [to] near Rumanian ship. Flash. Rays. Geiger = 5-7 RADs. 9/17/1982 #36604 ut 35,000 mph. Suddenly light rays flash down toward the ground simultaneou 10/14/1982 #36641 ed, and left. He then saw a bright flash and the figure vanished. The figur 11/10/1982 #36678 underneath it. The lights start to flash in a wild sequence up and down its 3/24/1983 #36807 rs / 500' altitude. Lights / edge. Flash and going quickly north when lit. 7/12/1983 #36908 nd the object projects a brilliant flash of white light downward. It then m 7/12/1983 #36909 AHOGDA, NORW Night light / regular flash. Observer(s) shines laser. Night l 2/12/1984 #37185 laser. Night light responds / new flash pattern. 2/12/1984 #37185 over/all about. "Climb" mountains. Flash. Hessdalen team hit / spotlight. / 2/26/1984 #37203 to "climb" up the mountains, then flash. Observers were hit by a spotlight 2/26/1984 #37204 side and vanishes in a sudden pink flash. 4/25/1984 #37293 utes the object vanished in a pink flash. 4/25/1984 #37295 H AND AREA 2 separate observer(s). Flash. 12' rocket going quickly west / t 5/18/1984 #37331 circle of lights. The lights first flash yellow, then white, then blue. Far 7/24/1984 #37412 the center. The lights on the edge flash sequentially like a theater marque Late 9/1984 #37469 pped to hover, its lights began to flash. 10/31/1984 #37499 . Some say the object falls with a flash and is not visible after that; oth 1/29/1986 #37775 it four times, and disappear in a flash. 2/6/1986 #37781 Vickers VC10 observes a bright red flash in the sky. Charles does not see i 2/26/1986 #37789 OLIS, BRZ Trucker. UFO / roadside. Flash. 72 hours / missing time. Regressi 5/23/1986 #37890 reball low over trees / back yard. Flash and blast. Fuses Blown and burnt. 7/3/1986 #37928 NEW PORT RICHIE, FL 2 observer(s). Flash / cloud. 3 orange saucers going do 7/24/1986 #37950 nd 2. Red-green-white night lights flash / 45 minute(s) / airport. RADAR co 8/13/1986 #37985 fast climbs. She claims to send a flash alert to the Commander-in-Chief of 12/1986 #38079 ut the object then disappears. The flash alert is allegedly recalled the ne 12/1986 #38079 ives, and fast climbs. She sends a flash alert to the Commander- in-Chief o Mid 12/1986 #38083 telescopes. Nothing turns up. The flash alert is recalled the following da Mid 12/1986 #38083 right, red, white, and blue lights flash. A short gray trail of smoke is co 2/6/1987 #38113 f to say goodbye and vanishes in a flash of red light. The object then blin Mid 10/1987 #38305 EDS, WEST YORKS Ex-RAF man. Lights flash around 400' layered saucer. Glows 1/4/1988 #38402 t low over road just ahead. Lights flash. 1/22/1988 #38428 locks car / SR39. 1' thick. Lights flash / corner. 3/23/1988 #38518 f the silver rods, causing a white flash. He was then hit repeatedly with t 5/1/1988 #38551 , DK Buildings shake. House lights flash. Noise / telephone. No UFO seen / 10/17/1988 #38676 roaches it, but it disappears in a flash of light. The duration is about 12 2/8/1989 #38825 minute(s). Speeds up and gone in a flash! 7/16/1989 #39021 dark cloud light up with a yellow flash. A rotating, saucer-shaped object 9/6/1989 #39092 all, Manitoba, sees a bright light flash upward out of sight in front of he 10/6/1989 #39147 urg, Saskatchewan, when she sees a flash of light near a shed about 50 feet 10/13/1989 #39169 figure / window! Extends antenna / flash 3X. 2/7/1990 #39413 /box-like craft formation buck and flash and going quickly SSE / fantastic 5/2/1990 #39549 stars near sun / sunset. Move and flash. Many observer(s). 7/7/1990 #39638 e rotate, tilt toward the car, and flash on and off three times. Keeping th 7/26/1990 #39663 BOURGUEYRAUD, FR 1 observer. Flash. Luminous/glowing house-sized gree 11/22/1990 #39896 ar-shape larger / airliner. Gone / flash. 5 helicopters search next day. 7/1/1991 #40110 hovers and zips over town. Lights flash / base. Circular trace / ground. 8/30/1991 #40171 ending cow. Night light nears. Big flash and goes straight going up. 9/1991 #40177 ction, apparently in response to a flash in the lower left portion of the p 9/15/1991 #40187 WEST AUSTRALIA Night light stops. Flash. 99° turn. 18000 Gs. Also 2nd obje 9/16/1991 #40188 ich point the figure vanished in a flash of white light. 3/4/1992 #40354 SANTIAGO, RS, BRZ 3 cloud saucers flash / 2-3 minute(s) south going quickl 3/5/1992 #40357 ORANGA, SP, BRZ 5 / GUG group. Big flash. Air glows white / 500M! Busy area 4/18/1992 #40421 oing quickly NNE as airport lights flash. 4/19/1992 #40424 with beams going [to] over. Gone / flash. / r226#9. 4/28/1992 #40433 over vineyards / 3 minute(s). Blue flash and go going quickly south. 8/31/1992 #40598 o] over road. Red and white lights flash. 11/1/1992 #40701 UFO lands / moors. Door opens. Big flash. Local wave / 2 wks. 11/7/1992 #40705 0M altitude. Loop going northeast. Flash. All silent. 12/31/1992 #40774 wice, Kraków County, Poland, see a flash of light just before limestone deb 1/14/1993 #40795 NEAR GARLAND, WV Flash. Huge night lights / mountains. Vi 3/17/1993 #40887 separate observer(s). Night lights flash color(s) and maneuver. Light mount 4/6/1993 #40928 BOQUERON, PR 2 women. Flash and heat. Small humanoid (or Grey) 5/15/1993 (approximate) #40982 / spheres falling / sky and 1 big flash. Cops see zero. 5/27/1993 #40991 OLK Many observer(s). Night lights flash and maneuver over quay. Some large 8/12/1993 #41132 vers / W. monument. Colored lights flash / edge. Very fast. 2/24/1994 #41424 isks maneuver / 5 minute(s). Domes flash. No further details. 4/3/1994 #41475 hed from sight, there was a sudden flash of white light and the rumbling so 4/12/1994 #41489 ' altitude. Lights / circumference flash. 6/7/1994 #41557 discs or spheres disappear with a flash of light, then reappear three time 9/16/1994 #41755 e appears. Floats away. Drops with flash / light. 10/6/1994 #41789 1+cops. 5 Saturn orbs with windows flash colored lights back and forth / ho 11/2/1994 #41830 UD FORKS, WV Separate observer(s). Flash. 35' triangle. Lights / corners. W 12/16/1994 #41896 x-like craft / colored lights. Big flash. No debris. / r220. 1/7/1995 #41960 BEATTY, NV 2 / truck. Night lights flash and maneuver / 45 minute(s). Faste 1/22/1995 #41989 oing quickly [to] over car. Lights flash. Turns. Flies going quickly north. 2/13/1995 #42044 TH, KS Military employee. Blinding flash. 4 diamond-shaped objects. 4 hours 3/12/1995 #42087 ands on lawn. Type unknown. Lights flash / house 20 March. 3/19/1995 #42111 PORTLAND, OR 1 observer. Flash. Thin wingless silver fuselage sta 5/15/1995 #42207 aft going north descending. Lights flash / sequence / edges. 5/19/1995 #42215 FARMINGDALE, NY 2 observer(s). Flash. Small disk hovers over truck belo 6/24/1995 #42269 (LOC.UNK), BELGIUM Flash. 2M humanoid appears / woods! Obse 8/24/1995 #42411 objects. Objects hit mountain and flash. 8/27/1995 #42418 IOWA CITY, IA 1 observer. Flash. Classic saucer with red tailfin! 10/9/1995 #42542 / scuba diver suits in apartment. Flash "photograph" observer(s) through w 11/1/1995 #42574 going quickly south. Vanishes in a flash. / r150. 2/7/1996 #42744 , then moved in an S pattern "in a flash" and upward at a steep 45 degree a 2/18/1996 #42771 k-out. Suddenly there was a bright flash of blue light behind him. Thinking 2/29/1996 #42789 ANTA BARBARA, CA Man / car. Bright flash and missing time. Old scenes / his 4/24/1996 #42882 he special services soldiers saw a flash of light in the sky. 7/13/1996 #42956 fireball and 2 small night lights flash all color(s). No further details. 8/4/1996 #42970 l hours / videotape. Domed saucers flash. / (unsolicited email/not verified 9/10/1996 #43013 ckly south. 10 minute(s) later big flash. 2 fireballs zigzag. Power outage. 9/13/1996 #43018 / BEIJING 757 pilots / 9600M. Big flash. Silver-metallic object breaks win 12/19/1996 #43147 0 feet, the copilot spots a bright flash in the sky just ahead of them. A s 12/19/1996 #43148 ack triangle overhead. 3-4 strobes flash white and red and blue. / NUFORC. 12/29/1996 #43151 g to eat. Suddenly he saw a bright flash of light outside. He looked out th 1/5/1997 #43166 they disappeared in a bright blue flash of light. 1/8/1997 #43168 ge pine trees there was a blinding flash of orange light, and he felt his v 2/26/1997 #43210 airport/apartment runway at beach. Flash color(s). Going quickly northeast. 3/17/1997 #43234 observer(s).. gained time? Bright flash.. 4/4/1997 #43250 First there was a flash in the sky at 2:30 p.m. in Paradis 4/27/1997 #43281 circular and emitted an occasional flash of light. The truck driver walked 4/28/1997 #43283 otball saucer. Blue and red lights flash / series. Antennas.. 8/16/1997 #43385 anating intermittent flashes. This flash light was immediately followed by 9/4/1997 #43394 COLLINSVALE, TASM Flash / 3 second(s) intervals. Triangle 5/31/1998 #43576 th over River Road. Colored lights flash / rim. 6/14/1998 #43588 hler, Ohio when they saw a silvery flash overhead and watched a huge metall 8/15/1998 #43632 n moving around. There was another flash and the craft disappeared. 8/15/1998 #43632 slow down there was a very bright flash of light. The witnesses was moment 9/25/1998 #43651 in some woods. There was a sudden flash of light and large balloon-shaped 11/25/1998 #43684 he Philippines. There was a sudden flash of light, and a large balloon-shap 11/29/1998 #43689 ary jet chases. Quickly going up / flash. 11/30/1998 #43691 shot straight up and was gone in a flash. 11/30/1998 #43693 0 M altitude estimated. Stops. Big flash and away very fast. 12/26/1998 #43704 ahead. In a short while she saw a flash of motion ahead, perhaps some 50 f 8/22/1999 #43831 trathclyde, Scotland a bright blue flash was seen overhead, and the blue ba 8/26/1999 #43835 2+observer(s) / cheese plant. Grey flash. 7 circular objects going west / 3 11/1/1999 #43868 gs on it. As the chopper hovered a flash of light was again directed at the 1/30/2000 #43937 light is gone, the witness sees a flash like an explosion. About 15 minute 7/17/2000 #44021 it later disappeared with a bright flash of light. 8/25/2000 #44033 a sound like a moan and then saw a flash of light that temporarily blinded 10/28/2000 #44063 ovoid hovers / corn field. Lights flash / bottom/underside. Sudden takeoff 3/2/2001 #44146 ed seeing images of famous persons flash around her, including John F. Kenn 5/2/2001 #44174 d. It then emitted a sudden bright flash of light from the top section, and 7/2/2001 #44203 they encountered an intense purple flash of light for 4-5 seconds. They pul 9/24/2002 #44403 wo minutes later there was another flash of light, accompanied by a strange 9/24/2002 #44403 ng sound. He next saw a light beam flash on the ground in the middle of the 5/3/2003 #44523 e night and they saw a bright blue flash south of their campsite. Next, the 5/16/2003 #44538 triangular craft appear after the flash. This was followed by two more fla 5/16/2003 #44538 ve when they saw a very bright red flash and looked out the truck windows a 5/16/2003 #44538 and they all vanished in a bright flash. They heard no sound during any of 7/12/2003 #44563 n when she was blinded by a bright flash of light that came in through both 5/17/2004 #44703 , Michigan. There was a big bright flash that blinded the witness for 30 se 5/19/2004 #44704 tch the UFO stop, emit a brilliant flash of blue- white light, move again, Late 7/2005 #44857 te light, move again, emit another flash, and vanish. The airliner crew doe Late 7/2005 #44857 three lights on the horizon. In a flash they grew into a large, nearly bli 11/25/2005 #44905 in two and there was a very bright flash of light, lighting up everything b 4/25/2007 #45023 oger sees a silver, gray, and blue flash as an oblong object disappears int 7/5/2009 #45230 ight then gives off a stroboscopic flash of light that illuminates a large 1/8/2013 #45359 Warkworth, New Zealand, see a blue flash and hear a loud explosion that cau 3/19/2013 #45362 n, observe three mysterious lights flash across the sky at great speed, eac 2/10/2019 #45561
photographs of saguaro cacti using flash-lighting effects. As they are gett Mid 3/1977 #31909
in childhood, when he experienced flashbacks of life on another world and 10/29/1956 #13297 rs later, David had started having flashbacks of what really happened. He r 3/1978 #33003 s. Later than night he recalled in flashbacks that five beings came to his 11/15/1978 #33959 story of missing time, terrifying flashbacks, and intrusive examinations b 12/26/1985 #37738
snaps a photo. In the light of the flashbulb, they see a little man standin 1/26/1965 #18769 e. Its intensity is like that of a flashbulb. Boston Center calls them and 3/12/1977 #31901
of this mysterious trio, like the flashbulbs of a camera, and although the 8/10/1976 #31252
minutes over a nearby mountain. It flashed colors, circled, then shot off t 8/11/1897 #603 tamford, Lincolnshire, England. It flashed its searchlight nine times, and 5/9/1909 #734 ed flying object with a light that flashed several times. It rose higher an 5/17/1909 #754 flying objects. He watched as they flashed across the sky, one behind the o 6/24/1947 #2402 d overhead at tremendous speed. It flashed brightly as it reflected the sun 7/26/1949 #4292 ving middle band. A greenish light flashed under it, and the witness felt a 1/29/1950 #4517 ving middle band. A greenish light flashed under it, and the witness felt a 1/29/1950 #4518 ight, and a light at the top which flashed 3 times in 9 seconds, flew at no 3/20/1950 #4689 hem wore a light on its chest that flashed at regular intervals. He stealth 6/17/1950 #4992 Mexico. It grew in dimensions, and flashed once every second. It flew off t 1/22/1951 #5414 d briefly over a hill, turned 180, flashed twice and was gone. 6/22/1952 #6587 ds to execute the 180-degree turn, flashed, the flew on to the east. A seco 6/22/1952 #6589 e round disc with a metallic shine flashed, and fluttered like a flipped co 6/23/1952 #6601 th a metallic shine at 4:05 pm. It flashed and fluttered like a flipped coi 6/23/1952 #6615 scs as having fuzzy edges, as they flashed beneath their aircraft descendin 4/12/1953 #8821 England. It made crackling sounds, flashed and hissed as it went over. 12/30/1953 #9410 ma Valley of Peru a brilliant disc flashed in the sky, moved slowly at firs 10/27/1954 #11450 t was a truck. Suddenly the object flashed a beam of light directly at the 11/1957 #14181 mile area, just after hovering UFO flashed (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 11/14/1957 #14550 uminous, and the dome of the craft flashed. The UFO flew off to the west. 5/13/1959 #15729 e of a match head at arm's length, flashed and moved around the sky for 1.5 7/1/1963 #17822 ds and surrounded by an aqua haze, flashed and flickered while stationary f 10/4/1963 #17979 es, was nea a house. When witneses flashed a light, the house was flooded w 10/21/1963 #17996 , was near a house. When witnesses flashed a light at the object the house 10/21/1963 #17998 vered, the deputies approached and flashed their squad car light. Then a fl 11/12/1963 #18034 light hovered, slowed, dimmed and flashed in 1 minute. 12/11/1963 #18076 ts illuminated the countryside and flashed in sequence. 9/3/1965 #19505 ron mines. A distant smaller light flashed as if signaling, and the larger 3/11/1966 #19951 s around the rim from which lights flashed alternately. The UFO moved slowl 3/17/1966 #19979 ompanied by two smaller discs that flashed red and white lights, hovered an 4/19/1966 #20343 mpanied by two smaller discs. They flashed red and white lights, hovered, a 4/19/1966 #20347 moved. The yellow light blinked or flashed alternately with the red lights. 4/23/1966 #20388 ck to the saucer-shaped UFO, which flashed away seconds later. 7/21/1966 #20663 . One oval object with lights that flashed red and white and occasionally b 9/1/1966 #20832 ed an oval object with lights that flashed red and white and occasionally b 9/1/1966 #20833 uate Annis. A group of lights that flashed and changed color hung stationar 11/8/1966 #21084 lves as military investigators and flashed what appeared to be USAF identif 1/28/1967 #21411 e buzzing bees around 1:30 a.m. He flashed his flashlight on a gold colored 3/1/1967 #21715 e circumference (body lights) that flashed in a pattern. There was a bright 3/18/1967 #21916 at approached their car after they flashed their headlights at it (light re 4/1/1967 #22038 pted to close in on the object and flashed his landing lights, but there wa 4/18/1967 #22158 mpted to close with the object and flashed his landing lights to get its at 4/18/1967 #22161 lly, Massachusetts at 7:30 p.m. It flashed bright white lights, then red li 4/19/1967 #22165 rectangular windows. A white light flashed in sequence from the windows. 4/21/1967 #22198 Three witnesses saw an object that flashed light beams onto a car and paced 4/27/1967 #22229 nd a very bright center light that flashed on and off. (Ritter report recei 5/8/1967 #22299 ery bright white center light that flashed on and off. The object hovered, 5/8/1967 #22300 at hovered, moved erratically, and flashed. (Cape Argus 7/5/67, copy in NIC 7/3/1967 #22599 ver Newton, New Hampshire. The UFO flashed in exact response to flashlight 7/27/1967 #22742 married couple in Grey Friars. It flashed blue lights all around its rim, 8/9/1967 #22852 tordshire, England at 2:30 a.m. It flashed blue lights all around its rim, 8/9/1967 #22853 ow of lights along its length that flashed in sequence (body lights). The o 8/11/1967 #22861 ssed the sky, a bright white light flashed three times amid the red glow. ( 9/5/1967 #23005 eastern sky, behind which a light flashed for about 20 seconds at irregula 9/6/1967 #23010 l, sausage-shaped cloud. The light flashed at irregular intervals. 9/6/1967 #23012 hn Herbert. One bright, fiery ball flashed four times while moving east, ju 10/18/1967 #23263 itnessed a bright, fiery ball that flashed four times while moving east, ju 10/18/1967 #23266 black, who lept out of nowhere and flashed a beam of light at them. The fig 4/3/1968 #23888 nch shaped object.” Then the craft flashed a very vivid light three times, 10/2/1968 #24538 e joined by three more. One moved, flashed red, and then disappeared. Two m 11/29/1968 #24733 and joined the formation, and two flashed red lights. Another UFO flashed 11/29/1968 #24733 wo flashed red lights. Another UFO flashed red and then disappeared. They m 11/29/1968 #24733 A half circle of bright "sparks" flashed at random on the leading edge of 10/14/1969 #25414 ng in the car and I saw lights. We flashed to it and it flashed back. We cl 11/9/1969 #25455 aw lights. We flashed to it and it flashed back. We clapped the light on it 11/9/1969 #25455 object in a cattle lot. When they flashed their light on it, they saw a di 1/22/1971 #25994 bject in the cattle lot. When they flashed their light on it, they saw a di 1/22/1971 #25996 ls were frantic when an orange UFO flashed and circled overhead. 9/22/1971 #26366 at another spot nearer to him. He flashed the flashlight on the other two 10/28/1971 #26438 a brightly reflective surface that flashed like a mirror over a river. Afte 12/15/1971 #26504 at just hovered. Object turned and flashed away at high speed. At this time 8/1/1972 #26866 rom it. The UFO reacted to a light flashed at it and caused some physiologi 8/12/1972 #26912 tched as two very large round UFOs flashed beams of light at each other for 8/12/1972 #26913 ndows. The driver, Mr. G. Poisson, flashed his car headlights at the UFO, a 9/21/1972 #27021 , Ohio a silent disc-shaped object flashed its lights and darted all over t 3/14/1973 #27346 see a football shaped object that flashed from red to blue to white in a r 5/12/1973 #27481 le in the center of the craft that flashed in multi-colored hues of light; 10/5/1973 #27954 show its edge, at the end of which flashed two red lights. The UFO climbed 12/11/1973 #28556 cally in response to light signals flashed at it by three witnesses in Land 1/18/1974 #28685 y was that one of the objects had "flashed" him with a bright light. She he 3/1/1974 #28842 "like a church steeple on its top" flashed blue lights and gave off a white 7/22/1974 #29274 ry road NW of Nashville. The being flashed a blue light at her before she s 2/25/1976 #30903 with the second being a blue light flashed across her face. She drove away 2/25/1976 #30908 und inside the craft. When the UFO flashed a blue color his car's headlight 4/22/1976 #31011 e, while the antenna on his helmet flashed bright red. Anderson had now clo 8/16/1976 #31273 and siren to signal them. The UFOs flashed light back at them for a few sec 12/26/1976 #31632 er the city in the predawn sky. It flashed as it went from south to north. 4/18/1977 #31994 ts helmet. When one of the parties flashed a light on the figure, it emitte 8/30/1977 #32441 from its helmet. When one of them flashed a light at the figure, it emitte 8/31/1977 #32446 ed at Ellsworth AFB, SD, states he flashed a spotlight at a possible UAP to 11/1977 #32648 ce; he too could not breath. Woods flashed a flashlight at the object and t 11/1977 #32648 p.m. It had colored portholes that flashed light. 3/1/1978 #33008 en the two lights in the rear, and flashed about 7 or 8 times. Each flash w 4/7/1978 #33131 A light in the sky flashed and changed colors as it moved o 1/5/1980 #35125 ds of each curve. The white lights flashed every 3-5 seconds. The craft mad 4/20/1980 #35283 . It changed course when the plane flashed its landing lights. The event wa 9/22/1980 #35529 the light seen two nights earlier, flashed every five seconds, which was th 12/28/1980 #35750 s, in a diamond formation. Objects flashed in sunlight as they turned, cros 1/6/1981 #35772 s, in a diamond formation. Objects flashed in sunlight as they turned, cros 1/6/1981 #35773 hen stalled, and the lights inside flashed as the object approached. He was 9/1982 #36589 ticle in the MUFON UFO Journal, it flashed rays of light and made no sound. 9/17/1982 #36606 ticle in the MUFON UFO Journal, it flashed rays of light and made no sound. 9/17/1982 #36608 d for about 30 minutes. The object flashed a beam of light around the terra 5/15/1986 #37870 opped abruptly, maneuvered, lights flashed, shot straight up out of sight ( 8/11/1987 #38237 opped abruptly, maneuvered, lights flashed, shot straight up out of sight 8/11/1987 #38238 ting white light). The white light flashed while moving, but not while hove 3/1/1988 #38479 lashlight at one of the objects it flashed back and then they all disappear 2/8/1989 #38826 red and green lights on the bottom flashed sequentially. 8/14/1989 #39062 of red, green and blue lights that flashed in unison. 2/5/1990 #39411 loud booms, stopped, hovered, and flashed bright white lights (section VI) 3/4/1990 #39445 with loud booms, stopped, hovered, flashed bright white lights 3/4/1990 #39446 nded by an orange glowing waves.It flashed once every second. 11/24/1990 #39906 d blue, red, and green lights that flashed intermittently. Later a "long bl 8/30/1991 #40174 ewed it clearly when the lightning flashed. The main body of the craft was 9/16/1992 #40623 n unexplained light in the sky. It flashed on and off for two seconds, then 3/30/1993 #40905 ed and blue lights. When witnesses flashed car headlights at it, it flashed 4/25/1994 #41503 s flashed car headlights at it, it flashed a brilliant white light, and the 4/25/1994 #41503 On this day lights flashed and maneuvered near a truck on t 1/22/1995 #41991 res could not be discerned, but it flashed bright lights into the home on t 3/19/1995 #42112 A silent bell-shaped disc flashed and maneuvered over the shore of 6/16/1995 #42261 e the beam. Lights around its edge flashed in rhythm when it left. 12/14/1997 #43461 exico City, Mexico at 2:00 a.m. It flashed multi-colored lights, then depar 2/22/2000 #43956 s ahead on the roadway. The driver flashed her high beams at the two intens 7/13/2000 #44016 trol panel with shiny knobs, which flashed silver as he approached them. Th 10/28/2000 #44063 t that dropped to the ground, then flashed intermittently for 45 minutes. I 8/25/2001 #44246 king light through pine trees that flashed every 8 seconds. Her husband and 12/2/2002 #44458 g fast through the sky. It looped, flashed, and turned fast for 45 minutes. 1/5/2003 #44470 meone walking along the road so he flashed on his high beams. He then saw t 1/22/2003 #44477 all reddish spherical object, that flashed red at varying intensities and i 2/8/2004 #44659 red, white, green, and blue. They flashed and rotated around the edges. Th 9/3/2004 #44746 red, white, green, and blue. They flashed and rotated around the edges. Th 9/5/2004 #44748 ver the road, blocking it. He then flashed on the car high beams to get a b 4/25/2007 #45023 bject was sighted at 7:20 p.m.; it flashed twice, separated into two sphere 8/31/2010 #45296
DARK LIMB OF MOON Light flashes intermittently / 30 minute(s). / 2/11/1824 #118 MOON Astronomer Webb. Dot and dash flashes / Mare Crisium. Blots and rays / 7/4/1832 #127 er is greenish, and they both emit flashes of light, leaving a sparkling tr 8/2/1860 #156 snowstorm, a bright light suddenly flashes in the high rocks on the Pennsyl 2/16/1885 #263 ople. At times it disappears, then flashes out again with renewed brillianc 11/22/1896 #348 at a fantastic speed with periodic flashes of light. 4/26/1897 #578 at a fantastic speed with periodic flashes of light. 4/26/1897 #579 ers / red mountain / 15 minute(s). Flashes color(s). Circles. Shoots going 8/11/1897 #602 l, California, when a bright light flashes on him from above. He is momenta 8/3/1905 #679 observer. Large ovoid / city park flashes searchlight 9X. Going quickly [t 5/9/1909 #731 n Lowestoft hear engine sounds and flashes of light around the same time. 5/16/1909 #750 nt cylinder/cigar-shape with light flashes several times. Rises high and sh 5/17/1909 #752 rship = squarish blimp. Reflective flashes. 10/25/1909 #816 eroplane. The sun shone on it, and flashes came from it, as though reflecte 10/25/1910 #848 rland reports seeing “bluish-white flashes” on Mars for 17 consecutive nigh 10/1913 #892 t the Paris Observatory thinks the flashes are merely “auto- suggestion.” 10/1913 #892 / plane. Dull grey-white airship. Flashes. / r65p15. 6/10/1931 #1128 ng [to] fast. Orange light / rear. Flashes lightening. 12/1932 (approximate) #1148 es a series of intermittent bright flashes across the south polar cap. A li 5/30/1937 #1270 inches in diameter; orange and red flashes; six white balls of fire; grayis 3/24/1945 #1823 ; object circled ship; three white flashes observed in direction object dep Summer 1945 #1880 ip Delarof. Going quickly south. 3 flashes. / r242p129. 8/1945 (approximate) #1906 ny, Germany, sees small, elongated flashes at a great height in the sky. Th 10/10/1946 #2202 the bright sunlight and cause the flashes he saw earlier. They are in view 6/24/1947 #2398 they bank in a turn, the sunlight flashes off them. As they approach, John 6/24/1947 #2400 e disk north going south. 3 bright flashes. Maneuvers just over horizon. 7/1/1947 #2510 line(s)/airliner passenger. Saucer flashes by going quickly southwest. Stew 7/6/1947 #2749 CE BASE, TX Aircrew. 6M glass disk flashes and spins / tilt going quickly s 7/7/1947 #2885 eed of plane. Absolute(ly) silent. Flashes / sunlight. 7/10/1947 #3094 soars overhead / tremendous speed. Flashes in the sun. 7/26/1949 #4289 er’s sweeping searchlight suddenly flashes across a stationary circular obj 8/19/1949 #4329 oughout the incident (no pulses or flashes). Once the objects reach a direc 9/26/1949 #4372 d find that this and other Martian flashes are likely caused by solar refle 1/16/1950 #4495 t light blinking at an estimated 3 flashes per second. The bottom of the ob 3/20/1950 #4690 R Saucer arcs over airliner. Light flashes / top. 8 10' portholes / undersi 3/31/1950 #4776 UTLER, PA 4 / car. Silver football flashes going quickly west. 6K' altitude 4/2/1950 #4789 ly object grows and changes shape. Flashes. Suddenly goes going up. 5/4/1950 #4921 object grew and changed shape; it flashes; then suddenly shoots up and is 5/4/1950 #4922 pour in. Huge cylinder/cigar-shape flashes across sky. No further details. 5/5/1950 #4923 THWEST / GULKANA, AK NW.Al crew. 2 flashes. Dark cloud rises and splits / 2 12/11/1950 #5337 lkana (10 miles NW of), AK 2 white flashes, followed by dark cloud - rose a 12/11/1950 #5338 st Air Lines flight 802. Two white flashes, followed by a dark cloud which 12/11/1950 #5339 Lines flight 802 sighted two white flashes, followed by a dark cloud that r 12/11/1950 #5340 cer hovers by test balloon. Grows. Flashes 1 / second(s). Going quickly wes 1/22/1951 #5411 e. Skirts hills. Silent. Lightning flashes / rear. 2/3/1951 #5430 ing erratically from side to side, flashes on and off, and makes an engine- Early Spring 1951 #5471 s). 2' orange fireball buzzes B29. Flashes blue-white and shoots by. 3/10/1951 #5474 sic saucer tips and wobbles / sky. Flashes silver light. / local papers. 3/17/1952 #5960 Afterward, he asks them about the flashes seen on Mars in 1951, and a gene 4/1952 #6010 book Case #1323. Object hovers and flashes. 270° loop going quickly east. 6/22/1952 #6585 hill, turns 180° in 45–60 seconds, flashes, heads east a half mile, flashes 6/22/1952 #6588 , flashes, heads east a half mile, flashes again, and blinks out. No sound. 6/22/1952 #6588 flips like a coin / 5-7 minute(s). Flashes in sunlight. 6/23/1952 #6592 across sky. Red glowing with white flashes. 7/12/1952 #6770 line(s)/airliner crew. Night light flashes by before takeoff. RADAR-visual 7/20/1952 #6944 on the ground. It gave off bluish flashes as it took off, leaving a smell 7/20/1952 #6951 on the ground. It gave off bluish flashes as it took off, and left behind 7/20/1952 #6953 aucer circles. Moves side-to-side. Flashes. Large night lights. 7/22/1952 #6992 d Air Force men. Green night light flashes red. Descends after 1 hour. No f 7/26/1952 #7144 sas City, MO Light with red-orange flashes descend in the NW (NICAP: 01 - D 7/26/1952 #7161 One greenish light with red-orange flashes was seen for 1 hour as it descen 7/26/1952 #7170 saw a green light with red-orange flashes descend in the northwestern sky 7/26/1952 #7178 round object in from sea? Hovers. Flashes and going quickly east inland. 8/4/1952 #7440 multi-colored object in from sea. Flashes and circle / treetops. Going qui 8/28/1952 #7766 n, WV Bright metallic particles or flashes, up to 3 ft in length (NICAP: 01 9/24/1952 #8019 t of bright, metallic particles or flashes, up to 3' in length, streamed pa 9/24/1952 #8021 t of bright, metallic particles or flashes, up to three feet in length, str 9/24/1952 #8023 ing, but the object levels off and flashes away at high speed, emitting a b 10/1952 #8076 Radar affected. Angel hair falls. Flashes. / r48p153. 10/17/1952 #8140 itude / 800mph. 1 second(s) orange flashes. Silent. 10/29/1952 #8210 est fast with bright white and red flashes. No further details. 12/4/1952 #8372 d of 5,240 mph. The crew sees some flashes of light, but the targets are 20 12/6/1952 #8389 T, FR 3 observer(s). Saucer / blue flashes. Wires smell burnt. Going quickl 2/1953 #8623 st / 7000' altitude. 200kts. Short flashes. 2/6/1953 #8639 gar-shape going quickly northwest. Flashes over town. / big newspaper artic 4/18/1953 #8833 XE, MI Several observer(s). Object flashes red and green and white. Lands / 9/22/1953 #9171 about 10-15 seconds, then glows or flashes in the sun two or three times fo 10/15/1953 #9230 Blue saucer makes crackling sound. Flashes and hisses over base. 12/30/1953 #9408 AY, VCT, AUS 3 observer(s). Saucer flashes across sky. Melbourne airport/ap 1/3/1954 #9439 color(s). Goes going up and down. Flashes. Gone. P309. 1/8/1954 #9468 CAA Air Traffic Controller. Saucer flashes / high altitude going west. 0230 2/21/1954 #9561 nd several. Plane paced metal UFO. Flashes away. / MJ#251. 3/24/1954 #9636 bserver(s). Domed coin-disk buzzes flashes and maneuvers. Stones move. 4/23/1954 #9707 lent low-flying saucer rotates and flashes lights. Going quickly [to] behin 7/12/1954 #10011 cer 1K' over city park. Blue-white flashes. Going up / very high speeds. 7/18/1954 #10023 remely bright object slowly drops. Flashes and shoots off / idiotic speed. 10/13/1954 #10992 hovering and emitting small violet flashes. On top of it was a very high an 10/19/1954 #11240 hovering and emitting small violet flashes. On top of the object was a very 10/19/1954 #11254 as a luminous red body with a tail flashes briefly in front of them. 10/21/1954 #11303 CHICAMA VALLEY, PERU Brill saucer flashes. Moves slow and fast. Drops diag 10/27/1954 #11426 LA FLAMENGRIE, FR Bike lamp flashes. 4M fireball nears. Shrinks to n 11/1954 #11501 r hovers 1M over hill. Strong blue flashes. / APRO. 12/15/1954 #11812 OM MALMO, SWD Perfect metal sphere flashes under airliner. Amazing speed. 12/17/1954 #11825 ed going quickly south. Hazy glow. Flashes red and green. 12/23/1954 #11855 ers up and down / several minutes. Flashes. No further details. 12/24/1954 #11857 cer 1000' near US41. 2 very bright flashes. Photos? 1/6/1955 #11923 r is a red ring or band that emits flashes of brilliant light. Above and be 2/2/1955 #11968 as a red ring or band that emitted flashes of brilliant light. Above and be 2/2/1955 #11969 held a dark object (emitting blue flashes) between his raised arms. Hunnic 3/1955 #12021 H Chemist and many. Triangle / box flashes over airbase / 15 minute(s). / r 3/30/1955 #12070 MOON Astronomer Firsoff. Flashes / lunar south pole resemble ligh 5/24/1955 #12152 r(s) 4 times / 20 minute(s). Light flashes / top. 7/11/1955 #12249 isplay of lights at sea. The light flashes three or four times in quick suc 8/1955 #12310 ur times in quick succession, then flashes again about 6 minutes later. The 8/1955 #12310 N Astronomer Lambert. 2 "lightning flashes" / side / mount Taurus. No atmos 9/8/1955 #12437 object with green stripe / center. Flashes colored lights. Local flap. 9/14/1955 #12453 aucer hovers over buoy. Portholes. Flashes. 12/15/1955 #12611 and more/others. Grey ovoid / disk flashes. Going [to] up and down. Militar 1/8/1956 #12649 g north / low altitude. Fast spin. Flashes. / FSRv2#1. 1/9/1956 #12652 Fr. soldiers. Huge UFO hovers and flashes / 3 hours. Ring / portholes. 2/23/1956 (approximate) #12737 he T-33 at about 225 feet away. It flashes an intensely bright white light 5/22/1956 #12865 night light scouts / erratically. Flashes. Quickly going up [to] and going 7/12/1956 #12964 NEW ORLEANS, LA Orange night light flashes green. Sudden 180° turns. Violen 8/23/1956 #13123 ore join. Going in formation. Beam flashes between 2. 9/3/1956 #13174 y bright fireball giving off weird flashes of light for 2–3 minutes north o 12/13/1956 #13400 ite ovoid "size / grapefruit". Red flashes. Going west. 12/26/1956 #13413 ass electro-magnetic effect (EME). Flashes code. 1/16/1957 #13459 Wigtownshire, Scotland. The object flashes across the sky at 60,000 feet, d 4/4/1957 #13582 e and about a half-mile away. Kern flashes his landing lights, and the obje 6/3/1957 #13698 e 2M egg overhead. Slow then fast. Flashes and away. 8/5/1957 #13879 seen over the mountains, emitting flashes from one end. Earth tremors were 8/30/1957 #13953 rs and more/others. Blue 9M saucer flashes at tower! Cars stall. / r242p163 11/2/1957 #14206 BORREGO SPRS, CA Big red object flashes / 2 second(s) intervals. Low and 11/4/1957 #14265 3.5' bar-shaped object gives blue flashes and swishing sound. 11/8/1957 #14470 ject, 3.5 ft long, giving off blue flashes (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 11/8/1957 #14479 object, 3.5' long, giving off blue flashes, made a swishing sound. No furt 11/8/1957 #14484 TAMAROA, IL Moon saucer. Beams and flashes and booms. Power out / 4 mile(s) 11/14/1957 #14546 t disappears after 5–6 booms and 3 flashes of light. As soon as this happen 11/14/1957 #14551 six loud booms and three brilliant flashes. Then the lights in her home wen 11/14/1957 #14552 )/airliner crew. 200M round object flashes. Shoots up / incredible speed. / 12/10/1957 #14701 1M saucer / 20M altitude tilts and flashes. Possible electro-magnetic effec 9/1/1958 #15241 DOCELLES, FR Violent blue-white flashes. 4 deep rectangular traces 5M ap 9/2/1958 (approximate) #15249 clock several violent bluish-white flashes were seen at ground level in Doc 9/2/1958 #15251 hind it for 30–45 seconds. The UFO flashes a beam of white light and they f 10/26/1958 #15385 RICA Air Traffic Controller. Ovoid flashes west going quickly east. No furt 2/4/1959 #15578 / 25 minute(s). Several brilliant flashes. Vanishes. 2/28/1959 #15620 tes. It gave off several brilliant flashes before vanishing. At 11:40 p.m. 2/28/1959 #15625 tes CW(seen / bottom). Glows. Dome flashes. Going west. 5/13/1959 #15726 with yellow lit dome. Spins. Light flashes. Going NNE. 11/24/1959 #16099 Square object inside round object. Flashes color(s). 60km altitude / FAA es 9/20/1960 #16455 300 m away. It was emitting orange flashes. A dome on top of the object sta 11/13/1960 #16501 Metallic double-bowl saucer. Light flashes. Going up [to] slow and going qu 7/7/1961 #16748 ico 2:00 a.m. A brilliant fireball flashes in front of Richard and Rhonda D 10/21/1961 #16922 see a large domed object emitting flashes of green light moving over the r 4/24/1962 #17127 ppear and reappear, giving off red flashes. 6/21/1962 #17241 / 1000M altitude. Silent. Blinding flashes. 7/19/1962 #17285 they also emitted blinding silvery flashes. 7/27/1962 #17292 s spherical, spinning, and emitted flashes of blue, green and orange. When 8/2/1962 #17316 ing strong blue, green, and orange flashes. Then it climbs and vanishes at 8/2/1962 #17317 s spherical, spinning, and emitted flashes of blue, green and orange. When 8/2/1962 #17318 and 300 meters away, and gave off flashes of violet and green light. It sh 8/5/1962 #17322 / railroad/railway tracks. Silent. Flashes. Follows truck! 11/26/1962 #17561 nown craft emitting phosphorescent flashes. Making no sound it rose up into 11/26/1962 #17563 er / theodolite. Small night light flashes and maneuvers / sky / 90 min. 7/1/1963 #17820 n its entire length and occasional flashes at both ends was seen at ground 8/13/1963 #17897 mprint, and carried a box emitting flashes. He made a threatening gesture a 8/28/1963 #17920 mprint, and carried a box emitting flashes. It spoke in an unintelligible l 8/28/1963 #17924 cigar-shape with blue glow. Hovers flashes and flickers / 15 second(s). 10/4/1963 #17976 ege Dean Dolan. Night light hovers flashes and slows down. 12/11/1963 #18074 g [to] over house / treetop level. Flashes red and green. / fate 1 / 65. 9/15/1964 #18553 g erratically in the northeast. He flashes an SOS signal at it with a flash 11/3/1964 #18605 ight silently moves toward him. He flashes more SOS signals and it moves ev 11/3/1964 #18605 with a box that emitted two bright flashes when pointed at the witness; Ree 3/2/1965 #18833 ROCHESTER, NY Circular object flashes blue going [to] white going [to] 6/20/1965 #19018 on the ground emitting green light flashes. He woke up other employees, who 7/25/1965 #19170 Chosica Power Plant, Peru emitting flashes of green light. He woke up other 7/25/1965 #19174 T/FACILITY, PERU 3M tank / ground. Flashes / portholes. Arm spins. / FSR'67 7/27/1965 #19186 inker and Carswell RADAR's. Object flashes color(s) / 45 minute(s). Going q 7/31/1965 #19214 llo see nothing, but when Bertrand flashes a light around the field around 9/3/1965 #19511 eps shores / blinding white light. Flashes. 9/4/1965 #19519 ery shiny white suits that emitted flashes of light, and "walked like ducks 9/20/1965 #19584 overhead, emitting blue and orange flashes. Some reported that their house 11/26/1965 #19737 wn. Luminous object lands / woods. Flashes. 2nd UFO joins. No further detai 2/16/1966 #19904 look at directly. It periodically flashes even brighter. Plant director Co 3/12/1966 #19954 , MA 5+4+2 observer(s). Dark ovoid flashes red lights. Scouts road and wood 3/30/1966 #20149 Rises going up [to] fog. Returns. Flashes and whistles. / USAF Tech. Intel 4/11/1966 #20282 on top of the dome and alternately flashes on when the red lights blink off 4/23/1966 #20390 ng it. The color was bright green. Flashes of sunlight reflected off the su 5/24/1966 #20509 Hedley-Robinson and Sartory. Light flashes / 15 minute(s) / inside wall / c 6/27/1966 #20611 FORTY FORT, PA Astronomer. Ovoid flashes 1 / 20 second(s). Groups / night 8/11/1966 (approximate) #20738 N 3 astronomers. Time = UTC. Light flashes / sides / crater / 3 minute(s). 9/3/1966 #20837 MOON Astronomer Kelsey. Flashes light-beams and brilliant glows 12/22/1966 #21213 er hovers 500' over Mississippi R. Flashes. Lands? 1/19/1967 #21348 otrusions, along which moved green flashes of light. The object moved in er 1/26/1967 #21393 from red to white with occasional flashes of green. The object also had wh 2/10/1967 #21500 from red to white with occasional flashes of green. The object also has wh 2/10/1967 #21506 OON Astronomers Moore and Moseley. Flashes / southwest edge / crater Alfons 2/17/1967 #21578 eland. It gave off blue and yellow flashes. 2/26/1967 #21662 d ports. The object emitted green" flashes as it passed overhead in straigh 3/8/1967 #21807 Astronomer Moseley. Red light and flashes / crater Gassendi. Same / simila 3/22/1967 #21940 c object / ground reflects colored flashes. Quickly going up [to] extremely 3/25/1967 #21978 rectangular windows. Red fireball flashes. 4/3/1967 #22049 saucer shoots white beams. Signal flashes? 4/15/1967 #22133 l" that emitted multicolored light flashes. Several short humanoid beings w 4/20/1967 #22172 Small metallic ovoid over bridge. Flashes yellow-white. 4/25/1967 #22216 going up / ground. Hovers / trees. Flashes and zigzags. 3 windows. 6/30/1967 #22576 e ovoid hovers. Erratic maneuvers. Flashes. 7/4/1967 #22605 OGEMA, WI Dog barks. Saucer flashes near trailer / hours. Footsteps. 8/12/1967 #22864 eastern sky, behind which a light flashes for about 20 seconds at irregula 9/6/1967 #23011 t “fantastic speed.” A light again flashes in the cloud for about 10 second 9/6/1967 #23011 BUNCETON, MO 1 observer. Ovoid flashes colored lights / 2 hours. Maneuv 9/14/1967 #23053 LA Blue Book. 1 observer. Fireball flashes 4X passing just over treetops. N 10/18/1967 #23260 sly as the whole bottom of the UFO flashes. The two witnesses get back in t 12/27/1967 #23615 TL Woman / zoo. Dog scared. Saucer flashes overhead. Brightens and shoots a 1/6/1968 #23653 h a fading red light, and they see flashes on the western horizon. The two Spring 1968 #23852 CANOAS, BRZ Saucer flashes. Going [to] behind trees. 30 May 5/7/1968 #23948 aucer going [to] overhead. Regular flashes / dome. 6 photographs. FSRv15#4. 5/27/1968 #23984 allic finish. It displayed regular flashes from its dome. Mr. Hsiang took s 5/27/1968 #23988 (s). Top-saucer going up and down. Flashes glows and wobbles. / Flying Sauc 6/28/1968 #24090 Saucer crosses sky on a tilt. Red flashes. Unsteady wobble. 7/2/1968 #24124 ng down / 10M altitude. Hovers and flashes purple and red. 7/5/1968 #24144 orm and a green visor that emitted flashes of light. The girls fled inside 7/9/1968 #24163 hroom-saucer lands. Lights clinic. Flashes. 80cm spot / ground. Radiation/r 7/22/1968 #24199 where a UFO, emitting multicolored flashes and making a droning sound, appe 7/25/1968 #24226 ly lit object that gave off bright flashes of light, sitting on the ground. 8/12/1968 #24322 emporarily paralyzed. Red and blue flashes. AOK after. 8/31/1968 #24405 RE, FR 1M ovoid hovers / airstrip. Flashes red code-like signals / window! 9/4/1968 #24426 n. 6 join / sequence and maneuver. Flashes. All going northeast. / r114p106 10/30/1968 #24604 ilar to that of a jet and emitting flashes, which landed in a field briefly 11/22/1968 #24684 ilar to that of a jet and emitting flashes, which landed in a field briefly 11/22/1968 #24685 milar to that of a jet and emitted flashes as it descended and took off. 11/22/1968 #24690 t out beams of light. Bright green flashes went out from it several times. 12/15/1968 #24772 / ends. Going north to mountains. Flashes. 1/15/1969 (approximate) #24845 house go off. The object spins and flashes, and the car engine and lights g 1/25/1969 #24871 future satellite tracking station. Flashes. 3/4/1969 (approximate) #24964 ovoid 700M over runway. Glows and flashes. Going quickly southeast going [ 5/14/1969 #25135 olored man with eyes that gave off flashes." The UFO performed various mane 7/18/1969 #25280 olored man with eyes that gave off flashes.” The UFO performed various mane 7/18/1969 #25281 ilver green object with 1M antenna flashes. Small object exits and lands. 9/3/1969 #25349 server(s). Orange lampshade saucer flashes beams. Going down. Absolute(ly) 9/27/1969 #25382 GRACE-HOLLOGNE, BELGIUM Silent flashes / 2hz. 2 big saucers. 1 over woo 10/9/1969 #25402 reservoir. NEARs as police beacon flashes. 3/21/1970 #25603 MA Men with 2-way radio. Fireball flashes by. Car malfunctions due to EME 10/18/1970 #25882 spins in place. Reverses rotation. Flashes. 1/25/1971 #26001 / irregular staircase trajectory. Flashes. See drawings. / r96#200. 2/12/1971 #26017 aped UFO, illuminated by lightning flashes during a nighttime thunderstorm 8/1/1971 #26262 Lit 'windows' / rim. Orange light flashes / top. 9/4/1971 #26312 N FALLS, ID 2 teens. Orange object flashes and circles overhead. Animals fr 9/22/1971 #26360 object hovers and circles. Colored flashes. Going quickly southwest. / r24 3/16/1972 #26604 p. Rough crack / side. Spike / top flashes. 350M altitude? 6/21/1972 #26721 ain. Dives at car when observer(s) flashes lights. / r148. 9/20/1972 #27013 d glow pink on the bottom side. He flashes his lights at it, and it rises a 9/20/1972 #27016 veral. Green object spins rapidly. Flashes lights. Type unknown. 10/11/1972 #27065 NEAR BURGUILLOS, SP 3 / car. Flashes / sky. Red sphere rises fast. 3 11/28/1972 #27148 . 30cm fireball going up / ground. Flashes. Paces 737. Going quickly southe 1/8/1973 #27225 nute(s). 2nd joins. Acrobatics and flashes. 3/3/1973 #27326 eparate observer(s). Silent saucer flashes lights. Darts all over county. / 3/14/1973 #27344 binoculars. Large circular object flashes many color(s). Northeast going q 3/27/1973 #27379 12. 1M fireball going down / tree. Flashes and maneuvers in tree / 15 minut 6/6/1973 #27551 th blue lights makes abrupt turns. Flashes light sky. 9/4/1973 #27756 eing's body emitted bright silvery flashes. While on the ground the object 9/30/1973 #27892 accelerates vertically. After 8–10 flashes, it disappears into the upper at 10/12/1973 #28017 LKHORN, WV 1 observer. Huge object flashes 1 / 3 second(s). Going southeast 10/17/1973 #28108 UGE, FR 2 observer(s). Night light flashes going northeast. Cylinder/cigar- 10/18/1973 #28153 isible boxcar of night lights. Red flashes / rear. 10/18/1973 #28158 per left. The red, green, and blue flashes come from somewhere near the cen 11/2/1973 #28352 ning thing giving out intermittent flashes of light, four miles from me. I 11/30/1973 #28490 BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Perfect disk flashes and glows. Fades to night light. 12/2/1973 #28498 nd silent going quickly southeast. Flashes red lights. / Le Soir. 12/13/1973 #28561 ME). 5 Mx3M saucer / 50M altitude. Flashes and leaps. Going quickly southwe 12/22/1973 #28597 T, FR 2 / car. Luminous red object flashes. Going [to] between mountains. S 1/6/1974 #28652 equency Interference (RFI). Camper flashes lights. Black ovoid rushes up. G 1/13/1974 #28676 SUR-LOING, FR 2 observer(s). Ovoid flashes and changes color. Stops and sta 1/24/1974 #28696 sses watched an ovoid UFO give off flashes and change color. It also made m 1/24/1974 #28703 h rotating beacon at 50M altitude. Flashes. Suddenly going quickly [to] WNW 2/4/1974 #28736 like craft stops. Apex up. Regular flashes / corners. Going quickly north. 3/2/1974 #28850 pace truck / 65km. Distance / 25M. Flashes. / LDLN#144. 4/10/1974 #29002 GIUM 2 observer(s). Moon-size disk flashes 2 / second(s). Fast and silent S 4/14/1974 #29015 N, ENGL 5 observer(s). Night light flashes / 5 minute(s). Maneuvers. 2nd ob 4/23/1974 #29056 TUEJAR, SP Flashes. Red object resting / mountain. 5/19/1974 #29112 antano and Tuejar, Valencia, Spain flashes were seen at around 10 p.m. by t 5/19/1974 #29113 Small spinning top rises / ground. Flashes / light. Going quickly west towa 5/27/1974 #29137 rver(s). Fast plate saucer. Bright flashes. Stops dead / sky. Leaves glow. 6/15/1974 #29195 t with "steeple / top". Maneuvers. Flashes blue lights. Contrails. 7/22/1974 #29273 ILLY, FR 1+2+1 observer(s). Bright flashes and masses. 1 lands behind woods 7/25/1974 #29277 BENAJARAFE, SP UFO on sea surface. Flashes. Sinks and rises several times. 8/3/1974 #29306 TREGALET, FR 1 / car flashes headlights / 3M saucer going dow 10/1974 #29498 TRAUNSTEIN, GERMANY Star flashes / rotates. Maneuvers all over. A 12/14/1974 #29641 us ball stops / beach. "Photograph flashes". Conic beam going down / water. 1/8/1975 #29731 -like craft buzzes patrol car. Cop flashes and object responds. Beam going 4/4/1975 #29962 night light. Night light returns 2 flashes! "Definitely not manmade". Going 4/4/1975 #29964 iangle/box-like craft going north. Flashes red at 2s intervals. Goes. 4/5/1975 #29967 that rises up, moves slowly south, flashes brilliantly, then shoots straigh 5/13/1975 #30056 s 3 miles southeast of Hamiota. It flashes red and disappears at 12:15 a.m. 6/20/1975 #30111 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape flashes color(s). Chemical odor. Area li 8/3/1975 #30231 atoga. As the reddish, glowing UFO flashes on and off, two smaller objects 8/20/1975 #30291 e beam going up [to] 20M offshore. Flashes every 2 second(s) / 12 minute(s) 11/30/1975 #30676 io begins to hiss and crackle, and flashes of light spark out, dancing acro 1/4/1976 #30758 CHAMBON-SUR-LIGNON, FR White flare flashes 1 / 5 second(s). Small sphere/or 1/15/1976 #30789 BOUZE TO/FROM BEAUNE, FR Flashes. Figure / diving suit on roadsid 1/26/1976 #30820 emitted blindingly bright and hot flashes of red and white light; he could 1/29/1976 #30832 dark outfit that emitted luminous flashes from the chest area. 7/15/1976 #31165 middle aged. Suddenly two strange flashes of light came from the direction 8/10/1976 #31252 night light hovers. Nears as taxi flashes lights. 8/15/1976 #31266 NY Cops and several. White object flashes colored lights over hospital etc 8/30/1976 #31312 inder 4km over town / 1 minute(s). Flashes. Trails smoke. Radios out. 10/10/1976 #31457 WSTONE NOT PLOTTED ON MAPS, WY Man flashes Morse code / night lights area. 10/25/1976 (approximate) #31494 NER, LA 2 / bartenders. Large dome flashes red green and white lights. Hove 11/23/1976 #31565 ). Glowing ovoid in swirling mist. Flashes. Shrinks away. 12/13/1976 #31598 oing quickly north / low altitude. Flashes. Power outage. Same / 13 Jan. '7 12/20/1976 #31626 Many observer(s). Nothing / RADAR. Flashes light grounds. 12/25/1976 #31630 ovoid with large lights. Red light flashes / white steady. 1/9/1977 #31712 PORT KENNY, SOUTH AUSTR Farmer. Flashes. Fireball passes close. Away / h 1/20/1977 #31730 and hear nothing, until the object flashes again and takes off. Three days 2/11/1977 #31810 les 2 observer(s) / 30'. Red light flashes / top. / International UFO Repor 3/9/1977 #31881 s around 2 observer(s). Hovers and flashes over trees. 4/8/1977 #31959 r/cigar-shape with black portholes flashes south going quickly north. / Int 4/18/1977 #31990 ght and level going quickly south. Flashes blue. Drops red flares. 5/15/1977 #32094 eases in brightness when lightning flashes. It disappears when another ligh 7/13/1977 #32269 rror-like sections from which blue flashes are emitted. They seem like robo 9/15/1977 #32484 enter of the head, from which blue flashes were being emitted. The beings h 9/15/1977 #32485 PHOENIX, AZ 2 observer(s). Flashes. 8 silent bloated triangles abre 9/21/1977 #32501 half red emitting very bright blue flashes of light, was observed over Cola 11/1/1977 #32653 er both stood up and fired several flashes of light at the officer, who was 11/13/1977 #32672 ting. Blunted cylinder/cigar-shape flashes. Stops / trees. Goes away / lowe 12/1977 (approximate) #32713 irport weathermen. UFO zigzags and flashes. Type unknown. 12/13/1977 #32762 the two red ones. It rises higher, flashes a brilliant white light on and o 2/4/1978 #32951 bject leave, emitting multicolored flashes of light. 2/15/1978 #32971 ound 2:00 a.m. they noticed bright flashes of green, red and white light co 2/17/1978 #32974 AUCKLAND, NZ Flashes. 2 figure(s) look going down / w 4/2/1978 #33116 FR 2 / car. 12M dome 2M over road. Flashes 3X / min. Black area blocks star 4/29/1978 #33178 GNY, FR Big glowing-disk / forest. Flashes red. Going up [to] slow. Fast 90 8/18/1978 #33524 epartment, France at 10:30 p.m. It flashes red, slowly ascended vertically 8/18/1978 #33527 hts / road. Car slows. Radio hums. Flashes beam going [to] car. / Internati 8/24/1978 #33559 ave off a yellow light with violet flashes and left a brilliant trail. It m 8/25/1978 #33569 ntina An ovoid object with reddish flashes moved at a low altitude in the p 8/29/1978 #33589 ntina an ovoid object with reddish flashes moved at a low altitude in the p 8/29/1978 #33592 dio station/depot/facility. Saucer flashes lights over Tagus River. Going q 8/30/1978 #33597 titude; it emitted two very strong flashes of blue light, and then went awa 9/9/1978 #33650 ver(s) / land and sea. Dark object flashes and maneuvers / sea surface. 9/15/1978 #33682 a fin on its tail. When Blackwood flashes the lightbar on his cruiser, the 10/26/1978 #33880 ve off white, yellow, blue and red flashes of light, and were seen for seve 12/10/1978 #34086 indow he sees three or four bright flashes coming from a ball of brilliant 12/24/1978 #34201 ARCHIRAFI, ITL 4M metallic sphere flashes low over shore. Black spot / cen 12/26/1978 #34210 ickly going down [to] fast. Lands. Flashes white and red. Traces. 4/16/1979 #34510 r, descended fast and then landed. Flashes white and red lights. It left be 4/16/1979 #34511 to look more like a paperclip that flashes on and off, meandering about, ap 6/1979 #34600 lticolored lights and was shooting flashes of light up into the sky. An ope 7/15/1979 #34655 observer(s). Red sphere/orb/globe flashes / faint blasts. Plane goes under 7/27/1979 #34682 ops and hovers. Four or five white flashes erupt from its right side, follo 7/27/1979 #34683 ng east / low altitude stops dead. Flashes going down. Lands / bean field? 7/28/1979 #34685 ly northeast / 4 second(s). Spins. Flashes 1 / second(s). / GUB Bulletin #5 8/17/1979 #34751 be spinning and emitting luminous flashes from its edges. Two short men em 9/2/1979 #34820 y pill-ovoid hovers / 5 minute(s). Flashes white. Drifts going northwest. 9/11/1979 #34859 M over river. TV changes stations. Flashes and noise. Going [to] fast. 9/21/1979 #34910 countered several strange luminous flashes and lights around them. They soo 10/7/1979 #34951 adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Flashes. News. 11/27/1979 #35018 cular object gave off intense blue flashes of light while it hovered over a 11/27/1979 #35023 ersville, Indiana, when bright red flashes of light illuminate the inside o 5/9/1980 #35319 ruck and the surrounding area. The flashes are caused by red balls of light 5/9/1980 #35319 ter, and emitted white and reddish flashes of light. The UFO flew over fast 6/4/1980 #35354 LEZAY, FR Huge luminous mushroom flashes as car nears. Follows car / diff 8/19/1980 (approximate) #35465 . It changes course when the plane flashes its landing lights. The event is 9/22/1980 #35528 ucer body faintly visible. Silent. Flashes. 11/10/1980 #35624 and wobbles going northwest. Edge flashes yellow. 12/27/1980 #35741 , and the outer edge emits regular flashes of yellow light. They watch it f 12/27/1980 #35747 hat intermittently gave off bright flashes of light. At this time his dogs 2/13/1981 #35827 ver farm. Geese silent. White beam flashes. Going quickly south. 3/11/1981 #35863 above the southern horizon. Their flashes become more frequent when their 7/23/1981 #36026 RE, FR 2 / N191. Domed bell-saucer flashes / woods / low altitude. Observer 10/5/1981 #36156 TX A flashing light with irregular flashes of red and white traveled from w 1/24/1982 #36309 A flashing light with irregular flashes of red and white traveled from w 1/24/1982 #36312 ve calls of power outages and blue flashes at the same time. 4/3/1982 #36433 ed calls of power outages and blue flashes at the same time. 4/3/1982 #36434 r with halo hovers / 30 minute(s). Flashes. Silent. Suddenly gone. 11/28/1982 #36700 frantic. Night lights seen widely. Flashes. 12/11/1982 #36716 ski is awakened by brilliant white flashes of light reflecting off the tree 8/26/1983 #36960 urface. It emits bright, irregular flashes of light. In two minutes it reac Mid 6/1984 #37364 itude. Hovers and sharp maneuvers. Flashes. Car malfunctions due to EME (el 3/16/1985 #37570 rver(s). 5M round "swirling cloud" flashes pink and orange / 7M altitude. 10/4/1985 #37672 M yellow metallic saucer spins and flashes. Black marks / sides. 6/24/1986 #37922 lay up and down mountains and sky. Flashes. Beams. Fireballs. 7/5/1986 #37929 ht over house. Shoots off when car flashes headlights. 7/25/1986 #37953 altitude drifts / sky. Night light flashes away from it. 8/7/1986 #37973 itnesses see strong lightning-like flashes in the sky northeast of Fürjes, 10/10/1986 #38044 jes, near Békéscsaba, Hungary. The flashes do not go lower than some 700 fe 10/10/1986 #38044 some 700 feet from the ground. The flashes are vertical, yet 5 times “thick 10/10/1986 #38044 imes “thicker” than lightning. The flashes stop and a shining, metallic-blu 10/10/1986 #38044 ars in the door opening. Yellowish flashes erupt every 2–4 seconds from the 1/9/1987 #38096 e when suddenly he saw five bright flashes of light. He looked in their dir 3/7/1987 #38134 It then stops abruptly, maneuvers, flashes more lights, and shoots straight 8/11/1987 #38240 ts on off the side of the road. He flashes his headlights and his car’s rad Mid 10/1987 #38305 eavy snowfall. 20' object roadside flashes. Follows car / 1 mile. Possible 10/25/1987 (approximate) #38312 ee a white light with red and blue flashes. They watch it maneuvering for 2 1/21/1988 #38427 ice. They reenter it, the ellipse flashes a series of red, blue, and yello 3/4/1988 #38487 rty building / seconds. Moves off. Flashes at 1 hZ. 8/27/1988 #38626 adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Flashes.. 11/6/1988 #38704 arted to see intermittent circular flashes of light ahead of them. As they 2/7/1989 #38820 Greece had previously seen strange flashes of light in the sky earlier in t 6/29/1989 #38996 , a cigar-shaped object, gives off flashes of red light at constant interva 7/28/1989 #39035 east. Porch-light blinks / object flashes. Military helicopter chases! 9/17/1989 #39110 650 feet in the air. The top light flashes every 15–20 seconds. Soon it mov 10/11/1989 #39162 r. Jade-green oval ring with halo. Flashes every 4-5 second(s). 12/25/1989 #39341 ound orange UFO that emitted white flashes of light from the top and bottom 1/28/1990 #39393 ks it on the in-flight radar as it flashes two white lights and changes spe 3/21/1990 #39475 verhead. Vanishes when observer(s) flashes. 3/23/1990 #39480 Hovers and nears. Zigzags to sea. Flashes color(s). 5/14/1990 #39572 een, are on the underside. The man flashes his car lights twice, and two wh 7/26/1990 #39663 ere/orb/globe zigzags. Stops. Spot flashes on and off. One hour missing tim 10/21/1990 #39800 ght turns off, and she sees bluish flashes erupting from a spot to the righ 11/22/1990 #39898 ootball surrounded / orange waves. Flashes every second. 11/24/1990 #39902 observer(s). Strong high-frequency flashes. Black triangle going [to] behin 1/31/1992 #40310 linder goes over observer(s). Fast flashes. Northeast going quickly [to] ov 4/3/1992 #40407 servoir. Disappear when photograph flashes. 5/5/1992 #40450 p.m. They disappear when a camera flashes. At 11:15 p.m. a cigar-shaped ob 5/5/1992 #40453 IAGO, RS, BRZ Red sphere/orb/globe flashes / 0.5hz. Divides in 2! Going qui 10/21/1992 #40687 spokes which retract. Also bright flashes 20 Feb. '93. 2/10/1993 #40848 lights. Observer(s) waves. Object flashes light going [to] observer(s). Si 4/30/1993 #40958 SICILY 2 foresters. Object lands. Flashes 5 times. Column / light. Power l 7/7/1993 #41052 saucer then H again. Follows car. Flashes. 10/6/1993 #41220 ucer makes repeated 500M hops with flashes near city council offices. 11/21/1993 #41286 BERKSHIRE, VT 2 / car. Night light flashes on and off. Each time / differen 11/28/1993 #41305 MARTIGUES, FR 1 observer. Flashes / window. Silent delta/triangle/ 3/5/1994 #41438 arre crescent changes color(s) and flashes. Still visible / 0330hrs. 7/20/1994 #41631 ver domed ovoid rotates slowly by. Flashes / bottom. 8/21/1994 #41682 . A bright red light on the bottom flashes 3–4 times like a strobe, then th 8/31/1994 #41707 lack saucer low over field nearby. Flashes. Shoots away. 11/17/1994 #41852 over ground. Lights / edge. Beacon flashes. Silent. 12/20/1994 #41901 d 2 others. Night light hovers and flashes color(s) and oscillates over lak 1/11/1995 #41969 H BAY, WA 2 campers. Pyramid shape flashes and beams rays / light. No furth 5/13/1995 #42200 RADAR's. 300M cylinder/cigar-shape flashes. Accelerations going [to] 1400mp 5/25/1995 #42224 circle with blue clouds. Rises and flashes. Intense. 6/11/1995 #42251 te observer(s). Silent bell saucer flashes and maneuvers. Bright red beam a 6/16/1995 #42260 LA BROQUERIE, MBA Screech. "Plane" flashes. Sharp turn. Stops. Hovers. Goin 7/21/1995 #42314 oing up [to] going down [to] path. Flashes. Military jet follows. 8/8/1995 #42367 WILLISTON, VT Light flashes. Almond-shaped object hovers. Th 8/16/1995 #42393 gle and west fireballs and various flashes. 7 minute(s) / videotape taken. 8/18/1995 #42397 object with fireballs and various flashes was seen in Revin, Ardennes, Fra 8/18/1995 #42400 NV 5 observer(s). Saucer overhead. Flashes colored lights. "Bounces" like a 9/20/1995 #42489 OSWEGO, OR 1 observer. Night light flashes over house. Black disk over gara 9/23/1995 #42503 SILETZ, OR 4 observer(s). Object flashes colored lights. Zigzags dramatic 10/27/1995 #42564 Several separate report(s). Saucer flashes / low altitude. No figure(s) vis 11/23/1995 #42620 TLER, BC 3+cop. Round object emits flashes / light. Going [to] over Blackco 12/12/1995 #42640 here/orb/globe hovers. Observer(s) flashes light. Sphere/orb/globe going do 3/6/1996 #42808 L, ARG 3 hunters. Brilliant object flashes / treetops. Vanishes and reappea 8/29/1996 #42998 soon turn into accounts of bright flashes, loud booming noises, and “sever 3/24/1997 #43239 5 observer(s). Rhythmic pulses and flashes. 5/12/1997 #43291 ervers, making rhythmic pulses and flashes. 5/12/1997 #43292 es saw an object that was emitting flashes of light towards the ground. 7/22/1997 #43356 zling light emanating intermittent flashes. This flash light was immediatel 9/4/1997 #43394 / 90° turns. Erratic maneuvers and flashes. 3 more follow. 4/6/1998 #43545 d and fuzzy, and she also saw more flashes of light. She suffered from head 1/7/1999 #43711 3M disk levitates elk! Wobbles and flashes and spirals going up. 2/25/1999 #43734 itting bright blue, red and yellow flashes of light. They could see a huge 10/19/2000 #44060 giving off blue, yellow and green flashes. 4/25/2001 #44165 re flashing in sequence: first two flashes, then a pause, then three flashe 8/30/2001 #44249 flashes, then a pause, then three flashes, another pause, four flashes, pa 8/30/2001 #44249 three flashes, another pause, four flashes, pause, and then it repeated. Th 8/30/2001 #44249 ke an intense red beam with bright flashes behind it. In the front is somet 9/9/2001 #44253 imes emitted red and blue and gold flashes. It made a 90 degree turn, then 9/11/2002 #44396 above the ground. It was shooting flashes of light at the ground from a po 5/3/2003 #44523 At around 3:00 a.m. bright yellow flashes of light appeared at the top of 8/2/2004 #44725 olors from green to red to orange. Flashes of light also come from what app 9/16/2004 #44757 itted a strange sound and greenish flashes of light. He observed the object 11/8/2004 #44780 Orange flashes in the sky in Burlington, Indian 12/4/2004 #44795 shing lights, whirring sounds, and flashes of multicolored lights was seen 8/15/2005 #44863 It disappears after emitting some flashes of light from its perimeter. 6/6/2011 #45328
r / 2 days. 11+12 December. Bright flashing light / dark part. 3/18/1847 #142 moving across the Golden Gate and flashing periodically. When the streetca 11/22/1896 #349 the object passes above Broadway, flashing its light. One spectator is wat 11/24/1896 #356 d to have large fins or wings, and flashing red, white and green lights on 4/18/1897 #529 o, where it hovers for 20 minutes, flashing red, white, and green lights. T 4/19/1897 #537 . It alternately flies and hovers, flashing a searchlight and skirting the 2/21/1913 #883 ains about 6 miles away. It starts flashing red and white and moves closer 8/13/1918 #976 t on front which lit up tree-tops, flashing lights on rear. Object made swe 1/1/1931 #1119 ver spots a very bright repeatedly flashing light SW of Laguna, P-38 dispat Spring 1943 #1487 ght SW of Laguna, P-38 dispatched, flashing stopped Spring 1943 #1487 Breisach, Germany 5 or 6 flashing red and green lights in T-shape 12/17/1944 #1724 ERAL, WA Sidney Gallagher. 9 shiny flashing ovoids going quickly north. / r 6/24/1947 #2386 MOUNTAIN HOME, ARK Glistening flashing round object northeast going qu 6/27/1947 #2424 or hubcap or pie-pan or half-moon flashing in the sun. No vapor trail or n 7/4/1947 #2658 lar formation. A regular pulsating flashing light appears in the group at 3 7/17/1948 #3714 at which point a regular pulsating flashing light appeared amidst the group 7/17/1948 #3715 nder with tapered ends, silver and flashing (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 2/25/1950 #4557 nder with tapered ends, silver and flashing, flew slow and hen fast, flutte 2/25/1950 #4558 ity. It was silver colored and was flashing, and had tapered ends. The obje 2/25/1950 #4559 rese, Italy, and notices something flashing near a power line. He goes to i 4/24/1950 #4888 ROMA, ITL Crowds / observers. 2 flashing saucers 1 mile over Piazza Colo 5/6/1950 #4926 servers in Rome, Italy watched two flashing saucer-shaped object one mile o 5/6/1950 #4927 p.m. A “mysterious lighted object” flashing red, white, and green lights is 11/26/1950 #5287 ite light ahead of the plane, also flashing red and green occasionally. It 12/27/1950 #5368 onal running lights” and two white flashing tail lights, travels about 35 m 9/18/1951 #5678 sed a huge "flying submarine" with flashing lights. It was reported to be h 5/3/1952 #6252 stown, PA 3 different sightings of flashing lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 6/26/1952 #6636 er of airport. Three sightings of flashing lights: two lights separated b 6/26/1952 #6638 arated by 2 miles, with the leader flashing steadily and the other irregula 6/26/1952 #6638 e other irregularly; two similarly flashing lights, but with l mile separat 6/26/1952 #6638 ad steady lights and the other had flashing lights. Fifteen minutes later t 6/26/1952 #6640 CALUSO, ITL 1 observer. Flashing disk hovers vertical by woods. 6/28/1952 #6652 A flashing disc shaped object hovered vert 6/28/1952 #6662 urret on top. One of the men had a flashing box. Both men went inside, and 7/11/1952 #6761 Holyoke, MA Round, yellow, flashing light fly downward (NICAP: 01 - 7/21/1952 #6974 rs. A. Burgess. One round, yellow, flashing light went downward. No furthe 7/22/1952 #7018 NORFOLK, VA Many observer(s). Flashing sphere/orb/globe turns over Jam 7/26/1952 #7143 S of), NY 3 amber edged [?] white flashing objects traveling at Mach 1 (NI 7/26/1952 #7167 the UFO which appeared as a bright flashing colored light. The object, show 7/29/1952 #7307 estigate. The pilot sees a bright, flashing, colored light in the location 7/29/1952 #7331 Soon all three boys see red lights flashing in the grove. This alarms them, 8/19/1952 #7651 oached it, and the light commenced flashing at short intervals. 2/6/1953 #8644 nd Observer Corps observer. It was flashing as it passed over the city, hea 4/18/1953 #8835 .S. Chapman, 15. One white, fuzzy, flashing light hovered and darted around 5/18/1953 #8883 Toledo (near), OH UFO flashing various colors observed climbin 11/14/1953 #9299 ar-shaped object with a dome and a flashing light made a sound like a swarm 4/23/1954 #9711 r, oblong object with a dome and a flashing light flew straight and level a 4/24/1954 #9718 in diameter with several rotating, flashing lights around the rim. They dri 6/21/1954 #9920 40 feet) and had several rotating, flashing lights around the rim. They dro 6/21/1954 #9923 s two bright objects, gyrating and flashing and moving slowly around each o 7/8/1954 #10003 ntity / roadside. Saucer 4M tall / flashing lights. Observer(s) drives away 9/30/1954 #10501 , boots, and a gray hat. He held a flashing sphere and told Gilbert in Fren 10/12/1954 #10973 , boots, and a gray hat. He held a flashing sphere and told Gilbert in Fren 10/12/1954 #10983 Shoots going up [to] whistling and flashing red. / Le Provencal. 10/15/1954 (approximate) #11094 E, 03, FR Round silver saucer with flashing light crosses sky quickly. 10/25/1954 #11377 30 a.m. a round silver disc with a flashing light crossed the sky quickly i 10/25/1954 #11398 Columbus, NE 4 orange flashing lights and a white flashing lig 7/29/1955 #12298 orange flashing lights and a white flashing light (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 7/29/1955 #12298 ess: Morrice Raymond. Four orange flashing lights and one whIte flashing l 7/29/1955 #12299 ange flashing lights and one whIte flashing light moved up and down like yo 7/29/1955 #12299 orrice Raymond watched four orange flashing lights and one whIte flashing l 7/29/1955 #12303 ange flashing lights and one whIte flashing light move up and down like yo- 7/29/1955 #12303 BURG, PA 2+observer(s). UFO / fast flashing lights. Flies and hovers. Silen 9/25/1955 #12472 exas, saying that anyone reporting flashing lights for the next two months 10/10/1955 #12497 was 20 m wide 3 m high and showed flashing lights as it left. 9/1956 #13165 M saucer / 9M altitude. Ringed / 6 flashing lights. 2nd object on horizon. 11/25/1956 #13350 atch a green stationary UFO with a flashing red light for 30 minutes; an up 11/25/1956 #13352 varies from bright white to deep, flashing red. 10/8/1957 #14078 / US90. 2 airliner size eggs with flashing lights hover. 1 going quickly e 10/15/1957? #14115 2373 Highway 60 7:46 p.m. Bright, flashing objects hover for 30 minutes ov 11/7/1957 #14462 Plant in Amarillo, TX report three flashing objects 50 feet above the groun 11/7/1957 #14465 atrolman, sheriff, others saw many flashing revolving red lights which move 11/15/1957 #14560 MCMINNVILLE, TN Flashing red night light buzzes car. Goi 11/20/1957 #14583 chool principal and 1. Saucer with flashing lights. Hovers. Shoots up and d 11/21/1957 #14585 ad, Hawaii. DeLacey sees nine UFOs flashing across the sky and immediately 1/3/1958 #14800 h, CA Police watched two UFOs with flashing body lights, maneuver near coas 4/7/1958 #14964 Brilliant round object going west flashing color(s). Observer(s) chases. 2/20/1959 #15593 idents saw a round object with red flashing lights at about 7:50 p.m. They 3/31/1959 #15683 ORINDI, AUSTR Several observer(s). Flashing "streak" / 15' altitude shoots 7/18/1959 #15858 At 6:30 p.m. a flashing light streaked to the north ove 7/18/1959 #15859 ted dome. It was spinning, and had flashing lights. It flew off to the nort 11/24/1959 #16101 a long antenna rod attached, and a flashing white light ran back and forth 11/27/1960 #16516 ME Many reports of strange lights flashing around in sky. Some blinked and 2/5/1961 #16595 Many people report strange lights flashing around in the sky over Maine. S 2/5/1961 #16596 inst the moon that “appeared to be flashing thin pencils of different color 9/19/1961 #16857 Inlet, British Columbia. They have flashing ruby-red lights. After two minu 3/25/1962 #17080 L. Austin Wright sees a stationary flashing yellow light around the same ti 3/25/1962 #17080 d of them. It is a domed disc with flashing reddish-pink, green, and white Late 8/1962 #17361 , with two aerials and a red light flashing, emitting a low buzz, near the 5/7/1963 #17735 ouse. It had two aerials and a red flashing light, and it was emitting a lo 5/7/1963 #17736 New Plymouth, NZ White, fuzzy, flashing light hover and dart around (NI 5/18/1963 #17749 nment and RADAR's and more/others. Flashing object zigzags and hovers. Goin 6/18/1963 #17791 a Falls, NY An unidentified object flashing various colors moved around err 6/18/1963 #17792 a hovering, silvery object with a flashing red light on top, at 20 m altit 7/22/1963 #17847 FO which first appeared as a white flashing light. At times the object seem 11/12/1963 #18034 shed their squad car light. Then a flashing red light became visible on the 11/12/1963 #18034 sound. Other residents reported a flashing light and "high-pitched" or "wh 11/12/1963 #18034 NORTH SEA NEAR ABERDEEN, SCOT Flashing red light, 20' over sea. Sinks 11/20/1963 #18049 the Aberdeen collier Thrift see a flashing red light as they are traveling 11/20/1963 #18052 ys. 1M saucer skims roofs / 80kph. Flashing light / dark dome. Light zigzag 8/1964 #18463 military observer(s). Bright white flashing night light crosses sky. 11/19/1964 #18625 0 miles E of), At Sea Bright white flashing light traveling from horizon to 11/19/1964 #18626 ilitary persons. One bright white flashing light was travelling from horiz 11/19/1964 #18628 ghted a bright white, unidentified flashing light. The light traveled from 11/19/1964 #18630 the antenna is damaged, he sees a flashing light moving across the tree li 1/15/1965 #18739 , with one eye on the forehead and flashing helmets, emerged and tried to a 2/4/1965 #18799 , with one eye in the forehead and flashing helmets, emerged and tried to a 2/4/1965 #18802 nd 2. Silent sphere/orb/globe with flashing lights going down / hillside. / 6/2/1965 #18982 ns and saw a spherical object with flashing lights that appeared to land si 6/2/1965 #18984 A silent sphere with flashing lights descended onto a hillsid 6/2/1965 #18985 and saw the spherical object with flashing lights that appeared to land si 6/2/1965 #18985 Kiel, WI Flashing light, like a satellite (NICAP: 7/6/1965 #19073 in Witness: Mrs. E.R. Hayner. One flashing light, like a satellite, was se 7/6/1965 #19077 Mrs. E. R. Hayner saw a flashing light, like a satellite, at 9:3 7/6/1965 #19080 sightings of a multicolored object flashing different colors for 45 minutes 7/31/1965 #19222 nside with bright lights. Rotating flashing lights on top, orange-red flame 8/9/1965 #19351 ing sound and saw a glowing, oval, flashing object land 200 m away. Figures 8/20/1965 #19440 meters away. The object, which was flashing and rotating, brushed the tops 8/20/1965 #19444 on top. A bright amber light kept flashing around the edge, and flickering 8/26/1965 #19466 a.m., a huge dark object with red flashing lights rises up over the trees, 9/3/1965 #19511 atched a dark object with a row of flashing red lights as it wobbled and de 9/3/1965 #19516 ect, but he feels paralyzed as the flashing blue light becomes intense, flu 9/14/1965 #19560 ON, MASS 3+observer(s). Ovoid with flashing lights moves slowly. 100' altit 10/18/1965 #19665 p.m. an oval-shaped object with a flashing red light on top and green, red 10/18/1965 #19667 Middletown, OH Bright, flashing red and white object, w/sparks 11/4/1965 #19699 tor saw an object land 100 m away, flashing a beam of light toward the sky. 11/13/1965 #19718 aw an object land 100 meters away, flashing a beam of light towards the sky 11/13/1965 #19720 diameter, supported a cone with a flashing green light, made a loud whirri 1/7/1966 #19812 Brunswick NAS, ME Luminous object flashing red, blue, and green lights lan 2/16/1966 #19905 ave landed in the woods. It showed flashing red, blue, and green lights. A 2/16/1966 #19906 n, Maine at 10:30 p.m. The UFO had flashing red, blue, and green lights. A 2/16/1966 #19908 US40 2 MILES EAST / ROOSEVELT, UT Flashing night light hovers. Shoots up a 3/2/1966 #19932 A woman watched a flashing light the sky two miles east of 3/2/1966 #19934 on top, and a row of red and white flashing lights, that paced his car. The 3/14/1966 #19961 op, flat bottom, and red and white flashing lights, descended abruptly in f 3/14/1966 #19961 maneuverable disc-shaped UFOs with flashing red and green lights over Dexte 3/14/1966 #19966 shaped UFOs that had red and green flashing lights. They swung back and for 3/14/1966 #19967 y, hummocky terrain to investigate flashing lights in the swamp. They saw a 3/20/1966 #19997 zens saw an egg-shaped object with flashing body lights across the center ( 3/20/1966 #20005 Exeter, NH Egg-shaped object with flashing lights across the center (red-w 3/20/1966 #20010 Night, EST. FL. Several discs with flashing lights around their edges (body 3/22/1966 #20028 Houston, TX White flashing lights light up witness' apartm 3/22/1966 #20029 xas Witness: S.J. Musachia. White flashing lights, and the air full of smo 3/22/1966 #20030 s three large UFOs with brilliant, flashing, blue-white lights hover above 3/22/1966 #20031 ission, see three UFOs ringed with flashing blue-white lights hovering near 3/22/1966 #20032 1966 several disc-shaped UFOs with flashing lights around the rim were sigh 3/22/1966 #20033 elongated craft blocking high-way, flashing body lights, port, door, antenn 3/23/1966 #20049 e front approach angling downward, flashing lights visible around its cente 3/24/1966 #20066 orest near Cook, Minnesota. It had flashing lights around its center, and m 3/24/1966 #20072 . P.N. Beer and Mrs. E. Smith. One flashing light buzzed their car from the 3/26/1966 #20091 d object that hovered for an hour, flashing red, blue, green, and white lig 3/27/1966 #20096 1M saucer paces trucks. Responds / flashing lights. / r73p28+/ r41p319. 3/28/1966 #20105 atching a hovering object that was flashing brilliant lights. The object, w 3/28/1966 #20111 he objects had red, blue and green flashing lights in a circle around their 3/29/1966 #20144 car approached: and an object with flashing red body lights emitting a whis 3/30/1966 #20154 ped object carrying two bright red flashing lights was seen by three indepe 3/30/1966 #20165 ense white light and three colored flashing lights. Driving within 2 m of i 3/31/1966 #20174 ects, 2.5 m long, 1.2 m high, with flashing lights, land near Hamilton. Whe 3/31/1966 #20176 ers long, 1.2 meters high, and had flashing lights. When he approached and 3/31/1966 #20183 ness reported seeing four pairs of flashing red lights in changing geometri 4/3/1966 #20212 car. He then saw brilliant lights flashing in a field, followed by the abr 4/4/1966 #20225 ve ground, 100 m away. It showed a flashing red light, rose, was lost in th 4/11/1966 #20284 sses saw an elliptical object with flashing white lights, alternating red a 4/13/1966 #20293 p, and red, green, blue, and white flashing body lights, was seen flying in 4/17/1966 #20313 ect with blue glow, reddish- green flashing lights on each end. The object 4/18/1966 #20326 esses reported an oval object with flashing red lights around its-circumfer 4/18/1966 #20327 oval-shaped UFO with reddish green flashing lights on each end hovered over 4/18/1966 #20333 m, length, 20 m. The lights began flashing and the object went down behind 4/19/1966 #20344 t 9:00 p.m. EDT a plate-shaped UFO flashing multi-colored lights was observ 4/22/1966 #20380 hool building. There were intense, flashing blue, green, and red lights rac 4/22/1966 #20380 ghts around its perimeter, colored flashing lights on its underside. (Fowle 4/23/1966 #20387 their 1955 Lincoln automobile, and flashing its lights as before. Thinking 4/23/1966 #20390 It had red lights on each side, a flashing green light on top, and a recta 4/23/1966 #20392 op and red lights around the edge. flashing in the same pattern as the nigh 4/24/1966 #20400 ming, New York, when a “brilliant, flashing ball of fire” appears three fee 4/24/1966 #20404 utes. Smaller lights, occasionally flashing, darted to and from it. The obj 5/4/1966 #20445 er ring of red lights, and a white flashing light in the center, hover abov 5/23/1966 #20508 e object, which had rows of lights flashing around its perimeter, took off 6/1/1966 #20520 op, white, yellow, blue, and green flashing lights around the circumference 6/11/1966 #20551 , NC Red bell shaped object with 3 flashing red lights (NICAP: 01 - Distant 6/18/1966 #20577 r campers saw an object with three flashing red lights land on the ground 2 6/18/1966 #20580 One bell-shaped object with three flashing red lights hovered for 5 hours 6/18/1966 #20581 Carolina saw an object with three flashing red lights land on the ground 2 6/18/1966 #20583 way when the officer turned on its flashing lights, maintaining a distance 6/24/1966 #20608 body lights on top and bottom and flashing lights on the circumference, ho 8/19/1966 #20767 saw a dark disc-shaped object with flashing red light, surrounded by white 8/25/1966 #20806 sterious flying object with bright flashing lights hovering near the perime 9/1966 #20820 lsboro, NY Oval object with lights flashing red and white, and blue (NICAP: 9/1/1966 #20831 cks, Uintah County, Utah. It had a flashing red light on the top, and a glo 9/15/1966 #20886 ht on the top, and a glowing green flashing light on the bottom. It also ha 9/15/1966 #20886 ty of Southampton, England. It had flashing red, white and blue lights, and 9/18/1966 #20895 EMINI 11 Crew sees and photographs flashing object on path in front and bel 9/19/1966 #20896 ting glow (halo effect), sometimes flashing red. The object maneuvered, mad 9/30/1966 #20938 tch a dark disc-shaped object with flashing red, green, and white lights on 10/4/1966 #20957 bserved a large round "craft" with flashing red and green lights on the und 10/26/1966 #21036 rport in Fubara, Italy. It carried flashing police type lights on its top a 11/10/1966 #21088 NEAR SINTON, TX Trucker paced / flashing dome. Many cops see. Going nort 11/17/1966 #21112 and had three red and three green flashing lights. It gave off a buzzing s 11/30/1966 #21167 d then red and orange lights began flashing on and off. A beam of light see 12/8/1966 #21193 p. It carried an antenna bearing a flashing red light. Inside the dome was 12/13/1966 #21200 t colors of “vivid blue-green with flashing lights.” Cunningham alerts the 1/13/1967 #21298 ver southwestern New Mexico sees a flashing red luminous object in their 10 1/13/1967 #21299 . It has a brilliant red light and flashing ywllow and white lights on its 1/17/1967 #21333 ircraft avoidance) with its lights flashing in a regular cycle. (APRO Bulle 1/26/1967 #21396 he object, it took off with lights flashing in a regular cycle. 1/26/1967 #21400 maneuvering objects with domes and flashing lights. Separate (satellite) an 2/3/1967 #21444 Numerous witnesses saw UFOs with flashing lights and domes maneuvering in 2/3/1967 #21447 scue worker saw an object with red flashing lights and blue lights (body li 2/6/1967 #21467 laying red, blue, green, and white flashing lights. The object then flew aw 2/6/1967 #21468 saw an elliptical object with two flashing white lights and two steady whi 2/7/1967 #21474 A teacher's car was followed by a flashing red light at various distances 2/15/1967 #21554 gether at the rims. The object was flashing red, blue, yellow, and white li 2/20/1967 #21603 ain G. Grammond saw an object with flashing red and green lights glide, cir 2/22/1967 #21622 penham, England saw an object with flashing red and green lights glide, cir 2/22/1967 #21625 . The policeman described it as a "flashing orangey-colored object." (Londo 2/24/1967 #21639 saucers north going south. West / flashing red and blue lights. 3/1/1967 #21704 es saw a saucer-shaped object with flashing red and green lights. The objec 3/1/1967 #21709 , watch four bright domed objects, flashing blue and red lights, move south 3/1/1967 #21714 raiso, Chile on this day. They had flashing red and blue lights. There were 3/1/1967 #21716 ites, security teams saw disc with flashing lights hover about 500 feet off 3/5/1967 #21762 c-shaped object ringed with bright flashing lights moving slowly, maneuveri 3/5/1967 #21765 t takes on a disc shape and begins flashing red and green lights. The beagl 3/7/1967 #21787 o-shaped object with multi-colored flashing body lights that flew irregular 3/8/1967 #21801 ht an elongated flying object with flashing body lights and light beams at 3/8/1967 #21820 men saw a cigar-shaped object with flashing red, blue, and green body light 3/9/1967 #21833 and others saw a glowing disc with flashing red, green, and yellow body lig 3/9/1967 #21834 object with red, green, and white flashing lights southwest of McIntosh, S 3/12/1967 #21872 ng shaped like a turtle shell with flashing red and white lights. The objec 3/24/1967 #21964 Jonestown, PA Round object, flashing blue light, moved over car, til 4/5/1967 #22059 haped (truncated cone) object with flashing lights for 10 minutes. The obje 4/5/1967 #22060 man saw a shiny inverted bowl with flashing red lights hovering above trees 4/10/1967 #22104 es saw four lens-shaped discs with flashing lights on the rims (body lights 4/12/1967 #22116 5 p.m. four lens-shaped discs with flashing lights on their rims circled a 4/12/1967 #22122 ing from the object, which has red flashing lights around its base. There i Mid 4/1967 #22134 circular, star- like orange light flashing an intermittent red-blue throug 4/17/1967 #22153 a cream-colored domed object with flashing lights, bright white at first a 4/19/1967 #22162 w two dark objects with two bright flashing red lights and two dimmer white 4/20/1967 #22169 . two dark objects with two bright flashing red lights and two dimmer white 4/20/1967 #22173 of three red and one white lights flashing in sequence. A large white ligh 4/21/1967 #22183 ilver oval object that had central flashing green lights and a bright light 4/26/1967 #22219 in diameter and 5 feet tall, with flashing lights. The object landed, depl 4/26/1967 #22220 diameter and 1.5 m in height, with flashing green and white lights. When 1 4/26/1967 #22223 in diameter and 5 feet tall, with flashing lights. The object landed, depl 4/26/1967 #22224 ts in a circular pattern, 2-3 more flashing lights, and made a shrill beepi 4/27/1967 #22236 MEXICO 2+several. Cone responds / flashing headlights. Away / guns raised. 5/7/1967 (approximate) #22289 ing sound, then saw an object with flashing blue, red, green, and yellow li 5/9/1967 #22302 ing sound, then saw an object with flashing blue, red, green, and yellow li 5/9/1967 #22306 inside, where he sees a series of flashing lights. He pulls his head back, 5/20/1967 #22382 haped object (disc) that had white flashing lights along its surface. The o 5/29/1967 #22419 en they take off to the southwest, flashing multicolored lights. 6/13/1967 #22503 ed UFO with rotating green and red flashing lights for one hour over Port M 6/16/1967 #22511 as a domed disc with red and green flashing lights around the dome. Their c 6/25/1967 #22556 object with red, green, and white flashing lights (body lights) and window 6/30/1967 #22577 windows and red, green, and white flashing lights. They witnessed it as it 6/30/1967 #22579 the other, with a row of revolving flashing white lights on the top (body l 7/15/1967 #22662 h a string of smaller white lights flashing in sequence along the side, was 7/27/1967 #22742 saw two saucer-shaped objects with flashing red and white body lights. The 8/16/1967 #22884 mile east of Rivers, watch a white flashing light that remains stationary f 8/28/1967 #22943 ouples saw five round objects with flashing, multi-colored lights. The obje 9/1967 #22969 aw a disc-shaped object with white flashing lights on the rim and a red lig 9/8/1967 #23022 g of a bullet-shaped object with a flashing red light on each end (body lig 9/10/1967 #23030 ike an inverted bowl (dome-shaped) flashing red and white for 10 minutes. T 9/14/1967 #23054 rilliant silvery light and smaller flashing lights around the rim heading w 9/22/1967 #23114 ighway 3 see an object flying low, flashing four lights one after the other 10/4/1967 #23176 nd the rim is a row of alternately flashing orange and green lights. On top 11/2/1967 #23390 roached the car. Through the UFO's flashing lights the men were able to see 11/2/1967 #23392 y saw a silver-grayish object with flashing , multi-colored lights (body li 11/19/1967 #23481 ht aircraft with an unusual white, flashing light passes above them at a di 11/22/1967 #23498 rmouth, Canada Percy McBride saw a flashing object, the size of a station w 11/29/1967 #23523 ound 2:00 a.m. Percy McBride saw a flashing flying object, the size of a st 11/29/1967 #23524 15 feet tall and 20 feet wide with flashing red lights inside. (Hall, 2001, 12/3/1967 #23540 15 feet tall and 20 feet wide with flashing red lights inside. Under hypnos 12/3/1967 #23541 ion to the north. It appears to be flashing different colors or rotating. T 12/5/1967 #23551 ject hovering overhead with bright flashing lights. She watched as it came 1/17/1968 #23668 und the rim, making it look like a flashing theater marquee. 2/11/1968 #23749 at three o'clock in the afternoon, flashing a bright light. It left a sligh 3/2/1968 #23807 It had a band of dimmer red lights flashing around its center. "I stopped," 3/19/1968 #23850 circular craft in the sky that was flashing red, white, and green lights. T 4/8/1968 #23897 , luminous, red-orange disc with a flashing light landing in the sand. It i Mid 4/1968 #23906 s a round gray object reflecting a flashing red light on its underside hove 4/30/1968 #23933 ir engine failed. The object rose, flashing a light, then quickly moved awa 6/18/1968 #24045 n front of them, its yellow lights flashing brilliantly, on an apparent col 8/15/1968 #24331 lman Arthur H. Byrd sees an object flashing red, blue, and yellow lights on 9/18/1968 #24479 COATICOOK, QBC 2+several. Flashing UFO and figure(s) type unknown. 9/21/1968 #24494 object, and a figure armed with a flashing weapon that immobilized him. Th 10/9/1968 #24553 object, and a figure armed with a flashing weapon that immobilized him. Th 10/9/1968 #24554 t-shaped object with red and green flashing lights and a white light hoveri 10/27/1968 #24592 A cluster of flashing lights appeared just at dusk ov 12/5/1968 #24745 side. He also saw an amber-colored flashing light reflecting off the trees 12/10/1968 #24757 by a thin blue line. There are two flashing white lights on the top and a t 2/18/1969 #24928 o. He looks up and sees two bright flashing red lights above and slightly i 3/4/1969 #24969 ed rotating central light that was flashing and intense, and two smaller gr 4/21/1969 #25079 t had three red lights and a green flashing light on top. 4/28/1969 #25099 as seen by three witnesses. It was flashing red, green and orange lights. I 9/22/1969 #25375 A Many observer(s). Moon-size blue flashing disk / high altitude / one hour 10/1969 #25387 alaba, Queensland, Australia, each flashing red and yellow lights. Both obj 10/11/1969 #25409 lights, and then two rings of red flashing lights on the object. It hovere 10/28/1969 #25431 ng sound, and emitted a variety of flashing multicolored lights. There was 1/29/1970 #25560 minster, Wiltshire, England, see a flashing purple light. One of their sens 3/28/1970 #25613 of the water and takes off, lights flashing from the underside. Once airbor 6/27/1970 #25714 MILES NORTHWEST FORT DUCHESNE, UT Flashing multicolor saucer nears house. 9/14/1970 #25837 umanoid creature, silhouetted by a flashing light behind it. Multiple repor 1/22/1971 #25997 F 24] 16 soldiers and more. Silent flashing disk / 15 minute(s). Back 05 Ju 5/26/1971 #26138 NEAR LARNED, KS Flashing double-cone hovers. Observer(s) 6/13/1971 #26172 one on top of the aother, and has flashing green and red lights and one wh 9/19/1971 #26347 es--saw a long cigar-shaped object flashing as it flew through the sky. It 10/11/1971 #26419 "half a ball" with orange and blue flashing lights. It came "directly towar 1/26/1972 #26556 sheen like dirty chrome and lights flashing around its rim. The UFO wobbles 4/24/1972 #26660 g on the road with yellow and blue flashing lights. It took off rapidly. 8/9/1972 #26890 res Picos. Odd rotating cloud with flashing lights. / r82p72. 10/14/1972 #27072 e, while red and yellow lights are flashing on the top. At the rear of the 10/23/1972 #27087 NAR ORBITER Harry Schmidt. Several flashing objects in Maraldi crater. / Sp 12/11/1972 (approximate) #27169 o, Chile Disc with green light and flashing, red light flew over car, engin 1/1/1973 #27208 just as a disc- shaped object with flashing red and green lights flies over 1/1/1973? #27209 shaped UFO had a green light and a flashing red light. Their car engine cam 1/1/1973 #27210 ake, PA There were 42 objects with flashing lights observed by multiple wit 3/1/1973 #27323 , PA Rotating saucers. White light flashing from center. Blue at edges. 3/27/1973 #27380 e police they observed a UFO with "flashing lights" land on Burnside Mounta 4/29/1973 #27453 hanged course to the south. It was flashing at irregular intervals. Suddenl 5/6/1973 #27470 Kent, when he observed a group of flashing lights overhead, almost directl 5/12/1973 #27479 ear Kent, Ohio observed a group of flashing lights overhead almost directly 5/12/1973 #27481 Midnight. Reports of unidentified flashing lights The objects changed colo 8/30/1973 #27732 s as they moved through the night, flashing blue, yellow, and green." (NICA 8/30/1973 #27732 -moving oblong objects with bright flashing or revolving lights witnessed b 8/31/1973 #27734 night of unidentified objects with flashing lights. (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 9/2/1973 #27746 p.m. of unidentified objects with flashing lights. A hovering multi-colore 9/2/1973 #27749 ld, GA "Saucer-shaped" object with flashing bright red and white lights dov 9/8/1973 #27781 served a saucer-shaped object with flashing red and white lights at 2:20 a. 9/8/1973 #27783 raft" with a spotlight and smaller flashing lights. 9/8/1973 #27785 t and saw a large oval object with flashing colored lights when they were s 9/11/1973 #27803 t and saw a large oval object with flashing colored lights when they were s 9/12/1973 #27809 after midnight, a man saw a light flashing to his left, then right, then i 10/1973 #27899 hroon shaped with flat bottom. Red flashing light on top. (NICAP: 01 - Dist 10/5/1973 #27950 ON, IN 750+observer(s). Cops chase flashing object / several hours. Tracked 10/9/1973 #27968 de of 2,500 feet. He notices a red flashing light on the ground in a remote 10/12/1973 #28017 same as his plane, 170 mph. It is flashing regularly at 2-second intervals 10/12/1973 #28017 ograph was taken of a huge object, flashing regularly every one-third of se 10/13/1973 #28020 t round object having sequentially flashing white lights on the periphery a 10/14/1973 #28029 caught sight of the robot again. A flashing purple colored light was coming 10/16/1973 #28089 verted cups, and had greenish blue flashing lights. A catfish like creature 10/17/1973 #28140 Mt. Vernon, IN 10:30 p.m. red flashing light on the rear, long and nar 10/18/1973 #28167 nd. While entranced by the curious flashing object, neither one felt brave 10/20/1973 #28222 es an odd light in the sky that is flashing different colors. The light van 11/2/1973 #28352 NEAR CORVALLIS, OR 1 observer. Red flashing object lands / valley. Burnt gr 11/11/1973 #28407 d observers. It had blue and green flashing lights, and was tracked on rada 11/15/1973 #28425 hts light up around its perimeter, flashing in sequence. The thing begins r 11/16/1973 #28434 ight) and glowing bright red, then flashing intermittent red. The boys are 11/16/1973 #28434 triangle with rounded corners, and flashing a red light in the bottom cente 11/29/1973 #28482 s, Belgium shortly after midnight, flashing and glowing. It then faded in i 12/2/1973 #28505 n the Delaware River. It had three flashing red lights, and made no sound. 12/2/1973 #28507 rnegie, Oklahoma drove toward some flashing lights, and saw a being on the 12/5/1973 #28525 a being on the roadside with green flashing lights on his shoulders. The be 12/5/1973 #28525 nd a welder's type mask with a red flashing light on top. Another man repor 12/5/1973 #28525 h a brightly lit “blister” on top, flashing red and white lights around the 12/6/1973 #28533 ng and kept rhythm with the lights flashing on a UFO outside; the freezer i 12/6/1973 #28536 d small red and blue lights slowly flashing underneath every two seconds, p 12/11/1973 #28556 la on top. Emblem on side of disc. Flashing body lights. Greenish glow. Muf 12/19/1973 #28584 es, California at 2:15 a.m. It had flashing lights forming a triangle. They 12/20/1973 #28592 Brooker saw a cone-shaped UFO with flashing lights ascend vertically “very, 12/20/1973 #28593 h another display of multicolored, flashing lights. A maintenance man on th 1/8/1974 #28667 th green, orange, yellow and white flashing lights around the middle travel 1/9/1974 #28672 ss.” About 1,500 feet away, a red, flashing light hovers above the trees. I 2/6/1974 #28742 rotrude. Possible landing. Colored flashing. / r30. 3/5/1974 #28861 t. 2X / 60 minute(s). Strong white flashing. 3/22/1974 #28922 er. It had a bluish tinge, and was flashing bright and steady for 5 seconds 5/31/1974 #29150 TERRELL, NC 5+observer(s). 15m flashing saucer near Lake Norman pier. I 8/1974 (approximate) #29290 object with a red light on top and flashing green and white lights on eithe 8/16/1974 #29362 later he saw a bright purple light flashing outside his basement window, li 9/8/1974 #29437 NFLD UFO with red and white lights flashing buzzes capitol airline(s)/airli 10/11/1974 #29516 er, Newfoundland, watches as a UFO flashing red and white lights draws alon 10/11/1974 #29519 ibe it as an oval, metallic object flashing yellow, green, and white lights 1/1/1975 #29690 igh and 9 feet wide, with a row of flashing white-to-yellow lights about 3 3/22/1975 #29916 ople, one standing near a panel of flashing colored lights, the other three 7/31/1975 #30218 traffic controller Joe Savage sees flashing lights closing in on him in a c 8/14/1975 #30270 g a glow of green-tinted smoke and flashing red lights. Gary Duran and two 8/14/1975 #30270 Helena, MT Object with flashing green lights flew over truck, h 10/17/1975 #30435 Helena, MT Large object with green flashing lights passed over truck from b 10/17/1975 #30436 area. Security vehicles with blue flashing lights are converging from all 10/27/1975 #30488 se perimeter and is seen to have a flashing white light and an amber or ora 10/28/1975 #30503 jects, oval shaped with two yellow flashing lights, moving north to south, 11/16/1975 #30633 on the sides. It also had several flashing yellow lights and appeared to b 12/23/1975 #30733 ice dispatcher in Artesia sees 6–7 flashing lights in the sky at 750–1,000 1/23/1976 #30815 ctagon, with one amber light and a flashing red light. It had a curved base 1/23/1976 #30817 was at least 60 feet long, and had flashing red and white lights on one end 1/29/1976 #30833 west Highway. It has windows and a flashing red light on top, and hovers fo 2/1976 #30841 ery. Above the dome was a deep red flashing light, and there were holes in 3/5/1976 #30928 n apparent vehicle with its lights flashing ahead of him as he is driving o 4/22/1976 #31009 O/FROM CHARMES AND REHAINCOURT, FR Flashing 2M object / low altitude over r 6/14/1976 #31109 PENTICTON, BC Several UFO's with flashing green and red lights say RCMP a 8/10/1976 #31249 cton Tower. The objects had steady flashing green and red lights and were s 8/10/1976 #31250 a 3 foot by 3 foot door, which had flashing panels of light inside. The tal 8/16/1976 #31273 NY Several calls / cops. 3 bright flashing objects join larger object. 8/30/1976 #31314 tain, Ontario. Paul Hood notices a flashing light in the treetops. When the 9/11/1976 #31377 inoculars, he sees a bright object flashing colored lights and changing pos 9/18/1976 #31395 e of a Boeing 707. Visually, it is flashing like a strobe with intense red, 9/18/1976 #31395 confirmed by Radar). Multi-colored flashing lights were visible on the UFO. 9/19/1976 #31396 hite object in the sky. He can see flashing red and blue lights between the Autumn 1976 #31421 have a red light on top, a whiter flashing light on the bottom, and a revo 11/4/1976 #31522 a beeping noise and is covered in flashing white lights and red steady lig 11/8/1976 #31531 n diameter disc-shaped object with flashing red lights and a steady white l 11/8/1976 #31533 south in Kenner, Louisiana. It has flashing red, green, and white lights. T 11/23/1976 #31568 enner, Louisiana on a clear night, flashing red, green, and white lights. T 11/23/1976 #31569 , Alberta, when he sees two bright flashing lights flying west to east. As 12/15/1976 #31604 It has 6–9 orange and white lights flashing on and off around the perimeter 12/18/1976 #31614 fter 10 minutes, the object begins flashing and rises up into the air at a 1/1/1977 #31681 airborne radar. Responded to pilot flashing his landing lights. 1/21/1977 #31740 ular UFO with intense multicolored flashing lights, emitting waves of heat, 1/23/1977 #31748 o plates placed edge to edge, with flashing yellow white lights along the e 2/3/1977 #31784 up say it has a silver dome with a flashing light at the top. Six of them c 2/4/1977 #31790 everal separate observer(s). Brill flashing night lights maneuver. No body 3/11/1977 #31895 n hovers offshore / 150min. Away / flashing leap. 3/17/1977 #31913 angular with turquoise lights, red flashing lights, and a golden light flas 3/19/1977 #31917 lashing lights, and a golden light flashing at the bottom. It hovers silent 3/19/1977 #31917 around two witnesses, hovering and flashing over some nearby trees. Ring gr 4/8/1977 #31962 ar Springs, Michigan, hovering and flashing over some nearby trees. Ring gr 4/8/1977 #31963 clock in the morning, hovering and flashing over some nearby trees. Ring gr 4/8/1977 #31966 the sky in one minute. It carries flashing red, green, white, and blue lig 5/3/1977 #32051 ead in one minute. A second light, flashing white 3 times a second, rises f 5/11/1977 #32089 object with 7–8 blue-green lights flashing in its center. It appears to dr 5/15/1977 #32095 phone wires, then the lights begin flashing and the object ascends in a ste 5/19/1977 #32112 CASINO, NSW, AUSTR 6-8 flashing lights pace 2 / car. No visible 6/25/1977 #32192 York 2:45 a.m. Two witnesses see a flashing light source pass swiftly acros 6/26/1977 #32197 closely spaced red lights randomly flashing. Two of them seem to merge in t 7/4/1977 #32236 the bottom and a green and a blue flashing light, plus several brightly li 8/31/1977 #32444 the bottom and a green and a blue flashing light, plus several brightly li 8/31/1977 #32447 Humming. Object hovers over house. Flashing R / G / white lights. Type unkn 9/1977 #32451 Sky 8:47 p.m. A student notices a flashing light in the northern sky in Ph 9/21/1977 #32503 observer. Silent domed saucer with flashing lights chases car / 120mph. 9/27/1977 #32524 It is a yellow-orange object with flashing red lights, as big as the Moon, 9/27/1977 #32528 st of Walcott, Iowa, when she sees flashing lights rising straight up from 10/9/1977 #32564 t light source (a bright red light flashing next to a dimmer white light) h 10/11/1977 #32568 East, Pennsylvania, notice a light flashing different colors in the west. T 10/29/1977 #32631 ightings of star-like lights, some flashing. Some are likely aircraft. 10/29/1977 #32632 one white light at the top and two flashing lights on the bottom. Possible 11/18/1977 #32685 ws. On its chest is a box with two flashing red lights. The figure takes tw 1/2/1978 #32846 claws. It also had a box with two flashing red lights on its chest. The fi 1/2/1978 #32847 veral observer(s). Triangle with 2 flashing beams in from sea. Glows. Going 3/8/1978 #33018 erry, Missouri. Orange lights and “flashing stars” are seen in the vicinity 4/6/1978 #33129 aped UFO with an intensely bright, flashing light near Silver Glen Springs. 5/14/1978 #33210 nd had red, green and white lights flashing in sequence. The Captain of the 5/14/1978 #33211 Bellaria, Italy Motorists observed flashing lights in the woods, stopped to 6/4/1978 #33255 At 8:00 p.m. two flashing yellow lights flew above Amapa, 6/7/1978 #33258 at there is an intense white light flashing at one-second intervals in the 7/20/1978 #33404 Village, OH Elongated object with flashing lights, humming sound, close to 7/27/1978 #33423 silver banana” with a red and blue flashing light about a half-mile away, l 7/27/1978 #33429 na-shaped object with red and blue flashing lights at 10:45 p.m. The engine 7/27/1978 #33430 see a cluster of white lights, one flashing, and one steady green light nea 7/28/1978 #33435 Randall, see a lighted object with flashing white, red, green, orange, and 7/28/1978 #33436 d lights, with one light at a time flashing from different positions. It fl 7/28/1978 #33438 red lights and very bright strobes flashing erratically. The Two Rivers, Wi 7/29/1978 #33445 t at high speed with white and red flashing lights. 7/29/1978 #33446 te of speed. It had an irregularly flashing white light and red lights. At 7/29/1978 #33450 it, see a bright white light with flashing red and blue lights hovering ab 8/7/1978 #33485 s in diameter, and had an array of flashing lights around its rim. It flew 8/10/1978 #33494 s in diameter, and had an array of flashing lights around its rim. It flew 8/10/1978 #33497 essor in Gordon, Wisconsin, sees a flashing, pale-yellow ball of light as h 9/4/1978 #33633 ights are below them, and one blue flashing light is seen briefly. It sudde 9/27/1978 #33763 tight formation of pink/red lights flashing on and off floating toward them 10/7/1978 #33806 d 21, see a silvery disc ringed by flashing white lights near their home in 10/10/1978 #33828 s cruiser, the object mimics it by flashing some lights of its own. 10/26/1978 #33880 ll windows and has alternating and flashing blue and red lights near each w 11/7/1978 #33924 a jumbo jet” with a large dome and flashing lights appears over the norther 11/9/1978 #33939 An acorn-shaped domed UFO with flashing red lights landed at Oil Field 11/9/1978 #33940 n a double-decker bus, with a blue flashing light on top, hovered over a ca 11/20/1978 #33966 n a double-decker bus, with a blue flashing light on top, hovered over a ca 11/20/1978 #33968 rred. A metallic, ovoid UFO with a flashing red light hovered over a car wi 11/25/1978 #34005 been chased down a rural road by a flashing UFO. At one time it shot a blue 11/29/1978 #34023 i-colored object with intermittent flashing lights. When spotlighted the UF 12/9/1978 #34081 i-colored object with intermittent flashing lights at 6:00 a.m. When spotli 12/9/1978 #34082 saucer-shaped object with a row of flashing red lights on the top and botto 12/14/1978 #34118 d lights on the top and bottom and flashing yellow lights in between. (NICA 12/14/1978 #34118 saucer-shaped object with a row of flashing red lights on the top and botto 12/14/1978 #34128 d lights on the top and bottom and flashing yellow lights in between. It ha 12/14/1978 #34128 pears. Then Powell and Pirie see a flashing light in front of them. 12/21/1978 #34193 from insomnia. She sees something flashing outside the window, illuminatin 6/1979 #34600 t hovering about 300 feet away and flashing beams of white and blue-green l 8/10/1979 #34725 er formation of white lights and a flashing red light to the west. A total 8/11/1979 #34731 stance. The pulsating light begins flashing erratically, emitting strong vi 8/23/1979 #34768 The UFO is an oblate sphere with a flashing white light. He estimates it is 9/11/1979 #34860 CERESE, MANTOVA, ITL Red flashing night light stops. Turns / shar 9/13/1979 #34869 a close encounter with a hovering, flashing, round red light in an empty lo 9/19/1979 #34902 The object, which was emitting the flashing red light from the top of the c 9/19/1979 #34902 climb up a ladder into the object. Flashing white lights come on and the ob 10/1979 #34937 s day a round, silvery object with flashing lights was seen by two women at 11/8/1979 #34987 s two red lights and a white light flashing irregularly. It flies around th 12/9/1979 #35063 s headlights. The UFO responded by flashing its lights. (NICAP: 02 - Close 12/10/1979 #35065 s headlights. The UFO responded by flashing its lights. 12/10/1979 #35067 notice a saucer-shaped object with flashing lights approaching them. It has 1980 #35116 ent-shaped, gray-black object with flashing white lights. He looks at it wi 4/20/1980 #35279 Holton, Indiana, watch a luminous flashing form in the northwest sky. Gold 4/26/1980 #35293 has little holes on the surface, a flashing yellow light, and white floodli 8/17/1980 #35462 POUNDSGATE, DEVON 2 observer(s). Flashing cylinder/cigar-shape and invert 8/19/1980 #35466 iery red, cigar-shaped object with flashing white lights. Inside, he entere 9/25/1980 #35535 spaced about 12 feet apart with a flashing red light in back like a lopsid 10/26/1980 #35589 spaced about 12 feet apart with a flashing red light in back like a lopsid 10/26/1980 #35591 had two steady white lights with a flashing light in the back. When it move 10/26/1980 #35592 time. During this investigation, a flashing light is seen across the field 12/28/1980 #35749 s statements from December 26, the flashing light seen from the forest lay 12/28/1980 #35750 vered at 300 feet altitude. It had flashing lights on its sides. 1/26/1981 #35803 huge lighted object with a ring of flashing lights. The UFO left but a seco 2/10/1981 #35822 huge lighted object with a ring of flashing lights. The UFO left but a seco 2/10/1981 #35823 light on a central dome and white flashing lights around its perimeter. It 3/21/1981 #35871 y is marked by small, multicolored flashing lights. There are three large p 6/10/1981 #35960 e-shaped object 100 feet long with flashing lights approaches them from the 7/16/1981 #36012 tes with binoculars. Suddenly, two flashing white lights appear above the s 7/23/1981 #36026 tripod. He notices a distant light flashing like a strobe far to the south; 8/12/1981 #36070 was silent, and had red and green flashing lights. 8/18/1981 #36080 d, half white, with the two colors flashing alternately and transposing pos 10/30/1981 #36194 ely and transposing positions when flashing, passed over two witnesses in a 10/30/1981 #36194 Stockdale, TX A flashing light with irregular flashes of 1/24/1982 #36309 A flashing light with irregular flashes of 1/24/1982 #36312 Brazil. It was disc shaped and had flashing red, blue, orange, yellow and w 2/8/1982 #36328 ight, which gets bigger and begins flashing red beams from its underside af 3/23/1982 #36412 hem notices a bright object with a flashing red light just above the trees. 4/1/1982 #36427 CARLOS SIJA, GUATEMALA AND AREA 4 flashing hat-saucers low and fast. Buzz 10/10/1982 (approximate) #36636 -shaped saucer-shaped objects with flashing lights flew low and fast over S 10/10/1982 #36638 steady green light in front and a flashing green light in back. They have 10/18/1982 #36653 described as a multitude of lights flashing 20 at a time, is picked up on t 10/19/1982 #36654 ircular pattern of lights that are flashing red, blue, and green. The light 7/12/1983 #36909 ois, when he sees a cluster of red flashing lights. They are coming from an 8/1/1983 #36929 feet tall with 40–50 continuously flashing red lights in the shape of a ve 8/1/1983 #36929 gigantic disc-shaped UFO radiating flashing lights of various colors; it wa 8/5/1983 #36935 A luminous triangle preceded by a flashing light passes over Guildford, Su 1/1984 #37102 rious way, changing from a regular flashing light to a double-flashing ligh 1/21/1984 #37136 erent types: a white or blue-white flashing light, high in the air; a yello 1/21/1984 #37136 a red light on the top, sometimes flashing; and a slow-moving, yellow or w 1/21/1984 #37136 rome dome-shaped top and dozens of flashing lights on the underside. (NICAP 1/30/1984 #37165 t with a chrome dome and dozens of flashing lights on the underside. All wi 1/30/1984 #37166 k to orange. It also had dozens of flashing lights. It instantaneously move 1/30/1984 #37167 moves along the length of the key, flashing and lighting up bits in turn. S 4/25/1984 #37293 :40 PM. A Skywatch team observed a flashing strobe light coming out of the 5/18/1984 #37332 ght circle trailing a red tail and flashing a beam of light from its circum 6/25/1984 #37379 ght circle trailing a red tail and flashing a beam of light from its circum 6/25/1984 #37381 server(s). Huge object responds to flashing light. 7 UFO's / wide area. 7/12/1984 #37391 rotating multicolored lights and a flashing red light in the rear. The vide 7/24/1984 #37413 aw a UFO with red, green, and blue flashing lights apparently land on a nea 8/14/1984 #37433 at 11:30 a.m. giving off bursts of flashing light. 12/5/1984 #37517 t borders and intense multicolored flashing lights in the lower part. At 7: 5/19/1986 #37878 , green and white nocturnal lights flashing in the sky for 45 minutes. The 8/13/1986 #37988 observer(s). 5 massive objects W. flashing red lights. Shape unknown. Humm 9/2/1986 #38010 nt rectangular glowing object with flashing lights. Windows. 10/2/1986 #38038 a, Wisconsin, when he notices some flashing red lights in the sky to the so 11/24/1986 #38075 e about 75 feet wide with pairs of flashing red lights at each corner. On t 11/24/1986 #38075 Large yellow-white saucer with red flashing lights. Turns blue. Emits spark 2/3/1987 #38110 markings, wings, or tail. It has a flashing light on top and two red glowin 3/6/1987 #38130 ar pattern of red, white, and blue flashing lights from the police station. 3/20/1987 #38150 htings including oval objects with flashing body lights. 11/1987 #38315 lby. At 9:10 p.m. a ex-RAF man saw flashing lights around a 400-foot diamet 1/4/1988 #38404 ad many lights, some of which were flashing. 1/22/1988 #38429 arge spinning oval-shaped UFO with flashing red and green lights around its 2/16/1988 #38470 see two objects with red and green flashing lights make two crisscross pass 7/17/1988 #38603 red window, and lights can be seen flashing inside. The object emits a mist 9/2/1988 #38629 weden. Television interference and flashing lights were reported at the sam 11/6/1988 #38705 rt of a strange object in the sky, flashing multicolored lights for more th 2/15/1989 #38841 ees a large UFO with red and green flashing lights on the side and two whit 3/12/1989 #38871 car. White ovoid with red beacons flashing / sides. Vanishes in sight. 5/17/1989 #38955 hite ovoid object with red beacons flashing on the sides. It made no sound, 5/17/1989 #38956 khan Oblast, Russia. The object is flashing an intensely bright light from 7/28/1989 #39035 es toward a railway station, still flashing its light, then returns to the 7/28/1989 #39035 and, England 2:40 p.m. A circular, flashing light is in view for about 5 mi 8/22/1989 #39069 chers says the object has a bright flashing light on top and a red light on 10/11/1989 #39162 all airplane is long” with colored flashing lights. It coasts silently over 10/16/1989 #39174 toba, sees a large object with red flashing lights. It is moving slowly and 10/25/1989 #39185 tice some persistent, multicolored flashing lights that were maneuvering sl 11/6/1989 #39216 spotlights shining down and a red flashing light in the center. Without ma 11/29/1989 #39272 s larger than a Boeing 707. It has flashing red, green, and white lights an 11/29/1989 #39275 three very strong spotlights and a flashing red central light. It is at an 11/29/1989 #39276 s that slant downwards. There is a flashing orange light on the underside. 12/5/1989 #39298 Boyle, MS Silvery object with flashing, blue-green lights paced ahead 1/20/1990 #39382 to identify radar target, saw two flashing white lights, locked radar guns 3/21/1990 #39474 nce of a black body with two white flashing lights. Their was the suggestio 3/21/1990 #39476 2:00 a.m. when she noticed bright flashing lights over her backyard. She w 7/18/1990 #39649 uching down. She noted that it had flashing red, yellow, and white lights a 7/18/1990 #39649 other by a support “bracket.” Two flashing lights, one red and one green, 7/26/1990 #39663 he saw over a nearby water tower a flashing orange light approaching him. T 8/29/1991 #40170 f different beams of light started flashing. The object had an oval on top 12/6/1991 #40256 ed a silent flying object with red flashing lights. They thought its outlin 5/1/1992 #40443 lvery object passed over car, blue flashing body lights; made sharp turns, 8/14/1992 #40571 lvery object passed over car, blue flashing body lights. Made sharp turns, 8/14/1992 #40572 eral separate motorists saw lights flashing neaby in the sky. Next, a large 8/14/1992 #40573 aucer maneuvers. Possible landing. Flashing lights. Flies going up. / news. 11/28/1992 #40733 100 meters away. There were three flashing exhaust vents underneath the cr 11/30/1992 #40735 OFF NE.ICELAND Fishermen. Fast flashing submarine breaks nets. Glowing- 12/21/1992 #40757 see a huge triangular object with flashing lights above their home in Ella 1/19/1993 #40801 yellow ball of light with a green flashing light was seen in Uniontown, Pe 1/28/1993 #40817 a saucer with red, blue and green flashing body lights around its base. Th 2/19/1993 #40854 object was covered in bright white flashing lights. Jets soon showed up, ap 3/26/1993 #40902 a.m. Four UFOs with red and green flashing lights are seen flying at low a 8/14/1993 #41137 ed eyes. She also saw a blue light flashing outside. The woman screamed and 9/1/1993 #41174 , SCOTLAND White sphere-delta with flashing lights on "astonishing" videota 9/22/1993 #41208 their car for five minutes and had flashing lights. 10/6/1993 #41221 as being the size of a jeep, with flashing red and blue lights. When witne 4/25/1994 #41503 T., ENGL Horseshoe-shape with many flashing lights hovers over car / 5 minu 6/9/1994 #41561 ree turn, revealing two more small flashing lights on the back of the objec 9/7/1994 #41722 k with a dark center and 14 lights flashing around it, a light flying at tr 9/14/1994 #41749 TCH, SUFFOLK 2 / car and others. 2 flashing night lights / extreme speed st 11/9/1994 #41844 30 p.m. in Plerin, France observed flashing blue lights, occurring successi 12/29/1994 #41911 FREEPORT, FL 7 observer(s). Flashing red triangle appears and vanish 6/16/1995 #42259 ND BALLARD, WA Bizarre object with flashing lights over Puget Sound. Zigzag 7/20/1995 #42312 A zigzagging object with flashing lights was seen over Puget Soun 7/20/1995 #42313 k-shaped object with red and green flashing lights hovers. 7/28/1995 #42333 two green lights at each end and a flashing orange light in the center, and 7/31/1995 #42347 Michigan at 9:05 p.m. when he saw flashing lights that changed from blue t 8/15/1995 #42387 on him. He then passed out and saw flashing lights again, and then the ligh 8/15/1995 #42387 at 11:40 a.m. The beings pointed a flashing device at the witnessed, then d 11/8/1995 #42587 rted watching a disc-shaped object flashing at low altitude over Lugo, Leon 11/23/1995 #42621 ng "Seaquest" submarine with 3 red flashing lights. 11/29/1995 #42630 WHIDBEY ISLAND, WA 5+observer(s). Flashing object = 3 diamonds / row. Leng 2/9/1996 #42751 Flashing lights in a triangular formatio 2/27/1996 #42786 witness signaled to the object by flashing a light, whereupon the UFO desc 3/6/1996 #42812 ling sound and sees an object with flashing blue and red lights hovering 2 7/9/1996 #42952 In Przbylow, Poland a man saw some flashing lights in a field at 10:40 p.m. 8/11/1996 #42980 same lights. According to them the flashing lights were on a disc-shaped cr 8/11/1996 #42980 the top which had several circling flashing lights. They also noticed a sma 8/11/1996 #42980 n in Florida when they saw strange flashing lights in the sky late on this 1/7/1997 #43167 ported seeing red and white lights flashing outside her home in Bridgeton, 4/15/1997 #43261 H HOLLAND 3+observer(s). 30 bright flashing saucers / acrobatic maneuvers / 4/24/1997 #43276 communicate with the fireballs by flashing their headlights on and off; on 6/18/1997 #43328 n, but not before seeing a silvery flashing sphere hovering over her. 10/19/1997 #43433 , two girls reported that they saw flashing lights in their room at two o’c 12/12/1997 #43458 nds when there suddenly appeared a flashing blue light over the field and t 2/14/1998 #43521 could also see some kind of soft, flashing light in the corridor that she 6/10/1998 #43586 O displaying red and white rapidly flashing lights, was seen passing overhe 9/21/1998 #43649 nin watched a round, bright orange flashing light with small black dotted t 10/2/1998 #43658 bright light in each corner and a flashing red beacon in the middle was si 12/10/1998 #43697 h Columbia. An object covered with flashing lights is seen by several witne 3/5/1999 #43743 ge-shaped object with blue and red flashing lights, described as "something 5/23/1999 #43774 silver round objects with powerful flashing lights lined up in the sky eigh 6/1/1999 #43778 iangular craft with red and yellow flashing lights flying over Nicholasvill 6/21/1999 #43787 A disc with green flashing lights pulsating around its mid 12/15/1999 #43898 . The object had a tail with a red flashing light and two wings with red an 5/17/2000 #43996 s perimeter. They drive toward it, flashing their lights, and the object cl 11/4/2000 #44071 . There were no strobes or colored flashing lights on the object. 11/29/2000 #44088 her bedroom lit up by a series of flashing lights outside her bedroom wind 12/13/2000 #44103 paced the car. It responded to the flashing of the car headlights by “turni 1/2/2001 #44116 large cigar-shaped craft with two flashing lights on each end, which the w 3/26/2001 #44152 p.m. in Missoula, Montana a set of flashing mulitcolored lights was seen on 7/7/2001 #44206 met, Wisconsin witnesses saw three flashing lights flying in a row. The lig 8/30/2001 #44249 s flying in a row. The lights were flashing in sequence: first two flashes, 8/30/2001 #44249 aped craft. The UFO had light blue flashing lights, was saucer-shaped with 1/3/2002 #44303 ock in the morning. It had erratic flashing multi-colored lights. It spun, 5/5/2002 #44338 saw a ball of fire having several flashing lights. It made several comings 11/1/2002 #44432 an Pedro, California a set of 7-10 flashing red lights in a triangular shap 11/13/2002 #44440 side and outside the car were also flashing. When he looked up he saw a hug 2/13/2003 #44490 Illinois the witness noticed three flashing objects coming down in the sky 3/14/2003 #44502 re several. Most had red and white flashing lights, with no visible wings, 3/14/2003 #44502 evolving, and it had a pinkish-red flashing light on it. The ends of the ob 3/18/2003 #44503 p.m. Mr. Marcus Warner saw a blue flashing light in his rear view mirror. 4/28/2003 #44519 Victoria, Australia at 8 p.m. They flashing different colors in a blue to w 5/23/2003 #44544 circling in the sky over one spot, flashing red and green lights. It made n 8/31/2003 #44590 nia a huge illuminated object with flashing lights moved smoothly over the 11/23/2003 #44620 blin Airport, when the crew sees a flashing strobe light over Slane, County 1/4/2004 #44644 the plane, and gives off a bright flashing light. The UFO begins circling 1/4/2004 #44644 213 people on board encountered a flashing strobe light over Slane, Irelan 1/4/2004 #44645 . The object also appeared to have flashing lights on the outside. 1/4/2004 #44648 -de-Kent, New Brunswick, watch two flashing lights low in the west. They de 1/17/2004 #44651 Bright amber lights flashing in a random sequence on what ap 2/9/2004 #44660 hree blinking white lights and one flashing red light in the center. It fle 5/9/2004 #44698 ns of slow moving pairs of rapidly flashing lights, possibly representing t 9/11/2004 #44754 agonal shaped object with a yellow flashing light was observed moving quick 11/15/2004 #44786 a circular disc-shaped object with flashing lights, whirring sounds, and fl 8/15/2005 #44863 object with amber, green and white flashing lights was observed hovering ov 10/28/2005 #44896 en it flew away slowly. There were flashing lights on the object. 2/25/2006 #44924 round the sky with a multicoloured flashing light over Oshawa, Ontario at 1 5/8/2007 #45029 e, England at 9:45 p.m. It had one flashing strobe light and 12 fixed light 10/28/2007 #45082 British Columbia at 3:00 p.m. PST, flashing a light. About an hour later, a 12/10/2007 #45099 raveled in a straight line with no flashing lights, and then became very br 8/6/2008 #45156 t midnight. At 2:00 a.m. a bright, flashing disc-shaped object see overhead 10/31/2008 #45183 low flying disc with multicolored flashing lights was seen over Avon, Colo 5/7/2009 #45219 to communicate with them. It was flashing a huge grid of lights at them f 5/15/2009 #45222 V-shaped object with white and red flashing lights moving slowly over Falls 11/24/2009 #45255 A hovering, flashing, orange chevron-shaped aircraft 3/14/2010 #45273 a close encounter occurred with a flashing, egg-shaped object hovering on 12/31/2010 #45309 t was lit up, resembling a cockpit flashing with white light. It first glid 12/31/2010 #45309 t looked like a radio tower with a flashing light in the middle of two othe 2/11/2011 #45315 aw three lights on the object, one flashing, and it again changed its shape 2/11/2011 #45315 saw a rectangular craft in the sky flashing red and white lights at about t 1/30/2012 #45338 id not move and appeared dark with flashing lights and a couple of dome-sha 1/30/2012 #45338 northeast sky. The object has six flashing red lights and one turquoise li 12/10/2016 #45461 etherlands, sees three irregularly flashing lights flying toward the northw 2/16/2018 #45506 rlands, takes a video of a bright, flashing object. 2/26/2018 #45515 f possible UAV sightings and a red flashing light come in from the USS John 7/14/2019 #45592 es that the bridge was able to see flashing red lights. At 8:50 p.m., the t 7/17/2019 #45595 flying at 200–300 feet and showing flashing red and white lights. The objec 9/29/2019 #45610
he windows. When the woman shone a flashlight, the object blinked out and d 11/1943 #1540 d a cylindrical UFO, shaped like a flashlight with a white head and green b 7/3/1947 #2588 fter he parked his truck he used a flashlight to hunt for seashells, but he 7/27/1952 #7216 ST PALM BEACH, FL Scoutmaster aims flashlight at saucer. Zapped and burnt. 8/19/1952 #7643 a nearby oak tree and directs his flashlight towards them, revealing a cre 9/12/1952 #7905 ove a nearby factory. She shines a flashlight on it, and it whirrs toward h 6/5/1954 #9866 ootsteps on his right and with his flashlight sees two creatures just beyon 9/10/1954 #10286 y a mechanism. The creature held a flashlight type device in its right hand 10/18/1954 #11225 ture aimed the beam from a sort of flashlight at him, and he felt paralyzed 10/20/1954 #11274 The entity had what looked like a flashlight, and aimed a beam of light fr 10/20/1954 #11283 n Conashaugh, Pennsylvania, with a flashlight and discovers two little men, 12/17/1956 #13409 n, went out in her backyard with a flashlight and was surprised to see two 12/17/1956 #13410 ler one was slender. She shone her flashlight on them for three minutes bef 12/17/1956 #13410 were toy balloons illuminated by a flashlight bulb released by Neil Robinso 2/15/1957 #13509 ur with a device that looks like a flashlight, communicate telepathically t 10/25/1957 #14155 t. Dickenson leaves the car with a flashlight, climbs up a bank, and finds 11/21/1957 #14590 observers signaled the UFO with a flashlight, and it approached to within 12/1/1958 #15467 ain object wave back. Gill waves a flashlight and the object moves back and 6/26/1959 #15790 he UFO also wobbled in response to flashlight signals. Thirty minutes later 6/26/1959 #15791 O occupants appeared to wave back. Flashlight signals were answered by move 6/27/1959 #15799 t able to move a muscle, holding a flashlight in his hand. Somehow he was f 10/16/1959 #16035 ow he was finally able to turn the flashlight on and when he did so both be 10/16/1959 #16035 8, a man glimpses something like a flashlight off to his left, and three fi 10/23/1963 #18004 ve and collect samples, working by flashlight. The next morning, Holder get 4/24/1964 #18200 flashes an SOS signal at it with a flashlight, and the light silently moves 11/3/1964 #18605 uminous disks appear. 1 responds / flashlight.. 8/22/1965 #19452 barrel about the size of a regular flashlight, but instead of a hole in it, 9/4/1965 #19520 aft took off, looking "just like a flashlight that is turned on and then li 10/23/1965 #19679 Australia. When he signaled with a flashlight a second time it moved closer 11/23/1965 #19733 gan wailing. Partridge picked up a flashlight and went outside to investiga 11/14/1966 #21101 tance of 150 yards. As soon as the flashlight picked out the "eyes" Bandit 11/14/1966 #21101 gan wailing. Partridge picked up a flashlight and went out in the yard to i 11/15/1966 #21109 tance of 150 yards. As soon as the flashlight picked out the eyes his dog B 11/15/1966 #21109 es around 1:30 a.m. He flashed his flashlight on a gold colored, unlighted 3/1/1967 #21715 lorado at 1:30 a.m. a light like a flashlight came halfway down a hill on t 4/1/1967 #22042 e of the men signaled at it with a flashlight. It then hovered over the tra 5/1/1967 #22263 liptical object fly in response to flashlight (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 6/24/1967 #22542 stopped, seemingly in response to flashlight signal, for 1.5 minutes. The 6/24/1967 #22547 ers. Saucer-night light responds / flashlight! Avoids plane. / r83 p147. 7/27/1967 #22737 e UFO flashed in exact response to flashlight signals, and evaded a jet tha 7/27/1967 #22742 n home and see a huge light like a flashlight hovering 13 feet above the gr 8/23/1967 #22905 server(s). Domed saucer responds / flashlight signals with 20 second(s) lag 9/8/1967 #23018 iter, Jim Saunders, signals with a flashlight, the objects seem to respond 10/12/1967 #23228 bright white beam of light from a flashlight like object. The witness thou 10/29/1967 #23364 k a landed "spacecraft," grabbed a flashlight, and walked outside. It was r 11/28/1967 #23517 cer overhead. Battery and ring and flashlight and car body all hot! 12/13/1967 #23577 d the witness’s hair gets hot. His flashlight fails to work. Finally, the o 12/13/1967 #23581 up and even his hair got hot. His flashlight also wouldn't work. Finally t 12/13/1967 #23582 d up to offer his help and shone a flashlight at the object. The two figure 1/6/1968 #23655 rs. Darkens and hovers. Responds / flashlight. 1/13/1968 #23662 wo humanoids. The guard shined his flashlight at the disc; he was gassed an 1/30/1968 #23711 the other sentries then shines his flashlight on the machine. As he does so 1/31/1968 #23715 sentry he approached and shone his flashlight on the craft. He was envelope 2/1/1968 #23724 approached the craft and shone his flashlight on it. Immediately he was env 2/2/1968 #23727 et away. When they went out with a flashlight to investigate they encounter 7/28/1968 #24245 nd with bumps." When caught in the flashlight beam, it lifted a hand, which 7/28/1968 #24245 n arc welder. He approached with a flashlight and encountered a white objec 11/1/1968 #24616 beam to ground. When officer shone flashlight at object, it immediately bla 11/27/1968 #24723 beam to ground. When officer shone flashlight at object, it immediately bla 11/27/1968 #24724 Flies when observer(s) nears with flashlight. 2/10/1969 #24908 proached to within 200 feet with a flashlight it accelerated away at a 45-d 2/10/1969 #24910 e object. Arcesio Bermúdez takes a flashlight with him and returns in terro 7/4/1969 #25251 bia. When he signaled to it with a flashlight it approached to within 150 f 7/4/1969 #25253 When he starts signaling it with a flashlight, it comes even closer, and Pa 7/13/1969 #25268 ike beam, which responded to their flashlight signals. Inside a lighted dom 2/26/1971 #26033 Startled, he shone the beam of his flashlight at one of the tall figures. I 10/28/1971 #26438 spot nearer to him. He flashed the flashlight on the other two and the same 10/28/1971 #26438 bserver(s). Domed ovoid responds / flashlight signals. Away and back severa 12/7/1971 #26491 LSTAD, MN Saucer paces. Responds / flashlight. Car malfunctions due to EME 8/1972 #26859 te objects emerged. UFO reacted to flashlight (UFOE II, Section VI). (NICAP 8/12/1972 #26909 te objects emerged. UFO reacted to flashlight 8/12/1972 #26910 ound it. When one of them shines a flashlight on the haystack, the beam tra 8/12/1972 #26911 t going down. 2 1M men exit. Carry flashlight. / r195v19#1. 11/17/1972 #27125 ck to her snowmobile and grabbed a flashlight, and turned it on the person 2/26/1973 #27318 elmet reflected the light from the flashlight, and the being's enormous eye 2/26/1973 #27318 cat. Terrified, Helene dropped the flashlight, ran to the snowmobile, and f 2/26/1973 #27318 d dimmed to the strength of a weak flashlight. When the object departed, th 4/15/1973 #27431 center. Each holds a device like a flashlight that emits a beam of differen 5/27/1973 #27533 held a silver object resembling a flashlight. The man shouted in a resonan 9/9/1973 #27794 east stops. Does loops! Responds / flashlight. Going quickly south. 9/27/1973 #27875 his students lit a large, powerful flashlight flooding the area with light. 10/20/1973 #28222 self repeatedly on the head with a flashlight, hoping to escape the situati 10/20/1973 #28222 ith beam going down / barn. Avoids flashlight! Going quickly west. 10/28/1973 #28306 t on his barn. He tried to shine a flashlight on the object, but the UFO av 10/28/1973 #28314 he object, but the UFO avoided the flashlight beam. It shot off to the west 10/28/1973 #28314 ly approaches and raps it with his flashlight, making a sound like metal on 11/16/1973 #28434 oaches again. One brother points a flashlight at it, whereupon they both ge 2/14/1974 #28772 whereupon the little man pointed a flashlight kind of instrument at him and 5/1/1974 #29078 with dome and blinkers responds / flashlight. Goes / car nears. 6/3/1974 #29158 d blinkers, blinked in response to flashlight signals, but flew away when a 6/3/1974 #29159 titude with strong light / ground. Flashlight malfunctions due to EME (elec 9/7/1974 #29428 Hergies, Nord department, France a flashlight stopped working when a farmer 9/7/1974 #29429 to the east, making no sound. The flashlight functioned normally after the 9/7/1974 #29429 ure carrying a purple light like a flashlight. He was standing between two 9/8/1974 #29437 becomes ovoid. Splits. Responds / flashlight.. . 12/31/1974 #29662 BONNIEUX, FR Flashlight malfunctions due to EME (elec 9/14/1975 #30357 e figure again one of them shone a flashlight on it, and it fell backwards 1/11/1976 #30785 backwards behind a ridge. When the flashlight was pointed away the figure r 1/11/1976 #30785 emerge. One holds something like a flashlight and aims a beam that strikes 4/3/1976 #30983 line. When one of the men shined a flashlight at the object, it began to ap 8/26/1976 #31307 o-magnetic effects). Speedo jumps. Flashlight dead and demagnetized. Watch 9/17/1976 #31389 working. He also reported that his flashlight wouldn't work, even though it 9/17/1976 #31390 ject took off when someone shone a flashlight on the object's interior. It 1/23/1977 #31748 out a V-shaped craft. He shone his flashlight at it and was suddenly struck 7/10/1977 #32257 observer(s). Night light responds flashlight. Comes and goes and searches 8/1977 #32339 ue-green lights. When they shone a flashlight beam on one of the figures it 8/1/1977 #32345 in response to signals made with a flashlight. During their presence, dogs 8/3/1977 #32353 t hand, and something resembling a flashlight that emitted a brilliant gold 9/25/1977 #32519 rrying something resembling a gold flashlight; again the beam struck Silvia 10/29/1977 #32633 could not breath. Woods flashed a flashlight at the object and the pressur 11/1977 #32648 as though someone were carrying a flashlight. They turned around and drove 11/13/1977 #32671 -saucer going down [to] twice when flashlight lit. Vanishes / place. 4/5/1978 #33125 ars. UFO going / jumps. Responds / flashlight. 2 more / same path. 8/11/1978 #33500 of his car holding his pistol and flashlight, moving cautiously along a ho 12/6/1978 #34065 d hits something and he points his flashlight upward to see a 6-foot-tall c 12/6/1978 #34065 red out and noticed a light like a flashlight that was being carried by two 12/6/1978 #34068 ot work. Armed with a pistol and a flashlight he entered the courtyard to s 12/6/1978 #34069 y now terrified and he dropped his flashlight and ran towards the car. He t 12/6/1978 #34069 over electric plant. Power outage. Flashlight quits! Photographs. Going wes 1/17/1979 #34351 nd among some nearby trees. With a flashlight caught sight of a four-foot t 8/8/1980 #35446 e, drove near the site, and with a flashlight caught sight of a four-foot t 8/8/1980 #35448 gure itself. The witness grabbed a flashlight and ran out, he then heard a 2/13/1981 #35827 position. One of the men grabbed a flashlight and pointed it towards the so 10/24/1981 #36185 d. He approached on foot holding a flashlight and encountered a five-foot s 3/22/1982 #36408 w next to a fir tree. Pointing his flashlight in that direction, he sees th Summer 1985 #37606 one will accompany him. Grabbing a flashlight, he walks into the woods for Mid 10/1987 #38305 l discs land. When the man shone a flashlight at one of the objects it flas 2/8/1989 #38826 ck asleep. At 1:30 a.m. she took a flashlight with her and went to the sunr 3/13/1990 #39458 cape-like garment. She dropped her flashlight and attempted to run upstairs 3/13/1990 #39458 triangle, paint it black, embed a flashlight in each corner, then hang it 4/4/1990 #39509 e. Power out / 1 house. Responds / flashlight. / LDLN#301. 4/15/1990 #39526 ignaled the beam of light with his flashlight several times and it appeared 7/23/1990 #39658 ight came overhead. The man shot a flashlight beam at it, and it made a "si 8/4/1991 #40143 ike craft responds / telepathy and flashlight. Cameras and instruments inop 2/1/1993 #40829 small humanoids (or Greys) appear. Flashlight dies. Crushed grass. 12/11/1994 #41889 e. One of the witnesses directed a flashlight at the figures, and a beam of 12/11/1994 #41890 h Gardens, Florida. Armed with his flashlight, he approached the site and s 12/9/1995 #42639 illuminated the creatures with the flashlight, and reported that their eyes 12/9/1995 #42639 Jose Manuel then took out a small flashlight and began signaling the objec 3/7/1996 #42815 erver(s). Huge 1km saucer reacts / flashlight. Beams ground. Going [to] eas 12/11/1996 #43135 mington, Indiana. In response to a flashlight signal, two of the objects de 5/18/1997 #43299 on to signal to the objects with a flashlight. Two of the UFOs descended to 5/19/1997 #43300 IN LAKE, MI Boy / camp. Metal-grey flashlight shape cylinder/cigar-shape go 7/3/1998 #43599 eir presence by first noticing the flashlight being held by Luis. It took o 8/24/1998 #43637 0 a.m. Ms. E. B. was looking for a flashlight when the power came back on. 7/26/2004 #44717 proached the witnesses, and when a flashlight was pointed at the light it r 9/16/2007 #45058 stigate, one armed with a powerful flashlight and the other with a canister 4/12/2008 #45128 the device fails. When he points a flashlight at the triangle, it responds 5/8/2009 #45221
istwatch stopped working and their flashlight's battery was reportedly drai 6/5/1954 #9867
investigate. When they turn their flashlights on it, it gives off a purpli 9/26/1950 #5199 s carrying what looked like bright flashlights emerged from the object and 8/20/1959 #15932 red. One man reports that when two flashlights appear in the distance, the 3/20/1966 #20012 o lights appeared that looked like flashlights on a hill over the Davis ran 4/6/1967 #22082 underside going down. Low whistle. Flashlights etc. quit. 8/1972 #26854 ver(s). 4 weird 5' figure(s) avoid flashlights / 12 hours. Many traces. 10/20/1973 #28205 eemed to absorb the light from the flashlights without reflecting it, but o 10/26/1975 #30476 hen took off. Both figures carried flashlights 3 feet long. They came up to 8/23/1976 #31294 way. 2 6' pseudo-human/entity with flashlights examine observers. 9/8/1976 #31354 ll approach the blocked truck with flashlights. The creatures touch the cou 9/8/1976 #31356 tall, human-looking UFOnauts with flashlights examined the witnesses. 9/8/1976 #31358 When a crowd of people armed with flashlights approached, the object took 1/23/1977 #31748 ous spots carrying what seem to be flashlights. They wear tight-fitting, “s 7/23/1977 #32305 spots, carrying what seemed to be flashlights. They wore tight-fitting, "s 7/23/1977 #32306 O, TN 1 observer. 2 figure(s) with flashlights / yard. Pink UFO going down. 9/16/1978 #33690 anoid beings with what looked like flashlights in the yard. Then a pink-col 9/16/1978 #33695 e had shut down entirely, even the flashlights. The entire launch facility, Winter 1987 #38370 be a lost tourist, they wave their flashlights at it, but it starts zigzagg 8/4/1991 #40142 rried hand-held devices like black flashlights. One spoke in a computer-lik 12/29/1992 #40770 cide to drive back, this time with flashlights. After 10 minutes of searchi 7/5/2009 #45230
ash. This was followed by two more flashs, not blue, northwest of the camps 5/16/2003 #44538
zens / separate observer(s). Large flashy disks going quickly east straight 7/6/1947 #2800 D, ME Project Bluebook Case #2976. Flashy domed silver ovoid going quickly 4/24/1954 #9716 UTHEAST / BULAWAYO, RHOD 2 / road. Flashy ball / light stops. Hovers. Drops 11/10/1957 #14517 EVILLERS, DOUBS Brilliant flashy night light loops going quickly n 3/9/1969 #24983 EAST / WEATHERFORD, OK 1 observer. Flashy domed object circles bridge / low 11/29/1973 #28479 LOS ANGELES, CA 1 observer. Flashy 7' sphere/orb/globe weaves throug 5/23/1974 #29126 AKSARAY, TURKEY Huge silent flashy ovoid hovers 900M over motor work 12/21/1981 #36272 AMARANTE, BRZ 2 / farm. Big silent flashy fireball over lake. Back days lat 6/1989 #38969 STONEWOOD, WV 2+observer(s). Flashy double-ring with dome and lights. 9/17/1993 #41200 NORTH / BARBENTANE, FR 1 observer. Flashy white disk fires orange sparks. W 7/25/1994 #41641 IRUHURU, ZIMB Several / boat. Huge flashy object rises over hills. Crosses 9/14/1994 #41747 STERO, ARG Hundreds / observer(s). Flashy cylinder/cigar-shape going quickl 9/11/1996 #43015
tälje sees an object “like a glass flask in a thermos” descending from a hi 7/9/1946 #2036
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Flask-Green” Yield: 103KT YieldMax: 39KT 5/26/1970 #25671
Wales 4:00 p.m. Three men—Nicholas Flaskas, Frank Zonaras, and Bill Zonaras 10/23/1976 #31488
nd smoke, as well as a dark “round flat form like a plate and like a big ma 4/8/1665 #46 .m. Following a clap of thunder, a flat, pale object is seen “dancing” in t 4/27/1759 #79 15 p.m. Gary Carlton Jr. watches a flat object looking like a “big piece of 4/11/1897 #430 d to violet to blue to yellow. The flat silver disc plunged downward toward 10/13/1917 #971 Pennsylvania, when his car gets a flat tire. As he is jacking it up, he se Summer 1933 #1163 but could have been one side of a flat, saucer-shaped form. Each "coach" w 12/1942 #1466 y on this day when they saw twelve flat objects, approximately six-feet squ 6/25/1943 #1512 long the Baltic Sea when he sees a flat, metallic object embedded in the sa 7/18/1943 #1518 rown, bullet- shaped object with a flat end “like frosted glass with a brig 10/1944 #1674 at climbed out of range in nothing flat. (Page 96 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 12/5/1944 #1718 is about 30 feet long and a dull, flat gray in color, and it travels in a Mid 2/1945 #1785 of Dresden, Germany, see a round, flat, silver-colored object without prop Late 3/1945 #1826 at less than 15,000 feet and has a flat bottom and a dome on top. 4/1947 #2257 at about 3,000 feet altitude in a flat trajectory. 5/14/1947 #2281 avage saw a frosty white round and flat objectRound & Flat Object Observed 5/17/1947 #2286 white round and flat objectRound & Flat Object Observed By Field Engineer ( 5/17/1947 #2286 homa saw a frosty white, round and flat object, with a diameter to thicknes 5/17/1947 #2288 MURTAUGH, ID 2 observer(s). Flat silver-white disk going down. Level 6/17/1947 #2333 Richland, WA Three Flat Objects Faster Than P-38's (NICAP: 6/21/1947 #2352 tunt pilot Richard Rankin views 10 flat, circular objects flying in a V-for 6/23/1947 #2375 et, Illinois. They are a string of flat circular objects “going faster than 6/24/1947 #2397 ashington. The objects are bright, flat, and moving at an estimated 600 mph 6/27/1947 #2433 WATERLOO, IA Fast flat 3M saucer going quickly [to] 8M awa 6/28/1947 #2435 MOSCOW, ID 5+2 kids. Large shiny flat disk oscillates going quickly south 6/29/1947 #2458 SAN LEANDRO, CA 5 observer(s). 25' flat oval disk / 5K' altitude and tremen 6/29/1947 #2463 CLIFTON, CO 3+9 kids. 3 flat shiny metal saucers maneuver 2-5K' 7/4/1947 #2600 ett, ID 5 disc-shaped objects with flat bottoms and rough tops. Smith/Steve 7/4/1947 #2650 15 minutes while four objects with flat bottoms and rough tops moved at var 7/4/1947 #2651 Fairfield-Suisan AFB, CA Round Flat Object Size Of C-54 (NICAP: 01 - Di 7/6/1947 #2803 niston and his wife watch a round, flat object that oscillates on its later 7/6/1947 #2809 saucer trails, or two saucers seen flat edge on against a dark sky. 7/7/1947 #2836 RASOTA, FL 1 / fishing boat. Round flat silver blimp going quickly southwes 7/7/1947 #2879 nd fast going quickly north. Quite flat when tilted. 7/7/1947 #2893 3 gold saucers going northwest. 1 flat and 2 on edge. / Oak Ridge Journal 7/7/1947 #2901 ASE, CA F51 pilot / 20K' altitude. Flat reflective disk. Can't reach-too hi 7/8/1947 #2987 MADISON, WI 5 teens camping. Flat brilliant disk close to horizon. So 7/8/1947 #3001 oc AFB (40 miles S of), CA 4 PM: a flat reflective object with no vertical 7/8/1947 #3007 me 40 miles south of Muroc sees a “flat object of a light-reflecting nature 7/8/1947 #3014 ount Baldy, California, observes a flat object, reflecting light, about the 7/8/1947 #3023 course in Madison, Wisconsin saw a flat, brilliant disc close to the horizo 7/8/1947 #3028 N, ID United Airlines (UAL) pilot. Flat black saucer / staircase maneuvers. 7/9/1947 #3041 At 12:15 p.m. a huge flat black disc over Boise, Idaho execut 7/9/1947 #3074 CARNATION, WA 2+2 kids. Round flat shiny bluish disk straight and leve 7/10/1947 #3089 s. It was almost hat shaped with a flat bottom and a dome on top. Its pale 8/13/1947 #3322 Two silver round flat disc-shaped objects, described as l 8/18/1947 #3347 ard. The object is metallic with a flat circular airfoil. The cabin at the 1948 #3522 observes a circular object with a flat top cross his flight path at the sa 1/9/1948 #3552 y surveyor E. G. Hall, see a small flat, heart- shaped UFO flying in the sk 2/20/1948 #3583 rking in Emmett, Idaho saw a small flat, heart-shaped UFO flying in the sky 2/20/1948 #3584 bigger than the balloon. It has a flat, level bottom and a dome on top. It 4/1948 #3600 een a disc in late August 1947 and flat, round aeroforms on at least two fu 4/5/1948 #3612 anks, AK A noiseless object with a flat discus shaped object 8 inches in si 4/18/1948 #3625 , NM Scientist / university of NM. Flat metallic disk motionless in sky. No 7/27/1948 #3745 ue, NM AFOSI Case 3: 08:33-08:45 - Flat, round obj reflecting light, statio 7/27/1948 #3746 t in Albuquerque, New Mexico saw a flat metallic disc-shaped object that hu 7/27/1948 #3748 reflecting glint in the sky from a flat circular metallic object (NICAP: 10 9/23/1948 #3809 omething glint in the sun. It is a flat, circular object, high in the north 9/23/1948 #3811 h round white ball of light with a flat, no-depth disc-like appearance Gorm 10/1/1948 #3825 ect shaped like a dirigible with a flat bottom and clipped tail end. Six se 10/15/1948 #3840 like a bullet or dirigible with a flat bottom and with a heel-shaped clipp 10/15/1948 #3843 han a meteor or flare, traveling a flat trajectory 2,000 feet above them. T 12/8/1948 #3918 –10 miles yet exhibiting no sound, flat rather than arced trajectory, and t 12/20/1948 #3935 -white fireball moving in a nearly flat trajectory. Two objects separate fr 12/20/1948 #3936 Hickam Field, HI A flat white, elliptical object, with a ma 1/4/1949 #3957 Capt. Paul Stoney, on ground. one flat white, elliptical object with a mat 1/4/1949 #3958 kam] near Honolulu, Hawaii, sees a flat, white, elliptical object about the 1/4/1949 #3959 aul Storey sighted a large, round, flat disc-shaped object that "blinked" a 1/4/1949 #3960 , NM AFOSI Case 54; 09:05 - round, flat thin disc-shaped aluminum obj disap 4/22/1949 #4097 iff, New Mexico 9:05 a.m. A round, flat, thin, metallic disc is seen travel 4/22/1949 #4098 (4.5 Miles W of), OH Bright silver flat circular object to the SE traveling 5/4/1949 #4143 had, but the others said it had a flat, circular shape. It was in sight fo 5/6/1949 #4162 St. Louis, MO Sun glinting off a flat reddish-brown object "somewhat tria 5/7/1949 #4166 TUCSON, AZ Sgt. Putnam. 2 flat 25' silver saucers. 750+mph in smoo 5/9/1949 #4171 68; app 14:30 - silvery, round and flat obj at 750-1000 mph faded from view 5/9/1949 #4172 s: M/Sgt. Troy Putnam. Two round, flat silvery objects, estimated to be 25 5/9/1949 #4173 Sgt. Putnam sighted two flat 25-foot diameter silver discs in th 5/9/1949 #4177 was described as black, round and flat in shape, similar to a washtub. It 5/16/1949 #4188 70; app 17:00 - black round solid flat obj at 800-1000 mph (NICAP: 01 - Di 5/16/1949 #4189 LOUDON, TN 5 locals. Flat metallic object makes "flapping noi 5/25/1949 #4209 A flat, metallic object flew ove a farm in 5/25/1949 #4210 REDMOND, OR "Flat aluminum sheet" soars overhead / tr 7/26/1949 #4289 bject described as looking like a "flat aluminum sheet" soared overhead at 7/26/1949 #4292 SEATTLE, WA Flat saucer / bright center. Halo / edge 7/30/1949 #4297 EAR TIOGA, TX 7 / bus. Slow silent flat disk suddenly flips and speeds away 3/16/1950 #4652 Officer at Naval Air Station saw a flat oval UFO pass under a B36 bomber. ( 3/16/1950 #4654 mell of burning benzine." A large, flat section on top was revolving above 3/18/1950 #4674 mell of burning benzene." A large, flat section on top was revolving above 3/18/1950 #4680 Stuttgart, AR 100 ft flat cylinder-section circular disc (NIC 3/20/1950 #4687 AUSTIN, TX 3 men. Flat silver featureless "saucer" hovers 3/29/1950 #4752 circles airport/apartment / 50mph. Flat turns. Then goes going up / 60K'. 3/30/1950 #4768 ough a telescope and says it looks flat, circular, metallic, and roughly 9 4/17/1950 #4859 Three flat, metallic flying objects were sight 4/17/1950 #4860 HERMAN, TX 2 military wives. 18-20 flat silent silver saucers race going qu 4/18/1950 #4864 wives in Sherman, Texas saw 18-20 flat silent silver discs race to the nor 4/18/1950 #4867 ), Japan Rectangular cream-colored flat object about 20 ft high, 60 ft long 4/27/1950 #4905 Plymouth, MA Light-brown flat oval object that climbed to 28,000 4/27/1950 #4908 Sabre jet had an encounter with a flat oval-shaped object near Plymouth, M 4/27/1950 #4911 OVELAND, CO 3 observer(s). 2 large flat glowing-disks make 10 circular orbi 5/23/1950 #4961 1950. His motorcycle had gotten a flat tire and they were pushing it towar 6/17/1950 #4992 Gunnery Range in Nevada Frenchman Flat Armed Forces Special Weapons Projec 7/1950 #5034 s the location, known as Frenchman Flat. 7/1950 #5034 ad, one on a hillock, the other on flat ground, about 50 m away from each o 7/20/1950 #5074 road, one on a hill, the other on flat ground. They were about 50 meters a 7/20/1950 #5075 ENUMCLAW, WA Flat round silver object going west slow 8/10/1950 #5114 noise. Hubbard looks up and sees a flat gray disc, about 100 feet in diamet 8/14/1950 #5124 vion 4582K. 3 rectangular objects. Flat tops. Shrink away. No further detai 1/14/1951 #5395 alloon. It appears to be round and flat like a dime, milky white or silvery 1/22/1951 #5413 US Frenchman Flat Nevada Test Site An Air Force B-50D 1/27/1951 #5419 a dry lake bed known as Frenchman Flat, inside the Nevada Test Site. 1/27/1951 #5419 le watching a large balloon, saw a flat, round white object hovering at hig 2/14/1951 #5443 e pilots Cocker and Spradley saw a flat, round white UFO hovering as they w 2/14/1951 #5444 Jr. on July 9, 1951. Description: Flat on top and bottom and appeared from 7/10/1951 #5571 t, which then banked revealing its flat round profile, with no appendages. 9/10/1951 #5661 YUCCA FLAT, NV 3 silver ovoids hover 600M over 10/30/1951 #5751 TUCSON, AZ 2 flat silver objects park in sky over sub 3/7/1952 #5947 On this day in 1952, two flat, silver discs parked in the sky ove 3/7/1952 #5950 Glen Burnie, MD 50 ft flat silver disc with cupola/dome (NICAP 3/29/1952 #5989 FRENCHMAN FLAT, NV 6+observer(s). 4-6 saucers pass 4/15/1952 #6079 At Frenchman Flat, Nevada at 9:30 a.m. four to six fl 4/15/1952 #6083 irection, then change shape from a flat circular object to a thin lens. It 4/16/1952 #6094 ltitude. Extreme accelerations and flat turns. Going quickly northeast. 4/23/1952 #6161 celerates abruptly and goes into a flat turn. He writes, “It is inconceivab 4/23/1952 #6162 ins. They also notice a soundless, flat, rectangular, wing-like object stre 4/23/1952 #6163 engineers, one named Buruish. Two flat, red squares flew wobbly in level f 4/24/1952 #6176 George AFB, CA 5 flat white discs about the diameter of a 5/1/1952 #6238 no County, California watched five flat, white discs make a sudden 90 degre 5/1/1952 #6247 rque, NM Silvery or aluminum color flat on the bottom, slightly rounded on 5/23/1952 #6349 K14 = KIMPO AB, KOREA 20' flat disc spins tumbles and buzzes F86. 6/6/1952 #6451 ea (Case missing) cylinder-section flat disc-shaped object (NICAP: 01 - Dis 6/6/1952 #6452 uerque, New Mexico 10:50 a.m. Four flat, round, shiny objects in a diamond 6/8/1952 #6469 SANTA ROSA, CA Newsman. Round flat shiny saucer going quickly [to] by 6/20/1952 #6555 Kelly AFB, TX B-29 Encounters Flat Object With Pointed Front (NICAP: 1 6/21/1952 #6572 -29 bomber at 8,000' altitude. One flat object with a sharply pointed front 6/21/1952 #6577 San Antonio, Texas, sees a small, flat object with a sharply pointed front 6/21/1952 #6578 ng at 8,000' altitude, witnessed a flat object with a sharply pointed front 6/21/1952 #6582 L A bright silver smooth surfaced, flat oval 30 ft object (Jan Aldrich; unp 6/29/1952 #6664 air policemen. One bright silver, flat oval object surrounded by a blue ha 6/29/1952 #6665 t O’Hare Airport in Chicago spot a flat, oval object as it hovers between t 6/29/1952 #6666 ck away and change shape, becoming flat, gaining speed, and then disappeari 7/5/1952 #6716 e their motorcycle when they had a flat tire. Inside the woods the girl not 7/11/1952 #6761 H Disk with plasma cone going [to] flat face forward! Jet plane speed. No f 7/13/1952 #6787 en they all flip over again into a flat attitude. Two new, brighter UFOs jo 7/14/1952 #6817 denly flipped on edge, revealing a flat, coin-like shape. They made a sharp 7/14/1952 #6818 / SALEM, OH Several observer(s). 2 flat glowing-saucers seen 2200-2400 hour 7/17/1952 #6858 server(s). "Weird roaring whirling flat object / sky". Newspapers. 7/18/1952 #6880 BALD TOP, CA 2 / beach. 7 round flat objects / sea level. 1 going up [to 7/19/1952 #6916 At 10:50 p.m. seven round flat objects were seen at sea level from 7/19/1952 #6939 (NORTHERN), VA 2 pilots. Round flat ovoid going up / woods. Going quick 7/20/1952 #6945 NEAR NORRISTOWN, PA 2.5M flat green-metallic going west under pri 7/21/1952 #6960 y 5 feet in diameter, appearing as flat, disc-shaped objects having no aero 7/23/1952 #7071 5 feet in diameter. They appear as flat, disc-shaped objects having no aero 7/23/1952 #7078 1 / car. 4M saucer going SSE slow. Flat bottom/underside and curved top. St 7/25/1952 #7125 XINGTON, KY 5 observer(s). 5 round flat saucers glow red-orange. Away and b 7/26/1952 #7150 MEMPHIS, TN 2 observer(s). 5-6 flat disks turn oval / passing. Flat aga 7/28/1952 #7238 -6 flat disks turn oval / passing. Flat again. Horizontal going [to] horizo 7/28/1952 #7238 ELKHART, IN Woman. Flat white dish-disk swirls around over 7/29/1952 #7276 A 2 / roof. Hemisphere going east. Flat / top. Rounded bottom/underside glo 7/29/1952 #7299 right white circular object with a flat bottom fly very fast (NICAP: 01 - D 7/29/1952 #7309 right white circular object with a flat bottom flew very fast, and then hov 7/29/1952 #7317 tion of Seattle, Wash. Two to five flat disc-shaped objects: one hovered 3 7/29/1952 #7318 on. Twelve of them saw two to five flat disc-shaped objects fly over. One h 7/29/1952 #7335 bright white circular craft with a flat bottom at the Municipal Airport. Th 7/29/1952 #7338 While looking at it, they see six flat, aluminum-like objects streak acros 7/30/1952 #7364 CEDAR FLAT, OR White glowing-sphere splits. Ha 8/2/1952 #7416 Santa Luisa observes three round, flat, metallic objects hovering at 30,00 8/3/1952 #7435 saucer stops overhead. Shoots up. Flat / bottom. 8/5/1952 #7454 R 4 / Ground Observer Corps (GOC). Flat bottom/underside turtle saucers goi 8/7/1952 #7498 CHULA, FL 2 / truck. Saucer nears. Flat bottom/underside glows and spins. M 8/8/1952 #7512 LLE, TN Several observer(s). Round flat silver object crosses sky 4x. Plane 8/15/1952 #7600 MI 20+observer(s). Saucer with odd flat spots / 240m altitude. 1100kph. 300 8/15/1952 #7605 MT. SUCCESS, NH 4 Ob. Round flat object with hump over scene / recen 8/27/1952 #7750 civilian Air Force employee sees a flat oval shape. 8/28/1952 #7773 Tucson, AZ 2 groups of 3 large, flat, shiny objects (NICAP: 01 - Distant 9/17/1952 #7969 sworth. Two groups of three large, flat, shiny objects flew in tight format 9/17/1952 #7970 sighted two groups of three large, flat, shiny objects at 11:40 a.m. north 9/17/1952 #7971 empstead, TX White-silver circular flat disc flying erratically at 600-700 9/27/1952 #8041 Rochester, England, UK 2 flat objects hovering then speeding away 9/29/1952 #8056 via the Rochester Police Dept. Two flat objects hovered for 3 minutes, and 9/29/1952 #8059 artment received a report that two flat unidentified objects had hovered ov 9/29/1952 #8064 s gone, even though the terrain is flat. 10/1952 #8073 AC FRONTIERE, QBC 2 observer(s). 2 flat saucers spin. High and fast reflect 10/14/1952 #8130 NELSON, NZ Wide-rim saucer / flat bottom/underside hovers / island of 11/5/1952 #8249 Sonoma, CA Flat Object At 2,400 MPR (NICAP: 01 - Di 1/10/1953 #8528 f the Federal Security Agency. One flat object, like a pinhead, made three 1/10/1953 #8529 the Federal Security Agency see a flat object to the northwest of their lo 1/10/1953 #8530 Point Mugu, CA 18-20-inch white, flat disc with fuzzy or shimmering edges 1/28/1953 #8591 ntrolled drones. An 18-20' white, flat disc flew straight and level, overh 1/28/1953 #8597 r Oxnard, California, see a white, flat disc with fuzzy or shimmering edges 1/28/1953 #8600 SADO ISLAND, JPN 6 / lighthouse. Flat ellipse. Red center and blue glow. 2/23/1953 #8696 emitted from its manta-ray shaped flat surface. Student pilots flying two 3/3/1953 #8727 Sweetwater, NV Ten Round Flat Objects Changing Formation (NICAP: 4/12/1953 #8817 tead Airport] 4:10 p.m. Ten round, flat, metallic objects changing formatio 4/12/1953 #8819 pilot, and navigator, sighted 9-10 flat, darkish metallic discs flying agai 4/12/1953 #8821 dressed in blue and have a sort of flat hat with a visor in front and a met 7/1/1953 #8982 ere dressed in blue, had a sort of flat hat with a visor in front, and a me 7/1/1953 #8983 ere dressed in blue, had a sort of flat hat with a visor in front and a met 7/2/1953 #8986 It was shaped like a sphere with a flat disk around it, showing numerous op 7/31/1953 #9026 It was shaped like a sphere with a flat disk around it, showing numerous op 7/31/1953 #9029 oing quickly east. = bowl saucer / flat top. 2nd follows. 3rd stays. 8/7/1953 #9054 US7 NEAR SWANTON, VT Round flat object shoots across sky going quic 11/4/1953 #9282 TA, INDNS Several / military boat. Flat silvery disk hovers. Tilts. Circles 2/1954 #9515 DARLINGHURST, NSW Ex-RAAF and cop. Flat saucer hovers high near Queen's yac 2/3/1954 #9530 CUNDERDIN, WEST AUST Big flat shiny disk hovers. Going west slow 2/5/1954 #9537 WAITAKERE MOUNTAIN, NZ Flat bottom/underside silver saucer goin 4/4/1954 #9663 NEAR ANNAPOLIS, MD 3 flat saucers / diagonal formation fly / 4/13/1954 #9687 orge King is washing dishes in his flat in Maida Vale, London, England, whe 5/8/1954 #9763 , an Indian yoga master enters his flat and tells him he has been selected 5/8/1954 #9763 er or aluminum round object with a flat bottom, raised front edge, inverted 6/25/1954 #9946 BUCK LAKE, MN 2 / boat. 20M flat disk exits woods and stops over cab 8/1954 (approximate) #10080 30 seconds. They are described as flat ovals with whitish-gray light. All 8/4/1954 #10099 Egilstadir, Iceland Flat cylinder, 2-2.5 ft long, 4-5 ft in 8/24/1954 #10174 lteacher and four others sighted a flat circular, silver colored object tha 9/4/1954 #10247 At 5:45 p.m. a metallic round flat object, was seen gliding along rapi 9/16/1954 #10324 du Beal, Puy-de-Dome, France saw a flat gray, metallic disc-shaped object t 9/19/1954 #10362 man eyes." This creature entered a flat, circular machine, which took off t 9/26/1954 #10450 n diameter resembling a top with a flat top. It rises above the cornfield a 9/26/1954 #10451 an waddling toward her she fled. A flat, circular four meter wide disc was 9/26/1954 #10452 on the side of the road. It had a flat section and a sort of "mushroom" on 10/1/1954 #10561 on the side of the road. It had a flat section and a sort of large "mushro 10/1/1954 #10578 / road. Gone / seconds. 7M trace / flat grass. / r8#186. 10/3/1954 #10653 arm. It was described as metallic, flat, emitting light 10/4/1954 #10694 arm. It was described as metallic, flat, and emitting light. 10/4/1954 #10704 two shadows moving about inside a flat luminous, metallic, three-meters wi 10/4/1954 #10709 d of a cigarshaped section under a flat disk. Between the two sections was 10/5/1954 #10728 of a cigar-shaped section under a flat disc. Tracks are found. Probable ho 10/5/1954 #10733 of a cigar-shaped section under a flat disk. Between the two sections was 10/5/1954 #10740 wakened by a whistling sound saw a flat object land near the woods. It soon 10/11/1954 #10926 ned by a whistling sound and saw a flat object land near the woods. It soon 10/11/1954 #10942 et quickly going up / ground. 5M / flat grass. Oily smell. / r30p152+/ r217 10/12/1954 #10957 se #3260. Weatherman / theodolite. Flat silver saucer straight and level 30 10/13/1954 #10989 Nouasseur, Fr. Morocco Round, flat, silver object fly straight and lev 10/13/1954 #10996 n with his theodolite. One round, flat, silver object flew straight and le 10/13/1954 #10999 on in his theodolite, saw a round, flat, silver object fly straight and lev 10/13/1954 #11001 t it was a dome shaped disk with a flat bottom, and it emitted a blinding l 10/14/1954 #11041 d a squat, furry body. Its nose is flat, it has thick lips, and it wears a 10/14/1954 #11057 was covered with fur. Its nose was flat, and it had thick lips. 10/14/1954 #11065 ce Truck driver Rene Le Viol saw a flat craft, shaped like an inverted plat 10/15/1954 #11106 ce truck driver Rene Le Viol saw a flat craft, -shaped like an inverted pla 10/15/1954 #11122 val landing traces / carrot patch. Flat ground. Indents and burns. / r217p1 10/22/1954 #11313 cer going down [to] in woods. 3M / flat grass. Dogs refuse / go near. / r30 10/24/1954 #11351 any known machine but a circular, flat craft which had the appearance of c 11/3/1954 #11547 any known machine but a circular, flat craft which had the appearance of c 11/3/1954 #11548 ort, MS A translucent grey, round, flat object rotating (NICAP: 01 - Distan 12/3/1954 #11751 llen. One translucent grey, round, flat object rotated on its vertical axis 12/3/1954 #11753 e, S. Africa White, semi-circular, flat object with a dome (NICAP: 01 - Dis 12/7/1954 #11769 dolite. One white, semi-circular, flat object with a dome flew from west t 12/7/1954 #11771 olite, saw a white, semi-circular, flat object with a dome fly from west to 12/7/1954 #11775 which flew off immediately. It was flat and shiny and had been hovering 1 m 12/16/1954 #11822 y dwarf ran off from the spot to a flat, shiny hovering UFO. The machine sh 12/16/1954 #11824 12 feet above the ground. It had a flat hull rotating around a flattish dom 12/27/1954 #11865 Groom Lake, Nevada Yucca Flat A secure test site is needed for th Early 1955 #11901 EC nuclear proving ground at Yucca Flat. Early 1955 #11901 NG GREEN, KY 2 observer(s). Orange flat ovoid glows. Figure 8s etc. all ove 2/18/1955 #12008 n Belfast, Northern Ireland. It is flat and moves swiftly. 8/16/1955 #12365 hem, then straightens out with the flat side parallel with the ground and h 8/20/1955 #12379 St. Louis, MO Saw 12 round, flat objects, silver on top/dark on bott 11/17/1955 #12571 itness: J.A. Mapes. Twelve round, flat objects, silver on top and dark on 11/17/1955 #12572 J. A. Mapes sighted twelve round, flat objects flying in a four-deep forma 11/17/1955 #12573 . 2 silver bowl saucers flip over. Flat side black. Quickly going up [to] e 11/20/1955 #12575 object was apparently following a flat trajectory when the yellow glow was 7/14/1956 #12970 hnician observed formation of five flat, circular UFOs. (UFOE, VI) (NICAP: 8/1956 #13041 ty. Silver-metallic 6m saucer with flat bottom. Seen / 20 second(s). Going 8/13/1956 #13075 enter observes a formation of five flat, circular, pinkish UFOs over Boulde Mid 8/1956 #13089 ight sources. The bottom is nearly flat. Its narrow vertical sides are popu Fall 1956 #13239 CULVER CITY, CA 2 / back yard. Flat plain metallic object follows light 10/8/1956 #13268 TX School board president / farm. Flat metallic disk. Lit portholes / rim. 11/1956 #13299 Malibu, CA Flat oval object with three window-like 11/1956 #13301 tendant who was fixing their car's flat tire watched a rectangular-shaped o 11/21/1956 #13341 T / KENNEBEC, SD Round object with flat bottom/underside follows car. Beam 12/27/1956 (approximate) #13414 On this night a flat glowing object passed near a LAV DC 6/9/1957 #13715 SALT FLAT, TX DC6 flight 655 / near collision 7/17/1957 #13802 DENVILLE, NJ 2 guards. 2 silent flat disks going quickly southeast overh 8/3/1957 #13873 ngless DC3 fuselage follows coast. Flat 180° turn going south. Night light 8/30/1957 #13946 NT, NJ Boomerang going down. Grass flat. Voice = "say nothing". Going quick 9/19/1957 #14010 Seattle, WA 2 flat, round, white objects fly in trail 10/8/1957 #14075 ses: two U.S. Army sergeants. Two flat, round, white objects flew in trail 10/8/1957 #14077 f Seattle, Washington observed two flat, round, white objects that flew in 10/8/1957 #14081 silvery-blue, metallic UFO with a flat base and a dome on top. Several squ Late 10/1957 #14156 luminum-colored oval-shaped object flat on the bottom (NICAP: 01 - Distant 11/3/1957 #14237 uminum-colored, oval-shaped object flat on the bottom like a loaf of bread, 11/3/1957 #14243 Levelland (Texas) Oklahoma Flat Around 1:00 a.m. Levelland (Texas) 11/3/1957 #14246 ak of light” north of the Oklahoma Flat. His headlights dim and engine sput 11/3/1957 #14246 / JOLIET, IL ANG F86 chases yellow flat metallic object going quickly east. 11/26/1957 #14618 aped like a sphere surrounded by a flat ring, and chased the car for two ho 12/21/1957 #14754 aped like a sphere surrounded by a flat ring, and chased the car for two ho 12/21/1957 #14757 frightened that he drove home on a flat tire, followed for five kilometers 1/13/1958 #14825 aped like a sphere surrounded by a flat ring. When they tried to approach i 2/24/1958 #14888 disc-shaped object appeared with a flat ring spinning at high speed around 2/24/1958 #14890 erver(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Flat white disk going west overhead. Abs 7/1/1958 #15132 FLAT ROCK, MI 32+separate observer(s). D 8/8/1958 #15183 ARG Private pilot. Engine REVs up. Flat 10M domed saucer quickly going up. 8/31/1958 #15233 use saw a circular, aluminum color flat object (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 9/21/1958 #15273 Sheffield Lake, Ohio A circular, flat object, 7 m in diameter, 2 m thick, 9/21/1958 #15274 A circular, flat object, seven meters in diameter an 9/21/1958 #15277 Sanderson saw a dull-grey object w/flat bottom (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 10/2/1958 #15299 bject, shaped like a pickle with a flat bottom, flew erratically and made l 10/2/1958 #15301 bject, shaped like a pickle with a flat bottom, fly erratically in loops ov 10/2/1958 #15304 of smoke, then "like pickle with a flat bottom" was sighted in Stroudsburg, 10/2/1958 #15305 AMESBURY, MA Repeater. Flat disk hovers / Lake Attitash. Hums. 10/7/1958 #15323 FRESNO, CA Woman. 2 flat silver disks going quickly east. Se 10/11/1958 #15336 lip Small, Alvin Cohen. One large, flat egg-shaped object affected a car's 10/27/1958 #15391 human like, while their feet were flat; he was sworn to secrecy for ten ye 1959 #15516 w the object through binoculars as flat and round with occasional flames ex 9/24/1959 #15987 Adelaide Hills, South Australia a flat object with a large bubble on top w 11/20/1959 #16097 can find no traces on the soft mud flat. 3/16/1961 #16632 -Sherman Industrial Airpark] Burns Flat, Oklahoma All base personnel on fly Spring 1962 #17078 man Industrial Airpark] near Burns Flat, Oklahoma. The airmen are shown a s Spring 1962 #17078 er(s). Blue-glowing saucer hovers. Flat edges and small orbs / rim. 8/28/1962 #17366 , South Yorkshire, England. It had flat edges and small orbs around the rim 8/28/1962 #17369 a.m. Mrs. Alvie Frank sees several flat, glowing objects moving slowly abou 10/26/1962 #17500 MAIDEN, NC Flat metallic objects hover. Then make d 2/18/1963 #17671 morning in Maiden, North Carolina flat metallic disc-shaped objects hovere 2/18/1963 #17672 e 4 m high, with a concave top and flat bottom, was seen on the road by a W 6/28/1963 #17813 ORLAND / HALIFAX, WEST YORKS, ENGL Flat metallic ellipse hover stationary. 9/10/1963 #17930 GARAVAN, FR Flat 15M disk 10cm thick. Rests / pedest 1/2/1964 (approximate) #18108 flying object with a round top and flat bottom. It had a long acetylene-col 7/20/1964 #18431 ires, Argentina, see an elongated, flat, reddish-orange object crossing the 11/14/1964 #18616 BRANDS FLAT, VA Cars electro-magnetic effect (E 1/19/1965 #18744 Brands Flat, Virginia A workman cutting wood on 1/19/1965 #18746 A flat, reddish orange, ten foot wide disc 5/27/1965 #18968 slightly oblate object, which was flat on the top and bottom. The aerial e 5/28/1965 #18974 IRGIN ISLANDS Scientists and many. Flat round illuminated object seen widel 6/30/1965 #19033 Forbes AFB, KS Flat Silver Object Near Airbase (NICAP: 7/22/1965 #19159 out. “It looked like Saturn with a flat top and flat bottom.” 8/1/1965 #19244 ed like Saturn with a flat top and flat bottom.” 8/1/1965 #19244 tood up like a rocket. The top was flat, with a row of windows below, and a 8/9/1965 #19351 top, with a large, gray cone and a flat or slightly domed top. 8/18/1965 #19418 Y (McDonald list) GCA Radar Tracks Flat Disc (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code 8/20/1965 #19435 tical effect, a third being with a flat, squarish head, wearing something l 11/13/1965 #19718 tical effect, a third being with a flat, squarish head, wearing something l 11/13/1965 #19720 later a disc shaped object with a flat bottom and two spotlights flew towa 12/24/1965 #19788 saw a domed disc (rounded on top, flat on bottom) hovering low above a fie 1/7/1966 #19811 Rexburg, ID Flat, well-defined object blocking the r 1/29/1966 #19871 about 1 km, they saw that it was a flat, well-defined object, which had blo 1/29/1966 #19872 fied aerial object with domed top, flat bottom, and red and white flashing 3/14/1966 #19961 2 separate observer(s) / 4 hours. Flat red-glowing ovoid hovers and swings 3/29/1966 #20121 Burkes Flat, Victoria, AU 8:00 p.m. LT. As a st 4/4/1966 #20220 Burkes Flat, Victoria, Australia Wycheproof 7:5 4/4/1966 #20224 s driving about 60 mph near Burkes Flat, Victoria, Australia. In the distan 4/4/1966 #20224 occurred on this night in Bourke's Flat, Victoria, Australia on the road be 4/4/1966 #20225 ON, ON 2 / boat. Domed saucer with flat bottom. Ringed / lights. 2 beams. A 6/1/1966 (approximate) #20517 th a bubble-type dome on top and a flat bottom, casting an oval reflection 6/1/1966 #20520 g up / headlights hit. 3M circle / flat wheat and oil. / r148p90. 7/28/1966 #20689 rt instructor saw a thin disc with flat dome, and vertical ribbing visible 8/15/1966 #20745 . CST. A Navy technician watched a flat, round object (disc) with red and y 8/15/1966 #20746 t ahead of him on the road. It was flat on the bottom and rounded on top. A 11/2/1966 #21069 t ahead of him on the road. It was flat on the bottom and rounded on top. A 11/2/1966 #21071 round, glowing object with a wide, flat rim around the center resting on th 11/17/1966 #21115 w a dark, spherical machine with a flat rim land near them. Estimated diame 11/17/1966 #21116 round, glowing object with a wide, flat rim around the center resting on th 11/17/1966 #21117 w a dark, spherical machine with a flat rim land in front of their patrol c 11/17/1966 #21119 herical, like a ball, with a wide, flat rim around it. There were no lights 11/17/1966 #21119 around the dog's body was pressed flat in a perfect circle 20 feet in diam 11/20/1966 #21129 kes the surface, it bends and lies flat on the surface, lighting up the wha 1967 #21236 A man saw a cloud-like object with flat bottom, a dome on top, and a blue s 1/18/1967 #21340 Coffeen (near), IL 60 ft object, flat on the bottom, rounded on top 10 ft 1/26/1967 #21392 saw a disc-shaped object that was flat on the bottom and had a rounded top 1/26/1967 #21394 ear Coffeen when he saw an object, flat on the bottom, rounded on top, cros 1/26/1967 #21397 .m. when he saw an object that was flat on the bottom and rounded on top cr 1/26/1967 #21403 an saw a shiny round object with a flat bottom hover over her house and the 2/1967 #21427 all / colored lights / 10 mile(s). Flat bottom. Shoots going south. 2/5/1967 #21451 TOLEDO, OH Nurse. Orange flat sphere hovers / road. Beam going do 2/21/1967 #21609 ight, then an object that appeared flat , and like an upside down saucer. ; 3/1967 #21689 t shaped like a half ball with its flat side down (dome-shaped). The object 3/10/1967 #21847 ing orange-red hemisphere with the flat side down was seen in a rural area 3/10/1967 #21853 ht, but with large heads that were flat in the back, and gray in color. The 3/10/1967 #21854 . EST. Two woman saw a disc with a flat bottom and peaked top moving very s 3/14/1967 #21885 WEST / HILLSBORO, KS Domed flat glowing-saucer buzzes and rocks car 3/21/1967 #21930 y-hat with antennas and lights and flat panel / windows. 3/22/1967 #21941 ers saw three discs with domes and flat bottoms (domed discs) that were lat 3/25/1967 #21981 ndrical body, dome-shaped top, and flat bottom (turret shape). Eventually i 4/1967 #22029 a U.S. Navy Cessna aircraft saw a flat oval object, which appeared to be a 4/1967 #22030 Memorial Airport employees watch a flat, circular, star- like orange light 4/17/1967 #22153 TUCSON, AZ Yellow dome with flat bottom/underside and shaft / yellow 4/21/1967 #22179 yellow, dome-shaoed object with a flat bottom (hemisphere) and with a shaf 4/21/1967 #22185 p.m. a yellow dome-shaped object, flat on bottom, was seen by two women in 4/21/1967 #22201 e. Both rear tires of his car went flat for no apparent reason, and the obj 5/14/1967 #22342 while the other lands on a large, flat rock 160 feet away. The landed obje 5/20/1967 #22382 ircle of cleared vegetation on the flat rock. Michalak obtains metal sample 5/20/1967 #22382 ht hovers low / sky. Grass twisted flat. Big Comm. base. / LDLN#93. 7/5/1967 #22612 grassy spot which had been swirled flat as if compressed be some rotating f 7/5/1967 #22613 that appears to have been swirled flat as if subject to a rotating force. 7/5/1967 #22615 quickly [to] trees. Large areas / flat.barley. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR 7/10/1967 #22638 UKHUMI, GEORGIAN SSR Editor and 4. Flat disk / shining edge. Going east / p 7/17/1967 #22674 the time. The object looked like a flat disk with shining edge, flying at a 7/17/1967 #22679 ERIGUEUX, FR 2 observer(s). Silent flat disk maneuvers in exact sharp U-sha 8/3/1967 #22779 meters in diameter.” A gray-blue, flat globe emerges. As it hovers close t 8/4/1967 #22804 e from Atlanta to Pittsburgh saw a flat object that appeared orange at long 9/14/1967 #23057 CDT (7:00 p.m. EDT). A woman saw a flat, round (disc-shaped), dark- colored 9/18/1967 #23082 w off toward the northeast. It was flat with a dome shape on top. The sight 9/22/1967 #23116 me. Two hemispherical objects with flat bottoms were seen by a woman to eme 9/25/1967 #23129 e within 100 yards. was seen to be flat on the bottom with a dark dome-like 10/13/1967 #23232 a "haystack on fire" (hemisphere), flat on the bottom, that rose from on or 10/14/1967 #23236 lies a loop around it, keeping its flat side down. Then it flies across the 10/14/1967 #23238 object. Her car drives like it has flat tires or rocks that are hitting the 10/27/1967 #23351 ry-white, oblong objects that were flat on the bottom, hat-shaped on top (d 12/12/1967 #23571 over radio tower. "Flames" / top. Flat bottoms. 1/5/1968 #23648 had flames coming from the top and flat bottoms. 1/5/1968 #23651 Milano, Italy when he came upon a flat, pancake-shaped object resting in a 1/6/1968 #23655 ). Huge metallic cone exits cloud. Flat top. 3 somewhat rectangular (SWR) p 1/10/1968 #23658 CARLISLE, PA 2 nurses. 9M flat disk paces car / 3 km. Swerves in f 1/12/1968 #23659 meters in diameter. Its color was flat gray and it appeared to have a dull 5/27/1968 #23988 STRONGSVILLE, OH Kids. Flash! Flat featureless disk going down / steps 7/1968 #24103 light. The object was described as flat and about two meters in diameter. T 7/16/1968 #24183 ithout a neck, large round eyes, a flat nose, and a dark brown skin that wa 7/28/1968 #24245 ar-shaped UFO craft, shaped with a flat bottom that was hovering 3 feet abo 8/26/1968 #24381 lic object resembling a harmonica, flat with smudges, which had top and bot 9/8/1968 #24442 a dark lens-shaped object having a flat dome on top and a row of pulsating 10/15/1968 #24563 e seems to be a domed craft with a flat bottom (like a World War I helmet) 5/11/1969 #25125 an egg-shaped flying object with a flat bottom, the size of VW Beetle, in a 10/30/1969 #25440 saucer-shaped flying object with a flat bottom hovering some distance away. 12/27/1969 #25510 n foot wide metallic object with a flat bottom and a dome in the sky outsid 1/7/1970 #25541 he head. No nose was visible, with flat cheekbones, lending a somewhat rotu 8/15/1970 #25787 ar windows and three spheres and a flat circle were visible on the undersid 9/1970 #25821 gular windows; three spheres and a flat circle are visible on the underside 9/1970 #25822 hree large spheres, with a central flat disk. It was glowing white. The sky 9/25/1970 #25852 anishes. Other going [to] horizon. Flat ends. 10/22/1970 #25884 c Controllers and pilot / airport. Flat disk hovers and wobbles / 30 minute 3/3/1971 #26041 YNCHFORD SIDING, TASM Whirr! 20M / flat bushes. Cat dies. Tripod marks. / r 5/25/1971 #26132 -defined cone-shaped object with a flat top, metallic silver in color, flew 9/8/1971 #26326 Orange Free State, South Africa a flat rotating disc was sighted high up i 7/16/1972 #26807 bell shape turned on end with the flat base vertical to the sheer wall of 10/8/1972 #27058 e slits, and their faces were very flat. Behind them he could see a small f 12/30/1972 #27193 dark brown skin, small ears, long flat noses, small arms, and wearing a ca 5/27/1973 #27533 illuminated object shaped like a "flat football" near Fairfield Airport ab 7/6/1973 #27615 ocean liner with rounded back and flat bottom and top. (NICAP: 01 - Distan 9/23/1973 #27858 ed eyes, lipless mouths, and small flat noses. Their ears were pressed back 10/3/1973 #27926 light point. Mushroon shaped with flat bottom. Red flashing light on top. 10/5/1973 #27950 lf-moon shaped, rounded on top and flat on the bottom. It was silver gray i 10/16/1973 #28089 He sees a landed domed disc with a flat bottom like a WWI helmet, 23–33 fee 1/7/1974 #28660 YBERT, FR 1 observer. Flash. Large flat object going NNW rising along Belgi 2/25/1974 #28797 ST. LOUIS, MO 3 observer(s). Flat saucer spins counterclockwise. Many 3/1/1974 #28832 On the same night a flat, disc-shaped object with many light 3/1/1974 #28844 luminous/glowing point / sky show flat metallic round object. Going south 4/1/1974 #28987 . and Mrs. George Torres observe a flat, round object moving to the north o 4/15/1974 #29031 right object seen. Round / top and flat / bottom. No further details. 6/29/1974 #29227 c effects) / sudden stop! Saucer / flat edges going up. Strong beam going d 7/15/1974 #29260 tall and had large heads that were flat on top, glowing eyes set wide apart 7/17/1974 #29266 3 inches. The mouth and nose seem flat. Bosak speeds past the object and h 12/2/1974 #29629 the witness, but which appears as flat black against the bright blue clear 2/18/1975 #29824 500 feet north of the road. It was flat on the bottom and dome-shaped on to 4/6/1975 #29975 nge object, almost circular with a flat bottom and a rounded top, hovering 7/15/1975 #30182 and slanting "white" eyes, a small flat nose, and no mouth. The hands had a 10/27/1975 #30489 yellow colored eyes, high cheeks, flat noses, and wide thin mouths. The ma 12/4/1975 #30685 Goodridge, MN Flat, round, orange object passed nearby 12/23/1975 #30730 w it was an orange colored object, flat on top and round on the sides. (Sou 12/23/1975 #30732 w it was an orange colored object, flat on top and round on the sides. It a 12/23/1975 #30733 face, and the back of the head was flat and corrugated. The glow from the h 1/11/1976 #30785 light. It had a curved base and a flat top. It rotated on its axis, and th 1/23/1976 #30817 observer. Metal saucer low / sky. Flat bottom. Passes steeple. Straight an 1/28/1976 #30827 :50 p.m. A hexagonal object with a flat bottom hovered over the highway. No 7/22/1976 #31177 isconsin a hexagonal object with a flat bottom hovered over the highway at 7/22/1976 #31178 to be discs, curved on the top and flat on the bottom, and in between them 8/1976 #31216 hree legs 30 meters away. It had a flat bottom and a transparent dome or cu 11/8/1976 #31532 bec when she saw an oyster shaped, flat bottomed metallic object with a row 1/6/1977 #31707 styń, Poland. Concave on one side, flat on the other, the find does not app 2/2/1977 #31780 NDER-LYME, ENGL Several kids. Grey flat cylinder/cigar-shape changes shape 2/7/1977 #31794 ers. Domed saucer jumps in spurts. Flat bottom. Antenna / top. / r210v25#9. 2/8/1977 #31798 later recalled that the craft was flat, streamlined, and black in color. A 3/20/1977 #31921 ST. LOUIS, MO 2 observer(s). Flat distinct disk 4X moon-size against 4/8/1977 #31960 er in St. Louis, Missouri, watch a flat disc four times the width of the mo 4/8/1977 #31964 RE, BELGIUM 1 observer. Dark solid flat cylinder/cylindrical object with fa 4/17/1977 #31984 vière, Hainaut, Belgium, watches a flat cylinder with faceted sides move fr 4/17/1977 #31986 re, Belgium sighted a solid, dark, flat cylinder-shaped object with faceted 4/17/1977 #31989 sses in Washburn, Wisconsin, see a flat, round object with five white light 4/22/1977 #32012 ., Iran On this night a man with a flat tire was stopped on the highway bet 6/28/1977 #32202 Khuzestan Iran Night. A man with a flat tire is stopped on the highway betw 6/28/1977 #32203 On this night a man with a flat tire was stopped on the highway bet 6/28/1977 #32204 about seven minutes. The object is flat, but positioned directly overhead i 7/6/1977 #32241 FLAT ROCK, MI 1 observer. Silver saucer 7/9/1977 #32251 Flat Rock, MI 2:30 AM. A dull silver sau 7/9/1977 #32252 Flat Rock, Michigan Telegraph Road 2:30 7/9/1977 #32253 the left side of Telegraph Road in Flat Rock, Michigan. It is only about 20 7/9/1977 #32253 off to the left side of a road in Flat Rock, Michigan at 2:30 a.m. It was 7/9/1977 #32254 ng oblong with a rounded top and a flat bottom. The object was seen to trav 10/30/1977 #32637 ng on legs. The Grey humanoids had flat noses, and were wearing coverall ty 10/30/1977 #32640 ving home on an isolated road in a flat boggy area called Simonswood Moss i 1/2/1978 #32847 ty standing near her bed. He had a flat head, large eyes, and a big nose. H 1/14/1978 #32881 ntense humming. Dog hides puppies. Flat disk over trees. / International UF 2/4/1978 #32947 the palm trees. Suddenly he falls flat on his back, paralyzed. After a sho 3/24/1978 #33078 R Air Zaire DC-10 pilot. Dark blue flat "helicoidal" object. No further det 5/19/1978 #33226 lnshire, England, when they spot a flat, silver oval in the sky reflecting 7/3/1978 #33325 irises or eyelids. They had small flat noses and seemed to lack ears or mo 7/11/1978 #33368 SFAX, TUNISIA Several observer(s). Flat 50M and disk going down / 2 minute( 8/7/1978 #33483 looked normal and their noses were flat. One of the figures was holding an 9/10/1978 #33657 telescopic legs that terminate in flat pads. A figure about 3.5 feet tall 9/18/1978 #33708 ya are driving a Citroën CG on the flat pampas south of Buenos Aires, Argen 9/23/1978 #33734 urns onto Main Street, her foot is flat on the accelerator but there is no 11/22/1978 #33980 SIENA, ITL Boy / 10. White flat rounded hexagon hovers / 25M altitu 6/1979 #34598 Great Bear Lake, NWT, Can A flat metallic disc with rivets visible w 7/16/1979 #34658 A flat metallic disc with rivets visible w 7/16/1979 #34659 ullet-shaped, looking black on its flat end and silver on its rounded end. 8/29/1979 #34799 ry low and silent going northwest. Flat grass. 8/30/1979 #34808 rm shaped like a truck tire with a flat underside moving to the south. It h 9/9/1979 #34853 , domed-shaped object with a black flat bottom from a 38th- floor window on 10/4/1979 #34940 94 see a silvery domed disc with a flat bottom traveling toward the southwe 10/16/1979 #34958 ey could see some kind of luminous flat platform approaching the shoreline, 11/30/1979 #35034 large ears, large eyes, and large flat noses with large thick lips. Their 3/3/1980 #35194 POKER FLAT, CA = Allegheny. 1 rancher. Huge tu 3/24/1980 #35235 inated hemispherical object with a flat base moving steadily eastward at a 6/20/1980 #35381 inated hemispherical object with a flat base moving steadily eastward over 6/20/1980 #35382 like a "metallic balloon" with two flat sides, according to a base spokesma 8/3/1980 #35440 l inside the car, which sat on the flat metallic bottom of the hovering cra 8/22/1980 #35475 e oval eyes, no body hair, a broad flat nose, and a small slit for a mouth. 8/22/1980 #35475 elberg, Germany Two students saw a flat cylindrical UFO hovering over an at 11/14/1980 #35638 At 6:30 p.m. two students saw a flat cylindrical UFO hovering over an at 11/14/1980 #35640 t radiating from the center of its flat base. The object moves to the north 5/20/1981 #35943 when he notices six of them lying flat as though paralyzed with fear. Wagn 7/22/1981 #36023 at 1,500 feet when overhead, has a flat bottom, a strange raised center sec 7/23/1981 #36026 range raised center section, and a flat metallic color. Its top has a rippl 7/23/1981 #36026 corners; the bottom is silvery and flat. She drives home quickly, and she a 1/27/1983 #36754 e spotted a dark, circular object, flat with no protuberances, flying overh 3/24/1983 #36802 GE PLACE, WA 2 observer(s). Silent flat triangle with lights maneuvers behi 8/1/1983 #36928 xey Isle of Man A huge disc with a flat base and two vast searchlights pass 5/29/1984 #37342 a military vehicle when he sees a flat, silvery object hovering about 5 fe 3/1985 #37561 a “modified half-sphere, with the flat side down.” The closure rate was es 5/11/1986 #37861 a "modified half-sphere, with the flat side down" while flying over Sedona 5/11/1986 #37866 HOWARD CITY, MI 2 observer(s). Flat silent metallic ovoid 200M away / 2 5/31/1986 #37901 ht 1628 there remained two smaller flat white UFOs. At about 5:30 p.m. Capt 11/17/1986 #38068 y to the left of the aircraft. Two flat white lights continue to pace the a 11/17/1986 #38072 NIKOLAEVSKY-NA-AMURE, RUSSIA Flat bright disk / 400M altitude curves 9/15/1988 #38639 rhead / 2 minute(s). Lights. Pipes flat / underside. 6/13/1989 #38987 EAST / YZERON, FR 2 / car. Rumble. Flat box with 2 spheres going south 20M 7/3/1989 (approximate) #39004 0 to 30 feet in diameter and had a flat bottom and a bright yellow-white li 9/27/1989 #39125 rver(s). Bright orange saucer with flat edges hovers high / sky / SSW. 12/24/1989 #39329 ist-op-den-berg, Belgium were on a flat section of countryside at around 9: 3/24/1990 #39484 mitted a fuzzy white glow from its flat bottom. It then drifted slowly away 5/30/1990 #39600 dron) at around 7:00 p.m. that was flat yellow in color with orange-red edg 6/30/1990 #39632 / BAYONNE, FR 1 / A63. 100M silent flat triangle / 80kph / 100M altitude fl 11/5/1990 #39841 arge round dome shaped disc with a flat bottom, no landing gear or windows 7/1991 #40107 NC 2 observer(s). Glowing "blimp" flat / bottom and ends. Both saw saucers 12/10/1991 #40258 lowing "blimp" at 4:15 a.m. with a flat bottom and ends. Both had seen flyi 12/10/1991 #40259 RANDSTORP, SWD 5 observer(s). Very flat domed black delta/triangle/box-like 6/20/1992 #40499 l meteor southwest to northeast on flat trajectory for about 17 seconds, br 10/9/1992 #40669 l meteor southwest to northeast on flat trajectory for about 17 seconds, br 10/9/1992 #40670 dow she observed a bright shining, flat cylindrical craft slowly flying ove 11/9/1992 #40707 dow. She described the object as a flat cylinder with position lights on th 11/9/1992 #40707 nt domed disc-shaped object with a flat bottom. They stopped to watch as a 1/23/1993 #40812 had a close encounter with a large flat disc-shaped object with a dome on t 1/31/1993 #40824 ith round, yellow eyes and a small flat nose, dressed in gray metallic over 3/31/1993 #40915 olorado a couple were driving on a flat, straight portion of the highway wh 11/29/1993 #41309 ing [to] overhead. Strong lights / flat bottom. 12/31/1993 #41337 haped UFO with bright lights and a flat bottom, flew over the city of Quixa 12/31/1993 #41338 SKELLEFTEA, SWEDEN 60cm very flat white disk brushes ground 5M away. 6/12/1994 #41565 BOIS-SEIGNEUR-ISAAC, BELGIUM Flat diamond with flat corners and bulge 1/4/1995 #41950 R-ISAAC, BELGIUM Flat diamond with flat corners and bulge / rear. / 100M al 1/4/1995 #41950 wide chest and waist, and a black, flat face with black chest markings. It 2/10/1995 #42033 At 9:00 a.m. a flat topped silver disc flew slowy towar 6/14/1995 #42256 g them from the southwest. It is a flat triangular object with rounded edge 6/22/1995 #42267 an a commercial airliner, “ flying flat side forward. A low humming sound i 7/29/1995 #42342 MT. VERNON, IN Large silent round flat disk hovers / 3-5 second(s). Vanish 9/22/1995 #42497 out 50 feet away from them. It was flat on the bottom and about 30 feet in 2/28/1996 #42788 that the object had the form of a flat hut, five or six meters across and 7/8/1996 #42950 / car. Silent metal triangle with flat facets / top hovers / 5 minute(s). 7/17/1996 #42960 nsciousness he found himself lying flat on his back in the middle of a socc 9/16/1996 #43026 POULSBO, WA 1 observer. Small flat object on rural road. Going up [to] 12/21/1996 #43149 RIMUKA, KADOMA, ZIMB Flat bottom/underside glowing-dome hover 2/1997 #43183 g on a business trip when he had a flat tire at 10 p.m. near Longview, Texa 4/28/1997 #43283 WIMBLEDON, SURREY 2 / fourth floor flat. Clam-shaped metallic disk going qu 7/5/1997 #43346 disc, that was oval on the top and flat on the bottom. The sighting occurre 4/3/1998 #43543 mushroom-shaped dome on top and a flat bottom covered with rotating lights 10/19/1998 #43665 June 1971 he was brought to a low flat hangar that was empty; the floor wa 1999 #43709 better view. He reported seeing a "flat, triangular, black shape with equal 3/10/1999 #43746 ISLA BELA, BRAZIL 2 silent 2OM flat cigars going north over sea / 25M a 7/7/1999 #43793 witnesses. They were described as flat cigar-shaped objects, 20 meters in 7/7/1999 #43796 red over the boat. The chopper was flat black in color, and it was silent w 1/30/2000 #43937 At 6 p.m. a flat, black V-shaped object, with no lig 6/2/2001 #44191 bus. It has a dome at the top and flat at the bottom. The sighting lasts a 8/3/2001 #44223 slowly from west to east with its flat point forward. 8/2002 #44373 raft blocks stars. Going northwest flat edge first. 15Kph. Absolute(ly) sil 8/13/2002 #44380 km/hour towards the northwest. Its flat side was forward as it flew, and it 8/13/2002 #44384 th, Nova Scotia, Canada. It made a flat, 45-degree left hand turn without b 9/10/2002 #44395 p of the shorter ones. The object, flat and shaped like a Frisbee, flips on 8/11/2003 #44574 ight was hemisphere shaped, with a flat bottom and round top. The light had 2/13/2004 #44664 e rest of the night until morning. Flat batteries in cars reportedly occurr 6/9/2004 #44709 ring helmets. The terrain was very flat and he did not see any vehicles in 7/27/2004 #44718 ario reported a low-flying object, flat, circular, and with blue-lights tra 9/9/2005 #44873 sted ten minutes. At 10:30 p.m. a flat, plate-like or saucer-shaped object 9/4/2007 #45052 p.m. an object like a dome with a flat bottom was first seen hovering, the 9/7/2007 #45053 bout an hour. A triangular object, flat, with an orb-shaped compartment in 10/31/2008 #45183 older place that was never-ending, flat, light blue and filled with naked s 3/31/2011 #45322 ots. The underside of the craft is flat and smooth, a pale pearly metallic 3/19/2013 #45362 ort green line is actually a long, flat, bright, rectangular strip. Both no 10/6/2013 #45389 ilm. The naval pilot sees it as a “flat, elongated structure with two therm 11/11/2014 #45423 who claims he was in a room with a flat console along one wall where someon 10/20/2022 #45779
and, New Jersey, to investigate. A flat- bottom, red-orange disc with a dom 10/15/1966 #21006 atched the object, described as a "flat- bottomed catfish-shaped" object, a Summer 1973 #27577 izon. Using binoculars, she sees a flat- bottomed orange dome shape within 8/29/1979 #34802
SR183 WITH DALLAS, TX 2+girl. Flat-balloon disk going quickly southwes 7/1/1947 #2505
cially marked USAF vehicles; large flat-bed trucks entered the warehouse bu 12/14/1980 #35716
TUCSON, AZ Silent flat-black 30' manta swoops. Beams light 8/19/1992 #40579
ermen / theodolite. Domed metallic flat-bottom/underside saucer going quick 4/15/1947? #2262 DETROIT, MI Ex-USAF man and 1. Flat-bottom/underside disk. Slow then fa 7/29/1952 #7286 HOWE SOUND, BC 3 / boat. Silver 8M flat-bottom dome going quickly west agai 6/28/1957 #13757 NV 3 / car / US40. 3 silver-white flat-bottom cone-saucers going [to] over 11/17/1959 #16090 UE, NJ Engineer and boys. Metallic flat-bottom ovoid hovers / 210M altitude 10/16/1966 #21009 ROSS, ND Janitor. Plain flat-bottom/underside dome going southea 1/30/1967 #21414 F RADAR. Dome-saucer with lights / flat-bottom/underside rim. Night lights 3/3/1967 #21737 T / MINOT, ND 2 civil / car follow flat-bottom/underside dome. Going southw 3/5/1967 #21755 2+observer(s). Large dull metallic flat-bottom/underside dome going quickly 3/17/1967 #21907 GUANAJUATO, MX 2 / car. Flat-bottom dome hovers. Follows car / 2 5/15/1967 (approximate) #22343 and civil observers. Brilliant 12M flat-bottom/underside ovoid going SSW. R 11/26/1968 #24711 WESTMONT, IL 2 observer(s). Flat-bottom saucer hovers. Shifts left a 10/25/1979 #34964 PITTSBURGH, PA 1 observer. Whoosh! Flat-bottom disk flies over home / 150' 12/2/1993 #41317
Indian Lake, OH Navion Encounters Flat-Bottomed Object / Tracked On Ground 6/25/1954 #9945 Manila, Philippines Flat-bottomed, domed object 65-70 ft acr 11/28/1954 #11719 one anonymous medical doctor. One flat-bottomed, domed object (65-70' acro 11/28/1954 #11721 n, IA 60 ft diameter round topped, flat-bottomed object (NICAP: 01 - Distan 7/20/1964 #18429 le. One 60' diameter round-topped, flat-bottomed object with a long acetyle 7/20/1964 #18430 e of Guanajuato, Mexico, and see a flat-bottomed, domed object in the sky. Mid 5/1967 #22347 oria, OH 9:30 p.m. A witness saw a flat-bottomed , object, with a domed top 5/25/1967 #22396 orth. It was described as a large, flat-bottomed dome (hemisphere) with pul 10/11/1967 #23214 pitched whine. They see a silvery, flat-bottomed UFO 15–25 feet in diameter 7/28/1976 #31189 c, when she sees an oyster-shaped, flat-bottomed metallic object with a row 1/6/1977 #31706 and close to the windshield, is a flat-bottomed, circular dent, half an in 8/27/1979 #34787 ough Westmont, Illinois, and see a flat-bottomed object. Bright luminous wh 10/25/1979 #34965 At 4:45 a.m. a flat-bottomed disc-shaped object flew ov 12/2/1993 #41319
Ohio, when she sees on her left a flat-domed disc edge on. She stops her c 9/26/1978 #33751
aft / 150m altitude flies overhead flat-end forward! Colored lights. 10/11/1990 #39776
rd Motor Company, concludes that a flat-ended object had made a forceful im 8/27/1979 #34787
LAKE MCILWAINE, RHOD 2 / plane. Flat-grey 12M saucer hovers flips and go 7/26/1954 #10054
SARTROUVILLE, FR 2 observer(s). 15 flat-iron night lights cross sky going q 8/4/1975 #30234 SIBENIK, CROATIA Flat-iron going down / pasture. 4 small 1/10/1998 (approximate) #43496
mate 4-foot UFO at 5500' altitude. Flat-shape. No further details. 8/3/1952 #7430
AM passengers / airport/apartment. Flat-shaped object trails golden vapor. 7/11/1947 (approximate) #3122
. 4 blue-glowing saucer-cigars fly flat-side forward. Absolute(ly) silent. 8/16/1952 #7614
Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Flat-top cone-saucer with oval portholes 3/19/1966 #19990 WANTAGE, ENGL Police report. Flat-top dome. Windows and legs and ante 12/7/1970 #25931 BERLAIMONT, FR Strange flat-top bowl saucer with 3 small paraso 2/22/1973 #27307 HOLLEY, FL 1 observer. Flat-top silver saucer going east slow a 6/14/1995 #42255
d rather disproportionately large, flat-topped heads. They appeared to be d 11/23/1954 #11697 At 6 p.m. a flat-topped cone-shaped UFO w oval-shape 3/19/1966 #19996 eter, saucer-shaped, with an upper flat-topped cupola and about 24 square w 7/11/1969 #25261 OND, WA 1 observer. Buzzing noise. Flat-topped disk hovers overhead. No fur 12/17/1996 #43144 6 a single witness reported that a flat-topped disc-shaped object hovered o 12/17/1996 #43145
Yuma Test Station, AZ Flat-white, circular object flew with an 4/17/1952 #6100 g several graduate engineers. One flat-white, circular object flew with an 4/17/1952 #6104 Yuma, Arizona watched a circular, flat-white craft with a short trail shoo 4/17/1952 #6109 weather observation students. One flat-white circular object flew for 5-10 4/18/1952 #6119 her observation students sighted a flat-white circular object flying in a v 4/18/1952 #6128 one Lt. Colonel 4 miles away. Five flat-white discs about the diameter of a 5/1/1952 #6240 nute along its minor axis. Smaller flat-white or silver-white objects, as m 10/6/1957 #14066 MENTON, FR Alarm sounds. Silent flat-white saucer smaller / nearby helic 7/25/1974 #29276
STRASBURG, VA 5 observer(s). 18' flatback saucer just over ground. Glows. 8/17/1978 #33520
t, and then removes an object on a flatbed truck. The military claims they 12/9/1965 #19762 e, a truck driver, states he saw a flatbed trailer with an object shaped li 12/10/1965 #19764
, large parts being driven away on flatbeds, special access by Brookhaven p 1/1971 #25962 nearby parking lot and loaded onto flatbeds, and taken to Brookhaven Nation 9/28/1989 #39132
face of that success, it is caught flatfooted, having failed to plan what t 5/15/1961 #16684
o operator and two coworkers, Cpl. Flath and Pfc. Hough. Described as round 4/29/1954 #9734
. Buzzes. Going quickly southwest. Flathead Courier 11.2.15. 2/9/1915 #923 ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Flathead” Yield: 365KT 6/11/1956 #12893 FLATHEAD MOUNTAINS, MT High School princ 10/18/1975 #30439
00 feet. He saw twelve of them and flatly declared them to be manned and ma 7/5/1947 #2680 little are asked about UFOs. They “flatly denied the existence of such spac 2/19/1957 #13511
FLATONIA, TX Huge fireball follows car 2 9/7/1957 #13984
Yucca Flats, NV Squadrons of UFOs over atomic 10/30/1951 #5752 overing 50–75 feet above some salt flats. The UFOs are directly in front of 1952 #5841 as Los Angeles El Paso, Texas Salt Flats Flight 655 en route from Dallas to 7/17/1957 #13809 the size of a B-47” over the salt flats some 100 miles east of El Paso, Te 7/17/1957 #13809 Yucca Flats, Nevada The Plumbbob John nuclear 7/19/1957 #13814 lumbbob John nuclear test at Yucca Flats, Nevada, is the only test of the A 7/19/1957 #13814 Brand's Flats, VA Two Humanoids Approach Witness 1/19/1965 #18745 Brand's Flats, VA Humanoid beings emerged from l 1/19/1965 #18747 Staunton, Virginia Brands Flats 6:15 p.m. William Blackburn, a dra 1/19/1965 #18750 in an area known locally as Brands Flats. He sees two saucer-like shapes in 1/19/1965 #18750 US Highway 250 Brands Flats, Virginia Evening. Steven Houffer, 1/26/1965 #18769 ving on US Highway 250 near Brands Flats, Virginia, when they see a small m 1/26/1965 #18769 e driving on Route 250 near Brands Flats, Virginia at 7:30 p.m. when they s 1/26/1965 #18770 Wyoming Flats, PA 3:30 p.m. EDT. Six witnesses s 8/6/1967 #22826 afternoon at 3:30 p.m. in Wyoming Flats, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania six 8/6/1967 #22834 Groom Lake, Nevada Jackass Flats in Area 25 Tonopah On a visit to t 4/26/1984 #37301 ing. The MiG-23 crashes on Jackass Flats in Area 25, still contaminated fro 4/26/1984 #37301
eet at eye level. Then it seems to flatten out and just blacks out. Another 11/1906 #692 ngle multicolored object, and then flatten out. The witnesses also reported 9/3/2004 #44746 ngle multicolored object, and then flatten out. The witnesses also reported 9/5/2004 #44748
h a sposh" sound. She discovered a flattened, jelly-like transparent mass. 11/13/1833 #128 lowly and flew away. The grass was flattened where the object had been. 4/15/1930 #1113 d a height- and range- finder on a flattened sphere moving rapidly on a hor 6/1940 #1339 bomber moves away. The lights are flattened spheres that move low behind s Mid 8/1944 #1644 F-51 fighter plane and a somewhat flattened white circular unidentified ob 10/1/1948 #3828 Sterling, UT A flattened football or lozenge shaped bla 10/16/1948 #3844 no exhaust trail. The disc appears flattened and has a wrinkled surface wit 5/24/1949 #4207 FO shaped like a hemisphere with a flattened lower part, and estimated to b 1/24/1950 #4510 a Pearly, iridescent object with a flattened top (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 12/2/1950 #5309 e pearly, iridescent object with a flattened top, spun while hovering and m 12/2/1950 #5310 IN Object appearing as a silvery "flattened tennis ball" (NICAP: 01 - Dist 10/9/1951 #5710 e Haute, IN CAA employee saw h.s. "flattened tennis ball" (NICAP: 01 - Dist 10/9/1951 #5712 Terre Haute, IN CAA and pilot, "flattened sphere". (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 10/9/1951 #5713 moving, silvery UFO shaped like a “flattened tennis ball” is sighted by a C 10/9/1951 #5715 f Paris, Illinois, sees a silvery “flattened orange” object that appears st 10/9/1951 #5715 . (MST). (McDonald list; BB Rpt 7) Flattened Oval As Large As B-29 (NICAP: 3/15/1952 #5959 a of Japan, at sea Circular object flattened on top and bottom (NICAP: 01 - 6/30/1952 #6673 ightly yellow, and looking like "a flattened out donut without the hole", a 7/15/1952 #6831 DANIA, FLA 2 observer(s). Silent "flattened football" hovers / 10 minute(s 7/26/1952 #7154 G 3 women. Luminous/glowing silent flattened ovoid going quickly west fast. 7/26/1952 #7158 ORTHWEST / BELVIDERE, IL 3 / US20. Flattened silver sphere hovers. Accelera 8/1/1952 #7391 burns his cap as well). An area of flattened and burned grass is found afte 8/19/1952 #7651 dor. Next day, a 15-foot circle of flattened grass, some “skid marks”, and 9/11/1952 #7896 around each other, and look like “flattened spheres.” They have a color mo 9/30/1952 #8070 our or more. There was a circle of flattened grass 30 feet in diameter wher 8/7/1954 #10113 d speed off to the west. Grass was flattened over 15 m, with two tracks abo 8/10/1954 #10117 eed off to the west. The grass was flattened down over a 15-meter area, wit 8/10/1954 #10119 took off and flew away. Grass was flattened where it had landed. 8/27/1954 #10188 and flew away. The grass had been flattened where it had rested. 8/27/1954 #10192 R MATZ, FR Farmer. Saucer / field. Flattened grass found after. / LDLN#102. 10/1/1954 (approximate) #10544 rmer saw a white craft in a field. Flattened grass was later found at the s 10/1/1954 #10558 about 1.20 m high. Grass was found flattened and scorched over an area 7 m 10/3/1954 #10661 ights up as it takes off. He finds flattened and scorched grass over an are 10/3/1954 #10666 t 1.2 meters high. Grass was found flattened and scorched over an area seve 10/3/1954 #10671 it. He found it was shaped like a flattened dome, 5.5 m in diameter, and g 10/14/1954 #11047 lose he found it was shaped like a flattened dome, 5.5 meters in diameter, 10/14/1954 #11069 a motionless, silent elongated or flattened object 30 feet long. A police 10/18/1954 #11218 behind a three-meter wide area of flattened grass. 10/24/1954 #11367 very short, dark figures with huge flattened heads standing next to a large 10/25/1954 #11401 ALTHOVEN, AUSTRIA 2 cops. Flattened star hovers. Then shoots going 11/19/1954 #11668 long. The edges of the object were flattened. M. G. was unable to view the 11/23/1954 #11697 tched boomerang -shaped object (or flattened triangle) hover above glider t 7/26/1955 #12288 hundred yards. It appears to be a flattened circular shape. The pilots dec 10/7/1956 #13266 flying object with the shape of a flattened sphere 24 feet wide and 9 feet 11/11/1956 #13322 t the grass at the landing site is flattened, they investigate further and 11/11/1956 #13322 ights died when a gray, elliptical flattened sphere came down over the road 11/11/1956 #13323 ct bigger than a house land. Grass flattened (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 9/19/1957 #14011 was reported to have landed. Grass flattened. 9/19/1957 #14012 itness accounts the grass had been flattened at the landing site. 9/19/1957 #14015 it slowed down, was then seen as a flattened dome. Three legs emerged from 10/16/1957 #14127 slowed down. It then appeared as a flattened dome. Three legs emerged from 10/16/1957 #14131 TULSA, OK Several observer(s). Flattened sphere. V-antenna / top. Moves 10/27/1957 #14158 AST OTTAWA, ON 2 observer(s). Huge flattened sphere going southeast. Stops 8/1958 #15170 their exact shape, but they appear flattened and sometimes fly on edge. The 10/3/1958 #15311 eturn to the landing site and find flattened grass and a still-hot, smooth, 11/9/1958 #15435 d saucer 150M away. 8' tall. Grass flattened. / r8+/ r180p23+/ r3p64. 5/20/1959 #15739 m high, with a dome on top. Grass flattened. 5/20/1959 #15740 where it was, they find the grass flattened in the shape of a large oval. 5/20/1959 #15741 ina. Grass at the landing site was flattened. 5/20/1959 #15742 ND SANTA ROSA, CA Deputy. Dull red flattened ball hovers and floats near ho 8/17/1960 #16399 and dodging trees and a low speed. Flattened grass was found at the landing 5/22/1961 #16694 em. They fled in terror. There was flattened bracken, and two-foot long foo 11/16/1963 #18046 nd was hidden from view. Grass was flattened over a circular area, and four 12/27/1963 #18097 et, and disappears. Grass is found flattened over a circular area. Marks “l 12/27/1963 #18098 nd was hidden from view. Grass was flattened over a circular area, and four 12/27/1963 #18099 darted across the sky and appeared flattened while in motion. (UFOI-II,7) ( 5/17/1964 #18276 ok off vertically. Wheat was found flattened in all directions. 5/18/1964 #18283 uilateral triangle, with the wheat flattened from the center about 1.2 mete 5/18/1964 #18285 Rectangular object with legs left flattened wheat and three indentations o 5/19/1964 #18287 l triangle are found in an area of flattened wheat about 4 feet wide. 5/19/1964 #18288 beams of light. The grass had been flattened at the landing site. (2) On th 5/22/1964 #18291 he weeds back to the UFO. A round, flattened area is found in the field whe 7/16/1964 #18421 s). 7M saucer rises / beach. Grass flattened. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) 2/3/1965 #18794 ss at a spot where grass was found flattened. Another witness, driving near 2/3/1965 #18795 restless at a spot where grass is flattened. Another witness sees the UFO 2/3/1965 #18796 haved in a highly agitated manner. Flattened dune grass was discovered at t 2/3/1965 #18797 ng of a 3 foot 2 inch wide ring of flattened grass, was found at the landin 5/24/1965 #18963 on: slightly spherical and oblate, flattened on top and bottom; appeared to 5/28/1965 #18969 Townsville, Queensland, AU Flattened Sphere Buzzes DC-6 / Photos Co 5/28/1965 #18971 now was blown away and bushes were flattened. 11/29/1965 #19739 now was blown away and bushes were flattened during the near landing. 11/29/1965 #19740 uthwest on a fast, oblique course. Flattened reeds were found in several pl 1/19/1966 #19857 ass on the surface of the water is flattened in a clockwise direction. Roya 1/19/1966 #19858 cribed as a large patch of yellow, flattened grass with a swirly pattern. 4/6/1966 #20257 itnesses found a perfect circle of flattened grass on the ground, while oth 4/6/1966 #20259 -member of Army intelligence saw a flattened ellipse with fuzzy edges, two 6/24/1966 #20606 e next day a wheat field was found flattened over an area 3 m in diameter, 7/28/1966 #20691 e next day a wheat field was found flattened over a three meter wide area a 7/28/1966 #20693 round, and a large depression with flattened grass were found beneath the a 8/15/1966 #20744 similar to a kerosene lamp chimney flattened on the bottom side. A door ope Early 11/1966 #21070 the five witnesses against a car. Flattened grass was found at the landing 12/25/1966 #21221 very possible shape, small, large, flattened, spherical. They are able to r 2/1967 #21431 g orange-yellow ball of light that flattened out and changed color to pink- 2/21/1967 #21612 encounter with an orange-yellowish flattened sphere. It hovered over the ro 2/21/1967 #21615 6:45 p.m. EST. Three people saw a flattened disc or ellipse with a rotatin 4/11/1967 #22107 rs saw a shiny, metallic-appearing flattened sphere ^ an estimated 20 feet 4/28/1967 #22242 private pilot and his family saw a flattened ellipse with a superstructure 4/28/1967 #22243 m is a red, round luminous object, flattened slightly on the top. They next 7/3/1967 #22603 verton, describe it as a dark-gray flattened sphere with a brilliant light 7/4/1967 #22610 object with double decks (like two flattened bells, one above the other) ho 9/1967 #22968 icine-like smell. A nearby bush is flattened oddly. Alamosa County Sheriff 9/9/1967 #23026 an unpleasant smell and tracks on flattened grass were noted. 9/11/1967 #23042 tracks about 2 inches wide in the flattened grass. 9/11/1967 #23045 ar object hovers / field. Circular flattened reeds. 10/20/1967 #23271 t. Lands. Going west again. Ground flattened. 11/5/1967 #23403 abeira, Brazil a UFO shaped like a flattened oval was seen in a field by a 6/11/1968 #24023 48 spent cartridges and 14 bullets flattened by impact with something solid 6/14/1968 #24031 es and fourteen bullets apparently flattened by impact, as well as equally 6/14/1968 #24033 Argentina on Highway 5 a circular flattened disc-shaped object was sighted 6/29/1968 #24095 e hotel roof. The shape is a large flattened disc with black square windows 11/1968 #24612 gely subdued.” Outside, he finds a flattened area in a sacaline (Reynoutria 4/17/1969 #25067 operty. A roughly circular area is flattened in four distinct patches, the 4/17/1969 #25067 ing in a few feet they noticed two flattened areas, where small entities mi 5/11/1969 #25128 zkowich, the crushed barley at one flattened area showed the imprint of two 5/11/1969 #25128 und underneath reveals a circle of flattened grass, 25 feet in diameter, sw 6/17/1969 #25220 er and about a foot wide. Grass is flattened inside the circle, but the rin Mid 7/1969 #25270 oids were already gone. A circular flattened area of grass was found at the 9/22/1969 #25375 n the brush some 60 feet away in a flattened area of mine tailings. An egg- 10/30/1969 #25439 Air Force F86's and ground RADAR. Flattened ovoid with 2 windows! 11/4/1970 #25899 He finds four circular patches of flattened grass. 11/29/1970 #25922 maneuvers over town. Rake-marks at flattened 3M landing spot. / r50p32. 2/18/1971 #26024 named Rubio, found rake marks at a flattened, 3-meter wide circular landing 2/18/1971 #26025 d distinguish, in the moonlight, a flattened hemispherical dome, apparently 3/5/1971 #26044 endoza, Argentina, when they see a flattened, Saturn-shaped object about a 5/24/1971 #26130 the humming stops. The next day, a flattened area of grass and blackberries 5/25/1971 #26136 a 10-foot wide irregularly shaped flattened area. 6/5/1971 #26158 ar-shape lands and darkens. Path / flattened brush. / TUFOIC. 7/5/1972 #26766 is sitting in a clearing. It is a flattened disc about the size of a small 8/1972 #26864 his head was bald, with the skull flattened at the rear. He hadlong, narro 9/28/1972 #27038 te, a bush and some grass had been flattened, suggesting that the UFO had b 9/27/1973 #27879 DAYTON, OH 50+observer(s). 4 "flattened footballs" chased / jets. Thou 10/14/1973 #28025 In Dayton, Ohio at 7:30 p.m. four "flattened footballs" were chased through 10/14/1973 #28032 nesses. A 42-foot diameter ring of flattened grass with several triangular 11/1/1973 #28339 nds seven sections of his oat crop flattened into circles 3 miles west of B 12/8/1973 #28541 14 feet in diameter. The oats are flattened counterclockwise. 12/8/1973 #28541 outh Australia. The wheat has been flattened counterclockwise and there are 12/15/1973 #28577 3 p.m. saw an object shaped like a flattened cupola resting on the ground. 1/24/1974 #28702 and three 12-meter wide circles of flattened grass in the area. Civil guard 3/21/1974 #28921 round object in the sky that was "flattened at the sides, and of a silvery 8/5/1974 #29311 rth, Derbyshire, England. It has a flattened upper end and a tapered base. 12/1974 #29625 owpad in the circle was completely flattened. 5/6/1975 #30042 y-foot diameter area of plants was flattened, the tobacco plants were wilte 7/6/1975 #30165 y-foot diameter area of plants was flattened, the tobacco plants were wilte 7/6/1975 #30169 tin foil that had been crushed and flattened out. The creature turned, took 10/7/1975 #30422 ter areas in which the plants were flattened and swirled in a counter-clock 12/8/1975 #30694 ex County, Massachusetts. Then two flattened disc-shaped objects with three 2/20/1976 #30889 ex County, Massachusetts. Then two flattened disc-shaped objects with three 2/20/1976 #30891 JACQUE, FR Flattened red glowing-ball follows mayor 2/23/1976 #30896 e. The upper part of the object is flattened, and a luminous light on top v 9/3/1976 #31335 n the daytime and find a circle of flattened, discolored grass about 30 fee 9/25/1976 #31428 VIENNE, ISERE, FR Flattened neon sphere WNW going quickly 11/5/1976 #31524 er is paced by a UFO shaped like a flattened football with a dark equator i 1/13/1977 #31720 students from a school saw a gray flattened cigar-shaped object moving slo 2/7/1977 #31796 tle-under-Lyme, England saw a gray flattened cigar-shaped object moving slo 2/7/1977 #31797 , one large bush is found damaged: flattened in the center and slightly bur 5/3/1977 #32050 h was found to have damage: it was flattened in the center and slightly bur 5/3/1977 #32053 towards him as if greeting him. A flattened area was found in the grassy f 5/5/1977 #32060 twatches malfunction, and areas of flattened grass are found. On one of the 8/3/1977 #32353 and several of his friends saw a "flattened walnut" UFO. The inital sighti 8/28/1977 #32436 north and shaped “somewhat like a flattened avocado pear.” The blunt leadi 10/15/1977 #32578 s, Algeria, observe a pearly white flattened sphere moving to the west. On 7/1978 #33318 site and find a circular patch of flattened barley and a path leading up t 9/1/1978 #33622 potted a domed UFO, described as a flattened rhombus 25 meters in diameter 12/28/1978 #34222 August 22. The trace is visible as flattened, yellowed grass in a semicircl 8/2/1979 #34702 nnesota, when he finds a circle of flattened corn 50 feet in diameter. The 9/16/1979 #34890 0 feet in diameter. The stalks are flattened in a pattern radiating from th 9/16/1979 #34890 MN 2 / Lake George. Silent chrome flattened sphere rises going quickly nor 9/25/1979 #34921 York saw a silent, chrome-colored flattened sphere rise in the sky and sho 9/25/1979 #34924 r. The unburnt grass next to it is flattened. 11/14/1979 #34998 gates the landing traces. Grass is flattened for several days after the inc 11/27/1979 #35019 d and ran home. The grass had been flattened at the landing site, swirled i 11/27/1979 #35022 LMA, QLD, AUS Several observer(s). Flattened sphere with 2 curved wings man 4/26/1980 #35290 ull discovers a circular swathe of flattened oats in his field near the Wes 7/21/1980 #35423 iltshire, England Three mysterious flattened circles appear in a cornfield 8/1981 #36051 manner in which the cornstalks are flattened in a clockwise swirl. He suspe 8/1981 #36051 NORTHEAST / ELIZABETH, CO 50' flattened bell passes car / low altitude 5/27/1982 #36487 sport, the object is shaped like a flattened football. A car stops along th 5/5/1984 #37316 p are found in an area of somewhat flattened grass. 10/9/1984 #37484 feet away. They are attached to a flattened triangle about 75 feet wide wi 11/24/1986 #38075 long and 10 feet thick, and has a flattened top and “corrugated” bottom. L 10/13/1989 #39169 nd circle, 65 feet in diameter, of flattened (not burned) grass. The RCMP v 11/20/1989 #39241 triking difference in color of the flattened grass within the circle and th 11/20/1989 #39241 SAMBREVILLE, BELGIUM Man videos flattened sphere/orb/globe / 12 minute(s 12/24/1989 #39331 y. It had a huge head resembling a flattened saucer, and two long blinking 3/24/1990 #39485 trees and then noticed a round but flattened "cloud" that emerged behind th 11/9/1991 #40224 hiny metallic craft, shaped like a flattened arch with rounded ends. A rect 4/12/1992 #40414 ion / wheat field. Soil rock hard. Flattened porcupine! 8/1992 #40542 . The next morning, two additional flattened circles were found in the fiel 3/31/1993 #40915 vacant lot. It was round and had a flattened top and bottom, and she descri 10/6/1993 #41222 VANVILLE, FR 2+1 / RN19. Large flattened cylinder/cylindrical object ho 11/22/1993 #41289 on this date from France. A large flattened cylinder hovered over a refine 11/22/1993 #41296 and disappeared. Later that day a flattened circular area of wheat was fou 6/27/1994 #41588 otprints and strange formations of flattened crop-formation depressions wer 9/16/1994 #41756 ody with a pair of wings. It had a flattened, vulpine face, with enormous r 11/9/1995 #42589 became oval shaped, and vanished. Flattened grass was discovered at the si 3/19/1997 #43235 ppears in the long grass, which is flattened where the man has landed. 5/18/1997 #43297 ops in mid-flight, appearing as a “flattened silver pyramid.” It bobs up an 12/14/1997 #43460 At 10:57 p.m. a flattened out V-shaped object, made up o 9/20/2000 #44044
ver. Several photographs / classic flattened-bell saucer. Golden yellow. No 12/19/1995 #42648
NGTAI CO, GANSU, CH 2 observer(s). Flattened-cone saucer north going quickl 8/12/1977 #32390
ect. It hovered at a low altitude, flattening the high grass and bending ov 10/28/1969 #25431
ORTH / VANAVARA, RUSSIA Huge blast flattens area. Meteor going quickly nort 6/30/1908 #708 y populated eastern Siberian taiga flattens 770 square miles of forest and 6/30/1908 #711 ers. 2 jets arrive and dive at it. Flattens / disk and rises going quickly 9/28/1957 #14039 WI 5 good observer(s). Fast ovoid flattens to cylinder/cigar-shape. / r242 11/4/1957 #14263 la, Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia. It flattens entire villages in surrounding 10/30/1961 #16939 te observer(s). Extra moon hovers. Flattens going [to] ovoid. Moves away go 6/7/1969 #25206 SALADARE, ETHIOPIA Fireball flattens huts and stone wall. Turns. Mel 8/7/1970 #25774 d by a downward gust of wind which flattens the rapeseed in the immediate a 9/1/1974 #29417 da Silva runs back to the bar and flattens himself against the outside wal 9/9/1976 #31362
it more than half a mile away to a flatter area near the foot of Coxcomb Mo 11/20/1952 #8307 uble convex disc that was slightly flatter on the bottom. It had red lights 9/23/1968 #24505 ficers and a civilian friend, Gary Flatter, investigate. They see no figure 10/22/1973 #28241 -frequency sound. Around midnight, Flatter hears the sound again south of t 10/22/1973 #28241 not a helicopter or a plane-it was flatter and wider with lights around the 7/13/1979 #34652
had a flat hull rotating around a flattish dome, which contained portholes 12/27/1954 #11865 tallic saucer shaped like a “large flattish spinning top,” 18 inches in dia 11/21/1957 #14590
a silver wing-shaped UFO hung over Flattop Mountain south of Alamosa, Color 12/19/1978 #34176
A group of young people in Flatwoods, West Virginia saw a bright re 9/11/1952 #7896 FLATWOODS, WV Several observer(s). Fireb 9/12/1952 #7899 Flatwoods, West Virginia A group of youn 9/12/1952 #7902 Flatwoods, West Virginia G. Bailey Fishe 9/12/1952 #7905 ulf of Mexico Around 7:15 p.m., in Flatwoods, West Virginia, two brothers, 9/12/1952 #7905 to support his hypothesis that the Flatwoods incident was only one small pa 9/12/1952 #7905 st Virginia, apparently landing in Flatwoods. A third object travels southw 9/12/1952 #7905 A group of young people in Flatwoods, West Virginia saw a "meteor" 9/12/1952 #7906 FLATWOODS, KY 1 observer. Domed saucer h 3/18/1982 #36398 Flatwoods, KY Mr. J. Duty, an Army reser 3/18/1982 #36399 f to the left side of a highway in Flatwoods, Kentucky. The disc had red, g 3/18/1982 #36399 f to the left side of a highway in Flatwoods, Kentucky around 10:40 p.m. in 3/18/1982 #36400
Around 7:30 a.m., Frederick Walter Flavel and his wife Emma are walking to 2/6/1947 #2238
board the Exodus, three fishermen—Flaviano Mattiucci, Gennaro Mattiucci, a 11/8/1978 #33928
FLAVIGNY-SUR-MOSELLE, FR Hiss. Pie-slice 7/1973 #27606 FLAVIGNY-SUR-MOSELLE, FR 2 / car. White 2/12/1994 #41409 nly 25 meters above the ground, in Flavigny-sur-Moselle, Meurthe-et-Moselle 2/12/1994 #41410
too much of an Alice-in-Wonderland flavor for comfort.” Menzel blames the s 8/5/1953 #9049
. It is most likely a photographic flaw. 6/1947 #2306 oto is the result of a development flaw. 3/24/1973 #27372 t an emulsion defect or processing flaw. Summer 1978 #33295
Washington National Airport A flawed CAA report states the July 1952 W 5/1953 #8850 lin using a hubcap, complicated by flawed photographic analyses and investi 8/3/1965 #19290 ge during a backup generator test. Flawed reactor design and inadequately t 4/26/1986 #37843
SPY AND FLAWINNE AND ATH, BELGIUM Several separa 7/4/1972 #26762 monriville, Malmédy, Belgium Liège Flawinne Ellezelles 10:10 p.m. Girl guid 7/4/1972 #26764 At 10:31 p.m., a factory worker in Flawinne watches a triangle of three bri 7/4/1972 #26764 SPY AND FLAWINNE, BELGIUM Cop and 1. Large dark 4/12/1990 #39520
sentence together. The English was flawless, but he struggle to get through 4/25/1978 #33171
tary of the Air Force Alexander H. Flax, Frederick Seitz expresses the hope 1/8/1969 #24826
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Flax-Source” YieldMax: 20KT 12/21/1972 #27182
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Flax-Test” Yield: 19KT YieldMax: 220KT 12/21/1972 #27181
teenagers, among them painter John Flaxton, while walking on a country road 11/16/1963 #18044 gland Evening. Four teenagers—John Flaxton, Mervyn Hutchinson, Jenny Hollow 11/16/1963 #18045 teenagers, among them painter John Flaxton and another named Hutchinson, sa 11/16/1963 #18046
Paris, IL Hulman Fld (IN); Paris (IL); Newport atomic pla 10/9/1951 #5711
parate observer(s). Saucer lands / FLDs. Turns color(s). Beams. / r8+/ r49p 10/15/1954 #11084
The body of the object itself was flecked with red streaks, and it made no 11/28/1954 #11725
floated" toward the witnesses, who fled in terror. The “entity” glided towa 9/11/1952 #7896 floated" toward the witnesses, who fled in terror. A lingering smell and sk 9/12/1952 #7902 floated" toward the witnesses, who fled in terror. A lingering smell and sk 9/12/1952 #7906 n he began waddling toward her she fled. A flat, circular four meter wide d 9/26/1954 #10452 meted figures emerged. The witness fled, but his dog started toward the obj 10/17/1954 #11173 meted figures emerged. The witness fled, but his dog started toward the obj 10/17/1954 #11179 ttacked the intruder, who rose and fled with a soft whirring sound. An oily 10/20/1954 #11274 he ran to attack the intruder, who fled with a soft whirring sound. An oily 10/20/1954 #11283 d may have landed, but the witness fled the scene. 10/28/1954 #11471 e ground. The two Indians with him fled in terror, but he approached and sa 11/4/1954 #11569 oked like weapons. Another witness fled and felt pricklings on his face as 11/5/1954 #11578 oked like weapons. Another witness fled and felt pricklings on his face as 11/5/1954 #11581 eir bodies covered with hair. They fled into the machine, and it took off. 12/10/1954 #11794 ed two beams of light. The witness fled toward his house, and the object ap 8/1/1955 #12315 ed two beams of light. The witness fled toward his house while the object a 8/1/1955 #12319 ing out of ammunition, the Suttons fled their farmhouse and got the police, 8/21/1955 #12387 object at the tip of each finger, fled when the witness denied his request 11/6/1957 #14414 bjects at the tips of each finger, fled when Mr. Trasco turned down his req 11/6/1957 #14438 dressed in peculiar suits. As they fled, they heard a "swishing" noise and 11/1958 #15414 blew the horn for help. The beings fled and the craft took off, emitting "p 12/20/1958 #15487 the horn for help. The beings then fled and the craft took off, emitting "p 12/20/1958 #15491 raignment, while Norman Colton has fled the state and cannot be located. 5/28/1959 #15749 nd cattle on the farm panicked and fled. It climbed into the sky at a 45 de 2/15/1963 #17670 nintelligible sounds. The children fled in panic, and one girl was admitted 9/19/1963 #17944 had no visible face. The children fled in panic. One girl was admitted to 9/19/1963 #17948 ired four shots at the beings, who fled to the object. It then took off and 10/12/1963 #17988 like a bat, came toward them. They fled in terror. 11/16/1963 #18044 and no head came toward them. They fled in terror. There was flattened brac 11/16/1963 #18046 t a bright glow, and the witnesses fled when an opening became visible. 12/10/1963 #18071 thing was about to land, and they fled. 12/28/1964 #18677 left the barn quickly, but as they fled they thought they saw a little man 1/26/1965 #18770 ager, Adilon Azevedo, a others who fled, saw two objects at ground level, a 7/26/1965 #19179 io Grande do Sul state, Brazil who fled the scene, saw two UFOs at ground l 7/26/1965 #19183 and "looked like a toad." The boy fled. 8/1/1965 #19247 ed at her sister to run. The girls fled, and when they looked back after ru 8/13/1965 #19383 hovered. The frightened witnesses fled at high speed, and the UFO apparent 4/22/1966 #20366 ts on a hillside near his home. He fled when they took off with a hissing s 10/14/1966 #21000 got into trouble and went AWOL and fled to Mexico. AF later states Pete was 1967 #21239 Hildebrand, 19, and Michael McKee fled when they saw a large shiny object 2/11/1967 #21511 debrand, age 19, and Michael McKee fled when they saw a large shiny object 2/11/1967 #21512 Get away from here!" He turned and fled to his car, badly frightened and in 4/21/1967 #22200 The witness became frightened and fled the scene when the UFO got too clos 4/28/1967 #22246 t landed. The witness panicked and fled, but others saw it. 8/7/1967 #22842 inelike door that slid up. The boy fled, but a voice told him in Portuguese 9/14/1967 #23059 ighing and the attacker let go and fled. The man screamed for help and was 9/22/1967 #23115 wners of the property the creature fled. It matched the description by a pa 2/26/1968 #23785 almost 3 m tall, in Ricardone. He fled in terror, in spite of a strange po 7/1/1968 #24112 almost 3 m tall, in Ricardone. He fled in terror, in spite of a strange po 7/1/1968 #24114 but he was able to break free and fled home in terror. There was simultane 7/1/1968 #24119 mitted flashes of light. The girls fled inside their house. Marks of four f 7/9/1968 #24163 stronger than they, and they both fled into the thick underbrush. Luis's d 2/12/1969 #24915 wore ashen-gray trousers. The boys fled down the mountain. They returned la 2/23/1969 #24940 o the solid craft. The woman's dog fled the scene at the outset of her enco 4/12/1969 #25059 made signs for him to approach he fled in terror, and they pursued him and 5/5/1969 #25117 ut of the UFO. The terrified women fled the scene. 5/19/1969 #25147 ibration, numbness, and fear. They fled back into their house which had bee 5/16/1971 #26115 ness, Paquin became frightened and fled. 7/12/1971 #26224 hlight, ran to the snowmobile, and fled on it. She was joined by the other 2/26/1973 #27318 an isolated area. The three youths fled the area. 8/4/1973 #27681 hey laughed aloud, then turned and fled into the brush behind them. A few s 9/27/1973 #27879 rectly below the object. Their dog fled the area, and didn't return until t 10/19/1973 #28201 d a ladder unrolled. The witnesses fled and the UFO took off, making a humm 12/6/1973 #28535 y jumped back into their truck and fled. The light on the hillside disappea 3/1/1974 #28843 rse they turned the car around and fled. 5/15/1974 #29106 ct with a row of body lights. They fled in fear with the object following. 6/6/1974 #29168 descend near a road. The witnesses fled in fear. 6/6/1974 #29170 faces were not visible. The family fled from their house in fear. 9/19/1974 #29464 and then all four of the witnesses fled the scene. Some glowing powder was 7/12/1975 #30174 only 70 cm in height. The witness fled the area. 8/12/1975 #30256 minated area "like daylight," cows fled. Emitted bright red light, humming 9/30/1975 #30399 ht, and made a humming sound. Cows fled from area. The UFO hovered for 3-5 9/30/1975 #30400 arby field. All of Fidel's friends fled in panic, so he was left behind alo 4/23/1976 #31019 minutes, the three male witnesses fled back to the car, where Mr. Chiasson 8/6/1976 #31241 ached Mark rapidly, who turned and fled for home, screaming. 4/20/1977 #32005 m, the girls became frightened and fled. When they reached a safer distance 5/18/1977 #32111 s between them. The other two boys fled, but Todd was entranced as this now 7/1977 #32219 nking orange lights. The young men fled back to Sturno, where they found th 8/30/1977 #32441 he slope. After the flash, the men fled back to the village. When they agai 8/30/1977 #32441 nking orange lights. The witnesses fled back to Sturno where they found thr 8/31/1977 #32446 e slope. After the flash the group fled back to the village. They returned 8/31/1977 #32446 fluoresced in bright colors. Sheep fled (NICAP UFOE II, Section VI). (NICAP 11/29/1977 #32705 fluoresced in bright colors. Sheep fled (NICAP UFOE II, Section VI). (NICAP 11/29/1977 #32706 fluoresced in bright colors. Sheep fled 11/29/1977 #32707 nd. Both men became frightened and fled in panic from the clearing. During 1/6/1978 #32856 e tracks. The frightened witnesses fled the area and later notified the pol 7/10/1978 #33363 the Patterson's car. The witnesses fled inside the house and called the she 8/21/1978 #33540 ter a brief struggle the creatures fled into the woods. The witness chased 11/24/1978 #33997 o witnesses in the car got out and fled. The UFO then shot away to the nort 11/29/1978 #34027 Tarranto, Italy. The two witnesses fled in terror. Radio interference was e 12/20/1978 #34184 amber, and violet lights. The men fled in fright. 12/25/1978 #34207 them how to light a cigarette they fled as if in terror, taking a mince pie 1/4/1979 #34296 hem how to light a cigarette, they fled in terror, taking a mince pie with 1/5/1979 #34304 engine or the door slam when they fled (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (NIC 4/19/1979 #34514 engine or the door slam when they fled. 4/19/1979 #34516 as Vizcacheras, Mendoza, Argentina fled their pen in panic. The noise from 5/1/1979 #34538 pistol at object circling the car, fled at high speed. Red dots like punctu 8/30/1981 #36091 pistol at object circling the car, fled at high speed. Red dots like punctu 8/30/1981 #36092 ure and the lights. Frightened, he fled the scene along with the other man 10/24/1981 #36185 amed light down onto truck. Driver fled, object followed and beamed light o 11/24/1981 #36230 amed light down onto truck. Driver fled, object followed and beamed light o 11/24/1981 #36231 ight. They were so frightened they fled to the basement. 1/9/1986 #37763 tion of the metal swings. The boys fled quickly into the home of one of the 8/31/1987 #38266 a few minutes nearly everyone had fled from the beach. 9/3/1989 #39089 smelling. The frightened witnesses fled the area on foot. 3/24/1990 #39485 d car, passed low overhead. Driver fled, looked back, saw object hovering o 3/27/1990 #39488 d car, passed low overhead. Driver fled, looked back, saw object hovering o 3/27/1990 #39489 he creature jumped over a wall and fled. It had claws and talons. 2/25/1991 #39984 dropped it during their panic and fled. They later returned to find both t 5/14/1991 #40060 like a baton in one hand. The man fled from the area and didn't return unt 2/9/1995 #42031 he pointed towards the witness who fled on his motorcycle. When he looked b 8/26/1995 #42417 in appearance. Terrified, the boys fled the area, but soon returned armed w 9/5/1997 #43395 llect shrubs and rocks. The youths fled the area and notified some nearby m 8/12/1998 #43629 unusual devices. The hairy beings fled into the woods when they noticed th 7/1/2001 #44200
too small to be considered a full fledged base; it was restricted, well gu 12/14/1980 #35716
Its distribution list includes the fledgling National Security Agency. 6/24/1953 #8970
rown from the buggy. As the horses flee, the ship lands, a rope comes down, 4/19/1897 #536 ll. He walks toward them, but they flee inside the ship, which ascends and 6/1914 #901 140 feet away. Two of the children flee but Pârvu and two others remain. Th Early 8/1939 #1312 curved metal feet. His assistants flee, but Higgens goes up to examine it. 7/23/1947 #3218 ower. Both Air Traffic Controllers flee in panic! 1/1949 #3949 rs / river / 60 minute(s). Animals flee. Going quickly [to] extremely fast. 8/1950 #5087 s. Bright saucers and night lights flee jet. Turn going quickly west and aw 12/29/1952 #8455 r feet on the floor. The two women flee the cabin. As they run, they pass a 3/22/1953 #8775 l witnesses saw seven small beings flee into a phosphorescent object when t 10/14/1954 #11042 ent, France saw seven small beings flee into a phosphorescent object when t 10/14/1954 #11063 edical examination. He attempts to flee at one point and grabs his rifle ly 8/26/1962 #17362 nintelligible sounds. The children flee, and one girl is admitted to the ho 9/19/1963 #17947 g down. Doors open. Rubber workers flee. / LDLN#84. 9/8/1965 #19533 sion, causing the two witnesses to flee in panic inside their farmhouse. 11/11/1965 #19713 ulsating sound. When they tried to flee the area in their car the car's eng 4/8/1966 #20277 g color to blue-green. He tried to flee, but the UFO zoomed past him making 5/6/1966 #20453 g color to blue-green. He tried to flee, but the UFO zoomed past him making 5/6/1966 #20455 came quite frightened and tried to flee, but all three girls quickly became 1/25/1967 #21388 t had fallen to ground and quickly flee to enter the craft. After a short t 8/13/1967 #22873 r that slid up. The boy started to flee, but a voice in Portuguese told him 9/14/1967 #23061 n run through a drainage ditch and flee. Their report stated that they thou 7/2/1968 #24136 l about. Low altitude. Observer(s) flee. 1/14/1973 #27234 s) / spacesuits and masks. Animals flee. / r83p219+/ r178. 10/22/1973 #28232 unfolds, causing the witnesses to flee. The craft changes to an orange glo 12/6/1973 #28533 ey turn the car around rapidly and flee. 5/15/1974 #29105 nous balls blocks D60. Observer(s) flee to police station. 5/20/1974 #29115 so that they leap from the car and flee the scene, leaving the car and the 9/16/1974 #29459 TOPPENISH RIDGE, WA Cows flee 3 7' figure(s) / ditch. 1 jumps 15' 12/14/1975 #30714 , khaki-brown suits. The witnesses flee back into the car. The object moves 8/6/1976 #31240 Seen / 4-5 minute(s). Observer(s) flee. 3/30/1977 #31934 their vehicle as they attempted to flee. It pounded angrily on their car an 4/12/1977 #31978 e. The witness was finally able to flee the area. 7/9/1978 #33362 cy Interference (RFI). Observer(s) flee. 12/20/1978 #34178 engine or the door slam when they flee. Everything reverts to normal when 4/19/1979 #34515 tol at the object and attempted to flee the scene. He was badly frightened 8/30/1981 #36093 woods / low altitude. Observer(s) flee. 10/5/1981 #36156 y appeared, and when he started to flee he heard a voice say, "Do not be af 5/9/1985 #37589 light. They are so frightened they flee to the basement. The building inspe 1/9/1986 #37762 tion of the metal swings. The boys flee quickly into the Springsteen home a 8/31/1987 #38265 er(s). Big glow / horizon. 3 / car flee. 45 minute(s) / missing time. All r 10/21/1989 #39178 and a slit for a mouth. The beings flee. The female Doberman is unharmed, b 3/31/1991 #40025 uh" sound. Observers lock door and flee? 3/15/1992? #40383 sses over, but they restart it and flee the area. They return the next morn 10/1/1995 #42529 IPIGUA, BRZ Birds flee. 12M silent metallic saucer going d 3/17/1996 #42827 , prompting the police officers to flee the scene in terror. 4/15/1996 #42870
le in Sandusky, Ohio, who watch a “fleecy white bulk” floating far away to 5/11/1897 #596 f Tucson, Arizona, see an unusual, fleecy cloud in an otherwise cloudless s Late 4/1947 #2266 standing on three legs, bathed in fleecy white light, and emitting a burni 7/1968 #24109 describes them as vaguely shaped, fleecy, and rotating slowly. They seem t 7/5/1972 #26774
ked one of them, Jesus Paz, before fleeing into a disk-shaped machine, whic 12/16/1954 #11822 Sr. Edrosa became panic stricken, fleeing on foot. Unnerved by the experie 9/21/1967 #23106 :30 p.m. when they noticed rabbits fleeing. They then noticed a landed dome 11/20/1968 #24673 snapped several photographs before fleeing the area. The pictures only vagu 3/28/1975 #29923 wo calves running toward him as if fleeing from something. Moments later he 12/14/1975 #30715 aulo state, Brazil birds were seen fleeing from a farming area at 5:30 p.m. 3/17/1992 #40385
becomes terrified, and the entity flees through a closed door. The entity 10/4/1898 #626 f towards the red light. The group flees in panic. Sheriff Robert L. Carr a 9/12/1952 #7905 It is over 600 feet long. Doridant flees, but Mougeolle walks toward it and Late 4/1954 #9720 igures emerge from a dome. The man flees. His dog also retreats a bit later Early 10/1954 #10609 ows blue smoke / rear. Observer(s) flees. / LDLN#320. 10/16/1954 #11129 e runs to attack the intruder, who flees with a soft whirring sound. A poli 10/19/1954 #11243 ags. Possible landing. Observer(s) flees. / LDLN#319. 10/28/1954 #11459 hrow them inside the UFO. Dainelli flees, glancing back only once. 11/1/1954 #11518 ng like a clock pendulum.” The man flees to his car but finds it will not s Late 7/1955 #12285 f ammunition, and the entire group flees in terror in two cars and drives a 8/21/1955 #12386 saucer lands / field. Observer(s) flees. Gone on return. / Lumieres dans l 7/1956 #12938 nd of screeching sound,” and Horne flees. 12/15/1956 #13404 ts him from seeing much detail. He flees on his cycle to a nearby home, whe 5/10/1957 #13653 oat. Orange fireball flares up and flees when hit / spotlight. / r242p12. 5/17/1958 #15040 and behind his car. Near panic, he flees the area with the object following 10/15/1966 #21006 e steps nearer to the witness, who flees. The object, surrounded by a pinki 8/24/1967 #22917 y, muscular, bipedal creature that flees upon being seen. It leaves tracks 5/18/1969 #25143 he light once more. Frightened, he flees to Aznalcóllar to inform his emplo 9/12/1971? #26330 re/orb/globe just over ground. Dog flees. Tree soon dies. / r231-1974#1p13. 7/25/1973 #27649 floats toward the object, the boy flees the scene and unsuccessfully tries 7/22/1975 #30200 ck, apparently from the craft, and flees in terror. The light goes out, and 9/9/1976 #31362 xtremely low altitude. Observer(s) flees when sphere/orb/globe aims beam. 6/24/1978 #33301 head. Observer(s) turns around and flees. 4/12/1981 #35890 the top of the object. The witness flees the scene. 1/9/1987 #38096 places its hands over its eyes and flees into the woods. 5/17/1996 #42904 w meters over paddock. Observer(s) flees. 10/22/1996 #43090
FLEET, DORSET 1+2 observer(s). Silver sa 12/8/1733 #59 and proceeds to circle around the fleet. An anonymous sailor on security d 8/5/1942 #1430 cles huge United States Navy (USN) fleet / 10K mph. / r65. 10/9/1942 (approximate) #1454 the Guadalcanal invasion U.S. Navy fleet radar detected an incoming unident 10/9/1942 #1455 000 feet some 10 miles west of the fleet. Before they can reach altitude, t 2/7/1945 #1774 ea preparing to rejoin the Seventh Fleet. Gunner Cpl. Donald Pratt is prepa 3/22/1945 #1820 n airspace over, Korea UFO Circles Fleet of Fourteen Ships / Tracked By Rad 1951 #5374 t has apparently been circling the fleet at an altitude of 5,000 feet and s Fall 1951 #5686 OFF KOREA Object circles fleet. 15+air and ships RADAR's / 7 hour 10/15/1951? #5727 nside, and shortly thereafter the "fleet" took off, one object at a time. Summer 1952 #6575 r a U.S. Carrier ship out with the fleet between England and Scandinavia. A 9/20/1952 #7983 photographer doing a story of the fleet exercise took pictures of the UFO 9/20/1952 #7983 e moving across the sky behind the fleet. Photographer Wallace Litwin takes 9/20/1952 #7987 from the direction of the English fleet. It was tracked on radar then disa 9/21/1952 #7990 rom the direction of the Mainbrace fleet. It eludes their pursuit and disap 9/21/1952 #7998 LYON, FR Doctor and 15. Fleet / large dinner-plate saucers. Silv 9/29/1954 (approximate) #10493 the US Navy develop a secret space fleet using antigravity technology. Tom 3/1/1955 #12027 to create a competing secret space fleet. Tompkins also claims before the e 3/1/1955 #12027 ally photographed the entire Bison fleet; there is no bomber at any of the 7/9/1956 #12957 i-Aircraft guns/teams guns fire on fleet / UFO's. See above. / r47p51+/ r21 7/24/1957 #13822 Groom Lake, Nevada The A-12 fleet at Groom Lake, Nevada, is now oper 1/1963 #17623 nds another priority telex tasking Fleet Diving Unit Atlantic with carrying 10/4/1967 #23176 h. A detachment of RCN divers from Fleet Diving Unit Atlantic is assembled 10/4/1967 #23176 nearly causing an accident in the fleet. The naval patrol goes on alert, a Early 1968 #23635 aval patrol goes on alert, and the fleet commander orders his men to prepar Early 1968 #23635 deployment to Vietnam with the 7th Fleet, the destroyer USS Leary is naviga 1969 #24805 Salisbury Plain, UK Fleet of "Spaceships" Tracked on Radar ( 1971 #25957 A fleet of discs, 9-11 objects in a V-form 11/9/1973 #28398 hovers over clouds east / US Navy fleet / 10 minute(s). Going quickly nort 5/3/1975 #30019 Bizerte Airport, Tunisia US Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean 7:50 p.m. Rad 8/8/1976 #31247 rtment asking whether the US Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean can shed any 8/8/1976 #31247 me concern in the Soviet Navy, and Fleet Admiral Nikolai Ivanovich Smirnov 10/7/1977 #32559 San Martin department, Peru A fleet of six UFOs was seen by Peruvian f 12/25/1978 #34203 A fleet of six UFOs was seen by Peruvian f 12/25/1978 #34207 tracking station Early morning. A fleet of 10–15 UFOs alarms people in Cho 5/9/1979 #34552 SANTIAGO, CHL Fleet / huge pear-shapes stop / 3 minute 2/11/1980 #35163 in Rosario, Argentina said that a "fleet of flying saucers" was seen by sev 6/14/1980 #35371 Wing in 1989. In 1992, the entire fleet is transferred to Holloman Air For 1984 #37095 / observer(s) and radio announcer. Fleet / 15-20 saucers east going quickly 2/4/1984 #37177 d Reagan alludes to a secret space fleet in an entry in his diary. He state 6/11/1985 #37600 rident nuclear ballistic submarine fleet. It hovers over a playground. Rand 8/31/1987 #38265 rident nuclear ballistic submarine fleet in Bangor, Washington and hovered 8/31/1987 #38266 ork Adm. Bernard A. Clarey Pacific Fleet Holloman AFB, New Mexico Milton Wi 12/18/1988 #38755 commander in chief of the Pacific Fleet, he had seen two documents, Projec 12/18/1988 #38755 0h huge red saucer. 1321h / 19 May fleet / grey saucers. 5/18/1990 #39575 f Knob Noster, Missouri, where the fleet is based. 12/17/1993 #41331 developed, there is a secret space fleet using this technology, and he over 1998 #43481 :17 p.m. the entire Russian Baltic Fleet and a large number of local reside 4/18/2003 #44516 It passed directly over the Baltic Fleet, which lay at anchor in Kaliningra 4/18/2003 #44516 ough officially retired, the F-117 fleet remains intact and photos show the 4/22/2008 #45130 Virginia Naval Air Station Oceana Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Faci 11/18/2013 #45395 , Strike Fighter Wing Atlantic and Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Faci 11/18/2013 #45395 Russia (home to the Russian Baltic fleet), is intercepted the next day. The 10/16/2014 #45417 t River St. Mary’s County Maryland Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Faci 2/13/2019 #45562 r balloon” at 27,000 feet. Neither Fleet Area Control and Surveillance Faci 2/13/2019 #45562
ight for several nights. Some have fleeting glimpses of the swiftly moving 4/1917 #954 id the UFO sightings lasted from a fleeting moment to twelve minutes. "They 10/10/1973 #27984 in a different area of town get a fleeting glimpse of a 6–7-foot tall crea 1/15/1981 #35792 nd aviation experts were based on “fleeting glimpses of U-2 and SR-71 spy p 8/3/1997 #43365
WASHINGTON, DC 1st great DC wave. Fleets / saucers. 1 going [to] 7k MPH. R 7/19/1952 #6917 age. Objects appear singly and in “fleets” and are described variously as “ 6/14/1980 #35368
FLEETWOOD, PA 2 observer(s) / car. Sauce 2/24/1982 #36362 Fleetwood, PA A bright round, lighted ob 2/24/1982 #36363 lighted object flew over a car in Fleetwood, Pennsylvania. Its passage was 2/24/1982 #36363 lighted object flew over a car in Fleetwood, Pennsylvania. Its passage was 2/24/1982 #36366
FLEISHMANNS, NY Group / students. Solid 5/30/1962 (approximate) #17212
FLEMALLE, BELGIUM Delta/triangle/box-lik 2/15/1990 #39419 ST. GEORGES AND FLEMALLE, BELGIUM Several observer(s). D 3/18/1990 #39466
(CalTech physicist), and Cmdr. Ian Fleming (Admiralty). 9/6/1944 #1665 FLEMING, NY Fireball swoops quickly goin 4/24/1966 #20393 State Highway 34B Fleming, New York Night. Marvin and Viol 4/24/1966 #20404 ainstorm on State Highway 34B near Fleming, New York, when a “brilliant, fl 4/24/1966 #20404 p.m., Higdon radios his boss, Roy Fleming of the AM Well Service in Rawlin 10/15/1974 #29531 by a rescue party, which includes Fleming, the Carbon County sheriff, a de 10/15/1974 #29531 hovering for 15 minutes. Laurence Fleming reported that at around 11:50 p. 4/12/2003 #44513
Flemingsburg, KY Dayt. Daylight disc, on 10/3/1977 #32549 k of the craft, was then seen over Flemingsburg, Kentucky at 2:30 a.m. 10/31/2008 #45183
FLEMINGTON, NJ White ovoid buzzes car. L 7/27/1964 (approximate) #18442 Flemington, New Jersey A whitish, ellipt 7/30/1964 #18459 FLEMINGTON, NJ 2+many. Orange sphere/orb 1/28/1984 #37160 Flemington, NJ 6:30 PM. A young couple s 1/28/1984 #37161 Flemington, New Jersey 6:30 p.m. A young 1/28/1984 #37162 Jersey 6:30 p.m. A young couple in Flemington, New Jersey, notice an orange 1/28/1984 #37162 ere was seen to land on a ridge in Flemington, New Jersey. Two witnesses sa 1/28/1984 #37163
nselen in Antwerp, Belgium, as the Flemish counterpart to the Groupement po 1979 #34255
vening two children in Moulin Sous Fleron, Liege, Belgium were frightened b 9/10/1975 #30351
, BRZ Night light zaps man / beam. Flesh falls off! Dies. / Flying Saucer R 3/5/1946 #1972 s being literally cooked, with his flesh detaching from his bones, injuries 3/5/1946 #1973 bird. His arms are burned and the flesh on his fingers is falling off. His 3/5/1946 #1973 e ground. A little while later his flesh looked like it had been cooked, as 3/5/1946 #1974 liamson writes Other Tongues—Other Flesh (although it bears a copyright dat 1957 #13430 rs notice the soot embedded in his flesh. The burns respond well to treatme 6/2/1964 #18321 h similar to "a cluster of several flesh colored heads looking at me;" he s 1/26/1972 #26556 instrument that can punch through flesh and bone, usually in the neck regi 2/1975 #29780 wo human-like beings over 6' tall, flesh color, large bright eyes. Pointed 6/22/1976 #31127 were not damaged and fused to the flesh, and sent to WPAFB for deep freeze 1977 #31658 ave been dead for 5 hours) and the flesh underneath is found to be discolor 3/24/1978 #33077 with abnormal eyes and grey/yellow flesh that had been charred. Mary believ 3/16/1991 #40015 lmond-shaped eyes. The beings took flesh samples from her legs and back, le 11/8/1993 #41266 deep eyes, and a very "convoluted" flesh, who ordered him to lie down. This 9/11/1994 #41734
FLESHER PASS, MT Truck and motor and lig 10/18/1975 #30438
Author and military historian Fletcher Pratt initiated rumor waves in Early 1950 #4465 belardo Marquez, posted on the USS Fletcher near Eniwetak Atoll for the upc Late 10/1952 #8185 search engineers (James A. Winker, Fletcher L. Bartholomew, and Richard J. 10/15/1953 #9230 English Channel, UK Fletcher/Lemon Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Av 10/18/1953 #9239 Woolston, England 11:15 p.m. Janet Fletcher is stopped at a traffic light i 10/29/1978 #33889 near some railway tracks by Ms. J. Fletcher, a woman in her twenties. The U 10/29/1978 #33890
FLETRANGE-ELVANGE, FR 2 observer(s). Fir 8/11/1993 #41127
WEST / FLEURE, FR 6M orange-glowing-cylinder/ci 6/13/1947 #2326 At 11:30 p.m. west of Fleure, France a six-meter long, glowing 6/13/1947 #2327
Fleurus, Belgium 5:28 a.m. Mme. Bouffiou 11/22/1990 #39898 lying awake in bed at her home in Fleurus, Belgium, when she senses an int 11/22/1990 #39898
Fleury-d'Aude, France 9:00 p.m. A dozen 11/22/1968 #24684 Fleury-d'Aude, France A dozen witnesses 11/22/1968 #24685 At 9:00 p.m. a dozen witnesses in Fleury-d'Aude, France saw a lens-shaped 11/22/1968 #24690
FLEURY-EN-BIERE, FR 3 / car. White light 5/24/1967 #22391
d. It had no sails, and eventually flew off to the south after 33 minutes. 2/8/1672 #48 wo objects, one red and one green, flew overhead together, moving with an u 8/6/1860 #157 ng lights and making engine noises flew low over this town. Local people al 7/1868 #173 ng lights and making engine noises flew low over this town. Local people al 7/1868 #174 o four connected sections while it flew against the wind. Behind it trailed 3/22/1870 #185 on an object resembling a haystack flew on an irregular course. Sometimes h 12/7/1872 #194 on an object resembling a haystack flew on an irregular course. Sometimes h 12/7/1872 #195 nd an object resembling a haystack flew on an irregular course at one o'clo 12/7/1872 #196 ogether with "remarkable slowness" flew across the sky, visible about three 1877 #209 ng from a "strange balloon," which flew over them. It was shaped like a fis 3/26/1880 #228 ng from a "strange balloon," which flew over them. It was shaped like a fis 3/26/1880 #229 age was not understood. The object flew low over Galisteo Junction and rose 3/26/1880 #229 ng from a "strange balloon," which flew over them. It was shaped like a fis 3/26/1880 #231 age was not understood. The object flew low over Galisteo Junction and rose 3/26/1880 #231 A procession of numerous objects flew over the Palermo Observatiory in Si 11/30/1880 #241 A huge fireball flew over Lake Glasfjorden near Arvika, 2/5/1883 #252 aped UFO (globe with central ring) flew slowly overhead. [Credit: Charles F 7/3/1884 #260 rose to an altitude of 16 meters, flew against the wind, and came close to 11/12/1885 #272 ." It rose to an altitude of 16 m, flew against the wind, and came close to 11/12/1887 #281 ." It rose to an altitude of 16 m, flew against the wind, and came close to 11/12/1887 #282 f light in all directions. It then flew to the southeast and examined the M 11/24/1896 #357 he overflight as the unknown craft flew off to the southwest. 11/30/1896 #372 A large airship flew over the small town of Camptonville 12/7/1896 #376 east. It looked like a huge light, flew northwestward slowly, came to low a 3/28/1897 #399 east. It looked like a huge light, flew northwestward slowly, came to low a 3/28/1897 #400 p.m. It looked like a huge light, flew northwestward slowly, came to low a 3/28/1897 #401 ceiling. It came down slowly, then flew away very fast to the southeast. Wh 4/1/1897 #404 ceiling. It came down slowly, then flew away very fast to the southeast. Wh 4/1/1897 #405 d cover. It came down slowly, then flew away very fast to the southeast. Wh 4/1/1897 #409 ular shape and illuminated windows flew over a dairy farm in the western pa 4/8/1897 #419 he craft rose vertically, and then flew off quickly toward the north. 4/13/1897 #455 ch the object, it rose rapidly and flew toward the east. 4/14/1897 #460 alloon rose from the object, which flew up with it to an altitude of about 4/14/1897 #461 ch the object, it rose rapidly and flew toward the east. 4/14/1897 #473 lloon" rose from the object, which flew up with it to an altitude of about 4/14/1897 #474 and white light. After Hersman it flew ahead of the train and disappeared 4/15/1897 #485 ad one red and one white light. It flew ahead of the train and disappeared 4/15/1897 #499 yellow lights at the bow and stern flew to the north over Hudson, Michigan. 4/15/1897 #500 he north over Hudson, Michigan. It flew at an estimated altitude of 500 fee 4/15/1897 #500 hanging down ten feet below it. It flew at a speed of 25 miles per hour to 4/16/1897 #513 and then a 40-foot long dark shape flew over the town slowly. Witnesses tho 4/16/1897 #515 et altitude, then rose swiftly and flew out of sight. 4/16/1897 #515 wheels spin as the craft rose and flew away. 4/20/1897 #544 heels spin when the craft rose and flew away. 4/20/1897 #547 went back aboard the craft, which flew away toward the northeast. The man 4/25/1897 #572 imbed back aboard the craft, which flew away toward the northeast. The man 4/25/1897 #575 altitude of the cloud ceiling and flew to the northeast at a fantastic spe 4/26/1897 #578 altitude of the cloud ceiling and flew to the northeast at a fantastic spe 4/26/1897 #579 On this evening a mystery airship flew over Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It 5/1/1897 #585 flying object with a clear outline flew over Shiloh, Ohio and was reported 5/1/1897 #585 eron Bay, Ontario, Canada and then flew off inland to the north >N inland. 8/16/1897 #605 cts hovered 2 or 3 m above ground, flew toward a barn, came closer to each 1904 #665 cts hovered 2 or 3 m above ground, flew toward a barn, came closer to each 1904 #666 a.m., three large dull red bodies flew in from the northwest over the U.S. 2/28/1904 #671 arent size of the sun. The objects flew in an eschelon formation, flying ve 2/28/1904 #671 An intensely dark object flew over Llangollen, Gwynedd, Wales at 9/2/1905 #682 ect with a very strong searchlight flew over Peterborough, England at 5:10 3/23/1909 #726 s searchlight nine times, and then flew off quickly toward Peterborough. At 5/9/1909 #734 land said a torpedo-shaped airship flew silently to the west toward Southen 5/9/1909 #734 It made a rattling motor sound and flew off to the north. It was back again 5/12/1909 #736 ort Bridge for 10 minutes, then it flew away. At 11:30 p.m. an observer on 5/15/1909 #747 ported that a cigar-shaped airship flew into a strong wind to the north-nor 5/16/1909 #751 ollowing a west to east trajectory flew over the town. It gave off a strong 6/16/1909 #775 ollowing a west to east trajectory flew over the town. It gave off a strong 6/16/1909 #776 An elongated object flew toward the east over the town of Do 6/16/1909 #777 a flying object shaped like a boat flew overhead toward the mountains in La 7/27/1909 #786 re were spooked by an airship that flew low overhead. It had lights in the 7/30/1909 #790 circled, it ascended upwards, and flew off toward Otakarama. It had a yell 7/30/1909 #791 . A flying fuselage-shaped airship flew over Dunedin, New Zealand later tha 7/31/1909 #795 n a dark, fat, cigar-shaped object flew over the hills around Fairfax, New 7/31/1909 #795 abin on the bottom, center, and it flew on towards the west. 7/31/1909 #795 e inside the craft, and the object flew "at a fast rate." 8/2/1909 #796 A dark silent cigar-shaped object flew slowly at a low altitude over Waihi 8/3/1909 #800 on the rear and a bright headlight flew overhead on this morning in Swift C 10/27/1910 #851 t eight o'clock in the evening. It flew very fast to the north. 3/6/1912 #859 e witnesses including police as it flew over Dover, Kent, England southeast 1/4/1913 #867 he UFO made a whirring sound as it flew. The main witness was named Parker. 2/28/1913 #885 A large dark airship flew at a low altitude near Bigfork, Mon 2/9/1915 #924 uminous blimp-shaped flying object flew over Huntington, West Virginia at e 7/19/1916 #951 wo foot wide, intense glowing ball flew slowly at a low altitude over Shutt 1/22/1919 #984 Pleasant, Iowa, then took off and flew away to the west. It made no noise. 6/3/1920 #1000 on side make a hissing sound as it flew over Akron, Ohio at 9:45 p.m. It th 7/14/1925 #1050 ct that reflected the sunlight. It flew from north to south, then changed d 8/5/1927 #1078 south, then changed direction and flew off to the southeast. The UFO was i 8/5/1927 #1078 .m. The object took off slowly and flew away. The grass was flattened where 4/15/1930 #1113 seven brilliant objects in a group flew from 30 degrees elevation in the ea 1932 #1134 , had clearly visible details, and flew off to the north. 10/10/1935 #1235 -meter long fuselage-shaped object flew toward the west over Marle-sur-Serr 8/27/1938 #1292 ledo, Ohio a dark ellipsoid object flew toward the northeast making a sizzl 5/30/1940 #1337 t flying in a triangular formation flew in from the northwest, moving very 2/25/1942 #1391 ps coming in from the sea. As they flew over aircraft factories and this wa 2/25/1942 #1391 n this night a cigar-shaped object flew over Turin, Italy. It was 200-300 f 11/28/1942 #1465 It was 200-300 feet in length and flew at an estimated 500 mph. It had fou 11/28/1942 #1465 t 9:50 a.m. a round, orange object flew alongside and then dove at an Army 4/5/1943 #1493 rections over Chauny, France. They flew at a high altitude, and were absolu 6/4/1943 #1510 m. a big orange moon-shaped object flew overhead at low altitude in Gardouc 8/30/1944 #1651 t when the object turned white. It flew off to the north. 8/30/1944 #1651 bout the size of a full moon which flew around in the vicinity of our flyin 7/1945 #1886 moving, silent cigar-shaped object flew over Houdain, France. Its surface w 7/20/1945 #1904 A cigar-shaped object flew over Gavle, Sweden from the east to 7/7/1946 #2030 oked like a silvery thermos bottle flew over Jarna, Sweden. There were six 7/9/1946 #2042 shaped 'rocket' cast shadows as it flew over Turku, Finland from south to n 7/9/1946 #2043 d UFO with luminous portholes that flew in front of the plane. The cylinder 8/1/1946 #2101 A cigar-shaped object flew over central Norrland, Sweden this 8/3/1946 #2103 whistling sound as several of them flew overhead in the town of Bourges, Ch 8/24/1946 #2157 obatics for 20 minutes. The object flew away quickly to the west-northwest 5/19/1947 #2295 d Fred Platte in Waverly, Iowa. It flew just above the top of a 180-foot gr 6/2/1947 #2311 ore it was obscured by trees as it flew away. 6/2/1947 #2311 een as it rose from the ground and flew up into the night sky. At the same 6/10/1947 #2320 ening. The objects wavered as they flew, and shot off at extreme speeds tow 6/17/1947 #2337 They tilted back and forth as they flew. One object was definitely crescent 6/24/1947 #2402 ess ratio. He clocked them as they flew past Mount Adams, and calculated th 6/24/1947 #2402 is day, nine shiny discs with fins flew over La Grande, Oregon, weaving in- 6/26/1947 #2420 he UFO made a swishing sound as it flew away. 6/28/1947 #2449 lerations and 90 degree turns, and flew off toward the south. Their sightin 6/28/1947 #2451 the sky over Organ, New Mexico. It flew off to the north at 9,000 feet alti 6/29/1947 #2468 hite saucers flying in V-formation flew over Medford, Oregon at a speed of 6/29/1947 #2469 Oregon at a speed of 120 mph. They flew in a spiral over the airport, and a 6/29/1947 #2469 white oval and disc-shaped objects flew over Clarion, Iowa at 4:45 p.m. The 6/29/1947 #2470 maneuvered for 15 minutes. It then flew north toward the Columbia River. 7/1/1947 #2528 object three feet in diameter. It flew off toward the southeast with a wav 7/1/1947 #2529 rtled over Mount Franklin and then flew off towards Mexico. 7/1/1947 #2531 9:58 p.m a red disc-shaped object flew north to south at an extremely fast 7/1/1947 #2532 hirteen silver disc-shaped objects flew over Albuquerque, New Mexico. They 7/1/1947 #2533 over Albuquerque, New Mexico. They flew first toward the south, then turned 7/1/1947 #2533 en turned to the east, and finally flew off to the west. A blue disc was al 7/1/1947 #2533 th a white head and green body. It flew at a moderate speed over a meadow a 7/3/1947 #2588 ved back to her, and then the disc flew away in silence. 7/4/1947 #2674 routdale, Oregon a V-shaped object flew toward the northeast over the Colum 7/4/1947 #2676 er, Washington 20-30 round objects flew toward the west and south in straig 7/4/1947 #2676 ing of twelve plate-shaped objects flew over a couple while they were out f 7/4/1947 #2676 gt of Edgerton, Wisconsin. The UFO flew fast across the sky but was back ag 7/4/1947 #2678 tic trajectories. 10K' altitude. 1 flew going quickly east. No further deta 7/5/1947 #2684 lbuquerque, NM 9:00 AM. Five discs flew toward the east over the city; one 7/5/1947 #2717 buquerque, New Mexico - Five discs flew toward the east over the city at 9 7/5/1947 #2728 silvery objects fluttering as they flew toward the east. A woman, an indepe 7/5/1947 #2731 haped object rotating slowly as it flew beneath the airliner. It was flying 7/5/1947 #2732 side-to-side three times and then flew away very fast to the southeast. 7/6/1947 #2806 then two more metallic ovoid craft flew in the direction of the ESE; descri 7/6/1947 #2821 e shiny discs in a delta formation flew high and fast toward the north acro 7/6/1947 #2822 thwest "faster than any plane." It flew at an estimated altitude of ten tho 7/6/1947 #2823 red to be gaining altitude as they flew. At the same time northwest of Rich 7/6/1947 #2825 00 feet. At 7:00 p.m. a black disc flew across the sky in Portsmouth, Virgi 7/6/1947 #2825 ,000 feet altitude. A round object flew across the sky to the west "awfully 7/6/1947 #2826 a light colored 40-foot wide disc flew just below the clouds in Edgewood, 7/6/1947 #2826 eemed to be gaining altitude as it flew toward the northwest. 7/6/1947 #2826 e in New Hampshire two large discs flew over the town of Londonderry, makin 7/6/1947 #2827 th a Maltese cross inscribed on it flew on a straight, northerly course ove 7/6/1947 #2827 discs whirled through the sky and flew off toward the west. Both the Air F 7/6/1947 #2829 was about 150 degrees. The saucer flew on edge at right angles to the plan 7/7/1947 #2835 . The UFO lifted off silently, and flew off to the southeast. 7/7/1947 #2944 attern, and then one of them later flew a tighter circle. 7/8/1947 #3009 ject was sighted by a farmer as it flew over Corapeake, North Carolina. It 7/8/1947 #3028 over Corapeake, North Carolina. It flew at an estimated 800 mph at 2,000 fe 7/8/1947 #3028 Washington. At 5:33 p.m. an object flew in a zigzag pattern over Pearl Harb 7/8/1947 #3028 iant disc close to the horizon. It flew from the southeast to the northwest 7/8/1947 #3028 Henderson (see 9 July 1991 entry) flew directly to Wright Field. https:// 7/8/1947 #3032 evening a one-meter diameter disc flew over Llano, Texas heading toward th 7/9/1947 #3075 wfoundland, CAN Disc-shaped object flew very fast, leaving a dark blue trai 7/10/1947 #3100 ucent disc- or wheel-shaped object flew very fast, leaving a dark blue trai 7/10/1947 #3101 diameter "cake pan" shaped object flew over at 600 meters altitude. 7/10/1947 #3114 m. EDT) in Skotfoss, Norway a disc flew across the sky from the northwest t 7/10/1947 #3116 They watched briefly while the UFO flew very fast, leaving a dark blue trai 7/10/1947 #3118 T a "flying tin lid" shaped object flew over Smyrna, Georgia at an incredib 7/10/1947 #3119 fect ring of light in the sky that flew toward the northeast at a constant 7/10/1947 #3120 As to motion, Arnold writes, “They flew like many times I have observed gee 7/12/1947 #3157 bright white, one-meter wide discs flew over New Cumberland, West Virginia 7/13/1947 #3172 other at 15-minute intervals. They flew away to the south. At 10:30 in Tope 7/13/1947 #3172 opeka, Kansas a disc-shaped object flew in from the northwest, stopped in m 7/13/1947 #3172 meters. At 7:20 p.m. a small disc flew over a farm south of Idaho Falls, I 7/14/1947 #3180 rse, low and slow. It tilted, then flew away to the southwest making an odd 7/14/1947 #3180 id object, half a meter in length, flew over the railroad freight house at 7/18/1947 #3198 bright, like polished silver, and flew at an estimated speed of 600 miles 7/21/1947 #3211 th estimated 15-25 foot diameters, flew 3-4 times the apparent speed of a P 7/29/1947 #3252 a P-80, also in sight. One object flew straight and level; the other weave 7/29/1947 #3252 th estimated 15-25 foot diameters, flew 3-4 times the apparent speed of a P 7/29/1947 #3256 a P-80, also in sight. One object flew straight and level; the other weave 7/29/1947 #3256 m. three dark metallic domed discs flew over the mountains of Areches, Savo 8/1/1947 #3282 ered in the sky at 10:00 p.m, then flew away. It came back 15 minutes and m 8/6/1947 #3302 nyon) and moving up and down as it flew. It seemed to be following the cont 8/13/1947 #3322 Idaho at around noon. The objects flew off to the south, at a speed estima 8/18/1947 #3347 ime as 12-15 round, silver objects flew an unstated pattern. 9/3/1947 #3382 1 hour while an undescribed object flew counterclockwise circles. 10/1947 #3439 ouds and red against the blue sky, flew straight at an estimated 380 m.p.h. 10/14/1947 #3456 y, hover, bank, then fly away. “He flew in an upright position and appeared 1/6/1948 #3533 y, hover, bank, then fly away. “He flew in an upright position and appeared 1/6/1948 #3534 es later 4 National Guard aircraft flew into the vicinity with Capt. Thomas 1/7/1948 #3536 rved a red disc-shaped object that flew at high speed, dove at a 45 degree 1/11/1948 #3556 ix meters above his hog barn, then flew over a shed. 2/1/1948 #3573 onclude that the “vehicle probably flew on magnetic lines of force.” Segmen 3/25/1948 #3598 Dr. George C. Tyler on 11/1949 he flew from Hollywood with Dr. Wang to the 4/1948 (estimated) #3599 and disappeared rapidly; the other flew in a fast arc to the west during th 4/5/1948 #3611 e, 1000 feet below an aircraft. It flew in the opposite direction of the wi 4/30/1948 #3635 s in the sky for three hours. They flew from east to west. Not meteors, acc 5/7/1948 #3644 Engineer saw elliptical UFO which flew horizontally, then ascended rapidly Summer 1948 #3676 metallic cigar-shaped object that flew from west to east over Alajarvi, Fi 7/15/1948 #3710 ered over the town at 9:30 p.m. It flew off rapidly toward the south at an 7/26/1948 #3744 d was white without any shine. It flew straight and level from horizon to 7/31/1948 #3759 It was white without any shine. It flew straight and level from horizon to 7/31/1948 #3761 d object with a transparent center flew slowly and silently over Columbus, 7/31/1948 #3762 ng metallic cylinder with no wings flew at a very high altitude and was see 8/3/1948 #3772 o avoid Phone lines and trees, and flew away to the northeast. An FBI man f 8/11/1948 #3778 oid telephone lines and trees, and flew away to the northeast. An FBI man f 8/11/1948 #3779 ur silver disc-shaped objects that flew fast from east to west, then flippe 8/15/1948 #3783 e its transparent dome. The object flew off to the east toward Madau. 9/13/1948 #3801 objects dropped from the disc and flew away to the southwest. The disc the 11/15/1948 #3877 ay to the southwest. The disc then flew off toward the northeast. 11/15/1948 #3877 operator. One round, white light flew for 25 seconds with varying speed, 12/3/1948 #3903 A silent green fireball flew over Bernal, New Mexico toward the 12/12/1948 #3927 c-shaped object that "blinked" and flew silently with a type of whitish ref 1/4/1949 #3960 e top of the craft looked dark. It flew at 3,000 feet altitude and circled 1/4/1949 #3960 esearch facility in New Mexico. It flew toward the southeast at the altitud 3/8/1949 #4042 , red and white flare-like objects flew in generally straight lines. 3/17/1949 #4048 in six cycles, descended, rocked, flew, rocked; all this was very fast. 4/3/1949 #4068 in six cycles, descended, rocked, flew, and rocked. All of these maneuvers 4/3/1949 #4070 for 40 minutes while it rolled and flew fast. 4/28/1949 #4124 Six silver discs flew in a wide circle over Homer, Michig 4/28/1949 #4131 long metallic cigar-shaped object flew over Tucson, Arizona at an estimate 4/28/1949 #4131 an estimated diameter of 10 meters flew over the desert to the southwest at 5/2/1949 #4138 , estimated to be 25' in diameter, flew 750-1,000 m.p.h. in a banked but s 5/9/1949 #4173 Tucson, Arizona at 2:30 p.m. They flew at a speed in excess of 750 mph in 5/9/1949 #4177 At 10:30 a.m. four gray discs flew over Houston, Alaska heading north. 5/11/1949 #4179 Mertz, they had thicker tops, and flew with a "decided list to the port si 5/11/1949 #4179 A 20-foot diameter disc flew over New Orleans, Louisiana going n 5/19/1949 #4197 A flat, metallic object flew ove a farm in Loudon, Tennessee on 5/25/1949 #4210 g as wide, and 1/5 as thick. They flew in trail formation, with an interva 5/27/1949 #4213 A silver disc-shaped object flew toward the northwest into Little Tu 6/2/1949 #4224 ng the west coast of Florida as it flew across the sky. 6/5/1949 #4226 umulus clouds. The ‘flying saucer’ flew at speed of from 10 to 15 mph over 6/22/1949 #4249 jects appeared to be metallic, and flew slowly toward the northwest. 6/22/1949 #4250 ted a gaseous cloud of vapor, then flew away over a hill. 6/27/1949 #4254 Eight metallic discs flew 300 meters over a boat in a lake at 7/8/1949 #4265 An unidentified nocturnal light flew over the city of Galveston, Texas t 7/18/1949 #4273 circle at the rear of each. They flew in a tight formation of twos with o 7/24/1949 #4282 five luminous disc-shaped objects flew in V-formation over Medford, Oregon 8/8/1949 #4314 lver objects, that were not birds, flew over Lubbock, Texas in groups of 3 9/14/1949 #4358 A yellow, rocket-shaped object flew within 100 feet under an airplane t 9/25/1949 #4369 d UFO emitted a cloud of smoke. It flew from the northwest to the southeast 9/26/1949 #4373 bjects, about four meters in size, flew toward the northeast at 6:40 p.m. T 9/26/1949 #4374 sed of luminous, translucent rings flew quickly to the south over Humboldt, 9/29/1949 #4378 lland, Michigan a very bright disc flew into a cloud heading west, then exi 10/2/1949 #4383 the cloud from the same point and flew off rapidly to the east. 10/2/1949 #4383 ter long cigar-shaped object as it flew 100 meters overhead towards the nor 10/28/1949 #4405 Dr. George C. Tyler on 11/1949 he flew from Hollywood with Dr. Wang to the 11/1949 #4407 na and Inez, Texas at 2:30 p.m. It flew off rapidly to the south toward Edn 11/25/1949 #4426 them to Scotland for a meeting. He flew them to Scotland and remained with Early 1950's #4457 s in the inky colored sky. The UFO flew by him and disappeared in the south 1/22/1950 #4499 Three orange cylinders flew to the north at 1600 km/h over Elme 1/26/1950 #4514 A 30-foot wide cone-shaped object flew in over the shoreline at Alameda Na 2/7/1950 #4532 utes through a theodolite while it flew straight and level. 2/24/1950 #4553 onds through a theodolite while it flew straight and level. 2/24/1950 #4555 tapered ends, silver and flashing, flew slow and hen fast, fluttered and os 2/25/1950 #4558 , and had tapered ends. The object flew slowly and then sped up, fluttered 2/25/1950 #4559 h light descended vertically, then flew straight and level very fast for 4 3/3/1950 #4575 It appeared to change shape as it flew off toward the southeast. In the af 3/5/1950 #4584 ers altitude for a few minutes. It flew off in a southwesterly direction to 3/12/1950 #4620 n gestured. The craft took off and flew to the northeast. 3/14/1950 #4634 ing it smaller shining streaks. It flew from the southeast to the northwest 3/14/1950 #4636 more than 30 seconds, then the UFO flew off toward the northwest. 3/15/1950 #4644 rose with a faint hum. Both craft flew away toward Chile, leaving bluish t 3/18/1950 #4674 ting an aluminum colored disc that flew silently toward the southwest at be 3/18/1950 #4678 , New Mexico around noon, and then flew away at an estimated 1000 mph. A lu 3/18/1950 #4679 rose with a faint hum. Both craft flew away toward Chile, leaving bluish t 3/18/1950 #4680 hich flashed 3 times in 9 seconds, flew at not less than 1,000 m.p.h. It wa 3/20/1950 #4689 ia. They were silver in color, and flew at 30,000 feet altitude at a speed 3/26/1950 #4732 econds through binoculars while it flew high and fast, crossing 30 degree o 3/28/1950 #4748 b. bombs, estimated 5 feet long. Flew 500 m.p.h. and descended, making a 3/29/1950 #4762 Three discs flew in formation over Autaugaville, Ala 3/30/1950 #4770 p.m. They went up, down, and then flew away. Thirty-eight minutes later Mr 3/30/1950 #4770 day. It made a roaring sound as it flew. 4/6/1950 #4803 he morning a silver, rotating disc flew over a pen factory in Fort Madison, 4/7/1950 #4819 t. It hovered for 2 minutes, then flew away. Baker aroused from sleep by 4/8/1950 #4829 ly nine feet in diameter, and they flew faster than conventional aircraft. 4/17/1950 #4860 nd circled a hill. The saucer then flew off to the north, while the "kites" 4/18/1950 #4866 ff to the north, while the "kites" flew off to the south. 4/18/1950 #4866 ning sky over Clarendon, Texas. It flew slowly and vertically. 4/19/1950 #4871 with a "swooshing roar" as sparks flew from a slot under it. Minutes later 4/20/1950 #4876 with a "swooshing roar" as sparks flew from a slot under it. Minutes later 4/20/1950 #4877 a 200 foot long cone-shaped device flew over the Vancouver, British Columbi 4/25/1950 #4897 jet, and at 28,000 feet turned and flew away. At 8:25 p.m. a huge reddish-o 4/27/1950 #4911 At 10:00 p.m. a squadron of discs flew in circles for 20 minutes above the 5/6/1950 #4928 f attempting to rise" and suddenly flew out of sight at high speed. 5/7/1950 #4931 and forth for 10 minutes and then flew up and away. Note in case file: " 5/7/1950 #4932 f attempting to rise" and suddenly flew out of sight at high speed. 5/7/1950 #4933 the grass on fire. It took off and flew to the west. There was an OSI inves 5/17/1950 #4950 ading to the north, but turned and flew off to the east. 5/21/1950 #4960 ed like two dishpans face-to-face, flew straight and level, fast for 4-5 se 6/27/1950 #5016 wtie, and like polished aluminum. Flew straight and level, then one triang 7/13/1950 #5063 was made of polished aluminum. It flew straight and level, then one triang 7/13/1950 #5066 n 600 meters of the objects, which flew away at "an incredible speed," caus 7/20/1950 #5075 linder appeared to explode when it flew into the propeller of DC-3 over Wil 7/30/1950 #5084 cut lengthwise, and wobbled as it flew. It also "sparkled in the sunlight. 8/4/1950 #5106 r. One small, round, bright object flew fast, straight and level for 15-20 8/20/1950 #5131 L.W. Brauer reported that the UFO flew fast, straight and level for 15-20 8/20/1950 #5133 pole down from it into the water, flew at 3-5 m.p.h. and 15-20' altitude 8/30/1950 #5149 from it into the water. The object flew very slowly at 3-5 mph just 15-20-f 8/30/1950 #5151 c spheres, 100 feet diameter, that flew in a perfect line formation. 10/15/1950 #5238 southeast, hovered 3-5 seconds and flew away to the south-south-east at end 10/23/1950 #5252 sc-shaped objects. All three craft flew off to the north. The witnesses wer 10/30/1950 #5259 core, shaped like a pear or bean. Flew for 5-10 minutes with rapid, dartin 11/5/1950 #5264 At 3:20 p.m. a disc-shaped UFO flew from the southwest to the northeast 11/23/1950 #5286 Montgomery, Alabama. A second disc flew from the southwest to the northeast 11/23/1950 #5286 st to the northeast, then two more flew from the south to the north at a hi 11/23/1950 #5286 At 10:30 a.m. six elliptical UFOs flew over Evansville, Wisconsin in a loo 11/27/1950 #5295 ersfield, California at 9:08 p.m., flew parallel to it for a short while, t 11/27/1950 #5295 econds in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. It flew to the east, then turned and flew o 12/5/1950 #5321 flew to the east, then turned and flew off to the northwest. A separate wi 12/5/1950 #5321 ate witness saw it and reported it flew off to the west. 12/5/1950 #5321 d when the object hovered; then it flew away very fast. 12/6/1950 #5328 ennessee. It faded to a star, then flew away to the northwest. There was ra 12/18/1950 #5357 aped objects with wingspans of 15’ flew over US Highway 81 south of Forth W 1/8/1951 #5388 side, they circled the balloon and flew away to the northeast. The second 1/16/1951 #5402 and flashed once every second. It flew off to the west. 1/22/1951 #5414 -shaped object with darker center, flew straight and level. 2/21/1951 #5455 ong and 90' wide, turned north and flew at incredible speed. Two minutes. 3/13/1951 #5480 a. It made a turn to the north and flew off at an incredible speed. A Proje 3/13/1951 #5481 haust when it accelerated. The UFO flew toward the southwest and then vanis 3/15/1951 #5490 aped object with arc-shaped wings, flew straight up. Seen for 30-40 seconds 6/1/1951 #5534 e making repairs, then the objects flew to about 100 m altitude and climbed 6/19/1951 #5545 e making repairs, then the objects flew to about 100 m altitude and climbed 6/19/1951 #5547 aldo, Peru at 4:50 p.m. The object flew off toward the north, emitting fog 7/19/1951 #5579 ed greyish with many black spots. Flew 800-1,000 m.p.h. at 1-2,000' altitu 7/24/1951 #5584 ny black spots and fins at one end flew at 900 mph at an altitude of 1500 f 7/24/1951 #5585 et and the crowd below. The bubble flew off towards the north-northeast. 8/1/1951 #5592 e countryside like a full moon. It flew very fast, came close to the train, 8/26/1951 #5632 lights in an irregular formation, flew straight and level into a coastal f 9/6/1951 #5652 egular formation at 7:20 p.m. They flew straight and level into a coastal f 9/6/1951 #5654 ne bright oval with a clipped tail flew straight and level, fading into the 10/2/1951 #5698 l Airport. One round silver object flew directly overhead, reaching the hor 10/9/1951 #5714 sighted a round silver object that flew directly overhead. The UFO reached 10/9/1951 #5716 countryside like the full moon. It flew very fast, came close to the train, 10/26/1951 #5746 countryside like the full moon. It flew very fast, came close to the train, 10/26/1951 #5747 ch approached within a few meters, flew away, seemed to play with them. Eve 11/2/1951 #5762 ached to within a few meters, then flew away, seeming to play with them. Ev 11/2/1951 #5765 age or tail). Estimated 8' span. Flew straight and level for 5 seconds. 11/24/1951 #5788 skies over Mankato, Minnesota. It flew over two Air National Guard F-51 fi 11/24/1951 #5791 e object, white-grey but not shiny flew above ridge to clouds and back agai 12/7/1951 #5811 minutes, made 90 degree turns, and flew away at twice the speed of a jet. I 1/7/1952 #5862 object with a long blue tail that flew beneath a solid overcast (NICAP: 01 1/20/1952 #5867 the bottom and green at both ends, flew over London, England on this night. 2/13/1952 #5903 than it was wide, with a tail. It flew with rapid pulsations, came in high 2/23/1952 #5924 orange-yellow saucer-shaped light flew straight and level very fast for 30 3/20/1952 #5964 ll, very thin, shiny metallic disc flew alongside the AT-6, then made a pas 3/29/1952 #5990 ular object, followed by two more, flew straight and level at high speed. 4/5/1952 #6031 wed by two more objects. All three flew straight and level at high speed. 4/5/1952 #6033 dena AFB, Japan from the north. It flew straight and level at first at an e 4/5/1952 #6035 es while a dark shape with a light flew as fast as 330 knots (380 mph). It 4/5/1952 #6035 s 330 knots (380 mph). It hovered, flew curves and performed a variety of m 4/5/1952 #6035 California. It made no sound as it flew and left no contrail. 4/8/1952 #6046 oon six silent disc-shaped objects flew over Temiscaming, Quebec leaving va 4/11/1952 #6057 Quebec leaving vapor trails. They flew in an up-and-down motion, and were 4/11/1952 #6057 0 p.m. a silent green ovoid object flew to the north in Hammond, British Co 4/11/1952 #6058 . R. McRae. One round amber object flew fast, stopped, reversed direction, 4/12/1952 #6062 sighted a round amber object that flew fast, stopped, reversed direction, 4/12/1952 #6064 lot. Several light colored objects flew in V-formation. No further details 4/14/1952 #6077 and 1' high, with vertical slots, flew fast, straight and level, 100 yards 4/14/1952 #6078 t of unidentified nocturnal lights flew silently to the north slowly, pulsa 4/15/1952 #6084 on, AZ Flat-white, circular object flew with an irregular trajectory (NICAP 4/17/1952 #6100 ton. One round, deep orange object flew fast and erratic, occasionally emit 4/17/1952 #6103 . One flat-white, circular object flew with an irregular trajectory and a 4/17/1952 #6104 ts. One flat-white circular object flew for 5-10 seconds in a very erratic 4/18/1952 #6119 nge-yellow lights in a V-formation flew overhead silently for 4-8 seconds, 4/18/1952 #6120 ave. One round, yellow-gold object flew south and returned during 1.5 minut 4/18/1952 #6121 me round, yellow-gold object as it flew to the south and then returned. His 4/18/1952 #6126 40-degree V or U-formation as they flew overhead silently for eight seconds 4/18/1952 #6127 p.m. a silvery cigar-shaped object flew over Brooklyn, New York. It had a l 4/19/1952 #6132 e object for its entire length. It flew into a cloud, causing a sparkling l 4/19/1952 #6132 a.m. eight crescent-shaped objects flew over Walla Walla, Washington. A dul 4/21/1952 #6148 hum." It left no vapor trail, and flew at an estimated speed of 300 mph. 4/21/1952 #6148 loose "fingertip" formation twice flew parallel to airplane during 3-4 min 4/24/1952 #6175 med Buruish. Two flat, red squares flew wobbly in level flight, climbed, le 4/24/1952 #6176 A third silver cigar-shaped object flew by at high speed. Sightings lasted 4/27/1952 #6198 A third silver cigar-shaped object flew by at high speed. These sightings l 4/27/1952 #6200 m colored cigar-shaped object that flew over 30 miles to the north in less 4/27/1952 #6201 man. One round, white object which flew straight, with a side-to-side oscil 4/29/1952 #6213 sighted a round, white object that flew straight and low but with a side-to 4/29/1952 #6218 y. One silver object without wings flew straight and level for 1.5 minutes. 5/1/1952 #6239 iameter of a C-47's wingspan (95') flew fast, made a 90^ turn in a formatio 5/1/1952 #6240 ct circled the area, while another flew away and then came back. This case 5/5/1952 #6261 ull white, arrowhead-shaped object flew straight and level for 10 seconds. 5/9/1952 #6282 werplant in Mishawaka, Indiana. It flew off quickly toward St. Joseph Airpo 5/9/1952 #6283 south at a very low altitude. They flew straight and level for a short peri 5/10/1952 #6299 , and weaved left to right as they flew. Four DuPont workers were the witne 5/10/1952 #6299 this morning a cigar-shaped object flew back and forth in the sky several t 5/13/1952 #6318 t having dark sections on its rim, flew straight and level for 30 minutes, 5/25/1952 #6360 ne white-silver disc-shaped object flew straight and fast for 2 minutes. 5/28/1952 #6374 ubble dome on the top. Each object flew at an estimated altitude of between 5/29/1952 #6385 least 5 long silver objects which flew in a neat box formation with a lead 6/1/1952 #6410 At least five long silver objects flew in a neat box formation with a lead 6/1/1952 #6413 Lottman. Three glimmering objects flew straight and level for 10 minutes. 6/1/1952 #6415 hted three glimmering objects that flew straight and level for 10 minutes. 6/1/1952 #6421 at least five long silver objects flew in a neat box formation with a lead 6/1/1952 #6422 omber. One porcelain-white object flew very fast for an unknown length of 6/2/1952 #6427 hted a porcelain-white object that flew very fast for an unknown length of 6/2/1952 #6430 .H. Shorey. One shiny round object flew 5-6 times as fast as an F-86 jet fi 6/5/1952 #6446 bbock, Texas. The first two lights flew over in a trailing formation and th 6/5/1952 #6449 ular aluminum object, about 6'x4', flew 250-300' below the B-25. 6/7/1952 #6461 J.D. Markland. Four shiny objects flew straight and level in a diamond for 6/8/1952 #6468 lars. One orange ball with a tail flew with a low angular velocity. 6/12/1952 #6486 h discs, in a half-moon formation, flew at 500-600 m.p.h. for l minute. 6/16/1952 #6517 well, New Mexico at 8:30 p.m. They flew at an estimated speed of 550 mph. A 6/16/1952 #6518 o five large silver-yellow objects flew erratically, stopped and started fo 6/17/1952 #6524 SAF pilot lane. Round white object flew straight and level for 10 second(s) 6/19/1952 #6544 John Lane. One round, white object flew straight and level for 10 seconds. 6/19/1952 #6550 end of the runway. The object then flew to the west, circled back taking ab 6/22/1952 #6589 the 180-degree turn, flashed, the flew on to the east. A second bright fla 6/22/1952 #6589 K. Thompson. One very large light flew straight and level for 10 minutes. 6/23/1952 #6602 d object with burnt-orange exhaust flew straight and level for 30-60 second 6/23/1952 #6604 ecting yellow and lavender colors, flew in trail for 5 seconds. 6/23/1952 #6605 that made an irregular descent. It flew at a fixed altitude for 6-7 seconds 6/23/1952 #6612 g yellow and lavender colors. They flew one behind the other for five secon 6/23/1952 #6614 on watched a very large light that flew straight and level for 10 minutes. 6/23/1952 #6616 ight yellow-white egg-shaped light flew at a slightly higher elevation than 6/25/1952 #6630 . W. Povelites. Undescribed object flew at 600 m.p.h. and then stopped. No 6/26/1952 #6637 d the south, at a low altitude. It flew with a slight tilt, and made no sou 6/26/1952 #6639 Pennsylvania a procession of discs flew by. At 11:50 p.m. two objects flew 6/26/1952 #6640 flew by. At 11:50 p.m. two objects flew side-by-side in tandem-one had stea 6/26/1952 #6640 er fifteen minutes a single object flew over. 6/26/1952 #6640 haped object with a pulsing border flew straight and level at 700-800 m.p.h 6/28/1952 #6658 ed to a spherical appearance as it flew on. 6/28/1952 #6661 lights, estimated at 20' diameter, flew straight and level at tremendous sp 7/3/1952 #6702 kle. Two bright pastel green discs flew straight and level very fast for 6 7/3/1952 #6703 Three dark discs hovered and then flew away, silhouetted against a dark cl 7/5/1952 #6715 ird the size of a transport plane, flew four abreast in formation at a high 7/12/1952 #6786 ked off and on in unison, and then flew off in formation as the disappeared 7/14/1952 #6818 n SA-l6 twin-engined amphibian and flew away after 40-60 seconds. 7/15/1952 #6827 , bluish-white with brighter rims, flew in formation, making a sound like b 7/17/1952 #6866 esota four two-foot diameter discs flew through a lightning storm at only 2 7/17/1952 #6870 ng orange objects in the sky. They flew straight and level, and seemed to b 7/17/1952 #6875 ghter. One opaque, silvery bubble flew very fast at a right-angle to the w 7/18/1952 #6893 bubble for 10 seconds. The object flew very fast perpendicular to the wind 7/18/1952 #6901 At 8:50 p.m. a white sphere flew fast toward the southeast, stopped 7/18/1952 #6902 lights with some dull red coloring flew in trail, turned and circled for 5- 7/20/1952 #6952 elongated, fuselage-shaped object flew straight and level, made a right-an 7/21/1952 #6979 shaped object with a vertical fin, flew straight and level, and then hovere 7/21/1952 #6980 ge, round, bright aluminum objects flew straight and level, then darted aro 7/22/1952 #7019 . One large, round, silver object flew at more than 1,000 m.p.h. for 45 s 7/22/1952 #7020 over some railroad tracks. The UFO flew away at an estimated 400 mph. Guard 7/22/1952 #7029 ter silver disc-shaped object that flew 100 degrees through the sky over Uv 7/22/1952 #7031 the size of C-47 transport plane, flew across the sky over Rockville, Indi 7/22/1952 #7032 h two or three squares beneath it, flew at 150-180 kts. (170-210 m.p.h.), 7/23/1952 #7075 bject, delta-shaped or swept back, flew around it at 1,000-1,500 kts. (1,1 7/23/1952 #7075 ects in a vertical stack formation flew at an altitude of 50-80,000'. Seen 7/23/1952 #7076 oth. Two bright blue-white objects flew together, then the rear one veered 7/23/1952 #7077 hting two disc-shaped objects that flew to the northwest at 1500 feet altit 7/23/1952 #7085 altitude, circled Bird Rock, then flew off to the southeast. 7/23/1952 #7085 four fiery teardrop-shaped flames flew rapidly toward the east over Gordon 7/23/1952 #7086 rrowhead-shaped or triangular UFOs flew in a V formation at an estimated sp 7/24/1952 #7118 lls in a triangular or V-formation flew very fast for 3-4 seconds. 7/26/1952 #7172 ground. Many round, white objects flew straight and level, very fast. Two 7/27/1952 #7211 illuminated by a phosphorus light, flew at an estimated l,000 m.p.h. for 1 7/27/1952 #7212 d at Selfridge AFB, Michigan. They flew very fast and made no sound. Each p 7/27/1952 #7217 took 30 seconds. First two objects flew over, then one, then another, and t 7/27/1952 #7217 giving off shafts of white light, flew slow, made a 90^ turn and climbed a 7/28/1952 #7257 he size of a dime at arms' length, flew very fast, straight and level. 7/28/1952 #7259 d object, light metallic in color, flew over Heidelberg, Germany. It gave o 7/28/1952 #7269 It gave off shafts of white light, flew slowly, made a 90-degree turn, and 7/28/1952 #7269 . eight to twelve nocturnal lights flew in various formations making sharp 7/28/1952 #7270 ar leave the road while the object flew west very fast. 7/29/1952 #7312 ol system. One undescribed object flew at an estimated 2,600 m.p.h., below 7/29/1952 #7314 circular object with a flat bottom flew very fast, and then hovered 10-15 s 7/29/1952 #7317 ar leave the road while the object flew west very fast. 7/29/1952 #7334 FO coming toward the air base that flew at an estimated speed of 2,600 mph 7/29/1952 #7336 the Municipal Airport. The object flew very fast, and then hovered 10-15 s 7/29/1952 #7338 r person. One round, white object flew slow and then sped away after 20-30 7/30/1952 #7361 USAF men. Red ball with blue flame flew straight and level for 4 second(s). 8/2/1952 #7415 ne red ball with a blue flame tail flew straight and level for 3-4 seconds. 8/2/1952 #7423 hened and narrowed to plate shape, flew straight and level for 5 minutes. 8/4/1952 #7449 owed to the shape of a plate, then flew straight and level for five minutes 8/4/1952 #7451 AFB, Japan Dark shape with a light flew as fast as 330 knots (M) (NICAP: 11 8/5/1952 #7465 es while a dark shape with a light flew as fast as 330 kts. (380 m.p.h.), 8/5/1952 #7467 s 330 kts. (380 m.p.h.), hovered, flew curves and performed a variety of m 8/5/1952 #7467 a dark shape with a light, and it flew at 330 knots, then hovered, then pe 8/5/1952 #7473 several large flying objects that flew at speeds in excess of 1200 knots. 8/6/1952 #7492 : one made a 180 degree turn, one flew straight and level, one veered off, 8/7/1952 #7506 J.P. Raley. One disc-shaped object flew very fast and then hovered for 2 se 8/9/1952 #7524 iana saw a disc-shaped object that flew very fast for five minutes, and hov 8/9/1952 #7526 ooking objects, and then all three flew away fast together. 8/12/1952 #7560 Maj. D. McGough. One orange light flew a left orbit at 8,000' and 230 m.p. 8/13/1952 #7573 Gough sighted an orange light that flew a left orbit at 8,000' and 230 mph. 8/13/1952 #7579 highway N824. It made no sound. It flew off in a southerly direction, stopp 8/17/1952 #7627 ped, zigzagged, stoped again, then flew away toward the southwest. The dura 8/17/1952 #7627 and intensity like a diamond, and flew in different directions during the 8/18/1952 #7636 objects, shaped like fat bullets, flew straight and level, very fast for 2 8/19/1952 #7647 jects shaped like fat bullets that flew straight and level, very fast for 2 8/19/1952 #7652 two others. An undescribed object flew at 500' altitude for several minute 8/20/1952 #7662 bject was oscillating and suddenly flew straight up with a strong humming n 8/24/1952 #7709 light with a vague lower surface, flew slowly, then fast With a dancing, w 8/24/1952 #7711 ed for 20 minutes, whistling, then flew away. It, or another like it, retur 8/24/1952 #7712 bject was oscillating and suddenly flew straight up with a strong humming n 8/24/1952 #7715 light with a vague lower surface, flew slowly, then fast With a dancing, w 8/24/1952 #7717 ed for 20 minutes, whistling, then flew away. It, or another like it, retur 8/24/1952 #7718 . Aquilar. One round silver object flew south, turned and flew north, made 8/25/1952 #7730 lver object flew south, turned and flew north, made a 360 turn and flew awa 8/25/1952 #7730 nd flew north, made a 360 turn and flew away vertically after 3-5 minutes. 8/25/1952 #7730 having a dark cone in the center, flew very fast, hovered, made an instant 8/26/1952 #7743 ark cone in the center. The object flew very fast, stopped and hovered, mad 8/26/1952 #7744 kling diamond appearance, hovered, flew erratically up and down for 1 hour 8/28/1952 #7771 diamond white in appearance. They flew erratically up and down, and were t 8/28/1952 #7774 aluminum with red-yellow exhaust, flew in trail at estimated 1,500 m.p.h. 8/29/1952 #7786 or spherical objects hovered, then flew very fast in a triangular formation 8/29/1952 #7787 0º N, 75.25º W) at 10:50 a.m. They flew very fast in a triangular formation 8/29/1952 #7790 blay, Yvelines, France. The object flew to the northwest in jumps, and then 8/29/1952 #7791 eet in diameter and 10' high. They flew in a trail formation at estimated 1 8/29/1952 #7792 ed objects with green vapor trails flew in trail formation, merged, flew aw 9/1/1952 #7812 s flew in trail formation, merged, flew away very fast. 9/1/1952 #7812 laying red, blue and green colors, flew side by side, leaving a sparkling t 9/1/1952 #7813 became black silhouettes at dawn; flew erratically. One hour. 9/1/1952 #7816 came black silhouettes at dawn and flew around erratically for an hour. 9/1/1952 #7819 g red, blue and green colors. They flew side-by-side leaving a trail of spa 9/1/1952 #7821 ormation. They merged together and flew away very fast. 9/1/1952 #7821 ach) at Midway Airport. 40 targets flew in miscellaneous directions, up to 9/2/1952 #7828 s over Tucson, Arizona. It finally flew off quickly to the west. 9/3/1952 #7840 s along part of its circumference, flew twice as fast as a T-33 jet trainer 9/9/1952 #7886 long part of its circumference. It flew twice as fast as a T-33 jet trainer 9/9/1952 #7888 amers of light coming off it as it flew toward northeast for 35 minutes. 9/11/1952 #7897 ight with a red trim and streamers flew northeast for 35 minutes. 9/12/1952 #7903 “intelligently controlled objects flew over West Virginia.” The Air Force 9/12/1952 #7905 amers of light coming off it as it flew toward northeast for 35 minutes. 9/12/1952 #7907 bject, with three puffs behind it, flew west, then south, and then was gone 9/14/1952 #7935 5 luminous spheres or discs, which flew in formations varying from arcs to 9/14/1952 #7936 es airplane N67977. One blue light flew very fast on a collision course wit 9/14/1952 #7937 uminous spheres or discs. The UFOs flew in formations varying from arcs to 9/14/1952 #7942 e, # N67977, saw a blue light that flew at his plane very fast on a collisi 9/14/1952 #7944 ct. It left three puffs behind it, flew to the west, then to the south, and 9/14/1952 #7945 , two civilians. Two white lights flew abreast, at 100 m.p.h., for 15 minu 9/16/1952 #7962 f three large, flat, shiny objects flew in tight formations: the first gro 9/17/1952 #7970 of the city. The daylight objects flew in tight formations: the first grou 9/17/1952 #7971 ight, which reflected on the lake, flew straight and level at 100 m.p.h. f 9/23/1952 #8013 t, which reflected on the lake. It flew straight and level at 100 mph for t 9/23/1952 #8015 color spectrum every 2 seconds. It flew straight and level for 15 minutes. 9/27/1952 #8045 ssance jet. One bright white light flew straight, then vertical, then hover 10/1/1952 #8082 uff, hovered for 5-10 minutes then flew away very fast in an arc. A loud b 10/1/1952 #8083 oval, with its long axis vertical, flew straight and level for 4-5 seconds, 10/7/1952 #8101 as olive-drab colored on the side, flew in a rough V-formation. One object 10/19/1952 #8163 ge, estimated at 100' in diameter, flew at 300-400 kts. (350-450 m.p.h.) f 10/19/1952 #8164 ive drab colored on the side. They flew in a rough V-formation. One object 10/19/1952 #8165 to be 100 feet in diameter and it flew at 300-400 knots (350-450 mph). The 10/19/1952 #8166 weather station. Six white lights flew in a loose formation for 1-2 minute 10/21/1952 #8171 a brilliant front and vague trail, flew with its concave surface forward fo 10/24/1952 #8180 rilliant front and vague trail. It flew with its concave surface forward an 10/24/1952 #8182 m. in Woomera, South Australia. It flew from right to left, had to porthols 10/27/1952 #8201 e 40 small gray spheres exited and flew to the north toward Saar, Germany. 10/27/1952 #8204 30 p.m. a large round white object flew from east to west over Eyrans, Fran 10/27/1952 #8206 ject, silhouetted against a cloud, flew straight and level and smooth at 40 10/29/1952 #8214 ct silhouetted against a cloud. It flew straight, level and smooth at an es 10/29/1952 #8217 ped object, 80' long and 20' high, flew at treetop level, crossed over Alle 10/31/1952 #8220 ng orange, blimp-shaped object. It flew at treetop level and crossed over A 10/31/1952 #8222 long, elliptical, white-grey light flew very fast, paused, and then increas 11/3/1952 #8235 ups of 2-3 whirling discs of light flew toward the southeast over a period 11/4/1952 #8244 ctor. Four red-white-green lights flew slowly over a prohibited area for 1 11/12/1952 #8264 ects, with lights all around them, flew in a V-formation for about 20 secon 11/13/1952 #8271 st, made a 90 degree overhead, and flew away to the southwest. 11/13/1952 #8271 90 degree turn overhead, and then flew to the southwest. The two outside o 11/13/1952 #8272 ilver sphere below their plane. It flew north for 5 miles, then made a 180 11/15/1952 #8282 nd gained intensity, and the craft flew vertically at very high speed. 11/18/1952 #8294 g when a large plate-shaped object flew ten meters above him. The 20-meter 11/18/1952 #8298 nd gained intensity, and the craft flew up vertically at very high speed. 11/18/1952 #8298 Shortly after 9:00 p.m. a UFO flew in a zigzag pattern over Fort Benni 11/21/1952 #8317 A cigar-shaped object flew rapidly to the northeast over Orlea 11/22/1952 #8324 rettner. One round, glowing object flew very fast, made right angle turns a 11/24/1952 #8331 eeing a round, glowing object that flew very fast, made right angle turns, 11/24/1952 #8334 head-on pass at his plane. The UFO flew at extreme speeds, and there was a 12/4/1952 #8378 changed to red at higher altitude, flew straight and level for 2 minutes, t 12/8/1952 #8396 ight lights, in diamond formation, flew at 400 m.p.h. and were passed by t 12/9/1952 #8399 e erratic maneuvers in the sky and flew off quickly towards the east. 12/16/1952 #8427 object with a red glowing bottom, flew low over a river and then climbed f 1/1/1953 #8493 o be about 10 meters in length and flew at 3,600 miles per hour. Fifteen mi 1/1/1953 #8495 hen got back into the craft and it flew away. The witness, Sr. M. Ramos Bes 1/3/1953 #8500 green, disc-shaped or round object flew southwest for 15 minutes, with a ve 1/8/1953 #8514 ated to original speed and finally flew out of sight vertically after 60-75 1/10/1953 #8529 with its length twice its height, flew 400 m.p.h. straight and level, sto 1/17/1953 #8547 ngular object with hazy ends, that flew from east to west over Sampson Air 1/26/1953 #8575 a high frequency humming sound. It flew at an estimated 2500m altitude. In 1/26/1953 #8575 rones. An 18-20' white, flat disc flew straight and level, overhead, for 6 1/28/1953 #8597 orge Beyer. Five 25' green spheres flew in V-formation, then changed to tra 1/28/1953 #8598 1953, at 6:10 p.m., 5 silent orbs flew over Corona, California in a V Form 1/28/1953 #8605 eed was estimated at 150 mph. They flew from the southeast to the northwest 1/28/1953 #8605 s, each the size of a B-36 bomber, flew over Malibu Beach, California at a 1/29/1953 #8618 similar, object. The second twice flew away and returned to the first. Af 2/4/1953 #8636 oking object. The second UFO twice flew away and returned to the first. The 2/4/1953 #8638 utes. #2 was a bright light which flew on a collision course, dimmed and c 2/20/1953 #8689 red, round objects with big halos flew in small circles, climbed and faded 2/24/1953 #8699 ee of them vanished, the other two flew erratic square turns for a total of 2/27/1953 #8713 discs vanished while the other two flew objects flew erratic square turns f 2/27/1953 #8715 d while the other two flew objects flew erratic square turns for a total of 2/27/1953 #8715 ge and left a trail of smoke. They flew across the sky one after the other, 2/28/1953 #8718 each had a crimson red light. They flew at a constant speed, and it took th 2/28/1953 #8718 vation post. Six discs in a group flew high and fast for a few seconds. 3/21/1953 #8770 Six disc-shaped objects flew directly over the city of Elmira, N 3/21/1953 #8771 Elmira, New York at 3:05 p.m. They flew high and fast, and were viewed thro 3/21/1953 #8771 m.p.h.). One bright orange circle flew at 800 kts. (900 m.p.h.), and exec 3/27/1953 #8790 tte. One aluminum, circular object flew high and fast, twice reversing its 3/29/1953 #8794 blue light descended, accelerated, flew parallel to the F-94, increased its 4/8/1953 #8812 A huge cigar-shaped UFO flew over Wilmington, Delaware at 11:15 4/18/1953 #8835 seven feet in estimated diameter, flew 100 feet above the ground at 60-80 4/19/1953 #8839 :30 a.m. a brown, cigar-shaped UFO flew near the Laredo Air Force Base in T 4/28/1953 #8848 two more such objects, which then flew away in formation. 4/28/1953 #8848 ralia at noon on this day. It then flew back out again. 5/23/1953 #8907 ar her, 25 m above ground. Then it flew backward over the water and hovered 6/24/1953 #8966 5 meters above the ground. Then it flew backward over the water and hovered 6/24/1953 #8971 sion was observed from the UFO. It flew away at tremendous speed for 3 mile 7/19/1953 #9001 ed. No sound was heard. The object flew east at a tremendous speed for what 7/19/1953 #9004 the objects, at a tremendous speed flew in an eastward direction.” The repo 7/19/1953 #9004 d reflective or translucent object flew straight, stopped for 7 seconds, sp 8/3/1953 #9043 oined by a similar object and they flew off in different directions, after 8/3/1953 #9043 . They made a "hard" sound as they flew. 8/16/1953 #9075 fael, California at 2:25 a.m. They flew silently and were in view for three 8/28/1953 #9121 A disc-shaped object flew toward the east in the sky over Ver 8/31/1953 #9125 d sticks from the ground, and then flew away. 9/3/1953 #9141 A glowing disc flew at high speed over Akron, Ohio at 8 10/8/1953 #9208 lands, Harwich area, UK Three UFOs Flew Over Area, Tracked on Radar (NICAP: 10/9/1953 #9215 n he tried to touch it, the object flew away. 10/25/1953 #9253 en he tried to touch it the object flew away. 10/25/1953 #9255 with white and blue-green fringe, flew from south to north with some errat 10/29/1953 #9260 size was 30 cm at arms length. It flew rapidly to the west, and turned and 10/31/1953 #9266 en the jet disappeared and the UFO flew away. An extensive air search and r 11/23/1953 #9319 erical ellipse, 2,000' below DC-3, flew at approximately 700 m.p.h. for 6-7 12/17/1953 #9379 huge white disc with a blue fringe flew off toward the southeast at an extr 12/17/1953 #9382 ighters. Ten silver, oval objects flew at more than 400 kts. (450 m.p.h.), 12/24/1953 #9393 same day a blue disc-shaped object flew over Bentwaters RAF Airbase in Suff 12/30/1953 #9410 . It left a blue smoke trail as it flew off toward Saint Arnaud in the east 1/18/1954 #9495 ar a huge cigar-shaped object that flew without making any noise at 4,000 f 2/4/1954 #9536 redible maneuvers but no sound. It flew off toward the west as a second dis 2/18/1954 #9556 er that incredible event, McIntyre flew to Rome to refer everything to Pope 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557 ree objects, each with two lights, flew straight and level at medium speed 3/2/1954 #9593 t made passes at KC-97s, the other flew straight and level. Sighting durati 3/5/1954 #9597 A red disc-shaped UFO flew over the Laredo Air Force Base in L 3/8/1954 #9604 B in Morocco at 10:35 a.m. The UFO flew off toward the north, and the jet c 3/12/1954 #9619 center of the object was dark. It flew off to the west at 6:30 p.m. 3/23/1954 #9635 A small disc-shaped UFO flew over Hammersmith, England at 8:10 p 3/31/1954 #9653 m of bees. It hovered and tilted, flew horizontally, then rose vertically 4/23/1954 #9711 t with a dome and a flashing light flew straight and level and then straigh 4/24/1954 #9718 y yellow objects in a V-formation, flew from south to north for 10 seconds. 4/26/1954 #9726 bright white tail in descent, and flew off rapidly to the southeast. At 8: 4/26/1954 #9727 m view. At noon a cigar-shaped UFO flew over Sare, France heading south tow 4/28/1954 #9732 ce heading south towards Spain. It flew at an estimated 2,000 meters altitu 4/28/1954 #9732 e, and was absolutely silent as it flew. 5/16/1954 #9806 . One very white, elongated object flew very, very fast, and then blinked o 5/31/1954 #9851 e. One object with running lights flew at 24-44,000' altitude for 1 hour. 6/1/1954 #9859 own craft with running lights that flew at 24,000-44,000' altitude for one 6/1/1954 #9862 r Arsenal. One golden yellow light flew over his house, making a "shhh" or 6/8/1954 #9876 5 m high, with a canopy on top. It flew away and was lost to sight behind s 6/9/1954 #9881 ers high, with a canopy on top. It flew away and was lost to sight behind s 6/9/1954 #9883 top, and a diameter of about 60'. Flew horizontally, hovered, made a high- 6/25/1954 #9946 ound detected from the craft as it flew in what was described as a highly m 6/30/1954 #9971 ic spheres or ovoid shaped objects flew toward the west in a V formation in 7/22/1954 #10037 One metallic, pencil-shaped object flew slowly or hovered for an unstated l 7/30/1954 #10068 light left a luminous trail as it flew over. There was TV and aircraft rad 8/6/1954 #10106 blue circle with a black center. Flew over ship and climbed, illuminating 8/11/1954 #10124 sighted a line of blue lights that flew over their ship at the site of the 8/11/1954 #10128 owns when at least one UFO briefly flew over. 8/11/1954 #10129 t of the tower at Fort Benning. It flew away and then came back, but finall 8/12/1954 #10139 re they worked for two minutes. It flew at an estimated altitude of 2,500 f 8/22/1954 #10164 he craft took on a fiery color and flew away. 8/23/1954 #10169 took on a glowing, fiery color and flew away. [Note: the Airstream model of 8/23/1954 #10172 meter, made a loud whizzing sound, flew straight and level fast, then slow, 8/24/1954 #10175 hat made a loud whizzing sound. It flew straight, level and fast; then slow 8/24/1954 #10176 ithin 300 m before it took off and flew away. Grass was flattened where it 8/27/1954 #10188 rdrop-shaped objects turned blue. Flew in line formation and increased spe 8/27/1954 #10189 arge white teardrop-shaped objects flew in a single file over Dorchester, M 8/27/1954 #10190 300 meters before it took off and flew away. The grass had been flattened 8/27/1954 #10192 8:50 p.m. a reddish yellow sphere flew very slowly at an estimated 5 mph t 8/31/1954 #10223 ne from windows or the craft as it flew off faster than a jet. At the site 9/2/1954 #10233 esumed its horizontal position and flew away. 9/3/1954 #10238 esumed its horizontal position and flew away. 9/3/1954 #10240 -thirty lights, as if on a string, flew straight and level for 1.5 minutes. 9/4/1954 #10246 ding edge and a following exhaust, flew straight and level, then veered sou 9/5/1954 #10256 cers saw a disc-shaped object that flew over the city of Graz, Austria from 9/5/1954 #10257 ng from the attached spheres, they flew off quickly toward the west. 9/6/1954 #10260 y, rose, then hovered, and finally flew off to the west. 9/7/1954 #10269 that hovered for 30 seconds, then flew in a complicated course. It was see 9/7/1954 #10271 ext, a metallic disc-shaped object flew out, spun around the cigar, and the 9/14/1954 #10301 dark object 10 m above ground. It flew away with the noise of a wet firewo 9/15/1954 #10310 ove the ground, 50 meters away. It flew away, making a noise like wet firew 9/15/1954 #10316 ablanca, Morocco A small gray disk flew over a car at very high speed, foll 9/18/1954 #10346 nd object, like polished aluminum, flew straight and level for 11-13 minute 9/18/1954 #10347 At 8:15 p.m. a small gray disc flew over a car from the rear at very hi 9/18/1954 #10351 onds, then accelerated rapidly and flew away to the northwest. 9/19/1954 #10362 n the appearance of a red ball. It flew off to the southeast. 9/19/1954 #10363 minous vapor. The cigar-shaped UFO flew in a manner to avoid a passing airp 9/22/1954 #10397 itnesses observed the object as it flew erratically over the area for 60 mi 9/23/1954 #10416 right silver, wheel-shaped objects flew from north to south in trail for 2 9/23/1954 #10418 right silver, wheel-shaped objects flew from north to south in trail format 9/23/1954 #10422 itnesses observed the object as it flew erratically over the area for 60 mi 9/23/1954 #10423 ormation for over one minute, then flew away fast. At 3:00 p.m. a fast sile 9/24/1954 #10439 1:20 p.m. It rose vertically, then flew off to the south. 9/29/1954 #10500 min. Two witnesses. It eventually flew away to the southwest. 9/30/1954 #10513 iver for 20 minutes. It eventually flew away to the southwest. 9/30/1954 #10524 ground with a whistling sound. It flew off, became luminous again, and too 10/1/1954 #10562 ground with a whistling sound. It flew off, became luminous again, and the 10/1/1954 #10579 cigar-shaped luminous object that flew silently to the east. 10/2/1954 #10618 object chased a car for 8 km, then flew away toward the sea. Witness: Georg 10/3/1954 #10660 n Quend for eight kilometers, then flew away toward the sea. The witness wa 10/3/1954 #10669 op. They drove to the site, but it flew away. What seems to be the same obj 10/4/1954 #10694 ce. They drove to the site, but it flew away. What seemed to have been the 10/4/1954 #10704 emitted a burst of green light and flew away very low over the fields. 10/5/1954 #10727 emitted a burst of green light and flew away, very low over the fields. 10/5/1954 #10739 and rose, hovered for a moment and flew away rapidly. 10/6/1954 #10755 se, hovered for a moment, and then flew away rapidly. 10/6/1954 #10761 me within 10 m of the ground, then flew away to the southeast. 10/7/1954 #10781 seen on the side. It took off and flew about 5 m above the witness, follow 10/7/1954 #10783 thin 10 meters of the ground, then flew away to the southeast. 10/7/1954 #10795 seen on the side. It took off and flew about five meters over the head of 10/7/1954 #10797 the ground, became white and then flew away. 10/8/1954 #10821 m an altitude of about 800 m, then flew off horizontally at a dizzying spee 10/10/1954 #10889 altitude of about 800 meters, then flew off horizontally at a dizzying spee 10/10/1954 #10901 on rose very fast, vertically, and flew away. The ground was found calcined 10/11/1954 #10926 It ultimately turned brighter and flew away toward the east. 10/11/1954 #10927 . It became fiery red in color and flew away when they came near. 10/11/1954 #10931 y into the fields while the object flew on toward Medea in silence. 10/11/1954 #10933 rose up vertically very fast, and flew away. The ground was found calcifie 10/11/1954 #10942 The UFO ultimately brightened and flew away toward the east. 10/11/1954 #10943 . It became fiery red in color and flew away when they came near. 10/11/1954 #10947 In Lavarande, Algeria a large disc flew very low over a road and scared two 10/11/1954 #10949 into some fields while the object flew on toward Medea in silence. 10/11/1954 #10949 went back inside the craft, which flew in loops and vanished. 10/12/1954 #10973 went back inside the craft, which flew in loops and then vanished. 10/12/1954 #10983 e. One round, flat, silver object flew straight and level for 30 seconds. 10/13/1954 #10999 ently reported that a white object flew southward at full speed without lea 10/13/1954 #11002 neath and was silvery in color. It flew close enough to his jet to overlap 10/14/1954 #11005 ning at ground level for 10 min it flew north, while a bright cloud slowly 10/14/1954 #11047 by a light as a diskshaped object flew low over his car. 10/14/1954 #11050 im. He boarded the machine, and it flew away in silence. 10/15/1954 #11098 flames, the object was egg-shaped, flew 15 m above the ground, and emitted 10/15/1954 #11099 d, and haystacks caught fire as it flew over, while the cattle suffered bur 10/15/1954 #11099 eing then boarded the craft and it flew away in silence. 10/15/1954 #11114 yellow flames. It was egg-shaped, flew at 15 meters above the ground, and 10/15/1954 #11115 d, and haystacks caught fire as it flew over while the cattle suffered burn 10/15/1954 #11115 ray object about 1.5 m in diameter flew over them. The mare rose about 3 m 10/16/1954 #11142 bject about 1.5 meters in diameter flew over them. The mare rose about thre 10/16/1954 #11148 nuel Madeira, saw an object, which flew away as he approached it, rose in t 10/17/1954 #11172 Alvito, Portugal. It took off and flew away as he approached it, rose quic 10/17/1954 #11178 ed yellow. The object took off and flew rapidly towards Tinquex. The witnes 10/17/1954 #11180 ve the ground. It rose again, then flew away to the north, generating a gre 10/17/1954 #11183 ally, leaving a reddish trail, and flew to the northeast. 10/18/1954 #11207 is exchange of pilots both objects flew away with a tremendous flash. 10/18/1954 #11210 ally, leaving a reddish trail, and flew off toward the northeast. 10/18/1954 #11216 is exchange of pilots both objects flew away with a tremendous flash. 10/18/1954 #11222 ghted one meter off the ground and flew away along the villa lane, maintain 10/18/1954 #11225 went back aboard their craft, and flew away. 10/19/1954 #11240 uminum colored cigar-shaped object flew to the southeast over Taza, Tetouan 10/19/1954 #11244 At 9:00 p.m. several UFOs flew over Bondowoso, East Java, Indonesi 10/19/1954 #11253 n went back aboard their craft and flew away. 10/19/1954 #11254 au, stoped as a large ball of fire flew near it. A violent air displacement 10/21/1954 #11299 u, stopped when a large fiery ball flew near it. A violent air displacement 10/21/1954 #11308 r. It then made a final ascent and flew away. 10/22/1954 #11323 nd over a three mile area. The UFO flew off quickly in a westward direction 10/22/1954 #11324 tude of about 100 meters, and then flew off quickly to the north. The two m 10/24/1954 #11368 uching the tops of the reeds as it flew away. 10/25/1954 #11395 x-meter diameter orange craft that flew over them as their tractor engine d 10/26/1954 #11423 at a right angle from the road and flew away. 10/27/1954 #11447 at a right angle from the road and flew away. 10/27/1954 #11453 Then the craft gained altitude and flew away, leaving a bluish trail. 10/30/1954 #11490 The craft then gained altitude and flew away, leaving a bluish trail. 10/30/1954 #11493 s torch. It came back, turned, and flew to the southwest. It made the same 10/31/1954 #11499 s torch. It came back, turned, and flew off toward the southwest. It report 10/31/1954 #11500 ot of flowers from the witness and flew away. 11/1/1954 #11516 h had the appearance of copper. It flew normally for some time, then it sud 11/3/1954 #11547 h had the appearance of copper. It flew normally for some time, and then it 11/3/1954 #11548 object with a red-orange glow. It flew silently with trails of white spark 11/3/1954 #11551 n, Morbihan department, France. It flew toward the south, making multiple l 11/4/1954 #11566 slight noise like an explosion. It flew away at fantastic speed. 11/5/1954 #11580 taly with short white trails. They flew in formations of two, three, four, 11/6/1954 #11586 ts when a small disc-shaped object flew over. The next day he became sick t 11/8/1954 #11601 nly as big as a large plate. As it flew low over him, he jumped up trying t 11/9/1954 #11611 ut could not quite reach it and it flew away. The next day, or perhaps a da 11/9/1954 #11611 n reenter the disk, which rose and flew off at very great speed. 11/10/1954 #11619 n WFAV. Ten gold, circular objects flew in vertical V-formation, straight a 11/15/1954 #11659 ta, Maine 10 gold circular objects flew slowly in a vertical V formation at 11/15/1954 #11660 g a huge wave of radar blips. They flew off to the south out to sea. 11/21/1954 #11684 rose into the sky like a jet, and flew off toward the northwest. 11/27/1954 #11713 m the craft and the strange beings flew away. 11/28/1954 #11720 cs attached and an exhaust trail. Flew north, stopped, reversed its course 11/28/1954 #11721 p.m. an orange cigar-shaped object flew toward the northeast from Bourbon-L 11/29/1954 #11731 minutes less than 3 km away, then flew off to the east. 12/1/1954 #11742 -circular, flat object with a dome flew from west to east, then turned nort 12/7/1954 #11771 the road with a sizzling sound and flew away. 12/10/1954 #11793 into a disk-shaped machine, which flew off immediately. It was flat and sh 12/16/1954 #11822 ose up to a very high altitude and flew away toward Portugal, making a grea 12/19/1954 #11840 urned white, then red. It rose and flew away toward the east. It had been o 12/29/1954 #11875 n Vienna, Austria six silver discs flew overhead, leaving a trail of red va 1/3/1955 #11918 over a volcano at 1:00 p.m., then flew off quickly to the east. It emitted 2/16/1955 #12006 . It emitted a small object, which flew off to the west. It was sighted by 2/16/1955 #12006 gland a glowing disc-shaped object flew toward the southwest, stopped, then 3/11/1955 #12042 ack toward the Thames Rivers, then flew off quickly to the northeast. 3/11/1955 #12042 A V-shaped formation of lights flew over Lake Harris, Florida at 8:50 p 3/14/1955 #12048 h three windows in the top section flew in front of and under a Beechcraft 3/24/1955 #12060 eter diameter Saturn-shaped sphere flew slowly over a road in Tintinara, So 4/22/1955 #12100 of which left a brief smoke trail, flew in an irregular formation, some of 5/4/1955 #12116 dark, with dark blue illumination) flew higher. 5/23/1955 #12150 A perfectly circular chrome disc flew over Ecclesfield, England at 1:00 p 5/27/1955 #12163 at Pisco, Peru at 11:00 p.m. They flew at one kilometer altitude, and were 5/29/1955 #12167 went over the old man's head, and flew out of sight behind some nearby woo 5/31/1955 #12170 t Catia La Mar, Venezuela and then flew along the beach. 6/2/1955 #12176 e coast of Holland at 7:30 p.m. It flew at an estimated 3000 meters altitud 6/5/1955 #12187 rose upward in a zigzag motion and flew into a cloudbank. 7/9/1955 #12246 upward in a zigzag flight path and flew into a cloud bank. 7/10/1955 #12248 ange glowing trail. It was silent, flew slowly, and hovered near the Metro 7/18/1955 #12270 ted that changed positions as they flew over Leicester, England. There were 7/22/1955 #12278 sightings of these objects as they flew off toward the northeast. 7/22/1955 #12278 road. A disk, 12 m in diameter, it flew around the car and went away withou 8/1/1955 #12314 e the road. The disc-shaped object flew around the car and flew away withou 8/1/1955 #12320 ped object flew around the car and flew away without making a sound. The wi 8/1/1955 #12320 again at great speed. One of them flew under the others, then two disks ap 8/5/1955 #12330 ar the German cemetery. The others flew away toward the south at tremendous 8/5/1955 #12330 a high rate of speed. One of them flew under the others. Two discs appeare 8/5/1955 #12332 ar the German cemetery. The others flew away toward the south at tremendous 8/5/1955 #12332 uvered at great speed. One of them flew under the others, then two discs ap 8/5/1955 #12334 ar the German cemetery. The others flew away toward the south at tremendous 8/5/1955 #12334 octurnal lights exited from it and flew off to the north. There were severa 8/9/1955 #12344 A very bright triangular object flew over Cairo, Illinois at 9:30 p.m. a 8/11/1955 #12355 Illinois at 9:30 p.m. and rapidly flew off to the north-northwest low on t 8/11/1955 #12355 object with windows around the rim flew at a low altitude in Ponteland, Nor 8/31/1955 #12420 and. It made a droning sound as it flew. 8/31/1955 #12420 d Smith). One glowing round object flew an arc for 1 minute. 9/7/1955 #12434 cers that reflect sunlight as they flew. 9/7/1955 #12435 ighted a glowing round object that flew in an arc through the sky for one m 9/7/1955 #12436 s. One brown, almost square object flew with a circular motion for 10-15 mi 9/9/1955 #12443 object near Alcoa, Tennessee that flew with a circular motion for 10-15 mi 9/9/1955 #12445 At 2:10 a.m. a silent red sphere flew across the sky to the northeast in 9/13/1955 #12452 de an ascent to a higher altitude, flew to the southeast, and then shot off 9/13/1955 #12452 occupants gathered some plants and flew away to the northwest. 9/16/1955 #12456 occupants gathered some plants and flew away to the northwest. 9/16/1955 #12457 without turning around and finally flew away very fast. 9/17/1955 #12459 without turning around and finally flew away at a high rate of speed. 9/17/1955 #12460 ide gray colored plate-shaped disc flew at only 50 meters altitude over the 9/23/1955 #12471 on this day. It was rotating as it flew by, six cycles per second. It tilte 9/23/1955 #12471 s per second. It tilted upward and flew away. There were two witnesses. 9/23/1955 #12471 One round, silver or white object flew straight and level at more than 1,0 10/8/1955 #12495 turquoise colored cloak. The woman flew by the two witnesses and turned to 10/20/1955 #12513 clearly defined disc-shaped object flew over the Thames River at Goring, Ox 11/12/1955 #12564 ver on top and dark on the bottom, flew in 4-deep formation, tipping in pit 11/17/1955 #12572 pped in pitched and rolled as they flew by. They were in sight for 45 secon 11/17/1955 #12573 t orange, semi-transparent objects flew at terrific speed and erratically, 11/20/1955 #12578 from the New Jersey Turnpike as it flew to the west. It had two round porth 12/9/1955 #12601 t silver disc curved down and then flew back up into the clouds over Hitchi 12/12/1955 #12609 gland heading toward the south. It flew at an estimated altitude of 2500 fe 12/12/1955 #12609 from Louisiana to Florida. The UFO flew to the east into the clouds. 1/22/1956 #12679 a silver, pancake-shaped disc that flew by smoothly for about a minute. 1/26/1956 #12684 orp Air Base for two minutes. They flew away when approached by a plane. 2/10/1956 #12706 e objects were ejected from it and flew away. 2/15/1956 #12719 housand frantic birds took off and flew off >S, some died in the process. A 2/17/1956 #12725 nt as a 12 inch wide metallic disc flew past their window, banged into a ga 2/29/1956 #12741 ow, banged into a garage, and then flew away. 2/29/1956 #12741 bout 10 o'clock in the morning. It flew over the hills silently and slowly. 3/4/1956 #12748 a.m. a silent, silver colored disc flew over Ponta Grossa, Brazil and off t 3/13/1956 #12755 king wild maneuvers in the sky. It flew away with a bang. 3/13/1956 #12755 Five silent cigar-shaped objects flew south over Vuyyuru, Andra Pradesh S 4/27/1956 #12815 ws were seen orbiting it. They all flew off to the west. 5/8/1956 #12839 A small disc flew in and out of a larger disc at a lo 5/9/1956 #12842 laysia at 9:15 p.m. The discs then flew to the south in a V formation. 5/15/1956 #12849 vers, and illuminated a farm as it flew over. 5/28/1956 #12873 emed to be rotating while the disc flew eastward. At 4:30 a.m a photo was t 7/20/1956 #12997 that appeared to be burning as it flew rapidly toward the west. It explode 7/22/1956 #13008 rnia saw an egg-shaped object that flew south, emitting a green light like 7/22/1956 #13008 th. One blue-white pulsating light flew fast, straight and level, for 5-7 m 8/8/1956 #13062 vered several minutes, and finally flew off to the west. The edges of the o 8/12/1956 #13073 One bright disc with a clear dome flew vertically, then north. A very col 8/27/1956 #13139 with a clear transparent dome. It flew vertically, and then went off towar 8/27/1956 #13141 d objects with tremendous exhaust, flew in a Vague formation from southwest 9/14/1956 #13221 iving off a tremendous exhaust and flew in a vague formation from southwest 9/14/1956 #13222 n," wristwatch magnetized when UFO flew in front of car and hovered over ro 10/1956 #13255 At 10:30 p.m. three balls of light flew from north to south over Villamassa 10/10/1956 #13273 window-like markings on underside flew low, through searchlight beam. (UFO 11/1956 #13301 ne orange light with a blue tinge, flew across the sky for 2 minutes. 11/1/1956 #13303 flying object made no sound as it flew into a cloud. 11/5/1956 #13308 ed by six disc-shaped objects that flew over in a semi-circle. Others horse 11/25/1956 #13353 scs gave off a green light as they flew past. 11/25/1956 #13353 .D. Grimes. One unspecified object flew at an estimated 100' altitude over 11/30/1956 #13370 d object with a hole in the center flew by at jet speed, shooting off to th 11/30/1956 #13371 ett, chased it in his car. The UFO flew to the east slowly, then turned tow 12/2/1956 #13385 , then turned toward the south and flew away. 12/2/1956 #13385 he air by a pilot and co-pilot. It flew at a high rate of speed and was tra 12/17/1956 #13410 erceptor. One round, white object flew under the F-86D, which was unable t 12/31/1956 #13422 At 8:15 a.m. a small metallic disc flew over some gardens in Kyoto, Japan a 3/2/1957 #13519 nous, about 5.5 m in diameter, and flew so low that it appeared to suck up 3/8/1957 #13529 about 5.5 meters in diameter, and flew so low that it appeared to suck up 3/8/1957 #13533 of light. It rose vertically, then flew off quickly to the north. 3/23/1957 #13559 nts which moved violently, then it flew south with a deafening roar, hovere 4/22/1957 #13611 on, reported that three dozen UFOs flew over Virginia, Minnesota in groups 4/29/1957 #13625 from east to west, and each group flew from horizon to horizon in eight se 4/29/1957 #13625 Manston, Kent Pilot Milton Torres flew a F-86 D Sabre from the Royal Air F 5/1957 #13626 d, and a waddling gait. The object flew away when a car came into view. 5/10/1957 #13652 At 4:40 p.m. a metallic ovoid flew overhead to the northwest near Knox 5/21/1957 #13670 ion. Two of the objects turned and flew to the northwest, while two shot ah 5/23/1957 #13674 ights exited the larger object and flew off in every direction. A watch sto 6/5/1957 #13707 etween two hills, then rose up and flew away. Also that evening, around 10 6/6/1957 #13710 abello and Valencia, Venezuela. It flew by at an incredible speed and was s 6/9/1957 #13715 . One object "big as a hen's egg" flew very fast, zigzagged, hovered and r 6/12/1957 #13720 a UFO as "big as a hen's egg" that flew very fast, zigzagged, hovered and r 6/12/1957 #13721 5 p.m. a brilliant disc spun as it flew fast across the sky at a slight til 7/25/1957 #13839 hey were described as glowing, and flew off to the southeast. 8/15/1957 #13901 to reddish-yellow pulsating light flew over the Dry Tortugas near Florida. 8/27/1957 #13937 ilot sees a brilliant object that “flew fast and then abruptly halted 20 mi 8/30/1957 #13952 DC-6, sighted a bright object that flew at great speed, then stopped abrupt 8/30/1957 #13955 on eight round, orange UFOs which flew over base, one oscillating up and d 9/17/1957 #14005 ts. Two flat, round, white objects flew in trail formation along an irregul 10/8/1957 #14077 t 7:05 a.m. a bright silver object flew at great speed over the suburbs of 10/8/1957 #14080 wo flat, round, white objects that flew in trail formation along an irregul 10/8/1957 #14081 behind the hill. Two min later it flew up again, very bright. The next day 10/10/1957 #14091 at them for about 3 min. The craft flew south and released a smaller disk, 10/10/1957 #14092 and released a smaller disk, which flew north. 10/10/1957 #14092 ehind a hill. Two minutes later it flew up again and was very bright. The n 10/10/1957 #14096 at illuminated the countryside and flew down to ground level as their truck 10/10/1957 #14097 for about three minutes. The craft flew south and released a smaller disc, 10/10/1957 #14097 and released a smaller disc, which flew north. 10/10/1957 #14097 great increase in brightness as it flew away at very high speed, but withou 10/31/1957 #14177 denly illuminated the area, and it flew off "like a shooting star." 11/5/1957 #14340 denly illuminated the area, and it flew off "like a shooting star. 11/5/1957 #14351 from the ground, hovered, and then flew off over the hills. 11/9/1957 #14509 rom behind the trees, and all five flew toward the Atlantic. 11/18/1957 #14575 ehind the trees, and then all five flew away toward the Atlantic Ocean. 11/18/1957 #14577 he city at around 10 p.m. as a UFO flew overhead. 11/25/1957 #14615 hire, England at 9:30 p.m. It then flew off to the southwest. 11/27/1957 #14633 north of Glencoe, Ontario. It then flew over a fence. It was seen by a sing 11/29/1957 #14640 sbane, California at 7:10 p.m. One flew off to the west, one flew south tow 12/7/1957 #14683 p.m. One flew off to the west, one flew south toward Moffett Field. 12/7/1957 #14683 hill when a domed, disc-shaped UFO flew nearby and temporarily took control 12/8/1957 #14696 r restarted by itself when the UFO flew away. 12/8/1957 #14696 ington died when a huge, fiery UFO flew overhead from north to south. Stran 12/8/1957 #14697 isk, about 15 m in diameter, which flew 6 m above the ground at about 80 km 12/11/1957 #14712 cular, tapered discs, very bright, flew in a formation like a stack of coin 12/13/1957 #14724 was noted. A few minutes later it flew off. 12/18/1957 #14746 A huge flying saucer flew over Oacoma, South Dakota at 5:40 a 12/18/1957 #14748 20-meter-long cigar-shaped object flew slowly to the east, then circled th 12/21/1957 #14756 white, silent, hat-shaped saucers flew over the Tumacacori Mountains in Ar 1/21/1958 #14835 southwest. They flipped over, then flew in a sawtooth trajectory and entere 1/21/1958 #14835 a droning noise like a motor, and flew at an estimated altitude of 20,000 2/2/1958 #14869 immered and changed colors as they flew. 3/25/1958 #14949 w of portholes along its side, and flew downriver. 4/2/1958 #14960 e night a row of nine yellow discs flew over Cleveland, Ohio and split up i 4/9/1958 #14972 evel. It had a halo; it turned and flew off to the east. 4/12/1958 #14979 exchange signals. One of the disks flew over the station itself, leaving a 4/17/1958 #14994 exchange signals. One of the them flew over the station itself, leaving a 4/17/1958 #14995 anchez. A short time later the UFO flew away towards Baza, leaving a yellow 4/30/1958 #15005 rking ramp for the F-89’s and then flew off. 5/1958 #15006 , then they separated and silently flew away. 5/30/1958 #15062 t; silver with no metallic luster, flew overhead for 5 minutes. 6/14/1958 #15095 ut gave off no metallic luster. It flew overhead for five minutes. 6/14/1958 #15098 o be the size of a basketball, and flew in a straight line. 7/20/1958 #15151 At 3:45 p.m. a gray "amoeba" shape flew by Orlean, New York in 15 seconds; 8/11/1958 #15193 ical engineer and his family as it flew to the south at a low altitude at 9 8/12/1958 #15199 everal leaps in mid-air, the craft flew off at "unbelievable" speed. 8/16/1958 #15202 everal leaps in mid-air, the craft flew off at "unbelievable" speed. 8/16/1958 #15204 eard. The object rose very slowly, flew off faster climbing out of sight. 9/1/1958 #15245 aton. One round, blue-white object flew at varying speeds. First sighting 9/1/1958 #15246 object rose very slowly, and then flew off faster climbing out of sight. 9/1/1958 #15248 like a pickle with a flat bottom, flew erratically and made loops for 15 s 10/2/1958 #15301 imore County, Maryland. The object flew at 150 feet altitude, and when it a 10/26/1958 #15386 -like object with an assembly tail flew at treetop height (NICAP: 02 - Clos 10/27/1958 #15389 e gray cigar with an assembly tail flew at treetop height, making a strong 10/27/1958 #15390 e gray cigar with an assembly tail flew at treetop level over Union Dale, P 10/27/1958 #15393 t four meters above the ground. It flew up-and-down by sudden jumps at the 10/31/1958 #15410 bec several silver points of light flew in pairs and large groups. Jet airc 11/6/1958 #15431 t blue glowing disc with two domes flew low over a main highway in Caracas, 11/12/1958 #15440 eral quick circles in the sky then flew off toward the southwest. 1/2/1959 #15529 t long shining cigar-shaped object flew over Adelaide, South Australia. It 1/3/1959 #15532 r eight p.m. a round orange object flew south of Rochester, New York. It ma 1/3/1959 #15532 k. It made a crackling noise as it flew. A nocturnal light exited from the 1/3/1959 #15532 exited from the larger craft, and flew off quickly to the west. 1/3/1959 #15532 two glowing lens-shaped discs that flew slowly to the west. One made a 180 1/26/1959 #15567 shaped UFO with a red light on top flew around for five minutes at 150 mete 2/25/1959 #15616 emerged, circled the barracks, and flew away at high speed. 3/1959 #15627 decided to get closer it rose and flew off. They watched it for 10 minutes 3/13/1959 #15642 ed a loud humming sound. The craft flew towards and then retreated from the 3/19/1959 #15654 a window in the UFO on which they flew, and were taken onboard the larger 3/19/1959 #15654 At 12:10 a.m. a luminous disc flew over a pasture in Bradenton, Florid 4/23/1959 #15711 d for a couple of minutes, then it flew away toward the south. 4/23/1959 #15711 dome of the craft flashed. The UFO flew off to the west. 5/13/1959 #15729 vertically after a short while and flew away. A separate witness was not id 5/18/1959 #15738 0 p.m. a huge yellow glowing cigar flew toward the northwest and circled th 5/21/1959 #15745 imilar to that of a dying fire. It flew away horizontally and was lost to s 6/21/1959 #15779 ck, metallic and with sharp edges, flew straight and level for 20-30 second 6/30/1959 #15803 ircled a dock for 10 minutes, then flew away slowly. 7/10/1959 #15831 26 bomber plane for one hour as it flew from Pampulha to Belo Horizonte, Br 7/14/1959 #15854 lights, then made a sharp turn and flew off to the west. 7/19/1959 #15860 a bright white cigar-shaped object flew south over the Woomera missile test 7/20/1959 #15864 ana a 0.6 meter in diameter sphere flew over at 30 km/hour heading south at 7/21/1959 #15868 e on the top at a low altitude. It flew out to sea. The witness had been kn 7/22/1959 #15871 a small white dome in the center, flew at tremendous speed for 5-10 second 7/25/1959 #15877 gun turret at 1:00 p.m. The object flew at an estimated 800 mph, banked, an 7/25/1959 #15879 dazzling colors) and a bronze disc flew over the shore of Baniara, Milne Ba 8/10/1959 #15903 an "unknown." At 7:30 p.m. a disc flew over Wayne, Pennsylvania. 8/10/1959 #15903 r. Then it took off vertically and flew away toward Santiago. Traces. Engin 8/12/1959 #15906 r. It then took off vertically and flew away toward Santiago. It left behin 8/12/1959 #15907 , and then five larger red lights, flew very fast vertically while making a 9/13/1959 #15969 erver(s). Saucer changes color(s). Flew south-L / 15 minute(s). No further 10/4/1959 #16014 , changing from red to red-orange, flew straight and level for 15 minutes. 10/4/1959 #16016 ight made several abrupt turns and flew very fast for 2 minutes. 10/6/1959 #16021 FO over Forrest City, Arkansas. It flew too fast to get any photos. 10/6/1959 #16023 ) a large white, domed shaped mass flew quickly toward the west over Fairli 10/7/1959 #16027 en a luminous saucer-shaped object flew over Cordoba, Argentina at 8:00 p.m 10/23/1959 #16056 Cordoba, Argentina at 8:00 p.m. It flew off to the northwest. 10/23/1959 #16056 J.M. Porter. A row of red lights flew slow, then speeded up immensely. S 11/18/1959 #16093 witnessed a row of red lights that flew slowly through the sky, and then sp 11/18/1959 #16094 m above the waves on the ocean. It flew to the North, and was seen again ov 11/20/1959 #16097 nning, and had flashing lights. It flew off to the north-northeast. 11/24/1959 #16101 m near Chatton, New Zealand a disc flew in around 9:45 p.m. flying toward t 12/3/1959 #16113 heir car's headlights dim as a UFO flew nearby. The object flew off towards 1/18/1960 #16156 m as a UFO flew nearby. The object flew off towards a field approximately 1 1/18/1960 #16156 ntal and then darkened. It finally flew to the northeast and out to sea. 4/16/1960 #16229 A cigar-shaped UFO flew by a train station at 9:00 p.m. in 4/22/1960 #16237 s. M. Clark. Five circular objects flew in trail formation, hovered and acc 4/25/1960 #16242 (BOL), which had a red glow. They flew at a low altitude, and made sharp t 4/25/1960 #16243 he UFO had a light on its top, and flew low and silently. It rose verticall 5/13/1960 #16270 silently. It rose vertically as it flew off. 5/13/1960 #16270 with a strong bluish light on top, flew noiseless and then hovered in a til 5/13/1960 #16271 g same distance. Finally, after it flew away by climbing very quickly out o 5/17/1960 #16281 l, England for 18 minutes. It then flew off towards the west. 5/25/1960 #16302 evation above the horizon. The UFO flew to the north moving at 1.5 degrees 7/6/1960 #16333 Ochs. One round, bright red light flew overhead, stopped and hovered, and 7/19/1960 #16340 ing a round, bright red light that flew overhead, stopped and hovered, and 7/19/1960 #16341 minous yellow, cigar-shaped object flew by the city at high speed. 8/15/1960 #16386 bottom. Object was dull orange. Flew in an arc for 2 minutes. 8/23/1960 #16409 windows at the bottom. The object flew in an arc for two minutes. 8/23/1960 #16410 s. One shiny, round, silver object flew straight up very fast for 18 second 8/29/1960 #16424 a shiny, round, silver object that flew straight up very fast. It was in si 8/29/1960 #16425 joined the larger object, and all flew away rapidly to the east at 6:10 p. 10/4/1960 #16478 land, but then took off again. It flew off toward the north, leaving a tra 11/11/1960 #16499 eter black disc-shaped object that flew off to the northwest. It had clearl 11/24/1960 #16512 rose vertically into the sky, then flew off toward the southwest. 12/3/1960 #16523 ed craft through a hatch. The disc flew off toward the north. Pendulum moti 12/25/1960 #16538 there from Edwards AFB.” The craft flew silently, was about 20 to 30 ft. in 1961 #16544 She said a big, fiery, red sphere flew over her house and crashed in the v 1961 #16545 to the hood of the truck and then flew away. The truck was pulled up nearl 1/1/1961 #16558 ascended to 60 feet altitude, and flew away to the south at 100 mph. 4/29/1961 #16668 A round, silver bowl-shaped object flew slowly to the south over Napier, Ne 5/23/1961 #16698 ane, then paced the aircraft as it flew to the northeast. 5/28/1961 #16702 ly rejoined it and the large craft flew away. 5/31/1961 #16705 .W. Mattison. One blue-white light flew erratic course at varying speed, in 6/2/1961 #16711 n, sighted a blue-white light that flew an erratic course at varying speeds 6/2/1961 #16712 rose vertically at great speed and flew towards the southwest. Horses in th 6/11/1961 #16725 At 3:35 p.m. a 25 cm wide disc flew just above some telephone lines at 6/13/1961 #16728 ss Nannette Hilley. One large ball flew slow, split into four after 45 minu 7/7/1961 #16751 into four after 45 minutes. Four flew close formation, descended and flew 7/7/1961 #16751 lew close formation, descended and flew away to the west. Total sighting l 7/7/1961 #16751 after 45 minutes. The four lights flew in close formation, descended and f 7/7/1961 #16752 in close formation, descended and flew away toward the west. The sighting 7/7/1961 #16752 merged from behind the trees; they flew low over the ground, and then the t 7/8/1961 #16755 . It stopped, circled the vehicle, flew off and was lost to sight behind th 7/17/1961 #16764 very bright white light or objects flew in trail formation for 30 minutes. 7/20/1961 #16768 ight white lights or objects. They flew in trail formation for 30 minutes. 7/20/1961 #16769 white metallic disc-shaped objects flew over the countryside in pairs for s 8/6/1961 #16782 50' altitude for 3-5 minutes, then flew straight up and east. 8/12/1961 #16790 aker sighted an oval fireball that flew from the northeast to the southwest 8/16/1961 #16796 mpression of "windows." The object flew up very fast when the car reached t 8/25/1961 #16803 the impression of windows. The UFO flew up and away very fast when the car 8/25/1961 #16805 r three minutes, then ascended and flew off toward the southeast. 10/14/1961 #16912 atch. One round, red-orange object flew straight up and faded after 3-4 min 11/21/1961 #16967 F. Braunger. One bright red star flew straight and level for 15 minutes. 11/23/1961 #16975 nd-shaped object with a bright tip flew straight and level for 1-3 minutes. 12/13/1961 #16991 pped to observe it, but the object flew away. 12/21/1961 #17001 ear-old man named Hislope and then flew away. 12/21/1961 #17002 One gold-colored box, 12-14"x3-4", flew straight and level across the horiz 3/1/1962 #17070 young people. One large red ball flew or fell down, then went back up dur 3/26/1962 #17087 t jumped up and up three times and flew away. 4/11/1962 #17109 d separated into two sections that flew away in different directions. It ma 5/12/1962 #17162 d separated into two sections that flew away in different directions. It ma 5/12/1962 #17166 of the object four small red orbs flew out, lined up behind the larger bal 5/13/1962 #17173 ed up behind the larger ball, then flew away in formation. 5/13/1962 #17173 lvania a domed disc with portholes flew over the city for an estimated 40 m 5/23/1962 #17195 reat size and speed was seen as it flew over. 6/25/1962 #17246 cherry-red, diamond-shaped object flew slow, hovered, made fast 1/2 loops 7/29/1962 #17299 d-shaped object at 11:20 p.m. that flew slowly, hovered, and then made fast 7/29/1962 #17300 led to chase the object. The light flew away and came back, then rose verti 8/7/1962 #17329 sc was 150 meters in diameter, and flew just 50 meters above the truck. The 8/28/1962 #17370 r, then gave a whistling sound and flew away. 9/13/1962 #17394 r, then gave a whistling sound and flew away. 9/13/1962 #17395 nded to a higher altitude and then flew away toward the southwest. 9/26/1962 #17442 sound was heard before the object flew off. 11/1962 #17524 A bright, light-bulb shaped object flew in toward the east, then angled off 12/2/1962 #17569 nd spherical, rose straight up and flew away with a very bright trail. 12/11/1962 #17579 tude. The UFOs rose vertically and flew off. 12/19/1962 #17596 ose to 10 m altitude, hovered, and flew away to the northeast. 12/21/1962 #17600 itude, hovered a short while, then flew off toward the northeast. 12/22/1962 #17607 t. Half an hour later a fiery ball flew over Belgrade, Montana causing elec 2/22/1963 #17681 lying at high altitude. The object flew off to the west. 3/11/1963 #17699 ar the house. After one minute, it flew away. 5/7/1963 #17735 buzzing sound. After a minute, it flew away. 5/7/1963 #17736 d. The object crossed the road and flew away. The light was as intense as t 5/20/1963 #17753 d. The object crossed the road and flew away. The light was as intense as a 5/20/1963 #17754 bject rose, tipped to one side and flew away at fantastic speed. 6/28/1963 #17813 200-foot-long torpedo-shaped craft flew over Parkstone, Dorset, England at 7/14/1963 #17828 a large featureless metallic disc flew to the east near the airport in Ont 7/16/1963 #17834 to a cloud of unusual color, which flew against the wind. 7/22/1963 #17847 s. The glowing balls of light then flew up into a large ovoid UFO. 8/11/1963 #17886 He made a threatening gesture and flew up to the sphere, which left. The c 8/28/1963 #17920 two boys, aged 9 and 11, and then flew up to the sphere, which left. The c 8/28/1963 #17924 o the object. It then took off and flew around the truck several times, eac 10/12/1963 #17988 ich came close to his light truck, flew ahead of him, then departed and app 10/31/1963 #18015 s. It approached his pickup truck, flew ahead of him, then flew off and see 10/31/1963 #18018 kup truck, flew ahead of him, then flew off and seemed to land behind a hil 10/31/1963 #18018 erstand, climbed aboard again, and flew away. 12/1963 #18060 m, making a humming sound. It then flew away. 12/14/1963 #18082 ad his car battery die while a UFO flew by. His cows also became ill. 12/24/1963 #18092 , and went back to the machine and flew off. 12/25/1963 #18094 then went back to the machine and flew off. 12/25/1963 #18095 he rest of the craft. It took off, flew horizontally for 30 m, and was hidd 12/27/1963 #18097 of the craft. When it took off it flew horizontally for 30 meters and was 12/27/1963 #18099 came to ground level, hovered, and flew off very fast as they were driving 4/3/1964 #18156 , were near the ground, tilted and flew away after 3-4 minutes. 4/3/1964 #18157 ground level, hovered, tilted, and flew off very fast as they were driving 4/3/1964 #18159 bright as day," and a round object flew about 3 m above the car, making a w 4/22/1964 #18183 oof. It made a whining sound, then flew north. 4/22/1964 #18185 g roar, became silent, hovered and flew away. Traces. 4/24/1964 #18194 n a quarter of a mile to the east, flew up over a mountain, then down out o 4/26/1964 #18211 Cruces, New Mexico a luminous UFO flew over a car being driven by Mr. P. A 4/28/1964 #18219 being driven by Mr. P. Arteche. It flew with a jerky motion and frequently 4/28/1964 #18219 alf the apparent size of the Moon, flew very fast in tight formation from e 5/9/1964 #18254 apparent size of the moon, as they flew quickly in tight formation over Chi 5/9/1964 #18256 ar UFO with very bright headlights flew in "an extremely wavy motion--like 5/15/1964 #18273 Burbank between 2125 and 2130. It flew erratically with a whirring sound a 5/17/1964 #18277 d Burbank at 9:25 and 9:30 p.m. It flew erratically with a whirring sound a 5/17/1964 #18278 ned within 2 or 3 m of the car. It flew away after five min. It was describ 5/24/1964 #18296 n diameter. After five minutes, it flew away and the car could be started. 5/24/1964 #18298 ipsoid (3.5 times as long as wide) flew straight and level for 3-4 seconds. 5/26/1964 #18304 half times longer than it was high flew on a straight and level flight path 5/26/1964 #18309 ction in Sunnyvale, California. It flew off rapidly toward the southeast. 6/2/1964 #18324 d a red misty glow. A second ovoid flew off to the northwest. There were a 6/3/1964 #18327 ew River, Arizona. It ascended and flew off to the south-southwest when it 6/3/1964 #18327 ia, Australia at 5:55 p.m. It then flew away to the northwest toward Melbou 6/12/1964 #18347 to dark red. Five minutes later it flew away slowly. At 9:15 pm. B. L. Engl 6/13/1964 #18353 made a low, rumbling sound as they flew. 6/13/1964 #18353 g blades revolving clockwise as it flew along silently above the road. Some 6/14/1964 #18358 tion, then split the formation and flew on either side of a grove of trees. 6/23/1964 #18370 da in the predawn hours. The discs flew along, tipping back and forth. They 6/24/1964 #18372 d, then landed again. Took off and flew in a horizontal direction. A UFO ve 6/25/1964 #18376 ted with the object's presence. It flew silently at tree height and hovered 7/7/1964 #18397 e airplane, then rapidly slowed nd flew along with it for a total of 5 minu 7/16/1964 #18417 e-colored flame shooting downward, flew straight and level, made a half loo 7/20/1964 #18430 ard from underneath the object. It flew straight and level, made a half loo 7/20/1964 #18431 right light were emitted before it flew off at high speed. Total duration: 7/27/1964 #18446 und objects, in a stack formation, flew very fast, changing positions withi 8/15/1964 #18490 three bright silver, round objects flew in a stack formation at a high spee 8/15/1964 #18492 .m. a red ellipsoid pulsated as it flew over Melrose, Massachusetts. It had 8/26/1964 #18513 y an oval, dull copper object that flew low over her car. It measured about 9/11/1964 #18549 cked an UFO as it hovered over and flew along the demilitarized zone betwee 10/1964 #18565 lant in Danvers, Massachusetts. It flew under a cloud at 2,500 altitude, at 10/1/1964 #18568 girls. Three dim, reddish lights flew through a 160^ arc in 5-6 seconds. 11/14/1964 #18615 ted three dim, reddish lights that flew through a 160 degree arc in the sky 11/14/1964 #18618 -and-down oscillating path as they flew along. The sighting lasted three mi 1/11/1965 #18710 d it hovering for one min, then it flew off. at high speed. The object was 1/12/1965 #18715 ow lighted objects trailing sparks flew through the sky, at a speed many ti 3/6/1965 #18845 t with two fixed red lights, which flew above them, avoided hitting the hou 3/8/1965 #18849 S. Bureau of Standards. Six lights flew overhead slowly for 3 minutes. 3/8/1965 #18850 --two of them fixed red lights. It flew above them at a low altitude, and a 3/8/1965 #18852 At 1:00 a.m. three blue discs flew from north to south very fast over 3/20/1965 #18870 illuminated tails was sighted. It flew off to the south. 3/21/1965 #18872 with four lights along the bottom, flew in and out of the clouds for 15 sec 4/4/1965 #18894 the bottom (see sketch below). It flew in and out of a cloud bank for 15 s 4/4/1965 #18896 four others in Dry Fork, Utah. It flew overhead for five minutes. 6/14/1965 #19005 merged out of sight when the plane flew over. 6/21/1965 #19022 cross the front and along the side flew over Nebo, Queensland, Australia. I 6/24/1965 #19025 with red, green, and white lights flew away over the horizon. 6/24/1965 #19025 A domed disc-shapec object flew over Beijing, China at 10:00 p.m. 7/1/1965 #19048 side-to-side pendulum swings, then flew away to the north. 7/1/1965 #19050 12:30 in the afternoon. The object flew south toward Metz. 7/9/1965 #19090 ildly when a white cylindrical UFO flew over, flying toward the northeast a 7/9/1965 #19091 o min, leaving X-shaped traces. It flew up to about 10 m altitude, then wen 7/17/1965 #19116 leaving X-shaped ground marks. It flew up to about 10 meters altitude, sto 7/17/1965 #19118 A 70-foot diameter black disc flew by a satellite tracking station in 7/18/1965 #19122 de, rested on the ground silently, flew up to 30 m, and disappeared at fant 7/19/1965 #19132 oss the sky from left to right. It flew with an oscillating motion, and mad 7/19/1965 #19135 agasta, Chile a cone-shaped object flew over the city at high speed, with t 7/19/1965 #19135 de, rested on the ground silently, flew up to 30 meters, and disappeared at 7/20/1965 #19152 a round, bluish white object that flew silently to the north. At 10:30 p.m 7/20/1965 #19154 a field near Monsempron-Libos. It flew at high speed toward the south. Off 7/29/1965 #19200 4:20 a.m. a washtub-shaped object flew over North Weymouth, Massachusetts 7/29/1965 #19203 a field near Monsempron-Libos. It flew away at high speed toward the south 7/29/1965 #19204 ops and disappear from sight as it flew out over the lake. 8/3/1965 #19294 ness: J.A. Carter, 19. One light flew fast, straight and level for 12 sec 8/4/1965 #19315 nexplained red and blue light that flew fast, straight and level for 12 sec 8/4/1965 #19324 and illuminated the clouds when it flew into them. Capt. James Dorsey and f 8/5/1965 #19328 ed object with illuminated windows flew over, making a groaning noise. (2) 8/6/1965 #19335 iameter, shaped like a disk, which flew in front of the moon in a northerly 8/13/1965 #19379 d 50 m away, rose from the ground, flew low over the car, landed 20m away o 8/14/1965 #19389 ed two large “birds,” one of which flew at her car. She arrived home at 12: 8/16/1965 #19410 breathe. Once she was inside they flew the ship over a nearby field, which 8/16/1965 #19410 in over a woods, rose, and finally flew off to the southwest. Effects were 8/20/1965 #19439 nside into their craft, which then flew off. 8/20/1965 #19443 d, and reentered the object, which flew off in a spiral. 8/23/1965 #19455 then re-entered the object, which flew off in a spiral. 8/23/1965 #19456 ng and emitting red light beams It flew off to the northeast. 8/25/1965 #19463 and emitting red light beams as it flew off to the northeast. 8/25/1965 #19465 op level over a field. The objects flew in three groups of three, and passe 8/28/1965 #19470 t of the witness' car, bounced and flew away. Sighting lasted 3-4 seconds. 8/30/1965 #19477 of the witnesses' car, bounced and flew away. The sighting lasted 3-4 secon 8/30/1965 #19481 away, at 25 degrees elevation. It flew in an arc, hovered, and then went i 8/30/1965 #19481 dges, but appeared to be solid. It flew from south to northwest low in the 8/30/1965 #19481 n unknown, elongated flying object flew over. It had blinding headlights wi 9/3/1965 #19514 er lights perhaps in the rear, and flew at an altitude of only 300-400 feet 9/3/1965 #19514 ding, and observed the craft as it flew away. 9/8/1965 #19536 hid, and observed the craft as it flew away. 9/8/1965 #19540 their craft, 6 m in diameter, and flew off. They spoke in a language which 9/11/1965 #19554 A luminous UFO flew over the city of Cuernavaca, Mexico 9/23/1965 #19593 iamon. Five orange lights in a row flew fast and made an abrupt turn during 9/25/1965 #19602 and wife. Two round white objects flew side-by-side, at 30-50' altitude, p 9/25/1965 #19603 essed two round white objects that flew side-by-side in the sky over Rodeo, 9/25/1965 #19606 ver Rodeo, New Mexico. The objects flew at 30 to 50 feet above the ground, 9/25/1965 #19606 ntire body. Soon afterward a craft flew over their car. Several persons liv 9/29/1965 #19622 n its body. Soon afterwards, a UFO flew above their car for some time. That 9/29/1965 #19624 ed objects, the size of airliners, flew over Ballarat, Victoria, Australia 10/5/1965 #19645 ding, and observed the craft as it flew away. 10/8/1965 #19652 t of place from time to time. They flew off to the west. 10/17/1965 #19661 persons saw a circular object that flew over the beach, circling. Later two 10/18/1965 #19666 bject, which took off suddenly and flew over them. It was also observed by 10/30/1965 #19689 g women working at a factory as it flew from the northwest to the west over 12/24/1965 #19788 its speed and apparent size as it flew. Fourteen minutes later a disc shap 12/24/1965 #19788 h a flat bottom and two spotlights flew toward the northeast on a horizonta 12/24/1965 #19788 d the top. After 5 seconds the UFO flew away rapidly. An independent witnes 1/7/1966 #19811 ject that hovered at low altitude, flew in circular patterns over a reservo 1/11/1966 #19826 Wanaque Reservoir, New Jersey. It flew in circular patterns over the reser 1/11/1966 #19829 ning like a top, rose to 20 m, and flew to the southwest on a fast, oblique 1/19/1966 #19857 ed the area near their house, then flew away. No sound was heard. One of th 2/25/1966 #19917 civilians reported an object that flew slowly toward the south, hovered, c 3/3/1966 #19937 e within 15 m of them, and finally flew off toward the southwest. 3/3/1966 #19937 York reported that an object that flew toward the south slowly, hovered, a 3/3/1966 #19938 thin 15 meters of them. It finally flew off toward the southwest. 3/3/1966 #19938 f signaling, and the larger object flew away to the west leaving a red glow 3/11/1966 #19951 l car, following it for 1 km, then flew off toward the northwest. The witne 3/17/1966 #19982 . It circled Pt. Marisco, and then flew off the the west. 3/17/1966 #19984 followed it for a kilometer, then flew off toward the northwest. The objec 3/17/1966 #19986 the object tilted up as the object flew erratically to the northeast, then 3/18/1966 #19989 as viewed through binoculars as it flew slowly to the west, then shot off t 3/19/1966 #19996 ghted up with a yellowish glow and flew away at high speed with a whistling 3/20/1966 #20008 hit a metal surface as the object flew off. 3/25/1966 #20079 hit a metal surface as the object flew off. 3/25/1966 #20084 the headlights failed. The object flew over the car and hovered 400 m away 3/26/1966 #20090 the headlights failed. The object flew over the car and hovered 400 meters 3/26/1966 #20095 and the headlights failed. The UFO flew over the car, and then hovered at a 3/27/1966 #20102 m above the road on a hilltop. It flew off, as the car engine and headligh 3/28/1966 #20113 above the road on a hilltop. As it flew off his car engine and headlights d 3/28/1966 #20120 s. The object circled the area and flew overhead. (Keyhoe & Lore, 1969a, p. 3/30/1966 #20155 ed. The UFO took off, circled, and flew out over the ocean. At about the sa 3/30/1966 #20166 backed up, but the object suddenly flew over and behind him. A noise simila 3/31/1966 #20174 bjects, and they both took off and flew away rapidly. 4/1/1966 #20203 f light exited from the object and flew away toward the north. 4/1/1966 #20204 ly. The object producing the light flew away. 4/5/1966 #20239 swamp, tried to follow it, but it flew awav. They observed that animals (c 4/5/1966 #20243 ect with red and green body lights flew ahead of a car, circled back emitti 4/7/1966 #20262 urned back to investigate, the UFO flew off through a corn field, at one po 4/18/1966 #20329 a road in Lancaster, Ohio and then flew off through a corn field. The witne 4/18/1966 #20333 with bright red lights on each end flew low, hovered, and made a hissing so 4/19/1966 #20342 ircraft circled the location, then flew on. The whistling sound was again h 4/19/1966 #20344 had white, red, and green lights, flew low over him, circled, came down wi 4/19/1966 #20345 a high-flying, bright purple light flew over Stoughton, Massachusetts givin 4/19/1966 #20347 ts. Five aircraft and a helicopter flew over the area after the UFO landed 4/19/1966 #20347 e area. At 11:45 p.m. a large disc flew over Quincy, Massachusetts accompan 4/19/1966 #20347 arently made repairs and the craft flew away. (Vallee, 1969, pp. 329-30). ( 4/22/1966 #20368 ed to make repairs, then the craft flew away. 4/22/1966 #20370 light making a buzzing sound as it flew over the road 15 m away from the ho 4/22/1966 #20371 aircraft, as the remaining object flew away to the southwest. Police descr 4/22/1966 #20371 hting in Portugal--a flying saucer flew down the main street of Bagley, Min 4/22/1966 #20379 t the size of a car, it tilted and flew away. 4/22/1966 #20380 like two bowls glued together. It flew at 30 meters altitude, ahead of his 4/26/1966 #20422 tating red, green and white lights flew over the Watertown Arsenal in Middl 5/1/1966 #20440 at evening at 10 p.m. a white disc flew up to a farm in Cardington, Ohio an 5/4/1966 #20449 e end and blue light at the other, flew straight and level for 35 seconds. 5/7/1966 #20458 nd, a blue light at the other, and flew straight and level for 35 seconds. 5/7/1966 #20460 Ipamari, Goias State, Brazil as it flew to the south over the rainforest on 5/8/1966 #20466 objects which rose, separated, and flew off in different directions. The pa 6/2/1966 #20521 charged three smaller objects that flew off in different directions over Ma 6/2/1966 #20524 and smaller lights at the rim. It flew away very fast to the east. 6/3/1966 #20527 and smaller lights on the rim. It flew away very fast to the east. 6/3/1966 #20530 cigar-shaped, bright metallic, and flew low to the northeast. Minimum dista 6/8/1966 #20541 and downward coming from it, as it flew about 10 feet above the power lines 6/8/1966 #20547 , it took off like an airplane and flew away toward the southeast in the di 6/13/1966 #20558 m in diameter, which backed up and flew away "like a bullet." Three other p 6/23/1966 #20596 r in diameter, which backed up and flew away "like a bullet." Three other p 6/23/1966 #20601 from each other. A disc-shaped UFO flew into view and positioned itself bet 6/27/1966 #20618 k to white. It made no sound as it flew. 7/20/1966 #20661 came from a pulsating object that flew within 100 m of the car, 15 m above 7/25/1966 #20681 nd hovered over the car. Rose and flew up and out of sight in less than 5 7/25/1966 #20682 atch it, but became afraid when it flew within 100 meters of the car, only 7/25/1966 #20685 then suddenly left straight up. It flew up and out of sight in less than fi 7/25/1966 #20685 ion, and colors around the rim. It flew slowly overhead for 5 minutes as a 8/15/1966 #20746 away, but tilted back on edge and flew into the clouds at high speed. 8/19/1966 #20769 m. When children ran toward it, it flew away. 8/20/1966 #20783 night. The UFO changed shape as it flew. Two F-102 jets gave chase, but it 8/27/1966 #20817 as the size of a 3-story house. It flew away as the policeman was about to 9/1966 #20823 t made a soft swishing sound as it flew across the highway, climbed, levele 9/8/1966 #20864 highway, climbed, leveled off, and flew away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 9/8/1966 #20864 ad two or three bright lights that flew in and out of the craft. They moved 9/17/1966 #20893 Air Force saw a bright object that flew down at high speed, stopped abruptl 9/21/1966 #20908 ed at ground level for 20 min, and flew away straight up. 9/21/1966 #20908 Air Force saw a bright object that flew down at high speed in Summerside, P 9/21/1966 #20911 ground level for 20 minutes, then flew away straight up. There was radar-v 9/21/1966 #20911 maneuvered, made a sharp turn and flew southwest beneath an overcast, hove 9/30/1966 #20938 O took off southward. The red ball flew 100 feet over Jane's head. It too w 10/2/1966 #20950 ed, and emitted a dark object that flew off to the southwest. The larger ob 10/8/1966 #20975 odium-light" yellow colored object flew toward the northeast over Burnside, 10/23/1966 #21032 to time. The greenish-blue object flew back in front of the car, then was 11/2/1966 #21068 to time. The greenish-blue object flew back in front of her car, and then 11/2/1966 #21072 ed like "a brown human being" that flew from some nearby trees and maneuver 11/12/1966 #21096 feet, with great big red eyes. It flew straight up, like a helicopter. 11/21/1966 #21132 folded its ten foot wide wings and flew directly at her windshield. She saw 11/27/1966 #21152 They screamed and ran home, and it flew low over their heads as they ran. 11/27/1966 #21153 ude to between 500-1000 feet, then flew away towards the northeast. The car 11/30/1966 #21167 g its head from side to side as it flew. 12/4/1966 #21182 ns of Col d'Uzes, Gard, France. It flew at an estimated altitude of 150 met 12/5/1966 #21186 ade an odd maneuver in the sky and flew away. 1/3/1967 #21251 ot long ovoid UFO with a blue halo flew only 25 feet above a car on a road 1/10/1967 #21284 on its rim and made no sound as it flew. It show away toward the southeast. 1/10/1967 #21284 er a field, circled the house, and flew away. (Report from a dairy farm own 1/13/1967 #21296 me that resembled windows. The UFO flew off toward the south. 1/15/1967 #21314 peller underneath Two min later it flew away. 1/19/1967 #21352 over a house for 15 minutes, then flew away. (Westport News, 1/26/67, copy 1/24/1967 #21373 visible on the bottom. The object flew straight for 5-6 seconds before dis 1/26/1967 #21394 descended, circled a mountain, and flew off. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 0 1/26/1967 #21395 ong, thin cigar-shaped object that flew to the northeast for 15 seconds. Th 1/30/1967 #21420 bjects emerged from the larger and flew away rapidly toward the southwest. 2/1967 #21428 tched a disc or ellipse that first flew like an airplane, but then moved wi 2/3/1967 #21445 in Oakland City, Indiana. The UFO flew off to the northwest. 2/5/1967 #21461 and blue lights (body lights) that flew very low making a roaring sound. (H 2/6/1967 #21467 e flashing lights. The object then flew away. (St. Louis Post Dispatch, 2/7 2/6/1967 #21468 light. The object oscillated as it flew along over the Merritt Parkway and 2/7/1967 #21473 d two steady white light beams. It flew at low altitude, slowly and silentl 2/7/1967 #21474 ated, then the cigar-shaped object flew rapidly away. (NICAP report form.) 2/7/1967 #21476 ed object hovered vertically, then flew away rapidly to the southwest. 2/7/1967 #21477 silvery cigar- shaped objects that flew in a straight line, then separately 2/8/1967 #21478 ered for about 15 minutes and then flew away. A whirring sound was heard. ( 2/10/1967 #21498 le on the bottom (body lights). It flew, hovered, and passed over the witne 2/10/1967 #21500 ning a dark, triangular shaped UFO flew blunt-end forward over North Woodst 2/10/1967 #21508 ounter. After five minutes the UFO flew south, stopped briefly, and then sp 2/10/1967 #21508 tom edge (body lights). The object flew over the witness's car just above p 2/12/1967 #21518 dull, almost grey luminous color; flew northeast in a very rigid formation 2/12/1967 #21522 th revolving lights at bottom edge flew over car just above phone lines. La 2/12/1967 #21523 ic sheen. The object hovered, then flew low over trees, remaining visible f 2/14/1967 #21548 one, and multiple rows of windows flew over US Route 66 in the desert sout 2/16/1967 #21577 nton Summer. One orange-red object flew parallel to truck for 2 minutes. 2/20/1967 #21606 m the sky in Oxford, Wisconsin and flew parallel to a truck for two minutes 2/20/1967 #21608 (maneuvered), then accelerated and flew away rapidly. (Letter dated 3/25/67 2/21/1967 #21611 h a "quivering" motion. The object flew off, returned, hovered again, chang 2/21/1967 #21613 CST dogs began yelping when a UFO flew by fast and low. The object's light 2/21/1967 #21616 er gaining speed (accelerated) and flew away to the northeast. (Fargo Forum 2/25/1967 #21647 first seen in the northern sky and flew toward the west; it rose slightly a 2/25/1967 #21649 d the west; it rose slightly as it flew. 2/25/1967 #21649 form was seen between the lights, flew relatively slow, made sweeping turn 2/25/1967 #21650 ith a plain bright light. The UFOs flew up from a low altitude at a 30-degr 2/25/1967 #21652 30-degree angle, sped up, and then flew off quickly toward the northeast. 2/25/1967 #21652 a low flying, bullet-shaped object flew over Dublin Airport, Ireland. It ga 2/26/1967 #21662 evel, tilted, then accelerated and flew away very fast after 5 minutes. (Ai 3/1/1967 #21707 Four bright domed discs flew from north to south over Valparaiso 3/1/1967 #21716 lver lights or disc-shaped objects flew over White Sands, New Mexico at 10: 3/2/1967 #21732 d the White Sands missile base and flew away toward the east. They flew at 3/2/1967 #21732 nd flew away toward the east. They flew at an estimated speed of 2,000 mph. 3/2/1967 #21732 rent directions, hovered, and then flew away. 3/2/1967 #21733 and hovered for a long time, then flew away to the east. A sound like a sw 3/3/1967 #21741 and hovered for a long time, then flew away to the east. A sound like a sw 3/3/1967 #21744 Seven white lights flew in formation from north to south ov 3/3/1967 #21747 om the underside of the object and flew away. The UFO varied in color from 3/4/1967 #21754 itude near an electric plant. They flew to the north, slowly at first and t 3/5/1967 #21767 nd bottom rim which pulsated red. Flew level, east to west, and was joined 3/6/1967 #21776 one minute past midnight. The UFO flew on a level flight path from east to 3/6/1967 #21778 -colored flashing body lights that flew irregularly at high speed. The obje 3/8/1967 #21801 object, as big as a jet airliner, flew straight and fast to the east for 2 3/9/1967 #21839 ts in the center (body lights). It flew overhead, changing color, and seeme 3/17/1967 #21910 ft, but they came to ground level, flew straight toward the car, and sudden 3/20/1967 #21922 but they came to ground level and flew straight toward the car, then sudde 3/20/1967 #21927 portedly visited by two UFOs. They flew over the snow covered Huascaran mou 3/22/1967 #21943 ticolored lights stood still, then flew away at high speed after 1 minute. 3/22/1967 #21947 FO hovered for a short while, then flew away at high speed. This is a Proje 3/22/1967 #21949 e bottom. The object hovered, then flew away. Many sightings reported all o 3/23/1967 #21954 ght coming from them. The rose and flew toward the west, where they were jo 3/25/1967 #21986 brass with the sun shining on it, flew from southeast to northwest with tu 3/26/1967 #21996 hts) with red sections. The object flew over their car at an estimated 3,00 4/5/1967 #22063 like an electric motor. The object flew over his car emitting a chemical od 4/5/1967 #22068 for about 4 minutes. ^ The object flew tilted, and two smaller objects cam 4/6/1967 #22075 t, apparently on the ground, which flew up and passed nearby and then flew 4/8/1967 #22096 flew up and passed nearby and then flew away. Three imprints in the shape o 4/8/1967 #22096 object then banked, s turned, and flew away. (Project Blue Book files, Nat 4/12/1967 #22119 ect buzzed car, banked, turned and flew away. Project Blue Book files, (E) 4/12/1967 #22120 esses; it banked, turned, and then flew away. The engine of the car was aff 4/12/1967 #22125 zuela on this day. It took off and flew away when approached. 4/16/1967 #22141 ater jet aircraft at high altitude flew in the same direction as the object 4/17/1967 #22147 ect shaped like an upturned saucer flew across the sky. The sound was heard 4/17/1967 #22148 upturned saucer" (domed disc) that flew across the sky and behind a hill. L 4/17/1967 #22155 y lights arranged in groupings. It flew low and slow from east to west. (NI 4/20/1967 #22168 lights and two dimmer white lights flew over a lake in Georgetown, Massachu 4/20/1967 #22173 car's headlights the UFO rose and flew away quickly. 4/22/1967 #22210 ct that changed color to red as it flew rapidly from north to south. The ob 5/9/1967 #22301 ct that changed color to red as it flew rapidly from north to south. The ob 5/9/1967 #22305 with the road. It then tilted and flew over the crest of a nearby hill and 5/12/1967 #22327 descending in the western sky. It flew down to an altitude estimated as ab 5/17/1967 #22366 ws on a huge cigar-shaped UFO that flew from the northeast to southwest, an 5/17/1967 #22370 nd, then made a 90-degree turn and flew off to the west. (Grove City Record 5/19/1967 #22374 It then made a 90-degree turn and flew off to the west. The object made an 5/19/1967 #22375 emitting a greenish-blue light. It flew less than 20 m above his car, at 40 5/22/1967 #22388 blue light in Evillers, France. It flew less than 20 meters above his car a 5/22/1967 #22389 ree light green glowing discs that flew low above treetops and then went st 5/28/1967 #22412 A glowing object flew over Murray Bridge, South Australia 5/28/1967 #22415 at two o'clock in the morning. It flew to the west at a speed under 100 mp 5/28/1967 #22415 bject with windows and protrusions flew over Wallingford, Connecticut. With 5/28/1967 #22417 ter rose straight up, hovered, and flew away. (Bay City Times, 6/14/67, cop 5/29/1967 #22420 with distinct"* edges. The object flew into view, hovered for 2 minutes, t 6/5/1967 #22466 a silvery disc-shaped object that flew two to three times the speed of a j 6/6/1967 #22471 e transparent front of the UFO. It flew away and the car could be restarted 6/6/1967 #22473 At 11:55 p.m. a silver disc flew twice as fast as the fastest jet ov 6/6/1967 #22474 ular protuberance on its underside flew close to an ambulance being driven 6/7/1967 #22479 ocket ship--he'd be back." Then he flew up on the roof with the aide of two 6/9/1967 #22484 into the object which took off and flew to the north out of sight. 6/11/1967 #22496 ect rose with a blast, circled and flew away. 6/20/1967 #22522 ect rose with a blast, circled and flew away. 6/20/1967 #22523 icemen saw 8-10 bright lights that flew in formation over a military post a 6/24/1967 #22544 lid, blue-white, elliptical object flew from northwest to northeast and sto 6/24/1967 #22547 Dogs howled when a UFO flew ten to twenty feet off the ground, 6/25/1967 #22555 them came two smaller objects; one flew to the east, the other to the west. 6/25/1967 #22557 aw a red, cigar-shaped object that flew low and fast to the southwest. (Pac 7/1967 #22587 , England at 2:15 a.m. It stopped, flew "half-way back", then made numerous 7/6/1967 #22623 people saw two bright lights that flew in parallel emitting a sound. (Cali 7/15/1967 #22661 bject about the size of a baseball flew into the car's headlights. It came 7/17/1967 #22686 an intense white light came on. It flew away behind the treeline toward the 7/20/1967 #22713 the low flying yellow light, which flew just 15 feet above the roadway in P 7/21/1967 #22720 bbling" over a field. When a plane flew into the area, the objects (lights) 7/25/1967 #22729 a multi-colored elliptical object flew over Seacliff, South Australia maki 7/26/1967 #22736 ght signals, and evaded a jet that flew over the area. 7/27/1967 #22742 lor to white as it neared. It then flew at tree-top level and hovered at lo 8/1/1967 #22773 ng object like a "light bulb" that flew from west to east, disappearing beh 8/3/1967 #22784 out 50-100 feet off the ground and flew away to the southeast. A scorched a 8/4/1967 #22799 t then rose slowly to the east and flew away. 8/4/1967 #22807 saw a creature in his room, which "flew" out through the open window. Light 8/7/1967 #22839 ply outlined asymmetrical crescent flew over the mountain astronomical stat 8/8/1967 #22845 w of yellow lights on its surface, flew over Grand Rapids, Michigan very fa 8/9/1967 #22854 in white suits and helmets. They "flew back" into the object at once and i 8/23/1967 #22901 in Eldon, Missouri an ovoid object flew slowly and silently to the southwes 8/25/1967 #22926 irrorlike object. They hovered and flew around the sphere, then dived into 8/29/1967 #22953 ur began to spread, and the object flew away. 8/29/1967 #22953 alked back a creature of some sort flew overhead. 8/29/1967 #22956 Then it moved up into the sky and flew away. (Ca/gary Albertan, 10/18/67, 9/1967 #22966 hone calls, they find that no X-15 flew on September 1. (There are flights 9/1/1967? #22977 with bright red glowing dome as it flew low overhead and apparently landed 9/2/1967 #22980 hen Andrade declined, the creature flew back into the object, which left. 9/4/1967 #22996 hen Andrade declined, the creature flew back into the object, which left. 9/4/1967 #23000 e began screaming and the creature flew off. Her brother in law and her par 9/8/1967 #23021 t pointed backwards." The creature flew eastward and out of sight among the 9/8/1967 #23021 northwest, then to the north, and flew off toward the northeast. It was fl 9/22/1967 #23116 f an orange, flare-like light that flew in from the south over the Stafford 9/23/1967 #23122 from some mist. One of the objects flew around a house and the other seemed 9/25/1967 #23129 about to land, then both rose and flew off. (Haines, 1994, p. 84, from UNI 9/25/1967 #23129 ed satellites balls of light, then flew off to the west. 9/25/1967 #23132 had lights around its rim, and it flew off toward the southeast. At 8:40 p 10/3/1967 #23172 d object with a fuzzy amber center flew over Cambridge, Massachusetts. It h 10/3/1967 #23172 racted its tripod landing gear and flew off. He reportedly suffered somephy 10/6/1967 #23187 West Virginia a turtle-shaped disc flew over a cemetery shortly after a fun 10/8/1967 #23195 orange ball (rendezvous), and they flew away together to the east. (Salisbu 10/17/1967 #23244 three men on the road, who "almost flew off and disappeared." They were abo 10/21/1967 #23279 enter. The object hovered and then flew away, the blue ring changing color 10/23/1967 #23293 d like a cowbell. At last, the UFO flew away on an oblique course. 10/29/1967 #23364 ilver banded, cone-shaped UFO that flew silently toward the east, then circ 11/24/1967 #23509 en object, sound like "jet motor," flew by, after which lights, radio worke 11/28/1967 #23516 resti province of Romania. It then flew off to the north. There were many h 12/2/1967 #23534 rilliant, turtle-shaped domed disc flew over an olive grove. It was estimat 1/18/1968 #23672 seeing a huge glow in the sky that flew over Concepcion del Uruguay, Entre 1/24/1968 #23699 d to approach it in his car but it flew away. This was his third low-level 2/5/1968 #23738 stopped to watch the UFO before it flew away, the total duration of their c 2/21/1968 #23773 ights that dimmed when an airplane flew past. 2/24/1968 #23783 e car almost stopped as the object flew low overhead, and the witness was b 3/3/1968 #23813 ion in Pawtucket, Rhode Island and flew off following the power lines. 3/10/1968 #23835 Wisconsin when a red-orange object flew over and hovered above her car, cau 4/3/1968 #23887 two groups of three bright lights flew in a triangular formation over Ipsw 4/10/1968 #23899 ering with a fluttering motion. It flew off over a nearby cemetery. 4/19/1968 #23915 ed object in horizontal flight. It flew directly over them in complete sile 5/27/1968 #23988 d a 0.5 meter, hat-shaped UFO that flew to the southwest while driving near 6/8/1968 #24015 ery fast. The creatures reportedly flew at a height of only a few feet abov 6/14/1968 #24034 a.m. the domed, disc-shaped object flew extremely low, nearly hugging the g 6/21/1968 #24067 A UFO flew over Bucharest, Romania at around 2 6/28/1968 #24093 the object rose a few meters, then flew off at high speed. (Magonia #914, F 7/1/1968 #24113 the object rose a few meters, then flew off at high speed. 7/1/1968 #24115 se a few meters into the air, then flew off at high speed. Physical traces 7/1/1968 #24120 velope with a childish message and flew off. The witness's horse and dog we 7/2/1968 #24130 hat or mushroom at 9:14 p.m. which flew by at the height of her apartment w 7/2/1968 #24135 , Argentina when a disc-shaped UFO flew close to ground, emitting a pale bl 7/16/1968 #24183 e object ascended vertically, then flew off rapidly to the south barely cle 7/22/1968 #24205 of a Volkswagen station wagon, and flew off into the air. The men were abou 7/23/1968 #24214 shaped object with a bright light flew behind some trees in the community 7/24/1968 #24218 The Netherlands. A smaller object flew between the houses close to the gro 7/24/1968 #24218 cloud-like object in the yard that flew over him and went toward a nearby f 7/28/1968 #24246 h elongated heads. When the object flew over, the humanoids disappeared. 7/28/1968 #24246 side-down bowl, glowing underside, flew low over road, landed. Flying Sauce 7/29/1968 #24251 nd glowing on the underside. As it flew low over the road, the headlights a 7/29/1968 #24255 At 1:57 a.m. a cigar-shaped UFO flew by Fribourg, Switzerland and a disc 8/1/1968 #24287 a square doorway in the craft. It flew around and then re-entered the larg 8/1/1968 #24287 that looked like the planet Saturn flew over Gloucester. (Raymond E. Fowler 8/12/1968 #24319 that looked like the planet Saturn flew over Gloucester, Massachusetts. 8/12/1968 #24321 bject reversed course, and finally flew away toward the south. 8/16/1968 #24344 Cluj, Romania Round silver object flew overhead, reversed direction, three 8/18/1968 #24350 Cluj, Romania Round silver object flew overhead, reversed direction, three 8/18/1968 #24351 here were two other witnesses. It flew overhead at an estimated height of 8/18/1968 #24353 and also blocked TV reception. It flew off rapidly to the south. 9/19/1968 #24486 A cigar-shaped object flew rapidly to the south over Lagoa Rod 10/7/1968 #24549 or changed to orange-red as object flew away. Project Blue Book files, Nati 11/22/1968 #24681 Biloxi, MS Domed disc descended, flew over shrimp boat, hovered briefly, 11/22/1968 #24683 Biloxi, MS Domed disc descended, flew over shrimp boat. Hovered briefly, 11/22/1968 #24687 ic, then car engine stopped. Light flew away vertically and car engine rest 11/23/1968 #24694 an altitude of 200 feet, and then flew directly overhead. It had amber lig 11/25/1968 #24706 the size of two cars in length. It flew off to the southwest. 11/25/1968 #24706 form was seen. They split up, one flew behind a ridge, the second hovered 11/29/1968 #24732 th a theodolite for 40 seconds. It flew toward the northeast against the wi 1/11/1969 #24835 nt, France for 45 minutes. It then flew to the southwest, turned and flew o 1/14/1969 #24843 flew to the southwest, turned and flew off to the west. A small disc-shape 1/14/1969 #24843 nking--in an elliptical formation, flew forward slowly while moving up and 1/17/1969 #24858 eleased from the larger object and flew off in various directions. 2/8/1969 #24903 8 p.m. Then a cigar-shaped object flew by at low altitude flying to the so 2/13/1969 #24919 tracked a green luminous UFO that flew rapidly from west to east over the 2/25/1969 #24944 Object rose and fell, veered off, flew out of sight 3/4/1969 #24967 an ovoid object and a sphere, that flew parallel to the road on which they 3/9/1969 #24985 ice chief's car. Finally ascended, flew away to south (Ref. 1, Section V). 3/10/1969 #24988 ice chief's car. Finally ascended, flew away to south 3/10/1969 #24989 ly felt paralyzed. After the light flew away, both the car and motorist wer 3/11/1969 #24998 After a few minutes of hovering it flew quickly into the distance. 3/19/1969 #25030 ad. The object lit up the road and flew away, but came back two minutes lat 4/15/1969 #25064 a 25-foot diameter hat-shaped disc flew low over the sugar cane crop. It em 4/20/1969 #25074 rotrusion on the leading edge, and flew overhead west to east in the mornin 5/8/1969 #25119 he UFO during the pursuit. The UFO flew off to the south over some woods, a 5/19/1969 #25146 On this night a large sphere flew erratically in the sky over Sao Pau 5/31/1969 #25175 It released a smaller sphere which flew away. Several witnesses reported th 5/31/1969 #25175 he sky, as if approaching. It then flew off toward the west-northwest towar 6/2/1969 #25191 an orange oval-shaped object that flew fast, stopped, reversed its directi 6/3/1969 #25194 azil for hours. Two of the objects flew off very fast to the south toward t 6/3/1969 #25195 ot in diameter silver ovoid object flew 500 meters over the town of Sao Jos 6/4/1969 #25200 about 30 feet in diameter. As they flew over a nearby field the witnesses c 6/10/1969 #25209 red light in the northwest sky. It flew from 30 degrees elevation and passe 6/14/1969 #25215 feet in length, made no sound, and flew about at a low altitude, then flew 6/23/1969 #25233 flew about at a low altitude, then flew away to the northeast. Their sighti 6/23/1969 #25233 il at 5 o'clock in the morning. It flew away toward the south, flying in zi 7/6/1969 #25259 metallic inverted bowl-shaped disc flew over a farm in Van Horne, Iowa duri 7/12/1969 #25265 l. It was tilted at an angle as it flew, and possibly landed nearby. 7/24/1969 #25296 A two-meter diameter orange sphere flew to the southwest at only 12 meters 7/25/1969 #25299 area stalled when two silver discs flew over them at around 8:00 p.m. It to 7/31/1969 #25302 O with lights around its periphery flew low over Groomsport, North Down, No 8/11/1969 #25316 wed the contours of the land as it flew to the northeast. The close encount 8/11/1969 #25316 ux River, then turned, and finally flew off to the northeast. 8/11/1969 #25318 ed in place, turned >SSE, and then flew away. 8/12/1969 #25320 Station In Bucharest, Romania and flew off behind some city buildings. 8/30/1969 #25341 ea, New Zealand a UFO took off and flew away to the south at 7:00 p.m. A 17 9/4/1969 #25352 pwards, and it made no sound as it flew. 9/28/1969 #25384 ctions. It shot to the north, then flew away to the south. 10/8/1969 #25401 At 10:00 p.m. a round object flew over Vancouver, British Columbia. T 10/13/1969 #25411 e, England at night. It turned and flew away. 10/23/1969 #25420 wo-meter long bullet-shaped object flew very slowly just half a meter above 10/28/1969 #25430 joined the other two and all three flew towards the north. The witness trie 11/15/1969 #25461 the same time that a bright light flew by, changing color from green to re 11/20/1969 #25464 ed a domed disc-shaped object that flew toward the southeast at treetop lev 11/29/1969 #25477 low that turned on and off, and it flew at a moderate speed. The sighting l 11/29/1969 #25477 nd. A smaller saucer-shaped object flew in and joined it, touching the larg 4/11/1970 #25629 itted a bright beam of light, then flew off to the east. 6/27/1970 #25715 y the side of the road. The object flew away as they approached, and their 8/16/1970 #25790 ing, then it rose into the sky and flew away. 8/16/1970 #25790 ed normally again after the object flew away. 8/16/1970 #25792 t at 8:30 p.m. A triangular object flew to the west, then turned back and s 9/28/1970 #25858 dio developed interference as they flew over. 10/10/1970 #25874 in the sky over the town, and then flew away. 11/20/1970 #25912 er three teenagers also saw it. It flew off in the direction of Ambergate. 11/21/1970 #25914 .m. a red glowing bowl-shaped disc flew from south to north, then to the so 11/21/1970 #25914 the objects out...fast...and they flew right to the ground." 1/1/1971 #25965 in at 2:30 p.m. three silver discs flew silently in a linear formation at a 1/2/1971 #25968 ball of light for 13 minutes. It flew away when the car stopped. 1/5/1971 #25978 sed 16 ball-shaped objects as they flew over Kuusamo, Oulu province, Finlan 1/11/1971 #25988 A brilliant ovoid object flew from east to west over Lerida, Spai 1/23/1971 #26000 illuminated green from the inside, flew low and fast over the town of Vanne 3/2/1971 #26039 nd turned, shooting off sparks. It flew in a straight path to the west, but 3/2/1971 #26039 ntly through the sky. It turned in flew toward the north-northwest. In Nive 3/2/1971 #26040 night a brillant electric blue UFO flew right by the window of the motel wh 4/13/1971 #26068 aving motion through the sky as it flew away. 5/12/1971 #26107 ion of the sea off Waikouaiti, and flew off to the southwest toward Taieri. 6/9/1971 #26163 ated an area 250 meters wide as it flew silently and very close to the grou 6/9/1971 #26164 and then faded" 4 or 5 times as it flew. It was visible for 90 minutes. 6/9/1971 #26166 u-Nord, Quebec when a white object flew over the road. He next saw "a compl 7/12/1971 #26224 At 8:30 p.m. an ovoid UFO flew overhead in Gulf Breeze, Florida he 7/14/1971 #26227 many when a large, bright red disc flew overhead and followed them down the 7/16/1971 #26232 A silent domed disc flew west to east, then stopped near Per 7/25/1971 #26244 haped UFO with multicolored lights flew by fast at a high altitude. It then 7/28/1971 #26250 arger metallic object fly away. It flew at an incredible speed in a northea 8/11/1971 #26280 eddish brown tinge. The craft then flew in between two huge mountains: ther 8/16/1971 #26291 ilroad car and tapered at one end, flew over in Sutherlands, South Australi 8/18/1971 #26295 had no wings or protuberances, and flew to the east on an even course at an 8/18/1971 #26295 tnesses and noticed that the being flew in a crouched position resembling t 8/19/1971 #26296 In Wingles, France a domed disc flew behind a hill of mine tailings at 7 9/4/1971 #26318 ance. It made a 90 degree turn and flew away. It was completely silent. 9/8/1971 #26325 lat top, metallic silver in color, flew low over Clee Village, Shropshire, 9/8/1971 #26326 :45 p.m. a silent ovoid-shaped UFO flew at 500 to 1000 meters altitude over 9/22/1971 #26364 commenced and believes the object flew some distance with him, but he shor 9/22/1971 #26365 cigar-shaped object flashing as it flew through the sky. It gave off a blin 10/11/1971 #26419 t, then made a 180 degree turn and flew off to the NE. A brighly lit object 11/14/1971 #26472 ings seated inside. The craft then flew away. 12/20/1971 #26510 It then ascended into the sky and flew off toward the ocean. 12/21/1971 #26512 rance a red disc with blurry edges flew silently toward the north at a stea 2/5/1972 #26565 k in the evening a dome-shaped UFO flew from north to south over Fort Duche 2/10/1972 #26569 Florida when a 16 meter wide disc flew 30 meters ahead of his car at just 2/11/1972 #26573 ight behind them was revolving. It flew off toward the west. 2/11/1972 #26573 onne, France. It then took off and flew to the south-southwest. 2/12/1972 #26576 A huge, dark cigar-shaped object flew toward the east slowly for 30 minut 4/6/1972 #26639 had lights on top and bottom, and flew without making a sound. It was conf 4/6/1972 #26639 s wheel of fireworks rose up, then flew off fast towards the northwest. 4/8/1972 #26641 green ball of light (BOL) sped up, flew away fast to the northeast. 4/27/1972 #26663 dome-shaped object with portholes flew to the east over Eucla, Western Aus 5/8/1972 #26673 sighted a bright yellow disc that flew to the east shortly before dawn. 5/9/1972 #26675 ropped some kind of a liquid, then flew to the northwest out to sea. 6/29/1972 #26743 rtres, France by three airmen. One flew off to the east; another was a neon 7/14/1972 #26799 sighted a red hat-shaped disc that flew by and stopped over a railroad stat 7/19/1972 #26815 shaped like a domed disc. The UFO flew out to sea fast, toward the southea 7/23/1972 #26827 und its rim, and made no sound. It flew off to the southeast after 15 minut 8/4/1972 #26873 an empty lot next door. The lights flew off to the east. 8/6/1972 #26880 rear end of the object. If finally flew away at 11:03 p.m. towards the west 8/6/1972 #26881 TV towers at 10:30 p.m., and then flew under a plane. 8/11/1972 #26900 near Gatwick Airport, England. It flew from the northeast to southwest wit 8/13/1972 #26916 the house, and the two creatures "flew" toward her. A great deal of dust a 8/18/1972 #26928 At 5:45 a.m. a hat-shaped disc flew toward the east with a loud whirrin 8/20/1972 #26940 when it crossed over a bridge, and flew with an up-and-down motion. Many ca 8/31/1972 #26971 aced the car at a low altitude and flew quite close, and then hovered over 9/7/1972 #26980 ted that a UFO "as big as a house" flew parallel to their car as they were 9/13/1972 #26990 ted that a UFO "as big as a house" flew parallel to their car as they were 9/13/1972 #26991 nearby for 20 minutes, and finally flew off slowly to the south. 9/14/1972 #27002 Australia at 10:10 p.m. The object flew at fantastic speeds and was observe 9/19/1972 #27011 rounding area in a green color, It flew off toward the south-southwest, but 10/5/1972 #27051 in Verdugo, California three discs flew at a low altitude toward the south. 10/5/1972 #27051 six tiny delta-shaped objects that flew 7 kilometers in 30 seconds. Three f 10/10/1972 #27064 7 kilometers in 30 seconds. Three flew off to the north, and three flew of 10/10/1972 #27064 e flew off to the north, and three flew off to the northwest. 10/10/1972 #27064 ed and walked toward the object it flew off in an easterly direction and wa 10/14/1972 #27077 and two armchairs. The saucer then flew into a hovering mothership, around 10/22/1972 #27085 when the object took off, then it flew away silently. 10/28/1972 #27097 evening a yellow delta-shaped UFO flew over L'Ancresse in the English Chan 11/26/1972 #27146 fiery square-shaped flying object flew close to the ground and lit up the 12/31/1972 #27197 reen light and flashing, red light flew over car, engine restarted. Flying 1/1/1973 #27208 car engine stall the moment a UFO flew over their car. The disc-shaped UFO 1/1/1973 #27210 gh windows in the craft. The craft flew off to the east and out over the se 1/2/1973 #27216 vers, ascending into the sky, then flew off toward the southeast. 1/10/1973 #27229 It was at an extreme altitude and flew offshore to the south. It reportedl 2/11/1973 #27282 g a humming sound. A second object flew by fast. 2/19/1973 #27299 adlight" rose from behind them and flew over, illuminating the entire lands 2/26/1973 #27318 t light source then reappeared and flew back over her. She estimated it was 2/26/1973 #27318 A reddish-orange ball of light flew parallel to I-95 south of Providenc 3/27/1973 #27381 t Bouquet, France at 4:00 p.m.. It flew off toward the east at 800 meters a 3/28/1973 #27386 three started blinking. The object flew off to the west over Highway 21. It 4/27/1973 #27451 hen came straight at their car. It flew up and over them, and passed low ov 5/23/1973 #27522 o long windows on the craft, which flew off to the southeast. 5/27/1973 #27534 econds until a commercial aircraft flew by. The UFO followed it for a few m 7/9/1973 #27625 shaped portholes. The object then flew over the car and left. 7/29/1973 #27662 ter in diameter disc-shaped object flew over Vertheuil, Gironde department, 8/20/1973 #27717 e windows. It then leveled off and flew away. 8/20/1973 #27717 ect's luminosity diminished and it flew away, rising gradually in a slight 9/14/1973 #27823 in Launac, France. It ascended and flew off to the horizon within seconds. 10/5/1973 #27952 3:00 a.m. two oddly shaped objects flew over a chemical plant in Yazoo City 10/10/1973 #27983 ing a CB radio to stop working. It flew fast and straight to the southeast. 10/10/1973 #27985 our witnesses reported two objects flew over at 400-800 feet and headed eas 10/11/1973 #27995 d compartment on the bottom, as it flew over a U.S. government test range a 10/11/1973 #28003 y every one-third of second, which flew toward the southeast. 10/13/1973 #28020 on top of his car, all four doors flew open, then closed and he felt weigh 10/16/1973 #28077 into the saucer-shaped object and flew off. It notes that during the same 10/19/1973 #28196 y paralysis. The object turned and flew to the north, then shot off to the 10/22/1973 #28242 into three parts. Two of the parts flew off, while the third split in half, 10/26/1973 #28296 saucer-shaped objects appeared and flew directly overhead. Both were drippi 11/3/1973 #28362 flying, brilliant red lights that flew over their home in Falmouth, Nova S 11/8/1973 #28394 cs, 9-11 objects in a V-formation, flew over the western shore of Mobile Ba 11/9/1973 #28398 size of a watermelon. It sometimes flew ahead of them and sometimes behind 11/18/1973 #28444 rom a strange, low white cloud. It flew at only one meter above the ground 11/19/1973 #28449 A torpedo-shaped object flew quickly through the sky near the lo 11/23/1973 #28462 om, and a hat-shaped side view; it flew to the north, met up with a cluster 12/2/1973 #28507 with a cluster of lights, and then flew off towards Bristol. 12/2/1973 #28507 or 30 minutes. One of these lights flew off rapidly to the northwest. 12/6/1973 #28534 ued the witnesses for awhile, then flew off to the southwest. Four imprints 12/6/1973 #28535 t, Belgium at 5:45 a.m. The object flew in front of the witnessat 12 meters 12/11/1973 #28556 ver Charmeil Airport, France. They flew away and came back briefly, then le 12/19/1973 #28588 sharp maneuvers, circled the city, flew up high in the sky and came back do 12/20/1973 #28594 d a red tower-shaped structure. It flew at an estimated 75 feet above the g 1/4/1974 #28644 . It turned off its lights when it flew away. At shortly after 7:00 p.m. a 1/4/1974 #28644 from their patrol car. The lights flew to the west, then banked and flew o 1/4/1974 #28644 flew to the west, then banked and flew off toward the southwest at an esti 1/4/1974 #28644 er accepting their invitation they flew over San Francisco, then the Hawaii 2/9/1974 #28755 llipse or cigar-shaped object that flew slowly at first, making controlled 2/13/1974 #28765 rners flaming from the bottom, and flew at an altitude of only 100 feet. 2/19/1974 #28782 A disc-shaped object flew on a wavy trajectory over the nucle 2/24/1974 #28796 a round orange scintilating light flew to-and-fro over a NATO military bas 3/1/1974 #28840 TO military base for an hour, then flew south to the town of Solenzara, Hau 3/1/1974 #28840 the mini UFOs. The object rose up, flew over the cow, and settled down agai 3/1/1974 #28842 and then rejoin the others as they flew away. By that time her husband had 3/1/1974 #28842 und slowly and changed shape, then flew away to the east at a high rate of 3/7/1974 #28867 nt inside again, and both vehicles flew away. At 11:30 p.m. the same witnes 3/26/1974 #28957 o rays of light coming from it. It flew at a low altitude of under 10 meter 3/26/1974 #28958 gine quit, lights went out. Object flew away with whistling sound, car then 3/30/1974 #28972 nd the lights went out. The object flew away making a whistling sound, and 3/30/1974 #28974 nd a big noise was heard. The disc flew off to the south. 3/31/1974 #28978 tched a large luminous cigar as it flew southeast toward Mount Dol in Saint 4/9/1974 #29001 hovered for five minutes, and then flew away. 4/12/1974 #29008 rose from the ocean a second time, flew a good distance, then dove back int 4/15/1974 #29033 down, the object then took off and flew away. 4/16/1974 #29042 encounter with four witnesses; it flew off to the east. At the same time i 4/21/1974 #29055 France at 10:30 p.m. when a saucer flew by to the east. It rose at a 45 deg 4/27/1974 #29068 re shaken violently when the craft flew over. The legs withdrew into the ob 5/7/1974 #29093 each as bright as a welder's torch flew over Maxton, North Carolina. It hov 5/12/1974 #29102 nes-lez-la Bassee, France and then flew off to the northwest in the directi 5/20/1974 #29121 e saw red lights in the field that flew away when he approached. Mr. Rias s 5/26/1974 #29136 esponse to flashlight signals, but flew away when a car attempted to approa 6/3/1974 #29159 emed to be vibrating in place, and flew away to the north. 6/13/1974 #29186 low behind some trees. Two lights flew all over the place, while a huge ba 6/14/1974 #29194 n a strange metallic flying object flew around over the sea off the State o 6/18/1974 #29212 tes. It stayed there until a plane flew over, when it then shot up vertical 6/29/1974 #29232 directed onto trees and a hill. It flew silently toward the south. 7/9/1974 #29255 meter long, luminous ovoid object flew fast over the beach at Canet-Plage, 8/1/1974 #29296 it. the discs rose in tandem, then flew off to the west. Crop circles were 8/2/1974 #29303 und level, turned 120 degrees and flew off into the woods. No traces were 8/2/1974 #29303 s a silent, brilliant ovoid object flew slowly overhead at one kilometer al 8/11/1974 #29324 th object rose from the trees, and flew overhead. A domed ellipse approache 8/11/1974 #29325 nto two "half moons", one of which flew off to the south-southeast and was 8/26/1974 #29391 r Mont-sur-Marchienne, Belgium and flew on toward the north-northwest. 8/28/1974 #29397 n inverted dish-shaped object that flew over the river in Delta, British Co 8/28/1974 #29398 . When she did not, all four doors flew open at once. The humanoids, after 9/3/1974 #29418 c shock. Three disc-shaped objects flew off to the east, making no sound. T 9/7/1974 #29429 rose straight up, leveled off and flew away in an arc across the sky. (Nat 9/24/1974 #29474 ach making a droning noise as they flew to the north at 4:40 p.m. The objec 9/24/1974 #29476 coming from it. The humanoid then flew slowly towards a nearby cemetery, f 11/15/1974 #29597 s. Lindstrom reported that the UFO flew off slowly to the south-southwest. 1/2/1975 #29704 as the light drew closer. It then flew off toward the west. 1/10/1975 #29739 this night an orange glowing ball flew over and illuminated the area. It s 1/24/1975 #29764 aged in some maneuvers. It finally flew off toward the south. (Source: Larr 1/24/1975 #29764 this night an orange glowing ball flew over Barham, Kent, England at a low 1/24/1975 #29765 aged in some maneuvers. It finally flew off toward the south. 1/24/1975 #29765 nd guided the family home. The UFO flew off. 3/2/1975 #29870 FO had many unblinking lights, and flew from east to west, while maneuverin 3/18/1975 #29911 eters long and two meters high. It flew half a meter above the ground in a 3/31/1975 #29927 A silent object with a searchlight flew over Highway 55 at 200 feet altitud 4/3/1975 #29946 a silent object with a searchlight flew over Highway 55 in Roseboro, North 4/3/1975 #29953 ming sound. It had light beams and flew off to the west. 5/3/1975 #30028 g flying object, trailing exhaust, flew northeast through the sky. The UFO 5/12/1975 #30051 g flying object, trailing exhaust, flew northeast through the sky over Howr 5/12/1975 #30053 skatchewan for 12 minutes. It then flew away to the east. A perfect circle 5/12/1975 #30054 ic when a bottle-shaped silver UFO flew near a mountainside at 9 p.m. in Se 5/23/1975 #30065 Two metallic hat-shaped discs flew southeast to northwest very quickly 5/29/1975 #30068 ovoid object with a halo of light flew toward the northwest and maneuvered 6/29/1975 #30132 of light near highway 46. It then flew off toward the northeast. There was 7/4/1975 #30158 FB, AZ An orange-red metallic disc flew past a plane flying near Williams A 7/20/1975 #30191 An orange-red metallic disc flew past a plane flying near Williams A 7/20/1975 #30193 e landing traces on the ground. It flew off to the south. 8/6/1975 #30241 he east. The objects hovered, then flew off to the south. There were at lea 8/16/1975 #30280 estimated distance of 5 miles. It flew to the south slowly, at an estimate 8/24/1975 #30304 nate the area for miles around. It flew at only 25 meters altitude at a spe 8/26/1975 #30311 Jette, East Flanders, Belgium. It flew between the witness and the belltow 9/9/1975 #30350 Its computed size was 2 meters. It flew from the northwest to the southeast 9/9/1975 #30350 zagged over La Hulpe, Belgium then flew off straight toward the south-south 9/20/1975 #30374 nearby, then rose vertically, and flew off to the southeast slowly. 10/10/1975 #30428 Object with flashing green lights flew over truck, hovered over road ahead 10/17/1975 #30435 At 9:00 p.m. a cigar-shaped object flew low over a car in Fairfield, Ohio. 10/23/1975 #30463 . It stayed for 5-10 minutes, then flew off over Atlantic Ocean. 10/27/1975 #30490 close for identification. The UFOs flew away at 1,200 mph. One shot away to 10/30/1975 #30523 ling white, red, and yellow lights flew in formation erratically in Whitewa 11/13/1975 #30615 ling white, red, and yellow lights flew in formation erratically in Whitewa 11/13/1975 #30616 a 90 degree turn to the south and flew out to sea. (NICAP: 02 - Close Enco 11/15/1975 #30626 a 90 degree turn to the south and flew out to sea. 11/15/1975 #30627 hovering 1-1.5 km. away; suddenly flew away. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 22 11/16/1975 #30632 hovering 1-1.5 km. away; suddenly flew away. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 22 11/16/1975 #30634 t lights on the top and bottom. It flew away slowly to the southeast and wa 11/20/1975 #30646 t lights on the top and bottom. It flew away slowly to the southeast and wa 11/20/1975 #30649 ject had square shaped windows. It flew away toward the southeast. (Source: 12/18/1975 #30723 ject had square shaped windows. It flew away toward the southeast. 12/18/1975 #30725 aped UFO with lights on the bottom flew slowly over the town of Laissaud, S 1/6/1976 #30771 he began to run. The UFO rose and flew over him, emitting something that b 1/29/1976 #30832 ting hoods on their heads. The UFO flew away over an orchard. (Source: Davi 2/5/1976 #30846 ting hoods on their heads. The UFO flew away over an orchard. 2/5/1976 #30848 a silvery white disc-shaped object flew over at less than 300 meters altitu 2/8/1976 #30855 a silvery white disc-shaped object flew over Kissimmee, Florida at less tha 2/8/1976 #30856 sighting. The two objects finally flew out of view. 2/20/1976 #30891 a louder noise as it took off, and flew away toward the east. (NICAP: 02 - 2/25/1976 #30901 a louder noise as it took off, and flew away toward the east. Later that ni 2/25/1976 #30906 a, sighted two orange lights. They flew toward the southwest at a speed les 2/25/1976 #30906 ox, about five meters in diameter, flew low over the trees in Theville, Fra 3/2/1976 #30916 ng 30 round holes on each side. It flew off toward the northwest. (Source: 3/2/1976 #30916 ox, about five meters in diameter, flew low over the trees in Theville, Fra 3/2/1976 #30917 ng 30 round holes on each side. It flew off toward the northwest. 3/2/1976 #30917 cted into the car from the UFO. It flew away when the car reached a highway 3/19/1976 #30949 ; they did a U-turn in the sky and flew away. 5/4/1976 #31038 truded something like a funnel. It flew off to the north, describing a larg 5/9/1976 #31041 truded something like a funnel. It flew off to the north, describing a larg 5/9/1976 #31042 ic when a bottle-shaped silver UFO flew near a mountainside in Sedona. Ther 5/23/1976 #31071 ad a box strapped to its chest. It flew into a white ellipsoid UFO that mad 5/31/1976 #31076 alfunctions. It lit the road, then flew off. 6/21/1976 #31122 ter a few minutes, the huge object flew away, giving off a whistling sound. 6/22/1976 #31130 inous, and kept pace with the car, flew over, then flew away over some hous 6/25/1976 #31140 pace with the car, flew over, then flew away over some houses. 6/25/1976 #31140 a long time over Bilbao, Spain. It flew back over the city and surrounding 7/4/1976 #31149 hen made a ninety- degree turn and flew off toward the south. (Source: Larr 7/4/1976 #31149 a long time over Bilbao, Spain. It flew back over the city and surrounding 7/4/1976 #31152 then made a ninety-degree turn and flew off toward the south. 7/4/1976 #31152 ltitude for about 10 minutes, then flew out of sight. (Agence France-Presse 7/16/1976 #31166 ow the low flying disk. Finally it flew off. 8/1/1976 #31219 t with a wide band of light. As it flew off to the northeast, and turned on 8/15/1976 #31271 red laser-like beams of light, and flew off rapidly to the west. 8/23/1976 #31295 10 minutes. It then ascended, and flew away to the east. There were severa 8/25/1976 #31303 ng Province, China at 8:00 p.m. It flew up vertically, then horizontally. 9/3/1976 #31339 h seemed to change colors. The UFO flew over the witness, then came to a ha 9/3/1976 #31341 It spewed out a misty cloud, then flew off quickly to the northwest. 9/9/1976 #31364 landed on the ground so the pilot flew down to investigate it. The landed 9/19/1976 #31396 meter wide disc-shaped object that flew toward the south, and then circled 10/15/1976 #31466 o white beams of light. It finally flew off towards the sea. 10/15/1976 #31466 er" hovering to south. Object then flew away. 10/17/1976 #31472 the airport for five minutes, then flew away toward the sea. Over 50 people 10/17/1976 #31475 d, green, and blue lights. Then it flew down towards Richie and stopped nea 10/28/1976 #31503 ly 150 feet. The object turned and flew away to the west. 12/18/1976 #31617 two-foot wide disc-shaped UFO that flew behind a house at only 30 feet alti 12/19/1976 #31624 d, and bluish green balls of light flew over Valencia, Alicante, and Almeri 12/20/1976 #31627 ia, Alicante, and Almeria. Objects flew rapidly toward the south or southwe 12/20/1976 #31627 enormous blue violet ball of light flew over Malaga at high speed. Ten minu 12/20/1976 #31627 ne-shaped UFO, pale blue in color, flew from the north to the south over Mu 12/20/1976 #31627 d in the sky for six minutes, then flew away to the east toward the Mezayon 1/1/1977 #31676 bottom made a 180-degree turn and flew off toward the south. The witness's 1/1/1977 #31677 seilles, France at 1:30 a.m., then flew away to the east toward the Mezayon 1/1/1977 #31682 bottom made a 180-degree turn and flew off toward the south. The witness's 1/1/1977 #31682 . It then shot up into the sky and flew away. There were two witnesses and 1/5/1977 #31703 m the roof about 20 feet, and then flew off to the east. Her son Andre went 1/6/1977 #31707 ned by a second disc. Both objects flew off to the east. They did not appea 1/13/1977 #31721 when three glowing balls of light flew overhead at one a.m. The witness ha 1/18/1977 #31727 when three glowing balls of light flew overhead at one a.m. The witness ha 1/18/1977 #31728 ing the close encounter. The craft flew toward the south, then vanished. Th 1/26/1977 #31753 olor to orange, then to green, and flew off toward the east-southeast. The 2/7/1977 #31796 olor to orange, then to green, and flew off toward the east-southeast. The 2/7/1977 #31797 ts," and that the UFO at one point flew over the truck. They turned the tru 3/5/1977 #31861 ed. After five minutes, the object flew off and the car could be restarted. 3/9/1977 #31889 the FO uncoupled the autopilot and flew the airplane manually.” Meanwhile, 3/12/1977 #31901 ne blinking light of unknown shape flew across in; front of her then sudden 3/23/1977 #31927 ne blinking light of unknown shape flew across in; front of her then sudden 3/23/1977 #31928 fter which it rose straight up and flew off to the south. When she got back 4/4/1977 #31944 :00 AM. A domed disc-shaped object flew around two witnesses, hovering and 4/8/1977 #31962 A domed disc-shaped object flew around two witnesses in Cedar Sprin 4/8/1977 #31966 Australia. It made no sound as it flew. It speed was under 100 mph as it t 4/17/1977 #31988 faceted sides. It oscillated as it flew from southwest to northeast. 4/17/1977 #31989 ndows hovered for 75 seconds, then flew away slowly. (Source: Allan Hendry, 5/11/1977 #32087 ndows hovered for 75 seconds, then flew away slowly. 5/11/1977 #32092 named McKenzie. The UFOs generally flew off to the east. The sightings last 5/17/1977 #32106 ct as a coherent beam of light. It flew off to the west. Fifteen minutes la 5/21/1977 #32123 t was larger than the airliner and flew away toward the east. (Source: Alla 5/26/1977 #32131 t was larger than the airliner and flew away toward the east. 5/26/1977 #32136 n at 11:30 p.m. It turned blue and flew away. 6/9/1977 #32156 The object, a yellow-orange disc, flew along the shoreline of the lake, pa 6/17/1977 #32170 itness at his lake front home, and flew from view into the distance. (Sourc 6/17/1977 #32170 The object, a yellow-orange disc, flew along the shoreline of the lake, pa 6/17/1977 #32173 itness at his lake front home, and flew from view into the distance. 6/17/1977 #32173 was completely silent. It finally flew off behind a house. (Source: FSR, A 6/21/1977 #32179 was completely silent. It finally flew off behind a house. 6/21/1977 #32183 lly around farm for 20-25 minutes, flew away slowly. CUFOS report; see Rode 7/8/1977 #32250 ascended 10 feet into the air and flew horizontally to a grove of trees 15 7/12/1977 #32266 parent) diameter in length. Object flew in slow straight path from 30-degre 7/31/1977 #32327 on the car's engine and lights. It flew away toward to southeast. 8/16/1977 #32407 dent witnesses. The UFO eventually flew out to sea. 8/28/1977 #32435 e evening a luminous cloudy object flew over from the north to the south. T 9/7/1977 #32471 nce Five silent disc-shaped object flew along some power lines. One of the 9/26/1977 #32521 .m. five silent disc-shaped object flew along some power lines in Griselles 9/26/1977 #32523 e evening a bright pulsating light flew alonside a Soviet airliner for 24 m 10/11/1977 #32569 viet airliner for 24 minutes as it flew over Ryazan, Russia. 10/11/1977 #32569 isc-like object over their car. It flew in from the direction of the sea. C 10/30/1977 #32639 minutes later five more came, and flew off to the northeast. There were se 11/28/1977 #32703 es were seen inside each dome. All flew away to the northwest after a coupl 12/2/1977 #32728 o Marconi, Italy a dome-shaped UFO flew slowly at ground level 80 meters aw 12/10/1977 #32757 nt Ciers du Taillon like day, then flew away. It came back again the same s 12/15/1977 #32776 du Taillon, France like day, then flew away. It came back again the same s 12/15/1977 #32777 over highway D979 going east, then flew away to the west. At 11:25 p.m. in 12/16/1977 #32781 , France A flaming disc-shaped UFO flew to the south and out to sea. The sa 12/17/1977 #32785 , France a flaming disc-shaped UFO flew to the south and out to sea. The sa 12/17/1977 #32794 n, OK Morning. A lenticular object flew over Reaves Park at a low altitude. 12/28/1977 #32817 nd the man's body increased and he flew up into the air and out of sight. 1/2/1978 #32848 Los Angeles, CA Sphere flew below Cessna 150 (NICAP: 11 - Aviat 1/11/1978 #32875 rey, England. It had portholes and flew overhead. 1/11/1978 #32876 11:53 p.m. a reddish-yellow light flew over Belem, Para, Brazil from north 1/23/1978 #32908 ple saw a delta-shaped object that flew low overhead, making no noise. It h 1/24/1978 #32911 object shortly after 7:00 p.m. It flew low overhead, making no noise. It h 1/24/1978 #32913 from the center fuselage area." It flew off toward the west slowly. 2/9/1978 #32964 department, France. One tilted and flew off to the southwest as the sun was 2/12/1978 #32968 d two plain coin-shaped discs that flew silently to the north from over hou 2/19/1978 #32984 a cigar-shaped object with a dome flew toward the east, then turned toward 3/1/1978 #33008 turned toward the northeast as it flew through the sky in Sterling Heights 3/1/1978 #33008 humming sound, gave off beeps and flew in circles at a low altitude (NICAP 3/10/1978 #33026 humming sound, gave off beeps and flew in circles at a low altitude. It fi 3/10/1978 #33027 cles at a low altitude. It finally flew off at high speed after three minut 3/10/1978 #33027 inia float away from a pasture. It flew sideways at 20 feet altitude. 4/10/1978 #33138 ower, then made a hairpin turn. It flew at only 50 to 100 feet altitude as 5/14/1978 #33211 rformed a parabolic turn, and then flew off to the southwest. 6/1/1978 #33248 00 p.m. two flashing yellow lights flew above Amapa, Brazil at an altitude 6/7/1978 #33258 tude above 35,000 feet. The lights flew parallel to one another, about 100 6/7/1978 #33258 other, about 100 meters apart, and flew from the south to the northwest at 6/7/1978 #33258 er hovering a few more minutes and flew off slowly in the direction of the 6/26/1978 #33314 stan An 80 meter long ovoid object flew over toward the southeast, then lan 7/8/1978 #33354 An 80 meter long ovoid object flew over Katta-Kurgan, Uzbekistan towar 7/8/1978 #33356 ights became visible and the craft flew off into the distance. Before it le 7/11/1978 #33368 rge orange lights in the rear, and flew at a low altitude. No helicopters w 7/24/1978 #33414 up and down for about 15 minutes, flew away. Trouble restarting engine. In 7/27/1978 #33423 ground for about 15 minutes, then flew away. The car could not be restarte 7/27/1978 #33430 shing from different positions. It flew to the northeast in an erratic flig 7/28/1978 #33438 ar-shaped object with a white spot flew toward the northwest over Gatwick I 8/5/1978 #33478 passed by. After a short while it flew away toward the west. 8/6/1978 #33481 flashing lights around its rim. It flew at a low altitude, and hovered for 8/10/1978 #33494 flashing lights around its rim. It flew at a low altitude, and hovered for 8/10/1978 #33497 silent fuselage at 7:30 p.m. that flew to the south on steady course and s 8/20/1978 #33534 d a large cigar-shaped object that flew ahead of the airliner. An opening a 8/22/1978 #33549 er about a minute the silent craft flew out over the ocean and disappeared. 8/22/1978 #33551 Ottumwa, IA Red-orange object flew in front of car, windshield fogged 8/24/1978 #33561 At 10:00 p.m. a red-orange object flew in front of a car being driven by a 8/24/1978 #33566 the UFO. The nocturnal light then flew behind some trees, after which the 8/24/1978 #33566 nghamsburg, Ohio two orange lights flew close to a car with two 19-year-old 8/24/1978 #33567 nt dome. After a couple minutes it flew away, gaining altitude. 8/28/1978 #33586 enheim, Germany. They ascended and flew off to the east in sequence. 8/28/1978 #33587 time, France for a brief while. It flew off to the northeast, changing colo 8/28/1978 #33588 one-shaped object with body lights flew overhead. International UFO Reporte 8/30/1978 #33601 haped object with body lights that flew low overhead. Their truck stalled f 8/30/1978 #33606 dulating motion, and together they flew off in a V-shaped formation. (NICAP 9/6/1978 #33637 dulating motion, and together they flew off in a V-shaped formation. 9/6/1978 #33642 t 7:20 p.m. a reddish-yellow light flew southwest to northwest at 12,000 fe 9/9/1978 #33650 p.m. another reddish-yellow light flew southwest to northeast at 9,000 fee 9/9/1978 #33650 25,000 feet. Another second light flew around erratically. 9/10/1978 #33660 led twice when a big glowing light flew by south of the island. It was seen 9/17/1978 #33698 9:20 p.m. when a big glowing light flew by south of the island. It was seen 9/17/1978 #33702 gers for six miles at 9:15 p.m. It flew off over a hill, then returned. 9/20/1978 #33716 t out for one second. When the UFO flew close to the witness's car she repo 9/26/1978 #33752 ld woman named Summerling; it then flew off to the north-northeast. 9/29/1978 #33780 c interference effects. The object flew off to the west. 9/29/1978 #33781 lided towards a dividing fence and flew over it, and one stopped to look at 10/2/1978 #33791 ter long non-metallic ovoid object flew over to the southwest, then zig-zag 10/2/1978 #33792 he ground. The craft lifted up and flew out of sight while the whistling so 10/15/1978 #33837 d on the side of the road. The UFO flew over them at very low altitude and 10/30/1978 #33894 g light suddenly appeared. The UFO flew over them at very low altitude and 10/30/1978 #33898 of the seea at a 45 degree angle, flew straight at them for 250-300 meters 11/9/1978 #33942 m. a fluorescent, wedge-shaped UFO flew silently over an oil field in Abu D 11/23/1978 #33989 At 9:00 p.m. a cigar-shaped UFO flew over Gois, Coimbra, Portugal very r 11/23/1978 #33991 and then started again when a UFO flew over. 11/27/1978 #34011 ulti-colored, pencil-shaped object flew directly over the highway in Lathro 11/28/1978 #34021 timiglia, Liguria, Italy, and then flew away. There were several witnesses. 11/30/1978 #34031 o be about 1.5 meters in diameter, flew slowly along the coast heading sout 12/1/1978 #34042 orange and green saucer-shaped UFO flew overhead. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 12/1/1978 #34042 o be about 1.5 meters in diameter, flew slowly along the coast heading sout 12/1/1978 #34045 orange and green saucer-shaped UFO flew overhead. The object circled the ca 12/1/1978 #34045 silver triangle with yellow lights flew from the west to the east over Ruis 12/1/1978 #34045 plane. It was totally silent, and flew off to the east. Later that evening 12/10/1978 #34086 und to a height about 90 cm and in flew over the witness vehicle, quickly d 12/12/1978 #34102 changed color several times as it flew toward the south-southwest. 12/13/1978 #34110 ormation of three other craft that flew from north to south at an estimated 12/21/1978 #34189 ormation of three other craft that flew from north to south at an estimated 12/21/1978 #34194 er some woods, and then turned and flew away toward the north. There was ex 12/23/1978 #34199 ject rose from the sea surface and flew to the west. Rays of light beamed d 12/28/1978 #34217 us object surrounded by a red halo flew over L'Aquila, Italy on this night. 12/28/1978 #34221 -zee" noise, three weird creatures flew past her into her lounge. They were 1/4/1979 #34296 ise, three weird looking creatures flew past her into the lounge. There wer 1/5/1979 #34304 t of her close encounter. The UFOs flew off to the northwest. Also during t 1/5/1979 #34306 er wide domed disc with an antenna flew over a farm at only ten meters abov 1/8/1979 #34317 er wide domed disc with an antenna flew over a farm at only ten meters abov 1/8/1979 #34320 the scene. The object took off and flew to the northwest. 1/13/1979 #34338 emitted a strong beam of light. It flew off to the southeast of the valley. 1/26/1979 #34382 yellowand finally to blue while it flew in a horizontal straight line. It t 2/13/1979 #34421 nterference occurred. Dark objects flew over a reservoir, followed by a 1.5 2/18/1979 #34434 ron district, France. Dark objects flew over a reservoir, followed by a 1.5 2/18/1979 #34435 n oval-shaped or saucer-shaped UFO flew over the Tabouret Reservoir in Iser 3/27/1979 #34491 n oval-shaped or saucer-shaped UFO flew over the Tabouret Reservoir in Iser 3/27/1979 #34492 hou, Manche department, France. It flew off silently to the northeast slowl 4/27/1979 #34526 ound. It maneuvered in the sky and flew away out to sea. (NICAP: 01 - Dista 4/29/1979 #34528 ound. It maneuvered in the sky and flew away out to sea. 4/29/1979 #34529 tract birds that followed it as it flew away. 5/12/1979 #34556 in one spot for 2-3 minutes, then flew overhead emitting a humming sound l 5/26/1979 #34584 her 2-5 minutes. The second object flew off toward the northwest. No one at 6/12/1979 #34611 in Wheeling, Illinois. The object flew toward the southwest. (NICAP: 02 - 6/26/1979 #34631 in Wheeling, Illinois. The object flew toward the southwest. A second obje 6/26/1979 #34634 the same description appeared and flew to the northwest, disappearing behi 6/26/1979 #34634 n it made a ninety-degree turn and flew off toward the north. 6/26/1979 #34635 Belfort, France A metallic disc flew over the city in the afternoon. It 7/18/1979 #34663 A metallic disc flew over the city of Belfort, France at 7/18/1979 #34666 lted in the opposite direction and flew off behind some trees to the west. 8/4/1979 #34715 object passed them at 4:05 p.m. It flew slowly at first, then sped up. Thei 8/5/1979 #34717 ,000 feet altitude at 4:30 p.m. If flew around for six minutes before going 8/16/1979 #34749 Maricopa, California. The box then flew along the San Andreas fault line. 9/9/1979 #34857 O had portholes around its rim. It flew off toward the southwest into some 9/23/1979 #34918 aring at the windows. The UFO then flew straight up and away at incredible 9/26/1979 #34929 ude for over two hours. The object flew off toward the southeast. A balloon 11/30/1979 #35032 s Harbor, WA A fireball or missile flew in over the Grays Harbor area from 12/10/1979 #35064 ning in 1979 a fireball or missile flew in over the Grays Harbor, Washingto 12/10/1979 #35066 nge, glowing, lima bean shaped UFO flew up highway D34 for several kilomete 1/28/1980 #35149 9:10 p.m. a luminous orange sphere flew by closely while shining down a bea 1/28/1980 #35149 served for five more minutes as it flew over Lake Titicaca. 1/29/1980 #35150 r mine tailings in Warren and then flew along the ridge of a mountain. It t 3/6/1980 #35197 ountain. It turned on its edge and flew off to the south. The entire sighti 3/6/1980 #35197 Arizona at around 1 p.m. and then flew along the ridge of a mountain. It t 3/6/1980 #35199 ountain. It turned on its edge and flew off to the south. The entire sighti 3/6/1980 #35199 ng out of it in all directions. It flew low above the ground. That same eve 3/19/1980 #35223 of the San Andreas Reservoir. They flew straight and fast to the southeast. 4/20/1980 #35282 abrupt changes in direction as it flew. They viewed it through binoculars 4/20/1980 #35283 ina. It made a loop in the sky and flew away. 4/24/1980 #35288 Ray reported that three dark discs flew silently over his car. They then st 5/14/1980 #35333 reddish flashes of light. The UFO flew over fast, halted above the two men 6/4/1980 #35354 o delay their takeoffs while a UFO flew toward the Ezeiza, Argentina runway 6/14/1980 #35370 building, but gained altitude and flew away. It was tracked on radar at th 6/14/1980 #35370 object and it quickly took off and flew towards the northwest. The cadet wa 7/16/1980 #35415 ktyabriski oil field in Russia. It flew off to the north, but it left a big 8/5/1980 #35443 year-old female witness. The craft flew slowly, stopped briefly in in the w 9/26/1980 #35538 ght, elongated glowing object that flew at great speed. The EM effects expe 11/3/1980 #35615 nfirms that Altus AFB in Oklahoma, flew a huge C-5A cargo aircraft behind a 11/18/1980 #35654 iana, that evening. The two planes flew in tandem at 20,000 feet at an indi 11/18/1980 #35654 s alerted, then ran as small light flew by (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 12/18/1980 #35727 nch wide flying silver sphere that flew around for 30 seconds. 12/18/1980 #35729 ved over the road, then turned and flew away toward the east. 1/26/1981 #35802 lver cylinder looking like a flute flew silently over the city of Kunming, 2/19/1981 #35836 ated objects at 9:24 p.m. The UFOs flew parallel to the plane and then appr 2/25/1981 #35843 ated objects at 9:24 p.m. The UFOs flew parallel to the plane and then appr 2/25/1981 #35845 ht white light on the leading edge flew over Mount Sunapee, New Hampshire. 4/15/1981 #35897 r Mount Sunapee, New Hampshire. It flew very low to the ground, and passed 4/15/1981 #35897 ht white light on the leading edge flew over Mount Sunapee, New Hampshire a 4/15/1981 #35900 pee, New Hampshire at 7:35 p.m. It flew very low to the ground, and passed 4/15/1981 #35900 , which tilted and fluttered as it flew. It was small, onlly 3-5 feet in di 4/20/1981 #35909 ngton. It made a humming sound and flew off to the south toward Oregon. The 5/1/1981 #35922 0 a.m. It made a humming sound and flew off to the south toward Oregon. The 5/1/1981 #35923 ar approached, but a glowing light flew off to the west. (NICAP: 02 - Close 5/16/1981 #35939 ar approached, but a glowing light flew off to the west. 5/16/1981 #35941 th rounded ends, made no noise and flew at a steady rate of speed from nort 6/28/1981 #35980 At 9:20 p.m. a star-like object flew in a sine-wave pattern across in sk 7/4/1981 #35988 thousands over Ningsia, China. It flew at a very high altitude and left a 7/24/1981 #36031 thousands over Ningsia, China. It flew at a very high altitude and left a 7/24/1981 #36032 ortholes was seen by thousands. It flew from the northeast to the southwest 7/24/1981 #36032 of an Iberia B- 727 airliner as it flew between Valencia and Barcelona, Spa 7/25/1981 #36035 of an Iberia B-727 airliner as it flew between Valencia and Barcelona, Spa 7/25/1981 #36036 ghts which operated independently, flew over the stern of a boat on a lake 7/31/1981 #36050 ean and made a humming sound as it flew slowly overhead. 8/23/1981 #36083 a DC-10 sized cigar-shaped object flew silently low over the trees in Poll 9/6/1981 #36105 s in Pollock Pines, California. It flew slowly at 10 mph to the southeast. 9/6/1981 #36105 25 and 50 feet in length, and they flew at a low 100-foot altitude. They we 9/18/1981 #36130 -meter wide red disc-shaped object flew slowly over the town of Linkou, Hei 10/8/1981 #36168 second light that moved around and flew up and down the hills and gullies, 10/24/1981 #36186 itnessed a cone-shaped object that flew horizontally from northeast to sout 11/8/1981 #36212 disc, giving off a weak blue glow, flew at treetop level west of Naveksvarn 11/21/1981 #36226 disc, giving off a weak blue glow, flew at treetop level west of Naveksvarn 11/21/1981 #36227 lored light in Aksaray, Turkey. It flew at an estimated 800 to 1000 feet al 12/21/1981 #36274 nother researcher told the men who flew the helicopter were code named BLUE 1982 #36292 7:30 PM. A luminous metallic ovoid flew over telephone lines in a mining ar 1/18/1982 #36303 f Norway a luminous metallic ovoid flew over telephone lines at 7:30 p.m. i 1/18/1982 #36304 d object followed a car home, then flew overhead. The witness ran inside hi 2/8/1982 #36326 d object followed a car home, then flew overhead. The witness ran inside hi 2/8/1982 #36329 PA A bright round, lighted object flew over a car in Fleetwood, Pennsylvan 2/24/1982 #36363 .m. a bright round, lighted object flew over a car in Fleetwood, Pennsylvan 2/24/1982 #36366 PA A large disc with a dome on top flew over the witness's car and shone a 2/25/1982 #36368 nded temporarily, then rose up and flew off over the witness's house and ou 2/25/1982 #36368 A large disc with a dome on top flew over the witness's car in Saltsburg 2/25/1982 #36369 nded temporarily, then rose up and flew off over the witness's house and ou 2/25/1982 #36369 ten foot diameter silver disc that flew within 25 feet of their left wingti 3/8/1982 #36382 ten foot diameter silver disc that flew within 25 feet of their left wingti 3/8/1982 #36385 and then hovered. The third group flew fast. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 3/13/1982 #36388 and then hovered. The third group flew fast. At 21:30 a luminous blue dome 3/13/1982 #36389 brilliant red ball of light (BOL) flew at a very low altitude and illumina 3/14/1982 #36391 e, circled the witness's car, then flew away. 3/18/1982 #36400 tial area at 200 feet altitude. It flew off to the south. It had three stea 3/21/1982 #36405 ovoid or "submarine"-shaped object flew over a car. It then hovered over th 3/30/1982 #36418 en paced the car for 15 blocks. It flew away toward the north. (NICAP: 02 - 3/30/1982 #36418 ovoid or "submarine"-shaped object flew over a car in Charlottesville, Virg 3/30/1982 #36420 en paced the car for 15 blocks. It flew away toward the north. 3/30/1982 #36420 d tapered on both ends. The object flew at treetop level directly over her 4/18/1982 #36447 lue light on top and portholes. It flew low at 400-500 feet altitude, and d 4/29/1982 #36456 lue light on top and portholes. It flew low at 400-500 feet altitude, and d 4/29/1982 #36457 size of Piper Cub aircraft, and it flew slowly to the east at an estimated 5/5/1982 #36464 ith beams of light. It rose up and flew away. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 5/12/1982 #36470 ith beams of light. It rose up and flew away. 5/12/1982 #36471 body lights, bright "headlights," flew overhead, seen clearly in police sp 5/22/1982 #36479 body lights, bright "headlights," flew overhead, seen clearly in police sp 5/22/1982 #36480 body lights, bright "headlights," flew overhead, seen clearly in police sp 5/22/1982 #36481 e, IL A fireball with an odd shape flew rapidly toward the power plant in R 6/15/1982 #36502 nois. It stopped and hovered, then flew away fast toward the west. (NICAP: 6/15/1982 #36502 p.m. a fireball with an odd shape flew rapidly toward the power plant in R 6/15/1982 #36503 nois. It stopped and hovered, then flew away fast toward the west. 6/15/1982 #36503 e a "water tank" in a nearby field flew away when the witness's car headlig 7/14/1982 #36535 t had 30 lights around its rim. It flew to the north, then circled back, an 7/21/1982 #36541 th, then circled back, and finally flew off by making a vertical ascent. 7/21/1982 #36541 f the day six unidentified spheres flew over Red Square, the center of powe 7/31/1982 #36558 gulfed in light and an object then flew over them. The object then began to 9/1982 #36588 haped objects with flashing lights flew low and fast over San Carlos Sija, 10/10/1982 #36638 und came slowly from the southeast,flew over witnesses in yard of rural hom 10/22/1982 #36659 ettes visible inside. Object rose, flew directly over car, humming sound (s 11/19/1982 #36686 ettes visible inside. Object rose, flew directly over car, humming sound 11/19/1982 #36687 humming sound like a generator. It flew towards the bay and disappeared. 11/19/1982 #36688 Swansea, West Glamorgan, Wales. It flew along the coastline at various poin 2/19/1983 #36767 front to back. The UFO turned and flew away. 3/10/1983 #36778 Huepul, Chile A UFO came along and flew over a soccer match in progress in 4/28/1983 #36847 A UFO came along and flew over a soccer match in progress in 4/28/1983 #36848 line pole in Lawrence, Kansas. It flew away toward the northeast slowly at 5/4/1983 #36852 line pole in Lawrence, Kansas. It flew away toward the northeast slowly at 5/4/1983 #36855 ocked violently, levelled out, and flew off following the contour of the la 5/23/1983 #36866 ng dome and orange light, and then flew away toward the south-southwest. In 6/5/1983 #36877 Melbourne, AU Two dazzling UFOs flew rings around a town, buzzing an imp 7/22/1983 #36919 port states that over time the UFO flew in a triangular pattern bounded by 7/22/1983 #36921 inutes, then rose into the sky and flew away. 10/26/1983 #37023 at had pegs protruding from it. It flew by the car at eye level. (Source: M 12/20/1983 #37079 at had pegs protruding from it. It flew by the car at eye level. 12/20/1983 #37080 Michigan, MI 4:14 AM. An ovoid UFO flew low over Lake Michigan and was sigh 1/3/1984 #37104 At 4:14 a.m. an ovoid UFO flew low over Lake Michigan and was sigh 1/3/1984 #37106 d had red lights on the bottom; it flew off to the north. (NICAP: 02 - Clos 1/9/1984 #37123 d had red lights on the bottom; it flew off to the north. 1/9/1984 #37127 llowed by seven small lights which flew at great speed but low altitude acr 1/13/1984 #37129 of six orange, sausage-shaped UFOs flew over Sverdlovsk, Russia. They chang 3/14/1984 #37229 hway in Claxton. One of the object flew directly overhead at treetop level. 3/21/1984 #37235 eorgia at 8 p.m. One of the object flew directly overhead at treetop level. 3/21/1984 #37239 shaped and over 300 feet wide. It flew away up the canyon, and was in sigh 4/25/1984 #37296 t rose from the forest floor, then flew off to the east-northeast. (NICAP: 4/26/1984 #37300 t rose from the forest floor, then flew off to the east-northeast. 4/26/1984 #37303 a W-shaped object with lights that flew at a low altitude and at a speed of 4/26/1984 #37305 15 miles in front of it, and then flew below it over the Indian Ocean. The 5/5/1984 #37320 unknown object changed course, and flew back out into outer space. 5/5/1984 #37320 ation of ten to fifteen red lights flew over the Hudson Valley on this nigh 5/31/1984 #37349 n made a tight 180-degree turn and flew off to the north. At 8:30 p.m. the 5/31/1984 #37349 reactor for 15 minutes. It finally flew away toward the northeast. 6/14/1984 #37362 ck and forth at low altitude, then flew off to the south. Duration: 10 minu 7/15/1984 #37400 sc maneuvered in the sky, and then flew off to the west. 8/11/1984 #37432 shaped UFO took off vertically and flew off rapidly to the southwest. 10/8/1984 #37481 et wide, with a canopy underneath, flew at 125 feet altitude and passed ove 11/26/1984 #37510 et wide, with a canopy underneath, flew at 125 feet altitude and passed ove 11/26/1984 #37511 nside one of the discs. All object flew off to the east toward an Air Force 12/26/1984 #37532 in through the window. It turn and flew away, but repeated the performance 12/31/1984 #37539 ee silent, teardrop-shaped objects flew quickly over the city of Randburg, 3/1/1985 #37563 irst observed the object.. The UFO flew across the path of the airliner at 6/11/1985 #37599 nded, swept back or drooping wings flew silently over a farm in Statesville 10/10/1985 #37678 A delta-shaped UFO flew over the beach at West Haven, Conne 10/16/1985 #37684 oot in diameter disc-shaped object flew right overhead, then made a fast 90 1/3/1986 #37749 sia in eastern Asia a red fireball flew parallel to the ground with an esti 1/29/1986 #37776 he pair, making a V formation that flew off rapidly to the north. 4/6/1986 #37819 sky and approached the boat, then flew back up and away. 4/20/1986 #37828 t Lake City, Utah at 12:30 a.m. It flew slowly. 4/22/1986 #37835 seeing five V-shaped objects that flew in formation, from north to south, 5/3/1986 #37853 iangular formation. When they over flew Lake Trasimeno they descended verti 6/12/1986 #37909 Two objects flew parallel to each other over Pittsbu 6/26/1986 #37925 ough several turns at 5:15 a.m. It flew away in the direction of Napa. 7/6/1986 #37931 vered in and out of the clouds and flew off in various formations toward th 7/19/1986 #37949 y object turned bright white as it flew silently below the clouds. The obje 7/19/1986 #37949 At 11:00 p.m. two discs flew slowly overhead in Bangor, Californ 7/30/1986 #37960 oft high-pitched sound. They first flew north to south, then turned and spe 7/30/1986 #37960 discoloration of the skin. The UFO flew off to the north-northwest after 15 8/1/1986 #37968 ifornia a large disc-shaped object flew fast and silently from the southeas 8/10/1986 #37976 ect, 65 feet wide by 40 feet long, flew overhead at 400 feet altitude at 4: 8/11/1986 #37979 be 40 feet by 20 feet. The object flew quite low, and passed behind severa 8/11/1986 #37980 the sixth floor of a hospital. It flew from north to south at a low altitu 8/13/1986 #37989 south at a low altitude. Later, it flew above an airliner, seemingly evadin 8/13/1986 #37989 arp angled turn to the right, then flew off to the northeast ascending at a 9/6/1986 #38017 lent, glowing ball of orange light flew from west to east over a golf cours 9/7/1986 #38020 Markfield, Leicester, England. It flew off to the east. 9/21/1986 #38033 o, Italy. water. The three objects flew in a triangle formation, with many 11/3/1986 #38059 uge silent manta ray shaped object flew in a southerly direction. It faded 11/21/1986 #38074 It maneuvered for awhile, and then flew off. 8/20/1987 #38248 viewed through binoculars as they flew away to the east. 8/23/1987 #38253 in the sky as the UFO took off and flew away. Mrs. Springsteen, the mother 8/31/1987 #38266 e driving in a rural area. The UFO flew silently to the southwest, then tow 10/1/1987 #38297 topped as a large, bright aircraft flew over and passed silently over a hil Mid 10/1987 #38305 0-degree turn over the highway. It flew silently overhead, changing light c 10/23/1987 #38311 At 3:00 p.m. a cylindrical UFO flew dangerously close to an aircraft on 12/5/1987 #38350 n an unintelligible language. They flew away on flying sleds. Later that ni 12/12/1987 #38357 rld War II V-1 German “buzz-bomb,” flew over the city of York. It reportedl 1/4/1988 #38404 . In Dewsbury at 11:30 p.m. a disc flew back and forth in the sky, making a 1/4/1988 #38404 . The "egg-cup" shaped object then flew off. The car had dents and scratche 1/20/1988 #38423 A 60-foot long triangular UFO flew to the east low over the road, just 1/22/1988 #38429 d many tinted-glass portholes, and flew slowly. 1/23/1988 #38431 all, England. It made no sound and flew off quickly toward the southeast. T 2/16/1988 #38470 silent, orange disc-shaped object flew close by to three witnesses. It had 2/22/1988 #38475 -shaped object with ailerons as it flew over the road fast, made a turn, an 9/6/1988 #38635 m. a 400 meter long fiery cylinder flew at low altitude over the tundra nea 9/24/1988 #38646 d with red and white lights, which flew in front of the moon. The witnesses 10/26/1988 #38699 ted that a 600 foot wide boomerang flew over at 25 mph; it was joined by a 10/26/1988 #38699 , emitted silvery white trail when flew away (section V). (NICAP: 05 - Medi 12/4/1988 #38740 , emitted silvery white trail when flew away 12/4/1988 #38741 tted a silvery white trail when it flew away, departing by shooting straigh 12/4/1988 #38745 vanish at times when jet aircraft flew over. The event continued and the l 1/18/1989 #38786 shaped object with rounded corners flew around in the sky and was watched f 2/10/1989 #38833 ur witnesses, including police. It flew over the police cruiser at an estim 2/10/1989 #38833 i-colored triangular shaped object flew over the town of Butler, Pennsylvan 2/24/1989 #38850 a blinking red light on right side flew over tree line behind a house. Just 5/4/1989 #38936 allegedly jet shot down a UFO that flew in from the ocean over the Kalahari 5/7/1989 #38939 30 feet away, circled a tree, then flew off vertically and was quickly gone 8/13/1989 #39061 from sight. It made no sound as it flew, and left some ground traces on the 8/13/1989 #39061 as returned to ground, and the UFO flew away. 9/16/1989 #39108 aft or flying wing with red lights flew over Mount Vernon, Indiana headed t 9/21/1989 #39116 irship-like elliptical object that flew rapidly toward the east, then rever 9/24/1989 #39120 ed, ball-shaped object. The object flew around in circles for a few minutes 9/27/1989 #39126 A saucer-shaped UFO flew low over Sungai Petani, Malaysia at 10/8/1989 #39149 tsev, saw a large pink sphere that flew over a local park in Voronezh, Russ 10/28/1989 #39191 e up, hovered briefly, and finally flew away quickly. 10/28/1989 #39191 A shiny metallic rectangular UFO flew very low over Proveshenia Prospekt, 11/9/1989 #39223 vania. Either the same two objects flew back over the plant from the opposi 12/23/1989 #39328 rection, or two more similar craft flew overhead in reverse direction. 12/23/1989 #39328 to first pink and then white as it flew away. 2/5/1990 #39409 d, and later became sick. The disc flew away by making a vertical ascent. 2/22/1990 #39429 tructure was suggested. The object flew from the southwest to the northeast 4/22/1990 #39540 , making a faint humming sound. It flew in a slow glide and then made sudde 5/21/1990 #39584 :45 p.m. a "stingray" shaped craft flew over Evansille, Indiana at a slow s 5/29/1990 #39598 ed, and there were at least 15. It flew over a populated area at only 200 f 5/29/1990 #39598 hwest, darkening three times as it flew. 6/26/1990 #39626 a huge, luminous rounded rectangle flew over Calais, France silently to the 9/11/1990 #39725 .m. watched a large red light that flew toward the west, stopped and hovere 9/19/1990 #39737 made a very sharp angled turn, and flew away over some woods. 9/28/1990 #39752 Five white discs flew over a racetrack in Paris, France a 10/10/1990 #39772 It was invisible between jumps. It flew in a trajectory from northwest to s 10/11/1990 #39781 jet streams coming out of one edge flew over Kelheim, Bavaria, Germany. Nin 11/5/1990 #39871 rain, France a dark triangular UFO flew over making a buzzing noise. At the 11/5/1990 #39871 inside a cabin-like structure. It flew towards the northeast and vanished. 11/5/1990 #39872 entity equipped with antennas, who flew soundlessly over the area. It disap 11/5/1990 #39873 brilliant, one meter long cylinder flew east to west over a microwave trans 11/14/1990 #39890 ssion center in Behshahr, Iran. It flew silently and slowly, at a low altit 11/14/1990 #39890 A giant cigar-shaped object flew rapidly and silently to the north o 11/23/1990 #39901 r of blue and white objects, which flew south. At the same time two police 11/24/1990 #39905 haped objects with rounded corners flew over the city of Noirmoutier on the 12/3/1990 #39924 triangular raft with large lights flew low over the city of Cuincy, France 12/3/1990 #39924 made no sound and it shortly after flew up vertically out of sight. Thomas 1991 #39941 ular, light-reflective object that flew into clouds (section 111). (NICAP: 1/13/1991 #39952 ular, light-reflective object that flew into clouds 1/13/1991 #39953 UFO rose to a higher altitude and flew off rapidly toward the east. At 7:5 1/16/1991 #39956 A fast moving UFO flew in an erratic pattern over a nuclea 3/2/1991 #39991 diameter, had rounded corners, and flew silently at a speed of between 100 3/10/1991 #40009 eed of between 100 and 150 mph. It flew on a straight course, going directl 3/10/1991 #40009 A large cylinder with many lights flew slowly over Faribault, Minnesota at 4/2/1991 #40029 n orange fireball with a pale halo flew east to west along the waterfront i 6/5/1991 #40084 ’s a true story. I’m the pilot who flew the wreckage of the UFO to Dayton, 7/9/1991 #40116 object rose vertically and quickly flew away in a zig-zagging flight path. 8/29/1991 #40170 he city of Beit She'an, Israel. It flew at an estimated 600 meters altitude 11/6/1991 #40221 ing the bright light and they both flew over the witness and his vehicle. T 11/9/1991 #40224 r a house. It was not well lit, it flew faster than a jet, and made no soun 11/24/1991 #40238 on formation of three objects that flew over London, Ontario, Canada at 12: 12/28/1991 #40270 A luminous glowing ball of light flew eastward in a descending staircase 1/5/1992 #40280 ame or a similar triangular object flew over nearby Bradford, New Hampshire 3/3/1992 #40350 ped his car and watched as the UFO flew overhead during a snowstorm, making 3/3/1992 #40350 DELAVAN, IL Round silver object flew 12m over car. Electro-magnetic effe 3/11/1992 #40371 Brazil. It made a sonic boom as it flew off toward the east. 4/26/1992 #40431 saucer split in half. The top half flew off toward the southwest and the ot 4/28/1992 #40437 d the southwest and the other half flew off to the east. The F-14 jet remai 4/28/1992 #40437 ned circling in the area, and then flew off to the east. 4/28/1992 #40437 an oval structure of some sort. It flew slowly but directly over their head 5/3/1992 #40449 Two orange BOLs flew silently over a reservoir in Warang 5/5/1992 #40453 aft came flying over the trees and flew slowly down his street, twice. Stra 6/4/1992 #40486 e silent silvery triangular object flew over the road at an altitude of onl 8/14/1992 #40573 box with a blinking light on top, flew to the north-northeast from Goize, 8/28/1992 #40593 e children who also watched it. It flew off toward Dromkeal. John McManus o 9/30/1992 #40649 range glow and a yellow flame that flew overhead and to the east; it had 5 9/30/1992 #40651 object hovered over the town, then flew off over Mount Sopris. There were t 11/6/1992 #40704 r a lake in East Holden, Maine. It flew south over a highway and “went down 12/20/1992 #40755 w altitude. It made no sound as it flew. 12/23/1992 #40764 of Belt. Another light reportedly flew in and out of the open doors of the 1/1993 #40782 it was the size of a softball and flew at a height of about 10 feet. At le 1/1993 #40782 halves lifted off from the ground, flew away to the north. 3/14/1993 #40882 then became two white lights that flew from the northwest to the southeast 3/30/1993 #40905 lver disc rose from the ground and flew off. 4/8/1993 #40932 a football. After five seconds it flew silently past the window and out of 4/17/1993 #40940 s, a large US Air Force helicopter flew into the area and carried the craft 4/19/1993 #40943 of 200 mph. It made no sound as it flew. 4/30/1993 #40959 craft with no wings and no windows flew over Lake Erie making no sound and 5/5/1993 #40966 ange-white disc-shaped object that flew overhead and then into the clouds. 5/5/1993 #40967 meter long white glowing ovoid UFO flew over Mildura, Victoria, Australia h 5/14/1993 #40980 A domed disc flew over homes in Ashbourne, England at 5/14/1993 #40981 light. They made no sound as they flew. 6/15/1993 #41018 They hovered for 15 minutes, then flew off quickly to the north. 7/24/1993 #41085 and saw the object enlarging as it flew away from the area. It now looked l 7/27/1993 #41091 France a large orange ovoid object flew slowly toward the northeast for 20 8/11/1993 #41129 d a row of windows in the dome. It flew over homes for a couple of minutes. 8/24/1993 #41156 nt light beams through "doors." It flew off to the north. 8/25/1993 #41159 0-foot long football-shaped object flew over a tree 100 meters away from th 8/27/1993 #41165 with a luminous tail (or "anchor") flew silently over the city of Magdeburg 9/18/1993 #41203 A large white ball of light flew from north to south over Nutter For 10/1/1993 #41217 It had more than 30 red lights and flew at treetop level, and made a sound 10/8/1993 #41227 single, solid triangular craft. It flew at a slow speed, at 150 feet altitu 10/24/1993 #41251 t finally split into two parts and flew off to the east and west. 11/3/1993 #41262 ines, France. A large plain sphere flew to the south-southwest in Villiers- 11/22/1993 #41296 At 5:00 p.m. a huge orange sphere flew over Rochefort-en-Yveline, Yvelines 11/22/1993 #41296 a flat-bottomed disc-shaped object flew over the witnesses' house in Pittsb 12/2/1993 #41319 h bright lights and a flat bottom, flew over the city of Quixada, Ceara Sta 12/31/1993 #41338 ning a yellow light on it. It then flew away to the southeast. 1/3/1994 #41356 white sphere, the size of a house, flew spinning over a nearbyfield at only 2/12/1994 #41410 ted in the sky outside. The object flew on a westerly trajectory. 3/5/1994 #41441 A brilliant Kelly green sphere flew near a woman's home in Grosse Point 4/9/1994 #41485 ome in Grosse Pointe, Michigan. It flew off to the west. 4/9/1994 #41485 ith bat wings on the road. When it flew away he was able to restart the tru 4/17/1994 #41495 ver from 100 meters away, and then flew off to the northeast. 4/27/1994 #41507 derup, Denmark close to ground. It flew off to the north. 5/8/1994 #41518 made a pinging bullet sound as it flew. 5/17/1994 #41528 t, yellow-colored onion-shaped UFO flew east to west over the Ouse River in 5/18/1994 #41530 f a jet. It maneuvered about as it flew. 5/18/1994 #41530 er his house. As he ran outside it flew away, but a second helicopter hover 5/31/1994 #41543 ay 285 near Saguache, Colorado. It flew off to the west, going at treetop l 6/5/1994 #41553 It then lifted off vertically, and flew away. 6/8/1994 #41558 :40 p.m. in St. Usuges, France. It flew away toward the north. 6/12/1994 #41567 ngular shaped craft with no lights flew over Moffat, Colorado at 11:00 p.m. 6/27/1994 #41590 Moffat, Colorado at 11:00 p.m. It flew slowly from the east to the west at 6/27/1994 #41590 hen a metallic, parasol-shaped UFO flew twisting maneuvers through the nigh 7/4/1994 #41606 Italy. It turned, leveled off, and flew off toward the north-northeast. 7/13/1994 #41618 lack disc, making a beeping sound, flew over a police radio tower in La Cha 7/16/1994 #41627 -la-Reine, France at 11:40 p.m. It flew away toward the west. Ten minutes l 7/16/1994 #41627 aped object was the source, and it flew away toward the southeast. 7/16/1994 #41627 A silent triangular craft flew over De Bary, Florida at 9:15 p.m. 7/16/1994 #41628 An orange, V-shaped object flew over Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. It 9/6/1994 #41719 ight in 5 seconds. He estimated in flew at 300 mph, at only 300 feet altitu 9/9/1994 #41732 e two flourescent orange streamers flew in tandem right in front of their v 9/13/1994 #41745 a silent formation of dark objects flew across the sky toward the southwest 9/13/1994 #41746 ght a 40-meter long triangular UFO flew over a farmhouse in Sornay, Saone-L 9/22/1994 #41772 ed the facility and two days later flew to Air Force Plant 42 at Palmdale, 9/26/1994 #41776 They made a humming sound as they flew along very low and slowly, then tur 12/29/1994 #41912 ry low and slowly, then turned and flew off to the north. The event frighte 12/29/1994 #41912 a bright wedge-shaped object as it flew over the Pennine Alps in Derbyshire 1/6/1995 #41957 ers in front of the airliner as it flew at 13,000 feet, and it was so close 1/6/1995 #41957 ilding. It continued rolling as it flew away, and was in view for three min 1/16/1995 #41979 of small, white satellite objects flew over Lebanon, Tennessee at 4:42 a.m 1/24/1995 #41996 the same color burst out of it and flew off in the direction of Zelenogorsk 3/14/1995 #42095 , and illuminated the ground as it flew off toward the east. 4/22/1995 #42171 a very large, silent triangle that flew slowly over a factory in Grande-Syn 4/22/1995 #42172 f. The creature ignored Ortega and flew away. 4/23/1995 #42173 2:20 p.m. a red disc-shaped object flew over the road ahead of a car with t 5/7/1995 #42190 er object. All four of the objects flew off together. 5/12/1995 #42198 large dark "form" that floated or flew down towards him. He could see that 5/15/1995 #42211 ler orbs exited the larger object, flew around, then returned. At 3:10 p.m. 6/5/1995 #42240 theast over Pensacola, Florida. It flew slowly at 15 mph, across the wind, 6/5/1995 #42240 :00 a.m. a flat topped silver disc flew slowy toward the east over Holley, 6/14/1995 #42256 beam of light. After 10 minutes it flew off towards the northeast. 6/16/1995 #42261 t that. At 7:30 p.m. a dark object flew over Hastings-on-Hudson, New York. 6/25/1995 #42275 FO that darted into its path, then flew along beside it as it made a landin 7/31/1995 #42348 rs. It sounded like a transformer, flew from north to south, made an abrupt 8/5/1995 #42359 , Colorado. A gigantic dark shadow flew east, surrounded by many much small 8/15/1995 #42388 people looking up at him. He then flew above what appeared to be an Africa 9/6/1995 #42445 n, but it sprouted small wings and flew away from the area. 9/16/1995 #42477 xtremely bright disc-shaped object flew over a house in Austin, Texas headi 10/1/1995 #42530 an elongated metallic object that flew at a low altitude and then descende 11/1/1995 #42575 l and claw-like feet. The creature flew away in an upward spiral emitting a 11/11/1995 #42593 least 24 randomly blinking lights flew over Highway 17 in Saguache County, 11/14/1995 #42600 County, Colorado at 6:30 p.m. They flew to the southwest in the western sky 11/14/1995 #42600 d objects with blue beams of light flew over Dubai in the Persian Gulf at 6 11/27/1995 #42626 d in La Spezia, Italy. The big UFO flew away to the west, leaving a bright 12/15/1995 #42646 ther and separate repeatedly. They flew in a general southwest direction. A 1/28/1996 #42723 n of Buckingham, Quebec. The craft flew very slowly over the barn. The ligh 2/6/1996 #42743 At 9:30 p.m a nocturnal light flew over Sydney, New South Wales, Austr 2/7/1996 #42746 A huge craft with 50 to 75 lights flew directly overhead of the witness dr 2/16/1996 #42768 kwise direction. It made no sound, flew straight up, then down, then hovere 2/16/1996 #42768 in a similar craft. They both then flew towards the nearby swamps. Several 2/23/1996 #42776 g lights in a triangular formation flew over Beufort, Sabah province, Malay 2/27/1996 #42786 ube was seen at 100 m altitude. It flew slowly to the east at 30 km/h over 3/1/1996 #42796 in Varginha, Brazil a silver disc flew in and stopped over a factory. A se 4/2/1996 #42850 over a factory. A second disc also flew in and merged into the first disc. 4/2/1996 #42850 , France saw a large triangle that flew to the northeast at a low altitude 4/27/1996 #42888 orted that a "monstrous red light" flew over the San Luis Valley at a high 5/4/1996 #42893 r from the Mediterranean Sea, then flew 30 meters above the aircraft. The p 6/9/1996 #42929 the sky, then suddenly sped up and flew away rapidly to the northwest. 6/18/1996 #42933 ria, Australia two glowing objects flew overhead next to each other; they e 8/23/1996 #42992 de humming and buzzing sounds, and flew off toward the south. 9/7/1996 #43007 bject that left no vapor trail and flew silently over Del Norte, Colorado. 10/10/1996 #43063 At 6:40 p.m. a huge white sphere flew fast over Dannemois, Essonne, Franc 10/29/1996 #43101 France, pivoted in place, and then flew off to the north. It was also seen 10/29/1996 #43101 ang River west of Seoul, Korea and flew off to the west. TV film footage wa 11/22/1996 #43116 he next saw a dark round form that flew right over her street. 1/2/1997 #43164 O was still visible in the sky. It flew over the ridge and was gone. 1/28/1997 #43179 igar-shaped object at 9:00 a.m. It flew to the west slowly, turned vertical 2/7/1997 #43187 the rim made a droning sound as it flew over at 5:30 p.m. 2/22/1997 #43203 of them left. Soon after this they flew back into the purple light via the 3/10/1997 #43225 ia a large black triangular object flew overhead at 90 km/hour, at an estim 4/22/1997 #43271 passed over the truck and quickly flew out of sight. At the same time in H 4/28/1997 #43283 it passed just above them and then flew away to the south. Air displacement 5/3/1997 #43287 12:15 p.m. a metallic ovoid object flew across the sky in West Chester, Pen 5/5/1997 #43289 t 4:15 p.m. a saucer-shaped object flew overhead in Ginkunai, Lithuania. It 5/12/1997 #43292 a fluorescent flying object as it flew over White Plains, New York. It mad 6/4/1997 #43310 at 9:45 PDT a large orange object flew across the sky over Bothell, Washin 6/6/1997 #43316 A wave of domed discs flew over a river in the Solomon Islands 8/10/1997 #43378 ts, and hovered for 50 minutes. It flew off to the south-southeast. 8/16/1997 #43386 a large silver disc-shaped object flew overhead. Seen for 30 minutes. Colo 8/23/1997 #43389 but he felt body vibrations as it flew over. 9/7/1997 #43399 unintelligible language, and then flew up into the sky and vanished. At su 10/10/1997 #43426 ing with two arms and two legs. It flew fast over the area, quickly disappe 10/10/1997 #43426 a silent, round disc-shaped object flew to the northeast slowly from Spring 1/5/1998 #43494 minutes; it then turned on end and flew off to the south. 1/23/1998 #43502 ext, an 18-meter long ovoid object flew up the river canyon. 1/24/1998 #43504 40 p.m. a helmet-shaped domed disc flew over Elsternwick, Victoria, Austral 2/13/1998 #43518 object that left a trail of sparks flew over the Badger Army Ordnance ammun 3/1/1998 #43526 In 1998 two diamond-shaped UFOs flew over Grosse Ile, Michigan. They cha 3/19/1998 #43533 ross the surface of the object. It flew off, leaving toward the northeast. 3/30/1998 #43539 sses saw a black round object that flew overhead at 1440 mph. 4/12/1998 #43549 e siren as the teardrop-shaped UFO flew by in Broomfield, Colorado at 10:30 4/21/1998 #43554 uter part (rim) of the object." It flew off to the east. Lago de Colbun is 5/16/1998 #43568 ins during a thunderstorm. The UFO flew in and out of the clouds for severa 5/17/1998 #43569 t, and was completely silent as it flew. 5/27/1998 #43571 then executed a 90-degree turn and flew away. 6/6/1998 #43582 led at only 15 meters altitude. In flew off toward the west. On the same ev 7/18/1998 #43610 undskeeper, saw the object when it flew by and hovered over the field. The 8/8/1998 #43620 that was viewed through binoculars flew over the shoreline at Kerlaviou, Fi 8/8/1998 #43621 figure in a standing position. It flew closer and the flying humanoid turn 9/14/1998 #43646 alifornia two sets of five objects flew over the city at 10:30 p.m. in para 9/26/1998 #43653 A five-meter diameter disc flew low over the valley of the Tevere R 10/3/1998 #43660 immed the surface of the water. It flew off toward the southwest and was si 10/3/1998 #43660 t a better look, and watched as it flew silently close to the ground and be 10/19/1998 #43667 triangular object with dim lights flew just above the trees in West Memphi 11/29/1998 #43690 ly over Bethelem, Pennsylvania. It flew from the east to the west at a very 12/15/1998 #43699 e UFO circled the town twice, then flew away. 1/9/1999 #43714 xt moved in a figure-8 pattern and flew off towards the northwest. A photog 2/15/1999 #43729 in some pendulum motion, and then flew away at a high speed. 2/27/1999 #43738 here some three meters in diameter flew over Hartford, Connecticut at 5:30 4/8/1999 #43756 ted the low clouds overhead, as it flew at a low altitude, hugging the terr 4/8/1999 #43756 At 10:30 p.m. an object flew back and forth through the sky over 5/10/1999 #43768 s, described as "something weird," flew over Surrey, British Columbia at 10 5/23/1999 #43774 a surface texture "like a sponge", flew near a mountain in Trail, British C 6/4/1999 #43779 corners in Kaukauna, Wisconsin. It flew overhead at 10:50 p.m. 7/6/1999 #43792 :00 p.m. a dark disc-shaped object flew from the west to the east slowly ov 7/19/1999 #43808 th counter-rotating rings of light flew over Logan Village, Queensland, Aus 8/8/1999 #43818 silver, double convex saucer as it flew over toward the south. At 5:45 p.m. 8/16/1999 #43824 craft had clearly lit windows, and flew silently. They went off to the nort 8/18/1999 #43827 The sphere and the trailing lights flew to the north. 11/21/1999 #43885 veling at a speed of 200 knots. It flew low, at an estimated altitude of on 12/15/1999 #43898 ed UFO with a tail like a parabola flew across the sky from the northwest t 12/19/1999 #43900 At 9:30 p.m. a silver-gray object flew south in a straight trajectory over 1/2/2000 #43916 t 6:30 p.m. It made no sound as it flew. Finally, twenty minutes later in F 1/23/2000 #43932 a large luminous triangular cloud flew to the northeast, and split into fo 2/9/2000 #43943 eastern sky, then leveled off. It flew a short distance, then turned and f 2/12/2000 #43948 a short distance, then turned and flew to the north. 2/12/2000 #43948 . five large orange glowing lights flew in from the east over Rockford, Ill 2/16/2000 #43951 ish-white, non-blinking lights. It flew to the northeast, and made no sound 3/26/2000 #43969 New Delhi, India at 11:55 p.m. It flew at a high altitude, halted over a c 4/8/2000 #43978 d object with red and green lights flew low over the Garden State Parkway i 5/14/2000 #43994 n, New Jersey at 9:25 p.m. The UFO flew silently toward another unknown red 5/14/2000 #43994 ct in the distance. The red object flew off to the west. 5/14/2000 #43994 large dark object with lights that flew over from north to south, making no 5/15/2000 #43995 and by police. A police helicopter flew around the UFO several times before 5/19/2000 #43997 sted for ten minutes. A helicopter flew over the area later that same night 7/7/2000 #44013 p.m. an orange, dome shaped object flew over Thibodaux, Louisiana at tree l 7/14/2000 #44018 it occasionally turned white as it flew by. 7/14/2000 #44018 lights and three blue lights, and flew at between 200 to 300 feet in altit 8/30/2000 #44034 UFO they were watching. They then flew around it for awhile. 9/11/2000 #44038 . a very large, wing-shaped object flew at a low altitude over Opelousas, S 9/17/2000 #44041 , St. Landry Parish, Louisiana. It flew very fast. It was completely silent 9/17/2000 #44041 At 10:30 a.m. a metallic sphere flew within 30 feet of an apartment buil 10/28/2000 #44064 waves of disc-shaped objects that flew against the wind and above the clou 11/23/2000 #44079 p.m., and making no sound when it flew. 11/25/2000 #44080 Georgia. It tilted and rose, then flew slowly to the southwest. 11/27/2000 #44082 A domed disc-shaped object flew over North Miami Beach, Florida at 11/28/2000 #44086 formations of UFOs, 25-30 in each, flew slowly at high altitude over Zurish 12/11/2000 #44100 color from orange to violet as it flew. After several minutes the UFOs for 1/1/2001 #44115 formed into a linear formation and flew off rapidly to the south. A silent 1/1/2001 #44115 m. when a large disc-shaped object flew over, heading southeast toward the 1/11/2001 #44123 nt, triangular formation of lights flew over Irwin, Pennsylvania, causing s 2/19/2001 #44139 nte, Italy. It made no sound as it flew. 2/23/2001 #44141 , and green lights on back surface flew over Irricana, Alberta, Canada maki 2/27/2001 #44143 Three discs with lights flew over Becket, Massachusetts on this 2/27/2001 #44144 ylight hours. It had no wings, and flew from the southwest to northwest for 4/25/2001 #44163 ge defining the boomerang outline, flew directly overhead in Salt Ash, New 4/26/2001 #44169 shire, England a police helicopter flew around a UFO twice before the objec 5/5/2001 #44177 g triangle shaped like a dart that flew with the blunt end forward, found i 5/9/2001 #44183 y high above scattered clouds. "It flew directly over us and gleamed in the 5/19/2001 #44186 trees when a car approached, then flew off at 70 mph to the west, crossing 5/24/2001 #44188 , Romania at 4:10 a.m. when lights flew over the city. An eleven meter long 6/28/2001 #44198 object made a whizzing noise as it flew over at a high velocity at 1:08 p.m 7/7/2001 #44205 could be seen looking out. It then flew away. The dog was apparently taken. 7/27/2001 #44212 loated for a few seconds before it flew out the barn door. A cow had been p 8/1/2001 #44215 ular object, quiet with no lights, flew right over a couple driving in Rowl 8/2/2001 #44221 nother strange formation of lights flew overhead in Bushey, Hertford. At 2: 8/4/2001 #44224 cers inverted over each other. It flew low and slowly across the sky, over 8/15/2001 #44234 d was the size of a Boeing 727. It flew over the mountain range to the nort 8/16/2001 #44236 y, disc-shaped object with windows flew over Beaver, West Virginia making n 10/28/2001 #44267 ting off the back of the UFO as it flew off, and then disappeared. 10/31/2001 #44270 and an orange light in the middle, flew toward the northwest. In five minut 11/15/2001 #44277 A V-shaped bank of lights flew from north to south over Augusta, T 11/19/2001 #44278 al in shape and all the same size, flew over Maplewood, Minnesota in a V-fo 11/19/2001 #44278 orbs interchanging within it.” In flew off in the direction of Fayettesvil 12/15/2001 #44291 ing, slow moving Saturn-shaped UFO flew to the south over the river at 7:30 12/17/2001 #44292 seen on a cigar-shaped craft that flew over St. Georges, Manitoba, Canada 12/17/2001 #44293 er wide silver, hubcap-shaped disc flew low and stopped over a field at onl 3/27/2002 #44328 ect rocked from side to side as it flew behind a cloud in Ottawa, Ontario, 4/17/2002 #44332 altitude in the clear blue sky. It flew from west to east. It seemed more " 5/5/2002 #44339 appeared in the northeast sky and flew between the first two, then changed 7/13/2002 #44360 st two, then changed direction and flew toward the north. All objects pulse 7/13/2002 #44360 A bright pulsating ovoid object flew over the river in Perm, Russia at 1 7/17/2002 #44361 a.m. two silvery luminous objects flew silently over a RV park in Watervil 8/13/2002 #44384 ped object blocked out stars as it flew very slowly at 15 km/hour towards t 8/13/2002 #44384 t. Its flat side was forward as it flew, and it was absolutely silent. Elec 8/13/2002 #44384 ve some 7 to 9 dimly lit nodes. It flew at 20 mph making no noise. It was a 9/5/2002 #44390 tts. Deep red, pulsating triangles flew over Fort Walton Beach, Florida at 9/11/2002 #44396 t, but soon lost sight of it as it flew behind a neighbor's house. A triang 9/15/2002 #44397 flying object for 10 minutes as it flew overhead. 9/15/2002 #44398 black saucer-shaped and shiny UFOs flew in a straight line formation from t 9/24/2002 #44404 eflection on the lake, and finally flew off toward the north at a low altit 10/22/2002 #44421 was seen by several beachgoers. It flew at a high altitude and had a brilli 11/1/2002 #44431 t 11:30 p.m. a triangle-shaped UFO flew across the sky toward the mountains 11/1/2002 #44433 cked out the stars behind it as it flew by. They later saw the same object 11/9/2002 #44437 had many white and red lights. It flew to the west slowly for two minutes, 11/13/2002 #44442 yellow, white and blue lights. It flew toward the southwest. 11/22/2002 #44448 Three disc-shaped lights flew through the sky over a 10 minute pe 11/29/2002 #44456 10:00 p.m.; a fourth appeared, all flew a pattern. 11/29/2002 #44456 .m. PST two black triangular craft flew above San Jose, California at an al 1/2/2003 #44465 lindingly bright horizontal lights flew low overhead in Los Angeles, Califo 1/2/2003 #44465 t with lights around the perimeter flew over Winnebago, Minnesota and was s 1/2/2003 #44466 of a mile of the object before it flew away. 1/16/2003 #44476 r Kingston, Ontario by a woman. It flew just above the treeline, and passed 1/24/2003 #44479 object like two saucers rim to rim flew slowly at a low level over a farm f 1/31/2003 #44483 ar craft with structure underneath flew silently over Vancouver, British Co 2/12/2003 #44489 ect, moving like a cruise missile, flew north across the fields of Raymore, 2/19/2003 #44495 reenbelt, Maryland at 8:15 p.m. It flew below the clouds at an estimated 60 3/8/2003 #44500 licopter with multi-colored lights flew over. A few of these objects left a 3/14/2003 #44502 t every once in awhile, which also flew around. 3/14/2003 #44502 panels of lights on the underside flew low over the river in Terrace, Brit 4/3/2003 #44510 topped, made some sharp turns, and flew off toward the east. 4/6/2003 #44512 Two orange lights flew in a corkscrew pattern together fro 4/16/2003 #44514 in awe as a flying wing shaped UFO flew rapidly over Kaliningrad Harbor and 4/18/2003 #44516 2 and was absolutely silent as it flew. However, it made a tremendous nois 4/18/2003 #44516 emed striped rather than solid. It flew off to the northwest. When they got 5/1/2003 #44520 r, but they then separated and one flew off to the east. It was joined seco 5/7/2003 #44527 ng, surrounded by a cloud or mist, flew inland over Tiruvanmiyur, India at 5/19/2003 #44541 a at 9:50 p.m. local time. It then flew silently back out to sea heading ea 5/19/2003 #44541 ct hovered in place while the rest flew away toward the west. He watched th 5/24/2003 #44545 emitting a great deal of heat. It flew in a straight line and crossed the 5/28/2003 #44548 ying, slow moving spherical object flew over the highway at 12:45 a.m. and 7/28/2003 #44569 ong, silver sausage-shaped object, flew low over the roadside in Canyon Cre 8/10/2003 #44573 then went under some guywires and flew off into the trees. 8/10/2003 #44573 t 7:25 p.m. It made no sound as it flew. The sighting was brief, lasting ab 8/13/2003 #44575 ge, slow moving, wing-shaped craft flew over a campsite near McGregor in no 8/30/2003 #44588 large to be a plane or satellite, flew in a zigzag pattern, disappeared an 8/31/2003 #44589 rough the sky at 3:00 a.m. It also flew vertically and gave off a partial b 9/24/2003 #44606 seen chasing each other, and then flew quickly into a cloud bank. 12/5/2003 #44625 At six p.m. a circular object flew over the coconut trees for about fo 12/15/2003 #44629 a silent, boomerang shaped object flew over Borger, Texas at 1:40 a.m. CST 12/23/2003 #44631 four different multicolored lights flew across the Denver skyline and was v 12/23/2003 #44631 ound the 737 as the triangular UFO flew in front of the airliner. It also c 1/4/2004 #44645 ster County, South Carolina. As it flew over dogs in the neighborhood were 2/8/2004 #44659 t seemed to wobble laterally as it flew. 2/8/2004 #44659 o north over Yreka, California. it flew at a high altitude, had a V-shape, 2/11/2004 #44663 00 a.m. a white disc-shaped object flew over the middle of the Kent Valley 2/15/2004 #44665 ith three lights, one at each end, flew over Phillipsburg, New Jersey at 7: 2/17/2004 #44667 s at 7:00 p.m. on this evening. It flew around at high rates of speed and w 3/10/2004 #44675 adow-like entity that very swiftly flew up the stairs. To his astonishment, 3/12/2004 #44676 ss watched as a disc-shaped object flew over from a nearby hill, then hover 3/14/2004 #44677 overed for three minutes. Next, it flew overhead in a suburban area. It fir 3/14/2004 #44677 rhead in a suburban area. It first flew at a slow pace, then sped off at an 3/14/2004 #44677 sighting. They had many lights and flew off to the west, where they were lo 3/25/2004 #44679 wfoundland, Canada at 4:22 a.m. It flew slowly, and stopped at one point. T 3/26/2004 #44680 ving almond-shaped discs initially flew in from the Gulf of Mexico heading 3/26/2004 #44680 .m. two orange oval-shaped objects flew at great speeds and made hairpin tu 4/21/2004 #44690 At 1:20 a.m. a V-shaped object flew past the witness' window in Kelowna 4/25/2004 #44691 ashing red light in the center. It flew in very low, and started following 5/9/2004 #44698 locked the backdrop of stars as it flew over. 5/14/2004 #44700 ia, Canada for 15 minutes, then it flew away. 6/4/2004 #44707 Milan, Tennessee at 12:30 p.m. It flew into a small cloud and didn't emerg 6/16/2004 #44712 ght of 21 to 24 meters. The figure flew at a reasonably fast pace. The mome 7/26/2004 #44717 ise up into the air and eventually flew off without making any sound at all 7/27/2004 #44719 ndia. Stationary at first, the UFO flew off to the south at high speed. It 7/31/2004 #44722 ts zoomed out of the mountain, and flew off towards the southwest and eastw 8/2/2004 #44725 is at 10:25 p.m. a flying triangle flew right over the heads of a computer 8/20/2004 #44736 sort when a circular-shaped object flew over him and crashed onto the water 8/25/2004 #44742 ght yellow or silver-white object, flew no more than 200 meters overhead, a 9/9/2004 #44751 to the northwest, but this object flew southeast. The strange object was m 9/10/2004 #44752 ly representing triangular crafts, flew over Andover, Hampshire, England at 9/11/2004 #44754 exes of the triangle seperated and flew off in different directions. After 9/11/2004 #44754 d craft in the shape of a triangle flew slowly from the north to the southw 9/11/2004 #44754 d objects at a very high altitude, flew from west to east at a very high sp 9/14/2004 #44756 Another boomerang-shaped object flew over the witnesses in Kanata, Ontar 9/18/2004 #44760 anada at 8:30 p.m. A second object flew up to it, and then entered the larg 9/19/2004 #44761 -shaped object with rows of lights flew ahead, dashed right and back, and t 10/30/2004 #44775 object was completely silent as it flew. 11/25/2004 #44791 jects at 8:30 p.m. One object that flew over the witness was triangular in 12/4/2004 #44795 oval-shaped lights hesitated, then flew over a house, moving off very quick 12/5/2004 #44798 nd-shaped or triangle-shaped craft flew low overhead; it made no sound and 12/5/2004 #44798 body lights on the underneath side flew along the highway, then over cars i 12/23/2004 #44801 e morning several disc-shaped UFOs flew about 200 feet from a witness's car 1/11/2005 #44807 Four discs flew east over the mountains in Rancho C 1/22/2005 #44809 uthfield, Michigan at 6:30 p.m. It flew at a high rate of speed, then sudde 2/21/2005 #44815 ere, moving very fast to the west, flew directly under a private aircraft f 5/8/2005 #44834 A large black triangular UFO flew over Grand View, Idaho at a slow sp 5/14/2005 #44841 A cigar-shaped UFO flew to the south over Guaynabo, Bayamon 9/14/2005 #44875 to it and others trailing behind, flew over Bay City, Michigan at 11:48 p. 9/26/2005 #44879 ect trailed by a military aircraft flew over Coon Rapids, Minnesota at a hi 10/6/2005 #44886 balloon but oriented horizontally flew over Buena Park, California at 8:01 10/8/2005 #44888 At 8:45 p.m. a white sphere flew over the witness in Terrace, Britis 10/19/2005 #44891 then stopped, hovered, and finally flew away again. 10/19/2005 #44891 and two brighter smaller "escorts" flew silently overhead in the night sky. 10/19/2005 #44892 shaped object with V-shaped lights flew over the St. Johns River in Jackson 12/17/2005 #44912 fter hovering for three minutes it flew off to the west. 12/18/2005 #44913 , and began to get smaller as they flew to a high altitude in the sky, wher 1/30/2006 #44920 first seen to be hovering, then it flew away slowly. There were flashing li 2/25/2006 #44924 et wide by 8 feet to 10 feet long, flew just 50 feet above the witnesses' c 4/25/2006 #44933 It made erratic flight movements, flew low over the area for a minute, the 4/27/2006 #44934 A large triangular craft flew low over two witnesses traveling in 9/23/2006 #44965 ights and other lights in between, flew over Pampa, Texas at 11:00 p.m. hea 10/11/2006 #44975 two cities. It made no sound, but flew at a low altitude. It flew from sou 10/26/2006 #44977 nd, but flew at a low altitude. It flew from south to north at a very slow 10/26/2006 #44977 han, Ontario a cigar-shaped object flew parallel to the highway at midnight 1/13/2007 #45000 e object outlined with many lights flew silently overhead New Westminster, 4/16/2007 #45017 object with glowing ends, banded, flew at high speed over Sudbury, Ontario 4/21/2007 #45019 it. It was larger than a plane.It flew overhead slowly, where it stopped 1 5/16/2007 #45030 bject, translucent or transparent, flew over Hancock, Maine in a controlled 8/10/2007 #45046 Orange "V" shaped lights flew overhead in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 8/14/2007 #45047 a hexagon formation of six lights flew over Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canad 9/4/2007 #45052 , Quebec, Canada, then stopped. It flew off after 90 seconds leaving a trai 9/14/2007 #45057 inutes from Coos Bay, Oregon as it flew slowly along the Pacific Ocean coas 9/20/2007 #45063 oating just above the road, and it flew straight towards them again and hov 10/27/2007 #45080 e for about 10 seconds and then it flew away. As they watched the object sp 10/27/2007 #45080 imated to be about 100 yards long, flew over Wellington, Florida at 12:45 p 11/22/2007 #45095 disc-shaped, blue and white light flew low and fast over Bowie, Maryland. 12/23/2007 #45103 ped object that flipped over as it flew across the sky in Popkum, British C 1/26/2008 #45114 is Falls, Ontario, Canada and then flew away. The sighting lasted 15 second 2/7/2008 #45116 down, white colored V-shaped craft flew over Long Beach, California. A larg 2/26/2008 #45123 er-shaped bright luminous objects, flew over San Fernando, California at 3: 2/26/2008 #45123 A dark cigar-shaped object flew over Gig Harbor, Washington at 9:45 3/6/2008 #45125 isc-shaped object with no markings flew over. At 10:30 p.m. PDT a triangula 5/9/2008 #45136 At 12:30 a.m. a V-shaped object flew low over the city of Chilliwack, Fr 5/17/2008 #45140 metallic, teardrop-shaped objects flew over Thunder Bay, Ontario at 11:15 6/1/2008 #45145 At 10 p.m. a dark triangle object flew silently overhead in Sault Ste. Mar 8/30/2008 #45163 object split into three orbs which flew around, then rejoined over Nanaimo, 9/3/2008 #45164 ree grayish, bullet-shaped objects flew near witnesses in London, Ontario. 9/6/2008 #45166 orted that a triangle-shaped craft flew directly over his vehicle. The obje 9/19/2008 #45169 A yellow triangular object flew over Edmonton, Alberta, Canada at 1 9/30/2008 #45172 de up of approximately 8-10 lights flew over St. Marys, West Virginia at mi 10/31/2008 #45183 hiny circular flying object, which flew off towards some nearby woods and t 8/28/2009 #45239 triangular UFO with orange lights flew over Petersburg, a small central Il 11/28/2009 #45257 troyed and suggested some UAP that flew over nuclear bases and interfered w 2010 #45263 ve the tree level at 10:30 p.m. It flew on a steady course with a slow clim 5/4/2010 #45278 with five green lights underneath flew overhead at approximately 50 feet. 5/12/2010 #45280 what he was witnessing while they flew away. He did see all three objects 5/16/2010 #45282 ss the northern sky, hovered, then flew off quickly. 5/16/2010 #45282 d and came straight at them. As it flew over they saw three lights on the o 2/11/2011 #45315 ut 10 feet long. As it hovered and flew away it again changed shape into a 2/11/2011 #45315 ire cape" with a "glowing lantern" flew over Ste. Anne, Manitoba at 9:00 p. 5/8/2011 #45324 m southwest to northwest, stopped, flew down and then away. At 11:10 p.m. d 5/19/2011 #45326 during an emergency medevac, they flew through the area. He also states at 1/30/2015 #45429 ed. He was an ELINT technician who flew in RC-135s from MacDill AFB in Flor 3/6/2015 #45434
a sign of a wrinkle, I-beams that flex slightly and have some symbols on t 7/7/1947 #2928 road / 2 large leaps. Knees don't flex. Nuclear facility. 10/15/1977 #32576
his car home from work outside of Flexeiras, Brazil when he noticed a stro 6/21/1996 #42936
outside of Project Blue Book as a flexible study group to take on special 4/24/1952 #6179 10' domed saucer lands / curbside. Flexible tube loops / side to bottom. 10/14/1954 #11040 m tall with a "rubber" head and a flexible tube connecting his face to a c 11/2/1954 #11536 see a metallic, domed disc with a flexible hose hovering less than a foot 8/1959 #15888 tened like metal, possibly wearing flexible, tight fitting metallic clothin 1/3/1968 #23647 bling a wet suit, a tight-fitting, flexible and elastic-like coverall that 8/11/1995 #42376 beige-pale color and appeared very flexible, almost gelatinous. They posses 5/2/2001 #44174
y 6:00 p.m. C. A. Youngman and Ben Flexner are looking out a drugstore wind 7/28/1880 #237
7:30 p.m. PST four witnesses named Flick, Harrison, and Siemens watched a l 2/27/1967 #21678 Connecticut, when she sees a light flick by quickly in the sky ahead. It st Spring 1983 #36790
Lights on the bottom (body lights) flicked on and off one at a time. A ligh 3/19/1966 #19991
Witness: U.S. Border Patrolman Don Flickenger. Round disc with domed top, 8/19/1966 #20770 h Dakota U.S. Border Patrolman Don Flickenger sighted a bright white, shiny 8/19/1966 #20773
r 20 minutes it disappears “with a flicker.” Among the witnesses is Kansas 3/27/1897 #398 ivil observer(s). Odd night lights flicker red blue and green. No explanati 8/28/1952 #7767 r engine coughs and the headlights flicker. 11/3/1957 #14250 TENHAM, ENGL 2 observer(s). Flames flicker / entire length / cylinder/cigar 6/19/1965 #19015 unctioning. The living room lights flicker (although fluorescent lights in 7/9/1965 #19089 rta when the cabin lights begin to flicker. He goes out to check the genera 10/7/1967 #23189 BEN LOMOND, CA Lights flicker. Static electric and sparks all 6/18/1971 #26178 lifornia observed the house lights flicker, then static electricity and spa 6/18/1971 #26179 sk hovers 60M over bridge. Windows flicker / side. 6/21/1971 #26182 Beams light going down. Car lights flicker. / r25p309. 5/13/1980 #35327 the beam’s path, the lights do not flicker again. 5/14/1980 #35330 at speed. The drivers’ car lights flicker, and the engines nearly stall. T 4/10/1983 #36836 sual (observation). Night lights / flicker and maneuver. Irregular motion a 1/21/1984 #37133 . Triangle / light. Tractor lights flicker. OK when gone. 10/10/1988 #38667 ico/US border, the light begins to flicker, changes colors from yellow-whit 3/19/2020 #45639
, Georgia, flying to the south. It flickered like a neon light. 4/9/1950 #4835 Toledo, OH UFO, changing color, flickered and jumped in sky. [UFOE, VII] 8/1/1953 #9036 , CAN Car motor missed, headlights flickered as UFO arced overhead (NICAP: 11/3/1957 #14241 WA Automobiles stalled, headlights flickered and went out, as large fiery o 12/8/1957 #14689 unded by an aqua haze, flashed and flickered while stationary for 15 second 10/4/1963 #17979 major reported that his headlights flickered and his car engine stopped whe 9/7/1965 #19531 surmounted by an orange glow that flickered floated in the sky above West 2/18/1967 #21591 ng. The yellowish glow pulsated or flickered in brightness. (Stanway and Pa 8/23/1967 #22899 s were orange/amber and blinked or flickered. The center light was a bright 10/22/1967 #23287 egan to lose power. The headlights flickered, dimmed, and then cut out. Nex 10/16/1973 #28089 truck began missing and the lights flickered, so they shifted into neutral. 2/14/1974 #28773 sting of two spherical lights that flickered back and forth between orange 4/16/1977 #31983 road. Car entered beam, headlights flickered off and on several times, afte 5/14/1980 #35329 Wisconsin over Lake Tomah. The UFO flickered with red, green and white ligh 11/25/1980 #35671 interference and the house lights flickered. Outside a low flying disc-sha 8/5/1986 #37972 by, Denmark a tractor's headlights flickered when a triangle of light passe 10/10/1988 #38669 elevision sets and electric lights flickered and went out when a metallic, 7/4/1994 #41606 inpoint lights along its side that flickered sometimes. It had a large red 5/27/2003 #44547
the star field in the night sky. A flickering light was visible at the trai Fall 1942 #1446 object like a “dark shadow” with a flickering flame coming out of its rear. 2/1944 #1570 BIRMINGHAM, AL Flickering blue light circles city / tre 8/27/1952 #7751 BUQUERQUE, NM 2 observer(s). Solid flickering glowing "basketball" southwes 9/6/1952 #7864 craft 4 m high with colored lights flickering on and off. The witness did n 9/30/1954 #10510 er high craft with colored lights, flickering on and off. The witness drove 9/30/1954 #10519 om the ground and throwing out two flickering red lights. Alarmed, the witn 12/28/1954 #11869 ho were inside their car. It had a flickering light on the bottom. There wa 11/5/1957 #14339 ho were inside their car. It had a flickering light on the bottom. There wa 11/5/1957 #14350 Both emitted a humming sound and a flickering fire through an opening. The 8/20/1962 #17347 Both emitted a humming sound and a flickering flame through an opening. The 8/20/1962 #17349 rt is orange, and on its brim is a flickering red light. They watch it for 7/12/1965 #19096 kept flashing around the edge, and flickering red and blue beams were shini 8/26/1965 #19466 hts around the rims (body lights) "flickering like a computer." He approach 3/29/1966 #20134 icolored lights around their rims “flickering like a computer.” He approach 3/29/1966 #20140 disc shaped like a straw hat with flickering lights on the dome, then turn 1/7/1967 #21270 a brilliant white oval, its light flickering, hovering in the northeast sk 9/5/1967 #23004 Mrs. Quick and another woman saw a flickering light and a deep-red, glowing 11/16/1967 #23469 oman in Storrington, England saw a flickering light and a deep-red, glowing 11/16/1967 #23471 ward the object, which seems to be flickering in a field. It seems to be sp 1/20/1968 #23683 s when a saucer-shaped object with flickering yellow lights flies over the 9/15/1968 #24467 LINS, BRZ 400+observer(s). Flickering disk going quickly [to] over. 10/7/1968 #24547 les below the rim. There was a red flickering glow from one of the upper wi 4/14/1971 #26073 nd blue hazy lights and a huge red flickering light on top. It passed direc 9/14/1972 #27002 etallic figure. Gabriella then saw flickering multi-colored lights and blac 10/16/1973 #28089 the arc lights on the object start flickering like a disco. His headlights 1/14/1980 #35135 river. Windows in the dome cast a flickering light Early 8/1982 #36560 lue, yellow, red, and white lights flickering in a circle. She blacks out f Spring 1983 #36790 early stall. The landowner reports flickering houselights and TV problems. 4/10/1983 #36836 sconsin, sees red and white lights flickering on the road ahead. They drive 10/14/1986 #38048 four of these lights are white and flickering quickly, with approximately t 5/17/1991 #40066 ights on the left and on the right flickering each second, but never reprod 5/17/1991 #40066 is larger than the diameter of the flickering lights. This beam projects to 5/17/1991 #40066 anchester, England, when he sees a flickering object in the sky. As he appr Early 7/2000 #44008 0 p.m. EDT a saucer-shaped object, flickering green and blue lights and onl 5/19/2004 #44704 At 9:55 p.m. a fast, flickering, ball of red and white lights 11/13/2004 #44783 obbling, showing different lights, flickering, and "spazzing" was sighted i 8/9/2005 #44860
ably Lawrence Road] ahead of them, flickers and flares, then fades. A man d Late 3/1873 #200 t red 6M pencil shape going south. Flickers like neon light. 4/9/1950 (approximate) #4834 , NZ Airman / ground. Domed saucer flickers. East going west slow. Shoots q 6/10/1956 #12891 with blue glow. Hovers flashes and flickers / 15 second(s). 10/4/1963 #17976 HL Astronomers. Bright night light flickers and maneuvers. 3 photographs. / 5/16/1968 #23964 o the ship and at another point it flickers on and off. 4/11/1978 #33141
orado, watch distant moving lights flicking on and off over a period of sev Early 9/1917 #964
the branch’s interview with H. W. Flickinger, vice president for exports a 2/28/1947 #2244 agent [later BATF agent] Donald E. Flickinger manages to interview the prim Late 11/1961 #16978 tremely reliable and responsible,” Flickinger says. Late 11/1961 #16978 t E. Kerringer [or is it Donald E. Flickinger, an agent of the US Bureau of 1/12/1965 #18717 one o'clock in the morning Mr. Don Flickinger, a U.S. Border Patrol officer 1/12/1965 #18721 p.m. US Border Patrolman Donald E. Flickinger, in the process of taking two 8/19/1966 #20772 ses into the clouds at high speed. Flickinger finds three odd indentations 8/19/1966 #20772 ATF agent Donald E. Flickinger, acting on information suppli 1975 #29679 this was likely Brig. Gen. Donald Flickinger, who was a director of “human 1982 #36293 Force physician, Brig. Gen. Donald Flickinger, MD. Flickinger told Green in 3/5/2002 #44323 Brig. Gen. Donald Flickinger, MD. Flickinger told Green in 1994 that years 3/5/2002 #44323 make the rank of General Officer. Flickinger worked on manned spaceflight 3/5/2002 #44323 am in Green’s division of the CIA. Flickinger claims the autopsy materials 3/5/2002 #44323
g parachute. At one point, the UFO flicks across their nose, veering to its 10/24/1982 #36663
ghting is part of a wave of “ghost flier” reports of gray monoplanes withou 12/24/1933 #1182 TTAN, NY Many observer(s). Mystery flier circles city / heavy snowstorm / 5 12/26/1933 #1183 Swedish Parliament that most ghost flier sightings are misidentifications o 2/2/1934 #1200 no Swedish pilot has seen a ghost flier. Soldiers on the ground occasional 3/4/1934 #1206 tells the press that several ghost flier reports in January had been of rea 4/30/1934 #1208 oden, Norrbotten, Sweden New ghost flier sightings around the fortress at B 1/4/1937 #1261 tary, should investigate the ghost flier intrusions. He suspects the milita 2/15/1937 #1267 erg’s request for a civilian ghost flier investigation is rejected by Swedi 5/19/1937 #1269 London, UK Light (Nicknamed Ghost Flier) (Page 11 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - Dis 7/20/1937 #1273 f the witnesses was a World War II flier. (NICAP report form, Stokesberry r 7/18/1967 #22693
AND LANGMO, NORWAY Series mystery fliers. High. 3 lights visible only. 12/28/1933 #1184 Force, to help apprehend the ghost fliers who could be smuggling liquor int 12/30/1933 #1188 e Air Force to deal with the ghost fliers. Norrbotten administrator Bernard 1/10/1934 #1195 ment plans to take about the ghost fliers. 1/27/1934 #1197 d Norway. The Scandinavian mystery fliers continue to be seen into 1935. 2/2/1934 #1201 ce of the Air Force with the ghost fliers. But air surveillance has actuall 2/12/1934 #1205 n calls off its hunt for the ghost fliers, although sightings are still bei 3/4/1934 #1206 releases its final report on ghost fliers. After concluding that 42 of the 7/8/1935 #1231 Sweden Umeå Dorotea Stensele Ghost fliers return to Västerbotten, Sweden. A Late 1/1937 #1262 plane to divert at 12:06 p.m., the fliers refuse, asserting their right to 5/11/2005 #44840
SANCHI, NARA, JAPAN Glowing 'pot' flies and maneuvers between mountains. G 10/27/1180 (approximate) #8 haped object" emerges from sea and flies away. No further details. 1/1361? #15 k object makes 'wheel-like sound'. Flies going quickly west from mountain. 3/8/1468 (approximate) #23 g away from the object, which then flies off to the west. 8/15/1663 #44 URGH, SCOTLAND Fast conical object flies over. Offloads 3 small disks and f 11/26/1758 #78 s over. Offloads 3 small disks and flies away! 11/26/1758 #78 SS / ATLANTIC Light grey saucer flies into wind / 30 minute(s). Hook-sha 3/22/1870 #183 A large, “luminous electric cloud” flies over the western edge of Pascagoul 8/13/1874 #206 legraph lineman. 'Powered balloon' flies into wind. 11/15/1896 #337 inder/cigar-shape with searchlight flies into wind / 30 min and more. Back 11/17/1896 #339 alifornia Evening. A mystery light flies in circular patterns around Sacram 11/25/1896 #360 de, and disappear inside. The ship flies quickly out of sight. Shaw specula 11/25/1896 #361 rry Lytle watches an airship as it flies toward the southwest over the Coas 12/1/1896 #373 ject with a “big engine headlight” flies over South Omaha, Nebraska, and re 3/14/1897 #392 ylinder/cigar-shape lands / field. Flies as observers approach. / r221p17. 4/10/1897 #421 Runs going [to] trees. Grey object flies off. 4/13/1897 #451 ) hide. Object spreads 4 wings and flies! 4/15/1897 #476 estions, reenters the airship, and flies away to the southeast. 4/17/1897 #525 propeller on its tail end, but it flies silently and disappears over Lake 4/21/1897 #552 Several observer(s). Round object flies going northwest. Seen / 5 min. No 9/17/1897 #609 nd indistinguishable object” as it flies from the northwest to the east. 1/10/1898 #617 but he notices no wind. The object flies over his head with a whooshing sou Mid Summer 1900 #641 NORTH WALES Intensely dark object flies / 2 miles altitude. No further det 9/2/1905 #681 , FR 10+'martians' stand / road. 1 flies overhead! / r30p45. 1/1906? #685 ows rock. Small humanoid (or Grey) flies to river. 7/11/1908 #714 nt balloon with very strong light. Flies into wind. 4/24/1909 #728 can Newport Bridge / 10 minute(s). Flies away. 5/15/1909 #745 nt inspector. Cylinder/cigar-shape flies into strong wind going quickly NNE 5/16/1909 #749 an airship shaped like a boat that flies toward them from the east, circles 7/23/1909 #780 rge puff of smoke. It descends and flies off to the north. 8/22/1909 #806 ntain 4:30 p.m. An unknown airship flies high over Huntsville, Alabama, aga 1/12/1910 #831 CURRENT, SSK Cylinder/cigar-shape flies overhead. Red and green lights / r 10/27/1910 #849 Yorkshire, England. It alternately flies and hovers, flashing a searchlight 2/21/1913 #883 ds smoothly in a gradual climb and flies away to the east. Late Summer 1917 #962 that shine with greenish light. It flies in from the mountains in the east Summer 1918 #974 observer(s) and rushes to UFO and flies. 7/1919 #989 e of 100-foot-high maple trees. It flies across the pond and lands 15 feet 6/3/1920 #999 ing quickly about. Soon the object flies overhead, “purring like a milk sep 6/12/1929 #1098 ky. (Cross-section = plus sign! ). Flies off. 1/1930? #1110 one lands very close. Shoots rays. Flies. Traces. 4/15/1930 #1112 ilent metallic disk / 2km altitude flies overhead. No further details. 7/25/1930 #1115 rbotten, Sweden A mystery aircraft flies over the military fortress at Bode 1/22/1934 #1196 England Night. A mystery aircraft flies in circles for two hours over cent 2/1/1934 #1199 to position lights on an aircraft flies over a village outside Stensele. Late 1/1937 #1262 ws with an intense white light and flies away. 7/25/1938 #1288 dair. Hovers silent / 2 minute(s). Flies on. 5/28/1944 (approximate) #1595 BELFAST, ME Saucer flies slow / tilt. Hits trees. Lands. Hu 3/1945 #1797 N, SICHUAN, CH 30cm white fireball flies east going west. Slow enough to ru 4/20/1945 #1850 appears 15–20 feet in diameter and flies in an arc to the southeast. It dis 5/1946 #1988 strand. Fast silent grey 50cm ball flies going quickly east. / news / r130p 7/8/1946 #2031 nbather. Long silent silver object flies going quickly south slowly. / news 7/11/1946 #2048 D Silent 20cm ball / treetop level flies going quickly north. Glows blue-gr 7/13/1946 #2055 en 8:00 p.m. A cigar-shaped object flies past a witness at Karlskrona, Swed 8/13/1946 #2132 MALMO, SWEDEN Missile flies over. Explosion breaks many window 8/16/1946 #2139 on its vertical axis and silently flies northwest and disappears in second Late 8/1946 #2160 Night light-sphere rises / ground. Flies going up [to] stars. Seen / Dougla 6/10/1947 #2317 s. Shines cone / light going down. Flies going quickly north over lava dese 6/15/1947 (approximate) #2331 , OR 2 observer(s). Pie-tin saucer flies over baths at 'radium springs'. No 6/22/1947 #2361 H 2+2 separate observer(s). Saucer flies uneven course. Leaves (something b 6/23/1947 #2372 bia River, makes a big circle, and flies towards the mountains. 6/24/1947 #2396 CA Aircraft inspector. "Lima-bean" flies over Elysian Park. Clear dome. 7/4/1947 #2630 TA, GA Woman. Small aluminum plate flies behind treeline. No further detail 7/5/1947 #2715 id going quickly northwest. Saucer flies over GG bridge / 600mph / 1452h. 7/6/1947 #2753 . 25cm plate with propeller / rear flies over home / treetop level. 7/6/1947 #2801 observer(s). Too-large moon-disk. Flies going quickly south to sea over bl 7/7/1947 #2884 t. Gen Nathan Twining unexpectedly flies to Alamogordo AAF and Kirtland AAF 7/7/1947 #2929 r. is one of the crew members that flies debris from Fort Worth to Dayton. 7/10/1947 #3103 2 observer(s) fast "dinner-plate" flies straight and level. 2nd object in 7/11/1947 #3124 000 feet heading south. One object flies straight and level; the other weav 7/29/1947 #3255 of the prototype jet fighter XP-86 flies from Muroc Dry Lake (now Edwards A 10/1/1947 #3442 h a theodolite telescope. The disc flies just below the balloon and remains 4/1948 #3600 aft in use at the time. The object flies below the squadron at 200 mph and 4/1/1948 #3603 rtical cylinder/cylindrical object flies against wind. Streamers trail. 4/12/1948 #3621 ds, a manned aircraft accidentally flies through the mushroom cloud. Becaus 5/15/1948 #3651 maneuvers for 20 minutes until it flies into a dark cloud. It is silent, a 5/17/1948 #3653 e but shadowing on upper right. It flies straight and level from horizon to 7/31/1948 #3760 er sphere/orb/globe rises / woods. Flies across farm. Vanishes / midair! 8/29/1948 #3787 the large disc-shaped object that flies in and out of the searchlight beam 10/23/1949 #4401 and turns off his lights; the UFO flies by and disappears. At least 35 cop 1/22/1950 #4503 nder the bomber for a moment, then flies off and disappears. NAS Commander 3/16/1950 #4656 e can still see the object when it flies behind some thin clouds. It moves 3/18/1950 #4675 civilians. Metal saucer / 500mph. Flies going quickly east into wind. 3/23/1950 #4709 ers. Amber-glow. Gravy-boat object flies overhead. Back / 0130hrs next day. 4/24/1950 #4884 briefly sees the object before it flies away. The Trents assume they have 5/11/1950 #4939 OAKLAND, CA 2 observer(s). Bomber flies over. Shiny spinning object overta 6/27/1950 #5013 Texarkana, TX Huge "Dishpan" Flies Over Arsenal (NICAP: 01 - Distant 6/27/1950 #5014 invited on board the craft, which flies him to New York and back in 30 min 7/4/1950 #5042 He watches it for 30 seconds as it flies at a speed of 800–1,000 mph and ma 8/14/1950 #5124 e and two orange jets along it. It flies away at high speed. 12/6/1950 #5331 The object comes towards the DC-3, flies across the nose within 200 feet, t 1/20/1951 #5407 m for 2–3 seconds. The object then flies under them and disappears to the n 1/20/1951 #5407 d several others. Dark red torpedo flies straight and level. No further det 2/21/1951 #5453 n picks it up and sets it down. It flies away. 6/1951 #5527 A few minutes later a second group flies over, and then a third, which circ 8/25/1951 #5624 ses, the wing makes no sound as it flies overhead. Ruppelt says that in add 8/30/1951 #5638 logy Center Lubbock, Texas Ruppelt flies to Reese AFB [now Reese Technology 11/6/1951 #5768 Bright silver saucer / high speed. Flies into Gale winds without effect. 11/15/1951 (approximate) #5776 s him, pulls him inside a UFO, and flies him to an otherworldly place he ta 1952? #5840 , CA Engineer. Dark 45' saucers. 1 flies straight and level at 6K' altitude 3/10/1952 #5951 en flips on edge in a 90° bank. It flies between the two aircraft, pulls aw 3/29/1952 #5992 is about 4–5 feet in diameter. It flies in a slow arc. Then they see a bla 4/25/1952 #6185 HARU, MALAYSIA Cigar-shaped object flies overhead. (20mi north / Singapore. 4/29/1952 #6207 ting night lights change colors. 1 flies behind house. Others hover. 5/1/1952 #6235 for 15 minutes, then descends and flies away to the northeast. 6/15/1952 #6511 s to be 10–20 feet in diameter. It flies away at an estimated speed of 1,00 6/20/1952 #6562 acher. Long cone / airplane speed. Flies wide-end first. Silent. 6/21/1952 #6568 bserver(s). Very large silver disk flies / low altitude. Seen 1 min. No fur 6/23/1952 #6593 observer(s). Opaque silver bubble flies fast at right angles to wind direc 7/18/1952 #6879 bject, delta-shaped or swept-back, flies around it at 1,150-1,720 mph. 7/23/1952 #7080 ssistant distr.Atty. Square object flies over home at tremendous speed. / ( 8/12/1952 #7547 tually, the UFO loses interest and flies away to the south. 8/12/1952 #7559 ds / observer(s). Brilliant saucer flies behind hill. 5000' altitude. Treme 8/16/1952 #7616 LETOWN, PA Curious spinning object flies in a circle. No further details. B 8/23/1952 #7688 nd silver object for 5 minutes. It flies south, turns and flies north, make 8/25/1952 #7731 minutes. It flies south, turns and flies north, makes a 360° turn, then fli 8/25/1952 #7731 ies north, makes a 360° turn, then flies away vertically. 8/25/1952 #7731 object, it rises into the air and flies away at great speed. 8/25/1952 #7732 ands. Breaks trees. Hops about and flies when military nears. 9/22/1952 #8002 EL-ABBES, ALG Cylinder/cigar-shape flies right over sully weather station. 10/10/1952 #8110 . Swish sound. Red and blue saucer flies over / low altitude. 10/12/1952 #8122 MARSEILLE, BDR, FR Luminous ovoid flies east going quickly west. Observer( 10/27/1952 #8195 pilot takes an evasive measure and flies back to base. 1953 #8479 gain, speeds up again, and finally flies out of sight vertically. 1/10/1953 #8530 urrounded by a thin white mist and flies straight up and levels off. After 2/4/1953 #8637 ect is joined by a second one that flies away twice and returns. Both are l 2/4/1953 #8637 as it hovers. After 15 seconds it flies to the southwest and disappears. 4/23/1953 #8845 hair falls and evaporates. Saucer flies. / MJ#241. 5/16/1953 #8878 Slow silent meteor levels off and flies going quickly north. / MJ#242. 6/9/1953 #8929 er several minutes it rises up and flies away at great speed. 7/31/1953 #9028 over field. Square face in window. Flies off. 8/1953 (approximate) #9032 rows sticks and rocks / observers. Flies away. 9/3/1953 #9138 VANDALIA, OH Brill white UFO flies under 2 United States Navy (USN) p 9/7/1953 #9150 ank" falls. Stops. Turns circular. Flies going quickly north / extreme spee 9/22/1953 #9172 /globe stands still / 4 minute(s). Flies going quickly north. Gone / 1 minu 10/7/1953 #9205 ck / door. Dog terrified. 100M UFO flies off. Crushed bushes. 12/15/1953? #9365 r / 2 minute(s). Turns on side and flies away. 1/1/1954 #9432 sky for an instant, after which it flies away and disappears over the horiz 1/7/1954 #9463 BERLIN, GER 'Full moon' flies northwest going quickly southeast 1/8/1954 #9466 ng from north to south. The object flies more slowly than a jet plane and l 1/9/1954 #9473 leaves a luminous yellow trail. It flies noiselessly, although it appears t 1/9/1954 #9473 ne surface-to-surface missile that flies 55 miles from Cape Canaveral, Flor 1/27/1954 #9503 er a ridge when a spherical object flies directly toward him then veers awa 3/1954? #9579 s 11:07 p.m. A red disc-shaped UFO flies over Laredo AFB [now Laredo Intern 3/8/1954 #9603 PRESTON, LANCASHIRE Flying saucer flies over football match. All see. Goin 3/17/1954 #9625 ADE, MD 3 radiomen. Classic saucer flies level. Then turns straight up! No 4/29/1954 #9733 N, MA TWA crew. Large white saucer flies into wind. Hides / clouds. / r242p 6/1/1954 #9855 n to begin a slight climb. It then flies out of sight. The duration is 30 s 6/23/1954 #9936 ND-ON-TYNE, ENGL Several. Crescent flies / tight circles. Spins. Fast silen 7/2/1954 #9979 ticians and more. 1 wingless cigar flies ovr. 7/6/1954 #9997 K, VA 1 observer. Silent 200' disk flies over countryside / 3000' altitude. 7/13/1954 #10012 l. It reappears a minute later and flies over the higher part of Tananarive 8/16/1954 #10148 art of Tananarive. When the object flies in front of them, some witnesses s 8/16/1954 #10148 erver(s) walks within 300' when it flies. 8/27/1954 #10186 oid (or Grey) / long nose and ears flies to silent cylinder/cigar-shape and 9/2/1954 #10231 xt, a metallic disc- shaped object flies out, spins around the cigar, and t 9/14/1954 #10299 ny object, 10–15 feet in diameter, flies over the tower toward the east. 9/16/1954 #10323 from a circle to an ellipse, then flies away. 9/18/1954 #10348 oads saucers. Cylinder/cigar-shape flies to avoid passing plane. 9/22/1954 #10389 . "Luminous plate" lands in field. Flies off again. No further details. / r 10/1/1954 #10538 ing sound. It becomes luminous and flies off. A neighbor also sees it and e 10/1/1954 #10569 (or Grey) / diving suit boards and flies. / LDLN#102+/ r138#9. 10/3/1954 #10628 Mx3M saucer hovers 1M over ground. Flies off. Oily marks left in grass. 10/6/1954 #10751 manoid (or Grey) boards saucer and flies. On road to Port Lyautey. 10/12/1954 #10961 yard / 3 hours. Turns vertical and flies. 10/12/1954 #10968 d a UFO that quickly lifts off and flies away. The location is said to be M 10/12/1954 #10977 nder/cigar-shape-shaped saucer and flies. 10/13/1954 #10986 ey) laughs at frightened observer. Flies / very high speed. 10/14/1954 #11010 -VILLE TO/FROM BEAUVAIS, FR Object flies over car. Lights fail. Follows tra 10/14/1954 #11034 flames. The object is egg-shaped, flies at 50 feet above the ground, and e 10/15/1954 #11109 ed, and haystacks catch fire as it flies over while the cattle suffers burn 10/15/1954 #11109 lyzed and feels heat. Luminous UFO flies and symptoms gone. 10/20/1954 #11265 ) zaps man / tube. Temp paralysis. Flies / cone-saucer. Whirr! / r4p23. 10/20/1954 #11267 idly, abruptly changes course, and flies off in an arc. When the object is 10/24/1954 #11365 METAIRIES-ST. QUIRIN, FR 6M saucer flies over tractor. Engine and lights di 10/25/1954 #11384 rver(s). Luminous sphere/orb/globe flies west going quickly east over woods 10/27/1954 #11433 LINZEUX, FR V-bright UFO flies low over car. Motor and lights ele 10/27/1954 #11437 LAGE, FR N40. Cylinder/cigar-shape flies 20M altitude. Follows turns / road 10/27/1954 #11439 ectro-magnetic effects). 6M sphere flies. Radio reception affected. 11/1/1954 #11513 hape hovers / road. Lights go off. Flies / forest. Several observer(s). 12/9/1954 #11782 ns repeatedly, and at one point it flies over the lake, illuminating the su 12/26/1954 #11863 object hits car antenna and trim. Flies away! 12/28/1954 #11866 ew. Yellow-orange "Jack-O-lantern" flies / 1000mph. 2/11/1955 #11994 d by a strange force. The UFO then flies off at high speed. Mountbatten tak 2/23/1955 #12015 fuselage". No wings. Blurry edges. Flies overhead. 3/12/1955 #12043 r the next few minutes, the object flies over, in front of, and under the a 3/24/1955 #12059 Y ST. GULMIER, PDD, FR 1.1M saucer flies / edge. Maneuvers over hedge. Fila 5/31/1955 #12168 silvery object emerges / ocean and flies away. No further details. / r44p38 7/22/1955 #12275 l observer(s). Round silver object flies west going quickly north. Size = b 7/30/1955 #12305 K Dog bolts as cigar-shaped object flies by (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 8/1955 #12309 er(s). UFO / fast flashing lights. Flies and hovers. Silent. Seen / reservo 9/25/1955 #12472 red, it overtakes the aircraft and flies alongside it for 15 miles, then pi 11/1/1955 #12540 uman/entity exit. Sphere/orb/globe flies. / MJ#144. 1/1956 (approximate) #12640 . Plain brown cylinder/cigar-shape flies straight and level. No further det 2/15/1956 #12715 past window. Bang! hits garage and flies away. 2/29/1956 #12740 es / top. Door opens. Small object flies in. 6/1956 #12878 er Soviet Russia, Mission 2013. He flies from Wiesbaden over East Germany a 7/4/1956 #12951 ion 2020, flown by Martin Knutson, flies over Engels-2 airfield, near Sarat 7/9/1956 #12957 issipates quickly. The whole group flies off to the west in a V formation w 8/28/1956 #13146 TUGAL Small white sphere/orb/globe flies over town. / Comercio do Porto. 8/30/1956 #13152 oing down. Man grabs it. Spins and flies away when set down. / MJ#281. 9/7/1956 #13199 ed object about 3 feet in diameter flies over the railroad yards. 11/16/1956 #13333 ange of Lubbock, Texas, the object flies off on a straight-line course in a 1/16/1957 #13461 PN 3 / temple. Small metallic disk flies / gardens / low altitude. Sharp fa 3/2/1957 #13518 for a test run out of Area 51 and flies almost 90 miles without incident w 4/4/1957 #13581 ight and leaving a white trail. It flies above the observers at an altitude 7/25/1957 #13837 PASO ROBLES, CA Silver saucer flies from north going quickly west. See 8/29/1957 #13942 und. Blinding light. Goes dark and flies when neared. / r141#5p12. 10/1957 #14046 talls as the object approaches and flies over the vehicle about 130 feet aw 10/10/1957 #14095 hes itself from the larger one and flies north. The larger object follows i 10/10/1957 #14095 ny train / railroad/railway tracks flies. Very fast and silent. / r8#416. 10/30/1957 #14165 oad. Truck lights and engine fail. Flies going up [to] and away. 11/4/1957 #14258 = no satellite. Orange. Very fast. Flies going quickly northeast. No furthe 11/4/1957 #14267 AL, MADEIRA ISLANDS Luminous ovoid flies over city. Fast. Reflects various 11/5/1957 #14292 not function. The light eventually flies out of sight. 11/6/1957 #14427 r-shape hovers / 30 minute(s) then flies going [to] east. No further detail 11/10/1957 #14512 GURA, PORTUGAL Globe-shaped object flies over village. No further details. 11/16/1957 #14563 EN, RIBE, DK "Transparent pyramid" flies over road. 2 regular men inside. 11/20/1957 #14580 raling through the tall trees, and flies off. 12/30/1957 #14771 ll humanoids (or Greys) by. Saucer flies. Snow melted. 1/1958 #14789 s toward the island from the east, flies towards the Pico Desejado, makes a 1/16/1958 #14831 urns, the object rises gently, and flies off at tremendous speed. 3/1958 #14905 w-flying, triangular object. As it flies over town, a number of horseshoe-s 4/15/1958 #14988 UL, SP Shepherd. 10M saucer lands. Flies going quickly [to] east-northeast 4/30/1958 #15004 Malmstrom AFB, MT Object Flies Low Over Base, Tracked On Radar (N 5/15/1958 #15033 ow altitude from the northeast. It flies over them and see that its diamete 6/1958 #15072 ly it rises up to their height and flies along with them for a while at the 6/29/1958 #15126 After several leaps in the air, it flies off at high speed. 8/16/1958 #15203 assing Capitol Airlines Flight 407 flies directly between his line of sight 10/7/1958 #15329 der/cigar-shape with tail Assembly flies / treetop height. Swishing sound.. 10/27/1958 #15387 DOR 6.5' man inspects 12M UFO then flies. Men in Black? / r8#476. 11/23/1958 #15455 se fails completely. When the disc flies low over the house of the priest, 2/1959 #15574 emerges, circles the barracks, and flies away at high speed. 3/1959 #15628 urface into a foot-deep trench. It flies upward and the cars start again. 8/1959 #15888 -magnetic effect (EME). Bright UFO flies over into woods. 2+4 observer(s). 8/13/1959 #15909 , LI, NY Vertical luminous red UFO flies straight going quickly southeast. 8/19/1959 #15926 UFOs makes a 90 degree turn, then flies away in a separate direction. 8/31/1959 #15945 the Soviet Union from Pakistan and flies over the Semipalatinsk Test Site i 4/9/1960 #16219 s through trees. Skips off ground. Flies off. Lots / traces. 4/12/1960 #16222 ation. Cylinder/cigar-shape-object flies by. / O Seculo. No further details 4/21/1960 #16236 them swirling along the ground. It flies between two houses and crosses to 5/19/1960 #16289 r at the other, RCMP Cpl. Matheson flies to the lake in a seaplane on July 6/22/1960 #16315 . 3' saucer closely examines tree. Flies off when approached. 8/1960? #16355 minous yellow cylinder/cigar-shape flies fast. No further details. / O Secu 8/15/1960 #16384 separate cops. Fireball lands and flies. Bright green disk makes turn and 9/26/1960 #16462 ir. It stops, circles the vehicle, flies off, and is lost to sight behind t 7/17/1961 #16765 eet altitude for 3–5 minutes, then flies straight up, disappearing in about 8/12/1961 #16791 e appearance of “windows.” The UFO flies upwards very quickly when the car 8/25/1961? #16804 is still in the same location. He flies toward the object to get a better 10/2/1961 #16889 uperior. Floats. Going up [to] and flies going southeast. / r44p266. 10/14/1961 #16908 Teen. 2.5M saucer dives / car and flies away. 1M thick. / r8#526. 12/21/1961 #17000 NEPHI, UT Glowing red object flies east-going west chased by intercep 4/18/1962 #17117 MONTREAL, QB 9' barrel shape flies. 2 figure(s) visible inside via 2 5/31/1962 #17213 -15 at Edwards AFB, California. He flies it to 314,750 feet (59 miles), qua 7/17/1962 #17279 3-eyed Melonhead grabs biker. UFO flies / separate observer(s). / r8#539. 7/28/1962 #17294 tooth Reservoir and Masonville. It flies around for about 10 minutes, disap 10/26/1962 #17501 PARAGUAY Several observer(s). UFO flies. Student sees landing / schoolyard 2/5/1963 (approximate) #17650 concave top / roadside. Tilts and flies. / r229'82#2+/ FSR'64#1. 6/28/1963 #17812 -writer and pilots. Saucer hovers. Flies going up [to] as jet nears. 8mm mo 7/18/1963 #17836 0 min. At dusk rises very high and flies going [to] horizon. 7/20/1963 #17842 CENTRALIA, ILL Luminous UFO flies slow over railroad/railway tracks 8/7/1963 #17874 book Case #unknown. Classic saucer flies over Mr. Fattorini's car. No furth 8/20/1963 #17909 s him down the road and eventually flies away. The next day, police find la 10/12/1963 #17987 rest of the object. It takes off, flies horizontally for 100 feet, and dis 12/27/1963 #18098 onticello, Wisconsin. It tilts and flies away. 4/3/1964 #18158 cles car. Car won't start until it flies off. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. ( 5/24/1964 #18293 e, at Cambridge, Massachusetts. It flies straight and level from nearly ove 5/26/1964 #18306 / 2' pedestal. Spins and hops and flies off! 6/25/1964 #18373 . 10M saucer lands / 40 minute(s). Flies. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC 7/28/1964 #18454 splits / 2 pieces. 1 hovers. Other flies away / 15 minute(s). 11/8/1964 #18609 ops Island, VA Bright Yellow Light Flies Overhead (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 1/5/1965 #18696 two sons see a triangular UFO that flies slowly out of the southeast and th 1/11/1965 #18708 t hovering for one minute, then it flies off at high speed with a sound of 1/12/1965 #18717 er circular object rises / ground. Flies away. No further details. / fate J 1/14/1965 #18723 econd. It is completely silent and flies directly through the Carswell cont 7/28/1965 #19196 e night lights. Huge orange object flies over car / ground level. / USAF Te 8/4/1965 #19301 e ditch. Something (a large bird?) flies up in the air a few feet from the 8/16/1965 #19408 here going down. Bounces off road. Flies away. 3-4 second(s). 8/30/1965 #19474 Urbana, OH White Ball Hits Road Flies Away (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 8/30/1965 #19475 al aircraft with man. Gives up and flies. / r8. 9/1/1965 #19490 t rises, makes two more loops, and flies away to the west, where it disappe Late 9/1965 #19604 y hear no sound, but as the object flies over them, Donald Martin Grewe des 10/21/1965 #19670 ct begins to move. The object then flies into the wind for several hundred 10/21/1965 #19670 ers and dives / Great Miami River. Flies off. 11/4/1965 #19698 S Slim cylinder/cylindrical object flies into saucer / beach. Rocks pushed 11/30/1965 #19741 Putnam, CT Object Flies In Front Of DC-6, Accelerates (NIC 12/21/1965 #19784 er highway. Car restarts as saucer flies. 12/23/1965 #19786 /globe / treetop level. Hovers and flies. No further details / r73p27. 3/25/1966 #20076 lights around its perimeter. As it flies off, his car engine and headlights 3/28/1966 #20118 ANGIER, OK 6m green glowing-object flies over car / malfunctions due to EME 4/1/1966 #20193 s / touch 2 Mx70CM craft / ground. Flies 5M and vanishes. 10cm windows. 4/4/1966 #20216 amp. They try to follow it, but it flies away, flying between a high-tensio 4/5/1966 #20250 is descending and then crosses and flies over the high school’s southwest c 4/6/1966 #20257 n. Car and blinding object / road. Flies off through cornfield! 4/18/1966 #20321 / top dives at car. 2 observer(s). Flies off. p330. 4/24/1966 #20396 FROM CIRTISOARA, ROM Saucer lands. Flies when observer(s) nears. Traces / g 6/1966 #20514 e buzzes car. Absolute(ly) silent. Flies low going northeast. 6/8/1966 #20538 d looking to the south. The object flies directly over the house, heading n 6/16/1966 #20568 ed light. 1M saucer outside house. Flies like bullet. 6/23/1966 #20593 owing saucer emits red light-beam. Flies away when kids near. No further de 8/20/1966 #20775 tracked on radar; the first object flies underneath this second one. The tw 8/24/1966 #20802 ight illuminates whole house. Then flies off. 9/3/1966 #20838 personnel. Saucer / low altitude. Flies away / 3000mph! 9/15/1966 #20883 ically leave the larger object and flies around the area. One flies low ove 9/17/1966 #20892 ect and flies around the area. One flies low over Ipswich Bay toward the wi 9/17/1966 #20892 PEORIA, ILL Large blue object flies over car. Takes control / several 9/24/1966 #20920 ar. Takes control / several miles. Flies away. 9/24/1966 #20920 takes off southward. The red ball flies 75–100 feet over Janet’s head; its 10/2/1966 #20949 / CYNTHIANA, KY Top-shaped object flies over car. Loud whine. Flaming aura 10/18/1966 #21014 NEAR ROOSEVELT, UT Windowed saucer flies alongside car then zips off. 11/1/1966 #21056 EL CAMPO, TX UFO over road. Flies over fields now and then. Goes beh 11/2/1966 #21067 94 RADAR-visual (observation). UFO flies in over sag.bay. Turns 180° and go 11/8/1966 #21082 / ROOSEVELT, UT Fast silver object flies fast and low toward and behind som 11/17/1966 #21114 BAYONNE, NJ Sphere / 2M antennas flies behind house. Search / bay finds n 11/19/1966 #21126 LAPOINT, UT 35' saucer flies over town / 5 min. Darkens out. 60 11/25/1966 #21147 blinking red light. When the pilot flies into a cloud layer, the object ris 11/30/1966 #21165 ockheed test pilot William C. Park flies an A-12 for 10,198 statute miles i 12/21/1966 #21212 MT Dog barks as rectangular object flies by (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 1/9/1967 #21274 WINDALE, AUSTR 2 cops. UFO flies in from sea going northwest. Brigh 1/17/1967 #21324 egs and antennas and window / top. Flies. / r157v1#3. 1/17/1967 #21325 ts in a triangle on the bottom. It flies, hovers, and passes over the witne 2/10/1967 #21506 e / house until car passes. Saucer flies away. 2/18/1967 #21588 It moves higher, accelerates, and flies away to the northeast. 2/25/1967 #21648 untain. It has a cupola on top and flies around silently before vanishing. 3/1967 #21701 back of a painted black glass.” It flies over the car as Demler lowers his 4/5/1967 #22066 see a dull orange-red object that flies erratically as it paces the aircra 4/6/1967 #22081 banks eastward, then westward, and flies away. The three witnesses continue 4/12/1967 #22121 ast glowing ovoid stops and lands. Flies away when neared. 4/16/1967 #22136 -size sun-like orange disk / globe flies toward(s) town. 4/21/1967 #22174 .m., a jet aircraft approaches it, flies above it, passes it, turns, and ap 4/28/1967 #22245 ght hovers / road. Darkens. Sphere flies. / r30p275. 5/24/1967 #22391 om the car and the object suddenly flies off to the southwest. They can sta 5/26/1967 #22405 r of National Defence Paul Hellyer flies in by helicopter to launch the pad 6/3/1967 #22457 Orange-glowing beer-key lands and flies. 2 observer(s) follow in car. Clic 6/17/1967 #22512 tries / grab 75cm UFO near ground. Flies with blast. / FSR'68#3. 6/20/1967 #22521 nd 400M / roadside. Lit portholes. Flies! / r156#13. 7/10/1967 #22640 hiny object the size of a baseball flies into her headlight beams. It heads 7/17/1967 #22682 chnician Otacilio Freitas Dias. It flies in an erratic zigzag path, sometim 8/4/1967 #22805 l small humanoid (or Grey) by bed. Flies out window! Traces / ground. 8/6/1967 #22819 ply outlined asymmetrical crescent flies over the Kislovodsk Mountain Astro 8/8/1967 #22848 me observers, yellow by others. It flies from west to east about 20° above 8/8/1967 #22848 TORIYA, CRIMEA, UKR White crescent flies northeast going southwest. Straigh 9/4/1967 #22994 hen Andrade declines, the creature flies back into the object, which takes 9/4/1967 #22997 shaped object, also pulsating red, flies into view. The triangle stops and 9/29/1967 #23147 eft / field. UFO retracts legs and flies. 10/6/1967 #23182 es at a height of 1,000 feet, then flies away. The witness feels cold durin 10/11/1967 #23217 It then goes over to the Moon and flies a loop around it, keeping its flat 10/14/1967 #23238 eeping its flat side down. Then it flies across the Moon’s face and leaves 10/14/1967 #23238 ABKHAZ ASSR, GEORGIAN SSR Crescent flies smoothly northeast going quickly s 10/18/1967 #23255 ey cylinder/cigar-shape maneuvers. Flies in front of car. Glows. 11/3/1967 #23394 ON, SSK 1 / car. Blinding fireball flies away. Burnt grass found. 11/19/1967 #23479 KOMOVI FOREST, MONTENEGRO Saucer flies / woods. Big forest fire despite r 11/26/1967 #23512 Syracuse, NY Cigar Flies Low Over Car / E-M (NICAP: 03 - EM 3/4/1968 #23822 ing quickly southwest. Emerges and flies back northeast. RADAR. 3/16/1968 #23844 /triangle/box-like craft "balloon" flies going west against wind. 3/29/1968 #23867 und UFO. Observer(s)' watch stops. Flies. 4/1968 #23879 A, ROM Cylinder/cylindrical object flies north going south / 2 nights. Poin 5/5/1968 #23945 City Biên Hòa Hospital A CIA team flies into Saigon [now Ho Chi Minh City] 7/1968 #24107 earing. The UFO suddenly rises and flies away. The RCMP blocks access to th 7/1968 #24108 the object ascends vertically then flies off rapidly to the south, barely c 7/22/1968 #24204 , rotating “cloud” in the yard. It flies just over him and goes into a near 7/28/1968 #24244 ds shaped like bottles. As the UFO flies above them, they disappear. The ca 7/28/1968 #24244 Golden globe with dark Saturn-ring flies over houses. 8/12/1968 #24316 UMBRETE, SP 3 kids. 1.5M saucer flies in from Bollullos. Descends to 3M 8/31/1968 #24406 BUCOV, PRAHOVA, ROMANIA Egg-UFO flies silently east going quickly west / 9/14/1968 #24457 ject with flickering yellow lights flies over the area at high speed and lo 9/15/1968 #24467 s disrupted when a low-flying disc flies above the grandstands. A photograp 9/16/1968 #24470 umor. Object / woods beams lights. Flies. Observer(s) felt "spoken to". Tra 9/22/1968 #24499 , UT Saucer with red lights on top flies by at airplane speed. 9/23/1968 #24502 BUCHAREST, ROM Saucer flies / high speed. Trail vanishes leavi 9/26/1968 #24512 udo-human/entity inside. Rolls and flies! / r113p207. 11/1/1968 #24613 helmet etc. Guts sheep and Llamas. Flies. / r249p28. 12/1968 #24738 -military pilot. Silent bell-shape flies. "No kind of aircraft". 12/6/1968 #24746 are object. Object becomes saucer! Flies gently. / r50. 1/6/1969 #24820 disk / theodolite / 40 second(s). Flies going northeast against wind. 1/11/1969 #24832 BUCHAREST, ROM Star flies / frightening speed. Turns on and 2/1969 #24883 k driver. Fireball low over trees. Flies when observer(s) nears with flashl 2/10/1969 #24908 l lands 3M from truck stuck / mud. Flies. 3/18/1969 (approximate) #25022 C 1 / car. Luminous 75cm keg-spool flies behind house and just over car. 4/10/1969 #25054 bright red light. Est 20M object. Flies. 4/21/1969 #25078 ROS, BRZ "Concrete mixer" on road. Flies away on approach. Observer(s) naus 5/1969 #25102 ght maneuvers. Smaller night light flies away. Several cars electro-magneti 5/31/1969 #25171 ntense white 35cm sphere/orb/globe flies between airport/apartment blocks. 6/1/1969 #25183 erver(s). Bright green night light flies northeast going quickly southwest. 6/1/1969 #25185 rb/globe and 2 point night lights. Flies / airport/apartment buildings agai 6/1/1969 #25187 US- built F-5A Freedom Fighter. He flies above it, thinking it is a meteoro 6/17/1969 #25221 rs. 1 object going down / lake and flies back out! 6/20/1969 #25228 chanic and several. Luminous 'car' flies 30M over Pomba River. Quickly goin 6/30/1969 #25237 ng through the air toward them. It flies about 6–7 above their heads. She s 7/1969 #25242 soon starts flapping her wings and flies away. 7/1969 #25242 Football size UFO. Red and yellow. Flies behind cloud. Even glow. No rays. 7/3/1969 #25247 son and a craft that lights up and flies away. Within 2 days, Bermúdez lose 7/4/1969 #25251 e(s) level. Disappears. Reappears. Flies off. / 10 minute(s). 8/23/1969 #25327 nd north railroad/railway station. Flies behind houses. 8/30/1969 #25338 VANCOUVER, BC Round object flies over town. 1 observer sees several 10/13/1969 #25410 base commander, Ercüment Gökaydin, flies with the interceptors to 35,000 fe 10/24/1969 #25423 er China, launched from a B-52. It flies over the Lop Nur Nuclear Test Base 11/9/1969 #25454 CORRAL DE BUSTOS, ARG Night light flies over car / high-speed. Tach reads 11/15/1969 #25457 LCEA AND TELITA, ROM 30M odd shape flies going south. Stays til evening and 6/21/1970 #25703 ical object undersea. Other object flies. Gone hours later. / r50p29. 7/26/1970 #25752 , SP Small dense cloud / roadside. Flies. Dims car lights! High speeds. 8/16/1970 #25788 server(s). Silver dome circles and flies away. / Nigel Watson. 11/20/1970 #25910 OTRE-DAME-DU-NORD, QB White object flies over road. Semi transparent man ig 7/12/1971 #26223 NKNOWN BOAC pilot. Reflective disk flies. No further details / passing note 7/13/1971 #26225 lake. 1M saucer rises / water and flies at 45° angle. 9/1971 #26309 DROCOURT, FR 1.5M sphere/orb/globe flies all over old mining tunnel. Back a 3/18/1972 #26609 netic effects). Glowing white blob flies off. Bike self-starts! 11/10/1972 #27115 with flashing red and green lights flies overhead. The engine comes to life 1/1/1973? #27209 ). Saucer emerges / lake near dam. Flies away. / St. Louis globe. 3/21/1973 #27354 S, NJ Several observer(s). Balloon flies against wind. Also V-shaped object 7/17/1973 #27636 nearly causing a wreck. The plane flies up over the side of the road and h 9/23/1973 #27859 luminous red cylinder/cigar-shape flies straight going southeast. No furth 10/1/1973 #27904 ud disappear, while the other disc flies in and out of its cloud as if play 10/10/1973 #27981 r-shape 20' over ground 300' away. Flies going south / separate / observer( 10/18/1973 #28152 object seems to change shape as it flies, becoming alternately larger and s 11/18/1973 #28442 er with tube into river. Pulls and flies on photograph flash. Drops iron py 12/13/1973 #28564 aller ships shaped like yo-yos. It flies silently and has no windows but to 3/20/1974 #28914 l the UFO turns off its lights and flies out to sea. The water surface retu 3/29/1974 #28968 ME (electro-magnetic effects). UFO flies and car AOK. 4/1974 #28981 / ground. Stays / 5 minute(s) and flies away. Type unknown. 4/12/1974 #29005 er over pine grove. OK when saucer flies. 4/19/1974 #29045 s lights again, and the UFO slowly flies away. 6/16/1974 #29202 es. Sinks and rises several times. Flies off.. 8/3/1974 #29306 BRENIL, AUDE Red sphere/orb/globe flies / low altitude with trail. Shoots 8/18/1974 #29370 rtically with a rocking motion. It flies off slowly at about 100 feet altit 9/21/1974 #29467 ts draws alongside the plane as it flies at 290 mph at 7,500 feet. It maint 10/11/1974 #29519 / 20 minute(s). Swings to and fro. Flies at intersection. 2/20/1975 #29829 FFOLK Giant green sphere/orb/globe flies in from sea. Dog cowers. TV sets e 2/24/1975 #29840 ENSBORO, NC 50' pearl-color saucer flies and hovers and lands / several min 6/6/1975 #30084 l observer(s). 3.5M luminous heart flies. 70cm "wedge" lands. Dogs bark. / 7/4/1975 (approximate) #30154 LIVE OAK, FLA Bright pink sphere flies over and hovers. Ground observer(s 7/11/1975 #30172 shape / trees. 2' sphere/orb/globe flies. 7/16/1975 #30183 ty offer ride / artist. No. Saucer flies and transmutes! Now he'll go. 7/21/1975 #30195 40' saucer on tripod. "Owl" / road flies over Toms car. 30 minute(s) / Ms. 10/1975 (approximate) #30405 put together. After 5 minutes, it flies off to the west. 10/17/1975 #30437 . Shadow-figure visible / windows. Flies away. 11/1975 #30529 op sees UFO / 30 min. Very bright. Flies / irregular patterns. No RADAR. 11/2/1975 #30537 /orb/globe lands / football field. Flies. High-radiation / grass. / r162p5. 11/2/1975 #30538 E, TASMANIA Red-orange night light flies through dense forest. Rises and ne 3/11/1976 #30933 iant Oblong object rises / sea and flies away. Seen / seconds. 3/30/1976 #30968 LIA 1.7M man / silver suit / yard. Flies to cylinder/cigar-shape / sky when 5/31/1976 #31075 c effects). 100' saucer hovers and flies away. Car OK after. 6/4/1976 #31083 oing down [to] to waves. Stops and flies going west slow. 9/1/1976 #31322 object with 3 colored jets / rear. Flies going up [to] then horizontal. 9/3/1976 #31332 nt of more than 1,000 witnesses it flies away and disappears around 5:00 p. 9/9/1976 #31363 ll humanoid (or Grey) seen. Saucer flies. 9/15/1976 (approximate) #31383 by window to 6' cube with lights. Flies away. 9/22/1976 #31417 .” The unidentified object finally flies away toward the sea. 10/17/1976 #31474 ion, the second object ascends and flies directly over them. A CUFOS invest 10/22/1976 #31486 t 3 times the size of a helicopter flies over their car from the south in K 11/23/1976 #31568 f white lights around its base. It flies in from the north and lands on the 1/6/1977 #31706 es from the roof about 20 feet and flies off to the east. Her son André goe 1/6/1977 #31706 . There is no noise, and the light flies away into the woods. Menesses is a 1/21/1977 #31743 both men to fall. The light again flies at low level into the trees and co 1/21/1977 #31743 an estimated speed of Mach 2, and flies away to the left of the Mirage IV. 3/7/1977 #31873 im. After five minutes, the object flies off and the car restarts. Both wit 3/9/1977 #31886 1+3 kids / car. Silent 40' saucer flies up. Hovers 30' over trees. Others 4/1/1977 #31937 00 a.m. A domed disc-shaped object flies around two witnesses in Cedar Spri 4/8/1977 #31963 al times the full moon, the object flies silently from low in the east to a 4/21/1977 #32008 ers just over road. Turns blue and flies away. 6/9/1977 #32155 humanoid (or Grey) hits button and flies away. / FSRv23#6. 7/12/1977 #32259 ent diameter in length. The object flies in a slow, straight path from sout 7/31/1977 #32328 a “stingray fish” (triangular). It flies slowly at 1,500 feet altitude, hov 8/28/1977 #32432 into a long, glowing ribbon. As it flies over him, it looks like a cylinder 9/20/1977 #32498 Strange slatted rectangle hovers. Flies behind hill. 10/5/1977 #32552 wo Saturn-like rings of light) and flies back in front of the moon and disa 11/24/1977 #32697 effect (EME). Passes overhead and flies away. 12/30/1977 #32818 Man / bad road. Phony chicken Coop flies. Fog. 2 hours missing time. / R241 1/10/1978 #32864 il a car approaches and the object flies off. 4/2/1978 #33121 PORTUGAL Bright ball-shaped object flies over city. / Diario de Noticias. 6/7/1978 #33257 Bright blue globe with red center flies over city. No further details. 6/8/1978 #33259 nt sphere rises up from the water, flies around the ship, hovers for a few 6/15/1978 #33280 seconds at an altitude of 60 feet, flies higher, zigzags, and dives back in 6/15/1978 #33280 lapping against bicycle spokes. It flies straight away and disappears in th 7/22/1978 #33410 s then stops for 1 minute. Then it flies northeast and shoots straight up a 7/29/1978 #33447 ontours and a light-colored center flies silently in front of them, moving 8/3/1978 #33467 tached to a triangular object that flies over their car to their right, cut 8/5/1978 #33476 PEORIA, IL 2 / car. Fireball flies behind building. Hovers / 6 minute 8/7/1978 #33482 ast. She gets out of her car as it flies overhead. Then it stays in place, 8/20/1978 #33532 nd metallic. It rises slightly and flies off to the southeast at an estimat 8/22/1978 #33547 t object ringed by a halo of light flies silently over the Andes Mountains 8/22/1978 #33548 MI SOUTH / OTTUMWA, IA Night light flies behind trees. Car dies. Window fog 8/24/1978 #33558 the west in several seconds. As it flies across the front of her car, her w 8/24/1978 #33563 ichigan, when a cone-shaped object flies toward him from the east. It has t 8/30/1978 #33604 eady white light in the middle. It flies low and silently over the truck, w 8/30/1978 #33604 reless silver cylinder/cigar-shape flies sideways south going north / 150' 9/23/1978 #33731 hen the object slowly rises up and flies off out of sight to her right. 9/26/1978 #33751 eads directly toward it and either flies under it or enters into it. It mov 10/8/1978 #33812 ght lights follow fishing boats. 1 flies going up. 2 men dead.. holes / fac 10/12/1978 #33829 ORTUGAL Cylinder/cigar-shape-shape flies going quickly north fast. Radiates 11/23/1978 #33988 Bright green round metallic object flies / high speed. No further details. 12/13/1978 #34105 es farmers lamp. Changes color and flies away. Separate observer(s). 12/13/1978 #34107 s Grant, agree to do so. The plane flies out at 2:15 a.m., and within 2 min 12/31/1978 #34246 NYAKOVSK, RUSSIA 2 saucers land. 1 flies. 4 small humanoids (or Greys) exit 3/4/1979 #34463 MANSTON, TASMANIA 75cm night light flies over taxi / malfunctions due to EM 4/1979 #34496 irecting a beam of light at it. It flies off toward the northwest. No one a 6/12/1979 #34610 UFO then rises to 400–500 feet and flies steadily until it disappears behin 7/4/1979 #34646 ackers. At 11:19, a commercial jet flies overhead and under the UFO, which 7/27/1979 #34683 side, returns to horizontal, then flies behind a tree, stops, and tilts th 8/4/1979 #34714 d tilts the other way. Finally, it flies away to the west. 8/4/1979 #34714 tmire Lake Road, one set of lights flies directly above them at 1,000–1,500 8/11/1979 #34731 0 p.m. A silver, pan-shaped object flies past an eastbound truck near Provi 8/16/1979 #34748 e plane for a short time before it flies underneath it and then streaks upw 8/27/1979 #34788 een red "fence post" out of place. Flies southwest going quickly northwest 8/29/1979 #34793 vertical stream of white rays. It flies upward at an angle and vanishes so 9/12/1979 #34866 It clears the Pan Am building and flies off along the Hudson River at a hi 10/4/1979 #34940 ere for 5 minutes. It rises again, flies over a store near the witnesses an 11/8/1979 #34986 ts of the Y. It silently turns and flies off to the east. Other lights appe 12/5/1979 #35054 ite light flashing irregularly. It flies around the dam and into the west-n 12/9/1979 #35063 rough inexpensive binoculars as it flies down the valley before it disappea 12/27/1979 #35100 igger than any of the aircraft. It flies to each of the MiGs and maneuvers 1980 #35116 ial electro-magnetic effect (EME). Flies away. 2/6/1980 #35159 makes a sudden stop and the Sukhoi flies past it at 36,000 feet. Further ma 4/11/1980 #35269 orkers feel a scorching heat as it flies by and disappears over Bohai Bay. 10/5/1980 #35556 oving north to south while the UFO flies silently from high in the east to 11/2/1980 #35610 and disappear briefly when a plane flies below them. 11/24/1980 #35664 rapidly. Shortly thereafter a jet flies over. Another UFO is seen coming a 3/30/1981 #35881 de and a bright white light on top flies over his car. He estimates the obj 4/16/1981 #35901 ng like a top and emitting fog. It flies off after about 10 minutes without 6/12/1981 #35966 ad / fish-shape lights seas. Hums. Flies overhead slowly. 8/23/1981 #36082 er; one of the lights detaches and flies off. 12/1981 #36239 Arizona Writer Bob Pratt flies out to Arizona to meet William Moo 1/2/1982 #36294 p.m., a bright arrow-shaped object flies directly above the city a great sp 2/19/1982 #36356 approaches as she makes a turn and flies right over her car, later pacing h 3/30/1982 #36419 C 1 / car. Odd water tank / field. Flies away when car headlights hit it. 7/14/1982 (approximate) #36534 pproaching for about 7 minutes, it flies directly overhead and Grooms steps 11/25/1982 #36690 Incirlik Air Base. One of the jets flies in tight circles around the UFO, w 1/14/1983 #36747 ME (electro-magnetic effects). UFO flies / type unknown. 90 minute(s) missi 2/1983 #36758 the object turns to the north and flies away, as the lights change to a sl 3/24/1983 #36807 landing Roswell Linda Moulton Howe flies to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to int 4/9/1983 #36830 50 feet over a power line pole. It flies away toward the northeast slowly a 5/4/1983 #36854 n rocks violently, levels out, and flies off following the contour of the l 5/23/1983 #36864 l Shopping Centre. Soon the object flies off to the southeast, making a hig 7/22/1983 #36921 ch of which increases in speed and flies to the west. 11/1983 #37037 down [to] between 2 buildings then flies. 12/26/1983 #37081 askjolen, Norway, when a red light flies around his feet and disappears. It 2/20/1984 #37194 f it only 1.8 miles away, and then flies below it over the Indian Ocean. Th 5/5/1984 #37317 at 22,000 mph, changes course, and flies back into outer space. 5/5/1984 #37317 mph, changes course, and allegedly flies back into outer space. This story 5/5/1984 #37321 makes a tight 180-degree turn and flies off to the north. At 8:30 p.m., th 5/31/1984 #37348 cks out the lights of a plane that flies behind it. 6/14/1984 #37361 oaches to the left, and the object flies quickly toward it and hovers above Mid 6/1984 #37364 TRALIA Pilot. Silent missile shape flies. No exhaust. No further details. / 12/17/1984 #37527 e with 11 eyes looks in! Turns and flies. Repeats. 12/31/1984 #37537 all disc about 16 feet in diameter flies out of it and then lands on a leng 1985 #37541 from the object, it takes off and flies more than one-half mile away. This 1985 #37541 , CT Delta/triangle/box-like craft flies over beach. Observer(s) gets "sunb 10/16/1985 #37682 angular object with colored lights flies 50m overhead. No further details. 10/18/1985 #37687 Night light / mountain. Rises and flies. Helicopters all over mountain and 5/7/1986 #37856 (s). Delta/triangle/box-like craft flies on side. Smoothly northwest going 11/15/1986 #38065 and back to silver again. Then it flies away at a faster but uniform speed 2/25/1987 #38123 n the sky as the UFO takes off and flies away. Charlene then has the boys d 8/31/1987 #38265 s south / town. Runs to saucer and flies off. 12/1/1987 #38343 NEW ALBANY, IN Phony 747 flies backwards. 60m altitude 60m away / 12/17/1987 #38366 magnetic effect (EME). Night light flies. 2/5/1988 (approximate) #38440 server(s). Short jet sound. Saucer flies by. Light seen through portholes / 3/13/1988 #38502 DALNEGORSK, RUSSIA Orange sphere flies into town. Stops 6 second(s). Make 5/1/1988 #38550 Border, CAN Horses panic as object flies by (UFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal React 7/1988 #38594 low altitude. Blows white mist and flies. Crop circle! 9/2/1988 #38628 t-of-body experience as 12m saucer flies over car. See reference. 11/9/1988 #38707 respond to his command and the UFO flies off in mere seconds. But the chase 12/1/1988 #38733 it suddenly reverses direction and flies over their patrol car at 300–400 m 2/10/1989 #38832 and travels at about 65 mph. As it flies over Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria, 2/13/1989 #38839 wn to an altitude of 150 feet then flies off. 2/13/1989 #38839 ll colors. At around 1:30 a.m., it flies to the southwest and disappears. 7/28/1989 #39035 , KAZAKH Huge cylinder/cigar-shape flies over city west going [to] clouds o 9/1/1989 #39084 t rye bread. The craft ascends and flies over Protvino before dropping the 9/13/1989 #39098 . The beam disappears, and the UFO flies away. 9/16/1989 #39106 ed, ball-shaped object. The object flies around in circles for a few minute 9/27/1989 #39124 ped object with two rows of lights flies just ahead of a car for two to thr 1/20/1990 #39384 tself. The pilot turns steeply and flies 1,600–1,900 feet above the UFO, bu 3/21/1990 #39475 ange and pale green lights, and it flies toward the northeast at an altitud 3/28/1990 #39490 gle/box-like craft / 150m altitude flies overhead flat-end forward! Colored 10/11/1990 #39776 t triangle / 80kph / 100M altitude flies sideways. 11/5/1990 #39841 ar section is trapezoidal. When it flies above them at no more than 100 mph 11/5/1990 #39868 Air B727. Shiny rectangular object flies into cloud. / r41p33. 1/13/1991 #39951 ealing a white, doughnut shape. It flies away, hovering above a tree to the 2/1991 #39970 chimneys. After its inspection, it flies straight through the enormous whit 3/12/1991 #40010 hat changes color from blue to red flies over the Complexo Penitenciário da 4/11/1991 #40034 an 1,650 feet above the prison. It flies up and down and horizontally witho 4/11/1991 #40034 DAM, ZIMBABWE Small blue fireball flies parallel / ground low altitude / 1 6/14/1991 #40096 ure(s) exit and float over ground. Flies as truck nears. 8/13/1991 #40149 rt/platinum metal star rotates and flies slowly 150m over homes. Hums. 1/24/1992 #40300 torus-UFO with windows. Rises and flies going quickly [to] rock quarry. 3/4/1992 #40351 d. Changes blue going [to] red and flies away. / r147. 4/15/1992 #40417 CHESTER, ESSEX Odd 500' bat-mobile flies over car. 3 pointed ends / rear. S 7/18/1992 #40525 ms going down / car / 2 minute(s). Flies under power lines going quickly [t 8/15/1992 #40575 Possible landing. Flashing lights. Flies going up. / news. / r147. 11/28/1992 #40733 LLE, FR 1 observer. Blue rectangle flies southeast going quickly northwest 1/18/1993 #40800 MI 1 observer. Silent winged ovoid flies backwards / 6m altitude over car. 2/2/1993 #40832 NEAR FT ATKINSON, WI Delta flies backwards. Lights / corners. Blue 2/4/1993 #40836 A 4 observer(s). Rectangular "bus" flies north going quickly south over mou 6/20/1993 #41025 EST YORKS Silver "flying trashcan" flies over lawn. 4 burn marks left. 8/6/1993 #41109 OYAMA, BC 2 observer(s). Saucer flies erratic path over town. Local wave 8/22/1993 #41151 ARMSTRONG, BC Red fireball flies east going west over town. Seems t 8/23/1993 #41153 CUMBRIA Vibrant bright diamond-UFO flies Up. Hovers. Shoots going up [to] u 11/26/1993 #41303 observer. Whoosh! Flat-bottom disk flies over home / 150' altitude. No furt 12/2/1993 #41317 observer. Huge fiery "milestone"? flies south going quickly north. Stops. 1/6/1994 #41365 everal hours. Silent orange "lamp" flies silently. 1/27/1994 #41382 antenna / side / helmet. Rises and flies going NNE. 2/3/1994 #41403 HUELGOAT, FR 1 / car. "Full moon" flies south going quickly north over hil 2/5/1994 #41407 s). Wolfman with bat wing on road. Flies and truck AOK. Dwg. 4/17/1994 #41494 t luminous object just over canal. Flies off. 4/22/1994 #41499 u can't hurt ME.. 14 of US nearby. Flies! 7/8/1994 #41615 5 minute(s). Absolute(ly) silent. Flies away. 10/26/1994 #41813 A, CO Family. Huge silent triangle flies just over house. Bigger than steal 11/22/1994 #41859 WEGO, OR 1 observer / ground. Disk flies beneath fuselage of small plane. N 12/2/1994 #41877 orb/globe with multicolored lights flies over. Often seen! 1/6/1995 #41955 rds in front of the airliner as it flies at 4,000 feet. It is so close that 1/6/1995 #41956 observer(s). Huge X-shaped object flies east going west overhead. Seen / 6 1/31/1995 #42004 to] over car. Lights flash. Turns. Flies going quickly north. Local wave. 2/13/1995 #42044 overs / 2M altitude / 4 minute(s). Flies / 3 minute(s). 2/13/1995 #42045 ncy Interference (RFI). Hovers and flies. / NURC / r205#2. 3/15/1995 #42097 est. Stops and hovers and abruptly flies on. 3/15/1995 #42104 erver. Bright red ball going down. Flies into garage! Rises and joins 2nd o 4/22/1995 #42168 irman. Sting-ray craft with lights flies directly overhead. No further deta 5/23/1995 #42220 u) binoculars. Red-orange fireball flies ahead of plane going quickly SSE. 6/29/1995 #42281 ozens / miners. 3M diameter object flies / 2km altitude. No further details 7/25/1995 #42324 . The object then makes a turn and flies parallel to the 727. It looks like 7/31/1995 #42347 ds / backyard. Observer(s) shoots. Flies away! 9/16/1995 #42475 ular object through binoculars. It flies pointed-end forward and has a puls 9/29/1995 #42518 PIEDMONT, CA Extremely bright disk flies over house going quickly north. "S 10/1/1995 #42527 bmarine. For 40 minutes the object flies less than 20 feet above the ground 1/13/1996 #42680 R 50M ovoid / trees. Shoot sparks. Flies / triangles. Shoots going up [to] 1/22/1996 #42705 s). Red-orange egg-shape with halo flies northeast going southwest. No furt 2/11/1996 #42757 RAEL Cops and several. Apple shape flies. Night lights going [to] split / a 3/5/1996 #42802 shower. It appears from the south, flies north above his house, and vanishe 8/12/1996 #42982 turns around over the Ob River and flies north. An hour later, they arrive 6/6/1997 #43315 ARD, CO 2 observer(s). Silver disk flies right into thundercloud. Dangerous 6/9/1997 #43319 t appears in the same location and flies along a similar path, flaring ever 6/28/1997 #43343 England, when a triangular object flies past them at only 30 feet altitude 8/12/1997 #43381 125p fails just as a large object flies over them. The lights, radio, and 2/1998 #43509 The man takes a video of it as it flies past the eastern side of St. Mary’ 7/2/1998 #43598 the wedge is facing forward as it flies at about 35 mph. 3/24/1999 #43750 Dark delta/triangle/box-like craft flies grid north going quickly south and 8/23/1999 #43833 g does not react as large fireball flies over (IFO) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Rea 11/16/1999 #43883 nd is joined by another light that flies at a constant speed. Both are abou 12/24/2000 #44109 behind a mountain. It returns and flies back again. 1/5/2001 #44117 ject like a cluster of red spheres flies against the wind above a witness i 3/11/2001 #44149 An oval object with several lights flies on an irregular path above Policem 11/11/2001 #44274 ery object “like a cruise missile” flies swiftly across snow-covered fields 2/19/2003 #44494 and shape of an Airstream trailer flies alongside them, then zooms away. 3/3/2003 #44499 by bright multicolored lights. It flies as if it is sliding with no fricti 6/5/2003 #44554 .m. A large fuselage-shaped object flies low along a road, under some guy w 8/10/2003 #44572 h protrusions for 30 seconds as it flies above some cars on a highway in Wi 8/23/2003 #44578 triangular object with red lights flies over two people in Whitehorse, Yuk 9/11/2003 #44596 Columbia, dropping sparks. It then flies steadily toward the mountains and 12/8/2003 #44626 , it picks up the target again and flies 2,000 feet below it. The F-14 arms 10/28/2004 #44773 scurrying for safety. The aircraft flies over the vice president’s residenc 5/11/2005 #44840 ide and less than 2 miles away. It flies over the area at an altitude of 33 8/20/2008 #45161 ounded edges and in the center. It flies directly over him. 11/17/2008 #45188 above some houses in the area. It flies away to the east. 3/5/2013 #45361 ns, see a huge triangular UFO that flies from north to south about 500 feet 11/19/2013 #45397 larger than a C-5A cargo plane and flies slowly at 12–17 mph with absolutel 11/19/2013 #45397 suddenly leaves the formation and flies off in another direction. The ligh 2/16/2018 #45506 .m. A semi-transparent oval object flies 30–50 feet above the A2 highway ne 2/28/2018 #45519 al just west of Davis- Monthan. It flies into controlled airspace surroundi 2/9/2021 #45676 , it swiftly moves to the left and flies over some trees. Their car begins 11/8/2021 #45720
t the Nonesuch. On an alleged test flight to Los Angeles on March 2, 1893, 12/1/1896 #373 nts of Linn Grove saw the craft in flight. 4/15/1897 #483 nts of Linn Grove saw the craft in flight. 4/15/1897 #496 rings his invention out for a test flight in front of the Elkton blacksmith 4/20/1897 #545 Aeribarque, and they are on a test flight. The aeronaut says that they ofte 4/21/1897? #551 ke the first controlled, sustained flight of a powered, heavier- than-air a 12/17/1903 #663 way from the coast, after a steady flight of about 9 min. (NICAP: 02 - Clos 6/16/1909 #775 way from the coast, after a steady flight of about 9 min. 6/16/1909 #776 away from the coast after a steady flight lasting about nine minutes. 6/16/1909 #777 -shape going [to] straight & level flight slow. Windows / side. Intense blu 8/3/1909 (approximate) #797 Flight Commander C. E. Rathbone of the F 9/6/1914 #915 a few seconds before resuming its flight. While it is stationary, the girl 1929 #1093 st to fly over the South Pole. The flight took 19 hours to fly from Little 11/29/1929 #1105 ip” as he is making the first solo flight in a Gypsy Moth seaplane from New 6/6/1931 #1127 Elba 4:15 a.m. Capt. Mario Rossi, flight instructor at the airfield at Orb 10/10/1936 #1252 s an object beginning to cross his flight path about 1,000 feet below him. 1/1/1937 #1259 first jet aircraft, made its first flight 8/1939 #1309 finder. Ovoid at 38K'. Swift level flight. / r65p18. 6/1940 #1338 any Zuiderzee in Holland Midnight. Flight Lt. Roman (Ray) Sabiński of the 3 6/25/1942 #1422 n of 60 feet, makes its first test flight at Jack Northrop Field [now Hawth 12/27/1942 #1473 Long Beach, CA Flight instructor and student pilot saw 4/5/1943 #1491 Long Beach, California 9:50 a.m. Flight instructor Gerry A. Casey and a s 4/5/1943 #1492 are either defects causing erratic flight or light flak tracers reaching th 2/9/1944 #1571 riatic Sea, At Sea At 11:00 a.m. a flight of three P-38 fighters at 33,000 6/1944 #1599 German Me-262 jet pilot, while in flight over Rechlin Goggenthin, Lower Sa 9/29/1944 #1670 Köln, Germany Late night. RAF Flight Engineer Maurice Juberley of the 10/30/1944 #1688 n, are conducting a reconnaissance flight in a Mosquito over the Netherland 1/2/1945 #1751 anienburg, Germany Gotha The first flight of the H.IX V2 is made in Oranien 2/2/1945 #1771 n and do not attend the first test flight. The test pilot is Leutnant Erwin 2/2/1945 #1771 ster strikes during the third test flight of the H.IX V2 in Gotha, Germany. 2/18/1945 #1790 ny problems to perform a series of flight tests. After about 45 minutes, at 2/18/1945 #1790 by Lieut. William F. Sill (pilot), Flight Officer George W. Hayden (radar o 3/26/1945 #1829 Several observers on a morning flight on a B-17 between Port Lyauttey, 5/7/1945 #1866 w moments, then it arcs into level flight, and circles the ship two or thre Summer 1945 #1883 ff the coast of Florida A training flight (Flight 19) of five TBM Avenger t 12/5/1945 #1950 oast of Florida A training flight (Flight 19) of five TBM Avenger torpedo b 12/5/1945 #1950 the Atlantic Ocean. The squadron’s flight plan is scheduled to take them du 12/5/1945 #1950 leg to complete the exercise. The flight never returns to base. A report b 12/5/1945 #1950 Navy investigators concludes that flight leader Lt. Charles C. Taylor mist 12/5/1945 #1950 stopped working, resulting in the flight heading over open sea and away fr 12/5/1945 #1950 in midair while searching for the flight. According to contemporaneous sou 12/5/1945 #1950 e Atlantic Ocean Bermuda Triangle. Flight 19, a formation of five TBM aveng 12/5/1945 #1951 he coastline. Byrd made his second flight over the South Pole and was invol 1946 #1955 g wing bomber makes its first test flight from Jack Northrop Field [now Haw 6/25/1946 #2015 bomber on a navigational training flight at 200 meter altitude observed a 8/14/1946 #2133 ea, and an RAF Mosquito piloted by Flight Lt. William Kent is scrambled to 1/17/1947 #2231 r about 90 seconds. It is in level flight at 4.5 miles distance and is abou 2/17/1947 #2241 of the Swedish ‘spook rockets’ in flight, which resembled the V-1 buzz bom 2/28/1947 #2244 gordo Army Air Field Project Mogul flight number 4 is allegedly launched fr 6/4/1947 #2312 quickly [to] WSW straight & level flight. Faster / planes. 'Tilted disk sh 6/24/1947 #2385 explanation that Arnold observed a flight of white pelicans is equally impr 6/24/1947 #2398 r radar, an unidentified object in flight over southern New Mexico since Ju 7/1/1947 #2501 4-5 minute(s). Straight and level flight. No further details. 7/1/1947 #2506 KEOKUK, IA 3 flight instructors. 3 fast bright silver 7/3/1947 #2559 New Mexico Morning. Project Mogul Flight number 8, a cluster of plastic ba 7/3/1947 #2580 New Mexico 7:30 p.m. Project Mogul Flight number 9, a cluster of plastic ba 7/3/1947 #2585 disk wavers going quickly north / flight path. Larger / any plane. 7/4/1947 #2597 t over Columbia River. Dips during flight. 7/4/1947 #2605 ase #34. United Airlines (UAL) DC3 flight 105. 1 big and 4 small saucers go 7/4/1947 #2634 on flying at great speed. A second flight of 9–10 objects circle overhead i 7/4/1947 #2659 , Idaho 9:12 p.m. United Air Lines Flight 105 pilots Capt. Emil J. Smith an 7/4/1947 #2667 It made dipping motions during its flight, and was observed through binocul 7/4/1947 #2676 New Mexico 5:01 a.m. Project Mogul Flight number 10, a cluster of plastic b 7/5/1947 #2720 ht skies over Neapolis, Ohio a TWA flight crew saw a propeller-shaped objec 7/5/1947 #2732 high altitude. Straight and level flight. (See encampment, WY.) 7/6/1947 #2755 h under overcast. Straight & level flight. / r187#445. 7/6/1947 #2772 ckly northwest. Straight and level flight "as if towed". No further details 7/6/1947 #2778 he sky in Portsmouth, Virginia. It flight was silent, "as if towed." 7/6/1947 #2825 le, Kentucky CAMERA CATCHES TWO IN FLIGHT - Photographer Al Hixenbaugh took 7/7/1947 #2836 shington, D.C. 2:00 a.m. A special flight (the first) leaves Roswell AAF fo 7/7/1947 #2927 debris and the bodies are on that flight. 7/7/1947 #2927 t, Wisconsin Koshkonong 11:30 a.m. Flight instructor Kenneth Jones out of E 7/7/1947 #2932 p.m. Marcel goes on a B-29 special flight (the second) to Fort Worth Army A 7/8/1947 #3019 carrying on his lap. According to Flight Engineer M/Sgt. Robert Porter, th 7/8/1947 #3019 Lt. Robert Shirkey also claims the flight of “crashed flying saucer” debris 7/8/1947 #3032 Fort Worth. He also claims another flight operated by Oliver W. Henderson ( 7/8/1947 #3032 nd. 500M altitude straight & level flight. / r171p99. 7/10/1947 #3086 back' going [to] straight & level flight. Glistens / sunlight. / Logan Ban 7/10/1947 #3090 t going northeast straight & level flight. Constant speed and altitude.. 7/10/1947 #3095 quickly southeast straight & level flight / 120M altitude directly overhead 7/19/1947 #3199 nneth Arnold, Capt. Emil J. Smith, Flight Officer Ralph Stevens, and Boise 7/27/1947 #3235 rvey are piloting United Air Lines Flight 105 and descending above Mountain 7/28/1947 #3240 United Airlines flight 105 flying between Mountain Home 7/28/1947 #3242 ID Pilots / United Airlines (UAL) flight 147. 2 skeet-saucers going [to] u 8/18/1947 #3344 [luminous?] objects in horizontal flight looking like electric lights (NIC 8/19/1947 #3350 First flight of the prototype jet fighter XP-8 10/1/1947 #3442 huck Yeager / USAF. 1st supersonic flight in history! 10/14/1947 #3453 iated 181 kilometres from intended flight path) 10/20/1947 #3460 orthrop YB-49 makes its first test flight from Jack Northrop Field in Hawth 10/21/1947 #3466 km altitude (GE technology proving flight) 11/20/1947 #3493 s Pad 33, 104.6km altitude (Stable flight but less than planned altitude) 12/8/1947 #3497 to hover or proceed in horizontal flight. Zaikowski says five other adult 1/6/1948 #3533 to hover or proceed in horizontal flight. Mrs Zaikowski said five other ad 1/6/1948 #3534 ntly General Mills Skyhook balloon Flight B, which passes about 40 miles to 1/7/1948 #3542 Army Airfield 1:20–2:10 p.m. Army Flight Service reports to Godman Army Ai 1/7/1948 #3543 r object with a flat top cross his flight path at the same altitude and the 1/9/1948 #3552 by ground control for first 40s of flight) 2/6/1948 #3575 d 33, 5.5km altitude (Low altitude flight prevented any data recovery) 3/19/1948 #3591 d eye and sending reports on their flight paths to Navy meteorologist Flore Spring 1948 #3593 Lt. Robert W. Meyers is leading a flight of four P-47s from the 67th Fight 4/1/1948 #3603 f the U.S. Air Force was leading a flight of four F-47S Thunderbolt fighte 4/1/1948 #3604 Three men in dark drab flight suits were seen flying through th 4/7/1948 #3614 ing led to high roll rate and then flight termination) 4/19/1948 #3626 . Comdr. Marcus L. Lowe while on a flight observed a yellow or light colore 4/30/1948 #3631 ng bomber makes its first and only flight at Edwards AFB in California. 5/15/1948 #3652 s Pad 33, 139.7km altitude (Steady flight with low roll rate) 5/27/1948 #3656 s Pad 33, 139.7km altitude (Steady flight with low roll rate) 5/27/1948 #3657 flying over the Kapustin Yar test flight facility in Astrakhan, Soviet Uni 6/16/1948 #3672 lar to a V2 pass their aircraft in flight (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/20/1948 #3718 Peak Albuquerque Pioneer Airlines Flight 63 9:05 p.m. Pilot Capt. William 12/5/1948 #3909 d and the crew of Pioneer Airlines Flight 63 also see the second object, de 12/5/1948 #3909 Vane failure at 22s caused erratic flight) 12/9/1948 #3919 y, and it maintains its horizontal flight at the low altitude (for a meteor 12/12/1948 #3926 , LaPaz is able to triangulate its flight path as 7–8 miles, west to east t 12/20/1948 #3936 ia. Just as he turns to a westerly flight heading, he sees an object speedi 1949 #3946 diamond-shaped light in horizontal flight from southeast to northwest above 1/6/1949 #3967 observers. W-E, 2000', horizontal flight, blue green, moving slowly, disap 1/30/1949 #3984 Reaches 129km attitude (Successful flight. Separation of stages at 32.2 km) 2/24/1949 #4022 reen-white fireball in horizaontal flight low in the sky (NICAP: 01 - Dista 2/27/1949 #4025 d one yellowish-red light in level flight (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 3/8/1949 #4040 ilently approaches them in a level flight at 60–70 mph. It disappears to th 4/27/1949 #4118 praksin takes a new airplane for a flight at the Kapustin Yar site, Astrakh 5/6/1949 #4158 culars as it moved on a horizontal flight course in Rogue River, Oregon at 5/24/1949 #4208 h suddenly started moving in level flight then exploded in a shower of part 6/6/1949 #4227 Suddenly it starts moving in level flight, then bursts into small particles 6/6/1949 #4228 FOs maneuvered around a missile in flight. (Confirmed by Capt. R. B. McLaug 6/10/1949 #4232 :57 - obj green then red at end of flight - about the size of a star (NICAP 6/11/1949 #4235 ,000 feet per second in its upward flight, it is joined by two smaller circ 6/14/1949 #4240 shape and appeared to be in level flight between and above the two rectang 6/22/1949 #4249 ,’ when last sighted, was in level flight and was flying in a northwesterly 6/22/1949 #4249 were sighted by three witnesses in flight aboard a military aircraft. The d 8/8/1949 #4314 NEAR PAYERNE, SWZ Military flight instruction. Metallic saucer goin 9/6/1949 #4348 At 10:12 a.m. a military flight instructor flying over Payerne, S 9/6/1949 #4349 brilliance. They maintain a level flight with two of the objects changing 9/26/1949 #4372 ts flying in the distance at level flight before abruptly turning straight 9/26/1949 #4372 n AFB, CA H. S. Object Observed By Flight Engineer & Mechanics (NICAP: 01 - 10/12/1949 #4390 orce Captain W. Donnelly sighted a flight of four disc-shaped object north 11/3/1949 #4412 exico. The objects had a cavorting flight formation. 11/3/1949 #4412 ph by hospital. Straight and level flight. 11/18/1949 #4419 y cylinder/cigar-shape. Slow level flight. Veers off and gently rises. 12/28/1949 #4451 r Force Base. 45' metal ovoid / SL flight / 2K' altitude. 400mph. 1/6/1950 #4473 ed object flying in straight level flight. (Project 1947; FUFOR Index) (NIC 1/6/1950 #4474 object flying on a straight level flight path. They estimated the object w 1/6/1950 #4475 Lt. Smith, was on routine security flight when he picked up a radar track o 1/22/1950 #4499 ut. Smith makes a routine security flight out of Naval Air Station Kodiak [ 1/22/1950 #4503 rrowly missing an Eastern Airlines flight and disappeared into another clou 1/31/1950 #4520 e. White ovoid. Straight and level flight / 90 second(s). No further detail 2/24/1950 #4549 ter Squadron, hears a sound like a flight of jet airplanes and rushes out o 4/6/1950 #4802 s). Saucer / low altitude. Erratic flight. Lit windows / edge. Hartford Tim 4/25/1950 #4893 TWA flight 117 sights UFO 4/27/1950 #4898 Goshen, Indiana 8:25 p.m. TWA Flight 117 pilot Capt. Robert Adickes an 4/27/1950 #4910 117 pilot Capt. Robert Adickes and Flight Officer Robert F. Manning are fly 4/27/1950 #4910 lis T. Sperry, copilot Bill Gates, flight engineer Robert Arnholt, a stewar 5/29/1950 #4972 OF MEXICO Military reconnaissance flight. Fireball maneuvers / 90 second(s 6/24/1950 #5002 Cincinnati, OH CAA flight engineer observed a "wingless, fu 7/1950 #5031 45 p.m. A Civil Aviation Authority flight engineer observes a “wingless, fu 7/1950 #5036 round ball; after it crosses their flight path, it appears like an upside-d 7/11/1950 #5056 CINCINNATI, OH CAA flight engineer and many. Silent metalli 7/13/1950 #5059 Fort Peck, MT Weather Recon flight crew saw 4 groups of round metall 7/13/1950 #5061 At 1:45 p.m. a CAA flight engineer, flying over Cincinnati, 7/13/1950 #5065 km attitude (Low-angle atmospheric flight over 320 km range) 7/24/1950 #5076 km attitude (Low-angle atmospheric flight over 320 km range) 7/29/1950 #5080 on the Adickes case of April 27, “Flight 117 and the Flying Saucer,” appea 8/1950 #5094 True magazine. (Donald E. Keyhoe, “Flight 117 and the Flying Saucer,” True, 8/1950 #5094 eld, Hampshire, England 11:27 a.m. Flight Lt. Stan J. Hubbard and two other 8/14/1950 #5124 ield, Hampshire, England 4:09 p.m. Flight Lt. Stan J. Hubbard is standing o 9/5/1950 #5169 gray disc following a rectangular flight path, consisting of a “falling le 9/5/1950 #5169 ing of a “falling leaf, horizontal flight, an upward “falling leaf,” then a 9/5/1950 #5169 ject during M.I.T tracking of USAF flight of F-84 or F-86 jet fighters. Obj 9/21/1950 #5191 UFO during an M.I.T. tracking of a flight of two USAF F-84 or F-86 jet figh 9/21/1950 #5193 piloted by Capt. Cecil Hardin and Flight Officer Jack Conroy, is buzzed by 10/5/1950 #5213 losion at 50s at Mach 3 terminated flight) 10/26/1950 #5256 Bill Blair, a commercial pilot and flight instructor, watches six elliptica 11/27/1950 #5294 air, a commercial airline pilot in flight at that time. At 9:08 p.m. a brig 11/27/1950 #5295 proximately 40 aircraft are in the flight at 32,000 feet on a course of 200 12/6/1950 #5329 sses: crew of Northwest Air Lines flight 802. Two white flashes, followed 12/11/1950 #5339 The crew of Northwest Air Lines flight 802 sighted two white flashes, fo 12/11/1950 #5340 y Bradford, Illinois Sunset. A TWA flight, piloted by Capt. Art Shutts, is 12/27/1950 #5368 City, Iowa Mid-Continent Airlines Flight 9 9:20 p.m. Sioux City, Iowa, CAA 1/20/1951 #5407 achmeier of Mid-Continent Airlines Flight 9 takes off and Vinther is asked 1/20/1951 #5407 the Mid-Continental Airlines DC-3 flight to watch for an approaching unide 1/20/1951 #5408 ction within 5 miles of his plane (Flight 125 from Keflavik, Iceland.) 2/10/1951 #5437 fter recovering straight and level flight, the UFO proceeds to the southwes 3/15/1951 #5489 und and paced an American Airlines flight 100 miles southwest of Dodge City 5/22/1951 #5518 solute(ly) silent straight & level flight going southeast going [to] Lening 6/9/1951 #5538 alive. It was the first successful flight of animals into space, but for 40 7/22/1951 #5580 were (900+ mph). It was steady in flight, with no visible means of propuls 9/10/1951 #5656 U.S. Air Force B-36 on a training flight near Goose Bay, Labrador, Canada 9/18/1951 #5679 ultiple white lights on a parallel flight course, which then crossed over i 9/18/1951 #5679 :20 a.m., landing at 8:45. A third flight of two F-86's were scrambled from 9/23/1951 #5687 h clipped tail. Straight and level flight going [to] distance. 10/2/1951 #5695 and Doug Smith on the ground. The flight crew saw the first object, a brig 10/11/1951 #5724 h on the ground sighted a UFO. The flight crew saw the first object, a brig 10/11/1951 #5726 er and capitol airline(s)/airliner flight 610 crew. Liner paced / 20 minute 11/18/1951 #5777 e crew of a Capital Airlines DC-4, Flight 610, and Andrews AFB Senior air t 11/18/1951 #5780 emens 6:24 p.m. A Capital Airlines Flight 94 pilot and several control towe 11/24/1951 #5790 mile away and 1,000 feet below his flight level about five miles southeast 12/12/1951 #5817 is a balloon in the area, but its flight path is completely different. 1/21/1952 #5871 / 2 second(s). Straight and level flight / 1 minute(s). 2/11/1952 #5895 s of a 1 minute straight and level flight. 2/11/1952 #5897 gy. He was also given a short tour flight on the craft. 2/28/1952 #5935 then takes off in a unique zigzag flight to the northeast at an estimated 3/29/1952 #5993 s. Smith observes it right after a flight of F-86s overfly the area at abou 4/2/1952 #6017 KADENA AIR FORCE BASE, OKINAWA Flight crew. Small luminous object zigza 4/5/1952 #6028 R. Holder and Lt. A.M. Jones, the flight crew of a USAF F-94 jet intercept 4/5/1952 #6035 tinually changed position within a flight formation. The UFOs tilted in uni 4/6/1952 #6039 treetop level. Straight and level flight. Slow and silent. Rotates. 4/12/1952 #6060 orce Warrant Officer E.H. Rossell, Flight Sgt. R. McRae. One round amber ob 4/12/1952 #6062 io 8:30 p.m. W/O E. H. Rossell and Flight Sgt. Reginald McRae are driving o 4/12/1952 #6063 Warrant Officer E. H. Rossell and Flight Sgt. R. McRae sighted a round amb 4/12/1952 #6064 airmen. Very fast saucer. Erratic flight path. Tilts vanishes and reappear 4/13/1952 #6065 disc-shaped object with an erratic flight path moved very fast through the 4/13/1952 #6071 quickly, and one object stopped in flight, reversed direction, and backtrac 4/21/1952 #6149 ety-degree turn and turned back in flight toward the south. 4/21/1952 #6149 CLOVIS, NM Blue Book. Flight surgeon and 1. Orange night light 4/24/1952 #6168 , red squares flew wobbly in level flight, climbed, levelled out during 1.5 4/24/1952 #6176 Pan American Airlines flight 203 was flying 600 miles east of 5/8/1952 #6277 lar at arms length. They wobble in flight. 5/13/1952 #6317 one-quarter turned and wobbling in flight. They disappeared after 3 seconds 5/13/1952 #6320 n, oval shaped objects, wobbled in flight (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 5/18/1952 #6337 nal Airport Seoul, Korea 8:42 a.m. Flight Sgt. Kenneth Dudley Smith from th 6/6/1952 #6454 aneuvers for 4 minutes at 345 mph. Flight Sgt. Kenneth Fawner also sees the 6/6/1952 #6454 followed a B-25 bomber during its flight. Both of these reports were liste 6/7/1952 #6462 central Korea 3:03 p.m. A flight of four US Marine Corps captains 6/20/1952 #6562 xas Witness: T/Sgt. Howard Davis, flight engineer of B-29 bomber at 8,000' 6/21/1952 #6577 as 12:30 p.m. T/Sgt. Howard Davis, flight engineer of a B-29 bomber flying 6/21/1952 #6578 12:30 p.m. Sgt. Howard Davis, the flight engineer of a B-29 bomber flying 6/21/1952 #6582 nd(s) and more. Straight and level flight. 6/23/1952 #6590 O, VA National airline(s)/airliner flight and marine pilot. Green fireballs 7/10/1952 #6748 USAF F-86 Sabre jets with the 62nd Flight Squadron are flying at 22,000 fee 7/12/1952 #6785 TSYLVANIA CO, VA Blue saucer paces flight 611. DC4 turns on lights. Saucer 7/13/1952 #6788 m Bruen, piloting National Airline Flight 611 heading north from Jacksonvil 7/13/1952 #6797 A National Airlines flight flying some sixty miles southwest 7/13/1952 #6798 ke. Lights sky. Straight and level flight. 7/15/1952 #6823 er, First Officer George Fell, and Flight Engineer Quilici watch several du 7/18/1952 #6895 enver, Colorado, during a non-stop flight from Los Angeles to Chicago. A ma 7/18/1952 #6895 Herndon, VA Airlines Flight Visual / Ground Radar Tracks (NIC 7/20/1952 #6950 ut half a minute, then resumed its flight, disappearing in the distance. 7/22/1952 #7032 force pilot named Capt. Swartz in Flight Service at Wright-Patterson AFB, 7/23/1952 #7083 OVER FLORENCE, SC Eastern Airlines flight crew. Steady white night light / 7/26/1952 #7155 22K' altitude. Straight and level flight. Very fast. 7/26/1952 #7155 for 2 minutes and then resumed its flight at an extremely high speed. (NICA 7/26/1952 #7164 Florence, SC Eastern Flight 606 Encounters H. S. Light (NICAP 7/26/1952 #7168 stewardess of a National Airlines flight near Washington National Airport 7/26/1952 #7174 from Maryland. A National Airlines flight near Andrews AFB saw a UFO "direc 7/26/1952 #7180 EAST / TYRONE, PA AA flight #519 / 18k' altitude. Small UFO's 7/28/1952 #7233 n ground, pilot of F-5l Mustang in flight. Several clusters of up to 10 sma 7/29/1952 #7313 Lt. Col. Robert G. LeCompte sees a flight of at least 10 luminous objects p 7/29/1952 #7329 me. The pilot of a F-51 Mustang in flight confirmed a visual sighting of on 7/29/1952 #7333 RAF Oldenburg, Germany RAF Faßberg Flight Sgt. Roland Hughes of No. 20 Squa 7/30/1952 #7362 . 20 Squadron RAF is on a training flight in a de Havilland Vampire FB-9 je 7/30/1952 #7362 e first object, straight and level flight by the second object, a slight di 8/7/1952 #7508 nutes, another appears on the same flight path. Some family members and nei 8/10/1952 #7539 hted two disc-shaped UFOs while in flight over Wink, Texas. The objects wer 8/12/1952 #7561 tery light while on a routine test flight out of Dallas Love Field, Texas. 8/13/1952 #7575 ovoids maneuver all over/all about flight / 10 planes. 1 / instant 180° tur 8/14/1952 #7585 ampton, Queensland East Coast RAAF Flight Lt. William H. Scott, chief test 8/15/1952 #7611 Two Teardrop-Shaped Objects Cross Flight Path (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 8/22/1952 #7679 NNW / RAPID CITY, SD B36 flight engineers 10 mile(s) / east. Meta 9/2/1952 #7823 TUCSON, AZ Flight instrument and 1. Dark ovoid / 2 9/3/1952 #7833 At 9:00 a.m. a flight instructor and one other witness 9/3/1952 #7840 al days later and concludes that a flight of “intelligently controlled obje 9/12/1952 #7905 AF Meteor jet (possibly piloted by Flight Lt. John W. Kilburn and Flight Lt 9/19/1952 #7980 by Flight Lt. John W. Kilburn and Flight Lt. Marian Cybulski) about to lan 9/19/1952 #7980 ter Signaller Albert Thomson, Sgt. Flight Engineer Thomas Deweys, Flight Lt 9/19/1952 #7980 gt. Flight Engineer Thomas Deweys, Flight Lt. R. Paris, and Leading Aircraf 9/19/1952 #7980 s. Luminous/glowing white ovoid SL flight east going west. / LDLN#255+r150. 10/6/1952 #8094 F Tangmere, West Sussex Afternoon. Flight Lt. Michael Swiney and a student 10/21/1952 #8172 at phenomenal speed on an erratic flight path. Sighting lasted 10 minutes 12/8/1952 #8396 at emanated bright light in smooth flight (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 12/17/1952 #8429 are piloting a B-26 on a training flight headed west at 6,000 feet altitud 12/29/1952 #8462 shaped UFO that swoops down on the flight from above. The object levels off 1953 #8477 n the Squadron Commander leads his flight in pursuit of the UFO, it turns s 1953 #8477 rjet on the home leg of a training flight over North Texas when the student 1953 #8479 short exhaust trail in rapid level flight (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 1/1/1953 #8491 he CIA shows a film of seagulls in flight. Lt. Col. Oder gives a 40-minute 1/15/1953 #8541 s of UFOs that indicate controlled flight. Physicist Lloyd Berkner joins th 1/16/1953 #8543 seconds, then immediately resumes flight at a new altitude. The object is 1/17/1953 #8549 er says it looks like one of their flight simulators. But it’s “still a met 1/28/1953 #8602 NEAR VICHY, MO Flight crew. 30cm white night light buzz 2/13/1953 #8672 get home quickly. During the long flight, their conversation turns to UFOs Mid 2/1953 #8676 private pilot and wife of a Pan Am flight engineer. A large light, blinkin 3/11/1953 #8745 isbury Plain After 12:00 noon. RAF Flight Lt. Cyril George Townsend-Withers Spring 1953 #8766 nal Airport], India Jagalgori BOAC Flight 783, a de Havilland Comet 1, cras 5/2/1953 #8857 West Greenwich town lines Night. A flight of US Navy F2H Banshee jets out o 6/24/1953 #8970 : An F-86 aircraft was observed in flight over the Oak Ridge residential ar 7/19/1953 #9001 he color footage comes from a test flight. The film is produced by George P 8/13/1953 #9068 t is traveling south in horizontal flight at 1,100 mph, moving 10° in nine 10/15/1953 #9230 0 a.m. An RAF NF.10 Vampire pilot (Flight Lt. Terry S. Johnson) and navigat 11/3/1953 #9279 into the Atlantic after a 12-hour flight. 11/3/1953 #9279 a noise like an artillery shell in flight. It moves erratically and eventua 12/7/1953 #9345 eden, pilot Ulf Christiernsson and flight mechanic Olle Johansson encounter 12/15/1953 #9366 ots Roy Wimmer, Charlie Grugan and flight engineers R. L. Thoren and Joe Wa 12/18/1953 #9384 England Salisbury Plain, England: Flight Lt. C.G. Townsend- Withers was fl Winter 1953 #9385 h seems to be trailing the B-57 in flight. NICAP photoanalyst Ralph Rankow 1954 #9421 NORTHEAST / ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTR Flight crew. Object / erratic maneuvers. 1/9/1954 #9469 saucer / 5K' altitude. Horizontal flight then shoots going up / lost in cl 1/27/1954 #9501 nd his copilot on United Air Lines Flight 600, flying east at 19,000 feet 1 3/28/1954 #9646 es he was ordered to report to the flight line as there was a crash in the 4/12/1954 #9685 ohn M. Schidel of United Air Lines Flight 193 is forced to make a sharp cli 4/14/1954 #9690 Dallas, Texas Around 12 noon. A flight of Marine Reserve jets led by Maj 5/14/1954 #9796 Kratovil, copilot W. R. Davis, and flight engineer Harold Raney, on a Paris 6/1/1954 #9860 USAF pilot Capt. Bill McDonald, in flight. One white light descended at 45 6/10/1954 #9888 At 5:35 a.m., an Air Force charter flight, No. 46 AF 23-24 to Wilmington, D 6/26/1954 #9954 itish Airways) on a trans Atlantic flight with Capt. James Howard in comman 6/29/1954 #9958 by intelligence officers and their flight logs were confiscated by USAF per 6/29/1954 #9958 ials (McConnell says they take the flight logs); when he lands in London, t 6/29/1954 #9962 CIVIL FLIGHT, NY GOING [TO] LISBON Pilot. Extr 9/27/1954 #10456 rive very fast in the sky, stop in flight, emit sparks, and come down to gr 10/3/1954 #10659 rive very fast in the sky, stop in flight, emit sparks, and come down to gr 10/3/1954 #10670 d he had seen a luminous object in flight. Extensive investigation by Frenc 10/4/1954 #10697 d he had seen a luminous object in flight. Extensive investigation by Frenc 10/4/1954 #10710 hoots colored flames. Low altitude flight. No further details. 10/13/1954 #10987 rth Weald Airfield, Essex, England Flight Lt. Jimmy Salandin took off in hi 10/14/1954 #11005 seen streaming from the objects in flight. It usually melts when it comes i 10/14/1954 #11041 Airfield, Essex, England 4:15 p.m. Flight Lt. James R. Salandin of the 604t 10/14/1954 #11058 pot. Four others saw the object in flight from separate locations. The coun 10/18/1954 #11209 pot. Four others saw the object in flight from separate locations. The coun 10/18/1954 #11220 long the villa lane, maintaining a flight path below the tree branches. The 10/18/1954 #11225 path below the tree branches. The flight produced a soft buzzing noise. Pu 10/18/1954 #11225 MO Ground observer(s). UFO behind flight / B47s east going quickly west. P 11/2/1954 #11533 nd night lights and orbs. Daylight flight / saucers in formation. 11/16/1954 (approximate) #11661 e from the sea on a north to south flight path, and passed within six meter 12/7/1954 #11774 y residents of Lima, Peru, watch a flight of 5 iridescent silver UFOs for a 12/30/1954 #11881 ague in 1944-45 and the saucer was flight tested, but destroyed in the fina 1955 #11897 bject climbs rapidly on a parallel flight track for 3 minutes before pullin 2/1/1955 #11960 , In Airspace Pan American Airways flight saw two reddish-green objects spe 2/11/1955 #11997 experiments in ancient times with flight and even space flight. He identif 3/1955 #12022 t times with flight and even space flight. He identifies 1877–1887 as an “I 3/1955 #12022 of Miami, Florida, with a copilot, flight engineer, a Lockheed test enginee 7/1955 #12226 t suddenly rose upward in a zigzag flight path and flew into a cloud bank. 7/10/1955 #12248 Groom Lake, Nevada The first test flight of the Lockheed U-2 takes place a 8/1/1955 #12316 om a refueling plane in a pre-dawn flight. The crew drops 5,000 feet, then 10/3/1955 #12486 for a week, he also took his last flight over the South Pole on January 8, 11/1955 #12534 New Zealand National Airways DC-3 Flight 108 Waitara, New Zealand 8:06 p.m 11/1/1955 #12540 New Zealand National Airways DC-3 Flight 108 west of Waitara, New Zealand, 11/1/1955 #12540 BANNING, CA USAF flight instructor and doctor. Very large 11/25/1955 #12589 GMX, LA TO FL PAA flight engineer. Large long object / yel 1/22/1956 #12676 t 8:30 p.m. a Pan American Airways flight engineer named Mueller sighted a 1/22/1956 #12679 e, Kentucky, on a maintenance test flight. His aircraft crashes 10 miles no 1/31/1956 #12687 An Eastern Airlines flight crew reported that a white noctur 2/19/1956 #12733 Ryan, First Officer William Neff, flight attendant Phyllis Reynolds, and m 4/8/1956 #12803 gers take off on American Airlines Flight 715 from Albany, New York, headin 4/8/1956 #12803 d them Syracuse and identified the flight number. Then they told us: ‘Aband 4/16/1956 #12809 One more object passes in the same flight path, then a group of six, then o 5/4/1956 #12832 At 9:48 a.m. (EST), a flight of seven objects, silver in color 5/8/1956 #12838 maneuverability. It never changes flight attitude at any time. 5/22/1956 #12865 / arms length. Straight and level flight south going quickly north. 7/11/1956 #12962 ted by Neatishead radar controller Flight Lt. Freddie H. C. Wimbledon. Perk 8/13/1956 #13080 at 2:00 a.m. The Venom, crewed by Flight Officers David Chambers and John 8/13/1956 #13080 d hovers. Another Venom, crewed by Flight Officers Ian Fraser-Ker and Ivan 8/13/1956 #13080 re than 30 pilots, navigators, and flight engineers are on their way home f Fall 1956 #13237 intosh are flying Capital Airlines Flight 77 from New York City to Mobile, 11/14/1956 #13329 by two men from a Capital Airlines flight northeast of Hickory, North Carol 11/29/1956 #13364 vitation, teleportation, and space flight, but had to leave Earth when Atla 1957 #13429 ights. Later, at a point along the flight path, a small radio transmitter l 2/15/1957 #13509 ATLANTIC PAA flight 257 ducks glowing-ovoid going wes 3/9/1957 #13535 Ocean Jacksonville, Florida Pan Am Flight 269 4:33 a.m. Capt. Matthew A. Va 3/9/1957 #13540 juries. Copilot Dion W. Taylor and Flight Engineer John Washuta also observ 3/9/1957 #13540 action. Ed Perry, piloting Pan Am Flight 269 about 175 miles behind him, a 3/9/1957 #13540 Brilliant night light follows PAA flight 206A going northeast. On RADAR / 3/29/1957 #13568 SOUTH / NORFOLK, VA Engineer / NAL flight 720. Circular night light and dar 4/10/1957 #13590 iana) Airport, Capt. Lynn Kern and Flight Officer Abbey Zimmerman, flying T 6/3/1957 #13698 erman, flying Trans-Texas Airlines Flight 103, are told by the control towe 6/3/1957 #13698 e lights continue their controlled flight as dusk turns to night. 6/18/1957 #13740 SALT FLAT, TX DC6 flight 655 / near collision / big glowin 7/17/1957 #13802 on an electronic warfare training flight over Mississippi, Louisiana, and 7/17/1957 #13808 Angeles El Paso, Texas Salt Flats Flight 655 en route from Dallas to Los A 7/17/1957 #13809 OVER AMARILLO, TX TWA flight 21 forced to dive. Red-green nigh 7/23/1957 #13819 rgan Mountains White Sands Missile Flight Safety Director Nathan Wagner is 7/24/1957 #13827 t and 1 / rear. Straight and level flight. 7/25/1957 #13832 crew. The machine rose for a short flight. On his return, Guimaraes found t 7/25/1957 #13835 crew. The machine rose for a short flight. On his return, Guimaraes found t 7/25/1957 #13840 s been on a cross-country training flight when he became lost and ran low o 7/28/1957 #13848 ok Case #4847. Airline(s)/airliner flight 841 chases moon-size object going 7/29/1957 #13850 Flight CAL 841 over Cleveland, Ohio at 1 7/29/1957 #13855 ia makes the first successful long flight of an ICBM, the R-7 Semyorka, fro 8/27/1957 #13936 military observer(s). Also Braniff flight 40. UFO / complex trajectory / 2 8/29/1957 #13943 folk, Virginia, a Capital Airlines flight and a Northwest Airlines DC-6, si 8/30/1957 #13955 s from Ota AFB on a night training flight at 25,000 feet altitude between C 9/4/1957 #13979 aucer sways side to side / forward flight. Strange shaped halo. 10/24/1957 #14151 euver. The object then crosses the flight line, runways, and taxiways headi 11/4/1957 #14289 WAIUKU, NZ Air Force flight engineering. Ovoid over road. Div 11/7/1957 #14453 rancisco Honolulu 6:00 p.m. Pan Am Flight 7, a Boeing Stratocruiser flying 11/8/1957 #14489 seen flying below Western Airlines Flight 61 over the desert east of Los An 11/11/1957 #14534 crewmembers of a Mexicana Airline flight reported witnessing a round UFO e 12/10/1957 #14705 ting to USAF ordering a commercial flight to pursue UFOs, citing the Meet t 2/1958 #14859 MARION CO, GA Flight instructor and ground RADAR. Silv 3/1958 #14902 family in Cleveland, Ohio, sees a flight of nine UFOs that suddenly separa 4/9/1958 #14970 enly appears directly across their flight path at the same altitude. Their 5/13/1958 #15031 ries to radio Calgary to request a flight path change to avoid the cloud, w 5/13/1958 #15031 ong arms, a scaly body, and wore a flight coverall. The witness fainted; no 5/27/1958 #15056 e of a basketball in straight line flight (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 6/20/1958 #15103 colnshire, England Day. Former RAF Flight Engineer Peter Spencer is flying 6/29/1958 #15126 er than Venus in the vicinity of a flight of four military aircraft. He wat 8/18/1958 #15215 ATLANTIC / PAA FLIGHT 68° 56W-29° 03N. RADAR-visual (ob 9/5/1958 #15252 untain View, California; and Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory [now Glenn 10/1/1958 #15296 e point a passing Capitol Airlines Flight 407 flies directly between his li 10/7/1958 #15329 on a collision course. He and his flight crew also notice that “strange li 11/4/1958 #15425 TH, WI Ex Air Traffic Controller / flight controller. Round object going do 1/8/1959 #15537 Former control tower operator and flight controller saw UFO descend slowly 1/8/1959 #15541 ian is flying an American Airlines flight from Newark to Detroit when he en 2/24/1959 #15604 an Airlines pilot Capt. Killian on Flight 937 sighted three bright yellow-o 2/24/1959 #15606 of Professional Engineers on space flight. Because of the recent Killian in 2/25/1959 #15614 lots saw B-47 bombers refueling in flight from a KC-97 tanker. Killian tell 3/19/1959 #15652 O traveled in a straight and level flight path.A Project Blue Book "unknown 6/30/1959 #15804 outh. Copilot Richard Lorenzen and Flight Engineer Bob Scott also see the U 7/11/1959 #15834 also see the UFOs. Another Pan Am flight sees essentially the same phenome 7/11/1959 #15834 Jersey Turnpike. It was silent in flight, the apparent size of the Moon, a 7/15/1959 #15856 troller at Albuquerque cancels his flight plan and orders him to land at Ki 8/13/1959 #15913 Westover AFB, MA B-52 On Flight Line Tracks Seven Targets (NICAP: 9/1959 #15949 Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards AFB, C 9/17/1959 #15981 California The first powered X-15 flight is piloted by Albert Scott Crossf 9/17/1959 #15981 Scott Crossfield out of the Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards AFB, C 9/17/1959 #15981 Air Traffic Communication Station. Flight Service Specialist Laverne Wertz, 9/24/1959 #15987 sky. The next day Braniff Airways Flight 542, carrying 28 passengers and 6 9/29/1959 #15997 plotted an UFO twice on the night Flight 542 crashed. Both plots of the UF 9/29/1959 #15997 ń, Poland Night. During a training flight with a student over Poznań, Polan 9/30/1959 #16001 he visual object is 20° elevation. Flight patterns are erratic. Range chang 10/2/1959 #16011 EASTERN AIRLINES FLIGHT 541 FM WDC Crew and 1. Cylinder/c 10/7/1959 #16024 Eastern Airlines flight 541, flying over Virginia at 3:10 10/7/1959 #16027 The first completely free flight of an Avrocar takes place. This t 11/12/1959 #16087 r on radar only if they intrude on flight paths and create a near miss of t 1960 #16144 sky over Nome, Alaska on a curved flight trajectory. There were four or mo 2/14/1960 #16175 efense Forces have anticipated the flight and give orders to “attack the vi 5/1/1960 #16248 north of Turkey NASA Flight Research Center Armstrong Flight 5/5/1960 #16256 A Flight Research Center Armstrong Flight Research Center Edwards Air Force 5/5/1960 #16256 hoto is shown to the media at NASA Flight Research Center [now the Armstron 5/5/1960 #16256 Research Center [now the Armstrong Flight Research Center] at Edwards Air F 5/5/1960 #16256 eters altitude. Straight and level flight. No further details. 7/1960 #16320 ling in a perfectly spaced line of flight. It makes a surprising right turn 9/14/1960 #16446 ntly observed an unknown object in flight. 3/10/1961 #16625 ntly observed an unknown object in flight that same evening. 3/10/1961 #16626 slands, Antarctica, in slow, level flight. It leaves a long orange trail li 3/16/1961 #16631 isauga, Ontario A second USAF/NASA flight evaluation of the Avrocar is cond 6/9/1961 #16722 6 feet across and 18 inches deep. Flight above the critical altitude prove 6/9/1961 #16722 e due to inherent instability. The flight test report further identifies a 6/9/1961 #16722 f two Boeing 707 airliners, a BOAC flight and a Pan Am flight, witnessed a 9/21/1961 #16867 liners, a BOAC flight and a Pan Am flight, witnessed a bright white UFO wit 9/21/1961 #16867 A pilot in flight and seven witnesses on the ground 10/2/1961 #16890 y, suggesting that it was near the flight line because it had just arrived 1962 #17012 CASE #UNKNOWN Observer(s) = Pan-AM flight. No further details [in] at all. 3/15/1962 #17076 Wright Patterson AFB Flight Commander P.J. (initials), attach 4/1962 #17093 first (unofficial and unannounced) flight with Lockheed test pilot Louis Sc 4/25/1962 #17129 i run, the A-12 unexpectedly takes flight and Schalk lands it 2 miles past 4/25/1962 #17129 icial low-altitude, 40-minute test flight with the A-12. The takeoff is per 4/26/1962 #17131 ching the pieces. Nonetheless, the flight pleases Kelly Johnson. 4/26/1962 #17131 test pilot Walker during a record flight to 200,000 feet altitude. Note: m 4/29/1962 #17135 il 30, but the Air Force lists the flight as occurring on this date. 4/29/1962 #17135 med passing Air Force X15 / record flight / 200K'. 4/30/1962 #17136 Edwards AFB, CA X-15 flight, piloted by Joe Walker; Photograp 4/30/1962 #17138 30,000 feet on its first official flight at Area 51 for 59 minutes. His to 4/30/1962 #17140 00 a.m. During a free-flight test (Flight 52) of the X-15 to a height of 24 4/30/1962 #17141 n Rio Cuarto, Cordoba, Argentina a flight of 20 multi-colored UFOs was sigh 5/13/1962 #17173 A formation of Navy planes, led by flight instructor Lt. Rodolfo César Gald 5/22/1962 #17191 during an Argentine Navy aircraft flight from Espora Naval Air Base in Bue 5/22/1962 #17193 s that take on a speedy horizontal flight path. They notice a second, ball- 6/25/1962 #17245 Edwards AFB, CA X-15 flight, Maj. Bob White pilot. Photograph 7/17/1962 #17277 . Robert Michael White is piloting Flight 62 of the X-15 at Edwards AFB, Ca 7/17/1962 #17279 onal Airport], Topeka, Kansas. Its flight path is curved upward, with an oc 10/12/1962 #17468 cigar-shaped UFO descends over the flight line and hovers for a few minutes Late 10/1962 #17496 . All the ground witnesses and the flight crews do not talk about the incid Late 10/1962 #17496 wo control tower operators and the flight crews of two aircraft at Ezeiza A 12/22/1962 #17607 raft north to south. UFO's line of flight intersected aircraft path at righ 1/24/1963 #17638 g from north to south. The line of flight of the disc-shaped UFO intersecte 1/24/1963 #17639 ery great speed, at first in level flight across my front, then climbed up 6/16/1963 #17788 GARSTON, HERTFORDS RAF pilot and flight instrument and tower Air Traffic 8/1/1963 #17856 miles away also observed the UFO. [FLIGHT International, 15 August 1963.] ( 8/1/1963 #17859 re Evening. A former RAF pilot and flight instructor sees a triangular UFO 8/1/1963 #17860 Edwards AFB California The first flight of the USAF version of the A-12, 8/7/1963 #17877 dark object after four minutes of flight, and then a bigger glow a minute 8/13/1963 #17899 (s) = Hawaiian airline(s)/airliner flight. No further details [in] at all. 9/9/1963 #17928 e Range Kirtland AFB Goddard Space Flight Center Around 5:50 p.m. Socorro, 4/24/1964 #18200 the sample to NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, where metallurgist Henry 4/24/1964 #18200 ptions of shape, color, maneuvers, flight behavior, and concentrations of s 5/1964 #18237 2 saucers RADAR / visible. Perfect flight maneuvers. Send proper IFF signal 5/15/1964 #18266 site, performing “perfect, precise flight maneuvers” in tandem, involving s 5/15/1964 #18270 high flew on a straight and level flight path over Cambridge, Massachusett 5/26/1964 #18309 was in charge of filming the test flight. Both men state the UAP was a dom 9/1964 #18525 Wallops Flight Facility Wallops Island, Virginia 10/1964 #18566 d three technicians at the Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Virgi 10/1964 #18566 Palmdale, California The first flight of an SR-71 Blackbird takes place 12/22/1964 #18673 ed of Mach 3.4 (~2,588 mph) during flight testing. 12/22/1964 #18673 AF aircraft during a photo-mapping flight over central Australia. A door on 1965 #18690 empsey Bruton, head of the Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Virgi 1/5/1965 #18699 r Springs, MD White Light In Level Flight (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 1/10/1965 #18703 Wallops Flight Facility Wallops Island, Virginia 1/12/1965 #18719 ct moving swiftly over the Wallops Flight Facility at Wallops Island, Virgi 1/12/1965 #18719 observed five luminous objects in flight. A transparent craft landed, and 2/4/1965 #18799 observed five luminous objects in flight at night. A transparent craft lan 2/4/1965 #18802 ar and visual sightings. Air Force flight F-169 en route from Anchorage, AL 2/11/1965 #18803 Flying Tiger Line cargo aircraft (Flight F-169) en route from Anchorage, A 2/11/1965 #18809 ilot or occupant who wore a silver flight suit. A second figure stood in fr 3/6/1965 #18846 the east in a long, slow S-shaped flight path. 4/1/1965 #18887 nberra where both the film and the flight recorder are confiscated. The Dir 5/28/1965 #18973 iece of debris, while James Oberg, flight controller at the Johnson Space C 6/4/1965 #18990 NEAR ARICA, CHILE LAN flight 904. Saucer follows / 14 minute(s 9/6/1965 #19526 DC-6b at 8,500 feet for LAN Chile Flight 904 in northern Chile when he see 9/6/1965 #19527 t 7:45 p.m. a Mr. Cock witnessed a flight of seven UFOs which passed overhe 10/17/1965 #19661 :00 p.m. CST. An American Airlines flight from San Francisco to Houston, Te 1/16/1966 #19839 White night light chases training flight. Away and back. Hovers / steeple. 2/8/1966 #19892 after enough reports are gathered flight paths can be determined, craft ca 2/22/1966 #19912 tilted, and bobbed up and down in flight. 3/23/1966 #20056 ginia. The crew of Braniff Airline Flight 42, headed east at 33,000 feet, s 5/4/1966 #20447 lock position from Braniff Airline Flight 42 headed east at 33,000 feet, wh 5/4/1966 #20448 ed ends. Light / each end. South-L flight / 35 second(s). 5/7/1966 #20456 s apparently following an outbound flight of Navy jets from NAS Willow Grov 5/21/1966 #20505 rd Plewman. Plewman, a former RCAF Flight Lieutenant and pilot instructor, 6/1/1966 #20520 . Julian Sandoval, a NASA contract flight engineer, also an experienced pil 6/23/1966 #20595 New Mexico 3:42 a.m. NASA contract flight engineer Julian Sandoval and two 6/23/1966 #20597 The two objects performed complex flight patterns for about an hour. (NICA 9/23/1966 #20917 Mrs. Everett Steward, a flight attendant, was talking on the tel 10/2/1966 #20950 at 8:25 p.m. After four minutes of flight it slowed down and turned toward 10/23/1966 #21032 . Coast Guard pilots on a training flight 10 miles off the coast of New Ham 11/22/1966 #21145 r going [to] over straight & level flight. 300kph / 150M altitude. Lights / 12/5/1966 #21184 lter Ray is lost during a training flight near Leith Canyon, Nevada. Due to 1/5/1967 #21260 Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland Hyn 1/6/1967 #21267 verflow crowd at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. He 1/6/1967 #21267 d a UFO at 4,000 mph on an erratic flight path. 1/6/1967 #21267 At 10:00 p.m. Pilot Carl M., a flight officer, and passenger Jimmie Mor 1/13/1967 #21301 light. The object moved in erratic flight with a swirling motion and made a 1/26/1967 #21393 tarily hovers, then moves in level flight to the left, with a smooth climb 1/30/1967 #21418 arily stopped, then moved in level flight to the left, making a smooth clim 1/30/1967 #21422 San Antonio, TX Night. FAA Flight Service Specialists plus control 2/1967 #21428 t Airlines DC-4 passenger liner in flight from Piura to Lima on February 2, 2/2/1967 #21438 within 3 miles of the object. The flight leader radios in that the UFO is 3/1967 #21700 e orders him to shoot it down. The flight leader reports that his radar is 3/1967 #21700 an screams into the radio that the flight leader’s MiG has disintegrated. T 3/1967 #21700 ome at Poland, in Clay County. The flight was reported as as low as 40' and 3/1/1967 #21712 midnight. The UFO flew on a level flight path from east to west over Bento 3/6/1967 #21778 passed overhead in straight level flight at moderate speed. (NICAP report 3/8/1967 #21807 ia, Asia Daytime. A U.S. Air Force flight surgeon aboard and the pilot and 3/14/1967 #21884 Malmstrom AFB, MT "Echo Flight" Missile Incident (NICAP: 03 - EM 3/16/1967 #21901 (4:34 p.m. EST). An Irish Airlines flight crew saw an object that was as br 3/24/1967 #21962 Malmstrom AFB (Nr. Roy), MT Oscar Flight / Malmstrom AFB Missile Incident 3/24/1967 #21967 -ballistic maneuvering and erratic flight paths) actually can “see” UFOs, b 3/28/1967 #22005 examination so that he can go on a flight. When Watts refuses to do so, the 3/31/1967 #22023 tographs of the cylindrical UFO in flight, and another shot of a little man 3/31/1967 #22023 a physical exam and took him on a flight into space. He recalled seeing an 3/31/1967 #22025 guero, Islagrande, PR 11:15 a.m. A flight instructor and student in a U.S. 4/1967 #22030 9:40–10:08 p.m. The Ozark Airliner Flight 319 crew sees two large round obj 4/17/1967 #22153 top level, the second showed it in flight, and the third photo missed the o 5/6/1967 #22283 second object shows the object in flight against a clear sky. The third ph 5/6/1967 #22284 radar. During this time a Braniff flight was coming in for a landing on ru 5/13/1967 #22335 ings, Colorado, airport. A Braniff flight is coming in for a landing on run 5/13/1967 #22337 m. MDT. During this time a Braniff flight was coming in for a landing, and 5/13/1967 #22339 w feet of film in the direction of flight. On the film is a red, round lumi 7/3/1967 #22603 t appears, following an Air Canada flight; it turns northeast and disappear 7/6/1967 #22622 monitoring an eastbound Air Canada flight on radar, noticed an unidentified 7/7/1967 #22627 monitoring an eastbound Air Canada flight on radar, notice a target moving 7/7/1967 #22629 piloting Pacific Western Airlines Flight 748 westbound near the Westfall R 7/26/1967 #22735 ging the rough terrain in a silent flight up and down the mountains. 8/5/1967 #22816 ki Macharechi spotted an object in flight, which he thought was a heron, la 8/26/1967 #22933 erst, MA Geology professor watched flight of two silvery cigar-shaped objec 9/23/1967 #23121 e top that moved steadily in level flight across the sky, hovered, and drop 9/30/1967 #23149 ts traveling eastward in irregular flight. 10/6/1967 #23185 xtend from the central chamber. In flight, one of the 4 fuselages leads, wh 10/26/1967 #23334 SEPTEMBER-ILES, QBC Quebec-air flight 650 sees V-bright UFO at end of r 11/15/1967 #23453 about 50,000 feet. (Roth Volunteer Flight Officers Network report, NICAP fi 11/15/1967 #23459 d around, and resumed its original flight path. (Letter from witness, NICAP 11/15/1967 #23460 Quebecair Flight 650 Sept-Îles Airport, Quebec The 11/15/1967 #23464 port, Quebec The crew of Quebecair Flight 650 sees a bright object at the e 11/15/1967 #23464 by a BEA pilot at high altitude in flight over Florence, Italy. It had a no 11/15/1967 #23465 slow, stop, and make curves in its flight to the north until gone. 5/17/1968 #23971 k disc-shaped object in horizontal flight. It flew directly over them in co 5/27/1968 #23988 pines during a functional checkout flight after the replacement of one of i 6/4/1968 #24005 a cigar-shaped object cross their flight path. It has 6 rectangular patche 8/16/1968 #24341 ns a constant angle from their own flight path for more than 10 minutes, wh 8/22/1968 #24369 slow northwest going southeast. SL flight. 9/21/1968 #24493 ing the crew of a Capital Aviation flight. 11/26/1968 #24719 e of Technology NASA Goddard Space Flight Center The American Institute of 12/1968 #24740 Robert Rados of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, and Donald M. Swingle of 12/1968 #24740 Thailand Flight surgeon, crew of KC-135, observed 3/14/1969 #25011 The flight surgeon and two other crew member 3/14/1969 #25012 vertical position during a daytime flight. When a fighter aircraft was sent 3/14/1969 #25012 Finland, a Finnish Defence Forces flight controller tells pilot-in-trainin 4/12/1969 #25057 e radio communications between the flight controller and Tukeva and sees th 4/12/1969 #25057 e passenger on an Eastern Airlines flight flying over Connecticut saw a shi 4/27/1969 #25098 eir machine; there follows another flight, another landing. Da Silva awaken 5/4/1969 #25114 ensation of taking off. During the flight, which he felt lasted for hours, 5/4/1969 #25115 stopped, reversed its direction of flight, did some general maneuvering, an 6/3/1969 #25194 ight, descended as if going down a flight of steps, then went straight over 7/18/1969 #25279 rd the northeast over the bay. The flight path of the UFO curved upwards, a 9/28/1969 #25384 nds at 6:26 a.m. a US Marine Corps flight crew heard a strange sound on 255 11/20/1969 #25464 lives not far from the NASA Space Flight Center, and a lady member of the 5/8/1971 #26103 inas Gerais region, Brazil Airline flight paced for 20 minutes by glowing o 8/9/1971 #26277 t and started oscillating in their flight around the larger one. The larger 8/11/1971 #26280 d 84.916 degrees West. None of the flight crew or photographers saw the obj 9/4/1971 #26319 ds. The reporting witness is Chief Flight Instructor José Américo C. Medeir 10/5/1971 #26410 AS-VAAS, BELGIUM Observer(s) / DC3 flight. Flying cylinder/cylindrical obje 8/6/1972 #26878 spot, spilling the water in their flight. 8/22/1972 #26949 n front of the jet and on the same flight path. The object shines a beam of 10/23/1972 #27087 BETHESDA, MD Flight instructor / ground. Dull silent 4/20/1973 #27434 CHAD Scientists / Concorde eclipse flight. Photographs / oval blob. / APRO 6/30/1973 #27602 On the 59th day of flight the three-man crew in orbit in ou 9/20/1973 #27848 t; and it seemed to be part of the flight control mechanism. She was taken 10/5/1973 #27954 od, OH 7:30 p.m. American Airlines Flight 21, a Boeing 747 at 33,000' encou 10/18/1973 #28163 . Round, red-orange objects, rapid flight, erratic maneuvers. (UFOE II, Sec 10/24/1973 #28263 ed-orange objects engaged in rapid flight and erratic maneuvers. 10/24/1973 #28271 2:59 a.m. Captain Berglund and the flight crew of his SAS Boeing 727 airlin 1/26/1974 #28710 A flight instructor and his student were f 1/29/1974 #28713 CHALON-SUR-SAONE, STRAIGHT & LEVEL FLIGHT, FR 4 cops find several small hum 2/1974 #28719 Malmstrom AFB Romeo Flight missile alert facility near Brady 3/1974 #28830 n watch at the Malmstrom AFB Romeo Flight missile alert facility near Brady 3/1974 #28830 acility at the Malmstrom AFB Romeo Flight missile alert facility near Brady 3/1974 #28831 n. It heads toward them on a level flight path until it gets to 500 feet aw 3/29/1974 #28968 3:36 p.m. A Scandinavian Airlines flight en route to Burlington, Vermont, 7/14/1974 #29259 ident similar to "Disappearance of Flight 412". UFO incident date coincides 10/24/1974 #29553 Denver Night. Sgt. Eric Slater is flight security controller at the Franci 1975 #29680 ater, Swann and Mr. Axelrod take a flight to an unknown northerly destinati 2/1975 #29781 en from the K-1 missile base [Kilo Flight Launch Control Facility] north of 2/18/1975 #29823 d, CAN 11:02 p.m. NDT . Air Canada Flight 872 reported a green pulsating ob 3/17/1975 #29905 bject at 35,000 feet, crossing his flight path from north to south. Luftans 3/17/1975 #29905 path from north to south. Luftansa Flight 401, 120 miles south of of Air Ca 3/17/1975 #29905 object at 31,000 feet crossing his flight path north to south. Current time 3/17/1975 #29905 icopter. They make a call to local flight services for possible identificat 10/27/1975 #30488 ved on radar and observed over the flight line by Sgt. Steven Eichner, Sgt. 10/28/1975 #30503 Unknown individuals penetrate the flight line at Grand Forks AFB north of 11/3/1975 #30546 tating: Two UFOs reported near the flight line at Cannon AFB, N.M. Security 1/21/1976 #30802 T: "Two UFOs are reported near the flight line at Cannon AFB, New Mexico. ( 1/21/1976 #30808 urity police see two UFOs near the flight line at Cannon AFB, southwest of 1/21/1976 #30810 through a Starlight Scope from the flight tower. A Clovis policeman sees a 1/21/1976 #30810 nel Claude Bosc. On night training flight in a T-33, Bosc saw a bright ligh 3/3/1976 #30920 of 45 degrees to its direction of flight. The craft had a window on its do 4/21/1976 #31005 ncounter. After 45 seconds of even flight it shot straight up when it depar 4/21/1976 #31006 followed it. The object turned in flight. Ninety minutes later the main wi 5/4/1976 #31035 NORTH / FARO, PORTGL 3 flight crews and RADAR's. Big night ligh 7/30/1976 #31198 a 11:25 p.m. The pilot of Tunisair Flight Tu8953, en route from Monastir to 8/3/1976 #31226 altitude and calls on the radio to flight control at Hannover airport. The 8/13/1976 #31261 OVER LITHUANIA British BEA flight 831. Extremely bright yellow obje 9/10/1976 #31368 7:00 p.m. British European Airways Flight 831 from Moscow to London is crui 9/10/1976 #31372 n Iberian Airlines Boeing 727 on a flight from Santiago de Compostela to Ma 11/19/1976 #31558 w Air Iceland Connect] airliner in flight from Akureyi to Reykjavik, Icelan 12/18/1976 #31613 o Ferreira and the crew of Avianca flight HK-1273 see an extremely bright w 1/21/1977 #31744 , Egypt 12:34 a.m. Captain Assapa, Flight Officer Berehan, and Flight Engin 3/9/1977 #31885 ssapa, Flight Officer Berehan, and Flight Engineer Negassa of Ethiopian Air 3/9/1977 #31885 neer Negassa of Ethiopian Airlines Flight ET-701 are flying near Qarun Lake 3/9/1977 #31885 chusetts 9:05 p.m. United Airlines Flight 94 is flying south of Syracuse, N 3/12/1977 #31901 captain Neil Daniels, 57, and the flight officer turn and look to their le 3/12/1977 #31901 es, CA 8:50 PM. Two witnesses on a flight at 1500', two UFOs at 1/2-mile ra 3/21/1977 #31923 :00 AM. Three witnesses on board a flight at 31,000'. Seen briefly four tim 4/14/1977 #31979 Rothenhofer are on board Swissair Flight SR-798 near Maastricht, Netherlan 4/14/1977 #31980 e flying a DC-10, Northwest Orient Flight 27, from Seattle, Washington, to 4/23/1977 #32017 International Airport see a linear flight of four separate unidentifiable b 4/23/1977 #32017 ine plane, is allegedly blinded in flight by a UFO near Bogotá, Colombia. C 4/29/1977 #32035 Avro Vulcan B.2 bomber piloted by Flight Lt. David Edwards is flying at 28 5/26/1977 #32133 mberland, England RRH Staxton Wold Flight Lieutenant A. M. Wood sees two lu 7/1977 #32222 ata, India 11:15 p.m. As Air India Flight 9, piloted by Capt. Dingra, makes 7/16/1977 #32281 ove the North Sea. Duty controller Flight Lt. A. M. Wood and others on the 7/30/1977 #32323 t of a well known Heathrow Airport flight path. Watching it through binocul 8/4/1977 #32360 overs for 20 seconds almost on the flight path. It moves away quickly when 8/4/1977 #32360 Egypt 3:43 AM. Two witnesses on a flight, one UFO. (Haines printout) (NICA 8/7/1977 #32368 est going quickly east. Slow level flight. 1-2km away. 9/16/1977 #32487 ake, piloting Continental Airlines Flight 954, is climbing to 33,000 feet o 9/22/1977 #32510 indows passed Continental Airlines flight 954 near El Paso, Texas on a clou 9/22/1977 #32513 In Air Space, Japan 5:20 PM. Flight with two witnesses observed 4-5 U 10/26/1977 #32613 In Air Space, Sardinia 5:35 PM. Flight with 5 witnesses observed UFO, un 10/27/1977 #32622 ga, and several military planes in flight. Col. Mario d’Angelo, commander o 10/27/1977 #32623 State, Brazil. When it changed its flight direction, it was no longer emitt 11/1/1977 #32653 pace, TN 2:25 PM. Two witnesses on flight at 37,000', range unknown, three 12/12/1977 #32761 :54 PM. Two witnesses, two UFOs on flight at 2,000'. E-M effects. 6-10 min. 12/27/1977 #32812 utonomous Okrug, Russia During the flight of a Yakolev Yak-40 airliner betw 1/1978 #32836 NASA Goddard Space Flight Center As a response to Sturrock’ 1/17/1978 #32887 ophysics Division at Goddard Space Flight Center managed by Program Scienti 1/17/1978 #32887 Florida Key West 12:00 midnight. A flight instructor is flying his Cessna 1 1/27/1978 #32918 e had nothing to worry about. The "flight deck" was about 15 meters wide an 2/5/1978 #32957 e, his dog Mus had been around the flight deck, sniffing at everything, inc 2/5/1978 #32957 roducing a slight commotion on the flight deck. The tallest of the three cr 2/5/1978 #32957 lew to the northeast in an erratic flight path. At midnight the same or a s 7/28/1978 #33438 In flight over Springfield, Missouri 30-yea 9/10/1978 #33660 ich, 20, is on a 145-mile training flight in a Cessna 182L light aircraft o 10/21/1978 #33856 ight and getting larger during its flight. This created a great fright amon 10/31/1978 #33902 sea. One descended and crossed the flight path of incoming airliners. 11/12/1978 #33950 takes a swipe at them as they take flight. D’Ambros runs after them, and he 11/24/1978 #33995 aak disappeared with no trace on a flight out of San Diego in 1952, and the 1979 #34263 China 9:10 p.m. Chinese Air Force flight instructor Sha Yangkao is flying Late 2/1979 #34448 allowed to view a larger vessel in flight and people on the surface looking 5/17/1979 #34566 3,000 feet altitude. It tumbles in flight, turning over sideways before dis 8/16/1979 #34748 Albacete Sagunto Africa 11:00 p.m. Flight JK-297, a TAE Supercaravelle outb 11/11/1979 #34997 Torrejón Air Base, Madrid, nor the flight control center in Barcelona can p 11/11/1979 #34997 ject happens to be an unregistered flight experiencing difficulties. Becaus 11/11/1979 #34997 and the Mirage has its electronic flight systems jammed. At last, and afte 11/11/1979 #34997 er, England Winter Hill 11:45 a.m. Flight instructor Leslie Groves is tutor 12/11/1979 #35072 Saturn-shaped objects, high-speed flight in formation at low altitude, vis 4/20/1980 #35275 Saturnshaped objects, Iligh-speed flight in formation at low altitude, vis 4/20/1980 #35277 e away. It begins to move down the flight line, and they see it is a gray-b 5/1980 #35296 an apparent attempt to correct its flight. Then it changes orientation to t 5/16/1980 #35336 nway.” The crew of another airline flight 90 miles away reports sighting th 6/20/1980 #35382 Red Bluff, California 1:15 p.m. Flight instructor Lloyd List is flying n 9/4/1980 #35494 Sea south of Haiti between Pan Am flight 440 and an unidentified bluish-gr 9/22/1980 #35527 ow of 5-6 steady lights, which the flight crew presumed were windows. (NICA 9/22/1980 #35527 ea south of Haiti 3:43 a.m. Pan Am Flight 440, flying at 39,000 feet and pi 9/22/1980 #35528 ow of 5–6 steady lights, which the flight crew presumes are windows. The di 9/22/1980 #35528 s. The distance between the Pan Am flight and the UFO at its closest approa 9/22/1980 #35528 Sea south of Haiti between Pan Am flight 440 and an unidentified bluish-gr 9/22/1980 #35529 ow of 5-6 steady lights, which the flight crew presumed were windows. The d 9/22/1980 #35529 s. The distance between the Pan Am flight and the UFO at its closest approa 9/22/1980 #35529 na, are observing the movements of Flight 402 on radar when an unexplained 10/16/1980 #35573 a passenger on a Western Airlines flight passing over Monterey Bay, Califo 11/6/1980 #35622 ject manager for the Space Shuttle Flight Operation, and is now the Directo 12/29/1980 #35758 plane being flown by Mr. Dennis, a flight instructor, while flying over San 4/8/1981 #35888 A stealth fighter makes its maiden flight at Groom Lake, Nevada. The aircra 6/18/1981 #35975 Captain Phil Schultz is flying TWA Flight 842, a Lockheed L-1011 TriStar co 7/4/1981 #35987 has captured much of the 6-second flight path of the lights in an 8-minute 8/12/1981 #36070 to, piloting a Boeing 727 for VASP Flight 169, notices an intense light sou 2/8/1982 #36327 cial aircraft for 82 minutes. VASP flight #169 was paced by the UFO from Pe 2/8/1982 #36328 ners. The UFO changed direction in flight. 2/12/1982 #36341 st. Near power station. Controlled flight. 8/11/1982 #36569 the hilly terrain in a controlled flight, flying to the southwest near pow 8/11/1982 #36571 t, and it extends and contracts in flight. Bruce Maccabee analyzed the imag 8/13/1982 #36577 ing flown by a student pilot and a flight instructor southeast of Lowell, I 10/24/1982 #36664 t an altitude of 1,310–1,970 feet. Flight Controller A. Shushkin sees the c 3/28/1983 #36821 d Sakhalin Island Korean Air Lines Flight 007 is shot down by a Soviet inte 9/1/1983 #36968 rgeted Reentry Vehicles, MIRVs) in flight during a test at Vandenberg. On t 1984 #37098 viet scientists are puzzled by the flight of a mysterious bright sphere fol 1/13/1984 #37129 The cabin crew of United Airlines flight 729, flying westbound at 43,000 f 1/22/1984 #37140 7:25 a.m. The cabin crew of United Flight 729 is flying westbound 30 miles 1/22/1984 #37145 wed by the crew of United Airlines flight 729 westbound at 43,000 feet alti 1/22/1984 #37148 oves the rank insignia from Bond’s flight suit with a pocketknife before go 4/26/1984 #37301 ning stationary for a long time. A flight controller from Rzeszów-Jasionka 7/13/1984 #37395 FLIGHT 8352 NEAR BORISOV, BELORUS 25 mil 9/7/1984 (approximate) #37456 later, reports surface of a second flight crew traveling in the opposite di 9/7/1984 #37458 uickly north in straight and level flight. Clear weather. 12/10/1984 #37520 Greys) grab man going [to] saucer. Flight past Pluto. Telepathy. Medical ex 2/8/1985 #37553 NEAR LANZHOU, CHINA CAAC flight 933. UFO 6 miles wide paces 747 g 6/11/1985 #37597 7 airliner encounters a UFO on its flight from Beijing to Paris that almost 6/11/1985 #37598 tain to make an emergency landing. Flight CA 933 is over Lanzhou, Gansu pro 6/11/1985 #37598 tered a UFO on the Peking to Paris flight that almost forced the captain to 6/11/1985 #37599 tain to make an emergency landing. Flight CA 933 was over Lanzhou, the capi 6/11/1985 #37599 er 4:05 p.m. Greek Olympic Airways Flight OA 132, piloted by Christos Stamu 8/15/1985 #37643 dSgt Sergio Mota da Silva, airport flight controller for São José dos Campo 5/19/1986 #37878 s in the lower part. At 7:00 p.m., flight controllers at Brasilia and São P 5/19/1986 #37878 oiás, about 10:50 p.m. This second flight consists of three Mirage III figh 5/19/1986 #37881 nia at 9:49 p.m. After a minute of flight they began rotating around an ima 6/26/1986 #37925 object move to-and-fro on a wiggly flight path, flying silently to the nort 7/19/1986 #37949 Fort Yukon, Alaska Japan Airlines flight #1628, a Boeing 747 freighter, wa 11/17/1986 #38068 s moved away from the 747 Airlines Flight 1628 there remained two smaller f 11/17/1986 #38068 NE Alaska, AK JAL Flight 1628 (C), Saturn-shaped, R/V (NIC 11/17/1986 #38070 airbanks 5:10 p.m. Japan Air Lines Flight 1628, a Boeing 747 cargo plane wi 11/17/1986 #38072 icer Takanori Tamefuji, along with Flight Engineer Yoshio Tsukuda, see two 11/17/1986 #38072 In air space, AK Large Discs / Flight 53 Tracks At A Mile A Second (NIC 1/31/1987 #38107 ell and the crew of Delta Airlines Flight 1083 are near Charleston, West Vi 6/25/1987 #38200 cal orbits with a common center of flight, meeting at the center) in an are 11/23/1987 #38332 . Later that night United Airlines flight 1405 reported that two UFOs, each 12/12/1987 #38357 lka is awakened by the night shift flight security controller at the Malmst Winter 1987 #38370 spaceplane to perform an uncrewed flight, including landing in fully autom 11/15/1988 #38715 nnis Mariani, who escorts him on a flight to Area 51 at Groom Lake, where L 12/6/1988 #38748 erver(s). 25' saucer 70kph / level flight. Then 7000kph straight up! 3/17/1989 #38873 da, off Highway 375 to view a test flight of a flying saucer at S-4. Lear s 3/22/1989 #38878 hears a noise like the rustle of a flight of birds; unlike his colleagues, Late 3/1989 #38880 o Peak, Nevada, to observe another flight test. They videotape a moving lig 3/29/1989 #38885 n Lear make a third trip to view a flight test along Groom Lake Road, Nevad 4/5/1989 #38894 ulo, Brazil 3:46 a.m. TAM Airlines Flight 573 in the vicinity of Americana, 5/30/1989 #38967 USAF Foreign Technology Division, Flight Performance Division (FTD/SQDF) t 6/1989 #38972 told a crowd at the Goddard Space Flight Center that NORAD and SAC radar h 6/1989 #38972 icente-Juan Ballester Olmos as the flight of a Transmediterranean research 8/10/1989 #39050 nctions and were diverted to other flight paths. The downed object was desc 9/16/1989 #39109 rom a commercial aircraft, CONNAIR flight 440, flying at 9,000 feet as it p 10/24/1989 #39184 / LA RONGE, SSK UC#2110. Pilot in flight. 2 objects maneuver. No further d 11/1/1989 #39205 atch. The object followed a curved flight path with a wobbling motion. 2/5/1990 #39410 Tikaboo Valley) to watch the test flight of an object from Groom Lake, Nev 2/21/1990 #39424 ateral directions from the line of flight, “at which time they emitted rays Early 4/1990 #39506 feet from west to east on a curved flight, and made no sound. 5/29/1990 #39598 shaped, quiet aircraft seen with a flight of F-117A stealth fighters severa 10/1/1990 #39756 t and copilot of a British Airways flight from Rome to Gatwick Airport noti 11/5/1990 #39866 Pittsburgh, PA U.S. Air flight crew saw a rectangular, light-ref 1/13/1991 #39952 Pittsburgh, PA U.S. Air flight crew saw a rectangular, light-ref 1/13/1991 #39953 KINGSTON, ONT Air charter flight 866. Glowing blue-green cylinder/ 3/6/1991 #39995 ntario, CAN Cigar stopped ahead of Flight 866 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 3/6/1991 #39996 se crosses the path of Air Charter Flight 866 near Kingston, Ontario, stops 3/6/1991 #39999 ahead of an airliner, Air Charter flight 866. 3/6/1991 #40001 informs Sgt. Petronius, a CINDACTA flight controller, that he is seeing a “ 4/11/1991 #40034 Flight Safety Section Col. Alvaro Fernán 5/22/1991 #40074 lvaro Fernández Rodas, head of the Flight Safety Section of the Spanish Air 5/22/1991 #40074 e Public Relations Office; and the Flight Safety Section. It mentions that 5/22/1991 #40074 other passengers on board Dan Air Flight DA 4700 from London (Gatwick Airp 6/17/1991 #40101 Britannia Airways Boeing 737 on a flight from Crete to Gatwick Airport nea 7/15/1991 #40123 quickly flew away in a zig-zagging flight path. Scratch marks and an oily t 8/29/1991 #40170 Ellsworth AFB Oscar Flight area Opal, South Dakota Oscar Lau 9/1991 #40178 leader at the Ellsworth AFB Oscar Flight area 30 miles west of Opal, South 9/1991 #40178 cameras on Space Shuttle Discovery Flight STS-48 captures several anomalous 9/15/1991 #40187 eastward in a descending staircase flight trajectory over Longchaumois, Jur 1/5/1992 #40280 t outside. Animals freak out. Slow flight. 2/5/1992 #40319 Malmstrom AFB A-3 flight launch facility Sluice Box Canyon 3/1992 #40343 rity team at the Malmstrom AFB A-3 flight launch facility outside Sluice Bo 3/1992 #40343 :45 p.m. Pilots of United Airlines Flight 934 are flying at 23,000 feet som 8/5/1992 #40552 , Deux-Sevres, France on a sinuous flight trajectory. There were three witn 8/28/1992 #40593 a 90° turn, and cuts across their flight path. The helicopters slow to a h 11/1992 #40700 he object disappears suddenly. The flight exercise is scrapped and the heli 11/1992 #40700 balls of light maneuver around the flight line of the base at high speed an 1/1993 #40782 sford an aviation expert timed the flight of a UFO seen traveling between H 3/30/1993 #40906 and proponent of using post-stall flight in air-to-air combat. It looks no 4/29/1993 #40956 w seconds. The object continued in flight until it moved out of sight, at a 4/30/1993 #40959 glowing saucer. Straight and level flight overhead into clouds. 5/5/1993 #40965 ifornia 6:00 p.m. A passenger on a flight 15 minutes out of Los Angeles Int 6/3/1993 #41003 Mojave Desert California The first flight of a CIA-developed Predator drone 7/3/1994 #41604 t both while it is hovering and in flight. It disappears behind some buildi 8/23/1994 #41687 A British Airways Boeing-737 flight with 60 passengers aboard was buz 1/6/1995 #41957 KE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, UT 1 / Delta Flight 1485. Perfectly circular object ~ 2/20/1995 #42051 hted from an American West airline flight emerging from a thunder cloud nea 5/25/1995 #42228 American West Flight 564 and a USAF F-117A from Hollom 5/25/1995 #42229 cientists. The report claims Mogul flight number 4, launched on June 4, 194 7/1995 #42286 , Brazil Dusk. As a Varig Airlines flight is descending about 37 miles from 7/1/1995 #42289 a 6:10 p.m. Aereolíneas Argentinas Flight 734, a Boeing 727 with three crew 7/31/1995 #42347 nything but notes that the Rio Sul flight has reported something similar 5 8/8/1995 #42368 ong Island, NY Lufthansa 405 / Boc Flight 226 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 11/17/1995 #42602 ped, mother-ship style object. The flight of the objects illuminated the wh 1/31/1996 #42729 is distracted for the rest of the flight. 7/1996 #42943 972 and it was related to the test flight of recovered ET spacecraft in Nev 8/30/1996 #43002 akes off from Beijing on a routine flight south to Wuhan. As the jetliner r 12/19/1996 #43148 tangle going east straight & level flight. Glows green-white. No halo. No e 2/7/1997 #43186 Air National Guard was performing flight operations from Luke A.F.B. dropp 3/13/1997 #43230 Scotland, to board British Airways Flight 8773 to Aberdeen when she notices 5/30/1997 #43302 in Blind River, Ontario, watch the flight of a triangular red object with j 6/28/1997 #43343 NASA Marshall Space Flight Center physicist Ning Li, with Da 8/1/1997 #43364 single linkage of a reconnaissance flight to a UFO report is provided. Thes 8/3/1997 #43365 ational Airport 5:07 p.m. Swissair Flight 127 to Zürich, Switzerland, is fl 8/9/1997 #43376 gh speed. The airliner is in level flight at 20,000 feet and cruising at 39 8/9/1997 #43376 ows private plane straight & level flight. No further details. 9/26/1997 #43416 Pueblo, Colorado. It zigzagged in flight, and then scanned the area with a 4/10/1998 #43546 :32 a.m., with a single trail. The flight was horizontal, but described an 8/26/1998 #43638 but the movement of the creature's flight was steady. 9/14/1998 #43646 orable discharge. The next day the Flight Chief addressed the entire staff 10/1998 #43656 own target moving above a military flight training base near Cangzhou. At l 10/19/1998 #43665 guards report the incident to the Flight Chief, who tells them not to repe 12/1998 #43694 hite patch; it first oscillated in flight, then swooped down and abducted t 2/25/1999 #43736 nd white object shot past SwissAir flight 127 while flying over Long Island 8/9/1999 #43819 The last flight of a temporarily reactivated SR-7 10/9/1999 #43858 PASSENGER / UNITED AIRLINES (UAL) FLIGHT 739 OVER CONTROL, NV 16M round si 4/23/2000 #43984 craft had a smooth and continuous flight path except for a momentary jog o 12/5/2000 #44098 tch" to the left from the object's flight path. 12/5/2000 #44098 luminous trail, hopped forward in flight slowly behind a mountain in White 1/5/2001 #44119 itary pilot at a distance while in flight over La Paz, Bolivia. 3/26/2001 #44151 Columbia, which change position in flight into a hexagonal formation and as 8/12/2001 #44232 ng toward the east in a zigzagging flight path in Montreal, Quebec. 6/4/2002 #44346 an with a long beard” on a private flight from New York to Paris. The man t 6/29/2002 #44354 An airline captain of Aer Lingus flight EIN 566, taking off from Dublin, 9/10/2002 #44394 asilia 4:45 p.m. Shortly after TAM Flight 3287 takes off from Palmas–Brigad 6/5/2003 #44554 ays there is another object in his flight area. When they are over Palmas, 6/5/2003 #44554 pilot, co-pilot, load master, and flight engineer onboard an Airbus 310-20 10/23/2003 #44612 er onboard an Airbus 310-200 cargo flight flying over Slane, Ireland saw a 10/23/2003 #44612 azilian Air Force is retuning on a flight from São Paulo to Recife, Brazil. 2/20/2004 #44668 he objects were not visible to the flight crew at the time. There was exte 3/5/2004 #44673 high speed. It maintained a level flight path moving westward, where the w 4/5/2004 #44684 d hovered. It "bounced" during its flight. 9/29/2004 #44763 ght and back, and then resumed its flight over Watson Lake, Yukon Territory 10/30/2004 #44775 y. One night during that week, the flight line was evacuated, the base was 2005 #44804 red and white lights crossing the flight path into Dulles International Ai 5/3/2005 #44829 and parallel to the aircraft. The flight plan operator is alerted, and the Late 7/2005 #44857 ornia at 4:30 p.m. It made erratic flight movements, flew low over the area 4/27/2006 #44934 ho is pushing back United Airlines Flight 446, which is departing Chicago f 11/7/2006 #44981 constitutes a potential threat to flight safety.” The FAA stance concludes 11/7/2006 #44981 erney Afternoon. The passengers of Flight A-Line 544 depart Southampton, En 4/23/2007 #45022 ver Hancock, Maine in a controlled flight. 8/10/2007 #45046 iG-21 LanceR fighter on a training flight from Romanian Air Force 71st Base 10/30/2007 #45086 ter landing, an examination of the flight recorder shows two small triangle 10/30/2007 #45086 dark and obscures the stars on its flight path. 8/21/2009 #45238 a “Tic-Tac” shaped object from the flight deck of the supercarrier USS Carl 1/2010 #45265 a “Tic-Tac” shaped object from the flight deck of the USS Carl Vinson near 1/2010 #45266 m to see a luminous disc above the flight line behind the “Pacer Fence.” Th 12/15/2010 #45307 ut 1 foot in diameter, on the same flight path appears and stops in the sam 5/10/2012 #45343 ph. The 3-minute footage shows the flight of an object that crosses into no 4/25/2013 #45365 rked at Wright-Patterson AFB doing flight testing of exotic experimental ai 11/1/2013 #45392 US Navy Petty Officer First Class flight Engineer “Brian” tells ufologist 1/30/2015 #45429 submit a Notice to Airmen aviation flight safety report. According to the p 2/2015? #45430 ce Sector is notified of a WestJet flight near Toronto, Ontario, that “repo 4/15/2016 #45450 the findings that PZT can achieve flight and could enable missions with no 4/2017 #45467 rgin VA 76 behind, are on the same flight path. The pilot of the British Ai 11/9/2018 #45544 berta Saskatchewan Day. A Cargojet flight from the Cincinnati area to Calga 11/17/2018 #45546 io The crew of a Vanguard Air Care flight sees an unidentified light moving 1/6/2019 #45556 The object appears to be in level flight. 5/5/2019 #45577 nn. A white light hovers above the flight deck of the USS Rafael Peralta. T 7/14/2019 #45592 to cross above and in front of its flight path. At this point the pilot use 11/11/2019 #45617 seconds of the UFO crossing their flight path, accelerating, and moving aw 11/11/2019 #45617 e. A close call with a drone and a Flight for Life helicopter near Fort Mor 1/8/2020 #45625 portedly appear to exhibit unusual flight characteristics, including high v 6/25/2021 #45694 eplicated otherwise, long duration flight, and an ability to submerge into 6/25/2021 #45694 ge UAP hovering 100 feet above the flight deck. QM3 Karol Olesiak states it 5/9/2022 #45747
half later the object changed its flight's trajectory, listed to the right 6/15/1984 #37365
D 2 pilots / United Airlines (UAL) flight-105. Saucer weaves / 2 minute(s). 7/28/1947 #3237
150MI EAST / GOOSE BAY, NFLD PAA flight-114. Odd object going quickly nor 9/26/1959 #15993
ntified RADAR blip dances in / out flight-lanes. / r11p295. 10/16/1980 #35570
GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA Civil flight-student. 3 metallic disks jump. 1 5/11/1952 #6300
FR 1.5M pseudo-human/entity / odd flight-suit. Glides over courtyard and w 6/26/1975 #30120
NANTES, FR 'Aviator / flight-suit' on bridge. Saucer with clea 10/4/1954 #10677
Nellis AFB. This Project “involved flight-testing of an UFO which had been 1961 #16544 mounted on an M-21 begins captive flight-testing at Area 51 in Nevada. 12/22/1964 #18672
llel to the ground in a horizontal flightpath. 3/21/1990 #39476
ne and has made more than 100 test flights at night to Boston and New York 12/22/1909 #821 for today’s daily transcontinental flights. 1/1/1914 #895 apparently scouting the district. Flights of ghost planes and mysterious l 2/2/1934 #1201 rrected, the N-1M takes another 28 flights through November. 7/3/1941 #1368 escott Myers. Through May, 44 more flights are made, nearly all terminated 12/27/1942 #1473 burg, Germany. All subsequent test flights and development are done by Goth 2/2/1945 #1771 ant Erwin Ziller. Two further test flights are made in February. There are 2/2/1945 #1771 orts that during one of these test flights, the H.IX V2 undertook a simulat 2/2/1945 #1771 was involved in a number of other flights. In 1948 the U.S. Navy produced 1946 #1955 ee electronic signals intelligence flights between July 1 and August 1 to l 6/19/1947 #2343 ary is told that they are training flights. 6/19/1947 #2343 ew Mexico The first of the special flights from Washington, D.C., arrives a 7/4/1947 #2668 h sergeant observes three separate flights of three V-shaped or triangular 6/29/1949 #4256 ve two days of observation of many flights of them, of different sizes, fly 1951 #5375 d due to the numerous unsuccessful flights before that. 7/22/1951 #5580 r. The professors watch 10–12 such flights through November 1 (including on 8/25/1951 #5625 Underwood has also observed three flights and estimates the objects are at 8/30/1951 #5638 /Sgt. Doty T. Larimore on two B-36 flights over Labrador on September 19 de 9/18/1951 #5678 cer reports are “probably based on flights of imagination,” but indicates h 8/14/1952 #7592 ed in high-altitude reconnaissance flights. * https://www.archives.gov/fi 12/28/1954 #11870 lar Military Air Transport Service flights are set up between Area 51 and L 7/24/1955 #12283 ckman makes the first of eight U-2 flights over Soviet Russia, Mission 2013 7/4/1956 #12951 s claim this order is standard for flights over the Pacific. This informati 7/5/1956 #12954 roblem of Soviets tracking the U-2 flights. Among the group are Edwin H. La 8/16/1956 #13094 ription fits with what seven other flights saw…. Miami reports no missile a 3/9/1957 #13540 rruption; however, some commercial flights to Hawaii are said to have lost 8/11/1958 #15191 m Pan American and United Airlines flights also reported seeing the unusual 2/24/1959 #15606 After five flights, testing of the Avrocar is tempo 12/5/1959 #16114 unted for by manned reconnaissance flights (namely the U-2) over the United 4/9/1960 #16219 Dulles tells Congress that all U-2 flights are used for aerial espionage an 5/9/1960 #16260 Cuba New U-2 flights show there are now 19 Soviet SA- 10/7/1962 #17458 in Arica and Iquque, but no other flights are expected in the area. 9/6/1965 #19527 th a dome, performing slow and low flights in Owen County, was reported to 3/1/1967 #21712 However, the Russians monitor the flights and the Vietnamese move their SA 5/30/1967 #22425 rns, and twice followed Air Canada flights before resuming its northeast co 7/7/1967 #22627 turns and twice follows Air Canada flights before resuming its northeast co 7/7/1967 #22629 15 flew on September 1. (There are flights on August 21, 25, and October 3 9/1/1967? #22977 xi tests, HB1001 is ready for test flights. 11/16/1976 #31554 TL "Green flash" buzzes commercial flights IH662+Malta Airline. Rocket? 3/9/1978 #33020 its side of the border. One of the flights includes a Bolivian astronomer, 5/6/1978 #33190 NORTHEAST / SPAIN Flights 350+810+1800+1831+1474 and more/ 11/11/1980 #35630 s Argentinas, pilots of commercial flights coming in for landings. 10/31/1981 #36197 ffic controllers to divert several flights to land in other airports. The U 4/2/1989 #38888 to separate. Apparently two other flights report multiple UFOs to the airp 7/26/1989 #39033 ECSKEMET, HUNGARY Hung.af training flights paced / orange UFO's. Invisible 11/13/1989 (approximate) #39227 1989 Hungarian Air Force training flights were paced by orange UFOs near K 11/13/1989 #39229 d a cargo plane that makes routine flights at the same hour. A photograph c 12/16/1992 #40749 ins, and the base is closed to all flights soon afterwards. A USAF C5 Galax 9/26/1994 #41775 ld notice unusually heavy military flights over the area, which convinced h 8/15/1995 #42389 radio operator announces that all flights from Ellsworth are grounded. The 12/1996 #43127 n color. It would take quick short flights over the fields then fall down a 7/23/1997 #43359 e New Jersey Turnpike, saw airline flights heading to Newark Airport appare 7/15/2001 #44209 ms to know of 3 classified balloon flights in May–July 1947. The bodies wer 6/2005 #44846 nts have visual features of failed flights of Russian RSM-56 Bulava SLBM. T 12/9/2009 #45261 e airport down, grounding outbound flights and diverting inbound ones to ot 7/7/2010 #45286 ngs of drones disrupt around 1,000 flights at Gatwick Airport in West Susse 12/19/2018 #45552 t in West Sussex, England, causing flights to be diverted or canceled. Ther 12/19/2018 #45552
ong arms, a scaly body, and wore a flightsuit coverall. The witness fainted 5/27/1958 #15057
e craft wearing white coveralls or flightsuits, with earphones on their hea 11/1/1968 #24616 Gerais, Brazil dressed in the same flightsuits. They stood motionless, look 5/21/1969 #25153
r at least five minutes. It didn't flinch or move. When the witness attempt 9/16/1996 #43025
FLINDERS PARK, SOUTH AUST Whirr! Odd 10M 2/17/1969 #24924 A woman in Flinders Park, South Australia heard a w 2/17/1969 #24925 Moorabbin, Victoria King Island Flinders Island Crayfish Bay, Cape Otway 10/21/1978 #33856 owl flap is found washed ashore on Flinders Island. In July 1983, the Burea 10/21/1978 #33856 OFF FLINDERS ISLAND, AUST 2 / boat. 2 night 1/8/1981 #35775 Flinders Island (near), Tasmania On a bo 1/8/1981 #35776 nd (near), Tasmania On a boat near Flinders Island two men saw two nocturna 1/8/1981 #35776 At 11:00 p.m. on a boat near Flinders Island, Tasmania two men saw tw 1/8/1981 #35781
om the theories of engineer Max W. Flindt (cofounder of the Ancient Astrona 1968 #23625 the Stars in 1974, coauthored with Flindt. 1968 #23625
ngrily on their car and dented it, flinging its arms up and down. The follo 4/12/1977 #31978
FLINT, MI Several observer(s). 20 separa 4/20/1952 #6136 Flint, MI Twenty Groups of Objects Obser 4/20/1952 #6138 Flint, Michigan 9:15 p.m. Naval aviation 4/20/1952 #6140 are at a drive-in movie theater in Flint, Michigan, when they see several g 4/20/1952 #6140 al people at a drive-in theatre in Flint, Michigan saw several groups of UF 4/20/1952 #6142 FLINT TO/FROM ANN ARBOR, MI Government / 10/15/1973 #28040 WEST / FLINT, MI 4 observer(s). Domed saucer wa 7/22/1983 #36917 WEST / FLINT, MI 2 observer(s). Domed saucer / 8/10/1983 #36942 Flint, MI 1:10 AM. Two witnessed a domed 8/10/1983 #36943 eir mobile home and garage west of Flint, Michigan. The object had two "hea 8/10/1983 #36943 eir mobile home and garage west of Flint, Michigan at 1:10 a.m. The object 8/10/1983 #36944 A couple in Flint, Michigan were stargazing in their 8/4/1991 #40143 EAST FLINT, MICH Several and RADAR. Big hummi 3/10/1994 #41452 A mother and daughter in Flint, Michigan observed a disc-shaped o 11/13/2002 #44442 .m., another group of witnesses in Flint, Michigan reported seeing a "disgu 5/6/2007 #45027 EDT two University of Michigan at Flint, Michigan college students observe 9/20/2007 #45062
Flintville, TN Humanoid report, witnesse 4/23/1976 #31015
neer. 9 saucers / linear formation flip / sequence. North going quickly sou 6/24/1947 #2382 port(s) and newsmen. Shiny saucers flip. Finally going quickly east. / r15p 7/4/1947 #2614 FL 1 observer. Shiny pie-tin disks flip over and over. Fast and high going 7/6/1947 #2756 silent 25' metal saucers wave and flip going quickly north / 500' altitude 7/6/1947 #2768 s spiral and gyrate and circle and flip. Going west and all directions. 7/7/1947 #2873 ht plane again. 20-25 brassy disks flip and veer going quickly southwest. 7/29/1947 #3245 ockbourne, Ohio. While executing a flip of his P-51 at 18,000 feet, he sees 1948 #3521 r saucers east going quickly west. Flip in sequence. 3 reappear. / MJ#197. 8/15/1948 #3781 l Air Force Base, then performed a flip over the city of Montgomery, Alabam 11/23/1950 #5286 CHICAGO, IL 2 saucers exit cloud. Flip over completely. Return to same "cl 3/27/1952 #5981 now tail foremost.” Then they all flip over again into a flat attitude. Tw 7/14/1952 #6817 hover / 5 minute(s). 1 side dark. Flip over and going quickly [to] away. N 7/23/1952 #7050 triangle/box-like craft-formation. Flip in place. Entire formation vanishes 8/3/1952 #7427 SBURG, CA 2 / car. 2 silver ovoids flip like coins. Maneuver and climb. Goi 8/7/1952 #7499 2' white silver saucers circle and flip over. Near Mt. Wilson. 5/9/1955 #12125 ot white silver saucers circle and flip over near Mount Wilson. 5/9/1955 #12126 near quarry. 2 silver bowl saucers flip over. Flat side black. Quickly goin 11/20/1955 #12575 atic. New swarm / red night lights flip east going quickly west. / r70p3-50 10/9/1956 #13269 ilent hat-saucers going southwest. Flip over. Sawtooth trajectory. Enter cl 1/21/1958 #14834 stop 1K' over steelyard. Tilt and flip and away. / r142#7p26. 5/1958 #15008 ruck caused the engine to slow and flip over. No serious injuries were repo 1/4/1966 #19805 FORT DUCHESNE, UT 2 saucers flip to sides. Rise until lost in stars. 12/5/1970 #25928 maneuver / staircase fashion. Some flip over. 7/31/1974 #29288
d film record of the event, men in flip-flops and shorts can be seen duckin 8/1/1958 #15174
ound silver saucer with black band flipflops. Hovers then shoots away. 9/13/1952 #7908
e shiny metallic discs wavered and flipped across the sky, just below the c 7/6/1947 #2825 flew fast from east to west, then flipped in sequence. Three of the object 8/15/1948 #3783 re seen exiting from a cloud. They flipped over completely, and then return 3/27/1952 #5982 ade a pass at an F-84 jet fighter, flipped on edge, fluttered 20' from the 3/29/1952 #5990 d 20' from the F-84's fuselage and flipped in the slipstream...all in 10 se 3/29/1952 #5990 ropped from the sky, darted about, flipped over, and then vanished in place 5/25/1952 #6364 lic shine flash and flutter like a flipped coin. (Berliner) (NICAP: 01 - Di 6/23/1952 #6595 hine flashed, and fluttered like a flipped coin for 5-7 minutes. 6/23/1952 #6601 lic shine flash and flutter like a flipped coin for 5–7 minutes over Geiger 6/23/1952 #6610 m. It flashed and fluttered like a flipped coin for 5-7 minutes. Many other 6/23/1952 #6615 rly underneath the aircraft, “they flipped on edge, the sides to the left o 7/14/1952 #6817 eet in diameter, and they suddenly flipped on edge, revealing a flat, coin- 7/14/1952 #6818 in a rough V-formation. One object flipped slowly, another object stopped, 10/19/1952 #8163 in a rough V-formation. One object flipped slowly and another object stoppe 10/19/1952 #8165 course with the UFO. Then the UFO flipped vertically in the air and climbe Winter 1953 #9385 ly for some time, then it suddenly flipped over. Therefore, I was able to s 11/3/1954 #11547 or some time, and then it suddenly flipped over. Therefore, I was able to s 11/3/1954 #11548 swishing or humming noise. The UFO flipped over and rose up into the sky. 7/17/1955 #12266 ecognition signal. The fiery globe flipped its lights out twice in answer. 11/14/1955 #12569 45-degree turns. The radio compass flipped over toward the UFO and held the 1/16/1957 #13462 erver(s). Silver moon passes fast. Flipped over = ovoid. / r141#16p8. 11/5/1957 #14294 heading toward the southwest. They flipped over, then flew in a sawtooth tr 1/21/1958 #14835 e a saucer, hovered for 5 minutes, flipped over and sped away to the west-s 8/17/1958 #15209 It hovered for five minutes, then flipped over and sped away to the west-s 8/17/1958 #15210 r about 5 minutes. The object then flipped on edge, blue flame was emitted 3/29/1966 #20137 minutes as it buzzed, circled, and flipped over several times, then shot of 1/5/1967 #21262 ed by two small entities. The dome flipped open and one of the occupants fl 11/2/1967 #23392 object moved over a dam, stopped, flipped over, then emitted five light be 8/16/1968 #24344 discus" that hovered, gyrated, and flipped over on its side was reported to 5/29/1971 #26141 d a lighted rectangular window. It flipped on edge to reveal a row of glowi 5/29/1971 #26142 as a brilliant disc-shaped object flipped 6-8 times in the sky over Broadm 9/19/1972 #27011 y sucked into the wall, which then flipped over and became a bed. Paralyzed 1/3/1979 #34292 a silvery pill-shaped object that flipped over as it flew across the sky i 1/26/2008 #45114
in, a wide mouth, one glowing eye, flipper like feet and webbing between it 10/17/1973 #28140
n [to] highway. Makes square turn. Flippers / underside. 1 observer. 6/11/1949 #4234 atfish-like” creature emerges with flippers for hands, a wide mouth, and fe 10/16/1973 #28086 reys) / roadside. Hands and feet = flippers. No UFO / traces. / FSRv22#6. 5/2/1976 #31031 ssed in black one-piece suits with flippers on their feet. On their chests 9/27/1978 #33764
FLIPPIN, ARK Dogs howl and hide. 15m fla 3/1969 #24953 a photograph of a UFO was taken at Flippin Airport in Arkansas. That aftern 7/18/1969 #25280
e in and out of the smaller peaks, flipping from side to side in unison, di 6/24/1947 #2398 d, OR A silvery disc-shaped object flipping in an erratic path (NICAP: 01 - 7/4/1947 #2647 und. Shiny silver object like disk flipping. Paces bomber plane. 11/8/1957 #14467 haped UFO was seen for six minutes flipping around the Inner Harbor area of 9/2/1984 #37455
ide figure notices her. Its helmet flips over automatically, and it drifts Late 8/1944 #1647 power the others, because when it flips, the others do as well. When it ri 6/24/1947 #2397 Several observer(s). Shiny pie-pan flips over several times crossing sky. 7/4/1947 #2603 A Several observer(s). Bright disk flips over and over. Straight up / high 7/4/1947 #2604 1 observer. Metallic domed saucer flips over railroad/railway station/depo 7/4/1947 #2640 llows light plane going northeast. Flips over. Vanishes. 7/7/1947 #2857 Group / saucers. 1 breaks away and flips. Black / 1 side and silver / other 7/8/1947 #2974 saucer 3 / 4 moon-size going west. Flips / side and enters cloud / rainstor 7/12/1947 #3147 . 2M thin metallic disk swoops and flips. 400 kph / 750M altitude. Turns go 7/13/1947 #3166 bserver(s). Football-shaped object flips end over end. Seen below overcast 9/6/1947 #3388 s). Semi-transparent object hovers flips and disappears. No further details 6/20/1949 #4242 cer 600M over intersection. Jerks. Flips. Smokes. Going quickly north. 8/3/1949 #4304 us. Slow silent flat disk suddenly flips and speeds away. Featureless. 3/16/1950 #4652 y observer(s). Pink pancake-object flips in sky. / Brawley, CA newspapers. 4/7/1950 (approximate) #4805 west going quickly northeast. Does flips over town. 2nd saucer southwest go 11/23/1950 #5284 and 300. Saucer / spurts / speed. Flips over and maneuvers. Going up / ext 3/12/1951 #5477 he F-84, decelerates rapidly, then flips on edge in a 90° bank. It flies be 3/29/1952 #5992 ween the two aircraft, pulls away, flips again, passes the F-84, crosses in 3/29/1952 #5992 northeast / 5 minute(s). 2nd same flips and flips going northeast. / Blue 5/10/1952 #6286 / 5 minute(s). 2nd same flips and flips going northeast. / Blue Book repor 5/10/1952 #6286 er. Drops. Darts going [to] and <. Flips. Vanishes in place! 5/25/1952 #6352 ops going down [to] =. Domed disk. Flips over. 2 balls / bottom/underside. 6/1952 #6399 KANE, WA Weatherman. Metallic disk flips like a coin / 5-7 minute(s). Flash 6/23/1952 #6592 minum colored disc maneuvered with flips and up-and-down motion over Kutzto 7/9/1952 #6744 . Changes color(s) red-white-blue. Flips twice. 8/28/1952 #7761 all over airstrip / 7K' altitude. Flips over. Instant 90-turns! 12/4/1952 #8368 to fly right into it. Suddenly, it flips vertically into the air and climbs Spring 1953 #8766 ? Domed saucer quickly going down. Flips. 2X moon-size. Going south. Going 3/19/1954 #9630 plane. Flat-grey 12M saucer hovers flips and gone / incredible speed. 7/26/1954 #10054 AROC Saucer going [to] over river. Flips over. Gently lands on edge / field 11/3/1954 #11543 observer. Motionless saucer / air. Flips over and disappears in place.. 1/27/1955 #11945 ns saucer going down [to] on edge. Flips vertical. Hovers / 2 minutes. Turn 11/6/1955 #12552 Y, SD 3 engineers. Silent 6M ovoid flips and wobbles. Rises going north / 1 9/9/1956 #13210 ver(s). Bright silver disk hovers. Flips over several X. No further details 10/26/1956 #13291 r and fighter escort through turn. Flips. Going quickly southeast horizon. 12/4/1956 #13389 lars. 20m saucer stops. Going NNE. Flips and going quickly [to] WSW. / r70p 8/17/1958 #15206 ike a “fried egg in pan.” Later it flips over, and another more elongated r 8/18/1958 #15215 g up / valley. Sharp maneuvers and flips. / r45p29. 10/2/1958 #15297 ject that races from west to east, flips, and stops at a higher elevation t 6/25/1962 #17245 colors of the spectrum. The object flips to a vertical alignment, showing i 8/30/1962 #17373 saucer hovers 700' over hospital. Flips over. Going up [to] to clouds. 3/29/1966 #20130 e XB-70’s right wingtip. The F-104 flips over, and, rolling inverted, passe 6/8/1966 #20544 ed silver-chrome saucer hovers and flips. Low altitude. Tilts and quickly g 8/19/1966 (approximate) #20765 er(s). Disk buzzes and circles and flips vertical several times. Going quic 1/5/1967 #21254 cer going south below cloud cover. Flips over. Turns going southwest and aw 5/13/1967 #22333 all entities are visible. The dome flips open, and one occupant floats out 11/2/1967 #23390 N, OH Numerous observer(s). Saucer flips. Several beams going down / lake. 8/16/1968 #24338 . Several beams going down / lake. Flips back. / r98#60 / r41p380. 8/16/1968 #24338 ns 6X by hv lines and water tower. Flips going quickly north. 2/9/1969 #24905 med saucer. 8 rectangular windows. Flips and turns. / r83p173. 5/29/1971 #26140 DMEADOWS NORTH, VCT Brilliant disk flips 6-8X. Fantastic speeds. Photograph 9/19/1972 #27010 s a countdown. The officer quickly flips the inhibit switch, which puts the 3/1974 #28830 ntdown is started, and the officer flips the “inhibit” switch to turn the s 3/1974 #28831 the object. The UFO moves closer, flips on its side, and shines three beam 1/6/1976 #30770 and Air Force Base RADAR. 25' UFO flips but not its 2 strobes. Drops flare 8/8/1978 #33486 cer hovers. Shifts left and right. Flips over. Somersaults. Going north? 10/25/1979 #34964 abee and many. Black saucer slowly flips around inner harbor area. 9/2/1984 #37453 illuminated structure. Suddenly it flips on its side and turns like a Ferri 10/5/1984 #37477 s out the sky. Suddenly the object flips on its side before moving away. A 3/26/1986 #37811 IN Silent inverted ice-cream-cone flips over. Big light / large end. Very 5/26/1987 #38178 150' delta/triangle/box-like craft flips over. 90° turn going south. Boat R 1/30/1989 #38806 10' domed saucer rises / backyard. Flips over. 3 10' circular traces. 9/11/1992 #40618 eo. Bell-shape makes instant turn. Flips upside down. No further details. 10/1992 (approximate) #40654 NGUE, FR 4 observer(s). Domed disk flips over north going southeast. Dark s 6/9/1993 #41011 As it disappears to the south, it flips upward at a 45° angle. Another wit 8/12/1993 #41133 object with spotlight going down. Flips. Follows I-68. / MJ#317. 2/20/1994 #41422 E, SCOTLAND 4 girls. Silent saucer FLIPs over and over. Rises going quickly 8/7/1994 #41660 on-size orange disk crosses Hwy78. Flips on edge. Turns white. Going quickl 7/16/1995 #42307 t, flat and shaped like a Frisbee, flips on its underside, which is as red 8/11/2003 #44574
es: Crew of Capital Airlines DC-4 Fliqht 610, Andrews AFB Senior air traff 11/18/1951 #5779
with an advanced infrared camera (FLIR pod). This camera records an evasiv 11/14/2004 #44784 visual, only seeing the object via FLIR.” David Fravor says that the radar 11/14/2004 #44784 isible signature.” Analysis of the FLIR footage by Mick West of Metabunk cl 11/14/2004 #44784 UAP, shares a seemingly non-public FLIR image dated 11 November 2014 and st 3/27/2017 #45466 with a forward- looking infrared (FLIR) system that is of extremely low re 7/17/2019 #45595
ge is known as the 2004 USS Nimitz FLIR1 video. It officially sheds some li 11/14/2004 #44784 by the Pentagon alongside the 2004 FLIR1 footage. Although the media often 11/14/2004 #44784
nd RADAR. Ball-light follows 737. "Flirts". Near collision. 2/11/1988 #38454
the Air Force. It is based on the Flit bug-spray advertisement that has a 1/18/1953 #8550 a woman saying, “Quick, Henry, the Flit!” About once a week, a courier from 1/18/1953 #8550 bserver(s). Night lights playfully flit about / sky north / Lake Gertrude. 8/12/1955 #12356 E, CA 1 observer. Odd blue objects flit between storm clouds. Green objects 1/15/1995 #41974
trange disk-like object hovers and flits about Eastern Hills / news. 8/19/1952 #7638 VELAND, OH Very large luminous UFO flits. Hovers. Throws sticks and rocks / 9/3/1953 #9138 in, NV AP Newswire: Mystery Object Flits Over Vegas: Unidentified objects, 5/27/1959 (approximate) #15748 as, NV AP Newswire: Mystery Object Flits Over Vegas: Unidentified objects, 6/3/1959 (approximate) #15756 as, NV AP Newswire: Mystery Object Flits Over Vegas: An unidentified object 6/17/1959 #15772 KOMMETJIE, RSA Small blue flame flits all over/all about. 2000 L / water 11/25/1991 (approximate) #40239
e streamers of light around it. It flitted about, hovered, and then disappe 2/26/1967 #21665
orth moving back and forth, almost flittering like a moth. He first thought 4/17/2007 #45018
hern New Mexico, but usually just "flitting from one location to another." 7/1/1947 #2501 querque allegedly track an object “flitting around” the sky, frequently ret 7/1/1947 #2524 s out of town to watch and sees it flitting around the sky in all sorts of 2/17/1975 #29820
lose to a bridge. The three beings float to the craft, open a door in the s 11/25/1896 #361 rge lighted object like an airship float over the town. 8/9/1909 #803 ILTS 3 weird red and orange globes float down. Vanish. Seen since 1917. 1/5/1919 (approximate) #981 ftop altitude. Robot(s)/android(s) float out and examine exterior. 4/1935 (approximate) #1225 LIVERPOOL, ENG Clothes on lines float upwards. Drift going north. (Wind 5/2/1942 #1412 me kind of answer, so they quickly float Venus (offhandedly suggested by Oh 1/7/1948 #3544 bserver(s). 7 silver round objects float overhead. Then shoot away extremel 4/24/1950 #4885 are ejected from the large one and float above it. Other figures inside the 6/19/1951 #5546 ar. 2 top-hat saucers glow bright. Float / low altitude and follow road. No 8/10/1952 #7536 hite in color and ashy in texture” float to earth. 5/30/1953 #8915 ite ball about 10 feet in diameter float 50 feet above a house. It appears 4/22/1954 #9705 d wearing multicolored suits. They float him in the air and take him to “un 12/9/1954 #11786 see several gremlin-like creatures float down from trees and approach the h 8/21/1955 #12386 ring green coveralls. They seem to float along the ground and take a vessel 9/1957 #13966 r / portholes. Robot(s)/android(s) float inside. Antenna going up [to] and 12/16/1957 #14732 ht object lands / beach. Figure(s) float down. Talk gibberish. / r8 #458. 1/26/1958 #14842 n of water rises up, and dead fish float to the surface. The frigate KNM Ar 6/1/1958 #15074 a “snowy white meshlike substance” float to the ground from 12 white metall 8/5/1961 #16778 s). 15 5-10M UFO's land / Dike and float / reservoir 200M away / Arg. Army. 1/23/1962 (approximate) #17023 "an extremely wavy motion--like a float bobbing on the water" north of Lew 5/15/1964 #18273 a "rushing" noise, and seemed to "float" over the car. 9/11/1964 #18549 stnuts. Small humanoids (or Greys) float out and back. 7/28/1965 (approximate) #19194 GGED ISL., NZ 2 odd craft surface. Float 5M over water. Vanish! / r44p56. 11/13/1965 #19716 120 feet in the air. “It seemed to float down towards me,” he says. “It res 4/2/1966 #20208 ITY, CO Boy photographs 2 red orbs float around. Photographs show disks ins 10/26/1967 #23325 second entity returns, and the two float back to the craft, which rises and 11/2/1967 #23390 to touch the ground. It seemed to float across the room and went out the o 7/1/1968 #24121 eudo-human/entity inside each. All float going up [to]! 9/20/1968? #24488 walk from the object and seemingly float into space. 10/8/1968 #24551 AMATA, NZ Odd silence. 5 figure(s) float going down [to] and near 2 / beach 1/1969 #24810 noid figures emerged and seemed to float to the ground. Two others were vis 2/6/1969 #24897 ers 6M away. Door opens. Figure(s) float out. 3/6/1969 #24973 EMLIDEN, SWD Tech frozen. 10 boxes float / landed 150M saucer going [to] TV 3/12/1969 #25001 . White small humanoids (or Greys) float going [to] disabled car and walk / 8/1969 (approximate) #25306 long red, green, and purple sparks float out from the lighted area. A sort 1/7/1970 #25540 and surrounded by an aura of light float through some trees, 20 meters away 12/14/1971 #26502 the craft once, and then seemed to float up into the air and enter the craf 12/20/1971 #26510 silent. Small humanoids (or Greys) float going [to] dustcloud and vanish. / 8/18/1972 #26926 ke those of ducks. They "seemed to float in air" while walking. The beings 8/18/1972 #26928 l the sphere disappears, then they float on. 8/1973 #27672 TH MELBOURNE, AUS 2 bald figure(s) float and sway / bedroom. Slits for eyes 10/3/1973 #27920 he object and three strange beings float just above the river towards them. 10/11/1973 #27997 is captors to lift him and somehow float him over to the craft. The third b 10/11/1973 #28005 they rise 3 feet into the air then float down. The fourth time, they fly aw 10/22/1973 #28241 and the truck seems to momentarily float, come back down, and coast to a st 2/14/1974 #28772 LE, QB 3 observer(s). 15 6' robots float from domed disk. 3 rings / grass. 6/25/1974 #29221 tall. He and one of the humanoids float to the tower, go down an elevator, 10/15/1974 #29531 ellow outfit. The figure seemed to float just above the floor. They exchang 3/6/1975 #29876 Valencia, Spain saw a dark figure float across the road ahead of them. at 3/14/1976 #30940 e air, but at one point appears to float before falling to another spot. Ea 9/3/1976 #31335 pseudo-human/entity / silver suit float / backyard. Disappears when cops c 1/1977 #31661 hted a silvery balloon-like object float down along the course of the river 1/27/1978 #32917 hted a silvery balloon-like object float down along the course of the river 1/27/1978 #32921 t 5:20 a.m. in Goochland, Virginia float away from a pasture. It flew sidew 4/10/1978 #33138 watches a domed disc come near and float inches from the ground. The dome o 9/17/1978 #33701 open and two humanoids emerge and float towards his vehicle. They were fiv 9/17/1978 #33703 r(s). 2 small humanoids (or Greys) float. Yellow skin. Big ears and nose. T 11/24/1978 #33994 EME). 2 small humanoids (or Greys) float going down. 12/11/1978 #34088 3 small humanoid (or Grey)-fairies float going [to] house. Talk / woman. Ta 1/4/1979 #34293 mers saw a small glittering sphere float about in the sky over Jitra, Malay 1/4/1979 #34295 ceased, while the women seemed to "float" inside a "cloud". Very worried, a 5/7/1980 #35317 a four-foot tall human like figure float over a nearby fence and come towar 12/29/1981 #36281 ree meter in diameter glowing ball float up and then spin into the sky at h 11/12/1987 #38324 n and 3 small humanoids (or Greys) float / 12-story airport/apartment to UF 11/30/1989 #39278 ve seen two "werewolf" like beings float by. The other witness did not see 6/15/1991 #40098 ng down / road. Figure(s) exit and float over ground. Flies as truck nears. 8/13/1991 #40149 the landed object and appeared to float above the ground moving around bac 8/13/1991 #40152 al anomalous, glowing objects that float along and then sharply change dire 9/15/1991 #40187 er to their position. It seemed to float about five meters above the ground 5/28/1993 #40993 er. Dogs bark. Colored bright orbs float over farmyard. 2nd sighting. 6/24/1995 #42270 ic entity. They watched the beings float around and then enter the dome sha 2/23/1996 #42776 uminous small humanoids (or Greys) float about. 5/16/1996 #42902 ng's feet. The being then began to float against the current on the orange 9/15/1996 #43021 hey ran back out to see the object float away. They did not see the entity 5/7/1998 #43562 hat woke her up. She then began to float towards the ceiling. A tall human 7/11/1998 #43601 space-suits take samples / garden. Float to fog-ovoid and away. 10/24/1998 #43668 n the beings walked they seemed to float just above the ground. Their size 10/24/1998 #43669 raft, and they appeared to quickly float upwards (just like being sucked up 6/14/2005 #44847 hit it with enough terahertz it’ll float,” he stated. “We’re going to be br 7/2018 #45532
Delhi, India 10:20 a.m. George F. Floate, chief engineer of the Delhi Flyi 3/15/1951 #5489
60-meter diameter bell hovered and floated in the sky for five minutes and 7/6/1874 #205 low flying shiny circular object, floated like dirigible near the ground o 7/6/1947 #2824 m of white light. A humanoid being floated down to the ground from the obje 4/3/1948 #3607 at night. He was paralyzed and was floated up to the top of a round craft t 2/15/1950 #4538 rried a weird looking object. They floated toward the girl, then reversed d 2/4/1951 #5432 d a dark metallic green body that "floated" toward the witnesses, who fled 9/11/1952 #7896 ll, the figure had a red face and "floated" toward the witnesses, who fled 9/12/1952 #7902 the figure had a reddish face and "floated" toward the witnesses, who fled 9/12/1952 #7906 light over the railroad tracks. It floated out over a field and then vanish 10/26/1954 #11421 own from the roof by a bullet: it "floated down." Running out of ammunition 8/21/1955 #12385 but inside of falling normally it "floated down" Close to running out of am 8/21/1955 #12387 were paralyzed and were both then floated up a ramp and taken onboard the 3/19/1959 #15654 level. After two minutes the craft floated along the street for 25 meters t 9/29/1959 #16000 or near Two Harbors, Minnesota. It floated on the water for three minutes, 10/14/1961 #16912 eight-feet tall with a single eye, floated down to the ground on two vertic 8/28/1963 #17924 tenna wires and a visor. The being floated stiffly in a backwards motion ou 7/16/1964 #18422 in diameter, five meters high, and floated down the side of a hill, wobblin 8/19/1966 #20773 d by an orange glow that flickered floated in the sky above West Sacramento 2/18/1967 #21591 hot out from all sides. The object floated low, and hovered. Witnesses felt 3/12/1967 #21866 pped open and one of the occupants floated out and to the ground, then appr 11/2/1967 #23392 the second being, and then the two floated into the UFO which took off and 11/2/1967 #23392 er she would not remember. She was floated down to the ground again by a li 5/3/1968 #23942 d a couple, a man and a woman, who floated in the air. They were of enormou 6/27/1968 #24087 hone on the ground. They walked or floated two feet above the ground, and s 9/30/1968 #24527 e described as a ball of fire that floated around over the ground and then 11/9/1968 #24649 ing object rose to the surface and floated on the ocean off the coast of Vi 1/5/1969 #24818 ut his hand above it, and the pack floated up into his hand. The thumb of h 2/6/1969 #24897 which emitted a bluish flame that “floated” toward him. When it hit him, he 2/6/1969 #24897 t two humanoid figures emerged and floated to the ground. Two more beings w 2/7/1969 #24902 put his hand over it and the pack floated up into his hand. The thumb of h 2/7/1969 #24902 nd it emitted a bluish flame that “floated” at him. When it hit him he felt 2/7/1969 #24902 n the craft opened and some beings floated out. The beings were presumably 3/6/1969 #24979 te about 20 meters in diameter. It floated at an inclined angle 3 to 4 mete 8/19/1969 #25324 ong red, green and purple "sparks" floated out from the lighted area. A fla 1/7/1970 #25541 throwing spray up on all sides. It floated 100 yards closer to shore and th 6/27/1970 #25716 which were lost from view as they floated toward the shore. 6/27/1970 #25716 ng and upsetting everything." They floated about in the air, and had a tran 11/24/1970 #25917 At 9:30 p.m. a bright light floated slowly along to a point over the 6/28/1971 #26201 n this room there was a table that floated in mid-air. The walls and floor 8/16/1971 #26291 feet from the ground, where he was floated for about 15 minutes. When the h 9/25/1971 #26379 t scared, then it backed away, and floated out of sight. 10/31/1971 #26442 ect then "jumped" from the ground, floated for 30 feet, and then "hurled aw 3/25/1972 #26623 me 2-3 inches above the ground. He floated into the middle of the lighted a 2/4/1973 #27270 yards, and at the end of the cord floated a human form some eight to ten f 4/15/1973 #27431 nd then "taken somewhere" by being floated upwards. She recalled seeing a d 6/23/1973 #27584 nterior. Three beings came out and floated toward the witnesses. These bein 10/11/1973 #28005 ed, they grasped Hickson again and floated him through the opening, which h 10/11/1973 #28005 d outside by two of the beings and floated to her vehicle. 10/19/1973 #28199 hite stripe down the side. She was floated onboard a domed, disc- shaped ob 10/20/1973 #28220 e foreheads, and small noses. They floated about with their arms held close 10/29/1973 #28319 itude slowly through the sky. They floated leisurely over a field across th 3/1/1974 #28842 discovers that a beam of light has floated him up into the air while tall, 3/23/1974 #28936 He related how a beam of light had floated him up into the air, then some t 3/23/1974 #28939 who wore glowing silver suits and floated to the ground. They had no facia 6/7/1974 #29171 from behind the landed craft and "floated" to the ground. They were wearin 6/8/1974 #29173 from the north and land on sea. It floated for five minutes before submergi 6/13/1974 #29186 suit and a round white helmet. It floated just above the sand, looking tow 3/31/1975 #29928 thout moving his legs. He actually floated in the air slightly above the le 7/12/1975 #30175 osis, Sandra recalled having been "floated" from the car into a UFO, where 8/26/1975 #30312 ing up into a hovering UFO. As she floated up she clearly saw the roof of t 9/15/1975 #30363 the eyes remaining visible). They floated her out through the bedroom wall 12/2/1975 #30681 a silver disc on its head. It also floated along without its feet touching 7/15/1976 #31165 s of light inside. The tall figure floated up into this doorway, and “the c 8/16/1976 #31273 erged from a door in the craft and floated down to the ground on a “band of 8/23/1976 #31294 er, after several hours, they were floated back down into their canoe. 8/26/1976 #31307 walked to the edge of the roof and floated down to the ground. Outside was 9/22/1976 #31420 d seemed to look at the boys, then floated on and disappeared behind a near 11/12/1976 #31541 ut a young witness remembers being floated through his house downstairs aga 1/1/1977 #31683 saw a being shorter than him that floated beside him at the same time. He 1/1/1977 #31683 was of being in the driveway being floated down the road surrounded by seve 1/1/1977 #31683 ght foot tall humanoid figure, who floated in the air with arms out and leg 4/7/1977 #31956 ght foot tall humanoid figure, who floated in the air with arms out and leg 4/7/1977 #31957 ground for two minutes. The object floated away over the treetops moving to 7/9/1977 #32254 le glass or "bell jar." The robots floated above the ground and one pointed 9/15/1977 #32485 ut touching the floor. The visitor floated through the doorways of two othe 1/2/1978 #32848 field with tall grass. He was then floated onto a stone table where he was 3/24/1978 #33079 her down, while the other humanoid floated around outside as if searching f 7/11/1978 #33368 caressed her head while the other floated towards the UFO, situated in the 7/11/1978 #33368 he being standing next to her then floated to a door in the UFO and removed 7/11/1978 #33368 h aerials and face masks, and they floated about four feet above the ground 9/17/1978 #33703 then, she says, she also suddenly floated towards the lounge. Jean noticed 1/4/1979 #34296 g-shaped object with windows. They floated into it, and it took off, emitti 1/4/1979 #34296 ey also had transparent wings, and floated. Jean was left clinging to the s 1/5/1979 #34304 alyzed, but she next suddenly also floated towards the lounge. Jean noticed 1/5/1979 #34304 g-shaped object with windows. They floated into it and it took off, emittin 1/5/1979 #34304 n insignia on their chests. He was floated onboard the craft alongside and 6/18/1979 #34616 n insignia on their chests. He was floated onboard the craft alongside and 6/18/1979 #34618 as five strange humanoid creatures floated down from the balls of light. Th 7/15/1979 #34656 ight surrounded the witness and he floated towards a black cloud with a lig 10/6/1979 #34947 ects with protruding spikes, which floated up to him and attached to his tr 11/9/1979 #34991 ith a blue liquid, inside of which floated a huge hairy ape-like "Bigfoot" 12/2/1979 #35040 f the women recalled the car being floated up into the sky and entering the 7/15/1981 #36008 am of light. She felt pain and was floated into a room, there she encounter 7/15/1981 #36008 f the women recalled the car being floated up to the sky and entering the b 7/16/1981 #36010 ales. He was seized by the arm and floated into a 25-foot diameter domed, d 2/8/1985 #37554 ith fins on the top and bottom. It floated at 3 mph from behind a tree, and 9/6/1986 #38017 eings lifted Jack and his wife and floated them towards a bright light. The 5/21/1988 #38574 cyst removed. Later they were both floated across the lawn, into their hous 5/21/1988 #38574 a encountered a strange being that floated above the ground towards them. I 6/20/1989 #38991 ed, and the luminous yellow circle floated slowly out the window. The room 10/31/1989 #39199 a and three of the five aliens are floated out through her living room wind 11/30/1989 #39283 manoids of similar appearance that floated just above the ground. 8/31/1990 #39707 d very fast, and at other times it floated in place. It had blue, red, and 8/30/1991 #40174 then released and led outside, and floated horizontally to his vehicle. He 4/12/1992 #40414 ed over their vehicle. He was then floated up through the bottom of the obj 3/16/1993 #40886 tes he was returned to an exit and floated down to the ground, about 20 fee 3/16/1993 #40886 ere waiting for you." The humanoid floated in front of him as he walked tow 5/13/1993 #40976 A domed disc-shaped object floated over cars on the M62 highway in 9/4/1993 #41181 typically described "Greys". They floated him out and up into a large tria 9/11/1994 #41734 ngers working on him. Next, he was floated down a hallway into another room 9/11/1994 #41734 were there to help. She eventually floated gently back to her bed where she 12/15/1994 #41895 e looking, shiny white figure that floated quietly above the ground. The ap 2/9/1995 #42031 was about 1.5 meters in length and floated horizontally just above the grou 2/9/1995 #42031 mber of the group remembered being floated out of the vehicle into a dark p 2/11/1995 #42036 orres saw a large dark "form" that floated or flew down towards him. He cou 5/15/1995 #42211 tnesses thought that the creatures floated just above the ground and moved 7/8/1996 #42950 ed and three occupants emerged and floated to the ground. These beings were 9/8/1996 #43009 ll in an upright position, as they floated up into the object. He also noti 6/5/1997 #43313 ith two huge black eyes. The being floated in the air close to the object f 3/8/1998 #43531 rk black triangular silouette that floated silently nearby at 10:05 p.m. 5/5/1998 #43561 ed on a stainless steel table that floated in mid-air. To her left stood tw 6/8/1998 #43584 orth within the lighted area, then floated back up into the object and disa 4/1/1999 #43752 ish almond-shaped eyes. The figure floated towards a nearby tree knocking i 8/2/2000 #44026 s stood straight up. Next, she was floated across the floor and out the fro 10/15/2000 #44058 She was oriented vertically as she floated upwards, and was able to move he 5/2/2001 #44174 was black with gray markings, and floated for a few seconds before it flew 8/1/2001 #44215 looked like manta-ray fins, and it floated oddly through the sky for four m 3/18/2003 #44503 village, and that he levitated or floated up into the sky when discovered. 9/9/2005 #44871 only 20 feet away from him, which floated across the ground and then rose 8/18/2010 #45294
on islands, Nunavut, Canada. It is floating slowly northward and appears to 9/15/1850 #145 o, who watch a “fleecy white bulk” floating far away to the west. Through b 5/11/1897 #596 Arizona, when he sees a “blue disk floating in the heavens apparently close 7/7/1907 #699 expressions is the suggestion that floating land masses in the sky harbor c 12/1/1919 #994 feet when he sees two dark objects floating in the blue sky. In shape they 6/1/1933 #1158 ngs like glowing spheres that were floating in the British sky (Page 11-12 2/8/1938 #1283 objects “resembling silvery discs” floating downward through the aircraft f 9/6/1943 #1528 wed through their formation, as if floating. 11/26/1943 #1543 rs one of the first Fu-Go balloons floating off San Pedro, Los Angeles, Cal 11/3/1944 #1691 reported seeing “many silver balls floating in the air above enemy territor 12/13/1944 #1719 ect, similar to a small flak burst floating. (Page 59 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - D 2/4/1945 #1773 is sunbathing with her father on a floating jetty at the northern end of La 7/19/1946 #2073 , Arizona, when they see an object floating down to the ground with a kite- 7/6/1947 #2811 t. An oval object like a bubble is floating over a field about one mile awa 7/25/1947 #3231 uard found no missing aircraft nor floating debris. 9/20/1947 #3411 es a “flotilla” of UFOs “seemingly floating along, making no sound” at 3724 7/27/1952 #7213 er it is seen again, rising up and floating toward the tank shed. Viet says 12/30/1953 #9409 back. He ran or glided, apparently floating across the ground, to a 50 foot 9/2/1954 #10233 Yves Degillerboz, 23 saw an object floating in mid-air over a field: "It lo 9/7/1954 #10266 rboz, 23, see a bluish-gray object floating in midair over a field as they 9/7/1954 #10268 , age 23, saw a bluish-gray object floating in midair over a field at 7:15 9/7/1954 #10270 , GREECE Luminous disk hovers over floating VOA transmitter! Going quickly 10/27/1954 #11438 small, white, discus-shaped object floating toward him at about five mph. I 11/9/1954 #11611 er lands. Suttons 4 hr shoot-out / floating small humanoids (or Greys). 7 o 8/21/1955 #12382 everal white tufts of angel’s hair floating down in the front yard of their 9/25/1956 #13245 ider web-like substance, was found floating to the ground. 9/30/1956 #13253 otted a white bubble-shaped object floating above the trees. It descended t 5/10/1957 #13654 ok up” from watching three objects floating 50 feet above the ground. One o 11/7/1957 #14462 object left an odd, luminous haze floating in the air where the object had 12/21/1957 #14753 ject, and she sees shadowy figures floating around it. The UFO rises and mo 1/1958 #14793 ternoon when he noticed a red ball floating about 600 feet offshore. It the 4/29/1961 #16668 gh a Generals’ briefcase was found floating around. 5/1961 #16669 an saw a golden disc-shaped object floating on the surface of the water whi 5/14/1961 #16682 earch the next day turns up only a floating log. 10/14/1961 #16910 d see a shadowy figure, apparently floating in the room. In the morning, he 8/17/1962 #17336 son Raimundo see two humming balls floating outside. They merge into one la 8/17/1962 #17336 appears between the lights, slowly floating down onto the ground. Once his 8/28/1963 #17922 , golden light was seen 80 m away, floating 3 m above ground, and a dark fi 11/16/1963 #18044 ht in a field about 240 feet away, floating 10 feet above the ground, and s 11/16/1963 #18045 wide that was seen 80 meters away, floating three meters above the ground, 11/16/1963 #18046 n this afternoon. "It seemed to be floating in the air, and was covered wit 4/27/1964 #18212 ian reconnaissance balloon that is floating in American airspace in a weste 1965? #18680 four or five “mysterious objects” floating in the sea 3 miles east of Fras 6/6/1965 #18995 they saw a large oval-shaped craft floating just above the ground. A tall h 8/14/1965 #19391 Two odd looking craft were seen floating or hovering near the surface of 11/13/1965 #19719 ite thing" which sped to a strange floating device about 300 feet offshore. 6/3/1966 #20529 ffshore. There were windows in the floating object, they said, and they cou 6/3/1966 #20529 edge, 10 m in diameter, 5 m high, floating down the side of a hill, wobbli 8/19/1966 #20769 Canada, sees a silvery domed disc floating down the side of a hill near Do 8/19/1966 #20772 e burning yellow light seems to be floating 6–8 feet off the ground, and it 7/20/1967 #22710 y figures moving about, apparently floating just above the ground. The figu 7/21/1967 #22719 oot diameter, pulsating red lights floating over a field, apparently body l 10/22/1967 #23286 ove away noiselessly in formation. Floating above Canada Highway 100, they 10/22/1967 #23290 ike” light on the ground and a UFO floating 1–2 feet above the grass. She f 8/25/1968 #24376 egs. A door opens and two men come floating down to the ground. Machado can 2/7/1969 #24901 ght about 100 feet in diameter and floating along at 40 mph. It begins to f 3/4/1969 #24968 1.30 meters tall by 30-40 cm wide, floating towards him. They passed Maslun 3/12/1969 #25002 tigate seven air balloons that are floating at approximately 5,000–9,800 fe 4/12/1969 #25057 oot-tall phantom either walking or floating along at 20 mph in Nova Scotia. 4/24/1969 #25088 lights. It left behind it a white, floating hoop shaped object and a yellow 6/27/1970 #25716 at appeared to be luminous spheres floating around her. Suddenly she felt s 9/7/1970 #25828 rs (three feet) in height was seen floating up into a transparent round obj 12/20/1970 #25949 oving from east to west. It begins floating down with a rocking movement an 5/24/1971 #26130 m were a silver-gray color. On the floating table there was the carcass of 8/16/1971 #26291 insectoid humanoid that was on the floating table. The craft landed in the 8/16/1971 #26291 luminous, orange-colored ellipses floating high above Nyírábrány. The phen 9/1972 #26973 five-year-old child. The craft was floating only a few meters from shore. " 3/29/1973 #27390 t had been constantly barking also floating in the air. She was in some dar 6/23/1973 #27584 and tall, and they appeared to be floating just above the floor. Both sway 10/3/1973 #27926 Geddis sees a “ghost-like” figure floating about 50 feet above the ground 10/16/1973 #28085 a woman saw a "ghost like" figure floating about 50 feet above the ground 10/16/1973 #28091 witness saw a "ghost-like" figure floating about 50 ft above the ground at 10/19/1973 #28187 on to the presence of three people floating in the air over the surface of 10/29/1973 #28319 ront of the house, where she saw a floating box about three inches long and 12/12/1973 #28559 people saw blue and orange lights floating in a circle around Cader Mounta 1/23/1974 #28693 people saw blue and orange lights floating in a circle around Cader Mounta 1/23/1974 #28695 metallic suits and appeared to be floating above the ground, and their fac 9/19/1974 #29464 . A witness sees a vertical object floating above Wemeth Low, a hill near H 12/1974 #29625 ting Station. Parks says they are “floating around, zipping this way and th 2/4/1975 #29784 lindrical objects like grain silos floating above Matachewan, Ontario. Both 2/23/1975 #29838 ge globe nearly 2 feet in diameter floating about 90 feet in front of her a 7/1975 #30141 o with them, and she found herself floating up into a hovering UFO. As she 9/15/1975 #30363 r, making a high- pitched buzz and floating motionless between the trees, o 11/5/1975 #30562 hy. Then she was taken home, again floating through a closed door into her 12/2/1975 #30681 when he saw a large glowing figure floating, near some sumac bushes 400 fee 1/11/1976 #30785 7-foot tall beings are apparently floating near the UFO, dressed in close- 8/6/1976 #31240 nd they saw two beings standing or floating beside the object. They were ab 8/6/1976 #31241 ad, large red eyes, and green skin floating outside his bedroom window. A c 9/22/1976 #31418 iamond shaped red helmet, who came floating out of the woods about 150 yard 11/12/1976 #31541 n various scenes as though he were floating far above them, of areas of mas 1/27/1977 #31761 s head was a red light, apparently floating in midair. He looked to the rig 4/6/1977 #31953 eet away and see two small figures floating up and down in front of a tree. 7/23/1977 #32305 ds away, and saw two small figures floating up and down in front of a tree 7/23/1977 #32306 grabbed by two men. Suddenly he is floating inside the UFO, surrounded by t 9/15/1977 #32484 omerset with she noticed fog and a floating gray, egg-shaped mass above a h 9/26/1977 #32522 s car. He sees a large oval object floating alongside about 50 feet away. H 3/12/1978 #33036 w Zealand, when she stops to watch floating lights approaching her from the 4/2/1978 #33121 pened, urging them to come see the floating craft. He tells his sons, who c 5/10/1978 #33196 of Iran encountered a glowing UFO floating in the sky. The presence of the 7/16/1978 #33387 n, spot a “strange glowing object” floating southwest toward Saveh. One wit 7/16/1978 #33390 of Iran encountered a glowing UFO floating in the sky. The presence of the 7/16/1978 #33391 d two 3.5-foot-tall beings emerge, floating 4 inches from the ground. They 9/17/1978 #33701 e entity moves away with kind of a floating motion. Radu remains unconsciou 9/23/1978 #33736 ink/red lights flashing on and off floating toward them to the north. They 10/7/1978 #33806 evitated the workers and left them floating in midair when it vanished. 10/25/1978 #33876 t: all three felt as if they were "floating." (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 10/30/1978 #33894 t: all three felt as if they were "floating." They also described the feeli 10/30/1978 #33898 iced two short human like figures "floating" ten meters above the ground ou 1/2/1979 #34281 ike a frisbee that was dropped and floating down." The outer portions of th 2/19/1979 #34436 m a dark object about 10 feet wide floating just above the ground. Walking 5/22/1979 #34574 revolve over car. Acceleration and floating feeling. Radio static. Symptoms 8/12/1979 #34737 ge sensations of both pressure and floating as this occurs. These effects, 8/12/1979 #34740 ft and right. It approaches again, floating downward and growing brighter. 9/9/1979 #34852 ightness as if she and the van are floating. The next thing she remembers i 9/20/1979 #34907 window. The light is on a platform floating on the sea only 130–140 feet aw 11/30/1979 #35031 ind him. Turning around, he sees a floating white sphere, several feet in d 12/27/1979 #35101 ter under hypnosis, Elias recalled floating into a fiery red, cigar-shaped 9/25/1980 #35535 t struck him. Then he felt himself floating into the craft and meeting a hu 11/28/1980 #35680 ng at. John described a small baby floating in some type of hearvier-than-w 12/31/1980 #35759 The next thing she remembered was floating through the air over the cornfi 5/1981 #35919 hey can see big masses of material floating around for 30 minutes. 5/4/1981 #35928 saw a reddish orange yellow light floating about 100 meters away. Terrifie 9/11/1981 #36110 saw a reddish orange yellow light floating about 100 meters away. Terrifie 9/12/1981 #36111 saw a reddish orange yellow light floating about 100 meters away. Terrifie 9/12/1981 #36112 , Porter County, Indiana. Both are floating 2– 3 feet above the ground. A s 1/12/1983 #36745 It has 10 squarish windows and is floating just above the ground. A few fe 12/14/1983 #37074 rilliant white wedge-shaped object floating and turning in the sky. The lig 6/21/1984 #37370 light for 2 hours. It is actually floating very slowly to the southeast at Late Summer 1984 #37434 manages to see a thin, white mist floating away. A strong wind comes up fo 2/4/1986 #37779 is about 325 feet away from them, floating at 100–130 feet. The sphere is 4/22/1986 #37833 louder and all three had a strange floating sensation, and then blacked out 3/7/1987 #38133 ups of three white lights silently floating low above a field less than one Late 7/1987 #38218 to get a better look she saw three floating human like figures approaching 8/2/1987 #38226 ITCH, WORCESTER Woman and 4 kids. "Floating city / sky" windows like airpor 2/16/1988 #38468 has a white, feathery mass inside floating slowly about 12 feet above the 8/1989 #39040 n experience. One of them reported floating silently upwards towards a brig 11/6/1989 #39216 mated to be 10-20 meters, was seen floating above a clearing and it began t 2/18/1990 #39422 hree-and-a-half-foot tall humanoid floating above the ground. The being had 3/13/1990 #39458 by a “bright white mushroom cone” floating about 1 foot off the ground. He 5/4/1990 #39556 ed, she next saw a humanoid figure floating next to the object. The figure 9/13/1990 #39731 check. He saw a small white object floating in his barn, like a jellyfish w 1/4/1992 #40277 of children saw some bright lights floating near some snow banks. When they 3/6/1992 #40363 r witnesses noticed a bright light floating very close to the ground at 10: 5/28/1993 #40993 reen on the right side of the road floating 18 inches above the grass. It i 8/13/1993 #41135 but had the sensation that he was floating before he passed out. The next 5/11/1994 #41523 dy was being lifted up, apparently floating away from the bed. She awoke wi 12/15/1994 #41895 ct the size of a Volkswagen beetle floating on a pond. He manages to pull i 1/12/1995 #41971 saw a red-orange dome-shaped craft floating a few feet from the ground, nea 2/23/1996 #42776 bout one meter in height. It began floating up and down in peculiar movemen 2/23/1996 #42776 two meter tall humanoid appeared, floating above the trees and accompanied 2/23/1996 #42776 very tall men. They appeared to be floating around as the sphere slowly rot 3/7/1996 #42815 d the witness to two bright lights floating in the sky over Halifax, Nova S 6/18/1996 #42934 en he opened them he found himself floating above the hedge outside his hou 9/26/1996 #43043 hite objects moving in unison and "floating." No one else was outside or dr 2/17/1997 #43195 tube were removed and taken into a floating sphere. Moments later another f 12/14/1997 #43462 orm came down from the light, like floating in a horizontal position. It wa 12/14/1997 #43462 use. They also saw an alien figure floating next to the object, the entity 5/7/1998 #43562 saw something resembling a "cloud" floating overhead. They entered this "cl 7/11/1998 #43601 allic room with a metallic "table" floating in mid-air. In the room where t 7/11/1998 #43601 e house when she noticed something floating above the ground over some near 8/2/2000 #44026 and around the middle, was sighted floating in water nearWoody Point, Brisb 11/5/2000 #44073 . She then noticed three humanoids floating next to her, who accompany her 5/2/2001 #44174 s in an immense room with about 20 floating cots, each with a human figure 5/2/2001 #44174 damaged as they struck an unknown floating or hovering object. The entire 1/14/2002 #44307 d of a trance, and he seemed to be floating over the road. The being replie 3/26/2002 #44326 He described it as looking like a "floating city" with a long row of about 7/21/2002 #44362 ng 8 showed a “cigar shaped”object floating above the northern hemisphere i 11/2002 #44428 A white egg-shaped object was seen floating in the sky at 10:00 a.m. PST in 1/4/2004 #44646 strong fiery orange light outside, floating in the sky. She realized it cou 2/13/2004 #44664 using fluid movements as if it was floating in the air. It moved as if conf 3/12/2004 #44676 n a vertical position, hovering or floating as if being blown gently by the 7/31/2004 #44721 ject appeared from the west slowly floating above the Black Sea. The object 8/2/2004 #44725 he top of a mountain ridge that is floating just a few feet from the ground 9/27/2004 #44762 idnight. A large oval mass is seen floating above a cornfield at Wood River 1/31/2005 #44811 there was a close encounter with a floating, silver, triangle-shaped object 8/20/2006 #44956 haped object was seen hovering and floating over houses along Lake Ontario 2/9/2007 #45005 ng the lake. He sees small objects floating up to it, apparently fish. 10/10/2007 #45072 s. They then saw the object again, floating just above the road, and it fle 10/27/2007 #45080 ly gas jets) at its corners slowly floating 500 feet above the road. Two of 9/16/2008 #45168 ham Park 8:15–9:00 p.m. Mysterious floating red lights in the sky are repor 1/5/2009 #45206 and Roger approach it and watch a floating light 5 feet in diameter maneuv 7/5/2009 #45230 ing her dog sees a giant boomerang floating silently to the west only about 8/3/2013 #45380
NEAR TOKYO, JAPAN 6M saucer-ship floats ashore. Young woman exits. Very w 2/22/1803 #99 umpet'. 60M bell hangs going down. Floats 5 minute(s) and vanishes. 7/6/1874 #204 ALDERSHOT, HAMPS Helmeted figure floats over guards who shoot. Stunned / 5/15/1877? #210 d-out canvas sheet' / 2K' altitude floats going quickly northeast and away. 11/20/1896 #341 g and 6–7 feet high. Above the car floats a cigar-shaped bag about the same 4/4/1897 #414 They cut the cable and the airship floats away. A few weeks later, Hamilton 4/19/1897 #538 ington 4:30 p.m. A mystery balloon floats across the sky in Spokane, Washin 7/4/1899 #636 s seen first in Irvington and then floats over the southern side of the bus 9/16/1906 #688 Indiana 5:00 p.m. An airship again floats over the southeastern portion of 10/7/1906 #690 th Australia, an unusual substance floats by at a constant altitude. Some p Summer 1914 #902 NT 8 observer(s). Sphere/orb/globe floats / bay. Small humanoids (or Greys) 8/1914 #904 at about 20,000 feet overhead. It floats away slowly. 12/8/1941 #1378 t. Small red light just over road. Floats northwest. Going quickly southwes 12/1943 (approximate) #1546 stand motionless until the object floats away and is lost to view. Summer 1946 #2013 t slows to a stop, levels off, and floats “leisurely as if suspended by a c 8/17/1947 #3343 ydro power station/depot/facility. Floats. Submerges. 4/14/1950 #4848 saucer with large round portholes floats over barn going southwest. Drawin 9/5/1950 #5168 northwest / 90 second(s). Bobs and floats. Absolute(ly) silent. Photograph 8/23/1952 #7687 rs strapped on its back. The being floats to a nearby UFO hovering 5 feet f 9/2/1954 #10232 above the other at 1,000 feet. One floats down like a leaf, landing about 3 10/15/1954 #11111 observer(s). 80cm fireball lands. Floats going [to] woods. Bright beams. V 10/17/1954 #11162 f whitish, web-like substance that floats down and begins to hang from wire 10/22/1954 #11320 ing it from the roof, but it just “floats down.” At about 11:00 p.m. they r 8/21/1955 #12386 arge glowing washtub falls to sea. Floats. Glows. Sinks. 1/15/1956 #12660 arette-cylinder/cylindrical object floats by. No further details / r141 #1p 3/13/1957 #13546 der/cigar-shape drops. Levels off. Floats going north. More join! 9/24/1957 #14028 rate observer(s). Blazing fireball floats / low altitude. Quickly going up 11/11/1958 #15436 Dull red flattened ball hovers and floats near horizon. 8/17/1960 #16399 BAILEYS BEACH, NY Red ball floats 600' offshore. Going up [to] 60'. 4/29/1961 #16666 oing down [to] into Lake Superior. Floats. Going up [to] and flies going so 10/14/1961 #16908 ow light again. The cyclops slowly floats back up into the vehicle, and the 8/28/1963 #17922 alls backwards out of the tree and floats slowly into the bushes. They can 7/16/1964 #18421 small humanoids (or Greys) exit. 1 floats / air see reference. / LDLN#145+/ 8/29/1967 #22946 ds (or Greys) take over 2 / truck. Floats. Abduction try. / Flying Saucer R 11/2/1967 #23386 dome flips open, and one occupant floats out and approaches the car. It is 11/2/1967 #23390 DL VACAS, ARG 5 / car. Phony train floats across road / 1M altitude! No tra 7/7/1968 #24150 White 6M glowing-ball nears boat. Floats. Quickly going up [to] and going 12/15/1968 #24769 Glowing-object going down [to] and floats. Sea boils. Sulfur odor. Marsh pl 1/5/1969 #24816 d stretches out his hand. The pack floats 8 inches up to his hand and disap 2/7/1969 #24901 ng arc comes out of the barrel and floats toward him, hitting him in the th 2/7/1969 #24901 no longer under her control as it floats down a very bumpy road. After thr 2/18/1969 #24928 FT. WORTH, TX 3' boat floats / 20' altitude / backyard. Going 9/1969 (approximate) #25346 / rounded top. 1.8M tall. 1M wide. Floats behind hedge. 2/14/1970 #25581 oadside emits rays going up / sky. Floats going [to] car. Shoots northwest. 2/14/1970 #25582 observer(s). Lumpy dog-head figure floats / trees. 4M dome / ground dissolv 12/14/1971 #26497 ARG 2 / car. Odd night light. Car floats. 40 minute(s) missing time. 80km 7/16/1972 #26804 EGA BAY, CA 3 girls abduction. Car floats. 4 hours / missing time. Small hu 11/26/1972 #27142 Glowing bus with figure(s) inside floats going east. / LDLN#161. 2/3/1974 (approximate) #28734 h going quickly south lands / sea. Floats / 5 minute(s). Submerges! 6/13/1974 #29182 AGUIGNAN, VAR Silent luminous ball floats by rotating counterclockwise. 5 s 4/7/1975 #29980 PONCE, PR Monster floats going up. Zaps observer(s) who pa 4/18/1975 #29993 ts. When another of these entities floats toward the object, the boy flees 7/22/1975 #30200 SOUTHWEST / STANFORD, KY Car and 3 floats. Abduction. Exam. Missing time. B 1/6/1976 #30767 (or Greys) in bedroom. Observer(s) floats through ceiling to saucer. Exams. 2/1976 #30837 2 / car. Dark-glow 'Michelin-man' floats across road. Lights / head. Car m 3/14/1976 #30938 PASADENA, CA 8cm clear bubble floats going [to] backyards. 3 lights in 8/30/1976 #31313 nly. 3.5' small humanoid (or Grey) floats by window to 6' cube with lights. 9/22/1976 #31417 couple minutes later, the creature floats down to a cube-shaped craft, whic 9/22/1976 #31418 e and see the UFO. The object then floats almost directly above them, and t 6/17/1977 #32172 e ground for 2 minutes. The object floats away over the treetops, moving to 7/9/1977 #32253 l blond man appears / room. Glows. Floats through 2 doors and going up / sk 1/2/1978 #32843 owly it rises to 300– 400 feet and floats away. 3/12/1978 #33036 dome on top, and three windows. He floats through one of the windows head-f 3/24/1978 #33078 lowing cylinder/cylindrical object floats away sideways / 20' altitude. 4/10/1978 #33136 erference (RFI). Large dark object floats near boat. / r200v4#3. 11/7/1978 #33922 ees. A luminous rectangular object floats up from the treetops about 325 fe 8/1979 #34692 g up and down [to] left and right. Floats going northwest. Covered with smo 11/5/1979 #34983 r/cigar-shape maneuvers over lake. Floats / 3 minute(s). Steam rises. / r22 7/15/1981 #36005 at maneuvered over the lake, then floats in place for 3 minutes. He also s 7/15/1981 #36009 I 2 boys. Small humanoid (or Grey) floats over fence. Shoots lights going u 12/29/1981 #36280 . Silent dirty grey diamond object floats in trees. Slight whine and gone. 5/22/1982 #36478 and gives off beams and sparks. It floats over a neighbor’s house. They go 12/1984 #37514 rkness. It rises from a stream and floats through the trees, then stops by 1986 #37743 L Many observer(s). 50'"horseshoe" floats and turns. 30 5' objects orbit. 9/12/1986 #38025 blue, misty phenomenon appears and floats about for 5–6 minutes until it gr 10/10/1986 #38044 er. "Boy" / field. 3M glowing-ball floats up. Both join and spin. Up and aw 11/12/1987 #38323 about 12 feet above the ground. It floats into a field where there are seve 8/1989 #39040 nt 15M cylinder/cylindrical object floats past balconies. 2nd cylinder/cyli 10/21/1990 #39799 washes over it. Then it gradually floats up to the helicopter’s altitude a 4/28/1993 #40953 40 minute(s). = domed saucer which floats over cars / M62! 9/4/1993 #41180 DENVER, NC 100m ovoid hums. Floats by / treetop level near homes. Sa 11/2/1993 #41258 / AZTEC, NM 5 oilmen. Huge diamond floats by. Lights / corners. Faster / ba 11/29/1993 #41307 shiny silver cylinder/cigar-shape floats slowly over church. No blimp. 8/8/1994 #41663 owing 1' sphere/orb/globe appears. Floats away. Drops with flash / light. 10/6/1994 #41789 LE VALLEY, WA 1 observer. Fireball floats by. Zigzags. Fades. Shoots straig 9/24/1995 #42504 MON ARM, BC Realtor. Silent saucer floats over / 10 minute(s). Rods protrud 10/13/1995 #42548 or opens. Small humanoid (or Grey) floats out / 10 minute(s)! Enters and aw 3/8/1998 #43530
, it is described as “a cluster or flock of meteors seemingly huddled toget 12/21/1876 #208 seemingly huddled together, like a flock of wild geese, and moving with the 12/21/1876 #208 when he hears an odd noise like a flock of geese passing overhead. Looking 4/14/1897 #467 dar operator suggests that it is a flock of birds. 4/24/1945 #1853 histling sound in the air, like a “flock of birds.” They see an object movi 10/21/1946 #2204 3:00 p.m. a shepherd watching his flock on a mountain peak called “Moumboa 10/24/1954 #11368 ., age 12, were returning to their flock in Colcerasa, Macerata, Italy when 11/23/1954 #11697 raft took off "with a noise like a flock of birds." Air Force officers and 1/4/1958 #14805 a 45' angle, making a sound like a flock of ducks (rushing air). Twenty sec 10/23/1962 #17488 Stover, MO Flock of turkeys react to orange-red hem 8/31/1969 #25343 ty, when he sees an object among a flock of birds. The birds disperse and l 12/10/1982 #36712 witnesses first thought they saw a flock of birds, but soon it became appar 4/18/1997 #43265 many targets. They conclude that a flock of migrating birds, probably eider 11/11/1999 #43879 first one witness thought it was a flock of birds, but dismissed the idea b 2/11/2011 #45314
Iria Some 18,000 people have been flocking to Fátima and nearby Aljustrel, 8/13/1917 #960
d, Germany, including ships, large flocks of birds, fire, and smoke, as wel 4/8/1665 #46 RCARGILL, NZ Cops and more/others. Flocks / night lights / delta/triangle/b 12/28/1956 #13417 hua Indian shepherds tending their flocks watched six objects fly over the 1/31/1996 #42729
ROUTE 71 NEAR FLODA, SWD 1 observer. Yellow / treetops 9/27/1988 #38651
all E. France according to Scribe Flodoard. 3/927 (approximate) #4
lands here. Gashes water tank. Big flood! 12/13/1951 #5818 DENVER, CO Flood / calls. Meteor shoots by. 2nd obj 9/5/1952 #7853 -green cylinder/cigar-shape going. Flood / report(s). / r48p140. 9/21/1952 #7993 ion levels to prevent a systematic flood of classified documents coming fro 11/5/1953 #9285 le date for evacuation, as a great flood will strike on December 21. Martin 8/20/1954 #10156 man named Hunt along Highway 1 in Flood, British Columbia, Canada. 5/17/1956 #12858 CAMBRIDGE, ENG Reports flood in. Saucer has green glowing base. 2/1957 #13480 assachusetts 4:30 a.m. A brilliant flood of light from her window abruptly 2/27/1968 #23786 , two men working night shift on a flood mitigation dredge a quarter mile n 4/17/1969 #25067 t going again with co-editor Chuck Flood until December 2008. The final edi 5/1969 #25104 Millwood and New Castle receive a flood of calls as well, describing an ob 3/24/1983 #36807
t near the northeast corner of the flood-lit restricted Manzano Nuclear Wea 11/4/1957 #14289 isy, and their headlights dim. The flood-lit area suddenly goes out and the Fall 1975 #30381
city of Yakima. Hundreds of calls flooded into the CAA office concernig th 7/25/1948 #3737 11:40 a.m. two people fishing in a flooded quarry north of Delphi, Indiana 7/23/1949 #4277 rrari, 41, a farmer, found himself flooded with a reddish light and saw a l 11/18/1952 #8294 Castelfranco, Italy found himself flooded with a reddish light on this mor 11/18/1952 #8298 ery. The top half was transparent, flooded with bright white light. Aboard 10/23/1954 #11338 y. The top half is transparent and flooded with bright light. Aboard are si 10/23/1954 #11341 . The top half was transparent and flooded with a bright white light. Aboar 10/23/1954 #11344 ses flashed a light, the house was flooded with a strong beam. Temperature 10/21/1963 #17996 light at the object, the house is flooded with a strong beam. The temperat 10/21/1963 #17997 light at the object the house was flooded with a strong beam. The temperat 10/21/1963 #17998 the radar blips merged. The object flooded the Lear Jet with intense red li 1/13/1967 #21301 car engine fails and the radio is flooded with static. An object passes ne 4/8/1967 #22095 , ARG Power drops. TV black. House flooded / light. Fireball outside shoots 3/3/1968 #23809 's home in Castelar, Argentina was flooded by a bright blue light at 12:45 3/3/1968 #23816 him. The interior of the truck is flooded with light. Suddenly he becomes 12/14/1975 #30715 . Going quickly west. Police lines flooded. 8/11/1976 #31254 off to the west. Police lines were flooded with UFO reports. 8/11/1976 #31258 ing. Suddenly the plane’s cabin is flooded with brilliant yellow light radi 6/11/1978 #33274 nutes later an intense white light flooded their living room from outside. 11/30/1979 #35034 ork, say that their switchboard is flooded with calls reporting a large, bo 3/24/1983 #36807 sees the screen on the front door flooded with intense light. Her husband 8/26/1983 #36960 e area outside their house becomes flooded in white light. The family rushe Late 7/1987 #38218 nd, as a result, “The cocaine that flooded in helped spark a crack explosio 8/18/1996 #42985 ed object was seen hovering over a flooded field at about 50-75 feet altitu 1/26/1998 #43506 trict. Soon the media hotlines are flooded with phone calls. Two luminous o 10/11/2010 #45301
e radio towers about 8 miles away, flooding them with light. Summer 1933 #1164 mitted bronze-green rays of light, flooding the whole countryside. The witn 10/21/1954 #11297 mitted bronze-green rays of light, flooding the whole countryside. The witn 10/21/1954 #11306 the Great Deluge referring to the flooding of Atlantis and Lemuria, which 1960 #16141 ime to see the UFO above the city, flooding the area with brilliant light. 11/24/1970 #25917 s lit a large, powerful flashlight flooding the area with light. The clawed 10/20/1973 #28222 900 feet away. An orange light is flooding through the windows. The object Late 12/1986 #38087 ation is hampered by USAF aircraft flooding into the base. Special Air Serv 9/26/1994 #41775 spite pilots’ evasive attempts, or flooding cockpits with blinding light. H 10/15/2000 #44056
s the light was “motionless like a floodlight of gigantic proportion.” 11/26/1964 #18639 mile wide. It changes from a broad floodlight to a sharp spot on the surfac 11/5/1970 #25902 ships parked on the highway with a floodlight. He stops his engine as some 3/26/1974 #28956 the highway with light similar to floodlight." The observer stopped the mo 3/26/1974 #28957 w humming. 75' bubble-dome saucer. Floodlight and thin blue beams hit 3 obs 6/17/1977 #32169
ing near Weston Lake when a bright floodlight-type light was pointed at the Summer 1973 #27577
hree triangular legs and a bank of floodlights around the main body was see 5/24/1965 #18963 vering over a playing field lit by floodlights, where some youths were play 4/25/1969 #25091 youths were playing football. The floodlights formed a kind of ceiling ove 4/25/1969 #25091 shed outside and turned on all the floodlights to illuminate the area, but 8/22/1969 #25326 ngle/box-like craft / 3' altitude. Floodlights. Instant acceleration going 9/1974 #29407 n, Ontario. Both are shining white floodlights downward to the ground and h 2/23/1975 #29838 farmers. Domed saucer with red and floodlights. Hums. Raises dust. 9/30/1975 #30395 p.m. It was dark, and the school's floodlights illuminated the field. The b 1/31/1978 #32930 altitude. 35mph. Light humming. 2 floodlights. 2/22/1978 #32988 a flashing yellow light, and white floodlights all around it. It hovers for 8/17/1980 #35462 ey notice three bright lights like floodlights on the horizon to the north. 9/18/1981 #36129 ing quickly [to] overhead. Massive floodlights. No further details. 2/18/1996 #42769 brownish gas and emitting powerful floodlights toward the ground. Another c 6/6/1997 #43315
e Interstate 93 Pemigewasset River floodplain Campton, New Hampshire Dusk. 10/20/1978 #33847 feet above the Pemigewasset River floodplain in Campton, New Hampshire. It 10/20/1978 #33847
ps and curves back up. Green light floods windshield. 8/27/1953 #9114 Kansas, wakes up when her bedroom floods with an amber-colored light and h 11/11/1958 #15438 conds then blinks back on. The UFO floods the jet with an intense red light 1/13/1967 #21299 object’s side, while the underside floods the ground with light. After 2 mi 9/17/1979 #34896 bright white light approaches and floods the area. Ferri gets up and appro 10/9/1984 #37484 g nuclear explosions, famines, and floods. He is then shown a second film, 12/1/1987 #38345
FLOODWOOD, MN Brilliant object hovers gl 3/1967 #21688
that they were glued to the metal floor. Suddenly the cloud rose and was s 1908 #701 e shore. She throws herself to the floor, but when nothing happens she look 8/1945 #1911 our they examine it on the kitchen floor. Marcel Sr. says it is a flying sa 7/8/1947 #3010 about seventy-five feet above the floor of the canyon (and so more than 30 8/13/1947 #3322 ces him in a VIP suite on the 16th floor. Forrestal’s personal diaries are 4/2/1949 #4065 book Case #1664? Observer(s) / 3rd floor / Drano building. 2 silver turtle- 7/25/1952 #7123 Adamski finds tracks in the desert floor. His companions rejoin him at the 11/20/1952 #8309 sitting on it with her feet on the floor. The two women flee the cabin. As 3/22/1953 #8775 plunges to his death from the 10th floor window of the Hotel Statler in New 11/28/1953 #9324 er (Coles Barber) is thrown to the floor and suffers a knee fracture, and s 4/14/1954 #9690 Amireah Street, was on the second floor of his house when he saw a luminou 10/8/1954 #10814 n was on the balcony of the second floor of his house at 2:30 a.m. when he 10/8/1954 #10818 their chest. They glided above the floor instead of walking. The witness wa 11/15/1959 #16088 water with their paddles where the floor of the lake was very much disturbe 6/22/1960 #16316 soil has been displaced along the floor of the lake, as if something slid 2/1961 #16593 t teardrop-light going up / jungle floor. 8mm film / DC3. / r78p193. 12/21/1962 #17598 ight apparently rising from jungle floor filmed from aircraft. [NICAP UFO E 12/21/1962 #17599 saw two small humanoids on the top floor of a church. At 2:30 p.m. a 10-yea 5/15/1964 #18271 a whistling sound outside his 12th floor window and to observe two hovering 11/9/1965 #19708 bove ground. It reached the valley floor, climbed to about 30 m, and moved 8/19/1966 #20769 UFO from their offices on the 17th floor at 750 Third Avenue. The UFO is a 11/22/1966 #21142 0 p.m. eight witnesses on the 17th floor of the office building at 750 Thir 11/22/1966 #21144 going down / angle. Lights desert floor. Joins night lights. / r98#60+/ r4 2/16/1967 #21562 being nude in a room with a white floor, lighted by indirect blue white li 6/25/1967 #22557 ggled free and went out the second floor window. Riera looked out and saw a 8/6/1967 #22832 ggled free and went out the second floor window of his bedroom. Riera looke 8/7/1967 #22840 t was lit by a blue light from the floor. He was strapped by metal bands at 10/6/1967 #23187 He then found himself lying on the floor of the craft with a Grey humanoid 10/24/1967 #23310 o do Nascimento, were in an eighth floor apartment building repairing a pho 11/24/1967 #23508 the roof, tile scattered over the floor, and the object gone. 5/17/1968 #23969 the laundry room and drops on the floor, head and arms on a divan. A few m 6/15/1968 #24039 A man, who lived in a third floor apartment along with his wife and 7/1/1968 #24121 d a strange white substance on the floor and a strong sulphur-like odor in 7/15/1968 #24179 ed footprints on the freshly waxed floor near the door. On the lawn they di 8/25/1968 #24376 From the second floor of the Cowichan District Hospital 1/1/1970 #25533 figure at a windowpane-less second floor window. The being was the size of 6/4/1970 #25690 make a giant leap from the second floor window (about 12 feet high), and l 6/4/1970 #25690 he mist emanated from vents in the floor. Scott was stripped and placed aga 3/14/1971 #26047 pane, which was 4.5 feet from the floor. To jump through it would have bee 4/2/1971 #26065 floated in mid-air. The walls and floor of the room were a silver-gray col 8/16/1971 #26291 scends from about 6 feet above the floor to 15 inches above it. A beam of s 6/22/1972 #26726 ascends to about 6 feet above the floor and moves out the window and up. T 6/22/1972 #26726 handle was detached, laying on the floor of the car. 8/28/1972 #26966 level, less spacious, had a metal floor. He told the children that he fed 5/15/1973 #27492 the rented buildings on the ground floor in the back some 50 feet away. The 5/27/1973 #27533 ared to be floating just above the floor. Both swayed gently from side to s 10/3/1973 #27926 passed out and then came to on the floor, propped against the wall, unable 10/15/1973 #28059 im. He awakened toward dawn on the floor. He found the lights were left on 10/15/1973 #28059 covered in buttons and dials. The floor was covered in what appeared to be 10/16/1973 #28089 able. Gabriella looked down on the floor to see her clothes before passing 10/16/1973 #28089 Castillo to a closet on the first floor and gestured to him to put on a un 11/18/1973 #28443 s long brown hair that reaches the floor. The object departs suddenly, the 1/8/1974 #28666 wn hair that reached almost to the floor. They appeared to be three to four 1/8/1974 #28667 m disk vanishes and reappears. 4th floor. 4/12/1974 #29006 ish and then reappear near the 4th floor of the hospital's cobalt clinic. 4/12/1974 #29009 ING, BELGIUM 2 observer(s) / 10 th floor / (seen thru) binoculars. Disk wit 10/9/1974 #29507 ure seemed to float just above the floor. They exchange glances. The being 3/6/1975 #29876 and white lights through a second floor bedroom window. Inside the transpa 2/5/1976 #30846 and white lights through a second floor bedroom window at their home in Fr 2/5/1976 #30848 oked out the window of their ninth floor hotel room at the Stouffers Waterf 7/28/1976 #31191 ttic.” Their rooms were on the top floor of the hotel. 8/10/1976 #31252 ing in a dark room with a metallic floor with some "people" that were invol 1/1/1977 #31683 getting ready to take a photo, the floor of the desert around them suddenly Mid 3/1977 #31909 of light appears over the bedroom floor. It begins moving slowly and silen 5/1977 #32043 the sound and tumbled all over the floor. They lifted their single digits t 9/15/1977 #32485 turned around without touching the floor. The visitor floated through the d 1/2/1978 #32848 em behind the drapes on the second floor. 2/4/1978 #32951 head-first. Inside he drops to the floor, still paralyzed, and sees three e 3/24/1978 #33078 gh a window and fell softly on the floor. Inside the craft he encountered t 3/24/1978 #33079 LIVORNO, ITL 2 / 5th floor wakened / buzz. Saucer / 30M altit 8/28/1978 #33581 Two witnesses on the 5th floor of an apartment building in Livorn 8/28/1978 #33586 sitting in her office on the tenth floor of an office building in London, E 8/31/1978 #33611 y found some broken bottles on the floor and some other damage. Moments lat 9/10/1978 #33657 hey are in building 18F on the 3rd floor. Thompson told this to Leonard St 4/5/1979 #34499 h a black flat bottom from a 38th- floor window on Madison Avenue and 26th 10/4/1979 #34940 s seen by three others on the same floor and two others on the floor immedi 10/4/1979 #34940 e same floor and two others on the floor immediately below. It moves north 10/4/1979 #34940 nted by a panel that rose from the floor and blocked him. The husband recal 12/11/1979 #35073 em on tables in room with "fog" on floor (section XIII). (NICAP: 03 - EME C 8/21/1980 #35472 em on tables in room with "fog" on floor 8/21/1980 #35473 ith the accelerator pressed to the floor. The object keeps the same distanc 7/19/1981 #36020 shaped object rose from the forest floor, then flew off to the east-northea 4/26/1984 #37300 shaped object rose from the forest floor, then flew off to the east-northea 4/26/1984 #37303 by three witnesses from the sixth floor of a hospital. It flew from north 8/13/1986 #37989 rough which he can see light and a floor with transverse ribs. Then he noti 1/9/1987 #38096 flying saucers hovering above the floor. The small saucer is about 24 feet 11/12/1988 #38713 ing a meteor shower from his third floor apartment in downtown Winnipeg, Ma 10/9/1989 #39156 thy and seemed to glide across the floor gracefully. The witness saw no app 11/6/1989 #39216 's (pseudonym) abduction from 12th floor apartment, allegedly witnessed by 11/30/1989 #39281 's (pseudonym) abduction from 12th floor apartment, allegedly witnessed by 11/30/1989 #39282 wlspace underneath the living room floor. She ran upstairs and woke up her 3/13/1990 #39458 rea on July 1--woke up in her 16th floor apartment to see a 4-foot tall bei 7/29/1990 #39667 UISVILLE, KY 3 observer(s) / 12 th floor. Saucer / tree-level. Arc trajecto 10/24/1990 #39809 wing that he was taken to an upper floor inside the craft, and there he enc 11/9/1991 #40224 e second investigator lying on the floor, as if frozen, and apparently bein 3/16/1993 #40886 and seemed to hover just above the floor, sometimes poking her with an unse 7/24/1993 #41082 a table in a dark room. The wall, floor, and ceiling were very smooth. Bel 5/11/1994 #41523 ing was busy cooking in her second floor apartment in North Vancouver, Brit 6/15/1994 #41568 l minutes or so, his mother on the floor above says she can see the light t 4/18/1995 #42157 ar-old witness was sleeping on the floor of his brother's room in Windsor, 9/16/1996 #43025 truggling the being dropped to the floor. Next a third figure appeared in t 2/24/1997 #43207 indows in front of a corridor, the floor was luminous, and apparently made 6/5/1997 #43311 WIMBLEDON, SURREY 2 / fourth floor flat. Clam-shaped metallic disk go 7/5/1997 #43346 A'anam, was standing on her second floor balcony at night when an unknown a 10/16/1997 #43430 w moments she came to lying on the floor of the kitchen. She looked up and 10/19/1997 #43433 ng entirely. Then from their first floor balcony the witnesses saw three st 11/13/1998 #43682 ow flat hangar that was empty; the floor was a hidden elevator and he claim 1999 #43709 . Next, she was floated across the floor and out the front door, accompanie 10/15/2000 #44058 He then ran upstairs to the second floor and used his binoculars to search 11/30/2000 #44094 ight outside her window on the 4th floor of an apartment building. It makes 12/24/2000 #44109 eastfeeding her baby in her fourth floor apartment in Amasya, Turkey when s 7/23/2001 #44210 ntensive therapy wing on the first floor when she was suddenly seized by a 8/4/2001 #44225 UFOs—as a DIA project on the fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring to evalua Fall 2007? #45070 ARV that were “hovering” above the floor of the hangar. A three star genera 12/2014 #45425 “marbles bouncing and hitting the floor” since April 2017, followed by exc 5/23/2018 #45527
(MJ-3) found dead after falling 16 floors from an insane asylum window, sup 5/22/1949 #4202 ities between the third and eighth floors. The microwave transmissions are 1/1953 #8486 n, who appeared to be on different floors. The man, muscular in build, was 11/5/1966 #21078 tists to a building where, several floors below, is a heavily shielded magn 6/6/1972 #26703 tense beauty, with emerald colored floors. The walls were silvery, smooth, 9/15/1975 #30363 ave been huge to masquerade as two floors of the hotel. 8/10/1976 #31251 M radio is racked with static. She floors the accelerator to get away but c 9/20/1979 #34907 in a domed room with smooth white floors, walls and ceiling. The room cont 2/10/1981 #35823
called him from the garden, but he flopped down as if drugged and gazed at 1/4/1979 #34296 called him from the garden, but he flopped down as if he had been drugged a 1/5/1979 #34304
re “bouncing up & down, their arms flopping at their sides” in a “stiff” ma 8/16/1965 #19410 ve in a clumsy fashion, their arms flopping oddly along their sides. Debbie 10/22/1973 #28241 feet. The pair moved in a clumsy, flopping manner as they tried to get off 10/22/1973 #28244 ject with a slightly curved bottom flopping around and tumbling in the sky. 9/4/1979 #34835
reen dwarf with a high-domed head, floppy ears, a face like a bloodhound, a 12/15/1956 #13404 dwarf, with a high forehead, large floppy ears, and short arms and legs. Th 12/15/1956 #13405
ace Clinic in Albuquerque Evening. Flora Evans and Bernice McIntosh twice e 2/17/1958 #14878 Mount Flora to Dingo Beach Road Nebo, Queensla 3/22/1975 #29916 girls are driving along the Mount Flora to Dingo Beach Road about 50 miles 3/22/1975 #29916 WEST / FLORA, MS 3 cops and 4. 10m saucer going 2/9/1977 #31801 Flora, Mississippi 8:45 p.m. A deputy sh 2/9/1977 #31803 A deputy sheriff and constable in Flora, Mississippi, watch a UFO six time 2/9/1977 #31803 ad a close encounter with a UFO in Flora, Mississippi. 2/11/1977 #31811 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Flora” YieldMax: 20KT 5/22/1980 #35337
FLOREE, BELGIUM 5 observer(s). Moon-size 4/14/1974 #29013
object was seen in the skies over Florence, Italy. Two men dressed in whit 4/24/1909 #729 N. Florence, Italy Two orange balls diving 10/20/1944 #1680 Florence, Italy Chased light, no radar c 3/18/1945 #1815 25 miles northwest of Florence, Italy Night. A 416th NFS crew 3/18/1945 #1817 g a Mosquito 25 miles northwest of Florence, Italy. Suddenly a light is fly 3/18/1945 #1817 Florence, Italy Rome 3:15 a.m. A rocket- 9/22/1946 #2187 object is seen for 90 seconds over Florence, Italy. It makes an abrupt turn 9/22/1946 #2187 NORTHEAST / FLORENCE, KY Teen / car. 30cm red-lumino 7/7/1947 #2914 flight paths to Navy meteorologist Florence Van Straten and Luis Walter Alv Spring 1948 #3593 ORANGEBURG, SC AND COLUMBIA AND FLORENCE AND SALLY, SC Saucer hovers ove 3/10/1950 #4604 te Plains, New York Witness: Mrs. Florence Daley. Two round objects, bluis 7/17/1952 #6866 OVER FLORENCE, SC Eastern Airlines flight cre 7/26/1952 #7155 Florence, SC Eastern Flight 606 Encounte 7/26/1952 #7168 WEST / FLORENCE, SC Many calls to news and CAA. 11/16/1952 #8286 Florence Airport, South Carolina Landrum 11/16/1952 #8289 p.m. An air traffic controller at Florence Airport, South Carolina, watche 11/16/1952 #8289 Florence, Italy Institute of Chemistry a 10/27/1954 #11449 of Chemistry at the University of Florence 1:30 p.m. More than 10,000 socc 10/27/1954 #11449 wo luminous discs during a game at Florence, Italy. A large amount of “whit 10/27/1954 #11449 of Chemistry at the University of Florence. The lab finds the samples have 10/27/1954 #11449 Maj. Florence J. Mansmann states he studied T 9/1964 #18525 are analyzed by the University of Florence’s Mineralogical Institute and f 6/1967 #22439 Florence, Italy 2:30 p.m. LT. The pilot 11/15/1967 #23459 ot at high altitude in flight over Florence, Italy. It had a notch in its s 11/15/1967 #23465 Florence, NC 6:00 p.m. Traingular Shape 10/1971 #26395 ned near Goffstown, New Hampshire. Florence Dow heard a thump on her front 11/1/1973 #28338 FLORENCE, KY 1 observer. 8' manta buzzes 5/10/1975 #30049 e woods in Lake View, near Dillon, Florence County, South Carolina at 10:30 10/28/1976 #31503 Sesto Fiorentino Florence Italy 11:45 p.m. A couple hears 2/23/1978 #32997 eir car radio in Sesto Fiorentino, Florence, Italy. When the man gets out t 2/23/1978 #32997 FLORENCE, AZ Teacher and kids. Dark meta 3/6/1978 #33016 Sicily Florence Italy 6:00 a.m. Hundreds of wit 9/14/1978 #33676 ses all over Italy, from Sicily to Florence, watch a luminous projectile mo 9/14/1978 #33676 NNW / FLORENCE, AZ 6 military observer(s). Clo 1/30/1981 #35807 ht cloud-cigar shaped UFO north of Florence, Arizona with a Kodak Instamati 1/30/1981 #35808 Tessaia in Polcanto, northeast of Florence, Italy 3:30 a.m. A beam of ligh 10/9/1984 #37484 Tessaia in Polcanto, northeast of Florence, Italy. He sees that it is comi 10/9/1984 #37484 FLORENCE, AL 2 observer(s). Round green 6/24/1995 #42268 Ponte a Mensola Florence, Italy Day. A tradesman sees a 5/18/1997 #43297 Mensola in the hills northeast of Florence, Italy. It descends vertically 5/18/1997 #43297 known as Ponte a Mensola, east of Florence, Italy a local merchant watched 5/18/1997 #43298
alcino, Siena, Italy University of Florence's Mineralogical Institute Night 6/1967 #22439
Tarcienne, Belgium Florennes 7:15 p.m. Lucie Vandervoort is 3/20/1973 #27352 king off from the military base at Florennes a few miles away, the humanoid 3/20/1973 #27352
OFF ST. FLORENT, CORSICA Fishermen. 3 metallic d 6/18/1966 #20575 The witnesses, Claude Champoux, Florent Papillon and a man called J. R. 9/30/1973 #27892
SESTO FLORENTINO, ITL 2 / car. Violet cloud. 4 2/23/1978 #32994
ed to report to the office of Maj. Florenz J. Mansmann, First Strategic Aer 9/15/1964 #18556
n Highway Venezuela Night. Lorenzo Flores and Jésus Gómez are hunting rabbi 12/9/1954 #11788 try to drag him toward the craft. Flores strikes one with his gun butt, bu 12/9/1954 #11788 es, Venezuela two hunters, Lorenzo Flores and Jesus Gomez, saw a luminous o 12/10/1954 #11798 ed to drag him toward their craft. Flores struck one with his gun butt, but 12/10/1954 #11798 Sonora, Mexico 9:00 p.m. Baltazar Flores, Franciso Perez, Ruben Lozaya, an 8/9/1964 #18472 FLORES DISTR / BUENOS AIRES, ARG 3+obser 11/18/1965 #19728 FLORES, AZORES 2+observer(s). Bright whi 2/23/1968 #23778 Uyuni, Bolivia 6:00 p.m. Valentina Flores is bringing in her llamas on her 3/10/1968 #23834 instrument with a hook on the end. Flores throws stones at the being, where 3/10/1968 #23834 vening the witness, Mrs. Valentina Flores, heard noises coming from her she 5/14/1968 #23962 On this night Sr. Flores was lying in his bedroom at home 5/29/1986 #37898 , when they suddenly vanished. Sr. Flores could then step outdoors and witn 5/29/1986 #37898
CHACAO AND FLORESTA, VNZ Separate observer(s). Silv 12/8/1954 #11777 LA FLORESTA, VNZ 2 small humanoids (or Grey 12/8/1954 #11778 Floresta, Venezuela A doctor from Caraca 12/10/1954 #11793 doctor driving with his father in Floresta, Venezuela stopped his car to w 12/10/1954 #11798 FLORESTA, BRZ Argentine Navy pilot. Burn 9/8/1962 #17389 Floresta, Argentine "Burnished metal" le 9/8/1962 #17390 PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Soldiers / Vila Floresta. Fireball hovers. Shoots fiery 1/5/1969 #24817 state, Brazil soldiers at the Vila Floresta watched a hovering fireball tha 1/5/1969 #24818
FLORESTI, ROM Earthquake. Next day 'moon 11/27/1793 #92
Floreşti, Romania Bucharest 4:45 p.m. So 9/1967 #22971 rcraft artillery unit stationed at Floreşti, Romania, watch an aluminum-col 9/1967 #22971
ver Township Morris Plains Madison Florham Park 8:15–9:00 p.m. Mysterious f 1/5/2009 #45206 stown, Morris Plains, Madison, and Florham Park. On April 7, Russo and Rudy 1/5/2009 #45206
Report going [to] Air Force Base / Florianopolis. 10/31/1954 #11497 NORTHEAST / FLORIANOPOLIS, BRAZIL Airmen. Luminous d 5/28/1961 (approximate) #16701 ng below at sea level northeast of Florianopolis, Brazil on this night. It 5/28/1961 #16702 SOUTH / FLORIANOPOLIS, BRZ 4 / VW bus lifted and 5/17/1968 #23967 a light rain while driving between Florianopolis and Lagune, Santa Catalina 5/17/1968 #23970 FLORIANOPOLIS, BRZ 2 observer(s). Domed 6/25/1968 #24077
Praia da Armação beach Florianópolis Santa Catarina Brazil 9:30 1/25/1971 #26002 ery near Praia da Armação beach in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, w 1/25/1971 #26002
Gainesville, Florida Large quantities of a white, thr 9/20/1892 #306 during a rainstorm at Gainesville, Florida. Samples are sent to arachnologi 9/20/1892 #306 Gulf of Mexico West Coast of Florida Capt. Corning of the British sch 2/1894? #313 lf of Mexico off the west coast of Florida. They ascend to a height of 25 f 2/1894? #313 Miami, Florida 9:00–10:00 p.m. Something like a 6/13/1928 #1086 lectric light” appears over Miami, Florida, for more than 30 minutes. One w 6/13/1928 #1086 Fort Lauderdale, Florida Atlantic Ocean Florida Keys off 12/5/1945 #1950 Lauderdale, Florida Atlantic Ocean Florida Keys off the coast of Florida A 12/5/1945 #1950 cean Florida Keys off the coast of Florida A training flight (Flight 19) of 12/5/1945 #1950 hem due east from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for 141 miles, north for 73 mil 12/5/1945 #1950 ook small islands offshore for the Florida Keys after his compasses stopped 12/5/1945 #1950 eration. A tanker off the coast of Florida sees an explosion and a widespre 12/5/1945 #1950 Fort Lauderdale Naval Air Station, Florida disappeared into the Atlantic Oc 12/5/1945 #1951 La Grange Titusville, Florida Day. Navy Lieutenant Andrew A. T 5/1946 #1988 at La Grange, north of Titusville, Florida, when he hears a whistling noise 5/1946 #1988 Tampa, Florida 6:00 p.m. AF Capt. Jack E. Pucke 8/1/1946 #2100 k E. Puckett is flying over Tampa, Florida, in a C-47 transport and sees a 8/1/1946 #2100 transport 40 miles north of Tampa, Florida at 4,000 feet altitude, sighted 8/1/1946 #2101 :00 a.m., Mrs. J. E. Harp of Lutz, Florida her seven-year-old daughter Sand 3/30/1947 #2251 Palm Beach, Florida 2:00 a.m. In Palm Beach, Florida 2/20/1948 #3582 , Florida 2:00 a.m. In Palm Beach, Florida, lawyer and writer Charles Franc 2/20/1948 #3582 Cortez-Bradenton, Florida Witnesses: Capt. Sames, acting c 1/27/1949 #3980 Eglin AFB near Valparaiso, Florida Cortez Road between Bradenton an 1/27/1949 #3981 Road between Bradenton and Cortez, Florida 10:20–11:20 p.m. Capt. Eckerman 1/27/1949 #3981 anch at Eglin AFB near Valparaiso, Florida, and his wife are driving slowly 1/27/1949 #3981 Road between Bradenton and Cortez, Florida, when they observe a “cucumber-s 1/27/1949 #3981 Hobe Beach, Florida Bethesda, Maryland Forrestal is 3/31/1949 #4061 Forrestal is flown to Hobe Beach, Florida, to stay with his friend Under S 3/31/1949 #4061 northeast from the southern tip of Florida to Georgia. There were several r 6/5/1949 #4226 al reports along the west coast of Florida as it flew across the sky. 6/5/1949 #4226 Gulf of Mexico (SW of Florida), At Sea At 24° 0' N, 85°20' W. 1/12/1950 #4482 Gulf of Mexico (southwest of Florida) 11:25 p.m. A B-29 aircraft is f 1/12/1950 #4484 r the Gulf of Mexico (southwest of Florida) on a course of 260° when three 1/12/1950 #4484 Naval Air Station at Key West, Florida Navy pilots and others see two g 2/22/1950 #4547 the Naval Air Station at Key West, Florida. A plane is sent to investigate 2/22/1950 #4547 Ft. Myers, Florida Witnesses: former aircraft purc 12/6/1950 #5328 Fort Myers, Florida 5:00 p.m. Former aircraft purcha 12/6/1950 #5331 e the northern part of Fort Myers, Florida. Through 10x binoculars Lamp see 12/6/1950 #5331 B, FL Summer of 1952; MacDill AFB, Florida, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, R 1952 #5833 Miami, Florida Witnesses: L.E. VanDercar and 9 4/5/1952 #6032 Miami, Florida. At 9:15 p.m. four dark circular 4/5/1952 #6034 ng 600 miles east of Jacksonville, Florida over the Atlantic Ocean at 2:27 5/8/1952 #6277 near the Florida Keys, at sea Carrier Oriskany OS 5/29/1952 #6383 Gulf of Mexico near the Florida Keys -- At approximately 1700 ho 5/29/1952 #6385 MacDill AFB in Tampa, Florida Night. Radar at MacDill AFB in T Summer 1952 #6581 ht. Radar at MacDill AFB in Tampa, Florida, picks up a target at 40,000 fee Summer 1952 #6581 Jacksonville, Florida Washington, D.C. 4:00 a.m. Capt. 7/13/1952 #6797 1 heading north from Jacksonville, Florida, sees a round ball of bluish-whi 7/13/1952 #6797 West Palm Beach, Florida Witnesses: J. Antoneff and two o 7/15/1952 #6827 hole", approached West Palm Beach, Florida very rapidly. It then hovered in 7/15/1952 #6831 Miami, Florida Witnesses: E. R. Raymer and dau 7/18/1952 #6893 Patrick AFB, Florida Witnesses: three USAF officers a 7/18/1952 #6894 Patrick AFB Cocoa Beach, Florida 9:45 p.m. Three Air Force office 7/18/1952 #6898 at Patrick AFB, near Cocoa Beach, Florida, see a series of hovering and ma 7/18/1952 #6898 0 o'clock in the morning in Miami, Florida Mr. E. R. Raymer and his daughte 7/18/1952 #6901 hour in the sky over Patrick AFB, Florida. They were observed maneuvering 7/18/1952 #6904 MacDill AFB in Tampa, Florida Tampa 10:30 p.m. An air traffic 7/22/1952 #7027 operator at MacDill AFB in Tampa, Florida, watches for 30 minutes a red-gr 7/22/1952 #7027 orbits over the ocean in Key West, Florida. 7/24/1952 #7122 Miami Beach, Florida 9:35 p.m. Marine Pfc Ralph C. Ma 7/29/1952 #7330 a high-speed UFO over Miami Beach, Florida. Retaining a few frames for pers 7/29/1952 #7330 Tampa, Florida Around 7:00 p.m. Two civilians i 8/13/1952 #7574 0 p.m. Two civilians in the Tampa, Florida, area watch three UFOs. One obje 8/13/1952 #7574 West Palm Beach, Florida Ronny Desvergers saw a large, ro 8/19/1952 #7646 erglades south of West Palm Beach, Florida About 10:00 p.m. Scoutmaster D[u 8/19/1952 #7651 erglades south of West Palm Beach, Florida, when he sees a light in a wild 8/19/1952 #7651 in a clearing in West Palm Beach, Florida. It had a turret on top. Red bal 8/19/1952 #7653 rolina Tyndall AFB in Panama City, Florida Gulf of Mexico Around 7:15 p.m., 9/12/1952 #7905 out of Tyndall AFB in Panama City, Florida, piloted by 2Lt John A. Jones an 9/12/1952 #7905 es Experiment Station Belle Glade, Florida Everglades Research and Educatio 9/14/1952 #7938 Education Center] in Belle Glade, Florida, when he spots a circular object 9/14/1952 #7938 occurred on a farm in Belle Glade, Florida just before dawn at 4:30 a.m. 9/14/1952 #7941 ast. That evening, at Cocoa Beach, Florida a white ovoid object hovered nea 10/3/1952 #8090 Florida Pittsburg, Kansas Battelle issue 10/10/1952 #8114 d vegetation samples from cases in Florida and Pittsburg, Kansas. The witne 10/10/1952 #8114 SOUTH / FLORIDA KEYS 2 / SS. Warren. Large orang 11/22/1952 #8321 ring International Airport], Maine Florida ATIC Col. Donald L. Bower and Ma 11/25/1952 #8340 o be visible); and the problematic Florida scoutmaster case of August 19. U 11/25/1952 #8340 2400 Z four airmen at Patrick AFB, Florida, visually observed for three min 1/22/1953 #8560 US Cape Canaveral, Florida The US successfully launches a R 1/27/1954 #9503 lies 55 miles from Cape Canaveral, Florida. 1/27/1954 #9503 Greater Miami (Florida) Seven Seas Restaurant Capt. Wil 3/23/1954 #9634 h gives a talk at a Greater Miami (Florida) Aviation Association luncheon a 3/23/1954 #9634 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 3:20 p.m. USMC Capt. Dan C. Holl 3/25/1954 #9643 sterly heading at Fort Lauderdale, Florida, at about 26,000 feet and 400+ m 3/25/1954 #9643 feet altitude over Cape Canaveral, Florida. The UFO evaded being filmed by 3/25/1954 #9644 Miami Beach, Florida Witnesses: U.S. Marine Corps Maj 6/22/1954 #9927 ajor J. V. Wilkins In Miami Beach, Florida witnessed a meteor-like object d 6/22/1954 #9928 Lakeland, Florida Witness: J.M. Holland. A black 1/26/1955 #11943 e trail make a circle in Lakeland, Florida. There was an explosion and some 1/26/1955 #11944 ort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland Florida’s Gulf Coast The CIA obtains qua 3/1955 #12024 ency field tests it covertly along Florida’s Gulf Coast. The incidence of w 3/1955 #12024 n of lights flew over Lake Harris, Florida at 8:50 p.m. They were reported 3/14/1955 #12048 At McDill Air Force Base, Florida a disc appeared at 7:00 p.m. as 5/17/1955 #12139 Holt, Florida Several civilian and military wi 6/26/1955 #12216 an and military witnesses in Holt, Florida, see a disc with blinking lights 6/26/1955 #12216 Miami, Florida Southern Alabama 2:00 p.m. Col. 7/1955 #12226 man is flying a B-25 out of Miami, Florida, with a copilot, flight engineer 7/1955 #12226 Williston, Florida Deputy-sheriff A. H. Perkins, C. 11/2/1955 #12544 Near Jacksonville, Florida Naval Air Station Jacksonville 9 12/11/1955 #12605 ville 9:00 p.m. Near Jacksonville, Florida, two airline pilots and ground o 12/11/1955 #12605 e Gulf of Mexico from Louisiana to Florida. The UFO flew to the east into t 1/22/1956 #12679 ratically and silently over Miami, Florida at 9:00 p.m. in a perfect equila 3/31/1956 #12771 Jacksonville, Florida Two girls, Joan Frost and Gertie 5/9/1956 #12841 at a low altitude in Jacksonville, Florida shortly after 11:00 p.m. They ma 5/9/1956 #12842 on Cecil Field, near Jacksonville, Florida 3:40 p.m. A man named Sheetz and 8/22/1956 #13116 on Cecil Field, near Jacksonville, Florida. Their engine stalls when the ob 8/22/1956 #13116 Miami, FL November 8, 1956; Miami, Florida, G (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Rat 11/8/1956 #13313 surprised a few people in southern Florida as well. About nine a.m. on Nove 11/8/1956 #13315 , several witnesses in Coco Beach, Florida observed two UFOs move in behind 11/8/1956 #13315 parently played tag off the tip of Florida for several minutes before shoot 11/8/1956 #13315 ad Air Force Base, south of Miami, Florida was placed on an "alert status." 11/8/1956 #13315 d by an airman flying over Destin, Florida at 6:00 p.m. in a U.S. Air Force 11/9/1956 #13319 Coral Gables, Florida Norbert F. Gariety begins publis 1/1957 #13441 nthly newsletter, in Coral Gables, Florida. It continues until January 1963 1/1957 #13441 Atlantic Ocean Jacksonville, Florida Pan Am Flight 269 4:33 a.m. Capt 3/9/1957 #13540 0 miles northeast of Jacksonville, Florida, observes a “burning greenish wh 3/9/1957 #13540 Everglades, Florida NICAP is fed a phony UFO crash s 5/1957 #13629 UFO crash story in the Everglades, Florida, by an Associated Press employee 5/1957 #13629 Orlando, Florida 3:45 p.m. Two men in Orlando, Fl 5/1957? #13632 rida 3:45 p.m. Two men in Orlando, Florida, see an oval object emerge from 5/1957? #13632 Miami Seaquarium Florida Keys P. Craig Phillips, curator Summer 1957 #13744 y are sailing northward toward the Florida Keys. Assuming them to be cobweb Summer 1957 #13744 Oldsmar, Florida Witness: E.E. Henkins. One pale 7/29/1957 #13854 In Oldsmar, Florida at 11:45 a.m. witness E. E. Henk 7/29/1957 #13856 Cecil Naval Air Station, Florida A black, bellshaped object beari 8/22/1957 #13922 ow Cecil Airport] in Jacksonville, Florida 3:40 p.m. A couple named Sheetz 8/22/1957 #13924 ow Cecil Airport] in Jacksonville, Florida, chase a 50-foot, black, rotatin 8/22/1957 #13924 Cecil Naval Air Station, Florida. At 3:40 p.m. a black, bell-shap 8/22/1957 #13925 ht flew over the Dry Tortugas near Florida. The UFO was tracked on radar. 8/27/1957 #13937 FLORIDA, SOUTH AFRICA 2+observer(s). Sta 9/29/1957 #14042 US Cape Canaveral, Florida The US conducts its first succes 12/17/1957 #14742 A Atlas missile at Cape Canaveral, Florida. 12/17/1957 #14742 ource glided overhead in Sarasota, Florida. There were many witnesses and T 12/18/1957 #14749 Cape Canaveral Missile Annex, Florida 10:48 p.m. The US launches its f 1/31/1958 #14856 from Cape Canaveral Missile Annex, Florida. It is the first spacecraft to d 1/31/1958 #14856 Miami, Florida Police detective Faustin Gallego 2/28/1958 #14898 land in their back yard in Miami, Florida. Outside, he sees a football-sha 2/28/1958 #14898 Tampa, Florida A civilian source was said to ha 3/2/1958 #14910 ect land on the airfield in Tampa, Florida and then take off slowly and hov 3/2/1958 #14912 St. Petersburg, Florida In a letter to NICAP member Geor 5/6/1958 #15020 George Stocking of St. Petersburg, Florida, Ruppelt says he is “now convinc 5/6/1958 #15020 men in a boat in Fort Lauderdale, Florida watched as an orange fireball fl 5/17/1958 #15042 LC-5 at Cape Canaveral, Florida 5:44 a.m. The first launch of a 12/6/1958 #15472 neer 3, at LC-5 at Cape Canaveral, Florida, suffers a premature first-stage 12/6/1958 #15472 k and forth over a cloud in Miami, Florida. It then vanished suddenly. 2/12/1959 #15587 Dade County park, Florida Ufologist Morris K. Jessup commi 4/20/1959 #15709 its suicide in a Dade County park, Florida, from carbon monoxide poisoning. 4/20/1959 #15709 flew over a pasture in Bradenton, Florida and stopped two kilometers away 4/23/1959 #15711 Miami, Florida Retalhuleu Sierra Madre mountain 5/1960 #16247 -Castro Cuban exiles in the Miami, Florida, area. Infantry training is carr 5/1960 #16247 Sarasota, Florida A yellow, elliptical object with 5/4/1960 #16252 level by an architect in Sarasota, Florida at 9:15 a.m. 5/4/1960 #16253 a power failure occurred in Miami, Florida after a misty blue cloud with a 7/21/1960 #16342 g down a highway north of Bunnell, Florida. The UFO then came and hovered o 9/2/1960 #16432 Cape Canaveral, Florida A US Navy A-1 Polaris missile is 1/10/1961 #16574 om a ground pad at Cape Canaveral, Florida. A disc, whose diameter is close 1/10/1961 #16574 is conducted by McClelland and his Florida NICAP subcommittee. 1/10/1961 #16574 sile launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida was paced by a UFO. Its radar si 1/10/1961 #16575 Eglin AFB Valparaiso, Florida 4:45 p.m. An elliptical, metalli 1/22/1961 #16587 roaches Eglin AFB near Valparaiso, Florida, from over the Gulf, makes a U-t 1/22/1961 #16587 t approached Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, then made a U-turn and sped awa 1/22/1961 #16589 In South Miami, Dade County, Florida at 10:15 p.m. a man saw a cigar- 3/6/1961 #16622 antastic maneuvers. Big wave / all Florida to 29 March. 3/22/1961 #16638 Cape Canaveral, Florida Astronaut Alan Shepard becomes t 5/5/1961 #16676 e is launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida, as the first manned Project Mer 5/5/1961 #16676 Tyndall AFB, Florida Witnesses: Mrs. A.J. Jones and 5/22/1961 #16693 occurred on the same day in Tampa, Florida. 6/2/1961 #16712 Oldtown, Florida Witnesses: C. Locklear and Hele 11/21/1961 #16967 ening at 7:30 p.m. EST in Oldtown, Florida two witnesses, C. Locklear and H 11/21/1961 #16969 red around houses in Jacksonville, Florida at around eight o'clock in the e 10/10/1962 #17464 Tampa, Florida Witness: F.L. Swindale, college 11/17/1962 #17552 Tampa, Florida 9:00 p.m. F. L. Swindale, ex-Mar 11/17/1962 #17554 roach, hover, and bounce at Tampa, Florida, for about 15 minutes, then fade 11/17/1962 #17554 and bounce in the sky over Tampa, Florida. After 11-15 minutes they faded 11/17/1962 #17555 UFO was seen from Cape Canaveral, Florida as a Minuteman missile malfuncti 3/18/1963 #17712 Subcommittee, on a brief visit to Florida, observed a UFO. He obtained a f 8/6/1963 #17871 On this evening in Sanford, Florida UFO investigator Orville Hartle 8/6/1963 #17873 ne Lamb—relay their experiences to Florida Today reporter Billy Cox in June Winter 1963 #18090 a car on Highway 60 in Vero Beach, Florida. The object tipped back and fort 6/23/1964 #18370 driver and his wife in Vero Beach, Florida in the predawn hours. The discs 6/24/1964 #18372 ghted at night over Daytona Beach, Florida. It was estimated to be over 200 9/7/1964 #18544 Brooksville, Florida John F. Reeves, 65, retired, was 3/2/1965 #18831 Weeki Wachee Springs, Florida Benton Air Force Station [now Gr 3/2/1965 #18832 oods east of Weeki Wachee Springs, Florida, sees a bluish-green and reddish 3/2/1965 #18832 ject and Entity Case / Hoax”; “The Florida ‘Landing’ Incident,” APRO Bullet 3/2/1965 #18832 nakes in the woods in Brooksville, Florida when he observed a reddish-purpl 3/2/1965 #18833 At 1:30 a.m., while fishing in the Florida Everglades in Hendry County, Flo 3/14/1965 #18854 orida Everglades in Hendry County, Florida 45-year-old James Flynn noticed 3/14/1965 #18854 Fort Myers, Florida In the Everglades, 30 km east of 3/15/1965 #18857 Everglades Immokalee, Florida East Fort Myers Around 1:00 a.m. 3/15/1965 #18859 uggy, somewhere east of Immokalee, Florida, with his four hunting dogs. He 3/15/1965 #18859 g dogs in the Big Cypress Swamp in Florida when he encountered a metallic c 3/15/1965 #18860 obile home trailer in Cooper City, Florida and saw a flash in the western s 11/24/1965 #19734 Miami, Florida Witness: USAF Res. Maj. K.C. Sm 3/20/1966 #20009 Key West, Florida Morning. Contactee George Hunt W 3/22/1966 #20031 ve him for one minute in Key West, Florida. He hears a familiar buzzing in 3/22/1966 #20031 Waterfront Playhouse in Key West, Florida 10:00 p.m. Several people standi 3/22/1966 #20032 Waterfront Playhouse in Key West, Florida, during an intermission, see thr 3/22/1966 #20032 ght near the airfield in Key West, Florida in 1966 several disc-shaped UFOs 3/22/1966 #20033 Fort Pierce, Florida Two young men were walking throu 3/23/1966 #20046 ough a wooded area in Fort Pierce, Florida when they saw a bright object th 3/23/1966 #20054 Hague, Florida A civilian man, 40, saw an objec 4/4/1966 #20223 Florida Orlando, Florida Tallahassee Oca 4/25/1966 #20415 Florida Orlando, Florida Tallahassee Ocala 8:52 p.m. Flor 4/25/1966 #20415 lorida Tallahassee Ocala 8:52 p.m. Florida Gov. W. Haydon Burns’s campaign 4/25/1966 #20415 he Convair takes off from Orlando, Florida, headed for Tallahassee. It appe 4/25/1966 #20415 was paced by two UFOs over Ocala, Florida. The crew and passengers of the 4/25/1966 #20418 s of the Convair aircraft carrying Florida Governor Haydon Burns sighted tw 4/25/1966 #20418 EDT. In Collier County, southwest Florida, vicinity of Naples, a shaken mo 5/6/1966 #20453 EDT. in Collier County, southwest Florida, near Carnestown in the vicinity 5/6/1966 #20455 Cape Canaveral, Florida - Three boys were playing behind 6/3/1966 #20529 flown by J. O'Connor over Sebring, Florida at 10:00 a.m. The object made a 9/20/1966 #20903 t at around 9:00 p.m. in Live Oak, Florida a saucer-shaped object zapped en 10/10/1966 #20984 on a lonely road near Brooksville, Florida on this night when she was appro 11/30/1966 #21168 ltitude over a plaza in Hollywood, Florida. It had a row of revolving green 2/19/1967 #21598 eserve Base] in Miami–Dade County, Florida Fort George G. Meade in Maryland 3/1967 #21700 eserve Base] in Miami–Dade County, Florida, is monitoring the incident and 3/1967 #21700 area. (Pompano Beach Sun-Sentinel, Florida, 3/7/67, copy in NICAP files.) ( 3/3/1967 #21742 middle of the road in Plantation, Florida at 9:00 p.m. The UFOs gave off a 3/3/1967 #21748 Crestview, Florida An entire class at an elementary 4/6/1967 #22077 tview Elementary School Opa-locka, Florida 12:45 p.m. Robert Apfal, a teach 4/6/1967 #22080 ew Elementary School in Opa-locka, Florida, is in the schoolyard with six s 4/6/1967 #22080 Crestview, Florida More than two hundred children a 4/7/1967 #22088 tview Elementary School Opa-locka, Florida 10:00 a.m. Some 200 children at 4/7/1967 #22090 ew Elementary School in Opa-locka, Florida, see an oval-shaped object hover 4/7/1967 #22090 tal Keys Highway off of Key Largo, Florida. The lights pulsated bright-and- 4/12/1967 #22124 urse possibly to look at the UFO. (Florida NICAP Subcommittee report, NICAP 4/21/1967 #22182 vering to the west of Cocoa Beach, Florida. It tilted as a small plane pass 4/21/1967 #22197 Merritt Island, Florida A NASA management instruction is 6/28/1967 #22568 dy Space Center on Merritt Island, Florida, on “Processing Reports of Sight 6/28/1967 #22568 other windows. (NICAP report form; Florida NICAP Subcommittee report, 8/11/ 7/20/1967 #22708 North Key Largo, Florida Jewfish Creek Pompano Beach US H 7/20/1967 #22710 driving alone on North Key Largo, Florida, near Jewfish Creek. She sees a 7/20/1967 #22710 fallen on her lawn in Titusville, Florida and was just getting up when she 7/20/1967 #22713 Jewish Creek, Florida Barbara Fawcett, 18, and her sis 7/21/1967 #22717 above a swamp near Jewfish Creek, Florida. A dog riding in their car becam 7/21/1967 #22720 Winter Haven, Florida 9:30 p.m. Harry E. King and Mich 8/10/1967 #22859 1,300 feet away near Winter Haven, Florida. It hovers for 3–4 minutes, then 8/10/1967 #22859 tlantic northeast of Jacksonville, Florida 3:00 a.m. Charlie Little, the pi 10/27/1967 #23350 tlantic northeast of Jacksonville, Florida. They see a bright light, which 10/27/1967 #23350 the morning north of Jacksonville, Florida. The object was so close it caus 10/27/1967 #23357 old there were alien bases off the Florida coast, the polar region, and off 12/3/1967 #23535 Sr. T. Banescu of La Florida, Argentina was walking home earl 5/22/1968 #23980 Punta Gorda, Florida 9:45 p.m. A man is driving near 5/27/1968 #23987 A man is driving near Punta Gorda, Florida, when his headlights and engine 5/27/1968 #23987 e of a car failed near Punt Gorda, Florida at 9:45 p.m. The motorist got ou 5/27/1968 #23989 FLORIDA, BA, ARG 200+observer(s). Brown 7/27/1968 #24237 near Ocala, Florida Witness: missionary pilot Jay Co 9/15/1968 #24466 Near Ocala, Florida. 9:30 p.m. Missionary pilot Jay 9/15/1968 #24469 In Medulla, Florida a terrified dog crashed through 10/8/1968 #24552 vering over the house in Lakeland, Florida. Several human-like figures coul 11/9/1968 #24647 Georgia Eglin AFB near Valparaiso, Florida 7:15 p.m. Future president Jimmy 1/6/1969 #24821 ed from Eglin AFB near Valparaiso, Florida. 1/6/1969 #24821 of this day in Green Cove Springs, Florida. At around three a.m. two single 2/10/1969 #24909 Highway 44 in Cassia, Lake County, Florida. The object made a whirring soun 1/29/1970 #25560 d up a UFO a MacDill AFB in Tampa, Florida on this day. 5/26/1970 #25672 rd four people in a car in Apopka, Florida. It came down 1000 feet away and 6/29/1970 #25721 n moved much closer to Palm Beach, Florida. 12/4/1970 #25926 a 10-year-old boy in Brooksville, Florida saw a hovering UFO at least 50 f 2/26/1971 #26033 UFO flew overhead in Gulf Breeze, Florida heading west. A nocturnal light 7/14/1971 #26227 t. Johns River near Blount Island, Florida when he saw something like "half 1/26/1972 #26556 ng near the shore in Apollo Beach, Florida when a 16 meter wide disc flew 3 2/11/1972 #26573 Palm Beach (Florida) International Airport Homestead 9/14/1972 #26997 tected on radar at the Palm Beach (Florida) International Airport by FAA ai 9/14/1972 #26997 bled from West Palm Beach Airport, Florida to intercept the glowing UFO, bu 9/14/1972 #27000 Inverness (Florida) Golf and Country Club Homestead 2/19/1973 #27298 n the 18th green of the Inverness (Florida) Golf and Country Club with ente 2/19/1973 #27298 In West Melbourne, Florida a youth called the sheriff's dep 10/19/1973 #28196 g 20 feet over the Braden River in Florida. It extended a tube into water. 12/13/1973 #28570 Later that night in Cabana Colony, Florida Mr. & Mrs. McGhee saw a flying o 12/13/1973 #28570 Fort George Island, Florida Jacksonville, Florida Antoine, J 3/27/1974 #28961 orge Island, Florida Jacksonville, Florida Antoine, Jerri, and Terry Betz i 3/27/1974 #28961 r residence on Fort George Island, Florida, and come across a metal sphere 3/27/1974 #28961 driving through the Jacksonville, Florida, area around Easter of 1971. A f 3/27/1974 #28961 n hours on this day in Plant City, Florida a motorcyclist had his engine an 10/7/1974 #29503 Tampa, Florida Robert Spencer Carr described in 10/11/1974 #29514 Tampa, Florida Aztec, New Mexico Wright-Patters 10/11/1974 #29521 osium by PSI Conferences in Tampa, Florida. During the interview, Carr make 10/11/1974 #29521 Tampa, Florida Aztec, New Mexico Hangar 18 Robe 11/2/1974 #29580 at the International Inn in Tampa, Florida, on the 1948 Aztec, New Mexico, 11/2/1974 #29580 Tampa, Florida Date given by Professor Carr on 12/1974 #29623 'clock in the morning in Bokoelia, Florida and stepped outside his trailer 11/3/1975 #30547 y in the northwest sky in Orlando, Florida. It suddenly disappeared. (Sourc 11/13/1975 #30615 y in the northwest sky in Orlando, Florida. It suddenly disappeared. 11/13/1975 #30616 evelopment Test Center, Eglin AFB, Florida called and reported a UFO sighti 1/31/1976 #30835 Eglin AFB southwest of Valparaiso, Florida 3:30–5:00 a.m. UFOs are spotted 1/31/1976 #30836 glin AFB, southwest of Valparaiso, Florida. Photos are taken. 1/31/1976 #30836 on Talbot Island, in Duval County, Florida at 10 p.m. Under hypnosis they r 2/7/1976 #30851 shaped object flew over Kissimmee, Florida at less than 300 meters altitude 2/8/1976 #30856 about 30 miles outside of Orlando, Florida. Suddenly they noticed a saucer- 8/18/1976 #31278 ng west on Sterling Road in Davie, Florida to drop off his two children, ag 12/6/1976 #31587 Miami, Florida 8:30 p.m. A group of witnesses s 12/18/1976 #31615 oval light pass overhead in Miami, Florida, about 250 feet up. It turns wes 12/18/1976 #31615 sses, twenty miles south of Miami, Florida watched an oval glow with a disc 12/18/1976 #31617 he Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Florida, southeast of Fort Lauderdale. 12/20/1976 #31627 Florida 6420 Casgrain Avenue, Montreal, 1/6/1977 #31706 Avenue, Montreal, Quebec 1:15 a.m. Florida Malboeuf is sitting at her windo 1/6/1977 #31706 At 1:15 a.m. Mrs. Florida Malboeuf, about 50 years of age, 1/6/1977 #31707 Plantation, Florida 12:30 a.m. A driver is paced by 1/13/1977 #31720 with a dark equator in Plantation, Florida. The noiseless object is glowing 1/13/1977 #31720 r-old woman driving in Plantation, Florida had her car paced by a disc-shap 1/13/1977 #31721 Opalocka, Florida Key West 12:00 midnight. A fligh 1/27/1978 #32918 flying his Cessna 172 to Opalocka, Florida, when he sees a formation of six 1/27/1978 #32918 Lantana, Florida Ellsworth AFB A carbon copy of a 2/9/1978 #32963 the National Enquirer in Lantana, Florida. Accompanying the document is an 2/9/1978 #32963 re Range in Ocala National Forest, Florida Silver Glen Springs Jacksonville 5/14/1978 #33210 re Range in Ocala National Forest, Florida, receives a call from Rocky Morg 5/14/1978 #33210 acking Station, near Ocala Forest, Florida. It hovered over trees and an ol 5/14/1978 #33211 , five miles south of Wewahitchka, Florida had a four minute close encounte 5/15/1978 #33218 Niceville, Florida 9:25 p.m. A young couple in Nice 8/12/1978 #33512 p.m. A young couple in Niceville, Florida, are driving on a dirt road when 8/12/1978 #33512 tudents were driving in Niceville, Florida near Eglin Air Force Base when s 8/12/1978 #33513 driving on the outskirts of Tampa, Florida near some orange groves at aroun 9/20/1978 #33718 Scotland, Italy, Switzerland, and Florida. In Mirrasol, Sao Paulo State, B 12/31/1978 #34250 of their residences in Homestead, Florida. Mr. Betancourt, age 37, describ 12/31/1978 #34252 eechobee Road just north of Miami, Florida with three family friends when t 1/3/1979 #34287 eechobee Road just north of Miami, Florida with three family friends when t 1/3/1979 #34292 St. Petersburg, Florida 8:30 a.m. A woman in St. Petersb 6/14/1979 #34612 30 a.m. A woman in St. Petersburg, Florida, sees an object with a long tran 6/14/1979 #34612 etiro Chile La Paz Cape Canaveral, Florida Two large metallic spheres are f 8/10/1979 #34724 ched Westar 3 from Cape Canaveral, Florida, the same day. 8/10/1979 #34724 West Palm Beach, Florida Southern Horizon Store near the 11/8/1979 #34986 teenage girls in West Palm Beach, Florida, watch a round object with multi 11/8/1979 #34986 me night southwest of Gainesville, Florida a large bright disc chased a car 12/19/1979 #35086 Mossy Head, Florida Jacksonville 10:30 p.m. A colleg 8/20/1980 #35469 bout 5 minutes east of Mossy Head, Florida, when he becomes aware of an arr 8/20/1980 #35469 n airplane flying over Boca Raton, Florida near Pompano Beach. The UFOs cir 9/28/1980 #35541 FLORIDA, URUGUAY Electric out / region. 5/20/1981 #35942 Florida Uruguay Evening. Several hundred 5/22/1981 #35945 Evening. Several hundred people in Florida, Uruguay, watch a drum-like UFO 5/22/1981 #35945 g Cypress National Preserve Miami, Florida Jensen Beach Miami 9:00 p.m. Nin 1/30/1984 #37166 erve about 40 miles west of Miami, Florida, see a bright orange object desc 1/30/1984 #37166 iles west of Miami in Dade County, Florida watched a 200 foot in diameter d 1/30/1984 #37167 Gainesville, Florida 10:00 p.m. While boating on a la 4/13/1984 #37260 oating on a lake near Gainesville, Florida, two witnesses see a stationary 4/13/1984 #37260 working at a kennel in Williston, Florida heard a humming noise, and notic 5/6/1984 #37323 Williston, Florida 10:30 p.m. A 13-year-old boy is 5/6/1984 #37324 washing out dog pens in Williston, Florida, when he hears a humming sound b 5/6/1984 #37324 working at a kennel in Williston, Florida heard a humming noise, and notic 5/6/1984 #37325 In St. James City, Florida a dark elliptical UFO was sighte 5/27/1985 #37594 nd discs occurred on this night in Florida, Illinois, and Washington State. 7/19/1986 #37949 . At 4:30 a.m. in Fort Lauderdale, Florida 50 silvery discs maneuvered in a 7/19/1986 #37949 house to shake in St. Petersburg, Florida at 4:30 a.m. There was also radi 8/5/1986 #37972 In Key Largo, Florida a silent wing-shaped object, 65 8/11/1986 #37979 A couple in Lakeland, Florida reported a large vertical cylind 1/8/1987 #38094 iday two adult women in Pensacola, Florida were outside in the evening sett 7/4/1987 #38204 road daylight over West Pensacola, Florida. 7/23/1987 #38214 On this night in Gainesville, Florida a huge, silent circular disc-sha 8/5/1987 #38231 Gulf Breeze, Florida California 5:00 p.m. Edward Walt 11/11/1987 #38322 nstruction company in Gulf Breeze, Florida, has his first alleged encounter 11/11/1987 #38322 In 1987 in Gulf Breeze, Florida at 4:00 p.m. Ed Walters photogra 11/20/1987 #38330 teenagers driving in Gulf Breeze, Florida saw a multicolored disc-shaped o 11/24/1987 #38334 ction occurred in Okaloosa County, Florida not far from the town of Destin. 11/25/1987 #38336 s outside his home in Gulf Breeze, Florida speaking Spanish. Thirty minutes 12/2/1987 #38348 n Oriole Beach, Santa Rosa county, Florida some kids saw what looked like a 12/10/1987 #38353 ock in the morning in Gulf Breeze, Florida. An abduction of Mr. Walters may 12/17/1987 #38367 a.m. from his home in Gulf Breeze, Florida. He had the impression that they 12/23/1987 #38371 Gulf Breeze, Florida Ed Walters produces his most fam 1/12/1988 #38410 road near his home in Gulf Breeze, Florida. 1/12/1988 #38410 kup truck on US 98 in Gulf Breeze, Florida when an object appeared ahead of 1/12/1988 #38411 vening at his home in Gulf Breeze, Florida Ed Walters took his twenty-first 1/24/1988 #38432 In Gulf Breeze, Florida at around eight o'clock in the e 2/8/1988 #38445 In Grand Canal, Florida at 10:30 p.m. two adults and two 3/30/1988 #38522 Florida Penn State William Steinman agai 4/1988 #38525 ain contacts Eric A. Walker at his Florida residence and asks about the cur 4/1988 #38525 e back to him from Penn State, not Florida. At the top of the letter, Walke 4/1988 #38525 usetts and another in Gulf Breeze, Florida. 4/2/1988 #38530 of a tree falling in Gulf Breeze, Florida at 2:45 a.m. They looked out and 4/3/1988 #38533 US highway 98 east of Gulf Breeze, Florida had a disc-shaped UFO pace his v 4/28/1988 #38547 began at 1:20 a.m. in Gulf Breeze, Florida. He found himself walking along 5/1/1988 #38551 ped several UFOs over Gulf Breeze, Florida at 8:00 p.m. for 8 minutes. Init 5/11/1988 #38563 On this morning in West Point, Florida a UFO was seen ascending straigh 6/6/1988 #38582 8:07 p.m. a woman in Gulf Breeze, Florida saw a large UFO that appeared to 9/11/1988 #38636 In Valparaiso, Florida at 9:30 CDT a U.S. Air Force hou 10/24/1988 #38690 Miami, Florida 5:00 a.m. A Miami, Florida, coup 10/25/1988 #38693 Miami, Florida 5:00 a.m. A Miami, Florida, couple is on their balcony terr 10/25/1988 #38693 object zigzagged over Gulf Breeze, Florida at 4:55 p.m. 12/5/1988 #38747 t Cecil Field Naval Air Station in Florida a colleague of his told him two 1/1989 #38774 r 90 feet overhead in Gainesville, Florida at five a.m. for five minutes. I 1/23/1989 #38797 Gulf Breeze, Florida 3:40 a.m. A man in Gulf Breeze, 2/8/1989 #38825 da 3:40 a.m. A man in Gulf Breeze, Florida, wakes to the sound of dogs bark 2/8/1989 #38825 A man in Gulf Breeze, Florida was awakened by his dogs, and sa 2/8/1989 #38826 At 9:15 p.m. in Crestview, Florida a man's dog barked as a 90-foot 4/21/1989 #38919 20-year-old woman in Gulf Breeze, Florida saw two rows of six to eight rou 8/10/1989 #39056 ject was sighted over Gulf Breeze, Florida at 9:20 p.m. by a man and a woma 8/14/1989 #39062 In Pensacola, Florida at around nine p.m. a pair of 52 8/15/1989 #39064 On this evening in Gulf Breeze, Florida a white or silver delta-shaped o 8/23/1989 #39071 ad. At 9:30 p.m. in Navaree Beach, Florida a 30-year-old couple in a condo 8/23/1989 #39071 north on 9th Avenue in Pensacola, Florida close to Olive Road a 20-year-ol 8/25/1989 #39074 assed over her home in Cantonment, Florida at 8:00 p.m. It looked “like two 9/14/1989 #39102 a friend in the city of Pensacola, Florida at 8:30 p.m. saw a white, rectan 10/13/1989 #39170 wo witnesses in Fort Walton Beach, Florida saw a group of lights hovering. 10/30/1989 #39195 In Gulf Breeze, Florida on this date in 1989, in the eve 11/15/1989 #39233 the same night, in Shoreline Park, Florida, an unusual circular depression 11/15/1989 #39233 In Pensacola, Florida at 6:30 p.m. a huge glowing obje 11/30/1989 #39285 ng on Highway 98 near Gulf Breeze, Florida at 9:45 p.m. a 50-year-old woman 11/30/1989 #39286 the Midway area of Gadsden county, Florida at 10:00 p.m. They caused unspec 11/30/1989 #39287 nial Palms shopping mall in Miami, Florida just south of the city when he e 12/8/1989 #39305 kbridge, Michigan. In Gulf Breeze, Florida that afternoon, a MUFON UFO inve 1/28/1990 #39393 In Pensacola, Florida at 6:30 p.m. a 36-year-old man s 2/5/1990 #39410 Gulf Breeze, Florida A woman feeding her infant in Gu 3/7/1990 #39452 feeding her infant in Gulf Breeze, Florida, notices a beam of white light a 3/7/1990 #39452 women driving in Pensacola Beach, Florida at three o'clock in the afternoo 3/13/1990 #39459 teenagers driving in Gulf Breeze, Florida had approached a stop light at 9 3/31/1990 #39504 Gulf Breeze, Florida 8:15 p.m. A motorist driving nea 4/5/1990 #39511 ing near the shore at Gulf Breeze, Florida, sees what looks like a jet figh 4/5/1990 #39511 Pensacola Bay Bridge in Florida Pensacola A couple driving north 4/10/1990 #39516 rth on the Pensacola Bay Bridge in Florida see an object that looks like a 4/10/1990 #39516 Gulf Breeze, Florida Gulf of Mexico Evening. Several 4/11/1990 #39519 Several residents of Gulf Breeze, Florida, watch a red light move toward t 4/11/1990 #39519 tle Sabine Island Pensacola Beach, Florida Gulf Breeze Night. Two witnesses 4/12/1990 #39522 Sabine Island off Pensacola Beach, Florida. It stays there for several minu 4/12/1990 #39522 Gulf Breeze, Florida Pensacola At least seven people 4/14/1990 #39524 light to the north of Gulf Breeze, Florida. It approaches from the east at 4/14/1990 #39524 umanoids while on patrol in Miami, Florida at 4:30 a.m. He described the be 4/15/1990 #39528 A man driving in Milton, Florida at 11:00 p.m. saw a spherical UF 4/18/1990 #39536 4:30 a.m. a woman in Gulf Breeze, Florida saw an intense blinking light ov 5/9/1990 #39570 e Bridges family of Navarre Beach, Florida observed a cluster of 20-30 ligh 6/8/1990 #39610 Pensacola (Fla.) Gulf Breeze, Florida Reporter Craig Myers announces i 6/10/1990 #39612 e former residence of Gulf Breeze, Florida, UFO photographer Ed Walters. My 6/10/1990 #39612 ing orb in the sky over Pensacola, Florida. It arced down and dove toward P 7/20/1990 #39655 Gulf Breeze, Florida. Two witnesses at 9:30 a.m. watc 9/19/1990 #39737 O was photographed in Gulf Breeze, Florida by three observers with 35 mm ca 11/24/1990 #39907 south at airliner speed in Milton, Florida at 12:40 p.m. 11/25/1990 #39910 otaped a red UFO over Gulf Breeze, Florida during a skywatch. 1/11/1991 #39950 east. At 7:50 p.m. in Gulf Breeze, Florida a red ball of light was sighted 1/16/1991 #39956 e Job Corps Center in Gainesville, Florida. As they were walking towards a 6/15/1991 #40098 on this same night in Gulf Breeze, Florida. Thirty residents and a team of 10/5/1991 #40206 d a structured UFO in Gulf Breeze, Florida with a curved shape above a blaz 11/5/1991 #40218 On this evening in North Port, Florida a former WW II fighter pilot and 11/24/1991 #40238 At 8:23 p.m. in Gulf Breeze, Florida 52 high quality witnesses watche 3/14/1992 #40381 1992 at 3:52 a.m. in Haines City, Florida police officer Delgado had a clo 3/19/1992 #40390 Haines City, Florida 3:51 a.m. Patrolman Luis Delgado 3/20/1992 #40394 n a local business at Haines City, Florida, and turns onto 30th Street. He 3/20/1992 #40394 s it hovered over the Gulf Breeze, Florida Three Mile Bridge. 4/16/1992 #40419 4:39 a.m. a woman in North Miami, Florida got up to go to the bathroom. On 1/27/1993 #40816 In Pensacola Beach, Florida a ten meter long "helicopter" wi 2/5/1993 #40841 merang or V-shaped UFO in Bayport, Florida. The UFO was pulsing as it hover 4/16/1993 #40938 his afternoon in New Port Ritchie, Florida. It then rose up into the sky un 4/18/1993 #40942 a woman living in West Palm Beach, Florida awoke feeling very groggy and he 7/24/1993 #41082 g low over the ocean in Pensacola, Florida. The object suddenly lurched for 8/6/1993 #41110 room of an old house in Pensacola, Florida, talking with a male friend when 8/10/1993 #41123 er that afternoon, in Gulf Breeze, Florida, Ed Walters videotaped a UFO lur 11/15/1993 #41277 the ground of a farm in Melbourne, Florida, then temporarily hovered at 30- 4/8/1994 #41482 und as witnessed from Gulf Breeze, Florida. It created a churning swirl of 4/26/1994 #41505 ed in front of a car in Pensacola, Florida at 10:40 p.m. It passed to withi 4/28/1994 #41509 A woman in Miami, Florida was unable to sleep and got up a 6/23/1994 #41579 wer was seen from Pensacola Beach, Florida at 11:55 p.m. by six witnesses. 6/29/1994 #41593 riangular craft flew over De Bary, Florida at 9:15 p.m. The two witnesses s 7/16/1994 #41628 UFO was sighted over Gulf Breeze, Florida at 2:30 a.m. It dropped down, zi 9/7/1994 #41723 tings this evening in Gulf Breeze, Florida at 7:40 p.m., 7:50 p.m., and 8:2 9/11/1994 #41736 time experience occurred in Miami, Florida in the evening hours. A 59-year- 9/20/1994 #41766 the shoreline of New Port Richey, Florida for about a minute, and then sho 1/2/1995 #41940 UFO over a shopping mall in Miami, Florida. He ran outside to view it more 1/16/1995 #41979 ress and Gateway in Boynton Beach, Florida at 5:10 a.m. when she saw a seve 1/17/1995 #41981 Two women in Miami, Florida at 7:45 p.m. sighted a white, gl 2/12/1995 #42039 haped object hovered over Hialeah, Florida at two o'clock in the morning. I 5/27/1995 #42231 ward the northeast over Pensacola, Florida. It flew slowly at 15 mph, acros 6/5/1995 #42240 slowy toward the east over Holley, Florida making no sound. It shot away at 6/14/1995 #42256 m. at the Bay Bridge in Pensacola, Florida two witnesses watched a one foot 9/2/1995 #42437 south in the sky over Tallahasee, Florida. Its apparent size was larger th 9/13/1995 #42468 against the clouds in Gulf Breeze, Florida at 8:30 p.m., flying to the nort 9/14/1995 #42470 In Pensacola Beach, Florida a ring-shaped object with portho 9/20/1995 #42493 rtment complex in Hialeah Gardens, Florida. Armed with his flashlight, he a 12/9/1995 #42639 r the elderly in West Dade County, Florida looked out the window at 11:00 p 3/6/1996 #42811 East Kingsfield Road Pensacola, Florida 10:30 p.m. A witness is driving 6/17/1996 #42931 in the northern part of Pensacola, Florida, when he sees a large, black tri 6/17/1996 #42931 abin at an undisclosed location in Florida when they saw strange flashing l 1/7/1997 #43167 In West Palm Beach, Florida a woman named June, who had been 9/11/1997 #43405 In West Palm Beach, Florida a woman named June, who had been 9/12/1997 #43407 shore, south of Fort Walton Beach, Florida the same witnesses reported seei 5/13/1998 #43566 female security guard in Lakeland, Florida spotted a strange "alien" entity 7/12/1998 #43602 Fort Pickens Pensacola, Florida Gulf of Mexico 7:57 p.m. While f 10/9/1999 #43859 g off Fort Pickens near Pensacola, Florida, an ex-Air Force security police 10/9/1999 #43859 ate on this night in Jacksonville, Florida a woman suddenly awoke to find h 1/13/2000 #43928 z, a 55-year-old man from Orlando, Florida, found himself inside a huge cra 5/3/2000 #43988 bject flew over North Miami Beach, Florida at 6:42 p.m., heading to the wes 11/28/2000 #44086 Fernandina Beach, Florida Ocean 9:45 p.m. Three witnesses 6/23/2001 #44196 in their yard in Fernandina Beach, Florida, when they see a bright white li 6/23/2001 #44196 ic flaring light descended over La Florida, Bio Bio, Chile and was visible 12/6/2001 #44283 the river at 7:30 p.m. in Brevard, Florida. 12/17/2001 #44292 Clermont, Florida Lake Minnehaha 2:53 a.m. A witne 2/2/2002 #44315 s driving down a road in Clermont, Florida, when he sees a silent, bright l 2/2/2002 #44315 atop a parking garage in Orlando, Florida saw three dark triangular craft 5/12/2002 #44343 everal minutes in Deerfield Beach, Florida at 11:10 p.m. 6/24/2002 #44353 ngles flew over Fort Walton Beach, Florida at 9:30 p.m. At 10:30 p.m. PDT a 9/11/2002 #44396 ith her boyfriend at their home in Florida when she suddenly awoke and look 1/27/2003 #44481 c oval object was sighted over the Florida Everglades from Fort Lauderdale, 2/15/2003 #44492 a Everglades from Fort Lauderdale, Florida at 3:37 p.m. 2/15/2003 #44492 tness driving on I-75 near Naples, Florida at 6:22 a.m. saw a low flying tr 3/1/2003 #44498 cean off the coast of Panama City, Florida at 11:00 p.m. The sighting was b 3/13/2003 #44501 At 11:38 p.m. in Coral Springs, Florida a man saw a dark figure outside 4/4/2003 #44511 -shaped object appeared in Milton, Florida at 10:30 p.m., hovered, pulsated 8/28/2003 #44587 across, was sighted in Fort Myers, Florida. It reflected sunlight and bobbe 1/4/2004 #44647 co heading east toward Brandenton, Florida and then turned sharply south. T 3/26/2004 #44680 creened bedroom window in Orlando, Florida. She saw a small, oval, slightl 4/15/2004 #44688 In North Lauderdale, Florida at approximately 10:25 p.m. an o 5/7/2004 #44695 ace Control Squadron at Eglin AFB, Florida The US Air Force 20th Space Cont 10/1/2004 #44764 ace Control Squadron at Eglin AFB, Florida, takes over the operation of the 10/1/2004 #44764 een in Miami Gardens, Dade County, Florida. It was a gray, metallic looking 10/27/2004 #44772 ghted over Largo, Pinellas County, Florida. 10/27/2004 #44772 nly disappear was seen in Palatka, Florida. 3/1/2005 #44818 ld see, passed over St. Augustine, Florida at 11:57 p.m. 3/6/2005 #44820 Fernandina Beach, Florida 10:30 p.m. A witness in Fernandi 8/4/2005 #44858 .m. A witness in Fernandina Beach, Florida, sees two rose-red objects appro 8/4/2005 #44858 southeast over Jacksonville Beach, Florida without a sound. 9/28/2005 #44880 on of about 35 degrees in Orlando, Florida. The witness estimated the sight 10/26/2005 #44893 e St. Johns River in Jacksonville, Florida for three minutes. 12/17/2005 #44912 ime (10:20 p.m. EDT) in Westville, Florida a triangular object was seen bri 4/22/2007 #45021 ast across the sky in Palm Harbor, Florida. 9/20/2007 #45062 over Jensen Beach, Martin County, Florida for two minutes, and then vanish 10/10/2007 #45073 yards long, flew over Wellington, Florida at 12:45 p.m. 11/22/2007 #45095 out half an hour away from Naples, Florida in a stretch of road with no exi 5/9/2008 #45135 attern over Davie, Broward County, Florida. 1/3/2009 #45205 s seen over Saint Augustine Beach, Florida at 5:00 p.m.; it hovered for abo 4/16/2009 #45215 In Valrico, Florida a cigar-shaped object with no wi 8/5/2009 #45232 disappearing in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. 8/5/2009 #45232 busy interstate highway in Tampa, Florida at 7:40 p.m. The sighting lasted 1/24/2010 #45267 Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida Low Earth Orbit The first X-37B, 4/22/2010 #45276 Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. The spacecraft is placed into l 4/22/2010 #45276 In Davie, Florida a silent, translucent Y-shaped o 5/4/2010 #45278 Seashore in Georgia Jacksonville, Florida 11:00 p.m. Two people camping on 8/16/2010 #45292 to the south toward Jacksonville, Florida. About 45 minutes later they see 8/16/2010 #45292 enter was sighted over Plant City, Florida. At 3:00 p.m. a shiny metallic, 8/30/2010 #45295 In Boca Raton, Florida at 7:40 p.m. a close encounter o 12/31/2010 #45309 alking on the beach in Clearwater, Florida when they saw one or more object 2/11/2011 #45314 West Melbourne, Florida 8:20 p.m. A married couple pull 1/12/2013 #45360 their driveway in West Melbourne, Florida, to go out to dinner. As the cou 1/12/2013 #45360 Vero Beach, Florida 9:10 p.m. Ufologist Steven M. Gr 1/27/2015 #45428 oup of UFO watchers at Vero Beach, Florida, when they spot two UFOs that ap 1/27/2015 #45428 Jacksonville, Florida Persian Gulf Naval Station Norfo 2/2015? #45430 S in the vicinity of Jacksonville, Florida, sometime between January and Fe 2/2015? #45430 lew in RC-135s from MacDill AFB in Florida. He allegedly told Fish they wer 3/6/2015 #45434 to track UAP off the east coast of Florida; the UAP allegedly came from a h 3/6/2015 #45434 Merritt Island, Florida Shuttle Landing Facility The fif 10/27/2019 #45615 anding Facility on Merritt Island, Florida, after spending nearly 780 days 10/27/2019 #45615 Pentagon Florida The US Senate Intelligence Commi 6/23/2020 #45649
At 8:52 p.m. EDT the governor of Florida's plane was paced by two UFOs ov 4/25/1966 #20418
35 a.m. Helen Hoag of North Miami, Florida--who had previously seen mysteri 10/5/1973 #27954
Lacul Roşu, Romania Dusk. Florin Gorănescu is staying at a villa i 7/1961 #16740 notti, Antonio Ribera, Ion Hobana, Florin Gheorghiţă, W. Raymond Drake, Ern 6/25/1977 #32195
Andy Florio sighted a disc-shaped object at l 3/30/1955 #12071 and bubbling paint on the car. Mr. Florio also felt heat and a tingling sen 3/30/1955 #12071
tangular UFO was seen briefly over Florissant, St. Louis County, Missouri. 1/5/2002 #44304
Rosario, Argentina That morning a florist in the city of Rosario saw a red 9/23/1978 #33733 That morning a florist in the city of Rosario, Argentin 9/23/1978 #33739
hted by an Argentine Navy pilot in Florista, Bahia State, Argentina. 9/8/1962 #17392
videotaped at about 10:00 p.m. in Floriston, California. It had a bright r 8/16/2001 #44236
ide, South Australia. White “fairy floss” is found on the ground that tends 3/15/1971 #26048
Ann Arbor, MI Biologist reported "flotilla" of rocket-like UFOs. [UFOE, VI 7/27/1952 #7206 biologist Charles H. Otis sees a “flotilla” of UFOs “seemingly floating al 7/27/1952 #7213
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Flotost” YieldMax: 20KT 8/16/1977 #32405
LA FLOTTE EN RE, FR 2 observer(s). Big bril 11/1977 (approximate) #32645
LA FLOTTE-EN-RE, FR 1+2 observer(s). 12M wh 9/30/1954 #10509 e As he was returning home near La Flotte-en-Re, Celeste Simonutti saw a br 9/30/1954 #10514 turning home at 10:00 p.m. near La Flotte-en-Re, on the Ile de Re, France w 9/30/1954 #10525
oud noise over the Wasson & Miller flour mill and cotton gin in Dublin, Tex 6/13/1891 #293 E, WA Work crew. 3 disks spin over flour mill. 1 lands / riverbed. No trace 7/9/1947 #3045 ing hydrogenated oil and buckwheat flour. The Air Force concludes that Simo 4/18/1961 #16653 y liquid is a fermented mixture of flour and water. 9/4/1967 #22998
n observed two or three round blue flourescent colored objects approximatel 7/17/1952 #6861 , Ohio. The objects were round and flourescent white in color. (NICAP: 01 - 7/23/1952 #7073 Norwich, NY Aluminum sphere with a flourescent luminous ring (NICAP: 01 - D 7/27/1964 #18444 m west of Cyprus when he saw a red flourescent, cylindrical object with a c 11/16/1965 #19726 p.m. a man named Quigley sighted a flourescent, blue cluster of lights ting 11/23/1965 #19733 ing the five minute encounter. The flourescent UFOs hadedges lit by bluish- 9/24/1969 #25378 . The surface of the lake glowed a flourescent blue. The object then shot a 2/26/1975 #29853 f the sea and became a very bright flourescent white light that reflected o 12/16/1978 #34148 f the sea and became a very bright flourescent white light that reflected o 12/16/1978 #34155 s that crossed their path. The two flourescent orange streamers flew in tan 9/13/1994 #41745
O was silvery in color and emitted flourescent-like orange lights that chan 9/30/1973 #27892
hed by the civilizations that have flourished there." Via a spiral stairway 11/18/1973 #28443
ia to the Planet Mars) by Théodore Flournoy, professor of psychology at the 1900 #639
rst stage failed due to propellant flow interruption) 8/19/1948 #3784 It moved at 1,500 mph with a white flow and with a reddish-purple fiery rin 2/8/1951 #5434 under its dark mass. It gave off a flow of sparks and rose, hovered for a m 10/6/1954 #10755 under its dark mass. It gave off a flow of sparks and rose, hovered for a m 10/6/1954 #10761 ntil it is lost in front of a lava flow about 2 miles away. Both observers 1/18/1966 #19850 Electroaerodynamics in Supersonic Flow, suggesting Northrop was researchin 1968 #23633 d, with data streams continuing to flow to NORAD. NORAD retains the radar n 12/1/1979 #35036 ime electronic surveillance of the flow of money to suspected terrorists an 1982 #36286 I have no idea of who controls the flow of ‘need-to-know’ because, frankly, 6/20/1983 #36884 ad never seen before that seems to flow over the surface. It is 15 feet lon 3/20/1992 #40394 d the comptrollers who monitor the flow of money to certain classified and 2000 #43914 erminate at the shell company) the flow of money going to the third party c 5/1/2021 #45687
long reddish hair and a beard that flowed to his waist. He was strongly bui 5/4/1969 #25115 sensation of calm. A beam of light flowed upward from the object. After a f 4/25/1984 #37295
ure(s). Music and gibberish. Drops flower and cup. / r221. 3/26/1880 #227 fish approaching from the west. A flower is dropped from the car of the ba 3/26/1880 #230 of the others took air, grass, and flower samples and the last one "just st 8/20/1966 #20781 bright orange object shaped like a flower pot (truncated cone) hovering at 9/14/1973 #27821 uck upward, then fanned out like a flower, reminiscent of a fireworks displ 12/1992 #40736 ella, Spain a round UFO with three flower petal-like shapes around its cent 1/16/2003 #44476
of the sanitorium and through some flowerbeds. At this point Cintra notices 8/25/1968 #24376
CUESMES, BELGIUM 2 observer(s). 7' flowerpot hovers / power station/depot/f 9/14/1973 #27819
She draws men, boats, houses, and flowers, named in Martian and written in 8/1895 #319 ir down to her waist. As she picks flowers, she speaks in an unknown langua 4/16/1897 #508 rge from a landed craft and gather flowers, shrubs, and twigs in a shiny bo 9/24/1954 #10434 erge from a landed UFO and pick up flowers, shrubs, and twigs. 9/24/1954 #10436 shiny uniforms, and were gathering flowers, shrubs, and other vegetation an 9/24/1954 #10438 vertical cylinder/cigar-shape grab flowers and stocking / woman. / Flying S 11/1/1954 #11511 ne white teeth, they took a pot of flowers from the witness and flew away. 11/1/1954 #11516 unintelligible language and snatch flowers from her hands and throw them in 11/1/1954 #11518 one of her stockings, wrapped the flowers in the stocking, and then threw 11/1/1954 #11520 upolas and cultivated multicolored flowers. 4/1/1959 #15689 a little girl holding a nosegay of flowers in the early afternoon. Not seen 4/26/1964 #18210 her two children were picking wild flowers on the river bank in East Didsbu 8/19/1979 #34760 o plant certain different kinds of flowers and trees in her garden. She sai 3/11/1992 #40372 ey translucent being" studying the flowers in his garden. He had arrived ba 4/12/2008 #45127
wo small jets of exhaust were seen flowing from the lower part of the objec 12/18/1954 #11831 electric force or very hot air was flowing from all the surfaces.” It tilts 8/20/1955 #12379 object was silent and left a white flowing fuzzy trail in its wake. (Fowler 3/1/1967 #21708 wearing a long white cape that was flowing in the wind. Their fear increase 7/11/1978 #33367 odd sensations as if thoughts were flowing into his brain from an external 9/20/1979 #34909 ess. Under hypnosis she remembered flowing up a beam of light into a semi-c 12/10/1979 #35068 lection of unencrypted information flowing through the data centers of inte 12/4/1981 #36247 ure was wearing what looked like a flowing tunic, and a conical hat conceal 2/9/1995 #42031 taller and green colored, wearing flowing robes. He was very slender and h 9/16/1996 #43026 with liquid, with blue electricity flowing through it. She woke up violentl 4/15/1997 #43261 in front of them, wearing a light flowing gown. The strange figure was ver 5/3/2002 #44336
wo men, and were told the ship-had flown from Quincy to Springfield in 30 m 4/15/1897 #482 wo men, and were told the ship-had flown from Quincy to Springfield in 30 m 4/15/1897 #486 wo men, and were told the ship had flown from Quincy to Springfield in 30 m 4/15/1897 #497 d at the site after the object had flown off. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 5/18/1909 #756 d at the site after the object had flown off. 5/18/1909 #757 s at the site after the object had flown off. 5/18/1909 #759 d alerts the press that planes had flown over restricted military areas. 1/22/1934 #1196 with a 38-foot wingspan, is first flown at Baker Dry Lake in the Mojave De 7/3/1941 #1368 war ended, declares that they had flown no airplanes over Los Angeles duri 2/24/1942 #1388 e female occupant was captured and flown to Washington, DC. 6/22/1944 #1613 o Roswell AFB, New Mexico and then flown to Carswell AFB in Texas. Accordin 7/4/1947 #2672 ch and loaded on an airplane to be flown on to the Fort Worth Army Air Fiel 7/6/1947 #2812 l radio announcement, debris being flown by special plane to Wright Field 7/8/1947 #2949 allegedly carrying alien bodies is flown from Roswell to Fort Worth in a B- 7/9/1947 #3054 oswell debris and bodies have been flown from Fort Worth to Wright Field, a 7/10/1947 #3103 apt. William L. Davidson, who have flown in from Hamilton Army Airfield [no 7/12/1947 #3157 B-17 pilotless drone aircraft are flown through the cloud, and a drone lig 4/15/1948 #3623 USAF Project Sign officer who had flown to investigate the Hecla case, see 7/9/1948 #3705 ntly director of Project Sign) are flown by Capt. Clarence Groseclose to At 7/25/1948 #3738 da Bethesda, Maryland Forrestal is flown to Hobe Beach, Florida, to stay wi 3/31/1949 #4061 f differing prop and jet types are flown near the observatory using radio, 10/14/1949 #4395 d highly maneuverable objects have flown directly over the runway. The stor 3/15/1950 #4643 c passed a TWA DC-3 airliner being flown over South Bend, Indiana by the cr 4/27/1950 #4911 Guard F-51 fighter aircraft being flown by pilots W. H. Fairbrother and D. 11/24/1951 #5791 the objects are Canberra aircraft flown by the Royal Australian Air Force 3/1/1954 #9585 rmy Air Force B-17 gunner--who had flown on 19 combat missions--saw a thin, 8/2/1954 #10095 ous disk about 3 m in diameter had flown very low over the village. 10/2/1954 #10604 about three meters in diameter had flown very low over their village of Cer 10/2/1954 #10613 th fear. The object had long since flown away at high speed. The witness hi 10/16/1954 #11142 th fear. The object had long since flown away at high speed. The witness hi 10/16/1954 #11148 d the invitation and was allegedly flown on a trip to see the pyramids in E 2/24/1955 #12017 e early U-2 mission, Mission 2020, flown by Martin Knutson, flies over Enge 7/9/1956 #12957 denly approached an aircraft being flown by 40-year-old Carlos Alejo Rodrig 5/5/1958 #15019 the absence of his jacket. He was flown back to Fort Bliss and placed unde 2/28/1959 #15624 urg] 6:26 a.m. A US U-2 spy plane, flown by CIA pilot Francis Gary Powers, 5/1/1960 #16248 used for aerial espionage and are flown pursuant to “presidential directiv 5/9/1960 #16260 An airplane being flown over the state of Cordoba, Argenti 1/3/1963 #17626 hey closed in on an aircraft being flown by a Mr. Jannereth as he was flyin 7/16/1964 #18423 ntually arrives in Brisbane, he is flown directly to Canberra where both th 5/28/1965 #18973 t a pulsating, luminous object had flown at very low altitude over her trai 4/5/1966 #20240 r a pulsating, luminous object had flown directly above her trailer. 4/5/1966 #20247 cled a Beechcraft Bonanza aircraft flown by a single private pilot at 10,00 4/29/1966 #20428 UFO paced a private aircraft being flown by J. O'Connor over Sebring, Flori 9/20/1966 #20903 a Cessna 150 light airplane being flown by a Mr. Hockenberry over New King 11/30/1966 #21166 yon, Nevada Groom Dry Lake An A-12 flown by pilot Walter Ray is lost during 1/5/1967 #21260 At least one of the prototypes is flown from Area 51 more than 20 times. T 1970 #25520 ien spacecraft technology and test flown recovered UFOs. It is possible tha 1972 #26526 d; he states some bodies are being flown to a “secret naval installation” o 3/14/1975 #29900 ir Force Base. The plane was being flown by a man named Royce. It disappear 7/20/1975 #30191 se in Arizona. The plane was being flown by a man named Royce. It disappear 7/20/1975 #30193 de of the areas that the craft has flown over. All actions produce no resul 10/27/1975 #30488 g a visual camouflage makeover, is flown from Burbank, California, to Area 11/16/1976 #31554 g together below an aircraft being flown by the state police southeast of H 8/9/1979 #34722 thin 500 feet of an airplane being flown by Mr. Dennis, (NICAP: 11 - Aviati 4/4/1981 #35885 thin 500 feet of an airplane being flown by Mr. Dennis, a flight instructor 4/8/1981 #35888 bes, buzzed a light aircraft being flown by a student pilot and a flight in 10/24/1982 #36664 cquired supersonic Soviet aircraft flown for testing. Instead of the usual 4/26/1984 #37301 afterward; she claims bodies were flown into Los Alamos, which was classif 3/16/1991 #40015 rance. Mary mentioned bodies were flown to LANL periodically from late 194 3/16/1991 #40015 sion in Nevada, and that they were flown on special transport planes with r 3/16/1991 #40015 on with the ‘pulser’ that had just flown over Amarillo.” 3/23/1992 #40397 t. Frederick Benthal states he was flown into Roswell and taken to a crash 9/1/1994 #41712 a "flying triangle" that had just flown over their house. They insisted th 11/22/1994 #41860 laims he is abducted by aliens and flown to Qinhuangdao, Hebei province, in 12/1999 #43890 thballed. Some of the aircraft are flown periodically and have been spotted 4/22/2008 #45130 tes, and different prototypes were flown, proving the WEAV is scalable. ht 12/2011 #45335 this advanced technology are being flown at Tonopah AFB Test Range and Area 6/29/2021 #45697
to the shore when suddenly liquid flows from it and two creatures emerge. 1/12/1995 #41971
o never returns it. Huffman’s wife Floy reveals the story to her granddaugh Early Spring 1941 #1355
the home of his closest neighbors, Floyd and Loretta Proctor. He shows them 7/5/1947 #2723 test at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, Floyd Fannon and other USAF crew members 5/24/1950 #4964 he next day his father and Sheriff Floyd Hadley find pear-shaped footprints 9/2/1954 #10232 Edmund Travis, 9, Randy Travis, 7 Floyd Moore, 10, and two other boys, saw 7/16/1964 #18416 boys (Edmund Travis, Randy Travis, Floyd Moore, Billy Dunlap, and Gary Dunl 7/16/1964 #18421 Colorado Sen. Floyd K. Haskell (D-Colo.) contacts the 9/11/1975 #30352 California 12:45–1:00 p.m. Pilots Floyd P. Hallstrom (in a Cessna 170A) an 1/1/1978 #32841 s a head-on pass at 800 mph toward Floyd Hallstrom and Keith Sorensen, who 7/4/1978 #33333 National Laboratories via William Floyd Parkway; local police were instruc 9/28/1989 #39132
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Floydada” YieldMax: 20KT 8/15/1991 #40157
FLOYDS KNOBS, IN 2 / car. Huge manta-UFO 3/4/1990 #39443
unga, Sao Paolo state, Brazil Luis Flozinho De Oliveira, a farm worker, was 2/12/1969 #24915
PENSACOLA BEACH, FLR 8+observer(s). Ring / "portholes" ov 9/20/1995 #42490
ss: Royal Canadian Air Force pilot Flt. Lt. M.S. Mowat, on ground. One larg 8/10/1959 #15902 Charleston, WV Braniff Airlines Flt. 42 (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 5/4/1966 #20444
NEAR MT. ASO, JAPAN 1 / JAL Flt#307. 2 cloud-cigars maneuver. 1 emit 12/21/1961 #16999
NG BEACH, CA United Airlines (UAL) FLT193 near collision / UFO. 2 aboard br 4/14/1954 #9689
se #unknown. United Airlines (UAL) FLT333 sees 3-4 headlights / sky. Go fro 8/19/1959 #15928
rious ailments, which included the flu and a migraine headache, were gone. 7/12/1975 #30175 r 2 days after the incident (it is flu season). 1/21/1977 #31743
rgic the next day and shows severe flu-like symptoms for the next few weeks 9/2009 #45241
lane on the right side. The lights fluctuate in brightness but are very dis 4/25/1966 #20415
ll scattered clouds. The formation fluctuated slightly, and then moved at f 4/17/1967 #22154 nd or just above it, and its light fluctuated in intensity. She could hear 9/2/1967 #22984 des of the craft. Electrical power fluctuated in the area at the time of th 7/9/1974 #29255 rafts' inertial navigation systems fluctuated and their radio communication 9/19/1976 #31411 entire body was dark, but its body fluctuated in and out of transparency. T 1/24/2000 #43933
y) black spindle crosses sun. Halo fluctuates / front end. 10/10/1914 #919 miles to the east. Its brightness fluctuates and it seems to be moving dir 4/10/1945 #1843 ommand Headquarters says the light fluctuates in intensity and is about 200 2/25/1959 #15615 to] all directions. Electric power fluctuates. Formations. 11/6/1964 #18608 in lights dim, the plane’s compass fluctuates, and the radio gives off stat 2/2/1967 #21442 s a light the size of a basketball fluctuates in intensity and zigzags acro 11/25/1968 #24704 nous object passes. Electric power fluctuates / same time. 11/9/1973 #28395 rs / port. Portholes / side. Power fluctuates. / r167p159. 7/9/1974 #29249 king noise. The speedometer needle fluctuates wildly between 10 and 85 mph. 10/1979 #34936 s, watch a bright white light that fluctuates in brightness and mostly rema 11/25/1980 #35669
wn City, Germany Spherical object, fluctuating in brightness, pyrotechnic p 11/22/1944 #1699 Unknown City, Japan A fluctuating light round in shape that ch 6/18/1945 #1876 op of a hill at around 7:15 p.m. A fluctuating orange-red light was seen on 9/11/1952 #7896 gauge on his car dashboard starts fluctuating widely. The car motor gradua 11/3/1957 #14243 s, when they notice a ball of fire fluctuating from white to yellow pacing 11/5/1957 #14345 ashing blue light becomes intense, fluctuating in rhythm with his heartbeat 9/14/1965 #19560 ee kilometers away. The object was fluctuating in color between blue-green 7/8/1968 #24159 the eastern horizon. The light had fluctuating colors of orange, yellow, wh 7/28/2002 #44367
n Stockholm that he pitched vacuum fluctuation energy technology to several 1994 #41347 rranquitas, Puerto Rico, causing a fluctuation in the radio station's power 8/18/1995 #42401 wis Field in Cleveland, OH. Vacuum fluctuation energy, warp drives, the use 8/1997 #43363 angle craft patent utilized vacuum fluctuation energy concepts. https://nt 8/1997 #43363 small energies and say large mass fluctuation of PZT could be achieved wit 6/2001 #44189 /DSO QUEST grant to support vacuum fluctuation propulsion research, an area 4/28/2006 #44937
t could be noticeable from thermal fluctuations of the air around it. The o 12/6/1976 #31587 able to manipulate quantum vacuum fluctuations around the craft for propul 11/2/2017 #45490 g similar utilizing quantum vacuum fluctuations, the “Cannae Drive,” in 201 11/2/2017 #45490
uare ones, and a few with handsome flue tails--in Chittenden and Franklin C 7/11/1948 #3707
ntact with Venusians, coming into “fluent communication by wireless with a 1946 #1961 ehend, even though both women were fluent in English, German, and Russian a 8/20/1954 #10158
amp stools. They converse with him fluently, but he does not know where the 1906 #684
k staff (including Lt. Anderson G. Flues, Robert M. Olsson, and Kerry Roths 6/1952 #6402 ppelt’s assistants Lt. Anderson G. Flues and Lt. Robert Olsson initially de 8/1/1952 #7408 ppelt’s assistants Lt. Anderson G. Flues and Max Futch. 3/8/1953 #8739
server(s). 1-3 then 8 round bits / fluff maneuver and circle / 1 hr and mor 7/22/1952 #6990 a farm that he is covered in white fluff embedded in his clothes. Probably 10/11/1954 #10939 might be spider web or cottonwood fluff. Bruce Maccabee thinks it might be 8/27/1995 #42422
San Fernando Valley, California A fluffy material streams out of a UFO ove 11/16/1953 #9303 a spaceship is hiding behind some fluffy clouds. He also insists that he l 7/5/1959 #15817 iwack, British Columbia, notices a fluffy cloud in a clear sky that “bursts 1/13/1997 #43170
kjavik, Iceland Mælifell volcano A Flugfélag Íslands [now Air Iceland Conne 12/18/1976 #31613
titled Die Erforschung unbekannter Flugobjekte. The 12th title is published 1975 #29678
heavily built figure walking with “fluid movements” along the road. It is w 10/1952 #8073 oping process, perhaps a flammable fluid deliberately poured on the image c 5/16/1953 #8879 . Then a woman injected some green fluid into his arm, after which he had n 5/13/1954 #9791 ay-colored creatures described as "fluid," but one witness reached the car 12/20/1958 #15487 ay-colored creatures described as "fluid" in appearance, but one of the men 12/20/1958 #15491 Cola bottles turn brown, hydraulic fluid coagulates into chewing gum, trans 6/1959 #15754 e a number of bottles of colorless fluid. The team is mystified and suspect Summer 1962 #17239 ving a strong odor like "embalming fluid" and a gaseous vapor covered his c 6/29/1964 #18383 leaving a strong odor of embalming fluid and a gaseous vapor that leaves an 6/30/1964 #18386 owerful odor similar to "embalming fluid" was noticeable when police arrive 7/7/1964 #18397 trees. A foul odor “like embalming fluid or brake fluid” hangs in the air a 7/7/1964 #18398 dor “like embalming fluid or brake fluid” hangs in the air after the object 7/7/1964 #18398 es they scraped her skin, and drew fluid from one of her eyes. The occupant 5/21/1976 #31070 luding blood, semen, urine, spinal fluid, saliva, and gastric juices. He be 2/5/1978 #32957 n some type of hearvier-than-water fluid. Tearfully, he described one of "t 12/31/1980 #35759 d into her body and she could feel fluid or drugs going through her arms. T 1/22/1982 #36306 iforms; inside of aliens had green fluid and black innards; Mike’s companio 1/1989 #38772 gar-shape. Slight dome / one end. "Fluid inside". 11/3/1989 #39211 e on one end. It appeared to have "fluid inside." 11/3/1989 #39212 tub or tank filled with breathable fluid by two short Grey humanoids, while 9/6/1995 #42445 ed moving from side to side, using fluid movements as if it was floating in 3/12/2004 #44676 ads caused by excess cerebrospinal fluid) whom they obtained from a facilit 1/15/2005 #44808
ike instruments. Samples of bodily fluids were taken from all four men. Lat 8/26/1976 #31307
r (CPU); Marco Antônio Petit, from Fluminense UFO Research Association (AFE 12/7/1997 #43453
Part of the surface of the object flung itself back, and three human-like 3/17/1969 #25020 o where the creature had gone, and flung a couple of rocks in its direction 11/1/1995 #42575
-object shoots sparks / rear. Near fluor mine. / r30p574. 8/29/1975 #30317
REENWOOD, SC Several observer(s). "Fluor-light tube" hovers / 30 minute(s). 12/28/1949 #4450
the order Basidomycetes, which may fluoresce under certain conditions...” O 11/2/1971 #26450 g fungus, and caused the latter to fluoresce. Phosphorous may also have bee 11/2/1971 #26450 eft side of the body, most of them fluoresce under ultraviolet light, some 1998 #43479
d blue light onto dead tree, which fluoresced in bright colors. Sheep fled 11/29/1977 #32705 d blue light onto dead tree, which fluoresced in bright colors. Sheep fled 11/29/1977 #32706 d blue light onto dead tree, which fluoresced in bright colors. Sheep fled 11/29/1977 #32707
allic scales which acquired an odd fluorescence as they reflected light fro 5/10/1968 #23956 it for a chemical analysis. X-ray fluorescence and diffraction analysis in 10/22/1973 #28239
ve off blue, green, white, and red fluorescent lights. They watch it for 10 8/1942 #1428 bigii and Serratia marcescens) and fluorescent particles. Six simulated att 9/1950 #5160 Cylinder/cigar-shape leaves queer fluorescent trail. Similar to new Delhi 3/15/1951 #5486 bany, Georgia, observe four round, fluorescent white objects hovering near 7/23/1952 #7083 ernon, Virginia. Minutes later the fluorescent screens at Andrews show two 8/5/1952 #7470 AUST Cylinder/cigar-shape-UFO has fluorescent lights inside. Passes silent 3/10/1953 #8742 ect involves the secret release of fluorescent particles (zinc cadmium sulf 4/1953 #8806 a V formation. They are glowing a fluorescent blue. From the north, a larg 3/24/1954 #9639 tched as a forty meter in diameter fluorescent oval-shaped object nearly to 1/13/1957 #13454 to them appearing then as an oval, fluorescent craft, about 40 m in diamete 1/15/1957 #13456 peared to be an oval-shaped craft, fluorescent, about 40 cm in diameter. It 1/15/1957 #13457 ttle w/o the neck, translucent and fluorescent (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 9/20/1957 #14017 without the neck, translucent and fluorescent. Made four 5-10 second pass 9/20/1957 #14019 t was described as translucent and fluorescent. It made four 5-10 second pa 9/20/1957 #14021 of a headlight failure, observed a fluorescent object 50 to 100 m away from 11/4/1957 #14280 ght bluish hue and leaves a bluish fluorescent trail. The sighting lasts 2– 11/9/1957 #14505 er was 4 m, height 2.5 m, bearing "fluorescent lights." 5/3/1961 #16674 s, height 2.5 meters, and it bore "fluorescent lights." 5/3/1961 #16675 ound. The edge of the craft seemed fluorescent, and three beams of very bri 7/27/1964 #18446 ving room lights flicker (although fluorescent lights in the kitchen and ba 7/9/1965 #19089 its color changing from orange to fluorescent green, before it took off at 8/3/1965 #19287 . Its color changed from orange to fluorescent green before it took off at 8/3/1965 #19292 rge luminous object the color of a fluorescent tube arrives slowly and sile Late 9/1965 #19604 object like a balloon covered with fluorescent paint in woods (NICAP: 01 - 3/23/1966 #20041 thought was a balloon covered with fluorescent paint but it became so inten 3/23/1966 #20046 t first was a balloon covered with fluorescent paint. However, it became so 3/23/1966 #20054 colors changing from dull white to fluorescent tones as the UFO started to 6/1/1966 #20520 r surface, trapezoidal sections of fluorescent light on the lower portion, 1/6/1967 #21266 Grand Rapids, MI 4 fluorescent, football-shaped objects (NI 2/12/1967 #21517 n Witness: Mr. Lou Atkinson. Four fluorescent, football-shaped objects, a 2/12/1967 #21522 rtheast of Las Cruces saw a fuzzy, fluorescent orange light moving in front 3/9/1967 #21836 Wapello, IA Fluorescent, solid, multicolored lights 3/22/1967 #21945 owa Witness: Douglas Eutsler, 15. Fluorescent, solid, multicolored lights 3/22/1967 #21947 North Carolina, notice a greenish fluorescent glow on the ground 180 feet 4/8/1967 #22095 ur college students saw a greenish fluorescent glow on the ground 180 feet 4/8/1967 #22096 large hemispherical object with a fluorescent glow and a short flash of li 8/12/1967 #22867 ok out the window and see a large, fluorescent, half-moon-shaped object in 8/12/1967 #22868 large hemispherical object with a fluorescent glow and a short flash of li 8/12/1967 #22869 a when they all observed an orange fluorescent oval-shaped craft slowly app 10/24/1967 #23310 king movement that reveals square, fluorescent panels on the bottom. The do 12/27/1967 #23615 4 cops / 2 cars chase white-orange fluorescent tube. 60M altitude. Going qu 1/20/1968 #23678 white, dome-shaped object with a “fluorescent star” next to it. The larger 11/25/1968 #24704 t was a dull silver color, lightly fluorescent, and shaped like a domed cup 1/6/1969 #24822 wings” on either side and casts a fluorescent yellow glow. After a few mor 7/17/1971 #26234 ly round with what looked like red fluorescent paint along the top, and it 9/11/1972 #26987 sabel, Cordoba, Argentina when the fluorescent lights in the engineering ro 9/27/1972 #27035 . The object is giving off a blue, fluorescent glow that falls like a curta 10/8/1972 #27058 g a vertical cone. What seem to be fluorescent strip lights run down the si 12/30/1972 #27192 and move a lot. Their suits were a fluorescent 'silvery and blue," in contr 10/16/1973 #28093 es out. The lake’s surface glows a fluorescent blue-white. The object then 2/26/1975 #29852 diameter and only 35 feet away. A fluorescent blue light came from inside 8/28/1975 #30315 ater that night he sees an “orange fluorescent light” in the pasture of his 10/7/1975 #30421 , small entities using some bright fluorescent lights. Her husband, awakene 11/27/1975 #30669 were egg-shaped and glowing with a fluorescent light. (Sources: CUFOS inves 2/18/1976 #30880 were egg-shaped and glowing with a fluorescent light. 2/18/1976 #30881 , Ontario at around 10 p.m. when a fluorescent bluish green light descended 10/29/1976 #31506 n object features a large panel of fluorescent green light on the bottom. D 3/29/1977 #31933 ge orange glow with a bright-green fluorescent spot. An object emerges from 5/26/1977 #32133 head. The being is wearing a white fluorescent one-piece suit with boots, i 1/2/1978 #32846 ead. The being was wearing a white fluorescent one-piece suit with boots. I 1/2/1978 #32847 ons on top. The UFO now gave off a fluorescent white glow. Curious, the thr 2/17/1978 #32974 ABU DHABI 11 observer(s). Fluorescent wedge shapes object going [t 11/23/1978 #33987 At 6:30 p.m. a fluorescent, wedge-shaped UFO flew silen 11/23/1978 #33989 fitting coveralls. Their eyes were fluorescent and they had black hair. Whe 10/4/1979 #34941 WUCHANG, HUBEI, CH 2 red fluorescent tubes north going quickly so 11/18/1980 #35647 er front window and sees a bright, fluorescent object hovering a few hundre 4/1/1982 #36428 a black mirror with a small, white fluorescent aura around it.” After 3–4 m 2/4/1986 #37779 2 observer(s). Silent chalk-white "fluorescent tube" going quickly north st 6/29/1988 #38593 base there is a white light like a fluorescent lamp. 9/25/1988 #38649 ISLINGTON, LONDON Fluorescent disk. 2 separate observer(s) 3/20/1992 #40392 . Through the fog the lights had a fluorescent appearance. 2/19/1993 #40854 ad two square patches of blue-gray fluorescent light in formation off it's 8/10/1993 #41122 ] overhead slowly / 500' altitude. Fluorescent leading edge. 9/16/1995 #42476 d portholes. On the cylinder was a fluorescent green light that turned like 9/11/1996 #43016 GUARABIRA, BRZ Huge fluorescent cylinder/cylindrical object 10/18/1996 #43081 BICHINO, TASM White fluorescent tube with lights and halo ho 4/5/1997 #43253 In 1997 three people witnessed a fluorescent flying object as it flew ove 6/4/1997 #43310 ll shadows nearby. They next saw a fluorescent tube of light in a vertical 9/30/1997 #43421 e road toward him. The beings wore fluorescent helmets and boots and tight- 6/21/1998 #43591
notices an object like a metallic, fluorescent-blue submarine with tail fin 5/1957 #13630
st of town they see four blinding, fluorescent-green lights low above the r 3/12/1967 #21872
ree adults observed an oval-shaped fluorescent-white UFO (NICAP: 01 - Dista 4/24/1973 #27444
hich are made of Tedlar (polyvinyl fluoride) produced by DuPont for the US 6/1/1967 #22448 sends two blasts of its deuterium fluoride laser against MSTI-3 at a dista 10/17/1997 #43431
over railroad/railway station. All fluoro lights dim. Separate observer(s) 10/22/1954 #11310
ngeles and San Fernando Valley, CA Flurries of sightings 7/1979 #34642
ved saucer and that had caused the flurry of sightings. Nash also admits he 4/18/1954 #9697 s were aloft at the same time. The flurry of UFO reports began with a sight 11/8/1956 #13314 out, and the object takes off in a flurry of explosive sounds. Black streak 5/7/1967 #22294 SE and NW U.S, various Flurry of sightings primarily in the sou 11/22/1968 #24682 US Flurry of sightings primarily in the sou 11/22/1968 #24686 in the evening, in the midst of a flurry of UFO sightings in various regio 4/10/1969 #25055 US Flurry of sightings in Georgia, Alabama, 8/31/1973 #27734 During a flurry of low-level UFO sightings in the 10/3/1973 #27926 ontinuing for close to two hours a flurry of UFO sightings was reported. Th 4/14/1974 #29022 SARATOGA LAKE, NY Flurry / UFO calls. Cops and more/others 8/20/1974 #29371 e is to quiet public fears about a flurry of UFO sightings, as well as to c 5/1/1977 #32046 Cordoba and Rosario, Arg Flurry of UFO sightings by numerous witn 6/14/1980 #35365 il Chile Paraguay 7:00–8:00 p.m. A flurry of UFO sightings by numerous witn 6/14/1980 #35368 Belleville, WI Flurry of sightings including cigar-shap 1/1987 #38092 Central North Dakota Flurry of sightings including oval objec 11/1987 #38315 n 1987, according to Blum, after a flurry of suppressed UFO sightings, incl 9/1990 #39711 CASTLEGAR AND THRUMS, BC Flurry / UFO sightings. Same day crop ci 10/16/1990 #39787
rintelligence exercise designed to flush out spies. Westwood tells him a mo 5/5/2001 #44178
FLUSHING, NY Orange glowing object circl 7/24/1952 #7093 FLUSHING MEADOWS, NY World fair. Project 5/30/1964 #18312 FLUSHING, MI Several separate observer(s 2/22/1984 #37196 Flushing, Michigan Night. Witnesses in F 2/22/1984 #37198 hing, Michigan Night. Witnesses in Flushing, Michigan, see objects with tri 2/22/1984 #37198
ly 1990s. When pressed, Gordon was flustered and denied the Astra was anyth Late 1990's #43480
witnesses at a military airshow in Flutag outside of Bern, Switzerland watc 5/26/1956 #12868
cylinder/cylindrical object like a flute / low altitude over town. Absolute 2/19/1981 #35833 . a silver cylinder looking like a flute flew silently over the city of Kun 2/19/1981 #35836
ailway engineer. 10 silver saucers flutter / high string formation going qu 6/23/1947 #2373 very fast, slow down jerkily, then flutter to the ground like leaves.” Mrs. 7/3/1947 #2584 ver(s). 3 or 6 fast silver objects flutter going quickly east. Type unknown 7/5/1947 #2695 , UT Private pilot. 6 silver disks flutter and stabilize several X. Going s 7/12/1947 #3149 server(s). Large disk going south. Flutter motion. Drops and rises over pea 8/21/1947 #3357 New Mexico, Colorado) it began to flutter and wobble from side-to-side and 3/25/1948 #3596 and 2. 2 13' silent metal saucers flutter going quickly northwest / Lamber 7/12/1950 #5057 airmen see the red light wobble or flutter. After a moment the light turns 6/19/1952 #6551 sc with a metallic shine flash and flutter like a flipped coin. (Berliner) 6/23/1952 #6595 sc with a metallic shine flash and flutter like a flipped coin for 5–7 minu 6/23/1952 #6610 yellow discs make circular turns, flutter (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 2/27/1953 #8712 round objects zigzag and hover and flutter / 20 second(s). Quickly going up 6/10/1957 #13717 nding, making the grass and plants flutter wildly. Reaching for his revolve 8/20/1957 #13913 grey suits zip across SR18. Legs "flutter". Very fast. 10/23/1963 #18001 s. 1 observer sees red-glowing UFO flutter to and over cemetery. 4/19/1968 #23914 ange light about the size of a car flutter from side to side as it descende 1/2/1971 #25968 UR-SAMBRE, BELGIUM 2 white objects flutter and orbit delta/triangle/box-lik 7/5/1972 #26771 KINCARDINE, SCOTLAND Flutter sound. Yellow-glowing frisbee in 2/9/1995 #42028 WOODLAND, CA Boy. Disk with flutter sound outside. 2 bright white ov 11/22/1995 #42619
flashing, flew slow and hen fast, fluttered and oscillated, and changed co 2/25/1950 #4558 ject flew slowly and then sped up, fluttered and oscillated, and changed co 2/25/1950 #4559 F-84 jet fighter, flipped on edge, fluttered 20' from the F-84's fuselage a 3/29/1952 #5990 with a metallic shine flashed, and fluttered like a flipped coin for 5-7 mi 6/23/1952 #6601 c shine at 4:05 pm. It flashed and fluttered like a flipped coin for 5-7 mi 6/23/1952 #6615 k. The UFO lost altitude, and then fluttered like a leaf in a pendulum-like 9/19/1952 #7981 yellow discs made circular turns, fluttered, three of them vanished, the o 2/27/1953 #8713 that came down as grass and plants fluttered wildly under it. He found hims 8/20/1957 #13911 t descended while grass and plants fluttered wildly underneath it. He found 8/20/1957 #13915 hower of sparks and at other times fluttered like a leaf in the clear sky.” 8/2/1965 #19265 e changes was reported. The object fluttered down, moved away, changed to c 8/22/1966 #20784 rby cranberry bog, her car engine "fluttered" and the car radio emitted sta 9/3/1974 #29418 object below private plane. Object fluttered or tilted, accelerated rapidly 4/20/1981 #35908 hiny like chrome, which tilted and fluttered as it flew. It was small, onll 4/20/1981 #35909 e creature shaped like a bird that fluttered away while making a loud noise 11/28/1995 #42628
accelerated very fast, with feet "fluttering." About 100 m away it vanishe Fall 1938 #1295 things. They were very, very high, fluttering along in a string and pretty 6/23/1947 #2368 ny disc-shaped objects, very high, fluttering along in a string toward NW. 6/23/1947 #2374 tana a man saw six silvery objects fluttering as they flew toward the east. 7/5/1947 #2731 t witness, also saw the same three fluttering objects disappear over the ho 7/5/1947 #2731 . It maintained the same altitude, fluttering as it disappeared behind an o 5/16/1949 #4188 ow discs making circular turns and fluttering in the daytime sky. Three of 2/27/1953 #8715 fornia saw an orange-red ovoid UFO fluttering up behind the garage at 10:50 8/22/1956 #13118 way, again turning on its edge and fluttering before passing out of view. A 8/5/1957 #13881 the area at 3:50 p.m., with an odd fluttering motion; then two loud "skyqua 5/19/1961 #16688 ther features. They begin quickly “fluttering” across the road, faster than 10/23/1963 #18004 tts at 9:30 p.m. It hovered with a fluttering motion near the ground, then 8/25/1964 #18510 ion moving over a field, sometimes fluttering to low altitude with a fallin 9/3/1965 #19505 the tail and descends slowly in a fluttering fashion. Near the ground the Fall 1965 #19592 , it does so edge down and makes a fluttering motion. The disc looks metall 4/8/1966 #20276 ping out with his daughter heard a fluttering sound, then they saw a disc-l 4/24/1966 #20401 he river when he was awakened by a fluttering sound and observed a glowing 4/24/1966 #20402 in Texas when he was awakened by a fluttering sound and observed a glowing 4/24/1966 #20405 e glowing object that moved with a fluttering side-to-side (oscillatory) mo 2/19/1967 #21594 bout 60 feet off the ground with a fluttering motion and making a humming s 7/9/1967 #22636 spotlight on a red and white UFO "fluttering across" the Susquehanna River 7/9/1967 #22637 nt on top that was hovering with a fluttering motion. It flew off over a ne 4/19/1968 #23915 . They are flying with a graceful, fluttering motion. They then see two obj 5/10/1968 #23955 the object hovered with a bobbing, fluttering motion above an adjacent fiel 6/6/1974 #29168 radar detects an unidentified blip fluttering over the tower. The tracking 5/14/1978 #33210 rds away as it wobbled and made a "fluttering" motion. On the same night a 6/22/1984 #37375 ehind a nearby apartment house, "a fluttering from above appeared". The neo 7/8/1996 #42950
oing [to] out and back. Hovers and flutters and circles again. Going quickl 7/5/1947 #2716 2 / car. 1M saucer / 3km altitude. Flutters. Going up and down. Lost / clea 7/29/1947 #3246 ers. 3 flames shoot / tail. Swish. Flutters. Type unknown. 4/13/1950 #4846 e side, and black on the other. It flutters as it moves slowly north-northw 7/9/1952 #6740 IL Architect. Object whistles and flutters overhead. Air pulsates. TVs bla 4/21/1954 #9698 CA 1 observer / bed. ORD-red ovoid flutters going down [to] behind garage. 8/22/1956 #13113 PHILADELPHIA, PA Ovoid flutters going down. Speeds going up. Re 2/9/1957 #13486 ral observer(s). Man-shaped object flutters around in sky. Balloon? kite? 9/1/1966 #20828 ve the United Nations building. It flutters and bobs “like a ship on agitat 11/22/1966 #21142 ). Bright orange vertical football flutters going down / 2' altitude. Shoot 9/8/1986 #38021
n Air Force Base allegedly called “Flux Liners.” He also claims Lockheed Ma 5/9/2001 #44183 ng hydrogen increased by the solar flux. 5/28/2020 #45646
immediately kicks in, minor power fluxes go on for the next 15 to 20 minut 7/1/1977 #32227
, such as a VHF and a UHF radar, a fluxgate magnetometer, a digisonde (an i 1993 #40778
private showing that displayed a “Fluxliner,” aka an Alien Reproduction Ve 12/2014 #45425
nd the pilot and crew of a KC- 135 flving at 15,000 feet observed a vertica 3/14/1967 #21884
es overhead. Saucer portholes emit flw light. Several observer(s). 11/10/1953 #9289
N UNKNOWN Unusually bright saucers fly. Then join together. Time unknown. 8/3/989 #5 LY Several friars. Luminous bodies fly single file / 1 hour. / Belgian UFO 1/8/1388 #17 , FIFE, SCOTLAND Big boom. Clothes fly off lines. Some drop. Others fly awa 6/30/1842 #134 s fly off lines. Some drop. Others fly away! 6/30/1842 #134 , CA Several at bank. Night lights fly going quickly northwest / great alti 11/26/1896 #362 dependent witnesses saw an airship fly over emitting beams of light; horses 11/30/1896 #372 p.m. The whole town saw an object fly under the cloud ceiling. It came dow 4/1/1897 #404 ansas The whole town saw an object fly under the cloud ceiling. It came dow 4/1/1897 #405 n of Everest, Kansas saw an object fly in under the cloud cover. It came do 4/1/1897 #409 orning. A large object was seen to fly slowly toward the north. It seemed r 4/15/1897 #478 e, Iowa A large object was seen to fly slowly toward the north. It seemed r 4/15/1897 #483 surprised to see a lighted object fly over. His horse was scared and nearl 4/26/1897 #577 surprised to see a lighted object fly over. His horse was scared and nearl 4/26/1897 #578 s surprise to see a lighted object fly over as he was driving his carriage 4/26/1897 #579 l people saw a green ball of light fly overhead. 4/26/1897 #581 Lind, Arkansas watched an airship fly over from the northeast to the south 5/4/1897 #589 d and suggested that the policemen fly with them "to a place where it does 5/6/1897 #592 ggested to the policemen that they fly with them "to a place where it does 5/6/1897 #594 s (or Greys) exit and re-enter and fly. / r80p12. 8/1901 (approximate) #646 hen watched a bottle-shaped object fly overhead. There was a pilot sitting 5/15/1909 #747 with devices on their backs. They fly away. No further details. 1/1914? #894 ally they turn, change course, and fly away. 1/1926 #1056 s a smoke-gray, cylindrical object fly silently from west to east over the 7/1927 #1074 mpanions would become the first to fly over the South Pole. The flight took 11/29/1929 #1105 Pole. The flight took 19 hours to fly from Little America to the Pole and 11/29/1929 #1105 ounters with telepathic aliens who fly in a circular machine “like a great Summer 1931 #1130 ility is good. He sees an airplane fly over the city from the west, passing 1/2/1934 #1193 mation. Occasionally a light would fly across the circle and take up anothe Fall 1936 #1249 shield lit / searchlight'. Spheres fly. 2/6/1938 (approximate) #1282 . He reports that the aircraft can fly no higher than 5 feet. After this is 7/3/1941 #1368 l small brilliant metallic objects fly silently from the north to the south 1/8/1943 #1479 n, follow a curved trajectory, and fly away after circling their ship. (Mag 3/1945 #1801 n, follow a curved trajectory, and fly away after circling their ship. 3/1945 #1803 nt silver saucers tilt and wobble. Fly going up. 7/1946 #2019 rom the detonation. The drones can fly into Able’s mushroom cloud, which wo 7/1/1946 #2024 tes that the missiles can turn and fly circular courses, seemingly indicati 8/1/1946 #2099 alled V-3 and V-4 that are able to fly a round trip of 700 miles. 8/6/1946 #2107 hern Sweden see “ghost bombs” that fly from south to north, giving off a br 8/11/1946 #2117 ginate in Peenemünde, Germany, and fly toward Finland. The best observation 2/17/1947 #2241 he object seems to turn around and fly back eastward briefly. 3/21/1947 #2249 es two objects “like tennis balls” fly over her yard. 5/1/1947? #2275 e edges. No sound is heard as they fly overhead. The formation speeds out o Late 5/1947 #2298 fornia a man saw 10 flying saucers fly over in a triangular formation. Thei 6/14/1947 #2329 YUKON, OKLA Salesman. 6 "washtubs" fly over in formation. Very high. 2nd ha 6/21/1947 #2348 ts, rocking back and forth as they fly noiselessly above Woodland, Washingt 6/27/1947 #2433 .m. saw 7-10 saucer-shaped objects fly overhead heading S at high speed (Mc 6/28/1947 #2444 by Soviet leader Joseph Stalin to fly into US airspace two disc- or wing-s 7/1/1947 #2523 ks going east / 400mph. Circle and fly back going quickly west. / wire serv 7/3/1947 #2561 New Jersey, when several airplanes fly overhead. She looks out and sees a “ 7/4/1947 #2652 d two or three shiny white saucers fly quickly toward the northwest. 7/4/1947 #2675 each had a dark line in the center fly toward the northwest at an estimated 7/5/1947 #2730 2 minute(s) later 2 silver saucers fly going quickly southwest. 7/6/1947 #2790 red slowly to pass over a hill and fly toward the southwest. 7/6/1947 #2824 VEN, CT John Evans. 2+bluish disks fly on edges straight and level going qu 7/7/1947 #2898 server. 2 saucers collide / flash. Fly / opposite directions. Groups / sauc 7/7/1947 #2908 sume a horizontal orientation, and fly horizontally for 15 seconds, coverin 7/7/1947 #2932 ter round shiny disc-shaped object fly slowly and silently toward the north 7/10/1947 #3115 any times I have observed geese to fly in a rather diagonal chain-like line 7/12/1947 #3157 h from the southwest and southeast fly in and join the first one. All three 7/13/1947 #3172 and join the first one. All three fly away silently toward the west. 7/13/1947 #3172 thru) binoculars. 2 metallic disks fly on a tilt. Turn to smoke rings. Diss 7/24/1947 #3224 , WI Man saw an undescribed object fly counterclockwise circles (NICAP: 01 10/1/1947 #3443 half-moon, and has no tail. It can fly to 12,000 feet. Wendel’s story is co 11/1947 #3474 es a later Horten craft as able to fly at 1,200 mph because it is propelled 11/1947 #3474 kbourne. He persuades his major to fly over the crash scene, and they send 1948 #3521 ascend rapidly, hover, bank, then fly away. “He flew in an upright positio 1/6/1948 #3533 ascend rapidly, hover, bank, then fly away. “He flew in an upright positio 1/6/1948 #3534 around 30 mph. The targets always fly in the same path from northwest to s Spring 1948 #3593 men later said they saw the object fly past the right side of their plane a 7/24/1948 #3724 (like the Chiles-Whitted case) can fly but require more advanced power plan 11/8/1948 #3871 -Suisan AFB, CA Round, white light fly with varying speed, bouncing motion 12/3/1948 #3901 or 25 seconds a round, white light fly with variable speed (200–400 mph) an 12/3/1948 #3904 d White House Menninger and Raines fly Forrestal to the National Naval Medi 4/2/1949 #4065 around Hart Mountain, Oregon. They fly in trail formation, with an interval 5/27/1949 #4214 d two delta-shaped UFOs and a disc fly over the US government nuclear resea 6/22/1949 #4250 ud at 2,500 feet altitude and then fly around it repeatedly. They have the 6/29/1949 #4256 hree identical disc-shaped objects fly over an air show being held in Longv 7/3/1949 #4262 northeast / 1 minute(s) intervals. Fly under cloud layers. 7/10/1949 #4267 ated altitude of 30,000 feet. They fly in formation for a while, then break 8/8/1949 #4313 isc-shaped object at 2 km altitude fly to the southeast at a speed in exces 9/6/1949 #4349 objects changing positions as they fly. The power of the illumination remai 9/26/1949 #4372 and forth. The objects continue to fly south rapidly and move in a horizont 11/3/1949 #4411 from other planets, and he was to fly them to Scotland for a meeting. He f Early 1950's #4457 any unusual objects that happen to fly past. The official contract gives Ap 3/16/1950 #4655 hwest, turn to the north, and then fly off at a fantastic speed. 3/22/1950 #4704 saw two dark delta-shaped objects fly to the north; they joined a saucer-s 4/18/1950 #4866 minute(s) traffic jam east / town. Fly going quickly east at sunrise. 4/19/1950 #4870 nce saw a large cylindrical object fly rapidly from the south to the north 5/3/1950 #4920 / silvery balls join and part and fly going quickly north. Webby "gossamer 10/11/1950 #5218 r-shape drops. 2 saucers exit. All fly going quickly north. Also Denon / Ex 10/30/1950 #5258 and E. Newman) see a bright object fly east to west over Heathrow Airport, 11/5/1950 #5265 ject, light gray with a dark core, fly through the sky for 5-10 minutes wit 11/5/1950 #5266 ched the UFO turn toward the W and fly away out over the Pacific Ocean. 12/23/1950 #5362 ircling the same balloon that then fly off to the northeast. 1/16/1951 #5403 aped balloon. As they approach and fly under the balloon, they notice the o 1/22/1951 #5413 are not geese, which actually can fly this high. (This may be the same inc 3/14/1951 #5483 absolutely silent and continued to fly slowly at a low altitude toward Leni 6/9/1951 #5539 Ex-Air Force P47 pilot. 3 saucers fly in perfect V-formation. / NICAP. No 8/11/1951 #5600 lights in an irregular formation, fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Dist 9/6/1951 #5651 OH Bright oval with a clipped tail fly (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10/2/1951 #5697 ched out in a horizontal row. They fly low over the test site, hover for 30 10/30/1951 #5754 orange-yellow saucer-shaped light fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Dist 3/20/1952 #5963 dull-grey saucer then 2 more. All fly straight and level at high speed. 4/5/1952 #6026 rcular object, followed by 2 more, fly straight and level at high speed. (B 4/5/1952 #6029 arge, dull gray disc-shaped object fly by, followed by two more objects. Al 4/5/1952 #6033 ed disc with sharply defined edges fly "unbelievably fast" between Pear Blo 4/8/1952 #6046 ights. Cross sky. Make 90-turn and fly away. 4/16/1952 #6089 adow, MA Round, deep orange object fly fast and erratic (NICAP: 01 - Distan 4/17/1952 #6099 and, CAN Round, yellow-gold object fly S then return (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 4/18/1952 #6118 en they see several groups of UFOs fly over. There are 2–9 objects in a gro 4/20/1952 #6140 ichigan saw several groups of UFOs fly over. There were two to nine objects 4/20/1952 #6142 in diameter and blinking regularly fly over Naha Air Force Base in Okinawa, 4/22/1952 #6156 ate pilot saw a round white object fly straight with side-to-side oscillati 4/29/1952 #6211 dull white arrowhead-shaped object fly straight and level (NICAP: 11 - Avia 5/9/1952 #6281 Soap Lake, WA 3 glimmering objects fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Dist 6/1/1952 #6412 abon, observes a mysterious object fly from behind the city, make a double 6/1/1952 #6417 est Germany Porcelain-white object fly very fast for an unknown length of t 6/2/1952 #6425 Albuquerque, NM Shiny round object fly 5-6x as fast as an F-86 jet (NICAP: 6/5/1952 #6443 Albuquerque, NM 4 shiny objects fly straight and level in a diamond form 6/8/1952 #6467 Smith, AR Orange ball with a tail fly with a low angular velocity (NICAP: 6/12/1952 #6484 watched an orange ball with a tail fly with a low angular velocity in Fort 6/12/1952 #6489 sh discs, in a half-moon formation fly at 500-600 mph. (Berliner) (NICAP: 0 6/16/1952 #6516 AZ Pilot saw a round, white object fly straight and level (NICAP: 11 - Avia 6/19/1952 #6548 5. 2 military. 2 huge soap-bubbles fly going north. Reflect sun. 6/23/1952 #6591 McChord AFB, WA A very large light fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Dist 6/23/1952 #6596 d object with burnt-orange exhaust fly straight and level. (Berliner) (NICA 6/23/1952 #6598 ct emitting a burnt-orange exhaust fly straight and level over Oak Ridge, T 6/23/1952 #6608 d object with burnt-orange exhaust fly straight and level for 30-60 seconds 6/23/1952 #6613 Terre Haute, IN Undescribed object fly at 600 mph (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 6/26/1952 #6635 aw a glowing but dark colored disc fly over the town slowly toward the sout 6/26/1952 #6639 2 big lights about 20 ft diameter fly straight and level, G,V (NICAP: 09 - 7/1/1952 #6687 go, IL 2 bright pastel green discs fly straight and level very fast (NICAP: 7/3/1952 #6701 sees two bright pastel-green discs fly straight and level very fast for 6 s 7/3/1952 #6705 000 feet hover for 15 seconds then fly away, silhouetted against a dark clo 7/5/1952 #6717 large, elliptical- shaped objects fly very fast, stop, turn 90° and fly aw 7/12/1952 #6772 fly very fast, stop, turn 90° and fly away. 7-8 secs. (Berliner) (NICAP: 0 7/12/1952 #6772 ptical-shaped objects were seen to fly very fast, stop, turn 90 degrees and 7/12/1952 #6782 ry fast, stop, turn 90 degrees and fly away in 7-8 seconds. 7/12/1952 #6782 wing-saucers seen 2200-2400 hours. Fly in formation / high altitude. 7/17/1952 #6858 , bluish white with brighter rims, fly in formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 7/17/1952 #6862 Miami, FL Opaque, silvery bubble fly very fast at a right-angle to the wi 7/18/1952 #6888 ow lights with some dull red color fly in trail (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 7/20/1952 #6948 elongated, fuselage-shaped object fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Dist 7/21/1952 #6973 , MA Round, yellow, flashing light fly downward (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 7/21/1952 #6974 Stong watched two reddish lights fly in opposite directions. Sightings l 7/21/1952 #6977 His wife Barbara joins him as they fly away. Stong sees two reddish lights 7/21/1952 #6983 way. Stong sees two reddish lights fly in opposite directions for 10–15 min 7/21/1952 #6983 de, TX Large, round, silver object fly at 1,000+ mph while gyrating (NICAP: 7/22/1952 #7010 ge, round, bright aluminum objects fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Dist 7/22/1952 #7012 ects in a vertical-stack formation fly at an altitude of 50,000–80,000 feet 7/23/1952 #7081 ficulty, in time to see the object fly away toward the east. Six days later 7/24/1952 #7113 known objects make a left bank and fly to within 400–600 yards of the plane 7/24/1952 #7115 , they make an abrupt 80° turn and fly off to the north. 7/25/1952 #7138 ficulty, in time to see the object fly away toward the east. Six days later 7/25/1952 #7139 irman Donaldson. 8-10 orange balls fly in V-formation. Fast / 4 second(s). 7/26/1952 #7142 e AFB, MI Many round white objects fly straight and level, very fast (NICAP 7/27/1952 #7205 0-900kph. Maneuver and evade jets. Fly going quickly north. / r242+r11. 7/28/1952 #7227 circular object with a flat bottom fly very fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 7/29/1952 #7309 o to five flat disc-shaped objects fly over. One hovered for 3-4 minutes, w 7/29/1952 #7335 an Antonio, TX Round, white object fly slow then speed away (NICAP: 01 - Di 7/30/1952 #7358 lic disc” drop down from above and fly alongside his aircraft for several s 7/30/1952 #7362 On August 5, Hughes is ordered to fly to RAF Faßberg for further questioni 7/30/1952 #7362 , LA Red ball with blue flame tail fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Dist 8/2/1952 #7420 ed ball with a trail of blue flame fly straight and level over Lake Charles 8/2/1952 #7424 red ball with a blue flaming tail fly straight and level for 3-4 seconds o 8/2/1952 #7425 C. Bartlett Jr. watches two discs fly overhead in a southerly direction at 8/5/1952 #7469 ome-like protrusions in the center fly past. 8/5/1952 #7469 Charles AFB, LA Disc-shaped object fly S at 5,000 ft at high speed (NICAP: 8/9/1952 #7523 Tokyo, Japan Orange light fly a left orbit at 8,000 ft and 230 mph 8/13/1952 #7569 es D. McGough sees an orange light fly a left orbit at 8,000 feet and 230 m 8/13/1952 #7577 r(s). 4 blue-glowing saucer-cigars fly flat-side forward. Absolute(ly) sile 8/16/1952 #7614 nia watched an unidentified object fly through the sky at 500 feet altitude 8/20/1952 #7665 Akron, OH Pulsing amber light fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Dist 8/23/1952 #7691 ne pulsing amber light was seen to fly straight and level for 7 minutes. 8/23/1952 #7692 n unidentified pulsing amber light fly straight and level for seven minutes 8/23/1952 #7694 lloman AFB, NM Round silver object fly S, turn and fly N (NICAP: 01 - Dista 8/25/1952 #7728 ound silver object fly S, turn and fly N (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 8/25/1952 #7728 a large covey of quail starting to fly at the same time. Vegetation showed 8/25/1952 #7729 Aquilar saw a round silver object fly south, turn and fly north, then make 8/25/1952 #7735 silver object fly south, turn and fly north, then make a 360-degree turn a 8/25/1952 #7735 a large covey of quail starting to fly at the same time. Vegetation showed 8/25/1952 #7736 others watched six UFOs hover and fly erratically for 75 minutes. They var 8/28/1952 #7774 ed objects with green vapor trails fly in trail formation, merge, and fly a 9/1/1952 #7818 fly in trail formation, merge, and fly away quickly. 9/1/1952 #7818 ps going [to] all directions. Jets fly through blips. No visual at all. 9/2/1952 #7822 ns, up to 175 m.p.h. Two seemed to fly in formation with DC-6 airliner. Tot 9/2/1952 #7828 at least one instance, the targets fly in formation with an aircraft. At 5: 9/2/1952 #7829 75 mph. Two of the blips seemed to fly in formation with a DC-6 airliner. T 9/2/1952 #7830 light with red trim and streamers fly NE (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 9/12/1952 #7901 light with red trim and streamers fly NE (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 9/13/1952 #7913 ht travel straight and level, then fly up (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 9/14/1952 #7927 Olmsted AFB, PA Blue light fly very fast on a collision course with 9/14/1952 #7931 Warner Robins AFB, GA White lights fly abreast at 100 mph (NICAP: 11 - Avia 9/16/1952 #7960 ctrum every 2 seconds, was seen to fly straight and level for 15 minutes. 9/27/1952 #8043 Shaw AFB, SC Bright white light fly straight, then vertical (NICAP: 01 - 10/1/1952 #8080 oval, with its long axis vertical, fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Dist 10/7/1952 #8100 Knoxville, TN 6 white lights fly in a loose formation, make a shallow 10/21/1952 #8170 rmation. 5 photographs taken. Then fly going quickly south. No further deta 10/23/1952 #8177 sky. 40 small gray balls exit and fly going north / Saar, Germany. 10/27/1952 #8191 Theatre saw a cigar-shaped object fly on a straight, horizontal course at 10/27/1952 #8201 long, elliptical, white-grey light fly very fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 11/3/1952 #8234 ups of 2-3 whirling discs of light fly toward the the SE (NICAP: 01 - Dista 11/4/1952 #8243 lamos, NM 4 red-white-green lights fly slowly over prohibited area (NICAP: 11/12/1952 #8263 nnandale, VA Round, glowing object fly very fast, make right angle turns (N 11/24/1952 #8330 Green disc shaped or round object fly SW (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 1/8/1953 #8513 dgar Rasmussen, 14, see the object fly in from the west, circle, and disapp 1/9/1953 #8523 orona, CA Five 25 ft green spheres fly in V-formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant 1/28/1953 #8593 is. Blanchard offers to personally fly him in a bomber to an air force base Mid 2/1953 #8676 red, round objects with big halos fly in small circles (NICAP: 01 - Distan 2/24/1953 #8698 red, round objects with big halos fly in small circles over Sherman, Texas 2/24/1953 #8700 and it took them three minutes to fly from zenith to the horizon. They mad 2/28/1953 #8718 sitting there waiting for them to fly right into it. Suddenly, it flips ve Spring 1953 #8766 Elmira, NY 6 discs in a group fly high and fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 3/21/1953 #8768 oner, WI Aluminum, circular object fly high and fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 3/29/1953 #8793 ight descend, accelerate, and then fly parallel to his F-94 over Fukuoka, J 4/8/1953 #8813 , Canada watched a flying football fly by at low altitude and high speed, h 5/4/1953 #8862 an." They watched him take off and fly away. 6/18/1953 #8940 WEST / NORFOLK, VA Pilots fly over top / 6 saucers. Estimated 30M 7/14/1953 #8998 d reflective or translucent object fly straight (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 8/3/1953 #9042 manoids (or Greys) run to both and fly. Traces. / r8#117. 9/4/1953 #9143 , two disc-shaped objects bank and fly over New Orleans, Louisiana at 6:10 11/14/1953 #9300 sees a green object like a saucer fly to the north between Woocalla and Bi 11/22/1953 #9315 pours out. 6 pseudo-human/entity. Fly when observer(s) seen. 11/28/1953 #9323 hed a huge, fast moving white disc fly off toward the west. 12/16/1953 #9375 , NZ All in a dither. 9-12 saucers fly over city in broad daylight. No furt 2/15/1954 #9545 HILLSBORO, OR 6 birdlike UFO's fly into and out of clouds. Then fly goi 2/27/1954 #9571 s fly into and out of clouds. Then fly going west. "Not birds". 2/27/1954 #9571 w 3 objects, each with two lights, fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Dist 3/2/1954 #9592 ly a single crescent-shaped object—fly over San Antonio, Texas. They make n 3/8/1954 #9603 flat saucers / diagonal formation fly / treetop level. / Blue Book report. 4/13/1954 #9687 ps watch orange-red glowing saucer fly out of sight. No further details. 5/4/1954 #9745 hed a reddish orange, glowing disc fly out of sight. 5/4/1954 #9748 saw 2 bright lights on 3 occasions fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Dist 5/11/1954 #9774 ts were seen on three occasions to fly straight and level, make 90 degree t 5/11/1954 #9775 . They see a formation of two UFOs fly over the Capitol building, and again 5/12/1954 #9779 d, NH Very white, elongated object fly extremely fast then blink out (NICAP 5/31/1954 #9850 lis, MN Object with running lights fly at 24,000-44,000 ft altitude (NICAP: 6/1/1954 #9858 DOC POINT, OR 2 / plane. 2 saucers fly / parallel / 1500M altitude. Bright 6/6/1954 #9868 nal, sighted a golden yellow light fly over his house in Texarkana, Texas f 6/8/1954 #9878 na, TX Man saw golden yellow light fly over his house (NICAP: 01 - Distant 6/9/1954 #9880 LIAMSTOWN, AUSTR 2 wingless cigars fly over in sequence. No further details 7/5/1954 #9992 n Dublin, Ireland, watch an object fly over the Dublin Mountains in the dir 8/1/1954 #10089 ject “like a bright electric bulb” fly overhead from the mountains and out 8/1/1954 #10090 a blue circle with a black center fly over the SS Docteur Angier off Yoron 8/11/1954 #10127 . saw a brilliant, circular object fly across Lake Nipissing toward the Roy 8/30/1954 #10210 rently made of transparent plastic fly over the houses, stop on edge, and s 9/3/1954 #10238 rently made of transparent plastic fly over the houses, stop on its edge, a 9/3/1954 #10240 T 20-30 lights, as if on a string, fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Dist 9/5/1954 #10254 aped disc,” crackling and hissing, fly over Derryhubbert, County Tyrone, No 9/8/1954 #10273 nose and long ears and seemed to "fly" when he moved toward a saucershaped 9/14/1954 #10297 g nose and long ears and seemed to fly or glide as he moved toward a saucer 9/14/1954 #10302 nd object, like polished aluminum, fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Dist 9/18/1954 #10344 nd object, like polished aluminum, fly straight and level for 11-13 minutes 9/18/1954 #10350 right silver, wheel-shaped objects fly N to S in trail (NICAP: 01 - Distant 9/23/1954 #10415 his tractor, saw a luminous object fly very low over him. Two other witness 9/24/1954 #10435 ctor when he saw a luminous object fly very low over him. There were two ot 9/24/1954 #10442 se up making a whistling sound and fly away toward the northeast. An eleven 9/26/1954 #10452 sky with very bright white lights fly towards the north. 10/1/1954 #10577 bject oscillating in the sky, then fly off rapidly to the north-northwest. 10/2/1954 #10616 eam 2 observer(s) / car. Board and fly. / r217p185. 10/4/1954 #10685 ople saw two bright metallic discs fly over a factory. 10/5/1954 #10742 saw a luminous sphere take off and fly toward the southwest. 10/9/1954 #10843 saw a luminous sphere take off and fly toward the southwest. 10/9/1954 #10861 haumeau, had seen a lighted object fly over the woods at La Carie. 10/11/1954 #10930 haumeau, had seen a lighted object fly over the woods at La Carie, France. 10/11/1954 #10946 Morocco Round, flat, silver object fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Dist 10/13/1954 #10996 , saw a round, flat, silver object fly straight and level. 10/13/1954 #11001 and Garnier saw a reddish fireball fly low over their car as their engine a 10/14/1954 #11049 vais, Mr. Covemacker saw an object fly over his car as the headlights died. 10/14/1954 #11052 and Garnier saw a reddish fireball fly low over their car as their engine a 10/14/1954 #11071 rance Mr. Covemacker saw an object fly over his car as the headlights died. 10/14/1954 #11073 s to a pond suddenly saw an object fly over his house. The cows panicked an 10/15/1954 #11099 ft, shaped like an inverted plate, fly very low toward the sea. A second di 10/15/1954 #11106 s to a pond when he sees an object fly over his house. The cows panic and r 10/15/1954 #11109 ond when he suddenly saw an object fly over his house. The cows panicked an 10/15/1954 #11115 t, -shaped like an inverted plate, fly very low toward the sea. A second di 10/15/1954 #11122 a soft whistling sound and saw it fly straight up, then take an oblique tr 10/20/1954 #11270 a soft whistling sound and saw it fly straight up, then take an oblique tr 10/20/1954 #11278 r centuries.” He thinks UFOs might fly by “distorting the gravitational fie 10/24/1954 #11363 y saw the same or a similar object fly over the area. 10/25/1954 #11401 our meter long cigar-shaped object fly through the sky for two minutes, mak 10/25/1954 #11403 craft, 6 m diameter and 3 m high, fly over them as their tractor engine di 10/26/1954 #11415 who reported seeing a second disc fly over heading quickly to the west. 11/2/1954 #11538 t, gather vegetables and water and fly away. 11/4/1954 #11563 slight noise like an explosion and fly away at fantastic speed. 11/5/1954 #11577 other side of the mountain saw it fly away. The disk, about 15 m in diamet 11/7/1954 #11588 other side of the mountain saw it fly away. The disc, about 15 meters in d 11/7/1954 #11590 ically with a soft whistling, then fly horizonally to the north. 11/8/1954 #11598 ically with a soft whistling, then fly horizontally to the north. 11/8/1954 #11604 usta, ME 10 gold, circular objects fly in vertical V-formation (NICAP: 01 - 11/15/1954 #11658 w a small white disc-shaped object fly to the south at 12:15 a.m., and then 11/24/1954 #11700 then suddenly turn 180 degrees to fly off rapidly to the north. 11/24/1954 #11700 raveling. All four saw the machine fly away. 12/1954 #11734 -circular, flat object with a dome fly from west to east, then turned north 12/7/1954 #11775 hey saw it turn off its lights and fly toward the forest. Other people in a 12/9/1954 #11785 -human/entity outside re-enter and fly. 12/28/1954 #11867 . 2nd saucer joins. Both hover and fly away. 12/29/1954 #11872 mountain road saw luminous object fly overhead, truck engine stopped (NICA 1955 #11890 couple saw a huge disc-shaped UFO fly from horizon to horizon. It had two 2/10/1955 #11993 ameter, at about 25,000 feet. They fly in loose formation for about 4–5 sec 5/4/1955 #12118 nk. To preserve secrecy, personnel fly to Nevada on Monday mornings and ret 7/24/1955 #12283 ife, and their two children saw it fly away. 8/1/1955 #12315 wife and their two children saw it fly away. 8/1/1955 #12319 d craft come down from the sky and fly back up again at a high rate of spee 8/5/1955 #12332 PISA, ITALY 6 saucers fly over in backwards V-formation! 1 lar 8/19/1955 #12371 horned owls, which are nocturnal, fly silently, have yellow eyes, and aggr 8/21/1955 #12386 hington, D.C. Glowing round object fly an arc (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 9/7/1955 #12433 en, TN Brown, almost square object fly with a circular motion (NICAP: 01 - 9/9/1955 #12442 , IN Round, silver or white object fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Dist 10/8/1955 #12494 t orange, semi-transparent objects fly erratically at terrific speed toward 11/20/1955 #12579 w a big silver balloon like object fly by slowly. No balloons were schedule 1/5/1956 #12646 begin in Operation Home Run. They fly over the North Pole and into Siberia 4/5/1956 #12790 who later says that meteors do not fly in formation. 5/4/1956 #12832 ghts in a rigid V- formation. They fly in erratic, sharp-turning patterns f 8/1956 #13045 of), AZ Blue-white pulsating light fly fast straight and level (NICAP: 11 - 8/8/1956 #13060 , PA Bright disc with a clear dome fly vertically, then N (NICAP: 01 - Dist 8/27/1956 #13137 y gather junk / beach. Reboard and fly away. 9/1956 #13163 mark Several fireball-like objects fly over Copenhagen, Denmark, tracked by 9/4/1956 #13186 metallic disc 100 feet in diameter fly toward the airplane from the left an Fall 1956 #13239 rcular shape. The pilots decide to fly one above and one below the overcast 10/7/1956 #13266 atched a rectangular-shaped object fly in the southeast sky near Carlstadt, 11/21/1956 #13341 rleston AFB, SC Unspecified object fly at an estimated 100 ft altitude over 11/30/1956 #13369 Grimes saw an unidentified object fly at an estimated 100 feet altitude ov 11/30/1956 #13372 am Pilot saw a round, white object fly under the jet (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 12/31/1956 #13421 nta Rosa Island, CA Orange Objects Fly Over & Under Aircraft (NICAP: 11 - A 5/5/1957 #13648 saw a shiny white disc in the sky fly to the east against the wind; it mad 5/17/1957 #13664 w seven perfectly circular objects fly over Hicksville, New York. 6/6/1957 #13710 e, WA 2 flat, round, white objects fly in trail formation (NICAP: 01 - Dist 10/8/1957 #14075 gators of the Brazilian Air Force, fly to the fort to interview them. There 11/4/1957 #14284 rows more intense. The two objects fly away. The next day, Gilham has “sunb 11/6/1957 #14425 DA, CYPRUS Villagers. 2 wine casks fly past / great speed. No further detai 11/10/1957 #14513 t; his car radio fails. The lights fly away when anyone tries to approach. 11/10/1957 #14525 aped, luminous, transparent object fly fast across the road. As it was abov 11/22/1957 #14595 aped, luminous, transparent object fly fast across the road. It was over 25 11/22/1957 #14596 cular, tapered discs, very bright, fly in a formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant 12/13/1957 #14723 h an opening in the South Pole and fly 125,000 miles into space. Only the a 1958 #14782 perfect imaginary triangle / sky! Fly / separate directions. 1/5/1958 #14808 pilots saw 12 yellow-orange lights fly S in 3 groups (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 1/31/1958 #14854 Badaber (Peshawar Air Station) to fly U-2 reconnaissance missions over the 7/1958 #15128 Africa A round, blue-white object fly at varying speeds (NICAP: 01 - Dista 9/1/1958 #15244 like a pickle with a flat bottom, fly erratically in loops over the Delawa 10/2/1958 #15304 hey appear flattened and sometimes fly on edge. The objects follow the trai 10/3/1958 #15311 Several observer(s). Silver specks fly singly / pairs / large groups. Jets 11/6/1958 #15430 es west going east. Joined / disk. Fly off Opp directions. / LDLN#204. 11/17/1958 #15447 6 to 8 classic disc-shaped objects fly over Cleveland, Ohio at 7:40 p.m. in 11/30/1958 #15463 l climbs, and hovering stops. They fly in formation and manage to stay just 12/19/1958 #15481 weapon is mounted. The two objects fly a tight circle around the tower befo 1959? #15508 niff airliner witnessed a fireball fly across the sky toward the SW for 15 5/13/1959 #15730 orange object with a tapering tail fly over Port Elliot, South Australia at 5/31/1959 #15751 sband saw two cigar-shaped objects fly northeast of Windom, Minnesota while 6/2/1959 #15755 oject Moon Dust and Operation Blue Fly. 7/1959 #15807 sed a low level, glowing ovoid UFO fly south over the New Jersey Turnpike. 7/15/1959 #15856 aft appears to alter its course to fly closer to one of the objects. 7/28/1959 #15884 n Cullen, Chile had a bright light fly over his head and follow him, which 8/2/1959 #15891 -old RCAF pilot saw a bright light fly from horizon to overhead at Goose Ba 8/10/1959 #15903 (South of), MS A row of red lights fly slow, then accelerate immensely (NIC 11/18/1959 #16092 ilent object with a row of windows fly slowly by at an altitude of 500 feet Late 12/1959 #16134 five times faster than the U-2 and fly three miles higher. Skunk Works will 1/26/1960 #16157 Shelby, MT Saw 5 circular objects fly in trail formation (NICAP: 01 - Dist 4/25/1960 #16241 saw five circular or round objects fly in a trail formation, hover, acceler 4/25/1960 #16243 Louis, MO Round, bright red light fly overhead, stop, hover, and back up ( 7/19/1960 #16339 te, IL Shiny, round, silver object fly straight up at high speed (NICAP: 01 8/29/1960 #16423 nia observed a cigar-shaped object fly toward the west. Five 30' diameter d 10/4/1960 #16478 ight in the second and third. They fly away to the southwest and then retur 1/17/1961 #16580 ir Station, Japan Blue-white light fly erratic course at varying speed (NIC 6/2/1961 #16710 Copemiah, MI A large ball fly slow, split into 4 after 45 mins fly 7/7/1961 #16750 t in DC3 saw 2 bright white lights fly in formation (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Case 7/20/1961 #16767 into 2. Both maneuver and rejoin. Fly off. Type unknown. No further detail 7/25/1961 #16773 pace vehicles), and Operation Blue Fly (to facilitate delivery to the Forei 11/13/1961 #16962 Air Force Projects Moon Dust, Blue Fly and “UFO,” and other quick reaction 11/13/1961 #16963 sibilities from Moon Dust and Blue Fly, described as projects to locate, re 11/13/1961 #16963 dtown, FL Round, red-orange object fly straight up and fade. (NICAP: 01 - D 11/21/1961 #16966 Sioux City, IA Bright red star fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Dist 11/23/1961 #16974 . Braunger saw a bright red "star" fly straight and level for 15 seconds. 11/23/1961 #16976 diamond-shaped object w/bright tip fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Dist 12/13/1961 #16990 Salem, NY Gold-colored box fly straight and level across the horizo 3/1/1962 #17069 ored box, 12-14 inches x 3-4 feet, fly straight and level across the horizo 3/1/1962 #17072 her witnesses saw a peculiar craft fly above them and land on the road. It 4/11/1962 #17108 O then divides into two parts that fly off in different directions. Navy Ca 5/12/1962 #17165 Westfield, MA Large red ball fly or fall down, then rise back up (NIC 5/26/1962 #17205 static. Finally, they veer off and fly into the woods. (NICAP case file; Sw Summer 1962 #17239 ing objects, with thick crossbars, fly off toward the southwest. At nearly 7/18/1962 #17284 cherry-red, diamond-shaped object fly slow, hover (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 7/30/1962 #17302 VAR, FR Bizarre bird-men rush car. Fly going [to] hovering UFO. Sucked in! 11/1962 #17523 r Lago Maggiore. Going up [to] and fly off. / r8. 12/19/1962 #17594 two classic-shaped discoid objects fly over the lake known as Lago Maggiore 12/19/1962 #17596 ller objects emerge from it. These fly away and disappear over the English 2/23/1963 #17683 s my buddies have had, you’d never fly again!” 7/17/1963 #17835 tria watched 50 small glowing orbs fly in and out of caves in a mountain ov 8/11/1963 #17886 interceptor. He says the A-11 can fly more than 2,000 mph at an altitude o 2/29/1964 #18140 ts speed. After a short time, they fly above the airplane and take up posit 4/20/1964 #18180 ake off with a roar, go silent and fly away. Burning and charred brush fou 4/24/1964 #18195 that is definitely not an airplane fly straight toward their car before sho 4/25/1964 #18204 ts saw an elongated glowing object fly over Canyon Ferry, Montana, and two 4/29/1964 #18222 aw an object rise from a field and fly rapidly into the cloud bank. It was 5/5/1964 #18242 a field in Comstock, Minnesota and fly rapidly into a cloud bank. It was de 5/5/1964 #18245 llipsoid (3.5x length/width ratio) fly straight and level (NICAP: 01 - Dist 5/26/1964 #18302 vening. The two merge into one and fly off quickly to the east. 5/26/1964 #18310 Page, Arizona saw an ovoid object fly in the southern sky for 15 minutes. 6/3/1964 #18327 uddenly appear below the aircraft, fly a parallel course for a while, then 7/12/1964 #18404 es along the straight rear portion fly through the sky, making a "whishhh" 8/15/1964 #18491 ring blinking red and green lights fly over his house at treetop level. He 9/15/1964 #18555 g down [to] to sea. Rise again and fly away. / MJ#130. 9/20/1964 #18560 ee Falls, WI 3 dim, reddish lights fly through 160° arc (NICAP: 01 - Distan 11/14/1964 #18614 part—and the three smaller objects fly inside. A US Air Force sergeant with 1965 #18690 and author of the short story “The Fly,” gives a lecture at Mourenx, Pyréné 2/1965 #18790 sc, perhaps one meter in diameter, fly by very fast from northeast to south 5/23/1965 #18954 llon, OH "Hubcaps" Change Course & Fly Straight Up (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 7/4/1965 #19067 llic object rise at high speed and fly away toward Metz. Estimated diameter 7/9/1965 #19087 AR training class. 3 domed saucers fly near main runway. / r111p242. 7/28/1965 #19191 observe a manta ray–shaped object fly almost directly overhead at Carswell 7/28/1965 #19196 observer(s). Squadron / 18 saucers fly over town. No further details. (Mete 8/3/1965 #19281 Dallas, TX 9:30 PM - light fly fast, straight and level (NICAP: 01 8/4/1965 #19306 NZ Object lands. 3 figure(s) exit. Fly when observer(s) near. 40M / burnt c 8/6/1965 #19329 Going quickly [to] 1.5M saucer and fly. / r67p43+/ r113p156. 8/20/1965 #19432 pped to watch it and saw the craft fly within 30 m, casting a huge shadow w 9/3/1965 #19506 Landis, NC Two Orange Discs Fly In Straight Line (NICAP: 01 - Distan 9/22/1965 #19590 sholm, MN 5 orange lights in a row fly fast make an abrupt turn (NICAP: 01 9/25/1965 #19600 an object with a blinking red dome fly over the Cooper Creek area and come 11/29/1965 #19739 an object with a blinking red dome fly over the Cooper Creek area and come 11/29/1965 #19740 paths can be determined, craft can fly at 5000mph, wobble after stopping an 2/22/1966 #19912 eaf motion, and finally started to fly away. The witness gave chase, follow 2/22/1966 #19914 Oswego, NY Object fly slowly to the S, hover, come within 3/3/1966 #19936 S, hover, come within 50 ft, then fly off to the SW (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 3/3/1966 #19936 ect with four blinking body lights fly overhead, hover over some trees, the 3/22/1966 #20027 ver, descend to about 10 feet, and fly parallel with the road for several m 3/26/1966 #20088 around the sky, descend, and then fly parallel with the road for several m 3/26/1966 #20093 a huge silver cigar-shaped object fly across the sky from west to east. Si 4/1/1966 #20204 fficers witnessed a top-shaped UFO fly from the east to the west at a high 4/7/1966 #20270 d saw unidentified lights rise and fly away. (Fowler, 1974, p. 339.) (NICAP 4/19/1966 #20340 oute see the lighted disc rise and fly away. 4/19/1966 #20346 he lights rise from the ground and fly away. 4/19/1966 #20347 re said to have observed an object fly at low altitude and land outside Bag 4/22/1966 #20370 like odd green birds. Re-entry and fly when seen. 5/16/1966 #20483 ver above the athletic field, then fly away. (NICAP notes from newspaper st 5/23/1966 #20508 lights rise / water. Whoosh sound. Fly away fast. 6/3/1966 #20525 mpt to chase the objects, but they fly away quickly to the north-northeast. 6/25/1966 #20610 ejects smaller bright objects that fly away. After 30 minutes the large obj Late 7/1966 #20684 white object splits / 5 parts. All fly going quickly west. Seen / 15 minute 8/23/1966 #20791 rs vertical. 2 bright night lights fly in and out several x. / r83p328. 9/17/1966 #20889 night. It would leave the road and fly over the fields from time to time. T 11/2/1966 #21068 night. It would leave the road and fly over the fields from time to time. T 11/2/1966 #21072 rectangular, cushion-shaped object fly south over the United Nations and th 11/22/1966 #21144 ttom hover over her house and then fly away. The object made a loud whistli 2/1967 #21427 sed a large yellow, glowing object fly over at treetop level at 2:30 a.m. I 2/10/1967 #21507 Oxford, WI An orange red object fly parallel to a truck (NICAP: 02 - Clo 2/20/1967 #21601 Bright white, saucer-shaped object fly straight and fast (NICAP: 01 - Dista 3/9/1967 #21830 aped light, as big as an airliner, fly straight and fast to the east over O 3/9/1967 #21840 ticolored lights stand still, then fly away (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 3/22/1967 #21945 2 night lights / field. Pace car. Fly over house. / CUFOS. 3/23/1967 #21951 Oval object, like copper or brass fly with tumbling motion (NICAP: 01 - Di 3/26/1967 #21993 brass with the sun shining on it, fly from southeast to northwest with a t 3/26/1967 #21997 ees an arm with a thumbless mitten fly up, then down. The car stops 10 feet 3/28/1967 #22004 t one of them, and they saw an arm fly up w a "mitten" on the hand. The car 3/28/1967 #22007 s saw a glowing, egg-shaped object fly across the sky at high speed, stop s 4/16/1967 #22139 a see a glowing, egg-shaped object fly across the sky above Boraure, Venezu 4/16/1967 #22140 ft will land in Madrid, Spain, and fly earthbound terrestrials back to thei 5/20/1967 #22383 ey saw a luminous spherical object fly away for several minutes. 5/24/1967 #22392 ey saw a luminous spherical object fly away for several minutes. 5/24/1967 #22393 shooting down US pilots. The A-12s fly at 80,000 feet and at about Mach 3.1 5/30/1967 #22425 radio contact fail, and when they fly above or below the object, their rad 6/9/1967 #22482 lid, blue-white, elliptical object fly in response to flashlight (NICAP: 01 6/24/1967 #22542 icemen see 8–10 bright lights that fly in formation over a military post at 6/24/1967 #22548 y civil aircraft that “frequently” fly over the area. The Kernville witness 7/30/1967 #22754 all humanoids (or Greys) board and fly. / MJ#231+/ r41p360. 7/31/1967 #22757 Spain saw a disc-shaped UFO object fly 150 meters above him and land. It wa 8/7/1967 #22842 3 huge saucers emerge / water and fly away! / r44p44. 8/25/1967 #22920 aw a white, crescent-shaped object fly over from the northeast to the south 9/4/1967 #22995 s. Figure / window. Parents see it fly as if suspended / balloon. 9/8/1967 #23017 ts, they see three men who seem to fly off the road and disappear. They are 10/21/1967 #23282 ance of a cigar-shaped cloud. Both fly out of sight to the west after 35 mi 10/25/1967 #23322 nglish Electric Lightning fighters fly low overhead. Ahead of the aircraft 10/27/1967 #23353 hey watch as a series of 6 objects fly in and out of the area. Through bino 1/15/1968 #23667 see observer(s). Work controls and fly. 1/24/1968 #23691 cylinder/cylindrical object-UFO's fly going south. Emit strong light. Four 5/22/1968 #23979 ud curves going up. Splits. Halves fly away separate directions! 6/10/1968 #24017 e bedroom window he saw the figure fly away to a point about 200 feet up an 7/1/1968 #24121 in water before reading, then they fly off. Iriart dips the envelope in a p 7/2/1968 #24131 ased him, and he watched the craft fly off leaving a luminous trail. He fel 7/17/1968 #24186 buzzed / probe. Paralyzed / 3 men. Fly away / VW bus. / r113p159. 7/23/1968 #24207 observer(s). 8 ovoids rise / sea. Fly going quickly south. Dive going [to] 8/14/1968 #24324 octopus-types / 4-5 legs enter and fly. Watches electro-magnetic effect (EM 8/16/1968 #24335 its center and the smaller objects fly to and from the larger object. Groun 8/22/1968 #24369 all frequencies until the objects fly away. 8/22/1968 #24369 d 6 30cm night lights maneuver and fly. 11/22/1968 #24678 de Barrame, Spain watched a "pot" fly silently over trees at a low altitud 1/28/1969 #24875 EAL DEL CAMPO, SP Ovoid and sphere fly parallel / road. Egg lands verticall 3/9/1969 #24984 rified manner. They saw a gray UFO fly close by. It had three red lights an 4/28/1969 #25099 lack, segmented rectangular object fly toward the northeast over the bay. T 9/28/1969 #25384 ming closer than 1,500–3,000 feet, fly around the ship and join up with the 10/24/1969 #25422 a short time later he saw the UFO fly slowly from behind the chimney. It w 11/15/1969 #25461 e figures inside transparent domes fly over the roofs about 70 meters above 11/15/1969 #25461 AVARRIA, ARG Farmer. Odd figure(s) fly over corral. Beams freeze dogs. 1 pa 11/24/1969 #25470 cers watched several pairs of UFOs fly over slowly from the west to the eas 12/19/1969 #25507 ject Aquiline, the agency wants to fly a reconnaissance UAV over key intell 1970 #25520 weden, watch a red, glowing sphere fly around the lake and neighboring area 4/29/1970 #25645 ssed a silent, delta-shaped object fly low over Route E41 toward the southw 3/2/1971 #26040 UFO with four legs or landing gear fly overhead. The legs had what looked l 4/23/1971 #26079 domed disc with a transparent dome fly slowly toward the northwest at 60 kp 4/30/1971 #26087 e of which lands and the other two fly away. A door opens on the landed veh 5/1971 #26091 he back of the settee so as not to fly out the window. She felt that the li 8/11/1971 #26280 to see the larger metallic object fly away. It flew at an incredible speed 8/11/1971 #26280 meters away rise from a field and fly off toward the south. 9/20/1971 #26356 smoothly changing its direction to fly parallel with them at an estimated d 10/5/1971 #26410 oject SNOWBIRD established to test fly a captured flying saucer. This was a 1972 #26526 rs saw a wingless cigar-shaped UFO fly toward the east over Verona, Italy f 6/25/1972 #26732 sed course sharply and appeared to fly along a downward curve in opposite d 7/19/1972 #26812 on the man's coveralls. Then they fly through the air, inside an apparentl 10/22/1972 #27085 , dull-gray fuselage-shaped object fly over a forest in Acheres, Yvelines, 11/23/1972 #27136 e objects with red and blue lights fly over Saylors Lake in Stroudsburg, Pe 3/1/1973 #27324 al of 25 similar lights or objects fly over at only 10 to 15 meters above t 3/20/1973 #27353 olt hits the sphere and red sparks fly out, whereupon the sphere slowly ree 8/1973 #27672 ake 90 degree turns in the air and fly off towards the west. 8/11/1973 #27695 en a small “cub airplane” seems to fly directly in front of another car on 9/23/1973 #27859 e behind the trees and come up and fly away...as if you startled it or some 10/10/1973 #27984 orb/globe lands / car. All 4 doors fly open. Gravitational effect. / r41p34 10/16/1973 #28066 make radio contact with Akron and fly on to Cleveland without further inci 10/18/1973 #28172 human/entity going up / ladder and fly. / r191p160. 10/19/1973 #28183 rialized on the ground and did not fly in. He told the department a creatur 10/19/1973 #28196 float down. The fourth time, they fly away, still standing erectly. 10/22/1973 #28241 or Greys) enter bright washtub and fly. Physical traces / ground and grass. 10/23/1973 #28245 ARGENTINA 15 observer(s). 4 UFO's fly in close. No further details. 10/27/1973 #28298 as night lights and orbs and disk fly. / saga Spring'75 p20-23. 11/15/1973 #28423 UFO only 20 meters from the ground fly away toward the southwest. (NICAP: 0 12/10/1973 #28548 UFO only 20 meters from the ground fly away toward the southwest. Two hours 12/10/1973 #28553 OUZINVILLE-EN-BEAUCE, FR Fireballs fly and maneuver and land / 14 dates to 12/19/1973 #28582 diameter domed disc-shaped object fly to the west over the reservoir in Ra 1/5/1974 #28648 ty make apparent repairs as lights fly. 2/1974 #28717 d. The wife saw one of the objects fly very close to her husband's head and 3/1/1974 #28842 ircular objects with glowing-rings fly south going quickly north. No furthe 3/13/1974 #28876 cer / ground. 2 small yoyo saucers fly into open door! 3/21/1974 (approximate) #28917 ck, then go in again. Both objects fly away. At 11:30 p.m., the same witnes 3/26/1974 #28956 l / Ceuta ferry. UFO's rise / sea. Fly / good distance and dive quickly goi 4/15/1974 (approximate) #29024 saw a luminous cigar-shaped object fly back and forth over the city of Sao 6/20/1974 #29217 server(s). Luminous/glowing bodies fly over city. 30 min power outage. No e 10/16/1974 #29537 . 2 10M domed saucers skim sea and fly / sequence. / r41p137. 4/6/1975 #29973 eparate witnesses to the nocturnal fly by. 5/23/1975 #30065 ing-blobs with hooks rise / gully. Fly about. / r174p152. 6/8/1975 #30091 neer with binoculars watched a UFO fly south over Manhattan's tall building 6/13/1975 #30101 , 8 delta/triangle/box-like crafts fly over sea. Go north and south back an 8/29/1975 #30316 d a saucer with a transparent dome fly in and out of the clouds for a minut 3/1/1976 #30914 spheres part. Regroup. Stop dead. Fly away. 3/24/1976 #30953 eparate witnesses to the nocturnal fly by. (Source: APRO Bulletin, May-June 5/23/1976 #31071 foot in diameter disc-shaped craft fly right up to their window, stopping o 7/28/1976 #31191 er Orville see multicolored lights fly past their new silo and land in a di 8/7/1976 #31243 es illuminate the roads, etc; then fly off to the west. Police lines were f 8/11/1976 #31258 r and his wife watch a dark object fly over Lake Red Rock near Otley, Iowa. 9/24/1976 #31422 w with a disc-shaped object inside fly to the south, passing over their hea 12/18/1976 #31617 nters three luminescent discs that fly past, circle once, then continue eas 1/11/1977 #31717 e. He claims 15–20 smaller objects fly out of the large one directly toward Mid 3/1977 #31908 s hovering for 70–80 seconds, then fly away slowly. 5/11/1977 #32090 atches a silver rectangular object fly under a low cloud cover toward the n 7/3/1977 #32233 , travel at incredible speeds, and fly erratically. The officers described 7/21/1977 #32299 n front of the car as if trying to fly away from being observed. Another ma 8/11/1977 #32385 essed a large silent silver saucer fly overhead at 25 mph. It had two white 8/11/1977 #32386 cylinder ejects small objects that fly off in different directions. 9/20/1977 #32498 ) melt rifle. Board 20' saucer and fly. Nuclear part / warhead missing. 11/16/1977 #32675 ect the size of a distant aircraft fly out ion front of the moon. The objec 11/24/1977 #32697 uver. Top-hat object / ground. All fly when chased. 3/11/1978 #33030 d aircraft, like "a little house," fly low over their barn. (NICAP: 02 - Cl 5/17/1978 #33223 d aircraft, like "a little house," fly low over their barn. It then vanishe 5/17/1978 #33225 lights that appear irregularly and fly without any specific formation. Thei 7/14/1978 #33382 f the dark object. It continues to fly steadily until it disappears from si 7/20/1978 #33404 tches a dull red-orange, round UFO fly toward her house before it speeds aw 7/27/1978 #33427 nois when they see a shooting star fly across their view. Five minutes late 8/7/1978 #33485 , smaller discs (a total of 15–20) fly out from the lower protrusion, accom 8/8/1978 #33489 the morning fog he felt something fly overhead. Next, several objects appe 9/6/1978 #33640 n object with pulsating red lights fly low over some pine trees in Prcirovn 9/27/1978 #33764 large size. The pilots continue to fly south between 30,000–35,000 feet. At 10/1978? #33787 north going south. Split apart and fly / different directions. 10/7/1978 #33803 n the two lights turn on again and fly off. The power in the house returns. 11/20/1978 #33967 r / odd light. Orange night lights fly. 5/6/1979 #34546 airliner pilot. 4 luminous objects fly / triangular formation. No further d 8/20/1979 #34761 uator and many small orange lights fly toward them from the north. They rem 8/27/1979 #34789 exit. Tweety speech! Re-enter and fly. 9/2/1979 #34818 OD, UKRAINE Small red night lights fly about town at roof-level. 1 found = 9/3/1979 #34824 bject with red lights at both ends fly silently south to north over the A42 3/13/1980 #35213 bject with red lights at both ends fly silently south to north over the A42 3/13/1980 #35215 echnology Park] in Rome, New York, fly toward the object, which takes off l 5/1980 #35298 nse bluish-green electric-arc glow fly overhead. It was close enough that t 10/5/1980 #35555 nse bluish-green electric-arc glow fly overhead. It was close enough that t 10/5/1980 #35557 a beam of light, rotate once, and fly away at a great rate of speed. She l 12/6/1980 #35704 an uneven line of six orange UFOs fly silently by the town of Fuzhou, Fuji 6/15/1981 #35972 de spinning luminous ball of light fly over a church at 20 meters altitude 12/19/1981 #36268 multicolored lights on the bottom fly overhead and disappear from sight. T 12/29/1981 #36281 h USAF Projects Moon Dust and Blue Fly with OES and the Bureau of Intellige 2/25/1982 #36370 d lights pass over their house and fly off towards the north-northeast at a 3/8/1982 #36385 ver barn. 2 small objects exit and fly away. Delta/triangle/box-like craft 4/1/1982 #36424 mi-transparent delta-shaped object fly from the northwest to the southwest. 5/5/1982 #36464 cigar- shaped object with windows fly over woods and the sewage treatment 7/25/1982 #36549 g cigar-shaped object with windows fly over woods and the sewage treatment 7/25/1982 #36551 bserver(s). 6 unidentified spheres fly over capital. No further details. 7/31/1982 #36557 tes a dark triangular-shaped craft fly slowly in a straight line from the s 11/25/1982 #36690 s witnessed two triangles of light fly over Cardiff, Wales at dusk. 1/18/1983 #36748 ana. She saw a small ball of light fly through her hallway. Under hypnosis 10/3/1983 #36995 ). Several luminous/glowing globes fly over in V-formation. No further deta 1/12/1984 #37128 , witnessed a huge dome-shaped UFO fly over their house at only 200 feet al 4/19/1984 #37272 s witnessed a huge dome-shaped UFO fly over their house at only 200 feet al 4/19/1984 #37275 t. Gen. Robert M. Bond requests to fly a MiG-23 BN fighter-bomber, a newly 4/26/1984 #37301 te pilot, he watched them turn and fly away toward the west. (NICAP: 01 - D 5/31/1984 #37346 haped formation of lights turn and fly away to the west. 5/31/1984 #37348 te pilot, he watched them turn and fly away toward the west. V-shaped or tr 5/31/1984 #37349 or more lights in the V-formation fly over his location; it had steady red 10/31/1984 #37499 ots from Stormville, New York, who fly ultralight aircraft in a tight forma 11/1984 #37500 ed witnessed a bright ovoid object fly east over Imperia, Alpes-Maritime, F 12/5/1984 #37517 round. Night lights exit orbit and fly in formations. 7/9/1986 #37934 feet in diameter with a blue dome, fly over their car. The car stops and re 11/16/1986 #38067 00 feet, he watches a jet aircraft fly underneath it. They watch it for 15 8/4/1987 #38228 12:00 midnight. 33 unknown objects fly at low altitude over the coast of Pr 11/28/1987 #38339 a large pulsating orange ovoid UFO fly by at 400 feet altitude 3/10/1988 #38496 by side, one above the other, and fly slowly and silently across the sky. 5/16/1988 #38570 After the announcement, pilots can fly the F-117 during daytime and no long 11/10/1988 #38710 n Rouge, LA Dogs are unaffected by fly over of three amber lights in format 4/8/1989 #38897 ched a fiery green elongated craft fly low over the rooftops of Kharovsk, R 4/24/1989 #38926 so hears a voice extolling her to “fly with them.” Other workers come to th 9/16/1989 #39106 so heard a voice extolling her to "fly with them". Other workers came to th 9/16/1989 #39108 se don’t take me, I do not want to fly away, leave me alone, don’t touch me 10/8/1989 #39150 ium saw a dark delta-shaped object fly between and over houses. They could 11/29/1989 #39277 NEAR VLADIVOSTOK Orbs fly between homes. Girl asks ride. Telep 2/1990 #39401 erver(s). 3 night lights hover and fly. Fireball / motor sounds. Beams goin 2/21/1990 #39423 tched a huge, manta ray shaped UFO fly overhead at 150 mph. It had rectangu 3/4/1990 #39447 ts of various colors.” The objects fly at great speeds, make sudden stops i Early 4/1990 #39506 ing [to] trucker = "if you want to fly.. 5/11/1990 #39571 rk saw a large delta-shaped object fly overhead, making a faint humming sou 5/21/1990 #39584 ps of objects enter the circle and fly away. Watch officer Aleksandr Poloro Summer 1990 #39620 rom Roosevelt Roads Naval Station) fly at high speed over the base toward t 7/19/1990 #39651 northwest 200M away. Night lights fly. 11/22/1990 #39896 ve over a nearby hill, and finally fly out of view. The object was describe 11/28/1990 #39913 it offloaded smaller objects that fly away in different directions. 1/18/1991 #39961 briefly see a missile like object fly over, heading west. Later that morni 3/6/1991 #40000 G Videotape shows saucer hover and fly off with contrail. No fraud / expert 11/2/1991 #40217 roup / hunters. 3 red night lights fly out. Jets after. 11/15/1991 #40230 ched a huge triangle-shaped object fly off to the north-northwest at 40 km/ 1/22/1992 #40299 ong wingless fuselages circle low. Fly away silently. 6/23/1992 #40504 Saucer going quickly north. Parts fly off. 7/29/1992 #40538 , BRZ 50 observer(s). Wave / UFO's fly over / 5 minute(s). Shape unknown-to 10/1/1992 #40658 ow surrounding it. It continued to fly to the northeast and was lost from s 10/1/1992 #40659 iameter to his left that begius to fly parallel to the helicopters. The oth 11/1992 #40700 avid Church saw a delta-shaped UFO fly overhead very slowly at about 250 fe 12/1/1992 #40739 ond-shaped UFO with a squared back fly over toward the southwest at 7:10 p. 12/18/1992 #40752 d a multi-colored, disc-shaped UFO fly from the northeast over a lake in Ea 12/20/1992 #40755 (s). Wedge-shapes rise from hills. Fly low. Many lights. Vanish. 2/1/1993 #40825 oor when she saw her dog literally fly through the air and slam against a w 5/30/1993 #40997 off at 30,000 feet. He watches it fly in between two vertical columns of c 6/3/1993 #41003 LON LAKE / PARK, ALTA Silent UFO's fly / lines and circles. All animals / j 6/28/1993 #41040 yer from aurora sees orange saucer fly about. No further details. 7/2/1993 #41046 MABLETHORPE, LINCS 3 glowing-balls fly in formation offshore / 15s. Local w 10/19/1993 #41247 ow altitude. 2nd joins. Spotlight. Fly / separate directions. 6/1/1994 #41546 hts go crazy. Metal parasols twist fly unfold and return! 7/4/1994 #41605 WA 1 observer. Disks and triangles fly over Indian reservation. "Dramatic". 1/1/1995 #41933 the craft with "archways" silently fly over. 2/21/1995 #42054 ir house, and he watches it slowly fly about 100 feet above the house. It s 4/18/1995 #42157 y. 3 night lights hover below. All fly away. No further details. 5/12/1995 #42197 silent machines. Rise / river and fly away fast. 7/4/1995 #42290 ther / MUFON investigator. 4 disks fly over in formation. No further detail 7/29/1995 #42340 rver. 2 white aircraft meet / sky. Fly toward(s) weird sparkly hovering obj 10/1/1995 #42524 ll others saw two F-5 jet aircraft fly over the area at low altitude. Repor 1/20/1996 #42697 g their flocks watched six objects fly over the area. According to one of t 1/31/1996 #42729 e woods. They saw a luminous craft fly over the trees in the direction of t 2/23/1996 #42776 object and three disks emerge and fly away quickly. When Westendorff tries 10/5/1996 #43057 seeing 10-13 amber-colored lights fly over in a V-shaped formation. 4/28/1997 #43283 titude flares because flares don’t fly in formation.” In a December 10, 200 6/19/1997 #43331 ht. After two brightly lit objects fly above Surrey, British Columbia, a la 12/8/1997 #43454 observers first saw two fireballs fly pass at 8:00 p.m. Next, an 18-meter 1/24/1998 #43504 embedded in a cloud of green light fly toward the south over his car as he 4/22/1998 #43556 rry Swanson sees a disc-shaped UFO fly silently north to south at about 300 4/22/1998 #43557 n, Canada saw a silver topped disc fly by heading fast to the south. It had 7/30/1998 #43617 r of tourists watched the humanoid fly overhead and then rejoin the hoverin 8/8/1998 #43620 sighted a dark gray triangle craft fly over at 9:00 p.m. It had a red light 11/3/1998 #43675 the Cascades Mountains. A few jets fly toward them one at a time, until 9:3 11/6/1998 #43677 an adult elk out of the forest and fly off with the apparently dead or unco 2/25/1999 #43736 a strange contrail-like cloud and fly back into it. A few seconds later, i 10/29/1999 #43867 uela saw a circular, silver object fly by slowly, but then suddenly acceler 3/2/2000 #43962 of us saw a triangle-shaped craft fly, hover, and then take off very quick 10/30/2000 #44067 high-Q observer(s). Waves / disks fly against wind over clouds. 50+objects 11/23/2000 #44078 saw six chevron or V-shaped craft fly and land behind a hill at around nin 11/28/2000 #44085 triangular object with amber light fly over the city at 7:40 p.m. The craft 12/5/2000 #44098 approaches the first one and they fly away together. 12/24/2000 #44109 esidents saw a luminous domed disc fly over the city off to the east. 4/23/2001 #44162 huge black triangular shaped craft fly overhead at 10:10 p.m. He reportedly 5/7/2001 #44181 rainy day; this was during the no fly period two days after the World Trad 9/13/2001 #44260 shaped object in their midst, then fly off to the west. 1/31/2002 #44314 he lights/craft, as they seemed to fly along slowly. They went back to the 6/8/2002 #44349 scoutmaster saw 26 orange objects fly from south to north slowly, in singl 7/12/2002 #44359 ., remain airborne for 50 minutes, fly at low altitude using afterburners o 7/26/2002 #44366 n intact craft they believed could fly through space/water/air/dimensions. 10/16/2002 #44418 ck, oval-shaped UFO 8-12 feet wide fly out from behind a rood only 100-130 3/18/2003 #44503 he west. They descend rapidly then fly in front of the witnesses at tremend 1/17/2004 #44651 bright yellow lights on both ends fly 90 feet above their guard post. Summer 2004 #44713 transparent triangle-shaped object fly over. "It was kind of fuzzy on the e 8/23/2004 #44740 g in random directions. The planes fly lower to investigate the object, whi 11/14/2004 #44784 n, see a black, rectangular object fly silently in a straight line and cons 6/19/2005 #44848 e triangular UFO with three lights fly over Edmonton, Kentucky, with the ob 8/11/2005 #44861 witnessed a huge triangular craft fly over the two cities. It made no soun 10/26/2006 #44977 o the cloud cover. The man used to fly small aircraft, so he was experience 4/17/2007 #45018 the area. Two F-16s from Oklahoma fly south to the Stephenville area. FAA 1/8/2008 #45112 rnia viewed one cigar-shaped craft fly over, then hold position as a second 7/15/2010 #45287 his and saw small “balls of light” fly from the bodies of the people into t 3/31/2011 #45322 raft that can self-lift, hover and fly into wind. The study produced a disc 12/2011 #45335 w-thread” is hovering. Two spheres fly away after maneuvering in the air. T 5/10/2012 #45342 an angle of 130° and both objects fly away. 5/10/2012 #45343 lane it has named SR-72, which can fly twice as fast as the SR-71 at Mach 6 11/1/2013 #45391 s the area was supposed to be a no fly zone but during an emergency medevac 1/30/2015 #45429 f in another direction. The lights fly slowly and silently for 6 minutes. 2/16/2018 #45506 s November 23. The objects usually fly in square grid patterns nearly every 12/2019 #45620 ther oval, blue-purple lights also fly through the clouds. She then sees gr 12/3/2021 #45727 im told him he already knew how to fly the craft, and he began flying it me 10/20/2022 #45779 Merkabah meditation techniques to fly a craft in USG possession. Ramirez h 10/20/2022 #45779
rt Number 100-203-79, “Analysis of Fly- ing Object Incidents in the U.S.” ( 12/10/1948 #3923
9:45 p.m. MST). A couple watched a fly-by of a red disc with windows at low 4/6/1967 #22074 an incoming C-130 is asked to do a fly-by of the area to get a look at the 10/1973 #27902 ts of independent witnesses to the fly-by, for a total of five witnesses. 12/25/1978 #34208
above traffic on their individual fly-cycles and seem particularly fond of 1873 #198
ht out to sea. Bald 150cm man with fly-eyes and long legs near. 10/10/1976 #31458
y code name for the stealth bomber fly-off that resulted in the B-2 Spirit. 3/1990 #39434
dogs barked frantically during the fly-over. 11/9/2002 #44437
At 5:30 p.m. a strange "fly-strip-looking" spiral-shaped object 2/9/2007 #45005
alling to the ground after the UFO flyby. 11/16/1953 #9304 ry investigation/investigators and flyby. 4/25/1984 #37287 lying in formation and mimicking a flyby of F-16s during the Leavenworth, K 11/11/2021 #45721 rans Day Parade. Prior to the F-16 flyby, the witness sees the orbs forming 11/11/2021 #45721 -two formation.” After passing the flyby, they form a four-point formation 11/11/2021 #45721
than-air aircraft with the Wright Flyer 4 miles south of Kitty Hawk, North 12/17/1903 #663
gins an investigation of the ghost flyers. 12/28/1933 #1186 eport(s). Night lights and mystery flyers. Beams and radio signals. No furt 11/17/1936 #1253 allic suite, taped like high-speed flyers. It is believed that a very high 3/22/1950 #4696 o the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots.” It goes on, “Ac 3/22/1950 #4702
es from 'cloudship'. They admitted flying. 1/840? #3 LISBON, PORTUGAL Flying red cylinders and fireballs terri 1/3/1551 #28 ellow and "bloody". The hat-shaped flying objects were multicolored: black, 12/5/1557 #31 A dark "flying ship" hovered in place over the o 2/8/1672 #48 tion. Type unknown. 6 wheels and 2 flying barns in Wales / 1694. 5/6/1692 #52 brun, Hautes-Alpes, France watched flying saucers maneuver with military pr 9/7/1820 #113 Farmer Cooper saw three men flying through the sky over Warwick, Que 10/3/1843 #138 bjects with a green tint were seen flying in formation over Norfolk, Virgin 8/6/1860 #158 PARRAMATTA, AUST Dream? Flying head invites observer(s) / flying 7/25/1868 #175 Flying head invites observer(s) / flying ark. See reference! / r174p23. 7/25/1868 #175 hem that will help him construct a flying machine. He observes another UFO- 7/25/1868 #176 o'clock in the morning. Sometimes flying very high, sometimes very low, it 12/7/1872 #196 rtians occupying some of the large flying conveyances. 1873 #198 TH / DENISON, TX Farmer J. Martin. Flying saucer / wonderful speed. Longitu 1/24/1878 #213 xplosion and see a cloud of stones flying upward. They go to the spot and f 6/1880? #234 ille, Kentucky, watches a circular flying object with a ball at each end mo 7/28/1880 #237 ising aboard "La Bacchante" when a flying object resembling a fully lighted 6/11/1881 #245 ns out that the sightings are of a flying machine, invented by the novel’s 1886 #273 California saw a "powered balloon" flying into the wind. 11/15/1896 #338 o has been studying the subject of flying machines for fifteen years” and w 11/22/1896 #347 seen west of Red Bluff, California flying west at about 2,000 feet. After a 11/23/1896 #352 es in Tacoma, Washington watched a flying object beam vari-colored rays of 11/24/1896 #357 et over Oakland, California. It is flying northward against the wind and lo 11/26/1896 #365 five men left. The craft was seen flying off the next day. 12/7/1896 #376 o, Nevada a strange light was seen flying to the west. Moving too slowly to 12/10/1896 #379 an anchor dropped from an unknown flying machine 22 km north of the town. 3/26/1897 #394 an anchor dropped from an unknown flying machine 22 km north of the town. 3/26/1897 #395 an anchor dropped from an unknown flying machine 22 km north of the town. 3/26/1897 #396 lorado a mysterious light was seen flying through the night sky. 3/30/1897 #402 le and will only say that they are flying from the Pacific to the Atlantic Early 4/1897 #413 any residents of Quincy, Illinois, flying low above the Mississippi River o 4/10/1897 #426 four sets of 15-foot wings. It is flying so low (about 600 feet) that they 4/11/1897 #428 tch a lighted, cigar-shaped object flying low towards the southwest. Throug 4/11/1897 #432 innetonka Mills, Minnesota, when a flying machine “shaped like an ordinary 4/11/1897 #434 some 40 feet long by 15 feet tall, flying about 400 feet in the air at 100 4/13/1897 #452 k object with red and green lights flying overhead about the same time. 4/13/1897 #454 m and circled "like a hawk" before flying away. 4/14/1897 #461 an object with wings and a rudder flying slowly along about 150 feet in th 4/14/1897 #467 s and circled "like a hawk" before flying away. 4/14/1897 #474 Howard-Artesian, SD Nightfall. A flying object coming closer and closer t 4/15/1897 #479 Howard-Artesian, South Dakota A flying object coming closer and closer t 4/15/1897 #484 morning hours of this day in 1897 flying slowly toward the north. It seeme 4/15/1897 #496 At nightfall the same day a flying object followed a train traveling 4/15/1897 #498 ” and says they are traveling in a flying machine that has been over the Gu 4/19/1897 #539 oise was heard. He went out, saw a flying object circling 5 m above ground. 4/22/1897 #553 oise was heard. He went out, saw a flying object circling 5 m above ground. 4/22/1897 #555 d noise. He went outside and saw a flying object circling five meters above 4/22/1897 #561 the ground by a rope attached to a flying craft. The rope got caught in a r 4/25/1897 #571 the ground by a rope attached to a flying craft. The rope got caught in a r 4/25/1897 #572 the ground by a rope attached to a flying craft. The rope got caught in a r 4/25/1897 #575 ansas a photograph of a structured flying object was taken. 4/26/1897 #580 o on the same night a well-lighted flying object with a clear outline flew 5/1/1897 #585 at they crossed the country with a flying craft. The silhouette of the mach 5/6/1897 #592 at they crossed the country with a flying craft. The profile of the 20-mete 5/6/1897 #594 veral people witnessed a round UFO flying toward the northwest. It was seen 9/17/1897 #610 when he sees a cigar-shaped object flying toward the northwest at about 300 6/1/1898 #622 ets. She claims that Martians have flying machines, and they irrigate the l 1899 #629 sphere about 28 inches in diameter flying silently from south to north near 6/1/1899 #635 en it returns later in the evening flying north to south at greater speed, 6/1/1899 #635 1901, newspaper accounts report a flying machine was photographed in Silve 3/7/1901 #644 ect lights / ends. Sinks slowly. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v18#3. 10/28/1902 #653 cts flew in an eschelon formation, flying very fast below the clouds. They 2/28/1904 #671 BURLINGTON, VT 1 observer. Flying torpedo shoots flames / all direc 7/2/1907 #696 f unidentified airships, sometimes flying against the wind, take place in D Summer 1908 #706 searches railway / strong light. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v6#4. 3/23/1909 #724 n the morning a white ovoid shaped flying object was seen in the skies over 4/24/1909 #729 ers / 4 minute(s). 2 strong beams. Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#6. 5/9/1909 #732 irship with a searchlight was seen flying over Terrington Marsh, Norfolk, E 5/12/1909 #736 80 to 100 foot long, dark airship, flying over King's Lynn, Norfolk, Englan 5/13/1909 #742 idge. Does same to different ship. Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#1. 5/14/1909 #743 and observed a silent cigar-shaped flying object with a light that flashed 5/17/1909 #754 berish. Board and zigzag upward. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#1. 5/18/1909 #755 tro-magnetic effects). OK after. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#1. 5/19/1909 #764 Wales, sees a cigar-shaped object flying swiftly at perhaps 2,600 feet and 5/19/1909 #765 NEAR BALCLUTHA, NZ 2 observer(s). Flying boat going [to] overhead toward(s 7/27/1909 #785 round ten o'clock in the morning a flying object shaped like a boat flew ov 7/27/1909 #786 DUNEDIN, NZ 1 observer. Flying airship. Brilliant light from mas 7/31/1909 #793 oise that frightened the horses. A flying fuselage-shaped airship flew over 7/31/1909 #795 o, New Zealand a large boat-shaped flying object with three lights was obse 8/2/1909 #796 e Perkins, Quebec 7:30–8:00 p.m. A flying object with lights on its front a 8/9/1909 #802 cester between 7:00 and 7:30 p.m., flying at low altitude and sporting a se 12/22/1909 #821 unities see an airship with lights flying at an altitude of around 400 feet 12/23/1909 #822 d red and green taillights is seen flying at 600 feet above Swift Current, 10/27/1910 #850 lso seen at Medicine Hat, Alberta, flying southwest. 10/27/1910 #850 Rhode Island 5:30 a.m. Two objects flying at a great altitude are seen over 10/29/1910 #852 ensland, Australia, when he sees a flying machine carrying two men, one of 5/5/1911 #854 beravon, Wales, watches an airship flying for an hour over Swansea Bay and 2/2/1913 #877 s that he was firing rockets while flying from Leipzig to Döberitz in order 3/13/1913 #886 red envelope on the horizon, while flying at 1,300 feet, 27 miles south of 9/6/1914 #915 Some 20–30 people watch an airship flying at 2,300 feet descend to about 1, 11/21/1914 #921 hear the sound of motors. A second flying machine is heard as it crosses th 2/14/1915 #925 t two invisible aircraft are heard flying over his town. Prime Minister Rob 2/14/1915 #925 nd Rochford, Essex 8:25 p.m. Royal Flying Corps Lieut. Reginald Maxwell is 1/31/1916 #941 he clouds. At the same time, Royal Flying Corps pilot Sub-Lieut. J. Eric Mo 1/31/1916 #941 ot Sub-Lieut. J. Eric Morgan, also flying a B.E.2c at 5,000 feet near Rochf 1/31/1916 #941 Royal Flying Corps pilot Lt. Morgan was flying 1/31/1916 #942 Flying Corps pilot Lt. Morgan was flying at 5000 feet over Rochford, Essex 1/31/1916 #942 ar an engine noise and see a large flying object “50 feet wide and 100 feet 2/29/1916 #943 rs observed the passage of a large flying machine in which three men were c 2/29/1916 #944 A luminous blimp-shaped flying object flew over Huntington, West 7/19/1916 #951 and, sees two distinct “seaplanes” flying together near the surface of the 3/1/1918 #973 ar-shaped object 100–150 feet long flying overhead at an altitude of 500 fe Winter 1918? #979 ere it hovers for 3 minutes before flying on. The witness then notices his 1/22/1919 #983 At 6 p.m. a cylindrical object flying at only 75 feet altitude, passing 6/8/1920 #1002 as 3:00 a.m. C. B. Alves sees four flying discs 50 miles north of Freeport, Late 10/1920 #1006 creature over 2.4 m tall was seen flying from the direction where the obje 2/22/1922 #1019 creature over 2.4 m tall was seen flying from the direction where the obje 2/22/1922 #1020 h-pitched sound and saw a circular flying object. It became brilliantly lig 2/22/1922 #1021 ture over eight feet tall was seen flying from the direction where the obje 2/22/1922 #1021 300-foot-long, cigar-shaped object flying south toward Chicago, Illinois. R 6/1925 #1047 s, Colorado Aviator Bert Acosta is flying somewhere between Wichita, Kansas 1/1926 #1056 ects that look like manhole covers flying off his starboard wing 600 feet a 1/1926 #1056 even companions saw a huge, shiny, flying oval-shaped object that reflected 8/5/1927 #1078 man of Sweed witnessed a hexagonal flying craft with rivets and a dome that 10/18/1927 #1082 ft with rivets and a dome that was flying low over a road in Bakersfield, C 10/18/1927 #1082 ioned tiny pilot wearing a leather flying helmet, who waved to us as he too 1929 #1093 a dull grayish-white airship while flying over the Tasman Sea, off the coas 6/10/1931 #1129 Grunnet and Lt. Tage Andersen are flying an H.M.II (Heinkel HE 8) seaplane 1932 #1136 is brother Milton see 7–8 “meteors flying in a bunch” over hills east of Oa Early Summer 1932 #1145 g. Four RAF Hawker Fury I biplanes flying over Sussex, England, encounter a 7/5/1933 #1167 The 4th Swedish Flying Corps begins an investigation of 12/28/1933 #1186 gulations prohibit RAF planes from flying over London at less than 5,000 fe 6/11/1934 #1210 a dull-red, Zeppelin-shaped object flying over the Panama Canal Zone at hig 1935 #1220 ia took a photograph of a circular flying object at ten p.m. The object, se 10/10/1935 #1235 PAVLODAR, KAZAKH Flying man comes within 40M / schoolgirl 1/1936 (approximate) #1241 h a diameter of 33–40 feet is seen flying soundlessly near Venice, Italy. I 8/17/1936 #1247 at Orbetello, Grosseto, Italy, is flying a Savoia- Marchetti SM.62 at 12,4 10/10/1936 #1252 arly 440 mph. Rossi loses it after flying into a cloud for 12 minutes and f 10/10/1936 #1252 VAN BUREN, MO Private plane chases flying disk. Pilot now state government 1/1937? #1255 lina Noon. Pilot Howard S. Behr is flying a Curtiss-Wright CW-15 Sedan at 3 1/1/1937 #1259 ed the path in front of a aircraft flying near the Virginia-North Carolina 1/1/1937 #1260 isk / mountainside / 2 weeks. Seen flying away? Original object gone. 6/1941 #1363 he Northrop N-1M, an experimental “flying wing” aircraft with a 38-foot win 7/3/1941 #1368 6-9 luminous white balls of light flying in a triangular formation flew in 2/25/1942 #1391 as 15 unknown commercial aircraft, flying at various speeds up to 200 mph a 2/26/1942 #1394 Ground radar and German pilot flying in Banak, Finnmark, Norway at 5:3 3/14/1942 #1400 an estimated 1,000 m.p.h. (Ref. 3; Flying Saucer Review, March-April 1962.) 3/25/1942 #1405 rait 5:50 p.m. An RAAF pilot is on flying patrol off the Tasman Peninsula, Summer 1942 #1419 the 301 Polish Bomber Squadron is flying an RAF Wellington bomber after re 6/25/1942 #1422 seem to wobble slightly. They are flying faster than Japanese planes and a 8/12/1942 #1434 Islands in the Pacific. They were flying in an equally spaced formation, t 8/12/1942 #1435 ects descend near the AAC Advanced Flying School at Columbus, Mississippi, 8/29/1942 #1444 ontrol tower at the Army Air Corps Flying School in Columbus, Mississippi o 8/29/1942 #1445 Civilian Research, Interplanetary Flying Objects (CRIFO.) 11/1942 #1458 ights spaced along its body and is flying on a level course. Five minutes l 11/28/1942 #1464 t Sea Two amber and orange lights, flying in unison; not aircraft. (Page 36 12/1942 #1468 m. RAAF Lt. Bruce Clyde Lumsden is flying a Hawker Hurricane heading for th 12/1942 #1470 ort The Northrop N-9M, a prototype flying wing bomber with a wingspan of 60 12/27/1942 #1473 projectiles resembling ‘schools of flying fish,’ about a foot long and simi 1/15/1943 #1480 aw Ghetto in Poland. They notice a flying object approaching them at about 4/9/1943 #1494 Channel Capt. Gordon W. Cammell is flying an RAF Lancaster bomber back over 5/1943 #1498 s AFB California The Northrop N-9M flying wing bomber prototype crashes 12 5/19/1943 #1500 pilot Sgt. Gordon N. Cockcroft are flying at 18,000 feet in a Halifax bombe 5/26/1943 #1502 USAAF bomber crews flying over Essen, Germany encountered a 5/27/1943 #1505 The USAAF First Air Division was flying over the Elbe Estuary in Germany 6/25/1943 #1512 on the ground. (Ref. 3; Australian Flying Saucer Review, No. 7, 1967; cited 12/1943 #1547 eader Patrick Hardy Vesey Wells is flying his Bristol Beaufighter on a patr 12/14/1943 #1553 Maj. Bajenov and Boris Surikov are flying over southwest Ukraine at an alti 1944 #1559 ghter planes of the 415th Squadron flying southwest of Landau, Germany. The 1/30/1944 #1567 . An Australian Beaufort bomber is flying at 4,500 feet over Bass Strait, A 2/1944 #1570 New Mexico An Army Air Force pilot flying a B-17 sees a fast-moving, glowin 3/1944 #1584 eaufighter from the 600th Squadron flying over Anzio, Italy during World Wa 4/30/1944 #1594 Normandy, France Targets flying at extremely high altitudes. (Pag 7/1944 #1616 anu sees a round, yellowish object flying from the north at a speed about 3 7/9/1944 #1621 g. It keeps up with the B-29, then flying at 210 mph. Reida tries to shake 8/11/1944 #1640 re began referring to the V-2s as “flying gas mains”. 9/7/1944 #1666 ng a beam of light from a luminous flying sphere struck the small generator 10/10/1944 #1677 Köln, Germany. His Halifax III is flying at 19,000 feet above the clouds w 10/30/1944 #1688 rget at Klagenfurt, Austria. While flying over northeastern Italy near Trie 11/24/1944 #1705 FS, saw a huge orange sphere while flying a P-70 over Speyer, Germany on th 11/27/1944 #1708 erver) is on a bombing mission and flying above the Rhine River north of St 11/29/1944 #1710 ht orange lights off the left wing…flying through the air at high speed.” N 11/29/1944 #1710 I and copilot Lt. Elon Forster are flying a military DC-3 at 9,000 feet bet 12/23/1944 #1731 n, naval officer R. W. Hendershot, flying an SNJ aircraft, is asked by grou 12/23/1944 #1731 ntact with two high-altitude blips flying at the speed of a single- engine 12/23/1944 #1731 he 415TH NFS squadron while it was flying over Karisruhe, Germany on this n 12/24/1944 #1733 g lights; bright yellowish orange; flying in tandem; three feet in diameter 1/1/1945 #1749 Chemnitz, Germany Flying wing, giving off a yellowish-red 2/1945 #1767 pelago, Japan Night. A B-24 bomber flying near Chichijima in the Ogasawara 2/22/1945 #1794 nting observed an elongated object flying very slowly, tilted toward the ea 3/1945 #1799 nting observed an elongated object flying very slowly, tilted toward the ea 3/1945 #1802 , Italy Night. A 416th NFS crew is flying a Mosquito 25 miles northwest of 3/18/1945 #1817 orence, Italy. Suddenly a light is flying alongside them at 13,000 feet. It 3/18/1945 #1817 reveal that as early as this date, flying from the Marianas on a night ince 4/3/1945 #1836 of the RAF 617 Bomber Squadron is flying a Lancaster with 25 other aircraf 4/25/1945 #1854 hich allegedly include a prototype flying saucer, are kept under lock and k 5/1945 #1858 rs a US Army Air Force B-24 bomber flying over Fala Island in the Truk Atol 5/3/1945 #1863 n this evening five orange spheres flying in a triangular formation were si 5/3/1945 #1863 f two modified YB-35 piston-driven flying wings, which are redesignated YB- 6/1/1945 #1872 F6F Hellcats to intercept unknown flying craft the size of three aircraft Summer 1945 #1879 er is one-eighth that of the Moon, flying against the wind below the clouds Summer 1945 #1882 flew around in the vicinity of our flying patterns over Japan. One of our c 7/1945 #1886 gh altitude. Finally going west. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v37#4. 7/20/1945? #1902 Air Force intelligence specialists flying on a C-46 approaching Iwo Jima (i 8/28/1945 #1930 his day Leonard H. Stringfield was flying to Iwo Jima island onboard a U.S. 8/28/1945 #1931 avengers became disoriented while flying northeast from Fort Lauderdale, a 12/5/1945 #1951 rmation of a report that a Russian flying bomb had recently crashed in Engl 1946 #1962 restricted-access document, German Flying Wings Designed by Horten Brothers 1/10/1946 #1964 n / beam. Flesh falls off! Dies. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v19#2+/ LDLN# 3/5/1946 #1972 inois had a close encounter with a flying saucer at 5:00 a.m. The object bu 3/14/1946 #1978 s were found at the site. (Ref. 3; Flying Saucer Review, March-April 1972.) 5/1946 #1986 a whistling noise and sees a dark “flying football” directly overhead at ab 5/1946 #1988 s AFB A four-engine Northrop XB-35 flying wing bomber makes its first test 6/25/1946 #2015 city beneath Antarctica where the flying saucers originate. 7/1946 #2021 Denmark, when he sees three discs flying silently overhead. The underside 7/1946 #2023 ockholm, Sweden 2:30 p.m. A bluish flying cigar 10–12 times the diameter of 7/10/1946 #2047 land, is watching a B-24 Liberator flying overhead at 15,000 feet when he a 7/12/1946 #2053 t 15,000 feet when he also sees a “flying bomb” looking like a big star tra 7/12/1946 #2053 , Stockholm, Sweden, sees a silent flying object with short wings at a dist 7/30/1946 #2087 0 p.m. AF Capt. Jack E. Puckett is flying over Tampa, Florida, in a C-47 tr 8/1/1946 #2100 including the pilot named Puckett, flying in a twin engine C-47 transport 4 8/1/1946 #2101 southwest fast. / Goteborg News. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v15#3. 8/5/1946 #2104 etimes two of the objects are seen flying together. Some witnesses see smal 8/11/1946 #2117 l-shaped "rocket bomb" was sighted flying rapidly to the north over the tow 8/12/1946 #2124 o, Sweden 10:02 a.m. Two witnesses flying a SAAB B-18 bomber on a navigatio 8/14/1946 #2133 and his signaler, Cpl. Möller, are flying a B-18A bomber at 650 feet 4 mile 8/14/1946 #2135 ne “like an electric arc” are seen flying in a straight line over Longwy, M Mid 9/1946 #2182 ngland Downham Market, Norfolk RAF Flying Officer Stewart of the Northern S 1/27/1947 #2235 Sweden A US Navy Privateer bomber flying over Sweden picks up signals that 2/8/1947 #2239 smoke coming from its tail is seen flying from east to west at considerable 3/21/1947 #2249 etallic and is about 60 feet long, flying slowly. The object seems to turn 3/21/1947 #2249 other Mrs. W. H. Brown saw several flying discs while driving. The discs we 3/30/1947 #2251 MEMPHIS, TN Mrs. Clark. 2 flying "tennis-balls" go over yard. / co 5/1/1947 #2274 Beaufort (near), SC Four Discs Flying Overhead (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc Late 5/1947 #2297 ormation of four disc-like objects flying overhead in a southeasterly direc Late 5/1947 #2298 re Private pilot Forrest Wenyon is flying over Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, an 6/2/1947 #2309 in front of his light plane while flying at between 10,000 and 12,000 feet 6/2/1947 #2310 rt Number 100-203-79, “Analysis of Flying Object Incidents in the U.S.” 6/9/1947 #2315 kersfield, California a man saw 10 flying saucers fly over in a triangular 6/14/1947 #2329 cts the size of a house, were seen flying at 1000 km/h. A civilian woman st 6/21/1947 #2354 ects the size of a house were seen flying at 1,000 kph at 11:55 a.m. in Spo 6/21/1947 #2359 shiny disc “a little like a blimp” flying north to south about 3,000 feet a 6/22/1947 #2365 ium Springs, New Mexico and saw a "flying pie-plate" disc while swimming. 6/22/1947 #2367 in views 10 flat, circular objects flying in a V-formation over his house i 6/23/1947 #2375 s later, 7 of the objects are seen flying in the opposite direction. 6/23/1947 #2375 when they see a saucer-like object flying an uneven course in the sky. 6/23/1947 #2376 , Kenneth Arnold, reports seeing 9 flying saucers flying in formation at an 6/24/1947 #2379 d, reports seeing 9 flying saucers flying in formation at an altitude of 92 6/24/1947 #2379 Idaho, businessman Kenneth Arnold, flying his CallAir Model A-2 from Chehal 6/24/1947 #2398 ton, sees a string of nine objects flying in an echelon formation past Moun 6/24/1947 #2398 through a telescope. They are not flying in any sort of formation and as t 6/24/1947 #2400 f Oregon sighted five or six discs flying silently overhead, heading toward 6/24/1947 #2401 At 2:58 p.m. Kenneth Arnold, flying his private plane near Mount Rain 6/24/1947 #2402 unlight from nine distant metallic flying objects. He watched as they flash 6/24/1947 #2402 ams, and calculated that they were flying at a speed of 1,500 miles per hou 6/24/1947 #2402 ocal radio station where the term "flying saucer" was first coined, despite 6/24/1947 #2402 wspaper. He does not use the term “flying saucer,” but headline writers in 6/25/1947 #2411 elivers a second four-engine XB-35 flying wing aircraft to Muroc AFB [now E 6/26/1947 #2419 led him from Texas to say that the flying discs are “harbinger of doomsday. 6/27/1947 #2431 [now Holloman AFB], New Mexico, is flying a private plane near Engle, New M 6/27/1947 #2432 :15 p.m. Lieut. Eric B. Armstrong, flying an F-51 at 6,000 feet 30 miles no 6/28/1947 #2447 irman named Armstrong while he was flying thirty miles northwest of Lake Me 6/28/1947 #2450 ancy) when they see a silvery disc flying at 8,000–10,000 feet. It has no a 6/29/1947 #2467 5 minutes later nine white saucers flying in V-formation flew over Medford, 6/29/1947 #2469 eld, Arizona A Navy lieutenant was flying at 9000 m toward the south when h 6/30/1947 #2485 m. Naval Lt. William G. McGinty is flying a P-80 from Williams AFB [now Pho 6/30/1947 #2486 rence in Fort Worth, Texas, on the flying discs. Ramey thinks people are “s 6/30/1947 #2487 Navy Lieutenant named McGinty was flying in a P-80 fighter aircraft near W 6/30/1947 #2489 ers during the first month of the “flying saucer” mystery the conclusion is 7/1947 #2492 r” mystery the conclusion is “this flying saucer situation is not all imagi 7/1947 #2492 al phenomenon. Something is really flying around.” (This report was declass 7/1947 #2492 k high-speed objects on radar, all flying at speeds well above what current 7/1/1947 #2500 n the San Francisco Chronicle. The flying discs were “oblate spheroid space 7/3/1947 #2551 gence service are looking into the flying discs. An INS dispatch states tha 7/3/1947 #2582 working his fields. It seems to be flying at 10,000 feet and is visible for 7/3/1947 #2583 hnson and her family see 8–9 discs flying out of the southern sky 6 miles w 7/3/1947 #2584 rvice rounds up theories about the flying discs. It quotes Army Air Force “ 7/4/1947 #2654 of an extraterrestrial origin for flying saucers in the media. 7/4/1947 #2654 m. CAA official Irving C. Allen is flying a small aircraft near Moscow, Ida 7/4/1947 #2655 ar Redmond, Oregon, see four discs flying past Mt. Jefferson on a straight 7/4/1947 #2656 ing at high speed to the east, two flying south and three to the east, with 7/4/1947 #2658 up of discs in a rough V-formation flying at great speed. A second flight o 7/4/1947 #2659 and passenger Duncan Underhill are flying at 5,000 feet west of Long Beach, 7/4/1947 #2661 e it is 40–50 feet in diameter and flying north-northwest. 7/4/1947 #2661 ers at Hauser Lake, Idaho, watch a flying disc for 30 minutes as it hovers 7/4/1947 #2664 kansas, watches three yellow discs flying overhead to the southwest, droppi 7/4/1947 #2665 nd First Officer Ralph Stevens are flying from Boise, Idaho, to Seattle, Wa 7/4/1947 #2667 At noon while flying between Tonopah and Austin, Nevad 7/4/1947 #2673 nger sighted five circular objects flying below his airplane. They were shi 7/4/1947 #2673 orth, Texas saw a 25-foot diameter flying disc. She got out of her car and 7/4/1947 #2674 rters in Portland, Oregon saw five flying discs, two going south, three fly 7/4/1947 #2675 ying discs, two going south, three flying to the east at high speed. They w 7/4/1947 #2675 ported seeing 3-6 "chrome hubcaps" flying over the city. At about the same 7/4/1947 #2675 ummit of Mount Jefferson in Oregon flying at a high rate of speed. In Trout 7/4/1947 #2676 gree turn and proceed horizontally flying toward the south. Two more people 7/4/1947 #2677 n. Cooley estimated the disks were flying at 20,000 feet. He saw twelve of 7/5/1947 #2680 ORNER, SC 2 observer(s). Shiny 10' flying clam going quickly east faster / 7/5/1947 #2703 angular formation of silvery discs flying south near Auburn, California. Th 7/5/1947 #2724 or of WRDO Radio, saw twelve discs flying rapidly in a straight line toward 7/5/1947 #2729 flew beneath the airliner. It was flying at an estimated speed of 200 mph. 7/5/1947 #2732 B. Browning and the crew of a B-25 flying over Clay Center, Kansas, see a s 7/6/1947 #2808 wo others watch an oval-shaped UFO flying at a high altitude for nearly 2 m 7/6/1947 #2810 s, an airline passenger in a plane flying southeast of Boise, Idaho watched 7/6/1947 #2817 Three airmen flying aboard an Army Air Force B-25 nea 7/6/1947 #2818 um aircraft with two men on board, flying near the Kansas-Colorado border, 7/6/1947 #2819 e metallic, revolving objects came flying at their airplane this afternoon, 7/6/1947 #2819 At 5:30 p.m. a low flying shiny circular object, floated li 7/6/1947 #2824 h speed. They were estimated to be flying at 20,000 feet altitude. A round 7/6/1947 #2826 at great speed in a straight line flying toward the northwest. At about th 7/6/1947 #2827 A "rolling" luminous disc was seen flying south of Omaha, Nebraska at 11:45 7/6/1947 #2831 per article: A P-38 tangles with a flying disc at 32k ft near LA, gets caug 7/7/1947 #2833 bject five miles south of Medford, flying eastward, going 6-700 miles an ho 7/7/1947 #2835 er Al Hixenbaugh took a photo of a flying saucer at 10:15. There were three 7/7/1947 #2836 STOCKHOLM, SWD Classic flying saucer seen over city. / Aftonbla 7/7/1947 #2918 porters he knows nothing about the flying discs. 7/7/1947 #2929 J. Southey and Clem Hackworthy are flying a private aircraft near East Troy 7/7/1947 #2934 ey see a fast-moving silver object flying southeast from Eagle to Muskego, 7/7/1947 #2934 It is decided to investigate five flying disc incidents with “qualified” o 7/7/1947 #2935 Medford, Oregon. It appears to be flying at 600–700 mph on edge at right a 7/7/1947 #2937 o, see three metallic oval objects flying swiftly and silently in a triangu 7/7/1947 #2938 about 10 feet in diameter and are flying east over the Olentangy River. Th 7/7/1947 #2938 d and saw an unusual looking, gray flying craft in the sky. He grabbed his 7/7/1947 #2947 mera and took two photographs. The flying object was twenty to thirty feet 7/7/1947 #2947 ty feet long, crescent-shaped, and flying at an estimated 1,000 feet altitu 7/7/1947 #2947 l Army Air Force captures a downed flying saucer near Roswell NM 7/8/1947 #2948 X FBI Dallas teletype to Director: flying saucer crashed and was recovered 7/8/1947 #2950 from Gen. Roger Ramey concerning “flying disc information”: “Maj. Curtan, 7/8/1947 #2951 that an object purporting to be a flying disc was recovered near Roswell, 7/8/1947 #2951 lop at any time with regard to the flying saucers”. “If one of these should 7/8/1947 #2953 MINSTER Many separate observer(s). Flying disks all over area. 7/8/1947 #2994 T Steeplejack Ferguson and family. Flying pancake disk skips along going no 7/8/1947 #3000 hen floor. Marcel Sr. says it is a flying saucer. Marcel is not breaking re 7/8/1947 #3010 the top. Around 4:00 p.m., a pilot flying an F-51 some 40 miles south of Mu 7/8/1947 #3014 a light-reflecting nature”; it is flying too high for him to climb up to i 7/8/1947 #3014 ased on a “preliminary study,” the flying discs are not secret bacteriologi 7/8/1947 #3016 -Tex.) requests information on the flying discs from the War Department. So 7/8/1947 #3017 a, he hears an announcement that a flying saucer “had crashed in New Mexico 7/8/1947? #3018 s is transferred to a B-25 that is flying to Wright Field in Dayton, Ohio. 7/8/1947 #3019 air forces here today announced a flying disc had been found” the previous 7/8/1947 #3020 p.m. An Army National Guard pilot flying near Mount Baldy, California, obs 7/8/1947 #3023 Hampshire 4:26 p.m. Thomas Dale is flying a small plane at 2,800 feet over 7/8/1947 #3024 Record carries the “RAAF Captures Flying Saucer” story. In Fort Worth, Tex 7/8/1947 #3025 BI office sends a teletype headed “Flying Disc, Information Concerning” to 7/8/1947 #3026 me time a student pilot sighted at flying disc that looked like it had a ho 7/8/1947 #3028 like it had a hole in its center, flying at 500 feet altitude over Spokane 7/8/1947 #3028 m Blanchard who said he possessed “flying saucer” debris. The material was 7/8/1947 #3029 uiddy declaring the recovery of a “flying saucer.” McQuiddy claims Roswell 7/8/1947 #3030 o a “weather balloon” instead of a flying saucer. https://ufologie.patrick 7/8/1947 #3030 ention away from the origin of the flying saucer material. https://ufologi 7/8/1947 #3031 also claims the flight of “crashed flying saucer” debris occurred between R 7/8/1947 #3032 GRAND FALLS, NFLD Cop and others. "Flying Barrelhead" and 4 saucers. Phosph 7/9/1947 #3049 nversation is presumably about the flying discs. 7/9/1947 #3059 ormer B-29 pilot David N. Johnson, flying in an Idaho Air National Guard AT 7/9/1947 #3063 s FBI help with the problem of the flying discs from Special Agent S. Wesle 7/9/1947 #3067 Kearsey sees four yellowish discs flying in close formation above Grand Fa 7/9/1947 #3069 top scientists to determine if the flying discs are indeed fact and whether 7/10/1947 #3078 t it has been established that the flying discs are not the result of any A 7/10/1947 #3078 SMYRNA, GA 1 / car. "Flying tin lid" / incredible speed. Bril 7/10/1947 #3092 FBI headquarters in a memo titled “Flying Disks.” Ladd adds a note saying t 7/10/1947 #3102 of four luminous objects as he is flying his Piper J-3 Cub at 10,000 feet 7/10/1947 #3104 ritish Vickers Viking aircraft was flying over the Bay of Biscay in the Atl 7/10/1947 #3113 n the crew of three sighted a gray flying object, shaped like a tadpole. It 7/10/1947 #3113 anslucent disc-or wheel-shaped UFO flying below the clouds over Ernest Harm 7/10/1947 #3118 At 5:30 p.m. EDT a "flying tin lid" shaped object flew over 7/10/1947 #3119 observer(s) / backyards. Brilliant flying disk west going quickly east / in 7/11/1947 #3133 like grayish object, 10 feet long, flying northwest at 100 mph at an altitu 7/12/1947 #3159 otice a silvery disc-shaped object flying overhead to the east at 12,000 fe 7/12/1947 #3160 Calahan watch three silvery discs flying quickly north from their location 7/12/1947 #3160 BISCAY T = GMT. 3 / aircrew. Grey flying tadpole / 4800M altitude. / Arg. 7/13/1947 #3163 a farm south of Idaho Falls, Idaho flying on an irregular course, low and s 7/14/1947 #3180 12:15 p.m. Col. Frank A. Flynn is flying a Vultee BT-13 Valiant over Conco 7/15/1947 #3187 m. Colonel Frank A. Flynn, who was flying over over Concord, California, re 7/15/1947 #3188 OSLO, NORWAY 1 observer. Flying saucepan with handle. Very fast. 7/16/1947 #3189 ilitary-air observer(s) and more. "Flying saucer". Headquarters collecting 7/20/1947 #3206 shes a pictorial news story on the flying discs. 7/21/1947 #3210 aho briefly sighted an oval object flying on a straight steady course to th 7/21/1947 #3211 WILLIMANTIC, CT "Man photographs flying metallic hexagon!". Tilts. No fur 7/22/1947 (approximate) #3212 of the Morristown Daily Record, is flying his Piper J-3 Cub at 6,000 feet n 7/23/1947 #3217 day a private pilot named Jenssen, flying at 6000 feet over Morristown, New 7/23/1947 #3220 p.m. a shiny silver disc was seen flying toward the west at a high altitud 7/28/1947 #3241 United Airlines flight 105 flying between Mountain Home and Boise, 7/28/1947 #3242 Idaho had a near collision with a flying disc at 10:34 p.m. The cockpit cr 7/28/1947 #3242 Hotel 6:55 a.m. Kenneth Arnold is flying to Tacoma, Washington, to investi 7/29/1947 #3254 are 15–25 feet in diameter and are flying at about 750 mph at an altitude o 7/29/1947 #3255 FBI issues a policy statement on “Flying Discs,” saying that sightings sho 7/30/1947 #3260 with the subject line, “Recovery ‘Flying Discs,’” purportedly written by M 7/30/1947 #3261 Force Base Intelligence Report on “Flying Discs”—an informal estimate of th 7/30/1947 #3262 . George D. Garrett—says that the “flying saucer situation is not all imagi 7/30/1947 #3262 ral phenomena. Something is really flying around.” Also, “Lack of topside i 7/30/1947 #3262 forth, IL Specimens of an alleged “Flying Saucer” were brought to AMC by Co 8/1947 #3272 “Crashed Bomber Reported Carrying ‘Flying Disc’”. Maury Island incident met 8/3/1947 #3283 el, Alaska, dead ahead as they are flying a DC-3 for Al Jones Flying Servic 8/4/1947 #3291 hey are flying a DC-3 for Al Jones Flying Service. Peck hauls back on his c 8/4/1947 #3291 pilot and co-pilot of an airliner flying over Everett, Massachusetts at 4: 8/4/1947 #3292 long and shaped like a cigarette, flying at 150 mph. It had a glaring jet 8/4/1947 #3292 ike a fuselage without wings while flying over Bethel, Alaska. This second 8/4/1947 #3292 ecracker" in the sky at 10:30 p.m. flying at several hundred mph. The FBI i 8/6/1947 #3301 r or not the reports of so- called flying disks in the Tacoma area or any o 8/8/1947 #3307 on the side emitting flames and is flying along the Snake River Canyon six 8/13/1947 #3320 en ordered to solve the mystery of flying saucers. It reports that the Krem 8/13/1947 #3321 n-meter wide inverted plate-shaped flying object 100 meters away and 25 met 8/13/1947 #3322 anced up to see what he called the flying disc. This strange object was fly 8/13/1947 #3322 ying disc. This strange object was flying at high speed along the canyon wh 8/13/1947 #3322 hat 90% of Americans have heard of flying saucers; 33% don’t know what they 8/14/1947 #3329 otaged, nor was it carrying actual flying disc parts. 8/14/1947 #3332 aircraft twice while the plane was flying near Guam over the Pacific Ocean. 8/14/1947 #3333 spies are looking into whether the flying discs are a secret US technology. 8/15/1947 #3336 der, South Dakota, sees 12 objects flying at 6,000–10,000 feet in a tight d 8/15/1947? #3337 ID 2 "skeet target" shaped objects flying under the plane (NICAP: 11 - Avia 8/18/1947 #3346 a United Airlines transport plane flying at 8,000 feet near Mountain Home 8/18/1947 #3347 to D. M. Ladd from E. G. Fitch on “Flying Discs” mentions SAC Reynolds’s co 8/19/1947 #3351 aho, see a formation of 12 objects flying in diamond formation at terrific 8/19/1947 #3352 some of it is responsible for the flying saucers and other UAP seen. http 8/19/1947 #3353 Late in the day two private pilots flying over Mexico, Missouri sighted thr 8/26/1947 #3373 Missouri sighted three gray discs flying rapidly toward the northwest. The 8/26/1947 #3373 hich have been associated with the Flying Discs.” 9/5/1947 #3385 n) meets with Garrett and Carroll. Flying disk reports at the Pentagon are 9/5/1947 #3386 spotted eight round spots of light flying in a group. They passed within ha 9/6/1947 #3390 nation of “objects” related to the flying saucer problem. The title of the 9/19/1947 #3410 Commanding Officer, AMC, stating: Flying Saucers are REAL! Concerning “Fly 9/23/1947 #3415 ying Saucers are REAL! Concerning “Flying Discs” the phenomenon reported is 9/23/1947 #3415 Loedding, “AMC Opinion Concerning ‘Flying Disks.’” Twining notes the discs 9/23/1947 #3417 lishes a single issue of the first flying saucer fanzine, Weird Unsolved My Fall 1947 #3418 Gen. Nathan F. Twining writes that flying discs are “real and not visionary 9/23/1947 #3419 all FBI agents to discontinue all flying disc investigations. 9/27/1947 #3429 eek (11 miles NNE of ), AZ 3-foot “flying wing,” black against the white cl 10/14/1947 #3455 ed 45-60 seconds while one 3-foot "flying wing"-shaped object, which looked 10/14/1947 #3456 tled “Intelligence Requirements on Flying Saucer Type Aircraft: Draft of Co 10/28/1947 #3469 e it is 50–75 feet in diameter and flying at 200 feet altitude. 12/14/1947 #3502 Ho 299 (a prototype fighter/bomber flying wing design), his investigation c 12/16/1947 #3503 responsible for the Horten Ho 299 flying wing design, an investigation det 12/16/1947 #3504 gn, an investigation determined no flying saucer design “ever existed nor w 12/16/1947 #3504 ot rule out the possibility of the flying disks being “foreign experimentat 12/17/1947 #3505 Gen. Curtis LeMay on the status of flying disc analysis. They complete thei 12/18/1947 #3506 OKI, FINLAND Numerous observer(s). Flying saucer / news report(s). No furth 12/20/1947 #3508 The final EEI, called “Analysis of Flying Disc Reports,” is issued by Chief 12/22/1947 #3509 to report on rockets, meteors, or flying saucers. He says that “mass hyste 12/26/1947 #3511 ion no. TI-2185) in a memo titled “Flying Discs.” Alfred Loedding, who is c 12/30/1947 #3516 oedding, who is convinced that the flying discs are extraterrestrial, may h 12/30/1947 #3516 ation. (Gen. Laurence C. Craigie, “Flying Discs,” Memorandum to Commanding 12/30/1947 #3516 e Propulsion of Aircraft group, is flying with the 166th Fighter Squadron o 1948 #3521 ilizer rudder on the end. He keeps flying after it even when he loses sight 1948 #3521 ith a scientific team to examine a flying saucer that has crashed near Taos 1948 #3522 ewman publishes a novel titled The Flying Saucer, the first book to use tha 1948 #3523 Guard pilot, and three others are flying F-51D fighters to Louisville, Ken 1/7/1948 #3544 during most of Mantell’s pursuit. Flying at 300 mph and gradually climbing 1/7/1948 #3544 astern Airlines pilot Hugh DuBose, flying a DC-3 aircraft at 3,000 feet alt 1/9/1948 #3552 ansport pilots, Helton and Pargoe, flying over Hartford, Connecticut in the 1/11/1948 #3556 iet development of a jet-propelled flying wing aircraft. 1/21/1948 #3560 ch and Development Board dismisses flying saucers as “a mirage induced by m 1/31/1948 #3567 September 1947) attempts to debunk flying saucers as a “mirage” the result 1/31/1948 #3568 adian embassy staff the following: flying saucers exist, the matter is the 1/31/1948 #3568 ut instead there is a large, domed flying saucer gliding silently over the 2/1948 #3570 n “Investigation and Reporting of ‘Flying Disc’ Incidents.” It specifies th 2/4/1948 #3574 ity for collecting information on “flying disks” should be complemented by 2/12/1948 #3576 sighted unusual phenomena, of the ‘flying disk’ type, in the atmosphere.” 2/12/1948 #3576 emitted some flames. It shot away flying toward the northwest. At 5:05 p.m 2/18/1948 #3580 ee a small flat, heart- shaped UFO flying in the sky at Emmett, Idaho. Thro 2/20/1948 #3583 e size of a Piper Cub airplane and flying point first below the cloud level 2/20/1948 #3583 saw a small flat, heart-shaped UFO flying in the sky at 1:15 p.m. It was fu 2/20/1948 #3584 e as if "dipped in cream", and was flying point first below the cloud level 2/20/1948 #3584 t of, Sweden A missile-like object flying at 20,000 ft (NICAP: 01 - Distant 3/1/1948 #3586 He thinks that sufficient types of flying wing prototypes existed when the 3/12/1948 #3588 and may have served as models for flying discs. Reimar Horten had emigrate 3/12/1948 #3588 Memo on “Flying Discs” from Maj. Gen. George C. M 3/17/1948 #3589 Chicago, Illinois Ray Palmer and Flying magazine editor Curtis Fuller pub Spring 1948 #3592 get indicates a small solid target flying around 30 mph. The targets always Spring 1948 #3593 49 science fiction film titled The Flying Saucer. GeBauer and especially Ne 3/25/1948 #3598 ines Pilot saw a half-moon shaped "flying wing" about 30 ft wide 20 ft long 4/1/1948 #3602 3 miles to the east. Shaped like a flying wing or half-moon with a “turtle 4/1/1948 #3603 the 67th Fighter Squadron and was flying south at 1,500 ft altitude when h 4/1/1948 #3604 de when he saw a half-moon shaped "flying wing" or crescent about 30 feet w 4/1/1948 #3604 g, with a small dorsal fin. It was flying on a northerly heading at about 1 4/1/1948 #3604 n dark drab flight suits were seen flying through the air at 250 feet altit 4/7/1948 #3614 on, and another witness see three “flying men” circling the town. She says 4/9/1948 #3619 they are “dressed in khaki-colored flying suits with helmets over their fac 4/9/1948 #3619 ng his doubts about the reality of flying discs. 4/23/1948 #3628 A flying humanoid was spotted on this morn 4/26/1948 #3629 A private pilot flying over Westfield, Indiana reporting 5/12/1948 #3647 B California A piston-driven YB-35 flying wing bomber makes its first and o 5/15/1948 #3652 rve 1st Lt. Alexander Kokolonis is flying a C-47 at 6,000 feet six miles ea 5/28/1948 #3660 pilot Arkady Ivanovich Apraksin is flying at an altitude of 6.5 miles above 6/16/1948 #3671 se of Russian test pilot Aprasksin flying over the Kapustin Yar test flight 6/16/1948 #3672 . The experimental aircraft he was flying experienced a total electrical fa 6/16/1948 #3672 e object. One of them likened the “flying cigarette” to a rocket, but the U 6/19/1948 #3674 ugust, 1948. Witness: Max Abbott, flying a Bellanca Cruisair four-passenge 7/1948 #3690 FB], South Dakota A Maj. Hammer is flying above Rapid City AFB [now Ellswor 7/1/1948 #3694 are about 100 feet in diameter and flying in a tight diamond formation. The 7/1/1948 #3694 self-luminous, yellow-white object flying at 500–600 mph. It seems to pulse 7/9/1948 #3705 authorities that he had sighted a "flying saucer" at 4:40 p.m. Three hours 7/11/1948 #3707 ting skier, both reported seeing a flying saucer. One Vermonter, Dr. C. H. 7/11/1948 #3707 ington, said he saw a bluish-white flying saucer land in Massachusetts betw 7/11/1948 #3707 ether, 20 people reported sighting flying saucers--round ones, square ones, 7/11/1948 #3707 . O): Kirtland AFB reported 7 UFOs flying a “J” formation in the vicinity o 7/17/1948 #3711 pilots reported having seen a huge flying craft similar to a V2 pass their 7/20/1948 #3718 with two decks of windows is seen flying rapidly on four separate occasion 7/20/1948 #3719 evaluate the possibility that the flying discs might be human-built spaces 7/21/1948 #3722 es and copilot John B. Whitted are flying an Eastern Airlines DC-3 at 5,000 7/24/1948 #3734 es DC-3, Chiles and Whitted, while flying over Montgomery, Alabama reported 7/24/1948 #3735 at 4:20 P.M., a silvery moon-sized flying blob was seen by hundreds of witn 7/25/1948 #3737 into the CAA office concernig the flying object. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 7/25/1948 #3737 lligence Memorandum on “Pattern of Flying Saucers” requires that a study be 7/27/1948 #3747 This leads to the EEI “Analysis of Flying Object Incidents in the United St 7/27/1948 #3747 her blade. It is 6–8 feet long and flying silently above the trees at 30 fe 7/29/1948 #3753 everyone on a Air France airliner flying over the South China Sea from Hon 8/1/1948 #3767 huge metallic cigar-shaped object flying south, and then make a 90-degree 8/1/1948 #3767 ieve, and son Donald see four UFOs flying in formation east to west over do 8/15/1948 #3782 a large unknown object was sighted flying at 50,000 feet altitude over Mint 8/31/1948 #3791 a U.S. Air Force pilot and copilot flying a C-45 transport ten miles southe 9/11/1948 #3797 on, when he looks up and sees two “flying persons” to the south. They are 1 9/16/1948 #3803 FO 3000 ft. below him while he was flying his F-51 at 4500 ft. The pilot pu 10/1/1948 #3822 f the North Dakota National Guard, flying an F-51 near Fargo, North Dakota, 10/1/1948 #3827 ground and pilot Arthur E. Cannon flying a Piper Cub at 1,600 feet. Jensen 10/1/1948 #3827 Air Force pilot, major, saw a UFO flying in an oscillatory path, up and do 10/14/1948 #3834 r. of the 68th Fighter Squadron is flying a Northrup F-61 Black Widow some 10/15/1948 #3841 for a bird, too small for a plane, flying at 60 mph. Not confirmed visually 11/1/1948 #3863 t orange flaming egg-shaped object flying (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 11/17/1948 #3878 ) spotted an oval shaped UFO while flying in a T-6 plane. The UFO accelerat 11/18/1948 #3880 eserve pilot Lt. Henry G. Combs is flying a T-6 Texas combat trainer when h 11/18/1948 #3883 bat trainer when he sees an object flying west to east over Andrews AFB, Ma 11/18/1948 #3883 lot and completely reliable. While flying an F-80 over a US Air Base in the 11/23/1948 #3884 0 p.m. Two U.S. Air Force Captains flying in a F-80 fighter, and a 1st Lt. 11/23/1948 #3890 m. Pilot Capt. William R. Goade is flying a USAF C-47 from Denver to Phoeni 12/5/1948 #3909 Flying east of Las Vegas, New Mexico a C 12/5/1948 #3910 e up short. That evening, they are flying a T-7 out of Kirtland AFB, Albuqu 12/8/1948 #3918 w Mexico. He calculates that it is flying directly over Los Alamos National 12/12/1948 #3926 ud” as would be typical of meteors flying at low altitudes. Other anomalous 12/20/1948 #3935 California Day. A student pilot is flying a two-seat Taylorcraft over Los A 1949 #3946 kley he was not involved with, and flying disc landings on military bases i 1949 #3947 nd his wife are in a private plane flying east of Jackson, Mississippi. The 1/1/1949 #3955 blinking once per second, finally flying away climbing into the northeast 1/4/1949 #3960 bout 1,500–2,000 feet altitude and flying faster than a jet. Possible meteo 1/6/1949 #3967 Laboratories in Tennessee that the flying discs are human-made nuclear miss 1/10/1949 #3969 NM MEMO, Director of FBI: Flying Saucers have been discussed by th 1/31/1949 #3987 acteristics of four types of UFOs: flying discs, cigar-shaped objects, sphe 2/11/1949 #4003 er of FBI offices indicating that “flying discs are believed to be man-made 3/25/1949 #4053 Bombers see a dull-yellowish light flying at 2,400 ft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 3/29/1949 #4059 ces on his radio program that the “flying saucers, never explained by anyon 4/3/1949 #4069 ree others watched an unidentified flying object shaped like two plates att 4/3/1949 #4070 e to “deny categorically” that the flying saucers originate in Russia. A sp 4/8/1949 #4083 rs 100 feet away to the northwest, flying in a zig-zag fashion in a level p 4/27/1949 #4118 Homer, MI Pursued 6 flying discs 10 inches diameter by car ( 4/28/1949 #4121 ce Report 100-203-79, “Analysis of Flying Object Incidents in the United St 4/28/1949 #4126 and private pilot Leon A. Faber is flying at 3,000 feet near the Indiana St 4/28/1949 #4128 lett’s “What You Can Believe about Flying Saucers” hits the newsstands. The 4/29/1949 #4132 Elko, NV 3 flying discs 30 ft diameter at 14,000 ft 5/2/1949 #4137 rt Bliss, TX 2 oblong white discs, flying at about 200-250 mph (NICAP: 01 - 5/5/1949 #4147 t. Vaughn. Two oblong white discs, flying at an estimated 200-250 m.p.h., m 5/5/1949 #4148 through a field of fire. They are flying at about 200–250 mph at an altitu 5/5/1949 #4150 viet test pilot named Apraksin was flying over the Volga River in Russia, 4 5/6/1949 #4161 king that “Spinners of yarns about flying saucers, including a score or so 5/9/1949 #4174 onald E. Keyhoe to investigate the flying saucer mystery for True magazine, 5/9/1949 #4175 econd memorandum of importance” on flying discs. 5/13/1949 #4184 disc, then five more silver discs flying in a V formation. The objects spi 5/13/1949 #4186 nce”, concerning a solution to the flying saucer mystery, from Air Materiel 5/18/1949 #4190 newspapermen have denied—about the Flying Saucers . . . Said the front-page 5/18/1949 #4193 Air Force people are convinced the flying disc is real. The clincher came w 5/18/1949 #4193 a picture recently of three discs flying formation over Stephenville, Newf 5/18/1949 #4193 n believe the discs are a new type flying machine utilizing gyroscopic prin 5/18/1949 #4193 e we added that the reality of the flying discs or saucers could not be den 5/18/1949 #4193 ngton by a US Air Force F-82 pilot flying over the area. 5/21/1949 #4201 Joseph Shell, flying over Hart Mountain, Oregon at 2:2 5/27/1949 #4215 5-8 metallic, oval-shaped objects flying in single file. They were each 20 5/27/1949 #4215 Oak Ridge) observe an odd trio of “flying saucers” for about 15 minutes: “I 6/22/1949 #4249 ame as that of frosted glass. The ‘flying saucer,’ when last sighted, was i 6/22/1949 #4249 ghted, was in level flight and was flying in a northwesterly direction. The 6/22/1949 #4249 ear with high cumulus clouds. The ‘flying saucer’ flew at speed of from 10 6/22/1949 #4249 w, Washington. Another disc-shaped flying object was sighted in Astoria, Or 7/3/1949 #4262 itness: Henry Clark, manager of a flying service, flying a Piper Clipper. 7/24/1949 #4282 lark, manager of a flying service, flying a Piper Clipper. Seven delta-shap 7/24/1949 #4282 :03 p.m. Henry Clark, manager of a flying service, is flying a Piper PA-16 7/24/1949 #4283 k, manager of a flying service, is flying a Piper PA-16 Clipper at 19,000 f 7/24/1949 #4283 A pilot flying a twin engine plane over Mountain 7/24/1949 #4286 ered seven dark delta-wing objects flying in a V formation at a speed of 60 7/24/1949 #4286 d control tower operators, and one flying instructor. One object with one 7/30/1949 #4299 g his soon-to-be-released film The Flying Saucer, claims that the movie con 8/1949 #4301 o be 35 feet in diameter, and were flying to the east-southeast at 10,000 f 8/8/1949 #4314 nal 600-page report, “Unidentified Flying Objects—Project Grudge,” Technica 8/10/1949 #4315 aggeration but trustworthy, sees 7 flying discs and two crashed discs. AFB 8/17/1949 #4321 ald and Mase Garney, report that a flying saucer crashed near them in Death 8/19/1949 #4328 x to eight green, rectangular UFOs flying in a symmetrical formation. He ha 8/20/1949 #4334 and sighted six disc-shaped object flying in a circular formation, making a 8/22/1949 #4336 Vaud, Switzerland. He observes it flying at about 700 mph for 12 seconds. 9/1949 #4342 Lebec, CA 2 USAF pilots flying military aircraft saw an oval obj 9/5/1949 #4347 a.m. a military flight instructor flying over Payerne, Switzerland watched 9/6/1949 #4349 sters of objects “similar to ducks flying in formation,” bright silver and 9/14/1949 #4357 een by a U.S. Air Force C-54 pilot flying northeast of Rome, New York at 9: 9/20/1949 #4362 00 feet under an airplane that was flying four miles southwest of Parkersbu 9/25/1949 #4369 llheim see two fast-moving objects flying in the distance at level flight b 9/26/1949 #4372 e abruptly turning straight up and flying upward. This group of people does 9/26/1949 #4372 rank Scully’s Variety article “One Flying Saucer Lands In New Mexico” 10/12/1949 #4387 , Honshu, Japan Rectangular object flying at 500 mph (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 11/21/1949 #4421 An F-80 fighter pilot flying over Akita, Japan saw a rectangul 11/21/1949 #4422 Japan saw a rectangular-shaped UFO flying at 500 mph. 11/21/1949 #4422 , CA Frank Scully Variety article “Flying Saucers Dismantled, Secrets May B 11/23/1949 #4423 Mt. Palomar, CA Flying discs first observed near the obs 11/25/1949 #4425 WA Donald Keyhoe publishes “The Flying Saucers are Real” in True Magazin 12/1949 #4429 with Donald Keyhoe’s article, “The Flying Saucers Are Real.” Keyhoe argues 12/24/1949 #4443 calls demanding information about flying saucers. 12/24/1949 #4443 Arnold publishes the pamphlet “The Flying Saucer as I Saw It” 1950 #4459 ential channels information that a flying saucer had crashed to earth and t Early 1950 #4465 agazine publishes first article on Flying Saucers 1/1950 #4466 lishes a condensed version of “The Flying Saucers are Real” in Newspapers 1/1/1950 #4471 0 ft silver football-shaped object flying in straight level flight. (Projec 1/6/1950 #4474 ncluding one named Zimmerman, were flying in a U.S. Air Force C-47 transpor 1/6/1950 #4475 y metallic, football-shaped object flying on a straight level flight path. 1/6/1950 #4475 s between 30 and 60 feet long, was flying at 2,000 feet altitude at a speed 1/6/1950 #4475 ida) 11:25 p.m. A B-29 aircraft is flying over the Gulf of Mexico (southwes 1/12/1950 #4484 Flying over the Gulf of Mexico northwest 1/12/1950 #4485 a.m. a U.S. Navy P2V3 patrol plane flying from the Kodiak Naval Air Station 1/23/1950 #4506 nd copilot Theron C. Fehrevach are flying a C-45 transport plane from Pope 1/24/1950 #4509 s away from a C-45 transport plane flying from Pope AFB in Halifax County, 1/24/1950 #4510 County, North Carolina. The C-45, flying at an airspeed of 160 mph, could 1/24/1950 #4510 ft red and white elliptical object flying (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 1/31/1950 #4521 ped object that had a dark center, flying straight and level. 2/21/1950 #4543 USAF denies existance of flying saucers 2/22/1950 #4544 and civilian radars tracked a UFO flying at between 40,000 and 80,000 feet 3/1/1950 #4572 heast. In the afternoon a metallic flying disc trailing some kind of ribbon 3/5/1950 #4584 louds over Houston, Texas. It left flying toward the east. That night in Bl 3/5/1950 #4584 igan, is busy monitoring the night flying units of the 56th Fighter-Interce 3/9/1950 #4598 ay in the area where the F-80s are flying, but 20,000 feet above them. The 3/9/1950 #4598 passengers and crew of an airliner flying from Santiago to Antilla, Cuba. T 3/9/1950 #4599 Alabama An Air Force Captain Hall, flying in Guatemala, hears from other pi 3/15/1950 #4643 isten, there is no such thing as a flying saucer. You won’t discuss them.” 3/15/1950 #4643 Petty Officer Charles Lewis sees a flying disc streak across the sky at Nav 3/16/1950 #4656 r Dallas, Texas. It buzzes a high- flying B-36. It hovers under the bomber 3/16/1950 #4656 Mohammedan Muzzeins / minarets see flying saucers in sky". 3/18/1950 #4669 a.m. Private pilot Robert Fisher, flying a Beechcraft Bonanza over Bradfor 3/18/1950 #4675 NM Spherical then elongated object flying at 2,000 mph (NICAP: 01 - Distant 3/20/1950 #4688 First Officer G. W. Anderson Jr., flying a DC-3 at 2,000 feet and heading 3/20/1950 #4690 ickly east. 22 March. 11 military. Flying wing. 3/21/1950 #4692 SE, NM 11 Air Force Sergeants. Tan flying wing going northwest. Turns going 3/22/1950 #4698 Mexico. The shape is “similar to a flying wing air craft and tan in color, 3/22/1950 #4701 AF Sergeants watched a tan-colored flying wing head towards the northwest, 3/22/1950 #4704 und. Head going quickly northwest. Flying hubcaps pace B36 also. 3/23/1950 #4708 TEUGUEGARAO, LUZON, PHL Flying saucer visible for over 40 minute 3/24/1950 (approximate) #4715 PATERNA, SP Numerous observer(s). Flying plate east going quickly west / v 3/25/1950 #4719 ALGECIRAS, SP Rancher Jose Ayala. Flying disk east going quickly west / 1 3/26/1950 #4724 ay Dispatch, rejects the idea that flying saucers are secret weapons, admit 3/26/1950 #4728 erk at the Library of Congress, is flying his plane at 5,000 feet over Fair 3/26/1950 #4729 feet in diameter and 10 feet thick flying 1,000 feet below him. He dives to 3/26/1950 #4729 el. They were travelling north and flying at a high altitude while emitting 3/26/1950 #4732 en, first three, then another two, flying over Bruswick, Georgia. They were 3/26/1950 #4732 s alleged “top secret” project the Flying Flapjack Vought XF5U. The story i 3/27/1950 #4741 adcaster Henry J. Taylor announces flying saucers are USAF/Navy secret weap 3/27/1950 #4742 le White object through binoculars flying at extreme altitude and speed (NI 3/28/1950 #4747 dd on “just what are the facts re ‘flying saucers,’ agent S. Wesley Reynold 3/28/1950 #4749 ey do not know who has built their flying saucers and seem to possess littl 3/28/1950 #4750 “parts” and “gadgets” from crashed flying saucers. Digitized from the Frank 3/31/1950 #4772 emo to Director, FBI pertaining to flying saucers. Memo names a person in D 3/31/1950 #4773 w Pearson publishes “Worried about Flying Saucers?” in which he sympathizes 3/31/1950 #4777 e goes, there’s no such thing as a flying saucer.” 3/31/1950 #4777 cluded there are no such things as flying saucers. Caltech aeronautics prof 4/4/1950 #4792 that he is “completely baffled” by flying saucer reports that are made by m 4/5/1950 #4799 mmentary on UFOs, “The Case of the Flying Saucer” on CBS. He begins with th 4/7/1950 #4816 n Saint Ignace, Michigan watched a flying saucer race all over the sky over 4/7/1950 #4819 ame day two railroad workers saw a flying saucer the size of a large airpla 4/7/1950 #4819 train. Two silver discs were seen flying over Jericho and Ramallah in Isra 4/7/1950 #4819 h the sky over Hapeville, Georgia, flying to the south. It flickered like a 4/9/1950 #4835 kley AFB & Bates Field), AL Object flying to the NE or E over Brookley AFB 4/10/1950 #4840 glows low over trees. Away fast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) Special #4. 4/12/1950 #4844 or Frank Scully’s book “Behind the Flying Sauces” announced coming soon. 4/17/1950 #4855 Newsweek publishes an article, “Flying Saucers Again,” on crashed saucer 4/17/1950 #4858 Three flat, metallic flying objects were sighted east of the 4/17/1950 #4860 ved the crew of an F-61C as it was flying over Memphis around 11:00 a.m. as 4/18/1950 #4867 ETON, MO Several separate farmers. Flying disk speeds by trailing white smo 4/22/1950 #4878 including one named Kincaid, saw a flying disc speed by, leaving a trail of 4/22/1950 #4879 Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah. A "flying icebox," surrounded by an aura of 4/25/1950 #4896 ight Officer Robert F. Manning are flying near Goshen, Indiana, when they s 4/27/1950 #4910 ailroad/railway station. Brilliant flying cartwheel going quickly ESE verti 4/28/1950 #4912 -Sarthe, Sarthe department, France flying at a low altitude slowly toward t 5/3/1950 #4920 hat 5% of respondents think “these flying saucers” are “comets, shooting st 5/21/1950 #4958 on of four round, pure-white discs flying in a northerly direction. In a ma 5/21/1950 #4959 and make a sharp right-angle turn, flying single file, and speed out of sig 5/21/1950 #4959 route to Nashville, Tennessee, are flying at 7,500 feet at 250 mph. About 7 5/29/1950 #4972 :15 p.m. an American Airlines DC-6 flying at 8000' altitude, climbing from 5/29/1950 #4974 ckenbacker tells the press that if flying saucers “do exist, you can rest a 6/12/1950 #4983 ffer S/Sgt. Virgil Cappuro watch a flying disc speeding at 1,000–1,500 mph 6/21/1950 #4998 Flying Magazine: “THE FLYING SAUCERS-FAC 7/1950 #5029 Flying Magazine: “THE FLYING SAUCERS-FACT OR FICTION?” 7/1950 #5029 itor Curtis Fuller’s article, “The Flying Saucers: Fact or Fiction?” appear 7/1950 #5033 cers: Fact or Fiction?” appears in Flying magazine. 7/1950 #5033 Proving Ground, New Mexico, when a flying saucer appears and hovers just ab 7/4/1950 #5042 of round, metallic silvery objects flying over Fort Peck, Montana at 11:51 7/13/1950 #5064 t 1:45 p.m. a CAA flight engineer, flying over Cincinnati, Ohio sighted a m 7/13/1950 #5065 , witnessed a bowtie-shaped object flying in the sky, appearing like it was 7/13/1950 #5066 Bruce Bliven summarizes flying saucer news in a Look magazine ar 7/18/1950 #5070 sis Division, on “Investigation of Flying Saucer Reports” says that UFO inv 7/19/1950 #5072 or Frank Scully’s book “Behind the Flying Saucers” published 8/1950 #5085 e of April 27, “Flight 117 and the Flying Saucer,” appears in True magazine 8/1950 #5094 ald E. Keyhoe, “Flight 117 and the Flying Saucer,” True, August 1950, pp. 2 8/1950 #5094 drical object at 50-100' altitude, flying with a churning or rotary motion, 8/4/1950 #5103 id object at 50-100 feet altitude, flying with a churning or rotary motion. 8/4/1950 #5106 of Defence, feels that reports of flying saucers should not be dismissed w 8/15/1950 #5127 aerial phenomena should go to the Flying Saucer Working Party. 8/15/1950 #5127 ornia. In addition to the standard flying saucer tales, Adamski mentions th 8/20/1950 #5132 ghted a small, round, bright white flying object. MATS liaison officer Lt. 8/20/1950 #5133 . radarman S/Sgt. William Shaffer, flying in a B-29, picked up an unidentif 8/25/1950 #5139 ublishes Frank Scully’s Behind the Flying Saucers, the first book on UFOs. 9/8/1950 #5171 government has retrieved a crashed flying saucer and several dead pilots. R 9/8/1950 #5171 ls Frank Scully’s 1950 "Behind the Flying Saucers" book is true and substan 9/15/1950 #5177 is true and substantially correct, Flying Saucers exist, we haven’t been ab 9/15/1950 #5177 xpanded into a paperback book, The Flying Saucers Are Real, which sells 500 10/1950 #5204 UK The Flying Saucer Working Party is created i 10/1950 #5206 th who have quietly concluded that flying saucers are real. It has five mem 10/1950 #5206 SAN FERNANDO, CA Flying wing / 6-8 lights in near collisi 10/5/1950 #5210 While flying over Van Nuys, California at 7:32 10/5/1950 #5214 luminous object that looked like a flying wing without a fuselage. 10/5/1950 #5214 nd are about 100 feet in diameter, flying in a line about 25 feet apart. Th 10/15/1950 #5236 At 4:20 p.m. a pilot named Daniel, flying from Pope Air Force Base, North C 10/15/1950 #5238 d AFB (and over Camp Hood, TX), NM Flying Saucers Observed Over Kirtland AF 10/20/1950 #5247 Four people flying over Camaguey province, Cuba in a 10/20/1950 #5248 ject with a diameter of 70-80 feet flying at terrific speed at 7:40 p.m. 10/20/1950 #5248 hurst, New Jersey A military pilot flying a Douglas AD-4Q Skyraider near La 11/7/1950 #5270 ing quickly southeast. 4 lights. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v27#5. 11/11/1950 #5275 idine for an in-depth interview on flying saucers. Watson says: “I’ve seen 11/16/1950 #5278 s. Watson says: “I’ve seen lots of flying saucers…and every single saucer t 11/16/1950 #5278 leases a 9½-minute short film, The Flying Saucer Mystery, apparently the fi 11/17/1950 #5279 ographs and motion picture film of flying saucers, the two snapshots by far 11/17/1950 #5279 t opinion of the US military that "flying saucers exist." 11/21/1950 #5283 On this day in 1950, two airmen flying over the Sussex, England coastlin 11/26/1950 #5288 d coastline saw a silver-blue disc flying south. The object "tumbled over" 11/26/1950 #5288 g noises like a helicopter and are flying at 500 mph at 10,000 feet. 11/27/1950 #5294 rs toward a Stratocruiser airliner flying over British Guinea, and was sigh 11/28/1950 #5297 Heard publishes The Riddle of the Flying Saucers in the UK, in which he sp 12/1950 #5305 World Watching? The Riddle of the Flying Saucers. 12/1950 #5305 ed to stay attuned to “any data on flying saucers.” Any information, the me 12/3/1950 #5314 Guerrero, Mexico A second flying saucer crashes in El Indio-Guerre 12/6/1950 #5323 for any data whatsoever concerning flying saucers.” It adds, “CIC advises d 12/8/1950 #5334 ound radar tracked an unidentified flying object over the Oak Ridge Nuclear 12/15/1950 #5352 date in 1950 seven teardrop-shaped flying objects maneuvered near a weather 12/23/1950 #5362 r, describes seeing 100's of UFO's flying in formation at very high altitud 1951 #5371 West Germany Europe While flying an F-86 Sabrejet over West German 1951 #5375 Cooper sees several metallic discs flying at a high altitude. He claims to 1951 #5375 ights of them, of different sizes, flying in fighter formation, generally f 1951 #5375 At 12:38 p.m. four witnesses flying in an airplane over Big Bear Lake 1/14/1951 #5399 were 40 to 50 feet in diameter and flying at 30,000 feet altitude. 1/14/1951 #5399 saw two objects from the airport; flying side-by-side, they circled the ba 1/16/1951 #5402 pt. James E. Cocker of All-Weather Flying Division (both based at Wright-Pa 1/22/1951 #5413 d McAleese, and another airman are flying in a C-47 heading east about 50 m 1/22/1951 #5413 -Constellation R5D Navy transport, flying at a speed of 200 knots at 10,000 2/8/1951 #5434 sengers of a US Navy R5D transport flying west from Keflavík, Iceland, at 1 2/9/1951 #5436 ing a circular, reddish-orange UFO flying at a speed in excess of 1000 mph, 2/10/1951 #5437 r-engine, U.S. Navy R-5D transport flying 90 miles from Gander, Labrador, C 2/10/1951 #5440 red nearer to the plane, which was flying at 10,000 feet altitude at the ti 2/10/1951 #5440 nto this thing believes there is a flying saucer as such. As far as I know 2/13/1951 #5441 as I know there is nothing to the flying saucers.” 2/13/1951 #5441 nd white UFO hovering as they were flying near Alamogordo, New Mexico. 2/14/1951 #5444 Radio Officer D. W. Merrifield are flying a Lockheed Model 18 Lodestar airc 2/19/1951 #5449 Twelve witnesses flying in an airliner, including two men 2/19/1951 #5451 ame Bicknell and Merrifield, while flying near Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzani 2/19/1951 #5451 ious news item on how to recognize flying saucers, but implies they are all 2/20/1951 #5452 f nine Bell Aircraft engineers are flying at 15,000 feet in a B-50 Superfor 3/14/1951 #5483 ey spot a group of unknown objects flying in a confusing “swirl” that break 3/14/1951 #5483 India Witnesses: 25 members of a flying club, including the chief aerial 3/15/1951 #5488 loate, chief engineer of the Delhi Flying Club, and two assistants observe 3/15/1951 #5489 and James Arness, about a crashed flying saucer found in the Arctic. It en 4/7/1951 #5500 UK Canada US UK The UK Flying Saucer Working Party produces its 6/1951 #5530 JTIC Report number 7, Unidentified Flying Objects, classified Secret. The C 6/1951 #5530 meter diameter disc-shaped object flying at 300 meters altitude. It was ab 6/9/1951 #5539 was sighted by two military pilots flying between Orange and Aspres Buech, 6/15/1951 #5543 The UK Flying Saucer Working Party is disbanded 6/25/1951 #5552 h Tactical Reconnaissance Wing, is flying an F-51 over Dearing, Georgia, wh 7/9/1951 #5569 this morning an oval-shaped object flying near a B-29 was viewed from the g 7/14/1951 #5576 OH 20 ft dark cigar-shaped object flying at high speed (NICAP: 11 - Aviati 8/8/1951 #5598 ater got back aboard and took off, flying off toward the northeast. 8/14/1951 #5605 BUQUERQUE, NM Sandia guard&family. Flying wing larger / B36 going quickly S 8/25/1951 #5620 Albuquerque, NM Wife saw a flying wing-shaped craft pass overhead ( 8/25/1951 #5621 urity Guard Hugh Young and wife. A flying wing-shaped craft passed over the 8/25/1951 #5623 o, and watch a large object like a flying wing, but 1.5 times as large as a 8/25/1951 #5626 but 1.5 times as large as a B-36, flying at 80 feet at about 300 mph. It h 8/25/1951 #5626 Young and his wife sighted a huge flying wing-shaped craft pass over their 8/25/1951 #5628 alia, on the east/west line, saw a flying object at four o'clock in the mor 8/26/1951 #5632 ound Lubbock claim to have seen a “flying wing” moving over the city. Among 8/30/1951 #5638 51 she observed a “huge, soundless flying wing” pass over her house. Ruppel 8/30/1951 #5638 lt knows that USAF does possess a “flying wing” jet bomber, and he feels th 8/30/1951 #5638 cts are at 2,000 feet altitude and flying at 700 mph—much too fast for bird 8/30/1951 #5638 ching her. She looks up and sees a flying saucer hovering some 20 feet up. 9/1951 #5647 L. L. Deuel saw six orange lights flying in an irregular formation at 7:20 9/6/1951 #5654 Maj. Ballard and Lt. Rogers while flying at 20,000 ft. in a T-33 spotted a 9/10/1951 #5656 isc-shaped UFO the size of an F-86 flying below them at 8000 ft. It was tra 9/10/1951 #5656 the same UFO on radar at 1110 EDT flying above 700 mph. (p127 of Ruppelt’s 9/10/1951 #5656 ch it disappears to the northeast, flying at 700 mph. About 25 minutes late 9/10/1951 #5660 about the size of a fighter plane” flying at 900 mph at 5,000–8,000 feet ov 9/10/1951 #5660 Rogers and Major Ezra Ballard were flying in a T-33 at 20,000 feet from Dov 9/10/1951 #5661 res in New York City. The ultimate flying saucer science-fiction movie, the 9/18/1951 #5677 igator Maj. Charles J. Cheever are flying northwest at 239 mph over the Hud 9/18/1951 #5678 e right side of the B-36, which is flying at 18,000 feet over southwest Baf 9/18/1951 #5678 ilot Lt. Cmdr. Marvin C. Davies is flying a plane off a CVE class aircraft Fall 1951 #5686 me these reports that every decent flying saucer report is being investigat 10/1/1951 #5694 -shaped radar blip. It was tracked flying over Kadena AFB, Japan moving at 10/3/1951 #5702 .m., private pilot Charles Warren, flying at 5,000 feet east of Paris, Illi 10/9/1951 #5715 r and pilot Joseph J. Kaliszewski, flying with copilot Jack Donaghue on a S 10/10/1951 #5719 J. Kaliszewski and Dick Reilly are flying at 10,000 feet north of Minneapol 10/11/1951 #5725 ington 11:01 a.m. Air Force pilots flying three F-94 fighters out of McChor 10/16/1951 #5730 personnel see a round, gray object flying soundlessly at high speed and hig 10/16/1951 #5730 train on the east-west line saw a flying object that illuminated the count 10/26/1951 #5747 miles N of), CA 30 ft disk-shaped flying object in the SW, 10 ft thick, bl 11/2/1951 #5761 Mojave when they saw a disk-shaped flying object in the southwest; 10 m est 11/2/1951 #5762 ew of an American Airlines DC-4 is flying east of Abilene, Texas, at 4,500 11/2/1951 #5763 y saw around 11 p.m. a disc-shaped flying object in the southwest sky. They 11/2/1951 #5765 tol Airways pilot H. R. DeHoney is flying at 11,000 feet about 20 miles sou 11/3/1951 #5766 persville, MI A large round object flying at 500-1,000 ft height at about 1 11/24/1951 #5787 white object shaped like Northrop flying wing (broad, slightly swept-back 11/24/1951 #5788 Force Capt. William Fairbrother is flying a P-51 over Mankato, Minnesota, a 11/24/1951 #5789 sees a white object shaped like a flying wing. It hovers at first, then it 11/24/1951 #5789 Clemens) see a large round object flying west at 500–1,000 feet at about 1 11/24/1951 #5790 ject looking like a small Northrop flying wing (V-shaped with no fuselage o 11/24/1951 #5791 orange ball of fire with blue tail flying on a level trajectory (NICAP: 01 11/26/1951 #5793 A pilot trainer and his student, flying in an aeronca 65CV airplane over 12/7/1951 #5813 USAF Capt. Donald “Deke” Slayton, flying a P-51 fighter at 10,000 feet, se 12/12/1951 #5817 Psychological Strategy Board that “Flying Saucers” have implications for ps 1952? #5828 ancock Manufacturing Co. to create flying disc craft for the US military th 1952 #5843 rospace company SNCASO and ran his flying disc designs in a vacuum, where t 1952 #5843 is specifically talking about the “flying disc” phenomena seen by civilians 1952 #5843 ring an observation by a C-54 crew flying from Westover to Goose Bay. It wa Early 1952 #5848 misleadingly titled book, I Rode a Flying Saucer! 1/6/1952 #5861 ng away. The TBM torpedo plane was flying at 6000 feet altitude when the cr 1/21/1952 #5872 ter, followed a B-29 Superfortress flying 30 miles west-southwest of Wonsan 1/29/1952 #5887 with a different squadron of B-29s flying near Sunchon, Korea. 1/29/1952 #5887 pt. G.P. Arns and Maj. R.J. Gedson flying a Beech AT-ll trainer. One yello 2/11/1952 #5897 ew of a US Air Force AT-11 trainer flying near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania at 2/11/1952 #5898 lot of a MATS C-47 transport plane flying between Friendship Airfield and B 2/12/1952 #5900 lindrical object approached a B-29 flying over Antung, Korea at 11:15 p.m. 2/24/1952 #5929 d AFS, MN CPS-3 Tracks "Unknown Or Flying Saucer" (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, 3/1952 #5939 tary of the Navy Dan A. Kimball is flying to Hawaii when he sees two discs 3/14/1952 #5957 , USAF Lt. David Conant Brigham is flying a T-6 target plane on a practice 3/29/1952 #5992 the formation of the International Flying Saucer Bureau. 4/1952 #6011 implies it could be mistaken for a flying saucer. 4/7/1952 #6043 0 p.m. a USAF C-54 transport plane flying near Shreveport, Louisiana was bu 4/9/1952 #6051 Santa Cruz, CA 2 faint objects flying fast along the horizon (NICAP: 01 4/15/1952 #6080 rgeant. Two faint objects observed flying fast along the horizon for 6-8 se 4/15/1952 #6081 t, Nevada at 9:30 a.m. four to six flying discs passed through the mushroom 4/15/1952 #6083 Las Vegas, see 18 circular objects flying an easterly course that carry the 4/17/1952 #6107 unidentified target for one minute flying at 2,700 mph. 4/18/1952 #6125 ghted a flat-white circular object flying in a very erratic manner. The sig 4/18/1952 #6128 lights in a V formation were seen flying in the sky over Toronto, Ontario. 4/19/1952 #6132 CA Aviation designer and 2. Silent flying wing dives and maneuvers / 20 min 4/20/1952 #6135 n a group and about 20 groups, all flying in a straight line except for som 4/20/1952 #6140 land at 10 o'clock in the morning, flying at 40,000 feet altitude. It was m 4/20/1952 #6141 A flying disc was sighted in Tuxedo, Manit 4/21/1952 #6149 o more in a procession passed over flying east to west. 4/22/1952 #6156 e disc-shaped objects were sighted flying toward the east in a V formation 4/22/1952 #6158 San Jose, CA UFO sighted flying over San Jose, CA, near Mt. Hamil 4/25/1952 #6180 rved. Later they observed a higher flying silvery disc approx. 100 ft. in d 4/25/1952 #6180 isc, and two objects that they saw flying in formation. They watched the UF 4/27/1952 #6202 much needed light” on the “vexing ‘flying saucer’ problem.” It adds that th 4/29/1952 #6216 the “Air Force cannot assume that flying saucers are of non-terrestrial or 4/29/1952 #6216 While flying over Goodland, Kansas at one o'cl 4/29/1952 #6217 ess objects, one behind the other, flying in a valley in a southeasterly di 4/30/1952 #6224 on. Pfc H. B. Webb thinks they are flying at 900–1,000 mph. Some slower nor 4/30/1952 #6224 iny, round objects overtake a B-36 flying above. The objects slow down to m 5/1/1952 #6243 orce bombers—either B-29s or B-50s—flying west over Albuquerque, New Mexico 5/1/1952 #6245 SYDNEY, NSW Pilots and RAAF. Huge "flying submarine". Lights flash. 3X size 5/3/1952 (approximate) #6250 ts and the RAAF, witnessed a huge "flying submarine" with flashing lights. 5/3/1952 #6252 yton C. Gallagher and his copilot, flying a Lockheed Constellation aircraft 5/8/1952 #6275 n American Airlines flight 203 was flying 600 miles east of Jacksonville, F 5/8/1952 #6277 pilots saw a round, silver object flying north from George AFB, California 5/9/1952 #6284 ee two silvery disc-shaped objects flying straight and level, one after the 5/10/1952 #6296 nd over National City, California, flying a curving path to the northwest. 5/13/1952 #6316 s Office received reports of five "flying saucers" as large as B-36's with 5/13/1952 #6319 aft. As a side project they study “flying saucers” that might be of Soviet 5/15/1952 #6331 d to the 18th Fighter Bomber Group flying at 9,000 feet over North Korea en 5/15/1952 #6332 An U.S.A.F. F-51 aircraft flying over North Korea watched an unide 5/15/1952 #6334 ject was seen below two F-86E jets flying south of Changson-Ni, North Korea 5/15/1952 #6334 y a US Air Force F-94C fighter jet flying in Grid Area CT 4856 in Korea dur 5/26/1952 #6367 round the same time, the crew of a Flying Tiger Line C-46 near Otto, New Me 5/28/1952 #6377 w Mexico, and involves three B-29s flying at 15,000 feet. Another sighting 5/28/1952 #6378 t of Tulsa, Oklahoma. That crew is flying at 25,000 feet. Three hours later 5/28/1952 #6378 allegedly discover the wreck of a flying disc on Spitsbergen in the Svalba 6/1952 #6404 guest see a “huge circular object” flying toward them from the direction of 6/1952 #6405 ove the existence of the so-called flying saucers. There remain, however, a 6/4/1952 #6438 e Air Force will continue to study flying saucer reports.” 6/4/1952 #6438 d one very large disc were sighted flying at 15,000 feet altitude in Chartr 6/4/1952 #6439 eight star-like objects were seen flying over Lubbock, Texas. The first tw 6/5/1952 #6449 arkland sighted four shiny objects flying straight and level in a diamond f 6/8/1952 #6471 operator, sighted a round, orange flying object traveling south. It stoppe 6/13/1952 #6497 aw 1-5 large silver yellow objects flying erratically, stop and start. (Ber 6/17/1952 #6521 and 2nd Lt. Clifton Ashley, while flying a B-25 about 100 miles east of Ma 6/18/1952 #6541 y witnesses in Tacoma, Washington, flying silently at a high altitude. Unof 6/19/1952 #6552 orce ground crew member sees a UFO flying in a swirling motion over the bac 6/19/1952 #6554 , flight engineer of a B-29 bomber flying at 8,000 feet altitude near Kelly 6/21/1952 #6578 f Albert K. Bender’s International Flying Saucer Bureau in Bristol, England Summer 1952 #6580 53, the branch becomes the British Flying Saucer Bureau, with his son E. L. Summer 1952 #6580 lunkett as president. It publishes Flying Saucer News from Spring 1953 to S Summer 1952 #6580 rom Spring 1953 to Spring 1956 and Flying Saucer News Bulletin from Februar Summer 1952 #6580 , picks up a target at 40,000 feet flying at 460 mph. A nearby B-29 volunte Summer 1952 #6581 orts a visual sighting of the UFO, flying at 40,000 feet and 250 mph and ap Summer 1952 #6581 e flight engineer of a B-29 bomber flying at 8,000' altitude, witnessed a f 6/21/1952 #6582 47 fighter sent to investigate it, flying at 8,000 feet altitude. 6/21/1952 #6583 lecting yellow and lavender colors flying in line over Owensboro, Kentucky. 6/23/1952 #6609 . Thompson sees a very large light flying straight and level for 10 minutes 6/23/1952 #6611 ates: “If, as appears evident, the flying saucers are emissaries from some 6/25/1952 #6628 rd a Carco Air Service cargo plane flying south of Kirtland AFB at 1:20 p.m 6/28/1952 #6660 silvery white sphere was observed flying over Lake Koshkonong, Wisconsin. 6/28/1952 #6661 s in Quebec. The objects were seen flying in and out of broken cloud cover. 6/29/1952 #6668 dgar Jarrold begins the Australian Flying Saucer Bureau in Sydney, New Sout 7/1952 #6678 r lights about 20 feet in diameter flying horizontally at tremendous speed 7/3/1952 #6704 e 6:00 a.m. Four commercial pilots flying at 9,000 feet above the Hanford a 7/5/1952 #6716 Patrolman Arthur Myers Hamilton is flying five miles south-southeast of Nor 7/5/1952 #6717 and First Officer Leon Blanks are flying a National Airlines C-60 airplane 7/10/1952 #6751 are. Visible for 10 minutes, it is flying too fast for any known aircraft. 7/10/1952 #6751 LINCOLNWOOD, IL Lt. Col. Weig sees flying saucer / Chicago daily news. No f 7/11/1952 (approximate) #6754 altitude. Air Force investigate. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) V35#2+/ r95v5 7/11/1952 #6758 lowish lighted object with a trail flying in a straight course (Project 194 7/12/1952 #6774 with the 62nd Flight Squadron are flying at 22,000 feet on a routine train 7/12/1952 #6785 B-36 bomber was picked up on radar flying over Kirksville Air Force Base, M 7/12/1952 #6786 AROC Several observer(s). "Unusual flying objects / 60 min" / news / CIA re 7/13/1952 #6791 A National Airlines flight flying some sixty miles southwest of Was 7/13/1952 #6798 inoculars considers 2 shiny disks "flying saucers". / newspaper. 7/14/1952 #6804 st Officer William H. Fortenberry, flying a Pan American Airways DC-4, see 7/14/1952 #6817 Nash and Fortenberry. The men were flying a DC-4 aircraft for Pan American 7/14/1952 #6818 photos / 4 oval globs over cars. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#3. 7/16/1952 #6835 f 500 mph. They moved jerkily when flying slowly. 7/16/1952 #6846 hting, a pilot for United Airlines flying over Lake Erie near Sandusky, Ohi 7/17/1952 #6872 At 3:10 p.m. a woman saw two large flying discs over White Plains, New York 7/17/1952 #6874 discs over White Plains, New York flying on their edge and making a whirri 7/17/1952 #6874 -Dôme, France, when he sees a disc flying west to east in a straight line a 7/18/1952 #6897 e de Dios region of Peru see a UFO flying at 325 feet shortly after their s 7/19/1952 #6932 lighted fringe at 2:55 a.m. while flying over Williston, North Dakota. The 7/19/1952 #6938 , said that he had been receiving “flying saucer” reports that evening and 7/20/1952 #6940 eparate, with two climbing and two flying away level in the opposite direct 7/21/1952 #6977 Georgia, detects an unusual object flying at 50,000 feet. Observing the bli 7/21/1952 #6982 eparate, with two climbing and two flying away level in the opposite direct 7/21/1952 #6983 While flying ten miles northwest of Kermit, Te 7/21/1952 #6986 Angeles, California watched as two flying saucers were sighted hovering and 7/21/1952 #6987 ves a lecture (one of a series) on flying saucers at a chamber of commerce 7/22/1952 #7024 A triangular-shaped flying object, the size of C-47 transpor 7/22/1952 #7032 sawa AFB (E of ), Japan USAF pilot flying F-94 jet fighter chased blue-gree 7/23/1952 #7064 th saw 2 bright blue-white objects flying together, then the rear one veere 7/23/1952 #7070 pear with 2–3 squares beneath it, flying at 170–210 mph over Pottstown, Pe 7/23/1952 #7080 of two USAF F-94 jet interceptors flying at 35,000–46,000 feet altitude ne 7/23/1952 #7081 ll of light approached an F-94 jet flying over the ocean east of Misawa AFB 7/23/1952 #7088 atched a silvery elliptical object flying over their aircraft plant. It emi 7/23/1952 #7090 n and Lt. Col. John R. Barton, are flying a B-25 out of Hamilton AFB [now c 7/24/1952 #7115 llowed by 50 Saturn-shaped objects flying in a V formation. They all sudden 7/24/1952 #7119 m. orange balls of light were seen flying in circular orbits over the ocean 7/24/1952 #7122 Group sees two oval-shaped objects flying in formation at 400– 600 mph in P 7/25/1952 #7138 balls in triangular or V-formation flying fast (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 7/26/1952 #7162 B Newport News, Virginia 8:15 p.m. Flying saucers return to the nation’s ca 7/26/1952 #7174 observed eight to ten orange balls flying very fast for a 3-4 second durati 7/26/1952 #7179 nd the F-94 jet were seen on radar flying at the same speed. But when the j 7/27/1952 #7215 k and stopped, awestruck. He saw a flying saucer parked about 75 yards away 7/27/1952 #7216 phosphorescent disc-shaped objects flying at 1,000 mph. They were seen for 7/27/1952 #7220 ng: What does all this stuff about Flying Saucers amount to? What can it me 7/28/1952 #7223 a worldwide reporting network for Flying Saucers and major Air Force bases End of 7/1952 #7224 action.” They take him to a nearby flying saucer where he meets the captain 7/28/1952 #7260 ventures in his 1954 book Aboard a Flying Saucer, ghostwritten by Mary Kay 7/28/1952 #7260 ke off instantly in pursuit of any flying saucers. The International News S 7/28/1952 #7263 g, “What does all this stuff about flying saucers amount to? What can it me 7/28/1952 #7267 various reports about unidentified flying objects, described by the Press a 7/28/1952 #7267 bjects, described by the Press as ‘flying saucers,’ were the subject of a f 7/28/1952 #7267 951” [presumably the report by the Flying Saucer Working Party]. 7/28/1952 #7267 n FBI memo from Victor P. Keay on “Flying Saucers” discusses a classified b 7/29/1952 #7324 GCI asks Capt. Edward J. Slowinski flying an F-94B on a practice run to inv 7/29/1952 #7331 and Cadi. Strange luminous/glowing flying object. No further details. 7/30/1952 #7353 ough he does not believe there are flying saucers, he dislikes the “mass hy 7/30/1952 #7363 ning a white round object was seen flying slowly over San Antonio, Texas. A 7/30/1952 #7365 ly violent, he says. “They made” a flying saucer believer out of me.” He re 8/1/1952 #7411 across the sky in Sidney, New York flying from the southwest to the northea 8/1/1952 #7413 MT. VERNON, NY 1+2 kids. Flying torus emits black smoke. 15 degre 8/4/1952 #7442 rginia, who spots a brilliant oval flying south. About 10:50 p.m., Andrews 8/5/1952 #7470 a.m. an airline pilot named Quinn, flying a DC-3 for PAGA Airlines between 8/5/1952 #7474 aph of three saucer-shaped objects flying in V formation which maneuvered a 8/5/1952 #7474 BELFAST, ME Observer(s) / hill. 2 flying flapjacks going quickly west / se 8/6/1952 #7480 , Michigan picked up several large flying objects that flew at speeds in ex 8/6/1952 #7492 At around 9 p.m. an orange colored flying sphere struck the chimney of a ho 8/6/1952 #7493 Rockford, IL Fifty - four "flying saucers" were sighted streaking o 8/11/1952 #7545 Big Spring, TX Light flying at 500 mph and 15,000 ft pass his 8/12/1952 #7557 hter from Dover AFB in Delaware is flying at 20,000 feet when both the pilo 8/12/1952 #7559 ees a formation of lighted objects flying rapidly over Tucson, Arizona. 8/13/1952 #7578 While flying over Tokyo, Japan at 9:45 p.m. US 8/13/1952 #7579 tes facetiously in Parliament that flying saucer reports are “probably base 8/14/1952 #7592 , Algeria, watch a luminous object flying at high speed. It emits a bright 8/14/1952 #7594 Government Aircraft Factories, is flying a de Havilland Vampire jet betwee 8/15/1952 #7611 ield was sent out to intercept two Flying Saucers. They had a diam. of 12 t 8/16/1952 #7613 wo objects shaped like fat bullets flying straight, level, and fast over Re 8/19/1952 #7649 Neffesville, PA Undescribed object flying at 500 ft altitude (NICAP: 02 - C 8/20/1952 #7659 cott spots a yellowish-white light flying in the sky at 2,000 feet northeas 8/21/1952 #7670 on “USSR and Satellite Mentions of Flying Saucers” that reviews mentions of 8/22/1952 #7681 xplaining the “Air Force Stand on ‘Flying Saucers’” to CIA Director Walter 8/22/1952 #7682 ghter, Gabriella, spotted a landed Flying Saucer near the town of Hasselbac 8/23/1952 #7684 See also the movie “Earth vs. the Flying Saucers”) 8/23/1952 #7684 ts 1950 UFO documentary short, The Flying Saucer Mystery, edited and expand 8/23/1952 #7693 .m. USAF Col. Gerald W. Johnson is flying an F-84G when he sees two silver 8/24/1952 #7713 WATKINS GLEN, NY 3 observer(s). Flying saucer dives into Seneca Lake. 10 8/26/1952 #7737 At Watkins Glen, New York a "flying saucer" dove into a lake, splashi 8/26/1952 #7745 ) Witnesses: two U.S. Navy pilots flying a P4Y-2 patrol plane. Three whit 8/29/1952 #7787 and navigator LtJG R. S. Moore are flying a P4Y-2 patrol plane west of Thul 8/29/1952 #7788 feet in diameter and 10 feet high, flying in line at about 1,500 mph. 8/29/1952 #7789 Two U.S. Navy pilots flying a P4Y-2 patrol plane witnessed th 8/29/1952 #7790 At 8:35 p.m. pilot C. A. Magruder, flying near Colorado Springs, Colorado s 8/29/1952 #7792 . Palmer. As publicity, the story “Flying Saucer-y” is prepared by King Fea 9/1952 #7802 xposé of Frank Scully’s Behind the Flying Saucers in True magazine. Scully’ 9/1952 #7804 with red, blue, and green colors, flying side by side and leaving a sparkl 9/1/1952 #7818 ed objects with green vapor trails flying in trail formation. They merged t 9/1/1952 #7821 cago, IL Midway Airport 40 targets flying in miscellaneous directions (NICA 9/2/1952 #7827 usly at Midway Airport in Chicago, flying in various directions with an ave 9/2/1952 #7829 0 targets plotted by airport radar flying from 3,000 to 6,000 feet at a spe 9/2/1952 #7829 ago, Illinois picked up 40 targets flying in miscellaneous directions, up t 9/2/1952 #7830 ld, Connecticut watched a metallic flying object zigzag downward in a desce 9/6/1952 #7870 ference over Rabat, Morocco. It is flying twice as fast as a T-33 jet train 9/9/1952 #7887 itness: private pilot W.A. Hobler, flying a Beech Bonanza. One object, shap 9/13/1952 #7915 .m., private pilot W.A. Hobler was flying his Beech Bonanza airplane when h 9/13/1952 #7917 Bonanza airplane when he sighted a flying object shaped like a fat football 9/13/1952 #7917 e blue-green triangle was observed flying 1,500 mph; three objects in a tri 9/14/1952 #7918 e blue-green triangle was observed flying 1,500 m.p.h; three objects in a t 9/14/1952 #7934 B, Pennsylvania Witness: pilot of Flying Tiger Airlines airplane N67977. O 9/14/1952 #7937 a blue-green triangle was observed flying at 1,500 mph while another three 9/14/1952 #7943 While flying over Olmstead AFB, Pennsylvania t 9/14/1952 #7944 d AFB, Pennsylvania the pilot of a Flying Tiger Airlines transport plane, # 9/14/1952 #7944 rol plane, Boak, Prentis and Hara, flying near Portland, Maine at 6:22 p.m. 9/16/1952 #7963 rved two unidentified white lights flying abreast, at a speed of 100 mph, f 9/16/1952 #7964 t, including John W. Kilburn, were flying at 5,000 feet altitude over Dishf 9/19/1952 #7981 North Sea Six RAF Meteor jets flying above the North Sea observe a shi 9/21/1952 #7998 Solem has his first contact with a flying saucer around the Lost River Sink Fall 1952 #8014 The crew of a USAF B-29 bomber, flying near Charleston, West Virginia at 9/24/1952 #8023 ething we just don’t know about is flying around in our skies, unless you a Late 9/1952 #8027 TX White-silver circular flat disc flying erratically at 600-700 mph (NICAP 9/27/1952 #8041 ct with a black spot in its center flying at an altitude of 3.7 miles above 9/29/1952 #8062 iable effort to the study of UFOs. Flying Saucers pose two elements of dang 10/2/1952 #8084 tnesses onboard an Air France DC-4 flying over Draguignan, Var, France sigh 10/6/1952 #8096 publishing a quarterly newsletter, Flying Saucers, in May 1953, which conti 10/12/1952 #8124 t state of our knowledge regarding Flying Saucers for psychological warfare 10/13/1952 #8128 w the United States might use U.S. Flying Saucers against the enemy.” Reber 10/13/1952 #8128 submitted the National Estimate on Flying Saucers there will be the time an 10/13/1952 #8128 William D. Leet and his engineer, flying a C-54 troop carrier, watch an el 10/13/1952 #8129 COONALPYN, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Flying cigar seen here and Adelaide. Sho 10/18/1952 #8153 w of an USAF C-50 transport plane, flying 500 miles to the south of Hawaii 10/19/1952 #8166 , Royal Navy Lt. David Crofts, are flying a Meteor T.7 trainer out of RAF L 10/21/1952 #8172 ather station saw six white lights flying in a loose formation for one to t 10/21/1952 #8173 es: USAF Lt. Rau, Capt. Marcinko, flying a Beech T-ll trainer. One object, 10/24/1952 #8180 At 8:26 p.m. flying over Elberton, Alabama at 5,000 f 10/24/1952 #8182 ighted a deep orange, plate-shaped flying object with a brilliant front and 10/24/1952 #8182 nce still feels that the so-called flying saucers are either optical illusi 10/27/1952 #8199 and A/2c Max Handy sighted a round flying object silhouetted against a clou 10/29/1952 #8217 élix claims they see numerous UFOs flying around. Félix comes back another 11/1952 #8227 n Montana in 1952, an unidentified flying object was picked up on radar bet 11/13/1952 #8272 ring the Korean War, two Americans flying in a T-6 aircraft over Pyongyang 11/15/1952 #8282 according to the witness, who was flying over Delta, Utah in a U.S. Air Fo 11/28/1952 #8354 ive identification of unidentified flying objects.” But Smith refuses to ap 12/2/1952 #8363 uggests Lincoln had an interest in flying saucer cases beginning in mid-195 12/2/1952 #8364 International Studies In another “Flying Saucer” memo, Chadwell admits the 12/3/1952 #8366 roject Concerned with Unidentified Flying Objects” be administered by Max M 12/3/1952 #8366 International Airport], Texas, is flying a T-28 trainer at 6,000 feet when 12/4/1952 #8377 F-51 pilot, Lt. Robert O. Arnold, flying out of the Laredo, Texas Air Forc 12/4/1952 #8378 m. five blue objects buzzed a B-29 flying at 5000 mph off the Louisiana coa 12/6/1952 #8390 Hungnam, Korea USN pilot flying aircraft in near-collision with o 12/10/1952 #8404 t near Richland, Washington, while flying at 26,000 feet. They contact the 12/10/1952 #8409 94 fighter jet with a two-man crew flying near Odessa, Washington had a UFO 12/10/1952 #8410 d pulled up. Even though they were flying at 600 mph they were unable to cl 12/10/1952 #8410 munication between us and them). / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v24#2. 12/25/1952 (approximate) #8447 e, 27th Fighter Escort Wing, while flying near Misawa, northern Honshu, Jap 12/29/1952 #8461 Muskogee, OK The “flying cup” photo. Blue Book listed as h 1953 #8476 Air Force pilot and a student are flying an F-84 Thunderjet on the home le 1953 #8479 red P. Stone founds the Australian Flying Saucer Club in Adelaide, South Au 1953 #8480 a. It later becomes the Australian Flying Saucer Research Society and publi 1953 #8480 TH / EAU GALLIE, FL 2 observer(s). Flying wing / 800kph. < 150m altitude. N 1/4/1953 #8502 the size of large weather balloon flying to the southwest. It has a vertic 1/8/1953 #8515 te steps to strip the Unidentified Flying Objects of the special status the 1/17/1953 #8544 in reduction of public interest in flying saucers” with the help of scienti 1/17/1953 #8548 AFB, Newfoundland An unidentified flying object described as red, white an 1/22/1953 #8559 that Maj. Donald Keyhoes’ book on “flying saucers” is accurate and that if 1/26/1953 #8569 us rectangular shaped unidentified flying object. In one minute the object 1/26/1953 #8573 ports he is using for his upcoming Flying Saucers from Outer Space were cle 1/26/1953 #8574 apidly approach from the northwest flying straight and level, overtake a je 1/28/1953 #8600 rcraft test pilot Rex Hardy Jr. is flying over Malibu, California, when he 1/28/1953 #8601 r in shape, aluminum- colored, and flying at 1,200 mph. 1/28/1953 #8601 ed) changing color and shape while flying a T-33 (or an F-86). It is also s 1/28/1953 #8604 rona, California in a V Formation. Flying at an estimated 2,000 feet altitu 1/28/1953 #8605 c-shaped object the size of a B-36 flying in squadron formation over Malibu 1/29/1953 #8617 eeing a dark gray, oval-shaped UFO flying over Presque Isle, Maine. 1/29/1953 #8618 . Louis, Missouri 9:30 p.m. A T-33 flying 10 miles west of Terre Haute, Ind 2/1/1953 #8627 between 15,000 feet to 30,000 feet flying in a manner similar to convention 2/1/1953 #8627 e white, oblong object was tracked flying straight up, leveling off and bei 2/4/1953 #8636 te, oblong object that was tracked flying straight up vertically, then leve 2/4/1953 #8638 At 1:13 a.m. PST a B-36 was flying in the vicinity of Rosalia, Washi 2/6/1953 #8644 5 minutes, he heads back for fuel. Flying south at 20,000 feet, he notices 2/11/1953 #8664 s paced by an unknown object while flying over North Africa. A disc-shaped 2/11/1953 #8665 t passed the transport plane while flying between Tunis, Tunisia and Tripol 2/11/1953 #8665 A big reddish flying object passed a USAF C-47 transpo 2/16/1953 #8680 passed a USAF C-47 transport plane flying over Anchorage, Alaska at 11:50 p 2/16/1953 #8680 he Air Force for his upcoming book Flying Saucers from Outer Space were ind 2/25/1953 #8703 at he has “stacks of reports about flying saucers. We take them seriously w Late 2/1953 #8705 :00 a.m. Pilot Howard C. Strand is flying a routine patrol mission in a F-9 3/1953 #8720 ronomer Donald H. Menzel publishes Flying Saucers, in which he explains all 3/1953 #8721 r/cigar-shape and long contrail. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v24#2+r150. 3/3/1953 #8724 e, Arizona, is an instructor pilot flying an F-84 at 25,000 feet over Blyth 3/3/1953 #8727 haped flat surface. Student pilots flying two F-84s, Lt. Jack E. Brasher an 3/3/1953 #8727 A USAF F-84 fighter jet flying out of Luke AFB near Quartzite, A 3/3/1953 #8728 in Sumter County, South Carolina, flying into a prohibited area. An earlie 3/5/1953 #8734 11:43 p.m. Lt. Robert J. Wooten is flying a Navy P2V-5 antisubmarine plane 3/14/1953 #8753 roshima, Japan a dozen crewmembers flying in a U.S. Navy P2V-5 patrol witne 3/14/1953 #8754 ssed several groups of 5-10 lights flying slowly on the left side of the ai 3/14/1953 #8754 The International Flying Saucer Bureau declares today Worl 3/15/1953 #8757 otter planes saw a round white UFO flying 25 miles northeast of Panmunjon, 3/19/1953 #8763 hat this was an image of something flying right behind them. The science of Spring 1953 #8766 At 3:10 p.m., while flying over Sweetwater, Nevada in a USAF 4/12/1953 #8821 9-10 flat, darkish metallic discs flying against the terrain. They were fl 4/12/1953 #8821 ing against the terrain. They were flying enroute from Long Beach to Stead 4/12/1953 #8821 mmercial Maritime Central airliner flying at 9,000 feet above Chatham, New 4/16/1953 #8831 he crew of a Maritime Central DC-4 flying near Chatham Royal Canadian AFB, 4/16/1953 #8832 shaped object 5–7 feet in diameter flying at 60–80 mph with a “vibrating” m 4/19/1953 #8838 fic Daylight Time a USAF T-6 pilot flying over Fontana, California spotted 4/28/1953 #8848 r Force plane accompanied by three flying saucers; the caption is “The Air 5/1953 #8852 radar operator 1Lt J. R. Morin are flying an F-94 interceptor at 24,000 fee 5/1/1953 #8856 N AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD 1 observer. Flying football going quickly south. Low 5/4/1953 #8858 FB, Newfoundland, Canada watched a flying football fly by at low altitude a 5/4/1953 #8862 Spain Flying Field Yuma AFB [now Marine Corps 5/5/1953 #8866 Company plant, not far from Spain Flying Field and about a mile north of Y 5/5/1953 #8866 C-3 6:08 p.m. Capt. B. L. Jones is flying an Australian National Airways DC 5/10/1953 #8872 ite dome shaped UFO circled a DC-3 flying south of MacKay, Queensland, Aust 5/10/1953 #8874 ucers, a digest-sized quarterly of Flying Saucers International in Los Ange 6/1953 #8925 arge, cigar-shaped object silently flying in from the Gulf of Mexico. One e 6/17/1953 #8936 ow" on the lawn which resembled a "flying man," and they watched it take of 6/18/1953 #8939 dow" on the lawn that resembled a "flying man." They watched him take off a 6/18/1953 #8940 he took a photo of an unidentified flying object which appeared in the sky Summer 1953 #8949 4 jet interceptor. One red light, flying at an estimated 1,000 kts. (1,100 6/22/1953 #8956 tor of a USAF F-94 jet interceptor flying from Goose AFB, Labrador, Canada 6/22/1953 #8957 brador, Canada sighted a red light flying at an estimated 1,000 knots (1,10 6/22/1953 #8957 something like "a large aircraft" flying very slowly and low. It had a lig 6/24/1953 #8966 . He notices a rotating red object flying from southeast to northwest and a 6/24/1953 #8969 ce in the Pentagon indicates that “flying objects” are seen by the pilots p 6/24/1953 #8970 rge aircraft" about 30 meters wide flying very slowly and low at 6:30 p.m. 6/24/1953 #8971 NEAR GUAM RNZAF flying boat buzzed / metallic 15 Mx4M wi 7/1953 #8977 herley Brown, that they had seen a flying saucer and accidentally killed on 7/7/1953 #8989 le of the afternoon a silent black flying object was joined by two others. 7/19/1953 #9005 c station for a “24-hour watch for flying saucers” in a hut at Shirley’s Ba 8/1953 #9034 ompanied by four nocturnal lights, flying near Moscow, Idaho at 9:20 p.m., 8/9/1953 #9059 Mars and features a Northrop YB-49 flying wing dropping an atomic bomb on t 8/13/1953 #9068 ance Claude Pasquier saw two disks flying very low, quite slowly, along a s 8/16/1953 #9073 onvention near Landers, California Flying Saucers International holds the f 8/16/1953 #9074 Claude Pasquier saw two discs flying very low and quite slowly along a 8/16/1953 #9075 of a TB-29 bomber/trainer aircraft flying near Castle AFB in California rep 8/20/1953 #9091 step, for the first time, inside a flying saucer, when an extraterrestrial 8/24/1953 #9108 Force: "Intelligence. Unidentified Flying Objects Reporting." Paragraph 9 f 8/26/1953 #9110 Fourteen oval flying objects were sighted by a Ground 8/28/1953 #9121 California The book “Flying Saucers Have Landed” by Desmond L 9/1953 #9126 st Desmond Leslie and published as Flying Saucers Have Landed. Leslie asser 9/1953 #9130 p and sees “a saucer, big as life, flying toward Santa Monica.” She has oth 9/1953 #9131 am Moore and lst Lt. J.H. McInnis, flying a USAF C-47 transport plane. One 9/2/1953 #9136 re and co-pilot Lt. J. H. McInnis, flying in a C-47 transport plane at 140 9/2/1953 #9137 While flying over Vandalia, Ohio at eight p.m. 9/7/1953 #9155 decides to close the International Flying Saucer Bureau. Barker immortalize 9/28/1953 #9186 956 book, They Knew Too Much about Flying Saucers, and Bender breaks his lo 9/28/1953 #9186 eaks his long silence in 1962 with Flying Saucers and the Three Men, in whi 9/28/1953 #9186 CARCES, VAR, FR Vineyard workers. Flying cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / 15 9/29/1953 #9188 rold E. Talbott Donald E. Keyhoe’s Flying Saucers from Outer Space is publi 10/1/1953 #9198 Grant gives a presentation titled "Flying Saucers Have Landed" to the Feder 10/2/1953 #9199 Norman S. Bean gives a lecture on flying saucers at the Aerodex Management 10/9/1953 #9209 Netherlands. Soon they are tracked flying east to west over the Harwich are 10/9/1953 #9217 rt] 12:10 a.m. Capt. J. L. Kidd is flying an American Airlines DC-6 between 10/19/1953 #9243 . Terry S. Johnson) and navigator (Flying Officer Geoffrey Smythe) flying a 11/3/1953 #9279 r (Flying Officer Geoffrey Smythe) flying at 30,000 feet near RAF West Mall 11/3/1953 #9279 TENES, ALGERIA Flying cigar seen here and Montenotte. / 11/5/1953 #9283 Norman S. Bean gives a lecture on flying saucers 11/13/1953 #9294 tion UFO: The Official Truth about Flying Saucers” for The American Weekly 11/22/1953 #9314 Minister agree that this story of flying saucers is all ballooney?” 11/24/1953 #9320 reddish-brown oval luminous object flying steady (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 12/3/1953 #9338 Sweden Hässleholm 2:37 p.m. While flying a Transair Sweden DC-3 in the vic 12/15/1953 #9366 ess could see a 100-meter wide UFO flying off. Crushed bushes were discover 12/15/1953 #9367 Thoren, Roy Wimmer, and 3 others) flying the WV-2 Warning Star aircraft ne 12/16/1953 #9374 ed) object about 170–230 feet wide flying at about 15,000 ±2,000 feet altit 12/16/1953 #9374 ernsson, chief pilot for Transair, flying a DC-3. One shiny metal spherical 12/17/1953 #9379 liptical UFO with a metallic shine flying close to the speed of sound in th 12/17/1953 #9383 om their aircraft, while they were flying over Hassleholm, Sweden. The obje 12/17/1953 #9383 s R. L. Thoren and Joe Ware, see a flying saucer over the Pacific Ocean whi 12/18/1953 #9384 aucer over the Pacific Ocean while flying a Navy Super Constellation WV-2. 12/18/1953 #9384 ght Lt. C.G. Townsend- Withers was flying an experimental Canberra aircraft Winter 1953 #9385 Lts. J.B. Howard and L.D. Linhard, flying F9F-2 jet fighters. Ten silver, 12/24/1953 #9393 s. J. B. Howard and L. D. Linhard, flying F9F-2 jet fighters, see 10 silver 12/24/1953 #9394 ghters, see 10 silver oval objects flying in formation at 450+ mph, straigh 12/24/1953 #9394 y oval-shaped objects were sighted flying horizontally over El Cajon, Calif 12/24/1953 #9395 ith them but failed. The UFOs were flying at 50,000' altitude at a speed in 12/24/1953 #9395 ject turned towards a T-6 aircraft flying over Grid Area CS in Korea at 4:2 12/26/1953 #9398 “metallic, mushroom-shaped object” flying over the Yarra River valley towar 1/1/1954 #9436 the headline “Brass Curtain Hides Flying Saucers” and reveals that ATIC wi 1/6/1954 #9456 claim to have seen a round object flying from North to South (NICAP: 01 - 1/9/1954 #9472 oselle, France, see a round object flying from north to south. The object f 1/9/1954 #9473 on his show that the wreckage of a flying saucer is being held in a “West C 1/13/1954 #9480 that the smoke comes from a plane flying at great altitude. At 2:30 p.m., 1/18/1954 #9494 be it as it being cigar-shaped and flying at high altitude. Finally, at 4:4 1/18/1954 #9494 ks man / horse. Rumble and wind. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#3. 2/1954 #9514 93, she predicts a mass landing of flying saucers in 2001 on a piece of scr 2/1954 #9522 en by several on board an airliner flying near Barquisimeto, Venezuela. Rad 2/3/1954 #9532 lumnist Dorothy Kilgallen writes: “Flying saucers are regarded as of such v 2/15/1954 #9547 G. Cramp, Space, Gravity, and the Flying Saucer, British Book Centre, 1955 2/15/1954 #9549 hing sound and looked up. He saw a flying saucer that through binoculars lo 2/18/1954 #9555 psoidal object that was first seen flying toward the west, but made an inst 2/18/1954 #9556 red U.S. Air Force pilot sighted a flying disc in Van Nuys that made incred 2/18/1954 #9556 ing a lot of unusual objects while flying at night, here and overseas.” The 2/23/1954 #9566 one other witness sighted a silver flying disc at 2:30 p.m. in Newburyport, 2/26/1954 #9570 as B. Eickhoff informs Keyhoe that Flying Saucers from Outer Space was “not 3/1954 #9580 eaches near Montevideo observed a "flying saucer," a sort of metallic disk 3/1/1954 #9583 after the detonation, the RB-36 is flying at 40,000 feet and Hasty picks up 3/1/1954 #9585 lot can see the objects, which are flying in holding patterns above the are 3/1/1954 #9585 of sightings to Keyhoe’s 1953 book Flying Saucers from Outer Space. 3/1/1954 #9586 g Squadron, 301st Bomb Wing, while flying a KC-97 to a practice landing at 3/5/1954 #9598 R. Fisher, and Lt. George A. Kerr flying another KC-97 at 1,500 feet about 3/5/1954 #9598 gator Capt. James F. Pullen, while flying a C-54 at 2,000 feet at Nouasseur 3/5/1954 #9598 unty, Ohio for four minutes before flying off toward the east at high speed 3/9/1954 #9608 Civilian Research, Interplanetary Flying Objects (CRIFO) in Cincinnati, Oh 3/10/1954 #9610 Norman S. Bean gives a lecture on flying saucers. 3/11/1954 #9612 ness: USAF lst Lt. Robert Johnson, flying an F-86 jet fighter. He chased an 3/12/1954 #9616 a.m. USAF 1st Lt. Robert Johnson, flying an F-86 over Nouasseur Air Base [ 3/12/1954 #9617 PRESTON, LANCASHIRE Flying saucer flies over football match. 3/17/1954 #9625 file. The other 8 objects continue flying east. 3/24/1954 #9639 Marine Corps pilot named Holland, flying a military transport, pursued a s 3/24/1954 #9640 litary transport, pursued a silver flying disc-shaped object with extreme m 3/24/1954 #9640 p.m. USMC Capt. Dan C. Holland is flying one of three jets with the 3rd Ma 3/25/1954 #9643 t 15 seconds. The other two pilots flying ahead of him do not see the objec 3/25/1954 #9643 pilot sighted a disc-shaped object flying at 3000 feet altitude over Cape C 3/25/1954 #9644 ot on United Air Lines Flight 600, flying east at 19,000 feet 12 miles east 3/28/1954 #9646 ic Temple Following the success of Flying Saucers Have Landed, George Adams 3/28/1954 #9647 damski gives a talk to the Detroit Flying Saucer Club at the Masonic Temple 3/28/1954 #9647 (s) / tube. Gestures. Paralyzed. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v21#2. 4/1954 (approximate) #9655 red and green lights at the base, flying at a high altitude from the north 4/15/1954 #9693 ject was viewed throuth binoculars flying to the west. It then turned and s 5/5/1954 #9754 , Michigan spotted a glowing ovoid flying to the northwest. It was glowing 5/9/1954 #9766 Corps Squadron Leader D.R. Higgin, flying an F3D-2 jet fighter. One dark g 5/10/1954 #9771 RAF squadron leader Donald Higgin, flying in the second of two Navy F3D-2 j 5/10/1954 #9772 trying to solve the riddle of the flying saucers: "If they come from Mars, 5/15/1954 #9797 ins in the country working on the “flying saucer problem.” He adds that abo 5/15/1954 #9804 sighted a yellow, V-shaped object flying to the east. It was estimated to 5/16/1954 #9806 Richmond, Indiana 12:25 p.m. While flying on a photographic mapping mission 5/24/1954 #9832 ne for 45 seconds. The aircraft is flying at an altitude of 18,500 feet at 5/24/1954 #9832 mission over Richmond, Indiana and flying at an altitude of 18,500 feet, su 5/24/1954 #9833 losing it behind overlying clouds. Flying into west-southwest headwinds at 6/1/1954 #9860 crew of a USAF B-47 jet bomber was flying at 34,000' altitude located 400 m 6/1/1954 #9862 While flying from Charleston, West Virginia to 6/11/1954 #9893 tracked over Wilmington, Delaware, flying in a rectangular course at 75,000 6/14/1954 #9902 al, Africa Sighted an unidentified flying object over Laketi in the Likuala 6/18/1954 #9909 00 p.m. Pilot Capt. Harry Roe Jr., flying an Ohio Air National Guard F-51 M 6/23/1954 #9936 ner and 2nd Lt. Robert P. Lommori, flying in the Columbus area in an RB-47E 6/23/1954 #9936 perienced private pilot John Mark, flying Navion lightplane; radar at Dayto 6/25/1954 #9946 AF 23-24 to Wilmington, Delaware, flying at 3,000 feet observes an object 6/26/1954 #9954 R shaped UFO with six smaller UFOs flying close to it. Among the others to 6/29/1954 #9958 2 silver DISKs / eclipse films. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v2#1+/ r138. 6/30/1954 #9965 three Scandinavian Airlines planes flying above the Lifjell plateau, Telema 6/30/1954 #9969 ENHAM, GLOUCS Several observer(s). Flying trashcan-lid shoots away just as 7/12/1954 #10010 Chamblin saw a greenish-white disc flying over Normandy, Missouri. The sigh 7/18/1954 #10027 test pilots Englert and Peterson, flying a B-25 bomber. One metallic, pen 7/30/1954 #10068 he RAF during WWII: “Of course the flying saucers are real! And, they are i 8/1954 #10072 is about 100 feet in diameter and flying at an altitude of 500 feet. It di 8/1954 #10085 irline pilot UFO sightings of 8-10 flying discs, which were not reported to 8/1/1954 #10086 Cormack sees a bluish-white object flying at 1,000 mph at an altitude of 5, 8/1/1954 #10090 n and their chief observed the two flying saucers. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 8/4/1954 #10098 iremen and their chief observe two flying saucers over The Hague, Netherlan 8/4/1954 #10099 hen pink, four or five times while flying straight and level for 5 minutes. 8/6/1954 #10104 Starting at 10 p.m. a DC-3 flying over the ocean at Baranagua Bay, 8/6/1954 #10107 aj. W.J. Davis, Capt. R.D. Sauers, flying a C-47 transport plane. One dark 8/15/1954 #10144 avis and Captain R. D. Sauers were flying a U.S. Air Force C-47 transport p 8/15/1954 #10145 r followers hope to board a landed flying saucer before doom falls. 8/20/1954 #10156 . a farmer saw a small cylindrical flying object, 2-2.5 feet long and 4-5 f 8/24/1954 #10176 Boston Creek, Canada A wingless flying object was seen by Bill Supa, an 8/27/1954 #10188 Gardner, engineer J.V.D. Whitisy, flying Royal Dutch Airlines DC-4 (PH-DBZ 8/29/1954 #10202 ner and Engineer J. V. D. Whitisy, flying on a Royal Dutch Airlines DC- 4, 8/29/1954 #10204 ner and engineer J. V. D. Whitisy, flying a Royal Dutch Airlines DC-4 (PH-D 8/29/1954 #10205 e saw a brilliant, circular object flying across Lake Nipissing toward the 8/30/1954 #10209 has ever encountered. He has been flying at 250 mph. O’Farrell contacts Al 8/31/1954 #10218 50 meter long cigar-shaped objects flying near Goulburn, New South Wales, A 8/31/1954 #10220 speed and crossed the sky rapidly flying toward the east. 8/31/1954 #10222 9-man crew of his B-47 bomber are flying at 25,000 feet in the vicinity of 9/3/1954 #10239 e man crew of his B-47 bomber were flying near Dallas, Texas at 4:30 p.m. w 9/3/1954 #10242 saw a luminous, red-orange "disk" flying above the railroad tracks. (NICAP 9/7/1954 #10265 hey see a luminous red-orange disc flying above the railroad tracks. It sto 9/7/1954 #10267 thinks it is about 3 feet wide and flying at a height of 2,000 feet. Daniel 9/8/1954 #10273 le reported having seen a circular flying object. The object, flying at an 9/14/1954 #10296 ircular flying object. The object, flying at an altitude of 800 meters, gav 9/14/1954 #10296 rcular UFO over Helsinki, Finland. Flying at 2,600 feet, it gives off an in 9/14/1954 #10300 when the UFO starts moving again, flying over his tractor and into the dis 9/20/1954 #10370 r Intelligence, who tells him that flying saucers do exist—three types, act 9/21/1954 #10384 9:00 p.m. Irene Vrignolles sees a “flying cigar” that lands slowly in a mea 9/23/1954 #10420 ntered it and the object took off, flying to the north. 9/23/1954 #10421 t'. Aluminum boxes walk. Traces. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#3+/ LDLN# 9/27/1954 #10465 Two flying cigars were seen in Sauzet, Drome 9/27/1954 #10479 Muller publishes a contactee book, Flying Saucer from Mars, allegedly writt 10/1954 #10536 in 9:20 a.m. An RCAF test pilot is flying at 30,000 feet over Montreal, Que 10/1/1954 #10565 th. Dogs run and bay. / r109p109+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#3. 10/2/1954 #10593 us object rapidly traverse the sky flying in the direction of Cote St.-Aman 10/2/1954 #10617 er sees cylinder/cigar-shape and 3 flying saucers! No further details [in] 10/5/1954 #10715 mont, France several people saw an flying object coming toward them and get 10/5/1954 #10743 st paralyzed, then the UFO leaves, flying low over the fields. 10/7/1954 #10788 ouse when he saw a luminous, white flying object stop in mid-air 2O m away. 10/8/1954 #10814 ook back in time to see the object flying away high in the sky. 10/8/1954 #10817 a.m. when he saw a luminous, white flying object stop in mid-air, only 20 m 10/8/1954 #10818 ette saw for 10 sec a fiery sphere flying at treetop level. Diameter: 4 m. 10/9/1954 #10846 nding inside. It took off rapidly, flying east. 10/9/1954 #10847 ked back in time to see the object flying away high in the sky. 10/9/1954 #10848 m in Beirut, Lebanon, sees a white flying object land. It takes off vertica 10/9/1954 #10857 stopher Carette saw a fiery sphere flying at treetop level for ten seconds. 10/9/1954 #10864 nding inside. It took off quickly, flying away to the east. 10/9/1954 #10865 ked back in time to see the object flying away high in the sky. 10/9/1954 #10866 man firm, Max Favell, saw an white flying object land. It took off vertical 10/9/1954 #10869 at it briefly, then declares that “flying saucers are a figment of the imag 10/10/1954 #10894 fast over treetops. Cows panic. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#3. 10/11/1954 #10913 France A large red object was seen flying very fast at treetop level while 10/11/1954 #10932 Lavarande, Algeria A large disk flying very low over a road scared two t 10/11/1954 #10933 f Jarnac, saw two luminous spheres flying in the same direction. Having sto 10/11/1954 #10935 France a large red object was seen flying very fast at treetop level while 10/11/1954 #10948 f Jarnac--saw two luminous spheres flying in the same direction. Having sto 10/11/1954 #10952 Pontarlier when he saw a circular flying craft, which gave off a yellowish 10/12/1954 #10974 Pontarlier when he saw a circular flying craft that gave off a yellowish a 10/12/1954 #10984 ARAMON, GARD 4 teens and adults. Flying cigar emits sparks like a fuse. 10/14/1954 #11019 n of the 604th Fighter Squadron is flying a Gloster Meteor Mk.8 out of Nort 10/14/1954 #11058 nd level for 10 minutes it left by flying to the north, while a bright clou 10/14/1954 #11069 with illuminated bottoms were seen flying (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 10/15/1954 #11097 with illuminated bottoms were seen flying in a V-formation, very fast, on s 10/15/1954 #11107 rance. He sees four orange objects flying one above the other at 1,000 feet 10/15/1954 #11111 ooked back. (Sources: Aime Michel, Flying Saucers and the Straight Line Mys 10/15/1954 #11120 with illuminated bottoms were seen flying very fast in a V-formation on suc 10/15/1954 #11120 ST.-LEGER-SUR-DHEUNE, FR Classic flying saucer seen. No further details. 10/16/1954 #11126 objects, at about 300 m altitude, flying slowly in echelon formation. Sudd 10/16/1954 #11144 nce at nightfall, saw four objects flying slowly in echelon formation at ab 10/16/1954 #11150 en drops it! Going quickly east. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#3. 10/17/1954 #11158 f medium size. The craft took off, flying over the lake at high speed. 10/18/1954 #11211 d hitting them.The craft took off, flying over the lake at a high speed. Sm 10/18/1954 #11223 Civilian Research, Interplanetary Flying Objects (CRIFO) NL and more / r17 10/19/1954 #11227 over Avignon, Vaucluse, France.The flying disc easily outpaced them. 10/19/1954 #11245 France Roger Reveille saw an oval flying object close to the ground. It wa 10/20/1954 #11280 dome. Missing time? Going north. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#3. 10/21/1954 #11287 Civilian Research, Interplanetary Flying Objects (CRIFO.) 10/22/1954 #11311 Tripoli, Libya A farmer saw a flying craft descend to ground level abo 10/23/1954 #11338 lo Papotto in Tripoli, Libya saw a flying craft descend to ground level at 10/23/1954 #11344 ican Weekly: “It is my thesis that flying saucers are real and that they ar 10/24/1954 #11363 mitting a slight buzzing noise and flying at very low altitude, nearly brus 10/24/1954 #11366 nd take-off of aircraft, so-called flying saucers or flying cigars, on the 10/25/1954 #11391 craft, so-called flying saucers or flying cigars, on the communal territory 10/25/1954 #11391 r from nowhere, usually at midday, flying at a height of 12,000 feet. The t Late 10/1954 #11393 Spinner and another witness saw a flying object come from the west and lan 10/26/1954 #11416 Haut-Rhin department, France saw a flying object come from the west and lan 10/26/1954 #11424 and Mr. Socrates Caraliamis saw a flying object emitting a blinding light 10/26/1954 #11425 kly southeast toward(s) Firenze. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#3. 10/27/1954 #11429 tric shock as a very bright object flying very low stopped the engine and t 10/27/1954 #11442 min a bright, cigar-shaped object, flying very low and following the turns 10/27/1954 #11447 tric shock as a very bright object flying very low stopped the engine and t 10/27/1954 #11451 aped object for 15 minutes. It was flying very low and following the turns 10/27/1954 #11453 ming that he was being chased by a flying saucer. A disc three times the ap 10/29/1954 #11481 S. Air Force C-47D transport plane flying over the Philippines saw a long n 10/29/1954 #11483 ab flowers and stocking / woman. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v18#5. 11/1/1954 #11511 lent eyesight," observed an object flying over the Beth River. "I am positi 11/3/1954 #11547 lent eyesight," observed an object flying over the Beth River. "I am positi 11/3/1954 #11548 GIUM 2 locals hear screams from 2M flying egg landed / pasture. 11/9/1954 #11608 eported the landing of a 2-m-high "flying egg" in a pasture. Screams seemed 11/9/1954 #11610 d the landing of a two-meter-high "flying egg" in a pasture. Screams seemed 11/9/1954 #11613 SLANDS, PORTUGAL / Diario popular. Flying saucer seen over bay / 10 minute( 11/12/1954 #11626 of red light, apparently from some flying source, was reported sweeping the 11/14/1954 #11650 en a red beam of light from a dark flying object overhead swept the field, 11/14/1954 #11654 e object as large as the full moon flying in a straight line from west to e 11/17/1954 #11663 PARAISO, VNZL Several observer(s). Flying saucer buzzes going quickly west. 11/20/1954 #11677 ound-shaped UFO buzzed an airliner flying over the Paraiba River near Rio d 11/21/1954 #11685 eer Norman S. Bean gives a talk on flying saucers in Northwest Miami 11/22/1954 #11686 Lansing, Michigan, because of his flying saucer activities. 11/22/1954 #11689 in Belo Horizonte, claiming that a flying saucer has crashed in a nearby qu 11/22/1954 #11690 und themselves being followed by a flying saucer. It came down to hover onl 11/23/1954 #11698 e passage of a UFO described as “a flying boat” with a brilliant light on t 11/27/1954 #11714 Aviation inventor Bill Lear sees a flying disc giving off greenish light ne 12/1954 #11735 land and take off at great speed, flying toward the south. 12/4/1954 #11757 seas translations of Keyhoe’s book Flying Saucers from Outer Space. 12/7/1954 #11772 s had never previously heard about flying saucers. 12/9/1954 #11789 l time a witness reported seeing a flying silver ball expelling a blue flam 12/10/1954 #11797 . Molten tin quickly going down. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v6#6+/ APRO J 12/13/1954 #11804 is jumped by a hairy dwarf from a flying disc (both of which his friends s 12/16/1954 #11823 LLA VISTA, URUG Many observer(s). "Flying saucer" hovers briefly then away. 12/20/1954 (approximate) #11843 to await the midnight arrival of a flying saucer that is to rescue them fro 12/20/1954 #11849 ation other than that unidentified flying objects are being observed…. Inde 12/26/1954 #11862 outh Africa Rosetta, KwaZulu Natal Flying Saucer Hill Elizabeth Klarer, hav 12/27/1954 #11864 waZulu Natal, that she later calls Flying Saucer Hill. There she claims to 12/27/1954 #11864 San Diego, CA Crew flying B-47 saw 2 objects pass the plane 12/29/1954 #11874 Other Worlds evolves in 1957 into Flying Saucers, a more or less nonfictio 1955 #11895 the Avrocar, a failed attempt at a flying saucer that was underpowered and 1955 #11897 ere said to explore development of flying disc technology that could travel 1955 #11897 stralia Two persons in a car saw a flying object come within 70 m of them a 1/3/1955 #11916 lbourne, Victoria, Australia saw a flying object approach to within 70 mete 1/3/1955 #11918 ect struck the wing of a USAF B-47 flying over California. The plane was ab 1/14/1955 #11934 1:00 p.m. a pilot of a light plane flying over Talara, Peru encountered a d 1/16/1955 #11935 tion cadet Frederick W. Miller are flying a TB-25 bomber-trainer about 20 m 2/1/1955 #11960 Colombia, states his belief that “flying saucers came from outer space and 2/2/1955 #11967 piloted by Captain Dario Celis is flying between Barquisimeto and Valera, 2/2/1955 #11968 spot a strange, round “apparatus” flying swiftly toward the plane. Rotatin 2/2/1955 #11968 Celis and his co-pilot Cortes were flying 25 miles southwest of Barquisimen 2/2/1955 #11969 KOOWEERUP, VCT Fireball and flying railroad/railway-carriage buzz fa 2/6/1955 #11976 Harrisburg, PA Flying Tiger Pilot Sees Brilliant Object 2/7/1955 #11980 MELBOURNE, AUSTR Many calls. Huge "flying poached-egg" going quickly south 2/9/1955 #11984 :15 p.m. a US Air Force C-124 crew flying over Ryuku Island, near Okinawa, 2/11/1955 #11998 t, shaped like a "Jack-O-Lantern", flying at 1,000 miles per hour. 2/11/1955 #11998 members of the Peruvian Air Force, flying to the southeast of Quito, Ecuado 2/16/1955 #12006 amp). A force knocked me over. The Flying Saucer proceeded to rise and retr 2/23/1955 #12013 is written up by Desmond Leslie in Flying Saucer Review in 1981. Mountbatte 2/23/1955 #12015 US Air Force term “UFO” instead of flying saucer. He engages in speculation 3/1955 #12022 ity James S. Rigberg, owner of the Flying Saucer Bookstore in New York City 3/1955 #12023 n New York City, begins publishing Flying Saucer News as the official publi 3/1955 #12023 as the official publication of the Flying Saucer News Club of America, foun 3/1955 #12023 nois reported seeing a bell-shaped flying "swallow" an airplane. No aircraf 3/9/1955 #12039 Tokyo, Japan Pilots flying 2 aircraft tracked an unidentifie 3/20/1955 #12052 London, England Flying Saucer Review is launched in Lond Spring 1955 #12053 t of a private Beechcraft plane is flying at 1,500 feet with a student in t 3/24/1955 #12059 inutes. Going quickly northwest. / Flying Magazine. 4/15/1955? #12093 ed four black objects at 7:30 a.m. flying in a cluster. They made a whooshi 4/30/1955 #12107 , and 1stLt. Joseph Burt see 10–15 flying objects, 60–70 feet in diameter, 5/4/1955 #12118 over city. Darkens. Going east. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v2#3. 5/15/1955 #12133 examined the wreckage of a crashed flying saucer. Her informant is a “Briti 5/22/1955 #12148 en—probably under four feet tall.” Flying Saucer Review editor Gordon Creig 5/22/1955 #12148 e fanciful aspects of UFOBs, e.g. ‘Flying Saucers’ would tend to negate the 5/23/1955 #12151 ight growing in size for 2 min and flying between them and Mt. Williams. Lo 5/29/1955 #12166 raphs pass fake tests. / r219p10+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v7#1. 6/5/1955 #12184 rew spotted a silver daylight disc flying over the North Sea off the coast 6/5/1955 #12187 ide the haze. The objects took off flying to the east. 6/10/1955 #12194 It is blue with white stripes and flying noiselessly at high speed. He wat Summer 1955 #12206 00 p.m. Col. William T. Coleman is flying a B-25 out of Miami, Florida, wit 7/1955 #12226 Cueldner, call sign Archie 91, are flying Boeing KC-97 Stratofreighters at 7/5/1955 #12238 objects, some in a distant cluster flying erratically. Speer is able to mai 7/5/1955 #12238 orange glows in its trail. Silent, flying slowly, it hovered near the Metro 7/18/1955 #12269 d liquid from a pear-shaped object flying slowly at 1,000 feet altitude. Th 7/22/1955 #12280 Syracuse (near), NY Pilot flying F-86 fighter saw an orange object 7/25/1955 #12284 objects, from cigar to egg-shaped, flying in formation. The objects varied 8/11/1955 #12354 erved a lighted object in the sky, flying very fast. 8/21/1955 #12385 erved a lighted object in the sky, flying away very fast. 8/21/1955 #12387 Greys) exit and speak. / r8#373+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v13#1. 8/22/1955 #12388 al witnesses see four silver discs flying in formation over Lima, Ohio. 9/1955 #12423 /glowing object going [to] over. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v1#4p31+/ r79 9/6/1955 (approximate) #12429 Daniel Borggen, says the plane is flying at 15,000 feet when three instrum 10/3/1955 #12486 he tracks. Russell sees the “first flying disc ascend and pass over the tra 10/4/1955 #12488 h,” the report states. “The second flying disc was seen performing the same 10/4/1955 #12488 rn sighted a round, silverly white flying object at 4:38 p.m. in Loogootee, 10/8/1955 #12496 huge, 400 meter long UFO was seen flying only six meters over some oak tre 10/15/1955 #12505 Richard Russell sees two circular flying discs while traveling by train in 10/15/1955 #12506 econds later they spotted a second flying figure approaching under the clou 10/20/1955 #12513 tell that it was a female figure, flying at three meters above the ground. 10/20/1955 #12513 y was scrapped without producing a flying model). Reported no evidence that 10/25/1955 #12518 ch as those popularly described as flying saucers have overflown the United 10/25/1955 #12519 that “are sure to be mistaken for flying saucers.”) Only 100 copies are pr 10/25/1955 #12519 8 Waitara, New Zealand 8:06 p.m. A flying light paces New Zealand National 11/1/1955 #12540 rounce spot the object behind them flying along the coast on a parallel cou 11/1/1955 #12540 Ward of Redlands, California, was flying with a passenger over Desert Hot 11/14/1955 #12569 sighted twelve round, flat objects flying in a four-deep formation. They we 11/17/1955 #12573 é Michel publishes The Truth about Flying Saucers, one of the best early bo 1956 #12633 publishes They Knew Too Much about Flying Saucers, a bestselling book about 1956 #12634 olar aviator Valentin Akkuratov is flying a Tupolev Tu-4 aircraft near Cape 1956 #12636 heads back into the clouds. After flying for 40 minutes to the southeast, 1956 #12636 ent diameter of 4,900 feet rapidly flying above them at 1,960 feet. It rese 1956 #12637 . Ruppelt’s Report on Unidentified Flying Objects is published. His candid 1/1956 #12642 d sighting four gray ovoid objects flying by at 10:15 p.m. in linear echelo 1/14/1956 #12659 eonard reviews Harold T. Wilkins’s Flying Saucers Uncensored, Keyhoe’s Flyi 1/22/1956 #12678 lying Saucers Uncensored, Keyhoe’s Flying Saucer Conspiracy, and Ruppelt’s 1/22/1956 #12678 l object with yellow exhaust while flying not far from New Orleans over the 1/22/1956 #12679 onitored a reported “landing” of a flying saucer in the Kataghan province o 1/24/1956 #12681 ast of Holdenville, Oklahoma a low flying, 120 foot long ovoid object illum 1/30/1956 #12686 rd pilot Lt. Col. Lee J. Merkel is flying an F-51 Mustang out of Standiford 1/31/1956 #12687 Norman S. Bean gives a lecture on flying saucers 2/8/1956 #12700 , “Responsibility for Unidentified Flying Objects,” the CIA’s Applied Scien 2/9/1956 #12704 ador 10:55 p.m. Two F-89D fighters flying at 20,000 feet, one crewed by pil 2/12/1956 #12714 brown cigar-shaped object was seen flying on a straight and level course ov 2/15/1956 #12718 ied as an Air France DC-3 airliner flying over the Les Mureaux military bas 2/17/1956 #12723 s, France Light red blinking light flying erratically, tracked by ground ra 2/18/1956 #12727 laims, “U.S. Air Force Reveals Our Flying Saucer.” Through 1958, Avro spend 3/1956 #12742 that appears to be a merging of a flying saucer with more conventional fus 3/1956 #12742 04/0040Z) 1st Lt. Donald A. Stoner flying an F-86D at 22,000 feet on an air 3/3/1956 #12746 YWCA in Washington, D.C. The Flying Saucer Discussion Group begins me Spring 1956 #12761 te(s). Exits going quickly west. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR.) 4/1956 #12772 A flying humanoid, described as a "silver- 4/3/1956 #12783 "silver-colored angel" was sighted flying north over a coal and iron plant 4/3/1956 #12783 A flying humanoid was seen in Birmingham, 4/5/1956 #12791 Flying Saucer Hill southwest of Rosetta, 4/7/1956 #12798 system Elizabeth Klarer returns to Flying Saucer Hill southwest of Rosetta, 4/7/1956 #12798 hat Maj. Lawrence J. Tacker’s book Flying Saucers and the US Air Force was 5/1/1956 #12823 others, see a large bright object flying low over the rooftops in Tokyo, J 5/1/1956 #12824 tronomer, sees five “orange blobs” flying in a U-shape formation east to we 5/4/1956 #12832 or a bus, saw two pulsating lights flying horizontally and disappearing. 15 5/9/1956 #12841 or a bus, saw two pulsating lights flying horizontally and disappearing. Fi 5/9/1956 #12842 ation of twenty silvery gray discs flying in close formation at a low altit 5/17/1956 #12857 A blue glowing disc flying on edge pursued a car in Kwekwe, 5/28/1956 #12873 ience fiction movie “Earth vs. the Flying Saucers” is released 6/13/1956 #12897 os Angeles Hollywood Earth vs. the Flying Saucers, an American black-and-wh 6/13/1956 #12900 d by Donald E. Keyhoe’s nonfiction Flying Saucers from Outer Space (1953), 6/13/1956 #12900 Clancarty, takes over as editor of Flying Saucer Review from Derek Dempster 7/1956 #12939 pe as it crosses sky. (Saucer?). / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) report. 7/5/1956 #12952 Flying Saucer Hill Rosetta, KwaZulu-Nata 7/17/1956 #12980 very disc as it is hovering around Flying Saucer Hill, southwest of Rosetta 7/17/1956 #12980 over house. Shrinks / distance. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v2#4. 7/19/1956 #12985 vered at a meeting of Clara John’s Flying Saucer Discussion Group, author M 7/20/1956 #12995 objects whizzed by, low and fast, flying o the northwest. 7/21/1956 #13001 a.m. USAF Maj. Merwin Stenvers is flying at 16,000 feet over Pixley, Calif 7/22/1956 #13007 WALNUT GROVE, CA Judge. Flying cornucopia going quickly ESE low 7/24/1956 #13014 two hours, and then disappeared by flying off to the west. 8/11/1956 #13069 ter, another solid target appears, flying east to west at 4,000 mph or more 8/13/1956 #13080 The crew of an F-86 fighter jet flying at 36,000 feet over the Canadian 8/23/1956 #13125 obert James “Chick” Childerhose is flying nearly due west over the Canadian 8/27/1956 #13140 near Fort Macleod, Alberta. He is flying at 36,000 feet in the second posi 8/27/1956 #13140 oted by E. H. “Wilbur” Wright, are flying west over the English Channel sou 8/30/1956 #13156 White lights were seen flying erratically over Pasadena, Califo 9/6/1956 #13196 own [to] over steer. Steer gone. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v2#6+/ MJ#281 9/7/1956 #13200 MELTON, ENGL 4 / car. Large orange flying biscuit with lights / sides passe 9/18/1956 (approximate) #13226 tained by Lt. C. Lenny Marquis, is flying in northern South Dakota at 423 m Fall 1956 #13239 I Pilot saw 2 delta-shaped objects flying S under the right wing (NICAP: 11 9/25/1956 #13244 riving 60' cylinder/cigar-shape. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v9#2p3. 10/10/1956 #13272 .A. and J.R. (names withheld) were flying F-86’s near Modesto, CA, on alert Late 1956 #13277 ckly northwest / 1200M altitude. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#1 Jan'57. 10/16/1956 #13282 nge object was seen by a B-52 crew flying over North Dakota. At same time a 10/28/1956 #13295 on another world and sightings of flying discs. In 1932 he met a beautiful 10/29/1956 #13297 e again sees her stepping out of a flying saucer. She is supposedly 500 yea 10/29/1956 #13297 l Weather Reconnaissance Officer), flying a T-33 jet trainer. One orange l 11/1/1956 #13303 ern, South Africa at 8:30 p.m. The flying object made no sound as it flew i 11/5/1956 #13308 ations indicate that this showed a flying speed of about 4000 miles per hou 11/8/1956 #13315 ge lights was sighted by an airman flying over Destin, Florida at 6:00 p.m. 11/9/1956 #13319 d V8 pickup when they see a bright flying object with the shape of a flatte 11/11/1956 #13322 his copilot Peter H. Macintosh are flying Capital Airlines Flight 77 from N 11/14/1956 #13329 ects. Drop and stop. Shoot away. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#1. 11/16/1956 #13330 head, told him that he could see a flying saucer if he would go to a certai 11/28/1956 #13362 a close encounter with a small UFO flying at low level at noon CST. 11/30/1956 #13373 s or large wing pods [or] intakes” flying at 56,000–62,000 feet for 15 minu 12/10/1956 #13396 t] in Fukuoka, Japan, a USAF pilot flying an F- 86D interceptor picks up a 12/17/1956 #13408 itness: USAF lst Lt. Ted Brunson, flying an F-86D jet interceptor. One ro 12/31/1956 #13422 n, France 1957; Rouen, France, RAF Flying Review photo (hoax) (NICAP: 08 - 1957 #13428 Victorian branch of the Australian Flying Saucer Research Society becomes a 1957 #13437 h in 1959 evolves into Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America in Los An 1/1957 #13440 , Green announces his meeting with flying saucer crewmen from the hitherto 1/1957 #13440 At 2:10 a.m. a F-86D USAF pilot flying near Guam in the Pacific Ocean si 1/1/1957 #13446 ng quickly south extremely fast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) JAN'57. 1/9/1957 #13451 e crews of two Air Force B-25s are flying about 90 miles north of Sweetwate 1/16/1957 #13461 The crewmen of a USAF B-25 flying northwest of Fort Worth, Texas si 1/16/1957 #13462 On this night an airline pilot flying over Indianapolis, Indiana and ma 1/24/1957 #13474 , NE Radar tracked several targets flying behind an airliner , G,V (NICAP: 2/13/1957 #13498 A and NCOIC, track several targets flying behind an airliner at a distance 2/13/1957 #13502 ight disc-shaped objects were seen flying over Burbank, California at 7:00 2/13/1957 #13504 rning at 8:13 a.m. a fighter pilot flying over Rouen, France photographed a 3/5/1957 #13520 sota A pilot saw a circular object flying against the wind. It was luminous 3/8/1957 #13529 on the snow-covered ground. It is flying so low that it seems to suck the 3/8/1957 #13531 Victor Hancock and Guy Miller are flying a DC-3 owned by the Tennessee Gas 3/8/1957 #13532 A pilot saw a circular object flying against the wind in Baudette, Min 3/8/1957 #13533 -ovoid going west. 7 planes see. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#2+/ r120p2 3/9/1957 #13535 at time there are five red objects flying well below the green one. All are 3/22/1957 #13553 oots near. Stops. Away and back. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#2. 3/29/1957 #13569 s no valid evidence that there are flying saucers.” Early 4/1957 #13576 s are provided on any unidentified flying objects which have attracted nati 4/8/1957 #13589 was red and blue, spinning wildly, flying slowly. It hovered for 5 min over 4/22/1957 #13611 were greenish, disc-shaped objects flying in crescent formations, and were 4/29/1957 #13625 large “aircraft carrier” sized UFO flying at more than 7600mph. Object disa 5/1957 #13626 ids going south / high altitude. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#5. 5/13/1957 #13659 idnight. USAF Lt. Milton Torres is flying F-86D Sabre fighters with the 406 5/20/1957? #13667 ty, Kansas four discs were sighted flying in a box formation. Two of the ob 5/23/1957 #13674 der/cigar-shape going south slow. "Flying boxcar" follows. Jet going quickl 5/24/1957 #13675 tity inside studies observer(s). / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#4. / r8#3 5/25/1957 (approximate) #13677 article in the UK Empire News on “Flying Saucer Clubs Probe: Peace Message 5/26/1957 #13680 nd 7:17 a.m. A British airliner is flying over Kent, two miles south of Roc 5/31/1957 #13690 17 a.m. a British Airways airliner flying over Kent, England experienced ra 5/31/1957 #13691 nd Flight Officer Abbey Zimmerman, flying Trans-Texas Airlines Flight 103, 6/3/1957 #13698 t to/from/between west for days. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#5. 6/4/1957 #13700 ct passed near a LAV DC-3 airliner flying between Puerto Cabello and Valenc 6/9/1957 #13715 northeast. Absolute(ly) silent. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#5. 6/10/1957 #13716 r saucer over bridge. Gone fast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#5p6. 6/14/1957 #13725 lored pins representing sightings. Flying Saucer Review editor Gordon Creig 6/15/1957 #13730 ound a Real Aerovias DC-3 airliner flying from Belo Horizonte to Rio de Jan 6/30/1957 #13760 d windows followed a REAL airliner flying between Campos and Victoria, Braz 7/4/1957 #13777 JOSHUA TREE, CA 12M wingless flying fish going west slow / 15M altitu 7/15/1957 #13796 F RB-47 reconnaissance aircraft is flying out of Forbes Field [now Topeka R 7/17/1957 #13808 airborne, highly maneuverable, and flying faster than the RB-47. The 55th S 7/17/1957 #13808 f a TWA Constellation aircraft, is flying at 18,000 feet near Amarillo, Tex 7/22/1957 #13817 er, at 10:00 a.m., two USAF pilots flying F-86s are scrambled to intercept 7/24/1957 #13826 dome buzzed a Varig Airlines C-47 flying near Joinville, Santa Catarina pr 8/14/1957 #13894 ta region". Going quickly north. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#4. 8/20/1957 #13907 gar-shape jerks north and south. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#6p9. 8/21/1957 #13917 0:00 p.m. an ovoid object was seen flying in the southwestern sky in Monroe 8/26/1957 #13933 An unidentified flying object with a bright red to reddi 8/27/1957 #13937 GLENDALE, CA 2 flying cops. Dark 15' cylinder/cylindric 8/28/1957 #13939 KS Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Flying military observer(s). Also Branif 8/29/1957 #13943 Robles, CA Silver circular object flying N to W. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 8/29/1957 #13945 Night. A Capital Airlines pilot is flying a Viscount at 12,000 feet approac 8/30/1957 #13952 the crew of two separate airliners flying over Chesapeake Bay near Norfolk, 8/30/1957 #13955 d of Capt. José Lemos Ferreira are flying at night at 24,600 feet between O 9/4/1957 #13978 / vineyard 200M away. / r30p234+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v22#2. 9/15/1957? #13997 Civilian Research, Interplanetary Flying Objects. 10/1957 #14050 a silvery glow in the yard, but no flying object. The light moved and was s 10/5/1957 #14061 t at 4 / boat. Quickly going up. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#6. / r242p 10/8/1957 #14072 rways pilot saw a brilliant object flying at high speed in daylight. [UFOE, 10/8/1957 #14073 ts. The witness, Mr. J. Flynn, was flying in a Pan Am DC-7C airliner over N 10/8/1957 #14080 ascent, and then realize that the flying object appears to be more than 60 10/10/1957 #14095 is wife see a round object like a “flying balloon” moving silently at the s 10/16/1957 #14130 re, England RAF Langtoft 9:18 p.m. Flying Officer D. W. Sweeney is flying a 10/21/1957 #14139 m. Flying Officer D. W. Sweeney is flying a Meteor jet at 28,000 feet on a 10/21/1957 #14139 ent indicating its interest in the flying saucer concept and requesting ini 10/22/1957 #14145 f a feasibility study of a “manned flying saucer.” 10/22/1957 #14145 ows a road, and then turned before flying away. 11/1/1957 #14192 ent de Beyssac and his copilot are flying a Varig Airlines C-46 cargo plane 11/4/1957 #14283 al blips. 1 going north 3300mph. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v4#1+/ MJ#235 11/5/1957 #14299 / clouds when hit / spotlights. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v4#1. 11/5/1957 #14322 Chased. Saucer quickly going up. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#4+/ r141# 11/6/1957 #14379 l Rutledge saw an object 16 m long flying over his garage. The top part was 11/8/1957 #14483 atches a lighted triangular object flying from southeast to northwest over 11/8/1957 #14487 m Flight 7, a Boeing Stratocruiser flying across the Pacific mysteriously c 11/8/1957 #14489 ledge saw an object 16 meters long flying over his garage in Waterloo, Iowa 11/8/1957 #14494 Four engineers observed three UFOs flying in formation in bright daylight ( 11/11/1957 #14531 rline passenger saw elliptical UFO flying low over ground below plane. [UFO 11/11/1957 #14532 a A silvery elliptical UFO is seen flying below Western Airlines Flight 61 11/11/1957 #14534 a great increase in the number of flying saucers and other UFOs reportedly 11/12/1957 #14535 ht, a parked car was buffeted by a flying disc, 100 yards away. The occupan 11/15/1957 #14562 feasibility of building a manned “flying saucer,” stating that he had revi 11/21/1957 #14588 atched with binoculars as an ovoid flying object spiraled upwards towards t 11/24/1957 #14607 OH Northwest pilots saw an object flying straight at about 4,800 knots (NI 11/27/1957 #14631 m. Swissair pilot Walter Borner is flying a DC-6B at 18,000 feet over Ras E 12/1/1957 #14660 , California. The photo appears in Flying Saucer Review in 1959 and Life in 12/3/1957 #14666 ing disc-shaped object was sighted flying south by two railroad men in Jack 12/5/1957 #14674 12 km from the latter, an unknown flying object allegedly took complete co 12/8/1957 #14690 r red disc roared through the sky, flying at only six meters above the grou 12/8/1957 #14694 lot Gilberto Castillo del Valle is flying at 10,000 feet near Mexico City w 12/11/1957 #14713 A huge flying saucer flew over Oacoma, South Da 12/18/1957 #14748 they realize that it is two lights flying silently side by side. The lights 12/21/1957 #14755 Alabama. The object was first seen flying to the northwest. It turned to th 12/26/1957 #14761 ch ufologist Aimé Michel publishes Flying Saucers and the Straight-Line Mys 1958 #14781 apons and sound weapons, and also “flying saucers.” Lusar claims Germany b 1958 #14787 net and once wrote of disc-shaped “flying bomb” technology passed on to Ger 1958 #14787 o West German media in 1950 that a flying machine he worked on at a Heinkel 1958 #14787 for Keyhoe’s permission to use The Flying Saucer Conspiracy to develop a sc 1/1958 #14792 ut 3–4 miles away from the camera, flying at an altitude of 7,000– 8,000 fe 1/3/1958 #14800 S. Navy P2V-5F with a crew of four flying north of Adak Island, Alaska sigh 1/11/1958 #14820 ighted a formation of three lights flying at 900 knots and picked them up o 1/11/1958 #14820 needles cease operating while the flying object remains in the island’s pr 1/16/1958 #14831 the object reversing direction and flying back over a craggy mountaintop. 1/16/1958 #14832 l it would prove beyond doubt that flying saucers are real—”. Then his micr 1/22/1958 #14838 eld on the problem of unidentified flying objects (UFO’s). Since most of th 1/28/1958 #14848 roves “there are no such things as flying saucers.” Keyhoe gives Healey the 2/1958 #14859 te steps to strip the Unidentified Flying Objects of the special status the 3/1958 #14904 ight rises / sea. Back 10 April. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v4#5+v16#5. 4/9/1958 #14966 a Witness: USAF Maj. D.G. Tilley, flying C-47 transport. One grey-black r 4/14/1958 #14985 metallic looking object (called a “Flying Saucer” by the guard). The base r 5/1958 #15006 ed pilot Carlos Alejo Rodriguez is flying his Piper Cub in the vicinity of 5/5/1958 #15018 rough the sky for 90 seconds while flying over Bohol Island, The Philippine 5/9/1958 #15027 Canadian Air Force Dakota DC-3 is flying to RCAF Station Cold Lake, Albert 5/13/1958 #15031 ard interpretation of Keyhoe’s The Flying Saucer Conspiracy, even including 6/1958 #15070 At 10:17 a.m. a pilot named Scharf flying an F-102 fighter aircraft over Pu 6/9/1958 #15086 o jets are vectored in on two UFOs flying together as seen on radar. As the Summer 1958 #15111 rom Detroit, Michigan, speaks at a flying saucer convention near Mountain V 6/28/1958 #15123 F Flight Engineer Peter Spencer is flying in an Auster aircraft piloted by 6/29/1958 #15126 black dumbbell appears below them, flying against the wind. Suddenly it ris 6/29/1958 #15126 Goose Bay], Labrador. The crew is flying a KC-97 at about 17,000– 18,000 f 7/1958 #15130 y photograph “geometrically shaped flying objects as they passed between hi 7/1958 #15131 eet altitude for 10 seconds. It is flying with one point of the triangle as 7/18/1958 #15149 A pilot flying over Crystal Lake in Chicago, Ill 7/20/1958 #15151 the area around Świdnica, Poland. Flying at 26,000 feet, he sees another p 8/1958 #15171 A procession of four or five flying objects passed over Chautauqua La 8/11/1958 #15194 ject at Wheelus AFB, Libya. It was flying at varying speeds. His first sigh 9/1/1958 #15247 2 km altitude, coming down to 4 m, flying up and down by sudden jumps, stop 10/31/1958 #15409 aluminum object was first spotted flying at two kilometers altitude in Cal 10/31/1958 #15410 ishing" noise and saw a large disk flying at ground level, which then swoop 11/1958 #15414 hat capitalize on the ‘mystery’ of flying saucers.” Supposedly, the Air For 11/30/1958 #15462 missile-shaped UFO 2.5 meters long flying only ten meter above some pine tr 12/17/1958 #15480 PORTGLENONE, NORTH IRE Black 2M flying object cuts 2' tree / half and ke 12/28/1958 #15498 ject cuts 2' tree / half and keeps flying. / r142#6p64. 12/28/1958 #15498 Portglenone, Ireland A black flying object, 2 m wide, cut a tree in t 12/28/1958 #15499 ne, Ireland a two-meter wide black flying object cut an oak tree in two, th 12/28/1958 #15500 d Psychologist Carl Jung publishes Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things 1959 #15511 30-90 second(s). No explanation. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) MAR'59. 1/18/1959 #15554 l Academy Soviet Union 6:00 a.m. A flying object is seen crashing into the 1/21/1959 #15558 F authorizes Avro to continue its “flying saucer” programs. 2/20/1959 #15596 Wave of fireballs were seen flying over Oklahoma City, Oklahoma star 2/20/1959 #15597 :20 p.m. Capt. Peter W. Killian is flying an American Airlines flight from 2/24/1959 #15604 he encounters three bright lights flying in a precise line. The initial de 2/24/1959 #15604 n takes place when the aircraft is flying at 8,500 feet and 50 mph about 13 2/24/1959 #15604 n by the crews of two other planes flying much farther to the south, as wel 2/24/1959 #15604 l red with purple waves inside it, flying in a descending path toward his h 2/24/1959 #15605 olors, above the cloud layer while flying over Philipsburg and Bradford, Pe 2/24/1959 #15606 150 meters altitude. No blimp was flying in the area at the time. 2/25/1959 #15616 reports and photographic images of flying saucers and unknown aerial crafts Spring 1959 #15656 cigar-shaped, reddish-pink objects flying over Ostroleka, Poland. They are 3/20/1959 #15659 stinct edges" and said it had been flying quite high. Two other nearby resi 3/31/1959 #15683 five minutes it began chasing him, flying 6 m above him for 5 m. The object 4/15/1959 #15704 five minutes it began chasing him, flying six meters above him for five min 4/15/1959 #15705 that he saw 4 unidentified objects flying in apparent formation at tremendo 5/27/1959 (approximate) #15748 unters. All absolute(ly) silent! / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v13#4. 6/1959 #15752 ys) over sea. Respond / signals. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) Si #4+Flying 6/27/1959 #15793 rands his group as the Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America and publi 7/1959 #15808 ternational from 1962 to 1965, and Flying Saucers International from 1966 t 7/1959 #15808 cream colored oval-shaped objects flying at 36,000 feet altitude over the 7/4/1959 #15814 by Thursday Island see a green UFO flying low, and a strange object is also 7/8/1959 #15827 ser piloted by Capt. George Wilson flying over the Pacific Ocean about 1,03 7/11/1959 #15834 A UFO was seen flying over a mountain in Papua New Guin 7/20/1959 #15864 nd several pilots and more/others. Flying disks hover over city. / No furth 7/22/1959 #15869 A silver metallic disc was seen flying in an elliptical orbit in the sky 7/23/1959 #15873 Seers, president of the Queensland Flying Saucer Research Bureau [now UFO R 8/1959 #15887 event / 8 August / 1700h = hoax / Flying Saucer Review (FSR.) 8/12/1959 #15904 Freeport, Texas A bright, flying object passed low over a car, who 8/13/1959 #15912 :00 p.m. Pilot Jack H. Goldsberry, flying a Cessna 170 from Hobbs to Albuqu 8/13/1959 #15913 At around 4:00 p.m. a pilot flying a Cessna 170 between Hobbs and Al 8/13/1959 #15916 irvan takes over the editorship of Flying Saucer Review from Brinsley Le Po 9/1959 #15951 o, Texas Maj. R.O. Braswell, while flying an C-47 at 6500 ft. alt., spotted 9/29/1959 #15997 Texas Maj. R. O. Braswell, flying an Air Force C-47 at 6,500 feet o 9/29/1959 #15998 akes six photos of what he calls a flying saucer. A few days later, Teixeir 10/1959 #16004 g down. Painful humming. Windows / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#5+v6#1+/ 10/4/1959 (approximate) #16013 Eastern Airlines flight 541, flying over Virginia at 3:10 a.m., was p 10/7/1959 #16027 xit. Saucer going quickly south. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v6#4. 10/16/1959 #16034 eering instructor at USAF Academy, flying a T-33 jet trainer. One bright ye 10/19/1959 #16042 in Colorado Springs, Colorado was flying a T-33 jet trainer over Plainvill 10/19/1959 #16043 ppelt’s The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects is published with three n 12/1959 #16104 nd a disc flew in around 9:45 p.m. flying toward the northeast, stopped and 12/3/1959 #16113 Late in 1960, Col. Tacker's book "Flying Saucers and the U.S. Air Force" b 1960 #16138 The first issue of the Australian Flying Saucer Review is published jointl 1/1960 #16147 published jointly by the Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society and UFOIC 1/1960 #16147 by each group, plus the Queensland Flying Saucer Research Bureau and the re 1/1960 #16147 in two commercial airlines planes flying between Bryce Canyon and Mormon M 1/3/1960 #16149 ESS Several brass. 2000' UFO paces flying tigers plane. RADAR-visual. 2/15/1960 #16176 ens are led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.” NICAP boar 2/27/1960 #16186 “Flying Saucer Review” article by Manhatt 3/1960 #16188 Ottawa The Ottawa Flying Saucer Club begins publishing Top 3/1960 #16190 cs with his motion picture camera, flying over Dubuque, Iowa at 5:57 p.m. T 3/4/1960 #16196 exploded four or five times while flying through the sky for two to three 4/12/1960 #16225 Mr. Arnold saw a round, fiery red flying object approach at high speed fro 4/18/1960 #16234 / 4 moon-size spinning triangle! / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v7#1. 5/5/1960 #16255 , Brazil, watch a disc-shaped UFO. Flying about 600 feet in the air at low 5/13/1960 #16266 . Going east and west over town. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v6#5. 5/20/1960 #16293 uebec City. Wilbert Smith’s Ottawa Flying Saucer Club [later the Ottawa New 6/12/1960 #16312 s of Secrecy on UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) and Digest of Documented 6/21/1960 #16314 A strange flying object struck Clan Lake, which is 6/22/1960 #16316 ter states in a newspaper that UAP flying saucers are “operating under inte 6/22/1960 #16317 one kilometer, making no noise and flying just three meters above the groun 8/2/1960 #16364 second meeting of his Amalgamated Flying Saucer Clubs of America conventio 8/9/1960 #16366 sphere near Earth for unidentified flying objects--'UFOs.'" 8/15/1960 #16383 sphere near Earth for unidentified flying objects—’UFOs.’” 8/15/1960 #16385 he mountain top, then re-appeared, flying off to the southeast. 8/16/1960 #16397 neer, sighted a dull orange, round flying object at 3:24 a.m. in Wichita, K 8/23/1960 #16410 named Nielsen was sucked up into a flying saucer in Halmstad, Sweden. He lo 8/25/1960 #16418 hey see a triangular-shaped object flying silently at the speed of a Piper 9/2/1960 #16431 ffs observed six vari-colored UFOs flying in V-formation. [NICAP UFOE, VII] 9/5/1960 #16437 s / 15-50K' altitude. None land. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v7#1. 9/25/1960 #16460 nown, Tasmania The sighting of six flying saucers and a 'mother ship' has b 10/3/1960 #16474 ), Tasmania Spherical 75 ft object flying at great speed at 36,000 ft (NICA 10/15/1960 #16484 inds, that there were some objects flying around in space that were unexpla 11/4/1960 #16494 n about 70 feet in diameter and is flying at 35,000 feet, just below the B- 11/15/1960 #16505 Blwlin (sp?) and Maj. F.B. Brown, flying a T-33 jet trainer. One white lig 11/29/1960 #16520 T-33 trainer sighted a white light flying south of Kyushu, Japan. The objec 11/29/1960 #16522 Col. Lawrence J. Tacker publishes Flying Saucers and the U.S. Air Force, i 12/5/1960 #16525 way. Tacker says he wrote the book Flying Saucers and the US Air Force beca 12/5/1960 #16526 (s) inside. Going quickly north. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#5+/ r30. 12/9/1960 #16528 A disc-shaped flying object and three nocturnal lights 12/25/1960 #16538 George Adamski publishes Flying Saucers Farewell, signaling his i 1961 #16549 [to] 4 legs. 2 figure(s) nearby. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) May'67+Quest. 1/1961? #16554 on a clear day when he witnessed a flying disc of polished blue steel swoop 1/1/1961 #16559 ree different groups of amber UFOs flying in V-formation about 15 miles awa 1/17/1961 #16580 a minute fragment of a so-called ‘flying saucer’ has ever been found.” 1/19/1961 #16581 hip's crew watched an oddly shaped flying object twist, turn, and fall into 2/27/1961 #16610 lic luster was seen during the day flying over Manly, New South Wales, Aust 3/3/1961 #16620 object as a probable U-2 aircraft flying out of Nellis AFB. 6/3/1961 #16716 ter appears from behind the house, flying from northeast to southwest. It m 6/11/1961 #16724 Exeter, Devon, England A flying object hovers for more than an ho 6/19/1961 #16732 y slow, split into 4 after 45 mins flying (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 7/7/1961 #16750 itress Nannette Hilley saw a large flying ball of light slow down and split 7/7/1961 #16752 Texas Airlines Capt. A.V. Beather, flying DC-3, plus vague report from grou 7/20/1961 #16768 While flying in a DC-3 over Houston, Texas at 7/20/1961 #16769 ct / small clearing! 7 men gone! / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) Dec'62. 8/1961 #16775 g lights, passed behind some trees flying at a low altitude. 8/17/1961 #16799 s, yellow sphere, 8 m in diameter, flying about 10 m above the road. Horizo 8/25/1961 #16803 ellow object, 24 feet in diameter, flying about 30 feet above a road. The o 8/25/1961? #16804 re, 8 meters in diameter, that was flying about 10 meters above the road. I 8/25/1961 #16805 bright white UFO with a halo while flying over the Pacific Ocean northeast 9/21/1961 #16867 uickly west. / r242p139+/ APRO and Flying Saucer Review (FSR) 1'62. 10/3/1961 #16893 e(s). Photographs poorly copied. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v26#5p6. 10/28/1961 #16933 liant object with an orange center flying south over Eyres Monsell, Leicest 11/3/1961 #16951 field exploitation of unidentified flying objects, or known Soviet/Bloc aer 11/13/1961 #16962 A strange flying object streaked across the skies 11/18/1961 #16964 look up and see this strange ball flying through the air. It was kind of r 11/18/1961 #16964 1794, a secret program to build a flying saucer-type aircraft designed to 12/1961 #16985 ber 1961 after tests suggested the flying saucer-like design was aerodynami 12/1961 #16985 diameter, 1 m thick, dive at him, flying 3 m above the ground. He stopped 12/21/1961 #17001 uthwest Day. An Air Force pilot is flying a brand new B-52 with a full crew 1962 #17006 ent texts are filled with many UFO flying saucer sightings, and that throug 1962 #17010 left and believed the US developed flying saucers. When he returned to Myr 1962 #17012 ands A Royal Dutch Air Force pilot flying an F-86 Sabrejet sights a UFO ove 1/29/1962 #17026 e orbits and just short of 5 hours flying time, becoming the first American 2/20/1962 #17055 New York reported a 40 cm x 10 cm flying gold box that slowly crossed the 3/1/1962 #17072 at, Oklahoma All base personnel on flying status attend a briefing in the t Spring 1962 #17078 head. Capt. Herman Gordon Shields, flying a C-119 two miles west of Levan, 4/18/1962 #17120 ound 8:10 p.m., the object returns flying toward the Gassleins’ home (south 4/24/1962 #17127 ing from Rosario see a long object flying at moderate altitude and emitting 5/13/1962 #17171 and First Officer J. P. Murphy are flying an Aer Lingus Vickers Viscount ai 5/21/1962 #17187 ts, aboard a B-52 heavy jet bomber flying over Indianapolis, Indiana sighte 6/21/1962 #17240 na sighted three bright, star-like flying nocturnal lights. The first was s 6/21/1962 #17240 ed cigar-shaped UFO over the city, flying around in circles at great speed. 6/21/1962 #17241 ported at least seven sightings of flying objects in the Columbus area. (NI 6/22/1962 #17242 Verona, Italy -- After observing a flying disc earlier that night, Luisa Pe 6/26/1962 #17249 lot and future astronaut White was flying at 58 miles above the Earth from 7/17/1962 #17280 sin saw two silver dumbbell-shaped flying objects, with thick crossbars, fl 7/18/1962 #17284 aces and observed an unknown craft flying away. 7/30/1962 #17305 a Banes Afternoon. A U-2 spy plane flying over Cuba spots an SA-2 surface-t 8/29/1962 #17372 n a car with a dome on top. It was flying at the altitude of the Phone pole 9/13/1962 #17394 a car, with a dome on top. It was flying just above the ground at the heig 9/13/1962 #17395 Jersey. At 6:00 p.m., former Navy flying officer J. J. McVickers sees two 9/15/1962 #17403 plane one kilometer away. It left flying toward the south. 9/15/1962 #17404 Rogers sees a round, shiny object flying low over Fort Collins, Colorado. 10/29/1962 #17517 sachusetts watched an ovoid object flying at an estimated 2000 feet altitud 11/1/1962 #17531 umanoids (or Greys). 1 gestures. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v32#4. 12/18/1962 #17590 Lyle G. Boyd publish The World of Flying Saucers, a skeptical overview of 1963 #17621 ms strong light. 1 engine quits. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v11#6. 1/1963 #17622 frozen. 2 figure(s) move / dome. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#5. 1/11/1963 #17632 try of the Interior, saw an object flying at very high speed over Ascension 2/5/1963 #17654 try of the Interior, saw an object flying at very high speed over the city. 2/5/1963 #17655 On this day a photo of a flying saucer was taken over the Diet Bu 3/1/1963 #17691 :00 p.m. Two National Guard pilots flying jets about 40 miles west of Honol 3/11/1963 #17698 tional Guard, Parish and Joy, were flying over the Pacific Ocean near Oahu 3/11/1963 #17699 a very bright, crescent-shaped UFO flying at high altitude. The object flew 3/11/1963 #17699 s. Figure(s). Animals terrified. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#5. 4/1963 #17716 a crescent or semi-disc shaped UFO flying in the sky, looking like a stingr 5/18/1963 #17750 pink wheels spun in the sky while flying from the east to the west very fa 5/22/1963 #17761 4 engine jet airliner she had been flying in was pursued by an UFO. The jet 7/17/1963 #17835 named Gray sighted a 300-foot long flying craft with lighted windows while 7/22/1963 #17848 30 p.m. three people watched a low flying bell-shaped object pass into a cl 7/22/1963 #17849 Herts, UK A former RAF pilot, and flying instructor, observed a triangular 8/1/1963 #17859 persons observed a luminous source flying slowly over the railroad tracks. 8/7/1963 #17876 fect (EME). Lost / sky. / r23p26+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v9#6p24. 8/8/1963 #17878 rd Centralia Road, followed a car, flying around it. Then it went away towa 8/8/1963 #17879 ff, and was seen again in the west flying very fast. It was observed by num 8/8/1963 #17879 pside down, with a central turret, flying low over his vehicle. 8/20/1963 #17911 pside down, with a central turret, flying low over his vehicle. 8/20/1963 #17913 EME (electro-magnetic effects). / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#6p27. 8/24/1963 #17917 S. Forest Service, sighted a round flying object intercept a longer object 9/14/1963 #17939 saying that his book The World of Flying Saucers has “effectively put to r 9/19/1963 #17945 ely put to rest all surmises about flying saucers being from ‘outer space.’ 9/19/1963 #17945 blic of China pilot Yeh Changti is flying an American U-2 reconnaissance ai 11/1/1963 #18023 and blue lights, emitting sparks, flying toward their car. They stopped an 12/14/1963 #18080 em, making a humming sound, before flying away. 12/14/1963 #18080 aw an object 15 meters in diameter flying toward their car. The UFO had int 12/14/1963 #18082 Circular depression with tripod. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v10#2+/ r70p3 12/27/1963 #18096 China, see a huge cigar-shaped UFO flying toward the southwest. MiG fighter 1/1/1964 #18106 na saw a large cigar-shaped object flying over the city. Chinese Air Force 1/1/1964 #18107 on his ground radar unit two blips flying in stacked formation making rapid 4/17/1964 #18178 ct (EME). Engines stop. C130 keeps flying. 4/20/1964 #18179 ted 35,000 feet altitude. They are flying a in a C-130 turbo-prop transport 4/20/1964 #18180 ” The airplane allegedly continues flying in complete silence, then it ente 4/20/1964 #18180 Flying over Ross Island near McMurdo Sou 4/20/1964 #18181 rd C-130 spotted nine bright white flying objects in a "V" formation. The U 4/20/1964 #18181 and Zamora looks up to see the UFO flying away to the southwest at a level 4/24/1964 #18200 , and seven other witnesses saw it flying south of Socorro shortly before 6 4/24/1964 #18202 An Air Force RB-57 bomber flying over the Stallion Missile Test Si 4/30/1964 #18234 , football-shaped objects that are flying at very low altitude and are lost 5/15/1964 #18270 esuit. Unseen when photographed. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v10#6. 5/23/1964 #18292 at an altitude of about 1000 feet, flying at a good speed to the northwest, 6/12/1964 #18348 noa. It made the sound of a bullet flying by one's ear. Crawford radioed an 6/12/1964 #18348 Springs, CA Author of “Behind the Flying Saucers” and journalist Frank Scu 6/23/1964 #18368 Fifteen or more flying discs paced a car on Highway 60 i 6/23/1964 #18370 ester, described an object like "a flying top." TV interference was associa 7/7/1964 #18397 sc-shaped object paced an airliner flying from Leningrad to Moscow while ov 7/12/1964 #18405 flown by a Mr. Jannereth as he was flying 15 miles south of Houghton Lake, 7/16/1964 #18423 .m. he observed a 60-foot diameter flying object with a round top and flat 7/20/1964 #18431 . Before it did so, a jet aircraft flying at low altitude circled its posit 7/28/1964 #18456 . Before it did so, a jet aircraft flying at low altitude circled its posit 7/28/1964 #18457 irst Pilot 1st Lt. J. F. Jonke are flying a C-124 transport with the 31st A 8/18/1964 #18497 d First Pilot Lt. J. F. Jonke were flying a U.S. Air Force C-124 transport 8/18/1964 #18498 ct up. Concentric rings / field. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#6. 8/21/1964 #18501 cinema. Many watches magnetized. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v11#3p30. 8/24/1964 #18506 ve (near), CA Hunter in tree saw 3 flying silvery lighted objects 1/4 mile 9/4/1964 #18530 adavia, Chubut province, Argentina flying in a curved trajectory out to sea 9/20/1964 #18561 the rear portion followed a C-119 "flying boxcar" transport plane over Walt 10/7/1964 #18575 Flying Saucer Review editor Waveney Girv 10/22/1964 #18589 ity Squadron Eight that is already flying in the neighborhood at an altitud 11/19/1964 #18629 r and J. Quinn, observed an object flying 17 m above the ground. It was sha 12/28/1964 #18677 it is a wild goose chase because, flying at 2,200 mph, even if he sees the 1965? #18680 atrol car buzzed by a bright round flying object in Lynden, Washington not 1/12/1965 #18721 s paced a Quantas Airlines Electra flying between Auckland, New Zealand and 1/14/1965 #18730 rs the craft and sees a human in a flying suit who calls himself “Xeno” and 1/30/1965 #18784 rises / beach. Grass flattened. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#6+/ r8. 2/3/1965 #18794 s off the wing. The UFOs paced the Flying Tiger freighter aircraft for 30 m 2/11/1965 #18803 AST / HOKKAIDO, JP Air Force man / flying tiger airline(s)/airliner. 3 1000 2/11/1965 #18804 Pacific Ocean, At Sea 3 ovals pace Flying Tiger crew (radar) (NICAP: 11 - A 2/11/1965 #18807 Pacific Ocean Flying Tiger aircrew observed three red 2/11/1965 #18808 wa Airfield, Tokyo, Japan Night. A Flying Tiger Line cargo aircraft (Flight 2/11/1965 #18809 sible out of the cabin window of a Flying Tiger Airlines cargo plane flying 2/11/1965 #18811 Flying Tiger Airlines cargo plane flying over the North Pacific between An 2/11/1965 #18811 England. The ash-grey "plane" was flying about 100 feet above the road in 2/12/1965 #18813 l five local residents saw a large flying object land. Two of them approach 2/14/1965 #18814 in sky. Back 15 Jun. '71 / 2315hrs flying fast. 2/15/1965 #18815 passes over the village with other flying craft. A photographer took severa 2/21/1965 #18824 tched as a group of UFOs were seen flying overhead at around 9 p.m. One of 2/21/1965 #18825 Pleasant Perth UFO Research Group Flying Saucer Research Society of South 2/27/1965 #18829 UFO Research Group, the Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society, the UFO 2/27/1965 #18829 Investigation Centre NSW, and the Flying Saucer Research Society of South 2/27/1965 #18829 ment which prove the existence of ‘flying saucers.’” The researchers quiz h 2/27/1965 #18829 stimated altitude of 100–500 feet, flying in a straight line toward the hil 3/8/1965 #18851 7:06 p.m. Capt. Yoshiharu Inaba is flying a TOA Airlines Convair 240 from O 3/18/1965 #18864 At 7:00 p.m. on this day, while flying between Himeji and Matsuyama, Jap 3/18/1965 #18865 a private pilot in a Piper Apache flying over Dishima Island. 3/18/1965 #18865 er saw black oval with body lights flying in and out of clouds 4/4/1965 #18895 metallic disc-shaped object while flying at 15km altitude near Marignane A 4/9/1965 #18901 etary Intelligence of Unidentified Flying Objects publishes the first issue 5/1965 #18923 to 22 miles for the next 6 minutes flying at extremely high speed (3,500 mp 5/6/1965 #18930 circular object, 10 m in diameter, flying erratically, making a buzzing sou 5/23/1965 #18953 luminous, with a red light on top, flying in circles and landing on a hillt 5/24/1965 #18960 luminous, with a red light on top, flying in circles and landing on a hillt 5/24/1965 #18965 er piloted by Capt. John Barker is flying over Bougainville Reef off the co 5/28/1965 #18973 ew of an Ansett-ANA DC-6B airliner flying over the Bougainville Reef betwee 5/28/1965 #18974 a distance of about 8 miles while flying over Fraser Island. The weather w 6/6/1965 #18995 ess named Bryant one day after the flying saucer contactee George Adamski d 6/7/1965 #18997 bject (USO) was sighted by a pilot flying east of Fraser Island, off Marybo 6/21/1965 #19022 our equipment. Lenticular shaped “flying saucer”. Tracked by theodolite, b 7/3/1965 #19056 orning a photograph was taken of a flying disc-shaped object coming out of 7/5/1965 #19070 Jawesta" observed a lighted object flying out of the sea. First Officer Tor 7/6/1965 #19076 Jawesta" observed a lighted object flying out of the sea from Puerto La Cru 7/6/1965 #19079 A white cylindrical object is seen flying over Santa Maria Island in the Az 7/9/1965 #19088 a white cylindrical UFO flew over, flying toward the northeast against the 7/9/1965 #19091 g up / fireball. Burn spot left. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#6. 7/19/1965 #19125 w a slow moving silver colored UFO flying over Watertown, Massachusetts at 7/19/1965 #19136 B, TX RAPCON Fails To Identify Low Flying Manta Ray (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Case 7/28/1965 #19195 otrude top and bottom/underside. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#6+/ r8. 7/30/1965 #19208 locations observed an unidentified flying object that landed for five minut 7/30/1965 #19213 s Night. A TWA Boeing 707 airliner flying west of Topeka, Kansas, picks up 8/1/1965 #19245 –15 targets on Air Intercept Radar flying toward them at high speed on a 50 8/1/1965 #19245 in time to see the object rapidly flying away into the night sky. The phot 8/2/1965 #19263 l UFOs on the Weather Bureau radar flying at altitudes of 6,000–9,000 feet. 8/2/1965 #19265 ts of variously shaped but elusive flying objects as products of midsummer 8/3/1965 #19288 as passed by a huge, orange object flying at ground level (NICAP: 02 - Clos 8/4/1965 #19305 as passed by a huge, orange object flying at ground level. 8/4/1965 #19312 ar, but then a huge, orange object flying at ground level passed him. 8/4/1965 #19324 nages to take two shots before the flying object leaves. His friends encour 8/8/1965 #19341 saw a yellow luminous, disc-shaped flying object that they first took to be 8/8/1965 #19342 ivate pilot attorney saw two discs flying below the clouds near Nashville, 8/10/1965 #19363 object about 300 feet in diameter flying in front of the moon toward the n 8/13/1965 #19382 dock. Lands. Vanishes! / r78p46+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v11#6+/ r8#62 8/14/1965 #19386 rdan A guard saw a boatlike object flying at high speed, with red flames on 8/15/1965 #19399 ditor, Christian Science Monitor: "Flying saucers are all but literally kno 8/21/1965 #19448 y, New Hampshire sighted nine UFOs flying at treetop level over a field. Th 8/28/1965 #19470 .” A few seconds later, they saw a flying saucer pass overhead. 8/30/1965 #19480 toff of Urbana, Ohio sighted a low flying, small white ball of white at 10: 8/30/1965 #19481 econds while an unknown, elongated flying object flew over. It had blinding 9/3/1965 #19514 in Alto Purus, Brazil witnessed a flying object resembling a near by them. 9/8/1965 #19540 TEXCOCO, MEXICO Many observer(s). "Flying saucer" lands in lake. / LA Times 9/15/1965 #19563 Bett Diamon saw five orange lights flying in a row at a high speed, and the 9/25/1965 #19605 the area reported also seeing low flying UFOs. 9/29/1965 #19624 ouple saw four disc-shaped objects flying in a half wing formation pass ove 10/17/1965 #19662 landed UFO with an Army helicopter flying above it. He contacts Leonard Str 11/1965 #19695 aul, Minnesota saw strange objects flying overhead, emitting blue and orang 11/26/1965 #19737 ods. It had appeared as a fireball flying across several U.S. states and Ca 12/9/1965 #19760 At 6:36 p.m. a yellow colored flying object with three bright spotligh 12/24/1965 #19788 n 1967 state they see USAF-decaled flying disc craft with tail fins at MacD 1966 #19799 the area as if trying to spot the flying objects. (NICAP report; U.F.O. In 1/3/1966 #19803 later corroborated the sighting. (Flying Saucer Review, 12(2), March-April 1/7/1966 #19811 p.m., two similar objects are seen flying at a higher altitude. 1/8/1966 #19817 ject with blue light beam observed flying away. Flying Saucer Review Histor 1/9/1966 #19820 e light beam observed flying away. Flying Saucer Review Histories, Suppleme 1/9/1966 #19820 t the same time they saw an object flying slowly away from their car. It wa 1/9/1966 #19821 Norman S. Bean gives a lecture on flying saucers at Palm Beach Towers, FL 1/11/1966 #19822 Weston, Massachusetts, and says a flying saucer is outside, an associate l 1/14/1966 #19834 rs a hum, looks up, and sees a UFO flying nearly straight at him from an an 1/18/1966 #19850 pons Station China Lake) see a UAP flying straight at them from the north. 1/18/1966 #19853 ithin 10 feet of the ground before flying over the horizon. The surveyors s 1/18/1966 #19853 y (luminosity/speed correlation). (Flying Saucer Review, May- June 1966, p. 1/20/1966 #19861 The saucer hovered briefly before flying off in the direction of Cley Hill 1/21/1966 #19865 ing. (Ballester-Olmos, 1976, p. 9; Flying Saucer Review, 12:3, 1966:28-31, 2/6/1966 #19883 g Saucer Review, 12:3, 1966:28-31, Flying Saucer Review, 15:5, 1969:3-4.) ( 2/6/1966 #19883 d, Spain, allegedly see an unusual flying object. Looking out a window, Mar 2/6/1966 #19888 nly shot upwards and disappeared. (Flying Saucer Review, 12(4), July-August 2/14/1966 #19903 At 9:05 p.m. a domed disc-shaped flying object with portholes approached 2/22/1966 #19914 spot. (Phillips, 1975. p. 40; from Flying Saucer Review, March 1971 .) (NIC 2/25/1966 #19917 Farmington (5 miles E of), IL Flying oval object, the size of a car, c 2/26/1966 #19922 ing 8 km east of Farmington when a flying oval object, the size of a car, c 2/26/1966 #19923 nts a panel discussion titled “Are Flying Saucers Only Science Fiction?” Pr 2/27/1966 #19925 down / sea. Fireball going west. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#3+/ r44p4 3/16/1966 #19971 Two large, moon-sized orange discs flying slowly, then accelerating, body l 3/16/1966 #19973 nd, Connecticut three times before flying off to the east toward Cobalt. A 3/16/1966 #19975 Circles Pt. Marisco. Going west. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#3. 3/17/1966 #19977 ance, the object seems to react by flying away at high speed. At another po 3/20/1966 #20012 ive disc-shaped objects with domes flying in-line, traveling with a bobbing 3/23/1966 #20040 two disc-shaped objects with domes flying in-line, traveling with a bobbing 3/23/1966 #20051 ove away. They saw it again later, flying low on a southnorth trajectory. 3/24/1966 #20070 ove away. They saw it again later, flying low on a south-north trajectory. 3/24/1966 #20073 Jersey saw a saucer-shaped object flying low enough that he could distingu 3/24/1966 #20074 slowly ascended and disappeared. (Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 6, 19 3/27/1966 #20096 t witness confirmed the sighting. (Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 4, Ju 3/29/1966 #20137 f air from the object sends debris flying. A short high-pitched, then low-p 3/29/1966 #20139 ft hovering, maneuvering, and then flying out to sea. These reports were ac 3/30/1966 #20166 K Green object wider than the road flying N at very high speed (NICAP: 02 - 4/1/1966 #20197 d a hilltop and saw a green object flying north at very high speed, emittin 4/1/1966 #20198 a green object wider than the road flying north at very high speed, emittin 4/1/1966 #20201 n who is a member of the Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society, sees a s 4/2/1966 #20208 showed an oval object, 30 m long, flying at 5 m altitude, between a high-t 4/5/1966 #20243 y to follow it, but it flies away, flying between a high-tension power line 4/5/1966 #20250 claim to see three. The Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society arrives o 4/6/1966 #20257 cigar-shaped objects were observed flying into a storm. (NICAP notes) (NICA 4/7/1966 #20264 American, Apr. 13, 1966, quoted in Flying Saucer Review, 12(4), pp. iii-iv. 4/12/1966 #20288 While flying near Santa Catalina Island, Calif 4/15/1966 #20300 ite flashing body lights, was seen flying in circular and zig-zag patterns. 4/17/1966 #20313 seeing a bright red glowing object flying in circular and zigzag patterns. 4/17/1966 #20320 h bright, red lights at both ends, flying erratically. It made a whistling 4/19/1966 #20344 itnesses reported seeing an object flying at low altitude and apparently la 4/22/1966 #20368 An orange sphere was seen flying over the coast at Figueira da Foz 4/22/1966 #20379 our of the sighting in Portugal--a flying saucer flew down the main street 4/22/1966 #20379 northeast USA / same exact time. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#1. 4/24/1966 #20395 ge spherical objects moving away. (Flying Saucer Review, May/June 1967. cit 4/28/1966 #20424 According to the witness, who was flying between Asuncion, Paraguay to Pos 4/29/1966 #20428 llows liner. No further details. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v15#3+F. Edwa 5/1966 #20435 ree photographs of three hexagonal flying objects at 5:30 a.m. in New Plymo 5/8/1966 #20465 US CBS Reports "Flying Saucers: Friend, Foe or Fantasy?" 5/10/1966 #20473 r Force has never substantiated a “flying saucer” despite NORAD’s covering 5/10/1966 #20474 ng the witnesses who saw two discs flying off each wingtip of an airliner. 5/17/1966 #20495 ng the witnesses who saw two discs flying off each wingtip of an airliner. 5/17/1966 #20499 ve 3: 15 p.m. William C. Powell is flying a light Luscombe aircraft over Wi 5/21/1966 #20505 At 3:15 p.m. an experienced pilot flying in a light plane on a clear day e 5/21/1966 #20506 ath the wing of his aircraft while flying near Willow Grove Naval Air Stati 5/21/1966 #20506 roadcaster Frank Edwards publishes Flying Saucers—Serious Business, and it 6/1966 #20515 her downward. No sound was heard. (Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 6, No 6/8/1966 #20540 assed within 30 meters of his car, flying low to the northeast. The close e 6/8/1966 #20546 Traveler, June 13, 1966, quoted in Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 5, Se 6/11/1966 #20551 , which took off like an airplane, flying away to the southeast. Investigat 6/13/1966 #20557 . Student pilot Joseph Gambucci is flying near Hibbing, Minnesota, when he Mid 6/1966 #20564 and gas scientists watched a high flying silent disc-shaped object spiral 6/16/1966 #20569 was computed to be about 60 feet. (Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 5, Se 6/17/1966 #20572 t-like black spots along the body, flying overhead. The object was visible 6/24/1966 #20606 Air Force Douglas C-47 Skytrain is flying 25 miles southwest of Provo, Utah 7/1966 #20625 like a weather balloon, but it is flying at a speed of 45–75 mph into a no 7/9/1966 #20635 duct some investigations regarding flying saucers,” but reached an agreemen 7/21/1966 #20664 J. Edgar Hoover writes AFOSI about flying discs seen above an AEC facility 7/21/1966 #20664 boro, North Carolina when he saw a flying object that followed him even tho 7/25/1966 #20685 Young witnesses reported an object flying erratically and landing 300 m awa 7/31/1966 #20701 winkling lights, and disappeared. (Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 6, No 8/2/1966 #20722 / streets. Dogs howl and follow. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#1. 8/3/1966 #20723 rea where the object had hovered. (Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 12, No. 6, No 8/15/1966 #20744 Force Col. Munir Redfa defects by flying a MiG-21 to Israel. In what is co 8/16/1966 #20755 verted on top of the other (disc), flying at an altitude of about 200 meter 8/31/1966 #20818 an altitude of about 200 meters. (Flying Saucer Review, 12(6), November-De 8/31/1966 #20818 the Minot missile field in which a flying object took “off alert” all 10 of 9/1966 #20820 l facility observed the mysterious flying object with bright flashing light 9/1966 #20820 to the tower. (“UFO over Venice?” Flying Saucer Review 13, no. 4 9/5/1966 #20851 the beach, with two bright lights flying in and out of the craft. It went 9/17/1966 #20891 observed a bright circular object flying at high speed and maneuvering. Th 9/21/1966 #20906 r 71-6, “Reporting of Unidentified Flying Objects,” to make it easier to ob 10/1966 #20945 phone lines. Dog hides / corner. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#1. 10/14/1966 #20997 tall. They describe it as a “large flying man with 10-foot wings” that are 11/15/1966 #21107 ored sections. Zigzags and away. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#1. 11/17/1966 #21113 a dozen "tentacles" over 2 m long, flying at about 40 m altitude and then c 11/19/1966 #21127 y man-sized creature with red eyes flying over the area. On this evening in 11/20/1966 #21129 nia 4:35 p.m. J. G. Hockenberry is flying a Cessna 150 near New Kingstown, 11/30/1966 #21165 o be an airplane. Instead it was a flying humanoid. It was a winged figure 12/4/1966 #21182 about 300 feet up in the sky, and flying at 70 mph without flapping its wi 12/4/1966 #21182 ia--saw a brownish silver humanoid flying creature with glowing red eyes. 12/7/1966 #21191 ngsville, Ohio when they saw a low flying "batwing" shaped object cross the 12/13/1966 #21200 US "Are Flying Saucers Real?" by Dr. J. A. Hynek 12/17/1966 #21205 ific Ocean for seven minutes while flying from Lima, Peru to Mexico City, M 12/30/1966 #21231 "was round, big as a house, had no flying lights, but let off a greenish-bl 1/1967 #21241 A box-shaped object was then seen flying north. 1/5/1967 #21262 Six luminous spheres were seen flying over Aveyron, France at eleven o' 1/6/1967 #21268 chigan, four Polaroids depicting a flying saucer. The boys claimed that the 1/9/1967 #21275 aralysis, car vibrating road sign, Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 17, No.1; see 1/11/1967 #21286 10:00 p.m. The crew of a Lear Jet flying at 41,000 feet over southwestern 1/13/1967 #21299 ck in its original position before flying off. In the morning some of their 1/13/1967 #21300 ouston, Texas to Las Vegas, Nevada flying at 41,000 feet and 300 knots saw 1/13/1967 #21301 e in Boxford, Massachusetts before flying away. 1/15/1967 #21313 ST. MICHAELS, MD 1 / car. Flying meat-platter / sharp maneuvers. S 1/16/1967 #21317 hoe and Lore, 1969a, sketch p. 46; Flying Saucer Review, 13 (3), May-June 1 1/19/1967 #21349 wly when hovering (but faster when flying). There is a window at the top an 1/19/1967 #21354 ck and was startled to see a shiny flying object moving slowly 25 feet abov 1/19/1967 #21355 s away also sees 7–8 bright lights flying low. 1/20/1967 #21360 om "The Yorba Linda Photograph" in Flying Saucer Review, Special Issue, Nov 1/24/1967 #21374 as that of a genuine (not hoaxed) flying object. 1/24/1967 #21376 foot long dark cigar-shaped object flying low over some highway constructio 1/24/1967 #21377 rviving photo of the funnel-shaped flying object that paced the Fawcett Air 2/2/1967 #21438 :30 p.m. Capt. Oswaldo Sanvitti is flying a Faucett Perú DC-4 airliner from 2/2/1967 #21442 d a Fawcett Airlines DC-4 airliner flying between Chiclayo and Lima, Peru w 2/2/1967 #21443 en again joined by a second object flying behind. Finally, both UFOs sped a 2/2/1967 #21443 vid description of an unidentified flying object observed as far southwest 2/5/1967 #21456 Samyoa encounters an object like a flying top as they are flying over Mexic 2/15/1967 #21556 ject like a flying top as they are flying over Mexico at 10,000 feet. They 2/15/1967 #21556 away, followed by two white lights flying in step formation, one of which l 2/16/1967 #21572 ed by radar and witnessed visually flying over Ascension Island in the Atla 2/16/1967 #21573 An oval-shaped flying object with three red lights, one 2/16/1967 #21577 al object with a wispy white trail flying at airplane speed on her right si 2/21/1967 #21614 On this morning at 6:30 a.m. a flying disc was seen at low level over a 2/22/1967 #21624 ery strong sound and saw an object flying low over their area. A third pers 2/23/1967 #21632 ar a very loud noise and saw a low flying object pass over their area. A th 2/23/1967 #21636 saucer on ground. Photograph taken flying off. No further details. 2/26/1967 #21654 At 6:00 p.m. local time a low flying, bullet-shaped object flew over D 2/26/1967 #21662 the size of a dime at arm's length flying in a "lazy, lackadaisical manner" 2/27/1967 #21678 NORAD confiscated his photos of a flying disc. https://archive.org/detail 3/1/1967 #21719 in appearance from silvery objects flying overhead to a saucer-shaped objec 3/2/1967 #21731 y northeast. Dog hair pulled up. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#2. 3/3/1967 #21738 ty. 5 photographs. Low altitude. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#1. 3/5/1967 #21756 se. They decided to follow the low flying UFO in a car. The UFO was observe 3/6/1967 #21780 when they noticed an unusual light flying over a nearby cemetery. They drov 3/8/1967 #21818 Also that same night an elongated flying object with flashing body lights 3/8/1967 #21820 s oval or disc shaped daylight UFO flying near the Mississippi River. There 3/9/1967 #21841 .m. CST a huge white disc was seen flying fast towards the east in Onawa, I 3/9/1967 #21844 a car, and then accelerated away. (Flying Saucer Review, July-Aug. 1967, p. 3/10/1967 #21848 opilot, and hostess of an airliner flying at 17,000 feet saw a cluster of 1 3/11/1967 #21857 seemed to follow their car before flying away over the horizon after 15 mi 3/17/1967 #21913 Phenomena Agency begins publishing Flying Saucer Digest, edited by Allan J. Spring 1967 #21925 ain Night. The crew of an airliner flying above the French-Spanish border s 3/22/1967 #21944 ported seeing a domed, disc-shaped flying object with legs near his home. T 3/22/1967 #21949 where they were joined by a fourth flying disc. 3/25/1967 #21986 reddish-colored full moon” that is flying in circles. They report the sight 3/27/1967 #22001 ited Press International), 4/2/67; Flying Saucer Review, July-Aug. 1967, p. 3/31/1967 #22020 e disk, less than 1 m in diameter, flying at high speed, stop and hover for 4/1/1967 #22041 res for "Reporting of Unidentified Flying Objects" to the Colorado UFO Proj 4/4/1967 #22051 Canadian Pacific Western airliner flying near Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, a 4/6/1967 #22084 Humming again. Saucer maneuvers. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) Jly'67. 4/17/1967 #22143 object was seen moving sideways. (Flying Saucer Review, July-Aug. 1967, p. 4/17/1967 #22148 inutes later, he sees several jets flying on the same course as the objects 4/17/1967 #22152 like orange disc or globe was seen flying toward the town of Milolii, Hawai 4/21/1967 #22196 ject tilted before moving away and flying off to the west. 4/27/1967 #22236 nate red and green lights was seen flying over Toronto, Ontario at 9 p.m. I 4/28/1967 #22246 / missing time. Physical traces. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v23#1. 5/1967 #22250 ighted a white cigar-shaped object flying east of Tranmere, South Australia 5/2/1967 #22266 had a 10 minute sighting of a disc flying in the sky. 5/6/1967 #22286 was observed through binoculars. (Flying Saucer Review, Sept.-Oct. 1967, p 5/12/1967 #22323 , Colorado airport an unidentified flying object was picked up on radar at 5/13/1967 #22339 at 11:15 p.m. There were no blimps flying at the time. It shot straight up 5/15/1967 #22349 pector, saw two redglowing objects flying at high speed. One of them blew v 5/20/1967 #22379 ector, saw two red-glowing objects flying at high speed while prospecting a 5/20/1967 #22384 circular or slightly oblong object flying rapidly to the north with a wobbl 6/5/1967 #22463 ant, West Virginia an unidentified flying object extended some kind of robo 6/5/1967 #22468 umanoid faces seen through window. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 14, No. 6; Ro 6/6/1967 #22470 d. A Spanish Air Force jet trainer flying at 1,200 meters altitude encounte 6/6/1967 #22472 e plane. (Good, 1987, p. 149; from Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 14, No. 3, 19 6/6/1967 #22472 of the problem of the unidentified flying objects.” UN Secretary-General U 6/7/1967 #22478 Day. Two Spanish Air Force pilots flying Lockheed T-33s at 4,000 feet enco 6/9/1967 #22482 to be nearly 100 feet in diameter flying to the right of the aircraft. (We Mid 1967 #22508 a del Mar], Chile, see three discs flying in a V formation above the town. 6/18/1967 #22519 saw dirt and loose pieces of paper flying in a large circle around her hous 6/30/1967 #22580 aucer lands. No further details. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v67#5. 7/5/1967 #22611 rees. Large areas / flat.barley. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR.) 7/10/1967 #22638 MONTE CARLO, MONACO "Flying glass buoy" east going west / 6 m 7/10/1967 #22641 YE, BELORUS Man sees half-moon UFO flying north going south. Same thing 3 d 7/10/1967 #22642 and drifted back into the craft. (Flying Saucer Review, Nov.- Dec. 1967, p 7/17/1967 #22678 ike a flat disk with shining edge, flying at an altitude of some 350 feet a 7/17/1967 #22679 ey saw the reflection of a strange flying object in the water. Looking up, 7/18/1967 #22692 While flying at 14,000 feet over Enderby, Brit 7/19/1967 #22702 minute(s). Going down. / r44p23+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#2. 7/20/1967 #22705 each, FL Dog in car fearful at low flying light (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactio 7/21/1967 #22715 heir car became fearful of the low flying yellow light, which flew just 15 7/21/1967 #22720 vers / military base. Maneuvers. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#2+/ r41p2 7/25/1967 #22728 ess call came from a private pilot flying between Alexandria and Leesville, 7/27/1967 #22743 P.I. Marchenko saw a dark red disk flying from the southwest to the northea 7/31/1967 #22758 med disc-shaped object was sighted flying to the north over Kidsgrove, Stok 8/4/1967 #22806 son observed a ring-shaped object flying across the sky. An airliner flyin 8/5/1967 #22813 flying across the sky. An airliner flying at an altitude of 1,200 feet woul 8/5/1967 #22813 -foot long, beer keg-shaped object flying low and hugging the rough terrain 8/5/1967 #22816 obert Bodine, saw a glowing, white flying object head from the west towards 8/5/1967 #22818 los and Capt. José Luis Espejo are flying an Aeronaves de México [now Aerom 8/6/1967 #22830 xico. They see three bright points flying in formation from northwest to so 8/6/1967 #22830 encounters a globe of light while flying between Lima, and Pisco, Peru. Th 8/6/1967 #22831 into the sky after a short while, flying east. A five-foot wide circular b 8/6/1967 #22834 h. They initially think it is some flying machine tested by the ranch owner 8/13/1967 #22873 w what appeared to be a large bird flying overhead. When it landed near a b 8/26/1967 #22936 r see reference. / LDLN#145+/ r8+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#2. 8/29/1967 #22946 and vice-president of Bugatti, is flying his own plane near Vélizy- Villac 9/1967 #22975 w and her parents saw the creature flying off over the neighborhood rooftop 9/8/1967 #23021 At 6:03 p.m. flying over the Pyrenees Mountains in a 9/10/1967 #23033 pe and Dunlop, sighted an inverted flying cone, silver on top, with a curve 9/10/1967 #23033 7:30 p.m. Aeroflot IL-14 airliner flying over Volgograd, Russia was buzzed 9/19/1967 #23096 rst appeared as a string of lights flying at high altitude. (North Dakota N 9/24/1967 #23126 encountered an unidentified object flying above the plane. The aircraft's e 9/29/1967 #23146 d, pulsating, cigar-shaped objects flying northeastward. A large triangle-s 9/29/1967 #23147 car along Highway 3 see an object flying low, flashing four lights one aft 10/4/1967 #23176 da Captain Pierre Guy Charbonneau, flying between Sherbrooke and St. Jean, 10/4/1967 #23177 y a second one. They left together flying to the east and out of sight. 10/17/1967 #23249 ansas, see two dark oblong objects flying east to west at about 1,200–1,500 10/21/1967 #23281 officers saw a ball of white light flying at treetop level. They stopped to 10/22/1967 #23284 HATHERLEIGH, DEVON AND MORE/OTHERS Flying cross maneuvers. Cops chase over 10/24/1967 #23294 officers chased a pulsating bright flying cross-shaped UFO across farmland 10/24/1967 #23306 gators he saw two more of the same flying objects. The boys claimed their w 10/24/1967 #23309 driver felt pressure on eardrums. Flying Saucer Review, Nov.-Dec. 1967, p. 10/25/1967 #23316 e to observe two spherical objects flying from the northwest to the southea 10/25/1967 #23317 overs. Missing time? Ozone odor. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v13#6. 10/26/1967 #23324 ilots and a passenger on board, is flying over the Atlantic northeast of Ja 10/27/1967 #23350 a 50 foot long cigar-shaped object flying at a low altitude, estimated to b 10/27/1967 #23355 away; car could then be restarted. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 14, No. 3; se 10/28/1967 #23361 , forward motion stopped abruptly. Flying Saucer Review, July-Aug. 1968, pp 10/30/1967 #23366 / truck. Floats. Abduction try. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#3+/ r24v5 11/2/1967 #23386 , hovering 10 feet over the road. (Flying Saucer Review, Nov. -Dec. 1967, p 11/5/1967 #23405 then accelerated to 5 miles/second flying in a semicircle near the harbor, 11/8/1967 #23422 h the sky by I.S. Lunyanov. It was flying toward Zlatoust. (Ref. 3) (NICAP: 11/9/1967 #23431 right. Hovers low over grounded. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v19#2. 11/14/1967 #23446 ment, CDS Briefing on Unidentified Flying Objects, on the status of UFO sig 11/14/1967 #23450 V. (The West Australian, 11/17/67; Flying Saucer Review, Jan.-Feb. 1968, p. 11/15/1967 #23457 f a British European Airways plane flying at 27,000 feet had a 10-minute en 11/15/1967 #23459 An Aer Lingus airliner, flying at 10,000 feet to Dublin, Ireland 11/21/1967 #23492 and copilot Lt. John H. Gould are flying 10 miles off the New Hampshire co 11/22/1967 #23498 see an object like a white rocket flying with a lateral motion. It first m 11/22/1967 #23498 ttention outside. He saw an object flying at great speed across the sky. (R 11/25/1967 #23510 attached to a curved surface of a flying object. 11/28/1967 #23519 a.m. Percy McBride saw a flashing flying object, the size of a station wag 11/29/1967 #23524 and writes in the log book, “Saw a flying saucer at the junction of highway 12/3/1967 #23545 ntina Mr. & Mrs. Clerici watched a flying object that changed color from pu 12/28/1967 #23617 ry Downing publishes The Bible and Flying Saucers, in which he equates Jesu 1968 #23624 elieves that Jesus left earth in a flying saucer to another planet, or perh 1968 #23624 ther spatial dimension, and that a flying vehicle operated by intelligent a 1968 #23624 ction author Otto Binder publishes Flying Saucers Are Watching Us, which bo 1968 #23625 ia, leading directly to functional flying saucers. 1968 #23626 he others, who say it looks like a flying saucer. They contact the Calgary 1/15/1968 #23666 mentator Villen Lyustiberg writes “Flying Saucers? They’re a Myth” in the n 2/16/1968 #23761 les. Whines. Circles power pole. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#4. 2/19/1968 #23764 aring. (Source: Donald A. Johnson, Flying Saucer Observer, citing Lawrence 2/21/1968 #23770 of housing four reverse engineered flying disc craft with tail fins witness 3/1968 #23799 lm camera set up by the Queensland Flying Saucer Research Bureau at Horsesh 3/2/1968 #23806 d around the time that an airliner flying at 6,000 feet from Cairns to Iron 3/2/1968 #23806 ,000 feet long, 250 feet wide, and flying at an altitude of 2,000 feet. It 3/3/1968 #23815 hunderous roar like a jet aircraft flying close by was heard next, and a ba 3/3/1968 #23816 own. Sampson sees a “red, circular flying saucer” hovering over the valley, Spring 1968 #23852 II sighted a very large UFO while flying onboard the Ford Motor Company Je 4/16/1968 #23909 35 p.m. a cylindrical UFO was seen flying north to south on this night and 5/5/1968 #23947 better look and see three of them flying in a V-formation at an altitude o 5/10/1968 #23955 allic feathers or scales. They are flying with a graceful, fluttering motio 5/10/1968 #23955 s wife noticed three winged beings flying at an estimated altitude of 500 f 5/10/1968 #23956 US LOOK article, "Flying Saucer Fiasco" by John Fuller, re 5/14/1968 #23961 rass and shrubs. Back / 16 June. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#5. 5/29/1968 #23993 t / 1800M altitude. Photographs. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#5+/ r193# 6/4/1968 #24003 re were four or five huge birds or flying humanoids flying towards Celano. 6/14/1968 #24034 ive huge birds or flying humanoids flying towards Celano. The strange creat 6/14/1968 #24034 cribed as three-feet in height and flying upright, as if they were men bein 6/14/1968 #24034 a hummingbird. Whatever kept them flying was small and moving very fast. T 6/14/1968 #24034 cks and electrics and compasses. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#5. 6/15/1968 #24037 assa Sutter and Ruben Andrawos are flying a Cessna 182 from Villa Dolores, 6/18/1968 #24044 ance of 330 feet. It disappears by flying to the north at a fantastic speed 6/18/1968 #24044 EME (electro-magnetic effects). / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#5+r79p41. 6/19/1968 #24046 wing the publication of their book Flying Saucer Report: UFOs Unidentified, 6/20/1968 #24054 ice an irregular triangular object flying to the west over housing in Stazi Summer 1968 #24066 a four-meter wide circular-shaped flying object landed on a hilltop, 300 m 6/23/1968 #24071 BUCHAREST, ROMANIA Object flying over city hangs motionless / some 6/28/1968 #24088 down. Flashes glows and wobbles. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#5. 6/28/1968 #24090 llowed a Cessna 172 light airplane flying over Warren, Ohio at 10:20 p.m. I 7/8/1968 #24160 blue light nearby, moving slowly. Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, Sup 7/16/1968 #24182 appeared above some trees. It was flying in a west-east direction and appe 7/20/1968 #24195 t you have seen is an unidentified flying object or UFO. Some people call t 7/22/1968 #24203 away; engine restarted by itself. Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, Sup 7/25/1968 #24224 rside, flew low over road, landed. Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, Sup 7/29/1968 #24251 ld as a “Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects” before the House Committ 7/29/1968 #24254 club called “La Soucoupe Volante” (Flying Saucer) is later built on the sit 7/31/1968 #24271 :10 p.m. On the same night a round flying object emitting blue and red ligh 8/9/1968 #24313 anadian Forces Hercules C-150E are flying above Regina, Saskatchewan, when 8/16/1968 #24341 :21 p.m. Capt. Benjamin Gabrian is flying an Ilyushin Il-18 airliner at 22, 8/17/1968 #24346 ly 10° above the horizon. They are flying in a row, and one in the middle o 8/21/1968 #24364 rdin and Capt. Gordon W. Smith are flying over Zanthus, Western Australia, 8/22/1968 #24369 re than 10 minutes, while they are flying at 224 mph. The large object then 8/22/1968 #24369 m. two men, Smith and Gardin, were flying in a Piper Navajo for Murchison A 8/22/1968 #24370 oot of the boulder, and a kind of “flying saucer” was seen, about 30 feet w 8/29/1968 #24401 ing nearby, three small humanoids. Flying Saucer Review, November 1968; see 9/1/1968 #24420 , Labrador Two US Air Force pilots flying in the vicinity of Goose Bay AFB 9/4/1968 #24428 , spot a spherical metallic object flying in a southerly direction at 33,00 9/4/1968 #24428 notice 20–30 red and green lights flying aimlessly above the city dump. Th 9/6/1968 #24434 itness: missionary pilot Jay Cole, flying a Beech C-45 twin-engined utility 9/15/1968 #24466 30 p.m. Missionary pilot Jay Cole, flying a Beech C-45 twin-engine utility 9/15/1968 #24469 bserver(s) zapped. Dirt samples. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR.) 10/2/1968 #24536 ent. It estimates that the UFO was flying at an altitude of 16 miles and a 10/18/1968 #24571 ios it (saying, “Someone is seeing flying saucers again”) to the attention 10/24/1968 #24587 , Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects, to the Air Force. The fi 10/31/1968 #24608 car and watches operated normally. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 15, UFO No.1; 11/1/1968 #24615 use. 3 figure(s) visible / dome. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) 1'69. 11/20/1968 #24667 also seen by Robert Watts, who is flying a Cessna 150. 11/26/1968 #24718 ol Approach (GCA) reported two low flying and slow moving objects approxima 11/28/1968 #24728 At 4:10 a.m. two pilots flying over Mangamahu, New Zealand, Hard 11/29/1968 #24732 BABIOGORSKY NAT.PK, POLAND Flying 'buckle' with glowing ring / sout 12/21/1968 #24784 t to determine the nature of such ‘flying saucers.’ Such a project, the rep 1/8/1969 #24827 esently unexplainable unidentified flying objects from too many credible an 2/1/1969 #24888 saw a bright red, star-like object flying toward the north in jerky, stop a 2/8/1969 #24903 ped object flew by at low altitude flying to the southwest at high speed. 2/13/1969 #24919 is gun and when he returned saw a "flying shadow" pursuing the horses. Ther 2/16/1969 #24923 boys claimed they saw an emormous flying object while bathing in a waterfa 2/23/1969 #24940 wed the contour of the land it was flying over. After 7–8 min. the UFO veer 3/4/1969 #24963 nt of car, witness felt paralysis. Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, Sup 3/11/1969 #24996 rew members of an Air Force KC-135 flying over Thailand saw a huge black cy 3/14/1969 #25012 ake Havasu, Arizona Two pilots are flying a Cessna 150 between Phoenix and 3/17/1969 #25019 scs on the left side of the plane, flying very low and in a rough formation 3/17/1969 #25019 n 1969 a luminous, football-shaped flying object landed 3 meters from a str 3/18/1969 #25026 nger on an Eastern Airlines flight flying over Connecticut saw a shiny, dis 4/27/1969 #25098 d a crimson red, oval-shaped light flying over the area. It was completely 5/30/1969 #25169 rinkworth and Clare saw red lights flying parallel to his car, heading to t 6/4/1969 #25199 e. Odd figures. See references and Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#5. 6/15/1969 (approximate) #25216 aucer overhead. Watchdial glows. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v15#4+/ MJ#25 6/19/1969 #25223 An small flying object was reported to have lande 7/2/1969 #25245 ng. It flew away toward the south, flying in zigzags and moving up and down 7/6/1969 #25259 disappear to the southeast, still flying parallel to the power lines. 7/11/1969 #25261 ly calls for the appearance of the flying saucer beings. Many people, inclu 7/12/1969 #25263 o the northeast at moderate speed, flying at an estimated 2000 feet altitud 7/17/1969 #25275 , South Australia a pinkish object flying at high altitude first stopped in 7/17/1969 #25276 l Mr. Neusa Rodgriques saw a shiny flying disc stop and remain stationary f 7/18/1969 #25280 On this day a shining flying saucer stopped and remained stati 7/18/1969 #25281 se in the sky, then separated, one flying off at a low altitude, the other 7/20/1969 #25282 Set down far ahead. Stops truck. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#5. 7/23/1969 #25292 ce. It returned a short time later flying to the northwest. 7/25/1969 #25299 ed three luminous triangular craft flying toward >E in a V formation over t 8/12/1969 #25320 d. Deep tripod indents / center. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#2. 9/4/1969 #25350 Flying from Chicago, Illinois to Clevela 9/11/1969 #25364 e last chapter is on “Unidentified Flying Objects” and concludes that the “ 10/1969 #25389 oyan, Charente-Maritime, France by flying in front of the vehicle and swayi 10/11/1969 #25407 adds that “reports of unidentified flying objects which could affect nation 10/20/1969 #25418 de and two to starboard, and begin flying in ellipses between the ship and 10/24/1969 #25422 nton and Chapin, saw an egg-shaped flying object with a flat bottom, the si 10/30/1969 #25440 itude. Going [to] fast when lit. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v18#2. / r41p 10/31/1969 #25442 While flying from Toronto Island Airport south 12/5/1969 #25489 l two-day segment on “Unidentified Flying Objects” at its annual meeting in 12/26/1969 #25509 rst noticed a black, saucer-shaped flying object with a flat bottom hoverin 12/27/1969 #25510 S Air Force C-5A Galaxy transport, flying at 500 mph at 37,000 feet, encoun 1970 #25522 ]. An RAF officer on detachment is flying the aircraft, and he describes th 1970 #25522 nded by red, green, and yellow and flying at 75,000 feet. 1970 #25522 a red disc-shaped object was seen flying at a very low altitude. The witne 1/5/1970 #25536 partment, France encountered a low flying, slow moving, 10 meter long sausa 1/13/1970 #25546 ghts out for 10 minute(s) after. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#5. 1/30/1970 #25561 il 10 minutes after UFOs departed. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 16, No. 5; se 1/30/1970 #25562 hat appear in the July/August 1970 Flying Saucer Review. But the UFO is act 3/28/1970 #25613 ialize. The term “DFO” or “Douglas Flying Object” is given as a reference t 4/5/1970 #25625 ollo 13 etc. Walks through wall! / Flying Saucer Review (FSR)? 4/15/1970 #25630 oud cigar, that is, a cigar-shaped flying object surrounded by an artificia 6/1/1970 #25686 predator at around two a.m. A low flying hovering object, with its top an 6/2/1970 #25688 away when they see 3 silvery discs flying end-to-end in the direction of th 7/1970 #25723 In 1970 an unidentified flying object described as looking like 7/21/1970 #25743 (or Greys) from 23cm saucer etc. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#6+v28#5. 8/19/1970 #25795 ia radar picked up an unidentified flying object, and an orange, yellow, an 10/5/1970 #25870 itnesses saw a elongated, luminous flying object. Their car radio had heavy 10/5/1970 #25870 piece of paper on which he drew a flying saucer, without knowing why. The 11/24/1970 #25917 e, Japan, when he sees 5–6 objects flying in formation on a straight path f 11/29/1970 #25922 named Arai sight five or six discs flying in formation over Tatebayasi City 11/29/1970 #25923 quickly encircled a private plane flying from the islands of Bimini to And 12/4/1970 #25926 ises as observer(s) nears. Glow. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR.) 12/7/1970 #25930 ple eyewitness testimony of lights flying erratically over the crash site. 1/1971 #25962 e. They then tilted and separated, flying toward the south. Less than three 1/2/1971 #25968 etallic object with an orange glow flying over Dennis, Massachusetts. It de 1/7/1971 #25982 from the north when they saw a low flying object that "looked like a bat" c 1/22/1971 #25997 omeone who believes in “little men flying around in the sky.” 3/2/1971 #26038 indow. Man sucked through glass. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#4. 4/2/1971 #26063 t a very long cigar-shaped object, flying from the east to the southwest. A 4/23/1971 #26079 / 5 minute(s). Spirals going up. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v24#3. 5/3/1971 #26098 lights dimmed, engine lost power. Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, Sup 5/25/1971 #26134 ts, each about 6 meters in length, flying rapidly toward the west. The obje 6/5/1971 #26158 interior illuminated by a big, low flying, circular UFO. It was green in co 6/9/1971 #26163 imated altitude of 200 feet before flying out of sight. 6/28/1971 #26200 placed edge to edge, paced a plane flying from Belo Horizonte to Uberaba, M 8/9/1971 #26278 lear plants. Videos and disinfo. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v25#3p02. 8/17/1971 #26292 Rica 8:25 a.m. Pilot Omar Arias is flying a twin-engine Canadian Aero-Comma 9/4/1971 #26317 government at 08:25 am (EDT) while flying at 10,000 feet altitude over Lago 9/4/1971 #26319 t seemed to extinguish all light. (Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, Sup 9/20/1971 #26353 d seeing the same or a similar UFO flying low over the area, including a ma 9/20/1971 #26354 feet altitude from a DC-9 airliner flying 40 miles southwest of Lanejevo, Y 9/20/1971 #26355 IX, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Flying metallic carrot with halo hovers. 10/1/1971 #26396 ed observing "a bright white cloud flying in circles but traveling in a wes 10/12/1971 #26421 t of Yugoslavia) a cloud of dense "flying smoke" one kilometer long and 1 m 10/13/1971 #26422 , HEBEI, CH Several observer(s). 2 flying woks / sharp relief / clear sky. 10/28/1971 (approximate) #26433 Two "flying woks" were seen in sharp relief i 10/28/1971 #26436 kbourne AIr Force Base. The object flying at an altitude of approximately 5 11/6/1971 #26463 down. 180° turn going northeast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v18#3. 11/14/1971 #26471 ce at 1:30 in the early morning. A flying disc made a sharp 90 degree turn 11/14/1971 #26472 After sunset. Norman W. Kasting is flying on a commercial airliner between 12/20/1971 #26509 ft and 10–20 feet below its level, flying faster than the plane. The object 12/20/1971 #26509 established to test fly a captured flying saucer. This was an alleged ongoi 1972 #26526 / 1h. Back / 3 weeks. / r30p370+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#5. 1/25/1972 #26553 100 yards in front of the witness, flying right in front of his car around 2/11/1972 #26571 who can prove that an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) came from outer spac 3/12/1972 #26601 ns of Upper Austria, at 11:35 p.m. Flying between Krems and Linz, Austria a 3/18/1972 #26616 s confirmed that no planes were up flying at the time. 4/6/1972 #26639 and then made fantastic maneuvers, flying off to the west. 4/18/1972 #26651 COLLESANO, ITL 2 observer(s). Flying gas-bottle hovers / 40cm altitude 5/1972 #26665 rb/globe. Dam explodes / 8 July. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v18#5. 6/26/1972 #26733 he notices a dozen whitish objects flying about randomly at a low altitude. 7/5/1972 #26774 South Africa. At 10:15 p.m. a huge flying sphere hovered only seven meters 7/5/1972 #26775 Spins low over house. / r166p48+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v18#6. 7/7/1972 #26782 Australian Annual Flying Saucer Review Dartmouth 9:15 p.m. 7/25/1972 #26833 Maureen Puddy,” Australian Annual Flying Saucer Review, 1983, pp. 4–9; Jud 7/25/1972 #26833 ll over/all about / 3 minute(s). / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v18#5. 7/31/1972 #26847 ast / 600' altitude over Vienna. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#1. 8/3/1972 #26868 BELGIUM Observer(s) / DC3 flight. Flying cylinder/cylindrical object. / Ga 8/6/1972 #26878 eping sound, radiator boiled over. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 18, No. 6; se 8/21/1972 #26944 Daryle Brown and two copilots are flying a Wardair airliner at 22,000 feet 10/23/1972 #27087 FO approached an airliner that was flying 160 miles northeast of Churchill, 10/23/1972 #27089 r fish farm. Going quickly west. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#6+/ LDLN# 11/2/1972 #27104 n Romania when he sees an oval UFO flying parallel to the ridge of a roof. 12/1972 #27158 adar at the base tracks the object flying north to south at 3,700 mph at a 12/1972 #27158 see a fiery, square-shaped object flying close to the ground, lighting up 12/2/1972 #27160 d straight toward their vessel and flying low over the waves. It stops abov 12/24/1972 #27187 nojos, Spain a fiery square-shaped flying object flew close to the ground a 12/31/1972 #27197 t flew over car, engine restarted. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 19, No. 3; se 1/1/1973 #27208 hted two silver discs at 9:15 a.m. flying at a high altitude and heading to 1/1/1973 #27211 ounty, Ontario, Canada. A very low flying maneuvering light also paced a ca 1/11/1973 #27231 A round flying object reportedly hit several tre 1/14/1973 #27237 DURBAN, RSA Dogs bark. Flying chandelier! 10' circle / brown du 2/9/1973 #27274 . Electro-magnetic effect (EME). / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v19#2. 2/9/1973 #27276 arted by itself when UFO departed. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 19, No. 2; se 2/9/1973 #27278 Mill Spring sees a similar object flying low near her farmhouse. 2/21/1973 #27305 A very low flying disc-shaped object was seen by tw 2/22/1973 #27311 LION, ALTA 2 separate observer(s). Flying oil-rig / low altitude. / Vermili 3/5/1973 #27332 d. A silver-colored, Saturn-shaped flying object showed up in the print whe 3/7/1973 #27337 field. Disc-shaped craft were seen flying at high and low altitudes.Photogr 3/14/1973 #27347 LME, BELGIUM 1 observer terrified. Flying steeple or spire with windows. No 3/23/1973 #27366 objects they had seen earlier now flying near the shore. One of them dropp 3/29/1973 #27390 and one other witness at 2500 feet flying southeast of Piedmont, Missouri. 4/12/1973 #27427 laimed to have seen an oval shaped flying craft, "with two figures like peo 5/1973 #27459 L 10:00 p.m. A large "unidentified flying object with an orange glow" was s 5/18/1973 #27505 reys) / road. Beam destroys truck. Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v19#6+IFS#23. 5/22/1973 #27515 ht beam shone onto car, heat felt. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 21, No. 3-4; 5/22/1973 #27517 ur lights (white, red, red, white) flying silently overhead at an altitude 5/24/1973 #27527 o, Brazil 2:00 a.m. saw a luminous flying object approaching her property. 5/27/1973 #27532 goes to her porch door, she sees a flying object hovering above the roof of 5/27/1973 #27533 she looked out she saw a luminous flying object approaching her property. 5/27/1973 #27535 ng southwest. Same observer(s) saw flying box / 1970. 6/1973 #27541 ion felt, later intense headaches. Flying Saucer Review Case Histories, Sup 6/7/1973 #27556 had seen a silver, gray and black flying object emitting a green mellow li 6/14/1973 #27566 shaped like a pot (truncated cone) flying rapidly toward him at low altitud 6/14/1973 #27567 VERGEM, BELGIUM 3 observer(s). Low flying disk going [to] over town. / GESA 6/23/1973 #27582 A procession of unidentified flying objects was witnessed twice in th 6/26/1973 #27587 llowed it for a few moments before flying out over the sea. A newspaperman 7/9/1973 #27625 el Romera Fernandez de Cordoba was flying a forest fire aircraft he saw a s 7/16/1973 #27634 urned, engine restarted by itself. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 23, No. 6; se 7/21/1973 #27644 Canadian Pacific Air Lines DC-8 is flying west at 31,000 feet above the eas 7/25/1973 #27650 Princeton, IN Three see flying saucer during thunderstorm (NICAP 8/1973 #27670 At 10:00 p.m. a flying boxcar-shaped UFO buzzed a car wi 8/4/1973 #27682 men search / river mud. Vanish! / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v21#5. 8/10/1973 #27689 ge circular craft something like a flying saucer. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 9/8/1973 #27782 VALLEJO, CA 1 observer. "Flying ashtray" goes over town. / Vallej 9/9/1973 #27791 wo successive F-4 jet interceptors flying above Tehran, Iran attempted to c 9/19/1973 #27839 FT. WAYNE, IN Huge "flying oceanliner" going [to] behind tre 9/23/1973 #27855 .m. a huge object, described as a "flying oceanliner," was seen from a resi 9/23/1973 #27862 A Spanish Air Force Mirage jet was flying at 20,000 feet 24 nautical miles 9/26/1973 #27871 s officers trailed an unidentified flying object {UFO) from the edge of Qui 9/29/1973 #27886 nd. Physical traces. Top Secret. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#5p33+/ r1 10/7/1973 #27962 least 15 sightings of unidentified flying objects "covered with red, green 10/10/1973 #27980 adar, apparently because they were flying too low. A New Lebanon Township, 10/10/1973 #27984 io to watch two plate-like objects flying around. The Ohio State Highway Pa 10/11/1973 #28001 lder, Colorado from high overhead, flying at a steady speed. Strung out of 10/11/1973 #28008 na 4:00 a.m. A commercial pilot is flying a Piper PA-32 Cherokee Six near M 10/12/1973 #28017 s wife and two children spotted a "flying saucer like" object. (NICAP: 01 - 10/13/1973 #28019 lliams said he saw an unidentified flying object that "took off from the gr 10/15/1973 #28046 tric man" peeks going [to] door! / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#5. 10/16/1973 #28068 e tries / grab 2 kids with claw. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v21#1. 10/17/1973 #28099 d webbing between its legs like a "flying squirrel." It had feather like ob 10/17/1973 #28140 ld, OH Capt. Lawrence Coyne, while flying an Army helicopter with three oth 10/18/1973 #28144 ley, and Spec5 Robert Yanacsek) is flying an Army Reserve UH-1 Huey helicop 10/18/1973 #28172 ro-magnetic effects) and shakes. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#4p12+r79p 10/19/1973 #28182 ine(s)/airliner exec and 1. Silent flying wing makes 5 passes going east to 10/22/1973 #28233 ient data report of an object seen flying over a train. (NICAP: 01 - Distan 10/22/1973 #28237 o the southeast. An object is seen flying above a train at Maunie, Illinois 10/22/1973 #28240 y fence. Missing time? / r178p17+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#1p3. 10/25/1973 #28280 him to a nearby clearing, where a flying craft now appeared overhead, shoo 11/3/1973 #28362 her family of six observed two low flying, brilliant red lights that flew o 11/8/1973 #28394 r reports of nocturnal lights seen flying in the sky that evening came from 11/13/1973 #28418 oward Montreal by a luminous white flying ball of light. It was perhaps the 11/18/1973 #28444 NROW, MANCHESTER, ENGL 1 observer. Flying "tadpole". Also huge night light 11/27/1973 #28470 ALTURAS DE BAYAMON, PR 1 observer. Flying egg shape seen. No further detail 11/29/1973 #28478 Mr. & Mrs. Dotson sighted a silent flying triangle with rounded corners, an 11/29/1973 #28482 . Going quickly west. / LDLN#133+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#2. 11/30/1973 #28485 view, the object at once made off, flying in a most irregular fashion, mane 11/30/1973 #28490 and glows. Fades to night light. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#1+Le Soir 12/2/1973 #28498 with beam. Going quickly north. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#1+/ r4p21 12/2/1973 #28499 lvania observed a UFO with lights "flying funny" up and down the Delaware R 12/2/1973 #28507 souri a farmer reported that a low flying UFO frightened his livestock. 12/3/1973 #28515 to] and going quickly southwest. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#1. 12/6/1973 #28531 Diego County, California spotted a flying saucer from their school classroo 12/10/1973 #28552 Malaga, Spain "Circular, like a flying saucer, had an intense red light. 12/11/1973 #28555 y, Florida Mr. & Mrs. McGhee saw a flying object as big as a 4-5 houses, th 12/13/1973 #28570 ost collides with the plane before flying straight up at abrupt speed befor 12/28/1973 #28612 ds / end! Traces and footprints. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#1+/ r246p 12/31/1973 #28618 the ground was an orange pulsating flying saucer. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 1/4/1974 #28643 suburbs of Chicago followed a low flying UFO in Berwyn, Illinois at around 1/4/1974 #28644 t was hovering an orange pulsating flying saucer, only a few feet off the g 1/6/1974 #28654 ork spotted what he described as a flying saucer near a gravel pit in this 1/22/1974 #28690 the crew of a Boeing 727 airliner flying near Lisbon, Portugal, see a V- f 1/26/1974 #28709 rew of his SAS Boeing 727 airliner flying east of Lisbon, Portugal encounte 1/26/1974 #28710 lowing orange disc-shaped objects, flying at 31,000 feet altitude. 1/26/1974 #28710 ht instructor and his student were flying over the Pacific Ocean off the co 1/29/1974 #28713 Stuart, FL An unidentified flying object was reported to have lande 2/17/1974 #28777 n/entity dig / roadbank / tools. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#3+4. 3/22/1974 #28925 igure(s). Asked / remain silent. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v32#5. 3/23/1974 #28927 shore. White spot / black rocks. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#4+/ r50. 3/27/1974 #28959 Paralyzed. Going quickly south. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v22#6. 3/28/1974 #28965 100M ovoid just over sea / 0300h. Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#3. 3/28/1974 #28966 thrash. Big noise. Going south. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#3+/ r50. 3/31/1974 #28975 lentuna, Sweden drew a sketch of a flying saucer, for no apparent reason. S 4/27/1974 #29067 then went to the window and saw a flying disc up so close that it filled t 4/27/1974 #29067 Air Force Base at 1:10 a.m. a low flying, orange colored UFO was seen by a 4/28/1974 #29069 Antonio de los Santos Montiel was flying en route from Guerrero state to M 5/2/1974 #29079 spins and away. Grey crud found. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#4. 5/28/1974 #29139 / plane passes. Spin and sparks. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#4. 6/6/1974 #29167 a and Lt. Col. Toshio Nakamura are flying an F-4EJ Phantom II interceptor o 6/9/1974 #29175 shaped like a pot (truncated cone) flying rapidly toward him at low altitud 6/14/1974 #29190 light, then a "pot-shaped" object flying rapidly towards him at a low alti 6/14/1974 #29193 sunny afternoon a strange metallic flying object flew around over the sea o 6/18/1974 #29212 aw the silent, bright shiny object flying very low along the shore. It rema 6/18/1974 #29212 n route to Burlington, Vermont, is flying at 35,000 feet 35–40 miles southe 7/14/1974 #29259 . At the same time, C. W. Bacon is flying a private jet about 35 miles sout 7/14/1974 #29259 med ovoid within 300' / cruiser. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#4. 8/12/1974 #29327 2nd Street in New York City. It is flying less than 100 feet away and moves 8/23/1974 #29379 ision occurs with a small aircraft flying from El Paso to Mexico City. Debr 8/25/1974 #29386 MAROILLES, FR Dark flying coffin. Lights blink / ends. Skim 9/4/1974 #29421 At 11:20 a.m. a pilot flying at 1200 feet, heading southeast o 9/6/1974 #29427 tely. Shocks and odors. / r79p63+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v21#5. 9/16/1974 #29458 been given a ride in their craft, flying over Lake Ontario, and was then t 9/21/1974 #29468 size of a Boeing 747, was sighted flying to the south on a wavy trajectory 9/28/1974 #29489 reported spotting an unidentified flying object on the south side of the r 10/10/1974 #29510 lta-shaped object followed a plane flying 65 kilometers northwest of Gander 10/10/1974 #29513 radio show to promote the upcoming Flying Saucer Symposium by PSI Conferenc 10/11/1974 #29521 observer(s). Power outage. Rounded flying box with antenna puffs smoke. 10/20/1974 #29546 pencer Carr gives a lecture at the Flying Saucer Symposium at the Internati 11/2/1974 #29580 suit rides 60cm box. Going east. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#34. 11/15/1974? #29595 he saw two bright luminous objects flying low over some nearby houses. He p 11/21/1974 #29601 7 IB aircraft for one minute while flying between Tenerife and Las Palmas i 11/24/1974 #29606 ar object paced a private aircraft flying over Shabbona, Illiniois. It sudd 11/24/1974 #29607 inois 11:43 a.m. Hugo W. Feugen is flying his own Aeronca Champion aircraft 11/28/1974 #29619 is left, he sees a disc or ellipse flying parallel to his aircraft at the s 11/28/1974 #29619 A pilot, Hugo W. Feugen, flying over Shabonna, Illinois at 12:10 11/28/1974 #29620 with a dull silver color, that was flying parallel to his Aeronca Champ air 11/28/1974 #29620 on the perimeter of a large, dark flying object. The object hovered at a l 12/1/1974 #29627 ower edge. He estimates that it is flying at 5,000 feet altitude traveling 1/2/1975 #29701 otographs of a 25-foot square UFO, flying below the clouds. Mr. and Mrs. Li 1/2/1975 #29704 itnesses who briefly witnessed the flying disc in Brownstown. 1/5/1975 #29724 and two Air National Guard pilots flying in the area. 1/15/1975 #29752 Col. Lobet. No further details. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v25#3. 2/16/1975 #29813 . It came from the Patagonian mesa flying out to sea and made a loud buzzin 3/2/1975 #29869 rted seeing two human-like figures flying around outside the craft, using w 3/6/1975 #29875 unty pursued a delta-shaped object flying northeast toward Sampson County. 4/3/1975 #29945 med Lewis pursued a V-shaped craft flying to the northeast toward Red Sprin 4/3/1975 #29950 unty pursued a delta-shaped object flying northeast toward Sampson County. 4/3/1975 #29953 med Lewis pursued a V-shaped craft flying to the northeast toward Red Sprin 4/3/1975 #29953 object was sighted. The object was flying in a north- westerly direction at 4/10/1975 #29984 s Antonio de los Santos Montiel is flying a Piper PA-24 Comanche from Zihua 5/3/1975 #30026 While flying over Lake Tequesquitengo at 1:34 5/3/1975 #30029 three silvery UFOs with portholes flying in formation ahead and closing in 5/6/1975 #30041 raft testing equipment for an hour flying from Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio. 5/6/1975 #30043 es--in a car followed a dark ovoid flying object in the mountains west of T 5/7/1975 #30047 Tasmania 4:10 p.m. A solid looking flying object, trailing exhaust, flew no 5/12/1975 #30051 At 4:10 p.m. a solid looking flying object, trailing exhaust, flew no 5/12/1975 #30053 At around 9 p.m. an octagonal flying object with an illuminated cross- 5/31/1975 #30071 two luminous ovoid-shaped objects flying over some nearby trees. The UFOs 6/6/1975 #30090 ed metallic disc flew past a plane flying near Williams Air Force Base. The 7/20/1975 #30191 ed metallic disc flew past a plane flying near Williams Air Force Base in A 7/20/1975 #30193 h / missing time. Bruises. Hoax? / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v21#4+/ r244# 7/26/1975 #30206 and follows van. Rises and away. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v22#2. 8/4/1975 #30233 rt 9:35 p.m. Maj. Claude Riddle is flying a helicopter at 900 feet while ap 8/14/1975 #30270 ir National Guard helicopter pilot flying in the air at 9:35 p.m. and in co 8/14/1975 #30271 gland a nocturnal light followed a flying triangular shaped object to the e 8/16/1975 #30280 ith four other crew members. He is flying at 3,500 feet and is already on t 9/1975? #30333 iques, France before ascending and flying off to the west. 10/22/1975 #30460 ks the circling pattern and begins flying toward Grand Falls, New Brunswick 10/27/1975 #30488 O), possibly two, had been sighted flying low over Loring AFB, Maine, in pr 10/29/1975 #30506 eturning from a refueling mission, flying at a speed of 200 knots, and an a 10/30/1975 #30523 ey saw the running lights of a low flying craft they thought was a helicopt 10/30/1975 #30523 w, observed an unidentified object flying 10 miles south of Bowden, Alberta 11/5/1975 #30559 he cutters shouts: “My God! It’s a flying saucer!” Walton then steps out of 11/5/1975 #30562 me Department employee saw a light flying directly behind a B-52 bomber. Us 11/11/1975 #30606 ezeout Lake, Montana, sees a light flying directly behind a B-52 bomber. Us 11/11/1975 #30610 Pacific, MO A red flying object approached a car driven by 11/15/1975 #30625 Also in 1975, a red flying object approached a car driven by 11/15/1975 #30628 -1.5 km. away; suddenly flew away. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 22, No. 6; se 11/16/1975 #30632 -1.5 km. away; suddenly flew away. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 22, No. 6; se 11/16/1975 #30634 o men, Auman and Andrews, who were flying at 4,000 feet altitude 15 miles n 11/22/1975 #30653 orts of unmarked black helicopters flying around missile sites and nearby t 12/2/1975 #30680 Montville, NJ Evening. A flying object with two large clear light 12/5/1975 #30687 orward. On that same night another flying object with two large clear light 12/5/1975 #30688 by HT lines. Vanishes / seconds. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v12#8. 12/8/1975 #30692 Freeze Out Lake, MT 5:00 p.m. UFO flying near B-52. (NIDS UFO 35) (NICAP: 12/9/1975 #30700 t by. Observer(s) runs in panic. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v12#8. 12/14/1975 #30712 altitude. Then up and away fast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v12#8. 1/1/1976 #30752 und. Shape unknown / too bright! / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v12#8. 1/7/1976 #30772 side. Portholes and more/others. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v22#2. 1/21/1976 #30805 the sheriff's office to report a "flying saucer." Sheriff deputies were di 2/10/1976 #30861 5 p.m. PST 8-10 discs were sighted flying in a V formation over Rancho Cord 2/18/1976 #30879 5 p.m. PST 8-10 discs were sighted flying in a V formation over Rancho Cord 2/18/1976 #30882 ight. Claude Bosc, a student pilot flying a French Air Force T-33 on a trai 3/3/1976 #30921 s, Spain An Iberian Airlines pilot flying above Palma de Mallorca, Balearic 3/11/1976 #30936 . Two objects are tracked on radar flying over the landing strips at Simón 3/15/1976 #30943 In 1976 a flying disc paced a car with three peopl 3/19/1976 #30949 beam of white light from an unseen flying object in Quixada, Brazil. The en 3/30/1976 #30969 iately it begins manufacturing two flying Have Blue prototypes in Skunk Wor 4/1976 #30971 soon hears a buzzing sound, and a flying object 10 feet in diameter positi 4/3/1976 #30983 and 300 feet in diameter, and was flying at 3,000 feet altitude. It moved 4/21/1976 #31005 ndchildren saw a domed disc slowly flying by in the sky over Wilrijk, Belgi 5/4/1976 #31036 ver objects pacing a KC-135 tanker flying over William AFB, Candler, Califo 5/13/1976 #31049 ld next to triangular pod marks. A flying disc was seen that same evening. 6/13/1976 #31105 indmill. 2 hours / missing time. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v38#2. 6/15/1976 (approximate) #31110 o'clock at night. They then saw a flying humanoid as big as a man, with gl 7/3/1976 #31147 Spain when they saw from behind a flying or levitating humanoid being “ove 7/15/1976 #31165 2E piloted by Capt. Dennis Wood is flying at 29,000 feet over the North Atl 7/30/1976 #31203 a Lockheed L-1011 TriStar that is flying near them and asks for a confirma 7/30/1976 #31203 is picture, appeared below the low flying disk. Finally it flew off. 8/1/1976 #31219 Monastir to Tunis, Tunisia, sees a flying object at 3,200–3,900 feet moving 8/3/1976 #31226 he pilot of a Piper Arrow PA-28 is flying at 3,500 feet between Diepholz an 8/13/1976 #31261 1 feet in diameter, with antennae, flying over Dossenheim-sur-Zinsel, Bas-R 8/22/1976 #31291 ), silver-colored, silent cylinder flying at about 50 mph to the south. It 9/1/1976 #31324 e approaches the house, he spots a flying object in the shape of a deep dis 9/3/1976 #31335 -glow "being" follows car / 1.5km! Flying sphere / 20M altitude by. 9/18/1976 #31391 , luminous circular object is seen flying southwest to northwest (parallel 9/19/1976 #31409 Duarte, Alexio, Graca, and Santos, flying over the Atlantic Ocean between t 9/19/1976 #31412 cer of the Portuguese airline TAP, flying a Boeing 707 airliner at 4000 fee 9/19/1976 #31413 luminous domed disc-shaped object flying horizontally over some woods in L 10/28/1976 #31503 a yellow, illuminated rectangular flying object was seen on the ground. Th 10/30/1976 #31511 XIAN, HUBEI, CH Many observer(s). Flying wok blows steam / 3 min. Suddenly 11/1976 (approximate) #31514 low near their car. One descends, flying over some woods, while the other 11/4/1976 #31522 r / military control tower. Bright flying disk. No further details. 11/5/1976 #31523 cts about 50 feet in diameter, one flying at an angle behind the other. Bot 11/10/1976 #31538 eadlights, and saw a metallic gray flying saucer hovering motionless 3 mete 12/10/1976 #31594 he sees two bright flashing lights flying west to east. As the object passe 12/15/1976 #31604 lue violet in color, was also seen flying in the same direction over Algeci 12/20/1976 #31627 He claims to have seen photos of a flying saucer embedded in snow and surro 1977 #31650 Sheehan claims to see photos of a flying disc embedded in snow surrounded 1977 #31659 graphs of four disc-shaped objects flying in a procession of objects. Their 1/5/1977 #31702 te lights around its base. It came flying in from the north and landed on t 1/6/1977 #31707 Indian Air Force jet transport is flying 42 miles west of Varanasi, India, 1/11/1977 #31717 lear and cloudless morning a giant flying saucer appeared over the southwes 1/16/1977 #31724 lear and cloudless morning a giant flying saucer appeared over the southwes 1/16/1977 #31725 ri 8:30 p.m. Two helicopter pilots flying south at 60 mph near Carthage, Mi 2/1/1977 #31775 ters with glowing red cabin lights flying very low over the adjacent school 2/10/1977 #31808 endently see a cigar-shaped object flying horizontally above the school pla 2/16/1977 #31820 rth Wales, when they see an object flying north. It has a black dome on top 2/16/1977 #31821 navigator Capt. Jean-Paul Abraham, flying a Dassault Mirage IV supersonic b 3/7/1977 #31873 from the rear right. The pilot is flying at Mach 0.98 and makes a turn to 3/7/1977 #31873 hiopian Airlines Flight ET-701 are flying near Qarun Lake, Egypt, when they 3/9/1977 #31885 with two larger ones in the lead, flying southeast. They are the color of 3/9/1977 #31885 p.m. United Airlines Flight 94 is flying south of Syracuse, New York, on a 3/12/1977 #31901 rt in Tehran, Iran, see 20–25 UFOs flying from the desert toward the city. Mid 3/1977 #31908 passengers of an Iranian airliner flying at more than 6 miles altitude abo Mid 3/1977 #31908 sating glow, then approaches them, flying on the south side of the road at 3/19/1977 #31917 ey saw the UFO approach the river, flying very low, and it skimmed over the 4/6/1977 #31953 orum and copilot Richard Drzal are flying a DC-10, Northwest Orient Flight 4/23/1977 #32017 ooked like an inverted plate while flying over Tabio, Cundinamarca province 5/5/1977 #32058 ooked like an inverted plate while flying over Tabio, Cundinamarca province 5/5/1977 #32059 which was in view 30-seconds, was flying against the wind. (IUR,2,6) (NICA 5/8/1977 #32071 the sky above Rome, Georgia. It is flying at a tilt, and on the bottom is a 5/10/1977 #32082 rs to drop 7–8 red flares as it is flying southbound in a straight path. 5/15/1977 #32095 . The UFO was seen again that day, flying seaward, and large footprints wer 5/15/1977 #32096 watches it through his rifle scope flying horizontally then taking off at g 5/16/1977 #32098 MEMPHIS, TN 5 cops. 300' "flying Christmas tree" soars over city. 5/17/1977 #32099 146 (E), specifying “unidentified flying objects” as something that must b 5/17/1977 #32105 A SWAT team witnessed a "flying Xmas tree" soar over the city of 5/17/1977 #32108 ted by Flight Lt. David Edwards is flying at 28,000 feet over the Bay of Bi 5/26/1977 #32133 les; heat felt, mass displacement. Flying Saucer Review, Vol. 23, No. 5; se 6/6/1977 #32150 noon. José Francisco Rodrigues is flying a Portuguese Air Force Dornier Do 6/17/1977 #32171 hborhood family also witnessed the flying lights. A missing time experience 6/26/1977 #32198 ject enveloped in a "heat of haze" flying at 1,800 to 2,000 feet. (Referenc 7/1/1977 #32224 na, two objects appear in the sky, flying low. They emit an intense orange 7/7/1977 #32245 A daylight disc was observed flying over West Springfield, Massachuse 7/14/1977 #32271 , sees a white cigar-shaped object flying southbound from low in the wester 8/1/1977 #32344 Bogea was chased by a delta-shaped flying object through the forest. He rep 8/10/1977 #32374 Bogea was chased by a delta-shaped flying object through the forest in Pinh 8/10/1977 #32378 ddenly noticed a disc-shaped craft flying above a nearby palm grove. The cr 8/31/1977 #32444 ddenly noticed a disc-shaped craft flying above a nearby palm grove. The cr 8/31/1977 #32447 was en route to work when he saw a flying saucer in a field that looked lik 9/15/1977 #32485 sex, England, sees a silent object flying at 300 feet altitude while waitin Fall 1977 #32515 / 01 November. Dies / 12 hours. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v41#2. 10/19/1977 #32590 lot of its position. The object is flying at 10,000–12,000 feet and seems s 10/26/1977 #32617 d in front of a USAF T-38 aircraft flying from Abilene to Dallas, Texas. It 10/26/1977 #32620 Johnny Myrh and Frank Sverre see a flying object approaching from the north 11/1/1977 #32651 40-year-old fisherman, saw a light flying north at medium speed while fishi 11/1/1977 #32652 ircular or elliptical ball of fire flying at tremendous speed. 11/2/1977 #32656 en he witnessed a very bright blue flying light at great distance, which st 11/3/1977 #32657 d comes alongside a small aircraft flying at 13,000 feet between Vichy and 11/18/1977 #32686 sightings of reddish yellow lights flying over Belem, Para State, Brazil at 11/22/1977 #32692 ld pilot Ivaldo Viegas Pantoja was flying from Colarfes and spotted the dul 11/23/1977 #32694 . a UFO came out of the southwest, flying over a ranch following some high 11/24/1977 #32698 Ron Arey and Howard Dellinger are flying in a Bell Jetranger police helico 12/27/1977 #32814 n sequence. It was estimated to be flying at only 100 meters altitude. If m 12/28/1977 #32817 Victor (in a Mustang II 4954) are flying over Santa Monica, California, at 1/1/1978 #32841 ont cafe saw a bright bluish light flying low over the ocean descend at a s 1/6/1978 #32855 :30 p.m. saw a bright bluish light flying low over the ocean descend at a s 1/6/1978 #32856 unty, IN A single engine Sundowner flying from Evansville, Indiana to Cinci 1/15/1978 #32884 incinnati, Ohio, encountered a UFO flying a collision course approximately 1/15/1978 #32884 nd girlfriend, related that he was flying at 5,500' when he spotted two bri 1/15/1978 #32884 anuary 18, 1978, UFOs were sighted flying over Fort Dix and McGuire AFB, ad 1/18/1978 #32889 0 midnight. A flight instructor is flying his Cessna 172 to Opalocka, Flori 1/27/1978 #32918 d reflects the moonlight. They are flying in a ragged straight line, approx 1/27/1978 #32918 when the looks back the object is flying away to the northeast, leaving be 2/2/1978 #32946 disappears as the larger object is flying loops, dropping down behind the h 2/5/1978 #32955 At 8:00 p.m. a corporate pilot flying northwest of Klamath Falls, Orego 2/5/1978 #32958 za, Italy Pilot Luciano Ascione is flying northbound at 2,600 feet 75 miles 3/9/1978 #33021 then levitated up into a hovering flying object that had three spheres on 3/24/1978 #33079 adio Frequency Interference (RFI)? Flying boxcar covered / lights crosses f 3/30/1978 #33099 A "flying boxcar" covered with lights cross 3/30/1978 #33102 irport An Iranian airline pilot is flying between Ahvaz and Tehran, Iran, w 4/1978 #33111 n, Iran, when he sees a glittering flying object. He manages to photograph 4/1978 #33111 A low flying oval-shaped object with an estima 4/8/1978 #33132 / JUDA, WI Jake Kaderly. Dark red flying ovoid / 2 minute(s). Report going 4/24/1978 #33162 esidents saw 50 greenish-blue UFOs flying over the city. In the midst of a 5/4/1978 #33187 uarters. On the same day a strange flying object fell to earth in a mountai 5/6/1978 #33191 der. Adas said that the object was flying with its smallest wall forward, a 5/17/1978 #33225 is about the size of the moon and flying in a 45° angle to the direction o 5/30/1978 #33242 Namdar, the pilot of a Boeing 707 flying from Shiraz to Tehran, Iran, is d 6/11/1978 #33274 feet away and 200 feet in the air, flying parallel to the fence line. He di 6/11/1978 #33275 object surrounded by white flames flying toward them at an altitude of 11, 6/19/1978 #33291 nger of a commercial charter plane flying northwest between Madison and New 6/24/1978 #33306 w meters over the treetops was the flying disc. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 6/26/1978 #33312 w meters over the treetops was the flying disc. It had no lights and no win 6/26/1978 #33314 Ely, Nevada, and notices two jets flying overhead to the south. One is fol 7/2/1978 #33324 lstrom and Keith Sorensen, who are flying a Cessna at 120 mph and 3,500 fee 7/4/1978 #33333 r space, Iran A Lufthansa airliner flying over the northern part of Iran en 7/16/1978 #33387 A Lufthansa airliner flying over the northern part of Iran en 7/16/1978 #33391 low altitude. Antennas. Rotates. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v25#1. 7/22/1978 #33409 e. No helicopters were known to be flying on this night. 7/24/1978 #33414 China 9:40 p.m. Chinese Air Force flying instructor Sha Yongkao is pilotin 7/26/1978 #33418 Shangxi province, China. They are flying at 9,800 feet when they see two g 7/26/1978 #33418 , Michigan 7:46 p.m. Three men are flying a radio-controlled model airplane 7/27/1978 #33428 suffer temporary paralysis when a flying object buzzes their car on a high 8/1978 #33459 laimed she saw several helicopters flying around the hovering craft. 8/1/1978 #33464 ania the area was illuminated by a flying object. A nocturnal light maneuve 8/5/1978 #33477 zov near Henichesk, Ukraine, see a flying disc three times larger than the 8/8/1978 #33489 Hokkaido, Japan, pick up a target flying from the north to south-southwest 8/17/1978 #33523 red, again over Western Australia. Flying from Adelaide to Perth a Murchiso 8/22/1978 #33549 Provincetown, MA A private plane flying over Massachusetts Bay, 10 miles 8/27/1978 #33577 chusetts 1:40 p.m. Arthur Silva is flying a Cessna 150 about 10 miles north 8/27/1978 #33578 ighter. It moves off to the south, flying faster than a jet. 8/27/1978 #33579 A private plane flying over Massachusetts Bay, 10 miles 8/27/1978 #33580 t with bright red and white lights flying about 600 feet above the ground. 8/30/1978 #33603 des his horse, he senses something flying overhead. Several objects appear 9/6/1978 #33638 rez rides home with the glove, two flying objects catch up to him and emit 9/6/1978 #33638 oward home carrying the glove, two flying objects caught up with him and em 9/6/1978 #33640 na, Spain 8:35 p.m. Airline pilots flying over the Mediterranean about 88 m 9/9/1978 #33649 issouri 8:30 p.m. Richard Renne is flying his single-engine Beechcraft Bona 9/10/1978 #33655 amily had seen a shiny disc-shaped flying object hovering near their farmho 9/15/1978 #33689 aped object tilted at an angle and flying above the edge of a wooded area. 9/20/1978 #33714 when they spotted a huge dark blue flying object that had an orange glow co 9/20/1978 #33718 d two white. No sound and it moved flying sideways behind the barn and then 9/25/1978 #33747 behind the barn and then took off flying frontways. 140' imprint left in s 9/25/1978 #33747 the bottom. The object slows down, flying low, and the witnesses pass by it 9/28/1978 #33768 ting the light of the setting sun. Flying silently with its long dimension 9/28/1978 #33769 g in a rural area shot at an ovoid flying object. It dodged the bullets, th 9/29/1978 #33781 shire, watches a triangular object flying at 30 mph northward along Interst 10/20/1978 #33847 nd several other dignitaries saw a flying object hover for several minutes 10/22/1978 #33858 t in the CIA files indicates it is flying at 20,000 feet, varying from witn 10/23/1978 #33863 HANKOW = WUHAN, CH 2 kids. Flying ellipse surrounded / thin mist go 11/5/1978 #33920 n State Four military aircraft are flying over eastern Washington State whe 11/15/1978 #33957 d by military fighter pilots while flying over eastern Washington State. Al 11/15/1978 #33958 re attached to the abdomens of two flying entities, which appear to be cone 11/20/1978 #33967 Lufthansa and TWA airliner crews flying over Newfoundland both reported s 11/21/1978 #33975 it globular shaped object was seen flying at a low altitude over Leme. Seve 12/3/1978 #34055 it globular shaped object was seen flying at a low altitude over Leme, Braz 12/3/1978 #34056 ults of research into unidentified flying objects and related phenomena.” B 12/8/1978 #34076 ed working. He then saw a luminous flying object that emitted a beam of lig 12/12/1978 #34101 TH VITO DEI NORMANNI, ITL Hunters. Flying spheres / 15 minute(s). One going 12/14/1978 #34113 i, Italy a witness reported seeing flying spheres in the sky for 15 minutes 12/14/1978 #34125 ing at high speed at treetop level flying toward the east, from the area of 12/14/1978 #34126 ercept a huge luminous rectangular flying object. (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cas 12/16/1978 #34150 ing white lights. An airline pilot flying in the vicinity also reported tha 12/16/1978 #34152 ercept a huge luminous rectangular flying object. 12/16/1978 #34156 g leaf movements. An airline pilot flying in the vicinity also reported tha 12/16/1978 #34158 Mexico in the state of Coahuila a flying object exploded in the night, lig 12/16/1978 #34160 crossed the sky at a high altitude flying from west to east over the town o 12/20/1978 #34184 12:30 a.m. Capt. John B. Randle is flying an Argosy cargo plane from Blenhe 12/21/1978 #34192 ilm was taken by a news crew while flying off the eastern coast of South Is 12/31/1978 #34238 7:05 PM. A huge triangle was seen flying in the same direction. (NICAP: 01 12/31/1978 #34243 First Officer Robert Guard. While flying from Wellington to Christchurch, 12/31/1978 #34246 ilm was taken by a news crew while flying off the eastern coast of South Is 12/31/1978 #34249 attached to the bottom of a large flying object. He was suddenly struck by 12/31/1978 #34250 hat another huge triangle was seen flying in the same direction over Hull, 12/31/1978 #34251 ckyard for about 30 seconds before flying off. At 10:00 p.m. European time 12/31/1978 #34252 e, red-glowing, triangular objects flying over woods to her left. As she ro 1/5/1979 #34302 Nightly appearances of flying discs over the city of Sorocaba, 1/11/1979 #34330 (near), UK 6:00 PM. An oval-shaped flying object approached a car driving b 2/8/1979 #34410 lock in the evening an oval-shaped flying object approached a car driving b 2/8/1979 #34412 t of Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, flying at an altitude of 14,400 feet. An 2/25/1979 #34447 e flight instructor Sha Yangkao is flying a night fighter over Houma, Shanx Late 2/1979 #34448 ky from south to north, apparently flying supersonically at an altitude of Late 2/1979 #34448 bae Lee and Col. Byungsun Lim, are flying at 15,000 feet while returning fr 3/1979 #34453 m. The pilot of a private airplane flying near Hailey, Idaho, spots five or 5/26/1979 #34590 , Idaho, spots five orange objects flying in a horizontal line. They tilt, 5/26/1979 #34590 es crew, as well as private pilots flying in the area, independently report 5/29/1979 #34594 . He claims the current concept of flying discs originated in Germany in th 6/1979 #34599 A private pilot flying southeast of Clearlake, Californi 6/9/1979 #34604 x bright "doughnut" shaped objects flying at great speed. 6/9/1979 #34604 , and they are able to overtake it flying parallel to the road. It seems to 6/10/1979 #34605 rallel to the road. It seems to be flying at an altitude of 1,000 feet, and 6/10/1979 #34605 e west. 12 minutes later, it comes flying back, hovers, shoots over his car 8/1/1979 #34696 itnesses watch a triangular object flying from south to north over Herndon 8/2/1979 #34703 d objects below his plane, contour flying "on the deck" through hills and v 8/9/1979 #34721 iameter lenticular discs were seen flying together below an aircraft being 8/9/1979 #34722 lowing the contour of the land and flying in and out of the canyons below, 8/9/1979 #34722 e, Quebec 9:00 p.m. Elma l’Abbe is flying above Saint-Jovite, Quebec, in a 8/17/1979 #34752 strong wind. The UFO could be seen flying silently away. After the incident 8/19/1979 #34760 testing laboratory indicates that flying particles were responsible for th 8/27/1979 #34787 ire, England Basingstoke 2:30 p.m. Flying instructor Laurie Adlington has j 8/27/1979 #34788 ial on one side. The object begins flying around the plane for a short time 8/27/1979 #34788 oping it will return, and it does, flying from west to east and rising up s 8/27/1979 #34789 that the object is now in the air, flying slowly in a horizontal position, 8/29/1979 #34799 OROVILLE, CA Elderly couple. Flying oil-drum with stubby wings. Low a 9/3/1979 #34822 an “aluminum oil drum with wings” flying silently above Oroville, Californ 9/3/1979 #34828 sna airplane with three passengers flying 30 kilometers north of Ingolstadt 9/9/1979 #34854 "Gee, that looks like a flying saucer," thought the 38-year-old 9/9/1979 #34856 object, which paces the aircraft, flying over and around it. A similar obj 10/27/1979 #34971 fornia, watches a bright red light flying from east to the northeast. It st 11/18/1979 #35006 a wooded area near Marzano. While flying over the area he was reportedly s 12/2/1979 #35040 in 180cm figure(s) exit. Voices. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v26#5. 12/4/1979 #35047 toring a pupil aboard a Cessna 150 flying at 4,500 feet south of Bolton, Gr 12/11/1979 #35072 afuegos, Spain A man spotted a low flying whitish-orange luminous object li 2/11/1980 #35165 ding Rafael Tobajas, spotted a low flying whitish-orange luminous object li 2/11/1980 #35169 is 20 feet wide and 6–8 feet high. Flying at treetop level, it streaks sile 2/25/1980 #35182 shoots going quickly northeast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v24#2. 3/1980 #35187 t a witness reported seeing a slow flying disc-shaped UFO over the town. Th 3/6/1980 #35198 ng sound. A second object was seen flying toward the west. (NICAP: 01 - Dis 3/6/1980 #35198 t a witness reported seeing a slow flying disc-shaped UFO over the town of 3/6/1980 #35200 ng sound. A second object was seen flying toward the west. 3/6/1980 #35200 equipa, Peru, see a strange object flying in the vicinity. The base command 4/11/1980 #35269 ly metallic, Saturn-shaped objects flying very fast in formation at low alt 4/20/1980 #35278 San Jose, CA Shiny sphere flying with rapid up and down motions ob 5/2/1980 #35300 San Jose, California Shiny sphere flying with rapid up and down motions ob 5/2/1980 #35301 /globe. 3 jets chase. Very fast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v26#4. 5/7/1980 #35309 3:50 p.m. A Dutch KLM airliner is flying just over 30,000 feet above the D 5/7/1980 #35315 pilot sees a gray spherical object flying overhead, which he reports to the 5/7/1980 #35315 ans it is playing with them. It is flying some 9,800 feet above them, but t 5/7/1980 #35315 e was scrambled to intercept a UFO flying near the Mariano Melgar AFB, near 5/9/1980 #35320 elún 3:00 p.m. A civilian pilot is flying a Pirat glider near a cement mill 5/16/1980 #35336 object is accompanying the first, flying horizontally and leaving a fiery 6/14/1980 #35367 o, Argentina said that a "fleet of flying saucers" was seen by several witn 6/14/1980 #35371 . Ms. McLeod reported that two low flying, slow orange colored domed discs 6/21/1980 #35386 rres and José A. Pagán Santos, are flying an ERCO Ercoupe 415-D at 1,500 fe 6/28/1980 #35393 r. Rotates. Silent out and back. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v26#5p5. 8/23/1980 #35477 m. Flight instructor Lloyd List is flying northbound at 138 mph in a Cessna 9/4/1980 #35494 / (seen thru) binoculars. Sketch = flying rod with rounded ends. Beams / bo 9/9/1980 #35507 wo red UFOs for nine minutes while flying over Crewe, Cheshire, England at 9/21/1980 #35525 Haiti 3:43 a.m. Pan Am Flight 440, flying at 39,000 feet and piloted by Cap 9/22/1980 #35528 to within 200 feet of an airplane flying over Boca Raton, Florida near Pom 9/28/1980 #35541 ore claims that UFOs are regularly flying near Kirtland Air Force Base in A 10/26/1980 #35590 A private pilot flying near Ozona, Texas at 6:50 p.m. sa 11/3/1980 #35615 west. Going quickly east and gone. Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v27#5. 11/5/1980 #35617 m. A private pilot named Dennis is flying a Piper PA-32R-301T Turbo Saratog 11/5/1980 #35620 thwest single file. Seen widely. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v24#12. 11/11/1980 #35629 west. Power outage at same time. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v24#12. 11/11/1980 #35631 morning. It was coming from a huge flying object, "as big as a city block," 11/27/1980 #35675 panic and run from a 10-inch wide flying silver sphere that flew around fo 12/18/1980 #35729 Dayton, TX A low flying UFO was escorted by a large numbe 12/29/1980 #35752 uminum, and pointed ends. They are flying with a slight up/down motion but 1/17/1981 #35793 s of seeing a bright light quickly flying away. He described the humanoids 2/18/1981 #35832 stonia An Aeroflot YAK-40 airliner flying northwest of Tallinn, Estonia was 2/25/1981 #35843 An Aeroflot YAK-40 airliner flying northwest of Tallinn, Estonia was 2/25/1981 #35845 m. A private pilot named Dennis is flying a Piper PA-28-181 Archer II near 4/8/1981 #35887 Dennis, a flight instructor, while flying over San Luis Reservoir, Merced C 4/8/1981 #35888 the ground, and passed over a car flying off to the west. (NICAP: 02 - Clo 4/15/1981 #35897 the ground, and passed over a car flying off to the west. 4/15/1981 #35900 a 42-year-old married couple, were flying in a Cessna 210 at 1,600 feet ove 4/20/1981 #35909 or the past 2 months numerous slow flying UFOs and strange lights over the 5/1981 #35919 . He and another man watch several flying discs as they dart overhead in gr 5/4/1981 #35928 pparently accompanying an enormous flying object covered with hundreds of l 5/5/1981 #35931 ity, Shanxi, China, see a luminous flying object that splits into two parts 6/5/1981 #35952 New Mexico, when he sees an object flying west at a high altitude, 20,000–3 6/10/1981 #35961 4:45 p.m. Captain Phil Schultz is flying TWA Flight 842, a Lockheed L-1011 7/4/1981 #35987 orth 2:30 p.m. Robert H. Nelson is flying a kite on the west side of Westfi 7/15/1981 #36007 See photographs / r177 and more / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v28#1p28. 7/18/1981 #36015 ckly. Traces / dirt and powders. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v24#12. 9/5/1981 #36101 ? Falls / tree. Dies / one hour. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v27#5+/ r148p 10/17/1981 #36175 TODD CO, SD Flying turtle beams going down [to] boys 10/20/1981 #36180 bright, round object was observed flying at 180 meters altitude through th 10/31/1981 #36197 ming parachutes" / strong beams. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v28#3. 11/12/1981 #36216 forces detours / SR43. / MJ#283. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v28#2. 11/29/1981 #36237 eral nocturnal lights were sighted flying to the north over Hessdalen Valle 12/1/1981 #36241 eral nocturnal lights were sighted flying to the north over Hessdalen Valle 12/1/1981 #36242 itnesses. Known as The Case of the Flying Christmas Tree. (Complete report 12/4/1981 #36246 NIGDE, TURKEY "Flying tray" maneuvers. UFO's and electr 12/15/1981 #36255 rkey a bright light shaped like a "flying tray" hovered some 200 to 300 met 12/15/1981 #36258 dy and intense with no halo. It is flying nearly 3 miles distant and about 12/20/1981 #36271 en they see a grayish-black object flying east to west against the wind and 12/28/1981 #36279 o Brazilian Air Force F-5 fighters flying at about 5,000 feet over Passo Fu 1/3/1982 #36295 zil 3:11 AM. A large, multicolored flying object paced a commercial aircraf 2/8/1982 #36325 ices an intense light source while flying over Petrolina, Pernambuco, Brazi 2/8/1982 #36327 at 3:11 a.m. a large, multicolored flying object paced a commercial aircraf 2/8/1982 #36328 river when they encountered a low flying domed disc. (NICAP: 02 - Close En 2/10/1982 #36333 river when they encountered a low flying domed disc. The mist from the rea 2/10/1982 #36337 NEAR LAS ANIMAS, CO 2 / US50. 60' flying coffin beams going up / car. Tube 2/18/1982 #36349 , GA Three former Air Force pilots flying in a private corporate jet saw a 3/8/1982 #36382 p.m. three former Air Force pilots flying in a private corporate jet saw a 3/8/1982 #36385 t of their left wingtip. They were flying close to Metter, Georgia at the t 3/8/1982 #36385 TON, NH 2 "reliable" observer(s). "Flying cheese wedge". See reference draw 3/22/1982 #36406 t. Wayne, IN A mushroom cap shaped flying disc paced two people in a car. I 4/7/1982 #36437 A mushroom cap shaped flying disc paced two people in a car in 4/7/1982 #36439 e translucent object 500 feet long flying at 41,000 feet altitude over Dink 6/12/1982 #36499 Five Chinese Air Force pilots are flying on patrol over the northern milit 6/18/1982 #36510 Five Chinese Air Force jet pilots flying over Heilongjiang Province, China 6/18/1982 #36511 mechanical engineer on an airliner flying northwest of Launceston, Tasmania 6/27/1982 #36519 raft for two minutes, then ascend, flying off toward the north. (NICAP: 11 6/27/1982 #36519 mechanical engineer on an airliner flying northwest of Launceston, Tasmania 6/27/1982 #36522 raft for two minutes, then ascend, flying off toward the north. 6/27/1982 #36522 essed a 100 foot long ovoid object flying at 150 feet altitude. The object 8/11/1982 #36571 ly terrain in a controlled flight, flying to the southwest near power lines 8/11/1982 #36571 hi, Ukraine. It looks “just like a flying saucer,” but with no portholes an 10/4/1982 #36634 e estimates it is 60 feet wide and flying at 3,000–4,000 feet. It has brigh 10/15/1982 #36643 F Phantom is diverted from a night flying exercise to intercept the object 10/19/1982 #36654 d his father (a student pilot) are flying a 1968 Piper PA-28 Cherokee 140 a 10/24/1982 #36663 a.m. Capt. Júlio Miguel Guerra is flying a DHC-1 Chipmunk in the region of 11/2/1982 #36674 then moved slowly towards her car flying over it, making a humming sound l 11/19/1982 #36688 and directly over his watchtower, flying toward the northeast. After appro 11/25/1982 #36690 MALMBY, SWD Army capt. and 2. 30M flying bus going down / woods. 2 metalli 12/17/1982 #36717 my was out jogging and saw a huge “flying bus” with two other metallic disc 12/17/1982 #36718 a very large metallic, cylindrical flying object with structural detail up 2/3/1983 #36760 a very large metallic, cylindrical flying object with structural detail up 2/3/1983 #36761 TAMFORD, TX 1 observer. Silent 50' flying wing with 2 headlights. 50' altit 3/9/1983 #36775 MILLWOOD, NY Several observer(s). Flying city over SR120 / 133. Zigzags go 3/24/1983 #36796 ver I-684. Faint humming. 35mph. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v30#3. 3/24/1983 #36797 bject, flat with no protuberances, flying overhead across his path. (NICAP: 3/24/1983 #36802 sia, tracks an unidentified target flying at 110– 125 mph at an altitude of 3/28/1983 #36821 hrub Oak, NY 8:00 PM. Delta-shaped flying objects were seen widely over sub 3/30/1983 #36823 Delta-shaped flying objects were seen widely over sub 3/30/1983 #36825 tes on the Subject of Unidentified Flying Vehicles. The document lists UFO 4/9/1983 #36830 a pointed top and estimates it is flying at an altitude of 14.3 miles. The 4/26/1983 #36845 s. Observer(s) finds town empty. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v24#12. 4/29/1983 #36849 ject with a steel-colored covering flying at 11,0000 feet. Polish Air Force 7/7/1983 #36904 MELTON, VCT Cops and many. Flying life-raft buzzes military radio t 7/22/1983 #36918 / SHELBYVILLE, IN Large black fast flying wing stops / 300' altitude. Turns 8/2/1983 #36931 ust west of Sakhalin island) while flying over prohibited Soviet airspace. 9/1/1983 #36968 Flying Saucer Review editor Gordon Creig 10/1983 #36989 t Frank Scully’s book (“Behind the Flying Saucers”) story is true and perso 11/29/1983 #37053 terials reported to have come from flying saucer crashes were extremely lig 11/29/1983 #37058 Byron, IL A triangular flying object was sighted by three men. 12/12/1983 #37070 A triangular flying object was sighted over Byron, Il 12/12/1983 #37072 n which all sounds stopped. A gray flying object the shape of a railroad ca 12/15/1983 #37075 n which all sounds stopped. A gray flying object the shape of a railroad ca 12/15/1983 #37076 Aviation Group (Poker Squadron) is flying back to Santa Maria Air Force Bas 1984 #37096 Russia, tracks a spherical object flying along the Caspian Sea coast at 6, 1984 #37097 Arab Emirates, see a silvery disc flying at a high altitude. 1/1984 #37101 ed altitude and direction and were flying less than half a mile above the g 1/13/1984 #37129 rew of United Airlines flight 729, flying westbound at 43,000 feet, observe 1/22/1984 #37140 cabin crew of United Flight 729 is flying westbound 30 miles east of Toledo 1/22/1984 #37145 omplex abduction. See reference. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v33#1. 2/3/1984 #37174 helicopters designed to appear as flying saucers. https://ufos-scientific 3/11/1984 #37227 s scrambled to intercept an object flying at supersonic speed from north to Spring 1984 #37231 th of Senaki, Georgia. The MiG-23, flying at 16,400 feet in full afterburne Spring 1984 #37231 coastline of the Black Sea, it is flying at Mach 1.6. The pilot activates Spring 1984 #37231 object is about 300 feet long and flying at 30 mph. It moves over some wat 3/25/1984 #37245 get his paper. He observed a large flying triangle passing overheard. It wa 4/1984 #37250 with an instructor. Just as he is flying at 40,000 feet and over Mach 2 sp 4/26/1984 #37301 not confirm or deny that Bond was flying a MiG when he died and states tha 4/26/1984 #37301 hen he died and states that he was flying “an Air Force specially modified 4/26/1984 #37301 allic ovoid or football-shaped UFO flying overhead at 200 feet altitude in 5/5/1984 #37319 miles of the DSP satellite before flying below it over the Indian Ocean. I 5/5/1984 #37321 ane with its landing lights on and flying toward them at an altitude of 4,9 Mid 6/1984 #37364 A low flying cigar-shaped UFO was seen at Gree 7/15/1984 #37400 ng along its leading edge was seen flying over Pound Ridge. (NICAP: 01 - Di 7/19/1984 #37403 ng along its leading edge was seen flying over Pound Ridge, New York at 8:2 7/19/1984 #37405 ar. The video also shows airplanes flying in formation. The tape is analyze 7/24/1984 #37413 harest, Romania, picks up a target flying above Alexeni Air Force Base [now 8/23/1984 #37438 brilliant, 100-yard-wide triangle flying over Mount Kisco, New York, going 10/31/1984 #37499 ible at ground level when they are flying above 3,000 feet. However, it fai 11/1984 #37500 to respond to their comments while flying over Magnolia Bay. The dark trian 11/26/1984 #37510 to respond to their comments while flying over Magnolia Bay. The dark tria 11/26/1984 #37511 . in clear skies. The objects were flying from south to north in a straight 12/10/1984 #37521 eams going down / ground. RADAR. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v30#5. 1/29/1985 #37551 ned tremors or seeing unidentified flying objects. Many conjecture what the 2/24/1985 #37559 that the sighting involves pilots flying in an illegal formation. 3/21/1985 #37572 rport Ohio 3:00 p.m. As a pilot is flying a Grumman AA TR-2 toward the Port 7/1985 #37613 fect ferris wheel with spokes. See Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v32#6. 7/6/1985 #37615 tteries open fire on a UFO that is flying from west to east over northeaste 8/5/1985 #37637 , piloted by Christos Stamulis, is flying from Zürich, Switzerland, to Athe 8/15/1985 #37643 rg Sweden Four civilian pilots are flying a Cessna on a southerly course at 8/18/1985 #37647 British pilot David J. Hastings is flying a Cessna 337 Super Skymaster with 9/9/1985 #37656 60 unidentified radar returns from flying objects without transponders on t 10/10/1985 #37679 oft light set apart. The object is flying low and silently. 12/23/1985 #37735 limp, although there are no blimps flying in the area. 1/9/1986 #37762 he saw a dull metallic bowl-shaped flying object descend and land in a vaca 1/15/1986 #37765 size of the full moon. The ball is flying soundlessly parallel to the groun 1/29/1986 #37775 ter a tour of Dallas, Texas. While flying over the Irish Sea, the pilot of 2/26/1986 #37789 out the same time, a private pilot flying over Snoqualmie Pass, Washington 3/1/1986 #37796 South Wales Two triangular objects flying one behind the other with their p 3/18/1986 #37800 says it cannot be “a bunch of guys flying in planes.” 3/26/1986 #37811 emmling, Colorado saw a mysterious flying triangle with lights. It hovered 4/20/1986 #37829 f to the southwest. A jet aircraft flying in the sky at the time was observ 4/20/1986 #37829 ee a huge, luminous, orange sphere flying silently above the right side of 4/22/1986 #37833 s wife, Nann, of Phoenix, AR, were flying at an altitude of 8500 ft. at 4 p 5/11/1986 #37861 re, with the flat side down" while flying over Sedona, Arizona at 4:00 p.m. 5/11/1986 #37866 A private pilot flying from Brasilia, Brazil was followe 5/16/1986 #37872 ed three deep blue colored objects flying in a triangular formation. When t 6/12/1986 #37909 o-and-fro on a wiggly flight path, flying silently to the northeast. In Mon 7/19/1986 #37949 TERRE HAUTE, IN 2 bikers follow flying pyramid. Lose it. Several pseudo- 7/31/1986 #37961 it for less than 2 minutes. It is flying low, passing behind several trees 8/1986 #37964 se lights flickered. Outside a low flying disc-shaped UFO passed overhead, 8/5/1986 #37972 g disc-shaped UFO passed overhead, flying very fast to the southeast. 8/5/1986 #37972 O, FL 1 observer. Silent 20M x 12M flying wing going [to] overhead / 120M a 8/11/1986 #37977 ying a cargo of French wine and is flying at 35,000 feet through darkening 11/17/1986 #38072 en his children call him to see a “flying saucer.” Looking outside, he sees 2/25/1987 #38123 15 p.m. Cmdr. Alvaro de Camargo is flying a Transbrasil Boeing 737-300 from 3/12/1987 #38139 passengers now can see the lights, flying parallel to each other and to the 3/12/1987 #38139 toba, Canada. Capt. Rick Olsen was flying at 31,000 feet (9,000 meters) whe 5/16/1987 #38175 n the sky. It first appeared to be flying south but it then turned in their 7/4/1987 #38204 p.m. in Terre Haute, Indiana saw a flying pyramid-shaped object, and they f 7/31/1987 #38221 on, England. Describing it like a “flying fairground” at 38,000 feet, he wa 8/4/1987 #38228 west of Hajdúböszörmény, Hungary, flying slowly to the north. A thin, oran 8/23/1987 #38252 -like light with a small red light flying in tandem at 9:30 p.m. The lights 8/23/1987 #38253 ng quickly east. Some see ovoid. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v32#6. 8/27/1987 #38258 oncerning the military recovery of flying saucers, and bodies of occupants. 8/30/1987 #38264 ebrecen, Hungary, when she sees a “flying log.” The man looks up and sees a 9/14/1987 #38287 s up and sees a cylindrical object flying very slowly to the north. After 3 9/14/1987 #38287 ic plant. Odd conversation. Away / flying sleds. 12/12/1987 #38354 igible language. They flew away on flying sleds. Later that night United Ai 12/12/1987 #38357 straight up. At 9:30 p.m. an ovoid flying object was seen over southern Lee 1/3/1988 #38390 :45 a.m. They looked out and saw a flying object only 50 feet above the gro 4/3/1988 #38533 At 4:40 a.m. a man photographed a flying saucer and jets south of Hormigue 5/13/1988 #38567 numerous "extraterrestrial" craft flying over her area of Sao Paulo, Brazi 5/13/1988 #38569 ific Ocean Pilot Robert Hopkins is flying a USAF RC-135S Cobra Ball reconna 10/1988 #38661 shaped object with colored lights, flying over his home at only 150 feet al 10/24/1988 #38689 Kingsburg, California, see a low- flying object with three red lights in a 10/26/1988 #38698 any of their stealth aircraft were flying that night. Futhermore, additiona 10/26/1988 #38699 e LTV A-7 Corsair II for training, flying the T-38 supersonic trainer for t 11/10/1988 #38710 hind a big black curtain are three flying saucers hovering above the floor. 11/12/1988 #38713 captain of the Brazilian Air Force flying a Mirage fighter jet is returning 12/1/1988 #38733 on and told he was to photograph a flying saucer and autopsy of three dead 1/1989 #38772 ing quickly [to] 300' below Cessna flying / 6500'. No further details. 1/22/1989 #38789 NS FORK, IN 2 observer(s). Silent "flying whale". DWG looks like windsock. 1/22/1989 #38790 A pilot flying at 6,500 over Texarkana, Texas ob 1/22/1989 #38792 rge silver, cylinder-shaped object flying 300 feet below him at high speed. 1/22/1989 #38792 g overhead. They then saw two more flying in tandem, and between them was a 2/11/1989 #38835 cm disk follows car / 10 minute(s) flying 8M behind 1M over pavement. 2/20/1989 #38843 e, Nevada. It is a classic-looking flying saucer, resting on three legs in 3/1989 #38855 stay at S-4, he sees a total of 9 flying saucers, each distinctive in desi 3/1989 #38855 way 375 to view a test flight of a flying saucer at S-4. Lear sees an ellip 3/22/1989 #38878 tball stadium. Col. Dan Aloanei is flying a MiG-29 and sees them as a V-for Late 3/1989 #38880 azil Pilot Manoel Luiz Christóvão, flying a small plane about 6 miles west 5/2/1989 #38935 s preparing to land. Another plane flying nearby cannot see the light. Chri 5/2/1989 #38935 onnecticut an object shaped like a flying wing with red, yellow, and blue l 5/4/1989 #38936 y propulsion system of one of nine flying saucers, which he alleges are ext 5/15/1989 #38952 in origin. Lazar claims one of the flying saucers, the one he terms the “sp 5/15/1989 #38952 angers in a mountain side and nine flying saucers are stored there, where s 5/15/1989 #38953 dale, California, witness a silver flying object and three orb-shaped UFOs 6/4/1989 #38977 ale, California witnessed a silver flying object and three orb-shaped UFOs 6/4/1989 #38978 , saw a massive rectangular shaped flying object while driving in her car a 6/13/1989 #38988 ver Lake Radunka in Kyiv, Ukraine, flying at an altitude of 1,640–3,280 fee 6/30/1989 #38998 rom a Tupolev Tu-154 airliner crew flying from Simferopol, Crimea, that the 7/26/1989 #39033 ghting a white, rectangular object flying just above the trees about half a 8/25/1989 #39074 sighted an arrowhead-shaped object flying at treetop level in Ebensburg, Pe 9/3/1989 #39090 as installed in the area. Aircraft flying over the area afterwards reported 9/16/1989 #39109 At 8:15 p.m. a V-shaped craft or flying wing with red lights flew over Mo 9/21/1989 #39116 small explosions and red and white flying lights in Tillamook county, Orego 9/28/1989 #39131 es a large boomerang-shaped object flying north to south over the city. Ove 10/9/1989 #39156 A pilot flying between Clarksdale and Memphis, T 10/10/1989 #39159 rushes out of the house and sees a flying disc hovering less than 50 feet a 10/11/1989 #39161 cial aircraft, CONNAIR flight 440, flying at 9,000 feet as it passed the pl 10/24/1989 #39184 ge, Saskatchewan 6:50 p.m. A pilot flying a small airplane 20 miles north o 11/1/1989 #39207 ect with five beams of light while flying over Borisov, Belarus. There were 11/22/1989 #39247 ude. Lights turn all directions. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v35#4. 12/1/1989 #39290 n Aachen, Germany, when they see a flying object cut across the road in fro 12/5/1989 #39298 altitude. 50kph. Light humming. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v35#4. 12/24/1989 #39337 f Chelyabinsk, Russia, while he is flying a two-seat Aero L-29 Delfin. He e 12/24/1989 #39338 t 11:00 p.m. a Russian L29 Trainer flying between Chelyabinsk and Korkino, 12/24/1989 #39340 ellowish white cigar-shaped object flying at 8000 meters altitude. It vanis 12/24/1989 #39340 are at least eight black programs flying out of Groom Lake including a sil 1990 #39356 t Blue Heaven. The source states a flying saucer and its crew landed at Edw 1990 #39358 PORT GRAHAM AND ENGLISH BAY, AK Flying wing with red and blue lights and 1/22/1990 #39386 t 6:30 p.m. It was estimated to be flying at 10,000 feet altitude and had b 1/31/1990 #39400 habarovsk watch bright red spheres flying in complete silence and darting a 3/21/1990 #39475 lock in the evening several lights flying in a perfect equilateral triangle 3/30/1990 #39500 lar milk cartons.” The objects are flying at altitudes of 1,600–2,600 feet. Early 4/1990 #39506 On April 22, 1990 seven reports of flying triangles were submitted to SOBEP 4/22/1990 #39541 rm, Russia watched an unidentified flying object direct a bright fan of lig 5/7/1990 #39564 meter diameter red discs were seen flying on top of a local mountain at 11: 5/9/1990 #39569 On this evening a disc flying from the southwest to the northea 5/21/1990 #39583 ANSVILLE, IN 4 observer(s). Silent flying stingray / 200' altitude. 15 colo 5/29/1990 #39596 tary base was illuminated by a low flying, disc-shaped UFO. 7/19/1990 #39652 BOSCOMBE DOWNS, DORSET "Large ugly flying machine" very noisy. Cylinder/cyl 7/30/1990 #39669 about a possible stealthy platform flying in UK airspace.” A 1992 letter fr 8/4/1990 #39679 g day, there were reports of discs flying out over the Laguna Cartagena. Sm 8/31/1990 #39708 Going outside, the operators see a flying black triangle giving off three b 9/13/1990 #39729 ast moving yellow light, which was flying from the southwest to the east. I 9/13/1990 #39731 ous, white triangular-shaped craft flying above their rooftops. The object 9/13/1990 #39732 r down / inaccessible mountains. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v37#1. 10/31/1990 #39820 atched a large delta-shaped object flying at a low altitude. It shone sever 11/5/1990 #39872 was sighted in Montpellier, France flying at an estimated one kilometer alt 11/14/1990 #39890 dull silver-gray wingless fuselage flying from north to south at airliner s 11/25/1990 #39910 r on the French coast in sequence, flying south to north. Both have a red a 12/3/1990 #39924 , the globe ascended into the air, flying low over the ground, then stopped 12/31/1990 #39932 inoculars. A second light was seen flying quickly from east to west. 2/27/1991 #39986 ved a light gray triangular object flying at 2000-3000 feet altitude at 10: 3/10/1991 #40009 hille Zaghetti and his copilot are flying a McDonnell Douglas MD-80 Alitali 4/21/1991 #40046 and Copilot Angel David Farina are flying two passengers to Asunción, Parag 6/8/1991 #40092 below and to the left of the plane flying at an altitude of 4,000–5,000 fee 6/17/1991 #40101 he USAF panicked when it recovered flying discs in the Mojave Desert and Ne 7/1991 #40108 ause of the presence of an unknown flying object in the area. 7/7/1991 #40114 the stars that he was “looking for flying saucers…they’re real, you know.” 7/9/1991 #40116 Two flying humanoids, a man and a woman, lan 7/21/1991 #40128 roups and operations that civilian flying saucer organizations will be prot 7/28/1991 #40136 Shaitan Mazar, Kyrgizstan. It was flying from west to east at 960 km per h 8/28/1991 #40168 on any frequency, and since it was flying near a restricted area, two MIG-2 8/28/1991 #40168 lat bottom and ends. Both had seen flying saucers before in 1963 and 1984. 12/10/1991 #40259 a thin metallic object was sighted flying at only 8 meters altitude. It had 2/25/1992 #40339 ckup truck saw a gray, disc-shaped flying object moving at 100-feet altitud 2/25/1992 #40339 gular object with pulsating lights flying 400–500 feet above the road. 3/3/1992 #40348 w. They saw a white triangular UFO flying through the sky, making a whirrin 3/3/1992 #40349 ite lights was seen by a Mr. Cross flying just over the treetops along Rte 3/3/1992 #40350 00 meters in diameter, was sighted flying over the residential area of Maca 4/26/1992 #40431 ndents’ sleep paralysis, dreams of flying, missing time, observations of un 5/1992 #40439 20 p.m. when they sighted a silent flying object with red flashing lights. 5/1/1992 #40443 had a close encounter with a dark flying object (estimated to be 8 feet wi 5/3/1992 #40449 structured unidentified craft came flying over the trees and flew slowly do 6/4/1992 #40486 ther with his girlfriend saw three flying disks high up in the Canyon. "The 6/14/1992 #40494 of United Airlines Flight 934 are flying at 23,000 feet some 50 miles nort 8/5/1992 #40552 a United Airlines Boeing 747 crew flying 50 miles northeast of George AFB 8/5/1992 #40553 R, ALGERIA Many observer(s). Green flying wing leaves (something behind) tr 8/13/1992 #40568 male in Honolulu, Hawaii watched a flying object pass down the length of th 9/10/1992 #40617 On this day a group of children flying kites in Sentul, West Persekutuan 9/22/1992 #40635 ng oval or fat cigar-shaped object flying at 2,500 feet altitude that had t 9/30/1992 #40651 r cigar-shaped object at 7:00 p.m. flying several hundred feet above the gr 10/10/1992 #40673 Romanian military helicopters are flying at an altitude of 328 feet at a s 11/1992 #40700 ing, flat cylindrical craft slowly flying over the roof. It was only about 11/9/1992 #40707 MI VALLEY, CA Night lights. Silent flying triangle followed by audible ligh 11/25/1992 #40728 sting in a field. Later they saw a flying triangle only 30 cm in diameter t 1/9/1993 #40790 ider than it was long, was sighted flying over Goodrich, Michigan at 5:00 a 2/19/1993 #40853 ey. It headed off toward the sound flying at 100 feet above the highway. 2/24/1993 #40858 xy object with rotating light like flying police van 200M over town. 2/28/1993 #40865 In 1993 a huge flying saucer loomed over a water tank i 3/19/1993 #40891 roon outfits and traveled in small flying craft with ball-shaped landing ge 3/20/1993 #40895 de. She first thought it was a low flying plane, but dismissed that idea be 3/26/1993 #40902 A Dauphin helicopter, flying to the east of Mullingar, Ireland 3/30/1993 #40905 zigzagging UFOs were also reported flying over Devonshire, Cornwall, and So 3/30/1993 #40906 Lebanon, Ohio sighted a nocturnal flying object with small lights around i 4/8/1993 #40931 thers observed a 200-300 foot wide flying boomerang or V-shaped UFO in Bayp 4/16/1993 #40938 BLACK POINT, SOUTH AUSTRALIA Odd "flying squid"-saucer. Curved arms and ve 4/21/1993 #40946 turn using a post-stall maneuver, flying well outside the range of angle o 4/29/1993 #40956 sighted a black disc-shaped object flying quickly from the north to south a 6/25/1993 #41034 oking robot-like humanoid was seen flying low over the terrain near Rome, I 7/17/1993 #41068 ange object resembling a "balloon" flying over the beach. At first it resem 7/27/1993 #41091 KEIGHLEY, WEST YORKS Silver "flying trashcan" flies over lawn. 4 burn 8/6/1993 #41109 he aliens were beneath the immense flying craft. They seemed to congregate 8/8/1993 #41118 and green flashing lights are seen flying at low altitude above Henri Coand 8/14/1993 #41137 man states he heard many rumors of flying saucers in 1947 and once saw Gen. 11/2/1993 #41259 “heard” was on base because of the flying saucer business. Zimmerman states 11/2/1993 #41259 lored cigar-shaped object was seen flying over Gloucester, Massachusetts at 11/22/1993 #41298 uring which a triangle-shaped UFO, flying discs, and an immense cylindrical 11/24/1993 #41301 ters--escorting a large unblinking flying sphere. Mr. O'Brien and another w 12/1/1993 #41316 one o’clock in the morning, before flying off. The same or a similar object 12/31/1993 #41338 s an “Intelligence Requirements on Flying Saucer Type Aircraft: Draft of Co 1994 #41342 nd and Naval Research Lab told him flying discs led to USG personnel deaths 1994 #41349 personnel deaths in 1947, that 2-4 flying discs were recovered that year, a 1994 #41349 ources told him the custody of the flying discs was given to the AEC and it 1994 #41349 tria, Campobasso 4:30 p.m. Two men flying an ultralight aircraft 250 feet o 3/6/1994 #41443 aly, see a small, spherical object flying northward. Approximately 4 miles 3/6/1994 #41443 Derby, UK A major Flying Triangle incident occurred with t 3/12/1994 #41454 do fighter jet during a chase of a Flying Triangle (NICAP: 10 - Nuclear Con 3/12/1994 #41454 rliner had a near collision with a flying disc while flying north of Dushan 3/14/1994 #41457 collision with a flying disc while flying north of Dushan, Guizhou Province 3/14/1994 #41457 arily hovered at 30-50 feet before flying off. It had twelve white lights a 4/8/1994 #41482 lster, Denmark 21 nocturnal lights flying in an X-formation followed a witn 4/19/1994 #41497 hich promptly dimmed and took off, flying back towards the hills at a high 5/10/1994 #41521 m. a rapidly blinking strobe-light flying object paced a car on US highway 6/5/1994 #41553 had seen a large disc-shaped craft flying low over the nearby highway. It w 6/15/1994 #41568 ernoon. It was joined by two ovoid flying objects. When a witness attempted 6/27/1994 #41589 p.m. The two witnesses saw the low flying craft with lights drop a ball of 7/16/1994 #41628 n boarding a small, silver colored flying object, and the witness was aston 9/2/1994 #41713 lights flashing around it, a light flying at treetop level, a row of green 9/14/1994 #41749 then rose to treetop level before flying off slowly to the southeast. It h 9/17/1994 #41758 uding cattle mutilations, bigfoot, flying orbs, discarnate voices, crop cir Fall 1994 #41773 ERSON, NJ Several observer(s). 40' flying "truck" chased / helicopters duri 10/30/1994 #41822 0-foot long tractor trailer-shaped flying object with lights, at 40-50 feet 10/30/1994 #41825 unblinking orange lights were seen flying in a wedge-shaped formation by Ch 11/6/1994 #41841 r Christopher O'Brien to report a "flying triangle" that had just flown ove 11/22/1994 #41860 ter with three black, wedge-shaped flying objects, with lights on their lea 12/29/1994 #41912 HUNTINGTON, NY 1 observer. Flying clockface with crossbars like clo 5/6/1995 #42180 ovina, Texas. Another airline crew flying near Pueblo, Colorado that same n 5/25/1995 #42228 ment, France saw a crescent-shaped flying object, the apparent size of the 6/30/1995 #42283 a black, silent, manta ray shaped flying object passed overhead in Snake R 7/23/1995 #42323 gger than a commercial airliner, “ flying flat side forward. A low humming 7/29/1995 #42342 S, NJ 3 cops and 2. Vibrant bright flying wing with colored "bubbles" / ext 7/31/1995 #42346 the 727. It looks like an inverted flying saucer as large as the airliner, 7/31/1995 #42347 endarmeria Piper PA-31-310 that is flying 1,900 feet above the 727. 7/31/1995 #42347 7, and was shaped like an inverted flying saucer. 7/31/1995 #42348 vilian witnesses saw a very bright flying wing with colored "bubbles" on th 7/31/1995 #42349 recovered from the 1947 crash of a flying disc near Roswell, New Mexico. Th 8/28/1995 #42425 Gulf Breeze, Florida at 8:30 p.m., flying to the north. 9/14/1995 #42470 O SPRS, CO 1 observer. Silent gray flying wing going [to] over steadily. No 9/17/1995 #42478 At 12:30 a.m. a gray V-shaped flying wing moved silently overhead at a 9/17/1995 #42479 ornia. It moved from east to west, flying on its edge. 9/19/1995 #42486 At 9:50 p.m. a multi-colored flying object with neon red, green and y 9/28/1995 #42514 do cemetery. Both objects had been flying at high speed low above the groun 10/27/1995 #42566 reported a brilliant, round object flying over the area. A large goat was a 11/11/1995 #42594 GLEN ELLEN, CA 2 observer(s). Huge flying "Seaquest" submarine with 3 red f 11/29/1995 #42630 0 meters of an Airbus 330 airliner flying near Orly Airport in Paris, Franc 11/30/1995 #42634 a shiny metallic oval shaped craft flying slowly overhead and head off towa 12/13/1995 #42642 et long and 13–16 feet in diameter flying about 395 feet above him toward V 1/13/1996 #42681 s saw strange cigar-shaped objects flying low over a field. It was rumored 1/20/1996 #42697 e nocturnal lights were videotaped flying slowly toward the southwest. They 1/28/1996 #42723 down, then hovered again. It left flying off toward the north. 2/16/1996 #42768 reported in subsequent days: small flying red spheres, more animal mutilati 2/23/1996 #42776 r neck. Another witness remembered flying inside an object and seeing tall 3/6/1996 #42809 e briefly sighted an orange, ovoid flying object while he was out walking h 3/6/1996 #42813 Two nocturnal lights were sighted flying south over Americana, Brazil. One 3/30/1996 #42847 e fireball paced an airliner while flying over Philipsburg, Pennsylvania, t 4/12/1996 #42864 another triangular UFO was sighted flying over Beltsville, Maryland. 6/1/1996 #42920 ova Scotia Day. A private pilot is flying his Piper Cherokee PA-28-140 from 7/1996 #42943 time others in the region saw low flying lights and objects. 7/16/1996 #42959 ssman-pilot Haroldo Westendorff is flying a single-engine EMB-712 Tupi (Pip 10/5/1996 #43057 e three strange triangular objects flying in the northern sky. One object, 10/15/1996 #43070 p.m. saw three triangular objects flying in N. One object aimed an intense 10/15/1996 #43071 AR CHARNY, QBC Engineer and 1. Odd flying wing hovers / yard. Lights house. 10/19/1996 #43083 them outside to watch four objects flying in formation. Two of the objects 10/25/1996 #43095 Sao Paulo State, Brazil a luminous flying object paced an Orion aircraft fo 11/28/1996 #43125 wed home by a brilliant, noiseless flying object at 4:30 a.m. When they got 2/16/1997 #43194 h), and Ley discerns a V-formation flying no more than 100 feet above the g 3/13/1997 #43229 p.m. 27 nocturnal lights were seen flying in a diamond formation by two com 3/30/1997 #43246 e looking at a UFO that was slowly flying over the Kroger store on Commerce 4/18/1997 #43265 ce, Italy Day. A tradesman sees a “flying entity” near Ponte a Mensola in t 5/18/1997 #43297 dark glasses, and with no apparent flying apparatus. The intruder notices h 5/18/1997 #43297 reported seeing bright red lights flying in a zigzag pattern over the area 5/18/1997 #43298 ree people witnessed a fluorescent flying object as it flew over White Plai 6/4/1997 #43310 , Russia, when they see a luminous flying object moving at a speed of 300 m 6/6/1997 #43315 Ae-146 airliner and a unidentified flying object with red, blue and white l 6/7/1997 #43317 A craft flying at 15 meters altitude with three 7/21/1997 #43354 ear-old student, reported seeing a flying silvery figure in the sky over Ar 7/22/1997 #43356 een, and even in the daytime a U-2 flying at 72,000 feet is “essentially in 8/3/1997 #43365 ght 127 to Zürich, Switzerland, is flying northeast over Queens, New York, 8/9/1997 #43376 nesses saw lights in a V formation flying over Poway, California at 10:15 p 9/20/1997 #43410 other witnesses watched an object flying around a nearby mountaintop for a 9/26/1997 #43417 o white lights was reportedly seen flying only 150-200 feet over a barn in 11/6/1997 #43438 both from the Brazilian Center for Flying Saucer Research (CBPDV), the larg 12/7/1997 #43453 ard a KC-130R Hercules cargo plane flying at an altitude of 24,000 feet nor Winter 1997 #43468 w of blinking red lights, was seen flying over Coventry, Rhode Island at tw 1/29/1998 #43508 rees. Suddenly it approaches them, flying 65–100 feet off the ground, and t 2/1998 #43509 y helmet-saucer moves side-to-side flying forward. Seen / 5 min. 2/13/1998 #43517 orgia described eight or more UFOs flying circles and then jerking up-and-d 3/27/1998 #43535 northeast. Three objects were seen flying in a triangle formation in Bel Ai 3/30/1998 #43539 d seeing strange black helicopters flying around his neighborhood. 4/13/1998 #43550 n Chebanse, Illinois each observed flying discs. 5/12/1998 #43564 ned in view for 20 minutes, before flying across the lake and into the Ande 5/16/1998 #43568 s arranged in a triangle were seen flying through some clouds. The lights m 6/6/1998 #43583 rdenone, Italy spotted a UFO and a flying humanoid over a soccer field. Two 8/8/1998 #43620 The crew of a DC-10 flying over France observed the fast pas 8/26/1998 #43638 g position. It flew closer and the flying humanoid turned its body once in 9/14/1998 #43646 dittos hill. They thought that the flying creature was wearing something li 9/14/1998 #43646 ers from Dover Air Force Base were flying all over the region.” 11/30/1998 #43692 conino County, Arizona witnessed a flying object shaped like a stingray app 12/23/1998 #43702 ct” the size of a battleship while flying at 28,000 feet over the North Sea 2/3/1999 #43721 ngton witnessed a horseshoe-shaped flying object lift an adult elk out of t 2/25/1999 #43736 ell told him about the “crash of a flying saucer” on his deathbed in March 3/1999 #43741 workmen. Sudden heavy wind. Black flying "coffin" going [to] over rooftops 3/8/1999 (approximate) #43745 lar, black shape with equal sides, flying with the point first." 3/10/1999 #43746 lper, Derbyshire, England, watch a flying object that looks like a black we 3/24/1999 #43750 e noticed a bright spherical light flying low over the area. Thinking it wa 5/10/1999 #43767 ngular shaped craft was videotaped flying at a high speed only six feet abo 5/28/1999 #43776 ine delta-shaped objects were seen flying in a V-shaped formation. They mov 6/5/1999 #43780 f 5 or 6 blinking lights were seen flying in the sky. The sighting had occu 6/5/1999 #43780 ith red and yellow flashing lights flying over Nicholasville, Kentucky at 1 6/21/1999 #43787 . a metallic ovoid object was seen flying toward the south with its narrow 7/7/1999 #43797 An unidentified flying object was seen over some trees i 7/9/1999 #43799 cludes that UFOs are real, complex flying objects, and that the extraterres 7/16/1999 #43805 pt saw multiple unexplained lights flying north toward Giza. The lights set 7/17/1999 #43806 in the morning an object was seen flying toward the witness in Minneapolis 7/20/1999 #43809 hot past SwissAir flight 127 while flying over Long Island, New York at 23, 8/9/1999 #43819 p.m. it was seen again, this time flying north in Butler County, Pennsylva 8/16/1999 #43824 uarters on edge. It was first seen flying in the west at high altitude, and 8/16/1999 #43824 p.m. a cylindrical object was seen flying to the west over Everett, Washing 9/21/1999 #43852 om window. Other lights seem to be flying around it, so that it resembles m 10/10/1999 #43860 und it, so that it resembles moths flying around a light bulb. They watch i 10/10/1999 #43860 ners, both former military pilots, flying near Dallas-Forth Worth Internati 10/26/1999 #43865 About an hour later, they see jets flying around, apparently searching for 10/29/1999 #43867 razil when they observed a strange flying object approaching their location 11/1/1999 #43869 On this day three men saw a huge flying object in Strzlecki Crossing, Sou 11/3/1999 #43870 A triangular shaped flying object was photographed over Col 11/4/1999 #43874 they see a boomerang-shaped object flying overhead, blocking out the stars. 11/11/1999 #43879 migrating birds, probably eiders, flying in formation is responsible. 11/11/1999 #43879 state 75 saw a plain silver sphere flying silently low in a fog. Lights fol 11/21/1999 #43885 Australia. Apparently a mysterious flying object struck the dam at a 45-deg 12/8/1999 #43895 denly received a mental image of a flying object with five beings aboard in 1/3/2000 #43917 tograph of a huge arrow-shaped UFO flying from the northeast to the southwe 1/5/2000 #43922 laimed to have seen seven aircraft flying around the scene. 1/12/2000 #43926 y. Others in the area had seen low flying objects over their farms around t 1/17/2000 #43929 y spotted a triangle-shaped object flying in the northern sky. Two large, b 1/28/2000 #43935 tiple bright orange orbs were seen flying over the city, and they were seen 1/29/2000 #43936 vellara, Italy for several minutes flying at extremely high speed. There w 2/12/2000 #43947 mes the size of 747s, were sighted flying in a V-shaped formation over Wate 2/26/2000 #43958 rmation of ten objects was sighted flying south at an estimated 10,000 feet 3/30/2000 #43974 At 6:40 p.m. a mathematician flying on a commercial airliner from Den 4/23/2000 #43985 DC-9 airliner sighted a domed disc flying at 9,500 feet altitude at 6:40 p. 5/26/2000 #43998 titude at 6:40 p.m. The object was flying to the east of Mexico City, Mexic 5/26/2000 #43998 ape by Sr. Logro Avila shows a UFO flying at high speed at 6 p.m. over Tlal 6/1/2000 #43999 nd a westbound commercial airliner flying at 8,000 feet altitude observed a 6/22/2000 #44006 ound. At one point it seemed to be flying in a snake-like pattern. 9/11/2000 #44039 m silver discs to green fireballs, flying loops around passenger aircraft, 10/15/2000 #44056 hing her house from above, as if a flying object was coming down in a verti 10/15/2000 #44058 ry, Missouri, when they see a huge flying wing with white lights on each en 11/2000 #44069 lights on each end. It seems to be flying completely silently at 3,000 feet 11/2000 #44069 zona, see a teardrop-shaped object flying at 300 feet. It has multiple ligh 11/4/2000 #44071 as at 6:30 p.m. Three ovoid-shaped flying objects, making a ringing noise, 11/13/2000 #44074 na 7:00 p.m. Jason Ingraham sees a flying triangle with a deep red blinking 11/28/2000 #44084 witness reported seeing a very low flying, quite large object at 3:46 a.m. 11/29/2000 #44088 southeast. Helicopters seem to be flying around it. 12/1/2000 #44095 rists reported sighting five discs flying along the western shore of North 1/1/2001 #44115 ineers dam facility lit up the low flying object. Four helicopters appeared 1/24/2001 #44130 ly 300 feet altitude, was reported flying at a speed of 25 mph. It was a da 1/26/2001 #44133 a.m. there was a UFO sighting of a flying disc in Cochabamba, Bolivia. The 3/26/2001 #44151 eed Martin at one time possessed a flying triangle shaped like a dart that 5/9/2001 #44183 there were numerous reports of low flying glowing orange disc-shaped UFOs o 7/1/2001 #44200 ter watch six orange, oval objects flying in a V-formation toward the west 7/9/2001 #44207 eet in the air, often described as flying in an inverted V-shaped configura 7/14/2001 #44208 pendent witnesses reported a large flying triangle in Carteret and Sayervil 7/15/2001 #44209 y one. Another witness saw a large flying triangle heading for Carteret. Ot 7/15/2001 #44209 West Virginia encountered a square flying object, about the size of tire (3 8/1/2001 #44215 when he suddenly noticed a strange flying creature approaching his truck at 8/2/2001 #44219 assed under a C-130 Aircraft while flying over Salida, Colorado. The sighti 8/10/2001 #44231 ve people watch seven gray objects flying in a straight line over Victoria, 8/12/2001 #44232 Videotoape. A good-sized flying triangle with several white light 8/16/2001 #44236 At 10:00 p.m. PDT another flying triangle was sighted from I-5 in 8/20/2001 #44240 itnesses saw three flashing lights flying in a row. The lights were flashin 8/30/2001 #44249 denly the rear lights split apart, flying off in different directions. 8/30/2001 #44249 e craft coming over the mountains, flying in a triangle formation. The obje 9/11/2001 #44258 There was also a bright red light flying with them in a consecutive patter 9/11/2001 #44258 A huge, silvery, flying triangle went east at high speed 9/19/2001 #44262 nd Fiona, saw a combination of low flying, bright white lights. The two out 9/25/2001 #44264 a white, domed disc-shaped object flying through the sky at 5:00 p.m. 11/13/2001 #44275 d to be at only 200 feet altitude, flying very low and very slow over a maj 11/13/2001 #44276 A multi-colored triangular flying object that had lights on the sid 12/10/2001 #44284 m. Pilots of a commercial airliner flying above Craik, Saskatchewan, see li 12/11/2001 #44287 At 7:20 p.m. an amber colored, low flying triangle moved through the sky ov 12/15/2001 #44291 A low flying, slow moving Saturn-shaped UFO fl 12/17/2001 #44292 me that it was hovering there. Two flying discs were seen In Santa Barbara, 1/5/2002 #44305 Jewel Valley, CA Large flying disc, smaller discs & triangle st 1/31/2002 #44313 , a dozen more discs are witnessed flying to the east with a delta-shaped o 1/31/2002 #44314 riangular shaped craft was sighted flying over Salt Lake City, Utah at 3:00 2/15/2002 #44316 p.m. a metallic "saucer" was seen flying to the north over the skyscrapers 3/19/2002 #44325 all made bizarre sharp turns while flying from southwest to northeast near 4/17/2002 #44331 gle crafts, with lights, were seen flying at tree top level and hovering be 8/5/2002 #44375 orange glowing triangular objects flying in formation over the outskirts o 8/25/2002 #44386 y lit, disc-shaped object that was flying in the sky. It came out from behi 8/31/2002 #44388 at first was a B-52. It was a huge flying triangle with no running lights, 9/5/2002 #44390 At dusk a black flying triangle with three white lights 9/10/2002 #44395 aw three points of light forming a flying triangle. "My first thought was t 9/15/2002 #44397 e there." Thirty seconds later the flying triangle of lights changed direct 9/15/2002 #44397 ave her shivers. It was a distinct flying triangular shape, with lights at 9/15/2002 #44398 ough it". They all watched the low flying object for 10 minutes as it flew 9/15/2002 #44398 sighted two triangle-shaped object flying over his home, located 15 miles s 10/29/2002 #44424 ndreds of people saw a silvery UFO flying rapidly over the cities of Cachoe 11/1/2002 #44431 by. They later saw the same object flying to the southeast, directly over t 11/9/2002 #44437 on in Bloomington, Indiana. It was flying in a southeast direction, and had 11/13/2002 #44441 Fourteen-year-old Amy saw a slow flying equilateral triangle in Eau Clair 11/25/2002 #44450 dium gray (not black), silent, and flying toward the east-southeast lower t 11/25/2002 #44450 ey heard a snap noise, and a white flying triangle with rounded corners and 11/27/2002 #44451 At 10:30 a.m. a large, black, flying wing was seen low over a field ne 11/28/2002 #44454 wo hours later a huge cigar-shaped flying object with 3-5 blindingly bright 1/2/2003 #44465 f structured undercarriage is seen flying over Vancouver, British Columbia. 2/12/2003 #44488 object with a light at each point flying silently over Naval Submarine Bas 2/25/2003 #44496 es, Florida at 6:22 a.m. saw a low flying triangle with white lights at eac 3/1/2003 #44498 A silent "flying wing" was seen by a couple leavin 3/8/2003 #44500 A dark, flying cross-shaped object with panels o 4/3/2003 #44510 m. a high altitude object was seen flying over Phoenix, Arizona. It stopped 4/6/2003 #44512 ocal residents watched in awe as a flying wing shaped UFO flew rapidly over 4/18/2003 #44516 Destroyer was slightly damaged by flying debris, but no injuries were repo 4/18/2003 #44516 o County, California noticed a low flying, silent triangular craft one mile 5/9/2003 #44531 a large, white, moon-shaped object flying over the Okanagan Valley, British 7/28/2003 #44568 fe, British Columbia a silent, low flying, slow moving spherical object fle 7/28/2003 #44569 io for a better look and see a UFO flying behind the trees and over the top 8/11/2003 #44574 At 10:30 p.m. a white flying ball of light, too large to be a 8/31/2003 #44589 uries Museum reported two circular flying objects in the sky over Heckmondw 9/13/2003 #44598 ard an Airbus 310-200 cargo flight flying over Slane, Ireland saw a glaring 10/23/2003 #44612 -seven minutes later a KLM 747-400 flying 38 nautical miles off the west co 10/23/2003 #44612 ted seeing two disc-shaped objects flying overhead in Springfield, Illinois 10/25/2003 #44613 razil Afternoon. A Brazilian pilot flying an ATR 42-300 twin turboprop airl 2004 #44635 ed by near a miss with a UFO while flying 15 nautical miles offshore of Ash 1/4/2004 #44645 objects, one on top of the other, flying west to east. They take 5 minutes 1/17/2004 #44651 ghted triangular craft was sighted flying low and slowly over traffic on I- 1/22/2004 #44655 et of their house, and returned by flying back out over the Pacific Ocean. 2/9/2004 #44660 A dark triangular flying object with three lights, one at 2/17/2004 #44667 of Mexico Mexican Air Force pilots flying a C-26A Metroliner using infrared 3/5/2004 #44672 the crew of a commercial airliner flying near Omaha, Nebraska reported see 3/25/2004 #44679 wport, Tennessee spotted a bizarre flying creature resembling an arrowhead 4/5/2004 #44684 g creature resembling an arrowhead flying backwards, with what looked like 4/5/2004 #44684 home at 9:30 p.m. when they saw a flying triangle craft moving very slowly 4/12/2004 #44686 A very fast, low flying cigar-shaped object with four dia 4/26/2004 #44692 mond shapes on the bottom was seen flying over Longmont, Colorado at 9:00 p 4/26/2004 #44692 A glowing flying triangle was spotted by a couple 4/26/2004 #44693 No lights were seen on the craft, flying at an estimated 20,000 ft, with n 4/26/2004 #44693 hwest. Later a helicopter was seen flying at a low level. 4/26/2004 #44693 ver a field for 10 minutes, before flying off to the east. It was about 50 5/9/2004 #44698 g silvery man-like figure that was flying above the neighborhood at a heigh 7/26/2004 #44717 eport, “NIDS Investigations of the Flying Triangle Enigma,” with analyses o 8/2004 #44723 , both 23, sighted three triangles flying in a circle over Palmdale, Califo 8/16/2004 #44734 riangle craft were estimated to be flying at 20,000 feet, and were the appa 8/16/2004 #44734 he Hills, Illinois at 10:25 p.m. a flying triangle flew right over the head 8/20/2004 #44736 the sky, making random turns, and flying horizontally, vertically, and dia 9/4/2004 #44747 as yellow. A military aircraft was flying to the northwest, but this object 9/10/2004 #44752 ey at the 5 o'clock position while flying over France at 8:10 a.m. There we 10/15/2004 #44768 er, disc-shaped object was spotted flying over Honolulu, Hawaii at 3:30 in 10/24/2004 #44769 y. They were gray V-shaped objects flying side-by-side, with no lights and 10/27/2004 #44772 ewan, Canada at 2:10 p.m. a yellow flying object crossed sky, stopped, chan 10/30/2004 #44775 avid Fravor and pilot Jim Slaight, flying two McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Horn 11/14/2004 #44784 erve a 40-foot-long wingless craft flying at incredible speeds in an errati 11/14/2004 #44784 th red and blue lights was sighted flying over Ottumwa, Iowa at 5:00 a.m. T 11/25/2004 #44791 otted a huge triangular shaped UFO flying over Southfield, Michigan at 6:30 2/21/2005 #44815 directly under a private aircraft flying at 3,500 feet near Phoenix, Arizo 5/8/2005 #44834 in northern Quebec. It was slowly flying northeast past the town of Kuujju 5/9/2005 #44839 Cessna 150 piloted by two aviators flying with outdated maps from a rural P 5/11/2005 #44840 aho at a slow speed at 10:38 p.m., flying at a high altitude and moving fro 5/14/2005 #44841 ny from pilots who pursued 21 UFOs flying over São Paulo, São José dos Camp 5/20/2005 #44844 ast nine forms of objects. Probes, flying saucer-shaped spaceships... All r 5/20/2005 #44844 sly close to a commercial aircraft flying at 3,000 feet. The plane experien 6/28/2005 #44849 orange glow underneath was sighted flying over Lexington, Kentucky at 11:00 7/7/2005 #44852 low around it at 10:15 p.m. It was flying east at a low altitude, close eno 7/15/2005 #44854 dmonton, Kentucky, with the object flying with the broad part of the triang 8/11/2005 #44861 An oval flying object resembling a shiny mylar b 10/8/2005 #44888 ockinson, Washington State. It was flying low to the ground and was quiet b 12/17/2005 #44912 rop shaped, silver/chrome metallic flying object, 3-4 feet wide by 8 feet t 4/25/2006 #44933 in sequence on the edges was seen flying over Twenty-Nine Palms USMC milit 5/7/2006 #44941 based aircraft design shaped as a flying saucer and Tic-Tac design, claimi 5/18/2006 #44945 d a slow-moving disc-shaped object flying just over his neighbor's house, w 8/18/2006 #44955 of a triangular object with lights flying over Whitehaven, Cumbria, England 9/13/2006 #44961 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Although not flying at a low altitude, it was close e 9/17/2006 #44963 son saw several dull white objects flying in a triangular formation over Al 10/11/2006 #44974 oss in front of his aircraft while flying over Gagetown, New Brunswick, Can 11/12/2006 #44984 llic disc-shaped objects were seen flying at low altitude over Montreal, Qu 11/28/2006 #44987 ted in the 1960s that looks like a flying disc. https://www.amazon.com/For 1/5/2007 #44997 ed cylinder-shaped object was seen flying at about 500 feet altitude. It di 1/30/2007 #45002 onze-colored object, triangular or flying wing shaped, which hovered nearby 3/5/2007 #45010 f object, although it seemed to be flying quite low. 5/16/2007 #45031 triangular shaped object was seen flying at about 100 feet altitude betwee 5/29/2007 #45033 A low flying object that looked like the Conco 8/9/2007 #45045 s, and the strange thing is it was flying backwards. 8/9/2007 #45045 anyon in Mission Viejo, California flying over Orange County toward Riversi 9/20/2007 #45064 object, somewhat oval shaped, came flying through the air straight at them. 10/27/2007 #45080 object with three lights was seen flying over Bedford, Westchester County, 10/29/2007 #45085 Afternoon. Pilot Marin Mitrică is flying a MiG-21 LanceR fighter on a trai 10/30/2007 #45086 r objects in triangular formation, flying south, were observed over Winnipe 10/31/2007 #45087 lue rectangular object was sighted flying in the sky over Grand Rapids, Ohi 11/3/2007 #45089 boomerang or chevron-shaped object flying silently over Frisco, Texas as 8: 11/9/2007 #45092 ere were two reports of a huge low flying triangular craft that was seen in 11/13/2007 #45094 aken by a woman showing the object flying over a lake, Lago Menendez in the 1/23/2008 #45113 ed lights in a rectangle were seen flying slowly west to east over Wolverha 2/11/2008 #45117 periodically and have been spotted flying as recently as July 2019. 4/22/2008 #45130 orange, circular objects that were flying side-by-side very fast. They did 5/15/2008 #45139 . There were other good reports of flying triangles that same night in Broo 6/7/2008 #45146 like shape on the bottom, was seen flying only 60 feet above tree top level 8/28/2008 #45162 y over his vehicle. The object was flying very low and very slow, and was i 9/19/2008 #45169 At 12:48 a.m. a gigantic flying boomerang or V-shaped object with 11/22/2008 #45190 lights on the front edge was seen flying north to south over Waverly, Ohio 11/22/2008 #45190 ng or V-shaped object was observed flying very fast among the clouds in Wav 11/29/2008 #45193 At 3:30 a.m. a rectangular flying object with strobing multi-colore 11/30/2008 #45194 In Oakland, Pennsylvania a flying disc-shaped object hovered at 12: 12/2/2008 #45195 h orange colored objects were seen flying in a triangular pattern over Davi 1/3/2009 #45205 A low flying disc with multicolored flashing l 5/7/2009 #45219 of 19 saw three orange-red lights flying in a triangle formation over Litc 8/6/2009 #45234 bject in the shape of the letter M flying west to east 200 feet above the g 8/21/2009 #45238 roof window a large shiny circular flying object, which flew off towards so 8/28/2009 #45239 by field. They saw something white flying through the air, and when they lo 9/5/2009 #45242 ng randomly, merging and dividing, flying randomly and also in formation, w 9/16/2009 #45248 g a red and blue "V" shaped object flying through the sky and emitting a br 11/24/2009 #45255 large, black, silent, southbound, flying triangle with lights with a frien 8/16/2010 #45293 encounter with an eight-inch wide flying disc, only 20 feet away from him, 8/18/2010 #45294 ville, Tennessee reported seeing a flying cigar-shaped object at 7:00 p.m. 9/11/2010 #45297 in color. It was wingless and was flying at a tilted angle, ascending. It 9/11/2010 #45297 7, a large group of them saw a low flying large UAP that hovered before mov 2/2011 #45312 driving in Elkton, Kentucky saw a flying object that first looked like a r 2/11/2011 #45315 away it again changed shape into a flying disk. 2/11/2011 #45315 propellor-driven Mooney Ovation II flying at 7,480 feet. Shortly after they 2/18/2012 #45339 g sphere about 30 feet in diameter flying alongside the aircraft. As the UF 2/18/2012 #45339 orange lights on each arm and are flying in a straight line quite close to 9/19/2012 #45352 rds of a secret program to build a flying saucer-type aircraft designed to Late 2012 #45355 ber 1961 after tests suggested the flying saucer design was aerodynamically Late 2012 #45355 o Rico 9:20 p.m. An unknown object flying at a low altitude passes directly 4/25/2013 #45365 backseat responded, "Look mommy, a flying iPad in the sky!" She looked arou 6/1/2013 #45369 on 11 (VFA-11, the “Red Rippers”), flying out of Naval Air Station Oceana i 6/27/2013 #45376 feet of lateral separation” while flying at an altitude of 17,000 feet. It 6/27/2013 #45376 and, see a gigantic triangular UFO flying by in a few seconds. (Poland 98) 9/9/2013 #45386 g-shaped object with yellow lights flying above Pabianice, Poland, from nor 10/13/2013 #45390 fense contractors as a pilot in a “flying disc simulator” and in actual fly 11/1/2013 #45392 ying disc simulator” and in actual flying discs. Uhouse states in 1962-63 t 11/1/2013 #45392 tes he had direct knowledge of the flying disc simulator having worked on i 11/1/2013 #45392 n 143 (VFA-143, the “Pukin Dogs”), flying out of Naval Air Station Oceana i 11/18/2013 #45395 a small drone- like object is seen flying alongside on the left. Soon it ba 11/19/2013 #45397 n 106 (VFA-106, the “Gladiators”), flying out of Naval Air Station Oceana i 3/26/2014 #45405 unidentified aerial devices” while flying out of Naval Air Station Oceana i 4/23/2014 #45407 rike Fighter Squadron 11 (VFA-11), flying out of NAS Oceana in Virginia Bea 4/27/2014 #45409 and first officer of an Airbus 320 flying at just under 3,500 feet and head 6/13/2014 #45410 Airbus Cougar AS-532 helicopter is flying northward west of Santiago, Chile 11/11/2014 #45423 o shows a dark, disc-shaped object flying above the sea, which “in two inst 11/11/2014 #45423 ARV). He states there were “three” flying saucers that looked like “somethi 12/2014 #45425 tain range in 1995-96 while he was flying on assignment. After seeing the h 1/30/2015 #45429 Dreamland/Area 51 has a man-made flying saucer The UAP R&D work at Area 4/5/2016 #45449 5 p.m. An Air Canada Express pilot flying to Vancouver, British Columbia, r 9/19/2016 #45459 ble by the US government, and that flying saucers and aliens were a conveni 6/2017 #45472 ey notice something large and dark flying toward them from the east and cro 8/9/2017 #45478 A detects an unidentified aircraft flying “fast” (relative to commercial ai 10/25/2017 #45487 three irregularly flashing lights flying toward the northwest. One of the 2/16/2018 #45506 et, Netherlands, sees three globes flying in a straight line. They move clo 2/23/2018 #45510 ing up, he sees an orange fireball flying past with small fragments falling 2/24/2018 #45511 earjet 36 belonging to Phoenix Air flying at 37,000 feet reports an object 2/24/2018 #45513 f an American Airlines Airbus A321 flying on the same air route at 40,000 f 2/24/2018 #45513 es two black discs with red lights flying together. 2/27/2018 #45517 orth Carolina. The objects are all flying at approximately 0.1 Mach at alti 3/13/2018 #45523 6:47 a.m. A British Airways 787 is flying eastward just off the coast of Co 11/9/2018 #45544 documentary Bob Lazar: Area 51 and Flying Saucers is released. The film, av 12/4/2018 #45550 nd Evaluation Squadron 23 (VX-23), flying out Naval Air Station Patuxent Ri 2/13/2019 #45562 nia Beach, Virginia An FA-18 pilot flying out of NAS Oceana in Virginia Bea 3/4/2019 #45566 nd 2:00 p.m. A B787 airliner pilot flying over London, England, sees a red 3/30/2019 #45568 summer of 2014 to March 2015 while flying at high altitudes off the East co 5/26/2019 #45581 ideo of a triangular- shaped light flying over the deck of a ship. The appa 7/15/2019 #45593 the threat that superior aircraft flying in United States airspace may pos 9/6/2019 #45606 hreat that superior aircraft [UAP] flying in United States airspace may pos 9/6/2019 #45607 nopah, Arizona, observe 5–6 drones flying at 200–300 feet and showing flash 9/29/2019 #45610 bservers belonging to Ravenair and flying at 2,200 and 2,300 feet side by s 11/9/2019 #45616 5:33 p.m. A commercial aircrew is flying a Boeing 737-800 airliner at 37,0 11/11/2019 #45617 he pilot observes an unusual light flying just above their altitude on a co 11/11/2019 #45617 ied “drones” with 6-foot wingspans flying in formation at about 150 feet ov 12/2019 #45620 ld be violating FAA regulations on flying after dark and above a certain he 12/2019 #45620 commercial Boeing 767 airliner is flying from Mexico City to Houston, Texa 3/19/2020 #45639 , Tamaulipas, Mexico, the plane is flying north at 37,000 feet at 575 mph w 3/19/2020 #45639 Airlines pilot reports that a man flying in a jet pack has passed by them 8/29/2020 #45659 a Jet Blue Airways pilot spots the flying man. 8/29/2020 #45659 ppears to be someone in a jet pack flying at about 6,500 feet roughly seven 10/14/2020 #45662 Northern Ireland, who described a flying object that appeared to have sola 1/1/2021 #45672 bus AS350, while Tucson police are flying a Bell 206B-3 Jet Ranger. The CPB 2/9/2021 #45676 any other he has seen previously, flying circles around both helicopters a 2/9/2021 #45676 tolen gold. Sheehan states when a flying saucer was discovered in New Mexi 10/2021 #45713 .m. A witness sees nine white orbs flying in formation and mimicking a flyb 11/11/2021 #45721 elicopter is seen pursuing a drone flying above it at a height of 3,280 fee 1/17/2022 #45734 of an Embraer Phenom business jet flying at 45,000 feet above Kessel, West 4/22/2022 #45745 how to fly the craft, and he began flying it mentally; and alleged Nellis A 10/20/2022 #45779 A; the paintings show human beings flying through space in their nightgowns 10/20/2022 #45783 ged Area 51, told him “they” had a flying saucer recovered in New Mexico. E 2/28/2023 #45796
observer(s) call WEIC disk-jockey. Flying-boxcar back. See Greenup, IL. 8/19/1976 #31280
igned to “stir up against Moscow a flying-saucer psychosis.” 10/11/1954 #10940
2. http://www.nicap.org/books/fsc/flying-saucer-conspiracy.pdf (p188-189, 7/23/1954 #10044
IELD, MO Blue-white saucer circles flying-tiger plane. Tilts up and away. 6/16/1955 #12201
CAVE CREEK, AZ 2 pilots and 1. 3' flying-wing 380mph northwest going quick 10/14/1947 #3454 ntly of each other observe a black flying-wing (or ellipse or crescent-shap 12/16/1953 #9374 NEAR MOBILE, AL Silent grey flying-wing low and slow over road. Whit 8/13/1971 #26282 SOUTH / MARSHALL, ARK Enormous flying-wing / 300m altitude. Observing j 1/30/1992 #40309
otecapleyades.net/imagenesciencia2/flyingobjects17404.jpg https://www.bib 3/1/1955 #12027
otecapleyades.net/imagenesciencia2/flyingobjects17407.jpg https://www.bib 3/1/1955 #12027
otecapleyades.net/imagenesciencia2/flyingobjects17409.jpg 3/1/1955 #12027
UAP. https://archive.org/details/flyingsaucersunc00wilk/page/234/mode/2up 10/14/1954 #11075
Flykälen, Jämtland, Sweden 2:30 a.m. Mar 4/10/1977 #31969 ike” appendage hanging below it at Flykälen, Jämtland, Sweden. It is 100 fe 4/10/1977 #31969
alifornia 12:15 p.m. Col. Frank A. Flynn is flying a Vultee BT-13 Valiant o 7/15/1947 #3187 int, they are about one mile away. Flynn turns his plane around to pursue t 7/15/1947 #3187 At 12:15 p.m. Colonel Frank A. Flynn, who was flying over over Concord, 7/15/1947 #3188 Massachusetts. The witness, Mr. J. Flynn, was flying in a Pan Am DC-7C airl 10/8/1957 #14080 County, Florida 45-year-old James Flynn noticed a shiny metallic, domed di 3/14/1965 #18854 Everglades, FL Everglades / James Flynn Case (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incident 3/15/1965 #18856 , 30 km east of Big Cypress, James Flynn, 45, who was hunting, saw a huge, 3/15/1965 #18857 a sound of a transformer and wind. Flynn got within 2 m of it and made a ge 3/15/1965 #18857 rt Myers Around 1:00 a.m. James W. Flynn is deep in the Everglades in his s 3/15/1965 #18859 Some 40 minutes into the sighting, Flynn decides to approach it in his bugg 3/15/1965 #18859 und. The tops of trees are burned. Flynn makes his way to the home of Henry 3/15/1965 #18859 Mr. James Flynn, a 45-year-old man, was out in a b 3/15/1965 #18860 age was found at the site, and Mr. Flynn was admitted to hospital for a fiv 3/15/1965 #18860
Ware Road Old Warren Road Flynt Street Palmer, Massachusetts New J 2/17/1967 #21586 e junctions of Old Warren Road and Flynt Street in Palmer, Massachusetts. S 2/17/1967 #21586
Baltimore, MD FLYOBRPT. Mr. S. Robert Tralins observed 7/28/1952 #7254
ATIC guide, How to Make FLYOBRPTS, a 68-page manual for official 7/25/1953 #9014 ediate reporting of UFO sightings (FLYOBRPTs) to the director of AFOSI, ATI 7/23/1954 #10043 rs the reporting of UAP sightings (FLYOBRPTs) to the director of AFOSI, ATI 7/23/1954 #10044
rn Cone would experience a massive flyover involving hundreds of extraterre 6/21/1967 #22530 l military personnel witnessed the flyover of a UFO that was tracked on rad 8/8/1978 #33488 e Station [now closed] witness the flyover of a UFO that is also briefly tr 8/8/1978 #33490 l military personnel witnessed the flyover of a UFO that was tracked on rad 8/8/1978 #33491 access to the USAF’s 1975 SAC base flyover data, nor did they presumably ha 2/1979 #34399 l became unbearably hot during the flyover, and it caused burns on his hand 3/13/1980 #35213 l became unbearably hot during the flyover, and it caused burns on his hand 3/13/1980 #35215
y. Most of these sightings were of flyovers by daylight discs, although the 7/4/1947 #2671 majority of these reports were of flyovers by daylight discs. 7/5/1947 #2726 their SAM sites immediately after flyovers. 5/30/1967 #22425 One hour after the multiple UFO flyovers in Great Britain, at three p.m. 12/31/1978 #34252
ds / observer(s). Dark green cigar flys over. No further details. / LDLN#32 10/26/1954 #11407 electro-magnetic effect (EME). UFO flys away. AOK after. / r215p50. / r79p2 1/9/1966 #19819 2M burnt circular found. Fireball flys near. / r180p59. 10/19/1968 #24573 ARTA, ALBACETE, SP 10M saucer-ring flys about then lands. Seen / train / 8k 4/4/1970 #25624 observer. Silver ball over garden. Flys away when observer(s) takes good lo 7/28/1994 #41645
he believed the CIA was running a “flytrap” disinformation scheme, in which 2/26/2019 #45564
receive and transmit signals over FM radio waves) in a macaque who terrori 1952 #5837 EASTERN AIRLINES FLIGHT 541 FM WDC Crew and 1. Cylinder/cigar-shape 10/7/1959 #16024 eing photographed or recorded. The FM radio acts strangely. 10/11/1967 #23216 rrounded by a dark oval shape. Her FM radio goes silent, and her walkie-tal 10/9/1977 #32564 ed back and forth, heavy static on FM radio, headlights out briefly. Intern 9/26/1978 #33750 ront of her car over the road, her FM radio gets lost in static for 10–15 s 9/26/1978 #33751 ing which there were 15 seconds of FM radio static and her car's lights wen 9/26/1978 #33752 ach his station by either low-band FM or portable radio. 8/1/1979 #34696 elted off, and 30 inches of the AM/FM antenna has broken off. A filmy subst 8/29/1979 #34803 ation and a humming noise on their FM scanner radios. 10/1/1980? #35552 ssippi Mr. and Mrs. Lowrey had the FM radio of their car quit, the car's he 12/3/1980 #35688 ite ball of light to the east. The FM radio of their car quits, the car’s h 12/3/1980 #35690 ssippi Mr. and Mrs. Lowrey had the FM radio of their car quit, the car’s he 12/3/1980 #35691 ee minutes. During the pursuit the FM radio on the car emitted nothing but 9/7/1986 #38020 ay, her cell phone signal, and her FM radio all blacked out. The witness at 6/1/2013 #45369
fishing trip at Sargent, Texas, on FM2611 when her lights blink twice and t 7/5/2005 #44851
scientists. 2m saucer wobbles over FMC building. 2 30m saucers overhead ris 4/25/1952 #6181
Corona (Bet. Roswell and), NM Fmr Navy PBY pilot enc EME and elliptica 8/13/1959 #15911
ampers chased / 5 2.2M monsters. 3 Fngrs-no thumb. 1M traces. 6/25/1979 (approximate) #34628
w.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2015.00137/full 12/12/2018 #45551
NEAR PUDASJARVI, FNL 2 / woods. Brown bullet shape hovers 8/1947 #3270 HELSINKI, FNL Many observer(s). Saucer object / 80 9/14/1954 #10295
ELLIANT, FNS, FR Farmer can't describe UFO. From 10/11/1954 #10904 ST.-TUDEL, FNS, FR Luminous yellow 60cm sphere/orb/ 6/9/1975 #30093
displaying different readings. The FO’s compass was within 20° arc of the c 3/12/1977 #31901 not rotating. It was then that the FO uncoupled the autopilot and flew the 3/12/1977 #31901
skog, Värmlands, Sweden Arvika I 2/Fo52 Värmland Regiment Day. Several peop 7/27/1999 #43814 ansson, chief of staff for the I 2/Fo52 Värmland Regiment, interviews the w 7/27/1999 #43814
ake making a circle 10 ft across w/foam (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB 6/20/1958 #15102 lt cold and abnormally soft, "like foam rubber". He could not describe the 11/28/1972 #27150 launch to the area, but found only foam on the sea where the object had dis 6/18/1974 #29212 er, the object sinks, leaving only foam at the surface. 7/2/1974 #29237 nsacola (Fla.) News-Journal that a foam UFO model, seemingly a prototype fo 6/10/1990 #39612
s circles. Strange purplish-white, foam-like substance was also found at th 2/23/1996 #42776
t continues to rotate as the water foams below it. The object is a triangul 11/6/1957 #14424
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Fob-Green” YieldMax: 60KT 1/23/1970 #25550
sing a Cineflex camera with 3-inch focal length lens) of a circular, lumino 2/24/1950 #4554 using a one-frame-per-second 60 cm focal length camera with 35 mm color fil 8/31/1950 #5154 also suggests that NASA become the focal point for further UFO inquiries. 7/21/1977 #32297 ng the group Sec. AS (2a) its main focal point for receiving public UFO rep Fall 1984 #37466 ustin, New Mexico, in July 1947. A focal point for the discussion is the te 2/15/1992 #40331 had two red round lights near the "focal point". 9/18/1993 #41203
iucci, Gennaro Mattiucci, and Dino Focaracci—see, at low altitude and for a 11/8/1978 #33928
Germany Heinrich Focke designed the world’s first practic 6/26/1936 #1245
cil Bluffs, Iowa 11:45 p.m. Debbie Focken and other witnesses see an oblong 7/31/1976 #31206 Debbie Focken was working at a convenience stor 7/31/1976 #31207
FOCOLA, NEW CALEDONIA Flaming pear shape 12/1966 #21170
FOCSANI, ROMANIA Small silent red and wh 5/28/1963 (approximate) #17768
ms the objects are far away and in focus. 6/17/1777 #85 of the mustard gas. Medical staff focus on personnel with blast or fire in 12/2/1943 #1549 h northeast. Shortly after the men focus the instrument on the object to ta 7/1950 #5035 t UFO documentary. The film’s main focus is on the best new evidence of 195 11/17/1950 #5279 ment indicates hypnosis is a major focus. Experimental goals include: the c 5/11/1953 #8875 ysicist Freeman Dyson, its initial focus is to send astronauts to Mars and 1958 #14780 he South Atlantic. He is trying to focus with his binoculars on what appear 1/10/1958 #14817 Among other purposes, experiments focus on measuring people’s reactions un 9/1959 #15952 l of Moon Dust Alerts and reports, focus of Moon Dust on “foreign earth sat 4/25/1961 #16662 ut they get no response. When they focus a red light on it, the object move 6/5/1961 #16721 ” The ExComm’s initial discussions focus on a massive US military assault o 10/16/1962 #17475 hearings, major news media mainly focus on sensational stories related to 7/1963 #17819 nd new offensive-use agents with a focus on incapacitating agents. The purp 1964 #18101 witness is not the project’s main focus, he goes home. 12/1966 #21172 mar] in San Diego, California. Its focus is on combat training against MiG 3/3/1969 #24960 nment who have decided to create a focus for the study of UAP. https://ufo 6/2/1974 #29157 he UFO were overexposed and out of focus. There were two other witnesses wh 1/5/1975 #29724 ed at an angle and slightly out of focus. 5/3/1975 #30025 ile. Newspaper reports at the time focus on the reentry of a satellite or r 8/10/1979 #34724 rgue with confidence that the main focus of the events was a series of misp 12/28/1980 #35750 Union as an “evil empire” and the “focus of evil in the modern world.” He a 3/8/1983 #36774 es three “gravity amplifiers” that focus a “Gravity A” wave from the “total 3/1989 #38855 t away. It had an peculiar "out of focus" quality. He said that he and the 2/10/1995 #42033 ds that Collins Elite continues to focus attention on planned disclosure to 3/11/1998 #43532 ly blinded and when he was able to focus again the object had disappeared. 9/25/1998 #43651 e Cosmos, in which he continues to focus on the experience as transformativ 1999 #43708 ried open. When his eyes came into focus, he saw two figures already inside 10/15/2000 #44059 ght beam down. It was difficult to focus upon because it looked blurry. 12/23/2007 #45102 licitation states that the primary focus is on “breakthrough technologies a 8/18/2008 #45159 s and my eyes were still trying to focus, when suddenly the thing just lit 8/6/2013 #45381 mmand. The five-year contract will focus on “inertial mass reduction, mecha 10/17/2019 #45612 Alabama..that city has become the focus of a very intense espionage effort 5/2022 #45746
p's masthead, with the searchlight focused on the ship. The UFO made a whir 2/28/1913 #885 y day an anti-aircraft unit member focused a height- and range- finder on a 6/1940 #1339 UFO maneuvering at 20,000 feet. It focused a beam of light onto his plane. 1/16/1955 #11935 e a small island. When he does get focused, he realizes the island is getti 1/10/1958 #14817 ght beam from an overhead Huey was focused ahead on a “large round object” 12/10/1964 #18655 y someone shaking his bed. When he focused his eyes he saw in front of him 8/6/1967 #22832 ay. Two bright beams of light were focused on the witness's car and its doo 9/22/1971 #26365 FO hearings. The next two days are focused on preparation of a draft resolu 11/28/1977 #32702 t in the sky. Almost as soon as he focused on it, the light seemed to appea 1/19/1988 #38417 mensional Systems, an organization focused on medical remote viewing. http 1997 #43158 ading to McDonald Avenue. His eyes focused on a little dark figure standing 3/12/2004 #44676 sis. They also report examinations focused on glandular tissue, especially 8/3/2012 #45351 ears much attention has been being focused on the Nellis Test Range Complex 2013 #45356 ora and Project Bizarre, a program focused on the Cold War secrets of USSR 2014 #45400 uroscientist, who describes it as “focused on forensically assessing accoun 1/9/2018 #45503 lling rumors that the program only focused on theoretical physics. 5/22/2019 #45579 rring to the CIA’s operations unit focused on Russia, according to two sour 12/3/2019 #45621
hide the fact. Mostly, however, he focuses on discrepancies in the Air Forc 12/1956 #13378 dn’t remember the details.” Keyhoe focuses on the cover-up, while Hall argu 11/28/1966 #21156 egins COINTELPRO–BLACK HATE, which focuses on Martin Luther King Jr. and th 8/1967 #22770 ournal edited by J. B. Delair that focuses on sightings and data. It contin 6/1970 #25683 name to the Mutual UFO Network and focuses on building a national grassroot 1973 #27201 r cattle mutilations), the inquiry focuses on New Mexico cases, though it p 4/25/1979 #34523 ction seems to be pulsating as she focuses her camera. It appears as a smal 9/3/1980 #35493 yall, based in the UK, selectively focuses on some of the silliest UFO docu 5/26/2008 #45143
ters” and a round-table discussion focusing on the “present day needs in un 9/10/1937 #1277 ilm, and he decides to release it, focusing on the seagull explanation. 1/29/1953 #8613 s, stopping right over his car and focusing a bright beam of light on him f 11/6/1966 #21080 emitted five light beams downward, focusing into a single beam that swept t 8/16/1968 #24344 overed over the two terrified men, focusing its light on Boro. He climbed a 10/17/1981 #36176 tchet Patrol) in Toronto, Ontario, focusing on abduction experiencers. It f 1/1990 #39359 ue of Los Identificados, a journal focusing on Argentine occupant cases. It 4/1993 #40922 s publishes They Are Already Here, focusing on the beliefs and attitudes of 3/3/2020 #45637 s a 20 year process of acclimation focusing on young people. 6/4/2022 #45756
Iași, Romania Focşani Brăila Târgovişte 8:00 p.m. An a 1/29/1913 #875 this month at military barracks in Focşani, Brăila, and Târgovişte. 1/29/1913 #875
ltra, Avellino, Italy, to get some fodder for his cow. On the beaten-earth 10/8/1984 #37480
Mars. Psychic investigator Nandor Fodor, who has attended some of Robinson 10/27/1926 #1065
S Reports "Flying Saucers: Friend, Foe or Fantasy?" presented extremely neg 5/10/1966 #20473 ves The documentary “UFOs: Friend, Foe, or Fantasy?” appears on CBS Reports 5/10/1966 #20474
and that they are aware their only foes on Earth are psychics. Later, Swann 2/1975 #29781
ire coast where it vanishes in the fog. 12/15/1914 #922 oing down / sea. Lights out. Blows fog. Vanishes. / r203p135. 2/11/1937 #1263 its lights and produced a cloud or fog cover, then vanished. 2/11/1937 #1266 hanges from dull black to gray to “fog blue.” It is joined by three smaller Summer 1944 #1611 Ardennes, Belgium Pair of fog lights; bright yellowish orange; fly 1/1/1945 #1749 arber describes them as a “pair of fog lights, shooting up to 60 or 70,000 1/2/1945 #1751 est / 800 MPH against wind. Lost / fog. 9/11/1948 #3796 lew off toward the north, emitting fog or smoke. A short wave radio wouldn' 7/19/1951 #5579 straight and level into a coastal fog bank after 3-4 minutes. 9/6/1951 #5652 straight and level into a coastal fog bank after approximately 3-4 minutes 9/6/1951 #5654 section was rounded, and a sort of fog was noted at both ends of object. 10/15/1952 #8135 d had a rounded forward section. A fog was noted at both ends of the object 10/15/1952 #8136 TROWBRIDGE, WILTS Postman / thick fog. Brilliant saucer overhead. Rays lig 1/20/1953 #8556 igar-shape hovers / hills. Beams / fog. Shakes violently. Away extremely fa 5/21/1954 #9822 also seems to be creating a thick fog. After a few minutes the object disa 10/22/1954 #11319 cany, Italy. He entered a patch of fog and started hearing a buzzing noise. 10/24/1954 #11366 hearing a buzzing noise. When the fog became less dense, he could see a st 10/24/1954 #11366 a greenish light through the thick fog. Because there were no houses in the 11/1/1954 #11522 VAS, FR Trusted observer(s). Thick fog. Blue disk hovers. Shoots quickly go 11/3/1954 (approximate) #11541 manoids (or Greys) / metal suits / fog. Helmets. Glide! Missing time? / LDL 11/3/1954 #11542 liable witness encountered a thick fog in Palavas, Herault, France. Inside 11/3/1954 #11549 with helmets were seen in a thick fog at 6:30 a.m. at a farm in Mareil-sur 11/3/1954 #11550 a hillside. They emitted smoke or fog and beams of light. Figures could be 6/10/1955 #12194 Glowing object / road surrounded / fog. Car malfunctions due to EME (electr 11/4/1957 #14257 electro-magnetic effects) entering fog. Battery dead. 11/4/1957 #14257 middle of the road, surrounded by fog. As they drive closer and enter the 11/4/1957 #14282 As they drive closer and enter the fog, the car engine and battery die. Ano 11/4/1957 #14282 ut 3 m high, surrounded by haze or fog, pulsating slowly. Holes, footprints 11/6/1957 #14417 tall. It was surrounded by haze or fog and pulsated slowly. Holes, footprin 11/6/1957 #14441 going down / pond / 20 minute(s). Fog follows object going up. 2/1958 #14858 ntact is disrupted by intermittent fog. 10/2/1959 #16011 les. Drops and sprays highway with fog. Missing time. / MJ#259. 11/8/1959 #16082 down and sprayed the highway with fog. Later, it was realized that the dri 11/8/1959 #16085 Osakis, Minnesota, sees a “ball of fog approximately 3 feet in diameter” sw 5/10/1961 #16681 round to cigar shape covered with fog (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 2/19/1962 #17050 a (possibly artificially produced) fog.The object was estimated to be about 2/19/1962 #17053 linder/cigar-shape / low altitude. Fog fills woods. "House" lands in field. 5/13/1962 #17168 h a bright trail. Soon thereafter, fog filled a wooded section near Uncativ 5/13/1962 #17170 , multicolored light. They enter a fog and see through the trees a sort of 5/13/1962 #17171 despite the fact that there was no fog or mist at the time. It came from be 2/12/1965 #18813 / SUTTON VENY, WILTS Grey ovoid in fog over man walking. Big noise and pres 3/28/1965 #18877 r 5M / ground. Rises going up [to] fog. Returns. Flashes and whistles. / US 4/11/1966 #20282 g red light, rose, was lost in the fog, then came back at treetop level wit 4/11/1966 #20284 s base. The object ascended into a fog bank and descended again at a greate 6/24/1966 #20608 The object was beneath a cloud or fog layer. (Walter N. Webb report.) (NIC 8/15/1966 #20745 ff straight up and vanished in the fog. The witness had seen disc-like UFOs 8/20/1966 #20781 ich was reportedly surrounded by a fog or mist, followed the car home. Ten 3/7/1967 #21788 LEOMINSTER, MA 13M saucer over low fog. Car malfunctions due to EME (electr 3/8/1967 #21791 chusetts Two persons observed deep fog in the vicinity of a cemetery and sa 3/8/1967 #21813 ts, when they pass through a dense fog near St. Leo’s Cemetery and notice a 3/8/1967 #21815 cemetery 10 minutes later, but the fog is gone. 3/8/1967 #21815 saw the UFO surrounded by a heavy fog or mist. They described the object a 3/8/1967 #21818 WEST / KENT, OH Fog. Saucer / field. 4+small humanoids ( 3/28/1967 #22002 s base. Finally it ascended into a fog bank, descended again farther away ( 6/24/1967 #22541 p, he sees a distinct break in the fog with stars visible and a “large dark 7/5/1967 #22616 AYA OBL, RUSSIA Scientists / camp. Fog = going [to] saucer. Fast maneuver. 9/2/1967 #22979 . Fast maneuver. Back = going [to] fog going east. / r9p193. 9/2/1967 #22979 BELGIUM 2 chrome 20M saucers exit fog 100M away. Emit red night lights. Go 9/25/1967 #23127 wo chrome colored saucers exited a fog bank 100 meters away. They were 20 m 9/25/1967 #23132 conds before it takes off into the fog. 11/8/1967 #23425 ight when they encountered a heavy fog and were required to stop. A face su 11/13/1967 #23444 Immediately he was enveloped in a fog or smoke emitted by the UFO, and he 2/2/1968 #23727 when they were caught in "a dense fog" and lost consciousness for 48 hours 5/1968 #23936 car is enveloped in a thick green fog. The next thing they know they are d Early 5/1968 #23939 nd maneuver. Touch ground / times. Fog / limited area. 8/24/1968 #24373 ry strange as there seemed to be a fog or mist in the canyon and inside the 10/1968 #24533 mist in the canyon and inside the fog they could make out a luminous, sort 10/1968 #24533 etops. Shoot going up [to] leaving fog behind. 11/3/1969 #25450 SOESTERBERG, NETH Humming and fog. Large metallic glow saucer. 5' figu 3/25/1972 #26622 inding white light surrounded by a fog, and thought that his car was on fir 3/25/1972 #26623 histles. Rises going up [to] thick fog and lost. No description. 5/31/1972 #26690 in his fifties, was driving in the fog in Mannum, South Australia at 6:35 a 5/31/1972 #26691 car, and the object rose into the fog with a "swish" sound. 5/31/1972 #26691 it moves off to the right. A dense fog engulfs the object as it disappears 10/23/1972 #27087 k during the encounter. Finally, a fog appeared from nowhere, obscuring the 10/23/1972 #27089 southeast toward(s) harbor. Lost / fog. / MJ#239. 3/23/1973 #27362 and radio out. Saucer lands. Emits fog. Buzz. / r79p57. 6/1973 (approximate) #27542 ROCKWELL CITY, IA 3 / car. Windows fog. Silver saucer with bright beam. Fog 8/20/1973 #27715 g. Silver saucer with bright beam. Fog = ashes! 8/20/1973 #27715 Pseudo-human/entity outside. Blows fog and gone. / r178p11. 10/4/1973 #27931 which emitted a whirring noise. A fog enveloped the craft, which then disa 10/4/1973 #27936 e there was another case involving fog or mist. A motorcycle stalled as a l 10/5/1973 #27952 roached and hovered, with smoke or fog underneath. A being two-meters tall 10/5/1973 #27952 r case involving a UFO and mist or fog occurred in Oracle Junction, Arizona 10/5/1973 #27953 teps / yard. 6M saucer hides / odd fog. Reacts to thoughts and shows antenn 10/7/1973 #27963 , QB Luminous ball paces car. Pink fog / road. Figure sweeps white line! / 11/18/1973 #28438 nds. Hops going [to] trees. Lost / fog. 12/22/1973 #28596 beach / 4 legs. 6' figure exits in fog. Indents with red gunk. 5/20/1974 #29117 cal object crosses D963 several X. Fog / base. 10M altitude. Going east. / 8/25/1974 #29383 O, the bottom half obscured by the fog. But what holds his attention is som 12/2/1974 #29629 which was surrounded by a kind of fog. As he passed, the car "darkened, as 12/2/1974 #29631 e west coast of Ireland in a thick fog when the radar operator picks up an 6/23/1975 #30117 MOSSLEY, ENGL Trucker. Thick fog. 7M glowing-ovoid passes closely. Mi 8/1975 #30224 colored lights appear, and a thick fog rises out of Tripp Pond, engulfing t 10/27/1975 #30486 green, and blue lights. A smoke or fog then rose from the pond and conceale 10/27/1975 #30489 een light dead ahead through light fog three miles away at 10° above the ho 4/23/1976 #31017 uck when he encountered an unusual fog while crossing over a bridge. An oys 5/14/1976 #31051 ina when he encountered an unusual fog while crossing over a bridge. An oys 5/14/1976 #31052 ebec when they encountered a thick fog. The vehicle's lights and engine fai 8/5/1976 #31235 GASPESIE PROV PARK, QB Fog. Car paced / red spotlight and malfu 8/6/1976 #31237 a beam of red light penetrates the fog and creates a six-inch circle on the 8/6/1976 #31240 an Park, Quebec, Canada in a thick fog, heading toward Matane. Suddenly, a 8/6/1976 #31241 ad of their car. Despite the thick fog, this beam had very sharp edges, and 8/6/1976 #31241 f their car and walked through the fog toward the fuzzy, intense light ahea 8/6/1976 #31241 again walked through the thinning fog toward the object, followed by their 8/6/1976 #31241 was nothing ahead of them, and the fog had practically dissipated. The car 8/6/1976 #31241 cular glow overhead. Car covered / fog until object gone. / MJ#126. 1/4/1977 #31688 ights stayed nearby, surrounded by fog. When he turned off his car headligh 6/28/1977 #32204 Swift was investigating an unusual fog in a nearby fog located in East Hull 8/9/1977 #32372 igating an unusual fog in a nearby fog located in East Hull, Yorkshire, Eng 8/9/1977 #32372 y A39 in Somerset with she noticed fog and a floating gray, egg-shaped mass 9/26/1977 #32522 AR SONORA, CA 2 / car. Sudden blue fog. Car malfunctions due to EME (electr 10/30/1977 #32635 ad road. Phony chicken Coop flies. Fog. 2 hours missing time. / R241p1. 1/10/1978 #32864 eared to retreat into an extensive fog. The witness advanced and saw the fo 1/10/1978 #32870 . The witness advanced and saw the fog retreating out of the ravine. Sudden 1/10/1978 #32870 vine. Suddenly the movement of the fog stopped and returned along its origi 1/10/1978 #32870 sibility to less than 10 feet. The fog was accompanied by a sound similar t 1/10/1978 #32870 ilar to a vacuum cleaner. Then the fog quickly dissipated along with the so 1/10/1978 #32870 ngland. The UFO emitted a cloud of fog or smoke, radiated beams of light, a 1/10/1978 #32871 ehind a nearby tree stump. A thick fog then began forming in the area and s 4/25/1978 #33169 drops low. Turns horizontal. Blows fog. Windows steam up. 8/4/1978 #33469 iles south of Ottumwa, Iowa. Mist, fog, and condensation were noted. The ca 8/24/1978 #33566 rode his horse through the morning fog he felt something fly overhead. Next 9/6/1978 #33640 a red light visible through dense fog. It is apparently coming from an obj 9/23/1978 #33736 pushes rod / ground. Photographs = fog. / r177p134+/ LDLN#196. 10/15/1978 #33834 ey were engulfed by a dense white "fog" and illuminated by bright light. Th 9/20/1979 #34909 ki leaned over to the edge of the "fog" and could clearly see the town belo 9/20/1979 #34909 g to remember only that a luminous fog had descended on his car and he woke 11/26/1979 #35015 . It appeared to emit some type of fog or vapor; the object then began blin 11/30/1979 #35034 ng windbreaker. At the same time a fog like mist surrounded the gas pumps a 12/2/1979 #35040 SJARVI, FIN Headlight beams bend / fog. Abduction / saucer. 3 small humanoi 4/2/1980 #35246 udasjarvi, Finland Car drove into "fog," headlights deflected upwards, driv 4/2/1980 #35247 udasjarvi, Finland Car drove into "fog," headlights deflected upwards, driv 4/2/1980 #35248 ss a bridge when her car entered a fog and her car headlights were deflecte 4/2/1980 #35249 REDDING, CA 1+3 observer(s). Fog envelops car. 30+min missing time. O 5/7/1980 #35311 appearance of a patch of smoke or fog that suddenly enveloped their van. A 5/7/1980 #35317 mined them on tables in room with "fog" on floor (section XIII). (NICAP: 03 8/21/1980 #35472 mined them on tables in room with "fog" on floor 8/21/1980 #35473 rround what appears to be a bright fog or mist. When his group enters the f 12/28/1980 #35750 speed and disappears. Meanwhile, a fog surrounds the blimp and it drifts aw 2/12/1981 #35824 aped UFO surrounded by a turbulent fog or mist "like smoke from a chimney" 5/12/1981 #35933 aped UFO surrounded by a turbulent fog or mist "like smoke from a chimney" 5/12/1981 #35934 ge-shape overhead. Rises and blows fog. / International UFO Reporter (CUFOS 6/10/1981 #35959 s whirling like a top and emitting fog. It flies off after about 10 minutes 6/12/1981 #35966 ched motorboat, one surrounded by "fog." Paralysis felt, missing time, phys 7/31/1981 #36043 ched motorboat, one surrounded by "fog." Paralysis felt, missing time, phys 7/31/1981 #36044 ched motorboat, one surrounded by "fog." Paralysis felt, missing time, phys 7/31/1981 #36045 ched motorboat, one surrounded by "fog." Paralysis felt, missing time, phys 7/31/1981 #36046 suddenly appear above them, and a fog forms in front of the boat. They los 7/31/1981 #36048 0 p.m. a black object, covered by "fog", accompanied by two satellite light 7/31/1981 #36050 r. Car just ahead gone when sudden fog lifts! No turnoffs.. 9/20/1981 (approximate) #36133 OF MULL, SCOTLAND 3 / car. Sudden fog. 4 clocks stop. Vibration. Several h 10/8/1981 #36162 and, Scotland encountered a sudden fog around the middle of the day. The mi 10/8/1981 #36169 vestigate a "disabled ship" in the fog. They are missing for five days. Whe 2/10/1982 #36332 vestigate a "disabled ship" in the fog. They are missing for five days. Whe 2/10/1982 #36336 poses as water tank over fogbank. Fog clears. No tank. 10/18/1982 #36650 CAREME, FR 2 / car / D958. Sudden fog. Huge saucer. Car turns onto unknown 3/26/1983 (approximate) #36811 iving in Careme encountered sudden fog, and then a huge disc-shaped UFO. Th 3/26/1983 #36814 Garonne, France encountered sudden fog, and then a huge disc-shaped UFO. Th 3/26/1983 #36816 "wok" stops 60m overhead. Windows fog up on departure. 12/7/1983 #37066 AM. Mr. Coventry reported seeing a fog in which all sounds stopped. A gray 12/15/1983 #37075 lasgow, Scotland reported seeing a fog at 6:25 a.m. in which all sounds sto 12/15/1983 #37076 . It seems to be surrounded with a fog, but it changes its appearance about 2/23/1984 #37201 ALLO NORTHWEST / AVIANO, ITL Green fog. Car malfunctions due to EME (electr 4/14/1985 #37578 iddletown, New York. He remembered fog and a blue light before the missing 10/5/1985 #37673 it looked just like a thick orange fog. The lower part of the craft looked 3/23/1987 #38153 s it. He loses the creature in the fog but then sees an object rise from th 12/1/1987 #38345 loud of something that looked like fog was seen straddling a hedgerow aroun 2/9/1988 #38449 11:00 p.m. It was surrounded by a fog or mist. The object then was seen em 8/25/1988 #38625 SOUTH / WATSONVILLE, CA Sudden fog. 2 observer(s) minds go blank. Ovoid 12/1988 #38730 other. Some kind of green haze or fog formed, and the object suddenly vani 8/5/1990 #39681 S LAKE, BC 75' red cone / light in fog over house / 20 minute(s). 3-week no 9/1/1990 #39713 ange craft” like looking through a fog; they saw three small beings outside 4/12/1991 #40038 ghts hovered above her and a thick fog was coming out of some ports around 5/14/1991 #40061 / (seen thru) binoculars. Lost in fog. 8/4/1991 #40141 an testing radio drives into dense fog. Noise. Missing time. Face burnt. Il 10/22/1991 #40214 sumed his drive and the vapor-like fog quickly dissipated. 4/12/1992 #40414 der power lines going quickly [to] fog. 8/15/1992 #40575 ke on a Christmas tree. A cloud of fog also enveloped the object, and it ha 9/4/1992 #40610 [to] by low and slow. Surrounded / fog. 10/4/1992 #40660 ights around its base. Through the fog the lights had a fluorescent appeara 2/19/1993 #40854 CONNERSVILLE, IN 2 girls. Humming. Fog exits saucer overhead. Night lights 10/17/1993 #41239 saucer overhead. Night lights exit fog and circle field / 3 minute(s). 10/17/1993 #41239 diana. Three lights emerged from a fog and circled a field for three minute 10/17/1993 #41241 group. Seconds later a thick white fog enveloped the area. The object dimme 4/7/1994 #41480 TON CO, OH Large saucer appears in fog. Beams going quickly [to] car. Drive 10/19/1994 #41807 in front of them, emerging from a fog. As it hovered, one of them mentally 10/28/1994 #41816 GNE, FR 2 observer(s). Fireball in fog west going quickly east / 15 second( 3/7/1995 #42078 old. It involved a strange mist or fog, time dislocation, and the "Oz" effe 7/15/1995 #42304 picnic table. A dark gray mass and fog then enveloped the garden. This was 7/15/1995 #42304 rtain, and was emitting a smoke or fog. Military witnesses later admitted t 1/20/1996 #42697 f light that suddenly permeate the fog from above and converge into a circl 11/4/1997 #43437 leon, Ohio. It is emitting a dense fog and stays stationary for 7 minutes, 7/21/1998 #43612 ehind them there was a thick brown fog made up of different bright colors w 10/24/1998 #43669 entities had gone and the strange fog was moving away. Investigators found 10/24/1998 #43669 ent silver sphere going [to] low / fog. Lights field randomly. Going north. 11/21/1999 #43884 er sphere flying silently low in a fog. Lights followed it randomly. The sp 11/21/1999 #43885 n toward the ground. It radiated a fog from around its periphery. Its light 7/7/2000 #44013 canyon filled with a greenish-blue fog that lasted for ten minutes. A helic 7/7/2000 #44013 when her vehicle entered a strange fog on the road. When she drove out of t 9/23/2000 #44045 he road. When she drove out of the fog she was surprised to see that it was 9/23/2000 #44045 mitting a smoke-like, dark mist or fog. 10/24/2000 #44061 id blue light, engulfed in haze or fog was seen by a woman driving on Highw 10/30/2000 #44066 the sky, leaving a trail of white fog behind. 4/4/2003 #44511 of light that filtered through the fog and mist. It changed direction, and 5/29/2003 #44549 3:30 a.m., at which time a haze or fog filled the area and he lost consciou 8/26/2004 #44743 and left behind a cloud of bluish fog. 12/4/2006 #44989 k it is generating a kind of night fog low above the ground. The witnesses 2/3/2016 #45444
e homes. The object had a "cloudy" fog-enveloped underside, and it successf 8/11/1978 #33510
e UFO then took off and showered a fog-like substance that caused a tinglin 1/26/1968 #23704 op. At the rear of the object is a fog-like cloud and orange sparks. It tak 10/23/1972 #27087 d-like body. Behind his head was a fog-like mist. The being wore a smooth s 7/29/1990 #39667 ehind a V-shaped trail that became fog-like and disappeared. He heard a boo 12/4/1991 #40254 y hit by a “wall of air” and see a fog-like rectangular screen on the right 8/13/1993 #41135 lights were oval shaped. Quickly a fog-like smoke approached the vehicle, c 8/5/1997 #43369 nd it was surrounded by smoke or a fog-like cloud. A similar phenomenon was 1/18/2000 #43931
ts take samples / garden. Float to fog-ovoid and away. 10/24/1998 #43668
nheim Australia 12:10 a.m. Quentin Fogarty, a reporter for Melbourne’s 0/10 12/31/1978 #34246 appears to the right of the plane. Fogarty manages to crack, “Let’s hope th 12/31/1978 #34246 to accompany him back to Blenheim. Fogarty, Crockett, and another journalis 12/31/1978 #34246 of sight to the right. Afterward, Fogarty notices a strange light that see 12/31/1978 #34246
Going quickly southwest going [to] fogbank. 9/6/1951 #5650 th 4 legs poses as water tank over fogbank. Fog clears. No tank. 10/18/1982 #36650
t flew in front of car, windshield fogged up; engine restarted by itself. I 8/24/1978 #33561 car engine died and the windshield fogged up by the close presence of the U 8/24/1978 #33566
ano Veneto, Treviso, Italy on this foggy night placing nets in the water. H 11/1/1954 #11522 gray ovoid object surrounded by a foggy mist followed a man walking down a 3/28/1965 #18878 le was observed taking off with a "foggy" trail. 8/30/1965 #19476 le was observed taking off with a "foggy" trail. 8/30/1965 #19479 ing through Emerson, Arkansas on a foggy night, Dr. Galloway and his wife s 12/30/1966 #21232 emerges / woods. Bright spine and foggy edges. / r30p278. 6/27/1967 #22560 ELSINORE, CA Foggy weather. Car malfunctions due to E 11/8/1967 #23419 -CHAUMES, FR Numerous observer(s). Foggy lens-saucer / red trail. Sudden qu 12/26/1967 #23611 rovince, Spain encountered a white foggy object hovering two meters over a 8/16/1970 #25790 indow and saw a human-like figure, foggy white in color like a phantom, wal 7/8/1971 #26218 a roaring sound. Their eyes were "foggy" for two days following their clos 6/28/1973 #27600 SOUTHWEST / SIKES, LA Foggy Eve. 1 / car. 3' silvery figure(s) 11/7/1973 #28380 ng from Winnfield to Sikes on this foggy night encountered along the roadwa 11/7/1973 #28383 ity Council, was driving through a foggy area five kilometers from the Rota 3/17/1974 #28898 EAST / FREDERIC, WI Saucer / foggy road. Ape-man inside "scared". / r 12/2/1974 (approximate) #29628 FIRTH, WEST YORKS 25' ovoid blocks foggy road. Enters valley and scares she 8/24/1975 (approximate) #30302 BALCARCE, ARG Foggy morn. Clamshell saucer lights brid 5/14/1976 #31050 , and on the bottom is a circle of foggy light surrounding a triangle of in 5/10/1977 #32082 removed. It gradually became very foggy, so at 4:30 a.m. they went to bed, 8/1/1977 #32345 een cylinder/cigar-shape. Glides / foggy sky. 4/27/1978 #33174 A man and a woman were driving in foggy conditions near a mine at 11:50 p. 1/3/1979 #34291 d the ground. The object emitted a foggy vapor at ground level, rose up and 6/5/1983 #36877 / dull white rises / behind house. Foggy. Emits beam. 2 hours. 8/25/1988 #38623 A woman at home on a foggy evening in San Antonio, Texas was 2/11/1989 #38836 et, England, a man driving home in foggy conditions sees three white beams 11/4/1997 #43437 downtown Green Bay, Wisconsin, in foggy conditions, spots five lights movi 12/3/2021 #45727
like something between a hum and a foghorn. (NICAP, “Object Lands / Animal 10/15/1974 #29531
edro, California 2:30 p.m. Z. Thad Fogl, radio officer of the SS Ramsey, cl 12/3/1957 #14666 and Life in 1966. However, in 1967 Fogl admits that he had faked the photo 12/3/1957 #14666
0 p.m. Antonio Sanchez and Ernesto Fogliani are hunting rabbits about 7 mil 5/20/1959 #15741 p.m. two hunters named Sanchez and Fogliani observed a landed silvery metal 5/20/1959 #15742
ies behind trees. Car dies. Window fogs. Restarts itself! 8/24/1978 #33558 e front of her car, her windshield fogs up and the car stalls out to a stop 8/24/1978 #33563
left earth for the outer galaxy by fohatic teleportation.” “He is now back 7/3/1947 #2551
are one of the three most popular FOI requests made to the Ministry of Def 1/1/2005 #44806 728030142/https://www.dod.mil/pubs/foi/operationandplans/ExercisesandProjec 2014 #45400
ject (Project 1947; McDonald list; FOIA; Bloecher 1967) (NICAP: 11 - Aviati 6/2/1947 #2308 n at high altitude (McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index; Bloecher 1967) (NICAP 6/12/1947 #2323 ng S at high speed (McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index; Bloecher 1967) (NICAP 6/28/1947 #2444 cular 3 ft objects (Ruppelt p. 19; FOIA; FUFOR Index; Bloecher 1967). (NICA 6/28/1947 #2445 nd.” (This report was declassified FOIA, 1976.) 7/1947 #2492 airplane, reflecting white light (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 7/7/1947 #2925 aped (Project 1947; McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 8/4/1947 #3290 ace obj 4-6 ft wide(McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 8/14/1947 #3327 files released by the FBI through FOIA requests in the 1970s, at 10:40 a.m 8/14/1947 #3333 aveling at 700 mph (McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 10/8/1947 #3450 brilliant sunlight (McDonald list; FOIA; Mary Castner/CUFOS) (NICAP: 01 - D 10/20/1947 #3463 t AT-6 at the indicated altitude. (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 4/19/1948 #3627 to the CIA (which in response to a FOIA request claims no record), Armament 11/4/1948 #3868 ht-Patterson AFB in Ohio. A recent FOIA to the National Archives answers th 11/30/1948 #3895 ionary object about 10-15 ft size (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 1/23/1949 #3974 on-reflected bottom (Berliner; cf. FOIA; Jan Aldrich) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 4/3/1949 #4067 jects which avoided 3-4 airplanes (FOIA) 2-4 hrs (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encou 4/6/1949 #4078 g discs 10 inches diameter by car (FOIA) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 4/28/1949 #4121 ner taking off from Elko airport. (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 5/2/1949 #4137 ding slightly on a straight path. (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 5/3/1949 #4142 lor to orange with trailing flame (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 1/7/1950 #4477 ve never been released by ONI, and FOIA requests into the USAF special stud 4/24/1952 #6179 ged or released by the CIA despite FOIA litigation. Its existence and conte 6/1952 #6403 d the truth in 2008 after repeated FOIA requests. 11/1/1952 #8228 uilding and discovered following a FOIA request in 1977. These documents ar 4/13/1953 #8823 to get it declassified following a FOIA request. 10/4/1955 #12488 members and interviewing them, and FOIA searches that located more of the l 7/17/1957 #13808 as a success. https://www.dia.mil/FOIA/FOIA-Electronic-Reading-Room/FileId 3/1968 #23799 uilding and discovered following a FOIA request in 1977. These documents ar 1973 #27199 -%20no%2057.pdf#page=4 Note: A FOIA response by the USAF shows a film o 12/28/1973 #28612 ton DC Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) renewed 1974 #28624 ry Greenwood later stated he filed FOIA inquiries for records and Vandenber 7/17/1974 #29267 must file an annual report on its FOIA requests to Congress. Citizens can 12/31/1974 #29666 o release documents from agencies. FOIA soon disproves the longstanding den 12/31/1974 #29666 aded by William Spaulding, files a FOIA request with the CIA for copies of 7/14/1975 #30180 at Cannon AFB, New Mexico. (Actual FOIA document) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encoun 1/21/1976 #30808 30 EST to 0600 EST. (NMCC) (Actual FOIA document) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic 1/31/1976 #30835 esponds to the Ground Saucer Watch FOIA request, claiming that its only inv 3/26/1976 #30957 sighting near Mt. Airy Md. (Actual FOIA document) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 7/30/1976 #31200 Physicist Bruce Maccabee uses FOIA requests to obtain some 400 pages o Summer 1977 #32182 MSITE L-9, SD Foia. 2 figure(s) melt rifle. Board 20' 11/16/1977 #32675 s and dates that can be used for a FOIA request, which UFO researcher Barry 12/13/1977 #32768 The State Department replies to a FOIA request for UAP documents that it c 1/19/1978 #32900 ate Dept. was either circumventing FOIA or poorly executing the FOIA respon 1/19/1978 #32900 nting FOIA or poorly executing the FOIA response process. https://archive. 1/19/1978 #32900 ency files and is released through FOIA in 1980. 5/13/1978 #33203 izens Against UFO Secrecy, files a FOIA request with the CIA that includes 7/13/1978 #33380 Todd Zechel of CAUS to suspend his FOIA request until he has a chance to lo 8/10/1978 #33496 m CIA is selectively responding to FOIA requests to avoid releasing all UAP 12/15/1978 #34142 Note: A NORAD log released through FOIA in 1977 also shows 33 different UAP 12/20/1978 #34186 have already been released through FOIA requests. Stratton fails to follow 2/9/1979 #34415 Peter Gersten again files a FOIA request with the NSA, this time req 2/16/1979 #34430 NORAD replies to a FOIA request for UAP tracking data that 9/1979 #34816 from adversarial scrutiny through FOIA. 10/29/1979 #34975 135 documents it has withheld from FOIA requests. The suit also includes th 5/1980 #35295 1982 and obtained in a subsequent FOIA request by Barry Greenwood. Moore a 8/8/1980 #35447 davit (released to CAUS through an FOIA request with 95% redactions, later 11/18/1980 #35653 NORAD refuses to waive fees for FOIA requests from Citizens Against UFO 10/1981 #36149 Civilian FOIA organized Ground Saucer Watch never 2/25/1982 #36370 ce and Research (INR). * https://foia.state.gov/Search/Results.aspx?searc 2/25/1982 #36370 939_b.html * https://www.dia.mil/FOIA/FOIA-Electronic-Reading-Room/FileId 2/25/1982 #36370 eliminates response time limits on FOIA requests. Searches for UFO document 4/2/1982 #36430 private status keeps it safe from FOIA requests. Among its programs are: d 11/18/1983 #37046 it was a Secret unit of the Army. (FOIA requests to USAF) 5/16/1984 #37328 e LTC Lance R. Cornine writes in a FOIA response that the Army briefly had 5/16/1984 #37330 nvestigations. In 1997, AFOSI told FOIA requestors that its IPU material ha 5/16/1984 #37330 records of these meetings through FOIA to the American public, nor did it 5/20/1985 #37591 CIA’s reasons for denying certain FOIA requests about himself on the basis 12/21/1987 #38369 to share UAP data in response to a FOIA request without charging $294,000. 6/1989 #38972 searcher Timothy S. Cooper files a FOIA request. There is a concentration o 1994 #41342 onepage&q&f=false Note: A 2013 FOIA response states USNORTHCOM found tw 5/25/1995 #42229 hives because NORAD is exempt from FOIA as a bi-national organization. * 5/25/1995 #42229 izens Against UFO Secrecy, files a FOIA lawsuit in federal district court i 1/22/1999 #43717 crecy (CAUS) Peter Gersten files a FOIA lawsuit in a federal district court 1/22/1999 #43719 d reported a UFO. On January 16, a FOIA request is sent to the Federal Avia 1/8/2008 #45112 51 for the first time, following a FOIA request filed in 2005, and it decla 6/25/2013 #45375 gy could be overlooked/exempt from FOIA because it’s held in private indust 12/2014 #45425 fice (NRO) states in response to a FOIA request that it has no documentatio 11/5/2015 #45439 on NRO platforms, and suggests the FOIA response in 2015 wasn’t accurate if 11/5/2015 #45439 sed on January 16 in response to a FOIA request by Steven Aftergood, direct 1/9/2018 #45503 OSD Public Affairs seek to control FOIA replies from all USG agencies/depar 7/10/2020 #45651 erally speaking, we let the normal FOIA process work as it is supposed to…b 7/10/2020 #45651 o…but we have been requesting that FOIA offices coordinate with us on UAP-f 7/10/2020 #45651 coordinate with us on UAP-focused FOIA responses before they hit ‘reply’ s 7/10/2020 #45651 onsidering federal government-wide FOIA responses are not supposed to be ma 7/10/2020 #45651 dmission were declassified through FOIA on 9 March 2021. http://parallaxua 7/10/2020 #45651 A FOIA response to Operation Starfish Prim 7/29/2022 #45759 In a FOIA response to researcher John Greenwa 2/27/2023 #45795
ts.theblackvault.com/documents/nrc/FOIA-2017-0368-NRC-UFO.pdf 7/24/1984 #37416
success. https://www.dia.mil/FOIA/FOIA-Electronic-Reading-Room/FileId/1615 3/1968 #23799 .html * https://www.dia.mil/FOIA/FOIA-Electronic-Reading-Room/FileId/1615 2/25/1982 #36370
oject Blue Book, conducted his own FOIA-exempt extragovernment investigatio 1951 #5379
ations and secrecy, including many FOIA-released recent reports and documen 7/1984 #37385
cument, with some text blacked out FOIA-style. 5/1987 #38169
FOIANO, ITL 2 observer(s). 50cm disk spi 3/1980 #35188
helpful. In February, responses to FOIAs by Robert Powell and Glen Schulze 1/8/2008 #45112
4.pdf http://www.cufon.org/cufon/foiasop.htm 5/16/1984 #37330
rial only stronger, light metallic foil (which doesn’t stay bent or folded, 7/5/1947 #2723 t, but incredibly strong. There is foil that, when crumpled, unfolds itself 7/7/1947 #2928 table. Pieces that resemble metal foil, paper-thin yet extremely strong, a 7/8/1947 #3012 ce of metal “lighter than aluminum foil” about 30 inches long and 24 inches 7/25/1947 #3231 ooklet of 17 sheets of thin copper foil fastened at one edge. The booklet i 11/21/1957 #14590 rimarily from lead, and the copper foil is triple laminated an unusually fr 11/21/1957 #14590 silver and "like crumpled aluminum foil." Dogs were barking (animal reactio 3/29/1966 #20132 s underside is shiny like aluminum foil. Mrs. Steward goes to bed, but the 10/2/1966 #20949 underside was shiny like aluminum foil. It was "bigger than my cottage and 10/2/1966 #20950 alloon / complex maneuvers. Ejects foil strips. Antennas. 6/5/1968 #24008 reportedly ejected some strips of foil. 6/5/1968 #24010 showing a man wrapped in aluminum foil. 10/17/1973 #28142 ht men, seven of whom wore maroon "foil type uniforms" and one wore a pale 5/26/1974 #29135 r and the "spacesuit" was like tin foil that had been crushed and flattened 10/7/1975 #30422 airline(s)/airliner and Ni and Sb. Foil and plastic. / news. 8/6/1976 #31238 from the desert; a thick metallic foil, a brittle brownish-black plastic l 3/6/1991 #40002 s 2.5 meters tall and wore silvery foil coveralls that clung tightly to his 3/30/1993 #40907 y” shaped craft, recovered bodies, foil material and a special study done b 3/3/2001 #44147 ould not be broken, and a purplish foil with burn marks that could be crump 3/1/2002 #44321
nt whereabouts of unusual fabrics, foils, parchments, chemical residuals an 3/11/1998 #43532 ion of the Lincoln County fabrics, foils, parchments, chemical residuals an 3/11/1998 #43532
TORRELLAS DE FOIX, SP 2 observer(s). Bright 10M sauce 1/5/1968 (approximate) #23650 r. Aguade, in the Torrellas de las Foix mountains, Barcelona, Spain at 8:15 1/5/1968 #23652 FOIX, FR Group / hunters. Big glowing co 10/17/1971 #26428 FOIX, FR 1+several observer(s). Huge ora 3/5/1974 #28856
ts through binoculars. Capt. Angel Fojo Ceballos and Capt. José Luis Espejo 8/6/1967 #22830
om 8,000 to 6,000 feet and paced a Fokker F-27 IB aircraft for one minute w 11/24/1974 #29606
uld not be dented or cut; it could fold and return to shape. Collins claim 1949 #3947 light intensity increased several fold. At this point the girls became qui 1/25/1967 #21388
ny called Footnote.com (now called Fold3), totaling nearly 130,000 pages, e 2007 #44994 John Greenewald Jr. puts the Fold3 Blue Book files online into his Bl 1/10/2015 #45426 Ancestry.com Fold3 Black Vault website Ancestry.com, 1/27/2015 #45427 website Ancestry.com, the owner of Fold3, illegally demands that Greenewald 1/27/2015 #45427
s and hovers. Its sides seem to be folded up toward the center. Many small 7/20/1894 #316 c foil (which doesn’t stay bent or folded, resumes its original shape, and 7/5/1947 #2723 om the object. It rose vertically, folded its landing gear, and shot off st 11/13/1960 #16502 landing gear. There were also two folded sheets of thin tissue like paper 3/2/1965 #18833 g man with 10-foot wings” that are folded against its back. Terrified, they 11/15/1966 #21107 on the bedroom, and the bed sheets folded neatly back. 10/15/1973 #28059 tral rim. Four landing legs. Hatch folded down, ramp came out. Humming soun 5/20/1974 #29118 umming or pulsating sound. A hatch folded down and a ramp slid out, and a m 5/20/1974 #29120 wearing a dark robe with its hand folded in front of it. The men did not s 6/15/1991 #40098 the door are his shoes and shirt, folded on the ground and warm to the tou 6/16/1991 #40099 o was sitting with her legs partly folded under her. Their facial expressio 7/23/1992 #40531 hts on each wing; it retracted and folded its wings. 11/21/1995 #42618
aniel. Listed as "unidentified" in folder index, but no supporting data cou 10/15/1950 #5234 documents from its so-called “Blue Folder.” The material is obtained by Vad 10/1991 #40202
Washington, D.C., between two file folders. 7/18/1985 #37623 ram Landsearch to search files and folders on every machine. “ https://web 11/2002 #44428
the periodical, which is close to folding. Concentrating on “space opera” 2/1938 #1281 he supervision of William T. Reid, folding it into Project Stork, an initia 3/31/1952 #5998
Department of Transport officially folds Project Magnet but permits Wilbert 8/10/1954 #10118 ide of the road. They had forehead folds, slit mouths, and lopsided chests. 5/25/1955 #12160 es like a snake. His skin hangs in folds like an elephant’s. After a few mi 12/15/1956 #13404 oach in Pretoria, South Africa. It folds in March 1960. 4/1958 #14954 ight UFO Investigation Society. It folds in April 1971. 1/1964 #18104 r many years, but the organization folds in December 2015. 10/1965 #19630 n, and something that lookede like folds or gills under their ears. Their m 1/29/1976 #30833 tter Búsqueda in Gerona, Spain. It folds in March 1995. 8/1988 #38612 going quickly south. Stops / peak. Folds and vanishes in sight. 10/23/1988 #38681 sing on abduction experiencers. It folds in December 1994. 1/1990 #39359 glider" with 9 lights / each wing. Folds it's wings! 11/21/1995 #42616 y visiting real destinations, but “folds” in spacetime created by the Greys 7/2012 #45346
akehurst, NJ (40.01° N, 74.31° W). Folean. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NI 12/27/1950 #5367
At 8:00 p.m. a man named Folger in McKinney, Kentucky had a close 3/1/1978 #33007
eleven foot wide circle of crushed foliage was found at the site. Ms. Leboe 9/26/1954 #10452 rged from the disc. They collected foliage and a sample of the river water 11/4/1954 #11568 fficer, left imprints and scorched foliage when it took off 4/24/1964 #18196 itted a flame from the bottom. The foliage in the area was scorched black, 4/24/1964 #18202 corched sawgrass and other damaged foliage was found at the landing site. 3/14/1965 #18854 , unconscious, eye damage. Damaged foliage found at site 3/15/1965 #18858 lindness in his right eye. Damaged foliage was found at the site, and Mr. F 3/15/1965 #18860 old tree. Some apparent damage to foliage, circular holes in the ground, a 8/15/1966 #20744 ous substance falls and settles on foliage, buildings, and power lines. The 9/18/1968 #24478 triangle pattern, and some damaged foliage. 4/6/1973 #27409 uncover broken tree limbs, damaged foliage, scorched leaves up to a height 6/28/1973 #27598 notes in January that much of the foliage and vegetation where the UFO has 12/12/1995 #42641
FOLIGNO, ITL 1 / home. Silver-metallic l 2/10/1975 #29793 ver metallic sphere descended over Foligno, Italy made a ninety-degree turn 2/10/1975 #29801
ident. http://www.project1947.com/folio/apro_holloman.htm 7/1950 #5037
nder”), in which he condemns pagan folk beliefs, such as the notion of a “c 812 #2 better understood when related to folk traditions about supernatural creat 1969 #24802
Folkestone Herald Burmarsh, Kent, Englan 3/8/1997 #43222 England Dymchurch Lympne 3:00 a.m. Folkestone Herald journalist Sarah Hall 3/8/1997 #43222
as horoscopes, chain letters, and folklore. 4/14/1950 #4852 spousing his view that the world’s folklore, mythology, and religion are re 1964 #18103 ries of little people from Mexican folklore, called the Chaneques. Investig 5/22/1973 #27520 shape-shifting creature in Navajo folklore. Between June and August 1997, Fall 1994 #41773
of the Lion’s Club; founder of the Folkloric Ballet of Mexico, Amalia Herná 9/23/1965 #19591 en are afraid it is a Tokoloshe, a folkloric entity. After 15 minutes, the 9/16/1994 #41754
Abduction researcher and folklorist Thomas E. Bullard publishes U 1987 #38089 Abduction researcher and folklorist Thomas E. Bullard expands on 7/2/1999 #43789
FOLLANSBEE, WV Man / SR2. Classic 10M sa 4/26/1966 #20419 Follansbee, WV Silent 30 ft object shape 4/26/1966 #20420 Follansbee, West Virginia A young man sa 4/26/1966 #20421 A young man was driving his car in Follansbee, West Virginia at 11:30 p.m. 4/26/1966 #20422 FOLLANSBEE, WV 3 / car / SR2. Saucer hov 3/9/1967 #21825 Follansbee, WV Car-sized obj, lights on 3/9/1967 #21829 Follansbee, Virginia Three witnesses obs 3/9/1967 #21837 t 9:00 p.m. EST three witnesses in Follansbee, Virginia observed an object 3/9/1967 #21843
FOLLETT, TX Many observer(s). 1 white an 11/25/1957 #14610
LA FOLLETTE, TN 3 observer(s). Large silent 4/27/1986 #37845 treetop level by a motorist in La Follette, Tennessee at 11:10 p.m. It spe 4/27/1986 #37848
SIA Large and 2 small glowing orbs follow ravine / 3 minute(s). / r84p280. 7/30/1880 #238 nd Joe Croskey—jump into a rig and follow it 4 miles north of town where it 4/16/1897 #507 s told how it worked but could not follow the explanation. 4/22/1897 #556 old how it worked but he could not follow the explanation. 4/22/1897 #562 minutes, saying that if she would follow her, she will lead her to a fortu 10/4/1898 #626 NEAR BARMOUTH, WALES Night lights follow car / 1 mile. Turn up side road. 3/22/1905 (approximate) #674 going in the same direction. More follow, and the display continues until 9/9/1914 #916 rge disk going west. 5 small disks follow. Light reflects / clouds above. / 8/1926 #1059 Columbia, PA THEY FOLLOW THE LEADER - Mrs. A.M. Strickler, 12/1942 #1466 GERM 415th Sqd. 30-cm amber balls follow US fighters. Going quickly [to] c 1/30/1944 #1566 unch. Film shows sphere circle and follow rocket later. 2/12/1944 #1572 . 3 silent luminous silver objects follow allied bombers. Bigger / planes. 3/1944 #1582 ith his Lancaster, but the objects follow all his maneuvers for 10 minutes. 4/26/1944 #1593 lights / T-formation. Sharp turns. Follow planes. 12/18/1944 #1725 r and 20–50 feet apart. The lights follow their Bristol Beaufighter, closin 1/30/1945 #1764 dark sphere rise out of the ocean, follow a curved trajectory, and fly away 3/1945 #1801 dark sphere rise out of the ocean, follow a curved trajectory, and fly away 3/1945 #1803 IWO JIMA, JPN Night lights follow fighter. 200+RADAR blips going so 3/26/1945 #1828 on an airborne object. The lights follow them through a few turns but move 3/26/1945 #1829 NAS ISLANDS Fireballs maneuver and follow bombers. Often far out to sea. 5/1945 #1857 and turning cherry red again. Both follow the B-24 through all sorts of eva 5/3/1945 #1862 ROMANIA Farmers. 1M glowing-clouds follow farm fences by border / Hungary. 8/1945 (approximate) #1907 an. Three luminous lights began to follow his C-46 transport plane as they 8/28/1945 #1931 ections of any type. It appears to follow the terrain at 370–430 mph, maint 8/14/1946 #2135 range of 620 miles. Sometimes they follow zigzag courses. 8/19/1946 #2144 +1 observer(s). 60cm glowing-balls follow girls / curving road. Vanish at h 4/26/1947 (approximate) #2267 -12 silent disks tip side to side. Follow river going quickly [to] WNW. 7/1/1947 #2503 oid rocks and spins. Small objects follow. Disks going north. Photographs. 7/8/1947 #2975 ard(s) mountains. 2 private planes follow. / r131#5. 7/13/1947 #3168 st going quickly northwest. 3 more follow after. / Contact Lecteurs. 8/1947 (approximate) #3268 follows one object, and the others follow the second as they diverge. All a 4/5/1948 #3612 arly overhead. Other white objects follow at about 50 mph in a northeasterl 9/26/1948 #3814 es sky going quickly north. 6 more follow. Very high and very fast. 7/1950 #5030 es going quickly [to] over. 2 more follow. Direction unknown. No further de 9/19/1950 #5183 , D.C. Object with several lights, follow the DC-4 for about 20 mins (NICAP 11/18/1951 #5778 aircraft. He immediately turns to follow but loses sight of it. 11/24/1951 #5789 rea USAF crew saw an orange sphere follow the B-29 (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Ca 1/29/1952 #5882 rcial pilot / ground. Night lights follow planes / landing approach / 4 min 4/20/1952 #6137 s were not convinced as it did not follow the usual patterns 5/12/1952 #6303 ng UFO. After a while he begins to follow it, and after he crosses the Los 5/23/1952 #6350 E, WA 2 observer(s). 2 silver orbs follow B36 going east / lower altitude. 6/18/1952 #6534 31. 2 observer(s). 4 white saucers follow plane. Stop dead. 90 turn going q 7/12/1952 #6763 E, PA 2 women. 2 red glowing-balls follow plane across sky. Plane type unkn 7/17/1952 #6855 / sea level. 1 going up [to] and 5 follow / spirals. 1 stays / 20 minutes. 7/19/1952 #6916 , OH TV cameras at DEM.convention. Follow UFO and jet-chase / telephoto len 7/24/1952 #7097 s). 4 disks pass. 50 Saturn-sphere follow / V formation. Suddenly quickly g 7/24/1952 #7102 ecraft. In the days and weeks that follow, “Nah-9 of Solar X Group” and man 8/2/1952 #7424 w bright. Float / low altitude and follow road. No further details / news. 8/10/1952 #7536 the others and move faster. Fifty follow the straight west-to-east path ou 8/10/1952 #7539 disks going east. 1 darts up. Rest follow. 9/5/1952 #7848 anding, Robinson is too far out to follow the same path and therefore attem 11/1/1952 #8228 he stick and turns the aircraft to follow it. The light, which now looks li 1953 #8479 le, also see the object but do not follow in pursuit. When Thompson turns t 3/3/1953 #8727 PRAIRIE, MO 4+3 metal saucers near follow B36. Tight formations. 600mph and 4/16/1953 #8829 t / clouds. 3 light-beams. Seems / follow observer(s) car. Air Force RADAR. 5/26/1953 #8909 ervers. 2 large "upturned mirrors" follow jet planes. / r137#2. 7/12/1953 #8994 e witness ran away when invited to follow them. The object rose with a pend 8/18/1953 #9080 Other groups of two or more lights follow at about 5-minute intervals. 10/25/1953 #9254 ind a hill, oscillate over a lake, follow their car, and stop ahead of them 11/1953 #9269 ps (GOC). 10 saucers / V formation follow B29 going quickly west. 3 break a 6/1954 #9852 / sky. 1 quickly going up. Others follow. / r138#7p7. 6/24/1954 #9940 they saw a brightly lighted object follow them to their farm in Hemmingford 8/10/1954 #10119 e smiling man motioned for them to follow him. Both women obeyed and soon a 8/20/1954 #10158 d the southwest. Three other discs follow in sequence. A fifth disc drops m 8/23/1954 #10170 ct take off with a purple glow and follow them for 15 sec before veering of 9/28/1954 #10486 ct take off with a purple glow and follow them for 10-15 seconds before vee 9/28/1954 #10491 southwest / low altitude. 2 / car follow saucer! Up and away fast. / r30p1 10/12/1954 #10967 h 2 orange lights. 2 small saucers follow. Lost / cloud. 11/4/1954 #11561 scended to an altitude too high to follow. 1/16/1955 #11935 . The witnesses were too amazed to follow it. 8/16/1955 #12363 . The witnesses were too amazed to follow. 8/16/1955 #12366 ment reports and civilian lawsuits follow in the wake of the controversy. T 1/1956 #12641 rs. Offloads 2 small saucers which follow large object away. 2/15/1956 #12716 r is ordered to maintain course to follow the UFO to the west, skipping its 4/8/1956 #12803 ot and 1. 8 cigars hover overhead. Follow airliner. Return and maneuver. Ri 9/28/1956 #13251 though she looks 25. Many contacts follow. 10/29/1956 #13297 rclockwise. The plane attempted to follow the UFO but was unable to keep up 12/3/1956 #13387 R, WI 6 / golfers. 7 round objects follow jet. Going quickly west. More jet 3/17/1957 #13548 climbing to about 10,000 feet, and follow the airliner to Converse, Louisia 6/3/1957 #13698 orange ball of light approach and follow their car. Several small blue lig 6/5/1957 #13707 ST / SAN FRANCISCO 2+1 small moons follow ship. / r242p125+/ r46p93+/ APRO 6/18/1957 #13735 st dog in space. Alien dognappings follow. 11/4/1957 #14256 nd reappearing 20 minutes later to follow 1/2 mile behind a USAF C-46 that 11/4/1957 #14289 ar. Beams going down. Night lights follow. / r49p245. 11/5/1957 #14323 ectly overhead. Two similar lights follow a short time later. The blackout 11/25/1957 #14614 and as it dipped or "undulated" to follow the contour of a shallow depressi 12/16/1957 #14736 is silvery white. The two objects follow the jeep for 2 hours, all the way 12/21/1957 #14755 r disk going quickly south. 2 more follow / 2 min intervals. 12/29/1957 #14767 a position above them. They try to follow it, but it speeds out over the do 6/29/1958 #15126 observer(s). 4 12M glowing-OVOIDs follow long train. Maneuver. Going quick 10/3/1958 #15306 miles train / both directions and follow / 70 minute(s). 10/3/1958 #15308 objects swing east, turn back, and follow the train. The bright glow concea 10/3/1958 #15311 sometimes fly on edge. The objects follow the train until the conductor shi 10/3/1958 #15311 ORTING, WA Saucers follow USAF C118? C118 Radios collision. 4/1/1959 #15687 diving cloud-cylinder/cigar-shape. Follow cloud back up after. Going southe 6/27/1959 #15795 2 blue-white 5M disks skim trees. Follow 2 observer(s) / 12M altitude. San 7/1959 #15805 from 1954 in a file and decides to follow up on it. He goes to Eliot, Maine 7/5/1959 #15817 bright light fly over his head and follow him, which caused him to run away 8/2/1959 #15891 CA 2 cops. 4 huge brilliant disks follow jet. 90° turns and away extremely 8/31/1959 #15944 thur) saw an oval, luminous object follow their car about 13 m above them. 10/25/1959 #16059 thur) saw an oval, luminous object follow their car about 13 meters above t 10/25/1959 #16061 appears too quickly for the eye to follow. 9/10/1960 #16442 ington, KY Three UFOs were seen to follow two jet aircraft. One object clos 11/17/1960 #16507 e the tracking system continues to follow the object and later returns to a 1/10/1961 #16574 2 odd clouds going east. 2 saucers follow. Clouds back / 15 October. / APRO 10/14/1961 #16909 LE John Glenn sees 3 small objects follow and overtake capsule / different 2/20/1962 #17054 a reddish patch that rotates. They follow the car for four minutes then tur Late 4/1962 #17130 eir car and speed away. The globes follow the car, one in the rear and the Summer 1962 #17239 MAMINA, CHILE 2 saucers follow truck / lonely road / 10 minute(s 1/28/1963 #17641 ar stops to see odd object / road. Follow car to town! / LDLN#71. 5/15/1963 #17739 ed light making a "whirring sound" follow a car along Centralia road. When 8/9/1963 #17881 low altitude, turned, appeared to follow car, then fell back and seemed to 1/26/1964 #18120 visits ranch several times. Beams follow 2. Tot abduction repeatedly. 4/1964 #18152 S 4 UFO's surround Gemini capsule. Follow around earth / 1 orbit! / r246p85 4/8/1964 #18162 2M altitude. 10 small night lights follow. Blue beams. 6/5/1964 #18329 the east, then back to the west to follow the Echo-II satellite. 11/14/1964 #18617 OBSV, ARG Astronomer. Night lights follow satellites. Self luminous. Maneuv 12/1/1965 #19746 DEARBORN, MICH 2 / car follow domed saucer. Lands. Chases car. 4/1/1966 #20190 t hovering above a swamp, tried to follow it, but it flew awav. They observ 4/5/1966 #20243 15 feet above a swamp. They try to follow it, but it flies away, flying bet 4/5/1966 #20250 -reflecting oval, car-sized object follow him (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 4/17/1966 #20315 w an oval object the size of a car follow his vehicle, then cross the road 4/17/1966 #20316 ring circles town / 2 hours. Cops follow going southwest. Shoots away. / r 6/6/1966 #20531 ey) walks / streets. Dogs howl and follow. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17 8/3/1966 #20723 “electronic brain.” Other messages follow, and Villagrasa passes them on to 11/28/1966 #21157 a visitation. It should therefore follow there has been no [extraterrestri 1/16/1967 #21322 g on the top. The object seemed to follow the contour of the land and made 1/19/1967 #21355 about 2 minutes and then seemed to follow their car. (Hall letter, Scottsbl 1/21/1967 #21363 ghton, WI A light with faded edges follow car (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 2/16/1967 #21570 e light with faded edges seemed to follow observer in her car for 5-6 minut 2/16/1967 #21571 ad and stopped, moving too fast to follow. Sighting lasted 1 hour, 11 minu 2/27/1967 #21677 ay at a speed that was too fast to follow with the eye. At 7:30 p.m. MST in 2/27/1967 #21678 OUTHWEST / MINOT, ND 2 civil / car follow flat-bottom/underside dome. Going 3/5/1967 #21755 nt over the house. They decided to follow the low flying UFO in a car. The 3/6/1967 #21780 g quickly east 10x jet-speed. Jets follow. 3/17/1967 #21907 ead, changing color, and seemed to follow their car. (Letter dated 3/29/67 3/17/1967 #21910 red to blue. The object seemed to follow their car before flying away over 3/17/1967 #21913 ct then turned away and started to follow a truck that passed. 4/26/1967 #22225 ard, 17, and four others watch and follow a spherical object with a spinnin 5/7/1967 #22294 New Mexico. A white light seems to follow them, weaving back and forth over 5/26/1967 #22405 key lands and flies. 2 observer(s) follow in car. Clicks. / r249p501. 6/17/1967 #22512 . The departure course appeared to follow the path of a radio navigation be 8/5/1967 #22812 wo witnesses in a car attempted to follow it, but it tilted and vanished. 8/25/1967 #22926 ct. According to the story, 6 UFOs follow an X-15 as it lands. When project 9/1/1967? #22977 ori impossible because they do not follow the laws of physics. 9/15/1967 #23068 different colors or rotating. They follow it for about two miles, hoping fo 12/5/1967 #23551 two pilots deteriorates. Four UFOs follow the two MiGs for another 3–6 mile 1968 #23632 inside. 2 rays / light in V-shape follow car. / local news. 8/27/1968 #24383 0 a.m. A jet aircraft attempted to follow it, but the UFO was much faster. 10/7/1968 #24549 ver(s). "Tabor lights" = dim glow. Follow people. Graves robbed. 11/27/1968 #24722 ting along at 40 mph. It begins to follow the road and beams a strong, cone 3/4/1969 #24968 0 35' saucers going west / 300MPH. Follow terrain / unison. / APRO Mar'69. 3/17/1969 #25017 icers Jack McKay and Grant Chaplin follow the light for 38 minutes as it tr 7/13/1969 #25268 a vagabond." The being told him to follow him, and then experienced one hou 2/22/1971 #26028 CALLERY, PA 2 / car follow saucer going [to] farm field. Bea 4/14/1971 #26069 NZ 1 observer. 3 figure(s) / beach follow silver strip / water to red spher 6/3/1971 #26155 /entity March going [to] hollow. 2 follow observer(s) / town. 9/12/1971 #26329 round, but police do not bother to follow up. 9/12/1971? #26330 than one hour, and appeared to to follow the couple to their farm and orbi 11/6/1971 #26463 isc made a sharp 90 degree turn to follow the tractor. It shot down beams o 11/14/1971 #26472 cotland. One of the lights seem to follow him. The light swooped very low, 12/13/1971 #26496 zed in his seat. Although he could follow the movement of the figure with h 9/28/1972 #27038 e a 180-degree turn in the sky and follow their car. Figures could be seen 1/2/1973 #27216 instant acceleration. Helicopters follow. 2/1973 (approximate) #27255 es. Going [to] cloud. Night lights follow. / r246p87. 5/28/1973 #27537 L 3+observer(s). 4 washtub saucers follow boat. Then follow car. Going quic 9/14/1973 #27820 washtub saucers follow boat. Then follow car. Going quickly [to] fast. Bac 9/14/1973 #27820 and, out of curiosity, decided to follow. The shapes sped up and the boys 9/20/1973 #27849 east. 270° turn going northwest to follow jet. Away going quickly west. 9/26/1973 #27869 ass. 6 cones going up / ground and follow each / different direction. 9/28/1973 (approximate) #27883 land, when a green mass appears to follow them. The couple feels a presence 1/3/1974 #28641 US93 88KM NORTH / ELY, NV Saucers follow 2 / truck. Malfunctions due to EM 2/14/1974 #28767 a voice in his head telling him to follow a dark forest road. Just after pa 3/23/1974 #28936 he future. Extraordinary abilities follow, including his ability to disrupt 3/23/1974 #28936 ver(s). Bell-saucer and dome UFO's follow cars. Phones and TVs out. Possibl 3/24/1974 #28941 figures approach. He runs and they follow. They are about 6.5 feet tall, wi 3/26/1974 #28956 a little black object.” The lights follow them all the way home to Findlay, Early 4/1974 #28990 MAXTON, NC Cop and farmer follow brilliant object. Hovers / traile 5/12/1974 #29101 They jump in their car and try to follow the object, using dirt roads on t 5/28/1974 #29142 near Bakersfield, California. They follow the light for several minutes. Pa Summer 1974 #29219 ject, only 1.5 meters in diameter, follow the local river road at 6:40 p.m. 8/6/1974 #29313 SCAMANDER, TASMANIA 2 observer(s) follow domed disk going south / 2 hours. 8/30/1974 #29402 WEST TUCSON, AZ 4 / car follow dark ovoid / mountains. UFO follo 5/7/1975 #30046 ic meter speeds up. 2 silent UFO's follow power line. 6/22/1975 #30116 gional Police constables came on a follow up call by six nurses at the Pion 11/11/1975 #30604 ay wave. 400' ring / night lights. Follow power lines. Maneuver and play / 12/13/1975 #30710 down the road. The object did not follow the car. 3/5/1976 #30929 maller UFOs, one of which began to follow the F-4. After evasive action by 9/19/1976 #31396 er he had passed it by it began to follow him, and the UFO passed over his 10/24/1976 #31493 curiosity. The couple attempted to follow the object but eventually lost si 10/31/1976 #31512 f NASA could form a small panel to follow up on the Condon report to see if 7/21/1977 #32297 gh indicating for the witnesses to follow. Finally, at about 3:30 a.m., it 8/30/1977 #32441 as though wanting the witnesses to follow. Finally, at about 12:30 a.m. it 8/31/1977 #32446 Several small humanoids (or Greys) follow tall metallic 'robot' / road. Sau 9/1977 #32452 s his telescope on it and tries to follow it. The object looks rectangular, 10/13/1977 #32572 irection of the ocean. It seems to follow their car for about one mile unti 12/6/1977 #32736 the way it came, so they decide to follow it for 6–7 miles before pulling o 2/1/1978 #32940 They asked him to calm down and to follow them. Julio obeyed, taking along 2/5/1978 #32957 into the shaft. The dog refused to follow him so Julio had to drag him in. 2/5/1978 #32957 in.” The purple light continues to follow the plane until a portion of the 6/11/1978 #33274 ENHEIM, GERM 2 small metallic orbs follow B-727. Going up [to] and going qu 8/28/1978 #33582 PESCARA, ITL Night lights follow fishing boats. 1 flies going up. 10/12/1978 #33829 submerged object, which appears to follow the vessel. 11/8/1978 #33928 h FOIA requests. Stratton fails to follow up. 2/9/1979 #34415 r poles. Hums. Attracts birds that follow away. 5/12/1979 #34555 elt the urge to get in his car and follow it to a remote location. Everythi 5/17/1979 #34566 is his own child. Other encounters follow, to a total of 16 or 20 between 1 6/28/1979 #34639 lights appear heading south. They follow one group, which hovers above som 8/11/1979 #34731 airline(s)/airliner pilot. 3 disks follow Cessna. Photographs taken. No fur 8/17/1979 #34750 to the south. The witnesses try to follow it but lose sight of it. 12/4/1979 #35051 trajectory of the UFO continued to follow a 250 kW electric transmission li 2/25/1980 #35183 r houses. 2 beams going down. Orbs follow electric lines. 3/3/1980 #35191 ts, however, make it impossible to follow, and the object is soon out of si 5/7/1980 #35315 cavort and land / field close by. Follow car. Want to be seen? 7/18/1980 #35417 He then forced Meagan and Renee to follow him. He was described as having h 8/22/1980 #35475 PLESTIN, FR 2+5 kids. 2 fireballs follow car. Observers run to house. Fire 9/5/1980 #35496 rns and going quickly east. 2 more follow. 11/28/1981 #36235 ver them. The object then began to follow the car, traveling alongside them 9/1982 #36588 he shopping center. The constables follow the object, this time with more l 7/22/1983 #36921 visors. They gesture at Bertoo to follow them, and he goes up a stairway i 8/12/1983 #36948 ain. The pilot dives down a bit to follow it, but they can’t keep up. The S 8/18/1985 #37647 ed radiation-induced cancer deaths follow within the next 10 years. Among t 4/26/1986 #37843 roke off the pattern and turned to follow a bright red-orange light that se 5/19/1986 #37882 TERRE HAUTE, IN 2 bikers follow flying pyramid. Lose it. Several 7/31/1986 #37961 more than 30 minutes. The objects follow the airplane for about 350 miles. 11/17/1986 #38072 k across the road, and the Devines follow. As they watch, the four blobs of 11/23/1987 #38332 , and unmarked helicopters seem to follow them. They begin to suspect the U 1988 #38383 ow sphere going north slow. 3 jets follow after. 1/4/1988 #38396 e egg-shaped object then begins to follow their station wagon. At some poin 1/20/1988 #38422 maneuvers / outskirts / town. Cops follow. 3/18/1988 #38513 SWD 4 / boat. 3 Brill hat-saucers follow / 5km. "Oppressive silence". 7/24/1988 #38606 s / fall-88. Saucers and fireballs follow cars and planes. Vanish in place. 10/1988 (approximate) #38658 SWD Ovoid and 2nd object turn and follow car. Stop over Lake Fryken. No fu 11/7/1988 #38706 teral/equal triangles maneuver and follow truck to Ohio. Very low altitude. 1/17/1989 #38782 EUX AND DOLEMBREUX, BELGIUM 2 cops follow huge silent object. Strong white 11/7/1989 #39218 ard Eupen. Nicoll and von Montigny follow it. 11/29/1989 #39272 police car, moving northeast. They follow it for 5 miles before losing it. 11/29/1989 #39276 triangle formation cross sky. More follow. All going quickly NNW / 100M alt 6/29/1990 #39629 Turns going east. 2 military jets follow / same trajectory! 11/5/1990 #39827 server(s). 2 fireballs going east. Follow shallow hill! 1 turns to cone. 11/5/1990 #39846 t 40cm red balls maneuver / river. Follow truck. 1M window appears. 2/1991 #39969 g quickly NNW. 1 large and 2 small follow. Low altitude. Slight rise and aw 11/28/1991 #40246 to a red sphere. He felt forced to follow it. He began doing odd chores aro 12/4/1991 #40254 pite the severe disagreements that follow, this gives researchers like Jose 6/13/1992 #40492 lights / bottom. 20 glowing ovoids follow. Air gets cold. 9/30/1992 #40645 se white ball appears. Blue sparks follow. 10/21/1992 #40685 HOLBAEK, DK 2 observer(s) follow bright silent night light / sauce 2/21/1993 #40856 cast. Military jets and helicopter follow. Jets make 2nd pass. 3/23/1993 #40896 )/airliner crew. 2 white blowballs follow liner to Keflavic airport/apartme 4/21/1993 #40947 the fireballs. Smolenski tries to follow the light for a full minute befor 4/28/1993 #40953 CROMWELL, IN Metallic ovoids follow car. Hover over mobile home. Goin 7/13/1993 #41059 at airbase. 2 30M glowing-circles follow. 10/17/1993 #41240 er(s) / ground. 2 yellow fireballs follow airliner. Make 90-turn straight/s 8/27/1994 #41693 maneuver and turn / low altitude. Follow terrain. / MJ#320. 9/14/1994 #41748 Roars going quickly south. 5 jets follow? 11/8/1994 #41842 ng quickly [to] through dry woods. Follow road. No fire. Back 9 May. '97. 4/20/1995 #42161 re. Delta/triangle/box-like crafts follow tornado and avoid planes / lucky 6/8/1995 #42243 / fantastic speed/velocity. 2 jets follow. 6/14/1995 #42255 neuvers. Many military helicopters follow all over. 6/20/1995 #42265 er reservoir. Jets and helicopters follow.. 11/2/1995 #42577 oing quickly south. 3rd and fourth follow. 2/28/1996 #42787 ls. Vanishes. Unmarked helicopters follow. 9/26/1996 #43042 s, Canada, two silver-gray objects follow five people along a road. They ho 2/22/1997 #43202 KPH. 800M altitude. 3 night lights follow. 4/22/1997 #43270 rge ball of light, 30 feet across, follow the ship’s course low over the su 6/1997 #43307 -like craft low / field. Observers follow / truck. Vanishes! 6/9/1997 #43320 orts (I to XI) that any attempt to follow the path of Parsons will only res 3/11/1998 #43532 atic maneuvers and flashes. 3 more follow. 4/6/1998 #43545 e by one. They watch the cloud and follow it to the horizon, but the object 6/25/1998 #43593 then able to move and was told to follow them. Outside he was taken aboard 7/12/2000 #44015 fighter aircraft appear and try to follow the object, but it accelerates an 11/4/2000 #44071 Domed saucer going west. 3+'stars' follow saucer. Steady and blinking light 11/28/2000 #44083 he dogs were afraid and refused to follow him. As he got closer to where th 11/30/2000 #44094 colored lights in the sky seem to follow them for 2 miles. Suddenly the in 12/13/2000 #44101 . Dmitriy did not order his men to follow them, because that could lead to 8/25/2004 #44741 each side of his car that began to follow him. He turned into the driveway 2/15/2006 #44923 side. At one point, they seemed to follow some of the witnesses. 8/20/2006 #44956 ke Jonathan Axelrod, the phenomena follow her back home to Virginia, where 8/2009 #45231 altitude. The copilot continues to follow the three objects with the aircra 11/6/2018 #45543 t. The law enforcement helicopters follow the drone northwest out of the ci 2/9/2021 #45676
on is lacking on this case and any follow- up. 7/1951 #5556
ns. The CIA program to develop the follow-on aircraft to the U-2 is code-na 9/1959 #15950 of the letter was termed SACRED, a follow-on to terms TRINE and UMBRA, he c 7/7/1999 #43798
in and out in a highly specialized follow-the-leader pattern. Illumination 12/1942 #1466
The FBI conducts a shorter follow-up interview with Capt. Emil J. S 7/12/1947 #3158 ional Aircraft.” Cancellation is a follow-up to the widely announced closur 1/12/1950 #4483 ate on his fake UFO photographs. A follow-up article in July 1951 features 9/1950 #5161 aerospace firms cease after 1974. Follow-up studies on Brown’s work and ot 11/30/1955 #12594 sure to these agents but long-term follow-up is not planned as part of the 1/1956 #12641 ey were told that they were not. A follow-up contact session was attempted 7/9/1959 #15829 spy satellite in orbit. However, a follow-up article alleges that the objec 2/1960 #16162 f Choteau County. Howard conducted follow-up interviews with military perso 11/11/1975 #30606 of Choteau County. Howard conducts follow-up interviews with military perso 11/11/1975 #30610 ear components have been stolen. A follow-up investigation by Bob Pratt of 11/16/1977 #32677 aily briefing. Reagan recommends a follow-up investigation, but none is kno Mid 12/1986 #38083 n in Winnipeg. There is no further follow-up. 9/19/2016 #45459 n the system. As of December 2020, follow-up observations have failed to de 4/2019 #45570
es to pursue the story, publishing follow-ups to the original series for th 8/18/1996 #42985
the upper cloud to the lower one, followed by two others. Soon after this, 3/19/1847 #143 regular distances behind the cloud followed three "very red and glowing bal 7/13/1860 #154 e air. They are close together and followed by a white trail of light. Early 11/1896 #335 estigate and hear a cracking sound followed by a rushing noise. A moment la 4/13/1897 #454 ng closer and closer to the ground followed a train, as reported by the eng 4/15/1897 #479 ash line, going toward Quincy, was followed by a low-flying object for 15 m 4/15/1897 #481 ng closer and closer to the ground followed a train, as reported by the eng 4/15/1897 #484 ash line, going toward Quincy, was followed by a low-flying object for 15 m 4/15/1897 #485 tfall the same day a flying object followed a train traveling from Howard t 4/15/1897 #498 he passengers saw the craft, which followed the train for fifteen minutes. 4/15/1897 #499 rship and a smaller “trailer which followed it very closely” are seen by re 4/16/1897 #505 oices coming from the object. Some followed it three miles south of town in 4/16/1897 #515 ver Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It followed the river to the east, then mad 5/1/1897 #585 ight at 12:40 a.m. a giant airship followed a train as it rounded a bend in 8/16/1897 #605 y hear a loud explosion in the air followed by the rumbling of an engine. A 5/13/1909 #740 rance, slightly violet in colour,” followed closely by yellow and red fragm 2/9/1913 #881 ocks on Dartmoor. This incident is followed by others at Hexworthy and Dart Late 6/1915 #929 eft tracks in the snow, which Lamb followed without results. (NICAP: 02 - C 2/22/1922 #1019 eft tracks in the snow, which Lamb followed without results. 2/22/1922 #1020 eft tracks in the snow, which Lamb followed without results. 2/22/1922 #1021 y, Andersen notices they are being followed by a hexagonal metallic object 1932 #1136 The two objects disappear and are followed by a third. 7/31/1933 #1169 “war nerves.” Knox’s comments are followed by statements from the Army on 2/24/1942 #1388 ZEE, NETH 2 airmen. British bomber followed / orange-glowing disk. Away / 1 3/25/1942 #1404 from a raid on Essen, Germany, was followed by a luminous orange disc or sp 3/25/1942 #1405 taken, and a big CAA investigation followed. 8/13/1942 #1437 nknown Red ball; yellow/red flames followed aircraft through evasive action 1/29/1944 #1565 al 30-cm amber "foo-fighter" balls followed some US fighter planes of the 4 1/30/1944 #1567 identified sphere that circled and followed the rocket. 2/12/1944 #1573 It moves at a steady speed and is followed by another object about 20 seco 4/1944 #1588 sion to Essen, Germany, when he is followed by four orange balls of light w 4/26/1944 #1593 .m. a reddish orange glowing light followed an RAF Beaufighter from the 600 4/30/1944 #1594 The large object disappears first, followed by the discs, which race away i Summer 1944 #1611 ” It disappears from view, then is followed by another, then five others in 9/1944 #1663 At 10:00 p.m. a spherical object followed a plane from the RAF IX Squadro 11/22/1944 #1700 crew, on a lone wolf mission, were followed by an amber-colored disc. [NICA 12/1944 #1712 e orange glow coming from ground - followed plane - appeared to be under pe 12/22/1944 #1727 Two huge orange glowing spheres followed a U.S. Army Air Force warplane 12/22/1944 #1728 h Night Fighter Squadron pilot was followed by three red and white lighted 1/1945 #1747 Fighter Squadron says he has been followed by foo-fighters twice. “A foo-f 1/2/1945 #1752 On this evening several lights followed a night fighter aircraft from t 3/26/1945 #1830 some crews reported "Balls of Fire followed our aircraft." (NICAP: 11 - Avi 4/3/1945 #1836 object, twelve inches in diameter, followed through evasive action. (Page 1 4/3/1945 #1837 nd then back to cherry again; they followed aircraft for over an hour while 5/3/1945 #1863 Unknown City, Japan B-29 followed by strong white light. (Page 18 6/19/1945 #1877 s reported that one of the objects followed their airplane halfway to Iwo J 7/1945 #1886 f water when it hits the surface, “followed by another cascade as if someth 7/19/1946 #2071 tipping from side to side as they followed the river to the west-northwest 7/1/1947 #2526 the impact site north of Roswell, followed by MPs. They are stopped by the 7/8/1947 #3013 was seen rocking and spinning, and followed by smaller objects. An Air Forc 7/8/1947 #3028 meter diameter domed metallic disc followed a car near Forrest Station, Man 8/10/1947 #3310 an open forum in the decades that followed despite it likely being relevan 12/16/1947 #3504 20 feet long and 10 feet wide, and followed the contour of the terrain. The 5/27/1949 #4215 blue streak 3 minutes later. B-29 followed unidentified target, then passe 8/25/1950 #5138 ed it at l/4-mile distance, target followed for 5 minutes, then passed B-29 8/25/1950 #5138 unidentified radar blip. The B-29 followed the unidentified target, then p 8/25/1950 #5139 ile distance, whereupon the target followed them for the next five minutes. 8/25/1950 #5139 miles NW of), AK 2 white flashes, followed by dark cloud - rose and split 12/11/1950 #5338 nes flight 802. Two white flashes, followed by a dark cloud which rose and 12/11/1950 #5339 ght 802 sighted two white flashes, followed by a dark cloud that rose highe 12/11/1950 #5340 ich often seemed to be in control, followed by typical Alien Grays, eight t 1951 #5372 Airlines DC-4 passenger plane was followed by a bright green glowing cigar 11/2/1951 #5764 y. One object with several lights, followed the DC-4 for about 20 minutes a 11/18/1951 #5779 ith several lights at 3:20 a.m. It followed the DC-4 for about 20 minutes a 11/18/1951 #5780 ated to be three feet in diameter, followed a B-29 Superfortress flying 30 1/29/1952 #5887 e transmission of reports to ATIC, followed with details via Air Mail. 4/1952 #6003 Large, dull grey circular object, followed by 2 more, fly straight and lev 4/5/1952 #6029 large, dull grey circular object, followed by two more, flew straight and 4/5/1952 #6031 ll gray disc-shaped object fly by, followed by two more objects. All three 4/5/1952 #6033 aha AFB, Okinawa Elliptical object followed by 2 then another 2 (NICAP: 01 4/22/1952 #6152 on ground. One elliptical object, followed by two and then another two, ea 4/22/1952 #6153 wo more similar looking discs then followed the first, then two more in a p 4/22/1952 #6156 ning, hovers, then shoots upwards, followed by one of the black objects. Th 4/25/1952 #6185 e transmission of reports to ATIC, followed with details via air mail. AFL 4/29/1952 #6215 ft wing about a quarter mile away, followed by two smaller orange balls of 5/8/1952 #6275 trailing formation and the others followed singly. 6/5/1952 #6449 ar-shaped, aluminum colored object followed a B-25 bomber during its flight 6/7/1952 #6462 4:00 p.m. several disc-shaped UFOs followed an airliner over Mill Valley in 6/12/1952 #6488 st. A second bright flash was seen followed by complete darkness: the disc 6/22/1952 #6589 Beach International Airport, then followed an SA-l6 twin-engined amphibian 7/15/1952 #6827 afternoon two red glowing spheres followed a plane across the sky in Balli 7/17/1952 #6873 ravel at high altitudes and can be followed as long as 3½ minutes.” 7/19/1952 #6930 er Harry G. Barnes says that “They followed no set course, were not in any 7/19/1952 #6935 ia. One object ascended while five followed it in spirals. One object staye 7/19/1952 #6939 Ohio equipped with telephoto lens followed a UFO across the sky being chas 7/24/1952 #7116 s four discs passed over the city, followed by 50 Saturn-shaped objects fly 7/24/1952 #7119 ed, made an instantaneous 90 turn, followed by a gentle climb and finally s 8/26/1952 #7743 ree turn, and began a gentle climb followed by a final sudden acceleration. 8/26/1952 #7744 round, glimmering circular object, followed by the RAF Meteor jet aircraft 9/19/1952 #7981 station. An unexplained track was followed for 1 hour, 28 minutes, at 158, 11/13/1952 #8270 bertson Panel. Hynek speaks again, followed by Maj. Dewey Fournet, who talk 1/16/1953 #8543 mbered seeing an oscillating light followed by a period of about two hours 3/22/1953 #8776 Now low on fuel, the F-84 returns, followed by the UFO. Immediately, anothe 8/5/1953 #9049 bserver Corps report: silvery disk followed plane. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 - 9/24/1953 #9178 South Africa a disc-shaped object followed a car on a road into an outlyin 12/30/1953 #9410 as, France 4:27 a.m. A fiery disk, followed by a luminous trail, was sighte 1/7/1954 #9462 is, France 4:27 a.m. A fiery disk, followed by a luminous trail, is seen in 1/7/1954 #9463 isc-shaped object turned north and followed the local river upstream. It gl 2/2/1954 #9529 t and a short time later the third followed. 3/6/1954 #9601 aid that a brightly lighted object followed them to the farm. Mr. Coupal an 8/10/1954 #10117 California a mystery explosion was followed by an asphalt fire at 4:15 p.m. 8/27/1954 #10191 It vanished in sparks, which were followed by a blue rain. 8/31/1954 #10221 lew over a car at very high speed, followed by cold air currents. This was 9/18/1954 #10346 t by an unseen force, and this was followed by a blast of cold air. 9/18/1954 #10351 took off again a moment later and followed their car until they reached Fo 9/23/1954 #10416 took off again a moment later and followed their car until they reached Fo 9/23/1954 #10423 this village, and his son Jacques followed the same road 10 min later. Bot 10/7/1954 #10786 buise, France, and his son Jacques followed the same road 10 minutes later. 10/7/1954 #10800 ection of D14 and D104 when he was followed by a sort of luminous globe sur 10/11/1954 #10929 ection of D14 and D104 when he was followed by a sort of luminous globe sur 10/11/1954 #10945 low toward the sea. A second disk followed shortly afterward. Both emitted 10/15/1954 #11106 low toward the sea. A second disc followed shortly afterward. Both emitted 10/15/1954 #11122 ge light came from his eyes, which followed the woman. His wife lost consci 10/19/1954 #11252 in different directions. This was followed by a power outage. 10/23/1954 #11345 al observer(s). Large cigar-object followed by 3 smaller ovoids. No further 10/30/1954 #11485 20 objects appears from the east, followed by another 20 moving from the w 11/6/1954 #11585 Moy Hauge--found themselves being followed by a flying saucer. It came dow 11/23/1954 #11698 ht in 1955, a blue nocturnal light followed a snowplow in the Blue Mountain 1/28/1955 #11949 HUNTLEY, IL Car followed 10 / min by 3 7M "balloons" wit 3/2/1955 #12029 Huntley, IL Car Followed By Three Black Objects With Lig 3/2/1955 #12030 Huntley, Illinois A car was followed for 10 min by three elongated " 3/2/1955 #12031 les north of Huntley, Illinois was followed for ten minutes by three elonga 3/2/1955 #12032 ed to be observing him. The object followed him without making any noise, a 7/17/1955 #12267 hen a group of six, then one more, followed by another. Blue Book classes t 5/4/1956 #12832 traces, but the report couldn't be followed up. 6/4/1956 #12883 theast of Stranraer, Scotland, and followed for 36 minutes. The three radar 4/4/1957 #13582 disks come into the sky. This was followed by violent turbulence. 4/19/1957 #13606 unter lasted five minutes, and was followed by a police investigation. 4/22/1957 #13613 with brightly illuminated windows followed a REAL airliner flying between 7/4/1957 #13777 m. a bright fiery, circular object followed two teenage girls. During the n 8/14/1957 #13895 A silent crescent-shaped object followed three people driving in a car i 8/28/1957 #13941 ing beginning with the letters UN, followed by some numbers. A sort of heat 11/1957 #14181 d. Reports of vehicle interference followed a similar pattern, with engines 11/2/1957 #14221 Ringwood, IL UFO followed car returning to town. TV sets 11/5/1957 #14334 signal is a long note of low pitch followed after a few seconds by two shor 11/7/1957 #14461 to police that a diskshaped object followed their truck, dived toward it, c 11/8/1957 #14480 e police that a disc-shaped object followed their truck, dived toward it, c 11/8/1957 #14491 aluminum colored, disc-shaped UFO followed a train near Chrockatt de Sa in 12/16/1957 #14737 t around 4 p.m. a silver gray disc followed two witnesses in their car alon 1/5/1958 #14810 U Interference on car radio as UFO followed car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 1/13/1958 #14822 he drove home on a half-flat tire, followed for 5 km by the object, which w 1/13/1958 #14823 that he drove home on a flat tire, followed for five kilometers by the obje 1/13/1958 #14825 An unidentified object followed behind Sputnik II while orbitin 1/24/1958 #14841 Dome-shaped disc with "portholes" followed jets, hovered. [NICAP, XII] (NI 8/17/1958 #15207 ia. It gave off a red glow. It was followed shortly by a six-foot square ob 1/3/1959 #15532 wing the same course. This is soon followed by three more in succession. 3/12/1959 #15636 -118 passed over their area it was followed by 2 parachute-shaped objects a 4/1/1959 #15686 d a corner and when Taylor quickly followed, the men had already vanished i 6/26/1959 #15792 t) and crew saw a big bright light followed by 3-4 smaller lights (NICAP: 1 7/11/1959 #15833 rais State, Brazil Luminous object followed FAB (Brazilian Air Force) B-26, 7/14/1959 #15849 A light followed a Brazilian Air Force B-26 bomb 7/14/1959 #15854 alls” traveling southeast to west, followed by angel hair covering a vast a 10/12/1959 #16030 with the last name of Hawkins were followed for 95 kilometers between Marto 10/31/1959 #16072 On this morning a cigar-shaped UFO followed a gasoline tanker truck for mil 11/8/1959 #16085 same time a huge round gray object followed a donkey herd between the towns 5/13/1960 #16270 Brazil. It stopped offshore, then followed the coastline to the southeast. 5/17/1960 #16281 ne to the southeast. Another light followed along after it a short time lat 5/17/1960 #16281 ing from Spain, reported plane was followed by a luminous UFO. [NICAP UFOE, 7/2/1960 #16326 sses observed two long red ovoids, followed by a V-shaped boomerang. 8/16/1960 #16398 pace the Lockheed jet trainer, and followed the plane for 10 minutes withou 11/29/1960 #16522 as by two men in a light plane. It followed their Beech Debonair airplane, 1/10/1961 #16576 ehind the trees. Soon, a red light followed by a white object emerged from 7/8/1961 #16755 ng object that overtook their car, followed by a rush of cold air. It stopp 7/17/1961 #16764 g object that overtakes their car, followed by a rush of cold air. It stops 7/17/1961 #16765 the night sky at 7:20 p.m. It was followed 30 seconds later by a blue ligh 2/25/1962 #17062 Antarctica, sees an intense light followed by two smaller lights pass over 7/7/1962 #17265 And that would almost surely be followed by an invasion.” However, he al 10/27/1962 #17505 outh, makes a soft, whirring sound followed by a popping noise. 10/29/1962 #17517 amina, Chile 2 disk-shaped objects followed truck driver (NICAP: 02 - Close 1/28/1963 #17643 erved two disk-shaped objects that followed him for over ten min. 1/28/1963 #17645 to observe it, and the object then followed them for part of their trip. 5/15/1963 #17740 to observe it, and the object then followed them for part of their trip. Th 5/15/1963 #17743 rmed report that a brilliant light followed a car. A youth stated the objec 5/21/1963 #17756 approached, hovered overhead, then followed car. The Dominion. Adelaide, re 5/21/1963 #17756 s a car with several teenagers was followed for 10 miles between Wayne City 8/5/1963 #17868 The UFO made a humming sound as it followed them. The car radio went crazy 8/5/1963 #17868 north dived toward Centralia Road, followed a car, flying around it. Then i 8/8/1963 #17879 ich approached his van, turned and followed his course just ahead. The obje 10/31/1963 #18014 the river boiling up in the spot, followed by an eruption of muddy water a 10/31/1963 #18017 Coast of the South Atlantic, a UFO followed the Argentine Navy ship "Punta 11/12/1963 #18036 walked back to the car, the sphere followed them; the engine could not be s 5/24/1964 #18296 ne saw a fiery orange object which followed their car at 9:00 p.m. When thi 5/24/1964 #18298 nded at a 45-degree angle, and was followed by 10 small lights. It also emi 6/5/1964 #18333 disc-shaped object with an antenna followed a car for many miles beginning 6/30/1964 #18387 ersey A whitish, elliptical object followed a car, then landed in a field. 7/30/1964 #18459 wo stubby fins in the rear portion followed a C-119 "flying boxcar" transpo 10/7/1964 #18575 d a domed disc-shaped object being followed by jet fighters in Brockton, Ma 10/11/1964 #18581 und, then emitted a jet-like sound followed by a blast of air. His dogs how 3/15/1965 #18860 object surrounded by a foggy mist followed a man walking down a road at 11 3/28/1965 #18878 ect was about 700 m away. This was followed by a sort of "shock-wave" effec 8/13/1965 #19379 ve the surface of the road, and it followed the contours of the terrain whe 8/14/1965 #19390 ithin 25 meters of the patrol car, followed it for a kilometer, then flew o 3/17/1966 #19986 itness drove away in fear, but was followed for 13 km by the object, whose 3/30/1966 #20160 about 75 feet above Bronte Gorge, followed a car, then sped up and disappe 4/3/1966 #20213 lliant lights flashing in a field, followed by the abrupt departure of the 4/4/1966 #20225 d on their car when a white object followed them as they left the area. (NI 4/7/1966 #20265 he engine kept stalling---and were followed by a "huge light" which did not 4/7/1966 #20271 truck on wet pavement. The object followed the car for some time. 4/18/1966 #20330 high speed, and the UFO apparently followed. The object was finally seen sp 4/22/1966 #20366 round white object approached and followed a car. (NICAP notes.) (NICAP: 0 4/23/1966 #20386 roadside telephone poles, and they followed his car to Highway 151, and the 5/8/1966 #20467 ersons reported that their car was followed by an oval object about 6 feet 6/8/1966 #20540 rs saw a glow in the woods and was followed by the light even at speeds of 7/25/1966 #20681 blue to green and back to orange. Followed witness' car at high speed, the 7/25/1966 #20682 a when he saw a flying object that followed him even though he drove at hig 7/25/1966 #20685 er she felt compelled to obey, and followed him aboard the craft past an in 8/11/1966 #20739 "singing" noise. Object descended, followed aircraft, accelerated up and aw 9/20/1966 #20902 t first the object descended, then followed the aircraft, and finally accel 9/20/1966 #20903 , NJ Red-orange disc-shaped object followed car, ground brightly illuminate 10/15/1966 #21004 rberry reported that their car was followed in Point Pleasant, West Virgini 11/15/1966 #21109 rberry reported that their car was followed about midnight by a gray "bird 11/16/1966 #21110 e felt in the farmer's truck as it followed him along the Victoria blacktop 1/1967 #21241 ness experienced trouble sleeping, followed by some weeks of excessive slee 1/11/1967 #21288 d she cooked it on the stove. They followed her into the living room where 1/25/1967 #21389 mour State Police post reported he followed a huge ball of greenish-blue an 2/5/1967 #21455 :40 p.m.. CST. A teacher's car was followed by a flashing red light at vari 2/15/1967 #21554 onmental illumination). The object followed two women in a car on U.S. 1 so 2/16/1967 #21568 rs from behind a hill a mile away, followed by two white lights flying in s 2/16/1967 #21572 hem some case leads that are never followed up because they are old. 3/1967 #21697 luminous red disc with a dome. It followed the car for miles (vehicle enco 3/1/1967 #21711 Owen County, was reported to have followed persons in an auto for miles un 3/1/1967 #21712 en was joined by the second light, followed by two more. The four objects m 3/2/1967 #21733 owing pyramids (truncated cones?), followed by an orange flash. The objects 3/3/1967 #21742 g from white to greenish blue, and followed their car for 20 minutes until 3/3/1967 #21749 h, New Hampshire a clam-shaped UFO followed a car at a low level for severa 3/4/1967 #21754 tedly surrounded by a fog or mist, followed the car home. Ten minutes later 3/7/1967 #21788 er about 20 minutes it disappears, followed by a thread of rippling blue li Spring 1967 #21926 metallic dull white in color, that followed the aircraft. (Weinstein, 1999, 4/1967 #22030 ct with red and white colors which followed their car and appeared to move 4/19/1967 #22163 ame night a silent disc-shaped UFO followed a car closely in Monroe, North 4/28/1967 #22246 an inverted cone of light that is followed by an orange disc that rises ve 4/29/1967 #22247 en lights (body lights) which they followed and observed for 4 hours. Black 5/7/1967 #22292 aw a strange object in the sky and followed it with a friend, Glenn Coates, 5/7/1967 #22293 ter that evening a nocturnal light followed a car with the Luck family of t 5/7/1967 #22298 ved south above the witnesses, who followed it in a car at speeds over 90 m 5/9/1967 #22301 h, passing over the witnesses, who followed it at speeds over 90 mph. 5/9/1967 #22305 ring then moving rapidly, and then followed the witness' car for about 500' 6/29/1967 #22572 and a row of blue lights. The UFO followed their car for 500 feet, then ve 6/29/1967 #22575 luding 180-degree turns, and twice followed Air Canada flights before resum 7/7/1967 #22627 ver a field. When he drove away it followed his car again, and returned wit 7/17/1967 #22683 ar the dog whimpering and barking, followed by the muffled noise like a hug 8/12/1967 #22868 rtical stripe down the middle. It followed him two miles down a twisting c 8/23/1967 #22909 he witness, who drove away but was followed by the object. 8/24/1967 #22914 ho drove away but was subsequently followed by the object. 8/24/1967 #22918 an object hovered over their car, followed them, then hovered to the rear 8/28/1967 #22941 three days but found nothing. This followed a series of six UFO sightings a 10/4/1967 #23177 ghted an orange rectangular object followed by a series of smaller lights, 10/4/1967 #23177 wed by a series of smaller lights, followed by a sizeable explosion near th 10/4/1967 #23177 reported that a bright red ellipse followed and illuminated the interior of 10/20/1967 #23272 a round, spinning red object that followed his truck for about an hour. At 10/27/1967 #23344 are windows. The object turned and followed their car. 10/28/1967 #23363 mhouse of Willard Hammon for help, followed by another entity apparently ho 11/2/1967 #23390 rary amnesia for about 30 minutes, followed by headaches and other physiolo 12/3/1967 #23547 hen she noticed that she was being followed by a multi-colored, domed disc- 12/12/1967 #23576 reen from time to time. The object followed them as they drove in their car 12/26/1967 #23612 became frightened when the object followed them for a few minutes, then it 12/28/1967 #23617 entina to the southeast. This was followed by a huge power blackout at 11: 1/24/1968 #23699 e was gassed and fainted; this was followed by 10 minutes of missing time. 1/30/1968 #23711 ula, MT Luminous elliptical object followed car for 30 minutes, moved back 2/13/1968 #23754 ula, MT Luminous elliptical object followed car for 30 minutes, moved back 2/13/1968 #23755 der with yellow-orange body lights followed a Cessna 172 light airplane fly 7/8/1968 #24160 it. The two men got into a car and followed the UFO toward St. Claude; watc 10/8/1968 #24551 oved dramatically in the days that followed. Also a few days after the enco 11/1/1968 #24620 oof of their trailer. The bump was followed by the sound of something movin 11/9/1968 #24648 ty in Australia, AU Luminous cigar followed car; object rose quickly raisin 2/20/1969 #24934 able to start the engine again. He followed the UFO for about 4 mi. staying 3/4/1969 #24963 taying away from the beam. The UFO followed the contour of the land it was 3/4/1969 #24963 uva, Brazil. One of the UFOs later followed the bus, and returned light sig 3/7/1969 #24982 he bottom in a cone shape. The UFO followed their car home, for a total of 4/20/1969 #25076 a watched as a bluish white object followed two young men home. It started 5/28/1969 #25167 effects for the female witness. It followed the contours of the land as it 8/11/1969 #25316 in Furnace Creek, California, are followed by a red ball of light the size Early 1970 #25524 ouillac, Charente district, France followed by a flash. The next day a big 1/9/1970 #25543 g their car at 10:25 p.m. While it followed, the car radio was inoperative 7/29/1970 #25757 lia, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The object followed his car for several miles. 8/15/1970 #25786 s of Moose Jaw to the west. It has followed his car for 12 minutes and 10 m 11/1/1970 #25898 e to purple. When the drove off it followed them. 1/26/1971 #26003 ards some nearby buildings and was followed closely by two of the men. The 3/25/1971 #26054 oss in the sky emitting sparks. It followed them to the end of a road, then 3/25/1971 #26055 ith rotating lights on its rim. It followed their car for over three minute 4/15/1971 #26075 A brilliant flash of light followed by a gust of wind were seen and 6/25/1971 #26193 bright red disc flew overhead and followed them down the road for a brief 7/16/1971 #26232 a brief while. It then turned and followed a railroad track. 7/16/1971 #26232 t into the village to report this, followed for much of the way by two men 9/11/1971 #26328 t into the village to report this, followed for much of the way by two men 9/12/1971 #26331 er technician, found his car being followed by a red luminous disc while dr 9/22/1971 #26365 Foreman heard a loud noise outside followed by a "whoosh" come from outside 9/30/1971 #26388 real, Quebec saw an ovoid UFO that followed their bus, going north. It stop 10/28/1971 #26437 wed with a white light, reportedly followed the president of a local school 11/6/1971 #26463 A glowing saucer-shaped object followed a couple driving home in Pickaw 11/6/1971 #26465 t 3:00 a.m. a funnel-shaped object followed a car through a forest south of 12/5/1971 #26488 oot in diameter blue fall of light followed a girl home at 60 feet altitude 2/12/1972 #26577 contains some pure tones at first, followed by modulations in amplitude. Ro 6/22/1972 #26726 r was then levitated, and this was followed by 40 minutes of missing time, 8/16/1972 #26921 n the sky caught his attention. He followed it to where he saw a disc-shape 8/26/1972 #26956 :45 p.m. a bright ovoid shaped UFO followed a car with two people home alon 9/7/1972 #26980 a telephone can from a woman who "followed the UFO from Bicknell to Vincen 10/9/1972 #27062 t." Sr. Rey went into the kitchen, followed by the strange visitor, and he 11/28/1972 #27150 nsignia showing a crowned seahorse followed by symbols resembling "S C Y" a 12/30/1972 #27193 7:00 p.m. a domed, metallic object followed a car near Winston-Salem, North 1/16/1973 #27240 ing around on its bottom". The UFO followed the traffic on I-85. 1/23/1973 #27244 At 8:00 p.m. a glowing sphere followed a car near Draytonville, South 2/20/1973 #27301 waited when he stopped his car. It followed him for another 15 miles. 3/27/1973 #27381 ailing siren at around 4 p.m. They followed it through a hedge into a swamp 5/15/1973 #27492 observer. Huge "Rugby ball" object followed / zigzagging night light. 6/28/1973 #27591 mmercial aircraft flew by. The UFO followed it for a few moments before fly 7/9/1973 #27625 "Yes." Another member of the group followed this man into the copse, where 9/9/1973 #27794 witnesses got into their cars and followed the lights toward Kent. The two 9/11/1973 #27803 witnesses got into their cars and followed the lights toward Kent. The two 9/12/1973 #27809 cts; one with blinding green light followed her home. (NICAP: 01 - Distant 10/16/1973 #28079 st reports was Tennessee, with 16, followed by Ohio, with 15. Robert Gribbl 10/17/1973 #28134 mpbellsville, KY 9:30 p.m. Two men followed an object that looked about the 10/19/1973 #28191 re anxiety for a prolonged period, followed by personality change. He chang 10/28/1973 #28311 t same night a red oval-shaped UFO followed a car in Saint Thomas, Pennsylv 11/19/1973 #28449 an appendage appeared in the sky, followed by a domed disc. The entire eve 12/20/1973 #28592 in a car in the suburbs of Chicago followed a low flying UFO in Berwyn, Ill 1/4/1974 #28644 atrol car in St. Charles, Missouri followed an oblong UFO with two white re 1/5/1974 #28649 rical system interference. The UFO followed the witnesses home. Small windo 1/5/1974 #28650 escend just yards in front of car, followed by the appearance of a blinding 1/8/1974 #28665 d just meters in front of his car, followed by the appearance of a blinding 1/8/1974 #28667 orthern Wales, see a bright object followed by a luminous tail and (accordi 1/23/1974 #28694 An orange hemisphere followed a car in Chalons-sur-Marne, Mar 2/11/1974 #28757 ological fault line. A second disc followed the same course ten minutes lat 2/13/1974 #28766 ssile goes into launch mode again, followed by an inhibit order that does n 3/1974 #28830 him. He ran, frightened, and they followed him. They were about two meters 3/26/1974 #28957 way from the Wigwam. Soon they are followed by some strange lights and an o Early 4/1974 #28990 lored legs emerge from the object, followed by a ramp with steps. Three sma 5/5/1974 #29085 em back on the UFO approached, and followed him home. 6/16/1974 #29203 zzy and bright as the sun, and was followed by several smaller objects. It 8/20/1974 #29373 object suddenly takes off, quickly followed by the other four, ascending in 9/1/1974 #29417 e. The vapor extends about 6 feet, followed by a downward gust of wind whic 9/1/1974 #29417 triangular or delta-shaped object followed a plane flying 65 kilometers no 10/10/1974 #29513 tions, but he departs to the east, followed by the light. The incident has Mid 11/1974 #29596 slowly towards a nearby cemetery, followed closely by the bright light. He 11/15/1974 #29597 A loud 110 decibel roar was followed by the sighting of a two-meter 11/26/1974 #29611 e turned around and drove back. He followed the same route but he saw nothi 11/30/1974 #29622 d hovered over their car, and then followed it along road. They made a shar 1/10/1975 #29738 d hovered over their car, and then followed it along road. They made a shar 1/10/1975 #29739 ter diameter sphere with portholes followed a car west at 200 meters altitu 5/3/1975 #30030 r witnesses--two couples--in a car followed a dark ovoid flying object in t 5/7/1975 #30047 At 10:30 p.m. a luminous red ball followed four witnesses in a car east to 8/11/1975 #30251 chester, England a nocturnal light followed a flying triangular shaped obje 8/16/1975 #30280 Lille by motorbike when they were followed briefly by an unknown "vehicle" 8/22/1975 #30297 Lille by motorbike when they were followed briefly by an unknown "vehicle" 8/22/1975 #30298 ts. On August 10, a lighted object followed and badly frightened 12-year-ol 9/15/1975 #30363 about 40 feet in diameter, and it followed them at a distance of 150 feet 10/26/1975 #30476 s the car and roars down the road, followed by the UFO. The next thing they 10/27/1975 #30486 he next day, and hypnosis sessions followed between December 1975 to March 10/27/1975 #30489 about 40 feet in diameter, and it followed them at a distance of 150 feet 10/27/1975 #30491 Belgrade, Yugo DC-9 pilot followed by UFOs, E-M, radar (NICAP: 11 10/28/1975 #30501 hway D786 in Treguier, France. It followed a car west, but turned back qui 11/23/1975 #30655 es above the ground. When the boys followed them a bright white, lemon-shap 2/10/1976 #30863 no sound at all. Two objects then followed them until they reached Lincoln 2/18/1976 #30881 ay, South Africa. A loud explosion followed it. The object turned in flight 5/4/1976 #31035 ome moving nearby in the sky. They followed it in their car for some time a 6/3/1976 #31081 r Troy, Michigan at 9:55 p.m. They followed it in their car for some time a 6/3/1976 #31082 ng when they heard "strange noises followed by a grunting sound and then a 7/5/1976 #31153 wa when they heard "strange noises followed by a grunting sound and then a 7/5/1976 #31154 en route to Monastir, Tunisia, is followed by an unidentified object. 8/4/1976 #31231 he thinning fog toward the object, followed by their father. When they had 8/6/1976 #31241 a burst of light in front of them followed by another wave of unbearable h 8/6/1976 #31241 es above the ground. When the boys followed them a bright white, lemon-shap 8/16/1976 #31274 ash of light illuminates the area, followed by a strange buzzing sound. He 9/9/1976 #31362 bject (apparently dumbbell-shaped) followed and confronted him. (Lumieres d 10/24/1976 #31492 he entered a semi-conscious state, followed by his alien abduction experien 10/31/1976 #31513 A cone-shaped object with a light followed a truck on a highway in New Alb 11/24/1976 #31572 missing time, and the incident was followed by many days of persistent head 1/18/1977 #31727 missing time, and the incident was followed by many days of persistent head 1/18/1977 #31728 An Italian Air Force F-104 is followed for 23 minutes by a UFO that is 2/1977 #31772 five meter long walnut-shaped UFO followed a student on a motorbike to a f 2/13/1977 #31814 anos, and their three children are followed by a bright light for one hour 2/22/1977 #31839 ar Cyprus College in California is followed by a star-like object that appe 2/25/1977 #31847 ane manually.” Meanwhile, the UAP “followed right along with us” for about 3/12/1977 #31901 ection of how she got onboard. She followed Onleel through a main central r 4/4/1977 #31943 ashed back and forth. The two boys followed it to the Nadon field by the ri 4/6/1977 #31953 here surrounded by a blue halo. It followed the witness as he walked home. 5/6/1977 #32065 car with two 30-year-old women was followed by another disc between Longham 5/21/1977 #32123 agiac, MI 4:10 PM. An ovoid object followed an airliner for 30 seconds acco 5/26/1977 #32131 An ovoid object followed an airliner for 30 seconds over 5/26/1977 #32136 er long silver cigar shaped object followed two people riding on a motorcyc 6/21/1977 #32179 er long silver cigar shaped object followed two people riding on a motorcyc 6/21/1977 #32183 California. It abruptly turned and followed the witness's car. The two wome 8/28/1977 #32438 viazione Leggera dell’Esercito are followed for more than 5 minutes by an o 10/27/1977 #32623 r took off, the light returned and followed helicopter over the Bay. It the 11/1/1977 #32653 an object at the officer. This was followed by a bright flash of light from 11/13/1977 #32672 take cover and was unhurt. He then followed the two intruders and saw them 11/13/1977 #32672 from the direction of the sea and followed a car with three female passeng 12/6/1977 #32738 from the direction of the sea. It followed a car with three people inside. 12/7/1977 #32740 rection of the sea at 7:30 p.m. It followed a car with three people inside. 12/7/1977 #32742 ion interference effects. This was followed by an episode of lost time; wha 12/10/1977 #32758 n ran home as quickly as he could, followed by his dog. 12/10/1977 #32759 with three crew members aboard and followed it, circling it for five minute 12/15/1977 #32776 with three crew members aboard and followed it, circling it for five minute 12/15/1977 #32777 eat flash in the northeastern sky, followed by a UFO gyrating downward as i 12/16/1977 #32780 eat flash in the northeastern sky, followed by a UFO gyrating downward as i 12/16/1977 #32781 seen by a married couple. This was followed by the sighting of a 12-foot-lo 12/21/1977 #32801 ter one o’clock at night. This was followed by the sighting of a 12-foot-lo 12/21/1977 #32803 he patio at the rear of the house, followed by the witness. The glow around 1/2/1978 #32848 th a "rear spoiler" and headlights followed two 15-year-old teens in Mytche 1/11/1978 #32876 gility. With some difficulty Julio followed, carrying the dog under his rig 2/5/1978 #32957 he sun was rising; the second soon followed. 2/12/1978 #32968 aquamarine beam of light. Amnesia followed and he found himself alone in a 3/18/1978 #33056 istent with a normal case of death followed by predation. The animal’s hear 3/24/1978 #33077 ying overhead to the south. One is followed closely by four white balls and 7/2/1978 #33324 four white balls and the other is followed by three balls. 7/2/1978 #33324 as it maneuvered. Two more objects followed the same path as the first. The 8/11/1978 #33507 spheres and an oval-shaped object followed a Boeing 727 airliner over Matt 8/28/1978 #33587 nd onto the ground. The tall being followed him out. He then requested that 9/6/1978 #33640 gentina a power blackout occurred, followed by an intense light. A domed ov 9/8/1978 #33648 bring her a glass of water. As she followed her dad to the kitchen she noti 9/15/1978 #33689 ia, Australia a large yellow light followed a car with three passengers for 9/20/1978 #33716 bject. It dodged the bullets, then followed the car, causing electromagneti 9/29/1978 #33781 r named Rotela and his family were followed by a luminous yellow-orange obj 10/15/1978 #33839 mall spherical orange-yellow light followed the craft. The witnesses then f 10/30/1978 #33898 s in diameter and with an antenna, followed a man out walking at only 15 me 12/10/1978 #34086 ad two transparent blue lights and followed them to one of their homes. (NI 12/14/1978 #34120 ad two transparent blue lights and followed them to one of their homes. It 12/14/1978 #34130 d over from south to north. It was followed by five more objects in formati 12/25/1978 #34207 es, and a strong sulfur like smell followed him, he also suffered from memo 1/3/1979 #34292 ark objects flew over a reservoir, followed by a 1.5 meter in diameter meta 2/18/1979 #34434 ark objects flew over a reservoir, followed by a 1.5 meter in diameter meta 2/18/1979 #34435 the non-nuclear secondary system, followed by a stuck-open pilot-operated 3/28/1979 #34493 that seemed to attract birds that followed it as it flew away. 5/12/1979 #34556 not to look as the object left. He followed these instructions and did not 5/16/1979 #34564 em—manifested in “intense activity followed by quiet periods—intended to le 6/1979 #34599 flashes erupt from its right side, followed by 4–5 faint sounds like firecr 7/27/1979 #34683 ed a green flash of light overhead followed by two bright descending sphere 8/2/1979 #34704 hen a UFO began pacing his car and followed him for several kilometers. The 12/3/1979 #35046 eter diameter cylinder-shaped disc followed a car up and down route N377. S 1/28/1980 #35149 tes of time. During the hours that followed they suffered from various phys 5/7/1980 #35317 ps because it was being levitated, followed by a period of missing time. La 9/25/1980 #35535 Suffolk county, a nocturnal light followed a car and then shot up into the 12/27/1980 #35748 radioactivity. Mystery helicopters followed UFO 12/29/1980 #35756 originate from overhead. This was followed by something like the sound of 2/18/1981 #35832 d object repeated the maneuver and followed after the first some six to eig 2/25/1981 #35845 r mist "like smoke from a chimney" followed their truck for 15 miles. (NICA 5/12/1981 #35933 r mist "like smoke from a chimney" followed their truck for 15 miles. It ha 5/12/1981 #35934 t with windows approached, turned, followed car, bright illumination. Objec 7/12/1981 #36000 t with windows approached, turned, followed car, bright illumination. Objec 7/12/1981 #36001 the Italian weekly magazine Gente, followed by a second part in the August 7/31/1981 #36047 talk. Seven hours of missing time followed. After effects included intense 7/31/1981 #36050 sided hexagonal shaped object that followed their car through several turns 8/25/1981 #36085 Scab tissue forms on September 15, followed by a scar that is still visible 9/10/1981 #36108 25 foot long glowing ovoid object followed a car east of Snowtown, a subur 10/25/1981 #36188 wn onto truck. Driver fled, object followed and beamed light on truck a sec 11/24/1981 #36230 wn onto truck. Driver fled, object followed and beamed light on truck a sec 11/24/1981 #36231 ar. It rose up, then came back and followed the car into town. There were t 12/19/1981 #36269 ersfield, VT A delta-shaped object followed a car home, then flew overhead. 2/8/1982 #36326 eld, Vermont a delta-shaped object followed a car home, then flew overhead. 2/8/1982 #36329 uth Carolina at 10:30 p.m. It then followed a car being driven by the witne 2/13/1982 #36343 g driven by two teenagers. The UFO followed as close as 30 feet altitude, a 4/8/1982 #36441 ba, Michigan at 11:45 p.m. The UFO followed as close as 30 feet altitude, a 4/8/1982 #36443 sky at 8:30 p.m. It approached and followed their car for three kilometers. 4/25/1982 #36454 three lights down at 8 a.m., then followed a car in Bury St. Edmonds, Suff 12/2/1982 #36706 . Edmonds, Suffolk, England. There followed an RAF investigation of the inc 12/2/1982 #36706 ngton, AU 1:50 PM. An orange light followed a car down a highway in Madding 12/21/1982 #36721 nd 9:00 PM. A small glowing sphere followed a car for ten minutes and lit u 12/21/1982 #36722 lobe. At 1:50 p.m. an orange light followed a car down a highway in Madding 12/21/1982 #36724 t 9:00 p.m. a small glowing sphere followed a car for ten minutes and lit u 12/21/1982 #36724 grass. An abduction by Grey aliens followed, involving a medical exam on bo 6/30/1983 #36896 ovince, Argentina at 7:30 p.m. and followed it in his van. When he stepped 8/9/1983 #36940 r some high tension lines. The UFO followed their car, making a humming sou 9/19/1983 #36974 ointment of an interim government, followed by democratic elections in 1984 10/25/1983 #37016 ight of a mysterious bright sphere followed by seven small lights which fle 1/13/1984 #37129 1000 foot long cigar-shaped object followed a KC-135 USAF tanker aircraft t 4/24/1984 #37285 1000 foot long cigar-shaped object followed a KC-135 USAF tanker aircraft t 4/24/1984 #37286 rger than a football field, and it followed a car being driven on the Tacon 5/31/1984 #37345 rger than a football field, and it followed a car being driven on the Tacon 5/31/1984 #37349 er long silver cigar-shaped object followed a fence line in a pasture at ar 7/30/1984 #37424 back to his car, one of the lights followed him back to car. 8/14/1984 #37433 lls, Putnam County, New York, then followed after two witnesses in their ca 8/20/1984 #37437 a 8:00 PM. A large disc-shaped UFO followed a Piper airplane from Cordoba t 9/23/1984 #37465 8:00 p.m. a large disc-shaped UFO followed a Piper airplane from Cordoba t 9/23/1984 #37468 surprised to see the shining ball followed by the vibrating object looking 2/1985 #37552 d, and then hovered. Other objects followed, as close as 700 feet. ARTC rad 3/14/1985 #37568 BRASILIA, BRZ Private pilot followed 460mi by small luminous objects 5/16/1986 #37871 t flying from Brasilia, Brazil was followed 460 miles by several small lumi 5/16/1986 #37872 ere scrambled from Santa Cruz AFB, followed by three Mirage III jets from A 5/19/1986 #37882 reported that a white glowing disc followed her car through several turns a 7/6/1986 #37931 ut 30–80 feet long. The display is followed by an unusual odor that persist 10/10/1986 #38044 two red glowing areas on the back, followed by a short vapor trail. Funseth 3/6/1987 #38130 hewan, Canada for four minutes. It followed the car with three witnesses cl 3/13/1987 #38141 ng pyramid-shaped object, and they followed it for awhile but then lost sig 7/31/1987 #38221 aircraft on landing approach, then followed the aircraft and hovered near t 12/5/1987 #38350 of clicks and bumps in the house, followed by disembodied voices in her be 1988 #38383 smoke, flame, and debris, and was followed through the sky by a brilliant 1/4/1988 #38404 Launceston, AR Glowing red object followed car, moved up and down as if fo 1/19/1988 #38414 Foreman, AR Glowing red object followed car, moved up and down as if fo 1/19/1988 #38415 ng paced by a mysterious light. It followed them for nearly 90 minutes. The 1/20/1988 #38423 n three brilliant hat-shaped discs followed a boat for five kilometers. The 7/24/1988 #38607 not see his surroundings. This was followed by a period of missing time, an 10/24/1988 #38687 DAWSON, AL Fyffe-UFO followed here 12 mile(s) / Tenbroeck. Ma 2/10/1989 #38830 nions rushed back to their car and followed the creature for about a kilome 8/10/1989 #39051 up to one of the young witnesses, followed by the two other aliens. The ro 10/28/1989 #39191 Tarnaszentmaria, Hungary a disc is followed moving through some nearby wood 11/20/1989 #39242 witness to come watch. The object followed a curved flight path with a wob 2/5/1990 #39410 he women drove home and the object followed them, then it passed by, glowin 4/17/1990 #39532 n the bottom portion, very bright, followed the course of a creek in Willia 6/23/1990 #39623 eatures, arms, or legs. One figure followed the other, and both quickly dis 8/31/1990 #39707 s, and then switched off. This was followed with a loud boom. 9/19/1990 #39737 informed that a strange object has followed the Cessna 210 into the airport 6/8/1991 #40092 felfalu, Hungary a luminous sphere followed a truck home. It then emitted g 10/5/1991 #40206 an electric shock. The red sphere followed him where ever he went. At four 12/4/1991 #40254 Israeli police and the IDF followed a boomerang-shaped UFO from Bet 12/6/1991 #40257 t the woman. The main witness then followed the two beings into the room wh 1/24/1992 #40302 NG QUICKLY [TO] THE DALLES, OR Car followed / UFO. 2nd car chased / 3 trian 3/23/1992 #40396 A nocturnal light followed five people into the town of Ru 4/9/1992 #40411 of the house. This experienced was followed by an unsettling dream about th 5/5/1992 #40454 that an unidentified bright light followed him and his girlfriend sometime 6/14/1992 #40494 ported that a bright ball of light followed his car for a few minutes. A sa 7/17/1992 #40524 ew minutes. A saucer-shaped object followed behind the sphere. 7/17/1992 #40524 teen minutes later a second object followed same path. 9/10/1992 #40616 o a nearby olive grove. The others followed her. When she entered the olive 9/24/1992 #40639 d six lights on the bottom. It was followed by 20 smaller glowing ovoid obj 9/30/1992 #40651 ght lights. Silent flying triangle followed by audible light plane.. 11/25/1992 #40728 by two witnesses at 11:40 p.m. It followed their car for 50 kilometers. 4/25/1993 #40950 It then made a 90 degree turn and followed a car. The lights and radio of 5/14/1993 #40980 shaped object 4 meters in diameter followed two witnesses home in Warsaw, P 7/25/1993 #41088 a bright white sphere appeared and followed the witness briefly before leav 7/31/1993 #41095 GULF BREEZE, FL Large orange ovoid followed / helicopter. Ovoid vanishes li 9/8/1993 #41188 d made a 90- degree turn, and then followed the main highway for two minute 9/11/1993 #41194 ort, West Virginia at 7:00 p.m. It followed a car to Stonewood, then shot a 10/1/1993 #41217 anged back again to an H-shape. It followed their car for five minutes and 10/6/1993 #41221 looked like a globe on a pedestal followed two people in a car for several 12/31/1993 #41338 re government accountability” were followed. 2/9/1994 #41408 al lights flying in an X-formation followed a witness in his car home. The 4/19/1994 #41497 t the stars!" A smaller craft soon followed the first one. 6/27/1994 #41590 glowing orange oblong objects, one followed car; diamond- shaped object hov 7/24/1994 #41636 glowing orange oblong objects, one followed car. Diamond-shaped object hove 7/24/1994 #41637 we, Botswana, and southern Zambia, followed by a sonic boom. Some people se 9/14/1994 #41749 owl-shaped object hovered and then followed a car. There were over 40 separ 11/6/1994 #41840 es buzzed a car at 1:30 a.m., then followed the car home. 2/5/1995 #42020 ge-red color. A beam of light that followed the contour of the craft connec 5/7/1995 #42188 n 1995 a 100-meter diameter sphere followed a car for two minutes at 700 me 6/5/1995 #42240 hen enveloped the garden. This was followed by many hours of missing time. 7/15/1995 #42304 A police car was followed for 6 kilometers in Marsaneix, 9/11/1995 #42457 MARSANEIX, FR Cop and 2 / car followed / 6km by 30M disk and rectangul 9/12/1995 #42458 ext made several zigzag maneuvers, followed by 70 degree turns, and shot of 2/7/1996 #42746 uickly acquire an immunodeficiency followed by an attack of three kinds of 2/15/1996 #42764 rby swamps. Several witnesses then followed the objects and were able to se 2/23/1996 #42776 ns, and a large orange sphere that followed some of the UFO field investiga 2/23/1996 #42776 e a silent black triangular object followed a helicopter north at low altit 5/5/1996 #42895 st. Lights / 3 corners. 2nd object followed by jet. 6/17/1996 #42930 ite disc-shaped object with lights followed a car for 6 km near Tavaco, Cor 8/9/1996 #42974 headed from west to east. This was followed by a group of 10-12 blinking li 10/10/1996 #43063 dogs loose. They released them and followed them into a harvested cornfield 12/1/1996 #43130 himself in an unfamiliar field. He followed a nearby path and reached a vil 12/9/1996 #43133 thers in Lago de Rapel, Chile were followed home by a brilliant, noiseless 2/16/1997 #43194 ted altitude of 800 meters. It was followed by three smaller nocturnal ligh 4/22/1997 #43271 . This flash light was immediately followed by a strange whistling sound. A 9/4/1997 #43394 oom at two o’clock in the morning, followed by the blankets being thrown of 12/12/1997 #43458 thin figures that “spoke” to them, followed by an episode of missing time. 12/12/1997 #43458 0 p.m. a large cigar-shaped object followed the power lines; continuing on, 12/18/1997 #43467 day a huge silver disc-shaped UFO followed a car in Traunstein, Bavaria, G 1/3/1998 #43491 saw a gray rectangular object and followed it for about three quarters of 2/9/1998 #43516 ge vibrations lasting five minutes followed, and then all became quiet. Aft 11/13/1998 #43682 ying silently low in a fog. Lights followed it randomly. The sphere and the 11/21/1999 #43885 aliens. He also claims aliens have followed his car, visited his home, and 2000 #43913 aly saw a circular luminous object followed by a cylinder of light, which h 1/12/2000 #43925 closer and hovered over them, then followed them home. They witnessed more 1/12/2000 #43926 e to his bedroom door and entered, followed by two more. The beings were ba 7/12/2000 #44015 along the left lane. The creature followed the vehicle's departure with it 7/13/2000 #44016 st. Three or more nocturnal lights followed the disc, which had both steady 11/28/2000 #44086 rs across and round in shape. They followed him silently for eight kilomete 12/13/2000 #44102 ssed from west to east. The second followed the first at a 5 minute interva 4/26/2001 #44168 ight down. Three loud sonic booms, followed by a roaring sound, were heard. 9/19/2001 #44262 ecended as it moved. The witnesses followed it in their car for about five 12/10/2001 #44286 d a formation of seven lights, and followed them for 10 kilometers down a r 7/21/2002 #44362 ing, "Identify yourself." This was followed by some unusual voices communic 7/28/2002 #44367 nside. The other two girls quickly followed her. That evening all three gir 7/28/2002 #44367 ed about erratically, and all four followed a curved trajectory across the 8/25/2002 #44386 lights on a circular UFO. This was followed by a period of missing time, an 9/25/2002 #44408 t appear after the flash. This was followed by two more flashs, not blue, n 5/16/2003 #44538 owing months, Fuller claims he was followed by military-looking men with th 7/2003 #44560 Trees, California a ball of light followed witnesses out of a pitch black 9/5/2003 #44593 a, New York that shot straight up, followed by a red light circling the are 11/22/2003 #44617 aching Dublin Airport. It is being followed in for landing on Runway 10 by 1/4/2004 #44643 only 100 yards above her car, and followed on Highway 340 and then some co 5/9/2004 #44698 he sky in Burlington, Indiana were followed by the appearance of several ob 12/4/2004 #44795 a siren but not as perfect. It was followed by a loud blood curling scream, 1/30/2006 #44920 ing and banging against the house, followed by a scratching along the walls 1/30/2006 #44920 sighted over Sheffield, West York followed by three others. They were all 8/4/2007 #45042 g. When the witness walked out and followed behind the dog, he illuminated 8/29/2007 #45050 gravitational wave (HFGW) jammers followed an orb, which allegedly used HF 2008 #45108 in recollection of the events that followed. It didn't appear to be interes 4/12/2008 #45127 p.m. heading east. The second one followed the same parallel path about 40 6/1/2008 #45145 Texas; an identical looking object followed the witness as he drove home. 10/27/2008 #45179 fence UFO files from 1985 to 1995, followed shortly afterward by files for 8/2011 #45331 little and no relevant achievement followed.” 1/1/2017 #45463 tting the floor” since April 2017, followed by excruciating headaches and i 5/23/2018 #45527 the next day, or in the weeks that followed. 7/30/2019 #45600 terials. It is unknown if Moultrie followed up with Gallagher after reviewi 5/17/2022 #45751
ace Ships, ghostwritten by Adamski follower Charlotte Blodget, is published 1955 #11896 hagen, Denmark Adamski, along with follower Lou Zinsstag, meets with diplom 6/13/1959 #15768
mar Gardens George Adamski and his followers move closer to Palomar Mountai 1944 #1560 ntactees, gathers a small group of followers, and generally avoids the lime Fall 1952 #8014 ike on December 21. Martin and her followers hope to board a landed flying 8/20/1954 #10156 linois A group of Dorothy Martin’s followers has gathered at her Oak Park, 12/20/1954 #11849 Balch and David Taylor locate the followers of Applewhite and Nettles in A 10/1975 #30407
from the north and then head south following the lake, low over its surface 8/15/1663 #44 ngdon, Somerset, England 4:00 p.m. Following a clap of thunder, a flat, pal 4/27/1759 #79 d on the rocks near Whitburn after following a light or lights in the sky t 12/1865 #165 emits a tail that envelops the two following and extends behind them. The t 9/30/1880 #240 d to descend nearthe village while following the course of the Patapsco Riv 2/14/1889 #287 rom the Pacific to the Atlantic by following the Chicago and North Western Early 4/1897 #413 i when a low-flying object started following it. All the passengers saw the 4/15/1897 #499 ghtning strike and develops it the following morning. The negative shows no 4/25/1897 #574 nnam 4:10 a.m. An elongated object following a west to east trajectory flew 6/16/1909 #775 Donghoi, Annam An elongated object following a west to east trajectory flew 6/16/1909 #776 uthern end of South Island. In the following weeks the reports appear to mo 7/1909 #778 , NE 5:00 a.m. William C. Lamb was following strange tracks when he heard a 2/22/1922 #1019 bell, Nebraska William C. Lamb was following strange tracks when he heard a 2/22/1922 #1020 William C. Lamb was following strange tracks near Hubbell, N 2/22/1922 #1021 s, then it takes off to the north, following the railroad tracks. It is at 1/2/1934 #1193 smaller, domed discs are also seen following it. A report on the incident i 8/17/1936 #1247 Juminda, Estonian coast (Or following year.) Two persons saw a stran Fall 1938 #1295 s between two plainclothesmen. The following evening, he is given a copy of Early Spring 1941 #1355 d a luminous orange object closely following their warplane over the Zuider 3/25/1942 #1406 ff the Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania, following reports by fishermen of strang Summer 1942 #1419 lored light the “size of the moon” following the aircraft over the Zuiderze 6/25/1942 #1422 ts are repeated for several nights following. 12/1943? #1548 st 24 hours and found nothing. The following night, Ed Ludwig (of Stockton, 6/1944 #1597 me course that the German V-2s are following). It seems to be 3–4 feet in d 9/1944 #1663 it is a “brilliant light” that is following it closely. 1/22/1945 #1761 ed a white, football-shaped object following a bomber at 18,000 feet betwee 1/22/1945 #1762 ects approach at 150 feet, roughly following the road. They are not in stri 3/25/1945 #1827 Portugal Two greenish globes, one following close behind the other, zoom o 9/18/1946 #2184 sightings as unexplained over the following months. 1/27/1947 #2235 between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m. in the following locations: Cedar City, Logan, 6/26/1947 #2420 htening his cattle and horses. The following night it happens again and the 7/4/1947 #2665 se southeast of Corona, New Mexico Following the rain the night before, Bra 7/5/1947 #2723 sks going [to] slow and stop. Bird following scared back. 7/7/1947 #2895 o the surface of the earth, though following its contours at 500–1,000 feet 7/7/1947 #2937 h at an altitude of 1,500 feet and following the contour of mountains 5 mil 7/12/1947 #3159 d down as it flew. It seemed to be following the contours of the hilly grou 8/13/1947 #3322 ce told Canadian embassy staff the following: flying saucers exist, the mat 1/31/1948 #3568 have tracked the same target. The following day, an object hovers over the Summer 1948 #3679 s badly disfigured by intense heat following a plane crash. They argue that 7/7/1948 #3699 uth. They are 150–250 feet up, one following the other at a distance of 8–1 9/16/1948 #3803 ced that “foreign-looking men” are following him and that Symington is spyi 11/3/1948 #3866 re there, ranting about Communists following him, and perhaps one suicide a 3/31/1949 #4061 Following consideration by the Defense D 12/20/1949 #4441 "Dark Ages" of UFO investigation. Following the Project Grudge report, the 1950 #4460 cope for approximately 30 minutes, following the B-29 all the time. The rad 1/12/1950 #4484 ng relative position to each other following the B-50 Superfortress launch 8/30/1950 #5150 of 10– 15 miles, a light gray disc following a rectangular flight path, con 9/5/1950 #5169 omatically. The object seems to be following the coastline. He follows it o 9/10/1951 #5660 Angeles, California, who have been following the UFO phenomenon. They form 12/1951 #5804 rate of speed. They appeared to be following an aircraft during a landing a 4/20/1952 #6143 rea watched an unidentified object following a jet interceptor at 6:35 p.m. 5/15/1952 #6334 s first civilian UFO organization, following his personal observation of tw 7/1952 #6678 high altitude. An identical UFO is following the first some distance back. 7/1/1952 #6689 ched they saw an identical UFO was following the first one some distance ba 7/1/1952 #6691 ast at 50-60 kts. (60-70 m.p.h.), following each other. The large one mov 7/29/1952 #7313 o east at 50-60 knots (60-70 mph), following each other. The large object m 7/29/1952 #7333 near Qaanaaq, Greenland. They are following an 85-foot-diameter Skyhook ba 8/29/1952 #7788 liffe in North Yorkshire, England, following an RAF Meteor jet (possibly pi 9/19/1952 #7980 bulski) about to land. It has been following about 5 miles behind the jet a 9/19/1952 #7980 s they are returning, it reappears following one of the jets, but when he t 9/21/1952 #7998 bjects with a central red spot are following the same trajectory. The small 10/17/1952 #8148 The smaller objects move in pairs following a broken, zig-zag path. They l 10/17/1952 #8148 The cigar-shaped UFO is allegedly following them. 11/20/1952 #8307 c manifestation of the UFO project following the meeting. After a period of 1/17/1953 #8544 . Louis, Missouri, area seem to be following the unidentified lights. 2/1/1953 #8627 al-records building and discovered following a FOIA request in 1977. These 4/13/1953 #8823 ove back to the road, circling and following their car. Suddenly it stops a 11/1953 #9271 ning a huge silver sphere was seen following some jet aircraft in the San F 11/16/1953 #9304 the new experimental radar an UFO following his plane. The science officer Winter 1953 #9385 rtised as more civilian in nature. Following the launch of the Soviet satel 1954 #9413 west of Sétif) for over 30 minutes following a rectilinear course. The obje 1/18/1954 #9494 Detroit, Michigan Masonic Temple Following the success of Flying Saucers 3/28/1954 #9647 called and warned of consequences following a phone call he made in Januar 4/12/1954 #9685 htly swept-back leading edge and a following exhaust, flew straight and lev 9/5/1954 #10256 flew about 5 m above the witness, following him to the next village. 10/7/1954 #10783 ters over the head of the witness, following him to the next village. 10/7/1954 #10797 Morocco Witness: weather observer, following a balloon with his theodolite. 10/13/1954 #10999 rver in Nouasseur, French Morocco, following a balloon in his theodolite, s 10/13/1954 #11001 ent on toward the north, seemingly following a train. 10/14/1954 #11052 ent on toward the north, seemingly following a train. 10/14/1954 #11073 tness suffered from a skin disease following the incident. 10/16/1954 #11141 rom a woman, who promptly fainted. Following the incident the witness suffe 10/16/1954 #11147 with several illuminated portholes following a complex trajectory along a r 10/18/1954 #11221 n the gravel lane of the villa the following day. It was odorless, dry and 10/18/1954 #11225 eauneuf-du-Pape, Vaucluse, France, following numerous UFO sightings, issues 10/25/1954 #11391 shaped object, flying very low and following the turns of the road at 20 m 10/27/1954 #11447 inutes. It was flying very low and following the turns of the road at 20 me 10/27/1954 #11453 es were red and irritated for days following the encounter. 10/28/1954 #11467 man manages to get it declassified following a FOIA request. 10/4/1955 #12488 0 miles north of Bedford, Indiana, following some confusing information fro 1/31/1956 #12687 yracuse after nearly 30 minutes of following the object. The promised fight 4/8/1956 #12803 tely SW. The object was apparently following a flat trajectory when the yel 7/14/1956 #12970 made 5-6 more passes in formation following the same maneuver. The discs g 11/25/1956 #13353 inting directly toward the object, following its movements. The entire obje 1/16/1957 #13461 ard, a commercial aircraft is seen following the same course as the UFO and 2/15/1957 #13509 trailed the RB-47 up to 6:40 a.m. following the main events, for a total d 7/17/1957 #13808 he battery is found to be dead the following morning and the dashboard cloc 11/5/1957 #14348 ots a gray, round object seemingly following the truck at a distance of 60 11/8/1957 #14490 nd his head was covered with burns following the close encounter. On the sa 11/9/1957 #14509 gine runs roughly. Driver sees UFO following". No further details. 5/1958 #15007 g roughly, driver then noticed UFO following car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 5/1958 #15009 were to have been extended to the following week, but they decide to call 8/8/1958 #15184 3,000 crew members notice a light following the aircraft carrier. Fireman’ 9/1958 #15239 ining sound, sparks and smoke. The following day, before he had revaled any 11/23/1958 #15456 ining sound, sparks and smoke. The following day, before he had revealed an 11/23/1958 #15457 ral minutes later another appears, following the same course. This is soon 3/12/1959 #15636 orted 3 or 4 parachute-shaped UFOs following the C-118 as it passed over th 4/1/1959 #15686 noted that told him to return the following night at 1:30 a.m. When he did 4/25/1959 #15713 th this officer, and was given the following background information. A Cana 7/9/1959 #15829 urned off as round UFO passed over following trunk line. After UFO left, ke 8/17/1959 #15922 huge brilliant disc-shaped objects following a jet aircraft. One of the UFO 8/31/1959 #15945 ce its radar cross section by 50%. Following tests with wooden models at Bu 9/1959 #15950 ’t “come into existence” until the following month, when Francis Gary Power 4/8/1960 #16218 Montreal Canada 3:00 or 4:00 p.m. Following a sonic boom above Quebec, a f 6/12/1960 #16312 eported similar sightings on three following nights. 7/19/1960 #16340 eported similar sightings on three following nights. An hour later, another 7/19/1960 #16341 workers (about 70) to view it. The following day it follows a supply truck 1961 #16551 ed and the object rapidly departed following a trajectory oblique to the se 6/3/1961 #16717 as part of Project Moonwatch. The following day the director of the projec 7/11/1961 #16760 hey stopped to investigate a light following their car. They became afraid 9/19/1961 #16852 there is a round shiny metal ball following close behind the B-52. The top 1962 #17006 roup of 60 interested members. The following year GEPA launches a magazine, 1962 #17009 rce Centre] near Limestone, Maine, following an Operation Chrome Dome missi Late 10/1962 #17496 to it. After five minutes it left. Following the event, Nelson states a rep Late 1963 #17989 thers, observed dome-shaped object following jet fighters. UFO shot straigh 10/11/1964 #18579 thers, observed dome-shaped object following jet fighters. UFO shot straigh 10/11/1964 #18580 e object depart. She had headaches following the incident. She would have a 5/30/1965 #18977 xperienced headaches for five days following the close encounter. 7/26/1965 #19183 come to investigate the report the following afternoon. When NICAP investig 8/19/1965 #19427 fly away. The witness gave chase, following it in her car. Her car's headl 2/22/1966 #19914 The girls ran home with the object following. It circled the area near thei 2/25/1966 #19917 ame within 25 m of the patrol car, following it for 1 km, then flew off tow 3/17/1966 #19982 out an UFO that they said had been following them from Michigan City to La 3/20/1966 #19998 them off the highway. It had been following them at an altitude of about 6 3/20/1966 #19998 ittent sounds and movements in the following minutes. Then a blast of air f 3/29/1966 #20139 teenagers reported strange lights following their car as they left the sit 4/7/1966 #20268 an a jet. They also see three jets following it, apparently Air Force Reser 4/17/1966 #20318 career deteriorated in the months following his close encounter. This famo 4/17/1966 #20319 who filmed the entire episode. The following day the NASA facility employee 5/11/1966 #20478 a dome on top as it is apparently following an outbound flight of Navy jet 5/21/1966 #20505 milar sightings occurred early the following morning, but this time not see 7/25/1966 #20679 icians from Campos dos Goytacazes. Following an investigation, police recon 8/20/1966 #20779 on the road ahead and another one following his car. The first one looked 9/1966 #20823 s his friend that there is someone following them. They turn and see a man 10/11/1966 #20992 he flees the area with the object following him. When the light from the o 10/15/1966 #21006 wave of fear, which kept him from following the dog. That night he slept w 11/14/1966 #21101 wave of fear, which kept him from following the dog. That night he slept w 11/15/1966 #21109 and by the side of the road, later following their car. 11/28/1966 #21155 and later it took off and started following their car. 11/28/1966 #21160 g project. Also rash / sightings / following year. 1/4/1967 #21253 5 minutes later, a pastor reported following an object in his car that had 1/19/1967 #21351 s in 1977, Andreasson relates that following the appearance of the creature 1/25/1967 #21386 sehold in Pittsfield, Pennsylvania following a frightening close encounter 1/28/1967 #21411 y overhead. At about 1:45 a.m. the following morning, in Milford (eastern s 2/10/1967 #21503 two witnesses, who drove their car following the UFO. Reportedly one of the 2/10/1967 #21508 g slowly at 100–200 feet altitude, following the course of a creek. She run 2/22/1967 #21623 g from white to greenish blue, and following their car for 20 min until the 3/3/1967 #21745 aced their car at close range. The following car had an electrical system f 3/13/1967 #21881 much fainter and blue in color, is following it. The second light turns awa Spring 1967 #21926 round. However, the object started following the car. Eventually it left th 4/6/1967 #22083 mptoms persist, so he shows up the following morning. The woman sits him do 5/1967 #22254 d, then retracted into the object. Following this some landing legs appeare 5/6/1967 #22288 9:35 p.m. another target appears, following an Air Canada flight; it turns 7/6/1967 #22622 in her rear-view mirror apparently following the car. The burning yellow li 7/20/1967 #22710 d shape of a large can (cylinder). Following a "squealing sound" and a slig 8/4/1967 #22799 Paragould, AR Early the following morning, witnesses in Paragoul 8/25/1967 #22921 uela, watch a white, luminous disc following the course of the Apure River 9/10/1967 #23032 horse was skitish for several days following the incident. 9/22/1967 #23115 n report a UFO on this day and the following day. 10/24/1967 #23304 t speed "like a puff of wind." The following night, Chiszar told investigat 10/24/1967 #23309 quare lights on one side. He tries following it and manages to stay roughly 12/19/1967 #23595 , spaced 30 seconds apart and each following the same path. (Haines, 1994, 12/24/1967 #23604 e attached to a domed disc that is following the road at a height of 300–40 12/27/1967 #23615 about 30 feet in diameter, starts following them. He accelerates to 60 mph 1/20/1968 #23683 et above an intersection. It keeps following them at telephone height, even 1/20/1968 #23683 oes not see it until 4:00 p.m. the following day when Mary Lou Armstrong sh 2/5/1968 #23737 wtucket, Rhode Island and flew off following the power lines. 3/10/1968 #23835 onto the patio. He ran outside and following his son's instructions could s 5/27/1968 #23988 the border. The lights appear the following evening, and several US 7th Ai 6/15/1968 #24040 Air) UFO desk in Whitehall, London Following the publication of their book 6/20/1968 #24054 nce they vanish at terrific speed, following a railway to the northeast. A 7/22/1968 #24203 round radar told them a target was following them. Sightings lasted 15 min 9/15/1968 #24466 radar told them a target had been following them. The two sightings lasted 9/15/1968 #24469 inous cigar-shaped object was seen following a car at 7:30 p.m. When the UF 2/20/1969 #24935 arks on the ground at the site the following day. 2/22/1969 #24939 s eyes bothered her for three days following the incident. 3/6/1969 #24977 that showed only four toes. On the following night a UFO was observed over 5/19/1969 #25148 xt to them. Convinced the light is following them, Paquette turns off the h 7/13/1969 #25268 g Stella Lansing, she produced the following account by a 9-year-old of an 11/9/1969 #25455 nd fairly large object which began following their car at 10:25 p.m. While 7/29/1970 #25757 l of ice on top and some soot. The following day, he tells the newspaper, w 1/3/1971 #25972 photograph of it from Caluso. The following day, the French Office Nationa 2/23/1971 #26030 h Wales Greenhill After 10:00 p.m. Following several sightings of a bright 4/2/1971 #26064 ibbean Sea when an incident occurs following an 18-hour period simulating G 6/1971 #26153 e Robertson Panel and suggests the following response: “We’re sorry, but we 7/29/1971 #26251 a rocky desert. He next remembered following the being through a huge door 8/16/1971 #26291 does not appear in the previous or following frames. Jacques Vallée obtains 9/4/1971 #26317 ive north again, the object begins following them at a distance for about 4 9/19/1971 #26347 Following a pre-arranged date with some 12/6/1971 #26490 med in Banbury, England, town hall following a wave of UFO sightings in Oxf 1/1972 #26534 gain the next night, and again the following night. 3/1/1972 #26586 ses up and moves off to the south, following the terrain. 8/12/1972 #26911 suddenly the outer rim slid aside, following the curve of the craft, exposi 8/26/1972 #26956 Following several civilian reports of UF 9/14/1972 #27001 s of light. They are also seen the following day, and the Norwegian Navy fi 11/21/1972 #27132 al-records building and discovered following a FOIA request in 1977. These 1973 #27199 eir eyes were "foggy" for two days following their close encounter. 6/28/1973 #27600 imming over the ground, apparently following undulations in the landscape. 10/12/1973 #28017 h, moving up and over Mount Baldy, following its contours. The pilot follow 10/12/1973 #28017 nds the dog “scared to death.” The following night the cat is spooked. 11/22/1973 #28459 ance saw a hemispheric dome-shaped following the road. Next a long, half-cy 3/26/1974 #28958 ng together across the sky. On the following two nights there were again in 4/11/1974 #29004 d been obliterated by the tide the following morning, before the investigat 5/20/1974 #29120 om shock and stayed in bed for the following two days. His dog also appeare 5/26/1974 #29136 They fled in fear with the object following. When they stopped, the object 6/6/1974 #29168 luminous disc-shaped object began following a car with two passengers in C 7/8/1974 #29246 rt,” the document alleges that the following incident took place. Military 8/25/1974 #29386 to the investigator. On the night following this encounter, the witness ag 9/3/1974 #29418 oke up two girls in the house. The following morning a dark scorched mark, 9/8/1974 #29437 from swollen arms and fingers the following day. The right side of her fac 9/16/1974 #29459 nger first notices a strange light following the plane when they are 50 mil 10/10/1974 #29512 shaped, luminescent greenish light following us.” It stays on for 3–4 secon 10/10/1974 #29512 tall hooded human-looking albinos. Following the incident John had a nervou 10/27/1974 #29561 n their distrust of the government following the Vietnam war and Watergate 11/2/1974 #29580 sgiving night when she saw a light following her. She stopped the car and r 11/27/1974 #29614 p.m. Jacques M. was driving a car following that of Pierre Errecoundo and 11/30/1974 #29622 oticing that Jacques was no longer following him, had gone back to look for 11/30/1974 #29622 traces were found at the site the following day. 12/2/1974 #29631 st at about 30 mph. Bradley begins following them in his pickup truck. Outs 2/23/1975 #29838 s tall are found growing there the following day. 4/20/1975 #29998 pset for a few minutes immediately following the sighting. 7/1/1975 #30145 s an object in the same place. The following night at 7:30 p.m., a bright s 7/15/1975 #30182 begins to pull away. They continue following it, but the object changes its Late 7/1975 #30204 of the road when it first started following them, and the driver was dazzl 8/4/1975 #30235 a, California, see two helicopters following a UFO. The top of the object i 9/3/1975 #30340 ice. He turned it over to the men. Following his experience, he claimed to 9/11/1975 #30353 re observed on a window in the car following the encounter. There were no r 10/1/1975 #30409 O departing above him. In the days following, The National Enquirer awards 11/5/1975 #30562 e saw the same being again. It was following him on the sidewalk 80 feet be 1/5/1976 #30761 s sister’s boyfriend, who had been following him, saw nothing. But when the 1/6/1976 #30771 fore 3:55 a.m. MST. NMCC Memo: The following information was received from 1/21/1976 #30808 he police, who investigated on the following day and found freshly broken b 1/26/1976 #30821 rection of Heywood, with Collinson following it in his car. The object stop 4/2/1976 #30979 sharp pain in his neck and wrists following the experience. 5/14/1976 #31052 n the vicinity of Fort Richie. The following events summarize the reports ( 7/30/1976 #31200 evidence where it had disappeared. Following this incident by about a month 9/3/1976 #31337 ately began to search for her dog, following its tracks in the fresh snow, 9/3/1976 #31337 lit object the “size of a boxcar” following Maki up the slope. When he rea Mid 2/1977 #31817 ause it seemed to them the UFO was following them. They temporarily suffere 4/6/1977 #31953 ighway overpass by a canal in were following a path up a small hill when th 4/12/1977 #31974 canal in Tucson, Arizona and were following a path up a small hill when th 4/12/1977 #31977 disappeared towards the southeast following a curved path. From out of som 4/12/1977 #31977 flinging its arms up and down. The following night the couple saw a similar 4/12/1977 #31978 third sighting of the creature the following night by two teenage girls dri 4/22/1977 #32013 on a metallic, exam table. For the following ten days after her return the 7/19/1977 #32294 quietly investigated. However, the following day his staff denies that he i 9/1977 #32453 acute headache that lasts into the following day. Her eyes burn and water f Early Autumn 1977 #32456 eeds away to the northwest. In the following week, she develops a skin irri Late 9/1977 #32518 lights, as big as the Moon, and is following him about 500 feet away at tre 9/27/1977 #32528 the southwest, flying over a ranch following some high tension power lines 11/24/1977 #32698 feet. A similar object is seen the following day, moving south to north. Mid 4/1978 #33149 ns are visible for 2 days. The day following the encounter, “fever blisters 5/13/1978 #33202 visible for two days, and the day following his skin blistered on his face 5/13/1978 #33205 . A reconnaissance of the area the following night reveals nothing unusual, 7/14/1978 #33382 he remaining light rushes forward, following the same path as the first lig 8/23/1978 #33553 ts own. He returns to the site the following day and finds three burn marks 9/17/1978 #33701 t that an unidentified aircraft is following him at 4,500 feet. He is told 10/21/1978 #33856 rks and Todd Zechel also claim the following: CIA officials in charge of th 12/15/1978 #34143 see the object again, which is now following them. They park near their hou 4/12/1979 #34508 ay, but the disc is descending and following him. The beam of light blinks 7/4/1979 #34646 he discs were hugging the terrain, following the contour of the land and fl 8/9/1979 #34722 s a result of the publicity uproar following the events of this night the T 8/11/1979 #34733 Gateshead, UK Following a series of low level sighting 9/3/1979 #34827 Following a series of low level sighting 9/3/1979 #34831 a northwesterly direction, closely following the terrain. At 7:10 p.m. near 1/28/1980 #35149 hemselves in and came out only the following morning, when the three sphere 4/6/1980 #35258 us physiological reactions and the following day, marks resembling strange 5/7/1980 #35317 he film Hangar 18 about a cover-up following a crashed UAP in Arizona; the 7/1980 #35399 s fades away by the evening of the following night, leaving only some appar 8/20/1980 #35469 Document: Analysis of photo of UFO following C-5A aircraft inclusive. Photo 11/17/1980 #35644 FO as a refueling tanker with jets following it, which matches an establish 11/18/1980 #35654 speed from northeast to west. The following day (June 29), at about 9 p.m. 6/28/1981 #35980 r. Two or three smaller lights are following in its path. 9/18/1981 #36128 One of the events following the Breiland abduction occurre 10/5/1981 #36159 White House Following a screening of E.T.: The Extra 6/27/1982 #36521 .m. John T. Sery notices an object following a Cessna aircraft at an altitu 9/2/1982 #36593 eral area at 11:03 p.m. and on the following night. 9/17/1982 #36607 he fighter pilots can see nothing. Following the incident, British authorit 10/19/1982 #36654 obe 5–6 inches in diameter closely following his car. The light spreads ins 12/21/1982 #36723 olently, levels out, and flies off following the contour of the land. 5/23/1983 #36864 lently, levelled out, and flew off following the contour of the land. 5/23/1983 #36866 re drastically reduced. During the following years, the scientific council 9/1/1983 #36967 nhill Air Base in Gweru, Zimbabwe, following sightings in Bulawayo and five 7/22/1985 #37628 the other side for the ambulance, following it again to the north. The per 4/22/1986 #37833 ences its journey, with the object following for another 10 minutes. A shor 4/22/1986 #37833 side and 7 on the other, and later following his plane at a distance of two 5/19/1986 #37881 walnut-shaped” UFO (Saturn-shaped) following them. As an evasive action the 11/17/1986 #38068 n away from the giant UFO that was following them, at which time the UFO “s 11/17/1986 #38068 look back and see the object still following them. Increasingly fearful, th 11/17/1986 #38072 p. The flash alert is recalled the following day. A summary of the incident Mid 12/1986 #38083 perts, Spencer has strange dreams. Following ufologist Peter Hough’s advice 12/1/1987 #38345 him do not want humanity to know. Following this, Spencer is returned to I 12/1/1987 #38345 lowed car, moved up and down as if following contours of local terrain (sec 1/19/1988 #38414 lowed car, moved up and down as if following contours of local terrain 1/19/1988 #38415 ring a question-and-answer session following a speech to the National Strat 5/4/1988 #38554 e officers drive after the object, following it for 12 miles when it sudden 2/10/1989 #38832 , jumped into their car, and began following the UFO and the mystery helico 2/11/1989 #38835 fication took place in October the following year. 11/9/1989 #39221 med lock takes place at 12:40 a.m. Following several further unconfirmed co 3/30/1990 #39499 away by running down a ravine. The following day, there were reports of dis 8/31/1990 #39708 hours to the right.” Petronius is following the object on radar; it seems 4/11/1991 #40034 ort at 7:22 p.m., the object stops following and hovers. Anibal Gavigan, th 6/8/1991 #40092 Russia Following a request by Russian cosmonaut 10/1991 #40202 ed behind the light. The cloud was following the bright light and they both 11/9/1991 #40224 wn in color performed the surgery. Following that he was taken to an upper 11/9/1991 #40224 was going on, and he received the following answer: "Don't be afraid, we w 3/5/1992 #40359 high up in the Canyon. "They were following us above the car, and we stopp 6/14/1992 #40494 ssage that "its not time yet." The following morning she was sore behind th 2/1/1993 #40831 seeing the being's face. Later the following day Carmel ventured back into 3/30/1993 #40907 northeast, then curved to the east following the A10 highway. 11/22/1993 #41296 nstitute also played “major roles” following the 1947 crashes, Kissner stat 1994 #41349 ion string.” Sherman provides the following as a sample: “118/67555/995500 Early 1994 #41352 ] behind hill. Going up [to] again following small night light. 6/21/1994 #41576 Steven Greer alleges he meets the following people in a salon in the Pacif Mid 1990's #41926 eral times, to which he learns the following: time does not have the same m Early 1995 #41927 UAP was reported. However, in the following months NORAD said it was a sma 5/25/1995 #42229 wo jets were next seen, apparently following it. 6/14/1995 #42256 destroyed in the mid 1950s without following proper protocol. https://ufol 7/28/1995 #42338 The following people met in Las Vegas to dis 1/28/1996 #42725 symptoms persisted for three days following the visit. 7/9/1996 #42953 nd the issue was dropped. Over the following decades, Goldin appeared in se 8/7/1996 #42971 ess watched a huge disc-shaped UFO following an airliner to the northeast a 8/25/1996 #42995 Later, unmarked copters were seen following the UFO. 9/26/1996 #43044 He drives home to Newport, and the following morning he notices a skin rash 1/27/1997 #43178 earch, which goes on well into the following day. At one stage, no-fly zone 3/24/1997 #43239 began to see whitish orange lights following him. The lights turned off and 8/5/1997 #43369 y a second object that seems to be following it. Their speed increases as t 8/12/1997 #43381 Following an encounter with a strange lo 9/5/1997 #43395 munications from space aliens. The following day his skeptical son and son- 12/1997 #43452 d but extracts are; they state the following: “STAC Reports (I to XI) descr 3/11/1998 #43532 e figure had already vanished. The following days she suffered from headach 8/2/2000 #44026 exico a bright light was witnessed following a cylindrical nose near the gr 4/25/2001 #44166 interaction where he was told the following: VADM Wilson found records of 10/16/2002 #44418 suddenly stopped, as did the cars following him. The witness said, "Some o 5/13/2003 #44535 Following a series of early UFO sighting 5/19/2003 #44542 him before letting him go. In the following months, Fuller claims he was f 7/2003 #44560 d by military-looking men with the following license plates: 4U49864 (white 7/2003 #44560 sed in size in 2004 and states the following: RECOVERY OPERATION WITH ROSWE 2004 #44639 . It flew in very low, and started following her car. "I was alone and very 5/9/2004 #44698 lve into thin air, but immediately following this a bright beam of light ap 8/2/2004 #44725 Canada had a bright light closely following his truck. His truck engine in 11/8/2004 #44779 similar number of objects over the following six days. The objects are also 11/10/2004 #44782 ritish Columbia descending slowly, following the contour of the mountain. 11/24/2004 #44790 hey were hovering, then they began following each other at a high rate of s 5/16/2005 #44843 ffic Control Centre Early morning. Following reports of unidentified lights 6/28/2005 #44849 but had seen many previously. The following evening he did see a large whi 4/12/2008 #45127 /convoys come into the area in the following weeks. One ex-police officer r 5/14/2008 #45138 d object with no wings was sighted following a commercial jet airliner at 5 8/5/2009 #45232 amp, a distance of 8-10 miles. The following day, on his way home from work 9/14/2009 #45247 radouro, Ceará, Brazil, apparently following witnesses, for more than 6 hou 11/14/2010 #45306 oole, to which Mover told them the following story: his family members in r 2/2011 #45312 sile maintenance vans in the weeks following the UAP overflight. The civili 9/19/2012 #45353 h the strategic harm in the period following the disclosures more heavily t 6/14/2013 #45372 nce of Area 51 for the first time, following a FOIA request filed in 2005, 6/25/2013 #45375 did." He reports that immediately following the incident he lost all cellp 8/6/2013 #45381 . citizen with a large pop culture following, occurred ten months before th 1/24/2016 #45443 area.” In the day’s log, the lines following what’s clearly referred to as 4/15/2016 #45450 m the Defense Intelligence Agency, following failed attempts to get the AAW 5/13/2016 #45453 alleged UAP metamaterials over the following two years and reached a collab 7/2018 #45532 ng. A declassified report from the following day blames the “spurious data” 11/21/2018 #45548 commercial drones. They return the following night, with 4 drones operating 9/29/2019 #45610 t seems to have a tail. During the following 30 minutes, the crew observes 3/19/2020 #45639 P director Lue Elizondo states the following when asked a question about an 6/10/2021 #45693 eased to the public relates to the following: energy pulse, ion, anti-gravi 6/29/2021 #45697 urnalist Ross Coulthart stated the following when asked about secretive UAP 5/2022 #45746 8 note). Shannon’s notes state the following was discussed: A 150,000 gaus 9/26/2022 #45772
confluence of the River Ericht and follows that stream to the west toward B 9/9/1767 #83 nd to the ground one mile away. It follows the course of the Patapsco River 2/7/1889 #286 DOMBROVNO AND AREA, POL 'Balloon' follows railroad/railway going northeast 3/7/1892 #298 ESIAN, SD Strange object descends. Follows locomotive / engineer. / FSR'66# 4/15/1897 #477 PEG, MBA Many observer(s). Airship follows river going east. Turns sharply 5/1/1897 #584 it. An unnamed young witness, who follows the object out of town for about 5/9/1897 #595 bserver(s) and more. Great airship follows train as it turns going north in 8/16/1897 #604 OUTHWEST / NOGALES, MX Silver bowl follows Posse. 1 sees small humanoid (or 9/1899 #637 blacks out. Another similar object follows and then several others. Russell 11/1906 #692 oratio Myer, MP for Lambeth North, follows up by asking Haldane: “Will the 5/17/1909 #753 off at 11:15 p.m. The entire city follows suit 5 minutes later. The airpla 2/14/1915 #925 artificial light” to the north. He follows it northeast for 20 minutes, but 1/31/1916 #941 nd passes through wire netting. It follows the top of a hedge, turns right, 1/22/1919 #983 on-size sphere/orb/globe descends. Follows N736 until lost in the distance. 1/1924 (approximate) #1036 TON BRIDGE, IRE 2 boys. Light beam follows roads / several turns. Going wes 9/1924 #1043 ing quickly north / 770 kph. Pilot follows. Beams / side. 10/10/1936 #1251 usual light ahead of his plane. He follows the light, which is at a slightl 10/10/1936 #1252 cartoonist Bill Holman. The comic follows the escapades of a madcap fire f 12/14/1944 #1721 rs of war / ground. White football follows bomber / 18K'. 1/22/1945 #1760 It is also picked up on radar and follows the plane for about 20 miles bef 2/22/1945 #1794 Pseudo-human/entity / dome! Hums. Follows terrain going away. 5/1945 (approximate) #1856 Tokyo, Japan Fireball follows a B-29 of the 39th Bombardment G 5/25/1945 #1870 25+observer(s). 60M silver balloon follows military V-ship / 5 hours. 35k' 6/5/1945 (approximate) #1874 VILLEFAUX, FR Blinding fireball follows mail truck / 15 minute(s). 2nd e 9/25/1946 #2191 ct in his optical range finder and follows it for about 90 seconds. It is i 2/17/1947 #2241 crowd awaits him, and a discussion follows. The consensus is that Arnold ha 6/24/1947 #2398 num disk going east low over roof. Follows US6. Turns going quickly southea 6/28/1947 #2437 HIA, PA Group / teens. Orange disk follows transport plane going east acros 7/5/1947 #2697 = boomerangs) / 200mph. Army plane follows. / r187#444. 7/6/1947 #2766 D, MO 3 / ground. Saucer with fins follows light plane going northeast. Fli 7/7/1947 #2857 dar Tech. Saucer on edge / 650mph. Follows hilly contours going east. Extre 7/7/1947 #2889 g north. Dip and rise. Small plane follows. 7/12/1947 #3150 , AK Several officers. Grey object follows land contours closely / several 7/12/1947 #3151 rs / 25M altitude. Indents / dome. Follows railroad/railway tracks. 8/1947 (approximate) #3269 7 / car. 8M domed metallic saucer follows car. Hovers / power lines. Blink 8/10/1947? #3309 They see two objects. One observer follows one object, and the others follo 4/5/1948 #3612 Stops. Going [to] turns horizontal follows river. 6/1948 #3666 the east slope of Sandia Peak and follows a parabolic curve as the C-47 pa 12/5/1948 #3909 5 National Guardsmen. White saucer follows plane 300' over plane / rear. (U 3/30/1950 #4764 our other people for 2 minutes. It follows a horizontal course toward the s 4/8/1950 #4830 WEST / LUFKIN, TX 3M saucer follows car. 50° turn. Sparks. Spins. Ob 4/20/1950 #4874 at about 12,000 feet altitude. He follows it with a 4x spyglass as it pass 5/20/1950 #4955 s. Cylinder/cigar-shape maneuvers. Follows liner / 20 mile(s). / r22p139. 6/24/1950 #5001 CERES HILL, WA 25' saucer follows road going [to] 100M from observ 7/17/1950 #5069 . C-47 with dark object below. Jet follows. Can't catch / 620mph. 8/7/1950 #5111 s). 150' dark cylinder/cigar-shape follows night light. 4 staircase maneuve 1/25/1951 #5416 SOUTHEAST / RICHMOND, VA Odd blimp follows turnpike. Plays tag / police car 6/24/1951 #5551 to be following the coastline. He follows it off and on for 3 minutes, aft 9/10/1951 #5660 ALIBURTON, ONT 2 silver streaks. 1 follows other closely. Jet plane seen ne 4/16/1952 #6085 maintains its constant course. He follows it visually for 5–6 seconds unti 4/19/1952 #6131 NAS, Willow Grove, PA Target Follows Sweep (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, 5/1952 #6228 extremely fast. White night light follows. 3 more / Toronto / r136#1p69. 5/1/1952 #6234 ver on its axis, the second object follows a similar path but at a higher a 5/10/1952 #6296 aucer / collision course. 2nd cone follows. No further details. 6/20/1952 #6557 t the United States. The expansion follows an Army announcement from a few 7/14/1952 #6816 ORTH / MONROE, LA Red blot / light follows small plane through maneuvers. A 7/22/1952 #6998 NINSULA, WI 3 / SR57. Shiny saucer follows road going northeast / 1k' altit 7/24/1952 #7092 object going west slow. 2nd object follows. Both zigzag going up and down. 7/24/1952 #7095 , DE Vertical cylinder/cigar-shape follows jets / same speed. Ends domed. F 7/27/1952 #7182 server(s). Extremely bright saucer follows river. Circles railroad/railway 7/27/1952 #7197 a 360° turn, comes around in back, follows for 2 minutes, then disappears. 7/29/1952 #7322 ip 29 miles west of Port Huron and follows it for 20 minutes. Slowinski is 7/29/1952 #7331 erver(s). 8 saucers cross sky. Jet follows. Shaped like show-shoes. 7/31/1952 #7366 WACO, TX 4 / SR6. Big orange light follows road. Stops over oil tanks. Quic 8/10/1952 #7534 chase and heads for home. The UFO follows the jet, increasing in apparent 8/12/1952 #7559 ly. 1 going quickly southwest. 2nd follows. 8/17/1952 #7619 h. 1 going quickly southeast.. 2nd follows. 8/24/1952 #7698 lt Air Force Base. Small red light follows.. 8/29/1952 #7777 Rounded top glows. Stops / shore. Follows truck. 9/6/1952 #7857 obe below airliner / 25 minute(s). Follows highway. Vanishes! 9/15/1952 #7948 roject Bluebook Case #2087. Saucer follows meteor jet. Incredible accelerat 9/19/1952 #7976 Station), UK Swaying Silver Object Follows Jet (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 9/19/1952 #7979 turns toward Dishforth, the object follows but begins rotating on its axis 9/19/1952 #7980 down Broadway / 150M altitude! 2nd follows / 90m. Pointed and rounded. 9/24/1952 #8018 t going quickly. Small night light follows. Leaves (something behind) trail 10/6/1952 #8093 t / 1500-12K' altitude. To 425kts. Follows and eludes jets. 11/26/1952 #8342 els straight down the road. Hawkey follows it at about 80 mph, after which 12/21/1952 #8439 rew. Buzzed / disk. Falls back and follows / long time. / r242. 2/11/1953 #8661 vering trajectory. 2nd night light follows. Silent. Going quickly south. 2/27/1953 #8710 FL 2 / beach. Cylinder/cigar-shape follows several B36s / succession. Row / 6/10/1953 (approximate) #8931 ast. = bowl saucer / flat top. 2nd follows. 3rd stays. 8/7/1953 #9054 OC) observer(s). Round silver disk follows plane. / Stringfield. / No furth 9/24/1953 #9177 1 southwest / base. Silver saucer follows test missile right up exhaust. 10/7/1953 #9204 ots cross sky / parallel. 3rd blot follows. 10/9/1953 #9212 ALBANY, NY 2 women. Shiny ovoid follows light plane going south. Maneuve 10/23/1953 #9248 A, CA Huge silver sphere/orb/globe follows jets. Angel hair. Lockheed inves 11/16/1953 #9302 Super Constellation WV-2. The crew follows the object for five minutes and 12/18/1953 #9384 BURG, RSA Newspaper report. Saucer follows car on road in town. No further 12/30/1953 #9407 assic saucer turns going north and follows river. Glows from inside. 2/2/1954 #9528 oof / (seen thru) binoculars. Disk follows B36 going east. Both objects los 3/18/1954 #9626 ress (3 miles SW of), VA Navy F-6F Follows Two Saucers (NICAP: 11 - Aviatio 4/7/1954 #9670 t. Dayton & Columbus, OH Something Follows C-47 & Observed By RB-47 Crew (N 6/23/1954 #9935 to] east. 3rd cylinder/cigar-shape follows later. 8/31/1954 #10214 erver(s). Bright UFO lands. Beams. Follows car going NNW / Fonland. / r67p3 9/23/1954 #10409 / 1 hour. Bright/brilliant object follows car into town. / r30p182+/ r8#15 9/23/1954 #10411 (s) / (seen thru) binoculars. Disk follows 3 planes. Returns 5X. Going quic 9/27/1954 #10458 railroad/railway men. Dark object follows train / 15s. Lights clouds. 9/28/1954 #10482 AR CAUDRY, NORD, FR Top-shaped UFO follows road west going quickly east. Br 10/1/1954 #10540 SART AND MORE/OTHERS, FR 7M saucer follows car. Hides / towns and resumes a 10/3/1954 #10644 NEAR JETTINGEN, FR 3M mushroom-cap follows man going [to] town / 5M altitud 10/8/1954 #10804 D104 / VERNUSSE, FR 90cm red globe follows car / turns. Quickly going up [t 10/11/1954 #10909 Same 2M red glow sphere/orb/globe follows car here. 10/11/1954 #10910 NEAR FRASNE, FR Saucer follows N471 going southwest / low altit 10/12/1954 #10967 bject flies over car. Lights fail. Follows train going quickly north. 10/14/1954 #11034 ) coast / low altitude. 2nd saucer follows. / r251p104. / r67p47. 10/15/1954 #11092 er/cigar-shape flies 20M altitude. Follows turns / road. Turns 90 degree an 10/27/1954 #11439 SUR-MATZ, FR Silent 4M bell-saucer follows road going northwest toward(s) t 11/5/1954 #11571 Louisville International Airport] follows the object for 45 minutes on the 11/12/1954 #11629 en County, Norway Afternoon. A UFO follows three 10-year-old girls (Anne St 11/23/1954 #11696 t gleaming from its sloped top. He follows it for 3 minutes, but then it ac 12/7/1954 #11773 oing [to] over camp. Regular plane follows after. 12/25/1954 #11858 LUE MOUNTAINS, OR Blue night light follows SNOWPLOWs. Hides. Back as plowin 1/28/1955 #11946 US Night light lights entire area. Follows edge / swamp. Maneuvers. / LDLN# 5/29/1955 (approximate) #12165 BEXLEY, LONDON 2 / car. Shadow follows car. Car malfunctions due to EME 7/17/1955 #12262 RS, 80, FR Farmer. Aluminum saucer follows plane going south / 30 second(s) 7/23/1955 #12281 RANGE, NM Small metallic football follows missile test up / close range. 9/1955 (approximate) #12421 ts barns and cabins / 1m altitude. Follows road and creek bed. 10/1955 #12475 TRES, FR AV.mechanic. Cafe parasol follows car! Both stop. Other cars stop. 11/1955 #12535 on glides by going west. Jet plane follows 10 minute(s) after. 1/21/1956 #12673 id lights 15 acres from underside. Follows car. 1/30/1956 #12685 ly south. White 6M circular object follows 30M behind last jet. 6/1956 (approximate) #12877 AUBURN, CA 1+2. Silent 2M torpedo follows river. Emits fireballs going qui 7/21/1956 #12998 SAN LUIS, AZ Saucer follows Air Force bomber. Stops and blow 8/1956 #13037 s, the fighter heads back. The UFO follows briefly, then stops and hovers. 8/13/1956 #13080 and air observers. Black dog-bone follows plane. More objects join. / FSRv 8/31/1956 #13157 ilent 30M domed V-saucer rocks and follows river going east. / r70p349. 9/22/1956 #13234 k yard. Flat plain metallic object follows light plane going west to sea. 10/8/1956 #13268 FL 1 observer. Bright round object follows test missile up into space. 11/8/1956 #13310 LE, MN AND MORE/OTHERS Huge saucer follows milk truck / 240km! Swoops going 11/14/1956 #13324 LEMMON, SD 1M fireball follows train. Boom! Railroad/railway ph 11/16/1956 #13331 MANHATTAN, NY Saucer follows bomber and fighter escort throug 12/4/1956 #13389 , MN Very large tan 'half pancake' follows car? Going north slow. Going qui 12/9/1956 #13392 object with flat bottom/underside follows car. Beam lights ground. To and 12/27/1956 (approximate) #13414 n’s book Secret Places of the Lion follows in 1958 and Road in the Sky in 1 1957 #13430 ball maneuvers all over/all about. Follows 2 separate Air Force B25s. Radio 1/16/1957 #13459 d and air RADAR. 2 night lights. 1 follows searching jet / 25 mile(s). 2/13/1957 #13495 WARDLE, ENG RAF plane follows UFO. Drops weather balloon gear? 2/15/1957 #13508 Unknown object with bright lights. Follows car going [to] naval abase. / MJ 3/24/1957 #13560 TH / BAHAMAS Brilliant night light follows PAA flight 206A going northeast. 3/29/1957 #13568 ST / DE LAND, FL Small round cloud follows car / 30 km! Dark center. 90° tu 4/1957 (approximate) #13571 Circular night light and dark disk follows highway going south. 4/10/1957 #13590 going south slow. "Flying boxcar" follows. Jet going quickly north. 5/24/1957 #13675 ght light hovers. Shoots going up. Follows planes going south / one hour. 6/3/1957 #13696 PAMPULHA, BRZ Night light follows Air Force B26 / one hour. Hovers 7/14/1957 #13795 vs ECM. Brilliant sphere/orb/globe follows RB47 spyplane / 4 states. / r152 7/17/1957 #13803 oing down. Dome still. Edge turns. Follows boy. / MJ#231+/ FSRv4#1+/ r141. 7/30/1957 #13858 th. Tilts / edge. 2nd small object follows. / r141#4p15. 8/5/1957 #13880 N, ON Bright fiery circular object follows teen girls. Away and back. Eyes 8/14/1957 #13891 DELAIDE, SA Silent crescent-saucer follows 3 / car. Car stops. Saucer hover 8/29/1957 #13944 ING LAKE, NJ Wingless DC3 fuselage follows coast. Flat 180° turn going sout 8/30/1957 #13946 FLATONIA, TX Huge fireball follows car 22 km. Just off US90+1km beh 9/7/1957 #13984 and flies north. The larger object follows in a southeasterly direction. Na 10/10/1957 #14095 s fast. Up and down / 3M altitude. Follows woman / bicycle. Separate observ 10/30/1957 (approximate) #14163 Away when lamp out. Back when lit. Follows beam / light. 10/31/1957 #14171 ] through cemetery / low altitude. Follows road. Turns. 11/1/1957 #14185 io at 3:00 a.m. at a low altitude, follows a road, and then turned before f 11/1/1957 #14192 uge saucer tilts / 45°. Portholes. Follows atomic tests. / FSRv31#5. 11/2/1957 (approximate) #14197 rs. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Follows cars. Spotlights. / r242p168. 11/2/1957 #14204 ers / clear sky. 35' / film taken. Follows car? / r46p116. 11/3/1957 #14233 rse toward Córdoba, but the object follows his group for 40 minutes, droppi 11/4/1957 #14281 L 2 / car. Luminous/glowing saucer follows car. Bobs going up and down. Swi 11/5/1957 #14316 , it seems 30 feet in diameter. It follows them all the way to Ringwood and 11/5/1957 #14345 N 2+6 kids. White soup-bowl saucer follows car to farm. Yellow-green glow. 11/6/1957 #14372 . Long silver cylinder/cigar-shape follows Connecticut River.. 11/6/1957 #14373 ircles lake / slow / low altitude. Follows coast. 11/7/1957 #14453 is domed on the top and bottom. It follows them for 5–10 minutes then moves 11/8/1957 #14490 ast. Red-glow cylinder/cigar-shape follows. / r49p268+/ r141#2p84. 11/11/1957 #14529 TIRO, OH Pan disk follows car. Swings / all directions. Aw 11/23/1957 #14598 OCKATT DE SA, BRAZIL Aluminum disk follows train / 10 minute(s). Maneuvers 12/16/1957 #14733 N, RSA 2 / car. Silver grey saucer follows roadside / low altitude. Sudden 1/5/1958 (approximate) #14809 ce when the UFO approaches him. It follows him all the way to town, 7 miles 1/13/1958 #14824 ng down / pond / 20 minute(s). Fog follows object going up. 2/1958 #14858 RZ Many observer(s). Saturn-saucer follows jeep / 80 mn. Hovers / military 2/19/1958 #14879 t. 2nd cylinder/cylindrical object follows. 3/17/1958 #14936 OUVILLE, QB Domed saucer tilts and follows terrain. Stops / lake / 5 minute 7/30/1958 (approximate) #15160 AR HAMMONTON, NJ 3 / car. 6M ovoid follows road / very low altitude. Glows. 8/18/1958 #15211 observer. Red cylinder/cigar-shape follows valley going northwest / 4mn. Co 9/1958 #15237 llision! 1 going quickly east. 2nd follows.. 12/29/1958 #15501 ckly west like meteors. 3rd object follows. / txt file. 3/20/1959 #15657 he two vanish, a third appears and follows the path the others have taken. 3/20/1959 #15659 dome / 1M altitude. Away and back. Follows motorbike / 5km. Separate observ 4/14/1959 #15702 cars. Round small luminous object follows car going west. Maneuvers. Inche 7/20/1959 #15862 bout 200 mph. The Magnesyn compass follows the objects’ position as they ci 8/13/1959 #15913 ts appear to land, the main object follows them, continually changing color 8/13/1959 #15914 INGAITI HILL, NZ Large street lamp follows 2 / car / 100km. Scouts valley. 10/31/1959 #16070 H / ALVIN, TX Cylinder/cigar-shape follows gasoline truck / miles. Drops an 11/8/1959 #16082 NAZARE, BRZ Huge round grey object follows donkey herd going east. Light / 5/13/1960 #16262 phere going south. Stops offshore. Follows coast going southeast. Night lig 5/17/1960 #16280 coast going southeast. Night light follows later. 5/17/1960 #16280 g-disc crosses road / 2M altitude. Follows car / 1km. / r30p243. 8/2/1960 #16363 "Japanese lantern" with portholes follows Echo satellite trajectory. Very 8/23/1960 #16407 ) to view it. The following day it follows a supply truck for several hours 1961 #16551 #7818. 7 observer(s). Blue saucer follows red saucer SSW going NNE. No pla 2/25/1962 #17059 d/railway tracks. Silent. Flashes. Follows truck! 11/26/1962 #17561 and Perth ground RADAR. Green UFO follows module. Odd voices / tape. / r22 5/16/1963 #17744 roadside going up [to] and hovers. Follows car. News. No further details. / 5/21/1963 #17755 has two brilliant lights. The UFO follows some power lines across a field 6/26/1963 #17809 S, FR 3 / car. Silent ball / light follows car going southeast. Circles. Go 7/15/1963 (approximate) #17829 , AUST 3M glowing-object turns and follows truck. Night lights / separate o 10/31/1963 #18012 WELLFORD, SC Saucer with antennas follows car / miles. Leaves when headlig 6/30/1964 #18384 drical object-cylinder/cigar-shape follows C119 cargo plane. No further det 10/7/1964 #18573 ses straight up a minute later and follows the other one. 11/25/1964 #18637 ptical luminous object appears and follows the plane. Inaba makes a 60° tur 3/18/1965 #18864 ject makes a similar maneuver then follows along the plane’s left wing for 3/18/1965 #18864 oing quickly northeast and up. 2nd follows. Separate observer(s). 8/10/1965 #19356 t 90M domed saucer 1.2M over road. Follows terrain. Quickly going up. 8/14/1965 #19387 etallic disk hovers / 5M altitude. Follows car. Quickly going up [to] and a 8/15/1965 (approximate) #19396 RICA, CHILE LAN flight 904. Saucer follows / 14 minute(s). Away / incredibl 9/6/1965 #19526 and approach his airliner. The UFO follows the aircraft for 13–14 minutes a 9/6/1965 #19527 anoid (or Grey) / roadside. Saucer follows car. Other observer(s) / same da 9/29/1965 #19620 orange 60cm sphere / 15M altitude. Follows woman all the way home. 11/1965 #19691 ght object buzzes car. Returns and follows car going [to] town. Windows? 11/17/1965 #19727 DER, LA Glowing object / treetops. Follows car. Several separate report(s) 12/4/1965 #19751 CKLY [TO] NEQUEN, ARG Glowing disk follows and 'observes' airliner / 30 min 1/7/1966 #19808 16m delta/triangle/box-like craft follows cop-car / 1km. Radio electro-mag 3/17/1966 #19978 r speaker pulses-saucer is silent. Follows / 13km. 3/30/1966 #20150 ll humanoid (or Grey) seen. Saucer follows observer(s)' car. 3/30/1966 #20153 MILLERSVIEW, TX 4M ovoid follows car. Crosses road behind car / 5 4/17/1966 #20306 n H. Wayne Huston sees the UFO and follows Spaur and Neff, at times reachin 4/17/1966 #20318 truck on wet pavement. The object follows the car for some time. 4/18/1966 #20332 WESTBY, WI Domed saucer follows woman / car home. Seen / (seen t 4/21/1966 #20350 ver golf CRS. Lights / rim rotate. Follows car. Going quickly east. 4/22/1966 #20355 L PROV, RSA Pilot. Blue-green disk follows liner. No further details. / Fly 5/1966 #20435 S, FL 30m glowing-sphere/orb/globe follows car / miles up to 180kph. Passes 5/6/1966 #20452 observer(s). Fast brilliant object follows canal? Type unknown. 5/21/1966 #20502 arly hits fireball / road! 2nd UFO follows car. / r8#792+/ r79. 9/1966 #20821 FARINE, FR 2 / car. Teardrop-ovoid follows car. Windows / side. Going quick 9/10/1966 #20870 BARCELONA, VNZL Humming. Ovoid follows high-V lines. Truck malfunctions 10/12/1966 #20994 dows / dome. 180° turn going east. Follows car / turns. 10/21/1966 #21023 cers. 1st makes buzzing sound. 2nd follows 1 St. 11/10/1966 #21085 NEAR POINT PLEASANT, WV Mothman follows car / 3M wings. Going [to] aband 11/15/1966 #21105 . Dark red night light / roadside. Follows same car 2 weeks later. / r8#807 11/28/1966 #21154 inute(s) then vanish. Power outage follows. 1/15/1967 #21306 M glowing-ovoid. Hides near towns. Follows turns / road. 1/19/1967 #21346 CROTHERSVILLE, IN Cop follows ball / colored lights / 10 mile( 2/5/1967 #21451 MILTON, IN Disk follows creek / 50M altitude. Slow. 2 br 2/22/1967 #21618 nd saucers. Luminous orange object follows car / Boneta, UT / r41p329. 2/23/1967 #21626 VERNAL, UT 30M saucer covers road. Follows car to Roosevelt / 30 min. / r41 2/27/1967 #21668 NH Clam saucer going up and down. Follows car / very low altitude. Going q 3/3/1967 #21738 US Highway 14 when a bright light follows their car. The V-shaped object a 3/5/1967 #21766 st light beams over US20. Odd mist follows car home. / r25p225. 3/7/1967 #21781 A 2+3 / separate cars. Night light follows car. Plays peekaboo. Engine and 3/13/1967 #21878 O/FROM FORT DUCHESNE Orange saucer follows and paces car / county road. Doo 3/13/1967 #21879 adio Frequency Interference (RFI). Follows car going north. 3/16/1967 #21896 OHIOPYLE, PA Saucer follows car home / 30M altitude. Hovers 3/17/1967 #21908 apparently the same object, which follows them for 25 minutes before zippi 3/21/1967 #21936 s car / 400M altitude. Green glow. Follows / 15 minute(s). 3/22/1967 #21942 ify the object. The Cruzeiro plane follows the UFO for 15 minutes before it 3/27/1967 #22001 / Cessna. 30M dull metallic ovoid follows 2nd Cessna. 90° turn going quick 4/6/1967 #22070 OODING, ID Trucker. 5M grey object follows terrain / 12M altitude 1km away. 4/17/1967 #22144 kes off, moves behind the car, and follows it for 5 minutes, then disappear 4/21/1967 #22191 lent saucer responds / headlights. Follows car closely. Separate observer(s 4/28/1967 #22240 ARNETT, OK 1 of 2. Night light follows car home. 3 observer(s). Going q 5/7/1967 #22291 A, UT 12M x 5M featureless saucer. Follows roadway briefly. Sharply outline 5/12/1967 #22322 2 / car. Flat-bottom dome hovers. Follows car / 2 minute(s). Shoots away. 5/15/1967 (approximate) #22343 H, PA 1 / car. 12M metallic saucer follows moving van. Steams. Quickly goin 5/18/1967 #22372 LD, ND 1M top-shape hides / trees. Follows 2 / car. Back at Stanley, ND. 12 5/19/1967 #22373 er with many lights circles plane. Follows car. Going quickly south. 6/29/1967 #22569 . At 9:53 p.m., an additional blip follows another Air Canada airliner befo 7/6/1967 #22622 rs, including 180° turns and twice follows Air Canada flights before resumi 7/7/1967 #22629 wing-cylinder/cigar-shape emerges. Follows steamship Naviero / 15 minute(s) 7/20/1967 #22705 to the dome of a disc. The object follows them for at least 40 minutes and 8/3/1967 #22787 ect, surrounded by a pinkish glow, follows the motorcycle at about 100 feet 8/24/1967 #22917 southwest slow. 240m altitude. Car follows. Tilts / circular and vanishes. 8/25/1967 #22919 olor = molten metal. Bright "star" follows. 9/9/1967 #23025 observer(s). Luminous white saucer follows Apure River west going east / lo 9/10/1967 #23028 and explode! 1 rises / ground and follows car. 9/28/1967 #23142 NORTH HOLLYWOOD, CA Couple follows UFO / miles into Tujunga area. E 10/8/1967 (approximate) #23191 aped night lights. All color(s). 1 follows truck / turns. 10/11/1967 #23211 Railroad/railway crew. 40' saucer follows train / 60 mn. Black cone / top. 10/13/1967 #23229 .25MI WITH FT DUCHESNE, UT Saucer follows airplane into sunset. Glass dome 10/18/1967 #23251 ON/DEPOT/FACILITY, NS Blazing disk follows train / low altitude going west. 10/25/1967 #23312 enna / top. Square windows. Turns. Follows car? 10/28/1967 #23360 oid hovers / 8M altitude. 2 beams. Follows car and boat. 11/8/1967 #23420 4' vertical bullet-dome buzzes and follows car. 2 arch-portholes. 11/13/1967 #23440 LE, FR Many / train. Luminous ball follows train. Lights inside / cars. 15 12/1967 #23527 WELLS TWP, PA 2 / car. Domed disk follows rural road. Banks. Square panels 12/27/1967 #23614 truck and drive on, but the object follows them for a while, then moves off 12/27/1967 #23615 th humans to improve the stock. He follows this up with Mankind—Child of th 1968 #23625 a 180° turn without slowing, then follows the aircraft until they are out 1/15/1968 #23667 NEAR MISSOULA, MT White-glow ovoid follows ex-Air Traffic Controller and 1 2/13/1968 #23752 I, BRZ Luminous/glowing red object follows and circles Air Force plane #207 3/1968 #23795 outh over US70. Circles around and follows car / 8km going north to town. 3/4/1968 (approximate) #23818 over power station/depot/facility. Follows power lines going [to] distance. 3/10/1968 #23833 ir Traffic Controller. Night light follows plane in and back out again. / r 3/14/1968 #23840 . 30M orange ovoid lights farm up. Follows car. Air Force investigation. 4/1968 #23878 pilots. White cylinder/cigar-shape follows coast going southeast / 90 knots 6/6/1968 #24011 WEST SEATTLE, WA Private pilot follows 8 orange night lights going nort 7/7/1968 #24152 metal cylinder/cylindrical object follows light plane. Going quickly east. 7/8/1968 #24156 ylinder/cigar-shape changes shape. Follows car. Hides. Zigzags. Shoots off. 7/26/1968 #24229 g east. Zigzags. Small night light follows. They exit together. 8/20/1968 #24357 RDE DE LEGANES, SP Luminous saucer follows cyclist overhead / 5 min. Yellow 9/1968 #24412 rn saucer turns going quickly NNE. Follows bay to sea. Green portholes. 9/1968 #24413 as, approaching at great speed. He follows it along Interstate 35 toward Lu 9/18/1968 #24479 s saucer maneuvers / low altitude. Follows car / 3km. Hums. 10/4/1968 #24542 ape going quickly south. Jet plane follows. UFO much faster. 10/7/1968 #24545 URA VAII, ROM Very fast silver UFO follows Danube R. Stops 1 minute(s) / mi 10/18/1968 #24570 THEAST / MAX, ND Huge orange-globe follows milk truck / 7 90° turns / 34km! 10/27/1968 #24591 S, QBC 15M red-yellow domed sphere follows car. Going north ahead. Possible 11/5/1968 #24632 ST / MAITLAND, SOUTH AUST Fireball follows car / 9mi to 150kph. 90° turn. R 11/26/1968 #24712 OIS, FR 15+observer(s). 10M saucer follows car. Lands. Figure(s) work. Cat 12/12/1968 #24761 IAC, FR 20 observer(s). White ball follows train / 12km going [to] WNW. Daw 12/16/1968 #24775 nous/glowing objects / roadside. 1 follows bus. Returns light signals! 3/7/1969 #24980 NORTH / HALE, MI 2 / car. UFO follows car / low altitude. Type unknown 3/13/1969 #25004 Operation Freedom Deal immediately follows Operation Menu. Under Freedom De 3/18/1969 #25025 Silva back to their machine; there follows another flight, another landing. 5/4/1969 #25114 STRALIA 4 truckers. Bright diamond follows trucks. Speeds away and back. 5/22/1969 #25154 ops. Bus-size object lights trees. Follows train. APRO May'69+/ FSRv18#1. 5/24/1969 #25162 MAND-LES-EAUX, FR 20M domed saucer follows motorbike / low altitude. Glows 6/1969 (approximate) #25178 more. 8' ovoid responds / lights. Follows car. Legs extend. / r201. 7/13/1969 #25266 lights / rim. Hits houses / beam. Follows land contours going northeast. 8/11/1969 (approximate) #25314 HALLESAKER, SWEDEN Night light follows man home. Silent saucer with ban 8/29/1969 #25336 ALTA 2 / car. 10' diamond fireball follows car all over town. "Watches" obs 12/15/1969? #25497 2 days. Brilliant 7-legged saucer follows cars / miles. 1/1970 #25526 NEAR APOPKA, FL Saucer follows car. Circles house. Going up. Le 6/29/1970 #25719 veral / car. Large metallic saucer follows car. Heavy static / car radio. / 7/29/1970 #25755 NEAR MARILIA, BRAZIL Balloon follows car several miles. = classic sau 8/15/1970 (approximate) #25785 SOLLENTUNA, SWD "Magnetic finger" follows engineer around work. Saucer out 8/25/1970 #25804 R Vibrant bright 2M white fireball follows land contours. Blinks out. / r30 9/13/1970 #25836 DYNE, WI Saucer / ground by tree. Follows 5 in car. Radio plays static onl 10/1970 (approximate) #25862 g bean-shape going up / sagebrush. Follows motorcycle. 10/13/1970 #25875 ght extending down to the road. It follows his car about 20 feet to the rig 11/1/1970 #25898 nd comes to a stop, and the object follows suit, hovering for another 10–15 11/1/1970 #25898 (s). Silent dome going north. Path follows local faultline. 12/11/1970 #25935 oresters. Large green cone-saucer. Follows car. Lights rotate / rim. Back / 4/15/1971 #26074 ises / sea. Rotates. Rays / light. Follows car. Away / extreme speed/veloci 5/31/1971 #26146 ly [to] overhead / road. Turns and follows railroad/railway track. 7/16/1971 #26231 OY-LE-GRANDE, FR Foo Fighters-ball follows 50M off Rt. wing of light plane. 8/7/1971 #26270 erver(s). Red fireball circles and follows car. Going up [to] and hovers / 8/25/1971 #26303 ddenly going quickly west. #3 soon follows going quickly east. 9/8/1971 #26324 et to alert others, and the object follows them above the roofs of houses. 10/2/1971 #26400 RUNA, BRZ 20 / bus / panic. Saucer follows / miles. Beams going down. Quick 10/20/1971 (approximate) #26430 MONTREAL, QB Several / bus. Ovoid follows bus going north. Stops near powe 10/28/1971 #26434 CE BASE, OH Classic glowing-saucer follows 2 / car home. Circles farm / 45 11/6/1971 #26462 ACHAPELLE, FR Saucer turns 90° and follows farm tractor. Beams going down. 11/14/1971 #26471 MICHERY, YONNE 2.5M funnel object follows car. Detours around woods / shar 12/5/1971 #26487 OLVERA, SP Night light follows car / 2 hours. Radio Frequency I 12/22/1971 #26513 IER, FR 2 / car. 2-3M glowing-ball follows car. Lands and follows again. Go 2/2/1972 #26560 lowing-ball follows car. Lands and follows again. Going quickly northeast. 2/2/1972 #26560 ' blue glowing-ball / 60' altitude follows girls home. 2/12/1972 #26575 HWEST / VROCOURT, FR Double-sphere follows phone-lines / 10M altitude. Radi 3/20/1972 #26619 A, VCT 100' saucer / 30' altitude. Follows lady / 8mi. Hums. / r213p72+/ FS 7/3/1972 #26755 BOR, FL Saucer chases cars / US17. Follows 1 car home. Up driveway / 60 min 7/10/1972 #26784 EAR BOSHOF, RSA Saucer / roadside. Follows 2 / car / 90 minute(s) going sou 8/28/1972 #26963 acher / car. 20cm sphere/orb/globe follows car. Smaller orbs exit and do sa 9/1972 #26972 BEAUSEJOUR, MBA Bright ovoid follows 2 / car home. Low and close. Hov 9/7/1972 #26977 LERS, DOUBS Yellow moon-size globe follows 4 / car several KM going north. 11/17/1972 #27124 . Large saucer makes 18O° turn and follows car. Figure(s) / windows. Going 1/2/1973 (approximate) #27214 ny ovoid 12M overhead lights area. Follows car. Going down [to] behind fact 2/2/1973 (approximate) #27261 50' ovoid going quickly southwest. Follows exact route / future M42 freeway 2/16/1973 #27291 VILLE, SC Glowing-sphere/orb/globe follows car / miles. Radio Radio Frequen 2/20/1973 #27300 t with white lights and blue beams follows helicopter going [to] overhead. 3/6/1973 #27334 LE, ENG 1 / car. Red saucer tilts. Follows car. Shoots away near town. / r2 3/24/1973 #27369 (SOUTHERN), RI 12M glowing-object follows car 1 mile / US1. Going quickly 4/10/1973 #27420 uctor / ground. Dull silent object follows road. Zigzags / amazing speed/ve 4/20/1973 #27434 t lights / (seen thru) binoculars. Follows plane back? 5/11/1973 #27476 l X. Extremely fast. Silent. Plane follows. Lands / mountains? 6/2/1973 (approximate) #27545 AGRA, ITL 12 observer(s). Fireball follows terrain near 130kv lines. Going 7/4/1973 #27613 speed upward. The remaining object follows the same path a short time after 7/7/1973 #27621 ight red object paces ahead / car. Follows winding road and land contours. 9/2/1973 #27745 Ground observer(s). Glaring ovoid follows airliner in landing pattern. 9/3/1973 #27750 lowing dome drops by moving train. Follows train going west. 9/25/1973 #27865 lliant fast object / low altitude. Follows plane going west. Follows anothe 10/1/1973 #27909 ltitude. Follows plane going west. Follows another going east. 10/1/1973 #27909 following its contours. The pilot follows it for a few minutes, about 50–6 10/12/1973 #28017 se 90' away. 1 lands / schoolyard. Follows plane. 10/17/1973 #28100 NEAR CABORN, IN Night light follows train. Rear engine quits. Mimics 10/20/1973 #28206 , ARK 2+1 observer(s). Night light follows car here / low altitude / 35 mil 10/30/1973 #28320 ARDVILLE, NH 5+observer(s). Sphere follows car. Missing time and contact. / 11/2/1973 #28342 T STANLEY, ON Ovoid / low altitude follows man home. / St. Thomas Times-Jou 11/2/1973 #28345 / EMBRUN, ON Metallic domed object follows 5 / truck / miles. Going [to] un 11/8/1973 #28387 ilots. Luminous/glowing top-object follows liner. / Richard Hall. 11/11/1973 #28402 nd growing in intensity. The light follows them as they weave in and out th 11/18/1973 #28442 Multicolored object / low altitude follows observer(s) home! / Coos Bay Wor 12/4/1973 #28517 All / airliner / 3km altitude. UFO follows plane / 15 minute(s). Near panic 12/8/1973 #28539 ar. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). Follows observer(s) home. Small windows 1/5/1974 (approximate) #28646 ROM LEEK, STAFFS Green night light follows 2 / car. Suddenly in Ilam, Derby 1/15/1974? #28679 NS-SUR-MARNE, FR Orange hemisphere follows car. Cloud-cylinder/cigar-shape 2/11/1974 #28756 L Dull glow exits abandoned house. Follows car / low altitude to 150kph. 2/12/1974 #28759 GROUGIS, FR 6M white saucer follows truck / 12km! Hides near towns a 2/22/1974 #28790 CHEL-SUR-LOIRE, FR Crescent-saucer follows car. Lights area. Going quickly 2/27/1974 #28809 N21 / AUREILHAN, FR Red fireball follows car / 18km. Small fireball split 3/1/1974 #28833 ENT-BLANGY, FR 3 Mx2M domed saucer follows car / 5km. Altitude = 50M. Going 3/2/1974 #28845 's. Saucer going quickly west. Jet follows. Colored rings / edge. / r150+/ 3/12/1974 #28873 POULDERGAT, FR 1 / car. Hemisphere follows road. Long half-cylinder/cylindr 3/26/1974 #28952 nd they drive away quickly, but it follows them for 47 miles. At 2:15 a.m., Early 4/1974 #28990 re going east. News and big debate follows. / Il Giorno. 4/3/1974 #28991 object is already moving away. He follows it around a corner of the house 5/1974 #29074 off his car lights, but the object follows his car parallel to the road abo 6/14/1974 #29191 NEAR CACERES, SPAIN 1 / car. UFO follows car / several km. 3 fat figure(s 6/16/1974 #29199 em back on, the UFO approaches and follows him home about 230 feet above hi 6/16/1974 #29202 AUNEUF-DU-PAPE, FR Luminous saucer follows 2 / car. Hides as cars near and 7/8/1974 #29242 in Honey Creek, Iowa. This attack follows a rash of cattle mutilations in 7/15/1974 #29262 BASELLA, SP 1.5M disk follows River Road. Running lights. Soun 8/6/1974 #29312 mits red threads. 2nd small object follows. / r30. 8/12/1974 #29334 OM MURET, FR Night light. Fireball follows car / 8km. Building lights die. 10/1974 (approximate) #29495 BICESTER, OXON Strange figure follows 2 boys. Night light overhead. Ob 10/9/1974 #29506 roller and 1 / Cessna. Night light follows plane into airport/apartment. Tu 10/10/1974 #29509 saucer going southeast. Larger one follows. Back 19 October. 10/11/1974 #29515 eer mountain climbing. Night light follows valley. Hums. Rises and maneuver 10/13/1974 #29526 R DELTA, BC 2 observer(s). 30' UFO follows car / 1 mile. 90 degree zigzags. 10/31/1974 #29570 lit up for a few seconds. Sensoli follows the man, trying to understand hi Mid 11/1974 #29596 ELKINS, NM UFO follows car 60 mile(s) from Roswell / US 11/30/1974 #29621 ing down. 3rd object exits 2nd and follows power line. 1/13/1975 #29746 trollers and many. Blue green disk follows barium cloud experiment. Going n 1/15/1975 #29749 rol. Orange night light / roadside follows. / r79p65. 2/1975 (approximate) #29776 th over earthquake fault. 2nd disk follows. 2/13/1975 #29806 TERNHILL, SHROPS 1 / car. Saucer follows car / 20 minute(s). Swings to an 2/20/1975 #29829 SPARTANBURG, SC Glowing sphere follows family / car home. Hovers / hous 2/25/1975 #29845 MATTOON, WI 2 / car. Fireball follows car home. Hovers / treetops / 15 3/2/1975 #29863 AZ Pilot / car. White night light follows car to 125mph. Maneuvers. / APRO 3/11/1975 #29887 / US1. Red crescent makes U-turn. Follows and buzzes car. Going southwest. 3/26/1975 #29918 2 cars. Blazing ovoid going down. Follows panicky observers 3km going nort 4/26/1975 #30005 N165 WITH QUIMPERLE, FR 6M sphere follows car going west / 200M altitude. 5/3/1975 (approximate) #30020 follow dark ovoid / mountains. UFO follows car back. Hums. Going quickly so 5/7/1975 #30046 s west of Tucson, Arizona; the UFO follows the car back, making a humming s 5/7/1975 #30047 orner, anticipating her route, and follows her home, where it hovers briefl 7/1975 #30141 MARONERA, RHOD 20M saucer follows 2 / car / 20 minute(s). Marine s 7/26/1975 #30207 ers. 1 quickly going down [to] and follows van. Rises and away. / Flying Sa 8/4/1975 #30233 4 / car. Luminous/glowing red ball follows car going east to Egreville. / p 8/11/1975 #30249 cops and more/others. Night light follows triangular object. Going east. H 8/16/1975 #30278 T. OMER TO/FROM ARQUES, FR 2 ovoid follows 5M behind mopod/motorscooter/mot 8/22/1975 #30296 moonlike 15M dome / 18M altitude. Follows D48 slowly. 8/29/1975 #30320 /cylindrical object east / windows follows car / 1km 100M away. Hovers over 10/1975 #30403 ms going down. Spins. Scans canal. Follows car. / r30p584. 10/17/1975 #30433 and RADAR. Luminous/glowing object follows DC9. Instruments electro-magneti 10/28/1975 #30493 n in an erratic manner. The tanker follows the object for 1–2 hours, but ne 10/30/1975 #30522 RANDALLSTOWN, MD Cluster / lights follows 2 / car going south. Stops over 11/6/1975 #30565 OH 1+several. Saucer 30' over car. Follows observer(s) home. Buzzes police 11/20/1975 #30645 2 / car. 1M saucer just over D786. Follows car going west. Turns going quic 11/23/1975 #30654 NEAR BETHEL, MN -15° F. Saucer follows woman / car. Menstrual cycle dis 1/6/1976 #30764 Marshal Willie Ronquillo of Texico follows a silent object with green, yell 1/23/1976 #30815 and more/others. Truck-size object follows car. Rotating lights. Hides / va 1/25/1976 #30818 AUSTR 2 / car. 2' sphere/orb/globe follows car over winding road. Lights in 1/28/1976 #30828 ucer with triangular lights drops. Follows 2 / car / 10 minute(s). Heavy ra 2/20/1976 #30888 D6 / SENAC, FR 1 / car. Fake sun follows car / 200M away. Follows turns. 2/21/1976 #30892 Fake sun follows car / 200M away. Follows turns. Hovers over Trouley, FR. 2/21/1976 #30892 QUE, FR Flattened red glowing-ball follows mayor's car home. Going quickly 2/23/1976 #30896 2 / N240. 9M trapezoid with lights follows road. "Odd peaceful feeling". 4/1/1976 #30973 SOUTHWEST / BERMUDA Night light follows United States Navy (USN) destroy 4/23/1976 #31012 LE, WI 1 farmer. Globular / lights follows tractor to barn. Shoots back / 1 5/4/1976 #31032 cer maneuvers all around town. Car follows. Gets radio static. Very fast. 6/3/1976 #31080 arate observer(s). Orange fireball follows plane. 750m altitude. 6/26/1976 #31141 NNW / MONASTIR, TUNS UFO follows jet airliner / landing approach. 8/4/1976 #31229 A, ITL 2 / car. Green-glow "being" follows car / 1.5km! Flying sphere / 20M 9/18/1976 #31391 ed back to the base, but the light follows him. During final approach, anot 9/18/1976 #31395 NORTHEAST / GUILLENA, SP 6M saucer follows truck going northeast / 6km. 3 p 11/10/1976 #31534 SEX 2+1 observer(s). Glowing ovoid follows 2 home. Hovers / 20 minute(s). S 11/18/1976 #31556 Several observer(s). Cone / light follows truck. Goes as others near. Reap 11/24/1976 #31570 ck outside New Albany, Indiana. It follows him from the Kentucky border and 11/24/1976 #31571 altitude / green mist 3M away. Cop follows. Going [to] woods. / r30p633. 11/25/1976 #31573 gain to turn around and the object follows him, again as a white light. He 12/15/1976 #31604 Amateur astronomer. Glowing-ovoid follows contours / Ubac Mountains going 1/30/1977 #31766 ENGL Ex-cop. Luminous/glowing disk follows car closely / winding B4507 goin 2/7/1977 #31795 SPEYRE, FR Silent 5M walnut-saucer follows student / mopod/motorscooter/mot 2/13/1977? #31812 a in Valencia province, Spain, and follows them through the town of Vilamar 2/22/1977 #31839 ALE, DYFED, WALES Glowing fireball follows family / car. Engine and lights 3/17/1977 #31912 e halo by railroad/railway bridge. Follows man walking home. 5/6/1977 (approximate) #32062 observer(s) / ground. Silent ovoid follows airliner / 30 second(s). Larger 5/26/1977 #32128 s 1.5 times as long as the jet. It follows for about 30 seconds and then ru 5/26/1977 #32135 GL 10M silver cylinder/cigar-shape follows 2 / motorcycle. Mimics all maneu 6/21/1977 #32178 SANDFLY, TASMANIA Night light follows 2 / car / malfunctions due to EM 7/2/1977 #32229 TL 3 crewmen. Cylinder/cigar-shape follows ship / 12 minute(s). Suddenly sh 8/12/1977 #32389 E, LOT, FR 1M upright metallic egg follows teen / velocity / winding road. 8/16/1977 #32403 mph. Going down / low altitude and follows contours. 8/24/1977 #32419 BOLOGNA, ITL 1 observer. 5M 'UFO' follows railroad/railway train / 10cm al 8/27/1977 #32427 ft with lights hovers over street. Follows car. 8/28/1977 #32429 l moon. Then it turns abruptly and follows them, but they accelerate to 65 8/28/1977 #32433 r-shape-fuselage shape glows blue. Follows road. Absolute(ly) silent. No el 9/7/1977 #32466 ly going down. Reverses course and follows 2 / car. Windows pock-marked. 9/14/1977 #32479 descends, then reverses course and follows a car for three minutes. The car 9/14/1977 #32481 hing. A typical abduction scenario follows. 9/15/1977 #32484 uble-delta/triangle/box-like craft follows 1 / car / 2 minute(s). Edges glo 9/18/1977 #32493 L Many observer(s). Glowing-saucer follows 3 helicopters. Jets chase. / IUR 10/27/1977 #32621 AZIL 4 observer(s). Blue-glow disk follows railroad/railway train. Diesel e 11/1977 (approximate) #32647 / car. Red saucer comes in / sea. Follows car. Lights dim. Battery dry. 12/7/1977 #32739 LACCIO, ITL Red luminous 25cm ball follows car / tollway. Projects "cone of 1/1978 #32832 FR 3 big luminous balls / field. 1 follows man / cycle going north into tow 1/7/1978 #32857 r with rear spoiler and headlights follows west teens. Portholes. Going [to 1/11/1978 #32874 ROMEGOUX, FR Red-orange ball follows 3 / car. Then follows other car 1/20/1978 #32901 -orange ball follows 3 / car. Then follows other car / opposite direction. 1/20/1978 #32901 d noise / 2 days. Large red saucer follows car with beam going down. / r60# 1/21/1978 #32902 oing quickly southwest rising. 2nd follows. 2/12/1978 #32966 bserver(s). Cluster / night lights follows cosmos satellite re-entry but ho 3/17/1978 #33046 Whirlwind. Cone going down. Tilts. Follows tracks. Returns and away. 3/20/1978 #33059 ate observer(s). Large grey object follows car. Circles house. Red night li 3/22/1978 #33067 ave originates near Cumberland and follows an 85-mile course to St. Paul, M 3/22/1978 #33071 white UFO bobs going up and down. Follows Cessna. RADAR invisible. 4/6/1978 #33127 Numerous motorists. Luminous ball follows highway / 4M altitude. Changes c 4/24/1978 #33163 ROM BAGNEUX, FR 8M H-shaped object follows car. White beam going up / dome 5/15/1978 #33215 IGIANA, ITL Small glowing-triangle follows 3 / motorists. Away when observe 6/22/1978 (approximate) #33297 T, AUSTRIA 5M saucer over airport. Follows 2 / car. Bobs going up and down 7/13/1978 #33378 back to the ground. The tall being follows him outside. Perez asks for one 9/6/1978 #33638 ht descending from 15,000 feet. It follows him behind his right wing, then 9/10/1978 #33655 AND, TASM Large yellow night light follows car / 6mi. Goes over hill. Retur 9/20/1978 #33712 ll over/all about. Dodges bullets. Follows car. Electro-magnetic effect (EM 9/29/1978 #33775 omed delta/triangle/box-like craft follows power lines. Breaks / square pie 10/1978 #33785 TO DEL TRONTO, ITL Red night light follows and circles fishing boat. Back 7 11/3/1978 #33916 to avoid 2nd sphere/orb/globe. 3rd follows 1st. / International UFO Reporte 11/19/1978 #33963 ver(s). Luminous/glowing 5M object follows man / 15M altitude. Big feet and 12/10/1978 #34083 d with red, through the clouds. It follows Powell’s plane, and Wellington r 12/21/1978 #34193 L Figure-8 object maneuvers oddly. Follows ambulance. 12/26/1978 #34209 ated white light with blue-glowing follows light plane / miles. 12/30/1978 #34228 O TERME, ITL Nurse. Luminous ovoid follows car / 12km. Going up [to] over o 1/1/1979 #34273 ng down [to] valley. Luminous ball follows.. 1/6/1979 #34307 HEAST / ALBANY, WY Odd orange glow follows 2 / snowmobile / malfunctions du 1/17/1979 #34352 te him on board by gestures and he follows them into a small room with elec 1/18/1979 #34359 going [to] over trees. Observer(s) follows / car. Ministry of Defense (MoD, 2/8/1979 #34408 flash / area. Cylinder/cigar-shape follows car going SSE. Seen Tivoli and R 2/21/1979 #34440 FR 1 / car. Huge red ball hovers. Follows observer(s) going northwest / 20 3/21/1979 #34483 not look as the object leaves. He follows these instructions and does not 5/16/1979 #34563 ver(s). 1/2 moon-size disk / light follows hilly terrain / 30M altitude. 7/24/1979 #34670 VILLENUEVE-SUR-LOT, FR 10M saucer follows car. Stops over field. No traces 8/25/1979 #34772 sphere engulfs car that vanishes! Follows observer(s) / separate car. 12/4/1979 #35049 ing northwest up D34 / several km. Follows terrain / 35M altitude. 1/28/1980 #35146 cylinder/cylindrical object-saucer follows cars up and down N377. Ringed / 1/28/1980 #35147 Diamond 40M over trees / roadside follows car. Partial electro-magnetic ef 2/6/1980 #35159 Metallic 20M cylinder/cigar-shape follows busy highway N29 going [to] east 2/20/1980 (approximate) #35179 ruck. Disk hovers / mine tailings. Follows mountain ridge. Turns on edge. G 3/6/1980 #35195 maneuvers / roads and water tower. Follows car. 4/9/1980 #35260 yward at tremendous speed. Huertas follows, putting the Sukhoi into Mach 1. 4/11/1980 #35269 trained and brief hypnosis session follows, after which Sprinkle returns to 6/3/1980 #35353 opped for several minutes after it follows the landing pattern of aircraft 6/14/1980 #35368 erver(s). Glowing-crescent hovers. Follows car / 1km. Turns going quickly s 8/17/1980 #35460 ous mushroom flashes as car nears. Follows car / different road. / news. 8/19/1980 (approximate) #35465 POLAND 4+2 observer(s). 7M sphere follows ambulance. Going down / road. Va 9/5/1980 #35495 Dull silent wingless can-cylinder follows 400M behind plane. 11/11/1980 #35627 , NJ Delta/triangle/box-like craft follows car from here to new Milford. No 12/11/1980 #35710 EAR MARTLESHAM, SUFFLK Night light follows car. Going up [to] fast. Cows st 12/27/1980 #35739 AUBURN, WA 25' UFO follows nurse home. Complex medical exam 2/10/1981 #35821 igar vanishes. Soon a white sphere follows their vehicle. Later under hypno 5/1981 #35920 seconds later, a second explosion follows, and two golden spheres appear. 5/5/1981 #35930 arge delta/triangle/box-like craft follows truck / miles. Beams light going 5/12/1981 #35932 centered between these. The object follows them for about one mile and then 6/10/1981 #35960 ssengers. Red-orange double-sphere follows Iberia airline(s)/airliner 727. 7/25/1981 #36033 2 bright lights. Lopsided hexagon follows car / turns. / r210v30#2. 8/25/1981 #36084 10M x 5M perfect rectangle hovers. Follows car. Going quickly south / 1000k 9/13/1981 #36113 tion to a nearby roadway. Breiland follows them and sees them enter a muddy 10/2/1981 #36154 OWN, SOUTH AUSTR 25' glowing-ovoid follows car / miles. Radio Frequency Int 10/25/1981 #36187 M Half-moon night light maneuvers. Follows motorcycle / 6km. Hovers and goi 11/17/1981 #36223 and several. Silent luminous ovoid follows car etc. Vanishes / sparks! 11/22/1981 #36228 nous multicolor sphere going east. Follows terrain. Sudden 45° angle going 11/25/1981 #36234 indrical object on road. Rises and follows car. 12/19/1981 #36264 le / delta/triangle/box-like craft follows treeline / 100' altitude. Ummo M 2/1982 #36318 , VT Delta/triangle/box-like craft follows car home. Going [to] overhead. S 2/8/1982 #36324 ghts and more/others. Odd silence. Follows car. 2/13/1982 #36342 t hovers / dumps. Going northeast. Follows police car. Bad photographs. 2/21/1982 #36360 OD, PA 2 observer(s) / car. Saucer follows car / several 100' altitude. Rad 2/24/1982 #36362 o sound from the object. The light follows him as he returns to Neillsville 2/24/1982 #36365 lent delta/triangle/box-like craft follows car closely down SR119. No furth 3/22/1982 #36407 te cops. Bright saucer over house. Follows patrol-car down SR65! 3/23/1982 #36410 2 / van and 1. Silent night light follows van / 100km. Electro-magnetic ef 3/28/1982 #36415 A Dogs bark and lights dim as disc follows power line (NICAP: 04 - Animal R 9/6/1982 #36597 ). Silent bright white night light follows trees. Makes 180° back. Several 11/4/1982 #36675 Silent object beams 3 lights down. Follows car. RAF investigate. 12/2/1982 #36705 TON, WEST AUSTR Orange night light follows car. Hides / car slows. Paces ag 12/21/1982 #36719 car. 12cm glowing-sphere/orb/globe follows car. Lights inside. Laser prank? 12/21/1982 #36720 e metal Pentagon over power lines. Follows car. 90° turn going quickly sout 1/27/1983 #36753 calls / police. Boomerang UFO. Cop follows delta/triangle/box-like craft go 3/17/1983 #36787 me the UFO moves down the road. He follows it to Interstate 84 and all the 3/24/1983 #36808 pe. The lights come back on and he follows the object for more than an hour 3/24/1983 #36808 0' saucer over high-tension lines. Follows car. Humming sound. 9/19/1983 #36973 s as false. The investigation that follows reveals that the system indeed h 9/26/1983 #36986 ally need them for some reason. He follows up with a sequel in 1987. 1984 #37092 nates the car interior. The object follows them for about 75 down a county 1/22/1984 #37146 E/OTHERS 300M cylinder/cigar-shape follows KC135 tanker through U-turn. Sep 4/24/1984 #37284 r Piper see a starlike object that follows their car along West Ridge Road 4/27/1984 #37306 17 in Pleasantville, New York, and follows a car down the Taconic State Par 5/31/1984 #37348 2 / farm. 18M cylinder/cigar-shape follows fence / pasture. Light whirr. Li 7/30/1984 #37423 pe that appears to their right and follows their path closely for several m 9/7/1984 #37458 again. Cylinder/cylindrical object follows going quickly north. 4/15/1985 #37579 delta/triangle/box-like craft fins follows power lines. Shoots away. 8/18/1985 #37646 erver(s). Grey metallic top-saucer follows military jets going quickly [to] 8/21/1985 (approximate) #37649 . It drops to his eye level and he follows it through the forest, guiding h 1986 #37743 na. Going north slowly. Helicopter follows. 3/25/1986 #37809 ff. In the emergency response that follows, 134 firemen and station staff a 4/26/1986 #37843 bserver. Luminous "Ping-pong ball" follows plane 700km. 40K' altitude. 5/20/1986 #37883 NOMA, CA Nurse. White glowing-disk follows car through several turns. Goes 7/6/1986 #37930 s with similar creatures. Strieber follows up on his experiences in seven s 2/1987 #38108 ed 12' cylinder/cylindrical object follows car 40' away. No exhaust. 3/13/1987 #38140 fall. 20' object roadside flashes. Follows car / 1 mile. Possible figr. 10/25/1987 (approximate) #38312 reature then runs away and Spencer follows it. He loses the creature in the 12/1/1987 #38345 rtical cylinder/cylindrical object follows light plane in / landing. Hovers 12/5/1987 #38349 ht green ball / light blows steam. Follows M1 motorway. 1/4/1988 #38398 ts out of the car, and the witness follows her toward the glow and tries to 2/9/1988 #38448 ngle/box-like craft / 20' altitude follows power lines going quickly west. 2/10/1988 #38450 pilot and ground RADAR. Ball-light follows 737. "Flirts". Near collision. 2/11/1988 #38454 ght plane. 50cm silver ball glows. Follows plane. RADAR invisible. 6/7/1988 #38583 . Yellow / treetops / 5 minute(s). Follows car? Temporarily blinded / sore 9/27/1988 #38651 EW HAVEN, IN 1+infant. Dark saucer follows car / 25 minute(s). Car stops. P 11/29/1988 #38726 BASILDON, ESSEX 30cm disk follows car / 10 minute(s) flying 8M beh 2/20/1989 #38843 ner pilot and US military jet. UFO follows airline(s)/airliner / 25 minute( 3/29/1989 #38884 nt saucer with oval windows / dome follows land contours going east / low a 8/1989 (approximate) #39038 erver. Plain metallic-grey 20M egg follows road going southwest / 30kph / 1 11/29/1989 #39255 igar-shape exits cloud descending. Follows terrain going northeast / ~25kph 11/29/1989 #39256 NEY, OK 4+1 observer(s). Red light follows car. Source unseen. All electric 3/20/1990 #39469 dark silent triangle with windows. Follows terrain. FSRv35#4. 4/12/1990 #39520 WEST / MILTON, FL Observer(s) follows 30' sphere/orb/globe / miles. Be 4/18/1990 #39535 military jets / hot pursuit. AWACS follows. / LDLN#311. 6/22/1990 #39621 Portholes beneath. Vibrant bright. Follows creek and road. Observer(s) arm 6/23/1990 #39622 SEA, ESSEX 200' boomerang. Silent. Follows coast northeast going southwest. 9/27/1990 #39745 phere/orb/globe. Plane circles and follows. 11/11/1990 #39884 k umbrella-saucer / 5000M altitude follows plane. Turns up and away. 11/12/1990 #39885 / CAUX, FR 2 / car. 8M red sphere follows old railroad/railway route going 2/21/1991 #39979 NEAR LAJES, BRZ Ovoid 5M overhead follows man. Observer(s) hides / tree. I 5/1991 #40052 SZEKESFEHERVAR, HUNG Saucer follows truck. Shines green beam going q 9/28/1991 #40197 scarded 1st stage / rocket launch. Follows it. 10/2/1991 #40204 LFALU, HUNG Moon-size glowing-ball follows truck home. Green beams. Turns / 10/5/1991 #40205 MONROE CO, MI White glowing-saucer follows 2 / car. Going [to] over house a 12/28/1991 #40269 SARNIA, ONT Orange rectangle follows boy home. Possible part / series 1/12/1992 #40286 itude goes low over hill. Returns. Follows 3 / car. Separate observer(s). 3/3/1992 #40347 x-like craft with lights / corners follows car. Green beam. Seems to vanish 3/5/1992 #40355 RUSSAS, CE, BRZ Night light follows 5 observer(s) to town. Hovers. O 4/9/1992 #40410 30' delta/triangle/box-like craft follows "repeat abductee" / low altitude 4/18/1992 #40422 beams search farm / low altitude. Follows car. Going southeast slow. 6/3/1992 #40484 TOPANGA CNYN, CA Night light follows 2 / car. Car lifted. Missing tim 6/14/1992 #40493 CASCAVEL, CE, BRZ Fireball follows engineer / minutes. Saucer follo 7/17/1992 #40520 follows engineer / minutes. Saucer follows fireball! No further details. 7/17/1992 #40520 WEST AUSTR 9 campers. Crescent UFO follows hill contours. Straightens. Goes 8/8/1992 #40560 rver. Silver saucer / 40' altitude follows land contours. Goes behind trees 9/7/1992 #40612 HI 1 / car. Dull grey 50' hexagon follows freeway / 500' altitude. Nobody 9/10/1992 #40615 MIRAIMA, BRZ Fireball hovers. Follows 5 observer(s) to town. Extremely 10/4/1992 #40661 SANTIAGO, BRZ UFO follows 3 girls home. Hovers 5M overhead 11/10/1992 #40708 r(s). Silent boomerang with lights follows car going [to] town / US84. Shoo 1/21/1993 #40807 FR 20M diamond-object lights Lot. Follows 2 / car. Lights on corners. 3/30/1993 #40904 saucer turns clockwise over road. Follows car / 50km. 4/25/1993 #40949 ng quickly northeast. 90° turn and follows car. Radio and lights electro-ma 5/14/1993 #40977 lights going northwest. Helicopter follows. Possible misidentified (convent 7/13/1993 #41061 NEAR WARSAW, POLAND 4M dome follows 2 observer(s) home. 5M / video / 7/25/1993 #41086 NEAR CARMARTHEN, WALES Night light follows car / 20 mile(s). Time anomalies 8/15/1993? #41141 hape with portholes makes 90-turn. Follows main street. Absolute(ly) silent 9/12/1993 #41195 b/globe north going quickly south. Follows car to Stonewood. Shoots away. 10/1/1993 #41216 shape becomes saucer then H again. Follows car. Flashes. 10/6/1993 #41220 VALDAHON, FR Silent 4M disk follows 2 / car / 25km. White balls / un 11/13/1993 #41271 ONT 2 / car. Huge blazing fireball follows car home. Responds / headlights. 12/1/1993 #41314 Shoots going up / extremely fast. Follows car? 12/11/1993 #41328 , WEST AUSTR Odd globe-on-pedestal follows 2 / car for several km then swin 12/31/1993 #41336 eging to be NHI. The comms were as follows: “Prepare for information strin Early 1994 #41352 T, FR 1 / car. Faceted cone-saucer follows car. Crosses road back and forth 1/16/1994 #41372 with spotlight going down. Flips. Follows I-68. / MJ#317. 2/20/1994 #41422 pilot. Orange-brown colored saucer follows plane / 2 turns. Drops / ground. 2/26/1994 #41426 21 night lights rotates / 12 rpm. Follows observer(s) home. Photographs. 4/19/1994 #41496 DROY, QLD, AUSTR 2 / car. Red glow follows car. Moves side to side. Actual 5/10/1994 #41519 te / cloud. Diamond array / lights follows car going south / 15km. 6/26/1994 #41582 IA Prof. and 3. Bright night light follows rough land contours closely. No 6/28/1994 #41591 erver(s). Silent translucent ovoid follows planes over lake. All lose 1 day 7/21/1994 #41632 ). V-delta/triangle/box-like craft follows turns / road without banking. Sl 8/23/1994 #41685 sphere/orb/globe with green light follows Seine River going quickly east g 10/31/1994 #41826 LON, NV 2 / car. White night light follows car into town. Changes color(s) 11/4/1994 #41832 s). 15M silent bowl-saucer hovers. Follows car. Media silent! 11/6/1994 #41837 ENGL 2 observer(s). Silent Oblong follows car matching turns etc. Jumps ba 12/12/1994 #41892 over trees. Ray / light. Fireball follows. Back Jan. 23. 12/27/1994 #41907 erver. Football object seen twice. Follows D30 going quickly northeast. Sol 1/11/1995 #41967 Silver saucer-cylinder/cigar-shape follows car? Maneuvers too fast / blimp. 1/16/1995 #41977 s going down. Irregular maneuvers. Follows car. 1/22/1995 #41987 Striped square ship streaks over. Follows car home! No further details. 2/5/1995 #42019 / car. Silent 1' sphere/orb/globe follows car very close / 65MPH. Vanishes 2/28/1995 #42067 S, FR Cop and newsman. 100M sphere follows car / 700M altitude. Observers i 6/5/1995 #42237 ic aspirin tablet saucer descends. Follows military jets.. 6/11/1995 #42247 ad with flailing appendages. Slow. Follows observer(s)? 6/25/1995 #42273 PALAIS, PARIS, FR Triangular mass follows Seine R. Slow. 250M altitude. No 7/11/1995 #42297 2 / car going east. Panel / lights follows / 70 minute(s) going east. Sudde 8/7/1995 #42364 n [to] path. Flashes. Military jet follows. 8/8/1995 #42367 ver. Dome featureless round object follows landing C130 plane. Vanishes! 8/27/1995 #42420 Night lights spiral out and back. Follows car. 11/18/1995 #42606 ne(s)/airliner pilots. Green ovoid follows airliner / 900kph. / r226#32. 12/4/1995 #42637 rejoin and going quickly east. 3rd follows.. 3/26/1996 #42841 observer(s). Black silent triangle follows helicopter going north / low alt 5/5/1996 #42894 Going up [to] and west. Helicopter follows. Separate observer(s). 6/1996 #42919 car. Silent white disk with lights follows car 6km. Hovers / one hour and m 8/9/1996 #42973 cops and military. Double pyramid follows car. Blue-beams. Videos. Possibl 8/21/1996 #42987 EAST / WHEATLAND, WY Huge saucer / follows airline(s)/airliner going northe 8/25/1996 #42993 re 3 protruding domes. Westendorff follows it for 2 minutes. The UFO is rev 10/5/1996 #43057 luminous/glowing ball going west. Follows truck. Turns going northwest. Se 10/20/1996 #43085 D54 NEAR GIEVRES, FR Small object follows light plane / half circle maneuv 10/24/1996 #43093 rver(s). Disk approaches woman and follows her. No further details. / NUFOR 12/14/1996 #43141 OT SPRS, YKN Silent metallic ovoid follows car / miles. Maneuvers close / l 3/30/1997 #43242 binoculars. White-grey ovoid-disk follows private plane straight & level f 9/26/1997 #43416 UERAS, ARG Half-sphere zigzags and follows bus. Numerous observer(s) and vi 11/25/1997 #43448 TRAUNSTEIN, GERM Huge silver disk follows car. Lights / rim rotate. / r240 1/3/1998 #43488 shoots quickly going up. 2nd soon follows.. 3/22/1998 #43534 northeast. Another similar object follows a similar path shortly afterward 6/30/1999 #43788 oing quickly [to] moon's face. 2nd follows. All / videotape-no visual. 8/28/1999 #43837 H AUSTRALIA Featureless white ball follows airliner going east. Perfectly p 2/18/2000 #43952 nterference (RFI). Orange 12M disk follows 5 / car. Plasma color(s). 4 more 1/1/2001 #44113 takes place from 1944 to 2002 and follows the lives of three families: the 12/2/2002 #44457 sliding with no friction. The UFO follows the aircraft for almost an hour 6/5/2003 #44554 officers drive away, but the light follows them. They stop again at a parki 1/8/2013 #45359 n tenets of Sekret Machines are as follows: Dreamland/Area 51 has a man-ma 4/5/2016 #45449 sees a glowing orange sphere that follows him as he is cycling through the 7/16/2020 #45652
FOLLY BEACH, SC Many observer(s) / 2 day 9/26/1973 #27868
[to] going quickly northwest. 3rd folos. 3/6/1954 #9600
Oakland, California San Francisco Folsom Sacramento Modesto Manteca Sebast 11/20/1896 #343 n the bottom. It is also seen over Folsom, San Francisco, Sacramento, Modes 11/20/1896 #343 FOLSOM, CA UFO / whining noise. 2 white 8/17/1960 #16401 FOLSOM, CA 1 observer. Circular craft wi 7/28/1995 #42331
Jack Weiner, with friends Charles Foltz and Charles Rak, claim they are ab 8/20/1976 #31282 Four men--Weiner, Foltz, and Rak (including a set of twins 8/26/1976 #31307
clouds. It would occasionally bank fom side to side, readily displaying its 12/16/1978 #34144
is observing a transit of the star Fomalhaut when he notices four large lig Late 9/1953 #9179
FOMM IR-RIH, MALTA Domed saucer buzzes o 11/26/1987 #38337
l fly-cycles and seem particularly fond of air travel, with as many as 30 M 1873 #198 FOND DU LAC, WI 2 observer(s). 2 silver- 8/16/1952 #7615
A 51-year-old married couple in Fonda, Iowa sighted a bright yellow ligh 7/6/1973 #27616
Paso Fondo, Brazil Paso Fondo, Brazil (NICAP: 3/12/1976 #30937 Paso Fondo, Brazil Paso Fondo, Brazil (NICAP: 08 - Photographic 3/12/1976 #30937
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “fondutta” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT 4/11/1978 #33139 confirmed. Country: Britain Name: “Fondutta” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT 4/11/1978 #33140
FONFREDE, FR Milktruck malfunctions due 10/11/1954 #10908 Fonfrede, near Chambon Feugerolles, Fran 10/11/1954 #10928 In Fonfrede, near Chambon Feugerolles, Loir 10/11/1954 #10944
Fonfrède, Loire, France 4:15 a.m. Baptis 10/11/1954 #10937 ste Jourdy is delivering milk near Fonfrède, Loire, France, when the truck 10/11/1954 #10937
FONGRAVE, FR 2 / farm. Group / square wi 9/18/1993 #41202 FONGRAVE, FR 2 observer(s). 4 groups / s 10/10/1993 #41229
ds. Beams. Follows car going NNW / Fonland. / r67p31+/ LDLN#102. 9/23/1954 #10409 FONLAND, FRN Cops and many / 1 hour. Bri 9/23/1954 #10411
LEIGNES / FONTAINE, FR Many observer(s). Luminous/ 10/3/1954 #10652 FONTAINE, VCL, FR Very odd object hangs 10/14/1954 #11013 sland, Indian Ocean 9:00 a.m. Luce Fontaine, 31, a farmer, was in a clearin 7/31/1968 #24269 des-Cafres, La Reunion Island Luce Fontaine, 31, a farmer, was in a clearin 7/31/1968 #24270 oupe Volante 9:00 a.m. Farmer Luce Fontaine is collecting grass for his rab 7/31/1968 #24271 company mascot). Seemingly sensing Fontaine looking at them, they turn thei 7/31/1968 #24271 f radioactivity at the site and on Fontaine’s clothing 10 days afterward, a 7/31/1968 #24271 Mr. Luce Fontaine, age 31, a farmer on Reunion Is 7/31/1968 #24272 s claimed that a colleague, Franck Fontaine, has been abducted by a UFO. Fo 11/26/1979 #35015 taine, has been abducted by a UFO. Fontaine reappears on December 3, claimi 11/26/1979 #35015
N7 north of Fontainebleau, France Orly Airport Short 9/22/1954 #10395 undi is driving on the N7 north of Fontainebleau, France, when she notices 9/22/1954 #10395
FONTAINEBLEU, FR 3 observer(s) / woods. 8/1947 (approximate) #3268 FONTAINEBLEU, FR Cloud-cylinder/cigar-sh 9/22/1954 #10389 eople emitting disc-shaped UFOs in Fontainebleu, France. The object was sur 9/22/1954 #10397
FONTAINGUET, FR 2 observer(s). 3M multi- 11/5/1954 #11575
Time a USAF T-6 pilot flying over Fontana, California spotted two amber co 4/28/1953 #8848 FONTANA, CA 2 150' silver saucers stop 1 5/1958 #15008 EAST FONTANA, CA 2 cops. Lampshade saucer lig 12/1/1959 #16108 WEST / FONTANA, CA 9 observer(s) and many 911 c 3/12/1995 #42088 FONTANA, CA 5+separate observer(s). Oran 8/26/1995 #42416 FONTANA, CA Family and police report. La 4/3/1996 #42851 . Finally, twenty minutes later in Fontana in San Bernardino County a sauce 1/23/2000 #43932 n, Pankaj S Josh, Ning Li, Giorgio Fontana, Fang-Yu Li, Meng-Xi Tang, Dong- 5/6/2003 #44526
ater that evening two reporters in Fontanales on the Grand Canary Islands s 12/10/1978 #34086
r going quickly [to] WNW toward(s) Fontanbleu. / L'astronomie. 10/28/1952 #8207
FONTANELLE, IA All / town. Great airship 4/12/1897 #441
FONTANIGORDA, ITL Fireball going down. S 8/26/1977 #32425 The witness in Fontanigorda, Liguria, Italy was having 8/26/1977 #32426
FONTENAY-LE-COMPTE, FR Light envelops ca 10/11/1954 #10920
FONTENAY-LE-COMTE, FR 50+observer(s). Si 2/26/1970 #25589
FONTENAY-TORCY, FR 6 separate observer(s 10/18/1954 #11199 Fontenay-Torcy, France Mr. and Mrs. Lher 10/18/1954 #11209
Fontenay-Torey, Oise, France. At 8:40 p. 10/18/1954 #11220
FONTENAY-TRESIGNY, FR White bell-shape h 8/5/1993 #41106
h philosopher Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle writes Conversations on the P 1686 #50 At 12:30 a.m. Orlando Fontenelle Trindade, a 40-year-old fishe 11/1/1977 #32652
FONTENET, FR 3 observer(s). Small sombre 8/28/1978 (approximate) #33583 omed disc stopped near the town of Fontenet, Charente-Maritime, France for 8/28/1978 #33588
ian UFO investigator, Dr. Olavo T. Fontes, as having been due to some broke 5/7/1952 #6271 west fairly fast. Wave starts / O. Fontes. 10/12/1954 #10964 nd level. No further details. / O. Fontes. 10/26/1954 #11411 Then going northwest slowly. / A. Fontes. 8/28/1956 #13144 ward. APRO representative Olavo T. Fontes examines the fragments, which are Early 9/1957 #13971 a powdery substance like cinders. Fontes takes one sample to the Mineral P Early 9/1957 #13971 even trace elements are apparent. Fontes also has it analyzed by chemist E Early 9/1957 #13971 ewsman, analyzed by friends of Dr. Fontes, of Rio, and were found to consis 9/10/1957 #13988 some reason to think that Olavo T. Fontes made this case up, as no first- h 11/4/1957 #14284 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. by Dr. Olavo T. Fontes for the Aerial Phenomena Research 5/13/1960 #16267 Valeriano Ruiz Fontes, a 28-year-old radio technician, 10/1/1967 #23160
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fontina” Yield: 200KT YieldMax: 1000KT 2/12/1976 #30865
lowed their car until they reached Fontland. Policemen in Plombieres and se 9/23/1954 #10416 lowed their car until they reached Fontland. Policemen in Plombieres and se 9/23/1954 #10423
dron suggests calling the objects “foo fighters,” a name gleaned from the m 12/14/1944 #1721 tover often states, “where there’s foo, there’s fire.” 12/14/1944 #1721 Strasbourg (north of), France Foo fighters. (Page 131 Ref.1) (NICAP: 1 1/1/1945 #1750 lishes an article stating that the foo fighters are German weapons. Lieut. 1/2/1945 #1752 equest by offering a summary of 14 foo fighter reports from December 14, 19 1/30/1945 #1765 hite flares dropped in air; called foo fighters. (Page 145-146 Ref.1) (NICA 3/9/1945 #1809 s of orange fire; (2) two balls of foo fire. (Page 147 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - 3/13/1945 #1812 Speyer, Germany Saw 2 Foo fighters; one orange and one greenba 3/19/1945 #1818 Bergamo/Ghedi, Italy 2 balls of foo fire. (Page 150 Ref.1) (NICAP: 11 - 3/23/1945 #1821 Sasebo, Japan Foo fighter; a big ball of fuzzy orange- 7/7/1945 #1892 t. Col. Jo Chamberlin’s article on foo fighters appears in American Legion 12/1945 #1948 r Jones, who has been skeptical of foo fighters and ghost rockets, is behin 1946 #1962 a report on secret German weapons. Foo fighters are said to be caused by a 8/20/1947 #3355 ompares the Wonsan sighting to the foo fighters of World War II. 2/8/1952 #5894 , which stated “balls of fire” and foo fighters (early terms for UAP) had n 1958 #14787 estigation of technology linked to foo fighter/UAP development. * https:/ 1958 #14787 ar craft that were responsible for foo fighters. After the war, these conce 1968 #23626 FRESNOY-LE-GRANDE, FR Foo Fighters-ball follows 50M off Rt. wi 8/7/1971 #26270
t later cannot find anything about foo- fighters during his trips to USAF i 1952 #5838
On this day several 30-cm amber "foo-fighter" balls followed some US figh 1/30/1944 #1567 followed by foo-fighters twice. “A foo-fighter picked me up at 700 feet and 1/2/1945 #1752
FR US planes paced / 8-10 fast red Foo-Fighters. / LDLN#330p13. 11/23/1944 #1702 adron says he has been followed by foo-fighters twice. “A foo-fighter picke 1/2/1945 #1752 / WEINSTRASSE, GERM Blue Book. 15 Foo-Fighters seen at once. Several since 7/18/1954 #10022 EL CASTANUELO, SP Foo-Fighters and fireballs and probes al 1970 #25516
Over 50 witnesses at a fooball game in Onawa, Iowa at around 8: 9/19/2003 #44604
(or Greys) absorb paste / skin as food. 3/19/1959 #15649 ts poison pills to add to Castro’s food or drinks. Such pills, manufactured 9/1960 #16428 introduce the poison into Castro’s food, Orta abruptly demands to be let ou 9/1960 #16428 were: night vision, fiber optics, food irradiation, integrated circuits, a 1961 #16543 ameless grill and motions for some food. Simonton receives four ordinary pa 4/18/1961 #16653 h, Education, and Welfare, and the food is found to be made of terrestrial 4/18/1961 #16653 the kitchen. He asked her for some food and was offered some left over meat 1/25/1967 #21389 ey also reported the odor of burnt food at the time of their encounter with 11/13/1967 #23444 le told him that they did not need food, for the air they breathed was conv 7/4/1970 #25727 She was later given water and some food, which she did not eat, and release 10/20/1973 #28220 to the kitchen. She put down some food for the family Alsatian dog and cal 1/4/1979 #34296 to the kitchen. She put down some food for the family Alsatian dog, Hobo, 1/5/1979 #34304 he scavenger to gain access to the food supply below the tough surface. [Th 6/1980 #35349 ough the entire encounter, refuses food for the next several days, and stay 10/9/1984 #37484 SK, KAZAN, RUSSIA Observer(s) give food to 7' alien. Steals rest later. Lea 7/1986? #37926 ground. At the same time the dog's food dish began to vibrate and "jump aro 2/9/1995 #42031 aho. One goes out to the truck for food and sees a massive, dark, triangula 9/27/2000 #44047 , Mexico Mrs. M., who runs a small food retail establishment from her home, 10/27/2004 #44771
UFO witness, but the two manage to fool Essén. In the late 1980s, Gustafsso 12/20/1958 #15489 Document was a fake once meant to fool the KGB. https://ufos-scientificre 1/1/1999 #43710
t saying the Roswell officers were fooled and that the material is a Rawin 7/8/1947 #3025 de by many pilots who would not be fooled by hallucinations or clouds. Sen. 4/5/1950 #4799 sses. Watson accuses them of being fooled by optical tricks and the power o 11/16/1950 #5278 e says trained observers are being fooled. https://babel.hathitrust.org/cg 2/27/1951 #5464
n glass over the backyard scenery, fooling even his father. 2/1962 #17033
He cites an episode in which some foolish peasants capture “three men and 812 #2 iscrediting them, making them look foolish and so on and so forth. Now if t 8/30/1996 #43002
is sorry he “got involved in such foolishness.” 12/18/1969 #25504
hter who calls his fire truck the “Foomobile.” Smokey Stover often states, 12/14/1944 #1721
his way. He went out and saw a 100 foot long object that landed near the ra 4/13/1897 #455 . It was supported by a narrow, 70 foot long cylindrical vessel that looked 5/1/1897 #585 nd daughter observed a glowing 100 foot long cigar shaped object with two r 3/17/1903 #661 a brightly illuminated, 80 to 100 foot long, dark airship, flying over Kin 5/13/1909 #742 A two foot wide, intense glowing ball flew slo 1/22/1919 #984 Mr. & Mrs. Slagle, witnessed a 200 foot long "comet" with illuminated windo 7/14/1925 #1050 nown City, WV Flaming, one-hundred foot blimp (Page 6 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - 11/1/1931 #1132 suing from a circular door about 1 foot in diameter. He pushes it and it sw Summer 1933 #1163 Unknown City, NC 30-40 foot in diameter object, no propellers, 1/1/1937 #1258 her bed and hovers briefly at the foot, so close that she can touch it. It Late Summer 1939 #1314 unds it. It is 3 feet around and 1 foot high. It rises suddenly and disappe Late Summer 1939 #1314 ‘schools of flying fish,’ about a foot long and similar to incendiary bomb 1/15/1943 #1480 CONCHES, 15, FR 2 observer(s) on foot. Small red light just over road. Fl 12/1943 (approximate) #1546 ed with a clear glass dome about a foot high with agold colored weather van 1944 #1557 Two amber colored lights about one foot in diameter. (Page 129,131 Ref.1) ( 1/29/1945 #1763 , Germany. They seem to be about a foot in diameter and 20–50 feet apart. T 1/30/1945 #1764 ay beard. It popped up less than a foot away and ran off into the forest. T 4/20/1945 #1851 p.m. João Prestes is returning on foot from a fishery on the banks of the 3/5/1946 #1973 gliding down the highway only one foot above the pavement and possibly tou 3/14/1946 #1977 red Saturday confined to a fifteen foot square area of Hill Military Academ 1/7/1947 #2223 , 59th AACS Group, see a round 2–3 foot or 10-foot aluminum or silver-metal 7/11/1947 #3138 white objects with estimated 15-25 foot diameters, flew 3-4 times the appar 7/29/1947 #3252 white objects with estimated 15-25 foot diameters, flew 3-4 times the appar 7/29/1947 #3256 ies, had joined legs and one large foot. They "slid" along the ground. They 2/1949 #3992 feet altitude. At 5:45 p.m. a 700 foot long metallic cigar-shaped object f 4/28/1949 #4131 Fehrevach notices a dark, 200–250 foot in diameter, hemispherical parachut 1/24/1950 #4509 date twenty witnesses watched a 25 foot wide, extremely bright UFO maneuver 3/5/1950 #4584 ecides to stop to take a break. On foot, he comes upon a large, globe-shape 3/28/1950 #4750 At 4:00 p.m. a 200 foot long cone-shaped device flew over t 4/25/1950 #4897 small beings covered from head to foot (except for an opening for the face 5/15/1950 #4944 holes along the sides each about a foot in diameter, spaced 1.5 feet apart. 6/17/1950 #4992 imanjaro in Tanzania sighted a 200 foot long bullet shaped UFO at 7:20 a.m. 2/19/1951 #5451 At 3:15 p.m. a 200 foot long cylinder with twin tails was s 3/13/1951 #5481 Three men saw a one hundred foot long metallic cigar-shaped object o 3/15/1951 #5490 that overlap with centers about 1 foot apart. He attempts an intercept, bu 12/12/1951 #5817 he 7302nd Squadron sighted a 10-20 foot diameter white to silver oval objec 6/20/1952 #6563 ar O'Hare Airport sighted a thirty foot in diameter disc with a blue glow h 6/29/1952 #6667 Several witnesses watched a 20 foot diameter disc hover over Camp Drum 9/25/1952 #8028 allis, Oregon, when they see an 8- foot, heavily built figure walking with 10/1952 #8073 USAF Lt. James Allen watched an 80 foot long orange, blimp-shaped object. I 10/31/1952 #8222 3 at 1:07 p.m. local time saw a 10 foot diameter silver sphere below their 11/15/1952 #8282 Parker, Arizona foot of Coxcomb Mountain 1:00 p.m. Adams 11/20/1952 #8307 le away to a flatter area near the foot of Coxcomb Mountain where he can se 11/20/1952 #8307 inas Gerais State, Brazil. Two 5.1 foot tall men jumped out. They had a shi 1/3/1953 #8500 und. There were three 1.5-meter (5 foot) tall men running toward the craft. 9/4/1953 #9145 . Around the perimeter was a three foot rim of transparent glass. It had tw 11/28/1953 #9325 stimated to be six feet long and a foot and a half in thickness. The milita 12/26/1953 #9398 globe circles house. Chases men on foot and in car. Dodges light. 4/22/1954 #9701 foot diameter sphere chased men on foot and in their car. It dodged a beam 4/22/1954 #9706 rse when they saw a luminous, nine foot wide sphere land 150 feet away from 8/7/1954 #10113 loating across the ground, to a 50 foot wide disc-shaped object hovering fi 9/2/1954 #10233 ay toward the northeast. An eleven foot wide circle of crushed foliage was 9/26/1954 #10452 a diving suit, about 0.9 meters (3 foot) tall, was standing close to it. Wh 10/3/1954 #10669 t-Rhin department, France saw a 10 foot wide mushroom-shaped object with an 10/8/1954 #10819 hroom-shaped object with an open 5 foot by 2 foot wide doorway near the gro 10/8/1954 #10819 ed object with an open 5 foot by 2 foot wide doorway near the ground. He sa 10/8/1954 #10819 s, as wide as the bed, form at the foot of the bed. It passed up the bed to 11/9/1954 #11611 materialized from the mist at the foot of his bed. They next moved up to h 11/9/1954 #11611 as a power outage. A 1.2 meter (4 foot) tall humanoid was seen standing ne 11/29/1954 #11730 disc-shaped UFO land and six three foot tall humanoids disembarked and set 12/19/1954 #11841 at 3:30 a.m. when he saw three 3.5 foot tall hunchbacked gray entities by t 5/25/1955 #12160 An 800 foot long cigar-shaped object was seen d 11/1/1955 #12541 nville, Oklahoma a low flying, 120 foot long ovoid object illuminated an ar 1/30/1956 #12686 ly and then circled an arriving 60 foot long cigar-shaped object. There wer 10/10/1956 #13273 rved moving at approximately 1,000 foot above Valley City, North Dakota. It 12/1/1956 #13380 er plays tag with 2 observer(s) on foot! Jumps fence. / r8#386+APRO Mar. '5 1/13/1957 #13453 ing of average height, around five foot eight inches tall, was seen in the 5/1/1957 #13639 ned or charred areas, each about 1 foot 3 inches in diameter, forming a fou 7/30/1957 #13862 -shaped object is approximately 60 foot long and causes the lights and engi 11/5/1957 #14347 s the car again. An area of snow a foot in diameter has melted dry where th 1/1958 #14793 eparing for bed when he saw a five foot tall man with a crimson face, weari 3/12/1959 #15637 hree witnesses encountered a seven foot tall luminous humanoid in a swampy 3/28/1959 #15677 isc-shaped object with several one foot wide windows around the rim. The ob 7/19/1959 #15860 flexible hose hovering less than a foot above the water of a creek. They wa 8/1959 #15888 s of yellow light circling about a foot above his bed. They are about 3 inc 8/1959 #15889 n the evening when they saw a four foot wide black disc with a silver ring 10/19/1959 #16044 out 1 mile away they can see a 5–6 foot crescent-shaped object with a 9-foo 1/18/1960 #16155 Residents in Ekuk, AK see a 25 foot silver round object hover near elec 5/19/1960 #16292 tom and find a channel that is one foot deeper at one end and three feet de 6/22/1960 #16315 f the lake. Divers discover a 330- foot strip where the soil has been displ 2/1961 #16593 a sub-machine gun guarding a 12-15 foot by 8 foot object saucer with no riv 1962 #17012 ine gun guarding a 12-15 foot by 8 foot object saucer with no rivets, roped 1962 #17012 rancher and his wife. Later an 18 foot in diameter burnt circle was found 5/24/1962 #17198 the road was a 40 meter long (130 foot) oval-shaped object, "resembling a 7/30/1962 #17306 near the road on three legs. A six foot tall man emerged from the object an 10/28/1962 #17514 a windowed turret on top. A three foot tall little man emerged from a door 12/17/1962 #17589 in the shape of two rings (each a foot wide and 10.8 feet in diameter) whe 1/1963 #17624 ter is 3 feet deep and less than a foot in diameter. All vegetation inside 7/16/1963 #17833 d it, each about 4 feet long and a foot wide. A small piece of metal is fou 7/16/1963 #17833 or on the craft opened and a seven foot tall occupant with copper skin emer 2/29/1964 #18141 the burned areas to a depth of one foot, and carry the material away. 4/25/1964? #18205 h something like a sheet. It was 6 foot 5 inches tall and sort of egg-shape 4/27/1964 #18212 Moriarty, New Mexico when a 25-30 foot wide UFO, luminous light green in c 4/28/1964 #18218 At 11:10 p.m. a 25 foot in diameter domed disc with a red l 6/15/1964 #18364 e Perry County Farm Family. A five foot circular burned circle, with three Late 6/1964 #18374 ts, no more than 5 feet away and a foot above the ground. Shaped like a gia 6/30/1964 #18386 explored from a helicopter and on foot by Sheriff Nickell and a U.S. Air F 7/28/1964 #18456 explored from a helicopter and on foot by Sheriff Nickell and a U. S. Air 7/28/1964 #18457 ett. Distinct blue band / light at foot of peak / edge / crater. 11/14/1964 #18612 at same night, a round, glowing 30 foot wide object with a dome on top land 1/12/1965 #18721 ashington melting the snow in a 12 foot diameter circle. The object illumin 1/12/1965 #18721 re no lights, was shaped like a 50 foot sphere with top and bottom cut off, 1/30/1965 #18785 , a weather observer, sighted a 40 foot long back, oval-shaped object with 4/4/1965 #18896 eet in diameter, consisting of a 3 foot 2 inch wide ring of flattened grass 5/24/1965 #18963 A flat, reddish orange, ten foot wide disc, hovered at a low altitud 5/27/1965 #18968 Quebec, Canada at 4:30 p.m. A five foot tall being was seen outside. There 7/25/1965 #19172 a telescope they saw it was a 325 foot in diameter disc-shape with three s 7/26/1965 #19182 ss-bars landed at 4:30 p.m. A five foot tall humanoid being was seen outsid 7/31/1965 #19223 UFO descend and land nearby. A 3.5 foot tall being emerged from the object. 8/1/1965 #19247 raft stood a small four and a half foot tall figure with yellow eyes, and i 8/3/1965 #19294 in an old quarry, he found a 15-20 foot circle of burnt glass, within which 8/13/1965 #19384 nd body. Two more figures, about a foot shorter than the other three, made 8/16/1965 #19410 the road was caved-in, and in a 6 foot area the gravel was separated from 9/16/1965 #19569 ical traces included a burned five foot diameter depression on the macadam 9/16/1965 #19575 e ties it to a tree and returns on foot. He spends 10–15 minutes examining Mid 10/1965 #19659 Police constable Edward Pinnock on foot patrol in Warminster, England durin 11/30/1965 #19743 called seeing a man and a woman on foot not 20 feet away to whom she signal 1/5/1966 #19806 ect lifts off the ground about one foot, stops, swings in a clockwise motio 3/29/1966 #20139 ey saw two red lights each about a foot in diameter. Meanwhile those left b 4/7/1966 #20271 AD’s covering “nearly every square foot of the US” on its radar. USAF Maj. 5/10/1966 #20474 Hancock County, Mississippi, a 200 foot diameter disc-shaped UFO approached 5/11/1966 #20478 an Sandoval, saw a fast moving 300 foot long tetrahedron shaped UFO with fo 6/23/1966 #20600 ltonborough, New Hampshire a three foot in diameter red-orange globe with a 8/10/1966 #20737 inches in diameter appears at the foot of her bed. Inside are 5 “non-human 10/2/1966 #20949 inches in diameter appeared at the foot of her bed. Inside the globe were t 10/2/1966 #20950 nd forces him to stop. It hovers a foot above the ground, only 20 feet ahea Early 11/1966 #21070 to seven feet tall and with a ten foot wingspan. When the car headlights s 11/15/1966 #21109 creature" 6-7 feet tall with a 10 foot wingspan. When the car headlights s 11/16/1966 #21110 ature six feet tall and with a ten foot wingspan, circled over his car. He 11/24/1966 #21146 this morning. It unfolded its ten foot wide wings and flew directly at her 11/27/1966 #21152 and behind a fire tower on a 1,320 foot hill about half a mile away. 12/18/1966 #21210 ts were unlikely to be arriving on foot. A tall man stood at the door and a 1/9/1967 #21278 romwell, Connecticut spotted a 300 foot long dark cigar-shaped object flyin 1/24/1967 #21377 elaware when they encountered a 50 foot wide disc-shaped object with a cupo 2/9/1967 #21493 t in the early morning hours a 180 foot long, cigar-shaped UFO landed in a 2/16/1967 #21574 had a close encounter with a 50-60 foot wide domed disc-shaped object with 2/19/1967 #21599 ccurred later for 30 seconds. A 15 foot in diameter ice area was found at t 2/21/1967 #21616 in Wellington, Texas. He saw a 100 foot long cigar-shaped UFO on the ground 3/31/1967 #22025 next memory is waking up with her foot covered with mud, her eyes swollen 4/2/1967 #22048 City, Missouri, and see a 350–400 foot, bluish-white, WWI-helmet–shaped ob 4/17/1967 #22153 where he encountered a giant, nine foot tall man. The man had large blue ey 5/15/1967 #22348 nde, Brazil when they noticed a 15 foot long ovoid object with four legs. I 5/24/1967 #22394 ht red flame which shot from a 3-4 foot round aperture in the underside. (N 5/25/1967 #22398 inder (estimated 4 feet long and 1 foot diameter) made of material like cle 7/15/1967 #22664 window. He did so, and saw a five foot tall figure wearing a luminous tigh 7/18/1967 #22695 t above the ground. It was a sixty foot in diameter, gray bell-shaped objec 7/20/1967 #22713 d a most unusual visit from a four foot tall alien in his office at the Car 8/7/1967 #22841 d and silvery. He approaches it on foot and is hit by a bright light coming 8/27/1967 #22940 dressed in black. Nearby was a six foot spherical object of dazzling brilli 8/29/1967 #22955 became panic stricken, fleeing on foot. Unnerved by the experience, he was 9/21/1967 #23106 salesmen saw three brilliant, 2-3 foot diameter, pulsating red lights floa 10/22/1967 #23286 At 10:15 p.m. a 30 foot in diameter round or disc-shaped ob 10/24/1967 #23307 utside to investigate. He saw a 50 foot long cigar-shaped object flying at 10/27/1967 #23355 earby. The humanoid was about four foot six inches tall and had a luminous, 12/16/1967 #23594 nist, encountered a six and a half foot tall blond man dressed in a sky blu 6/14/1968 #24032 ward the outside door, putting one foot directly in front of the other, arm 6/15/1968 #24039 A 20 foot long vertical metallic cylinder wit 7/8/1968 #24160 me size as the witness, about five foot five inches in height. 7/23/1968 #24214 face to face, standing on a "glass foot" like a goblet. It was only 25 mete 7/31/1968 #24272 . On its top it bore another such "foot." It was dark blue but had a large 7/31/1968 #24272 3 feet tall, dressed from head to foot in bulky coveralls, something like 7/31/1968 #24272 rd a creaking sound and saw a four foot tall luminous figure jump out of a 8/6/1968 #24301 d coming from an excavation at the foot of the boulder, and a kind of “flyi 8/29/1968 #24401 n cigar-shaped object hovering one foot above the ground. It is about 16 fe 10/2/1968 #24537 ored cigar-shaped craft hovering a foot or so above the ground, only a few 10/2/1968 #24538 at his home accompanied by a three foot tall humanoid with mummified skin, 11/1/1968 #24620 ar Ripley, West Virginia saw a 150 foot in diameter domed disc over a house 11/24/1968 #24699 otograph the landscape. Walking on foot near a wooded hill, they caught sig 1/12/1969 #24836 uttons, covering them from head to foot. Their facial features were seen th 2/6/1969 #24897 MP Constable R. J. Shannahan is on foot patrol near 24 Sussex Drive, the Pr 3/4/1969 #24969 Looking out a window, he saw a 20 foot green oval-shaped object descend fr 7/1/1969 #25244 15–20 feet in diameter and about a foot wide. Grass is flattened inside the Mid 7/1969 #25270 the landing site: there was an 10 foot oval-shaped depression, 1-2 inches 10/30/1969 #25440 buzzing sound and saw a round, ten foot wide metallic object with a flat bo 1/7/1970 #25541 ld see, only 10 feet away, a three foot tall little man on the ground stand 1/7/1970 #25541 , they find three round marks, one foot in diameter and 1.5 inches deep, bu 4/29/1970 #25645 At 9:32 p.m. a 20 foot in diameter glowing green, oval-sha 6/29/1970 #25721 glowing orange suits from head to foot with only their faces uncovered. Th 8/24/1970 #25802 44 SOUTH / ST. VICTOR, FR 2 kids / foot. Sharp whistle. 3 classic saucers h 9/1970 #25818 Two brightly lit, 25 foot in diameter disc-shaped objects buz 10/10/1970 #25874 witnesses approached the object on foot but became frightened and ran back 10/24/1970 #25886 A one hundred foot diameter spherical UFO, bright as t 1/1/1971 #25965 e woods when Aliranta noticed a 15 foot metallic object, shaped like two sa 2/5/1971 #26013 e snow. At the end of each landing foot there had ben a round plate. These 2/5/1971 #26014 and when Mr. Aliranta noticed a 15 foot wide metallic saucer-shaped object 2/5/1971 #26015 e inside, and Scott was led by a 7 foot tall entity down a corridor to a do 3/14/1971 #26047 countered 4 or 5 similar beings, 7 foot tall and with grayish skin similar 3/14/1971 #26047 it with a clearance of less than a foot. His wife, hearing the pane of glas 4/2/1971 #26065 At 10:30 p.m. a 25 foot long ovoid UFO was seen near a hous 5/12/1971 #26107 e 2.5 inches wide at the top and a foot deep into the soil. Two days later, 5/15/1971 #26111 was stunned to see a six to seven foot tall being standing there, only thr 8/16/1971 #26291 e that stretched at least a half a foot long and went straight into the che 8/16/1971 #26291 small insect creatures at least a foot long. Their heads were triangular i 8/16/1971 #26291 Three people saw a twelve foot by twelve foot by ten foot box-shap 9/23/1971 #26369 people saw a twelve foot by twelve foot by ten foot box-shaped object in an 9/23/1971 #26369 twelve foot by twelve foot by ten foot box-shaped object in an oilfield in 9/23/1971 #26369 ened the back door and saw a seven foot tall "creature" standing there, cla 9/30/1971 #26388 e ring to be dry to a depth of one foot. The ring itself was composed of a 11/2/1971 #26450 ree 38" diameter imprints in an 18 foot triangle, and a burnt bush at the 11/28/1971 #26477 and a dog ran and hid. Later, a 6 foot in diameter blue fall of light foll 2/12/1972 #26577 human-like being. He approached on foot to within 10-12 feet, and he saw th 3/25/1972 #26623 back. The figure was between five foot and five foot four inches tall, and 3/25/1972 #26623 ure was between five foot and five foot four inches tall, and wore a tight 3/25/1972 #26623 ds. He did so, and encountered a 4 foot, 8 inch tall young woman with blond 5/5/1972 #26671 Australia a three-meter tall (ten foot!) robot mysteriously vanished, whil 6/4/1972 #26701 enters his room and approaches the foot of his bed. His radio begins to emi 6/22/1972 #26726 d the car and gave a ride to a 6.5 foot tall man who was wearing a shallow 8/8/1972 #26885 cturnal close encounter with a 100 foot in diameter domed disc that hovered 10/8/1972 #27059 UFO rose vertically swiftly. A 10 foot circle of blackened grass was left 11/28/1972 #27151 t Virginia reported observing a 10 foot wide or large glowing sphere descen 12/10/1972 #27168 he ground at 9:30 p.m. A shallow 8 foot crater was found at the landing sit 12/10/1972 #27168 , and she was standing beside a 20 foot high crystal, set at an angle so th 8/4/1973 #27683 t four o'clock in the morning a 20 foot wide lighted UFO passed over Lanett 9/8/1973 #27784 g that the UFO had been hovering a foot or so above the ground. 9/27/1973 #27879 on the Simi Freeway saw a 30 by 50 foot triangular object in a dust cloud n 10/4/1973 #27934 afternoon when he saw a 30 by 350 foot triangular object in a dust cloud n 10/4/1973 #27936 nts arranged in a triangle with 34 foot sides. There was a 50 foot in diame 10/6/1973 #27961 with 34 foot sides. There was a 50 foot in diameter circle of burnt grass, 10/6/1973 #27961 nge-red glow, and he saw three 4-5 foot tall humanoids materialize. They ha 10/15/1973 #28059 table while the third went to the foot of the table and picked up some box 10/16/1973 #28089 ef Jeff Greenhaw photographed a 5' foot being in a silvery suit after inves 10/17/1973 #28125 ssee on this afternoon while a six foot tall being reached out of a doorway 10/17/1973 #28138 an immediate stop. Two small 4 1/2 foot tall beings clad in silver suits an 10/17/1973 #28139 A 50 foot wide UFO hovered two to three feet 10/17/1973 #28140 ille, Alabama photographed a 5 1/2 foot tall being in a crinkly looking sil 10/17/1973 #28142 vegetation. The path led to a 100 foot drop, giving Ramos the impression t 10/20/1973 #28222 vations of two silver-suited, four foot tall humanoids occurred in Hartford 10/22/1973 #28244 lvania. The UFO may have had a 100 foot wingspan. 11/29/1973 #28482 A 150 foot wide disc hovered in front of the c 12/2/1973 #28509 ded and he stopped and returned on foot, hiding about 9 meters away. He saw 3/21/1974 #28921 oach, first in his car and then on foot, to within 500 yards of it. Valenso 3/31/1974 #28979 d covered with ticks on a thousand foot mountain near Colatina in the state 4/26/1974 #29064 ing of 7–8 spheres, each about one foot in diameter and arranged horizontal 5/20/1974 #29119 A 50-75 foot diameter UFO landed on a nearby hil 5/28/1974 #29143 On this day a 200 foot long cigar-shaped object making a h 5/30/1974 #29146 to less than 50º F. Peter took his foot off the accelerator but the car con 5/31/1974 #29150 two "cosmonauts" clad from head to foot in a whitish-gray metallic material 8/26/1974 #29391 all hovering and spinning about a foot above the ground. Whether from fear 9/1/1974 #29417 nd marks at the landing site: a 35 foot wide burnt patch, and four landing 9/9/1974 #29440 set humanoid figures, about 5 1/2 foot tall, "waddling" toward them. The b 9/19/1974 #29464 Onboard the craft there were four foot tall creatures with pointed ears an 10/27/1974 #29561 . had a close encounter with a 120 foot wide disc-shaped object, with a dul 11/28/1974 #29620 be 90 feet in diameter, with a ten foot wide cabin structure. Although it m 4/15/1975 #29991 ked and walked about 100 meters on foot to a saucer-shaped craft about thre 4/22/1975 #30000 ding a 19-year-old woman, saw a 40 foot long, hazy blue metallic ovoid with 8/10/1975 #30248 00 a.m. in Blaine, Minnesota a 100 foot in diameter gray domed disc-shaped 8/24/1975 #30304 He saw a bright red sphere about a foot in diameter hovering 12 inches off 9/25/1975 #30384 on the dark side of the road two 8 foot tall beings wearing wearing silvery 10/26/1975 #30475 t given. UFO hovered 75' away, one foot off ground. (NIDS UFO 92) (NICAP: 0 11/1/1975 #30534 he form of a "coffee pot", a 50-60 foot high cylinder with a narrow waist, 1/9/1976 #30781 se had a close encounter with a 50 foot long ovoid UFO. Her car radio went 1/23/1976 #30816 nned it over his body from head to foot. His abduction lasted two days. 4/2/1976 #30980 ear-old man named T. White saw a 5 foot, 6 inch tall humanoid in his backya 5/31/1976 #31076 d that there were three 5.0 to 5.5 foot tall humanoids, matching the descri 6/20/1976 #31117 ssouri at 10:30 p.m. and saw a 100 foot in diameter disc-shaped craft fly r 7/28/1976 #31191 car headlights two green men, five foot seven inches tall. The beings put t 8/7/1976 #31245 out ship” descended and opened a 3 foot by 3 foot door, which had flashing 8/16/1976 #31273 descended and opened a 3 foot by 3 foot door, which had flashing panels of 8/16/1976 #31273 Three men saw a four foot tall dwarf at a former Army buildin 9/5/1976 #31345 ide saucer in the roadway. Two six foot tall, human-looking UFOnauts with f 9/8/1976 #31358 ty and spotted a brightly lit, 150 foot domed disc-shaped object with a clo 9/10/1976 #31373 and walks down the porch steps one foot at a time. Hopkins sees a bright li 9/11/1976 #31376 a ten-year-old boy saw a 3 to 3.5 foot tall green humanoid tapping on his 9/22/1976 #31420 low level lights, a 21.6 meter (71 foot) circle of dried grass was found in 9/25/1976 #31429 On this evening a 600 foot diameter aerial craft allegedly set 10/28/1976 #31501 orning Mr. Britt noticed a 15 x 20 foot area in front of the porch where th 10/28/1976 #31503 wo 14-year-old girls reported a 25 foot in diameter disc-shaped object with 11/8/1976 #31533 ome. Looking back, they saw a nine foot tall milky white figure wearing a d 11/12/1976 #31541 ld see the heads of three men. A 6 foot tall man with a slim build, wearing 11/14/1976 #31549 rch facility when he saw an 8 to 9 foot tall "spaceman" being. The being wa 12/31/1976 #31645 nd a small radioactive spot at the foot of the hill, plus other ground trac 1/3/1977 #31687 At 4:10 a.m. a 30 foot in diameter domed disc was seen ove 1/5/1977 #31701 ct's interior. It left behind a 12 foot wide burn mark, landing gear imprin 1/23/1977 #31748 chorage, Kentucky watched as a 100 foot in diameter domed disc hovered at 8 1/26/1977 #31753 pushed back 250 feet by a 30-by-60 foot object hovering silently 10–12 feet 2/10/1977 #31807 y. The second was a seven to eight foot tall humanoid figure, who floated i 4/7/1977 #31956 y. The second was a seven to eight foot tall humanoid figure, who floated i 4/7/1977 #31957 nced out a window and saw a twelve foot tall hairy creature with fierce glo 4/12/1977 #31978 illages winds along a creek at the foot of a mountain, with lush vegetation 8/3/1977 #32356 t "beep-beep" sound. Continuing on foot to a nearby quarry, they saw a figu 8/30/1977 #32441 ordering a ditch. Suddenly a seven foot tall figure appeared in the glare o 1/2/1978 #32847 orted seeing a white figure at the foot of his bed that tried to touch him. 1/9/1978 #32862 y Support Team) sweeps the area on foot and by air through October 15. They 1/24/1978 #32912 a.m. A State Police officer is on foot patrol between Ornontowice and Chud 2/1978 #32937 tion 15 km further on, and put his foot down on the accelerator. At this po 2/5/1978 #32957 overs that the tall figure was a 6 foot, 5 inch fireman dressed in a high-t 3/17/1978 #33048 al mutilators sighted a silent, 12 foot long red-glowing cylinder at 5:20 a 4/10/1978 #33138 appened to glance at the window. A foot away from the window a white face w 4/19/1978 #33154 ahead. The youths saw a huge seven foot tall figure with large red glowing 7/9/1978 #33362 esses saw the fireball and two 300 foot long objects. 11/3/1978 #33918 As she turns onto Main Street, her foot is flat on the accelerator but ther 11/22/1978 #33980 y are suspended in the air about a foot off the ground. They are extremely 11/24/1978 #33995 a, a witness reported seeing a 7-8 foot tall hairy figure in a field at 11: 1/5/1979 #34306 mall beings, about four and a half foot tall, emerged from the object. The 1/12/1979 #34333 , the family finds a 30 foot-by-45 foot triangular area of brown and dried 10/20/1979 #34962 clearing. This UFO dropped two 1.5 foot naval mine-shaped objects with prot 11/9/1979 #34991 owing green figure standing at the foot of his bed. It looked to him more l 1/5/1980 #35124 s approached by two of these seven foot tall creatures, who he described as 4/23/1980 #35286 ct. As he approached the object on foot equipped with a shotgun the object 8/9/1980 #35449 to Coyote Canyon and approached on foot. He had a clear view of the round d 8/9/1980 #35453 At 1:15 p.m. a three foot long, football-shaped UFO was seen 8/28/1980 #35481 with tables and machinery. A seven foot tall being, described as wearing a 9/25/1980 #35535 eeching whistle, and then saw a 25 foot wide domed disc or top-shaped UFO w 9/30/1980 #35548 e of his boot, and a bruise on his foot. EM effects were the failure of two 11/28/1980 #35680 acquires an itchy, red mark on his foot. Via hypnotic regression, he recall 11/29/1980 #35682 y estimate the light to be about a foot in diameter and only 3 feet away. T 12/3/1980 #35690 estimated the light to be about a foot in diameter and only a meter away. 12/3/1980 #35691 trip or runway, surrounded by an 8 foot chain link fence topped with barbed 12/14/1980 #35716 ter. On the night in question a 12 foot wide cone-shaped object was encount 12/27/1980 #35748 truck had apparently been lifted a foot off the ground. Although his AM rad 6/12/1981 #35967 in, green beam of light from a 125 foot wide, metallic appearing UFO. It fe 9/10/1981 #36109 ehicle and proceeded to explore on foot. He soon saw a bright football-shap 9/11/1981 #36110 ehicle and proceeded to explore on foot. He soon saw a bright football-shap 9/12/1981 #36112 At 10:40 p.m. a 25 foot long glowing ovoid object followed 10/25/1981 #36188 a private corporate jet saw a ten foot diameter silver disc that flew with 3/8/1982 #36382 a private corporate jet saw a ten foot diameter silver disc that flew with 3/8/1982 #36385 vehicle stalled. He approached on foot holding a flashlight and encountere 3/22/1982 #36408 ft on the ground. Groups of seven- foot tall beings stood or walked on a la 5/2/1982 #36461 he noise it revealed a five to six foot tall being with a large brown head 7/23/1982 #36546 he noise it revealed a five to six foot tall being with a large brown head 7/23/1982 #36547 are-shaped craft and a 3-meter (10 foot) tall robot standing at the side of 7/25/1982 #36548 are-shaped craft and a 3-meter (10 foot) tall robot standing at the side of 7/25/1982 #36551 Auburn, Washington witnessed a 100 foot long ovoid object flying at 150 fee 8/11/1982 #36571 At 11:30 p.m. a 150 foot long cigar-shaped object made a dee 9/4/1982 #36596 reetop level. Observer(s) chase on foot! Beam 40° going down. 9/30/1982 #36620 o hover in the northeast over a 10 foot tree, then moved out of sight in th 10/22/1982 #36659 ried a Y-shaped instrument about a foot long. As she grasped his head and t 11/29/1982 #36702 and carried an instrument about a foot long. When she grasped his head he 11/30/1982 #36703 aw a silent, multi-colored 200-300 foot wide boomerang-shaped object with m 2/26/1983 #36770 aw a silent, multi-colored 200-300 foot wide boomerang-shaped object with m 2/26/1983 #36772 they push it home and head back on foot to the party. They pass the train t 8/12/1983 #36949 rk had a close encounter with a 40 foot in diameter, disc-shaped object tha 9/19/1983 #36974 eer in Mahopac, New York saw a 100 foot wide delta-shaped UFO repeatedly pr 10/28/1983 #37028 children run toward the object on foot, while the boyfriend jumps in a car 11/28/1983 #37052 th of Hawthorne saw two silent 75- foot in diameter parabolic discs 200 fee 1/9/1984 #37122 rnold, Missouri reported that a 25 foot diameter, white glowing saucer pace 1/22/1984 #37149 Dade County, Florida watched a 200 foot in diameter domed disc-shaped objec 1/30/1984 #37167 og in Mechanicsburg witnessed a 40 foot wide diamondshaped object wobbling 2/29/1984 #37208 og in Mechanicsburg witnessed a 40 foot wide diamond- shaped object wobblin 2/29/1984 #37209 sburg, Pennsylvania witnessed a 40 foot wide diamond-shaped object wobbling 2/29/1984 #37212 motion. It approaches to within a foot of her car, lighting up the hood an 3/25/1984 #37244 Radar visual confirmation. A 1000 foot long cigar-shaped object followed a 4/24/1984 #37285 confirmation. At 7:10 p.m. a 1000 foot long cigar-shaped object followed a 4/24/1984 #37286 and 5:30 PM. A silver colored, 150 foot long, bulbous-shaped object with a 4/25/1984 #37290 At 5:30 p.m. a silver colored, 150 foot long, bulbous-shaped object with a 4/25/1984 #37295 At 7:40 a.m. a four foot tall furry being wearing a helmet w 10/8/1984 #37481 Martinsburg, WV 10:00 PM. A 30 foot long X-shaped object paced a car fo 12/30/1984 #37535 At about 10:00 p.m. a 30 foot long X-shaped object paced a car fo 12/30/1984 #37536 ey find the grass all wet, with 5- foot flames (natural gas?) emanating fro 4/22/1986 #37833 A 60 foot x 40 foot x 20 foot rectangular obj 4/22/1986 #37835 A 60 foot x 40 foot x 20 foot rectangular object was si 4/22/1986 #37835 A 60 foot x 40 foot x 20 foot rectangular object was sighted over 4/22/1986 #37835 unter with a completely silent 300 foot long triangular object that was onl 8/1/1986 #37968 ent and blackened in a 9-meter (30 foot) wide circle. After a period of tro 8/15/1986 #37993 witness reported encountering a 60 foot diameter ovoid object, beaming ligh 8/22/1986 #37999 tains area encountered a large 300 foot long hovering oval object. It had l 2/7/1987 #38117 object is blue-silver and an 18–20 foot wide ramp extends down from it. Her 3/23/1987 #38152 hat seemed to be an extended 18-20 foot wide ramp. The object was about 75 3/23/1987 #38153 pacing them at a distance. The 30 foot in diameter object then stopped and 11/24/1987 #38334 en he pulled a blind he saw a four foot tall Grey humanoid being with large 12/2/1987 #38348 Oswestry, Shropshire, England a 45 foot in diameter yellow cloud of somethi 2/9/1988 #38449 up of short humanoid beings at the foot of his bed. Three or four of them s 10/24/1988 #38687 two witnesses reported that a 600 foot wide boomerang flew over at 25 mph; 10/26/1988 #38699 hed control panels; photographed 5 foot tall aliens with almost normal huma 1/1989 #38772 able to recall that several 3 to 4 foot tall humanoids with very thin arms 6/29/1989 #38997 ight. She encountered several five foot tall slender "Grey" humanoids with 11/6/1989 #39216 d, New Hampshire a couple saw a 70 foot long silver, cylindrical object hov 12/10/1989 #39308 ghtened witnesses fled the area on foot. 3/24/1990 #39485 te mushroom cone” floating about 1 foot off the ground. He approaches to ab 5/4/1990 #39556 rning. They had three toes on each foot and three fingers on each hand; the 8/11/1990 #39686 nted ears, with three toes on each foot and three fingers on each hand. Ten 8/31/1990 #39708 At 12:30 a.m. a 200 foot wide disc-shaped object was seen cl 9/28/1990 #39752 was suddenly awakened by three 4.5 foot tall Grey humanoids, with large bla 5/14/1991 #40061 o fall down by grabbing him by the foot. 5/15/1991 #40064 eorgia, a man woke up to see a 4.5 foot tall entity at the corner of his ba 5/5/1992 #40454 year-old woman, sighted a black 30 foot in diameter disc-shaped object, wit 8/10/1992 #40564 In Albertville, Minnesota a 5-6 foot wide disc-shaped object with portho 9/13/1992 #40620 ture was that the rain stopped one foot from top the top of the craft, as i 9/16/1992 #40623 olina a 36-year-old woman saw a 50 foot long gray rectangular craft, 20 tim 9/30/1992 #40651 fragment (oval shaped and about 1 foot in length) is in the crater, along 10/9/1992 #40671 ength and had three rectangular 20 foot long bright pink lights along the s 10/10/1992 #40673 emanating from it, standing at the foot of the bed. The being apparently va 12/10/1992 #40747 closed screen door. His dog at the foot of the bed watched the whole incide 1/19/1993 #40802 bed, halfway down the side. At the foot of her bed stood three taller being 2/1/1993 #40831 river and two passengers saw a 300 foot in diameter round object with white 2/19/1993 #40854 a little dwarfish woman, about two foot tall with long red hair, who was tr 2/28/1993 #40866 riff and others observed a 200-300 foot wide flying boomerang or V-shaped U 4/16/1993 #40938 ared to be damaged. Two short, 3.5 foot tall beings with slanted eyes were 4/19/1993 #40943 ut at 9:30 p.m. He next saw a nine foot tall, broad-shouldered winged creat 4/19/1993 #40944 and a woman was abducted into a 50 foot wide saucer-shaped object and kept 5/19/1993 #40986 s. Inside she was met by two three foot tall humanoids. She reported that s 5/19/1993 #40986 or twelve three and a half to four foot tall creatures glided into the room 8/20/1993 #41148 d. The beings clustered around the foot of her bed, looking at her. She fel 8/20/1993 #41148 A fifty foot in diameter disc-shaped object hove 10/8/1993 #41227 a, Australia she saw a dark, seven foot tall slender being, that appeared t 10/23/1993 #41249 A close encounter with a 100 foot long craft occurred in the suburbs 10/24/1993 #41251 close encounter with a pinkish, 25 foot diameter circular object that illum 9/17/1994 #41758 l humanoid figure sitting near the foot of her bed. It had a large head and 9/20/1994 #41766 at 5:10 a.m. when she saw a seven foot tall brownish being with long strin 1/17/1995 #41981 ss County, Missouri a number of 25 foot in diameter bowl-shaped metallic di 3/10/1995 #42084 elow overcast. Observer(s) chase / foot. 6/24/1995 #42269 and attempted to chase the UFO on foot, to no avail. 6/24/1995 #42271 king, short humanoids stood at the foot of a woman's bed in Winnipeg, Manit 7/13/1995 #42299 lorida two witnesses watched a one foot in diameter red ball of light low o 9/2/1995 #42437 A 300 foot long blimp-shaped UFO moved slowly 1/22/1996 #42707 f Villalba, Lugo, Spain. Then a 25 foot in diameter dome rose from the wood 1/29/1996 #42727 window at 11:00 p.m. to see a six foot tall creature, tan in color with a 3/6/1996 #42811 narrow at the top, but had a three foot diameter at the bottom towards the 4/8/1996 #42858 dewalk was a deep ditch with small foot bridges across the culvert. When th 7/8/1996 #42950 se beings were described as only 1 foot, 10 inches tall, wearing coverall g 9/8/1996 #43009 ent counties are launched, both on foot and in the air. These continue thro 3/24/1997 #43239 he ground. He also briefly saw a 4 foot 8 inch tall figure apparently stand 9/25/1998 #43651 51 a.m. witnesses observed a 75-80 foot silver domed disc hovering approxim 10/10/1998 #43662 n unknown source. He looked at the foot of his bed and saw an odd figure st 10/25/1998 #43670 the sand had been vitrified in 4-5 foot diameter circles. 7/17/1999 #43806 fornia. The man was onboard his 25 foot boat with his dog but had no other 1/30/2000 #43937 At 10:35 a.m. a 50 foot wide saucer-shaped object was seen 12/17/2000 #44104 a tall slice of pie. It had two 10 foot wide white pods on the underside. I 1/26/2001 #44133 roached the two strange figures on foot. One of the men walked away and ent 3/26/2002 #44326 ounds of footsteps, then saw a two foot tall creature standing at the side 1/26/2003 #44480 iangular UFO with an estimated 360 foot wing span. The UFO circled the plan 1/4/2004 #44645 countered a bizarre looking, eight foot tall creature. He came back inside 10/26/2005 #44894 a depression in the road about one foot in depth and 10-12 feet in diameter 4/25/2007 #45023 object was seen hovering just 100 foot off the ground. It had red, white, 5/4/2009 #45218 . After 10 minutes of searching on foot, they hear two loud clicks coming f 7/5/2009 #45230 to work when he spotted a 9 to 10 foot tall solid black entity standing on 9/14/2009 #45247 An identical object, also about 1 foot in diameter, on the same flight pat 5/10/2012 #45343 on Lee states he witnessed a 10-12 foot silver disc pulled from the Atlanti 11/30/2020 #45666
days later, the family finds a 30 foot-by-45 foot triangular area of brown 10/20/1979 #34962
turbing the water’s surface into a foot-deep trench. It flies upward and th 8/1959 #15888
the object was reddish-brown. Two foot-like appendages extended to the gro 9/30/1954 #10520
ts of Everest, Kansas, watch a 30- foot-long object that looks like a canoe 4/1/1897 #407 st are actually seeing is the 100- foot-long R-7 rocket core stage, outfitt 10/4/1957 #14057 s is heard on the roof, and then a foot-long spurt of flame erupts from the 9/26/1974 #29483 no County, California sighted a 50 foot-long object looking like the fusela 8/5/1992 #40553 At 11:00 p.m. a foot-long, oval-shaped object entered a 10/30/1998 #43672 around six feet tall, with large, foot-long pointy ears. The eyes were dar 1/22/2003 #44477
rives on the scene, he notices the foot-tall grass in the area “seemed to b 8/19/1965 #19427 tallic structure as big as the 200 foot-tall water tower in Dayton. It was 12/29/1980 #35758
oving, ricocheting fireball rips a foot-wide hole through a metal billboard 8/19/1953 #9084
ims that the movie contains actual footage of a spaceship recovered in Alas 8/1949 #4301 a fast-moving UFO. Motion picture footage was allegedly obtained, but subs 7/14/1951 #5576 d at 24 frames per second, obtains footage of a high-speed UFO over Miami B 7/29/1952 #7330 tes with new material. It features footage from the July 29, 1952, press co 8/23/1952 #7693 n the invading Martians. The color footage comes from a test flight. The fi 8/13/1953 #9068 solar eclipse. Conradi takes some footage through a window on the north (p 6/30/1954 #9969 analyzes two famous pieces of UFO footage: the Montana film of 1950 and th 5/3/1956 #12828 ultaneously take 8mm and 16mm film footage of three cigar-shaped objects ma 7/28/1959 #15884 ects then repeatedly view recorded footage of their reactions to this verba 9/1959 #15952 la V. Lansing takes motion picture footage on a borrowed Keystone 8mm Capri 2/17/1967 #21586 camera 10 frames (2.5 seconds) of footage of an unusual object at Alberton 5/1967 #22258 SONORA, CA 35 mm movie drama footage. Ascending white ovoid only seen 11/1/1967 #23382 CAMARILLO, CA Movie scene footage. Pale circular image drifts R go 12/27/1967 #23613 hown on the History Channel. Shows footage of the alleged crashed UFO near 3/1968 #23796 g 3,200 feet of a 1971 UFO landing footage at Holloman AFB, New Mexico, tha 5/1973 #27460 gram, promises to get the Holloman footage. Emenegger is told that the mili 5/1973 #27460 and exclusive access to classified footage of a UAP landing in 1971 at Holl 5/1973 #27461 rt Emenegger. The film shows stock footage of Holloman AFB, Alamogordo, New 5/9/1974 #29097 tercept while the third takes film footage. The UFO’s erratic movements, ho 5/7/1980 #35315 itment to secure the promised film footage. HBO wants the film, but Doty no 4/9/1983 #36830 five missiles. He did not see the footage because his clearance had been l 1984 #37098 / several min. Rises very fast. No footage. 4/19/1987 #38162 nt that he had never promised film footage to Linda Moulton Howe. 3/5/1988 #38491 hartle describes the Holloman film footage, saying it shows aliens emerging 10/14/1988 #38674 . Glow saucer / 9 minute(s). Video footage. 3/14/1990 #39461 show 60 Minutes, shows the Arragin footage a week later. He asks his viewer 7/11/1991 #40119 ky / one hour. 4 minute(s) / video footage then gone. 12/21/1991 #40263 aneuvers going up and down. Camera footage not faked. 1/25/1992 #40303 saucer videotaped / 6 second(s) of footage. Near highway 150. 5/6/1993 #40969 c-shaped object, with 6 seconds of footage, was filmed by a 42-year-old wom 5/6/1993 #40970 near Roswell, New Mexico. The film footage is allegedly supplied to him by 8/28/1995 #42425 Daily Mirror, says it is the same footage that he saw in the late 1970s at 8/28/1995 #42425 rather a staged reconstruction of footage (using sheep brains and jelly st 8/28/1995 #42425 that he has made all the auxiliary footage, including that of the homeless 8/28/1995 #42425 spent 25 years examining both the footage and the story surrounding it. 8/28/1995 #42425 and flew off to the west. TV film footage was made and shown on Korean tel 11/22/1996 #43116 dence that GCHQ studied gun-camera footage of UFOs taken by British militar 3/1997 #43215 ing west from mountains to sea. TV footage. Several minutes. 12/25/1997 #43474 ights / 30 towns. Dodges videocam. Footage / TV. 8/10/1998 #43624 ing to dodge the camera. The video footage appeared on French TV. 8/10/1998 #43627 g radar targets for two weeks. The footage is publicly released by the Pent 11/14/2004 #44784 ased by the Pentagon in 2017. This footage is known as the 2004 USS Nimitz 11/14/2004 #44784 e signature.” Analysis of the FLIR footage by Mick West of Metabunk claims 11/14/2004 #44784 stance. [A second film of infrared footage, known as the GIMBAL video, is r 11/14/2004 #44784 Pentagon alongside the 2004 FLIR1 footage. Although the media often presen 11/14/2004 #44784 es Night. A witness captures video footage of pulsating, kaleidoscopic ligh 5/8/2005 #44833 ctor” appears anonymously in bonus footage for the re-release of “Alien Int 2008 #45105 at (at least) the majority of this footage depict UAVs (remotely piloted ve 2013 #45356 s from 40 to 120 mph. The 3-minute footage shows the flight of an object th 4/25/2013 #45365 technician aboard is taking video footage when he notices an object about 11/11/2014 #45423 udying the film, then releases the footage, admitting it cannot ascertain w 11/11/2014 #45423 e Department of Defense, alongside footage from the 2004 USS Nimitz inciden 2/2015? #45430 ing rare and never before revealed footage guaranteed to alter the landscap 12/4/2018 #45550 e of images of atomic age archival footage and such that after awhile make 12/4/2018 #45550 orbell. The materials consisted of footage of radar screens showing multipl 7/15/2019 #45593 ouple on their cellphones, but the footage is blurry. The mother of the dri 11/9/2019 #45616 nomena they encounter and that the footage must be analyzed to the fullest 9/15/2020 #45661 s here, is that there are, there’s footage and records of objects in the sk 5/18/2021 #45689
nge object the size and shape of a football emerges from the partially bloc 5/1931 #1126 pheres approximately the size of a football. (Page 70 Ref.1) (NICAP: 01 - D 6/1944 #1600 ERM J. Thompson / P51. 4-5 silvery football shapes. A common sight. 1/12/1945? #1755 d prisoners of war / ground. White football follows bomber / 18K'. 1/22/1945 #1760 ling noise and sees a dark “flying football” directly overhead at about 1,0 5/1946 #1988 ast. McCage says it is as big as a football field, has windows, and is maki Fall 1946 #2189 HILLS, OH 1+1 observer(s). Silver football / high altitude. Going south. E 7/3/1947 #2558 ND, SWEDEN Air Force man. Metallic football going quickly NNW / 250kph. 550 7/20/1947 #3204 11:30 a.m. 47,000 people in a new football stadium in Managua, Nicaragua s 11/15/1947 #3491 Bluebook Case #165. 6 observer(s). Football glows bobs weaves and maneuvers 7/26/1948 #3740 a silver tail about the size of a football (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 7/26/1948 #3741 Sterling, UT A flattened football or lozenge shaped black object 10/16/1948 #3844 HEAST / BUTLER, PA 4 / car. Silver football flashes going quickly west. 6K' 4/2/1950 #4789 se #897. Observer(s) = sells. 120' football over runway. Wobbles / 18K' alt 2/26/1951 #5459 2 / private plane. Shiny metallic football ovoid hovers.. then moves away. 12/7/1951 #5807 glowing white light shaped like a football. The object changes course and Summer 1952 #6581 ORLANDO, FL Perfect 35' metal football exits tall thundercloud and ent 7/10/1952 #6746 A 2 observer(s). Silent "flattened football" hovers / 10 minute(s). Going q 7/26/1952 #7154 nza. One object, shaped like a fat football, flaming orange-red color, desc 9/13/1952 #7915 a flying object shaped like a fat football, fiery orange-red in color, des 9/13/1952 #7917 MT. AIRY, NC Football coach and team. White object de 10/12/1952 #8121 riel Gachignard saw a 15-foot long football or cigar-shaped object, throbbi 10/27/1952 #8202 , FR 2 pilots / car. Bright silver football. 1500mph. Steep bank. Going qui 11/6/1952 #8251 ORCE BASE, NFLD 1 observer. Flying football going quickly south. Low altitu 5/4/1953 #8858 foundland, Canada watched a flying football fly by at low altitude and high 5/4/1953 #8862 ANCASHIRE Flying saucer flies over football match. All see. Going quickly w 3/17/1954 #9625 SALAAM, TNZ Numerous observer(s). Football shaped saucer seen / 30 minutes 7/30/1954 #10066 UD, FR Several observer(s). Silver football hovers still by Belledonne peak 10/3/1954 #10629 nesses at an afternoon high school football game. The silver cigar-shaped o 10/22/1954 #11324 THERS Separate observer(s). Orange football saucer goes up and down. Blinks 10/28/1954 #11458 n Thoury, Allier, France an orange football shaped object bounced up and do 10/28/1954 #11469 ITE SANDS RANGE, NM Small metallic football follows missile test up / close 9/1955 (approximate) #12421 N7 NEAR LA TURBIE, FR Football ovoid hovers low / rocky hill. 6/1956 #12876 ulars and more/others. Red-glowing football maneuvers. / r140#3p24. 7/11/1956 #12963 CO 2 separate observer(s). "Dented football" glows. Swings. Blows steam. Sh 8/8/1956 #13057 , JPN 3 teens. Round silent silver football hovers / railroad/railway stati 12/10/1956 #13395 teenagers sighted a round, silver football that hovered silently over a Ra 12/10/1956 #13397 Going [to] away slow. Sparks exit. Football appears. 7/19/1957 #13812 “The object was shaped like a huge football and had bright white lights. No 11/2/1957 #14194 ANDOVER, HAMPS Several / football game. 6 dark grey cloud disks s 11/2/1957 #14196 ELIZABETH CITY, NC Red football cylinder/cigar-shape going [to] 12/28/1957 #14765 MONTEVIDEO, URUG Yellow-white football wobbles and maneuvers by TV tow 10/12/1958 #15338 s). Silver orange disk hovers over football game. Going [to] through clouds 10/18/1958 #15353 T, IL Minister and several. Golden football hovers / 8-10 minute(s) and goe 10/9/1960 #16482 pherical object to an ellipsoidal, football shape, and then became covered 2/19/1962 #17053 ped like a circle from below and a football from the side (NICAP: 01 - Dist 10/23/1963 #18002 ike a circle from below and like a football from the side, hovered low over 10/23/1963 #18003 NG ESTATE, KENT Glowing-ovoid over football field. 3 60cm footprint and cru 11/21/1963 #18054 RIVERSIDE, CA Newsboy. 30M football hovers / 135M altitude. 180° tu 1/14/1965 #18724 a at 5:30 a.m. saw a 30 meter long football shaped UFO making a whining noi 1/14/1965 #18731 Bedford, VA Square Object Size of Football Field (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 1/25/1965 #18764 TUCSON, AZ Newsboys. Silver football hovers near Kolb Road / 30 minu 7/12/1965 #19093 Carnarvan, W. Aus Squashed Football Hovers Over Road (NICAP: 04 - A 7/27/1965 #19190 ndiana saw a 40-foot-long luminous football shaped object surrounded by mis 3/19/1966 #19995 ight in a nearby field. Four domed football shaped objects maneuvered aroun 4/8/1966 #20277 t and in the “shape of a half of a football.” He hears on his radio that a 4/17/1966 #20318 a 40-foot diameter glowing disc or football shaped object from Ravenna, Ohi 4/17/1966 #20319 w a metallic oval-shaped object or football with a tail appendage come down 10/10/1966 #20983 M MILDURA, AUS 7 / car. Dark domed football / 30M altitude. Going [to] 400k 3/10/1967 #21846 ke holes, similar to those made by football cleats. They are about 6 inches 4/21/1967 #22194 e white oval light the length of a football field). The object(s) stopped ( 7/14/1967 #22657 e notices an object in an adjacent football field. It is shaped like a mush 9/14/1967 #23060 verhead a red object the size of a football field. With a whining noise it 10/10/1967 #23205 LE AND LA GRANGE, GA Cops chase 8M football / 12km. Chases back! / r109p170 10/13/1967 #23230 RIBNER, NE 3 boys hunting. Glowing football ovoid going quickly [to] over M 11/19/1967 #23480 Romania 6:50 p.m. Spectators at a football match in Tismana, Romania, see 3/29/1968 #23871 bject, humming sound, 5 mins. Dark football shaped object hovered 200 ft. o 8/1968 #24282 bject, humming sound, 5 mins. Dark football shaped object hovered 200 ft. o 8/1968 #24283 HL 3 observer(s). Luminous/glowing football lands 3M from truck stuck / mud 3/18/1969 (approximate) #25022 ts, where some youths were playing football. The floodlights formed a kind 4/25/1969 #25091 have seen anything. The object was football shaped, the top was transparent 4/25/1969 #25091 FROM ROMAN, ROMANIA 3 observer(s). Football size object goes going north. 9 6/1/1969 #25186 EAST / CLUJ, ROMANIA Football size UFO. Red and yellow. Flies 7/3/1969 #25247 GNE, FR Amateur astronomers. White football going north. Stops. 3 portholes 5/13/1970 #25660 le walking home from a high school football game, Frank Scassellati (16) ob 9/1970 #25821 le walking home from a high school football game in Jessup, Pennsylvania, F 9/1970 #25822 returning home from a high school football game at ten o’clock at night wh 9/25/1970 #25852 ed field where youths were playing football. The field lights formed a king 4/24/1971 #26081 ave seen anything. The object was "football shaped," the interior light bei 4/24/1971 #26081 MIDDLETOWN, OH News editor. Football ovoid going down [to] low. Vani 11/4/1971 #26454 IL 5:30 a.m. "It was shaped like a football and had a rim around it." Descr 8/11/1972 #26895 in which they had arrived: it was football shaped, the size of an automobi 9/22/1972 #27026 QBC 3 hunters. Motor noise. Silver football saucers going up and down [to] 9/23/1972 #27027 CHILLICOTHE, OH Silent 30M football hovers 30M over trailer park / 1/14/1973 #27233 ough the windshield he could see a football shaped object that flashed from 5/12/1973 #27481 minated object shaped like a "flat football" near Fairfield Airport about 1 7/6/1973 #27615 R-LOT, FR 2 observer(s). Brilliant football going down [to] and going up / 8/3/1973 #27675 MAN, GA Airline(s)/airliner pilot. Football object hovers. Shoots into clou 9/5/1973 #27764 NAH, GA Several observer(s). Shiny football hits trees. Hovers / Lake Mayer 9/11/1973 #27799 / KERMIT, WV 1+kids. Grey metallic football by US52. 6 portholes glow. Peac 10/1/1973? #27908 DENTSVILLE AND OWEN FIELD, SC Football object seen. Possible landing / 10/12/1973 #28013 SPALDING CO, GA 18M gold football hovers low near quarry. Quickly 10/17/1973 #28105 s)! Domed disk going [to] over LSU football game. / BUFORA-J v4#3p13. 10/21/1973 #28223 TOWANDA, PA 2 observer(s). Football shaped object going [to] over d 10/28/1973 #28307 -metal gray and the size of half a football field. It silently moves over t 1974 #28632 ORTHWEST / BELLAC, FR 2 kids. Huge football going down [to] low. Night ligh 2/3/1974 (approximate) #28727 EYKE, SUFFOLK Near Bentwaters. Football UFO beams light / ground. Obser 3/1974 #28826 out into the center of her school football field in Lewisburg, Tennessee i 3/20/1974 #28916 e. It covers an area the size of a football field, but he cannot see a beam Summer 1974 #29218 An ovoid-shaped UFO hovered over a football field. Only 10 meters above the 1/28/1975 #29771 an ovoid-shaped UFO hovered over a football field in Dolianova, Italy. Only 1/28/1975 #29773 y cylindrical object, "as big as a football field." They were then envelope 10/27/1975 #30489 object shaped like a stretched-out football hovering in mid-air. It turns o 10/28/1975 #30503 rd Creek at Augusta, MT 12:00 a.m. Football shaped UFO. (NIDS UFO 42) (NICA 10/30/1975 #30519 N Glowing-sphere/orb/globe lands / football field. Flies. High-radiation / 11/2/1975 #30538 iewing a brightly glowing, orange, football field-sized disc that illuminat 11/7/1975 #30576 MARLE, FR 3 / car. 15M football hovers / 800M altitude. Then up 1/1/1976 #30752 d by a UFO shaped like a flattened football with a dark equator in Plantati 1/13/1977 #31720 ol in Pembroke, Wales, are playing football when they see a silvery cigar-s 2/4/1977 #31790 when "the whole area lit up like a football field light was turned on, and 3/5/1977 #31860 when "the whole area lit up like a football field light was turned on, and 3/5/1977 #31861 wer towers. It was the length of a football field, and 50-75 yards wide. 5/17/1977 #32108 ribe as a domed disc the size of a football field. The police alert the Cen 4/29/1978 #33179 N, PA 1 / car. 20' silent metallic football 60' over US19. Pointed ends sag 8/16/1979 #34745 luminous object that looks like a football. It appears to be 60 feet up as 8/16/1979 #34747 ENGERDAL, NORWAY Dark football ovoid going [to] WNW slow / 150 12/3/1979 (approximate) #35043 disc- shaped object the size of a football field hovering above a patch of 5/1980 #35298 eet away. It looks like a metallic football no larger than 3 feet in size. 9/4/1980 #35494 object was shaped somewhat like a football with rounded ends, made no nois 6/28/1981 #35980 She estimates it is as large as a football field. The object moves away no Mid 2/1982 #36347 ening a UFO shaped like a vertical football with three tube-like appendages 3/21/1982 #36403 p.m. a UFO shaped like a vertical football with three tube-like appendages 3/21/1982 #36405 ed a class of schoolchildren and a football team. (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 2/19/1983 #36766 A class of school children, a football team, and police officers Mike 2/19/1983 #36767 describing an object as large as a football field. William Hele, a meteorol 3/24/1983 #36807 ribed the object as looking like a football turned up on end, metallic-grey 1/9/1984 #37119 ge triangular object the size of a football field hovering 100 feet above t 4/25/1984 #37294 object is shaped like a flattened football. A car stops along the road, an 5/5/1984 #37316 t was reported to be larger than a football field, and it followed a car be 5/31/1984 #37345 t was reported to be larger than a football field, and it followed a car be 5/31/1984 #37349 slow-moving object “as large as a football field.” It directs intense beam 7/19/1984 #37404 d a solid body the length of three football fields. As it passes over the U 7/24/1984 #37412 lice report it the length of three football fields and shaped like a cone. 7/24/1984 #37416 htened. Then a craft shaped like a football and the size of two large buses 5/9/1985 #37589 un” about two-thirds the size of a football field a few miles to the northw 7/1985 #37613 IL 3 observer(s). White wingless "football" hovers. Going south. 180-turn 12/7/1985 #37732 giant Ferris wheel” the size of a football field. It makes a humming sound 3/26/1986 #37811 bserver(s). Bright orange vertical football flutters going down / 2' altitu 9/8/1986 #38021 solid. They estimate it is several football fields in length. On October 6, 9/22/1987 #38291 YORKS "Cross shaped" object size / football field. Grey and black stripes. 3/10/1988 #38495 been in attendance and have seen a football, diamond-shaped craft covered i 11/12/1988 #38714 the outside “I could have thrown a football as hard as I could and not hit 1/1989 #38772 bama, sees an object the size of a football field hovering above his chicke 3/12/1989 #38871 e on a single object the size of a football stadium. Col. Dan Aloanei is fl Late 3/1989 #38880 ang or V-shaped object as big as a football field near a golf course in Tru 5/4/1989 #38936 CORMERAY, FR 1+kids / car. Red football surrounded / orange waves. Flas 11/24/1990 #39902 reddish-yellow light the size of a football, at a height of about 2.5 m. Te 12/31/1990 #39931 d saw a glowing ball the size of a football. After five seconds it flew sil 4/17/1993 #40940 r(s). Yellow rectangle. Also amber football over Pavillion later. 9/6/1994 #41716 HAMILTON, IN Domed ovoid size / football field. 60m altitude. Videos tak 10/12/1994 #41802 AUBIGNY-SUR-NERE, FR 1 observer. Football object seen twice. Follows D30 1/11/1995 #41967 igantic object about the size of a football stadium. It is pyramidal in sha 10/5/1996 #43057 that it may be the size of several football stadiums. The sightings princip 12/11/1996 #43137 bserver. Garden lit up. Silent red football with orange halo going west alo 1/1/1997 #43160 ses say it is the size of multiple football fields and up to one mile long. 3/13/1997 #43229 SHEARSTOWN, NFLD 2 / car. 6M football saucer. Blue and red lights fla 8/16/1997 #43385 te cylinder/cigar-shape stops over football stadium / 10 minute(s). Going q 4/21/1998 #43553 Goias, Brazil a UFO the size of a football field landed in the city. Jet i 6/12/1999 #43785 burnt areas, about the size of two football fields. In places the sand had 7/17/1999 #43806 A football field sized object with lights 7/7/2000 #44011 s seen on the grounds of the local football field in Quedas do Iguacu, Para 7/29/2001 #44213 , perhaps the size of a university football field. She drives directly unde 3/15/2002 #44324 m. It appeared to be the size of a football field, and it was moving slowly 2/12/2008 #45119
(Michigan) College students see a football- shaped object with red, green, 3/21/1966 #20021
FR 2 observer(s). Luminous/glowing football-disk. Circles 12X-1X / 30 secon 5/30/1992 #40475
At 11:00 p.m. a football-field sized purple oval or ciga 9/3/1965 #19517 th toxic wastes, emptied them into football-field size trenches, doused the 1980's #35108 ove the treetops. It appears to be football-field sized and is hovering abo 11/8/2021 #45720
MCDONALD CO, MO 10m football-object hums over tree 100m away 8/27/1993 #41164
LONDON, OH Football-shape going east / very low alt 10/16/1973 #28067
OWs on the ground watched a white, football-shaped object following a bombe 1/22/1945 #1762 SHOUNS, TN 2 observer(s). Football-shaped object flips end over en 9/6/1947 #3388 ee, Georgia briefly saw a luminous football-shaped UFO that glowed, bobbed, 7/26/1948 #3744 47 transport saw a 30-60 ft silver football-shaped object flying in straigh 1/6/1950 #4474 they sighted a silverly metallic, football-shaped object flying on a strai 1/6/1950 #4475 alifornia sighted a shiny metallic football-shaped object in the sky at 10: 12/7/1951 #5813 Goose Bay AFB, Labrador, CAN Football-shaped light metal colored obje 5/4/1953 #8860 abrador 1:50 a.m. A witness sees a football-shaped, metallic object caught 5/4/1953 #8861 Hellwig was driving when he saw a football-shaped machine, the size of a V 3/1954 #9577 Miami, Florida. Outside, he sees a football-shaped object 20 inches long an 2/28/1958 #14898 hed in amazement as a glowing red, football-shaped UFO came directly at the 12/20/1958 #15490 Three crocodile hunters saw a huge football-shaped object 100 meters away f 5/17/1959 #15734 ual sighting of two brown-colored, football-shaped objects that are flying 5/15/1964 #18270 f newspaper boys sighted a silver, football-shaped object near Kolb Road in 7/12/1965 #19098 er five feet tall. At this point a football-shaped UFO landed on the road a 8/16/1965 #19410 ously, he sees a metallic-looking, football-shaped UFO about 50 feet long a 8/19/1965 #19427 llsdale, MI College students saw a football-shaped object with red-green-wh 3/21/1966 #20018 see a star-like object that looks football-shaped through binoculars. It m 4/1/1966? #20202 Minot (15 miles south of), ND Football-shaped object that was white wi 8/16/1966 #20754 ed of a reddish, glowing cigar- or football-shaped object either hovering o 2/10/1967 #21503 Grand Rapids, MI 4 fluorescent, football-shaped objects (NICAP: 01 - Dis 2/12/1967 #21517 r. Lou Atkinson. Four fluorescent, football-shaped objects, a dull, almost 2/12/1967 #21522 s it sailed slowly south. A bright football-shaped light appeared several m 8/2/1967 #22778 ld some 900–1,200 feet away. It is football-shaped and silvery. He approach 8/27/1967 #22940 e to his windshield. He then saw a football-shaped object about 30 feet in 10/31/1967 #23375 an sees three dull metallic, gray, football-shaped UFOs at an altitude of 2 9/18/1968 #24478 In 1969 a luminous, football-shaped flying object landed 3 m 3/18/1969 #25026 sighted a glowing yellowish-white football-shaped object resting on a near 10/24/1970 #25886 ad north of Pittsburgh, observed a football-shaped object resting on the gr 4/18/1971 #26077 ening by itself and a 2-foot-long, football-shaped, metallic, luminous obje 6/22/1972 #26726 Elgin, IL 5:30 a.m. Orange "football-shaped" object hovered over the 8/11/1972 #26896 ss named Allen saw a 30 meter long football-shaped object hovering 30 meter 1/14/1973 #27236 A brightly lit football-shaped object ascended into the 8/3/1973 #27676 und to bait his hook, saw a domed, football-shaped object descend until it 10/11/1973 #28005 0 feet in altitude. It now appears football-shaped and 100 feet long. He wa 11/6/1973 #28375 ld. There she saw a 100-foot long, football-shaped UFO on the ground. In an 5/5/1974 #29086 nce, age 10, witnessed an ovoid or football-shaped object that descended wi 5/20/1974 #29121 ., a family sees a large, glowing, football-shaped disc moving across Albuq 5/28/1974 #29142 orange mass compresses itself from football-shaped to basketball-shaped ove 2/10/1975 #29800 a close encounter with a dark gray football-shaped UFO. The object was desc 7/28/1975 #30211 a close encounter with a dark gray football-shaped UFO. The object was desc 7/28/1975 #30212 ow he and fellow airmen had seen a football-shaped reddish orange object, t 10/27/1975 #30477 witnesses watched a 15-meter long football-shaped object hover 800 meters 1/1/1976 #30753 witnesses watched a 15-meter long football-shaped object hover 800 meters 1/1/1976 #30754 n Western Australia, sees a white, football-shaped object, glowing and puls 12/16/1976 #31608 iver and his passenger saw a white football-shaped object in the sky in Lei 5/21/1977 #32122 et 5 inches tall. They are wearing football-shaped helmets with a wide band 9/15/1977 #32484 es were about four feet tall, with football-shaped heads or helmets and a t 9/15/1977 #32485 At 10:45 a.m. a large, football-shaped object with a brilliant 9/5/1979 #34840 nnecticut, when they see a bright, football-shaped “cloud” hovering low ove 12/4/1979 #35051 At 1:15 p.m. a three foot long, football-shaped UFO was seen by two men, 8/28/1980 #35481 lore on foot. He soon saw a bright football-shaped light that appeared to d 9/11/1981 #36110 Piemonte, Italy A man saw a bright football-shaped light that appeared to d 9/12/1981 #36111 lore on foot. He soon saw a bright football-shaped light that appeared to d 9/12/1981 #36112 he presence of a metallic ovoid or football-shaped UFO flying overhead at 2 5/5/1984 #37319 in Staunton, Virginia. The UFO was football-shaped, about the size of a car 6/4/1984 #37351 in Staunton, Virginia. The UFO was football-shaped, about the size of a car 6/4/1984 #37352 eared." Later that same evening, a football-shaped object with a white ligh 3/1/1988 #38479 nvestigate. A huge, metallic-gray, football-shaped object like a blimp is s 3/4/1988 #38487 a man observed a blue, teardrop or football-shaped light pass low and fast 11/3/1989 #39213 r in Comeray, France sighted a red football-shaped object surrounded by an 11/24/1990 #39906 At 4:45 p.m. 30-foot long football-shaped object flew over a tree 8/27/1993 #41165 t Road when she sees an elongated, football-shaped object clearly visible j 10/31/2000 #44068 At 12:30 a.m. a black oval or football-shaped object rocked from side 4/17/2002 #44332 Two football-shaped solid yellow lights pass 3/5/2005 #44819 , Barragan, and Zarate witnessed a football-shaped object through binocular 12/31/2006 #44992
TRIPOLI, LIBYA 2 / England. Fiery football-size object out over sea going 9/22/1952 #8000
orange glows; short stubby wings; football-sized¬; looking like large oran 4/26/1944 #1592
cks. Under their arms they carried football-style crash helmets. Because it 8/18/1953 #9081
ST. MICHAEL, AK 2 observer(s). Football-UFO over Norton sound. Lands. D 8/17/1972 #26924
le, Georgia, watch “brown or black footballs” traveling southeast to west, 10/12/1959 #16030 BOULDER, CO 1 / college. 6 white footballs going north in formation. Odd 2/11/1965 #18805 e sound, and saw "four things like footballs with domes on them." They drov 4/7/1966 #20271 TEINBACH, MB 2 observer(s). 3 grey footballs pass. Angel hair falls. Disint 9/18/1968 #24477 PERU, IL Pilot. 4 50x30cm glowing footballs pace wingtips / 2500M altitude 6/17/1969 #25218 N, OH 50+observer(s). 4 "flattened footballs" chased / jets. Thousands / ob 10/14/1973 #28025 Ohio at 7:30 p.m. four "flattened footballs" were chased through the skies 10/14/1973 #28032 , Washington observed four glowing footballs, which they estimated were twe 6/3/1989 #38975
As they were crossing a brook by a footbridge a strange figure came out fro 5/15/1973 #27492
N. Robinson Jr. and Airman Ray H. Foote, plus 5 other controllers, officer 6/23/1952 #6607
cks behind resembling those of the footgear worn by skin divers. 3/28/1959 #15677 ent up to their short necks. Their footgear resembled pointy sandals, simil 8/14/1999 #43822
nd is clearly outlined against the foothills. It seems to be several times 1941 #1352 EC, CA 2 pilots. 35' ovoid rises / foothills / terrific rate. Going quickly 9/5/1949 #4345 pews sparks. Sphere/orb/globe over foothills. 15 July saucer hovers over al 7/13/1953 #8995 linder/cigar-shape-saucer hovers / foothills. Puffs smoke. Enters Sole clou 11/22/1955 #12583 9 near Proberta, California Sierra foothills 5:45 a.m. Larry Jensen is driv 12/1959 #16107 at a shallow angle over the Sierra foothills. It vanishes within 10 seconds 12/1959 #16107 0 miles southeast of Havana at the foothills of the Escambray Mountains in 1/28/1961 #16590 Copper Avenue Kirtland AFB Sandia foothills Day. A resident of Albuquerque 5/28/1974 #29142 ross Albuquerque toward the Sandia foothills. They jump in their car and tr 5/28/1974 #29142 h speed to the west, it lit up the foothills, then it rushed back over the 9/10/1976 #31373 ving his truck along a road in the foothills of Mount Rainier, Washington S 4/19/1993 #40944 rre Warren North, in the Dandenong Foothills of Victoria, Australia, and ar 8/8/1993 #41117 f Corona, NM 20’ in craft in the foothills of the Capitan Mountains 50 mi 3/26/2011 #45320 As the three objects approach the foothills of nearby Picacho Peak, they s 11/6/2018 #45543
2.5 meters wide and had set metal footings with a transparent screen. The 2/5/1978 #32957
b through a private company called Footnote.com (now called Fold3), totalin 2007 #44994
escopic legs with curved dish-like footpads, although they were uncertain a 8/26/1965 #19466
server. Small glowing-ovoid blocks footpath. 'Smart and determined'. 8/1937 (approximate) #1275 nds are riding their bicycles on a footpath adjacent to the Grand Central P Summer 1944 #1610 ly left disappearing down a nearby footpath. They seemed to have no obvious 1/29/1968 #23708 n was walking with her son along a footpath in a wooded area in Montreal, Q 9/22/1969 #25375 Four witnesses were walking up a footpath on Highdown Hill in Sussex, Eng 7/12/1975 #30174 g the way. While walking along the footpath, at around 7:55 p.m., she was m 8/3/1977 #32356 Walking on a footpath in Port Pirie, South Australia 7/31/1992 #40541
, although it did have rectangular footplates. The grass was crushed over a 11/8/1976 #31532
-ovoid over football field. 3 60cm footprint and crushed vegetation. 11/21/1963 #18054 silica. An impression like a large footprint is also found. Aleixo subjects 9/14/1967 #23060 noids (or Greys) / roadside. Small footprint / 4 toes. Ovoid quickly going 10/21/1967 #23277 y large ears. The next day a small footprint showing four toes was found in 10/21/1967 #23279 ll they find is a small, four-toes footprint in the muddy bottom of a creek 10/21/1967 #23282 tfield. Dirt sucked up and gone. 1 footprint. No UFO seen. 4/24/1971 #26080
he morning they find three sets of footprint-like traces outside. They look 1981 #35763
A massive "footprint-shaped" or peanut-shaped UFO w 1/23/1988 #38431
CHESTERFIELD, DERBYSHIRE Massive "footprint-UFO". Many tinted-glass portho 1/23/1988 #38430
. In the mud, Chamberlain finds 14 footprints, each 2 feet long, 6 inches w 4/13/1897 #454 th a rushing sound. Fourteen giant footprints, two feet long by six inches 4/13/1897 #456 to the site later find traces and footprints. Summer 1907 #695 ct crashes / Fager Mountains. Only footprints and traces found. FSRv17#4. 2/5/1934 #1203 in length, as well as two sets of footprints. 2/5/1934 #1204 ts / ends. Circular burnt area and footprints found. 10/1942 #1450 ng site a circular burned area and footprints were found. (Ref. 3; Bougard, 10/1942 #1451 cm small humanoid (or Grey) exits. Footprints. / r180p08. 8/6/1952 #7475 und, and goes off “like a rocket.” Footprints and four holes 2 inches deep, 7/1/1953 #8982 nt off "like a rocket." There were footprints left behind at the site and f 7/1/1953 #8983 ound and went off "like a rocket." Footprints and four holes 5 cm deep form 7/2/1953 #8986 ylinder/cigar-shape and takes off. Footprints. 9/2/1954 #10231 riff Floyd Hadley find pear-shaped footprints, wide at the toes and taperin 9/2/1954 #10232 te were found numerous pear-shaped footprints 2 inches wide x 4.5 inches in 9/2/1954 #10233 ds / field near woods. 16cm webbed footprints found. 9/30/1954 #10504 that may have assisted his ascent. Footprints were found at the site. 10/4/1954 #10703 er the lake at a high speed. Small footprints were later found at the site. 10/18/1954 #11223 Police reportedly found mysterious footprints at the site. 10/19/1954 #11252 Lands. Headlight and 4 fins. 12cm footprints and metallic physical traces. 12/7/1954 #11766 ite and takes plaster casts of the footprints, which he sends to the Agrono 9/1957 #13966 e or fog, pulsating slowly. Holes, footprints and radioactivity were found 11/6/1957 #14417 ix inches in diameter, and unusual footprints that come from nowhere and go 11/6/1957 #14430 or fog and pulsated slowly. Holes, footprints and radioactivity were later 11/6/1957 #14441 gn of anyone on board. No marks or footprints are seen. A 100-foot wide, cl 1961 #16550 m. There were landing imprints and footprints at the site. 7/18/1963 #17839 nutes, with ground traces from the footprints left behind. 8/28/1963 #17924 s similar to ultraviolet exposure. Footprints of large dimension were found 10/12/1963 #17986 y. The next day, police find large footprints near the abandoned truck. 10/12/1963 #17987 g ultraviolet exposure. Very large footprints were found at the site. "A tr 10/12/1963 #17988 to report strange lights and giant footprints in the woods. 11/16/1963 #18045 attened bracken, and two-foot long footprints. 11/16/1963 #18046 humanoid (or Grey) unintelligible. Footprints. / LDLN#70. 12/25/1963 #18093 unds he could not understand, left footprints on the sand, and went back to 12/25/1963 #18094 unds he could not understand, left footprints in the sand, and then went ba 12/25/1963 #18095 y one-piece garments, and leave no footprints. Police officers conduct a se 1/26/1965 #18769 easily outran the teens leaving no footprints in the muddy ground. The grou 1/26/1965 #18770 e later found landing imprints and footprints at the landing site. 2/14/1965 #18814 ting, and leaving indentations and footprints in the ground. The case is in 3/2/1965 #18832 d at the site many dumbbell-shaped footprints, and four roughly equidistant 3/2/1965 #18833 r. He reaches the spot but sees no footprints. About 40 feet south of the t 8/11/1965? #19367 bservation lasted several minutes. Footprints later were found at the site. 11/17/1966 #21115 observation lasts several minutes. Footprints are found at the site. 11/17/1966 #21117 A local councilman found numerous footprints at the site where the little 11/17/1966 #21119 eared into thin air. It left round footprints on the snow. 1/15/1967 #21312 rked and circled around the craft. Footprints of the humanoids reportedly w 3/1967 #21695 later zipped off out of sight. No footprints or landing imprints were foun 3/1/1967 #21715 ost to the point of hysteria." Two footprints of an unidentifiable shape we 3/12/1967 #21874 other witnesses described strange footprints found at the site and apparen 3/26/1967 #21994 found numerous nearly rectangular footprints, some of them 9.75 inches lon 3/26/1967 #21998 s (or Greys) confer. Marks / wall. Footprints. / r50. 7/1967 #22583 Musical speech. Broken plants and footprints. / r30. 7/17/1967 #22671 eters in diameter, and three small footprints were found at the site. Sever 7/17/1967 #22684 vestigators found scrape marks and footprints (physical traces) at the site 8/6/1967 #22825 f a rust-like substance, and small footprints in this "rust" on the pavemen 8/6/1967 #22832 f a rust-like substance, and small footprints in this "rust" on the pavemen 8/7/1967 #22840 3M jerky small humanoid (or Grey). Footprints. / APRO 9'67+/ r8+/ r180. 8/23/1967 #22893 g was and find some odd three-toed footprints about 6 inches long. 8/23/1967 #22905 d outside the house were deep, odd footprints, 6 inches long and with three 8/23/1967 #22908 ulch. Oil still drips. No driver / footprints. Saucer all about. 9/1/1967 #22976 in the field and finds child-like footprints in the moist soil, 7 inches l 10/22/1967 #23290 two legs—was sighted. It left deep footprints in the soil. 12/3/1967 #23548 mall humanoids (or Greys) / woods. Footprints. Holes dug. / MJ#240. 4/28/1968 #23927 lphur-like odor in the area. Small footprints were also found. Mrs. Gilaber 7/15/1968 #24179 ager and his wife find high-heeled footprints on the freshly waxed floor ne 8/25/1968 #24376 thes enters 16' saucer. Portholes. Footprints found. 8/31/1968 (approximate) #24404 tomato / ground. RADAR. Traces and footprints / dirt. 10/11/1968 #24556 memory lapse at this point. Cloven footprints were found at the site where 10/15/1968 #24563 d ran down the road at high speed. Footprints were found that showed only f 5/19/1969 #25148 me 40 feet from the house. It left footprints "like a calf's." Then a small 6/4/1970 #25690 ound again as the object took off. Footprints were found in the area, and f 8/16/1970 #25791 After finding huge mysterious footprints on their property in Vader, W 12/7/1970 #25934 eared into thin air. It left round footprints in the snow. 1/15/1971 #25989 re 6.5 feet on each side. Circular footprints left by the entity are clearl 2/5/1971 #26014 . Four landing leg marks and small footprints were left behind in the snow. 2/5/1971 #26015 eshly broken off. In the snow were footprints like those of "shoes without 3/5/1971 #26044 hospital for scratches and shock. Footprints were discovered on Ford's pro 5/2/1971 #26097 x12x10'BOX / oilfield. Gone later. Footprints going up / steep ledge! 9/23/1971 #26367 When they investigated, they found footprints that descended a steep ledge. 9/23/1971 #26369 he encounter site two rectangular "footprints" 8 inches x 16 inches were fo 9/27/1972 #27035 like a donut. Next to it were the footprints of two small bipeds, a few ya 2/26/1973 #27318 e aliens remained aside from their footprints, which were much larger than 10/20/1973 #28222 ater investigation many triangular footprints four to five inches long, sho 10/29/1973 #28319 Gordon finds a trail of three-toed footprints—11 inches long and 5 inches w 11/3/1973 #28361 sex organs. The lack of blood and footprints is also puzzling. Sheriffs fr 12/1973 #28494 er hovers. Shoots over road. Small footprints and landing traces. 12/30/1973 #28615 igar-shape lands / end! Traces and footprints. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) 12/31/1973 #28618 , who found ground marks and small footprints. At five a.m. CST another cig 12/31/1973 #28623 t immediately disappeared. It left footprints of feet wearing boots. Later 4/11/1974 #29004 n the next day. Ground traces and "footprints" were found in the vicinity o 3/31/1975 #29927 ned and stones are blackened. Some footprints are noted. Seven mushrooms ne 4/20/1975 #29998 . There were also large three-toed footprints, fourteen inches long and spa 5/4/1975 #30033 ht lights going down / woods. Huge footprints found later. Traces. 5/18/1975 #30062 and at around 10:00 p.m. Some huge footprints were found in the area later, 5/18/1975 #30063 . Although they could not find any footprints or other ground marks in the 8/8/1975 #30244 od: whirring noises, UFOs, strange footprints in the snow, hairy bigfoot-li Fall 1975 #30379 had been muddy at the time but no footprints were found anywhere near the 8/5/1976 #31233 and orange and then took off.” The footprints of the man were measured to b 8/16/1976 #31273 owed, the witness photographed the footprints of Treena and Sunar in the di 8/23/1976 #31294 he ground." It vanished leaving no footprints. 9/5/1976 #31345 y found a set of 30 small circular footprints leading from a puddle along t 10/15/1976 #31465 the snow. He also finds four small footprints only 6.5 inches long. 1/6/1977 #31706 building, were four small, narrow footprints only 6.5 incheslong. 1/6/1977 #31707 mall humanoids (or Greys) outside. Footprints. 4/6/1977 #31951 ent tracks and what appeared to be footprints were found. 4/6/1977 #31953 hat day, flying seaward, and large footprints were found in the grass at th 5/15/1977 #32096 two days. The witnesses find three footprints in the powdery dust of their 7/23/1977 #32305 eadaches that lasted for two days. Footprints were found in the area. 7/23/1977 #32306 Greys) grab dog. Farmer shoots 1. Footprints. / International UFO Reporter 12/2/1977 #32724 they would return for retribution. Footprints were found at the site. The i 12/2/1977 #32727 back into the light. No traces or footprints could be found. 2/13/1978 #32970 d. Dropped from the air. Odd round footprints stop Midfield.. 4/24/1978 #33161 the site. His sons claim there are footprints left behind by the beings, th 5/10/1978 #33196 me villagers and finds rectangular footprints in the muddy road bank. 5/17/1978 #33224 the Bigfoot-like creature. It left footprints 14" long and 9" wide. A Sheri 7/29/1978 #33451 nd 9" wide. A Sheriff measured the footprints left behind. 7/29/1978 #33451 ee forest workers find 7-inch oval footprints about one mile from the site. 10/2/1978 #33790 rightened and left the area. Large footprints were found at the site. 11/24/1978 #33996 ad been fired six times, and giant footprints were found at the site. Under 12/28/1978 #34220 pink smoke. Four non-human looking footprints were found at the site. 10/4/1979 #34942 across, the men vanish, leaving no footprints behind. During the entire tim 10/2/1981 #36154 left they vanished without leaving footprints on the ground. 10/5/1981 #36159 en. UFO lands. Door slams! Voices. Footprints. 9/23/1984 #37463 rd to slam, and voices were heard. Footprints were found on the bank of the 9/23/1984 #37467 a shotgun and finds some hoof-like footprints and holes left by the strange 10/8/1984 #37480 he craft and it took off and left. Footprints were found at the site. 6/3/1986 #37904 gnetic effect (EME). Deep circular footprints found.. 9/4/1986 #38012 with his family and found several footprints in the snow and a dead bull w 3/7/1987 #38134 uddenly vanished into thin air. No footprints or other traces were found on 9/8/1987 #38280 ver / field. Melted snow and small footprints found. 1/4/1988 #38392 r two hours. Melted snow and small footprints were later found in the field 1/4/1988 #38404 the scene and find skid marks and footprints. In the afternoon, the family 1/20/1988 #38422 itting a loud banging sound. Large footprints were found later at the site 6/29/1989 #38996 oid ape. A local hunter discovered footprints and deduced the animal had a 8/10/1989 #39051 t over the Laguna Cartagena. Small footprints were found in the area. 8/31/1990 #39708 rhead. Odd symbols / bottom. Small footprints found. 10/14/1991 #40211 ed. In the garden, they found huge footprints, 16 inches in length. After t 5/30/1993 #40997 t slowly moved away. The next day, footprints and strange formations of fla 9/16/1994 #41756 ys) exit and take yams. Traces and footprints. 10/15/1995 #42552 e vacant lot, all they find is two footprints and an awful stench. 1/20/1996 #42695 power lines. Join into 2 saucers. Footprints. 2/18/1996 #42770 e west / pack and antenna. Clicks. Footprints. / r98#30. 3/6/1996 #42803 3 small humanoids (or Greys) exit! Footprints.. 3/6/1996 #42808 dered near the school. Small round footprints were reportedly left behind b 3/6/1996 #42810 Three humanoids exited the craft. Footprints were found at the landing sit 3/6/1996 #42812 s until dawn. The next day strange footprints were found at the spot where 3/7/1996 #42815 portholes hovers / ground. Size-9 footprints. 4/16/1997 #43262 vered near the ground at 6:45 p.m. Footprints were later found at the site, 4/16/1997 #43263 estigators found ground traces and footprints. 10/24/1998 #43669 the object shot up. Several small footprints were found at the site. 5/23/1999 #43773 . The men again failed to find any footprints or traces. Soon, they rejoine 4/12/2008 #45128
FOOTSCRAY, VCT, AUS 3 observer(s). Sauce 1/3/1954 #9439
heads from left to right with each footstep. They were all holding metal ro 9/16/2007 #45059
s dog is barking. He hears hurried footsteps on his right and with his flas 9/10/1954 #10286 helter in the park when they heard footsteps on the roof. Two boys went out 4/7/1966 #20271 nver, Colorado six teenagers heard footsteps on the roof of a park shelter 4/8/1966 #20277 Dark saucer / ground. Sulfur odor. Footsteps heard. / r109p111. 10/5/1966 #20960 sound again, and then heard heavy footsteps crunching through the thick wo 1/15/1967 #21315 ucer flashes near trailer / hours. Footsteps. / r8+/ LDLN#144+/ r109p27. 8/12/1967 #22864 ed to go outside, they heard heavy footsteps around their trailer. At dawn 8/12/1967 #22867 and sand outside. Three times the footsteps are heard going from north to 8/12/1967 #22868 ed to go outside, they heard heavy footsteps around their trailer for the n 8/12/1967 #22869 rd piercing whistling sounds, then footsteps, and saw a jumping creature, 1 8/23/1967 #22902 from the brook and what seem to be footsteps coming toward them. They run t 8/23/1967 #22905 n they heard a whistling sound and footsteps, and finally a little being ju 8/23/1967 #22908 when he heard a humming noise and footsteps in a garage. He met a dwarf, 1 9/4/1967 #22996 when he hears a humming noise and footsteps in a nearby garage. He meets a 9/4/1967 #22997 when he heard a humming noise and footsteps in the garage. He entered the 9/4/1967 #23000 away. Shortly after that he heard footsteps behind him but noticed nothing 5/22/1968 #23980 es. Shortly later they heard heavy footsteps of someone approaching through 8/6/1972 #26882 in a nearby parking lot. She hears footsteps behind her and sees a dark sha 8/9/1972 #26889 he stood there watching, she heard footsteps behind her that sounded like s 8/9/1972 #26890 DULUTH, MN Footsteps / yard. 6M saucer hides / odd 10/7/1973 #27963 at 3 a.m. to hear clearly audible footsteps on the stairs. Two beings appe 12/2/1974 #29630 w of light. As he watched he heard footsteps, and looking around only a few 3/13/1977 #31904 w of light. As he watched he heard footsteps, and looking around only a few 3/13/1977 #31906 rise into the air. They next hear footsteps from Morgan Creek about 300 fe 7/23/1977 #32305 s rose in the air. Then next heard footsteps from the creek, about 100 yard 7/23/1977 #32306 security door, and then hear their footsteps walking down the hall. But thi 4/25/1978 #33171 were going berserk. Later he heard footsteps and his dog attracted him to a 2/13/1981 #35826 went back to bed. Later, he heard footsteps and one of his dogs led him to 2/13/1981 #35827 ganda, Kazakhstan to the sounds of footsteps, then saw a two foot tall crea 1/26/2003 #44480 ncluding a humanoid shape, phantom footsteps, blue orbs, and a wolf-like cr 7/2009 #45229 their tent, but he didn't hear any footsteps. He also looked up and saw the 8/30/2009 #45240
at this point, and he didn’t hear footsteps--just saw a massive amount of 9/16/2007 #45059
covered by the suit, with no other footwear. He did not see the entity emer 3/13/1973 #27343 y, tight-fighting uniforms, yellow footwear, and gloves. The beings spoke a 10/28/1973 #28311 ousers. It was too dark to see any footwear. 1/19/1993 #40802
NM This alleged incident is listed for-the-record only and has been declare 7/1/1947 #2515 have been the town drunk, but here for-the-record is what he reported. This 6/14/1974 #29190
acaline (Reynoutria sachalinensis) forage crop on his property. A roughly c 4/17/1969 #25067
utes. The German shepherd has been foraging for game; when she returns she 10/26/1967 #23334
NAPA VALLEY, CA John Foraythe. Metallic disk going quickly we 7/27/1952 #7189
FORBACH, MOSELLE, FR White trails / sky. 10/27/1952 #8191 te trails appeared in the sky over Forbach, France and some 40 small gray s 10/27/1952 #8204 Forbach, Moselle, France Francis Schaefe 1966 #19797 nçais de Recherches Ufologiques in Forbach, Moselle, France. From 1975 to 1 1966 #19797
nces the Bryant advertisement and “forbade its publication.” At the same ti 2/19/1973 #27298
Muroc Edwards AFB California Forbes AFB Topeka, Kansas A jet-propelle 6/5/1948 #3667 ts, killing its pilot, Maj. Daniel Forbes (for whom Forbes AFB in Topeka, K 6/5/1948 #3667 ilot, Maj. Daniel Forbes (for whom Forbes AFB in Topeka, Kansas, is named), 6/5/1948 #3667 Forbes Field [now Topeka Regional Airpor 7/17/1957 #13808 aissance aircraft is flying out of Forbes Field [now Topeka Regional Airpor 7/17/1957 #13808 ew York (Plattsburg AFB); Kansas, (Forbes AFB and McConnell AFB); Utah (Min 4/18/1962 #17120 Forbes AFB [now Topeka Regional Airport] 10/12/1962 #17468 or yellow meteor is observed over Forbes AFB [now Topeka Regional Airport] 10/12/1962 #17468 Forbes AFB, KS Flat Silver Object Near A 7/22/1965 #19159 FORBES LANDING, BC Globe / light lands / 11/13/1968 #24651 FORBES ROAD, PA 2 observer(s). 150' cyli 6/21/1986 #37919 eady to know this. * https://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelpeck/2014/01/13/ 5/7/2003 #44528
US Science fiction movie “Forbidden Planet” is released 3/3/1956 #12743 R blips going quickly east through forbidden zone / 2Kmph. No visual observ 9/11/1967 #23037
Col. Donald L. Bower forbids Ruppelt from visiting the CIA to 12/9/1952 #8400 USAF Col. Donald L. Bower forbids Capt. Edward J. Ruppelt from vis 12/9/1952 #8401 ng Objects Reporting." Paragraph 9 forbids public release of unexplained si 8/26/1953 #9110 ttee of the Soviet Communist Party forbids all activities of the BVPTS civi 12/1979 #35035
FORCALQUIER, FRANCE Silver cylinder/ciga 11/8/1952 #8252 FORCALQUIER OBSERVER(S), FR Astronomic p 5/3/1957 #13646
. The wind increases to “hurricane force.” 3/19/1887 #279 A special agent force in the Department of Justice, fore 7/26/1908 #716 l George W. Wickersham renames the force the Bureau of Investigation in Mar 7/26/1908 #716 t about 100 feet altitude, but the force knocks him to his knees. After it 9/1929 #1103 from Finland, and the Swedish Air Force undertakes at least two reconnaiss 12/24/1933 #1182 ic Virgin, head of the Swedish Air Force, to help apprehend the ghost flier 12/30/1933 #1188 province, Sweden. The Swedish Air Force loses two aircraft trying to disco 1/9/1934 #1194 ey request assistance from the Air Force to deal with the ghost fliers. Nor 1/10/1934 #1195 lly requests assistance of the Air Force with the ghost fliers. But air sur 2/12/1934 #1205 the northern region and to the Air Force in general. 2/15/1937 #1267 IA Many photographs / Japanese Air Force. Glowing-orbs and ovoids pace and 1941 #1351 under the auspices of the Army Air Force’s 1st Interceptor Command based at 5/1941 #1361 war. In 1983, the US Office of Air Force History attributes the event to a 2/24/1942 #1388 rman Sobinski and another Army Air Force crewman sighted a luminous orange 3/25/1942 #1406 sic domed saucer dives at Army Air Force (AAF) BT13A trainer. Going quickly 4/3/1943 #1490 gside and then dove at an Army Air Force BT13A trainer aircraft. It subsequ 4/5/1943 #1493 The Army Air Force’s Air Tactical Service Command ask 6/1943 #1506 Burbank, California The Army Air Force’s Air Tactical Service Command mee 6/1943 #1507 mbers of the United States 8th Air Force reported that green "rings of flam 11/26/1943 #1543 KUMMERSDORF AIR FORCE BASE, GER Rocket launch. Film show 2/12/1944 #1572 edure, and plans of the German air force.” Among the personalities involved 2/23/1944 #1577 Carlsbad, NM Air Force pilot saw fast-moving UFO speed ou 3/1944 #1583 Carlsbad, New Mexico An Army Air Force pilot flying a B-17 sees a fast-mo 3/1944 #1584 it 10 of the Royal New Zealand Air Force, takes a swim with a friend at Tor 6/1944 #1601 all of light paced a U.S. Army Air Force B-29 bomber over the ocean between 8/10/1944 #1639 ACHMER AIR FORCE BASE?, GER ME252 pilot. 100M cylin 9/29/1944 #1669 oup, 5th Wing of the Fifteenth Air Force) is returning from bombing a targe 11/24/1944 #1705 leary, pilots of the U.S. Army Air Force 415TH NFS, saw a huge orange spher 11/27/1944 #1708 man weapon” and that the Ninth Air Force has reported seeing “many silver b 12/13/1944 #1719 bove enemy territory.” An Army Air Force spokesman says on December 20 that 12/13/1944 #1719 g spheres followed a U.S. Army Air Force warplane from the 415th NFS at 10, 12/22/1944 #1728 Corning First Tactical Air Force Executive Officer Maj. Samuel V. B 1/20/1945 #1759 Japan The records of the 20th Air Force reveal that as early as this date, 4/3/1945 #1836 In the predawn hours a US Army Air Force B-24 bomber flying over Fala Islan 5/3/1945 #1863 The Army Air Force approves a Northrop-recommended ch 6/1/1945 #1872 ons charter signed, goes into full force on 10/24/1945 6/26/1945 #1884 ng, serving with a Free French Air Force detachment as an instructor on P-4 7/1945 #1888 ). 3 white teardrops pace Army Air Force (AAF) C46. / r215p52. 8/28/1945 #1927 wara Islands, Japan Twelve 5th Air Force intelligence specialists flying on 8/28/1945 #1930 ima island onboard a U.S. Army Air Force C-46 shortly after the end of the 8/28/1945 #1931 ork United Nations charter in full force 10/24/1945 #1946 AST / FT LAUDERDALE, FL 6 Army Air Force (AAF) planes disoriented. Frantic 12/5/1945 #1949 this fateful day six U.S. Army Air Force planes, which took off from Fort L 12/5/1945 #1951 NEAR CHERBOURG, FR Air Force C54 transport pilot. Odd meteor go 1/16/1946 #1965 each from the Army, Navy, and Air Force complete the board’s membership. C 7/3/1946 #2025 Royal Swedish Air Force Materiel Administration Air Admini 7/6/1946 #2027 cobsson from the Royal Swedish Air Force Materiel Administration as chairma 7/6/1946 #2027 A twin-engine Saab 18 Swedish Air Force bomber crashes and explodes near V 8/12/1946 #2122 ckholm interview three Swedish Air Force officers assigned to the General S 8/13/1946 #2130 tral Sweden 10:02 a.m. Swedish Air Force pilot Lieut. Gunnar Irholm and his 8/14/1946 #2135 rk. It explodes with extraordinary force. 8/18/1946 #2143 tig Wennerström of the Swedish Air Force, who reveals that radar indicates 8/19/1946 #2144 TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, OK Saucer / 60M altitude. 12 8/25/1946 (approximate) #2158 ntrol problems, until the Army Air Force can fix its propulsion system. 9/11/1946 #2176 the “branches parted like a great force had struck.” He and friends go to 9/11/1946 #2177 illenkoetter, Secretary of the Air Force Stuart Symington, Rear Adm. Earl E 1947 #2219 alifornia Roseville 11:00 p.m. Air Force pilot Edwin T. Yeoman is returning 1947 #2220 ng with Swedish scientists and air force authorities, informs the American 1/20/1947 #2232 ually sent to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base near Dayton, Ohio, and ended 5/31/1947 #2303 ng the stars. According to the Air Force files there were more than fifty r 6/10/1947 #2320 MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, AL 4 observer(s). Night ligh 6/28/1947 #2443 Four US Air Force officers saw a fast moving, bright 6/28/1947 #2451 ver object falls / hills. Army Air Force (AAF) men find stinky odor only. 6/29/1947 #2453 Eighth Air Force Fort Worth, Texas Eighth Air Force 6/30/1947 #2487 Force Fort Worth, Texas Eighth Air Force Brig. Gen. Roger M. Ramey and inte 6/30/1947 #2487 ton, Ohio Around this time the Air Force Research and Development office of 6/30/1947 #2488 US The Air Force began investigating UFO reports se 7/1947 #2493 Southern New Mexico Kirtland Air Force Base near Albuquerque Alamogordo W 7/1/1947 #2524 New Mexico and one at Kirtland Air Force Base near Albuquerque allegedly tr 7/1/1947 #2524 tes that Commander of the Army Air Force Gen. Carl Spaatz has asked Wright 7/3/1947 #2582 Maj. Paul Gaynor says the Army Air Force needs more concrete information. G 7/3/1947 #2582 well-supported incident," the Air Force had no explanation. However, years 7/3/1947 #2587 COLORADO SPRS, CO Air Force pilot. Extremely large disk rises 7/4/1947 #2615 e flying discs. It quotes Army Air Force “experts” saying that the sighting 7/4/1947 #2654 object is quite distinct. The Air Force explains it as a weather balloon. 7/4/1947 #2662 MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA Air Force Sgt. and 2. Silent silver disk 500 7/5/1947 #2688 CA Project Bluebook Case #36. Air Force pilot. Saucer wobbles 3X. Going qu 7/6/1947 #2746 OVER CLAY CENTER, KS Army Air Force (AAF) Major / B-25. Bright silver 7/6/1947 #2752 first and only atomic-bomb strike force in the world, the 509th Bomb Group 7/6/1947 #2812 e airmen flying aboard an Army Air Force B-25 near Clay Center, Kansas saw 7/6/1947 #2818 off toward the west. Both the Air Force and the FBI investigated the case. 7/6/1947 #2829 LOWRY AIR FORCE BASE, CO Several Army Air Force (A 7/7/1947 #2852 IR FORCE BASE, CO Several Army Air Force (AAF) men / (seen thru) binoculars 7/7/1947 #2852 KM NORTH / SHREVEPORT, LA Army Air Force (AAF) Sgt. / plane. Bright moon-si 7/7/1947 #2853 way / 9000kph and more. / Army Air Force (AAF) report. / r160#121. 7/7/1947 #2862 EAST TROY, WI Air Force Captain and 1 / plane. Silver obje 7/7/1947 #2877 NEAR BERGSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, TX Aircrew. 6M glass disk fl 7/7/1947 #2885 with vapor trails over McChord Air Force Base. 7/7/1947 #2916 ts Intelligence branch of Army Air Force Intelligence. It is decided to inv 7/7/1947 #2935 Pennsylvania, writes to the US Air Force to offer his own theory that UFOs 7/7/1947 #2936 j. Marcel reports Roswell Army Air Force captures a downed flying saucer ne 7/8/1947 #2948 HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Sgt. Baker and several. 3 7/8/1947 #2955 ROSWELL, NM Army Air Force (AAF) news release. F.S. recovered 7/8/1947 #2988 Muroc Air Field, California An Air Force major observed a metallic object, 7/8/1947 #3008 field. Blanchard calls Eighth Air Force headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas, 7/8/1947 #3011 B] in southern California, the Air Force’s aircraft testing and development 7/8/1947 #3014 ightings “that really made the Air Force take a deep interest in UFOs.” At 7/8/1947 #3014 The Army Air Force issues a press release saying that 7/8/1947 #3016 c conversation between [Eighth Air Force] and Wright Field had not borne ou 7/8/1947 #3026 ollowed by smaller objects. An Air Force major observed a metallic object a 7/8/1947 #3028 ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK 3 teens. Small white disk 7/9/1947 #3044 eld, Ohio Pentagon The US Army Air Force issues classified orders requiring 7/9/1947 #3057 cases still go directly to the Air Force Office of Intelligence at the Pent 7/9/1947 #3057 or of information for the Army Air Force. 7/9/1947 #3065 ts Intelligence branch of Army Air Force Intelligence, requests FBI help wi 7/9/1947 #3067 TEMPLE, TX Ex-Air Force Colonel and more/others. 2 2M disk 7/10/1947 #3086 ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Several officers. Grey ob 7/12/1947 #3151 ts a written statement to Army Air Force intelligence, referring to the obj 7/12/1947 #3157 e Maccabee, he stated: “...the Air Force knew by the middle of July, 1947 t Mid 7/1947 #3181 car. 1M saucer slowly circles Air Force Base. Brown colored-grey / one sid 7/16/1947 #3191 Chinese Nationalist Government Air Force spots a UFO over Lanzhou City, Gan 7/19/1947 #3201 EKOLN LAKE, UPPLAND, SWEDEN Air Force man. Metallic football going quick 7/20/1947 #3204 ligence agents from the Fourth Air Force, Lt. Frank M. Brown and Capt. Will 7/25/1947 #3229 Navy) and a Department of the Air Force, both under the new Secretary of D 7/26/1947 #3233 HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 Air Force Officers. 2 s 7/29/1947 #3249 HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 Air Force Officers. 2 saucers pace P80 landi 7/29/1947 #3249 The Garrett Estimate, an Air Force Base Intelligence Report on “Flyin 7/30/1947 #3262 ave to go back to Hamilton for Air Force Day the next day. Morello calls ag 7/31/1947 #3264 who did inquire about what the Air Force was doing got the same treatment t 7/31/1947 #3265 T-2 Intelligence and Army Air Force Intelligence hold meetings over th 8/1947 #3275 lvania at 6:00 p.m. an ex-U.S. Air Force pilot and two others saw a hoverin 8/6/1947 #3301 rmy intelligence at the Fourth Air Force, who has just returned to Hamilton 8/8/1947 #3307 III, Collection Branch of Army Air Force Intelligence, summarizes the findi 8/22/1947 #3360 In Fukuoka, Japan at the U.S. Air Force Mew Radar Station there was a targ 8/28/1947 #3376 vities discloses that the Army Air Force has no project with the characteri 9/5/1947 #3385 s disbanded and becomes the US Air Force. 9/18/1947 #3403 er (ATIC) sent a letter to the Air Force Commanding General stating the con 9/23/1947 #3416 s all FBI cooperation with the Air Force on UFO investigation, although the 10/1/1947 #3444 EDWARDS / MUROC AIR FORCE BASE, CA Chuck Yeager / USAF. 1st 10/14/1947 #3453 BLIDA AIR FORCE BASE, ALGERIA Sentry. Red round ob 12/1947 (approximate) #3495 US Idaho US Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Carl Spaatz te 12/17/1947 #3505 rimentation.” He adds that the Air Force is still investigating and he stil 12/17/1947 #3505 and turn this over to Chief of Air Force Intelligence McDonald for his sign 12/18/1947 #3506 after his retirement from the Air Force in 1955, indicates that he believe 12/30/1947 #3516 on is not even believed by the Air Force, but it remains unchallenged for s 1/7/1948 #3544 over the Clinton County, Ohio Air Force Base at 7:20 p.m. It was witnessed 1/7/1948 #3548 Two U.S. Air Force transport pilots, Helton and Pargo 1/11/1948 #3556 le, and had a blue center. The Air Force explained the report as a daytime 1/11/1948 #3556 sks Lt. Col. George Garrett of Air Force Intelligence for all files on “Swe 1/23/1948 #3564 nes dropping parachutes' cause Air Force query. 1/28/1948 (approximate) #3566 Incidents.” It specifies that Air Force commanders are charged with evalua 2/4/1948 #3574 ny as an officer in the German Air Force. He thinks that sufficient types o 3/12/1948 #3588 ast of Aztec, New Mexico. When Air Force investigators and government scien 3/25/1948 #3598 probably flew on magnetic lines of force.” Segments of the craft, as well a 3/25/1948 #3598 object was tracked on radar by Air Force Station P-8 near El Vado Dam. 3/25/1948 #3598 turns. Lt. Meyers of the U.S. Air Force was leading a flight of four F-47S 4/1/1948 #3604 HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 5 / theodolite. 2 silent 4/5/1948 #3609 ng on a secret project for the Air Force’s Watson Laboratories. They see tw 4/5/1948 #3612 0 in the afternoon at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico three base person 4/5/1948 #3613 “suffered no ill effects,” the Air Force decides that piloted aircraft coul 5/15/1948 #3651 . Entity takes vegetation samples. Force field pushes observer(s) to ground 7/1948? #3688 o, Washington 1:00 p.m. Former Air Force pilot Don Newman and three friends 7/1948 #3691 Ellsworth Air Force Base Top Secret Report (100–203–79 7/1/1948 #3692 Unknown City, AK Two Air Force officers reported approximately 20 7/9/1948 #3702 Kirtland Air Force Base Top Secret Report (100–203–79 7/17/1948 #3711 At 4:50 p.m. two Kirtland Air Force Base Sergeants on a fishing trip w 7/17/1948 #3715 ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Project Bluebook Case #16 7/24/1948 #3725 Ohio Atlanta, Georgia Chief of Air Force Intelligence Gen. Charles Cabell p 7/25/1948 #3738 mated 5,000 feet altitude. The Air Force explanation was that they saw a me 7/26/1948 #3744 CLARK AIR FORCE BASE, LUZON, PHL Wingless cylinder 8/1/1948 (approximate) #3766 erplanetary, sent from ATIC to Air Force Chief of Staff, General Hoyt S. Va 9/1948 #3792 At 3:20 p.m. a U.S. Air Force pilot and copilot flying a C-45 tr 9/11/1948 #3797 The first Joint Army-Navy-Air Force Publication (JANAP) 146, based on 10/1/1948 #3826 and Indianapolis, Ind, various Air Force pilot, major, saw a UFO flying in 10/14/1948 #3834 en in 1950, now part of Nellis Air Force Base); and the Pamlico Sound area Late 1948 #3842 At 11:05 p.m. U.S. Air Force pilot Halter and radar operator He 10/15/1948 #3843 n Hall Washington, D.C. The US Air Force Security Service is activated at A 10/20/1948 #3848 by suddenly switching off. The Air Force said they had seen a meteor. 10/24/1948 #3852 ] near Munich, Germany Five US Air Force pilots observe a silvery object ov 10/29/1948 #3855 January. His relationship with Air Force Secretary Stuart Symington has det 11/3/1948 #3866 ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Project Bluebook Case #20 11/18/1948 #3881 s night at 10:20 p.m. Two U.S. Air Force Captains flying in a F-80 fighter, 11/23/1948 #3890 roject GRUDGE and MJ-12 is the Air Force officer in head of BLUE BOOK. (Cap 12/1948 #3896 TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, CA Air Traffic Controller. F 12/3/1948 #3900 LAS VEGAS, NM Air Force C47+airliner crew. Flash. Huge ora 12/5/1948 #3906 e changed to Grudge (since the Air Force bears a grudge against UFO reports 12/16/1948 #3931 Dayton, OH United States Air Force’s Strategic Air Command had F-86 S 1949 #3940 this condition, or worse, the Air Force commitment to a UFO investigation 1/1949 #3950 The sighting is listed by the Air Force as an “unknown.” 1/4/1949 #3960 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Project Bluebook Case #24 1/6/1949 #3964 GRIFFISS AIR FORCE BASE, NY Many observer(s). White s 2/1949 #3991 a few conservative opinions by Air Force personnel. Early 2/1949 #3996 Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH USAF Project "GRU 2/11/1949 #4000 tal Air Command McCoy A Fourth Air Force letter quotes Project Sign’s requi 2/18/1949 #4018 coming article for review. The Air Force is not pleased, objecting to Shale 3/2/1949 #4032 F position, his claim that the Air Force is his sole source of information 3/2/1949 #4032 gn, and any inference that the Air Force and Navy are not cooperating. 3/2/1949 #4032 CASTLE AIR FORCE BASE, CA USAF man. Saucer with cli 4/4/1949 #4071 ness: William Parrott, former Air Force pilot and major. One generally ro 4/4/1949 #4073 William Parrott, former Air Force pilot and Major, sighted a round o 4/4/1949 #4074 ponse to Winchell’s claim, the Air Force admits it is impossible to “deny c 4/8/1949 #4083 y J. Bova at the Davis Monthan Air Force Base in Arizona. The object sudden 4/9/1949 #4085 Hall, Washington, D.C. Brooks Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas The US Ai 4/18/1949 #4093 ase, San Antonio, Texas The US Air Force Security Service moves its headqua 4/18/1949 #4093 in Washington, D.C., to Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. 4/18/1949 #4093 EL CAJON, CA Air Force pilot and many. 4 10M silver disks 4/24/1949 #4101 greement about UFOs within the Air Force. 4/27/1949 #4117 G. Green reported to the U.S. Air Force that two shiny disc-shaped objects 5/6/1949 #4163 n Time magazine reports on the Air Force press release, remarking that “Spi 5/9/1949 #4174 rs, including a score or so of Air Force pilots, stuck stoutly to their sto 5/9/1949 #4174 WEST / BOISE, ID Air Force man / US20. 1+5 silver disks / V f 5/13/1949 #4185 this day at 11:05 a.m. a U.S. Air Force Airman Smith, driving along Highwa 5/13/1949 #4186 front-page piece in the W-T: ‘Air Force people are convinced the flying di 5/18/1949 #4193 al. The clincher came when the air force got a picture recently of three di 5/18/1949 #4193 tanced our fastest ships. Some air force men believe the discs are a new ty 5/18/1949 #4193 Moses Lake, Washington by a US Air Force F-82 pilot flying over the area. 5/21/1949 #4201 The Air Force Office of Special Investigations s 5/31/1949 #4218 right McLaughlin is testing an Air Force V-2 rocket at White Sands Missile 6/14/1949 #4240 GUNTER AIR FORCE BASE, AL Project Bluebook Case #39 6/18/1949 #4241 Maryland 6:30 p.m. A former US Air Force tech sergeant observes three separ 6/29/1949 #4256 LOWRY AIR FORCE BASE, CO 1+1 observer(s). 6 classi 7/3/1949 (approximate) #4259 TRAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, CA 4 military observer(s). P 7/18/1949 #4272 TX Project Bluebook Case #411. Air Force Captain and Major. 7 dull night li 7/24/1949 #4279 Fort Worth, Texas 8:30 p.m. An Air Force major and captain watch seven blui 7/24/1949 #4284 nt to “confirm” the story. The Air Force Office of Special Investigations i 8/1949 #4301 , traveling slow to very fast. Air Force Conclusion: Balls of thistle (NICA 8/8/1949 #4312 e to unify the Army, Navy, and Air Force under the Secretary of Defense. It 8/10/1949 #4316 rne, Vaud, Switzerland A Swiss Air Force officer sees a silvery disc 20 fee 9/1949 #4342 Eielson Air Force Base, AL USAF WB-29 lands at Eiels 9/3/1949 #4344 AL USAF WB-29 lands at Eielson Air Force Base AL with filter paper samples 9/3/1949 #4344 CLARK AIR FORCE BASE, PHIL 3 planes. Object climbs 9/8/1949 #4351 hysical Sciences Branch of the Air Force Research and Development orders th 9/14/1949 #4356 ite exhaust was seen by a U.S. Air Force C-54 pilot flying northeast of Rom 9/20/1949 #4362 HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Blue Book. 3 military. Si 10/12/1949 #4388 U.S. Air Force Captain W. Donnelly sighted a flig 11/3/1949 #4412 Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico 5:49 11/27/1949 #4427 5°–7° per second over Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 11/27/1949 #4427 supposed to be detected by US Air Force reconnaissance. Sources cite 5,500 12/2/1949 #4431 ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Blue Book. F51 chases / c 12/24/1949 #4442 Real.” Keyhoe argues that the Air Force knows UFOs are real, alien, and co 12/24/1949 #4443 vers from another planet.” The Air Force finds itself buried in letters, te 12/24/1949 #4443 15 NM NORTH / DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, AZ Silver saucer hovers / 15 12/31/1949 #4454 or of public relations for the Air Force; Maj. Jesse E. Stay and Jack T. Sh 1/1950 #4470 C47 Carswell going [to] Offutt Air Force Base. 45' metal ovoid / SL flight 1/6/1950 #4473 mmerman, were flying in a U.S. Air Force C-47 transport plane near Howard, 1/6/1950 #4475 ed with a pendulum motion. The Air Force explanation was that the object si 1/24/1950 #4510 ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Lt. Col. and 1. 3 orange 1/26/1950 #4512 etter #85 is issued, directing Air Force personnel to relay UFO sightings t 2/8/1950 #4535 n the area at the time. The US Air Force suggested that the visual sighting 3/1/1950 #4572 SELFRIDGE AIR FORCE BASE, MI Project Bluebook Case #65 3/3/1950 #4573 At 1:30 a.m an ex-Air Force officer driving on Highway 80 in S 3/5/1950 #4584 SELFRIDGE AIR FORCE BASE, MI Military Air Traffic Cont 3/9/1950 #4596 Selfridge Air Force Base Mount Clemens, Michigan 7:45 3/9/1950 #4598 radar controllers at Selfridge Air Force Base [now Selfridge Air National G 3/9/1950 #4598 SOUTHWEST / HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Huge 5-minute meteor chan 3/11/1950 #4610 temala Guatemala City Brookley Air Force Base Mobile Aeroplex at Brookley M 3/15/1950 #4643 at Brookley Mobile, Alabama An Air Force Captain Hall, flying in Guatemala, 3/15/1950 #4643 When Hall returns to Brookley Air Force Base [now Mobile Aeroplex at Brook 3/15/1950 #4643 Mexico to be specified by the Air Force, and the phototheodolite operators 3/16/1950 #4655 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 4 Air Force men. 3 silver 3/17/1950 #4662 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 4 Air Force men. 3 silver saucers tumble / 10K 3/17/1950 #4662 EAST TORONTO, ON 2 Air Force Vets and 3. 4 silver grey saucers 3/19/1950 #4681 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE AND SANDIA, NM Silent MLT sau 3/21/1950 #4692 NORTHWEST / KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 11 Air Force Sergeants. T 3/22/1950 #4698 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 11 Air Force Sergeants. Tan flying wing going n 3/22/1950 #4698 MORRO BAY, CA Ex-Air Force aircraft-observer(s). 8 metallic o 3/23/1950 #4705 eassure the nation when the US Air Force confirms it. Within days, the stor 3/27/1950 #4741 eut. Col. John V. Hearn Jr. of Air Force Intelligence, who tell him that mo 3/28/1950 #4749 which he sympathizes with the Air Force, which has to reply to groundless 3/31/1950 #4777 ia, and hoaxes: “As far as the Air Force goes, there’s no such thing as a f 3/31/1950 #4777 Going west. Hover / wright-Pat Air Force Base and quickly going up. 4/2/1950 #4790 LANO, CA Many calls to Edwards Air Force Base. 65cm round object circles / 4/4/1950 #4791 h technology. Furthermore, the Air Force study has concluded there are no s 4/4/1950 #4792 ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Pilot and 1 / ground. Sil 4/10/1950 #4837 research memorandum for the US Air Force titled “The Exploitation of Supers 4/14/1950 #4852 OVER PLYMOUTH, MASS F86 / Otis Air Force Base. Saucer / 17K' rises / 28K' v 4/27/1950 #4901 At 9:00 a.m. a U.S. Air Force F-86 Sabre jet had an encounter wi 4/27/1950 #4911 WARREN AIR FORCE BASE, WY 7 / Air National Guard. 4 5/21/1950 #4957 arle E. Partridge of the Fifth Air Force, responsible for the Korean Theatr 6/8/1950 #4981 HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. 2+3 pilots. Sa 6/21/1950 #4993 P concludes that a site on the Air Force’s Las Vegas Bombing and Gunnery Ra 7/1950 #5034 HILL AIR FORCE BASE, UT 3 Sergeants. 50' silver s 7/5/1950 #5043 closing of Project Grudge, the Air Force still desires to receive UFO repor 7/7/1950 #5049 HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 3 Air Force men. 2 softba 7/19/1950 #5071 HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 3 Air Force men. 2 softball-size objects hover 7/19/1950 #5071 mmission (AEC) plant. RADAR's. Air Force jets can't catch. 7/30/1950 #5082 ed over the Hanford AEC Plant. Air Force jets fails to intercept them. FBI, 8/4/1950 #5099 miles. It was sent to the U.S. Air Force for analysis, but when it was retu 8/5/1950 #5108 OVER SANTA FE, NM Air Force jet / 30K'. C-47 with dark object 8/7/1950 #5111 EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA Navy physicist Wykoff / ( 8/10/1950 #5115 . In October he takes it to an Air Force officer for analysis. USAF notes t 8/15/1950 #5126 e 20' sphere speeds into wind. Air Force says "a balloon". 8/27/1950 #5140 r Brockton, Massachusetts. The Air Force explained it as a balloon. 8/27/1950 #5142 HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Many HIQ observer(s). 2 s 8/30/1950 #5144 ng Kaeel and Alexander, of the Air Force Base. A dark, barrel-shaped object 8/30/1950 #5149 . three local employees of the Air Force Base at Sandy Point, Newfoundland, 8/30/1950 #5151 HARMON AIR FORCE BASE, NFL Air Force guard. Shadow- 9/2/1950 #5164 HARMON AIR FORCE BASE, NFL Air Force guard. Shadow-man at end of runway 9/2/1950 #5164 WA Project Bluebook Case #797. Air Force Major and 2. 3 30' saucers / errat 9/3/1950 #5165 [to] WSW going [to] Fairchild Air Force Base. 9/3/1950 #5165 Pentagon Wright-Patterson AFB Air Force Intelligence Collection Division’s 9/8/1950 #5172 Howard Hawks The Air Force responds to producer Howard Hawks’ 9/13/1950 #5176 ucers / Albuquerque and Walker Air Force Base. 9/17/1950 #5180 The Air Force Intelligence office, apparently at 9/25/1950 #5196 CHANUTE AIR FORCE BASE, IL 30 / 10 theodolites. Larg 10/1950 (approximate) #5202 MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. Air Force navi 10/14/1950 #5225 AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. Air Force navigator in-flight. Night light m 10/14/1950 #5225 OVER POPE AIR FORCE BASE, NC Project Bluebook Case #82 10/15/1950 #5228 NEAR POPE AIR FORCE BASE, NC USAF pilot / ground. Same 10/15/1950 #5229 object crosses the path of an Air Force jet near Pope AFB. 10/15/1950 #5236 named Daniel, flying from Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina sighted four 10/15/1950 #5238 to the northeast near Maxwell Air Force Base, then performed a flip over t 11/23/1950 #5286 be telephoned, immediately, to Air Force Intelligence. 12/3/1950 #5314 ighting from the nearby McGhee Air Force Base. 12/18/1950 #5357 nd hoaxes, and quoting a weary Air Force Col. Harold E. Watson, who has rep 1/1951 #5380 to report UFO sightings to the Air Force. USAF Public Information Officer C 1/1951 #5380 his interview up, believes the Air Force has better things to do and is out 1/1951 #5380 STEWART AIR FORCE BASE, NY Blue Book. USAF man. Mete 1/12/1951 #5390 At 10:05 p.m. two U.S. Air Force airmen at Stewart AFB in Orange Co 1/12/1951 #5393 HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Blue Book. Saucer hovers 1/22/1951 #5411 ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Blue Book. 2+observer(s). 1/25/1951 #5416 chman Flat Nevada Test Site An Air Force B-50D bomber drops the first atomi 1/27/1951 #5419 o has written Secretary of the Air Force Thomas K. Finletter asking that th 1/29/1951 #5421 UFO project is disbanded, the Air Force still investigates incidents and s 1/29/1951 #5421 NNW / NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, NV Air Traffic Controller. C 1/31/1951 (approximate) #5422 NEAR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE, JPN 2 / USAF F82. Amber nigh 2/1/1951 #5425 ALAMOGORDO, NM 2 Air Force pilots watch large balloon. Saucer 2/14/1951 #5442 Alamogordo, NM Two Air Force pilots, while watching a large bal 2/14/1951 #5443 U.S. Air Force pilots Cocker and Spradley saw a f 2/14/1951 #5444 icide by secrecy.” The FBI and Air Force mull prosecuting Mirarchi for viol 2/25/1951 #5458 LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK Project Bluebook Case #89 2/26/1951 #5459 EQT.AFR White fireball buzzes Air Force Base. Fast and silent. Stops. 90° 3/1951 #5466 MCCLELLAN AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. 2 observer(s). 3/13/1951 #5478 EAST / HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 9 aero-engineers. 12+whit 3/14/1951 #5482 nautical engineers at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico watched at least 3/14/1951 #5484 NEAR MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE, WA 9 military observer(s) an 4/12/1951 #5503 inhabited Bogullua Island. The Air Force concludes that unmanned samplers a 4/21/1951 #5507 ance at 10:37 a.m. in a French Air Force Vampire jet. It then accelerated a 6/15/1951 #5543 MOUNTAIN HOME AIR FORCE BASE, ID 60 military observer(s). 7/1951 (approximate) #5555 MONTGOMERY, AL Air Force man. 75' saucer southwest / drive- 7/8/1951 #5562 NNE / PORT CLINTON, OH Air Force pilot. 6M cylinder/cigar-shape / 1 8/8/1951 #5597 PORTLAND, OR Ex-Air Force P47 pilot. 3 saucers fly in perfec 8/11/1951 #5600 RHEIN-MAIN AIR FORCE BASE, GERMANY 2 USAF. Circular / l 8/14/1951 #5604 ELLINGTON AIR FORCE BASE, TX RADAR-man visually. Night 8/25/1951 #5617 ight-Patterson AFB in Ohio The Air Force issues JANAP 146(B), “Communicatio 9/6/1951 #5653 U.S. Air Force pilots Lt. Wilbert Rogers and Majo 9/10/1951 #5661 GOOSE BAY AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD RADAR's. 2 blips / coll 9/14/1951 #5666 A U.S. Air Force B-36 on a training flight near Goo 9/18/1951 #5679 MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA RADAR / ground and air. S 9/23/1951 #5681 each but the UFO had gone. The Air Force explanation for the sightings was 9/23/1951 #5687 KADENA AIR FORCE BASE, OKINAWA 2 RADAR operators an 10/3/1951 #5699 NEUBIBERG AB, GERM 2 Air Force sergeants. Odd blimp hovers / 30 s 10/11/1951 #5722 MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE, WA USAF pilots and Navy pers 10/16/1951 #5728 Harbor, Washington 11:01 a.m. Air Force pilots flying three F-94 fighters 10/16/1951 #5730 ircraft abandon the chase. The Air Force attributes the sighting to Venus. 10/16/1951 #5730 to Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Eugene M. Zuckert about UFOs seen 10/20/1951 #5735 He is replaced as director of Air Force Intelligence by Maj. Gen. John A. 11/1951 #5755 The Air Force issues a Ground Observer’s Guide f 11/1/1951 #5757 NEAR ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Air Traffic Controller an 11/18/1951 #5777 ck and Big Springs, Texas. Two Air Force pilots landing at Kirtland AFB, Al 11/20/1951 #5782 Mankato, Minnesota 3:53 p.m. Air Force Capt. William Fairbrother is flyin 11/24/1951 #5789 se remained unexplained by the Air Force. 12/7/1951 #5812 According to author Nick Cook, Air Force Office of Special Investigations ( 1952 #5843 ed, and suggested the Navy and Air Force not pursue the disc designs. * h 1952 #5843 as a guard at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in 1952 and saw a craft cover 1952 #5846 sun. Military photos / Tucson Air Force Base. 1/1952 #5849 , Ohio, agrees to help out the Air Force with analyzing UFO reports. 1/8/1952 #5863 FAIRCHILD AIR FORCE BASE, WA 2 Air Force intelligence 1/20/1952 #5866 FAIRCHILD AIR FORCE BASE, WA 2 Air Force intelligence OFFs. Silent blue-whi 1/20/1952 #5866 MITCHELL AIR FORCE BASE, LI, NY White saucer makes 18 1/21/1952 #5869 aucer makes 180° turn. Circles Air Force Base. Goes going quickly south to 1/21/1952 #5869 ished from sight. The official Air Force explanation at the time was that i 1/21/1952 #5872 LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK Objects / 3 ground and ai 1/22/1952 #5873 ern Alaska outpost Murphy Dome Air Force Station 12:20 a.m. At a northern A 1/22/1952 #5876 rn Alaska outpost, Murphy Dome Air Force Station, radar captures a UFO trav 1/22/1952 #5876 btained a visual sighting, the Air Force concludes that the radar returns a 1/22/1952 #5876 h altitude by the crew of a US Air Force AT-11 trainer flying near Pittsbur 2/11/1952 #5898 n a letter to Secretary of the Air Force Thomas K. Finletter. 2/21/1952 #5917 the operational control of the Air Force. What appear to be secure bunkers 2/22/1952 #5920 ano Base [now part of Kirtland Air Force Base]. At one point, a military sp 2/22/1952 #5920 ublishing an article until the Air Force has come to a more definite conclu 2/25/1952 #5931 is.” He also meets with visits Air Force UFO spokesman Albert M. Chop. AMC 3/3/1952 #5942 The Air Force sends a letter, signed by Lieut. G 3/5/1952 #5946 Kimball sends a report to the Air Force, but hears nothing back, despite U 3/14/1952 #5957 Project Bluebook Case #1079. 4 Air Force B50D pilots and RADAR photographs. 3/26/1952 #5975 NORTH / MISAWA AIR FORCE BASE, JPN Project Bluebook Case #1 3/29/1952 #5984 Small, shiny disc made pass at Air Force plane 3/29/1952 #5991 ommander Pierre of the Belgian Air Force sets out in pursuit in a fighter p 3/29/1952 #5993 US Air Force Letter 200-5 gave Project Blue Boo 4/1952 #6003 y to cut red tape, contact any Air Force unit in the U.S. without going thr 4/1952 #6003 imball, upset with the way the Air Force has treated his UFO sighting, sets 4/1952 #6009 The Air Force publicly announces that it has not 4/3/1952 #6020 KADENA AIR FORCE BASE, OKINAWA Flight crew. Small l 4/5/1952 #6028 imary sources are high-ranking Air Force officers. 4/7/1952 #6042 knamed Operation Longhorn, the Air Force announces that a new “aerial light 4/7/1952 #6043 SHREVEPORT TO/FROM BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, LA USAF C54 buzzed / 35' sau 4/9/1952 #6047 ted to be 35 feet in diameter. Air Force jets were scrambled from Barksdale 4/9/1952 #6051 ada Witnesses: Royal Canadian Air Force Warrant Officer E.H. Rossell, Flig 4/12/1952 #6062 a. At 9:30 p.m. Royal Canadian Air Force Warrant Officer E. H. Rossell and 4/12/1952 #6064 GMX SOUTH / BILOXI, MS Air Force Lieut. and more/others. Dull orang 4/13/1952 #6067 bout a possible Soviet attack. Air Force Intelligence warns Brig. Gen. Wood 4/16/1952 #6093 At 10:26 p.m. a U.S. Air Force captain and his neighbor in Shreve 4/16/1952 #6094 NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, NV 5 military. 18 dull-white 4/17/1952 #6096 Caswell Air Force Station Limestone, Maine US 5:10 a 4/17/1952 #6106 US 5:10 a.m. Radar at Caswell Air Force Station [now closed] in Limestone, 4/17/1952 #6106 Air Force T/S Orville Lawson Nellis Air Forc 4/17/1952 #6107 orce T/S Orville Lawson Nellis Air Force Base near Las Vegas Nevada Test Si 4/17/1952 #6107 as Nevada Test Site 12:05 p.m. Air Force T/S Orville Lawson, Rudy Toncer (s 4/17/1952 #6107 nd Charles Ruliffson at Nellis Air Force Base, near Las Vegas, see 18 circu 4/17/1952 #6107 g Squadron, Japan Air Self-Defense Force, picks up a radar target over the 4/18/1952 #6124 TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, OK Civil employ and more/oth 4/20/1952 (approximate) #6133 MCCLELLAN AIR FORCE BASE, CA Commercial pilot / ground 4/20/1952 #6137 e sighting was reported to the Air Force by a Naval Aviation student. 4/20/1952 #6142 inking regularly fly over Naha Air Force Base in Okinawa, Japan at 9:00 p.m 4/22/1952 #6156 An Air Force Intelligence memorandum to Col. Fr 4/24/1952 #6178 A special study group within Air Force Intelligence assesses nine underse 4/24/1952 #6179 RHEIN-MAIN AIR FORCE BASE, GER 2 pilots. 5cm circle / w 4/25/1952 #6182 lian witnesses reported to the Air Force that an object in the SE that rese 4/28/1952 #6206 Secretary of the Air Force Thomas K. Finletter issues Air For 4/29/1952 #6215 rce Thomas K. Finletter issues Air Force Letter 200-5, which directs intell 4/29/1952 #6215 communicate directly with any Air Force base without going through the nor 4/29/1952 #6215 Europe USAF Intelligence An Air Force memorandum written to justify a tr 4/29/1952 #6216 r’ problem.” It adds that the “Air Force cannot assume that flying saucers 4/29/1952 #6216 DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 2 saucers pace B36 / wing 5/1/1952 #6231 GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA Project Bluebook Case #11 5/1/1952 #6232 ing tag with a formation of 12 Air Force bombers—either B-29s or B-50s—flyi 5/1/1952 #6245 At 10:50 a.m. several Air Force officers and enlisted men at Georg 5/1/1952 #6247 the meeting. When he asks the Air Force to support his views in upcoming p Early 5/1952 #6249 KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS 3 military observer(s). S 5/7/1952 #6262 fel and Martins. The Brazilian Air Force conclusion on the photos is that t 5/7/1952 #6271 d a Lt. Col. from ATIC briefed Air Force Secretary Thomas K. Finletter for 5/8/1952 #6272 Air Force Secretary Thomas Finletter and his 5/8/1952 #6276 GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA Project Bluebook Case #11 5/9/1952 #6279 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Air Force Col. and 1. Sil 5/10/1952 #6286 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Air Force Col. and 1. Silver saucer going no 5/10/1952 #6286 GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA Civil flight-student. 3 m 5/11/1952 #6300 ith the object’s altitude. The Air Force explains it as the planet Venus, b 5/12/1952 #6305 roject Bluebook Case #1213. Ex-Air Force pilot and Garcia. 2 orange orbs. 1 5/14/1952 #6321 HOUSTON, TX 2 Air Force pilots. Bright ovoid moves side to 5/20/1952 #6341 RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #15 5/21/1952 #6346 X Project Bluebook Case #1522. Air Force Captain. 15-20 night lights / 1-3 5/21/1952 #6346 bank, California, when he senses a force and sees a red, glowing UFO. After 5/23/1952 #6350 an Antonio, Texas 9:27 a.m. An Air Force captain in charge of the navigatio 5/25/1952 #6363 ject was seen overhead by a US Air Force F-94C fighter jet flying in Grid A 5/26/1952 #6367 EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA Several high-Tech observe 5/29/1952 #6379 LACKLAND AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #12 5/29/1952 #6381 X Project Bluebook Case #1236. Air Force pilot / ground. Cylinder/cylindric 5/29/1952 #6381 vertical and horizontal. Reads Air Force radios? 5/29/1952 #6381 Air Force Secretary Finletter issues a press 6/4/1952 #6438 a number of sightings that the Air Force investigators have been unable to 6/4/1952 #6438 . As long as this is true, the Air Force will continue to study flying sauc 6/4/1952 #6438 OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE, NEBR Strategic Air Command ( 6/5/1952 #6441 curred that were listed by the Air Force Project Blue Book as "unknowns." A 6/5/1952 #6449 een for six seconds. At Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska three security gu 6/5/1952 #6449 SEOUL, KOREA 5th Air Force guards. Night light hovers / 1000' 6/7/1952 #6457 ver at 1,000 feet over the 5th Air Force Base near Seoul, South Korea. The 6/7/1952 #6462 At 11:26 a.m. at a U.S. Air Force radar facility in Marakesch, Moroc 6/12/1952 #6490 took place in Richmond, VA. An Air Force T-33 jet tried to intercept a “shi 6/15/1952 #6498 urns to base. At 5:43 p.m., an Air Force fighter attempts to intercept the 6/15/1952 #6510 OVER WALKER AIR FORCE BASE-ROSWELL, NM Project Bluebook 6/16/1952 #6515 MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE, WA Project Bluebook Case #12 6/17/1952 #6520 100M EAST / MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA Strange object paces USAF 6/18/1952 #6532 and cigars / high altitude. / Air Force report. News copy / r136#8p20. 6/19/1952 #6545 Jersey 9:50 p.m. A former Army Air Force ground crew member sees a UFO flyi 6/19/1952 #6554 KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #13 6/21/1952 #6566 PYONGTAEK AIR FORCE BASE, KOREA 2 Sergeants / 753D RAD 6/22/1952 #6585 4 MI WITH MCCHORD AIR FORCE BASE, WA Project Bluebook Case #13 6/23/1952 #6594 Kirksville Air Force Station in Missouri 1:30 a.m. USAF 6/23/1952 #6607 ance technicians at Kirksville Air Force Station in Missouri, track a hard 6/23/1952 #6607 hts zigzag and circle town and Air Force Base. Futile T33 chase. / r43p15. 6/26/1952 #6632 MITCHELL AIR FORCE BASE, LI, NY Pan-AM pilot. Night l 6/26/1952 #6633 NEAR KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 2 saucers seen 30 second( 6/28/1952 #6649 irport Chicago 5:45 p.m. Three Air Force police officers of the 83rd Air Ba 6/29/1952 #6666 explanation provided by the US Air Force, that they were witnessing Mars, w 6/29/1952 #6668 , NJ 1 observer. Saucer over 3 Air Force jets;1 towing target. Saucer vanis 6/30/1952 #6669 forth far below the UFOs. The Air Force lists the explanation of the objec 7/1/1952 #6691 go, Illinois. The next day the Air Force public information office at O’Har 7/3/1952 #6705 r Chicago in the past week. An Air Force spokesman says that jet patrols ar 7/3/1952 #6705 KINDLEY AIR FORCE BASE, BERMUDA 8 observer(s). Sauce 7/6/1952 #6720 COLORADO SPRINGS, CO Air Force pilot. Luminous white airfoil with 7/9/1952 #6730 ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE, SD 4 airmen / ground. 3 whit 7/9/1952 #6732 ion (AEC) plant. 4km altitude. Air Force investigate. / Flying Saucer Revie 7/11/1952 #6758 Intelligence for the Far East Air Force, prepares Intelligence Report #29- 7/11/1952 #6762 gence Report #29-52, detailing Air Force, Navy, and Marine radar UFO report 7/11/1952 #6762 INDIANAPOLIS, IN Air Force RADAR and civil and military pilot 7/12/1952 #6764 CHICAGO, IL Air Force Officer and many. Large red night 7/12/1952 #6769 Chicago, IL Air Force weather officer, many others at Mo 7/12/1952 #6776 n radar flying over Kirksville Air Force Base, Missouri at a speed of 1,700 7/12/1952 #6786 MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT Message going [to] USAF T 7/14/1952 #6800 KADENA AIR FORCE BASE, OKINAWA, JP Many military ob 7/14/1952 #6809 US Every Air Force installation in U.S. swamped with Mid 7/1952 #6819 s that rumors persist that the Air Force is braced for an expected invasion Mid 7/1952 #6829 ucers going quickly south over Air Force Base. Straight and level and same 7/17/1952 #6860 PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Project Bluebook Case #14 7/18/1952 #6886 something in the sky,” but the Air Force does not know what they are. 7/18/1952 #6896 Beach, Florida 9:45 p.m. Three Air Force officers and four enlisted men at 7/18/1952 #6898 LAFAYETTE, IN Engineer and Air Force jet and many. 320' cylinder/cigar- 7/19/1952 #6913 Andrews AFB, MD Air Force radar tracked up to 10 UFOs for 15 7/20/1952 #6949 te, New Jersey reported to the Air Force that he sighted two large orange-y 7/20/1952 #6954 DOBBINS AIR FORCE BASE 4 radarmen. Unidentified blip 7/21/1952 #6959 E, TX 1 observer near Randolph Air Force Base. Fuselage shape straight and 7/21/1952 #6963 PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Several military observer 7/21/1952 #6966 BELUGA LAKE WITH ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Bogeys / ground and air R 7/21/1952 #6967 SAN MARCOS AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #15 7/21/1952 #6968 Dobbins Air Force Base, Marietta, Georgia Washington 7/21/1952 #6982 he upper atmosphere at Dobbins Air Force Base, Marietta, Georgia, detects a 7/21/1952 #6982 At 6:30 p.m. two U.S. Air Force officers, Dougher and Strong, in s 7/21/1952 #6984 ST / WOLLASTON OBSERVER(S), MA Air Force plane spotter. Silver disk circles 7/22/1952 #6995 hts all over/all about MacDill Air Force Base and more. 2x jet-speed. 2 goi 7/22/1952 #7000 OFF MISAWA AIR FORCE BASE, JPN Blue-green fireball rush 7/23/1952 #7051 ar the base at 75,000 feet. An Air force pilot named Capt. Swartz in Flight 7/23/1952 #7083 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Airman Donaldson. 8-10 or 7/26/1952 #7142 TRUAX AIR FORCE BASE, WI Air Traffic Controllers a 7/26/1952 #7144 WI Air Traffic Controllers and Air Force men. Green night light flashes red 7/26/1952 #7144 visual (observation). Andrews Air Force Base jets chase. / r242. 7/26/1952 #7149 ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Blue Book. HIQ. Many blip 7/26/1952 #7159 d J. Ruppelt suspects that the Air Force does not want the press around whe 7/26/1952 #7174 SELFRIDGE AIR FORCE BASE, MI 3 airmen / ground. 2+1+1+ 7/27/1952 #7187 shington, DC At 7:30 p.m. Both Air Force personnel and National Airport emp 7/27/1952 #7207 k for Flying Saucers and major Air Force bases have been ordered to make IN End of 7/1952 #7224 k Case #unknown. GCI RADAR and Air Force pilot and Ground Observer Corps (G 7/28/1952 #7225 MCGUIRE AIR FORCE BASE, NJ RADAR OP and Air Traffic 7/28/1952 #7229 mming the Pentagon telephones. Air Force and CIA officials concede that the 7/28/1952 #7262 amplifies this by quoting the Air Force that orders have been issued to sh 7/28/1952 #7263 wn if they refuse to land. The Air Force refuses to confirm this, but USAF 7/28/1952 #7263 nd asks him to investigate the Air Force’s mishandling of the Washington Na 7/28/1952 #7265 has been loaned to him by the Air Force, but he must return it to the CIA 7/28/1952 #7266 BOLLING AIR FORCE BASE AND WDC AND HERNDON, VA Group 7/29/1952 #7274 WALKER / ROSWELL AIR FORCE BASE, NM Blue Book. 4 observer(s). 7/29/1952 #7275 st / 2600mph toward(s) Langley Air Force Base. Below 5K' altitude. 7/29/1952 #7287 ALLS, MT Radio alert / McChord Air Force Base. 50 observer(s). 3 silver sau 7/29/1952 #7288 ort Huron, MI 9:40 p.m. CST an Air Force radar station plotted an unidentif 7/29/1952 #7307 h-speed UFO; film submitted to Air Force, never released. [UFOE, VIII] (NIC 7/29/1952 #7308 Albuquerque, NM Air Force reserve colonel at Los Alamos saw 7/29/1952 #7310 .m. President Truman tells his air force liaison, Robert B. Landry, to find 7/29/1952 #7321 Philcox, an FBI liaison to the Air Force. The Air Force has “failed to arri 7/29/1952 #7324 liaison to the Air Force. The Air Force has “failed to arrive at any satis 7/29/1952 #7324 FB, Dayton, Ohio 4:00 p.m. The Air Force holds its largest and longest pres 7/29/1952 #7328 t. He is accompanied by Eighth Air Force Maj. Gen. Roger M. Ramey, director 7/29/1952 #7328 ns and commander of the Eighth Air Force; USAF Col. Donald L. Bower, Techni 7/29/1952 #7328 h, ATIC. Samford says that the Air Force has been monitoring US air space s 7/29/1952 #7328 dible things,” which keeps the Air Force concerned. He explains that the Wa 7/29/1952 #7328 uquerque, New Mexico 9:15 p.m. Air Force Reserve Lt. Col. Robert G. LeCompt 7/29/1952 #7329 ain portion of the film to the Air Force for analysis. The film is never re 7/29/1952 #7330 cers all over/all about. Tease Air Force jet and B25. Going quickly west ex 7/30/1952 #7347 HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Airman. White saucer make 7/30/1952 #7349 MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, AL Air Traffic Controllers. 7/30/1952 #7354 teria” about them. He says the Air Force has had experts investigating them 7/30/1952 #7363 SEWART AIR FORCE BASE, TN Waf A3 / C. Dishpan sauce 7/31/1952 #7369 tion of value, he writes: “The Air Force has made very little progress in l 7/31/1952 #7372 NEAR HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA 8 silver UFO's in orderly 8/2/1952 #7417 HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Blue Book. Many / (seen t 8/3/1952 #7429 Isla Puná Ecuador 3:00 p.m. An Air Force master sergeant on the ship Santa 8/3/1952 #7435 oing quickly [to] 700mph. Luke Air Force Base / 0400h. Very fast silent gre 8/4/1952 #7439 HANEDA AIR FORCE BASE, JP Project Bluebook Case #18 8/5/1952 #7461 O hovered over the Haneda U.S. Air Force base near Tokyo and had several gr 8/5/1952 #7473 OVER ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Vip? 2 large saucers. #1 8/6/1952 #7478 y minutes over the U.S. Haneda Air Force Base near Tokyo, Japan. It was tra 8/6/1952 #7491 A U.S. Air Force radar installation in Port Austin, 8/6/1952 #7492 WARREN AIR FORCE BASE, WY 2 / ground. Intense fireb 8/8/1952 #7511 to the CIA to investigate the Air Force’s mishandling of UFOs during the W 8/8/1952 #7515 CHENNAULT AIR FORCE BASE, LA Project Bluebook Case #18 8/9/1952 #7519 Lake Charles Air Force Station Lake Charles, Louisiana 1: 8/9/1952 #7525 alking to work at Lake Charles Air Force Station [now closed] in Lake Charl 8/9/1952 #7525 tness named Raley at Chennault Air Force Base, Louisiana saw a disc-shaped 8/9/1952 #7526 KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS 2 grey saucers veer and s 8/10/1952 #7528 SR134 NEAR HAMPTON, VA Air Force Captain and 1. 2+4+1 UFO's / 180m 8/10/1952 #7535 e May, New Jersey 1:43 a.m. An Air Force F-94B jet fighter from Dover AFB i 8/12/1952 #7559 MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, FL 2 civil. Odd blips / 20 m 8/13/1952 #7565 KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX 7 military. Large saucer. 8/14/1952 #7581 NORTH / URBANA, IL Air Force Lt. Col. and 4 / drive-in movie. R 8/15/1952 #7606 hile the other moves east. The Air Force scrambles a F-94 jet interceptor t 8/15/1952 #7609 CHANUTE AIR FORCE BASE, IL 8 military observer(s). 4 8/16/1952 #7614 Boron Air Force Station Boron, California 8:00 p.m 8/19/1952 #7650 oval disc is seen above Boron Air Force Station [now closed] in Boron, Cal 8/19/1952 #7650 ples from the site sent to the Air Force show root damage extending 4 inche 8/19/1952 #7651 ndertaking R&D studies through Air Force agencies. Signed: H. Marshall Chad 8/20/1952 #7654 CONGAREE AIR FORCE BASE, SC RADAR blip speeds to 4000 8/20/1952 #7655 Trace = 60 mile(s) southeast / Air Force Base = Lake Clarendon. 8/20/1952 #7655 UFO 60 miles from the Congaree Air Force Base, South Carolina at speeds of 8/20/1952 #7666 efing document explaining the “Air Force Stand on ‘Flying Saucers’” to CIA 8/22/1952 #7682 US224 NEAR ATWATER, OH 1 Air Force and 2 Navy / car. Night light = "s 8/23/1952 #7686 952, press conference given by Air Force Maj. Gen. John A. Samford, the UFO 8/23/1952 #7693 M Project Bluebook Case #1961. Air Force F84 / 35K'. 2 6' silver saucers. T 8/24/1952 #7696 ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Glowing sphere/orb/globe 8/24/1952 #7702 BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, LA 3 separate observer(s). N 8/24/1952 #7704 HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 2 observer(s). Silver sau 8/25/1952 #7721 LATHROP WELLS, NV Air Force Captain. Large vibrant bright sauc 8/26/1952 #7738 ELLINGTON AIR FORCE BASE, TX 3 USAF. Silent very fast 8/26/1952 #7739 DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 2 Brill-blue blobs. Tucso 8/27/1952 #7752 BARKSDALE AIR FORCE BASE, LA Guard. Night light stops 8/28/1952 #7760 ucers hover over oil refinery. Air Force jets pursue. Saucers disperse. 8/28/1952 #7763 BROOKLEY AIR FORCE BASE / MOBILE, AL Several military 8/28/1952 #7767 diamond appearance. A civilian Air Force employee sees a flat oval shape. 8/28/1952 #7773 OS ALAMOS, NM (Up). 3 / plane. Air Force vectors jets chase / 7 metal UFO's 8/29/1952 #7775 uickly east toward(s) Chenault Air Force Base. Small red light follows.. 8/29/1952 #7777 Yaak, MT Radar/Visual At Air Force Radar Site (BBU 2023) (NICAP: 09 - 9/1/1952 #7811 Yaak Air Force Station in Montana 8:23 p.m. Air D 9/1/1952 #7817 Defense Command radar at Yaak Air Force Station in Montana picks up UFOs e 9/1/1952 #7817 . At 10:50 p.m., a former Army Air Force B-25 gunner sees two large white d 9/1/1952 #7818 At a U.S. Air Force radar site in Yaak, Montana at 4:4 9/1/1952 #7819 Yaak, Montana at 4:45 a.m. two Air Force enlisted men sighted lights in the 9/1/1952 #7819 DAVIS-MONTHAN AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 2 observer(s). 7 large sa 9/2/1952 #7824 Rabat, Morocco 9:00 p.m. US Air Force civilian illustrator E. J. Colisim 9/9/1952 #7887 ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Silent shiny saucer goes 9/10/1952 #7889 ionnaire have been sent to the Air Force, many of which were passed on to m 9/10/1952 #7890 flew over West Virginia.” The Air Force concludes that people have seen a 9/12/1952 #7905 ed by fire directed at them by Air Force interceptors. Five other objects a 9/12/1952 #7905 OLMSTEAD AIR FORCE BASE, PA Project Bluebook Case #20 9/14/1952 #7919 CHANUTE AIR FORCE BASE, IL Air Traffic Controllers. 9/16/1952 #7953 ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Project Bluebook Case #21 9/16/1952 #7955 TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, OK 1 military and 2 civil. S 9/16/1952 #7956 At 7:30 p.m. three Air Force officers and two civilians at Warn 9/16/1952 #7964 KARUP AIRPORT, DK 3 Air Force officers. Shiny metallic disk goin 9/20/1952 #7985 Jutland, Denmark, three Danish Air Force officers see a shiny, metallic UFO 9/20/1952 #7988 ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA 1 civil and 2 military gu 9/23/1952 #8010 AURORA, CO Air Force Sgt. 5 saucers circle about near S 9/24/1952 #8016 writes in his column that the “Air Force has a breathtaking report” ready o 9/26/1952 #8036 EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA 3 photographs and more. 2 9/30/1952 #8067 y have been tested at Randolph Air Force Base or Lackland Air Force Base. H 10/1952 #8077 lph Air Force Base or Lackland Air Force Base. He states he remembers being 10/1952 #8077 SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, SC Project Bluebook Case #21 10/1/1952 #8078 CHENNAULT AIR FORCE BASE, LA 3 airmen. White night lig 10/6/1952 #8095 ANDERSON AIR FORCE BASE, GUAM 2 military Air Traffic 10/7/1952 #8098 BROOKS AIR FORCE BASE, TX 2 USAF men. Silver UFO ho 10/9/1952 #8105 COPENHAGEN, DK Air Force officers. 1 saucer seen. Huge wave 10/10/1952 #8108 OTIS AIR FORCE BASE, MASS Project Bluebook Case # 10/10/1952 #8111 Newport News, Virginia Langley Air Force Base A Ground Observer Corps spott 10/11/1952 #8118 terceptors arrive from Langley Air Force Base, the object tilts up, acceler 10/11/1952 #8118 Oshima, Japan Air Force pilot and engineer saw round objec 10/13/1952 #8127 LAURINBURG AIR FORCE BASE, NC 1+2 observer(s). Dull ton 10/22/1952 #8174 RENO, NV Civil and 2 / stead Air Force Base. Orange objects / 10k' altitu 10/25/1952 #8183 HEMPSTEAD AIR FORCE BASE, NY Large white-glow outmaneu 10/29/1952 #8208 Air Depot in West Germany U.S. Air Force S/Sgt. Anderson and A/2c Max Handy 10/29/1952 #8217 LAREDO AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #22 11/3/1952 #8231 5MI EAST / AUBURN, GA 2 Air Force COLs / (seen thru) binoculars and 11/8/1952 #8256 GLASGOW AIR FORCE BASE, MT Weatherman / scope. 5 40' 11/13/1952 #8267 views the film along with some Air Force officers. It shows five glowing, o 11/16/1952 #8289 MCANDREW AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD UFO spirals upward / di 11/17/1952 #8291 LA FORCE, FR Luminous red disk quickly goin 11/20/1952 #8302 hat appears shortly after a US Air Force B-29 passes overhead going in the 11/20/1952 #8307 e it disappears behind a hill. Air Force jets circle the area at least twic 11/20/1952 #8308 An Air Force review panel meets at ATIC for thr 11/21/1952 #8316 rfare Research Section and the Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations 11/24/1952 #8332 lot and a crew chief of a U.S. Air Force B-26 bomber reported seeing a seri 11/27/1952 #8349 ing over Delta, Utah in a U.S. Air Force T-33 trainer. 11/28/1952 #8354 cer” memo, Chadwell admits the Air Force would be suspicious of any MIT Lin 12/3/1952 #8366 LAREDO AIR FORCE BASE, TX Night light circles town. 12/4/1952 #8371 lying out of the Laredo, Texas Air Force Base chased a glowing bluish-white 12/4/1952 #8378 Gulf of Mexico Air Force bomber tracked "mother ship," smal 12/6/1952 #8388 LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK Project Bluebook Case #22 12/8/1952 #8393 ared on the radarscope at Pope Air Force Base, North Carolina. It stayed in 12/10/1952 #8410 MCGUIRE AIR FORCE BASE, NJ Several / ground. Orange- 12/12/1952 #8411 se Bay, Labrador 7:15 p.m. Two Air Force pilots get a momentary lock on a s 12/15/1952 #8422 LADD AIR FORCE BASE, AK 3 military observer(s). H 12/16/1952 #8424 ANDERSON AIR FORCE BASE, GUAM 2 / B17+ground observer 12/19/1952 #8433 rently under pressure from the Air Force, which is setting a trap to embarr 12/22/1952 #8442 east going west. Size / medium Air Force bomber. No further details. Blue B 12/28/1952 #8451 CHITOSE AIR FORCE BASE, JPN F84+B26+Air Traffic Cont 12/29/1952 #8455 RAMEY AIR FORCE BASE, PR 2 / RB36. Red-orange fire 12/31/1952 #8466 North Texas Evening. An Air Force pilot and a student are flying an 1953 #8479 saw crates at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in 1953 with recovered bodies 1953 #8482 LARSON AIR FORCE BASE, WA Project Bluebook Case #23 1/8/1953 #8511 g quickly southwest / 948 MPH. Air Force jets can't catch. 1/8/1953 #8511 in the area,” meaning that the Air Force would release balloons to generate 1/9/1953 #8521 going Project Stork assist the Air Force to reassure the public that “every 1/9/1953 #8526 , California 4:45 p.m. Retired Air Force Col. Robert McNab and a Mr. Hunter 1/10/1953 #8530 US The Air Force (reportedly with the assistance of 1/12/1953 #8534 ect be expanded, the investigative force quadrupled in size and staffed by 1/17/1953 #8544 ot adopted.Summary Released by Air Force, 1958: The panel concluded that UF 1/17/1953 #8544 of the panel conclusions), the Air Force began debunking UFOs. Since then t 1/17/1953 #8544 debunking UFOs. Since then the Air Force does not admit to having the sligh 1/17/1953 #8544 nvented by Thornton Page), the Air Force should embark on a debunking campa 1/17/1953 #8548 cribe his consultancy with the Air Force. It is based on the Flit bug-spray 1/18/1953 #8550 en wobbles. Going [to] desert. Air Force jet searches. 1/25/1953 #8565 lanet. Signed, Albert M. Chop, Air Force Press Desk. 1/26/1953 #8569 SAMPSON AIR FORCE BASE, NY 60x4m luminous/glowing cy 1/26/1953 #8570 inental Divide, NM At 2115 MST Air Force personnel stationed at an AC&W sta 1/26/1953 #8572 Henry Holt & Co. Air Force Press Officer Albert M. Chop write 1/26/1953 #8574 from east to west over Sampson Air Force Base in Ontario County, New York w 1/26/1953 #8575 At 9:15 p.m. MST Air Force personnel stationed at the 769th A 1/26/1953 #8576 MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 Sergeants include/inclu 1/27/1953 #8577 MARCH AIR FORCE BASE TO/FROM REDONDO BEACH, CA USA 1/28/1953 #8585 5MI SOUTHWEST / CORONA, CA Air Force Sgt. 5 silent orbs in formation. 1 1/28/1953 #8586 FRANKFURT, GERM 2 / Air Force jet and 1. Night light / violent m 1/28/1953 #8587 A U.S. Air Force C-119 was paced by an unknown obje 2/11/1953 #8665 CARSWELL AIR FORCE BASE, TX RADAR-visual (observation 2/13/1953 #8667 of operations for SAC’s Eighth Air Force Headquarters, is visiting Eielson Mid 2/1953 #8676 ally fly him in a bomber to an air force base in Illinois so he can get hom Mid 2/1953 #8676 :04 p.m. five airmen of the US Air Force 754 AC&W Squad in Port Austin, Mic 2/17/1953 #8685 was changed to "Venus" in the Air Force files in 1963. 2/17/1953 #8685 A Project Bluebook Case #2426. Air Force B25 pilots. 2 separate night light 2/20/1953 #8687 n 41 cases investigated by the Air Force for his upcoming book Flying Sauce 2/25/1953 #8703 BROOKS AIR FORCE BASE, TX Night light circles moons 2/27/1953 #8710 ies. He claims the view of the Air Force is that “many credible people have 3/1953 #8722 and civil. 12 disks race over Air Force RADAR-gunnery meet. Stop / high al 3/5/1953 #8729 rambled to intercept. The U.S. Air Force attempted to explain the sightings 3/5/1953 #8734 Yuma, AZ Air Force officers at a gunnery meet observe 3/7/1953 #8736 ASHIYA AIR FORCE BASE, JP Numerous military observe 3/8/1953 #8738 t Bluebook Case #2692. Several Air Force men / ground. Rear-drop shape goin 3/15/1953 #8756 aying that neither the FBI nor Air Force has approved material used in his 3/17/1953 #8759 ELLINGTON AIR FORCE BASE, TX Several observer(s). 4 ni 3/22/1953 #8774 p.m. The case is listed as an Air Force Project Blue Book "unknown." 3/27/1953 #8791 haped UFO flew near the Laredo Air Force Base in Texas at an estimated alti 4/28/1953 #8848 The Air Force publishes, under the signatures of 5/1953 #8852 eral Col. Kenneth E. Thiebaud, Air Force Manual 200-3, titled Handbook for 5/1953 #8852 l’s only illustration is of an Air Force plane accompanied by three flying 5/1953 #8852 GOOSE AIR FORCE BASE, NFL Project Bluebook Case #2 5/1/1953 #8853 HARMON AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD 1 observer. Flying foot 5/4/1953 #8858 round the craft, possibly due to a force field around the disc. With the gl 5/5/1953 #8867 Yuma, AZ Air Force officers at a gunnery meet observe 5/7/1953 #8869 An anonymous Air Force official claims a UAP crash occurr 5/20/1953 #8891 gineers were taken by the U.S. Air Force on this day into the desert outsid 5/21/1953 #8898 CAPE AREA, SOUTH AFRICA Air Force Radars. Object passes Cape 6X / 12 5/23/1953 #8901 eems / follow observer(s) car. Air Force RADAR. 5/26/1953 #8909 OTIS AIR FORCE BASE, MA UFO / RADAR. Jet chases a 6/1953 #8918 KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX Several / tower. Hazy ovo 6/16/1953 #8934 Tulsa, Oklahoma. According to Air Force report, at 1400 hours he took a ph Summer 1953 #8949 Ernest Harmon Air Force Base Stephenville International Ai Summer 1953 #8952 are scrambled at Ernest Harmon Air Force Base [now Stephenville Internation Summer 1953 #8952 ORTH / US90 EAST / DEL RIO, TX Air Force weatherman. Saucer drops. Stops. H 6/23/1953 #8958 cable sent to the Director of Air Force Intelligence in the Pentagon indic 6/24/1953 #8970 SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, SC 2 observer(s). 3 small sa 7/2/1953 #8984 fies the FBI, which alerts the Air Force at Dobbins AFB [now Dobbins Air Re 7/7/1953 #8989 TX Saucer swoops over sheppard Air Force Base hospital. Very fast. Glows. G 7/9/1953 #8990 0' saucer very close / 4 days. Air Force jets patrol. / r173p33. 7/23/1953 #9010 PERRIN AIR FORCE BASE AND DENISON AND SHERMAN, TX M 7/26/1953 #9016 ge. On August 1, a squadron of Air Force fighters sees the object streaking 7/30/1953 #9022 Brooks Air Force Base Kelly Air Force Base Kelly Fi 8/1/1953 #9037 Brooks Air Force Base Kelly Air Force Base Kelly Field Annex San Antonio 8/1/1953 #9037 nnex San Antonio, Texas The US Air Force Security Service moves its headqua 8/1/1953 #9037 s its headquarters from Brooks Air Force Base [now closed] to Kelly Air For 8/1/1953 #9037 rce Base [now closed] to Kelly Air Force Base [now Kelly Field Annex], both 8/1/1953 #9037 ons, according to the official Air Force investigation. A Project Blue Book 8/3/1953 #9044 NEAR CASTLE AIR FORCE BASE, CA TB29 crew. Grey ovoid mak 8/20/1953 #9086 ua New Guinea Royal Australian Air Force 12:00 noon. Tom P. Drury, deputy d 8/23/1953 #9105 or trail. The Royal Australian Air Force and USAF intelligence are said to 8/23/1953 #9105 Air Force Regulation 200-2 issued by Secreta 8/26/1953 #9110 n 200-2 issued by Secretary of Air Force: "Intelligence. Unidentified Flyin 8/26/1953 #9110 dar-scope photographs of UFOs. Air Force personnel instructed to discuss si 8/26/1953 #9110 n 200-2 issued by Secretary of Air Force; procedures for reporting UFOs, re 8/26/1953 #9111 in Dayton Pentagon USAF issues Air Force Regulation 200-2, which tightens U 8/26/1953 #9112 FO information and superseding Air Force Letter 200-5. It directs that all 8/26/1953 #9112 orts be sent electronically to air force intelligence. Tangible evidence mu 8/26/1953 #9112 USAF issues Air Force Regulation 200-2, which restricts 8/26/1953 #9113 AP reports must now be sent to Air Force Intelligence, and reports by USAF 8/26/1953 #9113 ground witnesses including an Air Force pilot, Sergeant and others watched 8/27/1953 #9118 SIDI SLIMANE AIR FORCE BASE, MAROC C47 crew and Air Traff 9/2/1953 #9134 Sidi Slimane AFB, Fr. Morocco Air Force C-47 Encounters Maneuvering Light 9/2/1953 #9135 HOLBROOK, AZ Air Force C47+marine plane and Zuni / NM sta 9/4/1953 #9142 It was also seen over Andrews Air Force Base. 9/11/1953 #9161 one. Reappears. Seen / Andrews Air Force Base. 9/12/1953 #9164 ch runs Project Blue Book. The Air Force states that Keyhoe is misrepresent 10/1/1953 #9198 he should be disciplined. The Air Force offers no comment. In the book, he 10/1/1953 #9198 TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, OK 2 observer(s). "Extra Ven 10/2/1953 #9200 HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Eng. and 1 southwest / ba 10/7/1953 #9204 SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, IL White sphere/orb/globe st 10/7/1953 #9205 SAMPSON AIR FORCE BASE, NY 3 observer(s). Silver sau 10/9/1953 #9211 OVER SONDSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, GRNL USAF pilots and ground 10/18/1953 #9238 minent attack, noting that the Air Force is not cooperating with the Army o 10/20/1953 #9246 Lubbock, Texas 8:15–8:30 p.m. Air Force weather observers at Lubbock, Texa 10/25/1953 #9254 aucer probe. He emphasizes the Air Force’s 20% unexplained rate and does no 11/22/1953 #9314 The famous Kinross Air Force Base disappearance of an F-89 figh 11/23/1953 #9319 Washington DC The Air Force announced in Washington it had set 12/1/1953 #9331 at an altitude of 7,055 feet. Air Force Gen. Bengt Nordenskiöld calls in r 12/15/1953 #9366 y Richard Reilly questions the Air Force’s openness about UFOs. 12/26/1953 #9397 oe’s claims because a “certain Air Force general swears your book is a comp 12/29/1953 #9406 BENTWATERS AIR FORCE BASE, SUFFOLK Blue saucer makes cr 12/30/1953 #9408 Dayton, OH Air Force Lt. Colonel saw two maneuvering UF 1954 #9417 Edwards Air Force Base California A promotional phot 1954 #9421 erra bomber taken near Edwards Air Force Base in California shows a saucer- 1954 #9421 WURTSMITH AIR FORCE BASE Guard. Extra moon hovers over 1/6/1954 #9455 he reports the sighting to the Air Force in a 4-page letter. 1/10/1954 #9476 KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX RADAR blips 100-6000mph. 1/14/1954 #9482 CARSWELL AIR FORCE BASE, TX 4 Air Traffic Controllers 2/4/1954 #9533 Carswell AFB, TX CONFIDENTIAL Air Force Staff Message: (DTG 061800Z) From 2/6/1954 #9538 in the press and Congress. The Air Force begins promoting its unfounded myt 2/15/1954 #9548 VAN NUYS, CA Former Air Force pilot and 4. Silent saucer / impos 2/18/1954 #9554 t the same time a retired U.S. Air Force pilot sighted a flying disc in Van 2/18/1954 #9556 lm Springs, California Edwards Air Force Base Roswell, New Mexico President 2/20/1954 #9560 made a secret trip to Edwards Air Force Base to view the remains of aliens 2/20/1954 #9560 eports took off there, claimed Air Force permission to talk. 2/22/1954 #9562 Scripps-Howard papers said the Air Force had worked out a plan with commerc 2/23/1954 #9565 geles, California, so that the Air Force can investigate quickly. Each airl 2/23/1954 #9566 Fresno, CA Sec. of Air Force Talbott's aircraft paced by UFO ov 3/1954 #9574 pace was “not submitted to the air force for authentication prior to public 3/1954 #9580 above the area of the blast. Task force headquarters advises them that the 3/1/1954 #9585 flown by the Royal Australian Air Force on air-sampling missions. However, 3/1/1954 #9585 erican Aviation planted by the Air Force attributes the latest wave of sigh 3/1/1954 #9586 erver(s). Disk going east over Air Force Base. Tilts vertical and shoots st 3/8/1954 #9602 haped UFO flew over the Laredo Air Force Base in Laredo, Texas on this day. 3/8/1954 #9604 s must also report UFOs to the Air Force and refrain from talking about it. 3/10/1954 #9609 A U.S. Air Force F-86 fighter jet was scrambled to 3/12/1954 #9619 d offers his assessment of the Air Force’s handling of UFO investigations. 3/23/1954 #9634 igations. He suspects that the Air Force has concluded that UFOs are a real 3/23/1954 #9634 OVER FRESNO, CA Air Force Secretary Talbot and several. Plan 3/24/1954 #9636 Royal Australian Air Force The Royal Australian Air Force iss 4/1954 #9657 Air Force The Royal Australian Air Force issues its first statement of poli 4/1954 #9657 rts that, contrary to what the Air Force claims, some UFO reports are kept 4/5/1954 #9666 the USAF in 1954-55 at Roswell Air Force Base where he began helicopter tra 4/12/1954 #9685 s of UFO reality issued by the Air Force shortly after his March 23 speech. 4/18/1954 #9697 rport sightings. He claims the Air Force had operated a radio found in a re 4/18/1954 #9697 ed weather observers at Kadena Air Force Base in Kadena, Japan sighted blui 4/25/1954 #9721 iff reports 6 saucers to Payne Air Force Base. Jets sent / live ammunition. 5/1/1954 #9741 Amarillo, TX Air Force Chief Nathan Twining tells audienc 5/15/1954 #9797 n Amarillo that best brains of Air Force are trying to solve the riddle of 5/15/1954 #9797 US General Nathan F. Twining, Air Force Chief of Staff, stated the best br 5/15/1954 #9798 re working on the UFO problem; Air Force could not explain 10 per cent of t 5/15/1954 #9798 Airport], Texas, says that the Air Force has the best brains in the country 5/15/1954 #9804 CANNON AIR FORCE BASE, NM "Lens-saucer lands on bas 5/18/1954 #9807 Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico Two persons witne 5/18/1954 #9810 The Air Force announces that it only received 87 6/1/1954 #9861 ook report cites telex / Ramey Air Force Base, PR = UFO / 1930hrs. 6/3/1954 #9863 ingfield the next day that the Air Force actually receives 700 UFO reports 6/7/1954 #9872 re, Maryland, demands that the Air Force ease its restrictions on UFO infor 6/9/1954 #9882 OVER LLANO ESTACADO, TX Air Force pilot and 1. 100' white night ligh 6/10/1954 #9886 sightings were reported to the Air Force, they would total about 700 a week 6/12/1954? #9896 PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Guard. Formless night lig 6/15/1954 #9907 land, British Columbia Naselle Air Force Station radar site Fort Stevens Hi 6/21/1954 #9921 ode 1 signals from the Naselle Air Force Station radar site [now Fort Steve 6/21/1954 #9921 imuth of 80°. At 5:35 a.m., an Air Force charter flight, No. 46 AF 23-24 to 6/26/1954 #9954 BROOKLEY AIR FORCE BASE, AL Saucer going north. Circl 6/30/1954 #9966 raffic controllers at Brookley Air Force Base in Mobile, Alabama. The objec 6/30/1954 #9971 lobe / sky near F86's / George Air Force Base. Shoots going quickly east ov 7/2/1954 #9980 WALESVILLE, NY Air Force jet chases ovoid into cloud and bu 7/2/1954 #9981 which Atkins identifies as an Air Force C-47. The control tower vectors hi 7/2/1954 #9984 ut the heat but clams up under Air Force pressure. The official investigati 7/2/1954 #9984 stigated by the Royal Canadian Air Force. 7/7/1954 #9999 stigated by the Royal Canadian Air Force. 7/7/1954 #10000 led by a lieutenant colonel in Air Force intelligence. He writes in an Augu 7/20/1954 #10031 r. N. E. Schroeder, an ex-Army Air Force B-17 gunner--who had flown on 19 c 8/2/1954 #10095 HAMILTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Saucers circle / sky. Sto 8/3/1954 #10096 MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, AL Ground and air observer(s 8/12/1954 #10133 Saucer glows and soars around Air Force Base tower. No further details. 8/12/1954 #10133 ssued by the Department of the Air Force and declassified by Air Force Chie 8/12/1954 #10138 Air Force and declassified by Air Force Chief of Staff Nathan Twining. The 8/12/1954 #10138 icopter approached. At Maxwell Air Force Base in Alabama nearly an hour lat 8/12/1954 #10139 SAN MARCOS AIR FORCE BASE, TX Project Bluebook Case #31 8/15/1954 #10142 . D. Sauers were flying a U.S. Air Force C-47 transport plane over San Marc 8/15/1954 #10145 x-like craft formation. Tinker Air Force Base RADAR. Jets chase. Going quic 8/28/1954 #10195 sing toward the Royal Canadian Air Force base. An oblong canister was hangi 8/30/1954 #10209 the craft. Durdle woke up four Air Force men, who observed the object spira 8/30/1954 #10209 sing toward the Royal Canadian Air Force base. An oblong canister was hung 8/30/1954 #10210 Sgt. Durdle woke up four other Air Force men, who observed the object spira 8/30/1954 #10210 HILLCREST HEIGHTS, MD Air Force Major. Circular white night light 9/5/1954 #10251 t 30 tons were noted by French Air Force and police on the ballast. 9/10/1954 #10284 . French police and the French Air Force investigate the case. 9/10/1954 #10286 . French police and the French Air Force investigated the case. 9/10/1954 #10288 KIMPO AIR FORCE BASE, KOREA Project Bluebook Case 9/18/1954 #10338 as pulled to the left by an unseen force, and this was followed by a blast 9/18/1954 #10351 ge glowing disc crosses state. Air Force investigate. 9/27/1954 #10466 e ground by an “ice-cold invisible force.” Raymond confesses 6 weeks later 9/27/1954 #10473 ensive investigation by French Air Force and police. 10/4/1954 #10697 ts are not damaged. The French Air Force and local police investigate and l 10/4/1954 #10698 ensive investigation by French Air Force and police. 10/4/1954 #10710 The US Air Force releases a press statement saying 10/9/1954 #10852 the object, stopped by some unseen force. 10/10/1954 #10899 0 feet of him. It emits a magnetic force to capture him, but he shouts and 10/12/1954 #10976 contact Lou Corbin thinks the Air Force already has some recovered materia 10/14/1954 #11054 or the American public, as the Air Force relied on statements that no physi 10/14/1954 #11075 OVER AVIGNON, FR 2 Fr. Air Force jets chase white saucer / colored 10/19/1954 #11227 On this day two French Air Force jets chased a white disc-shaped ob 10/19/1954 #11245 GRAVATAI AIR FORCE BASE, BRZ Many. Silver 30M saucers 10/24/1954 #11352 er, circular objects sped over Air Force base. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 01 - Dista 10/24/1954 #11359 Canoas Air Force Base Porto Alegre, Brazil Rio de J 10/24/1954 #11365 Officers and men at the Canoas Air Force Base near Porto Alegre, Brazil, wa 10/24/1954 #11365 uest to investigate. Brazilian Air Force Chief of Intelligence Col. João Ad 10/24/1954 #11365 n the afternoon, over Gravatai Air Force Base in Porto Alegre, Brazil. It 10/24/1954 #11373 BELEM VELHO, RGS.BRZ Air Force officer. Moon-size globe hovers ov 10/26/1954 #11408 PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Air Force officer. Grey disk west going quic 10/26/1954 #11411 6:00 p.m. the crew of a U. S. Air Force C-47D transport plane flying over 10/29/1954 #11483 ickly south. Report going [to] Air Force Base / Florianopolis. 10/31/1954 #11497 es contain officially released Air Force UFO reports. 11/1954 #11509 an "unknown" by the Brazilian Air Force. 11/2/1954 #11539 ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Ground observer(s). Brigh 11/4/1954 #11556 s, Ohio was shaken by some outside force. Next, the witness looked out and 11/9/1954 #11615 ver Louisville, Kentucky. U.S. Air Force jets chased it over Kentucky, Indi 11/12/1954 #11631 GRAY AIR FORCE BASE / KILLEEN, TX 3 MPs. 4' spher 11/14/1954 #11644 SANTA MARIA AIR FORCE BASE, BRZ Numerous observer(s). 50 11/22/1954 #11687 Santa Maria Air Force Base Rio Grande do Sul Brazil Port 11/22/1954 #11691 legre 9:45 p.m. At Santa Maria Air Force Base, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, r 11/22/1954 #11691 io operator at the Santa Maria Air Force Base, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil sa 11/22/1954 #11692 iet Union United States The US Air Force acknowledges that it is contemplat 12/1954 #11736 metallic discs. The Brazilian Air Force scrambles some jets, but they fail 12/14/1954 #11807 l de Oliveira of the Brazilian Air Force has the soil analyzed and it yield 12/15/1954 #11815 the Australian Directorate of Air Force Intelligence. Now in England, he s 12/26/1954 #11862 ut of the news. Queries to the Air Force were answered by a "fact sheet" re 1955 #11888 January 1973. It begins as an Air Force project to develop a nuclear- powe 1955 #11892 The Air Force issues a statement saying it has a 1955 #11897 as A and C at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base to work on anti-gravity for a 1955 #11898 The Air Force Information Services Letter warns 1/7/1955 #11926 200KM SSE / PIURA, PRU 2 Air Force officers. Domed orange-glowing sau 1/31/1955 #11953 El Pata Air Force Base Talara, Peru Sechura Desert P 1/31/1955 #11956 Highway 1N 2:00 a.m. Peruvian Air Force Commander Guillermo Serpa and Col. 1/31/1955 #11956 avero are returning to El Pata Air Force Base near Talara, Peru, by car thr 1/31/1955 #11956 OVER DOBBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA Eastern Airlines pilot. R 2/9/1955 #11983 At 7:15 p.m. a US Air Force C-124 crew flying over Ryuku Islan 2/11/1955 #11998 City, MO Disc Hovers At 500' / Air Force Doesn't Investigate (NICAP: 01 - D 2/14/1955 #12000 SOUTHEAST / QUITO, EQDR Air Force pilots and 100 / ground. Aluminum 2/16/1955 #12005 d crew members of the Peruvian Air Force, flying to the southeast of Quito, 2/16/1955 #12006 VI, which includes an armored task force Razor moving to within 3,000 feet 2/18/1955 #12010 les (like a mercury-vapor lamp). A force knocked me over. The Flying Saucer 2/23/1955 #12013 e to move, as if held by a strange force. The UFO then flies off at high sp 2/23/1955 #12015 k to use the relatively new US Air Force term “UFO” instead of flying sauce 3/1955 #12022 LINCOLN AIR FORCE BASE, NEBR Large "teardrop-fuselag 3/12/1955 #12043 xtremely remote,” and that the Air Force does not try to influence public o Early 4/1955 #12079 nto Peak near Cloudcroft Biggs Air Force Base [now Biggs Army Airfield] in 4/5/1955 #12080 places in southern New Mexico. Air Force Sgt. Camilla Saenz is stationed on 4/5/1955 #12080 e peak. An airplane from Biggs Air Force Base [now Biggs Army Airfield] in 4/5/1955 #12080 GANDER AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD RCAF ground observer(s) 4/8/1955 #12086 CHERRY VALLEY, IL Air Force jets shoot weather balloon. Saucer 4/8/1955 #12087 KEFLAVIK, ICEL Air Force Colonel and 1. 10+60' saucers / 25 5/4/1955 #12114 , at 1:38 p.m. at the Keflavik Air Force Base in Iceland, two USAF officers 5/4/1955 #12119 MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, FL Saucer seen as large squa 5/17/1955 #12135 At McDill Air Force Base, Florida a disc appeared at 7 5/17/1955 #12139 NORTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Ground-visual military ob 5/21/1955 #12146 reconnaissance aircraft of the Air Force Special Security Service (air arm 6/4/1955 #12180 ND NSA RB47 ELINT jet / Eilson Air Force Base gets small square RADAR blip. 6/7/1955 #12189 he case is missing from the US Air Force records. 6/15/1955 #12199 ark, heading the commission’s task force on intelligence, notes the CIA’s l 6/29/1955 #12219 tilizing it, along with the US Air Force, for Project Aquatone, the develop 7/1955 #12225 or sparkling “as if some electric force or very hot air was flowing from a 8/20/1955 #12379 hat investigations by “police, Air Force officers from nearby Fort Campbell 8/21/1955 #12386 g reports that “the claim that Air Force investigators showed up the next d 8/21/1955 #12386 were from an Army base, not an Air Force base.” Skeptic Joe Nickell notes t 8/21/1955 #12386 nses will be reimbursed by the Air Force. 9/9/1955 #12444 with rims going south / 50kph. Air Force planes circle. / APRO. 10/1955 (approximate) #12473 s south of the rail line.” The Air Force report is written by Lieut. Col. T 10/4/1955 #12488 Fort Worth, Texas US The Air Force releases a statement from Fort Wor 10/10/1955 #12497 HARMON AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD 3 observer(s). Night li 10/12/1955 #12501 id not share the case with the Air Force, Project Blue Book, or the Condon 10/15/1955 #12506 ow under development by the US Air Force. 10/19/1955 #12510 ss; linked with statement that Air Force would soon have its own saucer-sha 10/25/1955 #12518 o, using cases supplied by the Air Force and tabulated on IBM punch cards. 10/25/1955 #12519 le is about 300 pages, but the Air Force distills this down to 100. It is a 10/25/1955 #12519 ease in which Secretary of the Air Force Donald A. Quarles states: “On the 10/25/1955 #12519 time, Quarles states that the Air Force is working on radical new aircraft 10/25/1955 #12519 was drawn up in 1953, yet the Air Force released it as the latest hot dope 10/25/1955 #12519 ot dope in October, 1955.” The Air Force releases a second edition, with a 10/25/1955 #12519 L. Talley in 1990 and 2013 US Air Force studies, NASA scientist Jonathan W 11/30/1955 #12594 positions taken on UFOs by the Air Force. He has personally seen the Estima 1/1956 #12642 SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, IL Military observer(s). Ora 1/3/1956 #12644 WURTSMITH AIR FORCE BASE, MI 2 / (seen thru) binocular 1/11/1956 #12654 ITAZUKI AIR FORCE BASE, JPN USAF men. White round ob 1/18/1956 #12666 ear airliner = saucer tilting. Air Force uninterested. 2/22/1956 #12735 tigravity) to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The report refers to a Proje 2/25/1956 #12739 ne under development by the US Air Force. The cover proclaims, “U.S. Air Fo 3/1956 #12742 ce. The cover proclaims, “U.S. Air Force Reveals Our Flying Saucer.” Throug 3/1956 #12742 WESTOVER AIR FORCE BASE, MASS Jets chase 130' saucer. 3/26/1956 #12767 n space people, underwater cities, force fields, and much more. The book fa 4/1956 #12777 xperiment in 1979, which links the force fields back to T. Townsend Brown, 4/1956 #12777 ep space origin, underwater bases, force fields, and more. Sherby and Hoove 4/1956 #12778 served as special assistant to Air Force Secretary Thomas Finletter, he tri 4/3/1956 #12781 y F. Byrd (D-Va.), criticizing Air Force secrecy, deconstructing Blue Book 4/3/1956 #12782 d to forward his letter to the Air Force for a response, but he forwards it 4/3/1956 #12782 self anyway, as does Byrd. The Air Force’s Gen. Joe W. Kelly responds, dism 4/3/1956 #12782 Schenectady, NY Air Force Requests Plane Loaded With Passeng 4/8/1956 #12801 Air Force Manual section 190-4 goes into eff 5/1/1956 #12823 requires the Secretary of the Air Force Office of Information to “delete a 5/1/1956 #12823 uld, of course, contradict the Air Force stand that UFOs do not exist.” NIC 5/1/1956 #12823 book Flying Saucers and the US Air Force was reviewed under AFM 190-4. 5/1/1956 #12823 Maj. William T. Coleman claims Air Force Manual section 190-4 was in effect 5/1/1956 #12825 requires the Secretary of the Air Force Office of Information to delete al 5/1/1956 #12825 the regulation, something the Air Force previously denied. Coleman states 5/1/1956 #12825 , and Gen William Garland. The Air Force carefully monitors its reception a 5/3/1956 #12828 e machine" zigzags across sky. Air Force explosive = star Capella. 5/6/1956 #12833 erver Corps (GOC) and many and Air Force Base. 3 showings. Pink-glowing sau 5/8/1956 #12836 NORTH / NORTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 civilians / radio tower 5/16/1956 #12850 BIRMINGHAM, AL 2 Air Force pilots / B25. 15m silver saucer go 6/5/1956 #12884 5MI SOUTH / MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA Air Force ground-visual o 6/10/1956 #12892 UTH / MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA Air Force ground-visual observer(s). "Half d 6/10/1956 #12892 roached by a Royal New Zealand Air Force Vampire jet interceptor, near Ohak 6/17/1956 #12906 Nellis Air Force Base A pilot driving through the d Summer 1956 #12912 he desert and bound for Nellis Air Force Base experienced a sudden and inex Summer 1956 #12912 , writing for Secretary of the Air Force Donald A. Quarles, replies to a qu 6/25/1956 #12919 cool down public reaction, the Air Force’s reluctance to distribute its lar 7/5/1956 #12953 , and contradicts the official Air Force stance at the time that no physica 7/5/1956 #12954 lver saucers over airport etc. Air Force team sent in. 7/12/1956 #12966 WESTOVER AIR FORCE BASE, MASS Observer(s) = Nelson. L 7/17/1956 #12975 OTIS AIR FORCE BASE, MASS Military-air visual. Gl 7/17/1956 #12976 ion Hutchinson [now Hutchinson Air Force Station], Kansas Naval Air Station 7/19/1956 #12990 ion Hutchinson [now Hutchinson Air Force Station], Kansas, reports tracking 7/19/1956 #12990 e. Several report(s) / Edwards Air Force Base. / APRO SEPT'56. 7/22/1956 #13003 PIXLEY, CA Blue Book. Air Force C131 hits saucer! Tail crushed. Cr 7/22/1956 #13005 SAN LUIS, AZ Saucer follows Air Force bomber. Stops and blows smoke. 2nd 8/1956 #13037 NEAR NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, NV Pilot / car / malfunction 8/1956 (approximate) #13038 ting to the newspapers and the Air Force, but a USAF officer confiscate bot 8/1956 #13045 A press leak from the Air Force Association reveals that proposals 8/3/1956 #13050 rates. Lockheed has signed an Air Force contract. The CIA’s Richard M. Bis 8/3/1956 #13050 G. Strong has been pushing the Air Force to develop an infrared tracking sa 8/3/1956 #13050 Royal Canadian Air Force Canadian Rockies Fort Macleod, Alb 8/27/1956 #13140 berta 7:20 p.m. Royal Canadian Air Force pilot Robert James “Chick” Childer 8/27/1956 #13140 S70 12 MI SOUTHWEST / HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Domed saucer / roadside c 9/1956 #13160 Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio The General Phy 9/1956 #13166 ries (ARL) at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, launches an in 9/1956 #13166 m. and were reported to the US Air Force by two airline pilots for Western 9/6/1956 #13196 NORTHWEST / ELSINORE, CA Ex Air Force pilot. Large silver ovoid sucks an 9/12/1956 #13216 a Shortly after 12:00 noon. An Air Force Convair RB-36H of the 28th Strateg Fall 1956 #13239 r the Stringfields contact the Air Force, M/Sgt Oliver D. Hill retrieves th 9/25/1956 #13245 COLUMBUS, OH Ex Air Force pilot and 1. 8 cigars hover overhe 9/28/1956 #13251 CASTLE AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 F86's chase saucer. RAD 10/7/1956 #13265 these events were told by the Air Force that the pilots had been chasing d Late 1956 #13277 US40 NORTHEAST / FERNLEY, NV Air Force man and 1 / (seen thru) binoculars 10/15/1956 #13278 ooks to have been moved to the Air Force Rocket Propulsion Laboratory (see Late 1956 #13281 WHEELUS AIR FORCE BASE, LIBYA Military ground and ai 10/17/1956 #13283 n a definite course. Homestead Air Force Base, south of Miami, Florida was 11/8/1956 #13315 Florida at 6:00 p.m. in a U.S. Air Force RF-84F aircraft from the 3242rd re 11/9/1956 #13319 days. State police chased UFO, Air Force jets scrambled. (UFOE, VII) (NICAP 11/24/1956 #13346 HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM Several separate observer 11/29/1956 #13363 CHARLESTON AIR FORCE BASE, SC Project Bluebook Case #45 11/30/1956 #13366 At 12:48 p.m. U.S. Air Force aerial navigator Maj. D. D. Grimes 11/30/1956 #13372 radar sighting of round UFO by Air Force jet pilot. Radar jammed by strong 12/1956 #13376 ocuses on discrepancies in the Air Force’s public announcements and the act 12/1956 #13378 Victoria, Texas 2:00 p.m. A US Air Force pilot sees a silver object with a 12/10/1956 #13396 ITAZUKE AIR FORCE BASE, JPN 100M saucer jams RADAR / 12/17/1956 #13406 Ozyorsk failed and exploded with a force between 70-100 tons of TNT. Radiat 1957 #13424 MARENGO, ALGERIA French Air Force carrier plane crew. Luminous/glowi 1/3/1957 #13449 /all about. Follows 2 separate Air Force B25s. Radio compass electro-magnet 1/16/1957 #13459 xas 8:00 p.m. The crews of two Air Force B-25s are flying about 90 miles no 1/16/1957 #13461 NORTH / LINCOLN AIR FORCE BASE, NE 2 separate RADAR's and 5 2/13/1957 #13494 jet activity discounted.” The Air Force quickly explains the sighting as a 3/9/1957 #13540 obert Beaudoin, the wife of an Air Force officer, along with her 17-year-ol 3/22/1957 #13553 report to Oxnard and the later Air Force investigation by the 4602nd, these 3/22/1957 #13553 orizon. To deal with that, the Air Force adds the theory that a temperature 3/22/1957 #13553 ical due to her pregnancy. The Air Force’s explanation is completed without 3/22/1957 #13553 adar tracked a UFO over Oxnard Air Force Base, California. Visual reports o 3/23/1957 #13558 . Arno H. Leuhman, director of Air Force information, tells the press that Early 4/1957 #13576 (D-Mont.) and denies that the Air Force has muzzled pilots. “Answers are p 4/8/1957 #13589 Nellis Air Force Range, Nevada Nevada Test Site 6:2 4/24/1957 #13615 ucted in Area 13 at the Nellis Air Force Range, Nevada. The high explosives 4/24/1957 #13615 a F-86 D Sabre from the Royal Air Force base at Manston, Kent and ordered 5/1957 #13626 feet away, he encounters a type of force field that prevents him from appro 5/1957 #13630 t and shoots off to the north. The force field disappears. 5/1957 #13630 EAST / EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA Cameramen. 30 frames / sa 5/2/1957 #13640 MARIEMONT, OH Silver sphere in Air Force maneuvers. Jets chase. Going quick 5/24/1957 #13676 OFF NEW JERSEY McGuire Air Force Base jets chase 100+RADAR blips. G 6/7/1957 #13711 OHAKEA AIR FORCE BASE, NZ Jet pilot and ground RADA 6/17/1957 #13733 lifornia. Soon afterwards, the Air Force reduces funds for the unit, impair 7/1957 #13765 PULHA, BRZ Night light follows Air Force B26 / one hour. Hovers / airport. 7/14/1957 #13795 arently convinces him that the Air Force’s explanations for the 24 cases ar Mid 7/1957 #13799 Las Vegas Air Force Station [now closed] at Angel Peak 7/16/1957 #13801 C Armand Therrien at Las Vegas Air Force Station [now closed] at Angel Peak 7/16/1957 #13801 o Project scientists asked the Air Force for the Blue Book file on the RB-4 7/17/1957 #13808 Mount Lemmon Air Force Station Tucson, Arizona Chandler 1 7/18/1957 #13811 d a radar crew at Mount Lemmon Air Force Station [now closed] northeast of 7/18/1957 #13811 evada, is the only test of the Air Force’s AIR-2 Genie missile with a nucle 7/19/1957 #13814 ar warhead. On the ground, the Air Force carries out a public relations eve 7/19/1957 #13814 relations event by having five Air Force officers and a videographer stand 7/19/1957 #13814 onal Airport, Italy An Italian Air Force noncommissioned officer on duty in 8/4/1957 #13876 Quilino, Argentina An Air Force man inside a tent heard a loud, sh 8/20/1957 #13911 gion A member of the Argentine Air Force guarding a downed aircraft is in a 8/20/1957 #13913 Quilino, Cordoba, Argentina an Air Force man inside a tent heard a loud, sh 8/20/1957 #13915 zation (possibly the Brazilian Air Force) shows that the metal is high in m 9/1957 #13966 CHITOSE AIR FORCE BASE, JAPAN Project Bluebook Case 9/1/1957 #13968 ds a second fragment to the US Air Force, which accidentally destroys it. T Early 9/1957 #13971 nown City, Portugal Portuguese Air Force Jets Have 40-Minute Encounter (NIC 9/4/1957 #13977 Ent Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado 9/12/1957 #13992 quarters is established at Ent Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado 9/12/1957 #13992 e he wants to find out how the Air Force is implementing the recommendation 9/16/1957 #14001 n-size UFO plays cat & mouse / Air Force plane. 3 observer(s). / r33p261. 9/19/1957 #14009 KADENA AIR FORCE BASE, OKINAWA Project Bluebook Cas 9/20/1957 #14016 kout kill of the entire US nuclear force. At 3:10 p.m., interception is att 9/20/1957 #14020 BRICEVILLE, TN Several and Air Force RADAR. Huge saucer. USAF info offi 9/22/1957 #14023 Dir. of Air Force Intelligence Gen. Millard Lewis ad 9/24/1957 #14030 0M crosses sky / 15 second(s). Air Force jet chases. RADAR. Away / 2900kph. 10/1/1957 #14052 r-in-Chief of Royal Australian Air Force. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 10/16/1957 #14126 12 MI SOUTH / LORING AIR FORCE BASE, ME RADAR-visual (observation 10/23/1957 #14147 SELMA, AL Air Force Captain and 5. Radio Frequency Int 10/29/1957 #14160 ealey again, who tells him the Air Force has “made a strong attempt to disp 10/31/1957 #14174 bre jet from the South African Air Force is sent up to investigate. It clim 11/1/1957 #14189 orning in 1957 a South African Air Force Sabre jet pilot pursued a high alt 11/1/1957 #14190 LOGANSPORT, LA 2 Air Force airmen / car and separate observer 11/2/1957 #14198 as a UFO passes overhead. The Air Force calls the Levelland sightings ball 11/2/1957 #14216 DYESS AIR FORCE BASE, TX Air Traffic Controller Wa 11/3/1957 #14236 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 2 Air Traffic Controllers 11/4/1957 #14271 nada, Spain Córdoba Portuguese Air Force Capt. Lenos Ferreira is conducting 11/4/1957 #14281 investigators of the Brazilian Air Force, fly to the fort to interview them 11/4/1957 #14284 it clears up the next day. The Air Force calls it a hoax based on the Level 11/4/1957 #14286 KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS Airman. Ovoid going north 11/5/1957 #14300 nder/cigar-shape over Holloman Air Force Base and orange night light going 11/5/1957 #14305 adio operator Thomas Kirk. The Air Force ascribes it to confused radar oper 11/5/1957 #14342 EDWARDS / MUROC AIR FORCE BASE, CA Widely separate MPs. Oran 11/6/1957 #14383 nty, Ohio reported to the U.S. Air Force that at 6:30 a.m. he saw a UFO so 11/6/1957 #14435 an source reported to the U.S. Air Force that an oval object, about 5 meter 11/6/1957 #14437 WAIUKU, NZ Air Force flight engineering. Ovoid over roa 11/7/1957 #14453 Holloman Air Force Base Alamogordo, New Mexico 1:45–1 11/7/1957 #14458 a.m. Seven airmen at Holloman Air Force Base near Alamogordo, New Mexico—B 11/7/1957 #14458 llic object hovers over Cannon Air Force Base. Vanishes! / r141#2. 11/8/1957 #14471 e recovered and sent to the US Air Force for analysis. On this same date a 11/13/1957 #14542 JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE, JPN Cylinder/cylindrical obj 11/14/1957 #14545 , D.C. Wright-Patterson AFB An Air Force car with two officers comes to UFO 11/17/1957 #14571 0 miles SE of), Turkey Turkish Air Force pilot saw a 10 ft regular-hexagon- 11/22/1957 #14593 Tonopah, NV Air Force officer's car failed, he saw disc- 11/23/1957 #14602 uickly east. Cannot catch. Big Air Force investigation. 11/26/1957 #14618 ROBINS AIR FORCE BASE, GA 3 Air Traffic Controllers 11/26/1957 #14619 cs Research Directorate at the Air Force Cambridge Research Center at Hansc 11/29/1957 #14639 cs Research Directorate at the Air Force Cambridge Research Center at Hansc 11/29/1957 #14639 Ruppelt, Donald Menzel, and an Air Force representative. But Keyhoe finds o 12/1957 #14654 JOLIETVILLE, IN 2 observer(s). Air Force plane circles / low altitude as 1M 12/1/1957 (approximate) #14655 apan. Later that same day a US Air Force plane circled at a low altitude as 12/1/1957 #14661 nsidered "explained" by the US Air Force as contrails. 12/8/1957 #14693 NEAR LOCKBOURNE AIR FORCE BASE, OH 3 F86 pilots. Orange cres 12/11/1957 #14708 sighted by the crew of a U.S. Air Force F-86 from the 87th FIS and tracked 12/11/1957 #14714 sawa, Japan and sent to the US Air Force Project Blue Book. Project Blue Bo 12/15/1957 #14731 on of nearby objects. The U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book recorded the cas 12/16/1957 #14736 ecords were transferred to the Air Force. Late 1950's #14773 Nellis Air Force Range, Nevada Area 13 The Atomic E 1958 #14779 e around Area 13 at the Nellis Air Force Range, Nevada, where the Project 5 1958 #14779 by 150 men. Soon ARPA and the Air Force take over the project and redesign 1958 #14780 rt of the Mercury program, the Air Force sponsors a project named “Man-In-S 1958 #14785 The US Air Force commissions a special studies grou 1958 #14787 a special studies group within Air Force Intelligence headed by Stefan Poss 1958 #14787 Air Forces files on the German Air Force’s secret weapons program at the Ai 1958 #14787 secret weapons program at the Air Force Historical Research Agency at Maxw 1958 #14787 cal Research Agency at Maxwell Air Force Base, and another copy at the Offi 1958 #14787 another copy at the Office of Air Force History at Bolling Air Force Base. 1958 #14787 f Air Force History at Bolling Air Force Base. US Office of Technical Serv 1958 #14787 ives from the Secretary of the Air Force Office of Legislative Action to di 1/1958 #14791 f holding open hearings on the Air Force UFO program. USAF fears “uncontrol 1/1958 #14791 ot in the best interest of the air force,” nor necessary for national secur 1/1958 #14791 z.) that allegations about the Air Force withholding information are “entir 1/1958 #14791 want confidentiality, and the Air Force respects that. 1/1958 #14791 noise like a flock of birds." Air Force officers and policemen searched th 1/4/1958 #14805 on afterward and says that the Air Force is not hiding anything about UFOs. 1/22/1958 #14838 , although he thinks it is the Air Force silence group at work. In April, C 1/22/1958 #14838 ts: “I felt it would encourage Air Force personnel to violate present Air F 1/23/1958 #14840 e personnel to violate present Air Force policy and specifically AF Regulat 1/23/1958 #14840 of Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Richard E. Horner under the auspic 1/31/1958 #14855 other senators are absent. The Air Force is represented by Maj. James F. By 1/31/1958 #14855 ng Circle Theater incident was Air Force censorship. A few days later, Heal 2/1958 #14859 , Healey tells Keyhoe that the Air Force is claiming that the program prove 2/1958 #14859 The Air Force revises AFR 200-2 and recreates th 2/5/1958 #14872 Giant Radar Return Reported to Air Force PBB (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code 2/19/1958 #14880 tion,” it would state that the Air Force is investigating UFOs and not with 2/28/1958 #14896 iveira, chief of the Brazilian Air Force’s General Staff information servic 2/28/1958 #14897 sue a statement certifying the Air Force is properly conducting its UAP inv 2/28/1958 #14899 The Air Force releases parts of the 1953 Roberts 3/1958 #14904 hman, falsely stating that the Air Force has done “considerable work” with 3/3/1958 #14916 ing Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Richard E. Horner told his produce 3/8/1958 #14920 investigate the United States Air Force.” 3/8/1958 #14920 AALBORG AIR FORCE BASE, DK 2 airmen / ground. Small 4/1/1958 (approximate) #14956 mation / saucers leaves Danish Air Force jet behind. / r46p204. 4/10/1958 #14973 Albuquerque, NM Air Force Staff Sergeant saw large formation 4/14/1958 #14983 ta 12:15 p.m. A Royal Canadian Air Force Dakota DC-3 is flying to RCAF Stat 5/13/1958 #15031 reports and warns him that the Air Force will ask him for “certain UFO info 6/1958 #15068 AP receives a request from the Air Force requesting any cases that indicate 6/1958 #15068 ompany that contracts with the Air Force and thus might be playing it safe 6/6/1958 #15081 neuvered for four minutes. The Air Force attempted to explain this sighting 6/9/1958 #15086 for one hour on the status of Air Force UFO investigations in the Capitol 6/20/1958 #15105 The Air Force briefs Reps. Henderson, Cramer, Ma 6/20/1958 #15107 ROSWELL-WALKER AIR FORCE BASE, NM Project Bluebook Case #un 6/21/1958 #15109 Air Force Base, Southwest US, In Airspace Ra Summer 1958 #15110 Air Force base in the Southwest US At an uni Summer 1958 #15111 outhwest US At an unidentified Air Force base in the Southwest US, two jets Summer 1958 #15111 it take off at high speed. The Air Force officers who interrogate them tell Summer 1958 #15112 ALEXANDRIA, LA Near England Air Force Base. Patrolman photographs 2 roun 6/23/1958 #15114 HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 2 men. Silent 25' Adamski 7/1958 #15127 ing Mission is returning to an Air Force Base in New Hampshire [Pease AFB i 7/1958 #15130 CHITOSE AIR FORCE BASE, JPN RADAR and Air Traffic Co 7/17/1958 #15145 ght be under pressure from the Air Force. 7/17/1958 #15148 Warsaw Świdnica Poland Polish Air Force pilot Apoloniusz Czernów of the 3r 8/1958 #15171 MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT Air Force guard. Large fe 8/4/1958 #15178 MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT Air Force guard. Large featureless silver de 8/4/1958 #15178 ory persuades him to allow the Air Force to give a briefing, while allowing 8/8/1958 #15184 The Air Force briefs the Subcommittee on Atmosph 8/13/1958 #15200 WHEELUS AIR FORCE BASE, TRIPOLI, LIBYA Project Blueb 9/1/1958 #15240 OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE, NE 25 / USAF. Contrail = cyl 9/8/1958 #15259 Air Force Major Duich and several others at 9/8/1958 #15262 ory appears in newspapers, the Air Force explains it as repair trucks doing 9/29/1958 #15286 es implementation of the plan, Air Force Headquarters kills it. 10/1958 #15294 een ovoid going northeast over Air Force Base / 350M altitude. 2x moon-size 10/2/1958 #15298 VAALHARTZ, RSA Ex Air Force pilot. 3 10M saucers hover / 10 mi 10/24/1958 #15370 lassified to “protect official Air Force interest in the recovery of UFOs f 10/30/1958 #15404 e disappearance of the object. Air Force tower personnel also see the UFO h 11/4/1958 #15425 Brazilia, Brazil Air Force pilot and 500 observers saw a movi 11/8/1958 #15433 pieces is submitted to the US Air Force and not returned. In the early 197 11/9/1958 #15435 atures interviews with unnamed Air Force officers who proclaim an “undeclar 11/30/1958 #15462 ying saucers.” Supposedly, the Air Force has evidence that “perhaps as many 11/30/1958 #15462 sightings but are told by the Air Force that they are mistaken. USAF warns 12/1958 #15465 rk (N.J.) Star-Ledger that the Air Force policy of censorship and denial re 12/21/1958 #15494 e seen UAP tell a reporter the Air Force policy of denial is like “Big Brot 12/21/1958 #15495 , when it is taken over by the Air Force. 1959 #15509 ated Army (Missile Master) and Air Force (SAGE) radar systems. 1/31/1959 #15572 To get it going, he meets with Air Force Intelligence, Secretary of the Air 2/17/1959 #15591 Intelligence, Secretary of the Air Force officials, and Blue Book staffers 2/17/1959 #15591 r operators in Pittsburgh. The Air Force quickly identifies the objects as 2/24/1959 #15604 ent sighting of the UFOs by an Air Force transport plane 150 miles further 2/24/1959 #15604 US The US Air Force launches Discoverer 1, the first o 2/28/1959 #15623 papers, “I don’t care what the air force says,” he knows what refueling loo 3/19/1959 #15652 r asking it to stop writing to Air Force personnel about UFOs. Keyhoe tells Spring 1959 #15660 ther officer with the US Fifth Air Force in Tokyo, Japan, is in the operati Spring 1959 #15662 ghts of his telescope. But the Air Force finds that the couple were never l 3/22/1959 #15665 s under strict orders from the Air Force not to talk to anyone about the si 3/27/1959 #15674 his job. Soon afterwards, the Air Force releases a statement from Killian 3/27/1959 #15674 Orting, WA An Air Force C-118 transport plane with four pa 4/1/1959 #15686 day after an interview with an Air Force Colonel. “The Chief and other offi 4/1/1959 #15686 Base Lewis-McChord] Tacoma An Air Force C-118 plane with four on board cra 4/1/1959 #15688 -cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / Air Force Base. Going quickly north. Nothing 4/12/1959 #15697 PEASE AIR FORCE BASE, NH Project Bluebook Case #un 5/2/1959 #15720 NORTHWEST / OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE, NE Blue Book. Military and c 5/13/1959 #15727 le subject.” Royal Netherlands Air Force Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Haye Schap 5/18/1959 #15737 ecent information. He says the Air Force is giving its full cooperation and Late 5/1959 #15747 week period. A man told Nellis Air Force Base officials that he saw 4 unide 5/27/1959 (approximate) #15748 iles SE of Las Vegas area. The Air Force said none of the objects sighted c 5/27/1959 (approximate) #15748 ern horizon near the city. The Air Force said none of the objects sighted c 6/3/1959 (approximate) #15756 s and urges him not to let the Air Force intimidate him into retracting. 6/12/1959 #15766 NEAR GOOSE AIR FORCE BASE, NFLD 2 circular objects hove 6/15/1959 (approximate) #15769 crewman at McCarran Field, and Air Force men were amoung those reporting se 6/17/1959 #15772 egas at 10:55pm. Airman at the Air Force radar installation at Angel's Peak 6/17/1959 #15772 was not able to track it. The Air Force said none of the objects sighted c 6/17/1959 #15772 , Fairfax County, Virginia The Air Force reassigns UFO investigative duties 7/1959 #15807 same phenomenon, as well as an Air Force bomber crew, a Slick Airways plane 7/11/1959 #15834 HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 2 observer(s). Night ligh 7/14/1959 (approximate) #15847 object followed FAB (Brazilian Air Force) B-26, hovered near airport. [NICA 7/14/1959 #15849 A light followed a Brazilian Air Force B-26 bomber plane for one hour as 7/14/1959 #15854 Canada Witness: Royal Canadian Air Force pilot Flt. Lt. M.S. Mowat, on grou 8/10/1959 #15902 rizon to overhead at Goose Bay Air Force Base in Labrador, Canada. It cross 8/10/1959 #15903 later interrogated by the U.S. Air Force. 8/13/1959 #15916 6MI WITH MITCHELL AIR FORCE BASE, LI, NY Vertical luminous red 8/19/1959 #15926 / LEXINGTON, KY Blue Book. Ex Air Force pilot and more. 5 glowing-ovoids d 9/7/1959 #15957 , along with a kerosene smell. Air Force investigators show up and declare 9/7/1959 #15960 Vandenberg Space Force Base Lompoc, California Francis E. 9/9/1959 #15962 ndenberg AFB [now Vandenberg Space Force Base] near Lompoc, California, and 9/9/1959 #15962 GRISSOM AIR FORCE BASE WITH BUNKER HILL, IN Project 9/13/1959 #15966 Pentagon Air Force Regulation 200-2 is revised, with 9/14/1959 #15975 ricted to the Secretary of the Air Force’s Office of Information Services a 9/14/1959 #15975 ject is positively identified. Air Force personnel are not to contact priva 9/14/1959 #15975 JAKARTA, INDONS Air Force patrol. Disk hovers. Sudden glare. 9/20/1959 #15982 from 6,000 to 52,000 feet. The Air Force claims the UFOs are caused by fals 9/24/1959 #15987 abnormal radioactivity, so the Air Force changes its explanation to weather 9/24/1959 #15987 s showing all the details. The Air Force again changes its explanation to V 9/24/1959 #15987 tremendous exterior heat. Also the force causing the plane to come down did 9/29/1959 #15997 Maj. R. O. Braswell, flying an Air Force C-47 at 6,500 feet over Texas, see 9/29/1959 #15998 und/Air Visuals Over City Stir Air Force (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 10/15/1959 #16033 Czech Air Force Czechoslovakian airfield Czech Rep 11/16/1959 #16089 Czech Republic 8:00 p.m. Czech Air Force officer Commander Duchoň is drivin 11/16/1959 #16089 he book. He claims there is no Air Force secrecy on UFOs and NICAP is just 12/1959 #16104 1960. The NSSCC is part of the Air Force Command and Control Development Di 12/1959 #16106 US Air Force Inspector General brief to Operati 12/24/1959 #16132 cting inspector general of the Air Force, issues instructions pertaining to 12/24/1959 #16133 . Col. Lawrence J. Tacker, the Air Force began answering critics of its UFO 1960 #16138 k "Flying Saucers and the U.S. Air Force" by Lawrence J. Tacker (Van Nostra 1960 #16138 rd by General Thomas D. White, Air Force Chief of Staff. Col. Tacker went o 1960 #16138 event were told to get into an Air Force sedan, driven to the headquarters 1960 #16145 -algeria Note: USAF issued Air Force Regulation 200-2 on 26 August 1953 1960 #16145 uired UAP events to be sent to Air Force Intelligence. It is likely the int 1960 #16145 firmed McMillen's sighting. An Air Force T-33 inbound to Nellis AFB also co 1/3/1960 #16149 object was “the remains of an Air Force Discoverer VIII satellite that had 2/1960 #16162 ntervale, New Haven, CT Former Air Force PT Boat Commander watched UFOs ren 2/3/1960 #16164 ROME AIR FORCE BASE, NY 5 Air Traffic Controllers 2/27/1960 #16183 Dubuque, Iowa at 5:57 p.m. The Air Force claimed that no unusual objects ap 3/4/1960 #16196 e Cuba, and develop a paramilitary force to be introduced into Cuba to orga 3/17/1960 #16200 ade no sound. Listed as a U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book unidentified rep 3/23/1960 #16205 RICHARDS-GEBAUR AIR FORCE BASE, MO Project Bluebook Case #67 4/17/1960 #16230 Flight Research Center Edwards Air Force Base California NASA issues a pres 5/5/1960 #16256 ht Research Center] at Edwards Air Force Base in California. Premier Nikita 5/5/1960 #16256 saucer hovers / edge of town. Air Force jet chases. Fast evasive maneuvers 5/13/1960 #16265 ef of intelligence at a nearby Air Force Base, interviews the witnesses and 5/19/1960 #16289 well- reasoned story about the Air Force’s unilateral control of UFO inform 6/1/1960 #16305 sian. Hillenkoetter states the Air Force is not telling U.S. citizens the t 6/22/1960 #16317 NORTHEAST / YACANTO, ARG Air Force Captain / car photographs cone. 8M 7/3/1960 #16328 Argentine Air Force Villa General Belgrano, Córdoba, A 7/3/1960 #16329 Argentina 4:30 p.m. Argentine Air Force Capt. Hugo F. Niotti is driving no 7/3/1960 #16329 An Argentinean Air Force Captain photographed a cone-shaped 7/3/1960 #16330 National Airport Levelland The Air Force gives a preliminary briefing to as 7/13/1960 #16335 The Air Force gives a major briefing on UFOs for 7/15/1960 #16337 e skeptical; Smart accuses the Air Force of withholding information and wan 7/15/1960 #16337 o truth in the charge that the Air Force or any other governmental agency i 7/26/1960 #16348 ndenberg AFB [now Vandenberg Space Force Base], California North Pacific Th 8/10/1960 #16367 ndenberg AFB [now Vandenberg Space Force Base], California. The primary goa 8/10/1960 #16367 US "Air Force Information Policy Letter; For Com 8/15/1960 #16383 sued by Office of Secretary of Air Force. Under title "AF Keeping Watchful 8/15/1960 #16383 Air Force Information Policy Letter for Comm 8/15/1960 #16385 by Office of the Secretary of Air Force. In “AF Keeping Watchful Eye on Ae 8/15/1960 #16385 is a relationship between the Air Force’s interest in space surveillance a 8/15/1960 #16385 OAK FOREST, IL Former Air Force pilot. Saucer hovers and bobs arou 8/16/1960 #16387 Oak Forest, IL Former Air Force pilot saw disc-like UFO which hove 8/16/1960 #16395 y produce a proposal to the US Air Force to share data in the hopes of plot 8/25/1960 #16414 s them with the RAF and the US Air Force. However, all of them are “explain 10/20/1960 #16486 es Flying Saucers and the U.S. Air Force, in which he blisteringly attacks 12/5/1960 #16525 book Flying Saucers and the US Air Force because “I felt the Air Force was 12/5/1960 #16526 Air Force because “I felt the Air Force was being set upon by Maj. Keyhoe, 12/5/1960 #16526 , most of them critical of the Air Force. 12/5/1960 #16526 ilip G. Evans, write a memo to Air Force Intelligence in the Pentagon. Frie 12/27/1960 #16541 by their accusations that the Air Force is withholding UFO information. 12/27/1960 #16541 ilot was interviewed by the US Air Force. 1/10/1961 #16576 EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, FL Metallic saucer nears Air 1/22/1961 #16583 BASE, FL Metallic saucer nears Air Force Base / Gulf. U-turn and retreats. 1/22/1961 #16583 45 p.m. as it approached Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, then made a U-turn 1/22/1961 #16589 . John W. McCormack states the Air Force “has not been giving out all the i 2/16/1961 #16600 acker says that critics of the Air Force investigation are “absolutely erro 3/1961 #16617 Brooks (D-La.), to investigate Air Force UFO secrecy. 3/1961 #16618 temala and Nicaragua, the invading force is defeated within three days by t 4/17/1961 #16649 d oil and buckwheat flour. The Air Force concludes that Simonton is honest 4/18/1961 #16653 US American US Air Force Intelligence Collection Guidance L 4/25/1961 #16662 dmits that we are still losing Air Force planes to UFOs. The first case was 5/1961 #16669 s without secrecy. It says the Air Force should have a more straightforward 5/1961 #16672 TYNDALL AIR FORCE BASE, FL Project Bluebook Case #74 5/20/1961 #16689 c hung in the air over Tyndall Air Force Base. It was seen by two married w 5/22/1961 #16695 ts for an investigation of the Air Force project. Congressional hearings we 6/1961 #16706 but never came about. Instead, Air Force Congressional Liaison personnel br 6/1961 #16706 elligence and added to the new Air Force Systems Command. Its name is chang 7/1/1961 #16741 m view in five seconds. A U.S. Air Force Project Blue Book "unknown" case. 8/12/1961 #16792 ing to defame and ridicule the Air Force. He had thought Keyhoe would be pr 8/28/1961 #16806 “cheap scheme to discredit the Air Force.” 8/28/1961 #16806 and the undersecretary of the Air Force to co-manage all space reconnaissa 9/6/1961 #16818 LAVERTON RAAF, VIC Air Force men. Disk spins over radar hill. G 9/8/1961 #16821 OSAN AIR FORCE BASE, KOREA White saucer maneuvers 9/14/1961 #16835 North Concord Air Force Station East Mountain, Vermont 5:2 9/19/1961 #16855 nt 5:22 a.m. The North Concord Air Force Station [now closed] at East Mount 9/19/1961 #16855 the lake surface. He calls the Air Force and Coast Guard to make sure it’s 10/14/1961 #16910 ersonnel are needed to support Air Force Projects Moon Dust, Blue Fly and “ 11/13/1961 #16963 isit him. He presumes they are Air Force intelligence officers who say they Late 11/1961 #16978 t and the other an active-duty Air Force sergeant. They all are “extremely Late 11/1961 #16978 NASA The Air Force tries once again to get rid of the 1962 #17005 base in the southwest Day. An Air Force pilot is flying a brand new B-52 w 1962 #17006 udy of UFOs, and the Argentine Air Force establishes a division for the sam 1962 #17008 tern Netherlands A Royal Dutch Air Force pilot flying an F-86 Sabrejet sigh 1/29/1962 #17026 A Royal Dutch Air Force F-86 jet interceptor was chased by 1/29/1962 #17027 US The Air Force issued the last "fact sheet" (No. 2/6/1962 #17035 are shown a short 20–30-minute Air Force film showing, spliced together wit Spring 1962 #17078 RAMSTEIN AIR FORCE BASE, GERM Project Bluebook Case # 3/26/1962 #17081 WRIGHT-PAT AIR FORCE BASE, OH 6 Air Force men jog / han 4/15/1962 #17114 RIGHT-PAT AIR FORCE BASE, OH 6 Air Force men jog / hangar. 15' saucer up on 4/15/1962 #17114 NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, NV Project Bluebook Case #un 4/18/1962 #17118 peed of meteors. On May 8, the Air Force sends Hynek and Lt. Col. Robert Fr 4/18/1962 #17120 Utah (Minuteman production at Air Force Plant 77 at Hill AFB); Idaho (Moun 4/18/1962 #17120 occurring on April 30, but the Air Force lists the flight as occurring on t 4/29/1962 #17135 MUD LAKE.NV TO EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA 2 saucers filmed passing 4/30/1962 #17136 E, CA 2 saucers filmed passing Air Force X15 / record flight / 200K'. 4/30/1962 #17136 MERCEDES, SL, ARG Air Force man and family / car. Silent 20M l 5/13/1962 #17169 s Aires province, Argentina an Air Force man named Giashischa and his famil 5/13/1962 #17172 e creatures” emerge. Argentine Air Force investigators find a circle of sco 5/22/1962 #17192 ed altitude of 750 meters. The Air Force explanation lists this case as cau 5/23/1962 #17195 Carl R. Hart tells NICAP that Air Force investigations involve hundreds of 5/25/1962 #17201 om ATIC informs NICAP that the Air Force spends about $10,000 on each major 5/25/1962 #17201 e is listed as unidentified." (Air Force Project Blue Book 1962 Summary.) ( 5/26/1962 #17206 istant to the Secretary of the Air Force and advisor to NATO, joins the boa Summer 1962 #17238 aunched in 1955–1956 by the US Air Force from RAF Evanton [now closed], to Summer 1962 #17239 NEAR HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM 12 techs and engineers. 5 7/1962 #17259 acle, Arizona in Pinal County. Air Force jets were scrambled to chase the o 8/7/1962 #17329 PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Weathermen and several. 4 8/10/1962 #17330 r a high line tower, chased by Air Force helicopters.[This is in the area o 8/15/1962 #17334 tern Cuba A U-2 (loaned to the Air Force by the CIA because the CIA U-2s ha 10/14/1962 #17471 ntre Limestone, Maine Day. Two Air Force B-52 Stratofortress bombers are re Late 10/1962 #17496 SAF “administrative practices” Air Force Regulation 11-30, where withholdin 10/29/1962 #17516 ubstituted for the generalized Air Force "fact sheets." The unexplained cas 1963 #17619 e(s) and more. Driver = former Air Force man. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. ( 1/28/1963 #17641 Mamina, Chile A former Chilean Air Force officer, who was driving a truck, 1/28/1963 #17645 rites a letter questioning the Air Force’s treatment of UFOs to Rep. Carl V 7/2/1963 #17824 information on Blue Book. The Air Force treats the request gingerly becaus 7/2/1963 #17824 Glasgow Air Force Base Glasgow, Montana 9:32 p.m. Se 8/10/1963 #17882 st Bombardment Wing at Glasgow Air Force Base [now closed] near Glasgow, Mo 8/10/1963 #17882 rther details are found in the Air Force files, but Project Blue Book chief 10/24/1963 #18008 flying over the city. Chinese Air Force MIG jet fighter aircraft were scra 1/1/1964 #18107 A-11—a fictitious name for the Air Force’s YF- 12, a twin-seat version of t 2/29/1964 #18140 ancestor; any sightings of CIA/Air Force A-12s based at Area 51 in Nevada c 2/29/1964 #18140 ibuted to the well- publicized Air Force YF-12As based at Edwards Air Force 2/29/1964 #18140 Force YF-12As based at Edwards Air Force Base in California. 2/29/1964 #18140 . The Air Ministry becomes the Air Force Department, within which is a secr 4/1/1964 #18153 a radar operator at the Fallon Air Force Station, Nevada picked up on his g 4/17/1964 #18178 to the southeast. The official Air Force explanation was a mirage. 4/17/1964 #18178 An Air Force RB-57 bomber flying over the Stall 4/30/1964 #18234 orted the sighting to the U.S. Air Force. 5/26/1964 #18309 CAF in Vancouver, and a senior air force officer visits him later and shows 6/1964 #18314 TEXARKANA, TX 3 Air Force cadets and 1. UFO spins. Brightens 6/5/1964 #18328 eton, Illinois reported to the Air Force that at 4:45 a.m. he observed a 60 7/20/1964 #18431 ered for four to five minutes. Air Force unidentified case 7/27/1964 #18449 by Sheriff Nickell and a U.S. Air Force officer, but nothing was found. 7/28/1964 #18456 by Sheriff Nickell and a U. S. Air Force officer, but nothing was found. 7/28/1964 #18457 , hovered, reversed direction. Air Force unidentified case 8/10/1964 #18476 J. F. Jonke were flying a U.S. Air Force C-124 transport plane 200 miles ov 8/18/1964 #18498 th tripod indentations. The US Air Force was called and performed a perfunc 9/4/1964 #18534 Vandenberg Space Force Base Lompoc, California Big Sur, C 9/15/1964 #18556 ndenberg AFB [now Vandenberg Space Force Base] near Lompoc, California. His 9/15/1964 #18556 ia. Antiaircraft batteries and Air Force pilots reportedly open fire on the 9/18/1964 #18559 Korea Air Force and Army radar stations tracked an 10/1964 #18565 FO-ICBM connection. I know the Air Force covers up when it feels the offici Late 1964 #18584 SR-71 Blackbird takes place at Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, California, 12/22/1964 #18673 rborn, Ohio While visiting the Air Force Museum in Fairborn, Ohio, R.M. (in 1965 #18679 later found out from a retired Air Force Colonel from Wight-Patterson AFB, 1965 #18679 according to polls and private Air Force and NICAP estimates. This soon ris 1965 #18682 aller objects fly inside. A US Air Force sergeant with a top-secret clearan 1965 #18690 BLAINE AIR FORCE BASE, WA 10M saucer buzzes car and 1/12/1965 #18712 Blaine Air Force Base, Washington A member of a fed 1/12/1965 #18715 Lynden, Washington Blaine Air Force Station 1:00 a.m. Department of Ju 1/12/1965 #18717 . He learns that nearby Blaine Air Force Station [now closed] is tracking t 1/12/1965 #18717 th radar and visual sightings. Air Force flight F-169 en route from Anchora 2/11/1965 #18803 EAST / HOKKAIDO, JP Air Force man / flying tiger airline(s)/airl 2/11/1965 #18804 Wachee Springs, Florida Benton Air Force Station [now Ground Equipment Faci 3/2/1965 #18832 Sparks, p. 304) March 5 — Two Air Force radar technicians are repairing th 3/2/1965 #18832 eight-finder antenna at Benton Air Force Station [now Ground Equipment Faci 3/2/1965 #18832 und. They are then taken to an Air Force hospital at Stewart AFB [now Stewa 3/2/1965 #18832 na located northeast of Benton Air Force Base near Red Rock, Pennsylvania w 3/5/1965 #18844 erimental aircraft of the U.S. Air Force. 3/6/1965 #18846 e approached the object an unknown force struck him in the forehead and kno 3/14/1965 #18854 KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS Weatherman. Fast black 40 4/4/1965 #18890 MISAWA AIR FORCE BASE, JAPAN Project Bluebook Case 4/10/1965 #18902 onfiscated. The Directorate of Air Force Intelligence in Canberra later den 5/28/1965 #18973 Barrera, together with Chilean Air Force pilot Lt. Benavidez, a meteorologi 6/18/1965 #19012 Hynek writes a letter to the Air Force calling for a systematic study of 7/1965 #19038 zag all over Granja do Marques Air Force Base. 7/29/1965 #19197 homa a UFO was tracked on U.S. Air Force and Weather Bureau radar shortly a 7/31/1965 #19222 radars at Tinker and Carswell Air Force Bases. 7/31/1965 #19222 WARREN AIR FORCE BASE, WY 5+2 saucers over command 8/1/1965 #19231 Francis E. Warren Air Force Base Cheyenne, Wyoming Sioux Army 8/1/1965 #19242 rsonnel from Francis E. Warren Air Force Base west of Cheyenne, Wyoming, re 8/1/1965 #19242 objects seen by 143 combat defense force airmen, missile maintenance men, a 8/1/1965 #19242 The duration is 90 minutes. An Air Force weather observer, who wishes to re 8/1/1965 #19244 by radar trackings at several Air Force Bases in the United States. The U. 8/2/1965 #19269 County pickup truck. The U.S. Air Force claimed the object was a hubcap th 8/3/1965 #19293 KEEWEENAW AIR FORCE BASE AND, MI 4 RADAR's / 1 jammed! 8/4/1965 #19296 Michigan—Minnesota U.S. Air Force and Royal Canadian Air Force radar 8/4/1965 #19318 . Air Force and Royal Canadian Air Force radar tracked formations of 7-10 U 8/4/1965 #19318 Calumet Air Force Station Keweenaw County Phoenix, M 8/4/1965 #19320 ht. Radar operators at Calumet Air Force Station [now operated by Keweenaw 8/4/1965 #19320 tered his house and called the Air Force. Twenty minutes later his vision b 8/13/1965 #19379 s into his house and calls the Air Force. About 20 minutes later his vision 8/13/1965 #19382 adually over several days. The Air Force labels it a hoax, perhaps confusin 8/13/1965 #19382 Creek, New York Niagara Falls Air Force Base Lockport Air Force Station 8: 8/19/1965 #19427 Falls Air Force Base Lockport Air Force Station 8:20–9:00 p.m. Harold Butc 8/19/1965 #19427 five others from Niagara Falls Air Force Base [now Niagara Falls Air Reserv 8/19/1965 #19427 3rd Radar Squadron at Lockport Air Force Station [now closed] near Shawnee, 8/19/1965 #19427 Office of the Secretary of the Air Force to suggest that the Pentagon work 8/30/1965 #19478 PEASE AIR FORCE BASE, NH Many observer(s). Saucer 9/3/1965 #19496 dnight all the lights at Pease Air Force Base, New Hampshire went off for 3 9/3/1965 #19514 physicist employed by the U.S. Air Force sighted a sharply defined, brillia 9/27/1965 #19616 orthwhile program and that the Air Force should continue to investigate UFO 9/28/1965 #19619 ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE TO/FROM WALL, SD Classic sauc 9/30/1965 (approximate) #19625 WALL, SD Classic saucer buzzes Air Force helicopter. Forced secrecy. 9/30/1965 (approximate) #19625 rcles beach. Lands near Santos Air Force Base. / LDLN#84. 10/18/1965 #19663 ar Chicopee, Massachusetts The Air Force issues a press release that gives 10/27/1965 #19684 ime, John Fuller hears from an Air Force pilot that pilots have been ordere 10/27/1965 #19684 MURCIA AIR FORCE BASE, SP Machinist knocked off bic 12/1965 #19745 fic Ocean on December 7 by the Air Force as a spy satellite (John Ventre an 12/9/1965 #19762 ndenberg AFB [now Vandenberg Space Force Base] on December 9 (Bob Wenzel Gr 12/9/1965 #19762 An anonymous Air Force security team member at Lockbourne 12/10/1965 #19764 BECHAR, ALGERIA Fr. Air Force transport crew. Fast dark dome. 2 12/22/1965 #19785 se direction. Royal Australian Air Force intelligence officers find a varie 1/19/1966 #19858 een subjected to an intense rotary force. 1/19/1966 #19858 Carl Sagan) are members of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board (psychol 2/3/1966 #19879 and other public persons.” The Air Force ignores their recommendations. ( 2/3/1966 #19879 . Blip / tight low turns / Dow Air Force Base RADAR. / r41p242. 2/11/1966 #19895 olice and citizens. Tracked on Air Force and Federal Aviation Administratio 2/11/1966 #19897 s. It was also tracked on both Air Force and FAA radar. 2/11/1966 #19898 ira Martins calls the Army and Air Force. After 30 minutes, the object dims 3/12/1966 #19954 . Sharp turns. Extremely fast. Air Force Base RADAR's. / r47p184. 3/14/1966 #19960 T. Col. Howard Wright, retired Air Force pilot, and family saw a bright whi 3/19/1966 #19993 ood reason to believe that the Air Force has wreckage from at least four of 3/21/1966 #20013 eadquarters. Then, everyone in the force, including he and “C”, were transf 3/21/1966 #20014 was driving to work at a local Air Force Base, observed an object blocking 3/23/1966 #20047 was driving to work at a local Air Force Base at 5:05 a.m. observed an obje 3/23/1966 #20055 NEAR NEW ORLEANS, LA Retired Air Force Colonel and several. Night lights 3/24/1966 #20058 s, LA 7:10 p.m. CST. A retired Air Force colonel and a General Electric com 3/24/1966 #20067 BRETON WOODS, NJ Former Air Force pilot and 3. 100' shiny saucer wit 3/28/1966 #20104 ntact NICAP for proof that the Air Force is withholding evidence about UFOs 3/29/1966 #20138 MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT Spring. UFO's seen. Alarm 4/1966 (approximate) #20184 Rep. Gerald R. Ford states the Air Force assured him an upcoming scientific 4/3/1966 #20214 onnected “in any way” with the Air Force. Ford was dissatisfied with Projec 4/3/1966 #20214 hic reconstitution by the U.S. Air Force showed an oval object, 30 m long, 4/5/1966 #20243 on UFOs in U.S. Congress. Only Air Force witnesses called to testify. Heari 4/5/1966 #20246 Congress on the topic of UFOs. Air Force Secretary Harold Brown testifies t 4/5/1966 #20249 he has found a way to get the Air Force out of UFO investigations. Shortly 4/5/1966 #20249 patch the officers alerted the Air Force, who sent out fighter planes to in 4/17/1966 #20305 jets following it, apparently Air Force Reserve planes from Youngstown, Oh 4/17/1966 #20318 calls Panzarella and says the Air Force wants to talk to the police witnes 4/17/1966 #20318 Portage County, Ohio The Air Force begins a cursory investigation int 4/18/1966 #20331 ly vague outlines of the case. Air Force investigators also interviewed met 4/18/1966 #20331 connected in any way with the Air Force." 4/21/1966 #20352 H. Guyford Stever, head of the Air Force Scientific Advisory Board. Stever 4/22/1966 #20374 d the UFO for about 20 minutes. A "force field" around the craft made it di 4/22/1966 #20377 udgment and characterizing the Air Force investigation as “grossly unfair” Late 4/1966 #20416 ails to get an answer from the Air Force, so he contacts USAF Chief of Comm Late 4/1966 #20416 GOODFELLOW AIR FORCE BASE, TX Airman. Short cylinder/cy 5/7/1966 #20456 ds was sighted over Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas at 9:55 p.m. by Airman 5/7/1966 #20460 " presented extremely negative Air Force and "scientific" views, primarily 5/10/1966 #20473 d, even as it denies doing so. Air Force Capt. Gary Reese claims that NORAD 5/10/1966 #20474 kes a broad statement that the Air Force has never substantiated a “flying 5/10/1966 #20474 had witnessed was an unmanned Air Force weather balloon. The film from the 5/11/1966 #20478 ek replies that if he did, the Air Force would just replace him and he woul 6/8/1966 #20543 one minute. His report to the Air Force remains a Project Blue Book unexpl 6/8/1966 #20546 Provo, Utah 11:00 a.m. An Air Force Douglas C-47 Skytrain is flying 25 7/1966 #20625 witnesses, but Italian and US air force officers from the nearby Camp Darb 7/13/1966 #20644 SHILO AIR FORCE BASE, MBA 4 objects near base. 1 S 7/23/1966 #20670 do, about contracting with the Air Force for a UFO study. Its director, Wal Late 7/1966 #20683 ds the $300,000 offered by the Air Force (plus $13,000 in operating expense Late 7/1966 #20683 unidentified and has told the Air Force as much. Its evaluation as a satel 7/29/1966 #20695 NEAR KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX All / family. Saucer land 8/6/1966 #20726 man and his family near Kelly Air Force Base in Cameron County, Texas obse 8/6/1966 #20730 d first-hand UFO encounters by Air Force pilots that show strong support fo 8/7/1966 #20731 Iraq Israel US Area 51 Iraqi Air Force Col. Munir Redfa defects by flying 8/16/1966 #20755 er is evaluated by the Israeli Air Force and later loaned to the US for tes 8/16/1966 #20755 cesses achieved by the Israeli Air Force in the Six-Day War. 8/16/1966 #20755 s writes to the Directorate of Air Force Intelligence requesting reconsider 8/16/1966 #20756 UFO that hovered over Ramstein Air Force Base, Germany. 8/22/1966 #20787 MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, ND 3 missile sites. 4 hours 8/24/1966 #20798 Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota An airman obser 8/24/1966 #20801 5 miles south of the base. The Air Force sends a strike team to check on it 8/24/1966 #20802 the evening an airman at Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota observed and re 8/24/1966 #20803 puty executive director of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, for 8/31/1966 #20819 Minot, North Dakota Air Force members, including Capt. David Sch 9/1966 #20820 NEAR KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX TV blurs. Spinning night 9/3/1966 #20838 NEAR KELLY AIR FORCE BASE, TX Father of 4 kids sees sma 9/5/1966 #20845 n Harlingen, Texas, near Kelly Air Force Base, Mr. Morrison, a father of fo 9/5/1966 #20852 The Air Force turns down a proposal Hynek has ma 9/12/1966 #20873 usinessman from Gwinner and an Air Force Lt. Col. went to the site and disc 9/13/1966 #20877 so fast it just vanishes.” An Air Force investigator finds landing indenta 9/13/1966 #20879 usinessman from Gwinner and an Air Force Lt. Colonel went to the site and d 9/13/1966 #20880 US Air Force Regulation (AFR) 80-17 promulgated 9/19/1966 #20897 Colorado Air Force Regulation 200-2 is replaced by AF 9/19/1966 #20898 er, it does require that every Air Force base have an official with scienti 9/19/1966 #20898 members of the Royal Canadian Air Force saw a bright object that flew down 9/21/1966 #20908 members of the Royal Canadian Air Force saw a bright object that flew down 9/21/1966 #20911 ek appeals to Secretary of the Air Force Harold Brown to create a program t 9/22/1966 #20916 acquisition that will make the Air Force look better to the public and the 9/22/1966 #20916 of Clarke reported to the U.S. Air Force that three round, oval-shaped, alu 9/28/1966 #20933 on the reality of UFOs and the Air Force’s concealment of information. His 10/5/1966 #20964 of Colorado contract with the Air Force. The project is to run from Novemb 10/6/1966 #20967 rado University of Arizona The Air Force publicly announces the creation of 10/7/1966 #20970 eport. The CIA has ordered the Air Force to debunk UFOs, he says. 10/7/1966 #20971 er(s) include/including former Air Force man. Ring of windows turns. Struct 10/10/1966 #20979 At 9:30 p.m. an Air Force pilot and his wife driving on Inte 10/10/1966 #20986 Cold Bay Air Force Station, Alaska Witness: civilian 10/26/1966 #21037 Cold Bay Air Force Station, Alaska. No time given. So 10/26/1966 #21039 ple [McDonald] who believe the air force is misleading us, but I don’t thin 11/5/1966 #21077 collision with fireball. Pease Air Force Base RADAR confirms object. 11/22/1966 #21136 rleston, WV 7:40 p.m. EST. Two Air Force pilots in a T-33 at 27,000 feet ab 12/24/1966 #21217 races of burns, and called the Air Force and the University of Colorado. 12/30/1966 #21228 me sequence (light reaction). (Air Force report form in Colorado Project fi 1/6/1967 #21266 which they reported seeing an Air Force helicopter give chase. Dr. Hynek e 1/9/1967 #21275 images to a wire service, the Air Force requests the originals for analysi 1/9/1967 #21277 ses project plans and asks the Air Force where the project should place its 1/12/1967 #21290 ould “consider the cost of the Air Force program on UFOs, and determine if 1/16/1967 #21322 their car as they drove away. (Air Force report, Project Blue Book files, N 1/18/1967 #21339 witnesses, was 15 minutes. The Air Force attempted to explain the craft as 1/24/1967 #21377 power lines. Authentic / local Air Force investigation/investigators. 1/25/1967 #21379 port and letter with a copy of Air Force report form, in NICAP files.) (NIC 1/26/1967 #21393 rs. After about 20 minutes, US Air Force jets approach in response to a cal 1/26/1967 #21399 humanoid (or Grey) / farm. Strange force stops them. 1/28/1967 (approximate) #21404 LANDER, WY Ex Air Force man. Long thin cylinder/cigar-shap 1/30/1967 #21413 , Wyoming Mr. J. Kenney, an ex-Air Force man, sighted a long, thin cigar-sh 1/30/1967 #21420 ars experience and a past U.S. Air Force serviceman, was driving with his w 1/30/1967 #21422 hat “Mysterious men dressed in Air Force uniforms or bearing impressive cre 2/1967 #21430 silencing UFO witnesses.” The Air Force is unable to find out anything abo 2/1967 #21430 dland, CA 8:30 p.m. PST. An ex-Air Force man with pilot training saw a brig 2/13/1967 #21535 er it maneuvered around a U.S. Air Force plane that was searching for it, d 2/14/1967 #21547 . The truck was driven by a US Air Force veteran. 2/20/1967 #21608 ler says that Secretary of the Air Force Harold Brown has established the p 2/23/1967 #21635 banked into a turn in unison. (Air Force Intelligence Report in Colorado Pr 2/25/1967 #21646 med to be silenced by the U.S. Air Force. (Los Angeles NICAP Affiliate repo 3/1967 #21693 be the CIA’s Oxcart A-12, the Air Force version of which is the SR-71, whi 3/1967 #21700 ay very fast after 5 minutes. (Air Force UFO report form, copy in NICAP fil 3/1/1967 #21707 s a memo on “Impersonations of Air Force Officers,” which outlines Rex Hefl 3/1/1967 #21713 t reports that “a person in an Air Force uniform approached local police an 3/1/1967 #21713 memo about “Impersonations of Air Force Officers,” which states men in uni 3/1/1967 #21719 e to the direction of motion. (Air Force report, Project Blue Book files, N 3/2/1967 #21724 ewspaper, copy in NiCAP files; Air Force report, Project Blue Book files, N 3/3/1967 #21743 At 11:00 p.m. U.S. Air Force security personnel watched as a di 3/5/1967 #21769 r Liggett school. Photographs. Air Force investigation/investigators. 3/8/1967 #21796 ourse, then curving downward. (Air Force report No. 00534B in Colorado UFO 3/8/1967 #21809 ar and felt his arm tugged by some force against the body of the car. He fe 3/8/1967 #21818 st and curves going south near Air Force Base and Minot. Going east. Up and 3/9/1967 #21821 listed as an "unknown" by the Air Force. 3/9/1967 #21844 Tillamook, Oregon Mount Hebo Air Force Station Night. Red, green, and whi 3/11/1967 #21859 he radar station at Mount Hebo Air Force Station [now closed]. On March 11, 3/11/1967 #21859 ast Asia, Asia Daytime. A U.S. Air Force flight surgeon aboard and the pilo 3/14/1967 #21884 MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT RADAR-visual (observation 3/16/1967 #21894 NEAR PORTO ALEGRE, BRZ Air Force C47+ground observer(s). Airliner p 3/21/1967 #21928 server(s). Domed saucer lands. Air Force helicopter search = 0. / APRO 5'67 3/24/1967 #21960 t dawn, police and a Malmstrom Air Force Base helicopter made a search of t 3/24/1967 #21975 t Day. The crew of a Brazilian Air Force C-47 and the crew of a Serviços Aé 3/27/1967 #22001 vered, then accelerated away. (Air Force report in Project Blue Book files, 3/29/1967 #22011 Review, July-Aug. 1967, p. 31; Air Force report in Project Blue Book files, 3/31/1967 #22020 structure in the treetops. The Air Force claims a helicopter is in the area 4/7/1967 #22090 igher than the capabilities of Air Force interceptors. The local radio stat 4/10/1967 #22105 l, UT 10:30 p.m. MST A retired Air Force man saw nine silver, lens-shaped o 4/21/1967 #22186 of unquotable sources that the Air Force has long wished to get rid of the 4/22/1967 #22208 exion and hair too long for an Air Force officer. He is wearing a fashionab 5/1967 #22254 EAST / MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, ND Numerous observer(s) / Mi 5/3/1967 #22269 one red and one white light. (Air Force report form, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 5/15/1967 #22346 etnam. They can’t want for the Air Force’s SR-71 to become operational. Joh 5/16/1967 #22354 ilar object was seen at Ohakea Air Force Base by two more witnesses a short 5/30/1967 #22426 Extremadura, Spain Two Spanish Air Force fighter pilots chased UFO, radios 6/3/1967 #22455 Extremadura, Spain Two Spanish Air Force fighter pilots chased UFO, radios 6/3/1967 #22456 Policeman and a Royal Canadian Air Force squadron leader saw a silvery circ 6/5/1967 #22463 n Time not reported. A Spanish Air Force jet trainer flying at 1,200 meters 6/6/1967 #22472 ESTREMADURA PROVING, SPN Air Force T33s cat & mouse. Radio Frequency 6/9/1967 #22480 ase in Madrid Day. Two Spanish Air Force pilots flying Lockheed T-33s at 4, 6/9/1967 #22482 Four Spanish Air Force pilots, in a T-33 and an F-86, wer 6/9/1967 #22483 e chased off by two F-102 U.S. Air Force interceptors. 6/11/1967 #22495 orado project plays host to 34 Air Force officers having UFO responsibility 6/12/1967 #22498 ople, including a retired U.S. Air Force major with missile tracking experi 7/3/1967 #22599 DURBAN, RSA Ex-Air Force missile tracker. Bright orange ovo 7/4/1967 #22605 as if compressed be some rotating force just a few yards off the road from 7/5/1967 #22613 d flat as if subject to a rotating force. A photograph taken of the scene t 7/5/1967 #22615 clouds with a swishing sound. (Air Force unexplained case, Project Blue Boo 7/10/1967 #22644 ve a swamp and land on a hill. Air Force investigators found a very large s 7/21/1967 #22717 dune to the east of the road. Air Force investigators found a very large s 7/21/1967 #22720 ctronics technician and former Air Force radar operator, and a laboratory t 7/27/1967 #22739 ish. Report going [to] Edwards Air Force Base. RADAR confirm. Project Blueb 7/30/1967 #22751 d is photographed by Brazilian Air Force technician Otacilio Freitas Dias. 8/4/1967 #22805 s created by pressure from a heavy force or object were found in a pasture 8/5/1967 #22817 ange hovering object chased by Air Force jets. (NUFORC) (NICAP: 01 - Distan 8/11/1967 #22860 KINCHELOE AIR FORCE BASE, MI 13+2+2 RADAR blips going 9/11/1967 #23037 ith the soil. A hazy screen like a force field drops around the object, and 9/14/1967 #23060 Halifax Ottawa Royal Canadian Air Force headquarters Royal Canadian Navy h 10/4/1967 #23176 the Air Desk at Royal Canadian Air Force headquarters in Ottawa, which hand 10/4/1967 #23176 VANDENBURG AIR FORCE BASE, CA Many unknown RADAR target 10/6/1967 #23181 re over the ocean. The various Air Force explanations of mirages, birds, an 10/6/1967 #23186 d by a strange group of men in air force uniforms. He obtains their names. 10/11/1967 #23216 Russian DOSAAF. Retired Soviet Air Force Maj. Gen. Porfiri Stolyarov is ele 10/18/1967 #23265 BLYTHEVILLE AIR FORCE BASE, AR 3 observer(s) and RADAR. 10/21/1967 #23275 Blytheville Air Force Base Arkansas International Airpor 10/21/1967 #23281 d of the runway at Blytheville Air Force Base [now Arkansas International A 10/21/1967 #23281 thoroughly investigated by the Air Force sponsored University of Colorado U 12/3/1967 #23547 nt perimeter. The staff at the Air Force Base pretty much ignored these lig 1968 #23622 ort, Poland 9:00 p.m. A Polish Air Force pilot takes off from Warsaw Modlin 1968 #23632 red object follows and circles Air Force plane #2077 / 40 minute(s). No fur 3/1968 #23795 untain facility in Colorado by Air Force Intelligence. It has been previous 3/1/1968 #23802 d lights farm up. Follows car. Air Force investigation. 4/1968 #23878 just over the road near the US Air Force radio telescope installation at Sa 4/17/1968 #23910 ntific integrity. He writes to Air Force Secretary Robert Seamans to ask fo 4/30/1968 #23931 Office of the Secretary of the Air Force, writes back to say that “we expec 4/30/1968 #23932 NEAR BARDENAS, SP Pilot / Air Force F104. Odd triangle with 3 spheres 6/1/1968 #23999 d above the ground by some unknown force. No wings were visible, only a blu 6/14/1968 #24034 ng evening, and several US 7th Air Force Phantom fighter-bombers soon arriv 6/15/1968 #24040 Central Vietnam The US Seventh Air Force holds a “joint service conference 6/20/1968 #24053 investigation reveals that the Air Force is in the midst of a wave of sight 6/20/1968 #24053 eneral George S. Brown, at 7th Air Force Headquarters in Saigon, Vietnam ab Summer 1968 #24063 NDIL, ARG "UFO lands at Tandil Air Force Base" / news. Night lights and ova 7/13/1968 (approximate) #24172 g Tri Province, Vietnam The US Air Force Weapons Laboratory begins to set u 8/1968 #24284 RAMEY AIR FORCE BASE, PR 16 guards. Large brillian 8/18/1968 #24347 eet above the grass. She feels the force of an invisible rotating movement 8/25/1968 #24376 d S. Sleeper, commander of the Air Force Foreign Technology Division. Sleep 9/4/1968 #24427 y 20 year association with the air force as scientific consultant that I ha 9/4/1968 #24427 FB Goose Bay], Labrador Two US Air Force pilots flying in the vicinity of G 9/4/1968 #24428 ental traffic jam. The Spanish Air Force scrambles an F-104 jet to intercep 9/5/1968 #24431 and he has to return for fuel. Air Force radar tracks the UFO moving slowly 9/5/1968 #24431 NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, NV 2 military-Air Traffic Co 9/17/1968 #24471 Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada 1:00 a.m. Two air con 9/17/1968 #24475 trol tower operators at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, watch a bright light 9/17/1968 #24475 Zone Command of the Brazilian Air Force and sponsored by Brig. Gen. José V 10/1968 #24535 is and summoned to a Brazilian Air Force facility where he is questioned an 10/2/1968 #24537 al. Officials of the Brazilian Air Force later subjected him to an intense 10/2/1968 #24538 on with scientists outside the Air Force, (4) laughable statistical methods 10/7/1968 #24548 dequate data provided by local Air Force base investigators, (7) biased eva 10/7/1968 #24548 NORTHWEST / MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, ND Ground and air observer(s 10/24/1968 #24580 NORTHWEST / MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, ND B52+many others and RADAR 10/24/1968 #24581 submitted to secretary of the Air Force for review by the National Academy 10/31/1968 #24605 ntified Flying Objects, to the Air Force. The first two sections, conclusio 10/31/1968 #24608 to move due to a strong “pulling” force. It pulled her by her blouse and s 11/9/1968 #24649 genia reached the kitchen door the force seemed to release Afrodit, who suf 11/9/1968 #24649 f Sciences Yale University The Air Force sends the Colorado report to the N 11/15/1968 #24661 sight in seconds. Confirmed by Air Force radar 11/26/1968 #24716 tly zoom off to the northeast. Air Force radar at Great Falls, Montana, pic 11/26/1968 #24718 . local time Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base (RTAFB) in Nakhon Phanom, Tha 11/28/1968 #24728 ens to report UFO cases to the air force. A few days later, Second Air Forc 12/26/1968 #24792 orce. A few days later, Second Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mariano Cuadra 12/26/1968 #24792 president, to secretary of the Air Force, stating that the NAS review panel 1/8/1969 #24825 to Assistant Secretary of the Air Force Alexander H. Flax, Frederick Seitz 1/8/1969 #24826 inning in October 1968, the US Air Force and Army set up another UFO observ 1/31/1969 #24881 es, and soon after a Brazilian Air Force helicopter appeared and descended 2/6/1969 #24898 e men but was again prevented by a force that repelled him. This frightened 2/22/1969 #24939 Pentagon Secretary of the Air Force Office of Information representati 3/1969 #24956 d two other crew members of an Air Force KC-135 flying over Thailand saw a 3/14/1969 #25012 ject he was struck by some type of force field and temporarily paralyzed. 3/14/1969 #25013 wns which has plagued the U.S. Air Force investigation for 20 years." 4/1969 #25044 wns which has plagued the U.S. Air Force investigation for 20 years.” 4/1969 #25045 RADAR's. 7 orbs 2km over Pori Air Force Base. Going quickly north into win 4/12/1969 #25056 At noon several Swedish Air Force personnel sighted seven balloon or 4/12/1969 #25058 the cane and she feels a powerful force lifting her up and pulling her tow 4/20/1969 #25073 d knocked him to the ground by the force from an energy weapon one of the s 5/5/1969 #25117 ly with representatives on the Air Force Office of Scientific Research in A 6/11/1969 #25210 Turkey Turkish Air Force pilot Süleyman Tekyildirim is orde 6/17/1969 #25221 s it moves away. The Brazilian Air Force investigates the landing, and UFO 6/26/1969 #25236 o Paulo, Brazil, the Brazilian Air Force informs local officials who are in 7/1969 #25241 will be made by the Brazilian Air Force Public Relations Department.” 7/1969 #25241 t plant. Man visible / window. Air Force investigation. 7/18/1969 #25278 nstructions from the Brazilian Air Force base at Fortaleza, Brazil. 7/18/1969 #25280 nstructions from the Brazilian Air Force base at Fortaleza. 7/18/1969 #25281 US Air Force Academy NICAP obtains a copy of a 10/1969 #25389 of a textbook in use at the US Air Force Academy, Introductory Space Scienc 10/1969 #25389 n accordance with JANAP 146 or Air Force Manual 55-1 and are not part of th 10/20/1969 #25418 ey Mürted Air Base The Turkish Air Force is inundated with reports of UFOs 10/24/1969 #25423 US Secretary of the Air Force Robert C. Seamans, Jr., announced 12/17/1969 #25498 mery, Alabama Washington, D.C. Air Force Secretary Robert Seamans announces 12/17/1969 #25501 ent asking for preservation of Air Force UFO files for future study. 12/26/1969 #25508 s an excellent critique of the Air Force and Colorado project investigation 12/26/1969 #25509 houn, Morocco The crew of a US Air Force C-5A Galaxy transport, flying at 5 1970 #25522 F4Cs take off / Davis Monthan Air Force Base. / r114p46. 1/27/1970 #25556 Air Force Archives at Maxwell AFB in Montgom 1/30/1970 #25564 es and are on their way to the Air Force Archives at Maxwell AFB in Montgom 1/30/1970 #25564 turns over house. Vanishes as Air Force jets near. 2/7/1970 #25575 NEAR WILLIAMS AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 6 / Air Force CH-53E heli 4/4/1970 #25623 ILLIAMS AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 6 / Air Force CH-53E helicopter chased / 3 objec 4/4/1970 #25623 FB in Ohio Dayton Although the Air Force is no longer involved with UFOs, t 5/5/1970 #25655 SAN JUAN, PR 2 airliners and 3 Air Force jets. Huge 40M sphere/orb/globe go 6/1970 #25681 LADOLID TO/FROM ZARAGOSA, SP 2 Air Force F86's and ground RADAR. Flattened 11/4/1970 #25899 ian aborigine, next felt a sucking force that pulled him outside, smashing 4/2/1971 #26065 Holloman Air Force Base Alamogordo, New Mexico 6:00 a 5/1971 #26091 of retrieved UFOs at Holloman Air Force Base near Alamogordo, New Mexico. 5/1971 #26091 loman base commander and other Air Force officials go out to meet them. 5/1971 #26091 uard duty at Francis E. Warren Air Force base near Cheyenne, Wyoming and ha 8/16/1971 #26291 enz was then taken back to the Air Force base. 8/16/1971 #26291 SOUTHWEST / CARO, MI Ex Air Force man. Silent triangle with many lig 10/2/1971 #26398 ille, Michigan 6:30 a.m. An ex-Air Force man is driving from Caro to Watrou 10/2/1971 #26399 Wazny, age 29, a retired U.S. Air Force airman sighted a huge, silent tria 10/2/1971 #26401 SOUTH / LOCKBOURNE AIR FORCE BASE, OH Classic glowing-saucer fo 11/6/1971 #26462 road just south of Lockbourne AIr Force Base. The object flying at an alti 11/6/1971 #26463 und described as a “Joint Army/Air Force peacetime military exercise in the 1972 #26526 on August 3, the treaty remains in force until June 2002 when the US withdr 5/26/1972 #26689 or Aerospace Engineer with the Air Force Aerospace Research Laboratories, i 6/1972 #26694 rt on Project Outgrowth at the Air Force Rocket Propulsion Library at Edwar 6/1972 #26694 Propulsion Library at Edwards Air Force Base. An entire chapter of the rep 6/1972 #26694 GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA USAF men and 30. Bright o 6/17/1972 #26718 quiry, in which he charges the Air Force with indifference and incompetence 7/1972 #26749 ed eight miles east of McChord Air Force Base. Briggs exited the building t 10/14/1972 #27074 illsgeck, stationed at McChord Air Force Base in Pierce County, Washington, 10/14/1972 #27077 Romanian Air Force unnamed military base in Romania N 12/1972 #27158 ase in Romania Night. Romanian Air Force pilot and writer Lt. Col. Doru Dav 12/1972 #27158 form appeared at 7:30 p.m. and a “force field” threw a girl a distance of 12/31/1972 #27197 Warren, who is a member of the Air Force Security Police at RAF Bentwaters 2/19/1973 #27298 TAEGU AIR FORCE BASE, SOUTH KOREA 2 ROK F4 pilots. 3/1973 #27319 aft because there is a Belgian Air Force Base northeast of her locale. 3/20/1973 #27353 ower station/depot/facility. 4 Air Force jets scour area. / MJ#239. 3/22/1973 #27359 Norton Air Force Base San Bernardino, California, I 5/1973 #27460 fense. Upon arriving at Norton Air Force Base [now San Bernardino, Californ 5/1973 #27460 ed but if true, highlights the Air Force’s attempts to shape public opinion 5/1973 #27461 range going [to] over Peterson Air Force Base. Also seen / aurora, CO. / ne 6/10/1973 #27558 A AND STA.MARIA AND VANDENBURG AIR FORCE BASE Pulsing night light maneuvers 6/19/1973 #27571 SSE / TINKER AIR FORCE BASE, OK 1 observer. Domed saucer 7/11/1973 #27628 960; 75% loss to records of US Air Force personnel discharged September 25, 7/12/1973 #27631 TULLAMARINE AND AVALON AIR FORCE BASE, AUSTRALIA Several observatio 7/23/1973 #27647 ce, Burns and Shade, at Hunter Air Force Base, Georgia observed a saucer-sh 9/8/1973 #27783 SOUTHEAST / MANISES, SP 2 / Air Force Mirage and RADAR. Venus going [to] 9/26/1973 #27869 A Spanish Air Force Mirage jet was flying at 20,000 fe 9/26/1973 #27871 ISTRANA AIR FORCE BASE, ITL 2 1.5M small humanoids ( 10/7/1973 #27962 l" reports by Wright-Patterson Air Force Base officials. None were detected 10/10/1973 #27984 th a Technical Sergeant in the Air Force, said, "There's something strange. 10/18/1973 #28164 and then back again by some unseen force. Other effects included EM interfe 10/19/1973 #28197 h portholes. Lands / mountain. Air Force plane chases. Going quickly south. 11/8/1973 #28384 R LA PAZ, BOLIVIA Airliner and Air Force pilots. Luminous/glowing top-objec 11/11/1973 #28402 troller and pilots and Tyndall Air Force Base. Glowing-sphere/orb/globe / 3 11/12/1973 #28411 y admits that the CIA, not the Air Force, is the primary perpetrator of the 12/1973 #28495 ange object, others, moved nearby, force felt, truck lifted off road. See S 2/14/1974 #28769 rural road when he suddenly felt a force pulling at him and a tingling sens 2/14/1974 #28770 hey are “hit by a blast of wind or force field.” The engine and lights give 2/14/1974 #28772 ownhill. Brill domed saucer ahead. Force field? 2/17/1974 #28776 LA PARRA AIR FORCE BASE, SP Sweeping light from orang 4/7/1974 #28996 land, New Hampshire near Pease Air Force Base at 1:10 a.m. a low flying, or 4/28/1974 #29069 ehow because he feels some kind of force field. Against his will he returns 5/1974 #29074 my and suggests that while the Air Force continued to rely on conclusions f 7/17/1974 #29267 TOURS AIR FORCE BASE, FR 3 pilots / ground. Bright 8/1974 #29293 y had seen UFOs. In one car an Air Force officer and his family saw two lar 8/13/1974 #29340 witnesses. Some kind of levitation force was used which pulled the witnesse 8/22/1974 #29376 ith 12 dead aliens aboard. The Air Force allegedly is storing the bodies at 10/11/1974 #29521 merado, North Dakota 9:09 p.m. Air Force security personnel assigned to the 10/14/1974 #29527 According to the Spanish Air Force, at 7:50 p.m. a light descended fr 11/24/1974 #29606 t witnesses included a Spanish Air Force Lt. Colonel and his daughter drivi 11/24/1974 #29606 Melrose, New Mexico Cannon Air Force Base near Clovis 10:30 a.m. Harry Winter 1974 #29653 in their direction from Cannon Air Force Base near Clovis. Winter 1974 #29653 lot John Lear stated "The main Air Force sightings were in 1975. And the UF 1975 #29668 observed on ground by guard at Air Force base. Body lights visible, ground 1/2/1975 #29695 observed on ground by guard at Air Force base. Body lights visible, ground 1/2/1975 #29699 ped object on the ground at an Air Force Base. Body lights were visible on 1/2/1975 #29703 ential Spanish Report, Spanish Air Force: UFO spotted by military personnel 1/8/1975 #29730 also a former Royal Australian Air Force aircrew member. He saw three glowi 2/26/1975 #29853 Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz. 3/28/1975 #29922 e building at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base where the information is stor 3/28/1975 #29922 that has been collected by the Air Force, and I was understandably denied t 3/28/1975 #29922 ithdrawn from public access by Air Force Archives at Maxwell AFB in Montgom 4/1975 #29930 Air Force Archives at Maxwell AFB, AL withdr 4/1975 #29931 EAST / WRIGHT-PAT AIR FORCE BASE, OH 2 large silver saucers br 5/6/1975 #30039 2 large silver saucers bracket Air Force jet testing new equipment / 1 HR. 5/6/1975 #30039 and the investigations of the Air Force and other government agencies. 6/1975 #30073 GRIBANOVKA, RUSSIA Air Force Captain. Domed saucer / field. 2 p 6/15/1975 (approximate) #30104 WILLIAMS AIR FORCE BASE, AZ T37+F4 pilots and many / 7/20/1975 #30188 t a plane flying near Williams Air Force Base. The plane was being flown by 7/20/1975 #30191 t a plane flying near Williams Air Force Base in Arizona. The plane was bei 7/20/1975 #30193 unidentified helicopter. Phony Air Force RADAR coordinates / radio. Lands. 8/21/1975 #30292 EAR ST.-SAUVEUR-EN-PUISAYE, FR Air Force man. 1.5M sphere/orb/globe lands / 9/12/1975 #30354 eously when chased by a French Air Force Mirage III jet. (Source: Dominique 9/23/1975 #30378 eously when chased by a French Air Force Mirage III jet. It made four appea 9/23/1975 #30382 A member of the U.S. Air Force, at home on leave in Mountlake Ter 9/25/1975 #30384 ings of the objects were made, Air Force fighter planes were sent aloft in 10/1975 #30401 ckwards several times by an unseen force, eventhough the hand brake was on. 10/1/1975 #30409 15 MI EAST / MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT Woman. Silent DC10 with p 10/17/1975 #30434 sightings were made at Loring. Air Force planes were scrambled in a luckles 10/27/1975 #30477 LORING AIR FORCE BASE, ME 12M saucer circles nuclea 10/27/1975 #30481 SOUTH / LORING AIR FORCE BASE, ME Silent saucer back over a 10/28/1975 #30496 nitions storage area at Loring Air Force Base, Maine for the second night i 10/29/1975 #30511 WURTSMITH AIR FORCE BASE, MI Night lights and helicopt 10/30/1975 #30517 about 10:10 p.m. a KC-135 U.S. Air Force tanker returning from a refueling 10/30/1975 #30523 GRAND FORKS AIR FORCE BASE, ND Several shots. 2 "hit" pl 11/3/1975 #30544 MALMSTROM AIR FORCE BASE, MT Remote alarms. RADAR-visu 11/7/1975 #30572 ere scrambled out of Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls, Montana at 7: 11/8/1975 #30582 MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, ND Car-size silent object go 11/10/1975 #30590 UFO sighting reported by Minot Air Force Station, a bright star-like object 11/10/1975 #30593 ellevue, Nebraska, to numerous Air Force bases during the same month, the A 11/11/1975 #30611 ses during the same month, the Air Force reveals its continuation of a poli 11/11/1975 #30611 avoid speculation or to imply Air Force interest beyond security of the in 11/11/1975 #30611 2 hunting. Disk shoots away as Air Force jets near. Reappears / Princeton. 11/27/1975 #30668 , then shot away as three U.S. Air Force jets entered the airspace, but rea 11/27/1975 #30670 l Archives NARA facilities The Air Force panel finishes reviewing the Blue 12/1975 #30679 CANNON AIR FORCE BASE, NM Rear Admiral Morin report 1/21/1976 #30803 ormation was received from the Air Force Operations center at 0555 EST: "Tw 1/21/1976 #30808 a red light on the bottom. An Air Force officer calls the UFO Education Ce 1/21/1976 #30810 riving not far from Vandenburg Air Force Base had a close encounter with a 1/23/1976 #30816 EGLIN AIR FORCE BASE, FL 707-size object hovers. 4 1/31/1976 #30834 student pilot flying a French Air Force T-33 on a training mission at 19,5 3/3/1976 #30921 nearly collided with a French Air Force T-33 jet over Tours, France. The U 3/3/1976 #30923 NEAR WILLIAMS AIR FORCE BASE, AZ Several F4 pilots. 2 silv 5/13/1976 #31048 the sightings for the Spanish Air Force and rejects the hypothesis that th 6/22/1976 #31129 Indian Air Force Pakistani border Two Indian Air Fo 7/11/1976 #31158 ce Pakistani border Two Indian Air Force MiG 21 jets are scrambled near the 7/11/1976 #31158 Michigan; the next morning US Air Force radar tracked five UFOs for 30 min 9/6/1976 #31349 m., Pirouzi alerts the Iranian Air Force command post. Deputy Gen. Nader Yo 9/18/1976 #31395 es the object and scrambles an Air Force F-4 Phantom II interceptor piloted 9/18/1976 #31395 ords are turned over to the US Air Force, which insists it only has one mem 9/18/1976 #31395 Two Iranian Air Force F-4 Phantom jets with AIM-9 missil 9/19/1976 #31411 SOUTH / AKITA AIR FORCE BASE, JPN 50+ground-air observer(s 10/17/1976 #31470 ps of gun-camera film taken by air force pilots. 10/30/1976 #31509 entry duty at Talavera La Real Air Force Base in Badajoz, Spain when at 1:4 11/12/1976 #31540 nce Three unknowns detected at Air Force Base #292 (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases 12/14/1976 #31602 :00 a.m. Panoramic radar at an air force base at Contrexéville, Vosges, Fra 12/14/1976 #31603 ge silent night lights hover / Air Force Base. Many observer(s). Nothing / 12/25/1976 #31630 1950s, the Japan Air Self-Defense Force encouraged reports from the public 1977 #31657 i, India The crew of an Indian Air Force jet transport is flying 42 miles w 1/11/1977 #31717 boat held back as if by invisible force, light beam, time loss (NICAP UFOE 1/21/1977 #31737 boat held back as if by invisible force, light beam, time loss 1/21/1977 #31739 he boat lurches forward with great force, causing both men to fall. The lig 1/21/1977 #31743 An Italian Air Force F-104 is followed for 23 minutes b 2/1977 #31772 Marne, France 8:34 p.m. French Air Force pilot Maj. René Giraud and navigat 3/7/1977 #31873 MARCH AIR FORCE BASE, CA AND AREA Numerous observe 3/22/1977 #31925 NEAR ELMENDORF AIR FORCE BASE, AK Air Traffic Controller an 4/23/1977 #32016 ndarmerie, civil aviation, the Air Force, and the meteorological service. I 5/1/1977 #32046 drigues is flying a Portuguese Air Force Dornier Do 27 light plane over the 6/17/1977 #32171 r and they can’t move. Slowly they force their heads down to see their arms 6/17/1977 #32172 vanished instantly, along with the force field. The craft begins to glide a 6/17/1977 #32172 quests help from the Brazilian Air Force. The operation, a historic militar 7/1977 #32220 operation is closed after the Air Force can identify no unusual phenomena. 7/1977 #32220 Washington DC Air Force Letter from Col. Charles H. Senn, 9/1/1977 #32454 EAST / VANDENBURG AIR FORCE BASE, CA 4 separate airliners. UFO 9/10/1977 #32475 ELMAS AIR FORCE BASE / CAGLIARI, ITL Many observer 10/27/1977 #32621 rom the airport control tower. Air Force Col. Giomaria orders a jet interce 10/27/1977 #32623 lo, commander of the airport’s Air Force base, sends a detailed report to A 10/27/1977 #32623 questions to Secretary of the Air Force John C. Stetson about the 1975 Nor 10/31/1977 #32642 rthern Tier UFO incidents. The Air Force admits they do not know what the o 10/31/1977 #32642 ort on Sardinia, Italy Italian Air Force pilots and pilots of two German Ai 11/2/1977 #32656 ilots and pilots of two German Air Force F-101G Starfighters, as well as th 11/2/1977 #32656 At 11:35 p.m. two Air Force security police officers at Ellswo 11/13/1977 #32672 y police officers at Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota were checking o 11/13/1977 #32672 nna is severely bent by an unknown force. 12/17/1977 #32790 y bases. Shortly afterward, an Air Force security patrol was ordered to the 1/18/1978 #32889 er government agency. The U.S. Air Force no longer investigates UFOs. (see 2/1/1978 #32938 r. & Mrs. Sibson as well as an Air Force mechanic reported their sightings 2/9/1978 #32964 SHEMYA ISLAND, AK Air Force Base here. 5 saucers do acrobatics 2/16/1978 #32972 y Jack Webb, who pores through Air Force files looking for episode ideas. T 2/19/1978 #32982 ng the ground and sea with extreme force. Large cracks almost two feet acro 4/2/1978 #33119 s it passed over. The Bolivian Air Force dispatches three airplanes and dis 5/6/1978 #33190 n Heise arrive with a Bolivian Air Force officer. On May 23, three Bolivian 5/6/1978 #33190 cer. On May 23, three Bolivian Air Force officers and a guide set out on ho 5/6/1978 #33190 t he was stopped by some kind of a force field and blacked out. When he cam 6/16/1978 #33282 arrying looked old and frayed. The force field was gone, so he again began 6/16/1978 #33282 , Italy Monte Sona Two Italian Air Force sergeants (Franco Padellero and At 7/4/1978 #33335 vince, China 9:40 p.m. Chinese Air Force flying instructor Sha Yongkao is p 7/26/1978 #33418 d Stringfield, who was US Army Air Force intelligence during WW2, gave his 7/29/1978 #33440 .” claims her husband Carl was Air Force Police at WPAFB and around 1973 wa 8/1978 #33460 ELTON, MO Many observer(s) and Air Force Base RADAR. 25' UFO flips but not 8/8/1978 #33486 at they will mostly consist of Air Force and Navy UFO reports, plus some re 8/10/1978 #33496 uth. Buzzes 2 / car near Eglin Air Force Base. 8/12/1978 #33511 Niceville, Florida near Eglin Air Force Base when suddenly an oval-shaped 8/12/1978 #33513 pull the glove up with a magnetic force. The wound on Perez’s arm stays op 9/6/1978 #33638 at it is exerting a mild “pulling” force on him. It is visible for 30–35 se 9/20/1978 #33714 PIACENZA, ITL Air Force F104 pilot. Intense point / light 9/21/1978 #33721 ht light approached an Italian Air Force F-104 jet over Piacenza, Emilia-Ro 9/21/1978 #33725 NTIAO AB, GANSU, CH Hundreds / Air Force men. 1km long box / 7km over outdo 10/23/1978 #33860 film showing, several Chinese Air Force pilots sighted a large, bright rec 10/23/1978 #33861 ince, China 10:04 p.m. Chinese Air Force pilots are attending an outdoor fi 10/23/1978 #33863 ky moving to the west. Chinese Air Force pilot Zhou Qingtong says it is lar 10/23/1978 #33863 ince in China, several Chinese Air Force pilots sighted a large, bright rec 10/23/1978 #33864 ocal farm when suddenly an unknown force halted the vehicle in its tracks, 10/30/1978 #33894 s, Brazil when suddenly an unknown force halted the vehicle in its tracks, 10/30/1978 #33898 Tonopah Test Range Nevada The Air Force decides to produce an F-117A steal 11/1/1978 #33908 UMICINO AIRPORT/APARTMENT, ITL Air Force persons and Air Traffic Controller 11/12/1978 #33948 n Road at about 6:30pm. Nellis Air Force Base officials were called but mor 11/27/1978 #34006 ion, despite the fact that the Air Force, Navy and NORAD are all on record 12/8/1978 #34079 BRINDISI AIR FORCE BASE, ITL 2 guards. Brilliant obje 12/13/1978 #34106 on guard duty at the Brindisi Air Force Base saw a UFO with pulsating ligh 12/13/1978 #34109 controllers telephoned Nellis Air Force Base, but they said all their plan 12/16/1978 #34144 ta in northern Chile a Chilean Air Force jet sighted and tried to intercept 12/16/1978 #34150 rtly after midnight, a Chilean Air Force jet sighted and tried to intercept 12/16/1978 #34156 cilities, and the inability of Air Force equipment and personnel to interce 12/20/1978 #34183 cilities, and the inability of Air Force equipment and personnel to interce 12/20/1978 #34186 LAVERTON AIR FORCE BASE, WEST AUSTRALIA Disc-saucer s 12/27/1978 #34214 dades Espaciales The Argentine Air Force creates another group to study UFO 1979 #34257 Uruguay The Uruguayan Air Force creates CRIDOVNI, a special commis 1979 #34258 own” the “unwritten law of the Air Force…don’t rock the boat, play it down, 1979 #34260 chief of staff of the Spanish Air Force, writes to the Ministry of Defense 1/16/1979 #34348 HOUMA, SHANXI, CH Air Force jet chases glowing UFO's circling 2/1979 #34396 r, Legislative Liaison for the Air Force, responds to Rep. Samuel S. Stratt 2/9/1979 #34415 hanxi, China 9:10 p.m. Chinese Air Force flight instructor Sha Yangkao is f Late 2/1979 #34448 Republic of Korea Air Force Daegu Air Force Base, South Korea 3/1979 #34453 ublic of Korea Air Force Daegu Air Force Base, South Korea Palgong Mountain 3/1979 #34453 :00 a.m. Two Republic of Korea Air Force F-4D Phantom II jets, piloted by L 3/1979 #34453 rit military exercise to Daegu Air Force Base, South Korea. Near Palgong Mo 3/1979 #34453 ni investigate for the Spanish Air Force and conclude that the luminous clo 3/5/1979 #34465 . Swords, “Messing Around with the Force,” the engine and the windows act u 4/12/1979 #34508 down, being kept on ice by the Air Force Foreign Technology Division at Wri 5/1979 #34533 y ground radar at Cerro Moreno Air Force Base in Chile, who were in radio c 5/29/1979 #34594 OVER QUINTO, ITL Air Force pilot and ground observer(s) and R 6/18/1979 #34615 US Air Force Intelligence is redesignated the E 8/1/1979 #34697 Coca, director of the Bolivian Air Force Academy. The Defense Attaché of th 8/10/1979 #34724 the object. The pilot, Spanish Air Force captain Fernando Cámara, has to in 11/11/1979 #34997 ge near Dijon 9:15 a.m. French Air Force Capt. Jean-Pierre Fartek and his w 12/9/1979 #35062 that throughout the 1980s the Air Force and its contractors regularly fill 1980's #35108 em. They claimed that the U.S. Air Force generated and mishandled hazardous 1980's #35108 e conservation act against the Air Force. 1980's #35108 a, which contacts the Austrian Air Force. Maj. Karl Schwarz orders three Sa 5/7/1980 #35315 MARIANO MALGAR AIR FORCE BASE / LA JOYA, PERU PAF SU22 jets 5/9/1980 #35318 F SU22 jets fire / saucer over Air Force Base. Same / 10 May. 5/9/1980 #35318 At 7:00 a.m. a Peruvian Air Force Sukhoi-22 warplane was scrambled t 5/9/1980 #35320 DoD Report: The FAP (Peruvian Air Force) spotted a UFO twice and tried to 5/10/1980 #35322 ng toward the ocean. A Spanish Air Force officer investigates and concludes 5/22/1980 #35339 eport, forwarding it to AFOSI (Air Force Office of Special Investigations) 8/1980 #35432 NORTON AIR FORCE BASE, CA Air Traffic Controllers a 8/2/1980 #35438 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM 3 guards. Fast night ligh 8/8/1980 #35445 a report being filed with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations a 8/8/1980 #35447 Sandia Laboratories, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico. One of the secur 8/9/1980 #35453 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE / ALBQ, NM All RADAR's out / 8/13/1980 #35457 That night at the Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico th 8/22/1980 #35476 buquerque, New Mexico Kirtland Air Force Base Los Alamos After doing a radi 9/8/1980 #35504 phone from someone at Kirtland Air Force Base. He meets the man he calls “F 9/8/1980 #35504 . Doty is the middleman for an Air Force colonel (later called “Falcon” by 9/30/1980 #35547 Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque Manzano Nuclea 10/26/1980 #35590 regularly flying near Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque and the nearby 10/26/1980 #35590 Sgt. Richard Doty at Kirtland Air Force Base, who meets with him at his ho 10/26/1980 #35590 d’s scientific advisor for the Air Force Test and Evaluation Center. 10/26/1980 #35590 of sightings near the Kirtland Air Force Base and the Manzano range to high 11/10/1980 #35623 Manzano range to high ranking Air Force personnel including Brigadier Gene 11/10/1980 #35623 tz was advised to apply for an Air Force grant to study the phenomena. 11/10/1980 #35623 AIR FORCE BASE NEAR SHAOGUAN, CH Airmen. Ora 11/14/1980 #35637 z is actually observing secret Air Force projects. According to Doty, the A 11/26/1980 #35673 ojects. According to Doty, the Air Force wants to discredit Bennewitz so no 11/26/1980 #35673 port. The object striked with such force that it almost ripped off the wing 12/18/1980 #35724 the nose of the plane. Nellis Air Force Base spokesman said there were no 12/18/1980 #35724 the time by the United States Air Force. USAF personnel, including deputy 12/26/1980 #35737 Rendlesham, UK Air Force security police encounter with lan 12/27/1980 #35743 Bentwaters AFB, UK Air Force security police encounter with lan 12/27/1980 #35745 n Fort Hood, Texas. The secret air force base is NOT listed in the Air Forc 12/29/1980 #35752 orce base is NOT listed in the Air Force Officer’s Guide or the Air Force A 12/29/1980 #35752 r Force Officer’s Guide or the Air Force Almanac (it is an Army AFB). The n 12/29/1980 #35752 near Huffman Houston Bergstrom Air Force Base [now Austin-Bergstrom Interna 12/29/1980 #35757 ate Claims office at Bergstrom Air Force Base [now Austin-Bergstrom Interna 12/29/1980 #35757 truth a bit trying to get the Air Force to pay for it.” 12/29/1980 #35757 Bentwaters AFB Bentwaters AFB Air Force Memo from Lt. Col. Charles I. Halt 1/13/1981 #35784 rry D. Train II gives the order to force down the object and recover it. US Early 5/1981 #35924 itz this document on behalf of Air Force Intelligence, knowing it has been Summer 1981 #35977 NEAR GUWAHATI, INDIA Air Force pilot. Shiny white round object sh 8/5/1981 #36056 ht up when chased by an Indian Air Force jet near Guwahati, India. 8/5/1981 #36059 ing to an informant, US and UK Air Force personnel meet at RAF Lakenheath i 8/16/1981 #36078 s, and was not far from George Air Force Base. 9/17/1981 #36122 UFOs are an extraterrestrial task force that will destroy earth unless wor 9/28/1981 #36143 spitalization. Eventually, the Air Force clears her of criminal charges, bu 10/1981 #36150 FO artifacts are stored by the Air Force. 10/19/1981 #36178 a, A.C.T. The Royal Australian Air Force grants permission to UFO researche 1982 #36289 e do Sul, Brazil Two Brazilian Air Force F-5 fighters flying at about 5,000 1/3/1982 #36295 iaries of “Falcon.” Inside are Air Force documents signed by Richard Doty r 2/1982 #36319 vehicle being pulled by an unknown force towards a light that was hovering 3/1982 #36373 Metter (near), GA Three former Air Force pilots flying in a private corpora 3/8/1982 #36382 cut. At 1:45 p.m. three former Air Force pilots flying in a private corpora 3/8/1982 #36385 sztyn Night. A group of Polish Air Force pilots during missions over northw 4/22/1982 #36450 Plattsburgh Air Force Base (near), NY A woman named Mary 4/29/1982 #36456 shaped object near Plattsburgh Air Force Base. The object had a turquoise b 4/29/1982 #36456 shaped object near Plattsburgh Air Force Base, New York at 11:40 p.m. The o 4/29/1982 #36457 HEILONGJIANG PROV, CH 5 Air Force pilots. Huge odd object / 2 hours. 6/18/1982 #36507 a 9:10–10:53 p.m. Five Chinese Air Force pilots are flying on patrol over t 6/18/1982 #36510 Five Chinese Air Force jet pilots flying over Heilongjian 6/18/1982 #36511 Israel or Lebanon Night. A US Air Force RC-135 reconnaissance aircraft mon 10/19/1982 #36654 chnical Training Center of the Air Force] in Ota, Alenquer, Portugal. He en 11/2/1982 #36674 the object is joined by two US Air Force jets from Incirlik Air Base. One o 1/14/1983 #36747 Warrenville Heights, Ohio, police force see four dim lights moving silentl 5/12/1983 #36858 OLISH COAST LOCATION UNKNOWN 2 Air Force pilots. Near collision with 2 6M c 7/6/1983 #36901 Daytime. Sighting of a Polish Air Force pilot and co-pilot of a near colli 7/6/1983 #36902 flying at 11,0000 feet. Polish Air Force Captain Praszczałek and another pi 7/7/1983 #36904 CAP ROUGE, QBC Ex-Air Force pilot. Large shiny dirigible going 8/1/1983 #36927 s about 30 feet above her car. The force of the UFO lifts the right side of 10/13/1983 #37004 was scrambled by the Brazilian Air Force as many witnesses in Rio de Janeir 10/31/1983 #37032 was scrambled by the Brazilian Air Force as many witnesses in Rio de Janeir 10/31/1983 #37033 ah Test Range, Nevada Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico The F-117 complet 1984 #37095 eet is transferred to Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, under the comman 1984 #37095 Santa Maria Air Force Base Rio de Janeiro Passo Fundo, R 1984 #37096 anta Maria 9:45 p.m. Brazilian Air Force Col. Marcelo Hecksher of the 1st S 1984 #37096 is flying back to Santa Maria Air Force Base from Rio de Janeiro. When he 1984 #37096 er Tom Adams, the Barbados Defense Force, and the police commissioner. The 4/12/1984 #37258 states that he was flying “an Air Force specially modified test craft,” bu 4/26/1984 #37301 t. Described as bigger than an Air Force C-5A transport, the object is shap 5/5/1984 #37316 ecords were transferred to the Air Force. Therefore the Army isn’t aware of 5/16/1984 #37328 ecords were transferred to the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. 5/16/1984 #37330 rry J. Greenwood, a history of Air Force, FBI, and CIA involvement in UFO i 7/1984 #37385 asizes the role of the Italian Air Force in UFO investigations and denies t 7/10/1984 #37390 ds and National Parks that the Air Force restricted public access to Groom 8/7/1984 #37429 ort Bucharest, Romania Alexeni Air Force Base Urziceni Afternoon. Military 8/23/1984 #37438 a target flying above Alexeni Air Force Base [now closed] east of Urziceni 8/23/1984 #37438 , various people from the FBI, Air Force officers from Pease AFB [now Pease 8/25/1984 #37440 s in the 1950s. The British Police Force’s elite Special Branch in 1997 ope Fall 1984 #37466 ucer. All going east toward(s) Air Force Base. 12/26/1984 (approximate) #37531 flew off to the east toward an Air Force Base. 12/26/1984 #37532 the locomotive he feels a strange force press him against the train. He ca 2/1985 #37552 g to find explanations. Nellis Air Force Base officials say the rattling of 2/24/1985 #37559 Lt. Col. Ronald F. Blackburn (Air Force), Milt Jansen (or Janzen), Don Keu 5/20/1985 #37590 Two Hawk jets of the Zimbabwe Air Force piloted by C. Cordy-Hedge and T. R 7/22/1985 #37628 ly explanations by the Chilean Air Force center on weather or research ball 8/17/1985 #37645 US 395 NEAR EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA Long silvery rectangle ho 1/19/1986 #37766 NEAR PAYNE AIR FORCE BASE, WA Many cars / I5 pull over. 3/1/1986 #37794 anation was given by the U. S. Air Force when inquiries were made. At about 3/1/1986 #37796 , scientific consultant to the Air Force Project Blue Book for many years, 4/27/1986 #37847 Santa Cruz Air Force Base near São Paulo Anápolis Air F 5/19/1986 #37881 e Base near São Paulo Anápolis Air Force Base, Goiás Brasilia 10:23 p.m. By 5/19/1986 #37881 are scrambled from Santa Cruz Air Force Base near São Paulo. One of the pi 5/19/1986 #37881 ts are scrambled from Anápolis Air Force Base, Goiás, about 10:50 p.m. This 5/19/1986 #37881 y ceases around 11:20 p.m. The Air Force Minister, Brig.Gen. Octávio Júlio 5/19/1986 #37881 Brazil, and carried out by the Air Force Minister, Brig. Gen. Octavio Morei 5/19/1986 #37882 ALEZA, CEARA, BRZ Many calls / Air Force. Dark cigar-shape. / Journal do Br 5/21/1986 #37884 lhare and starting a fire. The Air Force establishes restricted airspace ar 7/11/1986 #37939 dly an officer in a top secret Air Force UFO study), physiological studies Fall 1986 #38034 ty southeast of Belt, Montana. Air Force Security Policeman Joseph C. Pscol Fall 1986 #38035 “Apparently there is or was an Air Force project by that name which dealt w 1/27/1987 #38105 s, Brazil 11:00 p.m. Brazilian Air Force Capt. Faria de Sousa is landing hi 6/19/1987 #38194 ns associated with it. A Ghana Air Force pilot views the missile-shaped obj 7/27/1987 #38219 JIADING, CH Air Force pilot. Orange fireball spirals. Go 8/27/1987 #38256 Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Wright Field William S. Stein 8/30/1987 #38264 u attended at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in/around 1949–1950, concerni 8/30/1987 #38264 sier City, Louisiana Barksdale Air Force Base 9:00 p.m. A young couple is s 9/22/1987 #38291 ame direction toward Barksdale Air Force Base. 9/22/1987 #38291 Montana Peacekeeper APC Night. Air Force Security Policeman Joseph C. Pscol Winter 1987 #38370 40 MI EAST / EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, CA V-bright white box-shape. 3/12/1988 #38500 report under contract with the Air Force Astronautics Laboratory at Edwards 4/1988 #38526 ng [to] over. Also report(s) / Air Force etc. 5/1/1988 #38548 ributes the sighting to two US Air Force F-117 stealth fighters, an aircraf 5/16/1988 #38570 J-12 documents An agent of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations c 9/15/1988 #38640 so, Florida at 9:30 CDT a U.S. Air Force housewife with an M.B.A. witnessed 10/24/1988 #38690 haped “lifting body” at Norton Air Force Base in California. Schratt claims 11/12/1988 #38714 United States Air Force Plant 42 Palmdale, California The 11/22/1988 #38718 cly displayed at United States Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, California, 11/22/1988 #38718 about the MJ-12 documents. The Air Force tells the FBI the documents are co 11/30/1988 #38728 .m. A captain of the Brazilian Air Force flying a Mirage fighter jet is ret 12/1/1988 #38733 he ground, at 7:45 p.m. two US Air Force F-14 fighter jets tried to interce 12/28/1988 #38764 Mihai Kogălniceanu Air Force Base Mihai Kogălniceanu Internatio Late 3/1989 #38880 exercise at Mihai Kogălniceanu Air Force Base [now Mihai Kogălniceanu Inter Late 3/1989 #38880 Groom Lake Indian Springs Air Force Base [now Creech AFB] Lazar is pre 4/6/1989 #38895 and is taken to Indian Springs Air Force Base [now Creech AFB] for question 4/6/1989 #38895 an border Hoaxed South African Air Force documents purport to describe a UF 5/7/1989 #38938 Patterson AFB. A South African Air Force Intelligence officer leaks photos 5/17/1989 #38954 OTIS AIR FORCE BASE, MASS Multiple observer(s). S 5/28/1989 #38966 s an unclassified paper at the Air Force Institute of Technology at Wright- 6/1989 #38972 n see the spray. The Norwegian Air Force sends two jets to look for them, a 6/2/1989 #38973 d and Air Traffic Controller / Air Force plant 42. Silver object and 3 orbs 6/4/1989 #38976 Air Force Facility 42 in Palmdale, Californi 6/4/1989 #38977 d an air traffic controller at Air Force Facility 42 in Palmdale, Californi 6/4/1989 #38977 d an air traffic controller at Air Force Facility 42 in Palmdale, Californi 6/4/1989 #38978 shot away at high speed. U.S. Air Force jets arrived one hour later. 8/31/1989 #39081 UNG 4' green figure checks out Air Force jet. Lifts arm. Cone / light appea 10/28/1989 (approximate) #39190 being was seen checking out an Air Force jet at the Kecskemet, Hungary mili 10/28/1989 #39192 In 1989 Hungarian Air Force training flights were paced by ora 11/13/1989 #39229 ver ovoid hovers. Photographs. Air Force helicopter chases and gets chased. 11/14/1989 #39230 NEAR BORISOV, BELORUS 2 Soviet Air Force crews. Large disk with 5 beams / l 11/22/1989 #39243 Soviet Air Force pilots reported a large disc-shape 11/22/1989 #39247 nstruction of TRESTLE while at Air Force Weapons Laboratory (AFWL). TRESTLE 1990 #39357 Santa Cruz Air Force Base Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 10:00 1/22/1990 #39387 . UFOs approach the Santa Cruz Air Force Base, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Air 1/22/1990 #39387 al commission of the Brazilian Air Force, which can find no explanation. 1/22/1990 #39387 Investigation by BAF [Belgian Air Force] continues.” It notes that Belgian 3/1990 #39435 of either US aircraft.” The US Air Force does confirm to the Belgian Air Fo 3/1990 #39435 ce does confirm to the Belgian Air Force and Ministry of Defense that no US 3/1990 #39435 NOISEUX, BELGIUM Air Force man. Night lights / triangle. Powe 4/15/1990 #39526 sels NATO headquarters Belgian Air Force Col. Wilfred De Brouwer gives a pu 7/11/1990 #39641 pect the image might show a US Air Force black project aircraft. The prints 8/4/1990 #39679 KIRTLAND AIR FORCE BASE, NM Security police. Several 9/8/1990 #39720 night at Sandia Labs, Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, the world's larg 9/8/1990 #39721 oing quickly west from Edwards Air Force Base toward(s) Tehachapis. Red lig 10/3/1990 #39758 Russian Air Force jet fighters were scrambled after 10/8/1990 #39767 DYE, YONNE, FR Air Force mechanic. Silent pale-yellow "star 10/16/1990 #39788 NORTH / AALBORG, DK Air Force man and 1. Moon-size dark ovoid wh 10/16/1990 #39790 TAILLADES, FR Air Force officer. Dark ovoid slow and low. 12/2/1990 #39918 At 11:00 p.m. an Air Force officer observed a dark ovoid obje 12/2/1990 #39919 vest humanity for their energy and force them to repeat their lives on Eart 1/1991 #39944 then saw a man wearing a blue Air Force blue uniform lying prone on a proj 5/14/1991 #40061 e to the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Ramón Fernández Sequieros tit 5/22/1991 #40074 ón Alvarez Mateus, head of the Air Force Public Relations Office; and the F 5/22/1991 #40074 Madrid Air Force headquarters Chief of Staff of the 7/26/1991 #40134 quarters Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Ramón Fernández Sequieros pas 7/26/1991 #40134 all UFO registers into Madrid Air Force headquarters. 7/26/1991 #40134 LACANAU-OCEAN, FR Ex-Air Force pilot. Moving field of stars disto 8/10/1991 #40146 ry to make contact with it, and to force it to land at the nearest Air stat 8/28/1991 #40168 The Air Force’s Electronic Security Command is r 10/1/1991 #40203 ty Command is redesignated the Air Force Intelligence Command and reacquire 10/1/1991 #40203 Base Madrid, Spain The Spanish Air Force transfers responsibility for handl 1/15/1992 #40288 Spanish Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Gen. Ramón Fernández Sequieros, i 3/31/1992 #40404 including those used by the US Air Force. 3/31/1992 #40404 Spanish Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Gen. Ramón Fernández Sequieros. 4/13/1992 #40416 ntatively identified as a U.S. Air Force F-14 Tomcat was seen pursuing a do 4/28/1992 #40437 50 MI NORTHEAST / GEORGE AIR FORCE BASE, CA United Airlines (UAL) cre 8/5/1992 #40551 The first Spanish Air Force UFO document is declassified. The 9/1992 #40601 or nearby areas in the Nellis Air Force Range or Nevada Test Site would be 10/1992 #40653 to keep them." ... "The Nellis Air Force Range can offer many bizarre shows 10/1992 #40653 ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE, SD 2 Air Force men. Silent 1 10/1992 #40655 ELLSWORTH AIR FORCE BASE, SD 2 Air Force men. Silent 100' Oblong object wit 10/1992 #40655 Very fast. Back in September. Air Force interrogates boy / hours! 10/28/1992? #40695 SG reaction: “Secretary of the Air Force, Donald B Rice, was to say the lea 12/22/1992 #40762 s National Park, funded by the Air Force, Navy, University of Alaska Fairba 1993 #40778 FO in Gadsden, Alabama. The US Air Force denied that it was one of their ai 1/28/1993 #40817 Nellis Air Force Range, NV Glenn Campbell wrote in 3/1993 #40867 etary Les Aspin, asking the US Air Force to declassify and provide him with 3/1993 #40871 QUJING, YUNAN, CHINA Group / Air Force pilots chase luminous "balloon" / 3/2/1993 #40872 g to the witnesses, a large US Air Force helicopter flew into the area and 4/19/1993 #40943 kept circling her in an attempt to force her to lie down on a nearby metal 7/24/1993 #41082 with a male friend when suddenly a force lifted her up towards the ceiling. 8/10/1993 #41123 overs offshore. Fires beams. 2 Air Force jets chase. 8/22/1993 #41150 Air Force Col. Richard L. Weaver tells resea 10/12/1993 #41231 Weaver cannot explain how the Air Force came to this conclusion and admits 10/12/1993 #41232 lowton, Montana near Malmstrom Air Force Base witnesses reported a 6-7 hour 11/24/1993 #41301 coordinator with support from Air Force Systems Command, the Naval Researc 1994 #41349 incident The Secretary of the Air Force’s office of Security and Special P Late 1/1994 #41381 A former worker at the secret Air Force base says poisonous substances wer 3/20/1994 #41461 RALIA Blue strobe maneuvers / Gale force winds under total overcast. Going 4/15/1994 #41492 ublicly releases the Report of Air Force Research Regarding the “Roswell In 9/8/1994 #41726 CHACON, NM Loud humming. Invisible force drags cow uphill backwards. Gone. 9/13/1994 #41740 ity and two days later flew to Air Force Plant 42 at Palmdale, CA. They wro 9/26/1994 #41776 laces, you’d find out what the Air Force and the government knows about UFO 10/1/1994 #41779 Ghedi Air Force Base Brescia, Italy 4:15 a.m. A se 5/5/1995 #42179 ing the perimeter of the Ghedi Air Force Base near Brescia, Italy. Suddenly 5/5/1995 #42179 ion includes photos of various Air Force personnel and Mogul scientists. Th 7/1995 #42286 mostly memos dealing with the Air Force requests of its departments for Ro 7/1995 #42286 jects. The GAO agrees with the Air Force that the wreckage was most likely 7/28/1995 #42335 es, knocking him backward with its force. It stung like needles and caused 8/11/1995 #42376 NEAR LUKE AIR FORCE BASE, AZ 1 / truck. Flaming red-or 10/8/1995 #42540 A witness in a truck near Luke Air Force Base outside of Phoenix, Arizona s 10/8/1995 #42541 NEAR KEESLER AIR FORCE BASE, MS 1 observer. Odd objects m 11/12/1995 #42595 ctors. It is chaired by French Air Force General Denis Letty and begins by 1996 #42656 ing.” Two more soldiers appear and force him to leave, so he returns to his 1/13/1996 #42681 é dos Campos, São Paulo Canoas Air Force Base, Rio Grande do Sul 9:00 a.m. 1/23/1996 #42709 aircraft takes off from Canoas Air Force Base, Rio Grande do Sul, transport 1/23/1996 #42709 VANDENBURG AIR FORCE BASE, CA CNN at shuttle landing. 3 2/25/1996 #42779 overnment in Las Vegas. “..the Air Force could invoke the common law state 3/1996 #42790 LAKEWOOD, CO Ex Air Force pilot. Silver disk streaks going [ 4/7/1996 #42853 SALINAS, ECUADOR Many / Navy-Air Force Base. UFO hovers / 2 hours. Photog 6/1996 #42918 ernment scientists at Haystack Air Force Laboratory deep under Haystack But 8/30/1996 #43001 states. The treaty will enter into force 180 days after the 44 states liste 9/10/1996 #43014 an exhibition by the Brazilian Air Force’s Smoke Squadron over the coastlin 11/16/1996 #43112 including the entire local police force of Alice Springs, Northern Territo 11/25/1996 #43123 NEAR BOGOTA, COL. Air Force pilot videos 6 silver saucers. Exi 12/13/1996 #43138 At 1:00 p.m. a Colombian Air Force pilot videotaped six silver disc-s 12/13/1996 #43139 n 1998, the device would create a “force beam” in any desired direction and 1997 #43156 He next was hit by some invisible force field and was unable to move. He t 1/5/1997 #43166 nix area around 10:00 p.m. The Air Force identifies this group as magnesium 3/13/1997 #43229 2007, Symington responds to an Air Force explanation that the lights were f 6/19/1997 #43331 ares: “As a pilot and a former Air Force Officer, I can definitively say th 6/19/1997 #43331 o Witnesses, one of whom is an Air Force and Coast Guard veteran, at Sault 7/1997 #43344 Triangle going [to] over hill Air Force Base. White lights / corners. Red 9/6/1997 #43396 operations in Santiago, Chile. Air Force Gen. Gonzalo Miranda has created t 10/3/1997 #43423 on Laboratory (JPL) at Edwards Air Force Base, which also had underground f 1998 #43481 called nearby Wright Patterson Air Force Base. She was given a number of a 2/27/1998 #43524 suggests the device can create a “force beam” in any direction. The univer 3/1/1998 #43527 mpted to resist but some invisible force or paralysis kept him still. He ex 4/13/1998 #43550 ronaut crews out of Vandenberg Air Force Base; craft capable of traveling e 6/17/1998 #43589 hnology at China Lake, Edwards Air Force Base and the Nevada Test Site. ht 6/17/1998 #43589 pital, (8) maintains secrecy using force and illegal means, (9) has no over 8/22/1998 #43635 of UFO reports for the Spanish Air Force from 1993 to 1999, enters the 57th 9/14/1998 #43645 on of UFO Documentation in the Air Force,” with 10 chapters and 16 attachme 9/14/1998 #43645 er at the Moron de la Frontera Air Force Base in Sevilla, Spain was on guar 11/25/1998 #43685 Sussex County, Delaware Dover Air Force Base Night. Bright blue-white ligh 11/30/1998 #43692 orts that “fighters from Dover Air Force Base were flying all over the regi 11/30/1998 #43692 At retired U.S. Air Force man in Cross Lanes, West Virginia 11/30/1998 #43693 ana 20 miiles south of Grissom Air Force Base. It was shiny metallic in ton 7/7/1999 #43797 by Gen. Bernard Norlain of the Air Force and begins with a preamble by Andr 7/16/1999 #43805 ver by Gen. Denis Letty of the Air Force. The report analyzes various UFO c 7/16/1999 #43805 near Pensacola, Florida, an ex-Air Force security policeman and a city poli 10/9/1999 #43859 rs being abducted near McGuire Air Force Base, New Jersey. He found himself 7/5/2000 #44010 assent but will not come into full force until 2005. The legislation create 11/30/2000 #44092 arysville, California Cape Cod Air Force Station in Massachusetts Clear Air 1/31/2001 #44136 Station in Massachusetts Clear Air Force Station, Alaska RAF Fylingdales in 1/31/2001 #44136 rysville, California; Cape Cod Air Force Station in Massachusetts; Clear Ai 1/31/2001 #44136 tation in Massachusetts; Clear Air Force Station, Alaska; RAF Fylingdales i 1/31/2001 #44136 saucers in a hanger at Norton Air Force Base allegedly called “Flux Liners 5/9/2001 #44183 claims and found no anti gravitic force. It is unclear if McCandlish, an i 5/9/2001 #44183 vador, Brazil Day. A Brazilian Air Force pilot and four others are taking s 8/3/2001 #44223 Turkey Afternoon. Two Turkish Air Force pilots from 122 Squadron are pract 8/6/2001 #44227 ars at high speed. The Turkish Air Force announces that it is a weather bal 8/6/2001 #44227 Peru Peru sets up a new Air Force agency, the Departamento de Invest 12/2001 #44279 and tells him he spoke with an Air Force physician, Brig. Gen. Donald Flick 3/5/2002 #44323 aterials when he was the first Air Force MD to make the rank of General Off 3/5/2002 #44323 SOUTHEAST / ANDREWS AIR FORCE BASE, MD Numerous observer(s). Jet 7/26/2002 #44363 nergy that can exert instantaneous force of 1,000g on any object, enough to 7/29/2002 #44370 of speed. He contacted Langley Air Force Base who confirmed they had no air 9/15/2002 #44399 Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field [now Creech AFB] C Late 9/2002 #44405 ol point at the Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field [now Creech AFB] i Late 9/2002 #44405 s had spent seven years in the Air Force, and was confident these were not 3/14/2003 #44502 l Security Site 2:30 a.m. Some Air Force security policemen for Area 2, a w 4/2003 #44508 e accordingly asks the Turkish Air Force, Turkish Airlines, and other agenc 6/2003 #44551 eports. It recommends that the Air Force should establish an investigative 6/2003 #44551 a presentation for Army, Navy, Air Force and contractor personnel and halfw 7/2003 #44560 the power company calling them to force them to use this new power, so the 9/3/2003 #44592 . Lt. Ribeiro of the Brazilian Air Force is retuning on a flight from São P 2/20/2004 #44668 Mexico Gulf of Mexico Mexican Air Force pilots flying a C-26A Metroliner u 3/5/2004 #44672 US Air Force 20th Space Control Squadron at Egl 10/1/2004 #44764 n at Eglin AFB, Florida The US Air Force 20th Space Control Squadron at Egl 10/1/2004 #44764 Iran Isfahan Night. An Iranian Air Force F-14 is on combat air patrol near 10/28/2004 #44773 ced something similar at Dyess Air Force Base in Abilene, Texas. He does no 2005 #44804 formation Act 2000 comes into full force. Around 120,000 requests are made 1/1/2005 #44806 ogists who meet with Brazilian Air Force officials in Brasília, Brazil, hea 5/20/2005 #44844 r Telles Ribeiro, chief of the Air Force’s Center for Public Communications 5/20/2005 #44844 o in May 1986; and a Brazilian Air Force investigation of UFOs held in 1977 5/20/2005 #44844 Creech Air Force Base in Nevada Indian Springs Air 10/2005 #44882 Base in Nevada Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field Creech Air Force B 10/2005 #44882 r Force Auxiliary Field Creech Air Force Base in Nevada, formerly the India 10/2005 #44882 a, formerly the Indian Springs Air Force Auxiliary Field, activates the Joi 10/2005 #44882 MQ- 1 Predator squadron in the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) 10/2005 #44882 ter aircraft developed for the Air Force, officially enters service. USAF o 12/15/2005 #44909 rough aerospace planes for the Air Force Research Laboratory. Quantum vacuu 2/1/2006 #44921 Cheyenne Mountain Peterson Air Force Base Colorado Springs, Colorado Th 7/28/2006 #44951 -to-day operations at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado 7/28/2006 #44951 ached the witness felt heat and a ‘force of high magnitude’. When it was ab 4/25/2007 #45023 nce Agency is redesignated the Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance, and Re 6/8/2007 #45034 training flight from Romanian Air Force 71st Base at Câmpia Turzii, Romani 10/30/2007 #45086 s of what will become the UAP Task Force, created by Congress in the summer 2008 #45106 ephenville. On January 23, the Air Force admits in a press release that the 1/8/2008 #45112 activity, but there is intense Air Force activity that night. Ten F-16s and 1/8/2008 #45112 at Creech AFB, Nevada, as “the Air Force’s [first] test squadron for unmann 3/5/2008 #45124 rone operators for both the US Air Force and the CIA in missions across Afg 3/5/2008 #45124 concludes: “The United States Air Force or the National Aeronautics and Sp 7/29/2008 #45152 a files was conducted, and the Air Force “could find no tactical or technic 12/22/2008 #45197 omeone from Washington, D.C. would force their way in the “front door” and 12/24/2008 #45198 gement and operation of the US Air Force Space Surveillance System is award 2009 #45203 Uruguay The Uruguayan Air Force declassifies its UFO files and mak 6/2009 #45224 the UFO office, says that the “Air Force does not dismiss an extraterrestri 6/2009 #45224 have now been received but the Air Force “nor others” will talk to BAASS un 11/29/2009 #45258 ice of Special Projects of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. 12/11/2009 #45262 Washington, D.C. Northern Tier air force bases Bigelow Aerospace Advanced S Late 1/2010 #45268 ociated with the Northern Tier air force bases in 1975. Hennessey suspects Late 1/2010 #45268 Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida Low Earth Orbit T 4/22/2010 #45276 s V rocket from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. The spacecraft i 4/22/2010 #45276 h orbit for testing. While the Air Force reveals few orbital details of the 4/22/2010 #45276 that brings together former US Air Force personnel who testify to the exist 9/27/2010 #45298 AWSAP, but is used by the UAP Task Force and its successor organization. 9/30/2010 #45300 ren AFB near Cheyenne, Wyoming Air Force personnel at Francis E. Warren AFB 10/23/2010 #45303 trategic Missile Squadron. The Air Force then quickly acknowledges the prob 10/23/2010 #45303 calls a representative of the Air Force Office of Special Investigations ( 3/31/2011 #45322 vestigations (AFOSI) at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska. The representati 3/31/2011 #45322 /genetic agenda theory, and an Air Force psychologist who argued abductions 3/31/2011 #45322 Argentine Air Force Comisión de Estudio de Fenómenos A 5/6/2011 #45323 s Aeroespaciales The Argentine Air Force creates the Comisión de Estudio de 5/6/2011 #45323 nomena. Capt. Moriano Mohaupt, Air Force press spokesman, says that the com 5/6/2011 #45323 Air Force Office of Scientific Research spon 12/2011 #45335 US The U.S. Air Force declassified a trove of documents, Late 2012 #45355 "Area 51") include Groom Lake Air Force Base. Film taken from just outside 2013 #45356 determine that Navy, Army, and Air Force documents related to UFOs are to b 4/18/2013 #45364 tronomers, meteorologists, and Air Force personnel to analyze these events. 10/2013 #45387 The first-generation Air Force Satellite Surveillance System ceas 10/1/2013 #45388 gs” for the 2009 alone for the Air Force, they state. https://www.reuters. 11/18/2013 #45396 + years experience as Army and Air Force aircraft maintenance technicians, 11/19/2013 #45397 nd AFB, San Antonio, Texas The Air Force Intelligence agency is restructure 9/29/2014 #45415 structured as the Twenty-Fifth Air Force and aligns the 9th Reconnaissance 9/29/2014 #45415 th Wing under the new numbered air force. Its primary mission is to provide 9/29/2014 #45415 d Central Security Service for Air Force cryptographic activities. It is he 9/29/2014 #45415 Göranson announces that he aims to force the unidentified submarine object 10/21/2014 #45419 de disc-shaped craft at Norton Air Force Base in 1988. Brad states the firs 12/2014 #45425 xpert Eugene Mallove died of blunt force trauma in 2004 before a presentati 12/2014 #45425 Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF), and states the NRO contri 11/5/2015 #45439 ta that McCasland, who led the Air Force Research Laboratory at Wright-Patt 1/24/2016 #45443 ehicle testing for partners at Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, DTRA and DAR 3/5/2016 #45445 act to an airstrike by our own air force; we also need our pilots not to be 3/27/2017 #45466 ork is being undertaken at the Air Force’s Overhead Persistent Infrared Bat 1/2018 #45499 US The US Air Force officially retires the MQ-1 Predat 3/9/2018 #45522 Predator was phased out by the Air Force in favor of the heavier and more c 3/9/2018 #45522 n F-4 fighter jet of the Greek Air Force. 3/2019 #45565 The Argentine Air Force’s Comisión de Estudio de Fenómenos 4/4/2019 #45571 Vandenberg Space Force Base Cheyenne Mountain The catalog 6/23/2019 #45587 ations Center) at Vandenberg Space Force Base and the Space Control Center 6/23/2019 #45587 sit the area over the weekend. Air Force spokeswoman Laura McAndrews says g 9/20/2019 #45609 land in Texas The Twenty-Fifth Air Force for intelligence activities is mer 10/11/2019 #45611 vities is merged with the 24th Air Force to form a reactivated 16th Air For 10/11/2019 #45611 rce to form a reactivated 16th Air Force responsible for information warfar 10/11/2019 #45611 d for OTV-5 is classified, the Air Force announces that one of its experime 10/27/2019 #45615 ted States The United States Space Force Act, part of the National Defense 12/20/2019 #45622 e by renaming and reorganizing Air Force Space Command into the United Stat 12/20/2019 #45622 mmand into the United States Space Force. 12/20/2019 #45622 generate a repulsive or attractive force of about 300 to 500 kilograms per 2/4/2020 #45630 nds Western Australia The US Space Force declares the Space Fence, its seco 3/28/2020 #45642 pher Mellon wonders why the US Air Force has not simultaneously detected th 3/28/2020 #45642 Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force managed by the Under Secretary of 6/23/2020 #45649 at Investigation Program. The task force is headed until January 2021 by Na 6/23/2020 #45649 Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force”; M. J. Banias, “Senate Intelligen 6/23/2020 #45649 onfirms the US Navy Has a UFO Task Force,” Motherboard, June 23, 2020; “Cla 6/23/2020 #45649 al vehicles. Reports from the task force are to be issued to the Intelligen 6/23/2020 #45649 Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force. The Department of the Navy, under 8/4/2020 #45658 avana The CIA re-launches its task force on Havana Syndrome and expands its 12/2020 #45667 director of the US Navy’s UAP Task Force, Brennan McKernan, leads this new 12/27/2020 #45670 the Health Incident Response Task Force, which was created in 2018 to coor 3/12/2021 #45679 briefing prior to a planned US Air Force exercise, USAF personnel observe a 5/2021 #45685 rly instructed to complete the Air Force reporting form, which features sha 5/2021 #45685 iated with this subject in the Air Force has significantly changed. 5/2021 #45685 Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) is published. The UAPTF di 6/25/2021 #45695 I&S), DIA, FBI, NRO, NGA, NSA, Air Force, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, DARPA, 6/25/2021 #45695 Ellington Air Force Base near Houston, Texas Day. Witn 10/9/2021 #45716 Houston Air Show at Ellington Air Force Base near Houston, Texas. The obje 10/9/2021 #45716 ion Group, to replace the UAP Task Force program coordinated by the US Offi 12/27/2021 #45730 tors. Bray says that “Navy and air force crews now have step- by-step proce 5/17/2022 #45750 nal security risk, adding the task force will operate with more transparenc 5/17/2022 #45750 tates he is employed at U.S. Space Force, something Pentagon spokesperson S 8/23/2022 #45764 d topics and Elizondo states Space Force is taking the topic of UAP “very s 8/23/2022 #45764 Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force from 2019-2021. From late 2021 to 6/5/2023 #45798 and its representative to the task force. 6/5/2023 #45798
is a relationship between the Air Force's interest in space surveillance a 8/15/1960 #16383
12W-26° 05N Night light paces Air Force-C124 / 5 minute(s). Returns blinks 5/13/1954 #9782
OUTH / CORONA, NM Blue Book. 1 Air Force-man / car. Green fireball maneuver 1/7/1950 #4476
le, Poland British prisoners being force-marched out of the German Heydebre 1/22/1945 #1761
Project Bluebook Case #70. Ex Air Force-pilot and 2. Saucer hovers. Away / 8/6/1947 #3296
WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY, MI Air Force-ROTC. Slow silent meteor levels of 6/9/1953 #8929
Dr. Norman Levine, members of Air Force-sponsored Colorado UFO project, fi 2/9/1968 #23745
e and rapidly disappear. Morgan is forced to make a crash landing. 1/31/1916 #941 r and misfire, until the pilot was forced to make an emergency landing in a 9/1926 #1062 ngine sputters and misfires. He is forced to land in a sheep pasture, where Late 9/1926 #1064 s suffered engine failure and were forced to make emergency landings. One p 7/5/1933 #1168 0 are woken up by the Russians and forced to take a trip. (Ziegler is not a 9/1946 #2164 to disintegrate and crash, pilots forced to recant their story in contradi 7/7/1947 #2833 t UFO investigation, and Cabell is forced to make up for AMC’s negligence b 1/12/1950 #4483 y the US government, three of them forced down in Montana. One occupant has 7/22/1952 #7024 ppelt says the Mainbrace sightings forced the RAF to “officially recognize 9/21/1952 #7998 called a Skinner box and given a “forced learning experience” that led him 10/1952 #8077 ies of our technology [and] we are forced to the conclusion that the vehicl 8/1953 #9034 of United Air Lines Flight 193 is forced to make a sharp climbing turn in 4/14/1954 #9690 what direction was Marseilles. He forced Ujvari to walk with him on the ro 10/20/1954 #11278 sing, Michigan Charles Laughead is forced to resign his position at Michiga 11/22/1954 #11689 OVER AMARILLO, TX TWA flight 21 forced to dive. Red-green night light de 7/23/1957 #13819 umes driving, but 600 feet away is forced to stop because he smells burning 12/1959 #16107 eatened him, told him not to talk, forced him to sign a non-disclosure stat 1960 #16145 it takes off with a sound like air forced from a balloon. He watches it for 7/19/1965 #19134 l: "An objective observer is about forced to the conclusion that there are 8/6/1965 #19332 aucer buzzes Air Force helicopter. Forced secrecy. 9/30/1965 (approximate) #19625 An abduction and forced sexual encounter allegedly occurr 8/11/1966 #20739 blinking red lights (body lights) forced a car off the road. It returned a 2/14/1967 #21543 ject’s failure to move quickly has forced it to prepare a proposal to exten Early 3/1967 #21730 nse, and sometimes the military is forced to fire on them. 5/5/1967 #22276 so compelling that Condon would be forced to accept it on its merits.” 9/27/1967 #23137 being, a "doctor" in a long coat, forced her onto an exam table. He insert 5/3/1968 #23942 r. Trembling and cowering, the dog forced his mistress back inside the hous 6/9/1971 #26165 a truck driver named Marcilio was forced to stop his vehicle in the pre-da 8/9/1972 #26890 ntil the pain returned and she was forced to call her neighbor again. Her p 5/27/1973 #27535 erience to the point where she was forced to wear corrective lenses for the 5/27/1973 #27535 she was daydreaming and tired, she forced her concentration back to her dri 8/4/1973 #27683 members lying on a table and being forced to remove her clothing. After a p 10/19/1973 #28199 sitting on a nearby field. She was forced into a room, stripped, and then s 10/20/1973 #28220 who would be mostly responsible to forced human abductions and animal mutil 4/22/1975 #30000 as abducted aboard a UFO and had a forced sexual encounter with a tall fema 3/2/1978 #33011 ithin 8 miles of the object but is forced to turn away by low fuel. 11/15/1978 #33957 road near the town of Navelli was forced to brake when two luminous globes 12/11/1978 #34090 own of Navelli, Abruzzi, Italy was forced to brake at 10 p.m. when two lumi 12/11/1978 #34093 an oily substance on his body, and forced him to have sexual intercourse wi 6/18/1979 #34618 h a variety of images before being forced to mate with a female alien. He i 6/28/1979 #34639 0 minutes of pursuit, the pilot is forced to return to the base with no res 11/11/1979 #34997 of some commercial airplanes were forced to delay their takeoffs while a U 6/14/1980 #35370 MOZHAYSK, RUSSIA Driver abducted. Forced to wear ring-hat / cable attached 7/28/1980 #35428 feet encased in mist, appeared and forced open the car door. He then forced 8/22/1980 #35475 forced open the car door. He then forced Meagan and Renee to follow him. H 8/22/1980 #35475 ect descended over her vehicle and forced her to pull off the side of the r 8/19/1981 #36081 APRON, states his fiancé’s car was forced off the road in Las Vegas and his 1982 #36291 ar Singing Sands, FL where she was forced off the road in a hit and run. RC 1982 #36291 e late 1960s a pilot had to make a forced landing over a restricted air cor 1982 #36292 s and navigational systems and are forced to return to their base. 6/18/1982 #36510 Peking to Paris flight that almost forced the captain to make an emergency 6/11/1985 #37599 eads for one of the jets, which is forced to take evasive action. The two o 11/5/1990 #39867 turned into a red sphere. He felt forced to follow it. He began doing odd 12/4/1991 #40254 ng controlled by them, and she was forced to go back to sleep despite the a 3/19/1995 #42112 nd airport lights go out, so he is forced to climb back to 9,800 feet, acco 7/31/1995 #42347 n the room, and he once again felt forced to close his eyelids. When he wok 10/15/1997 #43429 by ground control. The fighter is forced to return after running low on fu 10/19/1998 #43665 the darkness. Suddenly, an unseen forced picked him up and threw him backw 7/11/2000 #44014 ical power, and that they would be forced to use some power they didn't wan 9/3/2003 #44592 ’7” this meant that his knees were forced into the dashboard.Neither rememb 6/7/2008 #45146 e and Capt. Frederick Meiwald were forced to sign non-disclosure statements 9/19/2012 #45353
ill he returns to his bedroom, the forcefield disappears, and he goes right 5/1974 #29074
hat a flat-ended object had made a forceful impact with the hood and then t 8/27/1979 #34787
s seem to ricochet off the UFO and forcefully returned, landing on structur 11/30/1962 #17565 are here because of him!" She then forcefully told them to leave. The being 8/20/1993 #41148
the summer. In December, GHQ Home Forces issues a 16-page confidential rep 9/4/1915 #936 d. 30M cylinder/cylindrical object forces DH-4 airmail-plane to land. / r17 9/25/1926 (approximate) #1063 size comes walking toward her and forces her to stop. He seems to speak to 1930 #1106 Pontus Reuterswärd, chief of armed forces in Upper Norrland, Sweden, recomm 1/10/1934 #1195 ercise in coordination with ground forces. 2/1/1934 #1199 Air Corps becomes the US Army Air Forces to provide the air arm greater au 6/20/1941 #1364 e Command becomes a major Army Air Forces unit to support logistical functi 3/9/1942 #1398 ly, a key supply center for Allied forces. 28 Allied ships are sunk, includ 12/2/1943 #1549 ded for retaliation in case German forces use chemical warfare. Liquid sulf 12/2/1943 #1549 the newly created US Strategic Air Forces in Europe. “Many months preceding 2/23/1944 #1577 istry that enabled the US Army Air Forces to undertake long-range research 2/23/1944 #1577 The Army Air Forces Air Technical Service Command is 8/31/1944 #1652 away vital intelligence to German forces, initially attempted to conceal t 9/7/1944 #1666 At 6:00 p.m. Soviet forces in Ukraine reported that they had 9/29/1944 #1671 ine engines, is captured by Allied forces in Leonstein, Austria. Supposedly 5/1945 #1858 ere recovered in Germany by Allied forces. 1/10/1946 #1964 for the Commander of the Army Air Forces Gen. Carl Spaatz on reports of “r 7/19/1946 #2074 ge from the Commander-in-Chief Air Forces, Pacific, to Gen. Lauris Norstad, 8/7/1946 #2109 Gen. Joseph T. McNarney of the US Forces in Europe Theater replies that Pe 8/13/1946 #2128 Kent Hewitt, Commander of US Naval Forces in Europe, writes a letter to the 8/24/1946 #2155 rtime Manhattan Project. The Armed Forces Special Weapons Project assumes r 1/1/1947 #2222 hat formally establishes the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project, a new ag 1/29/1947 #2236 e, California Witnesses: Army Air Forces Capt. and Mrs. James Burniston. W 7/6/1947 #2806 ning there until July 11. Army Air Forces Commander Gen. Carl Spaatz is sup 7/7/1947 #2929 n July 21 to tell him the Army Air Forces are looking into it, but there is 7/8/1947 #3017 The story announces: “The army air forces here today announced a flying dis 7/8/1947 #3020 ecret. In fact, however, the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project is buildi 8/1947 #3277 I was to “relieve the numbered Air Forces of the task of tracking down all 9/3/1947 #3383 Act takes effect. The US Army Air Forces is disbanded and becomes the US A 9/18/1947 #3403 be, stand these horrible maneuver forces? Why judge them by earthly standa 12/1947 #3496 director of intelligence at the US Forces in Austria a memo alleging that W 5/7/1948 #3643 ame object viewed by Swedish Armed Forces Supreme Commander Helge Jung of a 8/21/1948 #3785 icers of both the Army and the Air Forces.” It was thought that the first U 1/31/1949 #3987 icers of both the army and the air forces.” 1/31/1949 #3989 ees, Kaplan, and LaPaz brief Armed Forces Special Weapons Project personnel 4/27/1949 #4115 , ONI, CIC, the FBI, and the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project at Camp H 5/5/1949 #4149 Station Dallas Grand Prairie Armed Forces Reserve Complex Dallas, Texas Jus 3/16/1950 #4656 Dallas [later Grand Prairie Armed Forces Reserve Complex] near Dallas, Tex 3/16/1950 #4656 en shot at by Earth-based military forces. The Venusians further claims tha 3/28/1950 #4750 ident Truman orders US air and sea forces to help South Korea. 6/27/1950 #5017 nge in Nevada Frenchman Flat Armed Forces Special Weapons Project concludes 7/1950 #5034 umental in supporting pro-American forces that toppled Mohammed Mossadegh i 8/23/1951 #5616 Far East Air Forces Wonsan/Sunchon, Korea Far East Ai 2/21/1952 #5918 Wonsan/Sunchon, Korea Far East Air Forces Commander Lieut. Gen. Otto P. Wey 2/21/1952 #5918 officials to restrain the US armed forces from shooting at UFOs. He says th 7/29/1952 #7326 p to investigate but rainy weather forces them to turn back after they reac 8/5/1952 #7470 document that eliminates the Armed Forces Security Agency formed in 1949 to 10/24/1952 #8181 total lack of evidence of inimical forces behind the phenomena."Exactly wha 1/17/1953 #8544 Os do not require a Canadian armed forces investigation, but reports should 2/25/1953 #8704 sleholm, Sweden, the Swedish Armed Forces orders a full-scale investigation 12/17/1953 #9380 ief of Staff, speaking at an Armed Forces Day dinner at Amarillo AFB [now R 5/15/1954 #9804 ext two days, she has a fever that forces her to stay home from school. Summer 1954 #9919 urity of the United States and its forces, and secondly, to determine techn 8/12/1954 #10138 ce at the Nevada Test Site. Ground forces take part in Exercise Desert Rock 2/18/1955 #12010 na, ancient astronauts, levitating forces to explain megalithic structures, 3/1955 #12022 ir Station Los Alamitos [now Joint Forces Training Base–Los Alamitos], Cali Late 7/1956 #13016 ir Station Los Alamitos [now Joint Forces Training Base–Los Alamitos], Cali Late 7/1956 #13016 and defense for SAC’s retaliatory forces.” Every continental US military r 9/12/1957 #13992 [US Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces?]. He is kept there and interroga 11/17/1957 #14571 ind the existence of a US Army Air Forces files on the German Air Force’s s 1958 #14787 4,000 feet. The object’s departure forces one F-102 to swerve to avoid coll 9/24/1959 #15987 ch-coupled oscillation starts that forces each of the three wheels into the 9/29/1959 #15999 or, Dr. Amaral, and later by armed forces technicians and scientists at the 11/2/1959 #16076 would seem incumbent on the armed forces to waste no time in alerting the 2/27/1960 #16186 is detected by Soviet Air Defense Forces but avoids intercepts by a MiG-19 4/9/1960 #16219 terinburg]. The Soviet Air Defense Forces have anticipated the flight and g 5/1/1960 #16248 isk of accidental war from defense forces’ confusion over UFOs.” He mention 8/31/1960 #16426 s by the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces under the direct command of Castr 4/17/1961 #16649 united human race and the sinister forces of some other planetary galaxy” 5/12/1962 #17160 o mobilizes all of Cuba’s military forces. US ambassador to the Soviet Unio 10/22/1962 #17485 raises the readiness level of SAC forces to DEFCON 2. For the only confirm 10/25/1962 #17495 maintain their story. The Pentagon forces a TV crew about to interview the 1/11/1965 #18709 Canadian Forces Base Cornwallis Cornwallis Park N 11/30/1965 #19742 Ian Kinsey is on watch at Canadian Forces Base Cornwallis [now Cornwallis P 11/30/1965 #19742 rate of Operations issues Canadian Forces Administrative Order 71-6, “Repor 10/1966 #20945 rts from military bases and police forces. 10/1966 #20945 feet wide cuts in front of him and forces him to stop. It hovers a foot abo Early 11/1966 #21070 V starts working again. A Canadian Forces spokesperson says the lights were 2/8/1967 #21483 NNON, ONT Numerous observers. Disk forces car off road. Returns and hovers. 2/14/1967 #21541 ocal government militia and police forces, rather than the military. Heavy- 5/1967 #22253 is carried out by South Vietnamese forces with the CIA and special forces p 5/1967 #22253 se forces with the CIA and special forces playing a supervisory role. 5/1967 #22253 rength of the Vietnamese Communist forces. This leads a CIA analyst directl 9/1967 #22974 hting to the RCMP and the Canadian Forces, but apparently gets no response. 10/25/1967 #23322 AP’s cases. November 15 — Canadian Forces Wing Commander Douglas F. Roberts 11/14/1967 #23450 has been captured by North Korean forces on January 23. His photographs pi 1/26/1968 #23703 an anecdotal accounts. Pacific Air Forces’ unit history clearly states the 8/1968 #24284 n 2:51 a.m. The crew of a Canadian Forces Hercules C-150E are flying above 8/16/1968 #24341 Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt Vancouver Island, 9/29/1968 #24521 for several nights above Canadian Forces Base Esquimalt at the southern ti 9/29/1968 #24521 d of black magic” and “harness the forces of darkness and challenge the con 1969 #24800 rtedly felt strange "psychological forces" and suffered physiological effec 3/10/1969 #24991 irport, Finland, a Finnish Defence Forces flight controller tells pilot-in- 4/12/1969 #25057 ll. According to the Finnish Armed Forces magazine Ruotuväki, the reports a 4/12/1969 #25057 and, Norway, when a dazzling light forces him to stop the car. He looks up 10/29/1970 #25893 SAP, CAMBODIA US and Thai special forces. Large silver sphere and small hu 9/1971 #26307 Norwegian Navy vessels, plus NATO forces, are already investigating a myst 11/13/1972 #27122 Allende is overthrown by the armed forces and national police in a coup d’é 9/11/1973 #27801 and prompted shooting by US ground forces. A Combat Air Activities file of 10/16/1973 #28084 alert to conventional and nuclear forces in the region during the Yom Kipp 10/25/1973 #28284 dred feet when police and military forces show up and clearly tell her to l 1/23/1974 #28694 ots straight toward them. Nakamura forces the aircraft into a sudden dive t 6/9/1974 #29175 p.m. John Breen, a Canadian armed forces pilot, is paced by a UFO over Gra 10/10/1974 #29512 e hit by small arms fire. Security forces pursue the intruders but apparent 11/3/1975 #30546 Canadian Forces Station Falconbridge Valley East, 11/11/1975 #30609 l object is observed from Canadian Forces Station Falconbridge [now closed] 11/11/1975 #30609 ged skirmish between U.S. military forces and a landed (or disabled) alien Spring 1977 #31919 chief of Japan’s Air Self-Defense Forces, admits that UFOs are seen freque 9/1977 #32453 Command Academy of the Air Defence Forces reported several incidents where Late 1970's #32823 ion collected by the Spanish armed forces. 3/3/1979 #34462 cials have testified that US armed forces do not have a large, diamond-shap 12/29/1980 #35757 e the “potential threat of the UFO forces.” In response to VonKeviczky’s le 9/28/1981 #36143 2+4 / separate cars. Huge fireball forces detours / SR43. / MJ#283. / Flyin 11/29/1981 #36237 Casteau, Belgium, it involves NATO forces throughout Western Europe. The So 11/7/1983 #37044 from Beijing to Paris that almost forces the captain to make an emergency 6/11/1985 #37598 he 1988 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty allows the Soviets to test 10/1988 #38661 electromagnetic and gravitational forces to determine if it can apply to s 8/1990 #39674 head.” The blonde reaches out and forces him towards her. Before he knows 7/23/1992 #40530 V. Forrestal established the Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (AFSWP), 1994 #41349 ions, according to a report in Air Forces Monthly. Further investigation is 9/26/1994 #41775 Air Forces Monthly writes on 26 September 19 9/26/1994 #41776 USAF Security Forces member Christopher Cabrera states 10/1998 #43656 el standing instructions to police forces who have, in the past, routinely 1/2010 #45264 esentatives of the Brazilian armed forces at the Ministry of Defense to dis 4/18/2013 #45364 , and representatives of the armed forces. All seem to accept the premise t 7/31/2014 #45412 es to include cyber and geospatial forces and expertise. Additionally, it i 9/29/2014 #45415 tad tells the media that the Armed Forces reported to the Swedish governmen 4/13/2015 #45436 omena for the benefit of the armed forces and the nation.” 10/4/2017 #45483 nnipeg Air Control Centre Canadian Forces Base North Bay in Ontario The cre 1/6/2019 #45556 l and Warning Squadron at Canadian Forces Base North Bay in Ontario is noti 1/6/2019 #45556 ncreasingly being used by security forces around the world. They operate by 7/24/2019 #45598 that members of the Self- Defense Forces must make a visual recording of a 9/15/2020 #45661 es 128 separate calls to 16 police forces since 2016 that mention UFOs. Sev 1/1/2021 #45672 h higher, with more than 30 police forces including Police Scotland saying 1/1/2021 #45672
e base hospital but is turned away forcibly; a nurse friend (possibly 1st L 7/8/1947 #3026 toward one of the vessels and was forcibly restrained. Another saw a becko 8/29/1955 #12416 dst of the light she felt her head forcibly turned to the right. She percei 12/10/1976 #31594 up, about five feet long. She was forcibly placed and twisted about into v 12/10/1976 #31594 sisted her sexual advances but was forcibly restrained. They spread an oily 6/18/1979 #34618
ut he shouts and neighbors gather, forcing the apparatus to take off. Later 10/12/1954 #10976 bright glare that it blinded them, forcing them off the highway. It had bee 3/20/1966 #19998 of the aircraft and then the tail, forcing the aircraft down. (Shreveport T 7/27/1967 #22740 and then the tail of his airplane, forcing the plane to crash. The pilot, b 7/27/1967 #22743 els an intense blast of radiation, forcing him to cover his face with his h 10/25/1967 #23322 object landed on top of their car, forcing them to stop. Two dwarfs spoke t 11/2/1967 #23388 car illuminating its interior and forcing the car off the road. (Syracuse 12/12/1967 #23572 00 feet ahead of Paul Brown's car, forcing him to make an immediate stop. T 10/17/1973 #28139 mph. Coyne pushes the stick down, forcing the helicopter to descend quickl 10/18/1973 #28172 llegedly, the UFO strikes the F-4, forcing the two pilots to eject. Nakamur 6/9/1974 #29175 . An identical car appears behind, forcing him to the side of the road. Fou 5/3/1975 #30026 her pole. They approach the truck, forcing her to back up the truck. Finall 5/9/1980 #35319 th five people inside from behind, forcing the driver to pull over. The obj 6/14/1980 #35369 s car and prevented their passage, forcing a detour onto SR 148. The incide 11/28/1981 #36236 ions itself in front of the plane, forcing him to make a sudden maneuver. T 5/2/1989 #38935 bject moves in front of him again, forcing him to maneuver again. The pilot 5/2/1989 #38935 ate and capture a fourth creature, forcing it into the back of their car. T 1/20/1996 #42696 dd feeling swept through his body, forcing him to close his eyes. His next 10/15/1997 #43429
The Ford Model T is an automobile that was p 10/1/1908 #718 utomobile that was produced by the Ford Motor Company. It is generally rega 10/1/1908 #718 low price was partly the result of Ford’s efficient fabrication, including 10/1/1908 #718 inois 2:30 a.m. A driver stops his Ford Model T to watch a 300-foot-long, c 6/1925 #1047 Washington, D.C. New York The Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Foundati 1938 #1279 suspect a cover-up. Rep. Leland M. Ford (R-Calif.) calls for a congressiona 2/24/1942 #1388 ille, Pennsylvania Witnesses: Bill Ford and two others. An undescribed obje 8/20/1952 #7662 At 3:10 a.m. Bill Ford and two others in Neffsville, Penns 8/20/1952 #7665 olm, Sweden. Ekberg is driving his Ford V8 pickup when they see a bright fl 11/11/1956 #13322 rted the incident. The car, a 1956 Ford, was completely destroyed. 11/1957 #14181 issouri Witnesses: USAF Maj. J.G. Ford and Link representative A. Chapdela 4/17/1960 #16232 Bruns is driving his father’s 1962 Ford pickup truck, heading west just sou 12/19/1965 #19777 untry House Minority Leader Gerald Ford (R-Mich.) issues a press release pr 3/25/1966 #20081 US Rep. Gerald Ford (R-Mich.) issued call for UFO heari 3/28/1966 #20114 Michigan Gerald Ford writes to George P. Miller (D-Calif 3/28/1966 #20116 letter on in confidence to Gerald Ford (R-Mich.). 3/28/1966 #20117 Charles A. Maney writes to Gerald Ford, imploring him to contact NICAP for 3/29/1966 #20138 MONTAUK BEACH, NY 65 ford truck malfunctions due to EME (elec 3/30/1966 #20147 point to point. At 11:30 p.m... a Ford truck experienced total electrical 3/30/1966 #20155 Montauk, New York Mr. Field's 1965 Ford pickup truck experienced total engi 3/30/1966 #20166 Rep. Gerald R. Ford states the Air Force assured him an 4/3/1966 #20214 d “in any way” with the Air Force. Ford was dissatisfied with Project Blue 4/3/1966 #20214 Washington DC Congressman, Gerald Ford announces to Congress the need to e 4/5/1966 #20227 ctor Richard Hall writes to Gerald Ford, congratulating him on his call for 4/6/1966 #20258 US Rep. Gerald Ford (R-Mich.) issued news release annou 4/21/1966 #20352 shortly after 6:00 p.m. in Leiters Ford, Fulton County, Indiana and was wit 8/22/1966 #20788 and David Moyer, engineers at the Ford Motor Company, two months later sho 1/3/1967 #21250 Miss R. Ford was driving between Deming and Las 2/6/1967 #21472 Barker, John A. Keel, Moseley, Art Ford, Gordon Evans, actor Roy Thinnes, a 6/22/1967 #22535 fessor of chemistry, writes Gerald Ford in support of House Resolution 946 11/30/1967 #23525 r hovered directly over her car, a Ford Mustang, and the engine stalled. At 12/12/1967 #23576 OVER AUSTIN, TX Henry Ford II and several. 600' saucer paces p 4/16/1968 #23908 At 12:10 p.m. Henry Ford II sighted a very large UFO while f 4/16/1968 #23909 large UFO while flying onboard the Ford Motor Company Jet Star near Austin, 4/16/1968 #23909 nt named Jones is driving his 1967 Ford Custom along the road between Newto 11/23/1968 #24695 Bobby Ford was outside his home in Jonesville, 5/2/1971 #26097 . They emerge from a brand-new red Ford Mustang, at a distance of 1,600 fee 7/7/1971 #26211 ked with Merletti under Presidents Ford and Carter, however, tells a differ 2/19/1973 #27298 1974, possibly by President Gerald Ford and the President of France Giscard 1974 #28633 Washington DC President Gerald Ford in office 8/9/1974 #29316 President Gerald R. Ford creates the Nuclear Emergency Suppo Late 1974 #29532 ed into law by President Gerald R. Ford, establishes a Code of Fair Informa 12/31/1974 #29666 all five of them piled into their Ford Bronco and drove away. Looking back 10/26/1975 #30476 all five of them piled into their Ford Bronco and drove off. Looking back, 10/27/1975 #30491 Ford Creek at Augusta, MT 12:00 a.m. Foo 10/30/1975 #30519 In Chandlers Ford, England, a couple saw a silver-sui 11/13/1976 #31543 ue in Dearborn, Michigan, near the Ford Motor plant lets out an awful howl. Late 4/1978 #33167 inute or two then moves toward the Ford plant. It is about 125 feet in diam Late 4/1978 #33167 domed saucer going [to] 150m over ford plant. Slow and deliberate. 4/28/1978 (approximate) #33177 ing events returns. His vehicle, a Ford Cortina 71TC, is inspected and foun 2/5/1979 #34405 ennis Brekke drives Johnson’s 1977 Ford LTD patrol car back to the garage. 8/27/1979 #34787 expert with the Glass Division of Ford Motor Company, concludes that a fla 8/27/1979 #34787 ng Island UFO Network founder John Ford claims that a UFO is shot down and 9/28/1989 #39130 eems to be an exaggerated fantasy. Ford is convinced the nearby Brookhaven 9/28/1989 #39130 elated weaponry. On June 12, 1996, Ford and LIUFON member Joe Mazzachelli a 9/28/1989 #39130 ffolk County Republican Party, who Ford believes is covering up UFO retriev 9/28/1989 #39130 putting radium in his toothpaste. Ford is convicted without a trial and se 9/28/1989 #39130 22). In 1988, BDM was purchased by Ford Aerospace and became a part of Ford 10/1989 #39139 ord Aerospace and became a part of Ford Motor Company. In 1990, Ford Aerosp 10/1989 #39139 rt of Ford Motor Company. In 1990, Ford Aerospace was sold to Loral and BDM 10/1989 #39139 Brookhaven Lab on this date. John Ford, an investigator of this incident, 11/24/1992 #40726 a man later identified as Richard Ford, reporting a group suicide in a hou 3/26/1997 #43240 -Boeing, IBM, Lockheed, McDonnell, Ford Aerospace (now part of Northrop Gru 8/19/1997 #43387 edy, the 40 Committee under Nixon, Ford and Carter, and the PI-40 Committee 2004 #44638 ame time, at 10:00 p.m. in Leiters Ford, Indiana another report came in of 4/8/2004 #44685 Eagle Ford Shale Field near Cotulla, Texas 10: 7/5/2012 #45347 camera at a well site in the Eagle Ford Shale Field near Cotulla, Texas, sn 7/5/2012 #45347
ock. Footprints were discovered on Ford's property. 5/2/1971 #26097
ion.” MIT weapons analyst Geoffrey Forden says the most credible photo show 7/7/2010 #45286
Fordingbridge, UK Just before midnight. 11/5/1967 #23405 Fordingbridge, UK Luminous green ellipse 11/5/1967 #23406 Fordingbridge, Great Britain Lorry drive 11/5/1967 #23407 gg-shaped object 15 meters away at Fordingbridge, England. Moments later, a 11/5/1967 #23408 EAST / FORDINGBRIDGE, HAMPS 3 / car. Silent tur 1/3/1978 #32849 ily was driving between Cadnam and Fordingbridge, in Hampshire, England in 1/3/1978 #32851
Fordland, MO Very Large Object Tracked, 7/13/1952 #6794 Fordland, MO (McDonald list; FUFOR Index 8/25/1955 #12406 s, members of the Boggs family, in Fordland, Missouri had a close encounter 5/3/1992 #40449 In Fordland, Missouri in the hour just befo 11/20/1992 #40721
lassified memo shows. https://www.fordlibrarymuseum.gov/library/document/0 4/3/1966 #20214
Fords, NJ 5:35 p.m. EST. Several witness 11/13/1966 #21097
Fordsham, Cheshire County, UK Four men w 1/27/1978 #32917 in a field by the River Weaver in Fordsham, Cheshire County, England when 1/27/1978 #32921
tory, Ohio Afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce J. Kaiser and their housekeeper 5/7/1948 #3643
to a great height, showing lights fore and aft. After circling around, it 8/3/1909 #799 es extended to the ground from the fore section. (Note: Vallee incorrectly 9/30/1954 #10520 s yellow, the rest brown. From the fore part, two appendages extended to th 10/1/1954 #10556 s yellow, the rest brown. From the fore part, two appendages extended to th 10/1/1954 #10572 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fore” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 200KT 1/16/1964 #18113 . It had turquioise colored lights fore and aft, and eight yellow lights on 4/20/1967 #22173 UFO, carrying bright white lights fore and aft and a central red light, wi 7/27/1967 #22742 Large invisible object with lights fore and aft hovers over beach. Turns aw 10/23/1969 #25419 rk or invisible object with lights fore and aft hovered over the beach at H 10/23/1969 #25420 Beams strong light / small saucers fore and aft. 9/30/1992 #40646
e feels one of them scratching his forearm with an instrument, then he blac Late 11/1961 #16979
n eyes, small noses, no ears, long forearms, and only four long slender fin 7/4/1947 #2672 he base of their necks, and curved forearms, and they are gliding rather th 8/10/1979 #34725 ndshield, partially paralyzing his forearms and hands. He stopped the truck 1/12/1988 #38411 f him and place a firm grip on his forearms. The beings had long bony finge 4/12/1992 #40414
the future, predicting: “I have a foreboding of an America in my children’ 1995 #41923
control tower operators, a weather forecaster and a weather observer. One 9/18/1954 #10347 control tower operators, a weather forecaster and a weather observer at Kim 9/18/1954 #10350 Nicolaï Ans Liège Belgium Weather forecaster Francesco Valenzano and his y 12/1/1989 #39292
were concerned with eschatalogical forecasts discussed in occult circles, b 3/31/2011 #45322 scussed in occult circles, but the forecasts never came to fruition. Duke a 3/31/2011 #45322
and that the being held his right forefinger below his nose. The figure su 9/21/1972 #27022
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Forefoot” YieldMax: 20KT 6/2/1977 #32143
ucerlike object was visible in the foreground. (See Dec. 19, Dept. of State 11/12/1966 #21093 and-orange object in motion in the foreground and casting a distinct shadow 7/1/1975 #30144 pe. Palm fronds are visible in the foreground. There were reported to be se 8/10/1989 #39054
g blond hair and an extremely high forehead. Through gestures, sign languag 11/20/1952 #8309 all man with a deep tan and a high forehead got out. His garment covered hi 2/18/1954 #9555 yet striking, featuring almost no forehead and eyes that were almond-shape 10/18/1954 #11225 ess with prominent wrinkles on the forehead. They are wearing one-piece gra 5/25/1955 #12159 by the side of the road. They had forehead folds, slit mouths, and lopside 5/25/1955 #12160 England, someone with a very high forehead, told him that he could see a f 11/28/1956 #13362 , green colored dwarf, with a high forehead, large floppy ears, and short a 12/15/1956 #13405 , had one eye in the middle of his forehead, wore high boots that left a tr 8/28/1963 #17920 bout 2 m high, with one eye on the forehead and flashing helmets, emerged a 2/4/1965 #18799 o meters high, with one eye in the forehead and flashing helmets, emerged a 2/4/1965 #18802 an unknown force struck him in the forehead and knocked him to the ground, 3/14/1965 #18854 animal reaction. Witness struck on forehead by light beam, unconscious, eye 3/15/1965 #18858 e a “welder’s torch” that hits his forehead. He blacks out twice. When he w 3/15/1965 #18859 bject, striking the witness in the forehead. He fell unconscious, and awoke 3/15/1965 #18860 appearance except for a very high forehead, and was dressed in a white cov 9/3/1965 #19518 h the window and struck him in the forehead. It then "went up through the c 6/9/1967 #22484 with close-set eyes and a very low forehead. When Kaiser made a move to get 5/19/1969 #25148 big head with a very high and wide forehead, eyes far apart, eyebrows “like 8/11/1969 #25317 ands swollen and a red bump on his forehead. A red scar on his forehead was 11/15/1969 #25461 on his forehead. A red scar on his forehead was still visible when last exa 11/15/1969 #25461 a large hairless head with a high forehead and large gray colored eyes. It 8/16/1971 #26290 a fringe of red hair fell onto his forehead. "Wooden slats" protruded from 5/15/1973 #27492 nd suffered trauma to his head and forehead. Under hypnosis and sodium pent 10/28/1973 #28311 y his condition (bleeding from his forehead and a burn on his cheek), takes 3/23/1974 #28936 g, but he had strange marks on his forehead and arms, and experienced heada 12/17/1975 #30720 g, but he had strange marks on his forehead and arms, and experienced heada 12/17/1975 #30721 gray skin, high cheekbones, a high forehead, and eyes that were three or fo 3/5/1976 #30928 boys. The silver suit covered his forehead, so only his lower face was cle 10/2/1978 #33791 ssed a metallic object against his forehead. He began receiving telepathic 10/3/1978 #33797 a tightening sensation around her forehead, one that she remembers having 11/22/1978 #33980 his skin peeling around his nose, forehead, and from the back of his ears. 12/14/1978 #34127 ide the car with a red bump on his forehead, so he calls an ambulance. At t 8/27/1979 #34787 He sees that it is coming from the forehead of a dark figure on a nearby hi 10/9/1984 #37484 m as one of the beings touched her forehead, she then watched her friend un 11/6/1989 #39216 nd unconscious with bruises on his forehead. No hypnotic regression has bee 7/2/1990 #39634 green light hit the witness on his forehead and after that he only had vagu 12/26/1991 #40267 er, at some point he is hit in the forehead by a shining light and knocked Early 6/1994 #41548 d a third eye in the middle of the forehead that emitted a blue light. A be 6/15/1994 #41568 large heads, huge eyes and in the forehead he could see what appeared to b 2/29/1996 #42789 of them approached and touched his forehead. He then got a mental message i 3/10/1997 #43225 s giving him oxygen and wiping his forehead with a cool cloth. 4/21/2003 #44517 at from the object on her face and forehead. The object departs to the west 9/11/2011 #45332
to their shoulders, and very high foreheads. They wore transparent helmets 10/21/1954 #11298 ving shoulder-length hair and high foreheads. They wear transparent helmets 10/21/1954 #11302 to their shoulders, and very high foreheads. They wore transparent helmets 10/21/1954 #11307 d. They had large heads, dome-like foreheads, and bulging eyeballs. They de 12/1957 #14648 . They have large heads, dome-like foreheads, and bulging eyeballs. They de 12/1957 #14653 kin, oddly shaped heads, and broad foreheads. Simon discounts the possibili 3/7/1964 #18145 nly one eye in the middle of their foreheads) emerge. The creatures entered 1/31/1965 #18789 n. They appeared old because their foreheads were wrinkled. She was told by 8/16/1965 #19410 l over 6 feet tall, with very high foreheads, and bald. Inside the vessel w 9/3/1965 #19518 m) tall. They had blond hair, wide foreheads, and elongated eyes. They were 10/28/1973 #28311 three had white complexions, wide foreheads, and small noses. They floated 10/29/1973 #28319 had long, pointed chins, with tall foreheads and small eyes, ears, and nose 2/9/1974 #28755 g arms and thick wrinkles on their foreheads. The little beings communicate 12/15/1981 #36259 ing three huge white eyes on their foreheads. Their skin looked translucent 3/7/1987 #38133 nd what looked like a fin on their foreheads. The beings wore silver covera 4/17/1996 #42872
e in Japanese. She is dressed in a foreign fashion made of unknown fabrics 2/22/1803 #100 as manned by three men who spoke a foreign language, but judging from their 4/23/1897 #563 as manned by three men who spoke a foreign language, but judging from their 4/23/1897 #564 as manned by three men who spoke a foreign language, but judging from their 4/23/1897 #566 strangely, play music, and speak a foreign language. 4/20/1907 #694 tart jumping up and jabbering in a foreign language. They quickly pick up s 5/18/1909 #758 The Council on Foreign Relations is incorporated. Found 7/29/1921 #1013 rs, and industrialists to engineer foreign policy. The first issue of Forei 7/29/1921 #1013 foreign policy. The first issue of Foreign Affairs is published in Septembe 7/29/1921 #1013 y Prime Minister Benito Mussolini, Foreign Minister Galeazzo Ciano, and Air 6/13/1933 #1159 report on the incident is sent to Foreign Minister Galeazzo Ciano. 8/17/1936 #1247 e Nilsson about the possibility of foreign spies. 1/4/1937 #1261 amounts of money to the Council on Foreign Relations. They create various C 1938 #1279 They create various Committees on Foreign Relations throughout the country 1938 #1279 rned by the American Committees on Foreign Relations in Washington, D.C., f 1938 #1279 erations include the evaluation of foreign aircraft and related equipment. 12/1942 #1469 time cable intercept program, both foreign and domestic, now called Project 8/1945 #1910 be associated with “tests made by foreign powers with guided weapons.” 6/26/1946 #2016 ttaché Capt. Henderson informs the Foreign Office in London, England, that 7/27/1946 #2082 Sweden British The British Foreign Office states that English radar 8/23/1946 #2151 ng to the ghost rocket episode. No foreign missiles have overflown or lande 4/15/1947 #2263 ther conditions, or meteorites, or foreign aircraft that it is “our respons 7/4/1947 #2654 teriological weapons designed by a foreign power, experimental army aircraf 7/8/1947 #3016 fact and whether or not they are a foreign body mechanically devised and co 7/10/1947 #3078 producing reports and estimates on foreign air weapons. It begins to develo 8/1947 #3276 rrassment, or be of advantage to a foreign nation shall be classified CONFI 8/9/1947 #3308 ibility of the flying disks being “foreign experimentation.” He adds that t 12/17/1947 #3505 covert operations against “hostile foreign states or groups” that could, if 6/18/1948 #3673 ntiate them from inimical (Soviet) foreign developments? 10/7/1948 #3830 d both in the United States and in foreign lands may have been experimental 10/12/1948 #3832 hat they represent the effort of a foreign nation, rather than a product fr 10/12/1948 #3832 over sensitive Bases in NM area. A foreign power may be making “sensing sho 1/13/1949 #3972 ased on 273 reports (243 US and 30 foreign) and it summarizes the character 2/11/1949 #4003 be attributed to the activity of a foreign power or a science unknown to ou 2/18/1949 #4017 tion dismisses the idea of UFOs as foreign aircraft and suggests they are m 3/15/1949 #4045 f credulity. It is unlikely that a foreign power would expose a superior ae 4/28/1949 #4125 aylor later admitted to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee he didn’t kn 3/27/1950 #4742 b.) says the saucers are “like our foreign policy. It is in a state of conf 4/5/1950 #4799 rick, commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars in Shelby, North Carolina, 4/8/1950 #4830 sance: “If they were launched by a foreign power, then they could lead to a 2/25/1951 #5458 er than the objects are not from a foreign power. But since there is still 4/23/1951 #5508 . Six days later a stranger with a foreign accent contacted the witness and 7/24/1952 #7113 . Six days later a stranger with a foreign accent contacted the witness and 7/25/1952 #7139 cab when one man spoke to him in a foreign tongue. Bethurum shook his head, 7/27/1952 #7216 essing of information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintellig 10/24/1952 #8181 curity," there was no evidence of "foreign artifacts capable of hostile act 1/17/1953 #8544 ver craft/entities that are inside foreign territory. The manual also stat 1954 #9424 e Book memo acknowledges the many “Foreign Sightings” in Europe, but attrib 12/7/1954 #11772 “Mrs. G” working in the Foreign Materials Division at WPAFB in t 1955 #11900 at Wright Field (which became the Foreign Technology Division). Schriever 1956 #12639 amo-Wooldridge. West Wing analyzed foreign intelligence from the Soviet Uni 1956 #12639 lligence from the Soviet Union and foreign technology from the Soviet Union 1956 #12639 that might provide information on foreign weapons R&D. Other (more signifi 2/9/1956 #12704 Area for review of information on foreign science developments. Still othe 2/9/1956 #12704 moves away. They are speaking in a foreign language that sounds like German 11/6/1957 #14422 uamama Sidi Chami Algeria A French Foreign Legionnaire on sentry duty at Bo 3/1958 #14905 llip J. Corso states when the USAF Foreign Technology Division began, he wa 1961 #16553 nd reports, focus of Moon Dust on “foreign earth satellite vehicles,” and d 4/25/1961 #16662 ommand. Its name is changed to the Foreign Technology Division. Project Blu 7/1/1961 #16741 te, recover, and deliver descended foreign space vehicles), and Operation B 11/13/1961 #16962 Fly (to facilitate delivery to the Foreign Technological Division of Moon D 11/13/1961 #16962 ts to locate, retrieve and deliver foreign space vehicles. The document al 11/13/1961 #16963 ds from a watchlist. From a single foreign cipher system, Harvest is able t 1/1962 #17015 Sea. They first believed it was a foreign submarine. About a dozen "frogme 8/1/1962 #17313 , conducted within the US against “foreign targets.” 2/11/1963 #17664 en the CIA’s mandate for acquiring foreign intelligence. 1/19/1965 #18748 no evidence of explosives or other foreign matter. 6/25/1965 #19028 unconventional nature—possibly of foreign origin, which could be a threat 7/28/1965 #19196 y.” The project will remain at the Foreign Technology Division (Wright-Patt 9/28/1965 #19619 f crafts. Reports forwarded to the Foreign Technology Division at Wright-Pa 2/22/1966 #19912 ws were seen. Voices shouting in a foreign language and what sounded like a 4/1/1966 #20199 shouting at each other loudly in a foreign, unintelligible language. After 4/1/1966 #20203 eaks in a slow monotone and with a foreign accent, answering questions abou 11/28/1966 #21157 ymond Sleeper, Blue Book’s boss as Foreign Technology Division Commander, s 1/12/1967 #21290 ON UNKNOWN, MADAGASCAR 23 / French Foreign legion. 8M ovoid lands / end. 2. 5/1967 #22250 rs and men serving with the French Foreign Legion watch a bright object lan 5/1967 #22255 CHAOS to gather intelligence about foreign influence on American dissent. I 8/1967 #22770 and evaluate all information about foreign links to racial, antiwar, and ot 8/1967 #22770 ps. The operation also infiltrates foreign intelligence targets and domesti 8/1967 #22770 had responsibility for recovery of foreign space vehicles under Projects Mo 3/1968 #23799 into trances and speak in strange foreign tongues. 4/3/1968 #23888 Brazil opened the door to find a “foreign looking woman” wearing white lig 8/26/1968 #24381 leeper, commander of the Air Force Foreign Technology Division. Sleeper not 9/4/1968 #24427 at Great Falls, Montana, picks up “foreign objects” at the same time 85 mil 11/26/1968 #24718 other metals. Both are considered foreign to the geology of the mine site. 10/30/1969 #25439 no longer involved with UFOs, the Foreign Technology Division at Wright-Pa 5/5/1970 #25655 ng 1999): 20) July 27 — The Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Oceans 7/25/1972 #26833 ng and analyzing information about foreign governments, corporations, and p 6/12/1974 #29180 nvolving assassination attempts on foreign leaders and covert attempts to s 12/22/1974 #29657 ers and covert attempts to subvert foreign governments are reported for the 12/22/1974 #29657 or 40 minutes, during which time a foreign tourist takes a photo. 400 miles 6/22/1976 #31129 e closely with the US government’s Foreign Technology Division. 1977 #31657 . G.,” who allegedly worked in the Foreign Materials Division with a TS cle 8/1978 #33460 US The US Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act cr 10/25/1978 #33874 creates a “secret federal court” (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court) 10/25/1978 #33874 used surveillance on domestic and foreign political organizations. 10/25/1978 #33874 s car. He then heard a penetrating foreign voice on his car radio, and next 12/2/1978 #34051 In air space, NZ 12:12 AM. Foreign commercial aircraft, 4 witnesses 12/30/1978 #34230 being kept on ice by the Air Force Foreign Technology Division at Wright-Pa 5/1979 #34533 ence regarding the interception of foreign communication; and no meaningful 11/18/1980 #35653 can be declassified without giving foreign intelligence information regardi 11/18/1980 #35653 tion regarding the interception of foreign communication; the second affida 11/18/1980 #35655 talking outside their window in a “foreign” language. They do not investiga 1981 #35763 House (source: House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Subcommittee on Interna 3/1/1982 #36374 lerstrass (Hawk), who works at the Foreign Intelligence Division at Wright- Fall 1986 #38034 hind it. Some analysts at the USAF Foreign Technology Division think it is 10/1988 #38661 opher Dodd (D-Conn.) by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee’s Subcommitt 4/13/1989 #38905 edacz writes NORAD tasked the USAF Foreign Technology Division, Flight Perf 6/1989 #38972 described as "ancient" rather than foreign. They then surrounded the three, 7/4/1989 #39009 ered a radiation hazard; Office of Foreign Technology requested US Coast Gu 9/28/1989 #39132 n for examination by the Office of Foreign Technology on 30 October 1989. P 9/28/1989 #39132 ligence Command and reacquires the Foreign Technology Division. 10/1/1991 #40203 red consciousness, hearing strange foreign sounding voices, and when he loo 3/5/1992 #40359 The Foreign Technology Division becomes the 10/1993 #41215 elopment, and was in charge of the Foreign Technology Desk. In this positio 6/1997 #43304 ed from Russian, German, and other foreign sources and have American compan 6/1997 #43304 h and Development in charge of the Foreign Technology Desk. Corso claims so 6/1997 #43308 -defense network to penetration by foreign missiles mimicking UFOs, and evi 8/3/1997 #43365 y using grunts that sounded like a foreign language. Her conscious memory s 10/18/1997 #43432 ol group, is disinformation from a foreign intelligence service, or is misi 11/1998 #43673 entory of the United States or any foreign nation,” and that it remained “s 11/14/2004 #44784 hed him. The man spoke to him in a foreign language which he was certain wa 11/25/2005 #44905 applications as they apply to the foreign threat out to the far-term, i.e. Fall 2007? #45070 ey were CIA agents), working for a foreign organization who offered him, fo 11/5/2010 #45305 ws a photograph of an unidentified foreign vessel (although it later turns 10/16/2014 #45417 he US Army as well as with several foreign nations. 3/9/2018 #45522 Mike Pompeo confirms to the House Foreign Affairs Committee that there are 5/23/2018 #45527 and whether they are aware of any foreign nations or private companies tha 7/16/2019 #45594 ical evidence from UAP, and if any foreign nations or private companies wer 9/6/2019 #45607 acks. Pamela L. Spratlen, a career foreign service officer, will serve as t 3/12/2021 #45679 r industry development technology, foreign craft, and an “Other” category. 6/25/2021 #45694 pose a security threat if they are foreign craft gathering information abou 6/25/2021 #45694 cases, the agency cannot rule out foreign involvement, including many of t 1/19/2022 #45735 tions prepared for the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. The 12/17/2022 #45787
teriorating. He is convinced that “foreign-looking men” are following him a 11/3/1948 #3866 those on the second occasion being foreign-looking, who make a threat again 7/13/1967 #22656 a noise. At the front door was a "foreign-looking" woman of normal height, 8/27/1968 #24387 a noise. At the front door was a "foreign-looking" woman of normal height, 8/27/1968 #24388 morning. At the front door was a "foreign-looking" woman of normal height, 8/27/1968 #24390
ey later saw him again, and heard "foreign-sounding" voices. 1/28/1967 #21408 came closer the witnesses heard a foreign-sounding voice repeat, "Do not f 9/1/1968 #24422
an, one of them very blond “like a foreigner.” The beings do not speak any 5/4/1969 #25114
between 1967 and 1973, over 5,925 foreigners and 1,690 organizations and U 8/1967 #22770 ge. At first, he mistakes them for foreigners because of their “slanted eye 5/10/1978 #33196 voice, text, and video messages of foreigners and an unknown number of Amer 6/6/2013 #45371
eging Project Pegasus gave the DOD foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks. Basia 1981 #35765
were round and thick. Its arms, or forelegs, were small, and as they watche 4/3/1968 #23886
ster, England 7:00 a.m. A building foreman is driving past a deserted farm 11/13/1939 #1321 In 1939 a building foreman drove past a deserted farm in th 11/13/1939 #1322 son, Rudy Toncer (sheet metal shop foreman), and sheet metal shop workers R 4/17/1952 #6107 ses: civilian supervisor Fred Lee, foreman L.A. Aquilar. One round silver o 8/25/1952 #7730 ico, plant supervisor Fred Lee and foreman Lawrence A. Aguilar watch a roun 8/25/1952 #7731 , civilian supervisor Fred Lee and foreman L.A. Aquilar saw a round silver 8/25/1952 #7735 Tony LeVier and Skunk Works chief foreman Dorsey Kammerer on a two- week s Early 1955 #11901 a 3:00 p.m. Hélio Penteado and his foreman Zaca Sabiá are repairing a fence 9/1957 #13966 ster, MT 6:30 a.m. PST. A railroad foreman saw a saucer (disc) with a brigh 2/9/1967 #21488 30 p.m. George Kawalski, a section foreman for the Great Northern railroad, 2/9/1967 #21491 At two a.m. Mr. Ron Foreman heard a loud noise outside follo 9/30/1971 #26388 ty, surrounded by a haze of light. Foreman went for the police. 9/30/1971 #26388 ect drifts out of sight. Warehouse foreman Edwin Hansen, 55, sees what appe 12/31/1982 #36733 s head and other witnesses. Debbie Foreman and Pauline Osborne report headl Late 10/1983 #37015 Foreman and Ashdown, AR Sighting concent 9/1987 #38268 Foreman, AR Glowing red object followed 1/19/1988 #38415 ter, Rob Cowart, Tom McNear, Gemma Foreman, Hartleigh Trent and Wat, Center 6/30/1995 #42284 th McMoneagle, Atwater, McNear and Foreman, Dragoon Absorb (Army INSCOM and 6/30/1995 #42284
r so that the echelon was now tail foremost.” Then they all flip over again 7/14/1952 #6817 screen, this corresponds with the foremost lights. We see five lights, the 7/15/2001 #44209
ode-named Project ARTICHOKE. Later forensic evidence conflicts with the off 11/28/1953 #9324 s with. Others in the “Aviary” are forensic medical doctor and CIA officer Fall 1986 #38034 f the black dust are collected for forensic analysis. The police tests are 1/20/1988 #38422 the site within 10 hours, and his forensic analysis revealed that the two 5/10/1994 #41520 s are found near the copse. Police forensic experts take samples of an ash- 2/7/2005 #44813 (Kit) Green, formerly a CIA agent, forensic clinician, and neuroscientist, 1/9/2018 #45503
t, who describes it as “focused on forensically assessing accounts of injur 1/9/2018 #45503
orce in the Department of Justice, forerunner of the FBI, is created by Att 7/26/1908 #716 the Coordinator of Information, a forerunner of the Office for Strategic S 7/11/1941 #1369 ff establish Operation Overcast, a forerunner to Project Paperclip, a secre 7/20/1945 #1903 IA Office of National Estimates, a forerunner of the National Intelligence 12/26/1950 #5364 ), 4EPW827 (black Acura), 809-E2G (Forerunner), 4AMP126 (white Toyota) and 7/2003 #44560 II, states the “Cosmos Club” was a forerunner of a group like MJ-12. He des 10/14/2022 #45776
by these beings, who tell her they foresee serious problems in the future r 6/1990 #39604
FO organizations and new cases. He foresees problems with workload, peer pr 10/31/1977 #32643
on for UFOs is suggested by Brent (foreshadowing the Hynek swamp-gas fiasco 6/1952 #6403
elt very painful. Pulling back the foreskin he found two thin blond strands 7/23/1992 #40531
taiga flattens 770 square miles of forest and possibly causes up to three h 6/30/1908 #711 D OSTHAMMAR, SWD Winged ovoid over forest. Glowing balloon drops night ligh 9/24/1909 #812 :00 p.m. Two women walking along a forest road by the Schwielowsee between 3/13/1913 #886 y over a French tourist in the New Forest, north-northeast of Ringwood, Dor 7/14/1934 #1214 North Carolina Uwharrie National Forest A possible UFO crash/retrieval ta Early 10/1941 #1372 in or around the Uwharrie National Forest). The sketchy story is based on t Early 10/1941 #1372 Kamensko Forest Blovice, Czechoslovakia [now Czec Summer 1944 #1609 bout 5,000 feet above the Kamensko Forest north of Blovice, Czechoslovakia Summer 1944 #1609 KAMENSKO FOREST, CZK Silent silver 120M blimp-cyl 9/1944 (approximate) #1656 et / grey hair and beard runs into forest. / r30p48. 4/20/1945 (approximate) #1849 n a foot away and ran off into the forest. The tiny being wore dark-red cov 4/20/1945 #1851 alloon bomb that has landed in the forest of Gearhart Mountain near Bly in 5/5/1945 #1864 indesberg, Sweden. They are atop a forest watchtower and have a good view o 7/9/1946 #2035 OFF FT ROSS, CA Forest lookout. Ship burns and sinks / 3 7/3/1947 #2573 Sonoma County, California where a forest fire lookout in Fort Ross saw wha 7/3/1947 #2586 phine, Skagit County, Washington A forest ranger at a fire lookout tower on 8/17/1947 #3343 Sawtooth National Forest, ID A high speed object trailing 12/30/1947 #3515 incident reportedly occurred in a forest five miles north of Salzburg at a 2/15/1950 #4538 wo little men in silver suits in a forest outside of Hasselbach, Germany in 6/17/1950 #4992 SEQUOIA NT FOREST, CA 2 observer(s). 10M saucer buz 11/2/1951 #5759 Mojave, California Two forest observers were in a canyon 50 km 11/2/1951 #5762 Later that same night, two forest observers were driving in a canyo 11/2/1951 #5765 e Los Angeles River and turns onto Forest Lawn Drive, he gets to within 30 5/23/1952 #6350 neville, France Men at work in the forest saw large, circular objects simil 6/15/1952 #6507 ject with hump over scene / recent forest fire. Maneuvers. Going quickly we 8/27/1952 #7750 isolated one-bedroom cabin in the forest around Tujunga Canyon north of Bu 3/22/1953 #8775 lls over the cabin and neighboring forest. They get out of bed but feel par 3/22/1953 #8775 ADDISON, NY Forest ranger. Lens-saucer passes going 4/23/1953 #8842 d Marble Creeks in Plumas National Forest, northern California Brush Creek 5/20/1953 #8889 d Marble Creeks in Plumas National Forest, northern California, titanium pr 5/20/1953 #8889 ant are logging in a clearing in a forest area near Bois-de- Champ, Vosges, Late 4/1954 #9720 the hamlet of Shobley, in the New Forest, Hampshire, England saw an intens 5/19/1954 #9815 ething behind) green trail. Area = forest and gas field. 10/3/1954 #10624 d for one minute and went into the forest. The witness was "paralyzed" thro 10/9/1954 #10849 ut a minute and then went into the forest. The witness was paralyzed and wa 10/9/1954 #10867 Mamora Forest, Morocco A French engineer drivin 10/12/1954 #10969 Kenitra, Morocco Mamora Forest Mehdya, on the coast Afternoon. A 10/12/1954 #10977 The location is said to be Mamora Forest, which could be modern Mehdya, on 10/12/1954 #10977 Mamora Forest, Morocco - A French engineer driv 10/12/1954 #10979 Erchin Forest Lewarde Nord France 3:30 p.m. Cas 10/14/1954 #11057 , meets a strange figure in Erchin Forest, near Lewarde, Nord, France. It h 10/14/1954 #11057 HAC, FR 4M tadpole-object landed / forest. Not a helicopter according to se 10/17/1954 #11159 LUSIGNY FOREST, FR 6M ovoid / treetops. Intense 10/20/1954 #11266 Lusigny Forest, France Roger Reveille saw an ova 10/20/1954 #11271 this late afternoon in the Lusigny Forest in Aube department, France Roger 10/20/1954 #11280 HESDIN FOREST, PDC, FR Numerous observer(s). Lu 10/27/1954 #11433 Voussac, France In the Vacheresse Forest, reliable persons reported seeing 11/8/1954 #11597 ous sphere land at the edge of the forest and become dark. The next morning 11/8/1954 #11597 Voussac, Allier, France Vacheresse Forest 6:00 p.m. Witnesses near Voussac, 11/8/1954 #11599 Allier, France, in the Vacheresse Forest watch a luminous sphere land and 11/8/1954 #11599 number of people in the Vacheresse Forest in Voussac, France reported seein 11/8/1954 #11603 ous sphere land at the edge of the forest and then become dark. The next mo 11/8/1954 #11603 ers / road. Lights go off. Flies / forest. Several observer(s). 12/9/1954 #11782 off its lights and fly toward the forest. Other people in a bus saw the sa 12/9/1954 #11785 utes after midnight, four men in a forest in Camaqua, Brazil in the State o 12/31/1954 #11885 In a forest east-southeast of Wissembourg, Ba 10/15/1955 #12505 GALLOWAY FOREST, SCOTLAND 3 separate observer(s). 11/14/1955 #12566 lver ovoid sucks and blows smoke / forest fire. / r140. 9/12/1956 #13216 FOREST LAKE, MN 4+observer(s). Glowing-o 12/2/1956 #13383 d to a somewhat higher altitude in Forest Lake, Minnesota. The witness, Mr. 12/2/1956 #13385 R. Barlow and Specialist 3rd Class Forest R. Oakes, Army Garrison Detachmen 11/3/1957 #14251 ho, North Yorkshire, England Broxa Forest Scarborough London's Science Muse 11/21/1957 #14590 the ground on a ridge above Broxa Forest. Dickenson leaves the car with a 11/21/1957 #14590 vanger, Norway saw a UFO land in a forest at 2:30 in the afternoon. A very 1/4/1958 #14807 er lands. Spirals up and away into forest. / r8#463+/ r106p314. 3/19/1958 (approximate) #14938 Eight people working in a forest near Santa Fe de Bogota, Colombia 5/2/1958 #15011 s and pulses. Going down [to] into forest. Army finds nothing. 8/1958 #15165 ght lights hover and maneuver near forest fire. Going quickly [to] away. 9/27/1958 #15283 Nuclear Aircraft Laboratory Dawson Forest Dawsonville, Georgia The radiatio 6/1959 #15754 oratory [now closed] in the Dawson Forest outside Dawsonville, Georgia, is 6/1959 #15754 g military aircraft as well as the forest itself to determine the effects o 6/1959 #15754 n went toward a bright object in a forest, and fainted when he got close to 8/25/1959 #15937 walks towards a bright object in a forest and faints after he gets close to 8/25/1959 #15938 a bright object he had seen in the forest, but he fainted when he got close 8/25/1959 #15939 Forest City, AR Kentucky Air National Gu 10/7/1959 #16026 OAK FOREST, IL Former Air Force pilot. Sauce 8/16/1960 #16387 Oak Forest, IL Former Air Force pilot saw di 8/16/1960 #16395 und in a small clearing in a dense forest, completely intact. The authoriti 1961 #16550 hotograph luminous object rising / forest reserve / heavy rain. / r8#567. 3/12/1963 #17700 a luminous object that rose from a forest preserve about 2 km from Colonia 3/12/1963 #17702 rant, veteran of 37 years training forest fire lookouts for the U.S. Forest 9/14/1963 #17937 forest fire lookouts for the U.S. Forest Service. One round object interce 9/14/1963 #17937 usanville, California 3:15 p.m. US Forest Service instructor Edward A. Gran 9/14/1963 #17938 out with 37 years of experience at forest fire lookouts for the U.S. Forest 9/14/1963 #17939 forest fire lookouts for the U.S. Forest Service, sighted a round flying o 9/14/1963 #17939 wo men had gone bow hunting in the forest near Cisco Grove, California. One 9/4/1964 #18535 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Forest” YieldMax: 20KT 10/31/1964 #18600 roup of Marion residents and state forest officials climb to the area and f 1/25/1965 #18766 LAKE FOREST, IL Noise. Transparent glowing-bu 7/1965 #19036 Lake Forest, Illinois 11:30 p.m.–midnight. Ta 7/1965 #19039 n her second-floor bedroom in Lake Forest, Illinois, Pat Harvey sees a flas 7/1965 #19039 were seen by five witnesses over a forest in Trinidad, Colorado. They tilte 3/23/1966 #20056 t with a dome approach them in the forest near Cook, Minnesota. It had flas 3/24/1966 #20072 Forest Park, IL 5:40 p.m. CST. A Navy te 8/15/1966 #20746 os, observed a strange glow in the forest and discovered a very large, egg- 8/18/1966 #20762 os, observed a strange glow in the forest near Barinas, Venezuela and disco 8/18/1966 #20763 BLACK FOREST, GERM Several RADAR's and visual 8/27/1966 #20812 CKS, UT 55' saucer with windows in forest. Fast vertical takeoff. / APRO Se 9/15/1966 #20884 ng north slow then extremely fast. Forest lit. / r8#822. 3/4/1967 #21750 whistling sound, illuminating the forest with intense light. 3/4/1967 #21752 whistling sound, illuminating the forest with intense light. 3/4/1967 #21753 fast, lighting up the surrounding forest. 3/5/1967 #21767 LOS PADRES FOREST, CA Camper abduction / 4 small hu 4/5/1967 #22055 ished again, leaving traces in the forest. Truncated light beams ("solid li 5/6/1967 #22282 observed an object land in a pine forest north of Nieva-Segovia. They saw 5/16/1967 #22353 observed an object land in a pine forest north of Nieva-Segovia, Cordoba, 5/16/1967 #22356 EPPING FOREST, ENGL 3 observer(s). Night light 6/24/1967 #22540 lowly over Stoney Cross in the New Forest, England at 2:15 a.m. It stopped, 7/6/1967 #22623 ar moon elsewhere. Goes going [to] forest. 7/8/1967 #22634 goes behind hill. Figure(s) seen. Forest lit up. / r8#859. 7/24/1967 #22724 rved on the disks surface, and the forest seemed to be ablaze as the witnes 7/24/1967 #22725 ved on the disc's surface, and the forest seemed to be ablaze as the witnes 7/24/1967 #22726 ky every night. Duane Martin, a US Forest Service ranger, records a pulse o 9/9/1967 #23026 Three days later her husband and a forest ranger try to find the burned spo 9/20/1967 #23101 Bow River Forest, Alberta, CAN Time not reported. 10/10/1967 #23202 Alberta, CAN Time not reported. A forest fire lookout saw an oval object w 10/10/1967 #23202 A forest fire lookout in Bow River Provinc 10/10/1967 #23206 re lookout in Bow River Provincial Forest, Alberta, Canada saw an oval obje 10/10/1967 #23206 of the water, and took off over a forest, with a heat wave. 10/27/1967 #23348 he water, and then took off over a forest with a wave of heat. 10/27/1967 #23354 driving down a road in Winterfold Forest in Cranleigh, England at half an 11/13/1967 #23444 KOMOVI FOREST, MONTENEGRO Saucer flies / woods. 11/26/1967 #23512 NTENEGRO Saucer flies / woods. Big forest fire despite rain. / LDLN#94. 11/26/1967 #23512 KOMOVI FOREST NEAR IVANGRAD, MONTENEGRO, YUG No 12/1967 (approximate) #23528 the left side of the highway in a forest clearing. (Source: Donald A. John 2/21/1968 #23770 the left side of the highway in a forest clearing. The object was at a dis 2/21/1968 #23773 BACIU FOREST, ROMN 4 observer(s). Silent 30M s 8/18/1968 #24348 Hoia Baciu forest Baciu Cluj-Napoca, Romania 1:20 p 8/18/1968 #24352 s are picnicking in the Hoia Baciu forest near Baciu, not far from Cluj-Nap 8/18/1968 #24352 At 13:23 p.m. in a forest 47 kilometers west-southwest of C 8/18/1968 #24353 us dome in the road in the Loudeac Forest between La Croix-Jartel and St. J 3/11/1969 #24997 et of the snow-covered ground in a forest clearing and the buzzing sound ce 1/7/1970 #25541 stops. Going down [to] vertical / forest clearing and darkens. / r50. 8/5/1970 #25768 Spain a man was driving through a forest when he sighted a brightly lit, y 8/5/1970 #25770 vertically into a clearing in the forest, and then darkened. At 10:45 p.m. 8/5/1970 #25770 and Hay, were driving through the forest west of Taupo, New Zealand on a c 4/15/1971 #26075 Delamere Forest east of Chester, England 3:00 a.m 6/29/1971 #26203 0 a.m. A man is hiking in Delamere Forest east of Chester, England, when an 6/29/1971 #26203 ppeared behind a nearby eucalyptus forest. He did not know how long he had 9/20/1971 #26354 ed object followed a car through a forest south of Michery, Yonne, France. 12/5/1971 #26488 y, stopping at a field outside the forest. They then went back, but the cre 8/6/1972 #26882 ights hovered near the ground in a forest near Taize, Saone-Loire departmen 8/12/1972 #26912 wingless fuselage going [to] over forest. Dull grey. Lost in mist. 11/23/1972 #27135 fuselage-shaped object fly over a forest in Acheres, Yvelines, France at 8 11/23/1972 #27136 Fernandez de Cordoba was flying a forest fire aircraft he saw a strange ob 7/16/1973 #27634 B CO, IN 20-30 night lights circle forest fires. Possible cause? Hover and 10/18/1973 #28149 head telling him to follow a dark forest road. Just after passing a small 3/23/1974 #28936 r awhile, then moved into a nearby forest. No evidence of a landing was fou 5/19/1974 #29114 Maria Valley Medicine Bow National Forest southeast of Rawlins, Wyoming Nig 10/15/1974 #29531 hern edge of Medicine Bow National Forest southeast of Rawlins, Wyoming, wh 10/15/1974 #29531 nting in the Medicine Bow National Forest in southern Wyoming in the late a 10/25/1974 #29557 t with some sort of helmet" in the Forest Acres area of Lumberton, North Ca 12/29/1974 #29661 deputies checked the woods around Forest Road and Barker Ten Mile Road but 12/29/1974 #29661 In a scrub pine forest near Truro, Massachusetts on Cape 8/28/1975 #30315 Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest Snowflake, Arizona Mogollon Rim R 11/5/1975 #30562 in the Apache-Sitgreaves National Forest near Snowflake, Arizona. Heading 11/5/1975 #30562 h to south in the eastern sky from Forest Grove, Oregon. At 3:00 a.m. the f 11/21/1975 #30650 er shiny disc in a clearing in the forest in Refrigerio, Brazil. It sat upo 3/3/1976 #30919 er shiny disc in a clearing in the forest in Refrigerio, Brazil. It sat upo 3/3/1976 #30922 ge night light flies through dense forest. Rises and nears. 3/11/1976 #30933 Chalus, Iran was walking through a forest near his home on this day in 1976 4/2/1976 #30978 Chalus, Iran was walking through a forest near his home on this day in 1976 4/2/1976 #30980 Amazon forest Manaus Belém, Brazil 4:00 p.m. A Mid 9/1976 #31384 0 feet in diameter over the Amazon forest between Manaus and Belém, Brazil. Mid 9/1976 #31384 moon hovering about 10° above the forest. It is silent and has 4–7 brighte 2/4/1977 #31789 ainault, northeast London Hainault Forest Country Park 3:55 a.m. A caller t 5/3/1977 #32050 s above the small lake in Hainault Forest Country Park. Two policemen are d 5/3/1977 #32050 At 3:55 a.m. police in Hainault Forest, England took an emergency teleph 5/3/1977 #32053 that some strange UFO was over the forest near the small lake. Two policeme 5/3/1977 #32053 ilent, delta-shaped object lit the forest in Undersaker on this night. A ve 5/7/1977 #32067 ilent, delta-shaped object lit the forest in Undersaker, Jamtland, Sweden o 5/7/1977 #32069 ensely wooded area of the Hainault Forest, a park in London, England near C 5/8/1977 #32074 a-shaped flying object through the forest. He reported being abducted and s 8/10/1977 #32374 a-shaped flying object through the forest in Pinheiro, Maranhao State, Braz 8/10/1977 #32378 e creature would take him into the forest where he would be given something 3/1978 #33003 Penalva, Maranhão, Brazil Scrub forest Serme Hospital in São Luis Just a 3/24/1978 #33078 Serra, 16, is picking guava in the forest just west of Penalva, Maranhão, B 3/24/1978 #33078 kes up three days later in a scrub forest. A nearby fisherman, José Ribamar 3/24/1978 #33078 A UFO abduction occurred in a forest in Emilcin, Lublin, Poland someti 5/10/1978 #33198 ic Warfare Range in Ocala National Forest, Florida Silver Glen Springs Jack 5/14/1978 #33210 ic Warfare Range in Ocala National Forest, Florida, receives a call from Ro 5/14/1978 #33210 astle Tracking Station, near Ocala Forest, Florida. It hovered over trees a 5/14/1978 #33211 ust outside an apartment window in Forest Park, Georgia only five or six fe 7/5/1978 #33340 GRAVIGNY, FR Big glowing-disk / forest. Flashes red. Going up [to] slow. 8/18/1978 #33524 wing disc-shaped UFO was seen in a forest near Gravigny, Eure department, F 8/18/1978 #33527 ostume, who is walking through the forest 30 feet away. He turns to face th 9/27/1978 #33761 Golina, Poland forest near Golina, Poland 1:00 p.m. Hen 9/27/1978 #33762 ciniak is picking mushrooms in the forest near Golina, Poland. He notices a 9/27/1978 #33762 rmation of lights above a suburban forest preserve in Gurnee, Illinois. One 9/27/1978 #33763 bject disappears too. Later, three forest workers find 7-inch oval footprin 10/2/1978 #33790 NE, SCOTLAND Silver saucer rises / forest. Sinks back going down [to] when 11/17/1978 #33961 s is hunting with two friends in a forest near Baependi, Minas Gerais, Braz 5/16/1979 #34563 was hunting with two friends in a forest near Baependi, Minas Gerais State 5/16/1979 #34564 a blue beam of light into a nearby forest. The woman went to investigate, a 6/19/1979 #34621 s in dark suits walking toward the forest. The dogs run toward them and the 8/1979 #34692 lteanu is gathering mushrooms in a forest near Valea Berii near the source 10/1979 #34937 ed west. It crashed in a clear-cut forest near Elk River, on the south side 12/10/1979 #35064 ed west. It crashed in a clear-cut forest near Elk River, on the south side 12/10/1979 #35066 RENDLESHAM FOREST, ENGL Delta/triangle/box-like cra 12/26/1980 #35735 Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, England RAF Woodbridge 12/26/1980 #35737 unexplained lights near Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk, England, have become li 12/26/1980 #35737 descending into nearby Rendlesham Forest. These lights are attributed by a 12/26/1980 #35737 and A1C Edward Cabansag) enter the forest to investigate they see, accordin 12/26/1980 #35737 ft of unknown origin” while in the forest, which he photographs and touches 12/26/1980 #35737 aring near the eastern edge of the forest and find three small impressions 12/26/1980 #35737 morning, it illuminated the entire forest with a white light. Description: 12/27/1980 #35738 er with landed craft in Rendlesham Forest, physical evidence (section II). 12/27/1980 #35743 Rendlesham Forest, UK Late Dec. 1980; Rendlesham Fo 12/27/1980 #35744 est, UK Late Dec. 1980; Rendlesham Forest, England, Col. Halt Case (NICAP: 12/27/1980 #35744 er with landed craft in Rendlesham Forest, physical evidence 12/27/1980 #35745 d quite close to the ground in the forest outside the base. A USAF security 12/27/1980 #35748 nicles Halt’s investigation in the forest in real time. During this investi 12/28/1980 #35749 thly craft were seen in Rendlesham Forest. We can also argue with confidenc 12/28/1980 #35750 ing apparently descending into the forest, coincides with the appearance of 12/28/1980 #35750 , the flashing light seen from the forest lay in the same direction as the 12/28/1980 #35750 irm that anything came down in the forest. However, Nick Redfern in The Ren 12/28/1980 #35750 er, Nick Redfern in The Rendlesham Forest UFO Conspiracy alleges that the e 12/28/1980 #35750 age 52, was driving through a pine forest on a rural road near her home in 12/29/1980 #35758 DARKEY FOREST, NSW Miner / car. Big silent 'cof 8/2/1981 #36053 the ground by three witnesses in a forest in Mansigne, Sarthe, France. It e 9/5/1981 #36102 ple driving in a car through Salen Forest on the Island of Mull, Highland, 10/8/1981 #36169 riend Ribamar Ferreira in the rain forest in Matoes, near Parnarama, Maranh 10/17/1981 #36176 barking of his dog towards a pine forest behind his house. He walked out o 12/17/1981 #36262 Niğde Havsa, Edirne İzmir Buca forest 7:05–11:35 p.m. Three sightings o 1/15/1982 #36301 When the UFO hovers above the Buca forest it takes on a flaming appearance, 1/15/1982 #36301 bright spot disappears behind the forest, but the luminescent cloud remain 2/19/1982 #36356 Poland A man is in a meadow near a forest on the shore of the Vistula River Early 8/1982 #36560 appeared behind the tree line of a forest preserve. The police report inclu 11/27/1982 #36691 coln Avenue Busse Woods (Ned Brown Forest Preserve) 5:00 a.m. A luminous ob 11/27/1982 #36697 landing in Busse Woods (Ned Brown Forest Preserve). The entire episode las 11/27/1982 #36697 A disc-shaped object rose from the forest floor, then flew off to the east- 4/26/1984 #37300 A disc-shaped object rose from the forest floor, then flew off to the east- 4/26/1984 #37303 vers. Also orange ball / Mont Bart forest / 29 November. 11/28/1984 #37512 and the ball disappears behind the forest. The crew has to wait for a train 2/1985 #37552 DE FOREST, WI 1st observer(s). Silent delta 11/21/1985 #37713 evel and he follows it through the forest, guiding his way for 12 miles unt 1986 #37743 e object is described by some as a forest fire, which lasts for approximate 1/29/1986 #37775 he object speeds up, stops above a forest, and slowly descends while radiat 4/22/1986 #37833 e, the technicians notice that the forest where the sphere landed is on fir 4/22/1986 #37833 Sequoia National Forest, California Area 51 A Lockheed F- 7/11/1986 #37939 rcraft crashes in Sequoia National Forest, California, killing pilot Maj. R 7/11/1986 #37939 FOREST ROW, WEST SUSSEX 3 observer(s). S 9/7/1986 #38018 In Forest Row, England, UK a slow moving, s 9/7/1986 #38020 Glen Allen, MS Forest animals freeze as cylinder passes 1/18/1989 #38784 ickly north / 600' altitude. Exits forest toward(s) hydro-station. 9/27/1989 #39123 craft covered / lights hovers over forest / 2 minute(s). Shoots off. 10/23/1989 #39181 eam hits soldier. 10' figure(s) by forest. 11/20/1989 #39238 -foot tall figures are seen in the forest. 11/20/1989 #39242 O hovers / 20 minute(s). Goes over forest / 30 minute(s). Going quickly nor 5/8/1990 #39567 Ochoco National Forest, OR Coyotes spooked by descending 10/1990 #39755 ed a yellowish light fall into the forest area. He rushed over to the site 10/31/1990 #39822 g that surrounded that part of the forest. The man had long hair and wore b 10/31/1990 #39822 re to help the poplar trees in the forest. He acted in a strange fashion an 10/31/1990 #39822 aw the short man walk off into the forest and disappear. Later the witness 10/31/1990 #39822 a bright light zigzagging over the forest. 10/31/1990 #39822 in the skies over the Amazon Rain Forest city Ariquemes, Rondonia state, B 3/14/1992 #40380 RN, OR Bright silent night light / forest. Very fast. Back in September. Ai 10/28/1992? #40695 cer hovers over water-tank / state forest. Silent. Lights area. 3/19/1993 #40890 med over a water tank in the state forest near Guanica, Puerto Rico at 9:40 3/19/1993 #40891 BARMAH FOREST, AUSTRALIA Brilliant white rectan 5/2/1993 #40963 nd two a.m. he drove to the nearby forest and saw a large egg-shaped object 5/13/1993 #40976 A farmer in Forest Grove, Oregon a half an hour past 11/13/1993 #41272 ISSE, FR 120M phony sun descends / forest. Then "sets" to the going west. 11/22/1993 #41292 eters in diameter descended into a forest west-northwest of Maisse, Essonne 11/22/1993 #41296 er an area of 160 square meters of forest, having cut through some trees th 11/30/1994 #41872 Guiyang Baiyun Duxi Forest Farm Guiyang, Guizhou province, C 12/1/1994 #41875 oodland in the Guiyang Baiyun Duxi Forest Farm near Guiyang, Guizhou provin 12/1/1994 #41875 nter with a UFO while driving in a forest in Jelling, Vejle province, Denma 9/29/1995 #42520 hite disk with sharp contours over forest. Shoots going quickly east. 10/1995 #42523 Varginha, Brazil small forest near Varginha, Brazil Afternoon. 1/20/1996 #42694 while they are sweeping the small forest near Varginha, Brazil, where the 1/20/1996 #42694 e sound of something moving in the forest, and when they looked in the dire 7/22/1996 #42963 ude. 12 lights. Drops going down / forest. 5/18/1997 #43295 Hadashville, Manitoba Two forest rangers in different towers near 8/4/1997 #43368 Rzeszów, Poland Słocina forest 11:30 p.m. Many people in the are 12/31/1997 #43477 her light appears over the Słocina forest. 12/31/1997 #43477 eemed to land somewhere inside the forest on Ardittos hill. They thought th 9/14/1998 #43646 Extension Forest Hills, Bayamon, Puerto Rico. On t 9/21/1998 #43650 14 forestry workers working in the forest on the lower slopes of Mount St. 2/25/1999 #43736 bject lift an adult elk out of the forest and fly off with the apparently d 2/25/1999 #43736 round the campsite and your normal forest sounds had gone silent. The four 5/16/2003 #44538 wed witnesses out of a pitch black forest, and then hovered in the bed of t 9/5/2003 #44593 full moon. The light hung over the forest on Hajdowka Hill, 1.5 kilometers 2/13/2004 #44664 Tinley Park Oak Forest Illinois Three red lights hoverin 8/21/2004 #44738 l witnesses in Tinley Park and Oak Forest, Illinois. Further observations t 8/21/2004 #44738 est region. The location was mixed forest, in a clearing with two large old 8/25/2004 #44741 aft lifted off and shot out of the forest, and at the same time the witness 6/14/2005 #44847 her so much that she hides in the forest nearby. 7/13/2006 #44950 San Diego, California. However, a forest fire in Julian closed off Route 7 9/16/2007 #45059 Kansas, is looking toward a public forest area behind her home when she not 6/16/2009 #45226 rmation of lights hovering above a forest near Biała, Lower Silesian Voivod 3/31/2013 #45363 t. USAF John Burroughs, Rendlesham Forest incident witness, were legally cl 3/13/2015 #45435 Rendlesham Forest witness John Burroughs states Kit 12/12/2018 #45551 SAF Sgt. Jim Penniston, Rendlesham Forest incident witness, and Kit Green w 10/20/2022 #45780
-chested “midget pilot” wearing a “forest-green outfit” and a “peak-billed 5/20/1953 #8889
of Cernelle AB, is walking in the forested area of Kronoskagen near Ängelh 5/18/1946 #1994 ar stalled while driving through a forested area in the Charente-Maritime d 4/21/1972 #26656 strange craft soon left towards a forested area and disappeared. The next 5/26/1974 #29136 forested hills near Medford, Oregon Day. 8/1976 #31216 working on his mobile home in the forested hills near Medford, Oregon, whe 8/1976 #31216 lp and found the boy standing in a forested area, dazed and unable to stand 3/24/1978 #33079 Anonymous informant claims in a forested area in southeastern Oregon nea 6/27/1979 #34637 Germany A woman driving through a forested area saw a bright light descend 4/9/1980 #35261 9:00 p.m. while driving through a forested area in Mars Hill, Aroostook Co 5/14/1980 #35333 In a forested area in Worthing, West Sussex, 10/30/1981 #36194 olice, saw 3-5 glowing lights in a forested area of northern Minnesota for 10/10/1990 #39773 beams of light pass over cars in a forested area and bounce up and down for 12/24/1992 #40767 beams of light pass over cars in a forested area at 6:00 p.m. and bounce up 12/24/1992 #40768
At 8:10 a.m. Mr. Lacambre, a forester, saw a little man or dwarf in a 10/4/1954 #10703 a, Russia Leningrad St. Petersburg Forester Vasili Brodski finds a mysterio 2/1961 #16593 Newfoundland, New Jersey 4:45 a.m. Forester Jerry H. Simons is driving home 10/15/1966 #21006 PACHECO PASS, CA Forester. Blue-glowing sponge maneuvers 7/28/1967 #22745 WEST / NANTON, ALTA Forester. Pulsing sound. Green-glowing s 9/18/1967 #23078 WEST / NANTON, ALTA Forester. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). 10/7/1967 #23188 near locks / Brunel Ward. / Huntsv.Forester 29.11.73. 11/23/1973 #28460 ST. LEONARD, FR Forester and 3. Red disk going quickly N 3/22/1974 #28922
CRAWFORD SPRING, OR 2 foresters. Brown hat-saucer going quickl 7/10/1957 #13785 A WITH ALBQ, SP Night light lands. Foresters throw stones and run leaving t 3/22/1968 #23856 WEST / TAUPO, NZ 2 foresters. Large green cone-saucer. Foll 4/15/1971 #26074 marks are identified by police and foresters as rabbit diggings. According 12/28/1980 #35750 FORESTERS FALLS, ON 2+several separate o 2/8/1993 #40843 VIZZINI, SICILY 2 foresters. Object lands. Flashes 5 times 7/7/1993 #41052 HEM, NORD, FR 3 foresters. Yellow-orange ball SSW going 3/3/1994 #41436
MOSQUITO RIDGE AND FORESTHILL, CA 2 observer(s). Torpedo-sh 7/22/1956 #13004
state forestry lookout tower on Round Top Moun 8/12/1950 #5120 d Mrs. Bud Oliver are at the state forestry lookout tower on Round Top Moun 8/12/1950 #5120 A 2 observer(s). 10M saucer buzzes forestry jeep. Vanishes like magic. 11/2/1951 #5759 yzed by the Canadian Department of Forestry, which cannot find an explanati 6/18/1967 #22520 Gilroy, CA 9:30 p.m. PDT. A state forestry employee at a fire lookout towe 7/28/1967 #22746 Nanton, Canada Forestry employee Russell Hill heard a s 9/18/1967 #23083 .m. Russell Hill is stationed as a forestry lookout at the Raspberry Ridge 9/18/1967 #23085 Forestry employee Russell Hill heard a s 9/18/1967 #23086 Two forestry workers, Morel and Hay, were dr 4/15/1971 #26075 a.m. Robert Taylor, a 61-year-old forestry worker, is out one night workin 11/9/1979 #34989 On this evening Robert Taylor, a forestry worker, was walking his dog in 11/9/1979 #34991 s returning from the fields at the Forestry Commission Station of La Rochel 8/15/1981 #36075 rolling across the grounds of the forestry station in La Rochelle, nine ki 8/15/1981 #36076 about the same time at the Bishui Forestry Center, also inHeilongjiang Pro 6/18/1982 #36511 An employee at a local forestry preserve was doing some work at 10/31/1990 #39822 Shortly before noon 14 forestry workers working in the forest o 2/25/1999 #43736
etails sightings of immense trees, forests, and pastures, comparing it to t 1783 #88 owing objects maneuvering low over forests. (UFOE) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 5/10/1954 #9770 anges to the ozone layer, deserts, forests, etc. Lya told him that the alie 4/22/1975 #30000 rchasing whole farms, cutting down forests, blocking major highways, drivin 12/29/1987 #38379 hen taken to a place with numerous forests and trails and very rich in oxyg 5/1/1989 #38933 Fatherland-2004" had begun in the forests of Belarus. A senior lieutenant 8/25/2004 #44741
Forestville neighborhood of Bristol, Con 7/25/1908 #715 ssing from north to south over the Forestville neighborhood of Bristol, Con 7/25/1908 #715 MT. HEALTHY, OH AND LOVELAND AND FORESTVILLE White orbs and disks swing i 8/23/1955 #12392
FORET DE CHIZE, FR Small humanoids (or G 4/1955 (approximate) #12073 FORET DE MARSOIS, FR 2 helmeted 120cm sm 7/1956 (approximate) #12935 FORET DE BOIS-BLANC, FR 8M Pentagon-sauc 6/13/1970 #25699 FORET DE NIEPPE, FR Repeat observer(s) / 2/3/1974 (approximate) #28733 FORET DE DREUILLE, LES MAGNOUX, 03, FR R 4/15/1974 #29027 the ground near some woods in the Foret de Dreuille. 4/15/1974 #29032 w altitude. Dogs bark. Burnt trees Foret / Ecouvres. 8/26/1974 #29389 FORET DE MOULIERE, FR 30M cylinder/cigar 8/21/1976 #31286 sphere with glowing-halo hovers / Foret de Vernon / 3 minute(s). No furthe 10/23/1996 #43091
ts and perhaps disappears, but not forever, as he is living in Idaho in 201 2/20/1959 #15595 lty, be publicly horsewhipped, and forever banned from further activity in 4/26/1969 #25094
rs your book is a complete fraud.” Forewarned by Frank Edwards, Keyhoe coun 12/29/1953 #9406
an Nostrand) was published, with a foreword by General Thomas D. White, Air 1960 #16138 zed by CNES to write the book. Its foreword is written by astrophysicist Je 1993 #40777 irst released, the book contains a foreword written by Sen. Strom Thurmond 6/1997 #43304 e workings of our Government.” The foreword does not mention anything about 6/1997 #43304 ’s contents, Thurmond asks for his foreword to be retracted, saying, “I kno 6/1997 #43304
OK Large object 16 mile(s) east / Forgan. Seen here / Highway Patrol. Bloc 8/1/1965 #19236
OLD FORGE, NY Several / car. Large metallic 7/29/1970 #25755 In Old Forge, New York several people noticed a 7/29/1970 #25757 the road while driving in Grahams Forge, Virginia. The object made no soun 10/8/1987 #38300
matory or threatening information, forged signatures, and other disinformat 8/1956 #13042 e fabrication and dissemination of forged documents, tapes, letters, manusc 1959 #15513 officer Richard C. Doty delivers a forged anonymous letter to U.S. civilian 7/1980 #35398 officer Richard C. Doty delivers a forged document to physicist and Coast G 11/17/1980 #35646 feed disinformation, including the forged “Aquarius Document” to Bennewitz. 1982 #36283 ed by Moore, that Richard Doty had forged the Ellsworth AFB document, that 6/1989 #38971
er, it is now largely considered a forgery by Frank Kaufmann. Garrigues has 7/25/1947 #3230 er, it is now largely considered a forgery by Frank Kaufmann. 7/30/1947 #3261 er, it is now largely considered a forgery by Frank Kaufmann. 9/25/1947 #3427 ogists denounce the documents as a forgery. Good admits to researcher Richa 5/31/1987 #38180
of his claims. The same day, Doty forges a communication (later called the 11/17/1980 #35645
visit others. You'll understand.. forget. 8/1944 (approximate) #1625 re then told by their superiors to forget the whole thing. 7/1950 #5035 by their superiors at Holloman to forget the incident. http://www.project 7/1950 #5037 e officer on the base and told to “forget the movie you saw, it was a hoax. 1953 #8483 l physics.” The group was asked to forget this conclusion. He claims the Do 1955 #11899 e he is shown the film and told to forget it ever happened. Kingston George 9/15/1964 #18556 picked up the signal. They do, but forget to correct for the earth’s rotati 10/22/1965 #19672 . They gave her a shot to make her forget, and then carried her out a door 10/16/1973 #28093 hat / cable attached. Telepathy = "forget". 7/28/1980 #35428 / body. Telepathy = "you'll never forget". 12/14/1983 #37073 ity guard supervisor tells them to forget what happened. Video and audio re 7/24/1984 #37412 u can do absolutely nothing about… Forget about it!” Walker tells Steinman 8/30/1987 #38264 edures on her that she was made to forget. 10/8/1992 #40667 elepathic order instructing him to forget the whole episode. 9/24/1995 #42508
e man gets / car. 2 observer(s). 1 forgets. 9/28/1989 (approximate) #39128
in victims’ incontinence, amnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their 2/1957 #13481 , amnesia, forgetting how to talk, forgetting their parents, and thinking t 2/1957 #13481 gradually disappeared. Temporarily forgetting about the mystery light, Pila 12/6/1978 #34068 illiance. He watched in amazement, forgetting to wake his parents. Next he 5/23/1999 #43773
by Keyhoe in 1961 because someone forgot to reclassify the manual as Confi 5/1953 #8852 crossed the river, and temporarily forgot about the red light for a few min 11/24/1978 #33996
in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil, after a forgotten radiotherapy source is taken f 9/13/1987 #38285
. https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2016/06/the-art-o 2008 #45108 01/https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2016/06/the-art-o 2008 #45108 . https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2017/03/turning-v 3/27/2017 #45466 https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2017/12/axis-from 3/27/2017 #45466 . https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2018/05/xvis-and- 5/2/2018 #45525 . https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguages.org/2022/08/masint-fo 8/23/2022 #45763
used HFGW to communicate. https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguag 2008 #45108 ive.org/web/20230420211301/https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguag 2008 #45108 e how crew react to them. https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguag 3/27/2017 #45466 o-pilots-prosthetic.html https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguag 3/27/2017 #45466 s that concluded in 2017. https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguag 5/2/2018 #45525 ot shared with the UAPTF. https://forgottenlanguages-full.forgottenlanguag 8/23/2022 #45763
Robert A. Slusher, and Charles H. Forgus. 7/8/1947 #3026
rlington Frankfort, Indiana Middle Fork of Wildcat Creek Early morning. Mar 4/14/1897 #462 diana. When they are at the middle fork of Wildcat Creek, they hear a “swis 4/14/1897 #462 ns: Cedar City, Logan, and Diamond Fork Canyon. 6/26/1947 #2420 CLARK FORK, ID Ground observers. 2 large "uptu 7/12/1953 #8994 SCOTTS FORK, KY Cop and 1. 18 1M and 2M silent 10/8/1955 #12492 DRY FORK, UTAH Start / wave. Classic saucer 6/14/1965 #19004 y Bob Young and four others in Dry Fork, Utah. It flew overhead for five mi 6/14/1965 #19005 Fork, West Virginia James Roberts saw tw 10/14/1966 #21000 truck failed simultaneously in Big Fork, Montana at around ten o'clock in t 2/13/1967 #21539 night light sails up canyon of N. fork / Duchesne River going northwest. " 8/15/1967 #22878 NEAR LAKE FORK RESERVOIR, TX 2 / car. Radio and ca 8/22/1980 #35474 ours, on a desolate road near Lake Fork Reservoir, Wood County, Texas when 8/22/1980 #35475 t balls going quickly [to] over N. Fork Lake 50' away. 5+helicopters chase. 8/1986 (approximate) #37963 GREENS FORK, IN 2 observer(s). Silent "flying w 1/22/1989 #38790 A 73-year-old couple in Greens Fork, Indiana sighted a UFO shaped like 1/23/1989 #38798 EAST FORK, KY 2 observer(s). Small silent dis 2/25/1992 #40337 e later in the mid-morning in East Fork, Kentucky two men in a pickup truck 2/25/1992 #40339 IKES FORK, WV Silent silver wingless cylinder 4/23/1994 #41501 omething resembling a "tine tuning fork" and was attempting to place it ove 4/13/1998 #43550
e going quickly southeast. X-fast. Fork-trail. 12/17/1953 #9376
flagged down by a tall man with a forked goatee. The man was well over six 10/10/1967 #23205 4' figure / helmet probes ground / forked tool. Box quickly going up [to] a 10/8/1984 #37479 cipato, Compania, Italy carrying a forked tool. A box-shaped UFO took off v 10/8/1984 #37481 observer(s). Saucer with sparking forked boom. Antennas. 3 hours missing t 10/14/1988 #38673
The UFO scooped up his car like a forklift. The front and side windows wer 9/2/1973 #27748 so he pointed out the object to a forklift operator. Next a beam of white 4/21/2003 #44517 shot out of the UFO and struck the forklift. Immediately the electrical sys 4/21/2003 #44517
GRAND FORKS, ND Numerous separate observer(s). 7/12/1947 #3148 ANN ARBOR, MI Biologist. 15 tuning forks pass / pool-rack formation. Silent 7/27/1952 #7188 AU SABLE FORKS, NY Observer(s) / ground. Shiny si 11/8/1957 #14467 Lincoln Park Golf Course in Grand Forks, North Dakota when they saw a yell 8/8/1965 #19342 GRAND FORKS, ND 3 observer(s). Transparent sph 8/9/1965 #19346 Grand Forks, North Dakota Three girls driving 8/9/1965 #19347 ike “thousands of different tuning forks.” The remaining object (40–50 feet 8/7/1968 #24307 Grand Forks AFB Emerado, North Dakota 9:09 p.m 10/14/1974 #29527 to the Bomber Alert Area of Grand Forks AFB near Emerado, North Dakota, se 10/14/1974 #29527 ffalo, ND 4:00 a.m. Near the Grand Forks AFB ICMB Complex. Sandra Larson, a 8/26/1975 #30309 GRAND FORKS AIR FORCE BASE, ND Several shots. 11/3/1975 #30544 Grand Forks AFB Emerado, North Dakota Late nig 11/3/1975 #30546 penetrate the flight line at Grand Forks AFB north of Emerado, North Dakota 11/3/1975 #30546 State Highway 220 Red River Grand Forks, North Dakota Evanston, Illinois 1 8/27/1979 #34787 , Illinois, takes Johnson to Grand Forks, North Dakota, at 11:00 a.m. for a 8/27/1979 #34787 GRAND FORKS, ND AND STAPLES, MN 2 / car and mo 7/29/1983 #36926 GRAND FORKS AFS, ND Airman 1C. Silent amber ni 9/8/1989 #39093 ing at 8:30 p.m. in nearby Georges Forks, West Virginia an ambulance crew d 2/19/1993 #40854 MUD FORKS, WV Separate observer(s). Flash. 3 12/16/1994 #41896
Forli, Italy UFO Disables One Tractor Bu 11/14/1954 #11647 Forli, Italy A shange beam of red light, 11/14/1954 #11650 Forli, Italy Two or three tractor driver 11/14/1954 #11652 ly Two or three tractor drivers in Forli, Italy, watch a bright-red, lumino 11/14/1954 #11652 tion interference case occurred in Forli, Italy. Two tractors, one diesel p 11/14/1954 #11654 FORLI, ITL 2 observer(s). Circular objec 11/10/1973 #28401
oke, as well as a dark “round flat form like a plate and like a big man’s h 4/8/1665 #46 re” that soon takes on a pyramidal form is seen traveling along the course 9/9/1767 #83 causes the interior to liquefy and form a starchy substance. A couple days 8/13/1819 #110 ht lights converge / Plato crater. Form "marching triangle". / Charles Fort 11/23/1887 #284 d Mars and other planets in astral form. Mars has canals, of course, but al 1895 #318 it with him, and they both see “a form like that of a man” standing in the 4/13/1897 #452 tached to a massive airship in the form of a balloon with a cigar-shaped un 4/19/1897 #534 raft 200 feet up. He could see the form of a man standing at the stern. "He 4/24/1897 #570 an astral body while his physical form remains at a temple inside Mount Sh 1905 #673 he Einstein field equations, which form the core of Einstein’s General Theo 11/1915 #937 and a source of heat. They seem to form strips or “canals” that vary accord 10/9/1921 #1016 and saw quite distinctly the oval form with the shiny surface, one side of 8/5/1927 #1077 est side of the lake. It is in the form of an elongated cone some 60–75 fee 8/9/1934 #1217 one side of a flat, saucer-shaped form. Each "coach" was identical in size 12/1942 #1466 Project ACUFOE, from CUFOS report form.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 6/1944 #1599 ctiles are of the V- 1 type in the form of a torpedo with two small wings.” 8/13/1946 #2127 er his own theory that UFOs are “a form of space animal, or creature, of a 7/7/1947 #2936 rialization, whose propellant is a form of telekinetic energy.” 7/7/1947 #2936 g received.” These four will later form the core of the ETH-friendly factio Late 8/1947 #3369 al explosion considered to be some form of guided missile originating from 8/21/1948 #3785 ience. Whine. 6 saucers / circular form. 7th weaves. Northeast going quickl 8/22/1949 (approximate) #4335 s conventional objects; (2) a mild form of mass hysteria; or (3) hoaxes.” 12/27/1949 #4446 s about UFO case investigations. A form letter is to be used: “We have inve 10/18/1950 #5241 6 orange-glowing objects circular form. Going quickly southwest going [to] 9/6/1951 #5650 following the UFO phenomenon. They form Civilian Saucer Investigation to co 12/1951 #5804 f the red glows seemed to merge to form a semi-elliptical red glow. It abru 4/15/1952 #6084 he UFO separates into 7 discs that form into groups, circle, and speed out 7/27/1952 #7214 the basis for Project Blue Book’s form. 10/10/1952 #8114 dy seen it) and puts it into final form. (By 11:00 a.m., both CIA Director 1/17/1953 #8548 ery thin and immediately begins to form a heavy condensation trail behind i 3/3/1953 #8727 aken of the disc enveloped in some form of "radiation." 5/16/1953 #8880 ne trailing, then come together to form the letter “Z.” Then they circle, g 7/26/1953 #9018 y changes position and assumes the form of several horseshoes enveloped in 12/9/1953 #9352 lout, the heaviest of which in the form of pulverized surface coral from th 3/1/1954 #9584 , TX 10-20 night lights / crescent form. Single structure? Glows. Silent. G 3/9/1954 #9605 an abrupt stop. The three objects form a perfect triangle. An oval object Summer 1954 #9922 USAF files. Carbon of the original form. 7/14/1954 #10014 s divide and recombine into saucer form! Assembly going south. 10/3/1954 #10650 d felt a prickling sensation and a form of paralysis. The glowing UFO emitt 10/5/1954 #10739 y shell 9 feet long. A small, dark form is standing in front of it. Roy bec 10/6/1954 #10756 three meters in length and had the form of a large artillery shell with sev 10/6/1954 #10758 's maneuver dance / clouds. Change form. Angel hair falls and sublimes. 10/18/1954 #11194 two days after his encounter. Some form of trace material was found on the 10/18/1954 #11225 receded they again merged into one form before merging with the light sourc 10/25/1954 #11404 ions converge until their vertices form a St. Andrews cross, with 10 object 11/6/1954 #11585 two hour period. They often would form lozenge-shaped formations of four o 11/6/1954 #11586 a misty mass, as wide as the bed, form at the foot of the bed. It passed u 11/9/1954 #11611 r Maria Luisa de Amaya, it had the form of two deep dishes placed together 12/28/1954 #11869 Only item in case file was summary form. 1/1/1955 #11908 ther. Observed by various persons form 4 to 15 minutes. 11/20/1955 #12578 vort over / naval academy. Silent. Form line. 8/14/1956 #13084 r windows hovers / 7 minutes. USAF form. 9/22/1956 #13232 and afterward "angel hair", in the form of a spider web-like substance, was 9/30/1956 #13253 thinks they are some kind of life form invisible to the naked eye. Summer 1957 #13745 circle and maneuver impossibly. No form seen. 7/31/1957 #13864 ly going up [to] from roadside. No form seen. / r141#6. 11/4/1957 #14269 R. Miczaika and Eberhart W. Wahl, form Project Space Track in Building 153 11/29/1957 #14639 d and spoke to her in a mechanical form of English. Their message stated th 1/7/1958 #14813 spital. When Irwin finally woke up form a deep sleep, he was puzzled by the 2/28/1959 #15624 ground. He wore a helmet and some form of plastic clothing, and gloves loo 4/25/1959 #15713 cer going [to] overhead. 2 saucers form cylinder/cylindrical object between 11/2/1959 #16075 lly they leave their positions and form into a triangle with squarish bridg Summer 1962 #17239 north. [Witness filed NICAP report form.] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/21/1963 #17799 tance. [Witness filed NICAP report form.] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 7/20/1963 #17843 de and three huge “robots in human form” emerge. They wear helmets with sho 10/12/1963 #17987 f several UFO groups in the UK) to form the British UFO Research Associatio 1/25/1964 #18119 itute of Technology. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 1/26/1964 #18120 after 5-10 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 2/25/1964 #18137 sitting. A series of smaller holes form an X around the larger depression. 5/5/1964 #18244 ention, and physical traces in the form of a circle of scorched sawgrass an 3/14/1965 #18854 longated imprints are found in the form of a triangle. Reportedly plants do 3/29/1966 #20139 ed to the northeast. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/3/1966 #20213 g in clouds. (Letter, NICAP report form, clipping.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 4/5/1966 #20238 . (NICAP report; police department form.)' (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 4/13/1966 #20293 ing sound was heard. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/22/1966 #20364 hen accelerate away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/22/1966 #20365 mercury vapor lamps. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 4/22/1966 #20367 ay to the southwest. (NICAP report form; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. Ill, No. 4/24/1966 #20401 urn by the airliner. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 5/17/1966 #20495 in hazy conditions. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 6/24/1966 #20606 as a storm gathered. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 8/15/1966 #20746 blinded the driver. (NICAP report form, newspaper clippings.) (NICAP: 01 - 8/16/1966 #20752 d indentations in the field in the form of a triangle with sides of 10–12 f 8/19/1966 #20772 ppearing in seconds. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 8/22/1966 #20784 y at variable speed. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 8/23/1966 #20795 available for study. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) 8/24/1966 #20799 igh-speed maneuvers. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 8/25/1966 #20805 ible for 15 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 8/25/1966 #20806 (observation). Silver UFO changes form. 2 F102s chase. Going up / space. 8/27/1966 #20812 sible for 3 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 8/27/1966 #20814 off, and flew away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 9/8/1966 #20864 s for about an hour. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 9/23/1966 #20917 Subcommittee report; NICAP report form; police department report). (NICAP: 9/30/1966 #20938 e stopping abruptly. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/11/1966 #20989 ntil out of sight. (NICAP * report form, newspaper clippings.) (NICAP: 01 - 10/21/1966 #21024 er objects. The three objects then form 90° angles, equilateral triangles, 10/21/1966 #21026 pwards out of sight. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 11/12/1966 #21094 Inside the dome was a small human form dressed in black and wearing a helm 12/13/1966 #21200 uddenly rushed away. (NICAP report form, confidential report.) (NICAP: 01 - 12/24/1966 #21217 light reaction). (Air Force report form in Colorado Project files.) (NICAP: 1/6/1967 #21266 ike sound was heard. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 1/22/1967 #21366 ic shaver (buzzing). (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 1/24/1967 #21372 a thin, blue book containing their form of knowledge, which remained in her 1/25/1967 #21389 believe that the beings were some form of "angels." Returning from the jou 1/25/1967 #21389 er with a copy of Air Force report form, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 04 - Anim 1/26/1967 #21393 before disappearing. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 1/26/1967 #21394 ntain, and flew off. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 1/26/1967 #21395 t in a zig-zag path. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 1/31/1967 #21423 ce at the same time. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/3/1967 #21445 over the reservoir. (NICAP report form and report from Ted Thorben, NICAP 2/5/1967 #21458 rnal, Texas, 8/10/67; NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/6/1967 #21466 t flew rapidly away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/7/1967 #21476 rapid acceleration). (NICAP report form.). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/10/1967 #21501 last one was black. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/13/1967 #21532 riangular formation. (NICAP report form; McDonald, 1967, case 7; reprinted 2/13/1967 #21534 med to pace his car. (NICAP report form, Los Angeles NICAP Subcommittee rep 2/13/1967 #21535 lection in the lake. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/14/1967 #21545 ble for 3-4 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/14/1967 #21548 sition (maneuvered). (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/14/1967 #21549 n shot out of sight. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/16/1967 #21563 oaring sound" heard. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/18/1967 #21589 through binoculars. (NICAP report form.). (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/18/1967 #21590 ly accelerated away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 2/20/1967 #21602 e the light hovered. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 2/20/1967 #21605 er about 25 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/23/1967 #21630 light preceding it. No structural form was seen between the lights, flew r 2/25/1967 #21650 ng while stationary. (NICAP report form, 3/28/67.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 2/26/1967 #21656 d like a "low roar." (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 2/28/1967 #21680 r 5 minutes. (Air Force UFO report form, copy in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - 3/1/1967 #21707 ore than 35 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/4/1967 #21751 eport in NICAP files, NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/8/1967 #21806 t at moderate speed. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/8/1967 #21807 t after 3-5 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/14/1967 #21885 etter in NICAP files, NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 3/15/1967 #21890 trees for 8 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/16/1967 #21902 s toward the ground. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/21/1967 #21934 ed as did the light. (NICAP report form and letter in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 3/25/1967 #21982 at tremendous speed. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/25/1967 #21983 do not describe it. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) (N 3/26/1967 #21994 aircraft avoidance). (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 3/29/1967 #22010 e as the upper part. (NICAP report form; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 4/1/1967 #22038 . 2, Oct. 1967, p. 3; NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/1/1967 #22038 mbling end over end. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 4/5/1967 #22060 ws at low altitude. ((NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/6/1967 #22074 through binoculars. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/6/1967 #22075 quickly disappeared. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/10/1967 #22104 motion correlation). (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/12/1967 #22115 ay to the northwest. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/12/1967 #22117 rved for 10 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases) 4/18/1967 #22159 w from east to west. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/20/1967 #22168 Subcommittee report, NICAP report form, in NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 4/21/1967 #22182 ith erratic motions. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 4/22/1967 #22206 ed (animal reaction).(NICAP report form; Elizabeth Weekly News, 4/26/67, a 4/23/1967 #22211 ing near the ground. (NICAP report form and letter.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 4/26/1967 #22219 at the landing site. (NICAP report form and unidentified newspaper clipping 4/26/1967 #22220 ns on its underside. (NICAP report form; Reynolds report received 7/26/67, 4/27/1967 #22230 around the middle. (NICAP report 1 form; U.F.O. Investigator, May-June 1967 4/28/1967 #22242 e body of the craft. (NICAP report form, copy in Donald E. Keyhoe Archives 5/1967 #22252 one white light. (Air Force report form, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 5/15/1967 #22346 re in the underside. (NICAP report form; U.F.O Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 3 5/25/1967 #22398 e headlight visible. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 5/31/1967 #22428 like a jet aircraft. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 6/1/1967 #22443 ly accelerated away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 6/2/1967 #22454 through binoculars. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/5/1967 #22465 ide, then sped away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/6/1967 #22469 motion correlation). (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/11/1967 #22490 nesses at eye level. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/11/1967 #22492 r about 3 minutes. (NICAP , report form, 7/18/67.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 7/3/1967 #22596 s after 2-3 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/12/1967 #22652 th a heavy overcast. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/14/1967 #22658 was seen within it. (NICAP report form and letter from Pennsylvania NICAP 7/17/1967 #22676 where they could now make out the form of the occupant inside the object. 7/17/1967 #22683 World War II flier. (NICAP report form, Stokesberry report, NICAP files.) 7/18/1967 #22693 en in other windows. (NICAP report form; Florida NICAP Subcommittee report, 7/20/1967 #22708 fort to communicate. (NICAP report form; U.F.O, Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 7/28/1967 #22746 ping through space." (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 7/29/1967 #22748 the horizon. (Civil Defense report form, 8/28/67, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 7/29/1967 #22749 Subcommittee report, NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/3/1967 #22784 during the sighting. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 8/12/1967 #22866 and his wife see an object in the form of an upside-down basin 115 feet in 8/13/1967 #22873 ached the witnesses. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/25/1967 #22923 eling twice as fast. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 9/3/1967 #22988 s amid the red glow. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 9/5/1967 #23005 lights (body lights) with a vague form behind them. The object hovered, ch 9/13/1967 #23047 seen for 10 minutes. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 9/14/1967 #23055 circle an aircraft. (NICAP report form and letter, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 0 9/14/1967 #23058 ed, then moved away. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 9/15/1967 #23063 alls. (Colorado UFO Project report form, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 9/30/1967 #23149 brilliant yellow lights emerge and form a triangle around the larger light. 10/4/1967 #23176 lacking,” with no standard report form or methodology. They also meet with 10/10/1967 #23204 ilar objects before. (NICAP report form.) . (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 10/12/1967 #23226 triangular formation break up and form a single file, the wires and towers 10/22/1967 #23290 bcommittee report and NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 10/23/1967 #23293 tes. (From Hennessey, NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/26/1967 #23329 ws to hover, the fuselages move to form a cross. The object rotates 90°, th 10/26/1967 #23334 ewspaper clipping and NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 10/27/1967 #23345 nning top or discus. (NICAP report form, received from Hennessey 11/30/67.) 10/31/1967 #23376 d went out of sight. (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 11/3/1967 #23396 Subcommittee report, NICAP report form; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 11/4/1967 #23400 t. (Witness notes and NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 11/10/1967 #23436 bcommittee report and NICAP report form, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 11/15/1967 #23461 maneuver. Several passes. No hard form in binocs. 11/20/1967 #23485 itness reported that a small human form, about 1.30 m tall, came from under 12/3/1967 #23543 h end (body lights). (NICAP report form.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 12/6/1967 #23554 defense intelligence scientists to form a “rapid intervention team” to inve 1968 #23629 nd the sheep pen covered with some form of plastic net, and inside was a sh 5/14/1968 #23962 ights traveling together. No solid form was seen. They split up, one flew b 11/29/1968 #24732 Franca. An Ummo cult has begun to form, and books—both journalistic accoun 1969 #24804 stood on end, as if affected by a form of static electricity. 1/14/1969 #24842 nt to be recognized in their “true form.” 3/12/1969 #25002 consisted of a very dark humanoid form. A large numbers of cars had assemb 4/24/1969 #25088 n night light at 1500M distant. No form visible. Seen / musicians. 5/1969 #25103 by a "burst of fire" coming from a form partly hidden in the bushes. Seized 5/4/1969 #25115 ed, but there are three holes that form a perfect equilateral triangle, 15 5/11/1969 #25125 ssenger seat an opaque cube-shaped form that appeared out of nowhere. His n 6/11/1969 #25211 oving toward him. It then took the form of a cloudy nucleus surrounded by a 8/11/1969 #25317 indentations, positioned so as to form the inside points of a triangle. Of 9/4/1969 #25351 s as well. The cigar and the discs form a line and move into a large, pecul 7/1970 #25723 him. The figures were humanoid in form with large heads. They seemed to be 8/15/1970 #25787 "a completely white being of human form, with a pointed nose, slanted eyes, 7/12/1971 #26224 ia at 8:40 p.m. when he saw a dull form in the sky with lighted sections. I 9/22/1971 #26363 ted exactly from each other in the form of a square of 8.2 feet. At an equi 3/19/1972 #26617 . They were sure it was under some form of intelligent control because when 6/26/1972 #26736 . Silent UFO emits various colors. Form unknown. 8/9/1972 #26887 t. Alexander then fired six rounds form his revolver. After firing the shot 10/14/1972 #27077 NEAR VETELI, FINL 2 girls. Dark form appears. 'Force field' throws girl 12/31/1972 #27195 In Veteli, Finland in 1972 a dark form appeared at 7:30 p.m. and a “force 12/31/1972 #27197 rds that are broadcast without any form of electronic translation device—by 1973 #27200 he end of the cord floated a human form some eight to ten feet tall, simila 4/15/1973 #27431 e witness did not see the humanoid form retracted into the UFO; rather it d 4/15/1973 #27431 out. A "curtain of light" began to form around the object, and the heat and 5/22/1973 #27519 sappear, and a glowing bright oval form appears, about 12–15 feet in diamet 6/28/1973 #27598 blown by wind, and after the oval form appears, this sound suddenly ceases 6/28/1973 #27598 od in a semi-circle, ten feet away form the van door. One of the seven had 10/14/1973 #28031 . He lifted the end of the blanket form the bottom and stared at her body. 10/16/1973 #28089 g bright silver suits, straight in form and with no features noticed except 10/22/1973 #28244 re a cubical helmet transparent in form, showing a face identical with the 1/7/1974 #28661 merge into one object and take the form of an elongated oval with an orange 2/8/1974 #28747 33 inches wide, in an area in the form of a triangle with sides 17 feet wi 2/8/1974 #28748 NT 1 observer. Mass / light lands. Form unknown. V-shaped formation / trace 2/26/1974 #28804 light energized the gyroscopes to form an "artificial gravity field." He d 5/26/1974 #29135 ply defined circles of burnt straw form an isosceles triangle within an ova 8/12/1974 #29337 tion going south stop. Take square form. 2 night lights join and signal / l 8/16/1974 #29357 e immediate area. The objects then form a straight line, hover for a minute 9/1/1974 #29417 red to be dogs, then a "human like form" running toward the light. Suddenly 11/27/1974 #29614 e the light has fallen. It has the form of a truncated cone and emits white 1/1/1975 #29689 saw a bright light with a definite form behind it moved horizontally throug 3/2/1975 #29865 saw a bright light with a definite form behind it moved horizontally throug 3/2/1975 #29869 ay, now becoming a green spherical form. The dogs calmed down and so the so 3/31/1975 #29927 f varying thickness and brightness form around it. They watch it for 7 minu Early 7/1975 #30148 ady. 2 intense lights near ground. Form not visible. / r30p574+/ LDLN#162. 8/29/1975 #30323 r all directions / 2 hour display. Form unknown. 11/10/1975 #30588 field beside the road. It had the form of a "coffee pot", a 50-60 foot hig 1/9/1976 #30781 ge she sees an orange light in the form of a “dome.” She experiences fear a 6/11/1976 #31102 tall slowly descend. The humanoids form a line across the entire width of t 9/3/1976 #31335 w a 5.5' tall luminous green human form appear about 20 meters away from hi 12/12/1976 #31596 f to the top of a second object to form a sphere. 2/20/1977 #31832 zontal periscope or boom protruded form the right side. The object was abou 4/4/1977 #31943 er son notices it too. Humanoid in form, the figure’s face is black and fea 4/26/1977 #32029 ngland on this night. The humanoid form, whose face was black with no featu 4/26/1977 #32030 out UFOs and wonders if NASA could form a small panel to follow up on the C 7/21/1977 #32297 , reported seeing a white luminous form shaped like a hemisphere sitting on 7/24/1977 #32308 , reported seeing a white luminous form shaped like a hemisphere sitting on 7/24/1977 #32310 NSK, TOMSK, RUSSIA 1M gaseous blue form glows / night sky. White night ligh 9/16/1977 #32488 ht reddish light, semi-circular in form, with the upper half red emitting v 11/1/1977 #32653 ding in and out. They compared the form to a TV image. The couple associate 11/13/1977 #32671 ngle of about 30°–45° and its true form suddenly becomes clear to him. He i 1/1/1978 #32841 e is able to make out the complete form of a saucer and can see the dome, a 1/1/1978 #32841 Alleged USAF Incident/Complaint Form shows a UAP sighting incident and b 1/18/1978 #32895 ry at Ft. Dix and McGuire AFB. The form states it was distributed to Col. L 1/18/1978 #32895 DS suggests the Incident/Complaint form may have been hoaxed. * https://c 1/18/1978 #32895 ance. She makes out a wedge-shaped form, broad at the front and narrow at t 4/2/1978 #33121 er Isfahan. He sees a huge, purple form passing below him at amazing speed. 6/11/1978 #33274 e road. The top was rounded in the form of a dome, surmounted by a white li 7/8/1978 #33353 e road. The top was rounded in the form of a dome, surmounted by a white li 7/8/1978 #33355 s by an odd noise and see a silver form moving overhead. It has lines acros 7/22/1978 #33410 ad the appearance of an "eye-like" form, with a "cornea" of shiny black gla 8/12/1978 #33513 ound black objects close enough to form a figure 8. The are making sounds l 9/6/1978 #33639 r two heard a strange sound coming form the being and saw something flash i 9/24/1978 #33744 the sea when she noticed a gaseous form, white in color with two pulsating 12/16/1978 #34155 slight bow towards her as if in a form of salute. He had a black beard, fr 1/5/1979 #34303 Y, FR 3 / car / N3. Turnip changes form going [to] discoid. Several photogr 2/1979 #34394 , step outside to watch an unusual form hovering low over the containment b 6/12/1979 #34610 tepped outside to watch an unusual form hovering low over the containment b 6/12/1979 #34611 of his house, he sees an identical form 70 feet up and moving silently to t 6/26/1979 #34632 Harry Griesberg and David Seargent form the Australian Centre for UFO Studi 8/1979 #34690 nnesota, when they notice a silver form shaped like a truck tire with a fla 9/9/1979 #34853 rself being levitated through some form of a tunnel and encountered two ali 9/14/1979 #34881 rself being levitated through some form of a tunnel and encountered two ali 9/14/1979 #34884 At 5:30 a.m. a pear-shaped form of blue light engulfed an automobil 9/20/1979 #34908 and formed a dome shaped luminous form on the ground, not far from the wit 1/12/1980 #35131 and formed a dome shaped luminous form on the ground, not far from the wit 1/12/1980 #35132 ctures with a luminous rectangular form inside. The edges of the luminous " 2/11/1980 #35170 then merge with the larger one and form an orange ball bright enough to thr 4/20/1980 #35280 Indiana, watch a luminous flashing form in the northwest sky. Golden- color 4/26/1980 #35293 Kirtland AFB AFOSI Complaint Form: At Kirtland AFB three persons repo 8/9/1980 #35449 s out and watches a round, silvery form about 270 feet away. It has little 8/17/1980 #35462 ns a fake two-page AFOSI complaint form, titled “Kirtland AFB, NM, 8 Aug–3 9/8/1980 #35505 the east comes a black triangular form, as big as a house and 10 times the 10/15/1980 #35568 y all sat quietly, going into some form of limbo. Then across an open field 7/15/1981 #36008 passengers to view its lenticular form. At this point, the light emanating 2/8/1982 #36327 bühl, Bavaria, Germany. It has the form of a “double rectangle surmounted b 6/12/1982 #36499 ° turn going quickly NNW and away. Form unknown. 7/26/1982 #36552 wall bearing an outline of a human form. The beings would look at the drawi 11/29/1982 #36702 wall bearing an outline of a human form. The beings would look at the drawi 11/30/1982 #36703 ts a vapor. It seems to change its form to cigar-shaped. Suddenly it speeds 6/5/1983 #36876 elow it. Ron Marco says the lights form a triangle and remain perfectly sti Late 10/1983 #37015 oject Hessdalen sends out a report form to 3,300 households in and around H 1/1984 #37101 ed as they turn away. They finally form up into a boomerang shape. Ruhl and 6/21/1984 #37370 out that there was some alien life form that was going to attack the Earth 11/19/1985 #37711 and priorities. They break off and form the Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici 12/1985 #37730 in two vehicles observed a strange form hovering low ahead of them, compose 12/18/1988 #38756 of a marsh an enormous cylindrical form with a cupola on top. The UFO was e 1/12/1989 #38779 over ditch. Blink / succession. No form seen. 3/15/1989 #38872 lack delta-manta turns and changes form 3X. Edges glowing. 5/2/1989 #38934 e spotlights become visible, which form a more or less equilateral triangle 12/11/1989 #39313 e lights joined the first three to form a hexagon; a metallic structure was 4/22/1990 #39540 and their two children of an ovoid form of milky white color at the top of 9/19/1990 #39736 t three bright white lights in the form of a triangle. At the center of the 10/23/1990 #39807 AISNE, FR 1 observer. Night lights form huge triangle. 'Bigger / 747'. A bu 11/24/1990 #39904 girls / 10. Night lights tour sky. Form a saucer. Black triangle appears. A 11/27/1990 #39912 th the forward three lights in the form of a rectangle and a red light on t 1/6/1991 #39947 l interference was reported in the form of static on the telephone. 1/19/1991 #39963 erosa deliciosa. They mumbled some form of unintelligible gibberish. The wi 8/13/1991 #40151 ected by dark bar. Silent. Overall form unknown. 11/11/1991 #40225 aucers / treetops. Blink / unison. Form triangle. Vanish! 6/23/1992 #40503 tern as night lights orbit. Actual form unknown. 3/3/1993 #40875 vehicle paced by a bluish UFO. The form of the object was lit under a bluis 5/16/1993 #40983 re really physically there or some form of apparition. Not frightened by th 11/18/1993 #41284 rovides a change of station orders form in which he claims represent his tr 12/1993 #41313 cloud going southeast. Triangular form seen dimly. 2/3/1994 #41404 ts / delta/triangle/box-like craft form going southeast / 20 second(s). Sto 7/31/1994 #41648 on three landing pads. It has the form of two inverted soup plates with a 3/30/1995 #42127 ] HOLT, FL 3 / SR189. Night lights form triangles and large disk. Repeats 3 4/14/1995 #42149 later Sr. Torres saw a large dark "form" that floated or flew down towards 5/15/1995 #42211 where inside they were given some form of medical examination.One of the w 3/6/1996 #42809 apes going [to] overhead. "Objects form wedges". No further details. 3/9/1996 #42816 ses agreed that the object had the form of a flat hut, five or six meters a 7/8/1996 #42950 oy saw what appeared to be a large form, like a white-silvery blanket appro 7/22/1996 #42963 ally harassed. She states the same form letter was used to explain the non- 8/30/1996 #43000 water." She next saw a dark round form that flew right over her street. 1/2/1997 #43164 ll beings emerge from the luminous form. The figures looked to be transpare 1/5/1997 #43166 nd disappeared inside the luminous form. The light shot up into the sky ver 1/5/1997 #43166 rt. It concludes that secrecy is a form of government regulation; that exce 3/3/1997 #43217 e pointed the light at the nearby "form" on the ground. He saw it was a str 8/3/1997 #43366 ting sphere. Moments later another form came down from the light, like floa 12/14/1997 #43462 "knock" in his head, perhaps some form of telepathic communication. He loo 1/1/1998 #43484 nd. This technology in its crudest form could be used to distract individua 2/17/1998 #43522 later told to fill out an incident form, and told it “never happened” and t 10/1998 #43656 sists of a life lesson in symbolic form, Mack asserts. The hybrids combine 1999 #43708 any people observed a semicircular form, luminous and translucent, that som 5/5/1999 #43763 esence to the left of the luminous form (some spoke of a triangular form) t 5/5/1999 #43763 s form (some spoke of a triangular form) that suddenly rocketed away fast t 5/5/1999 #43763 er Everett, Washington. It changed form to a boomerang shape and became tra 9/21/1999 #43852 at UFOs have visited Earth in some form, 11.6% have seen a UFO at close qua 8/2002 #44372 ssible meteorite, judging from the form and color of the object, which dove 6/22/2003 #44557 ould discern an elongated rhomboid form, clearly outlined by rows of lights 8/2/2004 #44725 t 2 seconds. It had an equilateral form with seven bright, yellow-white lig 10/30/2004 #44776 on patients being exposed to some form of black ops technology such as non 2005 #44805 AP often appear in “dematerialized form” resonating at a frequency beyond t 4/28/2006 #44937 have been UFO related. The report form lists the shape of the UFO as a dis 9/21/2007 #45066 The core people in this group will form the basis of what will become the U 2008 #45106 other UFO researchers in Argentina form Cefora, an organization to study th 2009 #45202 oser, they realize that the lights form a single object. As the object turn 1/12/2013 #45360 officials, and other professionals form the Scientific Coalition for Ufolog 10/27/2017 #45489 ted him to do work on a particular form of ancient meditation: kripalu yoga 12/12/2018 #45551 light and appears to have a linear form. It passes down the left- hand side 1/15/2019 #45558 merged with the 24th Air Force to form a reactivated 16th Air Force respon 10/11/2019 #45611 o complete the Air Force reporting form, which features shapes of several d 5/2021 #45685 on.” After passing the flyby, they form a four-point formation then disappe 11/11/2021 #45721 A has the most UAP evidence in the form of videos. Ramirez also states dial 12/20/2022 #45790
HARBORD, AUSTR 11 minute(s) video. Form-changing object = striped sphere/or 5/27/1993 #40992
a similar style. The outfits were form-fitted, and tended to give off a bl 8/15/1970 #25787
beautiful and well built, wearing form-fitting outfits, which seemed metal 8/26/1976 #31306 whitish-gray in color, and wore a form-fitting jumpsuit. It had a large he 8/10/1989 #39053 ed a "pilot" with something like a form-fitting hood over his head, motionl 9/9/1997 #43403
ar/data/1710274/000149315221004131/form1-u.htm * https://www.sec.gov/Arch 10/26/2017 #45488 ar/data/1710274/000149315221006682/form1-u.htm * https://www.sec.gov/Arch 10/26/2017 #45488
ar/data/1710274/000149315222012740/form253g2.htm (p21) 10/26/2017 #45488 ar/data/1710274/000149315222012740/form253g2.htm (p21) https://www.prnews 7/2018 #45532
in the French Pyrenees also bring formal discredit to the Martian canal th 9/20/1909 #811 at the time; the attack led to its formal entry into World War II on the si 12/7/1941 #1377 h and Development division sends a formal letter to the RAND Corporation au 7/21/1948 #3722 James Forrestal leaves office in a formal ceremony. He rides back to the Pe 3/28/1949 #4058 ould have put some money into more formal versions of his experiments, but Early 5/1952 #6249 e going east over Lake Erie shore. Formal report / Ground Observer Corps (G 12/8/1953 (approximate) #9348 . ATIC decides to give Henderson a formal briefing. 5/8/1958 #15023 “particularly in an open or closed formal congressional hearing.” 6/20/1958 #15105 ue publicity, in an open or closed formal Congressional hearing.” https:// 6/20/1958 #15107 Massachusetts Capt. Swett gives a formal lecture on hypnosis to a meeting 9/7/1963 #17927 ed by grass. Each one is wearing a formal suit, a lead eye mask, and a wate 8/20/1966 #20779 ly involved in this work to file a formal complaint against Helms, which is 9/1967 #22974 utics and Astronautics publishes a formal statement in its journal Aeronaut 11/1970 #25897 panel: “All in all, undertaking a formal study at this time appears to be 10/31/1977 #32643 a three-member panel to initiate a formal UFO study program, but its effort 11/27/1978 #34010 ee, which is not interested in the formal study of UAP. Public records on t 12/8/1978 #34079 reports and several others in his formal report, forwarding it to AFOSI (A 8/1980 #35432 ah Test Range in Nevada and begins formal operations under the 4450th Tacti 1984 #37095 , and created an incident file. No formal investigation appears to have bee 7/24/1984 #37416 ards AFB, California, and signed a formal treaty with an alien ambassador, 5/23/1989 #38960 possible that this reflects a more formal organization.” Leslie Kean suspec 10/18/1993 #41246 possible that this reflects a more formal assessment activity.” A subsequen 12/2/1993 #41320 e meets the SRG twice and asks for formal access to the four SAPs and is de 10/16/2002 #44418 lved. Its place is taken by a less formal group, Comité Belge d’Étude des P 6/11/2007 #45035 rates without a budget, office, or formal name until Elizondo resigns from 2008 #45106 Reporter Tim McMillan states a formal operations plan to address UAP ex 3/18/2022 #45741
Forrestal issue a memorandum that formally establishes the Armed Forces Sp 1/29/1947 #2236 Project Sign staff, still not yet formally organized, are under pressure t 1/7/1948 #3544 Project Sign becomes formally operational as Project HT-304. 1/26/1948 #3565 A Office of Policy Coordination is formally established with the responsibi 9/1/1948 #3794 maybe even the NBS. Hynek is to be formally commissioned for an assessment, 11/12/1948 #3874 ull backing” of the DCI for MIT to formally study UAP. Unfortunately, no fu 12/2/1952 #8364 e Control Center (NSSCC), which is formally dedicated on February 9, 1960. 12/1959 #16106 fany Thayer’s widow Tanagra Thayer formally disbands the Fortean Society. 9/30/1960 #16468 ure by other countries. The treaty formally goes into effect on October 10. 8/5/1963 #17867 rce Office of Scientific Research, formally approaches the University of Co 8/31/1966 #20819 eriors at the US Navy (McDonald is formally retired from the Navy, but ofte 1968 #23627 Chiefs of Staff meet and decide to formally define UFO information as class 3/3/1979 #34462 The RAAF formally concludes its UFO investigation 12/1993 #41311
media. The program’s news-bulletin format is described as deceptive by some 10/30/1938 #1300 , on Super XX cut film 4-by-5-inch format. The lights disappear suddenly in 7/16/1952 #6843 rterly magazine in trade-paperback format that runs through 1964. It consis 1961 #16548 f the old style, then dropped that format. 2/6/1962 #17035 issues of the subject, its unique format—alternating paragraphs written by 1966 #19795 FO reports into a machine-readable format, ostensibly because it is too pre 9/12/1966 #20873 hes the presentations in paperback format in May 1980. 6/24/1977 #32190
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bs.twimg.com/media/E3FVC1sWYAAB6fC?format=jpg&name=medium (URL not working) 2/19/1952 #5911
own, New York 8:15 p.m. A V-shaped formatio60659gme n of 15 lights, estimat 5/31/1984 #37348
EDO = TOKYO, JAPAN 3 objects in formation. Type unknown. 6 wheels and 2 5/6/1692 #52 h a green tint were seen flying in formation over Norfolk, Virginia, moving 8/6/1860 #158 CHEJU ISLANDS, KOREA HMS Caroline. Formation / disks going north. Brown col 2/24/1893 #307 an, Texas, see a group of stars in formation, moving in one direction. A fe Mid 1/1899 #630 Francisco (North Pacific off), CA Formation of three objects sighted by U. 2/28/1904 #669 n. The objects flew in an eschelon formation, flying very fast below the cl 2/28/1904 #671 ometimes moving in a straight-line formation. The disks are visible for ano 7/7/1907 #699 lel with the horizon in a vertical formation (one atop the other) and headi Fall 1912 #863 At 9:02 p.m. a formation of lights resembling an expres 2/9/1913 #882 directly into the center of their formation from a higher altitude. Two Ha 7/5/1933 #1167 dropped down into the center of a formation of RAF fighter aircraft over S 7/5/1933 #1168 ver and maneuver. Assemble / stack formation. 5/1936 (approximate) #1244 s star- like objects in a circular formation. Occasionally a light would fl Fall 1936 #1249 und the English coastline detect a formation of blips moving across the Eng 3/1941 #1354 mand is established as the command formation of the US Army responsible for 3/17/1941 #1357 n Los Angeles County, California a formation of 6-9 luminous white balls of 2/25/1942 #1391 ls of light flying in a triangular formation flew in from the northwest, mo 2/25/1942 #1391 Unknown City, Solomon Isl Formation of silvery objects directly ov 8/12/1942 #1433 hat of an aircraft. Soon he sees a formation of more than 150 silvery objec 8/12/1942 #1434 At ten a.m. a large formation of as many as 150 aerial objec 8/12/1942 #1435 y were flying in an equally spaced formation, ten across and fifteen deep, 8/12/1942 #1435 Washington, DC Sighting of UFO formation by Metropolitan policeman. [NI 1943 (approximate) #1475 ting downward through the aircraft formation. One hits the wing of a B-17 b 9/6/1943 #1528 colored discs in the path of their formation and closing with the bombers. 10/14/1943 #1536 t Up Protective Shield Around B-17 Formation ??? (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 10/24/1943 #1537 iameter" corkscrewed through their formation, as if floating. 11/26/1943 #1543 h Night Fighter Squadron pilot saw formation of round objects. [NICAP UFO E 11/1944 #1689 ames, in a tight inverted triangle formation. (Page 104-106 Ref.1) (NICAP: 12/26/1944 #1735 g the road. They are not in strict formation and seem individually controll 3/25/1945 #1827 out, the ship identifies a “tight formation of more than fifty birds.” 4/22/1945 #1852 nge spheres flying in a triangular formation were sighted by a 415th NFS fi 5/3/1945 #1863 ean Bermuda Triangle. Flight 19, a formation of five TBM avengers became di 12/5/1945 #1951 they turn sharply upward, still in formation, and disappear. Summer 1946 #2014 from east to west in a triangular formation. 8/1946 #2092 In Oak Lawn, Illinois a V-shaped formation of five silver disks, with one 9/11/1946 #2178 te saucers exit and play. Away / V formation going quickly northeast. / MJ# 4/29/1947 #2268 clear sky, arranged in a V-shaped formation. The ten objects moved up and 4/29/1947 #2269 fort, South Carolina. He notices a formation of four disc-like objects flyi Late 5/1947 #2298 is heard as they fly overhead. The formation speeds out of view in less tha Late 5/1947 #2298 d the northwest in a straight-line formation for about 30 seconds. They are 6/10/1947 #2319 , CA Ten "Almost Round" Objects In Formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 6/14/1947 #2328 g saucers fly over in a triangular formation. Their speed was estimated to 6/14/1947 #2329 gene, Oregon, residents who spot a formation of round objects “racing overh 6/18/1947 #2340 photograph show “seven dots” in a formation “shaped like an X or a Y, line 6/18/1947 #2340 rn / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. / ABQJ2JLY47+/ r187#17. 6/20/1947 #2344 oups of three discs in trianglular formation , straight course, S-NE (Bloec 6/20/1947 #2345 Salesman. 6 "washtubs" fly over in formation. Very high. 2nd hand report. 6/21/1947 #2348 th / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. Back / 1415h going south. / r 6/23/1947 #2369 lver saucers flutter / high string formation going quickly northwest. / r28 6/23/1947 #2373 seeing 9 flying saucers flying in formation at an altitude of 9200 feet an 6/24/1947 #2379 ilway engineer. 9 saucers / linear formation flip / sequence. North going q 6/24/1947 #2382 O 2+observer(s). 7-8 disks / loose formation going quickly northwest. White 6/24/1947 #2388 nine objects flying in an echelon formation past Mount Rainier, Washington 6/24/1947 #2398 They are not flying in any sort of formation and as they bank in a turn, th 6/24/1947 #2400 t. 13 23cm glowing-plates hover in formation over orchard / 10 second(s). 6/25/1947 (approximate) #2403 ITY, MO 9 metallic objects / loose formation going quickly west very high a 6/25/1947 #2404 cers with fins weave in and out in formation. / r171p68. 6/26/1947 (approximate) #2414 nde, Oregon, weaving in-and-out of formation. There were also four separate 6/26/1947 #2420 med saucers maneuver and jiggle in formation east going quickly west. Going 6/28/1947 #2439 [1:15 PST?] p.m. Pilot saw a tight formation of 5-6 white circular 3 ft obj 6/28/1947 #2445 north of Lake Mead, Nevada, sees a formation of 5–6 objects streak by his p 6/28/1947 #2447 ak by his plane. They are in close formation at an estimated speed of 285 m 6/28/1947 #2447 At around 2 p.m. a formation of 5-6 white circular objects 6/28/1947 #2450 silver saucers going [to] fast in formation. / Gainesville Times. 7/3/1947 #2555 +100 observer(s). 8 disks / string formation hover and maneuver. Some shoot 7/3/1947 #2557 objects are milling about in loose formation like a “swarm of bees” for 10– 7/3/1947 #2581 / picnic. 3 groups / saucers in V formation and loose. Circle and dive. Go 7/4/1947 #2612 objects circle overhead in a loose formation. They gain altitude rapidly an 7/4/1947 #2659 attle, Washington, when they see a formation of five discs over Emmett, Ida 7/4/1947 #2667 dozens of others see a triangular formation of silvery discs flying south 7/5/1947 #2724 ing quickly north fast overhead in formation. No further details. 7/6/1947 #2744 Three shiny discs in a delta formation flew high and fast toward the 7/6/1947 #2822 side-to-side. Going quickly [to] V formation. 7/7/1947 #2837 rs / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. 500mpg going quickly [to] 250 7/7/1947 #2850 going quickly southwest / diamond formation. Play tag. Stops and starts.. 7/7/1947 #2882 7 silver disks like tin-plates in formation. 2X treetop level going quickl 7/7/1947 #2892 NES, IA 1 teen. 3 silver disks / V formation. High and fast going quickly n 7/7/1947 #2893 ds / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation going east / 1000' altitude. 7/7/1947 #2900 iftly and silently in a triangular formation overhead. They seem to be abou 7/7/1947 #2938 TY, CA 3 observer(s). 8 saucers in formation going south / high altitude / 7/8/1947 #2984 Row / 12 orbs reforms into circle formation. Going west / Palestine, TX. 7/8/1947 #2998 NJ 1 observer. 4 100' disks / line formation. 3 shiny and 1 dull. Slow and 7/9/1947 #3040 ur yellowish discs flying in close formation above Grand Falls, Newfoundlan 7/9/1947 #3069 . 7 saucers going [to] over. Break formation and cross sky very fast. / Buh 7/10/1947 #3087 s going north. Change positions in formation. 2000M altitude? 7/13/1947 #3167 Mayor / Boise and 1. 12 disks / V formation / 300M altitude below airliner 8/1/1947 #3279 / ballgame. 9 saucers / vertical V formation / 25K' altitude. Going quickly 8/11/1947 #3311 000–10,000 feet in a tight diamond formation at 300–400 mph. The objects le 8/15/1947? #3337 CITY, SD 12 100' saucers / diamond formation. 350 mph and climb going quick 8/17/1947 #3342 al groups / 1 to 35 saucers pass / formation. Going quickly northeast or so 8/19/1947 #3349 Scott) in Twin Falls, Idaho, see a formation of 12 objects flying in diamon 8/19/1947 #3352 on of 12 objects flying in diamond formation at terrific speed. 8/19/1947 #3352 blue-white ovoids climb / echelon formation. / MJ#235. 9/6/1947 #3389 p, made a climbing turn in echelon formation, and then went out of sight. T 9/6/1947 #3390 about one mile in height in trail formation near Dayton, Ohio. They leave 10/20/1947 #3464 ansport aircraft, accompanied by a formation of six Meteor jets, cruising a Late 5/1948 #3654 d arrange themselves in a triangle formation. They all now look like polish 6/30/1948 #3686 eter and flying in a tight diamond formation. They make a high-speed dive, 7/1/1948 #3694 ive, level, make a perfect turn in formation, angle upwards at 30°–40°, and 7/1/1948 #3694 discs or spheres milling around in formation and making a jet-like sound. ( 7/9/1948 #3702 spheres moving at 500 mph in loose formation from west-northwest to east-so 7/9/1948 #3704 d AFB reported 7 UFOs flying a “J” formation in the vicinity of San Acacia, 7/17/1948 #3711 a, N.M., at altitude of 20,000 ft. Formation varied from “J” to “L” to “O” 7/17/1948 #3711 rmation to L-formation to circular formation to no regular formation. A reg 7/17/1948 #3714 o circular formation to no regular formation. A regular pulsating flashing 7/17/1948 #3714 t 1,500 mph. They shifted from a V formation to an L formation, and then to 7/17/1948 #3715 shifted from a V formation to an L formation, and then to a circular format 7/17/1948 #3715 formation, and then to a circular formation and finally to no regular form 7/17/1948 #3715 ormation and finally to no regular formation, at which point a regular puls 7/17/1948 #3715 son Donald see four UFOs flying in formation east to west over downtown, Ph 8/15/1948 #3782 North Ambridge, PA Formation of 8 white luminescent rotatin 12/17/1948 #3932 10M silver disks going south / box formation. Bank and maneuver. XX acceler 4/24/1949 #4101 objects in a perfect straight line formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 5/1949 #4135 e man / US20. 1+5 silver disks / V formation spiral going down. Then shoot 5/13/1949 #4185 ve more silver discs flying in a V formation. The objects spiralled down, t 5/13/1949 #4186 ure recently of three discs flying formation over Stephenville, Newfoundlan 5/18/1949 #4193 1/5 as thick. They flew in trail formation, with an interval equal to 3-4 5/27/1949 #4213 ountain, Oregon. They fly in trail formation, with an interval equal to 3–4 5/27/1949 #4214 amber window-like night lights / V formation going west / 600+kph. Attached 5/29/1949 #4216 he watches them for two hours. The formation moves from southeast to northe 6/29/1949 #4256 delta/triangle/box-like crafts / V formation. 800kph. 2500M altitude. Engin 7/24/1949 #4278 and Major. 7 dull night lights / V formation north going quickly south. Pos 7/24/1949 #4279 ear of each. They flew in a tight formation of twos with one behind, and m 7/24/1949 #4282 Home, Idaho, when he sees a tight formation of 7 delta-shaped objects, 35– 7/24/1949 #4283 ass over Fort Worth, Texas, in a V formation, moving rapidly from south to 7/24/1949 #4284 k delta-wing objects flying in a V formation at a speed of 600 mph and an a 7/24/1949 #4286 / USAF. 5 luminous 35' saucers / V formation going ESE / 10K' altitude. 150 8/8/1949 #4311 titude of 30,000 feet. They fly in formation for a while, then break off an 8/8/1949 #4313 hile, then break off and return to formation again. Control tower operators 8/8/1949 #4313 ine. 3 25M saucers going north / V formation. 15M altitude. Tilt and veer g 8/15/1949 (approximate) #4317 Las Cruses, NM A rigid formation of faint bluish-green rectangl 8/20/1949 #4332 his wife, and mother-in-law see a formation of rectangular bluish- green l 8/20/1949 #4333 gular UFOs flying in a symmetrical formation. He had a second sighting 30 m 8/20/1949 #4334 shaped object flying in a circular formation, making a whining sound. A sev 8/22/1949 #4336 bjects “similar to ducks flying in formation,” bright silver and roughly ro 9/14/1949 #4357 mers and more. 18 night lights / V formation. Geiger-center chart-recorder 10/14/1949 #4392 Observatory, CA Perfect "V of V's" formation of about 16-18 silver [round?] 10/14/1949 #4393 when he sees a perfect “V of V’s” formation of about 16–18 silver objects 10/14/1949 #4395 olor. They are constantly changing formation, moving up and down, back and 11/3/1949 #4411 The objects had a cavorting flight formation. 11/3/1949 #4412 ircraft making slow rolls in tight formation.” The UFO then made an abrupt 1/22/1950 #4499 ds going quickly southeast fast in formation. White or aluminum color. Seen 3/15/1950 #4642 LE, AL 2 observer(s). 3 saucers in formation. Go up and down and away. No f 3/30/1950 #4765 Three discs flew in formation over Autaugaville, Alabama at 3/30/1950 #4770 . Several 10m oil-drums whiz by in formation. Trail / smoke. 4/8/1950 #4820 y circle town and entire valley in formation. 4/19/1950 #4869 ational Guard. 4 white saucers / V formation maneuver and regroup. 90° turn 5/21/1950 #4957 Wyoming, when they see a V- shaped formation of four round, pure-white disc 5/21/1950 #4959 ter of seconds, the objects change formation and make a sharp right-angle t 5/21/1950 #4959 potter and more/others. 4 disks in formation. "Not planes". Maneuver. / The 6/25/1950 #5007 oing quickly southwest / checkmark formation. / r106p125. 7/14/1950 #5067 ne saucers going southwest / rigid formation. Reverse going northeast with 9/17/1950 #5179 meter, that flew in a perfect line formation. 10/15/1950 #5238 lliptical objects in loose echelon formation over Evansville, Wisconsin. Th 11/27/1950 #5294 ille, Wisconsin in a loose echelon formation at a speed of 500 mph and at a 11/27/1950 #5295 es seeing 100's of UFO's flying in formation at very high altitudes over Eu 1951 #5371 different sizes, flying in fighter formation, generally from east to west o 1951 #5375 ge watches three disc-like UFOs in formation over Portland, Oregon. 8/11/1951 #5602 at the sky when he sees a V-shaped formation of 10–20 round, luminous objec Mid 8/1951 #5609 kly southwest faster / jet. Uneven formation. 8/25/1951 #5619 ey see a fast-moving, semicircular formation of 20–30 lights, as intense as 8/25/1951 #5625 named Carl Hart Jr. sees the same formation of 18–20 lights over Lubbock, 8/30/1951 #5638 slight variation from a precise V formation throughout, whereas the other 8/30/1951 #5638 CA 6 orange lights in an irregular formation, fly straight and level (NICAP 9/6/1951 #5651 Six orange lights in an irregular formation, flew straight and level into 9/6/1951 #5652 ange lights flying in an irregular formation at 7:20 p.m. They flew straigh 9/6/1951 #5654 lls / equilateral/equal triangular formation join and pace C45. / Narcap. 9/15/1951 #5670 altitude of a few thousand feet a formation of 18 silvery, rotating, disc- 10/30/1951 #5754 er saucers going [to] overhead / V formation. 90° turn away. / r71p129. 2/20/1952 #5912 geport, Connecticut, announces the formation of the International Flying Sa 4/1952 #6011 hite discs changed position within formation continually, tilted in unison 4/6/1952 #6038 y changed position within a flight formation. The UFOs tilted in unison eve 4/6/1952 #6039 ll orange saucers over Gulf change formation. Shoot going quickly west. 4/13/1952 #6067 sengers. Light colored objects / V formation. High-speed. 4/14/1952 #6073 R. 5-6 glowing-domes going east in formation. Turn going quickly NNW. / r13 4/16/1952 #6087 or more pale orange lights in a V formation were seen flying in the sky ov 4/19/1952 #6132 aft during a landing approach. The formation of objects passed thru 20 degr 4/20/1952 #6143 NDON, OR 1 observer. 3 saucers / V formation going quickly east. Larger sau 4/22/1952 #6150 hted flying toward the east in a V formation north of Condon, Oregon. They 4/22/1952 #6158 The larger disc turned and led the formation. 4/22/1952 #6158 lowing winged objects cross sky in formation. 4/23/1952 #6159 ckly west and several fireballs in formation very fast north going quickly 4/23/1952 #6160 VANCOUVER, BC Double V formation glowing objects going quickly 4/24/1952 #6167 luish objects in loose "fingertip" formation twice flew parallel to airplan 4/24/1952 #6175 ghtings of one disc, one of two in formation during 2 hours. All seen belo 4/27/1952 #6199 wo objects that they saw flying in formation. They watched the UFOs for a t 4/27/1952 #6202 ') flew fast, made a 90^ turn in a formation of three in front and two behi 5/1/1952 #6240 ch the plane’s speed and remain in formation with them for 20 seconds. Then 5/1/1952 #6243 roup of five white discs moving in formation for about 30 seconds. The obje 5/1/1952 #6244 jects seemingly playing tag with a formation of 12 Air Force bombers—either 5/1/1952 #6245 Carolina, when they see a diamond formation of 4 oval, reddish-yellow or r 5/13/1952 #6317 ty, when they saw a box or diamond formation of four oval dull glowing, red 5/13/1952 #6320 ronomers observed a diamond-shaped formation, oval shaped objects, wobbled 5/18/1952 #6337 9 white ovoids pass / tilted stack formation. Photographs. / r114p66. 5/19/1952 #6338 civil. 5+silver cigars in neat box formation with 1 leading. 6/1/1952 #6408 r objects which flew in a neat box formation with a leader. (Berliner) (NIC 6/1/1952 #6410 silver objects flew in a neat box formation with a leader for 15-20 second 6/1/1952 #6413 silver objects flew in a neat box formation with a leader for 15-20 second 6/1/1952 #6422 es. The first two were in a trail formation, the others were seen singly. 6/5/1952 #6445 two lights flew over in a trailing formation and the others followed singly 6/5/1952 #6449 ver(s). 4 shiny objects in diamond formation. No further details. 6/8/1952 #6464 ly straight and level in a diamond formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 6/8/1952 #6467 ew straight and level in a diamond formation. 6/8/1952 #6468 round, shiny objects in a diamond formation are seen in Albuquerque, New M 6/8/1952 #6469 ng straight and level in a diamond formation. They made no sound, and were 6/8/1952 #6471 5-6 greyish discs, in a half-moon formation fly at 500-600 mph. (Berliner) 6/16/1952 #6516 six greyish discs, in a half-moon formation, flew at 500-600 m.p.h. for l 6/16/1952 #6517 geant saw five gray discs in a arc formation shoot to the east over Walker 6/16/1952 #6518 (s). Yellow-white night lights / V formation. V-agile motion. 6/23/1952 #6594 ow-whitish nocturnal lights in a V formation made precise maneuvers in sky. 6/23/1952 #6616 ersity, in Ada, Ohio, announce the formation of Project A: Investigation of 7/1952 #6680 er,” they are clustered in a loose formation, “milling around.” He takes ab 7/2/1952 #6694 nsport plane, flew four abreast in formation at a high rate of speed over A 7/12/1952 #6786 2 days. Diamond / saucers pass / V formation overhead. Report going [to] CI 7/13/1952 #6792 Pan American pilots see formation of UFO's. 7/14/1952 #6799 aneuvered below their airliner, in formation. 7/14/1952 #6815 they are holding a “narrow echelon formation.” When they are nearly underne 7/14/1952 #6817 e. Two new, brighter UFOs join the formation, and the lights of all eight o 7/14/1952 #6817 on in unison, and then flew off in formation as the disappeared in the dist 7/14/1952 #6818 ptical irregular blobs of light in formation filmed (NICAP: 08 - Photograph 7/16/1952 #6841 ughly elliptical blobs of light in formation photographed through window of 7/16/1952 #6842 ptical irregular blobs of light in formation through the screen, on Super X 7/16/1952 #6843 et below the other two, making a V formation. A fourth UFO comes in from up 7/16/1952 #6844 ucers seen 2200-2400 hours. Fly in formation / high altitude. 7/17/1952 #6858 h white with brighter rims, fly in formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 7/17/1952 #6862 Tsuiki Air Base, Kyushu, Japan A formation of twelve circular luminous ob 7/17/1952 #6865 -white with brighter rims, flew in formation, making a sound like bombers, 7/17/1952 #6866 objects in an inverted triangular formation for 2 minutes. They hover mome 7/17/1952 #6868 3+observer(s). 5 large saucers / V formation / red rims. Southwest going qu 7/18/1952 #6881 range “overfly” RADAR picked up a formation of seven blips that were 15 mi 7/19/1952 #6906 Control (ARTC) in D.C. picks up a formation of seven objects on his long-r 7/19/1952 #6935 wed no set course, were not in any formation, and we only seemed to be able 7/19/1952 #6935 ive huge discs circling in a loose formation; they tilt upward and leave in 7/19/1952 #6935 sachusetts, “like planes in attack formation.” One of the objects has a blu 7/22/1952 #7025 At 10:50 p.m. eight lights in a V formation crossed the sky at a drive-in 7/22/1952 #7033 drical objects in a vertical stack formation (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, B 7/23/1952 #7066 drical objects in a vertical stack formation flew at an altitude of 50-80,0 7/23/1952 #7076 drical objects in a vertical-stack formation fly at an altitude of 50,000–8 7/23/1952 #7081 pass. 50 Saturn-sphere follow / V formation. Suddenly quickly going up. / 7/24/1952 #7102 rav E approx speed 400-600 MPH. In formation approx 1-1½ mi apart on level 7/24/1952 #7109 ped or triangular UFOs flew in a V formation at an estimated speed 1000 mph 7/24/1952 #7118 aturn-shaped objects flying in a V formation. They all suddenly shot straig 7/24/1952 #7119 banks. Small objects exit. Away in formation. 7/25/1952 #7129 two oval-shaped objects flying in formation at 400– 600 mph in Portales, N 7/25/1952 #7138 ntrollers / 2 airports/apartments. Formation / saucers. Very high. Airliner 7/26/1952 #7148 ion traveling in a triangular or V formation. 7/26/1952 #7179 . 15 tuning forks pass / pool-rack formation. Silent. / r64p61. 7/27/1952 #7188 r. He counts 15 of them in a loose formation, moving slowly. One object lea 7/27/1952 #7213 ving slowly. One object leaves the formation and disappears in a burst of s 7/27/1952 #7213 raft engineer J. E. Kempf says the formation looks like a “stack of coins.” 7/27/1952 #7214 HELENA, MT 12 objects / V formation hover over town. Going quickly 7/28/1952 #7228 (seen thru) telescope. 5 disks in formation overhead. Shoot apart / all di 7/28/1952 #7240 rn and at one time were in echelon formation. Entire episode lasted 55 min 7/28/1952 #7258 , heading north, then shift to a V formation. They then shift into two rows 7/29/1952 #7329 55. Newsman. 10 saucers change / V formation going north / 2 neat rows. / M 8/1/1952 #7399 t-formation. Flip in place. Entire formation vanishes. 8/3/1952 #7427 e night lights / complex change of formation over airport. 8/3/1952 #7431 objects appear, take up a diamond formation, and accelerate out of sight. 8/3/1952 #7436 at 45° elevation in an inverted-V formation, switching to echelon when one 8/3/1952 #7437 x other discs and formed a diamond formation. They sped away as USAF F-86 f 8/3/1952 #7438 3 pilot. 3 60' metallic ovoids / V formation. Going quickly SSE / 1500kph. 8/5/1952 #7455 ven. The three are in a triangular formation. No jet activity is recorded o 8/5/1952 #7468 saucer-shaped objects flying in V formation which maneuvered around his pl 8/5/1952 #7474 e Capt. Stanley W. Thompson sees a formation of lighted objects flying rapi 8/13/1952 #7578 r going quickly south. Dives under formation / USAF bombers 2X! Jerky motio 8/19/1952 #7640 M Two 6 ft silver balls in abreast formation (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, C 8/24/1952 #7706 on. Two 6' silver balls in abreast formation, one turned grey rapidly, the 8/24/1952 #7710 six-foot silver spheres in abreast formation, one turned grey rapidly, the 8/24/1952 #7716 rs / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. Hover and away fast. / r185+1 8/29/1952 #7776 hen flew very fast in a triangular formation, in 2-3 minutes. 8/29/1952 #7787 t size of the balloon, in triangle formation clustered to the right of the 8/29/1952 #7788 hey flew very fast in a triangular formation, and were in sight for 2-3 min 8/29/1952 #7790 and 10' high. They flew in a trail formation at estimated 1,500 m.p.h. for 8/29/1952 #7792 h green vapor trails flew in trail formation, merged, flew away very fast. 9/1/1952 #7812 tted, the UFOs are in an in- trail formation, and shortly thereafter that c 9/1/1952 #7817 th green vapor trails fly in trail formation, merge, and fly away quickly. 9/1/1952 #7818 green vapor trails flying in trail formation. They merged together and flew 9/1/1952 #7821 to 175 m.p.h. Two seemed to fly in formation with DC-6 airliner. Total of 8 9/2/1952 #7828 t one instance, the targets fly in formation with an aircraft. At 5:14 a.m. 9/2/1952 #7829 Two of the blips seemed to fly in formation with a DC-6 airliner. The rada 9/2/1952 #7830 ok Case #2062. 6 silent saucers in formation going northwest turn going qui 9/9/1952 #7883 mph; three objects in a triangular formation gave off white light exhaust a 9/14/1952 #7918 p.h; three objects in a triangular formation gave off white light exhaust a 9/14/1952 #7934 ther three objects in a triangular formation gave off a white light exhaust 9/14/1952 #7943 NORTH / TUCSON, AZ 3+3 saucers in formation. Fade away! Seen longer by obs 9/17/1952 #7967 te but not shiny, circled in trail formation for 5-6 minutes. 9/29/1952 #8061 t not shiny. They circled in trail formation for 5-6 minutes. 9/29/1952 #8065 engineer saw round object in cloud formation; object became elliptical in a 10/13/1952 #8127 rver(s). 10 blobs / light / square formation. North going quickly south / s 10/17/1952 #8141 . Unidentified. 3 silver saucers V formation going quickly south. Silent. 1 10/19/1952 #8158 , TN 6 white lights fly in a loose formation, make a shallow dive (NICAP: 0 10/21/1952 #8170 Six white lights flew in a loose formation for 1-2 minutes, and made a sh 10/21/1952 #8171 six white lights flying in a loose formation for one to two minutes. The un 10/21/1952 #8173 3 / car. 5 night lights hover / V formation. 5 photographs taken. Then fly 10/23/1952 #8177 undreds of citizens saw 16 UFOs in formation surrounding a cigar-shaped obj 10/27/1952 #8196 ts of Gaillac, Tarn, France, see a formation of 16 disc-shaped UFOs ranged 10/27/1952 #8200 therman / scope. 5 40' saucers / V formation. Silent. 2K-3K' altitude. 90° 11/13/1952 #8267 y climbing or diving as if to hold formation. Formation came from the north 11/13/1952 #8271 or diving as if to hold formation. Formation came from the northwest, made 11/13/1952 #8271 2.43 a.m. five glowing objects in formation made a 90 degree turn overhead 11/13/1952 #8272 on, WI 4 bright lights, in diamond formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 12/9/1952 #8398 er. Four bright lights, in diamond formation, flew at 400 m.p.h. and were 12/9/1952 #8399 OVER SANTA ANA, CA B29 pilots. V formation / blue night lights near B29. 1/9/1953 #8517 A USAF Sgt. 5 silent orbs change V formation going [to] row-formation and b 1/28/1953 #8585 CA Air Force Sgt. 5 silent orbs in formation. 150mph / 2K' altitude. Southe 1/28/1953 #8586 V-formation, then changed to trail formation at which time the end objects 1/28/1953 #8598 e and two other crew members see a formation of four UFOs the size of a B-3 1/28/1953 #8601 lew over Corona, California in a V Formation. Flying at an estimated 2,000 1/28/1953 #8605 altitude, they changed into a row formation, then back again into a V form 1/28/1953 #8605 ormation, then back again into a V formation. Speed was estimated at 150 mp 1/28/1953 #8605 size of a B-36 flying in squadron formation over Malibu Beach, California. 1/29/1953 #8617 B36 bomber crew. 3 night lights in formation. Rolls and maneuvers. No furth 2/13/1953 #8667 ensity in stacked vertical echelon formation (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code 2/13/1953 #8673 ny specks that seem to be a ragged formation of aircraft. As he approaches, 3/1953 #8720 d maintaining an extremely precise formation. Some of the objects are also 3/14/1953 #8753 NV Ten Round Flat Objects Changing Formation (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, C 4/12/1953 #8817 d, flat, metallic objects changing formation are observed traveling at a hi 4/12/1953 #8819 h objects, which then flew away in formation. 4/28/1953 #8848 sc-like objects "swooped around in formation, peeled off, and shot directly 5/21/1953 #8895 dogfight. The six swoop around in formation, peel off, and shoot directly 5/21/1953 #8896 dar-visual sighting of six UFOs in formation. [UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 09 - RAD Summer 1953 #8948 de Island when two aircraft in the formation collide in mid-air. The crash 6/24/1953 #8970 joined by 2 other UFOs into a ‘V’ formation and sped away. 7/19/1953 #9001 two more of these same objects. A formation similar to a spread V was form 7/19/1953 #9004 e UFOs were grouped in a Z (Zebra) formation, then circled to higher altitu 7/26/1953 #9015 at 5,000–8,000 feet. They are in a formation of two groups of three, and on 7/26/1953 #9018 nia. One appears to be leading the formation at about 200 mph. They are fir 8/28/1953 #9120 Two white or blue lights in trail formation, travelled very fast straight 10/16/1953 #9234 vers at Lubbock, Texas, notice a V formation of 5–7 dull white lights sweep 10/25/1953 #9254 th to south. In three seconds, the formation goes from a point overhead to 10/25/1953 #9254 lowish-white oval objects in trail formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 12/23/1953 #9388 e 10 silver oval objects flying in formation at 450+ mph, straight and leve 12/24/1953 #9394 ks going quickly [to] steamship in formation. 15K' altitude. Objects quickl 2/22/1954 #9563 nty nocturnal lights in a crescent formation—possibly a single crescent-sha 3/8/1954 #9603 observed traveling in a "V" shaped formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 3/18/1954 #9628 Baltimore, MD Maneuvering formation of UFOs observed by Civil Defe 3/24/1954 #9638 t over Baltimore, Maryland, in a V formation. They are glowing a fluorescen 3/24/1954 #9639 irliner appears, the objects split formation. Six execute a sharp turn, the 3/24/1954 #9639 ghts south going quickly north / V formation. 1 night light going [to] out 4/3/1954 #9662 OLIS, MD 3 flat saucers / diagonal formation fly / treetop level. / Blue Bo 4/13/1954 #9687 ase #2983. 5 observer(s). Orbs / V formation buzz professor of aero tactics 4/26/1954 #9723 15-20 yellow objects in a V shaped formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 4/26/1954 #9724 , MN Group / astronomy students. V formation / small white orbs horizon goi 5/5/1954 #9751 10' wide. Fin / top. Buzzes plane formation. 5/10/1954 #9768 angle under the lead airplane of a formation, and over the airplane of Higg 5/10/1954 #9771 ort in Washington, D.C. They see a formation of two UFOs fly over the Capit 5/12/1954 #9779 delta/triangle/box-like crafts in formation / 5 minute(s). 7K' altitude. 5/13/1954 #9786 rs / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation / r107p243. Also 06 October. W 5/15/1954 #9799 Vienna, Austria Three discs in formation. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 01 - Distan 5/15/1954 #9802 server Corps (GOC). 10 saucers / V formation follow B29 going quickly west. 6/1954 #9852 r consists of two objects in close formation), separates, and outmaneuvers 6/21/1954 #9921 00 observer(s). 3 glowing-disks in formation seen as weather permits. / r17 7/1954 #9976 Radar scope photos of a geometric formation of 7 objects. G (NICAP: 09 - R 7/3/1954 #9989 etal balls / ovoids going west / V formation / 30 second(s). "Christmas tre 7/22/1954 #10035 bjects flew toward the west in a V formation in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 7/22/1954 #10037 win Wilson announces the command’s formation publicly later in the month to 8/2/1954 #10094 ng quickly west / 5000mph. Stay in formation. Possibly huge structure. 8/21/1954 #10161 objects turned blue. Flew in line formation and increased speed during the 8/27/1954 #10189 rs / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. Tinker Air Force Base RADAR. 8/28/1954 #10195 Tinker AFB, OK A triangular formation of 15 objects, tracked by grou 8/28/1954 #10196 fighter pilots pursue a triangular formation of 15 objects near Tinker AFB, 8/28/1954 #10198 d radar. As the jets approach, the formation breaks, changes to a semicircl 8/28/1954 #10198 DC4 pilot. 3 dark lens saucers in formation. Turns. 8/29/1954 #10200 ered north and changed position in formation during the 10 minute sighting. 8/29/1954 #10202 veer north and change position in formation. 8/29/1954 #10204 the north and changed position in formation for ten minutes. 8/29/1954 #10205 bserver saw 7 discs oscillating in formation.[UFOE, XII] (NICAP: 01 - Dista Fall 1954 #10414 flew from north to south in trail formation for two minutes 9/23/1954 #10422 structor. 1+1+2 small objects join formation and rise impossibly going quic 9/24/1954 #10432 id objects hovered in a triangular formation for over one minute, then flew 9/24/1954 #10439 REC SUR LOIRE, FR Several disks in formation seen. = intersection / 3 ortho 10/2/1954 #10583 altitude, flying slowly in echelon formation. Suddenly one of them dropped 10/16/1954 #11144 r objects flying slowly in echelon formation at about 300 meters altitude. 10/16/1954 #11150 Porto Alegre, Brazil Formation of silver, circular objects sp 10/24/1954 #11359 rver(s). Many / silver saucers / V formation. 9K' altitude. Going [to] 3000 10/25/1954 #11374 luminous disks going south in neat formation. No further details. 10/25/1954 #11379 y observer(s) 20+20 white dots / V formation converge going [to] transform. 11/6/1954 #11583 mations of seven. At 12:00 noon, a formation of 20 objects appears from the 11/6/1954 #11585 different directions and always in formation. More filamentous material fal 11/7/1954 #11589 aves / night lights and saucers in formation. No further details. 11/8/1954 (approximate) #11591 bjects flew slowly in a vertical V formation at a low altitude at four o'cl 11/15/1954 #11660 orbs. Daylight flight / saucers in formation. 11/16/1954 (approximate) #11661 d orbs race going quickly south in formation. Huge wave / RADAR blips. / r1 11/21/1954 #11680 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, see a UFO formation, described as disc-shaped with 11/21/1954 #11683 minum with a polished surface. The formation is coming from the northeast a 11/21/1954 #11683 en spheres raced across the sky in formation, causing a huge wave of radar 11/21/1954 #11684 Matasquan, NJ Formation of round objects. (Confidentia 11/26/1954 #11709 roleum engineer takes a photo of a formation of UFOs over El Tigre, Venezue 12/10/1954 #11795 e sausage leads 10 large ovoids in formation going quickly south to sea. 1/21/1955 #11939 etc. all over sky. Night lights in formation. 2/18/1955 #12008 A V-shaped formation of lights flew over Lake Harri 3/14/1955 #12048 r cloud. 50 separate objects break formation / high speed. Going quickly so 3/28/1955 #12063 0' saucers / 25K' altitude / loose formation. 1000knts and more/others. / r 5/4/1955 #12114 smoke trail, flew in an irregular formation, some of them making erratic m 5/4/1955 #12116 out 25,000 feet. They fly in loose formation for about 4–5 seconds and are 5/4/1955 #12118 Loveland, Ohio, watch four UFOs in formation pass low over their enclosure, 5/24/1955 #12155 y southwest / 25K' altitude. Stack formation. / r139 #2p15. 7/10/1955 #12247 LEICESTER, ENGL Formation / bright silver balls. Orbs ch 7/22/1955 #12277 At eleven o'clock at night a formation of several bright silver balls 7/22/1955 #12278 cigar to egg-shaped, varied their formation from elliptical to wavy line t 8/11/1955 #12352 cattered to straight line to trail formation. Speed varied from hover to 1 8/11/1955 #12352 rom cigar to egg-shaped, flying in formation. The objects varied their form 8/11/1955 #12354 ormation. The objects varied their formation from elliptical to wavy line t 8/11/1955 #12354 cattered to straight line to trail formation. Speeds varied from hovering t 8/11/1955 #12354 TON, WA 2 teens. 8 saucers / tight formation curve southwest going quickly 8/17/1955 #12368 n. 15 luminous object / stately in formation leave vapor trails. Very fast 8/25/1955 #12404 es see four silver discs flying in formation over Lima, Ohio. 9/1955 #12423 many as six oval-shaped objects in formation. [UFOE, VIII] (NICAP: 01 - Dis 11/2/1955 #12543 12 silvery-white round objects in formation. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 - Dist 11/9/1955 #12559 r(s). 12 saucers / 3x4 rectangular formation. Subtend 6.25°. Dark bot and s 11/17/1955 #12570 dark on the bottom, flew in 4-deep formation, tipping in pitch and roll, fo 11/17/1955 #12572 flat objects flying in a four-deep formation. They were silver on top and d 11/17/1955 #12573 exit odd cloud. Spin? Maneuver in formation. Lost / "cloud". 11/19/1955 #12574 by at 10:15 p.m. in linear echelon formation, toward Ellington Field. They 1/14/1956 #12659 Honolulu, HI UFO formation photographed. (UFOE, VIII) (NI 3/5/1956 #12750 in a perfect equilateral triangle formation. 3/31/1956 #12771 ra Pradesh State, India in a delta formation at 8:30 p.m. They left behind 4/27/1956 #12815 “orange blobs” flying in a U-shape formation east to west at high speed ove 5/4/1956 #12832 er says that meteors do not fly in formation. 5/4/1956 #12832 iscs then flew to the south in a V formation. 5/15/1956 #12849 an by the name of Meyer reported a formation of twenty silvery gray discs f 5/17/1956 #12857 silvery gray discs flying in close formation at a low altitude over Ada, Ok 5/17/1956 #12857 th / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. Odd hopping trajectory. Lost 7/31/1956 #13031 all over/all about. Join / diamond formation. Going northwest horizon. 8/1956 #13033 y, NV Research technician observed formation of five flat, circular UFOs. ( 8/1956 #13041 e five bright lights in a rigid V- formation. They fly in erratic, sharp-tu 8/1956 #13045 round pea-size UFO's / triangular formation. Blue Book evaluates = meteors 8/3/1956 #13049 are three objects in a triangular formation, about 1,000 feet apart. All t 8/13/1956 #13080 2 observer(s). 5 saucers / V-check formation going quickly south. 60 degree 8/15/1956 (approximate) #13087 ian Edison F. Carpenter observes a formation of five flat, circular, pinkis Mid 8/1956 #13089 25+Saturn-UFO's / rough semicircle formation. No further details. / r78p176 8/20/1956 #13100 n-like UFOs in a rough semi-circle formation. (UFOE, XII) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 8/20/1956 #13103 ). 8 dull metal objects cluster in formation. West going quickly southwest 8/26/1956 #13131 ll saucers. Going quickly west / V formation very fast. 8/27/1956 #13136 cond position (far left side) of a formation of four F-86 Sabre jet aircraf 8/27/1956 #13140 group flies off to the west in a V formation with the large object in the l 8/28/1956 #13146 hover / sky. 2 more join. Going in formation. Beam flashes between 2. 9/3/1956 #13174 remendous exhaust, flew in a Vague formation from southwest to east to nort 9/14/1956 #13221 endous exhaust and flew in a vague formation from southwest to east to nort 9/14/1956 #13222 nd silver objects hover and change formation over hills. 11/9/1956 #13316 these UFOs made 5-6 more passes in formation following the same maneuver. T 11/25/1956 #13353 disc-shaped objects maneuvering in formation at a high altitude. One breaks 1/21/1957 #13468 ur brilliant white lights, in-line formation; trailing object larger, egg-s 1/24/1957 #13472 speeds. Night lights and disks in formation to 2240hrs. 4/29/1957 #13622 r. 2 / dogfight. Regroup / loose V formation. Going quickly west. 5/14/1957? #13660 discs were sighted flying in a box formation. Two of the objects turned and 5/23/1957 #13674 g light. The three move off in a V formation and pace the ship for a short 6/18/1957 #13740 ying and street lights went out as formation of seven white discs with red 6/25/1957 #13753 ying and street lights went out as formation of seven white discs with red 6/25/1957 #13754 ight lights / cylinder/cigar-shape formation. Vanish! 8/24/1957 #13929 round, white objects fly in trail formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 10/8/1957 #14075 round, white objects flew in trail formation along an irregular path, frequ 10/8/1957 #14077 , white objects that flew in trail formation along an irregular path, frequ 10/8/1957 #14081 arate groups, changing position in formation. [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 01 - Dista 10/22/1957 #14143 . 6 dark grey cloud disks swoop in formation and away. 11/2/1957 #14196 eers observed three UFOs flying in formation in bright daylight (NICAP: 01 11/11/1957 #14531 Los Angeles, CA Formation of oval UFOs photographed. [UF 12/1/1957 #14659 pered discs, very bright, fly in a formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 12/13/1957 #14723 ered discs, very bright, flew in a formation like a stack of coins, then ch 12/13/1957 #14724 ins, then changed to an inverted-V formation. Sighting lasted 20 minutes. 12/13/1957 #14724 d lighted objects in straight line formation. [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 01 - Dista 1/9/1958 #14815 h of Adak Island, Alaska sighted a formation of three lights flying at 900 1/11/1958 #14820 SKYRDSTRUP FIELD, DK Formation / saucers leaves Danish Air Fo 4/10/1958 #14973 ish fighter pilot reports seeing a formation of UFOs. They are also tracked 4/10/1958 #14974 SAF man. ~30 gold night lights / V formation. More night lights orbit. / r2 4/14/1958 #14982 Air Force Staff Sergeant saw large formation of unidentified lights. [UFOE, 4/14/1958 #14983 large and 9 small objects / rigid formation. Very erratic path going quick 4/16/1958 #14991 Caracas, Venezuela Formation of Circular Saucers (NICAP: 11 5/15/1958 #15032 ights and disks going southeast in formation. Silent maneuvers / low altitu 8/8/1958 #15182 8 saucers / 4.5km altitude pass in formation. 3X-4X plane speed. 8/23/1958 #15219 wasco and Kirklin, Indiana, when a formation of four odd white lights cross 10/3/1958 #15311 -8 classic saucers pass / crescent formation. / NICAP Jan'59. 11/30/1958 #15461 d, Ohio at 7:40 p.m. in a crescent formation. 11/30/1958 #15463 s, and hovering stops. They fly in formation and manage to stay just ahead 12/19/1958 #15481 One of the objects abruptly leaves formation and approaches the plane, slow 2/24/1959 #15604 ntified objects flying in apparent formation at tremendous speed over the B 5/27/1959 (approximate) #15748 ds. 4 silver 30M cigars / circular formation. Regroup to line. Going [to] e 6/11/1959 #15764 n, NV Security officers observed a formation of four disc-like objects. [NI 6/11/1959 #15765 n. (Two WTTV employees saw similar formation few minutes earlier, 25-30 mil 7/8/1959 #15826 lliptical objects in close echelon formation passing in front from left to 8/13/1959 #15913 watched UFOs rendezvous, travel in formation. [NICAP UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 2/3/1960 #16164 aw 5 circular objects fly in trail formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 4/25/1960 #16241 ive circular objects flew in trail formation, hovered and accelerated and m 4/25/1960 #16242 ar or round objects fly in a trail formation, hover, accelerate, and make s 4/25/1960 #16243 policemen saw three UFOs, in-line formation, which landed in a heavily woo 5/24/1960 #16299 and white night lights maneuver in formation. = planes refueling / USAF. 8/16/1960 #16390 on Tyne, England, see a triangular formation of lights with a red light in 9/8/1960 #16438 illiant discs parked in a triangle formation in the sky. About 12° to the o 9/10/1960 #16442 Greenland Russia Omaha, Nebraska A formation of UFOs is detected by the new 10/5/1960 #16481 after 45 minutes. Four flew close formation, descended and flew away to th 7/7/1961 #16751 tes. The four lights flew in close formation, descended and flew away towar 7/7/1961 #16752 3 saw 2 bright white lights fly in formation (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code 7/20/1961 #16767 ite light or objects flew in trail formation for 30 minutes. 7/20/1961 #16768 hts or objects. They flew in trail formation for 30 minutes. There is a vag 7/20/1961 #16769 STILLWATER, MN V formation / night lights or delta / runn 8/17/1961 #16797 of UFOs arranged vertically in a V formation. The V formation of nocturnal 8/17/1961 #16799 vertically in a V formation. The V formation of nocturnal lights, or a boom 8/17/1961 #16799 , sees a white UFO through a cloud formation. It vanishes into the clouds a 9/18/1961 #16847 ver(s). 6-8 red orbs / rectangular formation buzz car. 3/26/1962 #17082 d balls, arranged in a rectangular formation become 2 (NICAP: 01 - Distant 3/26/1962 #17084 d balls, arranged in a rectangular formation, became two objects with light 3/26/1962 #17086 the larger ball, then flew away in formation. 5/13/1962 #17173 Blanca, Argentina 7:10–7:45 p.m. A formation of Navy planes, led by flight 5/22/1962 #17191 T. Jones Jr. watches a triangular formation of 6 white lights and one gree 8/26/1962 #17363 Entre Ríos province, Argentina A formation of objects passes over Entre R 1/17/1963 #17636 ts move at random, then in an oval formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter Summer 1963 #17798 s moved at random, then in an oval formation, then singly, during the 1 min Summer 1963 #17800 red as the three approached, split formation, and continued west. Then the 6/26/1963 #17808 overs as the three approach, split formation, and continue west. Then the f 6/26/1963 #17810 / car. 4 huge red night lights in formation / tilts. / r8#594. 4/3/1964 #18154 4 huge red lights in a rectangular formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 4/3/1964 #18155 r huge red lights in a rectangular formation, with a white light above, wer 4/3/1964 #18157 r huge red lights in a rectangular formation, with a white light above, nea 4/3/1964 #18158 r huge red lights in a rectangular formation near the ground in Monticello, 4/3/1964 #18159 r unit two blips flying in stacked formation making rapid changes in altitu 4/17/1964 #18178 ight white flying objects in a "V" formation. The UFOs came from above and 4/20/1964 #18181 bserver. 3 green crescents / tight formation east going quickly west. Size 5/9/1964 #18250 the Moon, flew very fast in tight formation from east to west, oscillating 5/9/1964 #18254 oon, as they flew quickly in tight formation over Chicago, Illiniois from e 5/9/1964 #18256 ion, then reformed into a circular formation, then split the formation and 6/23/1964 #18370 circular formation, then split the formation and flew on either side of a g 6/23/1964 #18370 ng back and forth. They formed a V formation, then a circular formation; fi 6/24/1964 #18372 med a V formation, then a circular formation; finally the objects split the 6/24/1964 #18372 ion; finally the objects split the formation and passed on either side of a 6/24/1964 #18372 south of), MI Maneuvering Echelon Formation Closes On Airplane (NICAP: 11 7/16/1964 #18414 ite lights in a stepped-up echelon formation, were joined by two more. The 7/16/1964 #18417 Houghton Lake, MI Pilot observed formation of four white lights joined by 7/16/1964 #18419 m. four white lights in an echelon formation were joined by two more such c 7/16/1964 #18423 ble speeds. Silent clam-saucers in formation. / r3p49. 7/20/1964 #18428 silver, round objects, in a stack formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 8/15/1964 #18488 silver, round objects, in a stack formation, flew very fast, changing posi 8/15/1964 #18490 ast, changing positions within the formation. The sound of rushing air was 8/15/1964 #18490 ver, round objects flew in a stack formation at a high speed, changing posi 8/15/1964 #18492 eed, changing positions within the formation. The sound of rushing air was 8/15/1964 #18492 AR and ground RADAR. 7 objects / V formation / 45k' altitude. / r229'82. 1/14/1965 #18725 . 6 white footballs going north in formation. Odd wings.. no tails. 2 / odd 2/11/1965 #18805 dney, New South Wales, Australia a formation of eight silent, yellow lighte 3/6/1965 #18845 re three “windows” in a triangular formation. She feels a strange calming s 6/1965 #18979 en he discovers a strange circular formation from which the wheat is comple 6/25/1965 #19028 m Kentucky. Low and slow. Triangle formation. 8/1965 (approximate) #19228 many. White night lights / diamond formation. 8/1/1965 #19235 observe the objects approaching in formation. The pilot, copilot, and engin 8/1/1965 #19245 DALLAS, TX Triangular formation / night lights criss-cross sky 8/2/1965 #19251 ce Observe Four Objects In Diamond Formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 8/3/1965 #19284 RADAR's / 1 jammed! 10 objects / V formation. 9000mph. 5K-12K altitude. / r 8/4/1965 #19296 st / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. Sudden turn together as if at 8/7/1965 #19336 , Victoria, Australia in a diamond formation. 10/5/1965 #19645 aped objects flying in a half wing formation pass over La Jolla, California 10/17/1965 #19662 6 metallic lens-saucers / circular formation going north. Shoot going quick 1/1966? #19800 3 round objects change position in formation. / r150p18. 4/30/1966 #20429 of five aircraft in a tight group formation for a General Electric publici 6/8/1966 #20544 ide of the larger object, changing formation. The group then disappears beh 6/19/1966 #20588 discerned it as three lights in V formation. (New York NICAP Subcommittee 7/31/1966 #20700 econd(s). Groups / night lights in formation. Not Perseids. 8/11/1966 (approximate) #20738 ange-yellow lights in a triangular formation, moved from east to west for 4 8/26/1966 #20810 ange-yellow lights in a triangular formation, moved from east to west for 4 8/26/1966 #20811 military observer(s). 3 saucers in formation / 50k' altitude. Hover and man 12/16/1966 #21204 rp going quickly northeast / rigid formation. / r41p327. 2/12/1967 #21513 or; flew northeast in a very rigid formation for 4-10 seconds. Made a chir 2/12/1967 #21522 ds, Michigan. Three were in a line formation while the fourth was off to on 2/12/1967 #21524 three huge lights in a triangular formation. (NICAP report form; McDonald, 2/13/1967 #21534 Kingman, Arizona, when they see a formation of four lights, three red and 2/16/1967 #21572 by two white lights flying in step formation, one of which lands or nearly 2/16/1967 #21572 Seven white lights flew in formation from north to south over Chica 3/3/1967 #21747 ard) saw a group of lights in an X formation that hovered, blinked on and o 3/9/1967 #21835 r feet high, arranged in a diamond formation with a fifth at the center. Th 3/12/1967 #21874 three large orange oval objects in formation that appeared behind their car 4/5/1967 #22061 ws saw five bright white lights in formation, “pulsating bright-dim on a 1/ 4/12/1967 #22118 ws saw five bright white lights in formation while near the Coastal Keys Hi 4/12/1967 #22124 ce report. 5 huge ovoids / cluster formation. Very fast. Jets chase. 4/17/1967 #22142 -shaped objects traveling in close formation at high speed across the sky. 4/17/1967 #22152 behind small scattered clouds. The formation fluctuated slightly, and then 4/17/1967 #22154 melon shaped objects in semicircle formation at undetermined height were mo 5/21/1967 #22386 man saw three lights in triangular formation that hovered over a power stat 6/5/1967 #22465 ile, see three discs flying in a V formation above the town. They flash ora 6/18/1967 #22519 aw 8-10 bright lights that flew in formation over a military post at an est 6/24/1967 #22544 many residents saw six objects in formation maneuvering over the city. Com 6/24/1967 #22545 see 8–10 bright lights that fly in formation over a military post at an est 6/24/1967 #22548 many residents see six objects in formation maneuvering over the city. Com 6/24/1967 #22549 ree lights traveling in a triangle formation. 7/3/1967 #22603 range- red objects moving in close formation going south to north. The obje 8/6/1967 #22827 outh to north. The objects changed formation (maneuvered) as they passed ov 8/6/1967 #22827 ee glowing red discs take off in V formation from a field near their house 8/6/1967 #22829 see three bright points flying in formation from northwest to southeast an 8/6/1967 #22830 ne of the objects appears to break formation and approach the aircraft, sho 8/6/1967 #22830 0 yellow-red-orange objects change formation, then pass over the airport. 8/6/1967 #22835 vered, then moved in straight-line formation "in circular manner." Other wi 8/25/1967 #22921 tact. Resuming its position in the formation, it joins the other objects as 9/28/1967 #23144 four brilliant red lights in a box formation that appeared to be on or just 10/4/1967 #23175 lliant red lights in a rectangular formation that appear to be on or just a 10/4/1967 #23176 er lights on the "kite tail" broke formation with the rectangular object an 10/4/1967 #23177 t to the southeast in a triangular formation over Denver, Colorado. They ca 10/5/1967 #23180 reappeared as 4 lights in a linear formation at a 45 degree angle in the sk 10/11/1967 #23220 n circles, in jagged lines, and in formation. When Gregory’s writer, Jim Sa 10/12/1967 #23228 8 night lights going [to] over in formation. Radio Frequency Interference 10/21/1967 #23276 ipeg, Manitoba, when they notice a formation of brilliant red, pulsating li 10/22/1967 #23290 ar and take up a position near the formation. The objects then rise and mov 10/22/1967 #23290 rise and move away noiselessly in formation. Floating above Canada Highway 10/22/1967 #23290 at the lights are attached to. The formation dips and bobs toward a line of 10/22/1967 #23290 ay. The three lights in triangular formation break up and form a single fil 10/22/1967 #23290 w three oval orange lights in step formation which ascended by constantly r 10/24/1967 #23300 ition. This cycle repeated and the formation ascended. (Letter, NICAP files 10/24/1967 #23300 d out of it. These formed into a V formation and began hovering above the w 10/24/1967 #23310 rver(s). Silver objects / triangle formation. Signal lights back and forth. 11/3/1967 #23395 een-glowing-saucers going east / V formation / extremely fast. Wide turn go 3/26/1968 #23860 bright lights flew in a triangular formation over Ipswich, Massachusetts. T 4/10/1968 #23899 nd arrange themselves in an oblong formation. All at once they vanish at te 7/22/1968 #24203 jects assume a horizontal triangle formation, and two head off in opposite 8/7/1968 #24307 rrounded by five smaller ones. The formation maintains a constant angle fro 8/22/1968 #24369 rver(s). 3 night lights / triangle formation northwest going quickly southe 10/13/1968 #24560 C 2 observer(s). 4 night lights in formation. 6 join / sequence and maneuve 10/30/1968 #24604 hts at each corner of a triangular formation of lights traveling together. 11/29/1968 #24732 ared. Two more came and joined the formation, and two flashed red lights. A 11/29/1968 #24733 ights, one blinking, in elliptical formation (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 1/17/1969 #24857 of them blinking--in an elliptical formation, flew forward slowly while mov 1/17/1969 #24858 ne, flying very low and in a rough formation. Each has the hint of a bliste 3/17/1969 #25019 ould see that it was a single file formation of disc-shaped objects, which 6/10/1969 #25209 ular craft flying toward >E in a V formation over the mountains north of Es 8/12/1969 #25320 louds steadily cross sky / perfect formation. 8/15/1969 #25322 st / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. No structure visible. 9/1969 (approximate) #25345 ound landing marks in a triangular formation are found in the garden of Ric 8/29/1970 #25808 when he sees 5–6 objects flying in formation on a straight path from northe 11/29/1970 #25922 sight five or six discs flying in formation over Tatebayasi City, Japan an 11/29/1970 #25923 A V-shaped formation of 10 silver-gray circular obj 12/25/1970 #25953 going south / low altitude. Linear formation. Separate and tilt. 1/2/1971 #25967 er discs flew silently in a linear formation at a low altitude. They then t 1/2/1971 #25968 u province, Finland in an eschelon formation. They made no sound at all. 1/11/1971 #25988 ver objects, four of them in a box formation with a fifth leading, are seen 3/14/1971 #26046 climbed higher in the sky, changed formation, then shot off toward the nort 6/26/1971 #26198 e “uniforms” emerge. They march in formation into a hollow in the field and 9/12/1971? #26330 with small orbs zigzag 3 times in formation. 10/10/1971 #26416 l moon and remain in position in a formation of three rows. The spectacle l 9/1972 #26973 eturns to the same position in the formation. 9/1972 #26973 end. They group into an arrowhead formation before moving southeast. The l 9/10/1972 #26986 jects north going quickly south in formation. 10/12/1972 #27067 ts / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. / r156#17. 10/13/1972 #27068 and his wife watched a triangular formation of lights move back and forth 10/13/1972 #27071 ENGL 6 disks arranged / hexagonal formation. No further details. / r232. 10/20/1972 #27082 5M hamburger saucers hover / step formation. Dog howls. 12/31/1972 #27194 ! 2 hour wave / cigars and orbs in formation. / LDLN#127. 1/25/1973 #27245 in 2016. Those meetings led to the formation of To The Stars Academy of Art 5/1973 #27461 A formation of 5-12 white, round or oval o 8/24/1973 #27723 red disks move in crowded circular formation. No further details. 9/26/1973 #27870 veral observer(s). 6-15 saucers in formation. Manawatu, NZ Standard 1.11.73 10/31/1973 #28323 saucers going quickly southeast in formation. High and fast. / Melbourne Ag 10/31/1973 #28324 ate observer(s). 3 night lights in formation split apart over power plant / 1/1974 #28635 -15 orange saucers going north / V formation. 40K' altitude. / MJ#249+/ r11 1/26/1974 #28705 ng near Lisbon, Portugal, see a V- formation of 10–15 luminous orange discs 1/26/1974 #28709 ecause of its precision. After the formation passes, another Portuguese air 1/26/1974 #28709 , Portugal encountered a precise V formation of 10-15 bright glowing orange 1/26/1974 #28710 ight lands. Form unknown. V-shaped formation / traces and 2 pod-marks. 2/26/1974 #28804 Cowichan. = 3 lights / triangular formation. 5/1/1974 #29076 ting the outer perimeter of a rock formation near Mount Dhajar (apparently 6/15/1974 #29198 three luminous UFOs in a triangle formation between Tilton and Concord, Ne 8/11/1974 #29323 ree luminous objects in a triangle formation at 3:23 a.m. A fourth object r 8/11/1974 #29325 NT-EN-DIOIS, FR 6 night lights / V formation going south stop. Take square 8/16/1974 #29357 rass. Objects took off, aligned in formation, climbed into clouds 9/1/1974 #29416 he other four, ascending in a step formation. At about 200 feet they stop, 9/1/1974 #29417 acility single file. Regroup / fan formation. 12/21/1974 #29651 rranged in an equilateral triangle formation. There are two smaller lights, 1/31/1975 #29775 nother white. After 5 minutes, the formation vanishes behind houses and tre 1/31/1975 #29775 Cop and 5. 5 night lights / close formation. 100MPH. Lands. Smoke rises. 6 4/6/1975 #29971 5:15 p.m. five red lights in close formation came in over the Strickland fa 4/6/1975 #29977 very UFOs with portholes flying in formation ahead and closing in on his ai 5/6/1975 #30041 quickly southeast / perfect bullet formation. 8/4/1975 #30234 ts / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. Change / row formation. Chase 9/20/1975 #30373 like craft formation. Change / row formation. Chase each other and regroup. 9/20/1975 #30373 ree nocturnal lights in a triangle formation changed into a row formation, 9/20/1975 #30374 angle formation changed into a row formation, then chased each other over E 9/20/1975 #30374 ania four orange lights in a delta formation traveled slowly and silently o 10/23/1975 #30463 te, red, and yellow lights flew in formation erratically in Whitewater, Wis 11/13/1975 #30615 te, red, and yellow lights flew in formation erratically in Whitewater, Wis 11/13/1975 #30616 phs / lumpy banana. Black disks in formation. / LDLN#154+/ r43p49. 1/23/1976 #30813 0 discs were sighted flying in a V formation over Rancho Cordova, Californi 2/18/1976 #30879 0 discs were sighted flying in a V formation over Rancho Cordova, Californi 2/18/1976 #30882 luminous bars / sudden changes in formation. Going quickly east. 5/1976 (approximate) #31030 YUBA CITY, CA 1 observer. Formation / diamond-objects fairly low / 6/17/1976 #31112 six delta-shaped silver objects in formation until they accelerate out of s 8/1976 #31215 oman 4 miles away, slowly changing formation for 5 minutes in the east. 11/4/1976 #31522 . 8 night lights / rigid trapezoid formation over power lines. Vanish. 12/9/1976 #31592 Qarun Lake, Egypt, when they see a formation of eight lights, with two larg 3/9/1977 #31885 :45 p.m. EST. At 8:30 p.m. MST a V formation of fast moving lights, most li 3/18/1977 #31915 s in delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. At 2200hrs same seen / London 4/15/1977 #31982 lights going northeast / circular formation. 5/17/1977 #32100 drop-shaped objects moving in a V- formation. They move from a high angle i 5/26/1977 #32134 ” for one minute. They pull out of formation, swoop low, regroup, and climb 5/26/1977 #32134 p low, regroup, and climb again in formation at a 40° angle, fading from vi 5/26/1977 #32134 hree lights moving in a triangular formation at 4:00 a.m. Another neighborh 6/26/1977 #32198 a, when the crew sees a cloud-like formation in the shape of a rectangle, m 7/7/1977 #32246 white lights in a "dipper" shaped formation that were moving about in the 7/23/1977 #32304 12 white lights in a dipper-shaped formation that are moving about in the s 7/23/1977 #32305 white lights in a "dipper" shaped formation that were moving about in the 7/23/1977 #32306 y in Phoenix, Arizona. Suddenly, a formation of 8 triangles with rounded ed 9/21/1977 #32503 in Omaha, Nebraska, track a large formation of unidentified objects. They 9/22/1977 #32511 Opalocka, Florida, when he sees a formation of six objects with no lights 1/27/1978 #32918 t plane. 10 large night lights / V formation climb going quickly southwest. 2/5/1978 #32954 TH / CHISAGO LK, MN Family. Silent formation / 5 red night lights going qui 3/22/1978 #33062 0 disks going southwest / triangle formation. Blue and white. 10mph / 200'. 3/22/1978 #33065 red night lights and disks change formation. Generally. Going southwest. 3/22/1978 #33066 s double door. At 1:30, they break formation, with the light on the right m 3/28/1978 #33090 40 UFOs circle dozens of times in formation over San Luis province, Argent 5/7/1978 #33192 OK 2 / telescope. 4 ovoids / cross formation southwest going quickly northe 5/30/1978 #33241 -white ovals in a fixed sword-like formation pass silently overhead in a st 5/30/1978 #33242 NLAND 4 / car. 7-9 night lights in formation go behind trees. "Clear contou 6/2/1978 #33249 ward Hameenlinna, Finland, watch a formation of 7–9 bright lights in the ea 6/2/1978 #33251 wedge-shaped object with a square formation of white lights in the back an 6/10/1978 #33265 ights in the back and a triangular formation of red and white lights in the 6/10/1978 #33265 wedge-shaped object with a square formation of white lights in the back an 6/10/1978 #33266 ights in the back and a triangular formation of red and white lights in the 6/10/1978 #33266 wedge-shaped object with a square formation of white lights in the back an 6/10/1978 #33267 ights in the back and a triangular formation of red and white lights in the 6/10/1978 #33267 Italy, when they spot a triangular formation of three red pulsating lights 7/4/1978 #33335 larly and fly without any specific formation. Their height over the terrain 7/14/1978 #33382 . He watches an elongated triangle formation of three lights moving in from 8/23/1978 #33553 over to occupy the position in the formation it had occupied. After 5 secon 8/23/1978 #33553 a, New Hampshire, when she spots a formation of 6–8 white lights arranged i 8/30/1978 #33602 gether they flew off in a V-shaped formation. (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 9/6/1978 #33637 gether they flew off in a V-shaped formation. 9/6/1978 #33642 , Michigan 10:15 p.m. A stationary formation of several dozen lights is see 9/10/1978 #33656 her witnesses sighted a stationary formation of red lights at a 45 degree e 9/10/1978 #33661 nois 7:25 p.m. Two witnesses see a formation of lights above a suburban for 9/27/1978 #33763 2 truckers. 4 night lights / tight formation north going south. Split apart 10/7/1978 #33803 y 224 near Lodi, Ohio, see a tight formation of pink/red lights flashing on 10/7/1978 #33806 ut and look. All four lights break formation and move off in different dire 10/7/1978 #33806 three orange bumps in a triangular formation on its underside. It moves awa 10/28/1978 #33887 itnesses saw 6-7 objects moving in formation through the sky at great speed 12/21/1978 #34187 e glowing disc-shaped UFO headed a formation of three other craft that flew 12/21/1978 #34189 rgentina saw 6-7 objects moving in formation through the sky at great speed 12/21/1978 #34194 e glowing disc-shaped UFO headed a formation of three other craft that flew 12/21/1978 #34194 . L. Rengger, saw a giant V-shaped formation of yellow lights. A couple of 12/23/1978 #34199 s followed by five more objects in formation. The UFOs had yellow, amber, a 12/25/1978 #34207 rthwest / 250M altitude / triangle formation. Vanish as if erased at hills! 1/14/1979 #34340 50 meters altitude in a triangular formation. They then vanished as if eras 1/14/1979 #34342 e objects maneuvering and changing formation, tracked on radar 5/26/1979 #34589 ead out, and regroup in a vertical formation. As they pass to his left, his 5/26/1979 #34590 urn the car around and see another formation of white lights and a flashing 8/11/1979 #34731 luminous objects fly / triangular formation. No further details. 8/20/1979 #34761 LAMONI, IA Camper. Dog barks. Formation / night lights on dark ovoid? 8/30/1979 #34808 ned by her dog barking. She sees a formation of lights on an oval object ab 8/30/1979 #34809 ally a group of 30 objects in a V- formation. Each individual light of the 1/17/1980 #35137 with a slight tint of yellow. The formation moves from 20° above the weste 1/17/1980 #35137 aped objects, high-speed flight in formation at low altitude, visible again 4/20/1980 #35275 ped objects, Iligh-speed flight in formation at low altitude, visible again 4/20/1980 #35277 shaped objects flying very fast in formation at low altitude. The objects a 4/20/1980 #35278 ar and hover ahead of him in close formation about 500 feet up. Suddenly th 5/14/1980 #35331 and hovered ahead of him in close formation, at 500 feet altitude. They su 5/14/1980 #35333 round light spots in a triangular formation high in the southern sky. The 7/12/1980 #35412 other then line up in a triangular formation hovering above a distant hillt 9/6/1980 #35501 a.m. Betty Long and a friend see a formation of three egg-shaped objects in 10/21/1980 #35578 move away from the witnesses. The formation retains its triangular shape t 10/21/1980 #35578 uri, to Fairview, Kansas, report a formation of unusual lights traveling sl 11/18/1980 #35654 basic description is a triangular formation with two bright headlights. Ri 11/18/1980 #35654 others. 4 silver saucers / diamond formation. Reflect sunlight turning. / M 1/6/1981 #35771 ted turns, maneuvers, in a diamond formation. Objects flashed in sunlight a 1/6/1981 #35772 ted turns, maneuvers, in a diamond formation. Objects flashed in sunlight a 1/6/1981 #35773 st / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. 2 more north going south turn 7/27/1981 #36037 k helicopters, who took up a tight formation around the UAP. The UAPs and h 1982 #36292 after spotting a boomerang-shaped formation of lights that project a brigh 12/31/1982 #36733 lights moving silently in a wedge formation from south to north. They smoo 5/12/1983 #36858 y smoothly transition to a diamond formation as they near the constellation 5/12/1983 #36858 rsa Major. They shift into another formation again before speeding off in t 5/12/1983 #36858 5 brilliant night lights / diamond formation. 100 small night lights orbit. 1/27/1984 #37154 ur of the lights were in a diamond formation with the fifth light in the ce 1/27/1984 #37156 e fifth light in the center of the formation. After watching the display fo 1/27/1984 #37156 miles away. Four are in a diamond formation while the fifth is in the cent 1/27/1984 #37158 se to as many as 100. Suddenly the formation, small lights as well, moves a 1/27/1984 #37158 observer. 3 silent night lights in formation. 1 going north and back. 1 goi 2/17/1984 (approximate) #37189 / night lights. 2 cops see huge V formation / orbs going [to] overhead low 3/6/1984 #37217 out 100 mph in “loose but distinct formation” 30 miles southeast of the isl 4/12/1984 #37258 ut on Red Alert. By 2:20 a.m., the formation is 14 miles off the coast when 4/12/1984 #37258 Hawthorne, NY 8:15 PM. A V-Shaped formation of 15 lights, estimated to be 5/31/1984 #37344 Yorktown, NY 8:45 PM A V-shaped formation of lights were seen by Mr. D. 5/31/1984 #37346 orktown, New York, sees a V-shaped formation of lights turn and fly away to 5/31/1984 #37348 A V-shaped formation of ten to fifteen red lights f 5/31/1984 #37349 locations. At 8:15 p.m. a V-Shaped formation of 15 lights, estimated to be 5/31/1984 #37349 Video taken. Night lights / cross formation. Aero expert rules out aircraf 6/22/1984 #37373 e showing six lights in a crucifix formation was made in Montrose, New York 6/22/1984 #37375 e than a dozen white lights in a V formation slowly move toward the power p 7/24/1984 #37412 deo also shows airplanes flying in formation. The tape is analyzed by Lew A 7/24/1984 #37413 fly ultralight aircraft in a tight formation and use their lights in such a 11/1984 #37500 y of Randburg, South Africa in a V formation, heading toward the northeast. 3/1/1985 #37563 volves pilots flying in an illegal formation. 3/21/1985 #37572 see a low-flying, silent, circular formation of lights that passes over Int 5/26/1985 #37593 the road and snaps a photo of the formation. He is sure there is a solid o 5/26/1985 #37593 ALES 2+3 kids. 3 saucers / stacked formation going quickly south toward(s) 1/22/1986 #37767 to] 2 disks. 3rd disk joins in / V formation. Going quickly north. 4/6/1986 #37818 d disc joined the pair, making a V formation that flew off rapidly to the n 4/6/1986 #37819 five V-shaped objects that flew in formation, from north to south, and cros 5/3/1986 #37853 red objects flying in a triangular formation. When they over flew Lake Tras 6/12/1986 #37909 red lights in a tight rectangular formation, traveling northeast to southw 9/6/1986 #38017 een. 8 gold square objects pass in formation. 10/8/1986 #38041 e three objects flew in a triangle formation, with many spherical satellite 11/3/1986 #38059 rightly lit and blue in color. The formation descended to a low altitude, a 11/3/1986 #38059 , bluish lights appear in circular formation, seemingly the result of the o 7/27/1987 #38219 pointing triangles in a triangular formation. One week later, senior office Early 8/1987 #38225 A 6 red and white objects in fixed formation at 12K' going NE. seen / pilot 9/2/1987 #38275 ltitude. Meets 22 night lights / V formation. Going quickly SSE. 10/22/1987 #38308 ery large white glowing spheres in formation buzz car. 1/4/1988 #38400 micircle / blinding lights / rigid formation. 9/6/1988 #38633 ome out, and they see a triangular formation of objects at an equal distanc Late 3/1989 #38880 fly over of three amber lights in formation (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions) 4/8/1989 #38897 subsequently draws a sketch of the formation. Late 8/1989 #39073 al hovering orange lights in a "W” formation in Greenville, South Carolina, 10/31/1989 #39201 t orange balls change positions in formation / 20 minute(s). No further det 1/1/1990 #39360 server(s). 7 white night lights in formation joined by 8th. Rhythmic motion 3/1990 #39433 een and white night lights / check formation turn and retreat. Video earthq 3/7/1990 #39449 S, BELGIUM 3 large green lights in formation. Videos large night lights ove 3/30/1990 #39491 igate. Ten minutes later, a second formation moves toward the first. Traffi 3/30/1990 #39499 m the ground, describing the whole formation as maintaining relative positi 3/30/1990 #39499 our lights as arranged in a square formation, all making short jerky moveme 3/30/1990 #39499 ts / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation NNW going quickly SSE below 5K 4/18/1990 #39533 es / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation buck and flash and going quick 5/2/1990 #39549 , FR 1 observer. 3 orbs / triangle formation cross sky. More follow. All go 6/29/1990 #39629 itnesses in northern Germany see a formation of seven luminous objects over 8/24/1990 #39701 o an abrupt stop when reaching the formation. 8/24/1990 #39701 /triangle/box-like crafts / linear formation going quickly west. Delta/tria 10/11/1990 #39777 al cloud and maneuver. Regroup / V formation. 11/5/1990 #39834 igid delta/triangle/box-like craft formation blink / unison. Going northeas 11/5/1990 #39855 FR 5 luminous/glowing balls / oval formation. 1 in center. 6 small night li 11/5/1990 #39863 ilots. 2 terrific blasts. UFO's in formation. Type unknown. / r150. 11/5/1990 #39865 ees UFOs heading north in “finger” formation. 11/5/1990 #39869 n Anguleme, France a surgeon saw a formation of lights that made a purring 11/5/1990 #39871 ts / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation just over trees 100' away. Sho 2/22/1991 #39981 HWAHNEE, CA Night lights / precise formation suggest domed saucer with port 4/22/1991 #40047 tted nocturnal lights in a precise formation suggesting a domed disc with p 4/22/1991 #40048 lights in an “elongated triangle” formation. The same object is seen 15 mi 5/22/1991 #40073 A large crop formation was discovered in a wheatfield 7/17/1991 #40124 stronomer / airliner. 3 saucers in formation. Incredibly fast! Not planes. 9/8/1991 #40180 visual confirmation of an echelon formation of three objects that flew ove 12/28/1991 #40270 ts / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation maneuver in stars. No plane. 5/26/1992 #40474 ts / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. Go out in sequence. / r147. 6/1/1992 #40479 ts / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation. Hisses. 4 good telephotos. 7/4/1992 #40512 EG, MB Pilot and 1. 6 red disks in formation. 21 July pilot sees 4 white de 7/20/1992 #40529 ts / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation going south / very low altitud 8/20/1992 #40585 ). 4 point night lights / triangle formation. East going quickly west / sev 9/3/1992 #40606 Colored night lights / triangular formation hover / 3 hours over gorge. Ge 10/17/1992 #40681 n the air, moving rapidly in rigid formation. Witnesses assume the lights a 10/27/1992 #40694 rth going quickly south / vertical formation. Continuously change color(s). 11/15/1992? #40711 unging through roofs. A local rock formation, Babia Skała, has been shatter 1/14/1993 #40795 silent green fireballs / triangle formation going quickly north going quic 3/31/1993 #40909 ped object traveled from one cloud formation to another in Rogers, Arkansas 6/1/1993 #41000 ansas then back to the first cloud formation on the exact reverse path. 6/1/1993 #41000 On this day a long crop formation of circles and rings was found 7/24/1993 #41083 of blue-gray fluorescent light in formation off it's diagonal corners. A r 8/10/1993 #41122 eral observer(s). Rises into cloud formation. 8/23/1993 #41152 rvers watched it rise into a cloud formation. 8/23/1993 #41154 ts / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation low in sky. Several wiry shado 9/7/1993 #41186 ORPE, LINCS 3 glowing-balls fly in formation offshore / 15s. Local wave / 9 10/19/1993 #41247 etches by the witnesses depict a V formation of white lights that behaved a 10/24/1993 #41251 server(s). White saucers / diamond formation going quickly southeast behind 11/15/1993 #41276 eral luminous/glowing spots / oval formation over buildings. Going northeas 12/5/1993 #41323 over town nearby. 4 more appear in formation. 3/7/1994 #41445 d kids. 2 ovoids and small orbs in formation going northwest. Loop going qu 6/18/1994 #41572 An elaborate spider web style crop formation was found in a field in Avebur 8/11/1994 #41669 CHEYENNE, WY 4 teens. Silent V formation / dark objects going quickly s 9/13/1994 #41742 At 11:00 p.m. a silent formation of dark objects flew across th 9/13/1994 #41746 UFO reports / days. 5 saucers / V formation over locomotive plant. 10/5/1994 #41785 were seen flying in a wedge-shaped formation by Christopher O'Brien while d 11/6/1994 #41841 ver. Delta/triangle/box-like craft formation / night lights becomes diamond 11/22/1994 #41858 POULSBO, WA Patrolman. Formation / 3 lights. Rotates 2X then de 1/15/1995 #41976 t lights alone and more / triangle formation near submarine base. Going qui 2/7/1995 #42024 lights, alone and in a triangular formation, were sighted near the Bangor 2/7/1995 #42025 , CA Huge boomerang and objects in formation. Several sightings / 2 days. 2/23/1995 #42059 rsity students. Meteor and Chevron formation / night lights. Formation zigz 4/22/1995 #42169 Chevron formation / night lights. Formation zigzags away! 4/22/1995 #42169 investigator. 4 disks fly over in formation. No further details. 7/29/1995 #42340 ate observer(s). 5 night lights in formation. 3 turn upward. Photographs no 7/31/1995 #42343 r(s) / 8 hours. Several objects in formation. Types unknown. Hover. Zigzag. 8/6/1995 #42360 4 white night lights. 3 / triangle formation. / r60. 9/11/1995 #42453 d objects maneuver into triangular formation. 9/22/1995 #42500 NTAIN, CA 2 / car. 2 disks / stack formation. Play tag. Sharp maneuvers. Go 9/25/1995 #42510 6 colored night lights / circular formation 50M over Route SP304. Zigzags 9/29/1995 #42515 ds / delta/triangle/box-like craft formation reappear several Wednesday nig 10/1995 #42522 server(s). Night lights / triangle formation gyrate back and forth. Power o 10/20/1995 #42560 night lights / perfect triangular formation hovers high over freeway. Seen 1/19/1996 #42689 OUTHWEST / LITCHFIELD, IL 8 / car. Formation / 5 night lights going southwe 1/28/1996 #42720 CHARLESTON, OR Several objects in formation. 2 unknown types. All turn goi 2/9/1996 #42752 Flashing lights in a triangular formation flew over Beufort, Sabah provi 2/27/1996 #42786 SINO, NSW 2 / car. Night lights in formation. 35 minute(s) / missing time. 3/16/1996 #42825 rectangular night lights hover in formation over mine. Asbestos? No furthe 3/19/1996 #42828 hile visiting the "Julia Set" crop formation opposite the Stonehenge megali 7/9/1996 #42953 ing-objects going [to] overhead in formation. Exchange blue bolts / light. 8/23/1996 #42991 , FR 2 groups / night lights / box formation going north. 1 turns going wes 9/27/1996 #43046 all splits / 3 going [to] triangle formation. Rejoins. Continues going west 10/9/1996 #43061 veral lights to the north in a “T” formation. A man in Tollesboro, Kentucky 10/16/1996 #43073 de to watch four objects flying in formation. Two of the objects suddenly c 10/25/1996 #43095 h. 3 red balls / constant triangle formation. Vanish 1-by-1. 11/3/1996 #43102 e red balls in a constant triangle formation for three minutes; each BOL va 11/3/1996 #43103 the entire incident: a triangular formation of lights seen to travel aroun 3/13/1997 #43229 saw lights arranged in a V-shaped formation on this evening beginning at 7 3/13/1997 #43230 27 night lights / perfect diamond formation. 3/30/1997 #43243 ghts were seen flying in a diamond formation by two comet watchers in La To 3/30/1997 #43246 es, each carrying its own light in formation. She then experienced three ho 4/15/1997 #43261 ored lights fly over in a V-shaped formation. 4/28/1997 #43283 flares because flares don’t fly in formation.” In a December 10, 2008, epis 6/19/1997 #43331 Twelve witnesses saw lights in a V formation flying over Poway, California 9/20/1997 #43410 cts were seen flying in a triangle formation in Bel Air, Maryland at 10:30 3/30/1998 #43539 luminous points of light in tight formation for 10 seconds at 12:32 a.m., 8/26/1998 #43638 the city at 10:30 p.m. in parallel formation. 9/26/1998 #43653 bright UAP blinking in a triangle formation. The lights were extremely bri 10/1998 #43656 entially in a vertical, triangular formation. The bottom two lights are abo 12/1998 #43694 aw an orange UFO with a triangular formation of red lights surrounding it t 2/9/1999 #43724 cts were seen flying in a V-shaped formation. They moved toward the west, t 6/5/1999 #43780 n rearranged into a linear echelon formation. On that same night in Huntsvi 6/5/1999 #43780 In Alton Barnes, England a crop formation 700 feet in length, with a des 6/12/1999 #43785 e saw three lights in a triangular formation with a black shape inside to t 7/15/1999 #43804 a, Canada two witnesses observed a formation of eight silver disc-shaped ob 8/1/1999 #43817 birds, probably eiders, flying in formation is responsible. 11/11/1999 #43879 ere sighted travelling in vertical formation in Mount Warrigal, New South W 1/13/2000 #43927 were not conducive to the natural formation of such winds. 1/18/2000 #43930 . five bright lights in a triangle formation changed to a straight line, lo 1/29/2000 #43936 ars, traveling in a diamond shaped formation of orange and white lights, wh 2/11/2000 #43946 ically and laterally. Two left the formation and disappeared. A third light 2/16/2000 #43951 were sighted flying in a V-shaped formation over Waterford, Ontario. They 2/26/2000 #43958 Memphis, Tennessee at 1:15 a.m. a formation of three objects hovered in a 3/2/2000 #43962 At 2:00 p.m. a formation of ten objects was sighted fly 3/30/2000 #43974 p.m. in Paso Robles, California a formation of three small, satellite-like 6/30/2000 #44007 tsdale, Arizona, sees a triangular formation of three bright lights in the 11/4/2000 #44072 utes the UFOs formed into a linear formation and flew off rapidly to the so 1/1/2001 #44115 ry slow moving, silent, triangular formation of lights flew over Irwin, Pen 2/19/2001 #44139 discovers a circular, crater-like formation on his land. On May 1, Pano Ka 4/1/2001 #44156 uds. An hour later another strange formation of lights flew overhead in Bus 8/4/2001 #44224 osition in flight into a hexagonal formation and ascend into the sky. They 8/12/2001 #44232 three steady lights in triangular formation moving east to west. 8/17/2001 #44237 he mountains, flying in a triangle formation. The object at the head of the 9/11/2001 #44258 hree unknown aircraft traveling in formation made impossible maneuvers abov 9/11/2001 #44259 At 6:05 a.m. a formation of lights was seen moving low 9/13/2001 #44260 A triangular formation of white lights was seen by a 4/7/2002 #44330 dark triangular craft approach in formation from the north. The UFOs began 5/12/2002 #44343 his police patrol van he spotted a formation of seven lights, and followed 7/21/2002 #44362 Suddenly more spots appeared in a formation; they had an aura or halo, lik 8/11/2002 #44377 owing triangular objects flying in formation over the outskirts of Waterfor 8/25/2002 #44386 h three white lights in a triangle formation, and a faint steady red light 9/10/2002 #44395 ind a neighbor's house. A triangle formation of lights was all that was cap 9/15/2002 #44397 shiny UFOs flew in a straight line formation from the southeast to the nort 9/24/2002 #44404 e objects were sighted in a huge V formation over Taylorville, Utah beginni 9/26/2002 #44409 r Springs in Ojai, California. The formation was one degree of arc in lengt 9/26/2002 #44409 saw four silver ovals in a diamond formation. They heard a snap noise, and 11/27/2002 #44451 linois Walter Lawrence witnessed a formation of four cylindrical or cigar-s 11/28/2002 #44455 ht objects moved across the sky in formation in clear daylight in Chula Vis 1/4/2003 #44467 ng of calm. He remembered seeing a formation of figures, arranged into a te 4/28/2003 #44519 s, arranged into a ten pin bowling formation. He has a recurring image of a 4/28/2003 #44519 hite lights arranged in a triangle formation moved through the sky perfectl 5/23/2003 #44544 o 6 silver spheres in a triangular formation over Waltham Abbey, England at 5/24/2003 #44545 Frank Delephine takes a video of a formation of five yellowish lights leavi 8/20/2003 #44577 boomerang-shaped objects moved in formation, traveling very fast, and maki 8/20/2004 #44737 ed lights hovering in a triangular formation are seen by several witnesses 8/21/2004 #44738 ds. At 10:18 p.m. 1 V-shaped light formation traveling in a southwest direc 10/27/2004 #44772 southwards in a loose though fixed formation at 28,000 feet in the immediat 11/10/2004 #44782 h Valley, Tasmania, when he sees a formation of six orange lights approachi 8/27/2005 #44866 o in the report as “Buoyant Plasma Formation,” akin to ball lightning, and 5/15/2006 #44942 hree orange lights in a triangular formation were sighted over Aylmer, Queb 6/2/2006 #44946 at 10:45 p.m. One by one they left formation, rapidly increasing in altitud 6/2/2006 #44946 ite objects flying in a triangular formation over Aldergrove, British Colum 10/11/2006 #44974 t night at 10:00 p.m. a triangular formation of red lights was sighted movi 4/22/2007 #45020 At 9:30 p.m. a hexagon formation of six lights flew over Saskat 9/4/2007 #45052 At 9:00 p.m. a V-shaped formation of reddish orange dots were si 9/8/2007 #45054 e circular objects in a triangular formation hovered above the hills betwee 9/16/2007 #45060 s were seen moving in a triangular formation very close to the ground witho 10/28/2007 #45083 Four objects in triangular formation, flying south, were observed o 10/31/2007 #45087 A V-shaped formation made up of approximately 8-10 10/31/2008 #45183 A formation of separate lights was encount 11/21/2008 #45189 ge-red lights flying in a triangle formation over Litchfield, South Carolin 8/6/2009 #45234 iding, flying randomly and also in formation, were seen in Ajo, Arizona at 9/16/2009 #45248 ter which appeared in a triangular formation for 10 seconds. 11/28/2009 #45257 s over the water. It looked like a formation of triangles going in the same 2/11/2011 #45314 A mile-long dark object with a V formation of lights was sighted in Campb 5/9/2011 #45325 at high speed from the south. The formation crosses the sky in 4–5 seconds Late 5/2012 #45344 young couple watches a triangular formation of lights hovering above a for 3/31/2013 #45363 rves a high-altitude, delta-shaped formation of lights. 8/3/2013 #45380 of the lights suddenly leaves the formation and flies off in another direc 2/16/2018 #45506 hree objects in a loose triangular formation in the sky at a low altitude. 11/6/2018 #45543 s then resume an obtuse triangular formation before speeding out of sight a 11/6/2018 #45543 eader’s aircraft. He maintains the formation at 15,000 feet until they are 1/15/2019 #45558 s” with 6-foot wingspans flying in formation at about 150 feet over rural a 12/2019 #45620 ess sees nine white orbs flying in formation and mimicking a flyby of F-16s 11/11/2021 #45721 t least six are in a “three-by-two formation.” After passing the flyby, the 11/11/2021 #45721 the flyby, they form a four-point formation then disappear to the west at 11/11/2021 #45721
nty nocturnal lights in a crescent formation--possibly a single crescent-sh 3/8/1954 #9604
de. By 1778, he is seeing circular formations that he thinks are towns and 1783 #88 t over Germany, either alone or in formations of four. Johnson says he coul Early 11/1944 #1690 oing west and going south / linear formations. Low humming heard. 7/4/1947 #2594 he west and south in straight-line formations. A low humming sound was hear 7/4/1947 #2676 ckly south / high altitude. Change formations. Going quickly southwest. / r 7/6/1947 #2774 S, CA Lady and 2 boys. 8 disks / 3 formations going quickly south toward(s) 7/8/1947 #2981 ers criss-cross sky 3x / different formations. Silent. No lights. 7/9/1947 #3038 s the sky three times in different formations. The objects were silent and 7/9/1947 #3071 ks circle / W. sky. Join / various formations / 10 minute(s). Going quickly 7/14/1947 #3178 ver(s). Several silver objects / 2 formations going quickly southwest. Tip 8/6/1947 #3298 ground, intercepting Allied bomber formations by firing a spray of rocket s 8/20/1947 #3355 e as many as 50 objects in all the formations except one. They seem to be t 9/14/1949 #4357 red and green lights in triangular formations were stationary and then move 1/8/1951 #5387 saucers going quickly south / 2 V formations and coin-disk / Ft. Sill. / r 9/1/1951 #5648 USTIN, TX 50 pink-glow objects / 3 formations. 24 April saucer going quickl 4/23/1952 #6160 ent lights, some single, others in formations of 3, 5, or 6, appearing and Late 5/1952 #6362 al silver half and full circles in formations. All vanish. 7/17/1952 #6853 eer and 7. 7 silver saucers change formations. Circle. Going quickly NNE. / 7/27/1952 #7191 er(s). 8-12 night lights / various formations. Darken and lighten / sharp m 7/28/1952 #7246 e nocturnal lights flew in various formations making sharp maneuvers, darke 7/28/1952 #7270 silver UFO's in orderly change in formations. 3 F86's chase. 8/2/1952 #7417 +3 white auto-tires going west / 3 formations slow into cloud. No further d 8/27/1952 #7749 oles / overcast sky. Maneuvers and formations. 8/30/1952 #7793 ver(s). 7 large saucers / changing formations / direction. All vanish. 9/2/1952 #7824 entical in appearance, in changing formations. When they changed direction 9/2/1952 #7831 us spheres or discs, which flew in formations varying from arcs to inverted 9/14/1952 #7936 spheres or discs. The UFOs flew in formations varying from arcs to inverted 9/14/1952 #7942 flat, shiny objects flew in tight formations: the first group slow, the s 9/17/1952 #7970 The daylight objects flew in tight formations: the first group slowly, the 9/17/1952 #7971 -100 small colored balls / various formations. / r185p20. 3/14/1953 #8749 . 10 grey-metal saucers / changing formations. Wide turn. / MJ#240. 4/12/1953 #8815 tal saucers near follow B36. Tight formations. 600mph and more/others. Flas 4/16/1953 #8829 White sphere passes between 2 rock formations. 9/5/1953 #9146 saucers going down / 45° / U and X formations. Going up [to] going east / 4 9/23/1954 #10404 ng east / 45° / south and vertical formations. / LDLN#343. 9/23/1954 #10404 es. Frequently they are in diamond formations of four or V- formations of s 11/6/1954 #11585 n diamond formations of four or V- formations of seven. At 12:00 noon, a fo 11/6/1954 #11585 h short white trails. They flew in formations of two, three, four, seven, a 11/6/1954 #11586 ey often would form lozenge-shaped formations of four objects ov V-shaped f 11/6/1954 #11586 ations of four objects ov V-shaped formations of seven. They executed curve 11/6/1954 #11586 of Rome, Italy, when he sees more formations of about 50 white objects tha 11/7/1954 #11589 . Alberto Perego watches even more formations of white objects over Rome. H 11/12/1954 #11628 nd 2M silent white disks / various formations. Very fast maneuvers. Going q 10/8/1955 #12492 ge square to/from/between L-shaped formations repeatedly. Going quickly nor 8/14/1956 #13082 ts / delta/triangle/box-like craft formations. Night light circles city and 12/28/1956 #13417 -shaped objects flying in crescent formations, and were viewed through bino 4/29/1957 #13625 mily. 3+3 night lights maneuver in formations. 1 makes V-turn and away. / r 10/22/1957 #14141 PLUMAS CO, CA Cop and several. Formations / red and white-glowing-disks 8/13/1960 #16374 many / park. 16 UFO's / different formations east going quickly west. Some 2/11/1962 #17046 ctions. Electric power fluctuates. Formations. 11/6/1964 #18608 panied by 6–8 smaller objects. The formations are moving slowly at about 3, 11/22/1964 #18632 or oval-shaped objects in various formations, continue solidly at the H- 2 8/1/1965 #19242 l Canadian Air Force radar tracked formations of 7-10 UFOs over Lake Superi 8/4/1965 #19318 g red lights in changing geometric formations, estimated to be one mile off 4/3/1966 #20212 ide of the larger object, changing formations, and then the group disappear 6/19/1966 #20586 xico Cape Canaveral 7:55–8:20 p.m. Formations of lights in groups of 3–5 ar 8/6/1967 #22830 l Research in order to study cloud formations in Australia. While there, Mc 9/30/1968 #24526 r-shape / 1000' altitude. Join / V formations. Going quickly southeast. 9/10/1972 #26985 2-day wave / disks-orbs-ovoids in formations. High speeds. 11/23/1972 #27134 N, PA 12 observer(s). 7+saucers in formations. Avoid passing planes. 3/23/1973 #27363 irliners. 16 blue-grey objects / 2 formations going quickly [to] 300M over 1/15/1975 #29751 McGuire AFB, NJ Formations of UFOs seen, MP at adjacent 1/18/1978 #32893 idespread UFO sightings, including formations and disc-shaped objects with 3/1978 #33004 idespread UFO sightings, including formations and disc-shaped objects with 3/1978 #33005 St. Paul, Minnesota. Witnesses see formations of red lights, single round o 3/22/1978 #33071 lobes in straight-line and oblique formations. Some disc-shaped objects are 3/22/1978 #33071 of maneuvers: they broke into two formations and then rejoined, and then t 5/4/1978 #33187 rsue and be pursued by the similar formations of lights for 30 minutes. At 8/11/1979 #34731 es in the night sky. The first two formations of objects moved slowly, and 3/13/1982 #36388 es in the night sky. The first two formations of objects moved slowly, and 3/13/1982 #36389 Night lights exit orbit and fly in formations. 7/9/1986 #37934 uver. In and out / clouds. Various formations. Going quickly west. 7/19/1986 #37947 the clouds and flew off in various formations toward the west. In Metcalf, 7/19/1986 #37949 VANCOUVER, BC 2 observer(s). 3 formations / brilliant white saucers and 5/18/1989 #38957 ns / brilliant white saucers and 2 formations grey saucers shoot through mi 5/18/1989 #38957 ic. 12 glowing-balls / 4 no detail formations east going quickly west. 2/6/1990 #39412 quickly southwest. Circular and Y formations. / r177p272. 8/23/1990 #39700 Skibo, MN Formations of white objects with red and 10/10/1990 #39771 Night lights maneuver / different formations. = disks / (seen thru) binocu 8/4/1991 #40141 30 "dove-body" objects / 2 curved formations / 150M altitude. Slight hiss. 7/24/1992 #40533 beach. 20 night lights in 2 square formations hover offshore. Gone by 0650h 9/3/1992 #40603 (s). 2-3-4 night lights in various formations over twin peaks. 9/5/1993 #41182 e next day, footprints and strange formations of flattened crop-formation d 9/16/1994 #41756 rver(s). 30 night lights / varying formations. Triangle / red lights rotate 11/30/1994 #41871 against wind and clouds. Changing formations. 11/10/1995 #42590 t the wind and above the clouds in formations of two to twelve from 9:30 p. 11/23/2000 #44079 Three formations of UFOs, 25-30 in each, flew 12/11/2000 #44100 olden-yellow and green lights. The formations were in an irregular pattern 12/11/2000 #44100 ight. The lights appear in various formations at about 45° above the horizo 7/14/2001 #44208 ss at 12:15 a.m. reported V-shaped formations of lights hovering, and then 7/15/2001 #44209 y separate locations on this date. Formations of slow moving pairs of rapid 9/11/2004 #44754 students observed 11 discs making formations in the early evening sky for 9/20/2007 #45062
e Service and Wing Commander Myles Formby of the Air Ministry’s technical i 8/15/1950 #5127 Turns going quickly west to sea at Formby. No meteor. 12/29/1955 #12621
ith myriads of intelligent beings, formed for endless progression in perfec 1756 #75 , England at 8:30 p.m. A blue halo formed around the object for one minute, 7/14/1934 #1214 s Air Technical Service Command is formed as the result of the merging of t 8/31/1944 #1652 rocket investigations committee is formed with Col. Bengt Jacobsson from th 7/6/1946 #2027 Washington DC Project SIGN formed to obtain information about sauce 12/30/1947 #3513 hermen later reported a green moss formed on the lake. 7/2/1950 #5040 time today. Project Second Storey, formed by Omond M. Solandt, DRB chairman 4/22/1952 #6155 years and a special group has been formed to review the sightings to date. 7/29/1952 #7273 ): “a special study group has been formed to review the subject to date. D/ 7/29/1952 #7325 were joined by six other discs and formed a diamond formation. They sped aw 8/3/1952 #7438 s the Armed Forces Security Agency formed in 1949 to unite all military sig 10/24/1952 #8181 ecommends that a “higher court” be formed to review UFOs. It schedules this 11/21/1952 #8316 e Robertson Committee of the newly formed National Security Agency, tasked 7/1953 #8979 ormation similar to a spread V was formed and the objects, at a tremendous 7/19/1953 #9004 ble and a cloud of dense smoke had formed under the rain. After 15 minutes 10/20/1954 #11280 f the National Security Council is formed and responsible for coordinating 12/28/1954 #11870 oganov, USSR’s Ministry of Defence formed a UFO Research Committee. Strogan 1955 #11886 ogical Strategy Board, a committee formed by the Truman Administration to c 11/20/1955 #12580 ldek, the planet whose destruction formed the asteroid belt. 1957 #13430 e half-life or less) two perfectly formed holes six inches in diameter, and 11/6/1957 #14430 land 100 m away. While a blue haze formed, three figures emerged from the o 1/1959 #15522 AFB in Dayton, Ohio Hynek’s newly formed UFO Advisory Panel holds its firs 5/5/1959 #15723 few sways, a mark around the base formed and the object rapidly departed f 6/3/1961 #16717 d forth as they did so. They first formed a V-formation, then reformed into 6/23/1964 #18370 long, tipping back and forth. They formed a V formation, then a circular fo 6/24/1964 #18372 its. Ground marks left at the site formed equilateral imprint triangles, 4. 11/25/1964 #18638 manian UFO Investigation Centre is formed in Hobart, Tasmania, by Robert Bu 10/1965 #19630 ling three objects were green, and formed an equilateral triangle. They lef 5/5/1966 #20451 mberley, Surrey, England The newly formed Surrey Investigation Group on Aer 6/1967 #22438 and a nose and mouth that together formed an "X." It was bowlegged, and aro 8/23/1967 #22908 ll drones dropped out of it. These formed into a V formation and began hove 10/24/1967 #23310 irst-hand accounts in to the newly formed Soviet UFO Study Group. The respo 11/10/1967 #23437 sing the pseudonym J. Posadas, who formed a movement in 1962 based on the i 6/26/1968 #24084 turned plane toward them, objects formed vertical stack, shot up and out o 11/26/1968 #24717 irst light came back and the three formed a triangle again. 11/29/1968 #24732 Astronautics announces that it has formed a UFO Subcommittee to study the U 12/1968 #24740 playing football. The floodlights formed a kind of ceiling over the field 4/25/1969 #25091 uddenly blocked by a dense curtain formed by hundreds of small luminous whi 6/11/1969 #25211 Sweden Skånninge UFO-Sverige is formed as the first nationwide UFO organ 1970 #25521 10 and reports that the hole “was formed by a rather sudden melting proces 1/7/1971 #25982 playing football. The field lights formed a king of "ceiling" over the fiel 4/24/1971 #26081 bserved red-orange disc, gray mist formed, object shot out of sight 8/14/1975 #30269 his beam had very sharp edges, and formed a circle 6 inches in diameter whe 8/6/1976 #31241 ll triangular windows above, which formed one large triangular window. In t 10/28/1976 #31503 was on top of the snow, evidently formed by the local melting of the snow. 1/6/1977 #31707 n which there was a temporary pond formed by melted snow. They saw the UFO 4/6/1977 #31953 Citizens Against UFO Secrecy is formed by W. Todd Zechel, Brad Sparks, a 4/1978 #33110 ghtness, from red to bluish white, formed over a base ring of plasma. It ma 1/9/1979 #34326 UFO projected a beam of light and formed a dome shaped luminous form on th 1/12/1980 #35131 UFO projected a beam of light and formed a dome shaped luminous form on th 1/12/1980 #35132 ble to move. Some congealed matter formed on her hand, causing a burn. She 9/10/1981 #36109 UFO Research Australia is formed as an informal information-exchan 1984 #37093 isc with body lights hovered, mist formed around it. Object tilted, moved o 1/7/1986 #37754 isc with body lights hovered, mist formed around it. Object tilted, moved o 1/7/1986 #37755 rushed the creatures, who had now formed a circle around him. One of the c 5/1/1988 #38551 as bright as stadium lights, that formed a rectangle twice the size of a B 8/10/1989 #39056 er. Some kind of green haze or fog formed, and the object suddenly vanished 8/5/1990 #39681 level and blinked in unison. They formed a triangle in the sky, then vanis 6/23/1992 #40506 t was a circle 22 feet in diameter formed from still living vegetation. Pla 3/30/1993 #40907 ms from lamps on the bottom, which formed concentric circles and shone stra 9/29/1995 #42520 m nearby Lake Cococha. The objects formed what seemed like a protective cir 1/31/1996 #42729 tion. Once on the ground the three formed a line, grabbing each other's sho 3/7/1996 #42815 g mental messages. The beings then formed a circle around Sudarsky, and one 3/10/1997 #43225 Three more lights, round in shape, formed a triangle in the sky. 9/22/1997 #43414 ew. After several minutes the UFOs formed into a linear formation and flew 1/1/2001 #44115 mound. He concludes the crater was formed by a meteorite fragment that vapo 4/1/2001 #44156 rst seen in a triangle, which then formed into a circle, and they performed 8/14/2001 #44233 into three other lights, and then formed a cross. 9/19/2003 #44604 ject with red blinking lights that formed an arch was reported over Santa M 4/27/2006 #44934 Nevada The 42d Attack Squadron is formed at Creech AFB, Nevada, as the fir 11/8/2006 #44982
cDonnell-Douglas Aircraft Company (formely the Douglas Aircraft Company), t 1967 #21234
tor but has been sworn to secrecy. Former California Attorney General Willi 11/22/1896 #347 ces a civilization on Mars and her former lives: the “Martian” cycle, “Ultr 1900 #639 ing a herd of hogs from Silsbee (a former settlement 6 miles southwest of E 8/3/1905 #679 HE BRUSHOFF - In conversing with a former Navy man who is presently a radio 1943 #1474 d by Brig. Gen. John Magruder, the former OSS Deputy Director of Intelligen 9/20/1945 #1938 intelligence officers believe that former Air Intelligence scientist Regina 1946 #1962 ffices in Europe, while Sarnoff, a former member of General Dwight D. Eisen 8/19/1946 #2145 lls Army CIC that 400 men from his former rocket group at Bayerische Motore 9/1946 #2164 uliar phenomena” for the accident. Former state representative Jon Andrew K 5/15/1947 #2282 efective fin. Trade consultant and former state representative Jon Andrew K 5/15/1947 #2284 A former military photographer claimed tha 5/31/1947 #2303 Portland, OR Frank Cooley, a former Marine Corps observer now with ra 7/5/1947 #2680 ST. LOUIS, MO Teacher / former skeptic. Pink saucer with dark sp 7/8/1947 #2976 daho statesman aviation editor and former (AAF) B-29 pilot Dave Johnson. Wa 7/9/1947 #3052 daho Statesman aviation editor and former B-29 pilot David N. Johnson, flyi 7/9/1947 #3063 raded” Secret or Confidential. The former category includes “certain select 8/9/1947 #3308 en, Norwegian Airline director and former USAF Colonel, gives USAF headquar 10/14/1947 #3457 ussia. Gen. Alfred A. Kessler Jr., former US military attaché in Sweden, di 10/14/1947 #3457 y Lieut. Col. Malcolm D. Seashore, former acting chief of the Analysis Sect 10/21/1947 #3465 eil, East Prussia Mamonovo, Russia Former Messerschmidt test pilot Fritz We 11/1947 #3474 time by Vannevar Bush, who was the former Chairman of the National Advisory 1/31/1948 #3568 Pasco, Washington 1:00 p.m. Former Air Force pilot Don Newman and th 7/1948 #3691 ifornia Witness: William Parrott, former Air Force pilot and major. One g 4/4/1949 #4073 William Parrott, former Air Force pilot and Major, sighte 4/4/1949 #4074 Baltimore, Maryland 6:30 p.m. A former US Air Force tech sergeant observ 6/29/1949 #4256 ratories states a source of his, a former NASA employee, had access to info 1950 #4464 sachusetts Witnesses: Marvin Odom, former U.S. Navy fighter pilot, USAF Lt. 2/5/1950 #4530 rmington, New Mexico 11 a.m.–noon. Former Army Engineer Capt. and Farmingto 3/16/1950 #4657 Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt 4:00 3/26/1950 #4730 t Lady Eleanor Roosevelt 4:00 p.m. Former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt inte 3/26/1950 #4730 s from U.S. citizens to study UAP. Former DCI VADM Roscoe Hillenkoetter was 3/27/1950 #4742 Midnight. Rev. Ross Vermillion, a former bomber pilot, and his wife are dr 6/30/1950 #5027 diner, Mrs. Gardiner and neighbor (former saw three objects, others saw one 9/3/1950 #5167 Ft. Myers, Florida Witnesses: former aircraft purchasing agent Harry L 12/6/1950 #5328 Fort Myers, Florida 5:00 p.m. Former aircraft purchasing agent Harry L 12/6/1950 #5331 Portland, Oregon Former USAF pilot Robert O. Dodge watche 8/11/1951 #5602 Former Naval officer and consultant to L 1952 #5843 e on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) with former DCI VADM Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, 1952 #5843 r his UFO article. Walther Riedel, former German rocket scientist at Peenem 3/3/1952 #5942 and top secret control officer and former OSI agent; and two other persons. 6/5/1952 #6447 MIDDLETOWN, PA Former Air Traffic Controller. Round ora 6/13/1952 #6491 Thomas, Olmstead AFB employee and former control tower operator. One roun 6/13/1952 #6495 omas, an Olmstead AFB employee and former control tower operator, sighted a 6/13/1952 #6497 LOUISVILLE, KY Former Navy RADAR-Tech. Large silent cyl 6/15/1952 #6505 Kentucky 11:50 p.m. Edward Duke, a former Navy radar technician, sees an un 6/15/1952 #6511 TRENTON, NJ Former USAF man / backyard. Strange nigh 6/19/1952 #6546 Trenton, New Jersey 9:50 p.m. A former Army Air Force ground crew member 6/19/1952 #6554 Hasselbach, Germany Oscar Linke, former Wehrmacht major, and his daughter 7/11/1952 #6761 s, circle, and speed out of sight. Former Navy pilot and aircraft engineer 7/27/1952 #7214 CULVER CITY, CA Former pilot and several. Ovoid splits / 7/29/1952 #7293 ding in Communist Berlin, Germany: Former Mayor of Gleimershausen, Oscar Li 8/23/1952 #7684 l for 30 minutes. At 10:50 p.m., a former Army Air Force B-25 gunner sees t 9/1/1952 #7818 Evening. Aeronautical engineer and former Project Sign liaison Alfred Loedd 10/1952 #8076 An anonymous former Warrant Officer in the Army claim 1953 #8482 , PA 150' Silvery Disc Reported By Former Navy Gunner (NICAP: 01 - Distant 2/22/1953 #8694 MINNEAPOLIS, MN 3 scientists(former pilots) see saucer maneuver at 45 10/15/1953 #9226 opulated areas, collaboration with former Nazi scientists under Operation P 11/28/1953 #9324 Army Col. John Alexander states former Douglas engineer Bob Wood tells h 1954 #9424 VAN NUYS, CA Former Air Force pilot and 4. Silent sau 2/18/1954 #9554 to promote the idea, together with former Belgian prime minister Paul van Z 5/29/1954 #9840 rbia Thousands of witnesses in the former Yugoslavia report low-flying UFOs 10/15/1954 #11112 derick S. Briggs, a bricklayer and former army sergeant employed at Broadla 2/23/1955 #12015 Documents provided by former Douglas Aircraft engineer William 3/1/1955 #12027 s174.htm Note: Tompkins claims former Navy Secretary James Forrestal wa 3/1/1955 #12027 Former Douglas engineer William Tompkins 3/1/1955 #12028 erly, with aviation journalist and former RAF pilot Derek Dempster as its f Spring 1955 #12053 the University of North Carolina. Former UNC President Gordon Gray approve 11/20/1955 #12580 are of the regulation in 1962 when former USAF information spokesman Maj. W 5/1/1956 #12823 Former USAFHQ spokesman Maj. William T. 5/1/1956 #12825 he founding documents. Roy Kerr, a former ARL scientist, says the antigravi 9/1956 #13166 g. Hubert Goenner of Goettingen, a former participant of RIAS (see 1955), w Late 1956 #13281 s Admiral Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, former CIA director and rumored MJ-12 me 10/24/1956 #13288 Former CIA director Rear Adm. Roscoe H. 1/27/1957 #13478 ssociated Press employee who is a “former Signal Corps engineer” with possi 5/1957 #13629 an Associated Press employee and “former Signal Corps engineer” with ties 5/1957 #13633 g off reports to its geophysics or former weapons units. Lampshire has talk 6/11/1957 #13718 makes an emergency landing on the former U-2 airstrip at Groom Lake, Nevad 7/28/1957 #13848 ear what isotope was used, if any. Former KGB officer Stanislav Lekarev cla 9/1957 #13965 IPPLEPEN, ENGL Former aircraft mechanic. 30M diameter s 9/18/1957 #14006 nown City, AU Round UFO sighted by former Commander-in-Chief of Royal Austr 10/16/1957 #14126 tone, Victoria, Australia Evening. Former Australian Air Marshal George Jon 10/16/1957 #14130 f Old Saybrook, Connecticut, and a former teacher with a master’s degree fr 12/16/1957 #14735 rimsby, Lincolnshire, England Day. Former RAF Flight Engineer Peter Spencer 6/29/1958 #15126 ernment to work at WPAFB; he was a former colleague of Lwoff, Monod and Jac 1959 #15516 Walworth (near), WI Former control tower operator and flight 1/8/1959 #15541 Intervale, New Haven, CT Former Air Force PT Boat Commander watch 2/3/1960 #16164 Plymouth, NH Former Town Selectman saw bright red cig 4/25/1960 #16240 Former CIA director Adm. R. H. Hillenkoe 6/22/1960 #16317 OAK FOREST, IL Former Air Force pilot. Saucer hovers an 8/16/1960 #16387 Oak Forest, IL Former Air Force pilot saw disc-like UFO 8/16/1960 #16395 LEXINGTON, KY Former Strategic Air Command (SAC) RADAR 9/4/1960 #16434 Lexington, KY Former Strategic Air Command radar techn 9/4/1960 #16435 B Cimarron, New Mexico 6:17 p.m. A former weather officer at Holloman AFB i 1/17/1961 #16580 etired USAF Maj. James McDonald, a former intelligence officer. He suggests 11/25/1961 #16980 erpretation Center According to a “former Project Blue Book Chief” (probabl 1962 #17004 fologist Richard H. Hall claims a “former Project Blue Book chief,” possibl 1962 #17011 Oradell, New Jersey. At 6:00 p.m., former Navy flying officer J. J. McVicke 9/15/1962 #17403 / 10 minute(s) and more. Driver = former Air Force man. / USAF Tech. Intel 1/28/1963 #17641 Mamina, Chile A former Chilean Air Force officer, who wa 1/28/1963 #17645 Garston, Herts, UK A former RAF pilot, and flying instructor, 8/1/1963 #17859 k Bushey, Hertfordshire Evening. A former RAF pilot and flight instructor s 8/1/1963 #17860 Harry Bishop, the former major of Mount Vernon, Illinois, 8/9/1963 #17881 heast of Sunset, New Mexico. Three former missile personnel at the base—Jer Winter 1963 #18090 n the UK House of Commons asks the former Secretary of State for Air Hugh F 7/15/1964 #18411 Lake Chelan, Washington A former Navy pilot and another man, both 7/28/1964 #18456 At 10:30 p.m. a former Navy pilot named Lafferty and ano 7/28/1964 #18457 4A 10:00 p.m. Charles Knee Jr., a former newsman, is driving on State High 1/15/1965 #18740 ev. William Gill and Charles Brew. Former Air Marshal George Jones attends, 2/27/1965 #18829 nda, Australia Mr. D. Armstrong, a former airman, was called outside by his 6/2/1965 #18984 a at 8:00 p.m. Mr. D. Armstrong, a former airman, was called outside by his 6/2/1965 #18985 HAVERHILL, MASS Former Navy aircraft spotter on hilltop 8/20/1965 #19433 At 5:20 a.m. EDT a former Navy aircraft spotter sighted a g 8/20/1965 #19442 cts interviews with witnesses. His former wife Bonnie Millslagle later repo 12/9/1965 #19762 BRETON WOODS, NJ Former Air Force pilot and 3. 100' shiny 3/28/1966 #20104 Lake Ontario, CAN 10:30 p.m. LT. A former RCAF pilot and a friend were crui 6/1/1966 #20518 ke Ontario, off Clarkson, Ontario, former RCAF pilot Richard H. Plewman and 6/1/1966 #20519 CAP by Richard Plewman. Plewman, a former RCAF Flight Lieutenant and pilot 6/1/1966 #20520 unrise, PDT. A diesel mechanic and former Navy aircraft crewman saw a lens- 8/25/1966 #20805 Decatur, AL 7:30 p.m. CDT. A former army aerial photo specialist and 9/23/1966 #20917 SS 2 observer(s) include/including former Air Force man. Ring of windows tu 10/10/1966 #20979 A number of witnesses including a former Navy radarman reported a dark dom 11/12/1966 #21094 n as the “TNT area” [the site of a former World War II munitions plant and 11/15/1966 #21107 vernment UFO project, to be led by former inspector general at the Commissa 1967 #21237 Westport, CT 12:20 a.m. EST. A former Navy pilot and airline navigator 2/7/1967 #21473 Marlboro, MA 2:00-2:20 a.m. EST. A former teacher and her husband were awak 2/26/1967 #21655 news director of radio station and former policeman, and wife. One round s 3/6/1967 #21776 ther with choppy waves, included a former aircraft carrier pilot, two forme 4/12/1967 #22124 former aircraft carrier pilot, two former submarine sailors, and a boat cap 4/12/1967 #22124 MAESER TO/FROM VERNAL, UT Former USAF man / (seen thru) binoculars 4/21/1967 #22180 Saskatchewan, CAN 8:40 p.m. CDT. A former World War II paratrooper and othe 6/6/1967 #22469 ding an electronics technician and former Air Force radar operator, and a l 7/27/1967 #22739 r, and a laboratory technician and former Navy radar operator, saw an orang 7/27/1967 #22739 iracy de Moraes, a wealthy man and former president of the Bank of Brazil. 8/13/1967 #22873 25 a.m. J. B. W. “Angus” Brooks, a former BOAC pilot and photo interpreter, 10/26/1967 #23334 s was authored by Thomas Valone, a former patent examiner at the USPTO and 1968 #23633 At 4:00 a.m. Robert Union, a former FAA air traffic controller, and h 2/13/1968 #23756 Canadian-American psychologist and former consultant for the FBI and CIA, t 5/13/1968 #23959 A former intelligence officer tells Jacque 1969 #24806 , William Sullivan, Clay Shaw, and former FBI employee Guy Bannister. It is 1970 #25523 new president of NICAP. He is the former executive director of the Washing 5/29/1970 #25676 HYANNIS, MA Former skeptic. Series / 4 milky-white o 8/7/1970 #25773 of the Pentagon papers, leaked by former military analyst Daniel Ellsberg, 6/13/1971 #26174 s from the town of Rasanec, in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia a 8/2/1971 #26264 Norris City, IL Evening. Former Navy weather observer and wife ob 11/7/1971 #26467 lée states Hal Puthoff mentioned a former colleague of Puthoff’s at the NSA 10/7/1972 #27055 ars Academy of Arts & Science with former USG employees and contractors fro 5/1973 #27461 CAPE GIRARDEAU, MO Former aero photograph. Silver saucer / 10/3/1973 #27922 A former aerospace photographer sighted a 10/3/1973 #27927 n refused to take a polygraph, but former Project Blue Book advisor J. Alle 10/11/1973 #28009 Hollywood, FL 8:30 p.m. A former naval pilot, his wife and two chi 10/13/1973 #28019 . Jenny Randles hears later from a former UK government official that a cra 1/23/1974 #28694 , Tasmania Mount Penny 8:45 p.m. A former RAAF crewman and a companion are 2/26/1975 #29852 mania. The main witness was also a former Royal Australian Air Force aircre 2/26/1975 #29853 en saw a four foot tall dwarf at a former Army building in La Spezia near M 9/5/1976 #31345 in the daytime. It reverts to its former size in the afternoon, and then i 9/9/1976 #31363 Ellsworth AFB Former USAF Sergeant, Mario Woods, claim 1977 #31647 s, the object that entered via the former has left via the latter. State po 1/10/1977 #31715 5:00 AM. Mr. Cyril John, age 64, a former local political leader, was up ea 4/7/1977 #31956 Mr. Cyril John, age 64, a former local political leader, was up ea 4/7/1977 #31957 and bound to secrecy. According to former USAF Capt. Robert M. Collins, an 6/14/1977 #32162 leher states interviews of several former key McGuire AFB officials found n 1/18/1978 #32895 ey Swaim as Staff Sgt. Harry Fitz. Former USAF Col. William T. Coleman is a 2/19/1978 #32982 aide to Sen. Barry Goldwater and a former covert CIA employee. Lombard and 10/1978 #33786 rsity in Russia. It is directed by former navy officer and ufologist Vladim 11/1978 #33907 ling to pass the draft resolution. Former Project Blue Book consultants J. 12/8/1978 #34079 Palm Desert, California 5:00 a.m. Former USAF UFO spokesman Albert M. Chop 1/1/1979 #34275 Intl. BDM also curiously employed former Dir. of Naval Intelligence RADM S 2/16/1979 #34431 Robert Thompson, friend of former USAF Maj. Truman Weaver, states 1 4/5/1979 #34499 rque, New Mexico Fort Worth, Texas Former astronaut and US Sen. Harrison Sc 4/20/1979 #34517 Victor Marchetti, former special assistant to the Deputy D 5/1979 #34532 Former special assistant to the Deputy D 5/1979 #34533 tional Research Council 10:20 p.m. Former Royal Canadian Mounted Police off 12/3/1979 #35045 National Guard or Army trucks. One former Navy SEAL reported encountering a 12/10/1979 #35066 ational Enquirer runs an article, “Former Intelligence Officer Reveals ‘I p 2/28/1980 #35186 Memphis, Tennessee 12:10 a.m. Former Navy pilot Larry Crawford sees a 3/7/1980 #35201 lic order with ties to the CIA and former CIA directors who served as knigh 7/1980 #35399 nconfirmed, but diaries written by former Blue Book contractor Jacques Vall 11/17/1980 #35646 Doty receives a call from former astronaut Sen. Harrison Schmitt ( 11/26/1980 #35673 Surprised by what he had seen, the former Navy pilot turned and drove back. 4/12/1981 #35894 In Cavan, South Australia a former radio booster station saw a huge 6/1/1981 #35949 moves south for more than an hour. Former Chief Constable Björn Fagrell des 10/15/1981 #36172 oore, one of their directors and a former schoolteacher turned writer and u 1982 #36283 Metter (near), GA Three former Air Force pilots flying in a priv 3/8/1982 #36382 nd Connecticut. At 1:45 p.m. three former Air Force pilots flying in a priv 3/8/1982 #36385 ry Soyster replaces Stubblebine, a former VP of Intelligence Systems at BDM 1983 #36738 ause it reflects the enthusiasm of former President Valéry Giscard d’Estain 2/11/1983 #36764 and academicians and is headed by former cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, who tel 2/1984 #37170 ibly triangular in shape. In 1994, former head of Lockheed Skunk Works stat 1985 #37542 Hal Puthoff, former head of the Army and DIA remote v Summer 1985 #37607 s Silva, oil company president and former president of EMBRAER Airlines, wi 5/19/1986 #37882 Former Bechtel Corp contractor James McC 6/22/1986 #37921 (“John”) is in his late 20s and a former member of the Royal Army Corps. I 10/28/1986 #38056 a reservist training camp, and his former commander gives him a key to wher 10/28/1986 #38056 Bruce Garrett, Gen. Johnny Johnson former head of communications for the Wh 11/10/1986 #38061 nications for the White House, and former Deputy Chief of Naval Operations 11/10/1986 #38061 ansk Oblast, and deposited it in a former fuel depot. The guards get a clos Early 8/1987 #38225 e, England East Morton 7:15 a.m. A former London policeman (pseudonym Phili 12/1/1987 #38345 Langley, VA CIA letter to former assistant director of NICAP Mr. R 12/21/1987 #38369 them the archives free of charge. Former APRO board member Robert Dean lat 4/12/1988 #38541 s transcription of statements by a former Green Beret captain named William 10/8/1988 #38665 Wright-Patterson AFB Former Sen. Barry Goldwater appears on L 10/13/1988 #38671 and is taken to a huge hangar by a former high-ranking Defense Department o 11/12/1988 #38713 VORONEZH, RUSSIA Former pilot Yatsanov sees UFO. Also 27 9/29/1989 #39133 o to Shapiro from Bobby Ray Inman, former NSA Director and CIA Deputy Direc 10/1989 #39139 ler meets Shapiro he is retired as former director of Naval Intelligence, a 10/1989 #39139 sis of the case in 1997. Hopkins’s former wife Carol Rainey has been critic 11/30/1989 #39283 Victorian) interviews Eric Walker, former president of Penn State Universit 1990 #39355 ident of Penn State University and former chairman of the Institute for Def 1990 #39355 ation Week. In 1994, Ben Rich, the former head of Lockheed’s Skunk Works di 3/1990 #39434 new homeowners in the attic of the former residence of Gulf Breeze, Florida 6/10/1990 #39612 In late June, Tom Smith Jr., 22, a former Gulf Breeze resident, comes forwa 6/10/1990 #39612 ntil 2072 without any explanation. Former MoD official Nick Pope, one of th 8/4/1990 #39679 A Penn State alumni claims former Penn State University president E 9/6/1990 #39717 Alleged former intelligence community member “Jo 1/1991 #39944 tute, who calls it a “Death Trap.” Former SRI contractor (who itself was a 1/1991 #39944 em to repeat their lives on Earth. Former UK politician Simon Parkes states 1/1991 #39944 and Abu Nidal. William von Raab, a former US Commissioner of Customs, tells 7/5/1991 #40112 s evening in North Port, Florida a former WW II fighter pilot and his neigh 11/24/1991 #40238 Former consultant to Project Blue Book a 5/22/1992 #40469 o-program-investigation/ Note: Former SSCI Staff Director Christopher K 5/22/1992 #40469 ea-aurora-sighting.2868/ Note: Former SSCI Staff Director Chris Mellon 12/22/1992 #40762 Former New Mexico State Rep. J. Andrew K 1994 #41349 John E Brandenburg, former consultant to the Deep Space Prog 1994 #41351 with the Clementine spacecraft and former ORBITEC, Sandia, Mission Research 1994 #41351 room Lake Toxic Burning Alleged” A former worker at the secret Air Force ba 3/20/1994 #41461 Bielefeld, Germany Former West Germany Former East Germany 6/1994 #41544 efeld, Germany Former West Germany Former East Germany The TNS Emnid Instit 6/1994 #41544 espond yes and 78% no, in both the former West and East Germanies. The beli 6/1994 #41544 ludes a prerecorded interview with former Sen. Barry Goldwater, who says: “ 10/1/1994 #41779 etty, the chairman of AT&T and the former head of SRI International to disc Mid 1990's #41926 t Airmiss Working Group in the UK, former British Airways Capt. Graham Shep 2/20/1995 #42052 ll not be allowed. Mike Maloney, a former photographer for the London tablo 8/28/1995 #42425 Nick Pope, a former Ministry of Defence official who 1996 #42657 Former SAIC employee Denise McKenzie sta 8/30/1996 #43000 uding police officers, pilots, and former military personnel. Minimal cover 3/13/1997 #43229 in a Pentagon conference room with former astronaut Edgar Mitchell and UFO 4/10/1997 #43260 Former US Army Col. Philip J. Corso clai 6/1997 #43308 Treherne, Manitoba A former police officer sees a turquoise o 6/8/1997 #43318 hts were flares: “As a pilot and a former Air Force Officer, I can definiti 6/19/1997 #43331 nhut and Fujika Company. He claims former Adm. Bobby Ray Inman leads DSAI. 8/19/1997 #43387 hor Nick Cook claims he interviews former head of Lockheed Martin Skunk Wor Late 1990's #43480 sult of an illegal human program. Former SSCI Staff Director Christopher K Late 1990's #43480 FOSI states a group of current and former IC personnel who believed UAP wer 3/11/1998 #43532 h Columbia Puget Sound 9:20 p.m. A former Canadian F-104 pilot watches a UF 4/22/1998 #43556 neer and a consultant to NASA. The former Colonel claims he worked at sever 6/17/1998 #43589 ear-weapons-storage-area Note: Former SSCI Staff Director and former De 10/1998 #43656 te: Former SSCI Staff Director and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Def 10/1998 #43656 Former CIA James Westwood, hired by Hal 1/1/1999 #43710 l years by an independent group of former advanced workshop participants at 7/16/1999 #43805 s with a preamble by André Lebeau, former president of the Centre National 7/16/1999 #43805 EarthTech and former CIA scientist Hal Puthoff emails 7/31/1999 #43815 r CIA scientist Hal Puthoff emails former CIA Life Sciences Division analys 7/31/1999 #43815 st Jacques Vallée, who states that former CIA analyst Kit Green told him Er 7/31/1999 #43815 he dean of engineering at Harvard, former head of the JASONs, chairman of t 7/31/1999 #43815 enior advisor to the President and former chairman of TRW. * https://www. 7/31/1999 #43815 uired TRW in 2002. Note: In 2021, former AATIP head Lue Elizondo was asked 7/31/1999 #43815 eparate commercial airliners, both former military pilots, flying near Dall 10/26/1999 #43865 ard meeting with members including former CIA director R. James Woolsey, fo 12/3/1999 #43892 mer CIA director R. James Woolsey, former Assistant Secretary of Housing an 12/3/1999 #43892 makes TAI’s meeting significant is former government personnel were alleged 12/3/1999 #43892 mage’s ISSO is there, which houses former NASA official Creon Levitt who wo 2/20/2000 #43955 discuss an “attorney friend” of a former TRW employee who gathered her tes 5/8/2000 #43991 attorney is later suggested to be former Hughes Aircraft counsel Jeffrey W 5/8/2000 #43991 Paul Czysz, WPAFB veteran and former McDonelll-Douglas exotic technolo 11/2000 #44070 rs Association CEO Edward M Bolen, former Assistant Secretary of the Navy f 11/27/2002 #44452 Former Airman First Class Charles J Hall 5/7/2003 #44528 ica in 2014, and tangentially from former Israeli space official Haim Eshed 5/7/2003 #44528 eally the case. Vallee also states former DCI William Colby told Green he “ 8/23/2003 #44581 Former NIDS consultant James Westwood te 3/6/2004 #44674 Eric Davis speaks to former Pres. George Bush Sr. on the phon 3/26/2004 #44681 Mary E. Spitz, a former Army Captain, reports she was dri 5/9/2004 #44698 Former Assistant Secretary of Housing an 6/2004 #44706 Former NIDS contractor Jim Westwood tell 8/7/2004 #44728 cques Vallée that Charles Bowsher, former Comptroller General under Preside 8/7/2004 #44728 e House. First lady Laura Bush and former first lady Nancy Reagan, who is v 5/11/2005 #44840 friend of Col. John Alexander and former manager of operations at the Neva 12/5/2005 #44907 age/n212/mode/1up (p265) Note: Former Lockheed Martin Skunk Works Sr. T 4/28/2006 #44937 UK Air Defence Region, written by former Marconi Electronic Systems scient 5/15/2006 #44942 also notes that scientists in the former Soviet Union have identified the 5/15/2006 #44942 the Directorate of Air Staff (the former Sec(AS)) to transfer all remainin 9/2006 #44957 eit with no proof. Franc Milburn, former UK national security expert, stat 10/2006 #44970 Arizona Phoenix Lights Former Arizona Gov. Fife Symington admit 3/18/2007 #45012 b A press conference, moderated by former Arizona Gov. Fife Symington, is h 11/12/2007 #45093 s Club in Washington D.C. Nineteen former pilots and military and civilian 11/12/2007 #45093 iends with Gen. William Blanchard, former Roswell base commander; he states 1/1/2008 #45110 Former Sen. Bill Richardson says he was 6/28/2008 #45148 O’Hare Airport Alderney Former UK Ministry of Defence official N 7/29/2008 #45152 Alleged former NASA employee claims a saucer lan 12/3/2008 #45196 s Program (AAWSAP), claims to meet former AFOSI Col. Barry Hennessey. Henne 2010 #45263 an meets in Washington, D.C., with former AFOSI Col. Barry Hennessey (Ret.) Late 1/2010 #45268 ington, D.C., that brings together former US Air Force personnel who testif 9/27/2010 #45298 missiles. Those appearing include former Capt. Robert Salas, retired nucle 9/27/2010 #45298 Former USAF Capt. Robert Salas, missile 9/27/2010 #45299 ins Elite,” a group of current and former intelligence community personnel 3/31/2011 #45322 Friedman, the alleged neighbor of former Secretary of Energy John S. Herri 2012 #45336 ew Basiago, William Stillings, and former DARPA director Regina Dugan in th 7/2012 #45346 Alleged former USAF Sgt. Daniel Brad MacBolen II 7/8/2012 #45348 planet” and there were “cadavers.” Former CIA Dir. Robert Gates says he has 7/8/2012 #45349 , according to documents leaked by former contractor Edward Snowden. Althou 2013 #45357 ellyer, Nick Pope), testify to six former members of the US Congress: Carol 4/29/2013 #45366 ed on material supplied to them by former National Security Agency contract 6/5/2013 #45370 United States. Sir David Omand, a former director of GCHQ, described Snowd 6/14/2013 #45372 ymous “A.H.” claims to have been a former Boeing Aerospace engineer with co 11/1/2013 #45393 Former USG contractor Bob Fish tells Cli 3/6/2015 #45433 Former USG contractor Bob Fish tells Cli 3/6/2015 #45434 , a company advised by current and former USG/USG contractor officials and 12/2015 #45441 G/USG contractor officials and the former head of the Pentagon’s AATIP Prog 12/2015 #45441 ion at the guidance of current and former USG/USG contractor personnel, som 1/24/2016 #45443 ars Academy of Arts & Science with former USG employees and contractors fro 1/24/2016 #45443 Greek gods” in ancient history Former CIA official Jim Semivan states h 4/5/2016 #45449 Former Assistant Secretary of Defense fo 5/9/2016 #45452 rtment of Defense ,as there are 11 former DoD counterintelligence and infor 9/2017 #45480 ger John Podesta, Dr. Hal Puthoff, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Def 10/26/2017 #45488 lligence Christopher K. Mellon and former OUSD(I) employee and AATIP head L 10/26/2017 #45488 board. Aerospace Division head and former Lockheed Skunk Works employee Ste 10/26/2017 #45488 A group of scientists, former military and law enforcement offi 10/27/2017 #45489 ngine-and-it-actually-works Note: Former U.S. Navy Dir. of Science and Tec 11/2/2017 #45490 Former Assistant Secretary of Housing an 12/11/2017 #45492 Former Lockheed Martin astrophysicist Be 2018 #45498 mething a microfilm screen sent to former McDonnell Douglas engineer Robert 5/30/2018 #45528 nce (TTSA), advised by current and former USG/USG contractor officials, lau 7/2018 #45532 er Robert Kiviat sues Joe Firmage, former CIA official Ron Pandolfi, and fo 2/26/2019 #45564 mer CIA official Ron Pandolfi, and former Rep. David D. Marriott for his in 2/26/2019 #45564 e U.S. public guided by current or former CIA personnel. https://www.thesu 2/26/2019 #45564 Ret. Gen. Joseph Ralston, former Vice Chair of the Joint Chiefs of 7/5/2019 #45590 nce (TTSA), advised by current and former USG/USG contractor officials, ann 8/8/2019 #45605 Former Principal Deputy Under Secretary 11/29/2019 #45619 Puthoff also states former AFOSI counterintelligence officer 2/8/2020 #45632 Former Assistant Secretary of Defense fo 2/20/2020 #45634 e to the Reagan Administration and former SDI proponent and SecDef Caspar W 3/20/2020 #45640 d other surveillance capabilities, former assistant secretary of defense Ch 3/28/2020 #45642 Former AATIP director while he is at To 7/19/2020 #45653 out.” The paper reports that while former Sen. Harry Reid “believed that cr 7/23/2020 #45654 Former Sen. Harry Reid says he was told 5/1/2021 #45686 Former SSCI Staff Director and former De 5/5/2021 #45688 Former SSCI Staff Director and former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Def 5/5/2021 #45688 e Late Late Show with James Corden Former President Barack Obama admits on 5/18/2021 #45689 Former AATIP director Lue Elizondo state 5/26/2021 #45691 Former AATIP director Lue Elizondo state 6/10/2021 #45693 per black programs like Kobitz and former Dir. of Naval Intelligence Sumner 9/3/2021 #45707 Former AATIP head Lue Elizondo states in 10/21/2021 #45717 Former NSA officer Eric Haseltine writes 11/29/2021 #45725 Former CIA S&T analyst John Ramirez stat 1/30/2022 #45736 Adm. Bobby Ray Inman, former NSA Director and CIA Deputy Direc 3/16/2022 #45740 th Everett Hineman at CIA DS&T and former Dir. of Naval Intelligence Sumner 3/16/2022 #45740 Former AFOSI counterintelligence officer 6/13/2022 #45757 Former CIA officer Jim Semivan states Co 9/5/2022 #45769 Former Manager, Special Projects at Los 9/24/2022 #45770 A ufologist emails former Dept. Dir. for S&T at CIA Everett 9/26/2022 #45771 Former Manager, Special Projects at Los 9/26/2022 #45772 Former UK intelligence officer Franc Mil 10/7/2022 #45773 e son of Secretary of the Navy and former Sen. John Warner III, states his 10/14/2022 #45775 e son of Secretary of the Navy and former Sen. John Warner III, states the 10/14/2022 #45776 y declassified calendar entry from former DCI Allen Dulles shows he met wit 12/17/2022 #45787 Former Thiel Capital manager Eric Weinst 2/22/2023 #45794 rge Knapp says Alfred O’Donnell, a former senior manager at EG&G, a defense 2/28/2023 #45796 eslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal. A former intelligence official turned whis 6/5/2023 #45798 id Charles Grusch, 36, a decorated former combat officer in Afghanistan, is 6/5/2023 #45798
A former-schoolmistress was exercising her 4/12/1969 #25059
omplex trajectory along a river in Formerie, Oise department, France. The c 10/18/1954 #11221
ze. They are the owner Mr. Wilson (formerly of Fort Worth, Texas) and his f 4/19/1897 #536 er Essex, Maryland Benjamin Smith, formerly of the Army Air Corps, sees sev 3/5/1942 #1397 e French Navy patrol boat La Rusé (formerly the USS PC-472) encounters a ci Summer 1949 #4247 approved funding for IPP; Gray was formerly Secretary of the Army, Assistan 11/20/1955 #12580 ion of vague and incomplete cases. Formerly the term "unknown" was applied 1963 #17619 ebruary 1949 declassified from its formerly SECRET status. 10/11/1966 #20991 is found in the wall of the house formerly occupied by Walters. One week l 11/11/1987 #38322 ovence, France The SOS-OVNI group (formerly Association d’Étude sur les Sou 1/1991 #39943 all Applewhite and Bonnie Nettles (formerly called Bo and Peep). 3/26/1997 #43240 d Creech Air Force Base in Nevada, formerly the Indian Springs Air Force Au 10/2005 #44882 ard Snowden and issued by the UK’s formerly secret Joint Threat Research In 2/24/2014 #45402 nded by Harold E. Puthoff, who was formerly involved in the Stargate Projec 1/9/2018 #45503 ritten by Christopher (Kit) Green, formerly a CIA agent, forensic clinician 1/9/2018 #45503 Combined Space Operations Center (formerly the Joint Space Operations Cent 6/23/2019 #45587
e a circular room lying on a white Formica table. He was surrounded by seve 4/5/1969 #25051
Tuscany two hunters, Bacherini and Formiconi, heard a series of detonations 9/17/1954 #10335
owerful red light, took off with a formidable acceleration when witnesses ( 10/11/1954 #10936 ey. Yet together “they represent a formidable team from which plenty of tro 10/1958 #15294 enches radiating from that area. A formidable weight seemed to have rested 5/9/1967 #22303 renches radiating from the area. A formidable weight seemed to have rested 5/9/1967 #22304
y, Sonora, Mexico 9:00 p.m. Albert Formiller is fishing for bass in Cholla 11/5/1970 #25902
bject emerge from a quick descent, forming an unusual cloud. Windows rattle 6/2/1919 #987 hermen later reported a green moss forming on the lake. 7/2/1950 #5038 ints and four holes 2 inches deep, forming a perfect square 13 inches in si 7/1/1953 #8982 the site and four holes 5 cm deep forming a perfect square, 36 cm on each 7/1/1953 #8983 ootprints and four holes 5 cm deep forming a perfect square 36 cm in side w 7/2/1953 #8986 ble and a cloud of dense smoke was forming under the rain. After 15 min the 10/20/1954 #11271 ct with four reddish-yellow lights forming a rectangle circled over Millvil 11/26/1954 #11710 ith the RAF and the possibility of forming a panel to assist in analyzing r 12/26/1954 #11862 about 1 foot 3 inches in diameter, forming a four- sided figure with these 7/30/1957 #13862 n the dark mass. It grows in size, forming a brilliant ball that quickly ap 5/13/1958 #15031 shed together into mud” are found, forming a square with 8-foot sides withi 12/27/1963 #18098 found at the site: three imprints forming a 90 cm equilateral triangle, wi 5/18/1964 #18285 th, plus three holes in the ground forming an equilateral triangle (physica 6/19/1966 #20586 th, plus three holes in the ground forming an equilateral triangle. 6/19/1966 #20588 red lights on top and white lights forming the base. The lights appear to b 1/20/1967 #21360 four imprints on the asphalt road forming a rectangle with sides from 3.35 4/21/1967 #22199 lso find three triangular imprints forming an equilateral triangle with sid 9/20/1967 #23101 , they appear to change positions, forming a perfect triangle. Fortney look 10/22/1967 #23290 her with James McDonald to discuss forming a new group after the project en 12/12/1967 #23573 shortly afterward and finds marks forming an isosceles triangle, two sides 7/1/1968 #24118 oles, each about 5 inches deep and forming an isosceles triangle, the base 7/2/1968 #24131 entation appears around his navel, forming a triangle. He goes to a dermato 11/2/1968 #24625 mountain. Four imprints are found forming an irregular figure on the hills 7/25/1970 #25750 3 feet), leaving four round prints forming an even square 6.5 feet on each 2/5/1971 #26014 o left four imprints in the ground forming a square 2.5 meters wide, and a 3/19/1972 #26618 The source is a row of six lights forming an arc outside her window, as we 10/21/1973 #28228 curtains and saw a line of lights forming an arc. Each light was as large 10/21/1973 #28229 At the site are found three marks forming an equilateral triangle within a 11/16/1973 #28434 t 2:15 a.m. It had flashing lights forming a triangle. They watched it thro 12/20/1973 #28592 ark. Soon four more UFOs appeared, forming a row "emitting jets of white li 1/1/1975 #29687 ark. Soon four more UFOs appeared, forming a row "emitting jets of white li 1/1/1975 #29691 ote area, three imprints are found forming a 12-foot equilateral triangle s 4/20/1975 #29998 as been noticing two unusual stars forming different shapes, and he thinks Late 10/1975 #30470 ges, and many red and white lights forming portholes along the sides. It is 12/1/1977 #32722 tree stump. A thick fog then began forming in the area and simultaneously t 4/25/1978 #33169 n on the horizon towards the west, forming an enormous cloud. A few minutes 3/5/1979 #34465 nd four circular marks on the road forming a precise rectangle. The farmer, 7/25/1979 #34681 icircle between two straight lines forming a 120° angle. An analysis of the 8/2/1979 #34702 mation, four in one row, the fifth forming the other. They move downward to 8/5/1979 #34716 two lights seem to blend into one, forming a soft white color. Sparks shoot 8/12/1979 #34740 India, and see a bell-shaped cloud forming at about 2,000–3,000 feet altitu 4/20/1980 #35280 e three smaller bell-shaped clouds forming evenly spaced below the first an 4/20/1980 #35280 evenly spaced below the first and forming an equilateral triangle. The sma 4/20/1980 #35280 silent and had three white lights forming the point of an equilateral tria 2/14/1981 #35828 ts hovered in the sky, with a mist forming around it. The object tilted and 1/7/1986 #37757 ne long side extending below as if forming a cocked Y. The entire figure gl 4/17/1993 #40941 s below has risen up into the air, forming a tornado shape and spinning ant 7/2/1994 #41601 ached her and held out two fingers forming a "V" or peace sign. Marisa repo 6/27/1998 #43596 ored residue where it hit the car, forming a streak about 12–13 inches long 11/27/1998 #43686 in diameter were found in a field, forming an isosceles triangle. 9/7/2001 #44251 nada. He saw three points of light forming a flying triangle. "My first tho 9/15/2002 #44397 ht and reversed the process, again forming a circle at the end of its trave 4/17/2007 #45018 Independent lights forming a chevron passed silently over S 9/17/2007 #45061 6 flyby, the witness sees the orbs forming and reforming into various group 11/11/2021 #45721 e of moving lightweight objects or forming plasmas that look like UAP, but 11/29/2021 #45725
PATRICK AIR FORCE BASE, FL Guard. Formless night light moves going up [to] 6/15/1954 #9907 TE UNIVERSITY, OH 1 observer. 50cm formless black object just over building 2/29/1984 #37205
Formosa, Taiwan Small black dot; hanging 10/16/1944 #1678 f the Toba Indian tribe in Chalac, Formosa Province, Argentina watched as a 2/21/1965 #18825
ange to triangles, squares, or odd forms. Their colors vary: Some are brigh 8/18/1893 #309 e into triangles, squares, and odd forms. They were various colors, includi 8/26/1893 #310 usly jumped groups each taking the forms of a crudely drawn human face.” To 8/22/1924 #1041 es that “Surely there must be some forms of life on Venus that are not so v 1935 #1221 very light objects, with two dark forms to their left, moved like a swarm 7/3/1947 #2578 ght-constructs” that can take many forms and densities. He considers the et 1950 #4462 The Truman administration forms the Psychological Strategy Board t 4/4/1951 #5498 Bristol, England Denis Plunkett forms a British branch of Albert K. Bend Summer 1952 #6580 2+observer(s). 25 silver saucers / FORMs / 3. 500-'altitude. Waver going up 3/29/1954 #9649 o featureless illuminated humanoid forms emerged from the light source. The 10/25/1954 #11404 ld and separated into two distinct forms as they approached. When they rece 10/25/1954 #11404 London, England George King forms the Aetherius Society in London, E 8/1956 #13044 s from vague blobs and amoeba-like forms to clearly defined discs. Constabl Summer 1957 #13745 ped, bottom had four kidney-shaped forms. 7/27/1957 #13847 lighted windows were two humanoid forms that passed each other, walking in 12/16/1957 #14736 TOBOLSK, USSR Bright "star" forms cloud. Emits similar object. Moves 1/1959 #15518 nd land 300 feet away. A blue haze forms and three figures emerge and sit d 1/1959 #15523 30 feet and rocks slightly. A halo forms around the base and it shoots away 6/3/1961 #16715 llection of observing the humanoid forms wearing glossy black uniforms and 9/19/1961 #16857 ighting and hands out UFO sighting forms in the event of an incident. One t Spring 1962 #17078 the last one leaves, a white cloud forms around the large object, which rem Fall 1965 #19592 ct with body lights. (NICAP report forms.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters) 4/3/1966 #20212 lée recommends standardized report forms that ask all the right questions. 11/11/1966 #21090 -centimeter tall luminous humanoid forms in his garage. The strange forms d 1/9/1967 #21279 d forms in his garage. The strange forms disappeared by moving through the 1/9/1967 #21279 all 300 m away behind a hill. Dark forms were observed on the disks surface 7/24/1967 #22725 ll 300 meters away from them. Dark forms were observed on the disc's surfac 7/24/1967 #22726 8/14/67, NICAP files; NICAP report forms; U.F.O. Investigator, Vol. IV, No. 7/27/1967 #22739 de, horizontal path. (NICAP report forms.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 8/14/1967 #22875 if in a "dogfight." (NICAP report forms and letter.) (NICAP: 01 - Distant 10/30/1967 #23368 bcommittee report and NICAP report forms, NICAP files.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 11/15/1967 #23463 wards they saw three dark humanoid forms at the spot. They looked like men 12/27/1969 #25510 ered. After a few minutes, a cloud forms around the object. After 5 minutes 11/5/1970 #25902 used, white light. Two human- like forms are moving about inside. A third f 6/9/1971 #26162 reen walls, which had three vague "forms" in it. Believing she was daydream 8/4/1973 #27683 nd the center was transparent. Two forms were distinguished inside. After a 3/14/1974 #28886 ndreds of 6-inch, white, disc-like forms, similar to doughnuts. When anothe 7/22/1975 #30200 elt uneasy, and saw four luminous "forms". He called Patrick, who also saw 8/18/1975 #30288 igar-shaped object. The being-like forms were described as about 1.75 m in 8/18/1975 #30288 th two eyes in the upper part. The forms were white in color, and they move 8/18/1975 #30288 ey looked back, and saw two of the forms in a tree. At this point the witne 8/18/1975 #30288 g, and to its right were two human forms about two meters tall that stood s 8/22/1975 #30298 potlights the dark, non-reflecting forms about 5 feet tall. They were vague 10/26/1975 #30476 es, and about 30-35 ft away. These forms were moving about slowly, but stay 10/26/1975 #30476 tlights three dark, non-reflecting forms about five feet high, vaguely huma 10/27/1975 #30491 the edges, 30-35 feet away. These forms were moving about slowly, but stay 10/27/1975 #30491 nt kinds of geometrical shapes and forms, but they are immense. She also ha 9/3/1976 #31337 st about 500 feet away. Human-like forms are visible through a row of windo 12/15/1976 #31605 ar the lights. They are dark human forms, about 5-foot-6 to 6 feet tall, su 5/20/1977 #32116 lf-moon, and 7 other miscellaneous forms. Most are yellow, but some are red 8/3/1977 #32353 e-UFO 400' / roadway. 4 human-like forms in windows. 1 observer / 8 second( 12/15/1977 #32775 According to Tobajas, the humanoid forms stopped briefly by a small creek a 2/11/1980 #35169 m the area. The tall gray humanoid forms persisted in chasing the witness's 2/11/1980 #35169 er and the witnesses see two human forms emerge; the figures began gesticul 4/15/1981 #35898 denly appear above them, and a fog forms in front of the boat. They lose th 7/31/1981 #36048 s her to see a doctor. Scab tissue forms on September 15, followed by a sca 9/10/1981 #36108 the surface three bright lights or forms that approached their position. On 10/24/1981 #36185 s to Welcome Extraterrestrial Life Forms to the U.S.” The State Dept. also 2/25/1982 #36370 room-shaped cloud, similar to what forms in the atmosphere after a nuclear 4/9/1984 #37254 oncepts at the US Army Laboratory, forms a UFO working group titled Advance 5/20/1985 #37590 r-gray disc is seen hovering. Mist forms around it, the object tilts, and i 1/7/1986 #37756 t the aliens are called Alien Life Forms (ALFs) and that he has seen photos 12/18/1988 #38755 IPAVA, IL Jet passes. 2 cottony forms appear. Angel hair! Saucers and ci 10/4/1989 #39142 sea. The brighter and closer group forms a circle of 6 spheres. The second 8/24/1990 #39701 t him so disturbed that in 1993 he forms a support group to help others lik 7/23/1992 #40530 sky above Launceston, Tasmania. It forms into a vertical upright cylinder t 5/29/1996 #42914 k by hostile extraterrestrial life forms. The “program” is also allegedly c 8/22/1998 #43635 a way similar to an army unit and forms a line and disappears almost insta 1/1/2001 #44114 t two-thirds think there are other forms of intelligent life in the univers 8/2002 #44372 s have been abducted by other life forms. 8/2002 #44372 llanda, “we detected at least nine forms of objects. Probes, flying saucer- 5/20/2005 #44844 The Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) forms the MUFON Advanced Technology Esta 10/17/2008 #45175 AP. The briefing mentions various forms of electromagnetic energy generato 2/13/2009 #45212 energy, that would make all other forms of energy derivation obsolete. “On 10/26/2017 #45488 ate” in people who practiced these forms of meditation. Stanford professor 12/12/2018 #45551
dden meaning, and by applying this formula to any word in any language, one 9/1943 #1526 secret meaning. Palmer applies the formula to several words and realizes Sh 9/1943 #1526 fc L. The equation, the Green Bank Formula, summarizes the main concepts th 11/1/1961 #16944 hy, and they reportedly gave him a formula that would provide "the universe 6/15/1971 #26176 ack, is taller. They pointed out a formula to her, which was on the wall. I 8/4/1973 #27683 uggestion that she will recall the formula and be able to reproduce it on a 8/4/1973 #27683 he wrote out the Drake equation, a formula used to estimate the number of c 2000 #43913
where he is given some papers with formulas on them that will help him cons 7/25/1868 #176
Council recommending that the CIA “formulate and carry out a program of int 12/2/1952 #8363
ements of Information” (EEI) to be formulated immediately so that all agenc 9/23/1947 #3417
exico Physicist Enrico Fermi first formulates the “Fermi Paradox” during a Summer 1950 #4996 axy Astrophysicist Michael H. Hart formulates the basic points of Enrico Fe 6/1974 #29154 ical to the real accounts. He then formulates a Birth Memories Hypothesis, 1977 #31655
FORNACETTE, ITL 4 observer(s). Saucer go 7/13/1966 #20642 Fornacette, Pisa, Italy Emissario Canal 7/13/1966 #20644 ieta is on duty at the crossing in Fornacette, Pisa, Italy, when he is dazz 7/13/1966 #20644
FORNELLS, MENORCA, SP 2.5M x 30cm "missi 12/17/1958 #15479 Fornells de Minorca, Baleares Islands, S 12/17/1958 #15480 FORNELLS, MENORCA, SP Several observer(s 12/28/1973 #28607
irst sighted the discs. Col. L. R. Forney of MID indicated that it has been 7/10/1947 #3078
r, and she thought he was insane...fornot mentioning it sooner! The other s 4/12/2008 #45127
both Beach, Delaware Private pilot Forrest Wenyon is flying over Rehoboth B 6/2/1947 #2309 NEAR FORREST, MBA 7 / car. 8M domed metallic 8/10/1947? #3309 metallic disc followed a car near Forrest Station, Manitoba, Canada on thi 8/10/1947 #3310 field China Day. RAF pilot Michael Forrest, stationed at RAF Sek Kong [now 10/1954 #10537 on and height at fantastic speeds. Forrest and another pilot are vectored i 10/1954 #10537 at Lakenheath. According to T/Sgt. Forrest Perkins, watch supervisor at the 8/13/1956 #13080 NEAR FORREST CITY, ARK Air Traffic Controller 10/6/1959 #16018 t aboard chased a glowing UFO over Forrest City, Arkansas. It flew too fast 10/6/1959 #16023
es for Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal a report recommending a comple 9/1945 #1936 den US Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal makes an unexpected visit to S 7/16/1946 #2059 and Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal issue a memorandum that formal 1/29/1947 #2236 The US Senate confirms James Forrestal as the first Secretary of Defe 9/17/1947 #3401 House. Secretary of Defense James Forrestal is also present. 9/24/1947 #3422 uman to Secretary of Defense James Forrestal allegedly establishes a top-se 9/24/1947 #3423 Dewey. Secretary of Defense James Forrestal, like everyone else, expects t 11/3/1948 #3866 rbanus E. Baughman begins to think Forrestal is suffering from a “total psy 11/3/1948 #3866 lett’s. Cabell has asked Secretary Forrestal for permission to feed Shalett 11/30/1948 #3893 Dewey’s Republicans, Truman tells Forrestal that Louis A. Johnson will soo 1/11/1949 #3970 Pentagon James Forrestal leaves office in a formal cere 3/28/1949 #4058 to him about something troubling. Forrestal appears traumatized. Forrestal 3/28/1949 #4058 ng. Forrestal appears traumatized. Forrestal sits in his office, dazed and 3/28/1949 #4058 Beach, Florida Bethesda, Maryland Forrestal is flown to Hobe Beach, Florid 3/31/1949 #4061 al Hospital at Bethesda, Maryland. Forrestal has several hysterical episode 3/31/1949 #4061 ite House Menninger and Raines fly Forrestal to the National Naval Medical 4/2/1949 #4065 to the hospital from the airport, Forrestal attempts to jump out of the ca 4/2/1949 #4065 out of the car but is restrained. Forrestal declares he does not expect to 4/2/1949 #4065 in a VIP suite on the 16th floor. Forrestal’s personal diaries are removed 4/2/1949 #4065 dical Center in Bethesda, Maryland Forrestal has been treated for one week 4/9/1949 #4084 the treatment occasionally throws Forrestal into a confused state with a g 4/9/1949 #4084 n Psychiatric Association. He says Forrestal seems “somewhat better,” havin 5/18/1949 #4192 ital, Bethesda, Maryland Secretary Forrestal (MJ-3) found dead after fallin 5/22/1949 #4202 ical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, Forrestal is awake and refuses a sedativ 5/22/1949 #4203 guarding him finds the room empty. Forrestal’s body is found on a third-flo 5/22/1949 #4203 cutts, completes hearings on James Forrestal’s death. The cause of death is 5/31/1949 #4219 its findings in the death of James Forrestal. The complete transcript is no 10/11/1949 #4386 r Bush, Secretary of Defense James Forrestal (replaced by Gen. Walter Bedel 11/18/1952 #8295 claims former Navy Secretary James Forrestal was aware of the Navy espionag 3/1/1955 #12027 ne-time Secretary of Defense James Forrestal in 1949 because he threatened 5/23/1989 #38960 and Secretary of the Navy James V. Forrestal established the Armed Forces S 1994 #41349
, IL AND OREGON AND MT. MORRIS AND FORRESTON AND ROCK RIVER Amber hemispher 11/3/1973 #28355 shield of a motorist and family in Forreston, South Australia pulsing on an 6/22/1981 #35979
FORRIERES, BELGIUM 1 / car. Strange delt 1/21/1975 #29759 FORRIERES, BELGIUM Strange screech. Huma 8/16/1975 #30279 the outskirts of their village of Forrieres, Luxembourg Province, Belgium 8/16/1975 #30281
Norsk Institutt for Vitenskapelig Forskning og Opplysning in Trondheim, No 1981 #35764
Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant in Forsmark 1/17/2022 #45734 Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant in Forsmark, Sweden Ringhals and Oskarshamn 1/17/2022 #45734 A military-style drone circles the Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant in Forsmark 1/17/2022 #45734 he Forsmark Nuclear Power Plant in Forsmark, Sweden, operating even though 1/17/2022 #45734
LONDON, ENG T. Forster. Large meteor moves in sudden ju 11/7/1811 #104 ge Arents III and copilot Lt. Elon Forster are flying a military DC-3 at 9, 12/23/1944 #1731 Peakskill, New York Mr. and Mrs. Forster stated they saw a craft on the g 2/1954 #9518 hand and a box in the other. Mrs. Forster had to be taken to the hospital 2/1954 #9518 Peekskill, New York Mr. and Mrs. Forster of Peekskill, New York, see a UF 2/1954 #9521 a hood over part of her head. Mrs. Forster has to be taken to the hospital 2/1954 #9521 to land in front of a car with the Forster family inside, while the childre 3/2/1975 #29870 to land in front of a car with the Forster family inside, while the childre 3/8/1975 #29879 FORSTER, NSW 5 observer(s). Disk going s 7/10/1999 #43800
OVER FORSYTH, GA Civil and? / B47. Metal ovoi 1/12/1955 #11929 Macon and Forsyth, GA (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - 8/16/1959 #15920
ly 12,000 feet. First Officer Jack Forsythe and Second Officer Russ Goodeno 9/22/1977 #32510
erhead at high velocity. / Charles Fort / news. 12/9/1731 #58 Y 'Octagonal star' seen. / Charles Fort / Book of the Damned and IFS#26. 4/15/1752 #71 head going quickly east. / Charles Fort. 5/16/1808 #101 urther details. / r8#001 / Charles Fort. 3/15/1868 #171 Milwaukee Green Bay Fort Howard Sheboygan Ozaukee County, Wi Late 10/1881 #246 Michigan at Milwaukee, Green Bay, Fort Howard, Sheboygan, and Ozaukee Coun Late 10/1881 #246 limb 30 minute(s) later. / Charles Fort and more/others. 7/3/1882 #247 ad. Dark rings / center. / Charles Fort and more / r242p129+/ r85.. 7/3/1884 #259 slowly overhead. [Credit: Charles Fort, from Science Monthly, 2-136] (NICA 7/3/1884 #260 orm "marching triangle". / Charles Fort and more / l'Astronomie. 11/23/1887 #284 n' balloon going [to] over Russian fort. Hovers. Turns back going west. 3/22/1892 (approximate) #299 Grinnell, Iowa Barr Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana Springfield (Ill.) F Mid 4/1897 #493 Wayne, Indiana Springfield (Ill.) Fort Wayne, Indiana Early evening. J. W. Mid 4/1897 #493 of his apartment on Barr Street in Fort Wayne, Indiana, when he notices a y Mid 4/1897 #493 Aurora, Texas Fort Worth Aurora Cemetery 6:00 a.m. An 4/17/1897 #523 Thomas Jefferson Weems from nearby Fort Worth), does not survive the crash 4/17/1897 #523 Harlem Prison Farm Fort Bend County, Texas Lake Charles, Lo 4/19/1897 #536 nty, Texas Lake Charles, Louisiana Fort Worth, Texas 12:00 noon. George Dun 4/19/1897 #536 w the Jester State Prison Farm] in Fort Bend County, Texas, is riding in th 4/19/1897 #536 the owner Mr. Wilson (formerly of Fort Worth, Texas) and his friend Scott 4/19/1897 #536 o Getty Street in Uvalde Galveston Fort Worth 10:00 p.m. Sheriff Henry W. B 4/20/1897 #546 rker named Wilson when he lived in Fort Worth in 1876–1877. Baylor’s seemin 4/20/1897 #546 Fort Washita, Oklahoma Night. At Fort Wa 10/4/1898 #626 Fort Washita, Oklahoma Night. At Fort Washita, Oklahoma, Mrs. William Pev 10/4/1898 #626 to have been murdered years ago in Fort Washita and shows her strangle mark 10/4/1898 #626 :05 a.m. Three persons aboard the "Fort Salisbury," including Second Office 10/28/1902 #654 f Guinea Three persons aboard the "Fort Salisbury," including Second Office 10/28/1902 #655 Three men aboard the "Fort Salisbury" steaming in the Gulf of 10/28/1902 #656 all lasts / 4 minute(s)! / Charles Fort / IURv9#3. 11/20/1902 #657 United States Fort Lee, New Jersey Possibly the first 4/26/1915 #927 duced by the Ideal Film Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey, and distributed by 4/26/1915 #927 Boni & Liveright publishes Charles Fort’s first book of scientific anomalie 12/1/1919 #994 anomalies, The Book of the Damned. Fort gathers reports of objects or “vess 12/1/1919 #994 y harbor civilizations and oceans. Fort also speculates that someone is fis 12/1/1919 #994 t nothing was found. (Magonia #45, Fort 639) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 9/9/1922 #1025 ght publishes New Lands by Charles Fort, who writes about odd aerial and as 10/1923 #1035 ciety during a dinner with Charles Fort in the Savoy-Plaza Hotel in New Yor 1/26/1931 #1121 Charles Fort writes in Lo!, published this month 2/1931 #1122 Fort Washakie, Wyoming Wind River Indian 1933 #1151 e American boy are in a truck near Fort Washakie, Wyoming, on the Wind Rive 1933 #1151 Fort Washakie, WY INDIAN RESERVATION HAS 1934 #1189 e Shoshone Indian Reservation near Fort Washakie. They were soundless and m 1934 #1189 Fort Worth, Texas A girl sleeping in the Late Summer 1939 #1314 ng in the back yard of her home in Fort Worth, Texas, is awakened by a whir Late Summer 1939 #1314 Charles Fort’s four famous books 1941 #1349 Biggs Field Fort Bliss El Paso, Texas As their C-47 Mid 2/1945 #1785 7 prepares to land at Biggs Field, Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas, S/Sgt Ralph Mid 2/1945 #1785 Fort Strong in Boston harbor, Massachuse 9/1945 #1934 ng in Boston harbor, Massachusetts Fort Bliss, Texas White Sands, New Mexic 9/1945 #1934 German rocket scientists arrive at Fort Strong in Boston harbor, Massachuse 9/1945 #1934 and two other groups are moved to Fort Bliss, Texas, and White Sands, New 9/1945 #1934 Fort Lauderdale, Florida Atlantic Ocean 12/5/1945 #1950 heduled to take them due east from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for 141 miles, 12/5/1945 #1950 Force planes, which took off from Fort Lauderdale Naval Air Station, Flori 12/5/1945 #1951 iented while flying northeast from Fort Lauderdale, and made increasingly f 12/5/1945 #1951 illiam Jorgensen, a soldier at the fort at Oskar-Fredriksborg, Stockholm, S 7/30/1946 #2087 Fort Mead (30 miles NW of), NV 3:15 [1:1 6/28/1947 #2445 Eighth Air Force Fort Worth, Texas Eighth Air Force Brig. 6/30/1947 #2487 alberer hold a press conference in Fort Worth, Texas, on the flying discs. 6/30/1947 #2487 Fort Worth, Texas Col. Alfred Kalberer h 7/1/1947 #2519 holds another press conference in Fort Worth, Texas, and brings astronomer 7/1/1947 #2519 At 12:45 p.m. over Fort Stevens Annex, Oregon an extremely 7/1/1947 #2528 nia where a forest fire lookout in Fort Ross saw what looked like a burning 7/3/1947 #2586 there was one humanoid report from Fort Worth, Texas. 7/4/1947 #2671 the afternoon on the outskirts of Fort Worth, Texas saw a 25-foot diameter 7/4/1947 #2674 FORT COLLINS, CO Mrs. Mason. Reflective 7/5/1947 #2690 Roswell Army Air Field Fort Stanton Lincoln, New Mexico Albuque 7/5/1947 #2722 on Lincoln, New Mexico Albuquerque Fort Stanton cemetery 10:00 a.m. W/O Rob 7/5/1947 #2722 ut one is still alive and taken to Fort Stanton [now closed] in Lincoln, Ne 7/5/1947 #2722 ne week later and is buried in the Fort Stanton cemetery. 7/5/1947 #2722 Roswell AAF Ranch Fort Worth Army Air Field Washington, D. 7/6/1947 #2812 an airplane to be flown on to the Fort Worth Army Air Field, where it is g 7/6/1947 #2812 base Provost Marshal Fort Worth, Texas 6:00 a.m. Marcel and C 7/8/1947 #3011 s Eighth Air Force headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas, and advises them of t 7/8/1947 #3011 Fort Worth Army Air Field, Texas Wright 7/8/1947 #3019 -29 special flight (the second) to Fort Worth Army Air Field, Texas, with t 7/8/1947 #3019 nothing in them. When it lands in Fort Worth, the enlisted soldiers on the 7/8/1947 #3019 Roswell Fort Worth, Texas 4:30 p.m. The Roswell 7/8/1947 #3025 Captures Flying Saucer” story. In Fort Worth, Texas, Ramey issues a statem 7/8/1947 #3025 Dallas, Texas Cincinnati, Ohio Fort Worth Wright Field Roswell New Mexi 7/8/1947 #3026 ation from Maj. Edwin M. Kirton at Fort Worth. Roswell mortician Glenn Denn 7/8/1947 #3026 Fort Worth Army Air Field Roswell 6:29 p 7/8/1947 #3027 ciated Press story goes out that a Fort Worth Army Air Field officer (Newto 7/8/1947 #3027 gned affidavit he was stationed at Fort Worth Army Air Field and received a 7/8/1947 #3031 Air Field to send the material to Fort Worth Army Air Field, which was eve 7/8/1947 #3031 ebris occurred between Roswell and Fort Worth. He also claims another fligh 7/8/1947 #3032 s, New Mexico Kirtland AFB Roswell Fort Worth RAAF officers locate Mack Bra 7/9/1947 #3054 en bodies is flown from Roswell to Fort Worth in a B-29, according to Staff 7/9/1947 #3054 FORT SUMNER, NM Astronomer LaPaz and 3 / 7/10/1947 #3091 Fort Worth Wright Field, Ohio Dayton Ros 7/10/1947 #3103 is and bodies have been flown from Fort Worth to Wright Field, according to 7/10/1947 #3103 rew members that flies debris from Fort Worth to Dayton. 7/10/1947 #3103 sity of New Mexico Highway 60 near Fort Sumner, New Mexico 4:47 p.m. Univer 7/10/1947 #3109 re driving west on Highway 60 near Fort Sumner, New Mexico, when they see a 7/10/1947 #3109 wide saucer ascend at 600 mph near Fort Sumner, New Mexico heading toward t 7/10/1947 #3117 Fort Bragg, North Carolina 12:20 a.m. Si 12/14/1947 #3502 12:20 a.m. Six staff sergeants at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, watch a dome 12/14/1947 #3502 Fort Knox, KY Mantell Case (M) (NICAP: 1 1/7/1948 #3539 ate Police Godman Army Airfield in Fort Knox, Kentucky Elizabethtown, Kentu 1/7/1948 #3542 office at Godman Army Airfield in Fort Knox, Kentucky, reporting an uniden 1/7/1948 #3542 , Kentucky Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox Bowling Green, Kentucky Frankl 1/7/1948 #3544 ackwell at Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox breaks in over the radio to re 1/7/1948 #3544 Godman Army Airfield Fort Knox, Kentucky 4:45–7:06 p.m. USAF 1/7/1948 #3545 odolite at Godman Army Airfield in Fort Knox, Kentucky, for more than 2 hou 1/7/1948 #3545 ; it mentions the books of Charles Fort as indicating that this has been go 11/8/1948 #3871 Fort Hood, Texas 1:00 a.m. A group of so 1949 #3945 2nd Armored Division stationed at Fort Hood, Texas, are tasked with standi 1949 #3945 Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas C 1/13/1949 #3973 of the Commander of Fourth Army at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas, 1/13/1949 #3973 Killeen Base [now West Fort Hood], Texas 8:30 p.m. Army Pvts. M 3/6/1949 #4035 patrol near Killeen Base [now West Fort Hood], Texas, a nuclear weapons sto 3/6/1949 #4035 FORT HOOD, TX Project Bluebook Case #319 3/17/1949 #4046 Fort Chimo, Quebec, CAN Red light like a 3/18/1949 #4050 Fort Bliss, TX 2 oblong white discs, fly 5/5/1949 #4147 Fort Bliss, Texas Waco no. 4 firing rang 5/5/1949 #4150 on the Waco no. 4 firing range at Fort Bliss, Texas, watch for 30–50 secon 5/5/1949 #4150 Fort Bliss, TX Numerous military witness 5/19/1949 #4194 Killeen Base, Fort Hood, Texas 3 miles south of one ob 6/6/1949 #4228 observation posts at Killeen Base, Fort Hood, Texas, spot a hovering orange 6/6/1949 #4228 FORT WORTH, TX Project Bluebook Case #41 7/24/1949 #4279 Fort Worth, Texas 8:30 p.m. An Air Force 7/24/1949 #4284 even bluish-white lights pass over Fort Worth, Texas, in a V formation, mov 7/24/1949 #4284 ng disc flew over a pen factory in Fort Madison, Iowa. It left a shower of 4/7/1950 #4819 Fort Monmouth, NJ 4 rectangular, amber o 4/14/1950 #4850 s also scrambled and took off from Fort Worth to intercept. On the same day 4/18/1950 #4867 Fort Peck, MT Weather Recon flight crew 7/13/1950 #5061 tallic silvery objects flying over Fort Peck, Montana at 11:51 a.m. 7/13/1950 #5064 Fort Sam Houston, TX Confidential Memo: 10/6/1950 #5215 Raleigh, North Carolina Pope AFB Fort Bragg Pope Field 4:20 p.m. After ta 10/15/1950 #5236 near Pope AFB [now Pope Field] at Fort Bragg. They look like two saucers f 10/15/1950 #5236 Fort Meyers, FL 75 ft object, 3-4 ft thi 12/6/1950 #5326 Fort Myers, Florida 5:00 p.m. Former air 12/6/1950 #5331 00 feet above the northern part of Fort Myers, Florida. Through 10x binocul 12/6/1950 #5331 SOUTH / FORT WORTH, TX Project Bluebook Case #86 1/8/1951 #5385 Fort Worth (South of ), TX Watch 2 stati 1/8/1951 #5386 Fort Benning, GA Light with a fan-shaped 1/12/1951 #5391 saucer-shaped object hovered near Fort Benning, Georgia for 20 minutes, th 1/12/1951 #5393 es east of Silver City, New Mexico Fort Bayard, two miles to the northwest Mid 8/1951 #5608 and forth between his location and Fort Bayard, two miles to the northwest, Mid 8/1951 #5608 Fort Monmouth, NJ The Fort Monmouth Rada 9/10/1951 #5658 Fort Monmouth, NJ The Fort Monmouth Radar Incident (NICAP: 09 9/10/1951 #5658 Fort Monmouth, New Jersey Sandy Hook 11: 9/10/1951 #5660 Army Signal Corps radar center at Fort Monmouth [now closed], New Jersey, 9/10/1951 #5660 Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 10:50 a.m. Two 9/11/1951 #5662 ew Jersey 10:50 a.m. Two radars at Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, pick up anoth 9/11/1951 #5662 Fort Monmouth, New Jersey Fort Monmouth, 9/12/1951 #5663 Fort Monmouth, New Jersey Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, officials sen 9/12/1951 #5663 isease, their samples were kept at Fort Detrick, MD; and a crash recovery t 1952 #5845 / ends. Turns going SSE toward(s) fort ORD. 1/4/1952 #5860 adjacent to Gray AFB Campbell AFB Fort Hood, Texas Fort Campbell Bossier B 2/22/1952 #5920 AFB Campbell AFB Fort Hood, Texas Fort Campbell Bossier Base, adjacent to 2/22/1952 #5920 [now Robert Gray Army Airfield] at Fort Hood, Texas; Site Charlie at Campbe 2/22/1952 #5920 nsville, Kentucky, and adjacent to Fort Campbell; Site Dog at Bossier Base, 2/22/1952 #5920 Fort Stockton, TX (Now an IFO) B-50 Rada 3/26/1952 #5976 FORT WORTH, TX Newspaper reporter. 50 pi 4/23/1952 #6159 FORT SMITH, ARK Army Colonel and Major w 6/12/1952 #6483 Fort Smith, AR Orange ball with a tail f 6/12/1952 #6484 fly with a low angular velocity in Fort Smith, Arkansas. 6/12/1952 #6489 Fort Monmouth, NJ 2 big lights about 20 7/1/1952 #6687 East Coast Fort Monmouth, New Jersey Washington, D. 7/1/1952 #6690 long the East Coast and hover near Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, for about 5 m 7/1/1952 #6690 inutes at 50,000 feet. As radar at Fort Monmouth detects the objects, they 7/1/1952 #6690 FORT BRAGG, CA Observers estimate 4-foot 8/3/1952 #7430 FORT WORTH, TX 2 observer(s). Circle / w 8/11/1952 #7542 Camp Drum Watertown, New York Fort Drum Night. A UFO hovers over the A 9/22/1952 #8007 ers over the Army’s Camp Drum [now Fort Drum] near Watertown, New York, for 9/22/1952 #8007 Fort Meade, Maryland NSA is established 11/4/1952 #8236 Fort Meade, Maryland The National Securi 11/4/1952 #8246 Security Agency is established in Fort Meade, Maryland, in a memo by Secre 11/4/1952 #8246 UFO flew in a zigzag pattern over Fort Benning, Georgia. 11/21/1952 #8317 Fort Victoria Masvingo Zimbabwe Mvuma Ev 12/21/1952 #8439 . E. Hawkey, civil commissioner of Fort Victoria [now Masvingo], Zimbabwe, 12/21/1952 #8439 An anonymous radar technician at Fort Monmouth, NJ in 1953, “Mr. T,” stat 1953 #8483 “H.J.” says he was in the Army at Fort Polk, LA in 1953 when they saw an e 1953 #8484 Duncanville, Texas Meacham Field Fort Worth Meacham International Airport 1/6/1953 #8510 d by the CAA at Meacham Field [now Fort Worth Meacham International Airport 1/6/1953 #8510 low nocturnal light zigzagged over Fort Meade, Maryland. It vanished tempor 9/11/1953 #9161 NORTHEAST / FORT MEADE, MD 2 military observer(s). L 9/12/1953 #9164 Fort McClellan Alabama Operation Top Hat 9/15/1953 #9168 l [now the US Army CBRN School] at Fort McClellan [now closed], Alabama. Th 9/15/1953 #9168 Fort Detrick, Maryland Bacteriologist Fr 11/19/1953 #9310 ps, Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick, Maryland. SOD supplies the 11/19/1953 #9310 Hotel Statler Camp Detrick [later Fort Detrick] in Frederick, Maryland Fra 11/28/1953 #9324 ns Division at Camp Detrick [later Fort Detrick] in Frederick, Maryland, be 11/28/1953 #9324 OVER FORT MEADE, MD(PRE-NSA) Round ashtray-sa 12/7/1953 #9344 Fort George G. Meade, Maryland 9:30 p.m. 12/7/1953 #9345 he 89th Anti-Aircraft Battalion at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, spot a w 12/7/1953 #9345 ulma], Algeria Bordj de la Remonte fort (southwest of Magra) Oued Hmimim (s 1/18/1954 #9494 al officers at Bordj de la Remonte fort (southwest of Magra) hear the objec 1/18/1954 #9494 val Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth] Fort Worth, Texas 11:00 p.m. 2/4/1954 #9535 ion Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth] Fort Worth, Texas 11:00 p.m. A target is 2/4/1954 #9535 val Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth] Ground Control Approach rada 2/4/1954 #9535 round Control Approach radar, near Fort Worth, Texas, at a distance of 13–1 2/4/1954 #9535 fic controllers at Carswell AFB in Fort Worth, Texas sighted and tracked on 2/4/1954 #9536 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 3:20 p.m. USMC 3/25/1954 #9643 Air Wing on an easterly heading at Fort Lauderdale, Florida, at about 26,00 3/25/1954 #9643 FORT MEADE, MD 3 radiomen. Classic sauce 4/29/1954 #9733 Second Army Radio Station, Fort George G. Meade, Maryland 10:11 p.m 4/29/1954 #9734 ove the Second Army Radio Station, Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, by the s 4/29/1954 #9734 er. All of a sudden they are gone. Fort the next two days, she has a fever Summer 1954 #9919 selle Air Force Station radar site Fort Stevens Historic Site southwestern 6/21/1954 #9921 Air Force Station radar site [now Fort Stevens Historic Site] in southwest 6/21/1954 #9921 AFB [now Lawson Army Airfield] in Fort Benning, Columbus, Georgia 20 miles 8/11/1954 #10126 AFB [now Lawson Army Airfield] in Fort Benning, Columbus, Georgia, sees a 8/11/1954 #10126 overed to the west of the tower at Fort Benning. It flew away and then came 8/12/1954 #10139 val Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth] in Texas 4:30 p.m. USAF Maj. 9/3/1954 #10239 val Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth] in Texas directs them to be 9/3/1954 #10239 , Kentucky Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox Bedford, Indiana Wright-Patter 11/12/1954 #11629 rthwest of Godman Army Airfield at Fort Knox. It is later sighted at Bedfor 11/12/1954 #11629 Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland Flor 3/1955 #12024 sis, whooping cough bacteria, from Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland. The 3/1955 #12024 mer “Lucky” Sutton farmhouse Kelly Fort Campbell Shady Oaks restaurant Sutt 8/21/1955 #12386 owards Kelly from the direction of Fort Campbell, a US Army installation. C 8/21/1955 #12386 ce, Air Force officers from nearby Fort Campbell, and civilian ufologists f 8/21/1955 #12386 Fort Worth, Texas US The Air Force relea 10/10/1955 #12497 ir Force releases a statement from Fort Worth, Texas, saying that anyone re 10/10/1955 #12497 FORT DAVIS, PANAMA CZ Several soldiers. 11/10/1955 #12561 At midday two soldiers at Fort Wood, Missouri saw a big silver bal 1/5/1956 #12646 FORT IRWIN, CA Military observer(s). UFO 2/2/1956 #12693 et over the Canadian Rockies, near Fort MacLeod, Alberta photographed in co 8/23/1956 #13125 anadian Air Force Canadian Rockies Fort Macleod, Alberta 7:20 p.m. Royal Ca 8/27/1956 #13140 est over the Canadian Rockies near Fort Macleod, Alberta. He is flying at 3 8/27/1956 #13140 of a USAF B-25 flying northwest of Fort Worth, Texas sighted a round, white 1/16/1957 #13462 ippi Louisiana Texas Dallas, Texas Fort Worth, Texas Before dawn. The crew 7/17/1957 #13808 ident occupies 30 minutes over the Fort Worth, Texas, area from 5:30–6:00 a 7/17/1957 #13808 FORT DEVENS, MASS 8 orange saucers going 9/17/1957 #14003 Sao Vicente, Brazil Ltaipu Fort electrical system failed, sentries 11/3/1957 #14240 FORT ITAIPU, BRZ Saucer over base. All e 11/4/1957 #14260 h an orange object approaching the fort. It holds its course until it is di 11/4/1957 #14284 larm rouse his comrades inside the fort, where the lights suddenly go out. 11/4/1957 #14284 larm, two other men are out of the fort and at their sides. They too see th 11/4/1957 #14284 he Brazilian Air Force, fly to the fort to interview them. There is some re 11/4/1957 #14284 Hospital at Crownsville, Maryland Fort George G. Meade Air Research and De 11/13/1957 #14541 d by army intelligence officers at Fort George G. Meade. They are apparentl 11/13/1957 #14541 Fort Bragg, NC Airline pilots saw an ora 5/15/1958 #15034 At 11:45 p.m. two men in a boat in Fort Lauderdale, Florida watched as an o 5/17/1958 #15042 Fort Bragg, NC Silver, circular object, 6/20/1958 #15101 At 11:05 p.m. Fort Bragg, North Carolina Battalion Com 6/20/1958 #15106 SVILLE, TN Coed. Saucer lands near Fort Campbell. Orange cloud over saucer! 10/21/1958 (approximate) #15362 Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas Cedar City, U 2/20/1959 #15595 rd G. “Gerry” Irwin, on leave from Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, is driving 2/20/1959 #15595 om Nampa, Idaho to his barracks at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas. He had rea 2/28/1959 #15624 f his jacket. He was flown back to Fort Bliss and placed under observation 2/28/1959 #15624 Fort Belvoir, Fairfax County, Virginia T 7/1959 #15807 ield Activities Group stationed at Fort Belvoir, Fairfax County, Virginia, 7/1959 #15807 Fort William, Canada On the Trans-Canada 10/25/1959 #16059 n the Trans-Canada Highway west of Fort William, Canada four hunters (Dougl 10/25/1959 #16061 Fort Bliss El Paso, Texas Early evening. 12/13/1959 #16118 ening. A rocket project officer at Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, is out loo 12/13/1959 #16118 Moscow, Russia Fort Bliss In a press conference in Mosc 1/12/1961 #16577 se approaches to Cuban airspace by Fort Bliss–based reconnaissance aircraft 1/12/1961 #16577 FORT PIERCE, FL Mayor and airmen. Fireba 3/22/1961 #16638 Fort Collins, Colorado Horsetooth Reserv 10/26/1962 #17501 onville 7:16 a.m. Bessie Rogers of Fort Collins, Colorado, spots a large, b 10/26/1962 #17501 Fort Collins, Colorado Vera Rogers sees 10/29/1962 #17517 ound, shiny object flying low over Fort Collins, Colorado. The object, head 10/29/1962 #17517 US Latin America Fort Benning, Georgia Guantanamo Bay, Cu 7/1963 #17819 h as the School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia. (In the 21st cent 7/1963 #17819 FORT KENT, ME 2 boys agree. Saucer passe 8/18/1963 #17905 UFO was seen by two young boys in Fort Kent, Aroostook County, Maine at 12 8/18/1963 #17908 Fort Riley, KA Recovery of Saucer by A.K 12/10/1964 #18654 on guard duty at the Motor Pool at Fort Riley, KS claims on this date he an 12/10/1964 #18655 Fort Myers, Florida In the Everglades, 3 3/15/1965 #18857 with the left, went to a doctor in Fort Myers, and spent five days in the h 3/15/1965 #18857 Everglades Immokalee, Florida East Fort Myers Around 1:00 a.m. James W. Fly 3/15/1965 #18859 nd arrives at his own home in East Fort Myers on March 17 and spends 5 days 3/15/1965 #18859 FORT PIERCE, FL Pear-shaped object photo 7/5/1965 #19068 arswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base], Fort Wor 7/28/1965 #19196 on Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base], Fort Worth, Texas 9:40 p.m. A USAF Reser 7/28/1965 #19196 arswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base], Fort Wor 7/28/1965 #19196 on Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base], Fort Worth, Texas, below 1,000 feet alti 7/28/1965 #19196 arswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base], Fort Wor 7/31/1965 #19220 on Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base], Fort Worth, Texas Tinker AFB 1:05 a.m. W 7/31/1965 #19220 arswell AFB [now Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base], Fort Wor 7/31/1965 #19220 on Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base], Fort Worth, Texas. Both Tinker and Carsw 7/31/1965 #19220 UFO (section VII). August 4, 1965. Fort Worth Star Telegram (TX) editorial: 8/3/1965 #19289 FORT / FRANCE, MTQ 2 submarine/submerged 9/22/1965 (approximate) #19587 Fort Riley, KA Fort Riley, KA: “AK” (Aar 11/1965 #19690 Fort Riley, KA Fort Riley, KA: “AK” (Aaron Kaback) was 11/1965 #19690 Fort Riley Military Reservation Kansas 2 11/1965 #19695 ty at the motor pool in the Army’s Fort Riley Military Reservation in Kansa 11/1965 #19695 Fort Worth, Texas Moon Arcturus An amate 12/13/1965 #19766 Arcturus An amateur astronomer in Fort Worth, Texas, watches a UFO through 12/13/1965 #19766 FORT PIERCE, FL Blue Book. Glowing ballo 3/23/1966 #20035 Fort Pierce, FL Bright object like a bal 3/23/1966 #20041 Fort Pierce, Florida Two young men were 3/23/1966 #20046 e walking through a wooded area in Fort Pierce, Florida when they saw a bri 3/23/1966 #20054 Muscogee County Airport Fort Benning Columbus, Georgia 5:30 a.m. 3/27/1966 #20101 Airport] and military operators at Fort Benning report a radar-visual sight 3/27/1966 #20101 FORT GORDON AND AUGUSTA, GA Soldiers. 3 7/27/1966 #20688 FORTY FORT, PA Astronomer. Ovoid flashes 1 / 2 8/11/1966 (approximate) #20738 FORT SMITH, AR 1500+observer(s). 4 night 8/15/1966 #20743 NEAR FORT DUCHESNE, UT Red-orange night light 9/1/1966 #20830 d the rim moving around the sky in Fort Duchesne, Utah. There were several 9/1/1966 #20834 SOUTH / FORT DUCHESNE, UT Airliner-size saucer a 9/28/1966 #20930 4 MILES NORTH / FORT DUCHESNE, UT Saucer descends. White 9/30/1966 #20936 FORT DUCHESNE, UT Classic saucer near ob 10/6/1966 #20966 FORT DUCHESNE, UT Yellow saucer with red 10/9/1966 #20977 SOUTH / FORT DUCHESNE, UT Tribal police / (seen 10/24/1966 #21033 FORT ONTARIO, NY Domed disk with porthol 11/12/1966 #21092 Fort Ontario, NY 9:35 p.m. EST. A number 11/12/1966 #21094 object with portholes hovered over Fort Ontario, New York and was witnessed 11/12/1966 #21095 Fort Belvoir, Fairfax County, Virginia P 2/20/1967 #21607 tographic Interpretation Center in Fort Belvoir, Fairfax County, Virginia, 2/20/1967 #21607 ase] in Miami–Dade County, Florida Fort George G. Meade in Maryland Cuban a 3/1967 #21700 t and sends a report to the NSA at Fort George G. Meade in Maryland. NSA or 3/1967 #21700 Fort Wayne, IN 9:15 p.m. EST. A man (min 3/9/1967 #21835 LAPOINT, UT TO/FROM FORT DUCHESNE Orange saucer follows and 3/13/1967 #21879 Fort Riley, KS 5:00 a.m. CST. Multiple w 11/4/1967 #23401 Fort Simpson, NWT, CAN 7:11 a.m. PST. A 11/15/1967 #23460 FORT NORMAN, NWT Dog team excited. Huge 2/16/1968 #23760 NORTH / FORT DUCHESNE, UT "Falling star in rever 12/2/1968 #24744 Fort Hall Indian Reservation Idaho Conta 7/12/1969 #25263 ing to Shoshone-Bannock Indians at Fort Hall Indian Reservation in Idaho ab 7/12/1969 #25263 disc-shaped object was taken near Fort Morgan, Colorado 70 miles east of D 8/28/1969 #25335 nterstate 80S Interstate 76 Denver Fort Morgan, Colorado 6:20 a.m. Norman V 8/29/1969 #25337 Denver [putting them roughly near Fort Morgan, Colorado]. They notice a br 8/29/1969 #25337 4 MILES NORTHWEST FORT DUCHESNE, UT Flashing multicolor sa 9/14/1970 #25837 FORT DUCHESNE, UT 2 saucers flip to side 12/5/1970 #25928 ttom edge was seen at 9:00 p.m. in Fort Duchesne, Utah. 9/20/1971 #26357 UFO flew from north to south over Fort Duchesne, Utah and was seen by thre 2/10/1972 #26569 Fort Beufort, S. Africa Daylight, multi 6/26/1972 #26734 Braeside Farm Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Afric 6/26/1972 #26735 wner of Braeside Farm 9 miles from Fort Beaufort, Eastern Cape, South Afric 6/26/1972 #26735 e owner of the Braeside farm, near Fort Beaufort, South Africa. They though 6/26/1972 #26736 PORT ELIZABETH AND FORT BEAUFORT AND BRAESIDE AND CHANDLER 7/2/1972 #26752 sitting on his suitcase outside of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin at around 2:00 8/25/1972 #26954 ed object landed next to a barn in Fort Erie, Niagara County, Ontario, Cana 1/11/1973 #27231 Fort Wayne, IN 10:30 p.m. One resident r 6/20/1973 #27576 as seen from a residential area of Fort Wayne, Indiana as it moved behind t 9/23/1973 #27862 On this evening two patrolmen in Fort Wayne, Indiana saw an unidentified 9/24/1973 #27864 e 7602nd Air Intelligence Group at Fort Belvoir, VA conducted psychological 10/11/1973 #28009 FORT SMITH, ARK 8' saucer buzzes car. En 10/20/1973 #28203 Fort Smith, AR Glowing disc descended wi 10/20/1973 #28211 Fort Smith, Arkansas 1:00 a.m. Two women 10/20/1973 #28214 women driving in a Volkswagen near Fort Smith, Arkansas, see a glowing obje 10/20/1973 #28214 Fort George Island, Florida Jacksonville 3/27/1974 #28961 brush fire near their residence on Fort George Island, Florida, and come ac 3/27/1974 #28961 (now Zimbabwe) to South Africa via Fort Victoria and Beit Bridge. Peter and 5/31/1974 #29150 ll. When they were some 10 km from Fort Victoria the UFO shot off like a sh 5/31/1974 #29150 ometer. He had reset it to zero at Fort Victoria, but found that it had rec 5/31/1974 #29150 He had also filled the gas tank in Fort Victoria and expected to need a ful 5/31/1974 #29150 On this night in Fort Lee, New Jersey a single witness sa 10/2/1975 #30410 NEAR FORT BENTON, MT Night light attaches to 11/11/1975 #30600 ing up-and-down and diagonally. In Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin bright white li 11/13/1975 #30615 ing up-and-down and diagonally. In Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin bright white li 11/13/1975 #30616 d, Great Falls, Montana and at the Fort Benton J-5 Missile Site in Chouteau 12/2/1975 #30680 FORT ST. JAMES, BC 2 observer(s). 100' w 1/1976 #30751 Fort Shaw, MT 9:48 p.m. UFO landed near 2/5/1976 #30847 Fort Benton, MT 7:20 p.m. Black Horse La 2/14/1976 #30869 Fort Ritchie, Cascade, Maryland NMCC Joi 7/30/1976 #31195 eived several reports of UFOs near Fort Ritchie. At 0130, civilians reporte 7/30/1976 #31195 FORT RITCHIE, MD U.S. Marine Corps (USMC 7/30/1976 #31196 Fort Ritchie, MD 0345 EDT. NMCC in Washi 7/30/1976 #31200 eports of UFO's in the vicinity of Fort Richie. The following events summar 7/30/1976 #31200 Fort Ritchie Cascade, Maryland 1:30–3:45 7/30/1976 #31202 fferent locations in the US Army’s Fort Ritchie [now closed], in Cascade, M 7/30/1976 #31202 the coast of Florida, southeast of Fort Lauderdale. 12/20/1976 #31627 Granville, proprietor of the Haven Fort Hotel in Little Haven, Pembroke, Wa 4/19/1977 #32001 ess AFB near Abilene, Texas Dallas Fort Worth Air Route Traffic Control Cen 10/26/1977 #32617 pilot) overhear transmissions from Fort Worth Air Route Traffic Control Cen 10/26/1977 #32617 ed unnecessary. The pilot contacts Fort Worth Center, giving the position o 10/26/1977 #32617 Fort Mitchell, KY 1:10 AM. CE-1 (50-100' 12/1977 #32716 Fort Mitchell, KY A green glow was first 12/21/1977 #32801 first seen by a married couple in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky at shortly after 12/21/1977 #32803 978, UFOs were sighted flying over Fort Dix and McGuire AFB, adjacent milit 1/18/1978 #32889 Fort Dix/McGuire AFB, NJ Alien being sho 1/18/1978 #32892 tions of UFOs seen, MP at adjacent Fort Dix shot humanoid being, AF securit 1/18/1978 #32893 ] in Burlington County, New Jersey Fort Dix army base McGuire AFB runaway 3 1/18/1978 #32894 ow-flying UFO over the neighboring Fort Dix army base. An Army MP pursues t 1/18/1978 #32894 ing runs into the woods toward the Fort Dix fence line. A security patrol f 1/18/1978 #32894 Fort Clayton Balboa, Panama Fuerte Amado 6/17/1978 #33286 arter’s helicopter taking off from Fort Clayton [now closed] near Balboa, P 6/17/1978 #33286 for the Defense Mapping Agency at Fort Clayton, sends the photo to Carter 6/17/1978 #33286 Albuquerque, New Mexico Fort Worth, Texas Former astronaut and U 4/20/1979 #34517 About 200 people attend, including Fort Worth (Tex.) Star-Telegram reporter 4/20/1979 #34517 e 7602nd Air Intelligence Group at Fort Belvoir, VA conducted psychological 1980's #35110 et underground installation within Fort Hood, Texas. The secret air force b 12/29/1980 #35752 lyn, MI Two boys playing in a snow fort behind their house heard a humming 12/29/1981 #36281 AF Capt. states while stationed at Fort Hood, in the late 1960s a pilot had 1982 #36292 ; the next day, the witness called Fort Hood and was told there was a routi 1982 #36292 legedly worked underground beneath Fort Hood stated the technology involved 1982 #36292 disc paced two people in a car in Fort Wayne, Indiana. It had hazy lights 4/7/1982 #36439 e that woke many from their sleep. Fort Monmouth tracked a 90-foot wide obj 8/29/1984 #37446 Washington State. At 4:30 a.m. in Fort Lauderdale, Florida 50 silvery disc 7/19/1986 #37949 Fort Yukon, Alaska Japan Airlines flight 11/17/1986 #38068 Fort Yukon, AK Japan Airlines freighter 11/17/1986 #38071 Fort Yukon, Alaska Anchorage Fairbanks 5 11/17/1986 #38072 ew of three, is in the vicinity of Fort Yukon, Alaska, on its way to Anchor 11/17/1986 #38072 FORT MYERS, FL W. B. Nash and son. Large 2/1/1987 #38109 driving out from Wytheville toward Fort Chiswell, Virginia on Interstate 81 10/23/1987 #38311 at a rapid speed 50 miles east of Fort Wayne, Indiana. 12/12/1987 #38357 t 11:30 p.m. the highway patrol in Fort Payne reported sighting the Fyffe U 3/1/1989 #38860 L Electronics and it was tested at Fort Meade, MD five months prior. He sta 9/28/1989 #39132 ars at 9:15 p.m., two witnesses in Fort Walton Beach, Florida saw a group o 10/30/1989 #39195 to a facility a half an hour from Fort Meade, MD, but that his transportat 1990 #39354 FORT ALLEN, PR Men ordered inside. Base 7/19/1990 #39650 Fort Allen Training Center in Juana Díaz 7/19/1990 #39651 00 midnight. The base perimeter at Fort Allen Training Center in Juana Díaz 7/19/1990 #39651 later tells UFO investigators that Fort Allen personnel have been briefed o 7/19/1990 #39651 Fort Allen, Puerto Rico. According to an 7/19/1990 #39652 Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin 6:35 p.m. Kevin 2/4/1993 #40838 ck, spot an object in the sky near Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, that spits out 2/4/1993 #40838 SOUTHEAST / NUTTER FORT, WV 2 observer(s). Large white sphe 10/1/1993 #41216 ew from north to south over Nutter Fort, West Virginia at 7:00 p.m. It foll 10/1/1993 #41217 NUTTER FORT, WV 1 observer. Gold-white saucer 2 11/10/1993 #41268 FORT DICK, CA Several observer(s). 2 nig 8/13/1995 #42380 the US Army 52nd Ordnance Group at Fort Gillem, GA provides EOD response to 1996 #42659 er hovered over a transformer near Fort Meade, Maryland. It made no sound. 6/1/1996 #42920 Mountain Weapons Storage Facility, Fort Huachuca and an underground complex 8/30/1996 #43001 of Mexico, just offshore, south of Fort Walton Beach, Florida the same witn 5/13/1998 #43566 Fort Pickens Pensacola, Florida Gulf of 10/9/1999 #43859 Mexico 7:57 p.m. While fishing off Fort Pickens near Pensacola, Florida, an 10/9/1999 #43859 . on Cabin Lake Road, northeast of Fort Nelson, British Columbia, Canada. T 7/7/2002 #44357 red, pulsating triangles flew over Fort Walton Beach, Florida at 9:30 p.m. 9/11/2002 #44396 ntgomery Big Bateau Bay in Spanish Fort, Alabama 7:40 p.m. Pilot Thomas J. 10/23/2002 #44422 r in the Big Bateau Bay in Spanish Fort, Alabama. The pilot’s final words a 10/23/2002 #44422 d over the Florida Everglades from Fort Lauderdale, Florida at 3:37 p.m. 2/15/2003 #44492 hed holding a typed message at AAC Fort Worth, TX after the alleged Roswell 2004 #44639 WRECK YOU FORWARDED TO THE TEAM AT FORT WORTH, TEX; ESSOR ON THE “DISK” MUS 2004 #44639 ybe 30 feet across, was sighted in Fort Myers, Florida. It reflected sunlig 1/4/2004 #44647 om a triangle-like craft seen near Fort Benning, Georgia by a mother and da 4/16/2004 #44689 saw a military helicopter from the Fort. Upon getting closer the mother tho 4/16/2004 #44689 In Fort Riley, Kansas at 9:30 p.m. four glo 10/28/2007 #45083 ications jamming was tested in the Fort Worth and Arlington areas in 2008. 2008 #45108 val Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth Stephenville Empire-Tribune O 1/8/2008 #45112 ephenville Empire-Tribune Oklahoma Fort Worth Temple Prairie Chapel Ranch C 1/8/2008 #45112 val Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth, who first tells her he think 1/8/2008 #45112 hour. Two different radars (one at Fort Worth and another at Temple) make c 1/8/2008 #45112 number associated with the NSA in Fort Meade, MD, he claims. https://www. 1/30/2015 #45429 a location about 100 miles west of Fort Sill. Fort Sill has been associated 2/20/2015 #45431 about 100 miles west of Fort Sill. Fort Sill has been associated with trian 2/20/2015 #45431 ground connector to Dulce complex; Fort Huachuca has a storage facility tha 4/18/2016 #45451 Fort Morgan, Colorado Morgan County Dusk 12/31/2019 #45623 k. Placido Montoya, a plumber from Fort Morgan, Colorado, gives chase to a 12/31/2019 #45623 Castle Rock Parker Douglas County Fort Collins Larimer County Centennial F 1/8/2020 #45625 Collins Larimer County Centennial Fort Morgan Colorado Drones are now bein 1/8/2020 #45625 r in Douglas County, Colorado, and Fort Collins in Larimer County. Kerry Ga 1/8/2020 #45625 a Flight for Life helicopter near Fort Morgan, Colorado, prompts officials 1/8/2020 #45625
Madagascar Interior Ministry Fort-Dauphin Marketplace Night. The Mada 8/21/1978 #33539 and exploded in the marketplace at Fort-Dauphin. Radio Madagascar says that 8/21/1978 #33539
Fort-de-France, Martinique 9:15 p.m. Two Late 9/1965 #19604 ort vessel Rhône, are anchored off Fort-de-France, Martinique, when a large Late 9/1965 #19604 FORT-DE-FRANCE, MARTINIQUE Airline(s)/ai 8/21/1987 #38250
Fort-Rousset Owando Republic of the Cong 6/18/1954 #9910 Élie Verhille, Apostolic Vicar of Fort-Rousset [modern Owando, Republic of 6/18/1954 #9910
Fortaleza de Itaipu in Praia Grande, São 11/4/1957 #14284 eiro 2:00 a.m. Two sentries at the Fortaleza de Itaipu in Praia Grande, São 11/4/1957 #14284 FORTALEZA, BRAZIL Air Traffic Controller 7/22/1959 #15869 FORTALEZA, BRZ Silent saucer hovers / ed 5/13/1960 #16265 at the location marked as (5) over Fortaleza, Brazil. The UFO made an evasi 5/13/1960 #16272 NEAR FORTALEZA, BRAZIL 2 / car / skids. Red f 4/3/1965 #18888 eling salesmen were driving toward Fortaleza, Ceara State, Brazil at 11:20 4/3/1965 #18889 FORTALEZA, BRZ , Colonel. Silent saucer 3/4/1969 (approximate) #24964 om the Brazilian Air Force base at Fortaleza, Brazil. 7/18/1969 #25280 om the Brazilian Air Force base at Fortaleza. 7/18/1969 #25281 NEAR FORTALEZA, BRZ Many observer(s). Fast si 11/4/1971 (approximate) #26453 Quixadá, Ceará, Brazil Fortaleza 4:30 a.m. Several residents of 4/3/1976 #30983 him into a psychiatric hospital in Fortaleza. His condition deteriorates, a 4/3/1976 #30983 Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil José Jean Perei 1977 #31652 he Centro de Estudos Ufologicos in Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, and publishes 1977 #31652 antennae, approached a witness in Fortaleza, Ceara State, Brazil and touch 1/11/1979 #34331 Maraponga neighborhood of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil Lagoa da Marapo 8/12/1983 #36949 . In the Maraponga neighborhood of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, João de Lira P 8/12/1983 #36949 FORTALEZA, CEARA, BRZ Many calls / Air F 5/21/1986 #37884 14 MI SOUTH / FORTALEZA, BRZ 2 / motorcycle / malfunct 3/9/1991 #40006 in their car on a highway south of Fortaleza, Brazil. The domed disc emitte 3/9/1991 #40007 FORTALEZA, CE, BRZ 1.5 observer(s). Smal 10/16/1992 #40679 FORTALEZA, BRZ Astronomers and thousands 3/20/1993 #40893 O sighting reports in the State of Fortaleza, Brazil, a man named Jose Erna 4/23/1993 #40948 FORTALEZA TO/FROM/BETWEEN CANDIDE, BRZ 6 5/10/1993 #40972 ht six witnesses on a road west of Fortaleza, Ceara State, Brazil recorded 5/10/1993 #40974 ts camping oin a deserted beach in Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil, including Luis 8/1/2001 #44217
172809/http://www.nicap.org/images/fortdix2.gif https://web.archive.org/w 1/18/1978 #32895
172805/http://www.nicap.org/images/fortdix3.gif http://www.paradigmresear 1/18/1978 #32895
FORTE DEI MARMI, ITL 3 kids / beach. 35c 8/27/1976 #31308
y Author Tiffany Thayer founds the Fortean Society during a dinner with Cha 1/26/1931 #1121 r publishes the first issue of the Fortean Society Magazine (retitled Doubt 9/1937 #1276 r. He engages in speculation about Fortean phenomena, ancient astronauts, l 3/1955 #12022 nagra Thayer formally disbands the Fortean Society. 9/30/1960 #16468 Fortean Tomes publishes UFOs 1947–1987, 1987 #38090
“perhaps that’ll take care of the Forteans for a while” and mentions an up 1/20/1953 #8557
Pilots Nash and Fortenberry see 6 discs. 7/1952 #6676 rfolk (20-25 miles N of ), VA Nash/Fortenberry Case (AL) (NICAP: 11 - Aviat 7/14/1952 #6811 gley AFB, VA OSI doc confirms Nash/Fortenberry Incident (NICAP: 11 - Aviati 7/14/1952 #6812 lliam Nash, Second Officer William Fortenberry. Eight large, round, glowing 7/14/1952 #6815 d copilot First Officer William H. Fortenberry, flying a Pan American Airwa 7/14/1952 #6817 ginia by two pilots named Nash and Fortenberry. The men were flying a DC-4 7/14/1952 #6818 ew is UFO witness Capt. William H. Fortenberry. The cause of the crash is n 11/8/1957 #14489 of the crash is never determined. Fortenberry’s journalist son, Ken H. For 11/8/1957 #14489 rtenberry’s journalist son, Ken H. Fortenberry, suspects that the bereaved 11/8/1957 #14489
zil 6:00 p.m. Police deputies Bias Fortes and Pinheiro Chagas are driving 9 1/20/1968 #23682
ears above them. It darts back and forth across the river, sometimes hoveri 1638 #41 fish figures were running back and forth. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) (N 6/12/1929 #1096 fish figures were running back and forth. He heard their pointed, childlike 6/12/1929 #1097 dwarfish figures running back and forth within 6 meters of the object. He 6/12/1929 #1099 e bombers. The crews talk back and forth, discussing and confirming the sig 10/14/1943 #1536 ring in intensity, swayed back and forth in a rocking motion between mounta 8/12/1946 #2125 upon water." They tilted back and forth as they flew. One object was defin 6/24/1947 #2402 bunched objects, rocking back and forth as they fly noiselessly above Wood 6/27/1947 #2433 hung in the sky, swinging back and forth in a pendulum motion. They were wh 7/15/1947 #3188 r. Denton saw a UFO swing back and forth in a pendulum motion. 7/20/1947 #3207 er trees they didn't sway back and forth, but rather the treetops twisted a 8/13/1947 #3322 tion, moving up and down, back and forth. The objects continue to fly south 11/3/1949 #4411 d at 100' altitude, moved back and forth for 10 minutes and then flew up an 5/7/1950 #4932 unsteadily,” then streaks back and forth in a north-south line through an a 12/27/1950 #5368 ’ flew over US Highway 81 south of Forth Worth, Texas at 10:45 p.m. One pas 1/8/1951 #5388 ed then hovering. They go back and forth between his location and Fort Baya Mid 8/1951 #5608 ts pass overhead, swaying back and forth like a pendulum. (NICAP report.) ( 3/10/1952 #5952 , high in the sky, moving back and forth. It went straight up out of sight. 5/3/1952 #6254 ght. It appeared to waver back and forth before fading out of sight directl 5/10/1952 #6285 se from the sea and waver back and forth before fading from sight directly 5/10/1952 #6297 BATA, PORTUGAL Cigar goes back and forth several times. 'Blows up'. / Jimmy 5/13/1952 #6308 cigar-shaped object flew back and forth in the sky several times over the 5/13/1952 #6318 5. Soft white light jumps back and forth / 60 minute(s). No further details 6/18/1952 #6535 es watch the F-94s search back and forth far below the UFOs. At 7:30, USAF 7/1/1952 #6689 h UFO hovering and arcing back and forth across the sky for about 8 minutes 7/1/1952 #6690 s the two F-94's searched back and forth far below the UFOs. The Air Force 7/1/1952 #6691 rse directions and cruise back and forth; they travel at high speeds in wid 7/19/1952 #6930 enish glowing object dart back and forth silently and erratically at high s 7/19/1952 #6931 all orange disks maneuver back and forth. Also silver objects. 8/24/1952 #7701 Silent shiny saucer goes back and forth over airfield / 3 minute(s). Rises 9/10/1952 #7889 cal, silent object moving back and forth near the base. It is visible for 2 9/10/1952 #7891 aucer glows. Dims. Shifts back and forth / 30 minute(s). No further details 9/16/1952 #7956 gardeners. Brilliant disk back and forth / sky. Going quickly south / very 12/1/1953 #9332 hed a brilliant disc move back and forth in the sky. It shot off to the sou 12/1/1953 #9333 0 p.m. They were swinging back and forth in a falling leaf motion. 3/1/1954 #9590 uspended beneath it, skim back and forth over the water of Lake Michigan. S 4/8/1954 #9677 g up [to] going down [to] back and forth over trees. 7/31/1954 #10069 object that moved slowly back and forth over some trees. 7/31/1954 #10070 e, France. It is swinging back and forth over an area of about 984 feet. Fa 9/30/1954 #10516 beings. They were moving back and forth in an erratic manner. Seenza shout 11/1/1954 #11522 ads andlarge eyes running back and forth to the sphere. They ran making lit 11/4/1954 #11569 ght from the sky searched back and forth, then struck and gave an electric 11/29/1954 #11729 12-15 mph. The UFO swayed back and forth while hovering and shot a beam of 3/30/1955 #12071 s). Brilliant sphere zips back and forth / one hour. Spirals. Absolute(ly) 5/1/1955 #12112 ed while the other rocked back and forth. They both had a dark circle aroun 9/24/1956 #13242 owly gliding down,” rocks back and forth, and comes to a stop in the middle 11/11/1956 #13322 the first of three books that set forth an alternative occult history shap 1957 #13430 Silver ovoid hovers. Goes back and forth / 2 minute(s). No further details 11/7/1957 #14448 dometer is jumping wildly back and forth from the top to the bottom of its 11/7/1957 #14460 illo, TX Silvery UFO sped back and forth, ascended. [UFOE, VII] (NICAP: 01 11/22/1957 #14594 ten minutes, maneuvering back and forth from side to side of the train. It 12/16/1957 #14737 hed reddish-white UFO arc back and forth. [UFOE, X] (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 4/11/1958 #14976 s in diameter, maneuvered back and forth just above tree top level while ch 10/3/1958 #15312 hite glowing object moved back and forth for 90 minutes new Lake Elsinore, 12/1/1958 #15467 tte in appearance, jerked back and forth over a cloud in Miami, Florida. It 2/12/1959 #15587 lia at 4:30 a.m. The object spewed forth a 50 meter wide band of vapor. Two 5/17/1959 #15734 ight and the object moves back and forth laterally. Gill goes in for dinner 6/26/1959 #15790 ella-shaped craft swaying back and forth in the sky in overcast skies at ar 1/31/1960 #16161 flashing white light ran back and forth along the rod. The UFO made severa 11/27/1960 #16516 k smoke. The object rolls back and forth rapidly and travels slowly to the 2/28/1961 #16615 RLESTON, SC Ovoid zigzags back and forth / coastline. Dome-lights top and b 10/8/1961 #16901 out, and the object rocks back and forth, taking off to the north at a grea 8/1962 #17309 other under it at darting back and forth near Oradell Reservoir. At 7:55 p. 9/15/1962 #17403 ge black parachute weaves back and forth over mountains and reservoir. / r1 10/26/1962 #17497 ute-shaped object weaving back and forth over the mountains somewhere betwe 10/26/1962 #17501 he UFO moved up and down, back and forth, but remained in the same area of 7/20/1963 #17843 objects has been rocking back and forth, the witnesses find innumerable wh 10/21/1963 #17997 re in the evening, moving back and forth from east to west. 5/26/1964 #18307 lorida. The object tipped back and forth as they did so. They first formed 6/23/1964 #18370 discs flew along, tipping back and forth. They formed a V formation, then a 6/24/1964 #18372 tant stop and instant go) back and forth between Site 6 and Site 8. Gilbert Late 1964 #18583 half mile away and moving back and forth. It lights up the sky like a full 11/3/1964 #18605 ver a mile away. It moves back and forth from its original position. Throug 3/15/1965 #18859 hid, while the horse ran back and forth on its tether with its ears back a 5/20/1965 #18947 ct that undulated, darted back and forth, zig-zagged, and then climbed away 7/8/1965 #19083 ome nearby woods, rocking back and forth. She rushes back to warn her husba 7/12/1965 #19096 pass. Last 3 flash lights back and forth! 8/3/1965 #19280 oved right and left, then back and forth, etc. Ultimately it disappeared be 8/20/1965 #19441 up over the trees, moving back and forth, tilts, and comes toward them. The 9/3/1965 #19511 ular-shaped object moving back and forth for 20 minutes over Luleå, Sweden. 11/5/1965? #19701 tick-like craft was seen that blew forth a mass of white clouds behind it. 1/1/1966 #19801 1,200 m.p.h., maneuvering back and forth. Soon afterwards he observed sever 1/3/1966 #19803 p.m. The UFOs then moved back and forth in the sky, vanished and reappeare 3/2/1966 #19933 ashing lights. They swung back and forth in the sky like pendulums over a s 3/14/1966 #19967 e. He came upon it moving back and forth over some power lines at 10:00 p.m 3/21/1966 #20023 ia. Ruby-red lights flash back and forth between them, as if they are signa 3/25/1966 #20082 inous white object moving back and forth. Its color changing from white to 3/29/1966 #20133 ered above trees, rocking back and forth. Finally it accelerated and sped a 4/6/1966 #20255 object hovered, and sped back and forth several times. (Fowler 1974, p. 33 4/18/1966 #20326 lights, hovered and swung back and forth like a pendulum. (Fowler 1974, < p 4/19/1966 #20343 m. Further hypnotic probing brings forth apparent memories of lifelong inte 1/25/1967 #21386 ights). The object zipped back and forth at terrific speed. Observations we 2/3/1967 #21446 shaft, the object rocked back and forth, took off, and sped away. (UFOE II 2/14/1967 #21544 dy field, and was rocking back and forth. Several small humanoid beings, gr 2/14/1967 #21552 a small red object, moved back and forth, then suddenly accelerated away. A 2/16/1967 #21566 all red object that moved back and forth before suddenly accelerating out o 2/16/1967 #21575 at moved up and down, and back and forth, with a "quivering" motion. The ob 2/21/1967 #21613 t stopped, hovered, moved back and forth 500 feet away, then accelerated an 3/1/1967 #21710 me back on, the UFO rocks back and forth, rises with a humming sound, and d 3/8/1967 #21815 lowing cigar that drifted back and forth about 30 feet above a snowy field 3/16/1967 #21902 ar was stopped, it rocked back and forth quite violently. The UFO eventuall 3/21/1967 #21938 were seen moving rapidly back and forth. The report said that one being wa 3/28/1967 #22003 humanoids moving rapidly back and forth about 50 feet ahead. He slams on h 3/28/1967 #22004 ver the tractor, swinging back and forth like a pendulum. It was a domed di 5/1/1967 #22263 red-orange saucer zigzags back and forth over passing jet going northeast / 5/17/1967 #22361 range-colored obj. zigzag back and forth over jet (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cas 5/17/1967 #22367 small aircraft, zigzagged back and forth over a jet that was heading northe 5/17/1967 #22368 s to follow them, weaving back and forth over the road. Finally it catches 5/26/1967 #22405 scend for 5 minutes, move back and forth for one minute, then suddenly disa 8/10/1967 #22859 r watches them a they zip back and forth in different directions from horiz Mid 8/1967 #22882 see a reddish glow moving back and forth in the nearby woods. Continuing ho 8/23/1967 #22905 ee shadowy figures moving back and forth in front of the bright light gener 9/2/1967 #22984 p at 10:30 p.m. It passed back and forth in front of the witnesses. 9/8/1967 #23022 ch of a park area, moving back and forth and in figure 8's, at about 200-30 9/11/1967 #23040 formation. Signal lights back and forth. 11/3/1967 #23395 ed at low altitude, moved back and forth (maneuvered), then disappeared. (U 11/8/1967 #23421 et high. The object rocks back and forth within a range of 10–15 feet but r 12/13/1967 #23581 the object, which rocked back and forth 10-15 feet but stayed over the roa 12/13/1967 #23582 car for 30 minutes, moved back and forth across road, made sharp turns and 2/13/1968 #23754 car for 30 minutes, moved back and forth across road, made sharp turns and 2/13/1968 #23755 or 30 minutes. It crossed back and forth across the road at an altitude of 2/13/1968 #23756 n the middle, and it slid back and forth across sky as if on rail. Then a " 2/21/1968 #23775 rocking his body slightly back and forth. Mr. Banescu became frightened and 5/22/1968 #23980 Warren, OH Object darted back & forth near Cessna 172 (NICAP: 11 - Aviat 7/8/1968 #24158 craft. These beings move back and forth, passing each other, and are visib 7/22/1968 #24204 craft. These beings moved back and forth, passing each other, and were visi 7/22/1968 #24205 while a beam of silver light shot forth from the cylinder and the people c 11/21/1968 #24676 disc with an antenna move back and forth over a school in Havelock, New Zea 12/20/1968 #24782 ts that erratically "went back and forth across the sky." Policeman James R 6/20/1969 #25230 the UFO seem to be moving back and forth inside the craft, visible through 10/24/1969 #25422 server(s). Adamski saucer back and forth descending. 2 antennas. TV Radio F 2/28/1970 #25596 . She watches it bouncing back and forth for 15 minutes as a series of red 7/4/1970 #25726 solutely silent and moved back and forth in a small area of the sky. 1/8/1971 #25986 witness saw a figure walk back and forth in the opening of the object. The 5/21/1971 #26120 utes he saw a figure walk back and forth within the doorway of the object. 5/21/1971 #26121 ect darted around, rocked back and forth while hovering, rapid acceleration 5/24/1971 #26128 ect darted around, rocked back and forth while hovering, rapid acceleration 5/24/1971 #26129 ect moved up-and-down and back and forth in a pendulum motion. 5/29/1971 #26142 appeared to be scrambling back and forth. There were a couple of hundred of 8/16/1971 #26291 sphere/orb/globe rotates back and forth. Leaves (something behind) luminou 9/25/1971 #26376 ont of the car. It passed back and forth across the road, oscillated up and 10/3/1971 #26405 the side of road, rocking back and forth and making a shrill whistling soun 12/22/1971 #26515 they see lights traveling back and forth in an odd pattern in the distance. 1/1972 #26535 l over old mining tunnel. Back and forth. Gone. Reappears. 3/18/1972 #26609 nia at 9:30 p.m., swaying back and forth in the sky in a "falling leaf" mot 4/2/1972 #26635 formation of lights move back and forth in the sky from the terrace of the 10/13/1972 #27071 they see lightning going back and forth from the two clouds but never towa 8/1973 #27672 es the truck, then swings back and forth. He tries to jump back in the truc 9/23/1973 #27859 feet off ground, swaying back and forth. Humanoid being appeared, (NICAP: 10/4/1973 #27933 feet off ground, swaying back and forth. Humanoid being appeared, reptered 10/4/1973 #27935 feet away and was swaying back and forth 10 feet above the ground. An eight 10/4/1973 #27936 nd helmets, moved quickly back and forth between the two objects for a time 10/6/1973 #27961 of the runway. It darted back and forth in the sky, so he gave chase in hi 11/30/1973 #28491 It appeared to be rocking back and forth. She went back inside the house an 12/12/1973 #28559 to a near stop, wavering back and forth like a feather. 3/23/1974 #28935 it hovered, with a slight back-and forth, pendulum motion. No sound was hea 6/14/1974 #29193 s cigar-shaped object fly back and forth over the city of Sao Bernardo da C 6/20/1974 #29217 . The mass of light moves back and forth, rises up and away from the witnes 11/1974 #29575 object that was swinging back and forth, apparently looking for something. 11/15/1974 #29597 d amend their records, and it sets forth various agency record-keeping requ 12/31/1974 #29666 r sea. Go north and south back and forth fast. / r30. 8/29/1975 #30316 can see 3–4 images moving back and forth inside the craft. After about 3 mi 1976 #30750 w-orange halo. Going [to] back and forth then going quickly west. / r30p621 6/11/1976 #31097 oming from it that swings back and forth as it passes his car. It makes a s 6/21/1976 #31121 d. It seemed to be moving back and forth behind the window. One child descr 2/3/1977 #31784 ving figures moved slowly back and forth. At one point he was approached by 2/20/1977 #31833 cking their torsos slowly back and forth. Their eyes were slanted and large 2/24/1977 #31846 er, where it again dashed back and forth. The two boys followed it to the N 4/6/1977 #31953 cal lights that flickered back and forth between orange and deep red appear 4/16/1977 #31983 . The yellow object sways back and forth. The white light disappears and th 5/11/1977 #32089 rom the object, and swung back and forth like a pendulum. At ball of light 5/23/1977 #32125 rom the object, and swung back and forth like a pendulum. At ball of light 5/23/1977 #32126 up into the air and move back and forth. A figure taller than the others, 7/23/1977 #32304 up into the air and move back and forth. A figure taller than the others, 7/23/1977 #32305 up into the air and move back and forth. A figure taller than the others, 7/23/1977 #32306 ginal two witnesses going back and forth to a nearby village to collect add 8/31/1977 #32445 and 2 small UFO's signal back and forth. "Spectacular". / r249p507. 12/13/1977 #32764 e UFOs appeared to signal back and forth. Soil and grass samples collected 12/13/1977 #32765 e UFOs appeared to signal back and forth. Soil and grass samples collected 12/13/1977 #32769 oving in the sky, darting back and forth. Some neighbors come over for 3 ho 4/6/1978 #33128 inutes, rocking slightly black and forth. They see three tripod legs on the 5/13/1978 #33204 it. Night light maneuvers back and forth. Fades away. / r241p6. 8/5/1978 #33474 ite light appears, moving back and forth at tree level. It remains visible 8/5/1978 #33475 octurnal light maneuvered back and forth for 30 minutes, then faded away. 8/5/1978 #33477 n place, rocking silently back and forth, before taking off to the northeas 8/20/1978 #33532 , OH Disc with dome moved back and forth, heavy static on FM radio, headlig 9/26/1978 #33750 smaller one starts moving back and forth from right to left in very quick j 11/24/1978 #33995 . The being walked slowly back and forth in front of the object, at one poi 11/24/1978 #33996 iangular spots that moved back and forth on the surface of the object. (NIC 12/31/1978 #34240 iangular spots that moved back and forth on the surface of the object. In B 12/31/1978 #34251 at 9:30 p.m. They darted back and forth in front of the light plane, playi 9/9/1979 #34854 turnal lights maneuvering back and forth across the sky were made from the 9/11/1979 #34863 is more yellow. It moves back and forth, somersaults, and disappears. 10/25/1979 #34965 sberg, Illinois. It moved back and forth, descending and ascending over the 3/19/1980 #35223 t seemed to quickly glide back and forth above the ground. Accompanied by V 4/20/1980 #35281 r about 5 minutes, moving back and forth. Battle’s CB radio does not work w 8/17/1980 #35462 bedroom window. They move back and forth in the southern sky and disappear 11/24/1980 #35664 with bright lights moving back and forth across the sky. As they arrive hom 7/30/1981 #36041 The two men began moving back and forth very quickly. The UFO then changed 6/3/1982 #36492 into the sky which moved back and forth like a searchlight. The object had 8/2/1982 #36559 into the sky which moved back and forth like a searchlight. The object had 8/10/1982 #36568 hung in the sky, rocking back and forth 80 feet above the ground over a ga 4/25/1984 #37290 hung in the sky, rocking back and forth 80 feet above the ground over a ga 4/25/1984 #37295 he light, which is moving back and forth and constantly changing colors fro 4/26/1984 #37302 der/cigar-shape maneuvers back and forth / low altitude. Blows steam cover. 7/15/1984 #37397 ed. The object maneuvered back and forth at low altitude, then flew off to 7/15/1984 #37400 beam of light that moved back and forth like a searchlight. The beam stopp 8/2/1985 #37635 e minutes before it sways back and forth. Suddenly it makes large zigzag mo 9/11/1987 #38281 T YORKS Round night light back and forth / sky. Swish sound. Turns off or v 1/4/1988 #38403 at 11:30 p.m. a disc flew back and forth in the sky, making a swishing soun 1/4/1988 #38404 blimp is silently rocking back and forth, blinding white light emanating fr 3/4/1988 #38487 ad stop. It hovers, moves back and forth several times, then ascends out of 4/14/1990 #39524 ements. Some of them move back and forth between the two groups. They are a 8/24/1990 #39701 ectangular objects moving back and forth, and a red blaze of light coming f 3/18/1991 #40021 the ground moving around back and forth. Although they were human-like, th 8/13/1991 #40152 pkins, David Jacobs, and Mack hold forth beside relative novices and abduct 6/13/1992 #40492 gures standing and moving back and forth. No sound was reported. 9/20/1992 #40634 . The two red lights move back and forth like a pendulum before heading sou 4/26/1993 #40951 ht, which begins to drift back and forth as the spot washes over it. Then i 4/28/1993 #40953 i-fetal position, rocking back and forth. She then pointed to the backyard. 8/18/1993 #41146 follows car. Crosses road back and forth / 7k. 1/16/1994 #41372 with rounded edges moving back and forth about 180 feet above a vacant lot. 7/2/1994 #41601 dows flash colored lights back and forth / hours. 11/2/1994 #41830 ed its right arm and hand back and forth. The witness heard no noises nor d 2/10/1995 #42033 of beautiful golden light pouring forth from the base of his spine. He bel 4/3/1995 #42137 number of times, swinging back in forth in the sky in a pendulum motion. 9/2/1995 #42437 triangle formation gyrate back and forth. Power outage. 10/20/1995 #42560 like a giant Frisbee" between the Forth Canal and the Clyde Canal. The occ 11/8/1995 #42588 e balls / light cross sky back and forth 3 times. Away fast. No further det 8/21/1996 #42989 and their family and so on and so forth. And they would be in charge of di 8/30/1996 #43002 them look foolish and so on and so forth. Now if that didn’t work, then the 8/30/1996 #43002 earing, swinging its arms back and forth like a soldier. It had long arms t 9/24/1996 #43041 hat a new statute is needed to set forth the principles for what may be dec 3/3/1997 #43217 lverware tray, sliding it back and forth. Suddenly one of the humanoids tur 10/19/1997 #43433 e figure was seen walking back and forth as if inspecting the area. 9/18/1998 #43648 e light. The figure moved back and forth, apparently looking out. The witne 9/21/1998 #43650 short humanoids, running back and forth and seemingly looking for somethin 3/15/1999 #43748 as this short being went back and forth within the lighted area, then floa 4/1/1999 #43752 verhead. The craft darted back and forth over Ontario Airport. When two com 4/20/1999 #43759 10:30 p.m. an object flew back and forth through the sky over Grantsville, 5/10/1999 #43768 speak, and began to sway back and forth on his bed. One of the figures the 10/15/2000 #44059 object was seen "swinging back and forth" over Kelowna, British Columbia. A 1/5/2001 #44120 ifornia. The object moved back and forth in the sky. 1/22/2003 #44478 believable speed and shot back and forth between wo stars, and then stopped 7/12/2003 #44563 d object with light moved back and forth in the sky over a residential neig 2/16/2004 #44666 for four minutes, shifted back and forth, then shot away towards the east. 2/15/2005 #44814 ting beams of white light back and forth to one another. 8/13/2006 #44954 white antenna that moved back and forth, with a green light at the tip. 3/6/2007 #45011 aloft to the North moving back and forth, almost flittering like a moth. He 4/17/2007 #45018 a green light being waved back and forth. He immediately thought it was the 9/16/2007 #45059 ject was observed roaming back and forth over the Livermore, California hil 5/12/2010 #45281 tically. It seems to wave back and forth, rather than just move straight do 10/6/2013 #45389
g and whether they are funding his forthcoming trip to Europe and Russia. H 12/16/1967 #23593 ion teaser for Berlitz and Moore’s forthcoming book. 2/28/1980 #35186
Gorham, NH 8:15 PM.. Susanne Fortier was walking on the lawn behind h 4/4/1977 #31942 unty, New Hampshire - Mrs. Susanne Fortier was walking on the lawn behind h 4/4/1977 #31944 ry wrinkled. They wore gloves. Mrs Fortier could hear "a garble of voices" 4/4/1977 #31944
Two women school teachers in their forties were attending an educational co 7/28/1976 #31191
ance 5:00 p.m. Farm worker Georges Fortin, 34, and more than 200 other witn 9/14/1954 #10299
Odete Fortini was standing on the verandah of 7/1/2001 #44201
a Canada Highway 100 Night. Edward Fortney and another real-estate agent ar 10/22/1967 #23290 tions, forming a perfect triangle. Fortney looks at them through binoculars 10/22/1967 #23290 veling northwest. On his way home, Fortney experiences a “skullbuster” head 10/22/1967 #23290 seem deeply impressed in the soil. Fortney also experiences leg and back pa 10/22/1967 #23290
Warsaw, Poland Kaunas Fortress, Lithuania Modlin Fortress (in 3/23/1892 #301 Kaunas Fortress, Lithuania Modlin Fortress (in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki), Sosn 3/23/1892 #301 en March 22 or earlier over Kaunas Fortress, Lithuania; and Modlin Fortress 3/23/1892 #301 as Fortress, Lithuania; and Modlin Fortress (in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki), Sosn 3/23/1892 #301 Przemyśl Fortress, Poland Witnesses at Przemyśl F 4/16/1892 #302 ress, Poland Witnesses at Przemyśl Fortress, Poland, see a bright point of 4/16/1892 #302 y aircraft flies over the military fortress at Boden, Norrbotten, Sweden, s 1/22/1934 #1196 w ghost flier sightings around the fortress at Boden, Norrbotten, Sweden, h 1/4/1937 #1261
sani stops his jeep to assist, but fortunately the lone driver has only a f 1/1961 #16555 next “inhibit” order doesn’t work. Fortunately, the launch code is false an 3/1974 #28831 per archives still exist, although fortunately APRO case files prior to 195 4/12/1988 #38541 lacking the first 10,000 records. Fortunately, the Center for UFO Studies 1990 #39349
, 26-year-old night watchman Piero Fortunato Zanfretta notices four lights 12/6/1978 #34065 p.m. a 26-year-old night watchman, Fortunato Zanfretta, was patrolling a ho 12/6/1978 #34069 At 11:48 p.m. security guard Fortunato Zanfretta was out on patrol of 12/28/1978 #34220 n São Paulo, Brazil, where doctors Fortunato Badan Palhares and Conradín Me 1/23/1996 #42709
follow her, she will lead her to a fortune. Peveto becomes terrified, and t 10/4/1898 #626 New Mexico Day. Nurse Ella Louise Fortune is driving north of Tularosa, Ne 10/16/1957 #14129 she experienced a period of "good fortune" after the incident. Previously, 3/6/1975 #29876 . The women have sought no fame or fortune from their UFO experience, and h 1/6/1976 #30762 irmed. Country: USA Name: “Diamond Fortune” YieldMax: 20KT 4/30/1992 #40438
A employees visit with and recruit fortune-tellers, palm-readers, clairvoya 1969 #24800
Korea Night. Forty crew members of the Canadian destr 7/10/1952 #6753 en, West and Liddell, watched as a forty meter in diameter fluorescent oval 1/13/1957 #13454 head in groups of 6 and 8 during a forty minute period. (NICAP: 01 - Distan 4/29/1957 #13623 FORTY FORT, PA Astronomer. Ovoid flashes 8/11/1966 (approximate) #20738 ld the family "this will only take forty minutes." As he removed his hat he 1/9/1967 #21278 th red and green lights, thirty to forty feet long, that came and hovered s 8/12/1971 #26281 ssing in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. Forty feet away from the carcass was a s 7/13/1972 #26794 It was about 20 feet in height and forty feet across, and it had large, obl 10/16/1973 #28089 as a shooting star and ignored it. Forty minutes later, when he reached hom 3/15/1999 #43748 n the evening a huge ball of light forty feet above the ground was seen by 4/25/2001 #44165 nal Press Club in Washington, D.C. Forty UFO researchers, along with politi 4/29/2013 #45366
t intelligence investigators found forty-eight spent cartridges and fourtee 6/14/1968 #24033
Connersville, IN 7:30p.m. Forty-five workers saw a round object du 10/15/1973 #28053 atched it through a 16x telescope. Forty-five minutes later a huge cigar-sh 12/20/1973 #28592 hey plan to reach around 7:00 a.m. Forty-five miles into their trip on Inte 8/26/1975 #30310 an estimated altitude of 500 feet. Forty-five minutes later a cigar-shaped 3/4/1977 #31859 ng erratically at a speed of about forty-five miles an hour. (NICAP: 01 - D 11/18/1980 #35652
Forty-one year old Oscar Patero failed t 4/26/1974 #29064
. The witness had time to count to forty-two before the object disappeared. 7/31/1967 #22758
Raon-l'Etage, France Forty-year-old Lazlo Ujvari was suddenly 10/20/1954 #11270
r delivered to Congress in an open forum in the decades that followed despi 12/16/1947 #3504 alled to testify. Hearings used as forum to announce that new independent s 4/5/1966 #20246 flew away to the northeast. (Fargo Forum, 2/25/67, copy in NICAP files.) (N 2/25/1967 #21647 ronomers Association hosts an open forum in Denver, Colorado, “Science and 8/22/1969 #25325 * https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread465182/pg1 1/1971 #25962 rondheim, Norway. It publishes UFO Forum from 1973 to 1978. The Norsk UFO C 1972 #26533 d. https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg4 10/7/1972 #27055 g. https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg4 2/11/1974 #28758 n. https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg3#pid19545714 6/16/1974 #29204 .” https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg3#pid19545714 12/10/1974 #29635 f https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg4 12/15/1978 #34142 f https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg4 12/15/1978 #34143 National Strategy Forum Chicago Palmer House Hotel During 5/4/1988 #38554 a speech to the National Strategy Forum in Chicago’s Palmer House Hotel, P 5/4/1988 #38554 d. https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg5 5/22/1992 #40470 1. https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg4 Note: CB Sco 4/15/1993 #40934 * https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1074447/pg5 4/15/1993 #40934 di Ufologici begins publishing UFO Forum, edited by Giuseppe Verdi in Vitto 4/1995 #42131 e and his UFO group named Circular Forum have looked into the activities of 3/1997 #43215 * https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread331108/pg4 * https://mediu 8/1/1997 #43364 h. https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread663499/pg1 https://www.drb 8/19/1997 #43387 earch Center (CPU) The first World Forum of Ufology takes place in Brasília 12/7/1997 #43453 nvinced that if placed into public forum knowledge of THE THEORY will irrev 3/11/1998 #43532 o https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread185069/pg113 https://www.a 11/1/2005 #44899 s. https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread378150/pg1 https://en.wiki 8/4/2008 #45155 p https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread690030/pg1 https://www.ope 2/20/2015 #45431 d. https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread1057454/pg12#pid19113927 3/13/2015 #45435 garia Peru The Five Continents UFO Forum is held in the Cosmos Hotel in Mos 10/15/2018 #45540
8).mp4 https://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?110821-The-Remote- 7/1982 #36525
ot about 600 feet away. They hurry forward but are stopped by a man who has 4/17/1897 #525 propeller and rotates as it moves forward. 8/28/1897 #607 It was egg-shaped, the larger end forward. The second was about twice the 2/28/1904 #670 dguard Bluff. Other witnesses come forward to corroborate the sighting. 8/12/1918 #975 ully. Some 8–10 other figures walk forward, much smaller and with slanted e 1930 #1106 nd they are no longer able to move forward. The little men bow in their dir Early 8/1939 #1312 ligence requires naval attachés to forward information on Soviet rocket res 9/11/1946 #2175 ter completing a number of maximum forward center-of-gravity tests, killing 6/5/1948 #3667 like domed discs when viewed face forward, but are more like stubby, wingl 9/26/1949 #4372 ity, Kansas. It moves backward and forward, then up and down, then dives be 5/22/1951 #5517 e side. It moved with smaller end forward, drifting slowly at about 150' a 8/31/1951 #5641 and it moves with its smaller end forward, drifting slowly at about 150 fe 8/31/1951 #5642 vestigation to collect reports and forward them on to ATIC. Its most promin 12/1951 #5804 h plasma cone going [to] flat face forward! Jet plane speed. No further det 7/13/1952 #6787 lowing saucer-cigars fly flat-side forward. Absolute(ly) silent. 8/16/1952 #7614 rish) at the base, who is about to forward the incident report to ATIC but 9/1952 #7801 ground. Length 30 m, diameter 6 m. Forward section was rounded, and a sort 10/15/1952 #8135 ers in diameter, and had a rounded forward section. A fog was noted at both 10/15/1952 #8136 ail, flew with its concave surface forward for 5 seconds. 10/24/1952 #8180 . It flew with its concave surface forward and was in sight for five second 10/24/1952 #8182 s are unidentified, and these they forward to Project Blue Book. Channing w 2/9/1953 #8654 experienced a crash and was thrown forward against the windshield. The car 5/13/1954 #9791 as a Plexiglas type section in the forward end, which contained the pilot. 9/20/1954 #10373 estigation after 267 citizens come forward to report UFOs. 10/2/1954 #10610 motionless, and white when moving forward horizontally. At one point, two 10/7/1954 #10791 ody . Pugina took a few more steps forward, pronouncing in Italian the word 10/18/1954 #11225 -sphere/orb/globe shoots 2 beams / forward and down. 5 photographs. Going q 11/4/1954 #11557 ng like “antennae” situated on its forward section, which vibrated when the 11/23/1954 #11697 itnesses to a UFO in the area come forward. 11/28/1954 #11722 ight black clothes, and is hopping forward in a series of jerky movements. 8/16/1955 #12364 ional hearing. Keyhoe asks Byrd to forward his letter to the Air Force for 4/3/1956 #12782 nesses to the event have ever come forward. APRO representative Olavo T. Fo Early 9/1957 #13971 ucker. Saucer sways side to side / forward flight. Strange shaped halo. 10/24/1957 #14151 d witnesses to the event have come forward. 11/4/1957 #14284 It is moving with the base facing forward and has bright lights on the tip 11/8/1957 #14487 om the left, and Mrs. Starr leaned forward to try to see his face more clea 12/16/1957 #14736 ith one point of the triangle as a forward edge and has 12 small orange lig 7/18/1958 #15149 s. One of them stood up and leaned forward. Both wore tight-fitting silvery 7/13/1959 #15843 atives of his three best photos to forward to the Brazilian Navy for analys 10/1959 #16004 the disc shoots straight up, then forward, makes a 90° angle, then disappe 10/22/1959 #16052 ed. Eight other persons later came forward stating that they had also seen 7/18/1962 #17283 arkings is visible along the blunt forward edge as the object passes from s 10/4/1963 #17980 ers run away. Other witnesses come forward to report strange lights and gia 11/16/1963 #18045 ght erupts from its end and shoots forward a short distance then stops. It 4/11/1964 #18169 approach it and was unable to move forward. 6/14/1964 #18355 approach it and was unable to move forward toward the object. 6/14/1964 #18357 lar object traveling with its base forward toward the north. 9/16/1964 #18557 iling edge and a blue light on its forward edge. It was estimated to be 150 2/16/1965 #18820 moves, the lower lights are always forward of the others. In the daytime, t 9/3/1965 #19511 . After 20 yrs. Bill Bulebush came forward with a description of the downed 12/9/1965 #19760 legs, and had very bright aft and forward lights. There was a door and a s 3/23/1966 #20047 s bubble on top, and bright lights forward and aft. Laxson stops his car ab 3/23/1966 #20050 legs, and had very bright aft and forward lights. There was a door and a s 3/23/1966 #20055 car, roadway brightly illuminated. Forward motion slowed, unable to acceler 1/3/1967 #21247 car, roadway brightly illuminated. Forward motion slowed, unable to acceler 1/3/1967 #21248 s she drove for 10-15 minutes. Her forward motion slowed, and she could not 1/3/1967 #21251 ehind the left wing. It then pulls forward again. Albuquerque radar reports 1/13/1967 #21299 ind the left wing, but then pulled forward again. When the object blinked o 1/13/1967 #21301 west. Bright white headlight looks forward. 1/17/1967 #21324 about a 45- degree angle from its forward edge. It then turned, rose sudde 1/18/1967 #21341 ward at about a 45° angle from its forward edge. It then turns, rises sudde 1/18/1967 #21343 ons, and sometimes with hesitating forward motion. The object hovered over 2/3/1967 #21445 x. It is moving with its blunt end forward from northeast to southwest at 1 2/10/1967 #21505 iangular shaped UFO flew blunt-end forward over North Woodstock, Connecticu 2/10/1967 #21508 quiring air traffic controllers to forward UFO reports to the Colorado proj 4/4/1967 #22053 king it is a US aircraft, he steps forward and shouts. “Okay, Yankee boys, 5/20/1967 #22382 moved with the convex part facing forward. The weather was clear. (Ref. 3) 9/4/1967 #22995 p, AU Luminous, pulsating ellipse, forward motion stopped abruptly. Flying 10/30/1967 #23366 ion from domed disc, object tipped forward, two humanoid figures visible in 12/8/1967 #23562 o a stop, it hovers briefly, jerks forward, hovers again, then shoots strai 2/4/1968 #23734 ty in Colorado An Over the Horizon Forward Scatter Radar System 440L/Progra 3/1/1968 #23802 horo, Poopó, Bolivia Night. Allied forward spotters along the eastern part 6/15/1968 #24040 raft next rose up, coming directly forward and hovering overhead again. The 12/10/1968 #24757 --in an elliptical formation, flew forward slowly while moving up and down, 1/17/1969 #24858 committee discusses plans to move forward with eight human subjects who wi 5/12/1969 #25131 moves with one of its sides facing forward. Three smaller globes trail it i 8/30/1969 #25340 leading edge of the object tipped forward, and a trail of flames issued fr 1/7/1971 #25983 le. A loud explosion moved the car forward and the witness drove away as fa 5/21/1971 #26121 rear. It moves with the blunt edge forward and hovers intermittently for 40 6/29/1972 #26742 N, MO 2 / car. Silver saucer tilts forward and reflects sunlight over farm 2/22/1973 #27308 s’ heads, but they continue moving forward, seemingly communicating by maki 10/25/1973 #28285 bulky figure standing in a slumped forward posture, long arms dangling near 1/4/1974 #28643 bulky figure standing in a slumped forward posture, with long arms dangling 1/6/1974 #28654 ee persons with long arms, bending forward. They appeared "smooth" and no c 3/15/1974 #28891 ator but the car continued to move forward at an accelerated speed! He trie 5/31/1974 #29150 ch pulled the witnesses in the car forward. Grey humanoid beings approached 8/22/1974 #29376 m movements, then to bend her head forward. Looking at the back of her head 9/3/1974 #29418 ning around it as the object moved forward. (Source: CUFOS News Bulletin, F 12/5/1975 #30686 ning around it as the object moved forward. On that same night another flyi 12/5/1975 #30688 is. The friend looks at him, leans forward and looks up at the light, falls 12/14/1975 #30715 ver. Fast silver coil hisses. Goes forward / spiral trajectory / 19 minute( 8/1976 #31213 e jets arrive, the UFO accelerates forward and then upward at about a 30° a 8/13/1976 #31261 appear, and when they again looked forward the UFO had disappeared. 11/14/1976 #31549 ack up. Instead the car was pulled forward onto the right shoulder of the r 12/10/1976 #31594 . Dixon woodyard. It begins moving forward at a slow pace then stops above 1/21/1977 #31742 uickly leaves and the boat lurches forward with great force, causing both m 1/21/1977 #31743 for 30 seconds and yet was pulled forward. The metal side of the motorbike 6/6/1977 #32151 odrigues pushes the control column forward. Air speed increases to 160 mph 6/17/1977 #32171 with his car because as he speeds forward, the object maintains the same d 8/11/1977 #32384 lly spaced. The eighth is slightly forward. They shoot noiselessly overhead 9/21/1977 #32503 d red light from its top. It has a forward, undulating motion against the w 9/27/1977 #32529 ct which reversed direction, moved forward again and moved off behind build 1/10/1978 #32868 r”) as large as a full moon moving forward with yellow-orange trail behind 1/10/1978 #32869 t stops, reverses direction, moves forward again, and moves off behind a bu 1/10/1978 #32869 was flying with its smallest wall forward, and there was a square window i 5/17/1978 #33225 ly northeast. All tilted 45 degree forward. 5/30/1978 #33241 eet. The lights oscillate and move forward, leaving the road and moving aro 7/14/1978 #33382 speed. The remaining light rushes forward, following the same path as the 8/23/1978 #33553 , apparently descending. She moves forward when the light changes, but she 10/29/1978 #33889 a house wall. Something pushes him forward and he falls. When he gets up, h 12/6/1978 #34065 triangular objects confronted car, forward motion impeded, physiological ef 1/5/1979 #34301 nd sharply outlined. His dog steps forward and watches it as it hovers rock 6/26/1979 #34632 vered by a shade. The object moves forward about 40 feet and stops. Half a 8/29/1979 #34800 ut go off again when the car moves forward again. This happens again 5–6 ti 9/3/1979 #34829 peaked cap, and the other crouched forward, wearing a silvery-gray jump sui 1/14/1980 #35135 2 observer(s). Silent star zigzags forward. Shoots beams. Lost from sight b 1/21/1980 #35140 d up- and-down motions as it moves forward and spins faster as its speed di 5/2/1980 #35303 A brilliant light erupts from the forward angle and shines directly down i 10/23/1980 #35584 increasing frequency, then shoots forward and makes a perfect right-angle 11/5/1980 #35620 it. The object pulsates and shoots forward about 4–5 miles ahead of the pla 4/8/1981 #35887 Disc with dome hovered over truck, forward motion impeded, truck lifted off 6/12/1981 #35965 os Alamos National Laboratory puts forward a proposal for a 3,500-square-fo 6/22/1983 #36889 scopes. The light then accelerates forward, rises, and disappears. 1984 #37096 rom two headlight beams projecting forward. The UFO has a “smoky glass” dom 4/22/1984 #37281 nty, New York. Several guards came forward to report the incident, reportin 7/24/1984 #37414 behind the other with their points forward are seen near Newport, South Wal 3/18/1986 #37800 road ahead. They drive cautiously forward and see a large, triangular obje 10/14/1986 #38048 paced ahead of car, buzzing sound, forward motion impeded. Chalker, 1987, p 10/20/1986 #38051 alia Blue-green oval ahead of car, forward motion impeded 10/20/1986 #38053 ek later, Tom Smith Jr., 22, comes forward claiming he has seen Walters fak 11/11/1987 #38322 ree, and a red light on the bottom forward. The edges of the object sloped 1/31/1988 #38436 d him. One of the creatures rushed forward and touched him on the shoulder 5/1/1988 #38551 d unlikely as other witnesses come forward. 5/16/1988 #38570 ars from behind a wood and makes a forward tilting maneuver. It has a dome 11/29/1989 #39274 former Gulf Breeze resident, comes forward and claims that he has seen Walt 6/10/1990 #39612 ay. She realized that this was the forward light of a tapered cylindrical o 7/13/1990 #39644 ar, the object moves with its base forward and positions itself 330 feet aw 7/26/1990 #39663 tes before they accelerate rapidly forward. Early 8/1990 #39676 minutes. They accelerated rapidly forward. There were many (at least six) 8/24/1990 #39702 m altitude flies overhead flat-end forward! Colored lights. 10/11/1990 #39776 e a pyramid with the apex pointing forward. The sighting lasts for about 30 10/23/1990 #39807 long and 30–50 feet high, with the forward three lights in the form of a re 1/6/1991 #39947 she pulled harder. She pulled him forward and his mouth was placed on one 7/23/1992 #40531 f 500–1,000 feet. It resembles the forward fuselage of a Lockheed S-71, wit 8/5/1992 #40552 Germany. Additional witnesses come forward, but an investigation reveals th 12/16/1992 #40749 ghts come back on, the car lurches forward, and she hears her sister talkin 1/1/1993 #40785 as having massive wings that swept forward and ended in rounded tips. It al 2/19/1993 #40853 s / night lights dance to and fro. Forward and backward. All vanish. 7/4/1993 #41051 orida. The object suddenly lurched forward, leaping several hundred feet in 8/6/1993 #41110 the other vehicle would later come forward and tell almost exactly the same 8/8/1993 #41118 ise and became blurred when moving forward. 8/11/1993 #41131 ). Triangle with 4 beams, 2 / each forward side. Large slow and silent. 8/27/1994 (approximate) #41690 r cane field. Another witness came forward who had seen a luminous dome-sha 9/16/1994 #41756 sually suggests that the NRC could forward any non-meteoric sightings it ru 1995 #41924 rcial airliner, “ flying flat side forward. A low humming sound is heard. 7/29/1995 #42342 aucer with orange beams going [to] forward. Whoosh sound. Drops down. 8/22/1995 #42407 h binoculars. It flies pointed-end forward and has a pulsing red light on i 9/29/1995 #42518 see the object, but when he moved forward again he was again able to see i 7/16/1996 #42959 witnesses to a strange object come forward after Hall writes an article abo 3/8/1997 #43222 ct with jagged edges and a “square forward section.” Within seconds of its 6/28/1997 #43343 , Stratchen, Delroy, Foster, Dean, Forward, dePalma, Hayasaka and Cowlishaw 1/1998 #43483 t-saucer moves side-to-side flying forward. Seen / 5 min. 2/13/1998 #43517 It moved side-to-side while moving forward. 2/13/1998 #43518 e blunt end of the wedge is facing forward as it flies at about 35 mph. 3/24/1999 #43750 ward the south with its narrow end forward over Peru, Indiana 20 miiles sou 7/7/1999 #43797 . When it reaches the top, it tips forward and disappears from sight. 9/27/2000 #44047 tehorse, Yukon Territory. Its hops forward in its progress through the sky 1/5/2001 #44117 ject with a luminous trail, hopped forward in flight slowly behind a mounta 1/5/2001 #44119 dart that flew with the blunt end forward, found in a crash retrieval oper 5/9/2001 #44183 wner of the cafe, but not all come forward. Those who do, agree that there 7/14/2001 #44208 m west to east with its flat point forward. 8/2002 #44373 s the northwest. Its flat side was forward as it flew, and it was absolutel 8/13/2002 #44384 , rather than with its pointed end forward, from the southwest to the north 7/7/2005 #44852 broad part of the triangle facing forward. 8/11/2005 #44861 gs in the back. It backed up, came forward, then went up and down in a cont 9/21/2007 #45067 k out. Over 30 more witnesses come forward to report odd lights until about 1/8/2008 #45112 uding Harry Reid want to see it go forward regardless. (Note: this did not 10/29/2008 #45180 object, but when it descended, its forward end rapidly collapsed in on itse 1/2010 #45266 and Bell became fearful of moving forward. By late 2011, DHS Deputy Secret 6/2011 #45327 's weird that no one else has come forward because those people obviously w 8/6/2013 #45381 rom the other cars would also come forward and confirm what he saw. One veh 8/6/2013 #45381 using the jet’s Advanced Targeting Forward Looking Infrared (ATFLIR) system 4/23/2014 #45407 n elevation, and apparently moving forward and backward, left and right. Me 7/15/2019 #45593 esses who filmed the event to come forward. Jenny Randles determines that t 11/9/2019 #45616 ividuals in those programs to come forward without fear of reprisal and sha 9/2022 #45765
,000 feet. A photo is taken with a forward- looking infrared (FLIR) system 7/17/2019 #45595
by a Police Inspector Liabeuf and forwarded to the French Academy of Scien 6/12/1790 #91 details of these reports have been forwarded to Wash., D.C. by our Military 9/4/1946 #2169 t natural phenomena. The report is forwarded to T-2 on September 29. 9/26/1947 #3428 ligence Department. Memorandum was forwarded to analysts for review and stu 5/18/1949 #4190 dome doubt, all reports should be forwarded to AMC at Wright-Patterson AFB 4/23/1951 #5508 intelligence to locate reports not forwarded to ATIC. 1952 #5838 ling IBM punch cards based on data forwarded by Project Blue Book files. 3/31/1952 #5998 was lost, purposefully ignored or forwarded to a higher-level investigatio 12/18/1953 #9384 ffices and news media. The case is forwarded to Project Blue Book, but it d 6/21/1954 #9921 al and intermittent. The report is forwarded to the Air Ministry in Rio de 10/24/1954 #11365 g. Screened reports are then to be forwarded to the ADC filter center using 9/9/1955 #12444 er (more significant?) reports are forwarded to the Fundamental Sciences Ar 2/9/1956 #12704 interesting reports were secretly forwarded to the CIA for investigation. Spring 1959 #15656 umped in or out of crafts. Reports forwarded to the Foreign Technology Divi 2/22/1966 #19912 investigations,” all of which are forwarded to CNES, would make people see 2/21/1974 #28787 riginating from other agencies are forwarded to them for response to GSW. T 12/14/1978 #34124 hhold the 18 UFO-related documents forwarded to the NSA by the CIA but is a 1/29/1979 #34390 from their subordinates, which are forwarded to the chief of the antiaircra 3/21/1990 #39475 gs].” He says that reports will be forwarded to civilian groups. 1/4/1994 #41360 4TH. THE VICTIMS OF THE WRECK YOU FORWARDED TO THE TEAM AT FORT WORTH, TEX 2004 #44639 s who have, in the past, routinely forwarded UFO sightings by officers to t 1/2010 #45264
veral others in his formal report, forwarding it to AFOSI (Air Force Office 8/1980 #35432
a cupola and ports underneath, and forwardly placed light beams. It also ha 2/9/1967 #21493
oetter, US naval attaché in Paris, forwards as top secret a report by the F 8/13/1946 #2127 and gets several answers, which he forwards on to Chamberlin: Hiiumaa islan 8/13/1946 #2128 La. FBI agent E. G. Fitch forwards Schulgen’s request to Assistant 7/10/1947 #3102 recommendation of September 23 and forwards it to director of USAF Research 12/22/1947 #3509 igence Commander Col. Howard McCoy forwards a copy of the Project Sign fina 5/19/1949 #4195 e Air Force for a response, but he forwards it himself anyway, as does Byrd 4/3/1956 #12782 Holzman forwards Hynek’s letter up the chain of 3/8/1960 #16199 e. On October 9, Douglas M. Crouch forwards the Hill AFB official report, i 10/2/1961 #16889 e Armed Services Committee. Vinson forwards it to USAF along with his own r 7/2/1963 #17824 O investigating and lecturing. Low forwards the letter to Philip Klass in D 6/27/1967 #22565 nilla completes his evaluation and forwards the final report to SAC headqua 10/24/1968 #24587 noiselessly rocking backwards and forwards, at a frequency of 1–2 rocks pe 4/25/1969 #25090 ly silent. The US Embassy in Rabat forwards a summary to the US State Depar 9/19/1976 #31409 nowledges Eric Gairy’s resolution, forwards it to member states, and shelve 12/13/1977 #32767 sgow Daily Record newspaper, which forwards them to the Joint Air Reconnais 8/4/1990 #39679 s the light sweeping backwards and forwards across the field beyond the per 3/31/1993 #40914
Forêt de Molière Poitiers, France 10:30 8/21/1976 #31289 descends from 4,000 feet over the Forêt de Molière to the east of Poitiers 8/21/1976 #31289
EAST / FOS-SUR-MER, FR Saucer lands. Door opens 1/29/1968 #23707 echanic riding a motorbike between Fos-sur-Mer and Port Saint Louis in Arle 3/29/1968 #23873
Southern Horizon 8:00 p.m. Trevor Foss responds to his son’s call to watch 11/9/1964 #18611
Fossil, OR Three Silver Cigars Moving Si 7/6/1965 #19075
a good place to look for seashell fossils. After he parked his truck he us 7/27/1952 #7216 ally sell a valuable collection of fossils. 4/12/1988 #38541
Fosston, Minnesota Midnight. Physician M 10/1899 #638 Malcom McKinnon is driving home to Fosston, Minnesota, in his carriage when 10/1899 #638
J. B. Foster ranch house southeast of Corona, 7/5/1947 #2723 the pastures surrounding the J. B. Foster ranch house southeast of Corona, 7/5/1947 #2723 emorial Airport 8:45 p.m.. Orville Foster, a US Weather Bureau observer at 6/17/1952 #6529 Corps captains and pilots (Bobbie Foster, Richard Francisco, Teddy L. Pitt 6/20/1952 #6562 urn. As the object circles around, Foster dives toward the object, which ap 6/20/1952 #6562 uth Dakota Witnesses: S/Sgt. D.P. Foster and three other persons. Three t 7/9/1952 #6739 d Schuman in the United States and Foster and Scott in Canada. Adamski clai 1955 #11896 rillo, California 6:22 a.m. Connie Foster watches a lighted triangular obje 11/8/1957 #14487 ss: airport weather observer O.R. Foster, using a theodolite. An object s 6/14/1958 #15095 .m. airport weather observer O. R. Foster in Pueblo, Colorado using a theod 6/14/1958 #15098 ra Bowden, age 35, and a man named Foster saw a gray, elliptical object hov 5/25/1960 #16302 s deputies Buford Bushroe and John Foster see highly maneuverable disc-shap 3/14/1966 #19966 n two police officers, Bushroe and Foster, saw four highly maneuverable dis 3/14/1966 #19967 re is a strange light outside. Her foster daughter, Anita Purrington, joins 11/1/1966 #21061 0 p.m. Witnesses: Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Foster. While driving near Greenfield, t 10/26/1968 #24590 Paul Foster, in the St. Helliers section of A 6/21/1970 #25704 dragging his feet, as if fatigued. Foster glanced away thinking it was perh 6/21/1970 #25704 ain looked up the figure had gone. Foster rushed out in search of him but c 6/21/1970 #25704 ral Commission in Tokyo, Japan, to foster closer cooperation between Japan, 7/1973 #27608 BENDIGO AND FOSTER AND CURLWAA, VCT 7hr marathon / n 5/20/1983 #36860 , Kidd, McCabe, Stratchen, Delroy, Foster, Dean, Forward, dePalma, Hayasaka 1/1998 #43483
e of Naval Research for “planning, fostering, and encouraging scientific re 8/1/1946 #2098
FOSTORIA, OH Watchman. 24M round object 8/22/1956 #13114 Chesapeake & Ohio Fostoria, Ohio 10:30 a.m. A Chesapeake & Fall 1965 #19592 o train is moving 8 miles south of Fostoria, Ohio, when the fireman and eng Fall 1965 #19592 Fostoria, OH 9:30 p.m. A witness saw a f 5/25/1967 #22396 Fostoria, OH Evening. CE-1 from train. l 10/1977 #32537 FOSTORIA, OH Railroad/railway men. 90' t 10/21/1977 (approximate) #32596
a, a professional photographer for Foto Heisler, snaps a photo of the disc 12/14/1954 #11807
GULF BREEZE, FL ED's foto#24. Wife ducks beam from UFO overhe 2/7/1988 #38442
nus-size night light vanishes when FOTO'd. 1/25/1984 #37151
-Juan Ballester Olmos launches UFO FOTOCAT, a project to create a worldwide 2000 #43908
USAF Master Sgt. Edgar A. Fouche states he temporarily worked at t 1998 #43481 h at least 10 underground stories. Fouche states he was recruited to DARC w 1998 #43481 or propulsion and communications. Fouche also claims triangular craft have 1998 #43481 d managed by the NRO, NSA and CIA. Fouche claims the triangular “TR-3B” pro 1998 #43481 ite pilots from the Navy and USAF. Fouche claims at least three prototypes 1998 #43481 ering UAP at Sandia and Livermore. Fouche claims mercury-based plasma is pr 1998 #43481 ouches%20Military%20Documents.pdf (Fouche request for assignment from DARPA 1998 #43481
FOUESNANT, FR Trucker. Saucer going sout 10/15/1954 #11092 Fouesnant, France Truck driver Rene Le V 10/15/1954 #11106 While driving at night in Fouesnant, France truck driver Rene Le V 10/15/1954 #11122
ri Airport, Finland Vaasa During a Fouga Magister aircraft training mission 4/12/1969 #25057
NORTHEAST / FOUGERES, FR Several kids. 2 silent gold 5/27/1941 (approximate) #1362
l with clawed fingers. The dwarves fought with the men, who reported that t 11/28/1954 #11724 tic engineering, nuclear wars were fought in the ancient world, and monumen 3/1968 #23798 heir necks. At first stunned, Luis fought back effectively, knocking them b 2/12/1969 #24915 attraction to the object, but she fought against it. Suddenly the UFO vani 2/21/1995 #42055
noise like steam and generating a foul odor. It swoops past him and vanish 10/2/1956 #13260 lands / lake. Smoke and noise and foul odor / takeoff. 12/1956 #13375 bottom, illuminating the trees. A foul odor “like embalming fluid or brake 7/7/1964 #18398 CINCINNATI, OH 2+2+45 observer(s). Foul odor. Saucer with square portholes. 10/2/1966 #20947 incinnati, Ohio, when she smells a foul odor in the room. She goes to her b 10/2/1966 #20949 o at 10:20 p.m. when she smelled a foul odor in the room. She went to her b 10/2/1966 #20950 e. Other apples were coated with a foul smelling slime. Also found outside 8/23/1967 #22908 s Home Office analyze samples of a foul liquid that is seeping from one of 9/4/1967 #22998 id creature gave off an unbearably foul odor, resembling a rotten egg sulph 8/16/1971 #26291 McGuire AFB runaway, giving out a foul, ammonia-like stench; then AFOSI ar 1/18/1978 #32894 rge head, red kinky hair, and very foul smelling breath. He resisted her se 6/18/1979 #34618 rt of greenish steam that was very foul smelling. The frightened witnesses 3/24/1990 #39485 cratch marks and an oily thick and foul smelling liquid was found on the tr 8/29/1991 #40170
the landing site, police find some foul-smelling black material that crumbl 9/14/1967 #23060
e kind of jelly-like substance was found on the ground in Newark and Rahway 11/13/1833 #128 10 minutes. No unusual traces are found on the lot. 8/7/1869 #179 GH WYCOMB, BUCKS Night lights. Box found / leaves. Sprouts eyes and probes. 10/4/1871 #192 e men went out to investigate, and found the ship with its sole occupant, a 12/7/1896 #376 repair the machinery. Traces were found over a large area. The object itse 4/12/1897 #443 repair the machinery. Traces were found over a large area. The object itse 4/12/1897 #445 repair the machinery. Traces were found over a large area. The object was 4/12/1897 #450 feet long by six inches wide, were found at the site. 4/13/1897 #456 out 7 km north of Linn Grove, they found the craft on the ground, came with 4/15/1897 #478 out 7 km north of Linn Grove, they found the craft on the ground, came with 4/15/1897 #483 ilometers north of Linn Grove they found the craft on the ground. They came 4/15/1897 #496 help of a strong red cable; it was found butchered in a field the next day. 4/19/1897 #532 help of a strong red cable; it was found butchered in a field the next day. 4/19/1897 #533 hat same day a man nine miles away found a letter with "Airship Co., Oaklan 4/19/1897 #540 rd the noise of a steam engine and found an object in a clearing. It looked 4/20/1897 #543 rd the noise of a steam engine and found an object in a clearing. It looked 4/20/1897 #544 rd the noise of a steam engine and found an object in a clearing. It looked 4/20/1897 #547 ugh the same spot 40 min later and found nothing. 5/6/1897 #592 the same spot 40 minutes later but found nothing there. 5/6/1897 #594 ve some chains on the bridge, they found that they were glued to the metal 1908 #701 going quickly northwest? No crater found. 6/30/1908 #708 n though no impact crater has been found. The object disintegrates at an al 6/30/1908 #711 le, why was radioactive Cesium 137 found in 1908 tree rings from the area. 6/30/1908 #712 ould not understand. The grass was found depressed at the site after the ob 5/18/1909 #756 ould not understand. The grass was found depressed at the site after the ob 5/18/1909 #757 tion from some electrical wires is found burned off. 8/14/1914 #912 boat was sent out, but nothing was found. (Magonia #45, Fort 639) (NICAP: 0 9/9/1922 #1025 boat was sent out, but nothing was found. 9/9/1922 #1026 boat was sent out but nothing was found. 9/9/1922 #1027 s for 'dropped parachute'. Nothing found. 12/6/1931 #1133 the witness, now a retired pastor, found himself in a city of 16,000 locate 5/4/1932 #1143 and Morrestown. Walking to it, he found an ovoid object 3 m in diameter an Summer 1933 #1160 and Morrestown. Walking to it, he found an ovoid object 3 m in diameter an Summer 1933 #1161 ar to a vault door. Pushing it, he found the room full of violet light and Summer 1933 #1161 ntains. Only footprints and traces found. FSRv17#4. 2/5/1934 #1203 hout the valley. Parallel marks in found in the snow, 75 meters in length, 2/5/1934 #1204 well as sensory dislocation: they found themselves out in a field with no 8/29/1942 #1445 Circular burnt area and footprints found. 10/1942 #1450 ar burned area and footprints were found. (Ref. 3; Bougard, 1977.) (NICAP: 10/1942 #1451 ] extremely fast. Odd metal object found. / r215p28+/ r8. 9/1943 #1521 e metal block is said to have been found at the spot. (Magonia #50, GEPA De 9/1943 #1523 e metal block is said to have been found at the spot. 9/1943 #1524 r diameter area of melted snow was found on the ground. (Ref. 3; Australian 12/1943 #1547 y searched for almost 24 hours and found nothing. The following night, Ed L 6/1944 #1597 out, no newspaper reports could be found. Apparently the entire story was m End of 8/1944 #1648 e house and 25 feet in diameter is found the next day. 10/1944 #1673 ill fear and terror. About 300 are found or seen in America. It is likely t 11/3/1944 #1691 ned alert status when balloons are found in Wyoming and Montana before the 11/3/1944 #1691 e, and land. The site could not be found in the dark. The event took place 1945 #1743 e, and land. The site could not be found in the dark. The event took place 1945 #1746 e of the Avenger bombers have been found. 12/5/1945 #1950 d grass and other trace marks were found at the site. (Ref. 3; Flying Sauce 5/1946 #1986 h burns the hands when touched) is found at the site and collected into bag 7/10/1946 #2046 2M cone dives / lake backwards. 0 found. / r10p57. 7/19/1946 #2068 arch was attempted but nothing was found. 7/19/1946 #2075 ion breaks many windows. No traces found. 8/16/1946 #2139 wood in 1984, and researchers have found no evidence to support a collabora 8/19/1946 #2145 pe with fins moves trees. No trace found / Albuquerque Journal 29 Jun. '47. 9/11/1946 #2174 fense Research Institution and not found to be rockets. 12/3/1946 #2209 s taken place over Sweden has been found.” 12/23/1946 #2213 or for examination. The object was found when a mysterious ice shower occur 1/7/1947 #2223 / SALINAS, CA 3 / farm. 9' saucer found / carrot patch. USAF truck and men 5/1947 (approximate) #2271 edly emerged alive. When they were found by the U.S. military, the survivor 5/31/1947 #2303 , but no traces of alanding can be found. 7/3/1947 #2584 he area. Five bodies are allegedly found on the site. The impact site is cl 7/5/1947 #2721 isc with smoke coming out of it is found. Army investigators find “Made in 7/7/1947 #2930 BSRA (Borderlands) Memorandum found in official FBI UFO files, address 7/8/1947 #2953 cel shows him where the debris was found. When they return to Ramey’s offic 7/8/1947 #3019 y announced a flying disc had been found” the previous week. It says that t 7/8/1947 #3020 m that three alien bodies had been found. Other witnesses to recovered bodi 7/8/1947 #3026 of his story, this time saying he found the debris on June 14. Copies of H 7/9/1947 #3054 he lab has analyzed ashlike powder found at the site. It turns out to be th 7/9/1947 #3068 er column reporters that a visitor found Einstein “sick”, but Einstein stat 7/11/1947 #3121 e area of blackened ground earlier found by two of Wilcox’s deputies. He sp 9/1947 #3378 estigation by the U.S. Coast Guard found no missing aircraft nor floating d 9/20/1947 #3411 crash recovered exhibits” had been found to date. http://www.nicap.org/doc 9/23/1947 #3419 judge them by earthly standards? I found a memo to this effect was in the o 12/1947 #3496 . 16 little human-like beings were found dead aboard a crashed saucer in NM 2/13/1948 #3577 he procedure for Yoke is then also found to have burns on his hands and is 5/15/1948 #3651 ut surprisingly when he woke up he found himself inside a UFO. The UFO occu 5/25/1948 #3655 Stringfield describes the humanoid found at the crash site as “about 4 feet 7/7/1948 #3699 ortheast. An FBI man from St. Paul found an area 70 cm in diameter where th 8/11/1948 #3778 ortheast. An FBI man from St. Paul found an area 70 cm in diameter where th 8/11/1948 #3779 o debris or evidence of flares are found. 4/28/1949 #4130 to analysts for review and study. Found in the private BSRA archives now a 5/18/1949 #4190 aryland Secretary Forrestal (MJ-3) found dead after falling 16 floors from 5/22/1949 #4202 he room empty. Forrestal’s body is found on a third-floor roof below the 16 5/22/1949 #4203 -floor kitchen, No suicide note is found other than part of a translation o 5/22/1949 #4203 a, New Mexico. Mack Brazel, having found various scraps and bits for the pa Summer 1949 #4246 the sighting, and upon landing was found to have all its spark plugs burned 7/24/1949 #4282 and about 35 inches tall had been found dead in the wreckage. Early 1950 #4465 ee crash retrievals. Tape recently found at the AHC in Frank Scully’s paper 3/8/1950 #4588 cted], informant, the saucers were found in New Mexico due to the fact that 3/22/1950 #4702 mpressed ground, freshly made, was found at the landing site, with ground i 6/17/1950 #4992 ng quickly north. Webby "gossamer" found. No further details. 10/11/1950 #5218 x, but no supporting data could be found. 10/15/1950 #5234 valuated incident and have found nothing of value and nothing which 10/18/1950 #5241 ess, about a crashed flying saucer found in the Arctic. It ends with the ha 4/7/1951 #5500 lots, explanations can probably be found for most reports. Copies are also 6/1951 #5530 eadow. Approaching within 50 m, he found himself paralyzed and observed tha 6/19/1951 #5545 . Approaching within 50 meters, he found himself paralyzed and observed tha 6/19/1951 #5547 ied to close. The object was again found near March AFB, Riverside, Califor 9/23/1951 #5687 s contract. In 1956, Brown helped found the National Investigations Commit 1952 #5843 r drive and plastic core elements” found in an UAP engine are being conduct 1952 #5845 , Wisconsin Jim and Coral Lorenzen found the Aerial Phenomena Research Orga 1/1952 #5853 lision. No radar malfunctions were found. 1/22/1952 #5877 oing southeast. 900+mph. Odd holes found / ground. 4/30/1952 #6220 o feet wide by 7.5 feet wide, were found in the ground. 4/30/1952 #6225 origin. No documents have yet been found on this trip’s results. 5/15/1952 #6331 men. Huge parachute drops. Nothing found. 6/15/1952 #6502 d USAF “Shoot Down” order. Warning found in official FBI UFO files. 7/24/1952 #7091 the end of World War II and never found anything substantial. 7/30/1952 #7363 ds. Lands south / golf course. Not found. 8/6/1952 #7477 a of flattened and burned grass is found after the event. DesVergers has a 8/19/1952 #7651 a strip of browned vegetation were found at the landing site. 9/11/1952 #7896 ingering smell and skid marks were found. 9/12/1952 #7902 s, and the wreckage has never been found. Feschino thinks that a UFO damage 9/12/1952 #7905 ingering smell and skid marks were found at the site. 9/12/1952 #7906 ski and their little girl suddenly found their car stalled, and an unpleasa 9/13/1952 #7914 as he returned to the carwhere he found his wife terrified, pointing to a 9/13/1952 #7914 ski and their little girl suddenly found their car stalled in Frametown, We 9/13/1952 #7916 as he returned to the car where he found his wife terrified, pointing at a 9/13/1952 #7916 obertson) think the answer will be found “on the margins of just beyond the 9/24/1952 #8022 s plane nor his body has ever been found; his family only learned the truth 11/1/1952 #8228 Italy Nello Ferrari, 41, a farmer, found himself flooded with a reddish lig 11/18/1952 #8294 a farmer from Castelfranco, Italy found himself flooded with a reddish lig 11/18/1952 #8298 e over barnyard. 3 beams down. Pig found dead. Noisy. Going west. 2/14/1953 #8675 fect square 13 inches in size, are found by police. Possible hoax. 7/1/1953 #8982 are, 36 cm on each side, that were found by the police. 7/1/1953 #8983 perfect square 36 cm in side were found by police. 7/2/1953 #8986 wo creatures had gone. Traces were found at the spot. 9/4/1953 #9144 r two beings had gone. Traces were found at the spot. 9/4/1953 #9145 some bushes. He walked toward it, found a craft that looked like two ship 10/25/1953 #9253 me bushes. He walked toward it and found a craft that looked like two ship 10/25/1953 #9255 om the plane and no trace of it is found. A Pentagon spokesman claims the U 11/23/1953 #9318 An extensive air search and rescue found no trace of the missing aircraft, 11/23/1953 #9319 a blue-green lightning. The police found broken bushes as evidence of an en 12/1953 #9327 rnest L. Norman and Ruth E. Norman found a contactee group, the Unarius Aca 2/1954 #9522 g to Pope Pius XII, who decided to found the S.I.V with the aim to get ever 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557 nd recovered his shotgun they also found some blood stained leaves. They qu 4/10/1954 #9681 the Air Force had operated a radio found in a retrieved saucer and that had 4/18/1954 #9697 ameter and at least 6 feet deep is found, but no debris, even though LaPaz 5/1/1954 #9744 witness. Ground traces were later found at the site. 5/5/1954 #9755 Large dark straight/strait(s)-line found / moons crater Piccolomini. 5/6/1954 #9758 memories of the experience. He was found, suffering from concussion, in his 5/13/1954 #9791 disabling beam noisy wedding. All found dead! / r5p116+/ NICAP and more / 6/15/1954 (approximate) #9904 l the object left the ground. They found a large, brown, circular spot in t 6/21/1954 #9917 hts moved around in the area. They found a large, brown, circular spot in t 6/21/1954 #9923 ssed to broadcaster Frank Edwards, found in the BSRA/BSRF archives at the A 8/1/1954 #10086 d in the blaze. Metal pellets were found. 8/27/1954 #10191 Portola Road ablaze. Metal pellets found. 8/28/1954 #10194 aster than a jet. At the site were found numerous pear-shaped footprints 2 9/2/1954 #10233 it. When he tried to stop them, he found himself paralyzed as a strong oran 9/10/1954 #10284 on three wooden railroad ties are found, made by an object that an enginee 9/10/1954 #10286 it. When he tried to stop them, he found himself blinded and paralyzed by a 9/10/1954 #10288 out of sight. Strange traces were found by police. The creature was dresse 9/14/1954 #10297 out of sight. Unusual traces were found by police. The being was dressed i 9/14/1954 #10302 own behind some trees. Marks were found in the dirt. Sighting lasted 15 m 9/22/1954 #10394 down behind the trees. Marks were found in the dirt at the supposed landin 9/22/1954 #10398 man was repairing it. Traces were found on the grass. 9/24/1954 #10433 man was repairing it. Traces were found on the grass. 9/24/1954 #10437 dles quickly to saucer. 10' circle found. 9/26/1954 #10448 wide circle of crushed foliage was found at the site. Ms. Leboeuf was in a 9/26/1954 #10452 haped craft. A ten-foot circle was found at the landing site. 9/26/1954 #10454 home as dog barked furiously. They found a large object on the ground and a 9/27/1954 #10472 from the sky about 50 m away, and found himself "paralyzed" as three figur 9/28/1954 #10485 the sky about 50 meters away, and found himself paralyzed while three figu 9/28/1954 #10490 near woods. 16cm webbed footprints found. 9/30/1954 #10504 r. Saucer / field. Flattened grass found after. / LDLN#102. 10/1/1954 (approximate) #10544 a field. Flattened grass was later found at the site. 10/1/1954 #10558 s trail. There were three imprints found in the ground and some black mushr 10/2/1954 #10620 n rose vertically. Oily marks were found at the spot. (Note: Vallee lists t 10/2/1954 #10621 t was about 1.20 m high. Grass was found flattened and scorched over an are 10/3/1954 #10661 n rise vertically. Oily marks were found at the spot. 10/3/1954 #10662 s about 1.2 meters high. Grass was found flattened and scorched over an are 10/3/1954 #10671 n rose vertically. Oily marks were found at the spot. 10/3/1954 #10672 Vincent arrived with rifles, they found that the earth had been "sucked up 10/4/1954 #10697 sisted his ascent. Footprints were found at the site. 10/4/1954 #10703 lroad tracks. There were no traces found. 10/4/1954 #10705 by car headlights. Landing traces found nearby. 10/4/1954 #10707 Vincent arrived with rifles, they found that the earth had been "sucked up 10/4/1954 #10710 ty entered the object. Traces were found at the spot. 10/5/1954 #10728 hey felt "a strange sensation" and found themselves unable to move. The obj 10/5/1954 #10729 tion under a flat disc. Tracks are found. Probable hoax. 10/5/1954 #10733 ty entered the object. Traces were found at the site. 10/5/1954 #10740 hey felt "a strange sensation" and found themselves unable to move. The obj 10/5/1954 #10743 ct, which was about 80 cm high, he found himself paralyzed. 10/6/1954 #10754 , which stood about 80 cm high, he found himself paralyzed. Finally, at 10 10/6/1954 #10761 ded. Strip of burnt, crushed grass found at spot, trodden down. 10/8/1954 #10822 nto the sky. Brown oily spots were found at the site. 10/9/1954 #10850 ter studying 3,500 reports, it has found “no authentic physical evidence” t 10/9/1954 #10852 and orange. Brown, oily residue is found at the site. 10/9/1954 #10855 nto the sky. Brown oily spots were found at the landing site. 10/9/1954 #10868 lly, and flew away. The ground was found calcined. Samples were taken by po 10/11/1954 #10926 ast, and flew away. The ground was found calcified. Soil samples were taken 10/11/1954 #10942 the men came within 2O m of it and found himself paralyzed. The craft took 10/13/1954 #10998 es came within 20 meters of it and found himself paralyzed. The craft took 10/13/1954 #11004 spot where the craft had been and found a sort of luminescent stream that 10/14/1954 #11041 there and took off his jacket, he found that his clothes were covered with 10/14/1954 #11041 claimed that "unknown seeds" were found at the site. 10/14/1954 #11042 , was riding home when he suddenly found in front of him on the road an ova 10/14/1954 #11045 e sphere land and went near it. He found it was shaped like a flattened dom 10/14/1954 #11047 . When the witness arrived home he found his clothes covered with a white f 10/14/1954 #11047 claimed that "unknown seeds" were found at the site. 10/14/1954 #11063 epartment, France when he suddenly found in front of him on the road an ova 10/14/1954 #11066 approach it. When he got close he found it was shaped like a flattened dom 10/14/1954 #11069 . When the witness arrived home he found his clothes were covered with a wh 10/14/1954 #11069 intense heat. The little pond was found desiccated, and haystacks caught f 10/15/1954 #11099 ke off vertically. At the site was found a deep crater about 6 m in diamete 10/15/1954 #11102 s intense heat. The little pond is found desiccated, and haystacks catch fi 10/15/1954 #11109 intense heat. The little pond was found desiccated, and haystacks caught f 10/15/1954 #11115 ke off vertically. At the site was found a deep crater about 6 m in diamete 10/15/1954 #11118 speed. Small footprints were later found at the site. Jean-Luc Rivera think 10/18/1954 #11223 r. Some form of trace material was found on the gravel lane of the villa th 10/18/1954 #11225 er the incident. Police reportedly found mysterious footprints at the site. 10/19/1954 #11252 able to approach the site, and he found the trees, grass, and ground perfe 10/20/1954 #11271 ght light in the distance and soon found his road blocked by a strange obje 10/20/1954 #11273 t whirring sound. An oily spot was found at the site. 10/20/1954 #11274 able to approach the site, and he found the trees, grass, and ground perfe 10/20/1954 #11280 ght light in the distance and soon found his road blocked by a strange obje 10/20/1954 #11282 t whirring sound. An oily spot was found at the site. 10/20/1954 #11283 also went out, and the battery was found dead after the sighting. 10/26/1954 #11415 also went out, and the battery was found to be dead after the sighting. 10/26/1954 #11423 ery white, glistening threads were found on the ground. 10/27/1954 #11444 ance to the object was 150 m. They found that a fence had been damaged. 10/27/1954 #11451 ery white, glistening threads were found on the ground. 10/27/1954 #11452 deep hole in the ground was later found at the site. 11/1/1954 #11520 like weapons. Physical traces are found at the landing site: a white subst 11/5/1954 #11579 by Vacheresse woods. Darkens. Dirt found dug up. 11/8/1954 #11594 ike fried sausages.” A “streak” is found in the snow, apparently left by th 11/23/1954 #11696 ke fried sausages." A "streak" was found in the snow, apparently left by th 11/23/1954 #11698 les and Jose Ponce, truck drivers, found their road blocked by a luminous s 11/28/1954 #11720 toward them. Gonzales grabbed it, found it strangely light (less than 2O k 11/28/1954 #11720 hway, two young men approached it, found it was shaped like two bowls g]ued 12/10/1954 #11794 -held technological secrets can be found. 12/28/1954 #11868 . When he tried to approach it, he found he was unable to move. As soon as 12/29/1954 #11875 least 15 min. Strange traces were found, as if the ground had been dug up. 12/29/1954 #11875 p. Small trees near the river were found damaged, as if they had been cut w 12/29/1954 #11875 ed color from white to red. Traces found at the site showed that the ground 12/29/1954 #11876 usion. He claims the Douglas group found a site in the “Owen Valley” where 1955 #11899 o trace of a crashed object can be found. 1/14/1955 #11933 ve lost consciousness," because he found himself driving to the police stat 3/1955 #12021 was checked by a mechanic, and was found to have a defective battery, a dea 3/30/1955 #12071 K. Fritz. No trace of anything is found. 5/25/1955 #12159 s (or Greys) near. Bits / aluminum found. / r30p218. 8/1955 #12308 Campbell, and civilian ufologists found no evidence of a hoax”; however, B 8/21/1955 #12386 e had searched the Sutton farm and found no creatures, they left and at two 8/22/1955 #12391 f the creatures' presence could be found anywhere during the search that oc 8/22/1955 #12391 ers / all directions. Crushed corn found later. 9/22/1955 #12467 synthetic material. No spiders are found in the strands. 10/27/1955 #12524 . A large-scale search of the area found nothing. 1/18/1956 #12669 the location of the sighting, they found 3 clearly defined concave impressi Summer 1956 #12912 ject gave off green sparks. Traces found in the orchard reportedly included 7/28/1956 #13024 pidly into the sky. No traces were found. 8/27/1956 #13142 f a spider web-like substance, was found floating to the ground. 9/30/1956 #13253 ects). Machined W-carbide fragment found. / r177p382. 10/14/1956 #13276 ed and reappeared several times. I found that by turning the antenna tilt u 11/8/1956 #13315 l about the size of a matchbox was found at the landing site. Metalurgical 11/11/1956 #13323 like those attached to balloons is found, then another piece of meteorologi 2/15/1957 #13509 oing [to] Orinoco River. Observers found unconscious. / r44p226. 3/28/1957 #13563 . Vegetation at the site was later found to be dead. 4/12/1957 #13598 four little men nearby. The police found lavalike fragments at the site. Si 5/10/1957 #13652 passed. A circular ground mark was found at the landing site. 5/10/1957 #13655 missing and the wreckage is never found. Late Spring 1957 #13662 ffice, no trace of the material is found, which is uncharacteristic of spid Summer 1957 #13744 RB-47 case, the file could not be found. Ultimately, the case was put toge 7/17/1957 #13808 ly classified investigation can be found and released. All of the UFO obser 7/17/1957 #13808 t flight. On his return, Guimaraes found that his watch no longer worked. ( 7/25/1957 #13835 t flight. On his return, Guimaraes found that his watch no longer worked. 7/25/1957 #13840 studied under a microscope, it was found that they were healthier and sturd 7/30/1957 #13860 nd a spider which had accidentally found its way into a jar containing soil 7/30/1957 #13860 o large three-toed prints are also found, but the relationship of the print 7/30/1957 #13862 ge claw-like impressions were also found. 7/30/1957 #13863 ants fluttered wildly under it. He found himself unable to draw his gun, wh 8/20/1957 #13911 fluttered wildly underneath it. He found himself unable to draw his gun, wh 8/20/1957 #13915 stantaneously. The car battery was found completely dead. There was no heli 8/22/1957 #13922 stantaneously. The car battery was found to be completely dead.There was no 8/22/1957 #13925 sium isotope Mg-26 had indeed been found and knowingly misrepresented the s Early 9/1957 #13971 ds of Dr. Fontes, of Rio, and were found to consist of surprisingly pure ma 9/10/1957 #13988 e in trouble and went closer. They found the object hovering 7 m above the 10/8/1957 #14076 er. Instead of plane wreakage they found the object hovering seven meters a 10/8/1957 #14079 nd they drive away. The battery is found to be dead the following morning a 11/5/1957 #14348 hen walked to the object, which he found to be shaped like "a covered dish" 11/6/1957 #14417 footprints and radioactivity were found at the site by Civil Defense Direc 11/6/1957 #14417 walked up to the object, which he found to be shaped like a "covered dish" 11/6/1957 #14441 rints and radioactivity were later found at the site by Civil Defense Direc 11/6/1957 #14441 graved with script similar to that found on the outside. The coded script i 11/21/1957 #14590 ons in the shape of a triangle are found at the landing site. 11/23/1957 #14603 gn bureau east of Moscow, but Cook found no corroboration of this. Note: C 1958 #14787 I, and one responsive document was found, a memo from Lt. Col. A.R. Sulliva 1958 #14787 had no connection with information found by OTS in Germany, in documents, i 1958 #14787 rrived half an hour later all they found were a number of dead fish. The fr 6/1/1958 #15075 our deep rectangular imprints were found in the ground at the site. The imp 9/2/1958 #15251 ng northwest then going up. Traces found. / r30p238. 10/1958 #15291 a propellant depletion circuit is found to be the cause of the failure, al 12/6/1958 #15472 operators over the past month and found that 80% have observed UFOs travel 12/19/1958 #15481 pped their car to observe it. They found a disk about 5 m wide set on a tri 12/20/1958 #15487 occupant of the craft is allegedly found wandering in the area. He speaks n 1/21/1959 #15558 w area. The divers apparently also found another half of the object that cr 1/21/1959 #15560 ts lands behind warehouse. Nothing found. / r24v1#7. 1/27/1959 #15568 o be a crashing plane. He is later found unconscious in the snow and treate 2/20/1959 #15595 UFO going down / harbor. Odd metal found. Rumor small humanoid (or Grey) an 2/21/1959 #15598 was a crashing plane. He was later found unconscious. Sequels of the incide 2/28/1959 #15622 No trace of an airplane crash was found, but Irwin was soon found unconsci 2/28/1959 #15624 rash was found, but Irwin was soon found unconscious and taken to a hospita 2/28/1959 #15624 e he walked straight to a bush and found his missing jacket. There was a pe 2/28/1959 #15624 it take off. No radioactivity was found at the spot. 3/31/1959 #15681 disappeared." No radioactivity was found at the spot. 3/31/1959 #15684 ntered a UFOnaut on March 29th and found the hovering blue-violet disc-shap 4/1/1959 #15689 go outside to the garden. There he found a noted that told him to return th 4/25/1959 #15713 o go out into his garden, where he found a note telling him to return the n 4/26/1959 #15714 passengers and 6 crew members, was found shredded in a thousand pieces. Sub 9/29/1959 #15997 housand pieces. Subsequent inquiry found that there had been no fire or exp 9/29/1959 #15997 er the crash and that scorch marks found on the exterior windows, fuselage 9/29/1959 #15997 e the wreckage of the airliner was found. The UFO was stationary both times 9/29/1959 #15997 gust of air. A glassy deposit was found on the power line a kilometer away 9/29/1959 #16000 in luminosity. Ground traces were found at the site. The witness nearly su 10/16/1959 #16035 ay in a flash. Glassy deposits are found on some power lines in addition to Late 10/1959 #16060 aucers. 1 maneuvers. 10-legged bug found in angel hair. 11/2/1959 #16074 with two friends when he suddenly found himself onboard a hovering, bluish 11/15/1959 #16088 ance resembling metallic paint was found. 4/18/1960 #16233 ance resembling metallic paint was found. 4/18/1960 #16234 d runs away. Marks in the sand are found later. 5/14/1960 #16276 p; diamond-shaped scorched marking found at landing site. [NICAP UFOE, VIII 5/24/1960 #16299 ike protrusion. Large oily circles found. / r180p24. 7/22/1960 #16343 er it left large oily circles were found on the ground. 7/22/1960 #16344 consciousness; when he came to he found himself on a bed in a room with li 8/25/1960 #16418 y the witness went to the site and found no trace, but his dog turned aroun 11/13/1960 #16501 odies of four men and a youth were found in a car. Molten metal from the ca 11/20/1960 #16509 th. A circle of yellowed grass was found at the site. 12/9/1960 #16529 th. A circle of yellowed grass was found at the site. 12/9/1960 #16531 Russia Russia: Vladimir Azhazha found an elliptical area where he claime 1961 #16545 opters and troops. The aircraft is found in a small clearing in a dense for 1961 #16550 rched grass and depressed earth is found at a distance of 328 feet from the 1961 #16550 lled ‘flying saucer’ has ever been found.” 1/19/1961 #16581 tion, and Welfare, and the food is found to be made of terrestrial but tast 4/18/1961 #16653 ators who interviewed Mr. Simonton found him to be sincere and his story un 4/18/1961 #16654 d mud, and odd fragments were also found at the site. The sample residue wa 4/27/1961 #16664 ussia Traces of a crashed UFO were found in this area. 4/28/1961 #16665 single shred of the F-86 was ever found. (ref. Kinross AFB where an F-89 w 5/1961 #16669 although a Generals’ briefcase was found floating around. 5/1961 #16669 d a low speed. Flattened grass was found at the landing site. 5/22/1961 #16694 NEAR TOBOLSK, RS Plane and 7 lost. Found intact / small clearing! 7 men gon 8/1961 #16775 RTEL, PRT UFO / mountain top. Hole found. 3 3M tunnels go deep into mountai 1/1962? #17013 foot in diameter burnt circle was found in the grass. 5/24/1962 #17198 e back with a group of people, who found the scarf on the ground, discovere 7/30/1962 #17305 ays. Only a few drops of blood are found. 8/17/1962 #17336 to have landed. The Lopez brothers found traces in the grass and evidence o 1/31/1963 #17646 igation. A whitish powder was also found at the site. 1/31/1963 #17646 ray, Argentina. The Lopez brothers found traces in the grass and evidence o 1/31/1963 #17647 during which a whitish powder was found at the landing site. 1/31/1963 #17647 nd MN cops search / miles. Nothing found. / r8#572. 6/4/1963 #17775 s of the Iowa-Minnesota border but found nothing. 6/4/1963 #17777 ot wide. A small piece of metal is found. Astronomer Patrick Moore states t 7/16/1963 #17833 d beam burned him. He ran away and found shelter in Monte Maiz. He suffered 10/12/1963 #17986 Footprints of large dimension were found at the site. 10/12/1963 #17986 d beam burned him. He ran away and found shelter in Monte Maiz, Argentina. 10/12/1963 #17988 posure. Very large footprints were found at the site. "A truck driver was t 10/12/1963 #17988 bogged down in the mud. The driver found himself in the presence of three s 10/12/1963 #17988 t the headlights.” Their heads are found, but the witness can see no other 10/23/1963 #18004 th of time. No further details are found in the Air Force files, but Projec 10/24/1963 #18008 d a hangar. Scorch marks are later found where the object had been. 12/10/1963 #18072 ssrs. Muller and Immelman suddenly found the countryside illuminated and sa 12/14/1963 #18080 ance, Messrs. Muller and Immelman, found the countryside suddenly illuminat 12/14/1963 #18082 ircular area, and four traces were found. 12/27/1963 #18097 100 feet, and disappears. Grass is found flattened over a circular area. Ma 12/27/1963 #18098 ints pushed together into mud” are found, forming a square with 8-foot side 12/27/1963 #18098 r area, and four ground marks were found suggesting imprints from landing g 12/27/1963 #18099 Newark Valley, NY Farmer found shiny elliptical object in field, 4/24/1964 #18192 y away. Burning and charred brush found at landing sight. 4/24/1964 #18195 Newark Valley, NY Farmer found shiny elliptical object in field, 4/24/1964 #18197 corch marks and four imprints were found, according to Police Capt. Martin 4/26/1964 #18208 corch marks and four imprints were found, according to Police Capt. Martin 4/26/1964 #18211 Four rectangular indentations were found at the landing site. 4/29/1964 #18222 oment, could not see it again, and found only a depression in the ground. 4/30/1964 #18228 ded, indentations and scorch marks found at site 4/30/1964 #18230 oment, could not see it again, and found only a depression in the ground at 4/30/1964 #18233 Four rectangular indentations were found at the landing site. 4/30/1964 #18235 he hole and a whitish substance is found. 5/5/1964 #18244 n, 10-meter (30-foot) burnt circle found next day 5/10/1964 #18259 normal radioactivity allegedly was found at the site. 5/17/1964 #18277 normal radioactivity was allegedly found at the landing site. 5/17/1964 #18278 hen took off vertically. Wheat was found flattened in all directions. 5/18/1964 #18283 like a rocket." Ground marks were found at the site: three imprints formin 5/18/1964 #18285 ape of an equilateral triangle are found in an area of flattened wheat abou 5/19/1964 #18288 o'clock in the morning. They then found a huge object on the road ahead of 6/5/1964 #18332 d on top of craft. Physical traces found at site (UFOE Section XII). (NICAP 7/16/1964 #18415 d on top of craft. Physical traces found at site 7/16/1964 #18418 he UFO. A round, flattened area is found in the field where the grass is cr 7/16/1964 #18421 ing sound. Three ground marks were found at the landing site. 7/16/1964 #18422 Air Force officer, but nothing was found. 7/28/1964 #18456 Air Force officer, but nothing was found. 7/28/1964 #18457 s" at sea. None missing. No traces found. No further details. 8/20/1964 #18500 nds / woods and goes. Burnt crater found. No radiation/radioactivity. Phony 9/4/1964 #18527 then take off. A burnt crater was found by the NICAP investigator, with tr 9/4/1964 #18534 rks, some white powdery balls were found that were cold to the touch. After 9/4/1964 #18534 e circle of crushed vegetation was found, three branches were broken, and a 11/1964 #18602 , landing marks, and radioactivity found at the site. 11/30/1964 #18649 d, object landed. Radioactive area found at landing site 12/21/1964 #18668 didn’t bend its’ knees. R.M. later found out from a retired Air Force Colon 1965 #18679 Gérard Dohmen, and Roger Lorthioir found Groupement pour l’Étude des Scienc 1965 #18685 Netherlands G. J. Kok and S. Sluis found the Werkgroep Nederlands Onderzoek 1965 #18686 nches apart, in a single file, are found leading from the landing site to t 1/12/1965 #18720 ower of sparks. Several trees were found uprooted or calcined at the site. 1/25/1965 #18765 nd when Huffer entered the barn he found Weaver on the ground. Weaver claim 1/26/1965 #18770 restless at a spot where grass was found flattened. Another witness, drivin 2/3/1965 #18795 one-piece suits. There were later found landing imprints and footprints at 2/14/1965 #18814 al in Williamsport, where they are found to be dehydrated and confused. No 3/2/1965 #18832 confused. No alcohol or drugs are found. They are then taken to an Air For 3/2/1965 #18832 ace amounts of alpha radiation are found on their clothing and strange mark 3/2/1965 #18832 lly with a whistling noise. Reeves found at the site many dumbbell-shaped f 3/2/1965 #18833 se / ground / sequence. Oily spots found. / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC 3/4/1965 #18837 es rapidly rising. Oily spots were found in the field. 3/4/1965 #18840 t. The next day, an oily spot was found at the site. 3/4/1965 #18841 The next day three oily spots were found at the site. Project Blue Book lis 3/4/1965 #18842 S. Zaps RADAR techs. Missing time. Found far / north. 3/5/1965 #18843 ixteen hours later a state trooper found the two men walking on Route 487 i 3/5/1965 #18844 were taken to a local hospital and found to be dehydrated. Later, trace amo 3/5/1965 #18844 ce amounts of alpha radiation were found on their clothing, and unexplained 3/5/1965 #18844 rass and other damaged foliage was found at the landing site. 3/14/1965 #18854 cious, eye damage. Damaged foliage found at site 3/15/1965 #18858 his right eye. Damaged foliage was found at the site, and Mr. Flynn was adm 3/15/1965 #18860 Loud hiss. Series / circular holes found. 4/14/1965 #18905 ng sound. Circular ring impression found at site (UFOE II, Section VII). (N 5/24/1965 #18958 under Comm. Osvaldo Pagella, which found a large, metallic object resting o 5/24/1965 #18960 ng sound. Circular ring impression found at site 5/24/1965 #18961 ys later, a circular depression is found nearby close to a telephone line. 5/24/1965 #18962 wide ring of flattened grass, was found at the landing site the next morni 5/24/1965 #18963 under Comm. Osvaldo Pagella, which found a large, metallic object resting o 5/24/1965 #18965 racks left by the landing gear are found later by Masse and confirmed by ge 7/1/1965 #19047 " into the air. Ground traces were found in the field. 7/1/1965 #19049 dage. The investigating commission found dark, triangular traces on the gro 7/25/1965 #19170 dage. The investigating commission found dark, triangular traces on the gro 7/25/1965 #19174 ear Wagle Mountain lake. No traces found / USAF Tech. Intel. Center. (ATIC. 8/2/1965 #19248 . No acceptable explanation can be found for the object recorded on the neg 8/2/1965 #19266 nct sound, although no traces were found afterward. The object illuminated 8/4/1965 #19314 nct sound, although no traces were found afterward. The object illuminated 8/4/1965 #19323 ls AFB investigated the case. They found no trace, concluding, however, tha 8/5/1965 #19328 landing site, in an old quarry, he found a 15-20 foot circle of burnt glass 8/13/1965 #19384 s and patches of singed grass were found at the site. A bull bellowed and 8/19/1965 #19424 s and patches of singed grass were found at the site. A bull bellowed and t 8/19/1965 #19428 akened by a loud humming sound and found she could not speak or move for a 8/20/1965 #19437 rushed grass, 4 m in diameter, was found in the yard. 8/20/1965 #19437 akened by a loud humming sound and found she could not speak or move for aw 8/20/1965 #19441 rass, four meters in diameter, was found in her yard. 8/20/1965 #19441 hey believed was a car wreck; they found a circular object 20 feet in diame 8/26/1965 #19466 ime, only to turn around when they found the object was still there. Goode 9/3/1965 #19506 rally. Later that evening, two men found him at a restaurant and described 9/3/1965 #19506 ickly. Later that evening, two men found him at a restaurant and described 9/3/1965 #19517 embered going to bed, but suddenly found herself awake and driving on a rur 9/3/1965 #19518 e, a liquid resembling vinegar was found on the ground. 9/20/1965 #19583 quid resembling vinegar or oil was found on the ground. 9/20/1965 #19584 aying that Gen. Arthur C. Agan has found Project Blue Book to be a worthwhi 9/28/1965 #19619 ovoid lands / park. Crushed grass found. / FSR'60#9+'66#3. 10/13/1965 #19654 t consciousness. When he awoke, he found that his truck had been turned aro 12/20/1965 #19782 San Diego, CA Envelope found with hand written notes in private 1966 #19792 bombs the B-52G carries, three are found on land near the small fishing vil 1/17/1966 #19844 lique course. Flattened reeds were found in several places. 1/19/1966 #19857 n of Cley Hill. Ground traces were found at the site. 1/21/1966 #19865 em. Upon closer investigation they found the object to be 75-100 feet in di 1/23/1966 #19869 cm x 30 cm) and scorch marks were found at the site. Electromagnetic (EM) 2/6/1966 #19883 f again. Imprints and scorch marks found at site 2/6/1966 #19886 s" for a period of time. Grass was found depressed (imprints) at the landin 2/25/1966 #19917 nd the UFO gave chase. Traces were found at the sight. 2/25/1966 #19918 oles lands / snow. Matching traces found. / r73p27. 3/24/1966 #20061 skid marks (physical traces) were found in the snow at the landing site. ( 3/24/1966 #20066 e road. As they came near it, they found that it hovered and showed two int 3/24/1966 #20070 road. As they came near to it they found that it was hovering and displayed 3/24/1966 #20073 ayed. Three elongated imprints are found in the form of a triangle. Reporte 3/29/1966 #20139 ascended. Landing traces were also found at this site. 3/29/1966 #20143 ought her heater had exploded, but found everything in order. The next day 4/5/1966 #20240 uddenly realizes that maybe he has found a way to get the Air Force out of 4/5/1966 #20249 ed the area. Some of the witnesses found a perfect circle of flattened gras 4/6/1966 #20259 who arrived before the others was found in a dazed, trance-like state. Oth 4/6/1966 #20259 f ozone was in the air. Later they found imprints in the field where the ob 4/23/1966 #20385 off again. At the site her parents found a circular area of crushed pussy w 4/23/1966 #20392 neglects to mention that UFOs are found in the atmosphere below 100,000 fe 5/10/1966 #20474 Broken trees and other traces were found. 6/18/1966 #20580 Broken trees and other traces were found. 6/18/1966 #20583 ed. The next day a wheat field was found flattened over an area 3 m in diam 7/28/1966 #20691 ed. The next day a wheat field was found flattened over a three meter wide 7/28/1966 #20693 ed five minutes. Ground marks were found in the sand. 7/31/1966 #20703 ight in field. Vanishes. No traces found. 8/1966 #20706 ight. Saucer quickly going up. Dog found dead later. 8/9/1966 #20732 she fainted. When she woke up she found herself lying in the field where t 8/11/1966 #20739 l hours. A doctor who examined her found burns on her legs and ankles. She 8/11/1966 #20739 e UFO, and a large indentation was found in the earth. She later was examin 8/11/1966 #20739 ined again by a medical doctor and found to be pregnant. There is no accoun 8/11/1966 #20739 pression with flattened grass were found beneath the area where the object 8/15/1966 #20744 iana, alleged UFO contactees, were found dead with welders masks and strang 8/17/1966 #20759 policemen climbed to the site they found the bodies of two men, electronics 8/20/1966 #20778 orated by the esoteric diary entry found at the scene and by mask-making ma 8/20/1966 #20779 and literature concerning spirits found at the men’s homes. In April 1980, 8/20/1966 #20779 e exact spot where the bodies were found and notes that no vegetation is gr 8/20/1966 #20779 policemen climbed to the site they found the bodies of two men, electronic 8/20/1966 #20782 scribe it. When she came home, she found her son in a state of shock and th 10/14/1966 #20999 his dog with some neighbors. They found tracks. At the approximate positio 11/14/1966 #21101 roximate position of the "eyes" he found a large number of dog tracks. The 11/14/1966 #21101 ng for his dog with a friend. They found tracks, and at the approximate pos 11/15/1966 #21109 roximate position of the "eyes" he found a large number of dog tracks. The 11/15/1966 #21109 ral minutes. Footprints later were found at the site. (Phillips 1975, p. 44 11/17/1966 #21115 ts several minutes. Footprints are found at the site. 11/17/1966 #21117 d into the sky. A local councilman found numerous footprints at the site wh 11/17/1966 #21119 n shepherd dog disappeared. It was found dead a week later in the center of 11/20/1966 #21129 against a car. Flattened grass was found at the landing site. 12/25/1966 #21221 Danbury, CT Another such nest was found by Ronald E. Januzzi, a mineralogi 1/9/1967 #21276 e Danbury-Brewster highway. It was found on the morning of the 9th of Janua 1/9/1967 #21276 he morning some of their cows were found to have broken through the fence a 1/13/1967 #21300 uring the investigation. Betty was found to have several previous contacts 1/25/1967 #21389 otos available to the press. Later found to be a hoax. (NICAP: 08 - Photogr 2/1967 #21426 for the year, but at least 14 were found without much effort. (UFOE II, p. 2/5/1967 #21457 inutes, and no landing traces were found in the garden. 2/5/1967 #21463 to the scene with a policeman, the found broken branches at the site. 2/11/1967 #21511 to the scene with a policeman they found broken branches at the site. 2/11/1967 #21512 ding in a nearby field. Marks were found in the snow (physical traces) at t 2/14/1967 #21543 A 15 foot in diameter ice area was found at the landing site, which caused 2/21/1967 #21616 naccuracies because “Condon hasn’t found any AF explanations he considers u 3/1967 #21696 ootprints or landing imprints were found in the snow where the object had r 3/1/1967 #21715 ed / hilltop. Blinks out. No trace found. 3/7/1967 (approximate) #21785 ts of an unidentifiable shape were found later at the site. 3/12/1967 #21874 . No cause for the shutdown can be found. 3/24/1967 #21973 esses described strange footprints found at the site and apparently also sa 3/26/1967 #21994 en the stranger the next day, they found numerous nearly rectangular footpr 3/26/1967 #21998 lights around a revolving rim. She found herself inside an octagon-shaped r 4/2/1967 #22048 James E. McDonald, who says he has found “almost no correlation between so- 4/6/1967 #22079 pe of an equilateral triangle were found in the ground. 4/8/1967 #22096 lump of strange material was later found on the shore. When it was analyzed 4/13/1967 #22128 shore. When it was analyzed it was found to be an unprecedented mixture of 4/13/1967 #22128 a and became separated. The deputy found nothing, but the witness came upon 4/21/1967 #22200 impressions (physical traces) were found at the landing site. (NICAP report 4/26/1967 #22220 became afraid and ran away. Police found six prints at the site. 4/26/1967 #22223 impressions (physical traces) were found at the landing site. 4/26/1967 #22224 ed for 4 hours. Black streaks were found on the charred road surface (physi 5/7/1967 #22292 d a series of "bangs." Stones were found calcined at the site. 5/7/1967 #22293 ve sounds. Black streaks are later found on the charred road surface. 5/7/1967 #22294 nes and other physical traces were found at the site. 5/7/1967 #22297 as discovered, and blue powder was found in small trenches radiating from t 5/9/1967 #22303 was discovered and blue powder was found in small trenches radiating from t 5/9/1967 #22304 at the spot. No radioactivity was found at the site. 5/9/1967 #22304 et the sheriff. No physical traces found. (Ridge, 1994, -? P-22.) (NICAP: 0 5/10/1967 #22308 Figure moves / window. Angel hair found. 5/11/1967 #22313 the craft. Angel hair residue was found at the site. 5/11/1967 #22320 erboy with the last name Prim, who found himself unable to move and with a 5/12/1967 #22328 Two luminous trails were found over the ground in Sermerieu, Fran 5/27/1967 #22410 erieu, France. Four dead cows were found together with an area of 400 meter 5/27/1967 #22410 e object had apparently landed and found a semi circular area 90' x 150' in 5/31/1967 #22430 where the object had landed. They found a 30 by 50 yard semi-circular area 5/31/1967 #22433 in the area. Radioactive soil was found at the site. 5/31/1967 #22433 ence’s Mineralogical Institute and found to be quartz crystals. 6/1967 #22439 stinctive Aluche symbol supposedly found in a capsule that leaflets by a “H 6/1/1967 #22448 ousset” predicted in June would be found. Jordán Peña later confesses to ho 6/1/1967 #22448 / no apparent cause. Crop circles found. / r30p277. No further details. 6/4/1967 #22460 raft with windows. Physical traces found at site. (Hall, 1964-1967, pages 4 6/13/1967 #22501 Traces and an oily substance were found at the site. 6/13/1967 #22502 sh charred, and an oily liquid was found on the ground. 6/13/1967 #22504 outside the cigar. Physical traces found at the site included a burned area 6/15/1967 #22509 nterference (RFI). Traces / ground found later. / r180p49+/ r79. 6/25/1967 #22552 s later, some members of the group found an area of grass matted down where 6/25/1967 #22556 cle around her house. Outside, she found her husband, who had just come hom 6/30/1967 #22580 . Going to the children, the woman found they were calming down except her 6/30/1967 #22580 investigator examined the area and found a grassy spot which had been swirl 7/5/1967 #22613 ks on the outside of the wall were found that could only be removed by scra 7/7/1967 #22631 ascended vertically. No marks were found on the ground. (Reno Evening Gazet 7/16/1967 #22668 r, and three small footprints were found at the site. Several hours later t 7/17/1967 #22684 t three meters. On the ground were found fragments of what seemed to be bur 7/20/1967 #22712 on a hill. Air Force investigators found a very large scorched area at the 7/21/1967 #22717 ter, two V-shaped depressions were found on the ground in the same area. 7/21/1967 #22719 the road. Air Force investigators found a very large scorched area at the 7/21/1967 #22720 ckly north. 10M circle / burnt soy found. 8/4/1967 #22795 rched area 20 feet in diameter was found in the bean field where the object 8/4/1967 #22799 e was sent to NICAP. Investigation found no evidence of a hoax. (Christol l 8/4/1967 #22799 AMEL, ALTA 6 separate crop-circles found. Photographs going quickly [to] Co 8/5/1967 #22808 from a heavy force or object were found in a pasture and were believed to 8/5/1967 #22817 multicolored lights. Investigators found scrape marks and footprints (physi 8/6/1967 #22825 close his eyes. In the morning he found deposits of a rust-like substance, 8/6/1967 #22832 foot wide circular burned area was found, but a local farmer said he had bu 8/6/1967 #22834 close his eyes. In the morning he found deposits of a rust-like substance, 8/7/1967 #22840 ute(s). 3m circle / dried soybeans found. Not burnt.. dried! 8/15/1967 #22877 sion 12 feet in diameter was later found on the ground at the site. 8/15/1967 #22883 impressions (physical traces) were found at the site. (Hall, 2001, p. 480; 8/23/1967 #22896 e of the boy's sisters, where they found a round, brightly luminous object 8/23/1967 #22908 . The next day at the site the boy found some apples that had been broken a 8/23/1967 #22908 d with a foul smelling slime. Also found outside the house were deep, odd f 8/23/1967 #22908 x. Soon five identical objects are found in fields and golf courses in the 9/4/1967 #22998 burned ring (physical traces) was found on the golf course next day. (Port 9/5/1967 #23003 t Sand Dunes National Monument, is found dead a couple days after it has go 9/9/1967 #23026 e’s mercy killing. “Exhaust marks” found are probably fungal infestations, 9/9/1967 #23026 hind some trees. Ground marks were found. 9/9/1967 #23027 ion like a large footprint is also found. Aleixo subjects the boy to psycho 9/14/1967 #23060 e traces were claimed to have been found at the spot. 9/15/1967 #23065 e traces were claimed to have been found at the spot. This was the first hi 9/15/1967 #23070 ght. No traces of the landing were found in the field. (Evening News, Sault 9/18/1967 #23082 Ellis. Circular ground marks were found later at the site. 9/21/1967 #23107 The man screamed for help and was found to have several cuts and abrasions 9/22/1967 #23115 Possible landing or fall. No trace found. 10/4/1967 #23173 o survivors, bodies, or debris are found, either by the fishermen or by a C 10/4/1967 #23176 port says no trace of an object is found. In the 1990s, researcher Chris St 10/4/1967 #23176 arched the area for three days but found nothing. This followed a series of 10/4/1967 #23177 ll footprint showing four toes was found in the mud. 10/21/1967 #23279 p into one of the objects. He then found himself lying on the floor of the 10/24/1967 #23310 ot recall feeling deceleration. He found a strong light beam aimed at him f 10/30/1967 #23369 ecall feeling any deceleration. He found a strong light beam aimed at him f 10/30/1967 #23372 s 18-19 minutes. Broken trees were found near the site. 10/30/1967 #23373 rter of a mile away. As he ran, he found his shadow preceding him, as thoug 11/2/1967 #23392 object had departed and Begay was found in a state of near shock in the fr 11/2/1967 #23392 round marks were said to have been found near the jugular vein of a child t 11/8/1967 #23428 some trees. No landing traces were found. 11/12/1967 #23439 g fireball flies away. Burnt grass found. 11/19/1967 #23479 . A large circular burned area was found at the landing site. At the same t 11/19/1967 #23483 body lights. Physical traces were found at the site. (APRO Bulletin, Nov.- 11/24/1967 #23505 t Schirmer was totally sincere and found his account convincing. 12/3/1967 #23547 a Vladimir Godic and Crystal Walsh found UFO Research South Australia, a gr 1968 #23628 ll radios and RADAR's out. Nothing found. 1/1968 (approximate) #23637 in a faint, where the other sentry found him a few minutes later. 2/1/1968 #23724 ound in a faint. The second sentry found him a few minutes later. 2/2/1968 #23727 y sound and vanishes. 34 sheep are found dead; from every one, “certain sma 3/10/1968 #23834 A "saucer nest" crop circle was found in sugar cane near West Cairns, Qu 4/25/1968 #23924 ad. They spoke to local people and found that they were in Mexico. 5/1968 #23936 her mother came into her room and found her lying on top of her bedsheets 5/3/1968 #23942 arlier in the night her mother had found her missing from her bedroom and t 5/3/1968 #23942 h a beam of light, after which she found herself in a bare white room. A ma 5/3/1968 #23942 Sanford, Colorado. No evidence was found on the ground. 5/7/1968 #23950 livia and went to investigate. She found the sheep pen covered with some fo 5/14/1968 #23962 a year. A circular burnt area was found on the roof of the minibus. 5/17/1968 #23970 difficulty. The driver's watch was found to have stopped working. 5/27/1968 #23989 Arriving at his room, the witness found his daughter unconscious. When she 6/1968 #23998 e dizzy, and when he recovered, he found himself inside the machine, with t 6/4/1968 #24006 A large are of scorched grass was found in the field. 6/10/1968 #24018 n guard duty. At dawn, Puentes was found unconscious by an Army patrol and 6/14/1968 #24029 n guard duty. At dawn, Puentes was found unconscious by an Army patrol and 6/14/1968 #24033 Soviet intelligence investigators found forty-eight spent cartridges and f 6/14/1968 #24033 nding site three indentations were found suggesting tripod landing gear, in 6/14/1968 #24033 s sessions. No contradictions were found in his story. 6/14/1968 #24033 ose and disappeared. Velazquez was found paralyzed on one side by a stroke, 6/19/1968 #24051 When he recovered consciousness he found himself in an otherworldly environ 6/20/1968 #24056 e ground. Calcinations traces were found by police. (Magonia #911, LDLN 95) 6/21/1968 #24064 he ground. Calcination traces were found by police. 6/21/1968 #24065 and left. Calcination traces were found by police. 6/21/1968 #24067 France. Dead sheep and slugs were found in a 25 meter wide indentation are 6/21/1968 #24068 to a nearby puddle. He did so, and found that neither the envelope nor his 7/2/1968 #24133 f vertically at great speed. Oscar found both his horse and dog paralyzed, 7/2/1968 #24133 for some minutes. At the spot were found 3 holes 5" deep, arranged in an is 7/2/1968 #24133 house. Marks of four fingers were found on the door to their house. 7/9/1968 #24163 lio Gianomini, came to her aid and found a strange white substance on the f 7/15/1968 #24179 e area. Small footprints were also found. Mrs. Gilabert suffered from nervo 7/15/1968 #24179 t day strange ground markings were found at the site. 7/20/1968 #24194 the object and struck her, and she found that her legs were paralyzed. (Dav 7/22/1968 #24202 2 inches, that smells of sulfur is found at the landing site. It persists f 7/22/1968 #24204 which has stopped at 1:30 a.m., is found to be radioactive, as is her ring. 7/22/1968 #24204 the object and struck her, and she found that her legs were paralyzed. Putt 7/22/1968 #24205 to her face for protection she now found she was completely unable to move. 7/22/1968 #24205 p only. Landing gear imprints were found at the landing site and several sm 7/22/1968 #24205 hich had stopped at 1:30 a.m., was found to be radioactive, as was her ring 7/22/1968 #24205 5-foot circle of crushed grain was found at the landing site. 7/28/1968 #24245 A 4-foot circle of barren grass is found, although an 18-inch circle in the 8/4/1968 #24295 don't know anything more...until I found myself on a square where there wer 8/4/1968 #24297 ext day several ground traces were found in the same area where the objects 8/12/1968 #24317 ext day several ground traces were found in the same area where the objects 8/12/1968 #24322 30 a.m. A scraped, burned area was found later at the landing point. 8/26/1968 #24380 e scorched plants and burned grass found at the site. 8/26/1968 #24382 16' saucer. Portholes. Footprints found. 8/31/1968 (approximate) #24404 nce. Later at the landing site was found a circle of pressed down grass. 8/31/1968 #24409 tting out of the car when both men found themselves paralyzed. They were so 9/1/1968 #24422 nown. Tracks and 42' / burnt grass found. 9/21/1968 #24494 in diameter, and some tracks were found. 9/21/1968 #24497 sailor went out to investigate but found nothing. However, an investigator 9/24/1968 #24509 ng. However, an investigator later found “a burned area, irregular but abou 9/24/1968 #24509 it emitted a bright flash Pereira found himself paralyzed. He could see th 10/2/1968 #24538 on, during which Dr. Antonio Geris found him entirely normal. Officials of 10/2/1968 #24538 day a 42-foot diameter circle was found in Ngatea, New Zealand. The circle 10/7/1968 #24549 this point. Cloven footprints were found at the site where the beings had b 10/15/1968 #24563 nges / several color(s). No traces found. 10/17/1968 #24568 ight / roadside. 2M burnt circular found. Fireball flys near. / r180p59. 10/19/1968 #24573 r this close encounter incident he found that the swelling and pain from hi 11/1/1968 #24620 4:15 p.m. "Angel hair" residue was found in the aftermatch of the sighting, 11/3/1968 #24628 rom the ground, but no traces were found at the sight. The UFO made a pendu 11/25/1968 #24707 nstruction site, crushed grass was found at the landing site. 1/13/1969 #24838 few days later with a friend they found three apparent landing marks at th 1/15/1969 #24850 on the ground. Later investigation found three apparent landing imprints, a 1/16/1969 #24853 in a meter of the vessel, which he found to be only two meters long and a m 1/31/1969 #24882 had struck him. On the ground were found three landing gear leg marks. 2/6/1969 #24897 had struck him. On the ground were found three landing-leg marks. 2/7/1969 #24902 , and died a month later, its body found bloated up. The dog had never been 2/12/1969 #24915 sion. 1.9kg ribbed magnesium ovoid found in crater. 2/18/1969 #24927 t had no visible source. Mr. Brown found some marks on the ground at the si 2/22/1969 #24939 there was no longer anything to be found at the site. 2/23/1969 #24940 assed Maslund within inches and he found that he could not move; after 5-10 3/12/1969 #25002 saucer lands. 12M / stunted plants found. Earthquake fault zone / r30p327. 3/17/1969 #25016 ed abruptly, and nothing was to be found at the "crash" site. No one heard 3/31/1969 #25041 at the site by the military police found no wreckage. 3/31/1969 #25041 being overturned. The next day he found that someone or some creature had 4/10/1969 #25055 neuver. Animals upset. Saucer nest found / 17 April. 4/16/1969 #25066 ght struck him from above. He soon found himself inside some kind of dark, 4/20/1969 #25075 ion. Meanwhile, his horse had been found tied up at another ranch, apparent 4/20/1969 #25075 12, both Roque and his niece were found dead under unusual circumstances. 4/20/1969 #25075 established truth should, on being found guilty, be publicly horsewhipped, 4/26/1969 #25094 ng the night. When morning came he found that he was near Vitoria, more tha 5/4/1969 #25115 ve minutes. Ring ground marks were found in the yard. 5/11/1969 #25127 scaled. Beyond the embankment they found a barley field with a path through 5/11/1969 #25128 . Burnt patches of vegetation were found at the sight in a heavy rainstorm. 5/12/1969 #25132 oad at high speed. Footprints were found that showed only four toes. On the 5/19/1969 #25148 d. Ground traces of a landing were found in a nearby field, and some soil a 5/28/1969 #25167 rds three circular burn marks were found on the hood of his car. At 7:30 p. 6/4/1969 #25199 night near Segovia, Spain when he found his vehicle suddenly blocked by a 6/11/1969 #25211 farm. 40' circle / burnt soybeans found. / r180p66. 7/12/1969 #25262 ircle of wilted soybean plants was found, but the plants were not bent over 7/12/1969 #25265 circle of burnt soybean plants was found in a field on the farm. 7/13/1969 #25269 ly south. 17M circle / burnt brush found. Deep tripod indents / center. / F 9/4/1969 #25350 17 meter circle of burnt brush was found at the landing site, with deep tri 9/4/1969 #25352 rcular flattened area of grass was found at the site. That same evening in 9/22/1969 #25375 though only one spider specimen is found. When a sample is tested by Wayne 10/8/1969 #25400 up into the sky. Ground marks were found at the landing site: there was an 10/30/1969 #25440 three circles of burnt grass were found, and the third circle straddled a 11/5/1969 #25452 ed, while later a burnt circle was found on a small island in a pond. 11/5/1969 #25452 tried to notify his neighbors but found himself in a kind of stupor with h 11/15/1969 #25461 RALIA Disk seen. Small saucer nest found. No further details. / data-net. 12/7/1969 #25491 O. After this experience, Heinonen found that his right leg was numb. He vo 1/7/1970 #25541 day big hole / ground. Dirt never found! / r84p64. 1/9/1970 #25542 t day a big hole in the ground was found in a field on the farm, and some s 1/9/1970 #25543 xt day the "dog's" paw prints were found. Six days later, the building myst 6/4/1970 #25690 und. Dried and yellowed vegetation found later. 6/13/1970 #25699 he was sucked. Mr. Trueblood then found himself standing in a beautiful ga 7/4/1970 #25727 nother planet or universe. He next found himself down on the ground. The pe 7/4/1970 #25727 the craft, through the vortex, and found himself back in bed. 7/4/1970 #25727 hind a mountain. Four imprints are found forming an irregular figure on the 7/25/1970 #25750 pervasive and persisting. He soon found a door and realized that the passa 8/15/1970 #25787 e object took off. Footprints were found in the area, and for several night 8/16/1970 #25791 m. The witness blacked out and was found later lying in the bushes. He rega 8/20/1970 #25799 back to the site that evening and found a spot where the high grass was ma 8/24/1970 #25803 arks in a triangular formation are found in the garden of Richard Johansson 8/29/1970 #25808 ours. Three round depressions were found in the grass were the object appar 8/29/1970 #25809 d humming sound. Moments later she found herself inside a room illuminated 9/7/1970 #25828 ward the north. Ground traces were found at the landing site. 9/9/1970 #25833 und marks and metal fragments were found at the site. 9/28/1970 #25859 evitates. Becomes invisible. Never found. 10/28/1970 (approximate) #25887 es Santos, a resident of the city, found himself surrounded by half a dozen 11/24/1970 #25917 cles with brown colored musty gunk found. 12/28/1970 #25954 OURO PRETO, BRAZIL 50cm disk found / kitchen. Hums and maneuvers. Awa 12/29/1970 #25955 it hit the ground. No traces were found at the site. 1/2/1971 #25968 ating witnesses, two teenage boys, found an elongated hole in the ice and s 1/7/1971 #25983 of its boot with his bare hand. He found that touching it burned like a hot 2/5/1971 #26015 itness, a 15-year-old named Rubio, found rake marks at a flattened, 3-meter 2/18/1971 #26025 enced one hour of missing time. He found himself standing in same spot in i 2/22/1971 #26028 r, when he took off his clothes he found on his shirt, below the belt line, 3/5/1971 #26044 e washed it. Most surprisingly, he found himself cured of a liver ailment, 3/5/1971 #26044 hes. A semi-elliptical imprint was found in the meadow the next day about a 3/5/1971 #26044 Australia. White “fairy floss” is found on the ground that tends to melt a 3/15/1971 #26048 to the location on a dirt road and found a luminous object hovering just ab 4/14/1971 #26073 om the camping expedition came and found Michael a short time later still i 5/15/1971 #26111 ed. The next day seven holes where found in the ground at the site. They we 5/15/1971 #26111 lights play and land. Saucer-nest found / same spot. / TUFOIC. 5/22/1971 #26122 area of grass and blackberries is found about 600 feet from the house. It 5/25/1971 #26136 her set of similar indentations is found, roughly in the shape of a triangl 5/25/1971 #26136 knocks observer(s) down. Imprints found / soil. 5/30/1971 #26143 off at once. No ground traces were found. 5/30/1971 #26145 f a skyrocket. Landing traces were found at the sight, including a 10-foot 6/5/1971 #26158 na 11:40 a.m. James E. McDonald is found dead along a shallow creek in Tucs 6/13/1971 #26173 physicist and UFO researcher, was found dead from a gunshot wound to the h 6/13/1971 #26175 ral / 90 minute(s). Dims. No trace found / next day. 6/20/1971 #26181 essed circle and ground marks were found. 6/24/1971 #26190 red the surrounding area, but they found no one. They then got into his car 7/8/1971 #26218 kilometers in both directions but found nothing more unusual. 7/8/1971 #26218 The next day a circular spiral was found on the ground, plus a silvery lump 7/27/1971 #26247 nusual oily residue and marks were found on their car. A possible UFO abduc 8/1/1971 #26261 and the loud sounds persisted. He found his pipe and stooped down to get i 8/16/1971 #26291 r feeling a "buzzing" sensation he found himself back in his car. He thinks 8/17/1971 #26293 es. Stops and drops again. Nothing found. 8/23/1971 #26299 opped back down again. Nothing was found on the ground when the area was se 8/23/1971 #26302 ire" in woods. Circular burn spots found only. Ground is cold. 9/18/1971 #26343 the object had descended they also found a burned circular area of grass ab 9/20/1971 #26354 l telephone lines in the area were found severed along what appeared to be 9/20/1971 #26354 , age 27, a typewriter technician, found his car being followed by a red lu 9/22/1971 #26365 ater. When they investigated, they found footprints that descended a steep 9/23/1971 #26369 out and went behind his truck, but found no one. Coming back around to the 9/27/1971 #26384 remove. A second substance is also found that is composed of white, crystal 11/2/1971 #26449 oratory analysis. The lab findings found that there were fibers in the soil 11/2/1971 #26450 bacteria and fungus, and is “often found together with a fungus of the orde 11/2/1971 #26450 FO investigator Anne Druffel, they found three 12"-14" circular imprints ar 11/13/1971 #26470 his night. The next day Mr. Habner found a 2.2 meter diameter ring, 45 cm w 12/25/1971 #26518 nother “Project Snowbird” has been found described as a “Joint Army/Air For 1972 #26526 r A. Uriondo and Roberto E. Banchs found the Centro de Estudios de Fénomeno 1972 #26529 ame odor again, and in the morning found a fungus like growth similar to "a 1/26/1972 #26556 like craft. Heavy orange-red stone found / ground. Vanishes. 3/10/1972 #26593 A heavy, reddish-orange stone was found on the ground that later vanished. 3/10/1972 #26598 His next recollection was that he found himself in a deserted moorland, an 3/25/1972 #26623 o the wouthwest. Traces were later found at the landing site. 3/25/1972 #26623 ). Drop debris. Metallic fragments found. 4/22/1972 #26657 ebris, and metallic fragments were found. 4/22/1972 #26659 sheep mutilated. Blood drained. 1 found / crop circle. No UFO's seen. 6/1972 #26692 and triangular and round imprints found. 30cm deep / rocky soil. Radiation 6/12/1972 (approximate) #26715 ute(s). 25M circular hole / ground found. 6/25/1972 #26730 er circular hole in the ground was found later. 6/25/1972 #26732 rints of its supposed landing gear found in damp clay soil. On June 28, Bri 6/26/1972 #26735 A dead dog was found with all of its hair missing in Gr 7/13/1972 #26794 thing. They searched the copse but found no one. 7/26/1972 #26836 blacked out and when she recovered found herself back in her tent with her 8/9/1972 #26890 ts chase. Marks and burns / ground found. 9/9/1972 #26982 tprints" 8 inches x 16 inches were found and the soil there was warm to the 9/27/1972 #27035 e. Tash walked around the area and found ground marks in the soft dirt. Sud 10/14/1972 #27077 Long-dead small humanoid (or Grey) found / Lake Ryzl. 2 ruts through rock a 10/19/1972 #27080 diameter. Two spike holes are also found. The only entrances to the court a 11/12/1972 #27120 al takeoff. Three holes were later found in the soil at the site of the lan 11/30/1972 #27155 s and a missing plug of earth were found in the woods, at the suspected lan 12/7/1972 #27164 g down / ground. Shallow 8' crater found next day. 12/10/1972 #27165 0 p.m. A shallow 8 foot crater was found at the landing site the next day. 12/10/1972 #27168 very low. Snow melted. Green gunk found. 1/8/1973 #27226 ad melted, and a greenish gunk was found on the ground. 1/8/1973 #27227 dnight. There were metal fragments found in a heap as well as strips of alu 1/14/1973 #27237 light was gone and no traces were found. Two other independent witnesses w 2/4/1973 #27270 ut to the landing site, where they found a large patch of snow melted down 2/26/1973 #27318 k what he thought was one step and found he was already standing at the lan 3/13/1973 #27343 said that on this occasion he also found the pair of boots that he'd lost o 3/21/1973 #27356 a grove of trees, physical traces found 4/6/1973 #27408 Missouri. At the landing site were found three holes in the ground arranged 4/6/1973 #27409 (s) take man aboard. Missing time. Found in Isfahan. 4/7/1973 #27411 eside rode, buzzed car; burn marks found where UFO first seen. Ballester Ol 4/22/1973 #27439 talled. Two yellow burn marks were found on the pavement. Three hours later 4/22/1973 #27440 so three times. Ground marks were found nearby at a landing site. There we 5/14/1973 #27486 About an hour later two young men found Sr. Patero laying in the mud and r 5/22/1973 #27519 nd. When her neighbor arrived, she found Ms. Lisboa's face swollen and her 5/27/1973 #27535 cular scorched. Several 10cm holes found.. 6/3/1973 #27547 indentation five meters across was found as a possible UFO landing site in 6/3/1973 #27548 d back toward the first object and found it too had vanished. She then fell 6/23/1973 #27584 asleep and when she came to later, found herself lying in a different posit 6/23/1973 #27584 o Brescia, Italy a 16-year-old boy found and photographed some strange trac 7/27/1973 #27657 hotographed some strange traces he found in the area. He seemed to have exp 7/27/1973 #27657 e a hovering object from below. He found himself in a round room where four 7/27/1973 #27657 by thinking of bright colors. She found the gray images unpleasant, and ha 8/4/1973 #27683 go back to that experience and she found herself in another room with a win 8/4/1973 #27683 room seemed very sterile. Then she found herself in a huge place with a dom 8/4/1973 #27683 dhound team searched the area, but found nothing. A cigar-shaped UFO was se 8/14/1973 #27702 es up. 7 hours / missing time. Car found / farm field! / r87p60. 9/1973 #27736 gland Jenny Randles and David Rees found the Manchester Aerial Phenomena In 9/1973 #27740 aubeuge, Nord, France. Plants were found scorched on the ground at the site 9/4/1973 #27762 w altitude. Traces and burnt grass found / gravel pit. 9/13/1973 #27810 , OH 9:30 p.m. Franklin County man found landing site of object he saw hove 9/30/1973 #27890 0 p.m. a Franklin County, Ohio man found the landing site of an object he h 9/30/1973 #27893 going up / 45°. 7 x15M dried grass found. 10/1973 (approximate) #27894 lliant white light / top. Imprints found. / r237p38. 10/1/1973 #27907 nderstorm, and imprints were later found at the site. 10/1/1973 #27913 hy. Moments later she unexpectedly found herself inside a circular control 10/5/1973 #27954 s had vanished. Ground traces were found at the sight the next day consisti 10/6/1973 #27961 m back at the place where they had found him. His legs collapsed when he to 10/11/1973 #28005 e road. Landing gear imprints were found at the site. 10/11/1973 #28007 r, collected all their belongings, found his dog and, with the other couple 10/14/1973 #28031 kened toward dawn on the floor. He found the lights were left on the bedroo 10/15/1973 #28059 ay from him. Claw-like tracks were found in the dirt road later, as well as 10/15/1973 #28061 d 45 minutes of missing time; they found they had pin-prick like marks in a 10/17/1973 #28135 s later, “cotton-like” material is found that when handled becomes a “small 10/18/1973 #28171 also seen. No physical traces were found at any of the sites. 10/19/1973 #28197 lit like mouths. Moments later she found herself inside the object where sh 10/19/1973 #28199 also a very bright light. She next found herself in a room with several mon 10/19/1973 #28199 car, then was gone. Afterwards she found the engine billowing smoke and the 10/19/1973 #28200 orted missing, her car having been found abandoned in Indiana with the hood 10/20/1973 #28220 film. Later that night the campers found themselves surrounded by five or s 10/20/1973 #28222 aken more than a dozen steps, they found what could only be described as a 10/20/1973 #28222 und traces from the UFO were later found. 10/21/1973 #28229 field. The next day imprints were found in the field where the beings had 10/22/1973 #28244 her neighbors, and no traces were found. 10/28/1973 #28312 at the front of the triangle, were found in the vicinity of the UFO's resti 10/29/1973 #28319 with several triangular holes was found. 11/1/1973 #28339 the UFO and speed away. Marks are found at the landing site. Mid 11/1973 #28424 ard the southwest. At the site are found three marks forming an equilateral 11/16/1973 #28434 aken to the second level, which he found rather cramped. Cyril announced th 11/18/1973 #28443 upplies the French bull rings were found drowned in the river. 12/5/1973 #28523 r imprints in a 51-inch square are found, along with ladder marks. The area 12/6/1973 #28533 the southwest. Four imprints were found in the ground at the landing site. 12/6/1973 #28535 h in diameter, of iron pyrite were found near the site. Later that night in 12/13/1973 #28570 Australia A single crop circle is found in a wheat field at Wokuma, South 12/15/1973 #28577 back later with investigators, who found ground marks and small footprints. 12/31/1973 #28623 ry personnel opened the crates and found two humanoid bodies about 5 to 6 f 1/23/1974 #28695 after 40 seconds. Fresh marks are found in a plowed field at the site wher 2/8/1974 #28747 at the landing site investigators found three imprints, each 85 cm wide, a 2/8/1974 #28749 late Jan. 5 Mx5M triangular traces found after. / r30p446. 2/9/1974 #28752 ects had finally disappeared, they found the rear axle on the truck broken 2/14/1974 #28773 torcycle to work, when suddenly he found himself face to face with two huma 2/28/1974 #28820 cular object. Physical traces were found at the landing site. (NICAP: 02 - 2/28/1974 #28820 nly in Origny en Thierache, and he found himself face to face with two bein 2/28/1974 #28822 traces of crushed grass were later found. 2/28/1974 #28822 patches of charred vegetation were found at the site covering a large area. 3/1/1974 #28843 earby acacia grove. No traces were found. 3/4/1974 #28854 ct took off. A search the next day found no traces. 3/15/1974 #28891 A few days later UFO investigators found radioactive traces and three 12-me 3/21/1974 #28921 he area. Civil guard officers also found traces. 3/21/1974 #28921 a height of 30 to 45 feet. He next found himself at home with no recollecti 3/23/1974 #28938 ce at 8:30 p.m. Ground traces were found. 3/25/1974 #28951 Civil made an investigation. They found a hole in the ground, which the tr 3/26/1974 #28957 M robot. Glides uphill! 5cm tracks found = 80 kg Wt. / r50. 3/28/1974 #28964 ing sound; three squarish imprints found. Ballester Olmos, 1976, pp. 46.47 3/30/1974 #28971 a dead mutilated cow and calf were found. The tails had been removed, the b 3/31/1974 #28977 rd. Her cows panicked, and one was found dead. 4/11/1974 #29004 object / bright beams. Black clay found. 4/23/1974 #29056 arge scorched areas and marks were found in the grass, with lumps of a blac 4/23/1974 #29058 s of a black clayish material also found lying around. 4/23/1974 #29058 RZ Repeat abduction. Medical exam. Found 500mi away 7 days later. / r82p70. 4/26/1974 #29063 day. Five or six days later he was found rain soaked and covered with ticks 4/26/1974 #29064 aulo, Brazil. In fact, his car was found there. Under hypnosis he revealed 4/26/1974 #29064 near airport. Circle / burnt grass found. 5/5/1974 (approximate) #29082 remote landing but no traces were found on the ground. 5/12/1974 #29102 rest. No evidence of a landing was found. Three hours later and 38 miles to 5/19/1974 #29114 lysis. The wilted, brown ferns are found to be without chlorophyll and an u 5/20/1974 #29119 man searched the landing site and found a "deep, rose colored paste and th 5/20/1974 #29120 four, deep landing marks. He also found a spot of red where the hatch had 5/20/1974 #29120 movement. Ground traces were later found were the UFO came down. At 11:00 p 5/20/1974 #29121 d color. Landing traces were later found in an oval pattern. 5/25/1974 #29134 l. Rises spins and away. Grey crud found. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20# 5/28/1974 #29139 way rapidly. A grayish residue was found at the landing site. 5/28/1974 #29143 t it to zero at Fort Victoria, but found that it had recorded only 17 km, y 5/31/1974 #29150 , and then went on to the site and found "an area of burnt vegetation for a 6/8/1974 #29173 and. Ground traces were reportedly found at the site. 6/14/1974 #29194 his motor-launch to the area, but found only foam on the sea where the obj 6/18/1974 #29212 Wendover, Quebec. Three rings were found at the site, 19 feet in diameter w 6/25/1974 #29225 -foot wide circular trace mark was found on the nearby riverbed. 7/8/1974 #29245 d have come from a landed UFO were found on her lawn. On this night she awo 7/17/1974 #29266 d went to the front door where she found two strange figures standing. They 7/17/1974 #29266 off to the west. Crop circles were found at the landing sites. At 10:30 p.m 8/2/1974 #29303 off into the woods. No traces were found at this second landing site. 8/2/1974 #29303 des, and of a silvery color." They found themselves paralyzed and unable to 8/5/1974 #29311 0 feet wide. Circular patches were found on the ground at the landing site. 8/16/1974 #29364 tally destroyed and that they have found a second crash site nearby with th 8/25/1974 #29386 ing quickly NNW. Burnt beet plants found. / r30p512. 8/28/1974 #29395 beet field. Burnt beet plants were found at the site. 8/28/1974 #29399 s (or Greys) abduction wife. Never found.. 8/31/1974 #29404 ngenburg, Saskatchewan, CAN Cattle found to have broken fence/domed object 9/1/1974 #29414 rning. Some additional circles are found in the area later that month. Fuhr 9/1/1974 #29417 a. A burnt patch of vegetation was found in an alfalfa field. 9/4/1974 #29423 A calf was found mutilated in Pierce County, Nebras 9/7/1974 #29430 mark, three feet in diameter, was found on the concrete patio. 9/8/1974 #29437 ide. Going quickly west. Lava rock found. 9/16/1974? #29457 y to the west, and "lava rock" was found at the landing site. 9/16/1974 #29461 id-city. Going up [to] fast. Ashes found. / r39. 9/18/1974 #29462 at “more than 100 cattle have been found dead and gruesomely mutilated in N 9/30/1974 #29494 sistance. At 11:40 p.m., Higdon is found by a rescue party, which includes 10/15/1974 #29531 round 11:30 p.m. On the ground was found a 3.4 meter diameter ring plus num 11/26/1974 #29611 sidue made up of Calcium Oxide was found. 11/26/1974 #29611 ght out. Back on / 2330 hours. Pig found mutilated! 11/28/1974 #29615 shing sound. No ground traces were found at the site the following day. 12/2/1974 #29631 Road and Barker Ten Mile Road but found nothing. 12/29/1974 #29661 white light downward." Traces were found and photographed at the site. (Sou 1/1/1975 #29687 white light downward." Traces were found and photographed at the site. 1/1/1975 #29691 ur minutes, and ground traces were found. 1/2/1975 #29703 t emitted a bent beam of light and found himself paralyzed. He then heard a 1/5/1975 #29723 ainted again, and when he awoke he found himself lying beside a road outsid 1/5/1975 #29723 geese, cattle, pigs, and sheep are found dead throughout Puerto Rico with w 2/1975 #29780 s). Big saucer. Blue beam. Stripes found on car. Observer(s) gets ill. 2/19/1975 #29825 y watched. Two concrete posts were found pushed over at the landing site. 2/23/1975 #29839 cow and a second dead animal were found mutilated. Both of the eyes and th 2/27/1975 #29854 nt to the kitchen investigate, but found nothing. Her husband went back to 3/6/1975 #29876 surgically mutilated dead cow was found in a 30-foot wide crop circle, six 3/10/1975 #29885 Tube reaches dirt. Matching trench found later. 3/27/1975 #29919 round traces and "footprints" were found in the vicinity of the house. 3/31/1975 #29927 t 9:10 p.m. Rectangular marks were found in the ground near a mailbox. 4/1/1975 #29935 a remote area, three imprints are found forming a 12-foot equilateral tria 4/20/1975 #29998 mushrooms nearly 8 inches tall are found growing there the following day. 4/20/1975 #29998 r. Night lights play. Tripod marks found. Huge mushrooms.. 4/21/1975 #29999 tangular lights. Ground marks were found at the site including a burnt area 5/4/1975 #30033 ng east. Perfect 6' circle / grass found 14 May. 5/12/1975 #30050 to the east. A perfect circle was found in the grass at the site, two days 5/12/1975 #30054 oing down / woods. Huge footprints found later. Traces. 5/18/1975 #30062 :00 p.m. Some huge footprints were found in the area later, along with some 5/18/1975 #30063 y. Four landing gear imprints were found at the site. (Sources: Center for 6/12/1975 #30098 y. Four landing gear imprints were found at the site. 6/12/1975 #30099 marks dug / farm field. No tracks found nearby. 6/21/1975 #30113 (EASTERN), CO Bull calf found mutilated / surgical cuts and pred 6/28/1975 #30128 AD ENTRANCE GATE, CO Mutilated cow found. Calf embryo and all Repro organs 7/6/1975 #30160 nd burned, and an oily residue was found. (Sources: NICAP UFO Investigator, 7/6/1975 #30165 A mutilated cow was found dropped over the entrance to NORAD 7/6/1975 #30168 nd burned, and an oily residue was found. At the same time a daylight disc 7/6/1975 #30169 Some glowing powder was allegedly found on the ground in the area later. 7/12/1975 #30174 r(s). Big red flash. Mutilated cow found. 2 more missing.. 7/27/1975 (approximate) #30209 eposit of small, green granules is found near the center; analysis shows th 7/31/1975 #30218 w altitude. 1 observer.. no others found. 8/5/1975 #30237 ld mineshafts and slag piles. They found the object hovering motionless abo 8/8/1975 #30244 who had been petrified with fear, "found their legs" and beat a hasty retre 8/8/1975 #30244 FO departed. After driving home he found he couldn’t account for 1.5 hours. 8/13/1975 #30258 ct left, the grass at the site was found to be desiccated, and matted down 8/18/1975 #30288 ed stain resembling chalk was also found, but disappeared with the morning 8/18/1975 #30288 d at the same time Jackie suddenly found herself in the back seat with no m 8/26/1975 #30312 xt day he returned to the spot and found a circle of approximately 20 6-inc 8/28/1975 #30315 A black heifer calf was found mutilated in Kiowa, Colorado. The 9/7/1975 #30347 rn about dead and mutilated cattle found in Colorado and other western stat 9/11/1975 #30352 OBE) and the next thing he knew he found himself in a UFO. He conversed wit 9/11/1975 #30353 surrender it immediately. He then found himself back in his truck. When he 9/11/1975 #30353 got into his car to drive home and found his passage blocked by a UFO. Sev 9/11/1975 #30353 athically to go with them, and she found herself floating up into a hoverin 9/15/1975 #30363 ong ago. His weapons and watch are found to be slightly magnetized. Fall 1975 #30380 ands / mountain top. Mutilated cow found next day. 10/6/1975 #30418 the vehicle." Mr. Suffern said he found the craft while driving around to 10/7/1975 #30422 NEAR SAND COULEE, MT Cow found surgically mutilated. No tracks / 10/19/1975 #30445 At noon a 5-year-old cow was found dead and mutilated in a field near 10/22/1975 #30459 e off. This evening at 7 p.m. they found three imprints arranged in a trian 10/25/1975 #30473 itary camp. Guard missing / hours. Found with 5 day beard. 11/1975 #30526 oon landing gear. 4 mutilated cows found / 1 week. 11/3/1975 (approximate) #30541 lane. No damage bullets or shooter found. 11/3/1975 #30544 ome. The next thing he recalls, he found himself standing beside a domed ob 11/3/1975 #30547 took off with great speed. Then he found himself in his trailer. He told hi 11/3/1975 #30547 Michel, Robert, and Claude Souris found the Centre d’Études et de Recherch 11/20/1975 #30648 calf 2 nights / row. 2nd time calf found mutilated. 12/8/1975 #30690 e of their strawberry plants. They found two 0.9-meter diameter areas in wh 12/8/1975 #30694 ight, the calf’s carcass was later found mutilated. 12/8/1975 #30697 NEAR SEGUIN, TX Mutilated calf found. Silent helicopters reported about 12/10/1975 #30702 A mutilated dead calf was found on a ranch near Seguin, Texas whil 12/10/1975 #30703 trip 4X. 20cm circular burnt grass found. 12/24/1975 #30735 0.2 meter area of burnt grass was found at the site were it apparently tou 12/24/1975 #30737 0.2 meter area of burnt grass was found at the site were it apparently tou 12/24/1975 #30739 n studying their case eagerly, and found a number of strange verifiable phe 1/6/1976 #30762 estigated on the following day and found freshly broken branches at the sit 1/26/1976 #30821 st consciousness until at 0230A he found himself at the door of his house i 1/29/1976 #30832 for shock. In the hospital he was found to have strange sooty black marks 1/29/1976 #30832 erner Walter and Hansjürgen Köhler found Centrale Erforschungsnetz Auβergew 3/1976 #30912 d the back door of their house was found to be open. The next day an invest 3/5/1976 #30928 ow / barley field. 18M crop circle found later. / r30p622. 6/11/1976 #31098 t 1 a.m., Helene Giuliana, age 20, found that the engine of her car had sto 6/11/1976 #31103 ed and with body parts missing was found in a field next to triangular pod 6/13/1976 #31105 observer(s). Saucer beams man up. Found in Natal. Partial amnesia. 6/14/1976 #31107 the craft hovered over were later found defoliated. 7/5/1976 #31154 at the time but no footprints were found anywhere near the fence. 8/5/1976 #31233 ahead. When they reached it, they found that it came from an oval, scallop 8/6/1976 #31241 opening the envelope, the witness found a gold-colored, engraved amulet in 8/23/1976 #31294 . Then when it blinked he suddenly found himself inside it, where two green 8/25/1976 #31302 ed like about five seconds the boy found himself back in his house, and ran 8/25/1976 #31302 s low. Dives into ground! No trace found. Dog disappears. 9/3/1976 #31330 aints on being struck and is later found by his neighbors. His leg is paral 9/3/1976 #31335 sounds stopped. On inspection, she found no ground marks or evidence where 9/3/1976 #31337 ess apparently blacked out and was found later on the ground by his neighbo 9/3/1976 #31341 rthritis pain. Landing traces were found at the site. 9/6/1976 #31350 71 foot) circle of dried grass was found in the paddock were the straw had 9/25/1976 #31429 nected to the incident. Nothing is found but old logs. 10/1976 #31439 A farmer in Torrita, Victoria found two circles seven meters apart, ea 10/5/1976 #31449 ght light circles peak. Angel hair found. / International UFO Reporter (CUF 10/12/1976 #31460 e next day, angel hair strands are found and sent to David Miletich at the 10/12/1976 #31461 he University of Chicago. They are found to be “whitish, fibrous material o 10/12/1976 #31461 e of the little creature, and they found a set of 30 small circular footpri 10/15/1976 #31465 three circular landing marks were found; each consisted of two tangential 10/24/1976 #31493 e at 3M ghost. Vanishes. No shells found! 11/12/1976 #31539 awn 50 men searched the area. They found nothing. Particularly mystifying w 11/12/1976 #31540 ne green color. No traces could be found the next day. 12/6/1976 #31586 n washing out her genital area she found that her vagina was stuffed with a 12/10/1976 #31594 inute(s) / missing time. Odd metal found. 12/29/1976 #31638 k, Joseph Muskat, and Harry Tokarz found the Canadian UFO Research Network 1977 #31651 6. "Looks like someone wanted them found". 1/1977 (approximate) #31660 among trees. Broken branches were found later in the area. (NICAP: 02 - Cl 1/1/1977 #31680 e department. Broken branches were found later in the area. 1/1/1977 #31682 a nervous collapse. Investigators found a small radioactive spot at the fo 1/3/1977 #31687 oing down / wheatfield. Burn trace found. No further details. 1/5/1977 #31696 ver to the rooftop in question and found there a large elliptical shaped cr 1/6/1977 #31707 t more sophisticated equipment has found no abnormal radioactivity in the p 1/10/1977 #31715 ddenly, without any transition, he found himself inside a solid white oval- 1/27/1977 #31761 proximately 15 minutes he suddenly found himself back in his truck with no 1/27/1977 #31761 dder extending toward him. Next he found himself inside the object with no 2/2/1977 #31781 of lights to go off." Finally, he found himself outside an apartment compl 2/2/1977 #31781 d by a muddy swamp; no traces were found. 2/4/1977 #31792 a week later. Landing traces were found at the site. 2/20/1977 #31833 he landing site on his scooter but found no traces. 2/27/1977 #31853 no noticeable landing traces were found at the site. (Source: Ann Druffel, 3/6/1977 #31864 no noticeable landing traces were found at the site. 3/6/1977 #31866 to remove her wedding ring and she found the skin underneath raw. (Source: 3/7/1977 #31869 euver against the wind. Holes were found burnt in the ground at a possible 3/7/1977 #31871 to remove her wedding ring and she found the skin underneath raw. 3/7/1977 #31874 nnsylvania at 7:30 p.m. Holes were found burnt in the ground at a possible 3/8/1977 #31879 re and ran for home. On arrival he found his dog acted strangely toward him 3/13/1977 #31906 sted perhaps 20 to 30 minutes, she found herself outside the object with no 4/4/1977 #31943 When she got back in the house she found her face and legs red from the hea 4/4/1977 #31944 area a month later. No traces were found at the landing site, which had bee 4/4/1977 #31944 et in front of her house where she found a 13-year-old boy, Jos Madison, po 4/6/1977 #31953 hat appeared to be footprints were found. 4/6/1977 #31953 arby trees. Ring ground marks were found on the ground. (Source: CUFOS file 4/8/1977 #31962 trees. Ring ground marks are later found. 4/8/1977 #31963 arby trees. Ring ground marks were found on the ground. 4/8/1977 #31966 behind the hotel. Burn marks were found on the ground at the site the next 4/19/1977 #31998 figures had gone. Burn marks were found on the ground at the site the next 4/19/1977 #32002 t. The next day, one large bush is found damaged: flattened in the center a 5/3/1977 #32050 adiation or magnetic anomalies are found. 5/3/1977 #32050 ero, as best they could tell, they found nothing at all, except a strong sm 5/3/1977 #32053 t. In daylight, one large bush was found to have damage: it was flattened i 5/3/1977 #32053 iation nor magnetic anomalies were found. 5/3/1977 #32053 greeting him. A flattened area was found in the grassy field. 5/5/1977 #32060 seaward, and large footprints were found in the grass at the landing site. 5/15/1977 #32096 circular area of scorch marks was found at the site, with minor damage ove 5/18/1977 #32111 obe with windows / farm. 4 patches found / dirt. Vegetation gone. / FSRv24# 5/26/1977 #32130 lighting up the area. Traces were found at the site. 5/28/1977 #32139 king serious burns. The brakes are found to be so badly worn that they need 6/6/1977 #32151 day, the brakes on the cycle were found to be abnormally worn. 6/6/1977 #32153 months after the interview, he is found dead in his home “after he seeming 7/1977 #32220 The next day humanoid tracks were found and photographed at the site. A ne 7/12/1977 #32266 / light hovers near bed! All doors found open / next day.. 7/17/1977 #32285 ecause members of his family later found him lying where he had hid and car 7/17/1977 #32288 held). When the abductee awoke she found three pasty white short humanoids 7/19/1977 #32294 sted for two days. Footprints were found in the area. 7/23/1977 #32306 fficials to look for a crash. None found. (UFOFC, Ridge files) (NICAP: 01 - 7/24/1977 #32309 , and areas of flattened grass are found. On one of the last nights of the 8/3/1977 #32353 arby trees. Simultaneously, Dawson found himself unable to move, and noted 8/6/1977 #32365 s on the ground. A similar ring is found near Chesterton, Indiana, on Augus 8/7/1977 #32369 ove about the area in his car, but found nothing more. He then reported the 8/9/1977 #32372 ver(s). 2.2M ovoid / field. Traces found later. Big investigation. See r. 8/13/1977 #32394 vanished. Investigators reportedly found ground traces. 8/26/1977 #32426 pulsating white halo. Traces were found: a two-meter wide circle, and seve 8/28/1977 #32436 en fled back to Sturno, where they found three other friends, and all of th 8/30/1977 #32441 vers. A triangle of depressions is found that indicates something as heavy 8/31/1977 #32445 ses fled back to Sturno where they found three friends, and all five return 8/31/1977 #32446 ed like landing gear imprints were found in the quarry with three holes arr 8/31/1977 #32446 light beam lit up the area, and he found that he could not move. At the sam 9/15/1977 #32485 bright blue light came on, and he found himself in a large circular hall. 9/15/1977 #32485 n unable to speak, but suddenly he found his voice and began screaming, "Wh 9/15/1977 #32485 s being thrown overboard, where he found himself once again in the street, 9/15/1977 #32485 ickly southeast. 2M circular trace found. Radiation/radioactivity 50% over 9/18/1977 #32494 ind some bushes. Tracks were later found in the newly plowed field. (NICAP: 10/25/1977 #32608 e of the windows. Tracks are later found in the newly plowed field. Each tr 10/25/1977 #32609 of the windows. Tracks were later found in the newly plowed field. Each tr 10/25/1977 #32610 ake, miles from the site. They are found and recovered by Ellsworth personn 11/1977 #32648 nty, Colorado a 3-year-old cow was found dead and mutilated near the San Pa 11/30/1977 #32712 Friends visiting the farmer later found him in a state of shock, fearful t 12/2/1977 #32727 n for retribution. Footprints were found at the site. The incident also occ 12/2/1977 #32727 n the witnesses arrived home, they found the car's battery had no water in 12/7/1977 #32742 ected from a circle of burnt grass found on the ground reveal the burn mark 12/13/1977 #32765 ected from a circle of burnt grass found on the ground reveal the burn mark 12/13/1977 #32769 eight meter in diameter circle was found in the ground in the clearing. 1/6/1978 #32856 e like windows. Ground traces were found. 1/10/1978 #32872 humanoid being, AF security police found body on deserted runway 1/18/1978 #32893 ot by Dix MPs.” “Some kind of body found” and the area was cordoned off, an 1/18/1978 #32895 l former key McGuire AFB officials found no corroboration of the incident. 1/18/1978 #32895 oup-bowl saucer nears. Burnt grass found later. 2/1978 #32932 on. At sometime after four a.m. he found himself a few miles outside the to 2/5/1978 #32956 coming from everywhere that Julio found disturbing. By now frightened, he 2/5/1978 #32957 er to recover and which clearly he found disturbing---Julio said that numer 2/5/1978 #32957 from the viewing screen and Julio found himself back in telepathic communi 2/5/1978 #32957 . No traces or footprints could be found. 2/13/1978 #32970 day they returned to the site and found numerous ground traces, including 2/17/1978 #32974 out of the car to investigate and found himself engulfed in a warm, violet 2/23/1978 #32995 out of the car to investigate and found himself engulfed in a warm, violet 2/23/1978 #32998 He got back into his car where he found his wife crying. They had a twenty 2/23/1978 #32998 of light. Amnesia followed and he found himself alone in a field miles awa 3/18/1978 #33056 uel Gomez of Dulce, New Mexico, is found mutilated. It displays “classic” m 3/24/1978 #33077 ment,” and its internal organs are found to be inconsistent with a normal c 3/24/1978 #33077 amples from the animal’s liver are found to be completely devoid of copper 3/24/1978 #33077 l days” while the animal’s hide is found to be unusually brittle for a fres 3/24/1978 #33077 hours) and the flesh underneath is found to be discolored. 3/24/1978 #33077 sherman heard a shout for help and found the boy standing in a forested are 3/24/1978 #33079 n to a local hospital where he was found incoherent and bleeding from the h 3/24/1978 #33079 NEAR CAMBRAI, FR Boy found delirious. "Saucers.. small humano 3/29/1978 #33093 nd to the horses. An odd circle is found on either side of the filly’s neck 4/6/1978 #33128 Elsberry, Missouri Six cattle are found mutilated on farms near Elsberry, 4/6/1978 #33129 claiming that the Bolvian Army has found nothing, but would send two USAF o 5/6/1978 #33190 aces including a deep imprint were found at the site and separate witnesses 6/4/1978 #33255 ams of light at two boys. The boys found they were paralyzed and couldn't m 6/14/1978 #33278 illiamson, West Virginia. The boys found they were paralyzed and couldn't m 6/14/1978 #33279 their environment and scenery and found themselves speeding through a city 7/6/1978 #33346 -fitting suits. Ground traces were found at the site. (NICAP: 02 - Close En 7/8/1978 #33353 11:45 p.m. Ground marks were later found on the ground, and the vegetation 7/8/1978 #33354 d green lights. Ground traces were found at the site. 7/8/1978 #33355 11:45 p.m. Ground marks were later found on the ground, and the vegetation 7/8/1978 #33356 the way. Strange tracks were later found at the site of the encounter. (NIC 7/11/1978 #33365 the way. Strange tracks were later found at the site of the encounter. 7/11/1978 #33367 ity. Observer(s) and animals hide. Found in shock. / International UFO Repo 7/12/1978 #33372 re also reported missing and never found. 7/12/1978 #33376 the ground. At the site witnesses found scorched earth and burnt rocks. (N 7/17/1978 #33395 the morning. At the site witnesses found scorched earth and burnt rocks. La 7/17/1978 #33396 t. Two dents, 22 inches apart, are found in the upper edge of the trunk, bu 7/27/1978 #33427 ir car to drive away, but suddenly found themselves 50 meters away, with th 8/22/1978 #33550 nd she remembers nothing until she found herself driving about 5 miles down 8/30/1978 #33600 At dawn dead goats and birds were found at the site. 8/31/1978 #33609 ises / ground. Man lost / 13 hours found. Can't talk or eat. Abduction? 9/1978 #33614 ld. An area about 3 x 7 meters was found in the field where plants were ben 9/2/1978 #33625 crushed and dehydrated plants was found at the landing site. It was 6.5 me 9/2/1978 #33627 incident the witness's father had found a mutilated cow in one of his past 9/6/1978 #33640 hen they went to investigate, they found some broken bottles on the floor a 9/10/1978 #33657 lice who searched the premises but found nothing. Neighbors had reported se 9/10/1978 #33657 domed disc, hat like in shape. He found he was paralyzed and could not mov 9/17/1978 #33703 ts about 20 inches in diameter are found in the dry mud and sand. 9/18/1978 #33708 f the hill, and strange marks were found on the barrack window blinds the n 9/24/1978 #33744 ented. Possible ground traces were found on the site. 10/2/1978 #33791 ect as it departed, and a hole was found in the ground at the scene. UFO in 10/15/1978 #33837 nd at the scene. UFO investigators found the witness to be well qualified b 10/15/1978 #33837 h. In 1983, an engine cowl flap is found washed ashore on Flinders Island. 10/21/1978 #33856 ft the area. Large footprints were found at the site. 11/24/1978 #33996 ering over the area. Ground traces found in the area included a 12-foot wid 11/24/1978 #33997 and waist. When she recovered she found her left eye bruised and violet re 12/4/1978 #34058 lic UFO shaped like a mushroom was found apparently having crashed. The bod 12/6/1978 #34064 of a short dwarf-like humanoid was found inside, which was delivered for au 12/6/1978 #34064 lic UFO shaped like a mushroom was found on this day, apparently having cra 12/6/1978 #34066 of a short dwarf-like humanoid was found inside, which was delivered for au 12/6/1978 #34066 re dying. A segmented aperture was found on the side of the disc where appa 12/6/1978 #34066 on some farm land there were later found some burnt areas and deep ground m 12/6/1978 #34067 de the house. She investigated and found that the source of the light was i 12/6/1978 #34068 sappeared from view. Investigators found unusual tracks at the landing site 12/6/1978 #34068 . He called for help and was later found unconscious at the site by the oth 12/6/1978 #34069 search for the missing man. He is found in a different direction, unconsci 12/8/1978 #34077 arched for the missing man. He was found unconscious, cold, and weak. He ha 12/8/1978 #34078 bothered his eyes, and a scar was found on his leg. All that he could reme 12/8/1978 #34078 oor opened up. He then entered and found himself in a circular brightly ill 12/15/1978 #34137 eed. Ground traces were reportedly found. 12/15/1978 #34138 nge light in the sky. He was later found lying incoherent next to his car. 12/28/1978 #34219 ight hovering nearby. He was later found incoherent next to his car. His pi 12/28/1978 #34220 x times, and giant footprints were found at the site. Under hypnosis, he re 12/28/1978 #34220 nse light from a hill and suddenly found themselves teleported 15 kilometer 12/28/1978 #34222 and lost consciousness. Later, he found himself inside the object, next to 12/31/1978 #34250 ming story Langford claims to have found the manuscript in an old desk (the 1979 #34254 object nears. 1 observer vanishes. Found 10 mile(s) away. 1/3/1979 #34283 object by a beam of light. He was found dazed two hours later and 16 miles 1/3/1979 #34292 eing taken up and blacking out. He found himself onboard the object and thr 1/3/1979 #34292 isappear into the distance. He was found disoriented by a police officer in 1/3/1979 #34292 ection of the city. A medical exam found 108 tiny pricks on his body. Days 1/3/1979 #34292 tops. Headlights fail / loose wire found. 1/16/1979 #34346 loss and the clock in his car was found to be 5 1/2 hours off. He was left 1/24/1979 #34378 es of unexplained missing time. He found himself in Gilmer, Texas, a distan 1/30/1979 #34393 hospital and examined, where he is found to be in a state of shock. It is o 2/5/1979 #34405 ord Cortina 71TC, is inspected and found to have a dead battery and low oil 2/5/1979 #34405 headlights. Radiator water is also found to be low. 2/5/1979 #34405 wo others went to investigate, but found nothing. Later that evening in Oak 2/21/1979 #34441 d five minutes. Ground traces were found the next day. (NICAP: 02 - Close E 2/26/1979 #34449 d five minutes. Ground traces were found the next day. 2/26/1979 #34450 d, and circular ground traces were found later in a soybean field. (NICAP: 4/7/1979 #34501 d, and circular ground traces were found later in a soybean field. 4/7/1979 #34502 as it took off. There was a circle found at the landing site of hardened gr 5/1/1979 #34538 a clock in the vicinity was later found to be 18 minutes slow. (NICAP: 02 5/25/1979 #34577 a clock in the vicinity was later found to be 18 minutes slow. 5/25/1979 #34580 uds and then lost trackof time. He found himself in a large room while a be 6/6/1979 #34601 aveling to a larger craft where he found himself in a dark room with small 6/18/1979 #34618 rently credible. Ground traces are found as circumstantial evidence. Spanis 7/25/1979 #34679 of his experience, and I have not found any reasonable evidence of a lie o 7/25/1979 #34679 vines. A subsequent investigation found four circular marks on the road fo 7/25/1979 #34681 ida Two large metallic spheres are found in Bolivia, one near Enconada and 8/10/1979 #34724 BLV Fireball going down. 3' sphere found. Light and strong radiation/radioa 8/19/1979 (approximate) #34755 d low over a field. No traces were found. 8/25/1979 #34776 shaking. No lasting effects can be found in the pavement after the storm. 8/30/1979 #34810 ject had been resting the soil was found to be totally sterile with all liv 9/2/1979 #34820 jects descend into swamp. No trace found. 9/3/1979 #34823 ts fly about town at roof-level. 1 found = burnt plastic. 9/3/1979 #34824 n said goodbye, whereupon she then found herself back in her bed again. 9/14/1979 #34884 te light. At the landing site were found five holes, three centimeters in d 9/19/1979 #34902 non-human looking footprints were found at the site. 10/4/1979 #34942 ing down. 45' triangle / burnt hay found later. 10/20/1979 #34961 and drive home. Ground traces were found at the landing site. He suffered l 11/9/1979 #34991 es. Small circular impressions are found, although they get disturbed by cu 11/15/1979 #35000 an unseen presence. The couple was found incoherent and suffering various b 12/11/1979 #35073 top / 3 minute(s). Away fast. Boat found / no crew. 2/11/1980 #35163 acked out. When Vommaro woke up he found himself leaning over the steering 2/11/1980 #35170 ntary that suggests unusual wounds found on cattle are the work of extrater 5/28/1980 #35343 t morning a prize-winning bull was found dead. No nearby airport had ever s 6/5/1980 #35355 ities, dressed in white. They also found a U-shaped mark on the ground. 6/18/1980 #35380 lane disappears and no wreckage is found. 6/28/1980 #35393 enly lifted off the road, and they found themselves in a bright circular ro 8/22/1980 #35475 r alien, this one still alive, was found and housed at Los Alamos until its 9/8/1980 #35504 A 30-foot doughnut-shaped ring is found where the object rested, and Black 9/30/1980 #35546 rt headquarters to its presence he found that his radio would not work. He 11/28/1980 #35680 ath it were agitated. Abruptly, he found himself one hundred yards farther 11/28/1980 #35680 for five days before his body was found on top of a coal pile. According t 11/29/1980 #35682 986, truck fragments and bones are found at a blast site on Mount Prevost. 11/29/1980 #35683 s to Taylor. Fragments of clothing found amid the decayed material are from 11/29/1980 #35683 e facing the road. Schuessler also found five other witnesses who had obser 12/29/1980 #35758 e batteries on board the boat were found to be dead. (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 1/8/1981 #35776 amounts of phosphate and zinc are found in the sample material, and an ana 1/8/1981 #35779 e batteries on board the boat were found to be dead. 1/8/1981 #35781 sound on takeoff. Burnt grass was found at the landing site later, with th 1/23/1981 #35796 nd some charred tree branches were found at the landing site. (NICAP: 02 - 1/28/1981 #35805 nd some charred tree branches were found at the landing site. 1/28/1981 #35806 day two dead bloodless horses were found on the field where the object had 2/1981 #35810 ight shone on her and she suddenly found herself in a domed room with smoot 2/10/1981 #35823 arms or feet. A scorched area was found on the ground by government author 2/13/1981 #35826 at high speed. A scorched area was found on the ground by government author 2/13/1981 #35827 d toward the spot. Burnt grass was found at the site. (NICAP: 02 - Close En 5/4/1981 #35927 d toward the spot. Burnt grass was found at the site. 5/4/1981 #35929 ennewitz’s photos and incidentally found them to be authentic. In the alter Summer 1981 #35977 A scorched area on the ground was found where the object had landed. 8/5/1981 #36060 peed. Red dots like puncture marks found on wrists (section IV). (NICAP: 05 8/30/1981 #36091 peed. Red dots like puncture marks found on wrists 8/30/1981 #36092 and took him from his vehicle. He found himself back in his vehicle 15 min 8/30/1981 #36093 Red dots like puncture marks were found on his wrists, suggesting that he 8/30/1981 #36093 d traces and a powder residue were found at the landing site. 9/5/1981 #36102 sible UFO landing traces were also found in Blanchardville, Wisconsin by Ro 9/5/1981 #36103 The contents of the car trunk was found strewn about. 10/8/1981 #36169 top level straight ahead. Soon she found herself in a clearing in a wooded 3/1982 #36373 1. On June 2, bolts and rivets are found that supposedly have been sucked o 6/1/1982 #36489 rth. Ground traces were reportedly found at the site. (NICAP: 02 - Close En 7/20/1982 #36537 rth. Ground traces were reportedly found at the site. 7/20/1982 #36538 e; Hal states the uncle-in-law was found hanged with his hands tied behind 9/29/1982 #36619 nd signs of a struggle. His family found Joao lying outside, nude and uncon 11/29/1982 #36702 er being taken onboard a craft, he found himself seated on a circular seat 11/29/1982 #36702 awakened the household. His family found Joao lying outside, nude and uncon 11/30/1982 #36703 ard a craft, he remembered that he found himself in a hospital-like operati 11/30/1982 #36703 rass. A prickly pear cactus pad is found at the edge of the ring; the side 5/20/1983 #36862 Frunze, Russia Space Alien Baby Found Alive (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 7/14/1983 #36911 hospital. He was told that he was found wandering "like a robot" and he re 7/17/1983 #36913 ' altitude. Gone. 13' burnt circle found later. 8/26/1983 #36957 hen she regained consciousness she found herself outside her house. 10/3/1983 #36995 . The truck stops, and later it is found that the fuses have burnt out. The 5/5/1984 #37318 ad lights on the side. Traces were found on the ground in the pasture. 7/30/1984 #37424 voices were heard. Footprints were found on the bank of the river. 9/23/1984 #37467 n equilateral triangle pattern are found in a nearby vineyard in an area of 10/1984 #37473 es in diameter and 1 inch deep are found in an area of somewhat flattened g 10/9/1984 #37484 sphere going down / farm. 15M dam found dry / morning. 4/26/1985 #37583 t morning a 15-meter deep well was found dry. 4/26/1985 #37584 like figure(s) / woodpile. Nothing found. 10/1985 #37669 mined to be lead. The type of lead found on Height 611 is different from le 1/29/1986 #37775 Height 611 is different from lead found in local lead deposits. Also, blac 1/29/1986 #37775 haped beads and mesh fragments are found at the site. In all, approximately 1/29/1986 #37775 etected. The concentration of gold found in one of the mesh fragments is eq 1/29/1986 #37775 x-meter circle of burned grass was found on the site and the witness suffer 3/21/1986 #37804 took off and left. Footprints were found at the site. 6/3/1986 #37904 tion, and 1,460 discrepancies were found in an inventory of 40,000 document 7/24/1986 #37952 going [to] ground. Flames. Nothing found. Lands US119 / 2 September. 8/31/1986 #38004 ct (EME). Deep circular footprints found.. 9/4/1986 #38012 blacked out. When they awoke they found themselves strapped to three steel 3/7/1987 #38133 o the location with his family and found several footprints in the snow and 3/7/1987 #38134 UFO leave. No ground markings are found the next day, although two days la 3/23/1987 #38152 see it leave. No ground marks were found the next day. Two days later her g 3/23/1987 #38153 appear to be genuine. Friedman has found that Eisenhower did attend a brief 6/11/1987 #38189 told Maccabee that a CIA archivist found no evidence of MJ-12 in the files. 7/7/1987 #38206 y filed; no other researchers have found information on MJ-12; the classifi 7/22/1987 #38212 r used at the time; no records are found of an NSC meeting on July 16, 1954 7/22/1987 #38212 on July 16, 1954; another memo is found saying that NSC members were calle 7/22/1987 #38212 circle / lights over field. 2 cows found mutilated next day. 8/1987 #38222 ar Denver, Colorado. Two cows were found dead and mutilated the next day. 8/8/1987 #38235 d.” Four normal looking males were found at the site, very much alive. “The 8/30/1987 #38264 No footprints or other traces were found on the muddy ground. 9/8/1987 #38280 contamination and 249 of them are found to be contaminated. In the cleanup 9/13/1987 #38285 e for a fake UFO in his photos, is found in the wall of the house formerly 11/11/1987 #38322 o had been planted, as it had been found in a virtually empty box in the Na 12/1987 #38341 letter sent to the BSRF, which was found in the BSRA/BSRF (Borderland Scien 12/29/1987 #38377 . Melted snow and small footprints found. 1/4/1988 #38392 ow and small footprints were later found in the field. During that same tim 1/4/1988 #38404 was gone. An ash residue was also found inside the car. 1/20/1988 #38423 a sulphur smell. The dog was later found unconscious, wet and hot; its eyes 2/9/1988 #38449 0 a.m. in Gulf Breeze, Florida. He found himself walking along a dirt path 5/1/1988 #38551 . Upon recovering consciousness he found himself in a hazy pie-shaped hazy 5/1/1988 #38551 ld. Shoots up. Complex crop circle found. 6/20/1988 (approximate) #38587 vy 20' cylinder/cylindrical object found. Gone Spring / 89. Gone to sea? 9/16/1988 #38641 s off. Black Pumice and burnt soil found. 10/24/1988 #38684 n. Black pumice and burnt soil was found at the landing site. 10/24/1988 #38688 disc-shaped craft. The woman next found herself driving home again, and sh 11/9/1988 #38709 n unusual powder-like substance is found on the exterior. 12/4/1988 #38743 ductee. Potassium cloride dust was found on the cars, and the two witnessed 12/4/1988 #38745 HOPE, ARK 5 pregnant cows found mutilated. Impossible laser like c 3/10/1989 #38870 ruders, he searched the camper but found nothing. He returned to his bed, b 5/10/1989 #38942 stems. Lazar claims one saucer was found on an archeological dig, and anoth 5/15/1989 #38953 bang from outside. She ran out and found her granddaughter in a state of sh 6/29/1989 #38996 nging sound. Large footprints were found later at the site of the encounter 6/29/1989 #38996 WAYAN, ID Rancher. Mutilated cow found. Part / jaw and udder removed / su 7/23/1989 #39031 em. Landing traces were reportedly found, including a 60-foot wide circle i 9/21/1989 #39115 mily of four in Brewster, New York found themselves awake, late at night, w 10/27/1989 #39188 e checked around the apartment and found her family sleeping, and everythin 10/31/1989 #39199 consciousness. Waking up later, he found himself in a desert-like location 10/31/1989 #39200 ost consciousness again. Later, he found himself standing next to his car c 10/31/1989 #39200 ards a bright object overhead. She found herself in a circular room encircl 11/6/1989 #39216 an unusual circular depression was found in tall grass. It had a clockwise 11/15/1989 #39233 uth of the city of Eupen, Belgium, found themselves in the middle of a cat 11/29/1989 #39277 tudied this design in May 1990 and found weight loss occurred after one tri 3/1990 #39436 e window. 11' circle / burnt grass found. Perfumey. 3/7/1990 #39448 and went to the sunroom, where she found the heavy doorframe knocked down a 3/13/1990 #39458 strange dream-like experience. He found himself at the nearby schoolyard w 5/30/1990 #39600 prototype for a fake UFO, has been found by new homeowners in the attic of 6/10/1990 #39612 clothing scorched. His brother was found unconscious with bruises on his fo 7/2/1990 #39634 t with ring descends. Crop circles found next day. 7/30/1990 #39668 d. The next day car batteries were found dead, and crop circles were found 8/4/1990 #39680 found dead, and crop circles were found in a nearby field. 8/4/1990 #39680 a Cartagena. Small footprints were found in the area. 8/31/1990 #39708 ning sensation on her stomach. She found a spot about ten centimeters in le 9/13/1990 #39730 landing site with burnt traces was found in Batovice. In Murowana, Poland a 1/18/1991 #39961 erman is unharmed, but the male is found killed, with empty eye sockets and 3/31/1991 #40025 circular depressions of grass were found in a field in Troy, Illinois. No o 6/6/1991 #40085 enty-foot diameter crop circle was found in a wheat field in Medina, New Yo 7/5/1991 #40113 red. Tracks were said to have been found on the hood of the truck. 7/21/1991 #40128 freelance writer Danny Casolaro is found dead in a bathtub in room 517 of t 8/10/1991 #40147 thick and foul smelling liquid was found on the truck's hood. 8/29/1991 #40170 CHERNOBYL, UKR Saucer found / photograph / power plant 1 day a 10/12/1991 #40210 symbols / bottom. Small footprints found. 10/14/1991 #40211 led like "burnt cinnamon." He also found reddish purple stains on his hands 11/9/1991 #40224 g examined again. On waking up, he found himself being helped by an athleti 11/9/1991 #40224 orning a circular ground trace was found at the landing site. A dog reacted 12/1/1991 #40251 tly brought up inside the beam. He found himself inside the object looking 12/26/1991 #40267 eing pyramids from above. He later found himself in his courtyard suffering 12/26/1991 #40267 at high speed. Ground traces were found. 12/27/1991 #40268 Brazel in July 1947 who claimed he found debris on his property; the next m 12/30/1991 #40271 d. When he investigated further he found he had a cow with a broken leg. 1/4/1992 #40277 nd. She entered it, and inside she found herself in a large gray room where 1/24/1992 #40302 hen the being was out of sight she found that she could move again. She ran 3/4/1992 #40354 iousness again. When he woke up he found himself in the same place that the 3/5/1992 #40359 e dizzy, he searched for Pedro and found his shotgun, and then walked back 3/5/1992 #40359 Dogs bark. 30' circle / dark soil found / farm 3 hours later. 1' hole / di 3/20/1992 #40391 barracks in Oderzo, Italy suddenly found himself paralyzed and observed two 4/20/1992 #40425 ral UFO sightings and crop circles found. Triangular physical trace(s) / co 6/1992 #40476 bedroom in Malibu, California and found himself unable to move. He then sa 6/9/1992 #40489 rcular traces were discovered were found in a field outside. 7/6/1992 #40514 nful. Pulling back the foreskin he found two thin blond strands of hair wra 7/23/1992 #40531 uickly [to] lake nearby. Much Mica found. 9/30/1992 #40644 he craft. She then claims that she found herself in a "contemporary" lookin 10/8/1992 #40667 veral other report(s). Crop circle found later. 10/15/1992 #40675 t beams 600' to house. Broken tree found after. 1/29/1993 #40818 g she was sore behind the ears and found some small pin pricks in the same 2/1/1993 #40831 on. All silent. Cattle mutilations found. / r147. 2/2/1993 #40834 metallic tank lands. Pure silicon found. 2.5M figure(s) to JUN'93. 3/20/1993 #40892 field numerous ground traces were found, including an unknown smelly subst 3/20/1993 #40894 additional flattened circles were found in the field, eleven and twenty fe 3/31/1993 #40915 . Without warning he suddenly then found himself inside an oval room with a 4/17/1993 #40940 CHAMA, CO Mutilation cow found 600' from ranchhouse. Classical sm 4/29/1993 #40954 peared to be dug out trenches were found at the site. A dog belonging to on 5/12/1993 #40975 d disappeared. In the garden, they found huge footprints, 16 inches in leng 5/30/1993 #40997 ted and blacked out. She later she found herself back on her bed. 7/24/1993 #41082 formation of circles and rings was found in a wheat field in East Kennett, 7/24/1993 #41083 s / field. ? overhead. Crop circle found later. / r147. 7/30/1993 #41093 :00 a.m. Complex crop circles were found later. 7/30/1993 #41094 lier, journalist Danny Casolaro is found dead after investigating the use o 8/1/1993 #41101 s here. Videos taken. Crop circles found after.. 8/7/1993 #41111 ng out a porthole. Her next memory found herself standing in a field, where 8/10/1993 #41123 the face went away. No tracks were found outside. Investigators rated the r 9/1/1993 #41174 Traces of crushed vegetation were found: a first line of 8m x 40 cm, and a 10/30/1993 #41256 e heard noises from the bushes. He found one of his goats dead with punctur 11/13/1993 #41272 n whose home is near Dallas, Texas found herself in an unknown location wit 11/15/1993 #41278 nd apparently left. No traces were found at the landing site. 12/9/1993 #41327 copters hover overhead. Nothing is found, even conventional objects that mi 3/6/1994 #41443 at high speed. Ground traces were found. 4/7/1994 #41480 Two cows were found dead and mutilated at the Hronich 5/10/1994 #41520 for the next 90 minutes; later he found cuts on his chest. 5/27/1994 #41540 in sight. Dashing downstairs, she found the four children huddled together 6/15/1994 #41568 attened circular area of wheat was found at the site. 6/27/1994 #41588 pider web style crop formation was found in a field in Avebury, England on 8/11/1994 #41669 nd white night lights. Crop circle found. 8/14/1994 #41674 n the sky. A crop circle was later found in the vicinity. 8/14/1994 #41676 nt personnel searched the area and found the witness's truck trashed, the r 9/2/1994 #41713 und two a.m. he suddenly awoke and found that several short Grey humanoid b 9/11/1994 #41734 haped craft. Inside the object, he found himself in a room with "Gothic" lo 9/11/1994 #41734 veral different species. Later, he found himself in another room with a lar 9/11/1994 #41734 t was time to go back, and he next found himself standing in his backyard. 9/11/1994 #41734 ed crop-formation depressions were found in the sugar cane field. Another w 9/16/1994 #41756 s standing around his bed. He next found himself in a large round, cold, se 9/20/1994 #41765 His next recollection was that he found himself on one of the tables. He l 9/20/1994 #41765 es around the dome; no traces were found at the landing site. The landing l 10/29/1994 #41820 bject then left. Crushed grass was found at the scene. 12/11/1994 #41890 he bed. She awoke with a start and found herself unable to move. When she l 12/15/1994 #41895 o move. When she looked around she found herself surrounded by four short h 12/15/1994 #41895 and chest area for any scars, but found none. The beings had vanished. 12/15/1994 #41895 in her home near Dallas, Texas and found herself staring at a short thin wh 2/2/1995 #42013 rea and didn't return until he had found some additional witnesses. When th 2/9/1995 #42031 hen they returned to the site they found bizarre symbols that had been trac 2/9/1995 #42031 round 9 p.m. A dead calf was later found missing its brain and spinal colum 3/2/1995 #42072 oids. After their abduction Little found a mark on his upper thigh, and nod 3/14/1995 #42094 l object over field. Crushed wheat found. 5/15/1995 #42206 he area, but no explanation can be found. As the airliner proceeds to the w 5/25/1995 #42227 13 FOIA response states USNORTHCOM found two documents related to USAF regu 5/25/1995 #42229 es, fox, raccoon and other animals found in the area. He also said that two 8/15/1995 #42389 apparent abduction experience, he found "tiny 4-toed human tracks" around 8/15/1995 #42389 when shortly after eleven p.m. he found himself lifted into a globular obj 9/6/1995 #42445 monster on balcony. Mutilated goat found / 8 September. 6 separate observer 9/7/1995 #42446 a high speed. A mutilated goat was found in the area the next day. On the s 9/7/1995 #42447 ly blacked out. When he came to he found himself several kilometers from wh 9/24/1995 #42508 home of a friend. The next day he found several unexplained marks on his w 9/24/1995 #42508 lorado a horse named "Whiskey" was found dead from unexplained mutilations. 9/26/1995 #42512 heat source. No ground tracks were found around the carcass. 9/26/1995 #42512 of apparent landing gear are also found, each measuring 4 by 6 inches and 10/1/1995 #42529 er the area. A large goat was also found dead and mutilated in the area. 11/11/1995 #42594 the same time several heifers were found dead, lying in a perfect row in th 11/24/1995 #42622 sus Medina Montes reported that he found half of his herd of steers with se 11/28/1995 #42628 sterically. They tried to move but found themselves paralyzed. At that mome 12/4/1995 #42638 ent to check on their daughter and found that she was alright. They then we 12/4/1995 #42638 ice. It is not known if the police found anything. 12/9/1995 #42639 razil, where the creature had been found earlier. A soldier becomes frighte 1/20/1996 #42694 n the fire department arrived they found the military was already on the sc 1/20/1996 #42697 rms surgery to remove the abscess, found to be due to staphylococcus. Then 2/6/1996 #42742 hite, foam-like substance was also found at the site. Numerous other strang 2/23/1996 #42776 lice in Cuscatancingo, El Salvador found a 17-year-old boy wandering confus 2/29/1996 #42789 detail. Several unusual scars were found on the witness's body. 2/29/1996 #42789 e next day goats and chickens were found dead and mutilated at the home and 3/6/1996 #42811 the area. Strange tracks were also found. 3/6/1996 #42811 exited the craft. Footprints were found at the landing site. 3/6/1996 #42812 e next day strange footprints were found at the spot where the small humano 3/7/1996 #42815 mid and a wing. A burnt circle was found on the ground at the landing site. 4/17/1996 #42872 Grey) just outside zoo. 5 animals found dead. 4/21/1996 #42875 a golden helmet. Five animals were found dead in the zoo. 4/21/1996 #42877 egan having lucid dreams where she found herself traveling to other planets 5/5/1996 #42896 investigates a mystery crop circle found in a wheat field belonging to Dan 7/4/1996 #42945 he object were gone. Investigators found ground traces at the site. A myste 7/16/1996 #42959 A mysterious looking rock was also found at the site. During the same time 7/16/1996 #42959 farm. Circle / dried yellow grass found. 8/10/1996 #42975 A circle of dried yellow grass was found in the vicinity. 8/10/1996 #42977 ly passed out. When he came to, he found himself in a vast underground hang 9/15/1996 #43020 r three days. When she was finally found, she told the search party that sh 9/15/1996 #43020 se, and in the morning the witness found marks on his arm and later on his 9/16/1996 #43025 ir and shoulders. In an instant he found himself being pulled into an egg-s 9/16/1996 #43026 to an egg-shaped object. Inside he found himself in a strange crystal chamb 9/16/1996 #43026 When he recovered consciousness he found himself lying flat on his back in 9/16/1996 #43026 zed at a local hospital and it was found to be about 60 percent aluminum an 9/16/1996 #43026 uminum and different from any soil found in the area. 9/16/1996 #43026 of the incident, UFO investigators found circular marks on the ground, burn 9/23/1996 #43039 s eyes, and when he opened them he found himself floating above the hedge o 9/26/1996 #43043 he was returned to Brazil, but he found himself in an unfamiliar field. He 12/9/1996 #43133 ed an investigation and reportedly found a circular ground mark at the fiel 12/9/1996 #43133 at human pharmaceuticals have been found in mutilated cattle, and that necr 1997 #43154 he next day, after coming to, they found strange marks on their chins, wris 1/7/1997 #43167 rs. A scorched area was reportedly found on the roof and walls of the cabin 1/7/1997 #43167 . Upright bar / top. Mutilated cow found 20 Jan. 1/18/1997 #43172 abduction / 3 hours. Fetus taken. Found all wet. 1/30/1997 #43180 was reportedly taken, and she was found all wet when she was returned. 1/30/1997 #43181 m a severe headache afterwards and found three puncture wounds on her neck. 2/24/1997 #43207 ce he had learned the admiral “had found the people responsible for the cov 4/10/1997 #43260 at 6:45 p.m. Footprints were later found at the site, about size 9 in shoe 4/16/1997 #43263 ess conference, stating that “they found who was responsible” for the Phoen 6/19/1997 #43331 rew, stating that any alien bodies found at Roswell, New Mexico, were reall 6/24/1997 #43338 cAndrew, which states alien bodies found at Roswell, NM and Holloman AFB we 6/24/1997 #43339 Li reportedly left NASA in 1999 to found the company AC Gravity LLC. AC Gra 8/1/1997 #43364 psoid hovers / Paat Hasadeh. Holes found / ground and horse-hooves! 11/2/1997 #43436 missing time. When they awoke they found strange triangular marks on their 12/12/1997 #43458 l around outside no cause could be found. While in bed this night at 2:30 a 12/14/1997 #43462 , and small nostril-like holes. He found he was unable to move or talk. He 12/14/1997 #43462 ntially noteworthy—the objects are found on the left side of the body, most 1998 #43479 residuals and biological material found at found locations in Lincoln Coun 3/11/1998 #43532 s and biological material found at found locations in Lincoln County, New M 3/11/1998 #43532 Thirty-nine-year old Antonio McCoy found himself inside a round, whitish-bl 4/13/1998 #43550 in Puerto Rico the witness, Belen, found herself seated on a stainless stee 6/8/1998 #43584 Pearsall from Cassopolis, Michigan found herself on a metal table. She was 6/27/1998 #43596 They entered this "cloud" and she found herself in a large room with windo 7/11/1998 #43601 red, she west through the door and found herself in another metallic room w 7/11/1998 #43601 Six crop circles were found in a field of Durham wheat outside 8/11/1998 #43628 felt dizzy and passed out. He was found three hours later next to the lago 8/12/1998 #43629 fog was moving away. Investigators found ground traces and footprints. 10/24/1998 #43669 mechanical manner. Landing traces found at the site consisted of a circle 12/19/1998 #43700 nds / field. Large circular indent found next day. No further details. 3/8/1999 #43744 e, Argentina on this night. He was found 8 days later by bloodhounds in an 5/4/1999 #43762 up. Several small footprints were found at the site. 5/23/1999 #43773 oxes, keys, and a Celtic cross was found on this day. In the afternoon of t 6/12/1999 #43785 of the group is based on materials found in connection with an EME/UAP that 7/7/1999 #43798 had vanished into the bushes, but found nothing unusual. 8/22/1999 #43831 . Scorch marks were reported to be found on the ground near where the objec 10/17/1999 #43862 en they attempted to run away they found they could not move. They then not 11/13/1999 #43880 tains in Saguache County, Colorado found two freshly mutilated dead cows. O 11/15/1999 #43881 an State University economist that found $21 trillion in unauthorized spend 12/3/1999 #43892 , a 15-meter by 6-meter crater was found near a dam in Guyra, New South Wal 12/8/1999 #43895 ange lights. The police reportedly found ground traces at the landing site. 12/17/1999 #43899 phenomena. However, no evidence is found of UFO landings, crashes, close en 2000 #43911 In 2003, he claims he woke up and found himself wearing a ladies’ flannel 2000 #43913 ion. On August 8, 2017, Romanek is found guilty of felony possession of chi 2000 #43913 s. Later a Y-shaped depression was found, 50 feet long with the tips of the 3/2/2000 #43961 marsh in Kampung Gobek, Malaysia. Found later was a Y-shaped depression wi 3/3/2000 #43964 black almond-shaped eyes. He later found a triangle-shaped scar on his uppe 3/11/2000 #43965 se, even though no information was found. 3/30/2000 #43972 ear-old man from Orlando, Florida, found himself inside a huge craft surrou 5/3/2000 #43988 on of what happened next, Mr. Ruiz found himself back in his home. Subseque 5/3/2000 #43988 o was Assistant SecDef at the time found a discrepancy of “only” a few mill 5/9/2000 #43993 ire Air Force Base, New Jersey. He found himself inside a very misty room s 7/5/2000 #44010 police, who searched the area but found nothing. 7/11/2000 #44014 ends about this time. He was later found unconscious by a police officer in 8/11/2000 #44030 this time, because they were both found dazed and shivering. As the object 10/19/2000 #44060 y an intense sensation of fear. He found himself unable to move or speak. A 4/23/2001 #44161 In Rosario, Argentina a woman, "M" found herself being lifted into a whirlw 5/2/2001 #44174 t flew with the blunt end forward, found in a crash retrieval operation in 5/9/2001 #44183 ASA has studied Brown’s claims and found no anti gravitic force. It is uncl 5/9/2001 #44183 igh speed. Deep ground traces were found at the landing site. 8/1/2001 #44217 same night that Carmelo Sepulveda found one of his rabbits decapitated and 8/2/2001 #44218 ing that felt like water. She soon found herself in a jungle that was very 8/2/2001 #44220 jungle that was very hot. Next she found herself in a mansion all white in 8/2/2001 #44220 nd 40 centimeters in diameter were found in a field, forming an isosceles t 9/7/2001 #44251 ittle cloud. Crop circles had been found only a few miles west in Coltsneck 8/11/2002 #44377 as told the following: VADM Wilson found records of a UAP reverse engineeri 10/16/2002 #44418 red residue (“transfer marks”) is found coating at least 14 different area 10/23/2002 #44422 on of the red residue is variously found to be tere- and isophthalate polym 10/23/2002 #44422 rth orbit. McKinnon also stated he found an Excel document on a NASA server 11/2002 #44428 imprint 30 meters in diameter was found on the ground. There were burned p 11/15/2002 #44443 t they were not yet done. Soon she found herself back on her bed, very scar 1/27/2003 #44481 e R559 route. No wreckage was ever found. 8/25/2003 #44582 nk for a bit, and then the witness found herself outside in a "neighborhood 9/3/2003 #44592 eed brakes on the wings, which are found to be damaged, as if dented by a h 1/4/2004 #44643 pond. Ground marks were reportedly found nearby. At 3:00 a.m. two orange ov 4/21/2004 #44690 under President Reagan, states he found a “crashed UFO program” during a l 8/7/2004 #44728 y divers, and they claimed to have found nothing. 8/25/2004 #44742 s mouth and a nose bleed. Later he found that his face and back were slight 10/2/2004 #44766 the balloon crashed, and a rancher found the material and one of the humans 1/15/2005 #44808 n. At dawn, two circular marks are found near the copse. Police forensic ex 2/7/2005 #44813 tment. One live entity (EBE 1) was found hiding behind a rock; it and some 11/1/2005 #44898 t Pelona Peak, one live entity was found and several dead were transferred 11/1/2005 #44899 but also that no evidence has been found to suggest they are “hostile or un 5/15/2006 #44942 with archive.org URL, original not found on server) 5/18/2006 #44945 , the men returned to the spot and found nothing out of the ordinary. Later 8/5/2006 #44952 the men went to feed his dogs and found that “Judo,” his best hunting dog, 8/5/2006 #44952 o the National Archives. Funds are found to scan approximately 160 files an 9/2006 #44957 t. No traces of organic matter are found on the plane, ruling out birds, an 10/30/2007 #45086 unanimously respond with “we have found no records responsive to your requ 1/8/2008 #45112 and little additional funding was found for the AATIP spinout). https://w 10/29/2008 #45180 away, and got back to her tent and found her husband. When he asked her wha 8/30/2009 #45240 and he walked back to see, but he found nothing. Throughout the rest of th 8/30/2009 #45240 d that cattle mutilations had been found in the region in the past. 9/5/2009 #45242 sh. McCandlish was reported to be found dead of suspicious circumstances i 12/2014 #45425 gist in West Texas. The slides had found their way to Chicago videographer 5/5/2015 #45437 Ufologist Max Spiers is found dead of an apparent overdose, but 7/16/2016 #45456 ause- effect relationship has been found in major UFO airborne safety incid 1/1/2017 #45463 edfern concludes that the “aliens” found at the Roswell crash in New Mexico 6/2017 #45472 s that a non-public FBI report has found no evidence of an intentional soni 1/8/2018 #45501 n Medical Association. The report “found no evidence of white matter tract 3/2018 #45520 erican scientist, who in the 1960s found that microwaves can trick the brai 9/1/2018 #45538 Vipassana meditation. A 2015 study found evidence for “greater widespread f 12/12/2018 #45551 e: No official documents have been found that link JASON to UAP. But at lea 4/25/2019 #45572 gs. He also asks if officials have found physical evidence to substantiate 7/16/2019 #45594 16 July 2019 asked if the Navy had found physical evidence from UAP, and if 9/6/2019 #45607 er Eugene Podkletnov states he has found an effect akin to modification of 2/4/2020 #45630 road 24 hours later where she was found and taken to a hospital. Details o 11/16/2021 #45722 possible symptoms, the agency has found plausible alternative explanations 1/19/2022 #45735 ctor, tells a public journalist he found “plausible explanations” for all U 3/16/2022 #45740 itory” of recovered UAP technology found in the Atlantic and the Caribbean. 10/14/2022 #45775
er(s). Saucer lands / field. Paper found-"CHNY Ynoss" written on it. 12/4/1965 #19752
Washington, D.C. New York The Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation be 1938 #1279 he Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation begin contributing large amou 1938 #1279 raid, or a raid to lay a political foundation to take away Southern Califor 2/24/1942 #1388 the “Borderland Sciences Research Foundation” as a CA non-profit (C0254263 1951 #5370 dias’s visit to the Townsend Brown Foundation when it was proposing Project 1952 #5843 ill be run by the National Science Foundation and the National Academy of S 7/29/1955 #12301 es, the Purdue University Research Foundation, MIT, the Roger Babson Gravit 11/20/1955 #12580 he worked for the Armour Research Foundation in Chicago, IL for four years Late 1956 #13281 o get NASA or the National Science Foundation to handle the program prove f 1962 #17005 . Alice Wells, head of the Adamski Foundation, dismisses the Scoriton story 4/24/1965 #18916 BSRF (Borderland Sciences Research Foundation) archives at the Archives for 12/29/1987 #38377 te recon objectives and led to the foundation of the NRO, and raw UAP data 7/1991 #40108 es researchers like Joseph Nyman a foundation stone authority figure around 6/13/1992 #40492 e: Lindbergh founded the Lindbergh Foundation, of which John Petersen was d 11/2/1993 #41259 so a Board member of the Lindbergh Foundation. * http://www.johnlpetersen 12/10/1994 #41888 d as the Chairman of the Lindbergh Foundation, a non-profit working to deca 12/3/1999 #43892 logies in aerospace. The Lindbergh Foundation was founded by Neil Armstrong 12/3/1999 #43892 ee possible example: the Lindbergh Foundation (see 3 December 1999). Note: 8/2004 #44724 h at the time were Armour Research Foundation, IIT Research Institute, Unit 8/2004 #44724 funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, one of the world’s largest c 2/1/2007 #45004 n also states the National Science Foundation and Lockheed could get involv 8/3/2022 #45761
she was planning to present novel foundational work regarding antigravity 6/15/2022 #45758
ually channeling the money through foundations. This year it begins HTLINGU 1/1952 #5854 eft above ground were the concrete foundations on which the buildings and r 6/1959 #15754 of the world’s largest charitable foundations. https://aip.scitation.org/ 2/1/2007 #45004
Foreign Relations is incorporated. Founded by corporate lawyer Elihu Root, 7/29/1921 #1013 iences Research Association (BSRA) Founded by Meade Layne. Works with exper 2/1945 #1766 Saucer Intelligence of New York is founded by Ted Bloecher, Isabel Davis, a 2/1954 #9519 lying Saucer News Club of America, founded in 1953. It is published twice a 3/1955 #12023 ro de Estudios Interplanetarios is founded in Barcelona, Spain. From 1970 t 1957 #13438 rk Skandinavisk UFO Information is founded in Denmark by Hans-Christian Pet 12/17/1957 #14741 ” he tells reporters. Petersen has founded the Skandinavisk UFO Information 4/25/1958 #15000 ondon UFO Research Organisation is founded by Paul Teugells, Nigel Stephens 12/1959 #16105 The Centro Ufologico Nazionale is founded in Milan, Italy, as a test of co 9/26/1965 #19608 work (later Mutual UFO Network) is founded in Quincy, Illinois, by Walter H 5/31/1969 #25174 ine Science Investigation Group is founded in Lowestoft, Suffolk, England, 2/1971 #26009 omicos e de Fenómenos Insolitos is founded in Porto, Portugal. It begins pu 1972 #26530 rch (Arbetsgruppen för Ufologi) is founded in Södertälje, Sweden, by Håkan 8/1972 #26863 nnish UFO Research Association, is founded in Tampere, Finland. Over the ye 1973 #27203 ustralian Co-Ordination Section is founded by Harry Griesberg and David Sea 11/1974 #29573 he Cambridge UFO Research Group is founded by Bonnie Wheeler in Cambridge, 9/1976 #31320 ied information regarding UFOs, is founded. 1977 #31646 spatiaux Non Identifiés (GEPAN) is founded as a section of France’s Centre 5/1/1977 #32046 USAF Col. “RC,” who founded a UFO group APRON, states his fi 1982 #36291 iety for Scientific Exploration is founded by Peter A. Sturrock at a meetin 1/5/1982 #36296 ational Endowment for Democracy is founded in Washington, D.C. It is manage 11/18/1983 #37046 donym for Col. John B. Alexander). Founded in 1987, according to Blum, afte 9/1990 #39711 IA projects before the company was founded. It is possible this site was Ir 3/9/1992 #40368 Zimmerman.html Note: Lindbergh founded the Lindbergh Foundation, of whi 11/2/1993 #41259 t trailing Comet Hale-Bopp. It was founded in 1974 and led by Marshall Appl 3/26/1997 #43240 rmation is made public. Torr later founded PST Associates, LLC in North Car 3/1/1998 #43527 pace. The Lindbergh Foundation was founded by Neil Armstrong and Gen. James 12/3/1999 #43892 ked with studying UFO cases. It is founded and directed by Comandante Julio 12/2001 #44279 EarthTech International, which was founded by Harold E. Puthoff, who was fo 1/9/2018 #45503
m. Gösta Carlsson, later to become founder and owner of Cernelle AB, is wal 5/18/1946 #1994 ck to T. Townsend Brown, later the founder of NICAP. 4/1956 #12777 ent back to T. Townsend Brown, the founder of NICAP, but it is an unproven 4/1956 #12779 ernors includes T. Townsend Brown (founder), Frank Edwards, Leon C. LeVan, 10/19/1956 #13286 is later revealed that he was also founder of the CIA’s psychological warfa Summer 1962 #17238 lez, president of the Lion’s Club; founder of the Folkloric Ballet of Mexic 9/23/1965 #19591 County, Virginia, to meet with its founder Arthur C. Lundahl and acquaint t 2/20/1967 #21607 nce, France, named in honor of the founder of the first UFO organization, C 1973 #27202 unar had once met Baha’u”llah, the founder of the Baha’i religion. After ab 8/23/1976 #31294 d UFO hobbyist Colman VonKeviczky, founder of the Intercontinental UFO Gala 9/28/1981 #36143 ject Blue Book for many years, and founder of the Center for UFO Studies, d 4/27/1986 #37847 candidate and son of William Lear, founder of Lear Siegler Corp, claims the 12/29/1987 #38379 na Sedona, Arizona Coral Lorenzen, founder of APRO, dies in Tucson, Arizona 4/12/1988 #38541 rty Night. Long Island UFO Network founder John Ford claims that a UFO is s 9/28/1989 #39130 in the 1990s. Petersen is also the founder of The Arlington Institute (TAI) 12/10/1994 #41888 Disclosure Project founder and alleged Clinton Administrati Mid 1990's #41926 Edgar Mitchell and UFO Disclosure founder Steven M. Greer to discuss the r 4/10/1997 #43260 e is initiated by Steven M. Greer, founder of the Disclosure Project, which 5/9/2001 #44182 later meets Richard Schowengerdt, founder of Project Chameleo, who claims 7/2003 #44560 references UAP in a press release. Founder Jeff Cameron states the company 3/2004 #44671 Disclosure Project founder and alleged Clinton Administrati 4/28/2006 #44935 Disclosure Project founder and alleged Clinton Administrati 4/28/2006 #44936 Disclosure Project founder and alleged Clinton Administrati 4/28/2006 #44937 e Ailleris, amateur astronomer and founder of the Unidentified Aerospace Ph 1/2011 #45311 ed States. Parsons was a principal founder of the NASA Jet Propulsion Labor 3/31/2011 #45322 h Skinwalker Ranch Robert Bigelow, founder of Bigelow Aerospace, sells the 4/2016 #45447 Mark Sokol, founder of New Jersey-based Falcon Space 6/29/2021 #45696 AATIP scientist and EarthTech founder Hal Puthoff states in an intervi 2/11/2022 #45739 , son of industrialist and Learjet founder Bill Lear, dies at aged 79 3/29/2022 #45744
he intelligence community, CSETI’s founders state a covert group controls s 4/2001 #44154 emigrius Shatas and Robert Asprey (founders of Cyber Corp., later Avocent), 3/2004 #44671 rldwide UFO organization. The nine founders of the World Coalition on Extra 10/15/2018 #45540
next morning trampled bushes were foundin the quarry, along with three hol 8/30/1977 #32441
tution of Washington. The original founding members are physicist Alfred Le 7/3/1946 #2025 ation Walter Blados can locate the founding documents. Roy Kerr, a former A 9/1956 #13166
it,” likely coming from Sorel Iron Foundries in Sorel, Quebec. Smith reject 6/12/1960 #16312
uickly west. 1 cuts out and scouts foundry. 4/26/1949 #4110 urn going quickly south over steel foundry. Silent. No Radio Frequency Inte 8/17/1957 #13902 tified as the “normal product of a foundry, consisting of slag with semi- m 6/12/1960 #16312 nection to a UFO and it looks like foundry slag anyway. Later, the Montreal 6/12/1960 #16312 ot too far from the General Motors foundry. They see a slowly rotating whit 8/11/1964 #18480
ew York City Author Tiffany Thayer founds the Fortean Society during a dinn 1/26/1931 #1121 San Diego, California Meade Layne founds the Borderland Sciences Research 2/1945 #1768 Meade Layne, BSRA director, founds the “Borderland Sciences Research 1951 #5370 France Paris Marc Thirouin founds the first UFO group in France, th 1951 #5378 Zealand Auckland Harold H. Fulton founds Civilian Saucer Investigation (Ne 10/12/1952 #8124 ide, South Australia Fred P. Stone founds the Australian Flying Saucer Club 1953 #8480 ca.” She has other experiences and founds the Cosmon Research Organization 9/1953 #9131 nnati, Ohio Leonard H. Stringfield founds Civilian Research, Interplanetary 3/10/1954 #9610 ty Hotel Pennsylvania Otis T. Carr founds OTC Enterprises in Baltimore, Mar 1955 #11894 Margaret Stiehm Fuller, Ray Palmer founds a would- be competitor, Mystic (l 1955 #11895 involuntary commitment. She later founds the Association of Sananda and Sa Early 1/1955 #11912 Wiesbaden, Germany Karl L. Veit founds the Deutsche UFO/IFO-Studiengemei 10/1956 #13256 ough, Massachusetts George Fawcett founds the New England UFO Study Group i 1957 #13434 Edmond, Oklahoma Hayden C. Hewes founds the International UFO Bureau in E 1957 #13435 Santiago, Chile Author Hugo Correa founds UFO Chile in Santiago, Chile. Its 1959 #15512 west of Austin, Texas Ray Stanford founds Project Starlight International t 1964 #18102 Calais, France Jean-Pierre D’Hondt founds Groupement Nordiste d’Études des 1965 #18684 Kobe, Japan Tomezo Hirata founds the Japan UFO Research Associatio 1965 #18687 , Moselle, France Francis Schaefer founds the Cercle Français de Recherches 1966 #19797 n, England Brinsley Le Poer Trench founds Contact (UK) in London, England, 4/1967 #22031 uenos Aires, Argentina Fabio Zerpa founds the Organizacion Nacional Investi 1968 #23631 eine-et-Marne, France Gérard Lebat founds Groupe d’Études des Objets Spatia 1969 #24801 ador, Bahia, Brazil Alberto Romero founds Grupo de Pesquisas Aérospaciais Z 1972 #26531 e Sul, Brazil Luis do Rosário Real founds the Sociedade Pelotense de Invest 1972 #26532 Norway Bergen Kilbjørn Stenødegård founds the Norsk UFO Center in Trondheim 1972 #26533 Valence, France David Duquesnoy founds the Association des Amis de Marc 1973 #27202 n Western Europe David Rockefeller founds the Trilateral Commission in Toky 7/1973 #27608 Kalmthout, Belgium Perry Petrakis founds the Association d’Étude sur les S 1974 #28626 d-des-Ormeaux, Quebec Wido Hoville founds the UFO-Quebec organization in Do 1975 #29673 es, Vaucluse, France Pierre Monnet founds the Groupement de Recherche et d’ 1975 #29674 Le Puy, France Gilbert Peyret founds Groupement Langeadois de Recherch 1975 #29675 Nancy, France Martial Robé founds Groupe Privé Ufologique Nancéien 1975 #29676 y, Loire, France Dominique Delille founds Groupe d’Études du Phénomène OVNI 11/1976 #31516 razil José Jean Pereira de Alencar founds the Centro de Estudos Ufologicos 1977 #31652 l Fernando António Milhano Patinha founds OVNIGrupo 7 in Lisbon, Portugal. 1977 #31653 t, Haute-Merne, France Roger Thome founds Groupe d’Étude et de Recherche su 1977 #31654 rp, Belgium Bruges Jacques Bonabot founds the Studiegroep voor Vreemde Luch 1979 #34255 Côte-d’Or France Patrick Geoffroy founds the Association Dijonnaise de Rec 1979 #34256 Brazilian ufologist Irene Granchi founds the Centro de Investigação sobre 1982 #36288 Richard Haines founds the short-lived North American UF Summer 1983 #36887 Dulce, New Mexico John Grace founds the Leading Edge International re 12/1987 #38342 Würselen, Germany Reinhard Nühlen founds Deutschsprachige Gesellschaft für 6/5/1993 #41005 Antwerp, Belgium Wim van Utrecht founds Caelestia in Antwerp, Belgium, to 1994 #41344 al-estate developer Robert Bigelow founds the National Institute for Discov 12/1995 #42635 ASA psychologist Richard F. Haines founds the National Aviation Reporting C 1999 #43706 hin, France Christian Morgenthaler founds the Sciences et Phénomènes Insoli 5/2001 #44172
Jersey 3:00 a.m. Pianist Doris La Fountain is driving home along Market St 8/10/1945 #1922 TV Tech. Black saucer hovers over fountain and vine St. Crowd gathers. Sau 8/7/1952 #7500 oding conch shell, and a poisonous fountain pen. 3/17/1960 #16200 Cintra fills it with water from a fountain and offers her a doughnut. The 8/25/1968 #24376 ed these for her from the drinking fountain. While she did so, the woman pl 8/26/1968 #24381 Many observer(s). Luminous green "fountain pen" in sky / 30 minute(s). 3/7/1974 #28864
ee alongside each other, sometimes four in a square, and several alone, and 4/4/1561 #32 damstown, Pennsylvania 12:00 noon. Four or five witnesses watch a luminous 8/7/1869 #179 p.m. During a total solar eclipse, four amateur observers in St. Paul’s Jun 8/7/1869 #180 county. It shot up a shiny column four feet high and two feet thick that g 8/7/1869 #181 e in 10 minutes. It frightened the four witnesses, but left no traces. 8/7/1869 #181 th-southeast. It is circular, with four rays or arms extending from the cen 3/22/1870 #184 gray object in the sky divide into four connected sections while it flew ag 3/22/1870 #185 Lamy, NM Evening. Four men walking near Galisteo Junction 3/26/1880 #228 Lamy, New Mexico Four men walking near Galisteo Junction 3/26/1880 #229 Lamy, New Mexico - Four men walking near Galisteo Junction 3/26/1880 #231 balloon carrying a searchlight and four passengers passes over Newark, New 6/1/1892 #303 guing or singing. R. L. Lowry sees four men pushing the vessel by its wheel 11/17/1896 #340 asserts that the airship can carry four men and 1,000 pounds of dynamite fo 11/22/1896 #347 tations to the west. Over the next four and a half hours, the object is see 2/26/1897 #389 changes direction, and is seen on four nights in succession. At 9:20 p.m. 3/23/1897 #393 cal object about 60 feet long with four sets of 15-foot wings. It is flying 4/11/1897 #428 also see the object over the next four hours, maneuvering above Lake Minne 4/11/1897 #432 covered wagon. It has two rows of four red or green lights. The object ris 4/13/1897 #454 hin 700 m of it but it "spread its four giant wings and rose towards the No 4/15/1897 #478 hin 700 m of it but it "spread its four giant wings and rose towards the No 4/15/1897 #483 00 meters of it but it "spread its four giant wings and rose towards the No 4/15/1897 #496 eet of the airship, it spreads out four massive wings and ascends again. Th 4/16/1897 #507 Texas. They walk over and discover four men moving around a large dark obje 4/19/1897 #539 ong and 20 feet wide, propelled by four large wings and powered by electric 4/19/1897 #539 ind the craft. There were three or four occupants. (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 4/20/1897 #543 ind the craft. There were three or four occupants. The witness was told thi 4/20/1897 #544 ind the craft. There were three or four occupants in total. The witness was 4/20/1897 #547 At four o'clock in the afternoon a 10 meter 4/27/1899 #633 nd it has 8 windows in two rows of four each. Her father estimates it is 10 3/17/1903 #660 gar shaped object with two rows of four equally spaced windows. It was hove 3/17/1903 #661 ko, Oklahoma Dusk. Roy Russell and four other cotton-pickers are taking a b 11/1906 #692 rd Southend-on-Sea. It hovered for four minutes, and emitted two strong bea 5/9/1909 #734 ulburn, New South Wales 10:30 p.m. Four young men at brick kilns near the r 8/7/1909 #801 Fishers Island, New York 2:30 a.m. Four men (Capt. Edward P. Sisson, Ernest 8/18/1909 #805 in the ocean, close to surface by four members of the crew of the Dutch sh 8/12/1910 #844 was a short-lived endeavor — only four months — but it paved the way for t 1/1/1914 #895 illuminated windows. Near it were four or five dwarfs 1.20 m tall, clad in 6/1914 #899 illuminated windows. Near it were four or five dwarfs 1.20 m tall, clad in 6/1914 #900 , Texas 3:00 a.m. C. B. Alves sees four flying discs 50 miles north of Free Late 10/1920 #1006 are visible, and it is resting on four legs splayed outwards. The two deci 1925 #1045 nervous. Within 6 m of the object four or five dwarfish figures were runni 6/12/1929 #1096 nervous. Within 6 m of the object four or five dwarfish figures were runni 6/12/1929 #1097 nd 5 meters high, and he witnessed four or five dwarfish figures running ba 6/12/1929 #1099 Sussex, England Evening. Four RAF Hawker Fury I biplanes flying o 7/5/1933 #1167 Romania Bucharest George Pârvu and four other schoolchildren are playing in Early 8/1939 #1312 Charles Fort’s four famous books 1941 #1349 rear gunner shoots at it with all four machine guns. After two minutes, it 6/25/1942 #1422 e hundred feet in length 500 mph &.four red lights spaced at equal distance 11/28/1942 #1463 east at a speed of 500 mph. It has four pairs of red lights spaced along it 11/28/1942 #1464 ew at an estimated 500 mph. It had four red lights spaced at equal distance 11/28/1942 #1465 Oslo, Norway At 10:30 p.m. four women in a car saw an orange bell-s 12/1943 #1547 Essen, Germany Things; four orange glows; short stubby wings; f 4/26/1944 #1592 n, Germany, when he is followed by four orange balls of light with “short s 4/26/1944 #1593 lumnist George Todt, in a party of four Army officers including a Lt. Col., Summer 1944 #1607 as with a light inside; & three to four feet in diameter. (Page 82-83 Ref.1 9/1944 #1661 , either alone or in formations of four. Johnson says he could accept that Early 11/1944 #1690 d Karlsrhue btn., Germany Three to four very bright balls, completely illum 12/1944 #1715 to yellow in color, approximately four feet in diameter, stretching twice 12/1944 #1716 ototype. He undertakes a series of four complete turns at a 20° angle. Zill 2/18/1945 #1790 Turkey, watch the rapid passage of four square-shaped lights, reddish in co 1946 #1960 tarctica Amazing Stories publishes four short articles in its September 194 7/1946 #2021 y had short wing flaps. There were four witnesses. 7/18/1946 #2064 ject, about 10 feet long, releases four stars that fall silently to the gro 8/24/1946 #2156 chard Shaver’s claims and includes four of his novellas. Vincent Gaddis has 4/1947 #2256 Beaufort (near), SC Four Discs Flying Overhead (NICAP: 01 - Late 5/1947 #2297 arolina. He notices a formation of four disc-like objects flying overhead i Late 5/1947 #2298 gy út] in Budapest, Hungary, watch four yellow-red discs moving toward the 6/10/1947 #2319 -out of formation. There were also four separate daylight disc sightings in 6/26/1947 #2420 Four US Air Force officers saw a fast mo 6/28/1947 #2451 A 1:15 p.m. four rocket experts saw a silver saucer 6/29/1947 #2468 The blip instantly reverses course four times, breaks into two objects, the 7/1/1947 #2518 e ship. King estimates it is about four times the length of the ship and fo 7/1/1947? #2522 r times the length of the ship and four times as tall. After a few seconds, 7/1/1947? #2522 w. Watched for 12-15 minutes while four objects with flat bottoms and rough 7/4/1947 #2651 in a car near Redmond, Oregon, see four discs flying past Mt. Jefferson on 7/4/1947 #2656 , no ears, long forearms, and only four long slender fingers on each hand. 7/4/1947 #2672 e discs trailing one another. Then four patrolmen reported seeing 3-6 "chro 7/4/1947 #2675 Also that day four silent discs passed the summit of M 7/4/1947 #2676 of surveyors in Payette, Idaho saw four silvery discs that each had a dark 7/5/1947 #2730 f Oklahoma Dean of Engineering and four others watched one, then two more U 7/6/1947 #2826 Four luminous discs drifted to the west 7/6/1947 #2830 0 p.m. Constable Eric Kearsey sees four yellowish discs flying in close for 7/9/1947 #3069 own Daily Record, takes a photo of four luminous objects as he is flying hi 7/10/1947 #3104 At 9:30 p.m. four or five bright white, one-meter wid 7/13/1947 #3172 ted 500 mph and is lost to view in four minutes. 8/4/1947 #3291 information being received.” These four will later form the core of the ETH Late 8/1947 #3369 Four sailors, including a Richard Cruthe 9/6/1947 #3390 Gliding down from it in groups of four on something like a ramp are tall p 1948? #3524 powerful experimental radar in the Four Corners region. The Army OSI and th 3/25/1948 #3596 Special High-Powered radar at the Four Corners Range (Utah, Arizona, New M 3/25/1948 #3596 rtians “would probably be three or four times as large as human beings.” So 3/25/1948 #3598 t W. Meyers is leading a flight of four P-47s from the 67th Fighter Group a 4/1/1948 #3603 Air Force was leading a flight of four F-47S Thunderbolt fighters of the 4/1/1948 #3604 rther loss of time. He awoke again four days later in Luxemborg, legs fully 5/25/1948 #3655 windows is seen flying rapidly on four separate occasions by two Dutch cit 7/20/1948 #3719 with two rows of windows was seen four times in Arnhem, Holland around 1:3 7/20/1948 #3720 wife Genevieve, and son Donald see four UFOs flying in formation east to we 8/15/1948 #3782 ople in Phoenix, Arizona witnessed four silver disc-shaped objects that fle 8/15/1948 #3783 summarizes the characteristics of four types of UFOs: flying discs, cigar- 2/11/1949 #4003 rizon. Between 1:15 and 2:00 a.m., four more security patrols report burst 3/6/1949 #4035 March AFB, Riverside, CA Four Dome-Shaped Objects Separate From T 4/7/1949 #4082 meteorologist Charles B. Moore and four Navy Skyhook balloon launch crewmen 4/24/1949 #4104 tree. At 9:25 p.m., 2 miles away, four Army soldiers see a 4-inch light wi 4/27/1949 #4118 to red to green. On one occasion, four lights appear together; on another, 4/28/1949 #4130 Although it lacks cameras, it has four six-man observation posts equipped 5/4/1949 #4144 At 10:30 a.m. four gray discs flew over Houston, Alask 5/11/1949 #4179 aines leaves Washington, D.C., for four days to attend a meeting of the Ame 5/18/1949 #4192 , Texas (without cameras, but with four 6-man observation posts equipped wi 5/19/1949 #4196 under an airplane that was flying four miles southwest of Parkersburg, Wes 9/25/1949 #4369 ebraska three ovoid objects, about four meters in size, flew toward the nor 9/26/1949 #4374 Davis-Monthan AFB, Tucson, AZ Four Airman View Metallic Craft (NICAP: 10/12/1949 #4389 Mexico, with a friend when he sees four objects to the east at a high altit 11/3/1949 #4411 in W. Donnelly sighted a flight of four disc-shaped object north of Rosarit 11/3/1949 #4412 pril 14, 1950, and has lost nearly four months of earth time. 12/4/1949 #4434 the elapsed time had actually been four months (the return date was April 1 12/4/1949 #4435 rk III 544) February 5 — 5:10 p.m. Four people at Falmouth Airport [now par 2/2/1950 #4526 d Mattson. The UFO was visible for four minutes and made wide swings and ab 3/3/1950 #4577 on radar (“a good, solid target”). Four F-51 interceptors are sent up. They 3/8/1950 #4593 office, and others see a total of four UFOs passing overhead. Smith observ 3/13/1950 #4627 glass cabin in which could be seen four tall men, dressed in something like 3/18/1950 #4674 glass cabin in which could be seen four tall men with pallid faces, dressed 3/18/1950 #4680 le to move. He stood motionless as four handsome men with brown complexions 3/19/1950 #4683 t Sandia Base, New Mexico, reports four round, silvery objects to the north 3/21/1950 #4695 ound, aluminum-colored object with four other people for 2 minutes. It foll 4/8/1950 #4830 urns around and heads slowly back. Four high school students in Monterey, C 4/10/1950 #4841 Jersey Witness: Army M/Sgt. James. Four rectangular, amber objects, about 3 4/14/1950 #4851 m. and the object was on radar for four hours. This radar-visual case invol 4/18/1950 #4867 r and steps leading down. Three or four men in diving suits and helmets are 4/24/1950 #4888 sees, tracks, and manages to film four high-flying objects streaking acros 4/27/1950 #4909 hooting silvery rays. At 4:30 p.m. four discs were sighted by numerous obse 5/3/1950 #4920 At three o'clock in the morning four oil men in Hay Creek, Wyoming watch 5/17/1950 #4949 Sgt Edward Eles, Earl DuQuoin, and four other airmen of the 187th Fighter S 5/21/1950 #4959 they see a V- shaped formation of four round, pure-white discs flying in a 5/21/1950 #4959 on intelligence, he finds out that four RAF controllers at the radar statio 6/1/1950 #4978 from dusk until dawn. They report four separate radar contacts bearing 160 6/30/1950 #5028 surface of the lake. Ten figures, four feet tall, dressed in shiny clothin 7/2/1950 #5040 SAF weather reconnaissance sighted four groups of round, metallic silvery o 7/13/1950 #5064 ging. An attempted interception by four F-86 jets from Kirtland AFB for one 8/31/1950 #5154 d and copilot William Bardsley see four round, metallic objects descending 10/15/1950 #5236 Force Base, North Carolina sighted four metallic spheres, 100 feet diameter 10/15/1950 #5238 Four people flying over Camaguey provinc 10/20/1950 #5248 Heathrow Airport, London Four Pan American Airways employees (Fre 11/5/1950 #5265 ft purchasing agent Harry Lamp and four boys, using lO-power binoculars. O 12/6/1950 #5328 ft purchasing agent Harry Lamp and four boys spot a 75-foot silver object h 12/6/1950 #5331 At 12:38 p.m. four witnesses flying in an airplane ove 1/14/1951 #5399 ort time later, Dugan, Stiles, and four civilian pilots at Artesia Airport 1/16/1951 #5403 er. One amber light made three or four 360 degree turns to the right, reve 2/1/1951 #5427 A four engine Super-Constellation R5D Navy 2/8/1951 #5434 e to move. From the object emerged four handsome men who had brown skin and 6/19/1951 #5545 ing and cows seem frozen in place. Four men with brown skin and wearing bla 6/19/1951 #5546 e to move. From the object emerged four handsome men who had brown skin and 6/19/1951 #5547 Seoul, Korea 10:50 p.m. Four night pilots of the 1st Marine Airc 7/1/1951 #5558 says the sighting is confirmed by four other persons. 8/17/1951 #5611 At 9:10 p.m. four Texas Tech professors--Robinson, Ob 8/25/1951 #5627 /west line, saw a flying object at four o'clock in the morning that illumin 8/26/1951 #5632 can be seen against an amber glow four men, in one-piece “jump suits,” wit 9/1951 #5647 Australia. At around four o'clock in the morning the driver o 10/26/1951 #5747 ower and other ground observers in four different locations in Michigan (Gr 11/24/1951 #5790 L.E. VanDercar and 9 year old son. Four dark circular objects with mostly f 4/5/1952 #6032 Miami, Florida. At 9:15 p.m. four dark circular objects with mostly f 4/5/1952 #6034 ished, then reappeared. There were four military witnesses. 4/13/1952 #6071 renchman Flat, Nevada at 9:30 a.m. four to six flying discs passed through 4/15/1952 #6083 Nunivak Island, Alaska 12:58 a.m. Four high-altitude contrails heading eas 4/17/1952 #6105 d in Tuxedo, Manitoba at 8:26 p.m. Four minutes later several discs and cyl 4/21/1952 #6149 that pulsed 8 times per second for four seconds. 4/29/1952 #6217 are 1,000–1,200 feet in diameter. Four miles away at Apple Valley, Califor 5/1/1952 #6244 ng room employee Eugene Cline sees four silvery objects seemingly playing t 5/1/1952 #6245 avannah River nuclear plant. Up to four yellow, disc-shaped objects were se 5/10/1952 #6295 Jackson, South Carolina 10:45 p.m. Four employees of DuPont Corporation at 5/10/1952 #6298 near Jackson, South Carolina, see four disc-shaped objects approach, then 5/10/1952 #6298 At 11:40 p.m. four yellow disc-shaped objects approach 5/10/1952 #6299 weaved left to right as they flew. Four DuPont workers were the witnesses. 5/10/1952 #6299 fic speed. All together there were four separate reports of UFOs in the El 5/13/1952 #6319 saw a box or diamond formation of four oval dull glowing, reddish object n 5/13/1952 #6320 Greenville, SC Four amateur astronomers observed a diam 5/18/1952 #6337 Ruppelt has four officers, two airmen, and two civil 6/1952 #6402 esses: Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Markland. Four shiny objects flew straight and lev 6/8/1952 #6468 Albuquerque, New Mexico 10:50 a.m. Four flat, round, shiny objects in a dia 6/8/1952 #6469 r. and Mrs. J. D. Markland sighted four shiny objects flying straight and l 6/8/1952 #6471 igan Witnesses: Marron Hoffman and four relatives, using 4x binoculars. On 6/18/1952 #6540 ewis- McChord] in Tacoma 1:30 p.m. Four silvery UFOs are seen by many witne 6/19/1952 #6552 Central Korea Witnesses: four Marine Corps Captains and pilots of 6/20/1952 #6561 entral Korea 3:03 p.m. A flight of four US Marine Corps captains and pilots 6/20/1952 #6562 Central Korea. At 3:03 p.m. four Marine Corps Captains and pilots of 6/20/1952 #6563 o sergeants sighted an orange disc four feet in diameter just above an airs 6/22/1952 #6589 straight and level for 10 minutes. Four miles west of the Air Base several 6/23/1952 #6616 site in Washington State 6:00 a.m. Four commercial pilots flying at 9,000 f 7/5/1952 #6716 6-12, 1952. Witness: Charles Muhr. Four pictures taken of some indistinct l 7/6/1952 #6722 ompany president William Washburn. Four large, elliptical-shaped objects we 7/12/1952 #6782 At 3:30 p.m. four elliptical-shaped objects, one-thir 7/12/1952 #6786 he size of a transport plane, flew four abreast in formation at a high rate 7/12/1952 #6786 t Guard photographer Shell Alpert. Four roughly elliptical blobs of light i 7/16/1952 #6842 as amazing.” Around 9:03 p.m., the four UFOs have moved out of sight to the 7/16/1952 #6844 lpert, took a famous photograph of four oval globs of light in a V-formatio 7/16/1952 #6845 by two more amber lights, then all four sped off toward the south at an est 7/16/1952 #6846 te Route 33 in St. Paul, Minnesota four two-foot diameter discs flew throug 7/17/1952 #6870 Witnesses: three USAF officers and four enlisted men. Over an hour period, 7/18/1952 #6894 p.m. Three Air Force officers and four enlisted men at Patrick AFB, near C 7/18/1952 #6898 5 p.m. EDT three USAF officers and four enlisted men watched a series of ho 7/18/1952 #6904 red, cigar-shaped object hover for four minutes over Alexandria, Virginia a 7/20/1952 #6957 orange, cone-shaped object size of four engine aircraft sighted at 15,000 t 7/21/1952 #6969 J.J. Stong, situated miles apart. Four bright yellowish lights were seen b 7/21/1952 #6977 0,000 feet. Observing the blip are four radar technicians who state that “i 7/21/1952 #6982 esse state, Germany watched two to four long, slender objects for 10-15 min 7/21/1952 #6984 hour. This occurred for a total of four evenings in a row, beginning at aro 7/21/1952 #6987 ourse and disappears at 4,600 mph. Four airmen at the MacDill radar site se 7/22/1952 #7027 FB, OH Numerous witnesses observed four (4) objects hovering in the vicinit 7/23/1952 #7073 FB, OH Numerous witnesses observed four (4) objects hovering in the vicinit 7/23/1952 #7074 lbany] in Albany, Georgia, observe four round, fluorescent white objects ho 7/23/1952 #7083 At three o'clock in the morning four fiery teardrop-shaped flames flew r 7/23/1952 #7086 0 p.m. in Arnheim, The Netherlands four discs passed over the city, followe 7/24/1952 #7119 ghtings were reported by civilians four times, near Herndon, Virginia and f 7/26/1952 #7180 Belleville, IL Four Large Objects Tracked On Ground Rad 7/27/1952 #7201 In Nevada at four o'clock in the morning highway work 7/27/1952 #7216 ings in Hawaii, Cuba, and Germany. Four occurred at military air bases and 7/28/1952 #7268 tes, again moved very, very fast. Four minutes. 7/29/1952 #7315 icks up some unidentified targets. Four F-51s from St. Paul, Minnesota, are 7/29/1952 #7319 Walker AFB Roswell, New Mexico Four weather observers at Walker AFB [no 7/29/1952 #7323 in very, very fast. Total duration four minutes. 7/29/1952 #7336 Texas Witness: Mrs. Susan Pfuhl. Four glowing white discs: one made a 18 8/7/1952 #7506 observes over San Antonio, Texas, four round UFOs that give off a color si 8/7/1952 #7508 Rockford, IL Fifty - four "flying saucers" were sighted strea 8/11/1952 #7545 irport in Chicago. The pilot makes four passes between 10,000 and 2,000 fee 8/21/1952 #7670 . to investigate and sees the same four objects to the south and southwest 8/28/1952 #7773 by radar as a stationary target at four miles range and 4,000 feet altitude 8/28/1952 #7773 ngeles publishes the first of only four issues of its CSI Quarterly Bulleti 9/1952 #7803 poration; and Robert B. Landry and four others from the National Security R 9/3/1952 #7839 arren D. Grovenstein also observes four of these anomalies with Hall. 9/28/1952 #8049 Taos, New Mexico Witnesses: Four USAF officers One round, bright blu 10/17/1952 #8145 At 9:15 p.m. in Taos, New Mexico four USAF officers observed a round, bri 10/17/1952 #8150 ll sound. The object was dark with four lighted windows. It took off with a 10/27/1952 #8197 ull sound. The object is dark with four lighted windows. It takes off with 10/27/1952 #8198 s. It had a metallic grillwork and four rectangular windows, 8 to 12 inches 10/27/1952 #8202 -Patterson AFB, Dayton OH Panel of four scientists convened at ATIC to make 11/1952 #8223 e successful in finding the signal four hours later, they are dangerously l 11/1/1952 #8228 xico Witness: security inspector. Four red-white-green lights flew slowly 11/12/1952 #8264 speeding overhead. Later, they see four others, motionless. They watch the 11/22/1952 #8323 Johneon in USAF T-33 jet trainer. Four bright lights, in diamond formation 12/9/1952 #8399 Pope AFB, SC (McDonald list) Four Radars Paint Bright Circular Object 12/10/1952 #8403 n a red-orange oval object seen by four junior high school students over th 1/9/1953 #8523 Patrick AFB, FL At 2400 Z four airmen at Patrick AFB, Florida, vis 1/22/1953 #8560 er crew members see a formation of four UFOs the size of a B-36. They are c 1/28/1953 #8601 Mailbu Beach, CA Four B-36-Sized Discs Observed By 3-Man 1/29/1953 #8609 rup photographer Jim Wilkinson see four metallic, disc-shaped object the si 1/29/1953 #8617 object about seven meters long and four meters wide at treetop level. It wa 1/29/1953 #8618 a after the sighting. At 2:00 p.m. four huge metallic discs, each the size 1/29/1953 #8618 land Witnesses: radar operators. Four unidentified targets were tracked f 2/3/1953 #8631 een recovered. He tells Lytle that four dead humanoid beings had been aboar Mid 2/1953 #8676 rratic square turns for a total of four minutes. 2/27/1953 #8715 Philippe Daurces and four other witnesses in Beirut, Lebanon 2/28/1953 #8718 ft (actually only 11) that menaced four US Navy Panther jets from the carri 3/14/1953 #8753 d object was witnessed by at least four observers at Skilak Lake, Anchorage 3/14/1953 #8755 Pork Chop Hill 1:00 p.m. Four US Army reconnaissance observers (i 4/19/1953 #8838 ies of red lights and a cabin with four portholes through which a control p 6/24/1953 #8966 ies of red lights and a cabin with four portholes through which a control p 6/24/1953 #8971 ff “like a rocket.” Footprints and four holes 2 inches deep, forming a perf 7/1/1953 #8982 prints left behind at the site and four holes 5 cm deep forming a perfect s 7/1/1953 #8983 ff "like a rocket." Footprints and four holes 5 cm deep forming a perfect s 7/2/1953 #8986 briefly until it is beside him for four more seconds before accelerating aw 8/6/1953 #9052 disc-shaped object accompanied by four nocturnal lights, flying near Mosco 8/9/1953 #9059 looking men. They were only about four and a half feet tall, and they wore 8/18/1953 #9081 ane. One greyish oval object made four passes at the airplane (three times 8/20/1953 #9089 Atwater, California. The UFO makes four passes at the plane, then dives ver 8/20/1953 #9090 5 p.m. PDT a gray oval object made four passes at their airplane (three tim 8/20/1953 #9091 th at an extreme speed. There were four military witnesses. Another UFO was 9/22/1953 #9174 the star Fomalhaut when he notices four large lights moving slowly in the s Late 9/1953 #9179 men at Bawdsey can see nothing but four contrails heading north. The object 10/9/1953 #9217 Four maneuvering, nocturnal UFOs and the 10/13/1953 #9224 arget is tracked for 25 minutes by four aircraft technicians, including Sgt 11/3/1953 #9280 e feet long. Sr. Serrate could see four young human looking men and two you 11/28/1953 #9325 esearcher Edgar Jarrold is visited four times by a mysterious man who swear 12/1953 #9330 Holloman AFB, NM (McDonald list) Four Objects Detected on Ground Radar PP 12/3/1953 #9337 60 miles away. At 5:04 p.m., after four minutes (to the Johnsons) and six m 12/16/1953 #9374 tory, Australia, seen and heard by four Native Australians. On the same day 1/1954 #9429 f 2,000 feet. Its apparent size is four times that of a DC-4 aircraft. It i 1/1/1954 #9436 r, perfectly round, and consist of four concentric rings. They find more fr 1/18/1954 #9493 heavy wind, rumbling and emitting four columns of smoke. 2/1954 #9517 e first two objects were joined by four others. 2/1/1954 #9527 At 5:29 p.m. four air traffic controllers at Carswell 2/4/1954 #9536 hich has a glassy appearance, with four trails of smoke coming from each si 3/1954? #9579 plant in Hamilton County, Ohio for four minutes before flying off toward th 3/9/1954 #9608 e CR, a second chopper landed with four men wearing white pants and long wh 4/12/1954 #9685 ing. Stones underneath it moved. Four minute sighting. 4/23/1954 #9711 orgia professor of aeronautics and four other witnesses in Athens, Georgia. 4/26/1954 #9727 heard a whistling sound at around four o'clock in the afternoon. He ran in 5/5/1954 #9755 Dallas, TX Four Navy Fighters Encounter 16 UFOs (NI 5/14/1954 #9795 unidentified objects in groups of four, dead ahead but at higher altitude, 5/14/1954 #9796 o the east. It was estimated to be four meters wide. It turned over a house 5/16/1954 #9806 ge, NY Silvery elliptical UFO with four "portholes" accelerated and shot aw 5/30/1954 #9845 David Reese, Christopher Muir, and four others are at the doorstep of a hou 5/30/1954 #9846 FOUR ELMS, KENT Yellow night light and 2 6/15/1954 #9905 Brookley Mobile, Alabama 6:50 p.m. Four civilians and several military pers 6/30/1954 #9970 to yellow, then orange, then pink, four or five times while flying straight 8/6/1954 #10104 AFB Montgomery, Alabama 2:29 a.m. Four military men on US Army helicopters 8/12/1954 #10137 y an hour later, at 2:29 a.m. CDT, four military men on U.S. Army helicopte 8/12/1954 #10139 ver the next 45 minutes it emitted four more discs. 8/23/1954 #10171 h Airlines DC-4 (PH-DBZ). Three or four dark, lens-shaped objects veered no 8/29/1954 #10202 istian, Greenland sighted three or four dark, lens-shaped objects that veer 8/29/1954 #10205 ing from the craft. Durdle woke up four Air Force men, who observed the obj 8/30/1954 #10209 rom the craft. Sgt. Durdle woke up four other Air Force men, who observed t 8/30/1954 #10210 nd eleven a.m. a schoolteacher and four others sighted a flat circular, sil 9/4/1954 #10247 It traveled in waves, moving every four minutes. It finally turned off its 9/8/1954 #10274 ntered a cigar-shaped object about four meters long, which took off toward 9/10/1954 #10287 air over Le Pin, Isere, France by four witnesses. 9/16/1954 #10324 ch contained the pilot. There were four pole-like appendages, two at each e 9/20/1954 #10373 a Witnesses: two local policemen, four U.S. Marine Corps police, one highw 9/21/1954 #10381 w, California two local policemen, four U.S. Marine Corps police, and a Cal 9/21/1954 #10386 ard her she fled. A flat, circular four meter wide disc was seen to rise up 9/26/1954 #10452 Premanon, France Four children came out of their home as 9/27/1954 #10472 Four children in Premanon, France came o 9/27/1954 #10478 r great circle routes described by four or more points on a straight line. 10/1/1954 #10570 e the ground in Taupignac, France. Four little men, one meter tall (3.3 fee 10/4/1954 #10708 way. As one of them approached the four meter long craft, which stood about 10/6/1954 #10761 Chétive, Moselle, France 7:30 p.m. Four children—Gilbert Calda, 12, Daniel 10/8/1954 #10817 y Willi Hoge, a projectionist, saw four occupants of an object that had com 10/9/1954 #10845 . The object was cigar-shaped, and four men wearing rubber coveralls were w 10/9/1954 #10845 Pournoy-la-Chetive, France Four children-Gilbert Calda, 12; Daniel 10/9/1954 #10848 the road. He looks closer and sees four small figures with big heads and ch 10/9/1954 #10858 ng home in the evening when he saw four occupants of an object that had des 10/9/1954 #10863 ed object was wingless. There were four humanoid beings wearing some type o 10/9/1954 #10863 Pournoy-la-Chetive, France. Four children--Gilbert Calda, age 12; Da 10/9/1954 #10866 r Route N454. The encounter lasted four minutes. 10/10/1954 #10896 In the predawn hours four beings 1.2 meters tall were busy un 10/10/1954 #10898 sembling the cover of a washbasin, four meters in diameter. Inside the gree 10/10/1954 #10899 dome he could see that there were four dark silhouettes. He was unable to 10/10/1954 #10899 Two witnesses went closer and saw four dwarfs, 1 m tall, who seemed busy w 10/11/1954 #10934 Birac, France Four persons, among them Julia Juste, Ma 10/11/1954 #10935 Two witnesses went closer and saw four dwarfs, one meter tall, who seemed 10/11/1954 #10951 At 9:50 p.m. four persons in Birac, Charente, France- 10/11/1954 #10952 ns, Herault, France a round craft, four meters in diameter, landed in a pas 10/11/1954 #10953 Donjon de Montlaur, J. Dubois and four other witnesses saw a round craft m 10/13/1954 #11003 mushroom, two meters in height and four meters in diameter, was seen restin 10/14/1954 #11062 t, Seine-Maritime, France. He sees four orange objects flying one above the 10/15/1954 #11111 cks. It was mushroom shaped, about four meters diameter, and two meters hig 10/15/1954 #11116 driving through this village, saw four objects, at about 300 m altitude, f 10/16/1954 #11144 aillolet, France at nightfall, saw four objects flying slowly in echelon fo 10/16/1954 #11150 er and two meters tall come within four meters of the ground in Dompierre, 10/16/1954 #11151 nd it for an estimated distance of four meters. 10/16/1954 #11151 ed it was not a helicopter and saw four dwarfs wearing coveralIs emerge fro 10/17/1954 #11175 River. He saw a gray object, about four meters long and one meter high on t 10/17/1954 #11179 er as he first thought, and he saw four dwarfs wearing coveralls emerge fro 10/17/1954 #11184 . One witness fainted on the spot. Four others saw the object in flight fro 10/18/1954 #11209 then joined the first two and all four vanished. Fiteen minutes later Mrs. 10/18/1954 #11215 Driving a van four miles from Coheix, Puy-de-Dome, Fra 10/18/1954 #11218 . One witness fainted on the spot. Four others saw the object in flight fro 10/18/1954 #11220 l robot-like beings, 1.2 meters or four feet tall, descended from it on a l 10/19/1954 #11254 At four o'clock in the morning an object th 10/22/1954 #11321 was seen in a field by the rider. Four of more beings were seen inside the 10/22/1954 #11322 not dare approach. It was three to four meters in diameter and a little mor 10/24/1954 #11368 At 6:15 a.m. at least four witnesses at the Belgrade, Yugoslav 10/25/1954 #11396 es in the Atlantic Ocean watched a four meter long cigar-shaped object fly 10/25/1954 #11403 erciera Islands, Azores Witnesses: four Portuguese nationals. One object, s 10/29/1954 #11479 ad a row of portholes on its side, four tubes and four fins, and took off v 10/29/1954 #11480 tholes on its side, four tubes and four fins, and took off vertically. 10/29/1954 #11480 At nine o'clock in the evening four Portuguese nationals at the airport 10/29/1954 #11484 rande do Sul, Brazil at 11:35 p.m. four lights approached, then surrounded 10/30/1954 #11494 d, then surrounded a car until the four witnesses drove away. The UFO chang 10/30/1954 #11494 pricklings on his face as he ran. Four photographs of the scene were taken 11/5/1954 #11578 pricklings on his face as he ran. Four photographs of the scene were taken 11/5/1954 #11581 they are in diamond formations of four or V- formations of seven. At 12:00 11/6/1954 #11585 flew in formations of two, three, four, seven, and twelve for over a two h 11/6/1954 #11586 form lozenge-shaped formations of four objects ov V-shaped formations of s 11/6/1954 #11586 l V formation at a low altitude at four o'clock in the afternoon. The civil 11/15/1954 #11660 r hovering at treetop height. With four other persons he saw it for several 11/22/1954 #11688 r hovering at treetop height. With four other persons he watched it for sev 11/22/1954 #11692 E, VII] Millville, N. J. Disc with four body lights. [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 01 11/26/1954 #11709 this night in 1954, an object with four reddish-yellow lights forming a rec 11/26/1954 #11710 two policemen were traveling. All four saw the machine fly away. 12/1954 #11734 high and 2 feet in diameter, with four fins and a box suspended from it by 12/3/1954 #11754 in diameter, with a headlight and four fins. Traces: ground marks and meta 12/7/1954 #11774 the road with flames spurting out. Four small hairy figures, 3 feet tall, s 12/9/1954 #11788 rside was a source of fiery light. Four small beings emerged and attacked t 12/10/1954 #11794 nated from the base of the object. Four hairy dwarfs, three feet tall, emer 12/10/1954 #11798 At ten minutes after midnight, four men in a forest in Camaqua, Brazil 12/31/1954 #11885 A woman on a moped saw four blue-green lights in the middle of 2/4/1955 #11974 ew Mexico 9:55–10:15 a.m. Three or four fireballs fall in various places in 4/5/1955 #12080 nce Officer Maj. L..J. Pagozalski. Four black objects in a cluster made a w 4/30/1955 #12105 cer Major L. J. Pagozalski sighted four black objects at 7:30 a.m. flying i 4/30/1955 #12107 At 12:05 p.m. four witnesses in Arroyo Seco Canyon, Ca 5/9/1955 #12126 taffed by small men—probably under four feet tall.” Flying Saucer Review ed 5/22/1955 #12148 her woman at Loveland, Ohio, watch four UFOs in formation pass low over the 5/24/1955 #12155 d our house." It returned to earth four times. The dogs ran out barking as 5/29/1955 #12166 line there were several (at least four) windows which emitted a bright blu 6/23/1955 #12209 elligence Agency. A small group of four Lockheed test pilots, two dozen Loc 7/1955 #12225 riving near this town when she saw four "bug-eyed" creatures near the road. 7/3/1955 #12231 s south of Stockton, Georgia, when four small humanoid figures with caps an 7/3/1955 #12232 ear Stockton, Georgia when she saw four "bug-eyed" creatures near the road. 7/3/1955 #12233 nd, the witnesses see the faces of four pale-faced men with black hoods cov Late 7/1955 #12285 ebraska Witness: Morrice Raymond. Four orange flashing lights and one whIt 7/29/1955 #12299 9:30 p.m. An aircraft engineer and four others notice a “2nd magnitude star 7/29/1955 #12302 10:45 p.m.Morrice Raymond watched four orange flashing lights and one whIt 7/29/1955 #12303 at sea. The light flashes three or four times in quick succession, then fla 8/1955 #12310 ehind a hillock. It measured about four meters in height and 1.5 meters in 8/19/1955 #12375 ter. It was silver white in color, four or five feet across, and at a dista 8/20/1955 #12380 .” Dunning also observes that “the four military police who accompanied the 8/21/1955 #12386 Greenhills, Ohio Four adolescents in a car saw a creature 8/25/1955 #12407 Four teenagers in a car in Greenhills, O 8/25/1955 #12409 ed arm in mid-air. A creature with four arms appeared, and told two of the 8/29/1955 #12416 a, Ohio Day. Several witnesses see four silver discs flying in formation ov 9/1955 #12423 Peterborough, New Hampshire, sees four glowing, bluish-white objects to th 10/1955 #12477 At four o'clock in the afternoon in Point L 10/11/1955 #12500 ed UFO sightings. Battelle employs four scientific analysts, who divide cas 10/25/1955 #12519 reak down knowns and unknowns into four categories of quality, from excelle 10/25/1955 #12519 ase to be called unidentified, all four analysts must agree. A report class 10/25/1955 #12519 as named Johnson reported sighting four gray ovoid objects flying by at 10: 1/14/1956 #12659 15 acres in size; it then pursued four witnesses in a car for 16 minutes. 1/30/1956 #12686 France tracked an unknown blip for four hours beginning at 10:50 p.m. It wa 2/17/1956 #12724 topped just ten feet away and only four feet above the ground. It made no s 3/23/1956 #12765 elphia experiment rumor coming out four years after Brown’s proposal of Pro 4/1956 #12778 ith wires around its edge. It made four turns, then shot away extremely fas 5/12/1956 #12847 Two police watched four 30 meter diameter discs exit from a 5/15/1956 #12849 At four o'clock in the morning at the Hutch 7/19/1956 #12991 lently through the sky. After that four disc-shaped objects whizzed by, low 7/21/1956 #13001 mph. Approximately 2 hours later, four objects appear and orbit over the l 8/22/1956 #13117 (far left side) of a formation of four F-86 Sabre jet aircraft. While appr 8/27/1956 #13140 arent dome twirled like a top only four feet above the ground over a backya 8/27/1956 #13142 xico. It was estimated to be about four meters in diameter. 9/7/1956 #13205 arch Foundation in Chicago, IL for four years before being recruited to ARL Late 1956 #13281 rned." Freestone said the UFO was "four to five times larger than any aircr 11/8/1956 #13315 arget appeared fairly large, being four to five times larger than any norma 11/8/1956 #13315 explained by Project Blue Book. At four o'clock in the morning in Hawke's B 1/1/1957 #13446 mmercial pilot and many others saw four brilliant white lights, in-line for 1/24/1957 #13472 polis, Indiana and many others saw four brilliant nocturnal lights trailing 1/24/1957 #13474 ) 54 Targets / Two Ground Radars & Four Aircraft (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, 2/7/1957 #13485 bject. This sudden maneuver causes four of the passengers to be thrown out 3/9/1957 #13540 s to stand still for approximately four seconds until it is lost to sight d 3/9/1957 #13540 A 10:00 p.m. four silent, odd-colored ovoid objects g 4/22/1957 #13612 smoke zigzagged across the sky for four minutes in Daegu, Korea. 4/22/1957 #13612 ct hovering 30 cm above ground and four little men nearby. The police found 5/10/1957 #13652 by a strange projectile.” He sees four men 4–5 feet tall approaching him i 5/10/1957 #13653 e morning over Kansas City, Kansas four discs were sighted flying in a box 5/23/1957 #13674 dle band was scalloped, bottom had four kidney-shaped forms. 7/27/1957 #13847 four miles south of Galt, Ontario 10:30 7/30/1957 #13862 Jack Stephenson is walking his dog four miles south of Galt, Ontario, when 7/30/1957 #13862 e limbs that are broken. There are four burned or charred areas, each about 7/30/1957 #13862 ound 9:00 p.m. three women watched four small discs, estimated to be only f 8/15/1957 #13901 ranada, Spain Portalegre, Portugal Four Portuguese jet fighter-bombers unde 9/4/1957 #13978 At 8:06 p.m. four Portuguese F-84 fighter jets from O 9/4/1957 #13979 . It also appeared to change size. Four small circles of light detached fro 9/4/1957 #13979 translucent and fluorescent. Made four 5-10 second passes from north to so 9/20/1957 #14019 anslucent and fluorescent. It made four 5-10 second passes over the airbase 9/20/1957 #14021 Nabouwalu, Viti Levu, Fiji Day. Four Fijians in a punt with an outboard 10/8/1957 #14078 Four men working as an oil rig crew watc 11/1/1957 #14191 Saucedo and Joe Salaz are driving four miles west of Levelland, Texas, on 11/2/1957 #14216 Route 114 four miles east of Levelland, Texas Abou 11/2/1957 #14219 , brightly lit object on Route 114 four miles east of Levelland, Texas. As 11/2/1957 #14219 his group for 40 minutes, dropping four smaller objects that also accompany 11/4/1957 #14281 letely human-looking space aliens, four males and two females, who apparent 11/5/1957 #14343 oving at 1,020 mph. It was seen by four crew members as it moved horizontal 11/5/1957 #14349 a strange object on the ground and four occupants, two men and two women wh 11/6/1957 #14413 hat sounds like German to him. The four people go into the craft by seeming 11/6/1957 #14422 a strange object on the ground and four human-looking occupants, two men an 11/6/1957 #14436 ut 5 meters long was seen hovering four meters above the ground. It was bri 11/6/1957 #14437 was hovering over a hilltop about four kilometers away. From the top and b 11/6/1957 #14440 was over 10 meters wide, three to four meters thick, with a dome on top. T 11/10/1957 #14527 Canoga Park, CA Four engineers observed three UFOs flyin 11/11/1957 #14531 L Power failed for 10 minutes in a four mile area, just after hovering UFO 11/14/1957 #14550 Tonopah, Nevada Four disk-shaped objects on the ground w 11/23/1957 #14601 igh-pitched whining noise and sees four 50-foot, domed, saucer-shaped UFOs 11/23/1957 #14603 whining sound and saw to his right four large, metallic Saturn-shaped craft 11/23/1957 #14605 ring the next 20 minutes, when the four objects slowly rose up and left the 11/23/1957 #14605 perators, one weather observer and four others. One silver, cigar-shaped o 11/26/1957 #14627 irector of an engineering firm and four of his staff members see five black 11/27/1957 #14632 re." An opening became visible and four creatures emerged. They had large h 12/1957 #14648 e. An opening becomes visible, and four creatures emerge. They have large h 12/1957 #14653 ic transmission. The witness spent four hours with two Kirtland AFB officer 12/8/1957 #14690 ter that day in Svea, Minnesota at four o’clock in the afternoon, a ten-met 12/8/1957 #14694 men could not have been more than four feet tall at the most, given the si 12/16/1957 #14736 a U.S. Navy P2V-5F with a crew of four flying north of Adak Island, Alaska 1/11/1958 #14820 ly to the northwest. Baraúna takes four photos with a Rolleiflex 2.8 model 1/16/1958 #14831 witnessed the maneuvering UFO. The four photos are somewhat over exposed, b 1/16/1958 #14832 denly separates into two groups of four and five objects. 4/9/1958 #14970 io and split up into two groups of four and five. 4/9/1958 #14972 hich oscillated and maneuvered for four minutes. The Air Force attempted to 6/9/1958 #15086 A procession of four or five flying objects passed over 8/11/1958 #15194 nus in the vicinity of a flight of four military aircraft. He watches the o 8/18/1958 #15215 in Docelles, France. The next day four deep rectangular imprints were foun 9/2/1958 #15251 klin, Indiana, when a formation of four odd white lights crosses ahead of t 10/3/1958 #15311 At 3:20 a.m. in Owasco, Indiana four big, soft white elliptical lights, 10/3/1958 #15312 o but it quickly descended to just four meters above the ground. It flew up 10/31/1958 #15410 of a sudden they were attacked by four gray-colored creatures described as 12/20/1958 #15487 . The two are suddenly attacked by four gray creatures about 4 feet tall wh 12/20/1958 #15489 ext they were suddenly attacked by four gray-colored creatures described as 12/20/1958 #15491 On that same day at four o’clock in the afternoon in France, 12/20/1958 #15492 rtment guards watched UFO split in four parts; two rose vertically at high 1/1/1959 #15525 the southeast and then splits into four parts. Two rise vertically at high 1/1/1959 #15527 s and placed under observation for four days, after which he returned to du 2/28/1959 #15624 hey communicated by telepathy with four humanoids of differing heights, inc 3/19/1959 #15654 r Force C-118 transport plane with four passengers suddenly radioed in ”MAY 4/1/1959 #15686 coma An Air Force C-118 plane with four on board crashes between Sumner and 4/1/1959 #15688 y officers observed a formation of four disc-like objects. [NICAP UFOE, VII 6/11/1959 #15765 ge object that hovered in mid-air. Four engines were visible on its "deck" 6/26/1959 #15789 00–400 feet. On top of the object, four humanlike figures, their bodies sur 6/26/1959 #15790 Father Gill and 37 others watched four luminous figures on top of a low, h 6/26/1959 #15791 and a narrower upper deck, and had four tapering legs, two at each end, on 6/26/1959 #15791 as witnessed part of the time. The four figures on top of the craft were su 6/26/1959 #15791 Guinea, only a little further off. Four men were again seen occupied with s 6/27/1959 #15799 n all the observers waved, and all four UFO occupants appeared to wave back 6/27/1959 #15799 ark band encircling the object and four illuminated domed portholes under t 7/6/1959 #15819 , suddenly disconnect power to all four trunk lines. A technician at a subs 8/17/1959 #15923 l range in Barstow, California saw four huge brilliant disc-shaped objects 8/31/1959 #15945 and heading northwest. A total of four radar stations track the object. 9/13/1959 #15971 At four p.m. at least two control tower ope 9/13/1959 #15974 :15 in the evening when they saw a four foot wide black disc with a silver 10/19/1959 #16044 -Canada Highway west of this town, four hunters (Douglas Robinson, Ray Disg 10/25/1959 #16059 ghway west of Fort William, Canada four hunters (Douglas Robinson, Ray Disg 10/25/1959 #16061 ay at eight o’clock in the morning four children on a school bus in Haverhi 12/17/1959 #16122 on course, they see the object has four bright blue- white lights on it and Early 1960 #16146 the object. Earlier that evening, four different pilots in two commercial 1/3/1960 #16149 ive o'clock in the morning. It had four windows on the underside. It shot u 1/31/1960 #16161 rved flight trajectory. There were four or more witnesses. 2/14/1960 #16175 ol tower officer Capt. J. Huey and four other tower operators. One light t 2/27/1960 #16185 ol tower officer Capt. J. Huey and four other tower operators witnessed the 2/27/1960 #16187 s. They moved slowly in a three to four minute descent. 2/27/1960 #16187 issing sound, then exploded, while four dwarfish figures ran away into the 4/5/1960 #16215 issing sound, then exploded, while four dwarfish figures ran off into the b 4/5/1960 #16216 rnold. One fiery-red disc exploded four or five times. Analysis of paint sa 4/12/1960 #16224 made a rumbling sound and exploded four or five times while flying through 4/12/1960 #16225 umn. It also made a humming sound. Four three-foot tall entities in luminou 4/27/1960 #16244 Sarasota, FL Cigar-shaped UFO with four window-like markings sighted by arc 5/4/1960 #16251 a A yellow, elliptical object with four evenly spaced windowlike openings w 5/4/1960 #16252 r-shaped or elliptical object with four evenly spaced windows was observed 5/4/1960 #16253 0 cities and towns in Céara state, four in Rio Grande do Norte, three in Pe 5/13/1960 #16266 At around four a.m. Raimondo dos Santos saw two cr 5/14/1960 #16277 Lincoln County, Wyoming 10:30 a.m. Four witnesses at the Leefe Mine in Linc 7/1/1960 #16324 p.m. The sighting lasted more than four minutes. 7/24/1960 #16347 to be a domed disc-shaped object, four meters wide, with a red luminous bo 8/2/1960 #16364 the right time for Echo 1, he sees four objects traveling in a perfectly sp 9/14/1960 #16446 Warminster, Great Britain Four witnesses, among them three militar 11/11/1960 #16498 On this night four witnesses in Warminster, England, i 11/11/1960 #16499 ek, Kentucky. The burned bodies of four men and a youth were found in a car 11/20/1960 #16509 oval-shaped, self-luminous craft, four meters in diameter. Inside the glow 12/9/1960 #16531 e weapons are to be “laid down” on four targets in Leningrad [now St. Peter 12/14/1960 #16533 en they saw a disc-shaped UFO with four windows on the ground not far away. 3/3/1961 #16620 indows on the ground not far away. Four humanoid figures could be seen betw 3/3/1961 #16620 erved an object on the ground with four windows in it. There was a fire nea 3/10/1961 #16625 n it. There was a fire nearby, and four figures could be seen between it an 3/10/1961 #16625 erved an object on the ground with four windows in it. There was a fire nea 3/10/1961 #16626 n it. There was a fire nearby, and four figures could be seen between it an 3/10/1961 #16626 appears to be a huge trailer with four windows and a red light at the end 3/16/1961 #16632 ht of the object, and they can see four figures moving quickly between the 3/16/1961 #16632 Marianas Islands, Asia Four Small Objects Tracked 10-15 Minutes 4/14/1961 #16648 hears a whining sound on his farm four miles from Eagle River, Wisconsin, 4/18/1961 #16653 s for some food. Simonton receives four ordinary pancakes or cookies, 3 inc 4/18/1961 #16653 change for the water they gave him four of the pancakes from griddle. The m 4/18/1961 #16654 ort County, Rhode Island at around four o'clock in the afternoon when he no 4/29/1961 #16668 to it. Its estimated diameter was four meters, height 2.5 meters, and it b 5/3/1961 #16675 ennedy results in the dispersal of four machine guns to insurgents in the D 5/15/1961 #16684 arge object hover in the sky while four delta-shaped objects exited and man 5/31/1961 #16705 Savona, Italy Off this town, four people in a boat were suddenly shak 6/3/1961 #16714 sea off the town of Savona, Italy four people who were taking a ride in a 6/3/1961 #16717 e large ball flew slow, split into four after 45 minutes. Four flew close 7/7/1961 #16751 split into four after 45 minutes. Four flew close formation, descended and 7/7/1961 #16751 of light slow down and split into four parts after 45 minutes. The four li 7/7/1961 #16752 o four parts after 45 minutes. The four lights flew in close formation, des 7/7/1961 #16752 at each end of her bed. They were four feet tall and dressed in green tuni 8/8/1961 #16786 In Admiralty Bay, Antarctica four members of the crew of an icebreake 8/16/1961 #16796 t spots five targets on his scope. Four of the objects are on a heading of 9/27/1961 #16876 and the size of the head of a pin. Four smaller objects, traveling very fas 9/30/1961 #16881 the road while riding his bicycle four miles south of La Porte, Indiana. I 9/30/1961 #16882 Datil (near), NM Four lights paced car, maneuvered, shot 10/21/1961 #16921 g in front of them. It breaks into four lights that move along with the car 10/21/1961 #16922 Ligonier, PA Engineer observed four luminous blue discs with bands of l 10/30/1961 #16936 t as big around as a tractor tire, four feet in diameter or so and it came 11/18/1961 #16964 , North Dakota Evening. A group of four friends are hunting on a Sunday in Late 11/1961 #16978 on the object, whereupon they see four human-looking individuals standing Late 11/1961 #16978 olice officer drives away, and the four men resume driving home. Two miles Late 11/1961 #16978 s of some 7,000 key words in under four hours. The computer is also used fo 1/1962 #17015 is procedure was repeated three or four times, the object arched over and b 4/18/1962 #17120 t rotates. They follow the car for four minutes then turn away. Late 4/1962 #17130 osite material.) Technicians spend four days finding and reattaching the pi 4/26/1962 #17131 NICAP by Argentine Embassy include four sightings by Argentine Navy pilots, 5/1962 #17144 Jujuy, Argentina Approximate date. Four people whose car had run out of gas 5/1962 #17145 esses. From one side of the object four small red orbs flew out, lined up b 5/13/1962 #17173 Several luminous discs were seen four times in 35 minutes during an Argen 5/22/1962 #17193 Prince of Wales Island, Australia Four persons from Thursday Island, among 6/16/1962 #17230 tnesses: C.T. Loftus, H. Wilbert. Four or five lights darted about the sky 7/19/1962 #17288 . T. Loftus and H. Wilbert watched four or five lights dart about in the sk 7/19/1962 #17289 bout 1 m above the runway for some four min. It was spherical, spinning, an 8/2/1962 #17316 ne meter above the runway for some four minutes. It was spherical, spinning 8/2/1962 #17318 NJ At 3:40 a.m., William Stock and four invited policemen spent a half hour 9/21/1962 #17425 . Inside the craft he met the same four entities as he had encountered thre 9/23/1962 #17436 n, and was making a clicking noise four times a minute. 11/1/1962 #17531 t above the ground. The object was four or five meters wide and had a windo 12/17/1962 #17589 e aircraft, and one of the plane's four engines quit working. 1/3/1963 #17626 aw an object on the ground. It had four windows, emitted a yellow-orange li 1/28/1963 #17644 cellophane-like material. He took four photos before the man climbed aboar 2/6/1963 #17657 Laboratories conducts the first of four top-secret, dry-surface plutonium-d 5/15/1963 #17742 New Jersey Witness: Myra Jackson. Four pink wheels spun or rolled very fas 5/22/1963 #17759 Four pink wheels spun in the sky while f 5/22/1963 #17761 Pine Crest, CA Four glowing greenish objects with halos 6/26/1963 #17808 Pinecrest, California Four glowing greenish objects with halos 6/26/1963 #17810 round it was burned and there were four holes in the ground around the crat 7/15/1963 #17830 ing only bare earth, and there are four slots in the ground around it, each 7/16/1963 #17833 At two o'clock in the afternoon, four boys in Fern Creek, Kentucky saw a 7/18/1963 #17839 f sight. An air traffic controller four miles away also observed the UFO. [ 8/1/1963 #17859 ncluding an air traffic controller four miles away and future UFO researche 8/1/1963 #17860 caves in a mountain over the next four hours. The glowing balls of light t 8/11/1963 #17886 ireball become a dark object after four minutes of flight, and then a bigge 8/13/1963 #17899 s completely transparent. It holds four human-like passengers sitting insid 8/28/1963 #17922 te, Brazil at 7:15 p.m. There were four seated figures inside, who wore div 8/28/1963 #17924 Saskatoon, Canada Four children saw a bright oval object h 9/19/1963 #17944 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan 8:00 p.m. Four children in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan 9/19/1963 #17947 Four children in Saskatoon, Saskachewan, 9/19/1963 #17948 Picking up his revolver, he fired four shots at the beings, who fled to th 10/12/1963 #17988 ntil 1982. Yeh is incarcerated for four years and undergoes numerous interr 11/1/1963 #18023 Saltwood, Great Britain Four teenagers, among them painter John 11/16/1963 #18044 r Saltwood, Kent, England Evening. Four teenagers—John Flaxton, Mervyn Hutc 11/16/1963 #18045 this evening in Saltwood, England four teenagers, among them painter John 11/16/1963 #18046 lattened over a circular area, and four traces were found. 12/27/1963 #18097 Bank's Stables, Epping, England at four o'clock in the afternoon. It was ab 12/27/1963 #18099 lattened over a circular area, and four ground marks were found suggesting 12/27/1963 #18099 saw a man approximately five feet four inches tall with a red face and a b 2/3/1964 #18126 Monticello, Wisconsin Four people in a car observed a rigid co 4/3/1964 #18156 graduate student in anthropology). Four huge red lights in a rectangular fo 4/3/1964 #18157 n anthropology, and two others see four huge red lights in a rectangular fo 4/3/1964 #18158 e, and two others in their car saw four huge red lights in a rectangular fo 4/3/1964 #18159 s an intense white light above the four red lights, apparently attached to 4/3/1964 #18159 The sighting lasted from three to four minutes. 4/3/1964 #18159 ound, and a black figure, three to four feet tall, with painted ears and a 4/23/1964 #18186 nding of a white craft, resting on four legs, in a depression 4 km outside 4/24/1964 #18194 d, 20 feet long, 16 feet wide, and four feet high. It is hovering two feet 4/24/1964 #18199 where the UFO has been, as well as four asymmetrically placed, trapezoidal 4/24/1964 #18200 rise and saw an ovoid object with four legs resting in a gully. Two four-f 4/24/1964 #18202 was scorched black, and there were four holes in the ground surrounding the 4/24/1964 #18202 Phillip Klass who visited Socorro four years later, regards the testimony 4/24/1964 #18202 of a Phone pole. Scorch marks and four imprints were found, according to P 4/26/1964 #18208 still smoldering and scorched with four depressions, one of them 8 by 12 in 4/26/1964 #18209 a telephone pole. Scorch marks and four imprints were found, according to P 4/26/1964 #18211 a lighted craft land and take off. Four rectangular indentations were found 4/29/1964 #18222 d craft land and take off, leaving four rectangular indentations. 4/30/1964 #18229 the Harold Rust family. It leaves four 8 x 10 inch rectangular indentation 4/30/1964 #18232 lighted craft land, then take off. Four rectangular indentations were found 4/30/1964 #18235 hape, and it left a depression and four rectangular imprints in the ground. 5/5/1964 #18245 cone-shaped front part, resting on four legs, was seen in a wheat field by 5/18/1964 #18283 object 1.2 meters high resting on four shiny legs in a wheat field. With a 5/18/1964 #18285 nervous. The object is resting on four legs in an adjacent wheat field. It 5/19/1964 #18288 in the morning. The object emitted four beams of light. The grass had been 5/22/1964 #18291 ad the engine of their car fail at four o'clock in the morning. They then f 6/5/1964 #18332 rn Air Service pilot K. Jannereth. Four white lights in a stepped-up echelo 7/16/1964 #18417 ke, MI Pilot observed formation of four white lights joined by two others, 7/16/1964 #18419 At 11:15 p.m. four white lights in an echelon formatio 7/16/1964 #18423 ere with luminous ring hovered for four to five minutes. Air Force unidenti 7/27/1964 #18449 at Littleton, about 50 km west, by four boys. It was described as silvery g 8/25/1964 #18509 rim was sighted at close range by four boys in Littleton, Massachusetts at 8/25/1964 #18510 its vertical axis before emitting four beams of light onto the warhead. Th 9/1964 #18525 sey Witness: chemist P.H. DePaolo. Four white lights, 3-4 apart, were seen 9/10/1964 #18546 in Cedar Grove, New Jersey sighted four white lights at 7:09 p.m. They were 9/10/1964 #18547 At 10:00 p.m. four lens-shaped objects were observed f 9/20/1964 #18561 ters in Brockton, Massachusetts at four o'clock in the afternoon. The UFO s 10/11/1964 #18581 to a cabin to get their wives. The four watch for a while longer, then flas 11/3/1964 #18605 d in apparent repair operation for four hours 11/25/1964 #18636 und object with landing struts for four hours. Some of them are holding box 11/25/1964 #18637 k watched the entire operation for four hours, beginning shortly after midn 11/25/1964 #18638 ey left. The sighting duration was four minutes. 12/28/1964 #18678 ide in the opposite direction. The four lights merge into one intense white 1/12/1965 #18720 hovering over a nearby field about four feet off the ground, 500 feet away. 1/23/1965 #18760 on the North Devon, England coast. Four witnesses saw it from two different 2/12/1965 #18813 ws on top, landed on the ground on four 4-foot legs about 2,000 feet away. 3/2/1965 #18832 r and 6-7 feet thick, and stood on four legs, with a clear dome on top and 3/2/1965 #18833 ny dumbbell-shaped footprints, and four roughly equidistant 6 inch holes, l 3/2/1965 #18833 over one square m each. It showed four rows of square windows, 70 cm wide. 3/15/1965 #18857 st of Immokalee, Florida, with his four hunting dogs. He sees a hovering ob 3/15/1965 #18859 watched a cigar-shaped object with four slanted windows at 8:50 p.m. It hea 4/1/1965 #18887 . One 40' black, oval object with four lights along the bottom, flew in an 4/4/1965 #18894 long back, oval-shaped object with four lights along the bottom (see sketch 4/4/1965 #18896 cloud bank for 15 seconds. It had four protruding lights evenly spaced on 4/4/1965 #18896 had a radar-visual encounter with four UFOs at 9:10 a.m. There were 12 mil 5/5/1965 #18926 he SPS-6C air search radar detects four targets at ranges up to 22 miles fo 5/6/1965 #18929 °. At 9:14 a.m. the radar detected four targets at ranges up to 22 miles fo 5/6/1965 #18930 m seemed to be rather short--under four feet tall--with large, baldheads, s 5/30/1965 #18977 There was a time lapse of at least four hours in her memory. Under self hyp 5/30/1965 #18977 man Mr. Les Hendy, reported seeing four or five “mysterious objects” floati 6/6/1965 #18995 olor, was sighted by Bob Young and four others in Dry Fork, Utah. It flew o 6/14/1965 #19005 es an elliptical object resting on four legs some 200 feet away from him in 7/1/1965 #19047 la Plata River by two workers and four young men. White smoke emerged from 7/17/1965 #19116 la Plata River by two workers and four young men. White smoke emerged from 7/17/1965 #19118 g over Watertown, Massachusetts at four o'clock in the morning. She was on 7/19/1965 #19136 ed a luminous circular object with four arm-like appendages hovering over H 7/19/1965 #19136 appeared at fantastic speed. After four or five minutes it took off with a 7/20/1965 #19152 ized events subsequently occurred. Four of the crew he met with were little 7/21/1965 #19156 Tinker AFB, OK Four Lights Observed, Radar Contact On O 8/1/1965 #19241 Chugwater has nine UFOs in sight: four to the NW, three to the NE, and two 8/1/1965 #19242 through dawn and vary from one to four objects that start and stop, often 8/1/1965 #19243 , Oklahoma Oklahoma City 9:08 p.m. Four objects, bluish-white with a red ha 8/1/1965 #19244 oma, counters that Jupiter and the four stars are “on the opposite side of 8/2/1965 #19264 screen, moving at 45 mph. At least four citizens see colored glows in the s 8/2/1965 #19265 bossments on the surface. He takes four camera exposures, two minutes each 8/2/1965 #19266 Cocoa, FL Police Observe Four Objects In Diamond Formation (NICAP 8/3/1965 #19284 dent Investigator Rex Heflin takes four clear Polaroid photos of a hat-shap 8/3/1965 #19290 California. At 12:38 p.m. he took four photographs of a metallic hat-shape 8/3/1965 #19293 m. Next to the craft stood a small four and a half foot tall figure with ye 8/3/1965 #19294 into them. Capt. James Dorsey and four technicians from Niagara Falls AFB 8/5/1965 #19328 At four o'clock in the afternoon a medical 8/7/1965 #19339 ster were sitting in their yard at four o'clock in the afternoon in Waverly 8/13/1965 #19384 ar. The close encounter lasted for four minutes. 8/18/1965 #19419 Cherry Creek, New York Four students working on a farm noted ra 8/20/1965 #19439 morning a circle of crushed grass, four meters in diameter, was found in he 8/20/1965 #19441 as to whether there were three or four legs. Crespo’s son became so fright 8/26/1965 #19466 gone "drawn by a strange feeling." Four other persons also saw the object, 9/1/1965 #19491 terrorized by a large object with four or five bright red lights that appr 9/3/1965 #19511 oked Italian, and was younger. The four tall occupants each appeared to be 9/3/1965 #19518 ch appeared to be in charge of the four abductees and were identical in app 9/3/1965 #19518 Jalapa, Mexico Four persons saw a creature with glowing 9/10/1965 #19547 om slits around its circumference. Four people--a local reporter, a bullfig 9/10/1965 #19552 There are 300 witnesses, including four officers on the Junon, three office Late 9/1965 #19604 At 7:15 p.m. a couple saw four disc-shaped objects flying in a hal 10/17/1965 #19662 19, is driving on State Highway 27 four miles east of Long Prairie, Minneso 10/23/1965 #19678 at about 7:15 p.m. on a road about four miles east of Long Prairie, Minneso 10/23/1965 #19679 zontal trajectory. It was seen for four minutes. 12/24/1965 #19788 perimental aircraft and were shown four decommissioned “X-planes,” all disc 1966 #19799 de of the road. It was square with four vertical lights resembling lamps. T 1/16/1966 #19840 At four o’clock in the morning, Mr. Coquil, 1/16/1966 #19841 ng 3 of its 7 crew members. Of the four Mk28-type hydrogen bombs the B-52G 1/17/1966 #19844 aused a temporary paralysis of the four witnesses inside the vehicle. 1/20/1966 #19862 ield. It maneuvered in the sky for four minutes, and was seen by police as 2/11/1966 #19898 saw an inverted silvery disc with four projections on top, surrounded by b 3/8/1966 #19948 officers, Bushroe and Foster, saw four highly maneuverable disc-shaped UFO 3/14/1966 #19967 r Force has wreckage from at least four of these small vehicles and has bee 3/21/1966 #20013 s watched a large oval object with four blinking body lights fly overhead, 3/22/1966 #20027 his .22 magnum pistol and fires it four times at the UFO, which glows brigh 3/23/1966 #20052 ess than 100 feet away. King fired four shots at the 60-foot long ellipsoid 3/23/1966 #20057 h a dark underside. He fired at it four times, hearing the bullets hit a me 3/25/1966 #20079 h a dark underside. He fired at it four times with his pistol, hearing the 3/25/1966 #20084 was seen sitting on the ground on four legs in Henniker, New Hampshire. It 3/29/1966 #20143 , Indiana A civilian woman and her four children observed an oval object cr 3/30/1966 #20160 Indiana 8:35 p.m. A woman and her four children watch an oval object cross 3/30/1966 #20163 Mrs. Gillem and her four children were driving through farm 3/30/1966 #20168 nd another witness reported seeing four pairs of flashing red lights in cha 4/3/1966 #20212 hout the observation, which lasted four min. 4/4/1966 #20223 was observed through binoculars by four persons. It took off, hovered for a 4/5/1966 #20242 tinued to hear the sound, and saw "four things like footballs with domes on 4/7/1966 #20271 a landed light in a nearby field. Four domed football shaped objects maneu 4/8/1966 #20277 . in nearby Peabody, Massachusetts four witnesses reported seeing a bright 4/17/1966 #20320 On this evening there were four good UFO reports made in the northe 4/18/1966 #20333 w altitude and apparently landing. Four small occupants (described as "dwar 4/22/1966 #20368 altitude and land outside Bagley. Four dwarfs seemed to make repairs, then 4/22/1966 #20370 sc was a long window through which four human-looking occupants could clear 4/22/1966 #20377 d landed on the outskirts of town. Four beings of small stature got out of 4/22/1966 #20379 elt heat, motorists saw a UFO with four portholes hovering about 350 feet a 4/25/1966 #20412 l when they encountered a UFO with four portholes hovering about 350 feet a 4/25/1966 #20417 Watertown, MA 10:00 p.m. EDT. Four witnesses saw an oval object with b 5/1/1966 #20439 One year later, at 5:45 p.m. four UFOs were sighted at 20 degrees ele 5/5/1966 #20451 ith a 20-foot cylindrical UFO just four feet over the ground. It was hoveri 5/16/1966 #20492 Mount Mitchell, North Carolina Four campers saw an object with three fl 6/18/1966 #20580 Just before midnight four campers at Mount Mitchell, North Ca 6/18/1966 #20583 ith ablunt end. lt had a series of four body lights varying from brilliant 6/23/1966 #20595 th a blunt end. It has a series of four body lights varying from brilliant 6/23/1966 #20597 Four adults in Menindee, New South Wales 6/23/1966 #20598 t long tetrahedron shaped UFO with four blue-green tail lights maneuvering 6/23/1966 #20600 departure of the object. There are four other witnesses. 7/13/1966 #20643 re the object took off. There were four other witnesses to the sighting in 7/13/1966 #20645 At 2:30 a.m. four UFOs where seen near the Shilo Roya 7/23/1966 #20672 t six feet long, ovoid shaped, and four feet wide by four feet high, and it 8/1/1966 #20720 void shaped, and four feet wide by four feet high, and it made a "rattling" 8/1/1966 #20720 rie, PA 9:30 p.m. EDT. A woman and four children saw an aluminum-colored ob 8/5/1966 #20724 th small wheels on the bottoms and four "arms" on the sides came down the r 8/20/1966 #20781 ed. The observations lasted nearly four hours and were confirmed by three d 8/24/1966 #20803 heir three children. A cluster of four small, glowing, orange-yellow light 8/26/1966 #20810 ee children witnessed a cluster of four small, glowing, orange-yellow light 8/26/1966 #20811 ce Base, Mr. Morrison, a father of four, was propped up in bed when he saw 9/5/1966 #20852 when he saw a small person, 3.5 to four feet tall, dressed in white tight-f 9/5/1966 #20852 South Australia at 8:25 p.m. After four minutes of flight it slowed down an 10/23/1966 #21032 es a huge object with two tiers of four windows from which a strange, yello 11/1/1966 #21061 circular object with two tiers of four windows that were emitting a bright 11/1/1966 #21064 nd bottom. From the object emerged four men or pilots (not described) who w 11/10/1966 #21088 nd in front of their patrol car at four o'clock in the morning. They estima 11/17/1966 #21119 ze of a twelve-year-old boy, maybe four feet tall. He wore no helmet or hea 11/17/1966 #21119 k and three others reported seeing four "giant birds" that stood 4-5 feet t 11/26/1966 #21151 On this night four women driving on Route 33 near Gall 12/7/1966 #21191 wn, New Jersey Woodstown 5:30 p.m. Four witnesses driving northwest toward 12/15/1966 #21203 and examination of UAP literature. Four full-time and three part-time emplo 1967 #21240 At 5:40 p.m. four observers in Philadelphia, Pennsylv 1/5/1967 #21262 n Jaroslaw, Mt. Clemens, Michigan, four Polaroids depicting a flying saucer 1/9/1967 #21275 k position. The object splits into four smaller red objects vertically seve 1/13/1967 #21299 ck position. The object split into four similar red oval objects vertically 1/13/1967 #21301 , and had some kind of helmet with four antennas. It also wore some kind of 1/15/1967 #21312 Williamstown, MA 12:15 a.m.EST. Four witnesses saw a flash in the sky ju 1/18/1967 #21339 osite bank of the Green River from four witnesses. When they drove in get h 1/18/1967 #21344 ere, about 6 m in diameter, having four legs equipped with wheels and a ver 1/19/1967 #21352 15-year old boy was in his room at four o'clock in the afternoon, in an und 1/19/1967 #21355 he radio and lights go off. It has four glowing lights in the shape of a tr 1/20/1967 #21360 s occurred to Betty Andreassen and four other members of her family in Sout 1/23/1967 #21368 object shaped like a top hat with four legs projecting from the bottom. (H 1/24/1967 #21374 ylindrical, dull metallic, and has four legs. He grabs a camera and snaps a 1/24/1967 #21375 re of all the lights in the house. Four entities appeared before Betty in t 1/25/1967 #21389 e, and disappeared and re-appeared four times, leaving behind a cloud of sm 1/28/1967 #21410 Hazard, KY 11:30 p.m. EST. Four policemen and a rescue worker saw a 2/6/1967 #21467 5 p.m. EST. Two separate groups of four and three people, respectively, rep 2/10/1967 #21499 t 5:30 p.m. Two separate groups of four and three people in Woodstock, Conn 2/10/1967 #21505 chigan Witness: Mr. Lou Atkinson. Four fluorescent, football-shaped object 2/12/1967 #21522 t between 3:30-3:40 a.m., then saw four glowing oval-shaped objects in the 2/12/1967 #21524 zona, when they see a formation of four lights, three red and one green, ap 2/16/1967 #21572 eem to show low-contrast images of four human-like beings apparently conver 2/17/1967 #21586 in southeastern Ontario, including four provincial policemen, saw a bright 2/26/1967 #21658 7:30 p.m. nine witnesses including four policemen in Wiarton, southeastern 2/26/1967 #21665 .Columbia, CAN 7:30-8:30 p.m. PST. Four people saw a large bright oval with 2/27/1967 #21673 British Columbia at 7:30 p.m. PST four witnesses named Flick, Harrison, an 2/27/1967 #21678 has examined. Low says, “Probably four or five.” Low says he ultimately ho 3/1967 #21696 out 20 miles northwest of Gosport, four people in a car saw a luminous red 3/1/1967 #21711 idents of Valparaiso, Chile, watch four bright domed objects, flashing blue 3/1/1967 #21714 Four bright domed discs flew from north 3/1/1967 #21716 In Poland, Indiana at 10:10 p.m. four people in a car were chased to thei 3/1/1967 #21718 hool science teacher and coach saw four lights that hovered at treetop leve 3/2/1967 #21725 Radar-visual sightings of three to four silvery discs traveling about 2,000 3/2/1967 #21728 Two to four silver lights or disc-shaped object 3/2/1967 #21732 two high school teachers witnessed four lights in the sky. The first hovere 3/2/1967 #21733 d light, followed by two more. The four objects maneuvered about in differe 3/2/1967 #21733 Four members of the Carter family were d 3/5/1967 #21768 . CST (9:35 p.m. EST). A woman and four children saw an object described as 3/8/1967 #21808 ported. An electrical engineer and four other witnesses saw three glowing, 3/11/1967 #21856 March 13, the objects are seen for four hours and 35 minutes. The radar ret 3/11/1967 #21859 Paragould, AR Early morning CST. Four witnesses saw a disc with bright wh 3/12/1967 #21866 a, about 250 miles from Rochester, four bovs 9-12 vears old reportedly enco 3/12/1967 #21867 oad one mile west of town they see four blinding, fluorescent-green lights 3/12/1967 #21872 Four boys, Bob & John Kangas, Mike Kaupp 3/12/1967 #21874 ing black "objects" about three to four feet high, arranged in a diamond fo 3/12/1967 #21874 s. After he reported the incident, four young men went to the area to inves 3/12/1967 #21875 the area to investigate. They saw four green lights hovering low over the 3/12/1967 #21875 ct had two blinking red lights and four steady white body lights. It hovere 3/15/1967 #21889 t approached, stopped and hovered, four times emitting light or lighted obj 3/21/1967 #21934 ing at the road ahead, Morris sees four or five large-headed humanoids movi 3/28/1967 #22004 tween Kent and Munroe Falls, Ohio. Four or five beings, each under four-fee 3/28/1967 #22007 Banner Elk, North Carolina Four college students on a double date i 4/8/1967 #22095 Four college students saw a greenish flu 4/8/1967 #22096 as he was driving in Loco, Texas. Four beings, under five feet tall and wi 4/11/1967 #22110 t leader and :! 18 Girl Guides saw four lens-shaped discs with flashing lig 4/12/1967 #22116 onto, Ontario, Canada at 8:15 p.m. four lens-shaped discs with flashing lig 4/12/1967 #22122 , who is also a private pilot, and four others saw an unidentified light so 4/18/1967 #22159 hens, Ohio a college professor and four others watched an unidentified ligh 4/18/1967 #22160 Tully, MA 7:30 p.m. EST. Four witnesses saw a cream-colored domed 4/19/1967 #22162 Orange, MA 7:15 p.m. EST. Four witnesses saw an object with eight 4/20/1967 #22167 n the road 70 m away. Supported by four legs, it was a vertical cylinder, 5 4/21/1967 #22188 eter, and about one inch deep. The four feet are about 11.5–12 feet apart a 4/21/1967 #22194 gh binoculars and appeared to have four rectangular windows. A white light 4/21/1967 #22198 h shot up into the sky. There were four imprints on the asphalt road formin 4/21/1967 #22199 ploying six legs when it was about four feet from the ground. A whirring so 4/26/1967 #22224 Green Lake, Wisconsin Four boys with binoculars observed an ob 4/27/1967 #22232 At 10:00 p.m. CDT four boys with binoculars in Green Lake, 4/27/1967 #22237 A misty gray oval with four blinking red lights and a steady wh 5/2/1967 #22267 00 a.m. MST. A 14-year-old boy and four others saw a spherical object with 5/7/1967 #22292 y 2:00 a.m. Ricky Banyard, 17, and four others watch and follow a spherical 5/7/1967 #22294 entina a close encounter involving four UFOs happened that lasted three hou 5/7/1967 #22296 T. A woman saw a round object with four red lights (body lights) in a curvi 5/8/1967 #22299 nnsylvania saw a round object with four red lights in a curving row, and a 5/8/1967 #22300 Wareham, MA 2:05 a.m. EDT. Four witnesses saw two inverted- -I dish 5/11/1967 #22315 At 2:05 a.m. four police officers in Wareham, Massach 5/11/1967 #22318 ish"shoot around in sky" at around four o'clock in the afternoon. It came t 5/12/1967 #22326 Four members of the crew of the SS Point 5/16/1967 #22358 Grove City, OH 4:00-4:30 a.m. EDT. Four men saw a cigar-shaped object for 2 5/19/1967 #22374 hio between 4:00 and 4:30 a.m. EDT four men, including the main witness nam 5/19/1967 #22375 He vomited frequently for the next four days, and was hospitalized, losing 5/20/1967 #22384 d a 15 foot long ovoid object with four legs. It was light grey in color. A 5/24/1967 #22394 r the ground in Sermerieu, France. Four dead cows were found together with 5/27/1967 #22410 ned area 100 feet in diameter with four imprints in its center. Inside are 6/1967 #22439 Four Spanish Air Force pilots, in a T-33 6/9/1967 #22483 eport, TX 6:30 a.m. CDT. A man saw four light sources for about an hour tha 6/10/1967 #22486 shaped and about 36 feet long with four windows along the side; a boom-like 6/13/1967 #22503 g what look like miners’ hats with four amber lights are underneath the boo 6/13/1967 #22503 riphery. In the larger object were four square windows emitting a pulsating 6/13/1967 #22504 iforms, and wearing "helmets" with four lights, were observed scurrying aro 6/15/1967 #22509 Cordoba, Argentina - Four days prior of a massive wave of UFO 6/21/1967 #22530 a large bright object that emitted four smaller objects, each with an attac 7/3/1967 #22596 rays of light disappeared, and the four objects sped off in different direc 7/3/1967 #22596 Durban, S. Africa Evening. Four people, including a retired U.S. Ai 7/3/1967 #22599 2.5 m high, with a dome on top and four telescopic legs, which emitted a st 7/7/1967 #22628 eet high. It has a dome on top and four telescopic legs with spheres on the 7/7/1967 #22630 r and 2.5 meters high. The UFO had four telescopic legs, which emitted a st 7/7/1967 #22632 served a strange object along with four other people. The weather was clear 7/17/1967 #22679 France Children were terrified by four dwarfish creatures dressed in black 7/17/1967 #22680 us-Cicon, Doubs department, France four children saw three dark humanoids w 7/17/1967 #22684 egetation, a circle of burnt grass four meters in diameter, and three small 7/17/1967 #22684 At 11:30 p.m. in the Norweigan Sea four Russian crewman aboard the S. S. Iz 8/2/1967 #22778 UK 11:00 p.m. LT (7:00 p.m. EDT). Four witnesses saw a bright metallic-app 8/4/1967 #22797 Syracuse, NY 9:20 p.m. EDT. Four people saw a bell-shaped object wit 8/4/1967 #22798 In Duhamel, Alberta, Canada four rings created by pressure from a he 8/5/1967 #22817 s, had a most unusual visit from a four foot tall alien in his office at th 8/7/1967 #22841 At about four o'clock in the afternoon Inacio De 8/13/1967 #22874 Walnut Creek, CA 10:30 p.m. PDT. Four people saw a boomerang-shaped objec 8/14/1967 #22875 be a landed disc-shaped craft with four metallic legs, but instead of resti 8/15/1967 #22883 his home in Toronto to Montreal at four o'clock in the morning Stanley Moxo 8/23/1967 #22906 at bulky human-like entities about four feet tall, wearing white uniforms a 8/23/1967 #22906 aw a sphere, 2 m in diameter, and "four little devils." One of them was ben 8/29/1967 #22953 t Cussac, Cantal, France. They see four small black beings about 47 inches 8/29/1967 #22954 ng their family cows when they saw four dwarfish figures, 3.5 to four feet 8/29/1967 #22955 saw four dwarfish figures, 3.5 to four feet tall, on the other side of the 8/29/1967 #22955 Port Townsend, WA 2:00 a.m. PDT. Four witnesses saw a white, dome-shaped 9/5/1967 #23003 t. At 10:45 p.m. a taxi cab driver four kilometers outside of Arriondas, Sp 9/7/1967 #23016 Newton, NH 10:30 p.m. EDT. Four people saw a Saturn-shaped object w 9/8/1967 #23019 In Newton, New Hampshire four witnesses saw a disc-shaped object 9/8/1967 #23022 Four photographs were taken on this even 9/23/1967 #23122 rnersville, Pennsylvania 8:30 p.m. Four workers in a restaurant at Wernersv 9/29/1967 #23147 a square turret. Near the UFO were four people of normal stature wearing da 10/1/1967 #23160 Ipswich, MA 8:30 p.m. EDT. Four witnesses who were together plus tw 10/2/1967 #23165 ain and crew of a fishing boat saw four brilliant red lights in a box forma 10/4/1967 #23175 rewmembers of the MV Nickerson see four brilliant red lights in a rectangul 10/4/1967 #23176 f Shag Harbour, Laurie Wickens and four other teenagers driving in a car al 10/4/1967 #23176 see an object flying low, flashing four lights one after the other, in a st 10/4/1967 #23176 pparatus on the side of the table. Four men and a woman surrounded him; alt 10/6/1967 #23187 all, and was wearing a jacket with four gold bars on each shoulder. The man 10/10/1967 #23205 return." Then the man walked about four feet away from the roadside and van 10/10/1967 #23205 moved off and disappeared emitting four blue flames as it departed. 10/10/1967 #23206 d-up underside. It circles the car four or five times at a height of 1,000 10/11/1967 #23217 rt. One bright, fiery ball flashed four times while moving east, just above 10/18/1967 #23263 a bright, fiery ball that flashed four times while moving east, just above 10/18/1967 #23266 Duncan, Oklahoma Four boys were driving east on State Rou 10/21/1967 #23279 next day a small footprint showing four toes was found in the mud. 10/21/1967 #23279 uge disc-shaped object was seen by four teenagers southeast of Lumsden, Sas 10/24/1967 #23308 "blip-blip" sound like sonar. All four felt paralyzed at this point. Ritte 10/24/1967 #23310 Newton, NH 9:30 p.m. EDT. Four witnesses saw a dark object with tw 10/26/1967 #23332 eet in diameter and 12 feet thick. Four long slender fuselages (estimated 7 10/26/1967 #23334 Four witnesses in Newton, Massachusetts 10/26/1967 #23336 At four a.m. a crackling sound was heard ov 10/27/1967 #23355 id not appear on radar. There were four witnesses on board the aircraft. 10/27/1967 #23357 bject hovering 200 feet away, just four feet above the ground. It was plat 10/29/1967 #23364 0 a.m. CST. Multiple witnesses saw four bright lights that hovered, moved o 11/4/1967 #23401 see five dark greenish creatures, four feet tall, "milling about some type 11/9/1967 #23434 o clothes and have hands with only four fingers. They take Seewaldt’s cloth 11/17/1967 #23477 Kingston, Jamaica 8:00 p.m. LT. Four people saw two red lights (body lig 11/18/1967 #23478 00 p.m. The object was observed by four witnesses at a rural home. The obje 11/27/1967 #23514 nside of the craft clearly. He saw four humanoids, all dressed in tight-fit 11/28/1967 #23517 tnesses in several small towns saw four white or orange objects that appear 12/3/1967 #23542 ed being taken aboard the craft by four aliens about 4.5 to 5 feet tall wit 12/3/1967 #23547 Spain a “cactus-like” entity with four appendages—presumably two arms and 12/3/1967 #23548 Exact time not given. A woman and four others saw three silvery-white, obl 12/12/1967 #23571 rom nearby. The humanoid was about four foot six inches tall and had a lumi 12/16/1967 #23594 he third is still moving. Three or four more lights arrive, some hovering, 12/24/1967 #23607 ted an unknown light in the sky at four o'clock in the morning while drivin 12/26/1967 #23612 At four o'clock in the morning on the Andal 12/28/1967 #23617 in Breese, Illinois at 9:30 p.m., four teenagers watched a motionless brig 12/29/1967 #23619 tween the two pilots deteriorates. Four UFOs follow the two MiGs for anothe 1968 #23632 Lüda (now Dalian), Liaoning, China Four artillerymen stationed at the naval Early 1968 #23635 , British Columbia, Canada watched four saucers hover over a radio tower. T 1/5/1968 #23651 nge then back to white. It emitted four small red balls of light from a hat 1/13/1968 #23663 e Rev. R. Mossir reported sighting four pulsating objects leaving a white U 1/13/1968 #23663 dispersing its nuclear payload of four hydrogen bombs carried on an ongoin 1/21/1968 #23684 ntina and stayed on the ground for four hours. It was watched by several wi 1/23/1968 #23688 sky. The shaft of light was about four inches wide and lighter in color th 1/24/1968 #23696 slender man in black. Inside were four seats on pedestals, and the light i 1/24/1968 #23697 s supplied by Novosti. He mentions four UFO reports and concludes that they 2/1968 #23720 se to the ground that he could see four occupants. The metallic oval object 2/1/1968 #23724 se to the ground that he could see four of its occupants. The UFO was oval 2/2/1968 #23727 stigation is conducted for APRO by four University of Redlands faculty: Phi 2/4/1968 #23734 ar metal disc” recovered in Nepal. Four months later, a State Dept. cable s 3/1968 #23799 Royal Nepali Army showed photos of four space objects to U.S. officials, an 3/1968 #23799 ion is linked to rumors of housing four reverse engineered flying disc craf 3/1968 #23799 humming sound. It was visible for four minutes before it climbed into the 3/2/1968 #23807 low water. The being was just over four feet tall and had a tough leathery 4/3/1968 #23886 ning red in color as it did so. At four o'clock in the morning her mother c 5/3/1968 #23942 e air with a strange noise. Thirty four of the sheep had been killed. 5/14/1968 #23962 again, this time more slowly. The four men then noticed an intensely lumin 5/17/1968 #23970 the ocean. After the incident all four men suffered from nausea and vomiti 5/17/1968 #23970 ng gear, inscribing a circle about four meters in diameter. Tests revealed 6/14/1968 #24033 ccording to the witness there were four or five huge birds or flying humano 6/14/1968 #24034 is night near Catamarca, Argentina four people in a car saw a bright, stati 6/18/1968 #24045 ut 8 feet tall with three legs and four arms. A beam of light comes from th 7/1968 #24109 Returning home at four o'clock in the morning after a danc 7/1/1968 #24119 lasted ten minutes and there were four witnesses. 7/8/1968 #24160 fled inside their house. Marks of four fingers were found on the door to t 7/9/1968 #24163 in Brazil and taken into a UFO by four green entities wearing devices that 7/17/1968 #24185 , and from a door in a UFO emerged four short greenish entities not much ov 7/17/1968 #24186 area about 6 feet in diameter and four wedge-shaped prints in the soil. 7/20/1968 #24193 ock in the morning when he noticed four bizarre looking humanoids standing 7/20/1968 #24195 ns off. The two lights then become four and arrange themselves in an oblong 7/22/1968 #24203 d before them hovering in the air. Four of the girls just saw the figure, b 7/22/1968 #24206 ate they encountered a being about four feet tall, 50 feet away from them, 7/28/1968 #24245 Near midnight a family of four in Upton, Quebec, Canada was awaken 7/28/1968 #24246 cows in the field being chased by four or five, three-foot tall entities w 7/28/1968 #24246 Four people driving in La Atalaya, Argen 7/29/1968 #24255 At 9:30 p.m. four young men were outside near St. Ger 8/6/1968 #24301 y heard a creaking sound and saw a four foot tall luminous figure jump out 8/6/1968 #24301 3 feet tall, they are running on “four or five legs” toward the UFO, which 8/16/1968 #24342 minutes. Barnea succeeds in taking four photos of the object before it sudd 8/18/1968 #24352 miles off the coast of California. Four of the ship’s crew, including Maj. 8/21/1968 #24364 ay object on the ground resting on four legs. Next to the object stood two 8/25/1968 #24377 motion, stabilized, and displayed four large windows on top with four smal 8/28/1968 #24392 yed four large windows on top with four smaller ones underneath. As he watc 8/28/1968 #24392 underneath. As he watched, he saw four “small dark objects” ejected from i 8/28/1968 #24392 en in Coleraine, Quebec, Canada on four consecutive evenings saw a strange 8/29/1968 #24401 ovince, Spain at around eight p.m. four little girls, ages 4 to 8, saw a ro 8/31/1968 #24409 d five feet high that was hovering four feet above the ground and directing 9/1/1968 #24422 e ocean as it was being circled by four smaller balls of light near Gagra, 9/19/1968 #24487 shows a large object surrounded by four smaller luminous objects that have 9/29/1968 #24521 mercial pilot, Dogie Stockmar, and four passengers observed a light source 9/30/1968 #24525 ent dome is open. Inside there are four stools and an instrument panel. Per 10/2/1968 #24537 an instrument panel. Pereira sees four beings around it wearing blue tunic 10/2/1968 #24537 e light on the ground proved to be four lights, one of which took off into 10/15/1968 #24563 Four people driving in a car eight miles 10/28/1968 #24598 le a two-meter wide disc landed on four legs. Three dwarf humanoids emerged 11/25/1968 #24707 Lake Cyprus, FL Two pilots report four ovals in echelon (NICAP: 11 - Aviat 11/26/1968 #24715 Lake Cyprus, FL Four bright, oval objects paced aircraft 11/26/1968 #24717 er, about 10 feet high, and it had four sets of lights which bathed the sur 12/10/1968 #24757 At four o'clock in the morning a glowing ob 1/5/1969 #24818 al light on the top and bottom and four white lights around the edge moved 1/22/1969 #24867 ng in a curved hallway, and seeing four short, Grey aliens who had large ey 2/10/1969 #24909 see a gray, metallic cylinder with four fins at its end moving slowly west 2/19/1969 #24930 Uzein Airport, France at 8:00 p.m. four witnesses, including two in Alouett 2/25/1969 #24944 That same night four people in a car in Chabut, Argentin 2/25/1969 #24945 wspaper account, the UFO's crew of four men and one woman were also seen on 3/3/1969 #24962 rneath. It was 5-6 meters wide and four meters high, with a brilliantly lit 3/19/1969 #25031 ghly circular area is flattened in four distinct patches, the largest 60 by 4/17/1969 #25067 r. He remembers afterward that all four have mouths that look like fishes’ 5/4/1969 #25114 stone, da Silva sees the bodies of four human men lying stretched out side 5/4/1969 #25114 awn of what turns out to be May 9, four and a half days after his abduction 5/4/1969 #25114 200 miles from Bebedouro, and that four and a half days had passed since hi 5/4/1969 #25115 figures about three and a half to four feet tall. The creatures were weari 5/11/1969 #25128 prints were found that showed only four toes. On the following night a UFO 5/19/1969 #25148 ounds, "like pigs grunting." After four or five minutes one of the beings m 5/20/1969 #25151 oise, then a high-pitched beeping. Four legs protruded from the bottom of t 5/28/1969 #25167 Four observers driving in a truck in Vic 6/3/1969 #25194 St. Louis, MO Four Dart-Shaped Objects / Tracked On Gn 6/5/1969 #25202 At 2:30 a.m. in Tucson, Arizona four people saw a glowing red light in t 6/14/1969 #25215 d a truck and levitated a car with four occupants in Paulo Lopes, Santa Cat 7/23/1969 #25294 and swaying to the left and right four times. 10/11/1969 #25407 o by two Chilean Navy officers and four Americans who are allegedly naval a 10/24/1969 #25422 ship arrived in Valparaiso, Chile, four U.S. naval attaches spoke with the 10/24/1969 #25424 15 minutes beginning at 12:30 a.m. four witnesses watched and viewed throug 11/23/1969 #25469 A shiny ball about four feet in diameter, looking like the 2/15/1970 #25584 A boy saw a UFO that landed on four legs in Terrace, British Columbia a 2/27/1970 #25594 1970, six children reported seeing four three-and-a-half-foot tall humanoid 6/4/1970 #25690 black hats with a peak behind. All four, with the "dog", then began to run 6/4/1970 #25690 cended at a 45-degree angle toward four people in a car in Apopka, Florida. 6/29/1970 #25721 and disappears behind a mountain. Four imprints are found forming an irreg 7/25/1970 #25750 5:30 p.m. in 1970 a disc landed on four legs. It had two antennas, one 45 c 7/25/1970 #25751 two dogs. What appeared before the four witnesses was a two-dimensional ill 8/5/1970 #25770 t 12:30 a.m. the Hidalgo family of four, driving in a car between Aznalcaza 8/16/1970 #25790 sed in a yellow suit and the other four wore blue uniforms. They were seen 8/19/1970 #25796 protrusions on his head. The other four wore blue uniforms. The leader poin 8/20/1970 #25799 e parked outside of his house with four men in black suits and hats sitting 9/1970 #25822 ear Banff, Alberta, Canada. It had four windows through which two human loo 9/25/1970 #25851 across the street from his house. Four occupants were in the vehicle. Two 9/25/1970 #25852 tary School Evening. One adult and four teenagers are leaving a basketball 11/16/1970 #25906 Four men near a railway line saw a brigh 11/25/1970 #25920 ually a raised tombstone. He finds four circular patches of flattened grass 11/29/1970 #25922 y over Braintree, Massachusetts at four o'clock in the morning. They were s 12/25/1970 #25953 , and had some sort of helmet with four antennae. It also wore something li 1/15/1971 #25989 two saucers put together, and with four thin legs, descending in a clearing 2/5/1971 #26013 th of the snow (1.3 feet), leaving four round prints forming an even square 2/5/1971 #26014 -shaped object descend and land on four thin legs in a clearing 50 feet awa 2/5/1971 #26015 ll over and had difficulty moving. Four landing leg marks and small footpri 2/5/1971 #26015 lia 4:00 p.m. Five silver objects, four of them in a box formation with a f 3/14/1971 #26046 nelly saw a silvery ovoid UFO with four legs or landing gear fly overhead. 4/23/1971 #26079 Chesterton, IN 9:30 p.m. Four witnesses observed an object after 5/16/1971 #26114 At 9:30 p.m. four witnesses of the Whitlock family in 5/16/1971 #26115 At 4:00 a.m. four men out fishing on Buffumville Rese 5/29/1971 #26142 an airliner crew reported sighting four metallic cigar-shaped objects, each 6/5/1971 #26158 At 12:55 a.m. four witnesses in a rural area of Ben Lo 6/18/1971 #26179 amond area, near Las Vegas, Nevada Four residents of the "Blue Diamond" are 6/26/1971 #26195 the Channel Isles, England watched four spinning, silver daylight discs ove 6/26/1971 #26198 Md., had driven his wife and their four children to a location outside West 8/1/1971 #26260 v Republic of Macedonia a group of four had a close encounter with a silver 8/2/1971 #26264 holes of a light hue, and three or four shapes moving behind them. The larg 8/11/1971 #26280 s CE-3 encounter, three adults and four children were in an isolated area o 8/16/1971 #26290 -like nose. The creature was about four to five feet in length and looked t 8/16/1971 #26291 had red and white lights, and was four meters in diameter. His car's elect 8/23/1971 #26301 ent. His paralysis continued until four p.m. the next afternoon.For the nex 9/20/1971 #26354 Airport in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, four pilots on board a single-engine Ces 10/5/1971 #26410 Mattawan, MI A teenager, four friends, and at least one adult rep 10/12/1971 #26421 ack door of the van was opened and four humanoids stood there. They had lar 10/16/1971 #26427 y Van Riper was awakened at around four o'clock in the morning by her cats 11/3/1971 #26452 s awakened by her cats growling at four o'clock in the morning. Outside a p 11/4/1971 #26457 e sky with a central red light and four white corner lights, as their train 2/11/1972 #26572 rom the clouds, and then landed on four legs outside the town of LaGardelle 2/12/1972 #26576 a frog like face. It was three to four feet tall, like the creature seen b 3/17/1972 #26607 , Mario goes to the site and finds four deep tracks, about 8 inches deep, s 3/19/1972 #26617 p.m. in Acuescoma, Mexico at least four people saw a glowing blue sphere la 3/19/1972 #26618 king a humming sound. It also left four imprints in the ground forming a sq 3/19/1972 #26618 as between five foot and five foot four inches tall, and wore a tight fitti 3/25/1972 #26623 Real, Badajoz, Spain at 12:30 a.m. four people watched an orange ball of li 4/8/1972 #26641 ury, Connecticut Evening. At least four adults in various parts of Waterbur 4/14/1972 #26646 ped object descended and landed on four legs, then a one-meter tall dwarf e 4/21/1972 #26656 9:50 p.m. a six-sided object with four legs with landing pads, descended f 5/13/1972 #26682 ing lasted an hour, and there were four witnesses. 6/2/1972 #26698 e a white metallic domed disc shot four beams of red light, rose in three s 6/6/1972 #26704 in Faymonville, Belgium a group of four people sighted a red hat-shaped dis 7/19/1972 #26815 Belleville, IL 9:45 p.m. 3-4 Mins. Four people observed a yellow discoid ob 7/31/1972 #26849 In Beloeil, Quebec, Canada four witnesses watched a cigar-shaped ob 7/31/1972 #26851 an an hour later, at 9:40 p.m. CDT four people in Belleville, Illinois obse 7/31/1972 #26852 terns of display and movement. The four witnesses see a dark mass like a ha 8/12/1972 #26911 isible mouths or noses, hands with four digits, and large webbed feet like 8/18/1972 #26928 . The display is seen for the next four evenings in a row in the same part 9/1972 #26973 orm three meters in diameter, with four lime green, solid looking luminous 9/7/1972 #26979 nt paint along the top, and it had four feet coming out of the bottom." . ( 9/11/1972 #26987 delivery to the Ika Renault plant four and a half hours after another UFO 9/28/1972 #27038 dentical to the one seen by Moreno four hours earlier. He was over 2.5 mete 9/28/1972 #27038 (a high security violation alert). Four additional security officers arrive 10/14/1972 #27077 .m. Cpl. Juan Fuentes Figueroa and four other Uruguayan Navy seamen are sta 10/28/1972 #27095 rted in the fjord. The same night, four other witnesses observe a “bright o 11/13/1972 #27122 Four witnesses had a close encounter of 11/13/1972 #27123 Hermansverk Vestland Norway Night. Four witnesses see four rockets shooting 11/21/1972 #27132 d Norway Night. Four witnesses see four rockets shooting up from the water 11/21/1972 #27132 Hinojos, Huelva, Spain 11:30 p.m. Four witnesses in Hinojos, Huelva, Spain 12/2/1972 #27160 uaco, San Juan Province, Argentina four men watched three glowing red, oval 12/12/1972 #27175 s in two cars, carrying a total of four witnesses, died. The car with the g 12/31/1972 #27197 paced a car. There were a total of four witnesses. 2/11/1973 #27284 . She saw it was a being less than four feet tall, clad in a dark, close fi 2/26/1973 #27318 came down and landed in the woods four miles west of Ellsinore (NICAP: 02 4/6/1973 #27407 came down and landed in the woods four miles west of Ellsinore, Missouri. 4/6/1973 #27409 hem. The encounter lasted three to four minutes. 4/15/1973 #27431 Guadalcanal, Spain Four yellow lights as if on one object, 4/22/1973 #27439 en Kinchela and Gladstone, NSW, AU Four teenagers driving saw a bright yell 4/30/1973 #27456 Four teenagers driving between Kinchela 4/30/1973 #27457 of unidentified nature observed by four members of Project Identification t 5/24/1973 #27524 , Missouri, see a configuration of four lights (white, red, red, white) fly 5/24/1973 #27527 At four o'clock in the morning a 12-year-ol 6/6/1973 #27554 ribed as round or pear-shaped with four or five red lights on top and botto 6/20/1973 #27576 Littleyork, IN 9:30 p.m. Four people in a car were driving near W Summer 1973 #27577 out 6:00 a.m. He had lost track of four hours of time. 7/1/1973 #27610 Fairfield, IL Four boys (ages 14-18) saw an illuminate 7/6/1973 #27615 itude, and remained in the sky for four hours, during which it was seen by 7/9/1973 #27625 finds himself in a round room with four beings. Then a woman comes in and t 7/27/1973 #27656 ound himself in a round room where four beings stood. A woman entered the r 7/27/1973 #27657 satellite objects was sighted for four hours in Hogsby, Kalmar, Sweden sta 7/31/1973 #27664 starting at 10:30 p.m. There were four witnesses. 7/31/1973 #27664 Ibague, Columbia Four grade-school students and a policem 8/10/1973 #27691 chool students and a policeman saw four small humanoids beneath a bridge. ( 8/10/1973 #27691 On this afternoon four grade-school students and a police 8/10/1973 #27692 ce officer in Ibague, Colombia saw four small, human-like beings, dressed i 8/10/1973 #27692 At four a.m. young Cinzia Giomi and 10 othe 8/16/1973 #27706 people witnessed the landing of a four meter long vertical cylinder that c 9/3/1973 #27753 Texas during a rainstorm at around four p.m. It was the apparent size of th 9/5/1973 #27767 At four o'clock in the morning a 20 foot wi 9/8/1973 #27784 ill to Route 7, where they met the four younger people. All seven then drov 9/11/1973 #27803 ill to Route 7, where they met the four younger people. All seven then drov 9/12/1973 #27809 ood Township, Michigan. There were four witnesses, including Mr. Peacock. 9/16/1973 #27828 On this night a local DJ and four others saw a tall creature with poi 9/26/1973 #27873 Connersville, IN 7:50 p.m. Four witnesses reported two objects flew 10/11/1973 #27995 different from the others and only four feet tall, came out of the "space s 10/14/1973 #28031 Ohio. In Dayton, Ohio at 7:30 p.m. four "flattened footballs" were chased t 10/14/1973 #28032 humanoid with protruding eyes and four fingers on each hand. He wore a tig 10/15/1973 #28060 ject landed on top of his car, all four doors flew open, then closed and he 10/16/1973 #28077 t made a buzzing sound. As many as four occupants were mentioned. They invi 10/16/1973 #28090 und a 1000 feet away. It was about four feet tall and thin, "like a person 10/16/1973 #28091 es containing liquid. She observed four or five humanoids on the craft and 10/16/1973 #28093 rsed with seven human-like beings, four men and three women, who got out of 10/17/1973 #28141 this evening in Draguignan, France four youths in two cars drove up a small 10/19/1973 #28197 om it . He had hands with three or four fingers. It wore a belt that had se 10/20/1973 #28219 he side of the road. She turned up four days later at a police station, and 10/20/1973 #28220 30 feet ahead of them on the road. Four feet tall, they are dressed in tigh 10/22/1973 #28241 observations of two silver-suited, four foot tall humanoids occurred in Har 10/22/1973 #28244 ng. He watches it for an estimated four minutes, after which it takes off s 10/25/1973 #28284 Gordon shows up at 1:30 a.m. with four members of his Westmoreland County 10/25/1973 #28285 000 m altitude or less. There were four UFOs in total, and one approached t 10/27/1973 #28302 igation many triangular footprints four to five inches long, showing four c 10/29/1973 #28319 four to five inches long, showing four claw marks at the front of the tria 10/29/1973 #28319 ting place. The object itself left four triangular impressions 15 inches on 10/29/1973 #28319 her air policemen are alerted, and four F-101 Voodoo Air National Guard int 11/6/1973 #28376 a bright metallic object submerged four to six feet below the surface of th 11/6/1973 #28377 ned that the little humanoid spoke four languages and was interested in mee 11/15/1973 #28426 the entire area. It rises three or four more feet off the ground, and a row 11/16/1973 #28434 nce River Montreal About 6:00 p.m. Four women are driving south from Tracy, 11/18/1973 #28442 On this evening four girls between the ages of 14 and 24 11/18/1973 #28444 out intermittent flashes of light, four miles from me. I dare not approach. 11/30/1973 #28490 ographer and his wife saw UFO with four blinking white lights and a red lig 12/2/1973 #28507 strange, robot-like creature about four feet tall, with large round glowing 12/2/1973 #28508 At 5:30 p.m. a mother and her four teenage daughters first saw a flash 12/5/1973 #28524 range glow and chases them. Later, four imprints in a 51-inch square are fo 12/6/1973 #28533 wide disc-shaped object resting on four legs on the ground. It had a bright 12/6/1973 #28535 e, then flew off to the southwest. Four imprints were found in the ground a 12/6/1973 #28535 About four hours later (6:20 p.m. local time) 12/10/1973 #28553 portion looked like a yellow dome. Four rows of colored lights (red, green, 12/10/1973 #28553 later a huge cigar-shaped UFO with four or five along the side and an appen 12/20/1973 #28592 Scorpion and a 30 feet object with four blue-white lights at James Connally 12/28/1973 #28612 e of the Waldo Township Police saw four “unbelievably bright” lights, the c 1/4/1974 #28644 he two beings approached to within four meters of the car and the taller wa 1/7/1974 #28661 ced a failure on his "pager" radio four times between 7 and 10 p.m., althou 1/8/1974 #28665 loor. They appeared to be three to four feet tall, but the witness could no 1/8/1974 #28667 ced a failure of his "pager" radio four times between seven and eight o'clo 1/8/1974 #28667 n the morning in the Pyrenees. The four witnesses felt heat and electricity 1/31/1974 #28716 Along the way, he sees “shadows of four or five hairy people” who approach 2/6/1974 #28742 At around 9:00 p.m. four people riding in a car traveling on 2/9/1974 #28754 who somehow knew the names of the four of them. 2/9/1974 #28754 bombs." The UFOnauts were between four and five feet tall, wore white cove 2/9/1974 #28755 e, Aude department, France. It had four blazing lights on display as it mov 2/17/1974 #28778 ny oval or cigar-shaped object and four smaller, spherical, satellite objec 3/17/1974 #28897 saw a two meter diameter disc only four meters away from the house. Two hel 3/19/1974 #28911 two more experiences over the next four months. 3/20/1974 #28916 no openings in the UFO, but he saw four men approach him on the road. He go 3/21/1974 #28921 an irrigation ditch and hid as the four men searched the area, but they wer 3/21/1974 #28921 e cab and closed the door the same four figures re-appeared, gesturing to e 3/21/1974 #28921 a red object like a domed disc and four bright, beamlike extensions. UFO in 3/23/1974 #28937 Under hypnosis he recalled seeing four "transparent" beings who had grabbe 3/23/1974 #28938 cia, Spain A photojournalist takes four photos of a round object over A Cor 4/15/1974 #29030 0 p.m. It revolved slowly, and had four lights on its dome. 4/16/1974 #29041 two witnesses named Vanderclausen. Four minutes later a loud wailing sound 4/21/1974 #29055 s as it had a close encounter with four witnesses; it flew off to the east. 4/21/1974 #29055 uilding no. 1 about 150 feet away. Four silver-colored legs emerge from the 5/5/1974 #29085 .m. Disc with lighted dome on top. Four silvery legs. Three gray humanoids. 5/7/1974 #29090 d land on the roof of Building #1. Four silver-colored legs emerged from th 5/7/1974 #29093 no noise, and the sighting lasted four minutes. There were independent wit 5/15/1974 #29107 above and below with central rim. Four landing legs. Hatch folded down, ra 5/20/1974 #29118 t 50 feet in diameter. It stood on four legs and had several lights on the 5/20/1974 #29120 red paste and thick liquid" in the four, deep landing marks. He also found 5/20/1974 #29120 In San Clemente, Cuenca, Spain a four meter long ovoid object with four l 5/24/1974 #29131 four meter long ovoid object with four legs was seen on the ground by 53-y 5/24/1974 #29131 ater in Southampton, Massachusetts four men and women saw a domed object wi 6/6/1974 #29170 ed it through binoculars. Three or four men over eight feet tall came from 6/8/1974 #29173 target. Price also claims to sense four underground alien bases, volunteeri 7/9/1974 #29253 At 2:30 a.m. a four meter long, luminous ovoid object f 8/1/1974 #29296 Salles-la-Source, Averyon, France four witnesses watched as a silent, bril 8/11/1974 #29324 o'clock in the morning police from four towns in central New Hampshire saw 8/12/1974 #29339 gar-shaped UFO was also sighted by four witnesses in nearby Gilford, Belkna 8/15/1974 #29356 swather, he looks around and sees four more identical domes “like brushed 9/1/1974 #29417 off, quickly followed by the other four, ascending in a step formation. At 9/1/1974 #29417 d the car motor died. She next saw four short humanoid figures, each standi 9/3/1974 #29418 he car door. When she did not, all four doors flew open at once. The humano 9/3/1974 #29418 ront of the wall on the ground are four orange spheres about 18 inhes in di 9/9/1974 #29439 e: a 35 foot wide burnt patch, and four landing pad indentations. 9/9/1974 #29440 m. in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada four teenage girls had a ten minute clos 9/21/1974 #29468 ration, plus the lights dimmed for four seconds. He witnessed a bluish circ 9/24/1974 #29475 s night. It touched down nearby on four legs like protrusions. A door opene 10/7/1974 #29504 oculars watched a dark object with four red lights around the rim at 8:30 p 10/11/1974 #29524 take one, saying it will last for four days. Higdon looks up the hill and 10/15/1974 #29531 anoids are also inside, as well as four seats, a control panel, a mirror, a 10/15/1974 #29531 time. Onboard the craft there were four foot tall creatures with pointed ea 10/27/1974 #29561 ting counterclockwise at a rate of four revolutions per minute. He looks to 11/28/1974 #29619 driving, at a point approximately four miles west of Darmstadt, they were 12/21/1974 #29652 out the same time that a family of four called the Lumberton County Sheriff 12/29/1974 #29661 cording to dispatcher Fred Barnes. Four deputies checked the woods around F 12/29/1974 #29661 Quintanaortuno, Spain 6:25 a.m. Four soldiers at a military base saw a l 1/1/1975 #29687 ir car. The object went dark. Soon four more UFOs appeared, forming a row " 1/1/1975 #29687 ño, Burgos, Spain Burgos 6:25 a.m. Four Spanish Army soldiers (Manolo Aguer 1/1/1975 #29689 at speed. He stops the car and all four get out and watch a bright yellow o 1/1/1975 #29689 d. The light goes out suddenly and four others appear in a straight line, l 1/1/1975 #29689 unrise. Actor Warren Oates is with four friends (Lee Clayton, Trina Mitchum 1/1/1975 #29690 Four soldiers at a military base saw a l 1/1/1975 #29691 Spain. The object went dark. Soon four more UFOs appeared, forming a row " 1/1/1975 #29691 eltway near Route 83 when they saw four bright white lights to the west of 1/2/1975 #29697 the dog in. He immediately noticed four very bright lights about 10 degrees 1/2/1975 #29698 UFO took off. The sighting lasted four minutes, and ground traces were fou 1/2/1975 #29703 he craft. It faded from view after four minutes. 1/5/1975 #29725 il, circle and disappear. Repeated four more times at exact hourly interval 2/16/1975 #29814 riff Richard Egebakken, as well as four other Wheatland County and state of 2/17/1975 #29821 a humanoid creature slightly over four feet tall disembarked. He wore a si 2/23/1975 #29839 Four photographs were taken of two lumin 3/3/1975 #29872 It is moving swiftly, and he takes four photos of it, capturing the object 3/18/1975 #29910 In 1975, four photographs of a sombrero-shaped UF 3/18/1975 #29911 hovering over parts of the city on four separate occasions, beginning at 1: 3/19/1975 #29912 rcing him to the side of the road. Four tall, broad-shouldered, pale-skinne 5/3/1975 #30026 At 9:00 p.m. four witnesses--two couples--in a car fo 5/7/1975 #30047 ntainous area. It was witnessed by four members of the Crichfield family. F 6/12/1975 #30098 members of the Crichfield family. Four landing gear imprints were found at 6/12/1975 #30098 ore 10:00 p.m. It was witnessed by four members of the Crichfield family. F 6/12/1975 #30099 members of the Crichfield family. Four landing gear imprints were found at 6/12/1975 #30099 ge, Tasmania 9:30 p.m. A family of four is driving home along the Tasman Hi 7/1975 #30142 Reservoir in Uzbekistan 3:00 a.m. Four young people camping out on the sho Early 7/1975 #30148 ck and the CB radio went dead when four bright lights descended over them. 7/4/1975 #30159 Four witnesses were walking up a footpat 7/12/1975 #30174 He recovered quickly, and then all four of the witnesses fled the scene. So 7/12/1975 #30174 hands. In the entire cafe only the four of them seemed to be unaffected, th 7/12/1975 #30175 bject shot huge beams of energy at four witnesses. It was estimated to be a 7/20/1975 #30192 bject shot huge beams of energy at four witnesses in Bay Village, Ohio. It 7/20/1975 #30194 the ground. Inside the craft were four beings. They were small, pale, fair 7/31/1975 #30219 At four o'clock in the morning a man and a 8/4/1975 #30235 oy, Santa Clara County, California four witnesses, including a 19-year-old 8/10/1975 #30248 p.m. a luminous red ball followed four witnesses in a car east to Egrevill 8/11/1975 #30251 nard suddenly felt uneasy, and saw four luminous "forms". He called Patrick 8/18/1975 #30288 When the ball of light, which was four meters in diameter, finally moved s 8/22/1975 #30299 n AN-1 antisubmarine aircraft with four other crew members. He is flying at 9/1975? #30333 er also saw the object, which had "four large landing gear like arms coming 9/15/1975 #30363 o not find him. A few hours later, four soldiers taking over sentry duty su Fall 1975 #30380 Air Force Mirage III jet. It made four appearances. 9/23/1975 #30382 The creature turned, took three or four steps, vaulted over a fence, and di 10/7/1975 #30422 ield, Ohio. It extended a rod with four small orange balls at the tip. In Y 10/23/1975 #30463 at the tip. In York, Pennsylvania four orange lights in a delta formation 10/23/1975 #30463 m the air." After another three or four minutes of this, all five of them p 10/26/1975 #30476 ed reddish orange object, three or four car-lengths long, hovering over the 10/27/1975 #30477 ield where two lights were visible four feet from the ground. As these ligh 10/27/1975 #30489 it adjoining room where there were four other beings. Here he was told to u 10/27/1975 #30489 the end of the runway. It is about four car- lengths long, solid, reddish-o 10/28/1975 #30503 Four police officers and others saw at l 10/28/1975 #30504 was subsequently seen by police in four counties. 10/28/1975 #30505 orted UFO. The constables observed four objects clearly in the sky. (Nation 11/11/1975 #30604 Sandra Larson awoke at four o'clock in the morning to find two 12/2/1975 #30681 ower circuit breakers were tripped four times when a glowing ball of light 12/24/1975 #30737 ower circuit breakers were tripped four times when a glowing ball of light 12/24/1975 #30739 which he was at a loss to answer. Four or five other questions were asked, 1/29/1976 #30833 ct ahead and to his left at around four o'clock in the morning. It was low 2/17/1976 #30877 sc hovered over a road. There were four legs on the bottom of the craft, an 2/24/1976 #30898 Hampshire at 9:37 p.m. There were four legs on the bottom of the craft, an 2/24/1976 #30899 hite to yellow light from three or four windows. When he looks through the Late 2/1976 #30905 At four o'clock in the afternoon a 12-year- 3/3/1976 #30922 ehead, and eyes that were three or four times bigger than human eyes; he wa 3/5/1976 #30928 more. One kind of alien was about four feet tall, a second group, “the doe 3/5/1976 #30928 zed and could not move when he saw four beings emerge from the craft via a 4/2/1976 #30978 zed and could not move when he saw four beings emerge from the craft via a 4/2/1976 #30980 ospital, from which he is released four days later. Some people in the area 4/22/1976 #31010 A man was reportedly abducted for four hours by a UFO that landed in a pas 4/23/1976 #31018 n altitude of 100 meters. Suddenly four searchlights were turned on inside 4/25/1976 #31024 y. There were eight witnesses from four separate families. 4/25/1976 #31024 ens’ own investigations into UAP. Four years later, D/NFAC wrote to DCI st 4/26/1976 #31027 s. The occupants were short, about four feet tall, and had large hairless h 5/21/1976 #31070 Chris, age 11, and Tom, age 9. All four boys then saw a pulsating glowing d 7/5/1976 #31154 At around four o'clock in the morning Michael Wood 8/2/1976 #31222 Police at La Soukra, Tunisia, see four lighted objects that disappear one 8/6/1976 #31239 dio fail, and the engine dies. All four get out and walk toward the object, 8/6/1976 #31240 of heat. The car starts again. All four suffer from itching for the next 10 8/6/1976 #31240 igh, and made of a dull metal with four square circumferential windows thre 8/6/1976 #31241 . Chiasson feel like vomiting. All four family members ran back to their ca 8/6/1976 #31241 or about ten hours afterwards, all four of the Chiassons suffered from inte 8/6/1976 #31241 At around four o'clock in the morning Dean Anderso 8/16/1976 #31273 Central, FL 8:30 p.m. A family of four was traveling about 30 miles outsid 8/18/1976 #31278 Allagash, Maine. According to the four men, hypnotic regression allows the 8/20/1976 #31282 p comfortably. Later, he was given four crackers to eat and a small glass o 8/26/1976 #31306 ld that what he ate would last for four days. Among many things the humanoi 8/26/1976 #31306 Four men--Weiner, Foltz, and Rak (includ 8/26/1976 #31307 eam of light began approaching the four men and all four of them began to p 8/26/1976 #31307 n approaching the four men and all four of them began to paddle frantically 8/26/1976 #31307 ed next. Later, under hypnosis all four remembered being levitated up from 8/26/1976 #31307 bodily fluids were taken from all four men. Later, after several hours, th 8/26/1976 #31307 nd between two houses. Nearby were four or five small spheres. Standing in 9/3/1976 #31338 Three men saw a four foot tall dwarf at a former Army bu 9/5/1976 #31345 three meters in diameter, dropped four cables toward the ground in Vargem 9/9/1976 #31365 At 1:10 a.m. four crew members on a Boeing 707 airlin 9/19/1976 #31412 ntense lights. There were three or four on top of the object, three smaller 9/19/1976 #31412 h a luminous UFO being escorted by four smaller satellite objects near Lisb 9/22/1976 #31419 nd Karrawinna, Victoria, Australia four witnesses watched red lights near t 9/25/1976 #31429 Algeria south of Algiers 7:30 p.m. Four physicians and a diplomat in an und Late 10/1976 #31495 side, she was able to see three or four human like figures. Two of them wer 10/31/1976 #31512 me staggering back and whimpering. Four more times they ordered the dog to 11/12/1976 #31540 ornia, to Area 51 in Nevada. After four taxi tests, HB1001 is ready for tes 11/16/1976 #31554 energy.” The time correlates with four Poseidon missile launches by the su 11/19/1976 #31559 w moments. The figures of three or four beings could be seen through oval-s 12/15/1976 #31606 ndows and has the bulk of three to four cars. It emits a light green light 12/18/1976 #31612 dows, and had the bulk of three to four cars. It emitted a light green ligh 12/18/1976 #31616 crashed in the Southwest in 1957, four bodies were recovered and badly bur 1977 #31658 Wrexham, Wales took photographs of four disc-shaped objects flying in a pro 1/5/1977 #31702 on top of the snow. He also finds four small footprints only 6.5 inches lo 1/6/1977 #31706 d the façade of the building, were four small, narrow footprints only 6.5 i 1/6/1977 #31707 see a glowing orange ellipse about four times the size of the moon hovering 2/4/1977 #31789 gure in an inflated suit was about four feet tall and was standing crouched 2/10/1977 #31808 Plymouth, Devon, England Morning. Four boys and one adult at Penlee Second 2/16/1977 #31820 saw a cigar-shaped object carrying four very bright lights land about 150 f 2/24/1977 #31846 near a lake beachfront he observed four strange beings dressed in brown. Th 2/27/1977 #31853 Evansville, IN 5:55 PM. Four witnesses, 5-mins. Two objects, thr 3/6/1977 #31865 Long Grove, Illinois 10:40 p.m. Four adult witnesses in Long Grove, Illi 3/9/1977 #31888 dome near his home shortly before four o'clock in the afternoon, while the 3/10/1977 #31893 WI 8:30 PM. Mrs. Joan Le Clair and four other local people saw a UFO hoveri 3/15/1977 #31907 t 8:30 p.m. Mrs. Joan Le Clair and four other local people saw a UFO hoveri 3/15/1977 #31910 ler room. In the room are three or four other beings, in general similar to 4/4/1977 #31943 nleel but smaller in size, between four to five feet tall. They wore brown 4/4/1977 #31943 , about 35 feet in diameter. After four or five minutes a humanoid being ap 4/6/1977 #31952 a very strident sharp sound. After four or five minutes a humanoid being ap 4/6/1977 #31953 d light on top of it. It was about four feet across and was rocking gently 4/7/1977 #31956 d light on top of it. It was about four feet across and was rocking gently 4/7/1977 #31957 Louis, Missouri, watch a flat disc four times the width of the moon silhoue 4/8/1977 #31964 re on top. It hovered in place for four seconds. When the UFO departed a st 4/12/1977 #31975 ic, and shaped like a drum. It had four to six long spider like legs hangin 4/12/1977 #31977 a flight at 31,000'. Seen briefly four times. Radar and E-M. (Haines print 4/14/1977 #31979 lands. Schmid notices the first of four “lightning-like lights” in an other 4/14/1977 #31980 Four hours after the humanoid encounter 4/22/1977 #32014 nal Airport see a linear flight of four separate unidentifiable blips sudde 4/23/1977 #32017 y sight; I don’t know what to do!” Four aircraft surround him and talk him 4/29/1977 #32035 figure, about eight feet tall and four feet wide, that crossed their path 5/8/1977 #32074 and on the lower section there are four or five panels. The object is about 6/17/1977 #32171 ins skeptical. After approximately four months, the operation is closed aft 7/1977 #32220 Toppenish, WA 7:45 P.M. PST Four witnesses observed a disk-shaped ob 7/4/1977 #32235 mos also observed that he had only four fingers, that his feet were webbed 7/12/1977 #32266 watched an ovoid object, three to four times the size of the Moon, as it d 7/15/1977 #32278 han the others, who were less than four feet tall, stood near the light on 7/23/1977 #32304 than the others, who are less than four feet tall, stands near the light on 7/23/1977 #32305 han the others, who were less than four feet tall, stood near the light on 7/23/1977 #32306 aped object come over the horizon. Four other witnesses also see it. There 8/11/1977 #32383 f toward the north-northeast after four minutes. 8/11/1977 #32387 accident at the same site, killing four men. 8/28/1977 #32437 ty some cooking waste when she saw four little men wearing silvery outfits 8/31/1977 #32444 ty some cooking waste when she saw four little men wearing silvery outfits 8/31/1977 #32447 nearby him. The figures were about four feet tall, with football-shaped hea 9/15/1977 #32485 ausing damage to windows at around four o'clock in the morning. It also mel 9/20/1977 #32500 Omaha, Nebraska Four FAA radar controllers in Omaha, Neb 9/22/1977 #32511 sia 12:15 p.m. A dredge master and four crew members see a UFO that remains 9/27/1977 #32529 Pas-de-Calais, France passing only four meters overhead. 10/2/1977 #32547 own Hagerstown, Maryland 4:00 p.m. Four men at a gas station in downtown Ha 10/29/1977 #32630 auline Coombs, her mother, and her four children were driving back to their 10/30/1977 #32639 tia, California, watch a disc with four lighted portholes hovering and ecli 10/31/1977 #32644 gains consciousness at dawn, after four hours have passed, and he, his team 11/1977 #32648 uth Carolina, in his car and takes four photographs. He has other sightings 11/27/1977 #32700 ers. It hovered at the altitude of four to five kilometers. The trawler's r 12/1977 #32718 . It is shaped like a torpedo with four swept-back fins at the back with a 12/1/1977 #32722 Los Angeles, CA Four UFOs tracked on radar; bright, circ 12/8/1977 #32749 Shortly after four o’clock in the afternoon in Kenyon, 12/17/1977 #32793 On the same night, at four o’clock in the morning Central Stan 12/18/1977 #32798 est Lancashire, England 11:00 p.m. Four young men are driving through an is 1/2/1978 #32846 Four young men were driving home on an i 1/2/1978 #32847 n top of the back porch roof, only four feet away. The figure was hooded an 1/9/1978 #32862 away. The figure was described as four and a half feet tall with broad sho 1/10/1978 #32872 Delavan, Wisconsin 8:30 p.m. Four witnesses inside a house in Delavan 1/14/1978 #32880 Fordsham, Cheshire County, UK Four men were out in a field by the Rive 1/27/1978 #32917 , Cheshire, England Early morning. Four men on the banks of the River Weave 1/27/1978 #32919 Four men were out pouching early in the 1/27/1978 #32921 ary School playing field 6:15 p.m. Four boys are playing on the ice of the 1/31/1978 #32928 , New Jersey. They see a series of four large lights low in the sky approac 2/1/1978 #32940 ut an invention. At sometime after four a.m. he found himself a few miles o 2/5/1978 #32956 of a small valley, though hovering four meters above the ground. It was sha 2/5/1978 #32957 ust above the ground. It was about four meters in height and 2.5 meters in 2/5/1978 #32957 arm, violet cloud of light. He saw four humanoid "shapes" and other lights 2/23/1978 #32995 violet light envelops him. He sees four shapes and lights all around. After 2/23/1978 #32997 arm, violet cloud of light. He saw four humanoid "shapes" and other lights 2/23/1978 #32998 ata Valley, New Zealand 10:40 p.m. Four witnesses in the Waimata Valley, Ne 3/11/1978 #33033 in the air toward a round UFO with four balls on the bottom, a dome on top, 3/24/1978 #33078 da Macieira, who finds that he has four teeth missing and is completely bal 3/24/1978 #33078 here some of his hair was missing. Four of his teeth were also missing. He 3/24/1978 #33079 aw two lights. Then they could see four lights; two in front and two in the 4/7/1978 #33131 On this night four children were playing in the baseme 4/19/1978 #33154 ging" sound, then dimmed to reveal four revolving green and blue lights on 4/23/1978 #33159 ging" sound, then dimmed to reveal four revolving green and blue lights on 4/23/1978 #33160 16 feet high and as long as a bus. Four black objects on the surface genera 5/10/1978 #33196 e light to the ground and extended four metallic legs. The area around the 5/10/1978 #33199 ter." His skin stayed that way for four hours before returning to normal. H 5/13/1978 #33205 es, then descended and faded away. Four figures, two large and two small, w 5/14/1978 #33212 outh of Wewahitchka, Florida had a four minute close encounter with a 30-50 5/15/1978 #33218 of Tulsa, Oklahoma, when they see four gray-white ovals in a fixed sword-l 5/30/1978 #33242 8 reports and classifies them into four categories: perfectly or probably i 6/1978 #33245 Four years later a UFO again appeared ov 6/4/1978 #33256 cuador. The crew sees from the bow four rapidly departing bright white trai 6/15/1978 #33280 south. One is followed closely by four white balls and the other is follow 7/2/1978 #33324 air, wearing white robes. Three or four smaller beings with space suits and 7/4/1978 #33329 that looked like diving suits. The four witnesses were paralyzed and could 7/4/1978 #33337 ights that shine sporadically, and four white lights that appear irregularl 7/14/1978 #33382 nd 11:59 p.m. A deputy sheriff and four youngsters are driving on Chancello 8/11/1978 #33506 ject shaped like a car fender with four blue lights moving toward her from 8/20/1978 #33532 Moscow, PA Four rnen were driving in a car pool to 8/22/1978 #33545 Depot Coolbaugh Township 7:03 a.m. Four men are driving in a carpool from M 8/22/1978 #33547 At four o'clock in the morning a 26-year-ol 9/15/1978 #33688 g walking behind her. It was about four feet tall, grayish green in color, 9/15/1978 #33689 outh of the island. It was seen by four men at the lighthouse (NICAP: 01 - 9/17/1978 #33698 outh of the island. It was seen by four men at the lighthouse, including th 9/17/1978 #33702 face masks, and they floated about four feet above the ground. They circled 9/17/1978 #33703 ghtened, he runs away but falls as four humanoids come closer to him by jum 9/21/1978 #33723 en he comes to he is surrounded by four entities wearing buttoned jackets, 9/21/1978 #33723 an to run away but fell down while four humanoids approached him, making hu 9/21/1978 #33725 hen he awoke he again saw that the four 5-foot-tall entities were closer, w 9/21/1978 #33725 ight but distant lights approached four witnesses, then moved toward them, Fall 1978 #33732 utters. The next morning they find four parallel scratches on the shutters 9/23/1978 #33736 kph. They felt their car levitated four meters from the ground and experien 9/23/1978 #33738 strange landed object standing on four legs about 330 feet away in a clear 9/27/1978 #33762 St. George, Queensland, Australia four hunters in a vehicle travelling in 9/29/1978 #33781 the object through binoculars for four minutes. 9/29/1978 #33783 Groendal Nature Reserve 11:15 a.m. Four students, ages 12–16, from Despatch 10/2/1978 #33790 At 11:15 a.m. four young boys in the Groendal Nature R 10/2/1978 #33791 through which she can see three or four shadows passing behind it. The UFO 10/7/1978 #33805 both stop to get out and look. All four lights break formation and move off 10/7/1978 #33806 that appears to be illuminated by four bright landing lights. He is unable 10/21/1978 #33856 ht among those present. Altogether four witnessed this strange phenomenon. 10/31/1978 #33902 s out the window and sees a row of four white lights that drift slowly past 11/1/1978 #33909 , Alberta, Can Late in the evening four witnesses traveling by car noticed 11/11/1978 #33944 Late in the evening four witnesses traveling by car near Bra 11/11/1978 #33946 tape deck to stop working. It had four legs or landing gear appendages. 11/12/1978 #33949 eastern Washington State Four military aircraft are flying over e 11/15/1978 #33957 or to the encounter. At 7:20 p.m., four young women driving through the nea 11/22/1978 #33980 t she had no memory restarting it. Four women saw the same object two hours 11/22/1978 #33983 ing in a clearing 100 feet away on four landing pods. The entities climb ab 11/24/1978 #33995 craft with a dome on top rested on four legs. He saw a pair of long hands c 11/24/1978 #33997 ke mummy wrapping. Their hands had four fingers, and were twice the length 11/25/1978 #34005 south in Giulianova, Italy. About four hours later, in Milan, Italy the en 12/1/1978 #34042 south in Giulianova, Italy. About four hours later, in Milan, Italy the en 12/1/1978 #34045 shaped object in Abu Dhabi, UAE by four young men, one named Salimeen. Acco 12/2/1978 #34050 Piero Fortunato Zanfretta notices four lights moving in a courtyard. He ge 12/6/1978 #34065 over a road in Portegrandi. It had four windows on its side and emitted ray 12/8/1978 #34075 egrandi, Italy at 1:30 a.m. It had four windows on its side and emitted ray 12/8/1978 #34078 could remember was seeing three to four figures with large pumpkin shaped h 12/8/1978 #34078 first three occurred in Italy. At four o'clock in the morning a four-meter 12/14/1978 #34125 out of the window he sees three or four bright flashes coming from a ball o 12/24/1978 #34201 saw a gray cone-shaped craft with four legs that had landed, and then expe 1/3/1979 #34291 A group of four farmers saw a small glittering sphe 1/4/1979 #34295 Uruguay during the day. There were four people in the car, two of them poli 1/9/1979 #34326 y village. Two small beings, about four and a half foot tall, emerged from 1/12/1979 #34333 overalls, and their hands had only four fingers. Both wore helmets with dar 1/13/1979 #34339 the predawn hours and was seen by four witnesses in Melo, Uruguay. It chan 2/13/1979 #34421 At noon four police officers viewed a bluish sil 2/19/1979 #34436 esis, but the US Navy has launched four Poseidon missiles from the USS Kame 3/5/1979 #34465 moved about 71 miles in that time. Four minutes later, the target reappears 3/13/1979 #34474 ht of the object, but suddenly all four car windows go down and back up; th 4/12/1979 #34508 Nehou, Manche department, France A four meter in diameter, intense reddish- 4/27/1979 #34525 At seven o'clock in the morning a four meter in diameter, intense reddish- 4/27/1979 #34526 ueensland, Australia at 12:30 a.m. four witnesses had a close encounter wit 5/6/1979 #34549 like a choking motor and puts out four landing pods. He approaches and tri 5/16/1979 #34563 as it neared the ground it put out four, leg like landing pods. Arlindo app 5/16/1979 #34564 orted sighting a landed object and four tiny humanoid figures near it. The 5/19/1979 #34567 orted sighting a landed object and four tiny humanoid figures near it in th 5/19/1979 #34569 , and thick lips. All were between four and five feet tall and wore white u 6/18/1979 #34618 , but at one point they can detect four “domes” on its rotating underside. 6/26/1979 #34633 im. The light blinks out again and four blinking red and green lights appea 7/4/1979 #34646 . A subsequent investigation found four circular marks on the road forming 7/25/1979 #34681 er 5 minutes, it stops and hovers. Four or five white flashes erupt from it 7/27/1979 #34683 is car. They are in a V-formation, four in one row, the fifth forming the o 8/5/1979 #34716 the north at 1,500 mph. There were four witnesses who watched the craft for 8/9/1979 #34722 up the mountain. It grows bigger, four times the brightness of the houseli 8/11/1979 #34732 n. It seems to become a cluster of four lights with a dark space in the mid 8/11/1979 #34732 s size as 165–330 feet, and notice four glowing lights that look like porth 8/12/1979 #34739 A 40-year-old farmer and four others in Providence, Kentucky repo 8/16/1979 #34749 st. That night in Hudon, Wisconsin four more people, including a 40-year-ol 8/25/1979 #34777 the dent runs top to bottom, with four apparent impacts; it looks as if a 8/27/1979 #34787 uses at treetop level. She reports four different kinds of humanoid creatur 8/29/1979 #34801 dni Park in Wroclaw, Poland around four p.m. As they were walking by one of 8/29/1979 #34804 llow hull, apparently transparent, four different types of three-foot-tall 8/29/1979 #34807 Four or five 6-pointed star-shaped objec 9/9/1979 #34854 At 7:00 p.m. four witnesses, including two 11-year-ol 9/19/1979 #34902 sappeared in a puff of pink smoke. Four non-human looking footprints were f 10/4/1979 #34942 Four 15-year-old youngsters were playing 10/7/1979 #34951 At 3:25 a.m. four police officers from Rickmansworth, 11/30/1979 #35032 fficer John Pushie takes 7 photos (four of which turn out) of a bright ligh 12/3/1979 #35045 the west-northwest sky, apparently four times the size of the moon. Her gra 2/21/1980 #35180 Four family members of a family in Buen 3/3/1980 #35194 hen disappears after breaking into four smaller orange balls of light. The 4/20/1980 #35280 saw in the nearby field a group of four humanoids that seemed to quickly gl 4/20/1980 #35281 by the military. He has contacted four different military sources claiming 6/1980 #35350 glass. One photo shows a hand with four fingers and clawlike nails. His sou 6/2/1980 #35352 11:00 p.m. Two women driving with four young children north on Interstate 6/17/1980 #35379 ge, domed discs circling low about four blocks west of her home in Assumpti 6/21/1980 #35385 et tall. The abduction occurred at four o'clock in the morning at McGuire's 9/7/1980 #35502 The pilot and four passengers onboard a Piper Aztec ai 9/21/1980 #35525 g a slight humming sound. It shone four light beams down on them in their c 10/28/1980 #35594 n 15 minutes later, when it shined four light beams down on witnesses in a 10/29/1980 #35595 :40 p.m. Seven commercial aircraft—four Iberia Boeing 727s, a British airli 11/11/1980 #35634 object over a period of more than four hours. At one time, the object was 11/18/1980 #35652 , watches the lights pass overhead four different times; the underside show 11/18/1980 #35654 A group of four driving to a hospital in central Ka 11/27/1980 #35675 Perth, AU G,V, Four UFOs on a/port radar (NICAP: 09 - R 12/4/1980 #35696 Australia Radar-visual sighting of four objects at airport 12/4/1980 #35697 00 a.m. Danielle Russell, 12, sees four objects with lights that change col 12/4/1980 #35698 in Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Brazil, four men and women watched farm animals 12/18/1980 #35729 eceive hundreds of calls reporting four or five “comet-like objects leaving 12/25/1980 #35732 pital as a burn patient. She spent four of the next five weeks in the hospi 12/29/1980 #35758 also notes a high concentration of four characteristics: the presence of a 1981 #35762 Payson, AZ Four silvery discs executed turns, maneu 1/6/1981 #35772 Payson, AZ Four silvery discs executed turns, maneu 1/6/1981 #35773 feet by six feet in size, and had four openings on the underside. It also 1/8/1981 #35780 ct had portholes, and was hovering four meters over a field. It moved over 1/26/1981 #35802 degrees to the right. The crew saw four orange lights on the first object a 2/25/1981 #35845 s into two parts, then three, then four. Shortly afterward, two of the unit 6/5/1981 #35952 ion in Washington State 10:55 p.m. Four witnesses, three of them fire contr 7/15/1981 #36006 f limbo. Then across an open field four white and two red lights appeared t 7/15/1981 #36008 oss an open field besides the road four white and two red lights appear. Th 7/16/1981 #36010 nland, see a dark spot in the sky. Four lights suddenly appear above them, 7/31/1981 #36048 At 12:30 a.m. four witnesses on a boat near Malibu Bea 8/23/1981 #36083 ards the ground. The witness fired four shots at the object and then drove 8/30/1981 #36093 Four witnesses, two each in two cars, we 9/18/1981 #36130 ing along just above the treetops. Four oblong windows are apparent, throug 10/15/1981 #36172 ab or hatch fell into Lake Zaysan. Four humanoid wearing the same color gre 11/9/1981 #36213 lake and some power lines. It has four colored lights—a row of red, blue, 11/24/1981 #36232 lake and some power lines, and had four colored lights--a row of red, blue, 11/24/1981 #36233 ty Sheriff Hendsbee, his wife, and four others in other cars had a close en 11/28/1981 #36236 y and Steve Atwater), and that for four years, he was asked to feed disinfo 1982 #36283 tnessed a square black object with four white and yellow lights arranged in 2/12/1982 #36341 ed, coal-black area connecting the four corners. The UFO changed direction 2/12/1982 #36341 teenagers watched three groups of four lights arranged in squares in the n 3/13/1982 #36388 t, Germany watched three groups of four lights arranged in squares in the n 3/13/1982 #36389 ect Hessdalen team manages to take four photos of oblong lights passing in 3/17/1982 #36396 ocuments originating with the NSA, four of which have already been released 5/18/1982 #36473 gain and sees a diamond shape with four rounded corners. The object is larg 5/22/1982 #36482 e unofficial project claimed these four locations — and possibly others — w 7/1982 #36525 nction. The close encounter lasted four minutes. 7/7/1982 #36533 r croaking noise that was repeated four times, then a figure appeared sudde 7/22/1982 #36545 Ste-Dorothee, Quebec, CAN Four 16 year olds saw an intense beam of 7/23/1982 #36546 At two a.m. four 16 year olds--with the last names L 7/23/1982 #36547 like a searchlight. The object had four red body lights. (NICAP: 02 - Close 8/2/1982 #36559 like a searchlight. The object had four red body lights. When they stopped 8/10/1982 #36568 ation, they realize they have lost four hours of time. Rosalind begins to r 9/1982 #36590 Exeter, New Hampshire 10:15 p.m. Four women, all management personnel of 9/30/1982 #36622 At 8:15 p.m. four women in their thirties--Messina, L 9/30/1982 #36623 to get closer. The sighting lasted four minutes. 9/30/1982 #36623 Four hat-shaped saucer-shaped objects wi 10/10/1982 #36638 roms og Finnmark, Norway 2:00 a.m. Four residents of Alta, Troms og Finnmar 10/14/1982 #36641 Lake Norman, NC Silver oval with "four legs" (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 10/18/1982 #36651 e Norman, NC Silver oval UFO with "four legs" (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 10/18/1982 #36652 globes connected by a nozzle with four tubes, buzzed a light aircraft bein 10/24/1982 #36664 ickly, and she and her husband see four lights nearby, which gradually rece 1/27/1983 #36754 Four witnesses were driving in a car dow 1/30/1983 #36756 s six long points 19 feet long and four shorter points 9 feet long. In the 3/11/1983 #36781 Carmel, New York 8:00 p.m. Four persons in Carmel, New York, see a 3/24/1983 #36806 ne. Five minutes later it launches four more rockets, but then the sonar co 4/27/1983 #36846 ts. Five minutes later it launches four more rockets, and the sonar contact 4/27/1983 #36846 le Heights, Ohio, police force see four dim lights moving silently in a wed 5/12/1983 #36858 was paralyzed by a beam of light. Four small humanoids wearing diver suits 8/9/1983 #36940 missile. Later, the system reports four more ICBM launches headed to the So 9/26/1983 #36986 tlights hovered low over a roadway four miles south of Cochrane, Ontario at 10/11/1983 #37001 probes the water. The UFO moves to four locations above the reservoir, each 10/28/1983 #37026 ut within seconds it vanishes. All four witnesses later experience eye irri 11/28/1983 #37052 Road Rockford, Illinois 6:30 p.m. Four witnesses are driving along Illinoi 12/30/1983 #37086 ibutable to passing aircraft. Only four of the photos taken through the spe 1/21/1984 #37136 Valley Center, CA 5:40 AM. Four witnesses observed five large, bril 1/27/1984 #37156 white lights in the northern sky. Four of the lights were in a diamond for 1/27/1984 #37156 alley Center, California 5:40 a.m. Four witnesses at Valley Center, Califor 1/27/1984 #37158 e northern sky about 2 miles away. Four are in a diamond formation while th 1/27/1984 #37158 top in a stationary position about four feet above his neighbors yard. He e 2/7/1984 #37179 top in a stationary position about four feet above his neighbor’s yard and 2/7/1984 #37180 witness awoke to a loud humming at four o'clock in the morning in Atco, New 2/7/1984 #37181 smaller lights between each of the four points. It is “longer than a tracto 2/29/1984 #37210 en feet above the ground, and only four feet from the window. (NICAP: 02 - 3/11/1984 #37224 en feet above the ground, and only four feet from the window. It made no so 3/11/1984 #37226 Beaverton, Oregon 10:04 p.m. Four people in a car in Beaverton, Orego 4/20/1984 #37278 Four people in a car in Beaverton, Orego 4/20/1984 #37279 d. The object switches off all but four of its lights and climbs vertically 4/22/1984 #37281 Four witnesses near the shore at Saltfle 4/22/1984 #37282 Italian Parliament Four members of the Italian Parliament—G 7/10/1984 #37390 At 7:40 a.m. a four foot tall furry being wearing a hel 10/8/1984 #37481 object, blue & white. One humanoid four feet tall, large head, large eyes, 10/24/1984 #37492 les away. The object, the width of four full moons, begins banking to the n 3/7/1985 #37566 Söderhamn Gävleborg Sweden Four civilian pilots are flying a Cessna 8/18/1985 #37647 e Dalnegorsk crash site, circle it four times, and disappear in a flash. 2/6/1986 #37781 nd. The encounter lasted more than four minutes. 3/25/1986 #37810 anished. That evening at 7:30 p.m. four extremely bright red lights in a ti 9/6/1986 #38017 of Belleville, Wisconsin, and spot four peculiar objects one above the othe 3/6/1987 #38130 Moose Jaw, Saskachewan, Canada for four minutes. It followed the car with t 3/13/1987 #38141 tified target on weather radar for four minutes 5/16/1987 #38174 hr). The radar target lasted about four minutes. Weather was hazy at the ti 5/16/1987 #38175 e acting strangely. In a daze, all four occupants got out of their car and 7/31/1987 #38221 St. Petersburg] is dispatched with four others to northern Karelia, where t Early 8/1987 #38225 became a delta-shaped object with four headlights in front as it came clos 8/20/1987 #38248 still stored near “Wright Field.” Four normal looking males were found at 8/30/1987 #38264 nto American culture.” Each of the four, Walker alleges, became highly succ 8/30/1987 #38264 ndled by many people, resulting in four deaths. About 112,000 people are ex 9/13/1987 #38285 t. After making a turn, he notices four cars stopped with no lights on off Mid 10/1987 #38305 s and cats. He glances up and sees four blobs of cool-white light maneuveri 11/23/1987 #38332 Devines follow. As they watch, the four blobs of light come together in the 11/23/1987 #38332 nd when he pulled a blind he saw a four foot tall Grey humanoid being with 12/2/1987 #38348 t who examines a soil sample finds four southern chinch bugs (Blissus insul 1/1988 #38385 nd requires many more insects than four. 1/1988 #38385 high and 15 feet wide. Inside are four much brighter lights in the shape o 1/5/1988 #38405 The four member Knowles family was driving o 1/20/1988 #38423 , engine lost power, radio failed. Four square yellow lights and light beam 3/23/1988 #38519 , engine lost power, radio failed. Four square yellow lights and light beam 3/23/1988 #38520 9:30–10:00 p.m. Eileen Ballard and four friends are outside in Stafford, En 5/16/1988 #38570 ut the size of a large car. It has four leg-like structures with lights on 7/17/1988 #38603 ed a boat for five kilometers. The four witnesses reported that there was a 7/24/1988 #38607 d, so he gets out and talks to the four people from the other cars for a fe 9/25/1988 #38649 s at the foot of his bed. Three or four of them stood back, but one approac 10/24/1988 #38687 ong, three feet high, and three to four feet deep. It had three white light 10/24/1988 #38690 Mason County, Washington State by four witnesses at 7:00 p.m. Next, four d 12/2/1988 #38735 four witnesses at 7:00 p.m. Next, four dark boomerang or V-shaped craft, f 12/2/1988 #38735 In 1988 four people on a lonely road in Wisbech, 12/12/1988 #38753 At 2:45 a.m. four gendarmes in Le Vigan, Gard, France 12/18/1988 #38756 s watched for more than an hour by four witnesses, including police. It fle 2/10/1989 #38833 ish complexion. Five men appeared, four apparently human, wearing olive-dra 4/2/1989 #38888 . Through binoculars, they can see four smaller objects, golden discs, mane 4/15/1989 #38907 n what they described as an object four times the size of a Boeing 747. Thr 4/20/1989 #38913 nd appeared to be made of crystal. Four figures wearing silvery, tight-fitt 4/24/1989 #38926 O abductee, got up and fired a gun four times at the being through the wind 5/1/1989 #38932 s at the being through the window. Four other tall humanoids with dangling 5/1/1989 #38932 in Long Beach, Washington observed four glowing footballs, which they estim 6/3/1989 #38975 Astrakhan, Russia at 11:20 p.m. by four military witnesses, including the t 7/28/1989 #39036 52-year-old witnesses saw at least four red, slow-moving, silent V-shaped o 8/15/1989 #39064 ighting concentration in vicinity. Four landings and three different kinds 9/14/1989 #39100 ighting concentration in vicinity. Four landings and three different kinds 9/14/1989 #39100 ighting concentration in vicinity. Four landings and three different kinds 9/21/1989 #39114 ot wide circle in which there were four depressions arranged in a diamond p 9/21/1989 #39115 the ground. It suddenly landed on four legs and the hatch opened. A ladder 9/23/1989 #39118 tch and the object lands gently on four legs. The hatch opens again and thr 9/27/1989 #39124 eature accompanies the giants. All four walk around the object several time 9/27/1989 #39124 ch and the object landed gently on four legs. The hatch opened again and th 9/27/1989 #39126 eature accompanied the giants. All four of them walked around the object se 9/27/1989 #39126 of several kilometers. It projects four bright lights, some downward, other 10/1989 #39138 A family of four in Brewster, New York found themsel 10/27/1989 #39188 s left side. The sphere pushed out four legs and landed. A hatch opened and 10/28/1989 #39191 ight in Sunapee, New Hampshire saw four lights which wobbled from side-to-s 11/1/1989 #39208 d by the bright light and observes four blue objects over the other couple’ 11/20/1989 #39241 athermen in Papa, Hungary observed four 50 meter wide orange balls of light 11/24/1989 #39249 t was escorted by what looked like four black, Huey-model helicopters. All 12/1/1989 #39294 two rows of square windows. It had four legs and a tube in the front, and m 1/4/1990 #39364 their craft, which stood nearby on four legs and was about 1.50 meters high 2/18/1990 #39422 nfirm the original report describe four lights as arranged in a square form 3/30/1990 #39499 eir luminosity and disappearing in four separate directions at around 1:30 3/30/1990 #39499 ck Ferryn, and José Fernandez take four photos, using high-sensitivity film 3/31/1990 #39503 ct is gone. The next day, he finds four circular holes about 3 feet in diam 5/4/1990 #39556 grass an intense blue-green color. Four hours later, at 10:20 p.m. in St. G 5/4/1990 #39557 At 9:00 p.m. four witnesses in Trenton, New York saw 5/21/1990 #39584 ground and destroyed, killing the four pilots. Kurkchy is removed from his 5/25/1990 #39592 to south over the city. There were four witnesses. 6/30/1990 #39633 errere, Piedmonte, Italy radiating four beams of energy, and left a large c 7/30/1990 #39671 witnesses, and the possibility of four to five additional humanoids of sim 8/31/1990 #39707 nd gray, varying between three and four feet in height, with pear-shaped he 8/31/1990 #39708 t fire to a meadow, leaving behind four burned spots 135 feet in diameter. 9/21/1990 #39744 p.m. in Skibo, Minnesota at least four ground observers, including two pol 10/10/1990 #39773 Pepinster, Belgium 9:25 p.m. Four witnesses, ages 15–17, see an unusu 10/23/1990 #39807 at 2:30 a.m. There were a total of four witnesses. 11/22/1990 #39899 from the center of the object are four brass-colored arms in the shape of 12/9/1990 #39927 gium A4 in Beez, Belgium 6:00 p.m. Four family members driving along the E4 1/6/1991 #39947 t made an abrupt turn and revealed four red lights. 1/16/1991 #39956 w a small gray disc-shaped object, four meters in height and two meters in 1/26/1991 #39966 camera at Birchwood Shopping Mall four miles east of Warrington, Cheshire, 2/1991 #39970 nt point of the triangle. At least four of these lights are white and flick 5/17/1991 #40066 Four men staying at a local guest house 8/13/1991 #40152 stopped, and then moved toward the four witnesses, then finally blinked out 8/25/1991 #40166 Four children in Granum, Alberta, Canada 8/30/1991 #40174 ollowed him where ever he went. At four p.m. he went back to feed the pigs 12/4/1991 #40254 At four o’clock in the afternoon a gray dis 1/16/1992 #40290 disc swooped down over a car with four passengers and pursued it for seven 1/16/1992 #40290 o very bright searchlight signals. Four red balls of light turned bright wh 3/14/1992 #40381 g at 200 feet altitude. There were four prongs on each with lights on the e 6/2/1992 #40482 At four o'clock in the morning a man sudden 6/9/1992 #40489 Beginning at 9:51 p.m. a group of four witnesses in Durant, Oklahoma watch 8/25/1992 #40591 a smaller bowl on top. There were four round white lights spaced evenly ar 9/16/1992 #40623 d an abduction from his bedroom by four 4-foot tall beings. He was taken in 9/30/1992 #40649 e-shaped UFO. It was surrounded by four misty white cigar-shaped nocturnal 9/30/1992 #40651 r than any plane, according to the four teenage witnesses. 10/8/1992 #40666 tude, and a jet roar was heard for four minutes. 10/10/1992 #40673 In Carbondale, Colorado at four o'clock at night a 100-foot in diam 11/6/1992 #40704 green and orange lights located at four places around the underside of the 12/25/1992 #40769 ts shaped to that of a sphere with four legs and landed. Under hypnosis it 12/31/1992 #40775 thout rotors emitted three sets of four balls of light. 2/5/1993 #40841 d to be the size of a house, about four feet apart, and only 50 feet in alt 2/9/1993 #40846 being had long arms that ended in four long fingers. He communicated with 3/16/1993 #40886 ed humanoids with huge black eyes, four fingered hands and protruding stoma 3/20/1993 #40895 around it at 2:20 a.m. There were four calls to the Ohio Highway Patrol of 4/8/1993 #40931 ject was 60 feet in length and had four landing legs, two of them appeared 4/19/1993 #40943 ilky dress with a short sash about four inches wide. On the sash he could s 4/23/1993 #40948 front of the vehicle for the next four kilometers. The vehicle was traveli 5/16/1993 #40983 ia, Entre Rios province, Argentina four witnesses noticed a bright light fl 5/28/1993 #40993 m sight. After ten minutes another four witnesses arrived and the craft ret 5/28/1993 #40993 At 11:00 p.m. four metallic discs were sighted in the 7/24/1993 #41085 vering close to the ground. It had four bright lights on its top and multic 7/26/1993 #41090 attleship gray UFO passed near the four witness's car. The object had two s 8/10/1993 #41122 port at Otopeni, Romania 1:56 a.m. Four UFOs with red and green flashing li 8/14/1993 #41137 erved a large hovering object with four large windows on one level and anot 8/18/1993 #41144 ten or twelve three and a half to four foot tall creatures glided into the 8/20/1993 #41148 s around its perimeter, as well as four roving spotlights. She continued dr 10/6/1993 #41222 se Grey beings were about three to four feet tall, and told her that Armage 11/15/1993 #41278 n Vanville, Seine-Marne, France at four o'clock in the morning. At 9:50 a.m 11/22/1993 #41296 ng in southern Vermont, one of the four men who had earlier been abducted d 11/22/1993 #41299 0 p.m. a square shaped object with four lights, one in each corner, passed 11/29/1993 #41308 f a four-man oil drilling rig crew four miles southwest of Aztec, New Mexic 11/29/1993 #41308 te. At times the UFO appears to be four globes tied together; at other time 1994 #41341 n which a farmer cares for cattle. Four of the women describe being abducte 1994 #41345 s. The commonest description is of four lights strung together, high in alt 3/8/1994 #41449 haped object circled by lights had four square portholes on its bottom, was 6/12/1994 #41567 Dashing downstairs, she found the four children huddled together inside th 6/15/1994 #41568 Around four o'clock in the morning at least fiv 6/27/1994 #41588 ed dots. They finally scattered in four directions. 8/13/1994 #41672 ne of the witnesses takes at least four good pictures with a Vivitar fully 8/31/1994 #41707 Canada. It had a large light with four others on either side; it appeared 9/6/1994 #41719 to roll him over. They were about four feet tall, had large heads, huge bl 9/11/1994 #41734 ia when she came face to face with four short "Grey" humanoid beings when s 9/11/1994 #41737 d a curve. These were described as four feet tall with very large heads. Th 9/11/1994 #41737 their van's windshield. They were four to six feet in length, six to eight 9/13/1994 #41745 ol in Ruwa, Zimbabwe, see three or four objects landing in the “rough bush 9/16/1994 #41754 At four o'clock at night a 40-meter long tr 9/22/1994 #41772 nd she found herself surrounded by four short humanoids, two on each side o 12/15/1994 #41895 the creature's height at six feet four inches tall, based on where it stoo 2/10/1995 #42033 At around 4:00 a.m. four companions who had gone on a fishin 2/11/1995 #42036 of Rivas, near Managua, Nicaragua four boys including 6-year-old Royllin R 2/23/1995 #42060 high, and nodules behind his ears. Four years later his fiancée died of eso 3/14/1995 #42094 nesses and the sighting lasted for four minutes. 4/22/1995 #42172 nged creature as between three and four feet tall, with the body and dark p 4/23/1995 #42173 er lights below larger object. All four of the objects flew off together. 5/12/1995 #42198 a huge triangle-shaped object and four discs at low altitude in Gravois Mi 7/9/1995 #42295 red around in the sky for the next four hours. 7/19/1995 #42311 s that changed from blue to white. Four little creatures approximately 3-4 8/15/1995 #42387 very large head and standing about four feet tall. The figure had an amazin 8/15/1995 #42390 n while Edwards, his daughter, and four construction workers also watch. UF 8/27/1995 #42422 ter, before being returned, he saw four other species of beings together in 9/6/1995 #42445 ring a humming sound at 8:45 p.m., four people in Navaho Estates, Colorado 9/22/1995 #42501 dogs were barking as one, and then four round objects with lights hovered o 9/22/1995 #42502 e in a circle 18 feet in diameter. Four marks of apparent landing gear are 10/1/1995 #42529 nle, Arizona. It was sighted again four times. Eleven aircraft seemed to be 10/5/1995 #42536 morning. She described it as about four feet tall, with large bat-like wing 11/11/1995 #42593 rport 6:20 p.m. Mohammad Ahsan and four colleagues see two triangle-shaped 11/27/1995 #42625 o hair or clothing and was between four and five feet tall. Later that morn 1/20/1996 #42697 everal humanoids about 1.2 meters (four feet) in height. They had very larg 2/29/1996 #42789 le of many red lights. Inside were four rocket-like cones, giving off a red 4/8/1996 #42858 is visited in Varginha, Brazil, by four men in suits who do not identify th 4/29/1996 #42890 Four youths camping in Charleston, Illin 5/21/1996 #42906 ward the east, and then split into four parts. 6/6/1996 #42924 South Armagh, Northern Ireland saw four small Grey humanoids walk up from b 7/13/1996 #42956 witnesses in West Manchester, Ohio four times. It made humming and buzzing 9/7/1996 #43007 urned like a gyrosphere. It was at four meters altitude, only 10 meters awa 9/11/1996 #43016 da Guardunha Mountains was one of four such bases. Immediately after heari 9/15/1996 #43020 ly 200 feet close to witnesses for four minutes. It then moved off to the n 9/21/1996 #43035 ed overhead. Witnesses in at least four counties made reports to the Califo 10/3/1996 #43052 or who joins them outside to watch four objects flying in formation. Two of 10/25/1996 #43095 e nearby trees. Suddenly, three to four short Grey beings, with large oval- 11/9/1996 #43110 ng sphere was seen by witnesses in four cars. 11/23/1996 #43119 ritory, Australia watched at least four intense bright-orange "fireball" ty 11/25/1996 #43123 t as a result of lighting." Around four o'clock in the morning he was retur 12/9/1996 #43133 ightings principally take place in four locations in the central Yukon: Fox 12/11/1996 #43137 e ground. Next to it stood a being four feet 8 inches tall with a large bal 2/16/1997 #43194 nd when he returned there were now four objects with multicolored lights. T 2/17/1997 #43196 ez was tending his sheep at around four o'clock in the afternoon in an isol 2/20/1997 #43199 ear Lee, New Hampshire when he saw four balls of white light zigzag in unis 2/26/1997 #43210 feet away and hovers. It does this four times, making a humming sound, and 3/8/1997 #43222 did not. In another room, she saw four beings sitting in chairs in front o 6/5/1997 #43311 Poland Evening. Grzegorz Nowak and four friends are visiting the monument t 6/18/1997 #43328 iry and gray, stood about three or four feet tall, and had large dark eyes. 6/26/1997 #43341 Blind River, Ontario Four witnesses in Blind River, Ontario, 6/28/1997 #43343 and worked in the White House for four years. 7/23/1997 #43357 Ocean One of them, estimated to be four meters in diameter, dove under a wa 8/10/1997 #43378 h in this area is desirable. After four days of presentations and discussio 9/29/1997 #43420 At four in the afternoon Osmo Kurkela was w 10/3/1997 #43424 me day as the Australian sighting, four lights in a row approached a car fr 10/13/1997 #43428 period is reportedly only three to four months. Soon the bluish light start 12/14/1997 #43462 rogram and they house a minimum of four crew members, the top 1% of elite p 1998 #43481 At four o'clock in the morning a man in Hue 1/1/1998 #43484 anoids around her. They were about four feet tall and gave off a white ligh 6/27/1998 #43596 body "like a puppet." He was about four feet tall, and wore what appeared t 8/8/1998 #43620 ales 12:00 noon–1:00 p.m. At least four witnesses at Quirindi, New South Wa 8/10/1998 #43625 approaching from behind. Three or four cars sped by the witnesses, who wer 9/25/1998 #43652 ovince, China Cangzhou Qing County Four different radar stations in Hebei p 10/19/1998 #43665 tting with a few other guards. All four of them notice three extremely brig 12/1998 #43694 ton, when she notices a cluster of four white lights and one red light to t 12/3/1998 #43696 At 6:30 p.m. four police constables near a lake in Sh 2/9/1999 #43724 t 100 feet above the trees. It had four bright lights along its bottom in p 2/25/1999 #43735 At four o'clock in the morning two men, Jos 4/1/1999 #43752 oria. In Adelaide, South Australia four men sitting outside saw a bright bl 6/12/1999 #43785 nd moving at 115–350 mph. At least four times it seems to hover for 30 seco 10/9/1999 #43859 elt very cold. The being was about four feet tall, and was wearing a blacki 10/26/1999 #43866 e craft hovered over the river for four minutes, and then disappeared from 11/1/1999 #43869 ad its tongue missing. Nearby were four elk legs and haunches with no head, 11/15/1999 #43881 .m. in Pemberton, British Columbia four witnesses watched orange lights in 11/25/1999 #43887 The lights wandered in the sky for four minutes. There were 4-6 lights in a 11/25/1999 #43887 ge, with Jacques Vallée noting the four were connected to a series of futur 12/3/1999 #43892 ed the morning sunlight, and after four minutes it emitted a bright beam of 12/8/1999 #43896 non, Missouri on this evening. The four witnesses woke up 20 minutes later 12/25/1999 #43903 of a lentil held at arm's length. Four other reports occurred that evening 1/28/2000 #43935 outh Penrith six witnesses watched four objects that stopped moving across 1/29/2000 #43936 w to the northeast, and split into four objects as it approached the horizo 2/9/2000 #43943 d seeing the two objects at around four o'clock in the afternoon. 2/12/2000 #43947 Missouri a witness reported seeing four light rotating against an overcast 3/2/2000 #43962 s, British Columbia. It split into four smaller triangles, and changed colo 5/8/2000 #43990 ss in Silverdale, Washington, sees four orange lights descending to the wes 7/17/2000 #44021 ippines when she was approached by four women wearing black nun's habits th 9/6/2000 #44037 Challis, Idaho 9:45 p.m. Four men are camped in a trailer at a ru 9/27/2000 #44047 the craft appeared to be damaged. Four beings, with light brown skin and l 11/28/2000 #44085 experience their watches were all four hours behind the correct time. One 11/28/2000 #44085 y a holographic figure occurred at four o’clock in the morning in Kingsvill 12/31/2000 #44110 orizon and speeds toward the other four. Each seems to react in a way simil 1/1/2001 #44114 lity lit up the low flying object. Four helicopters appeared and attempted 1/24/2001 #44130 d of dirt 16 inches high. He notes four indentations inside the circle that 4/1/2001 #44156 a dark triangle-shaped object with four lights was sighted by a single witn 4/25/2001 #44167 , unlit triangle craft escorted by four helicopters. Seen by security offic 5/6/2001 #44180 ee five lights, then a space, then four lights, a much longer space and a s 7/15/2001 #44209 ther the group of five or group of four lights, or to the entire group of l 7/15/2001 #44209 y. A Brazilian Air Force pilot and four others are taking supplies from Bel 8/3/2001 #44223 ty of Lawton, Oklahoma when he saw four UFOs take off from ground level, on 8/15/2001 #44235 then three flashes, another pause, four flashes, pause, and then it repeate 8/30/2001 #44249 A four minute long videotape was shot at 1 12/19/2001 #44297 At 3:00 p.m. four brown, connected spheres with sever 6/1/2002 #44345 ut 1,000–2,000 feet behind it. The four fighters return to base around 1:50 7/26/2002 #44366 ed the sky in The Colony, Texas at four o'clock in the afternoon, about 500 8/24/2002 #44385 Peter O'Hanlon sighted four orange glowing triangular objects f 8/25/2002 #44386 r moved about erratically, and all four followed a curved trajectory across 8/25/2002 #44386 At 5:30 p.m. in Dublin, Ireland four black saucer-shaped and shiny UFOs 9/24/2002 #44404 ons. Wilson seemingly narrows down four UAP related SAPs and has these conf 10/16/2002 #44418 and asks for formal access to the four SAPs and is denied, and told by a l 10/16/2002 #44418 Pacific Standard Time. There were four chevron-shaped objects over Wilming 11/1/2002 #44434 scorched tree trunks. Inside were four smaller circles, equidistant apart, 11/15/2002 #44443 s above the horizon, while driving four miles past Wilkerson Pass on Highwa 11/22/2002 #44449 ory, Australia three witnesses saw four silver ovals in a diamond formation 11/27/2002 #44451 Lawrence witnessed a formation of four cylindrical or cigar-shaped UFOs at 11/28/2002 #44455 t 9:16 p.m. a bell-shaped UFO with four lights was viewed for 26 minutes ov 1/22/2003 #44478 nd some were like small boxes with four perpendicular lights. The witness b 3/14/2003 #44502 floated oddly through the sky for four minutes. They claim to have taken p 3/18/2003 #44503 eet between two cars. It was about four feet tall, humanoid shaped, and run 4/18/2003 #44515 each row. They were about three or four feet tall and were standing only 15 5/2/2003 #44521 cigar-shaped UFOs were sighted by four young women over Northridge, Califo 5/7/2003 #44527 meter looked octagonal, and it had four small yellow lights with a large re 5/8/2003 #44529 At 1:30 a.m. four triangular UFOs were sighted over Y 5/16/2003 #44538 forest sounds had gone silent. The four witnesses went into their truck and 5/16/2003 #44538 ces tell Haisch that there are now four projects dealing with UAP matters, 6/11/2003 #44556 At 12:15 a.m. four elliptical, illuminated objects eac 8/30/2003 #44588 military F-15's. It reportedly had four white lights and four red lights. 8/30/2003 #44588 portedly had four white lights and four red lights. 8/30/2003 #44588 elieved the program was split into four parts and about 200 people were on 9/10/2003 #44595 w over the coconut trees for about four minutes in Baling, Kedah State, Mal 12/15/2003 #44629 MST a triangle-shaped object with four different multicolored lights flew 12/23/2003 #44631 lighted from within was sighted in Four Oaks, North Carolina at 7:00 p.m. T 1/4/2004 #44648 ood tells Jacques Vallée there are four secret “iron post” sources that Hal 3/6/2004 #44674 At four a.m. Mr. M. N. was driving east on 3/12/2004 #44676 ar Omaha, Nebraska reported seeing four disc-shaped objects, which remained 3/25/2004 #44679 man, the group speculates that the four USG contractors who touch the “real 3/28/2004 #44683 ow flying cigar-shaped object with four diamond shapes on the bottom was se 4/26/2004 #44692 rook, British Columbia. There were four witnesses and the sighting was quit 5/8/2004 #44697 At four o'clock in the morning a yellowish 6/6/2004 #44708 vered at 50 feet altitude emitting four light beams, that were directed ont 7/17/2004 #44716 Special Access Programs where only four people knew what was happening. May 8/2004 #44724 ined by rows of lights. There were four bright emerald green lights positio 8/2/2004 #44725 ald green lights positioned at the four corners of the craft, and numerous 8/2/2004 #44725 of the bottom of the craft, while four blue lights were positioned around 8/2/2004 #44725 Over Staten Island, New York four hazy white objects traveled in a ci 8/20/2004 #44735 g" next reported that he could see four figures approaching him from the ob 8/25/2004 #44741 lamette River. They distinctly saw four colors of lights: red, white, green 9/3/2004 #44746 lamette River. They distinctly saw four colors of lights: red, white, green 9/5/2004 #44748 Triangular craft were reported at four widely separate locations on this d 9/11/2004 #44754 eros, Puerto Rico when he awoke at four a.m. and looked out the window to s 11/8/2004 #44780 ay in an interview that a total of four people (two pilots and two weapons 11/14/2004 #44784 Four lighted chevron-shaped objects sile 12/5/2004 #44797 n underground facility beneath the Four Corners. https://www.amazon.com/Ra 2005 #44803 Four discs flew east over the mountains 1/22/2005 #44809 arted to approach the area and the four objects vanished immediately as the 1/22/2005 #44809 olored light hovered over them for four minutes, shifted back and forth, th 2/15/2005 #44814 , Canada. They buzzed the car only four feet away and just six feet off the 3/5/2005 #44819 ports of a diamond shaped UFO with four main lights, along with a bunch of 4/25/2005 #44826 w to orange and then to red within four minutes. Fighters are scrambled, an 5/11/2005 #44840 ht to proceed. The F-16s then fire four bright flares across the plane’s no 5/11/2005 #44840 Four police officers sighted a diamond-s 9/4/2005 #44868 turned; two had died on Serpo, and four others decided to remain. Of the 8 11/1/2005 #44898 .m. over Houston, British Columbia four witnesses saw what looked like an e 2/12/2006 #44922 aguez, Puerto Rico he saw three or four Grey aliens standing near a landed 2/28/2006 #44927 Brandon, Manitoba, Canada observed four lights in the sky at 11:45 p.m. Thr 5/4/2006 #44940 hree parts. Other witnesses report four lights. A police officer sees an ob 9/5/2006 #44958 At 5:30 p.m. four people standing in their front yard 10/6/2006 #44972 ct was seen briefly. The craft had four greenish-blue, dim lights on the bo 4/22/2007 #45021 At 6:30 p.m. four balls of yellow light were seen dan 5/7/2007 #45028 middle); on the bottom there were four more circles--3 white ones at each 5/16/2007 #45030 ed working. The witness also heard four loud bangs associated with the obje 10/15/2007 #45076 In Fort Riley, Kansas at 9:30 p.m. four glowing rectangular shaped lights w 10/28/2007 #45083 Four objects in triangular formation, fl 10/31/2007 #45087 red near Roswell in July 1947 with four dead humanoids; he states another s 1/1/2008 #45110 iles southeast of Stephenville see four lights similar in intensity to burn 1/8/2008 #45112 A radar returns also show a target four miles north of Allen’s sighting tha 1/8/2008 #45112 Four red lights in a rectangle were seen 2/11/2008 #45117 object was square in shape and had four lights, one on each corner of the c 5/9/2008 #45135 nesses and the sighting lasted for four minutes. 8/18/2008 #45160 , Ohio. The close encounter lasted four minutes. 10/26/2008 #45177 he center. Behind the triangle are four small objects, two egg-shaped and t 5/8/2009 #45220 s” sees a large triangular UAP and four smaller spherical UAP above his bac 5/8/2009 #45221 ge, silent, rectangular craft with four lights was seen moving slowly acros 10/29/2009 #45250 he witness wrote. The event lasted four minutes. 5/3/2010 #45277 t this point there were there were four lights on the bottom of the object, 2/11/2011 #45315 tta allegedly saw the triangle UAP four other times between February and Oc 11/15/2011 #45334 t-diameter object with an array of four lights hovering above the caliche p 7/5/2012 #45347 e display, which appears to him as four orange lights that appear and disap 9/21/2012 #45354 ne to reach a top speed of Mach 4 (four times the speed of sound), and reac Late 2012 #45355 a 51 early in its construction and four “alien” occupants went to Los Alamo 11/1/2013 #45392 come progressively more human over four successive stages. The ultimate pro 9/2015 #45438 t classifies incidents into one of four categories: drones or unmanned aeri 2017 #45462 Davis and Hal Puthoff, comments on four alleged “legacy” UAP programs hidde 2018 #45498 hidden from oversight. “A group of four related but separate unacknowledged 2018 #45498 (VFA-106, the “Gladiators”) tracks four separate unknown objects on its rad 3/13/2018 #45523 bert Sheaffer, reviewing the first four episodes, points out numerous histo 1/8/2019 #45557 reportedly being denied access to four UAP programs by SAPOC, but Ralston 7/5/2019 #45590 first recording two UAVs and then four UAVs near their ship. Approaching m 7/15/2019 #45593 ied commercial aircraft.” Finally, four reports are confirmed by law enforc 1/13/2020 #45626 serves and takes 8 photographs and four video segments of the UFO, one of w 3/19/2020 #45639 t cases involving a combination of four particularly puzzling “core charact 2/2/2022 #45737 state that “the combination of the four core characteristics is distinctly 2/2/2022 #45737 Knapp states he knows of at least four “legacy programs” that dealt with U 12/19/2022 #45789
ot 3 inches in diameter, forming a four- sided figure with these measuremen 7/30/1957 #13862
recalled an abduction sequence by four-and-a-half-foot tall beings with sp 3/18/1978 #33056 out a window at his courtyard. Two four-and-a-half-foot tall beings stood i 12/26/1991 #40267
ve round, flat objects flying in a four-deep formation. They were silver on 11/17/1955 #12573
had long arms and hands with only four-digits. She was submitted to a phys 1/22/1982 #36306 wrinkly skin, very long arms, and four-digits on their hands. Some of them 9/11/1994 #41734
rn Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Poland) see a four-engine bomber overhead. Behind it i 1/22/1945 #1761 Muroc Army Air Field Edwards AFB A four-engine Northrop XB-35 flying wing b 6/25/1946 #2015 ifornia Northrop delivers a second four-engine XB-35 flying wing aircraft t 6/26/1947 #2419 isc was observed by the pilot of a four-engine, U.S. Navy R-5D transport fl 2/10/1951 #5440 ust trail at a speed faster than a four-engine airliner at an altitude of 1 7/23/1952 #7078 Red Bud, IL 2:30 p.m. Four-engine prop plane took evasive acti 10/1973 #27898
o. Four or five beings, each under four-feet tall, stocky and with large he 3/28/1967 #22007
FO and being “probed and tested by four-fingered beings with almond- shaped 8/20/1976 #31282 ters tall, with very pale skin and four-fingered hands, large staring eyes, 12/11/1994 #41890
ter metallic saucer with legs. Six four-foot tall humanoids climbed ladders 3/14/1950 #4634 on a farm in Voghenza, Italy. Six four-foot tall humanoids climbed down la 8/14/1951 #5605 e ground. Below the object stood a four-foot tall figure. The humanoid disa 5/11/1954 #9776 farmhand in Edison, Georgia saw a four-foot tall, hairy little gray man wi 7/20/1955 #12274 rbed. The witness was taken by six four-foot tall humanoids with large huma 11/15/1959 #16088 four legs resting in a gully. Two four-foot tall beings in white spacesuit 4/24/1964 #18202 witness walked up and touched the four-foot long antenna on one of the obj 3/29/1966 #20144 he creature was described as about four-foot tall with large eyes and fang- 7/1/1968 #24121 window to see a 1.2 to 1.4 meter (four-foot) tall being appear in the yard 1/15/1971 #25989 oving about underneath it were two four-foot humanoids, resembling human be 5/2/1972 #26669 snowy field 700 feet away. Three four-foot tall, square-shouldered beings 11/28/1972 #27151 ock at night when he encountered a four-foot tall, brown, or green creature 10/26/1973 #28297 ifted out into road, shaped like a four-foot tall triangle, 2.5 feet wide a 11/9/1978 #33941 ith a flashlight caught sight of a four-foot tall thin humanoid with a larg 8/8/1980 #35446 ith a flashlight caught sight of a four-foot tall thin humanoid with a larg 8/8/1980 #35448 nagers in Little Rock saw a small, four-foot long rectangular UFO and a sma 6/6/1981 #35955 Little Rock, Arkansas saw a small, four-foot long rectangular UFO and a sma 6/6/1981 #35957 and medically examined by several four-foot tall figures, who were hairles 7/15/1981 #36008 being in a large room when several four-foot tall robot like entities with 7/15/1981 #36008 d disappear from sight. They saw a four-foot tall human like figure float o 12/29/1981 #36281 d with a swooshing sound. He saw a four-foot six-inch tall creature, slende 11/1/1982 #36669 abduction, but was prevented by a four-foot tall Grey humanoid who took hi 11/9/1991 #40224 gh the glare she was able to see a four-foot tall being guiding her son dow 3/4/1992 #40354 far side of a creek. He then saw a four-foot tall glowing man-like figure e 11/20/1992 #40721 w York at 3:30 a.m. She then saw a four-foot tall humanoid being and weird 1/9/1995 #41964 a, Orocovis, Puerto Rico noticed a four-foot tall creature standing next to 4/3/1995 #42138 ico reported encountering a short, four-foot tall creature on this evening, 11/24/1995 #42622 room in Cornwall, England to see a four-foot tall creature with pale shiny 5/5/1996 #42896
e vehicle he was driving fail. Two four-foot-tall beings approached, and he 8/17/1953 #9078 ville, he sees in his headlights a four-foot-tall bluish-gray figure with a 10/15/1954 #11111 racas, Venezuela reported seeing a four-foot-tall being with an oversized h 8/16/1967 #22885 r. Nearby they could dimly see two four-foot-tall beings with large heads a 10/15/1968 #24563 ed under the armpits by masked two four-foot-tall humanoid beings, who wore 5/4/1969 #25115 se, France, the witness observed a four-foot-tall dwarf standing at the edg 9/27/1973 #27879 and on top of the platform stood a four-foot-tall man. He wore a one-piece 11/30/1979 #35034 fields on the same road, see 7–11 four-foot-tall humanoids that appear to 1/15/1981 #35792 Rico Mrs. Camacho encountered two four-foot-tall Grey entities in her gard 8/13/1991 #40151 y sugar cane field. She filmed the four-foot-tall humanoid as it slowly mov 9/16/1994 #41756 children reportedly encountered a four-foot-tall being with red eyes and a 8/18/1995 #42401 ldren, a girl and a boy, spotted a four-foot-tall sky-blue figure marching 9/24/1996 #43041 ooked out a window and saw several four-foot-tall hooded figures running ar 10/30/1998 #43671
. It appeared several times over a four-hour period. 7/18/1952 #6903 de, Colorado Montezuma Museum In a four-hour long presentation in front of 5/5/2015 #45437
ect, estimated to be as large as a four-inch plate held at arm's length, at Fall 1977 #32514
can hardly see as he drives down a four-lane road, and he swerves and block 12/4/1988 #38743 satellite balls of light covered a four-lane highway in Arras, Pas d' Calai 12/5/1993 #41325
ing two silver objects shaped like four-leaf clovers hovering over the subu 8/11/1965 #19368
feet altitude) over the heads of a four-man oil drilling rig crew four mile 11/29/1993 #41308
On this night a featureless four-meter wide disc circled a ranch in 3/12/1950 #4620 Plants and stones vanished from a four-meter square area. 8/28/1957 #13940 1:00 p.m. in Jabuticabal, Brazil a four-meter long "watermelon" landed in a 12/10/1957 #14705 , in the Basque region of Spain, a four-meter wide circular-shaped flying o 6/23/1968 #24071 is headlights dimmed. He noticed a four-meter wide disc hovering six meters 3/6/1969 #24979 a shrill whistling sound. A brown, four-meter diameter disc hovered 100m ov 4/12/1977 #31975 At 11:00 p.m. a four-meter in diameter domed disc buzzed 10/2/1977 #32547 with physiological effects with a four-meter in diameter orb that was hove 10/24/1978 #33870 moulins, Gard department, France a four-meter wide ball of light hovered lo 10/26/1978 #33881 . At four o'clock in the morning a four-meter wide cone-shaped object was s 12/14/1978 #34125 n. At 7:10 p.m. near Grandrieux, a four-meter diameter cylinder-shaped disc 1/28/1980 #35149 At 4:00 o'clock in the morning a four-meter long white glowing ovoid UFO 5/14/1993 #40980
home went out. Electric power in a four-mile wide area was interrupted for 11/14/1957 #14552
shire, England. A witness filmed a four-minute videotape of the encounter b 5/7/1994 #41516
ligence Review, no. 49, contains a four-page summary of ghost rocket sighti 1/9/1947 #2224 ashington D.C. US Date of the fake four-page “Briefing Document: Operation 11/18/1952 #8295 ian Chief of Air Staff, prepares a four-page “Suggested Statement by the Mi 4/20/1965 #18908
Abbott, flying a Bellanca Cruisair four-passenger private airplane. A sing 7/1948 #3690
ter passing the flyby, they form a four-point formation then disappear to t 11/11/2021 #45721
kers in Wilmington, Delaware saw a four-sided pyramid (tetrahedron) at arou 6/30/1990 #39632
s see a round UFO hovering above a four-silo Atlas complex near Francis E. 8/1964 #18467
raton at Giant Rock, California, a four-story domed structure, 55 feet in d 1959 #15515
ite, but all they find is a small, four-toes footprint in the muddy bottom 10/21/1967 #23282
ty, and three other men in several four-wheel-drive pickup trucks. He seems 10/15/1974 #29531
ted. He then also noticed that his four-year old daughter leaning on the ba 12/6/1976 #31587 er, this report was the first of a four-year wave of reports from the Hessd 12/1/1981 #36241 er, this report was the first of a four-year wave of reports from the Hessd 12/1/1981 #36242
sed here by Marius Dewilde and his four-year-old son. A disc, six meters in 10/10/1954 #10903 nded, and a creature the size of a four-year-old child, transparent and wea 8/22/1955 #12390 aralysis occurred on this night to four-year-old Robbie Tomey in his home i 11/27/1983 #37050 ed it to be the same height as her four-year-old brother. When the figure b 8/28/2009 #45239
FOURCHAMBAULT AND GIVRY, FR 12 separate 8/13/1952 #7563
NEAR BELLE FOURCHE, SD 2 / car. Large globe. 2 hour 9/1973 #27737
tical chemist Phyllis Budinger for Fourier Transform infrared spectrometry 11/11/1999 #43878
FOURMETOT, FR Glowing-ring going up [to] 3/23/1980 #35231
FOURMIES, FR 6M domed saucer going down. 11/7/1973 #28379
FOURNEAUX, FR 2 / N142. Spoked red wheel 10/30/1968 #24603
Poncey-sur-Lignon, France Mrs. Fourneret, a housewife, ran away as an o 10/4/1954 #10697 , France, Mme. Yvette (or Thérèse) Fourneret sees a luminous orange object 10/4/1954 #10698 Mrs. Fourneret, a housewife, ran away as an o 10/4/1954 #10710
nce officers (Ruppelt and Dewey J. Fournet Jr.) see the document in 1952. “ 9/30/1948? #3817 USAF Maj. Dewey Fournet, while serving on Project Blue B 1951 #5379 Navy dubbed Operation Interloper. Fournet used his access and USG resource 1951 #5379 Wright-Patterson AFB Wonsan Dewey Fournet, on the Pentagon’s UFO desk, wri 2/8/1952 #5894 he analysis, which he passes on to Fournet and Garland. Stranges compares t 2/8/1952 #5894 Baltimore Dewey Fournet Jr. responds to a reporter from 4/17/1952 #6108 Hynek. In the Pentagon, Maj. Dewey Fournet Jr. is a full-time Blue Book lia 6/1952 #6402 anything. At 1:00 p.m., Maj. Dewey Fournet calls Ruppelt to come to a brief 7/21/1952 #6981 D.C. Capt. Ruppelt told Maj. Dewey Fournet to get over to the airport in Wa 7/26/1952 #7140 over to the airport in Washington. Fournet was a radar specialist with Proj 7/26/1952 #7140 adar echoes. Pro-UFO Maj. Dewey J. Fournet Jr., USAF public relations offic 7/29/1952 #7328 is one probably used in Maj. Dewey Fournet’s Motion Study, is missing from 8/1/1952 #7411 ol. Donald L. Bower and Maj. Dewey Fournet brief CIA consultants Frederick 11/25/1952 #8340 Maj. Dewey Fournet completes a study of UFOs to ass 12/1952 #8361 esented to the panel by Maj. Dewey Fournet. 1/12/1953 #8534 eaks again, followed by Maj. Dewey Fournet, who talks about his motion stud 1/16/1953 #8543 urant prior to the meetings, which Fournet has suspected). 1/16/1953 #8543 reat waste of effort.” They reject Fournet’s UFO reports as “raw” and “unev 1/17/1953 #8548 eleased to the public (it didn’t). Fournet, Chop, and Col. Teabert (Kenneth 1/29/1953 #8613 ed citizen in Colorado, that Dewey Fournet’s motion studies project was a p Early 4/1955 #12079 tion, he confirms the existence of Fournet’s motion study, and he first des 1/1956 #12642 S, U.F.O. Edward J. Ruppelt, Dewey Fournet, and Albert M. Chop assist in th 5/3/1956 #12828 es policemen stand in for Ruppelt, Fournet, and Gen William Garland. The Ai 5/3/1956 #12828 ons the Estimate of the Situation, Fournet’s motion study, and the CIA Robe 3/8/1958 #14920 Dewey Fournet confirms, in a statement to NICA 5/4/1958 #15013
gle, other times in pairs, threes, fours, sevens, or twelves. Frequently th 11/6/1954 #11585 g. When they run, they drop on all fours. When one of them approaches the h 8/21/1955 #12386 ject he saw three "animals" on all fours climbing up the road bank. Their h 3/5/1971 #26044 gs, some upright and others on all fours. His car had just passed them when 3/5/1971 #26044 aw a small figure crouching on all fours, facing their car, in the lefthand 4/23/1977 #32019
It took off with a rushing sound. Fourteen giant footprints, two feet long 4/13/1897 #456 e over, Korea UFO Circles Fleet of Fourteen Ships / Tracked By Radar (NICAP 1951 #5374 At 10:10 a.m. fourteen people in Enfield, Connecticut 9/6/1952 #7870 Fourteen oval flying objects were sighte 8/28/1953 #9121 ly, N. Car. policeman O.S. Gryman. Fourteen yellow-to-red round objects wit 9/14/1956 #13221 hree men, one a policeman, sighted fourteen yellow-to-red round objects giv 9/14/1956 #13222 Edinburgh, Scotland Fourteen people, including Mrs. Maty Hom 11/8/1957 #14480 In Edinburgh, Scotland fourteen people, including Mrs. Maty Hom 11/8/1957 #14491 peed and apparent size as it flew. Fourteen minutes later a disc shaped obj 12/24/1965 #19788 d forty-eight spent cartridges and fourteen bullets apparently flattened by 6/14/1968 #24033 Mountain Time, five woman driving fourteen miles west of Ponoka, Alberta, 8/5/1969 #25311 also large three-toed footprints, fourteen inches long and spaced 50" apar 5/4/1975 #30033 Winsted (near), CT 3:45 p.m. Fourteen boys and their camp counselor M 7/28/1976 #31187 Fourteen boys and their camp counselor M 7/28/1976 #31190 ren, Lee, age twelve and Nell, age fourteen, observed a large glowing objec 5/9/1977 #32077 ents surrounding the reactor well. Fourteen men are possibly boiled alive. 6/27/1985 #37609
ahuac, Mexico Witness: R.C. Cano. Fourteen-fifteen circular, tapered discs 12/13/1957 #14724
Fourteen-year-old Amy saw a slow flying 11/25/2002 #44450
SPACE New fourth magnetic/magnitude star maneuvers 2/23/1883 #253 3126 Fourth Avenue South Minneapolis, Minneso 4/11/1897 #432 . G. Adams and his parents at 3126 Fourth Avenue South in Minneapolis, Minn 4/11/1897 #432 fireworks to in preparation for a Fourth of July celebration. 7/2/1907 #697 tarctica Admiral Richard E. Byrd’s fourth Antarctic expedition (Operation H 1946 #1955 was reported missing. There was a fourth cluster of three sightings betwee 7/3/1947 #2586 l of white, sparkling fire, like a Fourth of July sparkler, about the size 7/9/1947 #3068 jects are silvery white, while the fourth is a dull metallic color. 7/10/1947 #3104 Idaho Intelligence agents from the Fourth Air Force, Lt. Frank M. Brown and 7/25/1947 #3229 staff for army intelligence at the Fourth Air Force, who has just returned 8/8/1947 #3307 New Mexico The Fourth Army sums up the UFO situation in 12/29/1948 #3938 memo on behalf of the Commander of Fourth Army at Fort Sam Houston in San A 1/13/1949 #3973 discussed by the OSI, FBI and the Fourth Army and is “considered TOP SECRE 1/31/1949 #3987 lvin Neef and Maj. William Godsoe (Fourth Army Intelligence liaison officer 2/8/1949 #3998 Continental Air Command McCoy A Fourth Air Force letter quotes Project S 2/18/1949 #4018 Army consider the matter “secret.” Fourth Army Intelligence is now calling 3/22/1949 #4052 lleen Base Camp Hood, Texas The US Fourth Army creates an operational plan 5/4/1949 #4144 ood, Killeen, Texas 10:00 a.m. The Fourth US Army has approached AFOSI in S 5/5/1949 #4149 AFOSI and FBI give no opinion. The Fourth Army urges AFOSI to create an obs 5/5/1949 #4149 s near Albuquerque, New Mexico The Fourth Army’s observation system near Ki 5/19/1949 #4196 lan and Maj. Frederic C. E. Oder), Fourth Army, the FBI, AFSWP, and Los Ala 10/14/1949 #4394 can be seen in the photograph. The fourth picture, taken as the object tilt 5/7/1952 #6270 other two, making a V formation. A fourth UFO comes in from up the James Ri 7/16/1952 #6844 d a large circular maneuver by the fourth object. An aircraft passes under 8/7/1952 #7508 ject. An aircraft passes under the fourth object with no apparent reaction 8/7/1952 #7508 ween 10,000 and 2,000 feet. On the fourth pass, it heads directly toward th 8/21/1952 #7670 n the same area around 2:30 a.m. A fourth party sees two orange flares drop 11/22/1953 #9315 like a stick in its hand; and the fourth one was facing her with its right 7/3/1955 #12231 like a stick in its hand; and the fourth one was facing her with its right 7/3/1955 #12233 disc-shaped craft…as the first.” A fourth witness is unidentified. “One dis 10/4/1955 #12488 inct outline and approximately one fourth the diameter of the sun's image w 7/14/1956 #12970 ut now joined by second, third and fourth objects at 8:29, 8:35, and 8:35–8 6/26/1959 #15790 h Street, Corpus Christi, Texas. A fourth UFO appears about 5 minutes later 7/28/1959 #15884 Indian Ocean Fourth Officer G. Gendall of the cargo s 9/18/1961 #16847 hey would return at the end of the fourth moon, one hour before dawn, with 4/10/1962 #17106 ither emanate from an unobservable fourth dimension or are time machines. 3/1963 #17689 similar object from the west. The fourth object stopped and hovered as the 6/26/1963 #17808 tion, and continued west. Then the fourth object continued east. [Report vi 6/26/1963 #17808 similar object from the west. The fourth object stops and hovers as the th 6/26/1963 #17810 ation, and continue west. Then the fourth object continues east. 6/26/1963 #17810 square-mile area by plutonium. The fourth, which falls into the Mediterrane 1/17/1966 #19844 es off the coast of California The fourth and final launch of a D-21 drone 7/30/1966 #20696 50k' altitude. Hover and maneuver. Fourth joins. Going quickly east. / r19p 12/16/1966 #21204 were in a line formation while the fourth was off to one side. The UFOs wen 2/12/1967 #21524 hite lit windows. Rise going west. Fourth joins. / APRO 5'67. 3/25/1967 #21976 discs) that were later joined by a fourth. White light was coming from wind 3/25/1967 #21981 west, where they were joined by a fourth flying disc. 3/25/1967 #21986 g from five square windows. In the fourth window was a thin humanoid figure 7/20/1967 #22713 gle with sides 10 feet long, and a fourth depression in the center. Other w 9/20/1967 #23101 ly going south. Emit strong light. Fourth UFO joins and disappears. 5/22/1968 #23979 dentified Aircraft, created by the Fourth Air Zone Command of the Brazilian 10/1968 #24535 ll humanoids (or Greys) by saucer. Fourth / dome works / keyboard. Observer 10/2/1968 #24536 g at his tractor’s engine, and the fourth is inside the object at the instr 10/2/1968 #24537 3 small humanoids (or Greys) exit. Fourth / inside. 1 scratches / dirt. 11/25/1968 #24701 e dwarf humanoids emerged, while a fourth was seen inside the craft. One of 11/25/1968 #24707 h his original three captors and a fourth being—also humanoid, with red hai 5/4/1969 #25114 Paulo Caetano Silveira's fourth "contact" experience occurred nea 12/5/1971 #26489 etti appeals the injunction to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, which u 3/1972 #26584 Bryan’s ruling, and ultimately the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals upholds 3/1972 #26584 t super heavy N-1 rocket fails its fourth and final test attempt 11/23/1972 #27133 Our sixth planet has one moon. Our fourth planet has three. Our first and t 4/1973 #27396 into the air then float down. The fourth time, they fly away, still standi 10/22/1973 #28241 ver(s) led going [to] UFO / field. Fourth telepaths "cooperate". Samples et 6/16/1974 #29200 see the structure of the object. A fourth set of witnesses saw a violent re 6/29/1974 #29231 lton and Concord, New Hampshire. A fourth object, a domed ellipse, rises fr 8/11/1974 #29323 triangle formation at 3:23 a.m. A fourth object rose from the trees, and f 8/11/1974 #29325 ll with antennae on their heads. A fourth is visible through a porthole. Th 2/14/1975 #29812 its tail and right wing, where the fourth flash is seen. A military radar p 4/14/1977 #31980 Greys) emerge / alley and retrieve fourth who looks disabled! 6/12/1977 #32158 e coming for him, but he noticed a fourth being lying directly in front of 6/12/1977 #32161 and an orange object is ejected. A fourth moon appears and approaches the s 9/17/1982 #36607 ther mile toward the UFO, taking a fourth photo before it shoots straight u 3/7/1985 #37566 On this Fourth of July holiday two adult women i 7/4/1987 #38204 ch he is allowed to examine on his fourth visit to S-4. The disc has three 3/1989 #38855 / 3 shiny ovoids going northeast. Fourth going north. Absolute(ly) silent. 8/1/1991 #40139 etic effects). Saucer / treetops / fourth observer(s). 6/10/1993 #41012 triangular array. An intermittent fourth signal blinks in and out. The vis 3/8/1994 #41449 ike its belly and one its chest. A fourth shot hits its shoulder. These two 1/20/1996 #42694 Eli Chereze, locate and capture a fourth creature, forcing it into the bac 1/20/1996 #42696 treak going quickly south. 3rd and fourth follow. 2/28/1996 #42787 WIMBLEDON, SURREY 2 / fourth floor flat. Clam-shaped metallic 7/5/1997 #43346 then five minutes again until the fourth one passed. They all travelled be 4/26/2001 #44168 was breastfeeding her baby in her fourth floor apartment in Amasya, Turkey 7/23/2001 #44210 shot off rapidly to the east. The fourth went south and was lost from view 11/28/2002 #44455 ylvania beginning at 10:00 p.m.; a fourth appeared, all flew a pattern. 11/29/2002 #44456 smaller craft appeared, and then a fourth craft appeared southwest. This la 5/16/2003 #44538 e seemed to be hovering, while the fourth circled the others at one point. 5/4/2006 #44940
Carr announces his invention of a fourth-dimensional space vehicle, a Circ 1957 #13432
ner of the airport, and Lt. Philip Foushee Jr. of Otis AFB [now Otis Air Na 2/2/1950 #4526 avy fighter pilot, USAF Lt. Philip Foushee, pilot from Otis AFB, and two ot 2/5/1950 #4530
FOUSSIGNARGUES AND REVETY, FR Busload / 9/27/1954 #10455 Foussignargues, France At "Revety," peop 9/27/1954 #10469 Foussignargues, France. At "Revety," peo 9/27/1954 #10474
Fout saucer-shaped objects, the size of 10/5/1965 #19645
Paris, France René and Françine Fouéré establish the Groupe d’Étude des 1962 #17009
Conway, SC Fowl and mules vocalize as disc passes o 1/29/1953 #8611
it from?” Astronomer Frederick E. Fowle of the Smithsonian thinks they are 8/22/1924 #1041
DANVERS, MA AND AREA Ray Fowler and many. White ovoid seen / dayt 7/4/1947 #2596 port. Weather Bureau observer Gene Fowler, Winfield Henry of the Civil Aero 11/26/1950 #5287 ration building for a better look. Fowler is able to watch it through a the 11/26/1950 #5287 lliam M. Garland, Col. John Gordon Fowler, and three other USAF officers; L 9/3/1952 #7839 ll humanoid (or Grey) / tent. / R. Fowler / r249p131. 5/21/1953 #8894 an. Werner’s diary reviewed by Ray Fowler corroborated this showing he wrot 5/21/1953 #8899 . Dargie, and investigator Raymond Fowler obtains the accident report from 6/1953 #8922 7:00 p.m. Airman 2nd Class Wallace Fowler is sitting on the front steps of Late Spring 1957 #13662 e occurrence in to Patrolman A. J. Fowler of the Levelland sheriff’s office 11/2/1957 #14216 0' altitude over power lines. / R. Fowler / r83p3. 6/26/1963 #17805 nterviewed by NICAP member Raymond Fowler.] (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/26/1963 #17807 age and local perceptions. Raymond Fowler finds that the local advertising 9/3/1965 #19511 fore finally moving out of sight. (Fowler, 1974, pp. 116, 335, 337; NICAP n 3/29/1966 #20132 earing in an estimated 3 seconds. (Fowler, 1974, p. 336.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 3/29/1966 #20133 tling or humming sound. (BB files, Fowler, 1974, pp. 125-27.) (NICAP: 02 - 3/30/1966 #20154 e (EM effects) in nearby Roxbury. (Fowler 1974, p. 337; Boston Record Ameri 4/12/1966 #20288 d was seen hovering off Route 24. (Fowler, 1974, p. 337.) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 4/12/1966 #20289 l 12, Brockton, Mass., sighting.] (Fowler, 1974, p. 337.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 4/16/1966 #20303 ly, then disappeared into clouds. (Fowler 1974, p. 337.) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 4/17/1966 #20312 h up and down oscillatory motion. (Fowler 1974, p. 338.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 4/17/1966 #20313 ow level above Lake Quannapowitt. (Fowler 1974, p. 338.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 4/17/1966 #20314 ped back and forth several times. (Fowler 1974, p. 338.) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 4/18/1966 #20326 ing straight up and disappearing. (Fowler 1974, p. 339.) (NICAP: 01 - Dista 4/18/1966 #20327 ance), reappearing after it left. (Fowler 1974, pp. 128-130, 340; NICAP rep 4/19/1966 #20339 ntified lights rise and fly away. (Fowler, 1974, p. 339.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 4/19/1966 #20340 Hill Veterans Home and Hospital. (Fowler 1974, p. 339.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 4/19/1966 #20341 husetts NICAP Subcommittee report; Fowler 1974, p. 339) (NICAP: 02 - Close 4/19/1966 #20342 g back and forth like a pendulum. (Fowler 1974, < p. 339.) [Note: Bellingha 4/19/1966 #20343 moved out of sight behind trees. (Fowler 1974, p. 340.) [Note: There are t 4/22/1966 #20369 flashing lights on its underside. (Fowler 1974, p. 340.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 4/23/1966 #20387 ll, No. 8, May-June 1966, pp. 7-8; Fowler 1974, p. 340.) (NICAP: 03 - EME C 4/24/1966 #20400 pass over the Watertown Arsenal. (Fowler 1974, p. 341) (NICAP: 02 - Close 5/1/1966 #20439 and hovered ahead over the road. (Fowler, 1974, p. 341; Boston Traveler, J 6/11/1966 #20551 ellow to green and back to white. (Fowler 1974, p. 341.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 7/20/1966 #20659 Ill, No. 10, Oct.-Nov. 1966, p. 4; Fowler 1974, p. 341.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 9/17/1966 #20890 ight white lights along its side. (Fowler 1974, p. 342.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 10/28/1966 #21044 tion over the Beverly Farms area. (Fowler 1974, p. 342.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 11/15/1966 #21106 red over woods just off the road. (Fowler 1974, p. 342.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 12/1/1966 #21175 disappeared behind an embankment. (Fowler 1974, p. 343.) (NICAP: 02 - Close 12/13/1966 #21196 ore moving away and disappearing. (Fowler, 1974, p. 343.). (NICAP: 02 - Clo 1/15/1967? #21307 lue Book files, National Archives; Fowler, 1974, p. 343.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 1/18/1967 #21339 object moving slowly, accelerated. Fowler, 1974, pp. 138- (NICAP: 03 - EME 1/20/1967 #21357 ed. Full fantastic account / R. E. Fowler. 1/25/1967 #21380 egs. (Hall, 2001, pp. 529-30, from Fowler, 1979, 1982, 1990, 1995, section 1/25/1967 #21381 with extraterrestrials. Raymond E. Fowler’s 1979 book about the case contai 1/25/1967 #21386 . EM effects were reported on TV. (Fowler, 1974, p. 344.) (NICAP: 03 - EME 2/10/1967 #21499 ghts) hovering just off the road. (Fowler, 1974, p. 344.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 2/12/1967 #21520 y. A swishing sound was reported. (Fowler, 1974, p. 344.) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 2/16/1967 #21566 hich two other people also heard. (Fowler, 1974, p. 344.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 2/17/1967 #21582 l, No. 12, March-April 1967, p. 6; Fowler, 1974, p. 344.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 2/17/1967 #21583 light on each side (body lights). Fowler, 1974, p. 345; Massachusetts NICA 2/26/1967 #21655 flowing fuzzy trail in its wake. (Fowler, 1974, p. 345.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 3/1/1967 #21708 t evening UFO investigator Raymond Fowler received a UFO report from Amhers 3/7/1967 #21789 r of the moon, which was visible. (Fowler, 1974, p. 346.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 3/10/1967 #21847 . It moved with a dancing motion. (Fowler, 1974, p. 346.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 3/18/1967 #21915 light was affected (EM effects). (Fowler, 1974, p. 348.) (NICAP: 07 - Enti Spring 1967 #21921 g off faster than a jet aircraft. (Fowler, UFOS: INTERPLANETARY VISITORS, D 3/24/1967 #21964 Subcommittee report, NICAP files; Fowler, 1974, p. 346.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 4/11/1967 #22107 out of sight on an upward course. (Fowler, 1974, p. 346.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 4/11/1967 #22108 harp turns, and moved off slowly. (Fowler, 1974, p. 347.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 4/19/1967 #22162 hovered, then moved away slowly. (Fowler, 1974, p. 347.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 4/20/1967 #22167 direction (maneuvering) at times. (Fowler, 1974, p. 347.) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 4/20/1967 #22169 ubcommittee report in NICAP files; Fowler, 1974, p. 347.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 4/20/1967 #22170 on the area (aircraft avoidance). (Fowler, 1974, p. 347.) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 4/21/1967 #22183 t seemed to have been chasing it. (Fowler, 1974, p. 348.) . (NICAP: 02 - Cl 4/21/1967 #22184 d lights, hovering near a church. (Fowler, 1974, & p. 348.) (NICAP: 02 - Cl 4/23/1967 #22212 , Vol. IV, No. 2, Oct. 1967, p. 3; Fowler, 1974, p. 348.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 4/27/1967 #22230 a light at them (light reaction). (Fowler, 1974, p. 348.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 5/11/1967 #22315 en departed upward at high speed. (Fowler, 1974, p. 348.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 5/29/1967 #22419 uvered), then moved out of sight. (Fowler, 1974, p. 349.) (NICAP: 02 - Clos 6/24/1967 #22541 glowing orange object in the sky. (Fowler, 1974, pp. 151-52, 349.) (NICAP: 7/26/1967 #22732 tarlike light that began to move. (Fowler report, 8/14/67, NICAP files; NIC 7/27/1967 #22739 , Vol. IV, No. 2, Oct. 1967, p. 3; Fowler, 1974, pp. 152-55, 349.) (NICAP: 7/27/1967 #22739 n. (See section XIII bibliography, Fowler, 1990a.) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Case 8/26/1967 #22931 n. (See section XIII bibliography, Fowler, 1990a.) 8/26/1967 #22934 ject concealed behind the lights. (Fowler, 1974, p. 350.) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 8/28/1967 #22942 Subcommittee report, NICAP files; Fowler, 1974, p. 349.) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 9/8/1967 #23019 2001, p. 161; letter to Raymond E. Fowler, Massachusetts NICAP Subcommittee 9/23/1967 #23119 tee Chairman, copy in NICAP files; Fowler, 1974, p. 349.) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 9/23/1967 #23119 Subcommittee report, NICAP files; Fowler, 1974, p. 350.) (NICAP: 04 - Anim 10/2/1967 #23165 l reactions) during the sighting. (Fowler, 1974, p. 350.) (NICAP: 04 - Anim 10/26/1967 #23332 flew over Gloucester. (Raymond E. Fowler, case investigation report dated 8/12/1968 #24319 dated August 15, 1968; Raymond E. Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p 8/12/1968 #24319 with NICAP leadership, Raymond E. Fowler (and most of his Massachusetts Su 1971 #25958 ight up and out of sight. (Raymond Fowler, UFOs: Interplanetary Visitors, p 5/31/1971 #26148 1974. Investigation by Raymond B. Fowler.) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 6/6/1974 #29168 it was silent. (Source: Raymond E. Fowler, Skylook, May 1976, p. 3). (NICAP 2/24/1976 #30898 Massachusetts. (Source: Raymond E. Fowler, Casebook of a UFO Investigator, 7/16/1977 #32280 e with EM effects on car. (Raymond Fowler investigation report) (NICAP: 02 1/5/1979 #34300 usetts UFO investigator Raymond E. Fowler publishes The Andreasson Affair, Spring 1979 #34482 Raymond E. Fowler continues his exploration of the 6/1990 #39604 llagash 4' investigated by Raymond Fowler) saw a large triangular object wi 11/22/1993 #41299 lights / edge. Droning sound. / R. Fowler. 2/22/1997 #43200 olland & Knight LLP Partner Tillie Fowler. https://www.bibliotecapleyades. 11/27/2002 #44452
ions from Texarkana, Arkansas, are fox hunting in Bowie County, Texas [arou Fall 1936 #1249 ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fox” Yield: 22KT 2/6/1951 #5433 ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Fox” Yield: 11KT 5/25/1952 #6361 Fox Hill, VA Object described as similar 6/13/1952 #6492 ADC filter center using the code “Fox Trot Kilo 3-0 Blue.” All expenses wi 9/9/1955 #12444 g of white lights at 200 feet. Her fox terrier runs inside at full speed an 2/22/1967 #21623 e notifies the field’s owner, John Fox, who comes out for a look. Fox finds Mid 7/1969 #25270 ohn Fox, who comes out for a look. Fox finds three near-perfect circles in Mid 7/1969 #25270 y FAA air traffic controller C. J. Fox. Fox describes the contact as a “goo 9/14/1972 #26997 air traffic controller C. J. Fox. Fox describes the contact as a “good cle 9/14/1972 #26997 y FAA air traffic controller C. J. Fox and tracked for about an hour. NORAD 9/14/1972 #27000 med to be above the nearby town of Fox. They pulled their car to the side o 11/13/1977 #32671 ashington, D.C. It is aired by the Fox TV show Sightings and a few other TV 1994 #41341 FOX CHAPEL, PA 2 observer(s). Small obje 5/21/1995 #42218 mostly of cattle, but also horses, fox, raccoon and other animals found in 8/15/1995 #42389 ell, New Mexico Los Angeles London Fox TV broadcasts for the first time the 8/28/1995 #42425 me movie since the Zapruder film.” Fox rebroadcasts the program twice, each 8/28/1995 #42425 cts the entire film is a fake, but Fox makes it clear that such suspicions 8/28/1995 #42425 FOX LAKE, YKN 6 separate observer(s). Hu 12/11/1996 #43136 Yukon Territory, Canada Fox Lake Carmacks Pelly Crossing Mayo 7: 12/11/1996 #43137 ur locations in the central Yukon: Fox Lake, Carmacks, Pelly Crossing, and 12/11/1996 #43137 LTL FOX LK, YKN 2 / car. 10M saucer / 60M al 3/30/2000 #43970 Klondike Highway Little Fox Lakes, Yukon Territory 5:00 a.m. Lea 3/30/2000 #43971 Highway at the west end of Little Fox Lakes, Yukon Territory, when they sp 3/30/2000 #43971 eir small boy, driving near Little Fox Lake in the Yukon Territory, Canada 3/30/2000 #43973 bruary 2019), Pandolfi was sued by FOX TV producer Robert Kiviat for allege 10/2008 #45173 FOX TV producer Robert Kiviat sues Joe F 2/26/2019 #45564 enators ‘Disturbed,’ Expert Says,” Fox News, June 24, 2020; George Knapp, “ 6/23/2020 #45649 who has UAP metals, but then James Fox asks him if he can indirectly answer 12/4/2020 #45668
NEAR FOX-AMPHOUX, FR 2 / car. Night light-sau 11/13/1977 #32669 At eleven o'clock at night in Fox-Amphoux, Var department, France a yo 11/13/1977 #32671 in the sky over the hills between Fox-Amphoux and Aups. After driving seve 11/13/1977 #32671
Foxboro, MA A young man had a close enco 12/4/1980 #35695
ning is sounded. He dives into his foxhole looking to the sky. He hears a r 8/12/1942 #1434
o turn over the data. https://www.foxnews.com/science/navy-ufo-mystery-dee 11/14/2004 #44785
ic field, and one observer (Norman Foxwell) takes photos that appear in the 3/28/1970 #25613 g them physicist David I. Simpson. Foxwell himself is part of the skeptical 3/28/1970 #25613
ST. FOY LES LYON, FR 70M saucer. Dome. Pipe 6/12/1952 #6480 US ambassador to the Soviet Union Foy D. Kohler delivers to a letter from 10/22/1962 #17485
Foyers, Inverness, Scotland Loch Ness Ja 8/16/1971 #26288 landed UFO in a cleared area above Foyers, Inverness, Scotland, on Loch Nes 8/16/1971 #26288 ve Sundberg was in the woods above Foyers Bay on Loch Ness, Scotland at aro 8/16/1971 #26289
FIGUEIRA DO FOZ, PORTUGAL Orange sphere over coast. 4/22/1966 #20360 ying over the coast at Figueira da Foz, Portugal at nine p.m. local time. A 4/22/1966 #20379 FIGUIERA DO FOZ, PORTUGAL Disk hovers over city / 30 1/22/1978 #32904 vered over the city of Figueira da Foz, Portugal for 30 minutes, radiating 1/22/1978 #32905 FIGUERA DA FOZ, PORT UFO / type unknown. All clocks 11/27/1978 (approximate) #34008 ocks in the village of Figueira da Foz, Portugal stopped for one hour and t 11/27/1978 #34011 FIGUERA DA FOZ AND COIMBRA, PORTUGAL Many observer( 1/6/1979 #34308 FOZ DO IGUACU, BRZ Hundreds / observer(s 8/22/1986 #37997
is equation on a chalkboard: N = R fp ne fl fi fc L. The equation, the Gree 11/1/1961 #16944
d a speed of 240 m.p.h. Radar was FPS/3 (PPI). 11/13/1952 #8270 16 mm N-9 camera, apparently at 16 fps 1/40 second exposure setting. 3/3/1953 #8727
Tinker AFB, OK (McDonald list) FPS-10 Tracks UFO at 3200 MPH (NICAP: 09 10/23/1954 #11335 Lake City AFS, TN (McDonald list) FPS-10 Picks Up Target Large As Three B- 12/11/1957 #14710 OR Index) Radar Visuals / MPS-14 & FPS-10 Radars (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, 4/10/1967 #22103
Eglin AFB, FL (McDonald list) AN/FPS-16 Tracks at High Altitude (NICAP: 0 11/5/1957 #14326 eously tracked on surveillance and FPS-16 radars at Stallion Site, the most 5/15/1964 #18270
McDonald list) Sightings Backed By FPS-20 & FPS-6A (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases 5/7/1960 #16258
Port Austin, MI FPS-3 Radar Tracks Objects At 1200 Knots 8/6/1952 #7484 racking seen by three men using AN/FPS-3 radar set. Two small, varicolored 9/1/1952 #7816 ix blips at one time appear on the FPS-3 radar scopes and the strange targe 9/1/1952 #7817 e radar tracked two blips on an AN/FPS-3 radar set monitored by three radar 9/1/1952 #7819 S, NM (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) FPS-3 Tracks Maneuvering Object (NICAP: 11/8/1952 #8258 Tracked an unidentified target on FPS-3 radar at 158,000 ft (NICAP: 09 - R 11/13/1952 #8268 n, WV (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) FPS-3 Sights Unusual Target (NICAP: 09 - 2/25/1953 #8702 Lackland AFB, TX AN/FPS-3 Tracks Five Or More Targets (NICAP 5/23/1953 #8905 st; FUFOR Index) Two Objects On AN/FPS-3 (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 2/13/1957 #13500
roach Control) radar (or Boron AFS FPS-35 search radar) and confirms the vi 7/30/1967 #22754
Angel Peak, Nevada, are using the FPS-3A L-band search radar and track an 7/16/1957 #13801
Index) Radar/Visual; F2H Fighter & FPS-6 Radar (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Co 8/22/1957 #13921 t, ND (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) FPS-6 Blip Travels 100 Miles in 20 Secon 11/30/1957 #14642 up between 8:00–8:30 p.m. by an AN/FPS-6 Long Range Height Finder Radar of 8/19/1965 #19427
list) Sightings Backed By FPS-20 & FPS-6A (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 5/7/1960 #16258 S, IL Object at 97,000' Tracked on FPS-6A (McDonald list) (NICAP: 09 - RADA 4/20/1961 #16656 Cross City, FL Oval Tracked By AN/FPS-6A (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R 5/23/1961 #16697 Kirksville, MO (McDonald list) FPS-6A Height Finder Tracks UFO (NICAP: 1/22/1962 #17022
s (McDonald list) UFO Maneuvers ON FPS-8, Converges On Missile (NICAP: 09 - 3/10/1959 #15633
cDonald list) Object Tracked By AN/FPS-9 at 74,000' (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Case 2/12/1962 #17048
VERDUN, FR 'Fiery armies' pass in sky here and a 3/927 (approximate) #4 NEAR VERDUN, FR Fiery ovoid going quickly southeast t 1/1034? #7 AGINCOURT, FR Fast fireballs strike with a disablin 10/25/1415 #18 NICE, FR St. Boniface Manuscript v2p397. Lumin 1/5/1433 #19 SALON-DE-PROVENCE AND ST. CHALMAS, FR 'Lance' wobbles east going quickly we 6/10/1554 #29 PARIS AND ST. DENIS, FR Separate observer(s). Contrails and w 9/12/1621 #39 OFF CHERBOURG, FR Dark 'flying ship' hovers still / win 2/8/1672 #47 BUSSIERES, FR Civil records. Flaming 'dragon' going 2/5/1780 #87 NORTHEAST / MANOSQUE, FR 7 observer(s). Luminous globe going [ 4/1812 (approximate) #105 NORTHWEST / AGEN, FR Small round cloud hovers / strong win 9/5/1814 #108 LANEJOIS, FR 3 observer(s). Red-glowing disk disk 9/25/1817 #109 EMBRUN, FR Many observer(s). Saucers maneuver / 9/7/1820 (approximate) #112 MARSEILLE, FR Meteor going quickly / 20 minute(s). 8/1/1871 #189 MEUDON, FR Astronomer Trouvelot. Several orbs an 8/29/1871 #191 NEAR CLERMONT-FERRAND, FR 3cm stones fall very slowly. Normal f 9/10/1873 #201 BAGNERES-DE-LUCHON, FR Yellow cylinder/cigar-shape exits sto 8/25/1880 #239 VANNES, FR Cmdnt Georget / (seen thru) telescope 1/3/1898 #616 FR ASTRONOMER LIBERT Very bright slow wh 6/29/1898 #623 BAYE, FR 2 kids and many. 10M red ball crosses 4/27/1899 #632 LE HAVRE, FR Astronomer Libert. Meteor turns and l 2/9/1902 #649 CHERBOURG, FR Glowing disk with corona seen over to 4/1/1905 #678 LA CELLE-SOUS-GOUZON, FR 10+'martians' stand / road. 1 flies o 1/1906? #685 VITTEL, FR Moon-size luminous disk with glowing 5/1/1908 #705 ST. LEONARD DE NOBLAT, FR Green round object rests / hilltop. F 3/1914 (approximate) #896 SCORBE-CLAIRVAUX, FR Boy. Shiny metal disk descends. Dims. 6/1919 #985 BREST, FR Red ball 2X sun-size and huge black c 8/1920 (approximate) #1004 MARSEILLE, FR Boy / 8 abduction / 2 tall thin figur 7/1921? #1011 NORTH / ROUILLAC, FR Boy / 13. Moon-size sphere/orb/globe 1/1924 (approximate) #1036 BENEST, FR 2 teens. Red glow. Glowing-sphere/orb 6/24/1924 #1040 TOULX-STE.CROIX, FR Small humanoid (or Grey) glides acros 1/1930? #1109 LARGENTIERE, FR Several observer(s). 12M orange-glowi 4/15/1930 #1112 NORTH / MALDIVES Fr. ship crew. Laser like beams radiate 3/1931 #1123 CANNES TO/FROM/BETWEEN LA BOCCA, FR 2M blessed virgin appears. Going quic 3/30/1931 (approximate) #1124 BONDY, FR 2 observer(s). Luminous/glowing white 1/21/1933 #1153 XANTON-CHASSENON, FR 4 / car. Silent luminous green ball s 6/1937 #1271 MARLE-SUR-SERRE, FR 30M fuselage going west. Turns going 8/27/1938 (approximate) #1291 MT. BAYARD, 39, FR M. Tabard / 13. Metallic top-saucer s 6/1939 #1307 NORTHEAST / FOUGERES, FR Several kids. 2 silent gold rails zig 5/27/1941 (approximate) #1362 SOUTHEAST / CUSSAY, FR 2 observer(s). Wave / heat. Domed sau 7/1942 (approximate) #1423 SOUTHWEST / KOBLENZ, GERM 2 Fr. prisoners of war. Moonless night. Cr 8/1942 #1426 SOMME ESTUARY, FR RAF meteor pilot. Night lights rise / 12/1942 #1467 CHAUNY, 02, FR Numerous observer(s). Small brilliant 1/8/1943 #1478 CHAUNY, FR 12 brilliant stars maneuver / all dir 6/4/1943 #1509 N160 / TREMERET NORTH / AMBON, 56, FR Teen. Luminous/glowing yellow ball ta 11/1943 #1538 CONCHES, 15, FR 2 observer(s) on foot. Small red ligh 12/1943 (approximate) #1546 KLIETZ, GERMANY Fr. prisoners of war. 3 silent luminous 3/1944 #1582 BREST, FR 2 Army. Boxy object going [to] over f 7/1944 #1614 WEST / TOULON-SOUTH-ARROUX, FR Grey metal dome going down / dirt roa 8/1944 (approximate) #1627 CHAMPIGNY-SUR-MARNE, FR Perfect oval cloud hovers. Shoots qui 8/1944 (approximate) #1629 MONT-DE-MARSAN, FR 30cm ball enters building. Stops over 8/1944 #1630 GARDOUCH, FR Man / farm. Big orange moon going [to 8/1944 #1631 SAINT JEAN, FR Girl. White helmet-saucer in field. T 8/30/1944 #1650 NEAR EPINAL, FR 500 troops. 6' aluminum saucer over r 9/1944 #1655 20 MI NORTHEAST / STRASBOURG, FR US planes paced / 8-10 fast red Foo-F 11/23/1944 #1702 HAGUENAU, 67, FR Orange night lights pace USAF fighter 12/22/1944 #1726 RENEVE, FR Priest. 17cm perfect midget / grey ha 4/20/1945 (approximate) #1849 HOUDAIN, FR Fast silent metallic cylinder/cigar-s 7/20/1945 #1901 DRAGUIGNAN, FR Glowing saucer near ground. Beams lig 9/24/1945 (approximate) #1939 NEAR CHERBOURG, FR Air Force C54 transport pilot. Odd me 1/16/1946 #1965 CHATILLON-SUR-SEINE, FR Whistle-rockets with glowing-trails. 8/11/1946 #2113 BOURGES, FR Big noise. Huge 'projectiles' whistle 8/24/1946 #2152 ST. LEGER-DE-FOUGERET, FR 2 observer(s). Odd whistle. Red-orang 9/1946 #2163 LONGWY, FR Newsman and several. 2 fireballs conn 9/12/1946 #2179 PIC / MIDI D'OSSAU, FR 'Rocket' from Spain south going quick 9/16/1946 (approximate) #2183 VILLEFAUX, FR Blinding fireball follows mail truck 9/25/1946 #2191 COL.-DE-SERRE, FR Silent 30M domed saucer hovers over c 4/1947 #2253 LA ROCHE-SUR-YONNE, FR Silent metallic Saturn-sphere/orb/glo 4/1947 #2254 NEAR ROTHOIS, FR 2+1 observer(s). 60cm glowing-balls f 4/26/1947 (approximate) #2267 WEST / FLEURE, FR 6M orange-glowing-cylinder/cigar-shap 6/13/1947 #2326 AMFREVILLE-LA-MI-VOIE, FR Saucer landed / banks / Seine. 2 smal 7/7/1947 (approximate) #2878 LIGNY-LE-RIBAULT, FR Several observer(s). Blue-glowing sph 7/26/1947 #3232 FONTAINEBLEU, FR 3 observer(s) / woods. 3 disks southe 8/1947 (approximate) #3268 ARECHES, FR 2 observer(s). 3 dark silent metallic 8/1/1947 #3280 BOURGET-LE-LAC, FR Airman. Disk 2km overhead. 6 jets / t 10/1947 (approximate) #3436 NEAR SOSPEL, FR Yellow saucer going northeast toward( 11/1947 (approximate) #3472 ROUEN-SUR-SEINE, FR White balls / light and 'planes dropp 1/28/1948 (approximate) #3566 BAGNEUX, FR M. Compard. Large luminous/glowing-or 2/1948 #3569 SOUTHEAST / BERGERAC, FR 2 / yard. Luminous/glowing disk spins 6/1948 #3666 MARTIGUES, FR Numerous observer(s). Luminous cylind 8/1948 (approximate) #3765 LE HAVRE, FR M. Loisin and 2 / car. Classic domed 10/15/1948 (approximate) #3836 PESSAC, FR Girl / 18. Silent ovoid crosses sky. 4/15/1949 #4092 LORIENT, FR Several observer(s). Saucer going qui 4/20/1950 #4873 SAVOYEUX-HAUTE, FR Several girls. Large cylinder/cylindr 5/3/1950 #4918 NEUVILLE-SUR-SARTHE, FR Numerous observer(s). 4 saucers / low 5/3/1950 #4919 COURS-LES-BARRES, FR Cold hands grab woman. Invisible figu 5/20/1950 #4953 CESSON, FR 2 observer(s). Several going east. Tu 7/26/1950 #5078 COURS-LES-BARRES, FR 4 observer(s). Metallic hat-saucer ho 8/1950 #5087 BANGUI, FR. EQT.AFR White fireball buzzes Air Fo 3/1951 #5466 ORANGE, FR 2 / jet. Metal saucer hovers / 500M a 6/15/1951 #5541 LA ROCHE-SUR-YON, FR Red sphere hovers. Going northeast. G 6/15/1951 #5542 BEAUSOLEIL, FR Cop and 2. 2 pseudo-human/entity / tr 8/1/1951? #5591 NIMES, GARD, FR 1 observer. 3 giants and pseudo-human 4/10/1952 #6054 LA ROCHE-SUR-YON, FR 12 observer(s). Silent glowing-ball m 5/10/1952 #6288 TOURS, FR M. Gerbaud and 1 via window. Brillian 5/11/1952 #6301 SAIGON, FR INDOCHINA Project Bluebook Case #1232 5/28/1952 #6368 ST. NAZAIRE, FR Very luminous/glowing disk hovers her 5/29/1952 #6380 IN AND NEAR CHARTRES, FR 2 small and 1 huge saucer / 15K' alti 6/4/1952 #6434 MONTBAZON, FR 2 observer(s) / 15 second(s). Brillia 6/8/1952 #6463 ANGOULEME, FR Numerous observer(s). Ovoid moves / j 6/12/1952 #6477 ST. FOY LES LYON, FR 70M saucer. Dome. Pipe and ropes hang 6/12/1952 #6480 LE BOURGET AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Air Traffic Controllers and pilots an 6/12/1952 #6481 ROBERT-ESPAGNE TO/FROM MOGNEVILLE, FR 6 woodsmen. Huge parachute drops. Not 6/15/1952 #6502 ST. NAZAIRE, FR Several observer(s). Golden disk goin 6/16/1952 #6513 HAUTMONT, FR 2+observer(s). Silent thin metallic d 6/16/1952 #6514 AUCH, FR Cop and 3 kids. Red sphere maneuvers 6/21/1952 #6565 THANN, HT RHIN, FR 2 bluish disks seen. Observer(s) and 7/6/1952 #6719 BELAN-SUR-OURCE, FR Whirlwind. 2 saucers separate. 1 goin 7/17/1952 #6854 POUILLY AND VENAREY, FR 30M vertical cloud-cylinder/cigar-sha 7/18/1952 (approximate) #6882 LAC CHAUVET, FR Engineer / (seen thru) binoculars. Sa 7/18/1952 #6883 CRECY-SUR-TILLE, FR 19M glowing-saucer going down. Slows. 7/23/1952 #7056 CHATILLON, FR Crash / woods. Silence! Voices. Sauce 8/1952 (approximate) #7381 L'ARBRET, PDC, FR N25. 2 cops. Fireball goes going [to] 8/3/1952 #7432 Port Lyautey, Fr. Morocco Brilliant white disc-shaped 8/6/1952 #7485 LA MACHINE, FR 10 workmen. White disk west going qui 8/12/1952 #7548 TOULOUSE, FR 12+observer(s). White disk stops over 8/12/1952 #7551 FOURCHAMBAULT AND GIVRY, FR 12 separate observer(s) / (seen thru) 8/13/1952 #7563 NORTH / PONTIJOU, FR 2 observer(s). Silent orange ball hov 8/17/1952 #7623 VELIZY-VILLACOUBLAY, FR 7+observer(s) with theodolite. Lumino 8/29/1952 #7780 Rabat, Fr. Morocco Disc with lights along part 9/9/1952 #7885 BEINE WITH CHABLIS, FR Pilot / engineer. Gold-glow olive-sha 9/19/1952 #7977 AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FR Vibrant bright cylinder/cigar-shape / 9/21/1952 #7994 MARSEILLE, FR 'Blue-neon tube' northeast going quic 9/21/1952 #7995 BAYONNE, FR All / factory night-shift. UFO / dead 9/22/1952 #8004 MOUNTAINS EAST / SAIGON 12 Fr. officers. Silent domed saucer hovers 9/25/1952 (approximate) #8026 MONTPELLIER, FR Weatherman. Disk east going quickly. 10/6/1952 #8093 DRAGUIGNAN, FR Air France DC4+others. Luminous/glowi 10/6/1952 #8094 GUIMILIAU, FR 3+several. Thin silver saucer hovers 10/8/1952 #8102 OLORON, FR 45° cylinder/cylindrical object and 3 10/17/1952 #8140 MARIGNANE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Saucer lands / tarmac. Windows / side 10/27/1952 #8188 LIGNAN-DE-BAZAS, GIRONDE, FR 2 glowing balls hover / 10 minute(s). 10/27/1952 #8190 FORBACH, MOSELLE, FR White trails / sky. 40 small gray bal 10/27/1952 #8191 GAILLAC, FR 4+12 saucers / pairs. Large cylinder/ 10/27/1952 #8192 BRIVES-CHARENSAC, FR 5 weathermen. Silver saucer going qui 10/27/1952 #8193 EYRANS, FR Large round white object east going w 10/27/1952 #8194 MARSEILLE, BDR, FR Luminous ovoid flies east going quick 10/27/1952 #8195 NEMOURS, S&M, FR Engineer. Saucer going quickly [to] W 10/28/1952 #8207 LAVAL, FR 3 / clinic. Brilliant cylinder/cigar- 11/4/1952 #8238 AGDE, HERAULT, FR 2 pilots / car. Bright silver footbal 11/6/1952 #8251 ROUFFIGNAC GROTTO, FR Red sphere going [to] WSW. Rises and 11/8/1952 #8257 LA FORCE, FR Luminous red disk quickly going down. 11/20/1952 #8302 NORTHWEST / ST. AUBIN AND CHOLET, FR Bright colored cylinder/cigar-shape g 11/22/1952 #8319 ORLEANS, FR 2 separate observer(s). Cylinder/ciga 11/22/1952 #8320 ntral African Republic] 10:00 p.m. Fr. Carlos Maria, a Capuchin missionary, 11/22/1952 #8323 BELLE ILE, FR Luminous ball spins and wobbles. Chan 11/23/1952 #8325 QUIMPERLE AND ANCENIS AND VITRE, FR Huge brilliant saucer-sphere seen wid 11/24/1952 #8327 MONT-DE-MARSAN, FR Several observer(s). Luminous/glowing 11/27/1952 #8346 BORDEAUX, FR Long brilliant cylinder/cigar-shape m 12/3/1952 #8365 GARE REYNAL / TOULOUSE, FR Luminous disk east going quickly west 12/4/1952 #8372 OFF CANNES, FR Large bright silver saucer hovers. Gl 12/20/1952 #8435 LA ROCHELLE, FR 29-31 December. UFO darts from cloud. 12/30/1952 (approximate) #8463 BASTIA, CORSICA, FR Luminous cylinder/cigar-shape leaves 1/20/1953 #8554 NNW / BIACHE-ST.-VAAST, FR 3 observer(s). Saucer / blue flashes. 2/1953 #8623 AUBAGNE, FR Ex-pilot. Dull 40cm object races over 3/22/1953 #8773 NOUASSEUR AB, FR MOROCCO Blue Book Case #. Military gr 3/25/1953 #8784 Rabat (Nouasseur AFB), Fr. Morocco Light above at 7,000 to 8,00 3/25/1953 #8786 TOURS, FR 2 saucers glide close / ground. Slow 8/16/1953 #9072 LE PUY-EN-VELAY, FR 2 police. Large red saucer leaves (so 8/19/1953 #9082 VERNON, FR Several observer(s). Saucer going eas 8/31/1953 #9123 SAINTES TO/FROM PONS, FR Noisy saucer hovers 10' over field by 9/1953 #9128 Sidi Slimane AFB, Fr. Morocco Air Force C-47 Encounters Ma 9/2/1953 #9135 TONNERRE, FR 5M cylinder/cigar-shape and sphere / 9/4/1953 #9143 CARCES, VAR, FR Vineyard workers. Flying cylinder/cig 9/29/1953 #9188 CHEVILLON-SUR-HUILLARD, FR 4 observer(s). 5M fireball close / gr 10/4/1953 #9202 MANCHE DEPARTMENT, FR 2 British airline(s)/airliner pilots. 10/18/1953 #9237 CHALONS-SUR-MARNE, FR Separate observers. Large glowing gre 11/14/1953 #9298 LE VIGAN, GARD, FR Many observer(s). Whistle. White sphe 11/19/1953 #9307 STRASBOURG, FR 2 gardeners. Brilliant disk back and 12/1/1953 #9332 ircles island during US and UK and FR summit talks. 12/5/1953 (approximate) #9341 SURGERES, 17, FR Oblong luminous object seen going qui 12/9/1953 #9350 ST. EMILION, GROUNDED, FR High-still saucer turns to horseshoe 12/9/1953 #9351 LAGNY, S&M, FR 4 luminous spheres west going east / 12/10/1953 #9353 MARCILLAT-EN-COMBRAILLE, FR 1 observer. Huge white saucer brillia 12/11/1953 #9356 MARSEILLES, FR Many observer(s). Great white disk / 12/17/1953 #9376 PARIS, FR Saucer near Eiffel Tower studies city 12/29/1953 #9404 DIEPPE, FR Meteor makes fast sharp turn. Skyquak 1/7/1954 #9459 ARRAS, FR Fiery disk stops. Rocks. Flash. Going 1/7/1954 #9460 LOMBEZ, FR Separate observer(s). Grey metallic o 2/1954 #9516 ROUEN, FR Fighter pilot photos saucer identical 3/5/1954 #9594 NOUASSEUR, FR. MAROC Several USAF KC97 tankers. 2 n 3/5/1954 #9595 Nouasseur, Fr. Morocco Aircraft (2) Encounter Light 3/5/1954 #9596 Nouasseur AFB, Fr. Morocco F-86 Chases Object At 500 MP 3/12/1954 #9615 GORBIO, FR Domed saucer / ground. 2 5' small hum 4/1954 (approximate) #9655 MENTON, FR Clank-sounds. 5M domed saucer lands. 4/1/1954? #9659 ST. MEXANT, 19, FR 2 observer(s). Long cone object with 4/15/1954 #9692 MORTAGNE, FR 2 observer(s). 200M blimp lands. Obse 4/24/1954 #9715 SARE, PYRENEES ATLANTIC OCEAN., FR Cylinder/cigar-shape at 2KM altitude 4/28/1954 #9730 GALFINGUE, FR Luminous/glowing sphere / cut wheatfi 8/1954 #10073 ST. SAUVER-LA-SAGNE, FR 3 / farm. Black sphere going down. 2 8/1954 #10074 WEST / LA BASSE-GORCE, FR Lens-saucer / tripod. 2 small humanoi 8/1954 (approximate) #10075 COUDES, FR Teen kids. 2 1M 'men' put stones from 8/1954 (approximate) #10077 NORTHEAST / SANPUITS, FR 12 kids / camp. Glowing saucer / grou 8/1954 #10082 ST. JUST DE MALMONT, FR Ball / light going down / field. Appr 8/1/1954? #10088 REMIREMONT, FR AND 3 SEPARATE TOWNS Compasses spin. 8/11/1954 #10120 PRECY-SOUS-THIL, 21, FR Shiny UFO moves in sudden jerks. Leav 8/12/1954 #10135 DOLE, JURA, FR Cloud-cylinder/cigar-shape hovers and 8/19/1954 #10153 VERNON, FR Several separate observer(s). Huge ve 8/23/1954 #10165 LUGRIN, FR 2 small humanoids (or Greys) / silver 8/23/1954 #10166 ASNIERES-LE-DIJON, FR 6 watch planes maneuver. Saucer goes 8/31/1954 #10212 PARIS, FR Project Bluebook Case #unknown. Sever 8/31/1954 #10214 HOTOT-EN-AUGE, FR Clicking noise. Huge saucer just over 9/1954 (approximate) #10224 ANGERS GOING QUICKLY [TO] ANJOU, FR Many observer(s) / 50 miles. Saucer g 9/1/1954 #10226 TROIS-FONDS, FR Saucer going down / field. 2 pseudo-h 9/1/1954? #10227 BUIRE, FR 3 / N363. Saucer over railroad/railwa 9/7/1954 #10262 NEAR CONTAY, FR 2 observer(s). Silent 12M saucer / fi 9/7/1954 #10263 MARSEILLE, FR 3 observer(s). Saucer loops and maneu 9/7/1954 #10264 MOURIERAS, FR Farmer. Pseudo-human/entity with helm 9/10/1954 #10279 QUAROUBLE, FR 30-ton saucer on railroad/railway tra 9/10/1954 #10280 VALENCIENNES, FR Night lights play. Bus headlights and 9/10/1954 #10281 VABRE-TIZAC, FR Several / farm. Noise. Glowing-rings 9/14/1954 #10292 NEAR ST. PROUANT, FR 30+observer(s). Carrot-clouds spew wh 9/14/1954 #10294 ROUBAIX, FR 2 observer(s). Brill red disk with lu 9/15/1954 #10303 CARPIQUET AND THEON, FR Observer(s) / separate towns. Luminou 9/15/1954 #10304 BOIS-EN-ARDRES, PDC, FR Red cylinder/cigar-shape reappears an 9/15/1954 #10306 FEURS, FR Car quits. Saucer going down. Hitler- 9/15/1954 #10307 FEYZIN, FR Light beams / large dark object 50M a 9/15/1954 #10308 ANNONAY, ARDECHE, FR 2 observer(s). Saucer passes entire s 9/16/1954 #10318 LE PIN, FR Math professor and several. Gleaming 9/16/1954 #10319 WEST / CLERMONT-FERRAND, FR 12+separate observer(s) / (seen thru) 9/17/1954 #10328 GELLES, FR Fast silent luminous cylinder/cigar-s 9/17/1954 #10329 OMONT, FR Farmer. 4M metallic top-saucer going 9/17/1954 #10330 ny people: a Catholic priest named Fr. Myard, the local chief of police, a 9/18/1954 #10348 RONGERES, FR Many observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shap 9/19/1954 #10352 COL.-DU-BEAL, FR 4 observer(s). Metallic grey saucer s 9/19/1954 #10353 MONTLUCON, FR Many observer(s). Grey metallic sauce 9/19/1954 #10354 EPINAL, VOSGES, FR 1 observer. Red disk / halo crosses e 9/19/1954 #10355 NEAR TROMBORN, FR Cop and 1. Bus-size object lands. Sil 9/19/1954 #10356 SOUTH / CENON, FR Small humanoid (or Grey) / diving sui 9/19/1954 #10357 Danane, Fr. West Africa Officials watched oval U 9/19/1954 #10359 LA CHASSAGNE, FR 3 / farmers. Saucer brushes tree. Bur 9/20/1954 #10366 FONTAINEBLEU, FR Cloud-cylinder/cigar-shape offloads s 9/22/1954 #10389 MT. VALERIEN, PARIS, FR 1 observer. Small glowing ball nears. 9/22/1954 #10390 PONTHIERRY, FR Large luminous cloud offloads smaller 9/22/1954 #10391 NEAR VIERZON, 18, FR Observer(s) = Edmond Trochu. Red 'fly 9/23/1954 #10399 MOUSSOULENS, FR Ovoid on N269. 2 pseudo-human/entity 9/23/1954 #10400 ST. LAURENT-MEDOC, GIRONDE, FR Luminous cylinder moves / jerks. Shoo 9/23/1954 #10402 LE PUY, FR Red cylinder/cigar-shape / continuous 9/23/1954 #10403 LUX, 21, FR Metal sphere circles. Divides / 3. 1 9/23/1954 #10405 THENON, FR 12 hunters. Saucer / dizzy speed over 9/23/1954 #10406 MULHOUSE, FR Transparent CIGARs going quickly east 9/23/1954 #10407 LE JOU, FR 5 observer(s). Bright UFO lands. Beam 9/23/1954 #10409 N20 NORTH / DEOLS, FR Cops and more/others. 3 saucers going 9/23/1954 #10410 PLOMBIERES, 21, FR N5 = A38. Cops. Red ball / sky blinks 9/23/1954 #10412 ST. PIERRE LE MOUTIER, NIEVRE, FR Saucer glows orange. No further detai 9/23/1954 #10413 NEAR GRENOBLE, FR Photograph = black saucer or sphere/o 9/24/1954 #10425 BECAR, FR 2 separate observer(s). Dark silent 6 9/24/1954 #10426 BAYONNE, FR Numerous observer(s). 3 metallic ovoi 9/24/1954 #10428 VICHY, FR Stadium / observer(s). Fast silent cy 9/24/1954 #10429 LENCOUACQ, FR 1 observer. Fast silent luminous obje 9/24/1954 #10431 JOINVILLE-LE-PONT, FR Silent saucer going down. 2 small hum 9/25/1954 #10443 NEAR LOUHANS, FR Domed cylinder/cylindrical object by 9/26/1954 #10445 CHABEUIL, FR 3' small humanoid (or Grey) / diving 9/26/1954 #10446 MT. REVARD, FR 15+observer(s). Saucer maneuvers. Hov 9/26/1954 #10447 CHALLES, SAVOIE, FR 1 observer. Small humanoid (or Grey) 9/26/1954 #10448 FOUSSIGNARGUES AND REVETY, FR Busload / observer(s). Glowing-tomato 9/27/1954 #10455 SOUTHWEST / FIGEAC, FR Kids. Odd man runs to box. Going up [ 9/27/1954 #10457 FRONCLES, HT MARNE, FR 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binocular 9/27/1954 #10458 CANET-PLAGE, FR Disk makes circles / sky. Stops. Sudd 9/27/1954 #10459 PERPIGNAN, FR Several groups / observer(s) in shock 9/27/1954 #10460 CUGES-LES-PINS, FR Mopod/motorscooter/motorbike malfunct 9/27/1954 #10461 LA VARENNE EAST / PARIS, FR Several separate observer(s). 1 or mo 9/27/1954 #10462 LANTA, FR D1 11 mile(s) east / Toulouse. Teache 9/27/1954 #10463 ANGERS, M&L, FR 2+1 observer(s). 'Neon-lit disk' east 9/27/1954 #10464 PREMANON, FR 4 kids. Saucer and 'ghost'. Aluminum 9/27/1954 #10465 LEMPS, ARDECHE, FR Several observer(s). 1 then 10 lumino 9/27/1954 #10467 RIXHEIM, FR 3 observer(s). Huge cylinder/cigar-sh 9/27/1954 #10468 FRONCLES, FR 3 observer(s). Large bright UFO oscil 9/28/1954 #10481 ST. NICOLAS DE REDON, FR 2 railroad/railway men. Dark object f 9/28/1954 #10482 ALBIAS, FR 1 / car. 3M saucer on legs / field. 3 9/28/1954 (approximate) #10483 LYON, FR Doctor and 15. Fleet / large dinner-p 9/29/1954 (approximate) #10493 LA RICHE / TOURS, FR 3 / truck. Extremely bright 7M ovoid 9/29/1954 #10495 MONTAGNEY, 25, FR Multiple observer(s). Huge bright UFO 9/29/1954 #10496 PAINBLANC, 21, FR Night lights play / sky. Large UFO pa 9/29/1954 #10497 LANGERON, NIEVRE, FR N151. Silent orange hemisphere goes w 9/29/1954 #10498 BLANZY / MONTCEAU-LES-MINES, FR Cylinder/cigar-shape rests / 2 legs. 9/30/1954 #10503 CHERENG, FR 3M sphere lands / field near woods. 1 9/30/1954 #10504 QUINCY-VOISINS, FR 3M aluminum mushroom saucer / ground. 9/30/1954 #10505 JOUY-SUR-MORIN, FR Civil engineer. 10M saucer hovers ove 9/30/1954 #10506 SHIPS CREW ROUEN TO/FROM BREST, FR Object descends touches water. Quickl 9/30/1954 #10507 LA FLOTTE-EN-RE, FR 1+2 observer(s). 12M white sphere 1M 9/30/1954 #10509 SOISSONS, FR Man and son. 'Little man' climbs ladd 10/1954 #10527 BOVES AND DEMUIN, FR Several observer(s). 'Lampshade-sauce 10/1954 #10528 PARTHENAY, FR 2 / truck. Glowing-disk lands / road. 10/1954 #10529 DOMMARTIN, FR Girl. Saucer near ground. 2 odd being 10/1954 #10530 LA FEUILLADE, FR ~50 40cm spheres / tight T-formation 10/1954 #10531 VILLENEUVE-SUR-LOT, FR Saucer lands silently. Small humanoid 10/1954 #10532 SEMONS, FR Farmer. Small humanoids (or Greys) ru 10/1954 #10533 SUCE-SUR-ERDRE, FR Several observer(s). Long cylinder/cy 10/1/1954 #10539 NEAR CAUDRY, NORD, FR Top-shaped UFO follows road west goin 10/1/1954 #10540 TOULOUSE, FR 2 Brill saucers / ground. Small human 10/1/1954 #10541 BRY, FR Man and dog paralyzed / luminous whit 10/1/1954 #10542 LUC-EN-DIOIS, 26, FR Saucer changes red going [to] yellow 10/1/1954 #10543 RESSONS SUR MATZ, FR Farmer. Saucer / field. Flattened gra 10/1/1954 (approximate) #10544 D27 NEAR CRECY, FR 2 observer(s). Small humanoid (or Gre 10/1/1954 #10545 BOURGNEUF, FR Students. Glowing object in garden. S 10/1/1954 #10546 NEAR JUSSEY, FR 2 observer(s). Luminous white saucer 10/1/1954 #10547 CROIX D'EPINE / MERU, FR 1+2 observer(s). 5M saucer / road. 2 10/1/1954 #10548 ST.-MICHEL-SUR-MEURTHE, FR Several observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-s 10/1/1954 #10549 ST. JEAN D'ANGELY, FR 2 / car. Small humanoid (or Grey) cro 10/1/1954 #10550 BRANGES, FR Classic saucer / roadside. Goes dark. 10/1/1954 #10551 BERGERAC, FR 2 men. 3M saucer / tripod rises / yar 10/1/1954 #10552 BASSING, MOSL, FR Ellipse going southeast. Stops turns 10/1/1954 #10553 MAUBREUIL, FR Big round red object / ground. Glows 10/1/1954 #10554 MAUPERTHUIS, FR Saucer on tripod. Green ray freezes t 10/2/1954 #10580 LEVROUX, FR 2 separate women. Luminous/glowing 3M 10/2/1954 #10581 MORVAN MOUNTAINS, FR Government weathermen. Ovoid passes / 10/2/1954 #10582 AUREC SUR LOIRE, FR Several disks in formation seen. = in 10/2/1954 #10583 MONTAREN AND UZES AND SERVIERS, FR 8 observer(s). Orange ovoid wobbles / 10/2/1954 #10584 CLERMONT-FERRAND, FR Several observer(s). Silver UFO oscil 10/2/1954 #10585 ESPARTIGNAC, FR 1+girl. Brilliant cylinder/cylindrica 10/2/1954 #10586 LES ROUSSES, FR Horizontal cloud-cylinder/cigar-shape 10/2/1954 #10587 BOURG-EN-BRESSE, 01, FR Sighting on northeast-southwest line. 10/2/1954 #10588 JONCHES, FR 2 odd men watch airfield. Red object 10/2/1954 #10589 ANDUZE, FR Large silent circular mass hovers. Al 10/2/1954 (approximate) #10590 VATAN, INDRE, FR Vertical hangs vertical. Going quickl 10/2/1954 #10591 FENIERS / CROCQ, FR 5 observer(s). Saucer with portholes. 10/2/1954 #10592 PONCEY-SUR-L'IGNON, FR Many. 1.5M silent cylinder/cylindrica 10/2/1954 #10593 CHAMONIX AND VALLEY, FR Several 100 observer(s). Metal ovoid 10/2/1954 #10594 RIANS, 18, FR Several observer(s). Luminous/glowing 10/2/1954 #10595 DIEUZE, FR Ovoid going down. Climbs and hovers a 10/2/1954 #10596 AZE, FR 2 observer(s). Fiery orange 6M cylind 10/2/1954 #10598 BLANCHE-EGLISE, MSL, FR 3 separate observer(s) / 2 hours. Ova 10/2/1954 #10599 NESSIER, FR 5M saucer / 1M altitude going up [to] 10/2/1954 #10600 TREGON, FR Several observer(s). Luminous/glowing 10/2/1954 #10601 MEGRIT, FR 2M and saucer hovers 50M over garage. 10/2/1954 #10602 GUEBLING, FR 2+? observer(s). Green-glow saucer la 10/2/1954 #10603 LA TESTE, FR 7 observer(s). Huge red ball / low al 10/3/1954 #10624 SAINT-MAIXENT, 79, FR Red-orange cylinder/cigar-shape goes 10/3/1954 #10625 HEYRIEUX, ISERE, FR Deputy mayor sees orange disc / white 10/3/1954 #10626 NIVELLES, FR Luminous disk / roadside. 2 1M small 10/3/1954 #10627 4KM ESE / BRESSUIRE, FR 3M saucer / ground. Small humanoid (o 10/3/1954 #10628 VERSOUD, FR Several observer(s). Silver football 10/3/1954 #10629 EAST / VRON, FR Small humanoid (or Grey) / diving sui 10/3/1954 #10631 NEUVY AND COULANDON AND MARIGNY, FR Many observer(s). Odd UFO's all over 10/3/1954 #10632 CHERENG, FR Crowd at fair. Silent mushroom maneuv 10/3/1954 #10633 BILLOM, FR 30+observer(s). Brill object circles 10/3/1954 #10634 LE PERTRE, FR 2 farmers. Silent orange ovoid / 300M 10/3/1954 #10635 AMIENS, 80, FR Luminous/glowing mushroom cap hovers. 10/3/1954 #10636 BIDESTROFF, FR Many observer(s). Night lights play a 10/3/1954 #10637 DIJON, 21, FR Sphere sends out green beams / light. 10/3/1954 #10638 EPINAC AND SANTENAY, FR Several cars / D43 stop. Orange lumin 10/3/1954 #10639 N720 NEAR LA CHAPELLE HUGON, FR Several / car. Saucer going north. Ho 10/3/1954 #10640 CHATEAU-CHINON, FR 5 observer(s). CIRF. luminous blot sp 10/3/1954 #10641 RAPHELE-LES-ARLES, FR N113. 2 / car. 2 SAUCERs maneuver. Se 10/3/1954 #10642 WABEN TO/FROM RUE, FR Saucer paces 3 / car / several km. Go 10/3/1954 #10643 HERISSART AND MORE/OTHERS, FR 7M saucer follows car. Hides / towns 10/3/1954 #10644 MONTBELIARD, FR Several observer(s) with (seen thru) 10/3/1954 #10645 ARMENTIERES, FR Dozens / (seen thru) binoculars. Mush 10/3/1954 #10646 MILLY-LA-FORET, FR Red night light divides and maneuvers 10/3/1954 #10647 LIEVIN AND ABLAIN, PDC, FR 100 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape 10/3/1954 #10648 POMMIERS, FR 2 observer(s). Silent brilliant yello 10/3/1954 #10649 CHAMPIGNY SUR MARNE, FR Red night lights divide and recombine 10/3/1954 #10650 ANDUZE, FR 3 observer(s). Large red-blue saucer 10/3/1954 #10651 LEIGNES / FONTAINE, FR Many observer(s). Luminous/glowing re 10/3/1954 #10652 RONSENAC, FR 1.8M barrel tilts / road. Gone / seco 10/3/1954 #10653 ANGOULEME, FR Red saucer turns green overhead. Turn 10/3/1954 #10654 LUSIGNAN, FR 2 observer(s). Ovoid going west. Othe 10/3/1954 #10655 LAGRASSE, FR Truckers / D3. Luminous UFO lands. Bu 10/4/1954 #10673 LIMOGES, FR Strange object lands in railroad-man' 10/4/1954 #10674 VALENCE, 26, FR Military-air observers. Lone UFO very 10/4/1954 #10675 ST. PERDOUX, FR Small humanoid (or Grey) / streambed. 10/4/1954 #10676 NANTES, FR 'Aviator / flight-suit' on bridge. Sa 10/4/1954 #10677 AMBES, FR Truck-size mass. Luminous/glowing and 10/4/1954 #10678 LES CHAVANNES, SANVIGNY, FR 20+cops. Saucer silently going up / r 10/4/1954 #10679 VILLERS-LE-TILLEUL, FR Child. 3M tentlike object lands. Odd 10/4/1954 #10680 MILLENCOURT-EN-PONTHIEU, FR Huge luminous/glowing mass / ground. 10/4/1954 #10681 LESSARD-LE-NATIONAL, FR 1 / car. Silver cylinder/cigar-shape 10/4/1954 #10682 CHIRAT, PROMPSAT, FR Cylinder/cylindrical object lands / h 10/4/1954 #10683 PONCEY-SUR-L'IGNON, FR 3M saucer lands / farm. 1M3 / soil su 10/4/1954 #10684 TAUPIGNAC, FR 4 small humanoids (or Greys) work / s 10/4/1954 #10685 IRLEAU, FR 2+2 observer(s). Big domed saucer on 10/4/1954 #10686 VILLERS-LE-LAC, FR Many observer(s). Night light lands. 10/4/1954 #10687 PERROS-GUIREC, 22, FR 10 observer(s). Luminous/glowing disk 10/4/1954 #10688 PONT REMY, FR 2 / car. 3M domed saucer with violet 10/4/1954 #10689 BRIGNOLES, FR Milkman. Bright silent fireball going 10/5/1954 #10713 SARLAT-LE-CANEDA, FR Grocer sees cylinder/cigar-shape and 10/5/1954 #10715 LOCTUDY, FR 3M saucer going down. Small humanoid 10/5/1954 #10716 BORDEAUX, FR 5 workers. 2 bright metallic disks ov 10/5/1954 #10717 NEAR BEAUMONT, FR Observer(s) cannot move. UFO / 50M al 10/5/1954 #10718 PARIS, FR Several observer(s). Silver disk larg 10/5/1954 #10719 DERVAL, FR 2 / separate farms. Grey cylinder/cig 10/5/1954 #10720 SAINT GERMAIN-EN-LAYE, FR Ovoid with vibrant bright halo. Moves 10/5/1954 #10721 VALENCE, 26, FR 2 railroad/railway-men / station. Sau 10/5/1954 #10722 PORT-DE-CAVERNES, FR Misty sphere/orb/globe going [to] slo 10/5/1954 #10723 ST.-LUPERCE, FR 2 silent ovoids swing over horizon. / 10/6/1954 #10745 ISLES / SUIPPES, FR Flash! 3M cylinder/cigar-shape / fiel 10/6/1954 #10746 NEAR LANEUVILLE, FR Hairy 120cm figure by 10M sphere. Jet 10/6/1954 #10747 ROSBRUCK, FR 1 observer. 9M silent blue saucer lan 10/6/1954 #10748 MURS-ERIGNE, FR 1 observer. 2M tall 'elongated side-c 10/6/1954 #10749 CASERNE LA FERE, 02, FR UFO lands 300M / soldiers. 2 frozen. 10/6/1954 #10750 LA ROCHELLE, FR 5 Mx3M saucer hovers 1M over ground. 10/6/1954 #10751 COZES, FR Domed saucer / field. 2 noseless Cycl 10/6/1954 #10752 CHERBOURG, FR 3 luminous/glowing disks. Also lumino 10/7/1954 #10763 MONTLEVICQ, FR Large vertical cylinder/cigar-shape a 10/7/1954 #10764 MONTPEZAT D'AGENAIS AND AGEN, FR Cop and 7 observer(s). Luminous/glowi 10/7/1954 #10765 MARCILLAC DE BLAYE, FR Funnel-shape UFO northeast going quic 10/7/1954 #10766 BERUGES, FR Intense heat. Saucer lands. Sweeps ar 10/7/1954 #10767 BOURNEL, L&G, FR Surveyors. Silent saucer maneuvers. G 10/7/1954 #10768 OFF PLOZEVET, FR Several boat crews. Orange saucer hov 10/7/1954 #10769 ST.-JEAN-D'ASSE, FR Cylinder/cigar-shape and blue beam. M 10/7/1954 #10770 N23 EAST / LE MANS, FR Luminous object / ground. Partial par 10/7/1954 #10771 LAVENAY, SARTHE, FR Luminous ovoid passes overhead going 10/7/1954 #10772 CORBIGNY, FR Cylinder/cigar-shape with 2 saucers o 10/7/1954 #10773 MONTEUX, FR 9' hemisphere lands / field. Farmer t 10/7/1954 #10774 NEAR HENNEZIS, FR 2 kids. Black domed saucer going down 10/7/1954 #10776 EURRE, FR 3M ovoid with clear red glow. North g 10/7/1954 #10777 JONZAC, FR Several observer(s). Luminous/glowing 10/7/1954 #10778 D16 NEAR JETTINGEN, FR 3M mushroom-cap follows man going [to 10/8/1954 #10804 LYON, RHONE, FR Red saucer surrounded / white glow go 10/8/1954 #10806 LA GRANGE-AUX-BOIS, FR Dark 3M mass with halo on road. Going 10/8/1954 #10807 BORDAS, FR 2 / N21. 3M saucer / road! Beam stops 10/8/1954 #10808 N1 SOUTHWEST / CALAIS, FR Bluish domed saucer dives / ground. T 10/8/1954 #10809 ST.-LAURENT-DU-VAR, AM, FR Mayor sees disc with luminous trail o 10/8/1954 #10810 ST. CLAUDE, FR 1 / car. Huge luminous/glowing ovoid 10/8/1954 #10811 NICE, FR Orange saucer dances / sky. Back 9 Oc 10/8/1954 #10812 TOURRIERS, FR 30 observer(s). 4.5M cylinder/cigar-s 10/8/1954 #10813 ALES, GARD, FR Several observer(s). Saucer hovers an 10/9/1954 #10825 NEAR ARZENS, FR Metallic sphere on road. 2 pseudo-hum 10/9/1954 #10828 POURNOY-LA-CHETIVE, FR 2.5M saucer / 3 legs. Small humanoid 10/9/1954 #10829 NEAR BEAUVAIN, ORNE, FR 4 meter fiery domed sphere/orb/globe 10/9/1954 #10830 NORTH / CLOYES-SUR-LE-LOIR, FR 2M fireball lands / road. Black silho 10/9/1954 #10831 BRIATEXTE, FR 3 / car. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) 10/9/1954 #10833 12KM NORTH / DREUX, FR Hunters. Luminous sphere rises from g 10/9/1954 #10834 CUISY = DAMMARTIN-EN-GOELE, FR Orange glow. Car eng. and lights elec 10/9/1954 #10835 BOMPAS, FR Baker Sebelli and more/others. 2M cyl 10/9/1954 #10839 BELLENAVES-ST.-BONNET, FR Brill round object / high altitude le 10/10/1954 #10870 BLANZAY, FR 1 / car. Saucer in field. Short squat 10/10/1954 (approximate) #10871 D954 / TOUTRY TO/FROM EPOISES, FR 2 / motorcycle. 3.5M luminous/glowing 10/10/1954 #10872 NEAR CAVANAC, FR 1 observer. Brilliant bulging ovoid o 10/10/1954 #10873 MARVILLE-MOUTIER-BRULE, E&L, FR Bike hits invisible wall. 4M saucer. 10/10/1954 #10874 BLENOD-LES-TOUL, FR Jailer. Domed 2M saucer / 2 portholes 10/10/1954 #10875 QUAROUBLE, NORD, FR Saucer / tracks again. Gibberish / 7 10/10/1954 #10876 ST. GERMAINE-DE-LIVET, FR Math Prof. 7M saucer quickly going up 10/10/1954 #10877 MONTLUCON, FR Metallic torpedo by railroad/railway 10/10/1954 #10878 ST.-POURCAIN-SUR-SIOULE, FR Luminous 2-3M saucer going quickly so 10/10/1954 #10879 LE DONJON, FR 6 hunters fire 4 shots going [to] 15M 10/10/1954 #10880 CHAZEY WOOD NEAR GUEUGNON, FR Red glow going [to] over car / D25. C 10/10/1954 #10881 SAILLAT-SUR-VIENNE, FR Family sees V-bright object come clos 10/10/1954 #10882 VIGNEUX-SUR-SEINE, FR M. Marais. Silent luminous/glowing sa 10/10/1954 #10883 METZ, MSL, FR Blue Book. Large crowd and spotlight 10/10/1954 #10884 ELLIANT, FNS, FR Farmer can't describe UFO. From 200M 10/11/1954 #10904 RIOM, FR 2 cops. Large cylinder/cigar-shape go 10/11/1954 #10905 MONCOURT, FR Whistle! Saucer going down [to] near 10/11/1954 #10906 NEAR ACQUIGNY, FR 2.5M bell-saucer hovers / railroad/ra 10/11/1954 #10907 FONFREDE, FR Milktruck malfunctions due to EME (el 10/11/1954 #10908 D104 / VERNUSSE, FR 90cm red globe follows car / turns. Q 10/11/1954 #10909 LACANCHE, FR D14 / D104. Same 2M red glow sphere/o 10/11/1954 #10910 SASSIER, FR 2 / car / malfunctions due to EME (el 10/11/1954 #10911 BEAUQUAY, 14, FR 3 observer(s). Large red cylinder/cig 10/11/1954 #10913 HEIMERSDORF, FR 2+2 observer(s). Silent luminous/glow 10/11/1954 #10914 WEST / NIMES, FR Cop. Metallic object like stack of ci 10/11/1954 #10917 BREMONDANS, FR 2 / farm. Blue-yellow saucer 20M away 10/11/1954 #10918 NEAR BIRAC, FR 3 / car. 2 luminous/glowing orbs / la 10/11/1954 #10919 FONTENAY-LE-COMPTE, FR Light envelops car. Separate / object 10/11/1954 #10920 LA ROCHE-SUR-YON, FR Mme Drouillard. Luminous/glowing mush 10/11/1954 #10921 PONT-DE-SALARS AND MORE/OTHERS, FR Saucer with unbearable glow. Cylinder 10/12/1954 #10955 NORTH / EVREUX, FR 2+1 separate observer(s). 2.5M bell-s 10/12/1954 (approximate) #10956 LA CROIX-DAURADE, FR Rocket quickly going up / ground. 5M 10/12/1954 #10957 VERNOSC-LES-ANNONAY, FR Transparent saucer and lands. Large a 10/12/1954 #10958 LOUHANS, FR 1+2 observer(s). Fiery mushroom-cap r 10/12/1954 #10959 PLOGASTEL-ST. GERMAINE, FR 1 observer. 1.5M sphere rises / field 10/12/1954 #10962 ORCHAMPS, FR Small humanoid (or Grey) boards phony 10/12/1954 #10963 ERBRAY, FR Boy. Cylinder/cigar-shape / field. Ps 10/12/1954 #10965 LEGUEVIN, FR 6-7M X 2.5M saucer lands. Vertical ta 10/12/1954 #10966 NEAR FRASNE, FR Saucer follows N471 going southwest / 10/12/1954 #10967 VIELMUR-SUR-AGOUT, FR Fiery orange ovoid lands vineyard / 3 10/12/1954 #10968 ALBUSSAC, 19, FR Farmer. Saucer shoots colored flames. 10/13/1954 #10987 NOUASSEUR, FR MOROCCO Project Bluebook Case #3260. 10/13/1954 #10989 GRAULHET, FR Numerous observer(s). Huge disk going 10/13/1954 #10991 RANCE, 01, FR Extremely bright object slowly drops. 10/13/1954 #10992 MONTIMONT, FR Truck malfunctions due to EME (electr 10/13/1954 #10993 ST. PIERRE-DE-FURSAC, 23, FR Huge UFO touches ground. Goes going q 10/13/1954 #10994 NEAR NEULISE, FR 1 / car. Luminous globe going / low a 10/13/1954 #10995 Nouasseur, Fr. Morocco Round, flat, silver object f 10/13/1954 #10996 VOLONNE, 04, FR Vintners. Big red ball turns and spin 10/14/1954 #11006 ST.-AUBAN, 04, FR Hundreds / workers. Brilliant sphere 10/14/1954 #11007 CARPENTRAS, VAUCLUSE, FR Brilliant cylinder/cigar-shape shoots 10/14/1954 #11008 PIERREFONTAINE-LES-VARANS, FR Baker. Reddish saucer going northwest 10/14/1954 #11011 FONTAINE, VCL, FR Very odd object hangs / sky / 90 minu 10/14/1954 #11013 TRESQUES, GARD, FR 2 observer(s). Intensely bright UFO l 10/14/1954 #11016 ENTRAIGES-SUR-SORGUE, FR 1 observer. 8M saucer / all color(s) 10/14/1954 #11017 MERAL, FR 6M saucer going down. Dark figure ins 10/14/1954 #11018 CHARDONNAY, FR 2 farm hands. Red saucer passes behin 10/14/1954 #11020 BIOT, FR Cycler and more/others. 6M silver dom 10/14/1954 #11021 CHALON-SUR-SAONE, FR Several observer(s). Long slow silent 10/14/1954 #11022 D111 / MEURSANGES, FR 2+several separate observer(s). Fast 10/14/1954 #11023 ANDLAU, FR 2 observer(s). Cylinder/cigar-shape e 10/14/1954 #11025 ANGLES, FR Several separate observer(s). Blindin 10/14/1954 #11026 ST.-GERMAIN-DU-BOIS, FR 1 / bicycle. Luminous orange dome on 10/14/1954 #11027 COMMENTRY, FR Several observer(s). Fiery disk passe 10/14/1954 #11028 GUEUGNAN GOING [TO] CIRY-LE-NOBLE, FR Saucer with blinding beam / light. Go 10/14/1954 #11029 NEAR BROSSES TILLOTS, FR Motorcycle dies. 7M classic saucer / 10/14/1954 #11030 ST. ASSISCLE, FR Luminous ovoid going down. Man / divi 10/14/1954 #11031 BRIENNE, FR 4 Mx2M domed saucer lands / 60cm trip 10/14/1954 #11033 HIEULOY-LA-VILLE TO/FROM BEAUVAIS, FR Object flies over car. Lights fail. F 10/14/1954 #11034 -NOBLE TO/FROM MONTCEAU-LES-MINES, FR Engineer sees huge silent object fall 10/14/1954 #11035 NEAR DOMART-EN-PONTHIEU, FR 3 observer(s). Big glow / field. 6-7 10/14/1954 #11037 LA TOUR-D'AIGUES, FR Several observer(s). 7M saucer with g 10/14/1954 #11038 ST. PIERRE HALTE, FR Baker. 4M mushroom lands / railroad/r 10/15/1954 #11076 AIX-EN-PROVENCE, BDR, FR Saucer hangs high / sky 1 minute(s) a 10/15/1954 #11078 NNE / LE VIGAN, GARD, FR 30M x 6M cylinder/cigar-shape lands. 10/15/1954 #11083 AIRE-SUR-LA-LYS, FR Numerous separate observer(s). Saucer 10/15/1954 #11084 BAILLY-EN-CAMPAGNE, FR 4 saucers. 1 going down. Car malfunct 10/15/1954 #11086 NEAR NIMES-COURBESSAC AIRFIELD, FR 30M cylinder/cigar-shape lands. Helme 10/15/1954 #11087 MONTARGIS, FR Luminous yellow ovoid passes over. No 10/15/1954 #11088 ST. PRIVAT / VALLONGUE, FR Cylinder/cigar-shape lands. Quickly g 10/15/1954 (approximate) #11090 NIFFER TO/FROM KEMBS, FR 2 / cars. Fireball zigzags over road. 10/15/1954 #11091 FOUESNANT, FR Trucker. Saucer going south toward(s) 10/15/1954 #11092 RONSENAC, FR 3 observer(s). Power out. Dogs howl. 10/15/1954 #11093 VALLONGUE, FR 1 observer. Cylinder/cigar-shape land 10/15/1954 (approximate) #11094 AMBES, FR 6 silent giant 'eggplants' pass. Hove 10/15/1954 #11095 CONFOLENS, FR 3.5M saucer on ground. Quickly going 10/15/1954 #11096 LESPARRE-MEDOC, FR Teacher. Orange round object / roadsi 10/16/1954 #11125 ST.-LEGER-SUR-DHEUNE, FR Classic flying saucer seen. No furthe 10/16/1954 #11126 NEUILLY L'EVEQUE, FR Small humanoid (or Grey) / road runs 10/16/1954 #11127 THIN-LE-MOUTIER, FR UFO lands 30M away. Woman faints. Get 10/16/1954 (approximate) #11128 DURY, FR Boy / 15. 12M cylinder/cigar-shape / 10/16/1954 #11129 PONT-L'ABBE D'ARNOULT, FR Object rises / ground. Observer(s) te 10/16/1954 #11130 MONTAMISE, FR 3 / car and 2 / town. UFO / ground qu 10/16/1954 #11132 BELESTA, FR Intense bright ovoid quickly going up 10/16/1954 #11133 HAM, FR 2 observer(s). Disk and cone going ea 10/16/1954 #11134 DOMPIERRE-BECQUINCORT, 80, FR 2 observer(s). 20X2M saucer. Altitude 10/16/1954 #11135 SAULIEU, 21, FR 5 / car. Bright fireball rises / grou 10/16/1954 #11136 NEAR BEAUFORT, FR 2 / car. Bullet-UFO going down / 3 le 10/16/1954 #11137 SAINT-CYR-SUR-MER, NEAR BANDOL, FR Car malfunctions due to EME (electro- 10/17/1954 #11157 CIER DE RIVIERE, FR 5' UFO levitates horse going up [to] 10/17/1954 #11158 PRECHAC, FR 4M tadpole-object landed / forest. No 10/17/1954 #11159 CABASSON, FR 1+dog. 4M saucer and helmeted small h 10/17/1954 #11160 LE BOUQUET, FR Hunter. Chain noise. Blue-metallic cy 10/17/1954 #11161 COURNON, FR 6 observer(s). 80cm fireball lands. F 10/17/1954 #11162 REIMS, FR 8M x 2M cylinder/cigar-shape by canal 10/17/1954 #11163 LUZY, FR 2+kids. Metallic blimp extremely fast 10/17/1954 #11165 D10 NEAR VARIGNEY, FR Cop and several. Saucer nearly lands. 10/17/1954 #11166 GRAY, JURA, FR Luminous object changes color(s). Eac 10/17/1954 #11167 AVANNE, FR 5 observer(s). Strange glow. 4M sauce 10/17/1954 #11168 AMIGNY-ROUY, FR 4M fireball stops over village. Lands 10/17/1954 #11170 PONS, FR 6M egg going down [to] by road. 2 4' 10/18/1954 #11186 SAUSSAY, FR Hissing 18M cylinder/cigar-shape with 10/18/1954 #11187 SANDRANS, FR 3M cylinder/cigar-shape lands / field 10/18/1954 (approximate) #11188 D216 SOUTH / ST. MARTIN-DU-BOIS, FR Saucer lands / road. Hairy small huma 10/18/1954 #11189 CISTERNES-LA-FORET, FR 2 observer(s). Domed saucer lands / f 10/18/1954 #11190 NORTH / ISSENHEIM, FR Luminous UFO lands near N83. 0530hrs 10/18/1954 #11191 ANGLES, FR Councilman. 1M and saucer very close. 10/18/1954 #11192 MOUTIER-ROZEILLE, FR 2 odd talking men / briar patch. 2 mo 10/18/1954 #11193 ANCY AND MORE/OTHERS, FR Several observer(s). Glaring sphere/o 10/18/1954 #11195 D52 / CHAMBOIS, FR Separate observer(s). 10M saucer / fi 10/18/1954 #11196 ST. CIRGUES, FR Dumbell-scale teeters / 1 hour. Then 10/18/1954 #11197 LEPANGES-SUR-VOLOGNE, FR 15 observer(s). Odd-machine jerks acr 10/18/1954 #11198 FONTENAY-TORCY, FR 6 separate observer(s). Saucer lands. 10/18/1954 #11199 AMIENS, FR 1 girl. Luminous cylinder/cigar-shape 10/18/1954 #11201 MOREUIL, FR Bank teller. Saucer 100M from roadsid 10/18/1954 #11202 SAINTES TO/FROM ROYAN, FR Dumbell quickly going down. Small hum 10/18/1954 #11203 VEZENEY, FR 1 / mopod/motorscooter/motorbike. Red 10/18/1954 #11204 VILLEPINTE, FR 1+several observer(s). Luminous orang 10/18/1954 #11205 OVER AVIGNON, FR 2 Fr. Air Force jets chase white sauc 10/19/1954 #11227 OVER AVIGNON, FR 2 Fr. Air Force jets chase white saucer / 10/19/1954 #11227 AMIENS, FR 70 observer(s). Flaming object spins 10/19/1954 #11229 MONTLANDON, FR Teen. Saucer going down [to] by woods 10/19/1954 #11230 FAULQUEMONT, FR 1 / car. Luminous/glowing object take 10/19/1954 #11231 NEAR ST. AVOLD, FR Saucer lands / field. Trees scorched 10/19/1954 #11232 ST. DIDIER-EN-VELAY, FR 'Flame' buzzes truck. Motor and light 10/19/1954 #11234 LAQUEUILLE, FR 2 / truck. Disk-sphere/orb/globe / gr 10/19/1954 #11237 ST.-VALERY-SUR-SOMME, FR 2 groups / UFO's. 1 group lands / pas 10/20/1954 #11256 ST.-REMY, FR Observer(s) / very odd exchange with 10/20/1954 #11258 CHEVENON AND RAVEAU, FR Several observer(s). Red saucer going 10/20/1954 #11261 CURCHY, FR 1 observer riding train. Featureless 10/20/1954 #11262 NEAR GAVRES, FR Ball / light going north and going do 10/20/1954 #11264 TURQUENSTEIN FR Car malfunctions due to EME (electro- 10/20/1954 #11265 LUSIGNY FOREST, FR 6M ovoid / treetops. Intense heat. Ra 10/20/1954 #11266 E AND LAGNY AND MORET AND THOMERY, FR 20M yellow-orange disk hovers. Away / 10/21/1954 #11289 CRITEUIL-LA-MAGDELEINE, FR Fireball stops car. Big electro-magne 10/21/1954 #11292 NORTHEAST / PLOUGASTEL, FR Naval Engineer and 1. Very luminous l 10/21/1954 #11293 NEAR POUZOU, FR 2 / car. Electric shocks. Motor and l 10/21/1954 #11294 SEGRE, FR 3 / farm. Odd white cloud going down. 10/22/1954 #11312 LUNEVILLE, FR Oval landing traces / carrot patch. F 10/22/1954 #11313 ERCHIN WOOD SOUTH / LEWARDE, FR Miner. Small furry small humanoid (or 10/22/1954 #11315 N42 NEAR ECAILLON, FR Motorcycle malfunctions due to EME (e 10/22/1954 #11316 GUETHARY, FR 1 / beach. Disk emerges / sea! 3-4 be 10/22/1954 #11317 ERNEMONT / BUCHY, FR Brill crescent going down. 3 shadows 10/23/1954 #11329 ST. HILAIRE-DES-LOGES, FR Saucer / sky nears. Family hides. Gre 10/23/1954 #11332 LALIZOLLE, FR 3M saucer going down [to] in woods. 3 10/24/1954 #11351 POINTE-AUX-OIES, FR Railroad/railway inspector takes 2 ph 10/24/1954 #11354 LES EGOTS, FR Girl. Basket-saucer going down. Windo 10/24/1954 #11355 SOUTH / PAIMBOEUF, FR 1+1+1 observer(s). Saucer / marsh by 10/24/1954 (approximate) #11356 D984 NEAR BIOZAT, FR Scooter electro-magnetic effects (EME 10/24/1954 #11357 NEAR CALAIS, FR 1 observer. Saucer rises / field by b 10/25/1954 (approximate) #11376 VARENNES-SUR-TECHE, 03, FR Round silver saucer with flashing lig 10/25/1954 #11377 ARRAYE-ET-HAN, FR Glowing 2M saucer rises going up / ro 10/25/1954 #11380 JONQUERETS-DE-LIVET, FR Several observer(s). Mopod/motorscoot 10/25/1954 #11381 NORTHEAST / ST. SAMSON, FR 2 / car. Blinding 4M disk going down 10/25/1954 #11382 METAIRIES-ST. QUIRIN, FR 6M saucer flies over tractor. Engine 10/25/1954 #11384 RANES, FR 1 observer. 5M cylinder/cigar-shape g 10/26/1954 (approximate) #11405 18KM SOUTH / ANGOULEME, FR Silent 7M cauldron going up / roadsid 10/26/1954 #11409 CHATEAUDUN, FR Several railroad/railway men run towa 10/26/1954 #11412 D46 NORTHEAST / PLOUEZOCH, FR Girl / 12 nears 1M ovoid. Electric sh 10/27/1954 (approximate) #11427 CHARLEVILLE-MEZIERES, FR Dawn. Policemen. UFO takes off. Type 10/27/1954 #11428 SAINT-MARCEL, FR 2 cops. Sparkle object quickly going 10/27/1954 #11431 HESDIN FOREST, PDC, FR Numerous observer(s). Luminous sphere 10/27/1954 #11433 MARANVILLE, FR Several observer(s). Saucer going dow 10/27/1954 #11434 MOUSSEY, FR D49. Dark 5M saucer landed / field. T 10/27/1954 #11435 EFFIAT TO/FROM VICHY, FR 1 / car. Silent yellow saucer with li 10/27/1954 #11436 LINZEUX, FR V-bright UFO flies low over car. Moto 10/27/1954 #11437 OYE PLAGE, FR N40. Cylinder/cigar-shape flies 20M a 10/27/1954 #11439 THOURY, FR AND MORE/OTHERS Separate observer(s). 10/28/1954 #11458 CHATEL-BLANC, FR 1 observer. Odd group / night lights 10/28/1954 #11459 NEAR COULOGNE, FR 1 observer. Glowing-cylinder/cylindri 10/29/1954 #11472 MESPLES NORTHWEST / MONTLUCON, FR Saucer on edge chases girl. Drops. Va 10/29/1954 #11473 NEAR LONG, FR 3 observer(s). 4.5M saucer / ground. 10/31/1954 #11495 LA FLAMENGRIE, FR Bike lamp flashes. 4M fireball nears. 11/1954 #11501 ST.-SILVAIN-BELGARDE, 23, FR Yellow glow. Elongated saucer 'like a 11/1954 #11505 BEUZEVILLE-LA-GUERARD, FR 2 observer(s). 3M top saucer hides / 11/1954 (approximate) #11507 FREJUS, FR 4 soldiers. Metallic sphere/orb/globe 11/2/1954 (approximate) #11528 VIOMENIL AND THOLLOY, FR Several separate observer(s). Green d 11/2/1954 #11529 PALAVAS, FR Trusted observer(s). Thick fog. Blue 11/3/1954 (approximate) #11541 MAREIL-SUR-LOIR, FR 2 observer(s). 2 small humanoids (or 11/3/1954 #11542 PERRIER, PDD, FR 3 separate observer(s). 4M saucer-clo 11/3/1954 #11546 LE SOURN, FR AND 7 TOWNS 6M saucer spins going qui 11/4/1954 #11553 REDOUX AND CHALLANS AND COURERES, FR AND MORE/OTHERS Wave / saucers and ni 11/4/1954 #11554 D2 NEAR PLAISSAN, FR 1 observer. Brilliant red sphere / fi 11/4/1954 #11559 WEST / ST. VRAN, FR 3 / road. 2 bright cylinders 50M over 11/4/1954 #11562 RESSONS-SUR-MATZ, FR Silent 4M bell-saucer follows road go 11/5/1954 #11571 SOUTH / LA-ROCHE-EN-BRENIL, FR 9M saucer / ground. 3 men. Box emits 11/5/1954 #11572 LOUROUX-HODEMENT, FR AND CHANAT, PDD Big luminous sphere s 11/5/1954 #11574 FONTAINGUET, FR 2 observer(s). 3M multi-colored glowi 11/5/1954 #11575 CHAUNAY, FR 2 girls. Squat 1M glass cylinder/cyli 11/8/1954 #11593 VOUSSAC, FR Luminous sphere lands by Vacheresse w 11/8/1954 #11594 LA TESSOUALLE, FR Saucer malfunctions due to EME (elect 11/8/1954 #11595 NEAR INCHY, FR 2 / car. 25M saucer tilts 50M over fi 11/9/1954 #11606 FROBERVILLE, FR 9M bullet-cylinder/cigar-shape / 30M 11/9/1954 #11609 e the objects are also observed by Fr. Zilwes, a Brazilian priest at the Va 11/12/1954 #11628 NEAR AIRPORT / BERCK, FR Landed 'round hut' craft takes off si 11/13/1954 #11632 BUCHY, FR Car slows. Luminous/glowing object la 11/13/1954 #11634 TREZELLES, FR Mme. Edelin. Big luminous disk seen. 11/15/1954 #11657 NORTH / CLARBEC, FR 3 / car. 10M domed saucer / road. Goi 11/18/1954 #11665 ST. MAUDAN, FR Girl / 12. Glowing-boat going down / 11/18/1954 #11666 BLAISON, FR Saucer going down / farm. 2 small hum 11/20/1954 #11676 LAIZE-LA-VILLE, FR Boy / 15. Huge top-saucer crosses roa 11/20/1954 #11678 MOZE-SUR-LOUET, FR 1 / bicycle. Beam searches to and fro 11/29/1954 #11726 ST. MARTIN-DL-PLACE, FR 1 observer. Luminous/glowing object g 11/29/1954 #11727 BOURBON-L'ARCHAMBAULT, FR Orange cylinder/cigar-shape going nor 11/29/1954 #11728 BASSOUES, GERS, FR Ovoid lights countryside. Maneuvers a 12/1/1954 #11740 CHAUMONT, FR 2 observer(s). Silent luminous red fi 12/1/1954 #11741 BERSAILLIN TO/FROM COLONNE, FR 1 observer. Intense light and heat / 12/17/1954 #11827 BRU / GARDONNE, FR Red saucer / field. Observer(s) froze 12/29/1954 #11873 (near), Venezula Airliner en route fr Barquisimeto; radio went dead both at 2/2/1955 #11965 NORTHEAST / CERET, FR 1 / D115. 4 portholes / ground level. 2/4/1955 #11972 MONTMORILLON, FR 2 young men. Saucer hovers / town. Be 3/25/1955 #12061 FORET DE CHIZE, FR Small humanoids (or Greys) with "cone 4/1955 (approximate) #12073 DINAN, FR Domed saucer / low altitude. 2 small 5/14/1955 #12130 HAM-SUR-MEUSE, FR Cops. Saucer going northwest against 5/20/1955 #12144 PUY ST. GULMIER, PDD, FR 1.1M saucer flies / edge. Maneuvers o 5/31/1955 #12168 PLESSIEL FIELD / ABBEVILLE, FR 2 separate observer(s). Vibrant brigh 7/18/1955 #12268 AGENVILLERS, 80, FR Farmer. Aluminum saucer follows plane 7/23/1955 #12281 CAZERES, FR 2 egg-yolks / field. 2 bald 90cm smal 8/1955 #12308 SALON-DE-PROVENCE, FR 12M saucer dives at & circles car. Si 8/1/1955 #12313 BUZANCY, FR 3 observer(s). 5 disks going down [to 8/5/1955 #12328 SAINT-PAIR, MANCHE, FR Intense light. Saucer lands / field / 8/18/1955 #12370 BOISSEUGES, FR 3.5M glowing saucer / pasture. Men de 9/16/1955 #12455 D3 ESE / WISSEMBOURG, FR Wind stops. 400M UFO 6M over oaks. 76 10/15/1955 #12504 NEAR CHARTRES, FR AV.mechanic. Cafe parasol follows car 11/1955 #12535 BARRE-DES-CEVENNES, FR 2 cops. 12M domed saucer lands. 4 pse 1/1956 (approximate) #12640 ORLY AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Large RADAR blip / 4 hours. 2250mph. 2/17/1956 #12721 NEAR LAMORICIERE, ALG Fr. soldiers. Huge UFO hovers and flashe 2/23/1956 (approximate) #12737 CHATEAUROUX, FR Star rushes up. = 12M domed saucer wi 4/1956 (approximate) #12774 ELBOEUF, FR 5 observer(s). Domed saucer / firebal 4/8/1956 #12800 N7 NEAR LA TURBIE, FR Football ovoid hovers low / rocky hil 6/1956 #12876 FORET DE MARSOIS, FR 2 helmeted 120cm small humanoids (or 7/1956 (approximate) #12935 MAILLY-LE-CAMP, FR Noisy 15M saucer with red dome and bi 7/1956 #12937 MONTDIDIER, FR Domed saucer lands / field. Observer( 7/1956 #12938 PERTHUS, FR Odd delta/triangle/box-like craft / m 8/8/1956 #13059 MOUSSAN, AUDE, FR Red fireball stops 100M from motorcyc 8/17/1956 #13096 ROUTE 115 NORTHEAST / CERET, FR 4 pseudo-human/entity / huge motorcyc 8/22/1956 #13111 D948 SOUTHEAST / CERDON, 45, FR Car / malfunctions due to EME (electr 9/1956 #13158 LE BORDES, 45, FR Milk truck stalls. UFO shines beams. 9/1956 #13159 ST.-PIERRE-DE-FURSAC, 23, FR Long luminous UFO. 3 passes and drops 9/1956 #13162 LE HOULME, FR Domed saucer / 9M altitude. Rays shoo 9/1956 #13164 DARMANNES, FR Huge blue domed disk by N65. Porthole 9/27/1956 #13248 CYSOING, FR 1 / bicycle. 30M aluminum saucer / fi 11/1956 #13300 PARIS, FR Several thousands and astronomers. 2 11/7/1956 #13309 VINS-SUR-CARAMY, FR 2+1+2 observer(s). 1.5M top going up 4/14/1957 #13599 MONTLUCON, FR 2+observer(s). Jellyfish-saucer reapp 4/21/1957 #13608 PALALDA, FR 5M flaming disk hovers / vineyard. Wi 4/22/1957 #13609 FORCALQUIER OBSERVER(S), FR Astronomic photographs / night light 5/3/1957 #13646 BEAUCOURT / ANCRE, FR UFO hovers 30cm / ground. 4 small hum 5/10/1957 #13651 ST. ANDRE-TREIZE-VOIES, FR Luminous white disk / ground. Takes o 5/27/1957 #13682 QUILLAN, FR Several observer(s). 2 silent orange 9/15/1957? #13997 GRENOBLE, FR Engineers and more. 5 silent saucers 9/16/1957 #13998 EVILLERS, FR Cops / car. Huge luminous/glowing bal 9/22/1957 #14025 D41 NORTHEAST / AUBONNE, FR 2 cops / car. Moon-size fireball goin 9/22/1957 #14026 SACRE COUR, PARIS, FR US embassy Officer and 1. Bright oran 9/27/1957 #14038 CROISSY-BEAUBOURG, FR Many observer(s). Vertical cylinder/c 10/1957 (approximate) #14047 SOUTHWEST / LOUBRESSAC, FR Car malfunctions due to EME (electro- 10/25/1957? #14152 NOVY-CHEVRIERES, FR 4 cops. Silent luminous saucer going 10/30/1957 #14164 D69 SOUTHWEST / MOREZ, JURA, FR 2 observer(s). Large phony train / ra 10/30/1957 #14165 ORGUEIL, FR Domed saucer going west. Going down / 11/8/1957 #14475 TOULOUSE OBSERVER(S), FR Astronomer and hundreds. Fireball goi 11/8/1957 #14477 UGINES TO/FROM FAVERGES, FR 2 engineers. Sphere ZIGZAGs over N508 11/25/1957 #14608 LADAPEYRE, FR 5 observer(s). Elongated red ovoid go 2/1/1958 #14862 OFF LE BRUSC, FR 3 / fishermen. 4M glowing-saucer goin 6/12/1958 #15090 POLIGNY, FR 20M transparent globe hovers. "Man" / 9/1958 #15236 SOUTHWEST / TAIX, FR 1 observer. Red cylinder/cigar-shape 9/1958 #15237 GOUZON, 23, FR Odd lights. Motorcycle stops. 7M sauc 9/1/1958 #15242 NORTHEAST / LAVAL, FR 20M double-cone saucer. 20 windows. H 9/1/1958 #15243 DOCELLES, FR Violent blue-white flashes. 4 deep re 9/2/1958 (approximate) #15249 RENEDALE, FR 2 / farm. 3 25cm disks whistle overhe 10/1958 #15289 LUNEL, FR Saucer lands. Sweeps 3 observer(s) an 10/1958 #15291 N75 NORTH / SERRES, FR 1 / car. 100M saucer over bridge. No 10/28/1958 #15394 CLERMONT-FERRAND, FR 20M saucer seen. Damage to ground. No 12/20/1958 (approximate) #15484 ST. RAPHAEL, FR Man / roof. Plain silent silver fusel 12/30/1958 #15502 BOIANAI, PNG Fr Gill and 37. Saucer and 4 small human 6/26/1959 #15786 Guinea Many witnesses, among them Fr. W. B. Gill, head of a local mission, 6/26/1959 #15789 BOIANAI, PNG Fr Gill and 25. Saucer and small humanoi 6/27/1959 #15793 LADAPEYRE, FR 2 observer(s). Huge luminous disk hov 7/26/1959 #15880 MONTIGNY-EN-OSTREVENT, FR 3M hat-saucer with rectangular window 9/15/1959? #15978 ederal District, Brazil 10:00 a.m. Fr. Raimundo Nascimento Teixeira, a prof 10/1959 #16004 AUBAGNE, FR Saucer over line / shoppers. 20 pseud 10/30/1959 (approximate) #16067 VICHEL, FR Gas turbine noise. Cylinder/cylindric 3/25/1960? #16207 NEAR SCAER, FR Moped malfunctions due to EME (electr 4/1960 #16210 SOUTHEAST / LE BOULOU, FR 2 big white disks over Mt. St. Christ 4/10/1960 #16220 LOUVIERS, FR 1 / garden. Fat 20M cylinder/cigar-sh 6/28/1960 (approximate) #16318 MEUSSIA, FR 3 observer(s). Strange glowing white 8/1960 #16356 MOULLE, FR 3 observer(s). Thin 5M glowing-disc c 8/2/1960 #16363 EYZIES-DE-TAYAC, FR Dark domed saucer glows / hills. Obse 8/5/1960 (approximate) #16365 LA VAURE, FR Luminous rectangular / 4M altitude 10 10/20/1960 (approximate) #16485 LA LONDE, FR 6M domed saucer / railroad/railway tr 11/13/1960 #16500 CARIGNAN, FR 3 separate observer(s). 4M saucer res 12/9/1960 #16528 MUNCQ-NIEURLET, FR Farmer. Silent luminous top hovers / 1/1/1961 #16557 CESTAS TO/FROM GAZINET, FR 4 professors. Saucer. Electro-magneti 1/22/1961 #16584 SOUTHWEST / LOQUEFFRET, FR Gendarme. Domed disk / 150M altitude 2/1961 #16591 LADAPEYRE, FR Numerous observer(s). Huge starfish s 8/23/1961 #16801 TOULOUSE, FR 5 / car. 8M luminous-yellow sphere / 8/25/1961 (approximate) #16802 BRAY-SUR-SEINE, FR Saucer just over ground. Cylinder/cyl 11/1961 (approximate) #16942 MARGNY, FR Boy / 8. UFO / 3 legs / field. Buzz l 7/1962 #17260 OFF LE BRUSC, FR 3 / 2 boats. Saucer surfaces. 12 men 8/1/1962 #17311 POINTE AUX OIES, FR Several / N40. Big metallic disk goin 9/1962 (approximate) #17376 ST. MAXIMIN, FR Luminous ball rises fast. Stops. Goin 9/23/1962 #17432 VAR, FR Bizarre bird-men rush car. Fly going 11/1962 #17523 BERGERAC GOING [TO] BORDEAUX, FR Car stops to see odd object / road. F 5/15/1963 #17739 ST.-FELIU-D'AVAIL AND SOLER, FR 2 funnel-saucers emit 2 small firebal 5/28/1963 #17767 D3 NORTHEAST / RIANS, FR 3 / car. Silent ball / light follows 7/15/1963 (approximate) #17829 LUCON, FR 2 teens. 20M saucer-cylinder/cigar-sh 9/1963 #17925 MONTLUCON, FR College student. Rectangular cylinder 11/21/1963 #18053 GARAVAN, FR Flat 15M disk 10cm thick. Rests / ped 1/2/1964 (approximate) #18108 SENTOUS, FR 3 Mx1.5M saucer hovers low / roadside 7/8/1964 (approximate) #18399 STE.MAXIME, FR Many / beach. Clouds part. Large grey 8/1964 #18461 NEAR MARIGNANE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR 2 / air France crew. Metallic disk / 4/9/1965 #18900 MONT-ST. MARTIN, FR Several observer(s). Deep rumble. TV 6/25/1965 #19026 PORT-ST.-LOUIS DU-RHONE, FR Sky turns green / 10 minute(s). Barge 7/1/1965 #19041 ORANGE, FR Several observer(s). Fireball chases 7/1/1965 #19042 VALENSOLE, FR Saucer going down / 6 legs. Small hum 7/1/1965 #19043 MOYEUVRE, FR 1 observer. 3M metallic object rises 7/9/1965 #19084 D8 SOUTHWEST / VALENSOLE, FR Many observer(s). 4M ovoid near groun 7/28/1965 (approximate) #19194 NEAR MONSEMPRON-LIBOS, FR Large saucer / field. Going quickly s 7/29/1965 #19199 LANN-BIHOUE, FR Military observer(s) / (seen thru) bi 8/19/1965 #19420 PLEURE, FR 2 observer(s). Silent silver saucer g 9/1965 #19486 D562 / ROUBINE, FR 1 observer. Big silent cone-saucer 20 9/10/1965 #19546 REZAY, FR Silent luminous orange 60cm sphere / 11/1965 #19691 BECHAR, ALGERIA Fr. Air Force transport crew. Fast dark 12/22/1965 #19785 BOLAZEC, FR 4M luminous box going up / roadside g 1/16/1966 #19836 ATTIGNEVILLE, FR Farmer. White 80cm cog-wheel rolls aw 3/26/1966 #20085 ARCHIGNY, FR Silent 10M cylinder/cigar-shape hover 4/22/1966 #20361 FARM / AVEYRON, FR 2+observer(s). 6 fireballs enter lumi 6/15/1966 #20559 BAR-SUR-LOUP, FR Mayor sees large round UFO / yellow a 6/18/1966 #20573 LE ROURET, FR 1 observer. Disk hovers over town / 5 6/18/1966 #20574 MONT-DE-MARSAN, FR 5 20cm glowing-balls snake across cem 7/15/1966 (approximate) #20646 D955 NEAR LENTIER, FR 5M saucer / 4 portholes. All dogs bar 7/18/1966 #20651 REVIN, FR 1 observer. 2 80cm red balls land. Jo 7/24/1966 #20674 MONTSOREAU, FR Red sphere/orb/globe maneuvers and go 7/28/1966 #20689 ST. CLAUDE, FR 3 observer(s). Rectangular panel / li 8/1966 #20706 CHATEAU-FARINE, FR 2 / car. Teardrop-ovoid follows car. 9/10/1966 #20870 HAMAGUIR, ALG Fr. weatherman. Odd whirlwind. Shadow bl 10/1966 (approximate) #20943 GRENOBLE, FR Night light = 7M domed saucer. 2 port 10/3/1966 (approximate) #20953 COL. D'UZES, FR 2 / car / snowstorm. Dark silent sauc 12/5/1966 #21184 FARM /, FR 6 spheres and glowing-pillar back. Sm 1/6/1967 #21264 AVEYRON, FR Glowing orbs enter pillar. Saucer wit 1/11/1967 #21285 ROMIERES, FR Separate observer(s). Saucer / sky se 1/17/1967 #21326 NEAR VALENSOLE, FR 5 observer(s) surprise and chase stra 1/28/1967 (approximate) #21404 SAUVIGNY-LS-BOIS, FR 20M glowing-ovoid going down / garden 2/5/1967 #21453 LILLE, FR 1 observer. 10M triangle / metal tube 4/25/1967 #22215 MARLIENS, 21, FR Deep cylinder/cylindrical object hole 5/5/1967 #22273 SSE / SHIRMECK, FR 8 saucers go by. Bands / light end / 5/6/1967 #22279 SOUTHEAST / COMBES-LA-VILLE, FR 1.5M pyramid lands / road by railroad 5/10/1967 #22307 EVILLERS, FR Jean Tyrode / car. 20M saucer going [ 5/22/1967 #22387 FLEURY-EN-BIERE, FR 3 / car. White light hovers / road. D 5/24/1967 #22391 ST.-ANDRE-TREIZE-VOIES, FR Saucer landed / field takes off with 5/27/1967 #22407 SERMERIEU, FR 2 luminous trails over ground. 4 dead 5/27/1967 #22408 BLAUZAC, FR 35cm glowing-ball over dog / dining r 6/1967 #22435 PASSINS, FR Night lights seen. 4 cows die / no ap 6/4/1967 #22460 N50 SOUTHWEST / GAVRELLE, FR 3 / car. Grey cylinder/cylindrical ob 6/11/1967 #22489 ST.-GENEYS, FR N106. 100M cylinder/cigar-shape emerg 6/27/1967 #22560 GOING QUICKLY [TO] HAUTERIVE, 03, FR UFO lands behind row of houses. Huge 7/1967 #22581 CADOUIN, FR 4 observer(s). Glowing-object lands. 7/1967 #22582 ST. PAULIEN, FR 1 / car. Long rectangular cylinder/ci 7/10/1967 (approximate) #22643 CHATOU, FR Blinding fireball passes 20M / observ 7/17/1967 #22670 ARC-SOUS-CICON, FR 4 kids. 3 dark small humanoids (or Gr 7/17/1967 #22671 SAUBENS, FR 3 teens. Small silent disk quickly go 7/17/1967 (approximate) #22673 NICE, FR AND WIDE AREA Cosmos 169 re-entry goi 7/18/1967 #22687 CHAULNES TO/FROM ROSIERES, FR Fireball zigzags. Going down / 2M alt 7/19/1967 #22697 TOURS, FR 1 observer / home. Saucer and cylinde 7/20/1967 #22704 NEAR STE-HERMINE, FR Huge red saucer goes behind hill. Fig 7/24/1967 #22724 ROANNE, FR Noises. Vague figure / gate. Dark obj 8/1967 (approximate) #22764 PERIGUEUX, FR 2 observer(s). Silent flat disk maneu 8/3/1967 #22779 LABAROCHE, FR Pith-helmet saucer circles Petit-Hona 8/7/1967 #22837 CUSSAC, FR 2M sphere/orb/globe going down. 4 sma 8/29/1967 #22946 ST. ANDRE / SURAN, FR 2 / field. Rounded cone buoy whistles 9/5/1967 (approximate) #23002 POLASTRON, FR Silent 35cm saucer near high-tension 9/6/1967 #23009 GRAVOIS SOUTH / VERSAILLES, FR Priest sees saucer hover and Sashay a 9/22/1967 #23108 MISSANCOURT, FR White dome going up [to] and going qu 10/1/1967 (approximate) #23158 BESCANCON, FR 1 observer / (seen thru) binoculars. 10/9/1967 #23199 ST.-POURCAIN-SUR-SIOULE, FR 2 / car. White fireball quickly going 10/28/1967 #23359 PROUILLE, FR 2 / car. 8M saucer seen 3X going sout 11/1967 (approximate) #23380 LE BOURGET AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Weathermen. Bright night light hovers 11/13/1967 #23441 WEST / LAMBALLE, FR Many / train. Luminous ball follows t 12/1967 #23527 PIERRE BUFFIERE, FR 2 observer(s). 110cm small humanoid ( 12/6/1967 #23553 ST. LOUP-DES-CHAUMES, FR Numerous observer(s). Foggy lens-sauc 12/26/1967 #23611 EAST / FOS-SUR-MER, FR Saucer lands. Door opens. Pseudo-huma 1/29/1968 #23707 SOUTH / BAGNERES-DE-BIGORRE, FR Silent 30M saucer paces 2 / car / lon 3/15/1968 #23842 BESCANCON, FR Anonymous observer(s). 2 colored ovoi 3/16/1968 #23845 NANTES, FR Amateur astronomer. Low-short humming 3/26/1968 #23860 N489 NEAR ST. VOIR, FR Silent fuselage / low altitude. Shoot 3/27/1968 #23863 OFF LE BRUSC, FR 3 / boat. Plain silent silver ovoid h 4/1968 #23880 EAST / BRUNY ISLAND, TASM Fr. Navy ship. Luminous rectangle hovers 4/1968 #23881 MARSEILLE, FR 1 observer / window. Luminous blue cy 4/4/1968 #23890 HERBITZHEIM, FR Several / (seen thru) binoculars. Gre 4/21/1968 #23917 STE ASSISE, FR RADAR-visual (observation). Night lig 5/9/1968 #23952 NORTHWEST / PIC ST. LOUP, FR 3+observer(s). UFO alarm. Single grey 5/14/1968 #23960 WINGLES, FR Several observer(s). Group / silent m 6/1968 #23997 BESCANCON, FR 2 observer(s). Hollow metallic hemisp 6/5/1968 #24007 ST.-GEOURS-DE-MAREMNE, FR Blinking light = saucer / ground. Car 6/14/1968 #24027 BRAZEY-EN-MORVAN, FR 12M ovoid going down. 25M indent. Dea 6/21/1968 #24059 EVILLERS, FR Tyrode. Blimp-cloud going [to] 3M / s 6/21/1968 #24061 CARCOUET, FR Luminous ball stops / intersection. P 7/11/1968 #24167 NEAR AUBENAS, FR Domed disk hovers / 45 minute(s) over 7/12/1968 #24169 MULHOUSE, FR 1 observer. Huge orange disk going [t 7/23/1968 #24209 NEAR BARCELONNETTE, FR 5 teens. Very fast object. Purrs. Sea 7/31/1968 #24266 MONTLUCON, 03, FR Silvery saucer nears ground. Then rai 8/1968 (approximate) #24274 LA GUERINIERE, FR N148 / D95. 2 / car. Saucer lights gr 8/6/1968 (approximate) #24299 NEAR VOUSSAC, FR 2 observer(s). Large ovoid going sout 8/19/1968 #24355 VILLIERS-EN-MORVAN, FR Square white sheet / ground. 1M beam 8/21/1968 #24363 ANGOULEME, FR Numerous observer(s). Delta/triangle/ 8/27/1968 #24385 SOUTHEAST / LOCTUDY, FR Star / horizon / several nights. Mane 8/27/1968 #24386 WEST / ST. TROPEZ, FR 4 observer(s). Saturn saucer turns go 9/1968 #24413 VANDOEUVRE, FR 1M ovoid hovers / airstrip. Flashes r 9/4/1968 #24426 DOUE-LA-FONTAINE, FR Several separate observer(s). Sky red 9/26/1968 #24514 NEUF-BRISACH, FR Driver numb. Car malfunctions due to 9/28/1968 #24518 NEAR RONCENAY, FR 2 observer(s). Saucer lands / legs. 3 9/30/1968 (approximate) #24523 OLLIOULIES, FR AND AREA Many observer(s). Silver sph 10/17/1968 #24565 ESTERIL MOUNTAINS, FR 2 observer(s). Huge phony moon hovers 10/17/1968 #24566 NORTH / CUERS, FR 2 observer(s). Distant metallic top-s 10/17/1968 #24567 NEAR HUARD, FR Dark silent ovoid throws light and sp 10/20/1968 #24577 FOURNEAUX, FR 2 / N142. Spoked red wheel turns goin 10/30/1968 #24603 BOIS DE GOUJOUSE / CENDRAS, FR Ranger. Silver saucer takes off paral 11/1968 #24610 SISTERON, FR Dr. X and son. 2 saucers. Abduction. 11/2/1968 #24621 JAMEYZIEUX, FR Grey metallic domed disk 400M away. R 11/15/1968 (approximate) #24658 NORTH / TUCHAN, FR 1 / car. Moon-size night light going 11/21/1968 #24674 AUDEUX, FR 2 saucers beam vibrant bright cones / 11/24/1968 (approximate) #24698 OVER MEGEVE, FR Ships Captain. 500M sphere hovers / 8 12/1/1968 #24742 MORET-SUR-LOING, FR 1 observer. Phony train over railroad 12/8/1968 (approximate) #24750 FRANOIS, FR 2 observer(s). Fireball hovers / 20 m 12/12/1968 #24760 FRANOIS, FR 15+observer(s). 10M saucer follows ca 12/12/1968 #24761 MALACHERE NEAR RIOZ, FR 4x moon-size red glowing ovoid with f 12/12/1968 #24762 BESCANCON, FR Brill white saucer seen from car / 45 12/15/1968 #24768 MEAUX, FR Silent 3M saucer scouts ultrasonics p 12/15/1968 #24770 YFFINIAC, FR 20 observer(s). White ball follows tr 12/16/1968 #24775 NEAR EPISY, FR 1 / car / D148+2 / home. Luminous/glo 12/18/1968 #24777 FRANOIS AND BESCANCON, FR Many observer(s). Huge yellow star. L 12/21/1968 #24785 LOCATION UNKNOWN, GREENLAND Fr. pilots. Intense 20M ovoid passes. He 12/22/1968 #24786 ROUTE D1A SSW / COETLOGON, FR 1 / car and 2 separate observer(s). 1 12/22/1968 #24787 ST. ETIENNE, FR 1 observer. Red half-moon vanishes an 12/26/1968 #24791 WEST / LE PUY, FR Luminous ovoid with legs / 50M altitu 12/29/1968 #24795 VILLEMER, FR 2 observer(s). Orange ovoid with 2 lu 1/4/1969 #24815 NOISY RUDIGNON, FR 2 observer(s). Huge saucer-cylinder/c 1/10/1969 #24831 LA BARBEE, FR 30cm globe with 5 spikes hovers / woo 1/14/1969 #24841 EVILLERS, FR Many observer(s). Silent red moon-siz 1/17/1969 #24856 ST.-MARTIN-DE-LONDRES, FR Domed saucer turns 6X by hv lines and 2/9/1969 #24905 BIGNOUX, FR 1 observer. 1.1M "ghost" with bright 2/16/1969 #24922 PAU-UZEIN AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR 4 / 2 helicopters landing. Green lumi 2/25/1969 #24943 CLERMONT-FERRAND, FR 3 small humanoids (or Greys) hop and 3/1969 #24954 A CROIX-JARTEL TO/FROM ST. JULIEN, FR Man drives through luminous dome. Tem 3/11/1969 #24992 RA PRENESSAYE, FR Brilliant ovoid hovers / hill after t 3/11/1969 #24993 TOULON, FR Weathermen / (seen thru) telescope. B 3/14/1969 #25006 MALATAVERNE, FR Man frozen. White barrel with antenna 3/14/1969 #25008 EVILLERS, FR Night light. Cloud-saucer lands. 12M 3/17/1969 #25016 EVILLERS, FR Rectangular object / low altitude. 4- 3/21/1969 #25034 BALIZAC, FR 1 observer wakens. Small humanoids (o 4/1969 #25043 LORIENT, FR Several observer(s). Luminous moon-si 4/16/1969 #25065 VILLEFAGNAN, FR Several observer(s). Orange "saucer" 5/13/1969 #25134 ST. AMAND-LES-EAUX, FR 20M domed saucer follows motorbike / 6/1969 (approximate) #25178 CANNES, FR 2 boys. Bang / door. Dog barks. Small 7/21/1969 #25283 CHEVIGNY-FENAY, FR Several observer(s). Fake moon with 2 7/21/1969 #25287 ETIVAL, FR 1 observer. Soft rumble. Orange 2M sp 7/25/1969 #25297 ST. JEAN D'ETREUX, FR 3 disks going southeast. Stop overhea 8/9/1969 #25313 WEST / BARGEMON, FR 20 teens. Orange silent domed saucer 8/11/1969 #25315 NORTH / ESPALION, FR 2 / car. 3 luminous triangles going e 8/12/1969 #25319 LA SOUTERRAINE, FR Several observer(s). 3 saucers hover. 9/3/1969 #25348 NORTHEAST / BONNEVILLE, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Domed cre 9/5/1969 #25353 DAX, FR Saucer with square portholes going qu 9/11/1969 #25361 EAST / VERDUN, FR 12M saucer / ground / 3 stout legs. O 9/15/1969? #25370 NOISY-LE-GRANDE, FR Crescent going south slow and high. S 9/24/1969 #25376 SAINTES TO/FROM ROYAN, FR Luminous ball paces car in front. Swa 10/11/1969 #25404 WAMBEZ, FR Dark 12M ovoid with lit edge loops. L 10/11/1969 #25406 PORTIRAGNES, FR 1 observer. Silent 2M bullet / 60cm d 10/28/1969 (approximate) #25427 LONS-LE-SAUNIER, FR 2 observer(s). Orange "Venus" suddenl 11/1969 #25445 RIOM, FR 1 observer. Luminous row rectangular 11/1/1969 #25447 NANCY, FR 4 observer(s). 3 saucers going northw 11/15/1969 #25458 GERBEROY TO/FROM WAMBEZ, FR Mayor. 3M saucer rises / field. Circl 11/18/1969 #25463 CALUIRE, FR 1 observer / spyglass. Large bright g 11/30/1969 #25479 MONTIGNE, 16, FR Sky and village lit oddly. Red saucer 1/5/1970 #25535 ROUILLAC, FR Saucer and flash. Next day big hole / 1/9/1970 #25542 D123 NORTH / CRAMOISY, FR 1 / mopod/motorscooter/motorbike. Slo 1/13/1970 #25545 D6 SOUTHEAST / EVILLERS, FR 3 / car. Fast bright large ovoid goin 1/17/1970 #25547 RIOM, FR 1 observer. 3 disks / triangle going 1/25/1970 #25553 ST. CLAUDE, 39, FR M. Tabard again. Sombrero-saucer goin 2/1970 #25566 NOIRMOUTIER, FR 1 observer. Classic domed saucer seen 2/26/1970 #25588 FONTENAY-LE-COMTE, FR 50+observer(s). Silent 50M saucer goi 2/26/1970 #25589 NANTES, FR Cops and several separate groups / ob 2/26/1970 #25590 RENNES, FR 1 observer. Yellow ovoid going quickl 2/26/1970 #25591 VILLEBON-SUR-YVETTE, FR Large domed saucer over field. Grows 4/1970 (approximate) #25616 EVILLERS TO/FROM OUHANS, FR 1 / car. Large triangle lands / field 4/3/1970 #25621 RENNES, FR 1 observer. Fake moon with 3 orbs. Do 4/3/1970 #25622 COURNON D'AUVERGNE, FR Amateur astronomers. White football g 5/13/1970 #25660 EAST / ARCELOT, FR 6 professors / car. Fireball lights f 5/18/1970 #25665 MONTIGNAC-SUR-VEZERE, FR 1 observer. 4 classic saucers west go 5/19/1970 (approximate) #25666 ROUILLAC, FR 2 cops. Night light SSE going NNW / l 6/1970 (approximate) #25680 EVILLERS, FR 4 small humanoids (or Greys) 4 / larg 6/4/1970 #25689 FORET DE BOIS-BLANC, FR 8M Pentagon-saucer 5M over ground. Dr 6/13/1970 #25699 LA-GDE-CROIX, FR Several observer(s). Silent 2-motor p 7/11/1970 #25731 CHATELGUYON, FR White ovoid rolls going southeast. 14 7/13/1970 #25735 BORDES, FR Boy / 16. Saucer landed / 4 legs. 45c 7/25/1970 #25749 LE PUITS-D'EDME, FR Metal dome lands near car. Motor and 8/17/1970 #25793 N144 SOUTH / ST. VICTOR, FR 2 kids / foot. Sharp whistle. 3 class 9/1970 #25818 RUELLE-SUR-TOUVRE, FR 12M saucer lands / rectangular legs. 9/9/1970 #25831 BORMES-LS-MIMOSAS, FR Vibrant bright 2M white fireball foll 9/13/1970 #25836 DASLE, FR 1 observer. Moon-size red disk going 9/15/1970 #25838 D40 SOUTHWEST / ETRETAT, FR 2 / car and more/others. Big silver l 9/18/1970 #25840 CHATEL-GUYON, FR 1+several observer(s). Silent 15M cyl 9/21/1970 #25846 MOLAIN, FR 2 / car. Huge luminous tube-cylinder/ 9/27/1970 #25854 SSE / AUDELANGE, FR Barge with 2 bright portholes going s 9/27/1970 #25855 REZE, FR Night lights circle and zigzag. Ovoid 9/28/1970 #25856 BOUSSOIS, FR Several observer(s). Fake crescent mo 11/1970 #25895 LODEVE, FR 1 observer. Silent glowing-ovoid goin 11/6/1970 #25903 MONTMEYAN GOING [TO] MONTAGNAC, FR Several separate observer(s). Silent 12/11/1970 #25935 SAINT-VIT, 25, FR Several motorists. Red saucer going d 12/17/1970 #25943 SENANTES, FR 2 / car stop. Large cogwheel spins in 1/25/1971 #26001 CHANTRANS, FR Farmers and more/others. Phony sun go 2/23/1971 #26029 VANNES, FR 1 observer. Saucer lit green from ins 3/2/1971 #26037 DRAGUIGNAN, FR 2 observer(s). 12M saucer 12M over ca 3/29/1971 #26058 DANNES, PDC, FR Domed 4M saucer / very low altitude / 5/30/1971 #26144 COURBEVOIE, FR 2 observer(s). Night lights. Saucer h 6/13/1971 #26171 GRENOBLE, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Classic s 6/24/1971 #26188 MULHOUSE, FR Saucer tilts away / 15M altitude. Lev 6/25/1971 #26192 OUHANS, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Dull roar 7/6/1971 #26208 KERVINIO-EN-PLOEMEUR, FR 12M ovoid / portholes / edge near gro 7/8/1971 #26213 VITRY-EN-ARTOIS, FR White 2M and sphere/orb/globe over ra 7/20/1971 #26237 FRESNOY-LE-GRANDE, FR Foo Fighters-ball follows 50M off Rt. 8/7/1971 #26270 D1 SOUTHEAST / VERTEILLAC, FR Huge metallic saucer rises / trees. S 8/23/1971 #26299 WINGLES, FR Several separate observer(s). Domed s 9/4/1971 #26314 VENDHUILE, FR Several / car. Slow silent white disk 9/8/1971 #26323 ACHERES, FR 2 blazing spheres hover. 3rd joins. # 9/8/1971 #26324 D114 NEAR IWUY, FR 20M saucer / ground level. Lights / e 9/13/1971 #26333 EAST / MANOSQUE, FR 4 astronomers and many and RADAR. 12M 9/16/1971 #26337 MARSEILLE, FR 2 observer(s). Ovoid lights area yell 9/22/1971? #26361 MONTLUCON, 03, FR 7M round semi-transparent UFO perfect 10/1971 (approximate) #26390 N117 LACQ TO/FROM ARTIX, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Flying me 10/1/1971 #26396 FOIX, FR Group / hunters. Big glowing cone goi 10/17/1971 #26428 LACHAPELLE, FR Saucer turns 90° and follows farm tra 11/14/1971 #26471 LA CHOMETTE, FR 1 observer. Silent 12M double-dome sa 12/25/1971 #26517 CANNES-LA-BOCCA, FR 1 / bus-stop. Silent Saturn-saucer dr 12/27/1971 #26519 DENAIN, FR 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Oval nigh 1/22/1972 #26552 LONGUEVILLE, FR 3M luminous sphere/orb/globe lights u 1/25/1972 #26554 D48 EAST / LEVIER, FR 2 / car. 2-3M glowing-ball follows ca 2/2/1972 #26560 EVILLERS, FR 3+2 kids. Red disk with hazy edges. A 2/5/1972 #26564 2 SOUTHEAST / LAGARDELLE-SUR-LEZE, FR Grey 8M saucer quickly going down / c 2/12/1972 #26574 EAST / FEOUZETS, FR Capsule sweeps mountains / beam. Ligh 2/14/1972 #26579 BOUSSOIS, FR 4 observer(s). 2M luminous ball spins 3/1/1972 #26585 AUBIGNY, FR 1 observer. 2M saucer going down / tr 3/10/1972 #26594 CAVAILLON, FR Silver-blue object exits glowing-clou 3/18/1972 #26608 DROCOURT, FR 1.5M sphere/orb/globe flies all over 3/18/1972 #26609 MARSEILLE, FR "2nd sun" maneuvers. Small night ligh 3/18/1972 #26611 PONT-DE-CHERUY, FR Silent 10M cone-cylinder/cylindrical 3/18/1972 #26612 LA CIOTAT, FR Cylinder/cigar-shape high / sky rotat 3/18/1972 #26613 GRENOBLE, FR 3 separate observer(s). Orbs play in 3/18/1972 #26614 NORTHWEST / VROCOURT, FR Double-sphere follows phone-lines / 1 3/20/1972 #26619 DARGIES TO/FROM GRANDVILLIERS, FR Car malfunctions due to EME (electro- 3/26/1972 #26624 NEAR MT. FARON, FR 1 observer. Luminous ball east going 3/27/1972 #26626 NORTHWEST / THONON, FR 1 observer. Large circular object ove 3/29/1972 #26628 SAINTE-SOULLE, FR Car malfunctions due to EME (electro- 4/1972 #26632 MOUSTIERS-STE-MARIE, FR 1 observer. Moon-size glowing-saucer 4/5/1972 #26636 VIDAUBAN, FR 1 observer. Huge dark cylinder/cigar- 4/6/1972 #26637 TOULON, FR Numerous observer(s). Bowl saucer sho 4/6/1972 #26638 ANCENIS, FR 1 observer. Classic 7M saucer going q 4/17/1972 #26649 MORSCHWILLER, FR Metallic glowing-ball curves going ea 5/10/1972 #26676 EPLUQUES, FR 1.5M square luminous object hovers ne 5/13/1972 #26680 LE DESCHAUX, FR 4 separate observer(s). Luminous ovoi 6/2/1972 #26697 ROUEN, FR White metallic domed disk shoots 4 re 6/6/1972 #26702 CAUDRY, FR Large orange glowing-ball quickly goi 6/21/1972 #26721 CALAIS, FR Several observer(s). Circular orange 6/29/1972 #26740 MARCQ-EN-BAROEUL, FR 2 observer(s). Disk with tailfin like 6/30/1972 #26744 guides and Belgian missionary Rev. Fr. Quertemont, who are sitting around a 7/4/1972 #26764 CHARTRES, FR 3 airmen / ground. Night lights play 7/14/1972 #26795 MAUBEUGE, FR 3 red-orange rectangles hover. Sharp 7/14/1972 #26796 FEIGNIES, FR Observer(s) wakened / car noise. Red 7/15/1972 #26801 CAVAILLON, FR Silent lens-saucer leaves (something 7/28/1972 #26844 NORTH / BUIRE-SUR-ANCRE, FR 6M saucer lands. 4 / car draw near. 4 8/1972 #26860 MAUBEUGE, FR 1 observer. Red luminous disk north g 8/2/1972 #26867 BEG-MEIL, FR 2 dark orbs maneuver / square-wave tr 8/7/1972 (approximate) #26883 SAINT-JEAN-DU-GARD, FR 2 campers. Landed ovoid and square "r 8/9/1972 #26886 TAIZE, FR 40M cylinder/cigar-shape going down. 8/12/1972 #26903 SOUTH / CLUNY, FR Night lights orbit orange ovoid. Cars 8/12/1972 #26904 NEAR NAVETTE, 05, FR Reddish glowing-ball hovers "watching 8/12/1972 (approximate) #26906 VALENCE, FR 5 observer(s). Red-orange sausage hov 8/12/1972 #26907 TOURCOING, FR 1+4 kids. Brilliant silver 5M domed s 8/18/1972 #26927 LA COTINIERE, FR Night lights over lighthouse. Big met 8/31/1972 #26970 TAIZE, FR 2 observer(s). Green night light. Sau 9/7/1972 #26978 PIC ST. LOUP, FR Tourist. Large metallic disk going we 9/16/1972 #27004 LOUVROIL TO/FROM HAUTMONT, FR 2 observer(s). Noise. Bright dome / g 9/18/1972 #27007 ST. MARTIN DE FRESSENGEAS, FR Silent blinding-white barrel going [t 10/21/1972 #27083 VERNEUIL-EN-HALATTE, FR 2 cars electro-magnetic effect (EME) 10/22/1972 #27084 EAST / MENETRUX, FR Silent 28M domed saucer going down [t 11/2/1972 #27104 ACHERES, FR College class. Silent wingless fusela 11/23/1972 #27135 QUAROUBLE, FR Glowing-box shines strong beam quickl 1/10/1973 #27228 TOULX-STE.CROIX, FR 2 saucers hover still. 1 shoots going 1/15/1973 #27238 OFF CONCARNEAU, FR 4+observer(s). 2 small clouds going n 2/9/1973 #27277 Y AND VAUX-EN-BUGEY AND BELIGNEUX, FR WW2 helmet-dome with rim and 3 small 2/14/1973 #27287 BERLAIMONT, FR Strange flat-top bowl saucer with 3 s 2/22/1973 #27307 MONTMIRAIL, 51, FR 1M fireball / complex maneuvers / 30 3/3/1973 #27326 ST.-JEAN-DE-BOURNAY, FR Vibrant bright fireball maneuvers nea 3/9/1973 #27339 NEAR THERINES, FR 2 orbs fire square and triangular bea 3/24/1973 #27370 VILLENUEVE-SUR-LOT, FR Blazing ovoid / road. Diesel malfunct 3/25/1973 #27375 MT. BOUQUET, FR 4+observer(s). 'Apollo capsule' / sev 3/28/1973 #27383 D135 NORTHWEST / TOSNY, FR 1 / car. Radio Frequency Interference 5/15/1973 #27487 BEHENCOURT, FR 2 / car. Silent 20M domed saucer glow 5/18/1973 #27503 FEIGNIES, FR 4 observer(s). Dark slow silent cylin 5/27/1973 #27530 ST. CLAUDE, FR Saucer / 4 arms touches power lines. 6/1973 #27541 HIRSON, FR Several observer(s). 30M saucer / 400 6/12/1973 #27561 COURCHAPON, FR 2 observer(s). 12M shiny metallic cyl 6/19/1973 #27572 FLAVIGNY-SUR-MOSELLE, FR Hiss. Pie-slice delta/triangle/box-li 7/1973 #27606 BEAUVALLON, FR 5M domed saucer spins. Going quickly 7/3/1973 #27611 N357 SOUTH / MARCHIENNES, FR Glow / marsh. 20M saucer with many sm 7/7/1973 (approximate) #27620 ANZIN, FR 3 3M blue metallic orbs hover over tr 7/11/1973 #27629 SERRIERE-DE-BRIORD, FR Odd 600M dumbell-shape going quickly 7/11/1973 #27630 OFF EQUIHEN-PLAGE, FR 2 observer(s). Orange-red ball south 7/19/1973 #27641 VILLENEUVE-SUR-LOT, FR 2 observer(s). Brilliant football goi 8/3/1973 #27675 VERTHEUIL, FR 2 observer(s). Dark 18M saucer / 45° 8/20/1973 #27716 CUBZAC-LES-PONTS, FR Ground observer(s). Glaring ovoid fol 9/3/1973 #27750 FEIGNIES, FR All / town! Night light going down. 4 9/3/1973 #27751 BAVILLIERS, FR UFO's play over long cigar / sky. Van 9/4/1973 #27757 OUTREAU, FR AND MORE/OTHERS Many observer(s). 2 f 9/10/1973 #27797 NEAR OSTROHOVE, FR 4 observer(s). Red ball jumps going e 9/12/1973 #27806 CHARRIERE, FR Many observer(s) / border post. Brill 9/19/1973 #27834 BEDARRIDES, FR 2 small humanoids (or Greys) gather ( 9/27/1973 #27874 ILES DE GLENAN, FR Boat crew. Faintly glowing saucer lan 10/3/1973 #27923 LAUNAC, FR Round lights / rigid X-form dive / ca 10/5/1973 #27937 NOHANT-EN-GOUT, FR Moped malfunctions due to EME (electr 10/5/1973 (approximate) #27939 PRADES, FR Huge shiny sphere / high altitude. Va 10/6/1973 #27956 MAUBEUGE, FR 2 observer(s). Night light flashes go 10/18/1973 #28153 LIMONT-FONTAINE, FR 2 observer(s). Diesel malfunctions du 10/19/1973 #28180 DRAGUIGNON, FR Fireball and glowing / mountain. Larg 10/19/1973 #28182 WEST / BLACY, FR 2+3 dogs / car. Silent faceted sphere 10/22/1973 #28231 OVER TOULON, FR Nice observatory. Brill ovoid divides 10/26/1973 #28288 CAHORS, FR 2 / car. 2 large green-glowing blimps 10/27/1973 #28299 FOURMIES, FR 6M domed saucer going down. Lands / 3 11/7/1973 #28379 SALVETAT, FR 10' saucer going east slow and low. H 11/28/1973 (approximate) #28471 VALENSOLE, FR 28 ovoids. 6 shoot going quickly sout 11/29/1973 #28477 ST.-PIERRE-DE-BOST, FR 2 observer(s). Crescent-dome going qu 12/1973 #28492 CHAZELLE, FR Duck hunters. Fireball-night light bu 12/1973 #28493 CARTERET, FR 2 observer(s) and more. Box scans fis 12/2/1973 #28499 ST. BOIL, FR 2 observer(s). Orange disk goes north 12/2/1973 (approximate) #28501 LE CAILAR, FR AND AREA Several observer(s). Saucers 12/5/1973 #28519 AIGUES-MORTES, FR Several observer(s). Saucers "in prof 12/5/1973 #28520 L'ILE-BEHUARD, FR 2 white balls to and fro over Leek Fi 12/6/1973 #28526 SOUTHEAST / FABREGUES, FR 3+several. 12M domed saucer / ground. 12/6/1973 #28531 MT. STE.VICTOIRE, FR Aerospace worker. 20M cone saucer til 12/9/1973 #28542 WEST / OUZOUER-SUR-LOIRE, FR Separate observer(s) and cops. Silent 12/10/1973 #28545 GIEN, FR Several observer(s). 3.5M cone 5M wid 12/13/1973 #28561 HAISNES-LEZ-LA-BASSEE, FR Tall cone-saucer with lights hovers / 12/13/1973 #28562 MARCOULE, FR AND MORE/OTHERS Airline(s)/airliner C 12/13/1973 #28563 D733+D131 / LE GUA, FR 2 / car. 15M silver cloud going quick 12/15/1973 #28574 CHATEAUNEUF-SUR-LOIRE, FR 2 / car. Green glowing-ball drops. Ca 12/15/1973 #28576 BOUZINVILLE-EN-BEAUCE, FR Fireballs fly and maneuver and land / 12/19/1973 #28582 CHARMEIL AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Several separate observer(s). 2 large 12/19/1973 #28583 MONTMORT, FR 10M rocket lands. Man fires shot. Goi 12/22/1973 #28596 LE-BOIS-RANDENAY, 03, FR Car and lights electro-magnetic effec 12/22/1973 #28597 LES RIVEAUX, FR 3M dome hovers / field. 2 glowing-tub 12/25/1973 #28603 AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FR "Split-banana" stops / seconds and go 12/28/1973 #28608 ST. MICHEL, 31, FR 1+2 observer(s). Big sphere going wes 12/28/1973 #28609 MARTIGUES-LAVERA, FR Luminous yellow ball and going east o 12/28/1973 #28610 LUNEL AND MONTPELIER AND CEYRAS, FR Small blue ball going quickly south o 12/28/1973 #28611 HAISNES-LEZ-LA-BASSEE, FR Grocer. Cylinder/cigar-shape 80M away 12/29/1973 #28613 NEAR HULLUCH, FR Saucer / road. Cylinder/cigar-shape l 12/31/1973 #28618 METTRAY, FR 3 / cars. 2 brilliant 2M balls left l 12/31/1973 #28620 ESSEY-LE-NANCY TO/FROM AGINCOURT, FR 4 / car. 2 luminous/glowing blue mass 1/1/1974 #28638 EAST / RAMBOUILLET, FR 1 / mopod/motorscooter/motorbike. 9M 1/5/1974 #28645 VENISSIEUX, FR Amateur Astronomer. Moonlike ball goi 1/6/1974 #28651 NEAR GOULT, FR 2 / car. Luminous red object flashes. 1/6/1974 #28652 -VALLIER-DE-THIEY AND MORE/OTHERS, FR Comet watchers / (seen thru) telescop 1/7/1974 #28657 BEHENCOURT, FR 4 observer(s). 1.5M ovoid blinks / 20 1/8/1974 #28663 WEST / CROISIC, FR RADAR-man. Silent ovoid going east be 1/8/1974 #28664 MARCK, FR Silent 6M object stops over motorcycl 1/9/1974 #28671 WEST / ANDRESY, FR Engineer and numerous separate observ 1/13/1974 (approximate) #28677 D20 EAST / AGEL, FR Ex-pilot. Strange cylinder/cylindrica 1/14/1974 #28678 LANDIVISIAU, FR 1+2 observer(s). 6M cylinder/cylindri 1/18/1974 #28683 SOUPPES-SUR-LOING, FR 2 observer(s). Ovoid flashes and chan 1/24/1974 #28696 NORTHWEST / CAEN, FR Separate observer(s) / (seen thru) bi 1/24/1974 #28699 N21 NORTHEAST / TARBES, FR V-shaped night light going [to] over 1/31/1974 #28715 UR-SAONE, STRAIGHT & LEVEL FLIGHT, FR 4 cops find several small humanoids ( 2/1974 #28719 BIZENEUILLE, 03, FR 4 observer(s). Red fireball with beac 2/1974 #28721 NEAR HIRSON, FR Trucker. 25M saucer over fields and w 2/2/1974 #28725 AVION, FR 2 luminous orbs come and go. Also 3 m 2/3/1974 #28726 N147 NORTHWEST / BELLAC, FR 2 kids. Huge football going down [to] 2/3/1974 (approximate) #28727 ST. NIC, FR 2 cops. Luminous saucer hovers still 2/3/1974 #28728 PLOUAY, FR Several observer(s) and bad photograp 2/3/1974 #28729 PLOEMEUR, FR 20cm probe maneuvers over airbase and 2/3/1974 #28730 LANNION, 22, FR 2 observer(s) and bad photograph. Fla 2/3/1974 #28731 PLOEREN, FR 2 observer(s). Bright rectangular obj 2/3/1974 #28732 FORET DE NIEPPE, FR Repeat observer(s) / (seen thru) tele 2/3/1974 (approximate) #28733 POULDERGAT, FR Orange saucer / low altitude comes an 2/4/1974 #28735 CARIGNAN, FR 1 observer. Silent cylinder/cylindric 2/4/1974 #28736 THOISY-LA-BERCHERE, 21, FR 1.7M shoebox jerks around field. Jump 2/6/1974 #28739 DOUVRIN, FR Several observer(s). Domed saucer glo 2/8/1974 (approximate) #28746 DECIZE, FR Engineer and more/others. Luminous cy 2/9/1974 #28751 LA POSSONNIERE, FR Fireball going down / late Jan. 5 Mx5 2/9/1974 #28752 CHALONS-SUR-MARNE, FR Orange hemisphere follows car. Cloud- 2/11/1974 #28756 BELMONT TO/FROM GRENANT, FR 2 photographs / tree show saucer / sp 2/13/1974 #28762 TOULON, FR 2+observer(s). Moonlike disk with rec 2/14/1974 #28768 MONTREAL-D'AUDE, FR 10 Mx2M cylinder/cigar-shape going do 2/17/1974 #28775 ST.-CESAIRE, FR 3 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silent co 2/21/1974 #28783 MONTREAL-D'AUDE, FR 10M cylinder/cigar-shape going [to] o 2/21/1974 #28784 CHIROLS-VEYRIERES, FR 2+young child. "Extra sun" goes east 2/22/1974 #28788 IEN-DU-SERRE, AIR DEFENSE COMMAND, FR 15M cone like inverted wine-glass. Ne 2/22/1974 #28789 GROUGIS, FR 6M white saucer follows truck / 12km! 2/22/1974 #28790 D94 SOUTHWEST / SAUVAGNY, FR Cylinder/cylindrical object stands / 2/22/1974 #28791 REIMS, FR Numerous observer(s). Luminous red ba 2/24/1974 #28792 TOURTOUR, FR Dark striped egg hovers vertical. Und 2/24/1974 #28793 DAMAZAN, FR Saucer quickly going down [to] and pa 2/24/1974 #28794 MONTREAL D'AUDE, FR Several observer(s). 2 35cm orbs with 2/24/1974 #28795 A2 NEAR ST. AYBERT, FR 1 observer. Flash. Large flat object 2/25/1974 #28797 TOULON, FR 1+3 observer(s). White T-shape hovers 2/25/1974 #28801 ORLEIX, FR Separate cars / N21. Silent 2M saucer 2/27/1974 #28805 N21 / CHIS, FR Big sphere/orb/globe and white panel 2/27/1974 #28806 RIMOGNE AND CHARLEVILLE, FR Numerous observer(s). Orange ovoid ho 2/27/1974 #28807 D8 NORTH / LIAC, FR Several separate observer(s). White n 2/27/1974 #28808 ST.-MICHEL-SUR-LOIRE, FR Crescent-saucer follows car. Lights a 2/27/1974 #28809 ANGERS, FR Car malfunctions due to EME (electro- 2/28/1974 #28812 LES ROUTIERES, FR Bike malfunctions due to EME (electro 2/28/1974 #28813 LIAC TO/FROM GENSAC, FR Small red sphere/orb/globe and ovoid 2/28/1974 #28815 CHATEAUGAY, FR Saucer-sphere/orb/globe lands. 2 rows 2/28/1974 #28817 NEAR ST.-MARTIAL, FR Large luminous sphere shoots jets / l 2/28/1974 #28818 MELLIONEC, FR 2 luminous 20cm ovoids 1.5M over grou 2/28/1974 #28819 ST. CLAUDE, FR M. Trabard. Bright orange disk leaves 3/1974 #28828 N21 / AUREILHAN, FR Red fireball follows car / 18km. Smal 3/1/1974 #28833 EPERNAY, FR 3 observer(s). Huge cylinder/cigar-sh 3/1/1974 #28834 ST.-JEAN-DU-FALGA, FR 1 observer. Luminous/glowing cylinder 3/1/1974 #28835 LAPENNE, FR 2 strong 1M light-beams 12M apart ove 3/1/1974 #28837 N319 / ST.-LAURENT-BLANGY, FR 3 Mx2M domed saucer follows car / 5km 3/2/1974 #28845 AVION, FR Delta/triangle/box-like craft makes c 3/3/1974 #28852 TOURNES, FR 4 observer(s). Silent elongated trian 3/5/1974 #28855 FOIX, FR 1+several observer(s). Huge orange di 3/5/1974 #28856 LES ROUTIERES, FR 2 / car / D38. 15M yellow-orange cyli 3/5/1974 #28858 POILLY-LEZ-GIEN, FR Fireball changes vivid color(s). Goin 3/5/1974 #28859 METZ, FR 5 observer(s). Huge ovoid and saucer. 3/5/1974 #28860 GIEN, 45, FR Dark mass. Gold beams protrude. Possi 3/5/1974 #28861 LA CAVALERIE, FR Several cops. Weird box-sphere/orb/gl 3/5/1974 #28862 CHAUMES-EN-BRIE, FR Several observer(s). Huge brilliant o 3/6/1974 #28863 BRYEY, FR AND NEARBY TOWNS Many observer(s). Lu 3/7/1974 #28864 VILLERS-COTTERETS, FR 3 villagers and 2 / car. UFO stops br 3/7/1974 #28865 COMBEROUGER, FR Bright 30M "Trolley" / field. Going u 3/7/1974 #28866 BOUTEILLE, FR 10 / 2 cars. Red 20M ovoid drops / cl 3/9/1974 #28868 ST. RAMBERT-D'ALBON, FR Trucker. 20M top-saucer going south / 3/13/1974 #28875 ORLEIX, FR 2 observer(s). 5 moon-size plates dan 3/14/1974 #28881 LA MOTTE-FANJAS, FR Big dome going down. = 12M rounded re 3/14/1974 #28882 ERBALUNGA, FR FAF man and 1 / car. 3 figure(s) walk 3/15/1974 #28887 EAST / BAGNOLS-SUR-CEZE, FR Cops and many. Strange red disk rotat 3/15/1974 #28888 BOULDOUX, FR 2 white and 1 red fireballs blink ove 3/15/1974 #28889 WEST / CINTEGABELLE, FR 4 observer(s). Grey Rugby-ball lands 3/15/1974 (approximate) #28890 MARSEILLE, FR Professor and several. Large disk hov 3/18/1974 #28900 MARCQ-EN-BAREOUL, FR Several observer(s). Red and green ob 3/18/1974 #28904 LIBERCOURT, FR 4 observer(s). Fireball maneuvers low 3/18/1974 #28905 BEHENCOURT, FR Church-bell saucer maneuvers / all di 3/19/1974 #28907 MEUZAC, FR Farmer sees luminous ball. Yellow lig 3/19/1974 #28908 SETE, FR 20 observer(s). Huge sphere/orb/globe 3/19/1974 #28909 ST. LEONARD, FR Forester and 3. Red disk going quickl 3/22/1974 #28922 WASQUEHAL, FR 1 observer. Brilliant white silent ba 3/22/1974 #28924 BELFORT MOUNTAINS, FR Lumieres dans la Nuit (monthly, Paris 3/23/1974 #28930 CARIGNAN, FR UFO detector alarm. 2 disks circle wa 3/23/1974 #28931 ALBIOSC, FR Anonymous doctor. Famous photograph / 3/23/1974 #28933 GIEN, 45, FR 4 night lights / row rise / ravine. P 3/24/1974 #28942 ST. PIERRE-D'AUBEZIES, FR 4 / car. Silent red luminous ball nor 3/25/1974 #28944 BALAGNY-SUR-THERAIN, FR Glowing-ovoid over marsh. Quickly goi 3/25/1974 #28946 ESPERAZA, FR Several cars chase crescent moon goin 3/25/1974 #28947 NEAR POULDERGAT, FR 1 / car. Hemisphere follows road. Lon 3/26/1974 #28952 PLEUVILLE, 16, FR 4 girls. 5M dome / 10M altitude. 2 ra 3/26/1974 #28953 RUFFEC, FR Glowing-ball stops. Beams quickly goi 3/26/1974 #28954 ST. JEAN-POUTGES, FR 2 observer(s). Glowing-ovoid and boat 3/26/1974 #28955 SARDENT, 23, FR Luminous white crescent / low altitud 3/28/1974 #28963 MONTPELLIER, FR 3 observer(s). Sphere/orb/globe or cr 3/28/1974 #28967 VALENSOLE, FR "Small bus" / ground. Large windows. 3/31/1974 #28976 CONTOIRE, FR 2 observer(s). 3 photographs luminous 4/1/1974 #28987 LORRIS AND NESPLOY, FR Separate observer(s). Big orange ball 4/4/1974 #28992 NORTH / BEAUREGARD-BARRET, FR Farmer. Dogs bark. 25M orange ovoid g 4/5/1974 #28995 ST. MALO, FR 2 / taxi. Large luminous cylinder/cig 4/9/1974 #29000 MAINTENON TO/FROM HANCHES, FR 1 observer. Brilliant object quickly 4/12/1974 #29005 TARBES, FR Nurses / cobalt clinic. Red-glowing 2 4/12/1974 #29006 WEST / CARCES, FR Huge red fireball with trapezoid insi 4/13/1974 #29011 ORET DE DREUILLE, LES MAGNOUX, 03, FR Red glowing hemisphere on ground by w 4/15/1974 #29027 VENARAY-LES-LAUMES, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. 'Spaceshi 4/17/1974 #29043 NEAR BRENAC, FR 1 / car. Huge reddish sphere stops ov 4/18/1974 #29044 NEUF-MESNIL, FR Dogs bark furiously. Saucer going eas 4/27/1974 #29066 4KM SOUTH / LE CATEAU, FR 4 observer(s). Dome on roadside / D21 5/1974 #29073 PETITS GOULETS, FR 1M sphere/orb/globe landed / 2 legs b 5/7/1974 #29088 PLAPPEVILLE, 57+AVON, 77, FR / 2230H Moon-size sphere/orb/globe no 5/9/1974 #29095 ALZONNE, FR 5M glowing-ball going up / 25M over v 5/18/1974 #29110 SOUTHWEST / LANDEVENNEC, FR 4 / car. String / luminous balls bloc 5/20/1974 #29115 HAISNES-LEZ-LA BASSEE, FR 42M luminous ovoid / wobbly landing. 5/20/1974 #29116 BERTANGLES, FR Mayor and wife. 2 balls maneuver. 1 d 5/21/1974 #29122 GRAYE-ET-CHARNAY, FR Rays beam into house. Landing traces 5/25/1974 #29132 BOIS D'EPINEAU, FR Night light maneuvers. Then 1M fireba 5/28/1974 #29140 MAUBEUGE, FR 1 observer. Thin disk with dome and b 6/3/1974 #29158 BILLY-BERCLAU, FR 1 / car. Big orange ovoid going [to] 6/5/1974 #29164 NORTH / CLUSES, FR Surgeon and 1. Bright ball spirals up 6/12/1974 #29179 WALLERS, FR Dark object and night lights behind t 6/14/1974 #29188 LA ROCHELLE, FR 2 observer(s). Saucer quickly going d 6/15/1974 (approximate) #29197 VILLEFRANCHE-DE-CONFLENT, FR Luminous hemisphere with small lights 6/18/1974 #29207 SOUPPES-SUR-LOING, FR 3 observer(s). Metallic-grey blimp wi 6/19/1974 #29213 WEST / ROMANS, FR Large domed saucer sits / field / 20 6/24/1974 #29220 GRENOBLE, FR Numerous observer(s). 12 moon-size ob 6/27/1974 #29226 LILLE, FR AND MORE/OTHERS Many observer(s). Len 6/29/1974 #29228 HELLEMES, FR 2 observer(s). Luminous tube-cylinder 6/29/1974 #29229 TOULOUSE, FR Huge black ovoid low over trees. Smal 7/1974 (approximate) #29234 GROUGIS, FR Dog howls. Orange disk with blue dome 7/1974 (approximate) #29235 SOLESMES, FR Several observer(s). 6 small silver b 7/2/1974 #29236 MAYOTTE ISLAND, FR. COMOROS Orange moon-size sphere hove 7/7/1974? #29240 CHATEAUNEUF-DU-PAPE, FR Luminous saucer follows 2 / car. Hide 7/8/1974 #29242 LE LUC, FR Numerous observer(s). Dark saucer blo 7/9/1974 #29248 DONREMY-LA-PUCELLE, FR 4 / car / malfunctions due to EME (el 7/15/1974 #29260 MENTON, FR Alarm sounds. Silent flat-white sauce 7/25/1974 #29276 CERILLY, FR 1+2+1 observer(s). Bright flashes and 7/25/1974 #29277 MOULINS, FR Several observer(s). Brilliant round 7/29/1974 #29283 TOURS AIR FORCE BASE, FR 3 pilots / ground. Bright night light 8/1974 #29293 CANET-PLAGE, FR 4M luminous ovoid going [to] over bea 8/1/1974 #29295 ENGLEFONTAINE, FR 2 kids. Buzz. 3 6M metallic saucers w 8/2/1974 #29300 NEAR AUZAY, FR Red ovoid going down / jumps. 120° tu 8/2/1974 (approximate) #29302 MAS-STES-PUELLES, FR Small sphere/orb/globe changes color( 8/4/1974 #29307 NORTHWEST / BULLY-LES-MINES, FR 9 observer(s). Brilliant lens hovers 8/5/1974 #29309 SALLES-LA-SOURCE, FR 4 observer(s). Silent brilliant ovoid 8/11/1974 #29321 SALLES-DE-VILLEFAGNAN, FR 15M saucer over D31+D27. Going quickl 8/12/1974 #29328 ST. NAZAIRE-EN-ROYANS, 26, FR Record dealer sees saucer maneuver in 8/12/1974 #29329 PONT-EN-ROYANS, FR 13+saucers and night lights and fireb 8/12/1974 #29330 ST.-MARTIN LE COLONEL, 26, FR 2 observer(s). White ball with halo g 8/12/1974 #29333 TULLE, FR Group / students. Big silver ball emi 8/12/1974 #29334 ST.-MICHEL DE ST.-GEOIRS, FR Ovoid north going south. 1200M altitu 8/12/1974 #29335 BOURG-DE-PEAGE, 26, FR Luminous-UFO rotates like inverted to 8/12/1974 #29336 ORANGE, FR Retired airman. Elongated UFO / 3km a 8/15/1974 #29346 SAUVAGNY, FR 2 / car. Strange 6M torus? / field. G 8/15/1974 #29351 BEAUMONT-EN-DIOIS, FR 6 night lights / V formation going so 8/16/1974 #29357 MALESHERBES, FR Cylinder/cigar-shape and 2 small disk 8/16/1974 #29358 VITRY-EN-ARTOIS, FR Series / silent hat-saucers going qui 8/16/1974 #29360 ROMANS, 26, FR Metallic saucer goes going north. The 8/16/1974 #29361 MONTLUCON, FR 1 observer. Distant lightning. Silent 8/17/1974 #29365 6KM EAST / BEAUREPAIRE, FR Huge brilliant bullet going down [to] 8/17/1974 #29366 VRAIGNES-LES-HORNOY, FR 25M domed saucer / ground / 4 legs. G 8/18/1974? #29367 ANTIBES, FR 3 observer(s). Huge square white UFO 8/18/1974 #29368 GIROMAGNY, FR 1 / (seen thru) binoculars and 2 / ca 8/24/1974 #29381 SOUTH / COLLERET, FR 1M trashcan-cylinder/cylindrical obje 8/25/1974 #29383 CHENY, FR 2 observer(s). Moon-size ball / sky. 8/25/1974 #29384 BRUAY-EN-ARTOIS, FR 2M domed saucer near ground. Domed be 8/26/1974 #29387 FEIGNIES, FR Black sphere/orb/globe splits / 2. Ha 8/26/1974 #29388 LA CROIX-MADAME, FR 2 observer(s). Luminous mass / low al 8/26/1974 #29389 PEYRINS, 26, FR Large "star" passes east going quickl 8/28/1974 #29393 NIERGNIES, FR Saucer with "arms" low over field. Go 8/28/1974 #29395 PONT-EN-ROYANS, 26, FR Several observer(s) orange balls goin 8/28/1974 #29396 HERGIES, FR Silent domed 15M saucer hovers / 15M. 9/4/1974 #29420 MAROILLES, FR Dark flying coffin. Lights blink / en 9/4/1974 #29421 SOUTHEAST / MARANS, FR Silent gold sphere going down [to] sl 9/8/1974 #29431 BIZENEUILLE, FR Intense red 12M dome. Yellow beams go 9/8/1974 #29432 CAUSSES, FR 200M orange saucer shoots over after 9/8/1974 #29433 MONTIGNY-EN-OSTREVENT, FR 20M dome overhead. 3 portholes / bott 9/13/1974 #29452 WEST / DARGNIES, FR 1 observer. 2 domed saucers / ground. 9/16/1974? #29457 METZ, FR 2+1 separate observer(s). Hemisphere 9/18/1974 #29463 FERRIERE-LA-GRANDE, FR 5 observer(s). Domed disk stops. Smok 9/20/1974 #29465 RIEC-SOUTH-BELON, FR Dog barks. Power out. Area lit. Lumin 9/29/1974 #29490 NANTES, FR 4 observer(s). 10M saucer 5M tall lan 9/29/1974 #29491 NOE TO/FROM MURET, FR Night light. Fireball follows car / 8 10/1974 (approximate) #29495 TREGALET, FR 1 / car flashes headlights / 3M sauce 10/1974 #29498 NEAR CHALAIS, FR 15M oval-halo holds 3 concentric lumi 10/8/1974 #29505 EVREUX, FR 7+firemen etc. Ovoid-diamond maneuver 10/18/1974 (approximate) #29543 SEGRIE-FONTAINE, FR 3 observer(s). Power outage. Rounded 10/20/1974 #29546 NEAR COLLERET, FR 12M saucer / field 40M away. Motor an 10/28/1974 #29564 EAST / BEUVILLE, FR 4 / car. 70cm red lens-saucer crosses 11/5/1974 #29585 ST. MATHIEU, 56, FR Oval cloud hovers / high winds. Brill 11/14/1974 #29594 UZES, FR 1 observer. 2.2M sphere/orb/globe 35M 11/19/1974 #29599 LAHARMANDE, FR D109. Car bathed / light. Red horizon 11/22/1974 #29602 MONPELLIER, FR 2 teachers. Metallic saucer splits / 12/4/1974 #29632 L'ILE D'ALBE, FR Blazing 5M peanut shape in tree! Vani 12/11/1974 #29636 DOUAI, FR Numerous separate observer(s). Silent 12/20/1974 #29648 JARIOLLES, FR 2 / car. Luminous white cone with 2 l 12/23/1974 #29658 CHATEAUNEUF, 85, FR 2 observer(s) and kids. Saucer-cylind 12/26/1974 #29659 BREST, FR 1 observer. Luminous/glowing, sphere/ 1/1975 #29682 LORIENT, FR 1 observer. Black sphere becomes cres 1/4/1975 #29713 LAULNE, FR 3 separate observer(s). Domed saucer 1/5/1975 #29717 NEAR BEZOLLES, FR Fireball 5M over D112. Several beams 1/14/1975 #29747 FEIGNIES, FR Sphere/orb/globe lands under tree / f 2/5/1975 #29785 D101 NORTH / MAUZE-SUR-LE-MIGNON, FR 140M crescent paces alongside car / 2 2/8/1975 #29790 PEYRINS, FR Car malfunctions due to EME (electro- 2/10/1975 #29792 GRASSE, FR Anonymous phone report. Cylinder/ciga 2/10/1975 #29794 PONT-CROIX, FR 2 luminous saucers close together / h 2/10/1975 #29795 POULDERGAT, FR Big red luminous rectangular-box shap 2/10/1975 #29796 CARCES, FR TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) 2/10/1975 #29798 CONCHES-EN-OUCHE, FR 2 observer(s). Large luminous/glowing 2/12/1975 #29805 NORTH / COLLERET, FR Several separate observer(s). Domed s 2/13/1975 #29806 LOUHANS, FR Light green 1.4M 'propane bottle' / l 2/20/1975 (approximate) #29831 AOUSTE-SUR-SYE, 26, FR Red saucer seen briefly near house. S 2/21/1975 #29834 NNE / AGEN, FR Glowing-dome buzzes 1 / car. Diesel a 3/1975 #29856 ENTRAIGUES, FR 4 observer(s). Silver Lima-bean zigza 3/1975 #29857 MONSIREIGNE, FR 2 observer(s). 2 luminous 35M balls o 3/3/1975 #29871 AIRE-SUR-L'ADOUR, FR Luminous green bundle rises / ground 3/9/1975 #29881 DOURLIERS, FR 4.5M domed Tuna-tin / roadside. Going 3/15/1975 #29903 BATZ-SUR-MER, FR 2 / car. 2 bright night lights 2M apa 3/30/1975 #29925 ST.-HILAIRE-LES-CAMBRAI, FR 4.5M box becomes sphere. Lands / yard 3/31/1975 #29926 NORTH / CHAMBERAT, FR 2 3M cylinders going northeast / tree 4/1975 #29929 SOUTH / LA FLAMENGRIE, 02, FR Milkmen. 2M fireball all over/all abo 4/1/1975 #29933 DAX, FR Helicopter base. Ovoid. Airstrip ligh 4/7/1975 #29979 RUGLES AND MORE/OTHERS, FR 3 events. Meteor. 40M dome. Small sau 4/25/1975 #30002 LEZAY, FR Several cops. Bright-yellow ball east 5/1/1975 #30016 OFF ST. RAFAEL, FR Classic saucer hovers over clouds eas 5/3/1975 #30019 N165 WITH QUIMPERLE, FR 6M sphere follows car going west / 20 5/3/1975 (approximate) #30020 MONTLUCON, FR Boy / 11. 2 metallic hat-saucers sout 5/29/1975 #30067 COLPO, FR 2 observer(s). Saturn saucer going do 6/5/1975 #30081 MARCENAT-MOULET, FR Stinky 30M sphere/orb/globe hovers 15 6/6/1975 #30085 MEYMANS, FR White luminous ovoid near farm. Burgl 6/6/1975 #30086 VOLVIC, FR 3 observer(s). Hat saucer going [to] 6/6/1975 #30087 REVIGNY-SUR-ORNAIN, FR Cop photographs 2 luminous ovoids ove 6/6/1975 #30088 ST.-TUDEL, FNS, FR Luminous yellow 60cm sphere/orb/globe 6/9/1975 #30093 NORTH / FRETTERANS, FR 1+1 observer(s). 2M yellow sphere/orb 6/14/1975 #30102 ST. NICHOLAS-D'ACY, FR 2 observer(s). Night light then diamo 6/14/1975 #30103 SOUTH / PIERRE-DE-BRESSE, FR Same 2 men. Same 60cm sphere/orb/glob 6/15/1975 #30105 AULNOYE-AYMERIES, FR Silent vertical 3.5M cylinder/cigar-s 6/24/1975 #30118 ALCORN, 12, FR 1.5M pseudo-human/entity / odd flight 6/26/1975 #30120 ST. GENCE, 87, FR Pale triangle crosses sky going quick 6/26/1975 #30121 PONT-A-MOUSSON, FR 25M metallic saucer hovers 15M over E 6/27/1975 #30123 BOUILLANCOURT-LA-BATAILLE, FR Vertical cylinder/cylindrical object 6/27/1975 #30124 PUILLY, FR 2 observer(s). Silent red-orange lumi 6/29/1975 #30131 CAVANAC, FR Several observer(s). 3.5M luminous he 7/4/1975 (approximate) #30154 BAVAY, FR 12M saucer / 20M altitude. 12M saucer 7/10/1975 #30171 NEAR LAMASTRE, FR Robed pseudo-human/entity glides alon 7/14/1975 #30178 ST. PIERREVILLE, FR Several separate observer(s). Firebal 7/23/1975 #30202 LA VILLEDIEU-DU-TEMPLE, FR Vines burnt. 8M dent / crops. 35x35cm 8/1975 (approximate) #30221 ST.-JULIEN, FR 4 observer(s). Large night light mane 8/1/1975? #30229 SARTROUVILLE, FR 2 observer(s). 15 flat-iron night lig 8/4/1975 #30234 MAUBEUGE, FR 3 separate observer(s). White sphere/ 8/6/1975 #30239 D63 NORTHWEST / QUIMPER, FR Very black disk shoots 15 beams going 8/6/1975 #30240 OSTRICOURT, FR Yellow domed disk hovers / 5M altitud 8/8/1975 #30243 D30 / LA BROSSE, FR 4 / car. Luminous/glowing red ball fo 8/11/1975 #30249 SANARY, FR 1 observer. Ovoid going up / sea. Ova 8/12/1975 #30252 ANDELOT-BLANCHEVILLE, FR 2+5 separate observer(s). 2 photograp 8/15/1975 #30273 BEDEE, FR UFO = saucer / seen side;rectangle / 8/15/1975 #30274 PLOEMEUR, FR Silent orange-glow pot-ovoid going up 8/16/1975 #30277 D6 NEAR COLLE-SUR-LOUP, FR 4 2M rectangles hang over field. Clou 8/18/1975 #30284 BEAUPUY, FR Trucker. Moon-size fireball pass from 8/18/1975 #30286 COX, HGR, FR 3 observer(s). Red fireball going qui 8/18/1975 #30287 TAIN-L'HERMITAGE, FR 1 / car. Radio whistles. Ovoid going 8/19/1975 #30290 VITRY-EN-ARTOIS, FR 2 boys. Disk tilts and turns over. 4 8/22/1975 #30293 ST. EVARZEC, FR Several observer(s). Luminous saucer 8/22/1975 #30294 ST. OMER TO/FROM ARQUES, FR 2 ovoid follows 5M behind mopod/motor 8/22/1975 #30296 DOURLIERS, FR Cylinder/cigar-shape hovers / low alt 8/24/1975 #30303 WEST / VOLVIC, FR 1 / car. Brilliant 30M sphere stops o 8/25/1975 #30306 RIEC-SUR-BELON, FR 2 observer(s). White dome just over r 8/28/1975 #30314 ST.-JEAN-DU-LUZ, FR Several observer(s). 3, 5, 8 delta/tr 8/29/1975 #30316 CHAVANIAC-LAFAYETTE, FR Long glowing-object shoots sparks / r 8/29/1975 #30317 LE CHEYLARD, FR Green luminous seashell leaves (somet 8/29/1975 #30318 ST.-MARTIN-DE-VALAMAS, FR Dark mass with pink aura leaves (some 8/29/1975 #30319 EAST / COMBS-LA-VILLE, FR 3 / car. Large moonlike 15M dome / 18 8/29/1975 #30320 MEZILHAC, FR 2 girls. 2M sphere/orb/globe on 3 leg 8/29/1975 #30321 NOE TO/FROM LONGAGES, FR 3 separate observer(s). 3M saucer / f 8/29/1975 #30322 NANTES, FR Many observer(s). Huge star blinks st 8/31/1975 #30329 D108 NORTHWEST / GUISCRIFF, FR Sun-size red-orange ball / low altitu 9/1975 #30331 CAZERES, FR Robotic voice / nowhere unintelligibl 9/1/1975 (approximate) #30334 COGNIES-CHAUSEE, FR 10M saucer turns slow. Oval portholes 9/5/1975 #30344 GENISSIEUX, 26, FR 3M saucer lands / field. Antenna / Rh 9/9/1975 #30349 NEAR ST.-SAUVEUR-EN-PUISAYE, FR Air Force man. 1.5M sphere/orb/globe 9/12/1975 #30354 D74 / 753 NEAR MALABRIT, FR 1 / car. 10M saucer / 8M altitude. Gl 9/14/1975 #30355 BONNIEUX, FR Flashlight malfunctions due to EME (e 9/14/1975 #30357 URIAGE-LES-BAINS, FR "Japanese lamp" lights clouds and gro 9/16/1975 #30366 LES MUREAUX, FR 22M red-orange cylinder/cigar-shape z 9/19/1975 #30368 NORTH / ASSEVENT, FR 12 observer(s). 250M saucer / 20M alt 9/26/1975 #30386 CLISSON, FR 1 observer. 4 Mx2M domed hat-saucer h 9/28/1975 (approximate) #30391 ST. AUBIN-DES-CHATEAUX, FR 2M rectangle going west / 60kph. 200M 9/29/1975 #30392 ST.-COUTANT-LE-GRAND, FR Glowing-sphere/orb/globe scares cows. 9/30/1975 #30396 PALAU-DEL-VIDRE, FR Farmer. Silent red 3-4M half-egg just 10/3/1975 #30411 LEXY, FR Group / kids. Big silent glowing-ball 10/3/1975 #30412 CHATEAUROUX, FR 2 and more/others observer(s). 2 tria 10/9/1975 #30423 D45 EAST / PIERRECLOS, FR 1 / car. Lights and engine quit. Fuzz 10/10/1975 #30427 SORGUES, FR 2 observer(s). 10M sphere/orb/globe / 10/17/1975 #30433 D16 / BOUVRON, FR 2 separate observer(s). Grey-white di 10/20/1975 #30450 ARTIX, FR 1 / car. Brilliant white domed saucer 10/22/1975 #30457 D17 SOUTHEAST / LE THORONET, FR Silent wingless helicopter beams goin 10/28/1975 #30497 BARCELONNETTE, FR Several observer(s). Sphere/orb/globe 11/1/1975 #30533 LUSSAULT-SUR-LOIRE, FR J. Chaput. Red disk flanked / 2 night 11/4/1975 #30550 MERXHEIM, FR Saucer going down / 3 legs. Dome open 11/6/1975 #30564 MARSEILLE, FR 10M saucer rises / sea at radio anten 11/15/1975 #30620 BOLLENE, FR 2 / car. Red-orange 350M sphere desce 11/18/1975 #30637 EAST / TREGUIER, FR 2 / car. 1M saucer just over D786. Fo 11/23/1975 #30654 SAGY, FR 2 observer(s). Saucer hovers 10M / st 11/24/1975 #30658 CRUZILLE, FR 2 teens. Ovoid / 20M altitude beams r 11/24/1975 #30659 QUEND PLAGE, FR Blue beam going up [to] 20M offshore. 11/30/1975 #30676 ZEPHYR, FR. GUYN Silent 5M sphere lights plants 12/3/1975 #30683 PALAIS-SUR-VIENNE, FR 2 / car. Huge fireball by HT lines. V 12/8/1975 #30692 COL. DE MANSE, FR 1 / N554 = D944. Blazing ovoid over l 12/9/1975 #30699 ERMONT, FR Big flash. 2 white ovoids shoot by. O 12/14/1975 #30712 ITRE-SS-AMANCE TO/FROM LANEUVELOT, FR 2 observer(s). Night lights. 5M sauce 12/15/1975 #30716 ANCY / MOSELLE, FR Boy / 10. Dah-dit sound. 8M grey dome 12/18/1975 (approximate) #30722 EAST / BAR-SUR-AUBE, FR 1 / car. Huge disk covers entire N19. 12/24/1975 #30734 PLOUBAZLANEC, FR Separate observer(s). Fireball going 12/24/1975 #30735 MARLE, FR 3 / car. 15M football hovers / 800M a 1/1/1976 #30752 BLOIS, FR Cop and several. Moon-size sphere/orb 1/4/1976 #30757 DOMENE, FR 4.5M bullet lands / 5 thin legs. 2M p 1/5/1976 #30759 DOMENE, FR 1+3 observer(s). Same 2M pseudo-human 1/6/1976 #30763 VENON, FR 1 observer. House-sized blazing mass 1/7/1976 #30772 ST.-JUST-DE-CLAIX, FR Fireball and 10M cone. 3 2.5M cone-fi 1/9/1976 #30778 ST. NAZAIRE-EN-ROYANS, FR "Silver coffee pot" stops / 1M altitu 1/9/1976 #30779 MERVILLE, FR Voice = "Lpx Lpx..". 1.5M ovoid stand 1/10/1976 #30782 N86 LA VOULTE TO/FROM LE POUZIN, FR Dark round UFO sits / ground. 2 40cm 1/15/1976 #30788 LE CHAMBON-SUR-LIGNON, FR White flare flashes 1 / 5 second(s). 1/15/1976 #30789 DOMENE, FR 2 observer(s). Luminous/glowing objec 1/15/1976 #30790 D28 NEAR JAULNY, FR 1 / car. 18M red glowing-sphere/orb/g 1/15/1976 #30791 ST. MARTIN-DE-URIAGE, FR 3M fireball beams 4 lights going down 1/17/1976 #30794 CUGNAUX, FR 2 kids. Fireball over chimney goes le 1/18/1976 #30798 URIAGE, FR 30M trapezoid rests / field. Going up 1/21/1976 #30804 STE-EULALIE-EN-ROYANS, FR 1 / car. Blinding ovoid / roadside. P 1/21/1976 #30805 BOUZE TO/FROM BEAUNE, FR Flashes. Figure / diving suit on road 1/26/1976 #30820 HORB AM NECKER, GERM FR soldier. Large silent saucer hovers / 2/1976 #30838 BEUGNE-L'ABBE, FR 6 / car. Grey metallic saucer hovers 2/9/1976 #30857 LA FARGETTE AND GLUIRAS, FR Saucer / orange dome lands. All car l 2/10/1976 #30859 ST. ETIENNE, 88, FR 1 observer. Bulging saucer going quic 2/16/1976 #30874 D6 / SENAC, FR 1 / car. Fake sun follows car / 200M 2/21/1976 #30892 ollows turns. Hovers over Trouley, FR. 2/21/1976 #30892 JACQUE, FR Flattened red glowing-ball follows ma 2/23/1976 #30896 THEVILLE, FR Saucer going northwest. 5M silver cub 3/2/1976 #30915 NEAR TOURS, FR 2 FAF T33 pilots. Near crash with 2M 3/3/1976 #30918 SAINTES, FR Family / 6. Big rumble. Salad bowl sa 3/16/1976 #30944 ECHEVIS, FR 1.2M cylinder/cylindrical object goin 3/21/1976 #30950 ST.-ANDEOL-DE-FOURCHADES, FR Dark 3M UFO with beam going down / gr 4/3/1976 #30981 LAROQUE TIMBAUT, FR 3M tall pink ovoid 1M wide over groun 4/7/1976 #30988 AIRE-SUR-L'ADOUR, FR Loud banging / garage door / 2 minute 4/25/1976 #31020 LE BANEL, FR 50 green small humanoids (or Greys) / 5/2/1976 #31031 MONTENILS, FR Physicist and 3. 4M saucer lands / 3 5/15/1976 #31053 ORANGE, FR 3 teens. Brilliant ovoid comes fast. 5/15/1976 #31054 PUGET-SUR-DURANCE, FR Domed saucer hovers / small isle / ri 5/16/1976 #31057 LAROQUE TIMBAUT, FR Cylinder/cigar-shape and saucer-spher 5/24/1976 #31072 LA SELLE-EN-HERMOY, FR 2 observer(s). 9 metallic ovoids circ 6/6/1976 #31089 CHANTEREINE / CHELLES, FR Cat meows. Observer(s) photographs ni 6/7/1976 #31090 CHATUZANGE, FR Car malfunctions due to EME (electro- 6/11/1976 #31096 MAUBEUGE, FR 10 Mx6M hemisphere-saucer with yellow 6/11/1976 #31097 WALLERS, FR 3 observer(s). Dog howls. UFO low / b 6/11/1976 #31098 TORCHEFELON, FR 3 observer(s) / garden. Red ovoid / 3 6/14/1976 #31108 X TO/FROM CHARMES AND REHAINCOURT, FR Flashing 2M object / low altitude ove 6/14/1976 #31109 STEENVOORDE, FR 1 / diesel truck / malfunctions due t 6/15/1976 (approximate) #31110 NORTH / GIROLLES, FR Several / car. Saucer 30M over trees. 6/20/1976 #31114 LE CONQUET, FR Several observer(s). 2 silent 5M sauc 6/21/1976 #31120 POUSSAY, FR Several separate observer(s). Loud no 6/23/1976 #31132 CASTELET-LES-SAUSSES, FR 2 parallel ruts / 55M long. 4cm deep. 6/25/1976 (approximate) #31136 LA GUICHE, FR Big noise and light. 12M saucer over 6/25/1976 #31137 VILLEGRIMONT, FR 2 observer(s). Silent orange ovoid go 7/11/1976 #31156 NEAR SAINTES, FR Ovoid hovers still / 20M altitude. Su 7/17/1976 #31167 REVIN, FR 30+observer(s). Luminous disk hovers 7/17/1976 #31170 AIRE-SUR-L'ADOUR, FR Girl / 17. Silent 25M rounded delta/t 7/19/1976 #31173 CHATEAUNEV VAL / BARGIS, FR 1 / D2. Luminous green globe suddenly 7/19/1976 #31174 SOUTH JULIEN / CONCELLES, FR 2M upright ovoid / roadside. Lights a 7/21/1976 #31175 ROCHEFORT-SAMSON, FR Campers. Glowing red-orange sphere wi 7/23/1976 #31179 VANDOEVRE AND NANCY, FR Silent saucer / 45° tilt 300M over TV 7/23/1976 #31180 NEAR CONDOM, FR Farmer hit / 2 35cm beams. Silent glo 7/23/1976 #31181 CHIRENS, FR Private pilot / ground. 7M metallic s 7/30/1976 #31197 MAZERES, FR Silent 100M fireball going southeast 7/30/1976 #31199 ST. RAPHAEL, FR Several / 2 cars. 4-8 figure(s) move 8/1976 #31209 ST. PIERRE-SUR-MER, FR 5M domed saucer / 6M altitude. Lights 8/2/1976 #31220 FORET DE MOULIERE, FR 30M cylinder/cigar-shape drops going 8/21/1976 #31286 ST.-GEORGES-LES-BAILLARGEAUX, FR Radio and wipers and lights electro-m 8/21/1976 #31287 D219 NEAR DOSSENHEIM, FR 5 cops and 6. 4M luminous sphere/orb/ 8/21/1976 #31288 ST.-VERAND, FR Cat and TV go crazy. 30M saucer going 9/12/1976 #31380 CHABLE-BEAUMONT, FR 3 observer(s). Big cylinder/cigar-sha 9/19/1976 #31405 DIGNE, FR 4M luminous/glowing 'cabin' hovers / 9/20/1976 #31415 BARBAZAN, FR Observer(s) hit / strong light. 2 ovo 10/1976 (approximate) #31436 RIVE-DE-GIER, FR 1+5 observer(s). Saucer over factory. 10/6/1976 #31450 AURIBEAU, FR 2+1 separate observer(s). 8M saucer g 10/15/1976 #31464 LOCMINE, FR 4 observer(s). 6M saucer / 20M altitu 10/19/1976 #31480 ST.-OMER, FR 2 separate observer(s). Luminous yell 10/24/1976 #31490 NEAR HOBLING, FR 15M cylinder/cigar-shape / 100M altit 10/24/1976 #31491 AULNAT, FR Civil Air Traffic Controller / milita 11/5/1976 #31523 VIENNE, ISERE, FR Flattened neon sphere WNW going quick 11/5/1976 #31524 VOREPPE, FR Physicist sees saucer. Going quickly 11/5/1976 #31525 RIVES, FR 2 observer(s). Intense white disk goi 11/5/1976 #31526 MAUREPAS, FR Power outage. Orange glow = perfect o 11/10/1976 #31536 BARREME, FR 2M saucer spirals going down / 1M alt 11/25/1976 #31573 CUERS, FR Man on path. Small humanoid (or Grey) 12/3/1976 #31580 NEAR LARCHE, FR 2 Sergeants. Dark silent saucer going 12/8/1976 #31590 MEYLAN, FR Glowing figure / very long arms. Guar 12/12/1976 #31595 MORENX TO/FROM ARJUZANX, FR Green ovoid descends rapidly near gro 12/27/1976 #31633 ST. PANDELON, FR 1 observer. Teardrop turns to sphere. 12/29/1976 #31637 CHOMERAC, AIR DEFENSE COMMAND, FR Luminous R / with Y sphere/orb/globe 12/31/1976 #31644 CREYSSEILLES, FR 5 observer(s). Pink-glow sphere hover 1/1/1977 #31667 ST.-DONAT, 26, FR 2 observer(s). Luminous/glowing yello 1/1/1977 #31669 EAST / CHABEUIL, FR 30M metallic lens saucer / flaming bo 1/1/1977 #31670 VALENCE, 26, FR 2 / car chased by 35' ovoid. Back 40 1/1/1977 #31671 MEZILHAC, FR 4 observer(s). Fireball going [to] un 1/1/1977 #31672 MONTMIRAIL, 26, FR Star descends like dead-leaf / 5 min. 1/1/1977 #31673 EYRAGUES, FR 3 observer(s). 65cm hemisphere glows 1/1/1977 #31674 NEAR LOUVROIL, FR Several / cars. Classic saucer. Slows 1/2/1977 #31684 BUSSIERES-ST.-GEORGES, FR Observer(s) thrown / bush. 3 luminous 1/18/1977 #31726 ISLE-SUR-SORGUE, FR 2+1 observer(s). 12M metallic domed d 1/25/1977 #31749 EAST / LE THORONET, FR Amateur astronomer. Glowing-ovoid fol 1/30/1977 #31766 ST.-PLANCARD, FR Yard strongly lit. 20M and ovoid goin 2/1977 #31769 NEAR ARLES, FR 6 girls / dorm. 70cm saucer spins / t 2/1/1977 #31774 LASPEYRE, FR Silent 5M walnut-saucer follows stude 2/13/1977? #31812 NEAR ALLEMANS DU DROPT, FR Several separate observer(s). 2M sauc 2/13/1977 #31813 GOLBEY, FR Dark gourd shape going down [to] and 2/22/1977 #31835 EAST / PONCHARTRAIN, FR White-green-red cylinder/cylindrical 2/24/1977 #31843 VALLON-EN-SULLY, FR U-shaped object makes 2 triangular lo 2/26/1977 #31848 SOUTHWEST / CHAUMONT, FR FAF jet buzzed 2X. Fireball / mach 1. 3/7/1977 #31867 MERVILLE-FRANCEVILLE-PLAGE, FR Separate observer(s). Luminous green 3/11/1977 #31894 ST. LEONARD-DE-NOBLAT, FR Weird 2x5 array / square colored wind 3/21/1977 #31922 RAMBERVILLERS, FR Also nearby towns. 61 sheep and 1 dee 4/1977 #31936 WEST / MAIRIEUX, FR Silent 2M white globe circles man / b 4/5/1977 #31945 NORTHEAST / POULLAOUEN, FR Separate observer(s). Silent 5M top s 4/7/1977 #31955 CHALLANS, FR 2M sphere with blue halo by railroad/ 5/6/1977 (approximate) #32062 MAUBEUGE, FR 1 observer. Glowing pear-shape going 5/10/1977 #32080 ST. ROCH, FR Whoosh! Large dark box shoots up / gr 5/28/1977 #32138 ARTHENAC, FR Huge saucer stops overhead. Lights 20 7/13/1977 #32267 STE.CROIX-EN-PLAINE, FR 18M bowl saucer 50M over house. Rays 7/22/1977 #32300 EAST / CRUIS, FR 2 / car. Luminous white 7M hemisphere 7/24/1977 #32307 NEAR ST.-BEAULIZE, FR 3M luminous sphere going down / 3M al 8/1/1977 #32343 HOUETTEVILLE, FR Separate observer(s). 2.2M ovoid / fi 8/13/1977 #32394 NEAR FAGE, LOT, FR 1M upright metallic egg follows teen 8/16/1977 #32403 NEAR SAULNIERES, FR Several observer(s). Luminous ball / 8/16/1977 #32404 MONTJOLY, FR. GUYN Several observer(s). Night ligh 8/25/1977 #32422 MEAUX, S&M, FR 1 observer. 6M saucer just outside wi 8/28/1977 #32430 ROCHEFORT-SUR-MER, FR 1 boy. Silver 27M ovoid going NNE. St 9/1977 #32450 CASSEL, FR Big glowing-sphere quickly going down 9/14/1977 #32479 SOUTHWEST / VERRIERES, FR 3+observer(s). Balloon-cylinder/cylin 9/18/1977 #32494 QUILLAN, FR Nurse and 2 separate observer(s). Bla 9/19/1977 #32495 GRISELLES, FR Several observer(s). 5 silent saucers 9/26/1977 #32520 CHAMPLOST TO/FROM CHATTON, FR Cops and many. Big red sphere maneuve 9/30/1977 #32532 CONDE-SUR-L'ESCAUT, FR Several observer(s). Luminous sphere 10/2/1977 #32544 D33 / VOLNAY, FR Several separate observer(s). Red-ora 10/2/1977 #32545 AUCHEY, FR Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) tele 10/2/1977 #32546 CAYENNE, FR. GUYANA Several observer(s). Strange 10/5/1977 #32552 FRONTIGNY, FR 2 observer(s). Long domed saucer-cyli 10/22/1977 #32599 LA FLOTTE EN RE, FR 2 observer(s). Big brilliant silent d 11/1977 (approximate) #32645 NEAR FOX-AMPHOUX, FR 2 / car. Night light-saucer. Unstable 11/13/1977 #32669 SOUTHEAST / CORNY, FR 2 separate observer(s). Cycle malfunc 11/15/1977 #32674 BANTZENHEIM, FR 10 separate observer(s). 15M ball / h 11/19/1977 #32687 NEAR MARENNES AND ST. DENIS, FR Separate observer(s). Big cylinder/ci 11/19/1977 #32688 PARIS, FR 2 observer(s). Fuzzy object = going [ 11/20/1977 #32691 ST. MARTIN-AUX-BRUNEAUX, FR Big red ball-saucer. Jumps all over/a 12/1977 #32714 ASSE-LE-BOISNE, FR Several separate observer(s). 2M brig 12/4/1977 #32733 MACHECOUL AND MORE/OTHERS, FR 3+separate observer(s). Cylinder/cyli 12/9/1977 #32752 NEAR LIMOGES, FR 1 / car / malfunctions due to EME (el 12/10/1977 #32756 NORTH / UZES, FR 2 / motorbikes. Both electro-magnetic 12/16/1977 #32778 ST. NAZAIRE, FR Separate observer(s). Flaming saucer 12/17/1977 #32784 SOUTH / GUEBLING, FR 3 big luminous balls / field. 1 follo 1/7/1978 #32857 NORTH / ARMOR-PLAGE, FR Glowing-dome / field. Light rotates. 1/11/1978 #32873 ROMEGOUX, FR Red-orange ball follows 3 / car. Then 1/20/1978 #32901 NEAR STRASBOURG, FR Observer(s) boards 25M saucer. 4 pseu 1/31/1978 #32924 WEST / QUERRIEN, FR Farmer. Square "mushroom" / field. 2 2/2/1978 #32943 COURBEVOIE, FR 2 observer(s). 2 large cigars hover v 2/12/1978 #32966 LOUHANS, FR 6 observer(s). Dark saucer going down 2/19/1978 #32978 STE.SOULLE, FR 1 / N11. Dark cylinder/cigar-shape go 2/21/1978 #32986 BOURGNEUF, FR Separate observer(s). Brilliant round 3/6/1978 #33015 ST. PAUL, FR 2 / car and more. Luminous dumbbell h 3/14/1978 #33038 ST. ARMEL, FR Huge disk over hv lines. Car malfunct 3/25/1978 #33080 NEAR CAMBRAI, FR Boy found delirious. "Saucers.. small 3/29/1978 #33093 INCHEVILLE, FR 2 observer(s). House lit. Domed sauce 4/1978 (approximate) #33109 OFF HYERES, FR 2 / airliner. Black rectangle hovers 4/2/1978 #33115 WEST / LA VAUDREAUIL, FR Yellow-white ball-saucer going down [ 4/5/1978 #33125 BEAUZELLE AND BLAGNAC, FR 2M delta/triangle/box-like craft / 5M 4/12/1978 #33143 ROMEGOUX, FR 2+4 observer(s). Red sphere going dow 4/18/1978 #33151 PISSOTTE, FR 2 / car. 12M dome 2M over road. Flash 4/29/1978 #33178 MONTILLY TO/FROM BAGNEUX, FR 8M H-shaped object follows car. White 5/15/1978 #33215 BEAUFORT, FR 2 / car. Black mushroom-saucer rises 5/22/1978 #33232 GUJAN, FR Ovoid / 250M altitude. So bright / st 6/19/1978 #33289 ROCHEFORT-DU-GARD, FR 2 observer(s) and more/others. 50M sa 6/20/1978 #33294 NORTHEAST / BOHAIN, FR 2 / car. Huge metallic blue egg-shape 6/25/1978 #33307 LEMPDES, FR 5M umbrella-top / field. Human shapes 7/8/1978 #33351 NEAR BISCHHEIM, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars and separa 7/9/1978 #33360 AGDE, FR 4 observer(s). 16M black cylinder/cig 7/13/1978 #33379 ST. AMAND-LES-EAUX, FR Fast orange ovoid stops over campfire 8/1978 #33458 LA TREUILLE, FR Repeater and 2 kids. Small red sphere 8/4/1978 #33470 GRAVIGNY, FR Big glowing-disk / forest. Flashes re 8/18/1978 #33524 TELOCHE, FR 15M orange triangle 20M away. Throbs. 8/26/1978 #33570 FONTENET, FR 3 observer(s). Small sombrero saucer 8/28/1978 (approximate) #33583 BRUEJOUIS, FR 2 / car. Luminous yellow-white saucer 9/14/1978 #33672 BOURGNEUF-LA-FORET, FR Woman. 6M silver tube with portholes 10/7/1978 #33802 THIL, FR Several / ground and air and RADAR / 10/10/1978 #33824 CAUMONT / DURANCE, FR Domed disk / 80M altitude going [to] 10/15/1978 #33835 NEAR COMPIGNY, FR 1 / car. 4M sphere/orb/globe hovers l 10/24/1978 #33868 REMOULINS, FR Car / malfunctions due to EME (electr 10/26/1978 #33879 ST. CYPRIEN, FR Several separate observer(s) / (seen 11/2/1978 #33912 BAINVILLE SUR MADON, FR Rounded cylinder/cylindrical object / 11/16/1978 #33960 EXOUDIN, FR 3+2 separate observer(s). Blue and or 11/23/1978 #33984 PONT-A-MOUSSON, FR 10M saucer rises / field. Going [to] 11/23/1978 #33985 PEAGE / ROUSILLON, FR Several observer(s). Luminous/glowing 12/10/1978 #34083 ST. QUENTIN-LA-POTERIE, FR 2 / car. Watery noise. 10M pile / 30c 12/31/1978 #34235 NEAR GAVRES, FR 3 / car. White sphere hovers / milita 1/1/1979 #34271 BANNALEC, FR 15M circular object hovers near groun 1/6/1979 #34309 DIGNE, FR Luminous ball stops. Silent. Going do 1/11/1979 #34329 ANTIBES, FR 3 orange disks going northwest / 250M 1/14/1979 #34340 METZERAL, FR 2 kids. 2M orange saucer / 2 passes. 1/18/1979 #34354 NEAR WIMEREUX, FR Mopod/motorscooter/motorbike / malfun 1/24/1979 #34372 VANNES, FR 1.5M ovoid hovers / house. Going quic 1/28/1979 #34386 CLAYE-SOUILLY, FR 3 / car / N3. Turnip changes form goi 2/1979 #34394 LARDIT, FR 1 / car / malfunctions due to EME (el 2/18/1979 #34432 JEUMONT, FR 2 cops and 1. Green ball hovers. Beco 3/3/1979 #34460 PONT SCORFF, FR 2 fireballs quickly going down [to] v 3/15/1979 #34477 ST. PIERRE / MAILLE, FR 40M disk over meadow 30M away. Ray fr 3/16/1979 #34479 GARDOUCHE, FR 1 / car. Huge red ball hovers. Follow 3/21/1979 #34483 LA CLOTTE, FR 2 / car. 33M banana-crescent object / 3/22/1979 #34484 TABOURET RESERVOIR, FR Girls / 13. Saucer going south. Lands 3/27/1979 #34489 BEDARRIDES, FR 2+observer(s). Red car-size sphere qu 4/16/1979 #34510 ST. JACQUES / NEHOU, FR Intense red-orange 4M sphere with sti 4/27/1979 #34524 EYZIN-PINET, FR 2+60 kids. Brilliant jelly-disk stops 5/14/1979 #34557 BELFORT, FR 5 observer(s). Metallic saucer going 7/18/1979 #34662 ST. MARTIN-SL-PRE, FR Man fishing. Silent dome-saucer hover 8/1979 #34688 SEVERAC-LE-CHATEAU, FR 4 observer(s). Fireball going south / 8/1/1979 #34694 LE DOLUS, FR Fireball going down / trees. 2 doors 8/2/1979 #34700 D134 / LUSSAC, FR 1 / car. Long-armed pseudo-human/enti 8/15/1979 #34742 VILLENUEVE-SUR-LOT, FR 10M saucer follows car. Stops over fi 8/25/1979 #34772 ST. JEAN DU VAR, FR Domed disk hovers / low altitude. Arc 8/26/1979 #34779 NIMES, GARD, FR 4 / car. Classic luminous saucer hove 9/1979 #34811 VIEILLE-EGLISE, FR Luminous white disk hovers over trees 9/17/1979 #34893 FEIGNIES, FR 1 / car. Near collision / 6M disk / D 9/23/1979 #34914 ST. RAFAEL, FR 12 observer(s). 3 egg-shapes maneuver 10/27/1979 #34969 DAMVILLE, FR 1 observer. 1M glowing-sphere / groun 11/1979 #34979 PORT-DE-PILES, FR Girl and several. Big red ovoid going 11/1979 #34980 SOUTH / LABORIE, FR Observer(s) stops car and motor and l 11/20/1979 #35008 TILH, FR 1 observer. Brill white 15M disk goin 11/26/1979 #35014 MONTALIEU, FR 1 observer. Big cylinder/cigar-shape 11/27/1979 #35017 POMAREZ, FR 3 observer(s). Orange saucer with dar 11/29/1979 #35025 SION-LES-MINES, FR 2.5M red sphere engulfs car that vani 12/4/1979 #35049 VAROIS, FR Man / home. Metallic blue cylinder/ci 12/8/1979 #35059 ST. NICOLAS DU PELEM, FR 2 observer(s). Red-orange cylinder/cy 12/8/1979 #35060 BOUXIERES-AUX-DAMES, FR 2+1 observer(s). Star shoots over / l 12/11/1979 #35071 ROMANS, FR 1 observer. Multi-colored disk passes 12/12/1979 #35074 LUNEL, FR 2 observer(s) / 1 frozen. 1M white eg 12/19/1979 #35082 ST. CYR, FR Red 3M cylinder/cylindrical object bl 12/25/1979 #35095 MARSEILLE, FR Amateur astronomer / (seen thru) tele 12/31/1979 #35105 LANDOFFEN, FR 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binocular 12/31/1979 #35106 CERPY-EN-VALOIS, FR Several separate observer(s). 22cm or 1/2/1980 #35121 OFF AGAY, FR 6 observer(s). Silent luminous saucer 1/6/1980 #35126 GANGES, FR Silent plain metallic disk going [to] 1/10/1980 #35128 ST. MANDRIER, FR 2 observer(s) / (seen thru) binocular 1/11/1980 #35130 CHERBOURG, FR 1+2 observer(s)? Box appears / bedroo 1/14/1980 #35134 LA CHAPELLE-BASSE-MER, FR 5M saucer hovers / water tower / 4 mi 1/20/1980 #35138 LA RACINE, FR 1M orange-glow Lima-bean going northw 1/28/1980 #35146 NORTHWEST / GRANDRIEUX, FR 4M cylinder/cylindrical object-saucer 1/28/1980 #35147 AURILLAC, FR Luminous orange sphere passes. Shines 1/28/1980 #35148 VAL D'AJOL TO/FROM RUPT, FR Orange disk going down [to] in front 2/3/1980 #35155 NEAR WECKOLSHEIM, FR 3 / car. 18M saucer going down / angl 2/3/1980 #35156 CUGNAUX, FR 2 observer(s). Silent brilliant green 2/8/1980 #35162 ETAULIERS, FR Customs agent / car. Silent 5M saucer 2/13/1980 #35176 BRIX, FR 1 observer. Luminous blue church-bell 2/20/1980 #35178 DOUCHY-LES-MINES, FR 1 observer only. Metallic 20M cylinde 2/20/1980 (approximate) #35179 VIX, FR 2 teens. Dark ovoid with 2 light beam 3/1980 #35187 LONGWY-BAS, FR Anonymous man / 18. Huge silent metal 3/9/1980 #35208 FOURMETOT, FR Glowing-ring going up [to] behind ste 3/23/1980 #35231 LEYR, FR 1 observer. Metallic 20M cylinder/cyl 3/24/1980 #35236 BON-ENCONTRE, FR 30cm sun-like sphere going quickly no 3/25/1980 #35239 NORTHWEST / KEMBS, FR Several separate observer(s). Orange- 4/9/1980 #35260 RIXHEIM, FR Huge sphere with bright lights hovers 4/11/1980 #35268 HUNINGUE, FR Airman and 1 / ground. Metallic ovoid 5/26/1980 #35342 SIMANDRE TO/FROM CUISERY, FR 2 / car. Dark silent 20M sphere passe 6/26/1980 #35391 AUZEBOSC, FR 3 observer(s). 20M fireball hovers ov 6/30/1980 #35395 VENCE, FR 2M red fireball hovers low. Zigzags g 7/12/1980 #35411 VAUX-LE-PENIL, FR 2 observer(s). Cone saucer / cylinder 7/27/1980 #35426 TREHORENTRUC, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars / car. Sat 8/13/1980 #35456 PINOLS, FR 2 observer(s). Glowing-crescent hover 8/17/1980 #35460 LEZAY, FR Huge luminous mushroom flashes as car 8/19/1980 (approximate) #35465 HONFLEUR, FR 12 teens. White ovoid passes. Drops g 8/20/1980 (approximate) #35467 PLESTIN, FR 2+5 kids. 2 fireballs follow car. Obs 9/5/1980 #35496 COURLAY, FR Luminous ovoid going down / road. Ris 9/10/1980 #35509 SOUTHEAST / GUMIERES, FR 3 observer(s). Silent red sphere goin 9/12/1980 #35517 LABATUT, FR Dog scared. Blazing 20M burger-saucer 10/16/1980 #35571 VERTUS AND CHATEAU-THIERRY, FR Numerous separate observer(s). Sphere 10/28/1980 #35593 MONTCEAU-LES-MINES, FR Several observer(s). 2 luminous/glowi 10/31/1980 #35597 AIGLUN, FR 2 observer(s). Silent fuselage with r 11/11/1980 #35628 FAUT AND MOLIERES AND MORE/OTHERS, FR 3 green fireballs east going quickly 11/11/1980 #35629 MEZEL, FR 3 observer(s). Vibrant bright slow wh 11/11/1980 #35631 CHATEAUREDON, FR 2 luminous/glowing points southeast g 11/11/1980 #35632 AURILLAC, FR 1 / car. Metallic-white saucer hovers 11/21/1980 #35661 PINTERVILLE, FR 2 / home. Luminous yellow ball going 12/17/1980 #35721 TRANS-EN-PROVENCE, FR 8' saucer going down. Going northeast 1/8/1981 #35774 NEAR TOULOUSE, FR Cop car malfunctions due to EME (elec 1/26/1981 #35800 MAGNY, FR Many observer(s). Metallic sphere goi 3/30/1981 #35877 CORSEUL, FR 2 / car. 50cm fireball blocks road 15 4/12/1981 #35890 driver, was headed west on highway FR 665 toward Alice, Texas after finishi 6/12/1981 #35967 VILLEMOIRIEU, FR 2 observer(s). Whistle sound. White s 7/9/1981 #35990 MANSIGNE, FR 3 observer(s). 50M bell-saucer / grou 9/5/1981 #36101 ALBI, FR 2 observer(s). Brilliant red 10M x 5M 9/13/1981 #36113 LES ANGLES, FR 1 / car. Car just ahead gone when sud 9/20/1981 (approximate) #36133 NORTHEAST / ST. HILAIRE, FR 2 / N191. Domed bell-saucer flashes / 10/5/1981 #36156 ST. FIACRE, FR Cop and 1 / car. 7M hemisphere / 35M 11/1/1981 #36202 FEIGNES, FR Dark silent vertical cylinder/cigar-s 11/6/1981 #36207 GUIPAVAS, FR Air Traffic Controller and pilot and 11/22/1981 #36228 FEIGNIES, FR 1 / car. Luminous multicolor sphere g 11/25/1981 #36234 MONTEREAU / YONNE, FR 1 observer. 3 2M ovoid / ground 60M a 2/26/1982 #36371 NANCY, FR Biologist. 1.5M saucer going northwes 10/21/1982 #36656 OISSEL, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silver sa 11/28/1982 #36700 ECOUIS, FR 2 observer(s). Silent "inverted press 1/23/1983 #36752 CAREME, FR 2 / car / D958. Sudden fog. Huge sauc 3/26/1983 (approximate) #36811 NAY, FR 1 / car. Luminous/glowing rectangle h 4/29/1983 #36849 SOSPEL, FR Woman. 4 pseudo-human/entity / appear 4/30/1983 #36850 ST. TROPEZ, FR 100M wingless cylinder/cigar-shape go 6/6/1983 #36878 ARCACHON, FR Engineer. Big boomerang going south. 8/5/1983 #36934 GIMEAUX, FR 1 observer / 87. 2 silent yellow orbs 1/25/1984 #37150 ST. HIPPOLYTE-DU-FORT, FR Boy / 14 photographs circular object 3/1984 #37213 PARIS, FR 1 observer. Black 25M saucer hovers / 4/1984 (approximate) #37251 D979 / LA SERRE, FR Triangle with point down drops below 10/1984 #37471 PETIT LOMONT, 25, FR Police calls. Saucer hovers. Also ora 11/28/1984 #37512 NICE, FR Girl / age 10. 2 rose-pink ovoids sou 12/10/1984 #37520 WALDESLUST, FR 2 / car. Green-glow saucer crosses ro 1/18/1985 #37549 VEYNES, FR 1 observer. Vague cylinder/cylindrica 4/15/1985 #37579 NEAR NICE, FR Air Gabon 747 in near collision / dar 7/10/1985 #37617 GOLFE DE FREJUS, FR Several observer(s). Long green metal 7/27/1985 #37631 ST.-GUENOLE, FR 1 observer. Pear shape going down. Ma 8/7/1985? #37638 CAIRANNE, FR 2 observer(s). 2 blue-white balls swi 8/9/1985 #37640 HONNECHY, FR 2 observer(s). Grey metallic top-sauc 8/21/1985 (approximate) #37649 LAGUEPIE, FR Amateur astronomer. Odd tooth-shaped 8/23/1985 #37650 LLAGONNE, FR 2 observer(s). 5M round "swirling clo 10/4/1985 #37672 A15 BARENTIN TO/FROM ROUEN, FR Delta/triangle/box-like craft with li 10/20/1985 #37688 MENETRUX-EN-JOUX, FR 1 observer. 9M saucer / ground. 6 5' 6/20/1986 (approximate) #37917 MALVEZI, FR 1 observer. 6 odd pseudo-human/entity 12/12/1987 #38354 ST. DIZIER, FR 2 Mirage jet pilots. Orange-yellow ba 6/17/1988 #38586 ERAGNY-SUR-OISE, FR 3 observer(s). 7 double-cone spindles 10/6/1988 #38664 NORTHEAST / YZERON, FR 2 / car. Rumble. Flat box with 2 sphe 7/3/1989 (approximate) #39004 BOUYNOT, ST. SAUVEUR / MEILHAN, FR 1 observer. Odd silent square-with tr 10/12/1989 #39165 MAZAMET, FR 1 observer. Glowing blotch / sky. Sma 10/14/1989 #39171 CAUJAC, FR 1 observer. Moon-size fireball bright 10/18/1989 (approximate) #39175 NEVERS, FR 3+5 observer(s). Big glow / horizon. 10/21/1989 #39178 N20 PAMIERS TO/FROM BENAGUES, FR 1 observer. 25cm fast red fireball go 10/26/1989 #39187 DORDOGNE RIVER, FR Location unknown. Dog frantic. Tracto 11/20/1989 #39239 VILLEFRANCHE-SOUTH-CHER, FR 1 observer. Dull grey ovoid / yard. P 12/1989 #39289 ARLES, FR 2 observer(s). Orange "star" grows ve 12/16/1989 #39316 CHAMPAGNE-SUR-SEINE, FR 1 repeat observer(s). Fast 100M sauce 12/17/1989 #39318 ST. AMAND-LES-EAUX, FR 3 observer(s). Bright orange saucer w 12/24/1989 #39329 BEAUVOIS-EN-CAMBRESIS, FR Huge bright red blimp slow and silent 12/24/1989 #39330 VALENCIENNES, FR 4 observer(s). Dark disk with halo se 12/24/1989 #39332 RUESNES, NORD, FR 1 observer. Moon-size sphere/orb/glob 12/24/1989 #39333 VAUX ANDIGNY, FR 3 observer(s). Huge white circular ob 12/24/1989 #39335 STE.MAURE-DE-TOURAINE, FR 1 observer. Jade-green oval ring with 12/25/1989 #39341 LE BOUSCAT, FR Amateur astronomer. Very small black 12/31/1989 #39344 MAURIAC, FR Several observer(s). Black saucer wit 1/4/1990 #39363 TREIGNAC, FR 2 observer(s). Red cylinder/cylindric 1/7/1990 #39369 MONTBAZON, FR 1 observer. Brilliant saucer stops ov 1/29/1990 #39394 HETTANGE-GRANDE, FR Ex-helicopter mechanic. 12 glowing-ba 2/6/1990 #39412 HASNON, FR 2 observer(s). Dog barks. Black cylin 2/14/1990 #39417 CHAILLY-EN-BIERE, FR 4+observer(s). 7 white night lights i 3/1990 #39433 FERRIERE-LA-GRANDE, FR 1 observer. Red glowing-sphere/orb/gl 3/14/1990 #39460 AULNOY-LES-VALENCIENNES, FR 2 observer(s). 2 yellow glowing-orbs 3/14/1990 #39462 FEIGNIES, FR 2+2 kids. Black delta/triangle/box-li 3/16/1990 #39464 SOLESMES, FR 1 observer. Huge metallic mass (2 del 3/20/1990 #39468 MAUBEUGE TO/FROM BAVAY, FR 4 observer(s). White ball hovers immo 3/23/1990 #39478 BAUMES-LES-DAMES, FR 1 observer. 3 silent glowing-balls zi 3/23/1990 #39479 EXINCOURT, FR 3 observer(s). Dark boomerang with li 3/23/1990 #39480 SAVASSE, FR 2+2 kids. "3M egg with ends cut off" 4/11/1990 #39518 GUIPAVAS, FR Telegramme de brest. 2 observer(s). H 4/12/1990 #39521 MONTBELIARD, DOUBS, FR 2 / car. Triangle going [to] 20M over 4/15/1990 #39527 STRASBOURG, FR 2 observer(s). 3 night lights / delta 4/18/1990 #39533 CUINCY, FR 2 observer(s). 3 colored lights / tri 4/22/1990 #39538 LE TOUQUET, FR 1 observer. Triangle west lights and 5/1/1990 #39545 ST. SAULVE, FR 1 observer. Bright red triangle cross 5/1/1990 #39546 AVESNES-LE-SECOND(S), FR Scientist and 1. Delta/triangle/box-l 5/1/1990 #39548 COGNIES-CHAUSSEE, FR 3 observer(s). 3 globes / delta/trian 5/2/1990 #39549 BOUZONVILLE, FR 1 observer. Delta/triangle/box-like c 5/2/1990 #39550 SIVRY-COURTRY, FR 1 observer. Delta/triangle/box-like c 5/4/1990 #39553 ST. GERMAIN-DU-CORBEIS, FR 1 observer. 3 triangles northeast goi 5/31/1990 #39601 D11 WITH MONTADY, FR 8' orange ovoid hovers / roadside. Ha 6/26/1990 #39624 NEVERS, FR 1 observer. 3 orbs / triangle formati 6/29/1990 #39629 MAUBEUGE, FR 4 observer(s). Large black triangle w 6/30/1990 #39631 POMPIGNAN, FR 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Featurele 7/6/1990 #39636 SUIPPES, FR 2 military observer(s). Dark red sphe 7/14/1990 #39645 FERRIERE-LA-GRAND, FR 2 girls / 14. White triangle hovers / 7/25/1990 #39660 GALLARGUES-LE-MONTUEUX, FR 1 observer. 4 dark-grey silent balls 8/19/1990 #39691 LA VOULTE-SUR-RHONE, FR 3 observer(s). Orange ovoids cross sk 8/19/1990 #39692 VASSY, FR 4 observer(s). Yellow glowing-ball ma 9/1990 #39710 SAINT OMER, FR Several observer(s) / 3 nights. Ovoid 9/10/1990 #39723 CALAIS, FR 1 observer. Huge luminous/glowing rou 9/12/1990 #39727 ROC TREDUDON, FR Several cars stop. Bright white dome 9/28/1990 #39750 PARIS, FR 1 observer / hospital. 5 white saucer 10/10/1990 #39768 DYE, YONNE, FR Air Force mechanic. Silent pale-yello 10/16/1990 #39788 NARBONNE AND CUXAC AND VINASSON, FR Fireballs west going east / same time 10/20/1990 #39796 ST. MARCEL, FR 1 observer. Intense blue ball shoots 10/21/1990 #39801 GRUISSAN, FR 1 observer. Intense white / blue fire 10/21/1990 #39802 CAZERES, FR 1 observer. Slow silver boomerang mak 10/26/1990 #39812 CHAMPLAIN / ORLY, FR Pilot / aero-technician. Thick silent 11/1990 #39823 ORMOY-VILLIERS, FR 1 observer. White-glowing 25M boomera 11/2/1990 #39824 SOUTH / DUTTLEHEIN, FR Triangle low and slow over A352. Turn 11/5/1990 #39827 NOUREUIL, FR 2 observer(s). Long thin delta/triang 11/5/1990 #39828 ST. DENIS, FR 1 observer. Boiling lens-cloud-saucer 11/5/1990 #39829 LE GUILVINEC, FR 2 observer(s). Silent red-orange sphe 11/5/1990 #39830 L'EPINE, VENDEE, FR Night lights join dull yellow ball ov 11/5/1990 #39831 ARPAJON, FR 3 observer(s). ~50 night lights ring 11/5/1990 #39832 DOM-LE-MESNIL, FR 2 cops. Bulb-cylinder/cigar-shape wit 11/5/1990 #39833 LARS-LES-BOIS AND LE GUE D'ALLERE, FR Night lights exit vertical cloud and 11/5/1990 #39834 THUGNY, FR 3+1 separate observer(s). 100M black 11/5/1990 #39835 LA VALBONNE, FR Lt. Col. Silent dark triangle / lit c 11/5/1990 #39836 ST. CLOUD AND CHATENAY-MALABRY, FR 2+2 observer(s). Black equilateral/eq 11/5/1990 #39837 BRIVE, FR 3 separate observer(s). Box-cylinder/ 11/5/1990 #39839 BERU, FR 2 / D965. Silent 500M and diamond goi 11/5/1990 #39840 NORTH / BAYONNE, FR 1 / A63. 100M silent flat triangle / 11/5/1990 #39841 LONS-LE-SAUNIER, FR Big slow meteor stops! Shines bright 11/5/1990 #39842 GRETZ-ARMAINVILLIERS, FR Pilot and 6. 300M object / sky. Trape 11/5/1990 #39843 VOUTEZAC, FR Silent arrowhead with portholes curve 11/5/1990 #39844 BRICY AIRPORT, FR AV.Maint.crew. Huge dark mass. Vee-fr 11/5/1990 #39845 ST. GERMAIN-DE-LA-GRANGE, FR 2 observer(s). 2 fireballs going east 11/5/1990 #39846 CHOUZY-SUR-CISSE, FR R observer(s). Huge white egg with re 11/5/1990 #39847 L'ISLE ADAM, FR Dark delta/triangle/box-like craft ma 11/5/1990 #39849 SEVRES, FR Huge silent black mass blocks line / 11/5/1990 #39850 NEAR MESSON, FR 1 / car. 1000M and dark cylinder/ciga 11/5/1990 #39851 HAMBACH, FR 1+boy. Large dark sphere/orb/globe ho 11/5/1990 #39852 HAGNICOURT, FR 2 / car. Slow silent 1000M and ovoid 11/5/1990 #39853 LICY-CLIGNON, FR 2 / car. 100M and dark mass with ligh 11/5/1990 #39854 SARRIGNE, FR 5 observer(s). Night lights / rigid d 11/5/1990 #39855 LIMOGES, FR Night lights outline pointed box. Blo 11/5/1990 #39856 VERBERIE AND BAILLY, FR Very dark triangle with 2 beams / rea 11/5/1990 #39857 BRETIGNY / ORGE, FR 1+2 separate observer(s). Dark bullet 11/5/1990 #39858 N20 WITH ORLY AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Optical engineer. Dark delta/triangle 11/5/1990 #39859 VILLAVARD, FR 5 separate observer(s). 250M boomeran 11/5/1990 #39860 VERTICAL-LE-GRANDE, FR Dark blunted cylinder/cigar-shape hov 11/5/1990 #39861 NIBELLE, FR 4 observer(s). 30M grey box with wind 11/5/1990 #39862 LE HOUSSAY, FR 5 luminous/glowing balls / oval forma 11/5/1990 #39863 NOIRMOUTIER, FR 1 boy. Dark "coathanger" delta/triang 11/6/1990 #39874 LE BOUSCAT, FR Beam / light and separate red ball. B 11/6/1990 #39876 ARCACHON BAY, FR Many observer(s). Yellow cylinder/cig 11/6/1990 #39877 MONTPELLIER, FR 1 observer. Red-orange glowing blimp 11/14/1990 #39887 BOURGUEYRAUD, FR 1 observer. Flash. Luminous/glowing h 11/22/1990 #39896 ROBION, FR 3 observer(s). Silent yellow boomeran 11/22/1990 (approximate) #39897 CORMERAY, FR 1+kids / car. Red football surrounded 11/24/1990 #39902 LANGON, FR Several observer(s). 5 night lights i 11/24/1990 #39903 CHAUNY, AISNE, FR 1 observer. Night lights form huge tr 11/24/1990 #39904 FISMES, FR 4 girls / 10. Night lights tour sky. 11/27/1990 #39912 AREA / LYON, FR Several separate observer(s). Fish-sh 12/1/1990 #39916 BRON AND CALUIRE, FR 3+1 separate observer(s). Luminous/gl 12/1/1990 #39917 TAILLADES, FR Air Force officer. Dark ovoid slow an 12/2/1990 #39918 SOUTH / TOULON, FR 1 observer. Silent delta/triangle/box 12/3/1990 #39920 NOIRMOUTIER, FR 1 observer. 2 dark rounded triangles 12/3/1990 #39921 CUINCY, FR Large metallic triangle with large li 12/3/1990 #39922 CHALLES, FR 1 observer. Red-glowing ovoid stops / 12/15/1990 #39928 COL.-DE-VENCE, FR Shepherd. Eyes red. No recall of 2 ph 12/24/1990 #39930 D30 WNW / CAUX, FR 2 / car. 8M red sphere follows old ra 2/21/1991 #39979 TENAY, FR Observer(s) surprises wiry stork-man 2/25/1991 (approximate) #39983 VILLARDS D'HERIA, FR Dlt(?) / field. Orange fireball exits 3/19/1991 #40022 MAZAMET, FR 1 observer. Silent grey 3M sphere/orb 7/11/1991 #40117 LES MARTYS, FR Several observer(s). Dark silent ovoi 7/20/1991 #40125 BEAUGENCY, FR 1 observer. 2 luminous "neon" rays go 7/30/1991 #40137 LACANAU-OCEAN, FR Ex-Air Force pilot. Moving field of s 8/10/1991 #40146 ST. FIRMIN, FR Several observer(s). Wedge-saucer man 8/15/1991 #40156 LONGWY, FR Cop and 1. Black metallic triangle go 8/22/1991 #40163 CUGNEY, FR 2 observer(s). 2 night lights (red an 11/11/1991 #40225 VALLET, FR Luminous/glowing white 20M cylinder/c 11/28/1991 #40245 PONS, FR 3 very luminous silent saucers SSE go 11/28/1991 #40246 NAUJAC, FR Blazing cylinder/cigar-shape with 2 r 11/28/1991 #40247 BEUVRAGES, FR 1 observer. Night light going southea 12/20/1991 #40262 SOUTH / VILLETHIOU, FR Police commissioner and 6. Large oran 12/24/1991 #40265 LONGCHAUMOIS, FR 2 observer(s). Luminous glowing ball 1/5/1992 #40278 COL. DE VENCE, FR 2+observer(s) / bus. Intense red Satu 1/18/1992 #40291 VILLEBONNE-SUR-YVETTE, FR Cylinder/cigar-shape 300M off 30M ove 1/21/1992 #40293 NORTH / ST. SAVIN, FR Silent glowing-tube nears / 3 separat 1/27/1992 #40306 LOGNY-BOGNY, FR Military observer(s). Strong high-fre 1/31/1992 #40310 LONGCHAUMOIS, FR Farmer Michel. 18 dogs bark. Glowing- 3/4/1992 #40352 NNE / BEZIERS, FR 1 observer. 2 long cigars with intens 3/12/1992 #40374 AUXEY-DURESSES, FR Several observer(s). Large black ball 4/11/1992 #40412 GRAULHET, FR Bright orange night light hovers / hi 5/3/1992 #40446 TERNAY, 69, FR Several / Rugby game. Silent glow blo 5/24/1992 #40471 AUXONNE, FR 2 observer(s). Luminous/glowing footb 5/30/1992 #40475 MELESSE, FR 7' transparent egg going down / low n 6/3/1992 #40483 D28 WITH MELESSE, FR 1 / car. Triangle / beams search farm 6/3/1992 #40484 NORTH / JALEYRAC, 15, FR Ex-airman. 10-12 night lights / V-for 7/1992 (approximate) #40510 OVER BRIGNOLES, FR Military helicopter crew. Rectangle w 7/8/1992 #40517 LE LUC-EN-PROVENCE, FR Army helicopter in near collision / b 7/8/1992 #40518 LES HERBIERS, FR Several observer(s). 200M delta/trian 8/4/1992 (approximate) #40549 CASTELLON, FR Camper. Silent white-glowing crescent 8/8/1992 (approximate) #40562 KEREMMA, FR 3 / beach. 3 red lights / delta/trian 8/20/1992 #40585 LOUHANS, FR 3 observer(s). White triangle with ba 8/25/1992 #40589 GOIZE, FR 3 / car. Very large fast grey box wit 8/28/1992 (approximate) #40592 LYON, FR 1 observer. Odd LRD silent metallic c 9/2/1992 #40602 VALRAS-PLAGE, FR 2 / beach. 20 night lights in 2 squar 9/3/1992 #40603 SALLES D'AUDE, FR Several observer(s). "Light-bulb" sph 9/3/1992 #40605 CAP D'AGDE, FR 2 observer(s). 4 point night lights / 9/3/1992 #40606 COLOMBIERES, FR 2 observer(s). Dark disk hovers 20M o 9/3/1992 #40607 GOMETZ-LA-VILLE, FR 2 observer(s). Dark dome with looped 10/8/1992 #40665 CLAYE-SOUILLY, FR 3 fans / silver rays going down / spa 10/16/1992 #40678 BOLLENE, FR 2 observer(s). Dark silent Saturn-pyr 11/14/1992 #40710 ST. MARTIN-EN-BIERE, FR 3 white globes. 1 circles walnut tree 12/1992 #40737 GRANIER, TARENTAISE, FR Longitude & latitude coords. approxim 12/21/1992 #40758 MARGON, FR 4 observer(s). Night light going down 12/31/1992 #40774 GABIAN, FR 2 observer(s). 2 close fireballs and 1/6/1993 #40786 LIGUGE, FR Several observer(s). Green triangle s 1/16/1993 #40798 LA TRIMOUILLE, FR 1 observer. Blue rectangle flies sout 1/18/1993 #40800 BONDY, FR 2 observer(s). Huge blazing dome hove 1/21/1993 #40808 LA LOGE, FR AND SEPARATE OBSERVER(S) / NEARBY TOW 1/25/1993 #40813 BOULANGE, FR 4 / car. Blue blinking vertical ovoid 1/26/1993 #40814 NOYON, FR 2 observer(s). Beams / light. 20cm gl 1/30/1993 #40819 ST. JULIEN-AUX-BOIS, FR 3 observer(s). 3 luminous/glowing bal 2/1/1993 #40827 BUIGNY-ST. MACLOU, FR 2 observer(s). 2 circles / clouds spi 2/20/1993 #40855 D150 / VENOURS, FR 1 / car. Very luminous/glowing dome / 2/28/1993 #40864 PARMAIN, FR 2 observer(s). Boxy object with rotat 2/28/1993 #40865 NEAR MAUBEUGE, FR Dull sound. Girl / 12 photographs Sat 3/26/1993 (approximate) #40900 ST. REMY DU PROVENCE, FR 20M diamond-object lights Lot. Follow 3/30/1993 #40904 N20 / PELACOY / FR 2 / car. 2 huge cigars southwest goin 3/31/1993 #40908 NORTHEAST / ANTRAIGUES, FR 2 separate fire brigades. 3 silent gr 3/31/1993 #40909 AS AIRPORT/APARTMENT, EAST / LYON, FR Air Traffic Controllers and more/othe 3/31/1993 #40910 REYMURE, FR 2 cops. Silent 50M semi-transparent b 3/31/1993 #40911 ST. CLAIR-DU-RHONE, FR 2 cops. Silent 45M cylinder/cigar-sha 3/31/1993 #40912 WEST / SOLAIZE, FR 4 cops and more/others. Silent 50M cy 3/31/1993 #40913 PETIT PALAIS, 33, FR 2 / car. Luminous white 6M saucer tur 4/25/1993 #40949 LASGRAISSES, FR Sonar-Ping sound! then silent triangl 4/29/1993 #40955 CASTELLANE, FR Several observer(s). Glowing-ball goi 5/29/1993 #40995 D106 WITH LE LAS, FR 2 / car. Night light paces. Makes sma 5/29/1993 #40996 REININGUE, FR 4 observer(s). Domed disk flips over 6/9/1993 #41011 ROGNES, FR Private pilot at home. Black disk nor 6/25/1993 #41033 PORT MARLY, FR Many observer(s). Dozens / night ligh 7/4/1993 #41051 CORBEIL-ESSONES, FR 2 observer(s). Bright yellow star imm 7/11/1993 #41057 NANTES, FR Several police report(s). Huge dark m 7/20/1993 #41072 ST. ANDRE, FR Several observer(s). Huge dark triang 7/22/1993 #41075 CHAUMES-EN-BRIE, FR 4 observer(s). 4 metallic saucers. Ea 7/24/1993 #41081 SAINS-DU-NORD, FR Several observer(s). 40M soup-bowl sa 8/5/1993 #41105 FONTENAY-TRESIGNY, FR White bell-shape hovers near moon. Mo 8/5/1993 #41106 BEUX, FR 1 / D71. 40M saucer beams blue going 8/7/1993 #41112 L'HOPITAL, FR 1 observer. Large bluish sphere cross 8/8/1993 #41114 HAYES, FR 1 / car and 4 / home. Large orange ov 8/11/1993 #41126 FLETRANGE-ELVANGE, FR 2 observer(s). Fireball like white fl 8/11/1993 #41127 BRETTNACH, FR 2 observer(s). Round object goes goin 8/13/1993 #41134 MOLIETS-ET-MAA, FR Silent grey 30M cloud rotates. 8 trun 8/25/1993 #41157 MAURIAC, FR 1 observer. Huge slow red object. Arr 8/25/1993 #41158 WEST / MIMET, FR 1 / car. 4.5M ovoid on D8 rises and g 8/30/1993 #41171 ILE DE GROIX, FR Night lights / delta/triangle/box-lik 9/7/1993 #41186 SAILLE, FR Several observer(s). Orange ball hove 9/9/1993 #41190 LES MOUTIERS-EN-RETZ, FR Oblong object hisses across sky. 2-3 9/11/1993 #41193 FONGRAVE, FR 2 / farm. Group / square windows spir 9/18/1993 #41202 BEZIERS, FR 1 / car. Group / white ovoids / sky r 9/26/1993 #41211 NIORT, FR Several observer(s). Luminous balls s 10/7/1993 #41223 ST. VINCENT DE TYROSSE, FR 4 observer(s). Ellipse with rotating 10/9/1993 #41228 FONGRAVE, FR 2 observer(s). 4 groups / silent cott 10/10/1993 #41229 CHALON-SUR-SAONE, FR 2 / car paced / luminous/glowing sauc 10/17/1993 #41236 LUXEUIL-LES-BAINS, FR Green ray northeast going quickly sou 10/17/1993 #41240 NICE, FR Cops and many. Vibrant bright disk ma 11/10/1993 #41269 VALDAHON, FR Silent 4M disk follows 2 / car / 25km 11/13/1993 #41271 ARBOUANS, FR 1 observer / (seen thru) binoculars. 11/14/1993 #41273 ST. JACQUES DE NEHOU, FR Ray / light extends and shortens. 30M 11/17/1993 #41279 LA ROCHETTE, FR Several observer(s). Diamond tube-win 11/19/1993 #41285 VANVILLE, FR 2+1 / RN19. Large flattened cylinder/ 11/22/1993 #41289 VERSAILLES, FR Math students. 120M orange ball rises 11/22/1993 #41290 NORTHEAST / URY, FR 2 / car. 120M plain red sphere just o 11/22/1993 #41291 WNW / MAISSE, FR 120M phony sun descends / forest. The 11/22/1993 #41292 VILLIERS-EN-BIERE, FR 1 observer. Large plain sphere going 11/22/1993 #41293 SOUTHEAST / ROCHEFORT-EN-YVELINES, FR Huge orange sphere going northeast. C 11/22/1993 #41294 ACHERES-LE-FORET, FR 2 observer(s). Ovoid rises / road. Be 12/3/1993 #41321 LE CANNET, FR Engineer / pilot. Black equilateral t 12/3/1993 #41322 PARIS, FR 2 observer(s). Several luminous/glowi 12/5/1993 #41323 ARRAS, FR 5+observer(s). White ovoids with coun 12/5/1993 #41324 PLANQUES, FR 2 / car. Silent saucer with 3 porthol 12/11/1993 #41328 ECOUIS, FR 1 observer. Cone nears house. Shines 1/3/1994 #41355 TRONVILLE-EN-BARROIS, FR 7 observer(s). Field lit. Domed sauce 1/4/1994 #41357 BACQUEVILLE, FR 2 separate observer(s). Cone spins ne 1/4/1994 #41359 ODOS, FR 1 observer. Huge fiery "milestone"? f 1/6/1994 #41365 D19 NEAR LESSART, FR 1 / car. Faceted cone-saucer follows 1/16/1994 #41372 NEAR CAVAILLON, FR 1 / car and 1 / home. Night lights. S 1/19/1994 #41376 COULOMMIERS, FR Air-France crew and ground RADAR. Dar 1/28/1994 #41386 3 FRUGES GOING QUICKLY [TO] ANVIN, FR 1 / car. Long curved objects circle c 1/28/1994 #41387 CHALABRE, FR Big boat or Christmas-tree circles / 2/1/1994 #41394 SOUTHWEST / NOMAIN, FR Cab driver. Fireball going quickly no 2/2/1994 #41401 A23 NORTHWEST / ORCHIES, FR 1 / taxi and 1 other. Long 2-domed ob 2/2/1994 #41402 ZIDOCK, FR. GUYANA 12+/ (seen thru) binoculars. 2/3/1994 #41404 HUELGOAT, FR 1 / car. "Full moon" flies south goin 2/5/1994 #41407 FLAVIGNY-SUR-MOSELLE, FR 2 / car. White house-sized sphere/orb 2/12/1994 #41409 NICE, FR 2+kids. White saucer white blinking l 2/18/1994 #41419 HEM, NORD, FR 3 foresters. Yellow-orange ball SSW g 3/3/1994 #41436 MARTIGUES, FR 1 observer. Flashes / window. Silent 3/5/1994 #41438 COL. DE VENCE, FR 4 / (seen thru) binoculars. Dogs bark 3/5/1994 #41440 GUE-D'HOSSUS, FR 2 / woods. Huge cylinders with very s 3/6/1994 #41442 SOUTHEAST / GREOLIERS, FR 1 observer. Night light east going qu 3/7/1994 #41445 LEVALLOIS, FR Boy / 13. 2 ovoids circle in unison. 3/7/1994 #41446 HOENHEIM, FR 5M saucer clearly seen. Appears and v 3/8/1994 #41448 MENNECY, FR B17 rumbles by. Long silent octagon h 3/14/1994 #41456 MONTPONT-EN-BRESSE, FR 2 / car. Vibrant bright delta/triangl 3/20/1994 #41462 ILLY-LE-CAMP AND ST. OUEN-DOMPROT, FR 3+observer(s). Black mass shines beam 3/27/1994 #41467 ST. JOSEPH, REUNION I., FR 3 soldiers. Disk-ovoid shoots rays. H 4/2/1994 #41471 AIX-EN-PROVENCE, FR Air Traffic Controllers and more/othe 4/4/1994 #41476 VINCELLES, FR AND AREA Several separate observer(s) 4/6/1994 #41478 LE LUOT, FR 6 observer(s) video long diamond. Cha 5/14/1994 #41525 NORTHWEST / MELUN, FR 3+observer(s). "Glowing object" seen 5/23/1994 #41535 COL. DE VENCE, FR Scientists video plane over mountain. 6/5/1994 #41552 CAILLE, FR 1 observer. 2 domes glow / ground 100 6/6/1994 #41554 ST. USUGES AND CHATEAURENAUD, FR 4+6 observer(s). Hexagon circled / li 6/12/1994 #41566 D316 SOUTH / ABANCOURT, FR Rays radiate / cloud. Diamond array / 6/26/1994 #41582 PARC DE LA MOULIERE, FR "Plane" lands / jagged peak! 2 ovoid 6/27/1994 (approximate) #41586 CHAMPAGNOLE, FR 1 observer. Car-size saucer / 100' al 6/30/1994 (approximate) #41594 COL. DE VENCE, FR 2+observer(s) photograph dark ovoid. 7/1/1994? #41597 ST. AUBAN, FR 6 observer(s). Metal cylinder/cigar-s 7/1/1994? #41598 CAILLE, FR 2 observer(s). TV and lights go crazy 7/4/1994 #41605 SORNAY AND MORE/OTHERS, FR Several observer(s). Beams light coun 7/5/1994 #41607 ST. BARNABE, FR 6 observer(s). 3 orbs going [to] sing 7/7/1994 #41612 THORENC, FR Several observer(s). 3 white glowing- 7/15/1994? #41620 LA CHAPELLE-LA-REINE, FR 1 observer. Faint beeps. Large black 7/16/1994 #41624 SOUTH / LA VAUDOUE, FR 2 observer(s) / car. Odd glow ahead / 7/16/1994 #41625 NEAR CHERBOURG, FR Separate observer(s) going [to] 0125h 7/17/1994 #41629 AUBAGNE, FR 1 observer. Bizarre crescent changes 7/20/1994 #41631 OCTAVILLE AND COUTANCES, FR "Thunder". Power meter fried! Huge sa 7/25/1994 #41638 LA GLACERIE, FR 2 observer(s). 300' saucer near mount 7/25/1994 #41639 SERANON, FR 30 campers overflown by luminous ball 7/25/1994? #41640 NORTH / BARBENTANE, FR 1 observer. Flashy white disk fires o 7/25/1994 #41641 NEAR GREOLIERES, FR Newsman photographs white ovoid or do 7/26/1994 (approximate) #41643 ETANG DE BERRE, FR Extra ovoid moon near real moon. Smal 7/29/1994 #41646 NEAR LILLE, FR 3 circular night lights / delta/trian 7/31/1994 #41648 CHALON-SUR-SAONE, FR 1 observer. White fireball catches up 8/1/1994 #41652 MT. AUDIBERGUE, FR 9+observer(s). Large vertical ovoid g 8/5/1994 #41654 ANDON AND SERANON, FR Huge night light seen widely over mou 8/5/1994 #41656 PLATEAU DE CAUSSOLS, FR 2 / car. 1 large and 2 small white or 8/6/1994 #41657 LA MOULIERE, FR 2 observer(s). Javelin-shape shoots u 8/6/1994 #41658 MT. AUDIBERGUES, FR 2 observer(s). Incredible white ball 8/7/1994 #41659 LE BOREON, FR 3 observer(s) / (seen thru) binocular 8/7/1994 #41661 MT. AUDIBERGUES, FR 3+2 observer(s). Rocks rain straight/ 8/7/1994 #41662 OFF ANTIBES, FR Guard. 3 luminous balls stop over Jua 8/10/1994 #41665 EAST / AVIGNON, FR Cops and several. Red moon-size fireb 8/19/1994 #41680 N17 NORTHEAST / NEUVY-SAUTOUR, FR 4 / car. Saucer beams light going up 8/19/1994 #41681 BEZIERS, FR 3 observer(s). Coin saucer shoots yel 8/21/1994 #41683 D922 EAST / ANDABRE, FR 5 observer(s). Disk with rectangular- 8/26/1994 #41689 T / CESSENON-SUR-SPHERE/ORB/GLOBE, FR 2 observer(s). Triangle with 4 beams, 8/27/1994 (approximate) #41690 ST. GERVAIS-SUR-MARE, FR 5 observer(s). Sharp beam going down. 8/27/1994 #41691 ST. CHINIAN, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars and (seen 8/27/1994 #41692 ST. VALERY-EN-CAUX, FR 4 observer(s) / ground. 2 yellow fire 8/27/1994 #41693 CLERMONT L'HERAULT, FR 3 observer(s). Big white slow glowing 8/30/1994 (approximate) #41701 ST. GERVAISE-SUR-MARE, FR 1 observer. Big white bar / light eas 9/3/1994 #41714 CAZERES, FR 1 observer. "Mountie-hat" saucer with 9/6/1994 #41715 WATTRELOS, FR 1 observer. Large circle / lights mov 9/12/1994 #41738 SORNAY, FR 2 observer(s). Dog Acts up. 40M trian 9/22/1994 #41771 LOUPIAC-DE-LA-REOLE, FR 1 observer. Very luminous/glowing dis 10/5/1994 #41786 MONNET-LA-VILLE, FR 3+2 observer(s). Metallic grey plus-s 10/7/1994 #41791 GIEN, 45, FR 2 observer(s). Large and small dark d 10/14/1994 #41803 LA FARLEDE, VAR, FR 3 teens. Saucer drops near military C 10/15/1994 #41805 MONTPONT-EN-BRESSE, FR Several observer(s). Round object hov 10/25/1994 #41812 D13 NORTH / CUXAC-DE-AUDE, FR 2 / car. Night light drops / delta/tr 10/28/1994 #41814 ST. GERMAIN-EN-MONTAGNE, FR 2 observer(s). 20M saucer in meadow. 10/29/1994 #41818 ORGEVAL TO/FROM POISSY, FR 3 observer(s). Large luminous white s 10/31/1994 #41826 CERNIEBAUD, JURA, FR 3 / car. Huge glowing green ovoid cro 11/2/1994 #41829 NEAR LOUHANS, FR 5+child. Orange-glowing hat saucer ov 11/4/1994 #41834 UFFHEIM, HT.RHIN, FR 40 separate observer(s). 15M silent b 11/6/1994 #41837 PLANCHER-LES-MINES, FR 6 kids. Large classic saucer with hea 11/23/1994 #41861 VILLETTE-LES-ARBOIS, FR 1 / car. 2 vibrant bright triangular 11/23/1994 #41862 N112 EAST / PUISSERGUIER, FR Teacher. Luminous Isoscoles delta/tri 11/24/1994 #41864 N112 / MAUREILHAN, FR Same teacher. Pentagonal box with 5 p 11/24/1994 #41865 BOMPAS, FR Farmer. White triangle west going qui 12/13/1994 #41894 ESQUERCHIN, FR 1 observer. Series of 3 red orbs rise 12/29/1994 #41908 GEFOSSES, FR Start of Cotentin fireball wave. 13 s 12/30/1994 #41913 PORTBAIL, FR Luminous ball(S) seen here also. No f 12/31/1994 #41920 TEURTHEVILLE-HAGUE AND LE RIGION, FR Glowing balls. 3rd day / local wave. 1/1/1995 #41931 MONDEVILLE, FR 3 observer(s). Silent fireball and cy 1/1/1995 #41934 CHERBOURG, FR Small luminous/glowing sphere/orb/glo 1/2/1995 #41937 ANTONY, FR Dark sphere northwest going quickly s 1/3/1995 #41945 MAISONS-ALFORT, FR 1 observer. 6 groups / night lights n 1/11/1995 #41966 AUBIGNY-SUR-NERE, FR 1 observer. Football object seen twic 1/11/1995 #41967 VAILLE, FR 2 observer(s). Slow silent 10' grey b 1/15/1995 (approximate) #41975 N1 WITH DUNKERQUE, FR 2 / car. Luminous white ball changes 1/19/1995 #41983 NORTHWEST / ENTREVENNES, FR 3 observer(s). Huge saucer with porth 1/27/1995 #42000 VILLEFRANCHE-SUR-SAONE, FR 2 / car. Bright "star" hovers over to 1/31/1995 #42005 LE PLAN-DE-DIEU NEAR VIOLES, FR 4M luminous/glowing orange sphere hov 2/13/1995 #42045 SALINDRES, FR 1 observer. Fast brilliant ovoid scoo 2/14/1995 #42047 LA CROIX-EN-CHAMPAGNE, FR 2 observer(s). Fireball in fog west g 3/7/1995 #42078 NORTH / PRESSAC, FR 2 / car. Extremely bright silent nigh 3/16/1995 #42107 ALENCON TO/FROM BERNAY, FR Huge luminous/glowing hemisphere cove 3/25/1995 #42116 SOUTH / SPEZET, FR 1 observer. Fuse blows. Silent orange 4/1/1995 #42132 D177 / PUJAUT, FR Metallic saucer hovers / 2 minute(s). 4/2/1995 #42133 NEUVILLE-LES-THIS, FR 1 observer. Equilateral/equal delta/t 4/4/1995 #42139 COL. DE VENCE, FR Sphere with blue beam 300M away. Shad 4/5/1995 #42140 CANNES-LA-BOCCA, FR Blue-yellow sphere hovers over fire s 4/15/1995 #42151 CHALONS-SUR-MARNE, FR Silent white fireball south going nor 4/15/1995 #42153 SOUTHEAST / SPEZET, FR 2 observer(s). 3 1.5M fireballs going 4/20/1995 #42161 GRANDE-SYNTH, FR Several separate observer(s) and vide 4/22/1995 #42170 SISTERON, FR 2 night lights hover. 1 slopes up and 5/10/1995 #42195 PAMIERS, FR Cop and newsman. 100M sphere follows 6/5/1995 #42237 MALO-LES-BAINS, FR 1 observer and cat. Red-glow mushroom 6/8/1995 #42244 CHAMPAGNOLE, FR 8 / UFO group with (seen thru) binocu 6/29/1995 #42281 CHALONS-SUR-MARNE, FR Guard. Silent moon-size crescent as i 6/30/1995 #42282 GRAND PALAIS, PARIS, FR Triangular mass follows Seine R. Slow 7/11/1995 #42297 ARPAJON, FR 2 luminous/glowing silver-grey boomer 7/23/1995 #42322 CANNES, FR 2 observer(s). Large dark silent golf 7/31/1995 #42345 RENNES, FR 2 observer(s). Star zigzags 8X. Grows 8/13/1995 #42378 MURVEIL-LES-BEZIERS, FR 1 observer. 2 very luminous cigars go 8/16/1995 #42392 REVIN, FR Triangle and west fireballs and vario 8/18/1995 #42397 TOURRETTES, VAR, FR 1 observer. Odd cloud = silver ovoid. 8/30/1995 #42428 MARSANEIX, FR Cop and 2 / car followed / 6km by 30M 9/12/1995 #42458 WEST / ODOMEZ, FR 2 / car. Bright white disk with sharp 10/1995 #42523 NEAR MONTPELLIER, FR 1 / car. Night lights maneuver. 2 met 10/1/1995 #42525 MESNIL-ESNARD, FR Silent ovoid with triangular wings ma 10/15/1995 #42553 CRETEIL, FR Huge luminous/glowing yellow-gold mas 11/6/1995 #42583 BAIRON RESERVOIR / CHESNE, 08, FR 4 observer(s). Silent white diamond g 11/11/1995 #42591 MONESTIER MERLINES, FR Fake white cloud hides saucer. Night 11/18/1995 #42606 MULHOUSE, FR 1 observer. Large ovoid hovers. Obser 11/30/1995 #42632 ORLY AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR Airbus crew. Rectangle west red and w 11/30/1995 #42633 ST.-CLAUDE, 37, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. 10 ring o 12/19/1995 (approximate) #42647 BRUE-AURIAC, FR 1 observer. Several photographs / cla 12/19/1995 #42648 WAMBRECHIES, FR 1 observer. Big glowing-ball hovers / 1/8/1996 #42671 LESQUIN, FR M. Cunin. 3 night lights / triangle s 1/8/1996 #42673 A25 NORTH / LOOS, NORD, FR Luminous sphere larger / full moon ho 1/8/1996 #42674 DON, NORD, FR 2 / car. V-formation / strong lights 1/12/1996 #42677 EMMERIN, NORD, FR 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Silver ba 1/12/1996 #42678 RONCHIN, NORD, FR 1 observer. Group / night lights goin 1/14/1996 #42683 ST. MENGES, FR 1 observer. Luminous yellow object zi 1/21/1996 #42698 N51 NEAR POIX-TERRON, FR Boy / car. 2 odd vertical rectangles 1/21/1996 #42699 N51 SOUTH / GUE-D'HOSSUS, FR 2 / car. 2.5M ovoid paces car 22km / 1/21/1996 #42700 BELVAL, FR Young boy. Blinking luminous/glowing 1/21/1996 #42701 MARNAY, FR 2 observer(s). Several luminous orang 1/21/1996 #42702 EAST / QUATRE CHAMPS, FR 50M ovoid / trees. Shoot sparks. Flie 1/22/1996 #42705 WSW / CAUSSINIOJOUIS, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Luminous/ 3/6/1996 #42804 LA LIQUIERE, FR 1 observer. Moon-size orange ball goi 3/6/1996 #42805 EAST / LENTHERIC, FR 2 observer(s). Silent peanut-ovoid (f 3/6/1996 #42806 AUTIGNAC, FR Town mayor walking his dog. Orange ov 3/6/1996 #42807 LA SERRE, FR East / car. 6M saucer paces car / 7km 3/16/1996 #42826 D89 SOUTHWEST / BOREON, FR 1 / car. Night light hovers between 2 4/22/1996 (approximate) #42878 D422 NORTH / MOLSHEIM, FR 2 cars. Large silent triangle going n 4/27/1996 #42887 ST. GENIS-LAVAL, FR 1 ground observer(s). Black silent tr 5/5/1996 #42894 ANGERS, FR 1 / bus stop. Metallic saucer exits c 5/30/1996 #42915 ST. BARTHELEME-D'ANJOU, FR 1 observer. Luminous white ovoid goin 5/30/1996 #42916 LES PONTS-DE-CE, FR 4 / car. Reddish globe going quickly 5/31/1996 #42917 ST.-PLANCARD, FR 2 observer(s). Cylinder/cylindrical o 6/6/1996 #42922 NEAR MARSON, FR 2 / (seen thru) binoculars. Half-moon 6/6/1996 #42923 COAST / ISRAEL Fr. Al. crew. Black 50cm sphere rises / 6/9/1996 #42928 COURLAY, FR 1 observer. Girl / bridge = pseudo-hu 6/19/1996 #42935 ENTREPIERRES, FR 4 observer(s). Big triangle with poin 6/26/1996 #42940 SOUTHEAST / BEAUFORT-EN-VALLEE, FR 1+1 observer(s). Brilliant red globe 7/7/1996 #42948 ONS-SUR-MARNE, 52 AND MORE/OTHERS, FR 2M delta/triangle/box-like craft-fire 8/1/1996 #42969 MONT VERDUN, FR 1 / car. Blinding sun-like fireball h 8/12/1996 #42981 WEST / COL.-DE-VENCE, FR Fireballs north going quickly south. 9/13/1996 #43018 BOUVILLE, FR Circular object / 100M away. 3 square 9/23/1996 #43037 BELLEVILLE-SUR-SAONE, FR 2 groups / night lights / box formati 9/27/1996 #43046 N23 WITH CHARTRES, FR 3 / car. Luminous/glowing delta/trian 10/3/1996 #43049 BELLEVILLE-SUR-SAONE, FR 2+1+2 triangles going [to] over / 15 10/6/1996 #43059 BELLEVILLE-SUR-SAONE, FR Brilliant luminous diamond shape east 10/13/1996 #43065 BRAINE-LE-CHATEAU, FR Observer(s) unknown. Luminous ovoid r 10/14/1996 #43066 SHIRMECK, FR 2 silver-orange disks seen over nearb 10/21/1996 #43086 NEAR MARMANDE, FR 2 grey metallic disks / 50M altitude. 10/22/1996 #43088 LA MADELEINE-NONANCOURT, FR Sonic booms. Jet plane zigzags! Seen 10/22/1996 #43089 GASNY AND TILLY-EN-VEXIN, FR White sphere with glowing-halo hovers 10/23/1996 #43091 D54 NEAR GIEVRES, FR Small object follows light plane / ha 10/24/1996 #43093 D972 NEAR DANNEMOIS, FR Huge white ball northwest going quick 10/29/1996 #43099 SERMAISES, FR Green triangle hovers. Pivots. Goes g 10/29/1996 #43100 MAREIL LE GUYON, FR Huge triangle going ESE toward(s) Par 11/4/1996 #43105 RIEULAY, FR Oval night light comes within 50M / o 11/5/1996 #43106 CHAMPIGNY-SUR-MARNE, FR Black mass hovers / 1 minute(s). Goin 11/8/1996 #43109 BELLEVILLE-SUR-SAONE, FR Black silent delta/triangle/box-like 12/5/1996 #43131 NORTH / HOORN ISLAND, FR. PLYNS 1 / U.S. Marine Corps (USMC) / 1/1997? #43159 NANTES, FR 1 observer. Garden lit up. Silent red 1/1/1997 #43160 NORTH / DOURDAN, FR 1 / car. 2+saucers with several beams 1/24/1997 (approximate) #43175 ENCHARMES, FR 1 observer only! 140M fireball going 2/5/1997 #43184 NORTH / BOULAN, FR 1 / car. Perfect rectangle going east 2/7/1997 #43186 BUSSY, FR Fat grey cylinder/cigar-shape hovers 3/9/1997 #43224 DAMMARTIN-EN-GOELE, FR 2 separate teens. Fireball going down 3/11/1997 #43226 LA TOUR-DE-PIN, FR 2 comet watchers. 3 groups / 27 night 3/30/1997 #43243 CHALONS-SUR-MARNE, FR Several firemen and more. Fireball go 4/1/1997 #43248 ST. BARNABE, FR Man photographs mountains. Photograph 4/25/1997 #43277 POITIERS, FR 1+dog. "Large rectangular block" cros 5/2/1997 #43286 A21 NORTHWEST / DOUAI, FR 4 / car. 3 pure-white moon-size ovoid 6/1/1997 #43309 NICE, FR 2 observer(s). Large silver disk sout 7/19/1997 #43353 STE.CROIX-SUR-MER, FR Phony plane and metallic ovoid. Both 7/22/1997 #43355 PESSAC, FR Black triangle / 30° elevation. Blue 8/24/1997 #43390 SOUTH / THIONVILLE, FR 3 / UFO group. Huge delta/triangle/bo 9/4/1997 #43393 METZ, FR 2 / fireworks display. Ball / light = 9/7/1997 #43398 PONT-A-MOUSSON, FR Green ball hovers / town. 10+Mirage 2 9/8/1997 #43402 TROYES, FR Metallic tube hovers vertical / 600M 12/14/1997 #43459 MONTPEZAT AND ROGNAC, FR Separate observer(s). Silent triangle 6/24/1998 #43592 KERLAVIOU, FR Observer(s) / (seen thru) binoculars. 8/8/1998 #43619 SEDAN AND WIDE AREA, FR Triangle with many lights / 30 towns. 8/10/1998 #43624 SOUTH ANDRE DE CUBZAC, FR Vineyard man. Luminous plate saucer p 2/13/2000 #43949 /Free-Energy http://jnaudin.free.fr/lifters/main.htm Note: There are 5/2002 #44335
NEAR NEWTON GROVE, NC US13 / FR1703. Delta/triangle/box-like craft pa 4/4/1975 #29956
k up an additional witness, Joseph Frabush, and return to the area, park on 2/18/1968 #23763 The object has moved to the east. Frabush thinks it is metallic and about 2/18/1968 #23763
According to University of Oregon fractal expert Richard Taylor, “the pict 9/9/1991 #40182
then takes off and disappears in a fraction of a second. He gets back in th 9/21/1974 #29467
Soviet tests and reentries of the Fractional Orbital Bombardment System, a 1/1978 #32835
wn to the floor and suffers a knee fracture, and stewardess Naomi J. Penaat 4/14/1954 #9690
pinning motion. Appeared to have a fractured surface. No exhaust fumes or v 7/10/1951 #5571 of the trunk, but the paint is not fractured. About the same time, 12 miles 7/27/1978 #33427
s or lines” that “twinkle like the fragile strands” of Christmas tinsel. 3/6/1957 #13523
in. Hole / frozen ground and metal fragm. 4/29/1975 #30009
ton, DC Saucer Hit By Jet Gunfire, Fragment Recovered? No Evidence. (NICAP: 7/23/1952 #7059 netic effects). Machined W-carbide fragment found. / r177p382. 10/14/1956 #13276 ium is 1.741). APRO sends a second fragment to the US Air Force, which acci Early 9/1957 #13971 umors later claim that a rust-free fragment is retrieved by divers and, aft 1/21/1959 #15558 proclaims that “not even a minute fragment of a so-called ‘flying saucer’ 1/19/1961 #16581 tors and gives them the stone. The fragment is x-ray analyzed at Åbo Akadem 8/1964 #18466 LAVESI, FINL Bent saucer drops hot fragment = Fe and O and Mn and Zr and Mn 8/22/1964 #18502 arium. An analysis of another mesh fragment shows gold, silver, and nickel. 1/29/1986 #37775 ld, silver, and nickel. After that fragment is heated in a vacuum, the anal 1/29/1986 #37775 tarily, Khoury swallowed the small fragment in his mouth. It caught in his 7/23/1992 #40531 Peekskill, New York 7:50 p.m. A fragment of the Draconid meteor stream s 10/9/1992 #40671 crater in her driveway. The stony fragment (oval shaped and about 1 foot i 10/9/1992 #40671 e crater was formed by a meteorite fragment that vaporized, leaving only th 4/1/2001 #44156
ork / instrument panel. Telepathy? Fragmentary account. 1/1/1973 #27206 y. The only memory he had was of a fragmentary recollection of some convers 2/5/1978 #32956 ky surrounded by a number of small fragmentary objects, the size of 10p pie 8/4/2001 #44224
les from the Earth; they thought a fragmented Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks was one 8/12/1883 #255 te and in reality, things are more fragmented; it’s a “very, very small gro 3/27/2016 #45446
razing meteor breaks apart and the fragments travel across the sky in the s 7/20/1860 #155 ces before it hits the ground, the fragments setting the grass and weeds on 6/13/1891 #293 weeds on fire. In addition to the fragments is a scrap of paper with writi 6/13/1891 #293 followed closely by yellow and red fragments. Research carried out in the 1 2/9/1913 #881 and vehicles are damaged by shell fragments, and five civilians die as an 2/24/1942 #1388 the ground and drips multicolored fragments, and multi-part flares. Anothe 9/25/1942 #1448 list finds three dubious fist-size fragments, one of iron and the other two 7/9/1946 #2034 screen. Some porous, rust-colored fragments are also present. The same day 7/10/1946 #2046 Some witnesses think they can see fragments of the object falling to earth 8/16/1946 #2141 oing quickly northwest 'explodes'. Fragments go / all directions. 9/25/1946 #2190 legedly go to the beach to pick up fragments. Dahl mails Ray Palmer in Chic 6/22/1947 #2363 Palmer in Chicago, Illinois, some fragments. 6/22/1947 #2363 in England: Maury Island incident fragments sent for analysis to metallurg 7/8/1947 #2954 ance on the sand and some metallic fragments. Lane collects fragments of th 7/9/1947 #3068 metallic fragments. Lane collects fragments of the material in a tin can a 7/9/1947 #3068 pectroscopy laboratory analyze the fragments and reports that the shiny pel 7/9/1947 #3068 n’s place to see some Maury Island fragments. Arnold thinks it looks like l 7/29/1947 #3254 ornia Crisman and Dahl bring heavy fragments and white metal from the Maury 7/31/1947 #3264 go home and get more Maury Island fragments. He returns with slightly diff 7/31/1947 #3264 Palmer says to just mail him some fragments. Arnold and Smith visit Morell 8/1/1947 #3281 ’”. Maury Island incident metallic fragments were reported to be extremely 8/3/1947 #3283 eves Arnold and Smith of all their fragments. He shows them a smelting lot 8/3/1947 #3285 the Maury Island incident metallic fragments, described as a “lava oxide me 1/1948 #3528 The aircraft’s metal was hit with fragments before it collided with the gr 1/7/1948 #3537 , disappeared in shower of lighted fragments (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Case 1/30/1949 #3984 ies search teams to bring back any fragments. They end up in the area of La 1/31/1949 #3988 of the Maury Island incident metal fragments appears in the BSRA’s “Round R 3/1949 #4027 man/entity weld saucer body. Metal fragments left! Observer(s) zapped. / FS 4/24/1950 #4886 aboratory. They determine that the fragments consist of copper and copper o 8/19/1953 #9084 t Roberts’s retrieval of the metal fragments would have attracted the atten 8/19/1953 #9084 es, damaged devices, power plants, fragments are to be taken to Area 51 S-4 1954 #9424 round. Blast and crater. No meteor fragments. / r173p138. 5/1/1954 #9742 ght toward the south. The burst of fragments scattered throughout the sky a 10/13/1954 #11002 er, New Mexico, but he can find no fragments. Lincoln LaPaz reports that he 4/5/1955 #12080 nearby. The police found lavalike fragments at the site. Six other witness 5/10/1957 #13652 e, showering the area with flaming fragments. One of the witnesses writes a Early 9/1957 #13971 ative Olavo T. Fontes examines the fragments, which are dull gray, irregula Early 9/1957 #13971 Saucer maneuvers and explodes. Mg fragments with 500ppm strontium. / r111p 9/7/1957 (approximate) #13983 e, showering the area with flaming fragments. Some samples were gathered, s 9/10/1957 #13988 ba, Brazil UFO explodes and leaves fragments (NICAP: 06 - Trace Cases) 9/14/1957 #13994 UFO explodes over state hospital. Fragments analyzed / USAF. 11/13/1957 #14539 , Maryland at 9:10 in the morning. Fragments were recovered and sent to the 11/13/1957 #14542 aining wreakage was discovered the fragments of the body of a dwarf humanoi 9/26/1959 #15994 warf humanoid, perhaps 80 cm tall. Fragments of the craft were transported 9/26/1959 #15994 e. Furrows / lakebed. Crud and odd fragments. 4/27/1961 #16663 eat deal of disturbed mud, and odd fragments were also found at the site. T 4/27/1961 #16664 orts of Sightings of Space Vehicle Fragments” notes that “Under no circumst 6/28/1967 #22568 100mph. 2500' altitude. Explodes. Fragments going down. / r249p138. 7/3/1967 #22595 that dissipates. The witnesses see fragments falling to earth. 7/3/1967 #22602 OH Blue Book. Car hits UFO! 92% Mg fragments. / r113p56+/ r180p50+/ APRO Jl 7/13/1967 #22655 Stops over trees. S and Cu and Si fragments / 1600° C. / r180p50. 7/20/1967 #22703 trees and threw off some metallic fragments. The next morning two trees sh 7/20/1967 #22712 e meters. On the ground were found fragments of what seemed to be burnt woo 7/20/1967 #22712 ed glass. Chemical analysis of the fragments established the presence of su 7/20/1967 #22712 iver plant in South Carolina. Bomb fragments are recycled by Pantex, in Ama 1/21/1968 #23684 Roman road. Ground marks and metal fragments were found at the site. 9/28/1970 #25859 5 minute(s). Drop debris. Metallic fragments found. 4/22/1972 #26657 a. It dropped debris, and metallic fragments were found. 4/22/1972 #26659 returns. Bald spot / field. Rocky fragments. 8/27/1972 #26957 ar. Round object hits trees. Metal fragments / heap and aluminum strips. / 1/14/1973 #27232 land at midnight. There were metal fragments found in a heap as well as str 1/14/1973 #27237 ess, two days after the fire metal fragments that had been collected from t 5/22/1973 #27520 military truck. They also retrieve fragments of the crashed civilian aircra 8/25/1974 #29386 r(s). Saucer going down. Explodes. Fragments = airline(s)/airliner and Ni a 8/6/1976 #31238 northeast along coast. Sparks and fragments. / r26p86. 9/19/1976 #31400 s never seen again. In 1986, truck fragments and bones are found at a blast 11/29/1980 #35683 s the adult human bones to Taylor. Fragments of clothing found amid the dec 11/29/1980 #35683 the plant. It includes iodine-131, fragments of uranium dioxide fuel, and h 9/9/1982 #36599 tabilizes him. Later, he looks for fragments embedded in the wing, but does 7/1985 #37613 glassy, drop-shaped beads and mesh fragments are found at the site. In all, 1/29/1986 #37775 70 grams of lead, 5 grams of mesh fragments, and 40 grams of beads are dis 1/29/1986 #37775 the 1908 Tunguska event. The mesh fragments are also analyzed; the materia 1/29/1986 #37775 d periods of time. One of the mesh fragments is discovered to be composed o 1/29/1986 #37775 n of gold found in one of the mesh fragments is equivalent to 1,100 grams p 1/29/1986 #37775 c like material like Bakelite; and fragments of I-beams with hieroglyphics 3/6/1991 #40002 d whistle. Huge rock explodes into fragments. Night lights seen.. 4/2/1994 #41472 April. There are rumors that metal fragments of an unknown origin are taken 1/23/1996 #42709 tedly was sent and recovered these fragments as well as the mutilated remai 9/7/1997 #43401 and sees a meteor breaking up into fragments that turn green as the bits de 5/16/2006 #44943 ge fireball flying past with small fragments falling off it. It is silent a 2/24/2018 #45511 ed Martin was in possession of UAP fragments from a crash site. Reid says t 5/1/2021 #45686
in the world." A strong rose-like fragrance then permeated the area. The a 9/24/1992 #40639
NEAR FRAGUITA, CHL 2 truckers. 20M domed sauc 9/24/1971 #26370
ly absent for the next 4 years and frail after that. Early 9/1972 #26975 ter, the beings introduce her to a frail little girl, half-human, half-alie 4/1987 #38155 figures. They had pale white skin, frail looking bodies, large triangular-s 6/9/1992 #40489 s. The creature was very white and frail looking. Its abdomen was sunken an 2/2/1995 #42013
isappeared. At 8:20 p.m. Messr. M. Fraisse, age 33, witnessed a dark, helic 2/10/1975 #29802
gram, hosted in the US by Jonathan Frakes, is given the title Alien Autopsy 8/28/1995 #42425
.m. The crew of the fishing vessel Fram is departing Kvalsvik, Norway, when 2/11/1937 #1265
nd a water tower, which provides a frame of reference for measuring distanc 8/15/1950 #5126 at they have removed only a single frame of film that was damaged in the an 8/15/1950 #5126 in the upper right portion of the frame. No one actually reports seeing th 1954 #9421 diameter was resting on a strange frame. The upper part was white with a b 10/19/1954 #11239 ed object was resting on a strange frame. The upper part of the disc was wh 10/19/1954 #11250 warhead. The UAP then left camera frame, and the warhead tumbled and fell 9/1964 #18525 otion pictures of the objects, one frame of which is displayed at the top o 3/9/1967 #21832 eviews his images, he discovers in frame 300 what seems to be a huge metall 9/4/1971 #26317 disappearing suddenly (in a single frame). 1/11/1973 #27230 r-shape with yellow lights inside "frame". No further details. 12/24/1973 #28601 Cascade County, Montana 1974-1977, Frame 16 of 24 Appendix 1) (NICAP: 02 - 3/2/1975 #29866 ything froze in place like a still frame from a motion picture. People were 7/12/1975 #30175 ed] near Balboa, Panama. Her final frame shows an oval object that she has 6/17/1978 #33286 e clouds that looks like a picture frame. A vivid orange or red object that 9/21/1980 #35524 object could not fit into a single frame. Its apparent size was compared to 1/30/1981 #35808 t 60 lights arrayed in rows on its frame. Red and green lights are at its e 4/18/1984 #37267 rialize near the top center of the frame and move in a curved path across t 11/14/1984 #37504 path across the right side of the frame. Bruce Maccabee says the blob coul 11/14/1984 #37504 hts, similar to stars, outline its frame. Witness Robert Puskas estimates i 11/18/1989 #39237 traveled from right to left in the frame, passing behind a windmill. Its es 3/13/1992 #40376 on abdomen in relation to its thin frame. 10/23/1993 #41249 g tissue stretched over a metallic frame. The skin was red and sore appeari 9/3/2003 #44592 t passes through the centre of the frame, indicating a possible lens anomal 1/27/2004 #44657 colored rear window. It had a cast frame construction look from the undersi 3/14/2006 #44930 running a disinformation scheme to frame public perception of the UAP issue 10/2008 #45173 ase, Kiviat alleges, an attempt to frame UAP in a specific way to the U.S. 2/26/2019 #45564 rospace Corporation over that time frame. 9/15/2021 #45710
The front part is luminous with a frame-like structure behind it, and it h 12/16/1742? #65
inine features. "Their golden hair framed the most beautiful faces I had ev 11/18/1973 #28443 minous glow. Its box shaped helmet framed a dark square area in which no fa 4/23/1977 #32018 s wearing a box-shaped helmet that framed a dark squarish area in which no 4/24/1977 #32021 ject too. It is diamond shaped and framed by lights that do not flash. Some 11/1/1978 #33909
om her residential neighborhood of Frameries, Hainaut, Belgium at 5:45 a.m. 12/11/1973 #28556
one object to the northeast for 6 frames (1.0 sec) moving uniformly to the 5/24/1950 #4964 er space. He is shown a film of 14 frames on a Recordak projector. The blac 7/1950 #5035 FALLS, MT 2 observer(s). 315 16 mm frames / 2 saucers over baseball field. 8/5/1950 #5107 returned Mr. Mariana claimed many frames from the first part of the film, 8/5/1950 #5108 The existing film consists of 280 frames of 16mm film. The UFOs first hove 8/5/1950 #5108 n Mariana claims that the first 35 frames of his film—which he says most cl 8/15/1950 #5126 t him. They claim that the missing frames clearly show the UFOs as spinning 8/15/1950 #5126 ngth camera with 35 mm color film. Frames 593 and 595 (2 seconds of nearly 8/31/1950 #5154 ines take 16 mm movies / UFO. Some frames going [to] press. USAF takes rest 7/28/1952 #7231 er, using 16 mm film exposed at 24 frames per second, obtains footage of a 7/29/1952 #7330 mi Beach, Florida. Retaining a few frames for personal study, Mayher submit 7/29/1952 #7330 er released. Enlargements of a few frames show a fiery looking, roughly cir 7/29/1952 #7330 ws a UFO in the upper right of the frames with noticeable motion to the low 8/1/1952 #7408 n the Arizona border. He takes 151 frames of gun camera film of object with 3/3/1953 #8727 oresby, Papua New Guinea, takes 24 frames of 8mm color film of a silvery ob 8/23/1953 #9105 d disappears again. Waste takes 32 frames of 35mm color film of the UFO wit 9/3/1954 #10239 S AIR FORCE BASE, CA Cameramen. 30 frames / saucer. Balloon? / r21p361+/ r1 5/2/1957 #13640 usual objects appear on any of the frames. 3/4/1960 #16196 ng a 36 mm tele-photo lens. (A few frames of the film were submitted to NIC 7/18/1963 #17838 some of its maneuvers. Subsequent frames seem to show low-contrast images 2/17/1967 #21586 captures on an 8mm film camera 10 frames (2.5 seconds) of footage of an un 5/1967 #22258 image drifts R going [to] L across frames. 12/27/1967 #23613 ppear in the previous or following frames. Jacques Vallée obtains a copy of 9/4/1971 #26317 ASE, FL 707-size object hovers. 40 frames / film show nothing. / NICAP FEB' 1/31/1976 #30834 TACOMA, WA Photographer. 4 frames / videotape show black domed lens 8/13/1982 #36574 ngeles. Santilli claims that a few frames from the original are embedded in 8/28/1995 #42425 E, CA CNN at shuttle landing. 3600 frames of top-saucer over interview. 2/25/1996 #42779
Frametown, West Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Ge 9/13/1952 #7914 uddenly found their car stalled in Frametown, West Virginia. An unpleasant 9/13/1952 #7916
an elongated gas bag under which a framework with a propeller is suspended. 7/25/1908 #715 rant bright light searches ground. Framework seen. High and fast. Sounds? 5/19/1909 #763 ard Norwich. On its underside is a framework with a yellow light at each en 5/19/1909 #767 e. This is a peculiar hypothetical framework as it didn’t involve several m 1952 #5843 . It was surrounded by a spherical framework that was revolving around it. 4/22/1966 #20377 hs of discussions and briefings, a framework for the Colorado project’s goa 4/21/1967 #22192 S RESERVOIR, AZ Campers. Weird 15M framework structure hovers / 1M. Shocks 2/26/1975 #29847 ix portholes surrounding a type of framework. The two officers observed the 7/21/1977 #32299 rld into a different environmental framework.” She suggests that this feeli 9/1983 #36964 d Special Access Program” security framework manages some aspects of the UA 8/22/1998 #43635 r with black circles, and a silver framework was visible on the object. At 1/16/2003 #44476 nd outside of any cognizable legal framework?” 2/24/2014 #45402 Education at Maxwell AFB publish a framework to “leverage advanced propulsi 4/2017 #45467 eep space travel. Specifically the framework cites the work of James Woodwa 4/2017 #45467 n for aerospace applications. The framework states laboratory experiments 4/2017 #45467 level almost 20 years before this framework was published. It is reasonabl 4/2017 #45467
Framfield, East Sussex, England 9:25 p.m 2/2/1913 #879 an airship pass over his house in Framfield, East Sussex, England. 2/2/1913 #879
p. Shiny disks maneuver over steel framing construction. Colored beams. 10/23/1954 #11330 n Buckinghamshire, England; in its framing story Langford claims to have fo 1979 #34254 in two pieces (“like a carpenter’s framing square”) in the northeast sky. T 12/10/2016 #45461
FRAMINGHAM, MASS Many observer(s). Silve 7/1/1965 #19040 On this night many witnesses in Framingham, Massachusetts saw a silvery 7/1/1965 #19050 FRAMINGHAM, MASS 2+1 observer(s). Ovoid 7/29/1965 #19198 FRAMINGHAM, MA Observer(s) in bed. Small 1/8/1984 #37109 Framingham, MA 3:00 AM. EST. In the witn 1/8/1984 #37111 m. EST in the witness’s bedroom in Framingham, Massachusetts a short humano 1/8/1984 #37114 FRAMINGHAM, MA 1 woman. Vibrant bright t 5/13/1995 #42201 FRAMINGHAM, MA Several / car. Bright sau 11/19/1995 #42608
in the southwest. . (UFOFC files, Fran Ridge) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 7/30/1974 #29286 here. See report synopsis. (UFOFC, Fran Ridge files) (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 10/4/1974 #29500 ol "Money Man" radioed "Sky King" (Fran Ridge) and "Sailor" about a "bogey" 10/6/1974 #29502 iption as nights previous. (UFOFC, Fran Ridge files) (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 10/6/1974 #29502
tes Deacon, albeit with no proof. Franc Milburn, former UK national securi 10/2006 #44970 L. Retired UK intelligence officer Franc Milburn claims she was targeted wi 6/15/2022 #45758 Former UK intelligence officer Franc Milburn states directed energy wea 10/7/2022 #45773
VILA FRANCA DE XIRA, PORT Group / Navy office 11/6/1957 #14357 Paris, Franca Spanish ufologist Antonio Ribera 1969 #24804 n, a letter postmarked from Paris, Franca. An Ummo cult has begun to form, 1969 #24804 MARTINA FRANCA, ITALY 2 teens. Fireball lands / 11/20/1973 (approximate) #28450
FRANCAVILLA, ITL Coed. White cloud-ovoid 12/16/1978 #34146 Francavilla, Italy A college coed saw an 12/16/1978 #34148 At 2:30 a.m. in Francavilla, Italy a college coed saw an 12/16/1978 #34155
Lyon, France Magonia Mahón, the port of the is 812 #2 n Agobard, the archbishop of Lyon, France, writes De Grandine et Tonitruis 812 #2 LYON, FRANCE Mob Lynches 3 figures from 'cloud 1/840? #3 rmies' pass in sky here and all E. France according to Scribe Flodoard. 3/927 (approximate) #4 ARRAS, FRANCE Fiery rod hovers / 15 minute(s). 11/1/1461 #21 the town of Arras, Pas-de-Calais, France. It suddenly spiraled and twisted 11/1/1461 #22 rowns" moved in groups over Paris, France at 10:00 p.m. 9/11/1621 #38 ace over the ocean near Cherbourg, France during a wind. It had no sails, a 2/8/1672 #48 land Solothurn, Switzerland Paris, France 12:00 noon. An amateur astronomer 8/9/1762 #81 aking solar measurements in Paris, France, does not see it. It remains visi 8/9/1762 #81 Hôtel de Cluny in Paris, France 11:46 a.m. French astronomer Char 6/17/1777 #85 ed in the Hôtel de Cluny in Paris, France. His estimate of their size (one- 6/17/1777 #85 gland English Channel southwestern France northern Italy Windsor Castle, Be 8/18/1783 #90 und 1,000 miles, over southwestern France or northern Italy. Perhaps the mo 8/18/1783 #90 Alençon, Normandy, France 5:00 a.m. Several farmers in Alen 6/12/1790 #91 eral farmers in Alençon, Normandy, France, see a large globe surrounded by 6/12/1790 #91 observers in Embrun, Hautes-Alpes, France watched flying saucers maneuver w 9/7/1820 #113 Marseille Observatory, France 10:43 p.m. Astronomer Jérôme Eugè 8/1/1871 #190 e Coggia at Marseille Observatory, France, watches a slow, blood-red fireba 8/1/1871 #190 he town of Baye, Marne department, France on a steady trajectory. It illumi 4/27/1899 #633 curved for 12 seconds over Paris, France. Its tail lasted 90 seconds. 2/9/1902 #650 Meudon Observatory, Paris, France Pic du Midi Observatory, French P 9/20/1909 #811 pe at Meudon Observatory in Paris, France, to observe Mars. He sees no cana 9/20/1909 #811 Lajoumard, Haute-Vienne, France Twilight. A farmer is returning t 3/1914 #897 house at Lajoumard, Haute-Vienne, France, when he sees a round, green, lum 3/1914 #897 The Allied Powers (Britain, France, and Russia) jointly issued a sta 5/24/1915 #928 Nontron, Dordogne, France 11:00 p.m. A group of young peopl Summer 1920 #1003 from a dance at Nontron, Dordogne, France, observe small beings in the air Summer 1920 #1003 Marseilles, France Undocumented report of an "abduct 1921 #1008 Marseilles, France Undocumented report of an "abduct 1921 #1009 Marseille, France An 8-year-old is playing in the h 1921 #1010 illocks near a canal in Marseille, France. He is suddenly accosted by two t 1921 #1010 Rodez, Aveyron, France French diplomatic scholar Henri P 11/28/1928 #1092 ng fire is seen in Rodez, Aveyron, France, coming from the “direction of Ma 11/28/1928 #1092 A farmer in Largentiere, France saw a bright orange glowing, cone 4/15/1930 #1113 overed over Bondy, Seine-St-Denis, France for five minutes, rose higher in 1/21/1933 #1154 NNE / RINGWOOD, ENGL Student / France. Large saucer hovers and glows. W 7/14/1934 #1213 Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France Alps Robert Damion, an astronomer Winter 1936 #1254 tronomer of Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France, who has a private observatory in Winter 1936 #1254 ard the west over Marle-sur-Serre, France at six o'clock in the evening. It 8/27/1938 #1292 Prouvy, Nord, France 1:00 a.m. A woman returning home 1942 #1385 an returning home in Prouvy, Nord, France, finds herself face-to-face with 1942 #1385 Cussey-sur-l'Ognon, Doubs, France Several witnesses heard a motor-l Late 6/1942 #1421 River Somme, France 8:00 p.m. RAAF Lt. Bruce Clyde Lu 12/1942 #1470 over the mouth of the River Somme, France, he observes two orange lights cl 12/1942 #1470 In the late afternoon in Chauny, France many people witnessed several sma 1/8/1943 #1479 Cherbourg, Manche, France During a US bombing raid over Che 1/15/1943 #1480 mbing raid over Cherbourg, Manche, France, several crews see “large numbers 1/15/1943 #1480 ing in all directions over Chauny, France. They flew at a high altitude, an 6/4/1943 #1510 Somewhere over France, In Air Airborne red light. (Page 1/28/1944 #1564 St. Quentin, France Three silver objects & resembling 2/24/1944 #1578 Southwest of Saint-Quentin, Aisne, France Schweinfurt, Germany Night. South 2/24/1944 #1579 Southwest of Saint-Quentin, Aisne, France, three silver objects are seen by 2/24/1944 #1579 Unknown City, France Black tear-dropped craft; probabl 4/25/1944 #1591 Normandy, France Luminescent discus-shaped object. 6/1944 #1598 Normandy, France Spheres approximately the size of 6/1944 #1600 Normandy Coast, France Dark ellipsoidal object & blunted 6/6/1944 #1604 Omaha Beach Normandy, France The Liberty ship SS George E. Bad 6/10/1944? #1605 er is off Omaha Beach in Normandy, France, when gunner Edward Breckel sees 6/10/1944? #1605 Normandy, France Los Angeles columnist George Todt Summer 1944 #1607 Brest, France Two men of the 175th Infantry Reg 7/1944 #1615 Normandy, France Targets flying at extremely high 7/1944 #1616 Bt. St. Lo and Vire, France Cherry-red light; size of large s 8/1944 #1632 Saint-Lô Vire Normandy France Omaha Beach Night. Officer George 8/1944 #1633 tween Saint-Lô and Vire, Normandy, France, when he sees a cherry-red light 8/1944 #1633 France La Pallice La Rochelle Charente-M 8/11/1944 #1641 Officer Ronald R. Claridge is over France aboard a No. 7 Squadron Lancaster 8/11/1944 #1641 e, La Rochelle, Charente-Maritime, France, when his radar screen goes blank 8/11/1944 #1641 Pelice, France Enormous disc; circular lights (c 8/12/1944 #1642 Brest, Brittany, France Sgt. Ness and another man of the Late 8/1944 #1646 front lines near Brest, Brittany, France, and out to sea. At one point the Late 8/1944 #1646 itude in Gardouch, Haute-Garronne, France. Great heat was felt when the obj 8/30/1944 #1651 Unknown City, France 415th Night Fighter Squadron pilo 11/1944 #1689 Rhine River Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France Mannheim, Germany Night. A Bristo 11/29/1944 #1710 ver north of Strasbourg, Bas-Rhin, France. They see “eight to 10 bright ora 11/29/1944 #1710 Somewhere bt. eastern France and Western Germany, Europe Strin 12/1944 #1716 Paris, France SHAEF in Paris, France, issues a 12/13/1944 #1719 Paris, France SHAEF in Paris, France, issues a press release identifyi 12/13/1944 #1719 10,000 feet altitude over Hagenau, France in the Bas-Rhine region. The pilo 12/22/1944 #1728 Luneville, France Two sets of three red and white l 12/27/1944 #1736 Unknown City, France Orange lights, singly and in pair 12/27/1944 #1737 Strasbourg (north of), France Foo fighters. (Page 131 Ref.1) (N 1/1/1945 #1750 Wissembourg, Bas-Rhin, France Landau, Germany 12:10 a.m. A 415t 1/30/1945 #1764 et” between Wissembourg, Bas-Rhin, France, and Landau, Germany. They seem t 1/30/1945 #1764 Colmar, France Unusual green light & moving rapi 2/1/1945 #1769 Strasbourg (near), France Yellow light. (Page 133 Ref.1) (N 2/8/1945 #1776 t gathering mushrooms near Reneve, France around 6 p.m. saw a 17 cm tall mi 4/20/1945 #1851 r-shaped object flew over Houdain, France. Its surface was glowing, it had 7/20/1945 #1904 US Paris, France 11:00 p.m. A US C-54 transport pl 1/18/1946 #1966 h countryside on its way to Paris, France. Suddenly the pilot sees a brilli 1/18/1946 #1966 province. At Chatillon-sur-Seine, France whistling rockets with glowing co 8/11/1946 #2118 town of Bourges, Cher Department, France. Many people were awakened by the 8/24/1946 #2157 Longwy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France Two luminous globes that shine “l Mid 9/1946 #2182 e over Longwy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France. Mid 9/1946 #2182 At 11:30 p.m. west of Fleure, France a six-meter long, glowing orange 6/13/1947 #2327 eville-la-Mi-Voie, Seine-Maritime, France A cyclist near Amfreville-la-Mi-V Early 7/1947 #2547 eville-la-Mi-Voie, Seine-Maritime, France, encounters an oval object, 10 fe Early 7/1947 #2547 i-Voie, Seine-Maritime department, France a small disc-shaped UFO landed on 7/7/1947 #2944 y in the Atlantic off the coast of France when the crew of three sighted a 7/10/1947 #3113 the mountains of Areches, Savoie, France heading east-northeast. They made 8/1/1947 #3282 On this morning everyone on a Air France airliner flying over the South Ch 8/1/1948 #3767 France, exact location unknown Alain Ber 2/17/1949 #4014 right object land near his farm in France with a flash of green lightning. 2/17/1949 #4016 eux-Haute, Haute-Saone department, France saw a large cylindrical object fl 5/3/1950 #4920 lle-sur-Sarthe, Sarthe department, France flying at a low altitude slowly t 5/3/1950 #4920 France Paris Marc Thirouin founds the fi 1951 #5378 ouin founds the first UFO group in France, the Commission Internationale d’ 1951 #5378 g between Orange and Aspres Buech, France at 10:37 a.m. in a French Air For 6/15/1951 #5543 including police from Beausoleil, France in the Alpes-Maritime viewed a tr 8/1/1951 #5592 15,000 feet altitude in Chartres, France. The three discs hovered, and the 6/4/1952 #6439 Le Bourget (airport), France Control tower operators and pilot 6/13/1952 #6493 Paris–Le Bourget Airport, France 1:00 a.m. M. Veillot and M. Damie 6/13/1952 #6496 ators at Paris–Le Bourget Airport, France, watch a prominent orange-red lig 6/13/1952 #6496 i, the pilot of an approaching Air France plane. 6/13/1952 #6496 Magneville, France Men at work in the forest saw lar 6/15/1952 #6507 Lac Chauvet, France Fregnale Photos (NICAP: 08 - Phot 7/18/1952 #6891 Lac Chauvet Puy-de-Dôme France 6:10 p.m. André Frégnale is hikin 7/18/1952 #6897 ing near Lac Chauvet, Puy-de-Dôme, France, when he sees a disc flying west 7/18/1952 #6897 in Pouilly, Cote-d'Or department, France six witnesses spotted a 30 meter 7/18/1952 #6899 oulouse, Haute-Garonne department, France more than a dozen witnesses saw a 8/12/1952 #7560 p.m. on a road north of Pontijou, France two witnesses saw an orange ball 8/17/1952 #7627 Villacoublay, France Unidentified bright blue light ob 8/29/1952 #7783 he city of Villacoublay, Yvelines, France. The object flew to the northwest 8/29/1952 #7791 North Sea Great Britain France Canada Denmark Norway Portugal Ne 9/14/1952 #7939 y and the navies of Great Britain, France, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Portuga 9/14/1952 #7939 ugh, Kent, England English Channel France Eastern Europe Sometime during Ex 9/20/1952? #7986 bject to the north, another toward France, and the third toward Eastern Eur 9/20/1952? #7986 Paris, France Stanley Glickman, an American art 10/1952 #8075 n American artist living in Paris, France, joins a group of fellow American 10/1952 #8075 DRAGUIGNAN, FR Air France DC4+others. Luminous/glowing whit 10/6/1952 #8094 p.m. two witnesses onboard an Air France DC-4 flying over Draguignan, Var, 10/6/1952 #8096 DC-4 flying over Draguignan, Var, France sighted a white luminous object t 10/6/1952 #8096 n Guimiliau, Finistere department, France on this afternoon at 1:00 p.m. It 10/8/1952 #8104 Le Vigan, France Approximate date. Figures with he 10/15/1952 #8135 und at the Le Vigan Airport, Gard, France. The cigar-shaped object was 30 m 10/15/1952 #8136 ainte-Marie, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France Early afternoon. Residents of Olo 10/17/1952 #8148 ainte-Marie, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France, see a large cigar-shaped structu 10/17/1952 #8148 ron-Sainte-Marie, Alpes-Maritimes, France a whitish cylinder-shaped UFO hov 10/17/1952 #8149 Gaillac, France Hundreds of citizens saw 16 UFOs 10/27/1952 #8196 Marignane Airport, France Customs officer Gabriel Gachignar 10/27/1952 #8197 Marignane, Bouches-du-Rhône, France 2:03 a.m. Customs officer Gabriel 10/27/1952 #8198 rt at Marignane, Bouches-du-Rhône, France, 100 meters away, producing a dul 10/27/1952 #8198 Gaillac, Tarn, France 4:00 p.m. Residents of Gaillac, T 10/27/1952 #8200 0 p.m. Residents of Gaillac, Tarn, France, see a formation of 16 disc-shape 10/27/1952 #8200 Several sighting reports came from France on this day. The earliest was at 10/27/1952 #8202 alls hovered over Lignan-de-Bazas, France for ten minutes at 7:45 a.m., the 10/27/1952 #8203 appeared in the sky over Forbach, France and some 40 small gray spheres ex 10/27/1952 #8204 altitude over the town of Gaillac, France. Angel hair filaments fell on the 10/27/1952 #8205 en hovering over Brives-Charensac, France. 10/27/1952 #8205 lew from east to west over Eyrans, France. It had a pointed end and threw o 10/27/1952 #8206 ital in Laval, Mayenne department, France a brilliant cigar-shaped UFO chan 11/4/1952 #8248 FORCALQUIER, FRANCE Silver cylinder/cigar-shape hover 11/8/1952 #8252 Belle-Ile, France At a place alled "La Butte" a lum 11/21/1952 #8315 ce called "La Butte" on Belle-Ile, France a luminous sphere was seen at a l 11/21/1952 #8318 t over Orleans, Loiret department, France at 8:40 a.m. It made two stops, t 11/22/1952 #8324 0:10 p.m. in the city of Bordeaux, France a long, bright cigar-shaped UFO m 12/3/1952 #8367 Tours, France Claude Pasquier saw two disks fly 8/16/1953 #9073 along a straight course in Tours, France at 8:30 p.m. They made a "hard" s 8/16/1953 #9075 d the east in the sky over Vernon, France at 4:00 p.m. It shot up rapidly t 8/31/1953 #9125 Tonnerre, France A woman saw two objects on the gr 9/4/1953 #9144 hais, a farmer's wife in Tonnerre, France saw two UFOs at 9:30 p.m., a five 9/4/1953 #9145 953, some gardeners in Strasbourg, France watched a brilliant disc move bac 12/1/1953 #9333 Saint-Émilion, Gironde, France 3:45 p.m. Charles Huaut sees a lu 12/9/1953 #9352 itude over Saint-Émilion, Gironde, France. After 10 minutes it noiselessly 12/9/1953 #9352 -en-Combraille, Allier department, France. It shot up and away, leaving beh 12/11/1953 #9359 In Marseilles, France at 6:10 a.m. a huge white disc wi 12/17/1953 #9382 Marignane Airfield, France 9:00 p.m. Shortly after, a round 1/4/1954 #9443 Marignane Airport, France Mr. Chesneau, fireman, saw a roun 1/4/1954 #9444 ovence Airport], Bouches-du-Rhône, France Arles to Marseille Shortly after 1/4/1954 #9445 ovence Airport], Bouches-du-Rhône, France. There is only one witness presen 1/4/1954 #9445 ireman at the Marignane Airport in France, saw a round luminous object slow 1/4/1954 #9446 cend toward the Marignane Airport, France at 9:00 p.m. He went inside and c 1/5/1954 #9452 Arras, France 4:27 a.m. A fiery disk, followed 1/7/1954 #9462 Arras, Pas-de-Calais, France 4:27 a.m. A fiery disk, followed 1/7/1954 #9463 , is seen in Arras, Pas-de-Calais, France. The disc remains motionless in t 1/7/1954 #9463 Luneville, France 6:00 a.m. Three residents of Meur 1/9/1954 #9472 Lunéville, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France College de Lunéville Three reside 1/9/1954 #9473 of Lunéville, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, see a round object flying from n 1/9/1954 #9473 Rouen, France Disc-shaped UFO photographed. (UF 3/1954 #9576 Rouen, France McMinnville, Oregon A photo suppo 3/5/1954 #9599 photo supposedly taken near Rouen, France, by a fighter pilot is actually a 3/5/1954 #9599 er wide domed disc land in Menton, France. Two human-looking occupants left 4/1/1954 #9660 Saint Mexant, France Two residents of Correge Departme 4/15/1954 #9693 Bois-de-Champ, Vosges, France Afternoon. Roger Mougeolle and Gi Late 4/1954 #9720 area near Bois-de- Champ, Vosges, France, when they hear a noise above the Late 4/1954 #9720 Pyrenees, France A group of persons taking a walk 4/28/1954 #9731 a cigar-shaped UFO flew over Sare, France heading south towards Spain. It f 4/28/1954 #9732 tivity and gravity pulse. Meteor / France / 0300lt. 8/8/1954 #10115 in Remiremont, Vosges department, France and two other towns when at least 8/11/1954 #10129 N France or W Germany, Europe Jan Aldrich 8/22/1954 #10163 Varennes, near Diges, France Approximate date. A strange objec 8/23/1954 #10168 Lugrin, near Thonon, France Elise Blanc approached an object 8/23/1954 #10169 Vernon, Eure, France Seine River 1:00 a.m. Businessman 8/23/1954 #10170 s car in a garage at Vernon, Eure, France, when he notices a sudden illumin 8/23/1954 #10170 Outside of Vernon, near Paris, France a giant cigar-shaped object was o 8/23/1954 #10171 ike an aluminum trailer in Lugrin, France. Standing close to it were two sm 8/23/1954 #10172 In Asnieres-le-Dijon, France a disc travelled through the sky 8/31/1954 #10222 d near military aircraft. In Orly, France at 7:30 p.m. two luminous orange 8/31/1954 #10222 Origny, France 12:30 a.m. Robert Chovel and his 9/7/1954 #10265 Harponville, France Between Harponville and Contay, t 9/7/1954 #10266 Hirson, Aisne, France Buire 12:30 a.m. Robert Chovel an 9/7/1954 #10267 from the theater in Hirson, Aisne, France, when they see a luminous red-ora 9/7/1954 #10267 Harponville Contay, Somme, France 7:15 a.m. Two bricklayers, Emile 9/7/1954 #10268 een Harponville and Contay, Somme, France. It looks like an unfinished hays 9/7/1954 #10268 ny-en-Theirache, Aisne department, France. It changed direction suddenly, r 9/7/1954 #10269 ille and Contay, Somme department, France two bricklayers, Emile Renard, ag 9/7/1954 #10270 t family in the city of Marseille, France sighted a red luminous spherical 9/7/1954 #10271 Mourieras, France A farmer, Mr. Mazaud was walking 9/10/1954 #10283 Quarouble, France A metal worker, Marius Dewilde, 3 9/10/1954 #10284 Mourieras Bugeat Corrèze France Limoges 8:30 p.m. Antoine Mazaud 9/10/1954 #10285 urieras, north of Bugeat, Corrèze, France, when he is confronted by a helme 9/10/1954 #10285 Quarouble, Nord, France Around 10:30 p.m. 34-year-old met 9/10/1954 #10286 t of his house at Quarouble, Nord, France, to see why his dog is barking. H 9/10/1954 #10286 Mourieras, France. A farmer, Mr. Mazaud, age 50, wa 9/10/1954 #10287 ame out of his house in Quarouble, France at 10:30 p.m. when his dog was ba 9/10/1954 #10288 n near Quarouble, Nord department, France saw a domed disc descend vertical 9/11/1954 #10289 Quarouble, Nord, France Late afternoon. A witness is driv 9/12/1954 #10290 n the vicinity of Quarouble, Nord, France, when he sees a domed disc descen 9/12/1954 #10290 Saint-Prouant, Vendée, France 5:00 p.m. Farm worker Georges For 9/14/1954 #10299 itnesses in Saint-Prouant, Vendée, France, watch a cigar or carrot-shaped U 9/14/1954 #10299 in St.-Prouant, Vendee department, France watched a cigar or carrot-shaped 9/14/1954 #10301 Feyzin, France A white light suddenly swept the 9/15/1954 #10310 ouple in Roubaix, Nord department, France for 35 seconds. It rose verticall 9/15/1954 #10312 of Bois-en-Ardres, Pas-de-Calais, France and circled the area, giving off 9/15/1954 #10314 rs, St. Etienne, Loire department, France the witness's car engine quit. So 9/15/1954 #10315 iving in Feyzin, Rhone department, France at 11:30 p.m. He observed that it 9/15/1954 #10316 ly in calm air over Le Pin, Isere, France by four witnesses. 9/16/1954 #10324 Cenon, France Between Cenon and Vouneuil, Yves 9/17/1954 #10332 Gelles, Puy-de-Dôme, France 7:15 p.m. A widow named Mellé see 9/17/1954 #10334 her villa in Gelles, Puy-de-Dôme, France. Her neighbors also see it and wa 9/17/1954 #10334 in Clermont-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dome, France. It was black with a luminous tai 9/17/1954 #10336 Between Cenon and Vouneuil, France at 10:30 p.m. Yves David, age 28, 9/17/1954 #10337 Oberdorff, France A bright light was seen in the ea 9/19/1954 #10360 -1 road south of Cenon-sur-Vienne, France 10:00 p.m. Yves David, 28, is rid 9/19/1954 #10361 -1 road south of Cenon-sur-Vienne, France, when his headlight begins malfun 9/19/1954 #10361 women in Col du Beal, Puy-de-Dome, France saw a flat gray, metallic disc-sh 9/19/1954 #10362 s in Oberdoff, Moselle department, France, then darken. The object was the 9/19/1954 #10363 La Chassagne Ussac Corrèze France 9:00 p.m. Elie Cisterne, a farm w 9/20/1954 #10370 t of La Chassagne, Ussac, Corrèze, France, is returning home on his tractor 9/20/1954 #10370 he east by residents of Oberdorff, France at 9:15 p.m. It came to the groun 9/20/1954 #10371 La Chassagne, Correze department, France at 11:00 p.m. It brushed a tree, 9/20/1954 #10372 N7 north of Fontainebleau, France Orly Airport Shortly after 8:00 p 9/22/1954 #10395 on the N7 north of Fontainebleau, France, when she notices a light in the 9/22/1954 #10395 Tulle, Corrèze, France 11:00 p.m. Jean Besse, a draftsma 9/22/1954 #10396 a power company in Tulle, Corrèze, France, watches a UFO through binoculars 9/22/1954 #10396 disc-shaped UFOs in Fontainebleu, France. The object was surrounded by a l 9/22/1954 #10397 Le Jou, France The Patient family witnessed the 9/23/1954 #10416 Lencouacq, France Mrs. Vignolles saw a luminous obj 9/23/1954 #10417 Bayonne, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France Afternoon. Several residents of B 9/23/1954 #10419 of Bayonne, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France, see three mysterious objects hig 9/23/1954 #10419 Lencouacq, Landes, France 9:00 p.m. Irene Vrignolles sees a 9/23/1954 #10420 nd a rectory in Lencouacq, Landes, France. 9/23/1954 #10420 ed on Highway N269 in Moussoulens, France. Two human-looking occupants exit 9/23/1954 #10421 At 9:00 p.m. in Le Jou, France the Patient family witnessed the 9/23/1954 #10423 ting, Mrs. Vignolles of Lencouacq, France saw a luminous object come down f 9/23/1954 #10424 "Les Michauts" or "Les Jolivets", France Two women (Widow Geoffroy and Mis 9/24/1954 #10433 Farm Lachassagne, near Ussel, France Mr. Cisterne, who was coming back 9/24/1954 #10435 aring in Becar, near Diges, Yonne, France. A man of normal height was seen 9/24/1954 #10437 . in Bayonne, Pyrenees-Atlantique, France three metallic ovoid objects hove 9/24/1954 #10439 ly over the Vichy stadium, Allier, France and was seen by many. These are t 9/24/1954 #10439 by a church in Lencouacq, Landes, France and was seen by a Miss Vignolles. 9/24/1954 #10440 sighted south-southwest of Civray, France. 9/24/1954 #10441 the Farm Lachassagne, near Ussel, France. He was driving back to the barn 9/24/1954 #10442 River Marne in Joinville-le-Pont, France at 9:20 p.m. Two humanoids about 9/25/1954 #10444 Chabeuil, France Mrs. Leboeuf was suddenly confron 9/26/1954 #10450 Chabeuil, Drôme, France 2:30 p.m. At Chabeuil, Drôme, Fra 9/26/1954 #10451 ance 2:30 p.m. At Chabeuil, Drôme, France, Lucette Leboeuf is walking her d 9/26/1954 #10451 ucette Leboeuf of Chabeuil, Drome, France saw what first resembled a "scare 9/26/1954 #10452 in Col-de-Chat, Savoie department, France at 5:14 p.m. There were 15 witnes 9/26/1954 #10453 lles Airport in Savoie department, France. The being waddled quickly toward 9/26/1954 #10454 Foussignargues, France At "Revety," people in a bus saw 9/27/1954 #10469 Figeac, France Children saw "a box" and "an unkn 9/27/1954 #10470 Perpignan, France A college student saw a circular 9/27/1954 #10471 Premanon, France Four children came out of their h 9/27/1954 #10472 Prémanon, Jura, France 8:30 p.m. 12-year-old Raymond Rom 9/27/1954 #10473 isolated farm near Prémanon, Jura, France, see a brilliant rectangular obje 9/27/1954 #10473 Foussignargues, France. At "Revety," people on a bus saw 9/27/1954 #10474 Children in Figeac, France saw "a box" and "an unknown man" 9/27/1954 #10475 Perpignan, France. A college student saw a circular 9/27/1954 #10476 observed in Lanta, Haute-Garonne, France at 8 o'clock in the evening. 9/27/1954 #10477 Four children in Premanon, France came outside of their home at 8:3 9/27/1954 #10478 cigars were seen in Sauzet, Drome, France at 9:40 p.m. 9/27/1954 #10479 Froncles, France Mr. and Mrs. Alexis Lartillot and 9/28/1954 #10484 Bouzais, France At "Le Grand Tertre" Mr. Mercier 9/28/1954 #10485 Saint Nicolas de Redon, France At "La Butte Rouge" two railroad 9/28/1954 #10486 Rixheim, Haut-Rhin, France Around 12:00 midnight. Two witnes 9/28/1954 #10487 o witnesses at Rixheim, Haut-Rhin, France, watch an elongated luminous obje 9/28/1954 #10487 Saint-Armand-Montrond, Cher, France 10:30 p.m. Vintner M. Mercier of 9/28/1954 #10488 er of Saint-Armand-Montrond, Cher, France, notices that someone has stolen 9/28/1954 #10488 Mrs. Alexis Lartillot in Froncles, France observed a large, bright object o 9/28/1954 #10489 rand Tertre" in St-Amand-Montrond, France Mr. Mercier, a vintner, observed 9/28/1954 #10490 10 p.m. near St. Nicolas de Redon, France two railroad engineers, Emile Ger 9/28/1954 #10491 n Albias, Tarn-Garonne department, France a three meter wide disc was seen 9/28/1954 #10492 In La Riche, near Tours, France three witnesses in a truck saw a 9/29/1954 #10500 Marcilly-sur-Vienne, France Georges Gatay and seven construct 9/30/1954 #10511 Brest, France At sea between Brest and Roven, t 9/30/1954 #10512 Grand-Couronne, France Jean Andrieux, ferry operator, sa 9/30/1954 #10513 Isle of Re, France As he was returning home near La 9/30/1954 #10514 Jouy-sue-Morin, Seine-et-Marne, France Marignane Aviation pioneer Eugène 9/30/1954 #10516 t Jouy- sue-Morin, Seine-et-Marne, France. It is swinging back and forth ov 9/30/1954 #10516 rcilly-sur-Vienne, Indre-et-Loire, France Around 4:30 p.m. Georges Gatay an 9/30/1954 #10517 cilly-sur-Vienne, Indre-et- Loire, France, see a disc-shaped object on the 9/30/1954 #10517 om Holland, and the rest were from France. 9/30/1954 #10518 'clock in the afternoon in Blanzy, France two bricklayers, Romain de Bastia 9/30/1954 #10520 At 3:30 p.m. in Chereng, France, 10-year old Jean-Claude Delmotte 9/30/1954 #10521 on workers in Marcilly-sur-Vienne, France saw a disc at ground level, with 9/30/1954 #10522 At sea between Brest and Roven, France on the Atlantic Ocean, the crew o 9/30/1954 #10523 ferry operator in Grand-Couronne, France and another witness, saw a large 9/30/1954 #10524 La Flotte-en-Re, on the Ile de Re, France when he saw a brilliant light and 9/30/1954 #10525 Blanzy, France Two bricklayers, Sebastiani and B 10/1/1954 #10556 Bry, France A man and his dog were "paralyzed 10/1/1954 #10557 Ressons-sur-Matz, France Approximate date. A farmer saw a 10/1/1954 #10558 Jussey, France Two young men saw a luminous whit 10/1/1954 #10559 La Roulerie, France Near Saint Jan d'Angely, two busi 10/1/1954 #10560 Branges, near Louhans, France Coming home at night, Gilbert Pru 10/1/1954 #10561 Bergerac, France Returning home, fireman Jean Dufi 10/1/1954 #10562 Bry-sur-Marne, Val-de-Marne, France 4:00 p.m. An anonymous man and hi 10/1/1954 #10566 in at Bry-sur-Marne, Val-de-Marne, France. 10/1/1954 #10566 Ligescourt Vron, Somme, France 6:45 p.m. Bernard Devoisin and Re 10/1/1954 #10567 t in the direction of Vron, Somme, France. They see a glowing orange object 10/1/1954 #10567 Croix d’Épine, Oise, France 7:50 p.m. Mechanic Ernest Delattr 10/1/1954 #10568 o his home in Croix d’Épine, Oise, France, on his motor scooter when a brig 10/1/1954 #10568 Bergerac, Dordogne, France Around 10:00 p.m. Jean Defiz, a f 10/1/1954 #10569 tory worker in Bergerac, Dordogne, France, is returning home on his bicycle 10/1/1954 #10569 Italy, and the remainder are from France, which appears to have been at th 10/1/1954 #10570 in Blanzy, Saone-Loire department, France that was sitting on the ground. I 10/1/1954 #10572 d his dog in Bry, Nord department, France were "paralyzed" and frozen in pl 10/1/1954 #10573 in Jussey, Haute-Saone department, France saw a luminous white disc moving 10/1/1954 #10574 Near St. Jean d'Angely, France two businessmen, Messrs. Estier a 10/1/1954 #10575 rmaison and St-Crepin-Ibouvillers, France at eight o'clock when a brilliant 10/1/1954 #10576 abitants of St-Michel-sur-Meurthe, France saw a cigar-shaped object in the 10/1/1954 #10577 Louhans in Saone-Loire department, France. While coming home at night aroun 10/1/1954 #10578 in Bergerac, Dordogne department, France fireman Jean Dufix, age 26, saw a 10/1/1954 #10579 PELLERY, 21, FRANCE Vertical cloud cigar here too. Se 10/2/1954 #10597 Levroux, France At the Bourg du Cerisier, two wom 10/2/1954 #10604 Jonches, France Two creatures were seen on the gr 10/2/1954 #10605 Louhans, France In the immediate vicinity of case 10/2/1954 #10606 Croix d'Epine, France A mechanic, Ernest Delattre, 19, 10/2/1954 #10607 Guebling, France A disk emitting a weak green glow 10/2/1954 #10608 Corbières Alpes-de-Hautes-Provence France Maxime Pignatelli, 65, is hunting Early 10/1954 #10609 bières, Alpes- de-Hautes-Provence, France. He sees a gray object about 12 f Early 10/1954 #10609 Les Rousses, Jura, France 3:45 p.m. A teacher, Mlle. Jaille 10/2/1954 #10611 he southeast at Les Rousses, Jura, France. It approaches rapidly and they s 10/2/1954 #10611 f Great Britain. The rest are from France, which appears to have been at th 10/2/1954 #10612 In Levroux, France two single women (Janicki and Lac 10/2/1954 #10613 ere seen on the ground in Jonches, France. Two hours later a luminous red o 10/2/1954 #10614 day before (October 1) in Louhans, France, Mr. Nicolas saw a domed disc on 10/2/1954 #10615 t-Ferrand, Puy-de-Dome department, France saw a luminous, metallic object o 10/2/1954 #10616 In Vichy, Allier department, France at 6:30 p.m., bus passengers obse 10/2/1954 #10617 ignon and the region of Cote-d'Or, France several persons observed a huge c 10/2/1954 #10618 in Croix d’Epine, Oise department, France Ernest Delattre, age 19, a mechan 10/2/1954 #10619 in Bergerac, Dordogne department, France a luminous mushroom-shaped object 10/2/1954 #10620 Near La Rochelle, France at 11:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Guille 10/2/1954 #10621 shaped UFO in a field in Guebling, France. It was emitting a weak green glo 10/2/1954 #10622 Waben (near), France UFO paced car. [UFOE, II] (NICAP: 10/3/1954 #10656 Bressuire, France Angelo Girardo, 55, a stockyard e 10/3/1954 #10657 Vron, France Between Rue and Quend on Road D27 10/3/1954 #10658 Chereng, France The crowd at a fair saw a luminou 10/3/1954 #10659 Quend, France Less than 3 hrs after case 183, a 10/3/1954 #10660 Ronsenac, France A circular craft was seen by Jean 10/3/1954 #10661 Benet, France Near La Rochelle. Mr. and Mrs. Gu 10/3/1954 #10662 Bressuire, Deux-Sèvres, France Dawn. Stockyard employee Angelo G 10/3/1954 #10664 his job in Bressuire, Deux-Sèvres, France, when he sees a small being weari 10/3/1954 #10664 Chereng, Nord, France 7:20 p.m. Villagers of Chereng, N 10/3/1954 #10665 0 p.m. Villagers of Chereng, Nord, France, are having their Ducasse festiva 10/3/1954 #10665 Ronsenac, Charente, France 11:15 p.m. Young farmer Jean Alla 10/3/1954 #10666 ar object near Ronsenac, Charente, France, that seems to be gliding on or n 10/3/1954 #10666 ee from Austria. The rest are from France, which appears to be at the cente 10/3/1954 #10667 e, was going to work in Bressuire, France at dawn when he saw a circular cr 10/3/1954 #10668 Between Rue and Quend, France on Route D27, near the village of 10/3/1954 #10669 m. the crowd at a fair in Chereng, France saw a luminous object arrive very 10/3/1954 #10670 ontmoreau and Villebois Lavalette, France. It seemed to be gliding over the 10/3/1954 #10671 Near La Rochelle, France at 11:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Guille 10/3/1954 #10672 Limoges, France An object was said to have landed 10/4/1954 #10691 Lezignan, France Andre Garcia and Andre Darzais we 10/4/1954 #10692 Chaleix, France A farmer, Mr. Garreau, saw an obj 10/4/1954 #10693 Tregon, France Several people noticed an object 10/4/1954 #10694 Montceau-les-Mines, France At Les Chavannes, about 20 people 10/4/1954 #10695 Villers-le-Tilleul, France Ten-year-old Bertiaux saw an obje 10/4/1954 #10696 Poncey-sur-Lignon, France Mrs. Fourneret, a housewife, ran 10/4/1954 #10697 Poncey-sur-l’Ignon, Côte-d’Or, France 8:00 p.m. In Poncey-sur-l’Ignon, 10/4/1954 #10698 In Poncey-sur-l’Ignon, Côte-d’Or, France, Mme. Yvette (or Thérèse) Fourner 10/4/1954 #10698 alta, Argentina. The rest are from France, which was at the center of a mas 10/4/1954 #10699 , a railroad employee, in Limoges, France. 10/4/1954 #10700 were near the village of Lezignan, France when they saw a luminous object c 10/4/1954 #10701 Mr. Garreau, a farmer in Chaleix, France saw an object the size of a carri 10/4/1954 #10702 from his house in St-Perdoux, Lot, France. The being wore a wide leather be 10/4/1954 #10703 hilltop in the evening in Tregon, France. They drove to the site, but it f 10/4/1954 #10704 Montceau-les-Mines, France. At 6:30 p.m. about 20 people, am 10/4/1954 #10705 Villers-le-Tilleul, France. Ten year old Bertiaux saw an obj 10/4/1954 #10706 On a road in Lessard-le-National, France at 7:20 p.m., a silver cigar-shap 10/4/1954 #10707 ers above the ground in Taupignac, France. Four little men, one meter tall 10/4/1954 #10708 enry Leherisse, age 23, in Megrit, France saw two shadows moving about insi 10/4/1954 #10709 ear her farm in Poncey-sur-Lignon, France. When Messrs. Girardot and Vincen 10/4/1954 #10710 Loctudy, France A baker, P. Lucas, was draining w 10/5/1954 #10726 Le Mans, France East of Le Mans on Route N23, Ren 10/5/1954 #10727 Mertrud, France A roadmender, Mr. Narcy, saw an o 10/5/1954 #10728 Beaumont, France Ten km from here, several persons 10/5/1954 #10729 Loctudy, Finistère, France 4:00 a.m. M. P. Lucas, a baker in 10/5/1954 #10732 as, a baker in Loctudy, Finistère, France, is getting water from his well w 10/5/1954 #10732 Mertrud, Haute Marne, France 7:15 a.m. A road worker named Nar 10/5/1954 #10733 ar a road in Mertrud, Haute Marne, France. He also sees a hairy dwarf weari 10/5/1954 #10733 Beaumont, Puy-de-Dôme, France 3:45 p.m. In Beaumont, Puy-de-Dôm 10/5/1954 #10734 :45 p.m. In Beaumont, Puy-de-Dôme, France, witnesses Brun, Marfaron, Douti, 10/5/1954 #10734 y and Italy, and the rest are from France, which was at the center of a mas 10/5/1954 #10735 Loctudy, France. At 4:00 a.m. a baker, Mr. P. Luc 10/5/1954 #10737 At 6:30 a.m., east of Le Mans, France on Route N23, some Renault employ 10/5/1954 #10739 Mertrud, France. A road crew member, Mr. Narcy, s 10/5/1954 #10740 In Wassy, France a golden-orange sphere with a dom 10/5/1954 #10741 At 11:45 a.m. in Bordeaux, France, five people saw two bright metal 10/5/1954 #10742 Ten kilometers from Beaumont, France several people saw an flying obje 10/5/1954 #10743 O on this evening in Cote du Nord, France. 10/5/1954 #10744 Monchamps, France Mr. and Mrs. Laroche, from Paris, 10/6/1954 #10753 La Fere, France Near the military barracks, soldi 10/6/1954 #10754 Villers-le-Lac, France Two women (Mrs. Salabrino and her 10/6/1954 #10755 Isles-sur-Suippe, Marne, France Around 6:00 a.m. Mechanic Joseph 10/6/1954 #10756 icycle at Isles-sur-Suippe, Marne, France, and sees a dazzling light at low 10/6/1954 #10756 La Fère, Aisne, France 9:30 p.m. Two soldiers at the mil 10/6/1954 #10757 litary barracks in La Fère, Aisne, France, watch a luminous craft in the sh 10/6/1954 #10757 l Highway 51 from Reims to Rethel, France. Near the Isles-sur-Suippe he not 10/6/1954 #10758 e land near Chantonnay, Monchamps, France. At 9:30 p.m. near the military b 10/6/1954 #10761 litary barracks in La Fere, Aisne, France two soldiers saw a strange lumino 10/6/1954 #10761 the western sky in Villers-le-Lac, France. It seemed to slowly approach the 10/6/1954 #10761 St.-Jean-d'Asse, France Car motor and headlights failed; 10/7/1954 #10779 Hennezis, France The two Lanssellin children witne 10/7/1954 #10780 Plozevet, France The crew of several fishing boats 10/7/1954 #10781 Beruges, France A farmer, Mr. Thebault, saw a lum 10/7/1954 #10782 Jettingen, France A railroad employee, Rene Ott, sa 10/7/1954 #10783 Saint-Jean-d'Asse, France On Route N138, a truckdriver, Mr. 10/7/1954 #10784 Monteux, France R. Margaillan saw an object that 10/7/1954 #10785 St Etienne-sous-Barbuise (France). Marcel Guyot was coming from wo 10/7/1954 #10786 Bompas, France Mr. Sebelli saw an object land in 10/7/1954 #10787 Le Mans, Sarthe, France Route N23 road 6:20 a.m. A group 10/7/1954 #10788 acturing plant at Le Mans, Sarthe, France, are bicycling to work when they 10/7/1954 #10788 Monteux Althen-des-Paluds Vauclude France 2:30 p.m. Farmer René Margaillon 10/7/1954 #10790 x and Althen-des-Paluds, Vauclude, France. He approaches the object, which 10/7/1954 #10790 Corbigny, Nièvre, France Night. Witnesses at Corbigny, Niè 10/7/1954 #10791 ht. Witnesses at Corbigny, Nièvre, France, see a luminous cylinder that app 10/7/1954 #10791 Beruges, France. A farmer, Edouard Thebault, age 10/7/1954 #10792 St.-Jean-d'Asse, France. Mr. Alexandre Tremblay, a café o 10/7/1954 #10793 Hennezis, France. At 6:30 p.m. Claude and Francois 10/7/1954 #10794 Plozevet, France. Early in the day the crew of sev 10/7/1954 #10795 landed this morning in Mendionde, France. Two little men, 2.5 feet tall st 10/7/1954 #10796 Jettingen, France. A railroad employee, Rene Ott, s 10/7/1954 #10797 Monteux, France. At 2:30 p.m. Rene Margaillon, a 10/7/1954 #10798 d object was seen in Eurre, Drome, France at 7 o'clock in the evening. 10/7/1954 #10799 lage of St.-Etienne-sous-Barbuise, France, and his son Jacques followed the 10/7/1954 #10800 ect land in the village of Bompas, France shortly before midnight. He calle 10/7/1954 #10801 Calais,, France On the road to Boulogne a bluish 10/8/1954 #10815 Pournoy-la-Chétive, Moselle, France 7:30 p.m. Four children—Gilbert C 10/8/1954 #10817 ng at Pournoy-la-Chétive, Moselle, France, when they see a luminous object 10/8/1954 #10817 n Jettingen, Haut-Rhin department, France saw a 10 foot wide mushroom-shape 10/8/1954 #10819 logne in Pas de Calais department, France a bluish domed disc-shaped object 10/8/1954 #10821 1:00 p.m. in St. Claude, Charente, France a human silhouette was seen stand 10/8/1954 #10822 the city of Nice, Alpes-Maritimes, France. 10/8/1954 #10823 Cuisy (Seine-Et-Marne), France Car motor and headlights failed a 10/9/1954 #10840 Montaren, France Between Montaren and Serviers, 1 10/9/1954 #10842 Dreux, France People out hunting saw a luminous 10/9/1954 #10843 Soubran, France Several local people saw a lumino 10/9/1954 #10844 Beauvain, France Near the Landeforet pool, Christa 10/9/1954 #10846 Carcassonne, France As he was driving near Carcassonn 10/9/1954 #10847 Pournoy-la-Chetive, France Four children-Gilbert Calda, 12; 10/9/1954 #10848 Lavoux, France Mr. Barrault was riding his bicyc 10/9/1954 #10849 Briatexte, France On Route N631 at "La Caiffe," a t 10/9/1954 #10850 Carcassonne, Aude, France 4:00 p.m. Jean Bertrand is drivin 10/9/1954 #10853 is driving near Carcassonne, Aude, France, when he comes upon a metallic sp 10/9/1954 #10853 Lavoux, Vienne, France Around 7:00 p.m. Roger Barrault, 10/9/1954 #10854 rault, a worker in Lavoux, Vienne, France, is riding a bicycle when he is s 10/9/1954 #10854 Toulouse Briatexte, Tarn, France La Caiffe 8:30 p.m. Jean-Pierre M 10/9/1954 #10855 from Toulouse to Briatexte, Tarn, France, at a crossroads known as “La Cai 10/9/1954 #10855 Cuisy, Seine-et-Marne, France 9:20 p.m. Mechanics André Bartoli 10/9/1954 #10856 nge glow in Cuisy, Seine-et-Marne, France. Bartoli’s car motor and headligh 10/9/1954 #10856 Between Montaren and Serviers, France, 1 kilometer from "Le Mas Blanc," 10/9/1954 #10860 Some men out hunting in Dreux, France saw a luminous sphere take off an 10/9/1954 #10861 In Soubran, France several local people saw a lumino 10/9/1954 #10862 r the Landeforet pool in Beauvain, France Christopher Carette saw a fiery s 10/9/1954 #10864 s he was driving near Carcassonne, France at around 4 o'clock in the aftern 10/9/1954 #10865 Pournoy-la-Chetive, France. Four children--Gilbert Calda, ag 10/9/1954 #10866 was riding his bicycle in Lavoux, France at seven o'clock in the evening w 10/9/1954 #10867 Briatexte, France. At 8:30 p.m. on Route N631 at "L 10/9/1954 #10868 Epoisses, France Between Epoisses and Toutry, Dani 10/10/1954 #10886 Quarouble, France Second landing here, seen by Mari 10/10/1954 #10887 Charmes-la-Cote, France Roger Thiriet, jailer in Ecouvres 10/10/1954 #10888 Saint-Germain-de-Livet, France A math professor, Mr. Bon, observ 10/10/1954 #10889 Saillat-sur-Vienne, France Roger Gayout and family saw a ver 10/10/1954 #10890 Quarouble, Nord, France 11:30 a.m. Marius Dewilde, along 10/10/1954 #10893 a UFO occupant at Quarouble, Nord, France. 10/10/1954 #10893 2:00 a.m. in Epoisses, Côte-d'Or, France between Epoisses and Toutry, Dani 10/10/1954 #10896 n the road ahead in Cavanac, Aude, France. It gave off sparks, and took off 10/10/1954 #10897 er-Brule, Eure-et-Loir department, France when he saw a red ball of light a 10/10/1954 #10899 armes-la-Cote, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France when he suddenly saw an aluminum- 10/10/1954 #10900 in St-Germain-de-Livet, Calvados, France. Spinning, it dove towards the gr 10/10/1954 #10901 Saillat-sur-Vienne, Haute-Vienne, France Mssr. Roger Gayout and his family 10/10/1954 #10902 Quarouble, Nord, France. At 11:30 p.m. a second landing w 10/10/1954 #10903 es-Thillot, Saone-Et-Loire (near), France Motorcycle stalled, round lighted 10/11/1954 #10922 Chateauneuf-Sur-Charente, France Car motor and headlights failed; 10/11/1954 #10923 Clamecy (Nievre), France Car motor and headlights failed, 10/11/1954 #10924 Fronfrede (Loire), France Car motor and headlights failed a 10/11/1954 #10925 Doncourt-Village, France Farmers awakened by a whistling s 10/11/1954 #10926 Acquigny, France Two men riding motorcycles saw a 10/11/1954 #10927 onfrede, near Chambon Feugerolles, France Baptiste Jourdy, who was making t 10/11/1954 #10928 Lacanche, France Mr. Labonde was driving at the in 10/11/1954 #10929 Sassier, near La Carie, France Messrs. Gallois and Vigneron who 10/11/1954 #10930 Heimersdorf, France Anny Pracht, her sister Roselyne, 10/11/1954 #10931 Bauquay, France A large red object was seen flyin 10/11/1954 #10932 Taupignac, France Three men driving near Taupignac 10/11/1954 #10934 Birac, France Four persons, among them Julia Ju 10/11/1954 #10935 Montbazens, France A round craft, 4 m diameter, land 10/11/1954 #10936 Fonfrède, Loire, France 4:15 a.m. Baptiste Jourdy is deli 10/11/1954 #10937 ivering milk near Fonfrède, Loire, France, when the truck engine dies and t 10/11/1954 #10937 Clamercy, Nièvre, France 4:30 a.m. Two merchants, Henri Ga 10/11/1954 #10938 ir in a van near Clamercy, Nièvre, France, when they both feel electrical s 10/11/1954 #10938 Méral, Mayenne, France Saint-Poix 6:00 a.m. Baptiste Pot 10/11/1954 #10939 Baptiste Potin of Méral, Mayenne, France, is riding a bicycle to his workp 10/11/1954 #10939 hateauneuf-sur-Charente, Charente, France Charente valley 9:50 p.m. Julia J 10/11/1954 #10941 hateauneuf-sur-Charente, Charente, France. Two luminous globes, one smaller 10/11/1954 #10941 court-Village, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France were awakened by a whistling soun 10/11/1954 #10942 g motorcycles near Acquigny, Eure, France saw a bell-shaped craft about 2.5 10/11/1954 #10943 , near Chambon Feugerolles, Loire, France. Baptiste Jourdy, who was making 10/11/1954 #10944 4:20 a.m. in Lacanche, Côte-d'or, France Mr. Labonde was driving at the in 10/11/1954 #10945 in Sassier, near La Carie, Nievre, France two men, Messrs. Gallois and Vign 10/11/1954 #10946 ct fly over the woods at La Carie, France. 10/11/1954 #10946 tnesses in Heimersdorf, Haut-Rhin, France saw a luminous object on the grou 10/11/1954 #10947 In Bauquay, Calvados, France a large red object was seen flyin 10/11/1954 #10948 in 20 meters in Bremondans, Doubs, France. A figure was seen for two minute 10/11/1954 #10950 near Taupignac, Charente-Maritime, France got out of their car to observe a 10/11/1954 #10951 10:00 p.m. in Montbazens, Herault, France a round craft, four meters in dia 10/11/1954 #10953 ers over La Roche-sur-Yon, Vendee, France. A Mrs. Drouillard was the single 10/11/1954 #10954 Orchamps, France A farmer, Mr. Beuc, saw a small p 10/12/1954 #10970 Montlucon, France A railroad employee, Mr. Laugere 10/12/1954 #10971 Leguevin, France Jan Marty, 42, mechanic, was in h 10/12/1954 #10972 Sainte-Marie d'Herblay, France Gilbert Lelay, 13, saw a phosphor 10/12/1954 #10973 Dompierre-les-Tilleuls, France A businessman, Mr. Vielle, was on 10/12/1954 #10974 Vielmur, France Roger Ramond, a nightwatchman saw 10/12/1954 #10975 Saint-Germain-de-Livet, Calvados, France Around 2:00 p.m. A math professor 10/12/1954 #10978 Saint-Germain-de-Livet, Calvados, France, when he sees a silvery disc with 10/12/1954 #10978 pilot enter an object in Orchamps, France. It glided over the road for 30 m 10/12/1954 #10980 near a gas/oil tank in Montlucon, France. An hairy humanoid was standing n 10/12/1954 #10981 anic, was in his shop in Leguevin, France when he saw a luminous disc land. 10/12/1954 #10982 Ste.-Marie d'Herblay, France. Gilbert Lelay, age 13, saw a pho 10/12/1954 #10983 Dompierre-les-Tilleuls, France - Mr. Vielle, a businessman, was 10/12/1954 #10984 t land 300 meters away in Vielmur, France. It looked like a fiery orange ba 10/12/1954 #10985 Crocq, France At Donjon de Montlaur, five perso 10/13/1954 #10997 Bourrasole, France Messrs. Olivier and Perano and a 10/13/1954 #10998 Bourrasol Toulouse, France 7:35 p.m. Three witnesses (Olivie 10/13/1954 #11000 r Bourrasol, a suburb of Toulouse, France. A small being about 4 feet tall 10/13/1954 #11000 p.m. in Graulhet, Tarn department, France, numerous witnesses consistently 10/13/1954 #11002 Three hours later in Crocq, France, at Donjon de Montlaur, J. Dubois 10/13/1954 #11003 ano and a third man in Bourrasole, France saw a reddish disc about 4 meters 10/13/1954 #11004 Meral, Mayenne, France A farmer was getting ready to lea 10/14/1954 #11041 Saint-Ambroix, France Several witnesses saw seven small 10/14/1954 #11042 Lewarde, France In Erchin Wood, Casimir Starovski 10/14/1954 #11044 Biot, France A municipal employee, Jose Casell 10/14/1954 #11045 Angles, France A farmer saw a bright object, whi 10/14/1954 #11046 Meral, France A farmer observed an orange spher 10/14/1954 #11047 Saint-Germain-du-Bois, France Mr. Lonjarret observed a luminous 10/14/1954 #11048 Chazey Wood, France South of Gueugnon, Messrs. Jeanne 10/14/1954 #11049 Chazey Wood, France Andre Cognard, coming from Gueugn 10/14/1954 #11050 Saint-Romain, France Mr. B. saw a circular craft shape 10/14/1954 #11051 Thieulloy-la-Ville, France On the road between Thieulloy-la- 10/14/1954 #11052 Erchin Forest Lewarde Nord France 3:30 p.m. Casimir Starovski, a mi 10/14/1954 #11057 Erchin Forest, near Lewarde, Nord, France. It has large, slanted, protrudin 10/14/1954 #11057 Gueugnon, Saône-et-Loire, France 6:20 p.m. André Cognard is drivin 10/14/1954 #11059 east of Gueugnon, Saône-et-Loire, France, when a brilliant reddish firebal 10/14/1954 #11059 Les Brosses Tillots Saône-et-Loire France Twilight. A witness is riding a m 10/14/1954 #11060 s Brosses Tillots, Saône-et-Loire, France. Suddenly his motor fails and, as 10/14/1954 #11060 m. five kilometers north of Nimes, France Mr. & Mrs. Dupuy saw an object sh 10/14/1954 #11061 road tracks in Saint-Pierre Halte, France by a baker's assistant from Calai 10/14/1954 #11062 in Saint-Ambroix, Gard department, France saw seven small beings flee into 10/14/1954 #11063 Wood in Lewarde, Nord department, France Casimir Starovski, a miner, met a 10/14/1954 #11065 Biot, Alpes-Maritimes department, France when he suddenly found in front o 10/14/1954 #11066 rmer in Angles, Vendee department, France saw a bright object, which came a 10/14/1954 #11067 Meursanges, Cote-d'or department, France. 10/14/1954 #11068 rmer in Meral, Mayenne department, France observed an orange sphere land an 10/14/1954 #11069 u-Bois, Saone-et-Loire department, France Mr. Lonjarret observed a luminous 10/14/1954 #11070 ugnon, Saone-et- Loire department, France at 7:30 p.m. Messrs. Jeannet and 10/14/1954 #11071 illots, Saone-et-Loire department, France Mr. B. saw a circular craft shape 10/14/1954 #11072 lloy-la-Ville and Beauvais, Somme, France Mr. Covemacker saw an object fly 10/14/1954 #11073 ontceau-les-Mines, Saone-et-Loire, France when he witnessed an enormous lum 10/14/1954 #11074 Perpignan, France Near the swimming pool in Saint-A 10/15/1954 #11098 Saint-Pierre-Halte, France A baker saw a brilliant yellow cr 10/15/1954 #11100 Nimes-Courbessac Airfield, France A yellow, cigarshaped object with 10/15/1954 #11103 Isbergues, France A steelworker observed a luminous 10/15/1954 #11105 Fouesnant, France Truck driver Rene Le Viol saw a f 10/15/1954 #11106 Londinières Normandy, France Baillolet, Seine-Maritime, France 10/15/1954 #11111 France Baillolet, Seine-Maritime, France Bailleul-Neuville Evening. Veteri 10/15/1954 #11111 Robert of Londinières in Normandy, France, is driving on route RN 314, near 10/15/1954 #11111 4, near Baillolet, Seine-Maritime, France. He sees four orange objects flyi 10/15/1954 #11111 Erquières, Pas-de-Calais, France Northeast of Erquières A merchant Mid 10/1954 #11113 llage of Erquières, Pas-de-Calais, France, when they see a blinding light i Mid 10/1954 #11113 pool in Saint-Assiscle, Perpignan, France Damien Figueres, age 56, was walk 10/15/1954 #11114 St.-Pierre-Halte, France. At 3:40 a.m. a baker saw a brill 10/15/1954 #11116 the Courbessac Airfield in Nimes, France a yellow, cigar-shaped object wit 10/15/1954 #11119 A steelworker in Isbergues, France observed a luminous sphere land i 10/15/1954 #11121 ile driving at night in Fouesnant, France truck driver Rene Le Viol saw a f 10/15/1954 #11122 vat, Vallongue, Lozere department, France. It took off vertically making a 10/15/1954 #11123 highway between Niffer and Kembs, France nThisDay . It headed off to the s 10/15/1954 #11124 Banlolet, Seine-Infeneure, France 4 UFOs at low altitude ahead of c 10/16/1954 #11139 Thin le Moutiers, France Approximate date. An object lande 10/16/1954 #11141 Cier-de-Riviere, France Guy Puyfourcat, 22, who was comin 10/16/1954 #11142 Mazaye, France Mr. Bachelard was driving a light 10/16/1954 #11143 Baillolet, France Dr. Robert, while driving through 10/16/1954 #11144 Dompierre, France Messrs. Deschamp and Laclotre saw 10/16/1954 #11145 a UFO landed in Thin le Moutiers, France only thirty meters away from a wo 10/16/1954 #11147 In Cier-de-Riviere, France Guy Puyfourcat, age 22, was comin 10/16/1954 #11148 At 5:30 p.m. in Mazaye, France Mr. Bachelard was driving a light 10/16/1954 #11149 Robert, driving through Baillolet, France at nightfall, saw four objects fl 10/16/1954 #11150 meters of the ground in Dompierre, France. The object stayed near the groun 10/16/1954 #11151 Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer, France Leon B., a city council member, s 10/17/1954 #11171 Cabasson, France A 65-year-old man was hunting wit 10/17/1954 #11173 Varigney, France Several witnesses, among them Mr. 10/17/1954 #11174 Cier-de-Rivière, Haute-Garonne, France Around 9:30 a.m. Guy Puyfourcat i 10/17/1954 #11176 ar Cier-de-Rivière, Haute-Garonne, France, with his mare on a halter. The h 10/17/1954 #11176 city councilor in St-Cyr-sur-Mer, France saw a circular, orange craft take 10/17/1954 #11177 In Cabasson, France a 65-year-old man was hunting wit 10/17/1954 #11179 g along the canal at Reims, Marne, France in the earlty evening when he saw 10/17/1954 #11180 ses in Dole Gray, Jura department, France reported watching a luminous obje 10/17/1954 #11181 Varigney, Haute-Saone department, France several witnesses, among them pol 10/17/1954 #11182 Coheix, Puy-De-Dorne, France Driver of light truck felt half p 10/18/1954 #11206 Cisternes-la-Foret, France J. Augard and J. Chanzotte saw an 10/18/1954 #11207 Pont l'Abbe d'Arnoult, France Mr. Meunier, a construction super 10/18/1954 #11208 Fontenay-Torcy, France Mr. and Mrs. Lherminier saw a cig 10/18/1954 #11209 Royan, France Mr. and Mrs. Labassiere and other 10/18/1954 #11210 Saint-Point Lake, France Miss Bourriot saw a bright red li 10/18/1954 #11211 Gelles, Puy-de-Dôme, France Coheix 5:30 p.m. A M. Bachelard i 10/18/1954 #11212 southeast of Gelles, Puy-de-Dôme, France. As he goes around a bend, he fee 10/18/1954 #11212 Saint-Cirgues, Haute-Loire, France 6:00 p.m. Two farmers near Saint- 10/18/1954 #11213 s near Saint-Cirgues, Haute-Loire, France, watch two bright balls connected 10/18/1954 #11213 est of Saintes, Charente-Maritime, France 9:00 p.m. M. and Mme. Labussière 10/18/1954 #11214 est of Saintes, Charente-Maritime, France, when they see a balance-shaped o 10/18/1954 #11214 field in Moutier-Rozeille, Creuse, France at around ten o'clock in the morn 10/18/1954 #11215 Cisternes-la-Foret, Puy-de-Dome, France. Messrs. J. Augard and J. Chanzot 10/18/1954 #11216 Abbe d’Arnoult, Charente-Maritime, France Mr. Meunier, a construction super 10/18/1954 #11217 ur miles from Coheix, Puy-de-Dome, France Mr. Bachelard, age 42, was going 10/18/1954 #11218 uvigne-Du-Desert, Ille-Et-Vilaine, France was approaching the hamlet of Sal 10/18/1954 #11219 Fontenay-Torey, Oise, France. At 8:40 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Lhermi 10/18/1954 #11220 iver in Formerie, Oise department, France. The craft then landed close to t 10/18/1954 #11221 In Royan, Charente-Maritime, France Mr. and Mrs. Labassiere and other 10/18/1954 #11222 St.-Point Lake, Le Vezenay, Doubs, France. She was on a motorbike and saw t 10/18/1954 #11223 Andigne and Saint-Martin du Bois, France when he saw a light that turned f 10/18/1954 #11224 Criteuil-la-Madeleine, Charente, France 8:00 p.m. A M. Fillonneau is driv 10/19/1954 #11242 n Criteuil-la-Madeleine, Charente, France, when he sees a bright fireball. 10/19/1954 #11242 red lights over Avignon, Vaucluse, France.The flying disc easily outpaced t 10/19/1954 #11245 ople in the city of Amiens, Somme, France saw a fiery object spinning high 10/19/1954 #11246 me time in Montandon, Haute-Marne, France a teenager saw a saucer-shaped ob 10/19/1954 #11246 A 14-year-old girl in Montlandon, France reported seeing a strange disc-sh 10/19/1954 #11248 in St. Avold, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France. Trees were scorched and the grou 10/19/1954 #11249 St. Didier-en-Velay, Haute-Loire, France causing the engine and headlights 10/19/1954 #11251 5 p.m. near St. Samson-La-Poterie, France 25-year-old Andre Vasseur and his 10/19/1954 #11252 woods in Laqueuille, Puy-de-Dome, France. It was seen by two witnesses fro 10/19/1954 #11255 Schirmeck, France Motorist felt paralyzed, motor st 10/20/1954 #11268 Issenheim, France Lucien Fisch saw an object land n 10/20/1954 #11269 Raon-l'Etage, France Forty-year-old Lazlo Ujvari was s 10/20/1954 #11270 Lusigny Forest, France Roger Reveille saw an oval object 10/20/1954 #11271 Saint-Valery, France Several unknown objects maneuvere 10/20/1954 #11272 Turquenstein, France Mr. Schoubrenner, 25, a truck dri 10/20/1954 #11273 Turquestein-Blancrupt, Moselle, France 6:30 p.m. Jean Schonbrenner is dr 10/20/1954 #11275 ar Turquestein-Blancrupt, Moselle, France, when he sees a bright glow ahead 10/20/1954 #11275 Biozat Alliers Effiat Puy-de-Dome, France 9:15 p.m. Jean Lalle (or Jean Las 10/20/1954 #11276 Alliers, and Effiat, Puy-de- Dome, France, when his engine dies suddenly. H 10/20/1954 #11276 Route N83 in Issenheim, Haut-Rhin, France. It was luminous. 10/20/1954 #11277 omed disc in Raon-l'Etape, Vosges, France that made a whining noise. He was 10/20/1954 #11278 Lusigny Forest in Aube department, France Roger Reveille saw an oval flying 10/20/1954 #11280 r the village of St-Valery, Somme, France. One of them was very brilliant a 10/20/1954 #11281 rs were seen near a cliff in Mers, France. They appeared to be in communica 10/20/1954 #11281 Turquenstein, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France at 6:30 p.m. Mr. Schoubrenner, a 10/20/1954 #11282 La Rochelle (near), France Motorist and child felt shock and 10/21/1954 #11295 Pons, France An egg-shaped object, about 5.5 m 10/21/1954 #11296 Criteuil-la-Madeleine, France The car driven by a bricklayer, M 10/21/1954 #11299 Pouzou, France Between Serifere and Paille, a ma 10/21/1954 #11300 Paillé Pouzou Charente-Maritime, France Evening. A motorist is driving on 10/21/1954 #11303 llé and Pouzou, Charente-Maritime, France. He feels a tingling like electri 10/21/1954 #11303 and landed near the road in Pons, France. Two dwarf humanoids, about 1.25 10/21/1954 #11305 Criteuil-la-Madeleine, France. The car driven by a bricklayer, 10/21/1954 #11308 Pouzou, France. Between Serifere and Paille, a m 10/21/1954 #11309 Fôret de Lusigny, Aube, France Afternoon. Roger Reveillé is walk 10/22/1954 #11319 ing in the Fôret de Lusigny, Aube, France, when he hears a rustling noise. 10/22/1954 #11319 try road in Segre, Maine-et-Loire, France. It illuminated the road like day 10/22/1954 #11321 motorcycle died in Ecaillon, Nord, France and then a cigar-shaped UFO was s 10/22/1954 #11322 of Guethary, Pyrenees-Atlantiques, France. When it dove down it illuminated 10/22/1954 #11323 Saint-Hilaire-des-Loges, France Mrs. Boeuf was coming out of her 10/23/1954 #11336 -shaped object landed in Ernemont, France. Three shadowy figures exited the 10/23/1954 #11345 s vehicle on Route 101 in Trondes, France and had come to a bend on the roa 10/23/1954 #11346 in St. Hilaire-des-Loges, Vendee, France when she saw a luminous disc hove 10/23/1954 #11347 Wittenheim, Haut-Rhin department, France. Mr. Muller, a policeman, saw the 10/23/1954 #11348 Les Egots, France Near Sainte Catherine, a child sa 10/24/1954 #11361 Biozat, France Between Biozat and Effiat, on the 10/24/1954 #11362 the woods near Lalizolle, Allier, France. Dogs refused to go near it. It l 10/24/1954 #11367 de Baigorry, Pyrenees-Atlantiques, France at around 3:00 p.m. a shepherd wa 10/24/1954 #11368 At 5:30 p.m. in Les Egots, Rhone, France near Sainte Catherine, a child sa 10/24/1954 #11369 en Biozat and Effiat, Puy-de-Dome, France at nine o'clock in the evening, o 10/24/1954 #11371 ertical. Luminous/glowing trail. / France Soir. 10/25/1954 #11380 Plemet, France Approximate date. A. Treussard an 10/25/1954 #11387 Arraye-et-Han, France G. Mahou, municipal muncilor, 30, 10/25/1954 #11389 Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Vaucluse, France Lucien Jeune, mayor of Châteauneu 10/25/1954 #11391 of Châteauneuf-du-Pape, Vaucluse, France, following numerous UFO sightings 10/25/1954 #11391 Livet [now Mesnil-en-Ouche], Eure, France 7:30 p.m. Farmer Gilbert Hée is g 10/25/1954 #11392 ivet [now Mesnil-en- Ouche], Eure, France, when he sees an elongated object 10/25/1954 #11392 pasture in Plemet, Cotes-du-Nord, France 10/25/1954 #11394 kly in Varennes-sur-Teche, Allier, France. 10/25/1954 #11398 nearby some beet scales in Calais, France. It was absolutely silent. 10/25/1954 #11399 Arraye-et-Han, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France saw a phosphorescent craft shaped 10/25/1954 #11400 ight in Jonquerets-de-Livet, Eure, France two 18-year-old farm workers, Jea 10/25/1954 #11404 Angouleme, France Vincent Casamajou and his wife sa 10/26/1954 #11413 La Madiere, France Aime Boussard, 47, a farmer, was 10/26/1954 #11414 Les Metairies, France Approximate date. At this place s 10/26/1954 #11415 Heiteren, France Mrs. Spinner and another witness 10/26/1954 #11416 Alleyrat, Creuse, France La Vaureille 10:45 p.m. Aimé Bous 10/26/1954 #11418 the town hall at Alleyrat, Creuse, France, to his residence at La Vaureille 10/26/1954 #11418 m the town of Angouleme, Charente, France. It took off without a sound, lea 10/26/1954 #11419 down in some woods in Ranes, Orne, France. It began to rise off the ground 10/26/1954 #11420 rkers in Chateaudun, Eure-et-Loir, France ran toward a luminous ball of lig 10/26/1954 #11421 his evening in La Madiere, Creuse, France Aime Boussard, a 47-year-old farm 10/26/1954 #11422 Saint Quirin, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, Mrs. Louis and her sons Marc and 10/26/1954 #11423 in Heiteren, Haut-Rhin department, France saw a flying object come from the 10/26/1954 #11424 Linzeux (near), France Headlights and motor failed, pass 10/27/1954 #11441 Linzeux, France A shop owner and his employee fel 10/27/1954 #11442 Mezieres, France Policemen saw a craft, which took 10/27/1954 #11443 Les-Jonquerets-de-Livet, France A farmer, Gilbert Hee, was gather 10/27/1954 #11445 Moussey, France An object was seen on the ground 10/27/1954 #11446 Oye-Plage, France On Route N40, the Mayor's secreta 10/27/1954 #11447 se encounters occurred this day in France and Italy, and a photograph was t 10/27/1954 #11450 he lights on their car in Linzeux, France. In Mezieres, France two policeme 10/27/1954 #11451 r in Linzeux, France. In Mezieres, France two policemen on bicycles saw a c 10/27/1954 #11451 t Hee, in Les-Jonquerets-de-Livet, France was gathering pears when he sudde 10/27/1954 #11453 aw a UFO on the ground in Moussey, France. Triangular ground traces were re 10/27/1954 #11453 orted. At 11:15 p.m. in Oye-Plage, France on Route N40, the Mayor's secreta 10/27/1954 #11453 northeast of Plouezoch, Finistere, France. She received electric shocks and 10/27/1954 #11454 several reports for this day from France and Italy and one from Japan. To 10/28/1954 #11466 In Thoury, Allier, France an orange football shaped object 10/28/1954 #11469 same time in Chatel-Blanc, Doubs, France a group of nocturnal lights zigza 10/28/1954 #11471 Mesples, France A 14-year-old child sought asylum 10/29/1954 #11478 adside in Coulogne, Pas-de-Calais, France. It had a row of portholes on its 10/29/1954 #11480 At 7:45 a.m. in Mesples, France a 14-year-old boy sought asylum i 10/29/1954 #11481 Corrompu, France Near Long, P. Petit and his emplo 10/31/1954 #11499 on the ground in Corrompu, Somme, France. When it took off the lights of a 10/31/1954 #11500 on a farm near Viomenil-Bataille, France at 6:15 a.m. It left no physical 11/2/1954 #11538 d a thick fog in Palavas, Herault, France. Inside was a hovering blue, disc 11/3/1954 #11549 a.m. at a farm in Mareil-sur-Loir, France. They glided over ground. There i 11/3/1954 #11550 in Le Sourn, Morbihan department, France. It flew toward the south, making 11/4/1954 #11566 La Roche-en-Brenil, France Raymond R. saw a craft, which mad 11/5/1954 #11578 La Roche-en-Brénil, Côte d’Or, France 10:09 a.m. A witness in La Roche- 11/5/1954 #11579 in La Roche-en-Brénil, Côte d’Or, France, sees an orange object making a n 11/5/1954 #11579 In La Roche-en-Brenil, France at 10:10 a.m. Raymond R. saw a cr 11/5/1954 #11581 Voussac, France In the Vacheresse Forest, reliabl 11/8/1954 #11597 La Tessoualle, France Andre Chaillou felt pricklings in 11/8/1954 #11598 Voussac, Allier, France Vacheresse Forest 6:00 p.m. Witne 11/8/1954 #11599 m. Witnesses near Voussac, Allier, France, in the Vacheresse Forest watch a 11/8/1954 #11599 é Chaillou Loublande, Deux-Sèvres, France 7:30 p.m. Blacksmith André Chaill 11/8/1954 #11600 e north of Loublande, Deux-Sèvres, France, when he notices a small blue lig 11/8/1954 #11600 the Vacheresse Forest in Voussac, France reported seeing a luminous sphere 11/8/1954 #11603 At dusk in La Tessoualle, France Andre Chaillou felt pricklings in 11/8/1954 #11604 a field in Inchy, Nord department, France. It then rose vertically and vani 11/9/1954 #11612 rville, Seine-Maritime department, France. Two observers ran beneath it. Th 11/9/1954 #11614 Berck, France Near the local airport, Mr. Davri 11/13/1954 #11636 Buchy, France At intersection of Routes N28 and 11/13/1954 #11637 Buchy, Seine-Maritime, France 2:00 a.m. A witness is driving in 11/13/1954 #11639 driving in Buchy, Seine-Maritime, France, and sees a luminous object take 11/13/1954 #11639 l airport in Berck, Pas-de-Calais, France, Mr. Davril saw a craft shaped li 11/13/1954 #11640 and N319 in Buchy, Seine-Maritime, France Mr. R. L. of Rouen saw a luminous 11/13/1954 #11641 ld girl in St. Maudan, Cotes-Nord, France saw a UFO looking like "a glowing 11/18/1954 #11667 in Moze-sur-Louet, Maine-et-Loire, France a beam of light from the sky sear 11/29/1954 #11729 Martin-d'L-Place, Maine-et-Loire, France at the same time as a power outag 11/29/1954 #11730 rom Bourbon-L'Archambault, Allier, France. It stopped in midair, then shot 11/29/1954 #11731 Bassoues, France A 39-year-old civilian saw an ova 12/1/1954 #11742 Bersaillin, France A woodsman from Poligny saw a ver 12/17/1954 #11828 . on a country road in Bersaillin, France in Jura department, a woodsman si 12/17/1954 #11829 Bru, France Near Gardonne, Mr. Gamba saw an o 12/29/1954 #11875 ound near a river in Bru, Gironde, France, 50 meters away from witnesses. T 12/29/1954 #11876 chiefs met with counterparts from France, Britain, and the USA to discuss 1955 #11886 ard in Cerat, Pyrennes-Orientales, France at 7:25 p.m. The lights were arra 2/4/1955 #11974 Pontoise, France 15-year-old Jacques Vallée and hi 5/1955 #12111 vering above a church in Pontoise, France. 5/1955 #12111 t 12:15 a.m. in Dinan, Cotes-Nord, France Mr. M. Droguet sighted a large do 5/14/1955 #12132 Puy-Saint-Gulmier, France A farmer, 74-year-old J. B. Colla 5/31/1955 #12169 ssr. Coulange, in Puy St. Gulmier, France a 1.1 meter (5 feet) in diameter 5/31/1955 #12170 Toulab, France C-47 Pilot Sees Light Changing Co 7/11/1955 #12252 Plessiel Airfield, near Abbeville, France Mr. Maupin and five other witness 7/18/1955 #12269 Plessiel Airfield, near Abbeville, France Mr. Maupin and five other witness 7/18/1955 #12270 Salon, near Arles, France Two persons in a car saw a lighte 8/1/1955 #12314 sts in a car in Salon, near Arles, France saw a lighted object dive toward 8/1/1955 #12320 Buzancy, Ardennes, France Messrs. Coisin and Mahieu saw fiv 8/5/1955 #12330 Buzancy, Ardennes, France - At 2:30 p.m. Messrs. Coisin and 8/5/1955 #12332 coming down in Buzancy, Ardennes, France. They maneuvered at great speed. 8/5/1955 #12334 Boisseuges, France A young shepherd heard a whistlin 9/16/1955 #12456 Boisseuges, France. A young shepherd heard a whistli 9/16/1955 #12457 outheast of Wissembourg, Bas-Rhin, France a huge, 400 meter long UFO was se 10/15/1955 #12505 chiefs met with counterparts from France, Britain, and the USA to discuss 1956 #12626 Paris, France Paris, France, G,V (NICAP: 09 - R 2/17/1956 #12722 Paris, France Paris, France, G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Ra 2/17/1956 #12722 Orly Airport, Paris, France Gometz-le-Châtel, Seine et Oise L 2/17/1956 #12723 ontrollers at Orly Airport, Paris, France, see a target appear on their rad 2/17/1956 #12723 rget appears, identified as an Air France DC-3 airliner flying over the Les 2/17/1956 #12723 radar sets at Orly Airport, Paris, France tracked an unknown blip for four 2/17/1956 #12724 Montelimar Airdrome (N of), France A round dot change color every 30 2/18/1956 #12726 Orly Airport, Paris, France Light red blinking light flying e 2/18/1956 #12727 Elboeuf, France Near Exauroux, two brothers, 18 a 4/8/1956 #12802 At 11:45 p.m. near Exauroux, France two brothers, ages 18 and 20, saw 4/8/1956 #12804 FT FEYZIN, FRANCE Landed domed saucer. Small humano 6/1956 #12875 Rouen, France 1957; Rouen, France, RAF Flying R 1957 #13428 Rouen, France 1957; Rouen, France, RAF Flying Review photo (hoax) ( 1957 #13428 a fighter pilot flying over Rouen, France photographed a hat-shaped saucer 3/5/1957 #13520 f highway N562 in Figanieres, Var, France, causing the engine of the witnes 4/12/1957 #13598 Vins sur Caramy (1/2 mile E of), France 5 ft tall 3 ft wide metallic top- 4/14/1957 #13600 Vins-sur-Caramy, France At an intersection, two women, Mr 4/14/1957 #13601 Vins-sur-Caramy, Var, France 3:00 p.m. Marie Garcin and Julia 4/14/1957 #13602 mile east of Vins-sur-Caramy, Var, France, when they hear a deafening noise 4/14/1957 #13602 Palalda, France Mr. and Mrs. Firmin Bason heard a 4/22/1957 #13611 hovered over a vineyard in Palada, France. It was witnessed by Mr. & Mrs. F 4/22/1957 #13613 Beaucourt-sur-Ancre, France A Hungarian refugee, Michel Feket 5/10/1957 #13652 Beaucourt-sur-l’Ancre, Somme, France After 10:45 p.m. At Beaucourt-sur 5/10/1957 #13653 . At Beaucourt-sur-l’Ancre, Somme, France, a 29-year-old Hungarian refugee 5/10/1957 #13653 ong a road in Beaucourt-sur-Ancre, France when he was temporarily blinded b 5/10/1957 #13655 Paris, France Confidential report, from U.S. Em 9/26/1957 #14034 Roulon, France Two witnesses in a car saw someth 10/11/1957 #14099 s in a car being driven in Roulon, France saw something they described as " 10/11/1957 #14100 Longchaumois, France A businessman and his wife saw a 10/31/1957 #14173 Longchaumois, Jura, France A businessman and his wife at Lon 10/31/1957 #14175 nd his wife at Longchaumois, Jura, France, see a large lighted object with 10/31/1957 #14175 At midnight in Longchaumois, France a businessman and his wife saw a 10/31/1957 #14177 Toulouse Observatory France Night. French astronomer Jacques 11/10/1957 #14526 Chapuis at Toulouse Observatory in France observes a maneuvering, yellow, s 11/10/1957 #14526 Ugines, France Two engineers were driving about 11/25/1957 #14613 France French ufologist Aimé Michel publ 1958 #14781 wave of September–October 1954 in France. The book’s preface is written by 1958 #14781 e Chambon-sur-Lignon, Haute-Loire, France Ufologist Raymond Veillith launch 2/1958 #14860 e Chambon-sur-Lignon, Haute-Loire, France. It continues on under various ed 2/1958 #14860 es over farm country in Ladapeyre, France beginning at 11:30 p.m. 2/1/1958 #14863 near Le Brusc, France - Three fishermen had gone to sea 6/12/1958 #15092 s 10M / ground. Jet sound. / Oeste France. 9/1/1958 #15243 Laval, France About 11 km before Laval, a busin 9/1/1958 #15245 about 11 km before reaching Laval, France a businessman driving from Paris 9/1/1958 #15248 seen at ground level in Docelles, France. The next day four deep rectangul 9/2/1958 #15251 Clermont-Ferrand, France Approximate date. A disk of 20 m 12/20/1958 #15488 t four o’clock in the afternoon in France, or nine hours later, a disc-shap 12/20/1958 #15492 1965 and a Professor at College de France; he claims in 1959 for three mont 1959 #15516 he city of Aubagne, Bouches-Rhone, France at 6 p.m. Twenty human-looking oc 10/30/1959 #16069 0.0000 Nuclear test: Air. Country: France Name: “gerb._bleue” 2/13/1960 #16172 3 p.m. in Puy-de-Dome department, France for more than five minutes, then 3/25/1960 #16208 0.0000 Nuclear test: Air. Country: France Name: “gerb._blanche” 4/1/1960 #16213 t. Omer, Pas-de-Calais department, France at 12:05 a.m. As it got closer it 8/2/1960 #16364 La Londe, France Remi Carbonnier, 45, was awakened 11/13/1960 #16501 In the year 1960 in La Londe, France a domed disc-shaped UFO was spott 11/13/1960 #16502 Carignan, France A dog barking at a glowing object 12/9/1960 #16529 lles Carignan-de-Bordeaux Gironde, France 8:30 p.m. Mme. Dhelens in the Châ 12/9/1960 #16530 of Carignan-de-Bordeaux), Gironde, France, sees a luminous oval object twic 12/9/1960 #16530 At 8:30 p.m. in Carignan, France a dog was seen barking at a glowi 12/9/1960 #16531 0.0000 Nuclear test: Air. Country: France Name: “gerb._rouge” 12/27/1960 #16540 Cestas-Gazinet, France An electronics professor at Borde 1/22/1961 #16586 , orange object in Cestas-Gazinet, France at 6:30 p.m. Interference with th 1/22/1961 #16588 Western Europe, France Disc near nuclear power station ( 2/1961 #16592 0.0000 Nuclear test: Air. Country: France 4/25/1961 #16661 Paris Observatory in Meudon, France 10:35 p.m. Jacques Vallée and oth 7/11/1961 #16760 t the Paris Observatory in Meudon, France, see a mystery satellite as part 7/11/1961 #16760 Toulouse, France Approximate date. Five persons ob 8/25/1961 #16803 Toulouse, France Five people at Toulouse, France, 8/25/1961? #16804 e, France Five people at Toulouse, France, see a luminous, yellow object, 2 8/25/1961? #16804 ons riding in a car near Toulouse, France observed a luminous, yellow spher 8/25/1961 #16805 uclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “agate” 11/7/1961 #16958 Paris, France René and Françine Fouéré establis 1962 #17009 e des Phénomènes Aériens in Paris, France, with an initial group of 60 inte 1962 #17009 uclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “beryl” Yield: 20KT 5/1/1962 #17147 rman in two boats off of Le Brusc, France in the Mediterranean Sea. They fi 8/1/1962 #17313 Var, France A garage owner was driving throug 11/1962 #17524 Var department, southeastern France Evening. A French businessman is 11/1962 #17525 ad in Var department, southeastern France. It is raining heavily. Rounding 11/1962 #17525 ud & going quickly south toward(s) France. 2/23/1963 #17682 uclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “emeraude” Yield: 0KT Yield 3/18/1963 #17711 uclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “amethyste” Yield: 0KT Yiel 3/30/1963 #17715 Yvrac-Maille, France Mr. and Mrs. D., of Carignan, saw 5/15/1963 #17740 Mr. and Mrs. D. of Carignan, France saw an object on the ground to th 5/15/1963 #17743 uclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “rubis” Yield: 20KT 10/20/1963 #17992 APO 253, France (McDonald list) (NICAP: 01 - Dist 12/6/1963 #18067 Two men driving at 1:00 a.m. in France, Messrs. Muller and Immelman, fou 12/14/1963 #18082 uclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “opale” Yield: 0KT YieldMax 2/14/1964 #18130 uclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “topaze” Yield: 0KT YieldMa 6/15/1964 #18362 s, Pyrenees-Atlantique department, France. Two short humanoids dressed in k 7/8/1964 #18400 uclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “turquoise” Yield: 0KT Yiel 11/28/1964 #18643 Lestrem, Pas-de-Calais, France Jean-Pierre D’Hondt founds Groupe 1965 #18684 es OVNI in Lestrem, Pas-de-Calais, France. It publishes Recherches Ufologiq 1965 #18684 Mourenx, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France George Langelaan, ex-secret servi 2/1965 #18790 at Mourenx, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France, and declares that the Russian an 2/1965 #18790 uclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “saphir” Yield: 20KT 2/27/1965 #18828 NANE AIRPORT/APARTMENT, FR 2 / air France crew. Metallic disk / 15km altitu 4/9/1965 #18900 At 7:20 p.m. an Air France aircrew in France saw a metallic 4/9/1965 #18901 7:20 p.m. an Air France aircrew in France saw a metallic disc-shaped object 4/9/1965 #18901 uclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “jade” Yield: 0KT YieldMax: 5/30/1965 #18976 Valensole, France Humanoids Near Elliptical Object 7/1/1965 #19044 Valensole, France Farmer Maurice Masse, 41, heard a 7/1/1965 #19045 Valensole, France Elliptical object with legs obser 7/1/1965 #19046 Valensole, Alps-de-Haute-Provence, France 5:45 a.m. Maurice Masse is farmin 7/1/1965 #19047 Valensole, Alps-de-Haute-Provence, France, when he is startled by a whistli 7/1/1965 #19047 e, Alpes-Haut-Provence department, France. At around five o'clock in the mo 7/1/1965 #19049 Moyeuvre, France At the Cote-de-Thermont, 30-year- 7/9/1965 #19087 m the ground in Moyeuvre, Moselle, France at 12:30 in the afternoon. The ob 7/9/1965 #19090 Grouzies, France Alain Bressol observed a large, d 7/29/1965 #19200 Alain Bressol of Grouzies, France observed a large, disc-shaped obj 7/29/1965 #19204 FORT / FRANCE, MTQ 2 submarine/submerged crews. 9/22/1965 (approximate) #19587 uclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “corindon” Yield: 0KT Yield 10/1/1965 #19633 uclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “tourmaline” Yield: 0KT Yie 12/1/1965 #19747 Forbach, Moselle, France Francis Schaefer founds the Cercl 1966 #19797 s Ufologiques in Forbach, Moselle, France. From 1975 to 1984 it publishes U 1966 #19797 Bolazec, France On the Morlaix-Callac Road, 23-ye 1/16/1966 #19840 a pasture in Kerrodien en Bolazec, France when he saw a luminous, box-shape 1/16/1966 #19841 uclear test: Underground. Country: France Name: “grenat” Yield: 0KT YieldMa 2/16/1966 #19907 Attigneville, France Jean Voilquin, 54, saw a strange 3/26/1966 #20089 ers away from him in Attigneville, France. It moved at a speed of about 30 3/26/1966 #20092 vertically over Chauvigny, Vienne, France. They saw two solid, coherent lig 4/22/1966 #20378 Bar-sur-Loup, France The Mayor of Bar-sur-Loup, Leon B 6/18/1966 #20578 Le Rouret, France A truck driver, Mr. Dugelay, saw 6/18/1966 #20579 arbier, the mayor of Bar-sur-Loup, France saw a large, round object with ye 6/18/1966 #20582 disc-shaped object over Le Rouret, France. It remained motionless for five 6/18/1966 #20582 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Aldebaron” YieldMax: 200KT 7/2/1966 #20629 Rebouillon, France Rene Pebre and two others were dr 7/17/1966 #20648 Rebouillon, France. Rene Pebre and two others were d 7/17/1966 #20649 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Tamore” YieldMax: 200KT 7/19/1966 #20656 Montsoreau, France A photographer, Mr. Lacoste, and 7/28/1966 #20691 bject cross the sky in Montsoreau, France and appear to touch the ground. I 7/28/1966 #20693 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Betelguese” YieldMax: 200K 9/11/1966 #20871 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Rigel” YieldMax: 200KT 9/24/1966 #20922 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Sirus” YieldMax: 1000KT 10/4/1966 #20956 the mountains of Col d'Uzes, Gard, France. It flew at an estimated altitude 12/5/1966 #21186 France A French government UFO project, 1967 #21237 because of the political crisis in France in May 1968. 1967 #21237 res were seen flying over Aveyron, France at eleven o'clock at night. A lum 1/6/1967 #21268 Aveyon, France White ball, oval near ground, whi 1/11/1967 #21286 night in Aveyron, Basses Pyrenees, France a farmer sighted a "shell" shaped 1/11/1967 #21288 Romieres, France A woman walking home saw a beam o 1/17/1967 #21331 A woman walking home in Romieres, France at 6:45 p.m. saw a beam of light, 1/17/1967 #21335 use in Sauvigny-les-Bois, L'Yonne, France when he saw an intensely yellow l 2/5/1967 #21463 f Schirmeck, Bas-Rhine department, France first sighted seven or eight blac 5/6/1967 #22288 Marliens, France In a field which belonged to the 5/9/1967 #22303 Maillotte, the mayor of Marliens, France, a depression was discovered and 5/9/1967 #22304 ast of the town of Combs-la-Ville, France a 1.5 meter pyramid shaped UFO la 5/10/1967 #22311 Evillers, France A teacher, 45-year-old Mr. Tyrode 5/22/1967 #22388 a greenish-blue light in Evillers, France. It flew less than 20 meters abov 5/22/1967 #22389 Arbonne, France Remy Deneuville and his family sa 5/24/1967 #22392 o the side of the road in Arbonne, France at eleven p.m., but it was turned 5/24/1967 #22393 e-Treize-Voies, Vendee department, France. When it took off it made a noise 5/27/1967 #22409 ound over the ground in Sermerieu, France. Four dead cows were found togeth 5/27/1967 #22410 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Altair” YieldMax: 20KT 6/5/1967 #22467 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Antares” YieldMax: 200KT 6/27/1967 #22564 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Arcturus” YieldMax: 200KT 7/2/1967 #22592 Arc-sous-Cicon, France Children were terrified by four d 7/17/1967 #22680 Arc-sous-Cicon, Doubs department, France four children saw three dark huma 7/17/1967 #22684 was out in his garden in Wissons, France when he noticed a greenish glow o 7/21/1967 #22719 Mareuil, France Between Mareuil and Ste-Hermine, 7/24/1967 #22725 g between Mareuil and Ste-Hermine, France when they saw a red disc the size 7/24/1967 #22726 n the town of Perigueux, Dordogne, France a silent disc-shaped object made 8/3/1967 #22789 Cussac, France Two children saw a sphere, 2 m in 8/29/1967 #22953 Cussac, Cantal, France 10:30 a.m. François Delpeuch, 13, 8/29/1967 #22954 re herding cows at Cussac, Cantal, France. They see four small black beings 8/29/1967 #22954 In Cussac, Cantal department, France at 10:30 a.m. 13-year-old Francoi 8/29/1967 #22955 Cussac, France Time not reported. Two small huma 8/31/1967 #22960 Vélizy-Villacoublay, Yvelines, France Afternoon. Paul Stehlin, military 9/1967 #22975 ar Vélizy- Villacoublay, Yvelines, France, when he sees a silver, cigar-sha 9/1967 #22975 Tavigny, Buret, France Daytime. Two hemispherical object 9/25/1967 #23129 On this day in Le Mas, France (Lozere department) at 12:45 p.m. 10/13/1967 #23234 Maritimes, Nice, France 3:38 p.m. LT. Two witnesses saw a 10/22/1967 #23285 Mer and Port Saint Louis in Arles, France observed a UFO descend and land n 3/29/1968 #23873 ase from Ste. Assise, Seine-Marne, France. A nocturnal light curved all ove 5/9/1968 #23953 ound Earth, and he observed Japan, France, and Chile before being returned 6/4/1968 #24006 f from a farm in Brazey en Morvan, France. Dead sheep and slugs were found 6/21/1968 #24068 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Capella” YieldMax: 200KT 7/7/1968 #24154 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Castor” YieldMax: 1000KT 7/15/1968 #24177 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pollux” YieldMax: 200KT 8/3/1968 #24292 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Canopus” Yield: 1000KT 8/24/1968 #24374 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Procyon” Yield: 1000KT 9/8/1968 #24440 ll country road in Roncenay, Aude, France when they both saw, about 150 yar 9/30/1968 #24527 te-Provence department of southern France, "Doctor X", was awakened by the 11/1/1968 #24620 Unknown City, France 3:55 a.m. During a thunderstorm, 11/2/1968 #24623 France During a thunderstorm, a medical 11/2/1968 #24624 Algeria south of France 3:55 a.m. A partially paralyzed A 11/2/1968 #24625 perty in a village in the south of France on October 29. He is lying in bed 11/2/1968 #24625 torm, a medical doctor in southern France was awakened at 3:55 a.m. by his 11/2/1968 #24626 Fleury-d'Aude, France 9:00 p.m. A dozen witnesses saw a 11/22/1968 #24684 Fleury-d'Aude, France A dozen witnesses saw a lens-shap 11/22/1968 #24685 dozen witnesses in Fleury-d'Aude, France saw a lens-shaped object surround 11/22/1968 #24690 evening at 18:04 p.m. in Franois, France nine witnesses saw strange figure 12/12/1968 #24766 Rebais, Seine-et-Marne, France Gérard Lebat founds Groupe d’Étud 1969 #24801 y 1981, in Rebais, Seine-et-Marne, France. 1969 #24801 s in La Barbee, Sarthe department, France for 45 minutes. It then flew to t 1/14/1969 #24843 in de Londres, Herault department, France a 40-year-old farmer and his assi 2/9/1969 #24907 ht in Chateau Des Martins, Vienne, France five horses in the paddock of M. 2/16/1969 #24923 Near Pau-Uzein Airport, France at 8:00 p.m. four witnesses, incl 2/25/1969 #24944 en La Croix-Jartel and St. Julien, France and was temporarily paralyzed. 3/11/1969 #24997 gravel pit in Malataverne, Drome, France and was witnessed by several. Whe 3/14/1969 #25013 Cannes, Alpes-Maritime Department, France. Looking out, two boys saw a smal 7/21/1969 #25289 12 meters over a path in Estival, France. It returned a short time later f 7/25/1969 #25299 6:00 a.m. from Perpignan to Rouen, France when he heard a voice in his head 8/11/1969 #25317 west of Bargemon, Var department, France. It came down low over the source 8/11/1969 #25318 r the mountains north of Espalion, France. They stopped, rotated in place, 8/12/1969 #25320 NANTES, FRANCE 2 / telescope. Large fake Saturn 10/8/1969 #25397 scope in Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, France at 4:10 a.m. It had small satelli 10/8/1969 #25401 ntes and Royan, Charente-Maritime, France by flying in front of the vehicle 10/11/1969 #25407 ed in a pasture in Beauvais, Oise, France, but the cows did not seem to rea 10/11/1969 #25408 nd over a vineyard in Portiragnes, France. The vines later died. 10/28/1969 #25430 10:30 p.m. over Riom, Puy-de-Dome, France and vanish as if going through a 11/1/1969 #25448 itness was at his window in Nancy, France at 5 p.m. awaiting the arrival of 11/15/1969 #25461 the village of Montigne, Charente, France were lit by and odd luminesence. 1/5/1970 #25536 rm in Rouillac, Charente district, France followed by a flash. The next day 1/9/1970 #25543 th of Cramoisy in Oise department, France encountered a low flying, slow mo 1/13/1970 #25546 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Andromede” YieldMax: 20KT 5/15/1970 #25664 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Cassiopee” YieldMax: 1000K 5/22/1970 #25669 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Dragon” YieldMax: 1000KT 5/30/1970 #25677 In Evillers, Doubs department, France in 1970, six children reported se 6/4/1970 #25690 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Eridan” YieldMax: 20KT 6/24/1970 #25706 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Licorne” YieldMax: 1000KT 7/3/1970 #25724 At 11:10 p.m. in Evillers, France a sphere, the apparent size of th 7/9/1970 #25729 breilles-les-Bordes, Haute-Vienne, France 5:30 p.m. A witness comes across 7/25/1970 #25750 breilles-les-Bordes, Haute-Vienne, France. He is blinded by a yellow-orange 7/25/1970 #25750 In Jabreilles des Bordes, France at 5:30 p.m. in 1970 a disc lande 7/25/1970 #25751 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pegase” YieldMax: 20KT 7/27/1970 #25754 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Orion” YieldMax: 200KT 8/2/1970 #25766 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Toucan” YieldMax: 1000KT 8/6/1970 #25772 near a car in Puits-d'Edme, Yonne, France. The car engine and lights both f 8/16/1970 #25792 re in Ruelle-sur-Touvre, Charente, France. When it took off, it zig-zagged 9/9/1970 #25833 in the sky over the town of Reze, France in Loire-Atlantique department at 9/28/1970 #25858 m. in the town of St-Vit in Doubs, France several motorists saw a red disc 12/17/1970 #25946 e clouds on the island of Corsica, France. The photos were taken along the 2/12/1971 #26019 and fast over the town of Vannes, France shooting off toward the north. On 3/2/1971 #26039 shop in Savigny, Jura department, France at 1:10 a.m. He was between Trena 3/5/1971 #26044 rabbits in Dannes, Pas-de-Calais, France at 2:05 p.m. when she sighted a d 5/30/1971 #26145 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Dione” YieldMax: 200KT 6/5/1971 #26157 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Encelade” YieldMax: 1000KT 6/12/1971 #26170 he bottom hovered over Courbevoie, France at 8:50 p.m. It tilted as it hove 6/13/1971 #26175 1:00 p.m. in Mulhouse, Haut-Rhine, France a disc-shaped object was seen til 6/24/1971 #26190 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Japet” YieldMax: 20KT 7/4/1971 #26207 tnesses with binoculars in Ouhans, France heard a dull roaring sound at 2:3 7/6/1971 #26209 -en-Ploemeur, Morbihan department, France at 6:30 a.m. It turned, then shot 7/8/1971 #26217 s from Rocamadour, Lot department, France when he heard the sound of breaki 7/8/1971 #26218 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Phoebe” YieldMax: 20KT 8/8/1971 #26273 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Rhea” YieldMax: 1000KT 8/14/1971 #26284 southeast of Verteillac, Dordogne, France a huge metallic disc-shaped UFO w 8/23/1971 #26302 isolated wooded area near Grasse, France. In a clearing he encountered two 8/25/1971 #26305 In Wingles, France a domed disc flew behind a hill o 9/4/1971 #26318 to the wind over Vendhuile, Aisne, France. It made a 90 degree turn and fle 9/8/1971 #26325 of Manosque, Alpes-Haut-Provence, France saw a 12 meter diameter disc-shap 9/16/1971 #26338 titude over the city of Marseille, France illuminating the area below it ye 9/22/1971 #26364 m tractor occurred in La Chapelle, France at 1:30 in the early morning. A f 11/14/1971 #26472 a forest south of Michery, Yonne, France. It eetours around a copse of woo 12/5/1971 #26488 In Evillers, France a red disc with blurry edges flew 2/5/1972 #26565 Gardelle-sur-Leze, Haute-Garronne, France. It then took off and flew to the 2/12/1972 #26576 t hung over a factory in Boussois, France at 6:30 p.m. It moved off toward 3/1/1972 #26586 Normandy, France Ellipse with red light landed abo 3/10/1972 #26596 In Aubigny, Eure district, France a 63-year-old fireman spotted a d 3/10/1972 #26599 n Dargies and Grandvilliers, Oise, France. It vanished when the car's headl 3/26/1972 #26625 tes over Vidauban, Var department, France at 2:30 a.m. It had lights on top 4/6/1972 #26639 he Charente-Maritime department of France near the village of Ste.-Soulle a 4/21/1972 #26656 over La Deschaux, Jura department, France at 11:30 p.m., then moved toward 6/2/1972 #26698 the craft. At 9:00 p.m. in Rouen, France a white metallic domed disc shot 6/6/1972 #26704 roño, La Rioja, Spain Spain Brazil France US 2:00 a.m. Javier Bosque, a sem 6/22/1972 #26726 by laboratories in Spain, Brazil, France, and the US. It contains some pur 6/22/1972 #26726 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Umbriel” YieldMax: 20KT 6/25/1972 #26731 minutes along the shore of Calais, France. It dropped some kind of a liquid 6/29/1972 #26743 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Titania” YieldMax: 20KT 6/30/1972 #26745 Marcq-en-Baroeul, Nord department, France. Many black dot-like objects coul 6/30/1972 #26746 euvering in the sky over Chartres, France by three airmen. One flew off to 7/14/1972 #26799 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Oberon” YieldMax: 20KT 7/27/1972 #26843 Saint-Jean-du-Gard, Gard, France Nîmes 2:30 a.m. A married couple, 8/9/1972 #26889 Nîmes at Saint-Jean-du-Gard, Gard, France. The woman is walking outside and 8/9/1972 #26889 end's house in Saint Jean Du Gard, France and had gone out for a walk at 2: 8/9/1972 #26890 Taize, France Elliptical object with bright lig 8/12/1972 #26909 Taize, France Elliptical object with bright lig 8/12/1972 #26910 Taizé, Saône-et-Loire, France 2:00 a.m.–5:00 a.m. About 30 youn 8/12/1972 #26911 ommunity in Taizé, Saône-et-Loire, France, are having a discussion in a rus 8/12/1972 #26911 ear Taize, Saone-Loire department, France. It emitted light beams downward, 8/12/1972 #26912 in Taize, Saone-Loire department, France first sighted a phosphorescent gr 9/7/1972 #26979 ver a forest in Acheres, Yvelines, France at 8:45 a.m. 11/23/1972 #27136 Valence, France David Duquesnoy founds the Associ 1973 #27202 Amis de Marc Thirouin in Valence, France, named in honor of the founder of 1973 #27202 tes sur les Soucoupes Volantes, in France in 1951. It begins publishing UFO 1973 #27202 At one a.m. in Quarouble, France a glowing box shone a strong beam 1/10/1973 #27229 illenueve-sur-Lot, Lot-et-Garonne, France. The driver was temporarily paral 2/25/1973 #27317 Therines, Oise, France - At midnight M. Brechant, his 11 3/24/1973 #27373 edition. In a field near Songeons, France and some 250-300 meters away from 3/24/1973 #27373 ting expedition in Therines, Oise, France. They spotted a luminous ball in 3/25/1973 #27376 n Villevueve-sur-Lot, Lot-Garonne, France had a close encounter with a blaz 3/25/1973 #27377 ops in the sky over Mount Bouquet, France at 4:00 p.m.. It flew off toward 3/28/1973 #27386 rthwest of Tosny, Eure Department, France a car experience radio interferen 5/15/1973 #27491 Behencourt, Somme, France. At 10:30 p.m. a 20-meter wide do 5/18/1973 #27507 moved across the sky in Feignies, France. There were two long windows on t 5/27/1973 #27534 Gavignano, Corisica, France E-M effects, paralysis, cold felt 7/21/1973 #27644 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Euterpe” YieldMax: 20KT 7/21/1973 #27645 highway 139 in Gavignano, Corsica, France felt paralyzed at the same time a 7/21/1973 #27646 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Melpomene” YieldMax: 20KT 7/28/1973 #27659 e-sur-Lot, Lot-Garonne department, France. It made halts at the corners in 8/3/1973 #27676 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pallas” YieldMax: 20KT 8/18/1973 #27712 ver Vertheuil, Gironde department, France and tilted at a 45 degree angle. 8/20/1973 #27717 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Parthenope” YieldMax: 20KT 8/24/1973 #27722 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Tamara” YieldMax: 20KT 8/28/1973 #27728 own in the town of Feignies, Nord, France. The air surrounding the object w 9/3/1973 #27753 In Bavilliers, Belfort department, France at 6:50 p.m. smaller UFOs cavorte 9/4/1973 #27761 rved in Louvroil, Nord department, France moving with a slow wobble. It sho 9/4/1973 #27762 ry low altitude in Maubeuge, Nord, France. Plants were found scorched on th 9/4/1973 #27762 low altitude over Dunkerque, Nord, France. It made no sound, and there were 9/19/1973 #27840 Bedarrides, France Humanoid occupant case. No detail 9/27/1973 #27877 Mont Real in Bedarrides, Vancluse, France, the witness observed a four-foot 9/27/1973 #27879 Puy-Verday, France While enroute to work, the witnes 10/1973 #27896 shaped UFO buzzed a car in Launac, France. It ascended and flew off to the 10/5/1973 #27952 r. At 5:20 a.m. in Nohant-en-Gout, France there was another case involving 10/5/1973 #27952 Draguignan, France During humanoid encounter lights 10/19/1973 #28193 On this evening in Draguignan, France four youths in two cars drove up 10/19/1973 #28197 n a car just west of Blacy, Marne, France encountered a silent, faceted sph 10/22/1973 #28242 03 p.m. in Toulon, Var department, France a bright ovoid object divided int 10/26/1973 #28296 Toulon, France Vedene, France The Société Varois 12/1973 #28496 Toulon, France Vedene, France The Société Varoise d’Étude des P 12/1973 #28496 des Phénomènes Spatiaux in Toulon, France, begins publishing the journal Ap 12/1973 #28496 des Phénomènes Spatiaux in Vedene, France. 12/1973 #28496 in Bonneville Carteret, Normandy, France at 5:30 in the morning. It direct 12/2/1973 #28506 t a low altitude near Nimes, Gard, France. At dawn 65 bulls of the breed th 12/5/1973 #28523 Fabrègues, Hérault, France 6:45 p.m. Witnesses at Fabrègues, 12/6/1973 #28533 . Witnesses at Fabrègues, Hérault, France, see a landed domed disc on legs 12/6/1973 #28533 kilometers southeast of Fabregues, France two teenagers discovered a 12 met 12/6/1973 #28535 Mont Ste. Victoire, Bouches-Rhone, France by an aerospace worker at 10:45 a 12/9/1973 #28543 Ouzoues-sur-Loire, France About 6:20 p.m. A 50-year-old cou 12/10/1973 #28548 local time) in Ouzoues-sur-Loire, France a 50-year-old couple, several oth 12/10/1973 #28553 snes-lez-la-Bassee, Pas-de-Calais, France. It shot away very fast toward th 12/13/1973 #28569 In 1973, on a highway in Le Gua, France a near collision occurred between 12/15/1973 #28578 highway in Chateauneuf-sur-Loire, France a green ball of light dropped fro 12/15/1973 #28578 in the sky over Charmeil Airport, France. They flew away and came back bri 12/19/1973 #28588 in Les Riveaux, Allier department, France. Two glowing tubes protruded from 12/25/1973 #28604 ns and La Bassee in Pas-de-Calais, France Mr. Liefooghe had a close encount 12/31/1973 #28623 France The French government decides to 1974 #28625 Aix-en-Provence, France Vevey, Switzerland Kalmthout, Bel 1974 #28626 oupes Volantes in Aix-en-Provence, France, and soon establishes branches in 1974 #28626 t Gerald Ford and the President of France Giscard d’Estaing; Walter Andrus 1974 #28633 Rambouillet, Yvelines department, France. It directed a beam of light down 1/5/1974 #28648 by three witnesses in Landivisiau, France. It changed shape to a sphere, th 1/18/1974 #28685 wo other sightings that evening in France and another in England. 1/24/1974 #28702 sur-Loing, Seine-Marne department, France two witnesses watched an ovoid UF 1/24/1974 #28703 ortheast of Tarbes on highway N21, France around two o'clock in the morning 1/31/1974 #28716 domed disc was sighted in Douvrin, France just 15 meters above the ground. 2/8/1974 #28749 alons-sur-Marne, Marne department, France at night. Meanwhile, a large clou 2/11/1974 #28757 8:20 p.m. north of Colleret, Nord, France a domed disc-shaped object was fi 2/13/1974 #28766 Petite-Ile (Reunion), France 1:30 p.m. A man was walking along 2/14/1974 #28770 Montreal-d'Aude, Aude department, France. It had four blazing lights on di 2/17/1974 #28778 France French radio journalist Jean-Clau 2/21/1974 #28787 nse Minister Robert Galley for his France Inter radio program, OVNIs: Pas d 2/21/1974 #28787 center at Bagnols-sur-Ceze, Gard, France heading west. 2/24/1974 #28796 At 7:15 a.m. in Toulon, France a white T-shaped object hovered f 2/25/1974 #28803 Hirson (Aisne), France 5:30 a.m. The witness was riding 2/28/1974 #28820 as motorcycling to work in Hirson, France at 5:30 in the morning when his m 2/28/1974 #28822 0:30 p.m. between Liac and Gensac, France a motorcycle engine died in the v 2/28/1974 #28823 Mellionec, Cotes-Nord department, France two luminous 20 cm long ovoid obj 2/28/1974 #28824 over a vineyard in Epernay, Marne, France. There were three witnesses: Dani 3/1/1974 #28839 he town of Solenzara, Haute-Corse, France. 3/1/1974 #28840 de of Saint-Jean-du-Falga, Ariege, France. At a farm in Lapenne, Ariege, Fr 3/1/1974 #28841 nce. At a farm in Lapenne, Ariege, France at 7:45 p.m. two strong one-meter 3/1/1974 #28841 of the UFO was 6:30 a.m. in Avion, France. According to the witness named D 3/3/1974 #28853 from a parking lot in Montmorency, France. It stood at the edge of the lot. 3/4/1974 #28854 rolley" in a field in Comberouger, France. It ascended from the ground slow 3/7/1974 #28867 r the shore in Erbalunga, Corsica, France when he looked up and saw on the 3/15/1974 #28891 Albiosco, France Albiosco, France (NICAP: 08 - Pho 3/23/1974 #28934 Albiosco, France Albiosco, France (NICAP: 08 - Photographic Cases) 3/23/1974 #28934 Albiosc, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France Tavernes, Var 11:30 p.m. A French 3/23/1974 #28937 Albiosc, Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, France. The color image shows a red obje 3/23/1974 #28937 The consensus among researchers in France is that the photo is a hoax perpe 3/23/1974 #28937 ess was driving near Nogaro, Gers, France at 3:00 a.m. when the car engine 3/25/1974 #28949 ving in Balagny-sur-Therain, Oise, France an sighted a reddish orange ovoid 3/25/1974 #28950 ground in Ossey-les-Trois-Maison, France at 8:30 p.m. Ground traces were f 3/25/1974 #28951 riving near Pouldergat, Finistere, France saw a hemispheric dome-shaped fol 3/26/1974 #28958 witnesses in Pleuville, Charente, France. It was luminous and had two rays 3/26/1974 #28958 aped object was seen in Valensole, France. It had large wide windows and a 3/31/1974 #28979 st toward Mount Dol in Saint Malo, France under a heavry cloud cover. 4/9/1974 #29001 tenon and Hanches in Eure-et-Loir, France, hovered for five minutes, and th 4/12/1974 #29008 spital in Tarbes, Hautes-Pyrénées, France saw a red glowing disc, 0.2 m in 4/12/1974 #29009 ortheast going southwest toward(s) France. Slow. Red light blinks. 4/14/1974 #29021 ipey and Cosne, Allier department, France, sighted a red glowing hemispheri 4/15/1974 #29032 n minutes after the UFO landing in France, all passengers aboard a ferry of 4/15/1974 #29033 y in Neuf-Mesnil, Nord department, France at 10:30 p.m. when a saucer flew 4/27/1974 #29068 Petits Goulets, Drome department, France and was seen by a single male wit 5/7/1974 #29092 Landévennec, Finistère, France Telgruc-sur-Mer Paris 7:00 p.m. A 5/20/1974 #29119 oad toward Landévennec, Finistère, France, when they notice a powerful ligh 5/20/1974 #29119 children in Haisnes-lez-la Bassee, France, age 10, witnessed an ovoid or fo 5/20/1974 #29121 approached Haisnes-lez-la Bassee, France and then flew off to the northwes 5/20/1974 #29121 Graye et Charnay, Jura department, France at around 2:00 a.m., and lights i 5/25/1974 #29134 of a field in Les Nourradons, Var, France when static suddenly erupted on t 5/26/1974 #29136 Maubeuge, Nord department, France. A domed disc with a thin base an 6/3/1974 #29159 At 10:15 p.m. in Wallers, France a dark object and some nocturnal 6/14/1974 #29194 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Capricorne” YieldMax: 20KT 6/16/1974 #29201 ock in the morning in Lille, Nord, France a lenticular-shaped disc that emi 6/29/1974 #29231 nder was seen over Hellemes, Nord, France. It hung vertically in the sky an 6/29/1974 #29231 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Gemeaux” YieldMax: 1000KT 7/7/1974 #29241 neuf-du-Pape, Vaucluse department, France. It eluded the car when the car a 7/8/1974 #29246 blocked out the stars over Le Luc, France. It had very bright beams of ligh 7/9/1974 #29255 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Centaure” YieldMax: 20KT 7/17/1974 #29265 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Maquis” YieldMax: 20KT 7/25/1974 #29278 ast over the beach at Canet-Plage, France. It stopped and hovered in place 8/1/1974 #29296 in Englefontaine, Nord department, France. They made a buzzing sound that w 8/2/1974 #29303 woods in Auzay, Vendee department, France. The UFO jumped up from ground le 8/2/1974 #29303 of Bully-les-Mines, Pas de Calais, France spotted a brilliant, lens-shaped 8/5/1974 #29310 town of Salles-la-Source, Averyon, France four witnesses watched as a silen 8/11/1974 #29324 La Brousse, Charente-Maritime, France 11:30 a.m. A 15-year-old boy sees 8/12/1974 #29337 at La Brousse, Charente-Maritime, France. It is about the size of a medium 8/12/1974 #29337 n Salles-de-Villefagnan, Charente, France a 15-meter in diameter disc-shape 8/12/1974 #29338 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Scorpion” YieldMax: 200KT 8/15/1974 #29355 gar-shaped craft over Malesherbes, France. Next, two small domed disc-shape 8/16/1974 #29363 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Taurue” Yield: 20KT 8/24/1974 #29382 In Feignies, Nord Department, France at 9:00 p.m. Mr. & Mrs. Moret wat 8/26/1974 #29391 at 20:30 p.m. in Niergnies, Nord, France when a saucer-shaped object with 8/28/1974 #29399 In Hierges, Nord, France dogs barked fiercely when a metal 9/4/1974 #29422 p.m. in Hergies, Nord department, France a flashlight stopped working when 9/7/1974 #29429 Causses, France 10:30 p.m. And continuing until 1 9/8/1974 #29434 In Bizeneuille, Allier, France an intensely bright red dome, 12 9/8/1974 #29435 ts of Causses, Herault department, France saw an odd red-orange light, then 9/8/1974 #29436 ear test: Air, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Verseau” Yield: 1000KT 9/14/1974 #29455 afternoon west of Dargnies, Somme, France two domed discs were seen on the 9/16/1974 #29461 ide their house in Riec sur Belon, France. The family was using binoculars 9/19/1974 #29464 ere", in Nantes, Loire-Atlantique, France. He described the beings as robot 9/29/1974 #29492 oids in Riec-sur-Belon, Finistere, France. They were 1.7 meters tall, corpu 9/29/1974 #29492 ng expedition in Grosscourt, Oise, France. It was after dark and the cars w 11/30/1974 #29622 Sorgues, Vaucluse, France Pierre Monnet founds the Groupeme 1975 #29674 énomène OVNI in Sorgues, Vaucluse, France. It publishes Vaucluse Ufologie f 1975 #29674 Le Puy, France Gilbert Peyret founds Groupement 1975 #29675 Recherches Ufologiques in Le Puy, France. It publishes OVNI 43 from 1978 t 1975 #29675 Nancy, France Martial Robé founds Groupe Privé 1975 #29676 rivé Ufologique Nancéien in Nancy, France. It publishes Réalité ou Fiction 1975 #29676 Laulne, Manche Department, France 6:50 p.m. A domed disc with three 1/5/1975 #29719 pres de Lessay, Manche department, France a domed disc-shaped craft 15 mete 1/5/1975 #29726 g at 6:00 p.m. a man in Poulderat, France Messr. J. Raphalan saw a red lumi 2/10/1975 #29802 a field for ten minutes in Carces, France. It emitted beams of light, an ca 2/10/1975 #29802 Petite-He, Reunion, France Three humanoid beings in protecti 2/14/1975 #29810 Petite-Ile, Reunion, France Three humanoid beings in protecti 2/14/1975 #29811 ter, over a hedge in Montsireigne, France at 10:30 p.m. They rose into the 3/3/1975 #29872 rried woman, woke up in Chantilly, France with the feeling that an intruder 3/6/1975 #29876 a woman in St. Hilaire de Cambrai, France. Frightened, the dogs ran and jum 3/31/1975 #29927 ear a farm south of La Flamengrie, France at 9:10 p.m. Rectangular marks we 4/1/1975 #29935 e events occurred in Rugles, Eure, France during this remarkable experience 4/25/1975 #30004 the village of Lezay, Deux Sevres, France at 11:10 p.m. It hovered 3-4 mete 5/1/1975 #30017 y N165 west of Quimper, Finistere, France a 6-meter diameter sphere with po 5/3/1975 #30030 e full moon in Lezay, Deux-Sevres, France. 5/4/1975 #30034 Nancy, France 7:45 p.m. Didier Burr, 17, photog 5/26/1975 #30066 his second-story window in Nancy, France. The sighting only lasts 10–15 se 5/26/1975 #30066 hwest very quickly over Montlucon, France at 7:00 p.m. They banked to one s 5/29/1975 #30068 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Achille” Yield: 5KT 6/5/1975 #30082 FO seen above some trees in Colpo, France. The object had antennas and emit 6/5/1975 #30083 iving between Marcenat and Moulet, France encountered a 30-meter wide ball 6/6/1975 #30089 rm six kilometers west of Meymans, France. A burglar alarm went off at arou 6/6/1975 #30089 hat evening in Revigny-sur-Ornain, France a policeman took photographs of t 6/6/1975 #30090 Pont-a-Mousson, France 3:30 a.m. A 25 meter in diameter 6/27/1975 #30125 Pont-a-Mousson, France 11:20 p.m. A vertical cylinder hu 6/27/1975 #30126 Bouillancourt-la-Bataille, Somme, France. It had two antennae. (Source: Lu 6/27/1975 #30126 service station in Pont-a-Mousson, France at 3:30 a.m. It illuminated the g 6/27/1975 #30127 Bouillancourt-la-Bataille, Somme, France. It had two antennae. 6/27/1975 #30127 es over the town of Puilly, Meuse, France. It was completely silent. 6/29/1975 #30132 Mâcon, Saône-et-Loire, France François Breuil begins publishing 7/1975 #30140 Insolite in Mâcon, Saône-et-Loire, France. It continues until January 1982. 7/1975 #30140 In Maubege, Nord, France a white sphere with portholes was 8/6/1975 #30241 rs in Ostricourt, Nord department, France, both 17, were watching a luminou 8/8/1975 #30244 way D30 in La Brosse, Seine-Marne, France. The frightened observers filed a 8/11/1975 #30251 e beach in Sanary, Var department, France. An oval door opened, and luminou 8/12/1975 #30256 oubet, Alpes Maritimes Department, France. At around 2:30 a.m. Bernard sudd 8/18/1975 #30288 St. Omer, Pas-de-Calais, France 11:30 p.m. Two young men were mak 8/22/1975 #30297 cinity of St. Omer, Pas-de-Calais, France. A short distance further they sa 8/22/1975 #30297 cinity of St. Omer, Pas-de-Calais, France. A short distance further they sa 8/22/1975 #30298 Muret, Haute-Garonne, France Gray, disc-shaped UFO, bright ill 8/29/1975 #30324 Muret, Haute-Garonne, France Gray, disc-shaped UFO, bright ill 8/29/1975 #30325 ar night between Noe and Longages, France saw a three-meter diameter dark d 8/29/1975 #30326 In Les Mureaux, France at 10:30 p.m. a 22-meter long red 9/19/1975 #30369 NORTH FRANCE 2 Mirage-jet crews. 15M fuselage 9/23/1975 #30377 Cambrai, Nord, France 10:30 p.m. An elongated fuselage- 9/23/1975 #30378 holes appeared over Cambrai, Nord, France at 10:30 p.m. It moved rapidly an 9/23/1975 #30382 Asservent, France 9:30 p.m. A very large disc-shape 9/26/1975 #30388 In Asservent, near Maubeuge, France a very large disc-shaped object w 9/26/1975 #30389 reclos, Saone-et-Loire department, France at ten p.m. a car's lights and en 10/10/1975 #30428 wn of Artix, Pyrenees-Atlantiques, France before ascending and flying off t 10/22/1975 #30460 arcelonnette, Alpes-Haut-Provence, France a ball of light hovered over a mo 11/1/1975 #30535 Lussault-sur-Loire (near), France At 6:50 p.m. a red disc-shaped ob 11/4/1975 #30552 ome woods near Lussault-sur-Loire, France. (Source: Lumieres dans la Nuit, 11/4/1975 #30552 ome woods near Lussault-sur-Loire, France. 11/4/1975 #30553 Merxheim, France 10:00 p.m. A domed disc landed on 11/6/1975 #30566 landed on three legs in Merxheim, France at 10:00 p.m. The dome on the cra 11/6/1975 #30568 ralogist walking near Vauchingnon, France happened upon some peculiar track 11/8/1975 #30584 Marseille, France A disc-shaped UFO rose from the s 11/15/1975 #30626 large radio antenna in Marseille, France. It circled, then made a 90 degre 11/15/1975 #30626 large radio antenna in Marseille, France. It circled, then made a 90 degre 11/15/1975 #30627 Saintes, France Michel, Robert, and Claude Souris 11/20/1975 #30648 Phénomènes Inexpliqués in Saintes, France. It publishes a CERPI Circulaire 11/20/1975 #30648 over the highway D786 in Treguier, France. It followed a car west, but tur 11/23/1975 #30655 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Hector” Yield: 20KT 11/26/1975 #30667 At 5:30 p.m. in Palais-sur-Vienne, France a huge ball of light was seen hov 12/8/1975 #30696 La Neuvelot, France 11:00 p.m. On a farm, a five-mete 12/15/1975 #30717 On a farm near La Neuvelot, France at 11:00 p.m. a five-meter in dia 12/15/1975 #30719 Ancy, France 7:45 a.m. A "dah-dit" noise accom 12/18/1975 #30723 c over a residential area of Ancy, France. The object had square shaped win 12/18/1975 #30725 Bar-sur-Aube, France 8:00 p.m. (+) A huge disc covered 12/24/1975 #30736 Cotes-du-Nord, France 10:00 p.m. Power circuit breakers 12/24/1975 #30737 nd in Ploubazlanec, Cotes-du-Nord, France. A 0.2 meter area of burnt grass 12/24/1975 #30737 ntire N19 highway in Bar-sur-Aube, France. It vanished at 8:10 p.m. when a 12/24/1975 #30738 nd in Ploubazlanec, Cotes-du-Nord, France. A 0.2 meter area of burnt grass 12/24/1975 #30739 Chambery, France Historian Nicolas Greslou launche 1976 #30747 echerches Ufologiques in Chambery, France. It publishes a quarterly newslet 1976 #30747 Marle, France 1:00 a.m. Three witnesses watched 1/1/1976 #30753 e o'clock in the morning in Marle, France then shot straight up in the sky 1/1/1976 #30754 Domene, Isere, France 5:50 p.m. Jean Claude Silvente, a 1/5/1976 #30760 ded by buildings in Domene, Isere, France when he heard a noise, and saw th 1/5/1976 #30760 ded by buildings in Domene, Isere, France when he heard a noise, and saw th 1/5/1976 #30761 humanoid was seen in Chamouilley, France in October of that same year. It 1/5/1976 #30761 rom getting milk in Domene, Isere, France at 6 p.m., Jean Claude Silvente, 1/6/1976 #30771 over the town of Laissaud, Savoie, France. It periodically emitted beams of 1/6/1976 #30771 m. near Echevis, Isere department, France when a luminous object appeared i 1/9/1976 #30781 f the ocean in Merville, Normandy, France a witness named Masseron heard a 1/10/1976 #30784 and Beaune, Cote D’Or department, France saw a searchlight beam flash thre 1/26/1976 #30821 Unknown City, France Two women saw a dark domed disc w 2/5/1976 #30846 or bedroom window at their home in France. Inside the transparent dome they 2/5/1976 #30848 Theville, France 8:10 p.m. A silver box, about fiv 3/2/1976 #30916 ew low over the trees in Theville, France. Two men, Messrs. Leveziel and Ma 3/2/1976 #30916 ew low over the trees in Theville, France. Two men, Messrs. Leveziel and Ma 3/2/1976 #30917 Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Night. French AF T-33, object ill 3/3/1976 #30920 Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France Night. Claude Bosc, a student pil 3/3/1976 #30921 stance near Tours, Indre-et-Loire, France. In 1–2 seconds, the object speed 3/3/1976 #30921 nch Air Force T-33 jet over Tours, France. The UFO climbed vertically, leve 3/3/1976 #30923 St. Denis, Reunion, France 6:45 a.m. The engine and headligh 3/27/1976 #30959 Paris, France Marly-le-Roi, Yvelines, France Mi 4/1976 #30972 is, France Marly-le-Roi, Yvelines, France Michel Monnerie and Raymond Bonna 4/1976 #30972 all the UFO groups iaround Paris, France. It soon falls under the auspices 4/1976 #30972 tranges in Marly-le-Roi, Yvelines, France, and continues through at least 1 4/1976 #30972 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Patrocle” Yield: 5KT 4/3/1976 #30982 At 11:40 p.m. in Laroque Timbaut, France a three meter tall pinkish, ovoid 4/7/1976 #30990 Hotstun, Drome, France Orange dome-shaped object hovered 6/11/1976 #31099 Le Martinet, Drome, France Orange dome-shaped object hovered 6/11/1976 #31100 Le Martinet, Drome, France Dome-shaped object hovered above 6/11/1976 #31101 Chatuzange-le-Goubet, Drôme, France Pont du Martinet bridge 1:15 a.m. 6/11/1976 #31102 rough Chatuzange-le-Goubet, Drôme, France, when her car engine misfires and 6/11/1976 #31102 Pizancon, France - Driving home at 1 a.m., Helene 6/11/1976 #31103 n hovering silently in Le Conquet, France. They moved away and then came ba 6/21/1976 #31124 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Menelas” Yield: 20KT 7/11/1976 #31157 St.-Pierre-sur-Mer, Hérault, France 3:30 a.m. A domed UFO is seen at 8/2/1976 #31221 et at St.-Pierre-sur-Mer, Hérault, France. It has orange lights that go on 8/2/1976 #31221 . Pierre-sur-Mer, Aude department, France a five-meter in diameter domed di 8/2/1976 #31223 r, Tunisia 10:43–10:52 p.m. An Air France pilot en route to Monastir, Tunis 8/4/1976 #31231 Forêt de Molière Poitiers, France 10:30 p.m. A 90-foot-long cigar-s 8/21/1976 #31289 e Molière to the east of Poitiers, France. Witnesses hear a humming sound a 8/21/1976 #31289 Dossenheim-sur-Zinsel, Bas-Rhin, France Midnight–4:00 a.m. Eleven witness 8/22/1976 #31291 r Dossenheim-sur-Zinsel, Bas-Rhin, France. 8/22/1976 #31291 e down by some woods in St-Verand, France at 10:40 p.m. The telephone was o 9/11/1976 #31378 in Digne, Basses-Alpes department, France at 10:00 p.m. when he noticed a l 9/20/1976 #31416 a factory in Rive-de-Gier, Loire, France. A figure was seen moving about i 10/6/1976 #31452 ains of Auribeau, Alpes-Maritimes, France three witnesses sighted an eight- 10/15/1976 #31466 ht in the suburbs of Burgoberbach, France, an 18-year-old woman had a close 10/15/1976 #31467 Hobling, France 10:30 p.m. A man driving home wit 10/24/1976 #31492 from Hestroff to Hobling, Moselle, France with his little daughter when he 10/24/1976 #31493 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Ulysse_A” Yield: 5KT 10/30/1976 #31508 ighway in Cernoy-en-Berry, Loiret, France at noon when Ms. Carof saw a shor 10/30/1976 #31510 Saint-Symphorien-de-Lay, Loire, France Dominique Delille founds Groupe d 11/1976 #31516 in Saint-Symphorien-de-Lay, Loire, France. It publishes a quarterly newslet 11/1976 #31516 Rives, Isère, France Voreppe Massif du Taillefer Mont 11/5/1976 #31528 ision at her home in Rives, Isère, France. She sees a bright light outside 11/5/1976 #31528 e other people in Givet, Ardennes, France when they spotted what appeared t 11/8/1976 #31532 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Astanax” Yield: 5KT 12/5/1976 #31583 o occurred that evening in central France. Antonia (last name withheld), 68 12/10/1976 #31594 7:20 a.m. at a factory in Meylan, France Mr. Hermann, a 38-year-old securi 12/12/1976 #31596 Contrexeville, France Three unknowns detected at Air Fo 12/14/1976 #31602 Contrexéville, Vosges, France 2:00 a.m. Panoramic radar at an a 12/14/1976 #31603 rce base at Contrexéville, Vosges, France, picks up unknown targets at 2:00 12/14/1976 #31603 Chaumont, Haute-Merne, France Roger Thome founds Groupe d’Étude 1977 #31654 e/Meuse in Chaumont, Haute- Merne, France, which publishes five issues of G 1977 #31654 Creysseilles, France 1:30 AM. A pink glowing sphere ho 1/1/1977 #31676 Chabeiul, Drome, France 7:50 PM. A lenticular metallic di 1/1/1977 #31677 Valence, France 8:00 PM. Mr. and Mrs. Perez had a 1/1/1977 #31678 Eyragues,Bouches-Rhone Department, France 10:00 PM. A luminous hemisphere-s 1/1/1977 #31680 Valence, Drôme, France 8:00 p.m. François Perez and his 1/1/1977 #31681 ong oval object in Valence, Drôme, France. They retrace their route one hou 1/1/1977 #31681 veral UFO reports on this day from France and Portugal. A pink glowing sphe 1/1/1977 #31682 y for six minutes in Creysseilles, France at 1:30 a.m., then flew away to t 1/1/1977 #31682 r Saint-Donat in Drome department, France. It drifted toward the southwest 1/1/1977 #31682 0 p.m. in Chabeiul, also in Drome, France a lenticular metallic disc with f 1/1/1977 #31682 ng ovoid object in nearby Valence, France that chased their car. They also 1/1/1977 #31682 nd glowed among trees in Eyragues, France in Bouches-Rhone department. Brok 1/1/1977 #31682 Bussieres-Saint-Georges, France 1:00 AM. A UFO witness was thrown 1/18/1977 #31727 itness in Bussieres-Saint-Georges, France was thrown into some bushes when 1/18/1977 #31728 farm in Laspeyre, Lot-et-Garonne, France. It was emitting beams of light. 2/13/1977 #31814 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Ulysse_B” Yield: 20KT 2/19/1977 #31829 Chaumont, Haute-Marne, France Object made passes at Mirage IV ( 3/7/1977 #31868 Chaumont, Haute-Marne, France Radar-visual UFO approached Mirag 3/7/1977 #31872 Chaumont, Haute-Marne, France 8:34 p.m. French Air Force pilot 3/7/1977 #31873 bomber over Chaumont, Haute-Marne, France, see a huge UFO. The light appear 3/7/1977 #31873 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Nestor” Yield: 150KT 3/19/1977 #31916 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Oedipe” Yield: 5KT 4/2/1977 #31940 France Groupe d'Etude des Phenomenes Aer 5/1977 #32041 France Gendarmerie The Groupe d’Etude de 5/1/1977 #32046 (GEPAN) is founded as a section of France’s Centre National d’Études Spatia 5/1/1977 #32046 an in Challans, Vendee department, France had a close encounter by a railwa 5/6/1977 #32065 Bay of Biscay France 1:15 a.m. The crew of an RAF Avro 5/26/1977 #32133 the Bay of Biscay off the coast of France at a speed of Mach 0.86 when they 5/26/1977 #32133 d near a utility pole in St. Roch, France lighting up the area. Traces were 5/28/1977 #32139 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Ajax” Yield: 20KT 7/6/1977 #32240 Croix-en-Plaine, France An 18 meter in diameter domed, bo 7/22/1977 #32301 s over a house in Croix-en-Plaine, France at 10:30 p.m. Rays from the UFO c 7/22/1977 #32301 s over a house in Croix-en-Plaine, France at 10:30 p.m. Rays from the UFO c 7/22/1977 #32302 Cruis (east of), France 10:30 PM. On Route 951 east of Cr 7/24/1977 #32308 0 p.m. on Route 951 east of Cruis, France a couple, Mr. & Mrs. Gaizand, rep 7/24/1977 #32310 in Houetteville, Eure department, France at one o'clock in the morning. Gr 8/13/1977 #32400 2:30 a.m. in Fage, Lot department, France a one-meter tall, upright metalli 8/16/1977 #32407 witnesses in Montjoly, Finistere, France watched a noctural light rise fro 8/25/1977 #32424 0 p.m. in Cassel, Nord department, France a glowing sphere first descends, 9/14/1977 #32481 Griselles, France Five silent disc-shaped object fl 9/26/1977 #32521 ong some power lines in Griselles, France. One of the UFOs shot away very q 9/26/1977 #32523 elescope in Auchey, Pas-de-Calais, France passing only four meters overhead 10/2/1977 #32547 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Oreste” Yield: 5KT 11/12/1977 #32667 ht in Fox-Amphoux, Var department, France a young couple in their twenties, 11/13/1977 #32671 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Enee” Yield: 150KT 11/24/1977 #32696 Falck Brettnach, Moselle, France 5:15 p.m. A witness is driving fr Early 12/1977 #32725 from Falck to Brettnach, Moselle, France, when he notices three lights on Early 12/1977 #32725 issing time happened near Limoges, France at 6:30 p.m. The percipient was d 12/10/1977 #32758 Saint Ciers du Taillon, France A domed disc illuminated the area 12/15/1977 #32776 he area of Saint Ciers du Taillon, France like day, then flew away. It came 12/15/1977 #32777 in Lorien, in Morbihan department, France. Also that night mysterious booms 12/15/1977 #32777 Uzes (just north of), France On a highway just north of Uzes w 12/16/1977 #32779 On a highway just north of Uzes, France at 10:00 p.m. witnesses on two se 12/16/1977 #32781 azaire, Loire-Atlantic department, France A flaming disc-shaped UFO flew to 12/17/1977 #32785 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Laocoon” Yield: 5KT 12/17/1977 #32789 azaire, Loire-Atlantic department, France a flaming disc-shaped UFO flew to 12/17/1977 #32794 ourbevoie, Hauts-Seine department, France. One tilted and flew off to the s 2/12/1978 #32968 nesses in Louhans, Saône-et-Loire, France reported seening a dark disc-shap 2/19/1978 #32983 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Polypheme” Yield: 5KT 2/27/1978 #33001 ses driving in Saint Paul, Vosges, France at 7:15 p.m. It rose to enter the 3/14/1978 #33039 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pylade” Yield: 5KT 3/22/1978 #33070 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Hecube” Yield: 5KT 3/25/1978 #33081 or 15-20 seconds in Saint-Laurent, France at a distance of 500 meters from 4/8/1978 #33132 Gujan-Mestras, Gironde, France Bordeaux La Réole 1:30 a.m. Franc 6/19/1978 #33291 a road in Gujan-Mestras, Gironde, France, to repair a turn signal when sud 6/19/1978 #33291 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Xanthois” Yield: 5KT 7/1/1978 #33321 Lempdes, Puy-de-Dome, France A motorist saw a sharp white glea 7/8/1978 #33353 the road in Lempdes, Puy-de-Dome, France. As he came to the curve, he saw 7/8/1978 #33355 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Ares” Yield: 20KT 7/19/1978 #33402 between Roche-Posay and Chatelle, France at 9:15 p.m. It moved, then hover 7/25/1978 #33415 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Idomenee” Yield: 5KT 7/26/1978 #33417 e witnesses in San Lucie, Tallano, France had a close encounter at 10:40 p. 8/11/1978 #33507 st near Gravigny, Eure department, France at 10:30 p.m. It flashes red, slo 8/18/1978 #33527 wn of Fontenet, Charente-Maritime, France for a brief while. It flew off to 8/28/1978 #33588 t was sighted in Poitiers, Vienne, France by six witnesses. It made a pendu 9/10/1978 #33659 . in Caumont, Vaucluse department, France a domed disc-shaped object buzzed 10/15/1978 #33838 elephone lines in Compigny, Yonne, France. The driver felt an intense cold 10/24/1978 #33870 In Remoulins, Gard department, France a four-meter wide ball of light h 10/26/1978 #33881 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Schedios” Yield: 5KT 11/2/1978 #33915 area in Savigny Le Sec, Cote D'Or, France at 12:15 a.m. when she saw a long 11/11/1978 #33945 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Priam” Yield: 150KT 11/30/1978 #34030 of a luminous object over Roanne, France on this evening. The luminous rou 12/2/1978 #34049 light. At the same time, in Peage, France, a luminous UFO, about five meter 12/10/1978 #34086 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Eteocle” Yield: 5KT 12/17/1978 #34164 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Eumee” Yield: 20KT 12/19/1978 #34174 fey-lès-Echirey Quetigny Côte-d’Or France Patrick Geoffroy founds the Assoc 1979 #34256 ey (later in Quetigny), Côte-d’Or, France. It begins publishing Vimana 21, 1979 #34256 Bannalec, Finistere, France A 15 meter in diameter circular o 1/5/1979 #34299 n the town of Bannalec, Finistere, France a 15 meter in diameter circular o 1/5/1979 #34305 est over Antibes, Alpes-Maritimes, France at 250 meters altitude in a trian 1/14/1979 #34342 Metzeral, France A two-meter wide orange disc-shap 1/18/1979 #34356 es over two witnesses in Metzeral, France at five p.m.. The UFO made a buzz 1/18/1979 #34360 Vannes, France A 1.5-meter long ovoid hovered ov 1/28/1979 #34387 id hovered over a house in Vannes, France. The UFO zipped over above an emp 1/28/1979 #34388 Lardit, Aveyron district, France An incident involving missing tim 2/18/1979 #34434 urred in Lardit, Aveyron district, France. Dark objects flew over a reservo 2/18/1979 #34435 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Penthesilee” Yield: 20KT 3/1/1979 #34455 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Philoctete” Yield: 20KT 3/9/1979 #34472 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Agapenor” Yield: 20KT 3/24/1979 #34488 Isere, France An oval-shaped or saucer-shaped U 3/27/1979 #34491 r the Tabouret Reservoir in Isere, France and then landed on the ground, le 3/27/1979 #34491 r the Tabouret Reservoir in Isere, France and then landed on the ground, le 3/27/1979 #34492 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Polydore” Yield: 20KT 4/4/1979 #34498 1:30 p.m. in Bedarrides, Vaucluse, France a red sphere, the size of a car, 4/16/1979 #34511 cques de Nehou, Manche department, France A four meter in diameter, intense 4/27/1979 #34525 cques de Nehou, Manche department, France. It flew off silently to the nort 4/27/1979 #34526 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pyrrhos” Yield: 20KT 6/18/1979 #34617 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Egisthe” Yield: 150KT 6/29/1979 #34641 was sleeping at his home in Nimes, France when his car alarm went off and w 7/15/1979 #34655 Belfort, France A metallic disc flew over the cit 7/18/1979 #34663 isc flew over the city of Belfort, France at 2:30 in the afternoon. It had 7/18/1979 #34666 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Tydee” Yield: 150KT 7/25/1979 #34678 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Palamede” Yield: 5KT 7/28/1979 #34686 Le Delus, France One of the spheres shot towards t 8/2/1979 #34701 lus on the island of Ile D'Oleron, France when they noticed a green flash o 8/2/1979 #34704 on the roadside of Highway D134 in France at 11:00 p.m. A man driving near 8/15/1979 #34744 c in Charente-Maritime department, France suddenly saw the short humanoid s 8/15/1979 #34744 ur-Lot, Lot-et-Garonne department, France a 10-meter in diameter disc-shape 8/25/1979 #34776 in Vieille-Eglise, Pas-de-Calais, France; it shot away toward the northeas 9/17/1979 #34898 Nord, France A near collision occurred on the 9/23/1979 #34916 In Feignies, Nord, France a near collision occurred on the 9/23/1979 #34918 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Chrysotemis” Yield: 5KT 11/19/1979 #35007 Laborie, France A witness stopped his car at a ce 11/20/1979 #35009 South of Laborie, France a witness stopped his car at a ce 11/20/1979 #35010 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Atree” Yield: 5KT 11/22/1979 #35011 THENAY, 41, FRANCE 2 observer(s). Luminous saucer sh 11/25/1979 #35013 Pontoise, Val d’Oise, France 5:00 a.m. A phone call to police 11/26/1979 #35015 to police in Pontoise, Val d’Oise, France, brings officers to the apartment 11/26/1979 #35015 France Toulouse Paul Sabatier University 11/27/1979 #35019 13-year-old girl (“Christelle”) in France is terrorized by the landing of a 11/27/1979 #35019 rcie-Amblagnieu, Isere department, France. It made a whistling sound. A ver 11/27/1979 #35022 Dijon, Côte d’Or, France home in a village near Dijon 9:15 12/9/1979 #35062 n a village near Dijon, Côte d’Or, France. It looks like two “reversed sauc 12/9/1979 #35062 Romans, France A multi-colored disc passed by fa 12/12/1979 #35075 esidential neighborhood in Romans, France at a low altitude, spinning as it 12/12/1979 #35075 esidential neighborhood in Romans, France at a low altitude, spinning as it 12/12/1979 #35076 Lunel, France A white, egg-shaped UFO¬one meter 12/19/1979 #35084 ht orientation in a yard in Lunel, France. It was then seen moving down the 12/19/1979 #35086 ee UFO encounters were reported in France on this day in 1980. The first oc 1/28/1980 #35149 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Thysets” Yield: 5KT 2/23/1980 #35181 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Adraste” Yield: 5KT 3/3/1980 #35193 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Thesee” Yield: 150KT 3/23/1980 #35233 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Boros” Yield: 20KT 4/1/1980 #35245 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pelpos” Yield: 20KT 4/4/1980 #35255 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Eurypyle” Yield: 150KT 6/16/1980 #35378 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Ilus” Yield: 20KT 6/21/1980 #35384 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Chryses” Yield: 20KT 7/6/1980 #35408 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Asios” Yield: 150KT 7/19/1980 #35421 Paris, France According to analyst Gary Sick, m 10/15/1980 #35569 tings are allegedly held in Paris, France, between emissaries of the Reagan 10/15/1980 #35569 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Laerte” Yield: 5KT 11/25/1980 #35668 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Diomede” Yield: 150KT 12/3/1980 #35689 Trans en Provence, France Object descends onto a nearby hil 1/8/1981 #35777 Trans-en-Provence, France Landing, physical trace case inve 1/8/1981 #35778 Trans-en-Provence, Var, France 5:00 p.m. A well-documented case 1/8/1981 #35779 s place in Trans-en-Provence, Var, France. Renato Nicolaï, a gardener, hear 1/8/1981 #35779 on this day in Trans-en-Provence, France. At five p.m. Mr. Nicolai, a gard 1/8/1981 #35780 talled in Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France when it encountered a cigar-shape 1/26/1981 #35802 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Broteas” Yield: 5KT 2/27/1981 #35847 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Tyro” Yield: 5KT 3/6/1981 #35860 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Iphicles” Yield: 20KT 3/28/1981 #35875 Magny, France A metallic sphere descended from 3/30/1981 #35879 and stopped over a house in Magny, France. It then shot straight up and awa 3/30/1981 #35879 and stopped over a house in Magny, France at 11:20 a.m. It then shot straig 3/30/1981 #35882 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Clymene” Yield: 20KT 4/10/1981 #35889 Mennecy, France 3:00 AM. Traveling on a road, 3 w 5/1981 #35920 year old Sandra, Viviane and Marie France see a horizontal orange cigar-sha 5/1981 #35920 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Lyncee” Yield: 20KT 7/8/1981 #35989 in Villemoirieu, Isere department, France at 12:50 a.m. The object shot off 7/9/1981 #35991 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Eryx” Yield: 5KT 7/11/1981 #35997 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Theras” Yield: 5KT 7/18/1981 #36017 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Agenor” Yield: 150KT 8/3/1981 #36054 s in a forest in Mansigne, Sarthe, France. It emitted two beams of light. G 9/5/1981 #36102 ude. Lights ground / beam. / Oeste France. 11/1/1981 #36202 titude in St. Fiacre, Seine-Marne, France. It illuminated the ground with a 11/1/1981 #36203 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Leto” Yield: 5KT 11/6/1981 #36208 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Procles” Yield: 20KT 11/11/1981 #36215 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Cilix” Yield: 20KT 12/5/1981 #36248 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Cadmos” Yield: 20KT 12/8/1981 #36251 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Aerope” Yield: 5KT 2/20/1982 #36359 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Deiphobe” Yield: 5KT 2/24/1982 #36364 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Rhesos” Yield: 20KT 3/20/1982 #36402 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Evevos” Yield: 5KT 3/23/1982 #36411 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Laodice” Yield: 5KT 6/27/1982 #36520 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Antilokos” Yield: 150KT 7/1/1982 #36526 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pitane” Yield: 5KT 7/21/1982 #36540 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “laios” Yield: 150KT 7/25/1982 #36550 Nancy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France 12:35 p.m. An oval object about 3 10/21/1982 #36657 rden in Nancy, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France, and hovers about 3 feet off the 10/21/1982 #36657 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Procris” Yield: 5KT 11/27/1982 #36696 Paris France The Parisian newspaper Le Figaro 2/11/1983 #36764 Careme, Tarn-Garonne, France Evening. Two witnesses driving in 3/26/1983 #36814 s driving in Careme, Tarn-Garonne, France encountered sudden fog, and then 3/26/1983 #36816 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Eurytos” Yield: 150KT 4/19/1983 #36841 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Automedon” Yield: 5KT 4/25/1983 #36844 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Cinyras” Yield: 150KT 5/25/1983 #36869 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Burisis” Yield: 5KT 6/18/1983 #36883 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Oxylos” Yield: 20KT 6/28/1983 #36893 bduction occurred in Sommerecourt, France. At ten o'clock in the evening a 7/17/1983 #36913 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Battos” Yield: 20KT 7/20/1983 #36915 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Carnabon” Yield: 150KT 8/4/1983 #36933 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Linos” Yield: 5KT 12/3/1983 #37065 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Gyges” Yield: 20KT 12/7/1983 #37067 Cistercian Abbey in Boulaur, Gers, France 5:50 a.m. Five nuns at the Sainte 3/24/1984 #37240 Cistercian Abbey in Boulaur, Gers, France, see a bright oval object about 1 3/24/1984 #37240 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Demophon” Yield: 5KT 5/8/1984 #37326 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Midas” Yield: 150KT 5/12/1984 #37327 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Aristee” Yield: 20KT 6/12/1984 #37356 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Echemos” Yield: 150KT 6/16/1984 #37366 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Machaon” Yield: 20KT 10/27/1984 #37497 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Acaste” Yield: 150KT 11/2/1984 #37502 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Miletos” Yield: 5KT 12/1/1984 #37515 east over Imperia, Alpes-Maritime, France and Genova, Italy at 11:30 a.m. g 12/5/1984 #37517 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Memnon” Yield: 150KT 12/6/1984 #37518 In Nice, Alpes-Maritime, France a 10-year-old girl reported seein 12/10/1984 #37521 disc crossed a road in Waldeslust, France at a low altitude. There was a pl 1/18/1985 #37550 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Cercyon” Yield: 20KT 4/30/1985 #37585 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Nisos” Yield: 150KT 5/8/1985 #37587 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Talaos” Yield: 20KT 6/3/1985 #37595 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Erginos” Yield: 20KT 6/7/1985 #37596 within USG. They meet in Toulouse, France. https://ufos-scientificresearch 7/6/1985 #37616 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Hero” Yield: 5KT 10/24/1985 #37690 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Codros” Yield: 150KT 10/26/1985 #37694 FO reports from the Gendarmerie in France dating as far back as 1974. 11/1985 #37698 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Zetes” Yield: 20KT 11/24/1985 #37724 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Megaree” Yield: 150KT 11/26/1985 #37726 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Hyllos” Yield: 20KT 4/26/1986 #37842 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Ceto” Yield: 5KT 5/6/1986 #37854 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Sthenelos” Yield: 20KT 5/27/1986 #37896 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Galatee” Yield: 150KT 5/30/1986 #37900 ted area in Mentrux-en-Joux, Jura, France searching for a swarm of wild bee 6/20/1986 #37918 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “hesione” Yield: 5KT 11/10/1986 #38060 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Naupolis” Yield: 20KT 11/12/1986 #38062 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Peneleos” Yield: 5KT 12/6/1986 #38080 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Circe” Yield: 150KT 12/10/1986 #38081 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Jocaste” Yield: 20KT 5/5/1987 #38171 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Lycomede” Yield: 150KT 5/20/1987 #38176 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Dirce” Yield: 20KT 6/6/1987 #38187 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Iphpitos” Yield: 150KT 6/21/1987 #38197 UK US France Italy Portugal Spain Australia Ca Summer 1987 #38198 by the governments of the UK, US, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Australi Summer 1987 #38198 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Helenos” Yield: 150KT 10/23/1987 #38310 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pasiphae” Yield: 20KT 11/5/1987 #38317 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pelee” Yield: 150KT 11/19/1987 #38329 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Danae” Yield: 20KT 11/29/1987 #38340 a nuclear power plant in Malvezi, France in a restricted area. They were o 12/12/1987 #38357 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Nelee” Yield: 150KT 5/11/1988 #38562 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Niobe” Yield: 150KT 5/25/1988 #38577 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Antigone” Yield: 5KT 6/16/1988 #38585 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Dejanire” Yield: 20KT 6/23/1988 #38590 At 11:00 p.m. in Trun, Orne, France a driver saw an orange, barrel-sh 9/6/1988 #38635 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Acrisios” Yield: 5KT 10/25/1988 #38692 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Thrasymedes” Yield: 150KT 11/5/1988 #38703 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pheres” Yield: 150KT 11/23/1988 #38720 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Cycnos” Yield: 150KT 11/30/1988 #38727 four gendarmes in Le Vigan, Gard, France traveling in two vehicles observe 12/18/1988 #38756 uclair, Seine-Maritime department, France observed within 30 meters of the 1/12/1989 #38779 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Epeios” Yield: 20KT 5/11/1989 #38944 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Tecmessa” Yield: 5KT 5/20/1989 #38959 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Nyctee” Yield: 150KT 6/3/1989 #38974 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Cyzicos” Yield: 150KT 6/10/1989 #38983 cily in a joint operation by CNES (France), INTA (Spain), and the Italian s 8/10/1989 #39050 m. in Les Tuiles, Tarn department, France a man saw down in a field of alfa 9/4/1989 #39091 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Hypsipyle” Yield: 150KT 10/24/1989 #39183 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Erigone” Yield: 20KT 10/31/1989 #39198 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Tros” Yield: 20KT 11/20/1989 #39240 rried couple in Mirecourt, Vosges, France reported the observation of two s 11/22/1989 #39246 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Lycos” Yield: 150KT 11/27/1989 #39252 Several people in Mauriac, France at 12:40 p.m. witnessed a black d 1/4/1990 #39364 Montbazon, Indre-Loire department, France, hovered for about a minute, then 1/29/1990 #39396 Brunoy, France The Sauvegarde et Conservation de 2/1990 #39404 logiques is established in Brunoy, France, by Jacques Scornaux. Its goal is 2/1990 #39404 Marseille, France The Centre d’Études et de Recherc 2/1990 #39405 nomènes Aérospatiaux in Marseille, France, begins publishing Aérospatial-Mé 2/1990 #39405 At 10:00 p.m in Cuincy, Nord, France two observers witnessed three col 4/22/1990 #39540 t en Brie, Seine-Marne department, France observed a quiet triangular objec 5/4/1990 #39558 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Telephe” Yield: 20KT 6/2/1990 #39605 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Megapentes” Yield: 20KT 6/7/1990 #39608 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Cypselos” Yield: 150KT 6/26/1990 #39625 de of highway D11 west of Montady, France. It had a halo that glowed. The U 6/26/1990 #39626 p.m. in Maubeuge, Nord department, France a large black triangular object w 6/30/1990 #39633 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Anticlee” Yield: 20KT 7/4/1990 #39635 r-old girls in Ferriere-La-Grande, France watched a white triangular object 7/25/1990 #39662 ounded rectangle flew over Calais, France silently to the southeast, and cr 9/11/1990 #39725 m. in Thann, Haut-Rhin department, France. 9/19/1990 #39736 oc Tredudon, Finistere department, France. 9/28/1990 #39753 cs flew over a racetrack in Paris, France at the speed of aircraft at 4:30 10/10/1990 #39772 a residential area in Ferin, Nord, France. It was invisible between jumps. 10/11/1990 #39781 teaugiron, Ile-Vilaine department, France observed a large triangular objec 10/26/1990 #39813 tz-Armainvilliers, Seine-et-Marne, France 7:00 p.m. French pilot Jean-Gabri 11/5/1990 #39868 z-Armainvilliers, Seine-et- Marne, France, with six of his martial arts stu 11/5/1990 #39868 Europe, all but seven occurring in France. Most occurred between 6:20 p.m. 11/5/1990 #39871 ace station re-entry occurred over France and Germany. There are two report 11/5/1990 #39871 t 7:00 p.m. in Chissay-en-Tourain, France a dark triangular UFO flew over m 11/5/1990 #39871 ise. At the same time in Anguleme, France a surgeon saw a formation of ligh 11/5/1990 #39871 At 7:00 p.m. in St. Germain, Aube, France during this intense regional wave 11/5/1990 #39872 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Hyrtacos” Yield: 150KT 11/14/1990 #39889 blimp was sighted in Montpellier, France flying at an estimated one kilome 11/14/1990 #39890 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Thoas” Yield: 150KT 11/21/1990 #39894 th children in the car in Comeray, France sighted a red football-shaped obj 11/24/1990 #39906 w altitude in Taillades, Vaucluse, France. Lights on the surface of the obj 12/2/1990 #39919 flew low over the city of Cuincy, France. At 11:20 p.m. in Jozsa, Hungary 12/3/1990 #39924 Aix-en-Provence, France The SOS-OVNI group (formerly Asso 1/1991 #39943 erry Petrakis, in Aix-en-Provence, France. It continues through 2001. 1/1991 #39943 ning. At eight p.m. in Bettignies, France a car’s headlights dimmed and the 1/16/1991 #39956 rsine in Chaville, Hauts-de-Seine, France Rue Alexis Maneyrol Evening. A wo 2/6/1991? #39974 rsine in Chaville, Hauts-de-Seine, France, when they see a large and brilli 2/6/1991? #39974 rly morning at 5:50 a.m. in Tenay, France a witness surprised a wiry "stork 2/25/1991 #39984 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “MElanippe” Yield: 5KT 5/7/1991 #40054 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Alcinos” Yield: 150KT 5/18/1991 #40069 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Periclymentos” Yield: 150K 5/29/1991 #40078 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Pitthee” Yield: 150KT 6/14/1991 #40097 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Coronis” Yield: 5KT 7/5/1991 #40111 : Underground, confirmed. Country: France Name: “Lycurgue” Yield: 150KT 7/15/1991 #40122 30 p.m. a man in Margut, Ardennes, France reported sighting three luminous 9/5/1991 #40179 ield very close to them in Longwy, France. Two human looking figures with b 12/27/1991 #40268 ver Longchaumois, Jura department, France at 8:45 p.m. 1/5/1992 #40280 itnesses on a bus in Col de Vence, France saw an intensely red, Saturn-shap 1/18/1992 #40292 ng on highway D28 west of Melesse, France sighted a seven-foot long transpa 6/3/1992 #40485 northeast from Goize, Deux-Sevres, France on a sinuous flight trajectory. T 8/28/1992 #40593 n Colombieres, Herault department, France. A blue beam of light was emitted 9/3/1992 #40608 France Jean-Jacques Velasco coauthors OV 1993 #40777 gs at the same time in Ireland and France. 3/31/1993 #40914 Aluche, Spain San José de Valderas France England Mozambique Cuba Spanish c 4/1993 #40920 nd I took advantage of my trips to France, England, Mozambique, etc., or th 4/1993 #40920 Paris, France Didier Gomez begins publishing UF 4/1993 #40921 gins publishing UFOmania in Paris, France. It continues through April 2015. 4/1993 #40921 the road in Petit Palais, Gironde, France by two witnesses at 11:40 p.m. It 4/25/1993 #40950 hovering above Lasgraisses, Tarn, France. It had white "running lights." 4/29/1993 #40957 e highway in Cormery, Indre-Loire, France had their vehicle paced by a blui 5/16/1993 #40983 ivate pilot at his home in Rognes, France sighted a black disc-shaped objec 6/25/1993 #41034 d in the sky over Chaumes-en-Brie, France. Each object was encircled by a d 7/24/1993 #41085 a.m. in Hayes, Moselle department, France a large orange ovoid object flew 8/11/1993 #41129 e in Saint Gaudens, Haute-Garrone, France sighted a red point of light of l 8/14/1993 #41139 In Moliets-et-Maa, Landes, France a 30 meter long, silent gray "clo 8/25/1993 #41159 in Biarritz, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France an ovoid phosphorescent shape was 8/28/1993 #41167 utside of Mimet, Bouches-du-Rhone, France a 4.5 meter long ovoid object sit 8/30/1993 #41172 Ile de Groix, Morbihan department, France a delta-shaped craft hovered low 9/7/1993 #41187 in Noeux les Mines, Pas de Calais, France. It was just 0.6 meters off the g 10/30/1993 #41256 several reports on this date from France. A large flattened cylinder hove 11/22/1993 #41296 refinery in Vanville, Seine-Marne, France at four o'clock in the morning. A 11/22/1993 #41296 on campus in Versailles, Yvelines, France. A large plain sphere flew to the 11/22/1993 #41296 in Villiers-en-Biere, Seine-Marne, France at 4:50 p.m. and curved its traje 11/22/1993 #41296 west-northwest of Maisse, Essonne, France. At 5:00 p.m. a huge orange spher 11/22/1993 #41296 er Rochefort-en-Yveline, Yvelines, France heading northeast, then curved to 11/22/1993 #41296 Belgium France The European Parliament considers 12/1/1993 #41315 e highway in Arras, Pas d' Calais, France for 15 minutes. 12/5/1993 #41325 UFO approached a house in Ecouis, France at 11:45 p.m. shining a yellow li 1/3/1994 #41356 midnight in Tronville-en-Barrois, France a domed disc-shaped object landed 1/4/1994 #41361 Paris, France Air France airliner-UFO encounter 1/28/1994 #41388 Paris, France Air France airliner-UFO encounter, tracked o 1/28/1994 #41388 Paris, France Air France airliner—UFO encounter 1/28/1994 #41389 Paris, France Air France airliner—UFO encounter, tracked o 1/28/1994 #41389 Voisins Aerodrome, Seine-et-Marne, France Taverny air operations center 1:1 1/28/1994 #41390 ir operations center 1:14 p.m. Air France pilot Jean-Charles Duboc and two 1/28/1994 #41390 Voisins Aerodrome, Seine-et-Marne, France, an elliptical UFO, reddish-brown 1/28/1994 #41390 nly in the skies over Coulommiers, France at 1:14 p.m. European time. The U 1/28/1994 #41391 was sighted by the crew of an Air France A320 airliner, and reported to ai 1/28/1994 #41391 y-sur-Moselle, Meurthe-et-Moselle, France. 2/12/1994 #41410 rtigues, Bouches-Rhone department, France when a delta-shaped object oscill 3/5/1994 #41441 n of Gue-d'Hossus in the Ardennes, France at 12:15 a.m. The sighting lasted 3/6/1994 #41444 y Mennecy, Hauts-Seine department, France. A long, silent, octagon-shaped c 3/14/1994 #41458 t over a mountain in Col de Vence, France at 4:30 in the afternoon. A diamo 6/5/1994 #41553 ound only 100 feet away in Caille, France at 1:30 a.m. The objects may have 6/6/1994 #41555 s seen at 8:40 p.m. in St. Usuges, France. It flew away toward the north. 6/12/1994 #41567 erté-sous-Jouarre, Seine-et-Marne, France 2:40 a.m. Three gendarmes at La F 6/24/1994 #41581 erté-sous-Jouarre, Seine-et-Marne, France, notice a bright set of lights in 6/24/1994 #41581 15 kilometers south of Abancourt, France. 6/26/1994 #41584 rc de la Mouliere, Alpes-Maritime, France in the early afternoon. It was jo 6/27/1994 #41589 n in Champagnole, Jura department, France at only 100 feet altitude. It mov 6/30/1994 #41595 At midnight at homes in Caille, France television sets and electric ligh 7/4/1994 #41606 dio tower in La Chapelle-la-Reine, France at 11:40 p.m. It flew away toward 7/16/1994 #41627 on Route D16 south of La Vaudoue, France. A domed disc-shaped object was t 7/16/1994 #41627 Tolosan, Haute-Garonne Department, France. It made no noise, and no trail a 8/10/1994 #41667 ntibes, Alpes-Maritime Department, France three luminous balls stopped over 8/10/1994 #41667 Cazeres, Haute-Garonne department, France. 9/6/1994 #41717 of Bravone, Corse-Sud department, France. It made a 90 degree turn, reveal 9/7/1994 #41722 in Sornay, Saone-Loire department, France. The farm's dog barked furiously, 9/22/1994 #41772 ter in La Farlede, Var department, France. It vanished for awhile, then ros 10/15/1994 #41806 in St. Germain-en-Montagne, Jura, France at 7:30 p.m, and was seen by two 10/29/1994 #41820 of Sélestat, Bas-Rhin department, France observed a luminous disc-shaped o 10/30/1994 #41824 n Louhans, Saone-Loire department, France. It ascends vertically into the c 11/4/1994 #41835 In Uffheim, France at 12:10 a.m. a 15 meter in diame 11/6/1994 #41840 ix children in Plancher-les-Mines, France watched a silver domed disc maneu 11/23/1994 #41863 g in a car at 7:30 p.m. in Plerin, France observed flashing blue lights, oc 12/29/1994 #41911 between Alencon and Bernay, Eure, France at around 4:00 a.m. A conical bea 3/25/1995 #42118 vered for two minutes over Pujaut, France and directed a beam of light at t 4/2/1995 #42134 r a factory in Grande-Synth, Nord, France toward the northeast. There were 4/22/1995 #42172 n Dammartin en Geole, Seine-Marne, France saw the passage of a hexagon shap 5/6/1995 #42181 700 meters altitude near Pamiers, France at 12:10 a.m. The occupants of th 6/5/1995 #42240 ovoid object hovered over Poligny, France. Six smaller orbs exited the larg 6/5/1995 #42240 alons-sur-Marne, Marne department, France saw a crescent-shaped flying obje 6/30/1995 #42283 er Rennes, Ile-Vilaine department, France. It seemed to enlarge as in desce 8/13/1995 #42381 ashes was seen in Revin, Ardennes, France. Video was taken of the phenomena 8/18/1995 #42400 t: Underground, presumed. Country: France 9/5/1995 #42443 kilometers in Marsaneix, Dordogne, France at 6:30 p.m. by a 30 meter in dia 9/11/1995 #42457 t: Underground, presumed. Country: France 10/1/1995 #42528 t: Underground, presumed. Country: France 10/27/1995 #42565 t: Underground, presumed. Country: France 11/21/1995 #42617 flying near Orly Airport in Paris, France. It had 5-6 "exhaust pipes" on th 11/30/1995 #42634 t: Underground, presumed. Country: France 12/27/1995 #42649 France The Institut des Hautes Études de 1996 #42656 t: Underground, presumed. Country: France 1/27/1996 #42717 10:30 p.m. the Mayor of Autignac, France briefly sighted an orange, ovoid 3/6/1996 #42813 uthwest of Boreon, Alpes-Maritime, France, aiming beam of light apparently 4/22/1996 #42879 y D22 north of Molsheim, Bas-Rhin, France saw a large triangle that flew to 4/27/1996 #42888 a low altitude toward Strasbourg, France. It made no sound. 4/27/1996 #42888 he town of St. Genis-Laval, Rhone, France a silent black triangular object 5/5/1996 #42895 through the night sky over Marson, France toward the east, and then split i 6/6/1996 #42924 p.m. a black sphere shot at an Air France airliner from the Mediterranean S 6/9/1996 #42929 r for 6 km near Tavaco, Corse-Sud, France. It then hovered for over an hour 8/9/1996 #42974 a car in Pont-de-Salars, Aveyron, France saw an object with an ovoid skirt 9/11/1996 #43016 zet, Charente Maritime department, France. At around 8:00 p.m. a witness wa 9/15/1996 #43021 in Corme Royal, Charente-Maritime, France, then saw an ovoid craft with thr 9/16/1996 #43024 In Bouville, France a circular object was seen at 8:5 9/23/1996 #43038 flew fast over Dannemois, Essonne, France from northwest to southeast. At 6 10/29/1996 #43101 er a highway in Sermaises, Loiret, France, pivoted in place, and then flew 10/29/1996 #43101 ed over Belleville-sur-Saone, Ain, France at 9:30 p.m., and then turned tow 12/5/1996 #43132 ing in Ille et Vilaine, Chantepie, France was awakened at two a.m. by a noi 1/5/1997 #43166 th of Dourdan, Essonne department, France at 9:15 p.m. sighted at least two 1/24/1997 #43176 comet watchers in La Tour-de-Pin, France. 3/30/1997 #43246 in in St. Barnabe, Alpes-Maritime, France in the early afternoon. After bei 4/25/1997 #43278 aye de Bretagne, Loire-Atlantique, France saw a point more luminous than st 5/3/1997 #43287 companion in La Houssaye-en-Brie, France when both saw an object in the sk 6/5/1997 #43311 in Cholet, Maine-Loire department, France. Its speed was slow, and the enco 7/21/1997 #43354 Grenoble, France Didier Charnay begins publishing 9/1997 #43392 ns publishing UFO Log in Grenoble, France. It continues through autumn 2000 9/1997 #43392 In Paris, France at 1:43 a.m. a witness observed f 9/7/1997 #43399 t Kerlaviou, Finistere department, France at a low altitude, heading toward 8/8/1998 #43621 ce in Cintegabelle, Haute-Garonne, France witnessed the slow passage of a l 8/9/1998 #43623 nt towns in the Ardennes region of France. Over the town of Sedan a videota 8/10/1998 #43627 The crew of a DC-10 flying over France observed the fast passage of six 8/26/1998 #43638 t midnight in the Hautes Pyrenees, France many people observed a semicircul 5/5/1999 #43763 In Ollioules, France at 11:30 p.m. local time, nine de 6/5/1999 #43780 Paris, France A 90-page report, Les OVNI et la 7/16/1999 #43805 des de Défense Nationale in Paris, France, and by other experts. Before its 7/16/1999 #43805 0 a.m. a witness in Montluel, Ain, France who was suffering from insomnia o 8/11/1999 #43820 in Portugal Romania Ukraine Russia France Italy The peer-reviewed European 9/1999 #43838 ortugal, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, France, and Italy. It continues through 9/1999 #43838 Vence, Alpes-Maritime department, France on this day. There is very good d 11/4/1999 #43874 Sézanne, Marne, France 9:00 p.m. A young man near Sézann 1/10/2000 #43923 . A young man near Sézanne, Marne, France, encounters a bright white light 1/10/2000 #43923 g in St. Andre de Cubzac, Gironde, France at around two o'clock in the morn 2/5/2000 #43941 t returned to her house in Rennes, France when she saw a disc-shaped object 7/14/2000 #44017 Odratzheim, Bas-Rhin, France Christian Morgenthaler founds the 5/2001 #44172 onautique in Odratzheim, Bas-Rhin, France. It publishes the SPICA News from 5/2001 #44172 .m. in Toscane St. Apre, Dordogne, France a witness at a campsite observed 8/20/2001 #44239 us le Noble, Yveslines department, France three carbonized circles of veget 9/7/2001 #44251 ss in Grenade sur L'Adour, Landes, France saw a ball of fire having several 11/1/2002 #44432 Europe Toulouse, France European Parliament Member Nello 1/20/2004 #44652 and recommends SEPRA in Toulouse, France, as a model. 1/20/2004 #44652 tness and son in Dijon, Côte-d'Or, France saw for the second time several y 5/3/2004 #44694 o'clock position while flying over France at 8:10 a.m. There were a total o 10/15/2004 #44768 The pilot of an Air France airliner reported sighting a UFO 8/13/2005 #44862 es Sillard is interviewed on Radio France International about GEIPAN. He st 9/29/2005 #44881 France GEIPAN, the French office in char 3/22/2007 #45013 verny, Bessancourt, Ile-de-France, France. The object apparently landed, no 9/4/2008 #45165 erved over seven nuclear plants in France. Interior Minister Bernard Cazene 10/5/2014 #45416 r Minister Bernard Cazeneuve tells France Info radio that a judicial invest 10/5/2014 #45416 Viry, Haute-Savoie, France Geneva, Switzerland 11:30 p.m. Fr 8/12/2018 #45536 e night sky in Viry, Haute-Savoie, France, when they see a black triangle w 8/12/2018 #45536 Marseille, France 5:33 p.m. A commercial aircrew is 11/11/2019 #45617 titude and 506 mph near Marseille, France. The pilot observes an unusual li 11/11/2019 #45617 h Australia, Japan, Italy, Canada, France, South Korea, the United Kingdom, 3/28/2020 #45642 Toulouse, France Optical engineer Vincent Costes t 11/2021 #45718 ial French UFO agency in Toulouse, France. 11/2021 #45718
. four persons in Birac, Charente, France--among them Julia Juste, Maria Ba 10/11/1954 #10952
s, then flew out of sight. (Agence France-Presse story, Washington Post, Ju 7/16/1976 #31166
ght at the horizon. (Magonia #923, France-Soir Nov. 24, 1968) (NICAP: 02 - 11/22/1968 #24684
Cain Grenada, Mississippi Mid-day. Franceen Andron is at Camp McCain, south Summer 1944 #1611
At 9:30 p.m. Sebastiana Francelina de Jesus, his older brother, 10/30/1978 #33898
Herbert Mortimer and his daughter Frances are on the Bruce Peninsula betwe 11/29/1944 #1709 Falmouth Airport Frances Crane Wildlife Management Area n 2/2/1950 #4526 e at Falmouth Airport [now part of Frances Crane Wildlife Management Area n 2/2/1950 #4526 hing the sky with his future wife, Frances Hoback, on Chesapeake Avenue (ne 7/16/1952 #6844 r Paul R. Hill along with his wife Frances saw two amber lights in the sky 7/16/1952 #6846 Eliot, Maine Contactee Frances Swan of Eliot, Maine, has been i 6/8/1954 #9877 evelops a personal interest in the Frances Swan contact case and accepts Ad 7/24/1954 #10046 rbert B. Knowles, visits contactee Frances Swan in Eliot, Maine, his neighb 7/28/1954 #10059 ISLA / FRANCES, URUG 4 / boat. 10M luminous/glo 12/7/1954 #11768 Milford, Pennsylvania Frances Stichler, who lived on a farm, w 5/1957 #13628 Milford, Pennsylvania 6:00 a.m. Frances Stichler is working in her barn 5/1957 #13631 o visit Adm. Knowles and interview Frances Swan. Larsen tries his hand at a 7/5/1959 #15817 y sees the object land; his mother Frances Kalp sees a wisp of blue smoke r 12/9/1965 #19762 ictoria and Beit Bridge. Peter and Frances saw what they thought was a poli 5/31/1974 #29150 move into position above the car. Frances fell asleep around 6:15 a.m. jus 5/31/1974 #29150 ing from about three minutes after Frances fell asleep. He felt at the time 5/31/1974 #29150 than a half gallon. Under hypnosis Frances had no other experiences reveale 5/31/1974 #29150 ier UFO. Phoenix city councilwoman Frances Emma Barwood is the only elected 3/13/1997 #43229
9:30 p.m. Antonio Serena, his wife Francesca Castellanos, and their three c 2/22/1977 #31839
alls off his cycle. A taxi driver, Francesco Tanca, stops to observe the ob 11/4/1954 #11565 Milan, Italy Francesco Rizzi, night watchman, was cro 12/17/1962 #17587 an, Italy 2:20 p.m. Night watchman Francesco Rizzi is reporting for work at 12/18/1962 #17593 mil, Gianni Settimo, Sergio Conti, Francesco Izzo, Renzo Cabassi, Stelio As 6/25/1977 #32195 to catch up to the intruder. Maj. Francesco Zoppi and copilot Lt. Riccarde 10/27/1977 #32623 s Liège Belgium Weather forecaster Francesco Valenzano and his young daught 12/1/1989 #39292
Gran Sasso massif 6:50 p.m. Benito Franchi, 45, is working in the power sta 12/24/1978 #34201 he dials badly out of calibration. Franchi feels paralyzed and falls to the 12/24/1978 #34201 f and disappears to the southwest. Franchi suffers from severe conjunctivit 12/24/1978 #34201
ted by Amherst College and Charles Francis Jenkins of Washington. The progr 8/22/1924 #1041 aland Australia Tasman Sea Aviator Francis Chichester sees a dull gray-whit 6/6/1931 #1127 regularly every few seconds. Col. Francis Henry Boos and another officer a 8/1944 #1633 45 a.m. Acting Squadron Leader Kit Francis Williams of the RAF 617 Bomber S 4/25/1945 #1854 Street, Tempe, Arizona Afternoon. Francis Howell and his wife are in their 7/6/1947 #2811 Florida, lawyer and writer Charles Francis Coe and his son Alan see a globe 2/20/1948 #3582 tioning the project name) by Devon Francis is published in Popular Science. 5/1948 #3637 ay], Labrador Radar operator M/Sgt Francis H. Mills at Goose Bay AFB [now C 11/1/1948 #3863 he cannot catch up with it. Edwin Francis Carpenter, head of the Universit 2/1/1950 #4524 Fighter-Interceptor Group. 1st Lt. Francis E. Parker, 1st Lt. Frank K. Matt 3/9/1950 #4598 on, South Korea Dusk. US Army Pfc. Francis P. Wall is on maneuvers with the Early Spring 1951 #5471 homas Bartis and his older brother Francis are driving through New Haven, C 11/11/1951 #5775 ng, Possony speaks with astronomer Francis J. Heyden at Georgetown Universi Early 5/1952 #6249 it returns, also witnessed by Sgt. Francis R. Salinder, who alerts the base 12/30/1953 #9409 sident Dwight Eisenhower and James Francis McIntyre, bishop of Los Angeles. 2/19/1954 (approximate) #9557 ncisor” and has it repaired by Dr. Francis A. Purcell. However, the inciden 2/20/1954 #9560 iend, Col. Leonard T. Glaser, Alex Francis Arcier, Maj. James F. Byrne, Maj 2/17/1959 #15591 pace Force Base Lompoc, California Francis E. Warren AFB Cheyenne, Wyoming 9/9/1959 #15962 s-D ICBM squadron goes on alert at Francis E. Warren AFB, west of Cheyenne, 9/9/1959 #15962 e” until the following month, when Francis Gary Powers is shot down over th 4/8/1960 #16218 hedan The U-2 spy plane piloted by Francis Gary Powers crosses into the Sov 4/9/1960 #16219 U-2 spy plane, flown by CIA pilot Francis Gary Powers, takes off from Pesh 5/1/1960 #16248 cow The trial for downed U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers begins in Moscow. 8/17/1960 #16402 right, pulsating light was seen by Francis Ridge, a NICAP subcommittee chai 11/29/1960 #16518 dam West Berlin, Germany CIA pilot Francis Gary Powers is exchanged for Sov 2/10/1962 #17045 Francis E. Warren AFB, Cheyenne, Wyoming 8/1964 #18467 ove a four-silo Atlas complex near Francis E. Warren AFB, Cheyenne, Wyoming 8/1964 #18467 Francis E. Warren Air Force Base Cheyenn 8/1/1965 #19242 0–4:30 a.m. Various personnel from Francis E. Warren Air Force Base west of 8/1/1965 #19242 Forbach, Moselle, France Francis Schaefer founds the Cercle Franç 1966 #19797 Freetown, IN Francis Bedel, Jr., (23) of Portland, In 1/17/1967 #21329 ghway 135 Freetown, Indiana Night. Francis Bedel Jr. is driving on State Hi 1/17/1967 #21333 single adults, a man and a woman, "Francis" and "Wells", were driving by au 2/10/1969 #24909 t been relieved from guard duty at Francis E. Warren Air Force base near Ch 8/16/1971 #26291 Francis E. Warren AFB Golf launch contro Autumn 1973 #27860 is a deputy crew commander at the Francis E. Warren AFB Golf launch contro Autumn 1973 #27860 Francis E. Warren AFB Tango-1 missile la 1975 #29680 flight security controller at the Francis E. Warren AFB Tango-1 missile la 1975 #29680 NJ 2:55 a.m. Two police officers, Francis J. Gross and C. Ragazzo were on 10/4/1975 #30416 rmant at the center interviewed by Francis Ridge, nobody is allowed to ente Late 10/1975 #30471 off toward the northwest. (Source: Francis Leblond, Phenomenes Spatiaux, Se 3/2/1976 #30916 Francis E. Warren AFB near Cheyenne, Wyo Autumn 1976 #31421 the underground launch capsules at Francis E. Warren AFB near Cheyenne, Wyo Autumn 1976 #31421 Francis Lloyd, age 24, was driving a lar 8/28/1977 #32437 derneath (see sketch below, credit Francis L. Ridge). The witnesses ran int 4/22/1989 #38921 Francis E. Warren AFB near Cheyenne, Wyo 10/23/2010 #45303 ne, Wyoming Air Force personnel at Francis E. Warren AFB near Cheyenne, Wyo 10/23/2010 #45303 USAF personnel at Francis E. Warren AFB near Cheyenne, WY 10/23/2010 #45304
San Francisco, California Charles Abbott Smi 8/11/1896 #329 fornia Charles Abbott Smith of San Francisco, California, is granted a pate 8/11/1896 #329 Heights Park Richmond District San Francisco, California Evening. Some of t Early 11/1896? #334 k in the Richmond District] of San Francisco, California, Mayor Adolph Sutr Early 11/1896? #334 SAN FRANCISCO, CA Great airship over Sutro H 11/5/1896 (approximate) #336 Oakland, California San Francisco Folsom Sacramento Modesto Mant 11/20/1896 #343 in a westerly direction toward San Francisco. It has a powerful headlight a 11/20/1896 #343 . It is also seen over Folsom, San Francisco, Sacramento, Modesto, Manteca, 11/20/1896 #343 San Francisco California Maine Oroville Oakl 11/22/1896 #347 Oroville Oakland Havana, Cuba San Francisco attorney George D. Collins ann 11/22/1896 #347 ville and is now hidden in the San Francisco, California, area as the inven 11/22/1896 #347 r 24, Collins complains to the San Francisco Call that another newspaper, t 11/22/1896 #347 ll that another newspaper, the San Francisco Examiner, has been printing fa 11/22/1896 #347 Market and 8th streets in San Francisco, California Golden Gate Twin P 11/22/1896 #349 s at Market and 8th streets in San Francisco, California. Other people on t 11/22/1896 #349 ioch, Chico, Lathrop, Oakland, San Francisco, and San Jose, California. 11/23/1896 #353 San Francisco Oakland, California Broadway 6 11/24/1896 #356 a train crossing the bay from San Francisco to Oakland, California, see an 11/24/1896 #356 Oakland, California San Francisco 8:00 p.m. Electrician Case Gil 11/26/1896 #365 disappears in the direction of San Francisco. 11/26/1896 #365 San Francisco (North Pacific off), CA Format 2/28/1904 #669 S. Supply in North Pacific off San Francisco. (NICAP UFO Evidence, 1964, Ha 2/28/1904 #669 Guam San Francisco, California 300 miles west-sou 2/28/1904 #670 ia 300 miles west-southwest of San Francisco Mid-evening. The steamer USS S 2/28/1904 #670 Elbridge Sewell, from Guam to San Francisco, California. About 300 miles w 2/28/1904 #670 ut 300 miles west-southwest of San Francisco, commanding Lt. Frank Herman S 2/28/1904 #670 fic Ocean between Honolulu and San Francisco at 6:10 a.m., three large dull 2/28/1904 #671 l—Lúcia dos Santos and her cousins Francisco and Jacinta Marto—report seein 5/13/1917 #958 ain see the lady, who reveals that Francisco and Jacinta will be “taken to 6/13/1917 #959 COLLAPSES - Larry Reynolds of San Francisco, California saw a mysterious o Spring 1929 #1094 SAN FRANCISCO, CA Highway Patrolman and 1. 6 7/2/1947 #2538 San Francisco, CA The first instance of the 7/3/1947 #2551 s letter first appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle. The flying discs we 7/3/1947 #2551 San Francisco, California The United Press s 7/4/1947 #2654 ” Occultist Ole J. Sneide from San Francisco, California, thinks they are “ 7/4/1947 #2654 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 2+2 separate observer(s). 7/6/1947 #2753 San Francisco Washington US Kremlin The San 8/13/1947 #3321 isco Washington US Kremlin The San Francisco Examiner’s Washington Bureau h 8/13/1947 #3321 San Francisco In response to the August 13 S 8/15/1947 #3336 o In response to the August 13 San Francisco Examiner report, FBI Director 8/15/1947 #3336 San Francisco FBI Special Agent Harry M. Kim 9/19/1947 #3406 cial Agent Harry M. Kimball in San Francisco passes Col. R. H. Smith’s memo 9/19/1947 #3406 SAN FRANCISCO, CA City park. Beam zaps man's 3/1949 (approximate) #4028 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 2 saucers buzz house. Stop 4/8/1950 #4821 aped objects buzzed a house in San Francisco, California. They stopped in m 4/8/1950 #4833 alifornia Monterey, California San Francisco 7:00 p.m. Several University o 4/10/1950 #4841 ia, see a gleaming object over San Francisco in the early afternoon. 4/10/1950 #4841 San Francisco Bay Area, California Norfolk, 9/1950 #5160 lnerability test occurs in the San Francisco Bay Area, California, using tw 9/1950 #5160 San Francisco (near), CA Hardin/Conroy Case 10/5/1950 #5212 air. Shoot going quickly SSW / San Francisco. Orange fireballs back 24 Febr 2/19/1952 #5909 to the south-southwest toward San Francisco. 2/19/1952 #5910 SAN FRANCISCO, CA Project Bluebook Case #120 5/4/1952 #6255 and pilots (Bobbie Foster, Richard Francisco, Teddy L. Pittman, and Ronnie 6/20/1952 #6562 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 2 observer(s). 2 150' wash 8/24/1952 #7698 San Francisco, CA Two strange men from anoth 2/1953 #8622 n from another planet hired in San Francisco - mysterious, then disappear. 2/1953 #8622 SAN FRANCISCO, CA Toll collector and many. " 2/13/1953 #8670 his day two men, Pedro Serrate and Francisco Teixeira, were duck hunting on 11/28/1953 #9325 SAN FRANCISCO, CA Blue-white disk over US101 1/9/1954 #9471 ictoriano Maeso, Luis Brugeda, and Francisco Huertos are at Las Gastanas fa 12/3/1954 #11754 Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda Air Base Caracas, V 12/10/1954 #11796 ctor is driving near Generalissimo Francisco de Miranda Air Base in Caracas 12/10/1954 #11796 SAN FRANCISCO, CA Bright round object hangs 5/17/1955 #12137 OFF SAN FRANCISCO, CA USAF pilot. Fast "balloon" 8/21/1956 #13105 150MI SOUTHWEST / SAN FRANCISCO 2+1 small moons follow ship. / 6/18/1957 #13735 Pacific Ocean, 150 miles off San Francisco, at Sea Captain and crew of fr 6/18/1957 #13738 San Francisco, California 8:00 p.m. Captain 6/18/1957 #13740 hey are steaming 150 miles off San Francisco, California. A third object jo 6/18/1957 #13740 San Francisco, CA Radar detected a target on 8/3/1957 #13874 Pacific Ocean San Francisco, California 7:45 p.m. 1st Lt. 8/3/1957 #13875 n about 175 miles southwest of San Francisco, California, aboard an RC-121D 8/3/1957 #13875 SOUTH FRANCISCO DE SALES, BRZ A. V. boas and 1 10/5/1957 #14060 Francisco de Sales, Brazil Antonio Villa 10/5/1957 #14061 São Francisco de Sales, Minas Gerais, Brazil 10/5/1957 #14062 bed on his family’s farm near São Francisco de Sales, Minas Gerais, Brazil 10/5/1957 #14062 Sao Francisco de Sales, Brazil. Antonio Vill 10/5/1957 #14063 bove his family's farmhouse in Sao Francisco de Sales, Brazil. This is thre 10/13/1957 #14105 SOUTH FRANCISCO / SALES, BRZ Avb. Blazing disc 10/14/1957 #14106 Francisco de Sales, Brazil Second observ 10/14/1957 #14109 a field on his family farm in Sao Francisco de Sales, Minas Gerais, Brazil 10/14/1957 #14112 SOUTH FRANCISCO / SALES, BRZ Avb abduction. Sm 10/16/1957 #14123 Francisco de Sales, Brazil Third observa 10/16/1957 #14127 São Francisco de Sales, Minas Gerais, Brazil 10/16/1957 #14128 las-Boas is plowing alone near São Francisco de Sales, Minas Gerais, Brazil 10/16/1957 #14128 Sao Francisco de Sales, Brazil. A famous ali 10/16/1957 #14131 San Francisco Honolulu 6:00 p.m. Pan Am Flig 11/8/1957 #14489 riously crashes midway between San Francisco and Honolulu. One of the crew 11/8/1957 #14489 San Francisco (200 miles SW of), At Sea RC-1 4/24/1961 #16659 200 miles SW of San Francisco, California (35' 50' N, 125' 4 4/24/1961 #16660 San Francisco, CA Fireball observed, shock w 11/7/1963 #18028 Witnesses: E.J. Haug, of the San Francisco Orchestra and the San Francisc 8/15/1964 #18490 an Francisco Orchestra and the San Francisco Conservatory of Music; and C.R 8/15/1964 #18490 At 8:15 a.m. E. J. Haug of the San Francisco Orchestra and the San Francisc 8/15/1964 #18492 an Francisco Orchestra and the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, and C. 8/15/1964 #18492 way engineer, his son Urgenio, and Francisco Lopez were approaching Zhullen 8/26/1965 #19466 American Airlines flight from San Francisco to Houston, Texas, was paced b 1/16/1966 #19839 SAN FRANCISCO, CA Large object / windows and 3/31/1966 #20170 San Francisco, California Two women observed 3/31/1966 #20175 In San Francisco, California two women observed 3/31/1966 #20182 SOUTH FRANCISCO DEL MONTE DE ORO, ARG 6 / car. 7/9/1968 #24161 grapher Juan Bravo and topographer Francisco Reyes. Loaiza was using a R-M- 9/4/1971 #26317 San Francisco, California Physicist Peter A. 4/9/1973 #27418 es to all 1,175 members of the San Francisco, California, Chapter of the Am 4/9/1973 #27418 heir invitation they flew over San Francisco, then the Hawaiian Islands. Hi 2/9/1974 #28755 curtains. She wakes up her husband Francisco, who goes to the window and se 8/10/1976 #31251 go back to sleep. In the morning, Francisco looks out the window and finds 8/10/1976 #31251 Sr. Francisco Tejero, age 44, his wife Teres 8/10/1976 #31252 central Portugal 12:00 noon. José Francisco Rodrigues is flying a Portugue 6/17/1977 #32171 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 2 observer(s). Cone going 7/25/1977 #32311 a, Argentina on this date in 1978. Francisco Nunez, age 66, and his son of 7/6/1978 #33346 University of Hawaii San Francisco, California David W. Swift of 9/3/1978 #33629 logical Association meeting in San Francisco, California, on the disconnect 9/3/1978 #33629 almas in the Canary Islands. Pilot Francisco Javier Lerdo de Tejada and his 11/11/1979 #34997 L-1011 jumbo jet en route from San Francisco to New York City encountered s 7/4/1981 #35986 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 6 observer(s). Large sauce 4/6/1986 #37818 sc-shaped ojbect was seen over San Francisco, California. It split into two 4/6/1986 #37819 SAO FRANCISCO DE ASSIS, BRZ Observer(s) fixi 2/6/1992 #40320 SAO FRANCISCO DE PAULA, MG, BRAZIL Rectangul 9/20/1992 #40632 tated a witness from a road in Sao Francisco de Paula, Minas Gerais State, 9/20/1992 #40633 acific Heights neighborhood of San Francisco: Steven Bechtel of Bechtel Cor Mid 1990's #41926 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 1 observer / Marin. Bright 6/19/1995 #42264 San Jose (Calif.) San Francisco Bay Area Los Angeles Colombia 8/18/1996 #42985 the better part of a decade, a San Francisco Bay Area drug ring sold tons o 8/18/1996 #42985 San Francisco (1896), CA Seals dive as airsh 11/22/1996 #43115 San Francisco, California The panelists from 11/28/1997 #43451 urrock workshop reconvene in a San Francisco, California, hotel to draft a 11/28/1997 #43451 A family of three living near San Francisco, California remembered hearing 2/6/1998 #43514 acting very agitated. Her husband, Francisco, went to investigate while Urs 4/27/1998 #43559 f traps off Farlon Island near San Francisco, California. The man was onboa 1/30/2000 #43937 s seen for 12 minutes north of San Francisco Bay in Sebastopol, California. 12/17/2000 #44105 lights during the daytime over San Francisco Bay, California that moved "su 12/15/2003 #44630 Fulton Street San Francisco California Evening. Laura Simm 9/12/2004 #44755 he sky” above Fulton Street in San Francisco, California. She describes it 9/12/2004 #44755 a small clearing next to Lake Nice Francisco in Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Ori 6/14/2005 #44847
a Canary Islands 9:27 p.m. Dr. Don Francisco-Julio Padrón León and Santiago 6/22/1976 #31128
Mexico 9:00 p.m. Baltazar Flores, Franciso Perez, Ruben Lozaya, and Elpidi 8/9/1964 #18472
Sokółka, Poland Franciszka Hynka street, Warsaw, Poland 9/9/2013 #45386 . A delta-shaped UFO is seen above Franciszka Hynka street, Warsaw, Poland. 9/9/2013 #45386
France Bordeaux La Réole 1:30 a.m. Franck Pavia and Jean-Marc Guitard are s 6/19/1978 #33291 who has claimed that a colleague, Franck Fontaine, has been abducted by a 11/26/1979 #35015
a Two Italian Air Force sergeants (Franco Padellero and Attilio di Salvator 7/4/1978 #33335 ght moves south for a few minutes. Franco Viacava drives off in a Fiat with 9/7/1978 #33645 , tells his father, police officer Franco Giambattista, that an airplane ha 3/6/1994 #41443 ista, that an airplane has fallen. Franco goes outside and spots with binoc 3/6/1994 #41443 acões contact ufologists Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues and Claudeir Covo about 1/13/1996 #42681 Association (AFEU); and Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues and Ademar José Gevaerd 12/7/1997 #43453
). Saucers "in profusion" all over Franco-Italian border. News. 12/5/1973 #28520
ked up" over a quadrilateral area. Francois Bouiller confirmed he had seen 10/4/1954 #10697 ked up" over a quadrilateral area. Francois Bouiller confirmed he had seen 10/4/1954 #10710 sses and Toutry, Daniel Grapin and Francois Bolatre, topographers saw a lum 10/10/1954 #10886 sses and Toutry, Daniel Grapin and Francois Bolatre, two topographers, saw 10/10/1954 #10896 , France at 10:30 a.m. 13-year-old Francois Delpeuch and his younger sister 8/29/1967 #22955 ents. (HC addition # 1011, Source: Francois Bourbeau, Spectra, Quebec Canad 7/27/1971 #26246 and, Manitoba, CAN 7:40 a.m. Henry Francois while driving east on a municip 6/4/1975 #30080
s, France. At 6:30 p.m. Claude and Francoise Lanssellin, ages 10 and 9, wit 10/7/1954 #10794
veton, New Hampshire Twin Mountain Franconia Notch Old Man of the Mountain 9/19/1961 #16857 them. Barney drives slowly through Franconia Notch, watching the object. At 9/19/1961 #16857 abduction reportedly occurred near Franconia Notch in the White Mountains o 9/23/1962 #17436
ar Nuble, Chile--close to the "Los Francos" thermal springs--a strange sphe 2/2/1969 #24891
ame day UFO investigator Pat De La Franier was in his office in Stratford, 4/25/1978 #33171 lly wrapped around his temples. La Franier had never seen eyes like that, " 4/25/1978 #33171 ust stood there staring at him. La Franier was fixated by his eyes and he f 4/25/1978 #33171 le to get through the sentence. La Franier said no, he did not need any mor 4/25/1978 #33171 man was completely gone. Later La Franier discovered that many of his pape 4/25/1978 #33171
orge A. McCalvy, District Attorney Frank D. Ryan, and E. D. McCabe, the gov 11/25/1896 #360 p.m. Confectioner John S. Scheer, Frank King, and Frank Mulick of Erie, Pe 4/21/1897 #552 er John S. Scheer, Frank King, and Frank Mulick of Erie, Pennsylvania, watc 4/21/1897 #552 Josserand, TX Midnight. Frank Nichols, who lived 3 km east of Jo 4/22/1897 #554 Josserand, Texas Frank Nichols, who lived 3 km east of Jo 4/22/1897 #556 ollenberger, and banking executive Frank McCarty. 4/22/1897 #558 d, Texas Iowa town 12:00 midnight. Frank Nichols, a farmer living 2 miles e 4/22/1897 #560 On or about this same night Frank Nichols, who lived two miles east 4/22/1897 #562 t of San Francisco, commanding Lt. Frank Herman Schofield observes three ob 2/28/1904 #670 luding Tito Bengoa, the brother of Frank and Christopher Bengoa of the King 1922 #1018 Westmont, Illinois Dusk. Frank Tezky and his father watch 6 disc- 8/1926 #1060 tains of Nepal English mountaineer Frank Smythe, during the British Mount E 6/1/1933 #1158 Beach Haven, New Jersey Night. Frank Van Keuren is fishing with others Summer 1933 #1164 alking along a country road, young Frank Sever hears a loud noise in the ne Summer 1940 #1340 he air raid, Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox holds a press conference, say 2/24/1942 #1388 e MacKenzie (a pseudonym, actually Frank Kaufmann), stationed at Roswell Ar 7/1/1947 #2501 th now-discredited Roswell witness Frank Kaufmann, who claims he was ordere 7/1/1947 #2524 Seattle, WA Frank Ryman-1st known photo of Circular 7/4/1947 #2649 and, Oregon—including KOIN newsman Frank Cooley, deputy Clark County Sherif 7/4/1947 #2658 ngton 5:45 p.m. Coast Guard Yeoman Frank Ryman photographs a round disc ove 7/4/1947 #2662 igate the radar reports claimed by Frank Kaufmann). On the plane is Warrant 7/4/1947 #2668 e cannot find it. Before midnight, Frank Kaufmann allegedly sees a brillian 7/4/1947 #2670 Portland, OR Frank Cooley, a former Marine Corps obse 7/5/1947 #2680 mmand, discredited Roswell witness Frank Kaufmann returns to Roswell Army A 7/5/1947 #2718 ing to discredited Roswell witness Frank Kaufmann, a small contingent of me 7/5/1947 #2721 nd the debris field. KGFL reporter Frank Joyce calls Wilcox, who tells him 7/6/1947 #2807 ound noon (the first apparently to Frank Joyce at KGFL) and the newspapers 7/8/1947 #3015 tel Owyhee in Boise, Idaho, by Lt. Frank M. Brown and Capt. William L. Davi 7/12/1947 #3157 oncord, California 12:15 p.m. Col. Frank A. Flynn is flying a Vultee BT-13 7/15/1947 #3187 At 12:15 p.m. Colonel Frank A. Flynn, who was flying over over 7/15/1947 #3188 nts from the Fourth Air Force, Lt. Frank M. Brown and Capt. William L. Davi 7/25/1947 #3229 ow largely considered a forgery by Frank Kaufmann. Garrigues has assumed du 7/25/1947 #3230 ow largely considered a forgery by Frank Kaufmann. 7/30/1947 #3261 ow largely considered a forgery by Frank Kaufmann. 9/25/1947 #3427 F) Operator and amateur astronomer Frank M. Eisele, 103rd AACS Squadron, at 1/7/1948 #3546 lina 5:00 a.m. According to writer Frank Scully, who hears the tale from a 3/25/1948 #3598 PC) is created inside the new CIA. Frank Wisner, the head of the OPC, answe 6/18/1948 #3673 . Army Pvts. Martin Fensterman and Frank Luisi, on security patrol near Kil 3/6/1949 #4035 Hollywood, CA Frank Scully’s Variety article “One Flyi 10/12/1949 #4387 southwestern desert Columnist Frank Scully writes an article in Variet 10/12/1949 #4391 Hollywood, CA Frank Scully Variety article “Flying Sau 11/23/1949 #4423 idge AFB, Michigan Witness: 1st Lt Frank Mattson. One intense, dull yellowi 3/3/1950 #4575 Tape recently found at the AHC in Frank Scully’s papers in Laramie WY. Was 3/8/1950 #4588 1st Lt. Francis E. Parker, 1st Lt. Frank K. Mattson, Sgt. McCarthy, and Cpl 3/9/1950 #4598 ers recovered in NM (corroborating Frank Scully’s later book on 8/1950). De 3/22/1950 #4696 flying saucers. Digitized from the Frank Scully archive at the American Her 3/31/1950 #4772 Glens Falls, NY Variety author Frank Scully’s book “Behind the Flying S 4/17/1950 #4855 US Author Frank Scully’s book “Behind the Flying S 8/1950 #5085 ers, one of whom is Wing Commander Frank Jolliffe. They all see, at a range 9/5/1950 #5169 llinois Korea Henry Holt publishes Frank Scully’s Behind the Flying Saucers 9/8/1950 #5171 elopment Board), scientist reveals Frank Scully’s 1950 "Behind the Flying S 9/15/1950 #5177 a, asking him to determine whether Frank Scully is the same man who has bee 10/13/1950 #5224 th Carolina Witness: ex-USAF pilot Frank Risher. One aluminum object shaped 10/23/1950 #5252 from BSRA Director Meade Layne to Frank Scully. Mentions increased volume 11/10/1950 #5271 Iran Guatemala Frank Wisner succeeds Allen Dulles as CI 8/23/1951 #5616 sightings. ATIC’s new chief, Col. Frank Dunn, gets a wire from Gen. Charle 9/12/1951 #5663 Frank B. Jewett Jr., director of the Aer 10/20/1951 #5735 the Pentagon with ATIC Chief Col. Frank Dunn. They visit with Maj. Gen. Jo 12/19/1951 #5821 ATIC Chief Frank Dunn writes to Gen. Garland reques 3/31/1952 #5999 ce Intelligence memorandum to Col. Frank Dunn, chief of ATIC, transmits nin 4/24/1952 #6178 bjects seen. No further details. / Frank Edwards radio program. 4/26/1952 #6188 Edward J. Ruppelt, ATIC chief Col. Frank Dunn, Brig. Gen. William M. Garlan Early 5/1952 #6249 w features editors and journalists Frank Blair, David Brinkley, Clay Blair, 8/1/1952 #7410 itnesses Oskar and Gabriele Linke, Frank Scully, and U.S. Army Engineers ph 8/23/1952 #7693 ohn P. Cahn publishes an exposé of Frank Scully’s Behind the Flying Saucers 9/1952 #7804 rved the original meteor. However, Frank C. Feschino has done extensive res 9/12/1952 #7905 rnia, for three days with speakers Frank Scully, George Van Tassel, Orfeo A 8/16/1953 #9074 Salton Sea, California USAF pilot Frank Kendall Everest Jr. reaches 755 mp 10/29/1953 #9261 eorge Williams. Recorded by author Frank Scully in his private notes now at Mid 11/1953 #9301 t Detrick, Maryland Bacteriologist Frank Olson is a leading scientist at th 11/19/1953 #9310 rt Detrick] in Frederick, Maryland Frank Olson is depressed, incoherent, an 11/28/1953 #9324 s a complete fraud.” Forewarned by Frank Edwards, Keyhoe counters his argum 12/29/1953 #9406 California Radio commentator Frank Edwards states that the US governm 1/1954 #9426 ary field Mutual Radio broadcaster Frank Edwards alleges on his show that t 1/13/1954 #9480 Edwards AFB Author Frank Scully records in his private note 1/24/1954 #9496 Frank Edwards mentions CRIFO on his radi 5/18/1954 #9811 California Private Frank Scully note at AHC: CIC officers t 5/20/1954 #9817 Baltimore, Maryland Col. Frank Milani, director of Civil Defense 6/9/1954 #9882 y see nothing. At 10:00 p.m., Maj. Frank J. Gshwandtner and 2nd Lt. Robert 6/23/1954 #9936 Frank Edwards, pro-saucer newscaster fir 8/1954 #10071 54 letter addressed to broadcaster Frank Edwards, found in the BSRA/BSRF ar 8/1/1954 #10086 Mutual Broadcasting Network Frank Edwards is fired by his sponsor at 8/11/1954 #10125 Navy Department at the Pentagon Frank Edwards travels with a TV film pro 6/13/1955 #12196 Las Cruces, New Mexico 9:30 p.m. Frank C. Clark is observing Mars with a 9/8/1956 #13208 ludes T. Townsend Brown (founder), Frank Edwards, Leon C. LeVan, Albert H. 10/19/1956 #13286 ion (M/Sgt Billy J. Woodruff, Sgt. Frank Haverly, SP2 Robert O. Clewell, SP 1/21/1957 #13468 ornia Mojave Desert 6:55–7:20 a.m. Frank E. Baker, supervisor of civilian c 5/2/1957 #13643 John J. Provenzano, No. 1 monitor; Frank B. McClure, No. 2 monitor; and Wal 7/17/1957 #13808 Whitharral, Texas 12:15 a.m. Frank Williams, a farmer, is near Whitha 11/3/1957 #14244 ty, New York In Van Cortland Park, Frank C. was talking with a bus driver w 11/5/1957 #14340 ark in New York City at 4:30 a.m., Frank C. was talking with a bus driver w 11/5/1957 #14351 ugh London's Science Museum Night. Frank Dickenson and two friends are driv 11/21/1957 #14590 City promoter Jimmy Burge, oilman Frank Buttram, and publisher Edward K. G 5/4/1959 #15722 set up only a few days earlier by Frank Drake at the National Radio Astron 4/8/1960 #16218 ncer Beresford, Richard Hines, and Frank Hammill (House Science and Astrona 7/15/1960 #16337 Frank Porcello and two others saw two UF 7/24/1960 #16347 gives one of the pancakes to Judge Frank Wellington Carter, who then passes 4/18/1961 #16653 en Bank, West Virginia, astronomer Frank Drake writes this equation on a ch 11/1/1961 #16944 sta, Colorado 6:15 a.m. Mrs. Alvie Frank sees several flat, glowing objects 10/26/1962 #17500 civilizations in the galaxy. Using Frank D. Drake’s equation to suggest tha 11/15/1962 #17548 rom the sky. His grandmother, Mrs. Frank Smith, who was standing nearby, he 6/2/1964 #18319 the Flying Saucers” and journalist Frank Scully dies in Palm Springs, CA. I 6/23/1964 #18368 ollton, Ohio Joseph Stavano's farm Frank Stavano and 24 other witnesses hea 6/25/1965 #19028 nce to some sort of UFO. Astronaut Frank Borman later confirms that what he 12/5/1965 #19753 nald H. Menzel, plant physiologist Frank B. Salisbury, journalist John G. F 2/27/1966 #19925 Dexter, MI Dexter, MI.: Frank Mannor, age 47, and Ronald Mannor, 3/20/1966 #19997 Dexter, Michigan Frank Mannor and his son, Ronald, saw a 3/20/1966 #20008 er his dogs start making a racket, Frank Mannor and his 26-year-old son Ron 3/20/1966 #20012 m Youngstown, Ohio. Police officer Frank Panzarella in Conway, Pennsylvania 4/17/1966 #20318 Broadcaster Frank Edwards publishes Flying Saucers—S 6/1966 #20515 , Illinois Witness: Deputy Sheriff Frank Courson. One object shaped like a 3/6/1967 #21777 bject. (Telephone call report from Frank Edwards, 5/18/67, NICAP files; Rid 5/15/1967 #22345 Broadcaster Frank Edwards dies of a heart attack. 6/23/1967 #22536 ng alley, and two police officers, Frank Rakes and James Overton, describe 7/4/1967 #22610 from De Polo's home, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dixon heard a loud noise outside, 7/18/1967 #22695 rominent members of Congress, Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho) and Sen. Howard B 8/1967 #22770 Vietnam The CIA staff’s frank opinions on Vietnam are sometimes 9/1967 #22974 A study from Frank Rand, Arthur Lundahl, Gen. James S 1968 #23634 T. Friedman, Roger N. Shepard, and Frank B. Salisbury offer prepared papers 7/29/1968 #24254 avid Saunders, James McDonald, and Frank Salisbury. When asked how many of 8/22/1969 #25325 from a high school football game, Frank Scassellati (16) observed a glowin 9/1970 #25821 ball game in Jessup, Pennsylvania, Frank Scassellati, 16, observes a glowin 9/1970 #25822 : J. Allen Hynek, R. Leo Sprinkle, Frank B. Salisbury, James A. Harder, and 3/12/1972 #26601 ( Easter UFO: A SOBEPS Inquiry by Frank Boitte, Brussels, Belgium.) (NICAP 4/14/1974 #29022 by a vote of 82–4. Chaired by Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho), the committee is 1/27/1975 #29767 0 p.m. Three men—Nicholas Flaskas, Frank Zonaras, and Bill Zonaras—waiting 10/23/1976 #31488 d Coral Lorenzen, David M. Jacobs, Frank Salisbury, J. Allen Hynek, Ted Phi 6/24/1977 #32190 White House NASA Frank Press, director of the Office of S 7/21/1977 #32297 eeting to discuss what to do about Frank Press’s recommendation. The group 8/3/1977 #32352 istrator Robert Frosch responds to Frank Press, saying that he is “inclined 9/6/1977 #32463 deaf 14 year olds, Johny Myhr and Frank Sverre Mandt, sighted a disc-shape 10/25/1977 #32608 deaf 14-year-olds, Johny Myhr and Frank Sverre Mandt, view a disc-shaped o 10/25/1977 #32609 deaf 14 year olds, Johny Myhr and Frank Sverre Mandt, sighted a disc-shape 10/25/1977 #32610 fternoon. Students Johnny Myrh and Frank Sverre see a flying object approac 11/1/1977 #32651 bert A. Frosch sends a response to Frank Press at OSTP, saying that NASA wo 12/21/1977 #32802 R. Leo Sprinkle, James A. Harder, Frank Salisbury, Jacques Vallée, Philip 1/1978 #32834 enter managed by Program Scientist Frank Martin. He suggests as project sci 1/17/1978 #32887 Frank Scott and another soldier were ord 8/16/1980 #35459 r. William I. Steinman states that Frank Scully’s book (“Behind the Flying 11/29/1983 #37053 nd International Affairs Division, Frank C. Conahan, testifies at a hearing 7/24/1986 #37952 k at a silent, arrow-shaped UFO in Frank Holton Park, juat as the sun was c 1/5/2001 #44118 Karczma Vistula Spit, Poland Day. Frank Delephine takes a video of a forma 8/20/2003 #44577 US Majestic document mentions Frank Scully, Aztec crash, EBE-1 6/2017 #45471
enter, where metallurgist Henry E. Frankel agrees to analyze the material. 4/24/1964 #18200
Burlington Frankfort, Indiana Middle Fork of Wildca 4/14/1897 #462 arty of workmen from Burlington to Frankfort, Indiana. When they are at the 4/14/1897 #462 WEST FRANKFORT, IL Boy. Bright metallic 12M s 4/1927 (approximate) #1071 FRANKFORT, IN Several observer(s). 2 whi 7/3/1953 #8987 New York Walesville, west of Utica Frankfort, New York 11:05 a.m. An F-94C 7/2/1954 #9984 a 25-square-mile area from Rome to Frankfort, New York. 7/2/1954 #9984 NORTHWEST / FRANKFORT, IN 2 hunters. 6 silent boat-s 10/3/1956 #13261 WEST FRANKFORT, IL Room size domed saucer wit 2/2/1967 #21435 West Frankfort, IL 8:20 p.m. CST. A woman saw 2/14/1967 #21548 FRANKFORT, IL Cops. "Teardrop-on side" m 11/25/1980 #35665 FRANKFORT, KY 1 / car. Massive rectangul 6/13/1989 #38987 seen hovering across the street in Frankfort, Herkimer County, New York. Th 8/10/1993 #41124 ound its periphery, was sighted in Frankfort, Illinois at seven o'clock in 3/6/1996 #42813
Frankfurt and Karlsrhue btn., Germany Th 12/1944 #1715 Frankfurt, Germany Two sightings: statio 2/4/1945 #1772 Frankfurt, Germany Silver-colored ball-l 2/8/1945 #1775 FRANKFURT, GERM 3 US WACs / base. 3 big 2/3/1947 #2237 Field in New Mexico US Highway 285 Frankfurt, Germany 5:30 a.m. According t 7/5/1947 #2721 Austrian physicist Adolf Smekal of Frankfurt, Germany, provide leads, with 7/5/1947 #2721 FRANKFURT, GERM 2 / Air Force jet and 1. 1/28/1953 #8587 FRANKFURT, GERM Engineering student. 7 b 11/19/1956 #13337 Frankfurt, Germany V-formation of blue-w 11/19/1956 #13338 Frankfurt, Germany Alexander Litvinenko 9/1957 #13965 nding an anti-Communist meeting in Frankfurt, Germany. He is treated for th 9/1957 #13965 Frankfurt, West Germany (McDonald list) 6/29/1965 #19032 Frankfurt (near), Germany Several teenag 3/13/1982 #36388 attending a disco in Messel, near Frankfurt, Germany watched three groups 3/13/1982 #36389
hio 5:30 p.m. John Dodson, 15, and Frankie Jimenez, 14, are walking near th 8/11/1964 #18480
to determine the fate of the lost Franklin Northwest Passage expedition, w 9/15/1850 #145 is residence on Monroe Street near Franklin Street in San Jose, California. 11/26/1896 #364 Edward Teeples, William Street and Franklin Metcalf. 4/12/1897 #444 Edward Teeples, William Street and Franklin Metcalf could reach it, the cra 4/12/1897 #449 Washington DC President Franklin D. Roosevelt in office. 3/4/1933 #1156 Franklin D. Roosevelt signs Executive Or 3/22/1940 #1329 President Franklin D. Roosevelt authorizes the FBI 5/21/1940 #1333 officer in charge at Hanford, Col. Franklin Matthias, says “it shut down th 3/10/1945 #1810 rence with the Seattle Times, Col. Franklin Matthias, officer in charge at 8/7/1945 #1916 Mount Franklin El Paso, Texas 3:30 p.m. G. Oli 6/22/1947 #2365 south about 3,000 feet above Mount Franklin just north of El Paso, Texas. H 6/22/1947 #2365 in diameter. It hurtled over Mount Franklin and then flew off towards Mexic 7/1/1947 #2531 lden Crawford (chief of T-3), Gen. Franklin O. Carroll (director of researc Mid 9/1947 #3396 Fort Knox Bowling Green, Kentucky Franklin, Kentucky Ohio State University 1/7/1948 #3544 . about 4 miles south-southwest of Franklin, Kentucky. The UFO disappears f 1/7/1948 #3544 some flue tails--in Chittenden and Franklin Counties. 7/11/1948 #3707 (SRI), University of Chicago, The Franklin Institute, the Glenn L. Martin 1952 #5843 FRANKLIN, IN Cops and military and hundr 7/28/1952 #7226 nel on the US aircraft carrier USS Franklin D. Roosevelt in the North Sea o 9/20/1952 #7987 y Wallace Litwin aboard the U.S.S. Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 9/20/1952 #7989 FRANKLIN, IN Many observer(s). 4 bright 6/23/1954 #9931 FRANKLIN, IN Ground Observer Corps (GOC) 7/23/1954 #10041 from Hamilton County and one from Franklin County. A child with the last n 8/26/1955 #12412 her, over the aircraft carrier USS Franklin D. Roosevelt as it is berthed i 7/26/1956 #13020 ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Franklin” Yield: .14KT 6/2/1957 #13695 ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Franklin Prime” Yield: 4.7KT 8/30/1957 #13951 Franklin County, Indiana Afternoon. Robe 10/15/1957 #14120 ject hovering above his combine in Franklin County, Indiana, at about 1,500 10/15/1957 #14120 state border El Paso Airport Texas Franklin Mountains 7:30 p.m. A Texas sta 11/4/1957 #14287 occasionally. When it gets to the Franklin Mountains, it lifts into the ai 11/4/1957 #14287 ase, Cuba Around 9:00 p.m. The USS Franklin D. Roosevelt is on a shakedown 9/1958 #15239 ates during his service on the USS Franklin D Roosevelt, while near Cuba, w 10/1958 #15295 NEAR FRANKLIN AND UNION, NJ Project Bluebook 4/3/1966 #20209 Franklin, NJ Time not reported. A disc-s 4/3/1966 #20211 FRANKLIN SPRINGS, NY SR34. Project Blueb 9/9/1966 #20865 Franklin Springs, NY Object larger than 9/9/1966 #20866 Franklin Springs, New York A man saw an 9/9/1966 #20867 Franklin Springs, New York Witness: Jaco 9/9/1966 #20868 At 9:00 p.m. a man in Franklin Springs, New York saw a solid o 9/9/1966 #20869 will be Saunders, ESSA astronomer Franklin Roach, Wertheimer, chemist Roy 10/7/1966 #20970 Boulder, Colorado Hynek visits Franklin Roach in Boulder, Colorado, to 10/20/1966 #21019 ndon, David Saunders, Norm Levine, Franklin Roach, Mary Lou Armstrong, and 6/30/1967 #22578 osed in the 1950s (see 1952), what Franklin Mead (see June 1972) at Edwards 1968 #23633 n (including Gordon David Thayer). Franklin Roach returns to work on astron Late 5/1968 #23983 ealand 9:30 p.m. John Dow and Paul Franklin are driving on Springfield Road 9/6/1968 #24434 clinic Evening. John Dow and Paul Franklin are on the Omarunui Road southw 9/10/1968 #24449 An ad hoc group with Franklin Mead, Senior Aerospace Engineer 6/1972 #26694 Columbus, OH 9:30 p.m. Franklin County man found landing site o 9/30/1973 #27890 At 9:30 p.m. a Franklin County, Ohio man found the land 9/30/1973 #27893 ke Urmia, Iran 10:30 a.m. Teenager Franklin Youri takes a photo of an unusu 10/8/1978 #33813 ction frequently. Radar technician Franklin West, located at a remote radar 11/18/1980 #35654 Franklin, OH 2:00 AM. A brilliant white 2/15/1981 #35829 Franklin, OH Daylight. The witness was d 8/19/1981 #36081 nautics Laboratory at Edwards AFB. Franklin Mead, head of Project Outgrowth 4/1988 #38526 pulsion for Edwards AFB, again for Franklin Mead, Chief of the Future Techn 4/1988 #38527 traffic controllers. That night in Franklin, Georgia a young woman's bedroo 3/19/1995 #42112 ose egg, hovered over the river in Franklin, Georgia on an overcast evening 6/7/1996 #42925 es later three female witnesses in Franklin, Georgia were outside when they 2/17/1997 #43195 arch Corporation. Outgrowth’s lead Franklin Mead studied advanced propulsio 8/2004 #44724 g home from work on rural roads in Franklin, Indiana sighted a triangle sha 5/3/2006 #44938 first report was at 8:17 a.m. from Franklin County, Alabama of a dark chevr 9/9/2009 #45244
Senator Barry Goldwater said, “I, frankly, feel there is a great deal to t 8/31/1957 #13956 onstituent about UFOs, saying, “I, frankly, feel that there is a great deal 8/31/1957 #13960 he flow of ‘need-to-know’ because, frankly, I was told in such an emphatic 6/20/1983 #36884
e staff by implication and lack of frankness possibly interest defense budg 8/24/1946 #2154
FRANKSTON TO/FROM DROMANA, VCT 100' sauc 7/3/1972 #26755 Mooraduc Road Frankston, Victoria, Australia 9:15 p.m. 7/3/1972 #26757 d object on the Mooraduc Road near Frankston, Victoria, Australia. The obje 7/3/1972 #26757 FRANKSTON, AUS Repeat observer(s). Car m 7/25/1972 #26830 ped object nearby while driving in Frankston, Victoria, Australia on this e 7/25/1972 #26834
ws / side. Going quickly west over Franois. 9/10/1966 #20870 FRANOIS, FR 2 observer(s). Fireball hove 12/12/1968 #24760 FRANOIS, FR 15+observer(s). 10M saucer f 12/12/1968 #24761 On this evening at 18:04 p.m. in Franois, France nine witnesses saw stran 12/12/1968 #24766 FRANOIS AND BESCANCON, FR Many observer( 12/21/1968 #24785
riving in her car at 11:30 p.m. in Frantfort, Kentucky. The UFO had a pipe 6/13/1989 #38988
ir Force (AAF) planes disoriented. Frantic radio. Huge search loses more. 12/5/1945 #1949 Lauderdale, and made increasingly frantic radio calls announcing they were 12/5/1945 #1951 orking for the Russian military. A frantic search to find what happened to 7/5/1947 #2721 rado Springs, Colorado ADC becomes frantic about a possible Soviet attack. 4/16/1952 #6093 ANDERSON, SC 10000 frantic birds going quickly north. Some 2/17/1956 #12720 lina at 4:15 p.m. several thousand frantic birds took off and flew off >S, 2/17/1956 #12725 m. Spins. Going quickly west. Cows frantic. / MJ#238+/ FSRv20#4. 2/15/1963 #17665 Matsuyama control tower, he hears frantic calls from Joji Negishi, the pil 3/18/1965 #18864 lit windows. Groaning noises. Cows frantic. 8/6/1965 #19331 PT. PLEASANT, WV Dogs frantic. Car-sized UFO with lit windows 1/10/1967 #21281 low. 2 bright lights / front. Dogs frantic. 2/22/1967 #21618 OKA, QB 3 kids. Animals frantic. Clam saucer fires sharp beam go 8/29/1967 #22948 rcular object / low altitude. Dogs frantic. Electro-magnetic effect (EME). 5/29/1968 #23992 -magnetic effect (EME) both X. Dog frantic. / FSRv17#4. 11/25/1968 #24700 BELO HORIZONTE, BRZ 2 boys. Dog frantic. Saucer touches outer wall / hou 2/20/1969 #24931 erver(s). Dogs and cats and horses frantic. Blue-white 30' saucer hums. Van 4/23/1969 #25084 mall night lights. 4 separate dogs frantic. 1/28/1970 #25557 WEST / CALGARY, ALTA MD. Horse frantic. 40' saucer overhead. 2nd dead h 8/25/1970? #25805 CANELINHA, BRAZIL Dog frantic. Lantern goes out. Beam levitate 1/30/1971 (approximate) #26006 s area. Going north. Dog and horse frantic. / r156#8. 5/10/1971 #26105 STEWART, MN Flash and wind. Ducks frantic. 2 8M circles / crushed corn. / 6/25/1971 #26191 12:30 a.m. Ducks in the area were frantic. Two 8-meter wide crop circles w 6/25/1971 #26193 shes and circles overhead. Animals frantic. No description. 9/22/1971 #26360 orted that their farm animals were frantic when an orange UFO flashed and c 9/22/1971 #26366 licopter going [to] overhead. Dogs frantic. 3/6/1973 #27334 ODEPOORT, SOUTH AFRICA 2+many. Dog frantic. Saucer with sphere/orb/globe be 9/13/1973 #27813 igure(s) invite 2 tots aboard. Dog frantic. / r178p13. 10/16/1973 #28076 omed saucer / field / tripod. Dogs frantic. 3 pseudo-human/entity going up 10/19/1973 #28183 sture. Lands 2X more. Cows and dog frantic. 2/17/1974 (approximate) #28774 ine beam. UFO beams red back! Dogs frantic. 9/26/1974 #29480 T / ORLAND, CA 2 observer(s). Cows frantic. 65' saucer just over ground 600 9/30/1974 #29493 CASTELLEALE, ITL Animals frantic. Man / odd suit rides 60cm box. 11/15/1974? #29595 oing down. Outhouse burns. Animals frantic. / IFS#29. 4/29/1975 #30010 Separate observer(s). Dog and cat frantic. Bottle shaped silver cylinder/c 5/23/1975 #30064 TOWN, RSA Family. Geese and horses frantic. Fireball halfway up TV tower ne 2/9/1976 #30858 ver the treetops. The children are frantic, and the male friend is inwardly 6/17/1977 #32172 ntenna / dome. Tree bends. Animals frantic. 1/8/1979 #34314 Probe and figure(s). Retarded boy frantic.. 7/18/1980 #35416 orange. Going down. Zigzags. Dogs frantic. 8/31/1980 #35483 Many separate observer(s). Animals frantic. Night lights seen widely. Flash 12/11/1982 #36716 inute(s). Bright white light. Dogs frantic. / r237p95. 2/6/1987 #38112 NE RIVER, FR Location unknown. Dog frantic. Tractor lights dim. Glowing-sph 11/20/1989 #39239 quest. There is a concentration on frantic wartime efforts to find the Hort 1994 #41342 itude. All color(s). Vanishes. Dog frantic. 2/1/1994 #41394 imal reaction: dogs barking, birds frantic. 5/15/2005 #44842
manian Navy. Night light maneuvers frantically inside white halo. West goin 7/3/1964 (approximate) #18393 20 feet away to whom she signaled frantically to catch their attention, bu 1/5/1966 #19806 ay when a horse was heard neighing frantically in the stable. Thirty min la 9/22/1967 #23112 l. The husband lept out of bed and frantically searched for his gun, but by 11/9/1968 #24648 alina, Brazil a dog began behaving frantically, and then the witness's lant 1/30/1971 #26008 red beam of light. Their dogs were frantically barking during the encounter 9/26/1974 #29484 d all four of them began to paddle frantically toward shore, trying to get 8/26/1976 #31307 n view of the others. The soldiers frantically begin searching for him but 4/25/1977 #32026 ew of the others. The others began frantically searching for him but they w 4/25/1977 #32027 her ears, and the family dog barks frantically, punctuated by an odd pause 2/4/1978 #32951 ho became terrified and drove away frantically from the area. The tall gray 2/11/1980 #35169 direction of General Roca, and he frantically tried to flag down the car. 2/11/1980 #35170 ver their house. Their dogs barked frantically during the fly-over. 11/9/2002 #44437
chröter crater Bavarian astronomer Franz von Gruithuisen of Munich, Germany 1824 #117 aggiore in Venice, Italy 2:00 p.m. Franz Trautsamwieser takes a photo of th 9/5/1966 #20851
north and 3 going northwest. / Ake Franzen. 10/11/1972 #27066
Francis Schaefer founds the Cercle Français de Recherches Ufologiques in Fo 1966 #19797
Paris, France René and Françine Fouéré establish the Groupe d’É 1962 #17009
kia [now Czech Republic] 5:00 p.m. François Panes watches a cigar-shaped ob Summer 1944 #1609 phed. In 2017, Canadian researcher François Beaulieu reexamines the origina 4/2/1966 #20208 Cussac, Cantal, France 10:30 a.m. François Delpeuch, 13, and his sister An 8/29/1967 #22954 Mâcon, Saône-et-Loire, France François Breuil begins publishing L’Inso 7/1975 #30140 Valence, Drôme, France 8:00 p.m. François Perez and his wife are chased i 1/1/1977 #31681 sicist J. R. Jokipii, photoanalyst François Louange, geologist H. Jay Melos 9/29/1997 #43420 A. It is conducted by an outsider, François Louange, an expert in photoanal 2001 #44111 After an audit, photoanalyst François Louange recommends the reactiva 11/2002 #44427
Saint-Marc Namur Belgium 7:30 p.m. François-Gilbert Muyldermans is cycling 6/5/1955 #12186
o scare voters away from Allende’s FRAP coalition.” Richard Helms coordinat 9/4/1964 #18533 964 Allende loses once more as the FRAP candidate for president. 9/4/1964 #18533
es: Daniel Legrand, age 24, Michel Frappard, age 39, and Mr. Paillard, 39. 3/1/1974 #28839
Bruton, Great Britain Nigel Frapple was cycling home from a dance in 5/20/1954 #9819 Mr. Nigel Frapple was cycling home from a dance in 5/20/1954 #9821
and Kit Green with his lawyer Pat Frascogna. Penniston states Green wanted 10/20/2022 #45780
er Secretary of State for Air Hugh Fraser about cooperation between the RAF 7/15/1964 #18411 AF and USAF in UFO investigations. Fraser says he is aware of the US Projec 7/15/1964 #18411 loating in the sea 3 miles east of Fraser Island, 150 miles north of Brisba 6/6/1965 #18995 of about 8 miles while flying over Fraser Island. The weather was clear and 6/6/1965 #18995 EAST / FRASER ISLAND, QLD, AUST Long thin metal 6/21/1965 #19020 sighted by a pilot flying east of Fraser Island, off Maryborough, Queensla 6/21/1965 #19022 e first sighting took place in the Fraser Canyon between Boston Bar and Yal 10/1968 #24533 d feet long and hovering above the Fraser River. (Brian Vike, Director HBCC 10/1968 #24533 In Chilliwack, Fraser Valley, British Columbia a very l 5/3/2006 #44939 w low over the city of Chilliwack, Fraser Valley, British Columbia. 5/17/2008 #45140
nom, crewed by Flight Officers Ian Fraser-Ker and Ivan Logan, is scrambled 8/13/1956 #13080
Oswald G. Villard Jr., Antony C. Fraser-Smith, and R. P. Cassam write an 5/1971 #26089
FRASERBURGH, SCOTLAND Sea cadets. Dark g 8/7/1955 #12340
NEAR FRASNE, FR Saucer follows N471 going sou 10/12/1954 #10967
Vielle, was on Route N471 between Frasnes and Pontarlier when he saw a cir 10/12/1954 #10974 nessman, was on Route N471 between Frasnes and Pontarlier when he saw a cir 10/12/1954 #10984
On this morning a young girl, Miss Frassinetti, saw a luminous barrel hover 12/11/1954 #11801
torf Zürich, Switzerland 7:00 p.m. Frau Wengere and her husband are driving 10/14/1990 #39785
upted by prison sentences for mail fraud and embezzlement, and in 1954–1960 Summer 1951 #5549 ral swears your book is a complete fraud.” Forewarned by Frank Edwards, Key 12/29/1953 #9406 o make him prove his story or face fraud for using the US mail system to se 6/1955 #12173 rnal-security functions” over mail fraud related to UFOs. 9/20/1955 #12463 s wife are charged with securities fraud by the SEC. In February 2013, Mort 1991 #39935 over and fly off with contrail. No fraud / experts. 11/2/1991 #40217 of Energy is possibly involved in “fraud and deceit.” Plotkin writes that S 5/17/1999 #43770
psychics used in the program were frauds. 5/23/1997 #43301
s involved in various swindles and fraudulent mining claims. In 1987, Willi 3/25/1948 #3598 Choate and Myers are involved in a fraudulent scheme to acquire and illegal 4/12/1988 #38541 ecutive branch when it relied on a fraudulent MIT report that ignored findi 5/17/1999 #43770 and operation SWEEP includes the fraudulent tagging of private land as ho 4/5/2016 #45449
en selling unregistered securities fraudulently since November 18, 1955, us 5/28/1959 #15749 ed through the drug trade; it also fraudulently obtains federal funding thr 4/5/2014 #45406
l study at this time appears to be fraught with peril.” Williamson sees two 10/31/1977 #32643
lifornia TicTac craft witnessed by Fravor and other Navy personnel off the 2004 #44634 ast 9:30 a.m. Navy Commander David Fravor and pilot Jim Slaight, flying two 11/14/2004 #44784 object that appears on the radar, Fravor spots a white disturbance in the 11/14/2004 #44784 ng at high speed and disappearing. Fravor and another pilot, Alex Dietrich, 11/14/2004 #44784 r track of the objects reported by Fravor; they are quickly dropped by the 11/14/2004 #44784 seeing the object via FLIR.” David Fravor says that the radar operator on t 11/14/2004 #44784
nd the object that interacted with Fravor's squadron was a triangle. Kammer 11/30/2020 #45665
Razor Company, of which Patrick J Frawley was a co-founder with significan 7/1980 #35399 with significant creative input. Frawley was a knight of the Sovereign Mi 7/1980 #35399 ing William Casey and John McCone. Frawley was also connected to the Americ 7/1980 #35399
me. Abduction regressed. Briefcase frayed. 6/16/1978 #33281 e had been carrying looked old and frayed. The force field was gone, so he 6/16/1978 #33282
Old Allen Road and Frayser-Raleigh Road in Memphis, Tenness 5/16/1977 #32098 ngular UFO near Old Allen Road and Frayser-Raleigh Road in Memphis, Tenness 5/16/1977 #32098
noise outside their rural home in Frazee, Minnesota at 11:30 p.m. Then the 9/22/1997 #43414
FRAZER, MT 3+2 separate observer(s). Rou 11/14/1975 #30617
y) and three policemen (Richard A. Frazier, H. E. Roundtree, and Richard Sc 8/19/1947 #3352 il of three men, Ferenz, Rist, and Frazier, reported that a disc-shaped obj 8/9/1980 #35453
ct with white glowing points above FRC West at Lemoore Naval Air Station. A 11/15/2011 #45334
in.html https://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/culture/recherche-sur-les-ovnis_le-p 5/22/1991 #40075
ght MTCL object wavers and hovers. Freak whirlwind suspends trashcan. 6/15/1966 #20560 e/box-like craft overhead. Animals freak. Local wave. North going south. 2/5/1992 #40318 le/box-like craft outside. Animals freak out. Slow flight. 2/5/1992 #40319
second man, however, panicked and "freaked out", shooting his rifle at the 10/28/1994 #41816 A West Coast man was “freaked out” after coming face to face w 8/6/2013 #45381 something bad had happened, he was freaked out and his eyes were watery," M 8/6/2013 #45381
AR DRUMMOND CENTER, ON Car ammeter freaks out. Bus-sized white round object 12/12/1957 #14715 e, N.S.W., AU Glowing Disc On Legs Freaks Dogs (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reaction 7/19/1965 #19129 er pulsates multicolors. Wakes and freaks cows. Hovers. Takes off. 9/26/1966 #20927
heekbones and was very fair with a freckled complexion. He had sex with her 10/6/1967 #23187
s Lynn, Norfolk, England 9:45 p.m. Fred Harrison of King’s Lynn, Norfolk, E 5/13/1909 #741 and, California 7:30 p.m. Teenager Fred W. Van Sant and his brother Milton Early Summer 1932 #1145 over. It is attended by physicists Fred L. Mohler from the National Bureau 10/21/1939 #1318 l Parkway in Queens, New York City Fred Wieland and some friends are riding Summer 1944 #1610 on, and intelligence officer Capt. Fred B. Ringwald as observer) is on a bo 11/29/1944 #1710 Capt. Fred B. Ringwald, intelligence officer f 1/30/1945 #1765 etal was sighted by John Laube and Fred Platte in Waverly, Iowa. It flew ju 6/2/1947 #2311 e sighting. He tells his associate Fred L. Crisman, and they allegedly go t 6/22/1947 #2363 Mount Adams, Oregon Afternoon. Fred M. Johnson, a prospector in the Mou 6/24/1947 #2400 ooley, deputy Clark County Sheriff Fred Krives, Portland police officer Ken 7/4/1947 #2658 nold that night, then takes him to Fred Crisman’s place to see some Maury I 7/29/1947 #3254 tion sighting of Arnold's discs by Fred Johnson 9/23/1947 #3413 Malheur County Oregon Before dawn. Fred Scott, 63, is walking around Grassy 9/16/1948 #3803 rlines employees Robert Higbee and Fred Hinkle see a brilliant light northe 3/26/1950 #4731 ur Pan American Airways employees (Fred Wilkinson, Patrick Joseph Maloney, 11/5/1950 #5265 Wilkinson, Patrick Joseph Maloney, Fred Perrior, and E. Newman) see a brigh 11/5/1950 #5265 9:55 p.m. The crew (including Lt. Fred W. Kingdon Jr. and US Naval Reserve 2/9/1951 #5436 probe of UFOs under Lt. Commander Fred Lowell Thomas of the Office of Nava 4/1952 #6009 ico Witnesses: civilian supervisor Fred Lee, foreman L.A. Aquilar. One roun 8/25/1952 #7730 AFB, New Mexico, plant supervisor Fred Lee and foreman Lawrence A. Aguilar 8/25/1952 #7731 und 3:40 p.m., civilian supervisor Fred Lee and foreman L.A. Aquilar saw a 8/25/1952 #7735 Virginia, two brothers, Edward and Fred May, and their friend Tommy Hyer (a 9/12/1952 #7905 rch and Education Center 4:30 a.m. Fred J. Brown is preparing to milk the c 9/14/1952 #7938 Adelaide, South Australia Fred P. Stone founds the Australian Flyi 1953 #8480 RAF Communications Instructor Fred Threlfall claims a “dematerializati 1953 #8481 ton and Chatham, Maine, by 2nd Lt. Fred T. Goetting Jr., pilot of an F-94B. 1/29/1953 #8615 by Charles H. Schneer, directed by Fred F. Sears, starring Hugh Marlowe and 6/13/1956 #12900 brainchild of Harvard University’s Fred Whipple, who recruits J. Allen Hyne 9/11/1956 #13214 le of Man Scotland 2:30 a.m. Capt. Fred Sutton, skipper of the fishing traw 11/29/1957 #14638 nia Newport Beach 4:55 p.m. Deputy Fred Gunzelman of the Harbor Department 1/1/1959 #15527 over their home. Chief of Police, Fred Emard, told R. Gribble that he woul 4/1/1959 #15686 Richards Bay, South Africa Fred White was fishing when he heard a h 3/13/1963 #17705 Fred White was fishing in Richards Bay, 3/13/1963 #17706 failing. Examination of the car by Fred Hooven and David Moyer, engineers a 1/3/1967 #21250 by helicopter. As Salas briefs Lt. Fred Meiwald, an alarm rings through the 3/24/1967 #21973 Wooler, Ontario 10:00–10:30 p.m. Fred Coulthard Jr. and his brother Wayne 7/2/1968 #24132 At 6:15 a.m. Mr. Fred Yoos, age 62, heard a clattering so 7/1/1969 #25244 urs of intense grilling by Sheriff Fred R. Diamond, they are left alone in 10/11/1973 #27997 ded sober, according to dispatcher Fred Barnes. Four deputies checked the w 12/29/1974 #29661 David R. Saunders, Hynek associate Fred Beckman, and ufologist Ted Phillips 1/20/1975 #29758 , Illinois, where it is updated by Fred Merritt. The database is kept on an 1976 #30742 anxiety attacks. Allan Hendry and Fred Whiting from the Center for UFO Stu 8/29/1979 #34803 Bulverde, Texas 9:45 p.m. Fred Wirth Jr. steps outside his home in Early 3/1980 #35190 MiG testing program to journalist Fred Hoffman. There are fears that the p 4/26/1984 #37301 nvestigator Philip J. Imbrogno and Fred Dennis are returning from an interv 10/5/1984 #37477 County surveyor Harvey Funseth and Fred Gochenauer are driving north of Bel 3/6/1987 #38130 Junior Garmany and Assistant Chief Fred Works drive to the site and see the 2/10/1989 #38832
ishead radar controller Flight Lt. Freddie H. C. Wimbledon. Perkins and Wim 8/13/1956 #13080 Nine-year old Freddie Amos woke up at 1:30 a.m. in his 1/13/1967 #21300
ist. The man identified himself as Freddy Miller, a well-known Dominican ba 9/22/1972 #27026 around ten o'clock in the morning Freddy Chiasson, age 52, his wife Claire 8/6/1976 #31241
FREDELSLOH, GERM Dark object going [to] 4/3/1998 #43542
FREDENSBORG, DK 1 / car. 7M bowl-saucer 9/19/1986 #38030 nded on the road on 5 thin legs in Fredensborg, Denmark. A tube of light ex 9/19/1986 #38031
a painting by Hudson River artist Frederic Edwin Church depicting two larg 7/20/1860 #155 Australians (Archbishop of Sydney Frederic Barker and New South Wales Prem 7/25/1868 #176 AFOSI, AMC (Joseph Kaplan and Maj. Frederic C. E. Oder), Fourth Army, the F 10/14/1949 #4394 . At 3:10 a.m., ADC Commander Gen. Frederic H. Smith Jr. orders America’s f 4/16/1952 #6093 EAST / FREDERIC, WI Saucer / foggy road. Ape-ma 12/2/1974 (approximate) #29628 Frederic, Wisconsin County Road W 10:30 12/2/1974 #29629 ing back to his house southeast of Frederic, Wisconsin, on County Road W wh 12/2/1974 #29629
NORTH / FREDERICA, DE 3 observer(s). Ring / colo 11/15/1952 #8275 Copenhagen Frederica, Denmark Adamski arrives in Co 4/30/1963 #17732 navisk UFO Information Congress in Frederica, Denmark. 4/30/1963 #17732
FREDERICIA, DK 3 observer(s). Huge ovoid 12/14/1957 #14725 FREDERICIA, DK 4 observer(s). Black cyli 5/23/1988 #38575 n sky for 30 minutes, as seen from Fredericia, Denmark at 4 p.m. It then ap 5/23/1988 #38576
rramatta, New South Wales Engineer Frederick William Birmingham of Parramat 7/25/1868 #176 ast of West Africa 6:30 p.m. Capt. Frederick William Banner, master of the 3/22/1870 #184 n interview with another attorney, Frederick Bradley. Suspicion falls on an 11/22/1896 #347 of Lake Elmo, Minnesota 11:15 p.m. Frederick Chamberlain and O. L. Jones ar 4/13/1897 #454 alifornia Mount Shasta, California Frederick Spencer Oliver’s book A Dwelle 1905 #673 isia, Lower Saxony, Germany Night. Frederick G. Hehr sees a bright white li 1909 #719 ars, where is it from?” Astronomer Frederick E. Fowle of the Smithsonian th 8/22/1924 #1041 South Australia Around 7:30 a.m., Frederick Walter Flavel and his wife Emm 2/6/1947 #2238 is E. Bradbury, Marshall Holloway, Frederick Reines, and Edward Teller in a 2/16/1949 #4010 leen Base, Texas 11:50 p.m. Lieut. Frederick Davis, on patrol east of Kille 3/31/1949 #4063 meeting with CIA rocket consultant Frederick C. Durant and others the previ 7/29/1952 #7325 Grandin Strong, Ransom L. Eng, and Frederick C. Durant visits Wright-Patter 8/8/1952 #7515 Los Alamos Oak Ridge CIA operative Frederick C. Durant [and/or Ransom L. En 8/15/1952 #7610 ax Lockard Baltimore, Catonsville, Frederick, Hagerstown, Cumberland, and G 9/12/1952 #7905 es it over Baltimore, Catonsville, Frederick, Hagerstown, Cumberland, and G 9/12/1952 #7905 ewey Fournet brief CIA consultants Frederick C. Durant and Edward Tauss on 11/25/1952 #8340 n Panel in January. CIA consultant Frederick C. Durant learns about this th 12/9/1952 #8400 hadwell, and CIA rocket consultant Frederick C. Durant, a personal friend o 12/12/1952 #8413 rs Philip Grandin Strong, Lt. Col. Frederick C. E. Oder, David B. Stevenson 1/14/1953 #8539 . E. Oder, David B. Stevenson, and Frederick C. Durant are also present. Al 1/14/1953 #8539 mp Detrick [later Fort Detrick] in Frederick, Maryland Frank Olson is depre 11/28/1953 #9324 mp Detrick [later Fort Detrick] in Frederick, Maryland, because of a severe 11/28/1953 #9324 tland Mars London publishing house Frederick Muller publishes a contactee b 10/1954 #10536 FREDERICK, MD Civil observer(s). Car rad 11/14/1954 #11645 US time zone, around 2:00 p.m., in Frederick, Maryland, another electro-mag 11/14/1954 #11655 wyn F. Ritzdorf and aviation cadet Frederick W. Miller are flying a TB-25 b 2/1/1955 #11960 statement by Lord Mountbatten and Frederick Briggs describing a Saucer tha 2/23/1955 #12013 msey, Hampshire, England 8:30 a.m. Frederick S. Briggs, a bricklayer and fo 2/23/1955 #12015 Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland Florida’s Gulf Coast 3/1955 #12024 ugh bacteria, from Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland. The agency field te 3/1955 #12024 Copenhagen, Denmark Russia Frederick C. Durant informs the Sixth Co 8/2/1955 #12324 FREDERICK, OK Civil observer(s). 12 ligh 3/3/1956 #12744 lope from Seminole, Texas, to Adm. Frederick R. Furth, chief of the Office 4/1956 #12777 en by 9 million viewers. Both Gen. Frederick Browning and RAF Commander Pet 4/18/1959 #15707 eim, New Zealand at 5:40 a.m. Mrs. Frederick Moreland saw a round object wi 7/13/1959 #15843 ania Australian MP Gil Duthie asks Frederick Osborne, Australian Minister f 10/20/1960 #16486 The witness was a woman named Ms. Frederick. 4/23/1964 #18186 Roger A. MacGowan and Frederick I. Ordway III publish Intellig 1966 #19796 10, 1966, letter, Page relates to Frederick C. Durant that he “helped orga 5/10/1966 #20474 mer William K. Hartmann, physicist Frederick Ayer, and psychologists Dan Cu 10/7/1966 #20970 p.m. Loch Ness monster researcher Frederick William “Ted” Holiday is fishi 10/8/1966 #20974 y of Sciences McDonald is lobbying Frederick Seitz, president of the Nation Late 1/1967 #21384 Academy of Sciences letter by Dr. Frederick Seitz, president, to secretary 1/8/1969 #24825 f the Air Force Alexander H. Flax, Frederick Seitz expresses the hope that 1/8/1969 #24826 acts writer and monster researcher Frederick William “Ted” Holiday, who is 8/16/1971 #26288 Driving home near Frederick, Wisconsin at 10:30 p.m. Willi 12/2/1974 #29631 refueling mission piloted by Maj. Frederick Pappas and 5 crew members. The 10/30/1975 #30522 ass Strait, Australia Cessna pilot Frederick Valentich aerial encounter wit 10/21/1978 #33855 ictoria 7:06 p.m. Australian pilot Frederick Valentich, 20, is on a 145-mil 10/21/1978 #33856 eaffer. The debate is moderated by Frederick C. Durant. The most heated exc 9/6/1980 #35500 Army photographer Sgt. Frederick Benthal states he was flown in 9/1/1994 #41712 conducted by CIA Inspector-General Frederick Hitz, an investigation into th 8/18/1996 #42985 acility. Salas states he and Capt. Frederick Meiwald were forced to sign no 9/19/2012 #45353
FREDERICKSBURG, VA Many observer(s). Pie 1/25/1965 #18763 Fredericksburg, Virginia Rappahannock Va 1/25/1965 #18767 ck Valley Night. Nine persons near Fredericksburg, Virginia, see a UFO that 1/25/1965 #18767 EAST / FREDERICKSBURG, VA 6M saucer / hv lines. 5/16/1971 #26112 FREDERICKSBURG, VA 2+2 observer(s). Car 5/18/1971 #26116 3 MILE(S) WEST / FREDERICKSBURG, PA 1 observer. Fiery ovo 11/14/1973 #28420 US Highway 17 Warrenton, Virginia Fredericksburg warehouse Winchester hosp 8/29/1979 #34803 3:00 a.m. at his destination in a Fredericksburg warehouse but can’t remem 8/29/1979 #34803 FREDERICKSBURG, VA 4 cops and several. N 4/3/1998 #43541
l 27. Another independent witness, Frederickson, saw a UFO land that night 4/22/1976 #31011
An woman in Frederickstown, Ohio was turning into th 10/24/1973 #28270
Fredericktown, OH About 9:00 p.m. CE-III 10/24/1973 #28265
SOUTH / FREDERICTON, NB 5M saucer glides 15M ove 11/9/1973 #28396 rbs was seen low on the horizon in Fredericton, York County, New Brunswick, 3/14/2011 #45319
FREDONIA, NY 10M silvery object rises / 9/27/1965 #19609 Fredonia, New York Addie Jones, 61, saw 9/27/1965 #19613 NEAR FREDONIA, AZ 7 photographs / saucer. 1 l 3/21/1968 #23854
dent Investigation Summary Report: Fredrick Valentich vanished while report 10/21/1978 #33848
me down along the rope cut the end free, and went back aboard the craft, wh 4/25/1897 #572 own along the rope and cut the end free. He climbed back aboard the craft, 4/25/1897 #575 shes Universal Jewels of Life as a free monthly newsletter for those attend 1/1936 #1242 many Possible jet; single light; 5 free lance visuals on jets, no A.I. or G 11/5/1944 #1694 ombs. Jean Kisling, serving with a Free French Air Force detachment as an i 7/1945 #1888 son Park Camden, New Jersey Cooper Free Public Library Day. Edward E. Thomp 7/4/1948 #3698 New Jersey, across from the Cooper Free Public Library. 7/4/1948 #3698 nts in threatened countries of the free world.” 9/1/1948 #3794 announces plans to build and test free energy geomagnetic engine. Also sta 3/22/1950 #4697 res have similarity to dense grain free wood and very light; some samples a 1954 #9424 er his throat. He managed to break free and scrambled towards the car. The 4/10/1954 #9681 d as bolstering a consensus around free market Western capitalism and its i 5/29/1954 #9840 d a disc-shaped object, dropped in free fall, then slowed and swayed. The d 8/23/1954 #10171 fist on the garage keys seemed to free him. He attacked the intruder, who 10/20/1954 #11274 loons released in Germany by Radio Free Europe that carry leaflets intended 12/3/1954 #11754 ct descend. Possibly another Radio Free Europe balloon with leaflets. 1/3/1955 #11917 e on other planets is described as free from war, hatred, disease, want, an 8/1956 #13044 Accumulator that makes use of the “free energy of the universe.” 1957 #13432 l is triple laminated an unusually free from impurities. In 2017, David Cla 11/21/1957 #14590 de of road in Bloemfontein, Orange Free State, South Africa at low altitude 1/5/1958 #14810 The first completely free flight of an Avrocar takes place. T 11/12/1959 #16087 inspect their rented premises for free. He fails to mention the name of hi 1960 #16140 g orangey-colored object." (London Free Press, Ontario, 2/27/67, copy in NI 2/24/1967 #21639 te to green (body lights). (London Free Press (Ontario) 2/27/67, copy in NI 2/26/1967 #21658 FREE SOIL, MI Glowing-ovoid / 2M altitud 3/16/1967 #21892 Free Soil, MI 12:30 a.m. EST. A woman sa 3/16/1967 #21897 ea and radioactive soil. (Winnipeg Free Press, Manitoba, 7/21/67, copy in N 5/31/1967 #22429 le for about 15 seconds. (Winnipeg Free Press, Manitoba, 6/29/67, copy in N 6/5/1967 #22463 /67, copy in NICAP files; Winnipeg Free Press 6/7/67 with date of sighting 6/5/1967 #22463 et from the witnesses. (Burlington Free Press, Vt., 7/14/67, copy in NICAP 7/12/1967 #22653 little man, but the dwarf wriggled free and went out the second floor windo 8/6/1967 #22832 ed the little man, but he wriggled free and went out the second floor windo 8/7/1967 #22840 paced the witnesses' car. (London Free Press, Ontario, 10/12/67, copy in N 10/1967 #23154 tion correlation). (London Evening Free Press,Ontario, 10/16/67, copy in NI 10/10/1967 #23202 ized him, but he was able to break free and fled home in terror. There was 7/1/1968 #24119 the horses in the barn had broken free of their stalls and knocked harness 4/23/1969 #25086 begins publishing an unscheduled, free newsletter titled Anomaly in New Yo 5/1969 #25105 n him a “code which permits him to free the corresponding wavelength of his 8/11/1969 #25317 ed the plane when it finally broke free, and the plane had been moved much 12/4/1970 #25926 In Odendaalsrus, Orange Free State, South Africa a flat rotating 7/16/1972 #26807 brother playing a joke, she broke free and pushed her attacker back so tha 2/26/1973 #27318 /cylindrical object hovers. / News Free Press 19.09.73. 9/19/1973 #27833 ggled with her bonds but could not free herself. The being took a small pin 10/16/1973 #28089 closer. (Source: London [Ontario] Free Press, January 10, 1975). (NICAP: 0 1/10/1975 #29738 of fruit juice and sat at the last free chair available at a 12-person tabl 7/12/1975 #30175 n Saucer Smear. It is sent out for free every month or so to several hundre 2/1976 #30840 ms out and legs bent back, like a "free fall parachutist." (Source: David F 4/7/1977 #31956 ms out and legs bent back, like a "free fall parachutist." There was only a 4/7/1977 #31957 pseudo-human/entity inside. Tears free. / r123. 11/10/1979? #34992 strials under which the aliens are free to conduct animal mutilations and l 1/10/1983 #36742 the board gives them the archives free of charge. Former APRO board member 4/12/1988 #38541 al entities work and how how to be free of a soul trap ran by entities they 1/1991 #39944 h Nazi occultism, antigravity, and free energy research. Mainstream reviewe 2000 #43910 fficial Creon Levitt who works on “free energy” space propulsion concepts. 2/20/2000 #43955 i.com/Free-Energy http://jnaudin.free.fr/lifters/main.htm Note: There 5/2002 #44335 apart, that were not scorched but free of snow. The radiation level was hi 11/15/2002 #44443 ing at Bell Labs, he saw 28 or 29 “free energy devices” that had been “blac 4/28/2006 #44936 e industry. The film also states “free energy” researchers Stefan Marinov 12/2014 #45425 s USG/USG contractors already have free energy technology, i.e. zero-point 10/26/2017 #45488 private investors to develop said free energy technology for energy and ae 10/26/2017 #45488 P reverse engineering concepts and free energy devices, and Fugal began sup 10/27/2022 #45784
k and others. https://svpwiki.com/Free-Energy http://jnaudin.free.fr/lif 5/2002 #44335
on Just before 10:00 a.m. During a free-flight test (Flight 52) of the X-15 4/30/1962 #17141
ed by ball lightning and anomalous free-floating plasmas. Klass’s plasma hy 1968 #23627 outer space, looking like a marble free-floating in space. The occupants of 12/2/1979 #35040
A hypersonic scramjet, the fastest free-flying air-breathing vehicle, achie 11/16/2004 #44787
ge keys that he holds in his hand. Freed from the temporary paralysis, he r 10/19/1954 #11243 age keys that he held in his hand. Freed from the temporary paralysis he ra 10/20/1954 #11283 eed. Harvey orders a landing strip freed up but the light, apparently a sph 8/2/1962 #17317
Virginia Stanton Friedman used the Freedom of Information Act to procure a 12/3/1950 #5314 tness was then able to recover his freedom of movement. 10/17/1954 #11180 5 minutes and 22 seconds) when his Freedom 7 capsule is launched from Cape 5/5/1961 #16676 e March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, J. Edgar Hoover singles out Rev 8/28/1963 #17921 The Freedom of Information Act, requiring th 7/4/1966 #20630 en tactical air attacks. Operation Freedom Deal immediately follows Operati 3/18/1969 #25025 tely follows Operation Menu. Under Freedom Deal, B-52 bombing is expanded t 3/18/1969 #25025 s is at stake, I do not believe in freedom of the press or freedom of speec 4/26/1969 #25094 believe in freedom of the press or freedom of speech. In my view, publisher 4/26/1969 #25094 base in Turkey in a US- built F-5A Freedom Fighter. He flies above it, thin 6/17/1969 #25221 son had a subscription to, files a Freedom of Information Act request with 2/19/1973 #27298 Washington DC Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) renewe 1974 #28624 Against UFO Secrecy), a non-profit freedom of information activist group th 1977 #31646 is to uncover UFO data through the Freedom of Information Act, lawsuits aga 4/1978 #33110 lawsuit against the CIA using the Freedom of Information Act for release o 4/1978 #33110 to UFO sightings. We VIOLATED the Freedom of Information Act by hiding Gov 9/4/1987 #38278 30 years, as a precursor to a full freedom of information act. 4/1994 #41469 as “reaffirmed Dr. Mack’s academic freedom to study what he wishes and to s 5/1994 #41510 The UK Freedom of Information Act 2000 is given 11/30/2000 #44092 ission launches a campaign called “Freedom of Information Now!” with the go 4/15/2004 #44687 UK The UK Freedom of Information Act 2000 comes in 1/1/2005 #44806 f releases (after a September 2005 Freedom of Information Act request by Da 5/15/2006 #44942 lly have a need to know. Moreover, Freedom Of Information Act requests cann 2018 #45498 n begins a new phase of its “UFOs: Freedom of Information Now” campaign cal 2/2018 #45504 hern Ireland Police Scotland Using Freedom of Information requests, UK repo 1/1/2021 #45672
heguardian.com/science/2006/jun/24/freedomofinformation.usnews https://ww 12/22/1992 #40762
org/web/20221223011900/https://www.freeenergyplanet.biz/energy-from-vacuum/ 3/2004 #44671
gs within the country. It includes freelance ufologists but seems to have d 1979 #34258 MARINGA, PARANA, BRZ Freelance cameraman films glowing round 5/21/1986 #37885 bduction Story San Antonio, Texas, freelance journalist Ed Conroy begins to 3/1987 #38127 merce International Martinsburg US freelance writer Danny Casolaro is found 8/10/1991 #40147
.m. Patrolmen Marvin Poer and John Freeland see a ball of fire plunge behin 2/9/1956 #12703
C frequently that “UFOs were being freely and seriously discussed in scient 10/22/1951 #5743 lf in an “exalted state” and talks freely with Adam about outer space and p 12/1954 #11737 left index finger swelled and bled freely. After exposure to the light from 9/3/1965 #19506 left index finger swelled and bled freely. After exposure to the light from 9/3/1965 #19517 re high in the sky, and maneuvered freely in all directions, at times hover 1/30/2006 #44920
r of General Atomics and physicist Freeman Dyson, its initial focus is to s 1958 #14780 Princeton, New Jersey Physicist Freeman Dyson in Princeton, New Jersey, 6/3/1958 #15077 el speaks with USAF Col. George P. Freeman, who tells him that “Mysterious 2/1967 #21430 rtyville, Illinois 2:30 a.m. Kathy Freeman watches a bright star that makes 6/25/1982 #36516
The Orkney Islands, Scotland. Mrs. Freeman's dog cowered, and she was tempo 4/25/1984 #37290 The Orkney Islands, Scotland. Mrs. Freeman's dog cowered, and she was tempo 4/25/1984 #37295
Judd was asleep in her bedroom in Freemantle, Western Australia when she s 2/1/1998 #43510
Freeport, Texas 50 miles north of Freepo Late 10/1920 #1006 Freeport, Texas 50 miles north of Freeport, Texas 3:00 a.m. C. B. Alves se Late 10/1920 #1006 our flying discs 50 miles north of Freeport, Texas, when he is out fishing Late 10/1920 #1006 NORTHEAST / FREEPORT, ME 2 observer(s). Half-moon-si 8/4/1952 #7446 going west. 0230h same circles at freeport / cops. 2/21/1954 #9561 FREEPORT, TX Cars electro-magnetic effec 8/13/1959 #15909 Freeport, TX UFO crossed road ahead of c 8/13/1959 #15910 Freeport, Texas A bright, flying object 8/13/1959 #15912 Highway 332 Freeport, Texas Around 9:45 p.m. Orville 8/13/1959 #15914 passengers on Highway 332 north of Freeport, Texas, when they see a bright 8/13/1959 #15914 g by car through a rural area near Freeport, Texas saw a bright UFO pass lo 8/13/1959 #15917 NEW FREEPORT, PA 2 observer(s). Slow red dom 8/15/1964 #18484 Freeport, TX 1:25 a.m. CST. Witnesses sa 3/19/1966 #19994 xtensive power failure occurred in Freeport about 2 hours earlier (11:10 p. 3/19/1966 #19994 FREEPORT, TX 3 USCG men / (seen thru) bi 3/20/1966 #20001 Freeport, TX 6:30 a.m. CDT. A man saw fo 6/10/1967 #22486 Freeport, New York 9:00 p.m. Off-duty pa 11/6/1973 #28375 tting in an unmarked patrol car in Freeport, New York, facing east. They se 11/6/1973 #28375 FREEPORT, NY 2+1 cops. Glowing-ovoid hov 11/7/1973 #28381 FREEPORT, FL 7 observer(s). Flashing red 6/16/1995 #42259
World Airways radar expert. Donald Freestone said he picked up the UFO whil 11/8/1956 #13315 lieve in such things before," said Freestone. "But after this happened, I g 11/8/1956 #13315 so far as aircraft is concerned." Freestone said the UFO was "four to five 11/8/1956 #13315 " - that is, pointed straight out, Freestone first saw the UFO. "It appeare 11/8/1956 #13315
Freetown, IN Francis Bedel, Jr., (23) of 1/17/1967 #21329 a two-lane blacktop road, north of Freetown, he later reported to State Pol 1/17/1967 #21329 Freetown, IN On the same stretch of high 1/17/1967 #21330 e night, Mr. & Mrs. Phil Patton of Freetown, reported to State Police that 1/17/1967 #21330 Freetown, Indiana F. Bedel, 23, driving 1/17/1967 #21332 g on Route 135 about 8 km north of Freetown saw a plate-shaped object with 1/17/1967 #21332 State Highway 135 Freetown, Indiana Night. Francis Bedel J 1/17/1967 #21333 te Highway 135 five miles north of Freetown, Indiana, when a glowing white 1/17/1967 #21333 te 135 about 8 kilometers north of Freetown, Indiana on this night when he 1/17/1967 #21334
aucer quickly going down [to] over freeway construction. Photographs. Quick 3/3/1967 #21734 . Follows exact route / future M42 freeway not yet begun. 2/16/1973 #27291 lley, CA A man driving on the Simi Freeway saw a 30 by 50 foot triangular o 10/4/1973 #27934 A man was driving on the Simi Freeway in Simi Valley, California durin 10/4/1973 #27936 ar motion, and traveled up the I-5 freeway. It had circular portholes two t 12/2/1973 #28509 t / falling-leaf motion over Major freeway intersection. 3/2/1974 #28851 utla, Morelos Popocatépetl volcano Freeway 1:34 p.m. Carlos Antonio de los 5/3/1975 #30026 usine pulls in front of him on the freeway. An identical car appears behind 5/3/1975 #30026 nia while driving on the San Diego Freeway at 11:00 a.m. two witnesses repo 4/21/1976 #31005 40' orange glow all over/all about freeway interchange. Dog scared. 12/1/1976 #31578 e object moves southwest along the freeway at about 30–40 mph at an altitud 2/22/1978 #32990 Rattle-noise. Large bowl over busy freeway. 1 of 3 in car sees. 10/12/1979 #34952 ctagon-box object going north over freeway / 300' altitude. 12/23/1979 #35091 Orange Freeway Riverside Northeast Anaheim, Cal 12/23/1979 #35093 p.m. A salesman exiting the Orange Freeway at Riverside in Northeast Anahei 12/23/1979 #35093 g sound, observed three times over freeway and valley area (section VI). (N 9/18/1981 #36126 g sound, observed three times over freeway and valley area 9/18/1981 #36127 Moorpark Freeway north of Thousand Oaks, Californ 9/18/1981 #36129 are driving north on the Moorpark Freeway north of Thousand Oaks, Californ 9/18/1981 #36129 h. As they approach the end of the freeway in Moorpark, the light resolves 9/18/1981 #36129 durant are driving on the Moorpark Freeway some distance behind the other c 9/18/1981 #36129 d interchange. They stop along the freeway to watch, but the objects are di 9/18/1981 #36129 two cars, were driving on the SR23 Freeway south of Moorpark, California at 9/18/1981 #36130 car. Dull grey 50' hexagon follows freeway / 500' altitude. Nobody else not 9/10/1992 #40615 object pass down the length of the freeway at 6:55 a.m. It was a star-shape 9/10/1992 #40617 heast. Curves going east along A10 freeway. 11/22/1993 #41294 object with beam low and slow over freeway. 2/2/1994 #41402 like craft low and slow over US101 freeway. Glides out to sea going southwe 3/1994 #41431 saucer with arched portholes over freeway. 4 more appear. 9/1/1994 #41711 angular formation hovers high over freeway. Seen 5+min. 1/19/1996 #42689 ight of them when she gets off the freeway at the Sardis exit. 1/13/1997 #43170 by car to Victoria along the Hume Freeway. The weather was clear and there 10/13/1997 #43427 c disc in the morning sky over the freeway in Goleta, California at 9:20 a. 5/11/2003 #44533 in the sky over the Santa Barbara freeway in Santa Barbara, California. 12/15/2005 #44910 went around in circles around the freeway, then it headed out over the cit 5/16/2007 #45030 lling north along the Interstate-5 freeway between Eugene and Cottage Grove 10/24/2008 #45176 g from it was sighted over the I-5 freeway in Silverlake, Los Angeles Count 8/30/2010 #45295 ameter move very slowly across the freeway just above the utility poles. Th 8/20/2013 #45384
noids lying on a fabric to prevent freeze burn from dry ice underneath, wit 1953 #8482 tarctic expedition (Operation Deep Freeze). By 1955 Byrd was in charge of t 11/1955 #12534 sed the U.S. Navy’s Operation Deep Freeze, which was sent to support the In 11/1955 #12534 rly morning, During Operation Deep Freeze VII, six members of a US Coast Gu 4/20/1964 #18180 6 legs. Small humanoids (or Greys) freeze observer(s). Get lavender plants. 7/1/1965 #19043 d figure(s) fly over corral. Beams freeze dogs. 1 passed out. 11/24/1969 #25470 her's car on the way to the Tastee Freeze when she saw the object. "I just 8/4/1973 #27680 Freeze Out Lake, MT A Montana Fish and G 11/11/1975 #30606 Freeze Out Lake, MT 5:00 p.m. UFO flying 12/9/1975 #30700 flesh, and sent to WPAFB for deep freeze; the heads were larger than the b 1977 #31658 Glen Allen, MS Forest animals freeze as cylinder passes overhead (NICA 1/18/1989 #38784
Montana Freezeout Lake, Montana Choteau County A 11/11/1975 #30610 sh and Game Department employee at Freezeout Lake, Montana, sees a light fl 11/11/1975 #30610 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Freezeout” YieldMax: 20KT 5/11/1979 #34554
n height. The body was placed in a freezer and stored in an underground bun 1/21/1959 #15560 hts flashing on a UFO outside; the freezer in particular surged when the li 12/6/1973 #28536
enter a room with 6–8 glass-topped freezers. Inside “were the mangled remai 2/19/1973 #27298
IS, FR Saucer on tripod. Green ray freezes trucker and rider. Big RADAR sta 10/2/1954 #10580 / 3 legs. Small humanoid (or Grey) freezes 4 kids. / LDLN#176+/ r217p190. 10/9/1954 #10829 ds (or Greys) exit / door. Red ray freezes observer(s). / r138#9p59. 10/17/1954 #11163 that he puts in a plastic bag and freezes. A chemist analyzes the substanc 11/6/1968 #24637 40M disk over meadow 30M away. Ray freezes observer(s) / 4 minute(s). / new 3/16/1979 #34479 of his car for a better sight, but freezes abruptly, “like something heavy 8/12/1981 #36070
assed up the bed toward his head, “freezing” his body with cold as it passe 11/9/1954 #11611 h the temperatures were well below freezing. This encounter occurred during 1/13/1967 #21300 atures in the area have been above freezing for several days. Small puddles 2/18/1968 #23763 table. The inside of the craft was freezing. She glanced over to a far wall 10/16/1973 #28089 light, with her truck that was now freezing inside. She had two hours of un 11/25/1992 #40730
n a small hill near the village of Fregim Amarante, Portugal when he heard 5/5/1954 #9755
Lac Chauvet, France Fregnale Photos (NICAP: 08 - Photographi 7/18/1952 #6891
to finance the campaign of Eduardo Frei Montalva for the presidency of Chil 9/4/1964 #18533 nsiders its role in the victory of Frei a great success. They argue that “t 9/4/1964 #18533 organizational assistance given to Frei, the effort to keep [Julio] Durán i 9/4/1964 #18533 were ‘indispensable ingredients of Frei’s success,’” and they think that hi 9/4/1964 #18533
Freiburg, Germany String of lights & (1 2/14/1945 #1782 FREIBURG, WEST GER Car malfunctions due 1/5/1968 (approximate) #23649
Philadelphia, PA Freidman. (Mary Castner/CUFOS) (NICAP: 0 10/6/1963 #17981 Lanham, MD Freidman. (Mary Castner/CUFOS) (NICAP: 0 10/7/1963 #17982 White Plains, NY Freidman. (Mary Castner/CUFOS) (NICAP: 0 12/10/1963 #18070
alifornia 6:30 p.m. Travelers on a freight train between Dixon and Elmira, 12/4/1896 #375 ly southeast over railroad/railway freight house. / Sunday Globe. 7/18/1947 #3197 in length, flew over the railroad freight house at 11:30 p.m. 7/18/1947 #3198 They circled the city as fast as a freight train. They had apparatus on the 4/7/1948 #3614 Indiana 3:10 a.m. A Monon Railroad freight train is traveling between Owasc 10/3/1958 #15311 omotive engineer reported that his freight train was paced by an unidentifi 10/13/1967 #23232 acts Capt. Vern Powell, pilot of a freight aircraft about to make the Blenh 12/21/1978 #34193 zavodsk Kutizhma station 2:35 a.m. Freight train #1702, consisting of 70 em 2/1985 #37552
o Anchorage, Alaska, route, an air freighter is paced for five minutes by a 1/1950 #4469 ll is a passenger in a Bristol 170 Freighter Mk 31M near Wellington, New Ze 6/1956 #12879 ything returns to normal. When the Freighter lands at RNZAF Base Ohakea nea 6/1956 #12879 ich he had observed just above the Freighter pacing it. The Dakota crew app 6/1956 #12879 ncisco, at Sea Captain and crew of freighter Hawaiian Fisherman saw three b 6/18/1957 #13738 . Wertz and the crew of the Matson freighter Hawaiian Fisherman see two bri 6/18/1957 #13740 g. The UFOs paced the Flying Tiger freighter aircraft for 30 minutes then c 2/11/1965 #18803 p.m. Walter Jacobs, steward on the freighter Iron Duke, sees a bright orang 3/17/1965 #18861 Over 50 UFOs surrounded the butane freighter "Tamames" in the Mediterranean 2/9/1979 #34414 Over 50 UFOs surrounded the butane freighter "Tamames" in the Mediterranean 2/9/1979 #34417 irlines flight #1628, a Boeing 747 freighter, was cruising at 35000 ft. alt 11/17/1986 #38068 Fort Yukon, AK Japan Airlines freighter aircraft encountered lighted m 11/17/1986 #38071
ry to break a blockade. But Soviet freighters bearing military supplies hea 10/23/1962 #17489 15 minutes notice. The Soviet arms freighters turn back toward Europe, but 10/25/1962 #17495
On this afternoon two men, Jose Freira and Cid Moreira, were fishing in 11/1/1999 #43869
th Atlantic 9:00 p.m. Capt. Stefan Freitag and the crew of the Romanian car 9/17/1982 #36607
Lawyer (or law professor) João de Freitas Guimarães is taking a walk on th 7/16/1956 #12974 l Porto Airport 4:30 a.m. Laura de Freitas Machado Fernandes gets up to go 7/12/1965 #19096 lian Air Force technician Otacilio Freitas Dias. It flies in an erratic zig 8/4/1967 #22805 . The guard, 31-year-old Almiro de Freitas, was on guard duty at the Do Fun 8/30/1970 #25816 ate, Brazil 26-year-old Luiz Gomes Freitas de Vale had a close encounter wi 11/28/1978 #34018 Nanotechnologist Robert A. Freitas Jr. advocates searching for alie 3/1980 #35189 ndo Souza Viriato de Marinho, K.C. Freitas piloting it. Capt. Freitas track 5/19/1986 #37874 o, K.C. Freitas piloting it. Capt. Freitas tracked the UFOs on his radar, b 5/19/1986 #37874 the UFOs on his radar, but only de Freitas, A.S.V. saw them visually once a 5/19/1986 #37874 ts, Capt. Armindo Sousa Viriato de Freitas, is vectored toward 10–13 uniden 5/19/1986 #37881 t at 1,000 km/h," Capt. Viriato de Freitas said. The unexplained nature of 5/19/1986 #37882 Gerais, Brazil Oralina Augusta de Freitas is watching TV in her home near 1/13/1996 #42680 inas, Sao Paolo state, Brazil Gley Freitas observed a large oval-shaped obj 2/17/1999 #43730
FREJUS, FR 4 soldiers. Metallic sphere/o 11/2/1954 (approximate) #11528 FREJUS, VAR 2 / car. 11M round object 40 10/28/1981 (approximate) #36191 GOLFE DE FREJUS, FR Several observer(s). Long gre 7/27/1985 #37631
FREMANTLE, WEST AUS Several observer(s). 4/8/1997 #43259
FREMONT, OH 3 observer(s). Brightly lit 7/8/1947 #2956 FREMONT, IN Saucer buzzes car. 2 exit ca 7/22/1966 #20666 Fremont, IN 11:25 p.m.. While driving hi 7/22/1966 #20667 Fremont, Indiana 11:25 p.m. While drivin 7/22/1966 #20669 n home from the railway station in Fremont, Indiana, a realtor and retired 7/22/1966 #20669 Fremont, OH Evening. A pilot and his wif 6/1967 #22436 ners. UFO type unknown. Tracked on Fremont FAA radar. 9/10/1977 #32475 FREMONT, NY Big hole / field. 15' deep 1 3/31/1978 #33103 de Cristo Mountains, near Howard, Fremont County, Colorado a local Vietnam 8/15/1995 #42389
balls strike with a disabling beam French troops. Henry V wins historic bat 10/25/1415 #18 French philosopher Bernard le Bovier de 1686 #50 and, also observes the object, but French astronomer Charles Messier, who i 8/9/1762 #81 Cluny in Paris, France 11:46 a.m. French astronomer Charles Messier views 6/17/1777 #85 ector Liabeuf and forwarded to the French Academy of Sciences. However, the 6/12/1790 #91 Baltimore Moon French novelist Jules Verne publishes Fr 1865 #163 delphian armor-making rival, and a French poet—in a projectile with the goa 1865 #163 Mars French poet and inventor Charles Cros is 1869 #178 s. He spends years petitioning the French government to build a giant mirro 1869 #178 French novelist Jules Verne publishes Ro 1886 #273 Mars French parapsychologist Albert de Rochas 1895 #318 owley, George Moody, Bayard Taylor French, and other residents of Hawarden, 4/11/1897 #428 8:15 p.m. Willie Mahon, ex-Marshal French, and other residents of Dunkirk, 4/15/1897 #489 on paper and translates them into French, popularizing automatic writing. 1900 #639 eet. They also pick up a small red French military label, letterhead from a 5/18/1909 #758 s, France Pic du Midi Observatory, French Pyrenees During the opposition of 9/20/1909 #811 the Pic du Midi Observatory in the French Pyrenees also bring formal discre 9/20/1909 #811 the United States. A lost two-reel French short produced by the Ideal Film 4/26/1915 #927 Rodez, Aveyron, France French diplomatic scholar Henri Pensa wr 11/28/1928 #1092 ped object hovered directly over a French tourist in the New Forest, north- 7/14/1934 #1214 French coast (mouth of Somme River), At 12/1942 #1468 a Hawker Hurricane heading for the French coast. About 7,000 feet over the 12/1942 #1470 Gdynia, Poland Baltic Sea A French prisoner in a German labor camp n 7/18/1943 #1518 Jean Kisling, serving with a Free French Air Force detachment as an instru 7/1945 #1888 rt plane is at 7,000 feet over the French countryside on its way to Paris, 1/18/1946 #1966 ards as top secret a report by the French government on ghost rocket activi 8/13/1946 #2127 Casablanca, Morocco 4:00 p.m. The French Navy patrol boat La Rusé (formerl Summer 1949 #4247 s Buech, France at 10:37 a.m. in a French Air Force Vampire jet. It then ac 6/15/1951 #5543 Mali Tessalit 2:00 a.m. Two French aviation officers are camped out 10/4/1951 #5704 ) Note: In 1955, Brown worked for French aerospace company SNCASO and ran 1952 #5843 Saigon, French Indo China Witnesses: many in cro 5/28/1952 #6374 Rabat, French Morocco Witness: E.J. colisimo, 9/9/1952 #7886 2KM SOUTH / MAINZ, GERMANY French Captain. Glowing ovoid with dark 9/29/1952 #8052 Sidi Slimane AFB, French Morocco Witnesses: Lt. Col. Will 9/2/1953 #9136 northeast toward(s) Afghanistan / French papers. CIA report. 12/21/1953 #9386 Nouasseur, French Morocco Witnesses: crews of USAF 3/5/1954 #9597 Nouasseur, French Morocco Witness: USAF lst Lt. Rob 3/12/1954 #9616 French Equatorial, Africa Sighted an uni 6/18/1954 #9909 French Equatorial, Africa (Jan Aldrich) 7/19/1954 #10028 ting and quietly approves having a French study group involved with investi 8/16/1954 #10148 rwegian, English, German, Spanish, French, or Russian. He takes out a “litt 8/20/1954 #10157 were knowledgeable in Spanish and French. “His hands were beautiful,” said 8/20/1954 #10158 mated weight 30 tons were noted by French Air Force and police on the balla 9/10/1954 #10284 timates must have weighed 30 tons. French police and the French Air Force i 9/10/1954 #10286 hed 30 tons. French police and the French Air Force investigate the case. 9/10/1954 #10286 timated must have weighed 30 tons. French police and the French Air Force i 9/10/1954 #10288 hed 30 tons. French police and the French Air Force investigated the case. 9/10/1954 #10288 understood neither Portuguese nor French. He patted the guard’s shoulder, 9/20/1954 #10373 The French Air Ministry allegedly launches a 10/2/1954 #10610 flight. Extensive investigation by French Air Force and police. 10/4/1954 #10697 ots of plants are not damaged. The French Air Force and local police invest 10/4/1954 #10698 flight. Extensive investigation by French Air Force and police. 10/4/1954 #10710 Mamora Forest, Morocco A French engineer driving to Port Lyautey 10/12/1954 #10969 lashing sphere and told Gilbert in French not to touch it. He went back ins 10/12/1954 #10973 Mehdya, on the coast Afternoon. A French engineer driving to Kenitra, Moro 10/12/1954 #10977 Mamora Forest, Morocco - A French engineer driving to Port Lyautey 10/12/1954 #10979 lashing sphere and told Gilbert in French not to touch it. He went back ins 10/12/1954 #10983 Nouasseur, French Morocco Witness: weather observer 10/13/1954 #10999 . a weather observer in Nouasseur, French Morocco, following a balloon in h 10/13/1954 #11001 (s) asks "Martian?". Answer = "no, French". / r171. 10/14/1954 #11036 On this day two French Air Force jets chased a white dis 10/19/1954 #11245 French ufologist Aimé Michel publishes T 1956 #12633 s on UFOs, originally published in French in 1954. 1956 #12633 ail of smoke. That evening several French soldiers near Lamoriciere, Algeri 2/23/1956 #12738 NORTHEAST / FRENCH LICK, IN 2 / car. Large metallic 9/15/1956 #13223 MARENGO, ALGERIA French Air Force carrier plane crew. Lum 1/3/1957 #13449 Toulouse Observatory France Night. French astronomer Jacques Chapuis at Tou 11/10/1957 #14526 French Alps Swiss border The director of 11/27/1957 #14632 isc-shaped objects hovering in the French Alps for 8 minutes. The group per 11/27/1957 #14632 France French ufologist Aimé Michel publishes F 1958 #14781 Bouamama Sidi Chami Algeria A French Foreign Legionnaire on sentry dut 3/1958 #14905 French scientist “Mr. L” claims to have 1959 #15516 iefing to associate counsel Stuart French, staff member of the Senate Prepa 7/13/1960 #16335 French composer Paul Misraki writes Les 1962 #17010 sure what to do. He asked them, in French, why if they were obviously space 9/1/1962 #17382 . One of them replied, speaking in French, saying that the reason was we ha 9/1/1962 #17382 nt, southeastern France Evening. A French businessman is driving along a mi 11/1962 #17525 BECKENHAM, LONDON "French balloon" seen and chased by RAF a 8/1/1963 #17857 Geradton, Australia Mr. and Mrs. French observed an object in a field at 5/24/1965 #18959 At 1:30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. French of Geraldton, Western Australia o 5/24/1965 #18964 e-France, Martinique 9:15 p.m. Two French submarines, the Junon (S648) and Late 9/1965 #19604 ee officers on the Daphné, a dozen French sailors, and personnel of the wea Late 9/1965 #19604 France A French government UFO project, to be led 1967 #21237 Hammaguir, Algeria Night. French rocket scientist Jean-Pierre Mori 1/1967 #21243 LOCATION UNKNOWN, MADAGASCAR 23 / French Foreign legion. 8M ovoid lands / 5/1967 #22250 dentifying himself as Maj. Richard French visits a woman in Owatonna, Minne 5/1967 #22254 hirt, and black tie. At one point, French complains of stomach problems, an 5/1967 #22254 officers and men serving with the French Foreign Legion watch a bright obj 5/1967 #22255 e program. Independent analyses by French space scientist Claude Poher and 6/1/1967 #22448 OFF DURBAN, RSA French naval crew. Large luminous "ship" 4/3/1968 #23884 he early morning, pre-dawn hours a French physician living in the Alpes-de- 11/1/1968 #24620 red triangle. In November 1984, a French radio reporter records the gradua 11/2/1968 #24625 nd addressed him telepathically in French. “Be assured, you are only appare 8/11/1969 #25317 FRENCH GULCH, CA 5' dome takes off from 10/30/1969 #25435 Turin Piedmont, Italy Caluso French Office National d’Études et de Re 2/23/1971 #26030 rom Caluso. The following day, the French Office National d’Études et de Re 2/23/1971 #26030 At 8:30 a.m. Mrs. French, a school teacher in the mountain 4/23/1971 #26079 approached him and communicated in French, telling him that they had come f 8/25/1971 #26305 nt. Later, at 8 p.m. near Papeete, French Polynesia a disc hovered over the 4/22/1973 #27440 r. Marjapori was loading gravel at French Lake in Annandale, Louisiana at e 12/1/1973 #28497 lls of the breed that supplies the French bull rings were found drowned in 12/5/1973 #28523 France The French government decides to systematica 1974 #28625 y M.J. Bertil. Translated from the French by Jacques Deschenes.) (NICAP: 07 2/14/1974 #28770 France French radio journalist Jean-Claude Bour 2/21/1974 #28787 ist Jean-Claude Bourret interviews French Defense Minister Robert Galley fo 2/21/1974 #28787 nterested in UFO reports since the French wave of 1954. Ministry records co 2/21/1974 #28787 France Tavernes, Var 11:30 p.m. A French doctor allegedly photographs an o 3/23/1974 #28937 Lomé, Togo 1:45 a.m. A French vacationer and a local female fri 3/29/1974 #28968 . 22, August 1975; translated from French by Jacques Deschenes.) (NICAP: 02 6/14/1974 #29190 d instantaneously when chased by a French Air Force Mirage III jet. (Source 9/23/1975 #30378 d instantaneously when chased by a French Air Force Mirage III jet. It made 9/23/1975 #30382 urs, Indre-et-Loire, France Night. French AF T-33, object illuminates aircr 3/3/1976 #30920 illuminates aircraft. Testimony of French fighter pilot Colonel Claude Bosc 3/3/1976 #30920 ude Bosc, a student pilot flying a French Air Force T-33 on a training miss 3/3/1976 #30921 minous tail nearly collided with a French Air Force T-33 jet over Tours, Fr 3/3/1976 #30923 car died in St. Denis, Reunion, a French territory in the Indian Ocean, wh 3/27/1976 #30959 car died in St. Denis, Reunion, a French territory in the Indian Ocean whi 3/27/1976 #30961 ht is spinning. At the same time a French physicist is driving 7 miles away 11/5/1976 #31528 e thought she heard a voice say in French, "Oh, we have killed her!" Her ou 12/10/1976 #31594 FRENCH GULCH, CA Landed saucer rises. Za 12/29/1976 #31638 ont, Haute-Marne, France 8:34 p.m. French Air Force pilot Maj. René Giraud 3/7/1977 #31873 rganized under the auspices of the French national space agency for the stu 5/1977 #32041 tackling the UFO situation for the French government since at least 1976. I 6/20/1977 #32176 ly bright light came up close to a French Navy Nord-262 transport plane wit 12/15/1977 #32776 ly bright light came up close to a French Navy Nord-262 transport plane wit 12/15/1977 #32777 its. The witness spoke English and French at the figure but got no reaction 1/10/1978 #32872 FRENCH GULCH, CA Mrs. Chapin. Strange bi 1/14/1978 #32879 player also malfunction briefly. A French woman driving in the area has her 9/7/1978 #33645 irplane could have caused. Meridan French, a windshield expert with the Gla 8/27/1979 #34787 in a village near Dijon 9:15 a.m. French Air Force Capt. Jean-Pierre Farte 12/9/1979 #35062 FRENCH GULCH, CA Chapins. 4' small human 4/4/1980 #35251 race case investigated by official French agency 1/8/1981 #35778 is soon investigated by GEPAN, the French government’s scientific team of U 1/8/1981 #35779 as soon investigated by GEPAN, the French government’s scientific team of U 1/8/1981 #35780 but over time they are composed in French, though certain grammar and punct 1983 #36736 ddities indicate that Spanish, not French, is the writers’ first language. 1983 #36736 ’s apparent collaboration with the French Army on magnetohydrodynamic propu 7/1983 #36898 ge. The jet is carrying a cargo of French wine and is flying at 35,000 feet 11/17/1986 #38072 m, standing in front of her closed French windows. The entities were of med 1/25/1987 #38104 co. According to an article in the French UFO magazine Lumieres dans la Nui 7/19/1990 #39652 , Seine-et-Marne, France 7:00 p.m. French pilot Jean-Gabriel Greslé is stan 11/5/1990 #39868 ver the city of Noirmoutier on the French coast in sequence, flying south t 12/3/1990 #39924 ean-Claude Ribes, president of the French Astronomical Society. 1993 #40777 ders a resolution that enables the French UFO agency, Service d’Expertise d 12/1/1993 #41315 At 12:20 a.m. in 1994, French soldiers in St. Joseph, Reunion I 4/2/1994 #41473 Études de la Défense Nationale, a French strategic planning agency, decide 1996 #42656 security factors. It is chaired by French Air Force General Denis Letty and 1996 #42656 s Letty and begins by interviewing French witnesses, consolidates the best 1996 #42656 esents its research to appropriate French agencies. 1996 #42656 f light outside. He looked out the French windows of his farmhouse and saw 1/5/1997 #43166 At 2:30 a.m. Nathalie, a young French woman, was sitting in her car wit 6/5/1997 #43311 era. The video footage appeared on French TV. 8/10/1998 #43627 non. The study recommends that the French government should adjust to the r 7/16/1999 #43805 French ufologist Dominique Weinstein cre 2/2001 #44137 A retired French gendarme sighted a multi-colored 12/6/2001 #44282 RA. The report is picked up by the French press. 11/2002 #44427 The French UFO agency is given the name Grou 9/22/2005 #44878 France GEIPAN, the French office in charge of UFO investiga 3/22/2007 #45013 ditor Alain Cirou, on a well-known French TV program called C dans l’air. Q 3/30/2007 #45014 French space scientist Yves Sillard cons 4/2007 #45015 low. Vallee is asked to revoke his French citizenship by Bigelow to help hi 11/24/2008 #45191 fully investigated UFO cases, the French UFO agency GEIPAN shows that 22% 11/2011 #45333 tiaux Non-identifiés, the official French UFO agency in Toulouse, France. 11/2021 #45718
toward Warneton, Belgium along the French-Belgian border, the witness exper 1/7/1974 #28661
French-Hecht plant east of Walcott, Iowa 10/9/1977 #32564 working as a security guard at the French-Hecht plant east of Walcott, Iowa 10/9/1977 #32564
ew of an airliner flying above the French-Spanish border saw two unexplaine 3/22/1967 #21944
ombing and Gunnery Range in Nevada Frenchman Flat Armed Forces Special Weap 7/1950 #5034 an approves the location, known as Frenchman Flat. 7/1950 #5034 US Frenchman Flat Nevada Test Site An Air F 1/27/1951 #5419 he US onto a dry lake bed known as Frenchman Flat, inside the Nevada Test S 1/27/1951 #5419 FRENCHMAN FLAT, NV 6+observer(s). 4-6 sa 4/15/1952 #6079 At Frenchman Flat, Nevada at 9:30 a.m. four 4/15/1952 #6083 s powerful beams of light, and the Frenchman can see the waters parting in 3/29/1974 #28968
FRENDA, ORAN, ALG 2 cops. Saucer with lu 7/29/1952 #7282
nd vague, and encountering a media frenzy. He participates in a police UFO 3/23/1966 #20053 land. Nearby animals driven into a frenzy, surrounding trees damaged, left 12/1980 #35684 imals on a nearby farm went into a frenzy.” Penniston later claims he and B 12/26/1980 #35737 me time, the USS Russell records a frenzy of activity, with drones dropping 7/15/2019 #45593
& Gnd Radar / Radar Visual / Radar Freqs From UFO (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, 3/25/1959 #15668
CPS-5 radar operating on long-wave frequencies at 40,000 feet, and a CPS-4 3/9/1950 #4598 PS-4 radar operating on short-wave frequencies—and the target appears on bo 3/9/1950 #4598 ct carrier wave signals at several frequencies and some radar-like pulses a 9/18/1951 #5678 nd some radar-like pulses at other frequencies, all below 1,000 MHz. 9/18/1951 #5678 llegedly studies long range use of frequencies for the purpose of stimulati 1952 #5844 es and goes / 600-1400mph. Several frequencies used. 11/8/1952 #8253 SE, JPN 100M saucer jams RADAR / 2 frequencies. Going up / 3000kph. / Inter 12/17/1956 #13406 nterrogation signals, on different frequencies, confirming its location on 9/20/1957 #14020 are also received on two different frequencies alternately. 5/15/1964 #18270 he second part deals with sighting frequencies, and the third part analyzes 1966 #19794 Interference (RFI) fades at higher frequencies. No further details. 3/28/1968 #23864 this point the radio fails at all frequencies until the objects fly away. 8/22/1968 #24369 in separate locations on different frequencies. After 15 minutes, the objec 8/23/1984 #37438 ssna 210. While monitoring airport frequencies near Concepción, he overhear 6/8/1991 #40092 intermittent screeches of varying frequencies. Juan could apparently under 3/10/1997 #43225 lly looked at one or more resonant frequencies that may be associated with 8/1998 #43618 lar concept and discussed specific frequencies used to interact with the qu 8/1998 #43618 re with the dial displaying random frequencies. The van also filled with an 7/21/2002 #44362 ffect when radiated with terahertz frequencies. “It resonates some kind of 7/2018 #45532
crews. Big wingless object. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 180° turn 11/1942 #1458 r lines. Going quickly east. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Back 8 Jul 7/7/1947 #2880 quickly southwest / 2300kph. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 7/7/1947 #2885 uvers. 90° turns. Small fin. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / r2p73+/ 4/1/1948 #3601 servations. Within a few days, the frequency of UFO reports hits an all-tim 5/6/1949 #4160 r 1948, it was determined that the frequency of unexplained aerial phenomen 5/25/1950 #4966 ers. 200M saucers jam RADAR / each frequency in turn. Going quickly northwe 9/1950 #5156 ked by buzzing noise each time new frequency tried (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases) 9/1950 #5158 nstitute of Meteoritics, says that frequency is exceptional: “In fact, ther 11/9/1951 #5773 Basically, it admits that the low frequency of occurrence of the fireballs 11/27/1951 #5794 Buzzes. Circles town. Odd TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / r171. 1/11/1953 #8532 climbing slightly. It made a high frequency humming sound. It flew at an e 1/26/1953 #8575 sion” program, which uses subaural frequency blasts to erase memory. Howeve 4/13/1953 #8823 DANVILLE, IL TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Metallic s 7/1954 #9972 ro-magnetic effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and radiati 8/8/1954 #10115 r / road! Beam stops engine. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Vertical e 10/8/1954 #10808 Civil observer(s). Car radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Large silv 11/14/1954 #11645 es and rings paces airliner. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / r173p249 2/2/1955 #11961 ects seen / 10 minute(s). TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 6 fade. 1 5/17/1955 #12136 er steel foundry. Silent. No Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 8/17/1957 #13902 AL Air Force Captain and 5. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro 10/29/1957 #14160 going west 15M over school. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) = 'dit-dit' 11/4/1957 #14270 apons Storage Area Albuquerque Low Frequency Range Station 10:45 p.m. CAA a 11/4/1957 #14289 outh, circling the Albuquerque Low Frequency Range Station. It then heads n 11/4/1957 #14289 up and down. Swish noise. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / Ringwood. 11/5/1957 #14316 Y Many separate observer(s). Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Silver sph 11/6/1957 #14374 ms going up and down. Strong Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / 1 frequen 11/6/1957 #14385 o Frequency Interference (RFI) / 1 frequency. Going south. / r141#7p70. 11/6/1957 #14385 one signal heard on one short wave frequency. UFO hovering (NICAP: 03 - EME 11/6/1957 #14403 wave radios is working on only one frequency that emits a strong, rapidly m 11/6/1957 #14428 usive 'basket'. Radio and TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and beeps. 11/10/1957 #14516 wn. Many small lights blink. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) = dot dot d 12/1/1957 #14656 beam chases car / 3 mile(s). Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Separate o 1/14/1958 #14826 n hour. After the explosion, high- frequency, long-distance communication i 8/1/1958 #15174 h-frequency sound. Strong TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and outages 7/14/1959 #15846 FO observed; loud oscillating high frequency noise reported (NICAP: 03 - EM 7/14/1959 #15850 ill favored as a promising hailing frequency for interstellar communication 4/8/1960 #16218 void / impossible maneuvers. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / r11p272+ 8/13/1960 #16376 paces plane. Lights cockpit. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro 5/22/1962 #17188 E, CHESHIRE 2 cars stall. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Military j 10/2/1963 #17971 lue saucer hovers / NWW sky. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Beam light 11/14/1963 #18037 NEAR KALISPELL, MT TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 3 cigars g 6/24/1964 #18371 2 more join. All vanish. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / BFJ v1#3 11/30/1964 #18646 a loud humming sound like a high- frequency electrical whine. He opens the 1/15/1965 #18740 paces airliner / 55 mile(s). Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and Radio D 3/18/1965 #18862 M / ground. Blinding lights. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Whines. Ty 5/24/1965 #18956 zigzagged and caused strong radio frequency interference beginning at 7:14 7/3/1965 #19065 oods / 3 minute(s). Wobbles. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Going quic 7/12/1965 #19094 many. Metallic disk hovers. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / mariner-4 7/18/1965 #19120 ro-magnetic effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / NICAP. 8/18/1965 #19414 he house lights went out, and high frequency bothered the witnesses' ears. 2/6/1966 #19885 house lights went out, and a high frequency sound disturbed the ears of bo 2/6/1966 #19889 Domed saucer circles car 2X. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) = signal an 2/26/1966 #19921 ing sound was heard, increasing in frequency as the object came nearer, but 3/30/1966 #20160 ver the car radio and increased in frequency when the UFO got close. The UF 3/30/1966 #20168 going down / island / canal. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 2 small hu 7/13/1966 #20642 hours / night lights. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). RADAR blip 8/24/1966 #20798 nd sparks. Lights ground. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / r98#60. 10/10/1966 #20978 ALTON, VA TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and blackou 11/4/1966 #21073 4 / 800km. Cabin lights dim. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / APRO 1'6 2/2/1967 #21437 Red and blue body lights. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / news. 2/27/1967 #21667 heard a sound like an alternating frequency beep. (Arkansas Gazette, 3/14/ 3/12/1967 #21866 er ground. Hatch open. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Follows ca 3/16/1967 #21896 of car. Going [to] treetops. High frequency whine. 4/1/1967 #22035 Air Force T33s cat & mouse. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Jets chase 6/9/1967 #22480 at. Tree limbs burnt. Strong Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Going quic 6/18/1967 #22514 . Silent domed saucer. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Traces / g 6/25/1967 #22552 d circles. Beams going down. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Going quic 7/28/1967 #22745 . Green-glowing saucer near. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro 9/18/1967 #23078 z and beam. Object exits. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). All going 9/30/1967 #23148 oing [to] over in formation. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / 2235hrs. 10/21/1967 #23276 BACUP, LANCS Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / police ra 10/27/1967 #23337 field. Portholes. Whines. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). No physica 11/16/1967 #23467 ro-magnetic effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Globular / 12/24/1967 #23602 overs / hours. Low-frequency Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) fades at hi 3/28/1968 #23864 car / miles. Thumping radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). White beam 4/23/1968 #23918 north 100M away. No windows. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)? 6/18/1968 #24043 e is a possible VHF interference (“frequency fading”) when the object appro 6/18/1968 #24044 . Pace 2 / plane going west. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / r175p28+ 8/22/1968 #24366 igure(s) / transparent dome. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and NH3 odo 10/1968 #24529 lits. Parts maneuver. Strong Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 10/24/1968 #24580 s. Blip maneuvers / 5000kph. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Night ligh 10/24/1968 #24581 Globe / light lands / road. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Car engine 11/13/1968 #24651 ro-magnetic effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 12/16/1968 #24774 r-size fireball / ground. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / nearby. / 12/18/1968 #24777 ro-magnetic effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Magnifying 3/4/1969 #24965 te observer(s) TV static and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 3/12/1969 #24999 ts and power outage / 1900h. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and garbage 4/10/1969 #25053 cking backwards and forwards, at a frequency of 1–2 rocks per second. A “de 4/25/1969 #25090 ht glowing-ovoid chases car. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro 5/19/1969 #25145 UFO paces and circles. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Car / malf 6/5/1969? #25201 lipse outside. Odd noise and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Vanishes. 6/10/1969 (approximate) #25207 ARACENA, SP TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). All power 7/6/1969 #25258 WALDO, ME Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and static. 7/21/1969 #25284 s car. Headlights dim. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). AOK afterw 8/5/1969 #25308 nstead, the noise gained in shrill frequency until it was no longer heard. 8/22/1969 #25326 nd reflected light. It made a high frequency buzzing sound like mosquitos. 10/11/1969 #25409 range sound on 255.4 MHz UHF radio frequency at the same time that a bright 11/20/1969 #25464 h descending. 2 antennas. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 2/28/1970 #25596 saucer. Cone / light / car. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro 8/13/1970 #25779 rill objects buzz car. Brief Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Near colli 10/10/1970 #25873 car nears. Motor dies. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 1/3/1971 #25971 / southwest horizon. Slight Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / 3200 KHz. 5/15/1971 #26109 their house. Saturn type UFO, high frequency sound, 20 Mins. House size sil 5/16/1971 #26114 a Saturn-shaped UFO, making a high frequency sound. The object was the size 5/16/1971 #26115 Evening. Saturn type UFO with high frequency whine. (Missing time, abductio 7/8/1971 #26214 own / car. Changes color(s). Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Away fast. 10/1971 (approximate) #26394 light follows car / 2 hours. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Hides as o 12/22/1971 #26513 phone-lines / 10M altitude. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Arcs going 3/20/1972 #26619 ds to radio and tape player. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / r193#38. 6/22/1972 #26724 east. One is [a] neon disk. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / 30 minute 7/14/1972 #26795 OUSTON, MO 2 observer(s). TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and night l 9/14/1972 #26994 TRES ARROYOS, ARG Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Pseudo-hum 11/25/1972 (approximate) #27141 TRES ARROYOS, ARG Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Saucer goi 12/30/1972 #27191 FNEY, SC Car paced / saucer. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Hundreds / 1/19/1973 #27242 e follows car / miles. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Delta/tria 2/20/1973 #27300 saucers and night lights. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Going nort 3/23/1973 #27364 and triangular beams. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 2 vague fi 3/24/1973 #27370 zers, Questar telescopes, low-high frequency audio detectors, an electromag 4/1973 #27397 udio detectors, an electromagnetic frequency analyzer, cameras, sound recor 4/1973 #27397 gg-shape / treetop level. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Flash / ki 4/6/1973 #27405 RTHWEST / TOSNY, FR 1 / car. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Saucer arc 5/15/1973 #27487 over/all about light plane. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and power o 7/16/1973 #27633 CALVERT, TX Chronic Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) as night li 11/15/1973 #28423 M 14M ovoid / mountain peak. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Buzzes ski 12/10/1973 #28546 U, QB Night light maneuvers. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Camper fla 1/13/1974 #28676 mplex coastal trajectory. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Going quic 3/18/1974 #28901 TON, MA 20' saucer over car. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Beam shine 6/5/1974 (approximate) #29163 ect going quickly southwest. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / Bagotvill 7/1974 #29233 , reports strong interference on a frequency of 121.5 MHz, a frequency rese 7/14/1974 #29259 nce on a frequency of 121.5 MHz, a frequency reserved for aircraft in distr 7/14/1974 #29259 ROCCO AL PORTO, ITL 1 / car. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Domed sauc 7/15/1974 #29261 s mountains / laser. Strange Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) effects. 9/14/1974 #29454 own / road. Hovers near car. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Observer(s 9/22/1974 #29469 ro-magnetic effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Watchdial 11/4/1974 #29582 th over coast. Swoosh. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 1/3/1975 #29705 CARCES, FR TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Dark phony 2/10/1975 #29798 . 3 200' saucers going down. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Search lak 2/26/1975 #29848 p and bottom/underside. Wild Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Going up [ 3/2/1975 #29864 d and air observer(s). Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Strong bea 4/4/1975 #29955 up. Lights turn / rim. Much Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 6/21/1975 #30114 [to] 100' over treetops. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Dog upset. 7/1/1975 #30143 und / beam. Going northeast. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / r186#35. 7/4/1975 #30151 s / highway 46. Police radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / r71p156+ 7/4/1975 #30155 /orb/globe lands / field. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Going quic 9/12/1975 #30354 . Observer(s) hypnotized? TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Local wave 4/4/1976 #30984 everal-X. Instruments crazy. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Static. 6/4/1976 #31085 rs / low. Portholes / front. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Going quic 10/5/1976 #31446 Goes behind trees. Car radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Type unkno 11/22/1976 #31563 s). 2-way radios / 72-102MHz Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Orange nig 2/4/1977 #31786 oid going quickly [to] over. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / TV screen 2/9/1977 #31800 ORO, SARDINIA 2 / car. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Saucer cir 3/20/1977 #31918 male friend begins feeling a “low frequency vibration” in his bones. Looki 6/17/1977 #32172 ITL Kids with 2-way radios. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Domed sauc 7/12/1977 #32258 t. Portholes? Power dims and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Back 2X. 7/21/1977 #32295 city. Huge and distant. Not Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / MJ#181. 9/22/1977 #32505 ckly going up [to] to space. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro 10/26/1977 #32611 ADAR station/depot/facility. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Many fast 1/12/1978 #32878 / snowstorm. 300' altitude. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Dog barks. 1/17/1978 #32886 ro-magnetic effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Traces. Sa 3/29/1978 #33095 POMPEY, NY Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)? Flying box 3/30/1978 #33099 bjects exit large UFO. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) until they 8/22/1978 #33541 AND CG cutter. RADAR out and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Red sphere 8/23/1978 #33552 KINGSLEY, WEST AUST Noisy Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / TV then b 10/7/1978 #33804 E, ITL Sea churns. Odd RADAR Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Large dark 11/7/1978 #33922 quickly east. Not on RADAR. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / r200v4#3 11/9/1978 #33933 kly south. Return and merge. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 12/12/1978 #34095 ROMA, ITL Man / car. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 4M cone-sa 12/14/1978 #34112 LICODIA EUBIA, ITL Trucker. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 2 2M figur 12/15/1978 #34134 near ground / 30 minute(s). Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Observer(s 12/20/1978 #34178 10M glowing-saucer / ground. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Saucer goi 1/9/1979 #34322 CASSOLA, ITL Newsman / car. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Metal-grey 2/13/1979 #34419 CROCE, ITL 2 observer(s). TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Big ovoid 3/23/1979 #34486 AK BLUFFS, MARTHAS VINYD, MA Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 30' cylind 3/27/1979 #34490 /globe near 2nd small plane. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / MJ#257. 9/10/1979 #34858 ross." Both men experienced a high frequency squeaking sound in their heads 9/20/1979 #34909 intersection. Low-frequency Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Flashes. N 11/27/1979 #35018 ALDESE, NC 1 observer / I40. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 12m domed 5/7/1980 #35310 t. Col. Oleg Karyakin hears a low- frequency booming noise and sees a brigh 6/14/1980 #35367 ers over pylons / reservoir. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 1 going up 7/11/1980 #35410 begins to pulse with an increasing frequency, then shoots forward and makes 11/5/1980 #35620 altitude. Beams / front. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 3/1981 #35852 ZIBO, SHANDONG, CH TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 3 orbs goi 7/27/1981 #36037 g-ovoid follows car / miles. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Lights are 10/25/1981 #36187 llow beams and yellow smoke. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro 1/10/1982 #36299 ro-magnetic effect (EME) and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Brill obje 6/18/1982 #36508 ta- shaped UFO making a faint, low frequency hum. The colored lights on the 12/31/1982 #36732 lta-shaped UFO making a faint, low frequency hum at 11:54 p.m. The colored 12/31/1982 #36734 uth / 50' altitude. CB Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). / Internat 2/26/1983 #36769 ro-magnetic effect (EME). TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Brief powe 4/10/1983 #36831 R CREEK RESERVOIR, TX 1+boy. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Car O-O-co 1/26/1984 #37152 southeast / 50' altitude. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 2/29/1984 #37206 titude. Seen / 10 minute(s). Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / AM and CB 11/18/1985 #37707 ng silvery rectangle hovers. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / 10 min. N 1/19/1986 #37766 PETERSBURG, FL House shakes. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and lights 8/5/1986 #37971 its name to just UFO, varying its frequency from quarterly to bimonthly, t 9/1986 #38008 / SR201 / 3 minute(s). From Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Back 09 Se 9/7/1986 #38019 SBURGH, PA 2 observer(s). TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) = thick bla 10/8/1986 #38041 er and more/others. CB Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Lights ele 2/5/1988 (approximate) #38440 tude and mushroom saucer. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Flashes.. 11/6/1988 #38704 ly northeast. Lights dim. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 12/27/1988 #38760 s) emerge and work / UFO. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro 5/10/1989 #38940 apon which generates extremely low frequency sound waves which can destroy 9/28/1989 #39132 with lights going [to] over. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Radio chan 4/4/1990 #39507 BETTIGNIES, NORD Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Car lights 1/16/1991 #39955 o attempts at communication on any frequency, and since it was flying near 8/28/1991 #40168 lake in Hamar, Norway heard a low frequency rumbling sound, like that of a 3/9/1992 #40367 A, BRZ 2 observer(s) frozen. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). 15M cylind 3/14/1992 #40378 Saint Elias National Park The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Progra 1993 #40778 strument (IRI), a high-power radio frequency transmitter facility operating 1993 #40778 ter facility operating in the high frequency band. The IRI is used to tempo 1993 #40778 vibrations from an unpleasant low- frequency humming sound coming from the 3/31/1993 #40914 ry groggy and heard a peculiar low frequency buzzing sound. Two men came in 7/24/1993 #41082 triangle / 23m altitude. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Hovers and 3/15/1995 #42097 e by / zigzag pattern. Radio Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 6/28/1995 #42277 if side / saucer. Portholes? Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 6/30/1995 #42282 AUSTRALIA 2 observer(s). TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / all stati 9/12/1995 #42461 H / SWANAGE, DORSET 1 / car. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) pulses 5 / 1/2/1996 #42663 ad. Move aside as car nears. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) and electro 3/22/1996 #42834 / all directions / 3 hours. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI.) 2/9/1997 #43189 bert Baker who specialized in high frequency gravitational waves (HFGW) sta 8/1/1997 #43364 F energy as delivered. Because the frequency of the sound heard is dependen 2/17/1998 #43522 tremely quickly going up. TV Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / 20 minute 6/1/1998 #43578 ucer hovers overhead. Police Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) / 155.565Mh 8/23/1999 #43832 NEAR EGMONT VLG, NZ Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Orange 12M 1/1/2001 #44113 OTHERS Wide power outage and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI). Large sauc 1/11/2001 #44122 basement when he heard a very low frequency humming noise for 30 minutes. 2/11/2004 #44661 rs research into the study of high frequency gravitational waves optics. Th 3/28/2006 #44931 materialized form” resonating at a frequency beyond the perception of human 4/28/2006 #44937 wo F-16s fitted with Li-Baker high frequency gravitational wave (HFGW) jamm 2008 #45108 onal security significance of high frequency gravitational waves (HFGW). Th 10/2008 #45173 sound like a cat purring at a low frequency. The UFO passes overhead and h 11/25/2009 #45256 mission in Russian on an emergency frequency, sparking a massive search for 10/16/2014 #45417 iami, north of Bermuda. A specific frequency emanated from them, and UAP ev 3/6/2015 #45434 onic waves. These waves have a low frequency and cannot be heard by human e 11/19/2018 #45547 ted source. Shifts in the signal’s frequency are consistent with a planet’s 4/2019 #45570
nals from Mars. He claims the most frequent signal is the Morse code for “S 1919 #980 ation from the Pease AFB indicates frequent radar blips and fighters are co 10/2/1965 #19638 badly needed warmth. Noticing her frequent glances towards the now inactiv 10/16/1973 #28089 composition being quite fine with frequent branching.” The primary constit 10/12/1976 #31461 horizon. Their flashes become more frequent when their speed increases. One 7/23/1981 #36026 en valley, Norway, begin reporting frequent sightings of unusual lights tha 11/1981 #36201 are sometimes reported. Especially frequent activity occurs between Decembe 11/1981 #36201 e main presentation. Reid stays in frequent contact with Robert Bigelow aft 8/1996 #42968 suffered from constant nausea with frequent vomiting. 5/3/2000 #43988 iens; the Keys, who are subject to frequent experimentation by the aliens; 12/2/2002 #44457
to this event was a stray dog that frequented the area. 9/13/1990 #39731
moments later, changing its shape frequently, and moving swiftly in a zigz 1/1892? #297 a spiritualist medium. Her trances frequently involve journeys to other pla 1899 #629 over an hour. It alters its course frequently and hovers occasionally. 2/25/1913 #884 aircraft carrier USS Independence frequently notices strange radar returns 4/1945 #1834 object “flitting around” the sky, frequently returning but finally disappe 7/1/1947 #2524 photo to “electric discharge which frequently occurs in cameras during film 10/14/1949 #4395 tists and engineers who visit ATIC frequently that “UFOs were being freely 10/22/1951 #5743 Nogle says that radar targets are frequently seen in May or June, and unit 5/1952 #6229 threes, fours, sevens, or twelves. Frequently they are in diamond formation 11/6/1954 #11585 formation along an irregular path, frequently banking during 25-30 seconds. 10/8/1957 #14077 formation along an irregular path, frequently banking during the 25-30 seco 10/8/1957 #14081 of the officers says this happens frequently, that the objects travel at 2 Spring 1959 #15662 e. It flew with a jerky motion and frequently changed direction. A private 4/28/1964 #18219 , who claims to be psychic and has frequently reported UFO sightings ever s 12/11/1965 #19765 rding to the young men, the object frequently burst into such a bright glar 3/20/1966 #19998 as “very nervous,” and noticed he frequently checked his watch. That is th 8/20/1966 #20779 degree burns on his chest, vomited frequently for 4 days, and lost over 10 5/20/1967 #22379 ree burns on his chest. He vomited frequently for the next four days, and w 5/20/1967 #22384 get as merely civil aircraft that “frequently” fly over the area. The Kernv 7/30/1967 #22754 someone. He looks toward their car frequently. After a few minutes, the fig 8/3/1967 #22788 e UFO sightings had been occurring frequently for more than a year. It perf 1/31/1969 #24882 juntas, where the objects are seen frequently. One Friday night, the mayor 8/1972 #26864 r noise. They looked at each other frequently, and nodded occasionally. Fur 10/16/1973 #28089 ersonality change. He changed jobs frequently and finally stopping working 10/28/1973 #28311 e and bug- eyed. Their behavior is frequently odd, as if they are operating 1975 #29670 ba, where it has been appearing so frequently since April 10 that it has be 5/13/1975 #30056 but the object changes its motion frequently. Finally it picks up speed an Late 7/1975 #30204 s that a nocturnal light UFO (seen frequently in the area since November 19 Mid 1/1977 #31723 Forces, admits that UFOs are seen frequently in Japan and that they are qu 9/1977 #32453 y the same UFO he has photographed frequently before. He starts running tow 3/18/1978 #33055 tated that they "get UFO sigthings frequently". They also said "We just act 7/9/1978 #33357 ject and walked around the object, frequently bending down as if he was pic 1/13/1979 #34337 ject and walked around the object, frequently bending down as if he was pic 1/13/1979 #34338 souri. The lights change direction frequently. Radar technician Franklin We 11/18/1980 #35654 es later, moving and blinking more frequently, then it veers away and fades 7/19/1981 #36019 n sky: Large article on Las Vegans frequently feeling unexplained tremors o 2/24/1985 #37559 balls of light (BOL), but changed frequently to white or green. Col. Ospir 5/19/1986 #37882 sburg, he told his brother that he frequently received harassing phone call 8/10/1991 #40147 hese anomalous events had occurred frequently enough over national territor 12/2001 #44279 yellow color pattern, alternating frequently to blue as well. The viewed i 4/12/2003 #44513 n the eastern coast. It happens so frequently that the encounters became co 8/29/2021 #45704
amp" going west from sea over Cape Frere and here. Separate night light rep 3/27/1959 #15673
Burlington, Vermont -- A fresh wave of UFO reports started Sunday 7/11/1948 #3707 r concentric rings. They find more fresh tracks on January 22. Sanders repo 1/18/1954 #9493 e site. They were able to locate a fresh trail through the poison ivy and h 5/11/1969 #25128 f Puthoff’s at the NSA told him a “fresh study” of UAP was secretly underwa 10/7/1972 #27055 ind the treeline after 40 seconds. Fresh marks are found in a plowed field 2/8/1974 #28747 r dog, following its tracks in the fresh snow, but she couldn’t find her. “ 9/3/1976 #31337 has been and to the pool bottom. A fresh 6-inch-wide trench stretches from 1/10/1977 #31715 11 p.m. he left the hotel for some fresh air. Outside he immediately saw ap 6/12/1977 #32161 ound to be unusually brittle for a fresh death (the animal was estimated to 3/24/1978 #33077 a woman ran out into 11 inches of fresh snow in her front yard in Otter Ta 3/1/1990 #39438 in Marshalltown, Iowa to get some fresh air. She sighted an object that wa 9/9/1997 #43403 he object while the even was still fresh in her memory. 6/1/2013 #45369
r depression of compressed ground, freshly made, was found at the landing s 6/17/1950 #4992 to run through the furrows in the freshly plowed field, but he was quickly 10/16/1957 #14131 deep and 5 feet in diameter in the freshly plowed field. 4/4/1966 #20224 he ground, creating shadows on the freshly cut hay. The UFO shines a 20-foo 7/30/1968 #24263 find high-heeled footprints on the freshly waxed floor near the door. On th 8/25/1968 #24376 ound marks a large tree branch was freshly broken off. In the snow were foo 3/5/1971 #26044 ted on the following day and found freshly broken branches at the site. 1/26/1976 #30821 a short "robot like" humanoid in a freshly dug ditch, and it appeared to be 2/17/1978 #32974 on the right side of the road in a freshly plowed field. There are 11 light Late 9/1984 #37469 aguache County, Colorado found two freshly mutilated dead cows. One was mis 11/15/1999 #43881
irley J. Wright: Newspaper college freshman photo 9/28/1947 #3430 Underwood 11:30 p.m. A Texas Tech freshman named Carl Hart Jr. sees the sa 8/30/1951 #5638
hool in Chiu-Chiu, Atacama, Chile. Fresia Berlina Vega, a young woman, was 10/19/2000 #44060 object illuminating both of them. Fresia felt a cold wave envelope her bod 10/19/2000 #44060 es for a few more moments in which Fresia again felt a definite change of t 10/19/2000 #44060 felt a slight tremor in the earth. Fresia reported some beneficial aftereff 10/19/2000 #44060
North Fresian Islands, Germany Three lights; h 3/9/1945 #1809
FRESNO, CA Airship with lights / both en 11/25/1896 #358 Fresno, CA Sec. of Air Force Talbott's a 3/1954 #9574 lbott's aircraft paced by UFO over Fresno, CA 3/1954 #9574 OVER FRESNO, CA Air Force Secretary Talbot an 3/24/1954 #9636 with extreme maneuverability over Fresno, California on this day. 3/24/1954 #9640 FRESNO, CA Weatherman / theodolite. Brig 8/2/1955 #12322 PIEDRA AND PIXLEY AND FRESNO, CA Pilots and many. Wave. Severa 7/22/1956 #13003 driving near Highway City between Fresno and Pixley, California saw an egg 7/22/1956 #13008 FRESNO, CA Woman. 2 flat silver disks go 10/11/1958 #15336 oing quickly east. Seen briefly. / Fresno Bee 12 Oct. '58. 10/11/1958 #15336 FRESNO, CA 3 observer(s). Huge saucer ho 5/15/1975? #30060 Fresno, California 4:45 a.m. Three witne 5/11/1977 #32089 ornia 4:45 a.m. Three witnesses in Fresno, California, see a bright yellow 5/11/1977 #32089 Kerman, California Fresno Community Hospital 3:32 a.m. Poli 5/13/1978 #33202 ck). These are noted on a visit to Fresno Community Hospital. These burns a 5/13/1978 #33202 PORTERVILLE, CA AND FRESNO Boomerangs etc. reported (after 9 10/26/1988 #38696 San Joaquin Valley Fresno Kingsburg, California 9:00 p.m. M 10/26/1988 #38698 s of the San Joaquin Valley around Fresno and Kingsburg, California, see a 10/26/1988 #38698 FRESNO, CA 2 observer(s). ~10 red-purple 8/9/1995 #42369 hts was observed crossing I-5 near Fresno, California. A boomerang-shaped U 5/19/2003 #44543
FRESNOY-LE-GRANDE, FR Foo Fighters-ball 8/7/1971 #26270
ST. MARTIN DE FRESSENGEAS, FR Silent blinding-white ba 10/21/1972 #27083
NORTH / FRETTERANS, FR 1+1 observer(s). 2M yello 6/14/1975 #30102
OFF WEST FREUGH, SCT Separate RAF RADAR's. Blip a 4/4/1957 #13578 RAF West Freugh MOD West Freugh Stranraer, Scotla 4/4/1957 #13582 RAF West Freugh MOD West Freugh Stranraer, Scotland Luce Bay, Wig 4/4/1957 #13582 bing Trials Unit based at RAF West Freugh [now MOD West Freugh], southeast 4/4/1957 #13582 d at RAF West Freugh [now MOD West Freugh], southeast of Stranraer, Scotlan 4/4/1957 #13582 lter Whitworth, in command at West Freugh, is ordered to say nothing about 4/4/1957 #13582 WEST FREUGH RAF, SCOTLAND 3 military cops. Or 10/12/1980 #35565
Blue Book. Military observer(s) = Frey. CE2. 1 UFO on RADAR for hours! No 11/19/1958 #15450 ry effect is biophysicist Allan H. Frey. In his experiments, the subjects a 1961 #16547 ilian and military radar contact. (Frey report in NICAP files, NICAP report 3/8/1967 #21806 Bellevue, KY 10:45 PM. Mrs. Fern Frey (name changed) was lying in bed wit 7/15/1977 #32275 Mrs. Fern Frey had a close encounter with a disc-s 7/15/1977 #32277 e an eerie phenomenon known as the Frey effect, named after Allan H. Frey, 9/1/2018 #45538 Frey effect, named after Allan H. Frey, an American scientist, who in the 9/1/2018 #45538
stigated by John Warren and Robert Freyman from Los Alamos Scientific Labor 4/2/1978 #33119
seville, Michigan Witnesses: H.A. Freytag and three male relatives, includ 4/27/1952 #6198 At 4:15 p.m. H. A. Freytag and three male relatives, includ 4/27/1952 #6200 UEBOOK CASE #UNKNOWN Observer(s) = Freytag. (SE / midway island). No furthe 8/6/1961 #16779
h long fair hair, and dressed in a friar’s cassock. Amazingly, the little m 5/4/1969 #25114
RAGUSA, ITALY Several friars. Luminous bodies fly single file 1/8/1388 #17 Grey Friars, Stattordshire, UK 2:30 AM. A dis 8/9/1967 #22852 ighted by a married couple in Grey Friars. It flashed blue lights all aroun 8/9/1967 #22852 ighted by a married couple in Grey Friars, Stattordshire, England at 2:30 a 8/9/1967 #22853
in when the main witness, Jaine de Frias Redondo, age 17, and several of hi 8/28/1977 #32436 he Plazoleta Alfonso de la Vega in Frias, Argentina noticed a short humanoi 4/17/2000 #43982
FRIBOURG, SWZ 1 observer. Cylinder/cigar 8/1/1968 #24285 57 a.m. a cigar-shaped UFO flew by Fribourg, Switzerland and a disc exited 8/1/1968 #24287 e night skies over Switzerland, in Fribourg at 10:15 p.m. and again at Bren 6/26/1973 #27587 FRIBOURG, SWITZ Scholars and more/others 3/13/1974 #28877
NOVA FRIBURGO, BRZ 2 observer(s). 1M metallic 2/19/1969 #24929
obert L. Terneuzen (GCA), Ralph L. Frick, Dale E. Warner, Warren J. Weber, 9/2/1952 #7829
flies as if it is sliding with no friction. The UFO follows the aircraft f 6/5/2003 #44554
ver the city twice on the night of Friday, April 16. According to the Vince 4/16/1897 #503 ks spin and light sky. Back / good Friday / 1941+1975. 3/25/1932 #1138 s of witnesses in the Portland are Friday afternoon. Cooley estimated the d 7/5/1947 #2680 udy group’s reports at his regular Friday intelligence briefing. 8/22/1952 #7682 rnings and return to California on Friday evenings. 7/24/1955 #12283 hat didn't happen. At 2:00 a.m. on Friday a knock came at her door, and out 8/8/1969 #25312 nches on the night of June 26th, a Friday The object, described as a brilli 6/26/1971 #26195 e objects are seen frequently. One Friday night, the mayor of Adjuntas is t 8/1972 #26864 s Grenada United States Wellington Friday, UN ambassador at large for Grena 11/28/1977 #32702 by ufologist Leonard Stringfield. Friday appeals to UN Secretary General K 11/28/1977 #32702 ada Ambassador at Large Wellington Friday speak before the UN Special Polit 11/27/1978 #34010
ht lights hovers near home. TV and fridge malfunction. / news. 2/10/1967 #21496 s). 100M ovoid hovers / roadhouse. Fridge shakes. Blazing lights. 7/1984 #37383
US Garry Nolan appears on Lex Fridman Podcast’s podcast with the show 2/6/2022 #45738
un away. They notice a smell “like fried sausages.” A “streak” is found in 11/23/1954 #11696 n away. They noticed a smell "like fried sausages." A "streak" was found in 11/23/1954 #11698 buzzed / red fireball. Electronics fried. / r242p120+/ r141#5p20. 11/4/1957 #14259 aneuvering it seemed shaped like a fried egg. It gave the impression of a h 8/17/1958 #15210 turn-shaped grayish object like a “fried egg in pan.” Later it flips over, 8/18/1958 #15215 3 objects / type unknown. Circuits fried. 4/4/1970 #25623 JARROW, ENGL 5+observer(s). "Fried egg" disk going [to] fast 600' ove 7/3/1973 #27612 ground electronics in Romeo-29 are fried as if from a surge. 3/1974 #28830 e UAP. Electronics in Romeo-29 are fried from an electric surge. This event 3/1974 #28831 time moves 1 mile. Cruise control fried. 8/1974 (approximate) #29292 figure / aqualung. Burnt bush. TV fried. Large dog crazed-dies. / r98#28p3 4/24/1977 #32020 s 200M like day. Tractor electrics fried. 7/13/1977 #32267 Extachrome film. It looked like a fried egg or a domed disc. 1/23/1978 #32908 rces.” Church, the CEO of Church’s Fried Chicken, claims he had a dream of Summer 1985 #37607 pot/facility. Going quickly north. Fried. Big outage. / LDLN#311. 3/17/1991 #40016 UNG 1 observer. Electrics / 2 cars fried. Pigs upset. Green man / door. / L 12/4/1991 #40252 UTANCES, FR "Thunder". Power meter fried! Huge saucer with peak / middle. 7/25/1994 #41638
IL Night light goes by. Silent 10M fried-egg saucer going [to] over / 3X ai 1/1/1997 #43161
m to take two photos that depict a fried-egg-looking shape with a long tail 5/16/1953 #8879
n has told Keyhoe that Rep. Samuel Friedel (D-Md.) is “all set to hop on th 3/27/1959 #15674
to the north. However, when B. Roy Frieden, professor of optical sciences a 4/2/1966 #20208
Friedland Refugee Camp, Lower Saxony, Ge 10/10/1946 #2202 ut Anlauf, a telephone operator in Friedland Refugee Camp, Lower Saxony, Ge 10/10/1946 #2202
ard Walter Eberle, with William F. Friedman (US Army chief cryptographer), 8/22/1924 #1041 t and nuclear physicist Stanton T. Friedman is born in Elizabeth, NJ. 7/29/1934 #1215 , interviewed by ufologist Stanton Friedman. 7/5/1947 #2679 confirms the comment to Stanton T. Friedman, although he clarifies that he 9/15/1950 #5178 Richmond, Virginia Stanton Friedman used the Freedom of Information 12/3/1950 #5314 MIAMI, FL Abe Friedman sees "small salami" / (seen thr 9/11/1952 #7892 nhower on July 16. Note by Stanton Friedman: Letter was discovered in the N 7/14/1954 #10014 cret until March 1985 when Stanton Friedman manages to get it declassified 10/4/1955 #12488 le, Garry C. Henderson, Stanton T. Friedman, Roger N. Shepard, and Frank B. 7/29/1968 #24254 Paul Wilson, Joe Brown and Stanton Friedman are all names attached to the p 4/5/1970 #25625 Clark, Jacques Vallée, Stanton T. Friedman, Kenneth Arnold, Jim and Coral 6/24/1977 #32190 co Albuquerque, New Mexico Stanton Friedman has discovered retired Maj. Jes 2/28/1978 #33002 debris was like nothing on earth. Friedman has also interviewed Lydia Slep 2/28/1978 #33002 on the story. William L. Moore and Friedman compare notes from two separate 2/28/1978 #33002 notes from two separate interviews Friedman has conducted about the crash. 2/28/1978 #33002 onducted about the crash. By 1980, Friedman and Bill Moore have interviewed 2/28/1978 #33002 len Hynek, Jacques Vallee, Stanton Friedman, Lawrence J. Coyne. 11/27/1978 #34009 Hynek, Jacques Vallée, Stanton T. Friedman, Lawrence J. Coyne, and Grenada 11/27/1978 #34010 es New Brunswick ufologist Stanton Friedman as a snake oil salesman and UFO 8/15/1980 #35458 titute will soon be the targets of Friedman’s coverup accusations. 8/15/1980 #35458 ll crash, based largely on Stanton Friedman’s research. 9/1980 #35488 ssey.) Doty claims that Stanton T. Friedman and Brad Sparks know him person 9/30/1980 #35547 Moore, Jaime Shandera, and Stanton Friedman hold a press conference on the 6/11/1987 #38189 ng that they appear to be genuine. Friedman has found that Eisenhower did a 6/11/1987 #38189 sified personal file on Stanton T. Friedman and denies access to it. 8/2/1989 #39041 to release its files on Stanton T. Friedman. 8/28/1989 #39076 handful of its files on Stanton T. Friedman as a result of Larry Bryant’s l 11/13/1989 #39228 stigators Kevin Randle and Stanton Friedman with his claim that he had been 2/15/1992 #40331 Seth Shostak, Jill Tarter, Stanton Friedman, Budd Hopkins, Susan Clancy, an 2/24/2005 #44816 tells a story told to him by Brent Friedman, the alleged neighbor of former 2012 #45336 t and nuclear physicist Stanton T. Friedman dies age 84 5/13/2019 #45578
Near the Austrian-Bavarian border, Friedrich Lennartz, 33, and Peter Zettel 12/10/1973 #28549 near the Austrian-Bavarian border, Friedrich Lennartz, age 33, and Peter Ze 12/10/1973 #28553 At 11:15 p.m. 18-year-old Rodrigo Friedrich was returning home from a part 3/15/1999 #43748
Rhine River Friedrichroda, Germany Gothaer Waggonfab 3/12/1945 #1811 he Gothaer Waggonfabrik (Gotha) in Friedrichroda, Germany. In the same mont 3/12/1945 #1811
Deep Space Missions” by physicist Friedwardt Winterberg. 12/1/2009 #45260
has is asked to hypnotize a family friend, “Mireille,” who is suffering fro 1895 #318 erly of Fort Worth, Texas) and his friend Scott Warren. The man is taken in 4/19/1897 #536 ala is out riding his horse with a friend a few miles southeast of Paulilat 5/1931 #1126 and Air Force, takes a swim with a friend at Torokina Beach, Bougainville I 6/1944 #1601 ary with him. Gomide describes his friend as being literally cooked, with h 3/5/1946 #1973 Justin B. Rinaldi is standing in a friend’s backyard in Engle, New Mexico, 9/11/1946 #2177 t is turned away forcibly; a nurse friend (possibly 1st Lt. Adeline “Eileen 7/8/1947 #3026 Arizona, on property owned by his friend, Walt Salyer. Early 10/1947 #3446 New Mexico. Collins also states a friend told him Archangel determined UAP 1949 #3947 aniums than humans. He claims this friend told him the occupants had cells 1949 #3947 e Beach, Florida, to stay with his friend Under Secretary of State Robert A 3/31/1949 #4061 6:30 a.m. A man named Abreu and a friend are fishing at Springer Lake, nor 4/25/1949 #4108 Commander McLaughlin writes to his friend, atmospheric physicist James Van 5/12/1949 #4182 o, Baja California, Mexico, with a friend when he sees four objects to the 11/3/1949 #4411 is Mountbatten, in a letter to his friend Charles Eade, editor of the Londo 3/26/1950 #4728 head. She dashes inside to call a friend, then runs outside again in time 4/1950 #4784 producer Jack H. Harris to ask his friend Irvine H. Millgate to come up wit 9/26/1950 #5199 edish Prince Carl Bernadotte and a friend, Berl Gutenberg, are driving near 12/5/1951 #5805 A family friend of McDonnell Douglas engineer Joh 1952 #5846 or Air, and scientific adviser and friend Lord Cherwell, saying, “What does 7/28/1952 #7267 ood producer Clarence Greene and a friend see a “sphere of light” in the sk 8/1952 #7385 of the Saucers, coauthored by his friend and publisher, Raymond A. Palmer. 9/1952 #7802 rs, Edward and Fred May, and their friend Tommy Hyer (ages 13, 12, and 10 r 9/12/1952 #7905 azil São Paulo Aladino Félix and a friend are climbing a hill near Angatuba 11/1952 #8227 harich, invited by an Army colonel friend who is chief of the Research Sect 11/24/1952 #8332 nt Frederick C. Durant, a personal friend of Ruppelt who urges him to compl 12/12/1952 #8413 with poor coloring and texture. A friend of the man who was also a radar s 1953 #8483 her that if she cannot wake up her friend, “her rage would be so great that 2/19/1954 #9558 pulls the trigger on her sleeping friend. After Allen brings the “killer” 2/19/1954 #9558 ilot William B. Nash writes to his friend Capt. William Joseph Hull about t 4/18/1954 #9697 It hovers about 60 feet away. Her friend, Jeanette Johnston, 13, arrives a 6/5/1954 #9866 sixteen-year-old girl and her best friend were terrified by a 10 meter long 6/5/1954 #9867 Janet Brown, 16, and a 13-year-old friend heard a loud noise and saw a larg 6/9/1954 #9881 t Brown, age 16, and a 13-year-old friend of East Dandenong, Victoria heard 6/9/1954 #9883 ivate pilot J. N. Williams and his friend E. J. Ash observed a thin, transl 9/22/1954 #10398 proximate date. A. Treussard and a friend were almost blinded by a luminous 10/25/1954 #11387 , his son-in-law René Marais and a friend, Jean Chéradame, arrive on a moto 10/25/1954 #11392 t this date Mr. A. Treussard and a friend were nearly blinded by a brillian 10/25/1954 #11394 fits. The first boy yelled for his friend to come and look, whereupon the s 10/25/1954 #11401 nsmits a Morse code message to his friend Geraldo Bastos in Belo Horizonte, 11/22/1954 #11690 akes the messages seriously, and a friend looking over his shoulder runs ou 11/22/1954 #11690 ght, two of Aquilante’s sons and a friend see two mysterious entities with 12/9/1954 #11786 atic motions. She calls a military friend and then 1st Lt. Leonard E. Ott a 3/22/1957 #13553 tly towards him as he is leaving a friend’s house southwest of Casino, New 1/13/1958 #14824 at dimmer, around 8:00 p.m. from a friend’s house on Matipo Terrace. 4/9/1958 #14971 Keyhoe’s friend Lou Corbin has received from a mi 5/7/1958 #15021 orbin has received from a military friend of Gen. Nathan Twining news that 5/7/1958 #15021 Maj. Robert J. Friend takes over as head of Project Blu 10/1958 #15294 ause of situations like this, Maj. Friend unsuccessfully requests that Blue 12/1958 #15465 des, besides Hynek, Maj. Robert J. Friend, Col. Leonard T. Glaser, Alex Fra 2/17/1959 #15591 es Project Blue Book’s Maj. Robert Friend to come over for a briefing. He s 7/5/1959 #15817 arsen even channels some messages. Friend goes back to Dayton, Ohio, and pr 7/5/1959 #15817 ). According to Lt. Colonel Robert Friend, the officer in charge of Project 7/9/1959 #15829 s also a military officer. Colonel Friend was invited to attend a meeting w 7/9/1959 #15829 Texas 2:10 p.m. Ray Stanford and a friend simultaneously take 8mm and 16mm 7/28/1959 #15884 present. The USAF reps are Robert Friend, Lawrence J. Tacker, Hynek, and M 7/15/1960 #16337 agon Blue Book officer Maj. Robert Friend and his boss at ATIC, Philip G. E 12/27/1960 #16541 orce Intelligence in the Pentagon. Friend complains about civilian UFO orga 12/27/1960 #16541 ATIC in Dayton, where Col. Robert Friend, Hynek, and other officials give Mid 8/1961 #16794 not account for. Also present is a friend of the Hills, retired USAF Maj. J 11/25/1961 #16980 ct Blue Book Chief” (probably Maj. Friend) gun-camera films obtained during 1962 #17004 hief,” possibly Lt. Col. Robert J. Friend, tells him gun-camera films from 1962 #17011 arade rest around it. P.J. and his friend were encouraged to leave the hang 4/1962 #17093 ce sends Hynek and Lt. Col. Robert Friend to Utah with Douglas M. Crouch, c 4/18/1962 #17120 th Street, Tucson, Arizona, with a friend, Ronald Black, 11. About 9:00 p.m 6/25/1962 #17245 ing back on its original course. A friend with her also saw it. "It suddenl 6/13/1963 #17782 Lt. Col. Robert J. Friend leaves Project Blue Book and is r 9/1963 #17926 He stopped and left his car with a friend to observe it better. When they b 5/24/1964 #18296 . While riding bicycles, she and a friend saw a low-flying object that terr 7/14/1964 #18408 . While riding bicycles, she and a friend saw a low-flying object that terr 7/14/1964 #18410 engineer for WFBR-AM radio, and a friend watch a lighted triangular object 8/22/1964 #18505 lost any signs of aging. Adamski’s friend Desmond Leslie was a coauthor of 4/24/1965 #18916 tcher Jr. and Kathleen Brougham, a friend. They do not see the object. It r 8/19/1965 #19427 Sweden Day. Mauritz Löugren and a friend see a triangular-shaped object mo 11/5/1965? #19701 Reeves home Kathleen Reeves and a friend are walking on a rural road near 3/1966 #19930 a corn field. The witness, Mr. P. Friend, had sore and bloodshot eyes afte 4/18/1966 #20333 Texas with her two children and a friend when she noticed a luminous objec 4/22/1966 #20377 John Beers and a female friend were driving south on County Road 5/8/1966 #20467 US CBS Reports "Flying Saucers: Friend, Foe or Fantasy?" presented extre 5/10/1966 #20473 's archives The documentary “UFOs: Friend, Foe, or Fantasy?” appears on CBS 5/10/1966 #20474 p.m. LT. A former RCAF pilot and a friend were cruising on the lake when th 6/1/1966 #20518 ot instructor, was cruising with a friend, Jack Grant about 2-1/2 miles off 6/1/1966 #20520 Jacques Vallée meets, through his friend Aimé Michel, with physicist Yves 8/1/1966 #20717 revolves around the testimony of a friend of the two men, who claims that t 8/20/1966 #20779 rsey Turnpike. Yanchitis tells his friend that there is someone following t 10/11/1966 #20992 he went looking for his dog with a friend. They found tracks, and at the ap 11/15/1966 #21109 trols car / white beam. Voices say friend died. He did. 12/12/1966 (approximate) #21194 in the sky and followed it with a friend, Glenn Coates, through binoculars 5/7/1967 #22293 a 2:47 p.m. Student Y. Divak and a friend were fishing when they saw the re 7/18/1967 #22692 Idaho Falls, Idaho, to look for a friend. A light reflecting on the snow o 12/8/1967 #23564 paces car. Beam. Voice says "your friend hurt bad". / MJ#236. 12/12/1967 #23570 would not remember this and that a friend of hers has been killed in a car 12/12/1967 #23575 her of the approaching death of a friend. 12/12/1967 #23576 alert anyone, since McDonald is a friend of the project. Condon says, “For 2/7/1968 #23739 s Espinoza and her son and a young friend of the latter, were driving near 7/8/1968 #24159 margue, age 16, was walking with a friend on a small country road in Roncen 9/30/1968 #24527 r and stumbles to the road where a friend takes him home. Later he is given 10/2/1968 #24537 e returned a few days later with a friend they found three apparent landing 1/15/1969 #24850 “hoarse, guttural” sounds. When a friend called out to the witness the ent 2/6/1969 #24897 “hoarse, guttural” sounds. When a friend shouted out to Tiago the entities 2/7/1969 #24902 time, their daughter Bonnie and a friend are at a swimming pool about one- 7/1970 #25723 d took a plane to Oklahoma City. A friend then drove him to Norman, Oklahom 7/4/1970 #25727 , Sweden in a rainstorm with their friend, Assar Sandberg, who was driving. 8/19/1970 #25797 ken aboard a UFO together with her friend and her cat. They were all brough 1/1/1971 #25966 leted, Scott was reunited with his friend and they were both returned to th 3/14/1971 #26047 ello de la Motta is a guest of his friend Antonio Arocha at San Juan de los 7/7/1971 #26211 a dramatic close encounter with a friend while out cross-country skiing in 5/5/1972 #26671 A pilot and his friend saw a white light hover over Walt 12/4/1972 #27162 spends the rest of the night at a friend’s house. In 1975, Roach sees an a 10/16/1973 #28088 w UFO seen earlier in the day by a friend and his girlfriend. No UFO was se 10/19/1973 #28197 e, and two officers and a civilian friend, Gary Flatter, investigate. They 10/22/1973 #28241 achusetts by Ms. J. Margolin and a friend. Some web-like "angel hair" mater 10/22/1973 #28243 in. Around 12:30 a.m. he wakes his friend Johann Pritz in another house and 10/28/1973 #28310 tairie, Louisiana after visiting a friend when he awoke at six o'clock in t 3/15/1974 #28892 ench vacationer and a local female friend are lying on a sloping beach near 3/29/1974 #28968 e order was repeated, calling him "friend." Justice did so, and the car con 8/1/1974 #29298 he would be harmed, and was told, "Friend, I would not harm a hair on your 8/1/1974 #29298 ships and airplanes. He quotes his friend J. Manson Valentine, who has repo 9/1974 #29412 es An 11-year-old boy and an older friend are on a farm near Jindabyne, New 9/27/1974 #29486 Swann receives a phone call from a friend in a government agency who tells 2/1975 #29781 t. Paul Dedieu, his brother, and a friend are driving near Haywood, Manitob 5/4/1975 #30032 , his daughter, and his daughter's friend where at the local high school ba 5/6/1975 #30044 J 12:05 a.m. A college student and friend were on their way home when they 7/4/1975 #30156 rison in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, and a friend see from their car an orange obje 7/15/1975 #30182 should have been. Through a mutual friend, Sandy eventually contacts ufolog 8/26/1975 #30310 aft. A car stopped and Mr. Elfe, a friend, came through the woods calling f 8/28/1975 #30315 air that made Mr. Costa sick. His friend helped him back to his car. The n 8/28/1975 #30315 ome back later. He returned with a friend on this afternoon. Before they lo 11/8/1975 #30584 teep slope, and the mineralogist's friend ran after them, but the beings cl 11/8/1975 #30584 ad, the apparition of a very close friend who had been recently killed in a 12/11/1975 #30705 and coat, the man “knows” it is a friend of his. The friend looks at him, 12/14/1975 #30715 “knows” it is a friend of his. The friend looks at him, leans forward and l 12/14/1975 #30715 e next morning, he learns that his friend has been killed in a shooting. 12/14/1975 #30715 king through the falling snow to a friend’s house in Hamden, Connecticut wh 1/11/1976 #30785 9” beyond that. The teen ran to a friend’s house; then they got two other 1/11/1976 #30785 still missing the next morning. A friend finds his books and notebooks sca 6/23/1976 #31134 Catarina, Brazil, after visiting a friend. As he approaches the house, he s 9/3/1976 #31335 year-old woman and her 18-year-old friend were walking past a waste storage 9/3/1976 #31340 p.m. James Howard, age 15, and his friend Brian Hollis, age 14, observed an 11/12/1976 #31541 e arrived. They arrest him and his friend and keep him in custody for two w 1977 #31656 to retrieve the object, he calls a friend, Bob Palmer, who arrives around 2 1/10/1977 #31715 iegal calls the RCMP from a nearby friend’s house. They find skid marks, bu 3/4/1977 #31858 rs. Jane Bowles was driving with a friend, Mrs. Ann Strickland, along a cou 3/7/1977 #31869 rs. Jane Bowles was driving with a friend, Mrs. Ann Strickland, along a cou 3/7/1977 #31870 rs. Jane Bowles was driving with a friend, Mrs. Ann Strickland, along a cou 3/7/1977 #31874 d 3:10 a.m. Brian Grimshaw and his friend Jeff are driving to a textile fac 3/9/1977 #31886 ot fire his gun, but called to his friend Alair Narby, also 13 years old. J 4/6/1977 #31953 right light. She watches it with a friend for 10 minutes as it makes a seco 5/10/1977 #32082 and Krissy, 11, and a close family friend—are breaking camp and preparing t 6/17/1977 #32172 g that leads to the road, the male friend begins feeling a “low frequency v 6/17/1977 #32172 rrounded with points of light. The friend estimates it is about 75 feet acr 6/17/1977 #32172 children are frantic, and the male friend is inwardly terrified. The parent 6/17/1977 #32172 is reported to J. Allen Hynek by a friend, and he later visits the witnesse 6/17/1977 #32172 . Debra Gairns, her husband, and a friend are driving in Welland, Ontario, 4/26/1978 #33172 d 9:00 p.m. A Mrs. Jenkinson and a friend are playing tennis in Louth, Linc 7/3/1978 #33325 ins behind them as they drive to a friend’s house, where they join another 7/19/1978 #33403 the previous night was out with a friend checking an animal trap when they 9/24/1978 #33744 hand. They wanted to assist their friend but were unable to move. When the 9/24/1978 #33744 o move they went to check on their friend. He was unconscious and half of h 9/24/1978 #33744 rs in the southwest. He stops at a friend’s house in the village and they c 10/8/1978 #33816 Robert Thompson, friend of former USAF Maj. Truman Weaver 4/5/1979 #34499 9:41 p.m. A graduate student and a friend are taking an evening drive in a 8/11/1979 #34731 A-28 Cherokee Warrior piloted by a friend. She looks out the window and not 8/17/1979 #34752 p.m. Ufologist Jenny Randles and a friend are riding a motorcycle north on 9/6/1980 #35501 ifornia 8:35 a.m. Betty Long and a friend see a formation of three egg-shap 10/21/1980 #35578 her home in Dayton, Texas with her friend Vickie Landrum, age 57, and Landr 12/29/1980 #35758 ntario Runnymede Road 11:35 p.m. A friend is driving Alba Dunlap home north 3/21/1981 #35871 OR 7:30 PM. The main witness and a friend were driving back home when they 4/1/1981 #35883 toria, British Columbia, to meet a friend. When the friend does not show, B 10/2/1981 #36154 lumbia, to meet a friend. When the friend does not show, Breiland calls him 10/2/1981 #36154 Abel Boro was hunting with his friend Ribamar Ferreira in the rain fore 10/17/1981 #36176 up and sat for a while before his friend asked, "What happened"? He recall 10/24/1981 #36186 er boyfriend were driving to visit friend when their vehicle was suddenly e 9/1982 #36588 tells Jacques Vallée that he had a friend at Sandia whose uncle-in-law was 9/29/1982 #36619 ated the contents. Hal states his friend from Sandia is “panicking” and hi 9/29/1982 #36619 is riding his motorcycle with his friend Plínio Couto de Alencar Júnior to 8/12/1983 #36949 ław Machowski, his daughter, and a friend are fishing in a coastal lake nea 9/3/1983 #36969 dford, England, with a 14-year-old friend. It is the first of some 52 furth 10/1983 #36990 enzo, their children, and a family friend are sitting outside their weekend Early Autumn 1987 #38274 Patterson AFB is true. He says his friend Gen. Curtis LeMay got quite angry 10/13/1988 #38671 J. Allen Hynek and Lt. Col. Robert Friend had an awareness of crash recover 1/1989 #38773 retired factory employee, and her friend Alexandra Stepanovna, an engineer 7/4/1989 #39009 ut walking with his children and a friend. “It was making huge jumps--not a 8/10/1989 #39051 year-old man out driving to meet a friend in the city of Pensacola, Florida 10/13/1989 #39170 her forehead, she then watched her friend undergo some type of physical exa 11/6/1989 #39216 white to red. The witness roused a friend to observe the receding object, a 2/5/1990 #39409 wly, it begins to rise. He calls a friend and the sheriff’s office. Two dep 4/5/1990 #39511 ing to Area 51 in Nevada. He and a friend tape a glowing, disc-shaped objec 1991 #39935 , Luis Ribeiro de Oliveira and his friend Pedro Rodrigues da Silva, had gon 3/5/1992 #40359 cked up into the object, while his friend Pedro watched in terror as he saw 3/5/1992 #40359 Chistopher O'Brien and his friend McIntyre saw a brilliant white li 7/18/1992 #40526 cola, Florida, talking with a male friend when suddenly a force lifted her 8/10/1993 #41123 ed her up towards the ceiling. Her friend tried to grab her but could not r 8/10/1993 #41123 ome sort of white mist she saw her friend moving about, as if in a trance. 8/10/1993 #41123 oom, holding on to each other. The friend who called her sat in a chair cur 8/18/1993 #41146 egon, Illinois a young man and his friend witnessed a domed disc-shaped obj 4/21/1995 #42165 es, he next drove to the home of a friend. The next day he found several un 9/24/1995 #42508 lawyer and Clinton Administration friend Henry Diamond and John H Gibbons, 11/1/1995 #42576 Aparecida da Silva, 14, and their friend Kátia Andrade Xavier, 22, are cro 1/20/1996 #42695 ave a long hole. The witness and a friend look away for a second, and the o 5/29/1996 #42914 One-time Blue Book head Robert J. Friend says the story is “laughable” and 8/3/1997 #43365 evidence. Blue Book head Robert J. Friend states the story is “laughable,” 8/3/1997 #43367 s in his direction. He woke up his friend and they both saw a figure standi 1/1/1998 #43484 Luis Cuesta Trinidad and a woman friend were camping near the shoreline o 8/24/1998 #43637 e group then accompanied their ill friend down to the nearby road. As they 11/7/1998 #43678 . He went and tried to wake up his friend but was unable to. Two nights lat 7/18/1999 #43807 On this afternoon Michelle and a friend were hiking on a remote trail cal 8/22/1999 #43831 when she became separated from her friend and went ahead. In a short while 8/22/1999 #43831 35-year-old man named Mike and his friend Henry were using their computer a 9/3/1999 #43842 Territory 5:00 a.m. Leah Isaac, a friend, and their small boy are driving 3/30/2000 #43971 Leah’s analog watch stops, and her friend’s digital watch goes blank. 3/30/2000 #43971 d Hal Puthoff discuss an “attorney friend” of a former TRW employee who gat 5/8/2000 #43991 1:30 a.m. a woman and a professor friend of hers had just left a Lions Clu 7/13/2000 #44016 otic technology employee, states a friend of his in Ann Arbor, MI figured o 11/2000 #44070 he was aware of. Czysz states the friend was “terrified that someone would 11/2000 #44070 granddaughter, and an 18-year-old friend. Some odd colored lights in the s 12/13/2000 #44101 11:15 p.m. a security guard and a friend in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina s 5/6/2001 #44180 ters. Seen by security officer and friend for 5 minutes. 5/6/2001 #44180 air by a man, who reported it to a friend the next morning, who posted the 8/24/2001 #44243 , describing the entity as an "old friend". She felt that the entity seemed 5/15/2004 #44701 into the water. He ran and got his friend to see it as well. Other resident 6/9/2004 #44709 raft. Andrey also noticed that his friend Vitya's wristwatch had stopped wh 8/2/2004 #44725 A source “McGarity,” a friend of Col. John Alexander and former 12/5/2005 #44907 ead and so did the car's engine. A friend whom he had succeeded in phoning 2/15/2006 #44923 1:00 a.m. the main witness and his friend were riding around League City, H 10/27/2007 #45080 n Above Top Secret claims a family friend was a senior Naval officer when h 8/4/2008 #45155 on is camping out in a tent with a friend. He sees a large triangular objec 5/8/2009 #45220 flying triangle with lights with a friend while camping on Cumberland Islan 8/16/2010 #45293 but dismissed the idea because his friend, who lived there, said"there aren 2/11/2011 #45314 the UAP cover-up. He also claims a friend of his at Boeing was involved in 11/1/2013 #45393 ator Mark McCandlish, who claims a friend of his, Bradford Sorensen, saw a 12/2014 #45425 “sober and conservative” scientist friend told her a UAP crashed in the mou 4/25/2019 #45572 Canyon near Sedona, AZ she and one friend had a shared dream in which they 10/20/2022 #45779 om was at this location and that a friend of Pandolfi told him to “hang on” 10/20/2022 #45783
e down, so went to lie down in his friend's bedroom. He was lying down rela 7/4/1970 #25727 r was camping out in the yard of a friend's house in Saint Jean Du Gard, Fr 8/9/1972 #26890 object and when he arrived at his friend's house, he called them outside. 9/11/1973 #27803 object and when he arrived at his friend's house, he called them outside. 9/12/1973 #27809 iding home from work at night on a friend's motorbike near Halifax, Yorkshi 9/20/1973 #27849 Driving home from friend's apartment near midnight in the 10/15/1976 #31467 ped UFO in the sky. He walked to a friend's house to tell him but was not b 3/13/1977 #31906 leave the "cloud" they drove to a friend's house, where they discovered th 5/7/1980 #35317 es Province, Argentina riding on a friend's motorcycle, when he spotted abo 8/31/1990 #39707
asional telepathic messages from a friendly space alien named Akon. 10/1917 #968 he waved his ice axe at them in a friendly gesture, one of the beings disc 8/14/1947 #3334 y there, where he meets a group of friendly, intelligent and good-looking m Early 1950's #4457 eason to believe the aircraft were friendly. By 1040 hours, 40 aircraft at 12/6/1950 #5322 e is no reason to believe they are friendly. By radar contact it is determi 12/6/1950 #5329 ” that UFOs are interplanetary and friendly, but they have crashed accident Summer 1951 #5549 of 1,000 mph and disappears toward friendly lines. 6/20/1952 #6562 Bethurum shook hands with all the “friendly” men and asked if their captain 7/27/1952 #7216 and long hair who smiled and made friendly hand gestures. Curious, they de 8/20/1954 #10158 d being of average height who made friendly gestures, then went back into t 9/10/1954 #10283 being of average height who makes friendly gestures. It shakes hands with 9/10/1954 #10285 d being of average height who made friendly gestures, then went back into t 9/10/1954 #10287 a being in a diving suit who made friendly gestures. He was very small and 9/17/1954 #10332 a being in a diving suit who made friendly gestures. The being was very sm 9/17/1954 #10337 eter tall, who approached her with friendly expressions, the older one laug 11/1/1954 #11520 ntral dome remains stationary. The friendly extraterrestrial Akon, with who 12/27/1954 #11864 oes to a “mother ship” filled with friendly space people. At one point a hu 4/7/1956 #12798 t assumes that UFOs are piloted by friendly extraterrestrials. Around the s 1/1957 #13440 a man of average height, who made friendly gestures to the witness. He was 5/1/1957 #13637 a man of average height who makes friendly gestures. He is dressed in a pl 5/1/1957 #13638 t visits to the spaceship and many friendly conversations with its learned 11/5/1957 #14343 th "pasty white faces" that seemed friendly and willing to talk, but he was 11/7/1957 #14457 d "pasty white faces." They seemed friendly and willing to talk, but he was 11/7/1957 #14464 have high crown and they have big, friendly eyes. They have mall mouths and Late 10/1959 #16060 small beings, pale-looking, making friendly gestures. He ran away. The crea 5/13/1960 #16273 small beings, palelooking, making friendly gestures. He ran away. The crea 5/14/1960 #16275 all pallid beings, who were making friendly gestures at him. He ran away. T 5/14/1960 #16277 ne 17, the ships are involved in a friendly fire incident in which the Hoba 6/15/1968 #24040 nds motionless, gazing at him in a friendly fashion. The figure, about five 5/4/1969 #25114 ill there?" Since his tone sounded friendly, they approached him. He then w 5/15/1973 #27492 acknowledged their attention by a friendly look. This time they decided to 7/12/1975 #30175 ven a message saying that they had friendly intentions and wanted to stop u 12/12/1978 #34100 ages to crack, “Let’s hope they’re friendly!” Twice, Startup vainly attempt 12/31/1978 #34246 ig. The beings approached him with friendly gestures and touched his left s 2/6/1980 #35160 FO occupant was six feet tall, and friendly in demeanor; Joseph had a thin 11/28/1980 #35680 emely white skin. They seemed very friendly and appeared intrigued with her 7/15/1981 #36008 ey carried no weapons. Despite the friendly gesture the witness fainted. No 11/29/1982 #36702 ey carried no weapons. Despite the friendly gesture the witness fainted, an 11/30/1982 #36703 “Good evening, doctor.” He gives a friendly reply, and a moment later it is Summer 1985 #37606 nts, harvests of human body parts, friendly and unfriendly alien species, t 12/1987 #38342 both sides. He was then told by a friendly female voice that he would feel 10/15/1997 #43429
The train depot operator and a few friends are walking at Galisteo, New Mex 3/26/1880 #230 30 p.m. C. F. Rowling, 15, and two friends see three perfectly round, pale- Fall 1912 #863 out riding with his family and two friends when their car runs out of oil e Late Summer 1919 #993 , when he is out fishing with some friends. They look like two big silver p Late 10/1920 #1006 vening. Playing hide-and-seek with friends in Bolton, Lancashire, England, 11/1926 #1067 year-old Coral E. Lightner and two friends watch a white object “like an op Summer 1934 #1212 ew York City Fred Wieland and some friends are riding their bicycles on a f Summer 1944 #1610 a great force had struck.” He and friends go to the site but can find noth 9/11/1946 #2177 n area: Gerald Anderson and family/friends witness a crashed UFO with 4 ET’ 7/5/1947 #2679 California Dale Edwards and three friends are camping out in the Desolatio 9/3/1947 #3384 r Force pilot Don Newman and three friends watch a disc-shaped, domed UFO, 7/1948 #3691 ical, but after talking to his old friends Adm. Delmer S. Fahrney and Adm. 5/9/1949 #4175 and show the photos only to a few friends. Eventually it reaches the cover 5/11/1950 #4939 roup-Captain B. S. Cartmel and two friends are at the Wilderness Golf Cours 12/10/1950 #5336 g, “Don’t be afraid, Orfeo, we are friends.” This begins his contact with b 5/23/1952 #6350 uding John Hoffman, his family and friends. One large white circular object 5/25/1952 #6360 pages of questions they and their friends wanted answered regarding UFOs.” 1953 #8469 f its tail, then takes it with two friends, Tom Wilson and Arnold Payne, to 7/7/1953 #8989 rsity in Baton Rouge, who contacts friends at Oak Ridge Laboratory in Tenne 8/19/1953 #9084 n. The next day, Martinez and some friends returned to the site and recover 4/10/1954 #9681 H. Flanagan (a policeman) and some friends recently observed six unidentifi 7/25/1954 #10050 babwe Policeman J. H. Flanagan and friends see 6 UFOs over Enkeldoorn [now 7/25/1954 #10052 Maine, his neighbor. Her two space friends, Affa and Alomar, direct Swan’s 7/28/1954 #10059 rning from Toulouse with two other friends when they saw two small figures 10/9/1954 #10868 stood. The witness went to get his friends, but the thing disappeared in th 10/12/1954 #10971 stood. The witness went to get his friends, but the thing had disappeared i 10/12/1954 #10981 m a flying disc (both of which his friends see when he screams). His friend 12/16/1954 #11823 friends see when he screams). His friends rush the unconscious Paz to a ho 12/16/1954 #11823 Venezuela, Jesus Paz left his two friends in their car and walked off a sh 12/16/1954 #11824 itute a curiosity among “our space friends” on “what has happened to us sin 3/1955 #12022 o that evening, around 10 p.m. two friends out stargazing saw seven perfect 6/6/1957 #13710 nter, Lubbock Allan Haney and some friends “on a number of occasions” climb Summer 1957 #13746 o a Brazilian newsman, analyzed by friends of Dr. Fontes, of Rio, and were 9/10/1957 #13988 . Edna Ireland is driving with two friends near Sibbald, Alberta, when a bl 11/3/1957 #14250 Jacques Jacobson and three of his friends saw a bright, yellowish-white sp 11/6/1957 #14416 Jacques Jacobson and three of his friends saw a bright, yellowish-white sp 11/6/1957 #14440 eum Night. Frank Dickenson and two friends are driving up Reasty Hill near 11/21/1957 #14590 pounds. As he returns to tell his friends, he passes a young couple walkin 11/21/1957 #14590 is mother, brother, and some other friends, all saw a strange object at 6:0 3/31/1959 #15683 lphia experiment to his death, but friends say Jessup has been discussing s 4/20/1959 #15709 ar Marysville, California with two friends when he suddenly found himself o 11/15/1959 #16088 ering, bluish-white craft. His two friends had apparently been put to sleep 11/15/1959 #16088 th Dakota Evening. A group of four friends are hunting on a Sunday in the a Late 11/1961 #16978 f five domed discs that he and two friends see hovering 500 feet above his 2/1962 #17033 nd that Adamski displays it to his friends in a cheap plastic box—which is 5/31/1963 #17774 osé Marcos Gomes Vidal, 7, and his friends Fernando, 12, and Ronaldo Gualbe 8/28/1963 #17922 A 12-year-old boy and seven friends saw a UFO hovering above their s 4/27/1964 #18212 e 10:00 p.m. Donald Schrum and his friends are bow-and-arrow hunting in an 9/5/1964 #18539 ening. Steven Houffer, 16, and six friends are driving on US Highway 250 ne 1/26/1965 #18769 uffer stops the car and he and his friends get out. When they approach, the 1/26/1965 #18769 ld high school senior, and several friends in Newport News, Virginia. They 1/30/1965 #18786 Azevedo, 14, leaves home with two friends to go to a movie theater on the 7/26/1965 #19181 fore the flying object leaves. His friends encourage him to send the photos 8/8/1965 #19341 lene Travers, age 24, was visiting friends in the country and had taken a w 8/11/1966 #20739 ield where the UFO had landed. Her friends had been searching for her for s 8/11/1966 #20739 r legs and ankles. She brought her friends back to the spot where she claim 8/11/1966 #20739 m. Alex Butler, 10, and five young friends are playing on Studham Common as 1/28/1967 #21409 h, South Dakota. He picks up three friends—Dick Makens, Junior Edinger, and 3/12/1967 #21872 ng she had been playing cards with friends and talking about UFOs. 5/1967 #22256 t all! Warren Smith and two of his friends were returning from a weekend pr 7/3/1967 #22597 ado 5:30 p.m. Warren Smith and two friends hiking in the mountains near Hig 7/3/1967 #22600 an Dick Gregory is at a party with friends at Big Sur, California, when thr 10/12/1967 #23228 riend Zamfira Matea, and two other friends are picnicking in the Hoia Baciu 8/18/1968 #24352 appears. Suddenly one of Machado’s friends calls out to him, and the beings 2/7/1969 #24901 aralyzed as the UFO takes off. His friends carry him to a neighbor’s house 2/7/1969 #24901 publicly summons his space brother friends telepathically for 15 minutes in 8/7/1970 #25775 Mattawan, MI A teenager, four friends, and at least one adult reported 10/12/1971 #26421 ess, along with her mother and two friends, were driving to the village of 6/1/1972 #26696 n a garden in the backyard of some friends’ home just off the road to Nîmes 8/9/1972 #26889 brothers and seven other teenaged friends, all on snowmobiles, when at aro 2/26/1973 #27318 a witness on his way to visit his friends, a young married couple, saw the 9/11/1973 #27803 a witness on his way to visit his friends, a young married couple, saw the 9/12/1973 #27809 e, Ontario, Canada along with some friends during the evening when a strang 9/26/1973 #27872 the object and saw several of her friends being led towards different sect 9/26/1973 #27872 out of the camper and warned their friends who were asleep in a nearby tent 10/14/1973 #28031 nothing unusual and believed their friends had gone crazy. They took them d 10/14/1973 #28031 e. Actor Warren Oates is with four friends (Lee Clayton, Trina Mitchum, Jud 1/1/1975 #29690 At 12:50 p.m. Richard W. and three friends, Pat S., Nancy T., and Ross K. w 7/12/1975 #30175 ing red lights. Gary Duran and two friends also see the object while walkin 8/14/1975 #30270 fraid, they woke the rest of their friends. Suddenly all six of them saw a 8/18/1975 #30288 k to the truck now and then as his friends continue to plead with him. Comi 11/5/1975 #30562 y 11:15 p.m. Mona Stafford and two friends, Louise Smith and Elaine Thomas, 1/6/1976 #30770 d’s house; then they got two other friends, and armed with a 22-caliber rif 1/11/1976 #30785 onster “were either Doc Shiels, or friends of Doc Shiels, or relatives of D 4/17/1976 #30998 nandez Rolla was playing with some friends in a field outside of town, when 4/23/1976 #31016 nandez Rolla was playing with some friends in a field outside of town, when 4/23/1976 #31019 on a nearby field. All of Fidel's friends fled in panic, so he was left be 4/23/1976 #31019 his wife Teresa Lacave, and their friends Jose Valles and wife Pilar Osbor 8/10/1976 #31252 Brothers Jim and Jack Weiner, with friends Charles Foltz and Charles Rak, c 8/20/1976 #31282 ay in their pickup. They stop at a friends’ house and draw their attention 9/10/1976 #31371 Paul Bennett was playing with five friends near Westfield Grove in Wrose, Y 10/15/1976 #31465 has to be driven home in tears by friends. His friends and family see the 2/25/1977 #31847 iven home in tears by friends. His friends and family see the object as a “ 2/25/1977 #31847 t in Dover, Massachusetts with two friends at 11:30 at night when he saw a 4/21/1977 #32009 "did not open her mouth to talk." Friends and neighbors spent an entire da 5/10/1977 #32083 ort to the police, and he told his friends but was laughed at. 6/12/1977 #32161 edondo, age 17, and several of his friends saw a "flattened walnut" UFO. Th 8/28/1977 #32436 urno, where they found three other friends, and all of them drove back to t 8/30/1977 #32441 k to Sturno where they found three friends, and all five returned by car. T 8/31/1977 #32446 few minutes, but later recovered. Friends visiting the farmer later found 12/2/1977 #32727 John C., age 10, and his friends Eddy and Michael H. (8 and 10 ye 1/31/1978 #32930 Gary Oickle, David Oickle, and two friends are sitting around a campfire in 3/22/1978 #33072 rolina 10:15 p.m. Graham Niven and friends are listening to the radio in Ra 6/1978 #33246 Evelyn Clayton's family and friends were out on the front porch of h 8/21/1978 #33540 cava drives off in a Fiat with two friends toward the light, but their engi 9/7/1978 #33645 Sr. Gordillo and three friends were out hunting in the pre-dawn 11/24/1978 #33996 f Miami, Florida with three family friends when the car engine suddenly fai 1/3/1979 #34287 f Miami, Florida with three family friends when the car engine suddenly fai 1/3/1979 #34292 iel dos Santos is hunting with two friends in a forest near Baependi, Minas 5/16/1979 #34563 el dos Santos was hunting with two friends in a forest near Baependi, Minas 5/16/1979 #34564 , had a solid reputation among his friends and neighbors. 7/25/1979 #34681 urn takes three photographs of his friends’ fishing boat coming out of the 10/27/1979 #34970 showed him numerous photographs of friends and others, whom he did not know 12/2/1979 #35040 was returning home after visiting friends during a powerful electrical sto 4/20/1980 #35281 Anderson, SC Two friends saw a rounded, seamless disc-sha 9/11/1980 #35512 as Seixas de Mattos and two of his friends were returning to Rio de Janeiro 9/25/1980 #35535 in his backyard, announces to his friends and parents that he is going to 11/29/1980 #35683 witness is on the beach with some friends at Chalupy on the Hel peninsula, 8/8/1981 #36064 ter having a late dinner with some friends, Mauricio Cavallo decided to dri 9/11/1981 #36110 ter having a late dinner with some friends, Mauricio Cavallo decided to dri 9/12/1981 #36112 and by the time she arrived at her friends they had lost nearly three hours 9/1982 #36588 ernon, IN 7:05 PM. Young man & two friends saw a light with light-beam. (Ri 4/11/1983 #36837 Danny Gordon and two friends were driving out from Wytheville 10/23/1987 #38311 ia at 7:50 p.m., a witness and two friends saw a bright light in the valley 3/1/1988 #38479 10:00 p.m. Eileen Ballard and four friends are outside in Stafford, England 5/16/1988 #38570 Dry Lake Bob Lazar takes groups of friends on Wednesday nights into the des Spring 1989 #38876 the witness was walking with some friends on the beach of the Caspian Sea 9/3/1989 #39089 RTL on July 26, 2011. He and some friends take a sheet of Styrofoam, cut i 4/4/1990 #39509 ening. A woman is walking with two friends near the Etang de l’Ursine in Ch 2/6/1991? #39974 and, Mozambique, etc., or those of friends, to send letters from there.” Ho 4/1993 #40920 Lethbridge, Alberta 12:30 a.m. Two friends are watching the Perseid meteor 8/12/1993 #41133 Evan Canoose and two of his friends had been camping in the area of 2/10/1995 #42033 On December 15, Marcílio and some friends return to look for traces and fi 12/12/1995 #42641 onehenge megaliths in England, two friends of author Lucy Pringle became il 7/9/1996 #42953 or Christopher O'Brien and his two friends Dumas and Nickerson spotted a so 10/26/1996 #43097 Alessandro Boscolo and two friends were driving home near Isola Ver 11/9/1996 #43110 back into the vehicle with his two friends, they saw that the light was com 11/9/1996 #43110 field. Frightened, Boscolo and his friends drove away from the scene at hig 11/9/1996 #43110 d Evening. Grzegorz Nowak and four friends are visiting the monument to the 6/18/1997 #43328 denons, Italy along with two other friends went into the woods where they l 9/5/1997 #43395 Three friends in Manito, Illinois saw a light, 4/25/1998 #43558 At 12:30 a.m. a group of friends were sitting in a house in Victo 1/24/2000 #43933 sandrovich Srartsev and two of his friends were out in a wooded field near 7/25/2000 #44022 ely naked, in front of his stunned friends. He said that he had been abduct 7/25/2000 #44022 aw enforcement officer and several friends are cooking dinner over an open 11/2000 #44069 an. The main witness reported, "My friends own an Internet café, and I clos 9/25/2002 #44406 was almost abducted, along with my friends, I think we all feared for our l 2/11/2003 #44486 tness, June Mark M. Sepe, and some friends were camping near some woods in 6/14/2005 #44847 und two o'clock in the morning two friends awoke to a low humming sound, an 1/30/2006 #44920 started calling family members and friends on his cellphone, but it soon we 2/15/2006 #44923 ke, McCandless, Pennsylvania, with friends when he sees a strange light shi 4/6/2007 #45016 AFB. Lytle also states he was good friends with Gen. William Blanchard, for 1/1/2008 #45110 At 7:00 p.m. two friends in Jeffersonville, Indiana were 5/16/2010 #45283 At around 2:00 a.m. two friends were walking on the beach in Cle 2/11/2011 #45314 nd emails to people’s families and friends. Who would possibly trust a gove 2/24/2014 #45402
xperience were returning from some friends' house where they had been watch 6/7/2008 #45146
Baltimore (Bet. Friendship Airfield and), MD MATS C-47 C 2/12/1952 #5899 -47 transport plane flying between Friendship Airfield and Baltimore, Maryl 2/12/1952 #5900 him about their contacts and their friendship with George Hunt Williamson. Late 8/1952 #7734 Astronaut John Glenn pilots the Friendship 7 Project Mercury capsule for 2/20/1962 #17055 UFO. Diemert was at his airfield, Friendship Field, when the object was si 4/10/1975 #29984
ead fish float to the surface. The frigate KNM Arendal and the submarine KN 6/1/1958 #15074 nd were a number of dead fish. The frigate KNM Arendal and the submarine KN 6/1/1958 #15075 ir, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Frigate Bird” 5/6/1962 #17151 t had been tracked by radar by the Frigate SA Trafalberg, and the Naval hea 5/7/1989 #38939
fficers on Kvamsøy. Norwegian Navy frigates drop mines on the object. 11/20/1972 #27129 next day the KNM Oslo and two more frigates join the search. At 4:55 p.m., 4/27/1983 #36846
ing from Sturno, Avelino, Italy to Frigento when they saw three red lights 8/30/1977 #32441 Sturno Frigento Avellino, Italy 12:30–3:15 a.m. 8/31/1977 #32445 rry on the road between Sturno and Frigento, Avellino, Italy. Near the obje 8/31/1977 #32445 were walking from Sturno, Italy to Frigento when they saw three red lights 8/31/1977 #32446
s, when his horse whirls around in fright. A brilliant light as if from an 4/16/1897 #510 anoid figure. However, seized with fright he did not stay longer to investi 10/6/1954 #10758 from the impact. Gómez faints from fright, and both men are scratched and b 12/9/1954 #11788 rom the impact. Gomez fainted from fright, and both young men were scratche 12/10/1954 #11798 response. His dog was shaking with fright at the sight of the strange figur 11/24/1965 #19734 nd he rolls around, screaming with fright. His mother and grandmother come 3/19/1968 #23849 round on the ground screaming with fright. Both his mother and grandmother 3/19/1968 #23850 ed to go on and was shivering from fright. By the time David came back to t 4/26/1969 #25096 orange light beam and paralyzed by fright. As the object ascends with a whi 7/25/1970 #25750 riverbank. As the men, frozen with fright, watch, a door appears in the obj 10/11/1973 #27997 The older man nearly fainted from fright. After awhile they began to hear 10/30/1978 #33894 The older man nearly fainted from fright. Two bright rotating beams of lig 10/30/1978 #33898 g its flight. This created a great fright among those present. Altogether f 10/31/1978 #33902 and violet lights. The men fled in fright. 12/25/1978 #34207 t boy through patio door! Frozen / fright. 5/10/1995 #42194 caused one of the men to scream in fright. One of them managed to see a lar 4/12/2008 #45128
matches and throwing them down to frighten the beings away; they back away 9/5/1964 #18539
ay, and was gone in 10 minutes. It frightened the four witnesses, but left 8/7/1869 #181 whooshing sound. The horse remains frightened even after the object leaves. Mid Summer 1900 #641 made a strange whirring noise that frightened the horses. A flying fuselage 7/31/1909 #795 shaped object hovered overhead and frightened the animal. Three human looki 8/3/1909 #800 also see the object and are badly frightened. Summer 1910 #839 after it passes. His companion is frightened and insists on returning to t 5/1931 #1126 lticolored lights on its tail end. Frightened, they dive into a nearby snow 10/1936 #1250 which resolved itself into a disc, frightened Ms. M. Voigt of Edgerton, Wis 7/4/1947 #2678 rt legs, apparently without heads. Frightened, he fired at them three times 2/17/1949 #4014 rt legs, apparently without heads. Frightened, he fired a gun at them three 2/17/1949 #4016 r direction. When they saw the two frightened witnesses they glided back in 9/20/1954 #10374 anding in front of it. Roy becomes frightened and races to the nearest gend 10/6/1954 #10756 Small humanoid (or Grey) laughs at frightened observer. Flies / very high s 10/14/1954 #11010 mall being with an odd face, which frightened him enormously. The creature 10/18/1954 #11219 ature scrutinized them they became frightened. The object suddenly descende 10/29/1954 #11482 ms of light. The farm animals were frightened by it. The incident lasted 30 11/4/1954 #11566 d the car with arms raised. As the frightened witnesses sped away, they saw 11/10/1954 #11619 the witness and smiled at him. The frightened witness fell to the ground an 12/30/1954 #11882 mi-circle. Others horses were also frightened when these UFOs made 5-6 more 11/25/1956 #13353 d in the community when a group of frightened teenagers came within inches 7/30/1957 #13860 neously and the engine restarts. A frightened Saucedo calls the occurrence 11/2/1957 #14216 beam toward the ground. He was so frightened that he drove home on a half- 1/13/1958 #14823 beam toward the ground. He was so frightened that he drove home on a flat 1/13/1958 #14825 be afraid, we will not harm you." Frightened, he tried to run away but was 9/13/1959 #15973 ) on the map, three fisherman were frightened when a luminous disc hovered 5/13/1960 #16269 im, he could see occupants inside. Frightened, he ran back to his car where 9/19/1961 #16848 tare directly at them. They became frightened and drove away. A "beeping so 9/19/1961 #16858 head of him on the road. He was so frightened that he lost control of his b 9/30/1961 #16880 hile still ahead of him. He was so frightened that he lost control of his b 9/30/1961 #16882 an on his rounds at 4:15 a.m., was frightened by a UFO which approached his 10/31/1963 #18014 s “told by a man who obviously was frightened badly by what he did see.” He 11/5/1964 #18607 from their house. Their dog became frightened. Ten to twelve 7'-8' tall men 11/25/1964 #18638 a voice frpm it saying, “Do not be frightened, we are not hostile.” It desc 1/30/1965 #18785 e was another figure moving about. Frightened, the boys ran from the spot. 8/3/1965 #19294 four legs. Crespo’s son became so frightened that he became nauseated, so 8/26/1965 #19466 display and in fact were somewhat frightened by it. They hung around for a 11/13/1965 #19719 come on all around the small one. Frightened, the girls run home. Over the 3/1966 #19930 pproaches and hovers 50 feet away. Frightened, he takes his .22 magnum pist 3/23/1966 #20052 the objects and received a shock. Frightened, he ran home. His parents con 3/29/1966 #20134 the objects and receives a shock. Frightened, he runs home. His parents co 3/29/1966 #20140 in about 40 feet, and hovered. The frightened witnesses fled at high speed, 4/22/1966 #20366 ser and hovered only 40 feet away. Frightened, they drove off at high speed 4/22/1966 #20376 was staring directly at her, which frightened her. One of the women who was 11/5/1966 #21078 d not be seen. This "terrible" man frightened the boy although he could not 1/13/1967 #21300 this point the girls became quite frightened and tried to flee, but all th 1/25/1967 #21388 arents and her seven children were frightened by a pulsating reddish-orange 1/25/1967 #21389 row of bright lights. She lets the frightened dog inside and it promptly hi 2/22/1967 #21623 and green lights. The beagle is so frightened that its hair stands up strai 3/7/1967 #21787 window. A dog in the car was badly frightened. The UFO, which was reportedl 3/7/1967 #21788 g up a hill, the car engine stops. Frightened, they let the car coast back 3/12/1967 #21872 turned and fled to his car, badly frightened and in an agitated state. Whe 4/21/1967 #22200 then descended. The witness became frightened and fled the scene when the U 4/28/1967 #22246 ff and on twice. The couple become frightened and drive to the nearest town 5/7/1967? #22295 top and looked metallic. He became frightened and emptied his .25 calibre B 5/11/1967 #22319 ared to land, whereupon she became frightened and went into the house. The 5/31/1967 #22430 d and appeared to land. She became frightened and ran inside her house. The 5/31/1967 #22433 nesses reported that they were too frightened to sleep after their encounte 8/9/1967 #22853 ouse. He is armed with a rifle and frightened, so da Souza shoots the close 8/13/1967 #22873 t he had seen a Martian. He was so frightened he threw up. 8/16/1967 #22886 d within ten feet of the creature. Frightened, he stepped on the gas and dr 8/26/1967 #22936 om time to time. The couple became frightened when the object followed them 12/28/1967 #23617 hrough a skylight. The girl became frightened at this point and went to bed 2/21/1968 #23774 head at about 100 meters altitude. Frightened, they watched from the van wh 5/17/1968 #23970 back and forth. Mr. Banescu became frightened and attempted desperately to 5/22/1968 #23980 oid figure wearing a silvery suit. Frightened, she managed to grab hold of 7/15/1968 #24179 ing color visible on their faces.” Frightened, she ran to her nearest neigh 9/24/1968 #24509 e his eyes are burning. Thoroughly frightened, Milakovic pushes his wife an 11/20/1968 #24672 e paddock and fences caused by the frightened animals. 2/16/1969 #24923 by a force that repelled him. This frightened him and he ran off, "shaking 2/22/1969 #24939 id of the first witness who was so frightened by the figure's appearance sh 3/22/1969 #25037 t only a few meters away from him. Frightened, he hurried on, but walking t 3/22/1969 #25037 ade a humming sound. Their dog was frightened. 4/22/1969 #25083 and her daughter off, he left in a frightened state, without collecting his 4/25/1969 #25091 the witness. She closed her door, frightened about being discovered, but h 8/16/1970 #25791 sent out signals. The boys became frightened and ran away. 8/19/1970 #25796 a high-pitched whine. Horses were frightened by the presence of the UFO. A 10/5/1970 #25870 ched the object on foot but became frightened and ran back to the car. As t 10/24/1970 #25886 d falls 7 feet to the steps below. Frightened but largely unhurt, he runs a 4/2/1971 #26064 , perhaps about 10 feet in height. Frightened, they drove away quickly. 4/14/1971 #26073 ome without stopping. He left in a frightened state without collecting his 4/24/1971 #26081 ill in the grass, moaning and very frightened. The next day seven holes whe 5/15/1971 #26111 ence of the witness, Paquin became frightened and fled. 7/12/1971 #26224 like motion and then settled down. Frightened, he began to run toward the o 8/16/1971 #26291 he size of an overgrown softball." Frightened, the young men took off for h 8/17/1971 #26293 nd they shine the light once more. Frightened, he flees to Aznalcóllar to i 9/12/1971? #26330 then ran the rest of the way home, frightened and totally confused. 12/13/1971 #26496 ide the road. She drove home badly frightened. She went to bed but at about 3/7/1972 #26590 a welding torch. Mario now becomes frightened and runs to call his mother. 3/19/1972 #26617 one approaching through the trees. Frightened, they ran to their car and be 8/6/1972 #26882 altitude. The observers drove away frightened. 1/14/1973 #27235 or windows in the room, and became frightened; she started to cry and "woke 2/22/1973 #27310 no name, and "confided that he was frightened of people." At his invitation 5/15/1973 #27492 curity animals that are not easily frightened. Richards thinks it strange t 6/28/1973 #27598 Ramos the impression that they had frightened the being into jumping. But t 10/20/1973 #28222 intermittent red. The boys are now frightened and start to run away as the 11/16/1973 #28434 mer reported that a low flying UFO frightened his livestock. 12/3/1973 #28515 d-shaped eyes. The witness was not frightened and said she felt a sudden se 1/8/1974 #28669 Chelsea, OK Dog and cattle frightened by slow moving oval (NICAP: 0 2/18/1974 #28780 They called out and got no answer. Frightened, they jumped back into their 3/1/1974 #28843 me figures approached him. He ran, frightened, and they followed him. They 3/26/1974 #28957 t 4:10 a.m. Birds in the area were frightened by the UFO, and the eyes of t 8/12/1974 #29338 reaction was noted: their cat was frightened and ran away. The UFO had the 8/16/1974 #29364 took off running again, thoroughly frightened. The figure was small, reachi 11/21/1974 #29601 he eyes were large and protruding. Frightened, Mr. Bosak sped up past the o 12/2/1974 #29631 in St. Hilaire de Cambrai, France. Frightened, the dogs ran and jumped onto 3/31/1975 #29927 ir arms around. The witness became frightened and ran home. Around the same 6/1/1975 #30074 a Brosse, Seine-Marne, France. The frightened observers filed a police repo 8/11/1975 #30251 very quickly toward the young men. Frightened, they took off on the motorbi 8/22/1975 #30298 n Sous Fleron, Liege, Belgium were frightened by a being dressed entirely i 9/10/1975 #30351 lighted object followed and badly frightened 12-year-old Imelda Victor and 9/15/1975 #30363 eventhough the hand brake was on. Frightened, the two teenagers left the a 10/1/1975 #30409 saw oscillating blue light in sky. Frightened, she took cover in some under 10/25/1975 #30472 and get out to watch for a while. Frightened, they drive into town to noti 11/17/1975 #30636 St. Stephen’s Church. They are so frightened by the sight of a large “feat 4/17/1976 #30998 place of the nose and mouth. It so frightened the entire family that they e 4/17/1976 #30999 rge doll, perhaps 1–1.5 feet tall. Frightened, the two women hurry away, no 9/3/1976 #31336 and claw-like fingers. Apparently frightened by the witnesses, they put bo 9/3/1976 #31340 or’s house, shining a light on it. Frightened, Pecha grabs his two children 9/10/1976 #31371 m the ground. They were both badly frightened and the driver turned off the 11/14/1976 #31549 A lounge owner and an employee are frightened when an object 3 times the si 11/23/1976 #31568 him in 5 seconds. He cycles away, frightened, and has to be driven home in 2/25/1977 #31847 —only that they saw something that frightened them. He claims he only left 4/25/1977 #32026 move toward them, the girls became frightened and fled. When they reached a 5/18/1977 #32111 no one there and it was then dark. Frightened and upset, she ran back home. 8/3/1977 #32356 slant, perpendicular to the slope. Frightened, they decided not to drive th 8/30/1977 #32441 d as if by a halo, and they became frightened and went back to Sturno, retu 8/31/1977 #32446 that looked like an enormous hat. Frightened, he started to run when a blu 9/15/1977 #32485 sort of helmet. The witness became frightened and ran home. 10/26/1977 #32619 en earlier with the figure, became frightened, and drove off. 11/13/1977 #32671 ast at 100 km/h. He reported being frightened by his encounter with the obj 11/23/1977 #32694 ose to the ground. Both men became frightened and fled in panic from the cl 1/6/1978 #32856 o measure it. The witnesses become frightened and run from the area, and as 1/27/1978 #32919 o measure it. The witnesses became frightened and ran from the area, and as 1/27/1978 #32921 hat Julio found disturbing. By now frightened, he hesitated before stepping 2/5/1978 #32957 ignored the trio and kept digging. Frightened all three men ran across the 2/17/1978 #32974 am, and inside they seem dazed and frightened. She and her mother notice a 4/6/1978 #33128 steps and bounds. This apparently frightened the witness who yelled for he 4/25/1978 #33169 pearance. An 11-year-old boy is so frightened that he hides behind the back 4/29/1978 #33179 tion standing over the tracks. The frightened witnesses fled the area and l 7/10/1978 #33363 d a human shape with two antennae. Frightened, he runs away but falls as fo 9/21/1978 #33723 nnae-like protrusions on its head. Frightened, he began to run away but fel 9/21/1978 #33725 ed to be shaped like pincers. This frightened him and he fainted again, and 9/21/1978 #33725 ithin 20 meters, so he stopped and frightened, yelled at them. He heard his 10/15/1978 #33837 d appear elderly. They ignore him. Frightened, he runs behind a bush. When 10/25/1978 #33873 gray coveralls. The witness became frightened and drove away from the area. 11/11/1978 #33945 low humming noises. The men became frightened and left the area. Large foot 11/24/1978 #33996 ing their arms. The witness became frightened and went back inside. 11/28/1978 #34015 wn as if he was picking things up. Frightened, the witness ran away from th 1/13/1979 #34338 e, and is the size of a small car. Frightened, the girls run up the hill bu 2/22/1979 #34444 him and leaves his eyes irritated. Frightened, he drops the camera and runs 5/16/1979 #34563 d him and left his eyes irritated. Frightened, he dropped the camera and ra 5/16/1979 #34564 n’s face feels like it is burning. Frightened, he runs away and does not lo 5/22/1979 #34574 to the object. The witness became frightened and ran home. The grass had b 11/27/1979 #35022 Poland spreading a blinding light. Frightened, the couple living in the hou 4/6/1980 #35258 r 13-year-old girl, when they were frightened by the sudden appearance of a 5/7/1980 #35317 ut of sight. The witness was badly frightened, and claimed to have a headac 9/26/1980 #35538 l attracted to it, and alternately frightened and secure while he sat in hi 11/28/1980 #35680 acting strangely. His wife became frightened and went back to bed. Later, 2/13/1981 #35827 Mrs. Thew, who is driving, becomes frightened and speeds up to 65 mph in an 7/12/1981 #36002 tly illuminated car, witness badly frightened, memory loss. Fired pistol at 8/30/1981 #36091 tly illuminated car, witness badly frightened, memory loss. Fired pistol at 8/30/1981 #36092 ed to flee the scene. He was badly frightened by the experience, and discov 8/30/1981 #36093 ad very large dark eyes. Initially frightened, the witness became very calm 9/20/1981 #36134 wards the creature and the lights. Frightened, he fled the scene along with 10/24/1981 #36185 d her. She hears no sound and gets frightened. After speeding up to a full 2/2/1982 #36321 told him to step out of the truck. Frightened, he refused to move, thinking 2/19/1982 #36357 g them on their right. They become frightened when they see a blinking red 4/8/1982 #36442 cted to the hose. The women became frightened and ran inside. The police we 7/22/1982 #36545 ng a strange "swishing" sound. The frightened witness retreated and grabbed 11/10/1982 #36678 Yorktown, NY Cat appears frightened when V-shaped lights appear ( 3/24/1983 #36800 brilliant white light. They are so frightened they flee to the basement. Th 1/9/1986 #37762 rilliant white light. They were so frightened they fled to the basement. 1/9/1986 #37763 e close approach. The crew becomes frightened by the large object and reque 11/17/1986 #38072 lder's torch and felt facial pain. Frightened, it occurred to him that he c 5/10/1989 #38942 me trees, and the little girl gets frightened. The beings relent and board 7/4/1989 #39007 a big air carrier.” They both are frightened, so Amond starts the car agai 12/11/1989 #39313 made no sound. The witnesses were frightened and resumed driving to get aw 1/12/1990 #39376 m that was very foul smelling. The frightened witnesses fled the area on fo 3/24/1990 #39485 ly in front of him. He then became frightened and hid behind a light pole. 7/23/1990 #39658 their two Dobermans howling as if frightened, apparently upset by a peculi 3/31/1991 #40025 laying a game, and Escobar becomes frightened. When it approaches, his inst 6/8/1991 #40092 ht outside caught their attention. Frightened, they looked out and saw a hu 12/1/1991 #40251 d beings standing in front of him. Frightened, he asked them in Portuguese 3/5/1992 #40359 ol car, E-M effects, officer badly frightened 3/19/1992 #40389 a humming sound. Farm animals were frightened by the object. 8/27/1993 #41165 re or some form of apparition. Not frightened by their presence, she watche 11/18/1993 #41284 , and then looked in a window. The frightened witness hid. The beings then 12/9/1993 #41327 d flew off to the north. The event frightened her badly. 12/29/1994 #41912 t gray entities appeared. Although frightened, he experienced telepathic co 4/3/1995 #42137 ead rapidly from side to side. The frightened children quickly left the are 4/3/1995 #42138 icle at terrific speed. Completely frightened, the witness sped up some mor 4/3/1995 #42138 ts. The kids in the car were badly frightened. 8/15/1995 #42388 front of her SUV and disappeared. Frightened, she returned home to tell he 1/4/1996 #42666 n found earlier. A soldier becomes frightened when he sees a creature appar 1/20/1996 #42694 began moving towards the witness. Frightened, he jumped into bed and hid u 3/7/1996 #42815 came down behind him. Rusu became frightened when he saw the object hoveri 7/8/1996 #42950 began hearing voices in his head. Frightened, he tried to hide behind some 7/16/1996 #42959 s staring at them. The girl became frightened and covered herself with a bl 7/22/1996 #42963 int the witnesses became extremely frightened and drove away. They arrived 9/23/1996 #43039 rds the light source on the field. Frightened, Boscolo and his friends drov 11/9/1996 #43110 his two passengers were extremely frightened and did not stop, driving qui 11/23/1996 #43118 fter the glow vanishes, he remains frightened and a bit sick. The car is co 1/27/1997 #43178 two hoses, one over each shoulder. Frightened, she brought her two children 2/13/1997 #43191 niform. All three witnesses became frightened and hid until the object and 2/16/1997 #43194 ark black eyes. The witness became frightened and drove off. No one else ap 6/5/1997 #43313 back. The witness is inexplicably frightened. 6/8/1997 #43318 h had a bizarre crest on its back. Frightened, he ran away from the area an 8/3/1997 #43366 she thought she was being watched. Frightened, she went back inside her hou 9/9/1997 #43403 pe of helmet could be seen inside. Frightened, he ran inside his house but 1/11/1998 #43498 face and eyes of a humanoid being. Frightened, she ran to her trailer and c 2/27/1998 #43524 r through a rear passenger window. Frightened, he got out of the car and sa 2/21/1999 #43733 pointed head with very long arms. Frightened, he went back inside his hous 5/23/1999 #43773 number of seconds. The couple was frightened but unharmed. 8/26/1999 #43835 ating from the object, then became frightened. 11/26/1999 #43889 s finally able to open them again. Frightened, she called additional househ 7/31/2000 #44024 kind of charged energy in the air. Frightened, the woman ran inside the hou 8/2/2000 #44026 mpt to enter the nearby field. The frightened witnesses accelerated away fr 7/26/2001 #44211 crid odor like burnt wiring. Badly frightened, Arias ran from his van and i 7/21/2002 #44362 Jackson-Covington, GA Dog frightened during sighting of nocturnal 8/12/2002 #44379 craft. "At this point we were very frightened," the main witness reported. 5/16/2003 #44538 camping gear and headed home very frightened and confused. 5/16/2003 #44538 ny "thing". She awoke feeling very frightened, around 6:30 a.m. 2/13/2004 #44664 beings, but were too surprised and frightened to take any photos on their c 9/4/2008 #45165 ing wearing some sort of a helmet. Frightened, the man decided to climb dow 8/18/2009 #45236 17 p.m. The witness reported being frightened, and sheltering by running in 5/3/2010 #45277
lphur or arnica." Maceiras was not frightened---in fact he called out to th 12/30/1972 #27193
Nuremberg, Germany Dusk. A “frightening vision” is seen in the sky a 4/4/1561 #32 he southwest, dropping sparks, and frightening his cattle and horses. The f 7/4/1947 #2665 s the sighting as “one of the most frightening experiences I have ever had. 8/4/1950 #5105 sonnel observed an UFO moving at a frightening speed doing incredible maneu 7/3/1965 #19056 ttsfield, Pennsylvania following a frightening close encounter experience w 1/28/1967 #21411 ve in their car for a few minutes, frightening the witnesses, and then asce 12/26/1967 #23612 BUCHAREST, ROM Star flies / frightening speed. Turns on and off at r 2/1969 #24883 f the same short entities he had a frightening encounter with earlier that 5/21/1969 #25153 r night a couple reported seeing a frightening object as they were about to 12/13/1973 #28567 beam came through the roof, badly frightening her. She was immediately att 10/26/1977 #32618 ime, three 16-year-old girls saw a frightening monster while driving 15 mil 12/18/1977 #32798 aced on the kitchen table. Later a frightening abduction was recalled under 7/15/1979 #34656 eature’s eyes suddenly became red, frightening the witness. A second, green 8/10/1989 #39055 out the baby, and later by another frightening incident. A few months later 5/5/1992 #40454
Night. A 2-foot red blinking light frightens children over the Walnut housi Early 4/1958 #14959 y. The object’s strange appearance frightens Schrum, so he climbs back up i 9/5/1964 #18539 aches within 65 feet of it, and it frightens him considerably. Around 8:00 5/1971 #26092 wirling the grass beneath it. This frightens him and he backs away. Climbin 9/1/1974 #29417
lesta, age 52, saw two beings with frightful yellowish faces, wearing tight 9/21/1968 #24496
firmed, salvo. Country: USA Name: “Frijoles-Deming” YieldMax: 80KT 9/22/1971 #26362
ic children. They wore somekind of frill around the neck - somewhat like a 2/24/1977 #31846
Frimley, Surrey, England A woman militar 4/1974 #28982 GEC-Marconi contracting company in Frimley, Surrey, England, learns that a 4/1974 #28982
ation to believe in paranormal and fringe phenomena, or prophesies concerni 4/14/1950 #4853 iptical-shaped object with a light fringe, descend fast (NICAP: 01 - Distan 7/19/1952 #6923 iptical-shaped object with a light fringe, travelled down fast, made a 360 7/19/1952 #6927 iptical-shaped object with a light fringe over Williston, North Dakota, for 7/19/1952 #6929 d elliptical object with a lighted fringe at 2:55 a.m. while flying over Wi 7/19/1952 #6938 objects with white and blue-green fringe, flew from south to north with so 10/29/1953 #9260 (s). Great white disk / blue-short fringe going quickly southeast. X-fast. 12/17/1953 #9376 a.m. a huge white disc with a blue fringe flew off toward the southeast at 12/17/1953 #9382 craft gave them the impression of fringe. It passed over at high speed. 9/4/1954 #10247 all, as his head reaches the outer fringe of the craft. He wears a helmet l 10/28/1962 #17513 a red and white color with a green fringe. Witness photographed the UFOs on 11/6/1967 #23412 e on his paper-white cheeks, and a fringe of red hair fell onto his forehea 5/15/1973 #27492 d advance serious study of various fringe science and paranormal topics, es 12/1995 #42635
FRINTON, ESSEX 3 observer(s). 2 white ov 3/14/1995 #42091
CABO FRIO, BRZ 20M object rises / sea. 2 pseu 9/1956 #13163 Cabo Frio, Brazil O. Guarichi was walking on 9/1956 #13165 CABO FRIO, BRZ Several observer(s). Night lig 3/28/1970 #25612 lfonso was walking his dog in Cabo Frio, Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil at 8: 2/4/1999 #43722
FRIOL, SP 3+observer(s). Glowing-sphere/ 3/6/1996 #42808 p.m. a glowing sphere hovered over Friol, Spain. The main witness signaled 3/6/1996 #42812
bbles. Going up. Spins away like a frisbee. 4/30/1964 #18225 he sees a dark object resembling a Frisbee. It is moving swiftly, and he ta 3/18/1975 #29910 IN 1 observer and more. 8m double frisbee saucer. Smooth surface. Camoufla 3/25/1975 #29917 APOLIS, IN 1+kids. Car-size silver frisbee stops. Shoots going quickly sout 8/21/1978 #33535 ar old children, watched a silver "frisbee" from their front porch. Standin 8/21/1978 #33536 ok, perhaps as large as a car. The Frisbee has a sharp outline and metallic 8/21/1978 #33538 ough binoculars. It looked "like a frisbee that was dropped and floating do 2/19/1979 #34436 LAND Flutter sound. Yellow-glowing frisbee in straight and level trajectory 2/9/1995 #42028 pe of ship. It looked like a giant Frisbee" between the Forth Canal and the 11/8/1995 #42588 The object, flat and shaped like a Frisbee, flips on its underside, which i 8/11/2003 #44574
ildren, 8 and 10, watches a silver Frisbee-like object from their front por 8/21/1978 #33538
Meitner and her nephew Otto Robert Frisch, who compares it to the biologica 1/13/1939 #1304 m in England Australia Otto Robert Frisch and Rudolf Peierls, two researche 3/1940 #1326
ipate in secret war work—issue the Frisch-Peierls memorandum. It contradict 3/1940 #1326 nd, established in response to the Frisch-Peierls memorandum to determine i 4/10/1940 #1331
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Frisco” Yield: 20KT YieldMax: 150KT 9/23/1982 #36613 shaped object flying silently over Frisco, Texas as 8:30 p.m. The sighting 11/9/2007 #45092
East Frisia, Lower Saxony, Germany Night. Fre 1909 #719 er a village one mile away in East Frisia, Lower Saxony, Germany. A minute 1909 #719
S, MI Many observer(s). White disk frisks all over/all about sky / several 1/25/1953 #8566
Knoxville, Tennessee, lets his dog Frisky outside and sees an object like a 11/6/1957 #14422 lls to bring the dog back and sees Frisky with other dogs on the other side 11/6/1957 #14422 ner. One of the men tries to catch Frisky who grunts and moves away. They a 11/6/1957 #14422
Paris Observatory Swiss astronomer Fritjof Le Coultre at the Geneva Observa 10/1913 #892
hemist Otto Hahn and his assistant Fritz Strassmann at the Kaiser Wilhelm I 12/17/1938 #1301 ia Former Messerschmidt test pilot Fritz Wendel tells US Army CIC that the 11/1947 #3474 Kingman, AZ Dr. Ed Doll orders Fritz Werner to report for special duty 5/20/1953 #8886 Kingman, AZ Fritz Werner (pseudonym), engineer at Wr 5/21/1953 #8892 retrieval near Kingman, Arizona. “Fritz Werner” [pseudonym of Arthur G. St 5/21/1953 #8897 According to a letter by Fritz A. Werner to J. Allen Hynek dated 5/21/1953 #8898 AEC for Operation Upshot-Knothole “Fritz Werner” (pseudonym) states he was 5/21/1953 #8899 returns with Police Chief John K. Fritz. No trace of anything is found. 5/25/1955 #12159 he will discredit Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky. When a reporter afterwards Late 5/1959 #15747 s d’Ávila, Bahia, Brazil 7:04 p.m. Fritz Abbehusen is watching TV in Dias d 12/13/1972 #27176 and orange. SSW going NNE. / M. C. Fritz. / r30p430. 12/6/1973 #28529
Friuli, Italy Professor Encounters "Lens 8/14/1947 #3326 POZZUOLO / FRIULI, ITL White glowing-disk maneuvers 8/31/1980 #35483
near the Isonzo River in Gorizia, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy. Near it, a 10/19/1954 #11250
m of salute. He had a black beard, frizzy black hair, and slanted eyes and 1/5/1979 #34303
FONLAND, FRN Cops and many / 1 hour. Bright/brill 9/23/1954 #10411 CHEVIGNY-EN-VALIERE, FRN Farmer. Same object as Meursanges. S 10/14/1954 #11024
ver(s). Silver saucer darts to and fro. Going quickly northwest. Same Berks 12/8/1733 #59 from its sides as it sways to and fro in the air. He calls R. J. (or R. T. Mid 4/1897 #493 bserver(s). Fireballs shoot to and fro between clouds like clay pigeons. / 6/15/1947 (approximate) #2330 OD, CA 6-8 12' saucers dart to and fro / news and FBI. Possible same / Palm 7/6/1947 #2799 inute(s). 1 hovers. 1 darts to and fro. / letter to Blue Book. 7/23/1952 #7040 NE 9 observer(s). 8M saucer to and fro over road. Glow on and off. Away / h 8/14/1952 #7589 titude / 5 minute(s). Sways to and fro. Shoots up and away. 8/20/1952 #7656 KETTSTOWN, NJ Orange object to and fro over Kittinney Mountains / 7 hours! 3/10/1953 #8743 1 / bicycle. Beam searches to and fro. Shocks. Same again. No object seen. 11/29/1954 #11726 sky north / Lake Gertrude. To and fro going up and down. 8/12/1955 #12356 ilver sphere/orb/globe zips to and fro and hovers / town. Tickling sensatio 8/26/1955 #12410 ous saucer hovers and darts to and fro going up and down. Dark hole / cente 2/3/1956 #12696 White saucer / red center. To and fro / sky / 30 minute(s). Goes straight 6/21/1956 #12910 ws car. Beam lights ground. To and fro across road. 12/27/1956 (approximate) #13414 void going southwest. Moves to and fro 6X. White center and red-glow edge. 4/5/1957 #13583 hovers 1km offshore. Shifts to and fro / 3km altitude. 11/15/1957 #14556 n / 10 minute(s). Maneuvers to and fro. Brilliant orange light. 12/16/1957 #14733 er/cylindrical object jerks to and fro over cloud. Gone suddenly. / NICAP. 2/12/1959 #15586 t. White 14M umbrella sways to and fro. 4 'windows' / underside. Going up. 1/31/1960 #16160 ject / shore. Figure(s) run to and fro. No trace. / r96#161+/ r8. 3/15/1961 #16628 ver railroad/railway tracks to and fro. Heads to woods. / MJ#244. 8/7/1963 #17874 ing ovoid hovers and swings to and fro. Lights / rim. 3/29/1966 #20121 TT, OK 2+kids. Large saucer to and fro over I35. 4 men inside. Ozone odor. 4/22/1966 #20356 Tips. Spins. Wobbles. Darts to and fro. Going quickly west. 8/16/1966 #20751 MARLBORO, MASS Ovoid swings to and fro over house. Sounds like car without 2/26/1967 #21653 y. 2 brilliant silver disks to and fro over faulty transformer. Join cylind 8/15/1967 (approximate) #22879 r with antenna over school. To and fro. / APRO 3'69. 12/20/1968 #24781 oid. 4 lights / edge. Sways to and fro over country lake. 1/22/1969 #24864 ing up [to] going down [to] to and fro. Shoots multi-colored rays. 6/4/1969 #25197 metallic ovoid to and more/others fro over mountain. Gone / flash. Also ph 9/26/1969 #25379 te(ly) silent. Hovers. Goes to and fro / small area / 10m. 1/8/1971 #25984 ng [to] 160kph. Saucer goes to and fro. Gone and car OK. / r79p52. 10/3/1971 #26403 ng [to] saucer. 1 maneuvers to and fro. / r165p130. 9/16/1972 #27006 B 1+2+kids. Hat saucer goes to and fro. Jumps over hv lines. 9/18/1972 #27008 low ovoid pulses and swings to and fro every 2 second(s). 9/29/1973 #27884 Turin, Italy UFO Darts To & Fro, Observed From 3 Aircraft & Gnd Rada 11/30/1973 #28488 ions, and sudden vast jumps to and fro, as if it enjoyed playing hide-and-s 11/30/1973 #28490 E-BEHUARD, FR 2 white balls to and fro over Leek Field. Land / observer(s) 12/6/1973 #28526 ENZARA, CORSICA Orange star to and fro over NATO base / one hour. Going sou 3/1/1974 #28836 down / falling leaf. Swings to and fro. 3/23/1974 #28930 ir above her house, rocking to and fro, and only about 12 feet from her. He Mid 11/1974 #29596 like device rocking slowly to and fro. He then moved slowly towards the ea 11/15/1974 #29597 car / 20 minute(s). Swings to and fro. Flies at intersection. 2/20/1975 #29829 ights. Red sphere maneuvers to and fro fast. Dogs bark. Object going [to] a 7/1975 #30136 ge-glowing objects maneuver to and fro / 2 minute(s). Then shoot going quic 7/9/1978 #33358 with dark rim hovers. Tilts to and fro 180°. Going quickly north. Report / 11/29/1979 #35025 and red / bot. Mist / edge. To and fro 2X. / r208p143. 12/26/1979 #35097 12M away. 2 figure(s) move to and fro / window. Car malfunctions due to EM 11/1/1980 #35601 Circular dome object sways to and fro. Several laserlike beams going down. 9/14/1983 #36971 sides, while another moves to and fro along its middle. The sighting lasts 4/22/1986 #37833 +child. Silent white "star" to and fro / wiggly path. Then goes going quick 8/1/1986 #37966 FL Woman / car. Disk moves to and fro over trees. Blinks out like a light. 10/5/1988 #38663 as triangular center. Moves to and fro. Back on Sunday. 1/15/1993 #40797 Dozens / night lights dance to and fro. Forward and backward. All vanish. 7/4/1993 #41051 erver(s). Oval torus swings to and fro. Portholes. Whistles. Vanishes. Phot 1/10/1994 #41366 l cylinder/cigar-shape goes to and fro between clouds over ship. LDLN#330. 11/18/1994 #41854 lights light trees etc. Bob to and fro / low altitude. Absolute(ly) silent. 1/15/1995 #41973 shoots our and back. Swings to and fro. 9/2/1995 #42436 iangle/box-like crafts dart to and fro / incredible speed. 4/24/1997 #43275
FROBERVILLE, FR 9M bullet-cylinder/cigar 11/9/1954 #11609 30 meters altitude over a farm in Froberville, Seine-Maritime department, 11/9/1954 #11614
nd the shape of a man in his usual frock dress.” After the ark maneuvers fo 7/25/1868 #176
FRODSHAM, ENGL 4 observer(s). Silver sph 1/27/1978 #32916 River Weaver Frodsham, Cheshire, England Early mornin 1/27/1978 #32919 haped object land in a meadow near Frodsham, Cheshire, England. It emits a 1/27/1978 #32919 ht and level trajectory going [to] Frodsham. 1 observer. 5/1/1990 #39547
His eyes were described as like a frog’s eyes. In his mouth he had a littl 8/13/1965 #19383 eather like skin and a face like a frog or a lizard, 3 or 4 ft tall. It lea 3/3/1972 #26587 be a leathery skinned biped with a frog like face. It was three to four fee 3/17/1972 #26607 ke a reptile and a head was like a frog, and webs on the hands. https://ww 1982 #36290
tall with a putty-colored face and frog-like eyes. He thought the dwarf sai 11/6/1957 #14414 le to see a humanoid figure with a frog-like head looking out from one of t 8/30/1977 #32442 mall creatures with large eyes and frog-like skin. When she started to touc 6/19/1979 #34621
Estonia Two persons saw a strange "frog-man" 1 m tall with a round head, no Fall 1938 #1294 year.) Two persons saw a strange "frog-man" 1 m tall with a round head, no Fall 1938 #1295
rwickshire, England 5:00 a.m. Paul Froggatt sees a glowing orange sphere th 7/16/2020 #45652
ght-fitting gray clothes. They had froglike face, long slender arms, normal 3/1955 #12021 eing with a putty-colored face and froglike eyes. He thought the dwarf said 11/6/1957 #14438
ed to be figures of men dressed in frogman's suits. The woman shone a light 6/15/1967 #22510 orm that was tight-fitting, like a frogman's wetsuit, and he had on mitten- 4/4/1977 #31943 d in silvery outfits, similar to a frogman's wetsuit. Their heads or helmet 10/30/1977 #32639
foreign submarine. About a dozen "frogmen" emerged from the water and clim 8/1/1962 #17313 white faced" figures, looking like frogmen, jump into a hedgerow. They had 1/21/1966 #19865 e witnesses reported seeing men in frogmen suits in the water, in the same 5/13/1998 #43566
duction. 5 hours missing time. Odd frogs. Saucer and 2 men / helmets. 9/24/1951 #5689 cers with windows. silhouette like frogs head seen in one.. 8/30/1977 #32440 server(s) / tingles and paralysis. Frogs avoid. 8/26/1978 #33570 towards witnesses at about 10 mph. Frogs stopped croaking and dogs began ba 3/30/1981 #35880 rds two witnesses at about 10 mph. Frogs stop croaking and dogs begin barki 3/30/1981 #35881 hts. All sounds from insects, tree frogs, and distant dogs stops. The campf Early Autumn 1987 #38274
addock, "beeping" sounds on radio. Frola, 1990, p. 121 (E,R,L) car (NICAP: 11/30/1972 #27153 ts shot straight up at high speed. Frola, 1990, p. 204 (E,L) car (NICAP: 03 5/6/1979 #34547
n thru) telescope. 7 small saucers frolic to 2230hrs. Then gone. 1/28/1955 #11947
12:00 midnight. Teenagers Richard Frombach, Boone Powers, and Chris Beachn 2/18/1968 #23763
, Wiltshire, England a resident of Frome, riding on a motorcycle, saw three 1/21/1966 #19865
witnesses. A Greenacre woman, Mrs. Froml, and her 13-year old daughter were 4/25/1969 #25091 arently working some controls. Mrs Froml asked the cabbie, a Greek immigran 4/25/1969 #25091
a gold band around it approaching fron the west. 5/10/1947 #2280
regation (thought to be Garland D. Fronabarger), but he loans it later to s Early Spring 1941 #1355
FRONCLES, HT MARNE, FR 2 observer(s) / ( 9/27/1954 #10458 FRONCLES, FR 3 observer(s). Large bright 9/28/1954 #10481 Froncles, France Mr. and Mrs. Alexis Lar 9/28/1954 #10484 d Mr. and Mrs. Alexis Lartillot in Froncles, France observed a large, brigh 9/28/1954 #10489
as recorded on the videotape. Palm fronds are visible in the foreground. Th 8/10/1989 #39054
Fronfrede (Loire), France Car motor and 10/11/1954 #10925
shchuk, George D Hathaway, H David Froning Jr, Terence W Barrett, Hal Putho 5/6/2003 #44526
from these ships.” Brought out in front of an enraged mob, Agobard interve 812 #2 ire. Rises going south. Fireball / front shoots beams. Turns going north an 11/4/1322 #14 es. Two fiery rays extend from its front part. Less than an hour later, a s 8/15/1663 #44 heast after a full 30 seconds. The front part is luminous with a frame-like 12/16/1742? #65 nd, dark-brown globules passing in front of the disc of the sun for 5 minut 6/17/1777 #85 ips going quickly east. Man seen / front end / 1 ship. / r54p18. 10/1796 (approximate) #94 strange substance 20 feet from his front door and assumes it is residue fro 8/13/1819 #110 Pastorff watched two disc pass in front of the face of the Sun. 10/23/1822 #115 uring which time a cloud passes in front of it. 8/20/1829 #125 ore than 20 minutes. In passing in front of the sun they appear like large 11/4/1867 #169 sing the moon. He first sees it in front of the moon, then watches it again 4/24/1874 #203 n on Main Street from its back and front. Suddenly there is a hissing sound 4/10/1897 #424 and a large searchlight is in the front. After three minutes it moves off 4/11/1897 #428 e and a powerful electric light in front. Inside he can see men, women, and 4/11/1897 #434 ike that of a man” standing in the front and directing its course. 4/13/1897 #452 over the town with a red light in front and a green light in back. 4/13/1897 #453 ng slowly to the southeast. In the front it has a powerful searchlight, and 4/14/1897 #470 with a powerful searchlight in the front and several smaller lights on the 4/14/1897 #471 ellers on each end, a red light in front, and a greenish-yellow light on th 4/15/1897 #489 a "sidewheel like a steamboat" in front, with a fish tail at the rear. He 4/16/1897 #516 invention out for a test flight in front of the Elkton blacksmith shop. The 4/20/1897 #545 e east. It has a fan-like wheel on front and fin-like projections on the si 9/7/1897 #608 , Pennsylvania Dusk. Bystanders in front of the Pearson building in downtow 5/2/1898 #621 eappear. A searchlight beam in the front skitters in different directions. 6/1/1898 #622 ts which danced about it, paced in front of an automobile being driven by a 3/23/1905 #675 ly close to the sun.” It passes in front of the sun, completely covering it 7/7/1907 #699 n antenna is seen jutting from the front end. Other reports are of oddly sh Summer 1908 #706 ly stationary for a few minutes in front of her window, and she sees the ou 5/9/1909 #733 3 / car. Fast ovoid east / lights front and rear. Engine sound. Going [to] 5/13/1909 #737 haps 100 feet long, with lights in front and behind moving at an altitude o 5/13/1909 #740 hape going [to] overhead. Driver / front. Flash. / r221p24. 5/15/1909 #746 . There was a pilot sitting in the front. 5/15/1909 #747 e. She thinks she can see a man in front, steering the craft. Other people 5/16/1909 #750 ked. Airship 50 overhead. Lights / front and rear. 7/30/1909 #787 low overhead. It had lights in the front and rear. 7/30/1909 #790 / side. Intense blue-green light / front. 8/3/1909 (approximate) #797 and an intense blue-green light in front. Later that same evening a man was 8/3/1909 #800 A flying object with lights on its front and back sails at a great altitude 8/9/1909 #802 lights / rear. Bright headlight / front. No further details. 10/27/1910 #849 . Schnitzler, 7, is sitting in his front yard in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, w 1914 #893 ve the ground across the street in front of a church. An opening appears an 1914 #893 dle crosses sun. Halo fluctuates / front end. 10/10/1914 #919 craft, one of them sitting in the front of the machine. The other two seem 2/29/1916 #943 On the Western front in Europe, Canadian soldier Mauric 12/17/1916 #953 lticolored lights. As it passes in front, the driver feels a heat wave. 6/1925 #1047 t away in a field to the north. In front of each is a small entity dressed 1926 #1053 big fins extended outward near the front, and small, short ones near the re Summer 1927 #1072 early morning, had bright light on front which lit up tree-tops, flashing l 1/1/1931 #1119 ith a brilliant white light on its front illuminating treetops on the shore 1/1/1931 #1120 nd notices that the bushes part in front of the object and close up after i 5/1931 #1126 The object reflected light off its front surface. It appeared to draw close 6/10/1931 #1129 moon with airtight shutter at the front, glass. The machine must be built Summer 1931 #1130 haped, emitting a pink glow at its front and a light swirl of grey smoke al 1932 #1135 of gun metal, crossed the path in front of a aircraft flying near the Virg 1/1/1937 #1260 round head, no neck, and a hump in front of the body. The mouth was a large Fall 1938 #1294 round head, no neck, and a hump in front of the body. The mouth was a large Fall 1938 #1295 ic speed to the port side, and the front gunner starts firing at it. Sabińs 6/25/1942 #1422 s pacing him. Finally, it moves in front of the bomber, stays there a while 6/25/1942 #1422 ut much bulkier and rounder at the front; aluminum hued color. (Page 30-31, Mid 8/1942 #1439 ve a proboscis-shaped appendage in front like a figure head. The objects tr 12/1942 #1466 skims over a nearby hill. From its front a beam of light shoots down, and a 10/1943 #1531 Eastern front in western Slovakia Late afternoon 4/1944 #1588 a Late afternoon. Near the Eastern front in western Slovakia, a man is stan 4/1944 #1588 sating red fireball sail up to the front lines, hover for 15 minutes, then Summer 1944 #1607 Army. Boxy object going [to] over front lines. No obvious support. Goes go 7/1944 #1614 propulsion move steadily over the front lines and out to sea. The UFO at o 7/1944 #1615 ea. The UFO at one point passed in front of the moon, briefly obscuring it 7/1944 #1615 steadily at about 90 mph over the front lines near Brest, Brittany, France Late 8/1944 #1646 At one point the object passes in front of the moon, briefly obscuring it Late 8/1944 #1646 ere/orb/globe going southwest over front lines. 9/1944 #1654 nadian soldier, stationed near the front lines close to Antwerp, observed " 9/1944 #1659 raveling from the direction of the front line towards Antwerp. (NICAP: 02 - 9/1944 #1659 mph and 40 feet altitude from the front lines toward the city (in the same 9/1944 #1663 y bright lights appear directly in front of aircraft; fired upon without re 2/17/1945 #1787 ere and coming towards us from the front, their heading taking them off to 7/4/1945 #1891 quickly southeast. Shoots flames / front. No trail. Surface glows. 7/20/1945 #1901 g, it had flames shooting from its front, and it left no contrail. 7/20/1945 #1904 th luminous portholes that flew in front of the plane. The cylinder was abo 8/1/1946 #2101 igars and are luminescent white in front and bluish-white in back. She sees 10/10/1946 #2202 ilvery, jar-shaped object cross in front of his plane. It has a silver-whit 6/2/1947 #2309 , "mayo-jar" shaped UFO crossed in front of his light plane while flying at 6/2/1947 #2310 h, resting on the road 100 feet in front of her. Two small beings dressed i Early 7/1947 #2547 more/others. Photographs saucer / front porch. Several disks going quickly 7/4/1947 #2619 crosses his path several miles in front of him. 7/4/1947 #2655 g [to] below clouds / 3000'. Fuzzy front edge. 2/20/1948 #3581 oss the road a few hundred feet in front of their vehicle and apparently we 7/29/1948 #3752 oss the road a few hundred feet in front of their vehicle and apparently ca 7/29/1948 #3754 al-sized paper. Stamped across the front were the words TOP SECRET.” Ruppel 9/30/1948? #3817 gar-shaped object cross the sky in front of his plane (Project 1947; McDona 1/1/1949 #3953 ped or triangular objects from his front porch in Baltimore, Maryland. The 6/29/1949 #4256 Steel Corp., saw an object fall in front of his car as his radio was blocke Fall 1949 #4365 ce of approximately 50-75 yards in front of his automobile. (NICAP: 02 - Cl 3/4/1950 #4578 NM 2 saucers swoop over highway in front / car. Observer(s) terrified. (UPI 3/12/1950 #4619 dge. The object passes directly in front of the airliner at a distance of n 3/20/1950 #4690 ir faces seem charred or burnt. In front of them is a screen with “rays pla 5/15/1950 #4944 with a 4x spyglass as it passes in front of a small cumulus cloud. Hess est 5/20/1950 #4955 mpennage. The blue light is on the front of the object. Sperry turns left b 5/29/1950 #4972 y fast. It had a blue light on its front end. The sighting lasted approxima 5/29/1950 #4974 one-third of the way back from the front of the fuselage and a row of at le 7/1950 #5035 moves in, and the men can see the front—a round shape with the fins extend 7/1950 #5035 Arkansas, see a domed disc pass in front of them. Airborne radar confirms i 7/11/1950 #5056 ow us and about 200 to 300 feet in front of us. It was not in a level posit 2/8/1951 #5434 n top and bottom and appeared from front view to have rounded edges, slight 7/10/1951 #5571 faster than the B-36, crosses the front from right to left heading toward 9/18/1951 #5678 course, which then crossed over in front of them from right to left. The AD 9/18/1951 #5679 lt flats. The UFOs are directly in front of them to the east, about 1,500–1 1952 #5841 ucers cavort and maneuver. Some in front / sun. Military photos / Tucson Ai 1/1952 #5849 s about 100 feet above the road in front of them, about 300 feet away. The 3/1952 #5940 again, passes the F-84, crosses in front, and accelerates out of sight in a 3/29/1952 #5992 FRONT LINES, KOREA 2 white saucers / suc 4/30/1952 #6220 ny, 180th Infantry Regiment at the front lines around Panmunjeom, Korea, se 4/30/1952 #6224 sky over a valley in Korea at the front lines of the Korean War, according 4/30/1952 #6225 0^ turn in a formation of three in front and two behind, and darted around, 5/1/1952 #6240 henomenon reported over Seattle on front page of NY Times, reported as poss 5/12/1952 #6303 .m. The object was subsequently in front of the F-51, with a positive radar 5/15/1952 #6334 , cigar-shaped object with a blunt front (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 6/15/1952 #6506 , cigar-shaped object with a blunt front, lit sides and a red stern, maneuv 6/15/1952 #6508 a bright light crossed the sky in front of a USAF F-94 fighter plane at 1: 6/17/1952 #6530 ncounters Flat Object With Pointed Front (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, Code: 6/21/1952 #6572 flat object with a sharply pointed front and rounded rear; white with a dar 6/21/1952 #6577 flat object with a sharply pointed front and rounded rear. It is white with 6/21/1952 #6578 flat object with a sharply pointed front and rounded rear. It was white wit 6/21/1952 #6582 Near the Korean front in 1952, two sergeants sighted an 6/22/1952 #6589 FRONT ROYAL, VA Whitish globe going quic 7/18/1952 #6884 toward the southeast, stopped over Front Royal, Virginia and then zigzagged 7/18/1952 #6902 sing over the top of a tree and in front of a cumulus cloud. 7/19/1952 #6932 e objects has a bluish glow in the front and a reddish tint behind it. 7/22/1952 #7025 odd sensation and suddenly sees in front of him a soap-bubble-like object t 7/23/1952 #7084 a ridge along the top, crossed in front of and above the B-25 at high spee 7/24/1952 #7114 peed 1000 mph, crossing the sky in front of a B-25 USAF bomber. The militar 7/24/1952 #7118 r. A bright glow is visible in the front, and they have a bifurcated tail s 7/27/1952 #7213 object disappears but reappears in front of the jets, makes a 360° turn, co 7/29/1952 #7322 appeared to be a control cabin in front. Windows lighted by an intense blu 8/24/1952 #7709 something like a control cabin in front. Windows on the object were lit by 8/24/1952 #7715 5' thick. Through a window in the front section shone a blue light; the he 8/25/1952 #7729 ld be seen through a window in the front section, through which a blue ligh 8/25/1952 #7736 s 3 planes going west. Repositions front and back / planes. 9/7/1952 #7872 r, descended and then pulled up in front of the witness' airplane. Seen fo 9/13/1952 #7915 color, descend and then pull up in front of his airplane. This encounter wa 9/13/1952 #7917 EAST FRONT, KOREA 6 / USAF T6. Silent perfect 10/16/1952 #8137 its upper end. At some distance in front of the cylinder, about 30 round, p 10/17/1952 #8148 e in the sky with 30 other UFOs in front of it. Through binoculars the smal 10/17/1952 #8149 hrow sparks and circle UN troops / front lines again. 10/19/1952 #8156 KOREA / WESTERN FRONT US troops. Weird 50cm disks spin a 10/20/1952 #8167 e three circular, white objects in front of them. As the aircraft get close 10/21/1952 #8172 ped like a plate, with a brilliant front and vague trail (NICAP: 01 - Dista 10/24/1952 #8179 ped like a plate, with a brilliant front and vague trail, flew with its con 10/24/1952 #8180 ped flying object with a brilliant front and vague trail. It flew with its 10/24/1952 #8182 most instantly, did a chandelle in front of the jet, rushed head-on toward 12/10/1952 #8410 d Baldy Hills area, Western Korean Front (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, 3/20/1953 #8765 a sort of flat hat with a visor in front and a metal sheet on their arms. O 7/1/1953 #8982 a sort of flat hat with a visor in front, and a metal sheet on their arms. 7/1/1953 #8983 a sort of flat hat with a visor in front and a metal sheet on their arms. O 7/2/1953 #8986 radar returns of a target right in front of him. Fear prevails and he break 8/5/1953 #9049 Middlestone Avenue and Front Street in East New Haven, Connecti 8/19/1953 #9084 illboard at Middlestone Avenue and Front Street in East New Haven, Connecti 8/19/1953 #9084 Blue Book, which is now only a PR front. Some good cases still go there, b 8/26/1953 #9112 Antenna / bottom. S-shape object / front. Delta/triangle/box-like craft goi 10/11/1953 #9218 park when he saw something fall in front of his car and stopped as the obje 10/25/1953 #9253 xico when he saw something fall in front of his car. He stopped his car whe 10/25/1953 #9255 d hovers above the road 30 feet in front of them, emitting a green light. J 11/1953 #9271 approaches and stations itself in front of the V. When a commercial airlin 3/24/1954 #9639 the white globe of light passed in front of their car. At that same moment 3/28/1954 #9648 pter suddenly appears and lands in front of their car. An RAAF officer gets 4/18/1954 #9696 ok. The object crosses the road in front of them and lands in a field. The 6/21/1954 #9920 ok. The object crossed the road in front of the car and landed in a field. 6/21/1954 #9923 object with a flat bottom, raised front edge, inverted cone on top, and a 6/25/1954 #9946 C-47, veered away, then crossed in front of it. Five minute sighting. 8/15/1954 #10144 C-47, veered away, then crossed in front of it. The incident lasted five mi 8/15/1954 #10145 nanarive. When the object flies in front of them, some witnesses see a lent 8/16/1954 #10148 fast at one o’clock. It crosses in front of his aircraft, taking up positio 8/31/1954 #10218 o’clock. It passes about a mile in front of the Sea Fury and then turns in 8/31/1954 #10218 n-looking beings were then seen in front of the craft. When the witness wal 9/11/1954 #10289 und, hovers, and then elevates its front end quickly into a vertical positi 9/14/1954 #10299 nd, hovered, and then elevated its front end quickly into a vertical positi 9/14/1954 #10301 e light suddenly swept the road in front of Roland M., 19, who observed tha 9/15/1954 #10310 e light suddenly swept the road in front of Roland M., age 19, who was driv 9/15/1954 #10316 us-size object lands. Silhouette / front. Going southeast. / r8#149+/ r197p 9/19/1954 #10356 all bus, and there was a figure in front of it. It rose and took on the app 9/19/1954 #10360 ilhouetted figure moving around in front of it. After 40 seconds the object 9/19/1954 #10363 and there was a figure standing in front of it. The object rose and took on 9/20/1954 #10371 g skull caps with pointed peaks in front, and heavy goggles. They were of m 9/30/1954 #10510 ng skullcaps with pointed peaks in front, and heavy goggles. They were of m 9/30/1954 #10519 a little man cross ing the road in front of their car. Having stopped, they 10/1/1954 #10560 a little man crossing the road in front of their car. When they stopped th 10/1/1954 #10575 A small, dark form is standing in front of it. Roy becomes frightened and 10/6/1954 #10756 hell with several portholes on the front. He was also able to distinguish a 10/6/1954 #10758 wo lights, one above the other, in front of him. 10/9/1954 #10849 ldren, cross the road about 5 m in front of the car and jump into a pasture 10/9/1954 #10850 wo lights, one above the other, in front of him. 10/9/1954 #10867 wo small figures cross the road in front of their car and jump into a pastu 10/9/1954 #10868 en and crossed only five meters in front of them. Stopping immediately, the 10/9/1954 #10868 ing home when he suddenly found in front of him on the road an oval-shaped 10/14/1954 #11045 , France when he suddenly found in front of him on the road an oval-shaped 10/14/1954 #11066 a leaf, landing about 350 feet in front of his car. Robert feels an electr 10/15/1954 #11111 when they see a blinding light in front of them. As it passes over the van Mid 10/1954 #11113 ody with a tail flashes briefly in front of them. 10/21/1954 #11303 white, round-oval object climb in front of clouds (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enc 10/28/1954 #11462 hite, round-oval object climbed in front of clouds, brightened, turned 90 t 10/28/1954 #11463 ew. Long narrow blue object sparks front and rear. No further details. 10/29/1954 #11475 tting deep orange sparks from the front and rear. 10/29/1954 #11483 e going quickly NNE. Red glowing / front. Green light behind. 11/2/1954 #11530 n he notices a small blue light in front of him. His engine fails and he ne 11/8/1954 #11600 had two sharppointed propellers in front, which started spinning. The craft 11/25/1954 #11703 hes. The UFO had two propellers in front that started spinning. The object 11/25/1954 #11704 ge saucer. White glow portholes in front. Speeds over. No further details. 12/20/1954 #11846 ith white glow from "portholes" at front, sped overhead. [UFOE, XII] (NICAP 12/20/1954 #11847 dle and six rotor blades, three in front and three in the rear. The rear of 12/30/1954 #11882 minutes, the object flies over, in front of, and under the airplane. When t 3/24/1955 #12059 windows in the top section flew in front of and under a Beechcraft airplane 3/24/1955 #12060 convex, lens-shaped disc object in front of some clouds. The object had a b 6/5/1955 #12187 ir. He sees a big red light at the front and a green light at the rear. The 8/1/1955 #12317 ently north and slightly west. Its front end is dark, its middle section bl 8/11/1955 #12353 da saw a saucer-shaped UFO come in front of them, hovering just 40 feet ove 8/20/1955 #12380 ve to survive and to make a common front against attack by people from othe 10/7/1955 #12491 a, CO Dirigible-shaped object, fat front, tapered toward the tail (NICAP: 0 11/25/1955 #12591 . One dirigible-shaped object (fat front, tapered toward the tail) object, 11/25/1955 #12592 ct in La Veta, Colorado with a fat front, tapered toward the tail, which wa 11/25/1955 #12593 ing about, like people "walking in front of a light." The experience made h 12/21/1955 #12619 at them at high speed, passing in front of the T-33 at about 225 feet away 5/22/1956 #12865 ped dome” or cockpit window at its front end that lights up the canopy of t 5/22/1956 #12865 ing northeast at about 100 mph. In front of the targets are three objects i 8/13/1956 #13080 ox-like craft with clear cockpit / front hisses going [to] overhead. Rounde 9/5/1956 #13187 with a transparent cockpit on the front passed over Kaponga, New Zealand m 9/5/1956 #13189 angel’s hair floating down in the front yard of their home in Cincinnati, 9/25/1956 #13245 twatch magnetized when UFO flew in front of car and hovered over road (NICA 10/1956 #13255 seconds it seemed to be "right in front of me." He thought it might be an 11/8/1956 #13314 ast. It moves about a half mile in front of them at an altitude of 300 feet 11/11/1956 #13322 dle of the road, about 300 feet in front of them, 3 feet above the ground. 11/11/1956 #13322 sphere came down over the road in front of the vehicle and landed nearby. 11/11/1956 #13323 inous object descended, hovered in front of airliner, then sped away at upw 11/14/1956 #13328 y a black disc appears directly in front of the trail, whose diameter is ap 2/13/1957 #13503 es several people inside seated in front of instrument panels, lit by an ex 5/1/1957 #13638 (McClellan AFB), CA Lights Pass In Front & Below RC-121 (NICAP: 11 - Aviati 5/4/1957 #13647 s Wallace Fowler is sitting on the front steps of his barracks at Ellsworth Late Spring 1957 #13662 or under the airliner, and then in front and behind it. 6/30/1957 #13760 h. Turns and going north. Silver / front rest grey. Silent. No trail. 7/10/1957 #13786 nada Highway going south slow. 2 / front and 1 / rear. Straight and level f 7/25/1957 #13832 moving right to left, crossing in front of the aircraft again, and closing 8/3/1957 #13875 UFO speeds up and crosses just in front of them, hovers briefly, then dive 8/14/1957 #13893 d then abruptly halted 20 miles in front of us at 60,000 feet altitude.” Th 8/30/1957 #13952 ot, the object “dissolved right in front of my eyes, and the crew above los 8/30/1957 #13952 al lights were seen maneuvering in front of the new Sputnik satellite. A si 10/11/1957 #14101 . Ronald Martin saw an UFO land in front of his truck and turn from red to 11/2/1957 #14194 r object with a green light in the front and a yellow light in the rear. It 11/5/1957 #14346 . Cylinder/cigar-shape with fins / front going west. Hovers. Turns going no 11/6/1957 #14366 ant, egg-shaped object hovering in front of a barn and was confronted with 11/6/1957 #14414 ant, egg-shaped object hovering in front of a barn. He was next confronted 11/6/1957 #14438 light 20 feet above the highway in front of him. The engine dies, the headl 11/28/1957 #14635 ). Shoots going quickly north with front edge glowing. 12/5/1957 #14672 to the northwest. It had a glowing front edge. 12/5/1957 #14674 feet thick. It sweeps in over the front lawn heading north and descending 9/21/1958 #15276 erse the full length of the train, front to back (about a half mile). After 10/3/1958 #15311 ddle of the road about 300 feet in front of their car, its neon glow illumi 11/9/1958 #15435 built" man run across the road in front of them. 12/1/1958 #15467 uminates an area about 300 feet in front of him. It takes off and disappear 1/13/1959 #15549 M crew. Red night light zigzags in front / DC6B. Quickly going up [to] extr 2/4/1959 #15577 ward his house. It passes over the front yard at a height of only 8–10 feet 2/24/1959 #15605 close echelon formation passing in front from left to right and around his 8/13/1959 #15913 Texas saw a bright UFO pass low in front of their car, causing the car's en 8/13/1959 #15917 h, and light blue in color. In the front of the object was a large window s 9/29/1959 #16000 titude and hovers 100 feet away in front of the car, making a humming vibra 10/22/1959 #16052 ustralia at 6:50 p.m. It stayed in front of their car for 15 miles. 5/14/1960 #16278 / whining noise. 2 white lights / front and amber light / rear. / r28p348. 8/17/1960 #16401 ng of the Democratic Revolutionary Front (DRF) and intends to overthrow the 4/17/1961 #16649 , 28, is lying in a hammock in the front of his house on the Fuenteluega Es 6/11/1961 #16724 of the hallway that encircles the front portion of the craft. The one rema 9/19/1961 #16857 m. A brilliant fireball flashes in front of Richard and Rhonda DuBois’s car 10/21/1961 #16922 at the light is traveling along in front of them. It breaks into four light 10/21/1961 #16922 ing in the car, the two men in the front seat notice a descending glowing o Late 11/1961 #16978 at first in level flight across my front, then climbed up into the sky at a 6/16/1963 #17788 uddenly it moves about 600 feet in front of them and to the left. When Aust 8/4/1963 #17863 omed disc with portholes moving in front of him in the driveway ahead, the 8/20/1963 #17912 itting inside, one of whom sits in front of a machine that appears to be a 8/28/1963 #17922 ve ground. Through the transparent front part she could see three figures. 10/1963 #17966 ilver triangle. Row / black dots / front. 2000mph. Flaming tail. / r242p141 10/4/1963 #17975 body. He sees a brilliant light in front of him. Temporarily blinded, he lo 10/12/1963 #17987 , 3–4 feet tall, cross the road in front of him. They are dressed in “tight 10/23/1963 #18004 The glowing object sped across in front of the car and circled around the 11/20/1963 #18051 helmet. He also wore a box in the front attached to his belt. A second occ 2/29/1964 #18141 hard. He walks three steps to the front of the car to possibly 50 feet awa 4/24/1964 #18200 ore than nine feet tall on road in front of his truck. before him. The crea 5/8/1964 #18248 ng, 1.5 m high, with a cone-shaped front part, resting on four legs, was se 5/18/1964 #18283 color, dove down several times in front of them. The first time the UFO ca 6/14/1964 #18358 body while the UFO hovered just in front of car for more than a minute as h 6/29/1964 #18383 In an instant it appears right in front of his headlights, no more than 5 6/30/1964 #18386 urther viewing. They go out on the front porch and see an object moving sil 7/7/1964 #18398 a helmet, with a glass section in front of his face, which looked human. H 7/16/1964 #18416 aped object with wavy lines on the front part (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 8/15/1964 #18487 ect with wavy lines on the rounded front part and six pipes along the strai 8/15/1964 #18489 ect with wavy lines on the rounded front part and six pipes along the strai 8/15/1964 #18491 w ball of light crossed highway in front of a car being driven by Mr. P. El 8/28/1964 #18518 arge saucer going quickly south in front / mountains. 4cm / arms length. Ba 8/29/1964 #18520 it crosses the highway 200 feet in front of him, the UFO narrowly misses po 12/21/1964 #18670 huge that when it passes nearly in front of him, it fills his entire windsh 12/21/1964 #18670 gins to fail, so they pull over in front of a tree. They notice an object b 1965 #18689 they saw a little man standing in front of the building. Weaver paused lon 1/26/1965 #18770 ght suit. A second figure stood in front of an instrument panel. At the tim 3/6/1965 #18846 globe-shaped object then landed in front of the car, and two humanoids that 4/3/1965 #18889 VALLEY FALLS, NY White ovoid in front / 2 jets. Rises to avoid collision 4/4/1965 #18892 ch below) was observed directly in front of two jet fighters. The UFO ascen 4/4/1965 #18897 ff a vapor or smoke. He held it in front of her face and the witness jumped 5/30/1965 #18977 top, and rows of lights across the front and along the side flew over Nebo, 6/24/1965 #19025 ome clouds, but it is also seen in front of some cirrus clouds. Finally, it 7/3/1965 #19064 sound and hovers about 100 feet in front of him. Tenopir stops his rig, and 8/4/1965 #19319 .m. David Gibson is sitting in the front yard of his house in Waverly, Iowa 8/11/1965? #19367 shaped like a disk, which flew in front of the moon in a northerly directi 8/13/1965 #19379 out 300 feet in diameter flying in front of the moon toward the north at ab 8/13/1965 #19382 was dancing and jumping around in front of the other being as they approac 8/13/1965 #19383 aring a silvery jumpsuit, stood in front of the craft. The being walked tow 8/14/1965 #19391 towards the house and touched the front door briefly, and then returned to 8/14/1965 #19391 hum and saw a UFO land directly in front of their car, causing the engine t 8/14/1965 #19392 nd then saw a UFO land directly in front of their car, stalling the car's e 8/15/1965 #19402 ed back, then emerged and stood in front of her; its helmet beginning to gl 8/16/1965 #19410 a 2-3' light, hit the road 100' in front of the witness' car, bounced and f 8/30/1965 #19477 light. It hit the road 100 feet in front of the witnesses' car, bounced and 8/30/1965 #19481 an arc, hovered, and then went in front of a dark cloud, behind another lo 8/30/1965 #19481 thwest low in the sky, and went in front of a black cloud. It was viewed fo 8/30/1965 #19481 ight, with two flaming openings in front, about to land near them. They wen 9/8/1965 #19536 meter, lifted off from the road in front of them at 12:10 a.m., emitting fl 9/16/1965 #19575 t with two flaming openings in the front. They quickly went into hiding, an 10/8/1965 #19652 brakes and stopped twenty feet in front of it. His first thought was to kn 10/23/1965 #19679 t over by hand. "When I got to the front of my car, three creatures that lo 10/23/1965 #19679 red and white blinking light. The front had a transparent surface and thro 12/11/1965 #19765 herical UFO that changed colors in front of him. 12/13/1965 #19767 Putnam, CT Object Flies In Front Of DC-6, Accelerates (NICAP: 11 - 12/21/1965 #19784 the theodolite until it is lost in front of a lava flow about 2 miles away. 1/18/1966 #19850 UFO had a very bright light at the front, small portholes along the side, a 2/14/1966 #19903 PORT, CT Domed disk swoops down in front of car. Going up [to] just in time 3/14/1966 #19959 hing lights, descended abruptly in front of the witness's car, and hovered 3/14/1966 #19961 oval object with glass dome on the front approach angling downward, flashin 3/24/1966 #20066 ng light buzzed their car from the front then hovered. Sighting lasted l0 3/26/1966 #20091 nd into a paddock at The Grange in front of the Westall State School (prima 4/6/1966 #20257 clothes, had been seen passing in front of the shelter entrance and walkin 4/7/1966 #20268 DAYTONA, FL 1 observer. 8M UFO in front / car. Going up / 30M altitude and 4/8/1966 #20273 saw a big humanoid figure pass in front of a landed light in a nearby fiel 4/8/1966 #20277 fire” appears three feet above the front and slightly to the right of their 4/24/1966 #20404 r is talking with neighbors in his front yard in Massillon, Ohio, when they 6/2/1966 #20523 hite with an orange tint appear in front of their car (NICAP: 01 - Distant 8/16/1966 #20754 object, white, was seen to pass in front of clouds. At the radar base, an o 8/24/1966 #20801 s a second white object passing in front of clouds. The base radar detects 8/24/1966 #20802 hite in color, was seen to pass in front of the clouds. At the radar base a 8/24/1966 #20803 ographs flashing object on path in front and below their craft. Unidentifie 9/19/1966 #20896 ong Island, NY Object with arms in front of it which sparkled like an arc-l 10/23/1966 #21030 r Acquino. One object with arms in front of it which sparkled like an arc-l 10/23/1966 #21031 proximately parallel course to the front of the constellation. 10/31/1966 #21053 , saw an object at ground level in front of her car on a rainy night. It wo 11/2/1966 #21068 greenish-blue object flew back in front of the car, then was lost to sight 11/2/1966 #21068 object about 35 feet wide cuts in front of him and forces him to stop. It Early 11/1966 #21070 , saw an object at ground level in front of her car in El Campo, Texas on t 11/2/1966 #21072 greenish-blue object flew back in front of her car, and then was lost to s 11/2/1966 #21072 nerator winding up. Outside on his front porch his dog Bandit began wailing 11/14/1966 #21101 al machine with a flat rim land in front of their patrol car at four o'cloc 11/17/1966 #21119 sappeared, then rose vertically in front of them only 100 feet away. There 11/22/1966 #21145 oman saw "Mothman" standing on her front lawn. She described the creature a 11/26/1966 #21151 ght red pulsating lights, dived in front of a car and hovered over woods ju 12/1/1966 #21175 arently oval-shaped object dove in front of the witness's car on Highway 25 12/1/1966 #21176 d and tiny beads of light cross in front of the windshield. A passenger see Early 1/1967 #21244 anel. It maintains its position in front for a few minutes then blinks out, 1/13/1967 #21299 l, and it maintained a position in front of the Lear for a few minutes. The 1/13/1967 #21301 with two bright headlights on the front. The object was moving slowly, and 1/16/1967 #21319 ith 8 square windows. Light beam / front. R&G lights. Stops and hovers. / A 1/17/1967 #21327 d/green blinking lights across the front, a halo of bright light, and two " 1/19/1967 #21351 n top cross the road 100 meters in front of him. It made no noise and moved 1/26/1967 #21403 ng red and green lights across the front and a silver object protruding fro 1/28/1967 #21407 broad black belt and black box in front. A dim glow envelops him, giving h 1/28/1967 #21409 altitude. Slow. 2 bright lights / front. Dogs frantic. 2/22/1967 #21618 es. She goes out to the end of her front walk and sees the UFO moving slowl 2/22/1967 #21623 e lights and with two big beams in front. As it nears the ground it takes o 3/7/1967 #21787 fluorescent orange light moving in front of the Organ Mountains to the sout 3/9/1967 #21836 nd metallic, with a small light in front. It moved on an erratic path, tipp 3/10/1967 #21849 ed object descend to the ground in front of them. Two bizarre looking "alie 3/10/1967 #21854 uple saw the ground illuminated in front of their car. Looking for the sour 3/12/1967 #21869 ge white figure appear suddenly in front of their car. The creature appeare 3/12/1967 #21877 out 30 feet above a snowy field in front of trees for 8 minutes. (NICAP rep 3/16/1967 #21902 e spotlight on the bottom near the front. The object hovered over a field b 3/18/1967 #21916 lowing UFO is hovering outside the front gate. Salas tells him to make sure 3/24/1967 #21973 object that at one point passed in front of a house and in front of power l 3/25/1967 #21983 passed in front of a house and in front of power lines. The object disappe 3/25/1967 #21983 He feels a thump against the right front corner of his car and sees an arm 3/28/1967 #22004 g, Morris finds three dents in the front bumper and right headlight ring of 3/28/1967 #22004 it sped up and crossed the road in front of the car. (MoberLy Monitor-Index 4/1967 #22029 Red-glowing domed object stops in front of car. Going [to] treetops. High 4/1/1967 #22035 t reaction). The object hovered in front of the car, glowing red with a dom 4/1/1967 #22038 el, California. The UFO hovered in front of the car and emitted a brilliant 4/1/1967 #22044 ed behind their car, then moved in front of it, north of town. When they st 4/5/1967 #22061 he is moved all the way across the front seat. When he looks up again, the 4/5/1967 #22066 ht on the bottom, turauoise lights front and rear (body lights). (Massachus 4/20/1967 #22170 ed windows around its edge. At the front the UFO had what appeared to be a 4/20/1967 #22172 longing to the National Liberation Front. The reported torture is carried o 5/1967 #22253 It had a globe-shaped light at the front and it left a luminescent trail. T 5/2/1967 #22266 ct with a brilliant white light in front, a rapidly blinking red light on t 5/15/1967 #22345 ear, and red lights pulsating from front to back underneath (body lights). 5/15/1967 #22345 way, reappearing about 500 feet in front of their car, where it hovers for Mid 5/1967 #22347 aped UFO with a brilliant light in front at 11:15 p.m. There were no blimps 5/15/1967 #22349 down the center and a red light at front, and a green light at the rear (bo 5/25/1967 #22397 ests anonymity, was sitting on her front porch at 11:30 p.m. waiting for he 5/31/1967 #22430 from Winnipeg) was sitting on her front porch at 11:30 p.m. waiting for he 5/31/1967 #22433 top for 2-3 minutes. It passed in front of a cloud and made a sound like a 6/1/1967 #22443 They reported two lights cross in front of their windshield very, very rap 6/1/1967 #22445 humanoids through the transparent front of the UFO. It flew away and the c 6/6/1967 #22473 aller light on the bottom near the front (body lights). (Corning Daily Obse 7/4/1967 #22607 aller light on the bottom near the front. Jay Munger, proprietor of an all- 7/4/1967 #22610 and two bright white lights on the front , (body lights). The object approa 7/9/1967 #22636 nganese. Fibrous material from the front bumper is 92% magnesium, 5% alumin 7/13/1967 #22656 ropped into a position directly in front of his car. It paced him, keeping 7/17/1967 #22683 tle man in a spacesuit standing in front of a spherical UFO to a New York m 7/21/1967 #22718 hat of a small model positioned in front of an egg. 7/21/1967 #22718 ilar lights positioned directly in front of them. Da Silva blinks his headl 8/3/1967 #22787 lights maintain their position in front of them, moving from one side of t 8/3/1967 #22787 inches from the ground near their front porch. A door slides open and a sm 8/3/1967 #22788 When he focused his eyes he saw in front of him a small humanoid being with 8/6/1967 #22832 was suddenly shaken, and he saw in front of him a small being with an unusa 8/7/1967 #22840 d object with a white light on the front and a green light on the rear (bod 8/14/1967 #22875 th discs come to a common point in front of a suddenly visible gray, cigar- Mid 8/1967 #22882 ears after a white cloud passes in front of it. 9/1967 #22971 y figures moving back and forth in front of the bright light generated by t 9/2/1967 #22984 0 p.m. It passed back and forth in front of the witnesses. 9/8/1967 #23022 9:00 pm, two red lights glided in front of a full moon, disappearing behin 9/18/1967 #23081 rising high in the sky directly in front of them. It descended rapidly, lea 9/19/1967 #23095 wingless silver cylinders going / front of and behind clouds. / r41p161. 9/23/1967 #23118 er, 10, are sitting on the Crosier front porch in Newfield, New York, when 10/24/1967 #23305 color blind). This being walked in front of the witness and turned on a ver 10/29/1967 #23364 omes to a stop, and immediately in front of them they see an object 6–8 fee 11/2/1967 #23390 olding a light. Begay stays in the front seat of the car with the first ent 11/2/1967 #23390 y cowered in the right side of the front seat as the little being attempted 11/2/1967 #23392 nd in a state of near shock in the front seat. The farmer had to escort the 11/2/1967 #23392 er/cigar-shape maneuvers. Flies in front of car. Glows. 11/3/1967 #23394 pproach and land on the highway in front of them. (MUFON Sympap81, p. 23) ( 11/9/1967 #23432 pproach and land on the highway in front of them. The lights on their car w 11/9/1967 #23433 t approached and landed 50 feet in front of them, covering the entire highw 11/9/1967 #23434 which had white glowing lights in front and back (body lights). (Pennsylva 11/15/1967 #23461 nds hill. Rounded rear and pointed front. Flaming takeoff! 12/6/1967 #23552 rilyn Wilding, 15, goes out on her front step in Idaho Falls, Idaho, to loo 12/8/1967 #23564 wo little creatures rushed out the front door. She heard quite a loud scram 1/3/1968 #23647 disk paces car / 3 km. Swerves in front. See reference. 1/12/1968 #23659 A 1 / car. Saucer with transparent front. 2 pseudo-human/entity inside see 1/24/1968 #23691 st Seneca, New York, and passes in front of it. The object is 50–60 feet lo 3/4/1968 #23823 e left, then went over the road in front of the car. The object was 50-60 f 3/4/1968 #23825 d object with a searchlight in the front, wobbled and moved with motion of 3/10/1968 #23835 . An oval shaped light, red at the front ( the direction of travel at the t Spring 1968 #23851 eared at 1:45 a.m. it loomed up in front of them, and against its reddish o 5/5/1968 #23946 door, putting one foot directly in front of the other, arm extended and hol 6/15/1968 #24039 object approaches the aircraft in front. 6/18/1968 #24044 aces car / 10 minute(s). 3 beams / front. / MJ#242. 6/20/1968 #24052 the roadway from an embankment in front of him. The being wore blue overal 7/3/1968 #24140 observer(s). White object stays in front of plane. Then moves away / differ 7/29/1968 #24249 object. 9 x3x4M hovers. 2 wheels / front. Rises. 8/2/1968 #24288 windows, and it had two wheels in front for landing gear. The object rose 8/2/1968 #24291 cloud, like mist, appeared on the front path. It gradually came towards wh 8/4/1968 #24297 vanished quickly in plain sight in front of the witnesses. 8/6/1968 #24301 WITH REVELSTOKE, BC Disk drops in front / observer(s) car. Sways / pendulu 8/7/1968 #24303 cends silently over the highway in front of them, its yellow lights flashin 8/15/1968 #24331 m, was awakened by a noise. At the front door was a "foreign-looking" woman 8/27/1968 #24387 m, was awakened by a noise. At the front door was a "foreign-looking" woman 8/27/1968 #24388 noise early in the morning. At the front door was a "foreign-looking" woman 8/27/1968 #24390 he heard very loud knocking at the front door at around eight p.m. Without 8/31/1968 #24410 g down at them. The creature’s two front paws or hands were resting on the 11/9/1968 #24648 ure stood about six-feet tall. Its front side was grayish brown, and the re 11/9/1968 #24648 were playing on a Sunday night in front of their home when they saw a larg 11/9/1968 #24649 ins. It came suddenly to a stop in front of the girls. Afrodit saw it first 11/9/1968 #24649 ee steps below it, and standing in front of the UFO were three six-foot tal 11/21/1968 #24676 blinking lights about 100 feet in front of her car and heading southeast. 11/25/1968 #24704 0 a.m. A man was alone in his lake front cottage when he heard a whirring, 12/10/1968 #24757 w strange figures moving around in front of a light on the ground alongside 12/12/1968 #24766 veral figures were seen walking in front of. A dog that had been watching t 1/15/1969 #24850 ngs could be seen moving around in front of the lighted source for the ten 1/16/1969 #24853 car engine and lights go off. The front end of the car lifts 3 feet off th 1/25/1969 #24871 ter diameter, and was wider in the front. It gave off bright colors, green 1/29/1969 #24877 hite nocturnal light maneuvered in front of a drive-in movie screen in Hect 3/1/1969 #24957 in the air. The dog jumps into the front seat and become quite panicked. Sh 3/6/1969 #24976 , color-changing object hovered in front of car, witness felt paralysis. Fl 3/11/1969 #24996 anging UFO came to a halt right in front of his car at 4:45 p.m. The car's 3/11/1969 #24998 has the hint of a blister near the front. The speed is 200–300 mph, and the 3/17/1969 #25019 that a saucer-shaped UFO landed in front of his car at a crossroads in Linc 3/17/1969 #25021 f nowhere, da Silva sees appear in front of him a human figure who stands m 5/4/1969 #25114 hovering in a vertical position in front of his vehicle. Next Dr. X suddenl 6/11/1969 #25211 At the same time he noticed on the front passenger seat an opaque cube-shap 6/11/1969 #25211 YAN, FR Luminous ball paces car in front. Sways Left and Rt.4X. Going quick 10/11/1969 #25404 ente-Maritime, France by flying in front of the vehicle and swaying to the 10/11/1969 #25407 ndication that Blue Book is only a front for a classified UFO project. 10/20/1969 #25418 fails, and he crawls to a halt in front of a star-like glow with a prismat 12/28/1969 #25512 ustrial Security Command and a CIA front company located in Switzerland Per 1970 #25523 10M sausage with row / portholes / front. Observer(s) sick later. 1/13/1970 #25545 object with a row of portholes in front at 6:45 a.m. The witness felt sick 1/13/1970 #25546 de. = trapezoid with small base in front. Absolute(ly) silent. 6/1970 (approximate) #25680 d with the apex of the triangle in front, with two exhaust jets in back. 6/7/1970 #25694 by hedges. He felt wide awake. In front of him he saw a silvery saucer-sha 7/4/1970 #25727 a chair with knobs and controls in front of it. There he saw 3-D images fla 8/15/1970 #25787 t the size of a car tire landed in front of the school in Rawang Selangor, 8/24/1970 #25801 her hands. A figure then stood in front of her. She described the figure a 9/7/1970 #25828 he vehicle. Two were seated in the front, and two in the back. Each had on 9/25/1970 #25852 crossing the road about 50 feet in front of him. He brakes, but the entity 10/24/1970 #25885 elessly. It stops about 18 feet in front of the car and hovers for 50 secon 10/29/1970 #25893 hears a sharp crack caused by his front windshield shattering. About 3,200 10/29/1970 #25893 was a transparent "cockpit" in the front of the object, through which could 1/22/1971 #25997 ound, and then hovered directly in front of their car. The driver stopped h 1/26/1971 #26003 y. 3 photographs / domed saucer in front / white clouds. / SKYLOOK Oct. '75 2/12/1971 #26018 y of a domed disc-shaped object in front of some white clouds on the island 2/12/1971 #26019 , Oklahoma heard something out the front of his house early this evening. H 2/27/1971 #26034 human-like figure kneeling on the front lawn near a nearby empty fishpond. 2/27/1971 #26034 tranger was. He stepped out on his front porch for a better look and was te 2/27/1971 #26034 with two tail fins and red lights front and aft, with white lights on top 3/2/1971 #26040 wall panel. A machine directly in front of him appeared to "scan" him, and 3/14/1971 #26047 n going northwest. Shoots flames / front! 3/25/1971 #26053 above the ground in plain view in front of trees before ascending straight 5/31/1971 #26148 erimeter, and was in plain view in front of some trees for a few minutes be 5/31/1971 #26149 a saucer-shaped craft with a wide front end and a round tapered tail. The 8/16/1971 #26291 s something passes overhead and in front of the car. It now appears ahead o 9/19/1971 #26347 no one. Coming back around to the front of his vehicle he saw in the headl 9/27/1971 #26384 sombrero-shaped object appeared in front of the car. It passed back and for 10/3/1971 #26405 f the pasture beyond. Going to the front door, she discovered a strange lit 11/3/1971 #26452 like an "elliptical moon." In her front yard a vehicle had landed on the l 11/4/1971 #26457 air and not more that 100 yards in front of the witness, flying right in fr 2/11/1972 #26571 nt of the witness, flying right in front of his car around 10:40 P.M (NICAP 2/11/1972 #26571 ad level, no more than 12 yards in front of her car, before lifting and car 3/7/1972 #26590 awakened by a sharp rapping on her front door. She heard a voice clearly an 3/7/1972 #26590 y calling. She got up, went to the front door and opened it but saw no one 3/7/1972 #26590 ly southeast / 30M altitude. Beams front and rear. Also seen / Bressuire. 4/17/1972 #26649 ites he suspected Blue Book was a “front” for a more classified investigati 5/1972 #26666 two brilliant white lights at the front and two orange-white lights in the 6/29/1972 #26742 phere hovered only seven meters in front of a car in Vryburg, South Africa. 7/5/1972 #26775 ne-shaped UFO appeared directly in front of a car at eleven o'clock in the 7/20/1972 #26822 an or boy, in the clearing just in front of the barn. Upon being noticed th 7/26/1972 #26836 up a position about 2,500 feet in front of the jet and on the same flight 10/23/1972 #27087 , and stops in mid-air directly in front of the jet. Before Brown can take 10/23/1972 #27087 a very intense beam coming from in front of the object. and exhaust with or 10/23/1972 #27089 lar-shaped UFO crossed the road in front of him at a low altitude, as if in 1/6/1973 #27223 e briefly saw a man sitting in the front seat of the car whom her passenger 2/22/1973 #27310 ith her son, and was seated in the front passenger seat. The same "man" aga 2/22/1973 #27310 itting clothes and standing in the front of one of the objects. Only one ph 3/20/1973 #27352 of a telescope she observed in the front of one of these objects a "man" st 3/20/1973 #27353 rapidly to the roadway directly in front of the car. When it reached the pa 5/12/1973 #27481 d it was approximately ten feet in front of the car. The UFO shot up in a r 5/12/1973 #27481 t 5 feet 3 inches tall appeared in front of him. He wore a brownish gray, t 5/16/1973 #27496 round inside his car. It passes in front of the dashboard and he sees it is 5/22/1973 #27518 l-shape going quickly southwest in front of mountain. / LDLN#136p25. 7/11/1973 #27630 Three people are sitting in their front yard in West Seneca, New York, whe 8/1973 #27672 , about 50 feet in length, pass in front of their car around 10:30 p.m. (NI 8/14/1973 #27701 ed up his car like a forklift. The front and side windows were blacked out, 9/2/1973 #27748 airplane” seems to fly directly in front of another car on the highway, nea 9/23/1973 #27859 g to his left, then right, then in front. It gained speed and disappeared a 10/1973 #27899 figures standing in the shadows in front of his bedroom wall looking at him 10/3/1973 #27926 ped object with blue lights at its front hovering just above the ground abo 10/11/1973 #27997 inishes watching TV and checks the front door. He sees a huge round object 10/11/1973 #27999 device appeared out of the wall in front of his face and circled around him 10/11/1973 #28005 t with plastic-like compartment on front and portholes on sides. (NICAP: 02 10/14/1973 #28027 a. blue, oblong UFO that landed in front of his car on Interstate 90. (NICA 10/16/1973 #28081 Lehi, UT A woman was abducted front her home, as well as possibly thre 10/16/1973 #28083 the truck, the light also stops in front of them. As the object hovers, it 10/16/1973 #28087 a blue, oblong UFO that landed in front of his cab on Interstate 90 betwee 10/16/1973 #28092 loud humming, walked out onto the front porch ana saw a red, transparent o 10/17/1973 #28128 humming sound, walked out onto her front porch. There she saw a red, transp 10/17/1973 #28136 eamlined cigar with a red light in front and a green light in the rear, the 10/18/1973 #28144 ees the object covering the entire front windshield. The red light is on it 10/18/1973 #28172 of his house and saw a UFO in his front yard. Apparently the craft just ma 10/19/1973 #28196 creatures slowly cross the road in front of her. As she drove past them on 10/22/1973 #28244 eyes walking along a fence, one in front of the other. The older witness fi 10/25/1973 #28285 air that darted across the road in front of his car. Zinn skidded into a di 10/26/1973 #28297 ng, showing four claw marks at the front of the triangle, were found in the 10/29/1973 #28319 lighted domed disc hovering in the front yard. A central section is filled 11/1973 #28329 Florence Dow heard a thump on her front veranda, and saw a motionless figu 11/1/1973 #28338 t yellow light paced car, moved in front of it; motorist felt dizzy and num 11/2/1973 #28349 cting items from the ground in the front yard of Rex Snow. (NICAP: 07 - Ent 11/4/1973 #28366 m Inn saw huge glowing object from front of place of business, chased at hi 11/6/1973 #28374 A 150 foot wide disc hovered in front of the car of a Mr. & Mrs. Gerard 12/2/1973 #28509 um at 5:45 a.m. The object flew in front of the witnessat 12 meters altitud 12/11/1973 #28556 nt she felt compelled to go to the front of the house, where she saw a floa 12/12/1973 #28559 5' high) with two bright lights in front shining straight ahead, and smalle 1/4/1974 #28642 black belt with a luminous disc in front and a diagonal "Sam Browne" strap 1/7/1974 #28661 lored lights descend just yards in front of car, followed by the appearance 1/8/1974 #28665 hts descending a short distance in front of him. The blinking lights are mu 1/8/1974 #28666 king lights descend just meters in front of his car, followed by the appear 1/8/1974 #28667 Adamski-saucer going down [to] in front of car. Square openings. Maneuvers 2/7/1974 #28743 alid husband were sitting on their front porch enjoying the spring weather 3/1/1974 #28842 ke coherent beam of light from the front part of the collar. The light coul 3/17/1974 #28898 the right. Two beings appeared in front of the landed object, and they ges 3/21/1974 #28920 he red lights were coming from the front and rear of the craft. They then n 4/30/1974 #29072 / 10M altitude. Large spotlight / front. Goes quick. 6/1974 (approximate) #29151 is night she awoke and went to the front door where she found two strange f 7/17/1974 #29266 nose cone, and watched it pass in front of the warhead (while maintaining 7/17/1974 #29267 e suspended ten feet in the air in front of his car. It was perfectly human 8/1/1974 #29298 , holding its arms outstretched in front. The being wore a tight fitting, s 8/1/1974 #29298 and shape of a baseball passed in front of the window. He heard a "scratch 9/8/1974 #29437 et long and 550 away from them. In front of the wall on the ground are four 9/9/1974 #29439 r(s). Domed saucer with headlights front and rear. Light purring sound. Eas 9/10/1974 #29444 angle/box-like craft 4 / 2 beams / front. West going quickly east slow and 9/10/1974 #29446 ickly east slow and low. See dwg / front edge. 9/10/1974 #29446 20 meters. It hovered 25 meters in front of the car just three meters above 9/22/1974 #29470 the sky swooped across the road in front of them, and the radio sparked, th 10/27/1974 #29561 nue on his journey. Afterward, the front left mudguard changes color from r 11/1974 #29575 light beam and a red light pass in front of him in the distance, apparently 11/30/1974 #29622 the westbound side of the road in front of him. It is a disc-shaped UFO, t 12/2/1974 #29629 ething inside the object’s “curved front of glass.” Inside stands a figure 12/2/1974 #29629 object with a curved, transparent front, behind which could be seen a figu 12/2/1974 #29631 d sheet iron. The larger one is in front, with a slightly smaller one about Winter 1974 #29653 r opens on the larger one near the front end. A large, shiny sphere (like p Winter 1974 #29653 ng [to] 40mph. Tight turn. Beams / front. 1/5/1975 #29718 y lit globe appeared in the sky in front of them; then it approached & pace 1/8/1975 #29733 d / low altitude. 3 south-lights / front. 2/22/1975 #29835 sconsin a UFO attempted to land in front of a car with the Forster family i 3/2/1975 #29870 00 p.m. A UFO attempted to land in front of a car with the Forster family i 3/8/1975 #29879 with a revolving pink light in the front yard of his home. He saw two small 3/27/1975 #29920 er. Stops. Hovers. Intense light / front. Going quickly west. 4/5/1975 #29969 then stopped over their street and front yard. It was estimated to be 90 fe 4/15/1975 #29991 w a humanoid being standing in his front yard. It looked like a man but it 4/19/1975 #29997 black Cadillac limousine pulls in front of him on the freeway. An identica 5/3/1975 #30026 ches him quickly, the light on its front changing from amber to red. When i 5/3/1975 #30027 diameter floating about 90 feet in front of her and 7 feet above the paveme 7/1975 #30141 ular object hovering in the air in front of them. It seems to be made of “s 7/26/1975 #30208 t five meters above the ground, in front of a stand of trees, some 300 mete 8/8/1975 #30244 res standing 30 meters directly in front of them. The beings were about 1.5 8/8/1975 #30244 drop from the sky some 300 feet in front of him. It is about 50 feet long, 8/13/1975 #30264 the back seat (she had been in the front seat with the others) and the ligh 8/26/1975 #30310 ape and jumped from the bushes in front of them. They ran to a neighbor's 9/10/1975 #30351 ith bits of white hair appeared in front of the car. It had luminous oblong 9/17/1975 #30367 vering 12 inches off the ground in front of his parked car. Beside it stood 9/25/1975 #30384 walks in an “ape-like fashion” in front of his car, causing him to hit the 10/7/1975 #30421 ifted straight up from the road in front of his car. "There was no dust rai 10/7/1975 #30422 ing north. Hovers / several spots. Front opens.. disk enters? 10/17/1975 #30432 ull silver color, and helmets. The front of helmets were luminous or light 10/26/1975 #30475 low that washes across the road in front of them. The driver speeds up to g 11/5/1975 #30562 UFO came in from coast, crossed in front of and above their plane, made a s 11/22/1975 #30653 ect with two large clear lights in front, and a red light in the rear was e 12/5/1975 #30687 ect with two large clear lights in front, and a red light in the rear was e 12/5/1975 #30688 stiffly with his arms extended in front of him, in the manner of a sleepwa 1/5/1976 #30761 with its arms held out stiffly in front of him. Jean Claude ran home. Note 1/5/1976 #30761 f above him. It slowly descends in front of his cart about 100 feet away. T 4/3/1976 #30983 n diameter UFO crossed the road in front of a car being driven by a Mr. Y. 4/25/1976 #31024 as noted, but it had 4-5 lights in front, with a green light on one end and 7/22/1976 #31177 as noted, but it had 4-5 lights in front, with a green light on one end and 7/22/1976 #31178 "turned up too high.” The area in front of his car lit up like a "yellow l 8/2/1976 #31222 red light beam struck the road in front of car, and it was then that they 8/5/1976 #31235 this there was a burst of light in front of them followed by another wave o 8/6/1976 #31241 zontal and turns right, passing in front of his aircraft. It quickly outdis 8/13/1976 #31261 denly, an energy beam shot down in front of the mower, causing it to stop, 8/16/1976 #31273 knobs while a third being stood in front of the boy. The third entity was a 8/25/1976 #31302 above his head, and then hovers in front of him about 16 feet from the grou 9/3/1976 #31335 or five small spheres. Standing in front of the ovoid object was a tall bei 9/3/1976 #31338 Peru, when a UFO lands 90 feet in front of them. Two strange creatures abo 9/8/1976 #31356 size in the afternoon, and then in front of more than 1,000 witnesses it fl 9/9/1976 #31363 way. The object had a red light in front and other lights on either end, an 9/10/1976 #31373 ping from one side to the other in front of the plane, causing the crew to Mid 9/1976 #31384 lights) appears at low altitude in front of his plane. Gen. Yousefi then or 9/18/1976 #31395 ey spotted a bluish white light in front of them. They immediately contacte 9/19/1976 #31413 er because the UFO was hovering in front of them, but it then moved in anot 9/19/1976 #31413 Luminous object rises only 20M in front of approaching car. No further det 10/3/1976 #31443 rom the road only twenty meters in front of an approaching car in Tonsberg, 10/3/1976 #31445 . Saucer hovers / low. Portholes / front. Radio Frequency Interference (RFI 10/5/1976 #31446 void going quickly southwest 30' / front / car. Police report. Military inv 10/16/1976 #31469 passed over his car so as to be in front of him. He signalled with his head 10/24/1976 #31493 itt noticed a 15 x 20 foot area in front of the porch where there was no fr 10/28/1976 #31503 resembling a television screen in front of him. Soon images of apparently 10/29/1976 #31506 eles, California. As they drove in front of a hotel, she looked up and saw 10/31/1976 #31512 a much greater speed. It passes in front of the Massif du Taillefer before 11/5/1976 #31528 . Both objects have a red light in front, two on the sides, and a blue ligh 11/10/1976 #31538 gar-shaped object about 5 yards in front of their car, hovering 12-18 inche 11/14/1976 #31549 m the openings, a red light at the front, and a diffuse orange glow from th 12/5/1976 #31582 m the openings, a red light at the front, and a diffuse orange glow from th 12/5/1976 #31584 ight atop and a light at each end, front and rear but not white. As it appr 12/6/1976 #31587 a small, child-like figure fun in front of the headlights from the left. I 12/6/1976 #31587 or legs, glided over the street in front of two school teachers, a married 12/10/1976 #31593 cribed an arc through the air from front to back. All at once the lights we 12/10/1976 #31594 eter in height seemed to appear in front of the hood of her car. She then f 12/10/1976 #31594 o visible source for the light. In front of her, suspended from the two end 12/10/1976 #31594 nderneath. It moves erratically in front of the car, and turns a corner as 1/13/1977 #31720 an extremely bright white light in front of his plane. They are 7 minutes o 1/21/1977 #31744 y north / 150M altitude. 2 beams / front. 1/25/1977 #31749 . It has one steady white light in front and makes a noise like a wheezing 2/16/1977 #31822 ground behind some small bushes in front of the backyard fence. The whole a 2/24/1977 #31846 stinguish that the light is on the front of a dark, solid object. Despite t 3/7/1977 #31873 s within 20° arc of the compass in front of the captain and was not rotatin 3/12/1977 #31901 ghts when he sees a huge object in front of his plane. He claims 15–20 smal Mid 3/1977 #31908 stops abruptly over the highway in front of her car, maintaining a red, pul 3/19/1977 #31917 t of unknown shape flew across in; front of her then suddenly 6 to 12 blue 3/23/1977 #31927 ts took up position 2 to 3 feet in front of her slowly traveling car. The c 3/23/1977 #31927 t of unknown shape flew across in; front of her then suddenly 6 to 12 blue 3/23/1977 #31928 ts took up position 2 to 3 feet in front of her slowly traveling car. Next 3/23/1977 #31928 seen from the rear. He appeared in front of the object. (Sources: Marc Ledu 4/6/1977 #31952 sed. She went out on the street in front of her house where she found a 13- 4/6/1977 #31953 seen from the rear. He appeared in front of the object. Above his head was 4/6/1977 #31953 ghtning-like flash is seen just in front of the airliner. Maastricht radar 4/14/1977 #31980 home. Two tall humanoids appear in front of the UFO, which is about the siz 4/19/1977 #32001 ws down, and moves only 30 feet in front of them. After 4 minutes it accele 4/22/1977 #32012 tance 30 feet overhead of them, in front of theiur car. After a few minutes 4/22/1977 #32014 for about 40 seconds. It passes in front of them at a 45° above them at the 4/23/1977 #32017 man, Sr. Ferreira, disappeared in front of his fellow factory employees in 5/4/1977 #32055 together and three main lights in front. It hovers for nearly a minute ove 5/19/1977 #32112 d a fourth being lying directly in front of him on the ground, only a few y 6/12/1977 #32161 shoreline of the lake, passing in front of the witness at his lake front h 6/17/1977 #32170 n front of the witness at his lake front home, and flew from view into the 6/17/1977 #32170 shoreline of the lake, passing in front of the witness at his lake front h 6/17/1977 #32173 n front of the witness at his lake front home, and flew from view into the 6/17/1977 #32173 e out of the quarry and hovered in front of the delivery van, causing the v 6/23/1977 #32185 e out of the quarry and hovered in front of the delivery van, causing the v 6/23/1977 #32186 n, with two steady white lights in front and a red light on top. When she s 6/27/1977 #32200 d her husband are sitting on their front porch in Pennsylvania across the D 7/3/1977 #32232 ll figures floating up and down in front of a tree. Then they see several m 7/23/1977 #32305 ll figures floating up and down in front of a tree by the creek. After this 7/23/1977 #32306 d. 2 small humanoids (or Greys) in front. Observer(s) 40M away. 7/24/1977 #32307 up a shining triangular figure in front of him on the road. It was about f 8/11/1977 #32385 30 inches wide, and was hopping in front of the car as if trying to fly awa 8/11/1977 #32385 ith gold-colored faces appeared in front of the light. The light then moved 8/26/1977 #32426 They all had their arms crossed in front of their chest. The woman screamed 8/31/1977 #32447 ightly illuminated windows running front to rear and is blow the aircraft a 9/22/1977 #32510 ter a bright red sphere hovered in front of a USAF T-38 aircraft flying fro 10/26/1977 #32620 emerging from behind, crossing in front, then disappearing behind. 10/29/1977 #32630 of a distant aircraft fly out ion front of the moon. The object is white, 11/24/1977 #32697 rings of light) and flies back in front of the moon and disappears. 11/24/1977 #32697 oad. The figure jumped directly in front of the car. The witness slammed on 11/29/1977 #32709 h. It has one intense headlight in front, 4–6 blue lights around the edges, 12/1/1977 #32722 idly and sometime later appears in front of the aircraft, apparently much l 1/1978 #32836 minent, but the object soars up in front of the nose of the airliner. 1/1978 #32836 rkshire, England, when the road in front of them lights up. They stop the p 1/1978 #32837 A man was sitting in his front room in Gomez Palacio, Mexico read 1/2/1978 #32848 igating a noise at the door to the front porch he again saw the white suite 1/9/1978 #32862 rms, and a slender body appears in front of his car. The MP fires five roun 1/18/1978 #32894 .m. A carpenter is standing on his front porch in Toledo, Ohio, when he not 1/23/1978 #32907 r-sized object with blue lights on front and back approaching from the nort 2/2/1978 #32946 the circumference of the room, in front of which were high conical seats. 2/5/1978 #32957 died the remote viewing screens in front of them. An image appeared of an o 2/5/1978 #32957 FO, which has two bright lights in front and smaller ones in the back. 3/16/1978 #33043 ward the first object. It turns in front of the bigger object, and then bot 3/29/1978 #33097 a wedge-shaped form, broad at the front and narrow at the back, with two r 4/2/1978 #33121 lights, a green light, and a glass front. It stops 600 feet away, hovering. 4/2/1978 #33121 they could see four lights; two in front and two in the back. Then a blue l 4/7/1978 #33131 yo, age 10, was out playing in the front yard of his uncle's house at 6:30 5/2/1978 #33185 to sit in. There are some rooks in front of the door, one of which is movin 5/10/1978 #33196 ion of red and white lights in the front paced the car of two students, age 6/10/1978 #33265 ion of red and white lights in the front paces a car driven by two students 6/10/1978 #33266 ion of red and white lights in the front paced the car of two students, age 6/10/1978 #33267 er bizarre figure standing just in front of some nearby trees. They describ 7/11/1978 #33367 lic helmets on their heads. In the front of the helmet was a blue dimly lit 7/11/1978 #33368 s, then coming back to the road in front of the group of soldiers. A reconn 7/14/1978 #33382 1:45 p.m. It had a bright light in front, several large orange lights in th 7/24/1978 #33414 t-colored center flies silently in front of them, moving from right to left 8/3/1978 #33467 ng like two white strobe lights in front and back with three rows of red li 8/8/1978 #33490 ched a silver "frisbee" from their front porch. Standing outdoors, looking 8/21/1978 #33536 ile and blue colors, two lights in front, and silent. It disappears over a 8/21/1978 #33537 front porch 3 miles north of downtown In 8/21/1978 #33538 ver Frisbee-like object from their front porch 3 miles north of downtown In 8/21/1978 #33538 family and friends were out on the front porch of her home near Minerva, Oh 8/21/1978 #33540 rge hairy bipedal creature step in front of the large cats as if to protect 8/21/1978 #33540 umwa, IA Red-orange object flew in front of car, windshield fogged up; engi 8/24/1978 #33561 al seconds. As it flies across the front of her car, her windshield fogs up 8/24/1978 #33563 0 p.m. a red-orange object flew in front of a car being driven by a 54-year 8/24/1978 #33566 Highway 53. It crosses the road in front of him only 50 feet away at an est 9/4/1978 #33633 enormous black object looms up in front of them, completely silent, and sh 9/16/1978 #33694 n, Massachusetts he looked out the front window of his house and noticed a 9/18/1978 #33709 moves closer. When it is right in front of her car over the road, her FM r 9/26/1978 #33751 going quickly north. Projection up front in direction / travel. 11/2/1978 #33913 denly, an object banks directly in front of her car about 90 feet away and 11/7/1978 #33924 g or moving slowly and silently in front of her, then passing behind her ca 11/7/1978 #33924 r three normal sized beings run in front of a passing car. 11/20/1978 #33968 ening silver, and emerged from the front of the mist. It showed great accel 11/23/1978 #33990 umerous multicolored lights on the front; it rested on two shiny silvery le 11/24/1978 #33996 ng walked slowly back and forth in front of the object, at one point approa 11/24/1978 #33996 allic object with a large light in front, which approached the car and emit 11/28/1978 #34016 me it shot a blue flame out of the front and the car stalled and the lights 11/29/1978 #34023 e pumpkin shaped heads standing in front of the light. He was paralyzed, an 12/8/1978 #34078 wore huge oval-shaped helmets. The front of the helmets had black visors. O 12/12/1978 #34102 aw it a rectangular portion on the front end lit up and shone a soft green 12/14/1978 #34127 one a soft green light through his front windshield. John felt a strange ti 12/14/1978 #34127 nd radio to stop. As it hovered in front of the auto three red lights were 12/16/1978 #34149 ed corners, with two lights in the front and two on the bottom. 12/16/1978 #34159 and Pirie see a flashing light in front of them. 12/21/1978 #34193 one of the two crossed the road in front of his car at an estimated 300 met 12/23/1978 #34199 ey saw a human like figure walk in front of the light, and moments later a 1/3/1979 #34290 but larger light on the ground in front of a nearby orchard. The light slo 1/3/1979 #34290 g white suits took him to an ocean front setting where they opened a "lock" 1/3/1979 #34292 honey. A huge door then opened in front of him and several persons came ou 1/3/1979 #34292 - skinned entities are standing in front, wearing white or pink suits and s 1/4/1979 #34294 overing above the road directly in front of her. The radio goes dead, the c 1/5/1979 #34302 e object, two remained standing in front of it, and two others approached t 1/5/1979 #34303 s next recollection was sitting in front of the car on the ground. He was s 1/24/1979 #34378 s to the southwest. Running to the front of his house, he sees an identical 6/26/1979 #34632 t further away. There he is put in front of a large TV screen and presented 6/28/1979 #34639 hts around the outside of the main front area. He ran to the house, calling 7/13/1979 #34652 aces. The witness claims his dogs’ front legs become paralyzed 6 months lat 8/1979 #34692 arge red lights suddenly appear in front of his car. They are in a V-format 8/5/1979 #34716 g light appears abut 1,500 feet in front of the boat and the original two l 8/23/1979 #34768 d lane and now faces eastward. The front tires are touching the gravel on t 8/27/1979 #34787 large “bubble” lamp just inches in front of the antenna is unscathed. The t 8/27/1979 #34787 An object suddenly speeds past the front of the aircraft, coming within a f 8/27/1979 #34788 n he spots a blinding headlight in front of him. It is stationary for 2 sec 8/29/1979 #34798 95 mph. The ball proves to be the front of a huge steel-colored cigar- sha 8/29/1979 #34800 rounded corners; the three in the front glow with orange light, while the 8/29/1979 #34800 down from the north only 5 feet in front of a Metropolitan Transit Commissi 8/30/1979 #34810 p.m. They darted back and forth in front of the light plane, playing cat-an 9/9/1979 #34854 ox-like craft zigzags. Headlight / front. 9/14/1979 #34873 octagonal UFO that came in low in front of the car. It was several times l 10/6/1979 #34948 URHAM, NC Lear jet. White object / front shifts / ground RADAR inquiry. / M 11/11/1979 #34993 ed UFO hovering and maneuvering in front of him at a low altitude. (NICAP: 11/20/1979 #35009 ed UFO hovering and maneuvering in front of him at a low altitude. 11/20/1979 #35010 ng UFO hovering near the ground in front of a row of apple trees at his hom 12/9/1979 #35062 ieved her pain by passing a had in front of her face. He told her telepathi 12/10/1979 #35068 pass over him at 300 feet up. The front part is octagonal and the rear is 12/23/1979 #35093 feet long with two white lights in front, blue lights in two of the corners 1/13/1980 #35133 an now see two figures standing in front of the object, one standing erect 1/14/1980 #35135 FR Orange disk going down [to] in front of car. Leads the way! Then going 2/3/1980 #35155 e man-like silhouettes appeared in front of the lights. (NICAP: 02 - Close 2/11/1980 #35165 e man-like silhouettes appeared in front of the lights. They were grayish i 2/11/1980 #35169 move in slow motion and stayed in front of the luminous orbs of lights. Ac 2/11/1980 #35169 ady red glow on either end pass in front of his windshield. The steering wh 3/13/1980 #35214 nd cigar-shaped with lights on the front and back and one side. A truck dri 4/13/1980 #35271 f nine family members are on their front lawn in Hyderabad, India, and see 4/20/1980 #35280 angle, that appeared and passed in front of the full moon at around 11:00 p 4/26/1980 #35294 ). 12m domed hat-saucer. U-turn in front of car. / r41p452. 5/7/1980 #35310 s below. Seconds later it moves in front of the glider, and he takes evasiv 5/16/1980 #35336 ights moving from right to left in front of their car. Two minutes later, t 6/17/1980 #35379 as a large transparent dome at the front of the object, and it had green an 8/4/1980 #35441 es and a red and blue light on the front and back. It is moving at about 25 10/19/1980 #35576 ights and a big searchlight on the front. 10/23/1980 #35585 now coming very slowly towards the front of our house and yard. My husband 10/26/1980 #35591 k into the house to watch from the front windows, my children are crying, a 10/26/1980 #35591 sees a bright gold object right in front of him and accelerates to approach 10/31/1980 #35599 car. Saucers rise / sea. 1 stops / front / car. 2 HR abduction and missing 11/1980 #35600 escended over the road directly in front of them, spitting flames from its 12/29/1980 #35758 ound homes / 25M altitude. Beams / front. TV Radio Frequency Interference ( 3/1981 #35852 pears "directly over the street in front of me, so close that I could have 3/1981 #35856 ppears directly over the street in front of her. She turns into the Admiral 3/1981 #35859 in length, with a pulsating orange front end, and having a blue ring perpen 4/8/1981 #35888 The ball of light rolled across in front of a car beign driven by a witness 6/1/1981 #35949 hief Ramon Nolette was standing in front of the dispatch station when he sa 6/28/1981 #35980 ng lights approaches them from the front, stops about 15 feet off the groun 7/16/1981 #36012 ear above them, and a fog forms in front of the boat. They lose the ability 7/31/1981 #36048 camping area and sees, 500 feet in front of him, “two boys in dark suits” d 8/8/1981 #36064 reappear, standing on the path in front of him. They are 5 feet tall, wear 8/8/1981 #36064 1.90 meters in height, appeared in front of Cavallo. She had black hair in 9/11/1981 #36110 1.90 meters in height, appeared in front of Cavallo. She had black hair in 9/12/1981 #36112 th five bright white lights on the front and sides. The unlit center portio 9/18/1981 #36128 walked up the road and stopped in front of him. It looked like it was wear 10/24/1981 #36186 times a small red light appears in front of the others, the various lights 11/1981 #36201 smaller shape was ejected from the front of the larger object, then another 11/8/1981 #36212 tilts and two headlights from the front of the UFO shine directly down on 11/24/1981 #36232 and two strong headlights from the front of the UFO shown directly down on 11/24/1981 #36233 t shaped UFO sat on the roadway in front of the stalled car. It rose up, th 12/19/1981 #36269 and two huge white light beams in front through their south-facing window. 1/31/1982 #36317 photos of oblong lights passing in front of Finnsåhøgda and Fjellbekkhøgda 3/17/1982 #36396 rounding it. A red light is on the front, with white and amber lights on th 4/1/1982 #36427 .m. Nanette Morrison looks out her front window and sees a bright, fluoresc 4/1/1982 #36428 am of light and came around to the front of the car. The couple appeared to 5/20/1982 #36476 . It emitted blue beam of light at front of car. They had a period of missi 5/20/1982 #36477 lamos, NM Bob Lazar appears on the front Sunday page of the “Los Alamos Mon 6/27/1982 #36517 e male occupant. It kept moving in front of the vehicle, pacing it at 40 fe 8/30/1982 #36586 haped with a steady green light in front and a flashing green light in back 10/18/1982 #36653 Two small white lights are at the front and three lights at the top. Early 11/1982 #36673 so large that it fills the sky in front of him, and it makes slow, tight c 12/31/1982 #36733 It was completely silent, and the front was shaped like a Zeppelin. 2/19/1983 #36767 estimated to be 150 feet long from front to back. The UFO turned and flew a 3/10/1983 #36778 uptly the object moves directly in front of her. There is no other traffic, Spring 1983 #36790 t long, and elongated but with the front and back ends dropping down. It ha 7/25/1983 #36925 ng, and she sees the screen on the front door flooded with intense light. H 8/26/1983 #36960 en a diamond-shaped object, red in front, bright green in the rear, hovers 10/26/1983 #37021 t silently descend and maneuver in front of them for 5–6 minutes. 12/7/1983 #37068 he ground. White lights are at the front and back, blinking red lights at t 2/29/1984 #37210 own object that passes 15 miles in front of it only 1.8 miles away, and the 5/5/1984 #37317 own object that passes 15 miles in front of it, and then flew below it over 5/5/1984 #37320 aucer going west. 2 strong beams / front. Going quickly northwest. News. 5/29/1984 #37340 paces Lear jet backwards--flames / front! 7/27/1984 #37420 orner comes into view and moves in front of the first UFO for 5 seconds, th 8/20/1984 #37436 that suddenly appears directly in front of them. They duck beneath the ins 9/9/1985 #37656 car. Then it rises several feet in front of the car avoiding the power line 11/19/1985 #37712 d object with two square lights in front, and two green and one red light i 5/6/1986 #37855 d in, and then stopped directly in front of the truck, staying there for se 7/31/1986 #37962 d / 120M altitude. Bright lights / front. 8/11/1986 #37977 0 a.m. It had bright lights in the front. 8/11/1986 #37979 hem. The UFOs moved up directly in front of the 747 and, said Capt. Kenju T 11/17/1986 #38068 ectedly, two spaceships stopped in front of our face, shooting off lights ( 11/17/1986 #38068 f lights suddenly loom directly in front of them, one above the other. Afte 11/17/1986 #38072 peared in her bedroom, standing in front of her closed French windows. The 1/25/1987 #38104 oaches him. When it is directly in front, a white light comes on. From left 2/6/1987 #38113 observer(s). 8' ovoid paces car in front and back / 7mi. Car parks. UFO hov 2/9/1987 #38118 Los Angeles, California Valley in front of his house 4:10 p.m. Filmmaker P 2/25/1987 #38123 across the sky over the valley in front of his house. They open the window 2/25/1987 #38123 range creature on the road just in front of him. The creature, which was we 3/7/1987 #38134 adar detects an object directly in front of him. The Rio Branco tower says 3/12/1987 #38139 server. Very large UFO blows smoke front to rear. 30K' altitude. 3/17/1987 #38147 ped object with four headlights in front as it came closer. It maneuvered f 8/20/1987 #38248 ence in the southern Ohio hills in front of a campfire. Suddenly a dark sha Early Autumn 1987 #38274 up, frozen. The aspen tree in the front yard stops “quaking” and the child Early Autumn 1987 #38274 proceeded to pass him and moved in front, then tilted right to avoid hittin 9/24/1987 #38294 e sky that suddenly moves right in front of them about 150 feet away and 50 1/19/1988 #38416 ht seemed to appear immediately in front of them, about 150 feet away and a 1/19/1988 #38417 d object with a white light at the front end and a red light at the tail wa 3/1/1988 #38479 a bright light. They were taken in front of the large hovering object that 5/21/1988 #38574 d back inside through the unopened front door. 5/21/1988 #38574 up as we could see looking out the front windows of the airplane.” The wall 10/1988 #38661 ed and white lights, which flew in front of the moon. The witnesses specula 10/26/1988 #38699 ect from either side then cross in front of it. The light stops in mid-air 12/28/1988 #38763 nutes moving across the roadway in front of their car. They drove directly 1/12/1989 #38780 on of Russia. It has spotlights in front and back, porthole-like openings a 2/13/1989 #38839 ang-shaped UFO with many lights in front came overhead, just fifty feet abo 3/2/1989 #38864 s 16-year-old son watch from their front lawn in Novato, California, a slow 4/15/1989 #38907 east. Then, the object appeared in front of the witnesses, between building 4/22/1989 #38921 ct, two in the rear and two at the front apparently operating some controls 4/24/1989 #38926 bank. Two figures then appeared in front of the sphere. The lower part of t 4/30/1989 #38927 but the light positions itself in front of the plane, forcing him to make 5/2/1989 #38935 dden maneuver. The object moves in front of him again, forcing him to maneu 5/2/1989 #38935 saw the humanoid. As it passed in front of a car it turned a strange silve 6/20/1989 #38991 t continuing on with this thing in front of them, they turned back for the 7/22/1989 #39030 linder/cigar-shape crosses road in front of car. Tilts and goes behind a hi 9/1/1989 #39085 light flash upward out of sight in front of her car. 10/6/1989 #39147 er and several white lights on the front. It was slowly moving away from th 10/27/1989 #39188 their two children are sitting in front of a large living room window in H 11/4/1989 #39214 southwest then going SSW. Bulge / front and rear. See sketches. 11/29/1989 #39259 low over roadway. 2 large lights / front. Absolute(ly) silent. 11/30/1989 #39279 elgium. It had two large lights in front, and was silent. 11/30/1989 #39284 ying object cut across the road in front of them to the right. It has two h 12/5/1989 #39298 he right. It has two headlights in front, emitting beams that slant downwar 12/5/1989 #39298 oar or paddle at its rear. In the front is a window or cockpit. On the fro 12/12/1989 #39315 ont is a window or cockpit. On the front part is a logo consisting of sever 12/12/1989 #39315 slow and silent. 4 legs and tube / front. 1/4/1990 #39363 It had four legs and a tube in the front, and moved through the sky slowly 1/4/1990 #39364 clear reactor. The object paced in front of car, emitting "sparks" all over 2/11/1990 #39416 /box-like craft. Windows / rounded front. Colored lights / rear. Back 9+16 2/15/1990 #39419 hort entities appeared standing in front of her, both of them between 1.40 2/18/1990 #39422 nto 11 inches of fresh snow in her front yard in Otter Tail County, Minneso 3/1/1990 #39438 resembling antennas or horns. The front of the robot's head emanated a sor 3/24/1990 #39485 riangle/box-like craft with lights front and rear. Military jets chase / sa 5/2/1990 #39550 truck low and slow. 6 big lights / front. / MJ#270. 5/19/1990 #39577 with a fan tail approach from the front, hesitate, and then pass 15-20 fee 5/19/1990 #39578 ly speed. It had six big lights in front. He watched it until it was lost f 5/19/1990 #39578 lines. Vibration felt. 9 lights / front. 5/24/1990 #39586 entities resembling mummies are in front of the UFO, poking plants with a p 7/9/1990 #39640 ject rises / swamp. Strong light / front. Portholes / side. Glides behind t 7/13/1990 #39642 shining on the highway directly in front of him. He then became frightened 7/23/1990 #39658 h suit with a square buckle on the front of a larger belt-buckle. Shiny neo 7/29/1990 #39667 ds and huge bright eyes, walked in front of parked cars in Lake Cartagena, 8/31/1990 #39708 ren as fast as she could. Near her front door she looked back and saw the U 9/13/1990 #39731 a/triangle/box-like craft blinks / front. 10/11/1990 #39777 . Huge white egg with red lights / front and thin beams going quickly [to] 11/5/1990 #39847 wo-meter wide ball that blew up in front of their car, only six feet away. 3/9/1991 #40007 ect moving slowly overhead. At the front of the triangle, there is a group 5/17/1991 #40066 edges. They are grouped toward the front point of the triangle. At least fo 5/17/1991 #40066 dark robe with its hand folded in front of it. The men did not stop and di 6/15/1991 #40098 ny of the recorded objects pass in front of clouds. 7/11/1991 #40119 ow near ground level. Blue beams / front. / LDLN#309. 8/22/1991 #40163 for two round "portholes" near the front, and some sort of strange green ma 8/28/1991 #40168 It had two red points towards the front and a white point towards the rear 9/5/1991 #40179 their case, they make a circle in front of journalists; cerealogist (advoc 9/9/1991 #40182 , 4-5 inches long and wide, on the front driver's side. He soon developed h 11/9/1991 #40224 d then began seeing black rings in front of his eyes. The rings turned into 12/4/1991 #40254 haped, greenish figure standing in front of a door. The figure was of norma 12/4/1991 #40254 trange humanoid beings standing in front of him. Frightened, he asked them 3/5/1992 #40359 here in the middle of the room. In front of him was a panel with multicolor 3/5/1992 #40359 t moves from the right side to the front of the vehicle several times. When 3/20/1992 #40394 al times. When it has moved to the front for the third time, Delgado slows 3/20/1992 #40394 to function. The object hovers in front of his car and then shines a brigh 3/20/1992 #40394 A, OR 1 observer. Dome-shape nears front yard. Changes blue going [to] red 4/15/1992 #40417 s of a band of arcade-like rolling front lights and three distinctly large 8/20/1992 #40586 , hovering about 10 meters away in front of an olive tree and suspended on 9/24/1992 #40639 500' altitude. Slow. White spot / front. 10 red lights / wings. 10/27/1992 #40693 wearing beige uniforms standing in front of machinery. When one of the crew 11/1992 #40699 oid figures enter the restaurant's front window in a blast of light. Joseph 1/12/1993 #40794 red light and a blue light at the front and a white light in the back. The 2/4/1993 #40838 gray suit, with a lighter V in the front and a black belt with a black tube 3/16/1993 #40886 ver metallic craft land: first the front end touched down, then the rear. S 3/30/1993 #40907 + mph. There was a bright light on front when last seen. It was in view for 4/17/1993 #40941 all pyramid nose-first. Headlamp / front. Going quickly west to Derbyshire. 5/1993 #40961 for you." The humanoid floated in front of him as he walked toward the cra 5/13/1993 #40976 sh light, and positioned itself in front of their vehicle at the height of 5/16/1993 #40983 ts. It maintained this position in front of the vehicle for the next four k 5/16/1993 #40983 ht, moving around on the ground in front of the light. A similar object was 5/28/1993 #40993 30M altitude. Bright white light / front and red / under. Orange and yellow 6/8/1993 #41009 k 2M objects going north fast. 2 / front swap positions twice. 1600M altitu 7/2/1993 #41048 n drift to the north. It passed in front of trees, and then behind some mor 7/13/1993 #41065 seen moving around, apparently in front of the object. 7/26/1993 #41090 uge lighted object with windows in front of them on the road. It seems to h 8/8/1993 #41117 arently performing magic tricks in front of several other people. The witne 8/10/1993 #41123 ing in the middle of the field, in front of a table that contained clothing 8/10/1993 #41123 move across the road and stops in front of them, having become a narrow ba 8/13/1993 #41135 . Huge slow red object. Arrow-like front and boxy rear. 60cm / arms length. 8/25/1993 #41158 another silent UFO dropped down in front of his car at about 5:15 p.m. It h 11/15/1993 #41277 ew mirror a figure appeared at the front of the object. The figure was very 11/29/1993 #41309 ects and oil company boards/groups/front groups. 1994 #41347 structure with bars and fireball / front. 2/2/1994 #41401 oing quickly north. Lights blink / front edges. 4/6/1994 #41478 A round craft passed in front of a car in Pensacola, Florida at 4/28/1994 #41509 It passed to within 50 feet of the front of the automobile. 4/28/1994 #41509 y southeast 500' overhead. Shiny / front and dark / rear. 6/24/1994 #41580 d huge black eyes walk standing in front of her bed. The creature then ente 8/2/1994 #41653 isc-shaped object pass silently in front of his vehicle from left to right. 9/9/1994 #41732 streamers flew in tandem right in front of their van's windshield. They we 9/13/1994 #41745 e people see three large lights in front, with from 8–20 smaller lights beh 9/14/1994 #41749 when a craft suddenly appeared in front of them, emerging from a fog. As i 10/28/1994 #41816 they encountered another object in front of their vehicle: an equilateral t 10/30/1994 #41824 nose. They move slowly and pass in front of the car to a field on the left. 12/29/1994 #41910 their leading edge, that passed in front of her car. The objects were abou 12/29/1994 #41912 . The object appears only yards in front of the airliner as it flies at 4,0 1/6/1995 #41956 ject appeared to be only meters in front of the airliner as it flew at 13,0 1/6/1995 #41957 ops on a trajectory that passed in front of a nearby building. It continued 1/16/1995 #41979 " across the road about 60 feet in front of her car. The witness slammed on 1/17/1995 #41981 bout 10 seconds. On the triangle's front apex she could see different color 2/21/1995 #42055 ows surveys farm. 1 bright light / front. Small lights / rear. 3/1/1995 #42069 Missouri. It had a bright light in front and several small lights in the re 3/1/1995 #42070 bjects hovering in the sky: one in front of the car and the other behind it 3/14/1995 #42094 each side. Red light and strobe / front. 4/21/1995 #42164 ights on each side: a red light in front, and a strobe light behind the red 4/21/1995 #42165 the light speeds up and crosses in front of them. 7/1/1995 #42289 rs just over treetops. Big light / front. 8/31/1995 #42431 te lights oscillating on a rounded front, and red lights in the rear. After 9/22/1995 #42501 and has a pulsing red light on its front tip and steady white lights on its 9/29/1995 #42518 ed eyes. It ran across the road in front of her SUV and disappeared. Fright 1/4/1996 #42666 n when a powerful light crossed in front of them on the highway. One man fe 4/15/1996 #42870 red cigar shape that disappears in front of their eyes. 5/22/1996 #42908 n. There were two "pillars" at the front of the object. These pillars may h 6/4/1996 #42921 road to watch, as does a truck in front of him. The object has a single wh 6/17/1996 #42931 ol on the main road that passes in front of the police station in the villa 7/8/1996 #42950 protect her, the boy jumped up in front of the girl. At that point the rob 7/22/1996 #42963 ireball going quickly southeast in front of trees / 300M. 8/1/1996 #42969 l, human-like creature standing in front of the object, but were unable to 8/11/1996 #42980 tation, suggesting to her it was a front for the re-routing of that money f 8/30/1996 #43000 00M away. 3 square windows. Beam / front. No further details / Liste Annuel 9/23/1996 #43037 windows and a beam of light in the front. 9/23/1996 #43038 appeared to be a "white sheet" in front of him that he was not holding, bu 11/23/1996 #43118 on the back and a big light on the front. When she pulls to a stop, it shoo 3/8/1997 #43222 h-white object suddenly appears in front of her, suspended vertically, with 4/20/1997 #43268 w four beings sitting in chairs in front of glass panels. Some of these bei 6/5/1997 #43311 ts. In the room she saw windows in front of a corridor, the floor was lumin 6/5/1997 #43311 and appears to have a light on its front and back. The witness is inexplica 6/8/1997 #43318 ddock at a higher elevation and in front of the trees and the other end. Sh 6/24/1997 #43337 creature alongside the pond in her front yard only 30 feet away. It was hai 6/26/1997 #43341 off and then appeared this time in front of his taxicab. The lights then di 8/5/1997 #43369 t spotlight shining from the lower front of the object. She heard no sound. 9/9/1997 #43403 , they noticed a light directly in front of them at about 25 to 30 degrees 10/13/1997 #43427 sting of three white lights in the front and one red light in the rear, sud 11/13/1997 #43440 llins Elite would provide a united front that would allow THE THEORY to be 3/11/1998 #43532 30 a.m. It had white lights at the front of the object, and was completely 5/27/1998 #43571 on Mt. Prela for about an hour. In front of the light a small child-like fi 9/18/1998 #43648 s then saw in the back seat of the front car a lone entity sitting erect. I 9/25/1998 #43652 e extremely bright amber lights in front of them in the southeast blinking 12/1998 #43694 humanoids suddenly materialized in front of her and then began to chase her 2/28/1999 #43739 ght light was also seen passing in front of the moon. 6/21/1999 #43787 n he saw a white vehicle parked in front of his house, occupied by two men. 7/14/1999 #43802 e skyscrapers in the city. It made front page news, and was viewed by hundr 12/2/1999 #43891 feet above the road. It stopped in front of the car. He blacked out. When h 4/9/2000 #43980 white lights underneath it at the front, shining directly towards the grou 5/17/2000 #43996 ing about three feet away from the front bumper. The figure was described a 7/13/2000 #44016 e reappeared, completely naked, in front of his stunned friends. He said th 7/25/2000 #44022 oated across the floor and out the front door, accompanied by a bright whit 10/15/2000 #44058 with two very bright lights on the front and a reddish looking light on the 3/26/2001 #44152 m the top section, and vanished in front of the witness. 7/2/2001 #44203 range looking humanoid standing in front of the balcony door and curtain. A 7/23/2001 #44210 , pause, and then it repeated. The front light was amber, and the others we 8/30/2001 #44249 binoculars it looked like only the front light was attached to the next seg 8/30/2001 #44249 h bright flashes behind it. In the front is something like an arc of light. 9/9/2001 #44253 e with long black hair appeared in front of them, wearing a light flowing g 5/3/2002 #44336 craft had six white lights on the front and a blunt rear section. 5/12/2002 #44343 d beam with an arc of light on its front section. The observation lasts for 9/9/2002 #44392 light comes down about 23 feet in front of him that is attached to an oval 2/8/2003 #44484 it had a yellow searchlight on the front apex that moved its beam of light, 2/16/2003 #44493 objects coming down in the sky in front of the car. He next noticed more d 3/14/2003 #44502 5 feet away from them, directly in front of the van. One of the women wrote 5/2/2003 #44521 t had a bright, yellowish light in front that outlined the cylindrical shap 5/13/2003 #44534 classified files on the laptop in front of him marked TOP SECRET and soon 7/2003 #44560 rtin states Hal Puthoff tried the “front door” approach to get into the sec 9/10/2003 #44595 cigar-shaped object hovered over a front yard of a home in North Ridgeville 11/22/2003 #44619 id the object, which is passing in front of the airliner. The UFO angles to 1/4/2004 #44643 s on a triangular shape, passes in front of the plane, and gives off a brig 1/4/2004 #44644 737 as the triangular UFO flew in front of the airliner. It also caused a 1/4/2004 #44645 . They descend rapidly then fly in front of the witnesses at tremendous spe 1/17/2004 #44651 looked like a head or knob on the front. It didn't look mechanical, it was 4/5/2004 #44684 members of those families, (2) all front companies linked to those families 8/2004 #44724 then completely vanished right in front of them in the partly cloudy sky. 8/20/2004 #44736 , a very tall figure walked by the front door of her house. The strange fig 10/27/2004 #44771 00 a.m. It then dashed towards the front of a house, and then suddenly vani 11/30/2004 #44794 -shaped UFO. He was sitting on his front porch at 3:00 a.m., not able to sl 5/9/2005 #44838 y that he had seen the creature in front of the neighbor’s driveway. No spe 10/26/2005 #44894 boomerang-shaped UFO with a single front bright light and many tiny bright 5/7/2006 #44941 p.m. four people standing in their front yard in Grand Rapids, Michigan wat 10/6/2006 #44972 erved a fast moving light cross in front of his aircraft while flying over 11/12/2006 #44984 an unidentified target 17 miles in front of him. He breaks the lock and rea 1/12/2007 #44999 PST, the witness went out onto his front yard in Irvine, California for a s 4/17/2007 #45018 :00 a.m. when suddenly the road in front of him ‘disappeared’ because there 4/25/2007 #45023 with the pointed and narrow end in front and wider at the rear. 8/29/2007 #45050 eet in the sky.It had two wings in front and two wings in the back. It back 9/21/2007 #45067 n the garage and had walked to his front door, when he was amazed to see wh 4/12/2008 #45127 clear night. The craft appeared in front of them and came right over the ca 5/9/2008 #45135 e expressway, very close to and in front of the witnesses. Its speed appear 6/30/2008 #45149 d shaped light hovered 100 feet in front of the witness near Spring Valley, 10/26/2008 #45177 a dozen faint white lights on the front edge was seen flying north to sout 11/22/2008 #45190 nd, and had white lights along its front edge. 11/29/2008 #45193 D.C. would force their way in the “front door” and the sources/materials wo 12/24/2008 #45198 chnology has been: (1) acquired by front companies with the intent to shelv 2/13/2009 #45212 these technologies, how, and which front companies acquire them. https://s 2/13/2009 #45212 strange object that is crossing in front of them. The highway lighting make 8/20/2013 #45384 positioned just to the left and in front of them, it drops in elevation and 10/6/2013 #45389 n a four-hour long presentation in front of nearly 7,000 people at the Audi 5/5/2015 #45437 It sweeps upward over the trees in front of 1400 North Lake Shore Drive, th 8/9/2017 #45478 ng, the “winged being” descends in front of them, no more than 25 feet away 8/9/2017 #45478 e of the skull, curving toward the front of the head. 12/5/2017 #45491 craft, a Norwegian Airlines 737 in front of it and a Virgin VA 76 behind, a 11/9/2018 #45544 re beginning to cross above and in front of its flight path. At this point 11/11/2019 #45617 onance that “squeezes the space in front of it and stretches the space behi 3/20/2020 #45640 ft with his mind while standing in front of a large screen; ret. USAF F-16 10/20/2022 #45779
hour-long action. The incident is front-page news along the Pacific coast 2/24/1942 #1388 the Flying Saucers . . . Said the front-page piece in the W-T: ‘Air Force 5/18/1949 #4193 ts of the CIA “Family Jewels” in a front-page New York Times article. Cover 12/22/1974 #29657 Kuwait Front-page stories of another UFO sighti 1/21/1979 #34366 ut the Phoenix, Arizona, UFOs in a front-page story. NBC and ABC evening ne 6/18/1997 #43327
and only 10 inches in height, and fronted upon the kitchen sink. The dista 4/2/1971 #26065
FRONTEIRA, PORTUGAL Strange bright spher 10/27/1958 #15388 oelectric plant in Marimbonda near Fronteira, Brazil was at his guardhouse 12/6/1978 #34070
Frontenac, Kansas A man driving through 8/24/1952 #7709 through some woods at 6:00 a.m. in Frontenac, Kansas encountered a strange 8/24/1952 #7715 Frontenac, Kansas Pittsburg US Highway 1 8/25/1952 #7732 driving from his home northeast of Frontenac, Kansas, to the station at Pit 8/25/1952 #7732
Frontenac-Pittsburg, KS 70-75 ft inverte 8/25/1952 #7726
CHICLANA DE LA FRONTERA, SP 4 observer(s). Area oddly q 11/5/1968 (approximate) #24633 MORON DE LA FRONTERA, SP Saucer glows on ground in g 9/11/1969 #25360 MORON DE LA FRONTERA, SP Traces = 2 1M circles with 5/11/1970 #25658 Jerez Airport Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Spain Sanlúcar de Barra 9/1975? #30333 e [now Jerez Airport], Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Spain, piloting a Grumm 9/1975? #30333 Vejer de la Frontera, Cadiz, Spain A a local cattlem 7/20/1982 #36537 n a local cattleman in Vejer de la Frontera, Cadiz, Spain was on his motorc 7/20/1982 #36538 a.m. a soldier at the Moron de la Frontera Air Force Base in Sevilla, Spai 11/25/1998 #43685 around 8 p.m. two campers in Villa Frontera near Arica, Chile spotted a UFO 2/9/2001 #44138 meters in height, in Rosario De La Frontera, Argentina. It moved very quick 4/22/2003 #44518
stern Finland close to the Russian frontier, apparently scouting the distri 2/2/1934 #1201 manding officer of the Eastern Sea Frontier, and the commandant of the Poto 7/23/1954 #10043 manding officer of the Eastern Sea Frontier, and the commandant of the Poto 7/23/1954 #10044 in the direction of the Paraguayan frontier when a reddish light appears an 2/19/1958 #14881 Oklahoma Frontier City amusement park northeast o 4/19/1959 #15708 n a gravel pit 6 miles east of the Frontier City amusement park northeast o 4/19/1959 #15708 t park northeast of Oklahoma City. Frontier City obligingly erects a model 4/19/1959 #15708 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Frontier City Otis T. Carr and his attor 5/4/1959 #15722 luding a block of 21,000 shares to Frontier City promoter Jimmy Burge, oilm 5/4/1959 #15722 ect going NNW rising along Belgian frontier. 2/25/1974 #28797 NEAR BILLINGS, MT Frontier airline(s)/airliner pilot. Glow 9/7/1977 #32464 patrol over the northern military frontier in Hebei province, China. At 10 6/18/1982 #36510 and Leh districts and patrols the frontier with China, sends reports to Ar 8/1/2012 #45350
LAC FRONTIERE, QBC 2 observer(s). 2 flat sau 10/14/1952 #8130
“on the margins of just beyond the frontiers of our present knowledge in th 9/24/1952 #8022
8-contact-modalities https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnhum.2 12/12/2018 #45551
FRONTIGNY, FR 2 observer(s). Long domed 10/22/1977 #32599
nd funded by the CIA, Brigade 2506 fronts the armed wing of the Democratic 4/17/1961 #16649
the barn and then took off flying frontways. 140' imprint left in soybean 9/25/1978 #33747
Klass writes a letter to Robert A. Frosch, wanting to know who has financed 9/30/1968 #24526 nology Policy, writes to Robert A. Frosch, NASA administrator, and explains 7/21/1977 #32297 NASA administrator Robert Frosch responds to Frank Press, saying t 9/6/1977 #32463 Press again asks Frosch for help with Carter’s UFO mail p 9/14/1977 #32480 NASA Robert A. Frosch David Williamson Jr., a NASA assi 10/31/1977 #32643 l W. Hinners and sent to Robert A. Frosch. The letter mentions a revival of 10/31/1977 #32643 NASA NASA administrator Robert A. Frosch sends a response to Frank Press a 12/21/1977 #32802 Stanford Frosch Stanford astrophysicist Peter A. 12/30/1977 #32820 sicist Peter A. Sturrock writes to Frosch, offering to make available physi 12/30/1977 #32820
FROSON, SWD Telepathy / hypnosis? Boy / 6/1942 (approximate) #1413
ed by Canadian company Avro. John Frost and Avro Special Projects Group, t 1955 #11897 /AFD-070114-006.pdf Note: John Frost’s son states he uncovered a file i 1955 #11897 adian National Archives that shows Frost traveled to West Germany in 1953 a 1955 #11897 ksonville, Florida Two girls, Joan Frost and Gertie Wynn, while waiting for 5/9/1956 #12841 hey made no noise. Two girls, Joan Frost and Gertie Wynn, while waiting for 5/9/1956 #12842 nt of the porch where there was no frost on the grass. 10/28/1976 #31503
FROSTBURG, MD White circular object abov 7/20/1947 #3202 FROSTBURG, MD Bright object blinks out w 3/8/1967 #21793
haped object with a flat end “like frosted glass with a bright light behind 10/1944 #1674 lar object was the same as that of frosted glass. The ‘flying saucer,’ when 6/22/1949 #4249 he main body white in color like a frosted light bulb and a shiny gold hori 1/29/1967 #21412 m. a mushroom shaped object with a frosted white light on top and a red lig 4/20/1967 #22173 ted and white in color, resembling frosted glass. The saucers are about 8 f 2/19/1968 #23767 ng 60 feet above the ocean. It had frosted yellow side lights with a bright 2/21/1968 #23775 ght light seen from hotel window. "Frosted light bulb" going quickly [to] a 10/10/1980 #35561 e diving suits similar in color to frosted glass, and the third wore a gold 10/31/1989 #39199
-9 p.m Field Engineer Savage saw a frosty white round and flat objectRound 5/17/1947 #2286 e in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma saw a frosty white, round and flat object, wit 5/17/1947 #2288 At 12:45 a.m. EST a frosty white UFO with a central bright s 12/22/1966 #21215 ted to be 4-foot square, and was a frosty pink color. 5/15/1978 #33218
, CO Project Bluebook Case #294. 2 frosty-color objects zip over B25 at Pet 4/15/1949 #4091
age, an RCA field engineer, sees a frosty-white or silvery elliptical objec 5/17/1947 #2287
ue Zoobotânico Municipal Dr. Mário Frota in Varginha, Brazil Around 9:00 p. 4/21/1996 #42876 ue Zoobotânico Municipal Dr. Mário Frota in Varginha, Brazil, when she step 4/21/1996 #42876
The next day, she finds the horse frothing, and it had apparently been run 6/4/1973 #27549
o-magnetic effects). 2 observer(s) froze. Glowing-ball going quickly [to] o 11/5/1962? #17538 t controls the airspeed indicator, froze when the A-12 entered a cloud, cau 5/24/1963 #17765 ery range, approached witness, who froze, apparently paralyzed 1/19/1965 #18747 e refrigerator contents reportedly froze, and the color TV set in the house 2/10/1967 #21508 absolutely silent, when everything froze in place like a still frame from a 7/12/1975 #30175 silver, dish-shaped object, which froze his car as he was driving on Route 8/1/1976 #31219 zil reported that first everything froze on the street. Then a UFO appeared 1/29/2001 #44134
looks outside and sees a big dog, frozen in terror, its gaze fixed on the 8/1945 #1911 have stopped singing and cows seem frozen in place. Four men with brown ski 6/19/1951 #5546 er/cylindrical object. Observer(s) frozen. Saucer quickly going up. 1/3/1953 #8498 riving their snowmobile across the frozen lake when they see a slim silver 3/18/1954 #9629 udo-human/entity exit. Observer(s) frozen / beam. / r30p69. 4/1/1954? #9659 tment, France were "paralyzed" and frozen in place when a luminous white ob 10/1/1954 #10573 2, FR UFO lands 300M / soldiers. 2 frozen. 2nd UFO hovers near. 10/6/1954 #10750 oad. Black silhouette. Observer(s) frozen / fear. 10/9/1954 #10831 r lands / 60cm tripod. Observer(s) frozen on approach. Going quickly south. 10/14/1954 #11033 ME (electro-magnetic effects). Cop frozen and moved. Missing time. / LDLN#9 10/18/1954 #11196 ving suit lights area. Observer(s) frozen / beam. / r8#297. 10/21/1954 #11284 agnetic effects) motorcycle. Rider frozen. Away and back as 6M cone. Going 11/8/1954 #11595 FR Red saucer / field. Observer(s) frozen. Ground dug oddly. Trees split. / 12/29/1954 #11873 ts exit. Box / chests. Observer(s) frozen. / r30p216. 5/14/1955 #12130 er/cigar-shape hovers. Observer(s) frozen. Hides / thick smoke. / MJ#235+/ 11/3/1957 #14230 ectro-magnetic effects). Observers frozen. 10/1958 (approximate) #15293 exit and sit clumsily. Observer(s) frozen. 1/1959 #15520 ogs bark. Odd whine. 2 observer(s) frozen. Glow outside. 8M oval / burnt so 7/1959 #15806 and 10 feet deep on the bank of a frozen lake in Karelia, Russia. It had n 2/1961 #16593 , RUSSIA UFO breaks dirt and ice / frozen lake. Furrows / lakebed. Crud and 4/27/1961 #16663 ns Rizzi to come nearer, but he is frozen with fear. Another small man come 12/18/1962 #17593 ITL 4.5M saucer lands. Observer(s) frozen. 2 figure(s) move / dome. / Flyin 1/11/1963 #17632 STAL LAKE, MT Domed saucer lands / frozen lake. Door opens / 10 min and shu 2/22/1963 #17679 d disc-shaped object landed on the frozen surface of Crystal Lake in Fergus 2/22/1963 #17681 an oval dome, which landed on the frozen lake for 10 min. A "door" was ope 3/9/1963 #17695 raft with an oval dome landed on a frozen lake in Crystal Lake, Montana for 3/9/1963 #17696 three of the boys become calm and frozen. For a few more minutes, the cycl 8/28/1963 #17922 t and speak gibberish. Observer(s) frozen. 1/23/1964 #18114 ll humanoid (or Grey). Observer(s) frozen. / r67p40. 4/1965 #18883 Goes going [to] trees. Observer(s) frozen. 4M crushed grass. / NICAP. 8/20/1965 #19429 side and tell him that he had been frozen in a standing position for 5 minu 8/27/1967 #22940 Observer(s) raises rifle and gets frozen / ray! / r215p12. 11/16/1967 #23468 prayed. No landing indications in frozen ground. (Browning) (Worley files) 1/24/1968 #23694 do-human/entity exits. Observer(s) frozen. Missing time? Going quickly nort 1/29/1968 #23707 ay. 9M metallic saucer over pond.. frozen solid / 8cm. / MJ#238. 2/18/1968 #23762 nd the 100-foot pond is completely frozen over. Temperatures in the area ha 2/18/1968 #23763 tches surrounding the pond are not frozen at all. The pond ice is dry, even 2/18/1968 #23763 SALTA, ARG Observers frozen. Sharp whistle. Night light outsi 7/15/1968 #24175 BARRIGA HILL, CHILE Mechanic / car frozen. Ovoid shoots rays. Fast turn goi 7/25/1968 #24219 ring at small humanoids (or Greys) frozen. / LDLN#95p21. 7/26/1968 #24230 HEMLIDEN, SWD Tech frozen. 10 boxes float / landed 150M sau 3/12/1969 #25001 MALATAVERNE, FR Man frozen. White barrel with antennas / gra 3/14/1969 #25008 werful throbbing. His muscles feel frozen or paralyzed as if he is receivin 6/19/1969 #25227 up to close the window and became frozen in place, literally unable to mov 8/22/1969 #25326 n Mrs. Vellacca recovered from her frozen immobility, the visitor had vanis 8/22/1969 #25326 or Greys) look through window. Man frozen / rod-tool. Wife / kitchen unawar 2/1970 (approximate) #25569 object was seen descending over a frozen lake at 7:10 a.m. The leading edg 1/7/1971 #25983 encester, Gloucester, England were frozen with fear over the close approach 8/20/1971 #26297 G Glowing-object nears. 1 observer frozen. 14 hours missing time. Several s 9/20/1971 #26349 anoid (or Grey) exits. Observer(s) frozen. / r30. 4/1972 #26632 ed from the craft. The witness was frozen with paralysis during the event, 4/21/1972 #26656 ams going down / motorcycle. Rider frozen. Low humming. Electro-magnetic ef 11/1972 #27102 (electro-magnetic effects). Driver frozen. / LDLN#189. 3/25/1973 #27375 he car stopped, and the driver was frozen with paralysis for over a minute. 3/25/1973 #27377 et from the riverbank. As the men, frozen with fright, watch, a door appear 10/11/1973 #27997 a mirror, a map, and several elk, frozen in a cage. The craft takes him to 10/15/1974 #29531 feet away above some trees near a frozen pond. The brilliant orange mass c 2/10/1975 #29800 ng and going up [to] again. Hole / frozen ground and metal fragm. 4/29/1975 #30009 in strange and unstable positions, frozen while performing movements, and t 7/12/1975 #30175 TON, LANCS 25' object hovers. Girl frozen. Rash. Tooth fillings crumble. / 1/23/1976 #30812 oached a man causing him to become frozen in place with paralysis. It stopp 6/23/1976 #31135 reet. Dissipates. = saucer! 8 cops frozen. Colored beams. 9/7/1976 (approximate) #31351 aucer on E18 / 5 legs. Observer(s) frozen 150M away. 1/5/1977 #31695 f the observers were paralyzed and frozen in place for five minutes, 150 me 1/5/1977 #31699 ire. The pond, 105 by 75 feet, was frozen solid just the day before. He goe 1/10/1977 #31715 ompleted. The next day the pond is frozen over again. Disregarding warnings 1/10/1977 #31715 going down / farm. Cows and farmer frozen. 5 pseudo-human/entity exit and e 8/6/1977 #32364 tro-magnetic effects). Observer(s) frozen.. can't look. 1/11/1978 #32873 ng her father standing still as if frozen in place. She doesn't remember an 9/15/1978 #33689 GIO DI CALABRIA, ITL 3 cops and 3. Frozen / beam! Brill object hovers low / 12/9/1978 #34080 ct rises / surface(s). Observer(s) frozen. Watch fixed! 3/27/1979 #34490 usetts. The witness was reportedly frozen in place during the 20 minute clo 3/27/1979 #34492 t about 10 meters before he became frozen in place, unable to move. He said 5/16/1979 #34564 LUNEL, FR 2 observer(s) / 1 frozen. 1M white egg upright / yard! Goi 12/19/1979 #35082 ce is noticed in the sky above the frozen Lake Onega, from Petrozavodsk in 2/19/1982 #36356 OJAI, CA Allagash Jim "frozen" and partly levitated / 45° angle 5/1982 #36458 ka, when their pickup stops with a frozen gas line. After about 20 minutes, 10/27/1982 #36666 named O'Driscoll, driving near the frozen White Pond in Kent Cliffs saw a s 2/26/1983 #36770 -old daughter are driving near the frozen White Pond in Putnam County, New 2/26/1983 #36771 named O'Driscoll, driving near the frozen White Pond in Kent Cliffs, Putnam 2/26/1983 #36772 campfire flame rises straight up, frozen. The aspen tree in the front yard Early Autumn 1987 #38274 MAFRA, BRZ 2 observer(s) frozen. Radio Frequency Interference (RF 3/14/1992 #40378 over ocean. Extremely fast. Water frozen. 5/10/1992 #40461 rns and vanishes. 2 observer(s). 1 frozen. 1/1993 #40780 to slow down and everything became frozen in "time". Harold saw three human 1/12/1993 #40794 stigator lying on the floor, as if frozen, and apparently being guarded by 3/16/1993 #40886 ROSYTH, FIFE, SCOTLAND 1 observer frozen. Saucer close-by / 15 minute(s). 2/26/1994 #41425 e he was temporarily paralyzed and frozen in place. The object hovered clos 2/26/1994 #41427 stares at boy through patio door! Frozen / fright. 5/10/1995 #42194 (or Greys) / bedside. Observer(s) frozen / pinned. Feels / "one of them". 7/13/1995 #42298 ael. The figure appeared to have a frozen, silver face with torso and arms. 7/22/1997 #43356 st end of the pond. It crosses the frozen water at a low altitude, then hov 1/31/2005 #44810 a triangular object hovered over a frozen pond in Columbia City, Indiana fo 1/31/2005 #44812 r comrades’ bodies (which had been frozen). In 1965, the US had an exchange 11/1/2005 #44898
to run from it, but heard a voice frpm it saying, “Do not be frightened, w 1/30/1965 #18785
D343 FRUGES GOING QUICKLY [TO] ANVIN, FR 1 / 1/28/1994 #41387
n the Via Vittorioin in Cordenons, Fruili, Italy when they noticed a dazzli 9/4/1997 #43394
Bowman, California Fruit rancher Constant T. Musso and his Late 10/1896 #332 fined a technology can only be the fruit of an intelligence that is indeed 2/1967 #21431 he car crashes into the store of a fruit dealer on Gloucester Street. A cro 9/10/1968 #24449 of the room and ate from a bowl of fruit on a table. A man entered the room 9/26/1973 #27872 appened. The man bought a glass of fruit juice and sat at the last free cha 7/12/1975 #30175 nesses. He again bought a glass of fruit juice and again sat in the same pl 7/12/1975 #30175 e said he had been gathering guava fruit outside a wooded area when he hear 3/24/1978 #33079 cylindrical object. Top turns like fruit jar lid. Telepathy? Electro-magnet 2/23/1981 #35840 red a large UFO on the ground in a fruit plantation in Sarikei, Malaysia. S 8/24/1982 #36581 . A man and his son finish picking fruit in their orchard on Wolicka street 9/30/1982 #36621 hatter" like noise. The boys threw fruit at it and then chased it, but it r 5/15/1991 #40064 e noticed what looked like a large fruit silo in a nearby field. As she too 3/20/1993 #40894 lar to an "orange storage tank" or fruit silo, about sixty feet in circumfe 3/30/1993 #40907 out her kitchen window, by a large fruit tree, a tall, dark winged man-like 6/23/1994 #41579 being's home planet he was given a fruit resembling a "Mamey" and something 12/9/1996 #43133
Fruita-Grand Junction, CO Round object c 12/17/1957 #14739
fireball research project come to fruition when the AF Geophysical Researc 3/16/1950 #4655 s, but the forecasts never came to fruition. Duke also claims in the late 1 3/31/2011 #45322
sa but give up after a few days of fruitless search. He later tells AFOSI a 1/31/1949 #3988 uare kilometer of the terrain in a fruitless search for the bomber's wrecka 4/24/1970 #25643 ch of the area the next day proved fruitless. 3/25/1971 #26054
on and a widespread oil slick when fruitlessly searching for survivors. The 12/5/1945 #1950 Sarpen, along with divers, search fruitlessly for more than a week, althou 6/1/1958 #15074 divers, searched for the aircraft fruitlessly for over a week. The Arendal 6/1/1958 #15075 had been chasing it, more or less fruitlessly, in their car. When it re-ap 5/5/1968 #23946
sport back to this same region the fruits of the earth ruined by hail and d 812 #2
Frunze, Russia Space Alien Baby Found Al 7/14/1983 #36911 NEAR FRUNZE, KIRGHIZ 1.1M antenna-helmeted sm 5/18/1990 #39574 NEAR FRUNZE, KIRHGIZ Humming. Power out. 0030 5/18/1990 #39575 In Kairma, near Frunze, Kirghizia (in what was then the 5/18/1990 #39576 FRUNZE, KIRGHIZ Saucer lands by garage. 5/29/1990 #39595 haped object landed by a garage in Frunze in the Asian republic of Kyrgista 5/29/1990 #39597 MR FRUNZE, KIRGHIZ 100M saucer / 150M over 9/21/1990 #39742 t hovered over an old airport near Frunze, Kyrgistan. The UFO seemed to be 9/21/1990 #39744
hairy fists against the windows in frustrated rage. He managed to start the 4/10/1954 #9681 officer Capt. Ferdinand B. Koch is frustrated by the event, but two days la 6/1971 #26153 feet into the muck at the bottom. Frustrated in his attempt to retrieve th 1/10/1977 #31715 re than 5 years, their efforts are frustrated by bureaucratic deaccession r 2009 #45202
r the first time in their long and frustrating investigation, officers arri 2/5/1976 #30847
, Oregon, Kenneth Arnold expresses frustration over the furor that his sauc 6/27/1947 #2431 s are fully investigated, there is frustration with the lack of answers to 9/6/2019 #45606 unters are investigated, “there is frustration with the lack of answers to 9/6/2019 #45607
e Sands Proving Grounds, NM Daniel Fry makes UFO contact and is taken to NY 7/4/1950 #5041 k Evening. Aerojet engineer Daniel Fry is alone during the holiday at White 7/4/1950 #5042 and hovers just above the ground. Fry approaches and strokes its surface w 7/4/1950 #5042 o New York and back in 30 minutes. Fry has further encounters and becomes a 7/4/1950 #5042 Angelucci, Truman Bethurum, Daniel Fry, and George Hunt Williamson. It draw 4/4/1954 #9665 lectures by George Adamski, Daniel Fry, Truman Bethurum, and Desmond Leslie 8/7/1954 #10112 nt Williamson, Dana Howard, Daniel Fry, Truman Bethurum, and Dick Miller. R 3/12/1955 #12046 ntry road with two passengers, Mr. Fry noticed a dark shadow hanging over t 7/17/1955 #12266 rum, John McCoy, Wayne Aho, Daniel Fry, and Reinhold O. Schmidt join host G 5/31/1958 #15064 laims of George Adamski and Daniel Fry. He also points out that electronic 3/1962 #17066 f the Universal Party, with Daniel Fry as his running mate, on the ballot i 11/7/1972 #27110 reported by a married couple named Fry. 5/31/1975 #30071 eged work of Bearden, Wallace, Dan Fry, GIlbert Jordan, the claims of Rober 1/1998 #43483
ev Posad Yakovlevo Dubki Kablukovo Fryazino Khabarovsk Kirzhach Pereslavl-Z 3/21/1990 #39475 osad, Yakovlevo, Dubki, Kablukovo, Fryazino, Khabarovsk, and Kirzhach. Rada 3/21/1990 #39475
Hasselbach, East Germany 40-50 ft frying pan-shaped object with two rows o 6/17/1950 #4990 in diameter that looks like a huge frying pan. It has two rows of holes in 6/17/1950 #4991 Hasselbach, East Germany 40-50 ft frying pan-shaped object with two rows o 6/17/1952 #6522 the town of Hasselbach. The huge “frying pan” was approx. 13 to 15 meters 8/23/1952 #7684 DAMARISCOTTA LK, ME Doctor. Large frying pan going northeast. Handle rotat 8/30/1952 #7795 the man. Simonton notices one man frying on a flameless grill and motions 4/18/1961 #16653 2 miles away. It is shaped like a “frying pan turned upside down” with a sh Mid 6/1984 #37364
urn and follow car. Stop over Lake Fryken. No further details. 11/7/1988 #38706
nce Geneva, Switzerland 11:30 p.m. Frédéric K. and a companion are watching 8/12/2018 #45536
Puy-de-Dôme France 6:10 p.m. André Frégnale is hiking near Lac Chauvet, Puy 7/18/1952 #6897
dheim Vestland Norway Paul Paulsen Frøyen sees two “U-boats” in Sognefjord 6/2/1989 #38973
e end of a clearing. (Magonia #53, FS May., 59) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 3/1945 #1799 noids (or Greys) "make repairs". / FS Mag-Ray Palmer. 4/22/1966 #20357 [to] backyard. 20' burnt grass. / FS observer(s). 3/1968 #23794
820.2. http://www.nicap.org/books/fsc/flying-saucer-conspiracy.pdf (p188-1 7/23/1954 #10044
engineer, Joe Wright (Magonia #19, FSR 66,4) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 4/15/1897 #479 ks slowly. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v18#3. 10/28/1902 #653 ong light. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v6#4. 3/23/1909 #724 trong beams. Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#6. 5/9/1909 #732 ferent ship. Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#1. 5/14/1909 #743 ag upward. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#1. 5/18/1909 #755 OK after. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#1. 5/19/1909 #764 cloying smell behind (Magonia #51, FSR 61, 3) (Needs to be checked. This di End of 8/1944 #1648 oing west. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v37#4. 7/20/1945? #1902 off! Dies. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v19#2+/ LDLN#138. 3/5/1946 #1972 borg News. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v15#3. 8/5/1946 #2104 t. / r108p31+Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v7#6. 7/23/1947 #3214 Away fast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) Special #4. 4/12/1950 #4844 APRO Aug'55+Flying Saucer Review (FSR) 25 / 4. 5/15/1950 #4943 4 lights. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v27#5. 11/11/1950 #5275 / ride. / r8+Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#6p12. 2/28/1952? #5934 vestigate. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) V35#2+/ r95v5#3. 7/11/1952 #6758 over cars. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#3. 7/16/1952 #6835 and them). / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v24#2. 12/25/1952 (approximate) #8447 contrail. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v24#2+r150. 3/3/1953 #8724 and wind. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#3. 2/1954 #9514 Paralyzed. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v21#2. 4/1954 (approximate) #9655 pse films. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v2#1+/ r138. 6/30/1954 #9965 k. Traces. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#3+/ LDLN#102+/ r8. 9/27/1954 #10465 . / LDLN#102+Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#3. 10/1/1954 #10542 / r109p109+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#3. 10/2/1954 #10593 ows panic. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#3. 10/11/1954 #10913 ckly east. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#3. 10/17/1954 #11158 ing north. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#3. 10/21/1954 #11287 ) Firenze. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#3. 10/27/1954 #11429 kly / r8#331+Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#3. 10/28/1954 #11460 g / woman. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v18#5. 11/1/1954 #11511 oing down. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v6#6+/ APRO Jul. '57. 12/13/1954 #11804 oing east. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v2#3. 5/15/1955 #12133 / r219p10+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v7#1. 6/5/1955 #12184 . / r8#373+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v13#1. 8/22/1955 #12388 [to] over. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v1#4p31+/ r79. 9/6/1955 (approximate) #12429 ckly west. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR.) 4/1956 #12772 Paris) APR69+Flying Saucer Review (FSR.) 7/1956 #12938 (Saucer?). / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) report. 7/5/1956 #12952 //www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/FSR,1957,Jan-Feb,V%203,N%201.pdf 7/5/1956 #12954 distance. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v2#4. 7/19/1956 #12985 teer gone. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v2#6+/ MJ#281. 9/7/1956 #13200 gar-shape. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v9#2p3. 10/10/1956 #13272 altitude. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#1 Jan'57. 10/16/1956 #13282 hoot away. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#1. 11/16/1956 #13330 mely fast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) JAN'57. 1/9/1957 #13451 lanes see. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#2+/ r120p287. 3/9/1957 #13535 and back. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#2. 3/29/1957 #13569 altitude. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#5. 5/13/1957 #13659 server(s). / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#4. / r8#393. 5/25/1957 (approximate) #13677 for days. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#5. 6/4/1957 #13700 y) silent. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#5. 6/10/1957 #13716 Gone fast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#5p6. 6/14/1957 #13725 h no longer worked. (Humanoids 36; FSR 57, 6 7/25/1957 #13835 kly north. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#4. 8/20/1957 #13907 and south. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#6p9. 8/21/1957 #13917 / r30p234+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v22#2. 9/15/1957? #13997 going up. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#6. / r242p125. 10/8/1957 #14072 h 3300mph. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v4#1+/ MJ#235. 11/5/1957 #14299 potlights. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v4#1. 11/5/1957 #14322 going up. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#4+/ r141#7p56. 11/6/1957 #14379 10 April. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v4#5+v16#5. 4/9/1958 #14966 planation. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) MAR'59. 1/18/1959 #15554 y) silent! / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v13#4. 6/1959 #15752 / signals. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) Si #4+Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v5 6/27/1959 #15793 (FSR) Si #4+Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v5#6. 6/27/1959 #15793 00h = hoax / Flying Saucer Review (FSR.) 8/12/1959 #15904 g. Windows / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#5+v6#1+/ r2p190+/ r8. 10/4/1959 (approximate) #16013 kly south. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v6#4. 10/16/1959 #16034 triangle! / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v7#1. 5/5/1960 #16255 over town. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v6#5. 5/20/1960 #16293 . / r242p123+Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v6#5. 5/22/1960 #16295 None land. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v7#1. 9/25/1960 #16460 kly north. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#5+/ r30. 12/9/1960 #16528 s) nearby. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) May'67+Quest. 1/1961? #16554 men gone! / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) Dec'62. 8/1961 #16775 9+/ APRO and Flying Saucer Review (FSR) 1'62. 10/3/1961 #16893 ly copied. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v26#5p6. 10/28/1961 #16933 gestures. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v32#4. 12/18/1962 #17590 ine quits. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v11#6. 1/1963 #17622 ve / dome. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#5. 1/11/1963 #17632 terrified. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#5. 4/1963 #17716 . / r23p26+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v9#6p24. 8/8/1963 #17878 effects). / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#6p27. 8/24/1963 #17917 th tripod. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v10#2+/ r70p3-88. 12/27/1963 #18096 tographed. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v10#6. 5/23/1964 #18292 s / field. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#6. 8/21/1964 #18501 agnetized. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v11#3p30. 8/24/1964 #18506 flattened. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#6+/ r8. 2/3/1965 #18794 spot left. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#6. 7/19/1965 #19125 underside. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#6+/ r8. 7/30/1965 #19208 ! / r78p46+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v11#6+/ r8#629. 8/14/1965 #19386 oing west. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#3+/ r44p43. 3/16/1966 #19971 oing west. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#3. 3/17/1966 #19977 xact time. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#1. 4/24/1966 #20395 r details. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v15#3+F. Edwards / radio. 5/1966 #20435 nd follow. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#1. 8/3/1966 #20723 / corner. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#1. 10/14/1966 #20997 and away. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#1. 11/17/1966 #21113 pulled up. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#2. 3/3/1967 #21738 altitude. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#1. 3/5/1967 #21756 maneuvers. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) Jly'67. 4/17/1967 #22143 al traces. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v23#1. 5/1967 #22250 r details. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v67#5. 7/5/1967 #22611 at.barley. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR.) 7/10/1967 #22638 . / r44p23+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#2. 7/20/1967 #22705 Maneuvers. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#2+/ r41p280. 7/25/1967 #22728 N#145+/ r8+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#2. 8/29/1967 #22946 zone odor. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v13#6. 10/26/1967 #23324 ction try. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#3+/ r24v5#1. 11/2/1967 #23386 grounded. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v19#2. 11/14/1967 #23446 ngs were standing." (Magonia #904; FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 2/1/1968 #23722 ower pole. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#4. 2/19/1968 #23764 / 16 June. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#5. 5/29/1968 #23993 otographs. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#5+/ r193#17. 6/4/1968 #24003 compasses. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#5. 6/15/1968 #24037 d grass and shrubs. (Magonia #909, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 6/16/1968 #24041 effects). / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#5+r79p41. 6/19/1968 #24046 tness, who fainted. (Magonia #910, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 6/19/1968 #24048 ight enveloped him. (Magonia #912, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 05 - Medical Incident 6/25/1968 #24080 d wobbles. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v14#5. 6/28/1968 #24090 ay. / r8#914+Flying Saucer Review (FSR.) 7/1/1968 #24111 d to make him stay. (Magonia #913, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 7/1/1968 #24112 off at high speed. (Magonia #914, FSR 68, 6) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 7/1/1968 #24113 ht, unknown object. (Magonia #915, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 7/2/1968 #24126 or several minutes. (Magonia #916, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions 7/2/1968 #24127 h three 50 cm legs. (Magonia #916, FSR 68, 5) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 7/2/1968 #24128 sing only her face. (Magonia #918, FSR 69, 1) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 8/27/1968 #24387 t samples. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR.) 10/2/1968 #24536 rm under the craft. (Magonia #920, FSR 69, 1) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cases) 10/9/1968 #24553 le / dome. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) 1'69. 11/20/1968 #24667 ferences and Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#5. 6/15/1969 (approximate) #25216 ial glows. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v15#4+/ MJ#254. 6/19/1969 #25223 ops truck. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#5. 7/23/1969 #25292 / center. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#2. 9/4/1969 #25350 when lit. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v18#2. / r41p213. 10/31/1969 #25442 ox. / MJ#181+Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v26#5. 1/7/1970 #25537 (s) after. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#5. 1/30/1970 #25561 ough wall! / Flying Saucer Review (FSR)? 4/15/1970 #25630 aucer etc. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v16#6+v28#5. 8/19/1970 #25795 ars. Glow. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR.) 12/7/1970 #25930 . (Humcat 1971-6, Tapani Kuningas, FSR Vol. 17 # 5) (NICAP: 07 - Entity Cas 2/5/1971 #26013 ugh glass. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v17#4. 4/2/1971 #26063 going up. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v24#3. 5/3/1971 #26098 d disinfo. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v25#3p02. 8/17/1971 #26292 northeast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v18#3. 11/14/1971 #26471 / r30p370+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#5. 1/25/1972 #26553 / 8 July. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v18#5. 6/26/1972 #26733 / r166p48+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v18#6. 7/7/1972 #26782 minute(s). / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v18#5. 7/31/1972 #26847 er Vienna. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#1. 8/3/1972 #26868 ckly west. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#6+/ LDLN#124. 11/2/1972 #27104 ect (EME). / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v19#2. 2/9/1973 #27276 troys truck. Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v19#6+IFS#23. 5/22/1973 #27515 d. Vanish! / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v21#5. 8/10/1973 #27689 op Secret. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#5p33+/ r120p143. 10/7/1973 #27962 [to] door! / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#5. 10/16/1973 #28068 with claw. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v21#1. 10/17/1973 #28099 nd shakes. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#4p12+r79p59. 10/19/1973 #28182 / r178p17+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#1p3. 10/25/1973 #28280 / LDLN#133+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#2. 11/30/1973 #28485 ght light. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#1+Le Soir. 12/2/1973 #28498 kly north. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#1+/ r4p212+/ LDLN#132. 12/2/1973 #28499 southwest. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#1. 12/6/1973 #28531 ootprints. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#1+/ r246p195. 12/31/1973 #28618 k / tools. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#3+4. 3/22/1974 #28925 in silent. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v32#5. 3/23/1974 #28927 ack rocks. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#4+/ r50. 3/27/1974 #28959 kly south. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v22#6. 3/28/1974 #28965 sea / 0300h. Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#3. 3/28/1974 #28966 ing south. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#3+/ r50. 3/31/1974 #28975 rud found. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#4. 5/28/1974 #29139 nd sparks. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#4. 6/6/1974 #29167 / cruiser. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v20#4. 8/12/1974 #29327 . / r79p63+/ Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v21#5. 9/16/1974 #29458 oing east. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v3#34. 11/15/1974? #29595 puter database, case 11648, citing FSR, volume 21, number 1). (NICAP: 02 - 1/24/1975 #29764 r details. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v25#3. 2/16/1975 #29813 iles, report dated August 5, 1975; FSR, April 1976, p. 24). (NICAP: 01 - Di 7/20/1975 #30192 ses. Hoax? / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v21#4+/ r244#4. 7/26/1975 #30206 and away. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v22#2. 8/4/1975 #30233 straight up very quickly. (Source: FSR, April 1976, p. 25, citing CUFOS). ( 9/2/1975 #30336 lue light. (Source: Charles Bowen, FSR, July 1976, p. 33 and Saga UFO Repor 10/25/1975 #30469 / seconds. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v12#8. 12/8/1975 #30692 in panic. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v12#8. 12/14/1975 #30712 away fast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v12#8. 1/1/1976 #30752 oo bright! / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v12#8. 1/7/1976 #30772 re/others. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v22#2. 1/21/1976 #30805 l suit. (Source: Gordon Creighton, FSR, April 1977, p. 27). (NICAP: 07 - En 2/25/1976 #30902 976, vol. 25, p. 8; Jenny Randles, FSR, October 1976, p. 27). (NICAP: 07 - 5/11/1976 #31044 picked up and abducted. (Sources: FSR, October 1976, p. 31, citing La Razo 5/14/1976 #31051 sure of a Mystery, case 92, citing FSR; David F. Webb & Ted Bloecher, HUMCA 5/14/1976 #31051 sing time. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v38#2. 6/15/1976 (approximate) #31110 case 1977-18; Randall Jones Pugh, FSR, August 1977, p. 6 for BUFORA). (NIC 4/19/1977 #31997 case 1977-18; Randall Jones Pugh, FSR, August 1977, p. 6 for BUFORA). (NIC 4/19/1977 #31998 case 1977-18; Randall Jones Pugh, FSR, August 1977, p. 6 for BUFORA). (NIC 4/19/1977 #31999 skies on a clear evening. (Source: FSR, November 1978, pp. 30-31). (NICAP: 5/17/1977 #32103 flew off behind a house. (Source: FSR, August 1978, p 10). (NICAP: 02 - Cl 6/21/1977 #32179 ust above the crowd. (Anthony Lee, FSR, March 1983, pg. 24). (NICAP: 02 - C 7/7/1977 #32244 12 hours. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v41#2. 10/19/1977 #32590 . Rotates. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v25#1. 7/22/1978 #33409 t. Voices. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v26#5. 12/4/1979 #35047 northeast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v24#2. 3/1980 #35187 Very fast. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v26#4. 5/7/1980 #35309 and back. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v26#5p5. 8/23/1980 #35477 st and gone. Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v27#5. 11/5/1980 #35617 en widely. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v24#12. 11/11/1980 #35629 same time. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v24#12. 11/11/1980 #35631 7 and more / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v28#1p28. 7/18/1981 #36015 d powders. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v24#12. 9/5/1981 #36101 one hour. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v27#5+/ r148p238. 10/17/1981 #36175 ong beams. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v28#3. 11/12/1981 #36216 / MJ#283. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v28#2. 11/29/1981 #36237 by them. (Source: Ahmad Jamaludin, FSR, December 1988, p. 22). (NICAP: 02 - 1/24/1982 #36310 ng. 35mph. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v30#3. 3/24/1983 #36797 edible sight before them. (Source: FSR, December 1983, p. 8). (NICAP: 02 - 4/28/1983 #36847 own empty. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v24#12. 4/29/1983 #36849 ter database, case # 13365, citing FSR, volume 37, no. 4). (NICAP: 01 - Dis 6/21/1983 #36886 reference. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v33#1. 2/3/1984 #37174 nd. RADAR. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v30#5. 1/29/1985 #37551 spokes. See Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v32#6. 7/6/1985 #37615 see ovoid. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v32#6. 8/27/1987 #38258 irections. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v35#4. 12/1/1989 #39290 t humming. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v35#4. 12/24/1989 #39337 mountains. / Flying Saucer Review (FSR) v37#1. 10/31/1990 #39820
M altitude. Luminous and glassy. / FSR'59#3. 4/15/1959 #15703
rver(s) near. 40M / burnt crops. / FSR'60#10. 8/6/1965 #19329
nds / park. Crushed grass found. / FSR'60#9+'66#3. 10/13/1965 #19654
d. Lands / 2 hours. Burnt grass. / FSR'61#5. 2/10/1961 #16598
ortly after. No further details. / FSR'62#5. 6/15/1962 #17228
do-human/entity signal. / r8#538+/ FSR'62#6. 7/30/1962 #17301
small humanoids (or Greys) exit. / FSR'62+/ r8#529. 4/10/1962 #17105
ge. 15M saucer on ground nearby. / FSR'63#1. 4/30/1962 #17137
Shrinks and vanishes / TV image! / FSR'63#2. 6/26/1962 #17247
s plants / silver box. / r211p42+/ FSR'63#4. 10/28/1962 #17507 / antennae outside house. Buzz. / FSR'63#4. 5/7/1963 #17734
lit portholes. Man with helmet. / FSR'63#5. 3/13/1963 #17704 Dirt gone. 4 holes. Crops burnt. / FSR'63#5. 7/16/1963 #17831
de. Tilts and flies. / r229'82#2+/ FSR'64#1. 6/28/1963 #17812
n / trees. Headless mansize bat. / FSR'64#2+/ r8#588. 11/16/1963 #18043
separate observer(s). / r242p141+/ FSR'64#3. 10/31/1963 #18012
headlights. Helmet and "wings". / FSR'64#4. 5/19/1960 #16286
rs and lands. Large dent / sand. / FSR'64#5+/ r8#600. 4/30/1964 #18224
for water / mixed Engl&Spanish! / FSR'65#2+/ r8#613. 6/15/1964 #18359
saucers. Cops take photographs. / FSR'65#4+/ r8. 2/21/1965 #18823
ng lights going down / hillside. / FSR'65#5. 6/2/1965 #18982
ow. Saucers seen widely / Andes. / FSR'66#2. 9/5/1965 #19522
/ domed saucer. No landing seen. / FSR'66#3. 10/4/1965 #19640
n pillar. 3 silhouettes outside. / FSR'66#3+/ r8#623. 9/5/1964 #18536
. Follows locomotive / engineer. / FSR'66#4. 4/15/1897 #477 omed saucer lands / school roof. / FSR'66#4. 4/12/1966 #20286
ver(s) shocked / touches aerial. / FSR'66#4+/ MJ#275. 3/29/1966 #20127
/ field. Spins going northeast. / FSR'67#4. 2/22/1967 #21619
appears and vanishes 4X. Smoke. / FSR'67#4+/ LDLN#186. 1/28/1967 #21406
rks / field. No further details. / FSR'67#6. 3/31/1967 #22018 oods and return. Board and away. / FSR'67#6. 7/17/1967 #22672
Flashes / portholes. Arm spins. / FSR'67#6+/ r111p241. 7/27/1965 #19186 shakes. Going quickly northeast. / FSR'67#6+/ r8#689. 8/24/1965 #19458
rge figure approaches. Vanishes. / FSR'68#2. 11/16/1967 #23466
O near ground. Flies with blast. / FSR'68#3. 6/20/1967 #22521
ts. Observer(s) faints. / r8#910+/ FSR'68#5. 6/19/1968 #24047
overing UFO. Sucked in! / r8#551+/ FSR'68#6. 11/1962 #17523
p / field. Round hole and burns. / FSR'73#11. 6/1/1973 #27544
0Retrievals,Status%20Report%20II-3,FSR83V28N4.pdf 8/13/1979 #34741
y Interference (RFI). / r173p249+/ FSRv1#2. 2/2/1955 #11961 ickly northeast toward(s) river. / FSRv1#2. 3/11/1955 #12040
d hangar. Searches / green beam. / FSRv10#2. 12/10/1963 #18069
e beneath. Going up / odd cloud. / FSRv10#3+/ r70p3-84. 7/22/1963 #17846 / car. Hovers 2 minute(s) / 15M. / FSRv10#3+/ r70p3-86. 12/14/1963 #18079
to] and disturbs water. / MJ#240+/ FSRv10#6. 4/1958 #14952
". Circles farm. Figure(s) seen. / FSRv12#1+/ r8. 8/15/1965 #19393
house and railroad/railway line. / FSRv12#1+v17#3+/ LDLN#66 / r8. 10/21/1963 #17993
ntains. Sky glows / 5 minute(s). / FSRv12#7. 11/18/1975 #30637
na. Also fireball / 03 December. / FSRv12#8. 11/26/1975 #30664 ks low / horizon / 90 minute(s). / FSRv12#8. 1/4/1976 #30757
passes. Going quickly southeast. / FSRv127. 11/24/1975 #30659
going southeast going [to] sea. / FSRv14#3. 10/28/1967 #23358
cy Interference (RFI). / r175p28+/ FSRv14#5. 8/22/1968 #24366
line. Vibrant bright light / rear. FSRv15#2. 7/7/1946 #2029 st. 2M crater / dark acrid gunk. / FSRv15#2. 7/11/1946 #2050 Zapped / beam. Dies / leukemia. / FSRv15#2. 8/13/1967 #22871 nd maneuvers. 3 photographs. / see FSRv15#2. 5/16/1968 #23964
ltitude. Faint blue glow / nose. / FSRv15#3. 8/7/1946 #2108 are exhaust going quickly north. / FSRv15#3. 8/12/1946 #2120 s & lands / small island / news. / FSRv15#3. 8/12/1946 #2121 Faint green glow. Smokes / rear. / FSRv15#3. 8/13/1946 #2126 going southeast as if attached. / FSRv15#3. 8/20/1949 #4331
s) glow. Cane and plant samples. / FSRv15#3+/ MJ#109. 1/14/1969 #24840
lar flashes / dome. 6 photographs. FSRv15#4. 5/27/1968 #23984 le barrier. Hide faces. / MJ#177+/ FSRv15#4. 2/22/1969 #24938
25M indent. Dead sheep and slugs / FSRv15#4+/ LDLN#96. 6/21/1968 #24059 inder/cylindrical object helmet. / FSRv15#4+/ MJ#177. 12/18/1968 #24776
at observer(s). Vanish silently. / FSRv15#6. 8/22/1956 #13111
rrel with antennas / gravel pit. / FSRv15#6+/ r30p325. 3/14/1969 #25008
gear. Glows. Burnt traces. / r50+/ FSRv16#2. 11/25/1969 #25471
de. Fear (seen thru) binoculars. / FSRv16#2+/ r222p81. 2/7/1969 #24899
with bright eyes panics horses. / FSRv16#4+v18#1+/ r30. 2/16/1969 #24922
sing time. Wakens / city center. / FSRv16#5. 8/4/1968 #24294
er/cigar-shape / ground. Vanish! / FSRv16#5+/ r4p160. 6/15/1966 #20559
s leaves and twigs. Watches horse. FSRv16#6. 11/11/1965 #19712
nd / tripod. Going up [to] fast. / FSRv16+/ r174p111. 7/19/1965 #19127
ea lit / red. Ozone. Cows upset. / FSRv17#1. 4/23/1966 #20382
ops. Headlight go out. Whistles. / FSRv17#2. 3/16/1967 #21893 ad cows 400M burnt crops. Odors. / FSRv17#2. 5/27/1967 #22408 quickly / different directions. / FSRv17#2. 7/11/1967 #22648
l again. Dog shakes. Sand burnt. / FSRv17#2+/ r113p14. 7/21/1967 #22714
ilent saucer. Going south / sea. / FSRv17#3. Possible hoax / r142#1p47. 5/7/1952 #6263 about. Going quickly northwest. / FSRv17#3. 11/22/1967 #23493 aucer zoom away. Extremely fast. / FSRv17#3. 10/20/1970 #25883
Only footprints and traces found. FSRv17#4. 2/5/1934 #1203 south overhead toward(s) Africa. / FSRv17#4. 8/1958 #15166 up / terrific ascent. No flame. / FSRv17#4. 12/31/1958 #15504 ffect (EME) both X. Dog frantic. / FSRv17#4. 11/25/1968 #24700 screams. Going quickly [to] WSW / FSRv17#4. 12/12/1968 #24761
l over/all about / 90M altitude. / FSRv17#4+/ r41p213. 2/4/1968 #23729
ists and turns and falls to sea. / FSRv17#5. 2/27/1961 #16603
/ 10M saucer near gunnery range. / FSRv17#5+/ r165p142. 5/6/1971 #26101
[a] 17'. Grass turned clockwise. / FSRv17#6. 5/6/1971 #26102
missing time. Temporarily blind. / FSRv17#6+/ APRO 9'71. 9/22/1971 #26359 / 15 minute(s) until car comes. / FSRv17#6+/ r113p167. 9/25/1971 #26373
ure(s) / catwalk work instruments. FSRv18#1. 2/20/1969 (approximate) #24933 rees. Follows train. APRO May'69+/ FSRv18#1. 5/24/1969 #25162 / mid-flight. Flash. Dog barks. / FSRv18#1. 9/24/1969 #25377
oing down. Car slows. Eyes sore. / FSRv18#1+/ MJ#251+/ APRO 5'69. 3/10/1969 #24987
. Observer(s) halted / gestures. / FSRv18#2. 5/18/1946 #1993 erhead. 2nd dead horse burnt up. / FSRv18#2. 8/25/1970? #25805
og sees and yelps and falls dead / FSRv18#3. 10/21/1954 #11286
round. Door opens. Missing time? / FSRv18#5. 8/17/1972 #26923
g quickly south. Back / 28 July. / FSRv18#5+/ r222+/ APRO 9'72. 7/26/1972 #26835
Traces. Going quickly southwest. / FSRv18#6. 3/25/1972 #26622 lows lady / 8mi. Hums. / r213p72+/ FSRv18#6. 7/3/1972 #26755 JULY / 2030H Domed ovoid / disk. / FSRv18#6. 7/20/1972 #26818
going west. Away extremely fast. / FSRv18#6+/ r41p131. 8/9/1971 #26275
to] and going quickly northwest. / FSRv19#3. 3/1958 #14901
human/entity exit car and board. / FSRv19#4. 7/7/1971 #26210 oing up. Going south. / LDLN#122+/ FSRv19#4. 8/12/1972 #26903
oid. Cars stop. Broken branches. / FSRv19#4+/ LDLN#122. 8/12/1972 #26904
150kph. 90° turn. Rises near town. FSRv19#5. 11/26/1968 #24712
eld. Round hole and burnt grass. / FSRv19#6+r231 / 74. 6/1973 #27539
raphs "ribbed object" over town. / FSRv19#6p32+many papers. 9/1/1973 #27742
ow altitude. Fast spin. Flashes. / FSRv2#1. 1/9/1956 #12652
groups / 4. Silent. No contrail. / FSRv2#4+/ r140#2. 5/17/1956 #12855
Pivots. Going quickly northwest. / FSRv20#1. 1/6/1974 #28652 (s) / helmets move / other half! / FSRv20#1. 8/26/1974 #29388
d / scientists. Going southwest. / FSRv20#1p32. 9/3/1973 #27751
ing / low altitude. Photographs. / FSRv20#1p32+/ r156#18. 10/19/1973 #28178
g up [to] and going quickly SSW. / FSRv20#2. 11/12/1973 #28413
kly west. Cows frantic. / MJ#238+/ FSRv20#4. 2/15/1963 #17665
esponds / car lights. Dogs bark. / FSRv20#5. 11/5/1974 #29584
side / SR17. Several cars slow. / FSRv21#1. / r88p11. 10/18/1973 #28154 oing down. Both burn vegetation. / FSRv21#1. 6/13/1974 #29184
Unidentified helicopter circles. / FSRv21#2. 3/5/1975 #29873
ickly south. No further details. / FSRv21#2+news. 4/4/1975 #29965
s. Complex abduction. / r202p225+/ FSRv21#3+/ r110p25. 10/25/1974 #29554
facility / 10 minute(s). Hovers. / FSRv21#4. 7/28/1975 #30210
.5' ugly pseudo-humans/entities. / FSRv21#4+v12#2+/ r47p123. 8/13/1965 #19377
4 corpses / table. Want weapons. / FSRv21#4+v19#6. 5/4/1969 #25113
uits feed observer(s) chocolate. / FSRv21#6. 2/28/1974 #28813 shape 50M over field. / r213p145+/ FSRv21#6. 3/5/1974 #28858 . No trace. Many lights / sides. / FSRv21#6. 6/19/1975 #30108 Going quickly NNW. / R. Haines. / FSRv21#6. 8/10/1975 #30247 ct 2K' over sea. Turns going up. / FSRv21#6. 8/30/1975 #30327
hwest. Dirt gouged out / 2 ruts. / FSRv22#1. 2/8/1974 #28744 n. Rash. Tooth fillings crumble. / FSRv22#1. 1/23/1976 #30812
te(s) / missing time. / r152p186+/ FSRv22#2. 8/29/1975 #30322 ray. Near death. Wave and panic. / FSRv22#2. 10/27/1975 (approximate) #30480
Stonehenge airports/apartments. / FSRv22#3. 1/11/1975 #29740 globe / ground. Both gone later. / FSRv22#3. 5/11/1976 #31043
g night light and 3 huge cigars. / FSRv22#4+/ LDLN#167+202. 7/30/1976 #31198
Going [to] very slow. Vanishes. / FSRv22#4p30. 5/31/1975 #30070
extremely bright ray. / MJ#262. / FSRv22#6. 2/26/1975 #29848 eet = flippers. No UFO / traces. / FSRv22#6. 5/2/1976 #31031
men circles. 1 shouts gibberish. / FSRv22#6+/ MJ#177. 8/3/1909 #798
/underside. Pseudo-human/entity. / FSRv23#1. 7/25/1952 #7124 ly / car. Engine and lights die. / FSRv23#1. 3/17/1977 #31912
ATO base. 6' figure / spacesuit. / FSRv23#1p6. 3/17/1977 #31914
rey) hits button and flies away. / FSRv23#6. 7/12/1977 #32259
/ one hour. Going south to town. / FSRv23#6+r30. 3/1/1974 #28836
sky. Going quickly east rising. / FSRv24#12. 2/8/1980 #35162 cooker" fires rays and red jets. / FSRv24#12. 1/23/1983 #36752
er going up [to] and going east. / FSRv24#3. 2/25/1976 (approximate) #30900 ed. 20 minute(s) / missing time. / FSRv24#3. 1/5/1977 #31693
s found / dirt. Vegetation gone. / FSRv24#5. 5/26/1977 #32130
thwest. Sound like wind / trees. / FSRv24#6. 8/1946 (approximate) #2091 esture! Going quickly northeast. / FSRv24#6. 8/14/1951 #5603
bserver(s) zapped and very sick. / FSRv25#2+/ r30. 2/14/1975 #29807
night lights. Ovoid lands later. / FSRv25#3. 10/6/1972 #27052 sh / flash. Night light rotates. / FSRv25#3. 2/6/1974 #28741 nd take stones. Guard paralyzed. / FSRv25#3. 12/6/1978 #34061
ocks stop. Missing time.. / r241+/ FSRv26#2. 8/20/1979 #34762
ers 500' away. 6M indent / ground. FSRv26#4. 7/6/1980 #35405
50' saucer / ground. / r218p158+/ FSRv27#1. 1/9/1978 #32859
burnt / chest. Physical traces. / FSRv27#1+/ APRO 5'67. 5/20/1967 #22376
head. High heat. Vibrant bright. / FSRv27#5p17+/ LDLN#218. 10/5/1980 #35553
t (EME). Tripod physical traces. / FSRv28#1. 6/14/1980 #35362 time. Observers moved. / r25p104+/ FSRv28#1. 7/31/1981 #36042
) works / rim. Quickly going up. / FSRv28#5. 9/18/1978 #33705
to] east-northeast. Photographs. / FSRv29#4+r114. 2/1/1954 #9524
entified high-frequency jamming. / FSRv29#5. 8/13/1980 #35457
ollows plane. More objects join. / FSRv3#1. 8/31/1956 #13157 g up [to] as truck lights flash. / FSRv3#1. 11/14/1956 #13325
blips. Away as USAF planes near. / FSRv3#3. 7/29/1952 #7274
Going southwest. 25 men aboard. / FSRv30#2. 2/3/1983 #36759
harbor. Lights and bars / dome. / FSRv30#5. 1/15/1967 #21302
Portholes. Follows atomic tests. / FSRv31#5. 11/2/1957 (approximate) #14197
nto cloud and burns up! Balloon? / FSRv32#3. 7/2/1954 #9981 adios collision. 4 die. / MJ#252+/ FSRv32#3. 4/1/1959 #15687
or Greys) abduction woman. Exam. / FSRv32#3+/ MJ#107. 6/11/1976 #31096
gments left! Observer(s) zapped. / FSRv32#4. 4/24/1950 #4886 Cone beams. Humming. Going west. / FSRv32#4. 6/10/1982 #36493
' luminous cone saucer / ground. / FSRv32#4+/ APRO 5'66. 4/4/1966 #20217
els and hits it. Temp paralyzed. / FSRv32#5. 4/24/1954 #9715
around it. Going quickly north. / FSRv33#2p5. 3/17/1987 #38145
rod. Boy vanishes and reappears. / FSRv34#4. 9/27/1989 #39122
ses / lake. Makes loop and away. / FSRv35#2. 4/24/1980 #35287 tside with black balls in hands. / FSRv35#2. 4/30/1983 #36850 /box-like craft going northeast. / FSRv35#2. 11/29/1989 #39269
3 lights. Tilts 45° up and away. / FSRv35#4. 12/21/1989 #39324 lights / rear. Back 9+16 April. / FSRv35#4. 2/15/1990 #39419 ight lights over house / 0215hrs / FSRv35#4. 3/30/1990 #39491 gle with windows. Follows terrain. FSRv35#4. 4/12/1990 #39520
ty ends. Going / cloud to cloud. / FSRv36#3. 1/6/1991 #39946
trike with a disabling beam etc. / FSRv39#3+/ r63p158. 3/1977 #31854
ickly south. / r242p163 / r3p158+/ FSRv4#1. 11/1/1957 #14186 ckly northeast to Firth and sea. / FSRv4#1. 11/8/1957 #14473
dge turns. Follows boy. / MJ#231+/ FSRv4#1+/ r141. 7/30/1957 #13858 . Cops chase going quickly west. / FSRv4#1+/ r55p172+/ r141. 11/4/1957 #14261 rs. Going quickly west. / MJ#235+/ FSRv4#1+/ r242p169+/ r141. 11/4/1957 #14262 2 hours. Maneuver against wind. / FSRv4#1+/ r141#7p49. 11/5/1957 #14320
ine quit. No object seen. / r141+/ FSRv4#3p13. 9/1/1957 #13967
rs low. Going quickly southwest. / FSRv4#3p6. 11/27/1957 #14629
r46p27+/ APRO 3'59+/ r242+/ r143+/ FSRv5#3. 2/24/1959 #15600
hen 2+observer(s) near. / MJ#251+/ FSRv5#3+/ r8. 3/13/1959 #15638
uickly [to] very fast. Contrail. / FSRv6#2. 12/1/1959 #16108
r. Shadows move inside. / r143#4+/ FSRv6#3. 12/23/1959 #16129
s / huge 2 hour wave. / r111p199+/ FSRv7#3. 5/13/1960 #16264
Going quickly northeast / fast. / FSRv9#4p11+/ r70p3-73+/ r8. 6/3/1961 #16713
oad” on the UFO question. (Keyhoe, FSTS, pp. 258–260) May 26, 29 — Adamski Late 5/1959 #15747
WOOD, DERBYSHIRE 40 observer(s). 2 Ft. intense glowing-ball slow / low alti 1/22/1919 #982 AKRON, OH 2 observer(s). 200 Ft. 'comet' hisses. Lights windows / sid 7/14/1925 #1049 ohe, Oahu, Hawaii. Description: 50 ft. diam.; metallic; looked like an iglo 1944 #1557 large orange glow in sky approx. 5 ft. in diameter. (Page 131 Ref.1) (NICAP 1/14/1945 #1756 EAST / FT LAUDERDALE, FL 6 Army Air Force (AAF) 12/5/1945 #1949 shaped with a domed top; about 30 ft. diam.; two rings on its outer edge w 1/1947 #2221 formation of 5-6 white circular 3 ft objects (Ruppelt p. 19; FOIA; FUFOR I 6/28/1947 #2445 ay, circular objects about 8 or 10 ft diameter (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 6/30/1947 #2484 FT. STEVENS ANNEX, OR Several observer(s 7/1/1947 #2504 d disc-shaped object, 9 meters (30 ft.) across. Later a military truck arri 7/2/1947 #2536 y suits and appeared to be about 3 ft. tall. 7/2/1947 #2536 OFF FT ROSS, CA Forest lookout. Ship burns a 7/3/1947 #2573 )/airliner questions all pilots on Ft. Worth route. 7/6/1947 #2745 tangles with a flying disc at 32k ft near LA, gets caught in prop wash and 7/7/1947 #2833 FT BRAGG, CA 2 / beach. Glistening tire- 7/7/1947 #2881 h going quickly north. Thousands / Ft. altitude. Vapor trails. 7/8/1947 #2959 Ft. Sumner (near), NM A sharply outlined 7/10/1947 #3099 ellipsoidal seemingly luminous 200 ft object (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 7/10/1947 #3099 FT. COLLINS, CO Ex-Army man and 4. 8 per 7/17/1947 #3193 FT. RICHARDSON, AK 2 Army officers. 3m s 8/4/1947 (approximate) #3286 polished chromium surface obj 4-6 ft wide(McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index 8/14/1947 #3327 Ft. Richardson, AK A 2-3 ft silver spher 9/17/1947 #3400 Ft. Richardson, AK A 2-3 ft silver sphere traveling S at tremendo 9/17/1947 #3400 Xenia, OH Saw a round 1 ft object at 1,500 ft (NICAP: 01 - Dista 10/20/1947 #3462 H Saw a round 1 ft object at 1,500 ft (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10/20/1947 #3462 g Grounds. Message: Crash of a 100 ft. diam. saucer, 30 ft. ht.; one portal 1948 #3519 rash of a 100 ft. diam. saucer, 30 ft. ht.; one portal window blown; 5 Alie 1948 #3519 s suffocated; each Alien approx. 4 ft. in ht., oversized heads; hull of cra 1948 #3519 rying to chase an UFO up to 30,000 ft. His last message to the tower was, “ 1/7/1948 #3537 ice estimated the saucer to be 250 ft. diam. (On Mantell's online obituary, 1/7/1948 #3537 Circleville, OH Large 60 ft domed disc, with bright orange-amber 2/1/1948 #3572 ssile-like object flying at 20,000 ft (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3/1/1948 #3586 trol system of the saucer. The 100 ft. saucer crash-landed on Mr. H.D.’s (i 3/25/1948 #3596 moon shaped "flying wing" about 30 ft wide 20 ft long (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 4/1/1948 #3602 "flying wing" about 30 ft wide 20 ft long (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: 4/1/1948 #3602 dron and was flying south at 1,500 ft altitude when he saw a half-moon shap 4/1/1948 #3604 ry, AL A silver parachute-shaped 8 ft disc with a 5 ft long cable (NICAP: 1 4/9/1948 #3618 arachute-shaped 8 ft disc with a 5 ft long cable (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Case 4/9/1948 #3618 ated at slightly smaller than a 42 ft AT-6 at the indicated altitude. (FOIA 4/19/1948 #3627 w or light colored sphere 25 to 40 ft. diam. moving at a speed of approx. 1 4/30/1948 #3631 sks were oval-shaped and about 100 ft. diam., speed in excess of 500 mph. M 7/1/1948 #3692 cacia, N.M., at altitude of 20,000 ft. Formation varied from “J” to “L” to 7/17/1948 #3711 ound, dull gray or silver object 2 ft diameter (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 8/11/1948 #3777 ir Nat. Guard), sighted a UFO 3000 ft. below him while he was flying his F- 10/1/1948 #3822 ile he was flying his F-51 at 4500 ft. The pilot pursued the UFO which took 10/1/1948 #3822 iptical bright silver object 10-15 ft in size (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 10/18/1948 #3847 Manila, Philippines Very large 300 ft long 140 ft wingspan snow-white aircr 11/12/1948 #3873 ippines Very large 300 ft long 140 ft wingspan snow-white aircraft (NICAP: 11/12/1948 #3873 ighted UFO at 2200 hours at 27,000 ft. Ground radar determined that it was 11/23/1948 #3884 mph and climbed quickly to 50,000 ft. in a matter of minutes and disappear 11/23/1948 #3884 rratic motion. Still rising at 30K Ft. 12/3/1948 #3900 ound stationary object about 10-15 ft size (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - 1/23/1949 #3974 Hood, TX Blue-white object about 2 ft x 1 ft in size (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 3/6/1949 #4034 X Blue-white object about 2 ft x 1 ft in size (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters 3/6/1949 #4034 j about the size of C-47 at 10,000 ft (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 3/27/1949 #4057 ll-yellowish light flying at 2,400 ft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU) 3/29/1949 #4059 FT HOOD, TX Project Bluebook Case #315. 4/27/1949 #4113 Elko, NV 3 flying discs 30 ft diameter at 14,000 ft make a left tur 5/2/1949 #4137 ing discs 30 ft diameter at 14,000 ft make a left turn and depart ahead of 5/2/1949 #4137 FT BLISS, TX 3 military observer(s). Whi 5/5/1949 #4146 Ft. Bliss, Texas Witnesses: Army office 5/5/1949 #4148 FT HOOD, TX 100+military observer(s). 15 5/7/1949 #4165 r-shaped metallic disc about 25-35 ft to 100 ft wide (1-1/2 miles E of Rogu 5/24/1949 #4206 etallic disc about 25-35 ft to 100 ft wide (1-1/2 miles E of Rogue River ) 5/24/1949 #4206 hovering orange object about 30-70 ft in diameter, 2 mils angular size, 1 m 6/6/1949 #4227 ists tracking a test missile at 2k ft/second suddenly picked up two small c 6/10/1949 #4229 Hovering orange object about 30-70 ft in diameter (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 6/14/1949 #4239 FT WILLIAM AND HYMERS, ONT Huge streak / 10/24/1949 #4403 NORTHEAST / FT. SUMNER, NM T6 pilot. Round glowing o 1/1950 #4467 Crew of C-47 transport saw a 30-60 ft silver football-shaped object flying 1/6/1950 #4474 parts, a cockpit or cabin about 6 ft. diam.; a ring approx. 18 ft. across 1/16/1950 #4493 out 6 ft. diam.; a ring approx. 18 ft. across and 2 ft. thick surrounding c 1/16/1950 #4493 a ring approx. 18 ft. across and 2 ft. thick surrounding cabin, resembling 1/16/1950 #4493 Aleutian Islands (north of), AK 3 ft red and white elliptical object flyin 1/31/1950 #4521 Stuttgart, AR 100 ft flat cylinder-section circular disc ( 3/20/1950 #4687 ar with raised centers, approx. 50 ft. diam. Each one occupied by 3 bodies, 3/22/1950 #4696 h one occupied by 3 bodies, only 3 ft. tall, dressed in metallic suite, tap 3/22/1950 #4696 FT WILLIAM AND MORE/OTHERS, ON Crowds. B 3/29/1950 #4751 Kokomo, IN Grey metallic disc, 50 ft in diameter, 15 ft thick, top-shaped 4/8/1950 #4826 tallic disc, 50 ft in diameter, 15 ft thick, top-shaped (NICAP: 02 - Close 4/8/1950 #4826 NE or E over Brookley AFB at 3,500 ft (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 4/10/1950 #4840 Ft. Monmouth, New Jersey Witness: Army M 4/14/1950 #4851 cream-colored flat object about 20 ft high, 60 ft long (NICAP: 01 - Distant 4/27/1950 #4905 d flat object about 20 ft high, 60 ft long (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 4/27/1950 #4905 oval object that climbed to 28,000 ft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU) 4/27/1950 #4908 Silvery white object hover at 100 ft altitude (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 5/7/1950 #4930 les W of), VA A spindle-shaped 150 ft long metallic object (NICAP: 01 - Dis 5/29/1950 #4971 Hasselbach, East Germany 40-50 ft frying pan-shaped object with two row 6/17/1950 #4990 n-shaped object with two rows of 1 ft holes (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, 6/17/1950 #4990 OVER FT PECK, MT USAF photograph-reconnaissan 7/13/1950 #5058 ny white spherical object about 20 ft diameter (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 8/27/1950 #5141 Pope AFB, NC 4 round shiny 100 ft objects (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 10/15/1950 #5231 FT MYERS, FL 5 observer(s) / (seen thru) 12/6/1950 #5324 Fort Meyers, FL 75 ft object, 3-4 ft thick, bubble on top, 12/6/1950 #5326 Fort Meyers, FL 75 ft object, 3-4 ft thick, bubble on top, silver with a r 12/6/1950 #5326 Ft. Myers, Florida Witnesses: former ai 12/6/1950 #5328 South of Ft. Worth, Texas Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. 1/8/1951 #5387 FT BENNING, GA Project Bluebook Case #86 1/12/1951 #5389 Ft. Benning, Georgia Witness: U.S. Army 1/12/1951 #5392 in excess of 1000 mph, approx. 300 ft. diam. approaching and reversing dire 2/10/1951 #5437 Portsmouth, NH Greyish 100-200 ft tubular object (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 7/24/1951 #5583 Port Clinton (NE of ), OH 20 ft dark cigar-shaped object flying at hi 8/8/1951 #5598 the length of a B-29 fuselage (100 ft), (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, BB: 8/31/1951 #5640 h / 2 V formations and coin-disk / Ft. Sill. / r135p52. 9/1/1951 #5648 Lt. Rogers while flying at 20,000 ft. in a T-33 spotted a disc-shaped UFO 9/10/1951 #5656 an F-86 flying below them at 8000 ft. It was travelling much faster than t 9/10/1951 #5656 ver in color. The radar station at Ft. Monmouth plotted the same UFO on rad 9/10/1951 #5656 ojave (30 (35?) miles N of), CA 30 ft disk-shaped flying object in the SW, 11/2/1951 #5761 shaped flying object in the SW, 10 ft thick, blue green (NICAP: 01 - Distan 11/2/1951 #5761 e round object flying at 500-1,000 ft height at about 1,000 mph (NICAP: 01 11/24/1951 #5787 luminous rotating and pulsating 3 ft sphere with blue flame halo (NICAP: 1 1/29/1952 #5881 Ft. Stockton, TX B-29 and radar (McDonal 2/27/1952 #5933 Glen Burnie, MD 50 ft flat silver disc with cupola/dome (NI 3/29/1952 #5989 m shiny oblong object above 54,000 ft (Project 1947; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 0 4/3/1952 #6019 tion of hovering disk: at about 50 ft. it appeared to be 4 to 5 ft. in diam 4/25/1952 #6180 ut 50 ft. it appeared to be 4 to 5 ft. in diam. The wobble of the disk allo 4/25/1952 #6180 er flying silvery disc approx. 100 ft. in diam. Next to it more UFOs appear 4/25/1952 #6180 ied target at 650 knots at 60,000+ ft altitude (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Co 6/12/1952 #6485 Ft. Smith, Arkansas Witnesses: U.S. Arm 6/12/1952 #6486 Hasselbach, East Germany 40-50 ft frying pan-shaped object with two row 6/17/1952 #6522 n-shaped object with two rows of 1 ft holes (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 6/17/1952 #6522 Pyungthek, Korea 4 ft diameter orange object (NICAP: 01 - D 6/22/1952 #6586 Two Marine Corps Sergeants. One 4 ft. diameter object dove at a runway sh 6/22/1952 #6587 an Black coin-shaped object, 15-20 ft in diameter (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 6/23/1952 #6599 FT. MYERS, FL 2 / home. Round orange dis 6/27/1952 #6644 lver smooth surfaced, flat oval 30 ft object (Jan Aldrich; unpublished Rupp 6/29/1952 #6664 Monmouth, NJ 2 big lights about 20 ft diameter fly straight and level, G,V 7/1/1952 #6687 idge AFB, MI 2 big lights about 20 ft diameter (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 7/3/1952 #6700 nd white lights hovering at 21,000 ft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU) 7/12/1952 #6778 L Barrel-shaped black object 3.5-4 ft diameter, emitting black smoke trail 7/22/1952 #7014 h speed target heading N at 42,000 ft (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Ra 7/23/1952 #7062 ), Japan Pilot saw object at 7,000 ft off their left (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 7/31/1952 #7370 Disc-shaped object fly S at 5,000 ft at high speed (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 8/9/1952 #7523 5MI NORTH / FT DIX, NJ 2 Army / car. Eerie yellow-or 8/10/1952 #7537 ct moving down from 8,000 to 1,500 ft then hovering and vanishing (NICAP: 0 8/10/1952 #7538 Light flying at 500 mph and 15,000 ft pass his aircraft (NICAP: 11 - Aviati 8/12/1952 #7557 ge light fly a left orbit at 8,000 ft and 230 mph (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 8/13/1952 #7569 A Undescribed object flying at 500 ft altitude (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 8/20/1952 #7659 Hermanas, NM Two 6 ft silver balls in abreast formation (NI 8/24/1952 #7706 Frontenac-Pittsburg, KS 70-75 ft inverted platter-shaped dull aluminum 8/25/1952 #7726 Colorado Springs, CO 3 objects 50 ft in diameter, 10 ft high, aluminum (NI 8/29/1952 #7784 CO 3 objects 50 ft in diameter, 10 ft high, aluminum (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 8/29/1952 #7784 FT WORTH, TX White cylinder/cigar-shape- 9/13/1952 #7909 llic particles or flashes, up to 3 ft in length (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 9/24/1952 #8019 GA Orange blimp-shaped object, 80 ft long 20 ft wide (NICAP: 02 - Close En 10/31/1952 #8219 blimp-shaped object, 80 ft long 20 ft wide (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, B 10/31/1952 #8219 d target on FPS-3 radar at 158,000 ft (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Ra 11/13/1952 #8268 FT BENNING, GA Blue white UFO zigzags. V 11/21/1952 #8313 Albuquerque, NV Series of 20 ft black smoke bursts similar to antiair 11/27/1952 #8347 FT. CARSON, CO 2 observer(s). 25' saucer 12/4/1952 #8368 . Description of bodies: approx. 4 ft. high. Resting un-shrouded on a speci 1953? #8470 Mobile, AL Bluish-white object 1-2 ft size with a short exhaust trail in ra 1/1/1953 #8491 Corona, CA Five 25 ft green spheres fly in V-formation (NIC 1/28/1953 #8593 Ft. Worth (Carswell AFB), TX 3 bright li 2/13/1953 #8673 occo Light above at 7,000 to 8,000 ft maneuvering in spiral pattern over ai 3/25/1953 #8786 CAN Light above at 7,000 to 8,000 ft maneuvering in spiral pattern over ai 5/5/1953 #8864 uctural damage. It was oval and 30 ft. in diam. An opened hatchway was 3 1/ 5/21/1953 #8892 diam. An opened hatchway was 3 1/2 ft. long and 1 1/2 ft. wide. Inside the 5/21/1953 #8892 chway was 3 1/2 ft. long and 1 1/2 ft. wide. Inside the craft were 2 swivel 5/21/1953 #8892 pse of the pilot. It was approx. 4 ft. tall and had a brown complexion, two 5/21/1953 #8892 Minneapolis, MN 40 ft object leaving brief vapor trail was 10/15/1953 #9228 0° in nine seconds at about 40,000 ft altitude and 25° elevation. The objec 10/15/1953 #9230 mental Canberra aircraft at 55,000 ft. when he picked up on the new experim Winter 1953 #9385 Ft. Worth (Carswell AFB), TX (Shough) Ra 2/4/1954 #9534 r tower at an Alt. of 3000 to 4000 ft. and was visible to all persons on du 2/6/1954 #9538 EAST / FT. LAUDERDALE, FL U.S. Marine Corps (US 3/25/1954 #9641 Ft Lauderdale, FL Ball With Golden Ring 3/25/1954 #9642 crashed disc. The saucer was 40–50 ft. in diameter. There were 4 dead Alien 4/12/1954 #9683 iption (seen from helicopter at 30 ft. alt.): Height was between 4.0 to 4.5 4/12/1954 #9683 t.): Height was between 4.0 to 4.5 ft. Large proportioned heads, no helmets 4/12/1954 #9683 San Nicholas Island, CA 4-6 ft long gray cigar-shaped object with po 4/22/1954 #9702 Yarmouth (10 miles NNW of), UK 30 ft silver or gray round object as seen f 5/14/1954 #9794 unning lights fly at 24,000-44,000 ft altitude (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, 6/1/1954 #9858 s traveling at 260 knots at 19,000 ft. when the crew saw a large CIGAR shap 6/29/1954 #9958 h-blue egg or blimp-shaped 300-500 ft object (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 7/29/1954 #10062 E: Sighted Saucer hovering at 2000 ft. above Maxwell AFB, Alabama. Dispatch 8/12/1954 #10131 o., U.S. Tarma, also of the 506th, Ft. Genning, GA. 8/12/1954 #10131 FT. BENNING, GA Several observer(s). Sau 8/12/1954 #10134 adir, Iceland Flat cylinder, 2-2.5 ft long, 4-5 ft in diameter (NICAP: 01 - 8/24/1954 #10174 Flat cylinder, 2-2.5 ft long, 4-5 ft in diameter (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 8/24/1954 #10174 Danville, VA 2 domed ellipses, 20 ft long, 8 ft thick, 10 ft at ends (NICA 8/26/1954 #10180 VA 2 domed ellipses, 20 ft long, 8 ft thick, 10 ft at ends (NICAP: 01 - Dis 8/26/1954 #10180 lipses, 20 ft long, 8 ft thick, 10 ft at ends (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounte 8/26/1954 #10180 Santa Maria Airport, Azores 10 ft x 5 ft light metallic blue, pecan-sha 9/21/1954 #10380 ta Maria Airport, Azores 10 ft x 5 ft light metallic blue, pecan-shaped obj 9/21/1954 #10380 at 4:15pm and climbed up to 16,000 ft. When he was over Southend, England, 10/14/1954 #11005 Flat-bottomed, domed object 65-70 ft across, 18-20 ft high (NICAP: 01 - Di 11/28/1954 #11719 omed object 65-70 ft across, 18-20 ft high (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 11/28/1954 #11719 Ft. Wayne, IN Airliner Encounters 5 Obje 2/7/1955 #11981 large light-blue object at 35,000 ft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU) 2/17/1955 #12007 ld’s humming top, between 10 to 30 ft. diameter. Looked like kitchen saucep 2/23/1955 #12013 ots saw 2 bright objects at 20,000 ft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU) 7/5/1955 #12236 FT. WOOD, MO 2 soldiers. Big silver ball 1/5/1956 (approximate) #12645 McKinney (5 miles E of ), TX 6 ft silvery, balloon-shaped craft land in 4/6/1956 #12794 n-shaped craft land in a field 300 ft away from them (NICAP: 01 - Distant E 4/6/1956 #12794 NEAR FT. WINGATE, NM 2 / car. 2 disks going [ 4/24/1956 #12812 FT FEYZIN, FRANCE Landed domed saucer. S 6/1956 #12875 NEAR FT. MCLEOD, ALTA RCAF pilot / 11km altit 8/23/1956 #13122 FT. COLLINS, CO Red-glow cylinder/cigar- 8/26/1956 #13132 Ft. Macleod, Alberta, CAN RCAF Pilot Pho 8/27/1956 #13138 NEAR FT. SMITH, MT Ground and air observers. 8/31/1956 #13157 SOUTH / FT. MYERS, FL Ex-Navy pilot / Cessna. Hu 9/21/1956 #13231 ing steam”. It was about 60 to 100 ft. in diam. and cigar shaped. The UFO g 10/2/1956 #13258 ied object fly at an estimated 100 ft altitude over water (NICAP: 01 - Dist 11/30/1956 #13369 NORTHWEST / FT. WORTH, TX Fireball maneuvers all ove 1/16/1957 #13459 Lubbock (Bet. Ft. Worth and), TX Object Maneuvers Near 1/16/1957 #13460 White derby-hat-shaped object 50+ ft wide hovering low over a field (NICAP 3/6/1957 #13522 r Caramy (1/2 mile E of), France 5 ft tall 3 ft wide metallic top-shaped ob 4/14/1957 #13600 1/2 mile E of), France 5 ft tall 3 ft wide metallic top-shaped object cover 4/14/1957 #13600 cked a stationary target at 42,000 ft (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, Code: R, Ra 7/18/1957 #13810 Cecil NAS, FL Car chased a 50 ft black, bell shaped object (NICAP: 01 8/22/1957 #13920 FT BELVOIR, VA 6 photograph. Black hoop 9/1957 #13962 d 2,300 mph radar target at 50,000 ft altitude tracked/ multiple radars (NI 9/20/1957 #14018 FT. AMADOR, PANAMA 1 military observer(s 9/21/1957 #14022 FT. HOOD, TX 20M luminous object lands. 11/4/1957 (approximate) #14255 AFB), NM Highly maneuverable 15-20 ft egg-shaped object w/white light at it 11/4/1957 #14279 Ft. Oglethorpe, GA Brilliant round orang 11/5/1957 #14329 Boerne, TX Oval object, about 15 ft long, bright orange (NICAP: 01 - Dist 11/6/1957 #14393 sland, NY A bar-shaped object, 3.5 ft long, giving off blue flashes (NICAP: 11/8/1957 #14479 Lake City, MO Man saw object 50 ft long. Car engine died as he approache 11/9/1957 #14502 y Turkish Air Force pilot saw a 10 ft regular-hexagon-shaped object (NICAP: 11/22/1957 #14593 OH Pilot saw a very dark blue 6-8 ft cloud-shaped object on a SW heading ( 4/7/1958 #14965 as standing on duty. At about 1000 ft. altitude. The UFO appeared as a roun 5/1958 #15006 NORTHWEST / FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 2 / boat. Orange fire 5/17/1958 #15040 Ft. Lauderdale, FL UFO sped away when li 5/17/1958 #15041 FT BRAGG, NC Army officer. Silver saucer 6/20/1958 #15100 a private lake making a circle 10 ft across w/foam (NICAP: 01 - Distant En 6/20/1958 #15102 Ft. Bragg, North Carolina Witness: Batta 6/20/1958 #15104 vers saw a moving saucer at 40,000 ft (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases, BB: BBU) 11/8/1958 #15433 FT. SMITH, ARK 3 observer(s). 2M glowing 11/17/1958 #15446 FT. HOOD, TX Rumor. 36 soldiers. Domed 6 12/21/1958 #15493 biconvex dull red object about 25 ft wide (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, B 2/24/1959 #15603 Dark red, barrel-shaped object, 20 ft long, 6-7 ft high (NICAP: 01 - Distan 3/26/1959 #15671 rel-shaped object, 20 ft long, 6-7 ft high (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 3/26/1959 #15671 r. 16 cream-colored ovoids / 36000 Ft. 7/4/1959 #15812 well, while flying an C-47 at 6500 ft. alt., spotted an UFO. “It was colore 9/29/1959 #15997 red massive and was at about 13000 ft. alt. The UFO appeared to be about 10 9/29/1959 #15997 The UFO appeared to be about 1000 ft. thick (top to bottom). Billie Guyton 9/29/1959 #15997 TRANS-CANADA HIGHWAY NORTHWEST / FT WILLIAM, ON 4 hunters / car paced / 5 10/25/1959 #16057 the S touch the ground about 1,000 ft (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 4/12/1960 #16223 Silver-colored round object 20-25 ft wide with hanging appendages (NICAP: 5/19/1960 #16287 NEAR FT. BRAGG, NC Airman. Metallic domed 10M 8/1960 #16358 ersed direction and climbed to 500 ft. Description: round or oblong surroun 8/13/1960 #16373 miles from), Tasmania Spherical 75 ft object flying at great speed at 36,00 10/15/1960 #16484 ct flying at great speed at 36,000 ft (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, BB: 10/15/1960 #16484 flew silently, was about 20 to 30 ft. in diam., and had no wings or tail. 1961 #16544 Ft. Meade, MD Cluster of 3 Objects Track 2/27/1961 #16606 Ft. Pierce, FL Beechcraft pilot and pass 3/23/1961 #16639 e 1127th Field Activities Group at Ft. Belvoir responsibility for UAP “coll 11/13/1961 #16963 sentry was a saucer approx. 12–15 ft. diam. suspended off the ground by tw 4/1962 #17093 Ft. Worth, TX Egg shaped light crossing 4/28/1962 #17134 Willow Grove, AU 25 ft blue and battleship-gray metallic obj 2/15/1963 #17666 tleship-gray metallic object, 9-10 ft high (NICAP: 04 - Animal Reactions, B 2/15/1963 #17666 Ft. Kent, ME A silvery disc-shaped UFO w 8/18/1963 #17907 n automobile land about 150 [125?] ft away (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 4/30/1964 #18226 Clinton, IA 60 ft diameter round topped, flat-bottomed 7/20/1964 #18429 New York City, NY 10 ft x 5 ft bullet-shaped object with wavy 8/15/1964 #18487 New York City, NY 10 ft x 5 ft bullet-shaped object with wavy lines 8/15/1964 #18487 pace suite. Description: About 4.5 ft. tall with a translucent dome over it 1965 #18679 finger method) approx. 200 to 1000 ft. diam., glowing red and oval shaped. 2/11/1965 #18803 Rivesville, WV Woman saw a 25 ft object land near her house shaped lik 4/23/1965 #18913 FO was copper colored and about 30 ft. in diam. Immediately the UFO lifted 9/16/1965 #19569 n it. The object was approx. 35–48 ft. in diam., had a fin on the end and a 11/1965 #19690 TX Tadpole-shaped object about 14 ft long 2 ft wide (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases 2/6/1966 #19882 e-shaped object about 14 ft long 2 ft wide (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: 1019 2/6/1966 #19882 the size of a car, came within 10 ft of car (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters, 2/26/1966 #19922 ly to the S, hover, come within 50 ft, then fly off to the SW (NICAP: 02 - 3/3/1966 #19936 red lights spinning came within 80 ft of the patrol car (NICAP: 02 - Close 3/17/1966 #19980 aquilted surface hovering about 8 ft. off the ground in a patch of apparen 3/20/1966 #19997 ng them at an altitude of about 60 ft. Both the young men and the patrolman 3/20/1966 #19998 ring object over swamp about 1,500 ft away car-sized (NICAP: 02 - Close Enc 3/20/1966 #20007 llipse with body lights, within 50 ft., humming sound. Report in NICAP file 3/23/1966 #20043 teville, TN Large lighted object 3 ft above the road on a hilltop (NICAP: 0 3/28/1966 #20112 FT. BENNING, GA 2 separate observer(s) / 3/29/1966 #20121 Elongated object on the ground, 6 ft long, 2 ft high, with 6 openings (NIC 4/4/1966 #20222 object on the ground, 6 ft long, 2 ft high, with 6 openings (NICAP: 02 - Cl 4/4/1966 #20222 NY Spinning vapor-like sphere, 10 ft in diameter (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 4/5/1966 #20235 Alto, TN Object 100 ft long oval with a dark top appeared co 4/5/1966 #20237 ell-defined cigar shaped object 50 ft long with no wings or tail (NICAP: 01 4/11/1966 #20283 , OH Various officers chased 30-45 ft metallic object from Ohio to PA (NICA 4/16/1966 #20302 ed away from them at about 300–500 ft. above the road, it would alternately 4/17/1966 #20305 le Creek, MI Egg-shaped object, 75 ft long, 15 ft high, gray-colored (NICAP 4/18/1966 #20328 Egg-shaped object, 75 ft long, 15 ft high, gray-colored (NICAP: 01 - Dista 4/18/1966 #20328 blue light on top dive within 100 ft of a car (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounter 4/24/1966 #20399 Follansbee, WV Silent 30 ft object shaped like 2 bowls, at 100 ft 4/26/1966 #20420 object shaped like 2 bowls, at 100 ft altitude ahead of a car (NICAP: 02 - 4/26/1966 #20420 hovered at an altitude of 300–500 ft. All of a sudden the 6 generators fai Summer 1966 #20590 the fairgrounds. It was about 100 ft. long and 30 ft. thick with greenish- 6/24/1966 #20602 . It was about 100 ft. long and 30 ft. thick with greenish-yellow lights on 6/24/1966 #20602 Union-Kirkwood, PA Large (100 ft wide, 20 ft high) bright red luminous 7/11/1966 #20637 irkwood, PA Large (100 ft wide, 20 ft high) bright red luminous object (NIC 7/11/1966 #20637 , ND Bright, shiny, round disc, 30 ft in diameter and 15 ft high (NICAP: 01 8/19/1966 #20768 und disc, 30 ft in diameter and 15 ft high (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 8/19/1966 #20768 FT. THOMPSON, SD 1+3 cops. Ferris-wheel 10/11/1966 #20987 Winsted, MN 75 ft object landed on road, man dressed in 1/5/1967 #21257 mes, each separated by about 2,000 ft and each emitting a "red ray". They t 1/13/1967 #21301 Coffeen (near), IL 60 ft object, flat on the bottom, rounded o 1/26/1967 #21392 t on the bottom, rounded on top 10 ft thick (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 1/26/1967 #21392 dessa, DE Saturn shaped object, 50 ft in diameter and 20 ft high (NICAP: 01 2/9/1967 #21487 d object, 50 ft in diameter and 20 ft high (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, 2/9/1967 #21487 haped object approached within 100 ft., heat felt. Gillmor, 1969, pp. 295-2 3/1967 #21690 Ft. Chaffee, AR 11:30 p.m. CST. Three te 3/10/1967 #21851 bout 5 minutes, then disappeared. (Ft. Smith SW Times Record, Arkansas, 3/1 3/10/1967 #21851 mushroom-shaped object hovering 30 ft above ground (NICAP: 02 - Close Encou 3/12/1967 #21868 SOUTH / FT. YATES, ND 2+observer(s). Large dull 3/17/1967 #21907 Jefferson City, MO 300 ft WWI helmet shaped object come over a 4/17/1967 #22150 Plain, NJ Oyster-shaped object 200 ft wide 25-30 ft thick (NICAP: 01 - Dist 6/29/1967 #22571 er-shaped object 200 ft wide 25-30 ft thick (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 6/29/1967 #22571 crash-sight. Saucer: Metallic, 30 ft. diameter, domed top, no windows. He 7/3/1967 #22593 NEAR FT BAYARD, NM 2 separate observer(s). To 10/9/1967 #23197 US40 .25MI WITH FT DUCHESNE, UT Saucer follows airplane 10/18/1967 #23251 FT. SIMPSON, NWTL Airport/apartment weat 11/15/1967 #23454 nesses see low-flying disc - 50-60 ft circular obj with 7 lights on the bot 2/4/1968 #23731 Groveton, MO 100 ft circular obj hover 20-25 ft above gro 2/9/1968 #23743 MO 100 ft circular obj hover 20-25 ft above ground sends cattle running tow 2/9/1968 #23743 bris) writes to the DIA, 1127th at Ft. Belvoir, WPAFB, Andrews AFB and MacD 3/1968 #23799 e 1127th Field Activities Group at Ft. Belvoir had responsibility for recov 3/1968 #23799 e the pen is a helmeted being, 3.5 ft tall, who is engaged in killing her s 3/10/1968 #23834 football shaped object hovered 200 ft. over barn and projected bright bluis 8/1968 #24282 football shaped object hovered 200 ft. over barn and projected bright bluis 8/1968 #24283 l-shaped yellowish-white about 100 ft wide-stopped car (NICAP: 03 - EME Cas 11/23/1968 #24693 d blinking light on top within 100 ft. of car; made 2nd car pass; E-M effec 11/25/1968 #24702 oad ahead of him. It was about 100 ft. in diam. apparently rotating clockwi 3/4/1969 #24963 lti-colored object came within 100 ft., hovered. Ulysses, Kans., News, Apr. 4/14/1969 #25062 FT. WORTH, TX 3' boat floats / 20' altit 9/1969 (approximate) #25346 FT DUCHESNE, UT 2 boys. Large domed sauc 9/20/1971 #26351 lights observed approximately 300 ft across completely silent moved slowly 10/1971 #26395 FT DUCHESNE, UT Dome-object goes north g 2/10/1972 #26567 ce like a frog or a lizard, 3 or 4 ft tall. It leaped over the guardrail an 3/3/1972 #26587 FT. BEAUFORT, RSA Cop and 1 shoot at red 6/26/1972 #26733 AND RUSSEL AND ELLIS AND LOGAN AND FT SCOTT AND WICHITA AND MORE Big wave. 8/1972 #26853 Isabella, CA Dome-shaped object 15 ft. in diameter on roadside; rose and cr 7/27/1973 #27655 , was surprised to see a saucer 30 ft. diam. and 10 ft. ht. resting on a wo 9/1973 #27735 o see a saucer 30 ft. diam. and 10 ft. ht. resting on a wooden platform. De 9/1973 #27735 missile. The saucer crashed in 350 ft. water between Hawaii and the mainlan 9/1973 #27735 FT. WAYNE, IN Huge "flying oceanliner" g 9/23/1973 #27855 Ft. Wayne, IN 7:20 p.m. Witness waiting 9/23/1973 #27858 Ft. Wayne, IN Evening. Two patrolmen saw 9/24/1973 #27863 FT WAYNE, IN Air Traffic Controller / Ba 10/9/1973 #27969 Ft. Wayne, IN Evening, Military radar at 10/9/1973 #27970 ered just off the ground while a 6 ft being reached out of a doorway and tr 10/17/1973 #28127 d 600 mph. It stopped abruptly 500 ft. above them. It had a big, gray, meta 10/18/1973 #28144 ay, metallic looking hull about 60 ft. long, shaped like an airfoil or stre 10/18/1973 #28144 dive but gained altitude from 1700 ft. to 3500 ft. with no power applied. A 10/18/1973 #28144 ned altitude from 1700 ft. to 3500 ft. with no power applied. After a sligh 10/18/1973 #28144 Ft. Knox, KY 7:15 a.m. Sergeant First Cl 10/18/1973 #28162 ost-like" figure floating about 50 ft above the ground at 1000 ft distance; 10/19/1973 #28187 out 50 ft above the ground at 1000 ft distance; it was about 4 ft tall and 10/19/1973 #28187 t 1000 ft distance; it was about 4 ft tall and thin, "like a person draped 10/19/1973 #28187 field on tripod legs, approx. 300 ft away. The object was saucer-shaped wi 10/19/1973 #28189 AR Glowing disc descended within 6 ft. of car, "computer-like" sound. South 10/20/1973 #28211 Dobson, NC Oval, 12 ft. in diameter, landed, humanoid encoun 10/24/1973 #28266 e two men and two women, between 5 ft. 6 in. and 5 ft. 8 in. (about 1.7m) t 10/28/1973 #28311 o women, between 5 ft. 6 in. and 5 ft. 8 in. (about 1.7m) tall. They had bl 10/28/1973 #28311 lgium 2:00 a.m. Round disc. 16 1/2 ft. dia. Upper half orange, lower half d 12/19/1973 #28584 hirring sound. One humanoid. 3 1/2 ft. tall. Medium build, normal proportio 12/19/1973 #28584 f a blinding white oval of light 6 ft in diameter, apparently tht interior 1/8/1974 #28665 ior of the object. Five small (3-4 ft) occupants observed, sitting to one s 1/8/1974 #28665 two humanoid figures about 5 to 6 ft tall, very thin, almost skeletal in n 1/23/1974 #28693 igures, apparently dead, about 5–6 ft tall, very thin, almost skeletal in n 1/23/1974 #28694 utside witness's house, hovering 6 ft over garden. Emitted buzzing sound an 2/4/1974 #28737 ery legs. Three gray humanoids. <5 ft. tall. Large elongated heads. Short l 5/7/1974 #29090 licopter pulled going up [to] 2000 Ft.! Well documented. 10/18/1974 #29544 creatures with pointed ears and 6 ft. 6 in. tall hooded human-looking albi 10/27/1974 #29561 paced the car at a distance of 24 ft. About the size of a car, it had a fl 1/8/1975 #29733 FT. PIERCE, FL 2 / car. Moonlit object s 2/6/1975 #29786 brant bright light. Altitude = 50K Ft. Latest in diplomatic query. 3/6/1975 #29874 ASHLOT BENCH / FT. SHAW, MT 2 observer(s). Big red flas 7/27/1975 (approximate) #30209 see the UFO resting on stilts 200 ft away. Near it was walking a humanoid 9/3/1975 #30339 s walking a humanoid being about 5 ft tall, with long narrow legs, very sho 9/3/1975 #30339 around the edges, and about 30-35 ft away. These forms were moving about s 10/26/1975 #30476 hrough binoculars, looked like 100 ft. sphere and appeared to have craters 10/28/1975 #30492 SOUTH / FT BENTON, MT Cop sees UFO / 30 min. Ver 11/2/1975 #30537 report the UFOs to be 25 yards (75 ft.) in diameter, gold/silver in color w 1/21/1976 #30802 eight, who came to within 12 or 15 ft of the witness. They were clad in dar 1/29/1976 #30832 PAGE FIELD AND FT. MYERS, FL NAL pilot and several sepa 6/26/1976 #31141 FT. MITCHELL, KY Green glow. 12' ovoid 7 12/21/1977 (approximate) #32799 Ft. Dix, NJ During the early morning hou 1/18/1978 #32889 Ft. Dix, NJ MP at Ft. Dix shoots and kil 1/18/1978 #32890 Ft. Dix, NJ MP at Ft. Dix shoots and kills an Alien. Incid 1/18/1978 #32890 ting incident and body recovery at Ft. Dix and McGuire AFB. The form states 1/18/1978 #32895 tates a UAP sighting occurred over Ft. Dix and an “unidentified being had b 1/18/1978 #32895 WSAP/AATIP programs, suggested the Ft. Dix body recovery was a hoax. NIDS D 1/18/1978 #32895 FT CLAYTON, PANAMA Large Saturn saucer i 6/17/1978 #33284 aims he witnessed a UAP landing at Ft. Riley in November 1964. * https:// 8/1978 #33460 FT. BENNING, GA Gi / guard duty. Red-ora 1/1980 #35117 MP shot and killed an alien at the Ft. Dix Army base next to the AFB. 9/16/1980 #35522 FT RIXON, ZIMBABWE Girl / 13. Night ligh 10/10/1980 #35562 d legitimate disc shaped UFO of 37 ft. diameter with trilateral insignia on 11/17/1980 #35644 FT. WAYNE, IN Mushroom-cap saucer paces 4/7/1982 #36436 Ft. Wayne, IN A mushroom cap shaped flyi 4/7/1982 #36437 of red at an altitude of 900–1000 ft. Two other officers, alerted by radio 11/27/1982 #36691 FT MYERS BEACH, FL Several observer(s). 1/28/1986 #37772 were flying at an altitude of 8500 ft. at 4 p.m. when a very bright UFO was 5/11/1986 #37861 FT LAUDERDALE, FL 10 observer(s). 50 sil 7/19/1986 #37947 7 freighter, was cruising at 35000 ft. altitude and at 5:11 p.m. the pilots 11/17/1986 #38068 SOUTH / FT. YUKON, AK Huge walnut paces JAL 747. 11/17/1986 #38069 FT. COLLINS, CO Heavy snowfall. 20' obje 10/25/1987 (approximate) #38312 NORTH / FT. ADAMS, MS 3 observer(s). Saucer with 10/14/1988 #38673 SR37 NORTHEAST / FT. WAYNE, IN 1+1 observer(s). 2 equilat 1/17/1989 #38782 FT PAYNE, AL Highway Patrol reports Fyff 3/1/1989 #38858 le around an UFO, between 574–1000 ft. in diam. while it was close to a dow 9/28/1989 #39127 FT WALTON BEACH, FL 2 / (seen thru) bino 10/30/1989 #39193 Ft. Walton Beach, FL Insects silent as l 10/30/1989 #39194 FT. WAYNE, IN 2 observer(s). Silent glow 11/12/1989 #39226 FT LAUDERDALE, FL 1 observer only. Silen 11/14/1991? #40229 NORTH / FT MYERS, FL Cop. Saucer over field buzz 3/12/1992 #40373 NEAR FT ATKINSON, WI Delta flies backwards. L 2/4/1993 #40836 FT. PICKENS, FL "Meteor" slows. Drops go 7/8/1995 #42292 FT. SIMPSON, NWT 2 driving. Multi-colore 11/13/1995 #42599 FT. SMITH, AR Many separate observer(s). 1/3/1996 #42664 FT. RESOLUTION, NWT Many observer(s) / 4 1/4/1996 #42665 NEAR FT. RESOLUTION, NWT 2 trappers chased / 1/20/1996 (approximate) #42690 FT. MCPHERSON, NWT 30 observer(s) watch 1/28/1996 #42718 OFF FT. LAUDERDALE, FL 3 observer(s). 2 tiny 2/26/1996 #42781 FT. COLLINS, CO Man and 2 boys. Metallic 4/15/1996 #42868 OFF FT. WALTON BEACH, FL 5 crew. Vibrant bri 4/28/1996 #42889 aft, flying at an estimated 20,000 ft, with no aura nor trail. It went on a 4/26/2004 #44693
but before ATC analysis and NORAD/FTC intelligence whittles down the numbe 1990 #39348 gue elements within DOD, CIA, NSA, FTC and DOE, (4) the target of financial 2/13/2009 #45212
udioIt-000003014DOCS.pdf Note: FTD swept up UAP information in its Proj 1956 #12639 d claims the corpses were at WPAFB FTD/TDETR as of 1959. [Retrievals of th 1959 #15516 umStringfield.pdf), p165 Note: FTD (TDETR) is in correspondence between 1959 #15516 ntire idea. The program remains at FTD as a special project and without exp 1962 #17005 Book explanation. Even Hynek urges FTD to change the designation to “unknow 5/17/1966 #20497 sal to Col. George R. Weinbrenner, FTD Commander, in which he reveals that 3/3/1969 #24961 sion, Flight Performance Division (FTD/SQDF) to analyze unknown datatracks. 6/1989 #38972
1063/1.2437566 https://arxiv.org/ftp/physics/papers/0611/0611167.pdf 2/1/2007 #45004
y launches the first of some 9,300 Fu-Go bomb-bearing fire balloons intende 11/3/1944 #1691 l craft discovers one of the first Fu-Go balloons floating off San Pedro, L 11/3/1944 #1691 f the Manhattan Project A Japanese Fu-Go balloon strikes a high-tension wir 3/10/1945 #1810 lled when they discover a Japanese Fu-Go balloon bomb that has landed in th 5/5/1945 #1864 y in southern Oregon. (Wikipedia, “Fu-Go balloon bomb”) May 23 and 25 — Nig 5/5/1945 #1864
d at the local military airport in Fubara, Italy. It carried flashing polic 11/10/1966 #21088
SAN DE FUCA, WA 2+3 / separate cars. Night ligh 3/13/1967 #21878 San De Fuca, WA 8:15 p.m. PST. Two men watched 3/13/1967 #21881
shire 9:30 p.m. Engineer Eugene A. Fucci is driving southeast on Interstate 4/16/1981 #35901
SOUTHEAST / VOLCAN FUEGO, GUAT Huge gold ovoid / 6500' alti 1/17/1953 #8545 Sombrero, Tierra del Fuego Mr. Uribe, a petroleum engineer, a 8/9/1959 #15897 Cerro Sombrero, Tierra del Fuego, Chile 7:30 p.m. Petroleum enginee 8/9/1959 #15898 me from Cerro Sombrero, Tierra del Fuego, Chile, with his wife and an 11-ye 8/9/1959 #15898 Chile Puerto Natales, Tierra del Fuego, Chile Mount Balmaceda Two Chilean 4/2/1999 #43753 ceda in Puerto Natales, Tierra del Fuego, Chile. They see red, green, and y 4/2/1999 #43753
por leaks when heavily loaded with fuel, as it might have been for a potent 12/5/1945 #1950 up by a crashing plane.” Short on fuel, he returns to Lockbourne. He persu 1948 #3521 plane powered by the XLR-11 liquid fuel rocket engine. 8/15/1951 #5607 d 55,000 feet, but they run low on fuel and have to land. Two more F-86s ar 9/23/1951 #5685 the first two were running low on fuel and broke off pursuit. The second p 9/23/1951 #5687 intercept because they were low on fuel at about 8:20 a.m., landing at 8:45 9/23/1951 #5687 scan of the Cape May area. Low on fuel, the pilot cannot pursue the UFO an 8/12/1952 #7559 Mike uses deuterium as its fusion fuel, maintained as a liquid by an expen 11/1/1952 #8228 later, they are dangerously low on fuel, and before reaching the runway, bo 11/1/1952 #8228 chase is broken off because of low fuel. The object is seen by at least two 1/29/1953 #8615 for 15 minutes, he heads back for fuel. Flying south at 20,000 feet, he no 2/11/1953 #8664 no closer than 3 miles. Now low on fuel, the F-84 returns, followed by the 8/5/1953 #9049 Wade abandons the chase due to low fuel after 2 minutes. At 9:05 p.m., two 8/11/1954 #10126 Definitely NOT a star. Helicopters fuel low, returned to base. In coming he 8/12/1954 #10131 tallic torpedo by railroad/railway fuel tanks. Small humanoid (or Grey) exi 10/10/1954 #10878 so a mess hall, several wells, and fuel storage tanks. 5/4/1955 #12117 with the UFO until they ran low of fuel and returned to base. Local citizen Late 1956 #13277 when he became lost and ran low on fuel. The area is still evacuated for nu 7/28/1957 #13848 abinsk-40) for nuclear weapons and fuel reprocessing at Ozyorsk, Chelyabins 9/29/1957 #14044 by an American jet fighter low on fuel. The men see a bright light approac 1958 #14783 this time, the jet that is low on fuel is landing. A second jet is asked t 1958 #14783 MBRERO, TDF, CHILE 3 / car O / O / fuel. Upright egg with probes and beams 8/9/1959 #15896 s had to stop when they ran out of fuel; they observed a light swinging lik 8/9/1959 #15897 maid when their pickup runs out of fuel. As they are waiting for another ve 8/9/1959 #15898 s had to stop when they ran out of fuel at Sombrero, Magallanes, Chile. At 8/9/1959 #15899 on for adding cesium to the A-12’s fuel in order to ionize the exhaust and 9/14/1959 #15976 overheat until it bursts, sending fuel hurtling skyward. Deadly radioactiv 1/12/1965 #18718 rtling skyward. Deadly radioactive fuel chunks as large as 148 pounds shoot 1/12/1965 #18718 and explodes. About a fifth of the fuel is ejected and most of the rest mel 6/25/1965 #19027 wake" behind it like a jet dumping fuel. They noticed that the object had s 1/18/1966 #19852 th Canyon, Nevada. Due to a faulty fuel gauge, the aircraft runs out of fue 1/5/1967 #21260 el gauge, the aircraft runs out of fuel 70 miles from Groom Dry Lake. Ray g 1/5/1967 #21260 bove him, and he has to return for fuel. Air Force radar tracks the UFO mov 9/5/1968 #24431 ms was filling a truck with diesel fuel at the Ready-Mix Plant at 2090 Wash 4/30/1971 #26086 lowing object is a low-temperature fuel fire. 2/10/1975 #29800 occurs, destroying or damaging 32 fuel assemblies and releasing radiation 11/30/1975 #30677 caused the destruction of only one fuel channel, but the accident is really 11/30/1975 #30677 guard dog they went to search the fuel stockpile area. They had gone about 11/12/1976 #31540 but is forced to turn away by low fuel. 11/15/1978 #33957 80, yet he has used 114 gallons of fuel. The top 2 inches of the CB antenna 8/29/1979 #34803 -131, fragments of uranium dioxide fuel, and hot particles containing zinc- 9/9/1982 #36599 he has to break off due to lack of fuel, never having acquired a visual tar Spring 1984 #37231 chnologies to explore “alternative fuel sources.” Church, the CEO of Church Summer 1985 #37607 tely trained personnel lead to the fuel rods overheating, causing an explos 4/26/1986 #37843 chase as they were running low on fuel. Ground Radar picked up 10–13 more 5/19/1986 #37874 en, then red again. Running low on fuel, he has to return to base. Both gro 5/19/1986 #37881 lands because he is running out of fuel. 6/19/1987 #38194 last, and deposited it in a former fuel depot. The guards get a close look Early 8/1987 #38225 ed by something in the first-stage fuel of the RSD-10; others suggest it is 10/1988 #38661 a window. According to Lazar, the fuel for the craft is Element 115 [later 3/1989 #38855 just 223 grams (half a pound) can fuel a craft for a long time. On another 3/1989 #38855 r careful records of the amount of fuel their vehicle had consumed, they ha 11/6/1989 #39216 at 1991 VG might be a spent rocket fuel tank from a space mission, or even 11/6/1991 #40220 , VCT 15 minute(s) early on little fuel. 2/6/1995 #42023 ced to return after running low on fuel, and the UFO disappears before othe 10/19/1998 #43665 ers are preparing a small batch of fuel for the Jōyō experimental fast bree 9/30/1999 #43856 m-238). It is JCO’s first batch of fuel for that reactor in three years, an 9/30/1999 #43856 o 19,000 feet because it is low on fuel and spots the object one last time 10/28/2004 #44773 . Jet packs would take up too much fuel to get to those altitudes. 10/14/2020 #45662 n, Arizona, directly adjacent to a fuel terminal just west of Davis- Montha 2/9/2021 #45676
3M saucers on top. Saucer goes to fuel-dump. Same / 10 th. Traces. 5/9/1990 #39568 A saucer came down and landed in a fuel-dump; the same thing happened again 5/9/1990 #39569
l record from Purcell’s office has fueled the rumors, but Ike’s dental hist 2/20/1954 #9560 US and its first lithium deuteride–fueled thermonuclear weapon. The test’s 3/1/1954 #9584 the domestic population over time, fueled anti-government conspiracy theori 1980's? #35109
ed No. 3 was the most likely to be fueling the development of a black budge 2002 #44302
pacecraft, aircraft propulsion and fuelless electricity generation. GRASP 7/29/2002 #44370
l melting of Martian polar icecaps fuels speculation that an advanced alien 5/1894 #314 nd not by a bonfire or hydrocarbon fuels. 9/17/1978 #33701
Fuenlabrada, Spain The witness, Magdalen End of 1981 #36240
FUENTECEN, SP 3 observer(s). Night light 2/13/1981 #35825 Fuentecen, Spain The witness observed se 2/13/1981 #35826 finished closing up his canteen in Fuentecen, Valladolid province, Spain at 2/13/1981 #35827
Fuenteluega Estate Sevilla, Spain 11:00 6/11/1961 #16724 k in the front of his house on the Fuenteluega Estate in Sevilla, Spain, wh 6/11/1961 #16724
VILA NOVA / FUENTES, PRT Several observer(s). Strong 3/28/1959 #15676 Este, Uruguay 10:15 p.m. Cpl. Juan Fuentes Figueroa and four other Uruguaya 10/28/1972 #27095 obos, off Punta del Este, Uruguay. Fuentes goes to inspect the electrical g 10/28/1972 #27095 ding from the UFO. They all notice Fuentes and face him from about 89 feet 10/28/1972 #27095 At 10:10 p.m. Corporal Juan Maria Fuentes Figueroa, age 41, encountered a 10/28/1972 #27097 s and her husband, Manuel Valderas Fuentes, both anglers, saw in the yard o 3/14/1974 #28886
Fort Clayton Balboa, Panama Fuerte Amador 1:20 p.m. Photographer Lin 6/17/1978 #33286 on June 16 while fishing at nearby Fuerte Amador. 6/17/1978 #33286
ones Científicas y Técnicas de las Fuerzas Armadas The Argentine Ministry o 1991 #39936 ones Científicas y Técnicas de las Fuerzas Armadas, a federal agency in cha 1991 #39936
igh altitude (McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index; Bloecher 1967) (NICAP: 01 - 6/12/1947 #2323 t high speed (McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index; Bloecher 1967) (NICAP: 01 - 6/28/1947 #2444 3 ft objects (Ruppelt p. 19; FOIA; FUFOR Index; Bloecher 1967). (NICAP: 11 6/28/1947 #2445 ane, reflecting white light (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 7/7/1947 #2925 Project 1947; McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 8/4/1947 #3290 j 4-6 ft wide(McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 8/14/1947 #3327 g at 700 mph (McDonald list; FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 10/8/1947 #3450 at the indicated altitude. (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 4/19/1948 #3627 SD Pfutzenreuter. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 6/30/1948 #3685 burg, PA Jannicky. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 7/4/1948 #3696 A Veway and Geltz. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 7/8/1948 #3700 Lake, WA Caramia. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 7/9/1948 #3701 toona, PA Griebel. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 7/24/1948 #3730 ng the ground. (Vallée Magonia 67; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 8/29/1948 #3788 San Simeon, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 9/28/1948 #3815 SW of), KS Huber. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encount 10/24/1948 #3849 enix, AZ Peterson. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 10/24/1948 #3850 arbor, WA Kunsman. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) ADC Directs F-82 to 10-20 E 10/30/1948 #3856 er than basketball (McDonald list, FUFOR index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 11/3/1948 #3865 on, various Young. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 11/26/1948 #3892 Chanute AFB, IL (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 12/8/1948 #3917 lane (Project 1947; McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 1/1/1949 #3953 object about 10-15 ft size (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 1/23/1949 #3974 ows and throwing sparks (Berliner; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 1/27/1949 #3979 king off from Elko airport. (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 5/2/1949 #4137 lightly on a straight path. (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 5/3/1949 #4142 anes at high speed. (Project 1947; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 12/29/1949 #4452 aight level flight. (Project 1947; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation Cases 1/6/1950 #4474 orange with trailing flame (FOIA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 1/7/1950 #4477 .36° W). Thompson. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 11/23/1950 #5285 74.31° W). Folean. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 12/27/1950 #5367 Westover AFB, MA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Three Uncorrelated Targets 1/24/1951 #5415 nds Radar / Visual (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 7/14/1951 #5574 Selfridge AFB, MI (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) CPS-6B Picks Up High Speed 7/30/1951 #5587 Finland AFS, MN (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 8/20/1951 #5612 , MA (McDonald files; Jan Aldrich; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 10/21/1951 #5739 reen fireball. (LIFE Incident 10; [FUFOR Index?]) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Enco 11/2/1951 #5760 ect above 54,000 ft (Project 1947; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 4/3/1952 #6019 TX Bethune. (Hynek UFO Rpt p. 43; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 4/9/1952 #6050 ing light. (Willy Smith pp. 25-29; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 4/16/1952 #6092 ng a short, dark trail. (Berliner; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 4/18/1952 #6116 ct Tracked At 2,700 MPH (Berliner; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 4/18/1952 #6117 ide-to-side oscillation (Berliner; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 03 - EME Cases, BB: 4/29/1952 #6211 George AFB, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 5/11/1952 #6302 CA 1:25 p.m. (PST) (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 5/20/1952 #6342 ; Jan Aldrich; cf. Ruppelt p. 140; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 5/25/1952 #6357 acked by ground radar. (Weinstein; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 5/26/1952 #6365 unknown location, MI (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 6/25/1952 #6625 Gaudet [and Wolf?]. (Jan Aldrich; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 6/30/1952 #6672 Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, AK (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 7/5/1952 #6711 n any jet aircraft they have seen (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 7/9/1952 #6736 Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, AK (FUFOR Index) F-94 Makes Radar Contact (N 7/24/1952 #7111 Hallock, MN (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounte 7/28/1952 #7249 Atlanta, GA (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 7/30/1952 #7355 Holloman AFB, Alamogordo, NM (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 7/30/1952 #7359 Delaware, OH (NARA; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 8/25/1952 #7727 West Hokkaido, Japan (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 11/4/1952 #8241 a Amarilla AFS, NM (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) FPS-3 Tracks Maneuvering Ob 11/8/1952 #8258 Dallas (near), TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, R 1/6/1953 #8508 Bergstrom AFB, TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Unidentified Return For 19 1/23/1953 #8561 N 6:29 a.m. (CST). (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 2/1953 #8624 Misawa AFB, Japan (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 2/10/1953 #8660 AL Hawk and Stern. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 2/16/1953 #8678 Charleston, WV (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) FPS-3 Sights Unusual Target 2/25/1953 #8702 reat Falls AFB, MT (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 2/27/1953 #8711 Ashiya AFB), Japan (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 3/9/1953 #8741 Pasadena, TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Object On Radar 25 Seconds 3/23/1953 #8779 , Manchuria, China (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 5/4/1953 #8859 , CA Briggs. (Hynek UFO Rpt p. 44; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 4/6/1955 #12083 Fordland, MO (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Catch-Me-If-You-Can UFO on 8/25/1955 #12406 miles NW of ), TN (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) F-86 Unable to Close on Rad 10/19/1955 #12509 pper and Complaer. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) F-89 Has Radar LockOn (NICA 1/11/1956 #12655 FB, Tripoli, Libya (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Object Tracked For 12 Minut 1/24/1956 #12680 (Keesler AFB), MS (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 2/7/1956 #12699 Spokane, WA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 3/3/1956 #12745 s to San Diego, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Object Tracked At 59,000' ( 6/29/1956 #12930 nell. (Jan Aldrich; McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Radar / Visual With CPS6B ( 8/10/1956 #13066 Bend, OR Camillo. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Object Tracked At 54,000 Fe 8/20/1956 #13104 rnholm Island, Den (McDonald list; FUFOR Index); Objects Orbiting Location 8/22/1956 #13115 F witness Pollock. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) GCA Targets Big As B36's (N 10/6/1956 #13264 FB, Tripoli, Libya (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) F-86's Had Radar Contact Wi 10/17/1956 #13284 Point Arena, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Two Objects Tracked By Grou 11/4/1956 #13304 Las Cruces, NM (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) 54 Targets / Two Ground Rad 2/7/1957 #13485 Marrero, LA Martin (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Nebulous Targets At High Al 2/13/1957 #13499 lla AFS, NM Meyer. (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Two Objects On AN/FPS-3 (NI 2/13/1957 #13500 Castle AFB, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) 6,000 MPH Objects On Three 2/27/1957 #13516 ngeles Airport, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Rectangular Targets Tracked 3/22/1957 #13550 McChord AFB, WA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) One Vertical Descending Rad 6/14/1957 #13727 Cambria AFS, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Radar/Visual; F2H Fighter & 8/22/1957 #13921 Tulsa, OK (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) APS-64 Tracks Object At 24, 9/12/1957 #13991 Wiesbaden, Germany (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) AN/TPS-1D Tracks Object Thr 10/22/1957 #14144 rport), CA Zibello (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 11/5/1957 #14325 Harlingen AFB, TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 11/7/1957 #14454 us Targets Tracked (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 11/14/1957 #14549 Joliet, IL (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Radar Contact On Visuals By 11/23/1957 #14599 West Mesa AFS, NM (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 11/26/1957 #14623 Minot, ND (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) FPS-6 Blip Travels 100 Mile 11/30/1957 #14642 e, Hokkaido, Japan (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Jets Scrambled After Radar/ 12/12/1957 #14717 Fensterstock. (Hynek UFO Rpt p.43; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 1/3/1958 #14799 so (Biggs AFB), TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Uncorrelated Targets on Gnd 1/9/1958 #14814 Newfoundland, CAN (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 2/25/1958 #14891 Zigzagging Object (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 2/25/1958 #14892 ed By F3D Aircraft (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 5/3/1958 #15012 Templehof, Germany (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 5/28/1958 #15059 By Air & Gnd Radar (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 09 - RADAR Cases, C 9/5/1966 #20848 10/23 case[Same as Oct. 23 case?] (FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 10/30/1966 #21050 Glasgow AFB, MT (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) MG-13 Radar Confirms Two Se 2/23/1967 #21628 Houma, LA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Radar Visuals / MPS-14 & FP 4/10/1967 #22103 MA (Hynek-CUFOS-Willy Smith files; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 7/23/1967 #22723 Kernville, CA (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 7/30/1967 #22752 Kincheloe AFB, MI (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) 17 Unknowns In 80 Minute Pe 9/11/1967 #23038 Amarillo, TX (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encoun 3/6/1968 #23830 Eielson AFB, AK (McDonald list; FUFOR Index) Fairbanks RAPCON Has Return 7/11/1968 #24168
Utah real estate developer Brandon Fugal. In 2020, he partners with the His 4/2016 #45447 Utah real estate developer Brandon Fugal (who purchased the land from Rober 6/15/2019 #45585 owner of Skinwalker Ranch Brandon Fugal says Gen. Wesley Clark, Hal Puthof 10/27/2022 #45784 cepts and free energy devices, and Fugal began supporting Joe Firmage’s wor 10/27/2022 #45784 otion Sciences in the late 2000s. Fugal says within a year the tests of an 10/27/2022 #45784 ess and their company closed down. Fugal says in 2015, Puthoff and Green ag 10/27/2022 #45784
n once to the site in some kind of fugue. He soon deserts and perhaps disap 2/20/1959 #15595
enburg, Saskatchewan, farmer Edwin Fuhr, 36, notices a metallic-appearing d 9/1/1974 #29417 . Walking to within 15 feet of it, Fuhr sees that it is spinning and swirli 9/1/1974 #29417 Whether from fear or an EM effect, Fuhr cannot get the throttle and steerin 9/1/1974 #29417 the low cloud cover and disappear. Fuhr goes to the landing area and finds 9/1/1974 #29417 ound in the area later that month. Fuhr later learns that cattle in a nearb 9/1/1974 #29417 had been wheeled in or out and Mr. Fuhr seemed genuinely scared.” Later Mor 9/1/1974 #29417
ist aboard the Japanese icebreaker Fuji in Antarctic waters sees an object 1/6/1979 #34311
Taijiang District of Fujian province, China Furnace Creek, Ca Early 1970 #25524 ant in the Taijiang(?) District of Fujian province, China, sees a metallic, Early 1970 #25524 TAINING, FUJIAN, CH Hundreds / militia surround l 2/1970 #25568 Zhangpu County, Fujian, China 8:30 p.m. As some 3,000 pe 7/7/1977 #32245 a Romanian film in Zhangpu County, Fujian, China, two objects appear in the 7/7/1977 #32245 UNKNOWN MOUNTAINS / FUJIAN, CH Several observer(s). Domed je 9/1979 #34814 ly silently by the town of Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China at 7:00 p.m. 6/15/1981 #35972
TAINING CO, FUJIEN, CH 3 women before Dawn. Saucer s 1/28/1979 #34384
oro, Japan at 1:49 p.m. by Miss S. Fujii. At 1:55 p.m. 16 more UFOs appeare 1/6/1966 #19807
Rockefeller Company, Wackenhut and Fujika Company. He claims former Adm. Bo 8/19/1997 #43387
FUJIMOMYA, JPN 6 Boyscouts. Bright orang 3/31/1965 #18881
FUJISAWA, JPN 2+15 observer(s). Cylinder 8/20/1957 #13909 Fujisawa City, Japan August 20, 1957; Fu 8/20/1957 #13910 isawa City, Japan August 20, 1957; Fujisawa City, Japan, Takeda photo (NICA 8/20/1957 #13910
FUJU, JAPAN Pilots. White circular objec 1/31/1955 #11954 Fuju \[?\],, Japan Military pilots saw a 1/31/1955 #11955
Fukuoka, Japan One bright ball of fire; 6/19/1945 #1878 Fukuoka, Japan Target Tracked In A Climb 8/28/1947 #3374 Shika Island off Fukuoka, Japan Microwave Early Warning r 8/28/1947 #3375 Warning radar on Shika Island off Fukuoka, Japan, picks up a target moving 8/28/1947 #3375 In Fukuoka, Japan at the U.S. Air Force Mew 8/28/1947 #3376 NORTHEAST / FUKUOKA RS#1, JP RADAR blip going quickl 9/16/1947 #3397 Fukuoka, Japan Radar Tracks Incoming Obj 9/16/1947 #3398 Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] Fukuoka, Japan An incom 9/16/1947 #3399 uke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] Fukuoka, Japan An incoming radar target 9/16/1947 #3399 picked up at Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport], Fukuoka, Japan, moving 9/16/1947 #3399 ke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport], Fukuoka, Japan, moving 840–900 mph, then 9/16/1947 #3399 hitose Air Base MEW Radar Station, Fukuoka A memorandum from Col. James F. 9/26/1947 #3428 se, July 1; and MEW Radar Station, Fukuoka, August 28 and September 16). It 9/26/1947 #3428 Fukuoka, Japan A preliminary EEI documen 10/21/1947 #3465 t the radar detection of UFOs near Fukuoka, Japan, on September 16 has play 10/21/1947 #3465 NORTHWEST / FUKUOKA, JP F61 chases bullet-object. 18 10/15/1948 #3837 Fukuoka, Japan Japan, A,V 6 interception 10/15/1948 #3838 Fukuoka, Japan 11:05 p.m. On night patro 10/15/1948 #3841 k Widow some 50 miles northwest of Fukuoka, Japan, when the crew picks up a 10/15/1948 #3841 sland, Japan Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] Tsutsusaki Lighthouse 8 9/28/1952 #8049 tracks from Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport], a series of targets ap 9/28/1952 #8049 FUKUOKA, JAPAN F94B pilot. Bright blue n 4/8/1953 #8809 Fukuoka, Japan F-94 Encounters Maneuveri 4/8/1953 #8810 Fukuoka, Japan Witness: lst Lt. D.J. Pi 4/8/1953 #8812 then fly parallel to his F-94 over Fukuoka, Japan. The object increased its 4/8/1953 #8813 Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] in Fukuoka, Japan 4:20 12/17/1956 #13408 Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] in Fukuoka, Japan 4:20 p.m. Near Itazuke Ai 12/17/1956 #13408 20 p.m. Near Itazuke Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] in Fukuoka, Japan, a US 12/17/1956 #13408 Air Base [now Fukuoka Airport] in Fukuoka, Japan, a USAF pilot flying an F 12/17/1956 #13408 FUKUOKA, KYUSHU, JP 3 observer(s) photog 6/8/1957 #13713
, as well as the crew of the Daigo Fukuryu Maru ("Lucky Dragon No. 5"), a J 3/1/1954 #9589
hall Islands Rongelap Utirik Daigo Fukuryū Maru 6:45 a.m. Castle Bravo is t 3/1/1954 #9584 the Japanese fishing vessel Daigo Fukuryū Maru are also contaminated by th 3/1/1954 #9584
FUKUSHIMA, JPN Cop and 2. 1M saucer goin 10/10/1947 #3452 Honshu, Japan Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in 3/11/2011 #45318 ichi Nuclear Power Plant in Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan 2:46 p.m. A 3/11/2011 #45318 ducing Reactors 1, 2, and 3 at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in 3/11/2011 #45318 ichi Nuclear Power Plant in Okuma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, automatical 3/11/2011 #45318
Fukushima-Ken, Japan Portable radio emit 10/3/1958 #15309
evious evening Enrique Castillo of Fulanos de Tal, Colombia was again summo 11/18/1973 #28443
FULDA, GERMANY Project Bluebook Case #12 6/2/1952 #6423 Fulda, West Germany Porcelain-white obje 6/2/1952 #6425 Fulda, West Germany Witness: lst Lt. Jo 6/2/1952 #6427 Fulda, West Germany. On this night Lt. J 6/2/1952 #6430
uch time on UFO research and still fulfill the requirements for his atmosph 1968 #23627 at “we expect that Dr. Condon will fulfill the terms of the agreement.” 4/30/1968 #23932 f scientific paper [that] does not fulfill the promise of its title. . . [I 4/1969 #25044 f scientific paper [that] does not fulfill the promise of its title…. [It] 4/1969 #25045
man’s account, the prophecies were fulfilled. 5/4/1932 #1143
oyees in Atuba, Para state, Brazil fulfilling a prediction made on May 4, 1 5/4/1977 #32055
ack people, scorched with the Sun, full of fire, very amorous.” 1686 #50 brilliant lights as bright as the full moon that give off slow-moving stre 12/5/1737 #60 appearing in the northeast after a full 30 seconds. The front part is lumin 12/16/1742? #65 and nebulous. It is visible for a full 50 seconds and continues on its cou 9/30/1880 #240 nters camping on a hilltop see the full outline of an airship with headligh Mid 1/1899 #630 with the shape and diameter of the full moon appear from behind the souther 1/4/1906 #686 ng. A ball of fire the size of the full moon is seen for several hours at D 7/22/1911 #855 th to north. About the size of the full moon, its light brightens the count Spring 1930 #1111 oor. Pushing it, he found the room full of violet light and observed many i Summer 1933 #1161 feet in diameter, 4 feet high, and full of tubing and dials on a console. A Summer 1933 #1163 rs an engine above him. There is a full moon and visibility is good. He see 1/2/1934 #1193 light, about half the size of the full moon.” They watch it for more than 9/1941 #1370 enish light about half the size of full moon. (Page 17 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 - 12/1941 #1374 t, like setting sun, the size of a full moon (Page 23-25 Ref. 1) (NICAP: 01 6/25/1942 #1420 effect. An aircraft approaches, a full alert is sounded, and three cruiser 8/5/1942 #1430 ly above the other. He completes a full turn, putting the lights behind him 12/1942 #1470 at his altitude. He makes another full turn, but the objects stay with him 12/1942 #1470 uzzy round ball, twice the size of full moon; yellow, white, red tint that 12/1944 #1714 ut three days to get it back up to full power again.” 3/10/1945 #1810 Nations charter signed, goes into full force on 10/24/1945 6/26/1945 #1884 lowing objects about the size of a full moon which flew around in the vicin 7/1945 #1886 some crews did mistake the rising full moon as one of these balls of fire. 7/1945 #1886 New York United Nations charter in full force 10/24/1945 #1946 ar 10–12 times the diameter of the full moon in length passes over Stockhol 7/10/1946 #2047 from the southeast. It resembles a full moon and emits an intense light: “A 8/24/1946 #2156 ones coming in daily from Sweden. Full details of these reports have been 9/4/1946 #2169 that 225 reports had been made in full daylight. More than 100 reports des 12/23/1946 #2213 t will, all three facilities go on full alert. 7/1/1947 #2500 agreeing to it we must insist upon full access to discs recovered. For inst 7/10/1947 #3102 hed saucers)...we must insist upon full access to discs recovered. For inst 7/15/1947 #3182 e west-southwest, then makes three full 360° circles over one spot in 30-40 1/7/1948 #3546 , and was about half the size of a full moon in angular size. When they rea 10/24/1948 #3852 like a bent pipe with corners, one full moon in length. It makes a slight c 2/17/1949 #4015 greenish white obj 1/2 diameter of full moon (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 3/13/1949 #4043 is apparently half the size of the full moon. 3/13/1949 #4044 w/greenish twinge 1/4 diameter of full moon (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 5/12/1949 #4181 the sky, one- half the size of the full moon. It sways for about 15 minutes 3/13/1950 #4626 all over/all about RADAR screens. Full fighter intercept finds nothing. 12/15/1950 #5351 el’s upcoming article) and urges a full investigation of what could be expe 2/25/1951 #5458 NM Red glowing ball about size of full moon (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 7/9/1951 #5567 illuminated the countryside like a full moon. It flew very fast, came close 8/26/1951 #5632 luminated the countryside like the full moon. It flew very fast, came close 10/26/1951 #5746 luminated the countryside like the full moon. It flew very fast, came close 10/26/1951 #5747 ll about one-third the size of the full moon is seen in Albuquerque, New Me 5/28/1952 #6377 light about a quarter size of the full moon travel from south to north, tu 7/8/1952 #6727 e thought that the invasion was in full swing.” He talks to a scientist “fr Mid 7/1952 #6829 BI report. Several silver half and full circles in formations. All vanish. 7/17/1952 #6853 personally interested and wants a full investigation, but Bower orders Rup 7/21/1952 #6981 ng saucers,’ were the subject of a full Intelligence study in 1951” [presum 7/28/1952 #7267 s or globes, about ½ to almost the full apparent size of the balloon, in tr 8/29/1952 #7788 is uncharacteristically moving at full speed. Other crew members tell him Late 10/1952 #8185 g in mid-1952, and CIA OSI sought “full backing” of the DCI for MIT to form 12/2/1952 #8364 it will be necessary to secure the full backing of the DCI in order that a 12/3/1952 #8366 Within a second or so, it moves a full 45° arc to an area where there are 1953 #8478 90-degree and 180-degree turns and full stops, rise vertically, then shoot 1/10/1953 #8531 about one-half the diameter of the full moon. After 5 minutes, the object m 5/5/1953 #8866 zy edges slightly smaller than the full moon hovering in the south for 90 m 1/1/1954 #9437 to relate his story to an aide. A full report of the interview is sent to Mid 3/1954 #9622 ed object about half the size of a full moon” speed across the sky and disa 7/3/1954 #9991 luminous craft, which resembled a full moon, land behind a grove near Mont 9/20/1954 #10374 t a white object flew southward at full speed without leaving a vapor trail 10/13/1954 #11002 going quickly south. "Far bigger / full moon". 11/1954 #11506 ight orange object as large as the full moon flying in a straight line from 11/17/1954 #11663 conference, Eisenhower asks for a full briefing on UFOs. 12/15/1954 #11816 RTO AYACUCHO, VNZ 100 observer(s). Full moon saucer and smaller objects goi 12/25/1954 #11859 gave off a white light. It was in full view before it vanished. "It was th 12/9/1955 #12601 e copies, to which it replies “the full report…is not available for widespr 7/5/1956 #12953 return with the vessel apparently full of river water. The entity with the 9/1957 #13966 all of light about the size of the full moon that starts moving toward them 12/21/1957 #14755 tch the UFOs turn and traverse the full length of the train, front to back 10/3/1958 #15311 diameter greater than that of the full moon, was seen coming down from a h 11/17/1958 #15448 e says the Air Force is giving its full cooperation and he is “middle of th Late 5/1959 #15747 onville, Georgia, is brought up to full power and unsheathed for the first 6/1959 #15754 ey circle the plane, and after one full circle they disappear to the rear. 8/13/1959 #15913 nknowns. This version devotes five full paragraphs to public release of inf 9/14/1959 #15975 t yellow and bronze. Moon high and full. 12/20/1959 #16125 :20 a.m. on a clear night with the full Moon high in the sky, eight disc-sh 12/20/1959 #16126 s of beeping sounds return them to full consciousness. They find that they 9/19/1961 #16857 is flying a brand new B-52 with a full crew out of Wichita, Kansas, headed 1962 #17006 down to within 300 meters of a car full of witnesses. From one side of the 5/13/1962 #17173 pproaches, growing as large as the full moon when it is 300 feet ahead of t 8/1962 #17309 ida, observed a UFO. He obtained a full report with signatures of 13 additi 8/6/1963 #17871 forth. It lights up the sky like a full moon. The caretaker and another emp 11/3/1964 #18605 ne wires. The apparent size of the full moon, it moves horizontally across 6/19/1965 #19017 part of Project Rover. It runs at full power for 10.5 minutes. Unfortunate 6/25/1965 #19027 another that says it is a quarter full, and unsure which is correct, the t 6/25/1965 #19027 the one that says it is a quarter full. But the tank is indeed nearly empt 6/25/1965 #19027 efore it takes off to the north at full speed. The radio goes back to norma 7/12/1965 #19096 2 feet. Lucci is photographing the full moon with his brother John, 23. Acc 8/8/1965 #19341 Apparent diameter was that of the full moon. The witness was a night watch 8/25/1965 #19462 apparent diameter was that of the full moon. 8/25/1965 #19464 inoculars. It was as bright as the full moon, and estimated to be half a mi 8/30/1965 #19481 lo remain visible in the sky for a full minute. At 9:45 p.m. the halo reapp Late 9/1965 #19604 White flashing lights, and the air full of smoke. Lit up witness' apartmen 3/22/1966 #20030 of Information Act, requiring the full or partial disclosure of previously 7/4/1966 #20630 and about 4 times larger than the full moon. It has a fuzzy edge and rocks 8/1/1966 #20718 w. He calls for the release of the full document. 9/3/1966 #20843 rman. Odd whirlwind. Shadow blocks full moon. No object visible. 10/1966 (approximate) #20943 ge eyes, and a huge grinning mouth full of white teeth. 10/11/1966 #20992 men could not really remember the full context of the "conversation". Hutc 11/17/1966 #21119 re red, swollen, and itchy for two full weeks. 11/27/1966 #21152 AM, MASS Betty Andreason abducted. Full fantastic account / R. E. Fowler. 1/25/1967 #21380 ouri what at first looked like the full moon, but as it got closer she coul 1/29/1967 #21412 et. Her fox terrier runs inside at full speed and hides under a chair. The 2/22/1967 #21623 describes it as a “reddish-colored full moon” that is flying in circles. Th 3/27/1967 #22001 red-yellow object the size of the full moon for about a minute. It hovered 4/1/1967 #22037 object three times larger than the full moon. It hovered, sped away, landed 6/28/1967 #22567 was deserted. After receiving the full report from the police, a field inv 7/5/1967 #22613 wo red lights glided in front of a full moon, disappearing behind nearby ro 9/18/1967 #23081 submits House Resolution 946 for a full UFO investigation by the House Comm 10/17/1967 #23247 neath the object is a “square box” full of red, green, and white lights. Tw 10/24/1967 #23305 opped. He described the object as "full of lights", red and other colors, w 10/29/1967 #23364 y mass was seen hovering under the full moon in the southeastern sky. At 10 7/9/1968 #24164 escribed as the apparent size of a full moon. 8/15/1968 #24334 side of their car and see a screen full of dystopian images. The beings pri 9/1/1968 #24421 discs, each about the size of the full moon, as they rise one at a time fr 9/4/1968 #24429 LOS DE LA MIT., SP 6 observer(s). "Full moon" over pinetree moves over high 10/1968 #24532 ky with binoculars on a night of a full moon, when at 1:35 a.m. he saw what 3/19/1969 #25031 the Moscow Signal and then given a full battery of medical and psychologica 5/12/1969 #25131 and about half the diameter of the full moon. At about 7:00 p.m. it moves a 5/23/1969 #25160 a sphere, the apparent size of the full Moon, was observed hovering below a 7/9/1970 #25729 . These plates have penetrated the full depth of the snow (1.3 feet), leavi 2/5/1971 #26014 ee a bright object larger than the full moon above the hilly horizon. Soon 7/17/1971 #26234 e being's face, he was almost in a full standing position. The being raised 8/16/1971 #26291 the entries examined warranted the full prize, but it has decided to award 3/12/1972 #26601 n. The lights are as bright as the full moon and remain in position in a fo 9/1972 #26973 only will they have the military’s full cooperation, they will also have ac 5/1973 #27460 told they’ll have the government’s full cooperation and exclusive access to 5/1973 #27461 m. It was the apparent size of the full moon, and had a band around the mid 9/5/1973 #27767 rt Victoria and expected to need a full tank when he reached the border, bu 5/31/1974 #29150 ject, bigger and brighter than the full Moon, hovered for 15 minutes above 8/1/1974 #29297 object, which was as bright as the full moon. The photo, however, showed fi 11/26/1974 #29610 all" with the apparent size of the full moon was observed from their car, 1 1/1/1975 #29688 ght (BOL) the apparent size of the full moon in Lezay, Deux-Sevres, France. 5/4/1975 #30034 of its own accord onto a back road full of potholes, but they felt no bumps 10/27/1975 #30489 hts. UFO's / RADAR / 20 minute(s). Full alert. USAF UFO inv. agency all ove 10/28/1975 (approximate) #30498 ompletely silent. The base goes on full alert and a sweep is made by securi 10/28/1975 #30503 t 8 times the apparent size of the full moon and is moving slowly at an alt 8/1976 #31217 a luminous disc brighter than the full moon and stops his car to watch it. 11/5/1976 #31528 sents a round face as large as the full moon. 1/10/1977 #31716 “fuzzy oval” object larger than a full moon descend from a low angle above 1/28/1977 #31763 ght and sees it as bigger than the full moon, perhaps 100–150 feet in diame 2/1/1977 #31776 and about 10 times as long as the full moon. 2/16/1977 #31823 e with rounded sides as big as the full moon. It moves silently and slowly 2/26/1977 #31851 a red ball of fire the size of the full moon drift over their houses and al 3/8/1977 #31878 te behind it about the size of the full moon. They watch it maneuver within 3/9/1977 #31888 an object the apparent size of the full moon. It is primarily dark with a r 3/10/1977 #31892 and no windows. Several times the full moon, the object flies silently fro 4/21/1977 #32008 overing object looks as big as the full moon, with two steady white lights 6/27/1977 #32200 objects, 4–5 times the size of the full moon, hovering 5,000 feet in the ai 7/1977 #32222 with the apparent diameter of the full moon. It is hovering motionless wit 7/2/1977 #32230 t be seen because it was wearing a full helmet with "antennae," but the res 7/17/1977 #32288 50 mph to 35 mph despite applying full throttle. Two orange-red oval light 8/3/1977 #32354 ee that it is much larger than the full moon. Then it turns abruptly and fo 8/28/1977 #32433 ill. It was the apparent size of a full moon. Moments later two similar pul 10/6/1977 #32555 n object 4–5 times the size of the full moon ascending about 900 feet away 11/18/1977 #32685 d bottom of saucer”) as large as a full moon moving forward with yellow-ora 1/10/1978 #32869 n orange ball half the size of the full moon descend into view through a wi 1/14/1978 #32880 ches a round light the size of the full Moon at 60° in the northwest. The l 1/26/1978 #32915 e larger of which is as big as the full Moon. They are both changing colors 2/5/1978 #32955 lver disc slightly larger than the full moon. It moves straight up and down 4/2/1978 #33120 ed upon on a mental level. After a full minute the man spoke. "Would you li 4/25/1978 #33171 smaller in apparent size than the full moon, hanging silently in the sky. 5/13/1978 #33202 blong in shape and the size of the full moon. It hovers in the east for abo 5/13/1978 #33204 ller than the apparent size of the full Moon, handing in the sky. It was a 5/13/1978 #33205 angular UFO, twice the size of the full moon, while on patrol. It has a whi 6/17/1978 #33285 ved object in the sky as wide as a full moon. It remains behind them as the 7/19/1978 #33403 trailers. It appears larger than a full moon. The deputy shines the cruiser 8/11/1978 #33506 and twice the angular size of the full moon. It then continues its straigh 8/20/1978 #33533 ucer in the SE, much larger than a full moon would look (at night) (NICAP: 8/21/1978 #33536 the southeast, much larger than a full moon would look, perhaps as large a 8/21/1978 #33538 isors. Faralli watches them make a full circle around the car without noise 9/17/1978 #33701 d. Door opens. Observer(s) enters! Full / instruments. Goofy. 12/15/1978 #34131 brightly illuminated room crammed full of instrument panels. He did not se 12/15/1978 #34137 nnsylvania. It is smaller than the full moon, but at one point they can det 6/26/1979 #34633 others are certain that it was the full moon setting. 9/5/1979 #34838 ngular size about half that of the full moon. The black center could be res 9/9/1979 #34851 ar size was about half that of the full moon. There was no noise as it move 9/9/1979 #34856 a. Each is somewhat smaller than a full moon and are revolving counterclock 9/29/1979 #34934 inous globes, each as large as the full moon, hovering above the southeast 10/6/1979 #34945 ickly grows to the size of a fuzzy full moon in 2–3 seconds. Holding its po 12/6/1979 #35056 shape, it appears larger than the full moon. The object hovers, then shoot 4/26/1980 #35293 ppeared and passed in front of the full moon at around 11:00 p.m. It hovere 4/26/1980 #35294 ll, Maine. Each is larger than the full moon and has numerous white lights 5/14/1980 #35331 e a dark triangle, as large as the full moon and possibly surrounded by a l 10/1/1980? #35552 d 10 times the angular size of the full moon. He estimates it is 250 feet a 10/15/1980 #35568 r. The object can be described two full moons spaced about 12 feet apart wi 10/26/1980 #35589 Indiana. The object looks like two full moons spaced about 12 feet apart wi 10/26/1980 #35591 e light about half the size of the full moon in the western sky. Suddenly i 12/5/1980 #35701 lity” too small to be considered a full fledged base; it was restricted, we 12/14/1980 #35716 at this location that allowed for full teleportation of humans to a networ 1981 #35765 server(s). 2 moons side by side! 1 full;one is [a] half-moon. No further de 1/15/1981 #35789 Scott watch a UFO the size of the full moon for nearly 3 hours during an u 9/26/1981 #36141 noids (or Greys) and telepathy and full abduction regressed. 12/10/1981 #36254 Carolina, to photograph the rising full moon with a new 35mm camera using h 1/9/1982 #36298 frightened. After speeding up to a full run, she turns around and sees a me 2/2/1982 #36321 rger than the apparent size of the full moon, and black spots appear near i 6/18/1982 #36510 tic when they see an object like a full moon, accompanied by a smaller, sta 9/17/1982 #36607 above the bus. The underside is in full view and about 40–50 smaller lights 10/2/1982 #36629 ject about 8 times the size of the full moon traveling silently south to no 10/18/1982 #36653 t moves out of sight. Possibly the full moon. 10/27/1982 #36666 n. Nevertheless, he was sick for a full year after the event. 11/1/1983 #37041 e MiG-23, flying at 16,400 feet in full afterburner at Mach 1.2, is unable Spring 1984 #37231 BELORUS 25 mile-long cloud object full of lights! / r120p243. 9/7/1984 (approximate) #37456 way. The object, the width of four full moons, begins banking to the northe 3/7/1985 #37566 staff are employed on the subject full time… the staff in the Department… 4/19/1985 #37580 gry but can’t tell why. Later, the full story of missing time, terrifying f 12/26/1985 #37738 into a thriving community where a full range of researchers, skeptics, and 1/1/1986 #37745 sh ball about half the size of the full moon. The ball is flying soundlessl 1/29/1986 #37775 d Air Traffic Control Center is on full alert, radar screens showing numero 5/19/1986 #37881 -military radar ATC system, was on full alert due to numberous UFOs clutter 5/19/1986 #37882 ing sun lighting one horizon and a full moon rising above the other. Capt. 11/17/1986 #38072 n object about 1.5 the size of the full moon passing overhead at an altitud 10/1989 #39138 ss UFOs that cannot be rated until full details are released. 1990 #39348 h a diameter six times that of the full moon. As a control, he photographs 3/31/1990 #39503 bject is the planet Venus, but the full eclipse lasts just under 7 minutes, 7/11/1991 #40119 orro Chapinal signs a proposal for full UFO document disclosure to the Span 4/13/1992 #40416 There was no wind at the time, and full cloud cover. 7/31/1992 #40541 ki tries to follow the light for a full minute before it disappears. 4/28/1993 #40953 HUELGOAT, FR 1 / car. "Full moon" flies south going quickly nor 2/5/1994 #41407 ious 30 years, as a precursor to a full freedom of information act. 4/1994 #41469 d around 6–8 times the size of the full moon. 10/7/1994 #41793 MIDLAND, TX 2+others. Tube full of tiny lights streaks west going q 1/24/1995 #41995 round, orange object as big as the full moon, moving at least 186 mph befor 5/5/1995 #42179 ge disk streaks overhead. Larger / full moon. 9/12/1995 #42462 ow disk going south slow. Larger / full moon. Halo surrounds it. 9/13/1995 #42465 apparent size was larger than the full moon, and it had a halo surrounding 9/13/1995 #42468 NORD, FR Luminous sphere larger / full moon hovers near prison. Seen brief 1/8/1996 #42674 completely illuminated, as if the full Moon was overhead. Having got back 11/9/1996 #43110 derground facilities. He states a full antigravity propulsion system was d 1998 #43481 all on this night. The being had a full head of hair and was spotted walkin 7/16/1998 #43607 isplay overtly hostile intent and “full disclosure” is required by law; Pro 1/23/1999 #43720 in a clockwise motion. It makes a full rotation before disappearing behind 11/28/2000 #44084 oyal assent but will not come into full force until 2005. The legislation c 11/30/2000 #44092 n the blanket. It then vanished in full view. After a couple of minutes the 1/26/2003 #44480 off’s work on zero point energy is full of “circular arguments.” Sturrock m 3/22/2003 #44504 ent size 2-3 times larger than the full moon. The light hung over the fores 2/13/2004 #44664 placed in its charger the message "full charge" appeared. The triangle craf 8/16/2004 #44734 of Information Act 2000 comes into full force. Around 120,000 requests are 1/1/2005 #44806 to be first an ellipse and then a full circle; it had maybe 24-30 individu 4/17/2007 #45018 y 52,000 pages, covering 2009. The full set of files show that the Ministry 6/21/2013 #45374 nd turquoise light as large as the full moon. The light is so brilliant it 2/24/2018 #45512 produced by Rob Reid provides the full details about the differences betwe 10/26/2018 #45541 /articles/10.3389/fnhum.2015.00137/full 12/12/2018 #45551 none of the data is provided. (The full report, available only to those wit 6/25/2021 #45694
e would feel better if there was a full-blown investigation of these incide 3/25/1966 #20081
O = saucer / seen side;rectangle / full-face. Going down [to] and approache 8/15/1975 #30274
US Project Grudge had become a full-fledged organization, the "Aerial P 3/1952 #5937
s River in a wooded, rural area. A full-moon-sized red- orange light shoots 8/24/1978 #33563
nd carried in many newspapers as a full-page story. 9/1952 #7802
(they are) before he recommends a full-scale instrumented program. He says 7/13/1949 #4269 t Ivy Mike is the first successful full-scale test of a multi-megaton therm 11/1/1952 #8228 the Swedish Armed Forces orders a full-scale investigation. Capt. Ulf Chri 12/17/1953 #9380 to be carried out at Area 51 with full-scale mockups elevated onto 50-foot 9/1959 #15950 Area 51 in Nevada A full-scale mockup of the A-12 is shipped 11/1959 #16073 Groom Lake, Nevada A full-scale mockup of the Q-12 drone is r 12/7/1962 #17574 n. The USAF investigation includes full-scale tests on- site, as well as la 3/24/1967 #21973 malfunctioned previously; also, a full-scale nuclear attack from the US wo 9/26/1983 #36986
s to the point of building his own full-size model in his backyard, announc 11/29/1980 #35683
t stage, which would be building a full-sized craft.” Sokol did not state w 6/29/2021 #45696
ommand and assuming all duties for full-spectrum global strike, operational 10/1/2002 #44413
tagon, Maj. Dewey Fournet Jr. is a full-time Blue Book liaison. 6/1952 #6402 recommend appointing at least one full-time investigator; publicity to enc 12/26/1954 #11862 al), which employs UFO researchers full-time. 6/15/1957 #13730 terature. At one point there are 4 full-time and 3 part-time employees invo 1967 #21238 xamination of UAP literature. Four full-time and three part-time employees 1967 #21240 fford to keep Allan Hendry on as a full-time investigator, so his affiliati 2/28/1981 #35849 Studies (BAASS) project with 40–50 full-time support staff to carry out the 9/22/2008 #45170 es project in Las Vegas, its first full-time employee. 11/2008 #45184
and Flying magazine editor Curtis Fuller publish the first issue of Fate m Spring 1948 #3592 unconventional aircraft by Curtis Fuller. Palmer and Fuller use the shared Spring 1948 #3592 craft by Curtis Fuller. Palmer and Fuller use the shared pseudonym “Robert Spring 1948 #3592 Editor Curtis Fuller’s article, “The Flying Saucers: F 7/1950 #5033 to Curtis and Mary Margaret Stiehm Fuller, Ray Palmer founds a would- be co 1955 #11895 sses at length. Journalist John G. Fuller investigates the case during the 9/3/1965 #19511 Exeter Pease AFB John G. Fuller summarizes the Exeter sighting in 10/2/1965 #19638 winkle. Around the same time, John Fuller hears from an Air Force pilot tha 10/27/1965 #19684 k B. Salisbury, journalist John G. Fuller, psychologist R. Leo Sprinkle, an 2/27/1966 #19925 . Going up [to] just in time! / J. Fuller. 3/14/1966 #19959 ICAP report, investigation by John Fuller). (NICAP: 02 - Close Encounters) 3/14/1966 #19961 t over the ocean and disappeared. (Fuller, 1966; Massachusetts NICAP Subcom 3/20/1966 #20005 ctober 4, 18 — Excerpts of John G. Fuller’s book about the Betty and Barney 10/3/1966 #20955 versations he has had with John G. Fuller and J. Allen Hynek in early 1966. 6/7/1967 #22478 ine contains an article by John G. Fuller on the Low memorandum and the nea 4/27/1968 #23926 Low tells the press Fuller has quoted him out of context. Co 4/29/1968 #23930 le, "Flying Saucer Fiasco" by John Fuller, reporting internal controversy i 5/14/1968 #23961 ar-old boys with the last names of Fuller and Donnelly saw a silvery ovoid 4/23/1971 #26079 The Interrupted Journey by John G. Fuller. 10/20/1975 #30454 files through the commercial firm Fuller & Dees Marketing Group in Montgom 2/19/1976 #30886 eo Sprinkle. Fate editor Curtis G. Fuller publishes the presentations in pa 6/24/1977 #32190 Civilian Dion Fuller claims he met “Lee” at an apartme 7/2003 #44560 a DOD laptop and an entire truck; Fuller states Lee scrolled through alleg 7/2003 #44560 marked TOP SECRET and soon after, Fuller claims three NCIS agents arrived 7/2003 #44560 him go. In the following months, Fuller claims he was followed by militar 7/2003 #44560 Toyota) and 4JPL825 (Xterra SE). Fuller later meets Richard Schowengerdt, 7/2003 #44560 ly Controlled Camouflage” in 1994. Fuller believes SAIC may be responsible 7/2003 #44560 1950s. When Schowengerdt hears of Fuller’s claims of invisible harassment, 7/2003 #44560
Bishop, CA Claude E. Steene Sr., Fullerton CA: While practicing in Bishop 1949 #3941 FULLERTON, CA 3 kids. Large saucer hover 8/23/1956 #13119 FULLERTON, CA 1 observer. Weird silent g 12/23/1979 #35091 alesman traveling on Highway 57 in Fullerton, California had a daytime clos 12/23/1979 #35094 hovers. Jumps going northwest. By Fullerton Airport. 3/19/1983 #36789
he footage must be analyzed to the fullest extent. The military is also bei 9/15/2020 #45661
ct. https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a197537.pdf Note: This s 4/1988 #38526 re. https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a227121.pdf Note: Pharis 4/1988 #38527 le. https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a564120.pdf 12/2011 #45335
hante" when an object resembling a fully lighted ship was seen ("a phantom 6/11/1881 #243 hante" when an object resembling a fully lighted ship was seen ("a phantom 6/11/1881 #244 when a flying object resembling a fully lighted ship was seen, "a phantom 6/11/1881 #245 ter that, Maxwell’s equations were fully accepted by scientists. 1890's #292 press release are recovered. Three fully loaded C-54’s carry debris to Los 7/9/1947 #3054 four days later in Luxemborg, legs fully healed. 5/25/1948 #3655 et in diameter, that persists for “fully two minutes” during the Big Snow, 1/1949 #3951 ic Relations Office has cooperated fully with Shalett, who sets out a fairl 4/29/1949 #4132 eet tall. They were not dwarfs but fully developed men. The strange men mad 7/27/1952 #7216 quest in 1977. These documents are fully investigated during the Senate Hea 4/13/1953 #8823 aving been a Russian drone was not fully discarded at the time. 12/17/1953 #9383 the Nevada Test Site is the first fully contained underground nuclear test 9/19/1957 #14014 a TS clearance that allowed him to fully research gaining valuable insight 1962 #17012 fields and made ready to take off, fully equipped, on 15 minutes notice. Th 10/25/1962 #17495 He states in an affidavit he saw a fully illuminated round UAP hovering sil Late 1963 #17989 ss the highway. Its bottom side is fully visible; on the dark upper side ar 7/7/1964 #18398 loss. After about 6 months he has fully recovered. 10/15/1966 #21006 e object her car's power came back fully. No other vehicles were in the are 5/25/1971 #26137 quest in 1977. These documents are fully investigated during the Senate Hea 1973 #27199 WRAY, GA "Fully lit" ovoid going [to] slow over tr 10/5/1973 #27946 sciousness Gabriella was standing, fully clothed, next to her car in the de 10/16/1973 #28089 have grown extremely long. When he fully regains consciousness, his memory Fall 1975 #30380 esis does not seem to explain UFOs fully. Although they acknowledge the UFO 12/15/1975 #30718 an six of seven seconds, they were fully lit by the eight headlights of the 8/28/1977 #32437 lf sink into a trance. He remained fully aware but could not move a muscle. 12/14/1978 #34117 lf sink into a trance. He remained fully aware but could not move a muscle. 12/14/1978 #34127 and other injuries that they never fully recovered from. 12/11/1979 #35073 holes announces that the RAAF will fully investigate only those UFO sightin 5/2/1984 #37312 Services Committee he has not been fully appraised of the Bentwaters and ot 3/3/1985 #37565 her eyes, so that her eyes didn't fully recover for two to three days. The 3/23/1987 #38153 rewed flight, including landing in fully automatic mode. 11/15/1988 #38715 four good pictures with a Vivitar fully automatic 35 mm camera with a stan 8/31/1994 #41707 nterest when policy makers are not fully informed, the government is not he 3/3/1997 #43217 ix Lights incident “has never been fully explained, but I have to tell you 3/1/2000 #43959 al camera they had, which had been fully charged, died and would not work, 8/16/2004 #44734 ed UFO standing upright. It looked fully illuminated as if it had an intern 2/12/2006 #44922 rmal meteorological phenomenon not fully understood by modern science. This 5/15/2006 #44942 Out of its 1,170 fully investigated UFO cases, the French 11/2011 #45333 ct is the human hybrid (“hubrid”), fully human in appearance, capable of in 9/2015 #45438 Times reports that US Navy pilots fully briefed AATIP about encounters the 5/26/2019 #45581 and continues to log sightings and fully investigate the accounts.” 7/31/2019 #45602 confirmed that UAP encounters are fully investigated, there is frustration 9/6/2019 #45606
New Zealand Auckland Harold H. Fulton founds Civilian Saucer Investigat 10/12/1952 #8124 d telepathic communication. Harold Fulton, a ufologist from New Zealand, su 12/1953 #9330 rviewed by NICAP Adviser Harold H. Fulton.] (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters 6/16/1963 #17788 Fulton County Airport, GA 3:50 a.m. Fede 7/25/1966 #20679 y after 6:00 p.m. in Leiters Ford, Fulton County, Indiana and was witnessed 8/22/1966 #20788 0 noon. Electrical engineer Albert Fulton and superintendent Sherman Anders Mid 8/1967 #22882 of three large transformers, then Fulton spots two silvery disc-shaped obj Mid 8/1967 #22882 NEAR FULTON, MO 707 crew and ground RADAR. 4 6/5/1971 #26156 In Fulton, Missouri Bob Simon, age 25, awok 1/4/2003 #44468 Fulton Street San Francisco California E 9/12/2004 #44755 kly, quietly across the sky” above Fulton Street in San Francisco, Californ 9/12/2004 #44755
from under the bridge. This person fumbled with a book, dropped it in the w 5/15/1973 #27492 icle, she climbed out the car. She fumbled with the car hood as she lifted 10/16/1973 #28089
rives, she feels a numbness as she fumbles for change. When she gets to the Early Autumn 1977 #32456
Controller Pedro V. Ocamp is still fumbling with binoculars as the objects 3/1/1954 #9588 ark hair. Martinez reached the car fumbling with his pockets for the keys. 4/10/1954 #9681
is unconscious as a result of the fumes from the burning engine. The aircr 2/18/1945 #1790 ve a fractured surface. No exhaust fumes or visible means of propulsion. At 7/10/1951 #5571 nd white, surrounded by a "haze of fumes." UFO zig-zagged upward, then sped 7/9/1955 #12245 m. It was surrounded by a "haze of fumes." It suddenly rose upward in a zig 7/9/1955 #12246 s. It was surrounded by a "haze of fumes." It suddenly rose upward in a zig 7/10/1955 #12248 er. There was also the odor of gas fumes. At 5:15 p.m. in Mount Vernon, Vir 5/18/1964 #18285 und. Bizon smells an odor like gas fumes. Three imprints in the shape of an 5/19/1964 #18288 o her face she discovered that the fumes were odorless. The next thing she 5/30/1965 #18977 s an object maneuvering across the fumes from factory chimneys below. Secon 5/16/1980 #35336
root cause is the increased use of fumigation as pest control by the embass 5/24/2019 #45580
b08190 * https://preview.redd.it/fummqo71jyf71.png?width=640&format=png&a 10/1998 #43656
find or make in order to have some fun in the press or with gullible saucer 7/7/1947 #2930 ave seen it, and most of them made fun of Paul when he told them. One of th 10/15/1976 #31465 he saw a small, child-like figure fun in front of the headlights from the 12/6/1976 #31587
FUNAN ISLAND, DK Row / windows going wes 5/29/1994 #41541
FUNCHAL, MADEIRA ISLANDS, PORTUGAL / Dia 11/12/1954 #11626 FUNCHAL, MADEIRA ISLANDS Luminous ovoid 11/5/1957 #14292 FUNCHAL, MADEIRA ISLANDS, PORTUGAL Fast 11/26/1957 #14620 FUNCHAL, MADEIRA ISLANDS Slow unidentifi 8/18/1965 #19416 FUNCHAL, MADEIRA ISLANDS 10 egg-shaped o 2/1968 #23717 overhead. UFO's / Santa Maria and Funchal / 14 February. 2/13/1968 #23753 Madeira Canary Islands Funchal 7:30 p.m. At two-minute interval 11/22/1974 #29603 concentric circles. A reporter in Funchal takes a few photos. The lights a 11/22/1974 #29603
oject Blue Book as an intelligence function). As an interim last-chance mea 1/29/1952 #5884 The plane's Instruments ceased to function, and the engine experienced int 3/24/1955 #12060 arch that lack a specific military function. Some of the research looks to Late 1956 #13281 heir communications radio does not function. The light eventually flies out 11/6/1957 #14427 ses into the clouds and the radios function normally again. 11/6/1957 #14428 ect recedes, his lights and engine function normally. This sequence is repe 10/15/1966 #21006 radio emitted static and ceased to function (EM effects) when the object wa 6/6/1967 #22472 the object, their radios cease to function and emit interference noises. T 6/9/1967 #22482 ites the Soviet UFO Study Group to function under its auspices. 10/1967 #23155 y shielded magnetometer whose sole function is to measure quarks. One scien 6/6/1972 #26703 d not to worry if his car wouldn't function, because it would return to nor 9/22/1972 #27026 r dome. The ‘copter radio wouldn’t function and the copter was set for a 20 10/18/1973 #28144 A third radar station is unable to function while the unknowns are in the a 12/17/1977 #32790 then the radio, but these did not function properly either. They then hear 9/10/1978 #33657 the Army isn’t aware of what their function was even though it was a Secret 5/16/1984 #37328 passes and magnetometers failed to function properly in the vicinity of the 8/28/1991 #40168 d radio on his patrol car cease to function. The object hovers in front of 3/20/1992 #40394 atch on his radio, but it does not function. The air around him has chilled 3/20/1992 #40394 to with her iPhone, but the camera function wouldn't load. She accelerated 6/1/2013 #45369
US and Russia, leading directly to functional flying saucers. 1968 #23626 Sea near the Philippines during a functional checkout flight after the rep 6/4/1968 #24005 d evidence for “greater widespread functional connectivity of the caudate” 12/12/2018 #45551 lar microstructural integrity, and functional connectivity in the auditory 7/2019 #45589
t. Only when Khani pulls away does functionality return. Squadron Cmdr. Par 9/18/1976 #31395
engine and headlights to die. They functioned again after the object depart 10/19/1954 #11251 em, coming down. The car hadlights functioned properly again and they drove 11/4/1957 #14280 overhead; headlights and spotlight functioned normally (NICAP: 03 - EME Cas 1/13/1959 #15547 ts departure, the car's headlights functioned normally. 3/18/1967 #21918 were okay and the lights and radio functioned properly againafter the UFO l 8/5/1969 #25311 ield for 15 minutes.His motorcycle functioned normally after the UFO left. 8/28/1969 #25334 y at a high rate of speed. The car functioned normally afterwards. 12/5/1970 #25929 while the sphere was nearby, then functioned normally after the two witnes 2/20/1973 #27301 all human figure inside. The truck functioned normally after the object spe 11/19/1973 #28449 way with whistling sound, car then functioned normally 3/30/1974 #28972 whistling sound, and the car then functioned normally. 3/30/1974 #28974 t, making no sound. The flashlight functioned normally after the close enco 9/7/1974 #29429 10 seconds, after which the engine functioned normally again. 10/11/1974 #29523 aking stopped and the engine again functioned normally. 8/6/1978 #33480 car then rose vertically. The car functioned without trouble after the UFO 12/1/1978 #34045 eadlights and console lights later functioned normally. 5/14/1980 #35332 ad at around 6:00 p.m. The tractor functioned normally after the object had 10/10/1988 #38669
Base Rifle Range, the engine quits functioning and the electrical system fa 6/1953 #8922 to it, his engine and lights cease functioning. He gets out of his car as t 11/2/1957 #14219 , and his engine and lights resume functioning. 11/2/1957 #14219 sappears in clouds. The car begins functioning normally again. 10/22/1959 #16052 to auxiliary power, it too is not functioning. At one point the airplane’s 4/20/1964 #18180 o the radio when it suddenly stops functioning. The living room lights flic 7/9/1965 #19089 ight up, electrical system resumed functioning 11/22/1968 #24688 rnishes power to the ranch stopped functioning as the object dropped to abo 6/26/1971 #26195 le the Radio Magnetic Indicator is functioning normally. They make radio co 10/18/1973 #28172 60 meters until the engine stopped functioning. The lights went out and it 8/6/1978 #33480 ong- distance communications cease functioning. The internal phone system w 11/21/1978 #33974 10 minutes. The police radios stop functioning, and the car becomes hot eve 6/24/1994 #41581
Forces unit to support logistical functions. 3/9/1942 #1398 ulles ensures it can handle “other functions” affecting “national security” 7/26/1947 #3233 udent operator demonstrating radar functions to a group of visiting officer 9/10/1951 #5660 ement powers, or internal-security functions” over mail fraud related to UF 9/20/1955 #12463 ailure during UFO sighting. Normal functions returned when UFO left (NICAP: 5/31/1957 #13688 e Organ Mountains. The speedometer functions normally after the UFO is gone 11/7/1957 #14460 ssel discovers that the Integraton functions as a time machine. 1959 #15515 mber aimed at supporting its vital functions. The six-fingered being taken 1/21/1959 #15560 ings, it specifies three peacetime functions of the 4602d Air Intelligence 11/13/1961 #16962 ntelligence interest). These three functions involve “employment of qualifi 11/13/1961 #16962 but it won’t move. Radio and drive functions resume when the UFO moves away 10/26/1966 #21038 s passed their windshield. The car functions alright after the lights had d 1/5/1967 #21263 gnal on behavior and/or biological functions deemed “too subtle or insignif 5/12/1969 #25131 and splits responsibility for its functions, assigning to the Energy Resea 10/11/1974 #29522 ot broke off pursuit, all aircraft functions returned to normal. A second F 9/19/1976 #31396 t of Mercer Island, Washington, it functions as a UFO bulletin board using 1/1/1986 #37745 eption management, with additional functions being optical deception, cloak 5/1996 #42891 with his cellphone, but its camera functions are dead. He continues to watc 8/20/2013 #45384 form “core diplomatic and consular functions” due to concerns about health 3/2/2018 #45521 t find no differences in executive functions. The study concludes that the 7/2019 #45589
tion and making a jet-like sound. (Fund Report * C-7; 2 pp.) (NICAP: 11 - A 7/9/1948 #3702 ons. Intelligence report missing. (Fund Report * C-13; 2 pp.) (Project GRUD 10/14/1948 #3834 to investigate UFOs and who would fund his upcoming trip to Europe and the 9/30/1968 #24526 l AFB, Alabama Don Berliner of the Fund for UFO Research does an exhaustive 1/1974 #28636 District of Columbia The Fund for UFO Research is established as 8/1/1979 #34698 government agency wants to openly fund it. 5/20/1985 #37590 r Partners, a national security VC fund, co-founder Steve Millard hosts a U 11/10/1986 #38061 Washington DC The Fund for UFO Research Inc. provides $500 9/19/1988 #38642 nesses. Dr. Heijster contacted the Fund for UFO Research and made a copy of 8/10/1989 #39054 The Center for UFO Studies and the Fund for UFO Research hold the Plains of 2/15/1992 #40331 e necessary votes to implement and fund the resolution, the agency is never 12/1/1993 #41315 Promoted by CUFOS, MUFON, and the Fund for UFO Research, the declaration i 3/1994 #41432 , Maryland William Weitzel and the Fund for UFO Research discover and later Early 3/1998 #43528 993). Cooper also claims a secret fund was organized and kept by the Milit 2004 #44638 ite House Underground Construction Fund by President Eisenhower, that assis 2004 #44638 as transferred from the top-secret fund to a location at Palm Beach, FL bel 2004 #44638 amilies and organizations that may fund aerospace related projects. See pos 8/2004 #44724 Research Coalition (CUFOS, MUFON, Fund for UFO Research) launches an Abduc 2006 #44916 r Eric Weinstein states that hedge fund Renaissance Technologies LLC and it 2/22/2023 #45794
PONTE / PRAIA FUNDA, BRZ Thousands / observer(s). Sauc 10/18/1965 #19663
ernos (and beginning in 1997 by La Fundación Anomalía). It continues throug 1/1983 #36741 Santander, Cantabria, Spain La Fundación Anomalía is created by a group 1996 #42658
ctor of intelligence, arguing that fundamental research into the question o 10/13/1952 #8128 ant?) reports are forwarded to the Fundamental Sciences Area for review of 2/9/1956 #12704 elds. “No new or radical change in fundamental physics [is] required,” it w 6/1972 #26694 erican intelligence community as a fundamental document authorizing the exp 12/4/1981 #36247 Theory, in which they point to the fundamental weakness of anti-UFO argumen 5/6/2008 #45134 Puthoff also states it is possible fundamental physics knowledge is being w 2/11/2022 #45739
d-energy-iii/ * https://unlab.us/fundamental-research-grants/ * https:/ 4/28/2006 #44937
suggests that Condon’s approach is fundamentally antiempirical. The report 10/31/1968 #24608 ch a program. I do not know of any fundamentally limiting factors in the po 2018 #45498
ign Relations in Washington, D.C., funded by a grant from the Carnegie Corp 1938 #1279 of the more than 150 individually funded research subprojects sponsored by 4/13/1953 #8823 ing was set up on the “West Coast” funded through the technical intelligenc 1956 #12639 of McGill University in Montreal, funded through the Society for the Inves 2/1957 #13481 e up of Cuban exiles), trained and funded by the CIA, Brigade 2506 fronts t 4/17/1961 #16649 The Condon Committee, funded by the USAF, releases an extensiv 11/15/1968 #24662 utive board. The committee will be funded with donations and sales of their 4/30/1976 #31028 as an ongoing secret project, well funded, with the blessing and official m 1/5/1978 #32854 ve an ongoing secret project, well funded, blessed with official monitoring 6/8/1978 #33262 I, head of state of Liechtenstein, funded a study to determine how many Ame 5/22/1991 #40075 rangell–Saint Elias National Park, funded by the Air Force, Navy, Universit 1993 #40778 s there are two UAP projects being funded by Laurance Rockefeller: one is r 12/10/1994 #41888 s the NIH, CDC, or other federally funded bodies are involved, and they are 1997 #43154 ety for Scientific Exploration and funded by Laurance Rockefeller, who has 9/29/1997 #43420 ter paper discloses the program is funded by NASA and independent of the Br 8/1998 #43618 d not government oversight, (7) is funded by black budget monies and non-go 8/22/1998 #43635 nment in 1969 and became privately funded and was identified as Jehovah in 7/7/1999 #43798 ctors. He has no idea how they are funded. 1/5/2000 #43921 ield site near Corona, New Mexico, funded by the Sci-Fi channel. The team f 9/16/2002 #44400 ee 13 February 2009) was partially funded by Laurance Rockefeller. https:/ 8/2004 #44724 aerospace purposes. The paper was funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Founda 2/1/2007 #45004 them. The program continued to be funded until at least 2020, where it was 6/2008 #45144 empt to get the BAASS-like project funded. Negotiations and presentations c 2/7/2011 #45313 the Collins Elite explanation, and funded a deeper investigation into the p 3/31/2011 #45322 d alleges some black triangles are funded by USG/USG contractor black budge 6/22/2014 #45411 attempts to get the AAWSAP program funded agin through the Department of De 5/13/2016 #45453 programs and at least one was last funded in 1989, according to him. https 4/30/2019 #45575 riman. Sheehan states a USG group, funded by the covert money from Brown Br 10/2021 #45713 nformed of and wasn’t appropriated/funded properly. Mellon states new Cong 9/2022 #45765
raft.” Sokol did not state who the funders were nor did he discuss the spec 6/29/2021 #45696
ity of Chicago With the US at war, funding for an atomic bomb is now availa 12/18/1941 #1379 ) the president. Much of the CIA’s funding initially comes from wealthy Ame 7/26/1947 #3233 make public yet. Carr attracts the funding of local businessman Wilfred C. 1955 #11894 UNC President Gordon Gray approved funding for IPP; Gray was formerly Secre 11/20/1955 #12580 million and the USAF $5.4 million funding the project. Numerous models are 3/1956 #12742 1957, the USAF provides additional funding to extend the project, by then h 3/1956 #12742 d Amendments, which limit military funding of research that lack a specific Late 1956 #13281 k (raising it to 3) and additional funding. 9/1960 #16430 ination of science through federal funding, and, conversely, the domination 1/17/1961 #16579 Funding runs out for the Avrocar and it 12/1961 #16986 rojects dubbed MKOFTEN / CHICKWIT. Funding for MKSEARCH commences in 1965 a 1964 #18101 , wanting to know who approved his funding and whether they are funding his 12/16/1967 #23593 d his funding and whether they are funding his forthcoming trip to Europe a 12/16/1967 #23593 not result in McDonald losing ONR funding, but it does draw some criticism 1968 #23627 roject that ultimately received no funding. https://thesaucersthattimeforg 4/5/1970 #25625 nquiry is “justified,” and that if funding is provided, it could hire a pro 9/6/1977 #32463 sensory departments provide covert funding from CIA/DIA “black” slush funds 12/15/1978 #34143 olve the UFO mystery. Insufficient funding dooms the effort to failure. Summer 1983 #36887 ough furnished with $80 million in funding from Congress, its private statu 11/18/1983 #37046 Geoffrey) Kaye with the promise of funding a new UFO organization (the Inte 8/1984 #37426 unk Works stated the line item was funding for a stealth bomber program, bu 1985 #37542 a dream of a saucer landing before funding Jupiter. Jupiter scientist Ken S Summer 1985 #37607 enix, Arizona, is “null and void.” Funding from the British investor Kaye h 11/22/1985 #37720 UFO Research Inc. provides $500 in funding to Elaine Douglas and Mr. Richar 9/19/1988 #38642 rized by Congress, and much of the funding comes from drug trafficking. DEA 4/13/1989 #38905 nd not to one particular airframe. Funding of the project allegedly reaches 3/1990 #39434 ia Inquirer. Weiner shows that the funding is classified above top secret a 9/1990 #39712 ver created, and SEPRA has its own funding problems. 12/1/1993 #41315 o also states INSCOM provided some funding to a UAP working group, and that 6/1997 #43308 there was zero publicly disclosed funding for HFGW research anywhere in th 8/1/1997 #43364 in an intricate web that receives funding from Rockefeller Co., which also 8/19/1997 #43387 for Discovery Science provides the funding for the analysis of these object 1998 #43479 nt that “MJ Group” was seeking new funding before the “China problem surfac 11/1998 #43673 “China problem surfaces.” Alleged funding sources for a clandestine (and p 11/1998 #43673 Fitts believed some of the illegal funding was for domestic “clandestine mi 12/3/1999 #43892 believed some of the unauthorized funding was for domestic “clandestine mi 12/3/1999 #43892 gal effort or done using a control/funding mechanism outside of government 5/2002 #44335 Propulsion). Boeing denies it is funding the project with company money, 7/29/2002 #44369 ations from Zapata Oil assisted in funding. https://www.cs.mcgill.ca/~abat 2004 #44638 althy entrepreneurial families and funding of possibly rogue UAP projects, 8/2004 #44724 e aerospace world. If intermediary funding mechanisms are used one would al 8/2004 #44724 participating abductees. However, funding is not available for the analysi 2006 #44916 es the government still provides a funding path and a security umbrella, bu 8/4/2007 #45043 cures $22 million in black-project funding in the 2008 Supplemental Funding Fall 2007? #45070 t funding in the 2008 Supplemental Funding Act directed to the DIA Director Fall 2007? #45070 and coincidentally received DARPA funding the same year the DIA sought pri 6/2008 #45144 it Green tells Jacques Vallée that funding for AAWSAP could reach $240 mill 10/29/2008 #45180 s was denied and little additional funding was found for the AATIP spinout) 10/29/2008 #45180 However, there is no congressional funding available for 2011. One of its m 9/30/2010 #45300 Homeland Security (DHS) to secure funding for future fiscal years. Lacatsk 2/2011 #45312 also fraudulently obtains federal funding through cover contracts to work 4/5/2014 #45406 ar in 2007 before a trip to secure funding, zero point energy Stardrive pat 12/2014 #45425 ntity called “SWEEP,” a network of funding streams tied to aerospace concer 4/5/2016 #45449 research didn’t warrant government funding, but they disagree with that con 4/2017 #45467 velopment and instead use investor funding on entertainment projects, seemi 10/26/2017 #45488 believes some of the unauthorized funding was for domestic “clandestine mi 12/11/2017 #45492 llion, the largest amount ever, in funding for the black budget that bankro 2/27/2018 #45516 P program ran out of appropriation funding. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/ 6/24/2018 #45530 ccording to the US Army, no public funding will go the group, but at least 10/17/2019 #45612 p signs a $2.3 trillion government funding bill—the Consolidated Appropriat 12/27/2020 #45670 were successful; he states he has funding to run experiments from “several 6/29/2021 #45696 ing brain injuries. However, while funding for it has not yet passed, it ha 10/8/2021 #45715 pect to UAP. The Amendment limited funding of projects with no direct milit 10/13/2022 #45774
PASSO FUNDO, BRAZIL 2 cops and 2. 2 silent sil 8/21/1956 #13106 PASSO FUNDO, BRZ 4 / car. Fireball shoots goin 10/30/1968 #24602 EL FUNDO AND BARAHONA, DOM.REP Many separat 10/6/1972 #27052 SOUTHWEST / PASSO FUNDO, BRZ 2 / car photograph 7M metalli 5/12/1976 #31046 EL FUNDO, DOM.REP Boys. Robot with wig and 8/14/1976 #31262 wo boys with a dog on a farm in El Fundo, the Dominican Republic, saw a rob 8/14/1976 #31264 Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Two Bra 1/3/1982 #36295 ing at about 5,000 feet over Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, see a 1/3/1982 #36295 ir Force Base Rio de Janeiro Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Curitib 1984 #37096 reparations over the city of Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, he not 1984 #37096 he road next to his house in Passo Fundo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. They w 12/17/1999 #43899
ns by diverting some Marshall Plan funds, presumably for covert black ops. 8/23/1951 #5616 Holloman wants to cease allocating funds for the project. 8/27/1951 #5636 afterwards, the Air Force reduces funds for the unit, impairing its invest 7/1957 #13765 Using his new-found knowledge and funds provided by Howard Hughes, he comp 1959 #15515 s to investigate the use of public funds for the project. 4/30/1968 #23931 that he has squandered government funds. The ONR responds by announcing th 9/30/1968 #24526 funding from CIA/DIA “black” slush funds to select UAP researchers through 12/15/1978 #34143 named SRI executive told him DARPA funds were funneled into a UAP-associate Mid 1990's #41926 kefeller Co., which also allegedly funds some of the companies mentioned ab 8/19/1997 #43387 o information that suggested slush funds were connected to FHA and HUD. Fit 12/3/1999 #43892 have data on where missing DOD/HUD funds were siphoned to. Fitts also claim 6/2004 #44706 FO files to the National Archives. Funds are found to scan approximately 16 9/2006 #44957 by USG/USG contractor black budget funds, lost money, cost overruns and SDI 6/22/2014 #45411 P-related. However, NNSA/DP, which funds research, may be an office that ho 3/22/2017 #45465 a shell company and then transfer funds to it under an unremarkable commer 5/1/2021 #45687 adverse physiological effects.” It funds a new office, the Airborne Object 12/27/2021 #45730
NORTH FUNEN ISL., DK Girl / motorbike / malfun 9/5/1958 #15253 At two o'clock in the morning on Funen Island, Denmark a dog whined as a 5/29/1994 #41542
ew over a cemetery shortly after a funeral at only six feet above the groun 10/8/1967 #23195 doctor X was returning home from a funeral late this night near Segovia, Sp 6/11/1969 #25211
“Exhaust marks” found are probably fungal infestations, and indentations ar 9/9/1967 #23026
not germinate and are attacked by fungi. 10/1/1995 #42529
nks it is some kind of “gelatinous fungus” common to the area in the late s 8/13/1819 #110 sity of Manitoba finds evidence of fungus on one sample but not on others. 6/18/1967 #22520 iate organism between bacteria and fungus, and is “often found together wit 11/2/1971 #26450 nd is “often found together with a fungus of the order Basidomycetes, which 11/2/1971 #26450 of the Nocardia and of an existing fungus, and caused the latter to fluores 11/2/1971 #26450 again, and in the morning found a fungus like growth similar to "a cluster 1/26/1972 #26556 ands / valley. Burnt grass and odd fungus. 11/11/1973 #28407
DE FUNIAK SPRS, FL Military and civil obser 12/26/1956 #13413
eitas, was on guard duty at the Do Funil hydroelectric dam when he encounte 8/30/1970 #25816
exico Witness: USAF lst Lt. George Funk. One orange light remained stationa 7/30/1952 #7360 , Alabama Witnesses: Mr. and Mrs. Funk and their three children. A cluste 8/26/1966 #20810 Alabama at 8:50 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Funk and their three children witnessed 8/26/1966 #20811 illerton, New York 11:25 p.m. Emma Funk is driving on State Highway 22 nort 7/17/1967 #22682 quits, and the headlights go out. Funk is stunned, and when she regains he 7/17/1967 #22682 At 11:25 p.m. Mrs. Emma Funk was driving down Route 22 north of 7/17/1967 #22686
ID 2 / car. 3' disk with dome and funnel. Going down [to] by meat market. 7/6/1947 #2738 SULPHUR SPRS, TX 6M funnel going south. Bursts into small wh 7/10/1947 #3080 OAKLEIGH, VCT 6+observer(s). Funnel saucer over technical school goin 9/10/1954 #10282 spherical section hovers. Bottom = funnel. 2/10/1955 #11989 seconds. Its bottom changed to a funnel shape. Total sighting lasted 1.5 2/10/1955 #11991 disk going down [to] low. Extends funnel going down / pond / 20 minute(s). 2/1958 #14858 LAND 1 observer. Big noise. Odd 5M funnel shape rises / sea. Silent. Going 9/24/1961 #16871 nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Funnel” YieldMax: 20KT 6/25/1968 #24082 SOUTH / MICHERY, YONNE 2.5M funnel object follows car. Detours aroun 12/5/1971 #26487 STRIA Many / ground and air. Giant funnel going quickly [to] WSW. Plane ins 3/18/1972 #26610 r had a near collision with a huge funnel of white light, which changed col 3/18/1972 #26616 RUSSEL, KS 2 / car. Dazzling funnel paces / low altitude. Blindingly 7/4/1975 #30153 server(s). Rectangular object with funnel projection arcs going quickly nor 5/9/1976 #31040 object protruded something like a funnel. It flew off to the north, descri 5/9/1976 #31041 object protruded something like a funnel. It flew off to the north, descri 5/9/1976 #31042 re sees an object like an upturned funnel with windows landing for 3–4 minu 9/13/1976 #31382 e, steam-like exhaust emits from a funnel at its rear and steams up the boy 8/4/1978 #33471 s). Odd glowing cloud / clear sky. Funnel / light going down / ground. 12/18/1980 (approximate) #35725 wing cloud-like object with a hazy funnel of light that reached downward to 12/18/1980 #35728 ical object 8M away / 8M altitude. Funnel shaped center. Going east. Odd. 2/25/1992 #40338 D, FL Ed Walters photograph. Water funnel up to saucer. Odd lack of boats. 4/26/1994 #41504
ST.-FELIU-D'AVAIL AND SOLER, FR 2 funnel-saucers emit 2 small fireballs. 1 5/28/1963 #17767
MARCILLAC DE BLAYE, FR Funnel-shape UFO northeast going quickly 10/7/1954 #10766
is the only surviving photo of the funnel-shaped flying object that paced t 2/2/1967 #21438 , accelerated, and vanished into a funnel-shaped cloud. The objects were vi 2/18/1967 #21590 At 3:00 a.m. a funnel-shaped object followed a car thro 12/5/1971 #26488 t only 8 meters altitude. It had a funnel-shaped center. A short while late 2/25/1992 #40339
xecutive told him DARPA funds were funneled into a UAP-associated operation Mid 1990's #41926 ds street gangs of Los Angeles and funneled millions in drug profits to a L 8/18/1996 #42985
, silver colored object that had a funny looking rim. The edge of the craft 9/4/1954 #10247 ke a gnome and wrinkled. He wore a funny little hat. He was dancing and jum 8/13/1965 #19383 ure as about six feet tall with a "funny little face" with "big red eyes th 11/26/1966 #21151 he beings apparently think this is funny, so he tosses the cigarette pack t 2/7/1969 #24901 observed a UFO with lights "flying funny" up and down the Delaware River. I 12/2/1973 #28507 h x 1.5M wide. Dogs scared and act funny. Traces. 9/24/1975 #30383 home in Delano, Tennessee, when a funny feeling makes her look outside. Sh 9/15/1978 #33686 oves off to the southeast making a funny noise. 12/31/1978 #34247 ome trees. Their car begins to act funny and the check-engine light comes o 11/8/2021 #45720
tal position. It was a female with funny-looking hair on her head. The need 12/14/1997 #43462
Ohio Witnesses: USAF 2nd Lt. H.K. Funseth, a ground radar observer, and tw 8/23/1952 #7692 At 4:10 a.m. USAF Lt. H. K. Funseth, a ground radar observer, and tw 8/23/1952 #7694 n 5:30 p.m. County surveyor Harvey Funseth and Fred Gochenauer are driving 3/6/1987 #38130 , followed by a short vapor trail. Funseth estimates it is about 2,000 feet 3/6/1987 #38130
tween the cities of Piriapolis and Funta del Este a reporter, Sr. L. Rengge 12/23/1978 #34199
tration, and Gordon Moore and Chet Fuqua, ground personnel at Western Airli 11/26/1950 #5287
nesses see an odd-looking man in a fur coat emerge and walk to a farmhouse 4/15/1897 #488 something. They are wearing heavy fur coats and fur caps that fit tightly 5/18/1909 #758 ey are wearing heavy fur coats and fur caps that fit tightly over the heads 5/18/1909 #758 aw a short alien, covered in brown fur, with large glowing eyes. He also en 1951 #5372 re 4 feet high, white, with satiny fur, and resemble very large geese, but Summer 1953 #8953 ed eyes. Its body was covered with fur. 10/14/1954 #11044 ed eyes. Its body was covered with fur. Its nose was flat, and it had thick 10/14/1954 #11065 ody was very hard and covered with fur. But the creature pushed him back, w 11/28/1954 #11720 road shouldered. He wore a Russian fur hat with a black visor on it and a v 1/9/1967 #21278 ze of a man and covered with black fur. The head sat directly on its should 5/19/1969 #25148 ut its body is covered in dark tan fur except on the face and chin. Its hea 12/2/1974 #29629 ir and wears a dark suit with blue fur around her shoulders. She walks in s 1/31/1978 #32928 air and wore a dark suit with blue fur around her shoulders and when she wa 1/31/1978 #32930 the spectacle, since the animal's fur stood on end and it quickly scurried 5/2/1978 #33183 the spectacle, since the animal's fur stood on end and it quickly scurried 5/2/1978 #33185 e of a 6–7-foot tall creature with fur and luminous red eyes. 1/15/1981 #35792 and was covered with a dark bluish fur. After a few minutes the creature tu 4/19/1993 #40944 n with six fingers and braided leg fur is in his room. He and the alien hav Early 6/1994 #41548
d in light-colored garments with a fur-like texture. Each has small dots fo Summer 1910 #839
en she asked who it was. When more furious knocks were heard, her Alsatian 12/1953 #9327 ld should be fired. Condon is also furious. 2/5/1968 #23737 Sierra, Seville, Spain caused the furious barking of two dogs. What appear 8/5/1970 #25770 At 3:30 a.m. the furious barking of her dogs awoke a woma 3/31/1975 #29927 Daniel Edwards was awakened by the furious barking of his dog towards a pin 12/17/1981 #36262 ect. Dogs in the area reacted with furious barking upon catching sight of t 3/20/1993 #40894
was intrigued when his dog barked furiously and a high-pitched noise was h 4/22/1897 #553 was intrigued when his dog barked furiously and a high-pitched noise was h 4/22/1897 #555 igued when his dog started barking furiously at 11:30 p.m. and he heard a h 4/22/1897 #561 me out of their home as dog barked furiously. They found a large object on 9/27/1954 #10472 p.m. because their dog was barking furiously. They saw a large object on th 9/27/1954 #10478 er Mrs. Paquet's dog began to bark furiously, and she see a silent dark cig 10/18/1954 #11215 he object. Dogs reacted by barking furiously. At the landing site the groun 7/30/1957 #13863 p.m. while dogs in the town barked furiously. There were electromagnetic ef 5/29/1968 #23994 when they heard their dog barking furiously. They heard a creaking sound a 8/6/1968 #24301 d-flight at 8:10 p.m. A dog barked furiously during the five minute encount 9/24/1969 #25378 e others. All three were “sweeping furiously” with tools like lawn rakes ov 12/27/1969 #25510 ghting, the family dog was barking furiously. No other information. 10/16/1973 #28090 NEUF-MESNIL, FR Dogs bark furiously. Saucer going east. Going down 4/27/1974 #29066 Dogs barked furiously in Neuf-Mesnil, Nord departmen 4/27/1974 #29068 Maitland, N.S.W, AU Dogs barked furiously, circular yellow-white object 10/17/1974 #29539 and, N.S.W., Australia Dogs barked furiously, circular yellow-white object 10/17/1974 #29540 and walked stiffly. the dog barked furiously at the being. A black sphere r 8/14/1976 #31264 nd neighborhood dogs start barking furiously. A woman and her young daughte 9/1/1978 #33621 ar neighborhood dogs start barking furiously. A Mrs. Parry and her young da 9/1/1978 #33622 nd neighborhood dogs start barking furiously. A woman and her young daughte 9/1/1978 #33623 ke up, and her dog started barking furiously. They both tried to phone the 9/15/1978 #33684 ake up, and her dog starts barking furiously. They both try to phone the po 9/15/1978 #33687 ke up, and her dog started barking furiously. They both tried to phone the 9/15/1978 #33688 0 p.m. When his dog starts barking furiously, James Balkcom notices a brigh 3/24/1980 #35238 id you do with my dog!", she asked furiously. "He disturbed me, as you do n 5/30/1993 #40997 ent, France. The farm's dog barked furiously, and the UFO shot away at an i 9/22/1994 #41772 uck, and he suddenly began barking furiously and staring at the nearby rail 2/9/1995 #42031
s Witnesses: college seniors J.B. Furkenhoff and Tom Phipps. One very larg 8/12/1961 #16790 ri 9:00 p.m. College seniors J. B. Furkenhoff and Tom Phipps see a large ov 8/12/1961 #16791
Furman University in Greenville, South C 5/13/1952 #6317 y B. Mooney), set up telescopes at Furman University in Greenville, South C 5/13/1952 #6317 et up telescopes in a dark area of Furman University, when they saw a box o 5/13/1952 #6320
Kattenau, East Prussia Furmanovka, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia A 3/22/1880 #226 est at Kattenau, East Prussia [now Furmanovka, Kaliningrad Oblast, Russia]. 3/22/1880 #226
t pillar created by a nearby blast furnace. 7/19/1916 #950 District of Fujian province, China Furnace Creek, California 10:00 p.m. A p Early 1970 #25524 — 2:30–3:00 a.m. Two young men in Furnace Creek, California, are followed Early 1970 #25524
the clouds. During the descent, a furnace-like heat fills the cockpit and 7/2/1954 #9984
behind an odor reimiscent of blast furnaces ar a steel factory. 6/6/1997 #43315
sas Oklahoma Norton County, Kansas Furnas County, Nebraska Stockton, Kansas 2/18/1948 #3579 area of Norton County, Kansas, and Furnas County, Nebraska. Two Army B-29 b 2/18/1948 #3579
. Gribble that he would be glad to furnish information on the UFOs to APRG, 4/1/1959 #15686
n requested by Congress may not be furnished “even in confidence.” 10/29/1962 #17516 n requested by Congress may not be furnished “even in confidence.” https:/ 10/29/1962 #17518 instrumental panel into a "wildly furnished" room. She understood through 8/11/1966 #20739 Barbara Haig, and others. Although furnished with $80 million in funding fr 11/18/1983 #37046
simultaneously the generator which furnishes power to the ranch stopped fun 6/26/1971 #26195
ht. There was little in the way of furnishings inside, but inside were five 9/22/1971 #26365 apparent simplicity of the craft's furnishings. There is a table with multi 10/22/1972 #27085
was heard, the windows rattled and furniture shook, and the lights went out 4/24/1966 #20400 nts of the rooms, the placement of furniture and other objects. Their cloth 1/28/1967 #21411 d like a rubber cup placed under a furniture (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounter 3/6/1967 #21774 a rubber cup which is placed under furniture leg, with a dome set in the cu 3/6/1967 #21777 harp whistle. Night light outside. Furniture etc. inside all glows. 7/15/1968 #24175 electric heater and simple wooden furniture. The upper level, less spaciou 5/15/1973 #27492 le to close his eyelids. He saw no furniture, only a screen-like device on 10/11/1973 #28005 rs are transporting their parents’ furniture in a U-Haul truck near Ely, Ne 2/14/1974 #28772 eir smaller size. The fittings and furniture were all of "spun aluminum" an 4/4/1977 #31943 dly abducted from his workplace, a furniture factory in Mirassol, São Paulo 6/28/1979 #34639 . (March 12th) and discovered some furniture that had been overturned. Late 3/13/1990 #39458 returned back home. She threw some furniture outside, and then everything w 2/10/1996 #42754 could not distinguish any walls or furniture of any kind. He realized he wa 2/29/1996 #42789
old expresses frustration over the furor that his saucer sighting has cause 6/27/1947 #2431
soil deformation anomalies, but no furrow or unusual debris. 9/16/2002 #44400
ove the ground, throwing the field furrows into visible relief. As it passe 10/1899 #638 ed and he tried to run through the furrows in the freshly plowed field, but 10/16/1957 #14131 breaks dirt and ice / frozen lake. Furrows / lakebed. Crud and odd fragment 4/27/1961 #16663
nted, protruding eyes and a squat, furry body. Its nose is flat, it has thi 10/14/1954 #11057 D SOUTH / LEWARDE, FR Miner. Small furry small humanoid (or Grey) with brow 10/22/1954 #11315 ars that stuck straight out, brown furry arms, and a hairy torso. The eyes 12/2/1974 #29631 At 7:40 a.m. a four foot tall furry being wearing a helmet was seen on 10/8/1984 #37481
s a “strange man” dressed in heavy furs although he seems “to have no use f 4/14/1897 #463 chine. Aboard were two men wearing furs and talking excitedly in a language 5/18/1909 #756 chine. Aboard were two men wearing furs and talking excitedly in a language 5/18/1909 #757 ard the craft were two men wearing furs and talking excitedly in a language 5/18/1909 #759
olice officer Glen Kazmar and Jeff Furseth watch a triangular configuration 1/15/1987 #38099 e lights. At 3:20 a.m., Kazmar and Furseth see the object move to the south 1/15/1987 #38099
an F-80 over a US Air Base in the Fursten-Feldbruck area of Germany, he ha 11/23/1948 #3884 FURSTEN-FELDBRUCK, GERM USAF F80. RADAR- 11/23/1948 #3885
Munich, West Germany Furstenfeldbruck AFB reddish star-like o 11/23/1948 #3887 Fighter Squadron on the ground at Furstenfeldbruck AFB saw the reddish sta 11/23/1948 #3890
Dr. Cesário Lincoln Furtado Chereze wakes up very tired and 2/15/1996 #42764 , according to Dr. Cesário Lincoln Furtado, who says it is highly unusual f 2/15/1996 #42764
inole, Texas, to Adm. Frederick R. Furth, chief of the Office of Naval Rese 4/1956 #12777
aim the US has no such technology. Furthermore, the Air Force study has con 4/4/1950 #4792 s that the US might be developing. Furthermore, UFOs can be used to capture 3/1962 #17066 h than has been possible to date.” Furthermore, USAF should negotiate contr 2/3/1966 #19879 far as it being one of their men. Furthermore, no such instrument describe 1/26/1967 #21402 ad a luminous, oblong-shaped head. Furthermore, the odor seemed to be comin 12/16/1967 #23594 n place, literally unable to move. Furthermore, standing on the other side 8/22/1969 #25326 equently, and nodded occasionally. Furthermore they did not appear to breat 10/16/1973 #28089 rough electromagnetic devices, and furthermore claims that UFOs are regular 10/26/1980 #35590 R/hr, around the background level. Furthermore, they detect a similar small 12/28/1980 #35749 nce of 600 meters from the object. Furthermore, anyone who approached withi 8/28/1991 #40168 the scope of NRO responsibilities; furthermore, the NRO has conducted numer 11/5/2015 #45439
o the European Space Agency; Woods furthers research into the study of high 3/28/2006 #44931
se. It appeared to hide beyond the furthest house, then hover over the hous 12/4/1992 #40742
legs. Cravero was impressed by the furtive, evasive nature of the being. 11/8/1974 #29589
enagers, Michio Hikawa and Takashi Furuya, were parked in a car at a scenic 10/1/1975 #30409 hern Alps near Hakushu, Japan when Furuya became agitated about a group of 10/1/1975 #30409 didn't see them. Among the figures Furuya saw were some resembling girls, a 10/1/1975 #30409
, England Evening. Four RAF Hawker Fury I biplanes flying over Sussex, Engl 7/5/1933 #1167 Nowra, AU O'Farrell Case (Sea Fury Incident), G,V (NICAP: 09 - RADAR C 8/31/1954 #10216 Nowra, AU O'Farrell Case (Sea Fury Incident) (M) (NICAP: 11 - Aviation 8/31/1954 #10217 ight cross-country in a Hawker Sea Fury aircraft. After contacting Nowra, O 8/31/1954 #10218 s about a mile in front of the Sea Fury and then turns in the position wher 8/31/1954 #10218 presence of 2 objects near the Sea Fury on the GCI remote display. The two 8/31/1954 #10218 p.m. an Australian Navy Hawker Sea Fury II was paced on either side by two 8/31/1954 #10220 renada. Codenamed Operation Urgent Fury, the intervention results in an Ame 10/25/1983 #37016
. Flying cigar emits sparks like a fuse. 10/14/1954 #11019 ums. Rises and away. Traces. Large fuse Blown. 11/14/1968 #24654 NORTH / PORTNEUF, QB 1 observer. "Fuse" saucer lands. Angel hair analysis 8/28/1970 #25806 ALTHAM ABBEY, ESSEX 1 observer. TV fuse blows. 30cm sphere spins / garden. 6/6/1977 #32149 SOUTH / SPEZET, FR 1 observer. Fuse blows. Silent orange fireball / com 4/1/1995 #42132
ns-like protrusions. Sand / ground fused! 10/18/1927 #1080 ect had rested and finds the sand “fused like glass crystals.” 10/18/1927 #1081 They conclude that it consists of fused sand. By the end of September, the 7/9/1947 #3068 hts, sometimes separate, sometimes fused (NICAP: 01 - Distant Encounters, B 4/24/1952 #6174 hts, sometimes separate, sometimes fused, behaved erratically. Speed varie 4/24/1952 #6177 e the cavity, as well as pieces of fused glass and a tightly rolled cylinde 11/21/1957 #14590 t wood, but the inside looked like fused glass. Chemical analysis of the fr 7/20/1967 #22712 contents were reduced to ashes and fused metal. Two other motorists stopped 5/22/1973 #27520 es 17 feet wide. The rock has been fused and melted and the grass and thorn 2/8/1974 #28748 er spacesuits were not damaged and fused to the flesh, and sent to WPAFB fo 1977 #31658 oilfield. Responds / lights. Sand fused. Animals change. 5/1/1979 #34534
MARLE-SUR-SERRE, FR 30M fuselage going west. Turns going north / 8/27/1938 (approximate) #1291 NORTH SEA Bombing raid. Fuselage dives / 1000 planes. Stops / mi 4/7/1945 #1839 Japan One bright ball of fire; no fuselage or any wings. (Page 180 Ref.1) 6/19/1945 #1878 an object with a long, tube-shaped fuselage, giant wings, and two red light 10/9/1946 #2199 ne. 2 near collision with wingless fuselage. 7/1947 #2497 lant. It has no wings or tail. The fuselage is round and there is a dome on 7/5/1947 #2721 #58. Local pilots. Very large dark fuselage hovers. Away / 500mph when near 8/4/1947 #3288 saw another UFO that looked like a fuselage without wings while flying over 8/4/1947 #3292 BECK, WV Pilot. Bright-yellow 50cm fuselage going [to] 100' under plane. Fi 9/25/1949 #4368 ). Luminous metallic ovoid without fuselage going quickly ESE. No further d 4/7/1950 #4811 LAS VEGAS, NV Wingless fuselage going quickly [to] MACH1 and mo 6/26/1950 #5010 the way back from the front of the fuselage and a row of at least three obl 7/1950 #5035 cated above the center line of the fuselage. The ports are a dark smoky gra 7/1950 #5035 ooked like a flying wing without a fuselage. 10/5/1950 #5214 4 miles away. It looks like a B-29 fuselage with wings but no engines and b 1/20/1951 #5407 and at regular intervals along the fuselage are vertical dark bands. It rem 2/19/1951 #5449 cover, but at intervals along the fuselage were dark vertical bands. The o 2/19/1951 #5451 t long and as big around as a C-47 fuselage. The witnesses shout out, and 1 3/15/1951 #5489 shaped object the length of a B-29 fuselage (100 ft), (NICAP: 02 - Close En 8/31/1951 #5640 ped object with a length of a B-29 fuselage (100'), aluminum or silver with 8/31/1951 #5641 shaped object the length of a B-29 fuselage (100 feet). It is aluminum or s 8/31/1951 #5642 , slightly swept-back wing with no fuselage or tail). Estimated 8' span. 11/24/1951 #5788 hrop flying wing (V-shaped with no fuselage or tail) hovered in the skies o 11/24/1951 #5791 dge, fluttered 20' from the F-84's fuselage and flipped in the slipstream.. 3/29/1952 #5990 with luminous glow, swept wing, no fuselage. Straight and level maneuvers ( 4/24/1952 #6173 has a light on either side of the fuselage and a reddish hue on the traili 6/15/1952 #6511 rver near Randolph Air Force Base. Fuselage shape straight and level. Makes 7/21/1952 #6963 buzzed / metallic 15 Mx4M wingless fuselage! Up and away / 6000 kph. 7/1953 #8977 ugh binoculars, the UFO has a long fuselage, elliptical wings, some kind of 2/4/1954 #9535 X: UFO sighted over base. Had long fuselage, elliptical wings, stabilizer a 2/6/1954 #9538 R LAS VEGAS, NV C47 crew. Wingless fuselage / phenomenal speed going quickl 5/30/1954 #9843 y larger and longer than their own fuselage. It has two rows of oval-shaped 9/3/1954 #10239 bserver(s). Huge wingless aluminum fuselage curves into clouds going north. 10/24/1954 #11353 ying saucer with more conventional fuselage shapes—a tailless aircraft with 3/1956 #12742 PERU Engineer. Loud roar. Wingless fuselage going quickly west. No jets use 5/1956 #12819 SPRING LAKE, NJ Wingless DC3 fuselage follows coast. Flat 180° turn g 8/30/1957 #13946 about 30 feet from the rear of the fuselage. It has a bright bluish hue and 11/9/1957 #14505 nd saw through her east window the fuselage of a craft that hovered in mida 12/18/1957 #14746 Several observer(s). Wingless B52 fuselage circles slow / high altitude. H 12/1/1958 #15466 One year later, a wingless fuselage circled slowly at a high altitu 12/1/1958 #15467 FR Man / roof. Plain silent silver fuselage going [to] over slow. Then away 12/30/1958 #15502 rks found on the exterior windows, fuselage and parted tail section showed 9/29/1959 #15997 VA 2 airliner crews. Huge wingless fuselage going quickly southwest / 6000 3/1960 #16189 bserver’s body to metal inside the fuselage. The haze vanishes after about 4/20/1964 #18180 A HARBOR, NZ Pilot. 100' x15'PLAIN fuselage in 30' / bay water. Going south 3/12/1965 #18853 wingspan of about 12 feet, and its fuselage is about 4-5 feet deep. He ride Mid 10/1965 #19659 ad. It was shaped like an airplane fuselage, 25 m long, with a "bubble" on 3/23/1966 #20047 ma. It was shaped like an airplane fuselage, 25 meters long, with a "bubble 3/23/1966 #20055 RENCEVILLE, IL Silver wingless DC3 fuselage maneuvers / airport. Shoots goi 3/23/1967 #21950 st that appeared to be an aircraft fuselage (DC- 3) without wings. It was w 3/23/1967 #21955 winds. Upon departure, the leading fuselage is not the one that led on appr 10/26/1967 #23334 N489 NEAR ST. VOIR, FR Silent fuselage / low altitude. Shoots truncate 3/27/1968 #23863 THERS Numerous observer(s). Silent fuselage with square windows going [to] 8/1971 (approximate) #26256 FR College class. Silent wingless fuselage going [to] over forest. Dull gr 11/23/1972 #27135 t long and resembled an airplane's fuselage without wings, with an "open co 10/24/1973 #28270 RTH FRANCE 2 Mirage-jet crews. 15M fuselage with light portholes vanishes. 9/23/1975 #30377 TUUSULA, FINL 4 observer(s). 10M fuselage with square windows. 50M altitu 12/12/1975 #30707 ong) with round openings along the fuselage. A blue-green light shone from 12/5/1976 #31582 ong) with round openings along the fuselage. A blue-green light is shining 12/5/1976 #31584 CANTON, MS 12m wingless fuselage passes pilot / ground. 50kph. 3 2/16/1977 #31818 ONMOUTH, AVON 2 / M5. Large silver fuselage going west. Hovers / power stat 11/1977 #32646 ty of light coming from the center fuselage area." It flew off toward the w 2/9/1978 #32964 o-control model plane. Thin silent fuselage going east overhead and vanishe 7/27/1978 #33420 IVIA Buzz wakens man. Plain silver fuselage hovers. Glows green. Portholes. 8/15/1978 #33516 d saw a nearly featureless, silver fuselage hovering in the sky, glowing a 8/15/1978 #33517 OH 1 observer. Dull silver silent fuselage going south steadily / 2000' al 8/20/1978 #33530 hio witnessed a dull silver silent fuselage at 7:30 p.m. that flew to the s 8/20/1978 #33534 angle/box-like craft-winged double fuselage plane circles car. Going quickl 12/14/1978 #34115 AIGLUN, FR 2 observer(s). Silent fuselage with red and white lights / end 11/11/1980 #35628 UNGA, CORSICA 3 observer(s). Green fuselage going [to] 500M away. Silent. P 7/1/1983 #36899 NY Triangle / lights with possible fuselage. APRO v32#6 / Giamusso. 5/31/1984 #37343 " of an airplane with a very short fuselage came straight down over a woman 6/22/1984 #37374 " of an airplane with a very short fuselage came straight down over a woman 6/22/1984 #37375 /triangle/box-like craft west tail fuselage / angle. Sharp maneuvers. See r 8/20/1984 #37435 r right. It looks like an airplane fuselage without any markings, wings, or 3/6/1987 #38130 BISHOP, CA 2 observer(s). Silver fuselage with black cockpit and windows 3/17/1989 #38874 a without body / 10k' altitude. No fuselage. Much bigger / 747. Lights blin 1/31/1990 #39399 d as bigger than a 747 without the fuselage, was seen by many witnesses in 1/31/1990 #39400 known origin that has no wings, no fuselage, no tail, no visible engine, an 8/4/1990 #39679 vy Tech. Dull silver-grey wingless fuselage north going quickly south. Airl 11/25/1990 #39908 ighted a dull silver-gray wingless fuselage flying from north to south at a 11/25/1990 #39910 EY, SUFFOLK 4 / airliner. Wingless fuselage passes very close. No further d 6/17/1991 #40100 CA United Airlines (UAL) crew. 50' fuselage going quickly [to] under 747. E 8/5/1992 #40551 000 feet. It resembles the forward fuselage of a Lockheed S-71, without win 8/5/1992 #40552 foot-long object looking like the fuselage of a Lockheed SR-71. 8/5/1992 #40553 quickly west / 2 minute(s). Raised fuselage and details. See reference. 11/30/1992 #40734 erver / ground. Disk flies beneath fuselage of small plane. No further deta 12/2/1994 #41877 erver. Flash. Thin wingless silver fuselage starts moving. Vanishes! 5/15/1995 #42207 lot and copilot and more. Wingless fuselage going quickly [to] alongside. R 7/11/1995 #42296 smoke is billowing. Pieces of its fuselage sway in the wind. 1/13/1996 #42680 NEWBURGH, NY Airo expert. Wingless fuselage skips through treeline. No visi 3/16/1997 #43233 -white object, about the size of a fuselage of a small light aircraft, head 8/9/1997 #43376 , NM Truckers / CB Radio. Wingless fuselage / sky. Video taken. 2/14/1998 #43520 in the corners, and no discernable fuselage. He contacted Fairchild AFB and 10/29/2002 #44424 do Sol, Brazil. It was a metallic fuselage or cigar-shaped object with no 11/1/2002 #44431 Fuselage shaped objects were sighted ove 10/27/2009 #45249
ase #unknown. 4 observer(s). Shiny fuselage-cylinder/cigar-shape going quic 11/18/1949 #4418 litary observer(s). Luminous white fuselage-cylinder/cigar-shape going sout 9/21/1957 #14022
at frightened the horses. A flying fuselage-shaped airship flew over Dunedi 7/31/1909 #795 A 30-meter long fuselage-shaped object flew toward the w 8/27/1938 #1292 ght engineer observed a "wingless, fuselage-shaped" UFO. [V] (NICAP: 01 - D 7/1950 #5031 ght engineer observes a “wingless, fuselage-shaped” object maneuvering over 7/1950 #5036 Randolph AFB, TX An elongated, fuselage-shaped object fly straight and 7/21/1952 #6973 F Capt. J. B. Neal. One elongated, fuselage-shaped object flew straight and 7/21/1952 #6979 camera film that showed a cigar or fuselage-shaped object with a long contr 3/3/1953 #8728 At 6:50 p.m. a silvery metallic fuselage-shaped UFO with stubby wings wa 6/30/1954 #9971 A long, narrow, fuselage-shaped object with a series of 11/9/1956 #13319 oked out her east window and saw a fuselage-shaped craft coming to a stop j 12/16/1957 #14736 On this day a fuselage-shaped object had landed on the 12/11/1958 #15474 rved a silent, wingless, dull-gray fuselage-shaped object fly over a forest 11/23/1972 #27136 rd, France 10:30 p.m. An elongated fuselage-shaped object 15 meters long wi 9/23/1975 #30378 An elongated fuselage-shaped object 15 meters long wi 9/23/1975 #30382 hitehorse, Yukon 2:22 p.m. A large fuselage-shaped object flies low along a 8/10/2003 #44572
re like stubby, wingless, tailless fuselages when seen from the side. About 9/26/1949 #4372 e black domes with straight silver fuselages and an upright fin. They made 8/28/1965 #19470 d 12 feet thick. Four long slender fuselages (estimated 75 feet long and 8 10/26/1967 #23334 l chamber. In flight, one of the 4 fuselages leads, while the other three a 10/26/1967 #23334 As the object slows to hover, the fuselages move to form a cross. The obje 10/26/1967 #23334 t led on approach. The remaining 3 fuselages come together in the rear as o 10/26/1967 #23334 ark shadows along the bases of the fuselages and the center chamber. On fut 10/26/1967 #23334 ITH PITTSBURGH, PA 2 long wingless fuselages circle low. Fly away silently. 6/23/1992 #40504
not working. Kinney replaces some fuses, but not everything turns on again 11/11/1958 #15438 fail. They check the batteries and fuses, which are all normal. Then they s 4/1/1972 #26633 . Orange 8M saucer / low altitude. Fuses Blown. Engine OK after. Police rep 8/22/1972 #26948 like crafts over river. 10' ovoid. Fuses blow / Apr. '78 / r60#106. 5/20/1978 #33229 mechanic later finds that the two fuses controlling the brake lights and t 7/19/1981 #36020 ps, and later it is found that the fuses have burnt out. The upper part of 5/5/1984 #37318 rees / back yard. Flash and blast. Fuses Blown and burnt. 7/3/1986 #37928 le/box-like craft / odd maneuvers. Fuses Blown / observer(s) car. Zigzags. 12/4/1988 #38736 / fantastic speed. Stops over car. Fuses Blown. 12/4/1988 #38737 return, then go out of sight. The fuses in his car were blown during the i 12/4/1988 #38744 space shuttle" maneuvers over car. Fuses Blown. No further details. 12/4/1989 #39296 e craft / 150' altitude over cars. Fuses Blown. 8/14/1992 #40570 e of only 150 feet above the cars. Fuses were blown on the car clock/radio 8/14/1992 #40573
many pieces, burning the grass and fusing the sand. The light is so intense 6/6/1884 #258
eapons, Mike uses deuterium as its fusion fuel, maintained as a liquid by a 11/1/1952 #8228 er is achieved by a combination of fusion energy and neutron- initiated fis 8/12/1953 #9065 les Brush. It is alleged that cold fusion with zero-point energy interactio 1/1998 #43483 McKubre is generating heat in cold fusion experiments but the scientific co 5/17/1999 #43770 ored findings of a successful cold fusion experiment. The Electric Power R 5/17/1999 #43770 o Congress and told lawmakers cold fusion had no basis in further study des 5/17/1999 #43770 ts DOE is ignoring successful cold fusion experiments such as those by Tom 5/17/1999 #43770 Note: The obfuscation of cold fusion experiments fits a broader trend 5/17/1999 #43770 tems (nuclear propulsion, anuclear fusion, positron propulsion, magnetohydr 6/24/2009 #45227 fell out of a window in 1997, cold fusion expert Eugene Mallove died of blu 12/2014 #45425
d wonders why Saunders is making a fuss. After 30 minutes, Saunders persuad 2/1/1967 #21433 he car, and it "really kicked up a fuss" and appeared to be terrified. When 3/26/1967 #21998 ational security that not too much fuss is made about this sort of thing.” 9/1978 #33618
go near the spot afterward and are fussy about eating. 5/3/1977 #32052
Fusuoka, Japan Witnesses: pilot Halter 10/15/1948 #3840 ed up to six objects on radar over Fusuoka, Japan. The six bogeys were seen 10/15/1948 #3843
ants Lt. Anderson G. Flues and Max Futch. 3/8/1953 #8739 He is replaced by Airman 1C Max G. Futch. 7/31/1953 #9027 Blue Book permanently, leaving Max Futch in charge as acting chief through 8/31/1953 #9124
hizophrenia, he was able to recall futher details. He remembered that he ha 6/8/1974 #29173
h aircraft were flying that night. Futhermore, additional sightings include 10/26/1988 #38699
nd circle town and Air Force Base. Futile T33 chase. / r43p15. 6/26/1952 #6632 A search for the occupants proved futile. A bus driver was said to have se 10/10/1957 #14091 A search for the occupants proved futile. A bus driver was reported to hav 10/10/1957 #14096 l over/all about B58 bomber. Chase futile. No further details. 10/17/1961 #16914 dation to handle the program prove futile. It finally gives up the entire i 1962 #17005 r car and grabbed a camcorder in a futile attempt to videotape the object. 9/30/1997 #43421
nd, confirmed. Country: USA Name: “Futtock” YieldMax: 20KT 6/18/1975 #30107
e Prince of Wales, one of them the future king of England, were cruising ab 6/11/1881 #243 e Prince of Wales, one of them the future king of England, were cruising ab 6/11/1881 #244 e Prince of Wales, one of them the future king of England, were cruising ab 6/11/1881 #245 directed and narrated by actor and future filmmaker Orson Welles, is an ada 10/30/1938 #1300 could be achieved in the immediate future... This new phenomenon would also 8/2/1939 #1311 word document titled “A Warning to Future Man.” Shaver writes of advanced p 11/1943 #1541 olved in UFO investigations in the future: Col. John A. O’Mara, Col. Howard 2/23/1944 #1577 Beach, California After 5:00 p.m. Future ufologist Ann Druffel is on a bus Summer 1945 #1881 Stendal, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany Future ufologist Illobrand von Ludwiger Summer 1945 #1882 eed away. One of the passengers is future UFO investigator Leonard Stringfi 8/28/1945 #1930 Research Organization in 1952 and future author of seven books on the UFO 6/10/1947 #2320 orth to Wright Field, according to future Brig. Gen. Arthur Exon, then stat 7/10/1947 #3103 of a permanent project to analyze future reports. 9/23/1947 #3416 downtown Phoenix, Arizona Morning. Future ufologist Walter H. Andrus Jr., h 8/15/1948 #3782 ordered to send copies of all its future cases and analyses to Maj. Boggs 12/6/1948 #3913 taff headed by Joseph Bryan III, a future president and board chairman of N 3/27/1950 #4741 henomena, or prophesies concerning future events, could cause them to be no 4/14/1950 #4853 ighter Command is advised that all future reports of aerial phenomena shoul 8/15/1950 #5127 outh Carolina for ten minutes, the future site of the Savannah River hydrog 12/2/1950 #5313 Galena, Ohio 10:00 p.m. Future ufologist Irena Scott and her sis 7/4/1951? #5559 cies and agendas for the immediate future. Garland mentions that the aircra 1/3/1952 #5859 neer, is watching the sky with his future wife, Frances Hoback, on Chesapea 7/16/1952 #6844 Colorado Springs, Colorado, tells future UFO researcher Robert C. Gardner Late 2/1953 #8705 t them with some information about future events. 3/22/1953 #8776 Book and are therefore kept out of future updates to Congress and the Ameri 8/26/1953 #9113 L. Herlihy at Pearl Harbor to the future director of the BSRA, Riley Crabb 10/5/1955 #12490 cers show up and interrogate them. Future astronaut Gordon Cooper claims he 5/2/1957 #13643 warned the witness of approaching future dangers and asked him to return t 3/29/1959 #15678 es concerns about planning for the future and the dangers of massive spendi 1/17/1961 #16579 y militarily, which would make any future denial of direct US involvement m 4/4/1961 #16643 will not possess more in the near future, effectively discrediting the mis 9/1961 #16809 O fact sheets (no. 179-62). In the future it will issue press releases. 2/6/1962 #17036 On this day X-15 pilot and future astronaut White was flying at 58 7/17/1962 #17280 fic controller four miles away and future UFO researcher Timothy Good in Bc 8/1/1963 #17860 t in detail, adding he should keep future encounters to himself. 9/3/1965 #19506 t in detail, adding he should keep future encounters to himself. 9/3/1965 #19517 t of Mexico, Amalia Hernández; and future Mexican President Luis Echeverría 9/23/1965 #19591 source of UFO data or resource for future investigations or instrumentation 1/13/1967 #21297 Falls, Montana Judith Basin Night. Future UFO researcher Robert Hastings ha Mid 3/1967 #21891 l was going to happen" in the near future His next recollection was of sta 10/24/1967 #23310 selages and the center chamber. On future visits to this area, the German s 10/26/1967 #23334 overnment archive for existing and future UFO reports. The files are kept i 2/1968 #23719 Investigations: Past, Present, and Future.” 8/7/1968 #24306 psychic technology from humanity’s future to generate myths and religions t 1969 #24802 near Valparaiso, Florida 7:15 p.m. Future president Jimmy Carter is prepari 1/6/1969 #24821 cer going quickly [to] over site / future satellite tracking station. Flash 3/4/1969 (approximate) #24964 rafton, New South Wales Afternoon. Future ufologist Bill Chalker, 17, is re 8/30/1969 #25339 rvation of Air Force UFO files for future study. 12/26/1969 #25508 g implanted in order to facilitate future contacts. Soon one of the short h 9/7/1970 #25828 as part of a preliminary study for future hydroelectric projects. On board 9/4/1971 #26317 y southwest. Follows exact route / future M42 freeway not yet begun. 2/16/1973 #27291 something that might happen in the future or could have happened. Emenegger 5/1973 #27460 saying they will meet again in the future. Extraordinary abilities follow, 3/23/1974 #28936 t they would meet him again in the future. 3/23/1974 #28939 tary film UFOs: Past, Present, and Future is released along with a paperbac 5/9/1974 #29097 ome of the information in the near future and hope not to have to wait too 3/28/1975 #29921 all, of this material in the near future.” 3/28/1975 #29922 ll of the information in the “near future.” [Retrievals of the Third Kind 3/28/1975 #29924 reason why UAP were not worthy of future study. https://web.archive.org/w 1977 #31659 , that this spot would "become the future home of space travel." They also 1/27/1977 #31761 that would come about in the near future. He was shown various scenes as t 1/27/1977 #31761 Lord Davies agree there should be future investigations to settle the ques 1/18/1979 #34358 of the Reagan/Bush campaign, with future CIA Director William J. Casey as 10/15/1980 #35569 perform some important task in the future. 1/22/1982 #36306 ng private and civilian experts as future consultants on UFOs. Minister of 7/10/1984 #37390 strophysicist Pierre Guérin on the future of GEPAN. Because it is under the 11/1984 #37501 ssible ramifications and potential future developments” including magnetote 1/10/1985 #37546 in for Franklin Mead, Chief of the Future Technologies Section (see June 19 4/1988 #38527 arch should be reconsidered in the future. https://apps.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/f 4/1988 #38527 de a building at the base planning future exercises; outside, Col. Aurelian Late 3/1989 #38880 ey foresee serious problems in the future regarding the survivability of th 6/1990 #39604 urn at some indefinite time in the future. 8/28/1991 #40168 ish a direct contact procedure for future cases. This allows him to persona 11/16/1992 #40714 ies will become the reality of the future, predicting: “I have a foreboding 1995 #41923 azilian scientists to take part in future space missions. 1/26/1996 #42713 e received included warnings about future events. 3/19/1997 #43235 C SRG to prevent disclosure in the future. Wilson is invited to a facility 10/16/2002 #44418 The Commission on the Future of the U.S. Aerospace Industry de 11/27/2002 #44452 when he mentioned a “chameleonic” Future Soldier program; he states he was 7/2003 #44560 elling him some UAP occupants are “future humans” and are attempting to ave 10/2006 #44970 ep. Mike Gallagher stated in 2022 “future humans” should be considered too. 10/2006 #44970 ob to look 20 to 30 years into the future. https://www.amazon.com/Forbidde 10/21/2007 #45078 approximately 45,000 years in the future that were pale and “grey alien” i 2008 #45109 the P52s from 52,000 years in the future of similar appearance and the P52 2008 #45109 , and incorporated into current or future knowledge. Experience anomalies a 6/26/2008 #45147 curity (DHS) to secure funding for future fiscal years. Lacatski allegedly 2/2011 #45312 to talk about this incident in the future…it will be in your interests not 2/2011 #45312 came from “Earth humans” from the future and people from the future come b 3/20/2020 #45640 rom the future and people from the future come back in time to create “past 3/20/2020 #45640 a civilization supposedly from the future Earth.” https://www.amazon.com/U 10/20/2022 #45779
knowledge of probable and possible futures is highly classified and attempt 10/2006 #44970 e our own ancestors from different futures and nuclear weapons testing and 10/2006 #44970
r/boomerang shaped craft. https://futuretheater.com/assets/pdf/star-shield 6/2013 #45368
-atomic-distances.html * https://futurism.com/research-shows-brains-ready 1981 #35765
e best data.” A later entry claims futurist John Petersen’s ideology (see 3 12/10/1994 #41888 is date, Hal Puthoff also connects futurist Michael Lindemann with Petersen 1/8/1999 #43712 four were connected to a series of futurist talks on UAP in 1999. * https 12/3/1999 #43892
e UFOs fly silently by the town of Fuzhou, Fujian Province, China at 7:00 p 6/15/1981 #35972
ng from the edge to create a misty fuzziness obscuring the base. Now only 2 1/14/1980 #35135
g and Manheim Btn., Germany Bright fuzzy round ball, twice the size of full 12/1944 #1714 e screens show a blip, alternately fuzzy and strong, some 8 miles away head 4/24/1945 #1853 , Japan Foo fighter; a big ball of fuzzy orange-red light; B-29 fired on ob 7/7/1945 #1892 r going [to] below clouds / 3000'. Fuzzy front edge. 2/20/1948 #3581 o. Through his theodolite it looks fuzzy across its back edge as if “dipped 2/20/1948 #3583 ing in the sky at 1:15 p.m. It was fuzzy across its back edge as if "dipped 2/20/1948 #3584 ctly round with sharp edges and no fuzzy outline. Project Sign personnel ar 10/1/1948 #3827 the star Antares, he sees another fuzzy object in the sky nearer to the ho 5/12/1949 #4183 ishes and reappears as ovoid. Gets fuzzy. 10/27/1950 #5257 ss moons face. Each 1/2 moon-size. Fuzzy edges. 4/5/1952 #6027 dark circular objects with mostly fuzzy edges each ½ the angular size of M 4/5/1952 #6030 dark circular objects with mostly fuzzy edges, crossed face of Moon; each 4/5/1952 #6032 dark circular objects with mostly fuzzy edges, crossed the face of the Moo 4/5/1952 #6034 A 18-20-inch white, flat disc with fuzzy or shimmering edges (NICAP: 01 - D 1/28/1953 #8591 ornia, see a white, flat disc with fuzzy or shimmering edges rapidly approa 1/28/1953 #8600 They described the discs as having fuzzy edges, as they flashed beneath the 4/12/1953 #8821 ness: C.S. Chapman, 15. One white, fuzzy, flashing light hovered and darted 5/18/1953 #8883 see 3–12 round white objects with fuzzy edges slightly smaller than the fu 1/1/1954 #9437 CONISTON, LANCS 2 lads photograph fuzzy domed-saucer. Going north. 1 obser 2/15/1954 #9544 TA, FL 1 / (seen thru) binoculars. Fuzzy oval night light zigzags overhead 6/4/1958 #15078 d separate observer(s). Ovoid with fuzzy edges and lights going east. Circl 3/31/1959 #15679 es three small, gray, and slightly fuzzy elliptical objects in close echelo 8/13/1959 #15913 Project Bluebook Case #6506. Large fuzzy saucer going down / farm. Loud jet 9/13/1959 #15965 his theodolite, but it still looks fuzzy. The object reappears throughout t 1961 #16551 New Plymouth, NZ White, fuzzy, flashing light hover and dart aro 5/18/1963 #17749 not be restarted. The sphere was a fuzzy "ball of fire," only 75 centimeter 5/24/1964 #18298 gence saw a flattened ellipse with fuzzy edges, two or three port-like blac 6/24/1966 #20606 r rocks / 75' altitude. Solid with fuzzy rim. / r109p109. 8/1/1966 #20714 arger than the full moon. It has a fuzzy edge and rocks slightly as it hove 8/1/1966 #20718 to EME (electro-magnetic effects). Fuzzy visual.. sharp photographs. 10/12/1966 #20994 as silent and left a white flowing fuzzy trail in its wake. (Fowler, 1974, 3/1/1967 #21708 people in a car saw a red object, fuzzy around the edges, estimated 50 fee 3/1/1967 #21710 had several sightings of a bright fuzzy ball of light (spherical) one-four 3/3/1967 #21739 lity northeast of Las Cruces saw a fuzzy, fluorescent orange light moving i 3/9/1967 #21836 bject buzzes Army convoy. Gi takes fuzzy photograph. / r208p309. 3/15/1967 (approximate) #21888 -orange, clam-shell-shaped (disc), fuzzy object move across the sky. The ob 9/15/1967 #23063 , MASS 2 observer(s). Saturn UFO / fuzzy amber center. White sparks around 10/3/1967 #23170 lowing Saturn-shaped object with a fuzzy amber center flew over Cambridge, 10/3/1967 #23172 at the same time that elliptical, fuzzy objects with red and green lights 10/6/1967 #23186 d object to his left. It was quite fuzzy and no details could be made out. 11/28/1967 #23520 iver then saw an yellowish-orange, fuzzy, strawberry-shaped thing hovering 8/28/1969 #25334 globe hovering in the sky. It was fuzzy at first but then became perfectly 11/24/1970 #25918 ABERDEEN, WA 3 2' fuzzy objects hover over bridge as car n 1/3/1971 #25971 On this night three small, fuzzy, round objects moved near a bridge 1/3/1971 #25973 /cylindrical object. Clear / eyes. Fuzzy in photographs. News. 9/29/1971 #26385 iar looking creatures covered with fuzzy hair, but standing erect. She retr 11/3/1971 #26452 in diameter, and glowing white but fuzzy in appearance. After a few seconds 11/10/1972 #27116 DEHUNCAR, CACERES, SP White-yellow fuzzy night light. Hovers over ground / 1/27/1973 #27247 rown, or green creature with long, fuzzy hair that darted across the road i 10/26/1973 #28297 ucer stops. Changes shape. Outline fuzzy.. sharp. 6/14/1974 #29189 s a house." It was white in color, fuzzy and bright as the sun, and was fol 8/20/1974 #29373 . Maneuvers all over. Also seen as fuzzy globe. 12/14/1974 #29641 R 1 / car. Lights and engine quit. Fuzzy 100M disk hovers. Going up [to] an 10/10/1975 #30427 ar's lights and engine died when a fuzzy looking 100 meter wide disc-shaped 10/10/1975 #30428 walked through the fog toward the fuzzy, intense light ahead. When they re 8/6/1976 #31241 en light blue. It grows blurry and fuzzy and finally fades away in a vapor. 9/11/1976 #31376 object, glowing and pulsating with fuzzy edges, rush from the northeast hor 12/16/1976 #31608 ville, Wisconsin, watch an orange “fuzzy oval” object larger than a full mo 1/28/1977 #31763 . It was ellipsoidal in shape with fuzzy contours, and landed approximately 4/4/1977 #31943 WASHBURN, WI 2 / car chased / fuzzy disk through curves to 145kph. 10m 4/22/1977 #32010 Wisconsin three witnesses chased a fuzzy appearing disc in their car at spe 4/22/1977 #32014 re enveloped in a nearly blinding, fuzzy, ultraviolet light. Henshall feels 6/6/1977 #32151 D, HERTFS 2 / car. 4 photographs / fuzzy domed saucer. Background sharp. 6/25/1977 #32193 PARIS, FR 2 observer(s). Fuzzy object = going [to] sharp clear el 11/20/1977 #32691 GRAND HARBOR, MALTA Bright silent fuzzy moon-size object releases small bl 2/9/1978 #32960 TORBAY, DEVONS Amateur astronomer. Fuzzy perfect cube / (seen thru) telesco 9/12/1978 #33667 uickly northeast. Photograph shows fuzzy blob only. 10/8/1978 #33809 New Jersey. It was bright orange, fuzzy semi-circular with blue tints. It 2/5/1979 #34407 It quickly grows to the size of a fuzzy full moon in 2–3 seconds. Holding 12/6/1979 #35056 ves that rejoin, growing small and fuzzy, then brighten and enlarge. Three 12/5/1980 #35701 the windows. The object emitted a fuzzy white glow from its flat bottom. I 5/30/1990 #39600 R 4 campers. Dull metallic sphere. Fuzzy edges like air disturbed. 8/8/1992 #40558 at other times it appears to be a fuzzy, gaseous cloud. The film is genuin 1994 #41341 ountryside. 3 photographs / silent fuzzy moth-shape. 7/5/1994 #41607 server and more. Fields lit. Round fuzzy white night light over car / 6 sec 10/6/1994 #41787 ng. The air appeared distorted and fuzzy, and she also saw more flashes of 1/7/1999 #43711 d object fly over. "It was kind of fuzzy on the edges as the transparency d 8/23/2004 #44740 Two fuzzy orange triangles were seen zig-zag 9/8/2004 #44750
near Yuma, Arizona, when he sees a fuzzy-white oblong object at an angle of 5/5/1953 #8866
DAKAR, SENEGAL, (FWA) Odd meteor straight and level for 5 7/3/1952 #6695 DJOUGOU, DAHOMEY(FWA) Many observer(s). Luminous ovoid / 10/11/1953 #9219
mer Marc D’Antonio and operator of FX Models that has Naval contracts, clai 9/19/2017 #45481
for “black aircraft production” in FY 1987. According to Aviation Week, Pro 3/1990 #39434 onal Defense Authorization Act for FY 2022. It includes an amendment, “Esta 12/27/2021 #45730
h a Chinese weather satellite, the FY-1C polar orbit satellite of the Fengy 1/11/2007 #44998
ult.com/documents/ufos/fastwalkers/FY14-19NOV2013-07.pdf 5/25/1995 #42229
s2.theblackvault.com/documents/dod/FY17PE0603286E.pdf Note: It was late 6/2008 #45144
million on an “Aurora” program in FY1986 and $2.3 billion in FY1987. This 1985 #37542
gram in FY1986 and $2.3 billion in FY1987. This is more than double the cos 1985 #37542
ciated UAP provisions of the final FY2023 National Defense Authorization Ac 12/6/2022 #45785
Fyffe, AL Local concentration of sightin 2/1989 #38813 FYFFE, AL Jumbo banana-UFO hovers. Going 2/10/1989 #38829 Grove Oak, Alabama Fyffe, Alabama Crossville, Geraldine, an 2/10/1989 #38832 n in Grove Oak, Alabama, tells the Fyffe, Alabama, police department that s 2/10/1989 #38832 In Fyffe, Alabama a lighted triangular-shap 2/10/1989 #38833 Fyffe, Alabama Fyffe, Alabama, police of 2/15/1989 #38841 Fyffe, Alabama Fyffe, Alabama, police officer Dennison 2/15/1989 #38841 3MI SOUTH / FYFFE, AL Multiple observer(s) and 40 po 2/24/1989 #38848 eported UFOs. Sightings started in Fyffe, Alabama at 8:00 p.m. At 10:10 p.m 3/1/1989 #38860 n Fort Payne reported sighting the Fyffe UFO. 3/1/1989 #38860 FYFFE, AL Local man photographs banana-d 3/9/1989 #38867
DAWSON, AL Fyffe-UFO followed here 12 mile(s) / Ten 2/10/1989 #38830 GERALDINE, AL Fyffe-UFO returns. Cops / 6 agencies and 3/1/1989 #38857 T PAYNE, AL Highway Patrol reports Fyffe-UFO. Also other DeKalb Co location 3/1/1989 #38858
ure.” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FYIHqt0XEAUhS_f?format=jpg&name=900x900 10/30/1958 #15404
s from northwest to southeast. RAF Fylingdales in the North York Moors, Eng 12/31/1978 #34248 lear Air Force Station, Alaska RAF Fylingdales in north Yorkshire, England 1/31/2001 #44136 ear Air Force Station, Alaska; RAF Fylingdales in north Yorkshire, England; 1/31/2001 #44136
SVENDBORG, FYN, DK Local official. Huge dark grey c 8/25/1958 #15224 FYN ISL., DK 1 observer. Metallic dome / 4/14/1959 #15702 se encounter occurred in Thuro By, Fyn, Denmark at 8:30 p.m. 4/22/1972 #26658 ASSENS, FYN, DK 1 observer. Series / 3 shiny ovo 8/1/1991 #40139
Belo Horizonte, Brazil 10:50 a.m. “Fábio Jose Diniz,” 16, is walking along 9/14/1967 #23060
Fábrica Nacional de Motores Duque de Cax 3/12/1966 #19954 10:40 a.m. A security guard at the Fábrica Nacional de Motores in Duque de 3/12/1966 #19954
Cova da Iria Fátima, Portugal Three shepherd children 5/13/1917 #958 rd children at the Cova da Iria in Fátima, Portugal—Lúcia dos Santos and he 5/13/1917 #958 Fátima, Portugal The three children at F 6/13/1917 #959 ma, Portugal The three children at Fátima, Portugal, again see the lady, wh 6/13/1917 #959 Fátima Aljustrel Portugal Cova da Iria S 8/13/1917 #960 8,000 people have been flocking to Fátima and nearby Aljustrel, Portugal, d 8/13/1917 #960 , Brazil 3:30 p.m. Sisters Liliane Fátima da Silva, 16, and Valquíria Apare 1/20/1996 #42695
La Fère, Aisne, France 9:30 p.m. Two soldie 10/6/1954 #10757 ers at the military barracks in La Fère, Aisne, France, watch a luminous cr 10/6/1954 #10757
ão Paulo, Brazil São Paulo Aladino Félix and a friend are climbing a hill n 11/1952 #8227 Brazil. When they get to the top, Félix claims they see numerous UFOs flyi 11/1952 #8227 y see numerous UFOs flying around. Félix comes back another day by himself; 11/1952 #8227 two of the satellites of Jupiter. Félix, under the pseudonym of Dino Krasp 11/1952 #8227 and Sábado Dinotos. In 1967–1968, Félix is operating a right-wing terroris 11/1952 #8227 Oiartzun, Spain 4:00 p.m. Félix Galarraga and Gerardo Izuesta see 1/3/1955 #11917 d death of Che Guevara in Bolivia. Félix Rodríguez, a Cuban exile turned CI 10/7/1967 #23190
nizacion Nacional Investigadora de Fénomenos Espaciales in Buenos Aires, Ar 1968 #23631 hs found the Centro de Estudios de Fénomenos Aéreos Inusuales in Buenos Air 1972 #26529 vided by the Comité de Estudios de Fénomenos Aéreos Anómalos and the direct 8/26/2003 #44584
Fôret de Lusigny, Aube, France Afternoon 10/22/1954 #11319 . Roger Reveillé is walking in the Fôret de Lusigny, Aube, France, when he 10/22/1954 #11319
es for UFO Research (Arbetsgruppen för Ufologi) is founded in Södertälje, S 8/1972 #26863
n, Germany Kaiser Wilhelm Institut für Chemie The process of nuclear fissio 12/17/1938 #1301 ann at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institut für Chemie in Berlin, Germany, producing 12/17/1938 #1301 blishes the first issue of Journal für UFO-Forschung in Lüdenscheid, North 1/1980 #35119 unds Deutschsprachige Gesellschaft für UFO-Forschung in Bad Kreuznach, Germ 6/5/1993 #41005
Fürjes Békéscsaba Hungary 1:30–2:00 a.m. 10/10/1986 #38044 ke flashes in the sky northeast of Fürjes, near Békéscsaba, Hungary. The fl 10/10/1986 #38044
Fürstenfeldbruck, Germany Wire Report fr 11/23/1948 #3884 Fürstenfeldbruck Air Base in Bavaria, Ge 11/23/1948 #3889 dar-visual UFO case takes place at Fürstenfeldbruck Air Base in Bavaria, Ge 11/23/1948 #3889