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Introduction from The Chesapeake Connection by Bob Oeschsler in 1989:
The Evolution
In The Beginning, the Flying Saucer phenomenon became a reality with reported sightings by credible witnesses in th summer of 1947. The reports by Kenneth Arnold on June 24th and United Airlines pilots on July 4th were the focus of media attention and created a shroud around the events in and around Roswe ll, New Mexico beginning on July 2nd. The sightings there and reports of a crash nearby set the stage for the evolution of a cover-up .
Stage One
The realization by military officials that the crash remains were in fact debris from one of those mysterious flying disks was evidence enough to issue an order of secrecy in the interests of national security . Was it the product of a failure of some experimental project of ours? Could it be German or Soviet or Chinese? Whatever the source, we would not want anyone to know that we had recovered the remains. Many questions would have to be answered. What caused the crash? Were there identifiable bodies subsequently recovered? Were they human?
The investigation begins as top military officials caucus to delineate the options . The White House must be notif ied. Top military specialists are called in to identify components, materiel construction, and determine a power and propulsion source. Medical Officers are required to identify any biological remains. Radiation and other detection equipment and experts would be needed not only to test the debris, but to scan the crash site.
Exhausting all available internal military resources, out side help would be needed. In the event that unidentifiable humanoid remains were recovered, top medical and anthropological scientists would be required for extensive forensic pathology. Top research institutions and universities would be canvassed to recruit the best medical specialists, the best chemical specialists, and the most respected experts in the physics disciplines. A special ized security team would be needed to brief and debrief the research effort and report to central management.
Stage Two
Contact is made, and with it the removal of all doubt about the non-human origin of the discoveries. Perhaps a preliminary under standing is reached between the parties involved. By 1952 it is obvious to the central crisis management team, that social impact tests are necessary in order to update existing historical models based on the impact of the hysterical effects of the Orson Welles 1938 broadcast of H.G. Wells' "The War of the Worlds". There could be no second guessing. Official Public disclosure would be irreversible. At this time, no economic impact of disclosure would likely be apparent. Disclosure during the transition of the presidency would be untenable.
By 1954 the stage was set for controlled testing of the waters of public reaction. The most viable option chosen was the selection of representatives of society brought in for controlled experiments involving exposure to the extraterrestrial culture.
These selected few individuals would be monitored to offer a glimpse of the reactions to be expected among differing factions within the society. Typical selections might include an esoteric journa list, a major media journalist, a theologian, and a retired public policy official with an expertise in cattle breeding.
Such a selection could offer such a pragmatic review by virtue of the individual and collective reactions.
By 1958 more sophisticated studies are required to determine a methodology for public disclosure, based on a thorough analysis of historical solutions to dramatic confrontations. Studies would be commissioned under the guise of an infant space program to address the effects of the discovery, with a protocol to focus on a modern solution to avoid social apocalypse.
Stage Three
The extraterrestrial visitors requiring some kind of biological food source, determine cattle to be a viable commodity. Perhaps a genetically specialized breed is required to obtain the needed nutrients in a processable form. Specialized genetic breeding experiments are conducted through federal and private grant foundations and institutions. An agreement is reached with the extraterrestrials to supply the specialized food source in exchange for certain technological assistance. Mutilations occur in the interim and continue to proliferate despite the support program. An increased extraterrestrial population could further tax the effort.
Stage Four
Economic impact studies reveal a significant effect on fossil fuel industries upon disclosure of the existence of a revolutionary energy efficient power source, a product of extraterrestrialcraft technologies. Other technological disclosures would impact greatly on financial markets related to precious metal and element compounds. Abrupt publicdisclosure could have a cataclysmic effect on institutional scientific education which could result in total obsolescence of basic tenets.
The Final Equation
Use subliminal media to acclimate the society to the surrealistic phenomenon. Monitor the metered releases of information to the general public, while maintaining an official policy of denial.
Develop and incorporate the new technologies in a controlled evolution cycle. Appropriate "black" budgetary financing and encourage overt corporate and institutional discretionary finacing for specified programs.
Maintain a program of disinformation for the purpose of controlling the acceptance factor. Discredit unplanned leaks and discoveries by special interest groups. Develop a covert plan for rapid response to uncontrolled disclosure events perpetrated by the extraterrestrials. Develop an emergency defense to counter unexpected extraterrestrial agression.
Promote mutual global understanding and encourage programs that lessen the fundamental differences between earth cultures.