Joachim Strömbergson fddfd88db2
Major update of threat model including new release
Co-authored-by: Michael Cardell Widerkrantz <mc@tillitis.se>
Signed-off-by: Joachim Strömbergson <joachim@assured.se>, Michael Cardell Widerkrantz <mc@tillitis.se>
2023-03-22 22:26:13 +01:00

264 lines
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# Threat model
## Introduction
The Tillitis TKey device is a platform for running device apps in a
secure, restricted execution environment physically separate from the
client. The device provides the device app access to secrets derived
through measurement of the loaded device app. The device app in turn
provides functionality and controlled access to assets to a companion
client app as needed to solve different use cases.
This document describes the threat model for the Tillitis TKey device
and the device app. Based on [the system
description](system_description.md) and use cases, the threat model
tries to capture and describe the threats that needs to be mitigated
in order for the device app to work in a secure and trustworthy
## Assumptions
* There are no backdoors or vulnerabilities in Lattice iCE40 UltraPlus
FPGA devices that allow external access to the internal
configuration memory (Non-Volatile Configuration Memory, NVCM) after
the device configuration has been written to the NVCM and external
access has been locked down through the fuses.
* There is no access path to the contents of the NVCM from the FPGA
fabric besides the configuration circuit.
* There exist a possible warm boot attack against the Lattice iCE40
UltraPlus FPGAs which allows an attacker with physical access to
load a FPGA configuration even though the NVCM has been programmed
and locked.
* The FPGA development toolchain, including YoSys, NextPnR and
IceStorm generates a correct design, and also does not inject
hardware exfiltration mechanisms in the generated bitstream.
* The end user is not an attacker. The end user at least doesn't
knowingly aid the attacker in attacks on their device.
## Assets
* UDS - Unique Device Secret. Provisioned and stored in the FPGA NVCM
during TKey device provisioning. Never to be replaced or altered
during the life time of a given TKey device. Used to derive
application secrets. Must never leave the device. Tillitis must NOT
not store a copy of the UDS.
* UDI - Unique Device ID. Provisioned and stored in the FPGA NVCM
during TKey device provisioning. Never to be replaced or altered
during the life time of a given device. May be copied, extracted,
read from the device.
* USS - User Supplied Secret. Provisioned by the user from the client
during loading of the device app. Should not be revealed to a third
* CDI - Compound Device Identity. Computed by firmware when an
application is loaded using the UDS, the USS, and a hash of the
device app binary. Used by the application to derive secrets, keys
etc. as needed. The CDI should never be exposed outside of the FPGA.
## Threats and threat vectors
There are two major type of attacks
1. Software (SW) based. These are attacks against the TKey device that
are performed from a client and enter the TKey device through the
USB port. The SW attacks includes buffer flow attacks, attacks on
the firmware protocol.
2. Hardware (HW) based. These are attacks against the FPGA design of
the TKey device as well as the PCB. The HW attacks includes fault
injection, side-channel leakage as well as warm boot attacks. These
attacks may be performed from the client through the USB port,
through the TKey enclosure, or near the TKey device.
## Threat Actors - The bad guys
Different actors have different reasons for performing attacks. They
have also different access to competence, resources etc. This
description tries to capture examples of possible attacks and how the
TKey device should be able to stand up against them.
### 0. Average Joe
[Average Joe Soundtrack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB0DU4DoPP4)
* Curious opportunist
* No real competence, no resources beyond a personal computer
* No planning or preparation before an attack
* Prepared to invest little time (minutes) or resources - for example
to connect a device found, try a few user supplied secrets
* End game is to gain access to possible information, client resources
unknown to the attacker before the attack is performed
Attacks by Average Joe will come from the USB port and is SW based, or
just manual attempts. Given a hard to guess USS, the TKey Device
should withstand any attack no matter how long time the attack is
### 1. The CCC Hacker
[CCC Hacker Soundtrack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8DBEbmPh7E)
* Sympathetic to the goals of the project
* Wants to probe all parts and the system in a quest to determine how
the device really works, use it in possibly different ways, find
weaknesses (and get them fixed)
* Is possibly a user, but in this case not the legitimate end user
* Have a high level of competence
* Prepared to spend time to prepare and perform an attack. Possibly low
effort over an extended period
* Access to compute resources. Possibly access to lab equipment
* Will try all possible SW and HW attack vectors. In and out of scope
* End game is to find flaws in threat model. Acquire knowledge and
findings to produce an interesting talk at CCC, USENIX or Security
Over time (with new releases), and given feedback by the CCC Hacker,
the TKey device should be able to withstand attacks by the CCC Hacker.
### 2. vERyRevil
[vERyRevil Soundtrack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTSA_sWGM44)
* Ransomware gang. Driven by short term financial gain
* Short term focus. Fastest possible access to economic assets
* Have, or can acquire high level of competence
* Have access to large amount of resources
* Have time and is prepared to spend time on preparations
* Short time to perform an attack. Will not persist for a long time
* Will do strict cost benefit-analysis to decide to perform, abort
attacks if they don't work
* SW based attacks. Is assumed to remotely own the host
* Supply chain attacks on secure application, host application, SDK,
infiltration of device and application development
* End game is to gain access, control over resources protected by the
device. Resources that can be used as leverage for financial gain
Over time (with new releases), The TKey device should be able to
withstand SW attacks by vERyRevil.
### 4. APT4711
[APT4711 Soundtrack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrWV6pxepDo)
* State actor
* Interested in access to information, perform surveillance, and
possibly control of the end user or resources
* Long term focus. Attacks are discreet and persistent
* Access to high competence
* Access to very large amounts of resources
* Prepared to invest a lot of time, effort to prepare and execute an
* Prepared to perform physical visits (evil maid missions) at target
(end user) as well as Tillitis or the suppliers to Tillitis as
needed to manipulate, steal, replace components, systems
* SW based attacks. Is assumed to remotely own the host
* Supply chain attacks - both on SW and HW, components
* Supply chain attacks on application, host application, SDK,
* End game: Long term stealth presence providing access to information
about the end user
Over time (with new releases), The TKey device should be able to
withstand SW based attacks. Over time, the TKey Device should be able
to make evil maid attacks take long enough time to make in infeasible to
perform without the user discovering the missing device.
## TKey Release specific scope
This threat model will be updated for each release of the TKey device.
For each version we description what threats are in scope, what threats
are out of scope and what mitigations are in place.
### TK1-23.03
This is the first general release of the TKey TK1 device. In this
device the FPGA bitstream is stored and locked into the NVCM. The UDS
and UDI assets are stored as part of the FPGA bitstream. The FPGA
design contain some mechanisms for execution protection, execution
monitoring as well as functionality designed to make evil maid attacks
harder to successfully perform, i.e. take longer time.
The FPGA design as well as the firmware has been audited, and
hardening of these has been performed to some degree. For more
information, see the [Release Notes](/doc/release_notes.md)
#### Known possible weakneses
The CH552 MCU providing USB host communication contains firmware that
implements the UART communication with the FPGA. The CH552 firmware
can be updated by performing *port knocking*. The knock sequence is to
apply 3.3V through a 10k resistor to the D+ line, while powering on
the device.
There may be possible buffer overflow attacks via the USB host
interface into the firmware of the CH552, allowing both execution and
modification of the firmware CH552.
#### In scope
- SW attacks from the host against the firmware in the FPGA, and the
FPGA design itself via the USB host interface.
- Timing attacks on the firmware in the FPGA.
#### Out of scope
- Leakage and glitching attacks including:
- Faulting of the execution by the CPU in the FPGA and the CH552 MCU
- EM leakage
- Attacks on the TKey device apps
### engineering-release-1
This is an early release aimed at developers interested in writing
applications for Tillitis TKey. The design allows easy access to the
board, and is even shipped with a programmer to download new FPGA
#### Known weakneses
The bitstream, which includes the Unique Device Secret (UDS) as well
as the firmware implementing the measured boot are stored as part of
the bitstream in an external Flash memory connected with SPI to the
The CH552 MCU providing USB host communication contains firmware that
implements the UART communication with the FPGA. The firmware can be
updated by performing *port knocking*. The knock sequence is to apply
3.3V through a 10k resistor to the D+ line, while powering on the
There may be possible buffer overflows via the USB host interface to
the firmware of the CH552, allowing both execution and modification of
the firmware CH552.
#### In scope
(Attacks we really would like to have investigated.)
- Digital attacks from the host against the firmware in the FPGA, and
the FPGA design itself via the host interface.
- Timing attacks on the firmware in the FPGA.
#### Out of scope
- All physical and electrical attacks applied to the board, including:
- Reading out of the UDS from the external Flash chip
- Triggering of the FPGA warm boot functionality
- Triggering firmware update of the CH552 MCU, using the port
knocking mechanism
- Glitching attacks including:
- Faulting of the execution by the CPU in the FPGA and the CH552 MCU
- Disturbance of the TRNG entropy generation
- EM leakage