2022-09-19 08:51:11 +02:00

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NOTE: this document is outdated, an update is pending.

MTA1-MKDF software


  • Firmware -- software that is part of ROM, and is supplied via the FPGA bit stream
  • Secure Application (short: Application) -- software supplied by the host machine, which is received, measured, and loaded by the firmware.


The PicoRV32 is a 32-bit RISC-V system. All types are little-endian.


The application FPGA is a Lattice UP5K, with the following specifications:

  • 32KB x 4 SPRAM => 128KB for Application
  • 4Kb x 30 EBR => 120Kb, PicoRV32 uses ~4 EBR internally => 13KB for Firmware. We should probably aim for less; 8KB should be the target.


The MTA1_MKDF has two modes of operation; firmware/loader mode and application mode. The firmware mode has the responsibility of receive, measure, and load the application.

The firmware and application uses a memory mapped IO for SoC communication. The memory map resides at 0x9000_0000. The application has a constrained variant of the firmware memory map, which is outlined below. E.g. UID and UDA are not readable, and the APP_{ADDR, SIZE} are not writable for the application.

The MTA1_MKDF software communicates to the host via the {RX,TX}_FIFO registers, using the framing protocol described in Framing Protocol.

The firmware defines a protocol (command/response interface) on top of the framing layer, which is used to bootstrap the application onto the device.

On the framing layer, it's required that each frame the device receives, a responding frame must be sent back to the host, in a ping-pong manner.

Applications define a per-application protocol, which is the contract between the host and the device.


The firware is part of FPGA bitstream (ROM), and is loaded at 0x0000_1000.


The PicoRV32 executes _start from crt0.S .text at 0x0000_1000, which initializes the stack, .data, and .bss at 0x8000_0000. When the initialization is finished, the firmware waits for incoming commands from the host, by busy-polling the RX_FIFO_{AVAILABLE,DATA}registers. When a complete command is read, the firmware executes the command.

Loading an application

The purpose of the firmware is to bootstrapping an application.

  1. The host sends a raw binary, targeted to be loaded at 0x8000_0000 in the device. The host starts off by sending the binary size using the FW_CMD_LOAD_APP_SIZE command.
  2. The firmware executes FW_CMD_LOAD_APP_SIZE command, which stores the application size into APP_SIZE, and sets APP_ADDR to zero. A FW_RSP_LOAD_APP_SIZE reponse is sent back to the host, with the status of the action (ok/fail).
  3. If the the host receive a sucessful command, it will send multiple FW_CMD_LOAD_APP_DATA commands, containing the full application.
  4. For each received FW_CMD_LOAD_APP_DATA commands, the firmware measures (XXX define how blake2s is used) the data, and places it into 0x8000_0000. The firmware response with FW_RSP_LOAD_APP_DATA response to the host for each received block.
  5. When the final block of the application image is received, 0x8000_0000 is written to APP_ADDR. The CDI is computed by used the UDS and measurement from the application, and placed in the CDI register. The final FW_RSP_LOAD_APP_DATA response is sent to the host, completing the loading.

NOTE: The firmware uses SPRAM for data and stack. We need to make sure that the application image does not overwrite the firmware's running state. The application should probably do a similar relocation for stack/data at reset, as the firmware does. Further; the firmware need to check application image is sane. The shared firmware data area (e.g. .data and the stack must be cleared prior launching the application.

Starting an application

Starting an application includes the "switch to application mode" step, which is done by writing to the SWITCH_APP regiester. The switch from firmware mode to application mode is a mode switch, and context switch. Enter application mode, means the the MMIO region is restricted; E.g. some registers are removed (UDS), and some are switched from read/write to read-only. This is outlined in the memory map below.

There is no other means of getting back from application mode to firmware mode, than resetting/power cycling the device.

Prerequisites: APP_SIZE and APP_ADDR has to be non-zero.

  1. The host sends FW_CMD_RUN_APP to the device.
  2. The firmware respons with FW_RSP_RUN_APP
  3. The firmware writes a non-zero to SWITCH_APP, and executes
  // a0 = 0x9000_0000 + 0x420 (APP_ADDR address)
  lw   a0,1056(a0)
  jalr x0,0(a0)
  1. The device is now in application mode, and executes the code from 0x8000_0000.

Protocol definition

Available commands/reponses:









Verification that the device is an authentic Mullvad device. Implemented using challenge/response.


This command returns the un-keyed hash digest for the application that was loaded. It allows the host to verify that the application was correctly loaded. This means that the CDI calculated will be correct given that the UDS has not been modified.

XXX Should we think a bit more about versioning/possiblity to extend? Is 1B enough for a command/response range?

Get the name and version of the device

host ->
  u8 CMD[1 + 1];

  CMD[0].len = 1    // command frame format
  CMD[1]     = 0x01 // FW_CMD_NAME_VERSION

host <-
  u8 RSP[1 + 32]

  RSP[0].len  = 33   // command frame format
  RSP[1]      = 0x02 // FW_RSP_NAME_VERSION

  RSP[2..6]   = NAME0
  RSP[6..10]  = NAME1
  RSP[10..14] = VERSION

  RSP[14..]   = 0

Load an application

host ->
  u8 CMD[1 + 32];

  CMD[0].len = 5    // command frame format
  CMD[1]     = 0x03 // FW_CMD_LOAD_APP_SIZE

  CMD[2..6]  = APP_SIZE

  CMD[6..]   = 0

host <-
  u8 RSP[1 + 4];

  RSP[0].len = 5    // command frame format
  RSP[1]     = 0x04 // FW_RSP_LOAD_APP_SIZE

  RSP[2]     = STATUS

  RSP[3..]   = 0

repeat ceil(APP_SIZE / 63) times:
host ->
  u8 CMD[1 + 64];

  CMD[0].len = 65   // command frame format
  CMD[1]     = 0x05 // FW_CMD_LOAD_APP_DATA

  CMD[2..]   = APP_DATA (pad with zeros)

host <-
  u8 RSP[1 + 4]

  RSP[0].len = 5    // command frame format
  RSP[1]     = 0x06 // FW_RSP_LOAD_APP_DATA

  RSP[2]     = STATUS

  RSP[3..]   = 0

Memory map

The memory map exposes SoC functionality to the software, when in firmware mode (privileged mode) It is s set of memory mapped registers, starting at base address 0x9000_0000.

name r/w offset size type content description
UDS1 r 0x0 32B u8[32] Unique Device Secret key.
UDA r 0x20 16B u8[16] Unique Device Authentication key.
SWITCH_APP w 0x30 1B u8 Switch to application mode. Write non-zero to trigger.
XXX 460 bytes hole
UDI r 0x200 8B u64 Unique Device ID (UDI).
NAME0 r 0x208 4B char[4] "mta1"
NAME1 r 0x20c 4B char[4] "mkdf"
VERSION r 0x210 4B u32 1 Current version.
RX_FIFO_AVAILABLE r 0x214 1B u8 Non-zero if a valid byte can be read from RX_FIFO_DATA.
RX_FIFO_DATA r 0x215 1B u8 FIFO Rx data.
TX_FIFO_AVAILABLE r 0x216 1B u8 Non-zero if a valid byte can be written to TX_FIFO_DATA
TX_FIFO_DATA w 0x217 1B u8 FIFO Tx data.
LED r/w 0x218 4B u32 LED
COUNTER r 0x21c 4B u32 Counter
TRNG_STATUS r 0x220 4B u32 data_ready/error
TRNG_DATA r 0x224 4B u32 TRNG data
XXX 472 bytes hole
CDI r/w 0x400 32B u8[32] Compound Device Identifier (CDI). UDS+measurement...
APP_ADDR r/w 0x420 4B u32 Application address (0x8000_0000)
APP_SIZE r/w 0x424 4B u32 Application size


Memory map

See the Memory model for information about the memory map and how access to memory areas work.

  1. The UDS can only be read once per power-cycle. ↩︎