Signed-off-by: Joachim Strömbergson <>
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System Description
Purpose and Revision
The purpose of this document is to provide a description of the Tillitis Key (TKey). What it is, what is supposed to be used for, by whom, where and possible use cases. The document also provides a functional level description of features and components of the TKey.
Finally, the document acts as a requirement description. For the requirements, the document follows RFC2119 to indicate requirement levels.
The described functionality and requirements applies to version one of the TKey (TK1)
The intended users of this document are:
- Implementors of the TKkey hardware, firmware and SDKs
- Developers of secure applications for the TKey
- Technically skilled third parties that wants to understand the TKey
The TKey is a USB-connected, RISC-V based application platform. The purpose of the TKey is to provide a secure environment for applications that provides some security functionality needed by the device user. Some examples of such security functionality are:
- TOTP token generators
- Signing oracles
- SSH login dongles
Measured Based Security
The key, unique feature of the TKey is that it measures the secure application when the application is being loaded onto the device. The measurement (a hash digest), combined with a Unique Device Secret (UDS) is used to derive a base secret for the application.
The consequence of this is that if the application is altered, the base secret derived will also change. Conversely, if the keys derived from the base secret are the same as the last time the application was loaded onto the same device, the application can be trusted not to have been altered.
Note that since the UDS is per-device unique, the same application loaded onto another TKey device will derive a different set of keys. This ties keys to a specific device.
The derivation can also be combined with a User Supplied Secret (USS). This means that keys derived are both based on something the user has - the specific device, and something the user knows (the USS). And the derived can be trusted because of the measurement being used by the derivation, thereby verifying the intergrity od the application.
The TKey store and use the following assets internally:
UDS - Unique Device Secret. 256 bits. Provisioned and stored during device manufacturing. Never to be replaced during the life time of a given device. Used to derive application secrets. Must never leave the device. Tillitis will NOT store a copy of the UDS. Can be read by firmware once between power cycling
UDI - Unique Device ID. 64 bits. Provisioned and stored during device manufacturing. Accessible by FW and applications. Never to be replaced or altered during the life time of a given device. May be copied, extracted, read from the device.
CDI - Compound Device Identity. Dervied by the FW when an application is loaded using the UDS and the application binary. Used by the application to derive secrets, keys as needed. The CDI should never be exposed outside of the application_fpga
Additionally the following asset could be provided from the host:
- USS - User Supplied Secret. May possibly be replaced many times. Supplied from the host to the device. Should not be revealed to a third party.
Subsystems and Components
The TKey as a project, system and secure application platform consists of a number of subsystems and components, modules, support libraries etc. Roughly these can be divided into:
TKey boards. PCB designs including schematics, Bill of Material (BOM) and layout, as needed for development, production and and general usage of the TKey devices
TKey programmer. SW, PCB designs including schematics, Bill of Material (BOM) and layout, as needed for development, production and and provisioning, programming general usage
USB to UART controller. FW for the MCU implementing the USB host interface on the TKey
application_fpga. FPGA design with cores including CPU and memory that implements the secure application platform
application_fpga FW. The base software running on the CPU as needed to boot, load applications, measure applications, dderive base secret etc
One or more applications loaded onto the application_fpga to provide some functionality to the user of the host
host side application loader. Software that talks to the FW in the application_fpga to load a secure application
host side boot, management. Support software to boot, authenticate the TKey device connected to a host
host side secure application. Software that communicates with the secure application running in the application_fpga as needed to solve a security objective
application_fpga FW SDK. Tools, libraries, documentation and examples to support development of the application_fpga firmware
secure application SDK. Tools, libraries, documentation and examples to support development of the secure applications to be loaded onto the application_fpga
host side secure application SDK. Tools, libraries, documentation and examples to support development of the host applications
More detailed information about the software running on the device (referred to firmware, SDK, and secure application), can be found in the software document.