
1.2 KiB

PGP/GPG key ID 7DFFD7471FB76E2A8ABBBCDDD769B3749E933B8A is no longer active
PGP/GPG key ID 42FF35DB9DE7C088AB0FD4A70C216A52F6DF4920 is no longer active PGP/GPG key ID 9EA98278639F1CD853E096CBFF94507587A6A9B9 is no longer active

This project now uses separate master, release signing, and email keys.

Current master key fingerprint: 9FA5436D0EE360985157382517ECA05F768DEDF6 Current release key fingerprint: C3023DBEA3FB38C438BA1EEDCEC60AEDE8B992A2 Current email key fingerprint: FCBD2CABDEFD1FBA2E9E7591A1A82CD2DD2CF890

The email and release keys should be signed by the master key.
The master key takes precedence over all other project keys.

Minisign key

untrusted comment: minisign public key 902835EC74825934  

is no longer active


untrusted comment: minisign public key FE6A09A3AF18F7A7  


Files signed using this key pair can be verified with the following command:

minisign -Vm <file> -P RWSn9xivowlq/ihAzclDBxhCxbYz4bLkC8E645lHgSUlQNlDvoTxO5Fv