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<xml><p>This file taken from Search-Net on Prowler's DOMAIN call NOW
509-327-8922 four line ring-down</p>
<p> Conspiracy for the Day -- October 27, 1993
("Quid coniuratio est?")</p>
<p>Waco, the Big Lie
Review by Brian Francis Redman</p>
<p>I was surprised to find myself afraid to view this videotape.
When it came in the mail I did not rip open the package and kick
on the old VCR (I almost said "fire up" the old VCR). Instead
thoughts like, "Well later... perhaps tonight after dinner," came
into my mind. I did not want to see that government tank setting
fire to the Branch Davidian compound. Because if the government
*did* purposely start the fire, then it would logically follow
that xx xxxxx xx xxx xxxxxxxxxx was wrong and that xxx xxxxx was
in cahoots with them. I did not want to face that.</p>
<p>But I overcame my fears, stopped what I was doing, and watched
"Waco, the Big Lie."</p>
<p>The tape runs for about a half hour and is a professional quality
production. The horror of the government tank purposely starting
the fire in which all those innocent children were burned alive
is what people tend to focus on, but there are other aspects to
the video.</p>
<p>Early in the video, at the point in time where the press has
already been sequestered away from the crime scene, we see what
looks like a bedsheet hanging from one of the upper-story windows
of the Mount Carmel compound: "God Help Us. We Want the Press,"
it begs. Too late. The press is already setting up their RVs and
their lawn chairs and is more inclined to relax. As the video
makes clear, the "only news received by anyone in the U.S. will
be the official version told by agent Bob Ricks of the FBI."</p>
<p>"Waco, the Big Lie" includes video of Koresh beyond those couple
of clips we were shown over and over and over and over. Yes,
there *are* other shots of Koresh besides that one scene where he
is preaching to his flock. Viewers of the video get to see a
decent chunk of an interview with Koresh in which the following
exchange takes place:</p>
<p> INTERVIEWER: How many wives do you have?
KORESH: (sighs) One... *One*.
INTERVIEWER: Have you committed adultery?
KORESH: No. I don't commit adultery.
INTERVIEWER: Are you telling me the truth?
KORESH: I'm telling you the truth.
INTERVIEWER: Have you beaten children?
KORESH: No. I do not beat children.</p>
<p>So, in case anyone is interested, Koresh claims he didn't do it.
Or rather, *claimed*, seeing as he's dead now.</p>
<p>Also noteworthy are statements by two unidentified ATF agents:</p>
<p> AGENT #1: [Referring to his "superiors" at the BATF] The
thing that I find totally abhorrent and disgusting is,
these higher-level people took that same oath. And they
violate the basic principles and tenets of the
Constitution and simple ethics and morality. That's what
disgusts me.</p>
<p> AGENT #2: You know what's wrong with the ATF? The people
that I put in jail have more honor than the top
administration in this organization. I know it's a sad
commentary, but that's my experience with ATF.</p>
<p>The videotape clearly shows one agent shooting himself in the leg
on the day of the initial raid. Not so clear is one scene where
three agents on the roof enter the building through a window and
then are supposedly assassinated by a fourth agent.</p>
<p>And now, as to that tank that seems to be equipped with a fully
functioning flame thrower:</p>
<p>When I see the Zapruder film of Kennedy being shot, it sure looks
to me like one of the shots came more or less from the front. But
they found "experts" who say no.</p>
<p>When I see the videotape of Rodney King being clubbed by the Los
Angeles police, it sure looks to me like he is being beat up. The
"experts" disagree.</p>
<p>The saying goes that "If it walks like a duck and talks like a
duck, then, odds are, it's a duck." It sure looks to me like
there is a jet of flame shooting out of the barrel of that
government tank. Of course, I'm not an "expert."</p>
<p>Before the days of the modern State, there was the Church. The
Church had these people called "priests" who were posted to the
Church's various territories. Part of the job of the priests was
to explain to the people "how things are." The people gave their
faith to the priests and the priests told them what "reality"
<p>The modern State also has its "priests" only they are called
"experts." Like the priests of old, the experts explain to the
people "how things are." The people give their faith to the
experts (because people sometimes prefer to have someone else
think for them) and the experts tell them what "reality" is.</p>
<p>The videotape, "Waco, the Big Lie," has been sent to "experts" at
the University of Maryland for "analysis." How many of you think
these "experts" are going to conclude that, "yes, that is indeed
fire gushing out of the barrel of that tank."</p>
<p>Now, how many of you think that these "experts" are going to
conclude that, "no, it is not a flame. It is 'marsh gas' (or
<p>To get a copy of Waco, the Big Lie:
Visa/MC: 1-800-758-0308.
Check, money order, etc:
Waco, PO Box 14, Beech Grove, IN 46107
$19.95 + 3.00 s/h.</p>
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