1. Clearly identify your enemy. You can't fight an abstraction
or a ghost (such as a devil).
2. War against enemies can only be successfully waged if it is
first preceded by a successful propaganda campaign of hatred for
the enemy, implicating them of all the sins and transgressions that
can be brought against them. The Jews spent thirty years aggressive-ly conditioning the British people to hate and loathe the Germans
before they were ready to fight world war I. After World War I was
over they feverishly continued that program of hate and vilification
changing their theme only slightly, from the Kaiser to Hitler as be-ing the villain of the peace. (This is only one example of hundreds
pursued by the Jews.)
3. All is "fair" in warfare. Only survival matters. This is stated
in a different manner by General Douglas MacArthur who said:
"There is no substitute for victory". But we Creators have even
stronger justification for our position, and we go back to fundamen-tals: THE ETERNAL LAWS OF NATURE. And Nature says loud and
clear: Take care of your own, no holds barred. The bottom line is
survival of your own species and Nature ruthlessly punishes those
too stupid or too laggard to obey that law with the ultimate punish-ment: extinction. (For further details on this subject see Creative
Credo No. 61, "The Guilt Complex and the fairness Neurosis -
Two Fatal Foibles in the White Man's Makeup" in The White Man's
4. Organize and polarize your own forces to prepare them for
the oncoming (or on going) battle. in order to do so you have to have
an entity, a treasure that you love and cherish that you want and
must protect from a vicious and loathsome enemy. This enemy, too,
must be identified and we of the Church Of The Creator clearly do
so. To us the most precious treasure on the face of the earth is the
White Race, and the White Race alone. To it we give our total
allegiance, our total loyalty, our total love. We state further that pro-tecting our White gene pool is our highest obligation, and failure to
do so is the ultimate crime. This means protecting it not only from
threat of extinction, but also, and perhaps even more so, from pollu-tion and contamination. Under no circumstances can we any longer
tolerate the Jews sitting arrogantly at the master switch and pump-ing the black blood of Africa into the veins of White America, or any
other White peoples, for that matter.
That the above is now becoming a flagrant reality and that the
White racial gene pool is being polluted and contaminated, of that
there is no doubt. That the White Race is idly sitting by and indif-ferent about this calamity unfolding before its very eyes, is the un-mitigated horror of our times.</p>
which appeared in the May issue of "Liberty Bell," Whereas I have
little criticism of what Mr. Hand says, it is what he doesn't say that
is somewhat disturbing. In the last paragraph he comes to the con-cluslon that "if we had in America 'Odinists' instead of Identity Chri-tians we would stand a much better chance of wresting our destiny
from the hands of the Jews."
With this, too, I do not disagree, but he seems to completely
ignore a racial religious movement, CREATIVITY, that is well known
to the readers of "Liberty Bell," a religious movement that is solely
dedicated to the survival, expansion, and advancement of the White</p>
I am glad that you have opened to me a door to opportunity to
answer some vital questions concerning "The Church of the Creator."
Yes, I am aware of "Creativity," and have read most of "The White
Man's Bible," and "Nature's Eternal Religion " I find in both a cer-tain evangelical concern for enlightening White people about the sub-tle insinuations of Judaeo-Christanity, and a style of logic which is
convincing and intellectually spicy. However, I did not find in
"Creativity a religion which offered any real compelling reasons why
I should become a part of it. My reasons are as follows:
"Creativity" is after all, a modern innovation which attempts
to meet certain needs of the Aryan community in its juxtaposed an-tagonism to Judaism and Communism. With this I feel comfortable.
But, at several points I am made to sense a kind of lostness in it.
Let me call it an alienation. I refer to the chapters on "Salubrious</p>
strange, since in his letter he roundly denounces and insults the White
Race in scathing terms, such as, quote: "Untermenschen, race
traitors, scum and worse " When we Creators have a well-planned,
thoroughgoing program to upgrade the health, eugenics, and en-vironment of our White Racial Comrades, he stupidly denounces that
too, because, to his own detriment, he is totally Ignorant of what
we are talking about in Salubrious Living.
One final point and that is this: We do not INSIST that anyone
HAS to follow the beneficial guidelines laid down, even to be a
member of the church. We do not twist anyone's arm. We offer a
set of constructive, scientifically proven guidelines for anyone to follow
in order to live a healthier, happier and longer life. Whether they
do so is each individuals own choice, but, again for the benefit of
a better race and a Whiter and Brighter World, we hope that every
White Man, woman and child will learn to practice a lifestyle that
is far superior to the drug and Junk food Infested world of today.
So much for Salubrious Living, which although extremely important, is not the main thrust of our religious program, and was
not even mentioned In "Nature's Eternal Religion; our first corner
stone. Let us get down to the "spooky" business in which Mr. Hand
seems to take such primitive delight. He says in Odinism "we do
believe in God." He then immediately trips himself up and says, "But
what God?" He is not sure. He then lists such absurdities as Thor,
Odin, Tyr and Freya, all of which are presumably dead, and resting
somewhere In Lower Slobbovia. Then there are the Baldurs and the
Heimdalls sneaking around the fiords (somewhere) and oozing out
of, and squeezing through the crevasses (somewhere). Supposedly,
somehow, somewhere, they will finally come to our rescue. Big deal!
But we Creators are not holding our breath waiting for such nonsense
to materialize. How any rational, grown man can believe In, and spout
such ridiculous nonsense is beyond me.
But, Mr. Hand says, we have to worship something, and why
not spooks, they're good for us, we need them. Well, we Creators
don't need any such idiotic and artificial props. If you need them,
Mr. Hand, you had better see your Jewish psychiatrist. He will con-fuse you even more, and make you like it In the process.
Speaking of worship, Mr. Hand asks categorically: What God
do we Creators worship? He then goes on to accuse us of worshipp-ing our own White Race, which he next proceeds to roundly de-nounce abuse and insult as viciously as would any Jew or nigger.
I therefore want to set Mr. Hand straight on two points. (a) We
Creators do not "Worship" anything, not even the White Race, as
he implies, and (b) To us the whole idea of "worship" is stupid,
ridiculous and demeaning. It implies that the "worshipper" willfully</p>
stupid abstract "Quantity X" that he or she has set up to worship.
This may be something as ridiculous as a cow, a cat, a spookie, or
a hot rock. He or she then proceeds to Jabber some meaningless,
yes, Insane praise at said inanimate or imaginary object, in order
to completely humiliate himself or herself. To us the whole idea is
primitive, repugnant and reflects a throwback to our primitive and
barbaric Stone Age ancestors. So when someone asks us - "If you
don't worship God, what do you worship?", it reminds us of the pa-tient in the doctors' clinic, who when told that a cancerous tumor
would have to be cut out, asked, "But doctor, what are you going
to replace it with?" No, Mr. Hand, we don't need spooks or anything
else to worship, nor do we need a pacifier to suck on, either. You
can have the whole messy passel, gratis and wholesale.
We now come to the Odinist admission that, well yeah, we ad-mit all this Norse mythology is hocus-pocus, but at least it is White,
not Jewish hocus-pocus. Big deal! If we must deal In hokum at all,
why not pick a higher grade of hocus-pocus, when the White Race
has such an excellent selection to choose from? The Vikings were
neither the first nor the best in that category. If I were to indulge
in playing games with White spooks, why, I would choose the Greek
or the Roman gods ten to one over the Viking's. Their stories are
much richer in classic lore, mystique, wealth of characters and any
other critique that may tickle your fancy. Compared to them, the
Vikings were crude, brutish and bordering on the dense. In fact, on
the intellectual level the Vikings were on a similar level to Hagar the
Horrible as portrayed in the Sunday comics. They were, in fact, il-literate, and most of the Norse Myths the Odinists bandy about to-day are only through the gratuity of being preserved in Christian
writings. The Vikings, in turn, slaughtered the Christians wholesale,
but in the end the latter conquered the Vikings by the insidious ap-plication of their Jewish B-bomb (brain bomb). So what we have of
all this Odinist hocus-pocus today is really only a more or less Chris-tian recording or residue, and who needs more primitive hocus-pocus
Mr. Hand claims the Odinists are not a "dead horse", nor a relic
from a primitive past, but a "rising phoenix", because, see, we have
several thousand already yet. Well, if he wants to play the numbers
game, I am not impressed. It is no substitute for quality. "Where is
the beef?" indeed, (his quote). There are any number of cults, religions
and insanities that have far larger numbers than "several thousand".
The Moonies have millions, Jehovah's Witnesses number in the
millions, the Moslems number in the hundreds of millions, and the
Christians claim to embrace 750 million "souls". So what are a paltry
few thousand in comparison? And anyway, with all those billion of
believers in the old spooks in the sky swindle, the bottom line still</p>
a traumatic cataclysm, is still in the hands of treacherous Jews, and
Odin, Wodin. Blynken and Nod will do damn little, if anything, to
save us. I would rather be a minority of one who was set on the right
course than be a polyglot part of a multi-million member cult that
had its thinking all screwed up.
We need something much more realistic, tough, well planned,
thoroughgoing and comprehensive than a rehash of a few primitive
and warmed up myths to do the job. In Creativity we have the whole
ball of wax. Just as Adolf Hitler found it necessary to chuck over-board all the old political parties In Germany because they were in-adequate to do the job, and devise a completely new philosophy and
political party to cope with a major catastrophe, so too, we Creators
find it necessary to devise a completely new philosophy and religion
for the total White Race of the Planet Earth. In so doing, instead
of rummaging around in the debris and garbage heap of old dead
religions of the past, we instead go to the greatest teacher of them
all - Mother Nature. Her laws are eternal, they are real, they have
the innate wisdom of the eons embodied In them. There is our source,
and there is our answer.
If Mr. Hand finds that being natural, logical, realistic, organiz-ed and deliberate leaves him "cold" and without purpose, I again
suggest that he see his Jewish psychiatrist to confuse him further.
Evidently there are some maladjusted people In this world, in fact,
millions of them, who are so hopelessly confused that they cannot
face reality in a disintegrating world. So they seek an escape
mechanism of some kind. Some resort to alcohol, some to hard
drugs, some to the spooks in the sky fantasy. But it is no solution,
and reality will have to be faced and problems have to be solved.
To try to escape them with all these trick escape mechanisms does
not solve them but makes the situation only more disastrous and the
end of the line for such "escape" artists is usually similar to that of
a John Belushi, or a David Kennedy.
We Creators do not seek to hide our heads in the sand, or on
cloud nine in the sky. We are problem solvers and we have answers,
meaningful, comprehensive and realistic answers. Just as Adolf Hitler
sought to unite the Whole German nation under one political party,
so we Creators seek to unite the total White Race and the White Race
alone. Just as Hitler succeeded in uniting all the Germans under Na-tional Socialism, so we Creators believe (yes we DO have faith!) that
we can and will unite the present 500 million White peoples on the
face of the earth into one powerful, solid battering ram that will crush
and demolish the narcotic poison of Judaism. We believe it because
it is the only way for the White Race to go, and once the White Race
is united there is no power on the face of the earth that will ever again</p>
At this point I would like to make a highly encouraging and op-timistic observation. The White racial movement in America has now
advanced far enough to win over and smash the Jewish establish-ment. It could do it now in 1984, if the different factions would unite
and polarize under the banner of the Church Of The Creator, the
most comprehensive thoroughgoing, effective weapon it has to work
with. Standing in the way is the hubris (overweening ego) of the
leaders of the individual groups. They take the position that "if I didn't
think of it first, I'm going to torpedo it, and to hell with the White
race", and I think Odinism is a prime example. But think of it! We
could win now! Forget about wet-nursing your private little hubris!
It we lose nobody will remember you anyway. But If we win, what
a glorious White, bright world this would be. Yes, the White Man
knows how to govern the world, Mr. Hand, contrary to what you
claim in your desultory appraisal of the White Race. The Romans
already did so beautifully 2000 years ago, and Pax Romana with its
200 years of peace and prosperity was undoubtedly the finest epoch
in the White Man's history. It lasted until Jewish Christianity came
along and infected the White Man's mind with a running sore that
has persisted to this day.
But we Creators are not nearly as much interested in that
White Race "govern" the world, as that the White Race POSSESS
IT IN TOTAL. In an increasingly contaminated, poisoned, and
polluted world of exploding mud races, we are now at a point of no
return. Either the White Race inhabits it all and exclusively or it will
be crushed, stifled and exterminated. It is now all or nothing, and
we Creators want to make damn sure it is the White Race that sur-vives. Succinctly, it is only the White Race that can reverse the avalan-che, clean up the planet again and build a world worth living in.
But our program does not stop there. Through our program of
Eugenic up-breeding we mean to advance the quality of life, health
and happiness to levels never before even dreamed of by the Greeks
and Romans, much less the brutish Vikings.
We further believe there is no real problem accomplishing this
lofty goal as far as the Jews and the mud races are concerned. The
real obstacle is the confused and cluttered thinking of the White Race
itself, and the most pervasive clutter of all Is the spooks in the sky.
obsession that contaminates the minds of so many of the White Race.
We do not And that our lofty goal of uniting the White Race in
a powerful White racial religion as either "cold" or without purpose,
as Mr. Hand seems to. (In fact, he reminds me of the nigger who
said, "Boss, even if it's good, I don't like it.") We find the challenge
exciting, exhilarating and the most intelligent and meaningful ever</p>