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Every AppVM in Qubes is based on some template, this is where all the software available for AppVMs is installed. Default template is based on Fedora, but there are additional templates based on other Linux distributions, or with some additional software installed by default. This concept is described here.

Some templates are available in ready to use binary form, but some of them are only as a source code, which can be built using Qubes Builder. Especially some templates "flavors" are available in source code form only. Take a look at Qubes Builder documentation how to compile them.

ITL Supported templates

For those templates ITL is responsible for build and releasing updates, especially ITL guarantees that the binary updates are compiled from exactly the source code we publish.

Community Supported templates

Those templates are supported by Qubes Community. Some of them are available in ready to use binary package (built by ITL), some are only in source code form. In any case ITL does not provide updates for those templates, but such updates can be provided by template maintainer.

In short - by installing those templates, you trust not only ITL and distribution maintainers, but also the template maintainer. It can also happen that those templates are somehow less stable, because we do not test them.