Axon 9d59c48aa7
Reorganize USB-related information
This commit creates a single, central page (/doc/usb/) for all
USB-related information by combining stick-mounting.md with the
manual USB qube (formerly known as "USBVM") creation procedure
from security-guidelines.md. It rewrites the content from both of
those and adds the content requested in QubesOS/qubes-issues#1690.
It also redirects /doc/usbvm/ away from the ancient page on PVUSB.
2016-01-28 12:02:39 +00:00

228 lines
9.5 KiB

layout: doc
title: Using and Managing USB Devices
permalink: /doc/usb/
- /doc/stick-mounting/
- /en/doc/stick-mounting/
- /doc/StickMounting/
- /wiki/StickMounting/
- /doc/usbvm/
- /en/doc/usbvm/
- /doc/USBVM/
- /wiki/USBVM/
- /doc/sys-usb/
Using and Managing USB Devices
How to attach USB drives
(**Note:** In the present context, the term "USB drive" denotes any
[USB mass storage device][mass-storage]. In addition to smaller flash memory
sticks, this includes things like USB external hard drives.)
Qubes OS supports the ability to attach a USB drive (or just one or more of its
partitions) to any qube easily, no matter which qube actually handles the USB
controller. (The USB controller may be assigned on the **Devices** tab of a
qube's settings page in Qubes VM Manager or by using the [qvm-pci][] command.)
USB drive mounting is integrated into the Qubes VM Manager GUI. Simply insert
your USB drive, right-click on the desired qube in the Qubes VM Manager list,
click **Attach/detach block devices**, and select your desired action and
device. This, however, only works for the whole device. If you would like to
attach individual partitions, you must use the command-line tool (shown below).
The reason for this is that when attaching a single partition, it used to be
that the Nautilus file manager would not see it and automatically mount it (see
[this ticket][623]). This problem, however, seems to be resolved (see
[this issue comment][1072-comm1]).
If, for some reason, the device does not appear in Nautilus and you still need
to attach just a single partition to a device, you will need to mount it
manually. The device will show up as `/dev/xvdi` (or `/dev/xvdj` if there is
already one device attached -- if two, `/dev/xvdk`, and so on).
The command-line tool you may use to mount whole USB drives or their partitions
is `qvm-block`. This tool can be used to assign a USB drive to a qube as
1. Insert your USB drive.
2. In a dom0 console (running as a normal user), list all available block
qvm-block -l
This will list all available block devices connected to any USB controller
in your system, no matter which qube hosts the controller. The name of the
qube hosting the USB controller is displayed before the colon in the device
name. The string after the colon is the name of the device used within the
qube, like so:
dom0:sdb1 Cruzer () 4GiB
usbVM:sdb1 Disk () 2GiB
**Note:** If your device is not listed here, you may refresh the list by
calling (from the qube to which the device is connected):
sudo udevadm trigger --action=change
3. Assuming your USB drive is attached to dom0 and is `sdb`, we attach the
device to a qube like so:
qvm-block -a personal dom0:sdb
This will attach the device to the qube as `/dev/xvdi` if that name is not
already taken by another attached device, or `/dev/xvdj`, etc.
You may also mount one partition at a time by using the same command with
the partition number after `sdb`.
**Warning:** when working with single partitions, it is possible to assign
the same partition to multiple qubes. For example, you could attach `sdb1`
to qube1 and then `sdb` to qube2. It is up to the user not to make this
mistake. The Xen block device framework currently does not provide an easy
way around this. Point 2 of [this ticket comment][1072-comm2] gives details
about this.
4. The USB drive is now attached to the qube. If using a default qube, you may
open the Nautilus file manager in the qube, and your drive should be
visible in the **Devices** panel on the left.
5. When you finish using your USB drive, click the eject button or right-click
and select **Unmount**.
6. In a dom0 console, detach the stick:
qvm-block -d <device> <vmname>
7. You may now remove the device.
**Warning:** Do not remove the device before detaching it from the VM!
Otherwise, you will not be able to attach it anywhere later. See
[this ticket][1082] for details.
### What if I removed the device before detaching it from the VM? ###
Currently (until [this ticket][1082] gets implemented), if you remove the device
before detaching it from the qube, Qubes OS (more precisely, `libvirtd`) will
think that the device is still attached to the qube and will not allow attaching
further devices under the same name. The easiest way to recover from such a
situation is to reboot the qube to which the device was attached, but if this
isn't an option, you can manually recover from the situation by following these
1. Physically connect the device back. You can use any device as long as it
will be detected under the same name (for example, `sdb`).
2. Attach the device manually to the same VM using the `xl block-attach`
command. It is important to use the same "frontend" device name (by default,
`xvdi`). You can get it from the `qvm-block` listing:
[user@dom0 ~]$ qvm-block
sys-usb:sda DataTraveler_2.0 () 246 MiB (attached to 'testvm' as 'xvdi')
[user@dom0 ~]$ xl block-attach testvm phy:/dev/sda backend=sys-usb xvdi
In above example, all `xl block-attach` parameters can be deduced from the
output of `qvm-block`. In order:
* `testvm` - name of target qube to which device was attached - listed in
brackets by `qvm-block` command
* `phy:/dev/sda` - physical path at which device appears in source qube
(just after source qube name in `qvm-block` output)
* `backend=sys-usb` - name of source qube, can be omitted in case of dom0
* `xvdi` - "frontend" device name (listed at the end of line in `qvm-block`
3. Now properly detach the device, either using Qubes VM Manager or the
`qvm-block -d` command.
Creating and Using a USB qube
The connection of an untrusted USB device to dom0 is a security risk since dom0,
like almost every OS, reads partition tables automatically and since the whole
USB stack is put to work to parse the data presented by the USB device in order
to determine if it is a USB mass storage device, to read its configuration, etc.
This happens even if the drive is then assigned and mounted in another qube.
To avoid this risk, it is possible to prepare and utilize a USB qube. However,
Xen does not yet provide working PVUSB functionality, so only USB mass storage
devices can be passed to individual qubes.
For this reason, you may wish to avoid using a USB qube if you do not have a USB
controller free of input devices and programmable devices. For example, if you
use a USB mouse for the whole system, then delegating the sole USB controller to
a qube would cause your mouse to be usable only in that qube. However, most
laptops use PS-2 for keyboards and touchpad devices, which avoids this problem.
A USB qube acts as a secure handler for potentially malicious USB devices,
preventing them from coming into contact with dom0 (which could otherwise be
fatal to the security of the whole system). With a USB qube, every time you
connect an untrusted USB drive to a USB port managed by that USB controller, you
will have to attach it to the qube in which you wish to use it (if different
from the USB qube itself), either by using Qubes VM Manager or the command line
(see instructions above). Again, this works only for USB mass storage devices.
Other devices cannot currently be virtualized.
You can create a USB qube using the management stack by performing the following
steps as root in dom0:
1. Enable `sys-usb`:
qubesctl top.enable qvm.sys-usb
2. Apply the configuration:
qubesctl state.highstate
Alternatively, you can create a USB qube manually as follows:
1. In a dom0 terminal, type `lsusb` to check if you have a USB controller free
of input devices or programmable devices. If you find such free controller,
note its name and proceed to step 2.
2. Create a new qube. Give it an appropriate name and color label
(recommended: `sys-usb`, red).
3. In the qube's settings, go to the "Devices" tab. Find your USB controller
in the "Available" list. Move it to the "Selected" list.
4. Click "OK." Restart the qube.
5. Recommended: Check the box on the "Basic" tab which says "Start VM
automatically on boot." (This will help to mitigate attacks in which
someone forces your system to reboot, then plugs in a malicious USB
If the USB qube will not start, see [here][faq-usbvm].
Supported USB device types
As of Qubes R3.1, it is possible to attach:
* USB mice
* USB keyboards (after a few [modifications][1618])
* USB block devices (such as USB mass storage devices)
* When attaching one of these, you should get a notification about the
new device, then you should be able to attach it to a qube in Qubes VM
Other devices, such as USB webcams, will also work, but they will be
accessible only from the USB qube itself, as explained above.
[mass-storage]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USB_mass_storage_device_class
[qvm-pci]: /doc/assigning-devices/
[623]: https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/623
[1072-comm1]: https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/1072#issuecomment-124270051
[1072-comm2]: https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/1072#issuecomment-124119309
[1082]: https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/1082
[faq-usbvm]: /doc/user-faq/#i-created-a-usbvm-and-assigned-usb-controllers-to-it-now-the-usbvm-wont-boot
[1618]: https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/1618