
356 lines
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lang: en
layout: doc
permalink: /doc/templates/minimal/
- /doc/templates/fedora-minimal/
- /doc/fedora-minimal/
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- /doc/Templates/FedoraMinimal/
- /wiki/Templates/FedoraMinimal/
- /doc/templates/debian-minimal/
ref: 132
title: Minimal templates
The minimal [templates](/doc/templates/) are lightweight versions of their
standard template counterparts. They have only the most vital packages
installed, including a minimal X and xterm installation. When properly
configured and used, minimal templates can be less resource-intensive, reduce
attack surface, and support more fine-grained compartmentalization. The
sections below contain instructions for installing and configuring minimal
templates, along with some examples of common use cases.
## Important
1. **The minimal templates are intended only for advanced users.** If you
encounter problems with the minimal templates, we recommend that you use
their standard template counterparts instead.
2. If something works with a standard template but not the minimal version,
this is most likely due to user error (e.g., a missing package or
misconfiguration) rather than a bug. In such cases, please do *not* file a
bug report. Instead, please see [Help, Support, Mailing Lists, and
Forum](/support/) for the appropriate place to ask for help. Once you have
learned how to solve your problem, please [contribute what you learned to
the documentation](/doc/how-to-edit-the-documentation/).
3. The minimal templates are intentionally *minimal*. [Do not ask for your
favorite package to be added to the minimal template by
4. In order to reduce unnecessary risk, unused repositories have been disabled
by default. If you wish to install or update any packages from those
repositories, you must enable them.
## List
Minimal templates of the following distros are available:
- Fedora
- Debian
- CentOS
- Gentoo
## Installation
The minimal templates can be installed with the following type of command:
[user@dom0 ~]$ sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-template-<DISTRO_NAME>-<RELEASE_NUMBER>-minimal
If your desired version is not found, it may still be in
[testing](/doc/testing/). You may wish to try again with the testing repository
[user@dom0 ~]$ sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-templates-itl-testing qubes-template-<DISTRO_NAME>-<RELEASE_NUMBER>-minimal
If you would like to install a community distribution, try the install command
by enabling the community repository:
[user@dom0 ~]$ sudo qubes-dom0-update --enablerepo=qubes-templates-community qubes-template-<DISTRO_NAME>-<RELEASE_NUMBER>-minimal
The download may take a while depending on your connection speed.
## Passwordless root
It is an intentional design choice for [Passwordless Root Access in
VMs](/doc/vm-sudo/) to be optional in minimal templates. Since the minimal
templates are *minimal*, they are not configured for passwordless root by
default. To update or install packages, execute the following command in dom0:
[user@dom0 ~]$ qvm-run -u root <DISTRO_NAME>-<RELEASE_NUMBER>-minimal xterm
This opens a root terminal in the minimal template, from which you can use
execute root commands without `sudo`. You will have to do this every time if
you choose not to enable passwordless root.
If you want to be able to use `sudo` inside a minimal template (or app qubes
based on a minimal template), open a root terminal as just instructed, then
install the `qubes-core-agent-passwordless-root` package.
Optionally, verify that passwordless root now works by opening a normal
(non-root) xterm window in the minimal template, then issue the command `sudo
-l`. This should give you output that includes the `NOPASSWD` keyword.
## Customization
You may wish to clone the original template and make any changes in the clone
instead of the original template. You must start the clone in order to
customize it.
Customizing the template for specific use cases normally only requires
installing additional packages.
## Distro-specific notes
This following sections provide information that is specific to a particular
minimal template distro.
### Fedora
The following list provides an overview of which packages are needed for which
purpose. As usual, the required packages are to be installed in the running
template with the following command (replace `packages` with a space-delimited
list of packages to be installed):
[user@your-new-clone ~]$ sudo dnf install packages
- Commonly used utilities: `pciutils` `vim-minimal` `less` `psmisc`
- Audio: `pulseaudio-qubes`.
- [FirewallVM](/doc/firewall/), such as the template for `sys-firewall`: at
least `qubes-core-agent-networking` and `iproute`, and also
`qubes-core-agent-dom0-updates` if you want to use it as the `UpdateVM`
(which is normally `sys-firewall`).
- NetVM, such as the template for `sys-net`: `qubes-core-agent-networking`
`qubes-core-agent-network-manager` `NetworkManager-wifi`
`network-manager-applet` `wireless-tools` `notification-daemon`
`gnome-keyring` `polkit` `@hardware-support`. If your network devices need
extra packages for the template to work as a network VM, use the `lspci`
command to identify the devices, then run `dnf search firmware` (replace
`firmware` with the appropriate device identifier) to find the needed
packages and then install them. If you need utilities for debugging and
analyzing network connections, install `tcpdump` `telnet` `nmap` `nmap-ncat`.
- [USB qube](/doc/usb-qubes/), such as the template for `sys-usb`:
`qubes-usb-proxy` to provide USB devices to other Qubes and
`qubes-input-proxy-sender` to provide keyboard or mouse input to dom0.
- [VPN
Use the `dnf search "NetworkManager VPN plugin"` command to look up the VPN
packages you need, based on the VPN technology you'll be using, and install
them. Some GNOME related packages may be needed as well. After creation of a
machine based on this template, follow the [VPN
to configure it.
- `default-mgmt-dvm`: requires `qubes-core-agent-passwordless-root` and
In Qubes 4.0, additional packages from the `qubes-core-agent` suite may be
needed to make the customized minimal template work properly. These packages
- `qubes-core-agent-nautilus`: This package provides integration with the
Nautilus file manager (without it, items like "copy to VM/open in disposable"
will not be shown in Nautilus).
- `qubes-core-agent-thunar`: This package provides integration with the thunar
file manager (without it, items like "copy to VM/open in disposable" will not
be shown in thunar).
- `qubes-core-agent-dom0-updates`: Script required to handle `dom0` updates.
Any template on which the qube responsible for 'dom0' updates (e.g.
`sys-firewall`) is based must contain this package.
- `qubes-menus`: Defines menu layout.
- `qubes-desktop-linux-common`: Contains icons and scripts to improve desktop
- `qubes-core-agent-qrexec`: Qubes qrexec agent. Installed by default.
- `qubes-core-agent-systemd`: Qubes unit files for SystemD init style.
Installed by default.
- `qubes-core-agent-passwordless-root`, `polkit`: By default, the Fedora
minimal template doesn't have passwordless root. These two packages enable
this feature.
- `qubes-core-agent-sysvinit`: Qubes unit files for SysV init style or upstart.
Also, there are packages to provide additional services:
- `qubes-gpg-split`: For implementing split GPG.
- `qubes-u2f`: For implementing secure forwarding of U2F messages.
- `qubes-pdf-converter`: For implementing safe conversion of PDFs.
- `qubes-img-converter`: For implementing safe conversion of images.
- `qubes-snapd-helper`: If you want to use snaps in qubes.
- `thunderbird-qubes`: Additional tools for use in thunderbird.
- `qubes-app-shutdown-idle`: If you want qubes to automatically shutdown when
- `qubes-mgmt-salt-vm-connector`: If you want to use salt management on the
template and qubes.
You may also wish to consider additional packages from the `qubes-core-agent`
for further information on customizing `fedora-minimal`.
#### Logging
The `rsyslog` logging service is not installed by default, as all logging is
instead being handled by the `systemd` journal. Users requiring the `rsyslog`
service should install it manually.
To access the `journald` log, use the `journalctl` command.
### Debian
The following list provides an overview of which packages are needed for which
purpose. As usual, the required packages are to be installed in the running
template with the following command (replace `packages` with a space-delimited
list of packages to be installed):
[user@your-new-clone ~]$ sudo apt install packages
- Commonly used utilities: `pciutils` `vim-minimal` `less` `psmisc`
- The `zenity` package is required for interactive dialogs, e.g., file selection
([#5202](https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/5202)) and for using
the Nautilus menu option to copy some files to other qubes
- Audio: `pulseaudio-qubes`
- [FirewallVM](/doc/firewall/), such as the template for `sys-firewall`: at
least `qubes-core-agent-networking`, and also `qubes-core-agent-dom0-updates`
if you want to use it as the `UpdateVM` (which is normally `sys-firewall`).
- NetVM, such as the template for `sys-net`: `qubes-core-agent-networking`
`qubes-core-agent-network-manager`. If your network devices need extra
packages for a network VM, use the `lspci` command to identify the devices,
then find the package that provides necessary firmware and install it. If you
need utilities for debugging and analyzing network connections, install the
following packages: `tcpdump` `telnet` `nmap` `nmap-ncat`.
- [USB qube](/doc/usb-qubes/), such as the template for `sys-usb`:
`qubes-usb-proxy` to provide USB devices to other Qubes and
`qubes-input-proxy-sender` to provide keyboard or mouse input to dom0.
- [VPN
You may need to install network-manager VPN packages, depending on the VPN
technology you'll be using. After creating a machine based on this template,
follow the [VPN
to configure it.
- `default-mgmt-dvm`: requires `qubes-core-agent-passwordless-root` and
In Qubes 4.0, additional packages from the `qubes-core-agent` suite may be
needed to make the customized minimal template work properly. These packages
- `qubes-core-agent-nautilus`: This package provides integration with the
Nautilus file manager (without it, items like "copy to VM/open in disposable"
will not be shown in Nautilus).
- `qubes-core-agent-thunar`: This package provides integration with the thunar
file manager (without it, items like "copy to VM/open in disposable" will not
be shown in thunar).
- `qubes-core-agent-dom0-updates`: Script required to handle `dom0` updates.
Any template on which the qube responsible for 'dom0' updates (e.g.
`sys-firewall`) is based must contain this package.
- `qubes-menus`: Defines menu layout.
- `qubes-desktop-linux-common`: Contains icons and scripts to improve desktop
Also, there are packages to provide additional services:
- `qubes-gpg-split`: For implementing split GPG.
- `qubes-u2f`: For implementing secure forwarding of U2F messages.
- `qubes-pdf-converter`: For implementing safe conversion of PDFs.
- `qubes-img-converter`: For implementing safe conversion of images.
- `qubes-snapd-helper`: If you want to use snaps in qubes.
- `qubes-thunderbird`: Additional tools for use in thunderbird.
- `qubes-app-shutdown-idle`: If you want qubes to automatically shutdown when
- `qubes-mgmt-salt-vm-connector`: If you want to use salt management on the
template and qubes.
Documentation on all of these can be found in the [docs](/doc/).
You could, of course, use `qubes-vm-recommended` to automatically install many
of these, but in that case you are well on the way to a standard Debian
### CentOS
The following list provides an overview of which packages are needed for which
purpose. As usual, the required packages are to be installed in the running
template with the following command (replace `packages` with a space-delimited
list of packages to be installed):
[user@your-new-clone ~]$ sudo yum install packages
- Commonly used utilities: `pciutils` `vim-minimal` `less` `psmisc`
- Audio: `pulseaudio-qubes`.
- [FirewallVM](/doc/firewall/), such as the template for `sys-firewall`: at
least `qubes-core-agent-networking`, and also `qubes-core-agent-dom0-updates`
if you want to use it as the `UpdateVM` (which is normally `sys-firewall`).
- NetVM, such as the template for `sys-net`: `qubes-core-agent-networking`
`qubes-core-agent-network-manager` `NetworkManager-wifi`
`network-manager-applet` `wireless-tools` `notification-daemon`
`gnome-keyring`. If your network devices need extra packages for a network
VM, use the `lspci` command to identify the devices, then find the package
that provides necessary firnware and install it. If you need utilities for
debugging and analyzing network connections, install the following packages:
`tcpdump` `telnet` `nmap` `nmap-ncat`
- [USB qube](/doc/usb-qubes/), such as the template for `sys-usb`:
`qubes-usb-proxy` to provide USB devices to other Qubes and
`qubes-input-proxy-sender` to provide keyboard or mouse input to dom0.
- [VPN
You may need to install network-manager VPN packages, depending on the VPN
technology you'll be using. After creating a machine based on this template,
follow the [VPN
to configure it.
- `default-mgmt-dvm`: requires `qubes-core-agent-passwordless-root` and
In Qubes 4.0, additional packages from the `qubes-core-agent` suite may be
needed to make the customized minimal template work properly. These packages
- `qubes-core-agent-nautilus`: This package provides integration with the
Nautilus file manager (without it, items like "copy to VM/open in disposable"
will not be shown in Nautilus).
- `qubes-core-agent-thunar`: This package provides integration with the thunar
file manager (without it, items like "copy to VM/open in disposable" will not
be shown in thunar).
- `qubes-core-agent-dom0-updates`: Script required to handle `dom0` updates.
Any template on which the qube responsible for 'dom0' updates (e.g.
`sys-firewall`) is based must contain this package.
- `qubes-menus`: Defines menu layout.
- `qubes-desktop-linux-common`: Contains icons and scripts to improve desktop
Also, there are packages to provide additional services:
- `qubes-gpg-split`: For implementing split GPG.
- `qubes-pdf-converter`: For implementing safe conversion of PDFs.
- `qubes-img-converter`: For implementing safe conversion of images.
- `qubes-snapd-helper`: If you want to use snaps in qubes.
- `qubes-mgmt-salt-vm-connector`: If you want to use salt management on the
template and qubes.
Documentation on all of these can be found in the [docs](/doc/).
You could, of course, use `qubes-vm-recommended` to automatically install many
of these, but in that case you are well on the way to a standard Debian