2018-02-06 12:21:39 +00:00

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doc Disk TRIM /doc/disk-trim/

Disk Trim

Disk trimming is the procedure by which the operating system informs the underlying storage device of which storage blocks are no longer in use. It does this by issuing an ATA_TRIM command for the block. This is also known as a discard. In this way, the storage device can perform garbage collection of the unused blocks and internally prepare them for reuse. SSDs in general benefit from this, while HDDs do not.

In a Linux system running on bare metal, this is relatively straight-forward. When instructed by the operating system, discards are issued by the file-system driver directly to the storage driver and then to the SSD.

In Qubes, this gets more complex due to virtualization, LUKS, and LVM (and thin pools on R4.0 and up). If you run fstrim --all inside a TemplateVM, in a worst case the discard can follow a path like:

OS -> File-system Driver -> Virtual Storage Driver -> Backend Storage Driver -> LVM Storage Driver -> LUKS Driver -> Physical Storage Driver -> Physical Storage Device

If discards are not supported at any one of those layers, it will not make it to the underlying physical device.

There are some security implications to permitting TRIM (read for example this article), but in most cases not exploitable.


In all versions of Qubes, you may want to set up a periodic job in dom0 to trim the disk.

This can be done from a terminal as root, by creating a trim file in /etc/cron.daily (or /etc/cron.weekly). Add the following contents:

/sbin/fstrim --all

And mark it as executable with chmod 755 /etc/cron.daily/trim.

Note Although discards can be issued on every delete inside dom0 by adding the discard mount option to /etc/fstab, this option can hurt performance so the above procedure is recommended instead. However, inside App and Template qubes, the discard mount option is on by default to notify the LVM thin pool driver (R4.0) or sparse file driver (R3.2) that the space is no longer needed and can be zeroed and re-used.

If you are using Qubes with LVM, you may also want to set issue_discards = 1 in /etc/lvm/lvm.conf. Setting this option will permit LVM to issue discards to the SSD when logical volumes are shrunk or deleted. In R4.x, LVM Logical volumes are frequently deleted (every time a disposable VM is shut down, for example) so setting issue_discards = 1 is recommended if using an SSD. However, this is relatively rare in R3.x.


If you have enabled LUKS in dom0, discards will not get passed down to the storage device.

To enable TRIM support in dom0 with LUKS you need to:

  1. Get your LUKS device UUID:

    ls /dev/mapper/luks-*
  2. Add entry to /etc/crypttab (replace luks-<UUID> with the device name and the <UUID> with UUID alone):

    luks-<UUID> UUID=<UUID> none discard
  3. Add rd.luks.options=discard to kernel cmdline (follow either GRUB2 or EFI, not both):

    • GRUB2: /etc/default/grub, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX line and
      Rebuild grub config (grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg)
    • EFI: /boot/efi/EFI/qubes/xen.cfg, kernel= line(s)
  4. Rebuild initrd in hostonly mode:

    dracut -H -f
  5. Reboot the system.

  6. To verify if discards are enabled you may use dmsetup table (confirm the line for your device mentions "discards") or just run fstrim -av (you should see a / followed by the number of bytes trimmed).