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doc How to create a Kali Linux VM /doc/kali/

General Remainder:

  • The installation scripts and provided tools may have bugs, be vulnerable to Man in the Middle (MitM) attacks or other vulnerabilities.

  • Adding additional repositories or tools for installing software extends your trust to those tool provider.

Please keep in mind that using such a VM or VM's based on the template for security and privacy critical tasks is not recommended.

How to Create a Kali Linux VM

This guide is being created to give guidance on ways in which you could create a Kali Linux penetration testing VM (Qube) in Qubes OS.

Kali Linux is the most widely used penetration testing Linux distribution.

There are multiple ways to create a Kali Linux VM. One way is to create a HVM and use the offical ISO to install the system or convert a Virtual Image. Another way is to clone the Qubes OS Debian image and turn it into a Kali Linux distribution.

Kali Linux HVM

  1. Download the Kali installation DVD

  2. Create a new HVM

  3. Start the HVM with attached CD/DVD

     qvm-start <hvm-name> --cdrom <vm-name>:/home/user/Downloads/<iso-name>.iso

Create Debian Based Kali Template

  1. (Optional) Install debian-8 template (if not already installed)

  2. Update your debian-8 template

     sudo apt-get update
     sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
  3. Clone debian-8 template (two options)

    1. Via Qubes VM Manager

      Clone Debian Template

    2. Via command line

       qvm-clone debian-8 kali
  4. Start and upgrade the kali Template from Debian 8 to Debian 9

     sudo sed -i 's/jessie/stretch/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
     sudo sed -i 's/jessie/stretch/g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/qubes-r3.list
     sudo apt-get update
     sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
     sudo apt-get autoremove

    Note: From now on there are two possible ways either doing everything manually or automatically with Katoolin.

    Katoolin is a script (written in Python) which helps you to install Kali tools.

  5. manually - Add Kali Linux repositories

    1. Add Kali Linux repositories to /etc/apt/sources.list

       deb http://http.kali.org/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free
       deb http://repo.kali.org/kali kali-bleeding-edge main
    2. Add kali signing key

  6. katoolin - Install Katoolin and add Kali Linux repositories

    1. Install Katoolin

       sudo apt-get install git
       git clone https://github.com/LionSec/katoolin.git
       sudo cp katoolin/katoolin.py /usr/bin/katoolin
       sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/katoolin
       rm -rf katoolin
    2. Add Kali Linux repositories

      • start katoolin

          sudo katoolin
      • select 'Add Kali repositories & Update'

          1) Add Kali repositories & Update
          2) View Categories
          3) Install classicmenu indicator
          4) Install Kali menu
          5) Help
          kat > 1

        Add Kali repositories and Update menu

      • select 'Add kali linux repositories'

          1) Add kali linux repositories
          2) Update
          3) Remove all kali linux repositories
          4) View the contents of sources.list file
          What do you want to do ?> 1

        Add Kali repositories

      • update Kali repositories

          1) Add kali linux repositories
          2) Update
          3) Remove all kali linux repositories
          4) View the contents of sources.list file
          What do you want to do ?> 2
      • quit katoolin by pressing CRTL + c keys

          What do you want to do ?> ^CShutdown requested...Goodbye...
  7. Cleanup and update kali template

    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade sudo apt-get autoremove

  8. Shutdown and trim kali template

    • Shutdown kali template

        sudo shutdown -h now
    • In dom0 console:

        qvm-trim-template kali
  9. Start image

  10. manually - Install tools

    Warning: kali-linux and kali-linux-full does currently not work properly. Please use Katoolin or PTF.

    1. List available packages

       sudo apt-cache search kali-linux
    2. Select and install tools

      • install base system

          sudo apt-get install kali-linux
      • or install all tools

          sudo apt-get install kali-linux-full
      • or select specific (example):

          sudo apt-get install kali-linux-top10 kali-linux-web
  11. katoolin - Install tools

    1. View Categories

      • start katoolin

          sudo katoolin
      • select 2) View Categories

    2. Select the categories/tools you want to install

  12. Create a AppVMs based on the kali template

    • (Optional) Attach necessary devices

Alternative Options to Kali