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How to Upgrade Fedora Templates

Upgrading the Standard Fedora 20 Template to Fedora 21

These instructions will show you how to upgrade the standard Fedora 20 TemplateVM to Fedora 21. The same general procedure may be used to upgrade any template based on the standard Fedora 20 template.

  1. Clone the existing template and start a terminal in the new template.

    [user@dom0 ~] qvm-clone fedora-20-x64 fedora-21
    [user@dom0 ~] qvm-run -a fedora-21 gnome-terminal
  2. Attempt the upgrade process in the new template.

    [user@fedora-21 ~] sudo yum erase nautilus-actions libcacard
    [user@fedora-21 ~] sudo yum clean all
    [user@fedora-21 ~] sudo yum --releasever=21 distro-sync
    [user@fedora-21 ~] sudo cp /usr/lib/qubes/init/ip* /etc/sysconfig/
    [user@fedora-21 ~] poweroff 

    If you encounter no errors, proceed to step 5.

  3. If yum reports that you do not have enough free disk space to proceed with the upgrade process, create an empty file in dom0 to use as a cache and attach it to the template as a virtual disk.

    [user@dom0 ~] truncate -s 5GB /var/tmp/template-upgrade-cache.img
    [user@dom0 ~] qvm-block -A fedora-21 dom0:/var/tmp/template-upgrade-cache.img

    Then reattempt the upgrade process, but this time using the virtual disk as a cache.

    [user@fedora-21 ~] sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdi
    [user@fedora-21 ~] sudo mount /dev/xvdi /mnt/removable
    [user@fedora-21 ~] sudo yum erase nautilus-actions libcacard
    [user@fedora-21 ~] sudo yum clean all
    [user@fedora-21 ~] sudo yum --releasever=21 --setopt=cachedir=/mnt/removable distro-sync
    [user@fedora-21 ~] sudo cp /usr/lib/qubes/init/ip* /etc/sysconfig/
    [user@fedora-21 ~] poweroff 
  4. If yum complains that there is not enough free space in /usr/lib/modules, do this before reattempting the upgrade:

    [user@fedora-21 ~] sudo mkdir /mnt/removable/modules 
    [user@fedora-21 ~] sudo cp -rp /usr/lib/modules /mnt/removable/modules
    [user@fedora-21 ~] sudo mount --bind /mnt/removable/modules /usr/lib/modules
  5. After the upgrade process is finished, remove the cache file you created.

    [user@dom0 ~] rm /var/tmp/template-upgrade-cache.img
  6. Ensure your new template is fully updated.

    [user@dom0 ~] qvm-run -a fedora-21 gnome-terminal
    [user@fedora-21 ~] sudo yum update 

Upgrading the Minimal Fedora 20 Template to Fedora 21

The procedure for upgrading the minimal template (or any template based on the minimal template) is the same as the procedure for the standard template above, except with the following command ommitted:

    [user@fedora-21-minimal ~] sudo yum erase nautilus-actions libcacard

Compacting the Upgraded Template

Neither fstrim nor the discard mount option works on the TemplateVM's root filesystem, so when a file is removed in the template, space is not freed in dom0. This means that the template will use about twice as much space as is really necessary after upgrading.

If you have at least qubes-core-dom0-2.1.68 installed and are on Qubes R2, you can use the qvm-trim-template tool:

    [user@dom0 ~] qvm-trim-template fedora-21

If you do not have qubes-core-dom0-2.1.68 or are on Qubes R3-rc1, you can compact the root.img manually. To do this, you will need about 15GB (the TemplateVM's max size + the actually used space there) free space in dom0.

  1. Start the template and fill all the free space with zeros, for example with:

    [user@fedora-21 ~] dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/tmp/zero
  2. Wait for the "No space left on device" error. Then:

    [user@fedora-21 ~] rm -f /var/tmp/zero
  3. Shut down the template and all VMs based on it. Then:

    [user@dom0 ~] cd /var/lib/qubes/vm-templates/fedora-21
    [user@dom0 ~] cp --sparse=always root.img root.img.new
    [user@dom0 ~] mv root.img.new root.img