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title: Documentation
permalink: /doc/
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User Documentation
The Basics
* [What is Qubes OS?](/intro/)
* [Video Tours](/video-tours/)
* [Screenshots](/screenshots/)
* [Getting Started](/getting-started/)
* [User FAQ](/doc/user-faq/)
* [Mailing Lists](/mailing-lists/)
Choosing Your Hardware
* [System Requirements](/doc/system-requirements/)
* [Hardware Compatibility List (HCL)](/hcl/)
* [Qubes-Certified Laptops](/doc/certified-laptops/)
* [Hardware Certification](/hardware-certification/)
Installing & Upgrading Qubes
* [Qubes Downloads](/downloads/)
* [Installation Guide](/doc/installation-guide/)
* [Upgrade Guides](/doc/upgrade/)
* [Why and How to Verify Signatures](/doc/verifying-signatures/)
* [Security Considerations when Installing](/doc/install-security/)
* [Try Qubes without installing: Qubes Live USB (alpha)](/doc/live-usb/)
* [Supported Versions](/doc/supported-versions/)
* [Version Scheme](/doc/version-scheme/)
* [Manual Encryption Configuration](/doc/encryption-config/)
Common Tasks
* [Copying and Pasting Text Between Domains](/doc/copy-paste/)
* [Copying and Moving Files Between Domains](/doc/copying-files/)
* [Copying Files to and from dom0](/doc/copy-to-dom0/)
* [Updating Software in dom0](/doc/software-update-dom0/)
* [Updating and Installing Software in VMs](/doc/software-update-vm/)
* [Backup, Restoration, and Migration](/doc/backup-restore/)
* [Using Disposable VMs](/doc/dispvm/)
* [Using and Managing USB Devices](/doc/usb/)
* [Recording Optical Discs](/doc/recording-optical-discs/)
* [Managing Application Shortcuts](/doc/managing-appvm-shortcuts/)
* [Enabling Fullscreen Mode](/doc/full-screen-mode/)
Managing Operating Systems within Qubes
* [TemplateVMs](/doc/templates/)
* [Templates: Fedora - minimal](/doc/templates/fedora-minimal/)
* [Templates: Debian](/doc/templates/debian/)
* [Templates: Archlinux](/doc/templates/archlinux/)
* [Templates: Ubuntu](/doc/templates/ubuntu/)
* [Templates: Whonix](/doc/whonix/)
* [How to Reinstall a TemplateVM](/doc/reinstall-template)
* [Pentesting](/doc/pentesting/)
* [Pentesting: BlackArch](/doc/pentesting/blackarch/)
* [Pentesting: Kali](/doc/pentesting/kali/)
* [Pentesting: PTF](/doc/pentesting/ptf/)
* [Installing and Using Windows-based AppVMs (Qubes R2 Beta 3 and later)](/doc/windows-appvms/)
* [Creating and Using HVM and Windows Domains (Qubes R2+)](/doc/hvm/)
* [Advanced options and troubleshooting of Qubes Tools for Windows (R3)](/doc/windows-tools-3/)
* [Advanced options and troubleshooting of Qubes Tools for Windows (R2)](/doc/windows-tools-2/)
* [Uninstalling Qubes Tools for Windows 2.x](/doc/uninstalling-windows-tools-2/)
* [Upgrading the Fedora 21 Template](/doc/fedora-template-upgrade-21/)
* [Upgrading the Fedora 20 Template](/doc/fedora-template-upgrade-20/)
* [Upgrading the Fedora 18 Template](/doc/fedora-template-upgrade-18/)
* [Upgrading the Debian 8 Template](/doc/debian-template-upgrade-8/)
* [Tips for Using Linux in an HVM](/doc/linux-hvm-tips/)
* [Creating a NetBSD VM](/doc/netbsd/)
Security Guides
* [Qubes OS Project Security Information](/security/)
* [Security Guidelines](/doc/security-guidelines/)
* [Understanding Qubes Firewall](/doc/qubes-firewall/)
* [Understanding and Preventing Data Leaks](/doc/data-leaks/)
* [Installing Anti Evil Maid](/doc/anti-evil-maid/)
* [Using Multi-factor Authentication with Qubes](/doc/multifactor-authentication/)
* [Using GPG more securely in Qubes: Split GPG](/doc/split-gpg/)
* [How to Set Up a Split Bitcoin Wallet in Qubes](/doc/split-bitcoin/)
* [[Unofficial] Split dm-crypt](https://github.com/rustybird/qubes-split-dm-crypt)
* [Configuring YubiKey for user authentication](/doc/yubi-key/)
* [Note regarding password-less root access in VM](/doc/vm-sudo/)
Privacy Guides
* [Whonix for Privacy & Anonymity](/doc/whonix/)
* [Running Tails in Qubes](/doc/tails/)
* [Anonymizing your MAC Address](/doc/anonymizing-your-mac-address/)
* [TorVM](/doc/torvm/)
* [Martus](/doc/martus/)
* [Signal](/doc/signal/)
Configuration Guides
* [Configuration Files](/doc/config-files/)
* [How to set up a ProxyVM as a VPN Gateway](/doc/vpn/)
* [Storing AppVMs on Secondary Drives](/doc/secondary-storage/)
* [Where are my external storage devices mounted?](/doc/external-device-mount-point/)
* [Multibooting](/doc/multiboot/)
* [Resizing AppVM and HVM Disk Images](/doc/resize-disk-image/)
* [Extending `root.img` Size](/doc/resize-root-disk-image/)
* [Installing ZFS in Qubes](/doc/zfs/)
* [Mutt Guide](/doc/mutt/)
* [Postfix Guide](/doc/postfix/)
* [Fetchmail Guide](/doc/fetchmail/)
* [Creating Custom NetVMs and ProxyVMs](http://theinvisiblethings.blogspot.com/2011/09/playing-with-qubes-networking-for-fun.html)
* [How to make proxy for individual tcp connection from networkless VM](https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-devel/msg/4ca950ab6d7cd11a)
* [Make an HTTP Filtering Proxy in a FirewallVM](/doc/config/http-filtering-proxy)
* [Adding Bridge Support to the NetVM (EXPERIMENTAL)](/doc/network-bridge-support/)
* [Assigning PCI Devices to AppVMs](/doc/assigning-devices/)
* [Enabling TRIM for SSD disks](/doc/disk-trim/)
* [Configuring a Network Printer](/doc/network-printer/)
* [Using External Audio Devices](/doc/external-audio/)
* [Booting with GRUB2 and GPT](https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-devel/browse_thread/thread/e4ac093cabd37d2b/d5090c20d92c4128#d5090c20d92c4128)
* [Rxvt Guide](/doc/rxvt/)
* [Managing VM kernel](/doc/managing-vm-kernel/)
* [Salt management stack](/doc/salt/)
* [Adding SSD storage cache](https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/qubes-users/a08359c9-9eb0-4d1a-ad92-a8a9bc676ea6%40googlegroups.com)
Customization Guides
* [DispVM Customization](/doc/dispvm-customization/)
* [Customizing Fedora minimal templates](/doc/fedora-minimal-template-customization)
* [Customizing Windows 7 templates](/doc/windows-template-customization)
* [Using KDE in dom0](/doc/kde/)
* [Installing XFCE in dom0](/doc/xfce/)
* [Installing i3 in dom0](/doc/i3/)
* [Language Localization](/doc/language-localization/)
* [Dark Theme in Dom0 and DomU](/doc/dark-theme/)
* [How to make any file in a TemplateBasedVM persistent using bind-dirs](/doc/bind-dirs/)
* [Home directory is out of disk space error](/doc/out-of-memory/)
* [Installing on system with new AMD GPU (missing firmware problem)](https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-devel/browse_thread/thread/e27a57b0eda62f76)
* [How to install an Nvidia driver in dom0](/doc/install-nvidia-driver/)
* [Nvidia troubleshooting guide](/doc/nvidia-troubleshooting/)
* [Solving problems with Macbook Air 2012](https://groups.google.com/group/qubes-devel/browse_thread/thread/b8b0d819d2a4fc39/d50a72449107ab21#8a9268c09d105e69)
* [Getting Sony Vaio Z laptop to work with Qubes](/doc/sony-vaio-tinkering/)
* [Getting Lenovo 450 to work with Qubes](/doc/lenovo450-tinkering/)
* [Getting Lenovo Thinkpad X201 to work with Qubes](/doc/thinkpad_x201/)
* [Troubleshooting UEFI related problems](/doc/uefi-troubleshooting/)
Reference Pages
* [Dom0 Command-Line Tools](/doc/dom0-tools/)
* [DomU Command-Line Tools](/doc/vm-tools/)
* [Glossary of Qubes Terminology](/doc/glossary/)
* [Qubes Service Framework](/doc/qubes-service/)
* [Command Execution in VMs (and Qubes RPC)](/doc/qrexec/)
Presentation Slides
* [[PDF] LinuxCon 2014 -- Qubes OS R2 Tutorial](/attachment/wiki/slides/LinuxCon_2014_Qubes_Tutorial.pdf)
* [[PDF] LinuxCon 2014 -- Qubes OS Keynote](/attachment/wiki/slides/LinuxCon_2014_Qubes_Keynote.pdf)
* [[PDF] RMLL 2016 -- Improving client systems security with Qubes OS](/attachment/wiki/slides/RMLL_2016_Improving-client-systems-security.pdf)
Developer Documentation
The Basics
* [Developer FAQ](/doc/devel-faq/)
* [Reporting Security Issues](/security/)
* [Reporting Bugs](/doc/reporting-bugs/)
* [Source Code](/doc/source-code/)
* [Feature Development Tracker](/qubes-issues/)
* [How to Contribute](/doc/contributing/)
* [Coding Guidelines](/doc/coding-style/)
* [Documentation Guidelines](/doc/doc-guidelines/)
* [Code Signing](/doc/code-signing/)
* [Qubes OS License](/doc/license/)
* [Books for Developers](/doc/devel-books/)
* [Style Guide](/doc/style-guide/)
* [Usability & UX](/doc/usability-ux/)
* [Qubes OS Architecture Overview](/doc/architecture/)
* [Qubes OS Architecture Spec v0.3 [PDF]](/attachment/wiki/QubesArchitecture/arch-spec-0.3.pdf)
(The original 2009 document that started this all...)
* [Security-critical elements of Qubes OS](/doc/security-critical-code/)
* [Qrexec: command execution in VMs](/doc/qrexec3/)
* [Qubes GUI virtualization protocol](/doc/gui/)
* [Networking in Qubes](/doc/networking/)
* [Implementation of template sharing and updating](/doc/template-implementation/)
* [Inter-domain file copying](/doc/qfilecopy/) (deprecates [`qfileexchgd`](/doc/qfileexchgd/))
* [Dynamic memory management in Qubes](/doc/qmemman/)
* [Implementation of DisposableVMs](/doc/dvm-impl/)
* [Article about disposable VMs](http://theinvisiblethings.blogspot.com/2010/06/disposable-vms.html)
* [Dom0 secure update mechanism](/doc/dom0-secure-updates/)
* VM secure update mechanism (forthcoming)
* [Profiling python code](/doc/profiling/)
* [Test environment in separate machine for automatic tests](/doc/test-bench/)
* [Automated tests](/doc/automated-tests/)
* [VM-dom0 internal configuration interface](/doc/vm-interface/)
* [Debugging Windows VMs](/doc/windows-debugging/)
* [Building Qubes](/doc/qubes-builder/) (["API" Details](/doc/qubes-builder-details/))
* [Development Workflow](/doc/development-workflow/)
* [KDE Dom0 packages for Qubes](/doc/kde-dom0/)
* [Building Qubes OS 3.0 ISO](/doc/qubes-r3-building/)
* [Building USB passthrough support (experimental)](/doc/pvusb/)
* [Building Qubes Templates](https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-template-configs)
* [Building a TemplateVM based on a new OS (ArchLinux example)](/doc/building-non-fedora-template/)
* [Building the Archlinux Template](/doc/building-archlinux-template/)