2018-03-19 09:30:51 +00:00

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doc Building Whonix Templates /doc/building-whonix-template/

Building Whonix Templates

The Whonix templates are easily downloaded and installed by following the procedure here. However, they are integrated into qubes-builder so they are straight-forward to build yourself if you prefer.

Many other Qubes templates can also be built by following this procedure. Simply choose the appropriate builder(s) and template(s) you wish to build in the ./setup procedure below. Always include the mgmt-salt builder.

First, set up the Build Environment (follow the build environment section only).

Next, configure the builder:

cd ~/qubes-builder
# Select Yes to add Qubes Master Signing Key
# Select Yes to add Qubes OS Signing Key
# Select 3.2 or 4.0 for version
# Stable
# Yes (we want to build only templates)
# Select builder-fedora, builder-debian, template-whonix, mgmt-salt (setup won't let you continue if you don't include builder-fedora, but we don't actually use it)
# Choose Yes to add adrelanos's third party key
# Yes (to download sources)
# Select whonix-gateway, whonix-workstation (for the currently shipping templates)

Continue the build process with:

make install-deps
make get-sources

You will often need to edit/update qubes-src/template-whonix/builder.conf at this stage to specify the currently shipping Tor Browser version. Open it in your favorite editor, then look for "Extra Whonix Build Options" and add/edit the WHONIX_TBB_VERSION variable to specify the current version. For example:

# Extra Whonix Build Options

# Whonix repository.

# Use turbo mode to build template

# Enable Tor by default (0: disable; 1: enable)


Finally, use:

make qubes-vm
make template

Once the build is complete, the install packages for your newly built templates will be located in /qubes-builder/qubes-src/linux-template-builder/rpm/noarch. Copy them from there to dom0 and install:

qvm-run --pass-io <src-vm> 'cat ~/qubes-builder/qubes-src/linux-template-builder/rpm/noarch/qubes-template-whonix-gw-4.0.0-201802250036.noarch.rpm' > ~/qubes-template-whonix-gw-4.0.0-201802250036.noarch.rpm
qvm-run --pass-io <src-vm> 'cat ~/qubes-builder/qubes-src/linux-template-builder/rpm/noarch/qubes-template-whonix-ws-4.0.0-201802250145.noarch.rpm' > ~/qubes-template-whonix-ws-4.0.0-201802250145.noarch.rpm
sudo dnf install qubes-template-whonix-gw-4.0.0-201802250036.noarch.rpm
sudo dnf install qubes-template-whonix-ws-4.0.0-201802250145.noarch.rpm

And you are done!