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New Crowdin Translations (#2074)
Signed-off-by: Daniel Gray <>
2023-03-12 01:27:24 +10:30

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Kommunikációs Hálózatok Típusai material/transit-connection-variant An overview of several network architectures commonly used by instant messaging applications.

Személyek közötti üzenetek továbbítására többféle hálózati architektúra használható. Ezek a hálózatok különböző magánéleti garanciákat nyújthatnak, ezért érdemes figyelembe venned a védelmk modelledet, amikor eldöntöd, hogy melyik alkalmazást fogod használni.

Ajánlott Azonnali Üzenetküldők{.md-button}

Központosított Hálózatok

Centralized networks diagram{ align=left }

A központosított üzenetküldők azok, ahol minden résztvevő ugyanazon a szerveren vagy szerverhálózaton tartózkodik, amelyet ugyanaz a szervezet irányít.

Néhány saját működtetésű üzenetküldő lehetővé teszi, hogy saját szervert hozz létre. Az üzemeltetés saját magad álltal további adatvédelmi garanciákat nyújthat, például használati naplók hiánya, vagy korlátozott hozzáférés metaadatokhoz (arra vonatkozó adatok, hogy ki kivel beszél). A saját üzemeltetésű, központosított üzenetküldők el vannak különítve, és a kommunikációhoz mindenkinek ugyanazon a szerveren kell lennie.


  • Új funkciók és módosítások gyorsabban megvalósíthatók.
  • Könnyebb elkzedeni a használatot és megtalálni a kapcsolatokat.
  • A környezetek a legérettebb és legstabilabb funkciókkal rendelkeznek, mivel ezeket könnyebb egy központi szoftverben programozni.
  • Az adatvédelmi problémák csökkenhetnek, ha egy olyan szerverben kell megbíznod, amit te magad üzemeltetsz.


  • Tartalmazhat korlátozott ellenőrzést vagy hozzáférést. Ez olyan dolgokat foglalhat magában, mint:
  • Being forbidden from connecting third-party clients to the centralized network that might provide for greater customization or a better experience. Gyakran a Felhasználási Feltételekben van meghatározva.
  • Poor or no documentation for third-party developers.
  • The ownership, privacy policy, and operations of the service can change easily when a single entity controls it, potentially compromising the service later on.
  • Self-hosting requires effort and knowledge of how to set up a service.

Föderált Hálózatok

Federated networks diagram{ align=left }

Federated messengers use multiple, independent, decentralized servers that are able to talk to each other (email is one example of a federated service). Federation allows system administrators to control their own server and still be a part of the larger communications network.

When self-hosted, members of a federated server can discover and communicate with members of other servers, although some servers may choose to remain private by being non-federated (e.g., work team server).


  • Allows for greater control over your own data when running your own server.
  • Allows you to choose whom to trust your data with by choosing between multiple "public" servers.
  • Often allows for third-party clients which can provide a more native, customized, or accessible experience.
  • Server software can be verified that it matches public source code, assuming you have access to the server or you trust the person who does (e.g., a family member).


  • Adding new features is more complex because these features need to be standardized and tested to ensure they work with all servers on the network.
  • Due to the previous point, features can be lacking, or incomplete or working in unexpected ways compared to centralized platforms, such as message relay when offline or message deletion.
  • Some metadata may be available (e.g., information like "who is talking to whom," but not actual message content if E2EE is used).
  • Federated servers generally require trusting your server's administrator. They may be a hobbyist or otherwise not a "security professional," and may not serve standard documents like a privacy policy or terms of service detailing how your data is used.
  • Server administrators sometimes choose to block other servers, which are a source of unmoderated abuse or break general rules of accepted behavior. This will hinder your ability to communicate with members of those servers.

Peer-to-Peer Hálózatok

P2P diagram{ align=left }

P2P messengers connect to a distributed network of nodes to relay a message to the recipient without a third-party server.

Clients (peers) usually find each other through the use of a distributed computing network. Examples of this include Distributed Hash Tables (DHT), used by torrents and IPFS for example. Another approach is proximity based networks, where a connection is established over WiFi or Bluetooth (for example, Briar or the Scuttlebutt social network protocol).

Once a peer has found a route to its contact via any of these methods, a direct connection between them is made. Although messages are usually encrypted, an observer can still deduce the location and identity of the sender and recipient.

P2P networks do not use servers, as peers communicate directly between each other and hence cannot be self-hosted. However, some additional services may rely on centralized servers, such as user discovery or relaying offline messages, which can benefit from self-hosting.


  • Minimal information is exposed to third-parties.
  • Modern P2P platforms implement E2EE by default. There are no servers that could potentially intercept and decrypt your transmissions, unlike centralized and federated models.


  • Reduced feature set:
  • Messages can only be sent when both peers are online, however, your client may store messages locally to wait for the contact to return online.
  • Generally increases battery usage on mobile devices, because the client must stay connected to the distributed network to learn about who is online.
  • Some common messenger features may not be implemented or incompletely, such as message deletion.
  • Your IP address and that of the contacts you're communicating with may be exposed if you do not use the software in conjunction with a VPN or Tor. Many countries have some form of mass surveillance and/or metadata retention.

Anonim Forgalomirányítás

Anoním forgalomirányítási diagram{ align=left }

A messenger using anonymous routing hides either the identity of the sender, the receiver, or evidence that they have been communicating. Ideally, a messenger should hide all three.

There are many different ways to implement anonymous routing. One of the most famous is onion routing (i.e. Tor), which communicates encrypted messages through a virtual overlay network that hides the location of each node as well as the recipient and sender of each message. The sender and recipient never interact directly and only meet through a secret rendezvous node so that there is no leak of IP addresses nor physical location. Nodes cannot decrypt messages, nor the final destination; only the recipient can. Each intermediary node can only decrypt a part that indicates where to send the still encrypted message next, until it arrives at the recipient who can fully decrypt it, hence the "onion layers."

Self-hosting a node in an anonymous routing network does not provide the hoster with additional privacy benefits, but rather contributes to the whole network's resilience against identification attacks for everyone's benefit.


  • Minimal to no information is exposed to other parties.
  • Messages can be relayed in a decentralized manner even if one of the parties is offline.


  • Slow message propagation.
  • Often limited to fewer media types, mostly text, since the network is slow.
  • Less reliable if nodes are selected by randomized routing, some nodes may be very far from the sender and receiver, adding latency or even failing to transmit messages if one of the nodes goes offline.
  • More complex to get started, as the creation and secured backup of a cryptographic private key is required.
  • Just like other decentralized platforms, adding features is more complex for developers than on a centralized platform. Hence, features may be lacking or incompletely implemented, such as offline message relaying or message deletion.