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2023-04-04 21:38:20 -05:00

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Eliminazione account material/account-remove It's easy to accumulate a large number of internet accounts, here are some tips on how to prune your collection.

Con il tempo, può essere facile accumulare una serie di profili online, molti dei quali potrebbero non essere più utilizzati. L'eliminazione di questi account inutilizzati è un passo importante per recuperare la propria privacy, poiché gli account inattivi sono vulnerabili alle violazioni dei dati. Una violazione dei dati (anche detta data breach) avviene quando la sicurezza di un servizio è compromessa e le informazioni protette vengono visualizzate, trasmesse o rubate da soggetti non autorizzati. Le violazioni dei dati sono purtroppo troppo comuni al giorno d'oggi e quindi praticare una buona igiene digitale è il modo migliore per ridurre al minimo l'impatto che hanno sulla propria vita. L'obiettivo di questa guida è quindi quello di aiutarvi a superare il fastidioso processo di cancellazione dell'account, spesso reso difficile da un design ingannevole, per migliorare la propria presenza online.

Trovare i vecchi account

Gestore di password

Se hai un gestore di password che hai usato per tutta la tua vita digitale, questa parte sarà molto semplice. Spesso includono funzionalità integrate per rilevare se le vostre credenziali sono state esposte in una violazione dei dati, come ad esempio Data Breach Report di Bitwarden.

![Bitwarden's Data Breach Report feature](../assets/img/account-deletion/exposed_passwords.png)

Even if you haven't explicitly used a password manager before, there's a chance you've used the one in your browser or your phone without even realizing it. For example: Firefox Password Manager, Google Password Manager and Edge Password Manager.

Desktop platforms also often have a password manager which may help you recover passwords you've forgotten about:


If you didn't use a password manager in the past or you think you have accounts that were never added to your password manager, another option is to search the email account(s) that you believe you signed up on. On your email client, search for keywords such as "verify" or "welcome." Almost every time you make an online account, the service will send a verification link or an introductory message to your email. This can be a good way to find old, forgotten accounts.

Eliminazione vecchi account


Per eliminare i vostri vecchi account, dovrete prima assicurarvi di potervi accedere. Ancora una volta, se l'account era già nel tuo gestore di password, questo passaggio è molto più semplice. In caso contrario, si può provare a indovinare la password. Failing that, there are typically options to regain access to your account, commonly available through a "forgot password" link on the login page. It may also be possible that accounts you've abandoned have already been deleted—sometimes services prune all old accounts.

When attempting to regain access, if the site returns an error message saying that email is not associated with an account, or you never receive a reset link after multiple attempts, then you do not have an account under that email address and should try a different one. If you can't figure out which email address you used, or you no longer have access to that email, you can try contacting the service's customer support. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that you will be able to reclaim access your account.

GDPR (solo per i residenti nello SEE)

I residenti dello SEE hanno ulteriori diritti in materia di cancellazione dei dati personali come specificato nell' Articolo 17 del GDPR. If it's applicable to you, read the privacy policy for any given service to find information on how to exercise your right to erasure. Reading the privacy policy can prove important, as some services have a "Delete Account" option that only disables your account and for real deletion you have to take additional action. Sometimes actual deletion may involve filling out surveys, emailing the data protection officer of the service or even proving your residence in the EEA. If you plan to go this way, do not overwrite account information—your identity as an EEA resident may be required. Note that the location of the service does not matter; GDPR applies to anyone serving European users. If the service does not respect your right to erasure, you can contact your national Data Protection Authority and you may be entitled to monetary compensation.

Overwriting Account information

In some situations where you plan to abandon an account, it may make sense to overwrite the account information with fake data. Once you've made sure you can log in, change all the information in your account to falsified information. The reason for this is that many sites will retain information you previously had even after account deletion. The hope is that they will overwrite the previous information with the newest data you entered. However, there is no guarantee that there won't be backups with the prior information.

For the account email, either create a new alternate email account via your provider of choice or create an alias using an email aliasing service. You can then delete your alternate email address once you are done. We recommend against using temporary email providers, as oftentimes it is possible to reactivate temporary emails.


È possibile consultare JustDeleteMe per le istruzioni sull'eliminazione dell'account per un servizio specifico. Alcuni siti offrono fortunatamente l'opzione "Elimina account", mentre altri si spingono fino a costringervi a parlare con un agente di supporto. Il processo di cancellazione può variare da un sito all'altro, e in alcuni casi la cancellazione dell'account sarà impossibile.

For services that don't allow account deletion, the best thing to do is falsify all your information as previously mentioned and strengthen account security. To do so, enable MFA and any extra security features offered. As well, change the password to a randomly-generated one that is the maximum allowed size (a password manager can be useful for this).

If you're satisfied that all information you care about is removed, you can safely forget about this account. If not, it might be a good idea to keep the credentials stored with your other passwords and occasionally re-login to reset the password.

Even when you are able to delete an account, there is no guarantee that all your information will be removed. In fact, some companies are required by law to keep certain information, particularly when related to financial transactions. It's mostly out of your control what happens to your data when it comes to websites and cloud services.

Evita nuovi account

As the old saying goes, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Whenever you feel tempted to sign up for a new account, ask yourself, "Do I really need this? Can I accomplish what I need to without an account?" It can often be much harder to delete an account than to create one. And even after deleting or changing the info on your account, there might be a cached version from a third-party—like the Internet Archive. Avoid the temptation when you're able to—your future self will thank you!