Privacy Guides [bot] 4847c25066
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2023-04-04 21:38:20 -05:00

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关于隐私指南(Privacy Guides) Privacy Guides is a socially motivated website that provides information for protecting your data security and privacy.
@context @type @id name url logo sameAs Organization Privacy Guides

Privacy Guides logo{ align=right }

Privacy Guides is a socially motivated website that provides information for protecting your data security and privacy. Our mission is to inform the public about the value of digital privacy, and global government initiatives which aim to monitor your online activity. 我们是一个非营利性的集体,完全由志愿者 团队成员 和贡献者运作。 Our website is free of advertisements and not affiliated with any of the listed providers.

:octicons-home-16:{ .card-link title=Homepage } :octicons-code-16:{ .card-link title="Source Code" } :octicons-heart-16:{ .card-link title=Contribute }

To find [privacy-focused alternative] apps, check out sites like Good Reports and Privacy Guides, which list privacy-focused apps in a variety of categories, notably including email providers (usually on paid plans) that arent run by the big tech companies.

New York Times

If you're looking for a new VPN, you can go to the discount code of just about any podcast. If you are looking for a good VPN, you need professional help. The same goes for email clients, browsers, operating systems and password managers. How do you know which of these is the best, most privacy-friendly option? For that there is Privacy Guides, a platform on which a number of volunteers search day in, day out for the best privacy-friendly tools to use on the internet. [Translated from Dutch]

Also featured on: Ars Technica, Wirecutter [2], NPO Radio 1, and Wired.


Privacy Guides was launched in September 2021 as a continuation of the defunct "PrivacyTools" open-source educational project. We recognized the importance of independent, criteria-focused product recommendations and general knowledge in the privacy space, which is why we needed to preserve the work that had been created by so many contributors since 2015 and make sure that information had a stable home on the web indefinitely.

In 2022, we completed the transition of our main website framework from Jekyll to MkDocs, using the mkdocs-material documentation software. This change made open-source contributions to our site significantly easier for outsiders, because instead of needing to know complicated syntax to write posts effectively, contributing is now as easy as writing a standard Markdown document.

We additionally launched our new discussion forum at as a community platform to share ideas and ask questions about our mission. This augments our existing community on Matrix, and replaced our previous GitHub Discussions platform, decreasing our reliance on proprietary discussion platforms.

So far in 2023 we've launched international translations of our website in French, Hebrew, and Dutch, with more languages on the way, made possible by our excellent translation team on Crowdin. We plan to continue carrying forward our mission of outreach and education, and finding ways to more clearly highlight the dangers of a lack of privacy awareness in the modern digital age, and the prevalence and harms of security breaches across the technology industry.


??? person "@jonah"

- [:simple-discourse: Discourse](
- [:simple-github: GitHub]( "@jonaharagon")
- [:simple-mastodon: Mastodon]( ""){rel=me}
- [:fontawesome-solid-house: 主页](

??? person "@niek-de-wilde"

- [:simple-discourse: Discourse](
- [:simple-github: GitHub]( "@blacklight447")
- [:simple-mastodon: Mastodon]( ""){rel=me}

??? person "@dngray"

- [:simple-discourse: Discourse](
- [:simple-github: GitHub]( "@dngray")
- [:simple-mastodon: Mastodon]( ""){rel=me}
- [:fontawesome-solid-envelope: 电子邮件](

??? person "@freddy"

- [:simple-discourse: Discourse](
- [:simple-github: GitHub]( "@freddy-m")
- [:simple-mastodon: Mastodon]( ""){rel=me}
- [:fontawesome-solid-envelope: 电子邮件](
- [:fontawesome-solid-house: 主页](

??? person "@mfwmyfacewhen"

- [:simple-discourse: Discourse](
- [:simple-github: GitHub]( "@mfwmyfacewhen")
- [:fontawesome-solid-house: 主页](

??? person "@olivia"

- [:simple-discourse: Discourse](
- [:simple-github: GitHub]( "@hook9")
- [:simple-mastodon: Mastodon]( ""){rel=me}

Additionally, many people have made contributions to the project. You can too, we're open sourced on GitHub, and accepting translation suggestions on Crowdin.

Our team members review all changes made to the website and handle administrative duties such as web hosting and financials, however they do not personally profit from any contributions made to this site. Our financials are transparently hosted by the Open Collective Foundation 501(c)(3) at Donations to Privacy Guides are generally tax-deductible in the United States.


!!! danger ""

The following is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the [license](/license).

除非另有说明,否则本网站上的所有内容均根据 Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0国际公共许可证的条款提供。 这意味着你可以自由地以任何媒介或形式复制和重新分发材料,用于任何目的,甚至是商业目的;只要你适当地注明 隐私指南 ,并提供许可证的链接。 您可以以任何合理的方式这样做,但不得以任何方式暗示隐私指南认可您或您的使用。 如果您重构、转换或建立在此网站的内容,您可能无法分发修改过的材料。

设立这个许可证是为了防止人们在不给予适当信用的情况下分享我们的作品,并防止人们以可能被用来误导的方式修改我们的作品。 如果你觉得这个许可证的条款对你正在进行的项目来说限制性太大,请与我们联系:。 我们很高兴为隐私领域的善意项目提供替代的许可选项