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New Crowdin Translations (#2074)
Signed-off-by: Daniel Gray <>
2023-03-12 01:27:24 +10:30

363 lines
29 KiB

title: "Android"
icon: 'fontawesome/brands/android'
description: You can replace the operating system on your Android phone with these secure and privacy-respecting alternatives.
![Logo di Android](assets/img/android/android.svg){ align=right }
**Android Open Source Project** è un sistema operativo mobile open-source sviluppato da Google che viene utilizzato nella maggior parte dei dispositivi mobile del mondo. La maggior parte dei telefoni venduti con Android sono modificati per includere integrazioni e applicazioni invasive come Google Play Services, quindi è possibile migliorare significativamente la privacy sul proprio dispositivo mobile sostituendo l'installazione predefinita del telefono con una versione di Android priva di queste caratteristiche invasive.
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Questi sono i sistemi operativi, i dispositivi e le applicazioni Android che consigliamo per massimizzare la sicurezza e la privacy del proprio dispositivo mobile. Maggiori informazioni su Android:
[General Android Overview :material-arrow-right-drop-circle:](os/ ""){.md-button}
[Why we recommend GrapheneOS over CalyxOS :material-arrow-right-drop-circle:]( ""){.md-button}
## Derivati di AOSP
We recommend installing one of these custom Android operating systems on your device, listed in order of preference, depending on your device's compatibility with these operating systems.
!!! note
I dispositivi a fine vita (come i dispositivi a "supporto esteso" di GrapheneOS o CalyxOS) non hanno patch di sicurezza complete (aggiornamenti del firmware) a causa dell'interruzione del supporto da parte dell'OEM. Questi dispositivi non possono essere considerati completamente sicuri, indipendentemente dal software installato.
### GrapheneOS
!!! recommendation
![GrapheneOS logo](assets/img/android/grapheneos.svg#only-light){ align=right }
![GrapheneOS logo](assets/img/android/grapheneos-dark.svg#only-dark){ align=right }
**GrapheneOS** è la scelta migliore quando si tratta di privacy e sicurezza.
GrapheneOS offre miglioramenti aggiuntivi in termini di [hardening della sicurezza] ( e di privacy. Dispone di un [allocatore di memoria rafforzato](, di autorizzazioni per la rete e per i sensori, di varie altre [caratteristiche di sicurezza]( GrapheneOS viene inoltre fornito con aggiornamenti completi del firmware e build firmate, quindi il verified boot è pienamente supportato.
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GrapheneOS supports [Sandboxed Google Play](, which runs [Google Play Services]( fully sandboxed like any other regular app. This means you can take advantage of most Google Play Services, such as [push notifications](, while giving you full control over their permissions and access, and while containing them to a specific [work profile](os/ or [user profile](os/ of your choice.
Google Pixel phones are the only devices that currently meet GrapheneOS's [hardware security requirements](
### DivestOS
!!! recommendation
![DivestOS logo](assets/img/android/divestos.svg){ align=right }
**DivestOS** è una soft-fork di [LineageOS](
DivestOS eredita molti [dispositivi supportati] ( da LineageOS. Fornisce build firmate, che consentono di avere [verified boot]( su alcuni dispositivi non-Pixel.
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[:simple-torbrowser:](http://divestoseb5nncsydt7zzf5hrfg44md4bxqjs5ifcv4t7gt7u6ohjyyd.onion){ .card-link title=Onion }
[:octicons-eye-16:]({ .card-link title="Informativa sulla privacy" }
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DivestOS has automated kernel vulnerability ([CVE]( [patching](, fewer proprietary blobs, and a custom [hosts]( file. Its hardened WebView, [Mulch](, enables [CFI]( for all architectures and [network state partitioning](, and receives out-of-band updates. DivestOS also includes kernel patches from GrapheneOS and enables all available kernel security features via [defconfig hardening]( All kernels newer than version 3.4 include full page [sanitization]( and all ~22 Clang-compiled kernels have [`-ftrivial-auto-var-init=zero`]( enabled.
DivestOS implements some system hardening patches originally developed for GrapheneOS. DivestOS 16.0 and higher implements GrapheneOS's [`INTERNET`]( and SENSORS permission toggle, [hardened memory allocator](, [exec-spawning](, [JNI]( [constification](, and partial [bionic]( hardening patchsets. 17.1 and higher features GrapheneOS's per-network full [MAC randomization]( option, [`ptrace_scope`]( control, and automatic reboot/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth [timeout options](
DivestOS uses F-Droid as its default app store. Normally, we would recommend avoiding F-Droid due to its numerous [security issues](#f-droid). However, doing so on DivestOS isn't viable; the developers update their apps via their own F-Droid repositories ([DivestOS Official]( and [DivestOS WebView]( We recommend disabling the official F-Droid app and using [Neo Store]( with the DivestOS repositories enabled to keep those components up to date. For other apps, our recommended methods of obtaining them still apply.
!!! warning "Avviso"
Lo [stato]( degli aggiornamenti del firmware di DivestOS e il controllo di qualità variano a seconda dei dispositivi supportati. Consigliamo ancora GrapheneOS a seconda della compatibilità del dispositivo. Per altri dispositivi, DivestOS è una buona alternativa.
Non tutti i dispositivi supportati hanno il verified boot e alcuni lo eseguono meglio di altri.
## Dispositivi Android
When purchasing a device, we recommend getting one as new as possible. The software and firmware of mobile devices are only supported for a limited time, so buying new extends that lifespan as much as possible.
Avoid buying phones from mobile network operators. These often have a **locked bootloader** and do not support [OEM unlocking]( These phone variants will prevent you from installing any kind of alternative Android distribution.
Be very **careful** about buying second hand phones from online marketplaces. Always check the reputation of the seller. If the device is stolen, there's a possibility of [IMEI blacklisting]( There is also a risk involved with you being associated with the activity of the previous owner.
A few more tips regarding Android devices and operating system compatibility:
- Do not buy devices that have reached or are near their end-of-life, additional firmware updates must be provided by the manufacturer.
- Do not buy preloaded LineageOS or /e/ OS phones or any Android phones without proper [Verified Boot]( support and firmware updates. These devices also have no way for you to check whether they've been tampered with.
- In short, if a device or Android distribution is not listed here, there is probably a good reason. Check out our [forum]( to find details!
### Google Pixel
Google Pixel phones are the **only** devices we recommend for purchase. Pixel phones have stronger hardware security than any other Android devices currently on the market, due to proper AVB support for third-party operating systems and Google's custom [Titan]( security chips acting as the Secure Element.
!!! recommendation
![Google Pixel 6](assets/img/android/google-pixel.png){ align=right }
I dispositivi **Google Pixel** sono noti per avere una buona sicurezza e per supportare correttamente il [Verified Boot](https://source., anche quando si installano sistemi operativi personalizzati.
A partire dal **Pixel 6** e dal **6 Pro**, i dispositivi Pixel ricevono un minimo di 5 anni di aggiornamenti di sicurezza garantiti, assicurando una durata di vita molto più lunga rispetto ai 2-4 anni offerti in genere dagli OEM concorrenti.
[:material-shopping: Store]({ .md-button .md-button--primary }
Secure Elements like the Titan M2 are more limited than the processor's Trusted Execution Environment used by most other phones as they are only used for secrets storage, hardware attestation, and rate limiting, not for running "trusted" programs. Phones without a Secure Element have to use the TEE for *all* of those functions, resulting in a larger attack surface.
Google Pixel phones use a TEE OS called Trusty which is [open-source](, unlike many other phones.
The installation of GrapheneOS on a Pixel phone is easy with their [web installer]( If you don't feel comfortable doing it yourself and are willing to spend a bit of extra money, check out the [NitroPhone]( as they come preloaded with GrapheneOS from the reputable [Nitrokey]( company.
A few more tips for purchasing a Google Pixel:
- If you're after a bargain on a Pixel device, we suggest buying an "**a**" model, just after the next flagship is released. Discounts are usually available because Google will be trying to clear their stock.
- Consider price beating options and specials offered at physical stores.
- Look at online community bargain sites in your country. These can alert you to good sales.
- Google provides a list showing the [support cycle]( for each one of their devices. The price per day for a device can be calculated as: $\text{Cost} \over \text {EOL Date}-\text{Current Date}$, meaning that the longer use of the device the lower cost per day.
## App Generali
We recommend a wide variety of Android apps throughout this site. The apps listed here are Android-exclusive and specifically enhance or replace key system functionality.
### Shelter
!!! recommendation
![Shelter logo](assets/img/android/shelter.svg){ align=right }
**Shelter** è un'app che ti aiuta a sfruttare la funzionalità Profilo di Lavoro di Android per isolare o duplicare le app sul tuo dispositivo.
Shelter supporta il blocco della ricerca dei contatti tra i profili e la condivisione dei file tra i profili tramite il gestore file predefinito ([DocumentsUI](
[:octicons-repo-16: Repository]({ .md-button .md-button--primary }
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??? downloads
- [:simple-googleplay: Google Play](
!!! warning "Avviso"
Shelter è consigliato rispetto a [Insular]( e [Island]( perché supporta il [blocco della ricerca dei contatti] (
Utilizzando Shelter, l'utente si affida completamente al suo sviluppatore, in quanto Shelter agisce come [amministratore del dispositivo]( per creare il profilo di lavoro e ha ampio accesso ai dati memorizzati all'interno del profilo di lavoro.
### Auditor
!!! recommendation
![Auditor logo](assets/img/android/auditor.svg#only-light){ align=right }
![Auditor logo](assets/img/android/auditor-dark. vg#only-dark){ align=right }
**Auditor** è un'app che sfrutta le funzionalità di sicurezza hardware per fornire il monitoraggio dell'integrità del dispositivo per [dispositivi supportati]( Attualmente funziona solo con GrapheneOS e con il sistema operativo originale del dispositivo.
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??? downloads
- [:simple-googleplay: Google Play](
- [:simple-github: GitHub](
- [:material-cube-outline: GrapheneOS App Store](
Auditor performs attestation and intrusion detection by:
- Using a [Trust On First Use (TOFU)]( model between an *auditor* and *auditee*, the pair establish a private key in the [hardware-backed keystore]( of the *Auditor*.
- The *auditor* can either be another instance of the Auditor app or the [Remote Attestation Service](
- The *auditor* records the current state and configuration of the *auditee*.
- Should tampering with the operating system of the *auditee* happen after the pairing is complete, the auditor will be aware of the change in the device state and configurations.
- You will be alerted to the change.
No personally identifiable information is submitted to the attestation service. We recommend that you sign up with an anonymous account and enable remote attestation for continuous monitoring.
If your [threat model](basics/ requires privacy, you could consider using [Orbot]( or a VPN to hide your IP address from the attestation service. To make sure that your hardware and operating system is genuine, [perform local attestation]( immediately after the device has been installed and prior to any internet connection.
### Secure Camera
!!! recommendation
![Secure camera logo](assets/img/android/secure_camera.svg#only-light){ align=right }
![Secure camera logo](assets/img/android/secure_camera-dark. vg#only-dark){ align=right }
**Secure Camera** è un'app per fotocamera incentrata sulla privacy e sulla sicurezza che può catturare immagini, video e codici QR. Le estensioni del vendor CameraX (Ritratto, HDR, Visione Notturna, Ritocco del Viso e Auto) sono supportate su dispositivi disponibili.
[:octicons-repo-16: Repository]({ .md-button .md-button--primary }
[:octicons-info-16:]({ .card-link title=Documentazione}
[:octicons-code-16:]({ .card-link title="Codice sorgente" }
[:octicons-heart-16:]({ .card-link title=Contribuisci }
??? downloads
- [:simple-googleplay: Google Play](
- [:simple-github: GitHub](
- [:material-cube-outline: GrapheneOS App Store](
Main privacy features include:
- Auto removal of [Exif]( metadata (enabled by default)
- Use of the new [Media]( API, therefore [storage permissions]( are not required
- Microphone permission not required unless you want to record sound
!!! note
Attualmente i metadati non vengono eliminati dai file video, ma la funzione è in sviluppo.
I metadati sull'orientamento dell'immagine non vengono eliminati. Se attivi la posizione (in Secure Camera), anche questa **non** verrà rimossa. Se vuoi eliminarla in un secondo momento, dovrai usare un'app esterna come [ExifEraser](
### Secure PDF Viewer
!!! recommendation
![Secure PDF Viewer logo](assets/img/android/secure_pdf_viewer.svg#only-light){ align=right }
![Secure PDF Viewer logo](assets/img/android/secure_pdf_viewer-dark.svg#only-dark){ align=right }
**Secure PDF Viewer** è un visualizzatore di PDF basato su [pdf.js]( che non richiede alcuna autorizzazione. Il PDF viene inserito in una [webview]( [sandboxed]( Ciò significa che non richiede direttamente l'autorizzazione per accedere a contenuti o file.
[Content-Security-Policy]( viene utilizzato per imporre che le proprietà JavaScript e di stile all'interno della WebView siano interamente di contenuto statico.
[:octicons-repo-16: Repository]({ .md-button .md-button--primary }
[:octicons-code-16:]({ .card-link title="Codice sorgente" }
[:octicons-heart-16:]({ .card-link title=Contribuisci }
??? downloads
- [:simple-googleplay: Google Play](
- [:simple-github: GitHub](
- [:material-cube-outline: GrapheneOS App Store](
## Ottenere le applicazioni
### Apps di GrapheneOS
GrapheneOS's app store is available on [GitHub]( It supports Android 12 and above and is capable of updating itself. The app store has standalone applications built by the GrapheneOS project such as the [Auditor](, [Camera](, and [PDF Viewer]( If you are looking for these applications, we highly recommend that you get them from GrapheneOS's app store instead of the Play Store, as the apps on their store are signed by the GrapheneOS's project own signature that Google does not have access to.
### Aurora Store
The Google Play Store requires a Google account to login which is not great for privacy. You can get around this by using an alternative client, such as Aurora Store.
!!! recommendation
![Aurora Store logo](assets/img/android/aurora-store.webp){ align=right }
**Aurora Store** è un client di Google Play Store che non richiede un account Google, Google Play Services o microG per scaricare le app.
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[:octicons-code-16:]({ .card-link title="Codice sorgente" }.
??? downloads
- [:simple-gitlab: GitLab](
Aurora Store does not allow you to download paid apps with their anonymous account feature. You can optionally log in with your Google account with Aurora Store to download apps you have purchased, which does give access to the list of apps you've installed to Google, however you still benefit from not requiring the full Google Play client and Google Play Services or microG on your device.
### Manualmente con le notifiche RSS
For apps that are released on platforms like GitHub and GitLab, you may be able to add an RSS feed to your [news aggregator](/news-aggregators) that will help you keep track of new releases.
![RSS APK](./assets/img/android/rss-apk-light.png#only-light) ![RSS APK](./assets/img/android/rss-apk-dark.png#only-dark) ![APK Changes](./assets/img/android/rss-changes-light.png#only-light) ![APK Changes](./assets/img/android/rss-changes-dark.png#only-dark)
#### GitHub
On GitHub, using [Secure Camera](#secure-camera) as an example, you would navigate to its [releases page]( and append `.atom` to the URL:
#### GitLab
On GitLab, using [Aurora Store](#aurora-store) as an example, you would navigate to its [project repository]( and append `/-/tags?format=atom` to the URL:
#### Verifica delle impronte digitali degli APK
If you download APK files to install manually, you can verify their signature with the [`apksigner`]( tool, which is a part of Android [build-tools](
1. Installa [Java JDK](
2. Scarica gli [strumenti da riga di comando di Android Studio](
3. Estrai l'archivio scaricato:
unzip commandlinetools-*.zip
cd cmdline-tools
./bin/sdkmanager --sdk_root=./ "build-tools;29.0.3"
4. Esegui il comando di verifica della firma:
./build-tools/29.0.3/apksigner verify --print-certs ../Camera-37.apk
5. Gli hash risultanti possono poi essere confrontati con un'altra fonte. Alcuni sviluppatori, come per Signal, [mostrano le impronte digitali]( sul loro sito web.
Signer #1 certificate DN: CN=GrapheneOS
Signer #1 certificate SHA-256 digest: 6436b155b917c2f9a9ed1d15c4993a5968ffabc94947c13f2aeee14b7b27ed59
Signer #1 certificate SHA-1 digest: 23e108677a2e1b1d6e6b056f3bb951df7ad5570c
Signer #1 certificate MD5 digest: dbbcd0cac71bd6fa2102a0297c6e0dd3
### F-Droid
![F-Droid logo](assets/img/android/f-droid.svg){ align=right width=120px }
==We do **not** currently recommend F-Droid as a way to obtain apps.== F-Droid is often recommended as an alternative to Google Play, particularly in the privacy community. The option to add third-party repositories and not be confined to Google's walled garden has led to its popularity. F-Droid additionally has [reproducible builds]( for some applications and is dedicated to free and open-source software. However, there are [notable problems]( with the official F-Droid client, their quality control, and how they build, sign, and deliver packages.
Due to their process of building apps, apps in the official F-Droid repository often fall behind on updates. F-Droid maintainers also reuse package IDs while signing apps with their own keys, which is not ideal as it gives the F-Droid team ultimate trust.
Other popular third-party repositories such as [IzzyOnDroid]( alleviate some of these concerns. The IzzyOnDroid repository pulls builds directly from GitHub and is the next best thing to the developers' own repositories. However, it is not something that we can recommend, as apps are typically [removed]( from that respository when they make it to the main F-Droid repository. While that makes sense (since the goal of that particular repository is to host apps before they're accepted into the main F-Droid repository), it can leave you with installed apps which no longer receive updates.
That said, the [F-Droid]( and [IzzyOnDroid]( repositories are home to countless apps, so they can be a useful tool to search for and discover open-source apps that you can then download through Play Store, Aurora Store, or by getting the APK directly from the developer. It is important to keep in mind that some apps in these repositories have not been updated in years and may rely on unsupported libraries, among other things, posing a potential security risk. You should use your best judgement when looking for new apps via this method.
!!! note
In alcuni rari casi, lo sviluppatore di un'app la distribuisce solo attraverso F-Droid ([Gadgetbridge]( ne è un esempio). Se hai davvero bisogno di un'app del genere, ti consigliamo di usare [Neo Store]( al posto dell'app ufficiale di F-Droid per ottenerla.
## Criteri
**Please note we are not affiliated with any of the projects we recommend.** In addition to [our standard criteria](about/, we have developed a clear set of requirements to allow us to provide objective recommendations. recommendation
!!! recommendation
![PrivateBin logo](assets/img/productivity/privatebin.svg){ align=right }
**PrivateBin** è un pastebin online minimalista e open-source in cui il server non ha alcuna conoscenza dei dati incollati. Infatti, vengono criptati/decriptati nel tuo browser utilizzando AES a 256 bit. downloads
- [:simple-windows11: Windows](
- [:simple-apple: macOS](
- [:simple-linux: Linux](
- [:simple-flathub: Flatpak](
- [:simple-firefoxbrowser: Firefox](
- [:simple-googlechrome: Chrome](
### Sistemi operativi
- Deve essere un software open-source.
- Must support bootloader locking with custom AVB key support.
- Must receive major Android updates within 0-1 months of release.
- Must receive Android feature updates (minor version) within 0-14 days of release.
- Must receive regular security patches within 0-5 days of release.
- Must **not** be "rooted" out of the box.
- Must **not** enable Google Play Services by default.
- Must **not** require system modification to support Google Play Services.
### Dispositivi
- Must support at least one of our recommended custom operating systems.
- Must be currently sold new in stores.
- Must receive a minimum of 5 years of security updates.
- Must have dedicated secure element hardware.
### Applicazioni
- Applications on this page must not be applicable to any other software category on the site.
- General applications should extend or replace core system functionality.
- Applications should receive regular updates and maintenance.