This patch addresses the issue detected in:
This patch will revert the behavior of the function to_string_short_freq
into using spaces on the left of the integer part of the frequency (as it did originally).
When upgrading the scanner app, I did change the behavior of this function eliminating those spaces, so I could gain some characters-worth of space inside the scanner, but I failed to detect that it introduced some lack of padding on the rx->audio app.
Now, it is back as before, and I also did update the scanner so it can cope with the "extra spaces" this function now adds (again).
Added CRC calculation for Vaisala radiosondes.
Added a Checkbox on APP for turning ON / OFF CRC. When CRC on, malformed packets are ignored.
Connected existing CRC function for METEOMAN sondes, using the same "CRC" checkbox logic.
Added the Vaisala RS41 data packet decoding.
Changed the default freq from 402.0 to 402.7 Mhz, since it is more popular freq.
Lowered the frequency stepping, so it is easier to fine-tune the exact freq center, if needed.
Sonde's Serial ID is passed into the VIEW MAP, so now the sonde is labelled on the map.
Earlier code did not start with squelch totally open, but a tiny bit closed. (now at app loading, squelch is truly set up with the same value it shows on screen).
I also hardcoded the NFM sampling rate and baseband bandwidth. It seemed "the right thing to do".
You can enable RX and adjust VOLUME and SQUELCH into your liking.
Sadly enough, you will NOT be able to use VOICE ACTIVATION when RX is enabled (to ensure there will be NO audio feedback defeating the VA sensing)
A "bug" that won over me, but perhaps and hopefully other coder can easily fix: The Vumeter will momentarily "dissappear" when enabling RX. But it will reappear as soon as you start TX. Or when you turn off RX.
I enabled the PEAK LEVEL MARK on the Vumeter, so you can easily see in which level your input voice / signal is peaking and regulate the MIC gain accordingly in an easier / more robust way.
Side enhancement: Took off the dark green, yellow and red coloring from the vumeter when no signal is present, and replaced it with dark_grey. I know that some coloring is "eye-candy" but the vu-meter is more readable with this new contrast.
The file rename function needs to be called with full_path/old_name and full_path/new_name.
Instead, it was called with full_path/old_name and new_name ... thus the renamed file ended on the root dir (path not preserved).