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synced 2024-12-30 09:46:32 -05:00
Merge pull request #135 from euquiq/radiosonde-vaisala-rs41-decoding
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# PortaPack Mayhem
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This is a fork of the [Havoc](https://github.com/furrtek/portapack-havoc/) firmware, which itself was a fork of the [PortaPack](https://github.com/sharebrained/portapack-hackrf) firmware, an add-on for the [HackRF](http://greatscottgadgets.com/hackrf/). A fork is a derivate, in this case one that has extra features and fixes when compared to the older versions.
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ SondeView::SondeView(NavigationView& nav) {
field_frequency.set_step(500); //euquiq: was 10000, but we are using this for fine-tunning
field_frequency.on_change = [this](rf::Frequency f) {
@ -86,12 +86,12 @@ SondeView::SondeView(NavigationView& nav) {
button_see_map.on_select = [this, &nav](Button&) {
999); //set a dummy heading out of range to draw a cross...probably not ideal?
logger = std::make_unique<SondeLogger>();
@ -113,16 +113,15 @@ void SondeView::on_packet(const sonde::Packet& packet) {
//const auto hex_formatted = packet.symbols_formatted();
sonde_id = packet.serial_number(); //used also as tag on the geomap
text_voltage.set(unit_auto_scale(packet.battery_voltage(), 2, 3) + "V");
gps_info = packet.get_GPS_data();
altitude = packet.GPS_altitude();
latitude = packet.GPS_latitude();
longitude = packet.GPS_longitude();
if (logger && logging) {
@ -65,11 +65,10 @@ public:
std::unique_ptr<SondeLogger> logger { };
uint32_t target_frequency_ { 402000000 };
uint32_t target_frequency_ { 402700000 };
bool logging { false };
int32_t altitude { 0 };
float latitude { 0 };
float longitude { 0 };
sonde::GPS_data gps_info;
std::string sonde_id;
Labels labels {
{ { 0 * 8, 2 * 16 }, "Signature:", Color::light_grey() },
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ ReceiversMenuView::ReceiversMenuView(NavigationView& nav) {
{ "Analog TV", ui::Color::yellow(), &bitmap_icon_sstv, [&nav](){ nav.push<AnalogTvView>(); } },
{ "ERT Meter", ui::Color::green(), &bitmap_icon_ert, [&nav](){ nav.push<ERTAppView>(); } },
{ "POCSAG", ui::Color::green(), &bitmap_icon_pocsag, [&nav](){ nav.push<POCSAGAppView>(); } },
{ "Radiosnde", ui::Color::yellow(), &bitmap_icon_sonde, [&nav](){ nav.push<SondeView>(); } },
{ "Radiosnde", ui::Color::green(), &bitmap_icon_sonde, [&nav](){ nav.push<SondeView>(); } },
{ "TPMS Cars", ui::Color::green(), &bitmap_icon_tpms, [&nav](){ nav.push<TPMSAppView>(); } },
/*{ "APRS", ui::Color::dark_grey(), &bitmap_icon_aprs, [&nav](){ nav.push<NotImplementedView>(); } },
{ "DMR", ui::Color::dark_grey(), &bitmap_icon_dmr, [&nav](){ nav.push<NotImplementedView>(); } },
@ -140,7 +140,8 @@ private:
PacketBuilder<BitPattern, NeverMatch, FixedLength> packet_builder_fsk_4800_Vaisala {
{ 0b00001000011011010101001110001000, 32, 1 },
{ 0b00001000011011010101001110001000, 32, 1 }, //euquiq Header detects 4 of 8 bytes 0x10B6CA11 /this is in raw format) (these bits are not passed at the beginning of packet)
//{ 0b0000100001101101010100111000100001000100011010010100100000011111, 64, 1 }, //euquiq whole header detection would be 8 bytes.
{ },
{ 320 * 8 },
[this](const baseband::Packet& packet) {
@ -22,9 +22,25 @@
#include "sonde_packet.hpp"
#include "string_format.hpp"
#include <cstring>
//#include <complex>
namespace sonde {
//Defines for Vaisala RS41, from https://github.com/rs1729/RS/blob/master/rs41/rs41sg.c
#define MASK_LEN 64
#define pos_FrameNb 0x37 //0x03B // 2 byte
#define pos_SondeID 0x39 //0x03D // 8 byte
#define pos_Voltage 0x041 //0x045 // 3 bytes (but first one is the important one) voltage x 10 ie: 26 = 2.6v
#define pos_CalData 0x04E //0x052 // 1 byte, counter 0x00..0x32
#define pos_GPSweek 0x091 //0x095 // 2 byte
#define pos_GPSTOW 0x093 //0x097 // 4 byte
#define pos_GPSecefX 0x110 //0x114 // 4 byte
#define pos_GPSecefY 0x114 //0x118 // 4 byte (not actually used since Y and Z are following X, and grabbed in that same loop)
#define pos_GPSecefZ 0x118 //0x11C // 4 byte (same as Y)
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795 //3.1416 //(3.1415926535897932384626433832795)
const baseband::Packet& packet,
const Type type
@ -60,37 +76,65 @@ Packet::Type Packet::type() const {
return type_;
/*uint8_t Packet::vaisala_descramble(const uint32_t pos) {
return reader_raw.read(pos * 8, 8) ^ vaisala_mask[pos & 63];
//euquiq here:
//RS41SG 320 bits header, 320bytes frame (or more if it is an "extended frame")
//The raw data is xor-scrambled with the values in the 64 bytes vaisala_mask (see.hpp)
uint32_t Packet::GPS_altitude() const {
if ((type_ == Type::Meteomodem_M10) || (type_ == Type::Meteomodem_M2K2))
return (reader_bi_m.read(22 * 8, 32) / 1000) - 48;
else if (type_ == Type::Vaisala_RS41_SG) {
/*uint32_t altitude_ecef = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++)
altitude_ecef = (altitude_ecef << 8) + vaisala_descramble(0x11C + i);*/
// TODO: and a bunch of maths (see ecef2elli() from RS1729)
return 0;
} else
return 0; // Unknown
float Packet::GPS_latitude() const {
if ((type_ == Type::Meteomodem_M10) || (type_ == Type::Meteomodem_M2K2))
return reader_bi_m.read(14 * 8, 32) / ((1ULL << 32) / 360.0);
//else if (type_ == Type::Vaisala_RS41_SG)
// return vaisala_descramble();
return 0; // Unknown
uint8_t Packet::vaisala_descramble(const uint32_t pos) const {
//return reader_raw.read(pos * 8, 8) ^ vaisala_mask[pos & 63];
// packet_[i]; its a bit; packet_.size the total (should be 2560 bits)
uint8_t value = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++)
value = (value << 1) | packet_[(pos * 8) + (7 -i)]; //get the byte from the bits collection
float Packet::GPS_longitude() const {
if ((type_ == Type::Meteomodem_M10) || (type_ == Type::Meteomodem_M2K2))
return reader_bi_m.read(18 * 8, 32) / ((1ULL << 32) / 360.0);
return 0; // Unknown
//packetReader reader { packet_ }; //This works just as above.
//value = reader.read(pos * 8,8);
//shift pos because first 4 bytes are consumed by proc_sonde in finding the vaisala signature
uint32_t mask_pos = pos + 4;
value = value ^ vaisala_mask[mask_pos % MASK_LEN]; //descramble with the xor pseudorandom table
return value;
GPS_data Packet::get_GPS_data() const {
GPS_data result;
if ((type_ == Type::Meteomodem_M10) || (type_ == Type::Meteomodem_M2K2)) {
result.alt = (reader_bi_m.read(22 * 8, 32) / 1000) - 48;
result.lat = reader_bi_m.read(14 * 8, 32) / ((1ULL << 32) / 360.0);
result.lon = reader_bi_m.read(18 * 8, 32) / ((1ULL << 32) / 360.0);
} else if (type_ == Type::Vaisala_RS41_SG) {
uint8_t XYZ_bytes[4];
int32_t XYZ; // 32bit
double_t X[3];
for (int32_t k = 0; k < 3; k++) { //Get X,Y,Z ECEF position from GPS
for (int32_t i = 0; i < 4; i++) //each one is 4 bytes (32 bits)
XYZ_bytes[i] = vaisala_descramble(pos_GPSecefX + (4*k) + i);
memcpy(&XYZ, XYZ_bytes, 4);
X[k] = XYZ / 100.0;
double_t a = 6378137.0;
double_t b = 6356752.31424518;
double_t e = sqrt( (a*a - b*b) / (a*a) );
double_t ee = sqrt( (a*a - b*b) / (b*b) );
double_t lam = atan2( X[1] , X[0] );
double_t p = sqrt( X[0]*X[0] + X[1]*X[1] );
double_t t = atan2( X[2]*a , p*b );
double_t phi = atan2( X[2] + ee*ee * b * sin(t)*sin(t)*sin(t) ,
p - e*e * a * cos(t)*cos(t)*cos(t) );
double_t R = a / sqrt( 1 - e*e*sin(phi)*sin(phi) );
result.alt = p / cos(phi) - R;
result.lat = phi*180/PI;
result.lon = lam*180/PI;
return result;
uint32_t Packet::battery_voltage() const {
@ -98,8 +142,13 @@ uint32_t Packet::battery_voltage() const {
return (reader_bi_m.read(69 * 8, 8) + (reader_bi_m.read(70 * 8, 8) << 8)) * 1000 / 150;
else if (type_ == Type::Meteomodem_M2K2)
return reader_bi_m.read(69 * 8, 8) * 66; // Actually 65.8
else if (type_ == Type::Vaisala_RS41_SG) {
uint32_t voltage = vaisala_descramble(pos_Voltage) * 100; //byte 69 = voltage * 10 (check if this value needs to be multiplied)
return voltage;
else {
return 0; // Unknown
std::string Packet::type_string() const {
@ -127,12 +176,33 @@ std::string Packet::serial_number() const {
to_string_dec_uint(reader_bi_m.read(93 * 8 + 24, 3), 1) +
to_string_dec_uint(reader_bi_m.read(93 * 8 + 27, 13), 4, '0');
} else
} else if(type() == Type::Vaisala_RS41_SG) {
std::string serial_id = "";
uint8_t achar;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<8; i++) { //euquiq: Serial ID is 8 bytes long, each byte a char
achar = vaisala_descramble(pos_SondeID + i);
if (achar < 32 || achar > 126) return "?"; //Maybe there are ids with less than 8 bytes and this is not OK.
serial_id += (char)achar;
return serial_id;
} else
return "?";
FormattedSymbols Packet::symbols_formatted() const {
return format_symbols(decoder_);
if (type() == Type::Vaisala_RS41_SG) { //Euquiq: now we distinguish different types
uint32_t bytes = packet_.size() / 8; //Need the byte amount, which if full, it SHOULD be 320 size() should return 2560
std::string hex_data;
std::string hex_error;
hex_data.reserve(bytes * 2); //2 hexa chars per byte
for (uint32_t i=0; i < bytes; i++) //log will show the packet starting on the last 4 bytes from signature 93DF1A60
hex_data += to_string_hex(vaisala_descramble(i),2);
return { hex_data, hex_error };
} else {
return format_symbols(decoder_);
bool Packet::crc_ok() const {
@ -32,6 +32,12 @@
namespace sonde {
struct GPS_data {
uint32_t alt { 0 };
float lat { 0 };
float lon { 0 };
class Packet {
enum class Type : uint32_t {
@ -41,7 +47,7 @@ public:
Meteomodem_M2K2 = 3,
Vaisala_RS41_SG = 4,
Packet(const baseband::Packet& packet, const Type type);
size_t length() const;
@ -56,9 +62,7 @@ public:
std::string serial_number() const;
uint32_t battery_voltage() const;
uint32_t GPS_altitude() const;
float GPS_latitude() const;
float GPS_longitude() const;
GPS_data get_GPS_data() const;
FormattedSymbols symbols_formatted() const;
@ -75,17 +79,20 @@ private:
0xD0, 0xBC, 0xB4, 0xB6, 0x06, 0xAA, 0xF4, 0x23,
0x78, 0x6E, 0x3B, 0xAE, 0xBF, 0x7B, 0x4C, 0xC1
GPS_data ecef_to_gps() const;
//uint8_t vaisala_descramble(const uint32_t pos);
uint8_t vaisala_descramble(uint32_t pos) const;
const baseband::Packet packet_;
const BiphaseMDecoder decoder_;
const FieldReader<BiphaseMDecoder, BitRemapNone> reader_bi_m;
Type type_;
using packetReader = FieldReader<baseband::Packet, BitRemapByteReverse>; //baseband::Packet instead of BiphaseMDecoder
bool crc_ok_M10() const;
} /* namespace sonde */
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