* Slovak FM radio frequencies
Comprehensive list of most regional and local FM radio stations across Slovakia
* Update RADIOS_FM_SK.txt
Shortened list of Slovak FM radio stations - no longer crashing; transliterated non-english characters to avoid displaying problem
* fixed too long description, thanks to ImDroided
* fixed ak4951 RxAudio not working on startup when enabled
Co-authored-by: gullradriel <gullradriel@no-mail.com>
* Create RADIOS_FM_FR.TXT with FM Radios in Paris
This new file will add FM frequencies for France. As a start it covers Paris FM radio frequencies. It is based on https://www.csa.fr/maradiofm/liste_ville?recherche=3&commune=Paris
Reduce frequency description length to fit under the 30 chars limit
* Add DECT frequency range. The most common allocated range fits within 1880MHz-1930MHz (different countries use different ranges). To provide extra detail at the edges I'm extending 1MHz the range on each direction. So the final range covers from 1879MHz to 1931MHz
* Add VHF Marine band. Even when Wikipedia says that the Marine Band covers from 156MHz to 174MHz, I couldn't find any channels defined above 163MHz. So, the final range I'm using goes from 155MHz to 163MHz to ensure some detail at the edges.
* Add a narrow range around 433MHz frequency. This is a widely used frequency for all sorts of remote controls, keyfobs, etc. I think it's useful to have a narrower range just focusing on this frequency
* Add FRS/GMRS frequency range
* Alphabetize the list of ranges, keeping the really big ranges of whole ITU bands and the full supported range at the end of the list
* first commit for playlist fix
* format for playlist fix
* playlist fix -textual change
thanks @kallanreed for giving the new name of the extension XD
* Added HAM 2M & 70CM band file
* Update BW to a valid value
Valid WFM BW values are 40k,180k,or 200k
* Use 11k for HAM bandwidth (typically 12.5k but not an option currently)
* Changes FM_STANDARD step value to 100kHz per ITU 1984
200kHz is best here in the USA, but I understand that 100kHz is better in the EU
Added FM RADIO, AVIATION, AMATEUR RADIO (HAM), and ITU-defined FREQ BANDS. (we do realize that 902-928MHz is also used for ISM, and that FM list is having two nearly identical bands.)