9.8 KiB

OnionShare Release Process

Unless you're a core OnionShare developer making a release, you'll probably never need to follow it.

Changelog, version, docs, and signed git tag

Before making a release, you must update the version in these places:

  • cli/pyproject.toml
  • cli/onionshare_cli/resources/version.txt
  • desktop/pyproject.toml
  • desktop/setup.py
  • desktop/org.onionshare.OnionShare.appdata.xml
  • docs/source/conf.py (version at the top, and the versions list too)
  • snap/snapcraft.yaml

If you update flask-socketio, ensure that you also update the socket.io.min.js file to a version that is supported by the updated version of flask-socketio.

Update the documentation:

  • Update all of the documentation in docs to cover new features, including taking new screenshots if necessary

Finalize localization:

  • Merge all the translations from weblate
  • In docs run poetry run ./check-weblate.py [API_KEY] to see which translations are >90% in the app and docs
  • Edit cli/onionshare_cli/settings.py, make sure self.available_locales lists only locales that are >90% translated
  • From the desktop folder in the virtual env, run ./scripts/countries-update-list.py to make sure the localized country list for censorship circumvention is available in all available languages
  • Edit docs/source/conf.py, make sure languages lists only languages that are >90% translated
  • Edit docs/build.sh and make sure LOCALES= lists the same languages as above, in docs/source/conf.py
  • Make sure the latest documentation is built and committed:
    cd docs
    poetry install
    poetry run ./build.sh

You also must edit these files:

  • desktop/org.onionshare.OnionShare.appdata.xml should have the correct release date, and links to correct screenshots
  • CHANGELOG.md should be updated to include a list of all major changes since the last release

Make sure snapcraft packaging works. In snap/snapcraft.yaml:

  • The tor, libevent, obfs4, snowflake-client, and meek-client parts should be updated if necessary
  • All python packages in the onionshare part should be updated to match desktop/pyproject.toml
  • With every commit to the develop branch, Snapcraft's CI should trigger builds. Make sure the builds all succeeded at https://snapcraft.io/onionshare/builds (you must be logged in), and test them

Update to the latest version of Tor:

  • Edit desktop/scripts/get-tor.py to use the latest version of Tor Browser, and the latest sha256 checksums.
  • Update the version of meek, obfs4proxy, and snowflake in the desktop/scripts/build-pt-* scripts, both the bash and PowerShell scripts.


  • There must be a PGP-signed git tag for the version, e.g. for OnionShare 2.1, the tag must be v2.1

The first step for the Linux, macOS, and Windows releases is the same.

Verify the release git tag:

git fetch
git tag -v v$VERSION

If the tag verifies successfully, check it out:

git checkout v$VERSION

Linux Snapcraft release

You must have snap and snapcraft (snap install snapcraft --classic) installed.

Build and test the snap before publishing (note that --dangerous lets you install the snap before it's codesigned):

snap install --dangerous ./onionshare_${VERSION}_amd64.snap

This will create onionshare_${VERSION}_amd64.snap.

Run the OnionShare snap locally:

/snap/bin/onionshare     # desktop version
/snap/bin/onionshare.cli # CLI version

Upload the to Snapcraft:

snapcraft login
snapcraft upload --release=stable onionshare_${VERSION}_amd64.snap


Set up the packaging environment:

Github Actions will build the binaries. Find the Github Actions build workflow, switch to the summary tab, and download:

  • build-win32
  • build-win64

Extract these files, change to the desktop folder, and run:

poetry run python .\scripts\build-windows.py codesign [onionshare_win32_path] [onionshare_win64_path]
poetry run python .\scripts\build-windows.py package [onionshare_win32_path] [onionshare_win64_path]

This will create:

  • desktop/dist/OnionShare-win32-$VERSION.msi
  • desktop/dist/OnionShare-win64-$VERSION.msi


Set up the packaging environment:

  • Install create-dmg: brew install create-dmg

Github Actions will build the binaries. Find the Github Actions build workflow, switch to the summary tab, and download:

  • build-mac

Extract these files, change to the desktop folder, and run:

poetry run python ./scripts/build-macos.py codesign [app_path]
poetry run python ./scripts/build-macos.py package [app_path]

The will create dist/OnionShare-$VERSION.dmg.

Now, notarize the release.

export APPLE_PASSWORD="changeme" # app-specific Apple ID password
export VERSION=$(cat ../cli/onionshare_cli/resources/version.txt)

# Notarize it
xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id "com.micahflee.onionshare" -u "micah@micahflee.com" -p "$APPLE_PASSWORD" --file dist/OnionShare-$VERSION.dmg
# Wait for it to get approved, check status with
xcrun altool --notarization-history 0 -u "micah@micahflee.com" -p "$APPLE_PASSWORD"
# After it's approved, staple the ticket
xcrun stapler staple dist/OnionShare-$VERSION.dmg

This will create desktop/dist/OnionShare-$VERSION.dmg, signed and notarized.

Source package

To make a source package, run ./build-source.sh $TAG, where $TAG is the name of the signed git tag, e.g. v2.1.

This will create dist/onionshare-$VERSION.tar.gz.

Publishing the release

PGP signatures

After following all of the previous steps, gather these files:

  • onionshare_${VERSION}_amd64.snap
  • OnionShare-$VERSION.msi
  • OnionShare.dmg (rename it to OnionShare-$VERSION.dmg)
  • onionshare-$VERSION.tar.gz

Create a PGP signature for each of these files, e.g:

gpg -a --detach-sign OnionShare-$VERSION.tar.gz
gpg -a --detach-sign [... and so on]

Create a release on GitHub:

  • Match it to the version tag, put the changelog in description of the release
  • Upload all 8 files (binary and source packages and their .asc signatures)

Update onionshare-cli on PyPi

cd cli
poetry install
poetry publish --build

Update Flathub

After there's a new release tag, make the Flathub package work here: https://github.com/flathub/org.onionshare.OnionShare

You must have flatpak and flatpak-builder installed, with flathub remote added (flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists --user flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo).

  • Change the tag (for both onionshare and onionshare-cli) to match the new git tag
  • Update tor, libevent, obfs4, meek-client, and snowflake-client dependencies, if necessary
  • Built the latest python dependencies using this tool (see below)
  • Test the Flatpak package, ensure it works
pip3 install toml requirements-parser

# clone flatpak-build-tools
git clone https://github.com/flatpak/flatpak-builder-tools.git

# get onionshare-cli dependencies
cd poetry
./flatpak-poetry-generator.py ../../onionshare/cli/poetry.lock
cd ..

# get onionshare dependencies
cd pip
./flatpak-pip-generator $(python3 -c 'import toml; print("\n".join(toml.loads(open("../../onionshare/desktop/pyproject.toml").read())["tool"]["poetry"]["dependencies"]))' |grep -vi onionshare_cli |grep -vi python | grep -vi pyside2 | grep -vi cx_freeze |tr "\n" " ")
cd ..

# convert to yaml
./flatpak-json2yaml.py -o onionshare-cli.yml poetry/generated-poetry-sources.json
./flatpak-json2yaml.py -o onionshare.yml pip/python3-qrcode.json

Now, merge onionshare-cli.yml and onionshare.yml into the Flatpak config.

Build and test the Flatpak package before publishing:

flatpak-builder build --force-clean --install-deps-from=flathub --install --user org.onionshare.OnionShare.yaml
flatpak run org.onionshare.OnionShare

Create a single-file bundle:

flatpak build-bundle ~/.local/share/flatpak/repo OnionShare-$VERSION.flatpak org.onionshare.OnionShare --runtime-repo=https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

Create a PGP signature for the flatpak single-file bundle:

gpg -a --detach-sign OnionShare-$VERSION.flatpak

Upload this .flatpak and its sig to the GitHub release as well.

Update Homebrew

Update onionshare.org

Update docs.onionshare.org

Update the community

  • Upload all 10 files to the OnionShare team Keybase filesystem
  • Email the onionshare-dev mailing list announcing the release
  • Blog, tweet, toot, etc.