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Weapons and Equipment Identification

Firearms and Ammunition

  • Armalytics
    Here is a database of almost every firearm ever made. It's a digital version of the Canadian RCMP Firearms Reference Table (FRT). You can download the full FRT in .pdf format from here, which is constantly being updated. An archived copy created on 3/12/2021 can be found here (Wayback).
  • Modern Firearms
    Encyclopedia of firearms and ammunition from the 20th and 21st centuries.
  • The Weapons ID Database
    This database was developed with the support of the Royal Armouries UK, and features downloadable weapons ID sheets which detail the visual information required to accurately identify and record particular types of weapons.
  • Milsurp Knowledge Library
    A forum for military surplus firearm collectors. Contains lots of images, descriptions, markings, stamps and plenty of other information. Organized by county of origin or weapon type.
  • FirearmsGuide
    The largest guns and ammunition reference guide. See the current value of used firearms, find gun manuals, schematics, blueprints and more.
  • Municion
    A searchable database of various firearm ammunition. Provides images, measurements, descriptions and related documentation. The site is written in Spanish, so use a translation service if you don't speak Spanish.
  • Forgotten Weapons
    Ran by YouTuber Ian McCollum. Offers videos and articles with extremely in-depth history, reviews, complete disassembly and reassembly of hundreds of different firearms.
  • Internet Movie Firearms Database
    An online database of firearms used or featured in films, television shows, video games, and anime.


  • BulletPicker
    A great resource that lists information regarding ordnance, explosives, rockets, mines and other related items. Organized by type and country of origin. They also offer an offline version, which is really nice.
  • Ordnance Info
    A database that displays type, country of origin, manufacturer, dimensions, images and other information about both lethal and non-lethal grenades.
  • Missiles of the World
    Information on strike capabilities from around the globe. Includes ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, rockets, artillery, and mortars (RAM), and even maneuvering hypersonic boost glide delivery systems. Organized by country, this represents a growing collection of information on global missile systems, with illustrations and up-to-date information on their capabilities and history.
  • RiotID
    This project consists of a series of guides to understanding different non-lethal riot control weapons and their effects, as well as guides on documenting evidence on use of force violations.
  • CORData
    The Collaborative Ordnance data repository (CORD) enables web-based search of landmine and other explosive ordnance (EO) data to assist humanitarian demining and ordnance disposal operations. Requires you to create an account.
  • Wikipedia - List of Landmines (WikiLess)
    Wikipedia's list of landmines used worldwide.
  • JMU CISR Munitions Reference Guide
    A list large list of landmines that includes lots of details. Does not contain images of mines.



  • ODIN Worldwide Equipment Guide
    The authoritative digital resource for the Worldwide Equipment Guide (WEG), Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) and accompanying force structures. Has information about almost every piece of modern military equipment. Aircraft, vehicles, missiles, communications, small arms, naval watercraft, radar systems and much more.
  • MilitaryFactory
    Reference covering global aerospace/aviation news, the infantry warfighter, defense vehicles, and naval/maritime offerings both past and present

Motor Vehicles



  • UAV List
    List of UAV systems that are publicly known with specifications such as missions, weight, speed, etc.
  • Drone Survival Guide
    Visual reference to some drones in use by current militaries, including use, as well as some survival information about drones. Entire website archived here (Wayback).
  • UAV Guide
    List of UAVs including detailed information about payloads, dimensions and other drone specifications.
  • Wikipedia - List of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (WikiLess)
    Wikipedia's list of UAVs that sorts UAVs by country.


  • Naval Recognition Guide
    Useful reference to different naval ships across the world.
  • US Navy Ships
    Comprehensive guide that includes operation classes, new underdevelopment classes, and classes that have been retired since the Cold War specific to the US Navy.
  • NavyRecognition
    A neatly organized directory of naval and naval equipment used by various militaries from all over the world.


Personnel Equipment


  • Military Equipment Wiki
    A free MediaWiki page that lists various equipment used by militaries from around the world.

Gas Masks

  • GasMaskKing
    This is an excellent source of information about many different kinds of gas masks. Includes images, images of stamps, identifiers and more.
  • NoFuture Gas Masks
    One of the most quintessential gas mask information resources available. Although much of the names and descriptions of certain masks are outdated, it is still an excellent encyclopedia of gas masks.
  • GasMaskLexikon
    Another great collection of mask information and images. However, some things here are a bit outdated.
  • Don Or Die
    Contains a wealth of excellent information, detailed photos, descriptions and more. Neatly organized by country of origin.

Personnel Identification

  • Camopedia
    A comprehensive, accurate, and academically-supported database referencing all of the major military and paramilitary camouflage patterns that have been in use around the world since the beginning of the 20th century.
  • CamouflageIndex
    An index of the different types of camouflage used by militaries around the world.
  • Uniform Insignia
    International Encyclopedia of uniforms and insignia from around the world. Find illustrations, rank insignia, badges and functional labels.
  • AllBadges
    The worlds largest database of military badges and medals.

International Arms Trade

  • DSCA Major International Arms Sales
    A catalog of international weapon sales and arms deals.
  • SIPRI Arms Transfers
    Contains information on all transfers of major conventional weapons from 1950 to now. It is a unique resource for researchers, policy-makers and analysts, the media and civil society interested in monitoring and measuring the international flow of major conventional arms.
  • ConflictArm Publications
    Supplies unique evidence on weapon supplies into armed conflicts in order to inform and support effective weapon management and control. Offers field guides, identification guides and more.
  • SIPRI International Arms Embargoes
    This archive contains information on all multilateral arms embargoes that have been implemented by an international organization, such as the EU or UN, or by a group of nations. It includes both legally binding embargoes and those that are solely political commitments.
  • Mapping Arms Data
    MAD features over 35,000 records of the exports and imports of small arms and ammunition from more than 262 states and territories between 1992 and 2014.
  • Arms Trade Statistics
    International arms export licenses and statistics.
  • ArmsGlobe
    This visualization includes over 1 million individual import and export data points from annual custom reports and maps the transfer of small arms, light weapons and other munitions.